HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-18 - Newport Balboa News Times• _. > .. ' j ' • • ' • , • ,SCHENEK WINS : tEHM~N· ·CUP ·. ' ' ~ 32 Entrants Vie .. for Top Honors .·in NHYC St'ries '1Y, J-Une Beclmer Bcwl1 Ide ·C•ll! l 1 for lftfJlewoocl Mui ,.., . ' Opera.J.ln&' a boat wltl!Ollt \lie owner'• petml81lon ·&Dd while un· • -der the 'lnfluen~ o~ Intoxicating '"rd YEA" """n...ER 38 FIVE CENTS liquor t<iday cool l:dpr Allen -n--4•uma Knlcht, .Uren.It leedmaG ol Ingle· •---;:--~=:--=~-:::-----(liri:;:;;;lfiiiiii~j;;;;;:i;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;:;:::-::::==: ;::;~k· ~0~nnc;1:~ K~~~ foOtball : Coac Tell Hopes The leaping Lehmana took over Ne.wport Harbo1" Yacht Club lut week~Jld for the eecond ninning· of 'the ir IntemaUonal Champion· ahip series, and as wu gratefully expressed by NHYC Vice-Com· modore Tom Rutter, the coveted Walton '"Hubba.rd Miemorlal award remains for at 1eut one more year In America:{ hands. In fact, thanks to Freddie Schenc'k·a 11uc· ces8ful, if belated, performance, It 8lays in NHYC'a trophy cue un- til next year's competitipn. pleaded guJlly to the two count.a . ,and WU ae.n~enced t.o pay $l~ For Sea·son at L'• M. ti ~~~.~~ly~~:e ~u:l Mmnbtg COD• ions ee ng • Thirty-two of the popular Uttle I ailing dinghies turned out for the 1.>. ..... ~...._ __ .;..,..:;._~_..,;..:.;;"' five-race ser ies held Saturday and S4nday and sailed In Practically every kind of weather except rain. From bright !'lllnlight with a fair breeze to a blanketing fo g w ith no wind and back to a slight haze with a st rong w est erly, gave each •k ipper a. chance t o com pete in "h l11" k ind or W('atbe r. Thl"rt" a re lho~ who are m astc ~ o f gct!!_ng all there i3 out of his or her boat In a drifting ma tch. Tht>y had th<'ir chance in Sunday's sec- ond race. There are otherl!I whose m'aneuv('ring and taCtlcs· se<>m to work bette• with more w ind and a littlt> rougher water. They, too, had thei r opportun.lty. So. when lhe l(libts were In orde r at the completion of t he se ries, one thing no one could bl&m e was the wea ther! ~n DM-pn kd C hic k Rollinl!I, sailing for the San Dif'go Yacht Club, secmC'd to have things' pretty well tied up at lhe close of Saturday's races with two firsts to his credit, but being an old hand at Lehman races, he kne w anylh!ng could happen on Sunday and It probably would. It d id when l"Teddie Schenck ot NHYC, who had .a third and a sixth on Saturday. CaJT\e back Sun- day with a fourth anct--two t ints agansi Chlck'l!I third, eleventh, and a second, to take the series firs t by three poin ts. Ch ick took a serlea second, and last year'!> champion: Darby Metcalf, a series third. In thi.H series a special trophy Is given to the last boat to finlsh wblc!b sa.Jled the entire seriea without default. Thi!!: award wu won thia year by young Bob My· en. .J.r., ot Lido Iale, who wu Jiven fUll ueqtt by ht. competJt.ont for a niee ·t:rx. Tld9 q,.... tint aeuon yr .Ulng and the Lehman ta bl.s ttnt boat. ana. tar from be· tng dlacoUraged. · Bob ( .. Drag· Anchor," a.a .he ta knoam to · hLs trtendsl was eta.led witll thi&. hia first trophy. W ith a year of ex· per ience behind him, and that kind of pluck, Bob will very probably tum in a much different score in next year's championship regatta. Trophy Prmeot&tloa _\t t he trophy presentation, which took place at NHYC afte r Sunday's races, Vlce...COmmodore Rutter, who officiated at the cefr.. montea, a.lao awarded apecial prir.ea t o those with a dally first to their credit. The~1 were Chick Rollins, Bart He nderson and Fred Schenck. In connection with this annual series, an absolute MUST with the compet itors ht the Saturda y night barbecue, held this yea.r on N HYC's beuh. comple te with bon- fire, ukuleles (or anything else Yrtth whJch to make nol.se) and the aornetin1es surprising imJ>romptu e ntertainmPn t which goes wi th an e vent Of tbl.s kind. It the race commit tee thought aome of the Lehma.ns were a little stow getting lnto the water for Sunday's 10 a. m . racf', and wondered at the hoarseness evident In the aaJ.lors' volcea. It was eaally explained by the fest ive aongfest of Saturday night wh ich carried on into the w tt small hours. Juveniles fate H~t. Run Charges Two YoUths, one of COIJt.a Mesa. Wf're booked by city pol ice Satur- day night on h it·run, pedestrian, felony cha.rges. involving asserted injury to two other juvenilea. Injured were Mary Diane Con· le-y, 15, Qf 2710 St.ate St., S&n., ~mardlno. a.nd ~ater "Sid" Sot~ f er ,,. 19. of 11400 Roeecra.na Blvcl. Norwalk. He was treated tor a knee injury at Newport. Emerg- ency Hospital by Dr. Gerald Rauaa. The girl II.loo wu tr.at.eel for leg contUiOl)8. _ Booked for allegedly t:'lnnln.g.the couple down ln 'a Balbo& ·Blvd. croAWalk-at Palm Ave.. were Don Charles Nattra.aa. l'r, of ltl VU-. glnla Place. Coot& M-. wllo told police be w.,. the driver, and Robo- ert Edw...i Holland; 17, of 301~2 Cypftao Aft.; Santa Ana. a -mc:er. . . • °"'1 Randal, 2080 Newport Bi'fd.. LeHoven Leaves Post for Arizona Ed LcHoven, form er ' editor of t he News-Tilncs and th<! Pres:!, l<"ft Saturday morning lo attend the AmC'rican Instit ute for For- eign Tr ade in Phoenix, Ariz. There he will prepare 4or a position abroad. LcHoven is a g radua te ot the UniVcrs'.ty of Wisconsin a.nd prior t o com ing t o t he Ha r bor a rea took post graduate work a t the University of Paris. H e aerv· ed on bot h pa pers for 13 months. At AlFT he w ill . join other Newport Harbor iles, Mr. and Mrs. John All en, fo rmer owners of t he Island Pharmacy ; Mr. and Mrs. Low~ll BarriJ1gton. formerly of Bf"acon Bay. and M Lc;s Eleano r Sherwood, w ho was former ly ('ffi· plo yOO in a Dalboa Island book l!ltorc. ----·- Police Continue Search for Lion That mountain lion reported rt•· ce.nt ly Ih Corona del Mar regions today was the object of a hunt by Patrolman Dean Pollom.• The police offlcf'r , a mif'd wft h a 3Q.06 calibre rifle, conducted a sea rch of the Shore Cliffs area . Hand • size animal footprints bearing im print_, of rabbit hair and bloodstains, 'rere found .. by police In the ya1"$1 of MNI. P . M. WUJlam&. 227 Mornlna: C&nyon Road. Shore Cllffa, J~ Frklay. The print. wr-re a1ao clea.rl7 ~n on ~ lawn of ~ nel&fl.Wt', Dr. Albert l!l, 6tocktotl "' ~ ~ BAY8HORE8 PAIR OP"P'E.B8 REW ARD FOR LOST PIN l...oq of a Swiu--made gold and diamond brooch valued at more than S600 Jut Thurllday, was re· ported to pollce by L. C. Phipp.1!1. 2681 Waverly, Bayshores, Newport Beach. Phipps aaid his wife owned t he brooch. for return of which a reward of $100 1A offered. The pin wa.a last appare ntly between the Phipps home ed 2871 Bay· shore Drive or ln the Babloa Bay Club vlclntty. • . \ Coot& M-, a WI-lo \be act!· !lftl4 told polk:e he • .,, • -Otruce Ille couple. HAI aid tile. 4r!Vtt eot out, opol<e to tl>i pell', U.U .dl'ove oU.' l'l>lke ._u ~ •le.led tllat althoop tbe - ted (""'I 1!1-.,.iilclo. ... t...i. UIM9 Oil addlw10 wMa lie -· • Jlotll H\ltlUO;-M6M -R•-41;' ........ -t1ie • 1 ,.,. at -_ti .. ..-... ,• I Knight, 21, of 11015 Mansel Ave., Inglewood, wu apprehended early Sunday momi.Og at the Mo- bile Marine Dock, Balboa., by How~ ard Oen .. hauaen, Harbor Depart~ ment employee. Knfght, p o 11 c e reported, wu ope.rating a boat owned by Dal Orettenburg, 15-51 M iramar Drive, Balboa. After re· port edly seeing ftnight'• boating efforts ..-..nJ the craft into a float and other boats, I>enghau.sen got a tow o n the craft and turned Knight over to police. CAR EQUIPMENT STOLEN Theft of automoblle equipment. clothing' and tool1 Saturdtty night from his car, stalled In dirt east of thC' Coaat H ighv .. a y Overpau. wa.s report~ to police by T om Be1Jn, 12Z !\"ort h Pritchard St., Fullerton. Football coaches of the Oraqge coast area high 9Choolal and col- le1e were gueata,o~ thf' Uona clubs of·Coeta Men., Ba.Ibo& Bay, Hunt- ington Beach and &aJ Beach at a jolnt meeting of Ute rour clubs at the Coat.a Mesa Women's club lut Tueeday night. Dr. Basil H . Peter90n prcalded6--------------- over the program while each roach Introduced hla uabitanta and pulled out the "crying towel" to forcut a tough scuon ahea~ Newport Harbor hlgh's varsity mentor. Al lrwln, ta..bbod thi.a year u: a "building year" u he revealed the fac t that the Tan have only 11 l'lenlon on a sQuad ot 41 and only six le:ltermeii. to pin any hopea; on for a wlnnin( year. • • · 'h4un Spirit Jll&h H e cited the fact that h e bu never coached in an area where the t f'an1 spirit "'a.s greater than at Newport Harbor and atreued the fact that thlll aplrlt may pro- duce a few wkta .for hia "pea- gre:ens." Irwin tabbed 'Huntington Beach a.s the darkhorR of the league with Fullerton ln the driv- er 's chair for the fifth straight year and Anaheim In close. Ed Goddard, H tin l Ing ton Beach's new coach, •xplained that he wa.a unaware of hla team'a po- l•ntial, but understood that he had a fine club with which to start his first year. Goddard comes to the Oilers from Fullerton Junior (Conti.Du~ on~ ?age 5) OROllND-BRl:AJUNO CEREMOSIES for the milllon dolla1' Boas Mf'tnorlal Rosplti.I la.st 'J'hW'Aday saw th.ree &"t:neratlons of the Hoac family putJclpat:lne alonc wtth a couple of drl,·tnc forces for ttte hcopltal'• helq', City CollllCllima Dallao Blue, left, mllde Ille orl&iml hoopltal project -lbl• by hi• cut price -.le of tbe !0-acre a.I~ ror t-be ~Ital; Georse Gr.nt Hoag, .Jr. Ria rnothf'r, Mrs. OPOr&"e-G. HMf. donor of the half·mlllion mrmori&I to her hnWi.nd: Harry Welch. determlJlf'd apearhead ot the fund-ralaJns cam.palp. In the N"'4-port Harbor area. ,_nc1 Georse-Grsnt noa.s m, who wtll lft, hl& pandta.U'M-r'&. mtmortat rt&P. c Newa~Tlme~ Photo) ( ........... 0 Ir) -. . ' • ' ' .;< • ... ·-:,:_~~ • _ ..... .::...s DIVIN(} APPA:R'.&2'U8 .. ehec eel by Robert Gormaa. dl,•er Wnder, left, and Ste\•e Harrhon, dJ\'U, both of Lons Beach, aboanl Tnwtweln Bros. 50-foot barce off 1'"ewport BMcb... Harrison. at de.ptba up to 70 fttt, place. drill plprr· and esamJnee Miid cornlnc up from %0-foot deep teet bole• beinc dog' u .underwater 11un'ey OD proposed outfall ~we-r llne. Hoag_ Hospital Launched by Big Ceremony Three generation.a of the Hoag family participated In the ground J?resklng ceremony held at the Hoag Memorial Hoepital, Presby· t erian, Thureday at 2 p.m. Taking part In lhe spade work wu George Grant Hoag, .Jr., vice· president ot the hoapll&l board, who was aul11ted ln the task bx hi& IM>n, George Grant Hoag Ill, wbQe h1a mother, Kra. Hoag, Sr., handed hlm the shovel -.nt along for q,e Job ~Y 1 t.be HoUywood P""hYtertan lloop!l.al. \ . With ... !ue_~ .... 0$~ on_ ihe"""'ili.4. oftr~ _ " aa.-. :r..,. A, .at-. Jr., prMl , dent of the bo&r4. ape.ned tbe p gn.m with a ~ tcw & pl"ll,.er tor bleulns• on the project. Tbls waa given · by Rev. Raymond I. Braham.a of l...&guna Beach. Anet the prayer, the chairman called on Braden Finch, a bo&.rd mem- ber and alao a member of tbe Newport Beach city council. to outline the ' growth of the hospital plan from the ala.rt alx yeare -a.go to the preaent time. In his talk Finch called attention to the awarding of a contract for $1,· 100,000 to Means & Ulrich of Santa Ana and pointed out that work already started and wu well under way. STEEL DZIUU(JJ< attached te Tnutw ... ·-M-foot "¥&<> la t.ow to new locMlo .. for toll te&ttac survey 1even.I "tboun.lantf\ f eft, off abore. Derrick la lowered t.o deptha of 10 feet and placed on· oceu 'floor llO drtD pipe with lte 110ll-ecattertac' waler pft.MIU'e jet mm bore le-foot Cf!t!t holes.. (Newa.-Timea Pbotoa) TEST . DRILLING · ON SEWER OUTFALL LINE __ SHOWS · SAND Mr. Finch waa followed by Rev. 0 . Scott McFuland of Santa Ana. who directed the 1945 Hos· plt&I Fund Drive in Orange coun· ty.._ Thia drive tt.Wted in· ra.ialng about stx hundred thOWl&lld dol· Iara by public aubecrtption. lnclud· Ing $100.000 from Glenn L. Mar· tin of Baltimore, fo~erly of Orange county. Dr. McFarland told of the atruggles for flnancee and how the Martin gifi had: gpurred the campaign effort. Or. McFarland sugg¥ted to the au-More than 2000 feet of the 7000-foot. long proposed_, outfall 5ewer dJence that the ·present 75-bed line route oft Santa Ana river jetty already have been surveyed for lnatltutlon might 800n prove In-ocean floor eoll formations, Raymond R. Rlb&L chief engineer and adequate. He anticipated-great general manllger of the county sanitation diStrict, announced today. success for the hoepltal as l!OOn Crew membellll!!i aboard the Tr!i-utweln Bros. 50·Coot baqe a.re . aa completed and opened. He noted busy moving ~e marine contractors' 7Q·f0ot steel derrick along the the county would be lnvtted to sewer line'a offaliore route. At<>---------------ralse. funda for the fuml3blnga and equipment td cost about $260, ... apectflc locatiOf!B., the derrick is year to complete. It wUI be of 000 and said this should prove no lowered from the barge to the 78-lnch diameter concrete pipe ha.rd task now that money for the ocean. noor where dlven place the wtth flexible jo!nts. entire building program wu Jn 2·lnch pipe and lta 1 %:,-inch jet I Pre.sent underwater drilling h d for drilling operations. The drill teat.a will take from 10 daya to ~drman Murdy tELan aev-pipe i8 lowered lnaid~ the derrick two weeks to complete, Ribal t.r1l county men.. offl -and frame. • aald. When they are-finished, more othen for help and e ln Ualng water under high pres-onaho~ depth tut. will be madt!. ett th sure, tbe Jet drill tests the ocean WhU~ theme are undertaken, hi.a g lng e program under way, bottom formation.a to a depth of n.am1ng Hon. WWia Wamer,. 20 fe.!t. Dan H. Boom 11 super· office will .tudy findings of the eh&llm&n of th• Board of Super· intendent ot the project. =e=-~~~~~ :!:~ vtooro; Supel"riaor. ,Heinz Kaber ,_ _ ot the local d~rlct; Rood 11uper:· T .. ta _,..,t~ry tot p...,. and opecl!icatlona will 1ntendent · Sprenger wtio MCUftd SLAtve Harrison, diver of Long be Ie;_ ·to • private consulting en· the road to the Bite; aild WUllam Be&ch. reported to a News-Ttmea gfneerbq" 1trm, ·he said., Bids wtU Cagney, .l!to P•• the . land -tor crow· vlo!Un& Ille ahUtlng oceQe bo called for on the outfall aewer the road. ~ libell of New· ot operation. that t .. ta :through line after plaiio and opecltlcalloaa part Beach and city Enpeer ) laat Friday had Prod/'<ed only ""' approved, he added. ' B. Webb were thanked for mU<h hard-packed, w1'Jte luncL 'Olla U.,.. i.o be llariod belp . tnd the water dllitrict makel for "inucb eqler ~~8; The line trill be buried ro? aboUt • lJlrou&'h It.I agent. Arley 8~. be aid. lh&Jl rock.I orj _... • · 3000 feet bthltoho. ht -i>lalnecL .,.... lbank-4 tor a Fporary wa· gumbo mad. ' : . ' 1 Tbe -& <000 fttl will be ter IAIPPl7'· I A .veteran of i!early_ +O yeara anchored fltnily hy·p\Un& ot large It ri.,.. llolq t1me1 tor the actual Of. ~. • .