HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-31 - Newport Balboa News Times• •• ' • ;:· • . ' j • f ) i3rd YEAR :_'NUMBER 31 , Hoag. Hospital Bids . Op~. SeWA' ~ contracting bids for the construct ton of Hoag Memorial HooplW raJ>gM fTOm $1,096,023 to 11,189,000 were opened Friday a.t 2 :30 p. m. ln the Newport Beach city hall. A quorum of the Bpe.rd of Directors of the hoa:~lt&l waa present when the blda were opened by Chuter Hawk, ~retory of the Board: Commenting on the bids. Hawk · ·A.Jd "A.I eloee aa I ever heard on GtMtrse Hoq. aetbts ch&lrmaa ' a job thla Sise." of tbe 8oUd of Dtreetorw of Harold C. Chambers, &rcbltect the Hoes Memorial Ho.pl&:al. for the bo8plt&l along with hie wu ruMed to st. Joeeph'• tto.. partner. Lester Hibbard, said that pita.I ta Oraare tor an emerc- the boa.rd reeervea the right to eaey appe11deetom7 at 5 a. m. reject any or all blda, and may Moaday mon1lnc. He Is under accept any bid they wish. He ex-u.e care of Dr. M. W. Ea«el- p1ained tltat this wu poasible be· man.. cauae private funds were belng ueed. . FlnaJ decision u to 'the reneral contractor for-the buUdlnl' wtll be reached Monday DIKhL At that Ume the boaptta1 Board of Otrectora will reach a declalon. said George Hoag, acllnl' chair- man ln the abeence of President John A. Murdy, Jr., now on a tour or Europe. Low Blddor Myers Bro1.. Loe Angeles. $1 ,189,- 000 and EllChertch Broa., Lo• An- geles. $1 .151,381. The uae of a dlftert1nt make boUer in the building' construc- tion wu &180 listed u a poulble. alternate. Thi.a alternate brought additton.1 up to $1500 in the bids and, ln one tn1tance, a. red~ctlon of· $3000. Lowest bidder for the genera.1 contracUng w.. .. ....... nd UI-Mesan GetS 30 Days rich of Santa Ana. which did not WIN:-11NO TRIO display omU<:o after tloo flnJAb ~f I~ 16th Annual •'llpt of Ille s..J.t.u.s.: .. tbe wnt.r, recetvtnf the ,·k:tor's U-M1+eka ls Tom Fl'Mt. 15, of ~@Wpnrt BN.c~ wbo WOii tll.la ,...ra tit IP uf S nowblrd champ. Second place winner Bob HaJderman la •l Wt aad third piece wbuwir Crtcht) l.11 Jobn li.l!ft.!W)'• The race time WU M minute. and, :IO IM'('()nda for t.h.e cour.. 1'boumada of apectatt'rs lined the shore to watch the f"Mle and. moUon. pictures \Wft taken for •':ft ree.la Md kie- vtAlon.. · ,.,(News.oTlmea Photo) Uat a.n alternate bid. The -alter-Dale Wlllla.m Shaver, 19, Costa nate bid wert1 for the addition of MeM. 'who got Into. trouble with OXYl'JD lines In the building. a 14 -year-old girl, must stay away which would eJlmlnate the need Crom her when h t> g ets out Qf Jail. for tranaportlng oxygen tanke In Superior Judge Franklin G. the bu.Jldlng. Weet sentenced Shaver to 30 days The bid of Meah8 and Ulrich In the county jail u condition to waa 11,098,023. Second low bid-three yean of probation, during SCYA Regatta Here A~g. 4-10 Probably the largest number of boata tn the history of N~rt Harbor will apemble J\('Xt week for the Ano.ua1 Regatta of the 27 Southern Callf"ornla Yachting Assoclatlon'a Clubs. with Balboa Yacht Club u boat. All types ot era.It ~rom smallest dinghies to large ocean racing uU 'boeta will compete for th SCY A trophiea; ding-hies and mneJ1 bo&te under twenty -feet ractnc on SatW'day and Sunday. Au,-uat 4 apd 8: power boat.8 and Jarjer ...U ~ls -"'Ing Monday A,._ ..... \liioi,sll 1 '.Alls· uat 10. t; i Thia annu&J. ra.¢ii' eve.nt is tra- ditionally tl\e hl&h point of the N&9Qn a.nd includes. wtlh the hotly contested ra.cea, a t:ull sOcial Kbedule a.a well. It ls th,e top yachting week of good sailing and SoOd fellowship. Ba I boa Yacht Club ha.a acbeduled a 80cial att&J.t for every night from :Sat- urday August ot through to wind up trophy dinner dance, Friday nlgbt Aupt 10. More than a thouand yachUmen are expect· ed to attend the prorrammed events. Clift Chapman I• Conunodore ot SCYA, Dr. Ed Rel.aefl ls Oo.mmo- dore pl ·Pacific ~ ,.nci>.!'~ ~ lto"bert-..... .., piut Commodo"' of Bal-Yacht Club, la over all Reptta Chair- man. These men wtll be a.ulstod in their regatta planning and management by a large commtt- te of fnen whoae name• are con- stantly ln the lllfta of active yachtsmen, and represent the member Clube of SCY A. "nle reptta committee, ln ad- diUon to Chairman Boyd. a.re Lou Vierek of Southern Callfomta Cruiaing AUIOCi&tion., Floyd Sav- ol& ot Alam.it.oa Be.y Yacht _Club, der wu Alllaon Honer of Santa which time., Shaver mwit stay Frank Evenaon oC San Dies«> A.na with Sl,096,£M8. 't'he sub away from the child. The court Yacht Club. Jam.ea Webster of contractora were not llsted-in t.hla dl11miued a felony charge of chUd Newport Huboio Yacht Club, company'• bid. stealing a.ft.er Shaver had admit- Charle8 Kober of Balboa Yacht Ot.Jler bld<Mrs Included : South led a mlademeanor charge that Club, Converae Wurdemann of Cout Conatruction Co., Newport he contributed to the girl's dell.n- BYC. Edward A. Lauck Of ca-Beach, ll,l09,43S: Pozz.o Con· quency by taking her to a San brlllo Beach Ya.qht Club, Fred rtnactlon Co.. Los An1"eiea. $1 ,-Joaquin Valley town and living Smales. Rear Commodort1 of t u...-"1 186 606 wt th her u ma.n and wife. SCYA and Put Commodore of _1_83_.83_2_:_s_tan __ 0_n_._~_._•_· -·--'------------,,--- BYC. and Mro. Robert L. Boyd ot BYC. 8oda:I Eventa Dr. 8&.lvatore Mortaco of NHYC and BYC la In charge of Resatta entertalmllent. and hu ochoduled -'~~111oa:d­dano6 tor .m.,y~ abd dlhl!IY aatlora for Saturdal.y nic.ht. Auc- uat. 4, at BYC followed ,by a cock- tall party Sun~ nlg-ht and a buf(et dinner precedinc t h e awarding of dlnptee and amall bo&t trophies. Large boata and power boat• will take oveT the remainder of the week'• racing and there will be a buffet dinner at BYC Tue8day nlght. a ranch barbecue at the Irvine Ranch Wedneeday, patio dinner at BYC Thurlday nlght, and the aemt- fonnaJ dinner dance and trophy preaentatlOn at BY C Friday night. Since the ocean racing courae la off shore from Balboa and Newport plers. apeotatora tar theee events -wtn have a grand- stand view from anywhert1 alon• the Balboa-Newport shore. .Sall- ing-races -.:Ill be held in the aftemoona. beginn1n.J from 11 :00 o'clock on. Power boat predicted log races for U.. Pacific Cout Yachting Aseoclatlon Ch&mplon- ships will take pl&Oe Wedneaday and Friday montlnga. Trophle1 will be pruente4 at F r I d a Y night's dinner daDCe at BYC. 8-0dal ........... No small part of Regatta week'• run will be the. 80Clal prorra.m. wbert1 Cout ya.chtlmen and their ladles renew acqu&intan.cea from year . to year. ~ra. Robert L Boyd la BalbOO,• ~adlt Club'• en- tertainment chairman tor attain eiapeclally plann~ .. tor the vlaltlnl and h<Mlt club ~a. In addiUon to working with the two women • membera of Dr. Monaco'• committee, .Mn. Darby Metcalf and Mn. Bart Hendenon. both racing CTeWll and wine of well known raciftc aldppen. ~ra. R<lbort L. Boyd will llUpervlM • tarce committee to carry out the lpeCial ladle8' pvt!... The80 will be a 'fellhk>ll i.. at a o'cloclt ~y atlAll-. AuguA T, booted at and l>Y' BYC; and • brl~ 'IW>C._ at Bal- -Yo,c~t Club on TbU..-y . • A,.....t 9. · , Kra. • Boyd'• eommlttee t<>r lbuO attain '!°1 be NarduJ Jod<le -. Jue Ber)c. Louloo -. J:velyn °'l"pboll· ~ -l'tcker ........ ~: Sett>: Cr&bet. ARMED PAIR STEAL $265 An armed b&ndtt and an accomplice •tole Q8:i trom an attendant at ~ w.lolle a., StoU .... ~ illlll !' . aMf""lll IO 8Lvd.; Newport 8!-""' &t 10:06 p. m . 'ftm-t. ~ -~ -lq for tile pair. Attendant at the •tatlon. at the tbne of the hold-up wae 8obert c. Ptlmer. He llvea at the Ms)nJdpal Trailer Park. Aceordlnc to Ptlmer, the armed6--------------- bendit aaked him. through the The attendant "stayed put" tor clolled alaa door of tbe atatlon, about a minute, then turned off the beat way to get to Malibu. The .Uck-up man then pulled an auto· matte from hlli pants pocket and eald : "Give me all the.money out of the till." Pllmer deacrlbed the crook u a.round 30 years old; 5 fetot. 7 lnche• tall, and having blonde hair. The hold·up man toJd Ptlmer to put the money In a canvas ~. The gunman's a.coompllce then came tn and told his partner to "be ture and get all the billM." He waa about the same age M the gunman, •lightly Wler and had dark balr. Aa they were leaving the sta- tlon the pair alao pocketed a fl.uh. light and a Wlpt~ extelllion. PoUee Called When they were'leaving the two thlevea told Pilmer to '1atay put." tbe llC'lt• ln the station and called Newport. Be.ach police. He then ran outa.lde but could not see any alpa of the men. He told police that they Jen the atatt.on and walked toward B&y Ave. Owner of the gu 1tatlon, Otto Boyd, told police that lut Tue• day night a man had driven.. into the station and bad uked for change to make a telephone call Boyd indicated that after the man bad tee.n that he vru no~ a.lone he had told Boyd that he h&d chanr<f hi.a mind and would nOt make the call. HunUnston Beach police held a 1wipect Sunday believed to have been. Involved· ln the robbery. However, Plhner said that he WU: not one of the two be.ndiU. Jane J&ml°""I'. Jane 'KIIii~ "'' xaao1'. AUit ~ nor- BIMIM ....t--~ TOUIOI', all ol BYC.. De<orallonl will lie , ar> . ' -..JI by Cbal.-a. ~a.. trudo cari-•. Wltll . "' J(--~~. --lllpa. VlzJl!la Ra a Is e 11 -a.,... ....... ~ w-~ l'ldllf. -ClalS ril BTC 11'8. -fl .... , O+P'lll.I' ... ... a-rt .. -$f! ES. a .._ •·s~ --.......... I 141 '· CoRlpeted. Haldennan2nct • . I Kensey, Third It would be hard to finli a happier kid on this earth Sunday afternoon than 15- year-old Tom Frost of 1001 W. BayAve.,~ewport Beach. Tom, in his sleek Sqowbird, Bosun, showed his wake to 140 other boats to win the 1951 Flight of the Snowbirds race here Sunday. , Tom, who came ln fltth in l.ut year'• rp..oe, completed. the live to alx mile coui'ae (a.a the Snow- bird tlieal ln 54 minutes and 30 aecon<f1, helped along by a brllk. breeze. ' He la the commodore of the Newport Harbor Yacht. Club'• Non-Calma Club and was recent winner of NHYC's summer championshJp aeries. In that aer- ie• he won eeven out of e ight starts and was considered No. 1 challenger' ln the Snowbird claa- 1lc. -' 1960 winner, and two time cham.p, Dick Deaver, did not de- fend his .title. He is aboard the Skylark making the return run from Honolul~ Second place in the Snowbird ra.ce went to Bob Halderman, 16, of South Pua.den& skippering the Ttaunderbolt. Third place winner was John Kenaey, 15, San )ta- rtno, wbo captained ~ the Grey Dawn. WITH A SMILE a.t8••.-U..: b..t11&aaoe of tbe · mn'a reflecUon Younpst Girl ln the race wa1 ar • N Beach N&11cy C.orkett, ll, ot Azusa: from Illa aew~~ulred. tropk7, Tom Fromt of ewport Youngest Boy Wu elgbt-year old was the object Of the atteDHon of aeorea of camenmen who \Bill Uoyd of Pa.sadena. First covered tbe' 111~ of tile Snowbirds race held here Sund,.Y. Tom g{rl to fl.n.llh ...,. .Jane Miller, 12, woa ~ e•~ ~[1em1 140 otbtlr &.atesta.t. over the ecKll'8eo of ~-I .Oldeat ~lpper , I' . " ' -, • -• Q(_'1Jd ... Pll_~t0), '~ a~~ 0, ?{ ~'J:cl!!M ... ~ __ ... •" fl.I ... -"\::· --t( --~· Blini~·83Se Opens For Reservists . · ~£se a~7·.,, ~ ,;Week.end' Warriors" will be back in style aa the Ughter Than Air tint te.n boats to flnJ.ah and to A 1 with c d every tenth boat to finish there-baae In Santa Ana °te()peNI to Navy reservlata ug, ' om r. after. A complete U..t ot winnera ff. e . HOBmer u commanding officer. followi : The ha.le which Ju.pended operations in 194 7 will be reopened for l Benny BenJamln. Sall.ta Ana. the recruiting and tralnlng of men in all phases of avi.&tion, includ-fourth; Dick Ward. Newport ing; .... radio, electronlca, ordinance, Beach, fltth; Jane Miller, Pua· 28 Naval air Rtatlon.s throughout den&, ai.xth; Seymour Bee1c , Bal- electrlclans. etc. the country. Twenty-six of these bo& Island, aeventh; Paul Uva- Men who enllat will spend one atatlolll conduct hea.vter than alr dary. Loi Angeles, el&hth; Bill week end~ month. tnJn.l.ng. Even-operations, with lighter than air .Sager, HoJlywood., ninth and Dan.a tually' the (roup wU1 be compo.ed tralning h.ekl at IA.keburst. N. J., C. Morris, Newport Beach, tenOt. of two aquadfon.. and an, atr wing and here in Santa ~ Wayland Coon, Riverside, lltb: staff numbe.ririg 250 men· and 70 Men tntereated In joining t~ Frank Williams, Pasadena, 21st; officers. I , . new gt'OUp can do 80: beginning I.fee Criaell. Newport Beach, 3'.1at : An alr&ldp ta on the way to the Aug. I,. RecruiUng will be open Steve Boice, Balboa, 41st; Bar· coast bj "traln from L&k.~hurati every day except Monday and ~ra Turner, Balboa, .61st; Roger N. J . and 111 expected to ~ve Tueaday. . • Welsh, Corona del Mar, &lat: here , aornetllne t.n Uie middle of Cmdr. Hosmer, ·or Lt. J . H . Val Giannini,. Pa.sad~, 7lst; Augujt. It wUl be aueinbled . in J&ooblen; t.ra1nlng officer, may be Kaien Earhart, San Manno, Slat; one of the hangers on th@ be.a. reached at the base, Donald K Ball. Whittier, 9tat; The Naval Al~Reeerw tn.lnlng The training program ls open to Pete Bradford, Bak:erstleld, lOlst; command, which Rear Adm. Lu· 1 World War ll veterans of all ser· Selena Seit.er, Palm Spring .. cian A, Moebul com.manda trom vice branches and to non-veter'aJUI tllth; Terry. McElree, C&noga Glenview, Ill., conduct.a training _at between. the ages of 17 and 39. Par lilat.. '• -- l " • I I' 1 • , ? "• 1 •' • • • • , - MRS. WINIFIU:D ~ 8"c'l'tJ. Edlt<ir ~ ........ j~, .................... ....,. ... ~ ...... ~ ..... 11!111!11'~~ ltiriClleon ancf_Shciw.e -~al -NJi.Y.C. . ' ~Miss· ~~a C~ ~· :-.Woddln. dot. lh• A-t ~--~--------­.,.n.r 'load --are. i-. eV.nb D . l-':L:.... 1 ~ ~L J • ..,.,_ ril ..._ "!i<I<• ~ .. ,. o..e ,.~a"'Tiflg, ~OQ ilt.U..fi1'11to(th-'wl!•ah!'!fl!lr t ' H Id ~.L!L!t IMinortng Miu -ra Cundlrf of O O CJ111101 ~nldc and Balboo. wbm;MIM N xf Sat d ~ Rffd of Lido IAl• en~ e Uf ay ~y with a J~lt.eon and kit- ~ ... ~ower at NeWIM?rt :fl&r~r °"""' 1MUJie and: ~ annual ex· ;:ht Cblb. Gueau took a4vanl· ll*< et -ol tl>e --91 lH dfUCbltul wta.Uter to DOte 9asmer 9eboul ol Pa.latfn& -~on \ho chlb d<d< for, cod<tailA "111 '° kid 111.io .-.lft&' -1· .,.. lunch. · : .3 to S •· lit. at Urie Rn. 8iraadt. •~erward the-iroup went in.tO .-.tiG. 4111 Goldenmcl &-ftllue, eo.. ~ aalo11 for'pre .. ntatloa ol .gl'fb -· 419' Mar. Ti.. odiblt will iitf th4'· new kitchen. Both-useful U. be 4JPell. SUDdey, 10 a,. m. to ~ Ol"lialilenti.I ·wa11 tk shopping •I p. m... I.Del t!le pubUc la iavil«\. Oft · filled "'1Lh paclcagea. ita edges tloC,h aY.. Refttahmeit.~ will be eel with a.II klnds or .cUte g&d-' lef"Yed S&turday. , Mo lll t lmpn-ssive _gift~ ... a si 'Wltn. many prof~ artllta !'11\i•ing pT't'1UUJ"e cOok.er.· lluf &tt6ld.ifte claasee (~ att ll.mlt-•i•Ung most merri.meut Wu a ~ to. U M.UdenU), tllia bu been ~ garbage paid trailing apj>ro-lbe JIMMl IUCCff&IUJ y-.r I.a UM' lfta~ .rlecorati01lS and fllled \\'1.th ~boor•· hiaoc-y and will be t.hi;. iif.pa and cl~anc-n. · nae:.. e~1M\. Teachn'w of thr • ~ Cundiff ia t.hC' daugtittt of 9dU1t. cM e 1 wW hit ~ PM1 • .., &n6 Afrs. Stuart Cu.ndjff Qf. Dike. Nonn.u Cb&mlledain and ~nick>-and 716 W~st Ocean flex lkudt; and kttf Woodward Ifrj>n:t. H er ma.n1ag-e to Leon.am Dtke &ad ·Jo&.D. 1"tnc B.....n.. ~ ~Uer ·or San Fra.ncisco will be U.vie 1»eea' do:nc , iplmdid work 9' event of Saturday. Aug. " •t wtth chlldrat'• cl•s- lli~-· . . -•ttending lh~ lun<;Mon were ~ Clwdiff and her motMr. Mrs. St. Andrew's Bazaar Event for Saturday P'tnt eunu:ner buaar of St. S jlart. Cundiff: l\f.rs. Ernest. Sal- motber of thf\· ha.le'~ llD'l<'l!I. e Newport. Bazil Pue,,.Hugh ley. Walter Rut.ledg~ Jr., .. ....n YoungJovf', C, T . Wbef:ler. \filUam Ward (Nancy Newport); :M.iun Teaita Mantz. Mary Antba )'lcwport. Dolly Newport and the A.ndttw's Pft.ebyterl.u c hur ch Will be held th.la coming Satur- <lay. Aug. S La the clJurcll hall. Womea of the Fdlieweh.lp have bem worjJin&' tor moaths on • bol\t.... Wao Rttd. Bav.arian Girl is 'Kiwanis Speaker Miss )fagda Koerber of NUttn- ~rg., Bava.rt.a. \VU ~ spe&ker at la.ft Tbur.lay's 1'€'wport Beach Klwanl.9 Club, dt>Scribtng tllie tb!nkinl' of the peop{e in Gtormaay today, t'SprciaUy .._.,. it affects men'tt groups. Sht' Jo1tated th&t rOr a wom.an le-addren a c1ea·s club ln Germany \l.•ould be unheard of. PrE"aideat H erb Keruiy presJded and ft.(>v. Tom PeadeU sen."ed. a.'! 1)l'ogra.m chajnnan. b&&aar art.ielie9 and baw eVftl en- tuc.ed help of lbe men, who are .et Coirla' to nm co.or11icl'ul bul wilJ aen'ie io the klldllen U chefL A ncn"el poatolftoe la ln cb.aree of KnL Weoley -and .tor ii --~· ....,, pecbau ...... be ~ wlt.idt ha-.e belen 9ent fNca e-.eey· atate bl the Uaioa.. Kr&. Jame.a Cowie l8 chairman ., u.e wbite ~ Moth. a.1-... y. a.n a.ttracUGCi tor ca.any Aboppen; Mn. C'hrlsttan -Sd!.tn- dler llOt enJy hA.a -charge ol the plants booth but waa reeponaJbl<' for the ('lever po!St('rs. Webster Jones and Robert Campbell will rnn the concessions and Ch'f Edgar H. H'111 wtn, be l\sslsted Christ-Chllrch Choir' w{th try1ns and .. rv1ng hambur- -ge"f"8 IU'.ld trankfurt~ by H 11gti Has Barbecue sprtnger •• JJm e1ack. Chn•t1an Schindler and Paut Joh!l;stone. Members or the Sanctuary choir of Christ Church by the Sea and their fainilics enjoyed a bar- becue ln the patio of &.>v.. aw1 ~fp. Pencfel l last Thursday ew- nittg Just .prior to t.beir. Wt re· hir::-1 ot the SE>ason. During tllle m o! Augu."'t. .speclal music at OW mornlng services wiU be. pro- vided by aoJolst.s. Mr!!. A . J . Rut- t~ o! Balboa Island ha.s b<'e.n the ~tor ot the Sanctuary Choir !Of' the past nine year11. • • ~nneth Ouarrys r.iome From Nev. : Mr. and Aln. Kenn('th Quarry ot s'IJlta AJ\a lflVffiUe h&Vt" n'tUTTlffi (.rytl i vacatmn trip tak"lng them ;r..Fanon, Nrv .. where they visit- 4kt their daug-htcr and family. )fr. 2"f Mni. R.ictiard Homby. Tbeoy #f'!'l'p acoompanted by 30n Ronald. '*1'bo Ill .11pendlng the !lummtt .._on ~e <"8.ttle r8nch or his uncle at ·-&lion.· On i.-return trip 'the7 -!:llittd ht a..ono and at ~Tahoe. .. ~ rt"ad• the classtfted ..... ~ • ... •• ~ it t. uow CAM we •GET MOCJE MUA.SES 7 • I ' Women who have hftn working on th(> baular are Afmes. Solon Fo9ler. Holl~· Gilmore. H'ugh Spr.inl'er. A . Ji.fcC)outlin a.od Glen Whitl~k. Mrs. Karl Xxtat~r hu been in . charge -of publidt)• and will serTe as ca.shier. Leslie Freitag Sings ot County-Picnic. LE' s 11 e Fre!tag rept'eaentt>d Christ Church by the Sea at the 'aR ll~th.odJst · Oranl'e County Pie· ntc held last Wttk at Anaheim Ctty Park. lift!. Fttlta,g 11 a n J: numbers from two light operu 8:Jld _was the only partlctpant tn the progTam• findtng it tmnecea· sery to ttsc t~ outdoor amplifying system for lb<' cf"OWd of thrtt hundred ptber«I arou.nd t h t· tab~a. !lhe was accompanied by FAna Walk<'r Ehorn. These attendJnl' from the New- port Chureb also included Mr. &Ad Mia. Uo%<l roi-n . .xr. and )lrw. .... l. Rutltt. )( .... KlMm. Kr ...... Mri. B. S. L. J"roltq, the putor apd Do.Yid. and Dal• Pendell. . . ' \_ I _._ .. _...;,....,....,.....;....,...:.;...---· .. ~ • Qu C's• :Meo 1.; ~ ........ te eus1tl1 .h 1: !i 1. One ..,.,. to i.ac;r 1 r re the 1 Despite_ the currq& aqtac. .. ,.,,..,,,. of -ii lo :n· ., -1l\at llki J -a -bofe .• nr"ina ed*':"tioa. Bi1c1k lil Ila the beM." ~ are a.c.tual :,w fs'"' M:t::'•~ ud,,.., ..;.i --~•btl:e p111l1 'have been .,~--t a -+ilW i11""9 -la U.. llo..t by 0 ,.,ii£tlft~Mt:-:'n'J ,--; •tilisl ~ 'vl'Wft a . -•-..... .a-... ..._ _,, iee ........... WVI ·~--WU p~ ...,_. LZQ -.. ~ .· ~ •·•'U e,. .. Isis s •s' • .• .. 6 •., ,, "-t: In ••I ca . .,. ._ ·1• w ., --....... ......, . ., • .! !"Irie hat -.. a zjmt .. ..ailfl"ar _. • ... .._ ·--•: e::r.:!'l. = '1ssd2¢r1 ta ...... • "tit• ·:g::::: ·-111-To*'°' .... .,_ 1t1'I 'k • •••I =:•• .. • -. ... tazs t ·-~ .... _ .... lildJrla .... ell••·-- ft ... -111 -...., ........... , .... -.. ....~--·Iii• . ~ ::...-;...:iA:iT..., fC:•]t! sg"l --~If -~. 1171 l••i<e-.... ~ I --:ir" l f19t\·., ·1 I N~RT-IAlBOA ~.NEWS.TIMES . ' . . . L~ftAU...~TION OF ()t._-.~K'F.llS for Cnhc~hlta t»arlor Nu. 294. :'\ativ1• OUuC'bt.t'ni of the .Goldpg \\1f:!A _... ...._ _ ,,_~y .qttt . .lul~' ff.. at (he •""rfda.y ..t.fu.rnoon.. ('l•bhnt~ In C'°"ta Mn.a. SM.t<NI, tr.... Wt le rfPt: an: M.n. .lolt'pb c. \\"blf"t•)er,·llf·.~d t'lt..._p~df'•J; MnL. Raymead llf'nnll., ,ut. prt:1l•mt; Mra. ct.Mttt Poll&rd. pr'\'iddcqt; l\lnt.. zd"'al'd · 'Orko,·lcll, fln¢ \10l'-P"f1'l&-at; and llra. a.rri5 Otttlt\ Wnl ,.ft-Pi'Mdf"nt. Standlnc" arr: M,... Ch~ O~m. tn1.t&tee; )lr1'. I. A. ~ t~; :Mn. nrs • IH&w, ttnanclal ~mtary; M..S. Du ·-Patrh. OH~de 9"'fttinfol; Mn. \\'lHlam: ~ •. ~, 9f"Cft"ial'y; M_n.. ~·a1i.... N.U..W, er~t; ;\fn, llerbrrt Tbompsou, tnL~et"; Jin.. a. C. MaeO H. tft!uw't>r; Mrs: Amolcf Tedd. MJ'-titutt..g tor i\11'1\. F...arl Pattir-nwn. Q\U'Shal; MMI lfn. La~ Bf•l•"a. ltihlc IH'nthwl. !Photo by Colleen lttCCtoskey) •, ' I •, . No ge . ·for Ne.ws ~ "'·r · 1 · A .•it a ~.., rc ... 1 ..... ... -.... ri ...... .... *'-).ff.~ ... ,,. ...... """""' I I j1i4. -~ 11 ~ ... fi" -·--"' ... , civet'• • •••«• ,.t .......... ,~, ............ -,_ """'!' -. - -~ .......... 57 ,.~ ......... ..,.I .. 11r44 s· . .., ........ , ............. __ el_....,._,,. -·~-.... -8-lt It ... -........... ... I I r•:' er:_ ., 191 7 ... .... .. tfetl!r' ., ...... t. ,.. 1 91 .. fWl•ltJ'. ~ ~-......... 1a ·z' letW .... 1tt'•e~·M ·pee al ,..,.,.,, ~ ,...,....,. c ...................... ... ~* ..... ~ -. W" ..., .... lf ..... ..,. --.e1 r..tlr c 'c•.-C.,..,...., a• ta AJA~ 1 rnSrr. • • r p1tfr1t...,.-* te _,. wnW ....41 •·se,...... ,.,,., ~ ·~-·---.. ----·t•··-. . ' • ...:.w:;~ .. . . Bicycle ¢1us~,8oys' Plan An tber T • · Benefit Concert at Art Gallery 1 Missiona~ Group Boy Hero & Rooster cubmultt . a-1ey -•· i ,... ..... I Sh H ·-°"' .. ·Bleyde dllll tri!>' I :ouests on . Magno ia are onors r"" Sliturday , ............ Ucw< •· P d H.,, AU boyo U•ln&' Jn tlle Ba-.,.... Mr. John H. Moore, bl'llliont I The WomM\'8 ){luiontry Socl· at a ua · I s ond lnteresl.ed In~ ..... """"' young Amttican Pianfat of Still-I l'ty of the Newport Harbor Lulh-to ·appea.r· wi~ Uietr ,.._ at tbe water. Oklahotna. will giv~ a piano 1 f'ran chwrch 1net reoenUy at tbf' A ha.nd8o~e f&athcrf'd barnyarrl 8'Jbo& p&er u.et mon..,. at nine recitat at the 1.Aguna Beach Art , hnt11c of Mrs. Cbar1~s Hoffa.-d. 250 hUhh~r plays the tltlf' role with o'ctock.. · ,_ .. . . • ' -r,.;c,.~~11, '"' .• · "~00..SYE M()RT~~~" Maey burna the beca"W · lt wu her ~.to saye the ~ from. thl! fanllly ineome to' ila.iJ,e; the monthly payments. 1 'l'he Savings ~ .J'-YB off agiln. ' l . ' • It can, pay off for you, too. · Save arut' have at '~RT BALBOA ~ERM.. ~h~re =-rent dlvideoda are 3'.'1-. Make the eqwvalent of one year's~ inMine your aavings goal. start today. : -·I . . • '.Y-OU& ~LY, HOT°WNJID ASSOCIATION · ~EWPOR. &Ufaf ' . . FEDERAL SAYINGS rt " • .. • ~ J.il &"'-· ~...,,.--.,.,P.A.P~• .~ , -. DIJ r;.J.Jio•l/tw, ,_,,,~., G&Jk".ry on Tbunv:\ay "~In~. Au-:\13gnolla street. MrR. Bud New· aplomb in ""El Gallito," {The Lit-The l'"JUP wUI follow a dil- gust Sith u 8:1!\ p. m. n1an acl<'tl as co-hostess. 1'frs. K. rerent route fl'.'om the 1a.t Onef~llC==*'=::::::.oc==>11C=:l=1!1<==:XiC::='=>t11C1;::;=111C=~I Mr. Moc>tt recelvfil biA ba('h('lo!' I~. Quarry, pre.!id<'nt, conducte11 llf' Room.er), tbr 1'fexlcan Players· July !l "wt.ea ten cycl(ora •Dd thf'r and maM.er ~11 in mwdc at I 1 he buftnf'U mPe.ting. A number brand nC'\\' crimf'dy or a little Yu-pa.f.enta aOca Mcnd.J:·croiiled on Ute KanS&A UalVf'T'Slty. He &l&o atudi· 1 or p1ojec~ ,,·ere di.R(!uU('() and a c3tcC'an boy and his p<>t, at tht> ferry to Balboa lsland and cycled I PadJa Hills Th<'atrf'. tod witb ~ Ganz at the Chi-m<·l·ting '''as planned ror future to .the dam in the Back Bay area. ca.go u':.~ic&a CoUece and at lhl' Jis1'u.<JR!on in (ormlng C!rclE"s or a But It Is to Jose Guadalup<' The rtd<'rs are requested to brtng· Sherwood KWlic School with Po-I.odit'!-1 Aid Society. Bible study \'rrR. lh<' boy hero, rather than to a light lunch 81\d can np.ect to dollky. Wtan~ a "IC)M)Larahlp In ~·ns rl'<ld by Mrs, Quarry. lhr r·ooster, that the thE>splan hon-bf:> back at the Balboa pl« about 1930 be went to Europe and 1· Th08e preae1it were Mmt'S. ·Al or~ J::•l in th<' mC'n'y little comt'dy noon. 8CU<:tWd at ~ Mo&arUum Ac&<k'-P,~t<'r!ftln, Georg<' &lnmUIE"r. Roy writl<'n by Dlrf'ctor Hilda Ra.mi-Tht" Blc}•cte club ia part or thf' • TERESA RENNE (Mrs. A. Renner) c~rt Pianl•t Jt n."'f' c.nt1.,...t.. I . Graduate Stuclt>'t of l\f>lll Rartok my ifl $&.bbul'g'. 09<' of hia teach· Att·Cnrdle, &-rnard E 11 er Ill an, r<'Z de" J~ra . . .summer progra:n of cub acouting .,.. belas Ralph Lawton. I M•n·m W ilcox, Law,..nco Fn-J· Jose. "ho made 8 host of fnends and Pack 10~ sponsored by U.c I 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171-J Mr~ Moon> ~ b.ia N~w York rikst>n, Cli ffOf'd Peter!W>n , Kt'nneth ~.he pl'l:i1t .. t~vo !'K"&sons. as lltth> Newport Bea~h EI e rue n tar y Cor--Ri,,.w_•ds Coro_., def Mar . .. defliut la recital at Town Hall, Ne'\v Quarry. Clyde Louck.&, Glenn Not·-P~n('h.t~o 111 thc-MC'Xtcan Play-I Schools Parent· T each er Aseocla-,...,...,. ..,....... -~ y-In 1•·2 ·-" -•--" b I D I Ba k h M"S Christrn~ dran1a, "'Los P osa-t '•on. Th• N Be h •~t · t I I~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ _, ~ ... ,en t "I lon, 011a J rric and tl'k' oat· .. 1 1 ewport ac \~ rte _ ~ fron\ Cout to Coul . c5Sf'S. l.1mea. HO!tard and New· ~la.._,. ~lf'nl onsdtrn,l£'!1 . ne\v ~a l'.'nts ! police are cooperating by prot€'Ct-H~ ILu accompanied many gnat rr1nn. Durinv the social hour fruit ~~ si,ng>hng an c1snc-ing an\i com- 1 Ing the ridf>rs in heavy tra.tnc I · "' , ... ,v n t r nev.• p av • a.rt~ on UK-cont"C!'rt stage and salad, cooki~. nut.a, cand~es and I TI. d · · th f areas, and Mr. Urry &wen, who I 0 I _....,_ l t' C"Onlf' y conC"C'rns C' e -1 · · I G 0 I d ,__.__ ccff<'f' \Ver(' 8'.+Yt'<I by the hostl'.'liS· J f f l't 1 IJ t th 1 1s af!1liatt>d \\"Ith the Newport Pw,Ket>4s from thi& Neil.al \l.'i.ll r•s. 1 hor~ 0 ' 1 '' Ost" h~ !\8\'e r Beach police. haA given the boys ! . bi-applied to t.hr buildinK fund of ----I •n,. •dornf' r~b. f'T ~ "~. hf' ~<'-lnstrtlctlo;i on the care• or the-tr lhe Callery. Tickets may be pro-.. '. --• qu I C' at a . arga1n p11C'e \V1lh bicyclf"8. ~ /. HUNTING ti I n --th r h A I I . rorn r.lCrCl'll&ry £'Iii'"'" ot h is . -.::::::.;;:c;;~~ .... ""'i5:'',/j,,1• I "" ~~ o l e asoc at on. A• Wi h S I f ._. &·-nate Saturdays, and on th• non-1 ,. llf · the Clltp'lClty af ,the Gallery la lln1-it unp. ies or p!!.;;n . hi k h k , tJ;lp Saturdays the cyc,tng en-I .. it('d only a ct"rtalft number of M'al.s I"" ayn:t t. n . s t c ('()(' ere may th¥8laal.!I meet for road lnstnie· will be aold, --Navajo Indians h.a.ve c-hnrup1@n..'