HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-04 - Newport Balboa News Times• ,. I 11 1· I 1 11 -1 - -- ----'"--.. ------ ---. - - ( • • ., N£WPOgT . . . . • 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 36 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, SEPI'EMBER 4, 1951 FIVE .CENTS TWO GUNMEN HOLD UP NEWPORT BEAOH GAS STATION HOAG MEMORIAL ~OSPITAl Crowds Visit . j Armed Gunman and Partner G~~n~!., ~~r~~~~H~ 1~~!:pll~. ~~~ ~~~!r ~!!!~ry Rob CDM Gas Station of S65 Newport Beach ta scheduled tor Thursday, September 13th, 1951, at celebration for the Corona del two o'clock in the afternoon with George Grant Hoag, Jr., aon of Mar J>08t office when open house PLASTED AND BEAt1TIFUL lD time tor Opmo H ome ""'h the Corona del J\.tar Pot1t Office when I the creator of the. "Hoag Foundatton" Which subscribed $600,000 to was held Saturday. Situated In memben of t.be Garden Club gathered early Saturday af~moon. Shown aftf>r their shrub pl&otlnc. the building fund, handling the shovel tor the big occa81on. He will their beautiful new building on 4n armed gunma n and his accomplice robbed approxi- mately $6.5 from the Texaco Service Station at Riverside and Coast Highway, Newport Beach at 2 a. m. Sunday. bandlnl a trowf':I to P08tmaAh-r Verne Watson for maJnt.enaaoe purpo8e8 are the members of the be supported by Rev. o. Scott Mc-Orchid Avenue just off Coast ci,•lc Sl'(>UP. Lfoft to npt: Anna O lsen. Maud \\.ood. M)Ttle Allen. Edith ()ope? PrHl.dent J\laude Farland of Santa Ana who handled Boulevard were the dozen mem- Jim Bidderman, 164:i Raymond, Costa Mesa, the station attendant, aid that a man approached blm while he was in the lubrtcatkm room and asked for change tor_ a dollar. When Bldderman opened the C&8h box, the gunman jam- med something into bis back and said "Give my partner the doul"h." PoWf'r!l.. Postmuter wau.on, Mabf-J Cameron. AMt. P. M. Grant Howald, Clara Axtakor, Esther De-the campaign In Orange county f Bl Men Nab bers ot Postmaster Verne Wat-whlch rai~-.a ~o;.IV'lo.000 tor the h. 0 .. _ son's crew to greet their patrons. 'int-, Wylla Da\it"lll and Elizabeth Stt.ru.on. (News-Times Photo) ~~ <PVVV """" ----====:;::::::::;;:::::;;:,;:::::;::::::;:::::=;1 PIUl~rwibedlth ban GalddJlloLnalM$100ti ,OOOr c f 0 So far a.<1 IJJ known the Corona OCC StuClints . Register Sept. 10 >I -· . 'i ' •• .. l" ~ ' ., • -VO\.: Y enn . ar n o t 001 Ma.r JKl!!'t offiet". wtJI be the " A.Jtimore, Md., . a resident of Or-a e pera or on~y such faclllty in the UnJt~ ange county during his pioneer Statt"8 "1th a tree parklnl( lot First use of the newly complet- ('d library building at Orange Coast college will occur on regis- tration day, Monday, Sept. 10. All student& who have completed pre-111:1111 ~I • ! ' • llH\I I \~},, .. . - New Corona del Mar Post Office Top ~I YC Trophy to Micky Smith Climaxing the 29th season of Balboa Island Yacht club was thl' trophy presentation held last Thursday night at Balboa Yacht club. Commodore Benny Benjamin presided and awarded the trophies and medals in the varfous events. - Bill Bangs. who computes the Munroe Memorial trophy points, awarded' this major trophy fo•'"">--------------- alJ-around championship In club event!!. This year it went to Rear -Com.mbdore: e~t" Mfe)(y Smith. Runners up on poluta and awarded medals were. 2) Mona-Rae Bar- low ; 31 Tod White; 4) Gall White: tie fdr ~th l A.nn Rawlins and Com- modore-elect Nocl Barlow; 7l T om ·Frost ; 8l Hank Kyle; 9l Secretary Carol Eyman; 10) Commodore Benny Benjamin, Honorable men- tion was given 11th through 20th places. Take Home Trophies ~fr . Banks also presented tbe take-home trophies for the Burl Johnson Memorial dinghy champ- ionship, which went lo Roger Boy- vey and the Mirl&m Klrk Memorial Snowbird championship, w h I c h went to· Tom Frost. Eugene Sawn, sailing chairman. presented trophies for the July and August sailing series. In July, for dinghie8. they were: 1) Micky Smith: 2) Ann Rawlings; 3) Roger Boyvey. In Snowbirds. l l Tom Frost ; 2) Benny Benjamin; 3) Noel Barlow. In the Auguet series., 1} Roger Boyvey; 21 Micky Smith; 3l Mona-Rae Barlow. In Snowbirds, 1) Tom Frost; 2) Benny Benja· mine.: 3) John Kensey., · Trophies were givert for first place, medals for second' and third in age group!! to the following: Rowing. first place trophies we're w on by Bobby McKenzie, Randy Wright, Gail White, Bill Twiat. Lolita Kennedy, !.licky Smith, Carol Eyinan and John K~naey. Serond j:>tace medals were aWard- e<I to Eleanor Smith, Bill Lloyd, K-aren Andree, Tod While, Ann Rawlins a.nd Tony Torra.nee. Third place medals went to: Carol Wil- liams, Mary Lou Lloyd, Hank Kyle, Mona-Rae Barlow, Mike Baum, Judy Swim and Noel Bar- low. Paddle Board!l · In paddleboardlng. first place trophies went to: Mark Scudder. Donna Hartman. Hank Kyle, Mona-Rae Barlow, Micky Smith, Ann Rawlins and Tom Jones. Second place medals W£'nl to Carol Williams, Mollie Flininger. Bill DeWitt, Patricia Dyer. Tod Whlte Judy Swim and Noel Barlow. Third place medals, to Jimmy Jones, Susan Jones, Bill Twi!!lt, Judy J ones, Neal .Metcalf. Carol Eyman and Tony Torrance. Dl,ing First place diving trophies went to: Carol .Williama, Gail White, Bruce Pittman, Eleanor Guthrie, Tod While, Judy Swim, and Bob Ibbotson. Second place medals went to: Randy Wright, Mary Lou Lloyd, Hank Kyle, Mona-Rae Bar- low, Mike Baum, Betty Beck and Sonny Coane. Third place medals went lo Bobby McK enzie, Chris- tine Swim, Marshall Wright, Lo- lita Kennedy, Jay Giba, Neal Met- calf. Nancy Carney and Mike Vaile. In swimming, first place tro- phies went to: Bobbie McKenzie, Gall Whlte, Hank Kyle, Pat Dyer. Tod White, Judy Swim and Bob Ibbotson. Second place medals went to; Randy Wright, Donna Hartman, Bill DeWitt, Mona-Rae Barlow, Jay Giba. Carol Eyman, and Noel Barlow. Third place medals to Mark Scudder, Mary Lou LJoyd, Richard Hoertig. Elea- nor Guthrie, Micky Smith and Tony Torrance. ThC prizes for the round-the- island rowing race were then pre- sented. Commodore Benny Benjamin thanked adults who helped 8upport the club in ils activltk's this sum- mer. He prt>senled gifts l o Mra. \.Vyman Williams, diving chair- man; Mr8. H.onald Barlow, swim- ming chair~~ ·a,.;l:Mn.-Eugeae Baum, sailing chalrman. Special thanks WC're then extended. Com- modore and Mrs. J. A. Beek for thf'ir staunch and continued in- terest in the young folks of the a rea. after whl~ Commodore Beek \.\"as asked to address the gath('ring. He commended pie young people on their good sportA- manship. The only trouble, he said, was that they were continu- ally violating the by-laws by In- sisting on growing older, when age limits are 4 to 16. , Commodore Benny Benjamin then turned the gavel over t o Commodore Noel Barlow, • who thanked members for participating in a most successful sea.son·s pro- gram, and activities were ad- journed until next swnmer. Local Foreign Service Officer Goes to Rome Edward L. '4eers, "li'orelgn Ser- vice Officer of 511 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, has been transferred frOJl\ >t"oscpw to Rome as F irst Secretary-Consul. He will be the Political Officer at his new post. He has been auigned to Moscow as Counselor of Emba88y since June 1950. ~--------~~--------------------~ IA-IA!! lil!fiiii,i -1 ; Poe .. , ; .. of a._ www· • ._ ~ ""''*' "t:t .... _.., ww .__. h .,. - -lff ta.a· Porp• • We Ml h l esl nos•, wttli •• ~~ <lwlll 1 ...... I .Y ..... a.Iii -• •• ,.._ W Ii...,._ M a..flM'i" .,...,._• lliiil. ..... -_. t 7 'I E ~m1 1 ?''IQ -ton _. .. ,.. tnloe ..... a Nll'fO l ._.1-~ ... ,,, ,1 ........ _ -·. ',, ,~--.... . .. ~ ( ...... f,., . • . ' ' • I • . ...... ____ __.____. - days In aviation, nearly 40 years SI c for the u'"" of Its S-ttoM. BPt- ago. on ot harge ler yet. mall --ke"' and poot- Glft Shovel :~;.C4'~t:.r:e~:e~;l~to~ .!::! John Mur<ty, Jr .. president of Released on $500 bond Thurl'l-the hospital board, makes this an-It tien•icrd whll,., po!t-tlnlf. The nouncement, adding that Rev. day night was Charles Drak<', 36, f"xt.ra IW'n1Cf'I 18 belnc provided Raymond I. Brahams, a pioneer In operator of Port Orange Landing b_v Fl"f'd Wf"At. opt"rat.or of the pror;re.m for a hospital In the cafe after being taken into cus-Wests' Shell Servtce on U.. cor- south part of OrAnue county. and ner or Orchid and Cout 8 1\•d. --c tody by FBI agent.a Thursday w 1 •-ed hi hou Rev. Dallas R. Turner, both of " 11 ...... g ,. open se In t..aguna Beach, will assist In the night in the wake of the recent c~onjunctlon with tM po8t ,office dedicaton. One of the features of crack-down on slot machines in op fl n house Saturday. He the Important event will be the the area. Al""8Af8 U.ere Is no obllptloo. presentation of a specially duign-Drake was arraigned before. U. connf!Ct.f'd with the UM! of hl9 ed "shovf'I" t o be used in the S . Commiasloner Arthur M . Brad-parking lot by po8toftlce pa- ground brepking. This girt comes ley and later released. H e Ls al-troM- Called Police registration fo r fall semester will The station man handed over report to the library between 8 :30 the money, $60 ln bills and $1& in and 11 :30 a.m. or between 1 :30 change, to the accomplice. Tbe and 4 :30 p.m. Entering students gunman then told Bidderman to who have not seen a touMelor "get into the lube room and stay before Sept. 10 will · report to the there." Bidderman stayed tbe.re administration building to com-tor about a minute then called plete their application and 8elec-police. lion of courses. Classes 'meet tor The gunman was deBCribed a.a lhc first time on Tuesday, Sept. having a stocky bu.lid, dark hair, 11. a muatache and was wearing a Ot.Jier new features which will blue sweater. His companion WU greet returnlng studcnl.8 are th~ of a slighter build and wore an paved student parking lot just ivory colored shirt. south of the library and the com-Newport police are inveatlp· pletely remodeled gymnasium. , ting the robbery. from the Prf'sbyl('rlan Hospital, leged to have boarded the boat 'AMOClat.ed wtt-h West in the Hollywood, (Olmstead Memorial), "Jackpot .. at Port Orange and to Shell Sf>rvlce &.l'fl Dale Cox, and will be delivered on the day of have tried to warn Capt. Glenn Harry Bennett and .John Oruton. the event by Judge R. Morgan Gal-K. Taylor of the "Mlasawit" that Members _of the Garden Club of BOY HAS 'GOOD EXCUSE' breth, President of1 th eHollywood FBI agents were going lo seize the community gathered and com- Institution. the slot machine8 aboard. pleted their planting in the flower Braden Fincl'}. member Newport It is alleged that the slot ma-boxes around the front of the' Beach City Council, and a director chines were going to be dumped tructu M th d bl · POLICE NAB HIM ANYWAY of the hospital. will briefly review overboard but that a G-man work-~e sq~:re f:~e ~t ~~e e~e~ • progress to dat~ and future plans Ing undercover prevented this ac-post office building which con- for the coast hospital. According lion. tains 2322 square feet ot the in-A 16-year-old Alhambra youth erratically through the channel to John Murdy the hospital 18 now For hla alleged a ctions Drake side building area whereas the was sent to the juvenile home near the Balboa· B&lboa lal&nd going ahead under encouraging was arraigned for aiding and old structure encompassed 880. following his theft of the boat terry croaslng. l!IUApices. The main building, now abetting Uae tran.eport of gamb-Builder and owner or the build-"Good Excuse" valued at $4500 They took the boat in tow and started. will have 75 beds and con-ling devices on the high seas. tng Is Frank Hubbard, he is also from the Seasport landing at 7 :52 turned over the youth to Newport tatn 100 rooms in all. The hospital Drake's arreal brings the total providing the new post office with a. m. Friday. Beach police. According to the board has about $1 ,100,000 on number of persons arrested from privilegea of parking on the Shell George Young of the landing police, the youth was unable to hand with which to build, and all the Harbor area to 46· Forty per-Service Station Jot on the comer called police and told them that gtve a coherent story of the eaca. .. attention can now be directed to a sonid8 wer~adbbedAin thet h2u~e FFBi 1 which is operated. by Fred West. the youth had hoisted &Rehor and pade. campaign for $250",000 to furnish ra on ., •• ay, ugua "· ve ~he Corona del Mar post office struck out towards t he sea In the He waa booked tor ~ ~ft and equip the institution. Pre8l-other pereona were taken into cue-was first Opened Aug. 6, 1926. 26 toot· SteelcratL and a petlUon .waa tiled witb dent Murdy Btates be ha.a appoint-tody after the raJd. with Jd.n1, Edna L. Stukey in Harbor departm\n.t men C&.Ul'hl juVenile ,.liu~~ 1a now ed a member of the board, Wm. F. All the_ slot machl.ne CUC1;bave ch~,e u poatmuter. A new uP~ with the veuei aa. tt inoved at the jtivenlle home.. ~lmes of Orange Coa&t. College, \o been aet :.t?r. a pr.ellm.tn.ary hee.r-~~'¥: toctk: r-ewer Min ..J9271.::~--=-..::::._ __ .:..__.:..:_ ____ :._ __ _:_~,,", '°"':.;;,..:....:..:.._::..._ ____ _ head a 8peclal campaign commit-lag at lO a.m. Wedneeday before. When SirnUeJV S'cott succeeded the ' f tee to rai.e thi. fund. the u. ll. CommlMlon"er. rqunder on Man:b 2. Ml .. Wanda 58 D~ats v1·e 'o·r A.a.ards Uvinl" Memorials Nimmo became postmaster on Oc-DU 11 n Mr. Kimes says the committee ScJt. Upson DOWfti ~~::~ 2~~ ;:~: ~odre~~: :~~e:~c~ ' proposes to secure this rund un· His Camera Stolen on April 5, 1937. Harry Roas ··n Labor Day Regatta Here der a plan that provide8 the King '\.\'&s named postmaster on money be raised through "Living 'Newport Beach Police Sergeant August 13, 1940 and he waa suc- Memorlals." H e points out that a John Upson Is taking a ribbing ceeded by Verne Watson on April One hundred and fifty-eight great many people desire lo do from the other members of the 30, 1949. During the month of boats In 18 cl&88e8 turned out for something worthwhile for the liv-force after thJeves stole. a camera April 1950 the name of the post the th·ree day Labor Day Regal- ing. Under the Kimes plan room8, valued at $75 Crom h18 car last office was changed from Corona ta series which winds up the surn- departments, furnishings, equip· week. ·~ Del Mar to cOrona del Mar. mer sea.son of racing in and around ment items, and other features in Upaon said that the camera had Growth at the Crown City area Newport Harbor. The large turn- the hospital, will be memorialized ' been taken from the glove com-is evidenced by the growth of the out is divided into three groups in the names of Individuals when partment of his car which had post office receipts in the past with the small boat.a racing off the cost Is contributed by relatives been parked in the driveway of ten years; in 1940 totals were 1 Newport Harbor Yacht Club, the or friends. his home at 537 Redlands Ave., $2,006.69; in 1945 $9,991.08 and in intermediate classes ott Balboa Director Kimes say8 his plan has Newport Heights. 