HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-02 - Newport Balboa News TimesI f • I •. • I SEPTEMBEI ·-UltDIMG RECORD SET ~ •. ' September'• buUdlng acUvlty Ai, ' , • • • • . . ' 1 -, Newport Beach pronlised to ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the year'• tot~ building perm!~ 43rd YEAR.--NUMBER 40 to possibly the greatest year on record. Total building permit.!I lssued1 during last month were taJlled at $1.712.449 by Clty Building In- spector {);ck Whit.son. A permit ot $1,096,023 for Hoag Memorial H()8J>ital accounlC'd for the lion's sh&IX' of the month's totals. NEWPORT BEACll. CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1951. . . . . FIVE CENTS EXCELSIOR BEATS TARS 7-0 · IN . HARD BATTLE • .. • • Plana to begin negotlationa with Ule pacilic Elec tlci..Ra.ilway fol' the acqui!lltlon ot their ~ght-of way, depot: and ya : tietween 50lb street in Wost Newport and McFadden Place were rec.fled by mem- bers· of the "NeWpOrt-Balboa Street Planning Committee" which met Friday in the City Manager's 9fflce Named chairman ot the new proceed with a.."1 speed possible on committee wu Mayor L. ·i.. Isbell; the Widening Qf Balboa Blvd., from with City Manager .tohn J, SaUol'8 30th1 street to the Coast Highway wu!tria.de. r a.a vice-chairman aitd secretary. In the ·recommendktion, "'h icb Membet'3 are R. L. PatteMK>n, wls unanimously. carried, it v.•as fames Miller, Tom Henderson, J . asked that the City EnJ:"ineer co1n- B . Webb and Ben Reddick. ;nic plete plans for tbe acquU!ition ot the ·Adams and Ward p'opertie9 con1mittee repl8.ccs the former Pa- 1 • Ne-w RP.sidPntial single units totaled $325.100 for second high I figure of the month, while new four or more unit permit..s counted $60.000 in valuation. New com- mercial unit.a totaled $96,000. tiaJTie .o lhf' end, a ba.tillng group of Tar gridsters went down to A. 7·0 defeat Friday night as they Were defeated by Exce1slor hlgh school at Ohvldson Field. at S8 and 39 stn-ets on Balboa cific Electric Commltlt"C which Blvd., and of the Marble prop· secured an offer of right-of-way erty at 31st street and Balboa ror 31st street trom the Pacific Blvd. These properties are the Electric company. The original tut remaining in the~ey of the ' v .. -. The n1onth's totar of Sl,712,449 brought the value or permits issued r;o rar this year to $7.479, 453. Thi!'! nine-month sum shows possibility of cre~plng pa.st the· city's bann<'r ycilr ot 1948 when a total of $8,&11.508 worth ot per- mits W "Tt' issued. Nearly certain to be overtaken is the next high year of 1947 when city building permits totaleq $7,837,342. Second highest month for this year c:1 1ne In January with Is- suance of $1,377,0DL in permits. By contrast, a total valuation or ~ $'443,885 was reached In August. Excels'or'a Fullback Grayson scored the · lone touchUown in th~ coinmittE'e waa composed of Sail-25·foot widening Job lo be done middle ot the third quarter on an • ors, \VC"bb, Blodgett a.nd Reddick.. on Balboa Blvd. end run from ,tght yards out and tit.'left end·: J ean Boero. and Jim Recomn1endatlon to the coun· The committee will ask the city the team's left halfback Johnson PascOe, bolh guards. "They did l ci.I that the City of Newport Beach council to instruct the city en· made the kick for the extra point. ery well," Irwin said, "as Excel-gineer to have lhe pla~s drawn Coach Al Irwin, in an after-the-sior galnW only 38 yards through ; and removal of the three houses ganl{' analysis said: our line all ni.ght long and l think COM Woman completed before ,,'larch 31 of "I feel that the kids have im· It was malnly be.ca~ of the 1952 so that the; pavin.i: job can proved very much. At first I was fierce Uttling of these boys." be done before the arrival of t;Unl-dlsappointed in the outcome. But mer. f they ncvt'r gavt> up a.nd hustled Team Pla3· Praised Asks $21,698 First action taken by the rom- aJI thC' time. The ir condition l!! Similarly, he commended the mittee lva.s to decide on the plan gopct and we suffered no major team's offensive play. Blocking of lo seek acquisitio'n or' all P. E. Injuries In this game." Jim Pascoe, guard; Bruce Baird, Esther Mitchell of Corona del property In the Central Newport The tearrlB we re pretty evenly tackle; and Pettit, end; "came up Afar ask('d damagi;l! of 521 ,698 area. Tom Henderson made the balancf'd, he added, saying the lo expe<;taUon." motion and ellmil}atcd, sp<>cifical· T t I d th . +a Friday in a suit filed against 30 d ari1 ou Paye e1r opponen..... QuarterbacJ( Rolly Pulaski did Jy the property between th an moRt of th«' game but did not cap!-an exceptionaUy goOci Job iil his Howard Parker of Vista. 32nd. streets y;hicb would pt'rmit tallze on the breaks.. spot and his passes were accurate. $he claimrd she was a pBBSen-the building or fl.he 3 lst strf"ct 1'hjs year's nine-month total has already surpassed the years 1950 a.nd .1949 when totals werf' $6.402,376 and . $4,414,295 respec- -~ \\-'ELL-A1TEN.DEU LUNCHWN wal" held at I be Ba.Ibo. Bay club veeterday to •latt thr drive for the N~wport Ha.rbor Community Chest fWld. (L to R ) att Robf>rt Eae.tman. Judse Frank Unnell. Mn. Harvey Somen, Robert OllU., and 9rrtn Wrtpt. rPbolo by &•cknf'r) StaU!!otlcal Wtn.nrn He compl&ted s even out of 18 at-ger on June 24 in an automobile road. The 31st street road was I t h ,_ ' driven west on Coast Highway lat at ~ on mot1" of R L As in th<' gat(le "·ith Riverside, tempts but five o i.a passes were er re o.~ on . . I h b'-' Alfred E. Gibsoii. of Balboa ls-p tt d d h J h S ·1 the Tars showed well in the st.a-dropped that probably ahou d ave J a erson, sccon e y o n a1 -tively_ Last permit ls.<i:urd in September was one for $29,500 taken out by Wesley C. Holler or 420 North Las Pal mas Ave., Los Angeles. who plans to build a single family residence al 218 Poinsettia Ave .. Corona. Dt·l Mar. Sisters Meet After 54-Year I Newport C~est Drive_ Launched Storm Brings at Kick-off Luncheon Here .35 Inch Rain By Ruth HUI Possibility that one week's .in-I agencies· of the cheat and then tensive effort by Newport Harbor introduced Robert. Calli• Who 18 dirl'cting lhe advance gift.a cam-Community ,Cbe.1Jt workers could pajgn now in It.a third wee&. Ca.Illa put this yea.r's campaign over the gave recognition to hla . oo-w.ork- top was a.ired at the kick-off. ers, Roland Wtil'ht. Ma"1.rie Sta.n- luncheon yesterday In Balboa Bay ley, Les Jonea, J'ohn Keeler , Or- club by Judge Fran.k M. Linnell, tin Wright. Tom Norton. Kay to Newport Beach Separation . campaign chairman. Phelps. Frank Unnell a.nd Mmes. Mabel Fltzmorrla, Charle. Spar- That storm whleh thundf'rl'd ferocioUJJly and lit up the Har- bor aky with terrific lightning flMhea Thursday n ight brought a good tneasure of rain -.35 inch, the weatherman t C'ported. But comparf'd to the wet bless--1 Fifty-four year• is a long time, The judge told hb 136 ILl!ltenera but for two *1aten to . be apart, -majors, cap~. lieutenant.a it'• nearly a lifetime. M1l8 Laun.1 and prtfttee tll&t the c&.pl.pa.lgn • ~ l&al> l'&d< .!'Y~"2 ~ dwl-·'-~ beat wd to M Me• and Mn. ~·...........,... -.-, kuhl Ruth Hill Nelda Otbeon tngs it brought, some dan1aged Har~ey Some ... '&nd .stated th&l occurred. A lightning bolt ftruck conlributlona wera.corntu-1 ill alOW'• one ea.ta ~·a lelevlaion an- b'. Ju•· Lln.Q~~Mmtn~t-tenna, rulfllrig the vt~eo ~t. , bl.a llsten•n tlfit.l"ft:SOO bad been _,,. Cap~ RObcrl L. J.J, stricken from tht. list due to Jen of •24 ~~ Mesa. at.reel re- bu11lneu which had given gener· ported that ~gbtning •t.ruck at oualy la.at year but were no long-2:15 a.m ., Friday morning and _, of Brockton. Maas.; decided t.hft the American way of life Thursday nlghL triwnpha over Communism and Separated when they were chU-Socialiam at hotne. dren in Mll.88achusetts, they had "If you desire to pro~ your not seen each other since the 90's patriotism to America, and if it although they kept touch through is your ardent desire lililat our corresponde nce. way of life shall exist and la.st, So It \Vas quite a thrill for both lt la your duty to raise these when Mis.a Belden met her young-funds," he said. ··we don't need t-r sister at the Greyhound bus the government to tirke care of station, The Arches. Especially and portion out funds at its dla- since neither had any ~ idea what cretlon for our neighboNI." the other looked like, nor what In reminding hi.! audience· that .she would wear. 18.lll year's campaign went ove r Ml88 Belden was born in Sea-the goal he ·cautioned the workers ~tie and her tour sisters in San to make It clear to subscribers Francisco. The family went ea.st that no money wa8 left over that \" 1891 and the children were hasn't been applied. "The budge t separated when their parents died. this year, $16,000. ha.a been par,d Mrs. DcsRochers went to live with to the bone,"· he said. "There is relatives.Jn Canada. Miss Belden no padding and no surplus. This came to Los Angeles In 1906. She Is the least we can get aJong on." has been a Costa Mesa resident Joseph Catanich. exc<!utive di- sinc'e 1941. rector of Orange County Federa~ Although both bad been mean-tion of Community Chest.a, Inc .. Ing to get together for years, who explained lhe mecha.n.ica or Mrs. DesRochers saw a good op-solfcltlng, also expressed the aame portunity when the Emblem club, attitude of patriotism tow!rd the a :SPOE affiliate, of which •he is campaign. "ConaidE:r your work- a member, staged its convention er'!! kit a8 a challenge and a re- in Long Beach. sponsibillty," he aaid. Mrs. Har- "l got myself appointed as a vey Somer8, president of thf' delegate," she laU&hed, Pying chest, officially opened tbe <gen- lhat she knew it would give her eral aolicitallons program when the chance to see Mias 8'.1den. she donned an attractive stra"'· The sisters plan to spend the next hat cleverly decorated . with the two weeks catching up on the past red feathers which symboU:te the M yeani. ' . . • ------ J Wuo:\IRJllo ~aai..., a'~_._ - • &1:11 ... -._ .,. ,,, ll;1lola ..... -·-~.-. \.. •a rllne.,. -~••t ...... (~~... ('N'..-..Tllw ftato) . . • r located 1n the H'a.rbor area. destroyed the set. Room plaBtC'r e was knoCked loose and walls were Quotaa Announced scorched. Total damage was set • Quotas tor each of lhe area majof'a were announced by Mrs. Somers. as follows: Mn. Ted Hambrook, Balboa, S~; Lars Lavagino, Newport Beach area 2, $4000: Mrs. Nelda Gibaon. Balboa [Rland, $3000; C. Lester Jone•. Corona del Mar. $3000. Members of the prN5s, who were seated &t the head or the table with cam- paign officers and chairmen, were introduced to the audience follow- ing which Bob Chamberlin, field executive tor the Newport Har- bor area. showed allde. on eolici· ting t echnique• worked up by the Orange County Federation which has access to such material from the Nattooal Community Cheele of America. Judge . Linnell. whose dynamic speech concluded the program, pointed up the importance of Chest worker• reporting ln each day the resulta ol their campaign~ ·Ing. M.ajora Will see to It that Mrs. Clarence H(gbie, secretary to the campaign t:halnnan, la alao Informed daJly of collections ao that headquarters ha.s at all times tab on the drive'a progresa. RAIN TRACI!: 8 UNDA Y "It it tl.kes a rain to bring weather -like we had Sunday and Monday, let'e bave mo-re ot it" said one Harbor resident. yeater- day. He waa probably referring to the recent atorm, bUt there WAS ral~ Su.nday nl&'bt. Only a trace. not. eno\lgh to measure, reported Fire ChJe! Frank Crocker. • at $600. The storm's rainrall brought tht' season total to .44, con1pared with l&st year's meager .04 . At lea.st one acc!denl could be attributed to the "tnrm. Eulimma \\'. Ste,ln1a.11, 32, or 1A004 South Valencia avenue, Al- hambra, told officers il "was rain- ing so hard" her vi~ion was oh· scured, causing her to collide ·with a car parkcr1 in front or 1212 Cout Blvd, It was owned by J ohn A. Jo Wagner of that a,ddresa. SLOT MACHINE HEARING SET FORTOMORROW Hearing.! for 47 pl"r:qons a.rrl"st- ed In th«: recent slot machlnC' crackdown In Newport Beach will be held <tomorrow at 10 a .m. be- fore U. S. Cbmmi.ssioncr Arthur, M. Bradley in San~ Ana Superior Court. Those involved are fishing boat operators a.nd employes who were taken lnto C\IStody on August. 