\hip potcotlalltles tion. cycling g-amea.' llt\lftta and . o· I M~ !foott'• mcc•m wl11 ht-814 a~.• gnmccock. \Vbile 1namma en· lrieks. I A . ~IB. . -·:ay· 'M•'DGO rolloww~ .. 1 ; v1.s1ona him as l.uscious biU or Th .~ • _ •• d'lt'-ly ,...,,, . Tho Junior Dol'C&.9 Society of t end('f meet in a savory di.sh ot " u-ip •re. "'8~ 8 u ft,,1fT9. ~Lelodk-, 4Giuck -S~b&ti): W &venlh·Day Adventist church molt" on l h(' d !nner table:, but entertalning Wlth nntu~e study Chaconne, Bach -Buson1); Son-or Nt'\\·port HP.igh~ have st.artPd and a clrcuriiv~nl.R the m with t~lks, and Mr. R<'mk>y wilf']We-1-I llf THIS P&PEJl ·. Rtn In B nat ~1lnor, 1Choplnl : :;:athcring.clothe&.. food and <lrugs rn in;nlQWI plan. ·<'<>mt' any b.iok>g'~s. oeturalllU, ! Gravf'. 1Dopp1Q Movimentol ; fo r another trip to th<' NaVajp In· VKJa Amad0t: anl Carlo Ucon roolog'ists. entomoSogi•U. dendrol-~======-===~================• Sche rzo, March Funebre, Presto; <!tu n" olf Kayenta Ari% TbPy hope ·. ...... ti '1 ds ~ · ogists or geol~sts who would - La Ma · I R · Lam · • · 10 '"""" roman c ro t.'8 , an r .-.. n-. !.:-----------------------------. I*.__ ~y1e_d w..,ndorthf ,.. •. onhtt~ to e ccumulele enough articles 80 cisco Velazquez. 8.8 grandpa, and like to go along-and add a prot~s- or "C' ._ ... •• en. an e '" 1g 1~-the tr'ip can be made t'Vf'ry thref' J~ O 'BellO and . Conchita Gal-8ional touch. g-al e) bv Granados; Saville: ISl"Vll· n1ontha· 1 1 d _,,,... AnothPr c:ub scouttn• PWnt I! la l · 1~· v · · · aT' o. &Iii pap.a on niamn1a ....... .,. · ~nat" A U'alU::; 1enil"Sf' Di!OCl' Cotor<'.d pictures. we re-takl'n on to th('ir the.11p ian la.uf'C'ls. · 1 th<' opening back n1eeting for the No. I r.and Vlenne91!'! Dance No. 11, th<' last. l\\'u trips showing the Th f 1 d h rth . ~"tntrr program to M Mid At1gust •Friedman -Gartner) , . . c gracr u an r )' m>e 7 7·3-0 T . • \\R) lhl" gar1nehts werp distrlbu.t-jnra.na dancf's and brlllianUy .('m-I a~ . at the ar Pit. At this -----C'c1. th<' treatment ot the sick. broldercd whit<' costume& peculiar l mN>ttng any boys In the area \\•ho Miss Marv. Gurfey J.i:ntal h<'lp gtven and the home to the peninsula are alluring-and ha'~ ~&ehed .t~etr eighth birthday • 1. lite or the lndJans. Dr. C. C. En1-exQUc features of the play. and .. -tsh to J01n the cubs er~ In· Breakfast Hostess m crson, Phone Beacon 5022-\\r \I.ill \\'itll tb.e J an1aica attirr·theatre vitt"CI to appear with their par- bf' glad to shOY,' 1hese pictures to cami,'al In the patio and the enl!! or a sponsor . to Bridesm'aids any Interested 'roup, free of Thursday cvirntna mariachi pro-------- charge. Anyone wl.shlng to donate gran18 in th<' fo;er, "El Gallito" ff · Gay prPlUde to tJw! Sunda)' wed-lO\vtlrds this worthy proJ<'Cl pleaEW '''1.11 be stagf'd \Vednesday through p dSfQf 0 .. iciateS ding of Mi.88 Mary Alice Gurley call Dr. C. L , !!'mith, Bea.con ~62. Saturday evenings a.nd Wednes-t W dd' to Elmet' J.fanley waa the bride&· ---day and Saturday alternOOM, a (3 Ing "l•l<b' breaklaot Mid Fnday 'fine Drunk Driver thr""l'h Auguot is. .of Brother-1·n-law morru.ng lll the patio or the J . Addiactn Gurle-y home oo Lido Isle. Charles H. Berrey. 18, Long Interest centered a.round Mbs Beach, y,·u fined $150 on a drunk f\tiss J ean Rll!'l"d of Lido Isle Rrv. and Mrs. ThomL"I Roy Gurley and her attendants, Mrs. driving charc-e in Se\\wrt City and Mi• Barbara Cundiff of Bal-Pl'.'nd('tl or Balboa were in Paa- Robert ~r. GurLey tNa.ncy Far-court Monda)·. His operator's boa ,.,.tte l'l"Cent week l'.'nd g'U<'&ts dena Sunday afternoon for theo well) a.Ad the Mllec-s Jean Rtt<l. lk:en.e w•• not aturpended. at the Wa.td home in San Fran· w~dlng of )fr.11. Pende11's brother. Barbu& Farwell, Donna Keller. ~y wu arn:trtect l>y New-deco. Comp1cting a founome at I ?.fr. PendeJl pertonned the cere· t.oua,.,,e Taylor, Anne Freeman po1't pollce •t 12":.SS L m. Satur-.-e\'eral enjoyable eV'entl were E1 mon)·, )!rs. ?ende-11 M>rved as one ind Te rry Jay. day on Hwy. 101 la the ~ Ward and Ml.as CUndlff'.s fiance. of the brldesmatcb. a.nd stx-year- Olher$ preer.nt were )fmea. CoJon)' area. Leonard KJsUer old Davi() Peondell wu the ring· Douglaa Carlaon and C 1 au de ----------·=-----------·-------bouor. Drake. Whittler; lkwlcy ATien. -Whittie.-""' Udo t.lc; ~ R<>ddy. Oahu, T . H., mother ot the best man: Russell Heller. LaguJ.WI Beach; T. Weston Jay, ""'altl'r Franz, Challen Landere, w ,rtcn Blina uld L 1A. Gurley. Sr., New-.~ port ~; al9o Kn. J . A . Out'-:\. Jeor, Jr .. Son Lula Olliopo LDd Mn • KUC~ Dulllop. a... A.ntoa.lo, Tt1<to. A..moftg thoee entertallllng wtth pre.nupliM e....ta f<>< Mitt Gur· rey were Mra. Allen. Mn. !And~ enUdll1ooS-.' .. -.. ,_. . jolllOd the J>ril<· clpaJ.a. )rtde.cn•ld• but .m.aa and •.otts !or the ~lng dlniier, b<kl Saturday e-ins u t11e --ot Kr. ..... Mn. -ert Gurley, ·s.nta Ana. .... Ill ... a ..... 0 -·· .... .... --... --.. .~ ~ ....-.-....... lolletlle--otllopt.I, ...... ls-··· -.. a. - ' . . .~ ... -~·.;-~ . . . . 'Unique lnStrument • ... ' .. Played ir Padua· ~ Hills Pr~sentation Merry songs and gay dances interJSolat«f: · tD. the action or the play fu.mt.h lt~y oomedy ln "El Golllto," IT!le lUW. Rooot.ft'), lbo Mexican Players• mldammer ~ duct.ion, bl. ~!sh, wWl the Ja· male& ouldool-m.ralv&l at "" UM> Pa-Ii.Ito lfi,.U.. A -""velty omonir the .core et"·~ ttll'Dlben pre- sented in. tbe} .• Y ta a akeiio solo. pe<form~ ~ v~ obc of only four mn""claM ln tile Uftlted stat.Ni w11o . .,io.y this im. usuol bup-llke -lnttrwl>er&. Tmt-~ J'-Guodolupe V~· lbe lioy lr;m., pnm~ ..._ rim<S\l -~ ·-a.-U,.wlc" aanc. and two ..WI dMcel, ""'Dae µWe. u..-. ..... "The -.· the-·--la t__,,.li. I •' ~&..·...ur..-­ part ln ii. ~!'/...mrlgtlt -.. Iler .... .... ,,.... toldJOM ........ ~ ..... _... --· rolliddila tr re . ·--~--.... . ......... -~fit::;-·-tti ' ..... . ?Ji 11 ..... -~.. ..... a'..... l I, ..... .... , rr • · n s ew, ;s. .. c9iacr• • ... ..,,.., -· .... s • . I Law on h liealion of • Cel'l,l6eale of 81Qlneu J • Puili.t .. ct ' ' " . I " • • • .. • "f ~-•••••••• , .. • • • • ~ l• '-TIMICley, J~.~3 '.:'..h ~1'5~1 -:-1:::--:-----:;:-:-----::--1----:----:::----:--:-:-:--=---i::::±::=N=EWPOl:==T~-li~•l='°=A=NE,W~=S.:~:nM~ES~~=~· _:._:-----::.:---:-_ ~j=·-=-~.::--:~--~--~_;~··~·:_}' --4~_:__1_!!~~ ' • H. A '2 5 f • I A rd · '· ._-': IOW lO~TS . . e.o " ere ug. · u: r..:.: :.:i. ai::i:,;! esttva . wa ~ ~= : i: ~ ~:~ · . ·-.: ·: ~, • T'be oecond :.:.....ua1 Bal-11-.y lul Sanday cbUtered • f1lldnS . h. llH ...,. ;.,,.. oprlplly W. II. c. Ii. at 22nd atreet and · ! ~ . Club tnvlta~ U.U.la touma· -t. from the )(cCUIJoulh -· ~ Xlda aiid Kl~" flnt Wiq.t Balboa baUle~ In the Eo-. ment wlll be beld Au.-. 2, a , t , and aklppered by Gerald Jen... • cuh awwd tor beet tt.lems In art W. bulldlnc, wlll lie continued thla -, ELL IS 8 0 T'. I .I '1 A L'J 5 with Wllllam Powell u rer...... rD<Jllber or the local Jodi"'· Amoq at, Lqana -l',ottiral ot Arta coming w .. k end, Aug. 'i, 3 and-t . -· ~ JllwaJ' • • Nawport ~ ' ft: e.ilWr IPI ' Tournament manager .. Van Zer· lb-enjoying lhla ll.lhlnir parlJ' ..... \.to ,,..,. Inlnl (Jlt'&ndt) of . =i . . AT 80tJ'l'.R END OF 'BAllSfOJIU!I ll&IDq& i j •• ' be. ·The Beed.eel pl&yen for the were: Mr. and Mrt. Leonard CoroD& del Mar 'l"be lticrtite. done • LtJTllEKAN ~-·ONA.BY men'• .liigles wtll be O.Orll"' Rieb· Leach, Kr. and Mn. An:hle 0.-In 1111'1. Brandl;• attraellve' atyle , Tbe Women'o Mloflonary Bocl- arda In No. 1 poolt!on: Hugh Stew· trander, Mr. and Mn. Harold of piacbo, la of chlldnn !lying et,y or the Newport 1lar00r Lut.11-art. No. 2: Glenn Buoett, laet fft.wley, Mr. and Mn. Robert kltea tn the'1rem1eat blDa, Corona eran cbun:h will m t ThuradaJ, year'• wlnnu 3rd and Robert Muller. Mr. and Kn. Droeete. Kr& de! Kar, and carrl.;, Wtth It the Auguet 2 at 8 p.m. In the home K.lmbttll, 4 th. = J~ee. gK,:-Y .f:!:ieyK~. very bro.tll of sprlnl'· of Mre. Mae Che.aebro, 218 CabrU· Seeded players ln the women'• ce oun ' ' · Second ait award went to Nat-Jo et.reel, Coeta Mesa.. aingl~ will be No. 1. lut yur'a and Mrs.. Loveneta. Dr. W llhlte of ional Ac&dem.ician. Eliot O'Hara winner, Mary Arnold Prentlall: Long Beach and Mr. and Mra. and h<Jnonl>te menlton to Brad· Dorothy B. Cheney, 2nd. MlaB Bar· Hu~tn of Fullerton. Cord Vought and Ruaell 'Iredell bara Green, 3rd; MlaB Patricia H. Dr. Wilhite donated a trophy to Severa.I of the .. YCMID&' MocterM .. Youmans. '4th. be awarded to the one catcbtng who exhlblted recentty tn Corona Play will 11tart at 10 ._ m. Aug. the largest flB.b. but there were del Mar created tbelr own court 2 and. the public 111 invited, accord· three who tied for thia hO!'Or · A In the Fefttva.I of Arte a.nd re- lng tp Vlncent Healy. publicity delicl0\19 lunch WU aerved on celYed nm prize tn the booth'con· cha..irm&n. hoe.rd. Everyone declared •thla te.ei. The '"E " court t. cempoled t!Vent an out.Blanding aucceu. of Maurice Martini, tumllure; New Princ ipa ls for Mesa Schools Two of Coeta Meu.·s three grade· achoob will be u.nder the guldapce or new principals when school open this fall, Element.ry School Superintendent Ever'ett Rae -.nnounced. Both the men teacllera engag~ to take up thelr new duties September 1 have a number of thin~ In common. Jerome K. Edwards, slated to head the Main SC'hool, comes here from three years of Jervtce u prlnci~l ()r the Isbell Elementary school in Santa Paula. Prior to that he wu principal or the Rooeev~lt Elementary school Pe- mona. Edwards Lil working thl.s summer on hi8 muter'& degree In school admlnll!llration at USC. He U. a graduate of San Diego State college &nd father ot five chil- dreft, the youngest two belng twins. Saturday evening. July 21•t, the Alan Glrard. metal product.· Newport Beach Moose Lodce No. George Meklrum: eculpturea; Net: 14~7 were hoeta to another auc-ter Worthl.ftl1.on, palritlnp; Leon· cesatul evening of dinner and ard Kaplan, p&\r\Unp; Everett dance. Gusale Rroeate, Viola MaeDonald, jewelry: Gene God· Corn«L Clara Leach. Elate kinK frey, wOod product., and M . Jo and Wilma Corbin served a ch.lck-Godfrey, enamel.a. en dinner. and dancing wu to the Cen.mic awa.rda were presented music of the Costa Mesa Acea. to Ceram.lca; by J eruien ?Qr flr•t Saturday Danee prise; Pat and Covey Stewart re- celved RCOnd place, and honor- able me.nUon wu given to E. J . Oehler and C&ther KUna. In the craft• dlvtaion of award.8, Evertitt MaaDonald . placed tint: Marie Hodge.a. aecond, and M. Jo God- rrew .ltd Maurit e Martini, honor- Another such enjoyable evenlng l8 ACheduled for the evening or Saturd•f . 1'ulY 28. when a turkey dtnner wilt be eerved, and the four·piece orchutra. t he Coeta MeA Acea. wtll a.gain play ror dancing. .Clara Leach announce.a that ehe is organlzing three bowling tea.ma to participate In the forthcoming league. Anyone lntereated In join- ing one of the team•. ple&M con- t.a.ct Mre. Leach, Harbor 2299·M. Theae teams will be sponeored bY the Women of the Mooee, Newport Beach Chapter No. 11~. able menUon. The Freeman -1Leidy Ceramic~ placed second among booths. Cor· ager Ceramlca wu third. and honorable rrienUon wae given to Fl"ed Lang, Winifred Smith, Ma.ril' Hodgea and Catber Kiln•. Theae prize wtnnlnr booths and best Items will be on exhibit throughout t he Festival of Arts which Jut.a: through Sunday, Au- gwit ~th. MRS.' FRANK SPlELBEROER Mr. and Mrs. Fra~k Spielberger Home From Carmel Honeymoon Now at home at 5211 )...os Lo·._ ____________ _ -People do read the want ada. I ' N~W -is :the time to transfer your .funds t°' in•ured S·IVINGS , ' J ' ~ Herbert W. Ward will be princl· pal at 'Harper 8Chool, Rae said. Al- so an alumnU8' C1f San Diego St.ate college. he haa been elementary school principal at Ga.r:vey and hu f,revioua high echool u ·peri- e~ as a coach. Thuraday evening, July 26 , at the regular meeUng of the Wom· en of the Mooee, Newport Beach Chapter No. 1158, Mre. Elsie Por- ter and Mrs. Ann& B. Wiley, were initiated into membership. Re- freshment. were .eerved by the l}ewly elected and' appointed of- ficers. Insurance Man Receives Award mM, Long Beach, are Mr. and Mra. Frank F . Sptelberger. just' returned from a honeymoon a t San Fr8ncieco and Carmel-by-the- Sett.. Mrs. Spi£"lberge r i..s lhe for- mer Miss Linde Strouse, daughter nf Mrs. Jamea Eric Lofgren of Beverly Hills and Lido. Isle. Hr r hul!lband Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louil!! Spielberger, Channel Sorority Meeting at C .D.M. Home • • Ward. like F..dwarda, ill working for a aimilar degree at USC. He aleo (belleve it or not) la the ra- ther of five children, thf youngest two of which &re twina. Summer Band to Play Saturday · at O range Park Mrs. Mary Willi ams Is Hostess at Family Dinner Mrs. Mary Williams of 20th St., ente.rtained recently in honor of ber eon and famllf, M~ and Mra. Albert Williama and daughte r. Merilee, of Fallon, Nev., fonner Mesa ratde.nU. A family dinner WU ,aenoed ln the R!1JO. -. Specially honored for the uni- formly high quality of the service he renders lo hia clients, Arthur G. Torra.nee of Park avenue. Bal· boa I.stand, ha.a been named to receive the 1951 Quality award of the National Auocl&lion of Life Underwritera. Repu~lican Women Meet Author of 'The Red Blight' . Place, Newport Beach. The ·four o'clock \ wedding waa held in Be verly Vista church, Bev- erly Hills, with the Rev, R. stew· art u officiating clergyman. Decorations were large bouquete of white l!lummer flowers, fernl!I, white tapers on pew cnda. white altar oandlea and candelabra. CMntllly Lace Linde. dlminutive and brunette. wore an ankle length gown -of whJte Chantilly lace with match· Ing lace cape and half mltta. Her ahouldcr length veil wu held with a t iny lace and pearl'Cap, her bou· Misa P"ranc<'s Humphr<'y enter· tained Eta Ep!ll on chapter ·of Kappa Dt-lta Phi sorority In the home of Mt. and Mtl!I. E. H. War- hurst of Co rona del Mar. Special gue11 l8 at the affair were Mn. Jack Ma.h oney a nd Mrs. Darwin Speck. Games were enjoyed and the prizes WC'rc awardl'd M ni. Burrel \Vllson, Mrs. PC'arl F ishe r and Mr11. Forreat Anthony. Gay zinnlu and roses adorned the home for the occasion. Mrs. Fisher was preaenled w ith a cake in obacrvance or her birth- day. Delegates Atte nd B.P.