HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-11 - Newport Balboa News Times' I ' I ~ • i 1 THE PC CLA.88 W tlaec larl'f!9l eetry la tile ... oa.....;" rle··re wtth ten ~.out fol' the tb.ne day labor Day reptia eert• oo--spoMOred by Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Balboa Yacht Club. Winnen ln this claM were: Mike Burke la Paloma. flrat; .Jack Toon ""th Patsy Alla, seeotu:t. and Fred Smales' PamJJi. tblJ'd. (Photo by Beckner) NEWPORT HARBOR OOMMm'lTY PLAYERS ExecuUve Board members meet to plab tbell 1951,-42 8e.UQD. Lett to rtpt, tront row, tbe bos:tw. Jo \\-"llder: Martbelle. Jla•dall, Players pre9l4e:nt; A11M'W BJomqulat, Betty .Jarvi.& Back row, left to ~ O. W. ''Dick" Richard, Natballe Michaud, Sidney Morrh, and Patti Witte. ' (~ by Gerhardt) N. H. Co~nrunity Pf ayers Seek . Two Top· Notch Actors for Play \Vanted by the Newport Harbor Community P1ayeis: Two top· notch actors, one for a newspaperman's role and one for the part of a college president -both to be on hand at the Chapel of Orange Coast Collt'ge at 7 :30 Monday evening, Sept. 17th, when parts will be read for some twenty roles in the coming Players' production of the famous "Goodbye My Fancy." Currently showing as a movie with J oan Crawford in the starring role, the play wu a hit on Broa.d· way, and was se lect~d by the PlayE"rs' Executive Board as the first play of the 1951-52 season in their recene September meetlng. P I a y (. r s President Marthella Randall of Corona del Mar a.n· nounced following, the Board meet- ing that non·members as well a.a members are welcome to read for parts Monday evening. The Play· e rs expect a shortage or men to read ror the two male leads, but keen competition is expected for the starring woman's role. The play has Ju.st been released for production by community groupa. and because of its fast·paced comedy and high audience •PJte&I, will be produced by several g$lps in the Southland area during the coming sea.son. The Harbor Play· t>rs will have the second Pacific Coa.st production of the play, with . the Pasadena Community Players staging it early in October. The local thespians have picked the final week-end in October as the tentative date for their three performances of "Goodbye My Fancy", the first of four major productions of the coming season to go on the stage at the Chapel of Orange Co&!ll CQllege. Mrs. Marjorie Williamson of Laguna Beach will direct it. Plans were made by board mem- bers for monthly meetings of the Players membership. Workshop plays and other special entertain- ment will be planned for these meetings, with the first one in early October. Summer work by the memberehip committee has netted 31 new members, Boa.rd members learned. Three types of membership are available in the Players, and Mrs . Randall invites anyone interested in membership, either for speaking parts or in play product ion. to call Harbor 1303·J for information. DEATH TAKES MRS. J. E. GREGORY Newport Harbor friends of the J. E . a.nd T . A.. G regory family of I....ong Beach will be grieved to learn of lhe death Saturday of Mrs. J. E . (Lulu Beatrice) Greg~ ory at the family home in Long Beach. Mrs. Gregory has been a resident of Southern California for more than a quarter century, th~ past 16 years in Long Beach and prior to that in Artesia. She wa.e a ns.tive of Arkansas. Mrs. Grea:ory has been in ill health for the put severa ths. Sht> Is survived by her widow , J ohn E. Gregory, two daughter!'!, Mrs. Caroline 9'&nland, and Mrs. Lulu Schilling, a' son. Thomas A. Gregory and a. brothe r, Harr,Y C.· wood, all of Lons Beach. The deceased wu a member o~ the Degree of Honor Lodge or Fresno. Fy:ner~ services will be conducted at 'White's Funeral Home in Bellflower with Rev. Norman J . Baugher ot Finl Church of the Brethern of Long Beach, officiating. Interment will be In Rose Hilla Memorial Park. The Gregory famlly is well known throughout Southern Cali· fornia. J . E. Gt-egory ls the presi· dent of the Bellflower F ederal Savings and Loan Association and Thomas A . Gregory. is President of the Long Beach Federal Sav· ings and Loan Asaociatfon. -.::;"tw) F 0 *FWI d1 .r ... I iJlrW ... l1lllli T. B&w ..... • -'O.. ....... 8ta»tr .... ~ •• I El ................. a...; .. 1111 Mew"""...., ...... ,' FIS',. " s ....... beeia ta ts e1111 ·· t's11112..,-.f• t• ,_. ',._;,_... ... -••a.I\..._ lit m A.1otadc A~ ()of9M ·*' .-· ;: -~ •l Ill.fl air 11&., New~ B''St la Jg --of ... ·-cw raw.., n..-r-t•" •-•z ·-Illa cal .--...,., • kMffllll. ... 1!9t ....... ..r-w.... (lftw• Jlld.o) ' ' ' ·=---~--. ~·­, .. ' .. ' . 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 37 ~RT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, SEPTE)olBER ll, 1951 . H~g Memori~I , Hospital Graund Breaking, Sept. 13 Official ground breaklng ceremony wblch takes place at lhe site of' the Hoag Men1orial Hospital, Preabyt ertan, on Thursday, Septem- ber 13, at 2:00 o'clock, will mark a big step forward ln Orangt: County, according to John Murdy, Jr .. of Huntington Beach, who will preside whilt.> Gc:o rg(' Gran~ .Ho&I: Jr., does the actual spading. turning the first earth for the new $1 ,J:>0,000 hospital. Dignitaries and well· wishers from all parts of Orange County havr bem invited to attend SAILOR GETS and give the hosp1t.al project n good send-off. / Morfl Than a MllBoo 1 In talking about the hoapltal plans at a recent meeting, Pre•!· dent Murdy point('(] out that lht: Board ha:\ over a million dollan 7 on haod to cover construction costs, but will ne('d $250,000 for furni.8hlngs and oth£'r equipmt>nt. He said the hospital would have 75 beds with room for n1ore pati- ents without Increasing servicf' areaa. There will be 100 roo1ns in the main buildin~. w ith four ope- rating rooms. Thls building ls 35-4 ft. from ('Y.St to west and 290 from north to south. with 1,860 e lectric outlt>ts a.nd 30.000 f('et uf metal conduit to carrY" wiring. Used In construction "'·ill be 6,700 barrels of cement, and 260 plumbing fixture's are required, 240 tons of r e·inforcing steel a.nd 150 times a thousand feet of lum- ber will be needed. There will be 700 lighting fixtures to be fitted with bulbs, and 2~ tons of Stei!l pipe and 50 tons of soil pipe &.rt' going Into th. t'job. 180 DAYS IN DOPE CASE A 180 day term in the county jail WaR lhf' prospect before Ron- a ld S. Weatherbie, 19. a sailor lit&· tioncd at San Diego, who was sent· f'nced In Newport Beach city court Friday. W<'alherbic pleaded guilty to a charge of ilif•gal possession ·or benzedrtne. The sailor was take n into cus· tody by Newport Beach police at 12:30 a~ m . Tuesday. He was pick· ed up near the intersection of Sixth St. and Balboa Blvd., Bal· boa. Pollcc Officer Dean P ollom made the arrest afte r observing Weatherbie's suspicious actions in a flower bed on Balboa Blvd. The sailor t old Officer Pollom that he w&8 searching ror a wine bottle among the flowere. Marijuaaa Found The Hospital is being built by In a check of Wt't.therble's car, Meana: and tnrich of Santa Ana Pollom found marijuana leave11, under superv'lalon of Arcbltecta ete•uJl ·U\d seed• in the glove com· Chambel'!I and H ibbard of Loa Aft.-partment. geles, with Ed Mahl, for 2:s years After searching the nower bed, Building Inspector for Orange t he police officer found a bottle County a.a Inspector for both the containing 72 benzedrine tablets. hospital board and the architects.· Later, Weatherble showed the po· It will take about a year to com~ Uceman another hiding pla.ce near plete the present building and the Arches. A bottle of 100 ben- plans for opening in September. z.edrine tablet& and a tobacco can 19ts2 v.ill be considered iri due time, containing marijuana wu di.scov· according to M.urdy. ; ered at tha.t cache. AOCU81:D OF MURDER-Troy R. Proctor. 41, of 114 • %%ad St •• Newport Beach at rlsftt l8 being butdcutted by N""·port Beach Dfot.ectl\'e Ser~t Vlnoeat McM.an.lpJ. folJowlnc a preliminary hearin& Friday In Ne"•port Township oom1.. Proctor wu held to 8.DJIW~r to Superior court. He ls allesed to ba\'6 k1Ued hl8 com· moo law wife In an argument In their apartment, Friday, Aue. ?~. ' ..... . ' Judge Grants Motion to Admit Bail Friday afternoon in New· port Beach Township court, Troy R. Proctor, 47,year-old carpenter of 114, 22nd street. Newport Beach was held to ansv.:er. to a first degnie mur. der charge. ::.. Sitting on the bench while Justice Court Judge Donali Dodge is on vacation, New port Beach City Court Judg granted the motion th Proctor be admitted to bail. ·Deputy District Attorney J. Parley Smith filed the in- formation on the case at 10 a . m. Friday in S u p e r i o r Court. Appearing at the hearing were Deputy Coroner Roger Burnham and Newport Beach police officer Warren Cassel. Man Injured on Coast Hiway Burnh~1~~d i::horities w. B. Tutt. 29, of Loa Angeles of his examination of the ~::~;~~·!c!~::n~t~:r: ~e ~~ C M Gro p Ask body ~°.'f ~~·year~ta Dorothy teraection of MacArthur Blvd and U · S Proctor .~.common law wife of Coaot Highway, Corona del . ~r • • . ' the defend&it. She was alleg· at 2:20 L m. Sunday. D I ' ·NHUHS edly beaten by Proctor In .. Tutt told pollae that he waa e ay on . . tt"-volln«---lio-..on MaeArthur . · , .q~_·the_ night of Frida.y, Blvd. and fell uleep at the wheel. Aug. 24 and was pronounced He •wok« iw.1 1n time to .... th!' Annexati'on P1a dead .by 0r a· E . Tohill "signal& and traffic on the Coast n . . . . ' Highway and applied hlo brak... . Newport Beach osteopath, on He told police that hl.e brakes The Co8ta Mesa Citizens coun· Saturday morning. Bum.ham failed to runctton properly and his cil at a recent meeting adopted a de8cribed th nditi f th car hit the south curb of the Coll8t resolution r equesting the Newport , · bode co on o e Highway, ca~lng hitn to lose con· Harbor Union High School boa.rd womans Y and verified. trol of the vehicle. of trus~eea to indefinitely post· photos shown by the deputy The car swerved east on the pone a project to annex the high d' t · t tto ti · highway and jumped the curb in s chool to Newport Beach. lS MC . a mey as e 1 D g front of 141ei Coast Highway and Publicity chairman for the those of Mrs. Proctor. ran into the building pillar seps.· group, Mrs. H elen P owell, .said It is the contention of the rating the offices of Poirier Mort· th&t the resolution wu adopted to prosecuting tt t h t gage and Bay Escrow . Windows In retain the harmony now ex isting M a omey a both offices were knocked out by betv.reen the h igh school students rs. Proctor's death W a 8 the force of the Impact. from Costa Mesa and Newport caused by the beating. Ac- Tutt wu taken to Community Beach. rd' h hoapltal via. Seal ambulance. His A committee Witt be appointed co 1ng tot e autopsy _report, car with a badly damaged front e.t the next meeting on Thursday, Mrs. Proctor died of a blood end and right side wu towed to Sept. 18, ·to study the tncorpora-clot on her brain which was Stower's garage. · lion of Coata Me88. Other prob· sed b exte I · I Pot Luck Mets Thief $76 Sat. Theft of e. money bag contain· ing $76 was reported t• Newport Beach police by Waymer Petty, night manager of Merle's Drive. In; Corona' deJ M.ar. Petty told police that he was handed the money bag by a ca.r hop at 8 a. m. Saturday. On his way through the· kitchen to the sate, he noticed some pots off the steam table. Petty said that he put the money down aboUt five minutes and returned the pots to their places. When he returned', the ~ containing the money · wu eone. Newport Beach police have ,the case under investigation. can y rna vto ence. lems to be conaidered by the coun· ell include the water sltuatton, It is expected that Proctor's traffic condltloSU1 and corner baz, Coilruiel, Otto J a c o b s , will ardB. An appeal will be made to base his defense on Mrs. proper authorities to a.saure new parks for Coeta Mesa, she added. Proctor's death being caused J. Stuart Inneret, chall'man, pre· by a fall from ·the bed. Proc- aided. tor has stated that his com. SLOT AR RESTS CON TINUE . AS F.B.I. NABS MAN moo law wife fell from the bed. PIU'ty QU&JT'el Motor Officer Cassel who questioned Proctor following the discovery ot Mrs. Proc- tor's death told the ~ourt that Proctor had told him of FBI agont.a ran the total of the quarre~ Cassel said that persons arrested l.n connection Proctor toid him that he and with the recent slot-machine raids his wife had been at a party to 4 7. Booked by the FBI was Robert ""· Chacon of Laguna in a neighboring apartment. Beach. He is alleged to be the He then allegedly told the owner of several of the 24 slot officer that his wife b ad Bo 4 C hed mac}$lea that were confiscated v rus on Aug. 23. At that time, federal made Improper advances to /, f agent.a raided 10 sport.a fishing ~other· man · &t the gather- , • boat.a qpe.ratlng out of Newport mg by D ~~ch Sa Harbor and toolt skippers, crew· • l)CI I W men· uid deekhanda Into cu.stody. Proctor is. said to have told • Chaoon po;d $600 ball a,nd wm Ca'.sl!el th&t Mrs. Proctor's Fow--year-Otci Orson Lars Bed· appear for a hearing with the ~ actions were the cause of the .In. eon of HJo. and Mn. Lars Hedin other pe7'80TIJI at 10 .a. m. Wedne• quarrel -an·. ii .. su, . ......... .,6 nt ""t• of 2090 Meyer Pl .. Coat& Mesa. day, Oct. 3 before U. 8. Commi• ~yoc; · 11':1& ~it:fl in St. Joseph'• hospital at aloner .A. M. Bradley. mg. 2 :27 p . m . Sunday after be wu , , According to the llCCWled, fatally lnJW'<d by a backyard $224 .MoMy .