24 by FBI-agents who met the 10 Incoming ·slot machine -bearing boats. Others were rounded ~ up later in a federal dragnet. Represe nting defendants Attorneys Don Harwood, Hurwitz, '"'-Francis Wht'lan Robert Coffman. • ar• Max and I · Id Good land. The car was in a collision .-..1 tis'tlcal end but were short on acor-been caught, rwtn sa . ors, .... _, Ing pay-offs. running and blocking was altrib-with Parker's <'.jit=bound vehicle Henderson ,and Pstlt'rson re. €oach Irwin pointed out the ut.00 to Tar back Rex Bell, Don near the entrance or Balboa Bay cently led the fight which succrss- Tars had tWo scoring opportunl-Aarvold aR'd Bill Hopkins. .;::lub, Newport Bea.ch. fully scuttled the 31st cut-off road tiC's i.n the first half. 889 luck ·Statistics showed N.ewport 12 The plaintiff asked $20,000 gen-plan after thr£'e years of effort by _J oc:c urrf'd in £'Reh lnstanc~ a.s the fitt!lt do"'ne: against the visitor's eral damages, $1070 in medical th(' first cemmittee «•hi ch ha.d home boys rumbled on the opposi· nine; passes attempted, Newport expenses, $128 for loss of prop· been named b:v the city council. 8 Ex 11 I l ed orly and $500 for lost earnings. p · th t tion's nin<>-yard line and had a 1 , celsior ; passes comp e . rjncipal portion of 1' llll'C' - E I · f The suit was filed in Santa Ana pasa interception on the 12-yard Newport aevl'n, xce s1or our: ing wa..i; j.a.ken up in lh1.• discwi· line. ya.rdl!I gained passing. Newport 85, Superior Court. sion· of hlethods ·or approach lo Worthy or praise, he sa.ld, was Excelsior 69 ; yards running, New-be. used with the Pacific Electric. 8 I HO'.\IE BLRGLARIZED 1 the Tar defensive play of Bob Eg-port lJ:i, Excelsior, 11 : tota The City Enginel'r presented a gert, center : Rex Bell, halfback : gains running and passing, Ne\\.'-Burglars looted t he residence of map showing thet number of lots Ron Aarvold, fullbd.ck; Don Pet-port 220, Excelsio r 187. J. G. Turpin, 320 Via Lido Nord, and locations of same whif h the Arbor Day . Plans To.pie of Sl!ssion of S1 52 worth ·of clothing and city owryi in the 1area into WhJch household items sometime during the Pacific Eleclrjc could be rnov- the ·past six weeks, he reported ed. The engineer reported that he to police. Entry \\'&s made hsJ! asked ~e P. E . to submit • through an open door. plot plan Of ,the rail yard they would like to c~truct somewhf::re CO'l'TLE BAGS DEER in the westerly ·portion Qf town. Police Sgt. Harria Cottle had The rallro&d cOmpany baa) -pre~ & big snn on.hla tac•,Frt~ u Viouoly ·-ted' it Jw?.\!!d be ~ll!g he told~ fe11<¥N otttcerS at~ ilta-to ~-~ and wtieh aultabW--blnd tton that he liad allot • four.j>otnt cobl.ij.lii+Pi\Wille)r n-for a depot buck oit a recent hunting trip in •Ile. a.nd tuhda to accomplish the Modoc county. remon.l .. -" • • • '· I ' I l , j ' " j I ·' , "~ 2 • ' • < • MRS. WIND'RJ:I) llABllRE, Bootecy Editor ~.,.........,.....,,. .. ...,.......,.~~--......-i"~..._,~,w--•·•"'"""''r ............ Membership Driv.e Now Under Way ·for Elementary School P.-T. A. .. An incttue. of 20 per cent in._ _____________ _ PTA mttmberthip over last year b predicted by J.fn. Louis Caenar, preakfent or the Newport Beach Pl~.entary achool.A PT A. The ex- ,]>('Cted gain will be due lo the larger !JChool enrolmC'nt and gen- erll.l population jump in the area. Tbe local PT A's 28th meni.ber- !•hip drive, which got unde'r way !M,,nday, October 1, \\•ill continue tor a Wf'ek. Children wiJI brinl' hom~ invitationa to membership ... with an accompan)'ing envelope for th.a memtk>rghlp fee, which i.s 'M C:i!>nl• per person. . Miu Marit-H effern, art auJ)('r- visor for the Ne\\'J)Ort Beach Ple- lnientary schools, has select('(! five 1)WSters from among th06e m1bmit- •t'-"'J b}' her studeii.ts to il.dvt>rtize thP <!riv£>. The£e \\•ill ht> displayed promlnt>nUy thi9 week in various 11hop windows. ~tr&. Rexford Bnndt, wPll-kno\\·n local artista aflfl cha it mlln of thr PTA's art C'on1mittN". also ha~ <h:~!i~ned poEl· te.r& for tbf' 1nf'mber&hip t>nrol· -;::. mPnt WeE'k. Mrs. Csenar is anxious to have nr\\'OOmPrs to the Harbor area un· rl~J'&tand that lhC'rt~ ia juat one Parent· Teacher AS8()("iation for the> thrf'e <'lf'·m!'ntary school• ''Tht>rt> i$1 nn rixf'd ~chool bound· a.tlP~ within the city," she i:1tated, "an<t tt.rf'8.a d(•flign.nlf'<I for each Main School PT A Meets . Today · ActlvltiE'a of thl" nE'w y<'ar of the ~ta M£>sa Main School PTA •chool are hAM.'d on exlltinc en· rolmenl~ "The Harbor a.re• i• a fut- &'J'0\1,ring one-and It se·ems advls· able t O admit a child to a schoo1 in the locaJ system whtir~ he can best bl> accommodated. Tbe three schoob. Corona del Mar, Horace Ensign and the New· port Beach school. -form a closely knit scholutlc unit and the beat lntel"<'sts of the chlld1can be serv· ed by the single large member· ship or one PT A embracing par- e-nu, teachPMI a.nd friends of the NPwport lK'hool district ." The parents' Guidf' and PT A program phamphlet etatel!I that COOP,eratlon of the home and achool i.n p~Aenting ideal11 arrord- ing \vholesome practice In '-'·ork and play and pfoovidl ng 1ympa- thetic guidance ill th(' ideal for which the PT A strives. M('mberattip chairmen directing the drive's actlVl.tjes are MM'. Carl Wolff. Corona del Mar: Mr•. •Wil· liam Coleman. Horace Ensign: Mrs. C. E. !lifcNe\1, Newport Beach. Results of the memtwrship drive w111 be announct'd at the first meetint of the Newport Beach elementary schools PTA, October le at the Newport school audl· tortum. Helen Steckfon to Attend Zonta Conference , • -. 7 NEWPORT IAllOA NEWS:.TIMES J - ' .. VFW:A~ar}~: .fri,"_Gar:d ~Party 0~ to Public_ , . . .. _ ... At tht! Weat 8el810it of the VFW Awduary Sll3&. · prealded ~,. by Preaide:nt.lrene. Timmins, lt, wu voted to declare Friday, ~t. 3, a ·dark night and hold a ,PUbllc urd. party Instead of a n1ttting. ' The benetl.t affair will be Alaged "in Amerk!an ~on hall, Coata M-. bel!IMlnf at T'SO p.m. Can:uta., brlilce and plnochle will be played. ,,,.,.., will be door prt&eJ 1 and table prtaea -and re- frohmenl.I, . It II announced by Dorothy OilJe1ple, publicity chair· man. Everyone ll welcome; a amaU donation wt.II be taken at the door or tJckell may be purchued ' from any· .member . Proceeda wllJ be u.ed tor wcl· I t&l"e· work. GenE'!ral chairman \n charge-of arranrcmenta la Ik.>lorea Morrtaon. , Mathf'WS who tnld of the pressing need• of the CommunJty Cheat: lhe uked tor volu.ntttrs to help with the Colla Meo campaign Monday, Oct. 1. A number of Women otfen>d their aal•ta.nce. The auxiliary 9elll &10.00 to help with the party ala.led for Oct. T at Sawtelle hOBpttal. Elsie Hermance tumed In &11 .~ to the.> welfare rund from t}'lt> u lt> of old clothing w~iclt she make• over and repairs. Ho.lplt.al Chatm111.n ,Lela Lane re-ported that l!lhe had donated &320.60 worth of ' ma.tertl.11 to the vetera.na at Camp Pendleton )\p1pltal. Oceanalde. Lota -of uh trays, h9me-made jellif'• an« read· inx material tor I.he patlenta arf' £lilt needed, Airs. Lane ea-Id . Reported on the sick list werP Wanna Robert~ and lren(' Smllh, recuperatin~ from •Urgery, and Dorothy Gllleaple, who h.ad '&. bout with pneumonia. RE'freshmE'nts \lo.'ere scrVC'd · by May 'Buckland and Yvonne Scott. . ' •. 0 .. ~ ~ .. ~.~ V \.1.-: ·~ ~--. ... If . to 1d ucate Your Children • is Your Dream for Future Years, Start filID1l NOW to Save the Money and St Free from Doubts and Fears. Let r.J\ln~' gro'''. ''h1le chil Jri'n grow. Sa'e for t>Juca11on 1n ;in in· sured )a\'J ng.s acco,101 here. ·"" )'--' SAWNGS INSURED UP TO $!0,000 . ' • ·----------··-------- U-DRIYE CRUISERS Row·80AJS • ot:TnoAnn~ • J,l\'t: liAIT e T .'\f:l(l.F. • SmaU Boat l..auncJ1ln~ · E L L IS B 0 AT R ENT A-LS I ~· COuK't . Hi\\'8Y Nf'\\'port RPrtt>h 1•h. Harbor !S15 AT SQ!JTH EXll OF R . .\ \'Jii;,lfORF. RRJDG)~ •.. - ____ ,._,.. ___ _ ' , l will ~ laun<·he<l today 1 Oct. 2l Mrl'I. Helen Stockton ot Corona a.t a meet ing in the school audl· del Mar, president ot Zonta Club torium at 3:15 p.m. ~f.rs. Ray of Newport Harbor. V.-as named Trautwf>in, prE'sid('nt. wiJI prealde. delegate to the Zonta Fall Con- ".Know Your School" is the pro· ference, to be held i.!' Sacramento gn.m thf'me. Supt. Ev<'rt-tt Rea. October 12, 13 and 14th, and Mrs. will introduce Jer:pme F.dwarda, Helen Norton of Newport Beach new principal or Main School. The was elected as alternate, at the current achoo!\. situation will be I regular monthly evening meeting d\acua&ed b;• Mr. Rea. of the Zonta Club of Ne...,•port • • Discuss Nursing at Red Cross Meet ------------~11 (Mrs. A. R.el)ner l .1 11 ! P,«uuJ. J;U/ltuclioH, ! TERESA RENNER • ., . . -,. ' ' . .. , . , .. . . -.. . ~(rs. Gertrude' ~lyeni, school Harbor, September 27th a t No1·· nuni:f', will outllnt' t,he sp{'('i&I Ber-ton's Cape Cod House on Balboa vices available to school children Island. t.hrough. her office. <l·H girls will The ZOnta Club is the first ser· model clothing which they made vice club in the area to respond .U!'d~r the 8UP8Tvision or their to appea.l, if\ conjunc tion wtth leader, Mra.. Doris Taylor. Richard's Market of Newport ' .\IRS. .JA)tE~ • ; O\\'ES ="'T()l •. .\ROt·t· ,. i Steinle Photo l There :'Will be community Bing· Beach. to ft1rniah ·refreahn1ents lrJg lrd by Mrs. Virginia Kidder, after football pme11 tor local and music supervisor. Tt>aCht'l'a will visiting high !IC.hoot teams. be introduced. Under the chair-Plana tor the Zonta Carnival Ol&Mhlp of Mrs. W . L. Hepperle, Dlnner to be held at the Balboa PTA board membera wUl act u &y Club November 16th are hosteuea during lht" tt"a interim procre•alnl' rapidly. James Stolaroff-Phyllis .·Vallejo .. I Rites Solemnized at CDM ~Church in Ute kinderi"arten room. PIER.AN HOSTE.88 Hr•. !liferhert Allema.rl, 123 Uth 1treet, waa hostess at a deuert rneettnc ot the Pleran club of Banta Ana.. Ft-ature of the day ' 111aa a. l"hJte elephant sal<', fund· rai1nc project tor the P()(>try Fea· tlval of Chapparal P~t..e. to be held Oct. 21 , 12:30 p.m. in San· 11ago ~rk. ------ Home today from a Carmel~-------------­ honeymoon art' .• Afr. a.nd Afr11. 'gavp best man a~tance to his Jame!! Owt>n Stolarof(. \Vhost> latr brother and lllhe1'3 were George September . wffiding _ was_ !JUl<'mn· R.ont of Corvall iSJ Qre.: \\'illlanl izecl at Corona dt'I !Ii-tar Commu· Volkrl and Jam~s Shli'lly, Lo! nity c~urch. Tht' bride Is lhl' Ane:{'Je,;. l former ~fi.se Phyllis Valle>jo, .,~.1r her d ht • , dd ' Mrs. Louis Plummer Killed at Fontana datlchter of Mr. and Jl.-fra. Phil· ' aug er 8 ,.e ing ~(rs. Phelps wore an attraC'tive ip Charles Phelps of Roll in(( Hllll" ankl£>·lt'ngth gown of pink lacf' M I'S Louis Plummer of 1136 ranch. Yon('alla, Oregon. ThC' · O\'f'r gra.r tulle whilf' Mrs. Stol· We.st Ocean Front, wife of the bridegroom Is 'hon of Mr. and Atr·s. a roff chosr a dinn~r dress of bur- .former auperindentent or Fuller· Fabian Stolarorr. 1608 Pacific gandy creJ:tt.>. ton Union Hll'h achool and Juntor Dtivf', Corona del Afa r. collel'e. waa killed instantly Sun· Phyllis "''•• given in kN>ping by B~· C'and1Pllcf1t day at Fontana in a car accident ht>r grandfather, Ph'1J ll p Vallt'jo, \\.hite g ladioli ~d a myriad of Naiad Mariners Greet Members at Opening Session Mariner Ship Naiad of N~w· port Harbor Girl Scout Councll opened ils fall activities on SepJ.. .25 \\"ith a supper at 5~30 at lhf' Girl Scout hoUsto . MaMnct's GracE', dinnt>r, Sf'& ch.antiC'll, lntroduC'tion of the guesta, -Wt>lcoming of new members, business and setting up Shlp \\'as program for the eve· ning. The nelA' skipper, J.{ra. Al RyletL introducf"d her first mate. :P.tr8. I ... J . Taylor, SE'<'ond mate-. Mrs. Paul 1.fartin and Miss Carol Clark. the ' ' Many a big deal ha• been maot : tbru a amall Want Ad when the two were re.tumlnl' t q, 0~ San Fra nc i~cn, In . an ('IJ!;'ht tapC'rs In tall canllelabra d('coral· their summer home ·Bt Lakr-O clock doublr·rtng ct>remony Pf'!'