~· 1" alded by 1toneo ·around It to kl'<\> the huse ' --. <if ·the ........,., CJWi-ftobert <lqirlnu, ~ tender, aloo ..,Wer frotn. lhlttln&'-. . , llai'dJ eallod ..,... Judp Gal· o1 Lons B,.di-~ A"ndt,., . RJ~ ttport.d u.at th• wbole -of. Ille. HolhWCN>lf Preohy~ the ~ Jlaoit and rad., _.,,.wl'f. project will be comple~ .. soon twu boopllol ·IOI pr..,.t the, caUon wtth."'" di-. peepeot div·, u .J>-il>le .t"°""1n&' lta lalUal -~ a (lift tr.<· Ille Ho117W'<><>d' hlK c:all..I ·for -ta ot 70 feet ltai1.. - --"nllo -· -· -~ ~ ~ ~ Kid, • Fando for,the •Imp line -er. ed.: to Mn. Qwp 10. ffoo&', ~ i.r tOUllil • t;lolllllilY·1 bet-on voted tn. l!<md J•""' ~~ &y called ..,... llif -.10eoop o..nv lllPl4' r-~ '~•.n ~ .<ommia.ru...· Tiie llMir. Jr. to --· 1111', lioq llrillloat rcOIM Ille-. boaidir· ~ ---;..t. did tllllii, a -........ lldo .-lie ~1111 cild -fall ·llj>e. ..... ,..,. •tdeto f-wbldi "' --.. .. -e , -'""' -s.. -.... '"' lo ... llCtlftl7 • 11it.nMio4 .. Ula ~ lhll'!' Mn. Ula liMIUIJ }i_:.:,:u. <rt .. ,_,eta ~ - --~'t(c'lijiOlt Bll)dl, Coot& ... -.. .... "· u. .. .It ... .-........... -. ...._.. Buell, ·- -... Clor d Cll..t ..... ID. .._ 'l'w: •O ~l'c ~-01uii11it; &-I .... 11 at lli 1 11 •• WFlff Sil l r-IMll tllll ....... illC: ... r-. "JlllJll I*' T•»tn-..1 .. -·111' 7 ....... _ ... ~<II s~• ". -' " ........ dlllt l!*t.pila-........ tao • ,, .. to Qr' '• --~ ....... .sun,. JI ............. ,,., tc•f If• fl9i'I> ....... }OJI~ J 111" f'•"t ~ T'"'·· ' t < • I • • • ' ,_ ' . ,. 1 ' • •. 'I 1 - • ~ • • ,, . • 1 '. .• ·I • ' • ' ·' I • I ' • • ' 2 , • • ' • NEWPOIT BAL I • • MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, sOdety Editor ._.. . .., -....~-..-,..."'"""' .. ' ... ...,.....,. .... _.....,., __ ...... ,,, . .,,,.,.....,...,.~,'"""'7o'.ll'...,. ..... 'Wlt"tf : Women ol Moose . ocal Methodists . ·Attend Rally - to •n•1t1"ate Forty harbor area Methodl•ta -I from Christ ChUl"Cb by the Sea., · Balboa bland Community Motho-New Members dial, and Coote M-Commlllllty At lhe regul..fr m eeting of the Ne-,vport lk>ach . Won1en of the- MOO.. Chapter lJM, '111unday evenlnr, Sept. 13th, five appUca· tlofte tor m r mbenhip wPre pre- •.n.l.ed a.nd ballot&! on. These . ~Uve n'ew me_mben, to · be lnitJated the evening of Sept. 17th, arP, Mn . Mabe-£ L . Bird. MNI. :r.fan. \Jel Rodrigues, Mr& Shirlet' Miller . Mn. Della K ftlly, and Mr1. Ethel Oate.t. &eninr Recent Wlnilred Randel will repreaent the chapter at the rn~tinp of the Balboa lmprove- . tnehl A.&lnclaUon, aA a rc1tult of a Church attended the Oranp Coun· rlY Methodllt UnJon Uld MluJon· ary Rally Lut wetik-&A SU.ta. Ana'• Ji'1111t Methodist chuh:b. ' .... Rev. Edward Erey of National Cit)'. di.ltrlct director or eva11ge-· jam, announced the comlnc or the United Evange.118tlc Adnnce-thla tall. Mias Elaie .Fania ot Loni' Beach, a member of' the boa.rd of foreign mlulooa ·or tbe Cohan:aa· Uonal Chui-ch, wu lhe prtnelpal apeakPr: ------·. Teacher's Institute 'Held at Mar Casa let.te-r received rrolm them outlln-Fifty teachert1 ar,ad .upervlaon in( thPtr planA for lht" beautlflca-of week-day Chrt.Uon •ducatlon t~ of Balboa Boulenrd. clusea throughout SouthMn Call- Junk>r Graduate R r gent Aliet> fornia were In attendance 'at tbelr Andt-non will represent the chap-annual teachers' ln1tltute thla lut ter at the September 24th meet-week at Balboi l.aland'.s Mar Cau.. In« ot lhe Orangr County Soclf'ty The institute was under the ~­ tor CrlpJM~ Children ·and Adults. to r&! direction of Mn. .Wallace Junk>r Rel'ent ·c 1ara Leach rr-Frasher . director of ChNt.ian Edu. ported that the Sahl& An.a chap· cation of the Southem California ter of th• Women . ot the Moose Couneil of Proteatant chUTche-•. hu oonlActed ~rr regarding plan.a The cl•Me• are held one hour a for match games bet"'<"en their week In many Southern C&lltomla bowling teams. Match game!! are communltiea where .the puplla &N' also pJannt'd betwt>en the La.di<"•' rt'leased by the public 11ehoola for and men's t eams of the Moose a week.ly period ot rellg"loua 1.n- Daw--lins League. atructlon in the ta.ith ot their own p haplaJn Alice Young has asked choice by teachent 11upported by tor volufltef'n to help wtth the sale thf'f r own church: Lar11er commu· o f..-the articles at the bazaar to nitlea usually provide a choice of ~ hekt Sunday, Sept. 30th. and 1 P roteatant, Cathotlc. M o rmon, at.to reque1ted that u many of Chri&tlan Science an d Jewish t~ itema u poulble bf-turned cla&le8. In • to her by the next meettns, Se)>l. 20th. It Is felt that th1A ba,sa•rwill bf-very AUcceut\11 Crom th• reports _o f ·the varloua mem- beh and the amount ot work be- lni done by them . &enJor Rt-gent \Vlnifred Randel announced ritual pract ice for the Sef,t. 20th m tttjng, and urged all membe-n to attend. At_ t"e clOSf' of the me-ettna publicity chairman Alda Gorton, who was social chairman for the evening, introduced the game of "Fifty," with .the result that Sen- t inel Elsie King won first prize and her elater. Argua Myrtle Hum. ~ phrey, won .se-cond. '-rs. Gorton then llel"Ved home-ma e cookies and cofftt. ------- BOAT and STEAK BROIL More than the steaks mil'hl have been burned 8'9lday nl1ht on board tbe Observer, docked at Udo Pi!nlnsula Ahipyard.s .... A char- CO&I ~roile fiad It• contents of live &Cfldentally spllle-d on, the d . Engine No. 3 from the Newport fire atatlon went to the re9C'Ue· but found everythln1 under control. The ·boat aoftered llttlt or no damap. RIDDLES HERE • • ... 1 . . • • .\ ~fR. ·uo M'RS.0.JOIL~ Bf::WLEY ALLis a.i ~,. ;, ta.dr wPddlnc party. Lrfl to rtirht. fn •nt "°'"• ..,... Mn. ilun.r. Chara· holtn, Mn.. Robrrt Thon1pw>n. ~•~. Jl)lm Alltn (CUol llober1). John Bewley Allen Takes ' Bride in . Episcopal Rites at Whittier ' .• ..... , ' loo .. • • 'I . i " • . •• .. . ' ' ' • • . . l • , .. '\~ : . -. J. : c • . . . •• "~ . \ • ,. ' - .Mr. AIWn. MlM &-tay A.u,.a and MS. E\.~ Jotdu. ta ,....r row, Wtt to ript: ~11,·,.r ~tf'r, l>r. Robfort Tbompaon. T~ Kottt" •Dd Harold Pip« · I Andy CUmnlinp Studio} 'Latin Revue' to Open Ebell Club Season 1 Miss Mary Birth to be fall Bride Days or golden S,ptember sun·®--------------Opt>nlng mt-f'ling of . tht' Ebe11 ahlne ln Mexico City' e.nd A capulco and 1'1frs. Mirgan-t Harvey or club of N"¥.-rpor,t Beach will M Orl1tnaJJy planned for early wUl tong remain tri the merpory of Montebello. October 4, at 12:JO o'clock at lhl' September, the wedding of Miss Mr. and Mra. John Bewley Allen, 0 t t •-1 ,.1 ded ~-Ametlcan Lesion hall. A luncheon Mary Patricia Bjrch and Charles ,. u o town guelut n"1u ...._. · ·~ Drescher Cron.ee"y. Jr. will be held :::=========t:===:::===·>:·==:·:=:·=;:=====4~·i•:r-n~.~~~· lrun~)'.r~~~;tm~~~~~ and Mrs. Ho.ward \Venrkk. Mr' wllJ ~"'followed by• buaineu ..._ later \n Ui'e ·rill. .:...1..'..:~\;Iy ''fri c>Cto-' t nv VJ"""VV OWfnt'tn and M,. Lar~ ~.n~ck a.nd 1:'00.. alon and .a p--at 2 n:-bl. "A ..,.._. -• ._, •i c-1 £.c-· •va·-·· ,.... Mr or early November. ntne• or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riddle have been eojoyinl' a vacatM>n on litUe Balboa· Ialand ~cently. Mr. Riddle-is the Coll~tor of Internal Revenue .. Los Anselea.. U-DllVE CIUISW ROW IOATS e OUTllOARDS e Lll'E BAIT e TAOKLE • !lnmll -Laaaeltloo~ ELLIS IOAT RENTALS ! t Rlway Newport Beach PIL lluMr !Sl5 • AT SOUTH E,.°'m OF llA YSRORE llBIDOE • ~ ' • PlaM J,uilfuolJ011 TERESA 'RENNER '. (Mrs. A. Renner) Coneat PlanJat of Three Contlnent9 Grad11a.te Student of Bela Bartok ' : 1136 Serra Drive • Corona Highlands - Harbor 1171.J Corona del Mar • • ,. age on Sept. 1 in St. Mallhlu nett Wenrkk or san Mateo. M n . Latin Revue" will be" the ~ter:. Episcopal church. Hlli HuUngs and Oumey Newlin tatnment feature, a ccording to the bridep-oom, eon of Dr. and The bride la the former 1'-tl.s.!' of Lo!! 'Angeles. all C'olillns o( the Mn. R. L . Allen, program l'halr-Mn. Cha.rle. D. Cropsey of Ruth- Carol l..et' Hoberg, daughter of brldegroon1. man end (lrst vier-president. erford, N. J . ne-cea1tatl'<I the po1tt- Hennan H. Hoberg of Whlttif'r. l..oeal Gue111l'!t ponement . The bridegroom ls son of another F , Eb II J ThE' beautiful and talented brlde-rnn1 Newport Beach "'eJ'e Mr. • prominent Whittier family. th,. and Mrs. Eynon S . V.'hitr of Shore ·e Un1Qf$ elect is the daughter of Mrs. Flor-:~liea~l~;sit;h;a~:~r:':~~n~~e~ c;lffs. t.o whom fhe wedding wa. .. Opening Tea ~~~o:.at=~~~~~. ~~l:~~~c;elofM~ Balboa Island. " spt>c1al Importance for Mr. a.nd the late Col. Thomas Howard \\'hile had. 26 years ago .se-rve-d •~ r It Birch, former UnltPd Stote• Min· The ~-Albert E . J enkins. r('C· be!'ll ml\n al the wedding .of the nfonna I Y \Viii keynote the tor of the church, performed lht> brldf'i;TOOm 's parents; also Mrs. flrt1t fa.IJ meeting-of the Ebell club ister lo Portugal during President double ring ceremony, the bride \V. P . Dnrkee and Robert Durke('. Junio rs, according to Mn. Arthur Woodrow ~'ilson's admlniettation. being given In keeping by hl"r MrJt. Joseph Cobe-rly, Mrs. St_>lwyn \Vhlt<'. J r .. chairman. Thi! will be 0,·lyn 8hhecr 1.m9 o0tehscere'sndsc;dde fro 0 fmthtehela 0 mr: father. Floral backg-round ~ns a Grahain and M and Mr• 0 o. 1ne>mbershlp tea and fashion r. · eorgt' h th h 'I w E ··'"nal foundc•rs of '"'aterbury. myriad of lovely bl o.ssome In bridal Yardl+'y Jr ll 1 ... ,~-•·-I nd 8 QW at e ome or " rs. . . e· "" ' ·· a 0 ......,.--.u. 8 · """ h 9 ah C Conn. and .alllO or the n. Gaule Nhit(', carnations mingling with From Udo la.l e We re Mr. and .. ·~ er. 14 o ore llff on Sept. ~ Il lies. gladioli, larkspur and asters. Mrs. J . Addison Gurley, and Mrt1 . 27. Styles will be t1hown by family of France. • with n1aidenhair fern for contrllllt. Gurley had been hoetest1 at 8 Lorne'e of Balboa laland. A deft-Mia Birch te known profeulon- Magnolia Jeavrs tied with white lunch('-(ln for Carol at Balboa Bay nlte community welfatt progT&m ally both in California and.Hawaii, bows mar\ted the center al81t> and club prtor t o the wedding. it1 planned by the group tor the. as the det1igner. Paige Hall, creator ta ll while tapers In candclabrn Friends of carol's from Step-coming year. -·· ' or beautiful and exclusive gowns cut their soft light on the scene. hena College who , wen preae.nt and a~euoriPs. Carol was loveliet1t of brides In F.B'ELli BOOK SECTION She waa recenUy graduated were lhe Ml.uea Cbria C&Jrna. A tt-View ot Leo Tolatoy'e "War from th~ American Institute tor her gown of white Chantilly lace Sherryl Trainer and Jo Shaw.-d p .. will~ 1 b B )Ver ·heaYy satin. Lace appliquc LI I an eace U'C I" ven Y· un· Foreign Trade at Thunderbird tt e Pamela Buhm, wearing 8ter Creely, well known In loc.a1 F'Jeld, Proenlx, Ar'-·na. She It! tdged the net yok~ or the fittr<l a trock fashioned. after that or 1 h ,._ E'-U ~ bodice and long sl •• v •• ended In h litr rary circ ea. w en uec U'C pre.enUy with the Trana-Ocean t e brlde't1 attendant.a. ""-••...A I b Third Book' o--tl · •-t--.... c u ~ . on mt"e...., Air Llne1 In °--Francl•co u head poinU over tll:e hand.a. The CUii C?Ut lo guest.a small net b&p of Oct-~ 11 -d '" will ~ .klrt W ... n tr.In. and the luu.lon I ~r . & 1me an p-ce of a new tmportlnD' dlvtaion. C.r· r ce to toea at the juat..weda u be ed b --M M hall • veil waa · held -..dth a .Juliet cap of h I r th • •nnounc Y ~•. · an l'O plane1. returning from Saudi • •• •• _ -~· t . ey e t on elr weddtnr trip. M:ul'ph.y, Jea.dt:r. Ar&~----• other countrlea b~-. lace. She cu:ned white orchid• The nPW Mr. and Mn.. Allen will U1& &nu • u•• - and atPph&no_!-ipbn a prayer book, be at home in Clattmont. wh'qe EllELL PR.a.-.IN NORTH I back unuwa1 fabrics. From theae i: •• • • •• •• • ·: • •• •. • • • • •• •• '· • • • •: • • • :-• .. •• • lhat111aa.1tlhl ' ·: FlllllLY •t to •••nll -, ,.,,........ . ': St•ttlll•~ eltt•f flit f.:lt r•• •ttt ..• rbey Hem ·~ more neighborly and e .' !'o·ra!k ro. Se•rt' 'I ...... '• tllt •rifer, sincerely i tetesred ii! ~ut.co111Corr and •• • l ,,• ..,jo•menr. S1•1¢lzt-·-·--more-ofteo t I ' '.i · • · more p!KeS cbao aay ocb« Unel way. S 1• i 1' •'A let '•' '• ... .Mllltf ... espo;d•U,. lA (all ,_jib Dariin ui,or'~ &I bat. S1•rt"1 ••II I .. "Hih., ioo ;<. ,. • •• • --n.•pead ie.. b1 Gt., ....... 11 , ..· -"' -• .I. • • • • ,4 • '" • .,. • S1m1t' I .... , .. •t' P• .. Wet .......... s i's· an. tr.. x;:;r:::: ..m: .. • · :::-:u::::r· ... _!..fa Ol6r •• , .. ' ----· .:'~Wg!~ .:. .. :-= -::aaz':• =-··1'. ~ ::: •• • •• • .. •• . ·~ ., •• •• .~ ~ .,.._,.._,,.,JW..lli:a ·ir •'*••rsr -• ,_,.._ ...._ c. e, 11111.Ulomll ""' 1 . . .. -. Caflt "".. ~ ..... , .• - • • this carrying ·out the traditional the former b attending Pomofta Mn. C. M:. DMltlna, Ebell club tKiaa Birch ·crea.te1 gown1 which ~·IOmelhlpg borrowed:" it wu Colleae. He la a Kappa Delta. president, left Friday for North-~U be taken to •ll the ruort loanffi by Mrs. Roy Beahm, clOM? , Both the yoimg people were •ern CaJlfornla where ahe will c1u .. of the world . friend of" thf!. family. F o r adorn-graduated trom Whlttie-..r HICh spend aeVera.l weeka with her IOft Mr. Cropsey WU gradua.t~ ment she wore a 8lngle strand ot 11ebool end lilts. 'Allen attended and dau(hter-ln-law, Dr .. and Mn. from Kent ·Preparatory achoot. pearls, gift of the bridegroom. Stephens Colle~. Duane Deakin&. K~t. Conn. and at~nded. Wllll&JM Bride's Attendant• ----------------------~--><--college, WWilUlatown, Mau. lie Mn. Robert Tbompeon. t1lat rr ot the bride, preceded her down the ai8le as matron of honor. Ht>r hoop 1klrird gown was or American Beauty red nf't over taffeta. The mug lapdlce wu atraplea and had lt.s own attached atole while the «lrt wu a froth of lien. White :arnatJona were caught in her !Oronet of Amerjcan Beauty net sad her bouquet wu of 1lmlJ&r carnatlon& Bridel:ma.ida W:tte· the Mtuea Belay Allm. {al.at.er of the brlde- fl'OOJft I, Evolyn Jordal. or Whlt- ':ie.r and Kra. James CUrnhobn :)( PuadenL The.tr tiered net 1 • hoelta d.UpUcated that of the ma· tron, or honor in detaJ1 but were l >f lime .,...n. Their Dowen we"' tJeo white camallona. _ Ted Koeeger of Indio Jent bHt man -and cue.ta were 11eated, ~ ~Olrnr P eur of· Burlillpme, Dr. itobelt Thoropoon 0( Wll1Wn-and.. Harold Pl~r of """ MpleL . w__,, muo1c ..u ....,.. by Da.td loll--. . ou.,·.....- A SW*• •«eptiota at tlM'- of ·llle ...,..... f*Uler -u.. ... Oft «DCllllit.7" WlUt; Mn. Allee nnh'· ,. ....... _,, __ ~ ..._ wttla a =rwn ... ..-tna ----·a--• tits · 04¢ I Q! ¢ .. i& U.. ........ .._ ... .._. .... , .... s••mrr ................ of Loe Aza 1-.-. IMkD•-1111'4 --·-·••t•• ......... • la . alao a graduate of Amerlc&.n lnltltUtJ! (or J'oretgn Trade and will atU<ly for' hi1 de.,ree at Stan· ford Unlnraity be.f,ore enterlna the Anned For.:ea. • · , He ta a member ot Delta Upjll!M fra\ernlty; Williams coUe1e Cb.ap- t.or, and wlllle at T!IU..,S.