1950 $45,954.30. Yacht Club, and the large boata great appeal as the men1orlal8 are permanent, and the donor, the person memorialized beth receive full recognition, &nd funds are U&ed solely for betterments In health service tor the sick and di8· tre8sed. Kimes also points out the important effect the new hos- pital will have on all Orange coun- ty when it ts In operation. Can Expand The 75 bed!!J: can readily be ex- panded to hold 200 beds and facili- ties when needed. "'.fo carry out t he 'Living Memorials' plan. wholehearted cooperation Is need- ed from all people ln all part.a of Orange .County," said Kimes. ''This We know we can count on. Orange County hu never failed to res:pond to a worthy cause, and we know that the County will meet this great opportun ll)I" for un- M"lfish service. I r~peat. Orange County has never failed. in the put-It will not faU now.'' Newpo Beach Has Civil Defense Job OUtl;necl -Newport Beach has had Ila job cut ,out for It in the major CfUJ\• pa.Igo now under way to prepare tor a possible A-bomb attack 1n this area. Newport 8'81Jh ls being called upon to. recruit and train 248 aWl:ilJa.ry .tlreme.n. 91 aux.tllary p> flcemen, one reecue tQU&d and one nld!ologlcel tetun. It i. beln& asked to organize. and U1Jlgn on.e rnaa care center team. one' mo- bile welfatt team. one moblle , tbelter tetun, one mobile feodlne team. one mobile cloth1n.g team and t.hret! registration t:HmL • • • \ HOAG 'MEMORIAL ni. community ai.o i. ~ ...tth the taak ot ~IDC -ter tor 1000 pe..-il. food tor 1300, resi-traUoa to IOOO, and ..,_ pncy aid· and oervtcu for lfOO. '"Ille req-i.. Of -- ,.., .., -lo comllat the ~.of.., •t-rc lllril;e Iii Re- .f IL &. ......... ~ ••tMITtOT > &i-01 HftLCI. •ti&:•l"O .. I A p.. • (Looi ~ a"4 ~I Co• tloo) -lie lleyoocl Ille -- -"' -...... pMIPlllcal Jiii' -"""'·· -·-•In ta ..... tM • ....,.,-., , • LOBBY r· ' • HOSPITAL • L • • • •• ••••1 11.•c• o•Jtc• •o• lt• .. 1111••0.-t 0'"'CI f OOT•ll Clt••t••• •0011 •• oo••• ••o• o tlf 11t1111't ''"Cl Ill t l ll•fl T ti•• Ol oocto•t l•c•t• •oo• O• l lt l CTO• '" •llll l f •• 10010•1 10011 011 '411•11••111•• ' •Ol11tll IOO• ,. .. .. , ... I l •IO•tl ca11 Ill lll !fl•tl 111•• l:l•t•l •••t " 110111•11•1 .. 1 •oo• •M~lrt 11•1•1 •oo• .. ,., ... ,.,. l . l t l 100• ~· ••t laU•tlY • 111 .. 1 11••••00• ' .. I Ullll? •l ·~•111 Loc•t• •ooi If I Ulll l IT•TOO• -P.RE SB.Y -ER I AN ., ' ' sailing the familiar outside course which the Ba.Ibo& pier. triangular start.a of( Hlghpointa on the entertain- ment side of the ledged conai&ted or the dinner-dance held at New- port Harbor Yacht Club on Satur- day and the trophy preaenta.Uon ceremonies at .the Balboa. Yacht Club at the completion of the 1terlea on Monda y. • 0 •• •••111 110•••••• • ...... ,, .. .,. ,,,., .. 100• • • Plltl? •• , ...... ,. .. ,., .... ,, •••••• • l l lllfl••••• ... •t CIV(l t •••• . ,,, ., ..... .. 11••1-tt••••• • ,,, .. ,, "' .. ,.,, ... .. llllll l•••• 111111 .. ..... ,, •u••r•• ,, .. ,,,,, ...... ·-' ,, .... .,, •••• • ..... ··~ .. ¥1•t TtlLt .. .......... • wo111r1 ....... ,,. .. Wtt1itf •11011 • ••••• 111 t•01010 "" ·-··· ,., ..... ' .. •• t • .... ,, • • •• ,.ti., ••••• • , • • I I 1 Peg. 2 •• • .IJJ 8th, 1th and 8th sruea atlel:d the H--... -L 8chool boundariH tor Klnderprta <lu'u CID ,.-~ N-rt School-Lido 00., Bal-.(alfof peUnala to riv•r), Newpo.t Beach. Bay Bhotta and .,. -O&inp, (NewfUY\ ~ta -' ~11 except k indergarten). 1 •: Corona del Mar School-COrona del Mar, Balboa I11land, Beacon ~. HarOOr l•land, r N.wport Hri&i>ta Klndttprt..,,). •: Due to the fact t hat we do not have buA t_aeUttlea for tra.naportln@ ~ chlldr~. we have adopted the follo~n,g plan: . , ~ ~ Horace En•ign School-All e~ 7th and 8ttl grade ehi)drf'n llvlnc 111.Nowport Heights will walk to ..i.ool. · • ..) Newport, SCbool-The rollowtag do not ride buu..: ik'cl, 4th and r OU. ,...i.rs livlng w..l or B St. In Balboa ...d Eut or llOth St. 1n 'ftW port. Also ( ~ gT&d en) livin~ west of 1Jbrt.ry and t'ut o r lb Strt'f't . (K indf'rg9.rten and lit gT&ders) living W«'!!l o f 20th SL ~ eut or 9th S t ., walk to t'f'gular !!tops. • • •.. Corona del Alar School-There are seven atopt ln Corona del Mar ~children livtng l mile or m ore from ldM>ot (aJl grades). •• •.; Thill aetlC"dule ts subject to cb.anee by note to parl_;'tlt. : • P. M.Kdn.. • 88Q>oa bland C.D.M. C'.D.M. H.O.& 6ttoo.. It Di&mon~ .............................. 7 :50 ll:H 8:07 •• Tepaz & Collins ........... ----------· 7 :51 ~lin• le Park . ····-··· ......................... . J6rtne & P9'k ................................. .. .. ~trk & Onyx . .. ............................... 7 :48 x.a.rme-It. BalhOO .................. ·····-········· 7 :49 ~ Sho<e Camp .. . ................... . Jl(y Shores . . . .............. .,. $arbor !J!land .................... 7:•• ltiPJlcon Bay ......... 7 :-46 q......a ..... ,..,. MJri.gold &: 2nll St .. ~nst?l tia & 2nd St . .. Sliorr Cliff ... Poppy & Seavi<'\V ltarguerit" &. S f'a vit>\Y .... Jasmine &: Seavif'V.' Goldenrod A: S<11.viC'\I.' Camation & 2nd St. . ........ 7 :00 ......... 7:51 ...... " 7 :53 ....... 7:116 ... 8 :00 ........... 8 :01 ... """' 8:02 Corona df'I 1'-1ar Sl"hool ............... . Olff Ha,·rn. Sr\Yport HNPt•. 11 :42 11 :.f5 ll:38 ]J:S8 ] 1 -39 11 :39 P.>l.Kd.o. C'.D.M. 8 :()8 8 :10 8 :l G i :l !'"i 8 :15 8 :1 ~ 8 :00 8 :01 7:53 8 :03 8 :00 8 :01 8 :02 8 :03 Npt.. 8 :1!\ 8:82 ' . - NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.Tl~ES F .4.M1.14'V RE,'!\"lfl~-1.a."t ,,.,'f'k ut ~I '!• 1 t:. 1la3· St .• Balboa thl' <"Ian O';'f'lpn had a lonJ{-a\\"Uitt'41 JamUy n-1mktn. ·It'\\"•~ tht' rtr'l't tlme11n 15 )"ta~ that )fr!'. J>unipn had all hf>r · ril.iJd"'"n a.JN1 ~Dd-<"hl~dN"ft ,,·Ith ht'"r. ()a b r r ioklt'tl ''""kllnr a.uni,·enar)· In Jt\.4 \\'~ Grandratbrr J>u.nJk8n ,, . ._" sUll all,.,. :lla."l<'r S4·rKt•aut .1JUDf11 Dlmlran \\'ll.!ti lat.·rnt•d In a Ja1NU1fM' Jtrl-.on c-.111p. lA·ft to ri~ht, front ro\t·: .M llC"haf-1 Dualpa. ~ h.nws r;. Dualpa. Thon\&8 Uunlpn. Mlltlr'f'd Dunlpa LM•jtly, :Mrw. .,J •• P. Dmllpa. :\fn1, \\'llll~m l .ta&tlch and )f..nt.. ~ U..lpa, M.tnL ll6ck ro\\·: Hutu Se.rpu;t Janws E. l)lutlpe ......... ll:Ctlr OMrlla. JaalN" ~'ftl. M"'. T. W. Dtmlpe &ad T. W .. atrL Gfiorp · P. Dunlp.n aad G. P . Dunlpn. (N~Timet Photo) ~.....,-~~-.,....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .-::"' ... -1. ,. . ~~ j • • . . • Tu1liby, Slpt. t l_ftf . • • . . .... • J;-. • ': . • . ~ ' ~,,...--,~--· A NEW Ml. SMITlt ··• .• • ANOTHEI SAVINGS PLAN! lt'a 1976 and Junior has a son. John and Mary, eroud grandparents, are giving him a Savings ·PJiµi. at NEWPORT BAI,.BOA FJ:i;DERAL! It sent Junior through college, ancj will do the ume for his son. · Put -something away for your children's future plaruo. Teach them to pitch in, too! DIVIDENDS CURKENTLY S3 PER ANNUM ~"'"'Pftrl &-arb, 101 Hlgb\\'BJ- Clay Ir Snug Harbor . -·· ....................... 11 :3!'i l rvinf' & $rtUjr Harbor . . ............... ~.... 11 :34 . ~. ,. 8~30 1 ~l • =-.:· 8 :31 'r-1:' • l Library Closed Admission Day He. l>oa.W Jvy Wins hrple Hean With thfo 1.-1 cav. Div. in KOrea. 'MM> PurplP Heart medal hu twee awarded to Ptc. Donf,.ld D. Ivy, of Nf'wport Beach. Pie. Ivy w~ .. wounded in action w1lh the i.t cavalry DJvlDon'• Mh reciment nnr Tokcbong·Di Jl"eb. 22, 1851. • Clay &. Jn•inf' . . ..... ---················ 11 :33 Clay &r: TuMin ................................. 1 J :l2 Cla y & Santa Ana .............. 11 :31 Clay & \Vr!'ltmin~ter . . ................................. 11 :30 Garage .. . ............................... P. :\1, Kdn. Beacon & Tu :iitin . .. . .................................... Sr\\"port 101 H ighway le Balboa Bay Clob -················. 101 Highw ay & Tustin .................................... 11 :30 8 :32 8 :33 ~~ 8 :34 •• 8 :3• N"rwport Bea ch public libraries .• \\'ill be cl08f'<l on MMday, Sept. 10, .• v.•h ich is Ad milution Day, accord· •. in g to a n ann ouncement made by .. Dor olh£'a Shf'ely, librarian. XE\V BROK E R J . M . ~filJrr. "Jack " to h la P~J~ • TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) C'...oettrt Plaaht of Tllftllf! CoaU-.ta Graduate ~tudetlt of Bela Bertolc 101 Hig hway &: R ive r!'lidf' ................................. 11 :31 101 H.Jghway & Oran~e ············---·--···-······-·--· 11 :35 JO I HJl"hway ii: S ign•I Stat~n ········-········--··· 11 :36 101 .. H igh way &: Orange ................................... 11 :37 7 :50 7 :~J 7 :~2 7:113 7:55 7 :;\6 7:57 7 :~ S:OO 8:03 8:02 8 :32 8:33 8 :31 8 :32 8 :3-4 8 :35 8:36 8 :37 8 :38 8 :40 8 :4 J 8:42 8:<2 8 :44 friPnds and for ml?I' 8.550ci.a tf's in thp locaJ r<-a l C'Rta lf' field, has join- ('d the s taff or brok ers w ith the Bay and Be.ach Rt>alty at 1450 Balbos Blvd. '!'be medaJ, awardt'd only to tboae who have ~ th~r blood l n de(f'n&e of Ameclca, ta a purple f'namt-k>d heart. within a bronze bordc>r, upon whlch ls su~rlm· posed a profile h c>ad of Washing· t on in ·m ilitary uniform. 436 Serra Drive Coroaa Hi9hlaads - Hcnor 1171.J Corona del Mar 101 Highway I< H ei.n·, Stand .......................... U :38 Balboa Blvd. & .. 7th St. .......................... 11 :40 Balboa B lvd. & 44th St. .. . ......................... . Balboa Blvc1 . &. 38th St. . . . .................... . Balboa B lvd. &. 31st SL ............. ················- Balboa Blvd. & 25th St .............. ·············---·· Balboa Blvd. &: 20th St . ... . ................... . Balboa Blvd. & I:'jth S t .. ---Miramar It t -······················································ seTtlle & Joi ..... ..:. .. .. . ..................................• ~boa. Blvd. A J .. ........ ................. . ............. . Balboa Blvd. Ii: F .. ..... . ........................... . Blilboa Blvd. It: D ···········-····· ......................... . Balboa Blvd. &: B ......................... ' .................. . silboa .. Blvd. & Ma in . . .. .. B aJ boa Blvd. & P a ln1 ................... _:-r .. . 8'11¥>a Blvd. & 6 th St ............................. .. Ba lboa Blvd. & 1 Ith St. 11 :4 l 11 :42 P . :ll. l\.da. &.ltJ. .. I: F\ml40,· St. • • V ia -Li<lo & Lafaye ltf'" L ido N ord & Via Orvif'l o x"'·port 11 :36 ... 11 :38 Lido N ord &: Vut. \\'azi<'r s . . ..... ...... 11 :39 L ido Soucl & Via t lt-ntone .... ... .......... .. 11 :4 1 L ldo Soud &. Vi.a Dijon ................................ 11 :44 Flnl.E-y S t . & '.\'c>wport Blvd. ............................. 11 :48 SCHOOL BEGINS ; 7 :~ T:56 7:57 7 :58 7 :59 8:00 8 :01 8 :02 8:06 Spt. 8 :34 8 :36 8 :37 8 :38 8 :39 8:30 8:37 8:3~ .8 :39 8 :40 8 :36 8 :41 8 :42 8 :42 H.O.E . 8:00 8 :0 2 8 :().I 8 :08 8:10 8 :07 Corona ctcl ~1 ar. 8 :1 ~; H oract" Ensign, 8 :30: N~port Sch90l. 9 :00. Ftnt D•)" of School Ii" S..ptPlnhPr JO. Rf"Ci"tratlon l8 at 8 L m. Frida3· at 1-lor&f't'" En!ilp for all St-\\·port. Bf>a('"h Elf"n1,.nlary S<"hool. Per a PLIAIANT DRIYI a11tl a MARYILOUI DINNIR, fr •' .••. THE WILTON HOTE( "• ·1·~ LOllG 1£AC~ • * l . _.,, 'j ii· .. " .. . . .., .. S..tHr11 C1lilontil's most fls/iolWlli/r "Vielr .,,., .. Enfoy a .dlfici.us dinner 9" dancing I~ 1ha ~ 8PPOlnttd 5'ty~Roem or sit •M tip your faYOrtm cocktllift ' In the smart new Sly Lounge. Both ,.."'' cemN.lld •• · ,1m1urpaued View of ttre ocMn, harbof and lnlaMI cfuea. C..-tly featuring Clyff ~ ond his Nf St. Band' Revi-. . N-o COftf 0< o mW-. I ' . ~l il lrr formed th is or ganization w it h officPH at t he pre11e nt sit<> • o f thP Catholic<'" church and a )'ear • .:fc J :t nd a ha.Jf ago m oved the offict> 00\\7El.I. I S \l" . .\.R G.~'\fES .:.t to thr oppo.,lt<' corn('r . H e has First Lt . Rob<'rt L. Dowell, son J bt•f'n ac t ive in t he com m unity for of Mr. and M M'!. E . W . Gil1eBpir, th" past tw<'nty.onf'" years. \Vhere Newport Bea c h. parti~ip&ted In ht' ha.s been a n a c t ivr me mber o f ExrrcisP Southf'rn P ine. the joinl thr !':ev.•port Harbor Board of 1 Army-Air P'orce training man~U· R 1'alto rs. During hill brif'"f absence vera, a.11 a pilot flying with tN> fron1 the Har bor arf'"a. Afi11e r was 12-0th fighU-r bomber aquadron out 1tsSO<.'iatec1 \Vlth hi• brothe r In w ork of Wiln1ington , N. C. '";:.,. i In Palo Alto and-sin ce his r eturn Air operations for thf' big war • ~~. 1 has bu ilt a new hom e for his ram· gamf's were under the tactical • . quarters at Pop<' Air P or cf" base. ; ; 1 lly in Santa Ana. direction of Ninth Air P'orce ht-ad· I E verybody n'&do the cla•s\fled ad.i. i F ort B'4gg. N . c . :ltH •. .\XO :ltKS. TI•'.\[ ~()llTC~:\" of :\"1•\\'IM11'1. lL•"M·h. :1nno1tnrt> ttw f'DP.Kt'fltt•nt of lb.l•ir 1h.l11ibl1•r , 0l11n1• :\"ortuu, to l\"U.U ll1.1ffrrtl, • of {'o~I~ '.\l t:'1!18.. Tbt• 11·1-Jdlug ls t1·11t.uli1·t·J.~· sche·duJ•-.I for C.k·I~ 2i. 1 Xc v.·s-Jin1£'1' Photo J • • • • • r .. ..,._ .. ... .. ... ,. . ,. . -..., , .. •. ~-., .. r-.r . -. . . ' . ... ._ .. l •• ~"?:=-... -.,...--.._""T"---::;::'-. --:; • ... '•-?" ,..:: .; ~ .. , -. .. FRED WEST DALE C()X ~y BENNETl' ~ JOHN ONSON Stop, Park and .Have ·vour, Car Serviced • t ·at th·ei Pesto ff ice Corner • , Coast Boulevard at OrdJid Av8nue,. Corona d8I Mar • · · · _ "IHllDJG Tiil KlllOfiJC& a4ia•1r • • I • ~ . . . ,.,,. Use Our Parking tot While Attend"111g to Your ·POstoffir.e 8usineSs . . • • 1' I • • •-•-•:~if:..a -~ r •n 1:n 1· 1 •• i .... _ ...... ~-.. ····--ftdelly, .. ........, • per1 1 ww ws 'et MOTO~ FUEl • LUIRl~ATION . • ll~~S ~ BAlTERIES !_S.ERVICE (Phaa Pl>oto) • ' • • • .· // l MooM Sponsor Wi/lftle lake Wednesday On Wedneeday, Sept. ~. starting at 8 p. m ., a wefnle bake will be held. on the beach in front of the Newport Mooee Lodge Homr, 2300 Ocean Front. Newport for the boys of the Harbor Area Boys Club. Tbla will be !Cpe>nM>red by the Newport MOOR Lodge, under the direction or Herb Shoemaker. Jr. Gov. and Civic Affair& Chairman of the lodge. Th.la welnie bake waa made possible through the generosity of Richard's Udo Mar- kel Blowers Market, Don'a Can- dy 'Shop a.nd Al Aldei-aon'a P'un Zone. The entire Mooee Lodge ex- tends deep appreciation and thanltJI; to these Merchanta. The Commilltt helping Mr. Shoemaker are : Durl Tipping, Joe HOC"mann, Leona.rd ~&eh, Jack Carter. Haven Holbrook, Jim Por- ter. Sgt. Buddy Price, and Sgt. James Hayes and the following co-worker from the Newport W. 0 . t . M : Myrtle Tipping, Elsie KLl):g, Dorothy Carter and Clara Leach. They arc expecting an attend- ance of a.round 200 boys. Second AAnlvenary The N e'wport Beach M o o s e Lodge 1457, will celebrate their flttond anniversary Sept. 18th, starting at 8 p. m. with a mass initiation of M candidate,!!. to be held in the Moose Home. 2300 Ot'ean Front. Newport. The Ritual Team or the Santa Ana Moose Lodge, \viii conduct the initiation ceremony. They hope every one w iIJ conduct the Initiation cere- mony. They hope every one wtJI remembe.r thi.s date, and m&.ke this &nnlversary one that will be me- mcmbered for a Jong time t o come. The monthly Fi.sh Fry will be held on Sunday, Sept. 30th. Moose members from all lodges a.re in- vited to atlitnd. The public had a taste or this delicious fish, out at the Orange county fair. where the lodge had a fish and chips booth. Anyone that has eaten this fish doesn't have to be givt>n the sec- ond i nvitRllon lo alten~. The Newport Women o flhe Mobse will haw a bazaar on the same Sun- day, along with the fish f9". Thi8 bazaar will feature lovely things made by the co-workers. who have been crocheting and sewing ln their spare moment:J!I. Island Couple Hosts at Canasta Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Andree', G&rnet a'Y<:nue, Balboa Island, en- tertained recently with guests in for an evening of canasta. Prea.- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jone11 and Mr. and Mrs. Robert StrothC'r of Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoertig of Loa A.ngelea: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lowe and Mr. an<t Mrs. N oel Barlow ot Bal- boa Island. Mrs. Roy Keene Home From Trip to Mexico Mr8. Roy Keene and 1.frs. J.far- vine Franka returned August 26 from Mexico where they had a most enjoyable week although their trip wu cut short. They drove firat to Tijuana. lhen t o En11enada where they vis- ited triendl'I, later taking the plane to Monterey. ·They had plan- ned to go to Mexico City tor a week but Mrs. Frank11' husband, owner of Solly's restaurant In Hollywood. needed hC'r !tack and they decided to take a "rain check" on the remainder of the trip. Moose Women to Initiate 2 Members • Women of the Moose, Newport Beach Capter. 1158. al the August 30 meeting, formally initiated two new members, Mrs. Virginia Towle and Mrs. Callie Carpenter, who were sponsored by Recorder Viola Cornecl, and Library Chair~ man Lema Massey, respectively. Junior Regent Clara Leach in- vited the members of the 2 bowl- ing leam11 sponsored by the W o- m en of the Mnose, to nleet at hC'r home Tuesday evening. Se pt 4. prior to the "kick-off" of tht> bowling league that evening. Clara Leach is captain of one of the teams and Guide Nicky Edgerton Is captain of the other. Nicky F'-"l- gerton ls also presit.l('nt of th{' bowling league. \\'elcoml"d Junior Graduate Re~en l was welcomed back after a vaCatlM in Arizona . The chapter has se>nt "Get-Well" cards lo Senior RC'· gent W inifr ed RandeI's eldt•rly grandmother in Washington who recenUy had surgC'ry. Mrs. Ran· del'a mother. Mrs. May Davis, ha.-s just returne dto her home In Af t. Vernon, Wash., aftf'r sp<>nding several weeks with her dailghter in Costa Mesa. Mrs. Randel Is now looking forward to a visit from her mother-In-law, Mrs . Bes- sie Randel, from Seattle, Wuh. Chaplain Alice Young reported that thf' had SC'nt a card and a gift to the little daughter or Elsie P ort e. who Is now rPcoverlng from a ton~illectomy. Sentinel Eh!lie K ing <A'B.s absent bC'cause ot the serious tllness of her husband. After the game the group went to the J olly Roger whe re Mn. Hoertig was serenaded and pre- sented with an extra large ham- burger centered with a birthday candle. When the met>ting adjourned, Guide Nicky Edgerton. servC"d re- fresl'lment.s of corfre and several ~--------------I va.rielies of delicious and tmcpt· • Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DErn:z.sTRY 1785 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 67~2 006 E . Bay Ave., Bal~ Harbor 327 -J Harold K. Grauel Chapel Pbbne: Beaooa 5610 110 Broadway Co.ta 8".ma WATER HEATERS -Servk>e and R<opMnl Ju. Bec/JoJJ PLUMBING Aut!>ort~ Dealer Day &: Nl,Jht Bea\en TflMS 10"1. Dow11 •it •II H .. t- Phoee Barbor !54.!· W TIIE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN YOU can play rtch organ mu.ale at once. witbout learn-1111' a ainCla note. Com<t· bear &114 pi.,y Ille Hammond <;:bdrd urpn. i' Pimo Co. -N·--~-__ ..._ .._ n t1"1' Mitt J ing pastries. Ro~·&rmlnr A group ot Moose lodgt• m<'m· bers. surprised Dotty and Jack Carter Sunday, August 26 with a housewarming and, or course, re- treshment:J!I. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ostrander. M.r. Y.lld Mrs_ Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leach. M r. and Mrs. Jimmy P e rter, Mr. and Mrs. Durly Tippings, Mrs. Elsie King, Mr. Ernie Stu.art, Betsy Ttipping, Shirley Porter and Su.sle Barnett. Saturday evening, Sept. 1. there <A'ill be another dinner and dance at the Mooee Lodge, for members and guest:t. A stoup of silod frlenda gather· !d Friday evening in honor of the birthday annlve~sary of Mrs. Rob- ?rt Jones. Ba.lbOa·lslancL Wlahlng :he celebrant m\ny happy returna were: Dr. and Mrs. Andree', Mr. ~nd Mn . Janee, !Mr. and Mra. Ron- .~r..t · ald B u1ow and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roertlg. Flret enjoying cocktaJl11 at the home ot Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Andree', Garnet avenue, the group next dined a( CbrlaUan'a Hut, then adjourned to the home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Noe.I Barlow tor the blrthd&y cake and cards. Ebell Junior Board Meeting Prelude to the sea50n's 01>en- lng of a.ctivit 1es for EbC'll club Juniors ~ea the board mcelin~ held at the home of Mrs. Arthur White. 212 East Ocean Fro nt, Bal- boa, when plans for the coming year were dlscuMed. f Photo by Beckner) Preaent were Mra. White, chair- man ; Mrs. C. R . Staff, first vice chairman; Mrs. N . H. Roberdeau, .econd vice chairman; Mrs. How- 'lrd WU1iam11, secrrtary: Mrs. Warren Messing, advisor; Mrs. Obed Luca.a, ~tre. \V. E . F isher and Mrs. Marlin Sheely. F1rat meeting ot the club yC'ar will be on Thursday, Sept. 27 11l the home of Mrs. W. E . F ishC'r, 149 Shoreclltt, Corona del Mar. Board members Will be h0l5l~ea. Miss Elsie Farris to Address Club Women of County Th" rr~ular board meeting of Orang!." Cnunty Fed..,ralion of Wo- nlen's c lubs will be held Friday, $('pl. 1 in Fi r~t Congrf'J::&lional chul'ch. l..a~una Beach. ?i.frs. C. C. Bonl•brake, vicc-pr,·sident at large of CF'WC wil tK· n111rnl nt" speaker. Busin 1~ss will fC'a ture c hlllrmen report~ and adopt ion of the budget for 1951-52. Thr afternoon Sl'Ssion will have a musical program folk>wC'd by the speakt>r, Miss Elsie Farrill. noled Long Beac h attornC'y and wo rld traveler. Mrs. W . L. Har- bt.-rl will presic1e. Luncheon reSC'rvations should be nlade with Mrs. G. F. Meadows, phone Laguna 4-2973. Helen Mc Taggart Is Luau Hostess Hl'lcn McTaggart or lhC' An- chor Trailer Port g-avc her an· nual luau on Au,i;rUB t 25 tor mem- bers of Kamaaina club, of whic h she is an inactive 1neruber. Some 200 p<>ople. KamaaJanas, thei r famllics and friends and Port rC'sidents. wcrC' presC'nt. Bridal Shower for Patricia Abbott A pre-nuptial event honoring Miss Patricia Abbott wu the 11hower given tor her at the home of her slater, Mrs. Betty Ann Smith, 305 Colton avenue on Aug. 22, with Joanne Shorb a.a hoste!lll. Many pretty gifts to be used In her new home Were· received by the bride·elect, and gue11t11 afterward Wt>re ser~ed deS&ert of Jello, cake, coffee and tea. Present were the honoree, Miss Abbott ; Mary Glass, Margaret Dunbar, Mary Ayres. Anne Wor- sham. Imogene Dunham. Pegp· Abbott. Fran~ Rlngersen. Elea- nor Cui11lck, Pearl Rob I n son. Anita Owen80n, Mrs. Smith and the host.cu. Knocking out enemy subma- rines will be the job of Douglu 0 . Bray, aviation chief ordnance· man, USN, of 1327 West Bay, f'l{ewport Beach, Calif., now serv- ing with Air Anti -Submarinl!i Squadron 931. ------- BIYC Commodore Host at Dance Thursday evt>nin~. following presentation Of SE'Mon's troph ies and awards for" Balboa Island Yacht club, new Commodore NO('I Barlow was hoflt lo young fril•nds at a dance In Balboa Yacht club. Included In the gay group were : ~sses Carol Syman, Ann Raw. Jina, Phyllis Ra .... rJins. Ann Rich- lleu, Nancy Carney: Junior Staff Commodore Benny lknjl!,.Illin, J ohn Kensey, Bob Halderman, Tom Jonell, Buater Hammond and De· vld Herrington. • Serving h c haperones were Mr. and Mr11. Jim Eyman, Mr. and Mr~. Robert J ones and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Barlow. Kamaaina Klub · Meets on Heights A unit ot the Pacific F1eet Air Poetponed until lhc r eturn of Force, the aquadron la now under-Boota Keene from Mexico WM KOinr intenBive training at the regula.r meeting of Kamaalna Naval Air Station, Los Alamitos, K.lub, held Wedn<'sd&y C'Vening at Calif. the home of Marie Kimball, 5 18 Enlisted personnel attached to j\11..so avenue, Newport Heights. the 11quadron are highly skilled 'bueat11 Wl're a fo rnter mcmbl'r technl('ia.ns and repairmen. The Marvlne Fl-anks and Lylas Pang~ I pilots, <A'ho fly In any kind of born. weather, day or night. are all Hours w er{' giv<'n over t o rcmi- • ' '· • ·is thf time to· transfer your funds to· insured SAVINGS CURRENT 1EARNINGS - SAVINGS IOW INSURED UP TO $10,000.80 MONEY RECEIVED BY THE llTH OF THE MOllTH EARi$ FROM THE ISTI Come in ••• We will arr.ang•tfie transfer of your funds without inconvenience or expense to you The patio wa.., draped with flsh nt>L'i and liJ:hted by Japanese Ian· tern~. Tables WC're co~e red with nels and banana leaves and deco- ratrd down the center with pine- apples, bananas and coconuta. Dorothy Bf'll or A lo ha Trailer Park and Kamaaina c lub mem- bers danced, while three huab&nd8 in island costumes gave a comedy number. gTadua!es or a Naval ~lectronlcs nl~ene11 or vacation trips. Training Unit. They are well Next meeting will be on Sept. versed In the uee ot radar tor 19 at the home of Vat.Moore, 7232 underwa.ter detection and aubma-Monroe avcn~. Anaheim. rtne counter-measures. ----------~-----'""'"-".:===================:.;::======:::::c:::..c. ________________________ _ CAR THJt:\"ES Don Goldsbrough ot Inglewood reported the theft of cloth tng and camping equipment valued at $50 to Ne"·port Beach police Sunday. tie told officers that the articles were taken from his ear at 1 :M a. m. Sunday. The car had been parked in the ''A" street parking lot. Stolen were two jacketa, two quilted blankets, three towela, three bathing suits and a sleeplng' bag. • DRl\'ER U!\"'HURT Al Gardner of 121 E. B4lboa Blvd.. Balboa reported to police at 4: l!S a. m. Sunday that he had fallen a.sleep et the wheel of his ca.r and had hit a parked vehicle ln front of the Newport Grammar school. Gardner received a cut forehead in t he accident. Result. come f'rom coutant Practice! An ad ttfUlarly ln Ult• paper )Viii produce ~ti tor you Opportunity la lmOlklnC bl Cl.A88lFLED Al>B • . ' . -• 0 J • ~ • ' I l•I ·-I ·-· •· I 1.a • ·I ·-· • a a • a.c ·-· n ............ ci.-...... ' ./ lt'1 3 times faster . / . fl v You spend less to operate ' V You spend less to ln1tall ...... lvxurlouo llhowvt1 ... or a rub brimming wi th bot wa~r ! However you like to bathe, you're bot ..,...,, happy wbea you beot water with gu. ~keeps yooir ho< wamr oupply rad)' I.Or lmtant ure the year rotmd. It's miee times c..-than ... ,. ocher.....,. '-tic&~ file! • • . is fO oj*dy there'.t DO ., . waiting. Automatic aaa-,lleating •. wily bepo alleed of ... demondo of I aUfA!m&tic 'clo.U. "9Uen, dish· ' , washen and even a growing family • If you· aren't enjoylnt1 bot water aplenty; your praent no rage tank may DOt' be large enough fur your needs. The appnwal sizing chart at left gi- ftc:oauiiended oizn. You"ll fi.nd that new •uromatic p.s water beaten msc le. "! buy ..• ..J J-lus IO operate. Seo any dealer or your Ga Compul)' f fortbtamectsizeautomatlcguwaou ~ for ~our home. • . ' .. .· • • . I . . IOUTNllN COUMTIU GAi COMPANY ' . , 1·· " • • • • 1 I · I r - ?Umb<r of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Member ot the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Ofnce and Printing Plant at 2%11 l\alboa Boulevard Telephone Harbor 1111 o..• Seeond-clU!I Matter at the Poltottlce In Newport Beach, caJJlofllla under the Act ot Ma.rch 3, 1879. EDWARD A. LeHOVEN, Editor J . M. FRANCIS, Buslne:M Mana.-er '. ' .NEWPORT. IAUOA I NEWS-mil" ofeue"' :Jo :J'e f;J;lo~: Dear Ben : / Au .. , n. UMll N. w. Korea _ On Prti.I TraJn, near Advance Peace Camp ' Here la a story on our trip to the Far E.a!!t &om 1'-1.viJI Air ' Force Base, Calif. Don't know If you can ''* It or not; It's delayed BOmewhat, slnce I ha.Ye had to type It up over hen ln JCorea and up front at that. lllll not eompo!le'd BO SOO<I. since I wrote It Jong hand, oomlng over to Japan on the plane with all the con.fl.Won eolng on; anyway maybe you can break It 4own and make a story out of It o. k. J bave bMn coverlnc the BO-Called Military Armilltlce Conference at Kae.,,.. up in enemy terrttory the put few day• with my ~ mm motion picture cameru tor the Department of DefcnM!. Hn.ve been over here In Korea tor about two weeU now. ' llOT. !!All JlilDY I --•C. ~' ....... Olll' only - -Ille pluo --hmehea -pb plenty U.-o and DOt too ~It about the .... -daJI out oa ~ lone cr,eneaa trip. A-,_ m1nui.. ot llllll'!rlnr out- -. _,. tM loodln1 aone and th• a,tld<Y mlPt air ...,.Uy blowing ..,._ UU. little Wind-swept laland wben the call bla.ftd out over the IOOd opeohl\ all aboard, to bou~ the ehtp ol th. atrwaya. Our aome- what ~ combat camera· men, ocncen and alrmen alike and olber -...... rued up the loUln&' ramp Into a very ftot and huntld plane, the nlpt air 11ee11ted I<> ll.aVe Juat ~ Into the hull of our dipper ship. A few un\>leaant dtilnutes, ev..-y one waa drt'plnc with pre•- plp.Uoa. and anx.loua to be on our Ql6!1nN ta PuhU§b Lrpl Notl"'8 and Adwrtlllfimfon"' of aJI Kladl !lt<B-'WRIPTION RA TEii: We have a PreM and War CorreapondentJll train parked on a aldlnl' he.re juat 10\1th of the lnjon River sector. It h.u an en~e on it with full lltea.m up all the time, tn caae of attae1r:. Our front llnea in thl11 area Is made np ot Jap, South Korean and United Statea eo&chea. Part ol it \JJ pt1lhnan, part hoapltAJ coachea and t~ rest a mixture of almost everything ot three nations. . .., way, the propa turned over and h-1llate U... . &lie WU taxied to the end of the Appro~y 1000 mflea out of •tring of lt(h.t panlleling-the nin· Honolulu. and 1900 nilie. eut ot way. A brief warm.inc up or the WU:e lal&nd we croued the Inter.. englnn and lhe WU rolling-at national· 00.i.. Llae, bore we ptn fftal lpeed between th-lltU• a day, atnoe. we left U:onolulu on Ol'anlt! Ugh ta on ucb 1t4e of UJI, Saturday ~ wiUt an . u l!n m&Mlve weight gently litt.ed hour fil&'llt t.Q_ Wake lllaDd we off ot the tern. tlrma Into the 11.h.oUld arri\le there early Monday dead ot night, Jibe b&nked around morning. We actually loRt Sunday out over the rtppltnr •bore. or but p.Jncd one day between Wake: hland, her great 1ilver Hawaii &ftd. Wake ~laland. l\Ofe headed lnto the northweatttn NF.WPORT-BAl.ROA SE\Vll-TIMF-S f'Vf'ry Tu-ay ta Oranp Co1mty, $.s...50 IM"r yMr: SI.Oft atx. month•; .1.!5 tltrM -lh• (AL"" Ind ....... t"" NT.WI'ORT·BALBOA PRF.'l!I, 'l"lmnd&y) Oul-ildfl' oranv ~ty ..... 