· ed th(' church (of lhe Cf"ren10lly. Arrowhead. They have been win· forined by tht' Rev. Paul Edward Sin1ilar flowt>rs we.re U!led as set· athletic direetor. Guest of honor (or the evening was J.trs. Ted Ha1nbrook. (oMTier skipper of the ship and now second deputy of Newport couhcU. She waa present~ C'd with an.. orchid corsage. Four ne\v membera of the ship, Carol Doane, Ju~y and Sally Stewart and Patsy Grant wet'f'. presented. • · ter realdenU here tor a ever a I Babbitt. She "'88 a channing pie· t ing for lhP 1·eception In Pilgrim ,. r--------------.1 yeari and a.re active in Christ tur1.• In her wrddln~ go,vn of nylon hall. '1 Leite ~ Beck D D 8 • Church by the Sea. tulle OVE'r utln, "'Ith banrts of Both ;·oung people attended the r er, • • • Funeral •ervlces Will be held ro!re point outlining thr orf should· University of catifomla, wht-re DENTISTRY Wedne*18.y at 2:30 p. n1. In Fu!· <'r yoke and drop~d wa.istll~e. tht> ,brldE' was a tnember of Zeta lerton M.elhodiat ch11rch. Officl· A crown of roee point embroid· Tau Alpha sorority and her hu1· ants ,wlll be the · Rev. Thomas ered with S('<'d pearls held lhP band was affiUat~d with Theta Pendell ot Christ Church by the ahouldt>r len"-gth ve il and elbow 1 Xi. Tht>y are noW. making their Sea a.nd tbe Rev. E. Dow Hott~ length gloves ('ompletcd the Pn· hon1f" at iJO . Arrqy-0 Dr{v~. South . 1T86 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mea Medical Bldl'. Beacon 87152 llOa \:. Bay Ave., Balboa ff.arbor 327..J man ot Coronado. semble. Her bouquc>t was or lilieA PuRadt'na. of the valley and white orchids. F or adornment, !!he wore 11 singlt' 1 Other airl l'UC$t.8 We.re Deann• Peteryion,. Judy Roge~. La Nett.A Rlchardk>ri and Joan Clark. Tita Vincent is •"•"d 01 .,..,1.. Ham' Dinnet !Wed. su,·.-r and Ro&f"!ll • ' • \ • This. G\rl Scout group meets on the second · a.nd foo'rth · Tue'Sdays ot the mOnth gi 7:30 at the Girl Sci:iut lfouse and ·has planned a tuU :icKeditle .for the corrUng year. • • < • • !.{any o!' the girl.a.. will attend' lhe ' .. Harold K. Grauel Chapel Phone: Bea~n 5110 110 BrMdWA.f •m.n •qaTVUT LAd7 Atw-•t 410 Coobt IDP-7 CORONA nn, lllAJt DA'( AND NIGHT • Pllqloe -· u U. of 0. Rally Girl Lanita Vincent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Vincent. 322 L street. Balboa, was one ot five «iris selected for the University of 0re«On'11 rally equad. Miss vu;. cent' waa one ot a group of 21 fln.alltta who competed beto~ the Uninralty'a Rally lloerd. She had prevloualy experienct &a a rally pr .. lowo uperienC4 u a rally Jlrl at Newport Harbor Hlfh School Ml• Vincent ls a junior imajor ln liberal •rtf. .. !-~~~~~~~~~~~~~·· · · Navy Man & ·Bride BE SURE -INSURE .Visit Parents ' llA 1JJUJ!w1:.:.un.u •-Ololf ...__, . .,,. . na llarl8o .\n. aaaoa ...I -. I . Br-idf"8Jnaids \\o·ere Margaret I at Mesa Churoh Bun.ke of Orange, Barbara Krause ; ! ' Bunke of P ortl8J'ltl, Or~ .. and Jean 1 Under thie au.spic~ of the wsqs Ann Young of ~ Glendale. Tht>y or the Costa Meaa Community, were go,v-ned alike in silver berr· ' Methodist Churctl s ha'm dJnner, ga.llne, ballerina length ,nd car-opt•n to the public, will be given ried bouquets of pink roees whJch \Vt'dnt>sday. Oct. 3, In. the new matched their hair bandeaux. Du· reC'reatlon hall of the churCh from plicallnl' the weddln&" .l'own in 6 :30 to 8 p.m. The affair is the atyte waa the ion, troclt of pink fi rst public dinner to be held In nylon tulle a.nd benPlJne worn 1th<' new buUdlng: by the nower rtrl. Ma:ry Lou Da· R eservations may be made by vb., coualn ot the bride. H~r hair phoning Mrs. H . •B. McMurty, Be. wu prlanded with pink roses 5063-M. Mn. Ruth Barnett, Bea. and she carried a bouquet bf the :s.:&02. or other IWSCS members. aame blouoma. "'" ,,,,. I Tickets tor 8.dulta are priced at Warren Stota!'O(f PUl.de.na Si.25 each: chit 1 n.. M cents. .r11.1tge County Senior. Girl Scout conference October 26-28 at Ca.mp Seeley, Crestline, where discuas1on rroupa led by Girl Mediators and designed for an exchange of ideas and thoughts will be held.._ Plus & lot of out-door fun. Regular membef.s ot the lhlp are Judy Allen. Leab Clark, Yvonne Taylor. Nancy Tritt, Mai-y Harvey , Jan Dulwortb, Nancy Deaver, Jolene Cen.JM'1l, Doran Su,es,s. Connie M&n&'Q)d, Jane Nu- nan, Ellen Owen. Ba:rbara 8tarete. and Sharon Sherrill. -People do ru.4 .'u... mt• ad& All phases ot the' Red CrosJ< nursing servicl"s were con11idered In' the nursing conference held In Southern Orange County Chapter hPadquarters, 1104 \V. 8th street, Santa Ana, Thursday, Sept. 27, ac· ('Ording to Harry ·Ashton. ('hair· ninn or Nt>\\'porl Harbor branch. The conference was arranged by thf.' National Red Cross .and was led by Mn:. Jeanette Adam·· ako.s, assistant director of nun· Ing servlcea and Mrs. Sigrid Bui· lard, nursing field represt"ntatlve or the Pacific area office. San Francisco. Whittier. northe"rn Orangt.> coun· ty. Anaheim, Orange, Laguna BE'ach and Southern orange coun- ty chapter leaders in nuf.slng aer- vi ces participated. Home our.sing and !ls many problems including recruitment and training of Jay and profes- sional Wtructors, clasa room equipment 1nd aupplies, recruit.Ing and .scheduling of C:la&iies, instruc· lot training courses. \\'ere consid· ered as was the nur6{' enrollment program and the rE'sponsl billties of the disaster nursing con1mittee as It relate• to Red Cross di.sas· ter and to polio recrultn1ent. The conference opened at 9:30 a.m. and concluded at 4 p.m. Prowlers Reported by Four Residents Prowlc>ra W?re rf'ported in vart2 ous sections of the 'fity over the Wei'k end according to reports to local poUce. Mn. Rtbert Shand of J 09 30th street reported One on hf'r front porch at 10:23 p.m. on Saturday. · · At 12:28 a .m. on Sunday, one W&l"I seen by Jim Zeiger at 616 Be- gpnia avenue·. Still another was discovered at 12 :115 a .m. Sunday by J . R. Wilder ot 327 Montero street. BalOO.. At 4 :41 p.m . S\fn· day John Geiger, 101 Via Raven- na, Lido I.ale, reported a prowler . eeen on two eveninp, September 25 and Sept,emb:tr ii. Chffd Hlllt Walldng Into Frottt Window Not like ·· Alioe, lhl"luah 'tl1• Jooklnr glaa, but rifht pirough the plate gJa.u · front Window ,..U.ed 'a~ .~ar old li)l1¥~h Qlllck at 1~:30 a. m. on Sunday. She had mJEakd tbe Window for a door.' Tl\I UUe Cll'J wu oeriOual.f cut .., tlle otomacli and euatalMd beactJ! lajurieL /She, wal: taken . tmmedla~y b_y 8eaJ ambuJ•nce~ to -, Ana Ool!lmlllllty tiosp1w. Jtliaabeth and be!' mott::;.::: If. C. I Q¥ldt -Of S0UtJ1 were ' ,..Nt.i of Rutl1 HukeU, lHO Waat ""y·a...,ue, wheri tlie'aoei--t ~ . ,_·. . .., ~ ~ : i.Qc.AL • .,MAii ~JIM.IN Ml.I.I(-~ (. ~ ~ • _1' ltis. Jf 7 I otlr rr...ftri . of :iaen . .,.., ~ ..._.aur Ba.,._, --.. .-............. . Ila-·-... ...,.. off A-,,_ ~ Cale-'""" uii.J;&..' ' ~ ~~w-,,;..,,...,,..... "'"' .......... on.. two·-~ • --•lltlllell la -e&.A. ..... , ... · Cnn('1•rt Pianl"t of ThrP~ (',ontln.-n1" · Grn'bnatn Studt>nt nr Rf'l:t Rartnk 436 Serrt1 Drive Harbor 1171-J • Corona -Highlands . -:--Corona del Mar -----····-··--··- ' Now Being Shown _JAG u ·AR -Mark VII 1208 COAST BLVD • NEWPORT BEACH ' fer a .PLEASANT DRlfE a11ll a ,MARVILOUI DINNIR, come te ' • •• : ' - ' ' l I I j I I • • ' I ' I I I I • ' I ~ I • ·ruESOAY, OCT. 2, 1951 •\ ' H"ARBOR ·soCIAL EVENTS )IRS. WINiruD kARBiul. aoci4~, .Edl.lot-' • . -,,..._..,_,_,""' ............ ~~ ... .--~-"';~"-Mol ... ~ ... -'4'W Mrs~ C. H~ Mc~ellips · 9f Arizona Addresses Loca~ DAR Members 1 Sprrchcs givrn at the Conll-·•-------------- nental Congr~ss h!~hll«bt.ed the On.t fa U n1f"etlng or the Cot \}'U- llam ' Cah<'ll Cha ptrr or Nl"WPQrt Harbor DA R held on Septe m- ber 26 al th(' home of MMI. Ward. Porter. 309 Carnation 5trl'rl , Cor· o n11. lh'l Alar. A~"llslan t h~teR.~f"H OAR Bridge Party Changed to Balboa Bay Club weN' ,_I r~. \\'. T . Marx ond lofrs. , Due 1to the gTf'&L intere!'ll In and' J e&'W \Volr1•. the numbt>r of rr!K'rvatloM for lbe Af.r:l. LoncJ,~rs. program ch air-Col. W ill iam cabt>U Chap t"r of ~~J ~~i1"~ ma.n, lnlrodu<:t>d the M!>t>Bk•~r of lh(' the Newport Harbo r DAR bcne· "':..r(;,'~f'.'{J: . afternoon, Airl-1. e. 11. lofcKelllp:=t.• flt card party schffiulrd for Oct. • " , >, - Arizona l'llate historian. 'vho spok" 3, lHe. setting ror lh<' a rrah· has 1: :• ., .. ;· .. "'"'"''h on t hr Rixtielh Contlnt-nlul Con -been t'hanged . It will h.~ hPld at •• .,,. v-•A>v J:'n"'SS h1 •l1l ln~t April. Sht> clt>~rib-lhf' Ba.Ibo! Bay r luh ns 8 df'~'>t·rt J '• " e<I the b"auty or V..'ashington In at o nf' o'clbck . • ~'t .. .--.1;.~ .. ..., • ""' • .J'\.1. .w.,; • • , PA&E 3 , Ctrd~ 3 ·of WSCS M.r,~. Sa~ 'ba~ord Ham oh,.,. , . , Meets af'Home o(' Hon:ie ·Fro~ T~ip . Open. to -Masons; ~ . Mn. Sam Crawl°"2. ft5 ,Kee;· ' ' Mrs. Wayne· Hunter no11a ......... eoota v-. i. 11oe1c "i.n. are ~ '°" ~ \183" · I · trom a motor \rip -Pf,ll)'ID& dinner to rt-Thu-y. 0ct. 4, ,cln:lo 8 of Ille Bal-llland Hr. and Ill,._ mrn..t · Rbnill&us;b bJ Job'1 ~ Coat. Mesa w .8.C.8. JI. ·I. Cooununlt;y MeUIO• and cblldren to P-l<!llo, Ida., lleU!el 117, In the 1l!'rid&1 After- dllt Cburclt met WednNday .nOOll where the JlcmlM\11111>1· will ..tab-noon clubhoWIO, eo.ta M .... for tvnc'1eon at the honte of the llsh reald~ce., 'ftaey ,n.oved. from 'ncketl rnay be 0-tatned train cb&trm.an~ Mn. Wayne Hunter, Santa Batbah u ! Mt, Rombaup metnben. ll"ollowtrig the dlafter the 111 G"lnd Canal. M,._ ~nard fuie entered the. School ·of P-harm· sfrla will uempllfy theil" wof.k Hargrave waa co-tao.tea. . · acy at the unlvenlty there. In tor t·hf" major ity aegree. AU pe.r- Mra Kunte.r prealded over thfl S-tUe Wull., Mra. Crawford wu 90M e-11glb1e ue welcome to it· :-.. •-ting. The kidnap Joined 0 by her 1118ter, •lolrs. >«arle t<'lld the at••t.ins; which 8J.hu bn>akfut g1v~n by M'ra. F-tancea Vestl"Pe of oompton. at 7 :no p.m. Riley recenUy wu reported U ~-----' . ..._""""-------------------very IUC'Cffllful and lot.a of tun . Mn. V. Rlekan:l la '111t.atUng a travelln«i" bMket to hvlp In nlalng l\JDCIL Thoee p rf'sent besklca lhe b08- te:at:S wcrr, Mra. V. fiLckard, Neal Donker , R . ·H. Edwartls, Percy Ba&Dea. Fnmcea Riley , Florence Woodhouse, Blanche Bakker, Clem Chris tle and Ted H auaew. Th<" next ·mN>t lng will be Oct obrr 3 1Bt at th("-home of Mn1. Neal Donker, 323 Orand Canal, with Mrs: R . 1·1. F..d\Y~rds , co!. hOlll~!R . FRI.~:. OCl. 5 ~.:: BALBOA PEACE OFFIC_ERS ANNUAL BALL HIS PIANO AND .t!,Pr ingtime and t he dramatic nag ~erva tlon chairman it1 Mrs. I r itual of thf' opf'nlng or thf' Con-Ca rl Hannn, Harbor 0091-J, at J;T1'~'i. whose holne the bt"'nt'flt was orlgi-1 Th.• intt•ll eclual background of nally plannt"d. Bridg<' and Cana"'ta th<' Congres.q, as reported, was In-will be plny~d an1f M'VE'rfl l door (lt>e<l ~.'T<'at. Attorn<'y iGen€'ral Of pr!%Cfl have bef'n donatf'd by it re, th" U. S .. J . H o,vard McGrath, C. F. Lande.rs, vicr-reg-ent. ' "'pokt'-on ··Ju"'lil'f', the Keystortf' Table prizf's will come from t he of O<>m oncrat·y." Sf•na tor Harry Kay Finch studio. Mrs. Bfadcn F . Byn.J or Virg inia apoke on the Finch ta a member of the ~hap­ "Unitrd -&,_lates and National ter. All proceeds from the bc-ne- E<-onofny" and _ &>-na tor Robert fit will f{O t o the na tional building Tart nr Ohio~ aUdrt·s.oi<'d th" audi· lund or lh p naughlPr~ o r tht• EBF.1,14 .Jl s10 Rs \\'at~h modf"ht "'1nwtn1 •port" •ttt~ l\-ilfa tbey Mid tttr-lr ftl"llt fall IM"Mlon Tlw,... da}· a t fhf" hnm" nf ~'""' \V. E. FlsMr, Shor,., C'llCf"-lo front. (L to R ) ar~ t~ thrf'f'o modtl-. M'H. II. (', \\'lllla mJI, 1'1'1'. F. \\'. K u~ter, J r ., and '.\f,,., l •.ftlf>S Richard.Mn. "'atchlns, (L to R) a te 1'-fmf.-. 1\, n urr \\'hltf', ('balrma n ; \\'urrr n A: Srort , c~. F. .• H nllo" ... )'. E. ff. FlnJ1trr, "'' E. F1abf'r, C. R. 1-lt.aaf, N. II. Rnbrrtlf"'li n, ltolw•rt (lnrctnf'r nnd T h11 ma11 !\1<'1'f a5tf'r . (New11-Tlmes P hot o ) Circles 1 and 2 or th<' samt' group we.re recently organlzcd, Circlt> 1 at th" home ot Mrs. Harold Fink on Sept . 1 4 . 7.fr!!I. Stcphl"n Smith wa" elccte<l c hair- man. Clrcl(" 2 n1 rt September 20 al the home nr Mrs. Robert Ibbotson, electlng Mrs. A rth ur Schenkf'l u thi•ir chairman \Vllh 1'lnl. D. G. BaJ<f'r aA.