HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-28 - Newport Balboa News Times• I I • ' I '• • 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 35 NEWPORT BEACH, CALlFORNIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1951 FIVE CENTS . • ' _FBI AGENTS ARREST 40 . IN SLOT MACHINE . RAID HERE . . I FBI agent. cloeed In on Newport Beach aportflah.lng landlnp Friday night and artt•lM 40 puaona and aelud 24 slot machines. Ten boata from fiv' landlnga were boarded by FBI agent.I in the raid. Norm·a Landing, Pattel'90n's, Port' Orange., POrt Lido and Balboa · Pavilion were the landinp whoee: boat.a figured In the: raid. Tbe: boa.ta on which the FBI men_ "?ade the arTe.at were: Sport one count only, the posaeaalon of King, Gyp&y, Mlsaawit, Sport.a-slot machines. M B Se b•·-It M··...1 Norman Hagen, 35, of 101 Via man, ay ., a ~u , u•uC, Ski _ -Lou d Luck Strike Dl)m, Udo I.lie, owner of Norm'a P a an Y · landing was arrested Friday morn- Se.ven arresla were made in San· lng. Diego and three 11lot machines Complaint.a and eearch warrants were aelzed from the boata Olde against the boat operator11 had Jront1kles and MUlda". been laaued by A.saiatant U. S. Attorney Ray Klnnl.eon. AIT'Pfited Friday rnondq bJ the Federal BurMa mm. WU Denllnger of Balboa. owaer of moni than a dosem of Ute ......, chl.ttes on var-&om bbata. De&- ~r wu arrested by Ute FBI oo tlW' chsrce of poMeSMoa. of the machines. Tbe equipment wu tktd to hlm due to tb.ie fact that Ff'dera.I Internal ReVftlue Department llcemea are made out In bb name, Altbouch the machJDe8 att1 declared lllepl ln calltomla and met"e ~on 1.8 a 'iolalion wider State law, t.. the Treasury dlrlal.on • t 111 ebarps for and l!MUes UceDllM for the maddne9. A.II of the ma· ~blaes .. board the boats ~ blocult, Lucky Strlk... Sport&- man, Gyi-y. Mlu&Mo·IU and AJa... I~ were liMued ud bektrraC"· ed to . the Ba.lboa &IDIMlellleD.t o.,..ator. Set up on. moat of the / ma,.. chines It "'SS le.anted la tllat the plley att.ndonl wu paid It per ceDl of the take fOI' bla bandit ... of the el:taa.p for tbe one armed t.ndlta. The b-1•-ee of to per eent , wu eut la aa eftll •pUt behvflM &lie .......a.•ae OWllel' aad the operator.. . .... ·-- The agent.a. under the dlrecUon of John F . Malan., cl\lef special agent or San oteco distr\ct, used two techniques. On 10me boat.a. t.be FBI walled until they landed after the day's fishing before boudlnc and ma.king the arrest. On ot.M:r , boata, F'BI agents worked under· cover and ftahed and played the slot machines. Al>oal'd the Lucky Stri!<e, three undercover agent.I caught three albacore, one bonito and two slot machlnea. Forty pt>rsona; 30 men, five wo- men and rive teen-age boys were arrested ln Newport Beach. AD but the teen-agers were charged . with violating Public Law 908 which makes illegal the poueaalon and transportation of slot m~ chlnea. The youths were released I to the cuatody of their parent..B without being booked. Thoee anested ln Newport Beach wer& taken to Sant& Ana Friday nigh\ were U . S. Commla. a-Jon Art.bur M. B~ey had eet up court In Markel Hall. Hearing for tboee aneated was set for 10 Lm. Wedne.day, Sept. 5. Twenty-four penona weft: re-- leued wtlboUt ball and the othets .,0.ted ~ ball each. All were booked at Orange county )all on two counts; poaaealon and trans- portation of alot machines with one exce-ptlon. James S. Barrett. M, operator of Port Orange WU chi.rpd on ConYicUon Oft charges of poa- eeslon and tranaportatton of slot machine. carrle• a flne of $6000, or two yeara in Jail or both. Arreated by the FBI In San Diego and at Newport Beach were: Mra. Marjorie Sutherland, :J:i, cook, or·ange; M.rs. Velva Verl Shipman, 32, waltre88, 228 -30th St., Newport Beach; George Jamea Shipman, l:i, captain, her husband; Herbert C. Prodoehl, 46, mechanJc, ~ Angelea; Charles W. MYJer, 35, deckhand, 113 -Jeth St., New- port Beach; Belen M. Wiese, 38, waitress. Downey; Mn. Katherine Clark Macintyre, 33, cook, 317 Coronado St .. Balboa; Roy James Andreww, 46, deck band, 3-45 -16th Pl., C08ta Mesa; WW tam W . Mc~ Taggart, ~7. engineer, 1527 New"- port Blvd., Coeta Meu; Theodore Franklin Knowlton, 30, flaherman, 1523 Irvine Ave., Costa Me.aa; Stephen Ain.alee Burtt, U. cook, 920 Balboa Blvd., Newport !leach; Richard Bayless, 20, Paaade.na. Glenn Kilby Taylor, 40, captain, 1017 Coast Hwy., Newport Be&ch; Margaret Loulae SwaUea, 46, gal- ley girl, 638 Cout Hwy., Newport Beach; JollOAy GUbyt Sudenberg, ~ detk l>Md. "'e,int& An&"'""·· Coeta 'R ... ; pi.rt .. "W.iter Boo· worth, 20, 935 E. 11th SL. Coit.a Mea: Otho Burdett CUJley, 32, deckhand, Long Beach; John Nu- nes Cotta., 21, deckhand, 191 Roch- e.ater St., Costa Mea&; Clifford Jones, 45, deckhand, 367 Mont. Villa SL, Coat& M.e.aa ; James Thoma.a Smilh, 32. qigtnttr, 728 Coast Highway, Newport &a.ch; Gaylord Munaon, 52, engineer. 1527 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa; Miiton Andrew Bradford. 45, cook, 301 -Mth SL. Newport Beach; Kenneth Olenn Taylor, 20, deck hand, 1017 Cout Highway, New- port Bee&h. all rele.ued without • ball. , The following wete releued on $500 ball each: Arvld P earaon, 60, captain, 004 Orange Ave., Coeta Mesa; Dona.Id 8 . Patteraon. 46, boat owner, ~ Coest Hwy .. New- port Beach: Harold J'. Foster, 58, muter, 7271 Wyoming St., Weat- mln8ter; John Herbert Taylor, 52, akipper, 1104 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach.; George J . McMWian, 82, aktpper. 1970 Cbun:h St:, Coeta Meat; Paul Edward Troester, 3:5, akipper, 1002 Pomona Ave., Coat.a Me.a: George R. Gravea, 38, deck band, 314 Broadway, Colt& Mesa: Ambroee Henry Btra.IJns. 48, cook, 41~ Redlande Ave., Newport Bet.ctl; Samuel COl"diero, 34, ope- rator, 440 f'lower St., eo.ta Me:aa: M&nuel Cordiero, Jr., 31, operator, 899 Hamilton St., Costa Meaa; Ernest J . White, 83, operator, 1979 Tustin Ave., Colla Kea, and Bar- rett. ' , Manslaughter · Trial on Oct. 15 for Hendricks Robert Hendrick.a. 27, of 127 21th SL, Newport Retch, will fa~ lJ1al by Jury In Superior Court Monday, October 1~ on charge& of man.alaugbter. Hendrtclul' trial dale wu set following the ~ding of a coro- ner'• jury. Th~ry found Hen- drtckt: to blame ln a en.ah near cYPreas on July 14 . Albert Jo- aeph Shlya, 27; of Gardena, an- other motorlBt W&IJ k illed In the era.ah. Shlya's al.ster, Mn. VictOrta A . Zelde:, 34_, of Phoenix, Artz., wu also hurt In the accident. The amaah-up occurred at Orange:- thorpe Blvd., &nd W &Iker St. In Cypress. \ i . . . .. , --. - MU'. l)OllO'l'&Y PROCTOR, of 114 .·22nd 8~. Nt!wPort·'Beach ~ belleved tO have died of blowg ln- illot..a Frkta7 Dlpt by her bmband, Troy Proctor, a romwr employe of u.. South Coast Compa.ny alllp)'Ud. DECKHAND !"' lhe Lucky Strlloe, 0. B. Culley, at Wt, lo abowD be:tq quntlOMd ·OJ an FBI man folJowtns the federal crack- down oa elo&; machine operaton Thunday aJcbt. · ! -(News-Times Photo) 'Hendrick& will be represented by M&rtell E~ Thomp80n of Thompson. The jury trial la acbed- ule:d for Superior Judge 'Kenneth E. Morrlson'11 court. COMMON LAW WIFE DIES AFTER BEATING Troy R. Proctor, 47, of 114 22itd St., Newport Beach, ie being held in · Newport Beach City jail on charges of mur- der in connection _ with the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mrs. Dorothy Proctor. Stanley' Re ads Interim C-ommittee Proctor, who ie employed 118 a carpenter by the South Coast Co. Shipyard ie alleged to have brutally beaten hb wife to death in their apart-Speaking at a meeting of thu,41~---------~-- ' ment Friday njght. · · orange County Le•J!ll• Of c;u.. Farm Workers at the Newpo't Harbor Yacht Club 'I'hunday nlpl, A ... mbly- An autopsy perform~ on M.re. Proctor's body Saturday night at Baltz. Mortuary · in Coron.; del Mar Indicated that ,Mfr. ~r had dl~d fr!1m -a 1\1"1\11. clot on ~be -In. ~ -... -by • fall John Upson, Newport Beach po- lice, who ls handl~ng the C&Be the: dale for a.rn.ignment has not yet been aet b)' t..tie District Allomey'.a ort1cfe. Proctor wfu probably tie charged etther · with £ secon'd cU- gree mu~er or martsl&Ugbter. man Earl W. Stanley, of Newport M L• ~ Old Beach, told hi• laUtllence that he ' a y 1ve ., will bead t.he State Assembly in- terim ~lll., on .. Elty-county SAAAB Barrac·ks · or & hrt\fy.b\o*: · • · ·' · · l'{ewport · -Beac~ police were: called in on · tbe cue. at.. the ,.... qu~t at Dr. G.-~ TobJU. -~ 09\.eopath. Proctor· called Dr. To! hill to revive hla wile Saturday morning. Dr. TohJU tOJd police that when he entered lbe Proctor apartment, Mn. Proctor waa al- ready dead. She wu lying nude on a bed, her body brutally mark- ed with bruis'es and cUt.. relations .• ~--r- He: told lhoae attending thf' me"mbenhlp dlnnFr that he expect. to •tart h ea.rtnp In October on the que:aUon of inun.tcipaJ service'\ b ei ng afforded un.lncorpor&ted areu by Califotnta counties. Stanley reftaled •at he la leav- ing &00n for Sa.eramento to orga- nize the Interim committee and a.n age nda. He lndk:ated that hP would call on ~ ~e of Call· fornla Cities, ~e Sf.ate Supervls· onf AaaoctatJon a.nd the Legis· latlve Counsel al committee hear- In " go. Stanley was the originator of bill AB 3217 whid had been de· 11lgned to equ&bae the tax load by curtaJling muniplpal services to unincorporated ..-eu by counties. The bill waa kWed in the State: Senate. Purpose of lhf! interim commit- tee will be to unearth the faclll being on the current county-ctty- untncorporated a.tta relationship. DR UNX,'-DBIVEB Anne: C. WU.On ot 301 laland Ave., Balboa WU held by Newport Beach pol lee at t :12 a. m. Sunday on chargea of drunk driving. She wu picked up at tbe intersection ot Newport Blvd. and Westmin- ater Aw.. after1 having-been ob-- served driving on the: wrong 11lde ot the road. She was lalel' taken to the coun- ty i.u. I ,, Two former barrack.a buUdlnga on the old Santa Ana Army Alr b&ae tract may be uaed for houa- lng agricultural worken lf the Boa.rd of SuperviJlora: follows the recommendation of the pl&nninc commlulQn In granting a uae per· mil Tuesday. The application, s ubmitted by George Osumi, Scott Hoeptner and Hell Brothers, a.ska permluion to use the buildings, loca\ed at 13th and L Sta. on the air base prop- erty, through Dec. 31, 1951. Alao recommended by the P""1· nere wa.s approval of the appli .. tlon of Ma.ry and Cha.rles Gauch, , Cor permit to establish a com.mff- cial rabbltry on P.:lfic Ave. near Victoria St. in the northwest Costa Me:aa area, and by Berton B. Ter-; hune to establish a 11torage garage In conjunction with his automobt1e sale.a bu.Ines& on the northeut corner of Ha.rbor mvd. &nd W""'° St. In Costa Mu&. ~ Howte TraJJe:.r How~r, the commlul~n looked with dl!lfavor on the applicaUon of Clayman Knudtaon to ~le a house trailer on the southeast aide of Newport Blvd., near Pa.l.lS&dea: road. The applicant uked for a IO-month permit, and sanitary facUlt.les were to be provided by a dwelling on the premises. The planners recommended denial Deterred -one week waa con- clderatlon of an application by M. K . Laurie for eatabtlahlng an earth hauling and p-adlng bu.II· neu with stockpiling.of topeotl at Pl&cenUa Ave. near HAmillon St. in Coeta MeaL The plana include an equipment otonge ailed. A pe- titlol> WU p,......Ud by 11 p<r&UJlll llvlnl' In the vlcln.lty• Dr. Tohill called Newj>o~ach police at 10 :50 a.m. and .request- ed the coroner, detectives and photographic eq~pmeQL Beatenan4 K leked CMltl ~Cove . Sult DeJayed OrltlnalJy aet for 9 :30 a. m. in pe.rior Court Monday, the suit of Mr. and Mn. Dudley R. Furse, of Loa Angeles, to force the: is- suance of a building permit from the City of Newport Beach to al- low them lo build a home on their China Cove property was reassign.- Proctor told. police, following ed. 1 l I ( his arrest Sattirday noon. ·that he The new date for trial ha.a been had h&d · an -argllment with his set for 1.0 a. m . Wednesd.ay,t Aug. wife 'rel~ fiom , a. party at a 39 ln Judge MotTl&On·s court. friend's &louse. . · _/ . The couple were refused a per--. -·-·---.-~.-·...;..,r"'"-"'------'---1 mil by the city building depart- \.-ment to· build on lots -4 and 9, Mortal.~ of .Mn. no .... TROY PROCTOR, '1, of lit • ftlld 8'-N~ llMcb, lo aow bolas -la Newpon ~ d'J' Jooll oa a --i:llarp. It 18 aDepcl tbat be beat Ide coinmon law wife; Do.rotby Proctor, to -~ Friday lllpt la lllelr •-"""'1t. .(Newo-Tlmes Photo) ttoy s~ 'fallDet. -·~roo,tor wen C1"""'9kld MoillaJ IDOralq tolloWbas •tbortsatloll fol' 1'99 ..... df -~ ..,. eoa.ty Coroner Earl 1L .ube7. C-tlee ..... __ ..,. .. th the coaunoa law he==M, Ttoy P rocter ... •11t 21, 11n. D. D. S-of1--. Attome7 for Proctor, Otto ......... -. -.. -Coroner Abb&y fnr the pi111r. lllnn of the body for private NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB ~i::~=: ANNUAL RACE WEEK RESULTS =-~*!: Falcon' C1Ma 15 entrtea. lat-Hurry On Pete Bradford, NHYC. 2nd Ant.by Nanthy -Dolly Newport, NHYC. 3rd -Over Anzioua John Gliffllh. NHYC. ~ ~ and family. 13 e.nlrie9. lat-Nimbus -Earl Ml"IL Proctot • • • widely ......... .. loCal .., .. a..i ..... '"Tommy" Thomu, NHYC. 2nd- Rowdy-Howard Ch&ataift, NHYC. At -.-. "" -•"°'7 -3rd-Ruth-Tom Myers; NHYC. oho WM la Aloaka Uil wldely ·._,:. Olaoa -wn la -part el -Ualted 'State.. Siie WM IUMN•ed to • lJPtalas C.._ 8 entriea. lat--.Josephine V-bave beea marrted te ~ Pal- -Bob Collina. 2nd -Vixen -John 1 ---5 entrte&. llll -Anita.::_ Elmer mer, •&Uoea 17 lmowa ..,. ... .,r. STARTS CONDEMNArlON Oa Priday, Aug. U. condml- aattoa prooeedlnp were started by ll>e dt, ..-. Mr-and Mn. Pline alld two otbe"r owners. -Jnble --y &Ad Cl- ··-· ~ alid Savings buk. Tiie mwdclpal(E,'. Uk~ ror auU.ortty to acquire by lm- mlnmt domain for purpose of a park a pu"Cllf!.l of four 10!:8. for wblcla the)' offered the sum of '8, 7IO u ot "~nable value." block B·33 in China Cove, because thle ls a part of the property lo be acquired by the ctty under a purcJ\aae plan for beach park jur- poee& Hurndall, LAYC. 3Nl-Kuulp<>-HITCH MAN ~N ~~~~=·.w:-::to--Ed Sue Fick~=ti.. ~E :~.Et'.:""'E -... ..._._ '"'-15 entrtd. lat-Kelea-Dr. An· 8arvlvon are.. taie .. &lier. Kn.. Mr. Funse pruented city au- thorttle• with an allemaUtre W?it of mandate from Superior Judge P'ranklln West dlrecling that the building permit be Issued or t.ht.t cauae: be lhown u to why lhe per- mit ahould not be granted. Qn AU&". 