HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-21 - Newport Balboa News Timesl ' l ' f I ' i ' ~ I r I ., ----. ·--. --..... _________ ,...._.,_ ___ ,.... __ ~--------- • • I • • I flRE BOAT and two Harbor Dept. boata quenched the tll"fl on a rent.al motor boat which exploded and burned just offsltore of t1Je Mualctp&l\Tnl.Uer Park, Friday, O. O. Boyd of Ontario, and 'o De&n Morch. of Jlllnot.. recel""ed Ont decree ban• u a reault of the accident. (Ncwe-Timca Photo) NHYCRaceWeek !wo Burned on Aug. 24 ~26 , 1~0 ~!dm~!~rented Race Week at...the Newport Har- bor Yacht Club is one of the most anticipated seri~ on the racing caJendar, and the number of en- lrtea already in the hands or the i-a.ce committee proves that this year's event, to be held August 24 , ~ and 26, will be bigger and bet- ter than ever. . Dedicated to the one hundredth anniversary or the inauguration or the famou.!4 American Cup races, NHYC's three days of sailing com- petition and the accompanying social events will have, as a back- ground, the memory ot the famou:i yach~ and great sailors who bat· tled it out for what was, undoubt· edly, the mo.st coveted award m yachting hi.!tory. One e'vfnt. the Haw&itan party on Saturday n liht, la not quite In the mood of the old yacht r&clng days but hu a apecial point of It's own. It is rumored that Prent Fulmor and his Staghound, which came so close to winning the Honolulu Race. will arrive from the Islands sometime during the party. It probably took a con· slderable amount of figuring on Prent's part to time It this way, but, if It works out, there will cer- tainly be a lot of excitement a.round NHYC. motor boat received minor burns when the boat caught fire at 3 p.m. Friday juat elf lhe Munici- pal Tra.iler Park. Suffering from first degree burna a.a a result of the fire were O. O. Boyd or Ontario. Calir .• and M~s Jo Dean Morch of Hinkley, Ill. The two injured persons and Mrs. Hannah C1oee, all accupan ta of the burned craft were rescued by the crew of a passing outboat motor boat. The rescue boat wu piloted by Male!\ Jacob8. Mrs. Ci08e said after the rescue that she ha<J smetled gasoline be- fore the explosion and fire. Alt three persons ln the boat had been sitting in the front seat wht>n the exploe.ion occurred. The boat wa.a beached at the Municipal Trailer Park and tht- flames were extinguished by tire boat and harbor patrol boat crews. The boat had been rented from the Vallely Boat" Rent.a.la at 508 S. Bay Front, Balboa ialand. UMBRELLA STOLEN G. E. Walker, 7107 Seashore Dr., Newport Beacb. reported the theft of a blue and gokl beach umbrella from his patio at 11 a.. m. Sunday. The umbrella WU valued at $~. Two Injured in Three Car Crash Tv.•o pe~sons Were 11llghtly l.n· jur<'d In a three car cruh which occurred nl"ar the Bay Shore bridge at 3:5:'.i p. m. Saturday. lnjurc:-d were R. E. Shean and W . G. Shean, both of Westwood. They were occupants of a car which had stopped behind a Ve· hicl(' operated by Myrtle M. Mar· tln or Los Angeles. Both cars had been stopped af· ter ¥proceeding westward on the Cout High\\·ay. Shean's car was hit In the rear by a. R ouSt• and Garden truck operated' by Marlon Carl Lambert ot 510¥,. W . Bay Ave., Newport tBeac}\ The force or the impact ramm<'d the Shean car into the Martin vehic le. Head lnJurll'8 The Shcans suSt..inl:"tl head and racial Injuries after being thrown by the collisiori against the steer· Ing wheel and the wlndshi<'ld . They told police that lll<'Y would r e- ceive treatnu>nt fton1 thl'ir per- sonal physician. The Shean car received exten- sive frame and body damage. The other vehicles were dan1aged only ellghtJy. All cars continued under their own power. • NEWPORT • • . . • - i3rd nlAR-~ER 34. NEWPORT BEACH, ~ ........ ~RNIA.0 TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 11151 . -·FIVE CENTS f M I ' h "!'!!~'!"·~,,. The reJl<llj...-of suicide· in ltte mysterious' death of Mrs. 0 • ans aug ter· Dariel Jean Budd; 23, of 109 30th St., Newport Beach ended a hectic . investigation of law enforeement officers Mro. Helen ~ DeLeon, 21, that started with the finding of Mrs. Budd's body Thursday or San Gabriel, pleaded rullty .., night in her car in Aliso Canyon. Clutched m· her h•nd a charge of ma.nslaugbter, mla.-- demeanor, ln Superior Court laat Was a .32' caliber pistol. Friday. ,,.,_ A. E. Gall&gher, San Diego•------------- She had been the driver of a County Coroner, said that evl- car which era.abed bead-on Into dence at the acene indicated that anolher parked vehicle at 32nd Mrs. Budd had committed suicide St., Newport Beach la.at July 4. by shooting heraelr in lhe head. Audrey Janet McC&fferty ot Riv· According to Mrs. Robert Shand eralde wu killed in the era.ah. of lhe same addreu, a school Mrs. Del.eon had org1na.lly been friend of the late woman, Mrs. charged with felony manslaughter. Budd had lived with her a.nd had The count was reduced, however, left home Monday noon. when Attorney Otto J acobe and Di.strict Attorney Jarnea David Reported MiMlnK" said that there wu no grou neg-Robert Shand, a Newport Beach ligence Involved. Probation hear-:c ~ police officer reported Mrs. Budd ing haa been set for Friday, Sept. 'I. , as ·mlaslng at 12 :41 a. m. Thurs- 7. • day. . 1 The Federal Bureau of Investl- gattlon agents were brought In on the case as the woman's body was found on a federal reserva- Upn. Mrs. Budd. an attractive. blonde, had been employed as a telepbon.e opera.tor In Newport Beach. Prior to her death, she had been under the care of a. Newport Beach doctor, but frtenda said that she had not appeared de-- pre88ed when la.at seen. Mra. Budd's huaband. Alvin Budd, a radioman, third claaa, formerly stationed in Honolulu received an emergency leave and le now staying with his parent.a in Los Angeles. Mrs. Budd and her three year old daughter, Unda. had been living with the Shanda in New- port each. Funeral services were held Mon- day at 10 a. m. Interment waa at Inglewood Park. Record Crowd of 97.500 See Orange County Fair WAS THE \"ERDIC.'T of police a.nd FBI q'Pnts ln the death of Mrs. Darlt'l ,,..n Budd of 109 -30th St., N~·port BN.ch, Htt body \.\.'M found •lumpt"d In hf'r auto Thursday ln Allao Can- yon. Camp Pf'.ndWon. In her haod "'M a .Si caJllla' pl•tGL MWD REDUCES ITS TAX RATE According to the tunuUle count, the 1951 session or the Orange County Fair drew 97,MO people to make the f&lr approximately ten per cent more popular than last year. The a~na gate wa.a up 60 per cent. proving the popularity of the ostrich racea and the horse show. Sunday night's performance s:iw eight Jtorse show eventa, with S500 stakes for five of them. Other popular items Included the·.--------------- flower show and the commercial Grain Dlvhdon exhibits. Despite the fact that lncrea.ciing waler requirements in Southern Among feature exhibit winnerB Coro, yellow pop-2nd. Dorothy California neceasit.ate an expanded construction program, the Metro-Co.eta Mesa Grange took top M. Trusheim, Costa Mesa. polltan Water District (which servc1 Newport Beach) by order or its award of s250_ In the junior de~ Plant Vegetable Divlsion-Broc- bo&rd Or di-tors h .. once mor du· d .,_ tax t rr t. ( partment for 4. H &~cultural coll, 2 bunchea: lat, Mrs. Chester '""'" e rr ce 1~ ra e, e ec 1ve or "'' the yt>ar 1951-52. booth Costa Meaa Aggies took 4th Fisher, Costa Meaa. J B Utt T t Place and Costa Mesa Stltchy Peppers, Chill, Mexican -3rd, ames • 0 Ac Ing on the recommendation of its finance committee headed An I M ti Costa M Slicheni: were 4th for their 4-H ge on go, esa. by Director Herman Nelson of~--------------G 1· 1 lb 11 i ti 3rd, home economics booth. ar 1c. · ·· a va.r e es- RUft For (ongress ~1:~::y. ~~ ~:~~~~~~ayA~0~ 145 Enf ~·leS ·In in the a.gricu1tura1 department Dorothy M. Truaheim. costa Mesa.. Harbor Area winners were: Melon.a, Pumpkins and Squash-, • to reduce the water diatrlct's 19W-~ cantaJ u all rt u 2-A Pl~-ed to a plaUonn of real -----• App'"-"" ._._ 0 pea, va e e .. l •-. ..... . 151 rate of 31 cent.a per $100 of aa-rUft;I -°"° ......--Dorothy Truahelm, Ooeta ~-:=e.=;:::::~ MUed valuation to 80 cent.II. 8lnce LIYG R tta Paintln.--\!'•tel' ~ -1st, Honey Dew M.~1 111n. attorney, today announced hi• Che . Metropolitan' Water Diatrict .., a JJif'9Jlt JC.. Rualtt.~ ~;:~z-tn·lftilttsr-X:·~ • .J.casta Mea. candidacy for Constt• on the tax rate reached lta highest level George R . James, Newport Beach. Hubbard Squaah, all varieties, Republican Uckel ot 50 Ct"nta ln 194~-48, aucceulve J Sculpture -Stone -lat, WU-1st. Mn. J . ff.Cue, Coat.a. Mesa. Utt ii 1ffkJn1 the pot:t of U.S. f'eductlona during lhe put ~ 8ix. I The Lido we Yacht Club In-flam Fraser, 'Newport ~ch. Table Queen Squash, or Dani.sh, R28op~0 nta1Uve In~~ newly for= years have cut the rate down 20 vi';ti~nadl Rerd~tta held · Saturday Ceramics -Scuipture (Non-2nd, MNI. J . H. ~. Coat.a Mesa. th l1lr ct wh ch ts comp cenU, Controller McKLnlay point· an un ay 1·ew 14.5 entries in Figurine) -1st, Willlam Fraser, zucc hini Squash, mature _ l&t, ot Orange county and the north-ed out 17 classes a ccording to CommO-Newport Beach; 2nd, H . Banday, Mrs. Che!lt~ Fisher, Cost.a. Mesa. ern portion of San Diego county · dore Hay Langenheim. Newport Beach; 3rd,-Rosemary 8.8 well as " small portion of San Of the 30 cent tax rate. McKin· Race results follows · Ball, Corona del Mar. New HamJ*hlre Diego County In &nd near San lay stated. 24 cent. will be used · Di~go. to me~t Interest a.nd principal Rhodett: Ceramlc8 -High Fire Ware, Although absent from public paymenta on outstanding Color-1st. Howard Cha.stain , "Rowdy" Cone 1 up-2nd, Rosemary Ball, service (Or nearly 15 years, Utt ado River aqueduct bonds that 2nd, James Sheppard, "Argosy" Corona del Mar. ha.a consented to be<:ome • candl-were sold to financf' the construe-3rd, John Pearcy, "Whim" Weaving -Heavy Material and date for the purpose of creatln1 . . Textured Combinations-l&t, Hel- "an atmosph~re In Government lion of the giant s2oo.OOO.OOO wa-PC. en Hall. Corona del Mar,· 3rd, Jer· which wlll insure lndl\'ldual rlahts ter supply system from the Color-1st. Jack ~· "Patsy Ann" of life, liberty and the pursuit of ado River. The remaining 6 cent.'I 2nd. Mike B_u~ke, "Paloma" ry Graves, Balboa Island. will •---• t h 1 i 3 d D o o ~ "Ga 1. .. Weaving -Light Material-2nd happlnen." U<::: u""""' o e p pay opcrat on r , r. . . ·~uesa, y m "l hold that It 11 time to mal(e and malntenancf expen.se11 ·and Ludert1 J&: Helen Hall, Corona del Mar. h st 1 vtrt · Lumber and Lumber Proctu<'hl one y n govemm~nt a ue meet outstanding obligations with 1st. Robert CoUlna, "Josephine V " and not a farce," Utt aaid .. ''We the federal gov-ernment. 2nd, Jim Gregory, "Es Velero" Wood Novelties-2nd, H , C. Bev-must protect and Insure the d11nlty • . . 1 ins, Costa Mesa. of the individual." Cities and areas w;1thin the Mel· 3rd. S. Enrlgh~ "Witch" Acrlcultural Ml'ChanlC&· Born In Tustin. Utt has 50 year1 ropolltan Water Dsirtict are not Stan: Miscellaneous Beef Device- ot continuous re&idence In thl• dis-required to · meet aMeMmenL• 1st. Bill F icker, "Chaser Ir' Beef Cattle _ let, Don Jackson, trlct and has Jona been ldenUfll'd. made aga.inat them from taxes 2nd, G. McRoberta, "No. 2492" Newport Harbor Union H t g h with svoudo and citrus lntett1t In but may pay lheae charges, if ,Coat:anued on Pa-!) 8Chool. Southern Callotron.Ja. He 11 a they choose, from municipal wa---------------------------------graduate ot Oran1e Counl7 schoob ter or other revenues Boan1 and the Uni,·erslty of Southern Ch Ir J J ' caJlfomla Law SChool and 11 a a man 0&eph enaen pointed practicln1 attorney In Santa AnL out. He uid that Glenda.le, Pasa- He ls marri!d and haa one son ll'td dena. San Dieg9 and Burbank next one an11daon 1ivin1 ln Santa hL year will levy· no taxes to meet Single birds, chickens without I production records Codk over 1 year-1st, Eddie Pfirrma.nn, Costa Mesa. Cockerel, under 1 year -lat. Eddie Pfirrma.nn, Costa Mesa. White Leghorns. single comb .. single birds, chickens without producliop records: Cockerel, under l year-lat, David Allac, Placentia: 3rd, Lewie Abbott, ~ewport Beach; 4th Lewi.a Abbott, Newport Beach. Pullet, under l yea.r--4th, Lewta A!>bott, Newport Beach. Ul"bt Hones Arabians (stallions) 3 year old and over (during or before 194.8)- 2nd, Marietta de W olle, Coat& Mesa. MareB, 3 yprs olds and OV4!r (during or before 1948} -6th, Joan C. Bryan. New;port Beach. lF THERE'S ONE PFJl8()N wbo cloea•t Med lnat.rut:tlon on ...U bandlln~ It'• Dolly Newport,. "'bo le at" .. Y9 ln amoDI" the wbmen. However 8rbe Mems to be s~tttnc plenty of It from Sersen HeMo Mary BonnPf.t and BUI F1ckel'. ! The9e a re 0~7 four of the many M<lp~rs who will be on ~k for the annual Newport Hubor Yacb.t Club Raoe \\'ft'k H"rie& to bf. held Aul"ll§t 2.(. !4 and 28. , Molester Draws 120 Days in Jail their Metropolitan Water District obligations. but will pay all these chargea from their water or other revenues. Other dlstrict cities that wUI pay part of their as&eSSments from water revenues are Chula Viata, NaUonal City and Comp- ton, It. wa.a !lated. Morgan (1talllona)-2nd, Frank Waer, Costa MeRa. Morgan (stallions), 2 year old (during 1949)-2nd, Fr&Jlk Waer, Costa MeA&; 3rd, J'ames H . Bailey, Cost.a Mcaa. George Theriault., 118 -2:ith St .. Newport Beach waa sentenced to --------------------------------------------J 120 daye in the county jall by City "' --· Court Judge Frank Unnell, Mon- (Photo by Beckner) 'Chairman J ensen stated that the one·cent tax r~uctlon wu ordered by the board even though the Dtatrlct's payments to amor- ize out.standing Colorado River aqueduct. bond will be considerably tncreued during the next year u compared to former years. Recent annexation.a to the Metropolitan Water Diatrtc t will also require 1ar1"e lnvesbnent.a in additional aqueduct dl.ttrtbuUon works, he Morgans ( marea), 3 year Olds or over (during or before 1948)- 111t, Frank Waer, Costa Mesa. Mares, 3 year olds and over {during or before 1948}~th. L . T. Harris, Corona de.I Mar. nm~ ..... -.,._ .. ,, -~ ••• -.1 2122 27 •• IArq "9•• '• ... -..,, ........ • • . . • Gar tlf ...... z ti •De..,. W'•f •.,.. ........... a.a:'cm ,01 m611~ h •lo:r·~-----·· (l'llOlellt~I • • • day, on a charge or child molest· Ing. He wu arre1ted on the com- pla.int of_ a parent that he had been bothering children ln the Newport Beach pharmacy. Injures . Halfd ' . I -. Herding Boat Howaro Den1b•uoon. employ. of t.be Harbor Dept.. received an IAJured 1e1t band m a ~ attempt to comer a runaway motor boat. Acoordlnc to the" N e w po r t BMcb pollce report, an outb&rd -r boat oped ,.,..,und the Ho,r- -at 8 :02 p. in. Friday otter otaled. Covering an area of about 1100 sq~ mUea and including 35 ln- corpOn.ted cltlea and much unin· corporat.ed territory, the Metro!- polltan Water Diatrtct now ha.a an .__ valuation· or S<,87<,66( •• 000 a.nd a. population ln l!!Xce.tlf of 3,000,000, It wu pomted out by Cha1rman Jenaen. \ Newport Mar .. for . l Hild to ktaw• ' • < st.ft Jae•-Mal Circle Dr!"-_,_._ wi..o•ap i. st-aa Ww ta. U ud t• )'M.f'I *-' tllrown ~ tho boat. The n.bway 1 craft 1wwp4d Robert Lee Hendrix of 122 ·27th .._ tho ~ ~ at llll top St.. Newport Boa.a, wW'•WM< In ._.i of • mUoin per bour. llapo1 lot Qo!u't' ....t Jl'rtday \o "'' HartMw DePt-pall'Oi --• felonT ...... ,,,.up.I.er WU -t out --....... chUp f~ !1"'lbntury i-t-the pUocl1• craft lq-4n 4 ?*"'m JUUce court.. ~·· -... ~ B-la ... drMDs a truck cm -It wu ~ .... _ U. A.tlc'·l-be ... ta-laa two - -tlle)' -... oollld .. -.. lull-at ptMt. ,,,. .__,, ----OnaptllorJp "' ..... -·wa111tt ..SU. pl&nll MM 1•Wt•z • a..-wai. ot CJpce21 TM wi· tho ----.-·--,, ...... la~ -a(~ • ..,. .. «M;.