°'lsting. ? HIS ORCHESTRA . ~ · ~~ V.1i~:AN ~i1·if111t"~~\({OMff:-QtifN6'!~ , a1v UI ' -'-'-'D -------·----~ , f'RCf's o n "D~!f'n!K' of A1nrricn." Amerlt'an Rf'volution. Library Lists '·New Books Ebell Juniors Open Season With Style Show A profnun.J aCldr<'M on lhe "Dan- gerR of \\'orhl Comm unism" was given by Rr v. Edmud A. Wal<5h, vice-prC's!dent of Georget own uni- VeNli l.,,y followC>d by St>nator Ed- ward Martin's talk on "Amcrlca 'g Grt>atC'Al Dang£'r ... A l Ru~l nf"!' .. Sf-Qlon ~r rs. Charlrs Boardman, regl."nt, ,prt•sided. Drvotlona.Js by ,_fMI. J es - f'e Wolfc--; chaplain. opened l he SP!(Sion. M rs. \\'llli!_n1 Tritt 100 thf' flag-snlutP. Minute!'! of the pre- vions mC'<'ting were givl'n by ),{rs. H . P. YarnPll, r<'co rding secretary fnllowed by t rea~urf'r. Mrs. J amf'S W<-bRt <'r's rrport. Cortt11pondencr wa."' read by Mr11. A . E. Stockton . rorrespond1ng !K'Ctt>la ry. The re - g'f'nt a nnouncl'<I tY.'O new appoint- m<'nts. '-frs. H . P . Yarnell will ht> hrnipitallty chairma n and ),frs. Lester· Vierling Is the new chalr- n1an o r nat ional defense. The res- ignation of registrar , Mias Bes.Me Sk inner, wu accepted w ith re&'J"'.._L Tra :~rvro from a beautlf'Ully· appointeod ta ble concluded t he an- ernoon. A lace cloth, allver a.nd crysta l a nd a noral piece of whit e f lo y,,•e..rs and fla gs together with a s uperlative view of the bay made a beaotJfUI pict ure. M n . J . L . Beach poured. Membera wbo at- tended were Mrt. Cha rle.a Board- man. Mrs. J . L. Bea ch, Mra. W . E . hhe!-r, Mn. C. F . Landen, Mn. A . E . Stockton, Mra. Leater Vier- ling, M rs. Jam~ W ebeter, Ai r-ft. Harry \Y elch, Mra. H . P , Yarnell, Mrs. Louis Sanda, Sr., M rs.-carl Hanna and A-frs. William Tritt . Guests wer (' Mn1. C. H . ).{cKelllps, J;.f l.M Gertrude Montgom t"ry and Mrs. Myrtle Slaughter. Missionary ·Bishop Don Ward Pho!'les From Germany • Timely, for aU who follow 11porl11 Approxln'Kl lely 50 n1c mbcrs and i~ a n r w non-fict ion book added guest s of the Ney,,•po rt Beach Don Ward, who la now in Casa thlic month at thC' Ne<A•po11 Brach Ebell J un iors wel'e pre11enl for the Blanca with the u. s. Air Fore<' public library. AuthorNI b1• a rui.ual Membership Tee., given by Special SPrvice8, telephoned from Schoor, lt '11 t iUe il'l "Sugar Ray the execut ive boa rd at t he hilltop Germany t o h is par"nts, Mr. an" Robinson." ho1ne or Mrs. W. E . F hther, 14 9 Mnt D. R. Ward, l2J Vi a U n-Other book!; n<'W nt lh(' li brnry Shnrecliff Rd. Thursday afternoon.. din e, Lldo lslc. ~hJs month lncludt>: The guest!'! were welcon1e'd a t The fonn cr Harbor High ath-1' .. IC'tion : Asc:h, MOfl<'ll ; Bomes. t he entrance or lhf' spu('io11 1~ p:ttio With All 'ly H eart · B omfl Id by t he fler tion cha o"•m•n. 'Ir•. A'. lf t e Wll.8 on a. week 's lrip to N ur-"' • r e · ,.. " cmburg to attend a basketball Mr. Smith; Gilil'I, Harbin's Ridge; Burr W hit e, .Jr., an1! the n1c1nbcr- clinic which was h<'adf'1·1 by th" l-lendryx, Murdt•r on H :l lfaday Mlp chairman, Af rR. J.', \\'. Kus· famotlS Kenluf'ky roat'h , Adolph Crt>f'k ; J n<1celyn, \Va gons W<'sl: tcr , J r . Rupp. M ann, Thr Holy Sinnt~r: Atarko-An lnfom1nl iaAnion Rho"' f(':'l- Don .joined the armed ror Cf'fl in wi~. T hf' Daughlt"r; MatheAOn, t ur lng rasnal rlothe~ of lhe /.lea· F C'bruary , 1950 and ha..,. been over T he Cil'ltt'm and t he F'ounlRtn ; ~n \l.'nfl presented by Lorne's, seas for thrPe month8. He w&.1! so P r o ti t y, F' a b I a ; Seelf'y, The BAiboa Islanrt. Wt>arlng t h e EhthWled oVer t he trip ancl the Stra nJ:;<'r Beside Afe; Scir"rt , Doc· clothes, Lhe st yle.!1 r11ngin1 fron1 beautltul country through which tor of 1'-fercy: Shipn1 an. Sister or pedal push~rit anr! ctt>nlms to sn1art he went, that he "juAt had tn tf'll th<' Britte; Shu tman, The A1any s t reet enaembles, were M rs. Rob- 90meone abnut It." f l.oV<'B of Dobi<' Gilliit; Stokes, ert Gardner, Mrs. H. C. \\'illit1.n11t, Latin Revue ' for Ebell Meeting F.tr.!rt gene ral m eeting of E~ll clu b will be held this com ing Thursday at A merican Legion -hall with a J2:30 luncheon p reced- lnr the program, Reet>rvatloq ahould be m ade with Mrs. E . R I R ichards, Harbor 1570-R or Mr a P . J . Sullivan, Harbor 1729·W . Year books will be distributed at t hla t ime. ''A Lat in R evue" Is to be the program. lt will feature T ony F er- rell. baritone a nd guitar ist: Anita. d8.ncer; and Don Howard, marim- biat. ·An executive board meeting will be held the same day at 11 a.m. Captlvf' In th<' N i~h t : Ston<'. T hr Mrs. N. H. RoberdeR11, Mrll. F . W. Prl•Jllident's Lady; Stong, Forty Kuster, Jr .. nnd "lrs. Jnn1f'~ R iC'h· r•uundit or Gold ; and Yt"on i, Thr nrdson. Sp1·1lbound Vllla ~l'. Alrll. Ll-sl~r Vlc1·1in g, Mn:. J . G. 1.Iyster Je.q arc·: Bull<'r, Blow Hot , Smith a nd Mra J ohh Stolz prr- BloY.' Coif!; Disney, S traw Man; sided at th<' br autlfull y appionted Jl'pson, M ap Dead; a nd RUMt>IJ, tea. ta bles. one being intioors and Cook Up A Crlmr. one Jn the patio, Other new non·fl c l lon In cludes: Mrs. F isher, Welfa re Chairman Brawn, Cleopatro Slept Here; announced Lhe awarding of a plant Coataln, Th~ Magnlncen t Century; on wh.lch donatiof)S we.~ 'ta}<en, ~wler, Schnozzola: ·aumpert, The the plant betnl' won by Mr•. Anatomy of Rapplneu : Hawklna, White. . Outdoor Flrepla cell and G rill.a: . Board members who wer~ host- Hawklnll, \\'alks o.nd Pa ths, Drive-es~s tor t he tea included : Mrs. ways, etc.: Kin.sf'!, The CAthollc C. R . Staaf, Mr.!1. N. H. Roberde.au. Shrine's of the Holy Land ; Schoor. I Mrs. H. C. William!'!. M rt'I.' Thomu Sugar Ray Robinson : Schuck, I McMa11 tere, 1'·trs. E. H. F infllf'r. Nobt'I, ThC' Man anct His Prlze11; Mrs. C. E . Hollo\vay. Mrs . J ohn Stokt'R, Thr Savannah: and T rt'-R. Daniell. hfr~. \\'arren E. Scott. ga.qkf.11, SrvC'n 1-"nJ.:Ul'l'I lo Para· ~f rs. 1'1erlin C. Sht'eley, Airs. F . t dlSC'. W. K 11!4t~r. Jr .. ~frs. W . E . FishPr . ---------a nd 1tfrs. Whit~. to Address County Mothers ' Cl ub Episcopalians . Meets Wednesday Women's Fellowship 1 . • Opening Meeting Letter to the Editor , ThP R t. Rf'V. J&mC's Wilson Huntt'r, Bl.!!hop o1 Wyoming, will s peak \Vednesday e venln« of this we-ek at 8 p.m. Jn tlle Church of the A-!eMiah, Santa Ana. Epllco- pa.IJ'ans or Newport Beach and oti'ler Orange county parlshea will atte nd. St. Jamt>a choir will join with othe rs ln the music pro. g"11'1, Thia ls one of three m,eet- i np at .which the· mi.Mionalj; -bi.- hop wfll i.peak. ART SECTION Ebell Club's art aectlon wilt b.old tt.a ntst clau on Wedneeday, 9 a .m . at Lhe home Of tht> teacher, Jqan In1rlg' Brandt, 4M ~lden­ rod avenue. From there the group wW go on a painting tHp . llra. Horace Park~r b chairman of the ~f.ctlon. . R egula r meeting of the Moth· at St. Andrews ~a club of Job'a Daug hters, Costa The Wom~n·s FC'llow.,hip will K esa Bethel lti7 · will .. be held meet In the lounge al St. An- 'fednesday, Oct . 3 at ':30 p.m. I drew'8 Presbyterian chu rch, l :Sth a~ the home or Mr~. Van D. Robin-street and St. Andrews Rd .. New- son, 824 W . 18tll street. port H eights for de111Wrt Wednea- HERE FROM PETROLIA da y afternoon, October 3 at 1 :10 o'clock. The hostesses for the day wtll be M rs. Clarence McCUlloch, Newport Heights: Mni. T_had Ss mue ls, Costa Meaa : and Mrt. Olen WhJtlock oC Newport BeaCh. The devotions will ~ led by Week end vfaltors in tht> home of Mr. and Mra.. Harry C: S urdlck, W Magnall& avenue, Costa 1.fesa, were Mr. a"n.d Mrs. Charlea Fowler of f etroll.a, Calif. Mr. Fowl~r Is a brother of Mrs. Bur dtek . Mt's .. Chri."'t lan Schindler .· SHERMAN OAKS GUESTS George Sche re r, recen Uy retum- lilr. and Hn. Charlea s . Melone ed from Lebanon. wtU be the r •i• n-•'--•-N ..... gue!!lt speaker and w ill have many o .., " ~ avenue. ewpon . t ln h " to t II r h'· B elgbta, entertained Mr. and Mrs. an ere.st g t mga e o "" M.et Cope of Sherman 6aka u •experiences while there. "r'"" • M rs. Edgar Ifill, the preside nt their house «'lest.a over the week of the Fellowship, said that clean. end. sens:ible clothing is net'ded by the homclei!S K orean of all ages and !tOft ha ts, caps, sweaters. sJ1oe.s and blankets in good condftlon will be very acceptable a.nd she asks that a n women ~ the church either bring or t e nd their cbntrl- butlons to the church aa eoon as pouible ao the F ellowship ca n scntl Its first .11hlpment on IL,. way. Welfare Work Planned by · Police Auxiliary Looking forward to Cbrlstmaa Wt!lfare work were membera ot Newport &a.ch Police Auxiliary whf!n they met on lhe evenlnl' of S;eptem.ber JG at the home ot Bev· eri7 Burdaall. santa Ana a venue. Aallatlng hoatesa for the cvenlllg WU Lola Pri<e. • Tl>e CJOU P will br'= c&nned gaod9 dud1'g' intervening wfflul and at bolidoy time wm provide portabable fooclo for bukw wlllch tll•Y wUi dl4trlb\lte. ·A r..U.lty planned fbo:' them· eelYM WU dfecUlaed, 'f a dlnner w!tlcll will be held earlY In N....,.._ ---le Qf th• ewnillC ·- """ .,_ to -wltll Vlol<t sC--talcli>s; lfrot prtoe. Jue Neth the -with MaJT C... umuo~ Pl •tat Wke A\adrf'J OatOI, Dear Mrs. Barbra: I It la with gr"8t pride t hat I announce the fact that the bene- fit brunch which ,\li.•e sponsor ed on S eptember 18 tor the Nursf'ty S chool for Vla uaUy Ha.ndlcappr d I Chlldrrn , W B.3 the most !!IUCCC'SS- ful yet . • Aa a group and aa ·tndJvtduats. We know what &tl lmporta.nt part In a~ch a production publicity I playa. ' "' ' ,_. '\ ,,. I We do 10 appreciate alt that 1 you have do ne tbl.a year and i n previoua· yeara tO make our par- ty as flne a.nd popular ': one u it hu ahvays ~n. A vtait to the , Nursery School. t he addreas of wlaich you will find hereon, ts a he&rt·wanning ex· perlence, one w hich you will not forg et . If you e ver find tlle oppor- 1 t unity to make this visit, pleue do M. T here you will see for your-- self the wonders y,,.·h ich the gcn- erou.s p~ple or1 our comn1 unity help to fM'rlorm ~ Thank you agafn -rna..t sincere- ly. ~ . Orange County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gnm ma , Hau1 ~r. Ray ' Tar Gri~st11rs Treated fo After-Game Snack Jll!lnet y bo)'11, member& of the football t...,,.. '\'hkh played Fri· day night at Harbor HI, were. u pleued aa thef were surprlacd when lhe.y w ere !provided wtth· an alter-pm• ma~ or .andwtchea, milk ond polAto· c.lllps. · Ta m mtmbe;;/ eat at 3 p.m. and by U.. time the 1 pme• wu o•tt, they wt:re but, hUngry! Coach Irwin treated Itta tea.ri:i the Pft--- vlolla wedt OD the ""y home trom the Rlvenlde pme,. ond It WU then tile -<alile Into belns. 0.. J'rld>.7 Newpcwt . Ha.-Zon!A dU oad·O. W. (Dt<)<I Richard 0/. IUebard'a m.a.rket 1dmf<l up on tlle ~ with Rlc:bord tilnllahlDs; thO brood, n>aJODllaloO Ud poto\o chljioL Tbe ...,Up """"* -..... -el otlltt clU.. will tab ~u..-.. .......... llOl!ln&\L Jfarx om ..... -0.1111111. -Jlollit qe. o1 ~ tGUa a:.. -1-. LaVota Lace. tao Ooola -. 11M -"""" a 11&7 ,. , • Prloo, lifa,.ftt Nhlln. Betty..,._ ., WP a wl -..... _., Ila 1 0 fl' .. ::.-: :: ;.:; ~ =-: t':a:.:•.;.:. = Vlolot 8'== J~ Notll :::... ft1&a. ~=::-~ •• I -----""8-.11 .. t..,; .. *9, ,·--ert1 ---=-·i. .. stllciote-\"--~-=---,_ • ,._ --r-tj I -... -,.,, 0 '"' • (ftoto..,, .,.._ .... , 1,.iu. Ylola CilnloOI ~-....... . I • ' r • Result.a com e trom cqnatant Practice! ·An lid regularly in t his paper will prodUCP rf'atllll for you. ADMISSION 1.25 -TAX INC.LUDED the FRIG I DAIR I house of harmony · 1817 Newport Avenue, Costa Mesa Requests the Pleasure of your Company at their Frigidair.e Homemaker's Party in Cooperation with RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET THURSDA.Y MORNING UDO THEAlRE 10 to 12 October 4 Newp~ leach ' Broadcast Over KVOE · • ' Doot Prizes Gi~s Entertainment • • Anno u'nce m.en-t ! Mr. Roger Hannaford and Mr. Donald Hayton, ~e new owners of ... • I, • • . THE Balf DEPARTMENT s'T-01tE Formerly F1'1ZPA TRICK'S 303 MAIN STREET, BALBOA • extend-to you a cordial invitation to visit their store during OPENING WEEK, BEGINNING OCT. 4 $10 FREE $.0 MERCHANBISE DRAWING TBll wcca_ • Friday • Sahll'day , MENfs·ww Supple on,. Blues McKen•r. Spertswiar M ~Stal .