17 Mr. Furse, wbo ts an al': tomey, &Jld City Attorney Barry Blod&e:tt appeared before Judge Weal for the bearlJ\g a.nd the lat· tu ruled that • trl&I should be held. AUTO ACCIDENT 8 enUrea. lit-Lollipop-Mickey ton Laubera!M!lmer, NHYC. 2nd-D. D. Slew!IR, up. llMe'; Smith.. BYC. 2nd -Boda Pop -Olatna-Glen Reed, NHYC. two IJlu~ b o•"•e .of ~ Ronnie Newlalld, BYC. latel'll&1ioa&I I' Clua Oftnte uil a.~it of 0 .......... Jameo H. Hltclunan of 0 M Bea-. ~ CJlw 7 entrlk llt-Fldpt :.... Garol IUSSEll 'S BAIL "l'n Bay, Newl>i>rt llMch wu In-u enlrlea. lit -Tlcreas -Ed AnJi Jone« Bye. 2nd -Jet -He allegedly' a.il..11~ be..U.,.. llAISID TO $5000 -la a twO car accident at RuUer, NHYC. 2nd-HI llc>-Wll-N":"CJ' Nldlol8on. NHYC. and klcl<i>ll' ld.o wife Ihm went ;-, . a:n P• m, Sund&1 \at .tlle lntv-Uam Undblom. NHYC.· ar<1 -· hite'"""'"' no ~ to a1eep: Proctor lo t-aa1c1 to TO 1(9 HIM AWAY, ~io;t.. o~:~ ~Y and wlll&nl -Laura llttbcock, BYC. aJi"~C.lf~ "Ml~ Btu: ~~~ ~~,~ ~ M~ StdDAU$HJER Tbe car Hl~waa drMac -·~ CilMa • R<)ger ~q~r. NHYC. 3rd -Int and Mm~ 6cited"W!>eft "be · • ~ ... the Hlsti-1 ft,. n enlrl• ljir"---Toon DW:l<r:Blll .OW.lt. .• LAY'C. c<Mdd pt DO.!ftFOMI. ~·'" 1!upor1orJlldseKenµthE.Mor- -1Jcbt -end _..,. ,.,,,._ .NBYC. .,._.~ . , , ". ·, P..ll CJlw He calli!d bi Or. •'J'olilll. -~ Ila:. -a bench warrant atttt It colllded a wlllde ~ -~ N11YC. _ lrd -8. ..,~ '1at-_1.ee W&J'-Lee -· "9 l!*,-a-tint 1Jooio ••J ror Clltlord A. Ruuell, Connerty ~~nu-Ma:r Bo1 l11 of .At._ a-Rawlllla," NHYC. 11.:.....,,;.,, JU:c'. vtr-v·•-· · · -~~ of Coot& ._ -ball W1ia . i::-·· • ........ . ~r.:-::'.:'\ __,, • .,. --,,__......~After -Diop. TI111 •B 1 ,,. • .., wu ~Wu.I. NBTC. -Jadt x...,_ p. n •ml•b!l' u.e _,, .bi, Tolllll -"""'nooo-to '5000 1n I.be ' meldDI' a left tum~ ~ c..a -. . ~:.' ~ CJ1w ' .,.-Sii'. ......t.,. -ODii court'• -to keep_ bl1n •••Y mp.,., to ll>e Rn'lee --P. 0. u ......-·ht _ y...;, _,,, caUei1 u.e """'-". ' F< " -rrO.l lila ta-_ YMr-old otoptaupter, d tbt ;J..Dlt ..... U.•'COIJZ 'a ..!!... =--.. ~,BY~ AlztsJil77f: ~C. ,h' ~BtnS--'be-~ 91 Will&• t•1tid .,...., wtiom be .W chupd wtt.h ~ ·=-· It ~~~. -n.d b•lao BYc. ~--~ 9"-pane. lrd , .. ., ~ (la!la . ~ -·DIPllJ --~-~ ~ -,... __ , --· -~------·:rO'...,._ llJll'C.'Oal-~ ' .... -IJr, ·-'!~ ..... ,... ...... , 1'w. ~-to -:::!' = --Dr. o. a.., .._ nc... , •. -••11. ·-. . Ra,-.A. .,_ ~ Mn. "' ·~-1n ~~~~ 'OWB..po"" aftir -ft'L""*tW" .... 0.. ·~ lllt-M'bdS_,.i[e.. BW'tie. tlail: AJ I SU J 1(-~ lmt WMll. ~ _...... _ _._,.e -----.;o~--U wb'rs · i.t~C'teW' D~-.Y:Jldr ··_.. LA.n:.-~~lltA-tal ---~ .... .:••• •~Id-= •-• LJ~rU-llet a::.•ll .. ~ ,,_.,,. wm ..., • pn111 .-11111.,,...,., Nare ,,. ..,.,., IDU'-'8UI .,,., IL um .... -"'..., -• · -......,.. -~It _'t.<..., u..--.., ......... ~ ~,..,,,.. . ~-Q.i&..,. _, .... -·····~· t'lllb.r ~ Bio -Ill .... ~tail. -·· ... -......... ":.,...~. ~ l ~~·~l _..,. r'• ''!"*'L , . .,. ~.::•-~·~.....,·••JP •·1• .. ,. a l • • • . 1: ' • • ( I • • ' • • . JOl8. ~ BAIUlltll. looietJ - ,._ ;. P l'llr.'o~~~~e~'1¥'&JIW"~mJOI~.__., i·Amiversary Date Chosen : for rvates-Dixon Rites in Westwood Bock """' thelr ..-ln&' tr\.---------.------1 w mU!n« their home In 8an man and uah.,.. we"' J'Hd wu: I·-~ ....,. Hamilton A1r Bue klna. counaln of the brick, J~ck ~ the btiderroom la at:atlontd. Kennedy. Harold Sn11te. W&Jlltl a.re a,.. and Mn. Arthur Yates, Davia, Ruae.ll &btnee.u uu:t I who ~ recently married In Thomaa London. t WMtwood Billa: ~an church The ceremony WU' tollowed by •wtth Dr. Wamer Mull' ofrlclatlnl'· a reeeption· at the church with : The bride, an honor sraduet.e or Mn. Dlxon weartna: Ume ~ ,Stutord untventty. Iii the tonner chiffon with a rh1Ae8lone trtqtmed •I>lafte Karle Dixon. daughter of. bolf'ro and ametJtyst bat and \Mr. llDd Mn. Evadnrr Spauldln& atowe. Kn. Henry Tbomaa Tates1 ,Obton. M8 GrttnCN.lg RM.d, mother ot the brid~. wore IBttntwood and the bridegroom ll pa.le blue lace and chffton a1'\d : BOil ot Hr. and Mn. H.enry Thomaa blue l\a.t. Bath wore cfr.chtd cor· 1 Yates. Los Ang?'lt>:11, tonner Har-eag-ee. . fbor tt .. dent.a:. H e attenll~ Orange After the recepUon· & weddJnc 'Cout coller and San JOAe Statr-.upper for the bridal ~y and !C'OUelf! ~forf' entering lhf' ser-thP two ftmlliea wu be4\ in the tvlet". Dixon homei. That occulon cele .. I For U'IP cen!mony, attPnded by brated both the l1\&l"l'Up of the eewnl Harbor ~l'lldt>nU. th" at-I young ~pie and the Dbcona' aU- 1tractlVP young bride wa11 govroed w-r wfddinc-anntw..-ry. •tn wb.ite Qi.a.nt!lly l&et' over 11atln, 1w1Ut fitt~ bod.I~ &nd fUll 1kirt s , b d b !with long train. Ht'r rlngertlp-mor9as Or y tlencth wtl fPll from a lace ban-N ti 0 ht •net caujl!lt with prarlo. Whit• Cal· e V9 eug 8rS 'tie)'& orchids, butterfly orchid11 I . N Th d land •l•phanotl• fashioned her bou-s ext urs ey •quf't. : 1'11e bridal atte~ant11 \\•erf' all Their coming important event, 'gownf'd alike in delicate rainbow thr big annual 11U11orrubord, wu 'hu~ wttb their frocks mad" of 1 chief order or bualnea when Con- ; nylon marquisette with matching chit& Parlor. NaUv~ Daughten 1a&tln midriff and tiny marqulsettf' of the Golden \Vest met Thunday 'capet:. Cama~ona dyf'd to match [ nigtat. A financial tieeretuy and ftbelr Sown.t ~wer(' ra.sbionf'd Into ~er \\•ere abo elected and \tiny bonnet.a and were worked I board chalrmf'n appointed. : into their bouquet•. The-11morga11bord Will ht> held . Miss Shirlf'y Dixon. sister ot 1 Thursday, Auguet 30 at I p.m. ·the bride, was n1aid of h1>nor ..and 1 in Friday Afternoon club hou8(", ·wore lilac : ~frs. Leslie Hargrove Costa Mesa. Tickets are $1 .50 'and Mlss Lois \\'ilkins, counsin ot each, which Inc ludes a luncheon 'the bride. pink: J\1iss Margarf't 'ot ham. albaco re. various salad11 •Gardner and MISJI ~l a r j or i e and dee.<icrU: an anem oon al '.Seba.at, (T'f'en: and MiSI Marion cards and a chance to take home 'Schut And Misa CarollPI Heinz. one ot the beautiful door pri%es. • yellow . Donna Gail ~·att, flower A special meeting was held Fri· 1 girl, wore lilac. day at the homf' or MN!. Edward I Thoma.e 1 Bud} Padden was best Mitkovtch. 1.i-1 Rochester street, ! Costa Mesa, l o dl11CUM tic ket sates for the smorgaabord_ Ttc ket.1' may I be obtained from Dorise J esko, Beacon 5642-J; Alma Thompson, Lest~r A. Becker, D. D. S. DE1''TISTRY I.!~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ?.fedlcal Bldg. Beacon 6752 110 ~ E . Bay Ave., Balboa • Harbor 327-J Hitrold K. Grauel Chapel Phone: Beacon ~11 Broadway Crnrta Mesa BE SURE • INSURE "'Ith MA URIE ST A:O.LEY Insurance Only Phone Harbor 1178 ' !23 Marine A\·e. Balboa J"land T.XCELIXS'CF. In l"PHOl.STERY · • • • KIMMONS Curtam Fur"itur•, O••i>e•l•1, Curtftiottt liACON SAU 43S E. 17th STliET, COSTA MESA ~l..\TTRE~SES Boat!l-Homt'~Trallen lrrP&"ttl•r S haiwa HEACOX 6061 C.Mta MPSa ~lattrt"P Co, 21.50 Xe\\·port. Bl,·d. WATER HEATERS 8aleA, Sen·ltto and Repa!n /N Be.cldo/J PLl'MBINO Authorized Dt>alt>r i;>aJ & :\"IK"ht Heatera TEIM5 11°4 DoWll o" •II HHf.n PbODe Barbor !542-\V I Beacon 5711 -1'-I or any m emb<>r of the Parlor . Coming Holiday Brings People From Palm Springs Members of Southland society are making IA!t minute reserva· lion at Balboa to enjoy the ffm- ous bay resort now a.nd over La- bor day. On !aturday evening, .several couples fron1 Pa.Im Springs wer" gueets or George-and Ethel Stre- be at thr Balboa Doll House for dinner. Antong th em, Mr. and Mrs._.Ea.rl Hou gh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyer. Mr. and MM!. J immi<' Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Hutch ffl os- le~· a.nd ~frs. Florence 1ttcRory. Al another ta bit',• also from lhP desert ~rt wert-Mr. a nd Mr11. \Vllliam Bram an and Mr . and A-fr.ii . R obert Mc Kinst'y. Former Resident Returns From Phoenix, Ariz. • Mrs. Frances Buah and chUdren will return to COl!lta Mesa thh1 week from Phoenix. Ariz., where they have reatd~d the past year. Mr9. Buah has beeh 11ecretary in Phoenix P olytecl'lnic school anrl will serve ln a similar capacity at Orange Cout college. She wu formerly with the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. ENTERS SHOW Audrey Gray, Coat& Men, has entered Carrot T op, TraJl Horse, in the horse show a t the Califor- nia atatf' t&lr In Sacramento Au- gu.st 30 through September 9_ BALDWIS J R.Etr.\,ON Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Ke.ntc h or Corona del Mar recently attend· ed. a reunion of the Baldwtn fam- ily held ln Glendora. PUuw.J~ • TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) • I I N£WS.Til!otES . , . Brid~ Shower, I I f T,ittnt'. tbie opportunity of va- • ~ time tor a get-together . ,\l91t N.,.pOtt -. Udo bjoo )OWi( trfeode aaembled W e\lne.o- • 1Uve1'9lclo.A Cout Hwi. .... 7 :17 ay evonln!i,• A~(Wt· 22 for &t( tJllllbO& Cove. --·-······-·--··-··-··-1 :20 ol pre ... uptlal 1 coW'te1iea WhlCh MRS. mo~IAS lll"TCllL"80S Miss Dixie Smith Repeats Vows in St. John's Church, Boulder, Colo. St. John's Episcopal church ln·•------------- Boulder, C<>lo., wu settl.nc on IN F h" Wedneaday altemoon, AU(Wt 151 ew as IOnS for riles \\?hich unJted M181 Dlxle • Ann Smith and Thomu Sperry to be Viewed Hutchin90n, The Rev. H . M . Wal· "'" J><'rformed th• c.romony .... at Bay Club Show !lfltf'<l by the Rev. A . 8 . Patter1K>n . atudent chaplain. The-bride ~ daul'hler of >.ir. and Mrs. Dixon H . Smrth ot New Orlean• ... fotm.er rf'atdenl.JI or Bal- boa laland and lhf' briderroom Is !\On or Prof. and Mra. Charles A. Hutchln.aon of Boulder. Dixie wu giwn In keeping by her rather. She was JO"''llf'd In ahf't>r nylon tun~ o~r aalln, made In patio length. It waa trimmed with a girdle or lace and a .,_nd ot "1.8.tchln• lace outlined UH! otr~ 1h~f'r yokf'. Ttlr nn~rtlp wit waa appUqul"d wtlh heirloom duchuu lace and he.kl b~ a litUe cap of the aame lace whJch had been worn by both her mother and her paternal i(T"&ftdmOther. Hf'r bridal bouquet waa of whit.- HE'r attendanta wer~ Kappa Delta aorortty allt~n. Miu Pa- lrlf'la Wacne-r or Hamilton, Ohio .. matron or honor and lht> Mlu- ea Patrlcta P eMlngton or Drn vrr and Belay Rou of Amea, Iowa. a• brldesmatda. All wor" duater11 of whlU. orpn&a over ahell pink Jacf' an<J rocks. For head covering thf'y wore amall veU. held with Ivy, and canted sncetul 1hea'ft1 of Ivy. Cbarlea Hutchln90n, Jr., gave A fabuloua harveat of fall clothes Will be presented by the S1J1ta Ana Auxlllary of the Chll· drt>n's Hom(' 1J0Clety in thP f'XC'i!- lng fuhlon-tea "Adventures in tht' Wonderland or Fuhlon" on Thur.9- dayJ Sept. 6, l :30 p. m ., at Balboa Bay Club. Mr. J ohn Hcr&ey, fuhion coor- dinator of Butruma, will comment on the ahlninl' collection or fall etylea. ProfeNional modet. ~·Ill diliplay the wry latut In f'uhion to.-• a compLete round·lke-clock wardrobe -enchanlln« aflPmoon "W&r, CftCIOU. and Mauti(Ul t>Ve- nln.g c lothe•: exqulatte lln~rle. as well u a whole (l"OUp of "at home" televtaton 1tyle11. Tht11 tlrat tuhJon show of the season wlll ft>atur(' & multitude of ramoua Fn-nch .. couturlt>r, J <'an OresaPa, In the clothu with a trend to apron skirt -the popular "chicke n lei'" alHveia, and lhr rulJPr aklrta In dre~a with rust · ling tafff'la petticoat.a 1n·d 11uit aklrU undf'r ht'mmed with crino- line. Los Comicos to Aid COM Church Fund bre•t ma.n aaala1-nce lo hltl broth-Corona del 1Mar Co'1munity er. Jamea L. Smith, brother of the church bulldlnc tund hu thla yE'ar bride, RoMt't Bershelm, James I bttn ~lected ae lhE" orp.ntution Mun-ay and Arthur Cn-111 wer!l" , to benetlt "rrom the annual pre- uahera. aentatton or Loi ComlCOll, lhf' jun· Precedlnl' the ceremony Enalgn ior play prod.ucUon gTO'bp which Jamea HutchlnAOn, brother o~ the gave Its first performance In the brldegTOOm. ms, .. 0 Pfjrfect back yard of the J . LellJe Steffen- Love," "Av.e Maria" and '1'1'lfl sen homl! 12 years &go and which Lord'a Pra~r ." C&ndlcs Wen'.' ran now be detlnltely called a lighted by ~ria Jonea_ aenior group with plenty of ex- Mra. Smith, mothE'r of the pertence. Ql>Ulllae Motel ............... -•. 7 :23 wlU -.. Miao Lou Arule 'J'q- Helen•ii: ·-·--:----.~···--··-····----·--·--7 :25 lor. Iii'-~lor Will be a wD.ter <7th St. ····················-··········'· 7:1" brlch, re-tin« ......., willl John 38th St. -····--···--···---···· .......... 7 :28 McFa.rla.ne. E. Udo Soud ..................... 7:32 Miu La Nelle-Cay wu host· Lorca Ir Udo Soud ·-·-······-· 7 :as em fbr the occuion at her home, Lldo Club HOUie ··-···--·········· 7 :34 308 Ruby avenue, Bl.JOO& Island. I Undlne &: Lido Nord_-········· 7:30 She wore a red cotton plaid frock, w_ Udo Nord --·······-·-·---······ 7 :31 ptoetty contrast to that wom by 1 Ler..,,ette 6 Lido ••........... 7 :37 tbe honoree ot gl..en, plaided wit~ I Newport Blvd. A Udo -···-··· 7 :38 1U~. MIU Ta)'\or wore green 13th A Balboa BlYd.. -···--·-7:M ab.on to match he.r dreu and a. 11th A: Balboa Blvd ........... 7:56 corsage of gardenias, gift of"her 2:1nd 6 Bal-Blvd. .-..... 7 o6& -· llOUI A 11&1-Blt>d. .......... 1:00 Tllla WU a oocktaO aeceuory 8'8 11 ,, .thlnyer and sttt.. tacluded pllaner "IC" 6 Miramar .....•........... 7 ;JO .-_ cocktall r~ ot every •ac• 6 lllru\ar .................. 1 :U kind, napklnA. traya, • luy. auaan ''IC"' A Balboa Blvd. ··-···---· ?!SI etn>er and del~lea tor making '"J" A Balboa Blvd ............. 1 :38 Ult hor. d' ·oeuvres wbtCh .tt will "D" 6 Bal-Blvd ............. 1:31 bold; alOo decoro.Uu botUe atop- Maln 6 Balboa Blvd ......•... T oill pere, J~n. ~•' and m .. t ~ronado A Balboa Blvd. .. T:40 urdqlle, an lee bfl.c wlUt a huge Ubrary ···········--······-··········· f:U bl&tk aplder perched OI\ the cap. tth a. 11•1-Blvd .•.....•..... 1 :n Gitt& were dla~ ·-a.-M a stant c:hampape · (lairs cleverly deolped by the hooteaa Ol'.ld d~o­ n.ted wtth colored af'rpeftfine ell'ealne111 and b&lloona. A d~k,ious denert of el'lflo• pie and bev('r· •rr• waa,aerwd. CoroM. df!I Ma.r Acacia 6 Coul .................... 7:11 ""mle&! 6 Cout ................ 7 :h Marcuertta 6 Cout .......... 7 :!0 Or<l!.ld 6 Hllltway ............. 7 :30 hctnc A Femlee.r ·····-··-····-7:33 Mlboa llllolld Bal-6 Coral · .. ......... . ..... 7 :116 Bal-6 Colllno ............... 7:~7 Park A Topu ............ _ .. ·-7 :68 M'.a.Mne A: Park .................... 