-. '-' 111 11& ..,.. rr. or '*¥'*/ . . J ~ . ' aww ....... Nip ., 1 112. n•ow ....... .-. -... t • ...-., _. Os s1• Ca 21 .-ir. --·· __ ._Air -• ... ·-~~, ... 4 I I U "°' I' 1 ,;,,, I 7'.' ~ • • t , I ' Two year old.a (during 1949)- 2nd, R. W . Jones, Costa Mesa. Yearlinp (during 19~~-lat, R. W. Jones, Costa Mesa. Registered Quarter H o r s e a f marea), 2 year old.a I during 1949) -3rd, Frank Waer, Coeta Mesa. HortlcaJture Declduoua Fruita. Appl .. (pl&te d!Bplay)- Valmore -3rd, Mte. Chester Fi&ber, Coeta Mesa. .,_.tar. F-. Nuroery Dlllpwy -Patio or Rock Ganlen-Znd. Jack E. 1.-., CoataMNL Formal or Inlortrul.l ~ ~ot, w11~ (}&rdeDa, CGota -• ai'<I, su1>-'!'r<>P1ca1 Undocape Nill> ery, Corona del Mar. Garden Club Dloplay_,.-1.tt, 0. IL Boll~r. Coot&. - o.hlla, comm'"''i.1-bl, Ii B. Cit~'• ~lit G&rdell, ~ tax-..-• I>UllJ&, commercial-2nd, a. B. Clmrdlmaa'• n.,,,,,. G&rden,' ca. .. -. BoWI of GladlOl&io at..._ I-.. 1.tt, Mom -. ·---Now!f,J llolJda,y Ami•-••an .. -1111a1a ',.-,1rcl, ~ ......_ -.-~ llJ "'-111t.-Ooc-.t9 for....,.,.·-.i.t, --bq, F1••:-M Jin. N«Nt l, Ce-,_,.. .... . Olat. ......... d1• .... c. -· Qpola -: -. n-M Wll .. Oii&&.... ... • , Poge 2 • " MRS. wtmnUm Ji.umlltE, SOCfety Editor •i-'•tf'J~ ............... _ _._.~ ................ ,,,. ........ ~ ... ~ .. ~-~-~ Russells Visit in Newport Beach ; "We've tot to go We111t, wtth tbc very m tnlmum ot major &.Ut>mbly JfJ.ant." ~s was the ttmark of Frank C. Ru.aell, head of the F . C. ii\llaell &. of Clevel9.nd, Pandora. Conneaut and Columbtana, Ohio. ~ flrm Is the worlds Jargetit produce.r of atttl wlndaw auh and • ~tE'erut. • Russell, his )Yiff' Goldie. and their da ughter, Pat ricia Ann. to- Je,lhf't with company offlclaJ,, are db a nying tOUJ" of the wf"st, com- ' bined bu.sine~ and plea.sure. A v- ~rding to 1.-fr. Russell, .. Thia LI one j aunt upon which we brought ~ family as well as the office. '"\\'e arl" t'njoying every mlnutf' or tC .. said ?i.frs. RuSSt'Il. 11The Ohioans are gut>sts in ca1i- farnia. or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thom})8on of Cucamon~a. of Rus- ~11 Prime Yllndow Company of Ceh!ornia, for thC' Rus."ell Com-. µAny liliNI o[ Mr. an<I Mrs. James t-.; Connolly or ClarC'mont, who is a i11llated with the parent f\ussell l;timpany. Th(' entirf> party spent t~e week at th(' Balboa Bay club v.·hi>r(' thf> ea.stl'rnt·r.s ('njoycd the Ol.Utornia sunsh ine in Bay, boat ahd ~wimming pool ... .-ithout the hl.lm.id hea.t or their nativr state. T,hP Rus.c;ell! nnd J . A . F t>rgu· !<on, vicf>·pre.stdt-nt o r tht' Russell C 'u n1pany t<Ygrtht>r \\·1th the com· pany pilot hav1· 1nad1' a flying L'•Ur or th(' country in their t\vill rr ~ined planf'. Th(' pla!le \YSB ti• \Vn into Oran~(' county airport f rnm its ~top 1n Las \1"<>~8.8. Nev., \Vhcrt-conff'rencr.s "'ere held \\1th .. \-ri7.ona and Nevada represcnta- t!v~s o r the-company. Russell says that his firn1 has tlc;.veloped a new method for hot ;:~anizing and bonderin:zing steel ~~ and window rquipment that p r"ptttls the m<"tal from the rav- a ~ of wcathrr and time. Their 'o\'•it~m shipm~nts have become sn: mat that no\v plans are being c1.mpleted ror an ass<'mbly plant • ln t h(. Sout hPm C&liforn1a area. P resent capacity of the f"U~m plants l!t two ahd one hair 011Ilton windoW'llJ pel' year. The Russell Company hu devel- oped to its present position from a sta:r.t in the general lnsulaUon field in 1924. E a rly In 1937 Rus- se-U said his work had developed int o primary window construction ~ause ot the nl"'ed then exlstant . , The phenomenal rtse. of RW'sPll and h is com pa ny <'&rned for him the coveted H oratio Alger award a few yf"ar9 ago. Th i~ rt'COgnition Wh given because RU&Mll him!M'I! has built and hf.ads his company an d started rrom scratch. Among other re<:ent winners or the award a.re Davkl Sarnoff or RCA and J ames Kraft of Kn.rt Foods. The Russell window la manufac- tured from & Spttlally proce&!led A.rmco lngot tube and for thilll reason are said to require 65 per cent less steel than conventional windO\I.' frames. In addition. be- cause of the hot dipprd galyanl'z- ing and bonderizing m ethod th<' windO\\'S carry· a 5-year \\'&rranty aPinst rust. · In the Russell party were Mr. and Mrs. Ru!'lsell and Young d aughter, Patrcla Ann: J . A. Fer· guson. vir e-pwsldent or the Ru~ sell Company, all of Cleveland, O; Mr. and M rs. James E . "Connolly. c.t Claremont, Paciric Coats rac· tory ~preeentatl.vP : M r. and Mrs. Fred S. T hompson of th<-Rl.lMf>ll Prime Window Company or Cali- fornia. • I California Press Women Plan for • Ci>ming Convention, Win Nat. Prizes Calirornia Association of Pr·es~-------------­ \\.i::.n.en, which rec<"ivt'd itl'I charter teeting t h e impriM>nment In !'z om lrf"ne ~a rel, rf'tiring nat· C'lechoslovakia of newsman Bill inn1l president of National F eder-Otis, these to bt• !tent P:-e~itlent ?:..ron or Ptts.s Women at a meet·. TT'uma n and tti~ C:iech ambaa.sa- 1r.g _tn Long Beech on Atay 28, Is ldor. A.llK> approved wu a reeolu· already ta king a fort'most place tn lion protest in&,. tbe rormation. or an natkinaJ -recognition. Not only will lftt.emaUonal. Pre.m Club by delc- Caltfomta be bo&~q group for the p.tea preeent at Seat.Uc u beir\lf na~aJ ronvt.~nUpn In 1953, but an unofficial action at the conven· SL't Californians won-award! in the tioo. . na tional NFPC cont"t, as was an-. Planned was a men"l5 pre-christ- notipC"ed at the national conven-mas fashion show to be held at t1on heJd in Seattle the fint of Loa Angeles and named as com- J une. mittee co-chaJrmen wer~ Ltt Al · NEwPo!lT BALfoA JllEWS.TIMES "AS SF.AK AS \i\'E ('()t'UJ ~AKE n-.. tllM> 1" ...... wW,.,. t ... f '. (', RU~!W>ll fa.rnll)• o f ~·t'M.nd, OW.. woulll Hilt-to loeete la C'al'ltaraa. ~ w.-,.. .-.ta thh wf.'t"k a t thf'" 8-lboa ftay c•lub of ~r. .._, Mnt. Frfotl '1"1KlmP909 ef C.....,... llM 1'1.r. a.I Mn. .1911W8 E. Connt>ll)· of C'lal'f'Oloat. Utt ta ....,.., abo\'f", F. S. ThMn,..., Fre.ak ll...tl. !Wn. Ceiuolly, Mrs. ThomJ»Mn, Patricia Ann RllHf'll. I :W" RU!'IM'll wt .I •. -'. Ff'tS-. ~pn•i.._t R.....U c-...y. t News-TlmPs Photo ) I • Missionary Doctors Thursday Shower Is First of Series Honored by Church ·• , , .:=~~~~~d-:.:.~b~ m:·~; for Br~Elect Margaret Thayer 11 o'clcxk service at th~ Nf'WPOrt Pn-lud,. to a wedding-o r intrre.st<>--------------- H•il"bl.9 rhuttb Saturda y, Aue. 18. to Harborites w as a bridal sbower In c~peration ,with nearly 3,000 1 hf'kt ThuMKlay ewning in San Ad~-ent1.11t churches throughout tM. r Atarino Wbf'n Mia Patrk'ia Ootr lTn1tffi SUlt es and Ca nada. the lo· d h , .... _ -I>o .... __ _ I t . •• 1 a 1 son an rr mo sn:r, .... rs. .._...., ca can1r~g• ion g-ave L.ue r nnua honorffi M13s Marpret Harwood ofre-r ing. ro~ t hf' ~pport of lhf' de-Tha t'r at th.-~r bome on St. A 1· nomination 1' mPdica l .chool. the j ... _ Y 1\fE'di 1 E r t unns avenut~. College ~f ca . vange 19 !I, , The bride-Pleet is thf' daughter operatt"d 10 Lorn~ Linda and Lo..ci or P.tr. a nd Mrs. Alfrtd Harwootl Angelf'~. Callrorn1a. Thayer or 21go Sbf'i-wood Roa(!, ~· M. Maxwell. M . D .. end C. L. San Marino, and .Balboa. H £'r Smt~h. M. D .. mdua~f'!I or th<' grandp8rt'nta Brf' tht> E rnesl mf'{fu·lll collf'gf' an-active laym.en ! \Vent\.\:orth Thayers of Los An· in the local church and wer; tn· gelra and 12 22 East <Antral ave· traduced by tht pastor, Holhs l.. nue. Balboa and sbfo Ls a third gen- And~rson. . C 1.1 . 1 •-t I 'fhe school, \.\.'hich is approved by c>rat1on a I on nan or u~r gr~a "/ thp American M edical A.uociation. grandparent• W<"re Ole late Prince I h d 2 .,~ h . . Lyman Thayre-a who camt' rron1 a~ gra untf"d . .....u p ys1c1an11 V 01 t 1 1880 ~nee it was e11tablished in 1910 to <'0' 0 5" l nd s' t •· l Ml I a.l'"ed d' 1 1 d n a ur ay, ep em......,r , ~ pro\• de qu 1..., me 1ca ea E-r-Th .11 · •th . . ayt>r WI rt>pea t vows \111 ship for the church s program of J\ot ·t H 'l h k W ill J h llh d t . d d . 1 u1 on 1 c coc son. r ., soo I ea p · uca ion an me 1ca ~{r d M M t \V 'llson S rvangeli.sm . . . an r... ur on 1 , r .. '-fany graduatrs are srrvlng in of Mr!!. Hu bbard a nd cousin of 1 \hf' 161 Advent ist ho~pltals and Mrs. Hubbard How<' or Corona deJ , C'llnici:i around the world. I n a dd I· Mar, who wt\h her d~ught-er.' tlon, a large numt>c?r carry o n self· S heila, w~ presf'n a t the shower.' supporting missionary enterprises This wa .s first pre--nuptlal cour- 1\11* Marpn"t Thayrr a.t homt> and abroad.. tesy for ~WI Taay~r. the rnl"a ge-l -The strong medical progre.nl or I ment having been announct'd last ' Wf't'k · --------------the Advt>nti!lt Church has grown . · out or its empha.sis on healthrul ~138 Thayer '"'U graduated R h I o· living \l.'hkh members hold u from the Biahop 8 sch?OI at La e earsa Inner tenets or fRith, based on such tf'xtil J olla and fro m University of Col-p d W dd• "" 1 Corinthians 3 :16, 17: "Know o r~do, where she ~u president of reCe eS e Ing Yt' not that ye are the t emple of Chi . Omega soror1t~ house. She f J M•11 God ... If any man defile the reCt'JVed her nla~er s degre~ at 0 ean I er Mesans f<> ·~hie 0CC Students Train for Jobs . Chest ~""llOn , ,.. • commWlit7 co11ep, Oplls<I •piculw... peUolelml tec~...i.oo. '-"11 ICJI Cou( · strlvu to quality tta atu-. commereli.J art. ad certtnk& Dett:rm~ mee\ a Jt.e4 4'att. for employment ... ~ .ia one: lut.Nct:Son tn two ~ voce~ F lhor quoU t~o, dwbleo th of Cllll' .major olojecU-otalel ol llelda wW be oddOd Ullo r.JI"' •• t -atot" U1 IUt ~~ Dr._Jomee W. Tbomtoll, vi-..,..i] ~ p....tleal' ...,_ •Dll am.~1 -fa ·lH e ..!.otall-d•.nt, .. to train J'D .... u4 women to medk:al.dealal ~ , cam,....._ ,. • • re-••----.-. ~t a job and llo1d It." no. collop la -dolly ud CoMa )(-()cim?Jlll!y Cb..t °" A -pn>cram of lnslnl<t~ ...._Ion U. .. dll~ to oonfer ganlsation WW ~ • 1161 -1 of lo 'anllUle la ·9ewat-<llfferat with lnterNled' - $16.-. II. -..,,,._ t---~ lltWa. Com~ • nr1>-, Ing • l1l..uDa of tlle ~ .,._. ,_, _...,.. are a'r&llable fa A ~ Ad ,. tlle Mlpty mtt tee. ••ual. lft1hr.Ji' arMI. 8tedeats lnldCft: ta .A.4'••'1 '·1 The drift Ullo ,.... will bo held -y -....... In INlldlllC ..... :N.....--.... -..a on the ew.lq at Ort. 1. Jt wtl1 be l!ltnactJon. mec""•icti metal ~ In tbo J1Uba1o .for .,. 40 ,_,.. a nigbt lllflt atfalr, almf)ar to lbe ------4--'------------------- one-t>lgltt ~an ~ -M.· 000 for tl>e &,a' CIU -Dottm· bee. The njpt llPt dri"' to bo participated la bS membtn of mo~ llete. orpnl.aUona, will fol- low an lnteAlift two---...elr. ad· va nce (itt.a mlk.ltatlon. 1t ti>< com.,.ip u pluMd succeeds an uw, open.inc day Of the nation-wide effort to fW Commu- nity Chest cotfera,. It will at.amp the community u ft.rat to auccerid in the county, state a nd kmong the first in the nation, Chest · lea ders believe, The drive w ill br chalrmannt'd by Stuart Innerst . Evtre tt Res is presidt>nL Tentative allocations for~ the 10 par ticipating a gencies arc: Boy Scouts, .2000; Gfrl ScouL<1, 12.fOO; YMCA, 12000; Bors' Ctu b, ™40: Catholic Wel- fa re. $1324 ; P rotestant Welfare, $50-0: Released Time Relipou. Ed- ucat ion, $480: USO, $281 ; Ch.ii· dren's HQ.tlpltal, $384.: Visiting Nurses: $1200. S IT ITCASE STOLEN Bf'verly J . fi.ammrs, Los An· geles, reported tbe tht>ft or a. light gray !i:u ltca..se between 8 a11d 7 a . m. F Mday. She told Newport Beach police tllat 11he had Jert Mor luggage unatten~ for an hour in the phone booth on Ole B&lboo. m ainland ferry landing while she w ent ror a cup or coffee. When she r o;;oturned the suit ca.ee w as gonr. (Colottaood r,_ Par 1) A.n.1"*8: 1st, Jim H igson, "No. 27 " Vlklloxs ; . t st. Andy Graham. "N o. 6" 2nd, J im Ramsey, "E'Ve" 11o·fll: l st. \\'. F . Schult. ''L lenroc" Int. l.f'11 : 1st, P aul F errier, "Extermina tor'.' 2nd, Nancy Nicho lson, "J et" 3rcl, C. Le\vsadder, "F IJI'" Fta.tttfo: 1st . Henry Fry, "F11ri~1s" M f'"rt'Qf")': l !lt. C. ~heeler, "Louette" 2nd. Bartley Hunt, "Spring F eYer" IJchtlnc: 1st . John Pott.a. "Fetehil" • 2nd, E. s. Porier, "Anita" 3rd, E. F . Cotter, "Atlanta" ._, 1st, Pfttt" Bradford, "No.. M '' 2nd. Dolly Newport. "Ant h y • N.....,." 3rd. Ann Rawrtns. .. N o. 58" s.Jpr: j iP'" ~ -- Rowbo ~t Pocketbook Yacht Ideas? I Don't despair. Gear your ambition• to a Savings Program at NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL, save regular ly and before long you'll have the down payment on· o. y~cbt. All savings ar e insureli up t o $10,000 ... eam worthwhile dividends (currently 3 9') ... and are r eadily available wllen you. need them. -- PL >\.XS F OR S A\"ERS 1 •. 4.ftGF. A:\'D ~MAI.I~ TER~SA RENNER (Mrs. A. Ren ner ) CeDC:f'1't fta.t.s ef ftrM C..U...ta G,.._te S tndHli of .... llartolr: 436 Serra Drive ..... Harbor 1171..J . Coroaa Ht]h'uds -Coroaa del Ms ~ re-port or the convention was laire ot H ollywooct and Vivian \Vil- broughl by California delegate, lets. Afem~rs a r e Mild~ Flan- RPgional Director Lee Alla.ire to ary H eh.>n Malloch. and Marif' the state meeting held Saturday, w~. A ugust 18 in Ragan's Corona. del ::'\[ar Cafe, Xewport Bf'acb with A monthly maguJne will be tatablished ..-.·ith Mary Lou Zehms or Long Bea ch, publicity chair- ma n. aa editor. l I r God h·m shall God Dr-Stanford University. H t'r ft.ancf' emp c o . ' . d h . d In h ' t .. NX:t'IVP IS egree a rc 1tectur- s ~~y ·a~lditlo to th ?<chool or nl <'ngineering from University of nlethrine, th; Collcgt>f' or i 1edlcal Colorado and is attendin~ Harvard Eva·nJrelists also ·Oprrates schools Graduate School or Design. Art~r or dietetics. physical therapy. lhl• \\"e:c1dlng lhey \Viii make the1.r technology, c 1 in i c a I laboratory home ,i.n Cambridge, lo.f":8s .• until tPchnology, X-ray technolog)'. Its ~~r. \\ illson complete.s rus Niuca- Pr1•ccding Saturday's weddin~ ·1st, Norlon Yowiglove. "Socaroon" o r ~i iss Jean 1-tUl"r to Donald Sors-2nd, Len Smith, "Eapr Beaver"' abal was, the ~hearsal d inner. 3rd. Kim Mtmholland. "Vein Ir' FOXY BUYERS Carrie Lou Suthl'rland of Anaheim p rteSiding. Attending the conven- hoetPd rriday evening a t Balboe P~tt: Ba;i.• Club by Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Isl. Lee ~mb~K. "Leeway" Loni;::moor, 2fi4 DriftY.•ood Roe.d, 2nd. Rowen Wei.sberc-. 'Pork Chop' Corona dt>I l\l ar. 1tfrs:. Longmoor S.•w"nl: t .mi with Mrs. Allaire \l.'aa Helen 1iflJ.loch. lmmediatf' past president arW organizer or the state a&50Ci- atkin. Their invitation to hold the l ·~ conrerPnce in Los Angeles had l Named ~ co-chairmPn or prl::zee were Winifred Barbre of Newport and Velma Dunlap of Santa A.na. Nrx t meeUng will tx-at Ocean- side on SE"pt. 15 with a prograrn and speakPr. ne\v)y ['1{tablished School or Tropi-on. C'al 1'-ledicinf' provides train in~ for doctors appointed lo ovt>r.sras Ha rbor Readers Above Average for Non-Fiction 1s n1othl:'r of the bride-elect. 1st, Tom Frost, "'Boeun" Prese nt "·ere lfiSJJ ?'\t iller and 2nd, Benny Benjamin, "No. 337" h~r fiance ; Mr, and t.fr.s. Andre...-3rd, Winn Fuller,, .. Sail-n-W in " Sorsabt'I. Sr. and ?fi r·. and Mrs. Andrew Sorsabel, Jr.: Mr. and i lrs. Donald Bryan. Dr. and MM!. ChsJ.Jes Sparkuhl, M i~se~ Connie \\"illlan1s, J oan Miller and Lois Ann J ones: ilia Messrs. Don Wil- liams, Donald Bryan. Frederick Soreabal and the hoet and hoetess. SBOP Ill ADLIB hetn acceptPd and much o ( the af- t .. ~raoon's busint>s.-. \\'as on choice of •headquart'-'rs. as 1·pported by \\t~lfred Smith, stalP vice prPai- rlent and con\'E'ntion committee chairman. S atlnnal Cnntf'At Chloe Hatc her of Oceanside-. i::1'cretary, announcrd th<' follow· 1ng "·innPr~ •n tht;., national con- 1.•st: Mary Ne lS~nder, L o ng B r ach. s.!COnd in photography, fea- 1 urr picturr: l\tarie Hendt>rson \\"ood, Compton. first in pbctry; Paula Kent. San Dil'go, first for publicity &rticl<': Lillian Dean. Long Beach, third ror adult book, "This Is Our Land": Susan Di- helka, Wbittier. first for juvenile !