-.is K.rtzlt11 ··511m o.:s .. Kllls -t • ' • WOflN'S WEAR Wlite Stag Cirole . Chris • Koret ,of tilfnia -~. .. - C* of Calflria. ' ~-- / ' Aaf · DEPART)IE~t STO~E (l'PllWIBIN rnzrAtRJt:r'S) BALBOA-,,, ·Skeet - • • ' • • ' 1 . . .. • .. ~· • I • J ' •• -• . • ' - PA6E .. \ ' I ' NEWPORT . IALIOA. .NEVl(S..TIMES • . tuESD/.Y, 091'. 2~195 1, ,,.. ; .... ,.-,,,7 ,,1 Every Tur1da7 a& Newpot1: Beacb, CAlltonllti • ~ -NEWPORT HAKBOB PUBLISHING OOKPANY 'il-· of cil.IFoRNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHEllB ""88"N. ;'. ·1!(ember of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION • \ • omce and Prinllnl' Pla.nt at 2211 B&Jboa Boulevard Telephone Ha.rbor 1818 11iterec1 ~ Second-ct.au Matter at the Po9tottlce ln Newport Beach, \ Calltomi& under the Act at March 3, 1879. WILUAM A. MOSES, Edit.or • . J . M. FRANCIS, Buatneu Manacer ·-SUBSCRIPTION BATES: , :-NE'WPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIM~ e>'U7 -ru-ia7 .., 0n.n119 County, '150 per yeu; 1%.00 aJI moatha: 11.15 tllrM ..... tho (Abo laeludeo tho NE'WPORT·BALBOA PRESS, Th~) • • oUtalde Oran&fl Count.y $4.00 per year • Push Button .. War, ~ -1111., Letter from F•.McCabe · · Is Still iri Futur~. :~ Biid>, E:r~ u-~ s Tru.m, • Soiii_ewhere lon the West Coast WASHINGTON -Detoplte MW o,.r -: ' . ·-·,, · an ~ weapon• the day of puab button I ut illfOl'qMld tllat Oonnaor White House wartare la not here. J'urther, our Wan'm bU -pated thla -Ir. Wuhlngtoh D C own military frontleril ...... tar ~ 1 t.o a, .. ca,Jlfornl'! • . . afield. Admlrol WUliam M. l'letch· N-por Week. I am therefore Dear Harry: • er, new chief of naval operationa, ~ lhla oce&aiOa to ...,.... to . ..,Id r<eenlly ln hla nnt publll: the IDclllon of ~oral& my ..,... I talked with a representative of the Mexican Gi>v· addr ... alnee l&klnf P""r the l"'lulatlou"" tlleplt.IJ>eY ha" emment·the other day and it seems that both his country Navy'a top slaff apot. played ln the aatallllahment,.of the speaking 1n a cotronr. robust hlJh Journallotlc atandard& • ...,... and our'n have our national pastimes centered around the voice that ,well coul4 ca.ny down aetertalns the nawwpapen of our f f lie h fi ht a quarter deck, the heavy aet ad· lltato. . bull In his country they ha»e a lot o e rs w o . 1g mlral. whose shoulder boa.rd.I alt · Alt.boucb-1•• are comparattvely 'em while in our country. we have a lot of folks throwin' 11quarely on broe.d foundattona, ad· )'OUftl' aa a State. It LI my obeer• _ .1 dreMed lhe Women'• National vauon that our Callfomla n~ the bull . . . and we both have one th~g in common a.nd Pre• Club and Ila lnYlt<d auecota. papen ban attained a atature that is the main areana of action is in the 'Capital. He made an excellent tmpree-that 19 comparable with the ttnut sion on bla Batenera., &It.bough the lA the oountry. Nowhere ln the admiral uaed a prepared text he ·land ia the principle or a atron.-, gavr 1t only quJck glance. u tr.a, anct independent preu better though It were committed to mem-exempltfled than ln Callfom1L o~y. I ain very pleued that Gove.r- ln places tbn .....,...e WM nor Warren hut prOclaimed Call- 8tronc-lt carried tbfl st.reastJI fomta Newepaper Week. bee&U8fl or top policy behlDd lt.-put by lhls a.ct.{on the attention of the hf'Wl'LATION STRIKES AGAIN cffiilt for put and fotaro cl&-people of our State I• directed to ~"'.a.· rr~ hopew; ir:qua!ly on ..u tllree the very lrnporta.nt pa.rt played He said their crop was purty good but they wouldn't nowhere'• near bring in as much money as they expect to get from us on their re-armament program. He did give me one good pointer, t~', which I'll pass along to you. He aays that every once in while they have a president who wants to stay on and when that happens he jest calls out the troops and defies anybody to put him out. They're sure up on things down there, Harry. \'l'e've got to give 'em credit tbere. I.rtat month the prices of cars on the floors of SeveraJ 111er\·l~ Yet lo pla.cn It r&-by our newapapers In tbe main· Newport Harbor dealers took a sudden jump. _This wlL8 llecl<:d prick> In tho Navy In tenanoe of our traditional Amerl· d 'th • · · "'lll<"h. t.he ofl\oer bM •rvoll can freedom&. theoretically legitimate because it was one w1 permission With kindest penona.l regards lon1 and,, weU. • 0 ( the OPS.' It was another brick through the tender wall "Welfare '*tho n-i and..,_ and beat wtahe•. · 1 ••·• --•1 Blncerely. of an expanding' currency with shrinkmg va ue. tie mean. by w....... • -•n Richard Nl"-on You don't have to be • n:ad" to retire to ttmember ...,1<3 "' Im-lta will apoa lta " f'Mmi~ But war laJ the lMl bt;and new automobiles sitting on the showroom floor "'aort. It lA to Ml avoided H Your ole fren. FARMER McCABE • fAll Rlghll!I Reserved! with le88 than $1000 price taw<-Almost up until Pearl ionK .. II may bonorably be Harbor,· 1941, one thousand dollars could get the pink avoided," tho four otar omoer oald. Store to Open ·th N O Who to Contact for Wi ew wnen ClvD Defense Work slip on the latest creation of the automotive industry· But he said that If war com ea to Today that's Little more lhan the down payment! the Unltod States 11 would be bet· Auto manufacturers rightfully point out that there ter for WI It the target area waa not near our own 9hore•. Ot.u-mill-will never again be a $1()()() price tag on the three popu· la•Y rrontlero .,. th ... of our Al· Iarly-known 11low price" makes because of heavy taxation li('s in the tree world. he uaerted, $gainst producers. On tcxlay's "low priced" car, from $300 and aholild not be just llnea on • to $500 of the tab is taxes. m~~e wtll not create nor main- One auto manufacturer alone bU)'8 supplies and 8Ub-taln effective defensive frontier• ..t--mblecl parts from more than six thousand lndllidual by keeping our weapons and our ~ troops within continental Umll.8 Mr. Ropr Ha.nnarord and Mr. Donald Hayton new owners of The Bay·-~~ment Store (for- rerly Fltzpa{rtck'st. 303 Maln St., Balboa. exte.ftd .., cordial invitation to all to visit their atore. Aa7 rMldent or Newport Har- bor wt.hlnr to lake part ln the eVer..-crowlnc clvll BefenM pro- pam Ahould contact N""port Barbor Cl\11 DefenAe Director Johll SaUorw or the deputy-di- rector, Ca.rt Hanna, at the city hall, phone Harbor SISI, be- tween the boun or • .. m. and 6 p. m. NOW IS THt; TIME ' ' Coverl"~g the · En tire Harbor Area, and More • '· * ·News-Times Ne'V!port Bay Po sj and Shopping News The Newport-Balboa Press * Orange County's Greatest Advertis}ng B~y ":'" Companies. Each one meets, i.n his tum,-his own tax or the United states," the' admlral ':: bW; cost.. of which must be passed along as a legitimate · said. ~ cost of c\olng pUlliness. Thus. the hidden taxes, paid in "Ir we we .. to abandon Weaum The etore wtll open under the new m&nage.meht beginning Oc· tober 4 with apecial prize award• and favors for opening week. The Bay Department Store will con- tinue to carry name brands In men and women'• sportswear - auch aa White Stag, Carole Chrt•. Cole of Calif., Bermuda sweaters. etc.: and ln the men's department. To rent yeur home or apt.- Ph. HARBOR 1619 and place your Want ad todtt.y ! ~·ith the opening of an account here Set eoo1i1t1 of malehing: (I) Propel-r•p<l Peac;I (2) Ball Point Ptn and (3) Coonlltional Fountain Pea ... Europe and the Medlterranean to ,• the end by the constuner, mount up to today's record Russia now. we might reducf' the ·~ . ~hl1+~~-m-- $ ()()() ? Co t ' ii d . would only postpone the d&ngf'r Where did the 1 car go . n inua y expan ing until the next ~generation, then. : costs of domeStic government; inept bungling on an inter-atripped of our powertut a.lllu, Wf' ~national scale bringing again 'high cOsts of rearmament ; would enjoy no favorable produc· · f bl' f d b th tlVe dirfere.ntlal." ~ever new programs for "giveaways" 0 pu IC un 8 Y e The services ahould be balanced ~federal government's so.cial planners have been heavy-but not on e. dollar balance buia, 1 weights in the spender's fight against balanced budgets the admiral pointed out. Balance ' d 'bl ti I -J should be that which enablea ea.ch i an a sens1 e na ona economy .. , , service to pcrro9" Ila apeclflcally • • It'll end when we realize 1t 8 our money they re assigned miaalon In the bro,t.d. wasting: and that we can't spend ourselves lnto drficlt overall defensive pattern. He doc11 Ind 11 Itel f not favor a separate. land &rmy of budgets e D Y • ka.rlne11, sa.ying-Marlnee have a ----·----speclrlc job to do with the neet.t • Supple Drape Bluo·s, McKeever l 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aport.Jrwear. Kurtzn1an slacks, U. S. Ked.8 and many others. -Clualfled ads are reao by folk.I wbo are looking to buy. HILLMAN MINX 11499 d.-llvrr.d hPre plus ta~ and HttnM' Your U.rbor Ar.-a llf"alf'r «..t ~,M I NEWPORT Al:TO SALES (~..,,_ ~·~~ %804 \\'. Newport 81,·d. • hni ~ ~u.1/#l I '"===N='e=wpo=rt=S..:::a=r h==::'.l ~~ • ~,,,.,.,,. _ Harbor 140'1 in the amount 0£ $50 Or more, WC ere· sent you Free of charge this fine 3-piece &f'L We \\'Cre able lo secure only • limited nun1ber o( aels. To avoid diaappo~ntmcnt ••• OPEii YOUR SAYINGS lccou..., " .. -_. ..._ ..... ,... .r .... ·~""""·' ... " . ~ I . y .. CM -,e-••_..at e11Mr by -11..-1• prno•. l'olU" talin&• are i""'urrd Mf' to 110,000 -orwJ M'e ha t• paid nnoer la. rlian 3% Pll ANNUM NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS ""' LOAN ASSOCIATION -...--. ,_ •. ,.1.111 .... ~ aa33 'VIA UDO, NIWPOlr llACH, CAUf. ., , '-OLD AGE IN IOWA are skilled ln amphlbloua opera- tion and should not be thought o;r a.a a separate land force. . . .. . .,.. . . . _ U you want to live to 90. the thing to do is pull out of ~liforn ia and settle in ' the Midwest-preferably Iowa--0r !I' New England. This advice comes from Dr. Raphael Simbllt'g, director of the Iowa Mental Health Institute, Wh08e researchers have completed a study on longevity lll over the country. People just live on and on in those fleaB. says he. · • · Dr. Giru:burg's conclusions are hard to believe, out here . . and the thought arises that appearances may have de· ·C!i!ived bim. California adventurers who have visited Iowa ~U us that Junior Chamber of Commerce members look ,old enough to be Spanish Wa r veterans. On the other hand, ~ legend t;ells us. the early Golden State pioneers were so •Jlardy they had to hang horse thieves in o rder 'to start a ~meterY.-and their lusty strain endures to this day. ;: And even if the g~ doctor's claims s hould be staJ ...,.tically accurate, they would merely indicate that kindly $.lure tries to compensate for the misfortunes of geogra· . ~y. Who wouldn't prefer to be· cut down at the tender • )ge of 75 in California than to live forever in Iowa? Even !lough; thanks to the remarkable strides science in this ~unur. U. S. citizens everywhere now average 19 more ~ of life than they did at the turn of the century, it t8 still better to 'have Lived magnificently than merely to rve'iived .long! ·---- WANT TO LIVE WNGER? U you want ,to live to a ripe old age you should move to one of two places -either the .Middle West or the New England States. In these areas, a research expert aays. people live longer. Considering the severity of their winters. . maybe it only seems longer. THEN . • • • . . • -UP STEPPE!;> MIGH!\' CASEY I - Air aloll.fl wt.II not stop any RU8Alan army advaoee aplMt "'sh>rn Europe, be said. r&- mlndlnc his lbit,eaen tba& air diet-not stop the North Kort!all9, loeh>dlq use of Naval Air . tr RUNl&a la MICOetMtUI la ettt.abl.lsh.lnl" h e r 11 P I r ACl'PN Eul'ope to the A.tl&ntle seabo&rd. Mr .next objective wlJI llave -obtaiD<d and u.. -of ha ne~t ad\"Allee wtD be up- on our eb.lkiren. be contl.Bued. emptaa.11.lnc Jone term Soviet pl&Dnlnc. "In a.II 11lnoerlty &Ad wtth l""f"&l emphuls. 1 llUl"pat that the nrxi war, tr It oomc.. will be roucflt b1 fPeno119 wbo wW bro, and who wlll renaata. at or near th"' BCen& or aeUon. The conventlooal type · of warfare ~·Ith which we are ramn1ar ls not ob8olete ... Naval rorces have an l.ITlportant role because they can be llhltlf!