~blrd J"leld wa. a membPr of the Pro- pellor tlub. He ma.J<!Nd l'1 lanfU· ace• and forelrn trade.. • $olden Wedding for Mesa 1 Couple . n • lhmda)' wu a pl& day at mi· Ncltle aftDoe, Soot&~ -l'r· and llfn.. Waiter AJ>on1 ,...., . ~ ftbol~ goldo!a ...-. ~;..u,;,J... f...,;.a far ud -but_. ..... ...-jo)illol -. -· -----t "' t•~r. Colo. Mn., atenett ~• a. -of Mn. A'-d -.......... --...... pla«e ... (llloe. -wtll iesawda for bro W! lb • Q I di • ·•qab "Ud ............. t ,,,. •• 3 ..... c1eoor-.. t Ill• rr1mr Ollr .. ,,... 111 , ... Mt , ............ -Ille •• ''" ' .Jl'lt• -·-· --. . . D•\ • ....,,. ~ d11 a'.llw.., u. eoe 111, ...,.rtll tM ,.,, ... --• . ... tw a.,.._, ...... o..r-•..-* ot Rt•ecstae.-..... • fnm._Jlswpwt BJn+ .._ Mr. ......,. -· --1111 -· ... ........... , .... . Mr. ... Jira. Rall1rt R :•a el .... ... · .. • ' • • • • • l ' • .. ' t TAKE DOWN THESE MEASUREMENTS! A reasonable down-payment . .. . and tailor-fit payments to follow. These are the measurements for your Home Loan nt NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL. Yes! A home of your own is cwjte within reach. Red tape is at a minimum . service is prompt. Come in this week for friendly consideration! WE'VE A PAY-BY-MAIL PLAN NEWPOR.T -8NJJOA FEDERAL SAVINGS L'" /I .A • t• . c;.c..-s...._n."'..e<•A s• • I rs . P.A. PAldll • "-· ""8•MllT ' :!I , ~JJJ (io 1,Jtlo .. Newport 6fllelt.. ! C.liforni4. ' ••• THE WILTON HOTEL '• LONG ·BEACH ' J'?.. #..,lo .... t»'~-f<Ma ..... kt/er .... ""'sate fl,,,. /I you bolup~ ~you-. . .... H a,·e Y.ou c\..U had the .feelin g t~at ~~u'rc 11ot qttite n:rt ~fa fami liar telephone nu111l>cr \'O re abot1t to call: .. E"'..:cn 1-he nl1n11r of a fric~d <,!U call quit.c ofren? Your mcmorv tells ·ou it's J 19R. Or is it 3189~ The best \vay tO settle it 1 .to look u~1 nu111l1c~ before \ you caJ]. ~u'll ~\·c til)1c~and avotd th~ dcla)· and c:mb:1rras..~11C11t o, ha\-ing a str:tng cr ans\\'CT 1£ your mcn10rt trick~ you irito getting an incorrect nun1ber . ' ... ' • \ Mr""*~~ . ·i :S,_.,w~you,givcthci~~rthc ,. -..t-tow:Dr:e~nwnbcryouwant nrhtr thl1i just tlie name and ' addreos of the patty yoaarc _ collilis· • ciu'Ji ~only ave your rime •.• but-calling by 11""*1' Jlldtl'5 bettu service foe -' eYt;E)'Ol'C. especitlly now when ,,. .~lina..-e,carryitiJ"6amy•1•• • ' indumiol llld -, c.1"- (ij ~ T·~-·~ .· , .. ·,...iv•-.• ii9 ' ,::-. • ' ~ -,~ • • • • • -· • -\' .'• • I Tuesd•y,Sept~.~18~;~195~1~,~~__:_;_~~~·:~:__---,-___,.~~~~~.:.._~~-·-·~N~EWPO::..:_::;:RT:...:,:,BA:.:=LB=O~A:...;..N=Ews.::;.:..::~~~~=ES=·~·~~~-;--'~ . ..,.,.__,,,,..--;..,,......,,......,.,........,~-:-:-:--...,.,.,.--=-~'-~. '--=;-rP··~. -=-:---,,~~~-:--7.'-~- HARB.OR SOCIAL . EVENTS Ebell President ' fi~l • ---·~-~~~~-Outhnes flans C ·11 c· le Lady Lions Open ap1 a ire Fall Season for Club Year Qpening Program Capilla Circle will have Ila ttrat mttUng o f the fall. seuon on Wed- neaday, Sept. 26th at 11 :4~ ln the Community Congregational church. The devotlooa will be h eld In lbe Mnctuary and wUI be ·Jed by Mrs. George Lewis. Lunc heon wW be served In Pil- grim Hal• by Group One, and res- ervations ma.y be made with Mrs. M~t.a Nel80n~ha.lrn1an, at Harbor 2071-W. ~trs. Oliver Campbf>U, \Vomens' Gift chairman request...s that all members bring their W omens' Gifts or Mite Boxes lo this meet- ing. A very lnterC'.sllng progT&m has been arTangl'd. Miss Pauline Bab- b!tt will speak on highl\ghl8 of the Student Summt>r ·service Caravan apoN!Ored by the California Con- gregational Conference. Abo, a youth representative from Pilgrim Church In P om ona will explain 'the work carried on by young people thill summe r at the Institute of Colon at Guadalajara. Mexico. one of the projects contributed to by Women'!! Gifts of the Congrega- tional Conference. Mrs. J . Leslie Steffensen will offer a vocal solo, accompanied at the piano by Mlss Margaret Scharle. The September meeting of the Lady !Jona wu a luncheon held at the home of :Mn. Ed Milum ln Bayahorea on WedneMiay, Sept. 12. ThOse attending were Mra. Gor- don Walker. Mn. Al Pleger, Mrs. Ctarince , Higbie. Mrs. Joseph Beek. Mra. Raymond Herms, Mra. Kenneth OeU, Mrs. Ernest Soder- berg, Mrs. ~ld Glue. Mrs. S. E. Briggs. Mrs. Duncan McAlptne, Mrs. Al Wllllamaon a.nd Mr&. Jack Steffenaen. New members Mr" D. J, Carlch and Mrs. LalT)' Prusso joined the group at uiia meeting. Officers for the coming year cljn!i!lt of Mrs. Gordon Walker. chairman; Mrs. C1arence Higbie, co-chaitma.n. Meetinga w111 be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Balboa Bay club with luncheon at 12 :30 p. m. Wives o? active Lion members are invited. Benefit Party Group Meets Members of the plannlng com- mittee for the unlque benefit par- ty to be given by Col. William Ca- bell Chapter of Newport Harbor DAR on Octobet 3 m et on Sept. 13· at the bf"auUful new home of Mrs. Carl Hanna at Shon-cliffs for luncheon. Mrs. Hanna's gueBU were Mrs. OUUlntng ptiw~ ror th~ 1961-62 club y...,., Mra. C. K . Deaklna pre. aided Tbunday afternoon &f a luncheon meeUng for her Ebe.JI club otncera and committee mem- t>e.n, at c&plalrano'1 El Adobe cafe. Opening aea11lon of the club wm be Thunday, Oct. 4, at the Ameri- can Legion hall, with following meetJnp again. to fall on the tint Thunday monthly. Tentative pla.na wece made for the continuation of the third Thur!lday parUes whJch met with wlde aucccsa last year. Al the same time, board members went on recant .., favoring a aecond annual ·flower ehow and spring festival That the Newport area will be publicized at Well a.s the club's cook book, was di.closed ·when Mn1. William 8 . Tritt, in charg~ of the book sales, announced that she and several other members w111 appear this fall on. a Los Angele• telev!Jllon program. This la ex- pecied to be viewed over the KNX chann el. she said. Mrs. R. L. Allrn, program chairman and first vl ct'-presldent. announc~d a "husband's night" ml"etlng. which will be an Innova- tion. Planned for March, a dinner will precede a , program arranged e8peclally for the men. Concluding the mtttlng. Mrs. HuNTa-Rastar. the re1Uea eleetrollic eye that aeu thl'oulh milu of foi and darkneu, LI drlvin&' illeg-al ftahJnc from the coutal waten of Callfomla. Such I.I the concluelon of State oftkU• who ha.ve been uatng radar the paat three year• to hunt down commercial flahermen operating within the three-mile limit wb_en vt1ibllity is poor. Above, the Bonito, State Divi.1lon of Fhh and Game craft equipped with General Electric radar, patrol• the waters of San Franctaco Bay oppo3ite picturesque Sauaaltto .. • RADAR TRAPS ILLEGAL f I SHERS Radar. the resUus electronic eye that Bees through miles o f tog and darkness, Ls driving Ulegal fishing from the coastal watl'rs of California. Such Is the conclusion of State officers who have been us 1ni; radar the past three ycani te hunt down commercial fishcrnl\'ll operat ing within the thrC'c mile limit when vlslbillty Is poor. Civil .-Def ~$e ~s· Red Cross: T opjc Tile place of the Amulcan Red cro.. In CtvU • Deterure will be 1>rougtlt to Red crou membera at the Annual Meellng of the South· em Oran~ County Chapt.e.o; tomor· row (WodneJlday) to be held at the Y. W. C. A., lfll North Broadway, Santa Ana, boglonlng with a. din· ner at 8:30 p. m., It wu announc- ed today by Wllllani K. Llnd8ay, Chapter Chairman. "All members of the Red Croa In the chapter area are invited to attend, and anyone lnteruted In Civn Defense," Mr. Ltru:tuy stated. ''Tbcy ahould make dinner reeerva- liona thryugh uie chapter office or their rbcal branches.'' , "Newport Ha.rbor Branch Red Cross ml'mbera should call Harbor l~ for dlnncr reservations," he said. Homl'r E . Detrich. In charge of the Division of Evacuation and Wt'lfare for. Region 9, and General M. Howell, AMi8tant Coordinator of Civil Defense for that region, which lnc1udea Los Angelea, and Otange ;-Countlea, will be the speakerB. Mr•. ~ayne Harrt.aon. MrB. Rosa Shafer. and Mn. Agnes TutUe are making general arrangement.a. Mrs. William K . Lindsay Ls chair- man of the Reception Committee, while Mrs .. Jeanette Green heads the committee on dC'coratlons, and E. C. Missildine. the nominating committee. Swift craft of the Dlvis1on of•--------------I Fi.ah &: ·cam<', itJldetl by Genera.I whose boat. the 6t·foot 'Bonito Electric radar. have virtually from sausalto, was outfiltt·d ...S-ith swept conse rvation law violator~ radar last Janua~v. i~ quick to ca.II froffi the Slate's thousand mile.a of attention to the prcventiv<' cffcct.s c losed waters. or the device. NJl.::\\..SMAN HERE Clran-1Jp . "'Thl'y know ~·c ca.n al1,1:ays sc-e • AU wome n of the Congregation- al Conf~r<'ncc have be<'n requested by Friertdty Se rvice to adopt as their special projt"Cl the sending of clothing to South Korean refu- get's . Those wishing to help these unfortunat.c 'fX'Ople are asked to bring warm c lothing to the church. Food parcels are alM being sup- plied by Friendly S ervice ll11d any- one wishing to assist these refu- gt'f'll In thi11 way may send a check for five dollars. mark('{! ""food par- cel8"' to Mrs. E. C. Hagen, trea..s- urer of Capilla Circle. This ls an urgent need and all of the women in this area should do their utmost Charles Boai-dman, r egent; Mrs. C. F . La.nde r'3, vice·regent; M.~. James Web8ter, treasure r ; Mn. A. E. Stockton, corresponding secretary: Mrs. H. P . Yarnell. re- cording secretary: Mrs. J . L. Beach. Mn. Braden Finch anrl Mrs. W . E. Fllsher. The affair Will be . held In the home of Mrf. Hanna at 318 Morn- ing Canyon Road and will be ope~ to the pubU~. It will be a bridge- canasta deasert with many beauti- ful prizes donated by Kay Flnch. BroW!llng ta.ble8 conta.ln.ing inter- esting wrapped gtfts and costume jewelry will be on B&le. All pro- o;:eeds will go to the national bulld- ing tund of the National SocLety of the Daughters of the Ame rican Reyolution. Deakins, who is servihg her second con!le<'utiV(' year aa president. in· troduced her co-worker9. lnclurt- C'd were: Mni. R. L. Allen, Afra. Byron E . Wells, f';CCond vice -preai- dent; Mrs. J . R. Daniell. 'Teeordlng secrPlary: Mrs. Harry H. Casey, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Ba· -'ii PPterson. treasurer: Mrs: Paul Rogers, auditor : Mrs. H. 0 . Boy- vey, parliamentarian; Mrs .. Colin Bro""'" Md Mrs. C. C. Dodd. dlrec- toni; Mrs. H. V. Snodgrass, court- t'sy: Mrs. Tritt, memt>t:rshlp; Mrs. James W. Thornton. cun1.tor of sections; M;s. Arthur White, Jr .. Juniors; Mrs. S. E . Briggs and Mrs. Raymond Herms, houl!le and renta·IA : Mrs. Charles S . Eaton. publicity. Thi' cl<'an-up of California's therO now, milr~ av"aY. llny tinl<' $portfishing s1•aways has be,.n a o f the rtay or niJ..:-ht ," the captain thorough o ne. Only one boat, with rxplaincd, •·so thl'y'rc very !(·c ry nlnf" crewmen aboard, has been about con1ini; inside lhl' closl'd arrested this year. an Indication of area.'!.'' F.scaping from the rigors of their ofCice for a few weeks are the Ralph Turners of Temple City, publisher& of 'r the Times there. Mr. Turner i!f a former eastern nev.·spaper man and has been en- joying so nl c reminiscenses· of Cleveland, Ohio w ith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanna. The Turners have taken an apartment on Mar- guerite St., Corona del 1-lar. to help. ------- Vou'U find many ni('f'J hom" and apt& ad\•f>rtlM-d for rt"nt- yearly or \vtorer-ln the cia&- •lfled ltfftloa today! i,.,;.ter A. ~er, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 1786 Newport Blvd., Coat.a .Mesa AfedJcaJ Bldg. Beacon 67~2 --'- 606 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J Harold K. Grauel Chapel Phone: Beacon 5610 ' C08ta Mesa BE SURE -INSURE with MAURIE STANLEY lnaurance Only • ' Phone Harbor 1118 Marine Ave. Balboa bland MATIRESSES -- For table ruervation call Mn. Ha.nna at Harbor 0091-J. Playwrights Cast ''The Drunkard' The recently reorga.nlzed Play- wright•' WorkM:op has announced t.hal cuting wtll ta.ke place on Sunday,' Sept. 23 and Tueaday, Sept. 25 for their forthcoming production, The Dnmkard. The llme, 7 :30 ,en both nights and the place, 216 Marigold avenue ifl. Corona del Mar. Anyone interested in portraying a double-dyed villian. a gorgeous heroine or Ahlnlng hero, is cor- dially invited to come and display their talents. A permanent spot for rehearsing and producing the play has hffn secured and will be announced at the casting. The lo- catlon and atmosphere wilt be new to little theatre in this area. NHYC Schedule fo·r Fall and Winter Effective Monday. Sept. 17, Is the following schedule at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Every Monday-the Club will Standing committee heads and section leaders wer" Mni. J ohn Lamar, ways and means; Mrs. R. L. Jayred, rec"ption; Mrs. Aml'lia Gambh". budget and finance: Mrs. Dodd, welfare: Mrs. 0 . W. Rich- ard, reaervationa; Miss Lilla.n K . Daniell, R ed C r088: Mrs. RAymoncl K. Harvey, Mrs. M. L. Rabbitt and ~Mrs . .M. M. Murphy. book aecllorui; Mr•. Horace J>"arker, art: Mrs. E . C. Doane, garden, and Mr•. C. W .. Jayred, !ravel. ------ WSCS Plans Membership Drive WSCS of Christ Chuf.ch by the Sea met Tuesday. The busint'ss seseion wa.<J held in the upper room of Goodell hall. Mrs. Ray Baker v.·as appoint- ed chalrinan of the membenihlp drtve to be conduc ted through the rail and winter. A1rs. Flora Har- ris and Mrs. Bert Milla will take charge of clothing brought for overseas relief on Sunday, Oet. 7. Lunc heon was served by the Balboa circle. • . The afternoon session waa held in the sanctuary with the presi- dent. Miss Clara Kohlstedt, pre- siding. Mrs. A. J . Rutter with Mrs. Mina Ives at the piano .sang two vocal numbers. Mrs. J ohn PfLschner; led the devotional aer- vlce on '1"be rrtce and Power of Prayer." WATER HEATERS Boat.-Homn-TraUen lrreplar Shapes BEACON 6061 Cot1ta M esa MatttH& Co. 2160 . Newport Blvd. be closed for service in all depts. Mrs. Arthur Miller gave a moat graphic account of the life add ·~~;:;::~~~~~~:;;;~~~~~I Breakfa.st -Served Saturday work of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, ; and Sunday mornings only. particularly his .miBBlon hoepllal Luncheon -Served everY day, In Weat Africa. s.i.., Sen·lce and Repaint /oeB~ PLUMBING Authorlu>d l>eaJt'lr Day-&l NIK"h~ Heater8 TElMS 10"1. Oo•l'I o" •II H••I..-. l'bone Harbor ZMZ· W THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN YOU can .plaf 'rich orcin m\Udc at once, wJlbout leun- Qic" a ain&:Mi note. Come bear And play the llammond Cbord Orpn. • Daftl..Sda111i,clt PlcallO Co-. DI I'{. llaia IMaoM - OW..• --. ., . ' ai-mz'drwt• ' Tues. thru Sun .. 12 lo 2 p. m . Mr8. Kohlstedt brought high- Dinner -Served every day, l ight.a of the leadership "training Tues. thru Fri .. 