-lory; Vivian \\"illc-ts. Inglewood, thi~ tor ~olumn in dail}' nev.rs- paper. Mn. Dlbelka, rf'solutiorns chair- man, pre.sent e<I rrsolutlons pr@· Kamaa inas Join ht Jo lly Events Kamaaina club members "'ill be g uest.a on Aug. 22 or Marie K<"m· ble, ~18 Aliso AYP., Newport Heights for their r~lar meetinc. It is aecond event thi.s month for the · gTOUp. ror bU8banda, children and guet1t.& joined in a rtt~n t beach pa rty at the .}4?tty. It wu a merry crowd ot 38 which did justice to the pot luck suppt'r and enjoyed m~k. singing IJ.Dd " dancing anp.rward. 1bit J uly mfft ing wu held at the home of Triancia Vandercook, wbo gave a "t rip a rowid t he I.slanda." W ith the a&!!li!tance of two ot. her pupils she gave the d ances &om the original hula po~ts 8JJ well a..-. ~pe<.·ial cour11es In sanitation and tropical dist'aJJC.t1 fo r non-mNlical missionarlrs. Wanaki G roup to Greet Guests at 'Lad ies ' Night ' W&n&kl club ~t6.seA who will grft't local and visiting K iwanians and their wives at Thunday 's La- diH' Nigh t dinner at Balboa Bay Club will be Mn. Herbert Ken ny, Mrs. Ailbert E. Stockton. Mrt. Her- bert Aahton, Mrs. Don K irkpat - rick, Mrs. Briscoe and Mn . James Van Dyk e, club preskknt. Dr. Stock ton will take r eservations and an vacationing members a.re invited to a ttend. SERVICE OllADUATll: 9ftin.el .Alodel HAMMOND 0RCAN through the va rious changes down .. 1 to the m~m version. ma king-n '~ costume-changes. ffe; , M:usica.I. accompaniment wa.s on ~3:~: I such i..Mtruments u at ones, gou rds :W. s ticks and split }>amboo, In addi-%1 lion to recordings·ol which one of :%£,~ part.Jcular inte~at wu the fltt ~~ ""A'a.lk chant. Vict-0r "''· Pe-tenon. airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mr•. P . V. PPtereon of 41:5 38th strttt, New- por t Be-ach. rtte:ntly ~raduated rTI>m the avia tion machinLst 'i. mate ac.bool a t the U. S. Naval air tecbnkal tra.ining center, Krthpbia. Tenn. . I I Dani-Schmidt Piuo Co. 520 N. Mala St. S1 1 :a A. Harborites Hosts to LB.Group GracioUa hoepltallty was the k eynote wbm M.r. and Mf11. H . R. Sim.peon, 1121 -W eat Bay Avenue, e.atertained on .\Ug. 14 wtth a cov· ered dilh luncheon and afternoon at cards !or Grottp 1 T o f the h tera:aa_ w ho ha.a bttn trans- fe rred to Helicop ter Utility SQa.nd· ron 1. Naval au.iliary air .station. Kiramar, San. Diego, entered the Nava.I ~ October 28, 19!W>. H e received rttniit training a t the U. S. Nani tralJllng center, San DloSQ. Belore en t erinC" the Navy, Pel- e.non was vaduated from NP"W- port Harbor hig h .9Chool, Newport Beach. . Women'a City club of Lonr Beach. 80FT11ALL TOURNEY B:bjo~ t~ &tfalr were: Atlee Top eoftbell nlnea from the I M. RIMaeU. cha.inn.an; Ida M. South Coast area will take pa.rt J~ Gn.oe Spln.ney, 111.oael J oy, ln a toumey this year at the La- Ltla Pttblah. Alice L. Knapp. Mil· ,..... Beo.dll hlrll ochool diamond dftd E. l'<!ck. Wlnl!red Slwlnon. bef!nn~ Auguot :i3 and runnlng ll'lonie XcCannoU, M'.i:s. G. J . u=up SepL 7, O«oN1ng w D&Je .l>aDoftn, Ultll Kelwnp, C7=• ~ toumoment manocer. "lodlmon, Harriet ......_ Boll< ftlo aru lncludea Newport. Ill. f4adll. Luba Rl9ffmen, WlaaW Corona. del Mar, Oollla M-. SMMy, -ii.uo•. )I(-WU. Rlrlu,..t.t lleecll. Lqw - llamo. Bloncbo s-..., llutba &l'4 ea. a.-t• anc1 aa llWIY u Wmta. -B•o.11107, '"""'-C. t-·-will loo a-,.i to f!ller Bk1an, ~tUe Padler. from each Jeqtie Allo tnataa &. w1m-,.,.-&dcl • Lalo Dell Gate& ot LGr ~ IN JIANB.UTAN ll&ACil woek encl CU rob of tile Sim-.Knl. ll&dolla Boll. 21110. Weot -~ to tbe tall tlooll" a-a -t. .. opendlnr • , ... lleoullflll-.Mw ---· --Nl&U-In -ttan '-'---------.11"11 boopltallt7. Botocll. , , Librarian Dorothea Sheely an- nouncrd at the annual Library Board meeting a. record year for adulls rPading non -rictlon. Sta- tistic!! prove that non-riction read- t"rs borrO\lo"e,.d 1,108 more boo.ka this year than ever before. The gt'&nfl total of books circulated WBIJ: 99,292 and 31 per cent or this total wu non-fiction, which is 6 pe r C<'nt over the 1tanda rd set by the An1erican Library Auociation. The chikiren'.s circula tion showf"d a n lncreu_s.,,or 17,1 ~ books loaned O\'<'r last ylar's record. , The lotal JlUmber Of N:'gi.!llered borrower!\ is 4 .6~. Of this total 1,858 applied this yea r ror service. Out or to"•n reaid('nts rrom La· guna Beach and Costa Mesa to- tal 203 who use the libraty . Mr. Raymond Kent Harvey, architect Is completing tbe library adt"lltlon plans wblch will enable our clty to finally have a chil- dren's room separate from the rest of the library, and give additional tipace and Improved arrangen1ent ror rtrrproof storag-e space for arts a.nd cran.s. t . The ya ch tsmen's com e r wfil be a.n added reature with comfortable aeating and table a rrangements.. Membf'rs of the Llbn.ry Board are M r9. C. M. Dea klna,r cha lnna.n : Mrs. Edga r H ill, sec.ret.ary; Mr. Rex Brandt , Mrs. Stedman. Hoa.r, and Mr. BuMttt Creel.y. Tar Pit Dance Friday Eve~ Wrth . Dukes of Drxre Two recent .shower events hon - ored Miss M.llk-r, one hoatf'SM<t by Mrs,. Howard Irn•in of Fullerton w-tirn gut>Bt3 brought chllia and crystal; a nd a kitche n s hOW<"r giv- en 1n La Habra by the Mis.ses Do- lor·f's \"oung and J ean Weirs.. FAC Bridge Sec. Meets Friday Frkta)' A fternoon club's bridge section will meet for de8&e rt luncheon and card play thi.s com- ing Friday. 12:30 p. m. at the club house, e.ct'ording to Sue Horvat h, section c hairman. Hostesses will be Sylvia Place, Jo Cubbage and .4.nnte \\1alker. Reservatiorus should be tele- phoned to ~frs. Afc Alary a.a soon a.s possible, at Beacon 5700-W. Birthday Party The public b Invited to a big birt.bday party Saturday. ~e­ brants \l.'ill be tbe directors, rm- ployeca and .shareholders or the 1jewporl Ba.Jboa Federal Savtnp '1ld Loan Auoclatk>n. Occasion ror t he party is a double one:. open ln'g of the newly enl&rg-eod ofrJcee at 3333 Via Lido, and the 15th annlvena.ry of the toun41ng ot tM lllrltt organlaa· l ion. Many of the original dlree- l ors an aWI with the F edf!rai, P . A. Palmer, organiser, PruMtent u a manager: J oe. Bffk, Sam Mey- er. Walt.er Spicer all dittctorl Harbor 1you:nc people and othen and Acnea ~qv;.at+ ulYtant vacau onmc here are lu'f'tted to • MC?etary and organ.Der. tint teen-1"1' danoe at T:SO p. ~ ~ Bal-Fedttal m. P'rldoy at Ille Ta{ Pit. lTtll lou enjoyed a ~ ,,_ui SL and Weot Bal-lllTd. la Udo ~ ,dumr lta ftl· A.memblymon oad Mn. !larl~ teen y..,.. Ol1d bu p1a,...i an llil· SW.ley and Dr. and Kn. Albert portaDt part ID •proYldllog --8-will .... _,.,..._. lalfof-111-oftbe_ .. oorlng group, tbe New'*'t -ftatllt _,. Mldlq PrGC•- -. dull. • \ Tiie ~ -1-a A!wloetz< Dilkf9 Of Dt::I», ~s· • bud UM .... peowtlkd a •1:Mac ,_ *Mcf1 .......... OD t •f .................... ., u.tft K ii I 0 ........ wlll ,.i.y ""'. ts.,,... lllal _,..,_ ......... u.. ..... •• ore llO ~Mell, ' tu. o.t di~ rate. otteml. ., ' , I 1st, Lana Hitchcock. "Wlard" 2n d. Wm. Lindblom ... HJ-Bo" 'lrd, Don Haakill, ~o. 11" -Dl.p,y 1st. Mickey Smith, "Lollipop" ALL OF 1'11£· NEWS . . Of 10.e ••wp;»rl B•rllor Area ALL TBE TIME _J ]{ ··:W.§Jin"A\1 ls· EVDY TUESDAY ' .. _,_;-;;,.,//~, ;, .,.,.,~,~,. . . PRIS S . ' nav THIM$DAY ~ roa .•~~so & *.' ~· ~ ...._.. cc • ..i19 . SWSCIPllON ~ FOIM . I • T• ... tJIWPQRT '!.~llOA .. as . .... "'-NIWS .-ft!IS . , I ~r;· i .. I ' - ..... ps1spe11S •••• ······~"··· ....... . ' . • • . \ I .,- I I • Tuesd•y, Aug. 21 , 195 f : New -'School Bus Traffic Law Set Tb• Callfomla . Hlgbway Patrol today appealed to an motorilU lo •cqyalnt them.elves wtU;a the new acboot bus law whJch becomes rrfectlve Sept. 22. Begining on that date all school l buses mu.et be equipped with fllUlhlng red a1.gn·a.1a light.a on the front and rear, to be operated only when the bua ia stopped to receive or dlJJCharge chUdreri who must crou Ut.e road or street . When the-red signal llght..s ace flashing motorist.a in all lanes of traffic mu.at come to a complete atop and remain stopped UJJ.til the signals cease flashing. The only exception is on a divided highway when motorists travt'llng in the oppo.!llite roadway need not halt. The old law n-quired motorbta to come to a halt for a stopped school bus and then proceed at ~ speed not more than l 0 mile an hour. • The new warning signaJ 8ystem specified by the patrol con.slata of two alternately flashing r ed lamJ>8 on the front of school _buses, mounted above lhe windshield and two sJmUar flaahing lamp11 on the rear, mounted above the window line. The lights are to be actuated by the school bus driver only when danger of striking a child existA. DEA TH NOTICES FLORETA !\IAE CUNNISGHA.1\1 Floret& Mae Cunningham, 37, died Sunday, Aug. 19t h in S t. Joseph hospital a fter a long IU- neae. She wa.s a native of Ne- bra.aka and had been a resident of ?-:ewport Beach for many yt'ars, being an emplo~e at Richard's market. ·She ia survived by hf'r husband, Floyd E . Cunningham. ~12 Fuller- ton avenue; her fathu1 Wilson Stulp, Pawnee -city, Nebr.; two brothe rs and one sister. The Chris- tian Science service will be read by W. C. Fluke at Grauel chapel on T'uelda.y I today) at 02 p. m . Interment wtll be in Westmin:rter Memortal park. ~ r:ow ARD JOIL'<SON Rolly Edward Johnson, 50, of 220 E . 19th St., CO-'ta Mesa, dit>d unexpectedly but from natural causes on Thursdky while working aboard & flehing boat in the vi cin- ity of Huntington Beach. Mr. J ohnson was a native of Canada and had lived in Costa Meea for nine yea.rs, in the Harbor Area for 20 years. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife, Bonnie: hia mother, Mrs. MaybeJ Brown of Norwalk; three dauirhters, Mf"l!I. J oe BroWl"I of Whittier : Mrs. Lee R obert.a or ot- towa, Kan., and Mrs. Garland Smalley of Roeemead; one broth- er Geo. Brown or No rwalk : three sisten, Mni. Budd Allen of Nor- walk ; Mrs. Grace Pace of Engene. Ore.; and Mrs. Effie Caldwell of Ephrat,a , Wa.sh., and four grand- childreQ. · Boy Scouts Win O.C: Fair Troplll11 J Aa the Orango county fair dreW to a cloee Sund9.y night, BpY Scouta and CUba from ae•eral unita brought bome trophle. in the form of pf'i¥ rlbborui awarded fOf' handicraft d\eplaya. according' to CecU S. Fife. acout exeutlve. Also part of the Boy Scout por-- Uon of their fair wu a "live" demonstration of cooking which was put on by aeven troops in a model campalte adjacent to the scout buildinl'. The troops took· turna cooking different meals at the aite, partici- pating In t.tU actJvtty were Troop 29. Santa Ana; Troop 21, Santa Ana: Troop 23, Santa Ana: Troop 17, Corona de l Mar; Troop 32, Tustin ; Troop 35, Laguna Beach; and Troop 19, Sant.a Ana. Handicraft displaya ln the ~out bulldJng Included au.mp coUec- tiorui, rock collections, rope ma- chinf>.8. model airplanes and boats, model campalte11, ceranOcs, plaster cast.a, knlfecrart, leathercr&ft. cop- per wOrk and other types of dis- plays. First premiums for the displays were awarded to Donald Ann· strong. Pack 41 , Sa~la Ana; Allen Watson, Pack 6, Coet.a Mesa; Ron- ald Daniger, Pack 6. Costa Mesa : Jim Wlsslcad, Pack 41 , Santa Ana: P eter Mei89inger, Pack 41 , Santa Ana : Tom Huber, Pack 6, Costa Mesa ; Vernon Buzich, Pack 53, Orange: Bruce Balla. Pack 41 , Santa Ana: Reggie Danige r, Pack 6. Costa Meaa; Bobby Suits, Pack 41, Santa Ana : Robert Clark, Pack 53, Orange: Edward Archi- bald, Pack 53, Orange; Albert Pef- ley. Troop 53-B, Olive: Bobby and Dick Lan Franco, Troop 21, Santa Ana. Second prem ium winners in the Cub and Scout department were Darnell Uoclnlch, Pack 41: War- High School PTA Plans Activities Interutlng and varied will bjt\ lhe progn.ms put on by the New· port Ha~bc>r Union high .chool Parent-TCacher uaoclatlon during the coming year, according to Mra. Harold Boyvey, program chairman for tbe group. The com- mittee wu greatly aaaiated In out- llnlng p1an• by Sl41ney D& vlt:bon. principal or the echool and atu- dent. Donna Price and Bob Es- gert, when it met tor an early morning aesalon in lhe board room on Wedneaday, August 16. The chOffen theme, "Youth Still Come. Flr•t" will be carried out through sub-topics In compliance with •uggestlons off11red by the C&ltfornla congress. of which the I aS110Clatlon l8 a unit. F1not MreUnc The tint m eei.ing of the year wtil be held on Tueaday evening. October 8 and prom lses lo be a lively one. A panel of student.I, teachers and parenl.3 will di8CWIS a timely topic of Interest lo the whole community. Advance no. lice or this meeting Indicate• it la one that should not be ml&Sed. Davidson expressed appreciation of the mar;iner in which parenl.9, faculty and teen-agers cooperate for unity and frlendllnea& withln the high school. Thoae attending the committee m eetlng we re Mmes. Roy Roush, president of the PT A : Roland Wright, trea.!!IUrer ; Paul Huffman, member.!!lhlp c hairman; Rayn1ond K . Harvey, room representatlVf> chairman ; Ernest M c C I e 11 a n, founders day chairman : Donna Price, president of Girls' League Cabinet; Bob Egge rt, pres:ident of the Student Body; David.son and Mra. Boyvey. ren Carter, Pack 41 ; Robert Ro-W f M dieck, Pac k 03; Michael Pehorri,' Omen 0 005e Pack 41 ; Allen F'r03t, Pack 41 : Pl S t B James Stephenson. Pack 53: Den an ep • azaar 2, Pack 6 : Bruce Talia, Pack 41 : J ohn Curry. Pack 41 ; Tommy Leichttuu, Pack 53: Robert Clark, Pack 53: Clarence Pefley , Troop 53-B: Bob and Dick Lan Franco, Troop 21 ; and Duane Pefley, Pack 03. Third places were awarded to Roy Detwiler, P•ck 41 ; Michael Gentry. Pack 41 : Mike Willia.ma. Pack 6; Peter Melsainger, Pack 41: Warren Carter, Pack 41 : Rob- ert Rodie<:k, Pack 53; Larry Yount, Pack 41 ; Bruce Ba.lit>, Pack 41. W omen or the M008e, Newport Beach Chapter 1156. are busy making articles to be displayed and sold at the bazaar to be held !M>mt> Sunday In Septen1ber in con· junction with the rt>gular monthly fish fry which; the Newport l\.foose Lodge put.s on for m embers and gu=· Saturdi,:y evening, August 18lh. the Moo."e Lodge served a rabbit dinner, follow('d, of course. by dancing. Co-worker 11, Dotty Carter, Willna Corbin, Viola Cot· necl and Myrtelle Tipplng helped serve the dinner. Flora Vaughn, Ritual Chairman, conducted ritual practice follow- ing lhe regular met>llng he ld lhe evening of August 16th. Moet of the co-workers. both men and women, have been la.king tuma working at the fish and chips booth, apoMOred by the local lodge. at the Orange County Fair. JMah and chips, apparently rather unuaual at affalni of lhia kind "went over" very we;i. Honor Guest at Stork Showe r ---' • ' MRS. J'llAN)iLYN LEE RRUZA (Robert. Studio) Ann Pollins and Franklyn Hruza Repeat Vows in Lutheran Church W edding ringl!I were exchanged<>--------------- Saturday evening In r_.lewport Har· bor Lutheran church by Mia& Ellen Ann Pollln111, lovely daughter of ?.1r. and 1t1rs. Lynn R. Pollina, 1320 Cliff Drive, and Fra.Jlitlyn Ltt Hruza, 1838 Pomona St.. Coat.a Mesa. The Rev. Herbert C. Roth performed the eight o'clock can- dl<'light service for whl~h setting WL'! provided by white larkspur and gladioli, with yellow dahllu for accent. Ann, as she Is called by her friends, was a charming bride u she WM escorted to the altar by her fa~r. Ht•r gown of while Chantilly lacP was In bouffant tiers edged with a froth of pleat,.. ed nylon ne t. The skirt had a short train and the long sleeved bodice buttont•d to a little P eter Pan collar. The fingertip veil of 1 net was edged w ith la~ and .ahe cartif'd a bnuquet of White car· nations Ct>n lered with a white or- chid. Rrldf"" AttE-ndant8 COM Folk Leave on Camping Trip "We can't really call it our an- nual painting trip," said Rex and Joan (Irving) Brandt, "for we are ta.king the children along l o camp out and aleep under the 11tar11." In company with the J . B. Stod- dard.a and their son Peter, th~ Brandt., w1lh their two children, Joan and Shelley, left Monday morning, heading up the coast to- ward Monterey but with no par- ticular dutinaUon ln mind. They admitted however. that paints and itketchbooks would not be lert be- hind. FROM WASHINGTON Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keene at Balboa peninsula thll'I put week were Mr. and Mrs. E . A. Mayfield of Wa..shlngton, unc le and aunt of the hosteBl'i, and the ir dSuabten ·Sherry and J oan. . • ' fslond Tnp Rounds01 Week ' A week end at Catalina u CU'!"l ot Mr. and ~· Jack J- on bo&rd their ;ra:tO.