00 per )'f'9r OOT FEDERAL SPENDING NOW It is gratifying to know that Congress is diocuesing plane to cut tax levies proposed in the House. bill, but it would be more to the point if Congress would take prompt action to cut unessential federal expenses. Nobody wants high taxes. However, in the long run, high taxes are cheaper than federal deficits. High taxes are taken from current income. Once paid, they may be forgotten. On the other hand, federal deficits encourage inflation, which cuts into the value or .bonds, insurance policies, pensions, etc. We eat and sleep Otl lt and work out of h~1-e on our varlou11 a.aaJ.gnmenlJI: to KaeMng and the War front~. The, food Is exc:elle.nt, &ft. We have a colored U. S. A . SerC'C'ant cook and South Korean boyM for kitchen help, waiters, etc., who make our bunk• up, clean lhe train and wa.!th our t?lotheA. There are War Correspondenta irom all over the world here. J have passed through enemy Jlne1' twice no'v on my n1atlon plct11re mlA.•liona to Kftf'!W>ng, Wr are 111ppo11Nt to ht> lmmunf" fron1 nllnck. Wf' hope !! Respecttuny, SAM. On thil leg-of-auJ. · jOUmey we •ky. I took· one 1ut look at thoee new at 10.000 fHt. abOve· lbe vut. tw:lnkllng ·UP.la u diatance and ·-or oce&ll; on' and on put dUkoeu enveloped that •little moun.talnotta -bRlowl; 'o utlM -'Pfl.'.Ck or land which God gave to Log of A Combat Cameraman White eumu1U •• e ·long tt14h, to . u,te;. ns. in" peace and ov<'rseu trip wu getting-. treme-war; here our brave heroet: fought ly tire9Qm e, my buddie combat our foe11 to the la.st man in WW n . cameramen an4 other servicemf'n, Wake lllland made history, may it Ill' Set-Sam Hardy, 1r. 8. A1r Force Modoa. Pl"ture ~· CamoNman. · Looking out of a port side win· dO\lo.' near the propellers, the early momlng sunlight glowing on lho.se great blades makps a woMerful contraat wtth th~ flurry cloud.s far below. \Ve are now approximate· ly 1,580 miles out of San Fran- cisco and 860 mill'!'I from Honolulu. T. H~ Below U!I a break in the cloud.a shows ue i.h~ vaat turbulent ocean with a rew whlte caps «Ill· tering and splashing In tht> bright sunlight. Now pL9.8ing over a solid layer or clouds. a sea of while a.bovt> a sea of water , ln various 11pota great canyons appear a,nd mountains of white fluff roll up- wards on the clear blue horlzona, not unlike mountains and vallrye on land. Box Juncht's were aerved for brf'akfa.st, they w~r-e eagerly t'onaume~ f'Ven at this time or the day, the hours dragged on, the OCt'•n and clouds below took on a v.·ith a few clvllla.ns to make up evf'r surviv('. our heavily loaded P/l.A -Clipper Typhoon Many times it has been pointed out that $4,650,000,- 000 could be cut from the President's budget for flacal 1952 withnut hampering the defense effort. It's about time somebody started that cutting. ----·---- DOUBLE STANDING IN ETffiCS EnrouU t• tllfl Far l'.aat with th,. !ad PhotopapMc l<Qdn., Pnlt.d Statf!9 Air Fo~. Thi• wu our third day of swrat· ing it out for the Al('rt Usts to be posted, at 1300 houn1. The alert news wu pogted on all A Congressional investigating committee discovered bulletin boar<lll at thi.t port or aerial recently that Brigadier General David J . Crawford, com-embarkatto•. commanding or- ma.nder of the Detroit Tanl< Arsenal, had accepted favors ricer, Lt. COi. H . W . Pote, ,project offiOf'n and airmen sllke were all from firms doing-business with the government. Secretary set tor the long trip lo The Far of the Army Jtrank Pace removed him from the Detroit East. command, administered an official reprimand, and assigned The roater ot name1 wu pogtNI ,4.__..., on the alert lllll. We wer~ all on him to ....-~any. there, exettement ran high for th.1111 General Crawford was quoted as saying he had only v.·as tM rreat moment we had done what others would have done, but that he was caught. b<en wattlnc tor. Soon we would be far out over the broad Paclllc This episode serves to emphasize the moral deteriora-Ocean \l."inging our way to tar-off tion of our public servants in the -Truman Administration. Asia ~hores. With the grace ot Scandal upon scandal has occurred. The military aide to Ootl nor-rate was in hl!-t handa. the President -· Major General Hairy' A. Vaughn -was Tak,...Olt given deep freeze boxes. He remained in the White House, . July 21-0200 hn. w .. the zero ff deadline for t.akt'Off at th.la thriv· without. even a reprimand~ o icial or unofficial. inc United states Air Force bas<' Ia it any wonder that subordinate officers · have !oat located on the wlndowept and aun- wam1 apJl('arance u we drew n('8rf'r to the 1.,1nnd!I of Hawaii, a few hundred mile• and W(' ~hould 11f'ttl(' down at Honolulu fnter- nalional Airport. \Vann \\"alf'"' ship were a.nxloua to reach Wake laland where we would be able to ittretch our leg• which was being cramped from the many houn ot continuou11 flight over thle great Pacific Ocean. Since we left the CallJom la cout line early this morninjr, thiJI day ~emed endleM, we were chutng thf' sun Into thl.' far western hor lz.on ; hour after hour our great silver ship droned on. a tiny speck In a vast atmoe· pht>~ of emptln~88. A1J I Hit ht-re and gar:e at the whirling proptJ. out and beyond in silent apace great formatlon8 of beautiful clouda drift slowly eulwa.rds, above some ot the!M' majestic for· matlons thin layf'rs af darker clouds are noating which gives an appearance of veils draped over cathedral t op.!, a weird 1lght In the ever BPtting sunlight; ho\v peaceful thle world aeems as I gaze into this spectacle of Gods might, thinking or the tiny ·~k of land we arc h~•ding for: Wake Island. • 1plt of sand on th~ face or Goda grf'at ocean. Colnr Shot" Approachlng the Islands we ran their Bense of ethics? Should the country be surprised baked aecUon of the Sacramento into thin scattered cumulua torma· Nightfal1 waa rut approaching when this deterioration of mora.i standarda spreads even !!~~e 1!'1~ wu tu: ~~~g tiom gracetully floating below ua, aa the orange ::;1 ~un sa.n~ibeyo~~ to West Point, where 90 cadets are dismiMed for violating the wt•t-UJ'I•'-•=Y0_1 .... -~ the w.t.ers ot the Pacific took on a lhf' we.!t.er:n r n , cu 1 ng •""""' -•.LUU deep blue appearance which signi· purpliJlh r~d and gold co ora on their code of honor by cheating ih ex~? SW'eeplng thla vast center ot a.cu-fled the warm waters or th,. the \vestem race of the cre•t There is one way to restore moral standards in gov-v1ty, our moUon picture unit wu Hawaiian lala.nd•. A brief momcn\ fleecy cumulU8 clouds. Soon a va.st beinl' briefed for the coming trip, ot excitement occured amon• the cloak of darkneu w6uld aetUe emment. Elect a New Administration in 1952. oxcllement ••• hi""" tor •"thin a • v thi• ~at exp•••· ot amooth ...... •·· -· tired and reatle8s pauengt"ra a11 ° er a· -.... """' ----• few ahort hours we would be head-the ialands camf' into view above water 10,000 feet below our sky WILL. JAM RANDOLPH HEARST ed Into dutln&Uooa unknown. The the low lay•r of clouda on tht dUi-giant. The put half hour I have What Henry Ford was to industry, what Bahe Ruth was to baseball ... William Randolph Hearst was to the newspaper business. A stormy figure in journalism and politics he was probably wrong as often as he was right in his fiezy cru- sades -which brought him ardent supporters and bitter detractors. But while many questioned bis views, few oran.re red sun had done lb! day'!! tant horizon. below us a lone been busy shooting color film of work and wu now fut vanishing steam<'r v.•aa drawing a chalk lint' the changing color11 on the v&rl.OUB btyond the tar horizon. To the acroaa the deep blue sea . Our ship c loud formation.a. looking through eut the put full moon, clear and wu losing altitude u th• white the propellers with J1treak.s of cold cold, waa pushJng Its h~•d above breakers and warm blue waters flashing from them lo the ever- the great plains. Night W&!I herP, of the Hawaiian ahores loomed up changing colors on endless cloud po\verful aircraft engines shatter-In th~ dlstancf'. I could see Ola-banks wu a magnificent •ight tor ed the night air. Droning hJgh _nlo nd, Head through thE' deep blue Wf'ary eyes. The shad.ea of night overhf'ad were the grea.t guardians haze, ln a few minutes the wheels are "closing in aa we close our of our country. It WM now 0300 of our sky giant Ylould co'11e to long and tiresome, but moat in· hours. zero time for wdghing In rest on tropic soil 12 hour1t out of tere•ting day or daytJ. Not too far questioped his sincerity and none had reason to doubt his our many item• of baggae-e anc1 Travis Air Force Base, California. into the endlesa horlr.on lies our vigorous and ardent Americanism. camf'ra equipment. Ninety long next stop: V-'a.ke Island. where a · d h H ' I minut"" to sweat btfort-our silver Thi!! waa my first glimp.we of good hot meal awa..ited us and a Hearst revolutionize t e American l)ewspaper_ is sl'llp of the air lann would soar this lovely l5l e, many years I chance t o stretc h oureelves. About style was sensational, exaggerated and hard hitting. But into thl' vut darkness of nlghL hav~ wallM for this moment t.hia time the ever droning engines it was never dull. It was irritating t o many but thought A few good cups ot coffee In which adds another chapter and lulled mt' into a sound alttp. t,he nearby cafeteria aroused our country to my world travels. We Awakened from this alumber by provoking, nevertheless. The fact that he became a tycoon tentative nerve., the zero bour on are pa.salng over the rough, rolling ou.r court.roW1 atewardess to faaten in the publishing field left no doubt that most Americans the clock htgh on the wailing room breakwater, the azure blue colon seat bell.I, ready for landing, a s:ccepted his style. wall wa.s watched by many eyH Mining Uk~ jewels in thti. tropical, sigh t>f reillef went t.1i'°ugh the stowing with tenelon .thls t9 what sunlight, Wtth the majestic moun· whole plahe load of pa.saengen5, In later years as he became more mellow and con· we had been waiting for, 11 wae t.alns riling their heads to lhe this se<:Uon of our flight had been servative, the raucous, roaring journalism of his youth' gave now 0145 houri. The Port of clear blue sky. very ttreaome and now Out" allnr way in a consideral!.le degree to more tempered news re-Aerial Embarkation orttcer brokf' The city ot Honolulu looms up clJpper would IOOft come to rmt on thf' tenae silence maintained by the ahead of our silver ship a3 she tbe wind swept runway at Wake porting and comment. But the Hearst newspaper genius .sJeepy orrtcera and airmen sprawl· glkks tn towards the run,\·ays at Island. lnd technique remained evident. ed on their seabt all over the Honolulu lntematlonal , Airport, I 8hook myaell to tee lf 1 had Afr. Hearst has left a La.sting impression on his chosen 1 waiting room. W e g a.there d our capable pilot touches the been dre&m1nC -Put.en seat . . . around him for a rtnal briefing, wheels on the black top runway. Belli."' a s1Jmp.e out ol the wtn-fteld . And when all the plus and mmus factors of hJS our silver Pan American Clipper And w e tax.I up In tront of the dow and OYe1" the engine c:owUnp career are weighed, the balance will undoubtedly be a ship had taxll'.'d up In front of t.he t>t>autltul picture~ue Terminal I could aee a faint twtnkJe" ot positjve one. loading zone, Air Force, Army and Building and outdoor patio dining Us;bt.a. out and below: la thla real· Navy men, plus a few clvllla.na room. ly t.b&t Uny ~ o"' tM .creat rf'presentPd this group headed tor A fe>w hours delay at this twau· ma91 u.ted by alJ na.tptora croa· We setffe9 back into our com· fort.able seat.a for the long hop to Japan, 1,700 mllee northwe•t, the last leg of this gTeal span of water, the north .Pacific Ocean. I waa awakened from a beilutiful dream; Fasten Seat Belt.a, my family and friends was all around me, I wa.a,home again, telling them the story a.nd adventures of my bUddles and I. Now Instead, we had nawn directly into the teeth ot a l)'Phoon, a severe storm high above the t,urbulent Pacific, our great ship tossed about like a cork In a hath tub, the hand of God held U!I up there, for i.n a very short tlme It wa.a smooth and serene. we had passed through thf' angry· storm, ·once again the drone of engines put all of u11 lo slum- bering. The brlght early mornlng sun floodllghtf'<.I a perf$!<\lly clear calm sea, wtth a few thin scattered purf' white cumulus c louds floating ma· jes(ically several thousand ff'e t be· low us. Here another · box lunch was sc"rved tOr breakfa!t which wa.s far · from appetizing, our 11teward had made good coffee for ll!I which was the mainstay for our tired n~rv~ on t.bi.8 .eemlngly end· leu trJp. I .have ju11t returned trom the cockpit and the Capt.ain of our clipper •hip !a.Id \Ve a.re a}>out 400 miles out of Haneda Air Base near Tokyo, Japan. our altitude is 10,000 feet and our !lilver clipper ill rtylng smooth as glus. I can see ht>avy banks of various types of clouds muy miles up ahead. We have just spotted a submarinf' practicall.t submerged, leaving a wake ln the water like a large fl.ab. 'I;'he presence 01 lfllrface craft is non-exlstent, we are probably not flying over the sea lanes: in less than two houn we should see the cout line and shores or Japan. Our pilot .aa.id We were one hou.r out or Japan now, the smooth clip· per ship is flying on automatic pilot ; ll.9 a great thrill to watch the many Instrument.a at work, controlled only by man-made in· ventiona. Soon we would touch A.ala.tic soil, the Far Eut. We are now Oytng at 8.000 feet, the ocean below us ta a deep blue, smooth ·and cool looking. Soon my buddies and I will be getting our bap and camera equipment Ur gelber l"M.dy tor our debarkation at ·Haneda Air B&ae In Japan. At tht.a Point 100 mlla out of Japan a cry of excitement pa•N through the plane~ of ~ra u we spot • small mountamou. lat.and, Oahima bland, jutttnc up out or the blue Pactflc tar to the eoulh of our coune; our tint &Umpae: of land betwttn Wake bland and Japan. ~· •J'lom llle pilot'• coclrplt .... """ just oboerve4 Moun$ nJUyama Ill Japan, larJe ~, Of anow ntn• nlntr -tile .. ...,, mount.Ill canyons. With a 1Jt1n la,.;. of doucla haqlnc above the ma,Jeattc mounta!n top. We' are headin.,r almost dlr..Uy towarda thU. tam- oua landmark. far below u. out-- lined agalnat the t placid blue waters a llllall fU.hlntr fleet i. bu.ally engaged In lta daily tuk; a amall freighter JUst pa.ued be- low WI slowly chut;ninl" tu. way toward Japan. A tiny Virgin typt' i.tand h .. JU81. p.-und..,...th our sliver sky giant. we are now pa.ssing over the main I.bore llne of Japan; beJutltui And green with Jt.a picturesque fieldJI;, rice paddle& and qua.Int type bousea, a great Bight of relief ~· throughout the plane. My llrit sight ot Japan gives my buddies and I a great thrill. \\' e have added another country lo our laurelll of world travel. P&Ming over the beautirul countryside With It.II W<'ll · tilled and fertile flekls a thin layer of drifting clouds are pa.sslng over the area u we circle our destina- tion ready for a landing, we are pa&41ing over Yokohan1a and head- eU for Hant'da Air Bast" near Tokyo. A thick overcast obscured the ground at lhUi ~int, av .. ay to the eouth Mount Fujiyama rears It.I cloud shrouded hC?ad abovt> lhe heavy blue mist. The old familiar sign ;roes on lo futen seat belt.a, we are gilding down towards. lht> runwayg at Ha.neda Atr Base. Be· low us the shallow waters of the coast line with its many fishing net!! strung out and doz::eM of small Jap fishing boat.a makes a contra.sting sight, in a few minutes our great clipper ahlp Wiii touch thf' 8011 or Japan. we are lev~ling oft now and the tires· 8C'reech as they make contact wttlt the run· way, It taxif's to a stop directly In front of the thrtvtnc-T~rminal Building at exactly Oi!S45, or 8:45 a . m. Monday, .July 23rd.