6 to 8 :30 p. m. hu!tltute held recently In Redla.nd.a. Dinner-Served every Saturday Mrs. Joseph Bodman waa pre"- d S d 6 t 9 30 m sented a life memberAhip pin and an un ay, o : p. . Y P . t De 0 Tu ~ Y certificate In recognition of more e tra e n ........_ pen el:!Ua th s d durln the luncheon than a. generation ot loyal efficient ru ~~ ~y 2 · n~.-Reopens at ·service In various depat\.menl8. of hours 0 p. lhe church, parUcuJarly the Wo- 5 P· m. man's Society. Ope-na from 12 Noon Saturd&)' ------- and Sunday. Wednesday Dinner • at Christ Church The first family nite/ dinner 8.nd program of the fall sea.eon wtU be en.Joyed by memben and friends of Christ Church by tbe !lea W-•oda7 evenlftg· (Sept. 191 when E1ll6e F'arria. a member of the naUOnal board of miastons of the ConareCation&I c h u r c h, tJ.rtnga an WU.trated' lecture of her recent trip around_ the. world. Birthday Party in Costa Mesa 'Par.k • I Me:morable was the alxlh birth- day of Alicefaye Alancebo, daugh· ter·of Mr. and Mr11. Manuel Man· cebo of 189 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa, which waa gtven happy recOKTiltlon Monday, Sept. 3, when Mrs. Mancebo usembled a group of little folk for a feat.Ive observ- ance in the Coat& Meaa. P&rk. Party plans embraced a aierlea of · games wlth prises awarded to Joyce Lynn Druck. Glorta]ean Kancebo, Mickey Horvath and Linda Horvath. Rdreahmenta coii· Garden ·Section a1aUng or a de<orated · birthday cake, Ice cream and punCh .JOUD<led Meets Tomorrow OUL the enjoyab~ evenL( • Aamtlng Kn. Mancebo ...... F1rat DlMtig or J!:bell club Kn. Audrey llaytleld, )(n, Vlr· garden ~ will ~ held. to-gtn1a Reeft8 and Kn. l:lnma Jmrl'OW (Wedllierhy) at ti;30 p. Pentn. of Bell.Oo'W'e.r, gnndmot.hoo m, In lCbeU club -Mem-.i er of. tire )'Cllllg• cde-t. w- are lo brin&' -luncbea. A patal <late occurred tlio -day. opee•or i. _......-. Kn. l!l. Sllarlng Ille gay boopltallly ~ Dooae. *l"'8 · chalmlan, Ill· W0(9, Cheryl ll&)'fleld; - teo all Ebell .......-., Ill-· Smith, Kary Cotta, Joyc<o 1- 111 pnlonlat, to ol-..... "lo °""'k, Diana Smith. Jlmm:f 1luto t ----L/lld& BirnaUa. -.,. -th. -• ..._ 11-111; O! nhr -. TAD 801!f TO OllWJ!I •th. }Uc:llard MoM•..... 1.-.,. Ml" ....... Kn. By... -.,, -...-. _.,... ..... _ ~..:: =..-::-i: .... :;:, °::' =: ;;r· ..... . .._ If••*• u.. -... r • .-. toolr ._ pr ·sat• _. _. 1'111 -lnlia 'II' fo Oropol dtnl'•w te,llot • IW • -~ ~ • .. ... , .. ·-· • r r ,-- • the lack of illegal activity. This la all to thr gOO<I 1n so far By way of comparison, herf a.re Rll the 1'"1~h an1I Ga.n11• I J1 v1 ~1o n is the pertinent s tatistics.. resp<'cllve-concl'rned, Schilling-slr1·~~<'d , u.dd- ly, for 104 9 and 1950, the years in~: "\\'e'rt· p rin1ar1i)' inll'rC'!'tl'd during which radar-equip(>t'd pa-I in cons~·rva lion -nol in cstabli1:1h- trols convinced fishermen that un-1 ing new rc1...-o rd:s for arrests.'' lawful nettinjil" is unprofitable : Boat acn'•la. 7 and 18: cccw· STRONG 1101\lE MARKET men arrf'stt'd, l 18 and 166: fint'~. s2.>20 and S5.720: '"'11 confiscated. FORESt:EN IN STATF~ RY 43,ooo and 736.500 pound" valued SA VINOS LEAGUE H EAD at $870 and $9.750; value of for-\\.ith tht' s ii;nini!' of the new ti"· feited nel.!t, $13.000 and $24.000. fens" Hous ing bill by Ptrskh•nt (Figures arc fron1 the Division T L M K J rum11n. yman . 1ng. r., of Fa.sh and Game records at the prt'sirlt'nt of the Califnrn1a Savin,l!.s patron hC'adquarters on Terminal and Loan Uai:;::tu•. lilalc -wide Island, San Pedro.) , trade organization fnr the indu1:1- The two year lncrf"aae In arreaU. try, 8f"CS a high vcitun1e of homt' --and the abrupt decline of illegal coruttructlon in California for at fishing thia year-la~ cloee renec-leut the next two ~a~. Con- Uon ·of the incr"ued UM of radar tlnued increase of new Industry in by Callfomla'1 boat.A. California will create the demand First of the radar l1U1t.allaliona for the hobsfng that will be built. W&& made by G-E early fn 1949. The new law will allow better on the 83-foot Alba.co re, based al nnancing with smallrr down pay- Sausalito. Late that year, the ment.s-undl'r both VA and FHA Marlin and Blue Fi.n. 63-foolt°'rs Joans. based at Terminal Island, were Th~ savinJil"~ and loan associa- similarly equipped. lions of California welc·on1e this Rf'<•ord Years new la\v as an additional n1l'ani. Seven arrt'sts for 1949 was toward pron1oting homt.' O\Vnl'r· above average though not spec-s hip, 'th{' backbone o f our An1t."ri- ,tacular, But in 1950 -as suggest-can way of life. King said. ed by the total -of eighteen a""'sts Governntl'nl housing controls -the dlvision·s law-enforcement.s I and regulations, particularly as dfficers had a record year. they apply to dl'fcnac areas in Assistant Chief of Patrols Tom California. will bt.• two of the W. Schilling, who dlrcc.ts the topic.s that w ill rccC'i Vc consider-. division's four boats from his Ter-able attt'ntion !ron1 thf'-500 dl.'lc· minaJ Island headquarters, and his gates 1,vho will ~ttend lhC' 61st an- seagoing wardens give radar the nual convention of the California blg credit for this. Savings and Loan Lcal-'U C which "With our radar we could have will be held Sf'ptembcr 17 -19 el niade t en arrests a night last sar-Hote l de! Coronado, King con- dine season," Schilling estimated, .ffluded. "though we were more interested in warning vtoiators before they Resultii come from constant actually started flahing." Practice! An ad regularly in this Kenneth. Hooker of Woodacre, I paper will produce result.a for you. " . \1 A(:ATION HERE Mr. ·and Mrs. Worth Bernard of Los Angeles have bttn spendlng a \llte season vacation on Balboa Island. Mr. Bernard is with the Public Relations firm of Braun arrd Con1pany of Los Angeles. ...... •• , ••• ..._.DAILY -.. "'All lilUTWts "'·ith the opening of an account here in the amoUnt of $50 or more, we pre- &<nl you Free of charge this fine 3-piece act. We were able to secu re only a limited 11un1her of acts. 'To ..... 11.void disappointment ••• Se1 consist.11 o( m•tching-: (1) Propel-repel Peocil (2) B•ll Point Pen and . (3) Con,·cntional Fountain Pea OPE. YOUR SAVI.GS Accou.T N--.... ,.;, '"U"<• of •h< "°""'""' oltt. Yow. cu Op!ll •• K('Ol.IAl e1thtt by _.1 or .. penoa. }·~, M<~O ·~. '"'"':" 3% "I' t(ll0,000 -and vw • ~ Aa~ pa~ MNr 1«u titan " Pll ANNUM - - NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAV INGS '"' LOAN ASSOCIATION ---'·""·'•l.MC.t.,. ........ 3:133 VIA UDO, NlWPOIT llACH, CALIF. S -1 P.T EDI IE R • ICll • ; REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• $6·8'15 . . . . PONTIAC 6 • PARTS AND LABOR ALSO BIG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES 18 POINT OVERHAUL ., • IO. Change Engine Oil 11. Clean Oil Pump Lines, Screen and StlDlp. 12. Ridge Ream, glaze bust. cylboden 13. Clean and adjllllt spark pings _;14. Rep._, Distributor Point&, retlm~ moto.r 15. Clean Air Cleaner 16. AdjUAt Carburetor 17. Replace ManUold Gasket. 1& Top Radta~r e.- No DeWra ... ·, • .-• • • • • • • • .. .. ·" • ~ ,, I· • -' ,_ • . . ' -'' ' . Pe~ :f , • • DATELINE~ , WASHINGTOM • Member or CALIFORNIA 'Nl!:WAPEJ;t P~ J<!S'N. Member or lhe NATIOtlAL l!fITOIUAl. A1¥30CIA"1QN Oltlre and PTlnUnf Pl~t at 1111 Balbqa l)oulevard .. Telephone BariloJ' 1911 Enl•l'ed u !l<con<l-Clau Mattor al Ulo PollqlltM In N-rt Beach, California under lhe A.C't of :Marclt S. 1179. ; ' W~GTQ!of.ee,ti.1'7 -If flilll .. ~ -c.11- ,_. who ue lnte•Hted ' 111 . the 40tli i.fc;uU, dl'fla- loa tblak It's ~ to fl&· 1lftl out uythhlc there _.. they lhouJd &Ff to Ila IO OB th!s end -where anwen ..., soppcl§ell to be but ve ,not. EDWARD A. LeHOVEN. Editor J . M. FRANCl'S, Busln.eaa Mana19r Ceaeral J . W.wton Colli.M, ann,y Q.Ufted to Puhllah LPpl :Sntleea aad Adve.~tit Or all Xf... cb.iet ot at.aft, said here Jut ---------------''----------·----week-then referttn• to lhe Ida.ho ~UBSCRIPTlpN l\ATES: national guard -that national Ni=WPORT-8."-LBOA NEW8-TIMFA •W!f"T '1'U8c1a7 f'U&rd ottlflts now woukl have to In Oraa1e County, $3.!\0 prr y~r; SS.00 5.1.r rnoatba: •t.11 thrM I :6 aJla.pp~ for tndtvtduftlil a n d meatM (Al&Q. lacludn the NJiWf1lKT·J¥,1..80t\ PREM. ftnnda)') m";nl1R. tttutH 011 Kore&.n n::iplace- . · Outsld"' Oran,l[tt Coll.It)' $C-.IO per Yffl' · Then you con get an army CART BEFORE THE HO~E "oCflci&l " atatement that units llke Maj. Gu. Dan Huddle.Loi\'• tOth will remain euentia.Jly intact unJesa mUl.tnry necesslty demands otherwise. Best gueu: the 40th will ren1aJn an intaci combat team. but there's no gti.arantee th&t it will slay on lhe Kw8l'lto plaln of Japa1\ : • ' , • ' .. • ' J •• .· llADD .\!' 1Qi$1Di0' -"'Ille~ wlll be~ J.-T, Ve l>J1te rep ...... ted and U..' .eo111114erMloa tl\eftfOI' u. J!'owporl Jlail!or' l!Alll< at Ute paid lit >10!00 o'elod< a. m_ .., u. • -· YOU ~lier dlnllu .... u.., or Ute 21lb day or' ~tembe•, 1951, at lJMlopoacleat -.... ,l\l&C>Cllltlon !be -~Ill or lh4 YOUI -co·1,11ss. Q/ loull>em C&Jlr""lla, IM\~I In BANK 011' A)lSIUCA N'A.TIOI'{· Loa AUej•a. ~•r ot tM •ev&-AL TRJTST A $A VINOS AJ!S.OCl- lllq "f" N ..... J, Qornar<I, 'Vice-ATION, Bal-Broach No. 37 at t.~t or UM! ·-d Na(l..._t Balboa, 'Jn the City -or Newport Q/• Bowltoe, 'J'el\., ao~ pnoal-ach, Counfy or Oraoxe. St;al• ~ ot. th•. J't..,...iat P1obUc ,Re-oJ CoUfomla. · l&Uona, A"-la\loil, a nat!Onal Oatod September 13th", 19~1. -·-_.,. . ' -. GfP!llul'°" Of bank public rc11.-DON HA Y'l'ON, Mortpgo• ...:.::..:' '"" " ~ -.. tlou -~tlyeo. ROOEIR \V. HANNAFORD, p, _ __, • ~ ~ la , . Mortgaror booo1nlg a "latter ot a-\ --lff AL NO' ..._1 , LORNE HUYCRE MD•tgag..- cora to • llllllll!ff Of ~ 11!•1\l· 9' ' '·-MYRTLE M. HuYCKE, bera ot ~ W-.0 .,. MOlll 1•• • =•-•• •••••• 1 = •.•• • • • Executrix Mortgaret> r*"ll\lar ,,1~ ll;. , . Ncmcl: OP INftNllSP llAU Myrtle )f. Huycke, mxecutrix, II lo ll!Ullaey apol!'llD• be1",!ld N~O' Ill IU;IU:liY GIVilN : Estat. or A. R . Fltzpftt•l<k, qy llmlta ewr prev'°""IJ Cxla• That l.oRNll RUYOKJl and MYR-dcec .. •d. celYl!CI ot lly ~ Jor a perlocl 'flll. M-IWYCICE, 5lxecul•ix of Escrow 97-26&2 In wkleh the cou,ntry WU oot ea .. tbe J:ttate ol A. H. FITZPAT· No. 2?9 -Timcs. l'lred in total w..r. Coti_pled wlUI RJCk. deceued, Vendor•, whote Publis h Sept. 18, 1951. It la th.o reallaatlo>I lllat whU.. addreaa la 1939 Weal Ocean Front, l\'loat ot thla • d•I•_.... apendlnr "' ·ID tbo City or N•wpmt Beach, unavoktable, .son\f' or lt cou)d be County · of 0.-&ngf', 'stale of' Ca11· eHmiaa\Nji Utroua" "10l'C •lneftfe C~Ja. i.nteod.t& i o fWll t o ROCEft Oetfonae lkiJllrl.tllf'nt •tJempta tt W. HANNA.FORD and Don tf8y- eeonGr'l1y. lon. V(!Jl96<'s, whOS(' address ls ~7 eon,.,.._ tor yean has reallsed MarJro1d A venU<', C<U"ona d<'I ~Ie.r, Uaat our military eatabllal)mcnt in Ule Clty of Newport Beac~. deaerva1 no ineda1'1 for economy County. ot Orange, State of_ Cah- Now, t.Aat raaH•atlo.n l8 taklng 0~ !ornla. the f~llowtng ~<'Sl"'rl~d frlghlf'nlng aspect.JI . azno.n.g lh.olte p<>raqpal pro~rty, to-wit .. members of Congr<'IUJ who arc COil· All· :!!tock In lradP, f1:'(tur('S, cerned with futuri,: u. s . economic equipment and good will of o. cer- l'ltrength, ~&·use dt'fcnse 8.pendin& tam retail olaLhinl' -~nd -dry ~oods ha.a r<"&chtd alarmlng proportlOll& buslnemr, known &!I LORNE, for- mf'rly known J.I "Fitspa.trick '•'". NOTICE _ OF DISSOl,lTTION' !'.'"nticc is h€'reby given that the co-pru tncrsh!p heretofore existing belween AL FORGIT and KERM W . Rl~{A doing business under the fi ct itious tlnn .n'"1e and a.tyl<" of Bay Shore Tac\l:lt~ Co., 17th &: Coa.~t H ighway, Newport Beach : and 1o:t No. Main, Huntington Beach, Orange County, CaUfomia. has bef'n di8solvl"d by the with· drawat or said AL FORGIT rrom said firm. Said AL FORGET will not be re~pon!.'liblE' tor any debts, obllgstions, or llabllltlea incurrC'd undt'r said flt·m namC' on or aft<'r this da.t('. Dat'ed this 13th day or .S€'pt~m­ ~r. 195 1. ' • · B~~~L). YTON THO~PS-ON . . H.re's • Tip On : Aadbeca~914 : " . A , • do .. have the" 8 ..... ua1 · GIStl1•···· I a· ~'alif' 'I : qaalitiH; Wo kltu baluoo\I • ' Some gasolines •re refined to 1tres1 ene or two 1pecial features ... at the 'zpen.te df other•. No ptoline give1 you all-around performance unle.1• it. ha• 8 important qualitie1-.8 that make Chevron Supreme: • A•ea·bleiil!ing qUality • Milea1e quality • Power quality • Anti-knock -quality • Vapol"-1ock prevention • Starting quality • \Va.rm-up quality • Accelen.tioai q\Ullity aud thoa-mon depind•bl-""! • der any ,conclition.e, uywhenl • lll the West. • ' : Give ua a call todoy. We1J - • that your b1'lk tanks ue lllW • promptJ,y. Judge for yoQnelf • Wbat a difference Chevron • Supreme Guoline make• iD • yen.tr driving. -' • ' ase r •oac...-. .. ,, ... " ..... The writer knows litt~ about the growing Md market- ing of citrus fruit, but we hnve long believed the .e>tiating sy•tem of selling on "auction markets" gives the growers the short end of the deal. First paia out of the returns are freight charges, picking, packing and lll&rketing charges, association dues, advertising costs and maintenance of sumptuous offices, executives and expense accounts. Then IF there is any money left, the grower tets something. _In the meantime the grower cultivates, irrigates, fertilizes and fun:rigates his grove at an enormous outlay of caah and labor; not to mention the interest on the mortgage or the fabulous investment in citrus land. Sometimes the gro'll'er donates his crop and gets a bill !or part oL the picking, 1'4ckirig a nd marketing charges. The system is wrong. The grower should be paid FIRST. Thia Is a atr.._..e war. We arc far better prepared to fiS"hl it mllita.r\ly than p.ycholostcally. Nf'ither llJen ln ranks nor penon11 at home to whom they wrlU--- and who ~ite their concre8lVnen -have really been 90lcl on the unalterable fact we are in a Jong fight lo see lt we remain frPc n1en or become serf9. The Senate shortly will debatc and localed at 303 Main Strf'<'i & DeteQMe Oepartmeht approprla· Balboa in the City or NeWpori lion that will erid up aomewhere l!each 'county of Orange Sl.ate or betwt'en the $56 billion approved Cali fo~la, a.nd that a Jiale,' trans- by tbe Hquae and $60 bUllon Cav~ rer a.rtd auipmeJlt of t h<-1taine ored by a numbt>r of Senators who 'wUI be ~ade, and th.c consider:ation urg<" more money for air power there.fore will be • paid. at 10:00 than origi,naUy ~L! requested. o'cloclt a. Rl on the 28th day of AL FORGIT KF.RM W. RIM'\ NO. 228-T in1e:s • ;CLAYTO.N THQMPSON 18th & Balboa Blvd., Newport ·1~ -Har.' 1 SS ' ~-~-- TRUTH IN AMERICA ' President Truman, in a si\eech at the dedication of new Washington, D. C., headquarlef'l of the American Legion AJij:ust 15, 'admitted freedom of speech was a basic Ameri- can 'right: but he also intirUted that those who apoke of such ~biogs as Communist influence in the Government or ijie presente low state of public morals are not plsybtl fair. The cold record of Congresaional inquiry committees, led by Democrats, has revealed time &fter time the Col!l- munist influence in Government-and also instan-of In- fluence peddling. favoritism, crony-coddling, and Jacksonian privilege and patronage, many leading right into the White House. Democrats have publi~y staU<i their abhorrence. Some observers have seen the influence of public immortal- ity in activities of the N«tion'a youth, The situation could be no beteter described than by Senator Pat M:cCUran (D .. Nev.) who said, in reaction' to the President's speech, "There are none so blind but' tehoee who will not see." Bpt the President, in effect, asked: "Do not seek t,ruth of these things, and if it is disclosed, do not speak of it- ise not fair-it is un·American." Republicans still hold to their pledge taken during the Congressional campaign last year: "We will not be silenced!" A.s blocky. ruddy faced Ht;rbert Morrison, BritlSlh foreign sccre· tary, said here last week . . . "this cold war busineu is a kind ot twilight betwee.n peace and wv.r, but we must be prepared to stick it out for .years . 