HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-24 - Newport Balboa News Times• • I . I <..._ ' • .. •• .. • < Raise Funds for flood · Victims • la ftllJnZF! • to Pa ...... ~'• plea tor .. .. ••• ---f• 1114 ....., efDood-ler.-i. It...... ........... Oklalloata ud~.o...-... v.. -~ ... -plo,.. to ... . FAMILIAR SNOWBIRDS will lioe aclloa 11-l' an.,_,n. lul7 H al l:JO p. m. -ta lltll AmlWll Fllpl of ll>e Saewblrds will be held 1>e1e In N•wpart -· Tills oveal wbldl .-1'7 llu more t.ba.n 150 youthful eotrtes bu become the tar l'eitt and nMMlt colorful ~ht l'90a la. die worid.. ' 1-lo • tect fU1ldlJ for um pmpoM. Cit!-wllllWoc to .-1e _..,. buiulre at--t..an la NeW· port ~ -* C.rou clel Har ..-d at the branch '-JI• tac of1k:e at %11 hlaH: An., .T.HREE HURT IN AREA ACCmENTS .. ---. • J Dolton wlll be rtv"'• a receipt for UH!lr eoatrtltattoa. 'Alen wtll be. ao formal 1 doof·to-dool' , .. Thrtt . petlOl'\a were lnjured ln accidents ln the Newport Harbor area owr the week end. A 21-yeaf'.OJd ·Martne from Camp Pendleton, Steve Middlebrook, auffeored a poulb1e broken left le~ and fractured naee after the car he wu driving sla.rt\med lnto a concrete bell in the ce.nter of BalbM. Blvd. at 13th st. The ,accident occur-red at 12:82 a . m . Monday The b<'ll l8 the circular tonerete lectlon fud nlolac ... .,.up. II ,... ----............. c to - of the central at.rip dividing Bal- boa Blvd. ~ A passenger in the Martne·a vehicle. Mary Lou Toomey, 21. is ~Ueve<t to have . auatalned head lnJurtea. ~ccordln~ to Hld..dlebrook, bis car was forcJ. b:lto 1 t.be bell by another car whkh tailed ~o atop. . Force of the Impact overturned tbe Karine's car and knockrd out a eecUoa of the concrete bell at 13th SL The ~ continued on after hitting the !int bell and also knocked out a portion of the next bell. a street width away. Mlddlebrook's car ·bad a bad- ly 4a.maged front end the left front wheel waa completely folded Wider. Hll and Rua Sera.nllll H. Bow.en, r;.aq Diego, 1uttered a broken leg after he was atruck by a bit and nm driver ln the 1300 block of. the Cout High- way. Coroqa del Mac at 8:.ff p. m. Sanday.· , Bowen hod been otandlng 1.n u,9. 4riftl""• akle ot bW ,wn car ftlllltng' ~*·· When the accldent occurred. A black sedan.' late model, .IW'erved t.nt.O Bowen's car'e ien. nar fender and then cruahed Bowen•e leg lnto the le~ tront tender of bia own car. The lmpact wu 80 great u to ca1.18e Bowen's leg to dent the fen· der of h.la own vehicle. The car whlcb atrUck Bowen continued on it.a way. Bowen also suffered face cuts aa a result or the accident. He was taken to Communit.¥ hoePllal for treatment. H\11 wUe waa also a patient at lhe hospital, " u a shock victim. · Bo7 Struck -Seven year old Tommy Lynch of Arcadia was atruck by a car while he waa ,crosatng the Cou:l Hithw.•y to the All American market in Newport Beach at T :4~ p. m . Sunday. · Driver ol the car which IU t the boy wu Paul Donnelly, 23, of Illinois. oOnnelly had been travel- ling weal on the Qout Highway. Senator Tenney · Here· Friday With Judge Frank Linnell' presiding and Senator Jack B. Tenney ot Los Angeles. arch enemy ot Con1muni.8m. u the. principal speaker. America Plus, n~· national mQs movem.ent Which 8e.nator Tenney beada. will hold it.a first meeting. in the Newport Beach American Legton ,HalJ Friday night, July 27. at 8 p. m . Croee nprea. aeerf7 4'.000 per- .0..a have Me• alfeet.ed by the flood waten. Theme of the meettng Is the.._ ____________ _ restoration of "liberty and pri-W&.ked up to the thtt&t of the 1 ~~$Z vat.e property rlghU" i'1 the na· Red menace. The lea.el we can lion. -The specific program of do ta to be preeent and gtve bim a.ctton propoaed by America Plus the kind of a. hand be deMrve.a." will be expla..tned, u well as the Jt was explained ,that Amer:ca organir.allon technique whlch will Plus la not a poltUC&l party and be used to enlist "gra.M roota" does not propoee ·to endoree can- .support for the ·movemenr. Dele-dldates tor political office. It ta gallons will be present from other concerned only with con.IUtutlonlt.l cities now being organlRd In Or-changes and leC'falalion deatped ange County, and from Loa An-to protect the llbertlea and prt- geles. vale property npta or the ln- Short prtkllmtn&ry talks will be dlvldual ctt:lzien. made by Nohnan Miller who ,has ''There a.re a large number of ben Activator· for the organiza-trade aa.aoctatlon., patrloUc ao:.c:Je- f:JOll in the-NewpOrt area. by tiea, property OWJter. veteran. John ReaoJck 1 of r.,guna Bf?•cb, buelneu and otber pvup.a." con- 0.-.~·---· 1111d by d-~~-~illc!l,ln AldrtcJYBlaklf(lbt •~Uve Sec-lla own ~ ttftkU.- retary. Seutor Tenney wtll then work. But .. wttu ·now ~N ha.a deliver the main addresa. "A beeri no main oUlftt\t to eolldlty New Declaration of Independe-the forces which eeparately haTII ence." 1 opposed the rapldly lJlcreaalng "Newport Beach ahou1d tum trend away fn>m a free economy out en muse to· give Sena.tor &nd our tra.diUonal pottUcat tn- Tenney a rouslng l"'elcome, •• said 1tltutiona. America Plus hopes to Miller today. "No one has done f\ll thLs vacuum.J No clUaen or more In Cal1fornta to expose taxpayer can atfont to min thla Communish than he has, and no meeting. Senator Tenney pull.a one. has been moni maligned. Sen-no punches. Tho8e who attend a tor Tenney wu in the thick of are going to get an earf\11." the fight before most citl:iena had Admission la free. 113 Pints of Blood from Newport One hundred and thirteen plnts of blOOd were donated by cttlR.ns of Newport :Seach Thursday when the . Red Cl"'068 Bloodmobile villte<I the American, ~gion Hall l.n N~t Beach. Vince CUBumMo, blood donor chainnan for thia area, said th&t 146 people visited the Legton Hall to volunteer u blood donors. BJ.sHOP Vl81T8 FESTIVAL L&. (I. Q.) -·a~ -of lhle9 ·11~ of lleJ. ---.-lledto..Uve ~-·-~­.... s 2 ! "s izz I ~'IJ.a!& ...r.i81!11.:;~ • .._ '1Ps1t-'ta Jf.;i-~.,_ ~ tltefll' L .. a .,...__ ofti.e ... t .... ----...... -.-.... a .... .,... Heart at Ute time. OD lloanl a clM&royer. • ONE, TWO, THREE FIRE ON SPREE It wu at 1 :23 p. m.· and at 123 •0th St., that fire Qroke out Sun- day In a garage apartment ownf'd by L. C. Peffit; nOw in Alaska., and occopled by John Mann. Ca\lff wu a probable clga.tet in the davenport. While the exterior ebOWI Uttle damage, the Ulterior and tumlahlnga were d&mafed t6 an t!atlmated extent of s.2000. llngtn .. 2 and 3 """°ndod. Of thte number, 86 Jl!l'reona were _ repeat dononi and 80 pef- eona volunteered to give their blood for the first time. The pinta ">f whole blood were aeal to Region&.I Genter. Forty- ~ pints of tb.i• blood were re" pla~e:nU made by· frtenda or NlaUV-for paUenll who had re- cenUy needed t.ranaf\l.dOU. ~ At 9:26 P, m. Engine 2 WU Blshop and Mra. J'red Clark of called to 433 Irvine avenue, New- Kootenay, Canada. and children port Height.a for a cocoblnalion will be guests of Mr. and Mr•. A. cJrtmney-garden nat nre. A boy, Al~xa.nder Hamilton at d.lnner to-taking down a televtaton antenna night In Laguna Beech.. After· trom the roof, had plaeed • prden ward they will attend the FeeUval; flat over the chimney on wblc.h to ot Arla. The bllbop and hta !am-ttand wbUe working and had lett Uy h&ve been occupying St. Janw& It theft. . :-~. • .• ... ' ' . • . . ' l' DBlllS~ AN D nOBTINO -acrl4 -!Of -1tre wlokh -11own·a hlnllta.e sin,.._. houae o• the Newport Cll&nael waterfro•t Fnd.y, ~ fl"""'9 atuck 'to tbelr be-. ...( HOOeed.ed la ., -11ahoc tile fin> to -llulldlal'· Straqer w~o mlp t ba.., ..,...,. tbo blu.e die .. ure lencth of Mariaer-a Mlle on the C..t Hlpway 1.-Newport Jle.cb. ' r....;. .,.,. tlle .. .._~ed tied '"'-te u.; ~ -Frtda)". : -I "* (N~-Ttrhee Photo) The driver aid that he bad etopped hi.a car to allow other pt'de&trtana to crou, but due to the BUn had been unable lo see Ule boy unUI he was puslng him. Thti! boy waa hit by the left rear fen- der of the vehicle but wa.s not knocked down by the lmpa.ct. Tbe aeVen year old Mid at the Ume that he waa not lnjured, but hia parent.a were adviaed to take him tu a doctor' for a more-thorough llllr. O. M. C&mpbeU. N.wport ~IJltla Civil Def...., Block War· den and Mr. Jeue Brewster, of the Newport Beach City Employ- ee• AeeoCiation rwcru.Jtikl the tarceat number: ot. donon. rectory for HVeral week.a and. ft&t eventng & ro&riq tire WU will . leave July ao for Canad&. built ln tM flreplace, cat.chins u. ~e Rev. Paul l(oore Wheeler, box. on flre and aho#ertnc .lpAl"ke rector of the churCb, and h18 !am· over that and netgbborihg roof•. Uy wUI retum /rotn . Fullerton Only d-e wu the ~ where Mr. Wheoleth&abeonJU .. I ~~~~~--,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~--'-'..L,;.l--~~..:...~_..::~~~~~~.:...-'-'~~~~ tnvuttption. prt"acher. • B.•t·11a~e in Man,. Years Say ·Flrtmen · Surging -colujnns of . d- black smoke marked the of. tbe $12,000 blue that destroyed the ware- house and lacquer room of Hou.ae "and . Garden on the 600 blqck of the Coast Hlib· way, '· N"'!l"'n Beach and damaged 'a-ll'!W cruiaer at 1 :36 p.m. Friday. ' - According to Harold Weil,, an employe of the furnltui.e firm, • lifw'k from an ei- jhaust fan ignited the lacquer ~limes _from the spray gtm !he ·was qperatlng and llt&rt.- the blue. The names t.ota11:Y de9troyed he large furnlture .... wa.reboue rontJnr on Newport Bay and it.I ontent. , wiUl dam~ to lhe Udlng ·ant! turnlture atocka to~ g aa estimated $12,000. Charle. Beecher., or Costa Kesa... r of the corrugated .ttffl tructure, lndicated that the bulWl- ag valued at approximately '8000 been pertl.Uy lnaurod. Carl Veneman., 118 Jade Ave .. boa llll&Ad •Mld that tb• bulld- ng contained redwood outdoor umlture. ntU... choln. to.hleo "'II"· plWI tumlture f\nLlhlJlc uipment., It wu insured. I Veneman tw:f been ln the P"°i ceu.. of changing O'ftl' the rumi .. lure manufacturln•' aetup and bad Just ,.......:i';..~V..S 1 machln~ from tljo . il . . · . • Alao~ !>Y lho bl&U .... • aeW JI toot ciila cl'UJMr ow~ 1by Owdo Pacllic Y-t ~ Inc.. 111 Clout Wghway. n.. ~ whlcll wu up on ways. bad ta 1tde9 badly BCOrcbed and 1tl l.iilld<>Wll obat~red by th• lnten.oe e.t of the fire. ~ to ~ nileer we,, ~att=d at Sl.000. Tbe; pcrw.er boat waa to have peen delivered Sa~y to lta n.,.. owner. I No one wu injured in the blau- blch luted •bout an. hour and a . Smoke·riolDg from the bum- . wa.rehouae towered hundred.a pf feet Into the &Ir and · Could be Oeen from all port.a of \h• Harbor M~tat firemen lftJffered blletera rm the IDWuN< beat of tho fire. U!Qe Wind . Engine . c:Olnpanleo two and ~ at ti-Newport Beacll Fino ~'!!'t baWod th• b!Ue and Fc....rullY pt<!ftfttod It fTola ~~lffhar the entire Mif'&cle )(i)e. Leck of even moderate wu · another tactor "'1icll butec1' to the -..i of lhe blue. - . corilU-to •the aeen.e WU the I Rtarb<>r l>epert.mmt fire bo&t. AC.. rdln&' to Rari1or -r R<IM n1.lg the fire boat bad. been re- laclnc 11-In • COrona. c1e1 x.r 1nc .,_, and .,... quite a . t~lance from the Ille or the r1re1 I ' . ···········~························-····~·· ' • I • . • • • -, - • • I • .. , • • ' f ,_ A _,... ltorll: _..,., SlftD ' MRS. WlND'REJ? ~IC. Bocletj ~-. Ill ~ of ~ ~ Wllll-~ ~stj~-;n~·1~~;;~rfiheoo-f:?.uJ::~~~~1~~ ~ j ~ · • · l • • ¥Y1' "' klJ>O<>n la OJI act!Ve worker ln Ill•, 1m ant fverit fit Hamontes ,: ·. t=E~:-r:•'!!:..·~ ' ..... t , ...... Miss~cnliillev I Honor I at· .. Bridal Pa 1es . LUt ...eik .. -nl p...,. uptlal •Vl:llla hOnll' ¥'8 Maey Gurley, dal!irhler lilt J , AddlaOn ,Gurleys of Lido e aM l>tid<>- ;?.e:~. ofT=~r 0 1 ~!' ~= • '. lfn\1111111 Mu. 'l'rprW. -4 ' . i I Tiiie llfta o! -.atti•IM' ,.._ ~ "'°' ~ Ucl mnall. Ii>· C'.&.• "--d~· , 11..il wth ,.....i ln a looautu.I -·~ ~'~~ :,:~.:;.,0d•t~: -'°1-';""'" .e .~omen ~"=aW::~(.7;'!.i:~e :=: _ hMteBa Tbunday "fat tbfo A r t Cen~r in IA«una~ by )[lM Jean Reel of Udo lale and Miu Donna Ketler ot • > ~ and olng!RI' doll, chle'( amOl'll' -AnnouneeiiDate l(U .. t ..... (lVon a · amaQ paper : map.y . p~ provided une,ndinl' . , • plate and C"r.yoae WIU\ lNrtnic· 1-lratlotl ro• co••enati<in ·at of A' .9ust 11!·.,r t1ona t9 c1eeo<&i. ll 111m11ar 1o a last Wttk'• big,.c.t aoct.al ' event. · .U ~ baby plate. A prtae wu· aW'Vded ... _ annual aummer 1 brld<>'e.l~h~ · 4 • to the Mat arU.t. Ruby Payne. u~ • · Al Bl. Andl"<WA' Pttsbyterian -I l ~"-• ' OOn In' St; .Ja.Q'les pari.llh koUM.. • "' P a H We.ff. later 1UM1U w1th 'l'bO :29 lnch . •lectn>nlc doff ~ 'cbtttth; aU <lu~ .,.... buay prepar· alphabet macaroni which .~ .... lo • 1 "' tOr the-tr Y&tr which will be on be u8ed to form aurcealf<I name1 dona.t~; by Ralph M: Like.-me: thf. campua: at ·1at1t St. and St. for the new baby; and a. ume llm· Chanical designer, and WU l'(Oa bY 'Mn., Peff.lll-Mlne\!1 after, b!Y· -;A~•· Roed 'S.Wrday; A\l(Ul!lt It WU aet. rlrat prtse wu award-u,'g railed & goodlX IW1\ ror th~ 4, from 11 a. m. on. · ed to Willa Biehn. &w 'ed\JCl.tlonal bti'lldlng. .; ~. ·~en v.1~1 be ~hi~ .of lnteTea\ Atter •nlni•the ma.nY bcautl- ll•f..l.r:r )Jartha Pleger had,.. nt=s~ ~~ · aU .•lea, fropt ··-b}' t~ grand· tu1 stfta, tefrelhmenU: were let'V· ch·~ of tbe hats, 8ctecllngr a .. ~UM:ri ~ sn~d'!.aU.:er pd pack· ed, of Ice cream, cakf' and nut ~ve\' pillbox; Gladys GarWDet. ar-,s·:f~ all ·~!e•. will be on cupa. decorated aa alphabetical ~ a."Muc lace aff'll.ir anti GladY,t ·ail,. ··.. • ~ •. bloclla. B~other'! IJ:ked the Chinese .~t-.