· I.a.ndlnc • -T~~. ~. ~. l~I . YOU and , YOUR -CONGRESS A prlnc.eu Is always glamoroua. Elizabf!th of England la no ex.s exception. And aomf' Washlnrton obM>rverg contend her scbeduled arrival here October 24: wtll In- fluence the date or Conpesalonal adjournment, now tentatively llf>t for October 1. Wiv('S of mf'mbf'rs of Congrea will "'"'ant to be on hand to meet the rprlnce.ss. say theae thti0rlatll. They argue tha.t the idea im't u far·ff'tched aa it may seem otf· hand and caution against under· e.oiitlmalng the power or Congnos- sional wivt's. Evidence, however, points ln- c rea.singly to t.he probability of members or Congre&.'I still being here on or about October 24, re- gardleu of their \l.'1ves' wishes in the matter. This was Haneda. Air Base in Senate hopes are fadlng rut for Japan with its many large gutted the anticipated October l adjourn- out buildlnp, a memory of WW n, mt>nt. the seers still remained of th03E' The St>natf' still must pa.sa on a fatC'fUI days of yester year. Once tar bill, torC'lgn ald and Beveral again the Y.'ide door swung open major appropriations meuure& and our tired Combat Camera Also. the Defense Depart.nrent, crf'w, officers and airmen alike which just received $60 billion, ts filC'd do\lo.-n the ra.mp with bag and expected to uk tor more money baggagf' in hand, for moat of ua. shortly, Which m('an8 additional tbis was. our first time, lo sel hf'arings and debate. After the foot. on Japanese soil. A brief rest Senate acts, It must reach com· while Lt. Col. Pote held a short promL.es w ith the Hou.se on their co~ferenc(' with othe r air fore(' J differing ver!llon• o! theee various officers who had met our plane. pieces or legi8latlon. Loading nur baggagf' and cameras, etc., in two weapons carriers we started off on a hectic ride through the streets ot Tokyo, our Jap driver swing in and out through slow moving and conjest- ed native traUic, consisting ol t;hree wheeled automobllea, motor· cycles, ox--earts, hand carts, thous· anda of bicycles heavlly laden with everything from radios to iron pipes and stacks ot wood. Our destin.a~iOI\ was Yokota Air Force base a few miles we•t of Tokyo, passing on through ·th.is great sprawling city of Tokyo wh('re thousands of side walk stores of e ver). descri,ption adorn thC' winding and narrow streets we flnalJy f'mt>rged on the outskirts of Tokyo, a fev..• mites farther on V.'C' entf'r the main gale of Yokota Air BMf' whi\[f' arml'd guards pa!J!lf"<i us through, completing our fa.st long trip from Travis Air Force Ba!le in California to the Far East and the Asiatic contl· nent. Badly in need or a good hot 1'hower and ahave my buddies and I clo!le this phase of our story un- til we load and wind our camera.$ for action on this far away con· t inenl. The Automobile Club of South- ern California advises that the Mexican eection or the highway extending from that city to Tecale in Baja Caltfomt.a la now oUed wtth the exception oC a 12 mile irtretch along the old Cantu Grade. No oU ·will be placed· upon thiJI aectlon u there la a new gn.de now under conatsuctlon, the Club .said. . New•-Tlmea a.de have been read ln the Harbor tor over fO year.. All that i.a time-consuming-ea much so tbal .ome Senate le.a.dera are saying tt will take a miracle to g C't CongreS!I out of Wa.ahingt.on by October J. Meanwhile the House's vacation extending to ~ tember 12, tan't makinl' the Sen- ators any happier with t.heJr legis- lative lot. The Senate preaented an inter-. e11ting study in lnconsistency the other day. One of Its members, &on. MarUn fR-Pa.) offered a bill fS. 2029) to hulllfy a re-cent Pres:ldenUal edict to encourage Industrial dispersal along lines recommended by the National S f' cu r I t y Re.sources Board. J.fartin told the Senate that tbe dispersal recommendation wu the product or gov('rnment plannera. rts rt>al purpost>, he c-omplalnf'd, ll concealed under the •·pretext" of national defense -··the disguise worn by every project which can- not makf' headway on it,a own m er· its." That same afternoon, five Sen· stors from 90uthern st.a.tea were conferring with .Agriculture Sec- retary Brannan on· the fea..slbllity of inducing the, Munitions Boa.rd to add ootton to the list of critical and strategic stockpile mater1.alll. Under that plan, tbe government Y.'ould buy cotton for the &tock· pile. -Thi.ti buytnc woUld support cotton prices at higher level& than those at which they are ~ow supported by the eovemment buy· Ing already required. by law. Cotton would make It.a debut to • • the stockpile aa· gownunen.t sup· port or cotton pr1cee became pa.rt. or the national defense effort for tbe first time. / The House took a healthy.whack -.., BUSTING THE SEAMS thf' Far Ea.st. tltul ~pot gave ua t ime to Mtretch Ing th.19 wide exp&nae Ot water! It wu now 0200 hra. the &eTO our !IOmewhat crainp<'d l<'p and Yea. lt'• Wake hl&nd. BALANCING(?) THE BUDGET! at the theory whtch ha.I taken an • tncrcaslngly strong hold tn recent yeani that Ule best way for any- thing to be accompllah~ a. tor th• re.iera1 eovemmat to opend mllllona ot dollafl on It. • hour for-take-off; undei-the b~ take some color and blac k and Jl"rom my po91.Uoc I could lee moonlit ni«ht we 'fUed aboard the white picturee, al8o some footage the two pan.Uff -lines of landln_c sky giant, lta potWW"tUl enctna on our movie cameru tar record strtp li&tlta, our sreat blrd of ~ were warming up, ready.,.for take-pu.rpoaes. We were served an ex-atrwaya wu polntine ber aleek oft. All M'at beltJJ wer-e futene:d cellent dinner in the patio dining nOM atnJPt t.oW&f'!ll \_hat Ugbt.ed and a rt>la.xed fff1lnl' came over room. and everything wu now st.t1p of land, a few mlnU.te• m.on me u she started her taxi to lbfo ready tor t.he next leg of our long and her wheei. touchfd pntly runway. Our coort.eoua •t4wa.rd Oftt" water trip to the Far East. down on terra.Qnna. gave us a short brle.ftlt( oa. Q)' Nat stop would be Wake l.81and; 0. tM NOlllJ needs we m&J bave on our "°"&' a Uny !peek of land on the surface oveneu trip, the '-lute WU pol-4 ot thla veat body ot wa.tf'r. It Our competent pllot.9 had hit naw at lhll" end ot the runway, bier wu mld-arte:rnoon on Saturday. t.h1JI Uny 1lrt,...of land rll'bt on the gTI,at allver nose pob\Uq-Into Ute noee. The· eecoAd leg of our jour- westem aky; tugg:lnl" at her pow-CroM ...... ney '1!U owr u our clipper alp ertuJ engines ahe wu moving ncr.>. Hil"re at th.la busy e!roaroadtl of tu.Jed to a sta.ndlt1ll In front of f'O&l1ng daWD. that creat nmwa.y, the world , people ot all nationl the JMIMenlff ~ .aM:. TM W<e a trnffM bird lllle lifted her come and go. out and weot an IUC'O dooe llWVllg open and our wtnp Int.> the cool moonllt aky. many tranooceaolc ab' llnell, large V«Y tired lold ot humanity otq- Ah .. d and bflow tho at .. py blink· paaooncer and careo planu of C•red out Int.> tho bot, otlel<y nlpt tng ltl'bta of .mall tOWN alone the many mak~ touch the rubw&)'I air, for he~ the lmlDJdlty wu -of llUillln Bay twlnllled at :U -.,, Oftl')' dq 0... thia tropl· -Uy hiP-At this tlme our ua 1.1 we -ded lltralCht -<al I.lie. o.r lllay JteH wu vory -waa tal<ln&' on a 8-4 ap- lnl<> llle ..._ .. _ of nf&'lll. -llut ~ and the c:alJ -.uce. lndodlnJ tllat of .our ·Q1tt1a o.&e A '"" mllM tu'uter on olot ..,. ~ ..Y ~and eJemt 11• .fa&', tar llelaw ~ to our left. tllo Golden Gate and c:out ljDe ... OU.Ulned ln tf'e bdPt IM Wiil nlpt, wl"&'fac our -7 -U.. allant •Jcl!l the drone of .... , n -pu•--ancl--_ .. to 11e<1>-I TM --,.._..., .... 1.-.- -el ' ?''II al1st lllMr. -..... -......... ..., _____ .. _ h'r+.-..--. -et -Ustod _._ du& -to.I jltto tile --r. I<> --Ci1-&hip was too ..--&' oftleer, Lt. Ool. Pote. MOD tor all ol UL ~ abor&rd. once Rew ban .U.ved. •lncef we &en &pltl., W'a -ftd .a..& lo tho• ro-'l'Ta'fla Air hree -la OaU..._ -•Ue lllo u our allwr ablp nta. It waa -:IMO boun, -..-to ui. _,..,., a few min· dq, _.....,.tiled talo tile Qooon· -_.,Md -waa RClnc' •tno.....-....... llollfor -u..· bot -_,., olrip to -....... , -1 Prtorte-- .... IDto the altY· In&' tllo ,_ .,_ -""4 ..., re-. out ~ the beuw.1 woU1 u.,. .. , •• , .. ..., 41 .. -.... W'6 klt Dl-BeM --............ ta ....... -Ute rclllJts, ...r l 1 '!rC -fOI: Pn ° Air -a 1---V\'W'---.·---TW--.---____ , ••SW\ ----•w.m.c-w D:eta.a.ug tu'.~--!!':'!~ -:i.. ~ -=-""'= !.= ;". :.t 'i:;:a,.;: -........ -iato Ille-.. Idea fll 11 --· ----... .... ...,.,_ ........ ?., .......... \ The Houae cu,t t.be Pruident'• $5M mllilon tundo"ftqtieot far tho Civil Def..,.. Admln18tratkm by SHO mWloQ, _. l'l'Ji,, leavlns M5 mlllloa. It --JU~ u"""°""'"'-·•..,., ""fto-: ftd-o1. tbe Amerlcu ........ II\ a elYll •-po,.... eaanot be won ~llJ'•• ..... tarp ap- propria.tkml of. C:1leral ..... . ~ .. """"-•• -tbe Sen.ate° ..,. •••'la( •w11t• to ...-----·. -.unc ft, -. Dtal a ,a.. ~wzn'.':c1er=..• .. c"' :::, "1demtood lt WU lntrAlt• to )e • .....n fe<leral -·-, -raUon -\rith otateo o,ncl -i ---.. __ ., the a<tual -"-- ,fh. told -Chlci..,, tor -· · -JINkedl!d Oft --... ~:'! ltl ddiM def?FSI _.. 11....-i ..... --.. ---"--'"•· Joooakl.S.-~-----··· ~-­__ ,., ........... '"' ftoS~ldt4'--~-­,.,,Elf& -U9 .,,. ,.. ... lla•llli • ~ ... -......... .. " ...... . ,., , :. ·r,~ • :· w:: . ....... ;·':. .... \ ' .~•.oi •• -. \ . • ' • , ... r...ifey, sept. 4_. l951 I • ~T IAI IOA NEWS-Tit.4ES • I ..---------------------------------------------------------------.1r------------------------~~~~1!-.~!~!~ft~!~?~!~!!...~--~·· · t c· LA .s s 1 FIE n CROSLEY RD'RIGERA.TOR • • •• . ... • • • •• AJR TRESSl!:s MAN'S DIPERIAL RACE INSNARE.' AND BE~ITY DRAWS WITH Btrr A SINGLE HAIR." Stay tuned, ladlea, ~ buJletina to be broadcut to would-be beautiH; Flaah l . lb Grau la the MW ~r-tnana.rer o! Ruth'• lif'aul"y Sltop. 338 otMe.tt.l&. Corona del Mar. Jrba. Grau brings a rrf'Bh new appr"O&ch to lhe beauty bwi:inea.-L e., a cuatomer 's vlewpolnL Not a.n operator herAeJ(, Mra. Crau pl.am to bring you all the M!rvice, styling and cra.ftsman21hlp you aa a beauty shop cllf'nt could dc>sire. The ncv.• Ruth'• BeautY Shop ha.s been ttmodelE'cl someY(h&t and a new alr- C'ODdltlont"r and puriCier Is Min g lnstallE'd. Fla.cm 2. S&Jl,v llkly, expert and well-known operator iA now on the st.a.ff at Ruth's, Fla.ah 3. Vll"(irtla ft#isd will be ba~k from vacatlon Sept. 17. Fla.sh '4 . Renown Rayette Pennanent!I are giv<>n hf'n>-Shorty and Preview wavt> SI O; Del\UU' $12.50; the new Lanolin $15: and the Rayette r<"COndltlont"f' "-'&Ve, Pf'nelreme $20. All right girll'I, don't shovf'-you ton can bf..· bf>auUfuJ! lt11U.'.-lk>Auly Shop Is at SM PolMPttta. C'urolUl dt'I :\tar, u..mo.!907. r • • • ALL OUT F OR THE SA CK RACE ! On lhe double now. you bags avn to Lee Shipley Originals Shop ror a p<'&k at Let>'s startlingly fltunning straight-up and down drrM! Lee person&Jly deAlgns aJ'l,jl manuracters drrs.qC'Jt, suit~ and separates to fl t the cut or your in- dlvi<hal warp and woof ~ Now this new .. Sa<'k Style" gown Is avall- ablP In gray woo1 jerfM.'y or in brown jrrsey w1lh intricate golrl design. Anothrr !Vllart Ship!Py Mlute tu fall is a 2 J>C('. oordoro.v In 2 tonrs of ot'chk1.t Drooling a litll<' ar<'n't you? Da.<lhlng nt'w a r rivals too In pla.ldi, woolens, gabardinet1 ... and load.Cl of w cskit.!!I \vith thP wanclf·r- lust. [..,pp Shipley'11 originab can be whipped up for you In 2 t o a days. Only onP expert fitting Rnd all at once you'rr lov<'ly! Cus ton1- made priees hrrt" con1parc ntoreo than favorably w ith r<>edy-n1ad1's. 11-f' ~hlplPy Ortg1nal•, 1106 Coai:1t Highway, Corona th•l Mer. Har bor 2M~J. • • • ' WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO PROF IT BY A CARELESS DOWAGER'S MISTAKE ? I pre- fer to think that my little readf'rs are mostly human. so I'll explain: Kl..nvnoo*s Drapt>rl"" hu an utr&\'al"antly elerant quilted taffeta ~d­ !prC'ad with sham and dust ruffle. This $<1~ spread waa ~red Utru' aome mix-up. so you n1ay have it for $20. Meantime. Kimmons is having a. sale. So othf'r barg-ains such a.a a. 3 pc-. Lawson ~ctional at cost. It's muslin covC'.red and K.Jmmons will upbolstf'r it in a rabric or your ;... choic(>. And thE>re'a a r emnant tablC' fillf'1.I with Pwa.lch bundlf's . great for a quilt ing bet', bedspreads. pillow tops, <>le. Boll.ti or yardage at r 1 PrlrP in casement, drapery and upholstery rloth. Other odds and ends includ<> " chintz covered vanity, mf'tal folding chalrfll, pillo,v111 and curtains. C'omP OS A KJ'.\DIO:S~. Klm- mon11 Or&Pf'I')' Shop. 433 E. 171.b St..., CA•ta )1.,..... ~ac-on 1')'4S8. • • • "HE '.\IA v l.J\1E wn'HOPT Bf>C}KS. what I" kno\\'lf'dr hut ,rrlf'VlnK ~ C> Hf' may U\·f" \\·lthout hOpt'-\a"hll.f L"I hOPf" but ckofflvtnc ? lltt may u,.,. wtrbnut lo\·,., \\1tat ls paatdoa hu.t plnl.nit ! Rut ""',."'" I~ thP man that ra_n U\'P "1tbout dln.lDK !" AT CHARI.EV'S SEA.>'OOD RESTAt-RA,.-T, tlM f'oa~t Hl.(h\\"a~· (Df'l:f to Port Oranr} flr1M'no 6834 -C"imlMI Ttt~layi. • • • \VHETHER YOU'RE PLANNING ON PARACHUTING INTO THE joint outfall, making a bicycle t our nf thf' k>wlandl'I, or cruisln~ up Pilt:E>'a Peak in your Stanley StE>amf'r, you'll certainly nee<l a c!WJtC'r from lhl' .10-1..E.E Sfl">rf Shop. AIPX Colman had little Oil' you In mihd ·when hC' dC'11igned Lh '-8 dauntleaa corduroy cov('r&ll. It'fl flu('ntly .11tylecJ in soft gray or citron wjtb patch pock('L'i and ~ cuffed .slN!ves (.$22.9~). Other comely Colman Cordu roys ... a. ahort. belted jacket. bJ-ioW patch pock.els. ~ sleeve and in an intensely autumn rupberry-red, c lta·on and do\•ish gray, $12.95. A Colman skirt ln tucked waist d <'tail or !'Item slim in citron M.pumpkln {$11 .95 -7.95) coordinates till lhE' C'ows come home \Vith a matching or contrastin~ Colman nlg'ht jaeket ($9.95 ,. Jersey blouses to coordinate "·I th any- body, $7 .~. Look sharp no\\' . .Jo-I.,.. ~pon111 Shnp. JIM s~·port A,.,.., ('Ot:la '.\IP!il&-• • • Barkles.<1: Basenji, Balboa socialite a nd non- baying m e1nber or the Biscu it and Kenricl Club writea: "Every d og ha.ci his day, you know. But ~:;ai~~~ a pup's lif<' is a particularly mf'rry one at the La MPs& Ranc h." Yes indec-d. ~tr . B! B<"Cause l Al and Dru Thompson. dog-happy o"''llers of this "CoddlP<I CIJPnt" 2 ~~ acre Boarding Home take a personal interest in th.eir guests. W'hether your dog Is a big , independent show-off who wants to bf' •·on his own." or a shy sensit ive ~ul who hu to be pampered. he'IJ get proper treatment he re'. The ~ ltlesa Ranch arrords prlvalP bwlplow§ and a private sh.ade tree for each client. And another thing, this ranch Is especially w-ell-staffed with can1p counselors. Daisy. Dollar and Abicall. T he next time you find it necessary lo call up a dog--sitter. let Barkdale. or Whats-her-name have the advantac"e.s and fun of a. day, "'eek or month it the La Mraa Roart.1- t.c llancb for Doc-~. Beacon ~638-R • • • • FRIE:SDSHJP Ofl' TI'.