1 • we a~ resolved not to give those: v.rho stand by t}\e doctrine ot world revolution by vioience a chance to put that doctrine to the lest:• Sto.t~ drpartmf'nt. P''' ot1t a handout 11&)•1.nc ttw> P""ldf'nt nomJaat:fld OIM" F.dwa.rd L ltod· (bu\ to IN!: 11. R. unbuudflr ta th4-0 RI ENT AL PPpubllr of IT nlJU&Y· Fl"'t. Um,. Wf'I k_..w So41th Amf'ri,.. WM In thf. Ort· f'ftt. Jeaa Laraon or Oklahoma, who has climbed up the government bureau 1add,er like an agile fire- man alnce the army loaned him to the old war aueta administra- tion four years •&'O· wa.a sworn ln aa detenae matertala procurement admlnl1trator and lmme<llatel,y did a amart thlnC u Cirst ottlciaJ act. Lar80n announced that hle dep- uty would bl HOward L Young or St. Uula, a man wbo hu had 40 years experience in mtnlnl'. One Of tbe OMP4'• rlrat joba will "' to aet on application ot Spartan Aircraft Co .• Tulaa.. to build two aluminum plants in Arkansas. Publi~hed 9 'l8/51 That·W1n ~-the 1ar'g'e9l pe.&Cf'-Septem~r 1'9:;1 ~t the f'scrow d time cie t~nae appropriatiQn,8 bilt l.n partme.nt ~r BANK OF AMERICA U. S. hlstory -:_'by many billiOn~ NATlONJ\L TRUST & SA VJNOS C'EltTIFICATE OF BllSINESS o~t dolJa.r•. . ASSOClA TION, at the Balli>oa Fictitious Firnl Nan1e lt ~ not inclu41e &bo\lt $6 bil-Branch No. 37, in the City of New· THE UNDERSIGNED doe Ii lion n10~ fot foreign mJ1ltary ald, port Beach. County of OrnngC', hrreby certify tha.t HP ts con· nor n~arly Ml bllffcn ror conat.ruc-State ot Calttornia . ducr ing ·a Fishing Tackle .and lion of military ln1ta1Jatlon._both Dat~i St-ptemb(>r 13th, l 951 . Sporting Goods business at l 7lh 6: of which have rt'Ceived House-LORNE HUYCKE, . Coast Highway, Newport Beach Sena~ approve.I. v {'ndor. tnd 102 ?". l-lain St., Huntington '.fhu.s. Wh<"n Congre.u adjourns MYRTLE M. HUYCKE , Beach, California, under the fie· lh1a Fall. it will have authorised Exf'cutrix, Vendor titiOUi firm name of Bay Shore about $10 billion for defC'nsc and Myrllt' H. HurC'k(', Executrix Tackle Company and that aald most of that wtll havt> ht-en spent or thf' Estalfo of A. H. Fitz-firn1 is composed of the following or obllpted Whf'n the currt'llt fia-patrick. df'CrasNI. rwrson, who..-name In rull and cal yt>ar •nll• next Ju.nn 30. F.!K'row J7·2662 plar" ·of rf's ilif'nce ar" &I' tollow11, W'hPn the nt>arly SO billion No. 230 -TlmPs. lo-w it : m!litary construction bill Wh IH>· PubJi.sh Sept. I8. 1051 . KER.Ar ·w . RIMA, ~IO S&nta Ing dlscws&M l.n the Sena.tt' thf' Ana Ave., Ne\vport Beach. othf'r day, ChainnBn RUMe.11 ID-NOTICE OF INTENDEO -WtTNESS my hand .6'.is· 14th Ca.) of the Armed Service• Com-MOTGAOE day or Sept en1ber , 1951 mlttee 11ald the Army, Navy a.nd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : KERM W. RIMA Alr Force ori(inally had requested That ROG~ W . HANNAFORD STATE OF C ALIFORNIA ) u a t otal ol $12 billio n for-thiil con· and DON HAYTON, Mortgagors. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • itructton , An lnd€'pendent tirm "'hOS(' addre.ss ls 507 :Mari1rold 'ON THIS 14th day ot Septem- a( engidneers whas called In to help Avenue. Corona del Mar, in lhf' lwr, A.D .. 1951, bl'fore m€', Robert !:Creen-own t al total. CJty of NeY."port B<>ach. County of F . lV illmel!I, a Notary Public in Ru.saell conceded under question-Orange. Stale or CalJforrtia, in· and tor the said County and State, inc. however, that the Army. Navy RN and Air Force each was still main-tends to mortgage to LO E ,re~iding there in, duly comJTile- HUYCKE. an unmarried man. and aloned and 1worn, personally ap- tallling it• own medical •uppJ.y MYRTLE M". HUCKYE, Executrix peared KERA.f W . RIMA known depot. even,, lbouCh lhey u.e •kn· or the Eetate •or A. H . Fitspatrk:k, to mr to be the person whoae Uar medical &Uppliea. Tn.t, de.pJte deceaaec;I., Mortgagee.a, whoae ad· name la eubscrtbed to the within lbe pa.&&al"e of the National Se-dreu is 1922 West OceUl Front, tn inl'ltrument and acknowledged to curtly Act, "'hfoh unified the \he City or Newport Beach, Coun-mE' that hia executed the ·same. IN armed forces. in 19t7. ty of Orange, State of California. WI,TNESS WHEREOF, I have RUuell wu pleued to ~ able to All fixture• and equipment and hereunto set my ha.nd and affix.- report that the Dtfense Oeptt.rt-stock In trade, of a certain r eta.11 ed my oficlaJ seal the day and year ment and Budget Bureau we're clOthing & dry good.11 business in this Certificate first above s tudying the possibilities or con-kno"'ll as "LORNE." fomlerly wrltlE'n . aolldatinc theM medical supply known a.~ "F'II'ZPATRICK'S" and ROBERT F. l\'lLLMES. My ·% .(UR RENY WNINGS THE IRRESPONSIBLE SMOKER Scuttlebutt says Spartan, which now builds houae trailers. wants to refine bauxite ore, cast the piga and ingou. then roll sheet . aluminum-a one firn1 package Negligence is a curse that dogs the track~ of the civili-·p•oce... Spartan •• cont•olled ti Th I h by J. Paul Getty ot Tulsa not un- za on. ere are a ways t 0@6 who refuse to take respon· known In Southem cauto.rnla and depota. HE' said that "the lnteC"r•-303 .. s B 1 located at :ualn trcet a Ma Comn1ission Expir""s November 16, lion of the various activities of · ' ·r ' ~ in the City of Nf'Wport ileach. 1951. Lhe three anned ttrvices h.il:s not County of Ora.rige. State of Call-N'o . 227 -Times come up lo the expectations of rornia, and that an executed mort-\Published Sept. 18-25, O<-t. 2-9 thOM! of ua who bad spoMOred the High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Qualify 'Printing-Ph. Har. 161& sibility seriously. ..\n individual who intentionally burns the better vacation spots along down a house and cremates ~ living person, or burns down the coast. a ha~ and &Bimals, or ignites a fore.st, or destroys some. Pa;..n h,.;.. ·~3,,; "a.rril'tl ,,.._ OOe 0 S property by fire, is puniahe<f 2'8 &D arsonist. And turf' atnriftol abo~t thf' @nomtOUJll yet carel~ss smokers who are not apprehehded and pun· loC'tta...,. In 88.lr• or "•tani: & ished cause hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars of ban." nn,;w or th,. C"ont~racy. unification or the armed tervice•. "I hopE' thb erfort wtll not be limited \o medical depot.I alone, but will be extended all alone the line where the three 1ervt~ea per- form 1imllar functlorui:. lt could re•ult In great n.vinp." Pf"Ople rty t.hrm from auto property damage annually, includipg destruction of irre-nl<llb vpats and on 1awa11. AA placeable wildlife. They create havoc through negligence U "" •uo, tluM w-tll• "'"" instead of intent but the results from their acts are as laid at tho root ar th• •••tut• • of .Jf"ffrrson Da•ls l.n thf' C'op.1- That waa preceded by worried comment from Sen. Stennla ( D- Mlu. ), who became a member of lh~ Armed Service.s Committee only la.st Ja.nuary-juat in time lo get a cloae·up 9t the new record peaceUmt mWtary spendthg. deadly as though premeditated. tol rotunda, honol'ln• th• loat Smokers who use no caution in the handling of a ciga-,ca...., l•ader. ret a.re a menace. They refrain from throwing a match Into flammable materials-but not a cigaret. They may not light a match around a gaaoline pum~but they will smoke a' cigaret. They hesitate about tossi~ a match into dry ~but not a cigaret. TJiey pour water on a caDlpfire -but tum right ~ound and drop a cigaret. What is it about a cigaret that numbO: the in<lividual to its deadly qualities ? . . With knowledge of the destruction cigarets cause each ;year, is it not possible t~ make the smoker conscious of bis responsibility to make him realize that ciga.rets are fire and not chewing gum? • • • • It took a long fllne but Thomaa E. Dewey finally made It to the White Houae~ Only be.inc unrarnU- l&r with the place, he went to the wronc at(le or th• block lane rro\llldO. b&d to be led around u.. block by a policeman. • • • ' Tbere will be little change Jn poliCtes in the secretary of de· foe.nae office where Robert Lovett au~d third and retired Gen· eral ot the Army George C. Mar- shall. For years ln the military and state department.a th• m.o have worked alike and outwardly thought alike. Tall, baJding Lovett. a native of Huntavllle. Texu, and here by way of Yale university. naval aviation in the first war and 1i New York investment bank, does 8Qme thlnp dlfferently l'r'om Mar· &hall. Where the gWet, (1'ay Pft' eral always used channel• to su.qi. moo to bl• office, !.oveu wtU take paper In hand and go atridlng down t. ~rrfdor to the man'a ot-nce. , • • .. So•tlltra. Caltromla oU .... ·~ ...... wjll --u.... te .. y a Mr pai:t ta U.. ...,_ .,, __ ..... --.,. qoear L. °""' ., .. --.. ,.,. -~-61(1·-.· Mlil••-u-...1111et &•,_ ~. 11e1W N- ... ,.~ M ........... llf~• "•laec• te ,..~.n _.. ~---8)' compulmm lie • ••ed &llo "IC Wa prornm ls contlnu~d accordlng to the present plan." he Hki. "lt will ae.rioualy impair, lf not break down, oar economy aa we know ll. l w\lh more of ~ eculd bear tie tact. and t.Mretott pin a re&lblatlon ot what Ulla military Procnm amount. to u ' burden on our economy whJch Wf\ aball have to carry in the yean to come. , '1 Ullnk It 11 U\e ma.t 1erk>U1 quealkm nmir before t)le counlr)r, U'de from the qµut&oo of •Urvl'V1'l ltaelr, With l'lhlcll. Of .couraa, It la tied up . . , <l!>B.,.... 1a the on1y agency whlcb baa Ula power to do anytblJI( about It . . . I think wt ourbt to be •tthlr our aalla to meet the c.h&Ua. .. to our economic oyatem wllJe!t fl lavol'ttd In thla h11CO_mu1~ propam ... It up to \I& ta.,opel! the pp lpot- the -'"'"-et Ille ~ aad lh• ~ or Blalll'talnlq • aDllDd -.le !Q'"Unt." ' bowtutl-lor~-tW•••..,_ ........ ""'" .-8-:lt, -..,.......:· ......... -~ the "bis" ~ ---... Ttft .......... , .. "a. ...... " ..... - -; Ult -... -:·.c: .. -"""' IMl'•q--.. -... -. ....... ·:-..!: u.. • ..-11 ... t'lf ot WV D -. 1119 ..... •·'Fl"; 2 I· -W. ..i I' ra~--;U. .. n•t e ..... R.. el .... -.... ii . .. .. ... 111° IZ°lj I lrtl • a .. ••••'°"10 a •Nlll • .... _-____ _ ·~· e. •. ( ... , -·--....,.,'II •• ---... --.. ,. ..... *-,_. -•'~--:J ............ ____ .... .,.., . '• ...... ,,1 • • • Set '" ,,,,., •1tt .. Cllll "' ••• -easy, •• , .. ... 2 .,, .. h ! .... ~· .......... lo"'"., ..... .., ~ la fllR . '. , finest , • , and only fully proved automatic , lraNlllilaiool ill die lov.1'-pricc field Gives you simplest; smoothegt, "lfeot ao-sbift drivina at lowest cost: 'No clutch pCdal-no geanhift- dl,:..JIOI -a hill! of . aear changes . in fot'Watd driving I And- OQtatamfma u it il--Pa,WeraJide ;, only ono member of Chevrolet'• ~ poww tam. Come in and let'llS ~le. -. .. ' -. c N 'tr 1 = etf'.A.,. rl;.7'* r:i I O -~ • .. ' ........ ,,. ........... _ .... • • ' ·AUTOMATIC TRAllSllll$10ll' • • • ' • I l . BUSY VACATIONING SEE YOU LATER MARGO By MARGO - Used Toys . and Household Articles Needed-by Leag~e Thrift ShQp R('sident. ot Newport Bt>ach --------~-----~I r itJler the reluctant-t0:go.home will sponsor will mean that the 8UtnmPr \fnriP ty or th<' conlC'n te<l. fiekl of service c an bf' expanded ... l ' I,. '.cL~SS .IFIED . The ~ !'°dqet ln Adv,~ , · NEWSJ.TIMEs ..;.... Every , TaejMiay . . NEWPoRT BAY POST-W~~ys . NEWPORT-BALBOA 1-R~ -~bl'ldajl H-~ llay PMt nu·-.u.·-,.. ... Ille ~J' . "' ..... ..,_ .. ""'"'~' ~ ' .; · I IO.tlfllllJM AD 18 t t....INS8 t AD a...Jlecl .. DIUI& ...... for CUii ........... of ,.. •• ,,~t r 4 ~ 1 Paper . $.'75 4 u-% hpen 1.5& 4 Unes s_ Papers · %.08 Tbe publl.!bera will not be raponatble for more than one b\correct on of an aavertlaemcnt, reeerYe I.be rtpt to cvrt..U' daa117 any and all ads and to reject any advert.IBement DOt ~otlalnt tu rulea and • tegulattOM. Advertlsem•nta and cancellatlortt will bl. acce·pted up· lo D p.m. on the Clay precftd.ina pubUeatiOO.' · Except deadline for New.B. TlJnea b 11 a. m. Monday1 • PIMae D ar. 1111. ll&k for '*A d Tat,M"' ow amd-ad ud i l'f.mlittaac. to NEWPORT BABB&. PuBIASRtlifO <JO, !tll 111!1-Bl.•d• NewP<>rt BMe1t. Oellto ....... 10-Bmlness Gulde lZ-Bolhlln SerWtees ' ....... ..L ........ -I 4. *· ' , ' RIFLE Cal. ~7 Roberta; amOli rlllr; M:a.....-18 action, new llghl aporter. bane!, Lyman 48 aigh~ DdlXb BWtop stock, $99. Pb""" Har-OGM-W. ' 7lc73 KENM:ORE POwer Lawn M:ower: 60ll Cllff Drive. Newport ~gt& Phone Beacou 5283-W. 71~9 BRASS 2·1n. Cent.rifllga! water pump ·······-···············---1211 Sean Keroaene Heating Stove, prao. new .......•..• _ .. ..$10 Eleetrlc Wattt Heater, 5 , pl. •ise. Ideal tor trailer, Almost !J!!w ·····~·············---Sl5 Crouseut Saw ················-···' a 1831 Placenua, Costa Mesa .. 72pT( four-seawr. variety -who are given t~ ... throwing pots and pans, nre urgf'nlly t €'Qlf(>strd to lhrow lhrn1 in the direct ion of thf' As· s lstanc(' Leagur Thrift Shop at 115 • 22nd gtreet in Newport. A telephone call to Harbor 11:'>7-W, thr Thrift Shop number. will evt>-n bring a rapid pl"ck-up ~rvice for th<'se pots and pans, or any olhe>r usable houM>hold PQUipm<'nl or rumltur'-'. Child ren's fUrnllurr, from beds to baths, are nN'dNI always. And. therC' ls nC'ver enough Infant's or childrf'n's cl(\lhlng to supply the mother!'I who stretch out slim budgets and ke.~p their ramill<'s adr9uately r loth.ed thpough wise Tttrift Shop purchases. Many a pair or shoes from the shop ha8 been resoled and ahlned and gone to school In tht"' proud <'ompany or a bright· 1·ycd kindergartnf'r. to tht> children In the Costa Mesa ~lt"ment.ary .choob. ln th!& clln.lc, now under construction on Via Malag a in Nl'wport, ft-es gradu- att!d \.o the income of ramllie• referTed by the M:hool nunies will be charged and a prognm emphasizing the Importance of good nutrition In dt>ntal health will be a part of the clinic lf'rvlct. 