7:M PrHent were Mlu Taylor and her 'mother, Mre. DeWitt Taylor: Mmee. John French, Ronnie Con1- eron, Brian Hanaal, Sutherland ; Mi.see Pat Welah, .Joan Muon. Cath&rint Andrew-a, Joan Horre ll, Donna Keller, Dona Rini" and Ann Colleg'e for Your Youngsters? Yes, if they study hard and you keep to a regular savings schedule. Mary and John have done it for their children . . . you can do it for yours. We have savings plans for savers, large and small. Insured savings . . . current dividends 3\-f ... and your funds are quickly available when yqu need them. Your Friendly, Hometown Savings & Loan B<>uon Bay ··········-·······-···-·--1 :M Bay Shorea ·-········-········-·····-&:00 f'...oeta Mf"a Harbor 6: WU.On ............... 7 :21 Freeman; Miu Oay &nd he.r m oth· 1 ~"c::::::::::~:::::::::>l'=~~"c::::::::~==:>l'==::::~"c::::::::::~::::~ er, Mrs. Geori"!' Oay. .....:...-~~_...:._ ___ --'._ ____ ~- Neleon's -·-··· .... ·-·-··········-····-· 7 :22 WU.On A: Placf'ntla. ............ T:l3 \Vllaott A: Canyon Dr ......... 7 :24 Victoria A: Canyon Dr ....... 7:26 Victoria 6: Placentia ··---···-· 7:17 Placentia A 20th --·--···---····· 7:18 Placentia A: 19th ................ 7:20 Placentia &. 18th . 7 :30 Placentia It t&th 7 :31 Placentia a: J!)th ···-·····-·· 7 ::12 Monrovia &. 16th ..... 7 :33 Afonrovla Ir. 16th ... . 7 :34 Monrovia & 17th ............... 7 :35 \Vhlttif'r & 17th . .. 7:36 \Vhlttier &: 18th ..... .. 7 :37 Mon rovia It 18th . .. 7:33 P on1ona &: 18th . 7:40 FOR THE FOIDOM.A TIC FORD GIVES YOU AN ENTlltR Y NEW KIND Of DRIVING I '°"°"' /11! ........ COMVlltll. ~ -..... Ne\.\·~rt &: 17th 7:42 J 9th ;& Anaht'l n1 .. . . .. 7 :~7 Bro.,l:t-.•a y &: Newport . _ . 7:69 Broadway &: Or9.ng(' ·-···· 8 :01 Broadwa y &: Santa Ana· 8 :03 THEM ALL! c.....i,;.., /.ed ,_,,,,., J - viow: dr;v.,, Fordomatic: gives you two outomotic: drives'" ona-o torque_coft. verter for smoothneu-ond avtomotic geon f<K get·uD·Gnd-GO. Harbnr & Fairview ........ 7 :31 FalrviC"w It Collt>gf' Ent ..... 7 :33 Falrv1 ew &: \.\'ll"°n ............ 7 :39 Fat'rvlew &: Victoria ........... 7 :37 23rd ·4 Orange .............. ! ... 7 :39 l'lb E Santa Ana ····-:······--7 :M: 18th Ir: Orange ................ 7 :57 15th & Orange .. .... 7:58 Clay &: Weatmlru:tf'r . · .. 7 :59 Clay & Santa Ana . 8:00 Cla y &: Redlanda ....... 8:02 Del Mar &: Orange 7 :27 DE'l Aiar &: l!:ldon 7:28 P.tonte Vista & Eldon 7:2'9 St. Isabel &: Eldon .-7 :31 23rd &: "Eldon 7 :32 22nd &: Orange 7 : 33 ViC'toria &: Thu rln 7 :50 Hamilton &: Harbor . 7 :52 Harbor &: 19th 7 :55 Orchard &: Birch .... ... .. 7:28 Birch &: Paltaadf's .... . .. 7 :29 Orchard &: Santa Ana -··· 7:32 Mesa Or. le Santa Ana .... .'. 7 :33 Monte Vista &: Santa An& 7 :35 Santa laabt'.'1 &: Santa Ana 7 :36 23rd Ir. Santa Ana . 7 :37 21st &: Tustin ................. 7 :50 21et &: Santa. Ana ............ ,7 :51 21st &: Orang(' . . ....... . .. 7 :52 20th&: Newport Blvd ...... 7 :M 20th &. Oranre -·· ......... . 7 :69 " 20th &: Santa Ana ............. 7 :57 · 20th &: Tu11tin ·······-········ .... 7 :59 Flower &: Tustin . ·-·········-··· 8:01 Army Family Welcome Son ., ••lrD n>JI -V.I .,./y. lqWp. -. _ _...-' ,... ~ le "-'r wi~ ... !n. I, I ,., o<lica//y t#riWI il..iff fO<'dO• matlc thiMs for yov. It smoorhly and avtamatkoHy pro-tides o counttess number of drfv• ratios throuoh which engine power is fed to the rear w+H!els. ' You',. bou evwy second. Step down on the occelerotOt" and you get an extra spurt of power~for hill dlmbing ... ond passing, Going downhill you con shf~ to low at ony 1pffd f« extra engine broldn9. fosj.,. rockittgf It's even easier to "rock" out of JOnd, snow or mud with Fordomotic titan with Conven™>nol drive. Just moYe the selector bock and forth between low and reverse.. It'• a _....mng pawerllouto! Fordomatk's automatic interme- diot.e gaor provide' s.mooth, fast, ~omicol r "9etowoy" without wostefut engine rocing. Uws no l'ftOf'e gos then the sovingfvl con· ventionot ford. c-iw and "Test Drfve" tM RJRDOMATit' FORD THEODORE ROBINS brlde, c hose for the wedding an The affair u, sUll held tn the afternoon drf'aa or gray and pt~k Steffenaen yard and this time Will organza with pink acceMOries be a marlonette revue. Date. are \\"hile Mra.. Hutchinson waa ln Auguat 30 and 3 1, for it is & popu-?.iajor and Mrs, Robert F . Stueb- navy cttpe with navy acceaor-tar u well u traditional ev"i1t ing, 321 Narcissus avenue. (.'ot"Ofla ies. Both wore coraages of pink In the Crown community. de! Mar, are parents of a son, roses. Chief attraction will be thr bom August 15 In St. Joaeph hoa-:! 116 Newport Blvd. Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 . - Ph. Harbor 28 Loal.J OUf'llta Pft:M'nt Humperdlnk opera. H&nAel and pital. He weighed 7 pounds, Jl) IUMtliWAlfftnnmOllSMOW•fOIDfUT1¥Al---Jm9 ....... .,.-01..----n....._ The young coupif' received Gre tt>l by the little puppet.a .. In-00,u~n'.'.c:'.:•~·-~---------......'.---~--------;------·---~~------;r-----,'--------­guest.s at the Kappa Delta 8oror-visible actors will include Jim - lty houl'le. Among the out-of-town and Don Steffensen, Perdlt& Hom ~eata were Mr. and Mrs. D. Sally Bieler, Dorothy Taylor, B11) Lesesne Smith of Atherton. Calif.; H inshaw and Alan Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Preas Smith ot Yu- ba City. caJlt.; Mr. and Mrs. George Yardley~ Jr., and Robert Yardley. Balboa Jsland; Mrs. James Fleming of New Orleans; Mr. and Mn. Charles A. Hutch· in110n, Jr., 0..ltu; Tex.; Mns. J . L. Llttleton.•sr .. Springfield, 0 .: ·Mrs. C. Chapman Is Hostess to ' · Fullerton Group YOU CAN ·•·Use It While You Sleep • Hips • Chin • Tu~my • Thighs and !:naJg'n Jamee Hutchinson. Mra. Charle• C. Chapman, 2782 C'onCf"rt Plaaht of ft1'f'fl Conttnee.ta-The new Mn. Hutchinaon wu Bay&bore Drive, wu rect"nt hOt1t- Graduate Student of Bela Bartok '1"&duated from Newport Harbor ess to the· Loyal Women'a claa REDUCE SIZE OF iYOUR • No Diet • No Dru9• • Ir--H L..... 1171..J Union high ecllool and has been of Fullerton CluUti&D. cbUJ'Cb . . 436 ........-a Drivea: uor •llondllllr the Unlve~lly of Oolor-A COV<ttd dlsh lwicl!.eon WU I l • Corona Highlands _ COl'OllG def Mar ado at Boulder, aa clld her •u•-followed by the uoua1 1>u.s1n .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~===~~~~~I band. The latter baa hJa bachelor meeting,. al Which commllteea for ----ot aclence de~ in themleal en· the year we~ appointed. Aulat,.. gineertnc and Ma bffo atudytng lnc Mrs.· Chapman u a hMte• tor hia M.S. t.d applied math& committee we~ Mm~-Holli• HIPS ~IJHOUT LOSING ~EIGHT ·• - • l f j IAL..tSLE NURSERY SCHOOL ... SER~G GREATl:lt NEWPOllT ll&IUIOR LIMITED.L,'BOLl.llENT roa FALL NOW BEING ACCEPTED • FEATVJUNQ IN8TllUCTION SONGS. aa·lf*"ll, 8qll'U: lUND WOU ...i o•oor PLA.Y tor -. ru:.atlBOOL TOT AGES ·~ ftlllll I YEAllll llOUall: litf-11:19 A.IL 317 •t'._il.w•1 Aw. ~. 2143..J I I 1a bl•d i 11 ..... M.w I ti wt' .i. IOAN ._?AYDEN.,......,._ I • maUca. Re S. a. member of Acact& Knowlton. Ida May Baker and 11·------------------"'!""11".+------90Cial tratem.tty, of Tau Beta Pt, Wallau Benecke. 1 • SI--XI and Alpha Chi Omep. New EFFORTLESS way aJoo of the Rocky Mountain Reo-Bt;Jl."TEIUI LEA VE E cue IJ'OUp. In 1930 be ..... voted Nici< Waptt " Ntwpurt laland Wh!I ' y REST at HO .... outot&Ddlne aenlor UUI .. .....i .. and LorT9l Iii~· of fllal<•rafldd ne OU "'! " < pttaklent of the, Combined Engl-•re leavinl' P't1day 'l"' Rawllna, No matter what you have tried Won · · • . .J., try ~ "~iiowmr a . jweddl!ir trtp u. WyurnJt>r. wllore the lwntlnr .... fabuloua Jt~•z•clmr. Red-a comp'1ltely iijiW ;;r,- Orl.Dd Lal<• In th• Rocky Moun--"""'"'llepL 15. Lui. yur War-by muale ~' OJ•tEN REM:PVJB AN ~ )I taJna. the ,....... couple will be :: =~:.= =-:: BIP8 ' OR ABDOMEN the "et7 .tlnt :-~ JOU • ./ at -. at 0011 lil-1!111rd trophy and a -a..lid of •1000, r.\i, '!wt .or -81.JCB:P!· Yoa r'el8x, n doel the Wort_ !Ano. nano. Tex.. ~ 147. 11u 11opea of ~ the pet'· FMk linml! JtA8Y to USE at · ' • , -wtD11ea-et1w1tb torm&11ee Uate_.. l --HOME,--Wrtte f« free literature. -..... -_,, --,_,........,. -- -Alllallc ~ --:Y· Tbe .__ ........ will z •Ill ta AJlo, ,joq m..y Uw a :free home --r •• ' -'!lf!L"-' llft. 11.W.&l - (Ra-10< at -lllna..,.. d CDliilltnUoa If )'Qll ~ No ~ ... ---.... -_.. __ , •• , -·-H....,,,._ a.di llPa ......... 1--• p t..Jc1k-IWll lot ~I+ ' i I J .. ...,. ftd." MIL s.D.8 12•1 'I'• _, --...... -~ ...... ! la Illa-.... t -10.,...,., -.;.u.~~-l ·. :..... ' ' ·' . -.. , . , • No V'tbreffon • Free DeiMn- 1tration, No OWigetioa lWIB 7 (Pii;";;-Prta_i;--~ .t.111'87 7 --=-----·~-­a---· • .. J. ~ ~·-- . - ' I · . • l ' .. ·---·-·-··-··------·~----r:-·· ·-. ~·. • I 'J'~ . ' ,~__. Tuescfe~Au9~·~2·~·~"~5·~~~~~~...-~---:-.....;-~....,.--_;_::;...-~~__;,:,_~~·~NEW~'PO~~~:~.tAl~IO~:.~A~·NEW>~~D~A~~~~~:::-.----=---~~...:_~~~~_:_.,...__._~1 ~·.....-~~~~~-!.!!!!::!. -. . -.. --.. _ -~ -- HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS KRS. WINlnl:D BARBRE. ->' autor, --~,. ... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~.,.,,....,.· tfarhor .Famili~ 'AdQpt' Children at Mooseheal't Orp~ns Home ~t ithe regular meet1ng' of Ne:w• ... -----'------'---- por{ -cb Chapter 1158, Womea O.-.Oge County Pair, an'd thanked of, the Mooee, Thunday evening, the foUowtnr co.worken for thelr Aa.gu1t 23rd, the-41-closure WU help. Recorder VI o I a Comecl; made that Co-worker· Potty Car· Ju.ntor f Regent. Clara Le a ch; ter and her buaband Jac)t. have Treuurtt, Joyce Edick; Sent.lneL "adopted" two Nooeebea.rt cbll· Elale ion.: Arguo. Myrtle Humph· dren, a brother and 11.ste.r. The rey, and" co-workera Wilma Cor- CArtera wtll correspond wtth thW bin. Gu.ale Droeete. Alda Gorton, '"SWUlhlne Children." aa they a.re Blf'dle O.tnnder, El.ale Porter and called, aend them gift.a, clothing, V&leda Workman. Many who etc., and m ore or lea try to t&ke vt.ited. thta booth at the Falr the place ot lhelr parent.II, e\ren 1 claimed that lt waa the moet popu- lbough they &r!_ t__ar away. lar ipOt on the grounds, and the A date haa now~ aet for the j vmtu.re · wu acclaimed an out- .. Baz&ar'" to be held ln conjtLtc -1tandin.i: 1ucceas. tion wtth the regular monthly Fl.sh Mr:. ~oung reminded the cir l"ry, on Sunday, September 30th. worken of the dinner and dance T1loee co-worker• who can a.re go-to be held agaln thla Saturday lng to meet eome day eoon and night at the M008e Lodge on the spend a whole day preparing a.nd ocean front at Newport. Piatning for thia event. Junior Regent. Clara Leach, an- nounced that we have two full telll'rul and several aubstltutea for the Bowling League which will ·atart Sept. 4th. .At the next meeting, August 30, four new members will be Initiat- ed, Virginia Towle. Louella Calli. Nancy Calli. and Cante C&rpenter. Clarence Young vialted the meeting. gave a report on the suc- cess of the Fish Fry booth at the · When the engine overheats. do nbt be s&t.l.efled merely with fllllng up the cooling ayatem wt th water, adviaes the National Autqmoblle club. Overheating simply may mean that the system hu been ·ihort of water or clogged, but it al.lo may mean that .aer.ious trouble hi: brewing ln one of the vital part.a of the car. It la well to make ab- solutely eure of the cause before proceeding. \ U-DRIVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS e OUTllOARDll e LIVE BAIT e TACKLE ~ • 8iliaU' Boa& .............. ELL IS BOAT . RENTALS UOZ C.0-t Hlway Newport ~ f1l. ,.,..r 1111 AT SOUTH END OF BAY8HOU: BKlllOE • .. . JOHN H. McCLOSKEY, 0. C. CHIROPRACTOR Announces Opening of Balboa Office Wednesday, Sept. !ith 703 \/" Downstairs, East Balboa Opposite Miniature Golf Coune Temporary Phone Harbor 1415-J ••• MAKE IT A FAMILY TRIP Shon or loag trip-you ca.a tab the ,.,W.P!t1 aloag for ••rr litde uua <OOt-m Sanes Pe. Children under 5 yean ftte ... undet 12 yein for just half fare ••• 1rhen aaomplDied by 1 fare-paying adult. The ,..hole family ,..;n enjoy the 1ight1 in Chicago aad back out. Visit historic old Boston, glamoroU1 New York and our aatioa.'1 capicol ia Wuhiagtoa. • . Step into the hotpicable "spirit ol bome" the m.inute you board a C.....to~ S...ca Po 1treamliaer. Rlt..t ia J'Ollt own priTaU room oc a restful recliaiag c!Wr. Five daily uaim benveea California aad Chicago-no ... Super Chi~ The Chief, El Capitaa, The Graad ea.a,_ California JJm. ited -piovid• •=mmodatiom co 6t rruy pune. Fiae Fm! Haney food. MRS. RICHARD TOWNSEND WINCllLER (Curtla Studio) Miss Barbara f arwell is Bride -. • ' -r - in Ceremony at St. James Church One of the moet be&uttful an""'------------- tmpre1111tve weddlnga of the sum- m er was that which united two pioneer Southern C&llfomla faml· llee when Ml.la Barbera Flora. Far· well, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mn. Lyman Howes Farwell, 1124 Eaat Balboa. Boulevald, Balboa.. repeated vowa w Ith Richard Towrutend Winckler, eon ot Mr. lll'td Mn. Richard Hage Winckler of Sant& Ana. The eight o'clock candlelight rile& were held Thursday evening In St. Jame& Epi8copa.l church wtth the Rev. Paul Moore Wbeeler performing the ceremony. Flon.l setting wa.e ot gladioli, c hryaa.n· t.hemums and other summer flow- ers In sh&dea of yellow. Satin aad ~Int Barbara wu escorted to the altar and gtven in keeping by her father. She wore the same exqul· site 'bridal gown of Ivory satin which had been made for her mother and which had been wom earlier this year when her silt.er. Nucy, became Mrs. Robert Gur· ley. lta beauty ill acetets and can well aerve other generations. ftoee. point lace edges the deep round neckline and cuffs the long ~lnt­ ed alee.vea. The full aklrt wtth very long tra..in la in corded gathera at the dropped wa&.OJ.ne of the fitted bodice. The a&me heirloom rosepolnt edged the tulle veU and fuhioned the UtUe half cap which held the filmy fold&. A cherished acceuory wu the f'Cl8e· point handkerchief carried at her own wedding Dy the brlde'a grand· mother, Mrs. Leonard Swa.lea of ~ Ana. Of more than aentt· mental Interest wa.a the golden ring with which it wu held, for tt bad been a gift of Gen. t.fayette to lbe bride's great-grandmother. Ftnal appointment of the C09lume waa tbe •bouquet Of tuberous be-- gonla& Robert Gurley, 'Leland Finley, Robert Stunock, David ~thl, Vin· ton Townsend, WIUia.m li'arweil and J eff Farwell, brother of thf' bride. . ... At the Farwell home a dance floor, covered by a canopy, had been laid to the water's edge to accommodate the 400 gueat.a. Sup· per tables were beautifully ap-- polnted and adorned with white tuberoua begonia. and sliver .can· delabra. Mra. ~arweµ, wearing gold and silver tiMue 1llk )\'jth yellow begonia conage. aul.lted the young couple in r.ecei-ving, u dld Mrs. Winckler, smart in a.prt· c.ot taffeta. Barbara attended Stepherui col· lege thia put year