__ Stolen his wife wu still , &live oo FiMk , > bench aw. ~ PEM> suowi:a--,.... 11 --._. • ·-~~.:'.'~ ... , r."h.1nd ~.r"'tiy From N~~~ MOtel Sat'1f'day· morning and had W of 1-lifter la ,.,_t of tllo HU -of.-1-s ~-w -~ ......, n~ f ' him f h ......... ·-1 "" oa -or U. a,. -· t.l.e 11..t --""'°wled .Ut from t>en ... th ' !,be Hn, ~ ri~ tho theft orgiven or t e P!'eV!ous 1a --to Ille 11et 1bldf -.,.. "'1 r.i, _,~~ 1a .,,;, he&-.y ...... It liad ap.,._Uy top-or s:iu bOai !lie 11;,t:i,~ quarten night'• quurel. -of~ .... M'•l -............ ,"'--~ pied --~ ~ ·.oizu.1 -; \lie --·11...:10 CoUt G~ .... -...:..:..~ ...... ., -lsfo<s-la battle of wtla .. -.. ·~ - _ ... ~ W17)' IOHtel)' -~ 111111. He ,wu __,.,New~.~ betw.en -··i' ,._ ........ IN e, '°'! ,.n. ._ ,_ 111r!·--. -• wt -ill'·-· ~-:,~ ~~mJ.;i =·a. "'·. ~, 11·:;" P.-m. Sat: ~llllAtJGMEB CASE ~ of .... .lmC -- -t, .... -.C, lll'lf-Ja:W -.19 11t. Jwp1n'n-... Mn. T ........ lilld ~ that Ille 'Holi19 )far)' JJo LoGn, S2, wlto ~·-1a t10o \up ot .... ...._-. D•-Ft ~ pltaL He -a rew mlmii.. an.e, lsad. llOeOi a.t ...,,,,~ an.i bad,..., It.ad. ..._ • ....._..: • witri man- -• : ....... -....,. ~ •t n ._,, •· -· armai. . ·~ -to,.. ta.o ~·"'....,.:· -...i-_u • t1se '-'\ or u.. ... !iW,,-...... al K .,, a 1-..... ••• .. !tlj ll&s -·!-o,tfser -Ille p&I'" ~ TtzoN WU•ort:llUO O(fot'Cell 4M0t of :6.adn)' ~.~la ' ..a ......, t et r tw • _, t• ., -a a s a .._ 1ua1... eat.; •: a ,.....~ laUlllr .. ....,.~.-.. -.. • 1' 'tee ot the ·a.. & tl.tnc Mlddwit at l1lld It. &ad .._-. -. ....... .,. v, I'' a .. ,.. .. ~: n!atill!lll ., • ......,_. Ki'. ,,....,. .... ~ ~lock' OSl th<! a.Jbaf 119'1, ·~ Ju:y, ' ...a ~-------•--..»~•....,• JP t , ud Mn: r ......... of .... .tt<mt ,~_wv•.CfilJ'PJ-Y p1.-95! pcr'ztkw tor.-.~ ,.;-- -pQIF711Tl ~. ~ ·w1111 a ~dri--,_..PM"" lllJ Ille ........ 0amt. •ili"t j 'TJN• - -.... t. 2S • Pl .,, fS I •• ... p '716 --llildlza fJf ........ -°""t.oOL ~ · • --,.,.. to-.. tlio tlii'&-CS~···-'FZifr 1.,m1 "1•119-• ......... ~s•• •noc1111 a,...a->zrr ·-; 'l'llio<-..U fnlni a -~·-"'IWhlT ...... aw••O£ JI( '2 I--~ .... <,...,.., ........ ,,_ Aa la la oa11 .. -.--,dl!IOt ot--Ut *~ ~ 1119 "r."'.'.' Jl1•11m ... Ilk t., ,,.. • 'ff . ..,. .... It • . . '~ • • • • •••••••••••••••••• -,..;.,/:1.,. Cl :'."~~?I"_:~-·~ t't.~';:'{,· :;;;.; .. ~.,. l "itm.=·,.,1...; ..;~;,~~,~~~ .. :,,.~-'.!>l:\,f?*-.,.;_:.;;~;;Ol#' l , Pete 2 • MRS. WINIFRED ifAimRE, Society Editor ~ " .A.tU'Utir.g ~"*r&.b)e attention. among the y~g 1patrons or Utg Harbor &r"f'O ls the ''Booka and Autllora'' •pon~ lunelMon at the -y Hil\I Hotol S<p4!mber tS bo~nr th• Caljlorala l'!"lltute for bancer Research." Malllng in reirervatlona for them*Clves and frtenda a.re Mrs. ~.ey lome.r"Wt._ ______ __:· _ _:;-c__;·:..__ Mn. Norm Hagen, Mrt. Port.tr Slncl.a.ir, Mrs. Aub ¥-onroe .. Ml"I. Peter Welgan, ~frs.. Jj>hn Evana. )frs. Ward Rolland, ~ra. L. J. C8enar and Mrs. BorrougM BW. Pen Htlle nie Group ~eets In CDM W~d. )le111bore ot ~ .N•~ Har· bor Pan Hettenlc group wUI meet at I p. m. Wedn"'\day, Sl!pt. 12 at PUgrtm Hall, Corona del Mar Com- munity Cf\urch at· Ill Hcliotrope AYefll!e. • ' ' • ' . ---•l"T"""--·'-.,....... .. -·~~ • Tui1~,Y .. s.t . .'If, ·191-1' -. . . I BPW Qi~SJMAS · flfi '• .. ~ l•a• flFtrm-•• Two Mee•• Trill« Trip J~ retunoed (ram two _._ . · ,• ot>"tnll.rtnc'' -·Kr."""~ -•. 111n. 11. 4. ~ ana DOINGS TOLD W . J. Nt;Yille, ~ E. l81ll llt., alllo ..... -.......~ 4, ""1•,~r- ' Calta lleoa, Whooi> lravela le4 u4 l'aDllJ¥, t......,i1 Of <Jailla U..m through the Blad< Hilla ol .._ Ud Dr. L. R. .,,_pot.or °' Jrene ll.:..i. '1'fj>rm.ct the m•.;· South Dakota, Toi~ P~ Rafld City. !l-D. • . ~ or tho BllAili-and ProfH· Grand 'Teton N'"'*1al PM< and .....,._ wu. ~ ..,.... od!ftty 11-1 wonW.·a Club at their tfut the JacJaoo 'Hole country or -Ille Keylllea -•• -~ alll>t· ~ -~ on (l'lluraday lllght, ,Wyomlnir. , ~ 1 '· 1. • ...,..., -~ 'l'tl. \Ii" !lah-~i.mbtt 1 at 1iflllto'• Pafl< Ave-While · tn . the sf.ck ; Hui.. tbe t'!C'.,.. ->" .-"!"1-!to!C t11e • c.te,. of Ill!' Nl'AD6Ml01l"' Meaano \Ylali..1 'Nevl!J;~ '"""""' ol -·' °'""8 """'· ~ to d&te on p"9Jl.a for the 11fil .-r-=::;i.lci:==ecl::C:•==~ii::=~llC=:::::•==::111ic::i;;;p~ ~Provl...,. • Tllla, u.. ntth apnuai CllNllllM Preyjew,-'wUI be boRdLwl by Uw ?rwlew Aavloory ~. w!itd! :xie.,_1 ot tile ~ Pr,vtew '.llaa.im:um: lrene Morril, Dorothy 3111.berlaad, Mildred ltanley J"4 3<(ty larvta. Alao ad4ed to UJo! pr-t board will be Sally New- lja -But.y 81.fve""""· nu.. to ""' _....._ Of ~ proJol:f l!JOd lhf . tJ11DU1U. of work tnW"oJvcd, the CllalnnanabJp "" lwqll)e ""' .l&rce f« any one p>raon tO bandlf Two-ll!p Th~ Institute, a ltu!lne~ organ- i%arlon for chAnneling funds into the cancer research unit o f lhe Univen.ity of Cslifomia at Lot A(lielea MedJcal SchoOI. haa help- ed •provide funds to C&IT)' on the cancE>r project by U. C. L. A. 3{1entlsts at t.ong Beach Veter&M A.llm lnistr1tk>n Hospita l where Refbe of the m08t t>ptlmistlc work lrf{he hiM.ory ot canccc research II IJlj.ng done. ITh<> progra m on Thursday which Mr'i. H£'1en Girvin, Foundcr-Dlrec- M:ember1 are url(ed i t.o brlnf trl•nda who aro •UgibM> lo Join the orpi).tsatton. H01te.ue1 for Qle •vejl/D&' wlll be Mra. 1"ymol)ll K.aney. \('rs. James Ray and Kn. K. P . Yarnell. Caro. and. r effelil>· menta wUI occupy the gue•t.8 alter lhe l>Ualnua meeting. t4' ot Book!I and Authors. is plan· ENTERTAIN G 0 UE&T& 8:U....0A j4y F.LliB' J•tf&'••nr-.1.I 1Mthi1' t~unufnM"nt. pl&)·rd 0\4 r tlw th,,... day l.abo~ ~,._,.~·,,·~k .... aM'i tM ;rb'• rnw:.Jc l.*Gn.l-. pla.\-rri;i \')1D,; fo r a DL""' IM"t' of JM'rlM"tual trophl~ donatt'd b)• mf>m - bers or tbe d" ,8bO\\'Ja bf'¥ .. an• th1• \\'innfo"! ~f t.h~ ml.s-t"d doublf>a and thPlr oppoD1"ntt1, \\!ho ~·t>CJ;t down to defMt .. "itb l\"&D Mcillllln. donor of th~ M(')flllln FPrpt"tual Trophy ""°''·n, cP'tlt.-r. Frotn left, the ~1'1-up · ~ of BIU .Jakf"r, Jr. and }tary Robin.~; Mr. 3lc-M_IUln, and the ''innM'll, Oeorcp YN'di,.y, .Jr.~ .Jackie ()In. 1\-.n) )lt•'.\llllln. 1Photo by Beckner1 · Two mectlnu Ila•• been bold by tAe Adrilory Bo&rd and a leAM prepared an<I a4brnJtled to the fteru:.h::zvoua Ballroom ownera t or Ulelr conaideration. The dates or lbe 1951 Preview h.a vr bf't>n. lf'n- tatively set ror !\'bv"mlx>r 30th and December lit, l~l . Friday IJl,d Saturd_ay. AU definlte plans relative to booth al.lea, programs apd other arrancernenu are .being wit,hheld by the Adviaory Boa.rd up.ti! such Ume as the le~ .covering t.he ~nduvoua ·Ballroom h~ been con1ummated. However, the Club ho(>f'a to ·~ aucCeaful in securing ~ ballroom ~. once' more M able to work with th" local mer- chanta, city oftlcia.18 and-local newspapcra u In put y~ara. to make tlle 19!)J PreYie'i'' a large and I~ • ARE YOU SA VIRG 100fe? ' nii;ag Includes a ahov>ing of hats Out..ot-town friends entertained I . i\nd accessorle~ by the renowned ~t the Coata. M€'s.a horrut ot• Rev. N H 'rbo c •t Ch t fdhie r. Lanvln Is presenting per-and Mrs. P . G. Neumann included e·wport , a r ommun1 y es b:Z, Willard G<'c>rg<", famous a.a a Rev. and Mrs. H enry Hengltler of ,q811ijner Rex and a pres('ntation Los Angeles anct Alr. and M'rt.. A. ond t'µmes R. Cornils of Lo8 Angeles. I s ' . Re . "t" [\. "ve . ,.,,,.;,,g the outstanding gu .. ta s ec 1n . cru1 1ng IJ.11_ . dt.te-ndlng t h(' lunch£'on will be Dr. RETl 1RJ\"S HOl\lE ~fford L. \Varren, dean Qf the Mrs. W . B. Johnson, 18'if Park WJn.nlng lec,)Olld place In conipE>tltloii ·with five oth e-r ·areas of the 111f.dl c al sehool UCLA which is Ave., Costa )feJta, his r<'luml!!d auoclated citlea Conlmunlly ~h~,;t camp81gn f0r 'voluntee~ rec_ r\ttt-~ under construction, Dr. Geo. h ....... e tolJowlng hospitalization In 1 d d ect <: .,....... ment.I, the N~'J>Ort Harbor Comn1unity ChP&t o!Jlcers an 1r ora .•Hall, director of the cancer con-&ant.a Ana and a rest period a.t t t G met .t Tom Norton's Coe.it Htgh\\"&Y Care P'r'lday noon to comp e e tj-dl center at Wadsworth eneral Lemo n H eights. She is ~portPd JIQspttal, and Dr. Franklin Ham, ·to be conaid<'!'&.bly improvl'd In arrangement. for lh<' advance gt r~ campa.ig-n. cfllkW" or lntPrnal rnM1tclne ot bqjth. Acceptinr the Chest 'e n1ost re-.,_ __ _:_ __________ _ tJ-~der Clinic. .sponeible poll again this year lfl RAZAAR J:>l.ANS •, )fEJ:T ONE ASOTHEK J udge Frank Llonell. campaign •: COU .. EGE C . .\LLS The K eet One Another Clu b \\"88 c haJrma.n, auiated by }frs. Har- : Enttring Stephens CollPgt" this brought t 9gether Tuesday by Lulu vey Somers, president; A1 r . Maur1,. fall from Newport ~ach will be B. WalkPI'. 1777 Newport Blvd .. Stanley, first \'iCt'·pri•sid(•nt ; M1·. Miss Barbara Ruth Ellerbroek, Collla Mesa. $cowing 111d chatting Alfred Gibaon. M'<'Ond vtcf'-presi· daughter of Tr. and 1.-frs. Philmer occupied the hours with refreeh-dent. a.ncf )fl". Orrln \\'rlKht, trras· J . EllerbrOE"k, 15 Harbor Island, menls of hon1e nlade apple pie a la urer. end from Balboa, MW Norma mode and coffee-roWlding ot1t the Secretary Robert 'Eaalma.n hai. J ean Cutle, daughlt>r of Mrs. Vir-hospitality. Present "'·ere :r.·tmes. notified agencies in tht> area as to gin.la H . Castle, 20.'> East Bay Ave. Call& ViC'le, Elinore L ighter, Iona their quota of the aixteen U1ous- ------------~-Mackintosh. An1y Viele. Dolore~ ood doUitr. b~dC"el &oal. a~ follo,,·s : Morrison, Hulda Y'oung. ITenc GlrJ Soouls, '$3.860; Boy Scouts, ~ Northern ad ,the ·hostess. N e xt $3.-150: Vi~ting Nurse Association. • .M~l.,~M meetlng will be Mid at th(' home &.1 .680: ,Catholic .. Welfare Bureau. --r'lf:m~,,, • ., o( Mrs. l..igtitf>r\ 107 -13th Sl., Sl .700.; UnJted .Pefense Fund. $1 .- -~ .Newport Beach. t-200 !. Com;· n.ity ' "'elfarr Fund, ~r ~ ~l6'11"1lt $1 .000~ Ha . i; b ef..Boys' Club, ., ~'''"'•"" P.4.TIO l .. t·~ctn::os s1 .00o; l P rotest.ant 'church \Vel· Mrs. Thomas -;a. Kennedy, re-rare, $i60: Youth ~ent('r tTar Pit I l'enf. of Patl.Cn~e Wrlg-bt chapter, S-460 : Children's Hospital of Los Da.ug:b~~ri t-merican Re'V()Ju~MJn. Angel""· $160: Camp&.lgn Ex· Lagttna ·1¥-ch, recent ly entertaJn-pensea. $630. ed the officers of her chapter Mrs. Sorpers aanou ncec.J that with a pa'tio· luncheon at her Monday, October ·lst. I.! lht" datP home on Manzanita drive. for ttuo Red Feather breakfast Plan" for .tfir forthcoming" &ea· which will t,igna.J fhc beginning or son were ;'Ultkecj: o .,.. iru:lu:t!ing th~ g'erl.ef'al soU~tattons In thf' ~ ewport Circl(' o' Christ Church by the Sea met Tue!K'tay afternoon ..,. .. ith 1\l rs. John U'Ren, 3~12 '"'est Oct'an F'ronl. At tf\(' busin('ss session plans wf'rf' madP for a day's v."Ork In t h<' nPa r future to re-Rurpe work o n arti<"lrs for the fall baz4ar and to uutlinc future work. Post card!'ll a..nd notPs were read fr·om . ~frs. Ray. Baker and Mrs. 0 . \V. Holtby, who ari' on vaca· t1n11 and from Mrs. R . H. Hill, a shut-In thf' -past two years. who \~·a~ forn1eri}' a vet·y active meh1- ber. Tht' chaim1an, Miss El!Sie Nf'W" lnnd r <'Vll"'A'ed t hrer chapl<'rs o( "\-\'., Americana, North and South:' a 1noaL interE>stlng-s tudy of Latin Afllt'rtca. During the social hour )otri.. U'R<'n anJ 1\-(rs. May Delozi<'r St't\'cd rt>freshmenl.5. Thf' next meeting v.111 hr at Mrs. Jeanette Beddon1e'9 homt", 231 Bro&d\\•a y, Custa i\f('sa on Tursday, Oct. 2 . . the first n1eeting 1 in October conununit:y. which Wri1 ~ ·a";~ijion at Hotel Along "''llh the officPrs allenrt· ('0'.\'\"AJ.f:SCES Laguna whnn , Afrs ... Annie Laurie Ing lhe JunchMn 1neeting W{'rf' :\lrs . LA-o Kesel. cashier at There'1plentyabout a Greyhound :x.ou.'11 like .•. oei£::h borly pnsaen-•eT• ... courteous drivers ... fre. ~u.ot Hrvice ... scenic routes ... ~iro-eonditioned Super-Coaches. It .:U add1 up to make Greyhound the moet convenient ... l be fri~nd· llcd way to travel East! I • •o: •• • .-• •• " .. . Something about / .... the low farts Chieaeo • • • • • • 136.85 Detroit •...... <12.80 Wuhington,D. C. • 47.45 New York .••••. 49.80 K&nau City •• -• 29.'IO Mtnneal>oli1 •••• :U.65 New Orle1nt •••• 34.40 Atlante •••••. , 40.90 ---·""-·-.---~-22 tally Trils WT • Fm llS AlllEUS llt' FI • ..... twf.Qimlllis. • •• I •• • • ! IPUI. o. o. sw.a.rroan ' ~ -c..M: ... .,, ....... ,.'*'1 ... Leech,.·Atate c:hairma.n Girl lH'omr n1e1nM>r8 o f the board of dirE'clors 'Sp1 ou~e-Reltz department ~tort". i111 . Maker 'A•ill ad~re,a3 ~he group. in<'ludi ng Re\', P4ul \\'hPf'l<'r, ~tr rt"'pottf'd Lo lx> recovering satlsfa<'-1 . To provtde needed !unds for the Rober t C&Jlis, Mr1. J . O. J ohnson, t•Jr1lyy followlng major surgPry at chapter·~ philanthropies a public Mr1. ~tabc>l Fitzmo rris, Mr. T om tbe Santa Ana Community Hos· bridge and canasta party \Viii be !'