~. Conference Miss Norma Perkin.a, who hu directed the aunvner recreaUon progrem ban~ llorace Eba1p 9Cbool, ts pl'eaentlng 40 of her moat advanced atude.nta IA a con- cert at Orange city park at T:SO p. m., Wedneaday, Aug. 1. A pie· nic will precede the concert and swimming will follow it. 'lb.OM e.njoytns ,. the occulon were Mr. and M:ra. K. L. Quarry and children, Kenny Jon, Christ- ine and Kathleen; Mr.-and Mrs. Ralph Myrehn and children, M1- chele, Mupy, Eric and Mark; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schade, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quarry, "Pop" Campbell, Jamee Mc NLah of Fal- lon. Nev., M.r. and Mre. Raymond Whitney of · Summerton, Artz.; and Mary Lynn Howard of Fal- lon. Nev. It may be summer and time for relaxatJon. but key Republican women are cleverly combining plea.sure &nd polillca and coordi- nation of the Republtc&n women'111 program in Orange county has been conslderable furthered by luncheons at Balboa Bay club. quet was or white roses and with I it ahe ca r ried a tiny h1>irloom allk Harbor B. & P. W. de egates ·Over 200 enrolled thl• summer in this pouplar clus. Wilh that nurn ber of atude.nta &nd each given individual attentlpn, M:tas Perkln.s wu aided by aeve.n at.u- dent teachers. 7th and 8th grad· ers. These were Gloria Chapman. SU8&ll Brown. CarolJ'Tt Calli•, Richard Overby, Carol· ~e . Gre•g Ada.ma and Jalteri. Green. For thl• STOUP there will be a tpecial reward, a trip to Long Beach Pike on Thursday after- noon. Lester A •. Becker'. D. D. S. Dl!:NTISTRY 17& Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Kedieal B fd g. Beacon 6n2 Kitchen Safety ~===:=:;=~!Stressed by · Extension Service &oC5 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa Harbor 327-J Harold K. G ra uel <.. h "S&!e at home" la • familiar ex-c ape I preulon to a11 or us. · ~t 1a It Plloae: lleeao• Mle true! Home Advt.or Karlan Prentiaa of the Unlvenlty of Call· 11~ ar-dway Coeta Me.a foml& Agricultural Exten.elon '.::===========~lse~. aayo kitchen ranka hl,gh ;---------~---• 1 m Ute 1ut of places where acct~ dent. happen. BE SURE INSURE You can avoid many of theee • &Ccldento by jUOt & f•W extra pre- wltJI cauUons to make w:re your kitcb· HA.:U:raa!:~ en l8 a aafe place to Jive and work. none Harbor 1118 F\ndinc a ' place for everyt.hlnJ' iu Martae Ave. ~ lala.lld and kttptnc it ln that place ta one ::=============lot the first ru1a for kitchen aate- EXCELLENCE In UPBOLST&llY · • • • KIMMONS °"'-~··°'·~~ RU.CON SG6 CB L l?Ht STIE:IT1 COSlA WUA ty, ehe &dda. f':ccordlng to fhe 'Naticnal Saf&- ty Cou:ncll, ta11a account for malt ot the trouble. In the kitchen and a u.te step atool la an euenUal piece of equipment ln every ate kitchen. ·/ Another ~ent c&u.e Of ti-ou· bit! In U..-ldtcben la from -llldbuma.KMpyour 'pclWldlea turaed away &om the troml ol MAT'J'R:P!IGJF.8 . ~ ttoft, .uaat wUl vie•eat .,... .,_.._Bi•~I ' Tn8lft one rtom accldent.ally .,,.._. -jllll U.-. Uie a .,.,_ -.bnj I • M l p I I you.· &ft carotnc a . pan ot ecaJd- ., UAOON .. 1 !aJ ti4lOlld to bop It ~ _.., <loata -ih1Q-Oo. • onr UM ...... Utt Uoe tar lide . 1119 Ntafllild .... ~ .,,. tlM _.,..wt.a ftn& I AZf ... =============:'ltliie B4. • . •• h&ndkerchle f whic h had belonged I who allt'ndl'd the summer confer- to her ~rcat·grandmother. c~ce of Southern Dist rict, Ca1ifor· Atiss Carol Wcrl' of Sant& Bar-n1a F~eratlon of Bu.slness and bara, maid of honor , was in shell I ProfcM10.nal Women at the Y. W. pink orga ndy yi,•ilh full gathered C. A. building In Sa.nta Ana were skirt and fittt'd bodice. She com-Ruth Willmes, president; J ud)· ple ted the ensemble with . a tiny Woodward, Mabel FLtz.morris and white hat and white net gloves Sunny Eastman. On Thursday Mrs. )I. Lewie Lehman of Loa Angeles and Bal· boa I1land honored M.ary L&Mar Knight, author or The Red Blight. Mrs. Lebm&n la the first prealdinR vice chairman of the Wornen'11 Dlvilllon. Republican State Cen- tral committee, ran.king under Mrt. Be-nedlct only. Her specific work Is to coordinate the state and primarily the SouthE!m Cali-. rornla a.rea. and carried an old fashioned nose· ------- gay or pink rose• with pink oaun Iowans to Gather r ibbons. Thom .. Ginger gave .... man at Long Beath assletant:c and pAe.sta were ~ated by nshers Donald Case and Bob Eggert. Mrs. Lofgren. mother of t he bride, Wor1• champagne lace with coca acce~sorles wbUe Mrs. Spiel· berg!'r wore a coot. pale blue af· ternoon dr!'ss with white acces- sories. In Stewart Hall M:re. Knight I.a well known In the Far Ea.at &a a news reportr r and her book ls reportorial ln Its context. She is a close friend of Gen. Altiert Wedef'9.eyer, who ten- dered h!a re8'1"f[atl(j'n alter Gen. Mac.Arthur was recalled. Th e book created quite a l!lenaa.tion and .,., ••• given unusual notiee rece.ntl)' The reception was held Ln Stew- by commentator BW CUnningh.am art hall adjoining the chutch over a n.atk>na.J broadcast. · where 150 relatives and friends. Aaked to meet here were Mra. many of them from NewpOrt Charles Stanley of Los Angeles, Beach, were greeted .and where preaident of the Crenahaw Repub-they ofJ'cred fe.licit.tialul to tbe llcan Women; Mn. Lewie Gardner bride and groom. A four tiered ot B&y Shores, vtce chalrm&n of wedding cake topped. with love Orange County Republican Cen-blrda centered the bride'• table tral committee: Mn. Alice Qullros, and 00y8enberry punch wu served member of L. A. County Central by the Mlues Janet Zigler and Republican committee; Mn. M.ur-Jan Beeeon, frtenda of the bride. ray Roberti and Mra. Harry 1be new Krs. Spell.berger wu Green, all of Balboa Island. gradutted from HlllcrNt School ·Another such luncheon aaw di•· for Girls, Beaver Dam, Wiacon.sln cuaaing Oranl'e county affair• in J and from Beverly Billa High particular, Mrs. Lela Eutman, .school. Her husband was gndu- Kn. Gardner, Mre. Robert Bamea, 1 ated in June from Orange Cout Mra. Mary Topper and Mra. Leh· college, ·where he m•jored in man. arcbJteeture. All l oWans are invited to the 46th Annual Iowa Summer Picnic at Recreation Park, Long Beach, Is set for Saturday, August 11th. David Olmstead is maater of ceremonlea and program st&rt.s at 1 p. m . ' Honored guests will be Gover· nor Wm. S. Be-ardsley of Iowa. and G")vernor Earl Warren of California. and their wives. 1!£U!lc by the ramous Long Beach MW'llclpe.J Band, directed by Eugene lAbarre and other p~ gram features will entertain the crowd. Registration by counties and colle-gee wltl be maintained. Plenty of free auto parking near· by. Food and drtnks conceulon.s will be on the grounds. Free cof- fee coupon with purchue of Iowa' bllflge. Plenty of picnic ta.bles for IUOfhlng. 1111.s le a combined pic- nic! of the Iowa AMo<:ia.tion of sOuthem C&llfornia, and the lo~a Auociatlon of -Long Beach. Many a big deal bu . been maoe lhru a amall Want Ad OU. ~ ,...,., <Jd ..,. tlte:Jtar' 11 MftCiJ' OI II c« . ·WATll HIA'fllS ...._ l1 f.._ _.,I. ta ••. IJ •• 8.J.l./J ,. ~ . • . • Ii • ,.._. I 11-r•l'lllMR I a '~., . -.....:-u:.. t ..... -:;, ( ; ' ... ,~_, .... ___ _ ~ •.. , .• , .... , .... -·? ·-.,, -.... .,, -~ .. "t.-.p rMk -~ --~--:i-.'fll*7 ' ...... ,,. -"' .. tit S } ..... lll&iCf 'f II ... :::+::"::;:,-... ~~ -----Ille ...... ---· , ... -' .... -, • CURRENT EARNINGS S&Vl,llGS llOW lllSUUD U ... T~ Sit,••., I I ', • Come in ••• We will ,;,range the transfer pl your fund• without Jnconvenience or expense to you · -~. .. 7 I : .. ,_,- , . r~\,~-1 ·ALL OF TllE·, NEWS of dae Newpod· &arbJr Area , , . I A.LL TBE Tl. • -. EVERY TUESDAY • d. Jfrr//,,.,., J/r11~r'.. -r, . p RISS . . ' . . . . 1 ' .80'1'11 . . 11 • Orp"'']·'ce;wj1,f .. ~\ -,-..... ~ . . . ~ :. " •! !. . ' . • .. • ~·}I -*) • . ~ '11e11d ,Tb1i"PrT i mi ·'l'h9 N_._.'r· tmell to • ' . • ' , ' 7 , i I , j ·. , I· ' \ ' .. • A •rs' w,.~1.-.1' . ' • • ''' t1I i:.-.r TUC! Sq a& NtlWJllN&: B• .. .,.., ~ liy -NBWPOR'J' BA~ PmlLl!IRINO 001111'.&NT Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS ASS'N. V.inbor ot tile NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Oftlce' aad Pl'laUllC Plaat ·at 2211 Balbo8 llaojl•vard ' Telej>b<mo -.. une -u ~ Jb.tt.r at lbe l'<>!ltottlce In Newport Beach, ' · caJlfoftllll -tbe A<l of Karch S. 1879. • • • llDWARD A. .LoHOVEN, Editor J. K. PRANcrS, Bwllo ... Manarer ' ., ,,. ' HOW DUMB CAN .WE GET'? . . ' FA'" Neff':: ,,.,. follo\\11.ac' a.-• tetW ., oplnlon from .Jutlct't o... lttr IOIM't\ pun·,.yor •f •••-Ir.-IMlbAa •~I.anti. .Jodee • -4ofte!ll at on<" tlmt> JIH"Yf'd die 0*7 of Nf'WPOl"t BP&ah a." P,Ollct• · .. )wise and haa bH9 tam'U.· with t~ eow1a l•r many yf"WfL. W@ • llrlle\•e IW' .,.r,. ""P"W~ ,_.... tboqlata ., ...a Or th,. proplr or .,._ ~f7 or o,..p ailo atto fUldlla-r 1\itlt th,. Court rl'Ol'pn. l:aatlon plaa. -B.. R. Once again the people of the state of California have 8Wallowed a specious bait. book, line and sinker. Not.content with the United Nations 9et up, in which we· have but a very small voiee in formulating its policies, We have truly traded our birthright for n very small but odlferiou~ bowl of pottage. · • Do you know .that the Supreme Court of the State of Calitomi,. has held that the rulell, regulations, etc. of the United Nations 1111persede the Constitut!OD of the United . States u well as that of our own state, Thihk that one out. Casa Colina Work With the ever ~ing trend tAl~ BOCialism and Covers Wide Area centralization of power by the natlonal government our own state has fallen in line with ~ as flagrant example of 1'9Wer Politics as has ""er taken inherent rights away rrom our people. A study ot the patient count at Casa COllna ahow11 that the ser- vice. rendered by lbe home to crippled children covers a con- stantly w I de 111 n g g'e<>graphlcal Reference is made to the so called Court-re-organiza-area. accordins-to Frances Elea- tion bill nor Smith, executive vice presi- It is true tllat this bill was voted into law at it.he last general election, h!'w many of the people who vo.ted for thia-thing had the faintest idea what they were so illithely voting for? Dld ·they know .that in place of the promised economy in costs of courta they were really saddling themselves with added costs• Did -ihey !mew that. they were moreover placing the control of t)Je foinor courts in the bands of the Bar Asso- ciation, or to call it by its proper name, the lawyers union. , The lawyers union already controlled our higher courts but they had tn reach out and grab off the mino r co urts a.q well. dent. • At the present time there are cWlcJr en at the Mme from the counties of Los Angeles, San Ber- nardino. Riverside, Orange, Ala- meda and Kern, and !1'0m the ~tales ·of Arizona and Nevada. and one pAlient from 1'fexlco. The home has had patients fron1 as far north u Ala.aka nnct ns far south a.a Nieara,ru&. The patient, cwnt,. whic h Is ol- wayw lower ~ the aun1mcr n19nths f'xttf>t du:rlng epfd t'mlc yea rs. t. now thirty ... 11ix. The type of cas!'s now at the home inclUd<' polio, rht'umatlc f<'Vt>r , Ct>r ebral p1tlsy, Lcgg's Pet1.brs, tubPrcular hon(', pnrapli'gics anq olh<'rs. Th.:? homf' admits any type of conval- eSC('nt chilcl who is of normal Now what bas happened to · our courta right here in m entality and capabk ot phy•ical improvement under the speclsltze<I <;>range County. care a.nd trfiatm('nts offered. 1 • . The physical therapy and occu-1 By me o{ this ~rpoivtioa hill and supplemental pa11ona1 "therapy departm•nt• at bill whleb WU written in Sacramento by Sam Collina, got .