and Will con· tinue her studlea at Pomona col· lege. She bi a fourth generation Californian and ta uUve ln the Junior1 of ~e Aulltance League and in Junior EbelL Tbe bride· croom~, crandparinta· were pto- neer developer1 of Lon.g Be&eb. He will continue at Pomona coUege, where he la affiUated with Sigma Tau fraternity. For the northern wedding trip the neW Mr1. Winckler wore a bel«e 1Uit of light weight wool. topped by a cuhmere coal and wtth brown alligator acceuorles for accent. On their return the younl' couple will make the.Ir lm· mediate'. home in ClaumonL o~ of the latest of the affair• honoring the bride wu the Unen 1hower given by Ml.a Donna OJe. weiler and two other brldeamalda, M.ra. Lester Davil and Miu Clar· blu Andenon, at the Oleweiler bome In Corona de! Mar J . Amonc ot.hen enlerta.1.n.iJ;ll' were Ille N-Allan .and 'Kanila hr· weU. Wbo were h09teeeea at the brtdHmalda' luncbeclOI; Mr. and ""1· r.11x hnrell, who enttt• taln<d u.e weddlnr party at the CocoMut Gl'Qft. and a .w.ddlng Theo. Robins, Jr. to Ford Schoor Thieodore Robins., Jr., of New· port Beach a.nd William G. Miller, of Anaheim have been chosen to attend the F ord Merc handlaing school In Dearborn, Mich., starting September 4; It wu announced to. day by , ,TJUDff IP. Roberta. Long Beach distric t a&les manager, FOrd Diviaion, Ford Motor Company. The achool la designed to give the Ford dealer organization t}Je lalellit mercbandi•ing information by tralnlng young men for reapon· eibl& dealenhlp jobs. Sale11 depart· ment executives give much of the mattuttlon. Robins., son of Theodore Robina, Newport Beach Ford dealer, bas wOrked In all depart.menllJ of his father's busineu. He l.s a graduate ot Newport H&rbor high school and Loyola Univenlty . Miller la the eon·in·law of E . R. McCoy, Ford dealer in ·Ana· heltn. He la a University of South· ern C&J.ifornla graduate and saw two years service with the U. S. Navy Air Corpe. Week's Services at Adventist Church -"Chrta:tlan Education'" will be the topic of the !ermon to be preached &y Pa.ato. i-lolli• L. An· denM>n, at the Seventh·Ray Ad· tentll:t on Saturday, Sept. l•t, ll·L m. The arubJect of the Wednesday evening meeting Is "La.at Day Eevent.s." The attendanee ha.I been &bowing a aplendld lncreue at thNe meetl.np . The Kl.uiona.ry Volunt eer Meet· lng held every Friday at 8 p . m. wtU have for thb week"a topir. ·~nonal Experiences. in Answer· ed Prayer." 'lbe public .. con!lally Invited to lheae meeUnp. .,. ...... ~ ....... ·. Kra. Robert Gurley waa be11 at. aupptt boeted b7 the Robert Oar-- ter'1 matron of honor' and t~!I le,19: &. ~"1ner dllac at. Belbo& m.aJda were Mra. Lester oa..U an\! .Bay club at wtllc:h "'*e•e• · ~ ,. Ule M1-Allan 1"&rwel.I, N&r<:la Mn. Frank McX<lll\& and lier hrwell ( ~ 0~ the !>ride), daugltter, Mra. 'Lynn Bmlt.b. . Clart.a Andeno>n. Donna ()la. Aloo entertalnlnf ,.... - 1rellu aad Marilyn l!:adle. Mra. l!'recl l"O<fY, Florence 8tnena and Gurley wo ... l"'~ •tin lllrlped Wtlllam B&n-, at.,1 _""°""er &"'! organdy over matching t.attel'.. -: Mr. -Jll'C ~ aed -(lttlng --Bb O>Dlolt and *· pc! ~ .!f!l/la"' no-no .._ ,..._ dl,.,....u.e. Gr&bam, at a dlantt _;,in. mwnL Brldeamalda wore la -ud Mrs. .........,. .<nawe and Kr' -atrlpecl ~ ---ICrs, Buelll lforta, •• .. _ ................ _ .. . 0. D. '**LS t.~ '° ............ --.Qi ..... ----···= 7 ,_, ••• Mll'b AXA. -·-. ---tlloy---put7; _____ ,..,_ bi 111zta ot ftb mmM wttlt Wiii. at tM r ts t'!ll ...,· ---... -,,,. .......... -~ --: .:-=:.~"'~ ':: :r 1'!;~,z=-~~.d:: SICI I .............. ?... # -·· -................. t .................. "t • -~· ......... _._ .. ,,,, "'" Dnld ftr1¢le lmt-..-'W ..... ,i ...... _to Ille llrtclotl•-alld "./' .......... ,......~ ........ .- •• , 11 •. --* "" -... j .. .., .... a.·. 'r111-Ill .............. ,_ l . . . . -.··;_. ......... -.. ............ 11. .... .... ....... ,.._ ....... 16 . ........... -_,. ~ <j • , ' ' I ' • 7 • DAU6HllA 'FOR llE8AN8 fi"'""'""'""'!!!!!!""""""""'"""""'"""""""""""'""""""""'""'"""""""""illiiiii!oi iw..-ud llri.' ~ Brown. tM Newpott BM!., c..ta ')(-an- -urfvu. ~I 'a 'cla,.Pter. born •....-11 la IJl."ullerton oot- t.qe '-Pita!. She wu a bowl~ a oun.ia, 7' ouncea. I NEW SON AJUUVE8 It wu a eon ~Mr. and ~ra. Paul J*"8o.ft, Wutmtneter avenue. born Auiu*t 17 ln Santa Ana Community r i hoepttat. I He weJ~ • poundiS, I '\~ ouncea. -People do reaa the want -. ---··--- AD. LIB ., .... ao Ifs -herel in • fashion-genius colors • • • ' • ·: • new ''INDELIBhE·CREME'' ... the miracle lipstick. ' ( . .. fabulous WEAR fabulous LUSTER fabulous CREAMINESS t111 first ud .my tJlly cre1•J 11111111111 lipstick I llOll·~ HCMISI ifs made witll lip·soft1nin1 lanolltt I No other llpslldc Is so -_ood lor_you~!'.P•-thank1 ta , levlon'1 own Lonollt! I And the ~lor_!.I Not the thin, flat shades. you find in ~dinory indelible lipsticks-but o full ronge of fabulous ~o$hton~enius colon only Revlon could create I OiKover "lndelible·Creme" now-don't wait another doyl I~~.,,, TodaJ ... try Revlo1's 1nd111G11·Cr1m1" ... wol1ts creamiest 11111etillle Mpstick ! BINKLEY PHARMACY PHONE HARBOR 3168 302 M&BDIE AVE. BALBOA ISLAllD . Let'• take for esample Bill, OD 0Ve1'1lp young l!landard Oilar. He mak• 1368 a month. He bU Compaoy·paid lif~ in1Juraoce worth $4,420, a prenllion plan paid partJ,y by hjm•lf, other benefit&. • • 11w ........... QmpeftJ' tilt ....._., 1•.m·ron.. Aad Iba p .,,. .., -Bill pUI ... """ .......... _ ....... eoatl•od to 1ro•-b•t. now 8f t· N ol C:.Hie Ilia pa19 RalL I • '~Wb~ happens when ; Standard men go into the anned forces?" . One question on many people'• 111llMla Ill-•• , d8ya ;. how military Bef'llice may aff«l "-""*Or : peo,U they know •.. !Mir job&, !Mir famil~ ........,,. Peo,U a1k !!!• of couru, about what hap-lb .,._ ~ of Standard Oil Compa11y of Coli/ontia. TH •n•w•~•hows whllt• bis compuy~ Staodonl OiJen come through this tryiaf . in better financial shape than you might espopt; Sa-BW la ea!W into the armed forcea. One .,ioblem a man facat.beni9lotrerincome. Butbe- cau. Bill qualifiee u to depend- enta ud lencth of.me., ba'U ba belpod by a Standard Plan. ~-, ......... jolj la ...... -ti e 1111 -1etaet... 18tudaft11 RIA .. bil -••"'ic-. .,.,~ CUl act to ......... ti. ~--"'·--··· ...,.. . --... ,....,.. ' • • i ' • WJaen Bllllea•ee.be:~b ! ::.:1::.u.r:..'il;·.~::; ~ to make up the di.tl'8.reaei ' h<eon hia GI and Com11U17 !IV- u.p to one-half m. ncuLar • ' T•to la ••••••r .. • .... ~L •. ,., ...... ,, c:a1lod ..... dia ...... J'u ballo..ltbOlpoto Com_--, ... _ ... whala ... -.. -. . I ..-I i I'd Like to Know ... .._,· ,.... ... to Slandgd. , ;,,. / '*"' lqc th-at.oattt.C I J.W. al.Ill' ·~· batm ....... 1-.!'f.11 ii!b·a 11 JllttablWoWQ'ilf<liac l,.f tllomfaraua1ww.U)W ..... • er Ill .-.... ,,..to"'*ID_.,,,_ • "r.Llam"-.'"•Baall~ 11ta.l't "w a to,~ 1k ; I I I I ' ' I 1 .~ • • • , ' A DfipmAelJ.e LMaJ lnstttuUon for Oft-r Forty 'Yeara Pa--Eftly _..,_,. at Nrwport -. Olllf-.a ~J' tM Nl:\\'PO&T HARBOR PUBUSRINO COMPANY • -l\(-.-m-=ber'---o-r_c_ALIFO ___ RNIA ___ N __ EW __ S_P_~-ER--PUB--1-.I-.-H--:F-:!18;-. -A--:8--:S--:.N::-. - Member or tbe NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION • YOU .and · YOUR CONGRESS Office and Printing Plant at 2211 ~boa Bottlevard Telephone Harbor 1816 Many mem~ra of OonpeM nnd themaelve1 sutfertng from what Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postofnce in Newport Beach, mlgbt be c&lled the bllllori-dollar CaJl!omla under the Act of•March 3, 1879. Jitters. EDWARD A. LeHOVEN, Editor J. M . F'RANCIS, Bwrtne9fl Manapr The malady rt-salt.I from tx>ln• rt"qU\r<'d lo paa.s upon l(>gt1lation appropriating bllllon1 of dollan when there is a gnat deal of un- Qualltlfod to PubllAll. Lepl ~otl~ and Ad'ttrllMmPBts of an Kinds C"ertalnty u to the actual nttd tbr ------------"------------------much of the money in questkm. SFll."CRIP'l'JON RATER: Th t I !\'E\VPORT-B.~LBO.i\. ~"E\\'S-TIMES .. vtft.J Tueflday e situation rc.>qUf'nl y produ~I In Oranr Cotmty, $3.:\tl i;wr )•ear; ft.00. sl:c: mollltha; $l.t5 thrff a certain frustration that ls one montht1 (Al.M> ·l•clndN lhP SE\\TORT-RALBOA PRJ'.SR, Th•.l"ldAy) of the more apparf"nt symptom1 of ()uhkl,. Oran~,. County s.t.M prr year th" billlon.-dollar Jitters. CORPORAL HUGHES COMES HOME Legionnaires, the president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. a City Councilman and this writer, paid a sad call last week. We "welcomed Home" the body of one of YOUR boys. Casketed in a heavy box, fittingly dniped with the Stars and Stripes of the country he and we all love ... The body of Corporal John E. Hughes arriv· ed from it.s first resting place in Knrea t o be re-interred in Orange County. We have always disliked funerals. We have always wished· that we and others present could have been a little kindlier during the life of the departed one. We have always felt that those brave souls who in their la.st will attest that there shall be no flo~ra. no tears, no mourn- ings, must have gained a real joy from life: they departed with their work done. We are sure that somewhere, in that Isle or' all Attain- ' ment, Corporal John E. Hughes was happy and proud as he saw that sad little gathering on the loading dock of the Pacific Electric in Santa Ana. The Mortician, Lewis Baltz was solicitous, kind and gentle ; it was unnecessary! The Legionnaires under their Chaplain Bill Bannister were ·careful to consult the Guard of Honor of the Army, Cor- poral Berry, who softly said, "My Orders Chaplain, ARE THE WISHES OF THE FAMILY !" And the Ch1mber President and the City Councilmen were careful ·to be inconspicuous, careful not to intrude. careful not to "louse up" a solemn situation. But the greatest person there. glowingly present. satisfied. but with and ache and an emptiness was Mrs. Rudy-Weigand. mother of the returned soldier. She said to the guard. of honor. "Corporal, you're coming home with us. we will enjoy your leave. won't you share our happiness." Our first soldier lost in the cause of the United Nations arrived at h ome. That interim of leave of his Guard of Honor. whose orders were "THE WISHES OF THE FAMILY" between the time .. of his escort end and memorial services. were com- pleted took the place of another for a few days. in a void that has no healing;. HE WENT HOME. TO A HOME THAT THE ESCOR'l'ED ONE LEFT. THE TEARS HAD BEEN ALL SHED, THE HEARTS WERE LONG BROK· EN. With a tremendous strength. Corporal Berry. Guard of Honor. was commanded to share the home. and hearts, and love for life that his charge had left. For the hearing of those few words. for sharing the presence of a great strength we enjoyed a aad call and duty. SAME STORY An C'XCt"llE>nt example of the sit- uation is to be round In the handling by the Houae or ml.lit.a.ry appropriations for th<' currt'nt fllr1 cal year. Th<' l)('f£>n~ Ot>partment asked for S~7.5 billion . The H ouse Ap- proprlaUOl'UI ~mJlle<' pared that down by St .~ 'bJlllon, When the House lblell tmlahed voUnr. the bll1 called Cot' slightly ot/'er SM billion. 'I'jle volt' wa.a · 348 to 2. A f<'W day.8 Jat('r, lhe House a.180 appro•('d a.n additional S0.7 bil- lion for military construction, mostly atr buf'a, in this country and abroad. The total of nearly $62 billion reprf'aenta the ~at U. S. ~&Cl'· time military appropriation on record. That ln tUclr wu t>nough to 1nake many Congre1111men unNU1y but there waa mott. After the 348 to 2 vote, Rep. \Vin field K . Denton ( D-Ind.) said that the m!Utary approprtatlons bill ''probably earn.ea ten time• the waate existing ln all the other annual appropriations bills com- bln<'d." A membfr of the Appropriations conlmlttee, Denton alto knows the military esta.bllshment from the in!'!id('. He wu an Air Corps Jleu- t l"'n ant in World \\'ar I and during \\'arid War II wu a li£>ulenant colon1·I In th'J: Judre Advocate Cl'neral's office~ &Mlgned to th£> Air Corps. lJsually. DE'nlon said, the Com- n1ilt<'f' can cut armed sen.1c.1 bu d g l' t r£>qUE>sts substantially, "since thetr OJ><'r&tions onen in· volve considerable Inefficiency In the US<' of funds." But this year, he added, those budget requesU W<'rc slo"· in reachjng Congrel5a !May Instead of January) "and "'hat with the limited time and lh(' perilous intf'rnational situa- tion. members of the House were tearful that any .sweeping reduc· Uon . , . might eetioualy imperil our national de(f'M(' In time or da.ngf'r," Rep. Jo tm Taber fN. Y . ), top- ranking Republican on thP Appro- priations Commlttee, criticized the tardlnt>lla of the budget ~quests, &&)ting the Commlttre lackPd suf- ficient time-lo study lhf'm. Ht> told th<' HouSE" that items in thf" military mont>y r'C'Q.Ue.!IU wtre not properl y ju.stifled. And he com- plainrd that Dcfli:n!M" Department Wilnt>~f'S "that Wli:rt> produced did not know f'nough about their sub- ject that (hey cou ld make intC'IJl- As expected. President Truman told newsmen that he grnt anS\\·ers to the quefltlon11 had "looked into" the charges against Democratic National which wE>r(' askPd or them." C 't h · w ·11· '! Bo I J . . During Hou•e dlocu .. 1"11, Rep. omm1 tee c airman t iam l' • ye, r ., and was eatis-Clart> E. Hof(man iR-M lc~ askl'd fied that the latter had doa,e-no wrong. These interesting J Taber: "What am I to do! How facts, however, still remain ,unexplained : In February 1949, can I intelligently determine how -t .should vote T" Mr. Boyle admits that he waS engaged as a counsel for the "Frankly,'' Taber told Hoffman. American Lithofold Co. which had asked three times for a "it i. an PXcef'dlngly dlrrtcult mat- loan of $548,000 from the Reconstruction Finance Corpora-tor tor anybody · · ·" · Th · · "Within three or four billion 9on. ree times 1t had been refused. In March of 1949, would sa.ti.S"ty me," lnterjrct<'d however-just one month after· engaging Mr. Boyle--the KQffman. who la not given to dis· company was granted a loan which eventually totaled cu..lng billion• lightly. $565 :000 Ho\v can a.n ordinary Hou.se · • · member be t>XpE>cted to appral&f' The charge has been made that Mr. B oyle was well the various Item.a Ot a SM bllllon rewarded for swinging the loan. He denies having anything appropriation.. bill and tef'I con· · be · , . f1dent u be votea: ! Rep. Clarence to do with it. May be d1dn t, bnt something more than J . Brown 1R-Oh lo1 .. keel bl o col- a "looking into" on the matter is called for. In fact. the lea.guu. , President'• pals have quite a knack for getting mixed up "Let "" take the trav•I Item · aff · Gen . . . amountlng to $245 million," - tn 8.11'!1 -eral Va.uptn. Dr. Graham and Donald he said. "I do not know, and 1 do Dawson, to name a few. I not believe any of you here know, ---------------------....,:......