-.. Wa~. rounded out a week tc:* Tbehl\& Pllddock H pe of Corona del Mar. I After visiting In Sa.nl& Bullara with her llQft-ln-law land daughter, Jack and Karcla JOnet and chill.; dren (now tn their r!ew bome) lht entertained Mn. ll'l'ancel Wbee:ler and aon of Loe Aqelee on Wed- nuday, planned a tuture exhibit at the Patio Art pllery nn Balbo& Iil&nd and arranged (u chairman ot youth recreaUon wprk) spon· eorahlp of Tar Pit dances by the Zont.a club. GiH Speeds Work on St. James School w ith gtft of $10,000 from Mn. Carl Schiller, the building fUnd for St. Ja.mea church acbool build4 Ing now totala $2t,.386 leaving a rema.lnder lo be ralaed ot only $2,616, It wu reported swiday bf lhe rector, the Rev. Paul \Moore Wheeler. Ot lhe preaent total $20,- 000 hu been paid in cub., the re- mainder pledged to be pa.Id in six montha:. The new building: 18 framed and roofed, and electrical work wa.a being done lut week. REUPHOLSTER YOUR I-PIECE SET FOR AS LOW AS lndudH Labor andlnolde Material Aa Lo\v M $!.00 per week 5-y"ar (Wlnutlee on work Free pick-up &: Deli,·ery I this coupon NOW. A cour· uw decorator wllJ call a our home with hundreds o pl4' fabric. to ch009e from. Thrifty Upbol•tery Boll 100 NEWS-TIMES Hl t Ba.I.boa Blvd. Newport Beach Co., N ...... _________ _ Neareat cl'ON •treet ___ _ Phone ____ ~--- Tbl1J ofter Explre11 Sept. l•t .. -. --. . · H l R B 0 R t·~A F E- 517 E. 3oth -t Lefeyette, Newport Beec -Across From Western Canners . ~ .. Famous for Our Fish Chowder ' SPECIAL THURSDAY-Fl,DA-Y SATURDAY and SUNDAY FROM OUR OWN BOATS LOCALLY CAUGHT SWORDFISH COMPLETE DINNER $100 • Ev e ryday Feature .b5 Lunc h Dinne rs from .75 to 1.50 Complete OPEN 6 A. M. TILi, 8 P. M. SUBJECT TO CHANGE HARBOR CAFE; 517 E. 30th U·DRIYE CRUISERS ROW BOATS e OUTBOAltDS e LIVE BA.IT e TACKJ.E ~ • Small Boat Launching ELL IS BOAT !BOS Crout mway Newport Beach Ph. Harbor JIU ' AT SOUTH END OF BAYSHORE BRIDGE -FOR REAL SATISFACTION · IN SMALL BOAT A •O'fO Funeral services were held at ;J p.m. Monday in the Grauel chapel, COBta Mesa, with the Rev. P . G. Neumann, officf•ting. Inter-. m ent was in Melrose Ab~y mauaoleum. News-Times ads have been read In lhe Harbor for over 40 yeara. .MIDSHIPMAN lohn Larkin Gallarhf'r, a.on of Mn.. L H.. Galla.rt.er, 1813 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. .rraduated from the C.U- tomla Marttlme academy oa Satmday, Auauat 18, bavbls R1cce.tully comp&eted tbe S- year ooune and ha.vine p-m!!d his license exam•uttons UDder the lJ, S. Cout Goard for quall- flcatlona u third mate. Mid- shipman Galla.gber wW recel\-e the cltc»tie of a.cbelor of Sci- ence, a comm.laioa u eoalp la Che U, S. Na val Reeerve aed an appoint.meat: ae ens!p la the u. s. --S.rvl<e.. Dur-ln& bh coune at tbe academy, Mldablpman Ga1JoPer bu com- p~ erm.c. on u.e tralniac' •hip Golden 8N.r to tbe WMt COMt of 8oulb Amerl<a, the Gulf of Mexico and the Bawa- U.. ••"nck Honoring Mrs. Audrey Mayfl<'ld. siBler·ln-law of the hostess, wu the antic ipation showt'r givrn Fri- day by MMI. Boots Keene at h<'r home, 1576 Ocean Boulevard, Bal- boa. Guests found on arrival a big stork awaiting them at the patio gate. wtlile small ones w ere used with hiblxua aa decoration for the buffet table. Mrs. Howard Thompson, matron of honor. wor<' l!me g reen net over taffeta and carried an old fashion- ed n(>.<;e~ay. The bridesma.id.s, M lSli J oann RuSSt>ll and Mrs. Boyd Hor- rell. Y.'C'tf' In y<'llow net over tar- ft>ta and c:arn t>d conlta.9tlng nC*e- gays. Jo hn P <'rkins ~avf' befit man aa- sistanc(' to the bridegroom and gllestq were scalN.I by Floyd R . Parsons and Gordon F oster. JWa "'" ... .rws ~ ... &mt Qme ..• wHA on AUTOMATIC GM Lffter A. Becker; Q. D. S. DENTillTR Y. 1783 Newport Blvd., ,COSta Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 6752 60ft E. Bay Ave.: Balboa Harbor 327-J He ro ld K. G re ue l C hapel Phone: Beacon MIO • 110 BrooMIW&,J Costa M ... BE SURE -INSURE with MAURIE STANLEY Iuun.ace Only Phone· RartMtr I 7'78 1!5 Marble Ave. Balboa lslaod r--~~~~~~~~~~-11 EXCELLENCE ID UPBO.LSTIJRY FROM KANSAS CITY ltfiu Susan Manovill of Ka.nau Clty, Mo., is guest for aeveral week!! of Mr. and Mra. A. Alex- ander Hamilton, 1225 Ea.st Balboa Blvd. •• OCC Students Aa there Is already a amaU girl 1n the Mayfield family, a boy 18 hoped t or. So the ba&slnelt which held smaller, prettily WTapped girt.a. wu ln blue. Rolling 11hower blocks was an e xciting progreMive Jtsme at which Helen Smith c laln1ed the prize with highest !!Core. When the game waa flnlshed It was time tor refreehminte or dainty open face sandwiches, Jello and fru it salad, and individual cakes Iced w1th pink or blue bootees and bordered. with the contrMUng col- or. Preaent wer,e Mrs. Mayfield, honoree: Mrs. Claude K n o x, mother of the hostess. and Mmes. Walter Bertulelt, Alvin Grauer, Bette Smith, P. G. Neumann. Helen Smith, W. 0 . Whittaker, Nova Mayfield and the hosteu. Newport Ci rcle Makes Success of Rummage Sale Register' Sept. 10 Mial Elsie Newland, cb.&lrman. and her sister, Mn:. P . L.. ljig· gin.a. 1fff'e co-boet.es88 when Nf'W- F;,rmal reptriuon 'tor the tall port Clrcle of W . 8. C, S. Christ • • • KIMMONS c..m Fwtfftvre, DrepwiQ, c.tl"-9 .wmester at Orange Oout college Church by the Se&. met tut 1'le4!11- IEACOH M» wil.I be held Monday, September d9J at the home of Mn. Ella ca E. 11'1h sraur. COST.\ MESA 10, Crom 8 a.m, to 4 p.m . In the OQektner, 217 -33.rd at.reel. Deven --------------'I gytnnaa:jum. , memben were present. Both new a.rid old 11tu<teJa:ta are Mn. Jorui Pfiechntt gave the r-------------~ I attviaed to complete pffilmtnary devotlona1 program on "Overcom- MA'ITRESSl:8 ----Trallon lneplar ...... BEACON -1 Ooota 1(--Co. sue .N-..n llhd. WA1'Elt HEATIRS ..-. llon1oe -...... , .. 8ecl.loJJ ( ~ .... t .... Dn'---•-r . " ·i-----._,.,. ............. ~ ~;s=F llO-W,;· 4"?3-1..E --~ . , regiatn.tton with a counaelor be-lng OblUiclea." fore Septe.mbe.r 10 ~ that a ten-The wa,ya and meana com.mJttee tative program can be prieented reported most 8UCCeaaf\IJ th~r re· at the Ume of ottk:lal ~ cent rummage sale and lftated that New studente must aleo have a tall work propam would be aa· taken the AC!l Poycboloclcal Ea· llOUDCed aoon. Some -1ng lo amtnatson and the Coopua.t:ift now belq done On quiM;I and ba· Engliall teet. -f0< Aueuot aaar IU'l.1d8. :u, S.ptember 1 and 7 l't t a..m. A -UJ:7 ot ...-cJoUUnr tn t.be Science bt"kllnf. b'oln. tbe .,.m""'ce all. .wu aved TM COWIOOUq otnce In the ad· to be -t o,.,...., wlllle other m.lnlatra!Jon balldtnr will be Ope.. pnDeDla will be clr.tributed tn the Kondai t..l\f'oqa rrtdarft'om 8:30 COWl\J. Tt&e..ab WU tspt:llllcl to to 4:IO p.m. Tllo ..U.. ...... U.t llle A lala•eo.1-ue 11utft l!1l!Op old -.. -did -pr ....... ,.,.. -· far u.. two -...... Iller at. the end or lut 1 1 ..... ot. u. """"·• -.'8, •' oourtel'7 """ llllll -=-...----... ~ appftdat.ed.. did DOl eo;mu.tt .ttll a conep. lCeat me ••as ot u. ctrcle wm -·!or Won ...-• .... -loo ca llopt. 4 at U.. -of Mrs. aa appollll!Mat I« & WU 11M .. .J...U.. 8 7 11 Cl, m 'BrolMhray, mta1tewu.,.aar..ru: ~lll?IL .. "' , ...,. , • • P rf>ceding the bridal entourage were th<' candle lighters, Donnie and Davi(' Rober11on, whUe Miu Elaine Fref'man was In charl"e of the guest book. Favorite .aon11. .. Too Young," "Because of You,'' and "Th(' Lord'11 Prayer" were sung by ,.1iss Lewellyn Bruza., aiB- ter of the bridegroom. Organ ac- con1 panimcnt and w e d d Ing n1arches were played by Cleo A.I · lt>n Hibbs of Laguna Beach. Home ~ptkNI The young couple greeted their frlen dl'i at lhe home of the bride's parenl.!. AM!iatlng them tn receiv- ing were Mrs. Pollina, who choee for her daughter'• wedding a bel1re dress smartly accented with navy accessories. Mrs. Encell was In peacock blue crepe with brown velvet accessoriea illd both moth· ers wore double gardenia coraagee. Lending a.asiatance at the re· ception were Mmea. Mel Roberaon. Howard Henning. ruc.ha'rd Jones. Ira Chandler and Miaa Mary Rob- ins. Thr bride wu graduated from Newport Harbor Union HI g b school and Orange Cout college. Her husband received his educa· Uon at Laguna Beach Hl1rb echool, Orange Cout coUeie and attend· ed California ~ collep at San Lulo Oblopo. On ~tumlns rrwn U)ell' weddmg trip 'th.,.. w111 be at bome: at 1408 Weet Ooe&n Fron~ Newport llMdL Unitarians Meht Thursday ' Evening • TbeaalmeolJn&'of thf!UN~ tar1an h-lp ot I LquM -will take J>la4 ... n-1ay, A-23rd at tbe Old St~o on So. Cout Bhd at ~ mond, •l ~:411 p.m. n..ri will be ~:: .. ~~~ Socl&l ActJon... ·• Tiie meeUni; wUJ be -to Ille publle. t . . UYC PAl!Tr Doli&llUllll7 Inf~ J... u.. 8&Wrda)' Ueabic -V llt U... l8le Qwnmunlty ellab ...,.._ - eo...modare -Jlra.lla7 ~···· ' belJa we1com.c1 uxc •tr"" &Del t11i11r ca w -1 CLOTHES DRYER I I NSTALL an automatic 1•s clolhcs dryer and never han1 clothes OUI• 1ide a.pin. Tbc dryer don a OOccr job tllan natutt .... is rndy 10 work 60r you any time, d6y or ni1h1, rain ot thine. It dries clothes -C\o'Cn heavy beth c:owels -ftuffy.soft and lint-free in 1 matter of minu tes bttsuse gas is '° much faster. Your work consi.Ks oely ol toe11in1 in Wfl clothes, sectin1 dte coettol I.Gd remo"'in1 the clOthet ' . /, , ' • \ in perfrn irdhin1 rondition. You're rncirely free of •U the drud1ery of old-fuhioocd clotlia drying. Visit a dealer with the sutomatic tu clDfhes dttet display and see an •etual demonstration. l..eat'ft all chat •n .. uoomatic gas cloc.ba dryer will do for you. The insra.Ued price it lower tll•n th•t of other •utomatiC' dryers. The operatin1 t'OSt is also lower -only lt to 3f per dryer-full. ,,...a atlc 0.. ~ o..,.. .: ,:1:1·.::.:. -.... . ,, ... °""'....,. __ .......,,,, ..... ._. I . I . . ' roe• -~· UWIHT """· COJ?Nm WIJ#ovr Asnou11!: _ - . •· •• IOU' II~ COUN'rlll OAI COM,ANY .,_ • \ , " ' 1 ' ' - l ·Page 4 A Df!p . . Publl8hd E'ft'7 ,...,_,.,. at New...... ....,., C&llfornla by the NEWPOli'r HARBOR PUBLISHING 00.WANY Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Member of the.NATIONAL EDttORlAL ASS~TION Office and PrintlnC' P1ant at 2211 'Balboa Boul~vard Teiepiw>• Harbor i•te Entered u SM'Ond·Clau Matter at tllit Poat.offtce la N,ewport Beach, California under the ..\.(!t of Ma.rc:h 3. 181'9. EDWARD A. LeHOnN, Jldltor J . M. FRANCIS, Bu!!lneu Man.acer DON'T BE A STRANGER With California's steadily rising population_.,stimat- ed at 25,000 a month-we haYe an unusually high percent- age of newcomen in our midst at all times. Most of these people have come here of their own choice to enjoy the beUer life which Californh has to offer. Their presence and the contribution of their time and talent& to the vut diversity of California mt.et prille• are helping to create a more prosperous economy and is enabling them and others to realize the full measure of better living. But being in unfamiliar surroundings some of the new arrivals are somewhat timid in making new contacts. Yet, it ill through such contacts that they will more quickly feel at home and more readily take an active part in local civic social and organizational activities. Local mercllants and tradesmen are always glad to meet the newcomers and to be of service to them. So, it is well for the stranger to introduce himself where he will do his trading in order that he may quickly become known llDd to opea an account at the nearest bank so that his ,.. identity and credit standing may be properly established. ) The newspapen editor also likes, to hear from new reaiden ts. The people of California are a friendly pe!>ple and they ~ newcomen. If you have recently arrived in Cali- fornia the hand of hospitality is extended to you. ~--~••~--~ mmD T HI E AROUND The decisi;veness of the vote--265 t o 109-when the House passed the bill confirming State riglrts of ownerahip of tideland oil reserves laat week should surely mark the beginning of -the end to controversy in this matter. ' . The people's will in this Federal v•. States battle has been made undeniably clear over the yeara. As far back as 1946, the issue first came to a head in Congress, with both houses deciding for State ownenhlp. The legilllation was • then killed by presidential veto. But aince then, the House has twice voted for aimilar legia1ation. Since the legitimate objective of national legislation is to express into law the will of the pedpl~d since the House vote makes it clear that the national will, including the will of peoples of States which have no seacoast&, is clear and definite on the tidelands, there can be no logical reason for further debate or for furtheri,ng political jockey- ing by the out-voted proponents of Federal seizure. This third-time-around House vote should be the last time ar ound. It is to be 'hoped that the Senate will make an end to the business by quick favorable action, and that the Administration will forego the veto m face of a public mandate that is unmistakable. THE LOVABLE FRAUD Adult Education I Offered at OCC · Du.rfngt the com.Inc f&ll ttrm which i t.arts Septef!lber 11, -Oranp Cout evening collece wtJl &gala ofter a comprehensive program of courses designed to r t've ~ax~ mum service to the &dulta of the area.. In reviewing the program to be ottered, Dr. Bill J . Prteit. auiltant auper1ntendent 1n ch.are"e ~f adult education, states, '7he 9.dult proc ram for the fall ten11 Ma been drawn up In the light of :>Ur three year.a' experience I.a meeting the needs of our commu· nity. I bt'l!evc t'Very adult wiD rind at least one courJM; wblcb wiD be of value to him. During the 19~-51 school year, more than 3400 adults enrolled tor one or more courses. Provt11lon1 for the coming y"ar preeume that &I\ C'\l'en larger stgment of the community will partlclpa.te in same phue of the in,,truc:Uonal progn.m. In addition to the M'W' :la.Mes being offered, additional 9tttk>ns of eXl8llnK" clas~.s whk:!li were unable to meet the demand have been organized. Brochur('9 Klvlng the complett details on courses offerecl, regis· trat!on procedure and other per- tinent dato will ~ malted to each pt'rson who W&.!1 enrolled during the prece<tine-semc.ater. Coples may be obtafnf'd by writing or calllnl" Coast COllc;:ge. Arrangements 1'f'e beJnl' com- pletE'd for the pr ntalion of a four-meeting foru built around prominent figures. These meetings Ul be hetd in October and November and are expected to contribute slgniflc~tly lo lht tulture of tha community." Philips Names His. Acod1111y Appointees R epresentative J ohn Phillips of l~ 22nd Congnsslonal Di.strict of California today announced bb ap- pointees for the United State• Na· val and Military academies for lbe clL'l!ll which will enter next year. Ht> will have two vacancies to fill at Annapolis and one at \Vest Point. For each ot these ht' &Jr po!nts now a principal and three alternaics who mun take the m... trancE' ('Xa.minations for the re-- spectivr acallc-mles next spring. Phillips, commenting on the candidates this y('ar, says he had the largel!t number he has evf'r had since he ha. been in Coni:Teu, Forty4slx took the qualifying ex4 amlnatlon which. was 'iven Wt month by the Civil Service Com- mlMlon. Two of the candidates took the examination outskle the country, one being ln the ael"Tk:e and the other attending the Uni- Y<'rslty of Mexico. This cau.t1:1 a eUght df'lay Jn marking the pa~rs ahd getting the results of the e:x- amination to Mr. Phillips. The competition, therefore. \lo'as great- er. but he 'A'8.s Interested to note that the gi'-neral ave rage is hlgh. Algebra Wt..