-, ... Colina are among the la.g· f ded board ,.t. and bc>Rt equipped in the state, .a ~ vote rom our politic.ily foin of 1111pervisors aaid Mrs. Smith. School, which "' ~ WU ruabed by plane to Sac·-smento for Governor War-a problem In many •imuar inslitu- reo to ligo. Whicll be did Jut week We are DOW faced with lions, I> no problem at Casa Co- .. _ f · th ddled -'th • tlM becaUM the county of San _t..., act , at we are sa w• -two mun1clpal• courts Bc:rnardlno maintains thr .. t.ach- ill-Orallge County, Santa Ana and ~elm. . e no at the home who enable the •• ... la:: · • j patle-nts to keep up with the-I r .. , . Tl\e i!Jltice of tne ·peace COUl'U! and the polioc courts , age groups. Nursing caro ls on a in· Brei, Fullerlon, Pl&Centa '(city court) and 0range· are h\&h 1 .... 1. with regiJlt<Nlll ""'""" ABOIJSHED. . , always on duty. I ... ~ -------- • •.-(. Whf'n y<)U driVP a tar. you're • 1n other words if ~u should get even a minor citation a. lot safer among the tall bUlkl- You would have.!<> Jalle the"tin!e and-COllt to travel trom ln p th•• out In the tall com! -any of the above districts to Anaheim to have yqur case beard. · It might take' 8eV'era1 ttips on account of the in- evitable congestion,· It is more than twice .a.~ danger- ous to drive in rural a r ch as ln cltlt>s. It seems almost impossible to believe that our board j ,:===========;I .of supervillora would have sponsof'ed. silch an outrage bad 'they taken the time to study the bill and see what its · :'°'pact would be. _ -I • One thing for au.re, the-League of Citlea which on first 1 ., appraisal was for thia re-organisation thing la now revers-I •'.log Its ·stand and trying desperately to disavow it. . ~' At a meeting · of the Orang~ County. JIJ8tice or the •• P.,ace a.nd Constables Aasociation laat Thursday there were three members ' of the bar usoeiation present and they ior'ere un&Bimous in condemJng the thillg. • It was stated that they had contacted many members of the bar 8880· eiation and that the most of them did not know anything I 'aboul the thing but that of those who ·did· know about it ,all were opposed.. · -The Orange· County' Jutice of the Peace ahd 'c0n- " 1tabJea ~iatillll .la a member of the State Al80ci1tlon .and hll!I contacted ajiooat all of the county a880Ciatlons ) \brciugh tlie state: Without exeeption ~ry al&Ociatlon •contacted has denounced the Thing. · · , _, At the State ~iation 0011vention at Boberp Sept. ; ft1'· tq 8th ~. ~)t!le principal itein on> the ageod&. 'At 1 ~ time the thought is.. tliat Jeca1 Steps will have to be •·taken to ge.t a bill on the ballot ill 19112 to kill this 'nl!ng. Ii I · • , :· ( The minor courts are the .1!nt COlltaCt with the law of '•'II' land for our clti.IDeory. They ·are truiy called the • ptjoplea courts for in t1*n {bey are Judpcl. by their fellow .! dt.&leo and ••incwt 1rithoat.i elicePtion . u.e mlllor court Jiidpa an. famlller.wltll ~ and eamltivee and . . -·:IO mugh better able ~ chi out enn luu1decl ja8tice.' . : ' Pleiia, !MPlben-of the ~ of aupei •Ian wtaen you •are ~ tAI talie -KtiiJa wllich bu u far rwll-• . - ATOMIC BOMB LIFE SAYERS* By lllaJ.I O.n. W•ller ~L RohP.r"t:~a. C..llfnrnJa Olrttt6t Uf C.'t\'ll , Df>ff'n.~ Ovrr what &l'fla \vtll radlo&&- lf\·lty be f'ffectt\•e ! lnJurJ raar. of explosive r. -.eu,·&iy ht ~htly o\1f'r .e· mUe "'bm tM atom bomb .. f'Xplodf'CJ ac z,ono fttt. H tstter. A4lDN'! or the radlatlon wtll aot rf"8t.b the rrOUJH.1. rrdud-c Ull• ranr. . -"""' • m1i. ,,..... """ ex•l•nkNI lite f'Nee.t. 'altleQJ', wtlt M 11 \:em.po rar y .,._. rtsa~•wlalcb ~ be ......, """" ..,. per11 ras •ipoeed.. l!Ol'lllJ' -tba a ..UO. lllo .... ~ 1ww flGlttt ., .. ~ 1--i--ot a ................ cauatn~•• ... ... -.l!"8 ,...., -· .. -llot.I ii--,,,. ~ pap• of .. a.ttDof-,_ ........ ftle mrs.,. et,. • ..,..,_ .... .,. -edvlioe "' ... •14. _.....,. ol ..... (' ... wttMat -..... Nt ...... -.-.. SYm-............. ~--.......... .. ..._ II., = s·' .. r-.1 ,:;: ~ .' .... .... __ ---.. &•• s ..... tr.llr' AMs rte. ....... ~ 11. a. GI: I& w a1 11111, · .,,. media .. tblil,h&' "tiaB ...,, at --tUre time to '.wt-'1' ... ~ IUld aa.it -lie. lllt ~ .. , "' die bu \ . . ... cs ...... 0 7 1 Aft.. .. . .. ••• , .... ... t9 •• ,. Ill tl .. tile:;: fll ....__ a.. ... ~"~'E'~~~·~ ... ~~·:T:ol:ll~~~ 11-~iltl·•· ~-"# hMI" •• I . ,.., • • • • :--. .., .. . . .. . .. . ' ~.- • ; I - i . . -' •• 40 ..... . , : t .. •• r , . '· < •• ; .... . . -' .. .. , • • • '.... . - " -t~ ..... .u . ..,. I • 4 •• ~· • . •. • • i .~ ...... ·. '; .. -: . • . -.... ":. ,.., . . '. ) , .- t I ... · ..... • • • . . ' .. • .. .I • ' • .' .. ' ·-. """ • • ' . -. ,. - ____ ., .. , ·- • i!kt -.. ~·-· ~ - NtTMB.Eft. O?\'"E MAB.UN of 19$1 .... ~t Frlda7 rnonrlq by ~r T. llMr of S Barbor lalaad nrt,·r. Beacon Bay. The 181 poand ftsll WM takm on nwtllum tackJe ahoanl the boat Dede ~ aklppPftd b)' Mr. Heb.r's JJ .. y81'-old. IO' I.any. Anotber son, IUch&nl. 1'. ls el'f'dlted wttb u Ullat. LOCAL TALENT FOR 0. C. f AIR Judy illnenon ot Newport ae.cla, clever dancer and baton twtr..,. wru be one of t.be f- entert&lnmH1t attrsct'°"8 'bW9d ca U.. ~ St..,.e miowt-to ... pt-11led dally •ti tile 1961' Or-' --Oo<lalJ' J'UT, ~··'*11. at .._~Oil--.!& . Alla "'nil)' .,,, -· · ~ lift-1>fi llll m•- wlll lie -..,. ~ w""*"-,. __ , ..... ,.will ... .... ""'" hro will be -.._ W-H B,y, 411C.'lli, at I ;Ill ...... \ .....,. CIDtr -··· ~ _ .. _ .. ,. 1aca1aid, --.... "'"*--... •% ......... i Ir a ,... ........... --.... ...... 1 ...... -.... Z?MI f/f II ldEI I• I Pe. ..... ..., ..... ti IQ .. Illa ,.11.t I ._ .............. .. • 11 a h • ... llllil"io.!IJt -.. . -.. I-• SI a ......... ___ _ dila ta dleall • •z .. .a1-• .. '" ..... *I:. ~ _. ' (N:PW9·T1mes Photo) ' , , ... 2 • No. A Z05S5 ORDER ·~ SHOW CAUSI: Jn the Superior Cotut of the State of C&Ufonda In ud For the C41!mty .,, o.......,_ la tN Hatter1 oC the Application of MA.'tlNE DU(JGAN GARRISON, for eMace of .....-. Maxine Duggan Ga.rrlaon. a resident of the County of Qra11ge, State of Qll\fomia. has this day filrd her 6.pp\ication praying for an order, of thll Court changing her pres('nt name to the propoaed name, Ma.x.i.ne Dilggan. IT IS ORDERED that .iJ per· sons Interested. 1n tbe above en- titled ·matter appear bef<>tt the 118.ld Superior Court ill Deperl· m<"nt I, thettof, at the Court-. wRITES MANUAJ. house in 91\id County, on the 31at Everett Robe.rt.son,, 708 H ello--day of Auiust, 1951 a t JO o'clock tropd Ave., la scheduJod to attend A. M. or sa1d day, to sbow cause, a high school cu.rricu.J~ work· it any thc-y have, why the ea.le' shop in the Vnt~eralty of Southern application 1'9r cha.Jige of namo C&lifornla frd'm Au.g. 6 to Aug, 31 llbould not be P.'9.Dted- to write a training man~ on fire IT IS J'UR1'H.m. OR.DER.ED "I prevention cdUcation Cor civilian that a copy ot th!a order be pub- defenae, the tinivcrsity ~ hns an-llahcd in lbc Newport BaJtki& nounced: News 'l'imea.. a n~wapapcr of The course will carry four unlU general clrcalation printed and ofF<:redit in tbe Wliversity school publis hNi in aaid County Of Or· or' education. The worluhop ha11 ange, for four { 4 I surce.15\ve the endorsement of the Intern&· weeks prior to the 31st day of t.ion.al Association of Fire Chi.eta. August, 1951. Civilian de!eue needs 14;U soon De.led : July 26, 19'51. result in fire pr:evention courses FRANKLIN 0 . WES'I\ in high schools, the university pre-Judge of the Superior Court. dieted. Firf' is a many-stded prob· No. 222-Press Iem and each S:C}lool cOutse can No. 222.-News Times render its special kind of service. Publish' July 31: Aug. 7-14-~l , 1951 I •• THE WILTON HOTEL° .• lola BEACK . . 'ii· .. ~-· . ..... Soo.t,,.,..(1lifornio'sln8St fashionable "Yitw. loom". ,;;> Elltoi-a •lou• dinner end dancing In lht beautifully ~~·Aaem oe sit ana • ., your favo1~t cocttalts . • &n tt.. ...rt...,;.a, Loung•. Botti rooms'command an un1u,,a1aed vl4w of tht ocean , harbor and lnl~nd cltief. Currently (Hluring the danceable musie of .W:k Nye and hJs<()rCleslt• of tht SIN•. Nortr a <CJ¥•r'" minimum. r . . , • • I I I.. • .. • ' -, - ' • • Tuesday; July 3J, 1951 ,. ' ( . . , • • • • • • • -· • • • • • • ' .... T ..•. • -• '· • ,. • By MA~GO-. ·- • • , • • • -.· ' • . .. • • .. '' ~ ., • CL ··AS:.SIEI~l ' . ~ . -,.: The Miglily Midget In Advertising . . I . ·I . . • • • , • . . I . "WO" •A1 Nb HANDs1• " ~WS-~ ...:.. Etery ~y S\\~~! BAV~ l BF.EN ASLEEP AT THE ThlJo clautc ~Pli'""m has been attributed by aom• bliltortana.,t.o NEWPOR:r BAY POST..:... w~~ys i, julrt' found nut tru.t Mr. tt Mrs. Clarence Page .Verma de Mllo, .!mt on the other hand ... ! Y••! Ori the .other NEWPORT-BA~A PRESS._ , undays have a. new relattw _ .. A raven-haired bt>euty, just tw11t, ~ Stroup My1 .. Look Ma! No Sleft!I!·• l'o-~ --rt S-. -'-- Di' WPC'ks old. firE>M. .Cail. 0 , K. Enough ot aocial hrul sJeeve.lesa abirt-walata·ln bric-Wt profltlW:'m. Ak?.~ Ootma.n'•.adf'OM. Nf!WjMwt....,,. eei& Dp•lfti!d Ada lllllllt ,_la ti TnxfaJ •. notf'R.. Let's gt"t down to bra.$ tacks and linoleum. pollsbed cottou ahimmu in lilac. plnk, yellow, toaat or·mauve 1.at ; · ~c:iws-'I'lMNc.r 1.be TllandaJ" P'ftM TJU:~ COASTUNE f 'LOOR <10VERING has a Mipt>elat $6.50; Coln1an aqll<I broadelot~ are at $3.95. And you'll noffl" gel . . ' MINIMUM AD IS 4.. LINE8 on AIL'1"~Tlt0SO Sl"ATTt~ UNOl.F.l'~I . , ,. prickly hP.ot In a rool. while piQVe with Peter Pan or wtni oo1Jar al AD rn..lfted ada mmt. be pa.Id ror CUb la adva.aoe oJf r+"«""'Mw prohsbly to CC'l<•bratC" •rei-rsa's birth,l3y ... Anyway Si.AO. AnoUtat' fall" weather ve:iit111ent that's cattually dreay la a · 4 Un~ · ~ Paper · · ' .'75 - thls staunch, lnlaill linolc>um ia a goOd buy at $S.M " black linen blDUJie with white ctal~le11 skipping a.J'011nd the boat ~k . 4 UDe8 2 'Papen . ..50 j Clm OOA: ' ,maa;wA•· -NEWPORT ~CB ~· :)'llrd lnstaJlt'd. Incidentally, lf you want t o see ... all youra tw-$3.60. 8u.n1mery sn10,rt ai.io ... a Ff'it.aJ black 1 what crafty linoleum layers the CO&Jrtlinc men are, tuxedo blouse with rbJneatone atuclB $2.9.5. Sises here a.re troru 10-SB-4 Lines S Papers TOO TWO RW!W'R.IGDU.TORS, 1 ' me· dlum and · 1 '.Mall. Phone Har. 894. •Mc53 8"t> the nelv Corona d'!'I Mar P . o . It it's good enougtl for the U. S. Se embncable! Stretch out your arnu ln & sleeveleu guitnpe fron1 The ' pu~lahen will not be reaponsJble tor ~ than' one lna:ttiec:t or America gov·i .. it's good {•nough .tor you. Clarence hoP<'s to be In Ute Jo-I~ Spert. Sb.op. IA» P..'r\vport A\'f"., C'.nslo ·Ml"8ll.. inlertion. qt an advertiM"mcnt, reserve the rig-ht to~correcuy claMl.ty any an4 atr ads and to reject .any advf'rtlsement J\ot conforming t<> PH. B]J',ACON 577i _ · I .,.,c his nc\V bldg. by Sept. Hope 1i1pi·ings et<'rnal , .. I hope you cull the e e e rul d J t · Ad I t r nd 11& · Ut bl: Coa.<;lline at><?ut this Sp!lllt>r SP"'C•liaJ. 18th & Noorport Av~ .. C.osta VOW.RS! WlUCH PARTY DO YOU BE4 ac~t!: ur)'":f:, 8p.'!~s~ the ":n~ s;~fnga publ=~~ UClll.S w . -ii~-HAVE YOU SCt'n the ne~ 18 foot WinCrart nbre 1 gt~ . cabin cruiser. lnb0ar4 or outboa.hl L&tellt desli:n.-A b<auty. Abo r2. H -18 ~ pla!rtic bait tanl<s. 102 E. 16th St-. CoRta -· Bea. 6582. ~2 Mesa. lk'a<'OR f12f1 l·J. ' .. • LONC ro·t?? kegtBler tOday! The Pn.rty ~xcept deadllne for News-'I.'imes is II a..rn. ~daya • • • Ho\t!W" In Lagi1na Is headquarlen for THE ·COOD ~bone Har. 1816, Mk far "'Ad Taker" or 8f'nd ad and! r.mlttaatt to . TllJS IS :SOT 1\ lfAJR -~Al!iUSG TAl~E! AU CON'I'RARE, Tl.MES PARTY. You'U joyfully cn.tt ~u.r ballot NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLtslfl~O CO:• :MADAhfE, THIS IS lNSJDE ~NFORlt.ATION ON HAIR-REMOVAL. for thh1 little shoppe \Yhlch can1pRlgns on a !!J I BalOO. Rlvd., Nf!\Vport Beach. cuttonda. IF YOU HA VE A TOUCU OF HYPERTRICHOSIS .o\S MOST Fu.it &: Frolic Platrorm! 'nle Part)' ~ouse ha~ 1 WOMEN .DO, DON'T TAKJi BAKING SODA FOR IT! SUPERl wonderful i<lE>ns, decorations and faVOni (or all / Used Appliances FLUOUS HAIR CAN Ol'l"LY BE PERMANENTLY ERADICATED go.la even ts .. There are n1any paper hats to bl1y. BY A REGISTERFD ELECTROLOGIS'r . ELI.EN 1-BRYA?\'T, R. E ., harmonicas (20c). Japanese paper pa.ruols (10c), AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA IS ~KlLLED IN l birthday mus.le box for rent. pa.per table- ELECTROLYS1S AND THERMOLYSIS. LET'S LIFI' THE VEIL. cloths. napkins. bridge talleys ... oh Iota or LADIES! IF YOU HAVE A ~LO\V BRO\V, BUSHY·-EYEBRO\VS. gimmicks ... Party House &180 h!Ls gay gifts OR E..'CTR.A ADORl\'MENT ON FACE, ARMS OR LEGS, SEE for all occa.aion.s . , . originfl perfumed Carmel hf RS BRY Al\'T. DOWN \VJTH PAPILLAE! Eu.EN L. BRYA1''T candles. Lraru.lucent Ever Glow candles that l'lOW IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE, PRIVATE CONSULTATION AT THF. for 150 hours. ·The l')-actured French cock~il napkins a.re hy~te'rl· f_rno S . .\J..OS <>F JJE . .\l"Tl', 34-40 VIA OPORTO. HARBOR 2576. cal h its nt any gathering. Party House deoorntors roam about set- • • • ting up decor tor hon-.e or club hoe-downs or ~·011 can COll!IUlt with "THlS \\'ILI .. CH . .\SE TJIE GLOO'.\I AWAV," ,...,-,-then1 for sugge.stions ... Not a care in the world al the Party SAl.D OR. ERWOOD AS HE TURNED ON 4C /' Hou!W ... except to 5ihow you hO\\' to <'njoy ynurS<'I(! 763 Coa!Jt L.U1PS! AL.\.DDIN SEES THINGS IN A DIF4 Blvd. South. Phone l.ag1ma 1.·6395. POSE: OF E VERY LAMP IN THE SHOP AND e e ~'ERENT LIGHT' J;-:ow HE WANTS TO DIS-• GE'T ALL NEW ONE S! YOU MA y COUNTER4 DON'T KE S."