-~ Xr.f;, _ ·.N~'iflne·. ,~op_fen. 11ewtng The followlnl' rueMll .were -prel· ran~ment. Loutae GrasSE>lll grac· ~~:~ keptf.Plta.ty of .ew-ent: Atn .. Marsa~t Coleman, Opal f()u.ly p~M-nled her Winning• tlc:k~ ing · ~dy ~t al}.. ·JJ~u for the Jamu ot Loe Angclea;. Mn. A.. W. .. t tq Marian Clark, ~ife ot .J,hf :w:omtn • pttlng ~ady -.ilt.ablr Oravee ot Huntln(lon Beach; M:n. bi.shop .. Among others "'·ho ~ooR: t1t1aP ·1~· wtll ~~~for N>me use A.nnavllet .Ml'La\IPlln ot L&pna bome attractive creatlon.s \'t'ere and for, gl.tta. Kra. ti': H. Rober· Beach; Mn. JN.M:tte Elll.a and Pait wtitte, )Ira.. Ovta.tt. °Mri .. Wfli rffJ.l 1.a· g:rri~ clftJ~.an., Bonnie Ellie ot O&rdett Oro•e; &i~. Mn.. Han&hawP, Fay41 ~I Mr. ~eu Spni.tt ,rep~nta the Mm~ '/era C.•tn and . Ethf'I .lt~r.'.MD. Wold, Aini. Rogeu .. · 1 )Cff\'e cbl,b OJ!4,.¥..11Mp!nl' the merr Stoud! of Oor'?"'! del Mar; M,., l~r .. ptlus w ert> won by ' !'lml. ~y wll.b ~tt~~w. ~ ,,.d, .. Bu~ .Wadletp ol litanhatte.n ~Id: Uoui.e Mllhoff, Mn. 'Sta> .pt;l•t,,~',tii.~~ ud <!<>-, ~ch . "'"-Glenna 8mlth. l!:thel .. Mu. Heck.• Dolly Cam~ t_n,s. tlie.:Jl!."~'p ~ , • ' Abbott • and ,I ~a Clayton of . Nancy Ayre1, Juaaita. llal\ Ppiocl''"~~e_rs ~M.a.rke.t ?i'J!wport _8Mc:!a• :i)(n. •Ebba Mac· Ncirton. Mn. Duncan 'si.,.·. •'¥1'!' wil), "';'& lile all ""¥· key, Jll!la ~ J-l• M;llott. ~ !l<rll'Ude· Lind 'Eleanor l'lall' ,Kra.. ~ • u:-: preeldenl W. J. ftlatl.Ore ud ·Jane •Wlllc.ln- After luncheon lue:fta....went to th" Ket>ler. home tor the more ln· \ ttmate de tails ot 'openlni-gift.a, wbJch were spe-clftcally tor ·the bride's fi-pt kitchen. Boies of 'k.11 sh.al>"• arid alt.ea. bH.uutu.Uy ~P­ ptd. wtte. pUed In a clot.hes ham- per. it.. edKe trmcr wtth \19lltu1 kl~ p~g•ta. ' '. llitfl!/ 'l oix •l oSEl'tf nfo¥AS, m. . ! • ,, ' .. PreHnt 'were Mlu O•rley and her mother, Mn .. J.t Addison Our· le1: Mtues Catharine A_ndrews. Aon P'r't'teman. 14uanne Taylor, La.Nelle Oay. Tent~· Mantz, Dona R.tnir, Jean Rttd -ahd her mother. ~ · Erneat Saftig, Miu Kell~r and her mothPr, Mrs. Kclll'r. Miss Di~·~t~ise ··6of*>n .',Bride of John ::1T:~as, : HOme .:f r-0m· Korea At .\\',hil.Ut>r • On .Tue.sd~y .M.ra. llewley.Allen ot \\'bitt ier and Balboa Island en- tertain~ w ith a luftcbeon tor 30 l"ells, ahowerlng the tvfd•-elecl with nllacellaneou& gift.a. P re11ent from the Hai:;bor wer4! J.fl11e Cur- le)' a.nd her mother, and Mrs. Wal- lf'r Franz.· Mrs, T . \Vir11ton Jay 1 atnt a gift but wu-unabll!' to bf" • • Home trorn · •their hone~J' att Mr. and ·. Mft. •Jolin Jo0eph . ' . . . Thomu, Jr .. ·· whoee ttaw.le took ,.. . ' thern. to Monlef!f'1,M ~ LW.a ,Obte- po, ~ ~~Ike>· and Tcieemtte perk • 1-• • · Mardi Gras Dance is S~turday E~ent for· Lido ls~e Assn. .. present. , Udo . tale Com .. unlty aMOcie· Important th~•ef'k is th<' I tlon. · 111 entf'rtalning· thi11 coming bridal brcakfist on F?-lda y mom- Saturday · ewning with a Mardi i(l-g · a l ·the Gt.irl<'y hOnit'; v.·lth thr Maj:>' Your Future With Savin9s! ... ' -' Pave the way for future comfortable living by making' your savings goll! the equivalent or·· Cine year's income. Here at. NEWPORT ~LBGA FEDERAL all savmgg ari insured up tO $10,000 and eam very profitable. divid~nda, c~tly 3%, You can start for a.s little "" $5. Do · it today! I FOR YOUR SAVINGS: SAFETY, PRO~ AND AV AILAJllLITY I• . r I •• Jdra. Manning. M:ns. •tcKalluf>,s. the w~m·a ~P . and the *Jill ot · Santa ·MA.ft.a: Xme&l W11Ja Mr•. DulgnJlQ. ~fargaret Dost.a., w~~n 6f the . c'~ ha'Ve been 8lthnJ, . H~~ Buqt:ma.n.. Ma.ry Mr.-i .. Loeke, M~. Tcchrutin., Mrs. b \l;I f Mftral Mont.Ni cettln• Butdt._r, ~ f!o~ Wl,ntf~ *athf'Wtton, A-frs. Hoag. Mr•. S\A.. .lh:lnp ready (M uae and .pie&&-Ball, ~arloa H~~&lt. ~-Hy. SU-. Mra.· Kirby. ).tra. Colby-and -"!'Cot ahop~. "U~ you wa.nt •tp' den. Lou.lee Koch, Ca.rOiyn Laree.n. iTh~ bride.' If ~ tonn.u l.)lane LOu.1M' Ootdon., dauCbte:t ot Mr. a'I" Mn . .(olin lltnr]1.Qol'd0n. 702 eout High~ anil · hor.'husband la JtOn of John 'ttlomu, Sr .• 11'500 PlonC.r &lid.. Arte61&. TheY were marrted at noon on Sunday. July 8, after monttol: If':~ tn New- port Ha.f'bot" Lutheri.n church, thP Re-v. Otto Fl.Kher olflctat1D;g. Al- tar "candt .. -and white ••ten WerP bOckrround tor \I>• ~ouble.rlng Ota1 buff!ot dinner danCf' at thf" I wf'ddihg" to ~ (ln Sunday· In J:;.o. , .. . Udo club bauae. Dinner will bl.' rona del Mar Comm.unity Congre-1 !.l:>UC==::iaic::::·:'::..-·.;•::•;:·:x· ic::=onc:==)Qc==~"Gc:=::ioc::!I ae:rYed from '1 :30 lo 10 :30 p. m . gatlonal church. llllubelll Allen llft!)w,inof<!, be amons thGM pr<•· -· LeG~. Nlla.McLauJ'h· • · · fpt "'1ij., A)lsuat. 4\J' a.c,.... the lln. g1111y 1'&Yna and Amelia -· 0. Conunlfu"" ~\"from, the 'Newpurt Harbor Yall(hl O{ Oial& M-. .; Mn .. Bert Bre-Wt"r waa general Hfri,~ l!Cbool .on 10th ~t In ctltt Tbe hmlftlee• ~ Mra. ~n· chairman lllld Mrs. Dari Palt.enon. Ha}'etL-.. ~e eatl)',.nay la.le, but ~ PflC"fer, Viola. i:m.mert, M&ry uxll!Oly pr•• Id• n t. ,,..,...i tie. ~·••·" ·MY -tM IP'ellowohlp l!ulcller lnd Anna U..mfaller. JQJeeb at Ute door. A gi.flth!g ):{.n: ~. ·• ' , . , , • John r.. s..ch •t th~ doll tib1• ·'· -• s· h c b 11 were M ..... Floyd Hubbanl an_d ~ ~ - . • I M ' t 'f B , . . !S op amp e 'l\'Wl.am Eld•"· Surprl ... packagu. -..:.}~nu~ e~,. 0 . . . to ·Pr~ach He ::i ... ~":, b~i:"i.~~~ ~= IMpr.oyem '*n'f Assn. on St James ore secuttd by Mrs. Geqr•e Ya_rdJey. . . ·_.... ! . -~· ~ •'-. • U • ay uslsted .bY Mrs. Robf'rt · f Norm•) Annual· meet(nf;of ' lhe Balboa Allen. and MtJ. Ed Keran. t&land Improvement· usodatlon ~edneld&y.. July :m-I• St. Mn. Verrl.e ~node-ra~ wu' in will .lJ:e held ¥onsJay. July so, at Jame1i day, fe1tival day for St. cll.arge of the talking doll, usl!t· 8 p. m. in the Ialand Community J&naes Epi.M;opal C':hurch a..nd It ed by Mrs. M~liuertte Murphy. cburch, Agate · •Yf-riue . The mttt-wi.~ be ob9erwd "filh special aer- M.r11. Fra.nk «;u n.nlngh•m was 1(1& hae bee.n ca.11\(1 by J . A. Beek, Vfct"a both morniJfg e.nd evening. chaJr;man bt 1he luncheon commit-president and notice• have bet>n •"'At •10 a. m . the Rt. R ev. Fred tee, meinbenl Ming J<n. RertrY ma.ilf"d l o all proJ)erty owner.a. Clark, hist.op of Kootfl\8.y, Can· Se~ley, Mn.· Au.stln StuTteVant -~ ada, \VIII cet,.,brate Holy Commun- ._ 8Jld Mrs.. Cl&Yton De-ane. ·M:n. -il..\.BY si"TtERii ixOHA.""°OE . tun. wtth .pedal priyera for the J e-. H-•» ... .-~, lhoee who . r Venerable N. fl, C1ark. ne)YIY con· ··J -.. ---Corona del )far be.by silt.en, Uc ted autl i _ l *'rved: Mme•. A_ C. Acbev, .W . P . __..........i.1.... .... d ta ( ra ragan b'""hop:ot M~ a .~ •--, -{. .~ ....... ..-..-e u•e a fth •« o IK>ntt, C.n•da. 1 • l>urket>, Norma AJJ,n ... Thotnaa worlcinl° u a group both for tbem - • '"utter, N. W. Benton. John o-n-Thia wtll ~ the annual vhlta-l'\ • '" selves and for their cuatomera, af'f" ti~-t s •-•-·11·-·•. Ralph s .. 1. J. B. Gook· ~• o -~P C&mpb<I~ oultra-~· e.--orga.niaing-an exch&nce and have -" bl bo pf • --""en. Walter Burl'ough.8 a.rtd H. J . named u ... -aht D&vk180n u tele-"-· !! P ""'HI A.n.-el('r, and :cf'l.llf-. ....... hf' wUJ pttach the!' aennon at tbe l • phone. girl, Har~ 1248-J. 8 p. m. M"rvlce. Anerward theore ~ v.111 be a reception ln lhe parish houae tor Bi.ehop and Mn. Clark, ll.nd fot Bi.shop and Mra. Campbell. ~(embers "ot ·t.he Woman'• awdll- a.ry, under dirtttlon or lhe pt-e.t- Unt. Mra. Ruth Patttaon, and"Mni Henry Seeley, will be in chatp . • • • • • ' . • • • • • • ~~ !;. -'· ,, . . . TERESA RENlllER I Mrs. A. Renner) Co~rt Pianlit of ftnoe Coat:t....t• Oradt•t. ~t ot .... J)artok - "'*'*' .... Min.t. Ha• 1171..J Corona ·iel .Mar ; • .,,..,~ IM~~ll • • ' . • •• • • • • • ~ I • Blahop Clark, who hu bttn I occupy1ng the rectory during lhl' vacation ot the Rc.-v . Paul Moore Whttlf'r, wtll prN.cb his flnal aet- mon next Sunday and wtll return to Canada tbe following day. Col- (ee hour wtll follow the 10 o'clock tervke a.nd Mn.1 Phllmer Eller- blwk will ti,, In eh&rlJ<. Pit nii: s,upper . f o't' Las ,A;tiiqas rlt&. , M'IRI Gordon -.ore a dre.aa of wh.tte pontuft6 aJld an o~ Cor- ...e. She .,.. itteftded by hPr alot ... ln·laW, Jlr.:, .llObort W . Gor- don, who waa ht plilll wltl> coraage of cematlo.n. i.nd: ~ Mr. Rob· ert" Oordobpve. ·"'9t man Ull•t- ance. )("-Gordon. m'Otber? of the btklr, wore a ' t'lowered print dreM With tan Mckl"l'O'lftd a.ad ·a cor- n)"e ot · A~lcan Illies and earn•- tlona. Tbe pride w...., grsduatcd from N'ewpon. HarbOr · Union high sc:hOol. 'A'hl ch htt h,Ulband · alan attendNI betoi-e joinin1 the U. S. Marine co,.Pa. tie went· to Kort'4i. in. J.uly o!. J.ul _year •• wa1 _ woW'ld- ed In the baUle of Seoul and hoe- pitallUd • tri Japan, Ht'" an1vetl home June 27. bu been on thlrt-v day l«-•Vt" and wl1J be ll.atkNled at Lon.. Beach. Tbty m ma.kln,- thelr home at 7001'° Coot lftgh- way. and thtre wilt be dancing In the Bay room to mualc by the, Rojaf! orch~sU.. Oueeta are to come ln c09tumE' and prbea will ~ awarded the man and woman Judsed having bf>ltt ptb. P'eatlve belloon• and IX l..f>S ANOJ:l.~!ii R <><:cnt guest st Hotel Bcl·Alr, Los Ang<>lc~. \\'8."I Stft> Shtnlt'y or Balboa Bf'&C'h. trad!Uonal .. rpenllne wlll add to LETTER TQ SOCIETY EDITOR ll\e p.J.ety. RewrV11l~9t limited 11 to 12'5. ck»e thl8 evening', &n· noun(t> Mr. and Mn. Wayne Mur- dock, In ch.a.tse of arrangemenl8. ' RUMMAGE SALE On Thuraday; Jl"ttday •nd Sat· urcl&y of this Wffk Balboa all(. N~tt ctrclu ot Chnat Church by 't.be s~ wtll bold a rumm.r sale In the rJtu.. building, t2n<l 1treet. and-Balboe BouleYard. .Dt-ar 1ifts. 'Baf br(': Beginning t he first of Augu_!;l I em sorry lo say l will no longer he publlcll)t cha irman for tht> N<""'POrt WOTJ.l. This ls due to instructions received from the su- prrrh<' lodge. stating that no ch air1nan n1ay succ<"f'rl h t>ntf'lf the 2nd year. B<>cause ,of the sple ndid coo~ratlon and ht'lp you II.ltd your paper8 h8Yf' glV('n me:, I have derived Jn't'&t p leal;ure during my yt>ar 88 publl<'ily c hairman. for which I r xtf:'ntl to you my d eep Mr. Uld Mr•to Donald Smith arf' apprf'Ciatlon. If Jn anyway I can par.f'nll ot a eon, bom July 18 In ewr r"pay thia kindnea8, please 8L JOM"ph hoapltal and weigh· call on me. ,Mf sUcceuot" ,1a Alda lf'.11 1 poonc&s. 8 OUJ\cea.~ The ran1-~0orton:·whom 1: t.e11eve· yOU ·a.re lly reeldl11 · 'at 115 Mesa. Driv~ acquaintf"d with and I know y ou Costa Mf'la, will bf> o f help to her during her Y<'•r u you havp lo m ('. I am sue- -People Ho relld the w&nt ada. cttdlng her as 1;tua.1 c hairma.n. ----------------'----------~----Thanking you again. I rt'n1atn Six ·children Celebrate Birthday -~ of Newport . Beach · Nonagenarian Yours sincert ly, , 1-·tora Vaughn / !Thank you. Tht' pleaFiUr t' v.•as 1 mutual. \V. B.) OU.1'U/v~ll//,&,,.,., ~,,.;;-.. c,. ... ~~t*''­ ,..,~,.., ,,...,. \,/est.~tn s rut at Radio Tower! i.-......;;...-sANTA :ANA PH.Kl 3-8311 . ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D.R1YI-•ntl 111 A11111QI Avt. Tt' JI• 7·1111 · F111 Prilnf 11txt·0tw ANN 0 UN CI N .G THE ASSUMPTIO N AND REINSURANCE BY • • -~ : TITLE 1 INSURANCE AND . TRUSJ~ -~tfY~1 OF LOS ANGELES, I -' \ ~-I .. OF ALL OUTSTANDING POLICY·Llt BILITY OF 'ABSl~ACT and. TITLE ·JNSllRANtE ·CP-P4NY .. . I , - .. ' • • . OF SAN~~ ·ANA_: • ·i: ' rf.1 l " . ·• . ' ' !;.-.•• ;, • i ' t rau. ;...;:n~r and Ti:i:· ~~ ~ CoilJ~Y'~ . ita • affillailon with :rJtle 0 Inaurance an!!_ Trust Com~J~ o( Loe ·~. ~ua Qing1ng .tp Orange County ~-ua l<!ndeN the l'fOblttioo ,giveri ,by the re90Ul'Ce8 and eitperi~ <if Callfi>m 8 lar(lel¢ ~ 'insur• • 'ance Comp&ny. --· ~· -.1 • .. • • I • • I '• • ' . .., . At& another step in making thi!I tnereMeii· pro tio11 ·~ffectiV.., Title ' I e \ "-f" Ins~ce and Tl'llst Company hlll!~?!Wted a !o .alreell)tPt -.um· . . ing and retnmuing the liability undiu' all ou~· g pollclea IMiled II)' . ·A~:~::::·::·:~. ' >~ ~::~ •• ,. be a~hed to an~ policy. fJ~aeiJ by A~ Uld . I-.raaoe Com-• , pany ypoo pre9911tatJoi! of,lllldJ ptiitq,for tll&t lo 'l'ltle ~ '.·and '11nm 0omP'IP)' 't ltll • ~ offiee r ~ 1 ta--~ Ablitracf ' · Di~.!.-· · ' ·. · , . . I ! j • .. • -f'" . . • .., • ' ~I I ' • I · _, ' ·• ' ' • TIMICley,Jul.!:i•:·~ltS~I :"'::~f:~-;~;::~~ltiimiimiiGiji~~:niJiiijfi:Si~[iiQiii . ·HARBOR ~.SOCIAL EVENTS XIUI: WIND'RlCD BAIUIU, -~ ~ . .. ~~ -"' """""""b'eAii"': ...... ~~e~ ... .........u ' Couple United in Sunday Rites at Christ Church · Women of Moose \ tnitia.tion ~ursday • George Grant.a Good of Del Mar • and FAtelle Cora Barron of Rlv- erekle were united In marriage at Christ Church by the Sea Sunday, July 15th. at a 12:30 W~J· The Method18t rllflll were conduct- ed by the ~r. Rev. Thomu Ray Pendell. F ollowing the ceremony a wed- ding dinner wu &erved in the patio of Mr. and Mn. Horace E. MarUn of Oce:an Front, Newport Beach, and Lo8 Angeles. The couple left Sunday after- noon for a short noneyJtfoon. They will make their home ln Rive.reide whef'e Mr. Good will eoon be transferred. Newport Bea.ch Women of the Mooee Jfill have an tnltaUon Tbunoday, July 2il, at&rtlJ)g at 8 ' ' p.m. r Thia being elec~ Cd appoint- ed otttcen chapter night. retl'Uh- ments will be 9ei-ved followtng tnltatlon by: W!lllfred Randel, senior regent: Alice' Anderaon, junior graduate regent: Clara Leach, junior regent; Allee Young, chaplain; Viola Cornecl, recorder; Joyce Edic k, treasurer : Myrtle Bumpht1ty, argus; Ehlle King, ~ntlnel; Nickey Edgerton, guide: Edna Phegley, usl!ltant guide and Olive Miiier, pianist'. Candidates to be initiated. are: Camping Boys Like Home Better Anna B . Wiiley. Coata Mesa and Edna Por:ter,,. Newport Beach, sponaored by Olive Mille r and · Dorothy Carter. Camping at ldyll..y-lld, up on _the sides of Mt. Sen Jacinto. isn't half a.s much fun a~ staying home at the tM-ach thlnka Richard Schleuter, who wu quite ready to come home befof.e hl..9 week at MethodMt Youth camp wu up. Ric hard McDonald st&yed until hia parents brought h 1m home Saturday ·but both boye found the mountains much_, too hot. Ba lboans Anc hor at Toyon Ba y r-{ow anchored arr Toyon Ba)' in. Dorothy Carter . alumni chair· man, w&s h06teSB at a meeting or her committee on Wedneeday, July, 18 at Elsie K ing's home In Newport. Refre11hment.e -were serv- ed following a dl&eU88ion of a c tlvl- tiea planned by the committee and the chalnn&n. Those attendlnjr were: Alice Young, !:laie f{ini;t . .