~ the subject V1o'hich ap- parently brought down .eome of the boys' averagf's this year. Fo r the Unill'd States Naval academy 12 vacancies l: principals Bruce Edward Snyder, Santa Ana a.nd Dougl&.88 John Ohmen, Riv- erside. First a!temate: Ralph K. Rea, 201 Broadway, Co8U. Mesa; second altt>mate; ArwnJo Delrado. Calexico: t hird alteTnate : P'orf"'st He's pulled his act in Susanville, in Oklahoma towns, in 1 Rob<rt Hanvey. Santa Ana. Tacoma-the bogus "old soldier" with the trick diaphragm, F ourth alternate; Edward Pn- f . ry Gritting, Palm Sprtng-s; Nrth wbo fakes heart attacks that ool the doctors, claims the attE>rnate: T imothy H ambleton age of 104 and the rights and honors due a Civil War vet-,.ora.>te-r. Laguna Bea.ch ; sixth al- ~ran . ternate: R&yt11ond E . Thayer, Flill- crton. But he gets along, the old liar-fed, nureed and cared F or the Uruted Statea Military for like a baby until found out-and it eeems nobody can academy: (one tra.cancy): princl- get really mad a t him. One nurae, aeen ,alipping him money pal; Ralph Wesley Stephenson, Arlington: first alternate: Fteder-after his fakery was exj>osed in her ho.pita!, said she "just lck Doug! .. Kelty, Jr., Santa Ana; couldn't help it because he's such a nice old man." 8e<:Ond alternat~: Sommers Ivan They <1ay he ia pretty old-though far short of Civil Roward. Rlv.rside; thlrd alter· W 0 da ,..,_ d ·uu1 h _,1 _..:11 • nate: Richard E. Banning, Palm ar age. ne y iua ecei ea.rt '~ y "'w: gtve out Srtngs. but presently with the 'on him. and be won't be faking when he hns the ho.pital.oCombat Army D e tachinent. And it's a safe bet 1f that nune and othen he has fooled 1802nd Special R<gtment, We•t along the way k:no'w of it, that the ''old aoldier's'' caske t Point. N_._v_. ____ _ won't be bare of fl owers. I TH E •• AM ERICA JV WAY I DION'r 01KJ1 -no,,;.,- lN~ rT OCUll"f Jvt~ SM'U.. 6000 -II/ TAICJ ff ArlAY ! Nor THAT 1111N<lllY ! • .. I OPS Moves to Hold Down Meat Prices A campaign by the OPS to en- force cattle ceiling pricea and avert & meat famine and black markPt.!J In meat hu been .started in San Diego, Orange and Imperial C01Untles, accordlnc to W'Ulia.m C. Mouer, director of the San Diego dtattict orfice of Price Stabili.za- Uon. 'nlc drive l.!1 a part of a nation.al campaign ordt>red by Pr!tt Dltte* tor Mlchael V. DilSalle, Moeser Mkl, 88 a result of compJalnta from registered aJaugstererw wt.o are finding it increuI.actr dltfkult to obtain livestock Y.1tlam lbe price ceil ings. The enton:ement staff ot t.he kr cal OPS oUlce ie cooamt.ratb:l:I' <m cattle price.. Mot9« •id. am .special agents an maldltg ~ lions of meat packing' pla.nta to check the number ot. ca.We alaup.. tef'l!'d and the price paid for the- animals. ·•stnce we are no loactt able to direct meat lnlo the :replar. nor- mal ctJaa.nela,.. M o e • er Mid,. '"th""'fh tile al&Qctlt.er quota o> t.m, tit.,.. ano powlng ladlca- tlom of -tlon. Thia Ill• -.uan_ ol ......... ,.... • •train Gil lip&,..._ --Uni to move tbe anllable M>J!Pb' Into rewu atta1'll where 111cber and Wop! pri<u m&¥ be attalnal>le." Kl !ltl' 8IJd tr •. pack .. tlnd It --........ al loepl. •uo.'n .,, .. quota ' ..... ._ ...... "' ___ ,.,, .. ~normal....... ' . I • • I ~ '.,,.,, •• 4., ,,.. N~T IALIOA-NEWS.TIMES . . Puadena. 3, Calif .. Aug. 8th, 19r'i1 H ere arc ~Ive 1\~tl<' girl& v.•ho became civic pride conscious- picked up a shavtl R.Ild four broom.a afld sv.·ept and cleaned the Ieng sidewalk at D •t reet out to the Ocl"an. T!ley !lre Penny Ann, Maracha, Beverly, Judy and Pamnla -all Uvin,r in the 1100 block on Ocean Front, Balboa. Buff. thf' dog. is insp<'{'tlng the job and pronounces It & c lean ~ttp. 1It would pleas~ the11e lilllt girls to !lef' their pictur<'s in your Newport4 Balboa Nl''A'~ Tim<·s. Sin('er«'ly \"ETS (':\S RESE\\' POl.lf'I F.S \\'ITH01"T J>JJ\'SICAL EX . ..\..'\.f Government life l nsuran~e term pollcic."I held by Yf'terans and tho&e in M>rv\cp may be renewed at th~ explratlon or any tenn J>f'4 riod for a. succesaive perK>d of five yPars wit hout physical r xamina4 lion. as t h(' result of tv.•o ame.nd4 ments t " the insurance laws sigri- t'd by lhf' president Auguat 2, Vet- era.na Adminiratra.tion sa.i.J today. Pub\ic Law 104 grant& t h.bl right to holdfora of N a tional Service Life lrururance and Publk: Law 101 contains a similar provisHln applicable to United. States Gov· ernmf'nt Llte lnaura.nce. Formerly, renewal wa.'i author 4 tz.ed by the Congress for onE' addi4 tionaJ five-year period at a t \me. The ne\\• h.~Klslation pern1lts such rE'nev:als indefinltc1)'4 The premium rate paid for t Prm lruiurance increases each time 1t is reno>\.\-·ed for a new fiv@-year period, in accordance with the age of the insured at the tlrne of re4 ne.,.,•al and bt>comea expf'nstve to carry in the upper age brackets. For thiE reason, VA recommendil early conversions t o a permanent plan of lnsUrance. for \\•hlc h the pren1ium rrmains the same for thf' life of the contract. The sU('('esive rene\\·al periods granted by the Congress for tcnn NSLJ or USGLI policies apply only to those contracts for which the tenn p"riod has not yet f'Xpired . TESNIS TALK Jn the corner al the Balboa Doll Hou~ \V&s 80Cialite Franklin Knight lll obviouely belnl' seeded fint With terml.9 pro no All en. w ho's forgetting her low match with Brian Donlevy. CHECK~lATE L. A. man about tov.•n Scott Brady looking checkmated by Dorothy Malone at the Balboa Doll House. Resulta come rrom conatant Practice ! AA &d regularly In th1a p.per will produce reaultt for yau. MRS. F . H . L<BOEtJF 1808 ~aait..as Ave., Pa.~ad.ena. LIOIM'S FOR BALROA COVI:" Th<' City Council Mond ay night adoptf"d a r~lutlon calling for the construction and ln.eta.llaUon or a 8lrt>f'l lighting system, ap- prOxJmated cost of $9000. at Bat~ boa COVi'~. The light.!! will b€' located on the 1 Muth. side of the Coast Highway. Protest.a to the Improvement wert' received from only t\\10 lot owner~ out of the 7~ propeTty ownf"rs in t ht> Balboa Cove dis- trict. The protests represented t .84 per cent of Ute tow area which would be affected by the aast'Mtmt'nt. CD:'tf ALLEY PA\'l SG The City Council set Sept. 11 as the date for a public hearing on an alley improvemellt projt'Ct in Corona de! Mar north of the Coast Highway, bt'tween Dahlia a nd Poppy Aves. The Councll adopted a resolution O! intent ion to prOCt"<'d with the work. O\"ERDl"E BOAT Long Beach. Coast Guardsme n &l'l' still aearching fo r a 14 foot saUbo&t tM-lievecl to have left the l\"ewport Harbor area some limC' Friday. The boat has bet'n liste<i a..s overdup by the COMJ!lt Gua rd with the Newport Beach police at I :23 a. ni . Friday, OS MGM LOT Steve H ope enjo yed touring MGM lot Tuesda y, where he found many employees who remembered hi:is art dlrt"Ctor father and his mother, Th<'lm a Paddock H ope. formCT staff artist. In the eve- ning he attended the big football game. STOLEN Ht:B CAPS Two front whie1:>1 hub caps w ett stat.en from a. car belonging to A. \, •. Bodine, 232 l ria Ave., Corona del Mar, Thursday n ight. Bodlne's car wa.a parked in the L ido Thea- trf" parking lot a.nd the theft took place between 9 and 11 :30 p. m. woM•sao• ."°'1'.a -.._. .... Es •a~ (lllft). •mat "' .. -A1mJ' 8-....... Omtor "'°""'S - - f Ttezte lack ·~!JP)...,. 81,TllW W_U ' llTI Jee: S,. •• a _.,_al ... _ .... __ ,..,. .. ,, .............. ''' "'*-4 ,aec1s ''·'1 's 411 :liJ 1111ts1 art1 la u ;'' s a,...._ ,,... wtft tllili•~ lf.'1!' ~s ... ..., ... 's1a 211 •• -. D lie .. ......... bis ... r tw pou'f: I .......... _ u.1 ha "'ff q, lsllr ....... S •1· . A 111 11 .. -.. .,.,.., 1'111 -.... • .... Pl 'I '-te ,... ..... ,...,... .......... ' ' LEGAL NOTICE No. A r04S5 OBDl:B TO SHOW CAtJSE In tho 11•,.,_ Coart or tbe Stat~ of Callfornla In and For the! ~ly of OranJ1'. In U. Mat~r of the Applll'£llo• of t IKAlOlo;E DUGGAN GARRISON, for elanSf' of nanH>. • ll&xlne Duggan CaniAon, a reMdenl of the County at Orange, State of California., has this day flied her appl1cal,k)n praying for an order of thi11 Court cbangin& her present name to lhe proposed name. Af.a.xln e Dugpn. IT IS ORDERED that all per- aons interest('() In tbe a hove en- titled matter appC'ar before the said Superior Court ln Depart, m ent I , t hereof. at the Court- h<>uae. In said County. on the 31~t day of August. 1951 at 10 o·ctock A . ?.f. of said day, to show cause. lf a ny they have, why the salr· application for change of namt should not ht' granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that s copy of this order be pub- lished In the Newport Balboa News Time•, a new8J)&.per of general circulation printed &nd publi~ in aald Count y of Or- ange, tor four ( 4) succHsive Wttks prior to the 31st day of August, 1961. Dated: July 26, 1951. FRANKLIN G. WEST, Judge ot the Superior Court. No. 222-New.s nm.es Publish July 31; Aug. 7,144 21. 1951 NOTICE OJo, l~"TESTIOS TO SELL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisiona ot Sec- tion 3440 of the Civil Code of the State of C.Jifornla, that FRED J . CHAMBERS, or 2271 Newport. Boulevard, Co.!lta Mesa, California, intends to sell to ALFRED H. S MITH, Jr., of 406 South Bay Front, Balboa Ir land, California, an undivided one-half interest in the !umU.urf", fixtures, machinery and equipmt>nt, t ogether wilh the s tock ilJ trade and good will, of a c&b!ne t .shop located at 2271 !\'"c\Y- port Boulevard, Costa Mesa, Cali- fornia. That the purChase price thel"'t'Of will be paid on the 28th day of August, 1951, at the office of Harry Ashton, Attorney. 408 East Balboa Boulevard, Balboa, Califor- nia at ten o'clock A .l.f. of said day. Ds.ted August 15, 1951. FRED J . CHAMBERS, Vendor ALFRED H. S~fITH, Jr. No. 224 -NP"Ws4 Times Publish August 21 , 1951. Vendct' ' ' . . ... • r. Tuesday, Aug. 2f, ·195 f % CURRENT WNINGS r ·------"M""'· ' .. since t94Jl, ' • • .. ''t.. t~~ -... + ' "!'·''··· ~,·:~,··"'-i::-'' 'r: i'!!-.. ".l In spitf! of tlteH inflationary time•, your telephone bring• you more rm.l ualue for your m oney today than euer HERE'S AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Your telephone dollar buys more teleph,one service than 1n 1940 ' l . The way prices oo most items you buy have shot 2. You buy ttlepho~e service for jusr one rhing- to have a quick and handy way co k.ttp in touch with othu people.Today you an call abouc twice as ma.oy telephones as you could in 194'J. And whenyourom- pue just thar one ttf"mcndous incrca5e in •aluc with ' up, in these inJl&riorwy times, you might expect t)iar Y""' telephode nces would have gone along, too. Po<, just as theirhings you. need to run your home have climbed, so have our costs 1of providing telephone terrice-wage, taxes, macerial costs. Bot adoally. the increues in rtlcphone n res do nor even· cover' our i.ncreued wage rosu alo11<. . the small increase in relepbone rattS, you can see rhl.r what you pay for "'rvice has acrually dropped consid· crably-in rcrms of what the teJtpbonc an do for you. 3. Yoa have more telephone service-and better tdepboRe savice-toclay rhan tver. And <he ft!ue ,.,., ... g<tting fO< yow t<lephooe dollar is dw, basic- olly, to just one thing. O¥d: me 1ftD your rdepbaie aystt;m bu hod the fi nancill ~to arma the in· vesrors' mcog n_eed<d to baild tbc <quipmeot and , cinelop ~ sc:svioe IO a mighty dicieoi Ind. And we • 6w>cially ......, .r&m:-ti:ie .telrpbODe ' an cw\rimw lb,..,,., ia ...-~ ueNlns 10 J<io mid,,, aB lhel~ @PadST._. . . I ' · ·Yur teleplltu is 1,11 ef t.arsmt-.. • ' r • .• -• --.. ---···· -------• - ------.;:--""l'·-----• -v • -. .- • ' I Tuescley, Aug. 2 1, 1951 _ NEWPOllT IALBOA NEWS.TlhfES ; • • • • "'WE QUARRELED LAST MARCH-JUST BE· FORE HE-\\.ENT MAD, YOU KNOW-," (polnt- Aing with his tea.spoon at the March Hare1. "It was the great . concert given by the Queen of Hearts. and I had to sing '"l'Winkle, Twinkie little bat ~ How I wonder what you're at!" The Mad Hatler is still completely off his wonderful stick In the new "Allcf' I• \\·eodl-rland" album. The House of Harmony has the DUmey illustrat- ed, giant story record book with the original sotmd track artists. Kathryn Beaumont, Jerry Colonna. Ed Wy nn and Sterling Holloway. These recordings are guaranteed fun for ok:I and young in heart. Oth~r best spinner albums at the H. of H . are "Show BGa.t," "Great Can1!9C>," Md ·"Voice of the Xtabay:• Solid single sellers this ~tek are : "Come on A My House" "$W@et Violets" and "\Vhispering." AND PLEASE lf you snap yo'u r ukelele !ltrings ... get replacements at the Ho11M' or Hannon)', 1817 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. Hearon !ii37 -5153. • • • DO l 'OU BY A'.\"Y C'HAXCE \\"EAR A Gt.-~S \' SAC'K O \.F.R 1·01·n HE."D AT '.\'lGHT? Not to hide your g-real.,tcha.rn1 and beauty of couNe, but to kf'ep street lights or rtre-nies: from flashing in your limpid orb:;. Or do )'OU bury your head under a pillow to shut out da~·n·~ eai-ly rays? Con1e now. give up those awkv.·ard ~leep props anJ get yourself some H.:ht·l'f"pA"4lfl1tt lil.had~ i:tt th"' SRADt: S H OP. These sharles arc al."IO plenty da.ndy for T V watching. \Vhat- evcr ~·our v .. indo\V or lighting problems may be ... Restless. roving roller Mades. Vagabond Venetian blinds. Va(\lc valance boxes, rare drapery hardware . . strange fittings. Joints or enclosures·-the Shade Shop can solve every ca~ brilliantly. Sun-Gard Shades are It'k better than nothing for keeping down St1n-Ra.\· Fade. &tler homes and stores use these plastic gisn1os to nn advantage. \\'"hy don't you? Shade Shop. 514 29th St .. Newport. Harbor 88-1. • • • HEY ~ MAY ~ \\'HAT ARE YOU HAVING FOR 011\"11.~R TO:\'TGHT ? ? ? - ' l I • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO FUTURE MOTHERS OF AMERICA : Whlh> you'Te g<!tUng "MATERNITY MINDED" SO IS THE FAlTH· FUL, P04--Y APPAREL! Polly Apparel ls pretty mOtherly herself aJI bright and shiny "''ilh a new show case facade. Polly has a wonderful little department for future motbers. Jaunty pl&Jod ta.f· feta smocks at $4.90: Lot~ of neat, becoming dresse.s at $6.96 up. Nicely tailored suJts for dress.-up nt S8.9e to Sl0.96 in atrotter, faillea or prinU. You ca.n get n1aternlty khorts, slacks and pedal pushers in Balboa BluE" Denim ... other idack.9 or skirts at S•.96---$a.90 O. K. mothers. walk. do not run to 1~0113• Appattl, 18M Newport A \'!'I., ('OAta l\f t"M.. • • • GRAB YOUR PtJRSE A ND IIlDE IT ~ BURY YOUR CARTWHEELS UNDER THE HOUSE CLAM UP! SIT TIGHT! AND WAIT! WAIT FOR SUPER. BAROAJNS AND TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS .l\ppro:t.:lmaiPly ~f'l>f. 10 'A'l'len Coastline Clarence moV'C's down the street Into his new bldg. ( 'n~tUOf' f"IOhr ('o\·Prlnx-('o., tJlth An<l Newpo1·t Avc>, lli'lla ~lesa. Beacon 52!il-J • • • LADY KIN I KtJ~f IN AND SH0\\1 YOU MY S.-\J\fPLF: CASf-1S? N'o\\" <lon't slam the door on n1v rool. tiecn11:-if' I rcall,:.• hnve M>nle lovelie~ here! ·1 hnve ."Ot\ntple liundle:;i or l'l ilk, rhi nlz, faUlel'l and a.JI aort.'I of nt>at roln1 ful fitlh• bundles fro1n 25c up t hat yo_11 ('m\ U."W" fo1· qtnlts, \'nlanccs. bedspread~ etc. I repreS<>nl th(' K1ni1r1ons' r>rapery Shop ... \Ve hove a Ing R1:1le on no''' or yRrdage, odds and ends Jf rE"n1 nantl'I and bolts and boltA or fabrics for 8.lip-CO\'ers, chalr upholster~-. and pillow covers. Some of our s::11nple~ are big enough for bright patio place n1ats {10c ea.I or napkins t20c1. and pillow top pieces for around 15c per eaC'h. ~lat er1al,. for k1trhen r11rtains etc. A WHOLE TABLE .. -uLL OF REMNANT BARGAINS and LOTS OF YARDAGE AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE '. NO\\' AREX"T YOU GLAD YOU LET ME IN ? GET OVER TO Klf\tMON"S" DRAPERfES AT ONCE-435 E . 