1 Mrs. Victor Grace who ha gtvl'n thousands of hours of work in the Thrift Shop ha.'5 one cus- tomer who finWI lhl' shop a 90\J.rc.e of supply for his own private phil- anthropy. Rev. A. M. Allen of CRUMPU:b FRONT END of thb -operat..t by Zlmer l.<Roy 8a1T of •tot • 4J nl st_; NtWP<>rt Brach., ~lted alter It coDlded "'Ith a ,·rhle.le drt\•P• by. Larry K raus. 4:10 Marlaold A'~·• ecu:ona df"I Mar at 1:.38 L m. \\"f'ClllHd.ay at tht-lntffwctlon ot Ma.cArthor Bl\·d. aad Clout HJfhway. AC<mrd- ln.1 to lhf' polkf' r.-port., Barr llil alle1f'd to h&\·e dtl\.'HI throu1b a nod ll1ht ''lwl bl§ Clll' hit K taulli' atito \vtlicb "'M col•a \l"Hl on lhf" Cout Hlrb\\"&,Y. We111fty I . WI~ of Loi' Aa(•IN Atopp..,:I at l hf" <iottrw of tflp. attltlf"nt llJM'I t"Gld poller that Ba.rr>flo , ... hk:I" had bit bMI ear on ~tacArth.ur 81\'d, t"·o mll.Mi out!4Jdf" of Corona dl"I !\tar. PellCP bookPr BD.rr on a drunk drl\·lnr C'barl"P to \Vhl<'h hf' plt>aded nnt rullty IA Sf'Wport Bttl<-h t'lt1· ('<Hirt \\',..;ltw-Mday alff'rnooa.. Barr "'ill ha\'P a J•try trlaJ at B:Sfl L m. MoDday. SeptrmbPr U. f Prrss Photo) COlq'Lll:l'll: B OUBll: rn ,ll&N.ll'IU Mnlce. • J'urnltqre and rup fb&mpooed. ll'he .umai-1 "1llJ lllou"4. . AJ's /}Jouse & Rug c'leaning Co,_ ' 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Boac:cn 8Ul TJtto For Venetian Blinds, Shades ind Drapery Hdwe. P~G EARL SHEFLJN m.._a&.._M.a lleL MG?-.11 - DON K. BUTTs Lie. General Contractor Resldeljtial-CqmmerelaI Remodeling O'KEEFE • MERRITT range- Jt's a 1951 mOO.I and bu lamp, clock. that vani9hing Melt that makes a cover for the burneril. Also has griddle in the middle and It' slhe C-P all aut.om.aUc w'th the chrome grill bronc,. Balanee due On stove i.! $149.53. Pay me ca.!jh or take paymenL1 ot S!.03 ptr mo. My <'Qulty free see at storace, 404 So. Spad""° VUllerton. 9 a .m . to 8 p..rn,.. or Fullerton 2152. ut'fc League volunteers ar<' alrC'ady prPparing for the annual Christ- mas aalE". This 18 the time of year tha• outgrown or MOmewhat bat- t~red lOys arc coll('Cted anrl rf'- furbished to tw-solll at lnw pric!'>s nt thp special aale ju."lt before th~ holiday. The women who givf' to Thrift Shop S('rVIC<" have IPamed that the Chris tmM toy sale is parti('ularly rewarding because th<"y know that many parE"nU look to this saJe for 'the bright, beauti- fUJ toys that mean real Christmas t o a chJld. The Thrtft $hop is an interest- ing example of the best of smaJI community double-edged philan- thropy. lt provides merchandise at low ~rices ror those on a small budget and at the same time en- ables lhe League to caM"y on it.'I many! lqcal aoclal service projects with the tunds received from sale•. . s:Ofue of th~ -ph.Um\throPfe9. made poeible by Thrift Shop tt· ceipts are. not natty projects. They a"' ju.st neighborly help - i;uch as providing a hospital bed to a family With thrtt invalid children or helping to pay the taxeB on the hqme of a recently widowed mother of two. Under the heading of "project," how€'ver, comes the service wblch will mean dental health for many of the cbildre-n of Newport· Beach and Costa Mesa. This ts the dental clinic whlch Ut an outgrov.:th of the ten.year-old dental project conducted in the Neo/J)Ort schools. Under this program, with the enp thusiutlc cooperation of local dentists, the league finance<! vi- tally needed dental work for chil- dren whOM parents were unabl,. to pay for thE' car€'. The Frank R . Wilklnson, D.0 .S., Children's Dental Clinic which the league Claremont, a rctlttd Presbyterian Foofbdll Talll:S missionary .who served for twenty- flve years in a leper colony rn tC.ntlnued from Pase 1) Bolivia com~ in several t fmMi 8 college and high M:hool wher<' he y ear. lt isi Rev. A.llen'• cu.eM>m to 1 hu coached, for 11 years. God- vl.8it the shop· to purchue cloth-dard wou~dn t tab any proapects ing which he send."! oo those living or makl'.' any prt'dictlons as to the in the leper colony and many out<'OJT!e of the nea ring sea.son. He boxes have gone to the Indians in did say that Huntington wrui New Mexico R~ently he had add-going l o bt> tough to beat. ed a new ·country-Korea. Mrs. Orange Cout 'headman Ray Grae(' knows that he pun::hases Roiuro introduced line coach John \VIS('ly, choosing light garmPnts Ow•ns and t"n d coacht-s Roy Ward or heavy, according to thf' are>a and Huf'slnn H11.rper bf-torr J{l"l- 11.nd cllmat(' where. Bhipment11 are Ling. down .. to thf' point or fot·c.: made. She knows, too, that his cut1ng a better tban averac~ pure~ are mad<" from the one-M"uon for his bors. Rosao polntt'd tenth of his retirement incom€' out that the Pirates arf' much saved aside each year tor.this pur-deeper than ln the put at all po81· pose. As a resuJt, there are many tiona with a genuine will to play extra contributions from the apparrnt ln 1.lmoat all the boys. Thrift Shop shelves to swf'll th" The CO&-St coach pointed out that size ot the boxes. the retumlng contingent or vet: ORA.NOE-OREGON Tll~T TICJ<Bi's ON SALE Lions club members of Hunt- erans, t ogether' y,.·Jth the hustling bunch ot newcomeMI, gives him the best balanced squad ht" has ever had. ington Beach. Seal Beach, Cmta \VIU tn Play Count11 Mesa and Balboa Ul.19 week open-ROS80 contended that It wun't ed an jntenalve drive to a e 11 the wtnning of the t.11 game but ticket.a to the Otan•e Cout Col-the fellowehtp, teamwork, abU.lty Jep -Ottl'Oft Ttfch footba.U pme to tight overwhelming odds and at Huntm...tnn Be8cb Qll'h School the desire to play at all costa !a't-ura.V'~t; 'Siptiinbei "29.· which -counted. "Sure, we &ll• like Klckotf will be at 8 p . m. lo wtn," stated the peppery fonn- The foUr Llona clubs of the er Cal All-Coe.at guard, "but It area are spon90rin« the pme, In· is how you play that really t ells eluding the trtp down for the the story." He tabbed the forth- Oregon team and pre and post coming season as "interuting" game entertainment for bot h with the P ira.tes in a possible posl- teams. Pre game entertaihment lion to me-E"t their foes on evrn will Include a tour of the Coast footing ... You can bet." concluded College campus and the Orange lh(' Coast hea.dma.n, ··we'll be In Cout area with ·a possible boat tht>re scrapping all the t ime, Y.'in trip around the Harbor area a.a a lose or draw." highlight of the day. Poat game More than 200 Lions and thelr enterlairunent will feature a din· guests wt>-re on hand to open offl- ner "tor members of both, squads. clall)' the Orange Coan area foot- Tickets are on sale by all ball se8JK>n and llstt>-n t o the Lions club members or the Or-coaches, sing football !Jing& a.nd ange Coast an!a and entitle the get the first ha.nd .. dope" on the purch&Aer to a seat in the reserv-coming Pacific Coast conference ed. section between the two to sea.aon rron1 John Owens, Orange yard Jines. The price bas been Coast llrie coach and forecaster set al $1.25---the extra quarter to €'1 supremo. be used to help defray the C09ts -----~.- of bringing Oregon to the South-1 Opportunity l8 knocking ID land. -• CLASSIFIED ADS ALL OF 'TBE NEWS . of Iha Newport B••bor Area ALL TRE TIME • EVERY TUESDAY E,vily THUUDAY , ' 80TB FOB t3.50 A VC 1 •-1a , SUISCRiPnoti OIDll FOIM To t"9 NE\¥POIT. U' 'C)A PllSS amd THI NEWS· 'llMIS . . • Pl-send The Prea and 'l'IJe Neft ·Timm to • ' N•me ·. • • • • • I Ch ristian Science Lecture Heard By Many Here Last Friday Night The same healtng ChrlatJanlty he added, is true evaluation of taught and demonstrated by one's aelf a11 thr child of Ood. Chri.sl J f'sus Is avallable today to "Man In God's likeness is not an uncon&clous objE'ct, Ilk~ a h<'lplcss heal all alckneu and discord, woodf'n pawn on a chessboard, not Henry AllPn Nichols or LM An· 1 a guided ml.salle, coii.troll f'!d by an gt>I€'~. to.Id a largP local a.udif'nce extf'rnal lntC'lliKenc<'," hP empha· Friday night. ~lzed. .. Mr. Nic·hoL" mnlntninP<I in a Christ Lan Sci<'nC<' lecture that both logic and lovt> are l"'NWntlal Ingredients of CbriStianity, be· "Man 111 controlled by Lh<' divine Mind, y,th.lch actually i11 hla Mind," be contlnuNI. "I-IP is an Individual con.&elouent>ss ex pre e a i n g this Mind. He does not think lndcpcnd- cause God Is both divine mlnd enUy of Mind. Neither do men and divine love the source of both think for each other; they do not depend upon each othC'r -any more than leaves on a tree do, or individual rays or llght~But each expt'l:.'sses directly the one soun::e of all being. namely, God." love and logic. He said the under- standing ot thi!I makes physical healing by prayer possible-"not only In. an inspired moment, but again and again, with BClentiflc THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and E lgin Wat ches Christmas Lay Away P lan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 81i Coast Hi\vay, Corona del Mar 70tfc VA CUUM CLEANERS Et~trolux and otb~rs, $6.SG up. 100 to choo11e from. HANK'S Vacuum ClPancr Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa ~a Kimberly 3-2968 70tfc lZ-BoUdin~· Seiylce!!_. • H.H.HOLBROOK Phone · Beacon 64.0G:W 117ttc EXPERIENCED CARPE'M:RS Want Work by Hour or Job. Call Harbor 1184-M • I 7Jtfc FISHER Draft ing Service 916 ·eout Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar 72ttc Sympson-& Nollar PAINTING&: DECORATINQ "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 , 38th St., Newport Beacll PHONE HA,RBOR ~04· 52tfc GAS HEATER, 25,000 B. T.' U. circulating with pilot. Reuon- ablt". 2126 Miramar, Balboa... 73p74 •• 5%-Hoosehold Goods COMPLETE houae f"Ull of fumi· ture. Ve ry, very cheap. See. at 156 Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa. "Call Beacon 68574 J . 7lci3 certainty." Bringing out the baste onE"nes..e currently on an extensive lee-with God of the true man who hf' DEPENDABLE PLUMBING ture tour u a member .. of thl" said la wholly spiritual, the ll'CtUr-A Prompt REMODEL and REPiAJR Reside11ce or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' Nelsqn Sr. ABC WASHER -19~1 model. auto. 1bat is No. 1 on Coq- sumer'a report and u l!I e d lt.. only 2 mos. Has the agitator and It'& a beauty. Bala.nee due on It is $2t5.64 and· It still baa a guarantee on it. Cub or ~ pymta. of $13.23 per · mo.. Can ha\'e my equity free. See at storage, 404. So. Spad.ra.. t'ulltr· Cl'lrl&tian Science Board •of Lee-er said that "the Principle of your Repair Service Maintained beln God "' d 1 1~t h Phone: Harbor 1418-W General Building Contr ctor ~38 F'1llerton , Newport ch tu1;eshlp, Mr. Nichols spoke under g, . .1n.1n • s r &"" W ere ausplcea of Ftnrt Church of Cbriat you are, expreuJn~ ltee)f in you. 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach You a-t• -exp I t "'nd W18e people do read tJie ad&. SclenU•t in Newport Beach. He ·~ ·~ re on o .nu - Free Estimates Beacon 6779-W ~3p87 wu Introduced. by Mn. HeJen that la what man ta ... God ilJ the Church of Corona cteJ Mar. Mind you really know with. Goo Speaking on "The Lov@ and la the Love you truly love with. Logic of Chrlatlan Science Heal-God la the Ute you expreu." lng," the lt"cturt>-r emphasised both Divine logic. coupled with lov(', the tendE'r love and the "flaw· heala "by correcting those falsC' less Science" which he ·said art' conclusions that get ua into offered by Chrtati.anity. trouble," Mr. Nichols explained. Citing vartou.B Christian Science He said IL wa.'I lhP Christ. the healing•, he attributed them to spirit of Truth and Love, or the this combination, in prayer to sphitual understanding or God. God. of love and logic. Illustrat-·that made J esus the arfeclionate ing what he termed the divine and wts~ human being that he wa.s. logic of Christianity, Mr. Nichols "As we Imbibe this spirit and gain salrl : ''The all-knowing mind, God, lhJs understanding, the~ will knows Himself, HI.a own being. H e ma.ke us more aff<'ctlonate and knowa that He i8 good, that He wi!!I<'," he Wl'nl on. is liCC', and truth and love. He a.Isa "When our faith Is ralaf'd to the know11 th!Lt Hf' is the source and spiritual unclerslanding that evil substance-of all trye being, that Is p6werless because . God is omni- all that Pxlats expresses H is na· potent, then we will overco1ne evil lure and that there Is therefore with our spiritual understanding nothing unlike Him." Healing of good, as J C'sUs did,"-the spcak- comes about through the recognl-er said. lion of dl'fine facts, such as these, He maintained th11.t this was not he Mid. a rar oft or Impossible goal be· ,He t old of a cu e of stiff and cause the spirit and logic of the p&lnful knees, in -which the pati-Science of Chrtatianily, being di· ent, a young man, sought Cbri.8Uan vine, are humanly available. ''The Science help. He sa.Jd the man )'l'U Christ lt1 always avil.llable,"· he de· quJckly and wholly healed. and clared. went square-dancing the following ''Reflecting divine Mind," he Satlll'day nlgbL maintained, "he la self-governed. The inseparability of Science Every man Is a low unto hitnSt'lf, and Clu1aUanity LI the keystone ot but not unto others. This meane CbrtsUa.n Science hea1tng, the lee· every man knowing what la right, lurer 111tated. He de9Cribed how thi.5 loving what ta right, doing what i.8 re.lattonahlp 1.8 put. into daJJy ap-right. It meana every man loving plication according to Chr!Atlan hla nel(hbor u himself. Every Science teachlnp. man ts a dlvlneJy-govemed in· .. The simplest explanation that 'divldual because he ta the indlvidu-r can give of why ChrUtion Sci· al renection of hi.a all-governing ence heals," he declared._ "ls that Principle. This Is' the kingdom of it.a .mauve !fK1 lncenUve ls-love. heaven on earth." And the aimplea:t explanation of Mr. Nichola, who himself Is a how Chrlsllait Science ttealt Ls that Chrtatia.n Science pracUtlonf"r of it heals by love roupled With a many yean• experience, told of a d~onstrable underata.ndtng of the wo~ healed of a serlo¥ phy9~. divine Principle and M.lles of cal dlsabWty when 1he •alned ll health. 'Thia Principle 1a God. ~tter undentandlng of God. "A demoratrable understanding He •kl: ••1 kne?f of a cUe that of Principle and rule -lhat :r.1 appeared to be one oC'long at.and~ what a aclence Is, ~rding to Ing php..ical Inaction, but It was dJC~D.llY deltnttlon. And th1a • . . really a eue ot: mental lna.ction. lll what Chrtatlanlty la u Chril:t Tb.ls woma.n Aid that me couldn't Jesu. pracUced It -the pracUcal ~nk. 'Why of course you can underatandlnc and proof that Ood think.