>Myrtle Hun1- phrey, Myrtella Tipping and the hOo'tes&. Co-workers Birdie Ostrander and Myrtle Hu'mphry are the grandmothers ot a girt. born July 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Charlri. Miller of Newport. The baby wa.s named Cheryl Lee, The entire Newport chapter sent congratulations to the proud parent. and grandparents. Catalina are the Ernie E . Wolret 'F • I f' Art cu.,eillly staying In Balboa. Mr. e.stiva 0 S and Mrs. Wolfe took t.he cruiser A I p t Caprice. from tile Lido docks and nnua agean journeyed over to the Ll!iland for Q t L a brt•f try •t thelr flohlng luck. pens a aguna The pc>pular couple will return to t.JMolr Balboa home thl.8 week. New Exhibit at Laguna GaUery An outstanding e x h I b I t of watercolors waa hW1g ln Moulton Hall at Laguna Beach Art GtLJ.lery Saturday and will be on exhibit until August 5th. The.se water- colora are the work of P hoebe Flory Walker ot Cleveland, Ohio, who ia teaching ttgµrea in con- junction with Elfot O'Hara at the SchwankovU:y Studio until Au· gust ~th. Hlas Walker's paintings have-a vibrancy and vigor which ta moat aUmuJating. , Several arttilt rae111bera ot• the Auoctatlon made the First An· nual Art Show at the Festival, three being prize winnera, WUllam Grant Sherry, Ejnar Han.sen and Elate Palmer Payne. Othen wboee pictures Were· hw'ig included Eu· ' gene Fra.nd&en. Norman Cb.am- \ berlaln, Ruth Peabody, lCatluyn Olaen, Frederic Jenniaon and tev• er&I others. --Lester A. Becker, D. D. 8. • DENTISTRY 1783 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Medical Bldg. Beacon 6762 606 E . Bay Ave., Ba.Ibo& Harbor 327-J . Laguna's Irvine Bowl with seating capacity of 2M)() waa over- flowing Saturd•y evenlng tor Q(>ening presentation of the fa.med Pageant of the Ma.ster11 which Ls climax each day of the annual Fest1Ya1 Of Arts. Here, In the lkautlful natural ll11lpitheatre, Is -.an exten11ive ex- hibit of contemporary painting. ceramics and aJlted art.a comple- men.ted by the marveloua living plcturea, euperbly Interpreted by Laguna Beach folk In pose and coatume of the originals .• August' Wedding Planned by Jn the Ftrst Annual National Art exhibition hang!'I the original of Norman Rockwell's recf!/'t de- lighttul Yoet eoVer, PJumbera in a Lady's S,udoir; a.nd thla la one ot the hlgtillpta: of Program A, one of the three alternate Pageant procran\a. Thla., topa in the field Engagement of Ml&11 Jane Bal- o! humor. la contra.ated with the ley we.a announced ·Saturday, July exqUialte Chinese Ivories, period 21 when hl\"r parents, Mr. and Mrf. fii:\llinee: th.e claulca.I Venua d<' Andrew Ba.i1•y. V, <'nlertainett _70 Milo and Fragonard·s gay The guesl3 at a cocktail party and Swing. buffet dinner at their Balboa Miss Jane Bailey Thla year mW!ic for Laguna's home, 2296 Channel Road. An Au- "ltvin,g art" ta turnlshed by three gust wffiding t11 plannffi by M :M groupe Including the Aircraft. Bailey and her flancee. Humphrey FMF, Pacific Band, United State!'! F . Murphy, Jr., son or M!°s. Ershal Marine Corp8i. from El TQro Alr Murphy of Los Ani;::<'lcs and Qr. Station: the Broc:1euky Enaemble, Humphrey F. Murphy, Sr. of La and the Fealval of Arta Choir. Jolla. highlighting h e pbrtraya.t of The bride - to -be attcndcd Los Leonardo do lnci'a The' Lut Sup-Angeles High school and th(' Un i- per. tradltiona.J climax of each versity of Southern Califomia Pageant 11howtng. where she was a member of Alpha A tpeeial feature on the ·51 Chi Omega sorority. She is also FestiYal grounde Is the Firat An· Put Honored Queen of Los An· nual National Art Exhibition Gal-gelee BCth('l No. 91 , International lery hoU8lng ~ 11tory telling paint-Order ot J ob·s Daughters. Mr. ings entered by artist. from 26 Humphrey's . educational b a c k-~===========~ atatea. Several of theee award g"round Includes Loe Angeles High ;::. winning pa.lntin.p are reproduced Khool and the University of Harold K. Grauel Chapel by Jjving models during the Page-Southern California where hb wu anL Grounde exhibit.a Include La-a.ffllicated with Sigma Nu. guna artlet.8 at work, photog-NEWPORT 1$EIGHTS CIRCLE raphy, p.tnling, eculpture, a.rtls-Newport Heights c I r c I e of Phone : Beaeon 5610 Uc handic raft of many kinda and Chriat c hurch by the Sea meets ceramic orlgtnaJa. Other grounda 110 Broadway Colta Meta featurea are the Don and Ivy Wll-tonight at 7:30 at thr home of ·-============~~I son puppet ahow and the ever ~· .'::::!':1 Trusty, 33() Santa ,~ popular junior art p.J.lery. Event Awards for Junior Yachtsmen ·Friday n1ght'e meeting of Bal- boa Ialantt Yach.t club saw fol- lowing first place awards for the woek of Juty 16: PMldleboardll. Pat Klsael, Pamela Twist', Hank Kyle, Pat Dyer , Micky Smulh. Carol Eymann and Tommy J ones. Jn ro"".ing, lo Randy Wright, Gail White. Hank Kyle. Lolita Kl'n- ncdy. J.1 1cly Smith, Ann Rawlins, J ohn Kensey . In swlmmini;t, to Bobbie McKen- zir, Gail White, Hank Kyle, Pat Dyer. Tod White, Judy S\~:im. Bob Ibbot.son. In diving, to Carol \Vi!- lifllll.8, Neal Metcalf, Gail White, Judy Swim. Bruce P ittman, Elea- nor Guthrie, Bob Ibbotson. In Snowblrde. both races were won by Tom Frost and in Balboa Dinghy class fi rst race was won by Mickey Smith and second by Roger Boyvey. The first picnic of the year was h('ld last Tul:'sday eight, and ap_- proximat"" 80 young people were Sf'rved. Next one Is scheduled for Tuesday, July 31 . RAJN1'1A KING FUNDS A bill appropriating ~0.000 for research ot artificial rainmaking haa been s igned by Governor Earl Warren. .. The money will be available for the state waler resources boarc1 to contac t w ith public or private organizatione for 8Uch reae.arch. BE SURE -INSURE ROlllJ: ON BOAT To correct water . bolling in ·-- -. • wltl> lllAU llD: 8T'.U."U!Y '-""Oai7 Pholle -· 1111 !L'I llariae "-Balboa bland The Ralph Likes, formerly or Bay Shoree, are now living aboard their boat, the Martha. Jane, at Balboa Bay clUb. Hr. Like, a me· chantcal deeigner, ta contemplat- ;:==:===========~ ling establlahlllg ..._a buaineN here. .DEA TH NOTICES EXCELLENCE la UPHOLSTERY -• • KIMMONS Edward T . Hart, 77, dJed July JS in his b<>me at 11.0 Cecil Pl., Coa:ta Mesa after a long illness. Cut"' Flwwfhlr•, o..,..,..., ~ti.... Sunrivtn.g are hia wtfe. Mra. IEACOM MJJ Daisy Bart. one daughter. Mrs. ~==°'=._='=""="=•=m=·=c=o~s=T•=M=UA==~I Helen MilleT. Costa MYA, a . brother, Walter Hart-or Pua· • den&. end a nephew, Henry Hart MA'ITRE88E8 of Puadena. Boet.-R°'8!! 1 Trallera ............ s ... .,.. BEAOON - Caata .. _ ---Co. !lM Newport 11mL BKJCIARD1'8 SHOE silOP l!ll08 .......... WMlo 1' .. w.t• .Athfef'--"-8'" ....... C..r4: ..... Oil' , .... c ..... ou1 wono' ........ ••• ., ta -N-~~ Nl:WPOllT SIU.CR Funeral aervlces were held ln 1'urner 8teYeD.1 and Tt.imer Mor- tuary IA ·Alhambra. yeaterday at 10 L m. · lntennfnt wu followed tn Bu. G&br'lel Cemetery. Grauel· CbapOI In 1Cc>ota JI(-wu ID charp of ~-ta. --... w-Kn. ~ II. Welt.n, n, died ~ 18bt!r..._at1•i. 1ltb St., ..c09ta 1i1 .. atter an a-t-~" , ,A iiattft . 0111o obe bad --• !7'91et I ea.ta )(ea tbs put .... ,..,... __ .,.. her huabancl, Bea ,, .. _ tllno dau&l>tan. .... WATll HIATllS BUol 'lhNldl of Nenda, .... -. luhw ... 84 tr .........,.. .....,, of 1-Bnd>, } ' a /_,I~ Mn. -~ Towne "" Biii· N ~ •.. nuww: • i.w.. -.... ..... ""' ---lfh.·--.-~· -'l of~ ---··IM A 111@ II I a h • ~~•low ... Mid ·1a Dar. JftPI ._ .. ,, • . -~ .,..,.., OMla -. kl- .. --Ill i .... ·-··t -l .,j~:-:195:•~~~:·::·~"!1?.::::·t-..JI • ......-a• , .... ,917. aw. •· ) - 12 =z, I 0.1'1 zssr,-:· I , . ' '• .. : .. ~ .. -• " automob11e ra.di.ators, It ta advie-In order to decreue fire haz- able to see to tt thal the entire ard and Increase efficie ncy of the cooling syetem la refiu11hed or 1 . motor Jn that It wilJ operate much cleaned and the radiator bot'lea in-cooler keep the exterior part of apected for defect.JI. 1 • your car's motor tree of greaee. OCC Art Students Show at FestiV.~I Sludenl3 of Orange Coast col- lege evening adult art cla.M, taught by Thelma Paddock Hope, have an int('resting display booth at the Laguna Beach F estival o( Arla and one n1cmber, Daniel Ebberts, ha.<s tl'ccivcd a comml.8- slon for a port1·ait. .EbberL'i was formerly a me m- ber or Lo:t An;;cll':s Busin <'SS Men's Association an d painted land- scapes. Othl"rs exh ibiting are Lu: cille Pope, Earl Poodry, Dr. Mar- vin Reitz, Dr. L . YarW~ 'Be'ttha Star bler, Elizabeth S ci t ·e n at n, Eleanor St rother and Sharl· Shan· nun. f Laguna Art Assn .. to Elect Officers Th c Nominating Committee composed of Galen Doss, M.r-1L Thon1as B. Kennedy and Mrs. D<WVlct M. J ack have nomlnated the following for officers of the La- gun·a Beach Art AMOCi&llon tor t}lc conilng year. The election Is to b.._. hl'ld Augui:i t 11th at the An- nual Mcetl.nc at lhc Art Gallery. For di rectore to 8<'tve two-year te rms: R .Ll oyd Babcock, Gert- rude G. Gardner. 1.furray G. Hill and Mrs. D.avid M. J ack. · For officers tot the fiacal year Auguat 1951 to August 19~2 : President, Murray G. Hill; firat vice pre11ident, Oswell L Jackaon; second vice pre11ldent, Charles 0 . Bradley; secretary, Mrs. David W. Jack and trea..aurer, Waller E . Parke. LAND RlORTS The Department of Fteh and G&me would have the rtght to obtain rights of w,ay over private lands to fUrniah acce88 to the pub-· lie for fishing or hunting &Q'U1 under a bill signed by Gov. Earl Warren. • • NOW is . ·the time '·'·'--~tcr~transfer'" your funds to insured SAVIN G'S • ' ./CURRENT EA1tNIN"S · • .. ~. . . -SlVlllGS tori· INSURED UP -TO SIO,I00.00 ,• I· ' l t ' I • • . . • • ! I I . I • • ~~~-··~~~.~-·-:_:_--.,.-7~·~-~·-=-~-:--.:...~·7-~-'-~·--;-·~-:...RE.WPO~:...:..:~Rf.~~~u~~~A~·~NEWS.~ • .:..:..:.· ~n~=·s=-~~~~~--~--.,.-·-:--~~~-f-~~--.,.-.-~...:..-~.~t~ueicit='::!!~~?'~'~~~~·~~='-~J~-~ .Foi'efgh. . ,News CAR TRAVEL TO Relpte A:ddttlon la Onnp of N~rt ....... .,Cow!ty of ..-------"""'.~'-----.,· .. C...mt)', llale of Califcimla. U Orance, 8ta14\ of ClaJlfomlA. U · abaWn "Gil a .mae ncorded tn Down on a ~P _ftcuid6d ID : Tl H E. ST 2 % ...... ,.....11_ H Of the Book 20, pag<[i 31 to 34 boolu· • lliJ W; Bl ll"t+nss ., A O..,...dolll.. IA<al IMtltaU-'IW Oftr Fo~ y..,. Mu&llfn, SlnlaJ,,e,: Kexloo. Ac· ~~~~~~~~~~~·-·~-·'--~~~~~~~~~~1COf'<llr!rtodwp&14h .. '"'"' Kol· ATE Up 1LO ~ -.,,da o~ Qr· slve, of ~ell&neoua. Mapa, ; U O &!IP County. WIU(PROYi[:o. Reconlll of O?ling• Cou~t¥· 1\N· , , . I PAHCJ:L t: • . • DCPROVED. I f I G H ' PobllAed l!nry TuNda7 at .Newport 811•. ~ by tbe'°Nl!WP()KT JIAJUIOR PUllUlllDNO OOlllPANY co Cl\y oome ~.000 Meillcan Na· tlona phllo a 10C1,000 oo called ''wet· be.ck'' are recalled to. th•lr llorne- l&nd ·dlrtctly, 'or u 800n .. tbelr contracta are tennlnat.ed ln the K.,... out-of·ot&t.. cars -led Lot •. TrKt 'JclU. ·-'d<w NO'l'll: · ~ • ' Califomla durtnr °"' I Jlnt . obi Hol11:1>t. AddlllOn la orsase ,._ Iola are, to be «>Id -- United Stat.ea. · Member of CALIFORNIA l'>jEWSPAPKR PUBU8BER8 ASS'!'f. A~mber of the .NATIONAL EDrI'ORlAL ABSOCIATION monlhs 0( thla year, thaa In the County, ~ ot cam--. u ' nitely or u a unit. . 'Is ~ •' entire pre-,..,..ner of lHO. ~ "" a mail.,...,_. jll lllBJllCT lo dOl)<lltlON,"relJl.ric. • ~ KottoVtt, miic'or tnftl to uiJa -N. ~ 13 and u o( the tlonl, .._.,.t1on1 ond rl&'M• of • · • ' .tat• w Ill> M per -t oftl' llltl011 Mi...~ -of Or-W&J' ot ...-. It any. , , . 1 ~ J,. M 111 c A . • • • Office and Printing Plant at 2211 Balboa &ulev&rd Telephone Harbor 1811 'Mtfa mea.na .ome ~ more people wUl havo to be takeft' cue ot by & ro~rntnent that le trfend· Ente"V as Second-Cl&M )fatter at the Pw:tott1ce 1n. Newport Beach. ly, on our border troM San Dieso ~ "*""' ;year. . aiip County. ~OVm>. The tenno andlcon<11t1o111 of sale I 0 w o I '' / 1 ~ • PL U I ' ..&.. 'It Bo point. oial UMt -'Ula°"°' PARCSL·S: . ~ eaah In lawflll mo""y If tll• . • t I ... ~.,...,:..· ~~~ - e!:lub ot ~ Calltonla to-LOt t Tract 11"' ~mew UatW SS&t~• upon.the connrma· ~ .. 1 T vr day, In reporUag \Mt an all-time Jltqll~ Addition In Oranre UM of aale. . . California \mder the Art ot March S, 1819. • to BrownavUJe, Tn.u. and la ln no nnt.nclal or economic Poaltk>n to do "°· The cynic can and wUI u.y ""° what t•1 but ln thb case "ao what" la pl•nty. ~Ip ol. lltl.• 4"t.OC«a1AO eu., County,· si.te of Callft>mla, d c.rtlfkato of tlU• at the ex- O&rrYtnr J,1141,1(1 ~ _,, on a mop reeor.led In pmoe of, UM! pur<bwr. ED\VARD A. LeBOVEN, Editor' J. M . FRANCIS. Bus!neu MaJUJ,(er Weft clMdled ~t .U. tr.tale'• Book Sd, papa 13 and 14 of the / Bkl.I or offera mWJt be In writ· bo1*r M.aUoe.I ~I' U.. ,. M$eoellaneou. Rf'COl"da of Or· lng and will be received at. the QuallflNf to f .. JbJJsh l.A"t:"SI Xotlf"'N aad Adv,.rti..tnmf.5 of all KlndA These trlend)y Mexicans are not tn tbf. U. S. illegally ln a moral unse. The Oo~mor ot Sonora. on being asked about lhe matter aid simply that tht-8e people have legally and Illegally croued the U. S. bonk-r much In the same crnt ttnt .. ...u period. ,.nee County. UNIMPROVED. aloreuJd off fer of Ulc undersigned Thls campanm wfth tut ye&Ya a.dmlntalr1tor. ~ 1<1"8.'ICRIPTIO:V RATES: Pl'8YioUt -totalo Cl CY.OH. p~~ 4 ''rtact 1 33 s. vi Dated this 6th day or July, 1951. autoe and 1~ puM:npn Hetrbte' Addttlon 1 I~ o~: BEN H. BROWN, "T.WPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TllllES •veey 1'ueoda.y In Onnc,. <'ot1n1y. $!.