-l>Dl,F.f) \\iTll 01.0 J.'EJT THE DA RKNESS AT El?:\\'OOD'S -"-1\f..4.ZING PAJ~T. CO\\'BOY! l~A.\IP S.-'\LE! ALL VARl.E'TlES OF MODERN & YOUR HOME· .. YOlJR BIVOUAC PERIOD TABLE AND FLOOR LA1'1PS AT O!\"'E-SHOULD REFLECT THE SUR- H . .\L.f." Pftll'E. ·MANY ARE BELO\V COST .. , ROUNDINGS TH AT ENHANCE S UCH AS .$10 TABLE LAMPS NO\V.AT $3.90 YOUR PERSONALITY. YOl.J ALL LAMPS lN THE STORE MUST CO OUT~ PAINT YOUR HO).IE TO MAKE 1'1AKE THJS YOUR SHJN1XG HOUR AT ER4 IT FRESH AND CLEAN ... TO WOOD'S EXPENSE. ERWOOD"~ GIFT'S .. ' ART PRESERVE IT'S VALUE AND , .. FABRICS, 407 E. BALBOA. OPEN EVES. HARBOR 01664J . PROLONG ITS LIFE! THE e • e ~IC'DOX'ALD P AJXT STOKE IX COSTA MESA' FEATURES THE .. SEEJNG AS H O\\r THE SMALL GLOBE IS SO FAMOUS DUTCH BOY PAINT. DUTCH BOY IS GOOD PA.lNT'"S OTHER NAME. DUTCH BOY DOES IT BETl'ER INSIDE OR ROUND, E vf'ntually you're bound to sho\v up al OUTSIDE! SA'iE THE SURFACE AND YOU SAVE ALL AS THEY RJCJ\.Y'S: tSquirrels on a treadmill excepted). · FINE The world famou8 Graff family has mac1e 8 ~r-SAY IN THE ADS. SEE j"f('DOSALD PAP.\'T STORE FOR t"' WALLPAPER, PAINTER'S SUPPLIES and DUTCH BOY PAINT. manl"n t hf'"Rc.iquarter!I here. But memben! or the Gralf family .show up at most smart gatherings. 1872 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 0:703 . Take th(' Graff shirt for example .... the gingham • • • plaid blouse $2.95. \vasbabl€" and "'f'll tailored, is Sf'en evt>rywher.~ WELCOME! GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK ABOARD fron1 Nassau to th(' playing fields of Eton. It's considered c.rick('t to CHARLEY! Ch&.rley Drakf', ~fl'i;i. D and little Drakes had a keen appt."ar at y·our yaC'ht club in a Grafr sailcloth skirt flying r<"d, \Vhitr, time up at Arrowht•ad last ,,·eek . I as~d Charley it he smokf"d any or blue coloMJ ($5.95l . And in my opinion. no la.idPy should ever go fish , but hC' sa id no thf'y ,,·e rf' up-\virid from the fire.a. Charley'11 bowling on t~e g reen w:iiess atti~ in a Graff creete<I S-i:'°rt Jat ket of 1 back down at his A<'Mid(' fi sh grotto selling suc~IE'nt seaf~ with ~ayon gaba.rdtnE". fully !med that IS, navy, while, red or Jaunty ch(·cks 11avior.t&lt'f" and Fr('nch fries. On a ~·arm day like today, 1t !I morl' at only $10.95 .. Graff TEASER TEE SHIRTS ($.2.9~) AND all mem-1 than pleasant to sit ouWoors by the sea at Chart"'"~ SMlfOOd Rfftau- ;bers of thl' Graff Family are at Rll'HV'S, 1;04 <:00-.1 Ul\·d., c:o1o1f11 r"ll:nJ. The Crab or Lob8t"r Louil' Salad is a cool, green and pink '.\I•~. 8'-a<'on 85.&4. production o n a 11ht<l1 plat<'. Or u luncheon cqnsisting or Shrimp • • • cocktaiJ and a oo·.vJ oC clam chowder setM nicely. I n the ooot of the COMPLl!rl'll HOUSE CLEANINO eemce. f FurnJture and nip •b&m~. ~ee eatlm&te•- Fully JnSured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. • a.aeon 6111 72tfc F'or Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach PAINTING EARL SHEF'LIN rrs Palmer st., Coai.a Meea Be&. M57-M 94c9 INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING UfENSlllD -INSURED <Hlenn Johnston 501 • SUt St. Newport Beach Harbor 22974 J 34c48 28-Situatlons \fruited FINE JRONlNG ¥rill call for and deliver. (No housecleaning). H<'lp \Vith dinnPr partlf'S. Phone ?\tri:i. Williams, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a .m. or aftE'r 6 p.m . UpM F:XPF.RIENCED high school girl wanti:t child <'art>. Balboa ll(land. R <'fer!"nces. Ph. Harbor 3734 M. 50p52 WANT TRA C T~WORK - PlouKhing; dW·in awl JC'Velling. Call JarnPs Bailey. . 6818-W 5i cb3 RELIABLE baby sitter oo J)enin- sula-Plf'ue call before 7 p.rn. Harbo1· 2117. 5lp53 EXP. l\'URSE, houSE'k£.eper for 1 or 2 persons, drivP, also apart4 n1C'nt mana~E>ment. P . O. Box 96"1 , RivC'rside, Calif. 51.p53 Universal Bullding Maintenance FMlor 'A'axing·--Window CleanJng I W all \Vashing for buildings, s tur!"s. offices and homes. LeavC' (.'a ll. Hal'bor 116. 52p54 BENDIX, automatic . clothe. dry- er, 2 yrR. old,· llke new con- dJtton. Pricl! --·········-··········-····$1~5 GAS RANGES WedgE>Wood tabJe top ._ ....... $29.9.~ Proap...-lty table top ............ $15.00 Washing Machines Maytag, perfect run. order $39.90 ABC Wringer ···········-······'····$35.00 Easy, dlx. wringer -··-··-····-··· 49.SO Bcntlix Sctmi-Auto ................ 39.95 Bendix A utomotlc ................ 75.00 Stroot's TeWinkle Hdwe. 1802 Newport Bl9d., em.ta Mesa Phone Beacon 5222 PmLCO CONSOL!ll TV, 1951 mod~l. all mahogany flnL'lh. Its the big 17" ' black tube and i~ been used only S mpntbs. I paid S389 for It and wlJJ let it go tor my balance du<' of $279.63. The man I bought jt from will in- stall it for you fl"ee with the oul&ldc aerial, 1 already paid the excise t.aX. Pay me c&."lb or ~c payments ot $15.i 5 p<'r n1onth. • SEAKINQ. 3 '1.. hp. Outboard: g - hp. Mercury. Outboard. MAKE OFFER -13 . n. paddleboard, $20. 221 Pearl Ave_ (rear), Bat~ boa Island. · ll0p52 I , PAIR R. & L. F1agllhlp 00 JI. p. engines with rf'duc. gPar, $750. Factory approved Johnson Out· bolU'd. SALES A ,SER'[JCE South Coast Co. Harbor 2GOO Newport S..ch 31ttc BOAT BARGAINS All in excellent condition · i2 f t . alt mahogany sloop. ~ ft. aux. sloop. 20 -rt.· sloop with U hp outboasd. &aut1ful star boat. ALSO MANY OTHERS · : -Eileen B. Richardson Richardson Yacht Anchorage . Bayside Drivp Ha.rbor M9 50c~2 29• COMMERCIAL FISHING BOAT, equipped for alb•«.'ON, rflackcrel. mvmidfiah. Cb.ryeltt' engine, . $1200. Call Kimberly 2-4'>56. ~ OUTBOARD MOTOR 7% b. p. Scott Atwater c11rTeOt 1961. Gear ehitt model, aeeeeeory •6 gal. auto. feed gu tank. apai:e ~llor. Ancllor It: JOO fe«!t rope. 365 -:jllrd St.. Newport Beach, Harbor 32ft;7-W. 50pC52 ST AR BOAT ,-good condition. M OIRA! M .\Rf;OT! M .;\RKO\" . .\! \ DANCE BALLERINAS DANCE Dance over to Burbf>r'1' BooWr,,-at once for sale or e vening, wh<>n the" c hores a re done a Rhore dinner ot fresh alba«.'orr. halibut, .or ...._.bau at SJ.25 '-• a grut way to greet the dusk. 1--DO--N--K-._B_U_T_T_S __ Chark>y'i SeafOOd, 1130 Coa11 t Hiway. 7 llayti a W-Oek In.ext to Port ALSO n1y 1951 A'Bc automatic washer that ' has the agitator and heade tbe .. CoNSUMERS GUlfip;:." It's. just "1lke new. Balance due· h ,'258.28. CUh' or take payment. ~f $(4.~l per ft!iO. Paid over $320 for lt neW. See at 404. So. s~ Fallerton. Phone 2152.' 52clH '3litl. . A.L80 South l!B..Y mooring off Bal· ..... i.1ana. ~-!'ti. Har. llO'I, Kolorf\ll, Kom!ortable KEDETI'E ballet slippers ·. . . "!'? deliChtful lit tle soft shoe numbers of washa~ sail--· . · i..... cloth in red, gl-een or white . , . foriTierly $3 95 /~ NO\V $2.9~ ... P irouette proudly in these pas dewc-~ /." -...._~ 1 ~eux~ Barb.E>r's is summer headquarters for ~asuAI :(1: lfl( \: ~ shoes for lad1~1J. gentlemen Wld tt·icyclers Th:m.k .,,J_~ \\~ .. j heavens. it's no longer haut rnonde to btnrl ,\·0111· ]' • ~· fe~t. People f1·on1 all "·alk8 of life go to Oarber's Bootery for a perfect retreading Ladylike Sunmmet' Sandals are 1n \\'h1tf', red, green mulli color and of • every descr iption , .. Pl i<'C tags are marked S3.95 ·- Co $6.95. Children':;; barefooL t)·pe Sun4 Sans, in \1.'hite, red or brown are $2.~ to S3.25 other baby sandals in while red or bro\\-n •range \~tith co1nposition soles are $2.95 to $3.95. And· not lo rt1sh t.he sea.c.;on I hope summer lingers . . but Barber's has children'» back to school lihoes ... terrific stock ot the famous RPd ~ a n d lJttlf" YankN> run4 a 4 bouts. Rarbt>r'~ Boutf'r). for e. IN'f" 80lf"! 1795 Ne,vport .'\\•e., Costa Mesa. • • • • .. HE .USED TO SAY THAT OTHER MEN ATE TO LIVE BUT THAT HE LIVED TO EAT.'' Si. Senor! A very h3.ppy attitude indeed ... :"lo doubt brougllt on by dining out in that little South4 ern Comer of Olcl !vlexico knO'>''ll as the CttAA don Carlos. Here Mexican dinners &l'C C"oncocted in authentic sty1e by Lila Banda and daughter, 'Connie Alvarado. T he frijoles refritos are a taste of lotus joy ror sut-e Conly 1:')<' a plate ala cartel. Tacoi:t, enchiladas, chlle 1·ellenos please the most disc~rning grandee. L&Jl.lp lights are turned low, the juke box pla~'S softly, the cerveza Is muy fr·io, the dinners are excellente! So '4'httt's keeping you? !.A-l's van1os to Cun don C'arlOM. 133 22nd St .. '.'l'ewpor1.. Open 15 ·JO. Harbor 2638-M. Closed T11cscla.}'s. • • •• OrD.ni'e J. Beacon 6834 • • • Pt•t .. L FOR THE SHOBE MATES! 1 I 8IOHT AN ()(lTOPllS! "Oh you Squid ~" I qu!pped queas- ilv to Harry Kingston at the Bayside. "Do People e&t THAT! ... "Yt>s.~' rcpllect Harr)' as he mountrd his lt>elern, "As a rnattPr of fact, Squid is only I.\ baby octq)u.s . . vPry good fried in btitter iL you mu&t know," "I'll bf't you t£'ll that to all the girls." 1 answered arC'hl)·. All right eat Squid If )·ou must and squirt Ink ! But here's what I'd rathe r you do. Go to Kingston n1a n (o nu:m and tillk T una! Step in thf' tf'frigerator and f<>rce him to gi "Ve you a cheap price on AlbacorP ror C'annlng. He'll crack! ThP besL thing for ,you to eat t hese days is ·Abalone at 75" lb. or Albacore a.ad S,1V()l'(lfiah. These fiab a.tt bri.ny fresh and besides that they tastt> good. Of . couru Harry has a recipe for canning albacore. Ftn & l)andy Fhh at the ftaj'Ahl1• i\flt t ,. '!800 L!'fa~·Pttt\ S"'''port. i day~ 8 tn 8:30. • • • ;\IORE Ft"S TllA..~ 'nlE KEYSTONE KOpS! BOB &: TOM, THOSE BACK room bread4 beaters al the ~"E"'POGT BAKERY carry on like a coup1€" of Mack Sennett rt'negades! HoweVt"r, · thP bakf'!'Y goods twems to improve with the mC'rrimC'nt. The doughnut kettle 'he re twirls gk>e- Mly ~11 day long. Thia bakery ls selling dough- nuts like it was a brand new fad. Faddillh or not, people's orN gla.zP. with joy upOn dtsc<'>vcring the raised discs with jelly, or the choco-- late and orange covered cake doughnut.."!. Virginla Mclrlahan who c on!C'Uf"S that she's 8ob"s mother ls pretty busy peeling peachel to:- lhe fl·cab p<"acb piie&. VirJin!a cuts up any frC'sh fruit in se830n and the Bowery boya., rneke pies. Don't be demi~monde . . . get on the bake.ry wagon at the Nt>~rt Bakuy, 211% Orttna FroM. Har. 1&4!-R. ••\\'"hae \\iH It fW" tomght. eblWrwa ! One- r-yMf Pf'l.f', Isle of Lost S!llpw or the Lady From ln<lla ·.•.. Dr. Paul Gerrish tells a rip. roaring tale ot a<tventur@ every Wednesday night at his bonfire part)·-This is all part I SAJLORS TRAJN ot the Gnrislt SwiN Club A.Del Da)• Cnmp Pvt. Stephen A. Sailors, 19, son program! Your small beach bo)'S anrl girls oI Mrs. J J . Sallon., 519 Irvine can be enrolled m this neat summer se[4 up I avenue, Ne\vport. Beach, ls com- by day week or month. Children are furnished transporb.tion to pJ~ hJs a.tr force basic airmen anti trom camp, hours 10 -:ii. Dr. Gerrish. well known sw1mminl' indoctrination course at Lackland teac;ber givu tadpoles Je!t$0ns in !l\\'immlng, ttt.villlc and '''aUtr &aff'ty. Air Force hue. the "Gateway to J'hc remainder of the day is itpent-with sports. handicrafts and the Air Foret"." games. Day campers bring thei.r own lunch and believe me it's LackJand. Mt.lated near San one big pic\iic for the young set. All children enjoy the good l'J"(>up Antonio, la th~ world's Large-a air ,feUqwMip, learning to ~v.'im and the general outdoor ft1n. For In-force bUe, aitc of air force basic tonnation C'all Be-aeon 62864 W or Beacon 64.M-W. tHining fOf' meJ). and women. • • • headqu.artera of the 'liw'nan. Re- WHY I'D EVEN LIVE IN A TENT WITH YOU! l · mig'llt al ROuroe ReRcarch center, and home that. We'd both look God on can\.as. Here's the Unt I'm pitching: ·or air force officer candidate A tew stray 9xll urn.bFc'lla tents came cry'inl' lnto Walt"-. Tnldtn.c )tchool t"otit looking tor ·a place to camp for a rew d&ya. Now WALT'S Hls basic trailitng ts prepartnr TRAOfNG POST is strictly for USED MARINE GEAR and gadgeU, h1in for ent.,ran~ uii.o &Jr force but sott4 bearted \\'alt took them in. It's obvious that ltleee good tecbnical tra.inin& and for autgn.· tet1ts have got to go. onl); $11 . .$0 pf'r le.~ Some beach umbrellas m~t In BpCCi&lilled work.. 1b.e shttek ln too .. -so protect youraell from 8Ull8troke tor only $.5. 00urse.1oclwles a ecJenUflc evaluai- Now heTe're same bargains that yov'll feel like )"Oll &bop~Ufted .•. a UGn ... ot b.la aptitude and lneUnalion like nev.r, laminated aquaplane tor ool.Y $22.$0; and an e-.en like tor tollbWiftg a P.BJ1.k:ul&r VOCflJo• newer dolly for boat or hou.w trailer around f'O-. I lb.ink. And yes, and c&l'eer. you can navigate celestially even i:n a bQcket Of ~ wlth the ---t---- Eq!JRll S.-.dll S>xtanL Shoot the Ill.an) Shoot tlle worb at a-1a ~ trm> ....;..,,I Walt's T'huffng Po!lt (formerty w the Ude bddp'. •.·DOW aear Pra~! An ad reiuJarf7 tnlthla -1 .. n • ._ .... , at •22-::0tb, Newport. Har. "2470. OPEN SUNDAYI p&J>W will produoe -rar , .... and-e'!'81iy day· except -Wed. b'om 8 :30 .. 6 p. m. . . DANDY, HANDY 'N G\NDY , . ' ' I.Jc, General Contractor Rel!identlal-Commercial . Remodeling Phone Beacon • 64 06-W l 7trc WILL 00 that work you want done -J ack of a ll trades-maintenance work. Have tools ~nd mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 38c51 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor t 4184 W 2801 BnJbo& Blvd., Ne"\vport Beach Wi~e pe<>ple do read the ads. For Quality Workmanship Painting -Decorating • INTERIOR ,\ND EXTERIOR Chas. A.