1 ilh St .. Costa ~lesa. Beacon 5136. U>r ShtplP~-. "·ell kno,,·n designer 1n plastics ha~ added a. new facet to her sparkling career z..:o,v you may have &owns designect and custon1 n1a1le right in Lf.t>'s O\\'n 111a.nufaLturing center! Lee In- vites you over to v1:<11t her ne\v !>lhop "'·here her oti~al creation11. Did you get home late from the bridge lun('hoon~thcn quick like run Otzl for 11 can of hash? Ma.r. Shame'.. Your kids will all break down ~·it h the rickets ... Now here's the propo· sition, '>'-·orth\\'hile from a standpoint of economy. convenience and good, healthy Jiv- ing ... BnK'P .Job.Mton. a sincere :roung man can offer you a ke-en deal. You can gel a N.~ • dre~ses . coordiQflle!'.. fu n -t lot he~ and :t<'cei:;sorif>!l are on dis:pla}'. Here, month'~ supply of frozf'n mf'atJ> and \·rpta~ at wboWsa.IP 1>rl('~ Ph111 a brsntl Of'\V Hibbard f"r•¥zf'r tor less per week than you are now payl.ng for groceries alone'. You know yourself that a. fret>zer the anS\ver to modern faiTiiiy feeding . . l can·t ""-rite a book on this subject due to other committments. so call Br\1ce Johnston for lucid details. ·ft \\'on•t cost you a. thing t6 learn something. your ~i2e or lack of it \\'ill he no problem . . gowns can be whipped up right on the spot esp<'Cutlly for you. ''{OU n1ay bave the fabrics of your choice tailor'f"tl to rnnr mf'1t."Un>rrtf'nt" at f'f"'ady.ma~f" prf~ And _you crtn bet you \\•on't !!1-ee yourMI! coming down the street. ;f .\'ou're \11:ear1ng your \•ery O\\'n Lee Shipley Original. Lee \ViU 90Cn be displayin g ne": fall and Back-To-School deslgTIS. See the Ja te;rt trenrl.'l in • Bnl'f" 1,. RI Bf"a('on 669.W . PlC'K t 'J> TH."T PHOXt:! l.f:t:: S.l l J PLF.\' ORIGl:\' . .\L."-. 1106 C'oai:1t H igh,,·ay. Corona del Mar. Harbor 2848-J • • • • • • ROBE RT K Rl .LL. THE BOY GEX11·s OF THE "HO\\. M l 'CH . .\ Dt"XCF. THAT H.~s BEE~ BAKER\" \\'O RLD is \.\'Orklng feverishly on a nE>w ~•:'.'·T TO ftO,.\~ F.X('F.l..l ...... .\. [)t·~·<·E T ll :\T nvention. I think it 's an automatic Raisin-Puffer. H."-S B•:t ;'.\· tu:PT :\T H OME!" That's Then Elga in. it may be the secret ReYerse Kr)lller. 1·ight. Moth"r5 get your sn)all RC'hola rs ready for Bob. you will renlember is justly ramows for his school no"·~ THl : R:\l.RO,\ ,) & 10 I S PRE· pa.tented ··R ight-Slde-Do\'m Uu·Side·Up Cake." But PARED FOR T HE RA('K-T0-1'\C'HOOL RUSH'. his moth~r. Virginia: j Lady Pe~ll prepares all the BUSTER BRO\\''.'i ANKLETS "·ith plain or fresh !riut for the ptes. at the :"lif"\\·por t Bakf"ry .. · Cowboy tyippee 1 tops 39c pair: S11rprise pack· Fres~ peac~es. aprtcots. gree~ a~ples and even• age or boys' sock.'l, 4 pairs gi.iaranteert to "·ear 4 mos. for Sl .25 fn~ nectarmes. Ragaday Devine 1s chief of the BL l 't : .Jt:A'.\·s tR oz. den1n 11 $1 .98 ; Panties, undershirts a.nd scads F. L. S. Bureau here. tFresh Lemon SqueezingsJ. of Tee-Shirts 1n long or short sle~ve~ fluore&C'ent !Itri~ z· _ The Cinnamon Bread (25C J and Cinnamon Raisin ug. \\·hat clo )'011 ex.-...ct_ an\~·av? .,_·._·Th-•v J<Ol It. H, ig, B d dd 2 f o ~, -1 1 h Y' • • • • • _ urry. Kalil.In rea ra c or n.o-isins) u1 apparent Y n t e before th~ tar<lv bell 1·1ng!I! PuffPr hands of !!Orne very responsible person as It's ex· ' Ha.Ibo 5 &: 10 300 M tremely palatable. Cakes a.re aJBO decorated with a tine. arty a · • · · •' .al.ft ~t .. R.."l lbo11 flourish at the:'\'P\'\·port Bakrl")'. !J 11 ()eee.a Fremt. ~Pwport. Har. • 144!'-R. l 4IMY"· SALUD! • • • SI! SI'. SENORS y SENORAS ~ DO~'T MO\'E! LET ME REMEM.BE& YO t.: 1 ~~E PI.ACE TO GO FOR MUY UKE THJ S: The reflection ot that pink ehrtmp ENO MEXICAN~ FOOD cocktail gives your face a lovely. ruddy glow! ('1\SA 00~ C ARJ....08 That little sv.·atch of Tartar sauce on your upper ' J 13 22nd St., Newport Har. 2638-M lip lend~ rair piquante'. And that shoestrine:?' ~ -10 p. m. Clol'led T ues. dangling rrom your fork all but sends me. • • • Yes. }'OU too can make a li ngering impre!I-DOF.~ \"Ot ·R HF.'.\'lfOt'SE LOOK T1\CKl'? Are your hens off their sion over a seafood luncheon or dinnet· at feed ? And what about ~·ou r SO\\'Shed. barn and apiary? A re these off C'llaFk>y'8 Rt.•8ta.ura11t. The fish at Charley's color? I "rant you to realize hPre & also NQ\V lhat I have !et aside is fresh out of the drink . _ The outdoor patio this week as CLEAN l 1P & PAINT UP \.\'EEK. You are to go to the smacks of lhe fresh sea spray. v.·hile diners smack and smile over hall tree. unsJ~ng your pur~ & go O\·er to M<'D•nald's P\Unt Store & Sea!OOd Salads. Cocktails and Clam Chowder. Luncheon Sl.00 . . . get a bucket of ""h ite paint~ Daub everything m sight '. Fences. Complete dinners Sl.25 ChaNy'!J Sfoafood RMitaurant. llS:S Cout chicken-coops. out-butldings and sheets. \\'hite paint,. n1akes every- HIP\\'Bl. (nf"Xf to Port. Orange) ft4"acon 6834. 1 da)·s a \\·k. thing look pure as the over-driven sno~·'. Mac has white paint tor • • • clean-up W('tek for ai:1 Jov.· as $1 .69 a gallon jthl! isn't chalk ettherf IF YOU WERE LASHED TO THE M.filE.NMAST OF YOUR Other fence paint at $2.95 a gal. and first Kradr houtlW:'t paint at $6.4.'\ SCHOONER ... DASHED ABOUT IN A HOWLING 11.ilSTRAL a.nd $5.88 a gallon on up to $6.34. M<"Dnnald Palnt ~ton", 181! Hur- OFF THE COAST OF BRAUNSCHWEIGER ... Chances are bor 81Td .• ("0111la ~~ lk-ar-on S70S. • • • your entries in the logbook would be .darn near illegible! Let me .. 1 FEEL JUST LIKE C RAWL.ING UNDER A save you this unneceSY.ry embarraument. \\·att's Tradln• Post. a BOARD'. .. SAID DOCTOR ER\.\'OOD. ••\\'ELL sea-men's guardian angel. has a portable typewriter. a bright "i-ed .. ~mingt.on ... 'fours for $22.50 includifta" a v.•heelbarrow (Optional 1 \\'HAT'S KEEPING YOU?'· I REPLIED FORC- lo haul it a"'ay 1n 1additional $20.) NO\\' let us -aMUme that tOe ING THE ISSUE to the hilt. Here's the whole, seals are calm again. and rou care to lie on 1tfe .small of )"our !IOrdtd tale : Doctor E'r\vood has so darn manv bunk. \\'Rlt'e has a g·oOOJy number of aluminum spring l.blp'a bunks wonderful pie('es of Rock Maple rumlture tha·t for $.$.50 each. Flop one of these o ver and you can store· extra elegant CU!lton1ers sometin1e» have to crawl guests at home or at ~a. Plenty of propellors. anchora, blocks and over and under things to look a t the Cze< ho-p~lleys here. Big Chuin Grinder janyone we know?) tor SS.50. Buy slovakian gJus. Son1e of the classier cliente.le Buy No~·. See you at \\"alt'!l Tm.din~ Post. By the I ce HoU.se. ree.ents thi.s u.nrl!gnifled position and justly so, .f?! Seth. Nr'ft'POrt. Har. 2470. 8:3()..6 lexcepl Wed. offJ. I feel. I ha\'e therefore persuaded Dr. EN·ood TO SAVE FACE BY GETI"ING RID OF HlS • • e EXTIRt; STOCK OF MAP LE FtrRSITt 'RE "Wolf La S bttp's \\'n.r" "PLEASE PASS THE SCORPAENA GUTI'ATA,·· the cry went AT AB.~OLl 'TELV c·~T! These are drastic measurem~nts. but the up from hungry n1ouths'. The maiden name or this sea meat l.s time ha.s con1e to ACT! A-fAPLE BE.D DIVAN, Loveseat. ·cobbler's ''S culpin:· Harry says that skinned Scil.lpin looks like calfish and benc h . chairs, coffee tables. tloered table, dining a.et. lamp tables a skinned cat looks like a rabbit. l call Hany Kingston an and other quality pieces ... Now we're not crying "wolf'' thi9 trip. ichthyologist right to his face~ Waterspout Harry al!O says that fellov.•s _ .. go grab yourself 8 hunk of maple DIRT CHEAP. FaoP the men '-"·ho go dO\o\'ll to the !'lea In ships aren't bringing In much Sa\·m.-Sale at E R\\ .. 000'~. 4-07 t;. Balboa 8 1,-d. Harbor 0188-J. Alba.core. But whatever there is appears at tbe Ba,fl!ltdP Fhlt Mkt. Open eves. -and )'OU can still buy it t"ht-ap for <'&na lal'. As 1 remarked afore, a · girl emotionally n1ature enougl'l to like the salt wind and fish scales In her hair can get a job peddling fiah at the BA l'SID E FISH MKT. Jt "-'OUldn't be dull a t 2800 Lafayette, Newport. 8 to 8:30 p. m. • • • HOW OFTEN DO YOU TAKE YOUR TAWNY, \'A.RIA.SC'!: GRA..,'TED BREAKS LEG Mrs. Beatrice Bra.shear, South Gate-, fell down four steps at her sister·s home at 2311 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach at 9 :05 p. Y our ad appearing reg- ularly in theae columns wiU ·bring you many new cuatomera. Harbor &tea folka are tn the habtt Tot "looking In the claui- fled" when they need lhae services. 1 l~BU91Dess Gulde 'COJIPLlrl'lll HOUUI CL&ANIN0 ..mce. J"urnitun and rup lftam_.t. J'reo uttmai- Futiy lnlured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514. 29th SL Newpo"t Beach Be.aeon 8111 12tfc For Ven et ian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Pree' estimates Ph. Har 884 12-Boildlng Servlc~s DON K. B UTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone B"acon 6406-W 17tfc Sympson & Noll a r PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 51 2 • 38th St., Newport Bea('h PHONE HARBOR 2404 52tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN "' na P9lmer s t., eoota M- lle&. 6457-M 1Kc9 INTllllUOR -Jil:XTll:IUDR PAINTING LIC!:NSED -msururo Glenn Johnston SOl • 31.st St. Nnvport Bea ch Harbor 2291 ·J 34c48 H.H.HOLBROOK An O'Oportunity NEED A MA~. tamlHar wftb fra - ternal or social organizations, to manage club and lodge factlttie.t of a• local group. T hia Ls an jdeal spot for a retired man who de- sires fellowahlp. Limited salar)' and duties. H ours mOl!ltly in thf' £'Vf'ninp, 5 days a ~eek. A ge no barrier. non-sectarian. Reply held confidential. Write Box 02 thl.s paper. 53t ((' EXPEIUENCED alteration we>- man to take over alteration dept . No charge for work room a nd t'qUlpment. See Mgr. 10-12 a.m . KAY NELSON, Inc. 34 ,1() Vio Oporto, Lido entrance PhoR(' Harbor 1216 59c81 \\'ANT Service Station attend&nt 5 p. n1. to M idnlgl'lt. Permanent . SHELL STATION, 318 Coast Blvd .. Corona dC'I 1'tar. ~9c61 \VANTED-··Wo1na·n cook for pri- vatl• ho m(' until S"pt. 15th. Livf' in. Phonf' Harbor 161 3. 59c61 FOUR MEN' or "''omen to work out all tuition in exchange for C"ourse in beauty culture. Santa Ana Univ. of Beauty. 1091~ No. 1'.tain. Ph, KI. 2-6....S7. S9p65 COOK--GENERAL. Experienced. Intclligl"nt. Live in. Corona del "-tar. Rf'fC'rencf's. S17:'.l mo. Ph. Sa.nta Ana Employn1ent Agency. Kin1berly 2-7297. 60c62 \\"ANT TO HIRE-Three experi· encC'd carpentrrs for remodeling \Vork. imd£'r 6:'.l. \Vrite full par- t !('ulars. P . 0 . Box 151, Balboa Island. 61c63 \VA N"TED-CIC'aning morning~ a we£'k. 161 3. woman tv.-o Call Harbor 59c6t \V ANT ASSISTANT to bookkeep- er I fE>mal<>), Private club. Write Box S-2. this paper. 58c6t..' SO-Sale, l!llscellaneons STORE fixture~. prac. new, ~·all caRe~. counter!. n1i!tC'. All have adju.stable shel\'£'.S. Bargain. Calt O\Vnf'r, Beacon 6990. 47c62 Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade t:w>5 Weit Balboa ·Blvd., Phone Har bor 2S02-R. 114p66 GAFFERS A SA'M'LER RAN GE. Its the 1951 model deluxe CP all automatic. Hu It.mp and clock-a u steel griddle in the middle and tbe chrome grtll broilt>r. A lao bas the all cbrorJte top. Can have caah $159.33.. Would like a ua&I range or 're- frigerator for my equ1ty. No down payment and take over my payment of $10.82 per mo. Se-e a t 4.04 So. Spadra. Fuller- ton. 9 1.rn. to 8 p.m. Ph. 21M:. !)9tf<.. SECTIONAL SOFA, pa.Ir uphol . chain, coffee and lamp tables, large ottoman, pair modem lamps, 5 HP outboard motor, modem dNk. All xlnL condlUon. 2271 Kings Rd.· Phone Beacon 7005-\\' for appt. 60e6.2 82-A-Antlqves GOING ON BUYING TRIP. Reduced prices on all stock thru August. Examples : Small mahogany tea cart .... $1~50 Pine Bonnet Box (same a.'i in "Dear Brat") .............. $37 .50 Pine Pie cupboard ... -...... -.$18..50 Pine drop lfaf table, 4 chairs, leather t'}f'Oftg se&ts ... -. ... $35.00 Antique 2-part show case and ca.sh regi.!tt"r , each ·--·---.... $20.00 Chalrs, lamps, pictures, disheft. Ethel Richard's Ant iques 475 Newport Blvd., COl!!lta Mesa. 61p63 SS-Boats, Supplies Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See J ohn Harvey at Seacraft \,. . SOUTH COAST CO. N~ B lvd. at 23rd Har. 2800 53tfc 29' COJIODlRClAL FISH B OAT , equipped for mackerel. albacore, swordfish. $1200 t erms. Call Kl 24.M8. ' ' 57c62 WANT TO BUY: Want • good buy tn ne.a.rly new Chris Craft , Fairllner, Elco, or fact ory m~l. Z3 • 27 ft .boat. Ideal for fishing and Wt. State model. dim., power, when pur~ chased. no. hn., etc. Write Mr. Barton, 94.t "E" Street, San Bernardino, Calif. 59e61 FOR SA LE to highest bidder qver $175. mooring Cl33, near fE"Tr)' crossing. Tak("8 up to 30 ft. Need not own N t>'fl{POrt proJ>\!rtY to purchase. Ph. Pasadena SYI· van 0-1029 Ol' write 1613 West Fairn;tont Ave .. La Canada. 6()c62 !M--M•lcal, Radio REPOSSESSED'. Beautltu'l Elec- t ric Organ. Famous ma.kt'. For chureh or home. Pay out bal- ance. Big saving. Like new. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. comer 6th. RE..~ A PIANO, $5 per mo. All term rent allowed when )'OU buy. DANZ -SCHMIDT, Santa Ana., 520 N . Main.. RENT A PIANO for only $5 per month. ae.ntal applies on IUtu:ce purchase at SHAFER'S MU~ S IC CO. (Since 1907) 421 'Nftl. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2-0672. COME IN. ~AR and PL.A Y new Hammond Chord Organ. No music lessons necessary. Any- one can play this instrument. DANZ -SCHlifIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO., Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, comer 6th. SMALL STUDIO upright piano in perfect condition. Terms $29.50 down and $10.~7 pt"r mo ... et SHAFER"$ MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa 62!1 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 9•ttc Ana. Klmberly 2-0872. 59tff! \.\1 • .\ TER SOF'TE~'ER \\•lth regen· erator tank. 75.000 grain. new. -17-------------~ GRAND PIANOS. Big-Summer cost $325, Now $200. Snowbird FT. NATIONAL, good condi-Sale now on Steinway, Mason tion, $400 includino-sailin.,.. lcs-be c k completf', rl'ady to sail $125. e e &: Hamlin, Kna , hie er1ng, Paddle board likp new S35. 4 -8 sons. Also sand dolly available. Chase, Wurlitzer, Sohmer. F18h• 217 Onyx, Balboa laland. l')9pM p. m. 2601 Circlf' Dr., Bay Shores er and many others. Some new, 59c61 NEW OUTBOARD BOAT 12'8" x some used. Prices start at $395 -------------1'6". $125, at 426 Victoria, Costa DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO .• DEPENDABLE PLUMBING IRO!'\'RlTE Ironer. smaJI paint Me:M or aee "'Doe" at Se:rvice 526 No. Main. Santa Ana. A Prompt sprayer, platform rock.t>r, la.rge A!! t Cl R epair Service Maintained new garbage can. Mlsc. tools. oa ' ne&l' Balbo& Bay ub . · SPINET PIANO. Pay out balance Phone ; Harbor 1418-W Paint. acrewa and household a.r-59c6l 1265. Another Spinet, bet. 1317 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach ticles. ~14 E . Ocean Front, Apt. $4,250 Kimbal made Spinet. $4.93. See Wlse people do read the ads. 1. Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 60c7-I our list of retumed rentals and -Cla.nlfted ads are read by who are looking to buy. 14-Pusonals t olkt. Alcoholics Anonymous Write P. 0 . Box 205 Balboa Ialand. Calif. Phone Kimberly 3-5393 15------Share Your Car 1 ·~t DRIVING to Los Angell'~ da.Uy. ~1onday t hru F ri. \\lould li ke riders. Call &aeon 5826-R . after 7 p. n1 . 59c61 l~&&uty Aids Dottie Ellen's Beauty Salon Back-to-School SPECIAL Machineless Permanents $5.95 114 E. 19th, Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 624 7-W 6Jp6" 22-Lost and F ound LOST -Ladies disn1ond \vrist \l.0atch vicinity Balboa Blvd. and 48th St .. Ne"'.