----! whetber it-11 ft(>CeM&ry lo spend OPERATION SURVIVAL . • $245 million for travel or wht>ther the military could get by on S145 million Cor travel or whether It may become nect>a.sary to apend $300 million for t ravel. So we are just ahootlqg in the dark." · "I do know the averag-e Amert- ttn ... hu 'the Idea that our military forces are wutef\Jl In many of tbetr ex!)E'ndlturea and endeavors. and often demand pub· Uc moneya w..hlc h they do not n~." Hot Roel Reversal OWnua o( bot roes. and stripped down can ll..i betur be!1ift tblnk· lnlr about ,..pluiDC lb.-r.tlden, or reuonable ra .. llnllM ~r­ t.be Ca!Jromla ~~""1' Patrol ,... minded tbem today. • lleslnntna" ll<iJ>t. 22 tlle patrol wfit enforce a M"Wty added tecUOn to lhe at.a.le whicle code requir· Ing all wlliclN be equlppod wttb fender-a. tlapc. cowen or similar devicff_ The oaly ~ .... whlclu .... bl. -ti-. 1,15()() pounda aad ~ -"-""lri"' r<gtotn.Uon. l.nltallation. Of the tenden or •flape, etc., &ft nqutred whenever ftlllcJ.., .,.. _.led on lbe bis!>· W'19io rep.rdl-of weathq coa• dltlom. UM J>&\">I pointed out. ftea-~-·--t 1,000 pDcna or ,....,ne In tu llfttbe, enll. ~ -~t ratee, lta -Will pay (tlM lltale an4 J'ed. ~rat &'Ofttnmac.. a.bout $125 tn lal<ft ... tb&t Jl!oolb>o. . I , < • ·• August 16-31 ,,, ... ILICTllFICATIDI ' WBIK B thina' the develqp111ent ef Cmtral &! Southern California: dependable, lo\\•-cost electric po\\'er Fa.rm Electrificat ion Wttk is a fitting time in wtaic h tO ttYitw thr significan t rol t playtd by r-leccriciry in tM ditvelopmfflt of this area's agricuJrure. Hrrt art a few highlights: One of rhe wo~d 's 6nt rl«Uical install1tion1 for .,rK:ulrural pu.mpin,a was made in Edisoa ttrritory-neu Lindsay, in cht San Joequin Vall~-in 1899. Today, <l«Uicir, pumps more ~an 90% of dw irripcion water ultd in tht ~ison Company's ltf'Via lttL Sinct 194~. Edisoo lw builr·mott rhan 16H milts of new pow-rr lines in rural-ctrritory. Edison electricity ii availablt: to almost rvery farm in the are. stt't'~ by the comp&nr-aod some 98% we it. TM E.disoo Company now ttrTet approximately 21,000 farms. Lut )'nt th.,. farms ustd almost OM biliion kilowan boun of el«triciry ro make work euier, 6dds more productitt and life mort plmanr and <omfonable. SatUtics show that elecuiciry, which hu ' mulripli<d menyfold rht rttum from farmlands, it one of the lowest com in crop production. On farms, u in homa, clccuiciry is roday '1 biaarn barpin. Southern California Edison Company Orange County Exhibit at Pomona With the avowed pUf'J>08r> of .... ------------- gn-eting the million or mon.-visi- tors to . Los Angelt"S county fair In Pomona, Sept. 1 i through 30, wllh the most arti.st1c &11d attrac- llv<' exhibit among the many ~au­ tiful creatio"8 in the pa.lace of agrlcullurf', V.'illtam Gallienneo, ex- ecutive M'C tf'tary and his assis- tant.a an> bu1'ily engaged in the preparation for the a:plendid dis- play a:pon80red by the Auoclated Cha.mbers of Commerce of Orang£' county. The entry will be in tht> citrus feature div!Jilon. Thua citrus fruit.I Will predominate. These will be augumented by largt> baskets of foliage, lemon leaves a.nd yellow pon1·pom chrysanthemums. Th(> b&S<" will be approxln1ately 30x30 tttt and ¥:ill carry out a novel I mirror magic ldra in which ora.ng(>s will be reflected by the clever manipulation or mirrors. Large plutic oranges wilt c..rry lhe name "Orange County." The recreations.I attraction. of the county v..ill be emphuized by an ocean sct>ne with a sailing boat rocking merrily a.long. It will be a regular boat with lta ma.at ex- tending 15 to 20 feet and occu- pied by a typically clad youth and maiden enjoylng the excursion. The educational phue of the exhibit will carry data pertalnlhg to the county's we&Jth o! re- sources. A pretty g1rl attend.a.nt, clad in bee.ch coetume, will be' on hand to dispense Information and printed matter. Heawy Labor Day Traffic Predicted Traffic over the Labor day week end will be heavier and the hlghw1.y hazards ifea,ur than any other week end this summer, the California Highway Pati'ot pre- dict~ today. While all available patrolmen will be on duty Oftr the holiday, the tbree-<!ay period ritay MCOrd the aeuons'• largest toJJ of death and tnJury unleaa all driven 1.f:· cept peroonal. reoponslbWty' ror their. own aa!et7, the patrol de· claf'td. . "Durlna' the -.I,.alior day holiday tut year sa penou: were killed and 123 _,.., lnjllftd O<J the nua1 h.Jgbwa19 alone," OommilBtoner Clittord E. P--Mid. "W• hope to lteep well , below tbat fig· ure "th.I. ,_,._.. · Ori"'" Who -to come throacl> ....... u.ecr ware ulted bl' P-... to -.. tbe followllos p_at_, 1 • ._ --;JOlll' l!Pftd. E>ro • 111-.. apeed la~ --...... -ltlllor. 2.Be....__""' '•s olli<r--...ieioo, -~ uot' r OD. a laDl or Clll"ft • "EVt>-r)'On<' in town is talking,'' rt"markM lht> wife, "about the Jon('S' quarre l. Some areL taking hf'r part ifnd son1e his." "And;" rf'plird her husband, "I suppose a few eccentric Individuals ai::<' minding th<'lr own business." on • . ........ ....--.-...-..,':.-.-.-.... ., .......... . ~~"'o: .. To•iley, Aii,. n ,-Ttff . • !llmploJmmt ... c;.J1fonda .. t a ,,...-an.time blClt durln• JUI¥ Wltb ..-ot.o6o pe-ft -Tblo tOtal ~-the Pftvioua .... rd Nlabllobed 1ut Oct<)ber by 8,000 ud nrpe w11• the wa"'"ume prak _.,_ lb, September. ..... by """'" tllan a million. . NOW is the time lo transfer your· funds to insured SAVINGS CURRENT EARNINGS • .. SIVlllGS llOW lllSUllED . UP TO SID,DIOM ' ' MOllEY RECEIVED IY THE llTH OF THE MOllTH EA~llS FROM THE ISTI .. Come in ••• We will arrange tfte transfer of your funds • without inconvenience or expense to you 1eo..i1u....,on el .,,.,. .. ., •qvip-nf •"" trlM IUudrotff 11 depe9'.nl on noiloltilit1 •f motffialJ • , I 1114 a ;,.;..--.: ••• to ~o more Work for your money This year again, .,;,... lrlldt •Hfl ally worth mo.. alter yean of Hrvice are buying Ch•"""•' lrllcb-*-._ _,...111. 1Nd<1 of other any other make. That's bc ... 1a only llHllree-... 11 • "'-cosffng many Chevrolet Advonco-Doalgli ....... ,...._ dollan morel vldo such o groat comMllCllM!\ Iii Jetn the h.,....d1 of thousands of featvre1 at such low cost.-.,....... trvdi-vsero )who;cho••• Chevrolet • that 111oko Chevrolet !nick• tnitlltf.,;,.. "AclYoftCe-0.."'" trvck• overall othen. t .. ~ ""' .. _." .Cll•a·nN .• · ......,l!DUNI& ,...-t-ra ' • ~qlill . .. Diiol't -Ir -·-,... Up9d ...... ..,.. Mii CILl·llJ' •a,~- • • • • I I I" • • • RPl~'THRIFTS ! FREE RF.CORD IF \"OU MF.STION M."-ROO! Now at Rttord Sm.aahlnr Sa.IP! HOUSE Ot' HARMONY Hu a.oat fttt()nl• PLATTERS THAT MA TrER DRASTICALLY REDUCED CHOICE ITEMS m 18 RPM , 10" ~d 12'' SlnJles and albullJ• CLASSICAL. POPULAR. WESTERN. FOLK SONGS, POLKAS ... OLD ELLINGTONS. GLENN MILLERS. DORSEYS. GOODMAN ... RACHMANINOFF. FRANCK. MAHLER. TSCHAl- KOWSKY. RAVEL and MA1'"Y. MANY OTHERS. SNOOP FOR RARE GEMS ON THE 3 tor 10c table . 3 for $1.00 table. et~ .. etc. HOt:SE OF RAIUIOX\' 1817 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA • • • • _-1 \\70MF.X! CA.X YOU QllA.UFY! ! ~ I am looking for about 200 women 6 feet 4 .lnches or under. I want )'OU all to meet over a.t the POLLY APPAREL and tr~· on the new ru.u SERGEE dres..<tes an<l suits. Sergee's are designed especiaUy for 15 foot 4's or leu and Me really bullt to natter "'here it matteMI. Speakinl" or having f its .. Polly Appert>! sells loads and loads of PETER PAN Hidden Treasure braASieres. Petil· Pan is the bra \vith the buiJt·ln charm ... you can be three tin1es as charming In a Peter Pan triple treas· lire. These are In straps or strapless. nylons, cottons. Gtrls who belong to the Peter Pan Secret Circle have an upllfttd expression. BEACON 5737-5653 P . S. I wa.." !Upposed to tell you that Polly Apparel has F.\''F.R\". TRJXO tor lnf8ntit fhn1' ap 1! for ('hlldN'n In dn~~. pnnll""· 'alJ pc, llMl'C, Ind to..,._ POI,(.\" . .\PP • .\RF.J .. IMSS Xr\\•port Al'P., ('o,.tn Mf'!'O. • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO ARE VOU TAKING SEPARATE VACA• TION~ THJS YEAR! Or are you just dog-w tired a.nd want to get away from ROVER ~ 'u! ror a trip into town or a week-end T The nrr JV' L&Meoa Ranch Fo• Dog• I• the deliai>Uul · answer. Hundred• of canny canlnea swear Ratl8'1Nt eui.tomf'lni by lhe dandy 30 x 30 lnd1JvlduaJ nina. the private 11hade tree, rre~h milk, and re.cy conversatlon!I here. Thill 211 acre ranch i~ the Ideal place tor country boarding. Boarders are re3tralned to camp by a 9 fL steel fence. but no one seems to mind. So much fun going on &II the Lime~ And I put in a. personal plug for the horsemeat buffet served here ~ Remember the next time vou WB.llt to park Dog-Face, by the day, week or month, take him tO dOJt·havf'n, the LaMF.~A RASCH FOR [)()(l>'I. Rt:ACON MM-R. • • • YOU SPEND 2.920 H OURS F.ACH YE<'R m BED ROUGHLY SPEAKING. But are you cornfortable? Can you honestly say that )'OU have avalled your~l r of all the little niceties that make for a high standard of sleeping ? For those of you that like to sneak up on 1thut.eye, r propo1H! f'n rlyl~'• sleepy·toned. grey finish Holl:r"'·ood headboard. This has little niches. fo1· map· zlnl!--expiretlonR, a recipe pigeon hole for boullibo.isse a.nd a humidor fot· apple·peelings. Thl!'4 headboard ('Ome.s equipped with Mr. a.nd Mr11. chest!'!, and a large mirror ~ you C'an '""" how )'OU look when you're al'llef'p. 1$99 romplf"lf".) Then for you Bohen1\ans that care t.o jot down n1emorable mel'ls&ges at nlidnight, Carlylt" ha.s a 30" wide couch·bed \\•ith mattress Rnd Hollywood legs for $47.aO or the same nap--sack ln 39" ""'idt" for $159.50· No matter how you take your ~Jeep get yot1r prop" at Cnr1_,.1,.•-. FurnltuN•, 1990 Hn rbor Rll'd., ( '0Mt:1 '.\f~. l\f>u1·on · 87!19. • • • I DON'T SL'PPOSE THAT TH"ERE ARE AS EQUAL Nl'll-fBER OF CO"'~ FOR AN Equal number of milk stool>i. Or. Erwood has a maple milk stool. and l 'n1 uln1o~t positive he has no kine or anv kin4 Kith and kin, per· haps. but :SO Kl!\'E. Th1J1. afore!Ul.1d 1n1Jk stool • • • co11lrl be yours for $7 ~O. Or pe-rhap!I you'd I ( "MOO Kl~'F." "CAT LUFAT VJSCH. AC HF.: NELE rather have a n1aple knilting bowl Htan( or HIS FETH \VETE." $12.50. How should I know? Dr. E1'"\\'()Q(I rt>ally does ha\'e "O('CRS· ional n1aple pieces fa ithful reprodu('t ions of Early AmerlC'ana" i I Literally translated rrom the \'erv old read that In a book). And ne\'er fo rget , here Is a man v.·illing. anxious English, this n1eans )'OU don't have to 1.vet y r t h k "th h M 1 :I' even eager to give )'Ou a bargain for hauling sturr away! ou can Yu0 "1r e_e ord 00,· up. "''1 th t !e 'herml a,'. hs haul off a. needle·point Mtool 1po1n~ vour O\\'n needle1 for $7.M>. Then ""'"~-... -. non 1.n or er o enJOY e res es 1s . · 39 d · ~ -r dinner this side of Coos Bay! Ch11.rlP}""l for ~·our boudoir a nd. Jiving room. figurine 1$. ~' lamps an num· ...._ /~" -..,_ f I o-1 t H f ( hi 1 ero\JS attractive hurricane nnd torrhierr la1nps from $9 up. These ~ .::rr& t>fM "'"""" auran , ome o res )' care es..s y I . fish grabs the fresh Swordfish and Albaoore as it passes thru' the lan1ps are single and quite n. buy for that very 1~ason . ou a Wl!l} ." ch~nel. Swordfi.eh luncheons' and dinners are very popular at tee! llke you've gotten lhe best of the bargain at F.nl'OOtl'l'l. 40'1 t .. Charley'!!!. Luncheon is Sl.00 and a complete dinner Is $1 .2a. The Balboa fllvd., Balhon. OfW"n ,.,.No. :arhor :166--J salmon Is good · too now. Charle)' "iii sell you fresh Alba~ore to NOW PORTIA THE ~OUR JS COME \\"HEN WE MUST FACE take ~ome ... a whole fl sh or a piece of .one. or 90me albacore LIFE. \Ve inust · put aside our rroquet n1auets. lay dO"'n our l~at ts smoked. After Labor Oa}•. ~arley ~ Seafood Restaurant bi\Uarrl cues and pick up our Pink ing shears. Little ones mufl.t be :11 be cloeed on Tues. llM Coa..~t Hl\\ay. (Next to Port Orange1 outfitted for school, men' must ha\'e !'lhirt~ to wear to the mill. and a.con 6834· hon1emakers 1nust ha"e tidy house dreS1>es. Yes, I mean you're to TOOT! TOOT! "GREE~ IS i!REEN~ RED JS take to lhe needle. Thr &lhoa 5 & 10 has Dan River yard goods RED, PERFECT SAFETY, DON"'T DROP DEAD~" in the most pleasing plaids .:ind C'heerful checks ~ And thread. zip· pers and feather bon ing and hies tap<" and everything for your sewing kit. Come nOY.', settle dO\\'n and get busy. If )'OU gel all caught up v.·i th your \\'Ork, I'll let _you buy a nice stole for $1 98 $3.98 at the RALHO-\ r; &: 10, SOO MAI'.'\, BALROA. How are vo1 · fix~ tor running Jight11, any·way sailor? Does )''Ottr sloop droop. is )'Our ship shape! \VALT'S TRADIXG POST H..\S E\'E.RVTRJ:SG I:\' t:SED MARl~"E EQl'IPME!\·T. Supplies for dinghy or destroyer. bathtub battlellhip to barkenttne. You • • • Pl.F.ASt: TO n1·,· ,.Ol 'R CiRt::Es ASD l.F.AFl' Pl.A ~~ .,lOM Mt.; . -. l 'Ll. ISST . .\LJ .. THEM I~ A POT FLO"'ERS Bl. ~IOltRI, C'8.n get tiny baby 11ha.ckles or g iant shackles at Droop Sloop Wa.lt's. Big or little blocks. fascinating chrome chalk.s, and bronze "shivs." big pipe fitUngs and little pipe fittings. And \Valt no"· has at hand a goodly cargo of outboard motor., one partlrularly 11weet churning little 3 h. p. Champion is Jike br-.nd new. And Skipper. \here's a bargain ln a beautJful bronze Breakdown Jl1"ht . . . look stately in M lp. bar or den. Lots of !lot~ and jet90m decor ~ . : . cork. cO!ored glus ball floats. and~ re&m~ of net. Hey. - Mates. you convinced! DOWN THE HATCH. BOYS . , . Get your next 1oad on at \\'alt'111 Tradlnl{ Post by the Ice Hou&e , 42'2 SOth St., Newport Harbor 24i0 8 :30 -6 (except \\'ednesdays 1 1-'0R •·Rt:t:! &lhoa Rl,·d. Harbor !O':() • • • • • • • LOOK! RARl 'M·~'.;\Rl'~! I PREDICT HAPPY DOG DAYS AHEAD! HapPY"'dOg!I for your little one11 if they get fitted st that fine ramll)· "hoestore. Bat.rbf>r'a BootPrJ·. Then you'll never have a ~ip·shod on the path to leamlnr. Barber's shoe store men are on their toes \\•hen it comes to proper ritttng of growing boys and Eirls reet. Barber's has school shoes to rit pre-kinder· garten on up to campus cut.ups. Youngsters get There are very great n1Ueage in the Lit tle '{anks and Reel Goose shoes. Teen· r•rew women with the exception of a few Indian agers really enjoy slipping around in Sportskik Loafers at S4 .95 or ~maidens perhaps. that don't ha\•e !'JOme little super· gadding about in the fan1ou;1 Covet• Girl , Hollywood Skooters or nuouA hair dlfficulUes. This is a tickliRh problem Petite Flats fron1 $4 .9:5 • $7 .9~ and .Johnny Belindas are seen at to be sure. But ELLEX L BR\'AXT. at~GISTF.llt~D the hops $4 .4:5 . $7.95. Saddle 5hoes are conshlere~ a mUBt for campus wear $6.95. $7.95. Barber's Bootery \\'I ll gt\'e ,:,·ou an X·Ray F::LECTROLOGIST can safely and permanently rt· !itting tr desired. Ct"t Young and Happ_\' foot cover1'1 at Rarb<-r'" move hair trom eyebrows. hairline, neckline. face or Boot Pr~-. 