~ JW'r yMr; $!.00 alx mo•tlll: $1.!5 thrt"f" mMrtb!ll (AIM> 1114'1~ the Nl:\VPORT·BALBOA PRESS. Thundny) OutAkf,. Onftff" C'.otmty $4,00 per Xf"Rr for the comp&rahle ~ll'Mlllltha CoW'lty, State of Callfornla. u Admlnbtrator or lhe. estate pe-riod. • . of uld deecased. Second quarter toUal. thb y..,-aboWn on • map rec~ed In No .. 221-Tlmes.. , ahow"1 11472 can .... ~ .... in Book 38• pare• 13 and 14 or the Publish July J0-17·24 1951. manner that our own people or ' _ .. ,,-.. llbcellaneot18 Reco1'da of Or· ' April 99.277 In May: 161,27& In an•e County UNIMPROVED p•••• JIM CRO\V STRIKES OUT Y••ro ago ventured W•IJl.ward In June. Each . e.tabHl.bed new • · • · """""' mmt\lly hlsba. the J\llle total rep-PARCEL ~: C&RTIFICA TE OF BUSINESS . • M-areh of bt>tte.r condJUort.8 and When Bill Veeck, new owner of the St. Lows Browns, new Janus. Th<" majority or the signed Satchel Paige, the colorful, agelesli Negro pitcher, 1 Mex•cans In the U. s . do not com• lo a contract last week. there wasn't a ripple of protest in froin the-rommon and cheap bor- rewnttnr the ,rreatMt atn,gle-Lot ·29, Tract 11 ~• Seaview FictltloUs Flrm Name month Jnflu• o( out-of-stale auto@ H etshU Addition In Orange tn CaJifornla hl•tory, the club County, State of Call.fornla. as THE UNDERSIGNED do here· ·u.14. abown on a map recorded in by certify that they ire conduct· .. . . , . der towns ; Lh11y art> elrong, tough that supposedly race -Jittery city. Wh1<jh IS f"mal, con-men. rrom the deep pa..u or xexi. elusive proof that if professi(\llal sport has contrib11ted co. many •• rar away .. Criapu nothing else or' lasting value to U. S. progress, ;t has at and Ouaca on. tll• Guatemalan . boirdcr. Thf'y ar<' t'l"acly to work at least blasted the myth that Jorn Crowism is fixed and anything. eternal in this land. \\'hal Is miserable and lamen· It was but a few years ago that calam1'ty howlers able about th e w'1ole thing "' tllat the present s.ituatlon la cauaed by were predicting bloody race riots should Joe Louis become certain unlonwta who have Ut.r· heavyweight champion. But there were no riots. Louis ally told tll• United Stat .. 'atate was .accepted by ring fans solely on bis measure as a great department what to do. and tbey . ha\·e obeyed and done It. dOg'·like, fighter and sportsman. Nor were the millions of Americans usUy, and with a dillrt'prd tor who thrilled to the story of Jersey Joe Walcott's sensational ract• and truth that 1a amulng. kn0ckout Of Ezzard Charles concerned with the color of Toop .. d WUllaf the contestants. The thrill was in Joe Walcott's long and MexloQ 1s proud and deapltr game fight back from the status of. a down..and-puter on many. th ings the matter with the relief t o the championship. A fight against age-at 37 ~t:'i:;, ~~~~ b~d 0;°~'{.,!° .,!~ . he's ihe oldest man to win the title. A fight against the of Mme racketeerinl' unloneers discouragement of failure-be had already lost to Louis who can make U.e moot pow ... ru1 twice and Charles twice. Th·e boxing "Jim Crowers'' were government tn the world do what they want any Ume they reel Uke wrong all along. It. The M0,000 Meltlcan natlonalll Trouble was direly predicted, too, when Branch Rickey· ww rotum to an Improved Mexico broke the unwritten law of organiz<;d baseball barring and tllere Will be retalwtlom and "i!glr9('8 . . . aufferlng In the Imperial Vallt>y •· by makmg a Brooklyn Dodger of Jackie Robmson, and as far ... t ._. Texu. · the t athlete from UCLA. · Now fans in every league, Mexl<an retaliations will nat· from the majors to the semi.pros whoop wildly for colored Ul'ally ra11 on north American . . . • buslnP~""S and the tourtsU... Our and bite players alike to win for the home team. bll3inM s .people have struggled till, until Veeck signed Paige. St. Louis remained the and rought a state department last stronghold of the bitter-enders who seem somehow to that !or yeare hu steadily earn: . . . · . · -ed Itself the most odious reputa-lhmk that the C1v1! War still rages. Now that is Jost to uon or any st.ate d•partment oper· •hem. 01' Satcb didn't win bis first start in St. Louis--•ting wlU. Ila embaMles and con. but he did strike out Jim Crow. and before the biggest •ulatr• In a roreirn eountry. The . record or our own st&le depart· Brownie fan turnout of the season. ment wttll Mex.lco and in fact all ----• tJae lAUn American Republi c8 ANKLES A WEIGH southwards to Cape Horn has now reached the lowe8t point or any country with representatives In Latin Am£'rlca. Afany American itf.'&mC'n will go to the British C'on· ~ulat<' ror help before tht>y will go to thf' n n1C"-rican officials. . A London dispatch says that blushing boatmen. man- ning Festival of Britain excursion lau:nches ·on the Thames • have officially complained to a union.management board tbat they are '4embarrassed'1 in their work wh en faminine passengers go ashore. Seems the gals have to make a very high step from boat to dock. Gosh! Some people are-NEVER satisfied ! Many Amrrt"an~ Th('rr are thousand~ of Amcrl· t'ana iivtng in Mexico; countlrss cthC'r thous a nJs cOOl£' a.s tourists. But rr t.ali.ation ha.~ alrC'a.dy bc.-en set up and <iUr own state depart· tnent 11eems indltfer <'nt and will· ing to do \\'hat unloncers tell them. HONOR AO · MAN Roy KelloQ' of 1U3 E. Bal- Blvd., nan-, Will be honored by rnembtta ot the Loa Ansela Ad- vntJaJ.ng and Sa.t.ea club today, Tueoday, at tlle teplar orpntu- Uoo m-eetb\g at the 9lltmora hotrl. Loo Angel... Kellon ,..,ently ,.,,_ Ured after tlltet:n 1Nn u man· •~g 4lrl'ctor or the ctob. Mr, and Mn. Kellogc ha~ own· ed tllelr Balboa property alnoo 1110 and tn tM put few weeQ baYe m~Od many ftl•ndB here. Recent f&miJy guHU wttre lbe eouplH' .On. Kf. 1'¥1 Kn. Sam KdJon of Bait Laa City eame to llalboa With their tbrtt' son. to vi&Jl the rran<lpattnt.I. Ken K•lltlftl'.' .an- othtt IOft, le home from the Santa Barban. campua of lbt Unittralty ol Oaltfontla lq)f'ncllng lhe .umm<'r at the -.i.. No Meat Shot IUCJa Says OPS Head Statement.a by the American Ml"at Institute that a meat 11hort· age Is thrC'atene<t tor the con- 11um€'r's table in the next SO or 00 days have beeh refuted by William C. Moc8t'r, director or thf' San Dle1:0 distrkt otrice of pr!('(' J ~tablllzatkln . , "There is no sign o( a lx'ef 11hortage in this dUJt.Mct," ~forser aakl. "The American Meat lnsti· lute sa id there would be feWE>r graJn-fed catUe available ror mar· ket. A check made by thl!I oftlcP ~hows that.while thl'rf" might be a lower percentage of grain-fed cattle. thrrc Wfll be an lncrf'ase in gra8!J·fed or range·fed ca ttl" wh!ch w ill off.set• the decr<'nscd nun1bC'r o r gra.in·f<'d animals:· Moeser said this condition ts £'ntirf"ly seasonal and takes plac r eveTy year when livestock pro. ducers market their cattle which hnvt> bC'cn fattening on the range.q. l l he ~ no bearing on OPS control~ nv"r livc-stO<'k, Moesl'r Mid. Lt>n9 Beach Hi9hway Closed-for 15 Months \\'ho is going to harw~t the thou111&:n<h1° or cat'load!4 o( lettuce. cantaloupr.<i. cqrots and o thrr crop!! 4(rnwn along lht' border ? The Antctlcnn won 't : hl··i c:got too 1 much money; be:'~ Luo proud to ! bend his back in th<· awrul sun. •The Ail ,·xican Is willing to v.•ork and i8 naturally C'ndo\vf'\.I lo stand HeavUy.travt.•led Orangrthorpr the heat along the bnrdC'r and In SVl nue , bet\\'et>n Palo VC'rde SVC'· tht-lte&f>rt.. nuc and Stud"baker road, in Long Why dCX'sn 't the n1o~t pow<'rful Beach, will be •closf'd to Ul/ough nation on earth rt'COgnize a MV· traffic ror the next 15 monthR. erelgn nci~hbor and Jet his na· Mot01·lstJ arc advlacd to U!W' tlonaJe work along the bord<'r? Or Carson st~t. lW'O rnllt!s iwuth or' have \~ got M>me more nlOney lo Artesia Blvd., one mile north. loan a ··poor and backward'. which o.re the nearcRt parall<>tlnl 1 PLAN DISAS1'ER REL IE~-;--Era8t S. Dtton. C'CfttJ.., re~ionaJ coordina. cor for 1he Slate Off~i.:~ o( Civil ~(enK. confers w:ith Red Cross Di,2st('r 1.e11dtts Robe-rt V . .Shipman, lef.t. and R. A. ]alcouhek ac meeci•A of 200 M>ut~l2nJ ~~ C:roS!!i ch<1prer d1n.s1er lndtors held in Lo!i Anp:eln. 11'e Re~1onal C_1v1l Ckfense pl.in and Red Cros.s re!iponsibilitit:s of prQvidift& fooO. clo1h1n,1t and shelter on a mass care bas.is wet'e outlined 10 the m.ea aad women 10 a~tcnJ:.nce. COOD HEALTH ~~ Q =r1 I. WMAT JS 1l-IE ALAMEDA Pl.AN 7 nei~hbor? through highways. fThf' story herc\vlth 111 exclusive' ' to lht> Pr<'ss front W. H. Hitc h· ( TJ;R~USATION PAV n1an. widely known Harbori~ pr-e· A bill authorizing· 30 cfays pay , sent!}· m.a.iung h iR home in the tor publ!c employee who <'ntrr &l'· warm trop.tcaJ clime twlow the live dUty with the armed forc~s border. Rttela ta. conversant with was signed by Governor Earl War· Latin A.mttka., wbVe he has In· ren. t<'rmiltel)U7 llfttl ltditor.) The meuure, which become.1111 Aut6'00tive Grad Cpl, Ronald J . ClarJc. 19, son or Ml .. and M.ra. A..' B. Clark. of Newport Beech. h&a been gradu· a.led from automotive school at I rort O'PCI. Callt. . effective immediately, stipulates the employes must have been at least a year in state employ. LIGAL NOTICE IN '1'.111: IUPl:Jlloa OOtlaT OF THI: STATS OF CALIFO•NJA IN AND .oa_..no: OOUNTY OF LOS '°10l:LZS No. 11111! · Thie: la a.a• t-ij:"bWeek SJ)f'Cial· ized tnJntni achoo1 designed to liiin atiec.&ed • f'nllsted pt>nonnel iri ,all ~ of organlr.aUonaJ 1 mahtte~ of military veh icles. Tbe ocllool w dl""1ed Into tbroe In· Uw Matt«r of tbe Ell.ate of CATHERINE A. SKITH, -· 1 .. · •. DC lilJ!lOPEANS . 14'~ •' HAY~? ~. AT Wl-IAT AGE SMOUl. cRoss Fies BE ·- "m-l4.Ta> \--~;7 ' AaW .. Qol1(1loa ~ 1: ~-. ... II-· lloe -.tllon P""-• <agl ..... tcba.u!a and op-NO'l'l<lll 01' SALi! REAL . erat~ ' PllOPDITT ln ~ tint pllMe U.e •~nt -ca-l>otnr UO'lm u.e...-learu Ute .nomenclature, f'Wlc-- tloolnr and cbaracl•.Wtia ot all ror, and Jt -. '°' u.e -Jn. the componont parta of a military tereoll ol aid -.i. Ille --vehlcl•. The. .,..,_.., •-taug•t ..... Ben R..~ .....,lalolia- ,... ~ a !.-Cl~ -ot CUIM118a A. ~Y conference,, demonatratJona SmJUa. ••••ti. wf1 6ill •t. pin. and actual aul"rviaod • pracll<al nto ""10. jo u,. ~ 111111. 'iea work 1111' the ott>denta. IJlckler, ~ IQ JIM eonlln.:aU... The t1na1 twc> wcdca of the of -lllqoor1'li' ~ • ,.. at--..,.. ....._. to practical ..., _._.._ ·~ -• .,.,,.... ........ "" ..__._ oe----,. -~ do7 of July, -·~ ---~ llBl at ..... -. -Na. llprilor , __ ,..,_,. 19 plll to Ille. It., Q11 ot 1-41W1lr1, ID ti. Book 38, pagta J' &nd 14 of the lng a bualneu or manufacturing Mbttllaneoua ~ of o... and aelllng comnelic diapfay cases Ul£'e Counly. UNIMPROVED. at 3"61 Vta Lldo. Ntrwport Beach, PARCEL 8 : California, undrr t he fictitious Lot 30, Tract 1133, Sea.view firm name or VINCENT COM· Hel,ttitA AddltJon tn Orange PANY and that said firm Is com· Cotmty, state of Callforn1a. aa po8ed of the following peraon.s, abown on a map f'f'("Orded in wb<>*! namPs in fUlJ and places of Book 36, Pf.It'• 13 'and 14 of the 1'!91dence are as folloWl'I, to·wit: . Ml8cellaneous ...,.,,.., Recordl of Lionnle R. Vincent ~ • !122 !,.. Orange County. UNIMPROVED. Balboa, Calito mla PARCF.L 7: John F. Walz Lot 31, Tra"t 1133, Seavlew 4744 Vesper Ave., HeiihU Addition in Orange Sherman Oaks, Ca.llfornla County, State of ·callfornia, as WITNESS our ha.nd8 this 28th abown on a map recorded in ' 9 Book 34, paces 13 and 14 of the day ot une. 1 ~l . )(19Cellaneous Maps, Rttonl8 o( LOJ'll;NtE R. VINCENT JOHN F. WALZ Orance County. UNTM'PROVF..D. PARCEL 8: Lot 32, Trut 1133,. Sftavlt"W' Hl!ll'ht. Addition in Orange County, State o( C.lifomla, u •hown on a map rccordf'd J.n Book 38, pages 13 and 14 of the Mllcellanoous Mapa, ft@Cordl of Ora.nceCounty. UNIMPROVED. PARCEL 9: Lot 33, Tract 1133, Seavlew Htlchta Addition In Orange County, State Of Catifomla., aa shown on a map recorded 1n Book 3'; pagea 13 and 14 of the Mlscellaneoua Mapa, ReconU ·of Orange County. UNIMPROVED. PARCEL 10: Lot 34, Tract ll3J, Seavlew Heights Ad~ltlon l:i Orange County, State of California, as shown on a map recordeod in Book 36, pag('s 13 and 14 or the Mist'el1anrou11 Map8, Rl.'Cords or Orange County. UNIMPROV~D. PAROEL II : • Lot 35, Tract 1133, Seaview H eights Addition in. Oi:a.nge County, Slate of C&lltomla, as shown on a map recorded in Book 36, pag"s ll and 14 of the Miscellaneou11 Maps, Rc~rda o Orange County. UND.fl'R.OVED. PARCEL 12 : Lot 36, •Trac t l 133, Seavit'W Heights Addition in Orange County, State of California, &!. shewn on a map recorded in Book 36, page1! 13 and 14 of the Mis:cllanC'OWI Maps, Record!I of Orang" Co unty. UNIMPROVED. PARCEL 13: Lot 41, Tract 1133, Sf":tview H e ights Addition in Or&nge County, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in BoOk 3~. l,a.,t:<'~ 13 and 14 o( the Mis<'PDanrous Maps, Rerords or ,qNl.ngc County. UNIMPROVED. PARCEi, l<t : STATE OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF10RANGE ) ss ON THlS 28th dlly o( June, A.D. 10~1. bffore me. HARRY ASH· TO:N, a Nbta.ry PubliJ! in and for the uid County and State, resid· ing therein, duly commlaaloned and sworn. personally appeared LONNIE R. VIN.CEN'l; and JOHN F. WALZ known to me to be the peraor19 Whose names are wbscrib· eel to the within in!ltrument, and acknowlrdged lo me that th~ ex· ecuted the S&ITle. IN WITNESS WHREOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my oftlciaJ 8(>&) thC day and year In thi~ C er· Ufic-at<" fin1t abovr writlPn. HARRY ' ASHTON Notary PubUc for 8ald County and State. Afy Commission Expires May 18, I 9f>3. . No. 2·20-Ti1ncl!t Published 7/10-17·24-:it /li~ • J..ot 48, Tract 1133, Scavlew Heights A{¥..ition . in 9range County, -State of Callfornta, '.Q sho\vn on a Map recorded-tn' •· , Book 36, pagf"B 13 and 14 of the !tliacelltlneou.3 Maps, Records or Or8:"gc County, _lJNlMPROVED. PARCEL 15: Lot 4!1, Tract 1133, Sf"&Vl<'\Y He ight.