\rport Beach. Re- ward. Harbor 0849-\V_ 59c61 FOUND-Ladies' v.•rist \\"atch on Balboa Island. Identify san1e and pay for ad. Phone Ha.rbor 1320-M. 1 61 c6.'} PHONE H arbor 1616 to plaC"t" your want ad on th18 pa.-e. ~Al!J>.~ G. E . REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft., 19-18 model. Exln't cond. $14.9.50 12" Emerson Console t('levision, v.·ith antennae ............. -.... $120.00 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Alesa Phon e Beacon 5293-W For a terrifc saving 18 ''" cu. ft_ freezer, Beacon 6695-J. 59c6I on an phone 59ci2 C R 0 SL E Y REFRIGERATOR 1961 9 cu. ft. model. Has all the feature&-55 lb. trhzer che•t on top. Meat keeper and 2 vege- table crispers. Abo has the butter k~per. YES, it8 the Shelvador and only used it 3 months. Would like lo have an older refrigerator or stove for my equity. Paid over $390 for it. ~o do~'n payment and take over payment of $19.98 per mo. S f'e at -404 So. Spadra. Fuller- ton, 9 a.m. t o 8 p.m. Ph. 21~2. 59lfr SI-Wanted to Bul WA1\TT TO BUY screen !Uilable for projecting 36mm. elides. P h. Harbor 1020-W, eveninp. 53tfc 32-Housebold Goods SEE 27 FT. CUSTOM mahogany cru-repossessions. DANZ·SC'H:Mµ>T tser, h\1n Gray Pl'lantoms, Ben-BIG PIANO STORE. 100 bar- d..ix controlled.~ s. s. radio. Slip gains. 520 N. Main, Santa Aila, No. 2. Ken Niles. Villa Marina. comer 6th Street. nr. Balboa ls la.nd Bridge. Har- bor l91S. 59c64 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT !peed boat. Chrys. Ace. A·l mech. cond. $1450 F rei" slip rental for boats offered for sale up to 26 ft. Wizard & Rowboats for Rent Ken Scott's lt'lobil Marine Dock Nt>xt to Ferry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 59tfc VIKJNG sailboat, J\"o. 16. Llke ne9.'. $1750. SaUs excellent. Har. 2264.-J or Beacon ~l . 59c61 12 ft. WIZARD fiber glasa boat 5 1..i h. p. EvinTUde outboard motor, 2 wheel boat trailer. ·car top carrier for boat. Complete &nG only~ 1 yr. old. -MAKE OFFER. . South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach at 23rd Harbor 2600 55tfc SNIPE $!50-Ready for sailing. Slip G at Swales Anchorage. 119p6J TWO EXCEPTIONAL BOATS! a Falcon and a Mel"CUJ'y P RICED TO SELL. Balboa Marina 2802 Coast H iway, Newport Bch. (Nr. Bay Sbores ) Ph. Har. 0771 81c63 GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $49, $67, $83 and up. Let the kid- dies learn. Pay but $5 per mo. 2 )'r. exchange at full value. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO SALE NOW ON. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main .. comer 6th. BUNGALO\V upright piano in per· feet condition. T erms $27 .50 down and $9.90 per mo. at SHAFER':;; MUSIC Co. (Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamol'e , Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. 59tfc 81>-Dop, Cats, Pets WEIMA.J\ANER pointer puppies, tops in personal gun dogs. Champion sire and dam . Doro- thy Manley. Phone Klmberly 2-6233, Ext. 57. 6lc66 41-Stores and Offices OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, down· 9lalrs location, comer of Palm & E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. H arbor 2821. .f~Uc IN CORONA DEL MAR -At· tractive store room, excellent location in new building, '7:S, per month. W. E . Fisher, Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Associate 916-Coaat Blvd. Harbor 24.f3 Corona del Mar TOUSLED ?tf.ANE TO THE Beauty Parlor to have it 'A'&.shed and bent? How many times a )'ear do you slap cold ere.am on yo\lr alabaster bro\V or sling your chin in a han\mock over A variance was granted t o Rob- ert S. Butler by the City Council Monday night to pcormlt the sub- division of acr('age9 at 907. 909 and 911 Vt'. Bay A ve.. Newport BE>ach into k>t.9 less than 1,000 equare fl'et m inin1um and lt'Ss than 40 f tt( wide. M. S. Nolan_ Mro. Brashear broke 28-Sltuations Wanted m. Wednesday. Her e.ister ls Mrs. 1----'--=o..-;.;...;;.;."----- her right leg below tbe knee_ She FINE IRONING will call for and Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT Runabout. 2 cockpit.s ro ..... ard. Chrysler A ce Mtr. All steel trailer. Pb. Harbor 3112. twpet STORE FOR R ENT -15' x 4.2' Suitable for any type business. Loca t ed at 419 E . Balboa Blvd., Inquire upetai-rs. S8p60 -~ night? You can do an the.e things faithfully '\~"<_~I ... even beat your face 100 tlme• a n11"bt . , . lh ~ i YET . . . GET THIS . . -U you have auper-J\l IJ. nuous hair growing 'aimlessly around. you'n ~ ~ · rfJ not going to be any ravishing ravlng-beauty! I~ 0 \\'hen you go lo Ellen L. Bryaot. rertet rred I e1~t rolocht. you ge.t unwanted hair removed permanently. By permanently, I mean like forewr ~ Once lt '• done, you don't keep mowing IL Mrs. Bryant La skilled in the painless. harm'tess banishment of embarra.lsinl' hair _ . . from face. lep. neckline, hairline. or ann.s. This affair is handled dlacreelly. prl· vately . . Call Ellen L. Brya.nt at the Udo Salon of Bea.uty for consultation. 34·40 Via Oporto, Harbor 2:5TS. • • Mr. Grenstf"d. rf'pn>sentlng Mr. wR.5 taken to lh,e hoapltal. de liver. CUrta.ins_ Butler, sa.ld thal Ul undue han!· 1hlp waa impotf'd upon the appll· cant and urged granting of thP va,tance. Thf' council concurred. D&UNK D RIVING IA~ll J ult a F1 tagera.ld, san llernat<!tno. WU pl<ked up by Newport Beach at 10:12 p. \Ill. Sunday at. Island Arve,, and Balboa Blvd. SM waa bookf'd on charge~ of drunk d.rivinc. -STOLEN Virgil Smith locked the door a.s usual when he retlttd Tuesday night In his room at the Irwin apa.rtmenta, 201 West Ocean Front but h(" forgot to try ll afterward. The bolt had not caught. and dur- lng tbe night someone entered the room, making off with S:>O ln cuh, $400 ln bank dratta and. $200 ln tnnler's checks .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .,.~ • • Belp wtlh dJnner parties. P hone Mrs. Williame, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a .m. or after 8 p.m. 59p64 EXPERIENCED Io ca I busineAS couple desire to manage apt. or court. Palm Springs area. RefeN!'ncea. For interview write Box T-2, thfs paper. 68tt.: EXPERIENCED Sktpj)er wltb fine knowledge of local laland.I. de· liru permanent pooitlon wllll r!gllt party. WW conalder dura- tion of -. Wrtt:o· Box U-2- Will contact yOu at your con· ftllJence for pel'90ft&! tntenlew. litp81 llKlPP.lll tor Batlirday and Sun- day <IDiy, ltxperleneed -f Op&- ra\or. Knowa local -ten and f1i1b1ns gTOlllldl. Barbor 2373..J: ~J ' AT HARBOR YARDAGE 135 E . 17th St., Costa ?.tea& 49c63 ROPER 068 Range. good condi- tion, S25. Inquire 1491~ Rochest- er. Costa Me.l,tl . Phone Beacon 6817-J . 60<62 NAT'L pressure cooker. 18 qt .. $15. A. Endell, 583 P ark Drive. COit& Meaa. 60p62 MODERN 3-pc. oectlonl.I Cbar-- treuse plastic and pebblewea ve, in ve ry good condition. $75. Hari>or 1503-W. 81c63 MAHOGANY ~tary 'In Xooo condition. and 1 child's W'Vdrobe. P hone ~ 15313-W . gJ<es ' PLEASURE, Comm. or Charter Flatt Boat, 48 ft., 8%: ton ref. comp. equipt. X ln't cond. Bar- gain for cub or Will t rade for smaller boat, real estate or ! Owner, 13019 Bloom.tield St., North Hollywood, S'l'ate 4-9387. 80dl2 ONE SET new .. Snipe aalls, J(O. Pbon• CReotvlew ii-37117. 80c62 28 FT. POWER CRUISER, aleep . 4. Grey 133 lip. Nirw SS i;tadlo. 11:>.cellent condition, 53000 0< will trade u down payment on Palm Sprlnga or Oraage County property. Har. 30:ll·RK. 81)!83 BAIT Nf"· like new, $400. Call lleacoJi ll6H..J. , 81<$S OFFICE with liv. qtrs., partly furn., J or 2 persons, S7:i mo. 2833 Newport Blvd., Newport BMch. 118p60 STORE FRONTAGE on Pahn St., Balboa tn new R uby Bldg. bet. Balboa Blvd. and Oce•n Front. A bout 2400 sq. tt. with 3 front entrances. WW flnjab to su1t tenants.. :Sl.f E. Ocean Fron t, Apt. 1. Balboa-P h. Harbor 3288. 80cH RESPONSIBLE family with rd· el't!Dcee _need.I 3 J;ld?'ln. tmlUm.. -alSout Sept. 15. "t-ly ffi>tal, • acMt.. l child. Bar- Q 19-W. -1- . - • l • • -• ft --• ---"&'---·'-"-• ,::.~:. ...... ____ .. __ ••• ft ! ... _ ........ , +I • I -1 • ti Aae..cNIM. Tins ~.(~Tins 81-Relll.!lllatie f:1c's•se 81 llelll l!llfate a v.ite a ~ .._.te 1111 llfell l'llllare • a-.... bCate . *· * * ~ 14 * * * 7 1. .. G. I. RESALE Low Down • PICK YOUR FAVORITE MAKE and come inspect and drive these thoroughly checked C&J'B. All in A-1 condition throughout. 1800 Cadillac 81 4.-dr. Bed., w-w, fully equipped $3.(50 t'~ Cadillac CoUl>f' De VlJ.1e type, W-W 1948 Cadillac U 4-dr. Sed., w-w, I. beauty -.............. $2395 1H8 cadtllac 82 Seda.nette, w-w. a real buy ............ $2495 JHl Ql.dJllac IJOS 4.-dr. Seel., orlglnal black palllt $1080 1960 Mercury Sport aedan, Rltff,, O'D, w-w, very low mileage. one owneT, ebony ...-1ack, dpn't mlu lhla one ·······--··-·····-········-·····-;········-·······-·····················'1875 t9ft0 Chl!'V. cJub cpe., tully equipped. very low mileage ' and priced beJow market. 1940 Me rcury conv. clu bcpe., W·W, de<:. wind. llfta, radio A heater, overdrive ............................................ $187~ 1947 Chevrolet club cpe .. R It H new paint ........... $1085 19'41 Chev. club cpe., very clean, 2. your choice $ 696 liMl BuJck •-<tr. aedan, epec. thJ.11 week only .... -...... $ 39~ One-third down, 18 montha. Bank terma NEWPORT AUTO SALES Newport ~ach Phone Harbor t •07 WE TRADE FOR THE BEST 1 ••1 FORD Super Deluxe· •-<tr. se.. da.n, $3.50. Also brand new 7 .:>O x 18 8-ply truck tire w ith nap, $30. M Balboa Coves. Ph. Harbor 706 after ~:30 p.m . 56Uc '37 Lincoln cpe., Mere. mtr . $ 245 '48 HUDSON ''&" tudor ..... S 795 ':51 00i>0E "fiuld drive" Sedan '47 WILLYS Sta. Wag. .. ..$ 97r, DEMONSTRATOR '47 PLYMOUTH S•d. R&H $1 095 $%0&5 -'47 PLYMOUTH c lub ,_ .......... $1095 · • '50 CHEV. convertible .......... 1 169~ SHA VER MOTORS '49 PLY. Suburban ................ $1860 '49 Intema'I P ickup .............. $1005 Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. 1880 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 19!1() CHEVROLET 2 door. In per- fect condit ion. 1156:5. !il2 -38th St .. Newport Beach. Phone Har- bor 2404 . 81Ltc 11Mf STUDEBAKER Cha.mpion Starlight coupe. A.LSO 1900 Stu- debaker Champion 4..dr. sedan. Private party, Harbor 301. 81tfc 48-A~enta and Houw. LIDO ISLE ~martly rumtahed 1 and 2 bed- room apartment.I with g&r&ge. • Sept. 115 to June 15th. 1 bedroom f twin bed.I) $7~ mo., 2 bedmui. $1"00 mo. A ll utllttlea paid. (deal for school teachers or protea· s lonal people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATEID &333 Vla Udo Harbor 1500 N ewport Beach, Calif. 58tfc BOUSE. rurnlahed, 2 bedrooms, 2 in·a-door beds ln lvg. rm .. patio, garace. Nov. ll§lh to June lat, $7!> mo. 1903 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Phone Harbor 0318-M . • 59p61 P'UR.NlSHED 1 bedroom houae.. re.need yard, all c&venJences. near bu.a and atore1. Utilities paJd. Cheap yearly rental. Ad· ult.a. Small pet 0 . K. lnq. 706 Iris, Corona de l Mar. 60p62 BALBOA ISLAND '48 FORD V-8 Pickup .......... $ 895 -Your DODGE-PLYMOtrrH Olr. SHAVER MOTORS 1680 Newport B lvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6907 '38 BU ICK t door sedan. Good transportation, $-45. Phone Har- bor 0488-R. 59p61 ~31-Afarlmenlf! and Ho!_Jses RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS eao l:dna ·craic Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-bland. Bar. :ZOU 32<:64 YEARLY Coron& del Mar-2 be<l- room furnished view apt. Newly decorated. Close to shopping. Inquire 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Ma r. Harbor 2443. 59c61 WINTER RE:NTAL -Oct. lst- June lat. 2 bdrm. furnlshl'd house, $7.'5 mo., plus utilities. See owner . 110 Opal St .. Bal- boa Island. 54c68 ----------·- On Peninsula Point NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdrms. available July 15th, yt"arly or monthly. Brokers liBt. 1532 Miramar, Balboa, owner . Phone Har. 0612-W, Har. 2001 -J . 19Uc 1Interested A'CTRACTJYE 2 bdrm.~ Baa fireplace. ~eat in Trading? and lots pf' tile. 2-c:ai' gange. It's well located north of highway, · Corona del Mar, near abop- Look These Over ping cenl'I!'. Price' i. only $11,500. Payments are New trlpl•x on bayfN>nt wllh pl•r $67.M mo. including taxes and Interest at 4%. and private beach. Two and three bd.rma, an beauttrully fur- nished, foT' older .Balboa Penin- sula bayfront home. Thrt>e acre building •lte ln Bever- ly H llls p.rea. <kean and city view, utillUea ln, awtrnmlng pool dug. Want beach .home. Waterfront home -very nice - w1lh slip. Will take lncome to $1S,OOO aa part payment. Attractive ocean front home, four bdrms and maid'• quarters for ba.yfront home. 1 Three bedroom oct!'an Jront home for Lido bayfront lo1. or home. Attractive thr~e bdrm older home well located for large ocean front home. Farm land for Income pro~rty . Bay & Beach Realty Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay J . ~f. M!Uer Dick Fay 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284 * * * * * * * * VIEW HOME ONE BLK. above 8un1et Blvd., W . Hollywood. 1 s tory mod. Frenc h P rov., 3 Br. &. den; 2 ~ yrs. old, 3000 sq. ft., 114. rt. front level lo t . Trade for older bayshore res. or inc. with pier. Owner, 1374 Belfut Dr., L. A, 46, DU. 7-5344. CR. 8 -9~14 . ll3p68 "LET'S TRADE" HA VE $14.,000 equity tn 2 rum. houaes (good rentala) Balboa Boulevard. W ill trade for 3 bdrm. home, Har- bor area. Will aaaume. Phone Harbor 2064.·M evenlnc•. 50p&f Two New Homes in Bay Shores · 2 bdrms., 2-<:ar garages, excellent location.o, low down payments. Open Saturday & Sunday You Should See Them! 2441 Crestview ............... $14,500 2525 Vista Drive .......... $13,750 • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home, large patio and lanai. Excel. location, close to fine beach & public pier. Price $16,500 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Island Bay Front Income H ere ls home plua good income rl~ht on the water. Three 2 bdrm. and 2 bath unit.II, a.nd 3 1 bdrm. Top location. • years. old, completely fUrniahed, price $87,500. Conai.der part trade. Bay Front Triplex RULE OF · THREE No. 1 Location No. 2 Construction • Nd. 3 Price Location-LIDO ISLE-Ideal Construction -The best. Price -Right. On beautiful Lido Isle. Two 3 bdrm. apta. a.nd one 1 bdrm. excellent income. Price $47,500, excellent t erms. LOOK at THESE: . NEW 3 B .R ., 2 Bath Home on Udo Isle, tile features, forced air heat. FP pat.lo, lots of s torage apace, $22,0.00. ' Jl'trst t lm e offered nearly new • 57-Real F.tate Wanted ALSO -------------I NEW 2 BDRM. at $•950 down. bedroom, 2 bath home. This ls an Ideal home for chlklren u It ha.s 2 lge. bedroome and 2 small bedroom.e. All the lateat and flneat taturea and only a few •tep1 from lovely private beach. ·Imagine thla at ONLY $19,MO ~Hurry on this. \VANT TO BUY from owner, 2 or 3 bedroom home In Corona del Mar. Will p&y cuh. Call Har- bor 2821 or Bea. ~93-W, 60c62 ~Money to Loan LOANS For Homes 6~-20 yr. Lo&n15 CONSTRucnoN LOANS a t S-6~% «I• yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SA TILER 1415 COAST BLVD. Corona deJ Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lits J.M. Fund9 Kl 3-01& Prlce-$115,750. GREENLEAF &: ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM., 2 b&th home on large 80x118' lot 1660 eq. ft. plus muonry prace with radio controlled door, hardwood noors. Forced alr furna.ce. Lot. of tile. Completely fenced and landscaped. ALSO on LIDO ISLE a charming, unique and lmpreuive 5 bdnn .. 3 bath one story NORTH BAY- FRONT home. Here la a lovely alte with pier and 1llp and home hu NO ST AIRS to climb. Thia home la fumiehed. and priced to .sell quickly. ALSO 3 bdnn. G. I.· ReMle--Thl& la lhe barpJn you have been waiting tor-1 _yr. old, bwd. noons, Iota ot We. din..blc room. plenty of cloeet.a, extra laree lot on clttU- lar drive. 