\1 quickly, he went on. They are re- quired at the toeus of Communl8t infection but can be deployed M that focus shift.a. The admlra.l urged that W1! build our defensive atrf'ngth toward the enemy's weakneu, 80 that he will not be free to chooee bl.8 place of attack nor hia weapon•. The Navy la in a poslUon to take advantage ot any development ln Atomlc weapona, the admiral aald in anawer to a que1Uon &fter hl.8 prepared talk. He al8o sakl the involuntary re- servl.sUI. both otficer and enl~led. would be releued from active duty A.I rapidly a.a 11trtf\A'lh could be built up and malntalned to Meet the na vaJ miaion. Half-Million Fish Taken in August • TEIUUNAt. ISLAND, Oct. 1. -More th..n ha.lf .. a·mlUion rt.h •ere takeit in c&u.romla be.y and a«an waten)IJy t.be 114,871 ang- 1@1"9 wbo apen.t-a day" on party flmhlng boatli" dmq the Dtonth or Au ...... P'rom boat owne:ra• report.a to thf' Oeputm~t or rtab and Ga.ine, kelp and .,.d ba"I' abo"""1 up aa the moot prevalent apecl .. la IJle eportamen'a haul AllfUOl land· lnp totallod 191.000. ,.__ placed -will> 117.toO «llsbt betWttn ·0rqon C111C1 Mateo. Other u.Jt .. water ~ wldc.b ac... counted for a rood ~ ol. parlJ' boat a.na:!'ns tnclode: Barracuda, ee.ooo: o1-.. H ,000; mackettl, U.000; Mli""l, 9,000; ll!ncflOb. '8.000: -- 1,000: oole, ADd -ClllCl 1lk I era. a.ooo: .... 9 • .,..; ... ~ .. ~ """' a,-: . --a.-; e.b fl "" 1,000. • ~ ~ . ~ "zh1t .,, ............. - .pioeeacle'-•U."-T' 27$ ....... .._ c 'I l -eta,..--. --we. I • t"'1t --ff. ~...,,, •tn1• Tbere'a p~ntyabout a Greyhound )·ou'll like ... neighborly paPen· prs , . , courteoua driveTS .. , tr. quent service ... scenic route• ... air.conditioned Super-Coaches. It all adda up to make Gnybound tbe molt convenient .•. the frUJul. U...t way to travel Eut I So111tthh1g about the low Fares CbicaSo .••••. J'LM Dotrait ....... 42.80 Wublactoa.D.C.. •7.46 N-Yorll, .••... '9.80 K·=n1 City •••• 83.80 Nm"""1>olia .• , • 3UO N-C.laau .... auo A&laata • • • • • . • ..:t.SIO __ ,_ ....... .._. ......... UllllrlllfsWT FllmUS·H~? SJ 1'111111·1Wbflm ... Mn. C.,.c. S1ttlffwd, ·.a.- ---~ • .. -..,.. J(_,., _ ' ' I WI OPEN HOUSE, SA TUIDAT, SIPnMlll 29 We hope everyone who can spa.re the time will come see our new plant in action. We're holding Open HoU8e on Saturday, Sep· !ember 29 -I :00 to 4:30 P. M . The address io II 0 East Sepulveda Blvd .. Wilmington. California • ' • ~ big new reason why Calif~rnia's -market is everybodyl • • - for fi&b-canners aU alona ~ .lo...., iend tiWr aopa and catcbee to mar- coaat. .. ...ti as C&llfl'D now bm.1 It.et. U-foodatuf& bring bad. to serviced by our Loo Anteleo plant... the people of our state• never.ad • _:. 1!'1 enly nelu1GI for a good Ca.lil'or· Dian t.o bout of bio Stale'• product. of the aoil and ..._ Ao good Califor- niana, "" at American Can Company brag about them, too. And, becaw makina contai.nen: !qr theae producta ill our buoirieoa. to benefit aJ_ike. through ~ On. ~flow of~ . . ; tbe-opot aervtce. • ' · • TIMrl lo .w.hy, in opcm:ina •DID' new · I . ' ""'d like you to know about om The purpooe or the plJnt, mtu-plant.ln Wilminftl>n. .. like to r...i ~y. iototumoutcam,=;.~tbe.tiiil--· .l:biit --.maltjn1 an impoft«nt lions. The.. cana pnwide a <!DD.,,. • contri6a1:i9D to the -and eco- ient. modem and ~· ny. : mmii! i-1111 ..;·tile_,,. in-..bich -• new Harbor plant·in Wilmington- built by Califomiana, operated by Ca.Iit'omiaql and dedicated to the srowth and -ity of the resi<m in .. bicb it .. located. for C4lifomiana to ...U ~ iinlducta ~ Ii.., and ..O.k .!Otl-io&bor t.o1 food buyeni ·~ in 'th& . U. S. A. and the~ Or. world. Wil,minc·too ia t.be neweat. of Canco'~ eilbt CalifonWi c:an-malrinf planta. 1oco.i when cropm -or ' fiab are caught. It ii big. laUtlfally .Wiped, and _,., will be~ lqy! . nm plant will -a 11 pae1ble . - They telmcope dioh+-, eliminate whet tbe---"1e.ot-1n;;.... ---j ~,.,, .. for Soulhem California; foOda. • Th""' in a very --Soutb-em California'• ....n..t. !odaY. it BVl!R YllODY I And M CalifaftM'· · " <le -""' - IJOff&a. can.meiem. ..._...-.... o!iiPl*W wwt·topt!w •a leam..,. I . > ' . . . . ' -, . Atnericara' can Compon~· •. ' • . . \ ' • . . • • I . / I I I -. • • • • • .. \ • • I ' • l\.IESbAY, OCT. 2, L95 1 ' 1 ~.~~~-'--·~~..:__;_~~~~-'-'-_,_:_~~N~EWPO:.:!..:..:::.::.:RT::...:::BA~LIO=::.:A:..:.....:.N~~::.:..:.~n~MES=:..:._~~~~i.:.::.:.~:..::..:....:~:::;:...~:.....;..-.!.,-'.;.;::.,:::..,.__;=-=~==·=·==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. I •. .. • • • • • .. • HELPJrUl. HIN'llS ON llEOOM.INO A BEAUTY Kin'1ty ,atep over to l'Qlk_ chiffonier, won't you! Now look at 10urself ln. th~ mirror. m•e! e KKK !" ! ! Wben you've recoVired. trom that lint horrible nausea, pick up your hair brush and stroke your wig 9.000 ttmea. H&.lr r&.Uil.ng, isn't it? Then crawl to the phOne and ring up llM'S BEAUTY SllOP tn Corona del Mar. Jim's Beauty shop ia an u.lt.ra. modern salon dedicated to making wttt:hes bewltching! Jim Gall.agher doea the hair cutting blmseU. MDdred, formerly of Mildred'• Beatity Bar, BaJbo& Island la an expert hair stylist here, and 'lbelm& bu direct fhair) lines to N. Y. and Parts for the latest trends. Shampoo and wave• at.art at $2.00. Excellent permanents begin at 110. Remem- ber "Pretty is u pretty does." So do as l say and caJJ .llm'• Beaaty Sllop. !04 eo..t Hlg-hway, Corona del Mar. Pllone Harbor 1118 da7·or Ms•t tor appL • • • • Alll': YOU OX THE LAMM' ARE VGU IN DUTCH WIT DE MOS T Oh! You feel fine? Well in that case. you can get those bull"t proof windows at WALT'S TRADIXG POST a.nd use them for "look boxes" in the. bottom of your boat. Aw Go on! See how the under half lives. My, if. ever there was a couple who haa "everythlng," It's Waller and Anna Bean! I Imagine they have everything for 8&.llors from a used hornpipe to a spent shore leave! This week's prize gear: Shlp'a clock (on bong every half ho~r), a sexta11t. a compa.u.. enough rope, plenty of cork anc't net and a S h. p. heavy duty Kennatb Marine Motor. And check that that ba:-ometer a'"ore ahe falla. mate! But don't depend on me to tell you 'all about the 3 or 5,000 ltema of used marine equipment at WaJt'11 TradJng Po111t. Ancbora aweigh also sirens right ott tbe boat. 42! SOih St., near Ice HOU9e. Newport. Harbor !4'70 Open 8:SO -5 p. m. AJ80 Open Sun. • • • "A FOOT MORE LIGHT. A STEP MORE TR1JE. NE'ER FROM THE HEATHER DASHED THE DEW!" Yes Mam ! It's only loo true! She who wouldst be merr)· in the metatarsal and alao 1ook well4 heeled has only to t'k>g it over to Barber'• Boo&.ery~ Barber's new fall faahlons for m1s.sy or matron tend towards stylish comfort. Smart women today no longer mince &.nd wobble on ---·= spike heel.a~ They wear Hf:ydays, a casua_J but dressy shoe with a medium heel. You'll love to.'11nger in t he Heyday black or brown calf, one !llrap o..r a !IW&n"k s_Jing,, grey suede $10.95) Want to try on aome others tor siu? Fr-iedtne.n Shelby are good brand shoes. You may llk'"e their new black suede · oxford tie or the F . S. IO\V heel black suede. pump. Either of these l~ $8.93. This price Includes one for each foot. r do think; black suede makes a p1 feel re.all}· done up. Plenty of flashy tali (lat.I! here too by Prima and Cover Glrl ... · Btac·k suede gh!Uies are-s...:95. More shoes urivtng by very '· fut. rt-eight. Feet ~get ' on a fripidJy footing at Barber's Bootery. 1790 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. • •• • BARBARAb HASa QUIT SHILL-Y SHALLYING ~ Now that you've made up your mind Babs, you'll never regret choosing your nesting twig!! from CM.rlyle'S Jl'urniture. Carlyle's has some extra fancy values in home furnishings. 1 maple provin· ctal group of ~ pieces , .. a divah with hand- 80me yelJow-brown pattern, a big comfortable. wing pla.ttorm rocker, 2 end table!! and a coffee table all for $280. A similar Early American living room outfit in green at $194.. Other bar- gains In bed divan and chair aets. And Babsle. .should Ciro'• ever close, you'll enjoy lounging at home in a tilt back TV chair. These occaalonal sitters are nicely uphoi.tered and euy to toss a.round ... $19.73. You may even alei_ep .omeUme, ao C&rJyJe'• otters you qua.l.J&y mal&ft9ett ln khic lliae, Jr. ske, regular .size, hard, eott or medium . . . AJJ th.la and b;Udcet .. terma.. Give a look! CuQ'&e'• 1990 llu'bor llhd..., eo.ta Meu.. .. Bea.co.a. 81S9. • • • SINCE LOVELY DAMOZELS DO NOT ARRIVE F . O. B. IN 108 LOTS, REGULATION SIZES. and uniform knee lengths. il goe!I wit.bout my a.stute observation that custom made clothes can be fervently flattering! Hu it occurred to any ot you little padded Clothes Carts that you can readily ,and rea.eonably avail yourself of a coutiere f ! ! RAS IT!! ! Lee Shipley is designing and manufac- turing auit!I, dresses. and coordinates right under your button-cute noae. And under your very child's nose too! You may take your own fuhlon ideas to Ltt or choose a Shipley original. And for your little clothlng carea. Shtpley's makes children's custom coats, slacks & fancy dreaaea.. Ladles custom suit prices !Ila.rt at $M. So don't pop off to Paris, my dear. Jt'!I be<:on1ing haul monde to lope over to Lee Sh.lpley'!I Original!!, 1106 Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar. Har- bor 2M8-J. VIVA! • • • CASA DO~ CARLOS SUPERBA MEXICAN DINNERS! . St.eak:a ... Plaln or M.a.rinated, Dinnen. 11 .75 COM.BJNATION MEXICA..,. DINNERS, 900 up MP.X.ICAS BEER C1o9ed Tueeday. llS 'Z%•d St., S e"1>0rt Beach. Harbor 2633-M • • • ' 8-0-~! .. Oiek Traey ! Te.1511 ! Can· you he&r me!?? ~ Well shut up a minute and li.aten ! The real Bonnie Braids la over here-over here at \ . · Donaldson 's ·Balboa 5 & 10. Wouldn't you , f.. know? Bonnie Braid.a pl&lltic doll that she Is, pigtails et al ia"sa.fe tn Lay Away at the M~r Gruabopper ~ &. 10 But where elR ! Bail her out at wltb Youair Xmas for S6.98. So ktnd. ao generous. llO thotful-lhe good old O &: 10 has Tot'• Treasul"b untold; Arranbee dolls. buggies, blackboards. service eta· l ions, doll lrunk.8, dJ&hes.. Now you moth~r 8'J""&88hopper8 have danced and chirped all summer, so put 90melbing by in Lay Away for the kid'a Xmas at the Balboa 5 &\ 10 And maybe for yourself rtght- away aome clean sheets! A change of linen la bound to perk you up. S~ial buy on Salem Pequot Sheets: 72x108 @ $3.19 81x108 Q $3.49. Pillow atlpa 80 sq. $1 .•9 pr. Sheet blanket.a for cold 80ulS with cold soles @ 12.90. For your great Aunt Abby,-Wlnd chJmea. All thla under one big roof. Donald90n•• Balboa 5 ~ 10.' SOO Mala. B&lboa. • • • SOME WOMEN LOOK LIKE LIVING DOLLS IN A LITTLE HAT ~ While others look like dead city hall pireona. . L belong to the latter 3Chool myself. Oh &tve me a .broe.d Stetson and the open ra.nge! n.e PoUy Apparel has a lot of new fall Head IIeatera . . . Velvet.&, Veils. Feathers. Feltl!I. If you're the type . . . COONSKIN you should go far tn one of these ha ta! Pray do! CLOCHE But whetlier you wear a cloche or a coonskin, you'll flJp your lid over Polly's new fall auortm.ent of d.reuea. sweaters. ak.irta. blouees alid alacb Gilbert and Leah Btown. and me too for that maUer, lnvtte you. to come In with fee.ling and meddle thru these sterling -~.:,!eal a glance at the atoles {$2.90 up) Do a little coun- ter ... purae pawing and anatchlng is not frowned upon be.re. PoUy Apparel garments halt •lsea. Whole lli&es. Jr. al&ea. reCU)ar aiJlea and maternity sizes. (Ge.t your cblle 8'se.a eJ.eewhere.) No ~tter wbat.ahape you're in-ITS FOLLY Not TO 8JIOP WJTll POLLr! 1111 Newport Ave.. ea.ta •-:- DY, HANDY 'N CANDY ' ' . -. , , • • • • • • • • • By MARGO ~ . LIG~ NOTICI ADVEa'D8&111&NT POil 1111111 Not!