<i Addition in Orange County, State of California, as sho~"Jl on a mep· recorded in Book 36, pages 13 and 14 of the Miscelhlneous Maps, Records or Orengt' County. UN;IMPROVEO. PARCEL 16 ; l..ot :i3, Tract 11:'!3, SeaviC'W H~ight.<s Addition in Orange County, State or California. u shown on a map recorded in Boole U, pagl!:8 13 and 14 of·tbe MlaceJl~ Mapa. Recont. of Orange County. 'UNIMPROVED. PARCEL 17: Lot M, Trac\ 1133, Seavlew Hetghta Addition In Orange County, St&tt of CaUfornJa. u shown on a map recorded ID Book 311, pag.s 13 and 14 .of the Jlilc<>llaneoua Kapoc. -of Orange County. IJNIKPROVED . PARCEL !I: Lot 11, Block 1, Tnlct 911, Cit)' Of Newport. ~ Cowlty of =:e.on-:" ,:{P~..::X: Book 29, pa .... Sl to S4 laclu. Ii", of lllacellaneouo ~ ,...do Cl On.llp CWllty. UH· DIPROVED. PARCl!L 18: , I . Whea ~ altojll you.find not onlyP. bolt ma$udo of the lalll8 ~ ·-the nm• q_~~ity priced about alillo •. l'riee1 juot ndarally *-'! toevi'" up. llen"o""1- • Th ~ For~es ~f Ub~rty an d Prop~rty Rights Are on !the March to OUTLAW oomms.; ~AVE YOU.FROM ~O ANY MORE FREE Til LLECTING AND BOOK· KEEPINQ FOB THE ; PBOllDIT • FEPC LAWS, AND MAKE CA FREE AGAIN!' GET ' ff E AR .S • N AT 0 , R JACK B. TENNEY . -. . American Legion Hall NEWPORT BEACH FRIDAY, JULY 27, at 8 P. M. PUBLIC INVITED-Admission Free SUB.JECT: "A New Declaration ·Of . .. Independence .... H~R ABOUT AMERICA PLUS, , , ! ' The dyliamic aew n•Jl?nal GRASS BOOTS : m~ovement b~ by Senator Tenney. , vo\a{ COPY OF, I "EYES FRONT AMERICA'' It p0rtnoys your problems In vivid language and ulls you wha.t to do about them! LET'S GIVE THE MAN WHO HAS BEEN nGHT· ING FOR US A ROUSING WEL(J()~! DON'T MISS THIS MEEl'ING ' AMERICA PLUS SUITE 426 -124 West 4th STREET LOS ANGELnl, CAUFORNIA , ' . .,Do •t b' al ,~~~;~·! 1 n your 1g 01 i>::·~.k • companies get ' together to set prices?" TIM question ef casollole price a/fed& _,, motorist : Stand<ud. "oil Company of California ,... oeivea iome ktlers along these lino: "·When I dri.w downtOwn, the prices of all the major gaaolina - "to be about the"'"""· I've heard ii said that fhe major oil corripanies get together to 8d prices.. /all 'I thU trud" ' 8 uppo9e a SU de.J.er were loroed to .ell at 2c a pllon more than m. neich· bon. 8'1tin..,. ~.aoon ~him by, Or 111p~ hs had to ..U Car 2c a pllon ... still li.U., Cull quality alid 1ervice. "'hil comrtitoro C>lt price to bold--tomen. hia income fall•. lJi time he would 10 broke. • • 1. TM clodors of Jtl•.,.a lliltmcaw1 ..... '1f11t...U, -: Olwrt;)o, CalltOmi., laave ..t up nD, ... : I .. .. Ille ..,_ ·.I' a plut -elly any ft'' lent aC ttr• .. I l Wiiii look ol -· t llM -::z..inn .......... _. la ... •• •• -• tt- Hip ~ --tal .... ~.,. qt 1lao .......... --o( qait_.,,111 an ""llllld for all c-n1.-_ d ~ ......_ .UQj - lt'*'111 -~ ·Ula 'automo-•-of -dao I'd at tlM .ti-Ii.""""!'-u""" cnillotkln u.e -if t11o--.._ •11\d 1111 .., Lot u , lllo<k i. Tr.act 1n: C!t1' GI N.wi-t ~ 0.0.t)-ot ONnr;e. Stat. Cl Oillfonua, u llltown on a. map r 11-st:d 1a Book 2'. pq<. ·11 fo M •du--of '............... Kapo, ~~ Orlnp Ooalaty. VN- DIPROVll:D. • • ' p,aq canatUQ')lour, ~ ... ...,_ ... ~ r191 Mt• 0( IMa ablllq to IQ. •a • • g g ... 1: ·' . . °""" ., ... -._,... --• ::':.e'f.8:f"lt•--= I%~--=,-;;==• ~-t• .... tloilt '::t~:.:':'~ lo .. Cl ..r-....... ' S(ll lot •1 ..... • ----- i ..;•u:a.:~.-t'!t t!: 't.1 fO w ,,, •_-1 a ... !IMltl 11 II 'II ... -•. • , t --......... I<> ..,. bl thW ..... ~ ............ !Mi Ule "-vllal ,.._II •"'7-<lut;y, ........ .,_.. rr111oo .... .,.. ta&_.....b ... : ... ~ ot-. .., . . .....,. .. ,,.... ..... .. ~ ... , .... ~, .. ' • .. ---~~-- ... ..,. rn1lla ... .-Orllt: #alf.-i to ...... 'd JI . .._ .. , .. a•t&Wu *'ii flld.or. .... • I at. ea• I •II • 11 a a · . ""-&-.• ........... .. II -I I 41 •::.,-91 111111. Ill -.. ., ~ ..a111p tw'cc1a11•·....._ -PA,llCSI, S: IAt '· TNet uaa, ...... .. P.uoclll. a . Le& JI, -l. Tnlct Ill, Cti7 • el JtcupWt 8 •. OoaatJ ot On .. -"' Clllfanlle, .. ~!' ... Wp .__ .. ---.-ll'9M-..... Ill Mp •u 1 ..... =e~o • ·ct··-· 1Jlil.. ..,.... . pj.9CW1, ft: ' Le& u. ~ 1, -119, at,. . . . , • J • • • • ,..,l"'"",.....,...,.,,.....,..'::'::-;:;-,,~~·~~,~·~~-r~~r...--:·orr--o-~c-·.....-,-,"'....,....,..,.,..,,,~.,. . ' I • • , • , , . . 11 Tuetcl•y, July 24, 195f I ' . ·-' I ' SO_EJ.!lA MAXWF.LL S HOll'LD RLUSH A LITTLE! Talk about bri1Jta.nt ldt:as• tor wblng.odlnga! My party paJm award with *' o.ut cup cluster11 goes th1.s week to the PAR1'Y ·HotrsE tn Ln~una. Here's a shop dedicated to the aplc ndiD punrult or success- ful parties picnics and balls!· The Part)' House has m,ore ideas, f&Nors. decorations and good time ctm<:racks for lively plher- Jnp than you can shake a paper parasol at! Party House decorators .,..•ill arrive at your home or club house and decorate for •• • • • - 'A'eddlngs. sho¥ .. ers, birthday parties tor youngsters or oldsters, bon· voyage or any party excuse at all. You may rent storks, bride and grooms. clowns. cowboys and also pJJrchase outright unu.!!lual paPf!t nower or ho\\.'d)· hau. wonderful told up paper birds ta.nd antmab from Dennlo.rk. and capricious cocktail napkins .. ·. Whee! get on the phone ... call up people. Have FUn! For first clus frolicing, ca.II Lhe Party HOWM" 783 s . ('oa.•t 81\·d.. l..aruaa. Phoftf' 4-8S9A. • • • J C'ARF. TO ·FILE A SMALL OOMPl.A.U."f ABOl'T l'll."EQl'AL DISTR18l7TJOS. Not the inequalit y ln the passing out or husbands, ... children or oil well~. This has to do with poorly distributed hair. Oh heck, I might as well go ahead a nd say it. Ellen L Bryant l• 1 registered ele<'trologl!!t \\'ho can permanently remove hair you don't care for on }'Ou1· race, neckline. hairline. arms, or legs: Mrfl. Bryant, a CalJfornia. authorized R. E. Is s killed in the art or electrolog )' and thermology. She \1rill gladly give you a free con- sultation In her private hair control room at the J..JDO RAl..OS OF BF. . .\ l 'T\'. FOLLICLES AW A Y ! MW \'la Oporlo. Hnrbor 24'78. • • • WHAM! BANG! BULLSEYE! GILBERT BROWN HAS A DEADLY AL'f WITH a fly swatter, ~he POLL\' APPAREL 18 o.-F:X Dl'RIXG . .\LTF.RATIOXS s0 naturally a fly or two !\\'ishe1 in and out the boaJ"d fence. But the:r don 't lut long! MR BROWN SAYS FOR ME TO THAN~ YOU for your patience . . . POLLY APPAREL Sf-JOULO BE ABOUT OVER HER ALTERATIONS IN A COUPLE OF \VEEKS. TN THE MEANTIME, Polly is getting in 90me nice back to school stuff. It's refreshing to see a neat navy flannel skirt b}' Taylormadf! for $8.95, I I defy )'OU lo eee the hidden zipper , . _ no flopp}· plaqUl"t here ... I All sorts ot new tlickeys, tM·eaters and blouse~. OH THERE AIN'T NO FLIES ON THE WOMEN'S \VEAR :\T THE POU..Y APPAREL, 1833 New- port Ave .. f'o!'lt:t. ]..fe>~a. P. S. JC you ~ln.rt n pantie ch~ln , g<"l then1 hcl'c. • • • TOOT: TOOT! HERE THF.V ('01\IE! ~,-A Boys and girls are arriving by inner1ubes. r ~ · waterwings .an d barkentlnes to join the ;., _ _,,,, GF.li Rl~H :0-\\'lM ('f .. l 'B. Dr. Paul Gertish. r>"'!~i°'--renO""'TI swimn1ing teacher and former sup- en•isor of recreation at the Balboa Ba)' Club is no1,0,· director of the .Oerrist) S\\'im Club and sun1mer camp. Dr. Gerrish is holding classes in S\vimmlng, di\'ing and "'a ter safety for children poll)'-1Arog size on up. As a mattf'r of tact. a Cocker Spaniel named "P ancho" show! up regt1larly for le-sson in dog paddling. The Gerrish s,,·in1 Club includes the _,,,,.·int lessons \Vh ic h every child should have plu!'I !Uper- vised sporL"I, gan1es, marine hikes a'hd handicrafts. .,\nolher feature Df the tun progrant is a weekly bonfire part)•, Little would-be frogmen and 'IA'Omen n1ay be enrolled b)' day. week or month. Fees arc ine xpensive a nd include transportation. Your little toad should lr,arn to .s\•;in1 in the big puddle, Call &at'on 6Z86-\\' or 6456-\\'. • • • LET'S HAfu\lONIZE ... I DON'T MEAN GET UP A BARBER SHOP QUARTET EXACTLY. I mean now you can harmonize your rug~ and draperies wilh SPRED SATIN DECORATOR PAINTS. SPRED SATL'l IS A WONDERFUL RUBBER -LIKE-WALL PAIN'l' that has started a new trend in home 'decorallng . . 'l'hls excellent point can be applied over old plaster. wallpllper, wallboard, \\'oodwork, bri<"k. concrete etc. You can do both walls and wood- work \\'ith the san1e paint and SPRED S ATIN DRIES TO TOUCH L'l' 20 ?-.tINt:'TF.S. \~ot· CAN HANG PICTURES BACK ON THE \VALL IN ONE HOUR AFTER PAINTING! AND GET THIS: SPRED SATI:-J COLORS ARE \VASHABLE. SCR UB THEM ANO CARRY ON. Bt:'T THE PAl!\'T BLITHELY STIC KS. DEEPLY DRAMATlC COLORS ARE .i\VAILABLE. SPRED SATIN CAN BE OBTAINEQ ALONG WITH PAINTER'S SUPPLIF.S O F ALL KINDS AT ~tr-DO:SALD l':\IXT S'Tt1RE. 182R llu rbor RJ,·d., f'osta. MPS& Ht•ll('Oh 370!\. -. " . MADAM. YOUR HVSCAND°'MAY NOT BE A GEORGE BRYAN BRL'MMELL BUT A TRIP TO RJ CK\''S will put hln1 in the men of distinction class. Rick)''s Shop believe:;: that clothes help make the man. A well-dre"l~ed man Is a Confident one. It '11 Important to look well-heeled. R icky's Is par- l1t'ula.rly alack happy this season .. They ha\'e gen· tlen1en's slack!'! of every description. Dashing flan - nel in grey, light blue, beige, gabftrdine!, sharkskin. - ~ayon. Slack prices start at $9.90 on up. It's . in1i>prt.an t ~o , look tgopd !fnclresscd. too in Catalina . 3tVim 'IA·ear f rom Ri('kY~-Especially popular notv • a1-e the Be.Jboa trunk• with side zipper.· All 90rts ot swim wear he.re from $3.9~. Short .alee\'ed fiawaiian print shirts Including the fam- ous Duke Kahanamoku. :.low tor )"OU, little lady . . . durlnc thl8 bot weathet· )•oll'll be romfortable and lovely in a sleeveleM blouse . . racks and racks at Rl<"'k)"s $2.9.") up. Rlt•k)''"· 1704 Sl'\\'J>Ort Rl\•d., ('O!llta MHn. f\r1•f'On SM--1. • • • DON'T D IST URB ,YOUR WIFE! \VE'LL FEED YOU Air0 FEED YOU GOOD! OUR EARLY MORNING BREAKFASTS MAKE IT A PLEASURE TO g et up AT DAWN. GLADYS' BUTTERMILK PANCAKES ARE OUT OF THIS \\'ORLD! A.I-SO THE HAM. BACON OR SAU- SAGE WITH EGGS START YOUR DAY OFF RIGHT .. WE NOW FEATURE A SPECIAL SAGK LUNCH FOR F ISHERMEN. THIS . INCLUDES YOUR ::HOICE OF TWO SANDWICHES, CANDY BAR. FRUIT AND COOKIES FOR Mc. For later risers, we put out a SJ?eeial Mc LUNCH. VARlQUS ENTREES ARE ON OUR DINNER MENU AT REASONABLE PRICES. BRING THE CHILDREN IN. WE SERVE A CHILDREN'S PLATE. ANCHOR CAFE, 711 D Coast Highway, • • • DOWN IN THE DUMPS BECAUSE YOtrRE DUMPY, HONEY? Weil. let's ,-et down to figures then MW Htunpty ·OUmpty, pa.rtl~u­ larly \'OIJR figure. Brm~ Adam9 bas ttw-only a uthortud 8tauf- ff>r ~ In OranC'f' County. The S tauffer System not only dlrect1 Y.OUr wei1ht reducuon. but corrects your· posture and (ivesi·you a proud erect ca1'1"iage (more a barouche than a bU1"1Yl. 111e Stulfte r ·s ystem of passive ex.ere.tee atimulates }"Our clrcfulatlon, tonea your muxl:_e an.d jacU up your univenal joint. .You may have a &M CIOUrlNY tr...atrncnt &nd complete explan&Ucm of the aystem with .no obligatk>n. Inquire about the special surnm~ coune ot treat-- me:nLtt thut ~run 11.S llltle as -a dollar each. Be Mll'e"10W you~.ret· ling the riutltrn~l4' Stsuffer Salon. wl.leb .. at tft:S N. Mala. 8aata A.na.. Ki !7010, 0JN'D f"\"f"& ' ' • • •• '"HURRY ON DOWN TO MY HOUSE BABY, AJN'1' NOBODY HOME BUT Mn'' Immortal wonts no\Y 1mmortattzed on \i.·u_'I(.! C.ptlol Reeords ha.a J~ re-· 1-ued a whole alue ot ·new t.5" plates. under th< hudlng ot "AU. TDD!: POPULAR HITS!' Natunlly the ffo\la >! ~ ~ tllae for• )'OU. 8ome of the bnt ot the okS onea are now· badt. './. -~· '. . ~~:l!I/ a..ek u.-old .lo>"' -_, ... ---· -or -Urtrta, Cow.COW BoosW; Jobany Mercer. ). -ud 'Pied Plpon oo Atdl-T 6 SP, cUdJ' Uld -111 """ ~: .... •tber grnt. OOltol J 111 • W1tb ·"""7 Lee .,._-'ftld ON,....,_ tnr. llrulk Thompoon .., Hlnnl'IJ' • Dv1n"'7 -: 1D1S Ollt .. ..._ • t.orftlne and °"-Y lltarT"o . U I eoUkt 8o W1U1. po. -O' •• W. Is julat a aoial( .ample, So~ <iww 1o ..-mazla.--•.• • !tluO are au ti! I'll"' elngl--.r -»: :: I -el wa la ... _ .... ly. 0.W et .........,, llQ lk #t AW.. 8 l I • lft'I., -. ·-, llC I 1 • • • • ' • • 1'1~ G ~~ !!!-!·a!:!!!! , . . .. • • By MARGO· .. ' lll(.Uf1) NllW l~PlllJeo. ..mtg- ' I erator, 7 cu. tt. llSO cuh. 700 Orchid Ave., corona clel Ma,r • ~e B&rl><>r OM1.Jl <lld50 'Qie ~gbfy Midget In !.dve GAFFER ,. SA'M.'LE!l R.AN<n:. , • • • • • • • • • • ing '-----~""""="" ______ ,,,;_.,._~_,:·~----'l"'ANT,. mature -an to work 1951· modtl C. P . all au!tJmat lC • • • · ~ 4 hrs. a day, 80c an hour, doll>& ALL ABOARD! -ifOCKET SHIP LEAVING! BUY YOUR TICKETS RERJI:! H......tl,\' Buck_, Walt .. TNdhig Poal (the water IYJ>Oltjl' nea market tllal' _, 10 lie .....,. the Udo brldr->l baa Ill« moot ructnatlD.&' racer boat made out of a s-n Fuel TUk. You could haff plenty of tun In the Bay 1Vllh Ulla Bpsce ohlp. lt'• aluminum wtlb outboard motor wen. iron Jttltil and wa~r llfhl jbulkbeab S'Q. ~ aiao have my we.atbe.r eye on 2: oil palnUnp, on.' of an old .f· muted 8cbooner 123, one a ateam ca.r.-o ahlp SIG. Look pretty shlp.Rhape la a bar or den. And plenty or cood ropei hare if you're planning on being tied up al the dock. Yarda .. ~ yard.I of ftah net make tor knottlcal decor. And chart thla:: I •P. BrlKP alld Stratton motor. lllte very new ... a good buy. More tun than a museum at Walt'• Tradl•K" Pottt. •t! 30th St., Ne\vport . , . In the shadow of the Ice Houae. Open Sundays anr1 weekdayt (except Wed.) IJ :3n • 8 p. m. Harbor ~470. ·NEWS-TIMES,, -Every esdav 'telephone aolld\lng c 11 arbor one. .JW IMnp and clock, oil W>ffi "1 l 1 h h -·-cbrome'_grlddle ,!or Mt cak.._, , · NEWPOn.1, BAY POST-·~esd&ys · ;::."ne ~~-;;1n'.:0~':° ;a,:: •big oven and -t chrome grill NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PRESS Thursdays 1>er1y 2-41194. t1c4u :::.1•rs.~. 1~ b:,.an0;~~ N••'PO'l a.,. P-:Jlwlned Aclw _, nm -~1 EXPERili:NCi:D eecret.aey f 0 t $174 .78. Pay me cuh or i.ke Newa·~ or tbe nu.