\orton, Rev. Paul Babbitt. ~f r. pit.a.I. Mr. Kuel, who 1a employed given at the home of past regent Arvo HaaPa. ~Ir. Roland W1ight. a~ Laguna,JJe.tdt, ~n•ed to take Mrs. John Holla.nJ Kinkaid, -1 03 and ~fr. J ohn ~ye.I, Jr.: Mr11 . Clar-hi• vacat ion dUJ"'t.q hll wite'• ab- Valencia place. Dana Point. Sep· eoce Higbtoe is serving as secre-aence from bome in order to care tember 20 at 12 :30 noon. Dessert I tary to the-can1 paign manager. for tlJtlr tbree eb.U4re:n. The Kea~ co~1rse ~er,·c,I . Door and lablc and !.frs .. Borroughs Hill is a.~.slst-1 els reside. at ~2 Maple A.Ve.., prizes '9.\vardei.I. ing with campaiell publici ty. I Colla Mee.a. -,.-,~~----'--=----='--=-''-'~---'-~-. TO ARIZOl\" A SCHOOi, MIM Eleanor I. Sherwood of IM S. Orange Grove, Pasadena. haa bc>en accepted fo r admission ·to thf' fall clSM of the American I nstitut e for F oreign Trade. Thunderbird Field, PhOt"nix. The one·year in- te!\&lve training course begin.3 on Septembec 17. MIAs Sht>rwood i.s a graduate of the University or California-at Lo3 '"""Angelet!I, wht>rC' l'l h<' received her BachPIOr of Arts degr~ in hl1tory. Sh,. alto atll'nd~ the Unlver11lty of Southerri CalifQrnia. P.1iss Sherwood has bffn managing: a gift shop on Balboa Island. Th<' Amerlca_n lns titue for F or· elgn T ta lle v.·111 prepare Miu Sher- wood for 1 career abroad. S Ql'ARE OASCISO outlt.aridlng ·proJect. , -IDeome The Cbri.ttrnU Preview -after four aucceufUl yean. is practi- cally a mu&t for the comnlunity as well •• being ,the onlr source or in.- come the Buaines.t and· Profeseton· al Women's Club haa to maintain their ScholarshJp Fund. Studeht Loan FUnd and .other charitable donation•. · ~ Schol.an.hip Fund ia ma.in· - tO 'f of your income~ Determine to qve ~t M\ICh -till you've accumulllted a year's ill-come. Think what it will mean in t.ennJ of aecurity and buying poll'er ! • • Yourt savings are insured here,-and earn worth- while dividenqs ' . . currently 3~ per aruium ! ·Come in to48-Y ! I PROTECT YOUR FUTURE ..• SAVE TODAY! I t:a..ined 'for gii'l students at the Newport llafbor Union High Int<'rmediate and high level school. Th.it xea.r Colleen McDer- .square dancers or Orange County molt WN awe.i-"ded the J9r>l Schol- are invited to becom~ cbartf'r arahip and haa enrolled at.Or&nge membf.rs ot a new open square Coaat ColleS"e. The Student Loan danct' club. the J im Dandy. Be-Fund la at.a maintained ro r the ginning Sept. 19, 19r>t , the club benefit of 1tudenla at lh.e N ewport wilJ hold dances Pvery WPdncaday Harbor Union H igh school. Pia1eo !J-ultuclio1e night at the Huntington Be&ch Thio club alao hope& to be in a Pavalon. Main a.n<l Oc<'an,' with flnanetal ~ttlon t o purchasf' var- the Wl'IJ-known C81if'I', Jim Wll· IOUS ilt>OlS from time t o llmt> for liameon. calling the dances. For ttie new Hoag Mt'morial Pte.sby- TERl!SA R-ENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) CoD~rt r1anlst o f Th~ C'ontlnrnta Graduate StndPnt of &la Bartok fu<lh" Information call Kimber· ledan ho•pllaL 436 Ser' ra Dr··,ve Harbor 1171.J ly 2-7765, or att ~nd the open ----- oquare dancu held ev..-y Wedn••· -Clamned ao. are ""11''bY folks Corona Highlands· -Corona del Mar day evt'nlnc from I to l t p . m. w:h:o:._:a:re:_:look:~l:ng~to~b:u~y~.~-___ _!_======~===================~ • h"ips reduct ti . In slae •" •lll••lnt HIW WlfY In yevr eWll ....... . ,.. ...,, ,,.,., ., f .ttnM •.• ........ ,.,.,.. 1M lft AXACllf& actu&l!y ..W. bil'f, '1fl..,..., thi,N ....Iler. Deliahduf-ro USE WHILE Yot! lESt AT HOM.£.. lnd, ww,. nitn SLEEP tad bcooale t....U.r! NO --IKIN ..• ..Un inu.Jdcl and coru.oun oC hips. rhi,ha tad tbd..,... Fiii.ME&, Tl.IMMEI., TIGllTU ... mor• youthful lool<· ioa-"VOGUE" tad "MADEMOI· SELIE' praiN- . . . ...,., . ' ,.._ 1 t, t -1~ ') I • I I l ( ' ~T)tlpUL • • • IAll • • • Tbi1 i• die-Mfe,'MMible, EASY way co aim bj_ps and tummy. Don'r ri»c ltaltlt. W• PIOVE 1>T NO COST TO YOU thac hluaciaor makes hips trim.mer, abdomen lacttt •.• JOUf fig. u.re ('a, Jeweller • • • dais wonderful ... t...ldohll ••• ..,. ... lASY (NO En'Ol.T) Wl1',.A,T lfOM! ja your _. W... 'lBJ!PHONB , •• tsk -t4•1Mr • oei!.1!'!' .U alic•1t it. 11!! llooklc<. f&p "-""· lioll. • ,...,__ . lon9 Bee eh 701 • .f06 .. FREE MAIL TODA'Y 1"1uaciaor, Dept. IE Jill ~t trltth Binet Lone Rueb. Ca.Ill. Check one or both: 0 I would ·~ FUil home treat-•t 1ry ~~ laily c:onaultanL J ~ tllat tjlere ta "" eo.t -no .ol>llpt!Ga_ O Pl-.,· ....i trklll!) pk!tw1c -t tJl&I tolla -lo R& DUCJ: ,_JllJI: °" HI1'3, eto. N~ Coat. Mo llb!IAU.... ll<nd Ip PLAIN "'!~ ' - I 1926 1951 ' "Honestly, now- . aren't gasoline prices t~ high?" Everyone who can reinember what tlti"6B uB«i f.o cost only ten or twenty y«U"B ago may well think of tbose times as "tho good old days." &calli"lf diem, ~ and t}.,, extre/TUI /Jarilains offued during tk tfepl'tt- sion, [N!Op/.e haue asked Standard such qlUStions iu •'Honestly, now-aren't.gaso/iM prices too high?'' In an~wer to a question like that, Standanl asks you to consider the broad situation. All price& should be kept as low as possible. But in judging what's "too high," let's see what's happened : 1~6 1951 1926 1951 19!6 1951 P.rice comperison1-1ta& and 1951 coat. alnw.t a.a liUk 41 it did in 1926-actually up leas than 4 rrc. eir.cept for ta.set, now 8¢ to a;, a .... loo in the We.t. Moet people'• intome baa ION up enourh in tlMlN yean eo that pDi• ta.a. a far unaller aha.re of their budpt. 8o pmline t.od.ay-r.r from be.inc "too hifb'':.....ia an ~y 1-/ buy. See il<N1 and """.Ytbia i...-about- Let'• look back on thoee "good old day1" -to 1926, a fairly normal yMJ". Since then, m09t price8 have .. varied sreatJy. By 1951, CAJ'ID product.I cost ovu t1'ioe .. much .. in 1926, croceriee and cloth· inc about two--tbinll ID9ft· But in J9SJ. go.IOl.i.M ! • .,_ .. "/J::"k••"""' .. tllll! p&ll,. m Mff ~ "1•"' llloa a,& a.. "-""H s -="? ... .. ~ I " Ula=:: ,.._ llillt"? .. ·m=· • 181 I ............. ..... •:••: ~ .... , L.n ... -~-~ ......... , •• .., ... .,. rW.r I To ... , .. ,., • --~ I.. .,, w.·,..11 II ....... _ ... -.,n~~ ~lll.::!llr1"!""'-_.--. -~·L~.:.IJ.,1 .t....,:,(Amljt'e-·-tp •--pcal£41 S. •• I__._ _. ... _.. • ...,.. __ > . .._,, I Ii 1· r1 ••-. • ' I • I'~ Like to Know ••• -v., ,..., • .,.. ..,·ta • • i •c U 'f It #. 1,hwda..C1 & .,.Wt ¥1 •••l«v .. 11 J' 11J', ""* -..... -ol .. _. bdor•I' ,. ... IMt ~.,'I .• diom ,_ •t•)61WL Ii.,;. bnu ag · tiOD, -.... ;.... le wMe ill.,. al: "I'll Laai 1'lt ~." 211 8aok lbln&,'S.. l'N f' 11tll, 0 S'S I le l ' . · •T•llDAID OIL COMPANY Of CAI. r•lltl • " . • '' 77 ilii1• tt 11n,.. •. 1113' s ' , ·- ( I I ·1 , , • ' . •. • • • HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS I MRS. WINIFRED BAJµll\E. Society l!ldlt.o. ""f'"'P"'-",.,.,.~__._....,.,~ ... ~....._.,......,._~~ Oelta1 Gammas lo Hold Their Annual Benefit Party Sept. 18 Orange Counlla.ru1·are anticipating wtth pleasure the forthcoming annual breakfa.Ht benefit to be sponsored• by the Orange County ChaptPr, Delta Gamma Alumnae Aaaoclatlon, a.a llJJ rl!th 1 annual benefit party ror the Nursery School tor Visually Handic apped Children ln Loa Angeles. The popular Balboa Bay Club will be sirt· Ung ror the event, to be held TUelday, Sept.' 18 al 11 a. m. Proceed.a from the annual atfalr will benefit the Nursery School where visually handicapped babies are trained to become capable and well • adjusted Individuals berore their graduation Into the public State School for the Sl\nrl. Chairman for the occasion will be Mrs. Laurene<! K. Keynolds or Emerald Bay, with Mrs. H . Payne Thayer ot Balboa and Mrs. Harold H. Harvey of Balboa Island as co.chairmen. AMlstant" Others assun1l n~ chalrn1Rn re· sponslbilities are Mrs. Justin Ken· nedy of Santa Ana and Mrs. Wal- ter Spicer of Harbor lsland. table tickets; Mrs. John Geiger of Lido Isle and Ml&"t Lois Bird of !WA.con Bay. prizes: Mr!I. Edwin Williams of Balboa I~lanrl bridge ; M rs. Evelyn Famsworti1 Cochran of Santa Ana lltld Mrs. Chester Hor- ton, ho!!tesses; &nd Mrs. James Ray of Corona del Mar, secretary. M iss Rrcnda Joyce ot Emerald Bay. motion picture actress, will eb preaent to uward a number of lovely prizes, Including an attraC· t iYe spoon rack. planter, merchan· disc order, period dressed dolt: !lowers. rood basket and cham: pagne. A s spe<'ial pri:r.e~ th~ i::-roup will award a week -end at the beautiful Hotel dcl Coronado I extending from any Friday throu~h Sunday, In November. Al!'D a merchandise order rrom Rankin's will be pre· sented. Of special Interest wlll be a fashion show conducted by 'She' ot Balboa. and t he awarding of a beautiful hat by John Carter of Payne Thayer ot Balboa at Har- bor 2947-J. One hundred bridce tables are being provided for card players at their benetlt. ' WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mra. Richie E. Owen and daughter. Gwendolyn were week end gueala of Mrs. Owen's aunt, Mrs. Catherine Williams, 375 Costa Meu St., Costa Mesa. CJDNESE DINNER The Chinese dinner sporuiored last week by Circle 7 of the COl!tn MeB& Community Church netted more than $53, according to Mrs. Ann Lillie, circle chairman. NEW RESIDENTS Among new Costa Mesa tt'sl- dents are Mr. and Mrs. John Sul- livan and family, formerly or New- port Beac h, who have purch&Sffi a home at 2027 Orange ·Ave. BUll..DERS POTL11CK The Builders club of the Costs. Alesa Community M e t hod I 111 t Church will gather ror a potluck dtnner Tuesday, Sept. 11 , at 6 :30 p. m . In the home or Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Fuller . 528 W . 19th St. Those planning to attend arc asked to bring their own table service. MON AOO Ot'F" TO SCHOOL Renato Monaco. 30n or Dr. and Mrs. Salva.lore Monaco or Balboa ha111 enrolled at lh<' University or Louisville, K('ntucky, M c d I ca I School. Renato will study &t the University from when ce his fathe r graduated some years ago with an M . D. degree. , -• ANNUAL ZOMTA CtUB. PICNI~ • Tbe pat!o of Kr. and Mn. Mon· roe Hummel's lovely · home ln Three Arch Bay. South Lacuna. was the scene of the Zonta Club of Newpqrt Harbor Annual picnic Thursday, August 30th. BM.idea delicious food prepared by ·Board members and put preaidenta, members, husbandlJ and suest.s en· joyed croquet and shuffleboard and later tn the evening, Canuta and color picturee of the Hummel'• lut trip into Mexico and northern pa.rt.a or South America. Mr. Kenny Dell df Balboa laland, did an excellent, u well u profit· able, Job as auctioneer of gift. .. ,,. brought by memben. 0-Intcrested gueate .'i en JO Jed the• occasion included partnt.a of Zonta president Mn. Helen Stockton, Mr. a.nd Mra~ H. L. Oet.rande:r and Miss Jane Ostrander, formerly of Atlantic City, but now tn Corona del Mar; Mr.II. Winifred Barbre, society editor ot Newpott·Balboa News·Times; Mr. Tommy FOiler and Sister Mrs . Mary Lou Tburber or Corona del Mar; ... r. and Mn. Rex S. Albright of Newport Heights, daughter and M>n-1.n·law ot Mrs. Mildred Stanley, past president of Zonta; Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Parker ahd Dan Pa.ge or Newport Beach and Mrs. Louvla Mawhew and Mrs. Sally Peyton. UNITARIANS MEET The next meeting o r the local Unitarian F elloWBhlp will lake pla.ve next Thursday lhe 13th at The Old Studio 011 the Highway at Diamond St. In Laguna Bea.ch at 7:45 p. m. ThC' speaker will be th<' Rev. Pcler San1son1 nf San Diego whose topic will be: "What Is ExlstcnUal· ism?" The meetlng wlll be open to tlie public. At 6 :30 p. ni . there will be a pol· luck supper. ' u.DllYI CIUtsas ROW IOATS • 1>1JT110&JW11 ~ ILLI}~ REHT.4t'S !IOI Olut Blwq Newport -Pia. -All AT 80VTR ZND OF BA.'1'8HORE BRIDGE • ' Beverly Hills. Tables will be deco-STAGETI'ES · CLUR ' rated with planters donated by Klrk'a of Brea Mnd planted by the \Vilcox Nurseries. Table t ickets may be se<:ured from Mrs. H. Louise Green recently entertain· ed the Stagettea Club when guests for the organization were Belly Russell and Susie Brockett. b-1em· .--------------·,1bers present in cluded Grace Klinr, 1 Lou Lockwood, Mae Felker, Clara Bada.ge, Margie Brockett. Costa Mesa; Emma Poupart, Waiay Sul· livan, Newport Beac h. The door prize was won by Mrs. Poupart. Lesur A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 17&5 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 8752 FAC BRIDGE Forming a h08tese trio at the 506 E . Bay Ave., Ballilea ·· latest meeting of the Friday Ar· Harbor 327.J ternoon Club bridge section were Mrs. Jo Cubbage, Mr.111. Sylvta ':;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;:\:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;~j p1ace and Mrs. Amie Walker, who i-served a d esaert course before card 110 Harold K. Greu,el Chapel Pbone: Beacon 1111 BroadW&J' Coota H- BE SURE -INSURE wllll MAU1UE STANLEY _,....,.Only "'"'JO -· 1718 ...,.. Ave. Balbos laland MA 'ITRESSES lloat&-Homes--Tr&l.lera lrreplar Shape9 BEACON 5081 Costa MNUl Mattf'NI Co. !150 Newport Blvd. WATER HEATERS Sal.., Servi... and llepMn Joe BecJJoU _ PLU~tBINO Authoriud Dea.Jer Day &: Night Heatera • Tl: a MS llr,4 Dow11 Oii •ll H••ten Phone Harbor ZM%·W '&HE NEW HAMMOND CHO!lD ORGAN ALL ELEcrmO YOU can play rich organ mwdc at once. wit.bout learn· lnl' a atngle note. "Come hear and pla.y tho Hammond Chord cqan. PIN.