· l w'IU belp you to prove It la Love." for younelf, ber friend usu.red INTERIOR -EX'l'lllltlOlt PAINTING LICICNSJm -lNSURllD Glenn Johnston j01 -31St St. Newport BMcb liart>or 2297..J 114c48 Ground-Breaking (Continued from l"a~ l) Murdy to hold safe until comple- tion of the hogp1;,a1 project. Thf' chairman then called on Rev. Dal· la.s R. Turner of Laguna. Beach to close the session \I.Ith a prayer B ·& Y House M vers ~,I Gener al Contr.actors MO First St.. TuBtln cl.1tf. Phone Kimber~ 3-1880 f Home Phones J Asper 9·Z773 or JAAper 9-2987) 73c86 14-Penonals Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P. O. Bolt 20CI l!a1boio laland, Calif. !'bone Kimberly 8-15391 for help and for peace. Thia hav-2Z-Lo8t .. and· Found ing been given. Murdy then closed 1.;...;...,_.c.;..;;..-=--------- the happy occasion. STRA YEO OR ? -'Wheel tTom Santa Ana Woman Dies Near Airport Po&Sible heart attack wu ruled out as cause of the fatal accident at l '.15 p. ·m . Saturday on Mac· Arthur boulevard In whi<"h Mrs. Ruth PaJmer, 71 , o! 208 Buffalo street, Santa Ana, 106t her lite. The woman 1l&d driven he~ car head-on Into a culvert l % miles south of Orange county airport and wu killed in the crash which nearly demolished the car. ·she was riding &Jone at the time, and was driving ri orth. The car' failed to negotiate the slight turil. jeep on Lafayette St., Monday, early A. M. I! returned Im- mediately, no questiona uked. 2627 Lafayette St.. Newport Beach. 71p73 LOST -In Balboa Bayshore or Bay Club. Gold coetume jewel- ry-pin. White st.one set ln bloe- .som design lwo-lnchea blgb. one inch Wide 11.t top. SubstanU11.l reward. Phone Beacon 6084-J. ' 73p75 Her body was taken to Smith and Tuthill mortuary. An aµtoP'Y !28~:::;Si~ltu~~oatloti~~~W~aa~t~e1~1l--­ was performed ~unday and] cause FINJ: IRONING .riJ1 call for and of death was given -., "rriW.tiple deliver. CUrtalm. inJ'Urle&, extreme." I Htlp with dinner part!.._ · Pl!one · ton, 9 a .m. lo 8 p.m. or p"&one Fullerton 2162. as~rc ODLE. MAPLE BED, bo>; sprln_.g and matireu, single Jenny Und bed, mattreu and coil sprlllg, 3 axmlnater rugs 9 x 12. Phone 'Beacon 6476-J. 7la73 MODERN 3-plece sectional Char- lrell8e plastic and pebbleweav"· in very good' t'ondit.lon, $7~. Harbor 1503·W. -71p73 ENGLISH Wedgewood bone china. Lovely Cathay pattf"rn. WUJ sell .e'rvlce for 12, plua many extru:. Set Includes 100 P.t~s. Best of- fer . Harbor 063t:-W. 71c13 ' SIMMONS Hide-a-Bed Sofa with Beauty Rest mattress, .oovered ln Provincial print. &Jmoet new. See afternoons at 2~72 Kingt• Road, Cliff Haven. 73p75 O'KEEFE Ir MERRITI' raage. griddle, dbl. oven with ttine c lock . ." Cold8pot refrigerator, <and 5 pc. dlnJng set. In perfect 'condition. ·• Reasonable. 4.4.2 El Modena, Newport Heights •73c87 TV SET, RCA table model, table., and a.eri.a.J, excellent condition. Beat o'fter takes. Phone daytime KI 2-8794 (MrB. De!mond) -or call evenings J3l Opal. Ba1bOa laland. I " lSp75 ' Mr .. wuuam., ~ U9fi be- MR8. .rEr--'"11.'"IE BECKWITH fore 10 a.m: or 'after.I p.D\. SS=~~!:,~2]!!!!'!__;_ __ Mrs. Jennie Beckwith. 84. died 70p75 ~ B'*"9, Supplfes Sunday a.t the home Ji: her ------------- daughter, Mra. Frank R. Meyer, SO. CALIF. · BIBLID COLLlllQll: l""l.Wlt-}er Engtn' es 210 ~met avenue, Dalbo& laland. M:EN • WOMER l!ITUDICNTS """ '" Sbe nlade her bome there for War!t p&rt time WO.Jc. ~by Used f 16 years. She wu born in Elgin, AftIDlg. Rest, hoU81!WOrk~ yard Ill., and had Jived in Chicago and work, etc. KI. 3·8281; E:zt..111. l'Madena. ' • 'Tlp78 Crowns -Royals ~ )olm Harvey Servtoes wUI be h~ld today -------------' 1 (Ttleoday) at Ba 1 t • Mortuary, WOMEN, 35, .. wnr; tnte ... -r. corona de! Mar. Private Inters penionnel experience. oeeka ems at Sea~raft . ment will be at Mountain1 View pJoymmL Ph... LAcwi-4-eeat. C J oemetery, ~ · · Ttc73 · •Cl c6AST BIUBWA'I 4.ddlng U\at God ls lnflnite Love. her. A liat or written questJons be quoted the •ta\emmt of M:ary wu drawn up, .lllJnple ·quejltloU Baker FAd;y, the ~r llld Oaa: ne•erthele•• ~ .Wndtt of ~ Bdence: lhoop~I reuontnc to ....Wer, ROPE INl1JJIE8 WOMAN "Lon lftri<bts t.be nature, en1arg-, IUcll aa: to Ood Mind! What 18 'Blrll<lc by a -~ towline In&'. purieylllg, and elefttlnr IL• the prlmaey fWl<tloft ol Mind?-la wlllie a Pl'N)~r ""' the lbmle W~.::o =ff= r;: ... ~:; N)t~ DA.CB 1 Tbere i. no m1,Wl"7 to 9Udl ~ Uyt111nr • lhe matta with Doon. 11n. Robett z. SW.lnhart, "'!ling, the lect_,-empbl-the•..,. Jllnd wlllch b my 'kllOW, 18, of UH2 Do.vomjcb St. 'N cHe l&ld t.be ce .. dty to heal by t.be Ills ea...,ity!': la It dl..tne M:lnd walk on _, iraa tr.afea ~r­ loft and ·spirtiual undmltandlnc tut lo AJlar that l cannottldllkf "k JhJUHee by Dr or which txprw Ood·can be i...-U -i..-.a,rmc It, ..-t lo! jio~ce ~ ~~ == and -la ~ etc. ,Wba a1onO • riad t.be 'an -· ol•""ln&'-on ti\!! - I.bat °"" ""-'""'"" -...... rtldD1 -.. u -Tht 0.-. lloing ~blto port, -,..tty to ... Qod..cl.ftll and -...... _., ....... to -and t.be -parted. pollce oald. . 'copi. Ille _,mquty to prow It. , .. ---. W-: bor J 7 "Ona "' t.be ---~ --to -...... .... ...... °liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ""Ood'a -o( dMDe Josic," -to Illa tbnJdb.. A .,._ ' Kr. -dKland, .... t.bat It •"4 -thq --.---·---de--Udl!Jr _ .... ....,., __ Jocic: Ibis and -oot ----00 wt~ Ml\)' ' L l"M nool "• .. - -*" -~ °"' .. ··-Jllll4 sz ...... to GM ellil rt1''11 .. an i'taJlll ........................... IJl COocl ~ _ ___, __ JoCle, -..... liD ........... - & lo -e-80 --U -...... I 1S Ille -_ .. .., ..... ..., .... -., .... --- • 11• 1 A 'r11. ...._ ~ ftle ....... , .. ._. ................ THE BOYVEY -~·&UN '-" PB. JIBACOM 0171 t .. .,..,... Kn. x.. w. witt, 111 . " I , _,· ttue '(I. 21th .st.:; Newpj>tt -~ ~ _ . . 1-·· 11p1~ 11 rr.~~..-i-t.I ---, ---~--"!---'---I ·· <illrJa. ~ il.il ;::;·--fltt!O !! . ~ ·~: .. · : . . ~ar~t =' •· !!'ftboaU OU~ 0 ' • ·" -.er ~-• DAU'l'ICLUI' aad · Heir 8'Jliot 'Wlard a 1l<PfrboaU (« ~· 11. ... daJ'll .. -. 8-sap. -~·· M<!bU M&rlJle Di>ck ~Cll:D NI~:_.: Nat to ~·;;;:c.·a.=., ..._ _ _,. ........ tllpai-i---~-.;...------- --'" ..__ to ... "O" .:... l)ICft IMI --. ,_ ~ . -· If ,-r. CU810Ji -· ., ..... ., .......... 1 ... •'fl -.-Oley ........... -. -tli woiti.la ... ,,... dla . 11•1• .... .-,.-· T I t~ oai.-,w ... --· . ::: ~:: ,T:J:::... --.:::. .,~ . ...... . n.n ..... ~.-tal -..... , .. --i.·7· .._. to •Pt tt.. el Omrf law, ..-•• • • .'\., -~-;:CU:i!iE: =s~:r-·.: ~-•••lllilllil•_.I fll[.,il'rlit;~.a-.'111111 ._ a ,-.. • -,... I • 7 ' • ' ' • • • • ' • • f ~::~-.~.~~_!~;.T~.~· S~~ .. ~~~~~~ .. ~· 91 .~.~~ ~~ ~~lfAit1 6t6 '-, 1F=====-================i1 fll-A.!!':'! !!*' .... B:a··~ - 1 WANT AD will cost you only it will run in ell 3 local papers. ' • • A Minimum ed is 4 lines .. Phone Harbor 1616 I NICELY Jl'URNJllHED 8 bednn. duplex. AdUlta. 1011 Wut ilo3 Ave. Ph. Harbor 19SOJ Tftfc, OCEAN FRONT Studio and l bed: room tum. &pta. UUL Incl. Yearly ratea. 1828 W . Ocean Fron~ Newport Buch-_ 72plH TWO NEARLY NEW rumlabed aplA. tor rent -One 2 bed- room, l80 mo., one 3 bedroom. $7~ mo. tncl, utillUea. 124 Apte- BaJboa l•land. Owners V , H . Gunder90n, 8108 N . Camellia Ave., T emple City, AT. 15-8032 . 7lc73 BA.LBOA ISLAND-"Cozy, well- tumlahed apt. Idea.I for 2 or 3 Can take 6. Reaaonable rate. Harbor 1569-W." 72c7 4 l $38 MONTH ' -Clean furn. apt .. =========================:::::!! j us t vacanL Reti"ig-; ';No, don'l drown your kida. Children wel- Newport-Balboa News-Tlme!i -Newport.Balboa Press Newport Bay Post (Shopping News) MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 5 JOHNS()N Outboard Motors The only factory -approved Sale11 and Service Station In the New- port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 5Jtfc ' 43-A~'!.ts an~ Houses YEARLY RENTAL -Unfu rn. I bedroom apt. Extra lgc. livtng room , garagl', laundry room. 704 'At H eliotrope, Cor ona dcl 34--Mnslcal, Radio Mar. 7 1c73- HAM.M.OND all electric chnrd o r·\ BALBOA BAYFRONT -Nic••ly gan. You can play ln ten m in-furnished 2 bedrooms lower Oct. utes. Hammond Great Spinet Organ. Te rms. Come in and play . DANZ . SC HM:tD'T BIG PIANO AN D O RG AN CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAGN IFIC ENT Elect ric 0Tgan. 1s t -June l at . H a r bo r 1587-J . . Reasonable. Ph. 71c76 THREE BEDROO~f Furn. House. Large f<'ncl'd in bac k yard. C lns(' to school. HarOOr 321 5. 69p7•l come. 32() Alvarado Pl., Balboa. 72p74 NEW VISTA APTS. Nicely tum- ishl'd. large bedroom, reuonable wlnte r rates. 1114 w_ B&.lboa Blvd ., Newport ·Beach. Phone Harbor 1147-M. 71p74 BALBOA ISLAND -Fumiahed 2 bdrm. 1Lnd garage. New . Year lease or wl.nler rent&l. Rea.aon- able to right party. Har. 1123-J 71p73 TWO BDRM. Gara.ge Apartment, furnlshrd. Good view . $70 mo. 713 1':.i Jri.s, Corona del Mar. 71 c73 Balboa Island W e ha ve several a ttractive apts. and houses 1 for winter rental sta rtin~ at $45 mo. a.n d a few yearly rentals at&rtlng at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Mat·lne, Balboa Isl. Har. 502 69tfc F URi\.tSHED ocean front 2 bdrm. REAL ESTAT.E· ' RANCHO MODERN 2 BEDRM. Shake roof home. 1 yr. old on a lge. lot near 16th & Tustin in Costa Mesa. Price $7950 Small down pa,yment will handle. LINWOOD VfCK, Realtor ' 312 Marine Ave" Balboa Island Ho,rbor 2042 ~ " 89c71 Little Balboa Island Bayfront Finest location with own pier and float -This charming home situated on an extra large lot- Consists ·of 3 bdrms. and 3 baths, including a very spacious and attractive master bdrm. The large livpg rm. with high ceiling is ideal for en· tertainint but for . the person who demands a quiet room there is a den . The many cupboards and closets provide ample storage space. A com. fortable winter is assured in this fine home be· ca use of the large fo rced air furnace. I( all this is not enough, there is a separate apt. either for guests or in come. Make an app't . to see this out- standing bayfront home at your earliest conveni· ence. Price $60,000. Attractive terms can be had. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 Atitomotlve. Bay Front Income 6 Units complete ly furn.. 70-ft. 43-Aowmoblles, Tires ReposseSBed . Big savings. A bar~a.l n of a lifetime . Term!'. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. 520 No . Main, car . Slh, Santa Ana. F U RNISHED HOUSE, 4 bdrms .. 2 baths. Lge. living rm . Garag('. N ew port Beach. Ha rbo r 0&19-W. 7 Jc76 houMc, 1720 Wf"st Ocean Front, DODGE ~-ton panel truck. 1927. Newport Beac h. $~ mo., plus Exet"llent conditio n. Pract ica lly Bay F ronlai;C'. 3 2 bdrm., 2 bath apts and 3 I bdrn1. apls. Finest location In Bay ar1•a . Shows good tn con1<'. Price $87 ,500. Con· sider part t ra de.. SLIGHTLY USED Spinet Plano. Nationally known make in per- fect condition. T crma. $4 7 .SO down and $17.02 per mo. at Shafer 's )>{uslc f Si ncc 1907l. 42:1 N . Syc8.mor ". Sant.a-Ana. Kim· ber1y 2-0672. 59t fc ' NICELY FUR N ISHED l bdrm apt. Yearly rental $55 mo. incl. .. utilities . Patio. Adults. 1825 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport BcaL'h Phone Harbor 1239·\\'. 7Ic73 ut il. for winter monlha. Phone """'' t lr,•s $85 or ix'~t offl"r tak f'S. &•aeon 6433-J . 7lc 76 1631 Placl'ntia. Coata ~sa . --------72p7< P ENINSULA -Winter rental. I New 2 B. R. house. furnished. STATION WA GON -F'ord. late F ireplace & patio, $90 mo. 416 '46, OCautiful .Kha!)<!. Only ram. l l·Vue Lane, Balboa. Sho'WTI lly U8e . Extra,.,. If you hav1• M . o nly. 72c71 twen trying to fine! a clra n one" B F t R t } you w on't hf' di~Pl>'•int t'<l. Pri· ay ron en a S . COR-ONA Dl!::L MAR -Furn. 1 va.lt> party. 542 Fu.ll('rton Ave., Flirn. 1 bdrm. apt. Private ~ar h. bdrm. a pt below H lway. S75 mo. Newport Beach. 68tfc winter $75. AL'Kl 2 bdr m., 2 bath. yearly. Al.so tum. l bdrm. apt. fireplace, Sl25. Slightly hight•r on Balboa Is le until June 10th. by year. Ha r. 2[)52 or eves. Ha r. .Adull.9 only. Phone Har . J520·J 29 14 -M. • 69tfc or Har. 1011.J . 7 3 p7~ 1947 STUDEBAKER Chan1pion Starlight coUpC'. ALSO 1050 S tu· dcbaker Champion 4-dr . l!C'<lan Private party. Harbor 301. 6l tfc Bayshores- View Home N ew 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with fine v iE>w or Ba:r · Beat con!!ltruc. tinn. Fi rcpl-acf', foref"d air heat. attractively decorated. lots of tile fcaturl's, le.r~c r oom&. Thi"' Is one or the outs tanding fl oor pl!lns In the area . Price $22,500. $4,950 Down Nt•w 2 lx!rn1 . hon1e on Lid'o Isle. P rivet(' patio, fl rf'pla ce. furnace TRAD E you r old piano on Electric Organ. P lano or Television. Bl1ot · ge!lt cash allowance. DANZ- S CHM.IDT PIANO CO., 520 N . M11.in , Sant& Ana.. --------------I W INTER R ENTALJ; rEr-;"lN- S ULA. Furn. 1 a nd 3 b<lrn1. apts .. close to school. Rt'frlg -Reasonable to June 15t h . Ph. FUR N1S HED -2 bdnns., 11 lcl'p 6. -------__ hC'at, bar-type kitcht'n , J;tl&.88 '42 OLDSMOBIL F. fi6 4·dr. st'<l an. enclosed tub. F ull price $15,?50. GREAT SALE o f Summer return- ed Spine t · pl.ano8. Save f ronl S!OO to $200. Uke new . Full guarantee. Rep.ta.I te rme. DANZ. SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 N . Main, cor. 8th, Santa Ana. Ha r bor 1270-W. Sl lfc Spac ious encla.ed patlo, real home, Udo Jl!lle. Con.sldt'r yearly )PaM". $125 per mo. Write Box "E " thl8 paper. 73p81 OCEAN VIEW Fu'RN. AP'l'. P l'n. F URN. 2 bdrm. hat'. Large llving P olnt. suitable tor l or 2. Win· 1' room. Util. pd. Winter or year· t er $55 Mo, Utiltticl:I a nd gar. ly. 14~ W . Bay, Newport Bch. inc. Harbor 2001·J . 6-ltfc Inq. lowe r rear apt. 73trc H ydramatlc, radio, nl'w paint. ALSO g ood tires. Rr a150 n11.blt'. Srr Af· J bdrm. 2 bath . Excellent noor t ernoons. 235 72 King'11 Road. pl&n. <;>utatanding color8 lhru- Clitr H avC'n . 73p75 out. 1'~orced ai r heat, (IN.'placc . and patio, Loa dts ot storage 19·19 CA D ILLAC Sc<lanettl'. B tueo. I 1>pace a nd built-ins. Price clean. a ll cxt rR..'I, llf'W t1rl's. $22,500. S27SO . P honr Bt·aC"on 7021 bC'-CREENl.EA F & ASSOC. t wet•n 5 &. 7 p. nl. or S!'l' ttt 2502 BUILD ER -REALTOR C'restvtt'\\' Or., Bay Shores after 3 11 2 Nt•wport Blvd., Harbor 25:>2 EXCLUSIVES I Space doea not allow com· ' plete . description of the11e fine BUYS. Call for details. You'll find our associates courteo11.11, we 11 informed & considerate. Come look. 1. Exqulafte 2 bed.room home that hae everything. P11ced at $20,- 000 cannot be equaled. 2. New large 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on large loL High beam celling and many DELUXE features. Priced at only $25,000 -terma. 