-, .... beach real estate office. 5~ day payment. o r '$11.114 per mo. See · MINlMuM AD 18 4 LINl:8 I week. P ermanent. Write 'par-at 404 $<>. SPaclra. FuDertoit. AD Oluetn;;f a&I mmt be paid for Cult la advaaC'l6 of Jllbblleatlea. ticulars to Box 'M-2, this paPf'.1'. 1 _.:.P_11-0n __ e_2_1_1&_i2_. ______ •_-__ 1 4 JJ-1 Paper S .'15 47c4t 4 u-z-· Papen 1.50 DELIVERY MAN WANTED-J,S;.::l;..-_W=an=tecl=-~to;..B;;:;.;;u._y.._, --- 4 IJa'8 S Papers 2.00 Knowlodge of grocery huslneM. WANT TO BUY -good ...... "nle publlaberm wid not be ruponstble for more than one incorrect Apply Pacific Pro'f\alon Co., 503 aaU for snowbird. Call Harbltr iuertlon of an advert.iMmcnt.. re11erve the right to correctly cl&Mify 31st St., Newport Beach. 48p50 · 23-4 or eve6. Harbor 2773'·M.. any and. all ads and to reject any advertisement not conforming tu WAITRESS w··-_ ~-•------------•-8dl0~-• • • • rulea and regulations. Adverti3eme:nta and ~cellaUon1 wt1J ~: ~" ~v r-...-" ac:pepted up to 6 p.m. on the day preceding publication. Ph. Har. 18115 tLme job, morning W'Ork. 91<l ''PALE HANDS I LOVED BE8IDE,,lhe Shalimar . , where art you !'Jow 1 Whe~ are you NO-OW '!" I'U tell you 'foYhere . . . out >l •style, that's where. So . a.re p&ltl tace!I, pale lega, pale arma. ntese daya smart women atrlve to look like healthy aun•flowera in· itead of hot house blooms. So my faded lily, I 11Ug&e•t a. quJck trip t o the .lo-Let! Sport Shop. My dear, let's llve a litt1e. Get out in the eunshine In a pair or s horts. Lee has 'cotton .print lined shorts with strapless boned bra. This 11uit can take a ducking and is only $4.915. Mamselle Bosk -ete shortK are 11harp sµn blooment In twtll, navy or white. or In alert Krisque yellow and 'pink $3.7a. Then there are seeniucker .ehort.w or denlmK, at $3.ft-O ... Camel-on broadcloth $3.50 ... and the tee-shirts here are,.plaln , fancy and loads of little. dandy smart tops you'd never recocnlze as tee- shirts ... 80me with crest.a, a few &equtns. etc. In short ... gt>t to lhf' .lo-1...Pto Sport ~hop, 18.15 SP\\'l)f)rt A\'l"., ('o•ta Mf'\IU\. PMM Hal. 1811. qk tor .. Ad Taker" or .erid ~ and rf'lldttaaae to Coe.It H lwy, Newpert Beach. NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISHING co. Pl\one .Beuon 590ll. f8dl0 !21 I Balboa Blvd .. N1m-port Beaeh. o..irfomlL _W_A_t'_t"iil--H-o_uae_k_eepe--r-f-or_3_0 days while vaeatloninr at Lido Isle. Prefer woman. white, around ~ and good ~k. Ph.I collec t, EUlott 8-1290. 49c61 • • • Classified Index 10 Bu"(DNJA Gu.Ide 11 BuLdlnl' Mat,.rtal" I! RutJdlnc Sf>n ·lre" 14 Pf'nonaJ• 15 Share Your Car 16 Transportation 1'7 Rooflnc Contrartnn 11 BN.uty AJds 19 t!phol!ltf'rlnl' 20 Hf'&llh Aid" 2! Lo!llt and F ound !4 8chool!t, ln•t ntl"tlon U -Slt'1iatlon" Wanted 29 Help \Vuted ,30 Sa.Jt>, 1'fl~f'llaneou" SO-A g-,,,.P'I SO·B Appllanf'NS St \Vant.Ml to Rny 3! Furftrtu...-for Salr 3!-A AntlqUMI 10-Businfl9S Gulde COMPLll'rl!l l!OUSE CLlllANINO een1ce. Fumtture and rup ahampooed. Fl-ff ..Um&t- FUUy In.lured. Af •s House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 8111 ''12tf• For Venetian Blinds,' Shades· and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 • 29th St. Newj,ort Beach DON'T DELA V, CALL TODAY ... tor an ad !n the lively classl- fi e<l section ot the RELIABLE WOMAN wanted. for genl!ral houst"work and child care. Live In. Phone Jlarbor 2069-J. 49c51 WANTED-3 men over !la to ex· plain J)rf'arranged burial plan. Experience not n e c es s a r y. Teaching or coaching experience helpful. Must have car. Full time pe:rmanent ~lUon., Com- n:iluions paid twice monthly. No soliCtting allowed. Lead11 rumiahed daily. SEE MR. HARTWELL 10 a . m _ only-Mon . thru Friday 2915 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 42c<l3H<f ll 01! SUCH COMEDIANS! Now it'a "dver· brain Bob" and "Rage.day \DeV\ne" t hey call themaelve~. I mean the two merry dou,-hboys .vho cavort in t he crust at the ~'EWPORT BAKER\'. "Overbrain" is boss here. but I notice he take8 order11 from, hta m_other, Vir· ginia McMahan. He'll take orders from you too! Order~ for gorgeous Y."e<iding cakes, 3hower a nd birthd&)' cakes. cakes for rent parties. bon voyage part ies,.. f&re"A·ell parties 'lnd hello party cakea. These two slapetick11, Bob &. Tom are now making big fat roly-poly loaves of potato bread, juic4!!--00ser froun fn1lt pies of cherries. berries and apricots J.nd boysenberry turnovers. Jolly bakers are the best ... so try· the poppy seed and cn1sty Dutch ro ll~ .. _ and lhe applf'sauce cake with cnramcl icing (:)9c). FTesh doughnuts a re C'Overed \\'lth cocoa.- nut. crunt'h and orange every day , .. a bran muttin a day Will make you shout "OLE." !\°l'\\'J>Orl Buk.-r)', 211 :? OC"rah F'ront, s .. ,, .. port Rt>n,·h. Jlarbor I .t.t!·R. SS Roal~' Suppllf':f' M ~'""k'al, Ha<llo S4 Dop, Cal•, Pl't" 36 Poultry, Rahhlt~ 37 l~l\'Mtock BIG THREE- News-Tlmcs, Post Shopping NeWI • and the Presa • • • • • • • • • 38 S()f'Clal Aitnoun<'Pment 40 Bu•l"MI Opportunltl l"~ 41 Sto~ ancl OfflC'f'" •2 Wanted to Rt>nt 4S t,part~nt111 and llOIHM"!il 43-A Ttallf'r Sp~ 44 RoomH for Rf'nt «-A Refit Hamn OVER 21.000 CIRCULATION IS THE ANSWER! 12--Buildlng ServlceM ------· PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 213 Palmer St.. Coat.a Me.a BARBER WANTED Must be tops! For New Shop 2903-A Newport Blvd. Newport Beact. The"" HE STOOD POfRING STUFF ALL OVER THE FUR- NITURE. "HOWARD," I cried w1lh . disbelieving eyes. "Drop that can or p$0llne irn mediatf'I)•!" "I wa11 only tr)•ing to get a light for my :'1gar." mumbled E n\'Ood sheepishly. "Dr . AT'90n, I mean Erwood 4$ R,.nt, MIM!f'llanrnu" 48 lloom and Board Bee. M.57 -M 1Mc9 • • • • • • • . surely there's a. better "·ay of disposing of these lovely pieces or fumJture," -I said soolhlngl.)'. Dr. Erwood Is 90 burned up a.t a bamboo & oak desk set and lamp that he might pay you to haul them away. He'11 al.90 prf'tty nl&d at 90me glass top end-tables and night sta.nda , , . these are well v:orth cat"tlng oft at $8.9~ each ... A really good firesale buy in a hardwood. blonde coffee table at llt.ms. ~he paid double for Ill ... and h're's a good Investment In sitting & sleeping: a maple bed divan for $89.tW ... Smoke signals say bargains at t~n,·ood'!ll. 40i F;. Bolhoa Bl\·d. O)Wn F.vf'flL • • • TIRED OF NOTHING TO DO BUT WORK. NOTHING TO EAT BUT FOOD, nolblng to wear btlt clothe• to keep from ,oint n ude! Well let'• adju11t one lhinC at a t ime. T&ke the matter of food. Occaaioft8il1Y It's good for you r morale and digutlon. to eat ,,. Truck.8 48 Automobl~. Tlr~ 49 Aut~ Wantl'd Ml Auto S.-r\'IN' 51 Tral.I'""' 6! Alrplanf'tll M 1\fonf"y lil l..oan ~ '.\foll{'y \Vant,.d 57 Rl'al E•t&tf'! "'antl"tl 50 RancbM, Acl'f'rt,c~ 80 Income PtoP"rty It Rial Estate Exrbanl'e 8! Rnl btate :::iut. Come, to. lhlnk ot lt . I know Just Ute plBC!f! for a complete c c k ch&11ge. The Caaa don CatlOA doesn't Ketve the noble meat or the ounty 00 s to potato ... no the cuisine here Is delightfully different! T h.I& la ~le.xican food al Ila best. served under nice, quiet tamp light ... maybe washed do""-n with a slug of cold beer. A change of diet . . . c t t f • a change of scener}' will brighten your attitude. When you g'et your ompe e a air ~heck. you may even jump for joy. T acos. Enchiladas, Frtjoles , INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~01-Slet St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297·J S4C48 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor. Residential-Commerciitl Remodeling Phone Beaeon 6108-W 17ttc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maint enance work. Have tools and mixers for 47p49 \VANTED -Seamst ress, experi- ('nced. T op pay. 35 h r. week. Apply 9 • 4, 302'~ MarlnP, Ba l· boll Island. , 47c49 W Af't'T' fUll time housek eeper. l\.fu$t likl" children. Uve In. Lldo Isle. Good salary. Phon<" Harbor 1963. <l9p51 .NEED HELP? Co1U1ult situation wanted adl or place a clU11ltied In the New•· 'l:imes, P ost and Press combl.na· tlon at $2 per week, min. Phone Harbor 1816. ChlUe rehenos are all good. And don't expect your gullet to HOU!ff'wive1 of lhf' county IA'ill catch on fire. \Vll.ereas this food !., ex~llen t. it'K not too hot. ~ displaying their culinary l'lkill Sabe? ('a.Ma don CartOM. ISS tt !'lt., X1•\\"l"1rt. Htltbor "'8.M. and n!'NllC" hnndiv.rork while com- Open 5 · 10 !Closed Tues.I peting t or premium ay,•a.rdll In t he • • • hugr homC" <'eonomlcs 1'.'Xhlblt de- any job. Call BILL LAilIES I. Miller&. LaJrd Schober Beacon 6451-W l Sho('s. Brown, blue &: black. 38 51 7 !~AAA Ir 71,~AAAA. Practical-_____________ c_ ly nf'>W. Ckll H ar. 1474-J eves. WHAT SOME PEOPLE WON'T THINK OF '" partn1ent at the 1951 Orang" TO ATTRACT ATTENTION! NOW HE county fair, August l:'i-19. THINKS HE'S pr BARNUM . . . I mea.n Louise Thomas of N('\l.'port with that Svo'ord!lsh head awed ott and ha.nc-Beach, 11upf'rvlaor or thin d E>part- ln.g up llke a freak a.t the Bayside. Frankly m!'nt and Afr !'I. E arl K. Burdic k J didn 't realize it had such a big mouth . . . of Carden Grovt', honorary chair· I refer to the Swordfish ... If you 1tlll want . mC'n. roport f'nlhusiasn1 and co- to bll)' Sy,.·ordflsh after Keel ng it, I'll be surpri8· operation OQ tbE" part of the f'X· H.H.HOLBllOOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Srrvlce Maintained PhonP: 'Ha rbor 1418-W 'Z801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach \\1\se pC'opll' rln read t he ada. ed. Rn)' AR.UJ)XE SiTEAKS INSTE . .\l), hib:tors throughout thf' county OXJ,\' 7.l<' A POU:sD A~"D SUGllTL\' DF.· ._.,...,.. and urgt> lhat all ll'l~<' pla nning l4-P rsonal 1..1c101 ·~. 'I'HE LAST TIME I PEERED £i. •. ~ displsy~ to !lie entry bc>fOtf' the ____ e ____ 8 _______ _ rH1':'¢>LD·-e~'!!E. AD~\~~ , ·,,r cI9'f\!>j!, tli''t1 ~~8\ ~-··· "r.;-.,.i · ·· -A:lc0h6li.,,,.~ba8 i if you l:Joul'bL the v.:hole fiah.. "Be •~cf"'"ti'? I ' 'Ille nnneB ·an~ 1:>:-,.servffl s free recipes with every purchue: Then take youf fish Wbrh~ '"11.nd division ~ c6n"talrt" .. dist>laya. o! , l-_Write P . 0 . Box 200 . cook It THE WAY YOU WANT TO. OH SUCH FRESH FISH' bottled juief'iot, canned fruits, &!boa lsland, C&lff. AT THE BA '\~SIDE FISH MARKET 7 d&Yii week 8 to 6 :3o. 2soQ mco,at.a and veget~blea, plt'klM and Phone Kimberly 3-5893 rell11he5, Jama, Jf'11.iea, preserves . Lafayette, Newport. marmalad1·~ and .l>utt*~ In this • • • division. a spcclar'bonua prize ror 22--L9st and Found DOES THE CURFEW HOUR li'INt> YOUR GREAT WIDE EYES canned fruits. jellies and preservf's searching tor the Seconal ? Too many people 8tay' lit> too late at i.S being offered by the California night. Don't fight sleep. Embrace It! I mainta!Jl that ,first of & .Hawaiian Sugar Refining Cor- all you mu&t )lave complete conndence ln your mat(reu. Sleepless poration for ltema ca.nncd "'1 th Strikes &re a.cain111t )'OU, If you know before you ever hit the sack. their product.8. you're going to be bolnked wtlh a aprtng and pt &all'Y irpine. And The be.ked goods and con fe<:· 1queaky springs are no swMt lullaby either, 818! Braoe Yourself, tlona division hu ;l8 c~ibit sec· ht:re's the aleeplnl' pill I preecribe: Carlyle's Furniture ls tn busineu tlons, including a sl>"Ctal conle!!t to put you to sleep. I y~wn ju8t thinklnc about those krut luxu-tor Betty Crocker Ch iffon cakrs. rious kinc·atze mattresses, twin mattre.uea, replar mattreSeee. . . . Tb~ S olly Sugar Corporation of mattresses that are firm, or eofl or the orthopedic that help you S&nla Ana la offering seven •sp~­ keep your llhape. Ca rlyle'• mattre.ssea are a bargain. Compare ctal awards tn the-home econon1 ·cs prtcea. ,Ho-Hum . . . eXcUM 1l}e. I must take a nap. C.rty~•s anlor department a.nd nLx s~iel f'umltu~. 1990 Harbor Blvd. O.ta !KN&. Braeo11 &7St.W. awardl In lhe 4-H t'lub jun'or dr· LOST -7 ft. black gla!! OC<!&n fishing rod. Gref"n Wrap., l)e. tween Bs:lboa pier and 102 · E. Bay Av<'.; Ba\boa. Reward. Re- turn to Richfield Station, 418 E . Balboa Blv'd., BalbOft.. 47c49 LOST -Dark brown wall~t. Pa· per• va.tua.bl~ to owner only. , Vidnft.y -~ Jlfvd. tlquor 8torc, 4~9 Newport Blvd., OoAta Mea. Reward. I 49pOI e • e -• partinent /or entries mad• wllll-28-Sltuatlon• \Van~ '"MOTHER. w;RAT DOES DADDY Holly s ugar. I 43t.fc ARGO -FLli:X CAMERA, ~40. 9 x 12 Fibre rug, ~. Wicker chi1cbl wardrotx>; $5. Phone Beacon 677i. · .f7Cp49 STORF. fixture>l'I, pt a c. rl~w. wall cases. countl'rR, mis('. All have ndjtiStable shelves. Bargain. Call owner, &aeon 899:0. 47ci9 THREE .u>DING MACHINii:S. 1 '~~ Blvd., Newport Beach. 47,§ BARGAIN! Cood 2 B . R. frame house fo r acttage, $900 delivered. 723 W . La. Palp:ia. Anaheim 9 • 4 p . m . Phon·e Anaheim 6404.. 47c49 Am CONDITIONJt(t and purifier . Philco Window model tor office or home. Value t:M>O-. Will take $17&. 3'1; Femleaf, Corona d•I Mar. Harbor 0191·R. 47c49 SELL .CHEAP. all good condition. Baby buggy, huslnette. baby b11th, car bed and cha.Jr cotnbl· nation. teeter-babe, and ahnoet .new Bu~oya Man'• W&tcb, $15. Phone Harbor 1128--W.. 48cSO LOOK LIKE !" Thia pathetic que.aUon on Tbe clolhJng and texl ile8 exhibit CONTAX 2A. Brand' new with Ille lnquirln&' lips of a utue one la ...,.,&'h cll"'81on WITT Include b<droom and ChauffeiJr Service CNe Sonar 1.3 3mm. lens. $3211. • MAPL& FINISH bunk 'beds, link sprinp 1 and rrtattreSSl"JJ, ~ . Phone Beacon M89-W. 47c49 NE\V DAVENPORT, makes (lb1. bed, $65. '2391-!t E . RocbeKt~r. Costa Mess.. 4?d,9 b.EcTRIC HOTPOINT RANGE!. deep well. Ma.bog_ dinette Bl"t, 4 upbqlstered cbllirs. Both al· mo.9t nf'\\'. 315 Iris, Corona dE'I Mar. " 47p49 LARGE DAVENPORT, iiood COil'-' 1 diUon, Including 2 feather pil,- lows or same material. A~ twin b<td , V<"ry good condition. 