-... wl ._. --......... ~.'"" ........ play. Capturing prizes In bridge were Mrs. Kathleen McAlary, Mrs. J ean Lawrence, Mrs. Marga.rel Parkes and Mrs. Ho lbrook. Can· a.st& winners were Mrs. c&Ua. Viele and Mrs. Sylvia Place. .------ Stork Shower for Mrs. Joseph Malloy A luncheon and shower honor· ing Mrs. Joseph Malloy of Santa Ana, was given Sept. 7. The honoree was preitented with lovely baby gifts, alter luncheon was served at the Searare Lodge In Laguna Beach. . Centering the table was a large stork dressed dalntHy in a pink bonnet. Pink and blue n ut cups resembling baby rattles were the favors. Guests Included Mrs. Harold Lacy, George Sherrill, John Shields, K en n e th Farnsworth, Robert Glass. James Schaffer. Robert Ne!! or Newport Beach; Mrs. Marvin Dunigan and Del Frtetag rrom Costa Mesa and Mrs. Robert Ehorn or Santa Ana. Watercolors and Color Film at Art Group Meeting Water color paintings by Kath· erlne Knox from the September ex· hitiition of t.he Orange County Art Association. at the Fullerton Lib· rary Lecture Room. 'the exhibit of landscapes, marines and still lite can be seen every day except Sunday. aU through September. Mn. Knox. wbo lives Ill 222 Na.rciNU.s street, Corona del Mar, is & vetE"r&n painter who ha.a_ been a mirmber of the Laguna Art A.a· aoclaUon and of lhe Womm Paint- ers of the West tor many 7eara. She work.a ln oils u well u water- color and ln a wide range. Site bu had palntinp ln exhibtUoo.e all up and down -the CoUt. as well u at 8howlng regular\y at Laguna. Next meetlns · ot the OrNlp County Art ~lion wW bo held Th..-q, Beptembor ta, at 8 p. m. In the lru1loHon library Lecture Room. Unun&I and tnlUMtlnl' color- oowid rum. will bo lllloW1l throuch tbe courtesy of the Untwnlt7 of callfomla.. They will feat-. "Cul'ft8 of Color.• an explanation '"" ihe ta.yman ol how color ...,.. ... and wMt ll le. Then l:lllott O'B&n ...,_ • ._ Tecblqoeo" and boW .. "Paint -~ on Wat.er." ~ lbe tom.... ut1at. '*'-,Hart, Benloft la -In • -ot "'the Ka111ns of a K...i." • ..,,,_ la •••~-.. to alt.end tllll m 1 I ''9S· 'l"lillil-. Will be ft-- ftl a rnt8 uct a lborl ~ ........ • OOJ.,.DEN WEODINO--Nt!Wport Harbor Yacht Club was t.be aceae ef a three gen~raUon otlebra- tlon honoring the Golden Wedding Annlvenrary of Chaplain Cbatlf:ll F. Gf'M'11ter, Ii. S. Amt.)' (rPI) and Mrs. Gr&e8er (foreground). SM.ted next tot.be Gr&Ners la younc John Stewart, a gra.nd*>n. In the 9f"('ODd row, from left, &re: Karen Ttnnrotb, g-r&Dd·da.u.fbt.er; Mrs. H. H. nemroth. daughter; l'lnl. Clarence St~wart, daughter. &nd Mlcharl Ste"·art.. .. grand&on. Back row: Harold Tlrmroth, grand~n; Capt. H. II. Tlt-tnroth, U, s. N., of San Dlt>p, 80D· ln·law. and Clarence Ste"'Wt. of Balboa., IW>n·ln·law. Jn ad~lk>n to the family «f'OUp, alxl:ftn guNl8 Jot ned the luncheon party to honor the G~n. , (Photo by Beckner) Caroline Booth Bride of J. Bell Caroline May Booth walked down lhe a isle of Community Church, Corona del Mar on Saturday, Sept . 1 to become the bride o! Jack Weldon Bell. The newly·Y.'edded Mrs. Bell is the tlaughl<'r of Mr. ll.Ild Mrs. James A. Booth o! 306 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island. The groom is the son of Mr. and 11-frs. Albert Bell of Costa Mesa. Ann Booth, sister of the bride, served as ma.id o! honor white th~ groom's brother, R ex Bell, was b('St man for the occasion. Shari Bell, the groon1 '9 111ister, W&.'I junior bride's m aid. The othe r bridal attendants included Miss Stephne Fcderharl and Mias Ann Finlay.son. Rogl'r King and Jim Fisher served as ushers Wld Mi88 Sand['a Palmer was the attcntlant o! lhe guest book. House guests !or the wedding were Mrs. Leela Vi ctor, the bride's maternal grandmother , from Bak- ersfield : Miss Bette Newberry of Dua.re, and Mra. Harvey Hodges, sister or Mrs. Booth, and her daughter Gall of BaJcerafleld. r~· I New Season Opens For Mesa Clubwomen Sept. 21 wtll launch lhe new yea.r of activities ror the Friday Afternoon C I u b. Following a luncheon at 12 :30 p. m. a musical program will be presented by Vera Jean Vary, sopra..no. Miss Vary Wll3 a winner of Atwater Kent Au· dltlons. hu appeared with ABC and KFI Symphony orche11tra.. sung on radio "Stars on Parade" program. 1 Member111 are reminded to make their lunc heon reserv&Uona wtth Miss Allee Plumer. phone Be&eon 5085, not later than Wednesday preceding the regul&r club meet· Ing. Mra. Kenne th Stewart. n~w pre111ident, will preside. •·RIENDS \'JSIT HERE R ecent h~pitali ty was l'Xtcnd('(J by Mrs. Vl'nlta Mae H iggins, 403 Flower St , Costa M esa, \\.'hen r('l8· lives and friend.'! well'orncd In· eluded fl.I r . and Mrs. Curtis All· man, Jr. and childrl'n Edith Rosl', Robert· and Vonda or R os'''l'll, N . M .: Starr Sgt. and 1'-1rs. Edward D . H iggins. Sgt. H iggins, son or the local r('sident, is stat1on£>d at Travis Air Base. Fairfil'ld; Calif. • • with the opep.iog of an account here Set conaitl& o( matching: (I) l'Topel·.ep<l Pencil (2) Ball Point Pei:i and (3) Conventional Fountain Pa in the amount of SSO or more, we pre- &ent you Free of charge tbi.1 fine 3·piece seL We were able lo aecure only a limited number of 1ct1. To avOid di1appointm·e~t ••• OPE. YOUR SAVl ll~ll! ACCOUNT N--.................. , .... ·:-"'.'·' .. ff. 119'1' Yo. cu •pn •• a«<oUJll e•lht-r by -1•r111 penM. ]'our tovi"!' an inaued 9\"" to 110,000 -•ltd ... Aav. paM:I MWr Wu ,,,,.,. 3% Pll ANNUM NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS '"' LOAN A"SOCIATION -~-'·"·'"""'''·.,, .. -:s:s:s:s VIA UDO, NIWPOIT !llACH, CAUP". 1) I' t\CJth6S outdOOfS? P't Od Not since I got my n•w automatic Gas clothes clryer I • MY LAUNDRY IS ALWAYS SPOTLESS, FLUFFY, SWEET·SMELLIN~ ••• AND DONE SO OUICll.LY Wind, smog and IUD .. .,.. bard OD my clothes. And lugging heavy baskets, banging up and taking down clothes were hard on me. Now I toss wet dothes iDtO my dryer as easily u tossing them into a hamper . .Any time, coo-day or night, raio or shine. lo a matter of mjoutes, my laundry is ready to take out because gas dries clothes faster than nature. faster than other methods. My rowels, for example. . are so soft; ftuJfy and wdnkJ.e.rJe. 1 I merely fold and put them a-y. If you·re ti~ of old-fulliooed clothes-drying drudgery. -a ... drying demonstrat~on today at ally dealer with the automatic 19' clothes dryer display. Learn ho1\o little it costs to operate an auro- macic gas clothes dryer-only lt to 3¢ pcrdryer·full. learn how low the installed price is, too-lower daan for other automatic clothes dtyetJ. .. AUTOMATIC OAI CLOTNll DIYll ILLUITU.TID Miii II llN•X \ Otlllt .......... --N--,T-•Nl!illl __,,.,,..,.__ . . ~ ~ • Y01JB BoJIE LAUNDRY l&N"r. . 00...u:t'll WllBOV!' . '. IOUTHI N COUNTlll ~I COMPANY • tiOt(i~S .. O.RYIN•= ~~ ·1 ' • .... _ . I •I .. • , AU:s •• 4 Dep DA•hle LMtt.l ~ for OvJ.r PWty Y~ ( Member ot CALIFORNIA NEWSP.U'Ell PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Member ot the NATIONAL EOITORIAL A.SSOCIA.TION . ' ornre and Print ing Plant at 221 t Ba.JbOa Bouleval"d Telephone Harbor Hll E:nteTed 0.111 Second-Claas Matter at the Postottlce in Newport Beach, tallfomia un<fer lhe At"t' of March 3, 1879 . EDWARD A. LeHOVltN, Editor J . M. FRANCIS. Businel9 Manarer Qmt.llfit"d to Pu.llllisll l 1Jit8.I Sot1<'f9 ud Adw~tA nt all KlndA '°'lfB.._~IPTJON RA~: Nr.WPORT-0.~LllOA !'o"f:Wf<-TnlEI' ...,•rr Tafoo<IBy I• ()n.ap1 County, SI.ill prr yM.r; P.90 M..'C month~; 11.!5 tbf'f"f' mo•tld (Aho 4n~ludn th~ ~"'F.\VPORT-BALBOA P&F .. fiUil., Tllunday) Oat.Jdfo Ornnr OMtnty $4.90 ~r )"Nr ADMISSION DAY The first hundred years may be the hardeet, but the second hundred a ren 't necessarily easy. At least, the adj ustments won't be for a state like California which is bursting its bottoms with population and production. It can be said. however. that the second century will certai nly be different. if not less difficult, th~ the first. For o ne thing. news travels faster now so that when a new state comes in it doesn't take a couple of months for the word to get around. Back in 1850. the celebration over California's ad(nis- sion to the Union was celebrated here in late October. Tha t's when the news of the big story arrived. California'• second hundred years will l>e diffferent too. in that the progress made will undoubtedly outstrip _ that of the 1850-1950 era by a fantastic margin. A. P. Giannini, the late California banking genius, once sa id : "My faith is as firm as ever that here in the Far West our children wili enjoy the finest living i11 the finest country in all the world." Even in the few years since he made that l!tatement his faith ha.s been confirmed. And that faith for future years is shared 11ot only· by 10 million Caufor:nians but by tens of thousands who pour into this State every m onth in the new-and greater-Westward surge. California is the famous land of today, the fabulous la nd of tomorrow. ----·---- . AN OLD-FASHIONED REPORT ·v The other dal( Dr. Julian Klein, head of the commission I INSPECT NEW HOME-lmpeellllf •. .,i.,m ... et ti.I • ..,.. Na ... ry S<"hoot ror \'lsually HandlN.ppec.t atndrf'ft at Mara,!bon &ad Mf'l- ro~ ,.\.\·e11., Lo' AnplH, &f'f' (left to risht): Mn.. Robert Bant8 nf l..aruna &-uh, Mlsi. l..ol~ Bl~ of BMcoo Ray, Ml'!l. H. M. \\'alllnlford of Santa Ana. anti Mn.. "'altt>r S pfa>r nf Hal'bor Island. Pur po!W" of thf' M'hool I~ to pno..,.,.. \'~ually handle"SPSM"ll f*bl~ to hN'omP "'t>ll-adJu•t,.d lntll\1dn•h bfoforf': I.hf-.)' Hlt-"r tM Letter from farmer McCabe ' ' !'\om@Where. on t he Weal CO&At Ha rry S. Tr 11m&n Wh ite House \\'a!.hington. D. C. Oejlr H ar?')·: I see v.·here you kicked orr your re-election campaign during I •, . t, . ~··.~.,,,, .· Public Stal•.~ for~ Bbd.''l'lle . ..._..tl~l l~ P<\01 •t tho .,hool w .. ....._,...i lot IJltbj,r ~ .. -~ ....tmmlnc star aftd motion .WctUI'!' acff'M. P~ · "°"' tM 0 F1fth A~ BrMkfut to be .,. ..... ,... by tbo-0......se c...;..t}! Chapttt, o.ita o.,.,.;.. AlumDf' A..Motatton. wfill bf. donated to the malntrnaau;~ of t b• 1ehool tor hutdk:apPf'd bablP!il \\•hl<"h lA an annttal projttt or ttw> poop. BAC'X TO O~'TARIO Mnt. Mona Moorf" retumM. TuP!-Mr. and Mni. Roy Bakf"r and day to Ont.a.rio. after a . two daught<"r or 1410 W . Ocean Front, month'• vactk>n here at her moth-?:JeWport. returned Monday Crom Pr, Mra. Ella Goldnrr's home, 217 llemphll, Tcnneeaee Wh@.I'.'@ they 33rd St. Mn. Moore 18 registrar have been the psst three weeks on at Pomona Hlr-h school ' which a bWlineM and'pleUUrt" lrtp. opens SeptembPr 10th . ..........cJaaained ad.I are read by fotltS Everybody read~ the classified ads. who are looking to buy. of U. S. business'lnen called in three years ago by the Government of Peru to advise on post-war economic reor- ganization of that country, made a public report on the miBSion in a San Francisco talk. your vlsil to San F rancisco. Off hand. I 'd say you'r e st rain ing a t .-------------------------·• the lea.sh a m ite earl;·. '!ipeclally !n \'iC\V of the tact t ha t lhe other pollliC'al part ies ain 't even nominated t heir President ial can<l idatel'! "One of our chief problems,'' he said in part, "was the yet . Hov.:son1 ever , r r ec kon thl'lt If n relier \vM ts to sta.v in off ice irrta tion caused by hold-over wartime controls on prices, '''h r he's got to be n mnlng all t he time. As long a s you'r e shore money, exports, imports, etc. We decided the best thing t o of belflg no1ninate<t by the Democrats. why don't you make a few · do with prices was to throw aJI the controls right smack dedlC'&l lon s peeche" !nearly every to\vn has .M>me lhln« they wa nt to o ut of the window-and we did just that! dedh:·ate) or t ake on a tevJ honorary C'legret"~ ... they're pa~in ng em "For the next 24 hours prices went sky-high, but in 'a out a.c1 t hic k as Klf."ntuek.v Coloneb~. And anothrr thing , HarrJ'. I , few days settled down. True, the new figure w as a little don't belu"\·e .vou nt'cd to stop 90 m11rh in Kansa!'I Ci t y ... I bellevP a bove the previq,us le vel of artificially pegged government .vnu·11 f·r111 .\· 1t :.II righ t ifr('n you <lon't n\·pr "·ork it. I prices--but now both goods and meat were actually avail· Your ole f 11en. F' A R~f ER ~fcCABE ~All R ightH Rei.erved ! able to purchasers, which was not lhe case before. Within a week. trainloads of cattle, previously withheld from the _ -----~--- market. were shipped down from the mounta in s. "Exchange is a reflection of the life of a country, and you can no more cont rol that excha nge than yo u ca n con-Calif. Beaches t rol the temper ature in · a bottle by putting a thermometer I Sh 1· . in the cor.k. The thermometer cannot control the tempe ra-S ore 1ne ture : 1t JUSt tells what the temperature 1s ... Peru ha s adopted sorrie of the outstanding recommendations of the I G p To • Hoover report-for which the American taxpaye i: paid, but rou PIC from which, so far. has not been given much benefit . . . · R 1 •. 