« lo ,beftby glwn !bat Ille Board of Truat..,. of the Oraac• CoNt Junior Collep l>!ltrict of Oranire County, llertlnafter ttfer- ~ to .. ·Ille "Owner", ,.tU ft- Cetve up to: but not later a.an BAKER BOB KRULL HAS RE-cuRMNT DREAMS 10:00 A .M, of the lTtb d~· of OF WINNING THE IRISH SWl!:EPSTAKl:ll, llO he October, 1951, aeatM bklo tor the apends hi• daya puttlnC" bis dough aero_,. the board awarci. ot contract{•) for turnllh·'t on JRISH SWEJ!:TBREAD. It looked Uke a wt.nner to tns. erection and plactns of steel " me . . . fat. round and sweet amelllnc . . . tuU of lOcken ln the P'ine Arb BuUdlng. trutta. mace, citron, raisirul and chen1ea &nd Mc a Locker IJ)eCiftcaUona and layout wheel! And •ln~ more people are bom in the winter pl&na may be RCUttd trom ~ ot· than ln the city, you'll probably be dickering for a fJce of tbe Aaatatant Super\ntend• number or birthday ca.keai lhl.8 fall. Tho Newport ent of Orange Cout Collece, Bakeey dreams up f&nclful lttt&e ca.rrou.sel cakes, Cowboy cakea or 19951 South Harbor Blvd., Coeta atralght "'Happy Blrtbd&y to Toodles" cakes. These are a.II on order Mesa, Callfomta. and ahall bf · naturally. Carrou.MI cakea (Child'• delight) a.re $3.00; Cowboy cake• opened and p ublicly re.d aloud at are '3 and plain Toodles a.re 12.50. And say now, It's open ~uon the above etated time tn tbe office on hot, fresh douchnut.s ... no limit ... bag all you .can carry! .of the "Owner .. ln the Admlnla· Newport Bakery. open ~:30-1:30 (cloRd Wed.) %11% Ocean Frvnt. tratlon Building .• Newport Beacb.. Harbor 14U·R. All work to .be comple.t.ed by • • • June 1. 1952. Pf11alty of 1100.00 BOMBS A WA y LADIES! per day will be a.uessed for work NoW UNDREAMED OF POWER IS RIGHT UNDER not comJtleted. . ,- YOUR THUMB! One trig with your trigger finger Each bid tDust confofm and be and you._ can put out fires, stop bugs dea.d on thPlr responsive to th1s Invitation, the feel, enamel furniture, or clean upholstery with whip planA, specifications and all the cream auds! I refer to the marvelous PLASTl-KOTt; other document& comprlslng the ~· '.i.u • .J productions. Theae SPRAZIT pressure product1' are pertinent contract document.a. ao conveniently canned that a.ll you do Is llfl a Coplctt of the' contract document.a t ing-er heavenward and apray! The McDONALD are now on file and open lo pub· PAINT CO. in Costa Mesa NO\V HAS Spl)LZlt Plastic Spray for lie inspection tn the .aid offices preservtnc. protecting and wa.terproofing. Atoth Proofer, fire extln-of the Owner. THE ANNUAL STEAK-BAKE oa the bMl!ll held receatJy by the Balboa Po\\·er Squadron tor lb members and peats, was· the WMJat bis lll00f!91-Dr. Salva.tor,. l\tonacO "turnt'(l -tu" ali a A&~ chef and used aome ..ecret fonnula of hfa OWll to P"'i-r~ a ~1'18(_.(l-gn~·n 1tt2slt"rpii•C"t' th:it '"a' nothlnc: gulsher, Air rondltioner and deodorant. and Sprazlt a.uto and Furni-Bids will be received c~verlng ture wax. The Plut.1-Kote Quick Foam Rug a.nd car upholalery all phuea of the work. Comple- cleaner ls beautiful .stiff, wffite frothy stuff that cleans a 9 x 12 rug lton time requested to be .set by or the Inside of your car ... no rinsing·ls required, and it's more bidders. A statement of finlncial run td use Utan. a pastry bag. only \$1.6DJ I sugi;-e;t that all you condition and deposit of 10% of .ttm11.rt Squirts make a steady stream to McDONALD'S ·PAINT the total bid ·by certified check STORE. 1872 Harbor Blvd., cO.,ta Mesa. Beacon 5702. or bid bond is required with each • • • bld; labor and material• bbnrt and --lb 1 I i•-I bole . I h d h' d 1 'you have performance bond required of con· .... e voce o 11C o r. ear 1m ecare, t t 1 ted b&k~ 'too b I l h · ... rac or aeec . ..., me rown, mus sugar my air . Each bid shall be made out on Heartless Harry or Fearles." Frank, fish ped<tlers at the Bay!llde a form to be obtained at the of· are now dl8pen11ing fresh cooked or fresh alive lobaters! You flee of the Owner in which the gourmet.If can go down to th\8 dock!lirte depot and pick youraelf out Contract Documents llre on file. an active, h&ndsome Crustacean and have him split in l\valn-Each bid ahall be accQrnpa.nied whlle 11tJll wtggling, both or you. Harry Kingston v.·as crying a by a certified or ca.shier'!! check little and, beating his chopping block because the Albacore seuon payable to the Owner, or sali!-is over. He should worry! He's got fresh swordfl!lh and plenty of other fish t0 rry. One thing, you're bound to like Is the Bayside' factory bid bond In favor of the Owner, executed. by the bidder as Abalone--only 75c lb. 8ay•lde •,sh--O()("n e\·ery day ot the ;rear principal and a sl\tlsfactory sure- at !800 Lafayette. Newport. ty company · u surety. in an • • • -BIG BWOMER SA.LE! a.mount not less than t en ~r cent C YCLAMEN PLANTS of the b id. The check or bid bond AFRICAN ivIOLETS /JUNGLE BRED ) ahall be given u a guarantee. that HOT CHlLI PEPPER PLANTS the bidder wlll execute the Con- tract If It be awarded to him on 98: 'JP FLOWERS BY MORRI conformity With the Contract wg E. Balboa BIYd. Hti.r. 2070 Document.8 an w111 provide the l short of .ensatlonal. He la llbown her e .eniac a portion t o l\t"' Hambrool< and l "a.!ol t • Command"r Ted Hambrook, or Balboa llllud. (P!lo to by Beckner) to me to be the pe1'80n whose name Ls aubscrlbcd lo the within nstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have .. ereunto set my hand and affix- ed my oficlal seal the day e.nd year in this Certificate first above written. ROBERT F . WILLMES. My CommL-.aion Expires November 16, 1951. No. 227-T lmes Published Sept. 18-25, Oct. 2-9 r:~frF~!:~ ll The 1951 Future f&rmcrK of ~f\~\f­ Amerlca livestock Judging contest I ;;~~~% al the .Loe Ang~Jes County Fair ~'.~;::; attracted mote than 3~ FF A :~~.::=,.~~ mf'mbers to the Pomon,. grounds · ::;::::;: Friday and Safurda".Y. Newport ·:::s_~ Harbor FF A chapter placed ninth 1 E::~ In the sweepstakes, ~:-:-­ The team!! from 44 schoOls in this area competed in selecting I the best dairy eitock, poultry and Demand Increasing I general llvee~oc~. Each t eam For Modern Furniture member also competed for indivi- dual awards. The· lncreuinc pop ularity of ' PUUerton chapter . wo n the r~ch -type and contemporaryw modern architectural design and !IWeepatakes trophy, p_resentf'd tor t cha.Daine livinc habits are re-the greatest total po~nl5, w ith a ftected in the Jrowing demand fo , score of 1578. Eacondtdo V.'8Jl sec-11 modem Provincial furniture. ond with 1•·55. · Wel)..sui(ed for today's caa\18.l, Harbor entrant winner! includt-d fl1'inel .Alodel HAMMOND OBCAN ! • ., • 8 • 11urety bond or bondl a.a specified "·But soft! What. llght thru yonder v.-·indow breaks? g therein within five days after It Is the east, a.nd Juliet 18 the sun." .... notification of the award of the informal l~vin&: are the many i~t: first pla:ce individu'al av.•ards t o tractive desi1ns i~ livin&:, dinmc Richard Rider and Bob Burbank. and bedroom turrutur~ of durable Her eford bulls:· Bob Martin N evi hardwood veneers. Dual J.)urpoae · ' 1 ' furilitur~pieces that can be used Hampshire hens. Bob Wh.te~ead Danz-Schmidt . or course, in the daya of the Montagues. there wer-e no • • • contract lo the bidder. Venetian blinds, 80 Juliet could go sticking her face In 'd The Owner reaerv@a the prlvi- &nybody'!I window. And if you don't look sharp now, lege of rejecting any &nd &11 bids in dltferent rooms and for tnore waa 8f$ond With Jerst'y hl'1!c>r1' than· ?De function-are f!S~ally and Eddie Flrrman third v.•llh popular., The wide vanety of Leghorn he.na. I wood veneen in Various color too.es makes it e8sy to select pieces to harmonize with other tUJjJlishings to meet the c~ trends in home desipi. Piano ·Co. · there ,may not be any aluminum• V. blinds In your day "lullet" or to waive any irregularltlca or elt>Mlr! However, the SHADE SHOP can stilt. provide you with tnforma.lilles ln any bid or In the bidding'. Flexa.lum Venetian Blinds with or without cornice boxes. 1 imagine Pursuant to the Labor Code of 520 N. Ma in St. . Santa Ana these blind!! are tl\e best ever built. and you can get them· custom the Slate ot California. the said made tor all wtndow types. Helen Wolfard can al.o &how you Board of Tf'Ul!ltea ha.a aacertaln· matc.hlltJck drapes. I thlnk theae 'tropical window trealmenta lend a amartly caau&I aJr to one'• 1a.daJ or luau room. Helan henelf ed the genertft preva1Unc ra.te of a.ya £.hue'• "not.hlnc-aha•n-.. . about tbeee ma.tcb-sUckera anct per dlem wacu for each craft or Neww-'I1rftea ad.a. have been read. tn the Harbor for over f.O yean. that thay are "pra.ctJcaJ and durable." TJMiu 'eome ln •ven .type of ;workman needed to ex.e· · ' cute the con.lract.a which will be cok>na lacludlns natural and can Pe buns on pin-on rode.. celllnl" awarded the succeaetul bidders; an~ sidetrack&. But pleaae don't get sidetracked untJ1 you get to and these prevailing rates are con- the Shade 8bop which la al $14 %9tb St., S e\o\'port. Harbor BM.. tatn~ in said speclflcatlona adoptl ARE Y~U BE:>orNc . OVER BACKWARDS TO ed by the Board, and are u fol· l~~ lows: \' , BECOME LITHE, LEAN AND LISSOME'?' Well. _ : -• 1tralghten up, pet before aomethlng snaps! I know APPRENTICES -May be em· (r-~ a better easier way for anyone chubby tn the ployed ln conformity with Sec· 1 M ~ chaasla! The Stauffer Salon in Santa. Ana has 8 new l ion 1777.5 of the CaUfomia /J body beau\lful pattern all cut out for You! H ere Labor Code. J"Z you may exerci.-C, r~uce and relax by means of Laborers, general or con - ( -pltt.HJ)"'-healthful Stauffer treatment.. u ~ are structton ......... ......... ..... St.75 / ~ a mite hMvy of .. t.h lg-b . o.r pudQ' .ot wafs!!i. the Sheet melal W'Orker .. .". . .... 2.47 . Stauffer ay!ltem ca.n aid you In attalnlnir more In-charge men of 5 or Qlore fa.ah!onable cut to your jib. You m1t.y have a fret" Journeymen la ~ cents addi- introductory treatment . Berniece Ad4m• will expla.ln llonal per hour more lhan the Stauffer methods for correcting your posture. Journeyman rate. reviving your c1rcuJation, and toning up your tibia. la-charge rna..n of 4 or leas BernJce Adams' Stauffer aystem 18 the only anthorlt.f"d "lllon ln or-Journeyman ls 12 ~ cent.11 per &nl"e Co. lt'1 not In Uie phone book. 80 cling desperately to lhl• ad· hour more than the Journey- dreu and phone. STAUFFER S YSTEM, 20:U N. MaJn. S..ta Ana. ma.n rate. IOmberly .... 1010. 0\rertime .1!1ha11 be paid for work performed In excess of the regu-, ·Duo Opera Bill to be Presented Thursday Evening at Santa Ana The Loe Angelea Conaervato,,.,,.----~----------­ of Mu.sic and Arta producea both "Cavallerla Ruallc&t1a" and "Pag- ltacci."" in En~liah. October 4 in the Santa Ana _hlgh echool audi- torium under the aponaorahip of Orange County Committee tor Operr. Opera galn1 talented Suzanne Corey, young California contrattO who bePf' her slnging career in 1946 alter belng selected by Bruno Walter aa winner in UCL.A young artlsta compeUtlon. F o 11 ow I n g came a concert In RoY.ce hall. Hollywood Bowl aololat In ''The Lonuom~ Tra.1.n .. ; lead role ln "Rape or Lucretia." Tben Eugene Ormand)' .elected M.1• Coray u t1lto eololat tn Mahler'• 8th sytn· phony and wu so Impressed with her work tbat be again uked her to alng the role of "Susu.kt" ln '"Madame Butterfiy'" appearing oppoatte Eleanor SletM!r and Jan Peerce ot tbe Metropolitan Opera. Sln&inr artl•,. att: Conrad Schults, ~ti. Reale. John Lomb&tdl. Ho.rotd Gonion, Pat P"arwett o~ •'J>agllacd." ''Cavalleria RUIUca.na" cut: Jean Chaffee, lllary Gud•IJ, Bus· anne Coray, wwiam Roeenbwft and \\"illlam M•tchM. Both operas wlU be conducted by Herbert W eiskopf with Glynn Roes ln charge of staging. Ken MacClelland Is eet designer. LoUIAe Chapman, executive tee· retary, MY!I tlekela for thla much- halled ~vent are golng fut! No seata for more than one dollar, plus tax. Reeervatlons may be had through the BIU·Nole Muaic alore. 304 W. 4th Street. Kimberly 2-2393. Comrriillf!t! membeni: lending their support incli..ide Mias Mar- garet Sch&rle of Corona del Mar and Kcaneth Boettcher of Colt.a Mesa. O rchid Grower Speaks Tonight OrchJd Grower Mrs. Dorothy DyllOn will tell about orcbld cul- lure and will abow a color rum whoo llhe apeeka at 7 :80 t.onlgllt In American Legion ·hall. . Cool.a Mea. Thia i. a meeUnr ot the Fucbala Soclety and ·evel')'Obe ln- tere•ted ta lnvlted to &tte:nd. ~· lar day'!! or week's work and at the rate for overtime o f the cn!t Involved . Holidays aa herein referred to •hall be deemed to be New Year's Day. Decoration Day, Indepen- dence Day, Labor Day .. Armistice Day, Thankagtvtng Pay and Chr111lma11. 