2052 Cliff Dr I v f', Newport Hl'ighL'!. 47p49 MODERN htET AL CooleratoT lee ft<-frl g<'Mltor -PRlCED TO SELL. Atay be ~een at Crown HardwarC'. 821 Coaat. Blvd., CCJ.. rona del A1ar. 47o49 LARGE RUG 12 x 30 "'ith f't>lt pad. good condition. ALSO 8· piece 111ontercy dining.room set, and other piec£>s including RoJ><'r gas range and washing rrtkhine. - Phonl" Harbor 2291-M. 49p.~ SOLD HOME and selling entir~ contents. N ot h ing reserved. Also ladi!'s "high elas., garment.'!. SIZ{' t~-16. Many coats. 703 Jasmin<', Corona del l.far. 47c!il L._ ___________ _ PHILCO CONSOLE TV, 19~1 I model, all mahogany f lnl'lh. Its the big 17" black tube and Its bef'n us<'d only 3 months. I paid $389 for it and will lt't it go Jor my balance duf' or $279.63. The n\an I bought it from will 'ln- 11t1.U it fnr )'OU tree with the I oul81de e,erlal. I already paid the excise lax. Pay .me cub Ot' ta.k.e payment. ~o $1Ci.7~ -per month. ' ALSO my 1951 automatic wasller that has the · agitator and head!! the "CONSU'MERS OtnDE." It's just like new. Bal&nCl" due ls $258.26. Cub" or take payments o f $14.51 per mo. Paid over S32o for it new. Sec a.t 404 So. Spa.drs, FullPrton. Phone 2152. 49c;)1 SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines , AT HARBOR YARDAGE 135 E . 17th St., Co~ta ~teU 49c63 -ClaSRlfled ad.'1 a re read by tolkt who are looking to buy. J • SNOWBIRDS • SNIPES PEN- GUINS and P-14.s. -' Excel~t condition. Ready t o go. P rice's from $200 up. _ 'MESA -BOATS 48f) Newport Blvd., Costa M esa . ~7ot9 NEARLY NEW 20 ft. Dory- New Falcon englnP: Lota of ex· tras. $493. P h. Harl>Or 2209-J after 6 p. m. • 47c49 STAR .BOAT -·~ condJti.on, $350. . .... At.80 Sout)l Bay mooring oft Ba.1· boa 18.lan4, 1150,' Ph. Har. 2807.' 46c60 t.o make • man cJoee up shop for a cou_ple dl.nlng room f'urniahY,gs, dining Will <lrlve you In }·our car any· Neve.r u.ed. P . 0 . "Box: 407, Df days and pt acquainted with hb ram-room linen., child and lnf&nt ap--where aft~r 4 p . m . or week l\alboa laland. • 48p60 PAIR R. Ir L. Fbtpb.lp 90 h. p. Uy. so don't cet puckered up for a fish parel, nunery accessories and 17 ends. WHJTE!Y. ·Phone ..Beacon engines with reduc. gear, f(50. dinner thla Wed or Thurs. Clulrll~ Drake olhu ~tkma ot wearing appa""L 6000. 1 ,47p49 FISlflNG EQUIPMENT-! boxN 5'actory appro~edi Johnson Out- la iolnc up to ArTOWtae&d wtth bl-' famUy The table .tettlng division, new of nt"W .Wordti!h rope A: "'ord-boa.rd. tbe.ae two 'daya. Charley ta gqtnc to snltt plee aeedlie:a luste&d of th1a ~u. -la attracting wide in-FINE m01'"TNtj will call for !lDd flsh plank. ~one ff:t.rbor 808 SALES .Ir. SERVICE Jumbo Sltrlmp, Ollloll ~ COid Slaw pd Jl'l'ech f\1~ <•LIJO lunch tereet. Tbfo. dlvilll<ln will Include deliver. (No ~......,leanlngJ . d&ya or Beacon eos5.J after Bout~ Coast Co. , (ad•.J Olado;r'a Se&f ... _.....,, flu been ~ fUe1! a ~· table ·=~ for a children'• par-Help wllli dinner port!~ Pbone 6 P. m . ·• '4~1, BUbor 2600 'i" N rt ~ch of a .b\1 .. _ ll«Vb>g -re aeatOod cocktallt, ~ and peair. t¥ and ble llHtlng displays for a ·-Mra. 'Vl111llam Harbor 11596 be--• ewpo 'aittc fbll c11naera 'tlaat Cb&rleo Ja.u to take 2 daya oa ~ f"""t-'h.-11\. fonnal · . fore 10 a .m . after a p.m. New Sewing Machine • dl'&cllmu. Wlllle Clulr ... and the ....au..: ,Dnluil, .,.. In °"' . . . . . . 44p&1 Round bobbin -...... .1-...i • snliill Power & Sail Boats mountain• and tile dee.II• are bolag _ _. doW!l .U~ -·'!'!t • (lAID'ORNIA ,,.O"clVDS 1 EXPERIEN9 ,,,Jnw. ·,_.0 ao *kward. Pull,!' ~-.; ~•-tt.launch, G ... y l& hp.t:-Ir· , , . rorco l")lll'Oelf to llta)' away • '." l)ut Oftl7 'iV;m>, • T]IUR&, 0( Thi-re" Were OU!alalKIU!g 4,129,• -.,.;_ '<" • ' • Ja ft. runaJJoui'Wttb Or , uu,. _,.It, from Charley"• &eafOod a.toul'Ut. \1111 Cout ·Hb\'&1. 4.52 operator•• Jlc<n-In QaUtor-house ...,.,,in · ~ -s<...on Speci;;.1 •..in.95· J. ·-.-N • I • • .-' 691,7..J. ' . ' _ , _4'1<49 -"'2"' Wlthoot OU'--ai .'3211 Newpdrt Boacl1 ( ext to l"'rt Onulp.) • ~ • -' Illa .. 6< Aprjl 30, and 4.,..,o,8 • HARBOR _y • ..... AGE . . lt ft. uUllt;r,!& ~tt ~-• • -: ' tbaldreur'a no-. "' ---'I • ,...., '· ~~ • ~ TIMI · ..._ .. _ ... t of mot.oi vehl· ElCPEIUBN<..~ Seam9tttla will 135 I!:. 11Jh SL, c..ia --cooled •ngln& -····--~ '""'=:;:=::;:::;::::;:;:;:::;=:;;;::;"'""'""'""'""'';,!!!!"'"'""""""'7,""""""""''il ·lb ~"'tllat.JS4.~ 1ic.o-_.Do P.laln SeW!iig -Al~Uona Pbor.e Betacon _.,. It ft. new ·..,_i boat. '· If ---· ....,. -during April. Ot that ~~hol!l &lid ~rl.._ ·-411<61 I 9~ bp. ·~~ ,.:...-.--.. -~ t 11. •• AD LIB -' Beaa>n411S-X jor"Hai1>or ~-.J ,__J . ~:,::.•,.:,.:: ~ °i:!· -t • 11"49 Somebody Wants PH --.. -.,.Int • ...-o0 .' _, H,UT ....... dlaatfeur'a llo HIGH. sc:H00£· _;;;.--......ta 1'liat .W-re...ao. ~ ::. ~~In"::.~.:$:::: er r t -' ~ baby attune. Da)'Umet or e¥e-rs· M IA -. w Z' S~ ll'aftard 219 tt. lloop. DWmg. _. .... ._. __.. -......, rung ~ .-1 .. a-w. _ .,_ ll'C' •• ·-• JI tt. an -1ap117 llloop. -ta.,..~ • ·~or -• * ,,-.. . .,. Iii ,_ ·-~.-,-,.--'1"• -• Nr f)ll;;;;;u. • . -'!! I' -. ... --"ft. """' ~ ~ ., ... c.•;r . Jei.9' ~ *· WfJl take or °'..C:.*.:! • ....__ ,.... ......... :•Jal. AL80 Pt••• -: ... Iha. ..... DA:••• .... dld.J ::.. ~ ...... ' 1. ··-JI. lllr's ' LIL < • ' -BYJIARGO - • .,.. ..... I ·-11-.......... ~ -CbulM -.& !!! ~"! r: . ' .--: ,'Y.mt ti~ •. .. , ., ••= •• ~ ....., rar • ... ,, -.. .... s a 1 'JrlU,, Tam .. ,;.. ..... ;. :;: t unw -.... L!!::=::::~:;;;:..::;..:.:~~~J:i~~:.JUc::\~ ~ ''--~~!. :.:--.:.:i.;:-:::e.S: ~~-;.:.·::~. ~e ,,..~mi*~ ' ~ :-' . • • ' I , • • ' • I ~ I I I I . • • .... • • •&W~M1 90A ... ,,.._._, ....... . ~-w ... '1'l*lill • • I WANT ·JO BUY. -""°. rm.T .... ,.lnEM YOU ~ ' . . 0 I ur 7 I I I I I I I • I 1,, ! I .. r.==================,;::::==='i'l .ff ft.uA 'a L ~ 8111 n ' = ~· J'== I" 1 WANT AD will cost you • • $ ~ ,, only 2 and it will run . . • ' '" all 3 -local papers.· A Minimum ad is 4 lines. • Phone Harbor 1616 Newport-Bal'-News-TbDes -Newport-Baffioa PreM Newport Bay Post (Sh<lppblg News) MORE CLASStFIED ON PAGE FIVE • FINE PRACTICE upright piano tor .only $9.M dqwn and '5.35 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N . Syca- more, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0872. BALJKl&ISL;AND 8-and Apia.,~ or - oonal. Bee 0"11 CUM7, wtU. NELDA ,GIBSON R&AL EllT ATll soe Martne, ~ 'Ial. Bar. 1102 I eetlo ' ' LID0 °ISLE ' ' . U you want a rental OD lon!y 1..IDO IBLE ..., ua. Beftral I-' home• avallabhl. Al.lo ap&rt- mentl by week or month. P. A. P 'ALMER INCORPORATllD ll333 Via Lido Barbor 1!500 lStfc NEW APT. with new fUn..lture, unobetructed view of ocea.n and bay, (n>und floor. Fir.place? Private patio. Garage. Reuoo· able yearly rental. 2002 Cllff Drtve, Newport Height•. 47pf9 YEARLY -1 bedroom duplex, unturnlahed. Stove and refrtg. available. 230\.\ E . Rocheeter, CoBta MeeL 47c49 !13-:-'lloats. SoPR~ ... PENT aoUsll and a rm . cotta.rea. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OJI Colllna laland Spinets, uaed, from $287. Splnet, Each apt. hu water fronta1e. Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 62!5 COAST WOHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 IMtfc MODl.P'IED SNIPE. Jual refln· l.l!lhed. Good aa..Ua. $160. Beacon 6114.-J alter five or weekend.a. 47p49 I MAKE OFP'ZR-24 ft. power boat hull .. Completely framed. Set up to build. Some material . Complete blue print. Can be ae-en at 1540 Pomona. C91t& Mrea. ' 47c-f9 new, $395. Uprtghta from ~{). Aecom. 4. Wut end Park Ave., Ueed Grand, Sohmer, $395. Balboa Ialand. Harbor %91Z..W. Other• $486, $M6, $685. Trade 40p64 ln your old pl&110. Rlghest. caah I------------- allowance. Euy tenn•. repoa? On Penm· s· ula Point Se.seed Spinet, aa.ve $300. OAN2:. SCHMIDT PIANO CO. Over 100 NICELY P'URNU!HIID .s bclrm•· pi&nOS from which to choose. :)20 av&llable July 15th, yearly or No. Main, cor. 8th, Santa Ana. monthly. 8roker1 list. 1i32 AIL ELECTRIC ORGAN. For home or church. Slightly case damaged ln •hipment. Big aav· Ing, DANZ=HMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Main cor. 6th, Santa Ana. COME IN and play the WONDER- FUL NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN. If you don't know a note yoU carf"play beautlful mu- sJc in ten minutes. DANZ- SCHMIDT BIO PIANO STORE. 520 N . Main, Santa Ana. Miramar, Ba)~. owner. Phone Har. 0812·W, Har. 2001-J. 19tfc UNFURNISHED -Corona del Mar. 2 beautiful new apt11 . Near. water, ga.rbac-e dlapcMl&bl, vene- tian blinds, water pd. Yearly leBM. 2 bdrm. $100 per month. 1 bdnn, $76 per month. Harbor 1871 . 44c57 YEARLY 2 B. R. unfum. eepa· rate hou&e. Lfe. fenced-lo rear yard. Lge. 1ar .• 2 yn. old. Chll· drcn, peta 0 . K . &18 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar. 47~9 HAVE YOU ... n Uie new 16 foot Business Wincraft fibre glUI cabi.Ji UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom aep· arate bouae -two adult.a only: $35 mo. 37511 Coata Mesa St., C08la Meaa. 49p4D cruiser. Inboard or outboard Opportunities Latest dealgn. A beauty. Also 12 7 H • 11 p1uuc bait tank•. Ideal for Couple 102 E. 18lll SL, Coeta MeaL Malt and short order shop, Bea. 6562. Hpf9 ------------. best of locations. NEARLY NEW 2 bdrm. furnlahed houae, 1 blk. from beach. $76 per wk. or 12t>O per mo. 203 3Hh St.; Newport lleacle 48[>50 • • • . I • • • . 'a ....... .: ¥ ::::~~~~-1··~::::!!~!...!!:!!~!....~~·~·~-~!IS!-~:~~~!!9!!':!!2r..ta~~.!-~te!.,_.~~---~--.Jt~ll~;!::~·~?'1'~.~r.~ ... ~~.'~···~~~~· • I Rustic 'Ranch Type..:... $1,900 , 1 ~ .-; Thlo •llarmlllr I ''"--II 1 1'V old Ud JftttY aa a p!Gure. Bu .,...., -k ~ Larp win· cS9-. OT x 123 lot 111 N•wpoot He .. ~ ana.. Low down paymenL 'Tblo pi'Fee CAN'T BS"BSATI . , • ~ ' I ' I Ne\Vport · Heights Buy! AttracUV<I hoine only t yo:uw old. Bu 2 larse bedrooma and 1 small· bedroom or -· l'lrepll\c•. Hdwd, lloon. Dbl P,. 8fft locotlon . .Reall:r -nble property and a real value. uo.&OO. -. ' 112 Acre Raiich ·-Back Bay! Well bullt 2 .bedroom -(tHl). Hu lovely patio room wlth1 ¥.rbecue fireplace. 19 fruit lrttll a:nd bulhel.a of nower• and vt'l"!lable•. You. can have nan growtn1 part of your me.ala ber;e.. It. a beauty. $12,500." BEACON HILL REALTY • '86 Newport. Blvd. (abOve •Archea), rh. B. 6713-R or icvu. B. M32·W ON WATEJIFRONT 1 bedroom hom• With pier and float. Nice patio. GOOD BUY at $19,500. ON BAY AVENUE Furnlahed 2 bdrm home, lg-e. patio. Owner wtll consider vacant lot u part pymt. Submit offers. SlS,600. LIDO INQOME Five beautiful apta.. nicely tum. lge. patio. round income. f'(),000. Oood year BAY & BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay 1430 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126• A TREASURE !. ! You will always be proud of tbla lovely home. LargP living rm. with flttpl. overlooka roomy patio. Dln. rm. Kit. with dlahmuter. Garb. dlep. Brkfat. bar. 0e·n· bed rm. Bath on ground fioor. TWO spactous bedroom.Si on upper noor open to front bal· cony. Lge. deck at reer streued for add. bed.rm. Choice o• lntl!r\or wooda. colors, wall paper haa made thls home truly dl!fJn<;tlve. Rdwd. nre. thruout with asphalt tJle.ln den and bat.ha. Colored bathrm. fixtures. •' Choice location on Ba.lboa Point cloee to bay and good Choke location on Polnt cloee to bay and good beach. Make your appolntment NOW lo see lht.a beautiful home! sn.ooo BALBOA REALTY CO. Roes Greeley JosepbJne Webb 700 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboo. Lilliam McAdoo Harbor 3277 .. ONLY AT LIDO ISLE VALUES 2. In Newport Heights we are of· ferlng-another Rustle Shake Root home. Batten &: Board aiding, weatherbrlck fireplace. A most likeable living room and kitchen. Separate tw<H:af gar. with alley. Outatandlnl' ap· . pearance. Sewers are In and connecLed. Similar home re· cenlly sold for 113,000. The price la only $10,950 3. One of the finest home1 In Cliff Haven on . a wide f-rontage Jot . It seUJ out by Itself in appeer· ance. quality and cotlBtructlon. Jumbo Shake Roof. Cle.yrly fenced. Hwd. floon, large din· Ing area and bedrooma. The floor plan le perfect. You will _be amazed at the extra fea· turea .. Let me show you a hpme that wHI please you and your frlenda for many ycara lo come. We •hone.ally feel that thls home ls underprlced at least s2.900. The selling price lB only $15 ;5oo · Bring &long your check book - these are outatandlng buys on today's market. We also have- liome very rilce G.I. Res&les. Phil Sullivan G. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Bea. 6898 or Bea. M58·J BAY SHORE 2 BDRM. HSE., land1eaplng by Norman's Nursery, W . to W . carpeting, colored bath fix., me r- cury wall swltchea, planter box, lge. matr .. bdrm., e lect. k it., paUo , • I IN EXCLUSIVE BAY 'SHORES wttll private '-di, a .