1195 :"l"ev:port Ave., Costa Mesa. Can you lake the sunlirht test? arms. Electr0Jy11!11 and thermolysis are sure, scientific methods· for e e e elimin.atinl" emba.rrassing. unwanted hair. Mrs. Bryant is at the Udo Salon of ~uty where she is available for a free. pri,·ate con- sult&lion. Don't beat about the bush: Call for an appointment no\v, 3440 Via Oporto, Harbor 2376. DEAR ANGLERS ' • • • Jn order to accom1nodate all m.\" tr1ends and customers (and incidentally to makt" a few fast buckt tor myself! I am now oper- attna an aJhlM'orp n.nnlnC" M"n'IN". Here's the deal : Bring your albarore to rOe exactly a.s they come out of the ocean-don't. rlran ChNn--absolutely h.ands off, ~e? Bring your flM in, as is-scales feathers, insidea, collarbone and aU-Then you \.Viii ~t the maximum recover)'. (Tip the deck·hands two-bits not to clea.n your catch-> In return for all the albacore )•Ou bring me. I'll gl\•e )'OU all the white meat In your ftah. F or every pound )'OU fetc h ln. I'll present you ~1th a can of the highest quality \\'hite meat albacore you have ever eiten and ch:irge you 20c a can for my service. If you don't ac:ree that this Is the best darn eating fish )'OU '\.'e e\'er gulped, I'll return double your n1oney. 1 Signed : Harry Kingston (his sea11 Bayside Fish Mkt .. 2800 Lafayette, Newport. Open every day ar the year. • • • SWEET ARE THE {;SES OF TRA VERSITV The Shade Shop has borrowed a phrase from Shake.-pere and it still oon1es out "A.s You Uke It" ... ~fy dear, everybody who ls anybody has traver9e curtains! And these same V. l . P's get their traverse tracks and drapery fixtures at this same Slaade SJlop. YQu may aJ.eo avail yourself of well made bamboo, matchstick shades whiC'h lend them· selves admirably to patio. lanai and beach • type llYlrtJ. The Shade< Slliop knows all there. is to know about window treatments for round, aquare, oblong or oblru9e peek apertures, Venetia.n blinds.. &h&de repelr1l. etc. far into the night. Shade Shop. 51• • tltll Rt., Harbor 1184 ~·ewport. • • • One brisk, ta.JI day In 1891, the Yale Football team pranced down the field wearinc-knit jersey blou11e .. 'Oe.nUement l")'mnut.a, cycll.rta and saUors aoon took up the vocue. That children, iA how sweaters wei:e bom. Then Sirls like Clara Bow and Lana Turner came along & little later and eot behind the sweater. In short, no girl ahould be without 12 or 10 sweaters fTOm the 10..LEE SPORT SHOP! Jo-Lee ha.I ca.ah· meru, lamb'• wool and other natty kntll trom S!5 to ••s\\'EATl!R S.19.95 tn a •a.riety ot delectable h~.s and atyJea.. Lee GIRL'" • alao ha• echool akirta of rayon p.b. in navy or b4Ck for $&.50. M,98; V«Y h&ndlome rayon and wool cM>&rdf.nes, lcalfe pleated. &JTOW 11Utcbed at $9.9!\; 100~ wool altlrts ln wine, C"T'ff.11. navy, bliaclc.. brown at $12.90. Cameron echool blou.ea ln S 11tyle.111 a.re $.2.95 • $3..86. ID 9d'lool or out. aweatera and Utlrt.s from the ~0..LEE Sparta Sllop St:rike the rtpt casual note. 11S5 :S~rt Al·{"~ Costa Mna • • • • HERE'S A. RECIPE FOR A \YONDER· FUL FRESH. FLAKY GREEN APPLE PIE~ Go get the apple peeler out-mean· tin1e looking around tor your rolling pin. After thif', lt"a p to your cupboard and get a pint n1eastn'ing cup. Feel around in this cup for Mc. Then get in :rour car and go 12 blocks do\vn and tum right lo 2112 ~, Ocean F'ront to a !!!hop that says SE\\'. ~f- PORT B.o\Kt~R\-. You'll find this the ;;-~-4 easiest n1ethod in the \lr.'Orld for turning up \\"Ith a fresh fruit pie. Or if you don't feel like follo\\·ln;,; this recipe, U9e these same proportions only sub· stltute apple tumo\·ers i t2cJ or meringue shells (order ahead!. Trippers from all pe.1 ts of the globe say they have never eaten SUC'h jelly doughnuts as come out or this place. Right now the :'\E\\'PORT BA.KF.Rl' JS open until 8 Jl. m. e\'ery f"~'ft'lln~ and tUI 10 p. m. ~ar. nJght . , . ': clay!ll a '''M'k at 21 IZ Ck."-f'an Front. Harbor 14-4!·R.. • • • STOP! PULLOVER TO THE CURB! WHERF. DO YOU THmK YOC'RE GO!!'IG TO A FIRE ANYWAY? Sorry Mam, but you'll hove to wait tmlll about Sept. 10 ror terrific discount11 and bargains in floor coverings. Clarence Is moving to a new buJldtng next to Mayfir:Jd's market and is throwing a big sale then. Carpeting. Linoleum , Drainboard Installation, Asphalt Tile f'OASTUSE FLOOR 00\T.RJSG 18th a nd Nt"W"pOrl Ave., Costa Mesa ~ .· •. . . ... . .. ' THE WILTON HOTEL ·,._..., LONG IEACH _.ft 'if···=··. . .. , .. Sol/them Collfonlio's most fosbioliahle "View loom" EnjOJ • .delk::Jovt diftntr and dancing In the btautdUllJ appointed SJtJ Room or alt and alp :rour fa•orrte cocktalll In lh• 1mart new St1 Lounge. Both rooms command an un1urpa•ed ..,.._ of the oc""· htrfJor and lntand cJtlet. Ctsrently feotvring Clyde Rooers and his All Star Band Reyiew. N~t a cow+ or o minimum. -.· ' l • • OOllilPLanl BOUD CLll.UIINO --and rap. -..-. ftoo -·· hll7 lnouH4. Al's House & Rug . Cleaning Co. 514 · 29th St. Newport Beach B•oon 6111 T2tf'c For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 lZ-Boildlng Services DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor • Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Bea.con 61()8..W t7ttc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING ''The Best Money Can Buy" ' 51 2 • 38th St., Nrwport Be.a.ch PHONF. HARBOR 2404 52tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 173 Palmer Bt., ea.ta Kma Bea. M07·M Nc8 INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -lNSURliD Glenn Johnston 401··3l•t St. Newport Beach 34<:•8 Harbor 2297..J C. L. KIRCHNER General Contractor Ne\\' Re-sldt"ntial &: Commercial R..f"modellng & Repairing Nr"'· homes open for inRpectlon. Call Harbor 116-4-~I 82tfc It. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service 1-talntained Phone: Harbor 1418-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach WW. people do read the ada. 14-Personal• Alcobolica Anonymoua Write P . 0 . 80?c 200 Balboa Island, Calll. Phone Kimberly 3-~93 22-Lost and Found LOST -Crt"en paddleboard, near Balboa Coves. Rr,vard. Ph. Har. 3173-W. 82c64 FOUND anrt pay Wrist watch. ror ad. Har. 28-Sltuatlons Wanted Idf'nllfy 1995·M. 6<c FINE IRONING will call for and del\\•er. Curtain!!. Hr lp with dinner parties. Phone 1-frs. \V illiams, Harbor 159~ be· fore 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m . 59p6< UNIVERSAL BUILDING MAJ ?\'TENANCE Floor Waxing, WindO\A.' Clraning \\'all \\'ashing for buiJ.Jings, stores. officC's &: homes Tt-lephone Harbor 116 63p65 Z9-H•lp Wanted An Opportunity NEED A MAN, familiar with !ra· ternal or social organizations, to manage club and lodge facllltl('S of a local g-roup. Thia I.a an Ideal spot for a r etired man \\'ho de· sires fellowship. Limited a1alary and duties. Houn mostly ln tht" evenings, 5 daya a y,.·eek . Age no barrier, non...ectarlut. Reply held confidential. Wrtte Box 02 this paper. ~tfc CLERKS c ft"male) for work on tax roll. Previous experience on office machJnf's &: typewriter de- lrinble. Good a&lary and oppor· tunity tor permanence. Apply ftnmedJately to Orange County Peraonnel Dept., &t4 No. Broad· w-ay, Santa Ana, Calif. 82cM· FOUR MiiN or women to work out all tuition In ex.change for- ooune in beauty culture. Santa Ana Univ. of Beauty, 408~ No. Main. Pb. KI. ~7. 1i9p615 COOK • HOUSEKEEPER-White mldd.Je a~ drln. Newport UJJ Oct. lat, thon dty. Private room· It balh.. $150 mo. Pftene H&rborH4. lk6f WANT KiTl'HER'S BELPl:R- Full UIDe, haft two llttle &t<lo. loqulze at ta &Ibo& C:0-. llarllorUOl·W. ISd:I l:Xl>ERIENCED DI n In I" Room Wattrea -Dwight's Drive -In, Cout Hllh-Y and 89th, Hunt· lngt-On Beech. 8%<64 ' . WANT TO BUY -. llOCODd hand portable. typewriter. Barbor 1146· W eves. 82Uc COMProMETmft OPERATORS 1 .S2-;.o;...A.;;:-_.-"·An=t!q..-...u_~----,--·-·--· (ff'male) needed immediately , for eeuona1 work. Typ1nc c1e. Muir's Antiques 11rabte. Opportunity for pe.r-Pine-Table .............. $22.50 manen.ce. Apply to Orange Pine DresM!r .......... 27.50 County Penon.neJ .Dept .. 64• N. Emplre CheAt· -..... .' .. %2.60 Broadway, Santa Ana, Calif. 86 pc. aet Oriental ••tree of lite" 112ciH c hina .......................... :............ $70 RENT· A PIANO, $3 per m0. -All term rent allowed when you buy. DANZ· SCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 020 N. Main. MAHOGANY Straube cut down upright with mirror, $150. Har. 0221.J. -· e2ce• !!!! : !'!~ ~~111! ..• Cut gl .... bric-a-brac, copper andS5-___ po __ _,,~ ...... Ca..._ts. ....... ,_P_~ __ ts ___ ~ brass-WEIMARA.NER pOmter puppieti, IRONRITE Ironer, ~all paint spraye.r, platform rocker, larg<> new prbace can. Mi.ac. tools. Paint, ecrew1 a.nd hOWN!hold &r· ticles. 1514 E. Ocean P"ront, Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 80C'74 We buy, aell and trade 2206 Newport Btvd .. Co!la Mesa tops in personal G1Jn dop. Champion sire and dam. Doro-Bearon 632l·WK thy 1.fanley. Phon<> Klmberly 8!1p66 2·6233. Ext. 57. 61c66 USED BABY CARRIAGE and pta.Y pen, $10 each. Phont' Harbor 229l·RK 63<65 MODEL 70 \Vlnchr~ter 270 cal. K2.~ scopr. R.t'dtif'ld mount. Sling, recoil pad, never used. Emle Smilh, Harbor 2443 (eves. Har. 0379·R) 82c64 TWO PAIR SKIS. Both for $20. Cable binding!! nnd 111ki poleR includerl. Harbor 1146-W eve~. 62lfl' CONN TROMPET-US<'d only 3 months, $80. DbJ. bed sprlngs, $7. Garden cultivat or, $3. 21 i CabMllo, Cost.a Mesa, Beacon 5131·\\'. 62"64 CHINESE BAMBOO BLINDS - 6 large 7 x 7, good conditio n. Cell Harbor 2376·J. 62p64 FOR SA.Li: -Kenmore washer, wringer·type $35. good cond. Boat traUer, $40: Martin 40 Out- board motor, little U.'led, $90. Harbor 0601-W. 64p66 STORE fixtures, prac. new, wall cues, counters, misc. All have adjustable shelves. Bargaln. Call owner , Beacon 8990. 64tfc CAN YOUR OWN ALBACORE- U8f'd Nat'l. Preuurp Cookt'r, 18 qL. $15. M3 Park Dr., Co8ta 1.fe.sa. 64p66 C R 0 SL E Y REFRIGERATOR 1951 9 cu . ft. modt"l. Hu all the featurt"s-~ lb. freezer chest on top. Meal kttptt and 2 vege· table cMspen. Also ha11 the butter keeper. YES, lt.e th{' Shelvador ind only used it 3 months. 'VOUld like to have an older rt"!rfgerat.or or ttove , tor my equity. Paid over $390 for It. No down payment a.nd take over payment of $19.98 per mo. 8ff at 4CM So. Spadra, Fulh~· t on, 9 a.m. t o s p.m. Ph. 21a2. ~9tfr F or a terrifc saving on an 18 Y" cu. ft. freezer, phone Beacon 6695-J . ~9c72 O'KEEFE It MERRiiT range, 1951 model, deluxe: CP all ai&· · tomatlc and It has everything. griddle In the middle. simmer burners and the rfr-111 broiler. I owe only $129.13 a.nd pay m e cash or take payment.a or $7.18 per month. I u.eed It only three months. Jwit Uke new. See a t storage, 401 So, Spadra, P'UUer· ton. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152. 82tfc GEN. ELEC. REFRJG., old model with unit on top. Good working condition, SM. Bt>a . 6304 -W. 6<c66 SS-Boats, Supplies -. ·-. ·--· .... Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Roya.ls See John Harvey at Seacraft 6~ COAST IDGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~771 94tfc li FT. NATIONAL, good rnndi· tlon, $400 Including sailing Jes· !'W>ns. Also sand dolly available. 217 Onyx , Balboa Island. 59p64 $4,250 27 FT. CUST01't mahogany cru· is<>r. t\l.1in Gray Phantoms, Ben· dlx controlled.· S , S. radio. Slip No. 2, Ken Niles, Villa Marina, nr. Balboa Island Bridge. Har· bor 1915. 59C'64 UI FT. CHRIS CRAFT p ed boat. Ch.rys. Ace. A·l mech. cond. $14~ Fre,. Blip rental for boats offered for sale up to 26 ft. Wizard & Rowboats tor Rent K en Scott 's Mobil Marine Dock Nrxt to Ferry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 159tfc Pair of 169 hp Scripps, R&L, dlrt>ct drive, fine condl· tion. can be demonstrated. SOUTH COAST CO. Nt>wport Blvd. at ~3rd Har. 2600 53tfc 22 HP EVINRUDE 42 Jong shaft. Good condition, Sl&5. Phon"' Laguna Beach 4·3088. · 82c67 VERY SLIGHTLY USED salt fiah with aal.l ktt and car top earner. Located in Newport. Bargain price. For information, call col· lect, Riverside 1·1161. 63c65 IDEAL SEAWORTHY 15 ft . flah· ing boat with Johnson ~ hp. out· board motor. Better than good rondition. Ready to ~o. Sacri- fice. 213 Grand Canal. Balboa 1.sland, Harbor i6I·R. 63c66 SMALL Sall Boal in good condl· lion. REAL BARGAIN! 1600 Balboa Ave.. ··Little" Balboa Island. Harbor M1·W. 59p61 DINGHY -Good condition. com . \\•Ith sail, oars, cover. etc. Used Vt"ry little. 221 1.2 Cr)•stal Ave .. Balboa Island. 64p66 17 _FT, NATIONAL. Z suit of sails and .. 88nd dolly. $350.' 1.fust sell this week. 217 Onyx, Balboa I!tland. 64p66 14 IT. SKIFF with 7 ~.Z hp. Flre- 11tone outboard motor, incl. an· chor, oare, pole holders, cart and canvas, $100. 212 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 64 c66 S ._2 __ H_o_use~h;.;.o;.;;ld.;;...;G._ood;.;..;;;;;s ___ 1 st-Musical, Radio Bill's Furniture RENT A PIANO for only $5 per · month. R ental appUea on tuture We Buy, Sell or Trade purchase at SHAFER'S MU· 1505 We.st Balboa Blvd., Phone SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Harbor 2M2·R. 54p66 Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2--0672. GAFFERS I< BATTLER RANGE. It& the 1951 model deluxe CP COME IN, HEAR and PLAY new all automatic. HU Janip an<;) Hammond Chord Organ. No clock-an steel griddle In the music lessons necessary. Any- middle and the chrome grill one can play this inatrume.nt. broiler. Aho hu the all chrome DA.NZ -SCHMJD';t' PIANO and top. Can have cull $159.33. ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana, 520 Would like a used ralige or re-No. Ma.in, corner 6th. trlger1tor tor my equity. No down payment and take over my payment of $10 .• 2 per mo . 8ef! at 404 SO. Sp&dra. F'U.ller· ton. 9 a..m. lo 8 p.m. Ph.. 2102. ~9tfc BROWN LEATHER DAVEN· PORT and chair. A ·1 oondit&on. 221 Via. Lido Soud, Lido l&Je. Harbor 29711-M. 82pM SMALL STUDIO uprlgtlt piano In perfect condition. Term.a $29.