3. Th~ most for yoor money on LIDO ISLE. Btand new 4 bed- room, 3 beth home with 3-car garage. Thia 18 really a "beau· ty" at ONLY $28,600. ALL above homes are on lovely LIDO ISLE. ALSO Other clever 2 or 3 bedroom,homc8 t or sale on UDO ISLE. For those who want to build -some ve ry fine lots can be had either on the BAYFRONT or in8ide. W e are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where you can make a real BUY. Here a little buys a. LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED · 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Ha.rbor 1500 A 'ITRACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNIT lroMES Here f8 $145 monthly regular In· come: 2 bdrm. stucco. furnt!hed home, plus studio apartment, furn. over double garage. At- tractive price $1 7,750. ~·our bdrm. ·north Bayfront, two . story ranc h etyle home, 2 baths. plu8 complete 1 bdrm. Apt. furn. over double both units. ea.My letmti, m ent. garage8. F ireplace Priced lo sell on $10,000. dO'A!'fl pay· J. A: BEEK OFFICE Harbor 83 Balboa l8land Ferry 69c $7250 Full Price . . • • • * • * * * * * * * ' ANNOUNCING the New Location I., * • of Our Real Estate Office as of Saturday, Sept. 15th 1856 NEWPORT BLVD. Costa Mesa (Across from Costa Mesa Bank) New Phone No. -Beacon 7123 GEO. EVERSON PHIL D. SULLIVAN . * '* * * * * * BALBOA ISLAND LI'ITLE ISLAND WATERFRONT-See this well- built 4 bedroom-2'/:! bath home in quiet location & with excellent vie.,.. 52 ft. frontage. Lge. Sundeck 2 garages. Can readily be converted to a duplex. ' · Price $27 ,500 -Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 . SHORECLIFFS BEST LOT BUYS LOT No. 15 -Frontage 85 ft. ocean and jetty view. Priced at $6750 LOT No. 129 -81 ft. frontage-Outstanding view of ocean and breakers, overlooking "Little C.D.M . • beach." Priced at $10,500. These are the choicest lots available · in Shorecliffs. Owner anxious to sell-priced for quick sale. Terms can be arranged See Price T. McCuiston, Realtor 503 Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar Ph. Har. 4 7 CLIFF • THREE Bdrm. d Den Ranch Newport Heights Today's Best Buy Type Home. eti.vy 8ha.ke roof, * forced a.Ir hea 2 baths, lots of tile, lge. dbl. r ., patio. Ju8t completed on 1 e view lot $26,500. Terms. NEW three bedroom hon1e with f ireplace, f u rna ce, h ardwood floors .. garbage disposal, double garage, SEE 2302 -15th St., pen Sun. 1-5 Home -Large Lot U nobstruct- ed Harbor W-bdrm8., bwd. floors. Flagst fireplace, en- closed barbecue. Large living - d ining room facing Harbor. Fur- nace heat, dbl. gar. Only $18,000 Shore Cliffs $11 ,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Muter B. R. 1.fx~ 2 baths, large playroom and· shop. 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle RENT A CLARINET, trumpet or other band Ins trument for $5 a. month. Rental applie& on future purchase at SHA_FER'S. MUSIC co. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syca- more, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. LIDO ISLE Sm a rtly furnl!llhed 1 a nd 2 bed· room a partmen ts with gara ge. Sept. l5 to June 15th. l ~droo1n f twln beds) S75 mo .. 2 bcdrms. $100 mo. All utilit ies pald. Ideal for 8Chool t ea cheri or profes- sional people. YEARLY -2 bdrnl. dupll'x. un- fu rnisht"d . Garage. Near both '-schools. 2265 Clay. Clitr Haven. 7 p . m. . 73c75 I Clever 2 bdrn1. cottage near ocl'an l and bay. Sparkling new-Let U!!I prove ita the beat buy in the Dtstiric ttve new 3 bdrm. home, 1 ~ Bay area . bath.s, · pegged hardwood floors. Ralph P. Maskey G_RAND PIANOS, 25 makes. Used from $495. Terms. Ste inway, PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. 520 Muon & Hamlin, Fi.8cher, Knabe, Chickering and many others. DANZ -SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. R emem· her: corner 6th. PRACTICE pianos. $59, in excel- lent playing condit ion. $1 .25 per week. T e rms. 2 years exchangr:: of full purchase price. DANZ- SCHMIDT. 520 No. ?..lain, Santa Nia. RkNT A PIANO fo r only $3 per month. Rental appllei1 on tuture purcha.ee at SHAFER'S MU- SIC CO. tSlnce 1907 ) 421 No . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2--0&72. S5 A MONTH renl.9 a good plano All rt"nt allowed when you buy. DANZ-SCHMIDT P IANO CO., 620 No. )fain, corner 6th, Santa Ana, ~~~~~~~~-~~~ BOAT WANTED U p t o $4000 (power I a.s part dn. on Beau t. new h""'. 2 B. R. & den, patio &. B.B.Q .. hdw d fi rs .. 2 fireplM .. etc. 22M3 Clare ndon Street, Woodland Hills, Sunset 27608. 73c75 -People do read the wa.nt ads. tl--Swres and Offlcell IN CORONA DEL MAR- Attractfve st ore 12 x 40 ln new bldg. b.cellent loca tion oppo- site All-American Markel. $75 month. • W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Associate 918 Goa.St Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar ' 69Ur. STORE F'RONT AGE on Pahn St ... Balboa tn new Ruby Bl<lc. bet. Balboa Blvd. and Ocean l'ronL About 2400 eq. tt. with 3 front entrancea. WW finlab to .Wt tenant& DH E. 0.:-J'ront, ' .ApL 1, BalboL Pb. Harbor 3:13& ~~ WANT -u~ a bedroom f • JMJulle I llll c. D. )(... Two adUlb I . on4 z ssri-. 10 • H :rn. Yoarb' ·-•100. ~ --~ .-. 1671·11X. . ncu P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Har bor l~ N ewpol't Bea.ch, Calif, 58tfc \.-VINTER RENTAL -PENIN- S ULA -Furnished single a pt., available In Sept . .$8 week. Ut il. incl. Adu lts only. Phone Har- bor 1270-\V. 61Uc TWO APTS. Now available. ALSO room and bath by day or pe r· manent . 514' E . 0cl'a.n Front, Apt. 1, Balboa . Ph. Ha r . 3238. 60c7.f. RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS C&11 -Crate Linwood Vick, Rltor. Selbo& leland. Har. 2042 S2cM WINTER RE~TAL, Balboa Bay Shores. 2 bdrm. fum lsh~l house. Auto. washer . Large fe nced yd. $86 mo. 2612 ' Cretitvlew. Bay Shores. 7tp73 TWO BEDROOt.t duplex, furnis h· ed. $65 month, yearly , 304 -J.f.th St .,, one child 0 . K . N' B. C REALTY CO. Harbor 140.1. 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newport Bench. 71 c73 BALBOA ISLAJ\'D -FurnJs hf'd 2 bdrm. &nd garage. New . Year leaae or winter rental. Reason· able to right pa.rty. liar. 1123·J . 71 c73 BALBOA ISLAND We have apartmenla and houses-- A va.il&ble tor winter aeuon or -yearf}r • leue. Fo r Information phone Harbor 1297·R. , 6ltfc W OO IS LE -Nicely furnished 2 bdrm. home, TV -Cloae to bay, a ttractive patlo. Phone AXm inlater 3·2315. 73p75 CO RONA DEL MAR-1 bdrm. up- p<>r d uplex . Se m l or unfurnished. $50 rno. ycarly. Phone Harbor 2364. 73c 7~ BALBOA ISLAND P'um . 3 bdrm. New. Year le~ or winte r rent· al. Rcu onable lo right party. Call L. A. OL. 1088. 73p78H WINTER RENTAL -l bdrm . furn. apt .. Newport Island. $50 mo., utll pd. No pet.a. Phon" Harbor 1211.J . 73trc LEA S E -Two bt>droom house. Uofu rniahed. Double garage. Sun deck. 621 Irt.a, Coron& del Mar. 73c75 ------------F URNISHED APT. -$50 n.io .. 3 rm s. a.nd bath. Adults. N o pcUi. N o dr inkers. Center ot t own. 1876 FUilerton. Coata M esa. Ph. Bea.con 51.le-M. 73c75 Amazing! ! F URN. APT-. Newport Beach. My brst aummer renW-due to 111- nf"M -goes on year'• leu e. 2 bdrma., gar. & utll. Incl., $8.5 mo. or $76 on 9 m o. lease. Call Bea- con 6461-M. 73ttc FllRN. 1 bedroon1 apts. Utl1. paid. Near 8totts. $58 mo. It up. 191.f NeYtport Blvd., Coeta Meu. 73c7~ WINTER -Furnished 1 It 2 bed· room apt. Good beda. Serve l refrtg. At 1802 W . Ocean Front. F or "ppt. ·to aee. phone Harbor 370 or Harber 2805-J. 73c75 BALBOA -YUi' round., lovely 3 B. R., 2 bath apt. Patio. Sun deck. Garage. P"um. $12~ P"r mo. Uttlltiea ~xtra. Phone Har- bor 3277. 73c7!) Wm. w. Sanford PEllMA.NENT weekly mital REALTOR .i .. plnJ room. Private entrance. Park Ave. at. Marine Guage, $10 per week. Blue Top Balboia )aland Barbor 2482 Motel, 401 Newport Blvd., New- 5ttrc port Beach. e8tlc 1941 PACKA RD 6 Convt•rtiblc, OVE'rrlr1vt'. By orig. owno•r. $("('· ond ca r in family or 2. Drive n Balboa Peninsula INCOME GREENLEAF &: ASSOC. Lots o f tile and many extra.a. Btn_LDER _ REALTOR Large patio. C hoice location on under 60.000 1n1. Brand nt'W top E xcl'plionally nice 4 units -2 a nd seat covers. Excelle nt value l .story 8lucco. only J Y.i yr!j. old. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 w ide lo t for gracious living, $24,500, a t $4 05. f'h. Harbor 21 28-M. 1·ca r g a ragl'. Three 1 bedroom COSTA MESA 73p86 un ~ts furnished. One 2 bdrm. 1 -. ---------, --. --.-, unit unfurnished. Close to bay Owner hf& left for good. Fine 3 41 BRITISJi AUSTIN with 161 a nd ocea n swimming Exce llent ... _d h F ed I 1 l be · ~ room oUBe. enc arge o . n1otor, new ring~. goo<t rub r, lncon1c. 2 ll tnt t good cond. Ge t~ 25 -30 rniff's to $36,500 ·car garage. a appo . men !j, 1 g al. of gas. Ph. Be~. 6963·W Your Otter C~ldered. 73c87 --F or ApPolnlment to See- ------------IN BALBOA-2 baylronl lots, 60 HOR<\CE S. MAZET ~Mone)'' to Loan I ft. frontai;e. 1 306 Marine Ave. I $18 000 for both !8-lboa l61and Harbor 3028-J LO~S201:?.r 1.o~?mes , , • _ _ . 59ttc coNsTnu cr10N LOANs On Balboa Peninsula Near Bay Club al )----!) t..4 ~ ( 14 yrs.) I T HREE years old. Unfum. 2 t; 1 WE BUY .A NO SELL bdrm . home. 2 balha, fireplace. THREE bedroom house ln Bay TRUST DEEDS Shorea, near club'8 rear gat,e. SEE BOB SAITLER $14,000 full price Neal and very attrac tive with 1415 COAST BLVD. Good term8. provincial papers. Good heat. Cor ona drl Mar Harbor 1017-J \Vi ii · consider all offcr8. Encloaed patio. Nlcely tuml8h- R.ep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. ed. $18,500, '4etro Lire tns. Funds Kl J-••~ Coast Properties Co. LOANS TO BUILD, LMPRovs. 301 E . Balbo Blvd.. Balboa Phone H arbor 26~ BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Tru8t Deed9 NEWPOfiT BALSOA •FEDERAL SAVINGS • LQJ.N ASSN. 8333 Via Udo Ph.. Bar. 1000 57-Real E&tate Wanted W AN~HOUSE or INCOME. ~· sallboat &8 down payment. VaJup $-3.9SO .. Call Mrs. Ahrens. Harbor 245l ·Jtf. 12ttc * * * * THE PRESS THE .NEWS-TIMES THE POST Today's Be~t Buy in Corona del Mar SPIC AND SP AN 2 bdrm. home wtth PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW, dbl. gar. 16 x 16 living rm., fireplace. Low down paymenL Can move right In. SEE • Earl Cham'Ql!rlain SOD Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mat (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 • 68c70 $105 PER MONTH income for '8.000. 3 rumisbtd rental unit.a, now occupied by desirable ten· ant.s. SEE FRANK TRlCKEY 1988 H&rbor Blvd. Coat.a Kua Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264. Channel Front FIVE · BEDROOM. tumJ8bed, 2- atory borne, float, patio, barbe· cue, sail boat, comer lot, fire- place, furn., sun deck, attrac- tive well a..rnnged, easily con- verted to duplex. Full price ls $2t5,000. Be8t waterlTont buy available. Term.1, +3 down. $62~ buya 3 bedroom cottage near channel, ea.ay tenn1. Bwilnen lot on Stet near Lafay- ette, aa.criflce tor $1750. N . B. C. REALTY CO. 32nd and NeWport Boulevard 71c73 Incpme Property , EXCELLENT opportunities l n commercial and resldenttal ln- coma ~ Balas · Trada • Corona del Mar G. I , RESALE-2 bdrm. stucco, dbl. gar., R-2 lot. Pymts. only $55 per mo., includ. taxes, 4o/"' lnt. and insur . Why pay r ent? See this, it won't lut at only $10,500. W. E . FISHER, Realtor·Builder ERNI$ SMITH, Realtor Associate 916 Coa..st Blvd. Harbor 2f43 Corona del Mar 68c70 SPECIAL! OCEAN FRONT-Dandy 2 story .f B. R . home. Fi'replace, porch. deck up8talr8 commanding beau· tJful view, patio. AND INCOME UNIT &.t rear haa 1 B. R., liv. rm.. kit. & bath, 2-car g&.r., 8hower , and s torage rms. Furn. Within walking diat.y.ce of Bal· 1 boa 8hopplng. Prlceft. to l:leU '1ll $16,000, terms. _ J Balboa Realty C0. RoP Greeley Josephlne Webb Lillian McAdoo 700 E . Bal-Blvd. Har. 3277 JUST GQMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM.. 2 bath home on la.rge 80xll8' lot 1660 ·sq. ' ft. plus m.uonry garage with radJo controlled dQor, ha.l'dwood floors. Forced air furnace. Lota of tUe. Completely fenced and land.ocape<I. Priced at $27,&00. % dOWJl Call owner Harbor 2941-J or aee house at 13' SborKUtts Road. 67Uc Look to Costa Mesa TllRE1!l bclrm. older bouoe on big lot onlr '5,500. 11.500 down and 34.ll Newpart Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor -l02 1'>6tfc Bay Front ' lt you're looking for the finest in BAY FRONT at a reasonabld price-let · ua tih ow you thi.:5 out.standing new 4-bedroom 31,.2 bath and d en home . Pano- ramic view o! Harbor, fine sandy beach, pier privilege. Large enclosed patio, too many featur e• to dt>scrlbe-May we · show you? Price $59.500. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 NEW 2 B DRM. BEACH 'HOME 1 BLK. TO OCEAN &. BAY $7,250 FULL PRICE -TERMS Har. 2~2 or Har. 2914-M Eves. 69tlc BALBOA ISLAND A Good Year d Home Large Uv. rm .• dining rm .. 4 bed· rooms , 2 baths, dbl. gar., good hea t and fir~place, moat attrac- t ive and on good street near North bay. NELDA GIBSON 306 Marine Balboa Island. C&lit. · Phone Harbor ~ . Newport Heights . \i BDRMS, 2 BATHS. BIG DIN· ING ROOM. ID'rlall den, spacious ··kitchen, service porch, fenced yard, 18 x 24. dbl. gar. lp city limill!I of· Newport Beach. near schools and churches. Paved streets It alleys aU ln & pa.Id for. Sewe111 and utWtl.?s all in. ,See uu. fine family home at su.500. 'l'erm8. COSTA MESA REALTY 400 Eut 17\h St, Coata M-. Phone Bea.con 6818. Tlc72 oJnge County's Outstanding 7Sp75 Bay & ~aeb Realty Hl!O Bal~ Blvd. ll&rbor l:IM '50 per monlh. . 11------------ ., Modern redwood ·and glua Two bdrm.· and .ervant'• quarUn. --~-~~~-~~~~~ ONJ: BEDROOM SOUSE, 2 :rn. uld. sa.1111. 111 . lllerrUl Place. <loot& Ill-Pb. B!'\. -M. • I -li8tfC THREE bdrm. large home, 1400 oq. fl. on Ii ~ .~· c1- ID, complet<oly fOIJOed. PaUo en· cloled, dollb.le 1 rar-.e. Tree•, lawn.a, etc. A O. L raa1e at very Ocean Front 3 .bedroom houae. Hu 11' YEARLY UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apl. PLEASANT· ROOlll. Balboa Perl· , wllh pr., floor f\\rn&ce, water iMUl.a. Klleba pri.u._ -Real Estate Flqatorie and wood noon. Two year• old. In grove of Itta. Btauutul view of tbe weaterD hll1o -In uclualve oectlon -2 ritUa frotn oceu ID quid al..°': round1np. f:i&,000. Oood °"1'er Calied to Service reum•Me: terana. ""' R. W. BARTlNE tM, panel ray heat, breaktut bar, 2 car garage. Good ocean balhiJSI and flahlDg. fl2,li00. IOCW>er. Nur Beach, $60 mb. Garqe. p,.._ -r 0%46-R 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor '13c7D ' . m1 ... Harbor 890-M. 44t!c 1------o------- BALBOA JaLAND room wllh BALBOA Pll:NlNSULA OCllAN i.lh and ltl-. Printe vmw. Jbm, apt. oult&ble for eninn.:,. -. ..rris. Ver<1 Dlce- eouple. Winter, SM mo. Year.I¥ Wtnter,l '8 '#II-or ..,. :v-. '10 -.-:i. UWW.. on4 -· Inc. wk. VllL peld. -IUll-K. ~ J001.J. Nlti: IJ). j i •, --.• • Tlpll AclYertising · * '" Medium · t * * * -- 1987 Irvine Ave~ Costa w- Pbone Beacon 5293-W . '- Tou cup a "!frl _.ble bllJ' tn Newport ~ CleeD and attr.ctift I --bqme, a~ ,.,.... old. Jlctwd. -. -ble -. 11.,t toca-Only '8,IOO. 11SAOON,.JlilbRBAir PHONS Ba.-wt to _... TY, • .lhwpo;\ ...... OW. J<IOlfWUlod•Uill...... , -• ' i11f' , ' • BRQIP!:R ~ c1awn p&1"'..,._ I Bay & :eeach Jteiuty Harbor UM w. u. ht.Im. -late 1107 Newpart .Ave, C-. - Be.coa 1 SS30 ------------COSTA\MESA.•-ll'OR B -tao -·· 1 -....-ant RENT· -N-1 ·-. Pndlce! .An ad ~· la, Ulla -P-lllna. Call --· ,..__"'!II~'. 'i"'.11• for J'O'L ,-:w.':" : ,j IM ~