2 blocko from blsh ochool. ' P'ull Price $9750 With' $i800 Down and monthly payment. of $58 which tnclUde tax.ea and tnsur~ anoe. How Can You Bleat Thia? G. I. Resale Newport Heights A lovely 3 bdrm. home on Red- landa ave. Less than 1 year old. P'treplai:c, hwd. n oon, dinette, large kitchen wlth breakfast area and laundry, garbage dillp., dbl. prage, nicely landscaped. paUo and many other nice fea- tures. 1 Full Price $12,500 Montb1y pyta. of "61 include taxes and tn.urance. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 4.90 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa Ph. Bea. 6893 or Bea. MG8-J Harbor 3157-W $5000 Total Price of a 2 bdrm. home. 2 yrs. old . l "'C&r car-age -NO, nothlng wrong -Just a good quick sale-$1MO down. OTHER GOOD BUYS Coastland Realty Comer 18th a Newport Ave. Coata Meaa, Bea. 5702 or Bea. 6259 59c61 Costa Mesa Unfinl&hed howoe ................ $ 3,200 2 bdrm. small house .......... $ :>,000 3 bdrm. large Jot ................ $ 6,000 1 bdrm. large lot ................ $ 7,:>00 2 bdrm. new ........................ $10,550 3 bdrm. G.I. terma .............. $1 1.~00 R. W. Bartine, Broker W . U. PATTON, Asaoclate 1807 Newport Ave. Coal.a Mesa Phone Beacon 53.20 CORONA DEL "!A-AR Before You Buy, .Look Theae Over- $2500 Down -Newport Heights NEW 3 BICDROOM HOME. Haa ~n view, l 'l batM, fireplace, prbl.p d.._.i. Owaer will flnan~ at $100 month. Would ~et Trust Deed as down paymen.L • • Rustic Ranch Type -$7 ,950 ThlJ charmtns 2 bedroom home la l year old and prett.7 aa a plcture. Hu m~lve brlcJc. fl.replace. I.Arp wtn- , dows, l'i7 x 125 lot Jn Newport Hetgbta area. Only $fll560 down. Thia prlC< CAN'T BE BEAT! 3 Bedroom Ho~e -$11,950 One block to high 11Chool In Newport Heights. Brand new, beet ha.rdwood. Jl"laptone ftttplace. Large plate glau windows, facing paUo. F. H. A. term.a. BEACON HILL REALTY •68 Newport Blvd. (above Arches), Ph. B. 5713-R or Eve.a. B. 6632-W HOME AND INCOME • ' 2 bdrm".> home in choice BALBOA ISLAND loca- tion. Fireplace, hwd. floors, nice patio. .r PLUS a 3-rm apt. in rear. $18,500 Furnished STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Jlland Harbor 20 BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 baths -over•I.%~ 2-car attached garage. Located on tree lined gentle sloplnc comer lot. ALSO JUST COMPLETED TWO BEORM. with spacious 2 bdrm. apt. over 2-<:&r garage with view ot ocean. ·BOTH HOUSES are RANCH ffYLE with t ile bat.ha, garbage di~Posals, large enclo~tloa., oversized pan- eled fireplaces, decorator colors and wall ~pers. Sepa· rate laundry rooms. 500 s 502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Phone OWner, Harbor 162l ~J or see your broker. Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally nice • unllA -~ story' stucco. only l 1h yrs. old. 4.-car garage. Three 1 bdrm. unit.a turnlshed. One 2 bdrm. unlt unfurnished. Close lo bay · and ocean swimming. Excellent 1 income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home Very n ice • 'bdrm .. 2 bat.hi, large living room with fi~pla.ce. Ac- croae the 11treet from the bay and walking distance to Balboa a.nd shopping areu. Only $15,000 furn. CLIFF HAVEN Home -Large Lot -Unobstruct- ed Harbor view-2 bdrrrut, bwd. floors. Flagstone flreplace, en- cJosed barbecue. Larg-e living - dining room facing Harbor. P\Jr· nace heat, d bl. gar. Ohly $18,000 Corona del Mar New 3 bdrm. Cape Cod, forced air heating, large living room, fireplace, double garage. Desir- able location, Immediate poasea· sion. $1.f.,000, excel. tenna. G. I . RESALE-2 bdrm. stucco, dbl. gar., R-2 lot . Pymta. only $55 per m o., lnclud. taxes, 4% int. and tnsur. Why pay rent ! See thi•, lt won't laat at only $10,500. · t W e have apartment.a and hoUBes- Avallable for winter ae&Son or yearly le&R. F URNISHED 2 bdrm. house. 'fele· vision. wuher. Best offer of rent w ill be accepted. for sum· mer or until Decembf:'r at which time Marine will return. 610 Larkspur, Corona del Mar. Har. 1619-J. 59c81 LOANS TO BUll.D, DCPROVS, BUY, MODllRNIZE, OR RIEFIN ANCJ: Priced at $27,500, % down • Call owner Harbor 2941·J or eee houee at 13-4. Shorecliffs Road. 07tfc Wise people do read the ada. a few choice building lota on LIDO ISLE at rock bottom prices. PRIVATE BEACHES, tennla court.a. clubhou.se and many other advantages make these lots very desirable. W e are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where a Uttle buya a LOT. $1 0,900 -Better 1.han new -2 ! bdrm. home. Ocean 1lde of hi· way. Luge rooms. P'ull dining room, hwd. floors, attractive patlo with barbecue. Neat work · shop ln garaie. Coast Properties Co. W. E. Fisher, Realtor 301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. ERNIE SMITH, AMoc:H late Phone Harbor 2658 916 Co&.lt Blvd. arbor Zi43 Corona del Mar . - Wm .. W. Sanford . REALTOR Park Ave. a t Balboa Island Marine Harbor 2462 ~9tfc NICE 2 BDRM. HOME untumish- ed ln Newport Heights, 3 yra. old. Dbl. carage. S80 per mo. Beacon 5187·R or Bea. ~713-R. 60c62 WHAT A STE4L! WINTER RENTAL -Fuml&hed 2 bdrm. apt. betw. Ba.Ibo& and Newport. Garage and util. incl. A vaJlable Sept. Pth. $7lt mo. or $85 mo. yrly. Bea. 64.67-M . 69tfc WINTER RENTAL 4 bedroom bowie, nea.r ocean front. A vall- able Sept. l•t to June 15th. Harbor 1088-J. 59p61 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea and ApU., ~arty or tea· aonal. See Gall Camey, wtU. NELDA GIBSON REAL EST ATIC S1J6 M&rtne, Bal-loL Har. p02 99tfc PENT BOUBIC and 3 nn. cottac•o. On eornn. Ialand Each apt. hu water frontage. Aecom. •· We.at end Park Ave., --loland. Barbor :lllf2-W. ~9 J.,.IDO ISL&-3 bdrm ·fllrn. new , borne..,. Available Sept. l~. June 15lh. '120. monlhly. Writ.. Box v1 tbl& paper. 69p61 Bay Front Udo !Ale -1 and 2 bdrm units. Aus. $79.!50 wk. For ruervallona Bar. 2M2, evu. Bar. :1914-M. • liOtfc -----~----~ CLIENT NEJ:DB CASH. WW rent l bdrm. run.. --llefrlg. l'eoced. Near a:rammar ecbool. CUil. WlO for 10 montlla Ml bl ad...,... Barbor JUI 0.. Har- -a'IO. • 91pl8 lli:ODICIU( AT't'aACl'IVll: l'URN. -. 2 --and ........ Vtr7 .-.11ble l"Ull to rtb...,, ~ ""' -· -tlul. Lo-..-... -...i. m --SL. Newport 81ec:a · tlp83 . UNFURtJJSHED new 2 bdrm. home-Large rooms. dbl. ~ar .. oct'an view. $125. mo. Harbor 2774 or Harbor 2883-W. 59c61 YEARLY RENTAL-Attractive 2 bdrm. unturn. house, Newport Island. Bath & shdwer. Fenced ln bac k yard. Garage. $7:> mo. Beacon 6561-J. · 59tfc FURNISHED 2 bedroom. house. Newport Beach . Sept. l.'5 • June 15. $65 mo. Call Harbor 1080-J or Orange 4.33-M. 59p6l NEW 3 B.R. home, comp. fum., TV deep freeze. patio. fenced yard, dbl. gar. l yr. lease, 1150 mo. 23681 P irate Rd.. Clllf Haven. Newport Beach, Beacon 8861 -J . 60c65 NEWLY BUILT 3 bed.room mod- ern home, 2 batha. f lreplace- unturnlshed. Corona del mar. Year lease, SI 10 month. Pho ne Hubor 2892-R. 59p61 TWO A.PTS. open Aug. 27 and Sept. 1. ALSO room and bath by day or permanent. 514 E . ()(:ean l'"ront. Apt. 1, Balboa. Phone Harbor 3238. 60c74 FURNISHED riearly new 2 bdrm. home in BA YSHORES. Auto. wuher. Sept. 15th lo June 15. $8:;. 2612 Crestview Dr. 6lp63 YH:ARL Y-2 bedroom duplex, un- tumiahed. Ga.rage. Near both Wo Buy Truat Deedo NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOl..N AllSN. 3383 Via Udo Ph. Har. 1600 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 4 Y.i -5% Loana quickly made ln the Bay Area and lAIW'L Blngle or multiple unttl. New or old. Se wtae and •va by re-ttnaoclng your pruent loan. Mint.mum u · pense. No ct\a.rc• tor prelimJ· nary appralal. Pbont Santa Ana Klmberl~ l•M27 or write ~ ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgap Lou! Correepandent Two Calif. We in.. Co.'• 141• So\1th Main aanta A,_ 51-Trallen Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRlAILER PARK and Sale• IMO Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Beacon 6329-M. ~1H63 Trailer· Storage $4 per, Month GOOD BUYS NEWPORT -Cozy 2 bdrm. stuc- co cottaRe adjacent to ocean front and good beach. Fumlah- ed .......... .. .. ....................... $9,:>00 SEASHORE DRIVE -Large and attract ive 1 B. R. apt. over dbl. ~arage & bunk room. Redwood. Well cona tructed lhroughout. Room for alldiUonaJ unit . A few feet f rom ocean front .... $11,700 BALBOA PENINSULA. POINT- Attractive 2 ~· R. home. Frpl. Walled patio, many nice fe.a· lures ............................. $14,000 Balboa Realty Go . Roal Greeley Joeephlne Webb Lllllan McAdoo 700 E . Bal-Blvd. Har. 8277 SOMETHING NICE INALOT-- On LltUe·Balboa laland, We .have a nice comer Jot. we be"line the only one avaJla~le today. A quiet spot. Could appeal tr> build and reaell. Ftna.ncln&: could be arranged. Protected by 8-foot fence. TRAIL- ERTOWN, 32'1 W. ~llaon. Coota _ Mesa. Ph. Bea. M>l8-M (approv· 1 ed by Auto Club A: AA.A ) We have a beautltuJ alte., 80 tt. · Mlc72 wide !>Y HO ft. deep, wtlh !..- already p~ted and (?OWlnc. ochools. 226:1 Clay. Clirt Haven. 44-Rooma for Beat 7 For Lnformatlon Phone Harbor 1---------------One aide A rear redwood fenc- ed. On a quiet, pend ltreet ol. lovely new borne.a, near to the high ochool, Colt.a MM&. Pric- ed $1600, terma. 1297-R. 61 tfc WINTER RENTAL-2 bdrm. furn. house. double garage. Util. pd. $&5 mo. Ava.Wable Sept. 10. 122 41at SL.. Newport Beach. 61p66 GUEST HOUB!l. l&rr room and beth, in Cliff Haven. '8 pe.r week. Phone Beacon ~23-W. 90c62 • ' J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63 P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lklo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 This Week's Special Balboa Island Bay Front Best North Bay Front location. ck>ee to everything. Two unit. four bdrm. home, two baths. plu. bathing -1\owera, and com· plete one bdrm. income apt. over double garage. Ample a1zed rusUc brick patio comple- ment.a the ranch atyle motif. See thia well built home today and note the many built·in fea- tures Incorporated by a moet reliable and experienced builder. AND MOST IMPORTANT- The arllhmetlc I& good, lhe ln- J come record auu:re• you Of a sate place for your money, in a t<>p quality lnvutmenL ' Plieed to sell with easy terms, $10;000 dn. pymL ;St0.750 -Only '3000 down - 2 bdrm. modern home. Fireplace, fenced yard, garbage disposal and dl1hwuher, dbl. garage. TOM -PAYNE 310 Coaat Htway, Corona del Mar ' Phone Harbor 277 t 59dll Home and Business for Lease 6 roo11111 1 'f.: baths-wonder- . ful spot for office or pro- fessional man. L o t s of room for parking on busy 17th St., Coat& Mesa. Will remodel to suit tenant. See 387 -17th St. and call Har- bor 1990-M, or Har. 2422. 49c63 COSTA MESA Owner muat aeu ber fine 3 bdrm. houe. Leavtn• for cood· Fenced larie lot, 2-car pr .. all appoint· meat.a. Your Offer C.Onsldered For Appointment to See- BOltAC!I B. JUZ!:T 806 ~Ave. Bal-lllaacl Barbor 3028-J . 59tfc $7250 Full Price Clever I 1'drm. eottace near dee&n and ~-8-ltllq now-Lot ... """9 Ito the -b\ly In lh• s.y--.. ~I AA.BSOC. t lltJJLD• -· a11.u.TOR Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bedroom home with f ireplace, f u r n a c e, hardwood floors, garbage di.sposaJ, double garage. $11,000 fu)l price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Master B. R. l!x20 2 bathe, large playroom and shop. 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle Ralph P . Maskey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor 402 56tfc 3 Bedroom Cottage One door from channel, $6250, fu11 price. $1900 down, balan~ S50 month.' N. B. C. REALTY CO .. 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 59<:61 Do You Want A Cute Sun'l.mer Cottage? We have it on Balboa Ieland, near the Bay and shopping district. 2 bdrma, $10, 750. terms. NELDA GIBSON ' .J Marine Bal-bland Pb. Har. 11.92 · --IOJaM .,_, J. A. BEEK OFFICE ----•• n.. ·~-s~ r am New~ BIV.S., Barbor 21152 ijay Front roR RENT ut ooRONA DEL Today's Best Buys ~ ----.,.,. CORONA DEL MAR Charming 3 bedroom homl':, Extra. larg·e living room, I S x 2•. with beamed ceiling and flnl': fire- place. T iled work-sa.ver kitchen. Outside entrance to stall show- er11.. OvetBlze 2·car garage. At- tractive work -free landscap- ing. Tota.I 1420 sq. footage. A real buy at $1&,M(); only $7500 down. For thU and other outstanding value., call J ohn Mottran, Har- bor l :SOO ; evenings, Har.bor 2t80-R. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED \ 3333 Via Lido 2:> Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Wonderful BAY VIEW HOME THREE BEDROOMS, 1 'l batba, la.rge living room, dbl garqe, fire place, furnace heat, IV'- b&ge cUspou.1, beauutul year round home. Corner iocauan. Price $24.,:;()0. Temut. Owner 2481 Bayabore Drive. Be.aeon ~743-J . ' 61dl3 WANT TO TRADE T OWNER wiahea to l •ll or trade Xlnt. income prop. for a home in Harbor Area. U rental unit. turn. 2 nna. ea.. &bd the man· q:en home. l..4:rge reel roonM1 and ahowen. r..undey ,_.,, Room for more unlta. Showa ...., food Income of Uoo per mo. Aaldng price only $25,000. A~ value! ~Avocado .St., CootaMea. - BEAl.mFtlLLY P'URNJSHED 3 bedl"OOJ11 bou&e, 2 bat.ha. Tele.vb· Ion. on waterfront Newport with pier and 'float tor -t to 118° n . WW 1 ..... SWt-1 to June 1. $ 1110 monlhly. Har. so:n-RK. e1p63 MAR -1 ¥= untum. apL ' -1 • • OPEN 1 -.5 • • U ;you·~ 1ooklns for tlle tlneot In Aduli. only. Ono block from lh• In Pr rt · BAY rRONT at a • -•bl• ~ ocean. Yearly ...... call Harbor come Ope y MSW 2 bd>m • ...-... -wall-~ ,..,.._ ,.,,.. round price-let v--""" uu. Beautiful Bay Snores 2152. I l!8ceo • ~ _,... plenled. <lu1I. ... _ ' ~~,."""!&.~~ outatandlns -' bdrm· 3\i --~·ST ~ -Home plua ama11 apt 01111 fle,DOO -.-..... r-__,... '!<'10 .. u • 1 lrlw -~ • bat11 -.i. Paaoram1c -of H~ •u oo--·--S. PARTIALLY or flJrn. m-rn 3 PARTLY fltmillled I 1"lr1P. -.e. dleett.t. ,_ air, llftpl9ee, PaiJo, ~-· ltreJ fO< ...,.. • ~. ftDe oandy bNdl, pier --Diii. -· ~ bdrm. 2 klh -... Dl&bwaab-paUo and dell. Vff1 nP home 2 bdrm. -.., ~ 1 -. pr. tood ~· -.U •"•a Md bib. plote II · lnt Qooo.n -• '"' prlftlep. • 1"nwle beat. .-. .. 'dlopamJ, er. ~I, auto. waM<r . .l"ltt-In Banta~ • apt, S7000 dn., NII pclce •~ .,...... ,,_. --· lidl~ &atar 1611.~ utfc Lap -!Oo.ed pajo. too man1 dlal'lll1ator, 1~atloaar1 bib. place,,..Uo,pier,OoaLllllOmo. ••~~ha •--~ --·-1 $17900 -.-f•-to~ 1 lllN> JlaJ we °"""I '&IT feacad ndww4. to Zune 15th. 8919 Cllannel Pl. ~ "' ·-"· ~ ---3 Bdrm. -., 11,..s. ~ -7 ' Moder .. OOll and ••·-Ne __ -b. . 61"'"' to a -· ..... bdrm. SU· apt., !lo -lll,IOO ~· ... at Ul -. Udo --~ tW --JWT ....... ......... -~ YW' ---~· ..------4-W: _.. -~· .._. ~ --"'-..., ......... •••A Al"'Y'. • ,... ___ ti d Realt . rL ---· . ........ ·~-?".'---·-•• . ...---··iii.Dl"'--Rli•L1'0R Price $13 71U\ te-a i'ZARLT RJ:NTAL, Coroaa de1 '-""Mt " Y • Oon>er clllpla; I --pltoi l"!lli"8•1 91'! -000n-:rwo '""' -' OJU, • ....., Kar. l'\lmlabed oing:le apt. Conltt lllA A NowpM Ay.. OW'llU'1 -· "llt-Patio -3 bwhew 2. Nt"9 $12.000 ,,..... e1t1. ........ o1 -llU. Hcw .. t ~---11162 Ayall. Aq. 18th. Har. 2373-J. Ooala Kela, ea l!Till or-. -""" deck, Gil4' ~-z· ...-l'lll6 &, o:-n ea..i'. Jklbiia 8 ntlH ... r:. tM .._,, oKs .-OOK ·aoua. '., J"L . 11.U ' I • -1 . sQ. · ' . :-..:..·~--=-;.:. old.' ....,._ m M 111 J'la<e, See ""' ..... 8'111 ..,, -.._.., •• IT ........ Ow W1NTBR RJ:NT.uJ -PENIN-OoNollt llib11tu\ -a4o Ott Earl~-..:....__._._ , IC ..... SI ;7!1..q.d -. 0oota M-. J'!l. ---.~ llULA -hrllllbod alnfle ai>t.. placa • di • ..,.. .. Ibo *-' '-'IUUl&UCnaU.l u.. lliio If ... I 1' ., ~ , -... ;...c, ._ .... ....... ':-~ ..... --. WI. ~ ... .,. .... • "--llOO Caul ~ cw-.. ...., ... -.... 1187 Im. ...... Oailt& llM&, -·~ . . :: ur0:.:. ~~_.i:.-:; :-_:: ~ ~ .... ~ ~:.:::;.-:o,r 1~ ~'qr~ ~-·511 • "ll!J~ ''11 • 11 • ·!"•-. .H;;i. Q11olify Pribtin;-Pb. H,,.,, .. - ''' -, • ; •