· Davenport LiC'enl'led Painting Con\rac tor Phone Beacon 5450 52p66 Sympson & Nollar PA,lNTJNG & DECORATING ''The Beat Money Can Buy" 51 2 -31th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 · 52tfc Boats Cars Trucks Trailers Charleil A. Davenport PAINTING PQNTRACTOR IJcenaed-Interlof & Exterior • BnlaJti or Spray 2708 COAST IDGHW A Y Newport Beach· Phone Beacon M50 62p6G 14-Penonalll · Alcobolicl Anonymoua "Wnt., P. O. <Bolt 'i«s ~ hl•DJ, CalJ1.. ~ .. K•mJMrlJ' Um. . \ ~ tt r:._-.i·Feud WANT WOMAN !or man as kit- chPn helper. GINGHAM .. RES4 TAURANT, 17881\tc~·port Blvd., Co&ta. lieu.. ~2 PERMANENT resident wanted for cooking and general house.:- work. Ba.y Shor es home. Live out. Must have. own tranSPQr· SEE Necehi and Adler Sewing Machines A"T HARBOR YARDAGE • !-. ~~ 4tclO . ' 4 ' . • . ClaMlft~ acis j ~ little. do mu".11- SN!PE, new aa.ib, trailer. Kxce-1: lent condition,. $275. 2~ hp. Elgin outboai-d. $40. Call Har"'." bol· 1491-R 41<~r 5 p. m. ~2 SEA BOOKS tation. Phone Bea. 8844-W. 135 E. J71) St., ..COIJta Mesa . · . 50c52 I <llc63 A finf' stock of books on alJ. Y'llC,ht- ing subjects .___ pluA all ourrent books. Lending library. EXPERIENCED J\(achini.ot. Pre-1 Westinghouse Refrigerator cision \\·ork. Also ex~rienced EL NIDO TRAILER COURT lathe and mil~ratora. Top 1640 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa The Isla:ndel'B · 21' Ma.rill<'. Balbo& Ia. Har. 154.7 . ' pa)·. Steady. port Beach. 50p:>! JOHNSON SEA HORSE, 2 ~ hp. outboard md'ior. Perteet cohdi· l ion. 1.fany accessories. Cdat $1.35 . PriCC' $60. Harbor 69G·V'· Bea. 551.5. or Be 947-M. --~--~·------- 50c:i;2 HOFFMAN 16" Console televilion. --------·----2 electric irons, deep freeze, Ir NEED HELP? Consult siluatidn wante<I: ads or place a c1a.salfie<l In the News· Ttmes, P,O!'ll and P1'e.SB comblna· tion at $2 per ~k, min. Phone Harbor 1616. SO-Sale, Miseellaneous GLOW MASTER elec. heater, JS ft. paddlcboard, 7 ft. bamboo Shade, boys' racing bike, new steel rime and tires, $2D .. Easy Spin Dry wa.. .. w.ng Machine and Easy Ironer. like new, $75 each. 221 P~arl (rC'ar), Balboa Island. 50p52 ------------ misc. household articles~ 417 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor l 250 alter Friday noon. 50c5% ' 50<31 SNOWBIRD -Exoollent condl- -lion. 2 Ra.Ila. ready to go.....__Oood racing l"t"COl"'d. oau Harbor _)28. -CJl c53 FINE FURNITURE for living rm. bar and stoala, dinelle set.. \.\ricker set.· Pictures, Misc~ 18-FT., SURFBOARD, $30.; 20-tt. pleces, private party. 1752 E. catamaran sailboat, $500: 13·tt. Ocean Front, Balboa. Harbor sailbQat, $7'5;; %()..ft. canoe, $90. 1572-W. 50p52 3821!. 18th St., Coot& 'M-. Be. sou-R. . s1p53 MAHOGANY 8 pc.' Duncan Pbyf• ------;!',.------~· dining set, )With padB. Uke new. IO.~-.~.AJ~. -~.;.._gooc1127 Amerj.can ort~ntal rug 9 a: 12. ~ -m--.,._., Ml -34th st., oorner of Finley. AmeU.yll. ,~!~ ~ · &r. Newport Beach. Har. 2629-W. '°88·W. MP,54 52<:M - LY¥AN lslan~er, 18-ft.: 25 HP MODERN Blonde 84 pc,,. · Dininc ..Nu marine en:m .. e. ldiee.J tor set and 3-pc. bednn. 'set. box •·-.r e-LADIES I. Miller;&: Laird Scbober spnng, Ii mattTeM, like new. sport.a flshlng, 1 yr. old. For· Shoes. Brown0 blue &. black. aale or t!'~ for property. ~· 71h AAA &: 7 ~~AAA. Practical-~-W~"tOnab~ ., c:a11 ~= tact Mr. Bu.ck, Fullerton 2713. ly n«.'W. Coll Har. 1474-J ev~s. · + !i2C57 I 43tfc BEAUTIFUL 8-ft. divan. pair of 26 li'T. CO~CIAL Flohing club ebain., ~r: · OCC&Sional 1 RUG and uphplstcry cjea.ning c&a.ira. N.rreJ claalr,. 2 pair ead · boat, new P .. lmer engine, Monti . f'qUipment, reUonable. Beacpn tables, tamps .. Must .. be 4een to cooling •Xst,eM· Heavy d \l,t f f:t011.-W. (Bea.. G8:)0.:..w · eves.)· appftCiate sacdflce price. i... batteriea. 'Swordfish, albacore, I -51c5S i:una Beach 4·Jjllll. 6lpM mackerel g ' and equlpmenl. -----------Newly pain . Ph. Bea. '384,.W PERFECT AIRE wall IYJ>e electric I 6Zctlt ba.t.11"1""1 heater. B""ld new. 1_8%-__ A_-_·_~ __ ...._ _______ _,_.--1-'-----++------..,.--,-,- Ready to Install. Rhone Beacon 1ll FT. SPORT l?ISHER '60Q. 5709-.JK. ' 51c53 MAHOOANY . CMM., ,Ihle board. I Bit. ''8. 1l "'11k, elec. --~ table; rocker. pin J eep moti>r •. Plicine Harbor fn. ONE WHEEL 1 TR.An.Ea ' and drop Jel.f table, beautiful astral I ' ~-·~ · ·camping outfit 12 Xtll umbttJ.. lam.pa. Very ,rare.. Private la tent, plla ~ 1 2x U room, J rr=part=· =Y=· ~Harbor:;:=;;;;;;2098-::M.;:;;;s::icst;;;:i;;'H=o=re=C=!Mliln<d~. '~;!· =-=~~=-;;;;:, ·=r~·il dbl. bed A .ml.tire,.., Coleman 11 lamp, camp ;ve, good .CfllMli. ~ ,.. ; Uon. Will · f<'UODfble Of'· ( ,, f trade for -ttLPearJ .A.ft. ·1 • · , t , <rear>. Bal-~d. ' 50p6t WANT · A~.wJJl-cos yo~ • STORE !!xt.._ ---.-waD . ,: , ' LOST -Baer, m.ale. dOg', tawn, cuee~ "cottnte mlac. All :baVe ,; 52 white on ehelt ·"'111 tront fl"!t. . alljust.able ~!'!!-Baig8ln. C&1I ·' · • ' · · ""'-·~ :i-~ collectj "!iftet, .. ..,""~< ,.,.., . only encl it ill lrun att•r .• p.JIL 50p52 JUNIOR ·.ms':'J.r "20 Jaii1i -. . -. . j , , 11 • ... LOllT,-Sigma 'Nu niatAomJfy pin., $20. Ph. : ~ll ' 4kOC < • ' • ~ 211u1 _,.ire. Loot:WCldn.ea. 'l"lllO -BAROAINll-K-'J' -. ~-•II '. l,o._cel 31l1J 11111 tro. Corona -4et Mar. porf'eCt _-Ion-~ A ... ~ ~ clel'IW. Pb. E; -.. -•• 1~ -.. ~ _ _,__ • ll8pr>Z --... ~ o11..-. RAft.. •. JO. M. W•um. • _. .... ~ 0.1,r. ~y ~--M'-tp.ID,. 8plll .... • • ...,., .. Cl ~,;. ... ,,:._ 11"'1 d•"d a-me' """' .. L ...,....+.. " I -·-· l . · a.. ... ___ . ""' '~¥ ..... _ .. ,,:.. 4 ••.• ~ ::: l.'.~ ... ·,.r·="";l!:~? , . -_ ~'!' ,..ll, 1•1.• 1 . . . : ·:: ... 111eP1w .. ... • • .... •s•ea.•'!:7 t••L•-•ssJ::••al\·z .... ~ aztC'OLA.TllDI{. _,, .,, --....... ...,,._ --r n•• • Jtii-> • . • .... AlllllWMI . ...-. .-1'I r. • ft I _I JM • . . .. • • --~ • , • / : . ' ' I I · 1 ' . I I I I ' .i • • • ' RENT A PIANO. $5 per month. AU rent allpwed if you buy with- in ~rma. DANZ--SCHKIDT, 520 -No. Main, Santa Ana. LOVELY plain cue bungalow piano ln perff!Cl playing condi· tlon. Terma S27 .:>O down and '$1.11 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. CSinee 1907) Ul N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2-0872. MAHOGANY GRAND PIANO Terms If desired Phone Beacon 7039-W llOc51 P'lNE PltACJlCE upright piano for only $9.~ down and $5.30 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca- blore, Santa A"'°" KI. 2-0872. KNABE SPINET PIANO, LouUI XV, nearly new. Walnut finish, beautlfUI tone. Har. 0668-J. llOc52 COME IN f.Jld play the WONDER- FUL NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORO AN. It you don't know a note you can play beautiful mu- •lc ln ten minutes. DANZ- "scHMJDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 'ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. For borne or church. Slightly cue damaged in shipment. Bi,r sav- ing. DANZ-SCHM:IDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 620 No. Maln cor. Ith, Santa Ana. • RENT A Pl.ANO for only $!§ •per month. Rental appliu an future purcllue at SHAFER'S MU- SIC CO. (Since 190f) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa AnL Klmber- !Y 2-0872. silJ.olER CLEARANCE SALE SpipeU, U8Cf1, from $287. Spinet, new, $395. Upright.a from $59. Ueed Grand, Bohmer, $39.5. Othe ra $48:5, $561), ~. Trade in your old p iano. Highest ca.ah allowance. F.aay terms, repos- Be88ed Splnet, aave $300. DANZ- SCHMIDT PlANO co. Over aoo Plano9 from whleh to chcioee.. t>:io No. Main. car. 6th. Santa An.a. HARDMAN Upri~t piano. excl!!l- lent condition. $7&. 312 Apo- l.ena, Ba.Jboa .X.Jand . 62c56 . fO;-Busineu ~~rtunltl!'fl CONCESSJON ln F\1.11 Zone. Real q::aooey maker. Ideal for couple. Phone Harbor 3110. Mc~2 On Peninsula Point NlCELY FURl'{llUIED 3 bdrm•. available Jul)• 15th, yearly or. monthly. BR>ken U.L lW Mira.mar. Balboa. owner. PllOne Har. 0612-W, Har. ZOOl-J. 19Uc CORONA DEL MA.R-Unturnlah- ed. Dandy 2-bdrm hom.e. "Hwd. floor& fireplace, dining room. Nice yard. Covered patio. Gar- age. Yearly nnta). Refere.nce1, 417 Orchid, Corona del Mar. C.11 Harbor' 2233-R or Harbor 1540. (F. C. Andruenl. l!Odl2 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea and Ap,t.e., yearly or eea· aonal. See Gail Camey, wtU. NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 308 Mia.rtne, Balboa lal. Har. &02 89Uc SUMMER R.ZNT AL -BeauUf'U1 3 bdrm., 2 ~ batb home at beach In Corona de1 Mar. Available from Aue. lat • SepL 15th by week or month. Dally maid aervtce. 214 lrla Ave., CQrona d"I Mar. Call Harbor 1037 or Harbor 1695-R for appt. 51c~ HA VE you see the neweat modern turnlshed- Chris -Dean Apts.? Sleeps 4. Introductory rates tor July, $65 per week. AU utllitle• paid. Adju11ted rates per year. 1"° Mira.mar, Balboa Peninsula Phone Harbor 1491-W t3c!l7 UNFURNISHED -Corona del Mar. 2 beautitUI new apt.a. Near water, garbage dlspoUl.a, vene· ti&n b1lnd8, watier pd. Yearly lease. 2 bdrm, 1100 per month. 1 bdrm, $75 per month. Harbor 1671. 44c57 NICELY Furnlahed 2 bdrm. home on b&ytront; prtv. beach. Avail- able in Sept. at 1100 week. 918 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har- bor 1302-J. 52cM NEWLY BUILT 3 bedroom mod- ern home, 2 baths, fireplace - unfurnished. Corona del Mar. Year le!..8C. $110 month. Phone Harbor 2892-R. ' 5:1~ TRAILER SJ> ACE Oft the highway, cloae to ahopplng center, 112 • $15 per mo. 14-0 Cabrillo St., Cabrillo Court•. Costa Mesa. tlp42 Ive. • • Pick Your Location-- At a Ptjce. That's Right! -. NEWPORT HB:IGHTS-Four yn. old, one bedtOom, We abower, lup 1ot---0itly $7,000. ' SHOIU!lCLIFF8 -llO' loL. Mag- nUlcent view ·Of ocean and ba.J'· bot' entrane<>--<>nly $10,l!OO. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Best value 2·bedro0m · home we've lleell. Under market SU.600. CORONA DEL KAR -6111 Jaa- mlne -2-bedrooma. BBQ. etaJJ ahower, 2-car prap. See this.. CLIFF HA.VEN-Two bedroOma. glaued-ln llvl.ft&' and dlnlng rm. Beauutul ground•. CORONA DEL MAR-Three bed- rooma, 1fix24-llvtng room, :l·car garqe, tlle ehow.r. A real buy $16,l!OO CORONA DEL MAR-But Ioca- Uo1t, few steps to ocean bluff, 2-bedrooms, 2 baths. Open Sat. &: Sun. 1.6 p. m. NEWPORT OCICAN FRONT - Large 9-bedroom home on two Iota, comer. J!'Jxcellent rental income. Call John Mottram-Har. J600 Evening• Harbor 1480.-R. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor JM)(} • Sell, Swap or Trade BALBOA DUPLl!X, 2 B. R . and I B. R apts., near the bay. Own· e.r will take .., part equtty. sml. house, lot or WHAT HAVE YOU! Price $15,750 Balboa Realtv Co. · Ro88 Grtt.ley Jo.ep'hlne W"bb Lilllut McAdoo 700 !!:. BalOO& Blvd. H&r . 3277 THE PRESS THE NEWS-T//.,f ES THE POST omCE SPACE, 12xlo. down-•aAut.omo""-..,. __ ata.lra location. COrru!lr of Palm _.....-_____ ......., _ _..._ .. _'""'--- Orange County's Outstan _ding Re a I .Estate Advertising Medium " E. aa100a Blvd ..• ea100a. Ph. Save $ a $ on Harbor 2821. '6ttc ·.p '51 Dodge Demonstrator 4!-Wanted to Bent 61-Real Eatate Exchange 'WANT TO RENT BY AUG. 21}-SHA VER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH' Dealer 1680 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meaa LONG BEACH -2 bou.eee, home and income, clear. WW trade [or equal value, Barbor area. Phone Harbor 01163-W . Hpl57 -' • 2 bdrm. untum. houae, dbl. gar., -yearly, C. D . M . achool diatrict. Harbor J7ll·M. Mk:52 Rau.Ila come rrom coMtant PnA:tlce ! Ao ad RCUlarlY in thla 1942 PONTIAC 8 Sedanette. Good condltlon and .a good buy. Ph. Harbor 475-J. ~Jc~ "LET1S TRADE", paper will produce _ruulta for you. ------------HA VE $J4,000 equity in 2 [Um. • CADILLACS houoe• (good rentaUI) BalOO& H ..M_ .... ti Boulevard. One 1960 4 dr. eed. ,. ...... -•• • c, WlU trade for 3 bdrm. borne. Har- Fully equipped. cu.atom U . S. bor are&. WW auuuie. Pbone PENT HOUSE and 3 nn. cottage& On Colllno Island Each apL hu water frontage .. Aecom. 4. Y1emt end Park Ave., BalOO& Ia land. Harbor 2962-W. 4-0pM Bay Front Royal WSW tin•. Original Harbor 20M-M evenlnp. 50p6< throut. 1 owner. ExceptkKl&lly ----------- clean. Two 11148 Model "62" t dr. oeds. 61-Trallen FUlly "lulpped. ~1-'9-Fr-.-. .;.;H,;.;O_U_B_IC_TflAl __ LEl<.~-1-IM-8 One 1941 Model 80-8 Fleetwood 4 model. Exeln't . coa.d. •7t5. Pm. dr ... d&n. fully equipped_ S...oon 62911-W. •Mtc We Specia)ll:e 27•Fr. CONTINENTAL · hOWHO in Clean CADILLACS trailer. 11••1>'1 •· A-1 condition. 