~ down and fl0.67 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. !Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Banta Ana. Kimberly 2'..Q672. 69ttc GRAND Pl..Al"l"OS. . Big Summer Sale now on Stelnway. Muon I< Hamlin. Knabe, Cblclcertnc, Challe, WurJIUer,. Sohmer, Fiah· er a.nd many others. Some new, aome U8ed. Prtce111 at.art at $3915 DANZ-SCHMIDT .PllNO CO .. 020 No. Ma.In, Santa Ana. I Toy Manchester Terriers 2 PUPS 8 wks. old. A.K.C. regis- ~red. 182 E. 18th St., Coat.a Mrsa . 63p65 THREE, PART PERSIAN kitlerul, 5 "'ef'ks old. Trained. Want good home. 2 f('malt'. 1 male. 518 ClubhouS4", ·Nl"wport Sf'ach. Har- bor 16f10·J. 64c;66 41-Stores and Offices OFFICE SPACE, 12x20. down· Flt.Airs location. comer of Palm I< E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 2821 . •et.tc STORE FRO?\"'T AGE on Palm St., Balboa in nev.• Ruby Bldg. bet. Balboa Blvd. and Ocean Front. About 2400 sq. rt. with 3 front entrant-ri.. \.\'111 flnl!lb to .suit tenant11. 514 E. Ocean Front, Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 32311. . 6-0cit JN CORO?\' A DEL 1'fA.R- A ltrac tlve store 12 x 40 in new bldg. Exct"llrnt location oppo· i<ilte A.IJ.Amcrican Mai·ket. i15 month . W. E. Fisher, Realtor ER~,.IE SMITH, AMOCiate 916 Coast Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona drl Mar 42-WanWd to Rent C AN USE unfurniJJht"d 1 or 2 bed· room housP, St"pt. tst occupancy. Phone Atary \Vescolt, Harbor 3131, between 8 a . m. and 5 p . m. or Ha.rbor 786·W. 62<:64 W A?\'T 2 or 3 b<>droom home for Sept. 1st occupancy by re.spon· 15\ble adult.J!. Will pay up to $150 per month for well fUrnlshed place in good locatkJn. Winter rental. Phone Beacon 5222 dur· ing busin<>88 hours. 63p65 ·TEACHER and tarnUy want & 2 or 3 bdrm. f\lrn, bou.e tor oc- cupancy on or before Sf'pt. Isl. Phone Kln1berly 2-1782. 63C65 COUPLE WANT unturnished 2 B . R. howtf' with 2·car garage on yt"ar'ii l<>ase. Box Y·2, thi8 paper. 64p CITY FIREAtAN, penrl. en1pJoyt'rl and wift" ws.nt to rent 1 bdrm. furn. hou&e in Newport or Bal· boa, $55 to $60 mo. yearly. Ph. Harbor 1514 . 64p66 ~S-AJ!~!'!lts and Houses • PENINSULA WINTER Rentals- Duplex 2 &. 3 bedrms. Attr;ac- tlvely tum. \V int<>r or yr. round. Reasonable, Har. 200l·J. 64tfc YEARLY ~2 bed.room duplex, un· furnish<'<!. Garage. Near both schools. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. For information Phone Harbor 1297·R. 61tfc WINTER RENi' AL-2 bdrm. furn. house. double garage. Util. pd. $85 mo. Af&J.lable Sept. 10. 122 41.st St., Newport Bea.ch. 61p66 WINTER RENTAL -PENlN· SULA -Furnished single apt .• available in Sept. $8 week. Utit. incl. Adults only. Phone Har- bor 1270·W. 6ttfc CORON A DEL M.AR -Attrac. 2 B. R . home, unfurn., large liv. rm., W . to W. carpet, ven. blinds tile bath. Fenced yd. Yrly. rent- 11.I, SB.5 mo. Incl. util. Ph. Har. 386-J. 62':64 FURNISHED HOUSE, Newport Beach--4 bdrme., 2 bath.8, lge. living rm., garage. Bar. 0849-W. 62c87· SCHOOL TEACHERS-ADULTS 3 excellent winter rent.alll near f South Bay. Inquire 113 Coral, Balboa !&land. 62c6• UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt. l&:e. living rm. garage. Alllo unturn. 2 bdrm hou.ae, fireplace, enclos· ed patio, garage. 704 % H elio- trope, C.Orona. del Mar. · 63cM CORONA IDOHLANDS -Ocean view-New 2 bdrm home, un· fum. Harbor 2774 (Evu. Har. ~W) l3c65 PHILCO Retrlgl!rator -lta th• big 9 cu. ft. model with the croi. top freear cheat,. meat keeper and crtape.r for veg. Uaed It 4 months and lt. still hU the guarantee oo It. Bal. due on contract ia flM.ll. Pay cub or take paJinentt of .$10.M per mo. flee at otoro.re, 40t so. Spadn., 11\illetton, t a.m. to 8 p.111. Pllol>e 21&2. eruc SPINll:T PIANO, Pay out balance WINTER Rental _ Anllable 1266. Aftother Spinet, b&I. . $387 • Kimbal made llplaet, s.ces. a.. 'Sept. 18Ul. I and 2 bdrm. fllrn. OU7 u.t: ot ret....-rent,ai. and apto. Patricia Apta., lll03 . E. repairrrl1ona. DA.NZ-8CHMIJY1" Balboa Blvd .. Ba~ &3,pt6 mo PIANO llTORB, 100 bar· YEAJl.LY UNPUR.N. 1 bdrm. apt. plno, ll20 N. lilabl. ·Santa Ana. with pr., Ooor fllhlace, water Km.OIOR.S, U1tGm&tic wuhfas comer etb 8taet. 90ttrener. Nur Beecb,.. aao mo.. m"'b""'• Coi4opCltl Nfrtpralor, GOOD PRAC'nCI: PIA.NOS UB 1000 W. Balboa Bl'""° Harl>or ~:.:...~ :::.. ':.: '87, $8i and UJ!. r..t. ~ ]dd.'. U77 or liarmr llll0-11. ~tto -P· Comb pl)wood c:alllaet. dlM learn. Pl.7 bl.It II per mo. UNJ'URNil!Bl!lD 2 bdrm. .tn>nt · 617 ean.Uon, Corona. dtl Mar. 2 yr. .,.....,._ at full ~-~ l!Mplaee, beam' celilllc, -D~ BIO PIAMO _,..._ aunct!n ""•rtor .... ====--'·:::.··----84IJD JilOW O?f luta .... ,__, ..-• _., BOUSM CEPICI\, loud clean eoo1L 00.llPLirl'll ltrills rm. -... -AO 1'a. x.,m, ..... ltb. f;r =ly. 705 ._.., ~ I -llmaD -. Ila-, u4 cMlr, plaUwm .-., et-'""' . · :--r- 1+ .. -Rd. Bar-~-· I taMm --tei-80KOALOWllPl<_,._.,_. Mll!04 ~:f anl a lier Uat-Wlt. ( Mplt ...._ I' -. SllWIC. -feet .......... 'hl89 117.11 --· Omnp-rift. ...... .... -...... -• 'Wltla'-.JuL-Ver7-.... aau-WOMAll waai.I tor CllWf, .. •211 ..... l! -· 8ILUa'll 11\Ma:,O.. (P.. W'llrt«-'..__..,, Mtf1i a-.,11ioa11•owkanctddld,.een. •• ..,~-112._....-., JIGO.G1No..,1tklM;"0 tna · ' · 4" • UYe IL Har. _,, -!f•wpeot Bilek. 1 ltf!I .bit.• ..... !mV ._,, -.... ae '"'d all -.... ' I , ,... ' • ' .... _ .. , .......... - • I j • 1 ' 11 • I I • • • I . • M.A.tlY .CH .OICE SELEC TIO -NS OF R'EAL t S ·Ti ·Tt ~LISTED IN · THIS SECTION .PAR I .6Ufi.' .. ~ iU:WPOAt.a•r.enA I • -.. . .. ... ..;!II!!. ~-:!.•!!:!•!!!..' ......_!!!!!ee!!...iJ _;·.:,· _..,....J'•!!:::!•!!eal!!!.; .... !!!!!'!!e____ a Beal' ...... . . . BE'ITER CARS FOR LESS 18GO CADlLLAC al. 4-dr. -u. s. Kuter w. w . ur.., lo mll .. ge, Mly oqulpt ............................ $34:50 11H8 CAI>ll...LAC $2__. club coupe, W. W .. Fully equlpt. Very cl<;an .................................................. $2465 1948 CADlLLAC 82. t-dr. !Jedan. W. W., Pully equlpt. only ............................................... .,.$2395 1941 CADlLLAC 808. 4-dr. !Jedan, orig. blk. !>"Int $1080 tHl CADILLAC 82, convertible. New tulip cream, . paint. N""' top. ICxcln't. mechAnlcally .: .............. $i!195 1960 PO?ol"'TIAC 8 Super deluxe catallnL W-; W., · H. A R. 1 owner. Very Jp m.Jleage, like new .... $2195 11M9 MERCURY Convert. Co.upe., W . W ., H. Ir. R. A beauty. Showe excellent care ............................ $1695 194.l CHEVROLET deluxe club coupe. Thia popu- lar model al ocly .................................................. $ 595 1940 PLYMOUTH COupe (4-pus.l, good conditJon. Special ............ ................. .. ................................... $ 375 1948 Dodge I> ton Pick-Up .. ..... .. ...... . .............. $ 775 One-third. down, 11 monthJI, Bank term• NEWPORT AUTO SALES. 2604 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Piton• Harbor 1407 62c&I Costa lieu The Best Town on Earth I "Business-Zone C-2" Lot 48' x 200', new double ga.raae, work Mop and a two bdrm. Oki· er home. Price $8800, tenna. . "G. I. Resale" 3 bdnn, hwd. noon. tlrepl&<le, dbl. garage, nice lawn. Mo. pymt.I. $62.88, down pymt. $2300. Total price $10,450. "Bldg. Lots" (five) Be!ll of location cloee to Blvd. Ea!!l Side. ONLY $4000. "Income & ·Home" Two home• on one lot with 2 bdrms. each price $8200. • 1941 CADILLAC 62, 4 dr., new • • (ltte, llke new. 12200. Con1idter 'H FORD Super Deluxe 4-dr. ••· "$lgOO Down" dan, $350. Also brand new 1 trade, Harl/Or 1321-J. MpM 1"° CHEVROLET 2 door. 1n per· feet condition, $1'M:I. 512 -38th BC.... Newport Beacb. Phone Har- bor 2404. 61l!c IH 7 STUD EBA.KER Champion Starlight coupe. ALSO 1960 Stu- debaker Champion 4-dr, sedan Private party, Harbor 301. 61tfc 'U DE SOTO Club, 35.200 mile& V ery cleaa. Radio. Heat e r. i1-t.OO. Beacon 6747-W after 5. 62p64 ~A~ta ~ !f_oll8e8. LIDO ISLE Smartly t\Jrnlaht'd t and 2 ~· room apartment.a wlth 1rarage. !;'ept. 16 lo June 16th. l bedroom 1twtn be<lol i1a mo .. 2 bedrms. •100 mo. All uUlltlea pald. Ideal for achool teacher1 or profe11- sionaJ people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 8333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 Newport Beach. Calif. .SStfc ~OCEAN VIEW FURN. APT. Pen. Point, .wit.able for 1 or 2. Win- ter JM MD. UUlltles and ga.r. 11\a. Harbor 2001-J. &4lfc BALBOA ISLAND We tia.ve apartment. and hou.es- A vaJlable for winter ee&IOn or yearly te.ue. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine j)a.lboa Island Harbor 2462 1.50 x 16 8·ply truck tire with Will buy a nut two bdrm. older flap, S30. 3.5 Balboa Coves. Ph. h otnf" and garage on comer lot, HarbOr 106 after 5 :30 p.m. 56lfc total price $6200. MODEL A FORD cpe .. good con · dltion, 5 tires, new paint, uphnl. t op, 1ea.I beam hdlites. lnquirl' 221 ~ Crystal Ave., Ba.I boa I~­ land. 64p66 LATE ·~ P.ONTIAC 8 Conv. Hydromatlc, all extras, und<'r· sea.led. 12.000 ac tual 1nllt'8.,i"" Perfect cond. Local car for Kalr by owner. $~95. Har. 3151-W after 6. 64c66 '.1_3-:-A.1!8:rJments an_d Houses BAY FRONT Lido Isle bay front unit~ 70 ft. private beach. $('pt. 15-June "Real Nice" Two bdrm. home. garal'e Ar work 8hop approx. 2 yrs. old. $1600. down payment 13100. G. N. WELLS, Rltr., & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 61-Real FAtate Exchange EXCHANGES 1~. 1 bdrm., SSS mo .. 2 bdrrri. LOT 14.5 x 360 -New 2 bdrm. 2 bath, $110 mo. Avatlable by I house. Land plotted !or addt- Yf'&r sllghtly hlghf.'r . t lonal homea for income. Loca· Harbor 2562, eves., Harbor 2914·M ted In Fontana home ot Kalaer 62tfc Stef.'1 and fuleal growing In· ------------dustrlal center In Southern Cal RENT AL ( ( SUBMIT INCOME or vacant SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cra1S Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ial&nd. Har. 204.2 82cM WINTER RENTALS PENIN· SULA. Furnished 2 and 3 lxlrm. apt.s .. close lo school. Refrlgcr· ator. Util. incl. Available in Sept. 17th, $1 5 and $20 wk. Ph. Harbor 1270--W. 61lfc ONE RM. rear hoU8e, non·hOU!le· kttping, furnished. 605 Lark· spur Ave., Corona del Mar. Har- bor 1253·W or Har. 2148·R. 64p66 zoned for income. Large Income Units Orange Co.unty. Will cON1lder Bay or Ocean Front home for $50,000 equity. Elev<'n unit.JI plWI ownere--lncorne $100 week. Want a how.e. Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor 1523 Cout Highway Corona del Mar ' Ph. Har. 2766 62c64 BALBOA ISLAND Charmlni 2 bdrm.. honie. large patio and lanai. Excel. location, cl.-to fine_ beach Ii public pier. Price $16,500 • W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Harbor 2462 • Balboa Island 250 Acres, near Apple, Valley, , in heart of the jNe&t ranch country. Lovely 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. Guest house, swimming pool, · trout lake. Abundant water now developed. \ Exchange for cruiser and/or home. EVERETT MORRIS & Associates 408 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Phone Harbor 3265 Bay Front Income Here la home· plua 1ood Income right on the waler. Thrtt 2 bdrm. And 2 bath unit.I',• and 3 1 bdrm. Top location. • year•. old, completely fqmlabed. price $87,600. Consider part trade. Bay Front Triplex On beauUful Udo Iele. Two 3 bdrm. apt.a. and one 1 bdrm. excellent Income. Price f•l.600, excellent terms. NEW 3 B.R., 2 Bath Home on Udo Iale. tile featuree, forct'd air heat, FP paUo, lot1 ot •torage apace, $22,500. . ALSO NEW 2 BDRM. at J49!W> down. Prlce-$1:i,7~. GREENLEAF I< A880C. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor %662 Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exc"pllonaJly nice t units -2 story stucco. only 1 'iii yra. old . -4-ca.r garage. Three 1 bdrm. unit. tumtshed. One 2 bdrm. unit un(urnlshed. Cloee to bay and ocean swimming. Excellent income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home Very nice 4 bdrm., 2 bat.ha, tarce ltvlng room with rtreplace. A.c- crou the street trom the bay and walking distance to Balboa and shopping areas. Low Down 3 bdrm. G. I. Re.aal~ThlB id" the tf&rgaln you have been wRttlng for-1 yr. old, hwd. floors, lots of tlle, dlnlng ,room, plenty' of cloeet.., extra large lot on clrcu· la.r drive. 2 bike. from H . S . Full Price $9750 With $1800 Down and monthly paymenl.R of $!>6 which Incl. taxea and insuranct>. How can You Beat Thia? G. I. Re ale Newport eights A lovely l$ bdrm. 1and8 ave. Leu t P'treplace, tlwd. large kitchen ._,1 breakfast area and laundry, gar ge dlap., dbl. garage, nicely la &caped. patio and many nice f tures. Down pymt. $2700' Full Price $12,500 Monthly pyts. of $66 include t.a.xea and lnaunutce. Country Club Special Appraise This Home ha.a approx. 1280 sq. fl, 3 bdrm•., one a. master, large living room, s:eparate dining room, large k itchen with din- ette l'lp&Ce. Bath room Ls com· pletely tiled wllh a pullman. Fireplace with a heatalor. Back yard b completely bricked - coetlng owner a $1 ,000. Garage which a1ao hae a quarter bath. Cement driveway, barb-q and a nJce patio. 4 yra. old. ~9tfc B~LBOA ISLAND Furn. 3 Bdrm. ..flew. Year lease or winter rent· al. Reasonable to right party, Call L , A . OL. 1088. 64p70 VIEW HOME ONE BLK. above sun .. t Blvd .. w.. Only $15,000 furn. Owner la leaving for school and must make a deal immediately. The full price la only WHA'I A STEAL! lWJNTER ·f\ENT AL -Fuml>hed 2 bdrm. apt. betw. Balboa 11.nd Newport. Gar11.ge, and utU. incl. Av&ilable Sept. 9th, $1'5 mo. or f8:5 mo. yrly. Bea. 8487-M. :i9tfc l BEDRM. ..\PT.-2 adults urn, pd. -Frictdalre $-40 mo. or wtll leaae.. No pet. -U 7 • 3&th St. Newport Beach. Ph. Har. 691-W 62c64. PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottagea. ~. • On Collin> laland Each apL hu water frontq:e. Aocom. •· Weat end Park Ave., .Balb<& la land. Harbor 29&2· w . 155<69 BALBOA ISLAND Bouaee and Aple., yearly or eea· .anal See Gau camey, wtu. NELDA GIBSON REAL l!:8T A T1I aoe Karine, BaJ-1.a1. ear. 602 ' '9tfc BALBOA PEN. Point. R('serve now choice new Apt. Lge. view windQ'fo'I. fireplace. gar .. bendix .. furn. in maple. Wlnter or yearly Clifton Apt.a., 1600 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har. 2649·M. Hollywood. l story mod. French l Prov .. 3 Br. &: den : 2"' yr!I. old, 3000 aq. tt .. 114 rt. rront 1eve1 Coast Properties Co. lot. Trade for older bayahore 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa rt"s. or Inc. with pier. Owner, Pho ne Harber 2861 1371 Belfast Dr., L. A . 46, Dt:. 7·5314, CR. 6-9~14 . 