1. M Pl 1 h . . " u M in ~ a as t<'r an or t r How Does Christian Science Heal7 I am sure that at any time the Peruvian Government woul d D1·v ... Jopn1\1n~ of c a 11 r o r n 1 a be glad to send an economy mi8J!lion to Wa.shington and &-:i1·he~" ,,·11 1 be the do1nlna.nt HA\"•! ~·ou "'..,' '" n n d .. r "'d give advi ce on how to clean up the mess there!" th<"n1t· of t hi' a nnual convrntton '''hf'thf'r th" mf'thod or twal· -.•h.1c h \\'ill bt· h eld by th f' Shor~-Th at report is as old-fashioned-for these, days-as it il n1· r .. tanning Association or Cali- sounds. Dr. Klein himself gained his world fame as an fn rn1a a t S anta Barbara on Sf>p- eco nomics expert when he was Assistant Secretary of t l'n1hr·r t 1 and 15 . Commerce in the HOO\'er Admini2tration. And none of the A rt ... r a br·h•f address or wel-con1(' by t.iayor Norris Montgom -busines&men compris ing his advisory committee for Peru is el)' of Santa Barbara, Mr. GJel\ll connected with the present U. S. Government! A. R ick, 8:i n Di r-go City Plal\lllng -==========.::..:::::::::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1 Di re<· t nr, v.· 111 Oj>C' D UM-con Vi'fl tlon ; with slid1·s and mo tion plctU rf'l'I I H A M E.R [ C ... N ITT ... Y I demon,t 1·at ing cur.rnt d.velop-T E 4 W J'A me nts in tht' giant Mlasion Bay project. A s lmllar talk wlll be '-------------------------' prC'St nt1'd by Mr. C. P. L. Ntcholla, ' 1 Los Ancl"lc_e; Recree.tion Supervis- JnJt" dlNt1lM', owrromln,l pol·Prt)·, nnd n-Hlorin~ harmony ,,. h I <' h ("f'lri•t J'MIU!il rmplof"I ('Rn tM" 8U<'fftl!ilft1IJ)· tUM'.. now f For a n IUl.!l'A'f'r In Hlmplf', UIKlf'Ataadabf" tPrm~ nttPnd A Free Lecture entitled ' "The Love and Logic ' , DONALD · J. GARICH ~ Doctor of Optometry . - Announces the opening of. his professional offices for the practice of Optometry in all its branches -af - 204 COAST BOULEVARD (C. . .\l~l .AGHER Rtll.IJISC.) CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA • ' Practice limited to examination, analysis and rehabilitation of the Visual Functions Children's and General Practice BY APPOINTMENT Harbor 1780 Office Hours: 9 t o S Dai ly for SMAHTNf~~ J. for • ' ' .. • ,. -Tu.sdey, Sept. II, 195 f ' ' WHY ? 7 ·7????? Buy.· a new MIUl'J' f9r yo1l't' <!tl.r; hoai. trwdi; or tana ~ ment t \\'ti I \\ill lebuUd "'ltll AIL n""' parts ta your NM at appros.lmately oM"-halr or the MSt or a hf'\\' t.ttf'ry • . WITH A NEW BA'l'TERY GUARANTEE • LEWIS . BROS. SIM • !Int SL NF.WPORT llE AC'H rltnnf-HarlMtr IM % CURRENT WNINGS /lf,P,11 .. , • • ' ( ' or, portraying world (&moua bt-ach r<'sort.s a t homC' a nd abroad. Highlig·h ting th<> noon luncheon "'111 b(." an addr<'s.s by the Honor-' a.Q.!.l" N t>wton B. Dl'ury. Chief or lht" Division uf &-acht>s and Parks, on tht• thr ml" "Cal l !o rnia·~ Qeacht-i. and Olht>r Rf'Crt>ation•I AuetA." Drury, \\'ho has r<"Cently retumed lo Califo rn ia after tton )'.:tart ai1 Director of t he Nauon&t Park Se rvice, il!I r egarded u an out- standing authority on park and of Christian Science Healing" by C 0 MM A POW~B,L fir • .. r . ! • Fo11r OJ A Klrtl • • rttreation problc_ms. P rominent among tbe afternoon gpeek~rs \\'Ul be R . IC. C\ut1s, Ftekt Agent for the CalJfomla Wlldlltc> Henry Allen Nichols, C. S .. or Los Angeles, Calif. Member or t}\e Board or Lee· tureahip of The Mother Church, The F irst C hurch of Christ , Scientist, in Boston, Mass. CoMe'l'vaUon Board; Heman 0 . v-i..1_ Se tembe 1• S!Ark , Chief of the Dlvtalon •Of ....... y. p r ~. Field Servtcca of ·the State Youth at 8 p. Ill. Authority: Poul w. HIJJ<r or the la the Chlll'Ch EWfiee Southern C&Ulomla YachUng AB· , soctotlcn and J11<1se Gvetb W. nos \'la ~ N ... 'flC>rt llOadl Houk, Vice-CbaJnnan of the State f1nt Cllliu..rdt ot Clb:rlltt. · Sdntht Recreation Comm!-. .!:~0.: !ti_':: ~ _Cordially :lnvites You at 7 :00 p. nL ni.s.y la UM Gold Room or the-Re8taurante del p._,, wlll be U.. H-WU· llam V. O'Oorutor, Cllllt Deput;y Genttal tor U.. State ol Oallt°'1llL l.nterest will be twthtt belallteoed by the p._atatloll ol CerUtl~ ot Kent to l'Hidelita ol Ule ~­ fomla <out wllo haft bem - aeUve in ~ turt.M:rance , of the beach p..,.,..._ ...... honlffd.t · . ThlE aOYVEY I . HARPOON GUN P80\IL'1 ••• .&OOUllAft •• ..., , -111'.JU .• I at J'Olll' '1111 n or call llarM 191• • , . ~ J?dR wUl '9 ... wted to 111 ltuol 'iit'allloln Md. ~-•,._ueaotu ~.oon.itt. lllr Ille cam- -..... Yffl'· •, 11-----~-----. ' fO ... · 'IOUI • • ... J 248J c;o11t tllf-r , • • . ' • ' • l .. • • Tuescl.y, Sept. 11 •. 19~1 NEWPORT BAl,IOA N£WS-TIMEs . I ' . . . ' ' I • • • • • • • • • • • • .'By MARGO ' ' If you don't .think I'm leaving op Vacation, just coun~ the days f'm · gone_. DOn't Go away now - Back in a couple of weeks. . •' ~. , -Margo OB THE GALLANT FISHER'S LIFE! Charley Drak e is a ngling for you to try his Rhore dinners and believe me; .once you t ry the ball at Charle.r's St>ufuocl l~t1U.1rant, you're hooked ror goocl! Right now, Charley is s@rvtng oceari fre11h Halibut, Se:t-Bas.~ anJ Swordtish lunche{I l $L001 a nd con1plete d i..nners t-i l .2~/. Or If you prefer to cook a fi sh dinner yourself. silly glt·l, you . ran buy a whole (rc~h. C'leane<l Albucore to take out. I suggest you eat at C.:harley·~ ton ight tho -B.l\,d then order big wooden howls f ull of ~a food salads and seafood rocklall~ for that \;\'hi11l party y.Pu're throw ing next \Veek. Mk Charley Lo toss a little smoke~ albaL.-orc in with thi!'I orJ]er to go. Meantime Oyster stev.'. and C'(a1n chowder or J un1bo shrin1ps a n!l french fries nre pl<"a!Ulnt 10 dwell over at (;h.a.rltty'K Sf-a Food. 11:15 ('ou_11;t tlljth\\'ll.\', {nt·~I l•t l'o rl OranKf'), Renc·on 61:131 . C-:IOSf'd T lH'S. • " • HOY iJOOUTS! .UE .l'OU PREPAREDf ! ! Are you fellows pr'f'p&red to help us old ladle• acroea the llllppery streets thift ~nter? 0 . K . I'LL do you a good turn too . _ . So I'll tell you that ftartwr"• Roolrry h8.8 the official Boy Scout shoes, al!P leplly !It.amped and •igned. A s a n1atter of ~. Scouts, you can safely lead your entire troop Into this big fa n1lly .i.hoe store. Ch iltlren of all ares are now being 111ick : shod for school. S.rber'a has the famom RPd C.onfif' and Uttlf' Y~nkt"t• shoes In all sizes A thru E. For the Teenllter's union, there are Sportaklk loafer• $4.95, Hollywood SkooleJ·9, Saddle sl100R, C0ver girl Fiat~. n1occasin.s . _ . just about anytili.ng you want to wiggle your toes in. School ROX loo . . a nklet!'! '!;iizes <C 111 -lO'it 29c • 39<'. TEN-SH U N! ALL GOOD SCOUTS. FOR.WA.RD ARCH TO 11.AllBER'S BOOTt:nt• 179!5 New· po11 A vf'., Costa Me~1 . • • • BATHROOM BARGAI!\"! l'SLA.10 l.JSOl.F.•'M ISSTAl.J.F.D IS A \'F.RAC1F. SIZt: BATlffiOOM FOR $12.9.~ C'OASTJ..JNE FLOOR c:ov•-:RJSt1 IRth A.SO Sl:\\'PORT A\'t : .. C'OSTA MESA 1~honf' Rraffin !'>2:\ I -·I • • • ---=== --. Frank Hnmllton, highly successtul young OH C.000\'! OSI,\' 102 MORF. !)AVR l "STJI~ ("HRISTMAS ~ "=z;!! Balboa !lrt!Rl con1pletely capliYnteH u 1nood in his BUT DON"T S HOOT ~fE F'Ofl MENTIONJNG IT . . Just water-color", v-·hcther it's a. rain-soaked Ne"'' put down that Daisr Bee-Bee gun (priced to sell at $5.9~1 Yes. 1l"s • Orleen.s' 8idewalk in front or Antoine!'!', or a pie· too tn1e. The BALROA -'I:: IA first and foremost with .thats 'oC ture,gque cahle car laboring up San Francisco's her countr)•men...1 has al thi:i \'ery moment a large fascinating ~tock Pov.•ell St. Vera Williamg has capturt-d ne\Y ~t~!~e~~rrl~~ t~~1 n~l~~ 1ran~:u~ ~~~:!~~e ':o~~s b~~~:e~r!~;d ~:·;;): ~:~~to~:l.or;er:.;:tlyrl1;o:t~;h pa~~ne~t!rof~~ ~~~ on : puzzles, dog bone!'>, tl'ncks·. games, ukele\e.!,i ! $3.49 1 all 1nelal Pulio . .\rt A11llf>r)t and 8'W)k Rtull. The next 2 week~. you may view doll house fully furnished $4 .9~. There now doesn't that give you the.SE' arresting originals in beautifully framed or s mallet' matted ideas? As I understand it, you pay as little dov.•n as pos!-!1blc. on scenes. ~i ra. \.VilliA.ms a lso presents John H ilton, very capable these gadgets. Then dibble, dabble small sums along till !'lurldt>nly cra(tsmAn from 29 Palma whose desert oils are on displ.&y. This it'!5 Xmas and you and the children are a ll sitting pretty. Invest i-small, in time galle-ry ia creating grea t interest w1th such artists gate .. get your choct·e of nll this litl£'r NOW. R .-\1.BOA ,j .t 10 1 a5 Theln1a Paddock liope. Burt Procter. J oan Irvinl". Rex Brandt. SOO M.o\.IX, BA.I.BOA. Phil Dyke. Edgar Payne. Duncan Gleason, Helen Smith and Louise e e e N1mn10. P. ~. While strolling thn1 the girt room here. please to A BREAD AND BUTTER NOTE: "THANK YOU NICE PEOPLE FOR B UTTERING OUR BREAD ALL SUMMER. WE'VE HAD A FLOURISHING BAKERY BUSINESS THANKS TO -li!'"Jfo1~::"! 'vou. \VE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE ffi ANO \VA~"'T YOU TO KNOW WE'U.. BE O PEN ALL WI?\'TER. 7 DAYS A WEEK. \VE'LL HAVE •HOT BREADS, DON"UT S. COFFEE CAKES. PIES, PARTY CAKES. PATl'Y CAKES, ROLLS, AND F.VF.RY THT'.'\'G GOOD T O EAT FRESH D."ILY. THANKS ACATN' t· 'VfRG!XIA 1'1 <'~fAHAN' BOB KRL'LL N'P.\\'POP.T BAKEP.'t notice Ve1·a's nt>\\' Virginia ImJX>rts lhe exclusive ('umbo••• Just.for collection. 1~utlo Art Gallrry Hnd Hook ~tall. (SIS t--1 MarirH" A\'P., Ralbon l,.laud. • • • F . .\1.1 .. H.'\R\'t:ST f 'F.'.\'Tt:lt PIC'F.f'E~ LA~TIS<t OF:COR FOR llOMF:. P .-\llTIF.S, c1.1·s.~. i'.!.95 up. Fl.O\\•t:ns R\' )101Cltl 500 F.. llnlbo:t 81\·tl. • HAl .IJO.<\ -HAflliOR 2070 ?112 OCF.AN FRONT NE\VPORT HARilOR 144 2-fl e m :\•, DOCK '. • • • • • I "W ton~ of Mackerel 1s a Jot of fish ~". said ah~ "O f 'nf'koo ! Shall I ('llll thN> Bird, or but n philosophically. \\'hethcr you're in a contemplative \\'andf>rlnl{ ,·ol('f'?" Or. f.::n\·ootl, v.•ell-kno"''n 81rd· mood or not, some day this week. ~ down to the watcher. tho' It all but tears the realhers, from dock again the BuyMdf' i.>f>c'ks and watch those his heart. is o ffering his fa\•orite cuckoo for sale: usty 3 or 4 fisted stevedores or the sea unload tons This handsome bird brings with him, naturally 11.nd tons of mackerel. I have juAt surfaced 11.Cler 'enough. his own clock! I have long listened to spendin g several mad. comfortable. carefree days In this cuckoo's voice estaticalty caroling out the a diving bell! Call it wild speculation if :rou will. but hourg! Chesty. full~throatad pear-shaped tones I smell a n1ackerel run ! But enough or Lh~" 111easlng co1ne out of this little birdie. Cuckoo, bird-caJJ gambit the Bay,dd~ Fb1h Mkt. has other under- ........... and clock complete $20! E rwood's Bagdad water novelteies for sure -such as Alba<'ort>, ~-nrd· Bazaar Is bumtfng \1tith new and beautiful brass tlsh and SPa Ba.1111--. Ha rry Kingston still 11 <'An- ('u<'koo! wd copper pieces, new lan1ps, ch.ime clocks. nlng uJba""r'" for Sporl!lshermen. But (o r Harry's "DIVIXG je"'els, glitter. glass. Don't pay any attention to the price tags, sake, don't clnn your catch. Take it in as la-Al80 BELL" just dl~"°unt th.,n1 !~,-0 a nd then pay. Trust nr. F.n\•nod to give ask Kingston 9.bout his rancy ptice on Albacore you didn't catch. you the bird at 401 t:. Ralhoa Rl\·1t., &lhon. Opttn t:\-pninKM. Bay"idP Fl!ih l\larkPI, %800 l..ttf».yPtt.P, !'\P\\'port. Open 7 days every H21rbor 0166~1 . v.·eck of the year. • • • CA PTAIN KIDD! LONG JOHN '. PEGLEG ~ GUESS \VHAT ~tEN :?: V\'hile foraging in the botton1 of n1y purse for peanuts. I found a n1ttp locating rapulous SE,.\ TREASURES!! Directions ari: a.s follows: \Valk 30 pares from the Ice House on 30th St. . T hereby. \\"here a shadow falls Nor' Ea!'lt by Sou' EasL LS. n cave called \\'alt'P> Tradlnc POMt. Start Lligging here. Mac'. T errific loot thiR Y•ee k : 18 h. p. Hercules motor. like new for quick lleal. $250; 2 wheel con1bination boat and carry·all tra~ler , removable sides $160; S to I RF.· Dl lC'TIOS Gf:AH. A BARGA!:-;: F ishing chair; mackerel net"' and racks. And you can probably get a mes.sage from Carcia on \\''alt's transoceanic portHbl~ receiving set t$401 . Let'~ see ... one more t reasure In this tar's trove ~&>ltlnK In lot11 or ~idlh11 tor fender skirts. couplings, hinges. matR you figure it out. \\'alt'" Tnullni: P~t. .t'!'? 301h ~'t., .'\'t>"'port. l1 h. Hitrbor ~t7B--8:SO • 6-- (f'IOW'CI \\'f't).) . • • • • l 'Ol'R ,\TTF.'.\"TIOX PLEEZF.! "Flights leaving imn1edlately for Las Vegas, Las Animas nnd Las Costa Mesa! Fasten your Might jackets ... P leel'!'." Say'. That reminds me: You'd ~~//-:;) better na\•igate a non·stop..,hop over lo t he Jo-Lt-.-Sport Shop for the nattiest J(ttle 3-pce. airborne outfit rve seen in many Ii dry run: Lee has cornered S11n·Rose or California'~ nt>\Vest com· bine n1atchin£' slackB, skirt and rlight jacket 1n Calisheen Rayon Gabardine. Very jaun ty and sharply tailored these, in Venetian blue. taupe or pearl gray. Slacks $7.9~. Skirt $7.95_ F'light Jacket $9.9~. Lee say.!' the-se outfits flatter )·our every flight especially if you're long- legged. You'll ~ well equipl to let do\lorn your landing gear on any sW·ip in this combo. Get on the beam, S is _ .. Ju l.ee Sport ~hflll 11" a t 1836 S r \\'pCJr1 ,.\\'f",. ('osta MN!a. LEGAL NOTICE nia. at which timf' and plact.' a ll _____ .-__..;__:,.• _.:_ __ l p<rsons ;nt<,ested the.do w;JJ be SOTlC"E <>F Pl'Hl.lf' KEA.RISCO T<I HE HELO BY TllE OR- ASGt: C'Ot '~'TY Pl .. 