122 -Uth, Newp0rt Be&ch. OLDSMOBILES 32pM 19~ Pldli.38 club cpe. "tow mileage. , M-llloaey to 1- .Udo I.ale -l &nd 2 bdrm. unita. The abQve can have all been thoroughly checked and turned by factory dpe:rt.. We invtte you to ina:peet and drive them. ~~~, ~!i.,.H~mes July, $09.50 up. Aug. $90. wk. For reaervaUona Har. ~' eves .. Har. 2914-M. Mttc AV All-Ult.m Aug. JaL Modem 2 • bdrm unturn. home. runy car- pet.eel Yearly rmt&J.. Balboa Pe- .. nm.11a Harbor &Ol:J . ~lc53 NEWPORT Auto Sales ~ Newpo~ Blvd. Newport Phone Harbor 1407 li0oli2 '39 PACKARD, ~.; 'U Dulci<. CONSTRUCl'IOH LO~ ol -~lf> IU yn.J 'W1!l BUT .un> BELL · TRUST DllICDB SEil BOB BATrL!:R Hl6 COAST BLVD. OOrono dtl Mar "Harbor 1077-.1 Rep. POllUll:R llOKTOAG!l al. llotro ur. w; """"" Kl 3-lll.8ll $MO. G. II'. Kaufmann. Siii &. LOAH8 TQ llVIU>, DIPROVll, a . . ••• ...... ..i ---• .., r! !!?!. - • ~AR BAY • on 2 comer Iota. Not new, but attracttvely remodeled. Laree paUo and room far add.ltlona.I bulldlnl'· "Bou.ae Jiu 2 bedroom-. and addltlonal flaptone tlnplace. Nlce buy and good tlaianclnJ at Pl.llOO. · BAY AND BEACH REALTY lCTJIEL SHDU.EY t tM e&lboa Blvd. J . M. MD.LER GLODEN FAY Harbor 1284 IN EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES wtth private beach, a very modem 2 bdrm home, 111' baths, lots of tllti ln kitchen, nice patio, ta.rce 2-car carace. ONLY Sl3,7IO. IN CO.l;l.ONA DEL ,MAR Home with sweeptnc view of hUla. ocean a.nd couL Built on level Mx120 lot. 3 bdhna., fireplace, 2-car pr. Completely, and ntcely tumtahed and la.nd.ecaped. c1ood location. Price -$22,500. W. A. TOBlAS Sales Exclusive With EDNA CRAIG Rentals LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa IsltLDJI Harbor 2042 Country Estate, Tustin-Lemon Hgt.s. Area Showplace of Orange eounty. New ranch style home in 6 acre setting of oranges and avocados. 3 bdrms. and rumpus room. Every conceivable .mod- ern convenience. Completely enclosed beautifully landscaped yard with separate room lor barbecue and all the requirement& for outdoor living. Stable for horsell, it> perfect country estate well worth the $75,000 asking · price. Owner will consl<jer ex- change for Santa Ana, beach or mountain prop- erty as part payment. Shown by appointment ooly JOHN A. SIEGEL, Realtor 250 D St., Tustin' Klmberly 2-7606 evenings Klmberly 2-0012, Klmbrely 2-9886. Balboa Island's Most Out.standipg BAYFRONT VALUE ! ! ! rr IS NOW IMPOSSWLE to duPIJcate this luxurlou.s ham~ bdrms, · 3 richly tlled baths, eervanta quarters, two spacious patios. 5-<:&r prage. Finest con11tructlon on choice corner with 60 tt. on the bay. Fine beach. U na:urpaaaed view. Private pier and ~ ft. slip fioat. Price $68,500, term& W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at M&.rlne Balboa laland Harbor 2482 ONLY AT Corona Highlands ./ Ocean view ,t 60 ft. or more frontage ,t All utilities (no 1188e811- mente) ,t Convenient location ,t Overlooking Newport Harbor • ,t Private Beach ,t PRICED TO SELL ONLY AFEW HOMESITES LEFr MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge "MAGIC WORDS" HOME -Number ONE of magic words -The most precious of ALL words. Another magic word is-- NOW-NOW-NOW. Al- ways remember THERE IS NO ·OTHER TI M.E but NOW. Live NOW - Enjoy life NOW -Act NOW. If you ACT NOW on UDO ISLE you w1U be Mae indeed. U you do not ACT NOW you will be a.mong the number that will be .-ylnl' "I remember when." BUY NOW while prices are low. Thln.k or buying in- atde k>ta on LIDO ISLE for u lltUe u PO per front foot aiid ' . .......... • -. ! $3700 ..,. CASH . PLU!! nzio per I mon.th buyo thUI attncuve new beach home., Jo.. cated one block from the beif oee&n front 'beach. 'hro bdnnS. clever tlvtni room Wit.la Wide planter. largeJ wardrobe• and extra •to~. Stall Down, car port. A aix weeU 9Wllmer rental •hould make the YICA:R.8 payment.. A1ao an eJJ.Cellent property tor Income or ipeeula· tJon. Full price seeo. "$4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 bdrm home, 21 tt. living room w1lb ft.replace, ba.r·type kitchen, dinette, 2 bdrn\m, glue· "(I' in tub, private ~Uo. large 2-car gara1e. FUll price $15.760. BayShores' Bay View Dt-luxe S bdrm. 2 bath home. Beautiful view ot ba.y Crom liv- ing and dining room11. Outat.and- lng noor pla.n and best conatruc- Uon . Really one ot the nicer homes ln Bay Sboree. Price l2!1,000. GREl!:NLEAll' A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor ~2 ' SOMETHING NICE INA LOT-- We hav" a beautlft.11 alte, 82% tt. ~e by 140 tt. deep, wttb treee D eady planted and growing. One etde It rear redwood fenc- ed. On a quiet, paved street of lovely new homea, near to the high achool, Co&ta Mesa. Prtc- . ed $1800, terma. • On Little-Balboa Island, we have a nice Corner lot. we believe the only one available today. A quiet •pol. Could appeal t'l t>uUd and resell. Financing could be arranged. J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63 Balboa t.la.nd Ferry Business Lease 6 rooms 1 Y" baths -wonder- ful epot for office or pro- feesiooal man. L o t s of room for parking on busy 17th St.; Costa Mesa. Will remodel to suit tenant. See 387 -17th St. and call Har- bor 1990-M, or Har. 2422. " ' 49lfc • Modern redwood and glass Two bdrm. a.nd eervant'1 quarters, Flaptone and wood floore. Two year. old. ln grove of trees. Beautiful view of the we1tem hill.I -in exctualve section -2 mile• from' ocean in quiit sur- roundlnga. 126,000. Good terms. 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W 4.7tfc Bay View Lot. Large lot (0 tt. frontage, Haven, (not leuehold). PRICED TO SELL DUPLEX CUii 2 one bedroom unlU, Corona del Mar. Dbl. garall!, one unit ready for occupancy, newly decorated. $13,500 Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. J523 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 27611 Costa Mesa Duplex BUILT 1943 -s/ucco and red- wood conJ:trucUon. Panel ray heat. 1 bedroom each W\lt. 3 garages. Block to city center. $14,000. Con1tder trade, •mall home. I ,Owner, A.. Endell, 533 Park Or., -Meaa. .Mp59 '1616 I • -.. .......... · . - BUY OF~ WEEK .. I $1800 DOWN , Very nice 3-~ home_ poly 1 "yr, old_ BardwOod • tlooni,. tile double tlink. q~ dlspM&l, tub and Blloweio, djnlng room, !&rte W&rdrobe cl~ gar- age. Excellent .Iocatloq, 'near high achoo!. Pay- ments are .Pnly. $56 mo. !hcloding tuea and 'iuur. - Why rent-Don't forget ! your tax~ and Interest are deducUble from your income tax. Full 'price $9750 $2000DOWN Brand new one bedroom hoi:ne with a 2-ear gar- age. You must see this for. the money. Near mar· keL Full price is only 490 $5500 . ' PHIL SULLIVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T. EVERSON NeWport Blvd. Costa !Mesa Phone Beacon 6698 or Beacon 5458-J Rustic Ranch Type -$7,950 Thill charming 2 bedroom home is 1 year old ~d pretty u a picture. Has maa~lve brick fireplace.. IArge win· dowa, 57 x 125 lot in Newport Height. area. Only 12650 down. Tbit price. CANT BE BEAT! Rustic Ranch Type -Newport Heights Desirable and· attractive 2 bdrm home, near high school. Chotce location among' nice homes. Best buy•ln a rustle type home in the Heights. $10,960 3 Bedroom Home -$11,500 New and beautiful. 1100 sq. ft. Best hdwd. noor•. Dining area. Plwi breakfut room. Choice location on Broa.,dway, Costa Me&.. '2900 down. 3 -Bedroom Home -$11,950 OnE: block to high achoo! In Newport Height.a. -Brand new, beat hiU'dwood. Flagstone fireplace. Large plate gla.aa wtndowa, t~lng patio. · F . H. A. tenns. •66Newport1i!1~A£<?!irc~!i~~ BR~~'!'!~ .. B. 5632-W AVOCADOS and FLOWERS TWO AND ONE-THIRD ACRES and 1mall home at Enclnitu, Calif .• 25 avocado trees and family orchard, d~p rich soil suitable tor raising cut nowera while trees a~ growing. One-half mile from lOJ hwy. Good chance for couple to make their own living at home. Price $5MMl with $3000 down or will exchange clear tor Newport prop- erty, prefer duplex. Submit your oftcr1. ' LIDO ISLE HOME $16,500 buy• heat, furnished borne ne&r I north beach. Good fln&nc.ing. I BEACH COTTAGE, $5500 Small home, J 11': blocks to beach. Some Ume paymt:~ta. N. B. C. REALTY CO . 32nd and Newport Blvd. Newport lloach ' CORONA DEL MAR-$8,500 Furnished SOUTH OF HIGHWAY, OCEAN VIEW -2 bedr\X>m beach h~e. Fireplace. 2·car garage. PLUS guest room. Very attractive back patio with barbecue ... ~O ft. lot. Also many other GOOD BUYS right now. See TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Co~t Highway, Corona del Mar DON'T READ THIS, Unless You're Prepared to Buy ONE of the BEST medium priced homes on BaJ. boa Island. Close to bay on a fine street._ Beauti- fully ·designed and well built. Positively one of Olll' finest buys. See it today! STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 MARINI!:, BALBOA ISLAND ' HARBOR 20 , of Corooa del Mar Phone Harbor 41•-J In Corona. de! Mar. wtth euy term& The law of ' · I oupply and demand should COSTA. MESA Beautiful Bay Shores Today's Best Buy ~i'.fY lo~c=-~·rs~"" .;! $3000 DOWN 5 rm bungalow, jun finU.hed. 2 ' in Corona del Mar New 3 bdrm. home. J'Otted air heat. dbl, garage. Excellent l°'"' cation, 114~. NICE 2 BDRM STUC'CO. Vene- • Uan bllnde and drapea tnclud· ed. Payments only SM per mo.", Including 4 'A:. tnL, tu.e1 and iMurance. Priced for quick ale at 110,500. Cliff Haven 3 BDRM ranch l'J>" home wired for electric:" ~. bu.~ ahake root. Many other teat.urea. Dbl. prare on larg<l 0 ll!t, o charm- ing-home, ONLY St.r.aoo. FINUT Residential •treet. Near-bdrm -ar round home Gar•--have .om• excellent waterfront ' • ~-• · ~9-I lot.. alllO • few lnoome llitea ly new S B. R. borne, l ~ batba, diop<lea1. dlohmaater. Stationary VIEW lilOMlll on •5 ft. Jot_ Com-' that can be boupt RIGHI'. larJe Uy. I'll!·· llreelace. 2-<:ar tuba. Furnace heat. glaao encloe-pletely l~•""'I· Kodem deolp. garace, • btl 'lot. fenced. Price ed over tub. Completely fenced. -•l % batha, bvbecve and patio. ALSO ~Uced optn-HAKE OFFER! patio, dbl -·· FlttpW:e,I Tllll U. nry nice! oa . LIDO IBLIC -era! BRAND HORACill 8. MAZET _\ . Ill lol Uot1D1 No. 1838 Ntw homu S. S. or• 4 bedrm -Karine A..,, FJ'ice $13,750, terms f Piil P!oceo to nt -·· needs and Bal-r.land Barbor 8028..J ~ I ,__ (OU Phone Beacon 57t3·J, awner. .. puroo. r£ ,..u ...... t a bom• ___________ c 50cli2 Earl ll'lt•"', berlain UHm cOme to headquarttta. "(~ Yu.•• .... the DZVIllLOPZRB New .Bav Ffont THRD BEDROOKsi 1100 eoo.t Wvd.. Corona del Mu · • f! LIDO IBLIC "'1>ere & UtUe <( COSTA IU:llA"8 Bl!:l!T 8UY (Opp. Ne;ipprt Harbor Bank) BOMll. •--1• lot, choice location. · --'--'~-·--y•a LOT. nwW PAY YOU -r~~ ~ to -UB-4 bdrm Uld dell. 8 llotlis. J'lne Hardwood floon, 2 turnaceo. All -----,f'-' -------• P.A. PAI.MER INCORl'ORATED - . sa.nc1y beodl. p1.r ....i float pr1. •teel kitchen. 2 yn. o1d. --2.,. Acalil! w1u. bide. 50 " 411. you ~ .. Ulla property If fUI fenced potto and barbecu•. can be 11=• 1(1. '8.l!IO-:z:soo dlL you ore l°""IDI tor th• llneot Near ..-., and allopo . '3.l!OO Taot.tn f~ Coota Ill-. Har. 191()..)i( or Harbor Z422. ·'=" _,....,,.-;• ~Uc NEW ONE BDRM. untunL unit in court, We, .tove and reh1cer- •ator. Garsp. ClOM in. Inquire "435 Westminster, eo.ta Mesa.. ~ 703!5-W. liOcM lMll BL.,Ooota .--. Pb-Be. BUT,~oa llOM'll: • • · • 51p1ao ~ W E """"'~"" Rltr I W. 9Q_:.1'No& • ' L' ~. • RENTAL I( 1941 ll'OaD Sedan, Mil or trade. ~T s••M~ rm>DAL Ernie Smith, Rltr~ Aaoc. In BAY .,NT. PllICill 119,A!GO -· 1CuJ l'HA term.o. Owner · Pb JI Ii ! •---T~ :Si=' · nual · Attracit\f~ Duplex' am -N'~l ihd, ..,._ 2562 •· • OPEN ~ • 5 • · •I om:'llDRK! oaclt'-.tt: a ranc-. uaa Via Udo , Newpol't Bz1cb. Calif. HMtla!' IMO • • • S ......., 4 ,. Tc:tme! · Bee ot UOl Onula• A-. Onot& SA_VUfG8 6 ~ At111N ~• ~--plJj\,,~A~ -5lp63 -Via~ 1!11. ... uo0 1 918COABI'Bl-.d.,1C.W---· call -Qooll' '47 OLDS Tl -4 cir.-.._ Prime -~---.....-.,-, -.,--·--l'bone Kat ... Mfl t.inwood Vick, Rltor. -.Hu..a. s,.-. ...-. -·· REAL lll't.J_TB LOANS coJO'OBl' .. BL& ; """" -1 •-•• ...... _, - 2 ..... u-. o.-... _am lnt.er.t •~-II'!' :rro. o14 uo.-. ea1!l9-. --------· -·-~--· Dr!w. ,.Wpo<t BelPI& -· '--•~clpi -la po_, 411> la--~ «2111...S. -.... RM. -·-1a io.e: --. . IGplJ .,_ _.. .,...,,. --" ,,. •11 g, lt.., a.a."'--P"!1 .--~ -. ...... ...... .... !'....... .. .811 ~"" -·1,'W, ~ -......., •IJr court_ Rel)1pnt«, hot 'tt WJLLY8 "JOfpllter" wltll.,... --~ IJr ~HCI -.w ;;_1 ·-. -rr'!! 1i.ii ,.-~: OomtlT•ll*clllP ~ -...:'.!!: drift, lttr, ~ • -JC t llill!-·•f; •· • ---• oa>= ~ .ALI!(> '47 WU\)19 iltaL W--.. .. 1 lr:i:-" L . -~ ~--B•coa t••f-J • -~ roll 841,1! b7 OW.,.._16 Mm ~ ·....-= .. · OD..-ndlo"'42 lltr.a1 ... tn.. ~ --SHOii. SIOO-Mll-- r • -· , ~ ~ clooloo, ...._ Aa • ...._, .. --.U... Oollo. - UlQ'UaNl8l&D -. l ....,. -Su a. "raon VOTQRS •~:r-, .._Be-.-.w, _. --.. ,... ......... pio.Jl"1. ~y-... . ;· . .fiP~ -................ -~.~~lbco.Be. 11Clb9~-,... -~~ ~ -··· --i'fD.11. '· -Df<IU _. 11&•,;ld ~ Coola ._ MU... . ..... ~ ,_. ..-.. • ........ .. ., . -' • • • • • "New Low Price" on ~e Heights WiJ& \gAlJTD'UI., OC&f.N Yt&W. -1o noo "'l-ft. 2 .... ' •• ··-n........,. ........... :·~-e.. -1\11,lr&~l-..­ .. -.. .. J'W illff llPtr mt ccm· -R. W. BAR.TINE W. V. PA!TOI(, 4 7 DCIA,.. ITlf ..... A .... ft.~lm . Colt&- . . . I b~\o~~t.SJN. New ·a i-mn.\-la Ne"putt BMallftlllJ' ~ 1Mr okL ~ -roclwood .oOnlt.. }letat>fa, ~ w '.WW, 1" !!"~,. w!Ut~ , •H,000. ~ 1;.'•l•U.: Mil llotha. ,,,..,..... .... ....-... tlo • _.,,, ......... ·-"hr!< Dr, --4'poa •lopoNI °'w ,,j!I ftoPowle po • ~ · ,_,, ---~,._ _ _,. ___ ~-:--- POOO ~er r1iot 'trart Deed ploCo ..._. tfU --•i co~ ~ MAR -~ u' -"1lli&lt--..1na.a;· ---14111·11; ltttcl 0 -!JW I~ ....,paa --.-..-. ----. --""'"-• -. floorr. -...,..-·~ I A~ C081'A -...a' ~ ,,_ fu".Tooe , ....... - lla\alf llat ""'7ijlm1 ---.IJldr. -.•$!J.M. -ta AIA0-21\tot-.J.16 -· i -al& 1'ri1r 111111 s, 0.-As .Aw. ~· -6 . 21.t. ,..,_. .... fl .......... ta .,_, ..... .-.ia pr. B••-lal W. ·• , MU°> .... _Bl 1bc4 1111 ~ -................ ,.., .-. . . •{ ' . ~J:•-11111 ~· r..ar."' i>oWN,_ ,.. """°' on ,.,,.,_ .,.,.,_~ ,,.. • tlilfL ( ..... .-1 Vldi11la ... °''• ·-.... ....-.. -,. .• -. -91LWW. 'Qrrta--. ..... n 11a1111w. ~.-..• .... • ,·-./ ~ j ....