\fES RIPESS l!\'- TO W \"E . ~1nny a going f rl<'ndshlp ha.'! n ow<'red Into eomething tar. far greater on a love seat. Now t.akf' !or example that maple love M'at '41th the provincial covf'r. Let me think ... where DID I !IC'<' that ? Yes, l"ES! il was' I remember now . . it's over at ErYo·nod?;'. Lovely, un- ~ wantf'd, unJovPd love seat tor 154.50. J uat what Dr. Erwood paid tor it not including the freight (h4!'*a .stra.ns-e for frt>lght bills.J Frit'nds? Lover~! \Vho can tell without a love seat? So allrig ht. quit day-dreaming ~ Fabric Sale hPn;: Rayon ehantung, 11 colors, 98c a ,.ant. Heavy cotton prin ts. raillP&, uceptlonal palU!rns for drapPs, slipcovers. c.hair s, sklrt.s, cami.80lee -~.II priM'. Wht>rf' ('lse ! En·rood•', "4)·7 II:. Balboa 1MV4L o...-"""'-U.rt)Qr OIH-.J. • • • IF THE TWO BABES THAT oar CAUGHT IN THE WOODS HAD BEEN OLD ENOUGH TO READ THIS, It would nevtr have J\a.ppf>Jlad ! The BALBOA 5 ~ 10 has children's nuorcscent pantie~ "Da.y-Glo, the brightf's.t colors in the world," slzes <t~-8-10 for 59c pr. Lel'a have no more ICMll wait. now!'" Ut's see ... you big gtr~ are old cnougb lo know .,..,Mre you're going, so l suggest while nylon brk>fs, a (llt~gtd Investment for sure at $1.49 ; or rayon brfets her-e In panUe pa.st(') shades for -49<:. School drt"88e1 in Dan Rivtr fabrics gU&.rantttd to wear and waah Sl.98 -3.49. Alao goodbye to 11ummer dearance on sw1m and aun 1uit.s, llhorts and haltPrs. Wl"'ll . g-oodbyf'. n...-A .t 10 k at 300 Mall, Bal-. • • • BATIJBOO>I BA.RGAJ}rtr;! IXLAID UNOL.EUM INSTALLED IN A \"ERAOE !'IZE BATHROOM POil ••!.95 . ' <'OA~Tl..IN"E FLOOll CO\'EIUNO lltlt AND NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA Ml!ISA ! - • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO . 1'88T! HEY FELLOWS! MEET ME IN PRONT OP THE OYK. I ha.•f!: a tale to tell out of achooll Tha ls Lhe late1d leak: Old lettermen, loafers, &eholan and even ~tvdenl.I are Kotng to wear PBO 00Rrn4 t o claa thi1 year. HONEST! I get my raahlon sc:oop.s Crom. bc-hlnd lb@ barn, AO lt'a lt.rleUy lhf' straight gooda. RJCJt"Y•s SHOP hu tbeM practical panl8 tor $4.96 -$7.90 along with boya T-Shirlll !Ull<> SJ .19 up. Now what have we got for wln80me achoolgtrl!l 1 Oantnt>r swPat(>rs tn altp- overs, eardlge.na, woola. angora.a . . 100~ virgin wool sweaters in vivid hues $1'i. Heavy cardlpna $8.95 -$10. Plenty or whlle bloutr11 with Peter Pu or pointed collllnt, _ t uclui or plain front.a $2..95 up. Straight sktrta. na-vy or black ~abardlne ~.96 up. Wool plaids S9,9$ -112.96. O.,K. Kiddies, get ready t o M\Vlng yotu-'Iunch pail~ at Rfrlll)"" Shop, 17ot N'""'POrt B>vd... Coflb i\tt"M. ftr.a('Ofl 6.'\4.4 • ••sen.OLAR" • • • 01.F.! CASA DON CA RLOS MEXICAN SPECIALTIER Conlbina.tlon plat" d lnnPr s .95 ... U .35 $1.W D,.IUXI' dinnt'r Steak dinllf'r ~ Ca..• don <'&rilMI, 11 S Cervcza Sahu!! !!nd ~t .• SP,\-porl • • • •.• llarl>nr t&M-M EDITOR"S NOTE: ·"'The opinions C'X· preu<'d ht>rC' are necessarily lho!t!-or thC' \\'rite r." That bPing the ca!le, I'll state tbat in my opinion Polly Appan-1 hu a carload o( new fall dresaes and auit.!!I In about every size and description. Drf'sses come in regu- 'ar and hair slzE>s, so you're bound to get a flt at Polly's. You can look over J oan 1.flller, Jre:.; T ina. Page, Mynrtte11, Olen EchOe:, Bet- tc>rmade and other good bra.nd clr<>ssea and suits In prl<'e tags from $1 0.95 -$22.9!S. One stand-out of a dress iH a Tina Pag<' charcoal taffeta with crinollnf' J>f'tl looat 1$12.95). Furlh<'rtnOr(>, In my opinion it would do your he"rt good lo fondlP thcSt> ran('iful fr0t'k8 al POl.1.t' .o\PPARF.I., 18..,1 NPwport A\·f'., ('o"ta '.\f•"\lla. • • • ThP Thlnr YOU WANT FOR YOUR BOAT IS AT \\'ALT'N TR.ADl:\'(J POST 42'2 • 30Lb. ST. KEAR THR ICE HOUSE ~·t:\Vl'ORT lL.\.RBOR ! ... 70 8 :30 to 6 p. m . EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS • • • ? • .. J1151t laugh nnt1 smile a.nd don't be a !5keptic , -.vhen you eat fish, you 11in"t got ul cers that's peptic." Thiit v.•as Harry Kinglfton'fl l'ha.nee remark a!I ht dre\\• a ttnlfe on a 3 10 lb. Sea Bas.!! at the R•}'MldP Mkt. ..Also." sahi Ha rry, "I have a 467 lb. Swordfish." "Oh Harry." I c1i ed, my f'.Y»--rlan cing "'Ith inDocent merriment. "You Told A \\'hopper~.. Hbwever. tt •M all too true.' The Bayside getM fish dellvere<t at its own docks from Its o~·n boats. So I declare, they DO 1:-et th.e biggest. the Jittle1t and the treshelit r1sh 11. finnlng. Sea Rs.AA, S\vru·dfi.sh. and Albacore are good no\v. Frozen J..obslers here A.re lou!!y. 8-.\.\'~ID>; MARKF.T, Open ~very rtay ot the ftM•al .rear at 2800 Lafayette. Ne\l.•po.rt • • • Bob Knil l doesn't know a S.ioche trom a The Mighty Midget In AdvertWnq NEWS-~ -Ewry Tueaday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PRES.S -'lbundays Newp.rt 11&7 Poot :Jlwln.d Ado -· ,_ la U.e ~ .,.....,._1;1m8 or tbe 'l'lllU"lda7 Pft!M • MJNDIUlll AD 1B • LDlDI All ClaaslneJ· a4a '"f8t lie s-Jd for OMii ..... ._.,., • .,.,.. of ,..IM!ltc#Dll. ' Unes 1 Paper •• 15 4 U-Z Papen 1.50 4 LIDee s Papen 2.18 Tbe publlaben wtJJ not bt reapoMible foi rftON than one ineol'1'ect iUertJon o(. aft advert.tumcnt.t reserve Ute rtg~t to correctly clualfy any and alf adll and to r eject any advertifJement not contormtnc to ndee and regulations .. Adverttsement-11 and c.ancellatfon.s wt11 bt: accepted up to 6 p.m, on the day preceding pu~catlon. Except deedltne tor Newa -Times itl 1 l ·a.. m. Mondays Phone Har. 1c1a. uk for ·•Ad TUW-or Hnd ad a.ad rmd~ to NEWPORT HARBOR PUBUSHINO CO • 2!11 Salb<.-Blvd., Nell-port BNdl., Calllorwla. -. ~ -----· ....... .. --------..... 10-Bmiln"'" Gulde COKPLll'l'll BOOBll CLEANINa -ll'lutdtunl -..... llhampooed. ll'ree ..umai-- "1Ily tnoure4. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Beocon 8111 72tfc REP AIRING and PAINTING Ri>asonable~ Large or smatl joba. Ft;ee estimates. Walker. 108 18th St., N\v.pl. Beach. Har. 2Ml-R HAULING 1161 9 cu. tt. lnodel[ -oA tl>o featurta--65 Ltt treezer cbNt oo top. Meat keeper and 2 ,..,.. table crtapeni. Al80 hu • the butter keeper. YES, !ta th• Shelndor and only uoOd It 3 months. Would like ~ llaYe "" older retrtgerator or stove for my equity. Paid over $890 for Jt. No down payment' and .t.aJce over. payment ot $19.91 P1f mo. See at 464 8o, 8p&dra. ~er\> ton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2162. li9tf< For a terrifc saving· on an 181/2 cu. ft. freezer, phone Beacon 6695-J. BEST OFFER g•L• LeanderaU- two yean old. 127 sapphire Balboa laland. Har. 1211-W. 66c67 F O'KEEFE &: "l-fERJUTr n.ngr, 1951 mode~ clehlM, CP all au- tomatic and it baa everythinc, griddle in lb(' middle, a:immer burner" AM the grill bl'olle'r. l owe only $128.13 and pay me C8.!1h or take payments ot $7.48 per month. I u8ed It only thret> months. Just llke new. Se# at storagt'. 404 So. Spadra, Fuller- ton. 9 a .m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2102. 82ttc Chrysler Engines. Used • Crowns -Roy&Is See John Harvey at Seacraft 826 COAST filGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5m $4,250 Htto 27 Fr. CUSTOM ,mahogany cru- laer, twin Gray Pbantoma, ~ dlx controlled.-S. s . radio. SUp No. 2, Ken Niles, yma Marta&. nr. Balboa t.1.land Bridge. Har- -Ullft. 65c47 11 PT. CHRIS CRAFT speed -t. Chrys. Ace. A-1 me<!h. cond. $1450 Free allp rental for boat.A ottered for-eale up to 26 ft. Wl.zard Ir Rowboat.I for Rent Ken Bcott'a Mobil ~ Dock' Next to Fttt"y Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 59trc VERY 8LJGHTLY USED Mil rlah with uil kit and car top carrler. Loca tfrd in Newport. Bargain price. For lntonnatian, can col· lect, Riverside 1-1111. l&p48 1950 DELUXE MODEL Tappan Any kind, trash or? WALKER, Gas Range, llke new . .Original For Venetian Blinds, t08-18th st., Newpol-t. H. 2Ml-R coot 1340. Reasonable. Must be 1.9 PT. OUTBOARD Ca.bJn CrviA@r, plywood •lructure. Flbreg\ass COYered, 8'1" beam with H J.ohn- ao11 H . P. mtr., $500. 419 ~ Marigold. Corona del Mar. 67p69 Shades and Drapery Hdwe. IKlld. 3H Victoria, Coat& ~-p67. H.H.HOLBROOK ~ 10 PT. DORY, '30. Good condition. THE SHADE SHOP DEPENDABLE PLU14BING Many a big deal ha& "°"" .....,. Free estimates Pb. Har 884 A Prompt ' thru a llffi&Jl Want Ad Harbor %2tl0-.J. 67"6~ Repair Service Maintained 12-Bulldl111: SeM'ices -----, Phone: H•rlx>r UUl-W S_l-WanUid to Buv '2801 Balboa Blvd., ·N ewport Beach -..::1..,. 41-FOOT COMl.. boat t.or sale or re-nt. Ready to go for mackeral, albacore or halibut. Alt gear. Acee.pt mnall down payment. Phone El Cajon. Hlllda!e 4-N97. C. L. KIRCHNER General Contractor New Rt!1ldentlal &. Commercial RPmodellng & Repairing Nf'v.' homes open for lnspf'ctk>n. Call Harbor 1161 -M 62tfc Wlae people do read the ad&. AlcoboUca Anonymo1111 Writ. P. 0 . Box 206 Balboa laland, Oa1lf. PhDne Kimberly S-MJS EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING and Ladies· altt"retioru• by ap- pointment only. Phon<> Harbor 1137-R. 67"69 Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th SL, Newport Beach PHONF. HARBOR 2404 115--Sha"" Your Car !l2trc ---------_ \VANTED to share trip t o Harris- DON K BU'ITS burg, Penn., or vicinity. Couplo • or fenUl.le passengt'rs. Leaving Lie. General Contractor Sept. 9tb. Harbor 3131 or Bea· Residential-Commercial ' con •5457· 66<68 Remodeling • 17tf(' Phone Beacon 6408-W 1 WANT TO BUY a M'COnd hand portable typewriter.· ·Ra r b or 11.f.6-W evee. 62t!c !6 FT. PLYING BRIDGE C&bln \VANTED -U&>d saJI, Snipe, · Cruiser . Hacke:reraft hull, Halt: Snowbird or other that can bf" 8oott engine, excellent c.harttr cut down to 13 tt. on hoUIL Ph.. boat, 30 mph., plus bait tank, 60 Orang-«" 07M-R. 65p6i I watt S. 8 . radio, $3,850. SIX WHEEL boat trailer, .f·ton capacity, $275. 3710 Channel Pl., Newport 1'1Blld. Har. 1522-WK. • ~OWiehold Goods GAFFERS & SATI't..ER RANGE. It.a the 1951 model deluxe CP all automatic. Has lamp and clock~all steel griddle in the middle &nd the chrome &Till 65pe1 S'IBHlNG BOAT t o $4,000. AJJ pt, dn. Beaut. new hou.ae, 2 den, paL It B. B . Q., hwd. floors, 2 frpls. etaf %2503 Clarendan St .• Woodland Hills. Sunset 2-7508. ~9 broiler. Also has the all chrome R A. PIANO tor on1,-$5 per top. Can have cash Jt59.33. onUI.. Rental appllea on future Would Ulle a uaed ranee or re· ue at SHAFER"S MU· trigerator for my eqUlty. No llIC co. (Slnee 1907) 4.21 ~ down payment and take over e,.camore, Santa Ana. .Klml>er· my payment of $10.82 per -· Jy 2--0672. See at -4-04: So. Spadra, Fuller--------------- Panatonie! The other day, he ' p ve me a wonderful loaf ot bread ... cn..uot)'. round and eovered with N811Jl1e eeeda. '"Tbis i.s a very excellent toaf of bread It I do ay .o," he said mode!'iUy enough, •·but I can't think whM.l kind It ill... Hc.we.ver. &b is a very l"O(kl baker, so ""'ho cares If he"• bricht? It'• t)me. or course to v.·aft over to the S""·port BltM;rr.\· for lunch- pail cook ies . . frightf\J.lly keen cookies herl' PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN ton. 9 e:.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152. 59tlc COME IN, HEAR and PL.A Y new ,,. and in 6 or 8 \'&rielie•. Fre1b coffee cakes and jell~· doughnuts a r e easy to take on an empty ~tomach . . and easy to prepare ror a fast breakfast as all yo u do i1 takt" them out or the bag. Hes.Ith bran bread or the 1001# wheat !oar made with honey will ma.kt you a reirUlar lrlJY· :SM4·port Rakr ry. !11 ? °""aa Yroot. S 1•\\·port. Harbor 144!-lt. 01wn 7 &a)'ll. • • • A }.frs. Revere R. Rumph writes: .. Six months a.go, I suffered a severe nervous brea k- doy.·n. I kept hearing atrange, napping aound•. I had my shoes half-90Jed. but the noise kept up. Then one day. I consulted a roving quack who told me that the roller shades in my house y.•ere on upside down. Everytlme I pulled the shades up. tbe)• fell down. Every time I pulled the shade• do'Arn, they tell up. Then I dis- covert"d the 1'HADt: SHOP. My new roller RovlnK QUAC'k" .i.hades ""·ork 12erfecUy. They do just whet I t e ll lhen1 ttnd l don't hear no n1ore ~rlappinc noiees. I am no loncer afraid to look out the ""·tndow:· Signed: J.trs. R . R. R . Yes, indeedy! The Shade Shop ha.s put a lot of people on the riCb t track! Traverse tracks. custon1 n1ades or extenaiona w ith all the flxlngt!I : ctrapery hardware. V. Blinds. Goosenecks and Toggle-Bolt!t at the Shade Shop 61 4 29th SL, Newport. Ha.rbor 884. SAN GABRIEL MISSION CELEBRATION SOON On Sl'ptember 6 through 9, the San Oabrit'I lttission will celebrate ill! t80th an11ivenrary with a full· scale Fieeta. Re-enact.mt>nt ot the rounding -0 r the MWklrl, Spanlah dancing, Lhe Grand Fiesta BaJl, a huge slrt-et parade and Holy Ma.Ra eervice• in the Bowl are eome or the a eUvities slated to highlight l ht' four-day ceicbrallo.n. B.IRTHDAV CEI ,EBRA.~'T8 A . • private birthday celebration will be held a t the Balboa Doll HouAe f<tr M ra. George Strebe by her l\uaband. wbo has invited friends from Balboa. and Palm Sprtnp to the occaalon. Today's recipe i.s tor a three- way wine u.uce, auJted tor both Indoor and outdoor eating. As a basting n1lxt11re, it gives wondertul !la vor to barbecued beet, hambltrgel'B, lamb. spareribs or chicken. A.s a sauce to {serve over lUld with these aame favor- ite!', tt Is reaUy delicious. When cold, It makes a zesty "dunk " tor fried shrimps or prawns. Cattromla Barbecue Sauce!' J1 even better lt prepared several hOlll'I before Usin.S and then re- heated. Here Is how to make It : J ( 6 oz..) can to ma.lo pule ~ cup California Sh~rry Wine % cup butter or margarine ,2 tbla. finely clloppecl onion 2 tablespoM lemon juJoe 1 tablespoon wine vinegar 2 tbls. WorceAt.ersblre Sauoe 1 t.eupoon p<epared bo .... rodlah J t&ble'lp>Oll aupr ~ teaspoon prllc salt \t tea.spoon salt Duh of cayenne The dinner wUl be preceded by ll cocktail party at the Strebe boml!' m the Southland rf'aort.. alter which. they will all go to the Doll Kooae tor dinner and dancing to the OU&d&Lo)ara Trfo. George and .Ethel' Strebe wW IOOll rttum 'to U>elr clHert -. ho P~ Sprlnp. Combine &ll bo~t.s tn sauce- pan. Brin&" to a boll, then llm- New.Tlmea ads have been read mer, uacover, for 5 minutes. In the Harllor for over to yeara. , Makes about 1 % cups auc::e. !Tl Palmer Bt., Coeta 11- Bea. 11437-M 9fdl D'4TltlUOR -ltX'ttRIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 ·Slot 8t. N...port Beaell Barbor %297-J S.fc48 PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1511i Sa nta Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5~0• Mc:5TH WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of aU trades-maintenance work. Have tools and miters for any j8b. FINE IRONING will call tor and deliver. Curt.alrui. l HP!p 'li\'ilh dinner partle!I. Phone Mrs. Williama, Harbor 1595 be· tore 10 a.m. or aner S p.m. 87p69 WILL CAR€ for children in my h.om<' by wttk. Licensed nurs- ery. 363 Coti1ta Meea St., c'osta MeBa . 66c68 YOUNG MOTHER with Ut ll.e girl 2 ~ will care for your small child or baby in my home. CDM:. Week da_y11, morning or after- noons. 