-m 2 "'!1'111 home. 1\i '' * • batho. loW ot. tile In kl nlca paUo, larp 2;(:&1' • prage. ONL! tll,700. , ' , • r Near t,he High School -$19~ 00\YN One ot tbo8e mucb de~ small ranch style "home& Ovenlzecl red brlcl«flreplace and ahak~ rOl>f on larp loL Well located In Coat.a Mesa. Ollly, 2 yr.. old. $7116G, ' IN.CORONA DEL MAR J Home with sweeplnc view of hill.a. ocean ...and cout. Built. .on level 60x120 lot,• 3 bdnna., fireplace, 2-car pr . Completely, and nicely tum.l&bed and landacaped Good location. Price -,22,600. · YOU MUST SEE Thi• 2 bdrm Balboa Ialand home with sarace and GUEST APT. It 'COUid be jual what you . are looking for. It la lmm~culale and the encloted patio la much larger than average. Ideal location, .Just 100 ft. from the beach. Seldom have we eeen anythinl' nearly ao nice for the price, 115,900. Exclusive With W. A, TOBIAS Sal•• EDNA CRAIO Renlala LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 • GOING! GOING! GOING! It won't be long now- \•til the cry will be ALL GONE! ! ! . . WE REFER to these outstanding 3 hednn. homes in beautiful Cliff Haven. They are financed on the G. I. plan -low down payment and easy monthly terms. They are priced f~r below re- placemebt cost and located on roomy lots in a highly restricted area. Better hurry before it Is too late. Just a few left to chooee from.' Call Fred Barker Bea. 5795 or Bea. 6939-J EARL W. STANLEY OFFICE 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach (Across from tbe High School) BALBOA ISLAND INCOME • t. SNOWBffiD with new ail and · m .. t. Hull needa aome r<palr• Gift shop, good shopping PURNISHED large 3 nn. cottag< trailer, runnlnl' hot water, pr1· vale ba.th and laundry; eeparate yard, 200 E. Hth 8,'3, Coata Mesa. aclulU. $1l.OO ;rearly rent? al. I t9p Corona Highlands 1. Juat flnlahed on LIDO ISLE fl lltUe honey of A home. This place 11parklE"8. Hq 2 bedrooms and 2 bathe: Ideal week-end or yea.r around spot. Only 117 ,500 . ALSO % bath A: guest nn. ready to ba fin. Fenced. Owner. $14,500 Beacon 8824·W. 48p00 For vacation enjoyment or for income (15 % gross return) -See this furnished 2 bdrm home! Ex· cellent location, 1 blk from South Bay and con- venient to shopping center. and caulking. Prlce 114:9, in· center. eludes dolly. 2 Bay laland, Ph. · Harbor :ie1~w. 47p49 Ice cream and frozen foods. l' rt'. JOHNSO?( OULL G. 17- round bottom center bo&rd. Sa..11 and boat in very ,-ood condition. .Motor attachment. with trailer. 918 Ocean Blvd., Corona' deJ Mar. Harbor 2&31-J. 47c49-' . 17 rr., 6 IN. PLYWOOD DORY with JohnlOll propellor ln good condition. Needa little caulking and paint. 2 Soll•l>W'Y 5 bp. en· gine.a: Price 1-475. 2 Bay I.al.and, Hubor ' 28757 W. 4lp49 Good Volume ' . Ceramics and gift shop Hiway Location Dress shop, good location. Ed Lady could handle? Sedelmeier, Rltr. 0'152)1 Coast Blvd. Corona de! MU Harbor 2786 YEARLY-2 bedroom duplex, Un- turniahed. a.race. Near both achoobi. 2266 Clay. Cllff Haven. F or lnformatlon Phone Harbor 12977 R. 49c~I UNFURNISHED nearly new 2 bedrm., yearly rental, near Lido shops. Carpet.t and tumiture for ea.le. 501 • 34lh SL, corner Finley. Phone Harbor 2629-~. .' Ocean view .' 60 ft. or more frontage .' All otWtiea (oo aceeBB- ments) .' Convenient location .' Overlooking Newport Harbor .' Private beach .' PRICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW HOMESITES LEF'I' I t : '• ~ j • ,, 2. LIDO ISLE brand new 3 bed· room home on choice lot. Lacge cheerf'UI rooma, unit he at. breakfut bar. dellghttul kit· chen and a MUST SEE home. al only 124,750. Tenna. Home and Income 7 TWO 2·bedmi. dupJex and guest room with bat:h-&11 tumlahed. Clote to SO. Bay, Balboa laland. Dbl. c-ar. About • yrs. old. Priced to aell. Smatl down or take lat A: 2nd T . D. Write P . 0 . box 243 Balboa laland. Phone Harbor 12773 M, 48c50 $6950 FULL PRICE New Beach H&use Full Price $10, 750-terms 0 W. W . SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue al Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 HOME PLUS INCOME Good 2 bdrm BALBOA ISLAND home with nice patio and attractive 3-room apt. In the rear. Both units furnished. $18,500, Terms. • L,. \ ~4c48 < ~~~.-.----------SAILBOAT 12 fl. MOTH clasa, -~--------~~ ' . tDc!H MODEL HOMES TO SHOW 3. Brand new 4 bedroom 3 bath home. MANY DELUXE fea· lures such a.a garbage disposal, unit heat. 2 water beaten, wired for electric ranse. 3-car garage, large patio and inany. many dauilJi& "home lover de· light.a." All for only $28,5-0Q. 1 block to beat ocean beach . 2 bdrm•.. &(tractive modern .colors 1 lhroµAou~ Terma ap· proximately ~ dowi\. · · ' good condition. Complete $59. Newport Municipal Trailer Pk. No. 95. t7p40 12 FT. SKlFF, A-1 conditlen, $75. See at Servtce Afioat, l\alboa Bay Club or Ph. Bea. 7013-"fl. tlc49 OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, down- 9'-&iMI location, comer• of Palm • E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph? Harbor 2821. 48tfc TRAILER SP ACE Oft Uie bighway1 clooe to ahopplng center, 112 A $11 per mo. 140 Cabrillo 8t., Cabrillo Courta. Coeta Meaa. 41p43 TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge of Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor 414-J ORI!lENLEAJ' a, ASSOC, BUlLOER -REALTOR 3112 NeWport Blvd., Harbor 25ri2 For Sale by Owner LIDO ISLAND 3 bedroom, 2 bath. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 218 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 20 Exceptional ' Costa Mesa Buys Open House 1-5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday «-Booma for Rent 4Z-Wanted to Rent WIZARD ta ft, Sport.man~ bp. 1-------------5 ACRES, COSTA MESA. !:xcel- lrnt bldg, lolA. $11.000. Santa Ana Ave. betw. %0th A 21st. Beacon 5293-Y(. 4Gl!c 4. Our late.at a.ad newest on LIDO ISLE. On 2 lota--60 feet with · that extra large p.atlo you have wanted -all big, tight, cheer· (ul room•. Home b¥ 3 bed· rooma. 2 batha, unit heat, bleAched gum doora, chlnese elm tree, walled In apace for t>o.t storage and place com· j>letely land8ci.ped. Thia is a BEAUTY at $32,000. Be1t loc&tJon. 125,000 furnished. Temui. Ow1ier at home Saturday and Sunday July 21st and 22nd East Side -2 bdrm, 1 block from ahopplng diatrtcl, only 18,250 - $1,400 down. · 211 Heliotrope Ave. -Sea Kinr outboard, Wl.z&rd trailer. Many e•tru.,($450 val.) Total price $330. Phone Harbor 28~M. t7pf9 BOAT SLIP available now,. Phone Harbor Z979·M. 48c50 TWIN Pontoon motor bo&t. Un· sinkable. Dual controla. 18 hp Austl.n motor in center. May be seen at Rt. 1, Boz 8, 130 Grand avenue, Elainore, Calif. or will mall photo. 48p60 FAST 18 ft. center boa.rd sloop. Overhauled, reaaonable. SI Ip &V&ilable. Newport Harbor Yacht Landin&. 49pl!1 SNOWBIRD and sail, excellent, cte&ii. condlUon. ready lo go. 500 Udo Nord, I.Jdo I.ale. Phone , Harbor MO. 49p61 EVINRUOI!: 4 -cyt Zeph)'T out- board. Jwit overhauled. G.• hp. $12!5. Ph. Hubor 2373-J, 49c51 UNFURNISHED HOUSE 3 bdrm couple with 9 yr. daughter. MUN be very cloee to IT&lllJller ecbool Write Doz N2 lhi8 paper. 'Yearly rental. Up to $1110. Hp49 SANT A AN A buainesa man de· ai.ref, 1 bdrm., turniahed howw, year round buia. Newport, Bal· boa or Corona del Ma.r, begln- nlnl' SepL lat. Non-drinker. Write P . 0 . Box 472, Santa AnL Mr. Mitchell. 4.9p:.1 43;-A~a~ and Ho- , Summer Reservations PLEASANT tum. room tor work··-------------~. On NO. BA YntONT of LIDO IBLPJ a charmUtg and lmpres· stve 5 bedrooM, 3 bath, one ator-y borne that c&nnot be du· pUcated. NJce lot with pier and allp and partl&Uy tuntlabed al ONLY $e0,000. Corona <lei Mar lng lady. IC. 15Ui SL, Coeta Meaa.. · (Nev bul). Phone Har- bor 808 da)'I or BeacOo 60~-J after 8 p. m. 49c~1 3 SINGLE gvqn. auttabLe for automobUet or itorafe. $15 JM"r month racl>. NF II· C. ltEALTY Co., lfarl>or UOO, 82nd and Newport l!lvd . LONG BEACH -2 hoUea, boine and In come, clear. WW tJ"Mle Cw equal valu~ Harbor &ML Phone Harbor 0363· W. Up51 , 103 Vlli Ban Remo, Lido Isle Phone Harbor OG81·R 48<:50 / Business Lease · I . On BALBOA PENlNSULA an extra fine · BA YFRONT home with plrr and float on a tarve 6 rooms 11', baths.-wonder- East Side -Brand new, 2 bdrm. block from Alph• Beta. Only SlO,llQO. E&ay financed. Good buy Jn Coi-ona ~el Mar - One 2 bdrm, aoutll of Hlway. $7,000. Only $1,ooO down, F1neal locatJon, a few step.a from ocean bhltf. Brand, new, two bdrm, two batha, hardwood floors, fl.replace. 2-c&r gua.,e, 81 ' frontage. Come aee it or phone John Mot.tram. P.A. PALMER WANTED ?,. " lNCORPORATED First or 2nd Trust Deed ::S:.,ap1:!~ "1:.:;,,,~ ~uJ ,~po~ for ,offw;,:r p~ R. W. BARTINE 3333 Via Lido, Newport Beach for 4 units. Good loc&tloa, unique playroom? Sepe.rat.. din· ep on man.. ts 0 W, u. PATTOl'I, ASSOCIATE Harbor 1:ioo Eve8, Harbor :USO.R Laguna Beach. Ing room, extra Farge rooms. 'room for .parkmg on busy · 1807 Newport Ave. Ph. Bea. 53201 ------------ ' carpe!AI throughout and com? 17th St., Coeta Mesa. Will eo.ta x... New Lido Listing Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. ;::11~ ~"":t Q~t ::!'~ rel'1odel to suit tenant? See . Just completlng 2 bdrm ~om•? 1523 Cout Blvd., eo.ona de! Illar fOT QUALITY BUYERS. 387 • 17th St. ~d call Har-COSTA MESA sun Ume to •hooee your rin Ha1bor 2'1M • bow 1990-M, or Harl 24227 DOWN 1 colors. 21• Uv. nn., trple.. tUe Lido hie Bay Front unlta. 1 and ALSO Ot!c • '3!'00 I featu...,., bar-type kltcheri. prl- 2 bdrm.a .• $Mt.60 wk. up. Harbor j _!!?;::~~!!!!!~~~~:_ __ j -People do rad Ute want Ma. Som• very desirable Iota for aale , P'INEST Re&iden_tial street. Near1 vate paUo. <Prloied below tM 2551, evea. Har. :r&1•-M.. lltfc llMS BUICK 81,,.._ ~Md.an. on LIDO ISLE. Choice waler· ly new 3 B. R. home, 1% baths.! market ~ 116,TSO. Easy term.a. -~· r•M £-. • --front lo'· fOT 1ncome un" I" or F SaJ , n. d •--Uv rm ~-p1 ---.. ..-... ~ Low '!)lle&p, 1\7 6' a ent ...,....,. oney "' .,,_ --Or e Or J. ra e · -•• ' ., •u~ ~ •. ·~·1 OREENLEAP • AISOC. RENT AL { nd ~ ·~ "·-'-'• crooa street lolo at prices well .prap, bl( lot, fenced. Ji'r'lce BUILDER _ REALTOR , SPECIALISTS. . ~;..~~·;;:."· --·~;; LOANS For 'Homes under valae. ALWAYS . RE-INDIO'S 'largest !Ind finest niduced apm-llAKE OFFl!IRI 3112 Newport Blvd'.. Hubor 2552 5~~ )'T, (teplar 1-111 Mmllll'IR ""' are the DE-38 unit Motel with_ Cafe. HORACE 8. JlAZET M-MU81cal, Bedlo ·Call -....... '01 PONTIAC calalina -a.ooo YELOPERS OP' uoo lSLl!t --· Ave. I Modern recl-ood an~ ...... L . d VI -k-. ?i'.t mu ... au ~-Jmmaculate. CONSTRUCTION LOANll Here a UtUe buya a LOT. Triple . :'A" ..... r<>V«L Located Balboo. laland HUbor 3Q21..J~I .. ..-RENT A PIANO. $& per month . lnW()O C ' 0r. I WW sell or trade and add cull at ~'iil1' (1' JN.) on Blchwa7e I0-70·99. Month ? 7 Two bdrm, &,.i OUVfDt'a qu.utero? AJI rent allowed If )'UU bUy With-Balboa '"' Dd e :!Of 82clM r WE BUY AND BBLL p A PALMER I · $3000 QO Own 7 • 40tf P'laptone uut wood floon. Twa In t.nna. DANZ.·~. "20 I ar. for a lot on Udo for s.lboe. a. TRUST o...m. . • . Y averace ~c.t. . . -·yean old. In -e Ot trff:I. . ~· u --------~----land J'h. Batbor 2S73-J 47"49 ~ INCORPORATED ·er muat leave oecau.ae of healtll. ~ 3 BDRM home In N~ •?•• No, Main, san!AI A.JI&. HA VIC you ... Uie neweat modern ' • ' SEii BOB+ SA~ . saaa Via Udo Wrtto 112·'87 I Hwy, No. 99, Helghlo -Hu ocean view-; Beautiful Ylow ol the western # fllnUabed-11147 BUltlK Ooenrllble. ll'llU) 1 Hl& 00.l.B'Il BLVD. · Indio, Callf? 4-4p49 110 bath•• A-.....· aad P.',-,' hllla' ~Ill ei¢1ualve _,tloa,-2 USl':O 120 -WIUU!Rr ....,... • equlppid? ~ coaditx.L $10'7~ Ootona clel Kar a.n-1m..J Newport Be&cl>. call!. •u•r..,,.-1oW mllea from OCNll 411 quiet ...,. .uon. sled-.. t75. CaJJ au. Chris -Dean Apts.? «01 -Di!..,, Newport . Rep. POIRDIR ~a&~· ~ lf¥bor ~!500 • 2\i .A'.9RD1 w1~t4-oo" 20. = d~~~ a! ·roundinp. •:m.ooo. Good·termL • lH6-W lllcbt,a. Rat :11174-11 daya sJe.,p. '7 lnll'oductoey ntea (o~ &i.clL .f . 4~p49 Matn> Lita -,_ Ill ~ *' • OPEN l ~ .5 • • caa lie 11.,.. b). 800. 2ll90 dn. n~ ,:U-~8-lt 1.__ eeii.l 1987 Irvine IAive., Costa )I-. -----+-'--'~ ... ·--SMf:-July, te6 per -All uUUUea ' . >''i ' . LOAM TO ~~ ........ ~ ...... .._ '"'"--llbocl -· ·--· ~.::F~a.,"w~ta ~~ SM2-WK ' . ' rUc4,il Phone e,e~oon 5293-W LOVELY pFaij; cW ~ pe.ld. .ldjated ntea pet year. 51-"'"!l? . · llUY ~ «* --...v ....,. -.-~ • ~ · ~-1 , 4'1lfc piano lll~porfaet ~-? "60 KFnmar,.-Pen.tnaula ·==--. -• .• > '..._ANCJU i ?tarili. 9 _.,?~ PNClkall7 71 . TBRlllF:·B:rl:paooll&I ' ' U<.L Tumoj fl'IJIO -wl Pbone HUbor 1491-W 22 rr? •oup '""""· .._.,, • • • ...,, ~~ ,• , -lllODl:RH, ..... ..... B .:. ' ,. DU I COSTA llD!Ail aarr BUY~ . i? ... per -at IDl.\}"l:a'!I " • 43cll7 (OOCI ... ~. i•• .... ,_ H,CWPOitr B••::,-., ........ ~ ·~""' R•11 ,.... ...... : . ' a.>' .. rf;>D p ex HardWood -, ,,,.._. -A FEW o~ OUR "USTINGS llUSlC col II-UO'JJ m H. COMPL&Ti:LT "'7 ~ ~ ~ ~'al UYllf08 •. • I •. "1M4 ....... \TU; °"""" 81ir:d. Pier -~ ,,,,_ s7.soo .in. ateeI ldtai.. I,..,. old. -uu Newporl Lot; ..«y &'004 -"1.708 '~~ &aata?ha. Ktln.---apt. ~:'o.~~IC~';.,,,~ ~-=:. ==p.= --~ ... ,... ~ ' ...... Jlar:Mi' ~-IL utfe . ~o;::.i: • .USOC. ·~..:-.=...t ~-= 'i = :::::: ;; = =· UNT A PIANO .b.r ~ $&per • ::::.:-::'.:. ..... ~ c;:::~ .19 rr'.. ~ Tll•.,, ..... .1MI RSAL l!lBTATSi ~ .. Income ~rty llU1l.Q9l l U.U.TOR _... .,. ftµ..~~ Water ..... ~. ~ flt; ~, .... , monUL Rea\JI afllllM • --Bar6or' nll7. '8dU -~"--. sna. Piii. Ia~ lljate ~ .Fa,. 0qe. ~ Howpc:« ......... -1112' H_,..t ....._ Barbot 2002 Hu? 1 lJlt,~ or llUllcir 2'22; LldO t B. IJ.. ~ NJ:W $21,IOO ~ at BllAJ'la .. MU· . .. ... ,. ~·· -l~ •Ir ... ~.... .. ...,.._ ..... -... -' ~ .? JNOOK&-7 .. • i ···~ ,,..,._[,, .T -DOE • BIC 00. ( ... SIOf). 01 HQ. Chbice :Yrly' Rental ' ·-IMS ..... • i -.1-.. ............ ... .-ti"' -.,, 7 VJ.ii.Al)·~ ~~':;· ..--. n•._ A~ab~Now !!-P::!!!!Jjl!-$ r wtr!!~!:.l.i& ::,q.•:: :!:,.~':.t.:'L 0 .. ~.: ·:=."':"" •11J.:..1t.~ HOME_& JNCOME J if •• ..:'~:'~:.f~w ? ,.,·. :... -FL_,,COURTwiqtJ:I ,..~ ... ·-·=~-=.., ... " •nsoc.J•.1 -., .. , 1 *9--~. ....... ' ' ' 'UAtmruL ...... _o h... .u -ar 'J!oR.a -~-,_.....-.:;,~ .. =II . ----.aAuroa a •r; . -.. -·1•:d ...:JI( At~. I>upleS 7 =:-"5".'.~;:'J*.::!:'d U~~~~ :::. ·i:.-: 1'91 ..... :J:' p.-.... '1e rtr.''.t's:J' 't:r = .lfD~=~HfW1:-..S:. --~ ( := ~:. ~~.M,i: = IW••!t or Olf9-k .::a ..... ' . '11JIO'"' -• ~ -••••···~ 41•• •rr. pl\)., ....... 1 ·:.91.... .,._.llW •• _,.... ...a-.w~ .1:1.a.e;:.n•11ft'w; .... ~ ....... u,.,~·- " l · llUlllCCO. 1 ..... lllfl allf. ""'9a ...... -~ ... ~ ....... aMl\4 .... J ~ w «»-•1 la M1 •• ..... , -lf•4'Dl"m.4. · __..... ...t. •, ~ ~ ..... "'M 11• • ,.._, ..... z~-11& -= ... °""' -A81 Ii' a., .. .. blJla 16& fti ... 1111 II'. -Ill, 1. 0. ~1!"dl'L -.. _,,...."' -~,.·"~,-'"~,,_ ... ~::: .......... ~,,_.,._UM ~. •., .. _ ........ .,.......... ""f" .... • • ' • > I I • •