4NSl~G ('():\1'.'JlSSIOS 01'' 1'S"E \'ARI- A?\'('£ PF.R:\OT APPl.JC'ATIOS SO. l'\.'-871 , (JF G. E.. KAllA~E ;\:"OD !"OSS, FOlt . .\ \':\RI· AS('F. rs THE ('SE RE(i('- LATJo~·s 0}~ THE R4. st·a- 1'RBAS RESlllENTIAJ.. DIS- TRICT, T<> PERMIT TH F. IJRIJ.LIS(i OF T W 0 0 IL \\'J<:I..I..S. OSE OX EACH SIDE f)F T•IF. SE"'ER ASD ROAD t:ASF.;\fE:-;T OS TllE NORm- F.RI .. \' Sll>E OF THE COA.~T mGJl\\'A Y OPPOSrl'E RElr E SE'S x1·y SH 0 P, A.'°D AROl'T 470 t""EET IXl..AN'D F'RO:\I ~AID ('OAST HlGH· WA\', IS TllF. WLST 1''EW- l'ORT REAC'lf AREA. ht.'Brd . For rurthPr particulars rt-fer· l'nCP i~ made to aaid application whi('h Is on (l\e 'In o(ficf' of the CommiN1lon at the abovt.' addre~ for public inspection. RAYMOND R. REED. Assistant St~crrtary Orangf' County Planning Commission. No. 22!'>-Tlmes. Publish Sf'pt. 11 . 1951 . XOTIC'E OF S ALE IN Bt'LK TO \VHO~{ IT ~tAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of SE>C· tk>n 3440 of tht" California Civil Code, that Della..s Palmer, who.!le address is 405 Af Strt"et, Balboa, California, Intends tor.tell to Rich· ard A. Df'nt a nd Katherine S . Dent, who!i address is care Bal-Notict• ls hereby ~1ven that pur- suant to Stttion 19, Ordinance No. boa Inn C <', Balboa Inn Annex, J:il, Oranl'l" County, California, u Surf et Main Street, Balboa, Call- amrndcd, 8 publh .. ' hParlng w1 1l bf' fo mla, all or t ht" peraonal proJ>('rtf heW by lhl' Ora.oge County Plan· dest"ribed gt•ntra!Py aM Collow11 : nin~ Con1mi"'-":on on UIN' Vorlancro AU of the-•1.JX'k In trade, Prrmtl Application No. uv.371. furnilUtP, fixtures and t"qulp· or c . E . Kadane and Son.a. re-, ment (excl'pt the juke box. questing a variance to the UM> 2·hole electric Ice cream star· rt-gulatlonit or the R4. Suburban age box, cofft"t' making equlp- R f'sidential District, to permit the ment and cigarette vending drilling of 2 oil we lls. One well machine). localed In and about will be located approxlmat('ly 470 the cafe known aa Balboa Inn • • • rt. from thf' Coast Highway and care, which I• situated &l thl' "O H I'VE GOT YOU !\-'EXT TO MY SKIN thP othf'r approximately ~ ft. premiaea and addreQ known SO CLOSE. YOU'RE A PART OF ME . " therefrom.· The attachf'd Jetter u Balboa Inn Annex, Surf at Ye~. lad1e~ . -. fa.ll is here, skirts are a trine aetUng rorth. the methods or drill· M&.ln Street, Balboa I Newport longer ... the frost creeps ~ams the pumpkin. Ing and operating is made a part Beach), Orang~ County, Calt· Fa._<dlion decr~s the slim sil uette, ao we must or the application. All provl~ons fornla : together with the good gird up our loins and pre e to be tithe as of the Industrial Wute Ordinance will of said business. debutante pan tilers in poodle cloth (neatest trick wUJ be cqmplied w ith. Said prem· The date when and th(' place or any decade.J POLLY APl•AR.£L, faithful In isea are located on lhe eut and where saJd aale l8 to be made, and her fashion h&!I a co1nplete a.ssortment · of loin-west sldP of .. ~~r and Road the con.slderation or price for gitdler11 : Flex.nit girdles in plain or pantie at1•1eFrosted PwnPk:lns Easement " on the northeast side such aale Is to be paid, a re on S2: The Jet slim and trim nltmber i.s all rayQ11 a.nd $3. Embraceable of Coast H.iaftway opposit e ScptMlber 20, 1951, at 11 :00 girdle!'! I what addict thinks u p these names? 1 are S•-95. $5.95. Helene's Nut Shop, in the .outb o'clock A. M., at th.e office o f Al.90 lol11 ol lissome lingerie by Kayser and Pandora: Such under-ea.ta Mesa area. ' F1-ed A. Wilbur, 609 First Natimr- cover artists as nyk>n and net fancy panU in blU;k or white with Sa.Id public hearing on the el BanJt Buildln.s_. Fourth and M•ln match :ng half s.hps: and La.n:wood or Berk.IJtire hose are good above appUcation will be beld at •lreeU, Santa Ana. CaJJfoml.a... bran$1s to hook up witb the abOve &irdles. Peter Pan H idden 3:SO P. M., September 14, 11~1 . p Dated Auiust zt, llftl. T reasures b:-as here too. Say now, you'll look good from the aki.D ~In the· heving and meeUn& room DAt..LA.S PALMER. ou~ if you get your bottom laytrs at po.uy Apparel IUS Sf>wport of the Orange County PJannjng Intended VendOfi A,.,.,, C!o~la ~ll'!Nl.. Com.mJ.aslon, Ro0M llG. Court No. 22C--Tlmes. Rolllle Annex, Santa Ana, Calllor· PUbllsh SepL U , llllll. ~DY, HANDY 'N CANDY ~--- • t • • • N P\\'f'At addition to the pro-- ff'!Mional tamll3· or thfo :\'~,·1•ort llarbor an-a IM l)r. llonald J. GarlC'h, (). U., of Corona dt'I ~far. l>r. <'..arlch Is a crat111atf' of th.· Pacl0<' t 'nJ,·r,.,.1t3· nt For- ""t tiro,·.-, Orrcon. u ., romph~t­ ttd Ktntllt't'l th1•rf' In tlM' 11rnc•fif'I" or Optortlf'try. Dr. and J\1no. (iarlC'h h:t\'f' tnk· P.n up ,.,...idPll("c• a1 7111 z fiflld· rnrod . .\\'P., and thf' offle'P o( thr doct or IK at 204 ('oa.•t Roulr-- \'llrd, Corona df"I )f:lr. I-Iii' praf'- tlC"f'I l!i Jlmllf'tl to f'Xan1Jnatlon, anal.\'!Oli~ and rt"habllltatlon ut tht-\'bnml J.,unr.tlorut. fir• ac- N•pt" f'hlldn-n lis "'f'll 814 gf'nf'ral pracflf'f'. l>r. Garl<'h Sl'n·rd ,,·Ith lhr t T, S. Army Air FoN'PA during \\'orld \\'ar JI In th(' !lpttlaJ !M'n-IC'f'tll and <'Ompl.-lrd hlK f'l:lu. ('8.flon at: Pa.rin" t •nl\'PrKlfJ' ar- IPr th" "·ar. c. ''· cnt·acH CJR("'I .. ES J\fEF.T Clrclt-s or the Costa Me!5a Com· munity M('thodist Church YSCS arr to meC'l next v.•eek. ; Circle One v.·ill be l'nlertalnc"'J Thursday, Sept. 13. at 12 p . m . In thC' home of N ella Fuller , 528 W . 19th Stref't. Six othf'r circl"s 5latt.'d to as- semble Sept. 13 Include Circle Two, which will have Mrs. Gallav.·as as hostel'ls at the church at 12 p. m.; Circle Three to gather v.·i th Mrs. Ida Boie8, 1890 F ullerton Avt>., at 1 :30 p. 1n .; Circl~ F our, 2 p . m., at t he church : Cirl'IE' F ive, pot· luck lunch£>on al noon at Clara CtASSIFIE.D • The Miqhty Midget bi Advertising 29-B 'Wuted POSUIOH OPEN tOJr cr+A'••ed ~hlo 'It~ Jo'o)I aajary aiid •h&J><e tor jiromotioe. <lal1 Kl. 3..s:IH IM @Pt. -71 W AJTRIC8SJl:S W AR'l'lro -Ap. •----------------------"! ply <;.pe .Cod Houso. Ban-talarul. Beacon 514~. • 70.72 NEWS-TIMES -Every , Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-1Wednesdays NEWPOR['.8ALBOA PRE~ -Thursdays Newport Bay PM/ m-In..i Ada -,_ la tlle ~ Newa-TlmM or tbe nuf'9da7 Pnm MINlllfUM AD 18 4 UNE8 All Ctu!llned ad11 mn"t bf! pa.Id ror QM.It ta advuee ef pabllfett-. 4 Une!i l Paper $ .'15 4 Une!i 2 Papen lJiO 4 LIDe8 S Papers 2.00 'nle publlshen will not be responlllble tor more tban one lncorTeet lneertion or Bn advertlaemcnt, reserve the right to oorrectly clu81fy any and a.II ad~ and· to reject an}' adve rtisement not conformln& to rules and r egulatlonJJ. Advertisementa and canceUatlone will be accepted up t o 5 p.m. un the day prccl'ding publication. F.xcept dea.•lline for Ne-ws -Times Is 11 a. 1n. ~londays rhone lla.r. 1016, uk for "A.d Taker" or SMJd ad &Ad remlttanee to NF.Wl'ORT HAJlROR PUBLISIQNQ CO. !21 I Ralbna Rivet., Newport BN.t-.h, C.Ufomla. 11)-Buslo""" Gulde PQMPLlllTlll BOUBll CLEA.MlNO aerrtce. l'urntture and rup alwnpooed. ,.,... -teo- ll'ully Inouttd. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 · 29th St. Newport Beach Beacon 6111 72tl'c For Venetian Blinds~ Shades aud Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 NE\VEST MODEL Sf'th Thoma., Newest Model Seth Thomas Metronomes JW'l t Arrived. WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Coast Hiv.·a}'. Corona del Mar 70t rc ~ VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and others, $6.9~ up. 100 to choosr f rom. HANK'S Vacuun1 Clcan<"t Co. 001 S. Milin Sl., Sanl8 Ana_ Kimberly 3-2968 70tfc 1 Z--Bulldlng Servlcell DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon &406-W J7ttc PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1151:5 Santa Ana Ave .. Co8ta. Mesa Phone Beacon 560-i 158c~7H WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of. all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451 -W ~7c68H FISHER Drafting Service 916 C..onst H ighway, Harbor 2443 Cnt:ona del Mar 89p71 INTER!O~ -l!lXTER!OR EXP. DRUG a•d Cosmetio O!ri. Gunderson Dnlg. 117 Ka.in SL, Balboa. PJl. Harbor ~1~. 70c72 CAR HOPS-!'!xper1enced. Steady. Dwight's OM'Vr--ln, Cout High· way 101 A: 39, Huntington Bet\.. 69<71 -..,.------HOUSEKEEPER -Compa_nton for middle age lady, Uve )n . R4>ferrnce8 required. For tnt!r~ vle\v ¥:rite Box B, this paper. 69p71 MAN OR WO:h.f Ar;, must be o\l'er 21 to wnrk S::1.t. & Sun. Hrs. 10 to 6. F oun tain. F inney'&, 2200 WC'st Oc-ean Front, Newport Bea.ch. 70c72 WAJTRE~ WANTED. Apply Norton' Bay Shore Cal~. Ph. Bea.con 5 5. 10c12 GENF...RAL HOUSE\.\'ORK and child <-arc. Tv.•o young l"hildrt.'n . Beacon 6737 .J. 70p72 SO-Sale, Miscellaneous STO&E f{xturl'll, prac. new , wall ca.sea, ccunter&, misc. All have a dju.<rtable shelv<'s-. Bargain. Call O""'ner , Beacon 6990. 6.ftrc lRONRJTE I R 0 N ER, platform rock<'r, paint and household articles, 1951 ~ak lng 5 hp. out- board m otor -.'llh gas can. 514 E . Ocee.n Front, Apt. J, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 3238. 60p74 FOUR BU RNER gas P.ange. apt. si:ze. Blue brkrst . set, pPdestal table, 4 chairs, chrome; 1 twin bed, fibre rug 8 x 10. All excel. condition. 61 t • Poppy, Corona del Mar. 68c70 Somebody Wants That used turnlture, bric-a-brac, paintings, etc., now ta.king up 8pa.ce In your garage. F ind a buy- er with a clustfled ad In the Newa-Tlmu, Poet , and Press com· blmltio n. Just Phone Harbor 1618, FUR JACKET. Amer ican broad- "fc Murtr)·'s homr. 236 E . 20th St.; 12-.Building Servitts Circl" Sevf'n. 7 :30 p. m v.·ith Ann 1 -'-~~::.::;;:;,::...o;.o;._:..~~----- PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED tail. H at and bag to match. $75. Good condition. Bt'>aeon 6288 .. W evenings. 69p7t Lilllf', -193 Flower St.: C1rcll' Tt-n. PAINTING 7 :30 p. 1n. With Bernice Hadley, 1965 W estminster Ave>. EARL SHEFLJN Members or c;,c10 K;nc wHl , mPC'l Monda y, Sl"pl. 10. at 6 :30 273 Palmer St., C<wta Kem p. m . for suppE'r al thr hon1e of Bea. Mti7-:U: 94c9 Ma nna F isher , 360 E . 23rd St. HelPn J.f eyer!, 346 E . 19th ~t .. will receive Circle E ight on \Ved· nesday, Sf>pl . 12. at 7:30 p . m . Rt:Tt"RSS HO:\t;E 1-·frs. ~t ina Ives, 31~ Anade. Bal- boa, Is at hPr hn1nr> afl1•r spending the 11un1n1rr in Pa.SS<lt>na . whil•· relat ives occupied her home hC're. REALTY TIPS I ••--" '•r• -6~0•6 ,,_MN .. l>on't !lliP.f' a mind rt'aclrr about tladlug PROPF.RTY, M"f> FITZMORRIS REAi.TV C'O." ., 11 /'tltl'l'I\ 11111 Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 51 2 -38th St., r;ewpott Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 52tfc C. L. KIRCHNER General Contractor New Residential &: Commercial Remodeling & Rt.'palring 1 N,w homei:t open fo r lnspf"ct~n . Call H arbor 1164-~t ./ 62tfc CARI) PARTY Patience Wright chapter of lhe Daughters of the A merican Re vo- lution or Laguna Beach will .!lta ge a public bridge and canasta party at Dana Point, St>ptember 20. 12 :30 noon for the benefit of th(' chapter. T he evf'nt v..•ill be held at the home or past rPgcnt Mrs . J ohn Holland. Kinkaid, 403 Valencia Place. A dl'ssert course will be S<'rYrd . Door and table prlzf's av.·arded. ------ RETl 'RSS HO~fE ~lrs . Ella Ge>t!ldnf'r, 217 -33rd St., Nev..•port Beach, ret urned Sat· urday from a months vacation at va.rious points in Orf'gon and Northern California . Opportunity la lmocl<IDJ ID Cl.ASSIFil!:D ADS Glenn Johnston ~01 ·Slat St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297 .J :UcU H.H.HOLBROOK , ' DEPENDABLE PLUMBIN.G A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Barbot' 1418-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wise people do read the ada. TYPE\\'RITER, Underwood noi~­ less portablf' in black case. Al· most n ew, $50. Harbor 1486-W. 70c72 DELTA BAND SAW, 14 ". Apt. size elec. stove. make offer . Harbor 502 or 132-J. 121 N . Bay -Front, Balboa I sland. 66c'71 Re.Bulls come from constant Prilctice! An ad regularly in this paper will produce N>Sults for you. 14-Persooals ,so.._.o.;:B~~A~p~p~Jla~nces::.:.::::_~~-­ ---''-~=:..-------SUPERCOLD DEEP FREE Z E Alcoholics Anonymous A-100 frozen rooct cabinet USE'd Write P. O. Box 205 only 5 mo. Sliding glass tnp. Balboa Island, ~· $225 and assume remaining pay- Pbone KimberJy 3--6393 ment:s. ~aeon 6690-W. 70p72 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKIN'G and Ladies' alterations by ap- pointment only. Phone Harbor 1137-R. 67c69 LADIES' a ltf'rations now bEtlng accf'ptf"d, 431 31s t St., Newport Beach. 68p70 22--Lost and Found LOST ~ Tortise-shell (yC'llow, black and v.•h ite) female Persian kitten. 6 m o. Sat. lat, vicJnily of Harbor Island. Reward. Har- bor 23~-W . 68p70 28-Sitoations Wanted For a terrifc saVJng on an 18 \I; cu. ft. freezer, phon.e Beacon ~95-J. , 59c72 O'KEEFE & MERRITT t9tflge- It's· a 195J moctt'l and has lamp, clock. lhat vanishing shelf that n1akes a cover (o r the burners.· A lso has griddle in the middle and It' sthe C-P all auton1atic \llith thf' chrome grill broiler. Balance due on stove is $1 49.53. Pay me cuh or take payment~ of $8.03 per mo. My Pquity frC'c see at Rtorag<', '404 So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 a .m. to 8 p.m. or Fullerton 21 52. 