45 cents per hr. Harbor a!u.w. \\rILL BABY SIT a t · my ho me. Da)· or evenings, E>xcept Satur- day & Sundays. 427 Et Modena. Beacon :;629-W. Beacon 6451-W 29-&lp Wantlld 57c68H - Call BTLL -------------1WAl\ri'ED-HoU5ekeeper. Live In. Private room. 2 children. Ben-CollecJes Train 1· dix. $100 mo. 452 E. litb St .• Executives In L A. Costa M•sa. Bea. 5572-W. 65c67 R epre .. ntatlves of leading Loa I An Opportunity Angele• bu•inesa and industrial 'NEED A MAN, familiar with tra- concerns will begin claMWork Sep-temal or .tOCiaJ organlzations, to t embtr 10 In wtiat la deacrtbed as manage club and lodge tacllltlea the first training program of It• of 8 locaJ g-rOup. Thi:. 18 an ldeaJ kind ln the United Stat<'A. Rpot for a r etired man who de· Oeftlgned to provide Southern Rif'e!I fel10\nhlp. Limitf'd salary California management.i w ith a and duties. Houn moatJy tn t.ht pooJ of trained person.net lo h:in-evc>nings, 5 daya a week. Ase die on-UJ.e..job training aclivities no banter. oon-aectarlan. RepJy for new employees in the <"Xpect-held confidential. Write Box 02 ed nah of produ.cLion lo bolster thb paper. 53tfc the defense effort. Uw> nPw i!l- structlonal program will be pre-OA. _ Q.t... lfl=:::.ft~AftU tented on the campus ot the Loi I :~=:::::~~~~...,.,..~~~-~~~---I Angeles Clt,y and State College.a. The training-program la pre- sented JolnUy by the Southern Cal1tornla Industrial Safety So- ciety, the Penonnel and lndU1:tri&l 1 STORE tlxturea. prac. new, wall cue:a. c~ rru.c. AU have adjuatable llhdv ... Barpln. Call owner, Beacon 6990. 64lfc Relatlona AmociaUon, Society tor Complete inl"t&Jlation, rtpatr and Adn.ncemmt 0 f Management. umce of all tralltt equtpmmt. Training AMoclaUon of llouthem ORANGE COAST Callfoml& and the M<fthanta and · Man-.:turen Ao-tton. TRAIT.Ea SUPPLY )( A K Preoklent Bryant -terma t.be pr0gtarn "a muC.h need· 1910 ILUtBCillt •VD. ed, c;onstrµ<Uw appl'O&ch Iii the Coot& X-,.Pllone --ftM-R &MWer of a;pectecl n1an_.,. · . 8hortag .. In both --and .tn-IROH!UTE I R 0 I" E R. pl&Uonn duotry:• Oocid job tn\n!ntr for rocker, paint and· ...._ oew Hnployees or worker. trant-wtk:les. J.9lh. BeaJdas 5 hp. a.at· fund to otber du!Jee -. boud motor wt!b pa eail. 6H coat1y eJllPlone tlmlO-Ind al>-IL Oeean ll'ron.t, Apt.. l , - PHILCO Refrigerator -Its tht big 9 cu. rt . model Wlth thl' cross top freezer chest, meat kef'J>f'r and crisper tor veg. Used it 4 month.!!! and it stlll hafll the guar.antee on It. Bal due on. contract ta $198.12. Pay cash or take paymentt or $10.61 per mo. See ..at...at.Qrage, •o.t So. Spadra., i'01lerton,"' 9 a.m.. to 3 p .m . Phone 21~. 62trc SOLID BIRCH Round Coltee Table, 2 . upholstered chairs. Modern d.ineUe aet with 4 chair• Modern gooM..:neck table lamp. 2271 Kine-a Rd. Phone Beacon 7oo:>-W for appt.. 45p67 GOOD GREY CO'l'l'ON LOOPED carpet. 14 a x 16%, $3.5. Good la'A-'n mower. $10. Kitchen !link ZO " x 30", I:). Laundry tub and •wing apout, $8. Poldlng bt-UI fire screen, a.ad tools, $15. ~71 Vista Dr., Bayshores. Mc67 TWIN BEDS, e x.eell.ent condition. Chrome breakfast. set, pede8tal table and 4 chain. B1ue. other misc. items. 611 Poppy, corona de! Mar. ~7 THREE-PIECE Living Rm. Set. pracl. new . 4 ft. Servel, used '4 mo. Bea. 6414-M evea. ~8 Your ad appearln.g ftl'• ula.rty in these caluntN wtJl bring you maoy new customers. HarOor UM foli<a are In th8 llalrtt of "lookln&' 1n· the cluol- ned" when· they need th ... aenlca. . -;; Pair of 169 hp 8cl'!pp9. ... RAL, direct drift, fine -dl- Uon, can be demomtraW. ' SOUTH COAST CO~ Hammond Chord Organ.. 'No music lessons nece88&J"y. Any· one: can play thJs in.strwnent. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO !ind ORGAN CO., Santa Arla, 520 No. Ma.in, comer 6th. GRAND PIANOS. Big Summer Sale now on Steinway. Muon It Hamlin, Knabe, Ch.lckeriig, Cha.st. 'wurtJtzer, Sohmer, P'tsh• er and many others. Some new, .some used. Prices start at U9G DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 620 No. Main, Santa. Aoa. L SPINET PIANO, Pay out balaMo $2811. Another Spinet. bal. J387 KJmbal made Spinet, $493. See our list ot returned rentals and repoeaeukm.a. DANZ-SCmfiDT BIG PIANO STORE, 100 bar- gatna. ~20 N. Main, Santa Ana;, comer 6th Street. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $f9. $17, $83 and up. Let the kld- dlu i.am. P~y but $6 per mo. .2 yr. exchange at tull va.l ue. DANZ-SCHMJDT ma PIANO SALE NOW ON. Santa Ano, 620 No. Ma.Jn, corner eth. BUNGALOW uprfgbt piano ;n per- teet rondition. Terms $27.:w> down and 19.90 per mo. at llHAFER'8 MUSIC Co. (Since 1to7), 421 No. Sycamore, Sant.8. Ana. Kimberly 2--0672. li9tfc REPOSBEBaED! Beautiful 1Jlec- tric Orgah. FamOUI mall. FQr chUttb or home. Pay out baJ. a.ace. Big aavtng. Uke new. DANZ· SCIDUDT PIANO and OftGAN CO., Santa Ana, HO Na. Ma.Ia. corner Ith. RENT A PlANO, '6 per mo. All tMm rent allow~ -,OU buy. DANZ -llCHJIIM', Banta Aaa, 120 N. Main. ~ ' STORE FRONT AGE on J'alm fl\,. Balboa In ,_ Ru1>y Bldg. lie(.. Bal-BIYd. and Ocaajl Front. About 2400 aq. ft. wiU. 3 frpnt mtrancea. Will -to suit t.enanta. IH It. Oeean Proat. Apt. 1-. Sa~ Ph. Hanlor UA IOc't• OJ'FICllJ. SP ACE. lb20, -, --------~-~--• llt&lra loeat.lon. COl'M!I' of 'Palni 22 J1P EVINRUDE U ~ lbatL Ir E. Balboa Bl-rd., Ba1boL Pb. Good condition. ' SUI!. -.. a...--··"- Newport Bl-rd. at 23rd Har. - lilflc ~ -·~ __.. -...,teclm\ and --er 1'21. Barbor 3238: t0p7f tnterat 1n the Job, be potntect oot. Some~,W •-CBRY!ILER Ro7al JolariDe "l>St""• 0-W•tel i. Item Counea to be pr11111ted at tile UUU aDWt $800. UMd fetr 'IM:la:re. Direct job 1'lalnHlf Inolltut. illdocW: 'l'llat --~ drive and teteue. Aloo n ft. GARAGm ~ ....... lltfd. II """ -tlalo "' Teac111nir: An-petatl __ etc. -••1rtas "" Guwood utruty •-=roe. tmM Aw. ~ -a!Jsln• TnllDlDg N-Ud Plan---Ill ,_ _.. nlld a 1111iP-1Czeellenl <and. Bar. lUl-.:!'T 1-K. JlllPI! .llllltr and Admtnl9tntka ot '!'.nfa,. II' ,ntll a-CJe ·-a4 la die -------,---'---1LOCALL'I' ---·-botr ..........-lf.W.,,_ ~ _,......_ ~~--~ ~ --fclr llllriJ Hp#b!, --"""* ........ ._.. SEA BOOKS --,.. ael( -1114, -of -to ,_,.a eta-' ' A --fi6 lloaloz.• d J1111bt-' 11¥-1'18' -.... -~ i'. r~~;. Lii::=1~~:iJ:l!!..,!!!-~0..~'~~-~·!!!!·~!~'-'1.~;~._;--;M;:.._::;·:·i·I ~,, 'r..-;~ .: .... pt ~'=--'. C!.~_~J .... -•a,&d•*•"•-· w:.1· , ....._a:., -au . : '8* &landers .1 , ---J!o!ll ::::;._.;.;;;i&i-...J,.;1 TV-7J01. ·JD It., caata.r--1U V. ......... t.. Bar. IMT .... "'•rt-·• -.... ' ' ' .--'· I • ' • • , ' ' ; • •• ........... .. ....... -. . • . j ' . . PAGll a u:rr. t, 1111 llliWfOBT lµLllOA Hl!:W8·TIME8 • I WHEN -YOU ·wANT TO BUY, SELL "EMPLOY, RENT. OR TRADE USE THE CLASSIFIED. PHONE HAI ·1'11 . . . I 1 I + W & I D 'Y t ' a b646"*'1fti I 1Usa4AA' I U I 'S i UM +• c ''"'"""'''* , 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2 end it will run 61-Real l'lttate Ekll••p • EXCHANGES 0 'i'""'lF'e4""' • • • . aws I Fi I • I I • I .... I 2 2 I t • I • • • • I t • • , • "'3""W-+ • • • ! 'ffi I 1 _·~112-:::::;:~Real==~""~b:;::::u::.....~~~.....::.62-Real;::__.:::::::::..:Ea=..-.==u:..._~~~l:~a~.....::.11.a~~n.&~~·~t~e~~~~\l ~n-~~~~_,~~~·~·~aw!!!....~~~~a~=·~R~r..l!!_!l"Altate~!!!.~~~~ PRETfY AS A PICTURE STOP Distinctive and charming 3 bdrm. rustic ranch type 1 WILL FINANCE TO SUIT BUYER in ell 3 local papers. A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 LOT 145 X 3&0 -New 2 bdrm. house. Land plotted for addl· tlonal homes for lncome. Loe•· ted In Fontana. home of Ka..i.eer Steel and tute1t growtn1 ln- du.strlal center In Southern c.·1. SUBMIT INCOME or vac&nl zoned fo r Income. Large Income Units Orange County. WUI consider Bay or Ocean Front home tor $50,000 equity. E1ev"n unJlll plUB owners--Lncome $1 00 week. Want a houae. Newport-Balboa News-Times '-Newport-Balboa Press Newport Bay Post (Shopping News) Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor MORE C LASSIFIED O N PA GE FIVE 4S-Apartments and Houses PENINSULA WINTER Rentals- Duplex 2 & 3 bcdrms. Attrac· Uvely furn. Winter or yr. round. Rea.eonable, Har. 2001-J. 64tfc YEARLY-2 bedroom duplex. un· rurnished. Garage. r"ear both 8Chooll!I. 2266 Clay. Clift Haven_ For lnformallon Phone Harbor 1297-R. 61tfc WINTER RENTAL -PENIN· SULA -FutnlshM single apt .. available in S ept. $8 WC'ck. Util. Incl. Adults only. Phone Har· bor 1270-W. 6 l lfc FURNISHED HOUSE, Newport Beach-4 lxlrms.. Z balh.s. lge. llvlng rm ., garage. I-Jar. 0849-W. 62c67 YEARLY UNF'URN. 1 bdrm. apt. with gar .. rloor furnace. watf'r 90ftener. Near Bt'ach. $60 •mo. 1000 W . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor 890-~t. 64tfe BALBOA PENlNSULA. 2 and 3 bcdro0m. Comp. furn. homes with enc. yard. Very reasonable. Winter. Harbor 2001.J. 64tfc YEARLY -Corona. del lttar 2 bedroom furn. View apt. Newly decoratffi. Close to shoppin~. Inquire 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 24-13. 65c67 S 1~ PER MO .. Wi.5lter. Avail. Oct. 1. Bayfront mansion, P eninsula Point, 5 bdrn1s .. 4 i...~ bathtl. Ve ry private pier. Deluxe kitchen. Sound proofed. Best view. Har· bor 2649-M. 65p67 PENT H OUSE and 3 rm. cottages. On Collins Island Eac h apt. haa water frontage. Aecom. 4 . We.st end Park Ave .. Balboa Island. llarbor 2962-W 55c69 BALBOA ISLAND H ouaes and Apt.a., yearly or sea· aonal. See Gail Carney, wtU. NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 308 Marine, B&lboa IoL Har. 502 69tfc BALBOA ISLAND W-e have a parlments and houses- A vallable for winter sea.son or yearly lease. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine Balboa l !land Harbor 2~62 59tfc NEWPORT HGTS .. 600 Cliff Dr. Yearly rental, 2 B. R . furnished, beaut. vtew. garage, furnace heat. Adulta. No peta, available Sept. 15, S&S mo. plua utilities. 64p69 l'WO APTS. Now available. Al.SO room a.nd bath by day or per· manent. ~14 ~-Ocean Front. A pl. 1, Balboa. Ph. Ha.r. 3238. 6-0c74 WINTER RENTAL -Oct. lsl- J une 1st. 2 bdrm. turnlah ed house, $75 mo.. plua uUlitles. 8ff owner, 110 Opal St .. Bal- boa I sland. Mc68 SINGLE WOMAN -Bed. bath, private. Little Island. Beacon :lo2&4-R e~. only. 67c69 BEAtrrlFUL OCEAN FRONT Furnished Apartment.a. A tlra<:· live rates for annual leases. Say and Beach Apartmen ts. 1.f20 Ocean Front. Newport Beach. Harbor 1703. 67p69 \VINT ER RENTAL. 3 rm. apt. Couplr preferred. Ulll. paid. 1226 \V. Say. N ewporl Beach. 67p69 ~~~~~~~~~ 48-Aeartments _an_d Holl8efl. LIDO ISJ:..E Smartly furnil!lhed 1 and 2 bC'd· room apartme nts with garagr. Sept. 15 to June 15th. 1 broroom (twin bedHJ $75 mo., 2 bedrms. $100 n10. All utilities paid. l df•aJ for school teachers or profe~­ sional people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido H arbor 1500 Newport Beac h, Calir. 58tfc BAY FRONT Lido Isle bay front units-70 ft. private beach. S C'pt. 15-June 15. 1 bedroom. $75 mo. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, $110 mo. Available by year slightly hlgh<'r. Harbor 2552, eves., Harbor 291-t·1'1 62trc RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna CnJs Linwood Vick, Rltor. B&lboa laland. Ba;. 2042 S2c54 WINTER RENTALS PEN IN · SULA. Furnished 2 a.nd 3 bdrm. apts .• close to school. Refriger- ator. Utilities incl. Ava.Hable Sept. 17th. $1 5 and $20 wk. Ph. Harbor 1270-W. 6llfc 1523 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 2766 65dl7 WELL PLANNED Newly deco- rated throughout 5 rm. home. All tile bath. R-2 zone. Large lot, room to buJld. Value $11,000 North Inglewood. Will tra.de for house simlla.r size. Ha.rbor a.rea or Laguna. Phone Axnllnster 1·4tM. 62c67 PALM SPRINGS H0 ~1E -Will trade S 1500 equity for propl•rty in Harbor Area, Costa Ml'sa, or for a boat. May add cuh. H on1r is 3 yra. old, 1740 aq. ft., lot~ of trees a nd ahrub11. a.Ir condit· ionrd. Swltn club membership included. 32581 Sky Blue Water Trail. Oulp08t E8tates, Paln1 Springs, Calif. Phone Palm Springs 3199. 64tf\: A T'TRACTIVE Early A merlc:;,an I 3 bdrm. home in lovl'ly srctlon of We&t L. A . W ill trade for 3 bdrn1. all yr. home on Balboa Island. 3-1 34 ChwerdM.le A Vt'., Los Angeles. Ph. Yo rk 1766. 67~l69 ;ji-Real Estate Wanted WAl\'l'ED-R OUSE or I NCOM E. 35' sailboa t u down paymt>nl. Value $3,950. Call Mr.s. Ahrens. Harbor 2451-M, 12tfc FOR TRADE $3500 equity -$.9,000 home, Mrd· ford. Ore. tor equity here. MW> E . Ocean Front, Balboa. 67p69 FURNI S HED house, 605 36th St., PRIVA TE PARTY wants 3 bdrm. Newport, on waterfront, gar .. $65 wk. Aval!. after Sr pt. 15th, winter rates. Phone ATiantic 2-9005, 62p6i OCEAN FRONT -NC'w 2 bdrm. nicely furn. home. with gara~r. Winter rental or yrs. lcaac. 4409 Sea.shore Dr. or caJl.SY. 7-8017. -~~~~~~~~~-6-5p67 1 UNFURNIS HF.D s1nall apartment Utilitil:'S paJd, $-1 0 . 020 Coast Hwy., NC'"-·porl. 65p67 NEW VISTA Apartment! Nicely furnished. \V1nter rentals avail· able Sept. 15th, as low a.s $50. W ould consider yearly rcntalt. 1114 \V. Balboa Blvd. H arbor tl47·¥· 68p67 SEPT. 15 to JUNE 15. Modern redwood home on Balboa P e n .. furnl~hed 2 bedroom, flrt>place. bkfst. bar, copper hood. Fencl'd patio, Bbq. $100 mo. 2022 Mira- mar. Harbor 1803·W . 65c67 FURN1 APT. in t own. 3 rm. and bath. All r cdecoratOO, $50 mo. Adults. no pets. no drinker11. 1876 Fullerton Ave ., Costa ltiesa. Beacon 5 136-M. 65c67 DESIRABLE Modern Furn. Win- ter rental and garage. A cc. 2 • 4 people. Near school. Ul!lr or WMher. 1212 W. Balboa Blvd .. Nt'wpon Beal."h. Mp67 1'2 DUPLEX APT .. 1 bdrm .. rum. No pet.a or children. Har. 0634-J. Mc67 RESPONSIBLE ADULTS -Two bdrm. Me. furn. Cliff Have n. Very nict'. Yeatly lease $1 50 mo. Bt>acon 6609·J. 66c68 FURNlSHED W int£'r Rt"ntal on Ocean front, one bedroom Up· stairs plu.s lgt>. guest rm . dciwri· stairs. 1 ~ bath. $60 mp. '4711 Seashore Dr., Newport. 66<'68 All Yl'•r home on Balboa Island 11nly. Mu.st be prtced right. 313'1 Cloverdale Avt'., Los An~eles. Phone York 1766. 67p6!1 ~Money to Loan LOANS For Homes :S 'A;-20 yr. Lo&nM CONllTRUCTION LOANS at 5-!i1Ji% (14 y rs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOS SATTLER Hl6 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POm.IER MORTGAGE CO. Metro U!e Ina. Funda Kl 3·~180 LOANS TO BUILD, ntPROVE. BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Trwlt ~ed8 NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS 4 LOAN ASSN. 3333 Vta Udo Ph. Bar. 1600 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate i \.'i • 5% Loan• quickly made ln the Bay Atta and Laruna. Stncle or mulUple unit.I. New or old. Be wise and eave by re·tlnanctna your preaent loan. Minimum u - penae. No chufe tor prellml· nary •ppn.Jaal-Phone Santa Ana KlmberlY 3"'62'7 or W11te : ARTHUR A: MAY Mortp1"t1 Loan Correapondent Two C&U.t. Uf• IDa. Co.'• 1414 Soutb Main Se.nt. An., 4S-Aotomoblle8. Tires NO INFLATION HERE! f lt Coste N othing to Investigate~) '-47 KAJSER SEDAN ........... $ !'>95 '-17 WILLYS STA. WAG. $ 80~ OCEAN VIEW FURN. APT. PPn. '46 DODGE 'Fluid Drive"Sed.$ 995 P olnl, suitable for 1 or 2. W in· '-17 PLY. SEDAN ...... S 99!'