53p66 64c66 · "LET'S TRADE" . , HAVE $14.,000 equity ln 2 tum. BALBOA-Nice clea~ apt., o_nc housel ll'O'Od rent.ala) Balboa person. good locat1on. Rcfr1g. Boulevard. Yearly, $32.50 per month. Phon(' W ill trade for 3 bdrm. home, Har- Harbor 1839·J. 310 island ~ve. ! bor area. WIU auum1. Phone ___________ 6_p6_6 ( l;larbor 2064.·M ennlnp. OOp&-4 FOR RENT-Winte r rental, lease from Sept. t..o June. Two bdrm. boUff', furnished, fenced yard. "6 per month. 126 Topaz. Bal- boa bland. 64p66 FURN. 3 BDRM. HOUSE. ocean front. Wintf'r rental, $75 mo. Ha.rbor 1516-W . 64c66 1 TRAILER SP ACE Cloee to ahopplpg. off the Hiway, 112 to $1fi :o. Cabrlllo Court, 140 Cabrillo ~t., Costa Mesa. WILL TR4.DIC 2 bedroom house. good location, Corona dtl Mar !or 2 bedroom hou.e An~ double garage In Clltt Haven or New· port Heights or will coitatder de!flrable lot in u.rne area u part payment. Owner, Har. 1718-M. 62<64 WILL TRADE '48 De Soto Club as down payment on small home In Harbor Area. Beacon 5747-W after 5. 82p6A OPEN HOUSE 2242 St. James Rd. Cliff Haven Owner must leave for East soon. G. I. 4';f resale. Low monthly payments. Well built, 3-bedroom home' on 70 x 120 lot. Colored bath flxturea. Hardwood fioon and a huge land8caped yard, completely enclosed with red- wood grapestake. tence- $13,500 Full Price Open 1 p, 111· to '5 p." m. Saturd11.y & Sun .. Sept.. let A: 2nd or Call Mr. Kempton, Harbor 1500 for pre·showlng . P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333' Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 $12,500 l'hil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Co8ta Mesa Ph. Be&. 6898 or Bea. M58-J Harbor 3157-W • G. I. Resale - Owner muat aacrtr;ce 3 yr. old 2 bdrm. home. Dbl. gar., large fenced yard. 114.~ down. $9000 full price. 423 Flower, Costa Mu.a. 63cS:S COSTA MESA Owner mw:t sell her fine 3 bdrm. houae. Leaving for good. Fenced large lot. 2-car gar., all appoint- me.nta. Your Offer Considered For Appointment to See-- HORACE S. MAZET 306 Marine Ave. Balt>o. laland Harbor 3028·J 59tfc B&A trrIFULL Y built 4 year old untum. Balboa Island home - 3 bdrma., S bathe, fireplace, paUo. Yearly le&ff. Har. ~1T&-w 1 .4_4 __ Boo __ ms __ f_o_r_Re __ n_t ___ _ 82c6( WELL PLANNED Newly deco· rated throuchout fi rm. home. All tile bath. R·2 aone. Large lot, room to build. Value •11.000 North Ing1ewood. \\'ill trade for hOUM llmil&r ala, Harbor area or LalUJ'L Pbone Axrnlnater 1·•-l96. 62di7 PENINSULA POINT Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar See 714 Marigold Ave. NEWLY BUILT S bedroom mod· ern home, 2 bat.hi, ttreplace- untu.rnlabed. Corona del Mar. Year leue. 1110 month. Phone Harbot' 2892·R or B. 8921. Mp&8 FURNl8HED hOU.1<, 606 MUI St .. Newport. on waterfront. pr .. $M wk. A vall after Sept. 15th, winter ratee. Phone ATlanllc .2•9005. &2p67 , N!:WPORT HOTS .. 600 Cllrt Dr. Yea.rly rental, 2 B. R. tumiahed, be&UL view, lar&lt', tu.mace ·be.at. Aduita. No pet., available SepL 1:5, '8IS mo. plue uWitiea. Mp&9 SLEEPING room. Private en· trance and bath. By month, $35. 139 N. Bay Front. Balboa !&land 62p64 55--Money to Loan LOANS For Homes 0~-20 YT· Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5-3 t,; % ( 14 yrs.) WE BUT AND SELL TRU!>l" DEEDS SEE BOB SAITLER .-HU COA!>l" BLVD. cOrona del M.a.f Harbor J077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lire Ina. Funda Kl 3·5180 PALM SPRINGS HOlll!: -Will trade $1~ equity for property in Harbor Area, Coeta Mna, or for a boat. May add cuh. Home a 3 yrs. old, 17fi0 aq. rt., k>ta of trees &nd 1hrubl, a.Ir condll· loned. Swim club membership inc'luded. 82581 Sky Blue Water Trail. Outpoat Eltatee, Palm Springs, Calli. Phone Palm Spr1np 3199. &4.Uc 3 bdrm. home on large comer· lot. Modern atyJe. BUiit a.round paUo. l bat.ha, fl.replace. 1'500 .q. ft. in houae, plU& double pra,e. Furn. $19,500 Balboa Realty Co. Rou Greeley JoeePbtae Webb LllllAD Mc>.- 700 l!l. Balboa Blv<I, Bar. 8277 M<:M 2 bdrm. bom~Forced air heal, fireplace. Fully enclORd pallo. Lota of Ute and cabineta. Hwd. floon. Beautifully landscapt.'d. Bea.ring fruit trees, a charming home throughout. 8EI: Newport Heights Earl Chamberlain Today's Best Buy aoo eo..t BIYd.. .Corona 11e1 ·:aw NEW three bedroom -wltll (Opp. Newjlort Harbor Bult)' WHY GAMBLE? The stock market goes up and down but your savings invested' in a home o~ own in growing L 0 ISLE could be your t safeguard for your future. The following quality homes are listed with our office ONLY and are priced for quick sale. 1. EXCLUSIVE listing of nearly new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Thia ta ideal !or chUdren u It hu 2 large bedrooms and 2 small bedrooms. All the latest and finest featurea and only a ff.'W steps from lovely PRI- VATE BEACH. Imagine lhla a~ ONLY$ 19,500-Excelle.nt ternu. 2. Brand new 4 bedroom, 3 bath ho me. MANY DELUXE tea· turf's such a.a garbage diltpoaal. unit heat, 2 water beaten, wired for electric range, 3--car l:"aragt>, lar;e patio, landscaped and many, m any dazzling "homf' owner delight.a." All for o~ly 128,500. ALSO Other clt>ve r 2 and 3 bedroom home11 for sale on LlOO ISLE. For those who want to build- somc vPry de1irable lots are for sale either waterfront s:itea for Income unit.a or off wSter Iota al ba.ri:-ain prict>e. ALWAYS RE· MEMBER we are the develop- ers of LIDO ISLE. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lkto Ntiwport Beach, Calif. ' Harbor 1500 PHONE Harbor 1818 to place your want ad on thla page. ' ' ' Excellent Income I! you want one of the best in· come praJ>erlle1 ·in the area, we have 6 unit.a ck>ae to everything. W('ll fumisht'd and in good con- dition. Always r ented. Showa good income. Owner leaving area. Priced right_... at $29,000. Exclusive. Owner Moving Must 11ell almost new, fully rum- ished 2 bedroom penlnaula home. Well built. Fireplace, panelray and electric heat. Full bath with stall ahower. Dilpoal. Lot.a of tile. Large 2-car garage. Re· duccd to $12, 700. Cheaper to Own Than rent a summer home. ThlH three bf>droom house ta well lo- cated and would be an Ideal win· ter rental, as well aa summer home. <:;lose to bay, ocean. school. c\lJrches, transportation. Good bu)' at $10.500. On Peninsula Year old three bedroom home. One block to good awimmtng beac h. Hnrdwoo<t floor1, fireplace, floor furnace, Iota ot tile In kitchen and bath. Large two-car ga- rage. Very neat. Good fLnanc· Ing. • Bay View Older three bedroom house on two lots with view ot the bay. House in excellent condition. Approxi- mately 2000 sq. fl. A real fam- ily home, a good buy, $19,600. Duplex Near Bay Three bedrooms up, two bedrooms down, additional bedroom and bath attached lo garage. Ex- cellent renters. View of bay. Delightful home u well aa ln· come. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 Ethel Shirley Gol.de,i Fay J . M. Miller Dlck hy 2 BDRM. home, partially turnlah· ed. hwd. floore. lot.-ot tile. A real bargain wtll take hou11e trailer u part. 2a2 Santa laa- bel, Costa Meaa. 63cM WANT TO TRADE? OWNER wiabea to sell or trade Xlnl. Income prOp. for a home in Harbo~ Area. 11 rent&l units turn. 2 rma. ea., and the man~ agers home. Lar:ge rest rooma and abowera. Laundry room. Room for mQhl Wllt& Shawl very good Income of .. 00 po< mo. Aaklng prl<e only $26,000. A true v&lue l S:.O Avocado Bt.. Co8l& Meu. G3cee . • .. 'HOME AND INCOME 2 ~ h._ In choke ~A ISLANJ? loca• tion_ Fifeplace, hwd. floora, nice patio. PLUS a 3-rm apt. in rear. · '18,500 Furnished I STANLEY HADF'IELD, Realtor 218 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harborl 20 DON'T FAIL to see Costa Mesa'a best buy in Boulevard frontage 630 ~ trontace x 18' depth on Newport Blvd., localed between 21st and 22nd street.a on Ea.at side of Blvd. Thie ls an abaolute •teaJ at $& per front toot with \i down and the balance at fi% . MUST HA VE ACTION BEFORE SEPT. 1 Might Consider Trade for Down Payment_ ACT ON THIS TODAY BEACON 6698 BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 baths -oversized 2-car attached. _garage. Localed on ln!te lined gentle sloping corner lot. ~- ALSO JUST COMPLETED TWO BEDRM. with spacious garage with view of oceaft. 2 bdnn. apL over 2--car BOTH HOUSES are RANCH STYLE wtUt tile baths. garba/e dtspoaala, large enclosed patios, overslaed pan- eled Clrepla.cea, decorator colors and wall papera. Sepa· rate laundry rooms. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Phone Owner, Harbor 1'521·J ' or see• your broker. SOMETHING NICE INA LOT-- on Little-Ba.lbc,-a X.land, we ·have a nice com er lot, we believe the only one available today. A quiet apot. Could appeal to build ·and reaell. Financing could be arranged. We have a beautlful site, 60 ft. wide by 140 ft. deep, with t,reea already planted and growing. One aide Ir: rear redwood fenc· ed. On a qul~t. paved street of lovely new homes, near to the high school, Coeta Mesa. Pric- ed $1600, unn.o. J . A. BEEK Office Har. 83 Balboa Ioland Ferry 0 HURR Y ! BUILD NOW! before gover't restrictions Best View Sites on Coast Large Lots, Restricted All Utilities Private Beach Rights Excellent Values Corona Highlands at Laguna Edge of Corona del Mar MODEL HOMES TO SHOW Tract Off ice Har. 414-J 56<61 CORONA DEL MAR Don't Say: "I Wish I'd Seen Those Sooner" $1 0,750 -Only $3000 down - 2 bdrm. modern home. Fireplace, fenced yard, garbage dl.apoaal and dlshwuher, dbl. garage. • $10,950 -Better than new -i bdrm. home. Ocean side ot hi- way. L&rge rooma. Full dining room,...., hwd, noors, attracUve patio wttb barbecue. Neat work- shop in garage. .TOM PAYNE 310 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar Phone Ha.rbor 2774 ...... $7250 Full Price Clevl!!T 2 bdrm. cotl&ge near ocean a..nd bay. Sparkling new-Let ua prove i~ the be•t buy lo lbe Bay area. GREENLEAF I< ASSOC . BUILDER :_ REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 26.52 JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM.. 2 batll home on large 80xt18' lot 1860 eq. fl. plus m.uonry garage Mth radio controUed door, ha.J'dwood floors. Forced air turnace. Lot. ot tile. Completely fenced and landecaped. Priced at S27,500, I> down Call owner Harbor 2941-J or aee house at 134 Shorecltff• Road. D7Uc &tc66 REDUCED PRICES! * • OPEN 1 -5 • • Be;auUtully tumlahed year round 4 bdrm, 3 ba.. home. Practlca.tly new MODERN, wtlh encloaed patio, 2--ca.r l'V· Ready tor com· pleu living. 1111 Ocean Blvd • Balboa. Harbor 2451·M. true Modern redwood and glass Two bdrm. and servant'• quarters. Flaptone and wood fioora. Two years old. In grove of trees. ~a.utl!ul view ot the western hllla -in exclusive •ection -2 mUes from ocean in quiet eur- roundlnp. $215,000. Good urnu. 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W 59Uc NEWPORT HEIGHTS-COmfort· able 1-bedroom home, large )ot. Now only '8,850. Also 2-bedroom home, hardwood floon, stall ahower, dining room. Now only 111.500. CORONA DEL MAR-Nearly new 2·bedroom home. Hardwood . flooni. dlapooal. Only Sll,900. Two flne 3-bedroom homea, one ocean aide. Large room.a, nan sh~ra. Now only '15,900. Call 'John . Mottram. Harbor 1500; Evea.: Harbor 2480--R. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo, Newport Beach 64- . ONLY S996G-New 2'bclrm. bome, CLIFF HA VEN hWd. a...... lar1• rumpua rm. Home -L&rge Lot_ Unobstruct· garap, floor turnace. Ao k1ea1 ed ~--bo ·"-"-2 bdrm h d · home for a couple. Term.a. SD ~ r vl'l:w •·· w · Earl Cbamberlatn :;oo Coast Blvd. floors. FlaptOne fireplace, en-Corooa de! i.w'.. Ji&I:. 2288. cloeed barbecue. _Large living • · 82cM dlttlng room facing Ha.rbor. P'ur-__ ' nace heat, dbl. gar. Only S18,000 ONE BEDltOOK HOVSl!l, 3\ Jtll. Corona del Mar TWO APl'S. Now anUabJe. ALSO ·room and batll by cl&y or per- mantnL !Stj It., Ocean "1ont. Apt. 1. Balb<&. I'll. Hat. 1238. LOANS TO BUll.D, lllPROVS. WlLL TRA.D_.&-2 bdrm. home. in San Be:rnardino to t' "1mil&r property in Barbor Atta. · Inq. 928 E. Balbcla Bl..S., Apt. 2, Balboa. Mp&& t1rep14ce. rurnac., -P-. Harbor 2188 Bay Front fioon., p.rba.p dl.,....I, dot•Ne U you're loolilng for the tlnelt in New 3 bdrm.. C&pe . Cod. forced ,..,...._ 2 BDRM. bou8e. New paint lmide BAY FRONT at a reuolv,~le air heattnr, la .... U91n&' .-n. old. $3,1175. 111 Ken111 Place, Coat+ K-. Ph. --K. 61tfe IClc14 WI!n'l:R ltENTAL -Oct-lot.- June lat.. 2 'bdrlll. fUnllll>od -· S'll mo-, plua uWltlea. llee. owner, \10 Opal BL. Bal-boa 1e1 • .,. · Meta • BUT, KODl:RHIZ!l, OR RBPINANCE We Bu7 Trullt Deed8 NSWPORT BALBOA n:DERAL llAVUf08 6 LO!..N ASllN. 11111 Via 'Udo Pb. Hat. 1800 .. l • · $11,000 full price onc1 out. P~. bar-q, lkAr price-let "" lhow you '1ilo fireplace, double_-•· Dair- pr.. tru.lt trees. ocean view. dllt.stand1ng new 4 bdrm. I% able Jocatlon. iminediate pa•• -ei.t bUy and lo<&Uon. 280 batb home. ~ .-<if I ~· $14,llOO._.,..,.., -Trailer Storage Unob9tnicted View Home 11. 1at11. c..ta K-. Beacon Harbor, ttne ->' l>eacb, p1er <rA ~ · th 2 B. R. Kuter B. R. HdO •t9-W. &2p64 priv!leg'•· G. L RDIA.Lll-2 "lfrm. 111ucco, <r' pet: On , I bat!Ja, larl{'ll pi.,... . • ·Large en.,_. PllUO, too maoy dbl. IV, .. 2 k!L l'Jmlo. Oll\y Prot.ct« l>.Y a-r ..... TllAllr and ~ ' ..,. ..,.... TOD "'YS BES"" BUY r .. Wno to --llay we Siii -1-· iJlc)ud. tu--. 4~. 'ERTOWN, U'I' W. W-. Ooota · .n. ,.._ .... ,....r Price S19,800 Int. and 1-r. 'Moy pay ftllt · K-. Pb. a...1101wc c..__ $5,000 will handle • -._..,,,,., -st. tram ~., AUOc. 8-tlllo, it ,....•t -at on11 ed by Auto Club 4 Ail) ' ......... -w,du.~· MZiO. JJUILDSR -•Wo.J,TOR .10,llOO. J 1*72 RaJA!~.! 't.lallkey • -el ,SUlll &ad ~ atl.2 N--lllYd.. B!ir11or 111112 ' · , :-=:::--:-:::=--.,,.,--...,-,....--uu ·at:::;;.'!.,.1t · -H. a. c. UALTr, -• .,~. W. E. Fisher, jRealtor LUGGJ\Gll trallff, almolt new. -a.itw * Jfewpalt-.. Newpwt-. 1'aur. 111 .,,....,. ,.. lliBND 8111'1'11; .uiocata ~ sr-•-top, &11 lleel _,. ----------~ a1atlJ la ..._ ... • ne o.a .-. r;::.-*' body. ·-1111 .,...-. mo.1----------1 ._ wlll lllllf,......., _ ~do! • , ~:H:·~·-~21~~~K.~~15·~~i"""E~DUPLQ.--•••so• I $12,600 '""'-'" a ... -CHUP-ta n.. "•11 •rMI&. )'lL old, 1 -. ... IN-.,. u IJ• -· I i.all, I )'lL -· ~ -...... .. . 4. BuW.,. hrlW, • ._,. JWIW cater. 11UIO ~ -w.1 A. ,.no. ......_ t"'5,' llMDCl9ll '11•+1'\I .. ""' •st u-a.ta. ,., i-. ua.s. -m.tsn, 1111 Partt Dr. a.ta --O.-llll s. o..oa aa..s., Bal· ' _. ,... ..,, -at.~~ . _-6.... -~ '~ ..... &-9 -rt'll .. 51-Trallen - • • -I' THE PRE,SS • THE NEWS-TIMES ' THE PpST ·~ - 0(ange County,' s O.ut standing Real Esfate A'dv•rtiiin 7 f.'ffl;wiP . •