68tfe FINE IRONING w ill call for and deliver . curtains. Hf'lp with dinner parties. Phone USED G. E . REFRIGERATOR - Mr~. Williams, Harbor '1595 be~ Gool.I condition, SGO. 20~ Coral, fore 10 a.m . or after 6 p .m . BaJboa Is land. 69cjl 87p69 PRAC . N EW 8' Hotpoint Re frtg. $19~. O'Kel'fe & 1'fcrritt, f·bm. GEN. HOUSEWORK, Sl.25 per hr. range, Sli5. Both $350. U.s<"tf R esult.8 come from constant Best of references. Own trans· 9 mo. Call bclwe<'n 5 le 7• Har. Prac t ice! An ad regularly in this portation. No telephone. Uve In 1057.R . 70<-72 • i1 -~ -. ' . . .. . ,,., .. ~, paper will produce N'SUll.8 for you. Harbor AN'a. Box C•l this ~~-----~---------------------..:_...:_P:•:pe:'~·---~-----=8:9p~7~1:.:.:1'f~<>T:_:e~CJ~.::asst::~f~!ed:'. on next pag~ A really ~AST way to cook ••• • ·Of course-' ' it's electric! • • • • I I I That old saw about a watch..! pot is another thing which has been out-dated by mod•m electric ranges. or courw, you don't have to wttch anythln1 cooking on an electric range- but it'• eooklng fut. you may be sure. Electric heat Is fast heal If •prinp Into ,action u .OOnu you ftick the switch, ollmbs to the right temperature at once, stays , riahl lhere until lhe food is lhoroughly coo~ II saves tlme,..ancl that's mighty Important , on on "'1oryday job like cooking. II Isn't a rna«erof 90tti11Jopeed ..-rds'- 11'1 jut conv~nl.and elllclent to get your (cooklnlclonetha1wa1. You CUI do 11, loo-': " ieeeyour llecblt•l W,.,... •·tier • I • , -- ..-·.-..--.-· ....,......,..-..,,,--..... --·---•-;!I .. ...-•• ----· ...... -.. -..-----.---. • ... ......... Y--.:-• .. --.-.. ------...... 'Ill ...... ,. ----------•• -...... -.... -.. -----..---": . • ' . ' • < • PAGE & ·<" u:rr. U, 1Nl MANY CHOICE SELECTIONS OF REAL tSTATE LISTED IN TfllS SECTION NEWPORT Ml.BC>A JO;WS ·TllllG! . ~ r""l~----------....... :1M-Maslral, Radio .• A. I AD I sPINET Pi,.t.NO, IV out balance '1iiiiii"=-.;;;;111~~~ I · .-. AnOlhq · 8pin•t. ba1. 1387 ·-Kimbal made Spinet, $49>3. See OW' U9t of returned ~ntals and ,.._ .. DANZ-SCIDIIDT PHOl'OC R-1818 to place your want ad on this pa.re. MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE FIVE Si-Wanted to Boy WANT TO B.UY a second hand portable typewriter. Harbor 1146-W eveti. 62ttc ~Household Goods ABC WASHER -19~1 model, auto. That Is No. 1 on Con· aumer·s r eport an<t used it only 2 mos. Haa the agitator anr1 It's a beauty. Balance due on it h; S2"5.64 and It still hu a guarantee on IL. Ca.sh ol" take pymtJI. or SI J.23 per mo. Can have n1y equity free. See at storage, 40~ So. Spadra, Fuller· .ton, 9 a .m . to 8 p.n1. or phone Fullerton 2152. 68tfc MATCHED STUDIO C 0 UC H 1makes ~dl and platform rock· er, ice box 150 lb. I and portable manglC' with own table. All good cond lt!on, reasonably p r.1 c ed. 1919 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Me8a. Bt'&COn 5830-J. 70c72 DREXEL to;RENCH Provincial Bffchu<l din. rm. tbl.. S ch ., desk le ch .. $395. 1 dbl. box 1tpr. A: mat., 11tttl frame &: cute rs, $50 5 pr. new nylon curtains, $50. I portable radio. $15. Port. type· writer. 200 lbs. new flagstone. Call betw. 5 de 7, Harbor 1057-R. 70c72 MOVING THIS WEEK -Practi· cJt.lly ne)V 3·pc. sectional {cost S2~l. only Stoo: Blonde 5-pc. bdrm_ suite. lge. G. E. refrig •. blonde Chesterfield &: matching c~ir. Prac. new stove. Brand new blonde % bed. Roll-away bed. New drapes, curta ins, chest of drawers. Book cases. Tables. Call Mrs. Lawrence. BeM!on 5845-J. (Mesa. Traile r Park.) 70c72 BIG PIANO STORE, 100 bar- 1~· 620 N. Maln, Santa Ana. corner-'th Street. i GOOD PRACTICE PIA NOS, $-49, $81, $83 and up. Let the kid· dies learn. Pay but $5 ~r mo. 2 yr. exchange at full value. DANZ·SCKMIDT BIG PIANO SALE NOW ON. Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln, corner 6th. REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elec· trlc Organ. Famous make. For church or home. Pay out ha.I· ance. Big saving. Like new. DANZ • SCHMJDT PIANO and ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, comer 6th. GRAND PIANOS. Big Summer Sale now on Steinway, Mason &: Hamlin. Knabe, Chickering, Chase. Wurlllzer, Sohmer, F INh · er and many others. Some new, 80me used. Price.! start at $395 DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. SLIGHTLY USED Spin£>l Plano. Nationally known make In p<>r· feet condition. Tt'rn1s. $47.50 down and $17.02 prr n10, at Shafer's Music (Since 19071 , ·121 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kinl- berly 2·0672. 59tfr RENT A CLARINF.T, tru1npc·t or olhf'r band instrumrn t f11r Sr> a month. Rental applif's on future' purchase at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. !Since 1907 ~. 421 No. Syc·a· mor£>, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. RENT A PIANO for only $5 per month. Rental applle9 o n futurt> purchaae at SHAFER'S M U· SIC CO. <Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore , Santa Ana. Klmber· ly 2-11672. . COME IN, Hl!:AR and PLAY new Hammond Chord Ors-M.11. No music le880ns necessary. Any· on~ can play this instn1ment. DANZ· SCHMIOT PIANO Md ORGAN CO., Santa Ana, 520 No. ~lain, com er 6th. RENT A PIANO. S~ per mo. All term rent allowed when vou buy. DANZ • SCHMlDT, s.a'nta Ana. 620 N . Main. ID-Business l?I>P?rtunlties COMPLETE CABINET SHOP for sale. 'Good location. Sacrifice Beacon 6914-W. 68c70 41--Storee utd Offlees IN CORONA DEL MAR- Attractive store 12 x -40 l.n new MAH(X;ANY CHEST, sideboard, bldg. Excell ent location oppo- drop leaf table, dre681ng table, Bile All-American Market. $75 aewing rocker, lamps, museum month. pJeces. Har. 2008-M. 68c70 W . ---------. . E. Fisher, Realtor . -~ s'S-Beats;~ r• ••• • Chrysler Engines • Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 COAST ffiGRWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~771 94Uc 18 PT. CHRIS CRAPT llJ><!ed boat. Chrys. Ace. A·l mech. cond. $1450 Ft'ee sUJf ~ental for boat. offered for 11ale up to 28 tt. WLzard A: Rowboat.a for Rent Ken Scott's MobU Marine Dock Ne.xt to F erry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 59tfc WANTED -UM:d, e-xcelle.nt con· fhtlon. med. 1ize paddle boa.rd. Harbor 2171. 70c71 JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory • appro ved Sales and Service Station in the New· port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 53tfc HA VE YOU seen the new 16 foot Wlncraft fibre glau c & b In cn.ii8ef'. lnboard o r outboard. lAtest design. A beauty. Abo 12 • 14 • 1& rt. p1ut1c bait tankll. 110 hp. Mercury Hurricane mo-- tor, prac. new. Raclng prop. 102 E. 18th SL, Coeta M.eaa. Beacon 8662. 69p71 DON'T . Dl!l.A Y. CALL TODAY . . . tor an ad· 1n lha uni, Cl&all· bed 8ect:lon of the BIG THFLJ:E-f- N-TIDI-. -t and tha " OVJ:R :11.600 TION 18 THiii A!fBWJ:RI I ERNIE SMITH, Associate 916 Coa.st Bl vd. Harbor 2443 Corona del M ar 69tfr: STORE FRON'TAGE on Palm St., Balboa. In new Ruby Bldg. bet. Balboa Blvd. and Ocean Front. About 2-400 11q. ft. with 3 front entrances. W ill fin ish to sui~ tenants. :514 E . Ocean Front, Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 3238. 60c 7-I OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, down· stairs location, corner of Paint Ir: E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 2821. 48ltc , 4~Wutted to Rent RELIABLE FAMILY with rt>f£>r· encea. wish 3 bdrm. houSC', Un· furni8hed on year's lrase. Four adult11, one child. Harbor 19· w. 6&70 BAY SHORES -Yearly! Phys!· cian and w ife. 2 bdrm., 2-car gar .• home. B('. 6793. 68p70 WANT -Unfurnb1h£>d 3 bedroom house in C . D. M . Two adults a.nd 2 girls, 10 & 1-1 yrs. Phone evenings, Har. l ~7l·RK. 70c72 Re8Ulta come front constant Practice! An ad regularly in lhls paper will produce resultl'i for you. ~A~en~ .'!_~d H'!,Olle!I TO MAY 1st .. 1 bdrm. cot tag~. Roomy, quiet, C'lean. good beds Ga.r. Owner 1009 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 6&70 W (NT ER RENTALS PENIN· SULA. Furniahl'd 2 and 3 bdrm. a.pta., close to school. Refrlger· ator. Utilities Incl. Avallabl~ Sept. 17th, $1 5 and $20 wk. Ph. Harbor 1270.\V. 81Uc OCEAN VIEW FURN. APT. Pen. Point, sultablt> tor 1 or 2. Win· ter $M Mo. "Ulilltlel!I and gar. lnc. Harbor 2001-J . 64tfc BALBOA ISLA.ND Furn. 3 Bdrm. New. Year le.&8e or winter rent· at Reuonable lo right party. Call L. A. OL. 1088. Mp70 TWO BDRM. turn. bay front apt. in Balboa. Winter re.nlal.. $73 mo. SepL l~ -June l!i. Pbonot Harbor 304. 17c72 THREE BDRM., Z ba\11 tum. hoe. 1'rom. oct. 1 to Jan. or P'eb. 1sl.. 1190 mo. 1.17 Coral, -· bland. 68<70 l!'OR RBNT -Wlntor or ymly. l;O.,,q 4 bdrm. --I ddlm. flu'nblled apt. and 1 --. -apt.~ , ... J. 10cT2 \ , LIDO ISLE Smartly fllmtohed 1 and 2 bed· room apartment. wt.th garage. S.pt. 14 to Juno l~lh. 1 bedroom (tWin bedaJ S7G mo,. 2 bedrms JIOO mo. All utlUll .. paid. Ideal for .chool teachen or prote11· slonaJ people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1600 Newport Roach, Calif. Mille . PRETTY As A ~ICTURE Distinctive and charming 3 tiQr)n. roatlc ranch type home, 2 yn. old. Hail heavy shake root, fireplace, o beam ceilings, large picture wlodowe and la beau· tifully landscaped. One of the Jovelieilt homes lo Newport Heights, $12,750. Homey Small Ranch -3/4 Acre SANDY LOAM SOIL. Ideal for gardening. Lots of room for chickene. 2 bedroom house, double gar. 5 yrs. old. An attractive comfortable home. Well located. Really a wonderful buy, $7,995. BEACON HILL REALTY I 486 NeY.'port Blvd. (above Arche-8) Ph. B. 0713-R or Eves. B. 6632-W Bay Front Income· 8 Unit. completely turn., 70.ft. Bay Frontag-e.. 3 2 bdrm., 2 bath apte and 3 1 bdrm. apt.a. Finest locaUon tn Bay area. Shows good Income. Price S87,50d. Con- etder part trade. Bayshores- View Home New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home ~·Ith fine view of Bay. Betit construc- tion. Fireplace, forced air heat, attractively decorated, lots of tile features, tar~ rooma. Thi~ Is one o f the outstanding floor plans: in th~ area . Price $22,500. $4,950 Down \VINTER or yearly-Balboa Pen· lnsula. 3 bdnn .. hdw. fJ ., tire· place. garage, out.aide shower, laundry room. furnace. thenno controlled, lUe kit. &: blh., new· ly turnlahed. Batchelor Apt., gt.rage. thermu. controlled furnace, tile balh &r: kit. Outside shower. Thl11 ta a honey. BALBOA ISLAND Charming 1 story ranch house with rustic fireplace and exposed rafters. 3 bedrm. 2 baths PLUS a '4.J~w 2 bdr1n. home on Lldo Isle.' Private pal:o, fireplace, furnace heat, bar· type kitchen, gl&M enclo:!!ed tub. F'ull price $1 5, 750. Apartment, extra lg. bdrm., ther· mo. controlled furnsce. Tlle Hhower a.nd k it. &autlful liv. rm., hdw, Cl., garage, out.aide s hower, pvt. patio. Thill ls nice. Cail week ends, 1753 Playa del Sur . 69c71 I 1 ·bedrm .. apt. for guest house. Sheltered patio. . ' Separate bather's shower and dre88ing room. Hot· point dishwasher. $16,750 Furnished STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor ~EA RLY -2 bedroom duplex, un· 1 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 6Pc71 furn~hed. Gar11.ge, Near both • HC'hOOls. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. _____________________ .:.._ ____ _ $7250 For Information Phone Harbor I 1297 ·R. 6 t trc w1NTER RENTAL -PENIN-1 Full Price SULA _ Furnished single apt .. I Clever 2 bdrm. colta.i:e near OCt>an available In Sept. '8 week. Utll. and bay. Sparkling new-Let incl. Adults only. Phone Har· I us prove Ila the best buy in the bor 1270-W. 6lt!c Bay area. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BALBOA ISLAND I BUILDER ~ REALTOR STOP BIG DEAL Brand new 3 bdrm. hon1 e. Hwtl . floors. f1rcplaC'e, well plann('{I, garagP, large lot, good construc- tion. Euy lerm8, full price only $9250 BUY OF THE YEAR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 HoU3C'$ and Apt.a., yearly or 11ea· I------------- sonaL See Gall carney, wltl. 1 55--Mone to Loan NELDA GIBSON :;.:;.....:.==Yc..:c~="'--·----Lovely 3 bdrm. home on Co•l• Mesa'e tnoal exclusive street. REAL ESTATE LOANS For Homes Broadway. Clo.., In . Perfect 308 Martne, Balboa lilL Har. 602 fl '/. -20 yr. Loans condillon, gleam In~ hwd . floor!-!, --------~---6_9_tt_c I CONSTRUCTION LOANS breakf88l are a , nice bac k yard, THREE BEDROOM Furn. House. Large fenced In baC'k yard. Cloae 1 to school. Harbor 32.f5. 69p7.f 1 al 5-511i'fri (14. yrs.) all fenced. l ~ yrs. old- \V E BUY AND SELL NOW· LOOK sE~R~~~ ~:.:;:iLsER $10,500 full price FURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt .. lx"low 141~ COAST BLVD. $2WO down • highway, cloee to ahopplng di11t . Corona del Ma.r Harbor 1077-J G, I. 4•; loan "''Ith pyn1ts. of $~7 in Corona del Mar. $7 5 month I Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. which Include taxes and ins. yearly. Phone 107 7.J or 1 ~20·J. Metro Llfe ins. Fund.a Kl 3·f>180 6&70 $2500 Down ALSO 3 bdrnt. 2 bath. Excellent floor plan. Out.standing colors lhru· out. Forced air heal, fireplace and patio, Loads of storage space and built-Ins. Price $22.500. GREENl~EAF &. ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 31 12 Nt-wpo rt Blvd., Harbor 2552 CLIFF HAVEN T HREE Bdrm. !tnd Den Ranr h Type Horne. Heavy ghake roof. forced a ir heat, 2 baths, lots of tile, lge. dbl. gar., patio. Just completed on large view lot $26,f>OO. Terms. SEE 2362 · 15th St., Open Sun. 1-5 Home -Large Lot -Unobstruct· ed Harbor vlew-2 bdrms., hwd floors. Flagstone fireplace. en· closed barbecue. Large living • dining room facing ~arbor. Fur· nace he.at, dbl. gar. Only $18,000 Shore Cliffs DI;-;( incl Iv£> new 3 bdrm. home, 1 ~ baths, p('ggt'd hardwood floors. Lots or tile a nd many ext ras. Large patib. Cho ice location on \~:ide lot for 'gracious living. $24.500. Corona del Mar ------------I LOANS TO BUlLD, IMPROVJl. BALBOA ISLAND -Furnll'lh£>d 2 BUY, MODERNIZE. OR bdrm. a.nd gara.ge. New. Year REFINANCE G. I . RESALE---2 bdnn. stucco, dbl. gar., R·2 lot. Pyn1ta. On ly On Rt'dlands AvC'., Newport Hght.c;. s:.:-i per mo .. includ. taxes. 4 ".'/,. 3 bdrm. G. I. resale, 1 yr. ol<l . Int. a.nd Insur. Why pa.y rent ? lt'ase or winter rental. Rea.son · We Buy Trust Deeds able to right party. Har. 1123-J . 1 NEWPORT BAL.BOA FEDERAL . 68p70 I SAVINGS " LOl.N ASSN. -------------3333 Via Lido Ph. Har. 1600 FURN. \Vinler and Year Around. Hwd., fireplace. 2-car gar. land· Se(' this, it won't la.st at only scaped, lots of likeable features. $10,500. ~ Payments leSA than rent. $66 1 per mo., Includes taxes and ins. W. E. FISHER, R C'altor-Bu\ldC'r Full price only-'ERNIE SMITH, Realtor Associate • "ISLAND OF LOVE?'' That is what a pretty w.aitreBS in one of our fine restaurants claims -we!J could be.! At leaat"'We think you will fall in Jove with one of the follow- ing:- • A 2 bdrm. • A 2 l;ldrm. $16,500. beach house for only $10,750. beauty · completely refinished, • A 3 bdrm.. 1 V" bath, next door to beach, $15,900. • A 4 bdrm. 2-batb jiome well localed, deco- rated in excellent taste-probably the Is- land's Top Buy $23, 750. We can finance to fit your budget. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor • 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Island, Calif. Phone Harbor-502 68<:70 RANCHO MODERN 2 BEDRM. Shake roof home. 1 yr. old on a lge. lot near 16th & Tustin in Costa Mesa. Price $7950 Smail down payment will handle. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 3~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 69c71 CONSIDER TRADE Charn1lng Balboa Island home in best area. Nol {leY.'. but unusu&lly attractive In decoration and arrangenient -quaint provincial papers and' soft 111ellow colors. (See LA T imes Home section, Aug. 5th I There are three bdrms., large living roun1. dining roon1 and large l\itchen and basement. Two nicely landsCaped lots. Would con· sider smaller home as part pa)·ment. ['refer Balboa Island or Corona del Mar. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 Balboa Blvd. Jlarbor 126.f BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front Home ~ Income Large South Bay Front home -5 bdrms.. 2 1 0 baths, plus 2 bdrm. apt. Finest corner location, Pier and float. Priced to Seil. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine • Balboa Island Harbor' 2462 68c70 Nearly new l , 2, 3 bdrm1 apts .. Bay front, private bt'ach. Auto. wuhera, garage&, mod. Appl. Inq. 4010 River Ave., Newpor:t &&ch. Phone Harbor 2i>62 ·M. 57-Real Estate Wanted $12,500 916 Coast Blvd. Harbor 2443 1--------------------------- Corona del Mar 89tfc WANTED-H OUSE or INCOME. 3tl' aailboat a.a down payment. Value $3,950. Call Mrs. Ahretl.l!I. 3 Harbor 245l·M. 12lfc 1280 Square Feet bdrm .. firt'place, large bdrms., full slae dining room, lge. kitch· . en, pullman tiled bath. 11.000 'I 68c70 Corona del Mar Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar ' Costa Mesa BARGAIN Unflni.shed house. A little work w ill make a nice hflme, large lot. BALBOA ISLAND \Ve have apartments &nd hoUBes- . Available tor winter .euon or yearly leaae. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at Balboa .lolqd Marlne Harbor 2'62 f>9tfc YEARLY UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt. with gar., floor furnace. water softener. Near Beach, $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. H arbor 3277 or Ha.rbor 890·M-64lfc BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAI': VIEW, tum. apt. suitable for couple. Winter, $55 mo. Yearly $65. Utilities and garage Inc Harbor 2001·J. 64tfc TWO APTS. Now available. ALSO t room and bath by day or per· manent. 514 E . Ocean Front. Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 80c74 51-Trailers Trailer Storage $4 per Month Protected by 6-foot fence. TRAIL- ERTOWN, 327 W . Wilson, Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5016·M (approv· ed by Auto Club & AAA) 69<:72 AliiOiiiotive. STATION WAGON -F ord. late "16, beautiful shape. Only tam· ily use. Extras. It you hav£> been trying to find a clean one. you won't be disappointed. Prl· vate party. 542 Fullerton Ave .• Newport Beach. 68lfc ·;g PACKARD CONVERTIBLE- Excellent condition. o ~ I g I n a I owner. Radio, heater, life·guard F URN. 2 bdrm. h.se. L..rge living tubes, electrical clutch windoWB room. Utll. pd. Winte r or year· and St:'Rt, ove'f'drive. See ·at ly. 14o:'i W .. Bay, Newport Sch. 71.f Coast H i~hway or Phone ~;;:;:•r •~· 8&70 I Bucon 8286-W, •venlng•. 89p7l 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion SPECIALISTS Slarllghl coupe. ALSO 1950 Siu· can Dina Crsla debaker Champion 4-dr. sedan L . ood v· k Rlt Private party, Harbor 301. 81ltc mw lC , or. I Balboa la.land. Bar. 20&2 S2c64 '.f9 OLDS. 98 Conv., W . W., radio, -------------j heal('r. I owner car. Carefully THREE BDRM. Furn. House. 1520 1 driven, 519~. Har. 3029·W. W , Ocean Front. Newport Bch .. I 6 8c70 $80 n10. to June 15. Harbor I 23s.a or Alban 3773. 69c?l 195? CHEV. 2-door, perfect con· Y d1tion. Barf'll:,. used. MW!l sell l Only 8600 mile\, cannot beat lb!!; Bay Front Renta S bargain. s12 • 38th SL, New- Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Private beach, port Beach . Ph. Har. 24CM . 70ttc winter $75. Also 2 bdrm., 2 bath, fireplace, Sl2!i. Slightly higher by year. Har. 2M2 or evea.. Har. 2914-)t. 69t.fc BALBOA-Bay _Ave. aJ. attrac. turn. 2 $75 mo. Plue util. bor 327T. " winter re.nt- bdrm. patio, Phone Har· 70c72 BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm. home, un· fu.mlahM, 2-car glU'&ge, large patio. No pe!JI or children, $146 mo. 2141 Kinp Road: Newport Holghta. Beacon 103G-J. 70p72 YEARLY LEASE -Corona del Mar, fU.m1sbed aln&~ apt. one month tree fttlt exrb.anced tor ~eeoraUng. Ph. Har. 0427-MK. 70.72 Il'IV1: RM. -. --wtlll pnp.. N-.. ocaa. IM mo. y~ .... ll lDI • -lit., Now'""' 8'111! fOpTJ ' LA TE '50 Custom Mercury 8-pasa. Coup<., radio. ht"'aler. 0 . D. Prl· vate party, $1875. Box D this pap<r. 70p72 4S·A-Traller i;pace TRAILER SPACE cloafe lo shopplng, otf1 the Hiway, $12 to 116 mo: C&brWo Court, 140 Cabrlllo St .. Coot& MOIL 44-Roonm for Rent NEWLY Docor&ted Roonui, goo'! --Transient double ................ 1 2.!iO kttnthly ____ _::_ _____ :._ ____ $30.0Q Do.lly maid .. .-.tee. 123 • llSlb Newport Beach. Pboiie Harbor 0&411-W. aocH PERMANSNT week. 11 rmtaJ. aleoplnc room. Priftto entrance. o-..., JlO per, -IL Blue TC111 M.oto1, 401 Newport Bhd.. New portllffch -I I __a·mq.s ... are rwt "1 tea+ --·-.to-. -. ' TWO BEDROOM HOME on ONLY $3,200 brick fence. 1 % baths, patio, S~OOO down buys attractive two Bar·b-q, 5 yrs. old . Plenty of bdrm. home wi\h garbage dis· R·2 Lot. Space in front to bu 11 d additional dwelllng. Nice yard, Patio and Bar· bt'que. $9,750. Terms. value. Underprlced at-posal and dl8hmuter. Excep· TWO BDRM., good location, wiU trade for Sanla Ana house to value or $5,500. Might assume small difference. $12,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Ph. Bea . 6698 or Coala Mesa Bea. 5{.§8-J Harbor 3157-W • 6&70 YOU ARE looking for a home, a lot or some real estate. Why not save gas, wear and tear on the body and your valuable time by coming to LIDO ISLE HEADQUARTERS. Her~ we have au lhe worthy.•hlle good listings on LIDO I&"t.E. Stich as brurl new 2 bedroom homes. al8'0 3 and 4 bedroo1n hontes priced to sell. BA YFRONT homes a s well as chaice buildlng Jots both on the waterfront or oft C8J'1 be had at realistic prices. Here on LIDO you have private beaches, -clubhouse. tennl11 courts, sewers, utilities underground and values that are real. COME, LOOK! P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 South Exposure 67c69 A residence location ·hu extra vaJue -Sun.ahl.ne and VleW value -~hen the property faces South or opena nlcel~ to µ.e SoUth from the living areas. We have thue residential lot speclala: Two .eparate view-Iola ove?'looktng l.he h&tbor Miracle Milo .,.... oach priced J37150 . One • la GO x 9l feel, Ofte la all " 1.15 led. Goo'1 -th .... _..... Two 90 " 121 feet lot. on ~th stnel llMt of Oranp Aw, Coota KO-. oach •i4M. • . 9-11•atllarilarN J. A.~ BE!!lK OF'F'ICEi tiona.lly ~ell decorated. Cozy fireplace, large 2-car ga.r., red· wood fenced yard. Full pric_e- $10, 7~. For this and other good buys now SEE TOM PAYNE 310 Coast Hlway, Corona dcl Mar Phone Harbor 2774 6&70 Near S. A. Country Club THREE LARGE BEDROOMS- H uge, Jiving room, thick carJ}f't· ing throughout. Payne forced a ir heating, cheery barbt>que house, ext1·a 111.rg e: garage, cano· pied plant a.rea.a . 'iii a.ere lot fully fencl'd. Curbod driveway. A v0<:ado t re e 11. Outstanding value at $14.,000. Tenns. F or furlh('r d£>lails., Call Mr. Kemp· ton, Harbor 1500. P. A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Channel Front SEE Earl Chamberlain 500 Cou:t Blvd., Corona. del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 -. 8&70 Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bedroom home with fireplace, turn ace, hardWOOd floors, garbage disposal, double garage. $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B . R. Ma.sler B . R. ltx.20 2 bat.ha, large playroom and sho~ 3 car gara&'e. $5,000 will handle Ralph P . Maskey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor •02 56Uc COSTA MESA O\vner has left for good. Fine 3 bedroom hoUl'le. Fenced large Jot, 2-car garage. all appointment&. Your Offer Conetdered FIVE BEDROOM, furnished, 2· For Appointment to See-- story home, float. patio, barbe· HORACE B. MAZET cue, sail boat, corner lot. fire~ 306 Marine Ave. 'place. furn., 5un deck, atlrac· I Balboa laland · Harbor 3028-J live well arranged, e Mily con-_ 59ttc verled to duplex. Full price ts $25.000. Best waterfront buy I E d available. T erms. ''3 down. Il Of Season N. B. c. REALTY co. ' I BARGAIN 32nd ai1d N ewporl Boulevard • • • I 68c70 "You\ house "''ill be sold if R. L -~~e~r:;1;INE ~BROKER _ W. U. PATIOf\', Associate 1807 Newport Ave., Costa Mes!l Ph. Beacon 5320 68c70 Good' Financing 3 bdr(n. P eninsula horn£> on 2 lots. Additional bedroom and bath attached lo 2-car garage. Large patio, completely "''a.lied. Good heat and dl.spogal, excellent fi· nanclng'r 5'if . s21 ,500. 1 Bay & Beach Realty Ethel Shir ley Gloden Fay J . M . Miller Dick Fay 1150 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 68c70 Modem redwood and gla.sa Two bdrm. and servant's quarters. Flagstone and wood floors. Two year8 old. ln grove of trees. Beautiful view of the western hills -in exclusive section -2 m1Je11 from ocean in quiet irut· roundl.ng11. $25,000. Good term.a. 1987 lrvi'ne Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W ' 15Dttc NEW 2 BDRM. BEACH HOME I BLK. T O OCEAN & BAY $7,250" FULL PRICE -TERMS Har. ~2 or Har. 2914~M Eves. 69ttc ' Bay Front Owner says "Sell!" . ' u you'r.e looking tor the rtneal ln JUST COMPLETED Io Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM., 2 bath home on larg<1 80xll8' lot 1860 oq. rt. plus muonry Ja.r&Ke with radio controlled door, hardwood noora. Forced air turnace. Lot.I ot tUe. Completely fettced and lanoUcapod. Priced at J27.IOO. % down C&ll owner H&rlJor 2Nl..J or· aee -at JH llhoncllfb Ro.cl. 8111• DUPLEX -Close to good beach BAY FRONT at a rea.sonable and school. Lower brings eleady price-let ua ihow you lhia0 tncome. Upper -.vailable now. outstanding new 4' bedroom Needs a little work. but u la. 3~ bath pd den pome. Pano- you get a roomy comfortable ramie view of Harbor.. fine home wtlh fireplace and 11pe.ce · sandy beach, pier privilege, to build a large patio. Submit Large enclOlled pa.tlo, too many offers. feature.a to deec:ribe-May we Balboa Realty 0-. Rem Greeley J.-plllne Webb !Jlllad' lilcAdoo 700 IC. Bal-Bl"'1. Sar. ll271 87cetl y.,.., ad ·appjann, ...... alarl¥ In" U.00, _ ... ·wt.a -..------tOl!m ...... $M -al show you ! Price $59,.500. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 25fi2 Newport Heights THREE bdrm, bcKIR on. two 50 n.. Iota with ' 1.1 -~ &Wcado tr.... .Price Jll,000. $-t,000 dn., SM mo. on bela.noe. • SJ:li1 MR& R08l!NBl:RGER, Bay View Hofel, aot PolD!, a.1- , •, 'TlJcTJ cbllTA lllCBA -ill'Oll llALjl: OR RZNT-New 1·--., .~. ftn.. caD OWW'J 9 ID ·~ 1•~ ....,. !4-.' 11-·· . "";-;~:. ""' ~ .. Jll ..... IW" .... .,.. __ -•nss ·-• . . '"",..,.. ... ___ _ J