\ ~er ~ ?.to. UU litie& and gar. '-17 DE SOTO "Suburban" $1295 me. Harbor 200l·J. 6<ttfc j lover $4200 to replace newl BALBOA ISL.AND Furn. 3 Bdrn1 '-12 CHRYS. "6 .. Wln. TUdor S 59:> New. Year leue or winter rent-'41 DOOOE SEDAN ....... S 489 al. Rea.eonable to rlght party. ,37 LINC. Cpc. (M ere. mlr. l $ 26.~ Call L. A_ OL. 1088. 1Mp70 TWO BDRM. furn. bay front apt. in Balboa. Winter rental, S75 n10. Sf-pt. l:i . June 15. Phont' Harbor 304. 17e72 '-46 FORD V-8 .Pickup ......... $ 795 SHA VER MOTORS Yo ur DODGE--PLYMOtITH Dlr. Phone Beacon 61Xt7 REASONABLE wli;tter ratrs fol", 1680 Newport. Blvd., Co.la Mesa clean, ntcel y turn_ apt. Cloee to 6:ke7 Soulh Bay and shopping center. '38 PLYMOtnll 2.-0r. 8£41. Oood 114 Marlnf. Balboa lala.nd. Ph. tra.n.a-p., w . 11139 Weal Balboa Barbor 183·J . 67p69 Blvd N ~ u •• h Ph .• •wpo•.. uc.C . one Harbor 1t'14.. • Mc67 SCHOOL TEACHERS -Adults, winter renta.l. $83. Comf. tum. borne. AU mod. conv. inc. det-p treeze. Immt'd. occupany. 207 Coral, B&Jboa Iotand. Harbor 1,43-:;;;;,.;;:A:.....;;;Tnlle==r'-"'S"-pace=;;....--- ,l392·R. 67p69 18:lo0 C HEVROLET 2 door. In per· rect condJUon. $1080. l)l2 • 38lh SL, Newport Beach. Phone Har· bor 2t0f. &lltc BALBOA ISLAND _ small tum. TRAil,ER SP ACE apt .• one p@raon only. Yearly Cl05e lo shopping, off the St\l'ay. r~t.al, k2.:;o per mo. 135 Topaz · 112 to 115 mo. Cabt11lo1 Court, Bo.Ibo& lal&nd. Harbor 2387-ll. HO Oobrlllo st. Coot& M..a. RENT, rumlalled apt.I. One bod- rnL 16& per mo. UWiUe1 paid, children okay, Dolphin Apt.I. llOCI W. ~ BIYd. Newport, a1eeo JiEAUT~LLY l"llmlalted 1thlft bdrm. -· 2 bat.Ill, -winter irental. On watetf)tont Wltb pier ~ O..t, '110 mo. • --Wl·Nt. 51-Trallen Trailer Storage $A per "Month Protect«t by 6-f-.._. TflAIL. l!:R'ro~. ~1 w. w~ doota M-. I'll. Bea. 501 .. Jl l- ed by Avlo Club A AAA) . .. . ... ;. .. , ~ 1114 7 STUDEBAKER Champion Si.rllgbt coupe. ALSO 1960 Stu· ckl>Uor Chainplon t-clt. 8'!dan Private J>Ut7, au--SOJ.. &ltlc ·u roRD suJK :oeiux. t-c1r ... clan, f300. Alao bn.ad.. D.., 7.!IO " 16 a-liJ buc:lt tin! wllb I.lap. ...,. 3lli 11&1-Oo-. I'll. Ha.-TIMI .,._ •;IO p.m. lllUc A O·--:U Ia tlie mlPt1 aldpt Ill 44\lili-. f I 2 Id H h h k """ I Looking at cataloped Uattng•. Owner does not need cub and will tUe small dn. pymL home, yrs. o . as cavy s a e root, ~-Pace, w hav• EXCLUSIVE otterlngo beam ceilings, l~rge picture windows and ia beau-on omea and Iota not found in tifolly landscaped. One of the loveliest homes In boo . Come In to our office and we'll •bow you something you Newport Heights, $12,750. want. Look at th ... speclala. RUSTIC RANCH HOME 2 bdrm:"'homc, 1 ',(" yrs. old. Has shake roof, mas- sive brick fireplace, large windows, lot 57x125. Beat buy in Costa Mesa, $7950. CHOICE OCEAN VIEW HOMES Several 3 bdrm & 2 bath homes io Newport Hghts. at prices you can't beat! Lota are not leaaehold. $14,900 to $Z1.000 3 r~ STATE VETERAN'S LOAN We have a few 2 bdrm, homes in Newport Hghts. and Corona del Mar that will qualify. Payments $16 ; $1500 -$3000 dn. These loans are unbeatable. BEACON HILL REALTY 466 Newport Blvd. !above ArchclS) Ph. B. 0713-R or Eves. B. 5632·W WANTS SMALLER HOME . ~yfronl hon1e o"·ner will take smaller Inside or ocean front house in thil!I area as purl payment on beautiful home. l(hoice location. F'our bdrms .. maid's room and den. large living and dining room. Sandy beach. Newly painted. \\1ha.t have you?, BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 Bulboa Blvd. Ethel Shirley J . l\;I. l\;i illcr Boat Owne rs \Vaterfronl duplt'X \vith piC'r and float. Easily convf'rtf'd to' 2 bdrm 3 bath hnm('." Near shop11ing and tranr-rorlalion. Pric1· $16,8:>0. $7850 do.,..·n, balance $90 month. Bay Front H ome & Income LO<'~tl"\I on beautiful Lido Islr. 6 units complC't~Jy furnish('d. Be.st location. 70 ft. beac h. Priced to sell. Consid('r part trade. Lido I sle, $4950 Dn. Nrw 2 bdrm. home, private pallo, bbq, kitchen. fil'f'placL'. furnaL·e heat, gla.ss enclosed tub. many oth1•r extras. Full pric(' $1 5,750. It's the bl'st buy on L ido. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUJLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd ., Harbor 25J2 65tfc ONLY $99aQ New 2 b<!rm. home, hwd . floors. Jarf:e rumpus nn. garage. rioor furnace. An idral hon1t• for a cuuplr. Tcrm.s. SEE Earl Chambt'rlain, !".00 C(last Blvd. Corona de! !.1ar. Har. 2288. 65c67 TODAYS BEST BUY 3 bdr1n. cottage. across .St. fron1 channel. corner, only $6250. terms or 1 1925 do""Tl and SW mo. N. B . C . REALTY. 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 65c67 Attrac. Ranch Type 2 bdrm. h oml', 1 1'2 yrs. old. H all shake roof. massive brick fire· place, large windows, Jot 57x 125. Be&t buy 1n Costa Mesa. $795-0. Pretty As A Picture Distinctive and c harn1ing 3 bdrm. rustic ranch type hon1e, 2 yrs. old. Has hPavy shake roof. fire- place. txoam ceilings, large pic- ture windows and is beautifully landscaped. One of the loveliest home11 in Newport Height.a. $12,750. 4 'i; G. I. Resale Paymrnts are $58.33 Including laxes and insurance. Nice large 2 brlrm hon1e In best COl!la Mesa locRtlon. Hwd. floors. dbl. gar., is 4 yr1. o ld. $195-0 down. Prict1 $9<50. Beacon Hill Realty -166 NclA'-pOrt Blvd. labovt' Arche8l Ph. B. ~7 1 3·R or Eves. B . 5632-W 65dll $7250 Full Price Clevf'r 2 bdnn. collage near ocean and ba;y. Sparkling new-Let us prove Ila the be&t buy ln the Bay area . GREENLEAF ii: ASSOC. BUlLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd.. Harbor 2M2 BEST BUYS! Attrac ttve 2 bdrm. home with ex- tra gueat room and be.th. rt.re- place, barbecue, lllu:nd.r)' room, l•rge patio, f'llrnlsbed. 'Choice 8-y Ave. location, $15.500. Harbor 1264 G loden Fay Dick Fay 65c67 $2700 Down Newport Heights A lovely 3 bdrm. home on R ed- lands ave. Less than 1 year old. Firt>place, hwd. floors. dlnette, large kitchen with breakfast area and laun~ry, g arbage d\ap .. dbl. garage, n icely landscaped. patio and m any nice features. 4% Loan Full Price $12,500 lttonthly pyts. of $66 include taxes and lnsurance. __ / Country Club Special Appraise This Hon1e ha.s approx. 1280 sq. ft. 3 bdrms., one a master, large living room, separate dining room, large kitchen with d in· ctte 8paee. Bath room lB com- pletely Uled w ith a pullman. F ireplace with a heata.lor . Back yard la completely brick ed - costin g ow"ncr a $1,000. Garage which also has a quarte·r bath. Cement driveway. barb-q and a nice patio. 4 yrs. old . Owner is leaving for school and must make a deal immediately. The full price i.s only $12,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson -490 Newport Blvd. Cost& Mesa P h. Bea. 6698 or Bea. 5468-J Harbor 3157·W 65c67 Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar Two bedroom, 1 % baths, large living room, fireplace, hdwd. floors, nice enclosed patio, land.acaped, 2 ·car garage. Including dr&pea and car- pets. Atultlple Llllting .1976 $1 3,95-0. Tenna SEE Earl Chamberlain 500 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Ma.r (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Barbor 2288 65c67 On The \.Vater One of the m06l attract ive homea in Balboa Coves for lease o r for sale. Bcautltully tumt.hed. ~ Gloden Fay. Bay & Beach Realty 1 f 50 Ba.lboa Blvd. Harbor 128' . &:icil7 Costa ·· Mesa Sacrifice Sale Lovely large 3 bdrm. home on ~ acre corner, cloae in. Enclosed patio and B. B. Q., t.-.... flow· era, etc .. double p.rqe. · -We cooaidu thla excellent- Good U.tlnp .... In ckm&Dd. Lot uo 11,a-.. youn for qulcl< &e· Uon. I . Spank bdrm., 2 th home on LIDO ISLE. Located tn prime area on wide lot thi• h ome has hl~h beamed celling living room and all . rooma light, cheer ful and openlnK on spacious patio. Many deluxe teaturea such as garbage dlspoeal. unit heat,· stall ahower&, electr ic touch plate ayelem o f switching. cer- amic lUe drain boards, .achlagc hardware and many othe r l ip top advanta.gea. Thia la a real BUY &l only $25,000-Terms. 2. "CHOICE SPOT" on BAY· 1 FRONT of Lido Iale a n early new 4 bdrm .. 2 bath home that i.s a "honey." This ts a snappy. 1 clever year round home w ith large rooms, unit heal, 2 sun decka, lovely vtew and othf't smut features. T o see this is lo admire It. Priced to sell. ALSO We have 80me ch oice lots for 88.le either for lncorne or one family dwellings. As w e are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE we can offer you lotB at low prices and euy terms. Here a lllUe bi'.i.y1 a LOT. COME LOOK. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport B<!ach, Calif. Harbor lrx>O CLIFF HAVEN THREE Bdrm. and Df'n Ranc-h Type Home". Heavy shake roar. forced air heal, 2 balh.s, lots of tile, I.e. dbl. gar., patio. Just completed on large view lot SH.MO . T erms. SEE 2362 -15th St., Open Sun. 1-~ -Home -Large Lot -Unobstruct- ed Harbor vlew-2 bdrma., h"·d . floora. Flagstone fireplace, en· closed barbecue. Large living • dining room facing Harbor. Fur· nace he•t, dbl. gar. Only $18,000 Shore Cliffs Distinctive new 3 bdrm. home, l % b&lha, pegged hardwood floors. Lot.A or tile and many t'xtras. Large patio. C hoice location on "'ide lo t for gracious living, $24 ,500. Corona del Mar New 3 bdrm. Cape Cod, forced air heattna-. large H."11tng roo1n. fireplace, double garage. Desir· able loCation, Immediate posses- sion. $14,500, excel. t erms. G. l . RESALE--2 bdrm . stucco, d bl. 1ar., R -2 lot. Pymls. only ~ per mo., lnclud. laxes, 4 % int. and insur., Why pay rent'? See lhia, it won't la.st. at only $1 0,MO. W . E. FISHER, Real Lor· Builder ERNIE SMITH, R eallor A&Sociate 916 Coast Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar 65c67 Will You Trade? your home in lhf.I area and ta ke two very choice Iola in the Silver Lake area as part payment? See Ethel Shirley. Bay & Beach Realty 14M> Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 tl5c6'r JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM.., 2 bath home on large 80Xt18' lot 1S60 sq. ft. plus masonry garage with radio controlled door, hardwood floors. Forced air furnace. Lot.a of tile. Completely fenced and l&ndocaped. Prlced at $27,500, ;fa down ll owner Harbor 2941·J or see bOUle at 134 BhorecllffB Road. ~7tfc BA YSHORE DRIVE New 3 bedroom. bath and % -fire- pla~. forced aJr furnace heal, garbage diapoaal, nice pallo. Comer location, double garage, landltcaped, beautltul bay view. Ye.ar UOU¥d home. PR!Cli Sil~ :-TERMS Owner, 2481 Bayahore Dt-ive ~ Beacon 6743.J 65c87 • Coro~a del Mar I . B~d New 2 B. R. Ranch Type Home . 2-car . pi.age Sl0,500 OCEAN raoN'I'--Oldtt • bdrm. home, tlrepi..:e. ALSO 3 • nn. apt. over 2-car garage. abowv and drualng f09lll. W.U ~­ JdMJ tor year round or vacation 11..in;.. •11.000. R. w.~TINE ~n Company -.. CloMt -- Balboa Realty Co. -G<ftlq .1-f"I-·-tm1z. Mc• Mo TOO ii. .. rboe -..a. . &r. an · . • W. U. PATTON, Aoooclate _ ---, • 1807 N•wport A"r• Onota M9a· ..,.._ clol Jlar, Calif. .• Pb. Brzccn lllO 2llac.e BarllDr 1MO k; • -7 I . r 6lk:6T BEDl\OOK aouu. a ,.... ~ .. :'~ _ _,. •• ,~ oa uld. '8.l1L ill -Plllce, ~ amt" -.-. 1 "*""' -.Calla ..... ft. --1'.--.. .....,Ooll .,._, .,.,,,., -... w· . -' • t • • . . ' 'f -This delightful year round home 18 priced far below re- placement coet. It hu all the reflnemenltt tor comfort· able living-well arrangt"d anc' newly decorated, fof'Ced air and panel ray beat, hwd. \and uphall tUe floors. Three bdrma.. two balha, two-car garag-e. Rooms are all good size. Uvtng room windows open lo large patio. N icely located in a.n exc1us1•e area. $23,500 ·BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 ~vd. Harbor Ethel J .M. Shirley Miller UIM Dick Fay Gloden Fay &:icil7 Outstanding Balboa Island Duplex 3 yrs~ old. 3 bedrm. 2 baths in each u,nit. Traverse drapes, Indirect lighting, panel ray heat, glass shower doors, garbage disposal, separate 30 gal. • water heaters, lge. carport, etc. make this a pighly productive rental property which should ea"'< about $3500 per year. Full price $23,500 furn.<-,~· STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 66c68 BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front Home & Income Large South Bay Front home -5 bdrms., 2 '10! baths, plus 2 bdrm. apt. Finest corner location, Pier and float. Priced to Sell. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 65c67 The Income Is Excellent- We Believe the Price Right • IC you are looking tor good incom e property, these six units are lops! C lose to everything ........ n icely furnished- clean and attractive and best of all-alwayp rented. $29,500. Exclusive. BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 65c67 HERE IT IS AT LAST! The Balboa Island buy you have been waiting for: A 2 bedroom home and studio apt. over garage. Nice patio, fireplace, etc. A good sound house, needs paint -$13,900, terms to suit. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bedroom home with f ireplace. f ll r n a c e, hardwood floors, garbage disposal, double garage. .$11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Mast.er" B . R. 14x20 2 balliB, large playroom and shop. 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle Ralph P. 0 Maskey 3411 Newport Btvd.,'Newport Phone Harbor -io2 Mttc Bay Front If you're looking for the tlneat In BAY FRONT at a r ea.aonable price-let ua ahow you this out_,tanding new 4 bedroom 3 ':J.i bath and den home. Pano- ramic view ot Harbor, fine sandy bea ch , pier privilege. Large enclosed patio, too many features to describe-May we show you! Price $59.500. GREENLEAF 4 ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 N ewport Blvd., Harbor 2562 PROPERTY at 416 and 08 I> E. Bay Ave. In Balboa. Call at • 18 ~ for lnformatlon. 66c67 COSTA MESA Owner must Jell her fine 3 bdnn. houee. Lea.tlas tor good. Fenced large. lot., kV. cu., all appoint· menu. Your Offer "Conaldered .For Appointment to See- HORACE 8. :MAZET -309 MarlDe .Ave. Balbo& Iloland , Harbor 3028-J 69llc Modern ~wood ~ glue 65c67 Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally nice 4. unit.A -2 story stucco. only 1 'it yrs. old. •·car garage, Three 1.,, bdrm. unit.a fUmlahed. One 2 bdrm. unit unturnlahed. Cloae to bay and oc.ean swimming. Excellent income. $36,500 ·Balboa Older Home Very nice 4 bdnJt., 2 be.th.a, large living room wtlb fl~place. Ac· oroq the •t.reet from the ba.y and w&IJc.lng dlltante to Balboa and ahoppinf &ttU. Only $15,000 furrl. Coast Properties Co. 301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2668 6:;dl7 Want A Bargain? Ocea.n Front home tn a location with good vtew. Within Walking' dlatance lo pier. ecbool, chureh- u , tranaportation. SmaJJ., but neat, quaint and charming. Lot 30xl02. 579IIO. Bay & Beach Realty 14M Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126' I Mc61 Avocados & Flowers 2· ~ a~tt• and small home at En~ ctnli.a, ca1ir.. :Ill &1'acado .,_ and ramuy orobal'd. Dttp r«:h eolJ> auitable for raiaio.g cut tJow~m while tree•.att growing. I> mUe &om 101 highway, good chancee for couple to make tbelr · own llvtq al home. Price $:1GOO. With ~ clown or wlD. G· • doUfl> clear IM Newport prop- "1,Y,. pnte daplo&. llUbm.lt ,.,..r otlift. N. &: C.. l\&ALT1' 00., llqd -liowpa(l BtnL, New- pdr( -• ' eactT ' (. J •