'Ii any of the· above holiday• fa.JI 'ln Sunday, the Mon· day following shall be considered a legal hollday. . It ah&ll be mandatory upon the Conliactor to whom a contra ct la award~. and upon all aub-con- tracton under h im, lo pay not leas than said ge.9'era.I prevailing rate11 ot per dJem wage.a to all workmen employed In the execution of the contract. - No bidder may withdraw hls bid for a period of 30 days after the dale set for the openlng of bkla. I Board ot. Truat~. Orange Cout JUnlor College Dtltrlct Orange County, California , Signed: BASIL H . PETERSON Publlahed: October 1-9, 1131 No. 231 Tlmu CEKTIFICATI': OF BUSINESS Fictl!ious Firm Name 1'RC . UND!:R8.IGNED d o e a bereby certify . tllat He lo con- duc:Unc a 1'loliJnr TOclde and , 8portlnc Goods --at 17111 " Cout HlcJiway, . Nt•Po<t - and 102 N. Kala St.. Huntlncton • Beacb. cauto.,.ia. Wider Ille fie. t!Uouii firm -of 8-J Bbore 1'1lckle CCim--lllat aid r1rm i. c:ompoee11 ot tbe 1o1~, pet~ Whole .aame ta. ND 'and / .,._.,...-..... -~wtt: l ~ W, ~I 010 Saal& • .U. An., N-rt BMdL ~...,,--uth ~ of lleptembtt, J90l . ~ • . xmqir w"I llDlA. ft ATS or cl,LlrOIUII4 > •• bouin:T or OllAJCGS ) ON '1'11111 Htlo ~ ol ..... t ..... 4.D., ,., --.... rt '· W•• I -. a . ....., PllMc Illa udllllrtlle -0 J&I$ ........ r rt-~ lb ,12 ' , tllil:r --·~ 'I <wr• DI ...... rwtr'b'..., ........ 1 1Pt11 w. lmU .... . ' .. -. . -;. NOVI . is the .. time · , . ._; _ .. .~ ,c'\'.t .-\.t\.~~•' . • ~ .,:,.. L-to , transier '" · ---~ your funds to insured SAVllG:S ' CURRENT EARNING$ • . . ·- • Sl¥11&S IOW llSUR£D UP TO $1,0, •• DO ' . ' ,MOIEY RlCllVU IY THE ltTI • ~ OF THE MOITH URIS . . .. · Roll TIE . I STI • • • c•in .:. •We wlll arrange ,j,j transfer of you.r funds ,_ . . ~ -wltltout lnccNWila,.ncf or. expense to you .,. •• • .. .. • • I I ' • • r •• • r I I • . - I .. , I • • ' # ' ' • . ~ YOU :WANT TO BUY;. SELL ~OY. ·RENT •. OR TRADE. US_E THE ~ £LASSllED~ 'PiloNE HAR.1116 eHEST LISlS ~UR~ ~ • • CARf AS: OHE·" , . . _ION· (Second In a -'ea Of artldes' ~ Rad .... u..r ilPnclaa of lbe ' • Newporl Harboi ConumiDltJ' 'c:il..ti .. ll la pod to know tbat you ba~ Jittn, ~le lo "°'' ttom..,;.d learn to walk aptn. i_.._t January whtft the Ylliif.in.s Mot~ called at the J llOme tor \be nr111 time. ahe foUnd kr.:-J · ty{ns ln bed, ohe side com· pletely pt..ral)'Sed. It wu doubtful that. r.e·wouict M<e.r be ab!e to move hl9 arm· or lee aptn, mu,ch lHa '"tie &ble t.o walk. But, wtth the pttmlulon of tlle plttent'11,•----------~-­ pbyalctain and th(' ruklance of a by tbe tuiae Abe Utl IH.J'fted the pbystcal. therapist. the nu1"9e ~ prbptt wa1 to . n1ake rotmula, pn to ht"lp Mr. J by exerelAlnl' ht. e t.b.e.. baby, and catt for hlm arm and 1l'g ea<"h day. Lat.et Me 16e hacf--"'~ her ... connde.nce. taught Mrs. J how to help her Ho«plla.11 ~ Lt a.n expensive h.u.sbal\ll with hta f'll.('rct!K's. Item . .AJao m.a.ny J>f.'OP1f', and es~ SUI: month• haVl' pa.Med and Mr. e!lally children, woulfl rather slay J I.I able to walk. Th<' nurse 1WI at home near tbe tamlly. Thr YllJlt.~ occulonally to check hl.11 Vl•lting Nurse A580Clatlon can profr<'U, for now .ht" il!I lf'a rnin« belp ln tnanx_ auc b'" ·1nstaftcC'111. The how to climb. ittars again, how to Vlalllnl' Nur..e ~ gtve nursing Ket Up from a. r halr, hn\Y to write ca.rt, do 1epKla.11zed treatments. again. and can ..how ttie ·ramuy how to J....ackln~ a !'ll.f'a rly Inc o n1 "· 1 care ror 'ihe r)atil"n{. . A nC\v .inatant chicken botit11on tuhe with n real chicken flavor ~ ecntly nlndc it11 b(!.\\· on Sl'!Xtl"f shelvea. The intrOd~on of _thi. magic cube is welrome .n8'W• for It mo.kc• rlch1 rc:il ch1e~en bou1l101t in a ft n11h t Jutt plac6 0.:6 C'\lbe in ;l-C!tlp,,add piping h<!t v..,ter and atir. 1..1r<'sto ! You have delicioul!I ehicken bouillon .for any• occulon. • , I CI.ASSIF.IED • • • The ;Mighty Midget In Advertising . . NEWS-TIMES -·Every Tuesda;y NEWPORT BAY POST-WednesclayA NEWPORT-BALBd°4 .PRESS -Thtmidays N.....,..n Ray Poot :Jt&.Uled Ado .....,. ,.... Im tllo ,._, · ' Ne..,.'l'lmfs or tM Tbn:ndQ' Preu • MINIM1Tllf AD 18 ' LIN"E8 An f!kMn.-. a.de m•t w pUi1 ror CMtA la.advantt or ,all!Ucw.ttoli. 4 UDell 1 Paper S . '711 4 UD1!8 2 l.'aper9 IM 4 UnH . S Papen 2.00 'nte publl.9bert1 wllJ not be reepoMble ror .mM"e than nne lncorrfft Insertion of fln advertl~f'mcnt, rt'Sf'rYe the rtg!Jt to c-orrecUy claMlfy . any and all ad.11 and lo reject any advertJsement not conforming-ttr rul~ .and regulations. Advertl3em<"nt• and c.ancellations 1A'lll bt: accepted up to O p.m. on lhr. d11y prl!Cf'dlng publication. Except deadline ror News -Timea Is 11 a.. m . Mondays Pborw.i Har. 1614. uk for .. Ad TakN"' or 1111:nd ad ud mmJttuae to NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLl8HINO 00. iii I Ralbna Rlvd .. Neq•pnr1 ONeh. C?allfnrnla. .. . --..... Classified Index t~Bosln""" Gulde JD B11"tn"'"" 01dd~ LOST-1Ady'1 wrlMt wateb Sept. 19, Lido IJll• or Bay Club. Llb- etal re-WW.rd. ~r. OU2·W. 79 LOST · -Cocker l!lpaniel, aolden. A.nswe:rw to ~e 0 Jerry."' Blind in one eye. Reward. ftet1im to 8100 W. Ocean Ft'ont., Newport Beach. 79p8 I EXPERIENCED bookkePpcr-ac:· countant. Can handle several tnore accounta. Call Mr. Mf!Nl- m•r, Har. <i8s;,ft. 75p80 COST ACCOUNTANT·bookk .. p- er-typU.t experienced In generol office routine. 5:<{ay Wf'ek. C.11 MIM Cochran, Harbor 3079-J. 77p70 ~! !n:! =~ • • THOR , &lllomati~ OJ¥1aon. P!W'" • _ ~ ._w, '°9. 113 • 28tb St., N~ &&ch. Phone Harbor 0839"R, . 77p19 O'KllEFliJ IL Ml!lRR.m1' RA.NOii:'- . · that lO!il delux4 C.' P . all •ut.o. mat!~ r&Qll\l Mth lamp, lltalnlNa •lee! griddle and Uta~ cll)ome grill 1 brolle~. FUil olae cmw and 11tmmer bum en. Blikace dW-ul · my contract la u•.11. My equity rree If Yoo talc._p&Jlll.,.ta or $7.48 ·per mo. Uocd It cii>ly 3 montlla. See Mr. Baughn, •M So. Sp.11dra., Fullerton, 9 a. m. to 8 p . m .or phon(? 21G2. 7ttt.c -KENMORE Deluxe atove, grill, waiBt hlgh broili'r, tarce oven with window, light, clock and timf'r. Good condi\ion and price. Phone Harbor 3468-\V. 77c79 ABC DELUXE model ironer; just like nf'Y.'. ..$150. Call Beacon 658< • W . 79c8 l , SI-Wanted t.o Buy WANT TO BUY '_ 6x9 good condition. Phone 1020.w ('Ven ings. rug In Harbor 7-ttrc shonltlf•rf'll \Vlth a ho.'lpltal bill, Somt> patl.ent8 are able lo p.ay st.nd \vith a wire end <'hlhl to sup-ror each vii;iit. But' lhe Communlt,· pnrt, Mr. J coul1l not hsvr arrord-Cht>st helps pay ror the pa1·t which e~ lhat treatment which helped t he p&Uent cannot a ffor d wht>lher h1n1 lo l<'aM1 to \Valk agsln. Com- 1 it ~ part' or all. And r t'membt.•r. :i1unity Chest sup.po'.t of the V i~it-you can both support thp v . N. A. 1ng Nurse A.ssoc1al1o n of Orange and use tt. Anyone In neC'd of part Count:y, h<'8dquartt>r~ In Santa time u\IT'slng ca re--r:ich or poor, Ana. paid for hl!'I C'8r and you, all creeds,, &Ji race1-ar€' priY· through your nnnunl flt11tnC"ia.l sup-tleged,-to call KJm~rly B-MS&. port. p1•t lhlll n1an on hlq fPet ML-.8 Edith KPrl, corona dal Ml\r, And lf you -hav~'\'e'ret4h1e.Jmtcn tn 7Gur family, you cSn chance aU th:.t by scrying \'("g'4Ubl"8 10 ft:'l'\"orful LM.t,tbey cru;tnot-be. retiate«I; l For n1Mt vegt>lAble:s.·add jUtt'tnodgh 'ITT\ter to the aaucepa.n to fil l 1t to the dep.th of about. \ii lM)\. No\T ndd the chicke.n ~ulllon cube ·and bi·ing the. ,,·ater to a..hOil,. atirrinJ once or t,..·lce \o dissolve the cube. 1\dd the veJ:et1\blc, ro\ffr a.nd cOOk until lPnder. This opplie1 to qutto~­ frotc n vegetable• a• wttU u f re1l\-ju1t folJ(JW package dil'edion1 for the :1mount·of w.nttt add the cube nnd lo nhead. The carrot• in our 1nf'nu nt"C ~ooked 1h1'i: \\·11 ,and tt:iaom••<t J.fte-r rookinc, with but~r. salt. nnd llf"J'IJ>fot .. -'ind rou "·ill Ilk~ our llme-1hortened recipe f<ir Crt?E'n Ilenn11 Country_ Rtylt. 11 Bnfidlnc Mater1a1,. I! Bulldlnc Sfon·lt'f'lll J .f Prl'1'0nab 15 Share Your Car 11 Tran!llportatfon For Venetian Blinds, Shades 'and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Hsr 884 YOUNG WOMAN will baby •It any day O!' night or will look aft.er invalid lady. Ph. Harbor 2HO-R. ' 77p,70 • PART TIME TYPING and keeping in my hnmP. Beacon 67S3-W. book2 M PhonE'l -~----~---~-~- 11 Roonnr Contrartnrw. 11· Jt.rurty Aid" .. 77e79 ngoln. is direct~ or. Visit ing Nut~!'!. ".\("nu SRiokM Pork Rhauldl'r Dutt 11 CJphol"t,.rtnr ta llr alth Aids New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE C ALDERHEAD 817 Co811t. Hl\\•ay, Corona <lei Mar 70tfc Fl1'.'E IRONINO will call for and deliver. Curt&lne. Phone Mrs. WilllaOUI, Beacon M9l·W. 78c80 \' .. S .. A. O rpniu-d Four)years agn the Visiting Nurse Association of Ora nge Coutlty wa..s organized. Its need hll.!J b<-cn justltlf>d. The number of fq.miliee and plftlents &erved ttC:h year conUnuefl to lncrcaSE'. But what ii more lmporta.nt. nQt only lhl"' -patient but tb(' whole com· n1unity of 'Newport Harbor 111 IK>nf'fitlng by putting (hpu peoplC' back on their feet . Mrs. John 0 . JohruJOn, member ar the board or director" of the Vi.qitlng Nurse AMOClatton and wecrctary of thC" Vl11ltin1" Nurses con11nittee. repqru that 789 vlsitl'I =-'f'r~ l'D,A{Le !1st year In lhe Harbor arra •Y the Visiting Nurses. ae.. aidf"s M.rl'l. J ohnson, who lives In Balboa, two Newport Hei ght.a rC'"idC'nL, 8("tve on thf' Vi.oiiting Nurses C'om n1lttee: Mrs. Bull Pe t~r~n anrl Mrs. \Valt('r Bur- roughs. Th,. V. N. A. staff carries a gl'neraliZ<'d nursing pr ogram !or palit~nL, o! all ages. A conside r· abli' portion of 'lhe nursing service ls spt!nt in adminiAlering part time nursing care. Beside care, injec- tionl'I, surgical dressings and other types of nursing treat.ment are provided u ordered by the pl).yst- t·fsn. :Su"inl' Can-Taucht All'W> lhe V. N. A. nur8E's t each the famjJy how t o provide better nunlnt"'"care ro r t he patient. Diet n4!eds are slressed•and medical di- rf'('tlons In terpreted. Postpartum care i!i1 an import- ant part of this M"rvlce. ~in. R arrived home from the hospital ~th her brand new baby to be met with a hundred dlffprent sug - gl'tltion." from ¥tell~meaning neigh~ bors. By the time the physician aITivt"d he found the young mot.her t:ldee lo hysteria and the bcV.'l1d· t•red father unable to cope with the situat ion. The doctor bf'lieved lhat his patient could be helped if she could have onf' skilled per- son to show he r how to cart for the baby and ahswer her quel!I· tions. A Visiting' NurSf' wa..s able to help Airs. R. Immediately, and House of Harmony Taliei'New Line Slired Carrot~ C:J"f'en Brans Country Styli• I-fol 'Sa\dnar l'o"'·dl"'r Bi1t•uit5 Appl• l'h· • Criffer. " •Cr•fn Blotfttl. Country SIJI• The House of Harmony, in the · I heart· 'Of eoeta M•sa, one uf th" :l 11li('Cll b:\ron . pac-kagt qu iek·fmten gr'f'f'.,. \Hiftn it • .... '.! f'hil'kC'T\' Bonilloh CuOee 2 smaJI totnnloet, dkrcl le,t"gest a.nu most complf't e telr vl -1 ('Up boilhlg ,'tater !-'alt nnrl peppPt sion and appliance .a\orf'S in South-Oire bntori; fn·· cd11';-po,ur .. otr nl l 'bUt obnot 2 tn.bleapoon11 r:rt. ern California, Is taking ano\h('r IHi::l'lolv(' chickf'n bouillon cubell In boiling y,·:.ter; ndd to ha.con; brinJt step forward with the addition l to boil. Add Jl'rten bean• ttnd tanu1toe1; bring to boil ; cook 20 to ;.:u this w~k of another grrat name n1inutP!-. Season to tal!lte '\•it.h 1alt and pepprr. ,.it"ld : 4 1Jt'n-in~L In household applian('es. · t The Hou~ or Harmony ha.~ j u ~f been chosen .. the new Frlgld•h·• Nov. 17 Deadline Owls Blink de&IC'r tor the Harbor srf'a Thr ramous name Frigidaire t.s added 1 for Nnvv E.xainS (ContlntM"d from Pa .. 11 1) to the already lmpoBlng list of -• J I out of the game ... ··w e wer,. nationally advertl!'led hou!!C'hold 1-h N 0 pa.rt t tod )' 8tur k In our holPs -waiting for the appliances a.nd tr1cvlsion sets no'" I e · avy e men & other ~)' to mov<"," N"portf'd handled by thiA well rstabllshed announced that the deadline lot 0 Wf'n.'I. . firm. its 1ixtli nation·wide competitive s cout Rur"itlon HarJ>('r reporlf'd At the present time lhf> Hou!'W exarrflnatlon to select 2000 younf that F\JIJC'rton bu a. pott!nl of· ot Harmony is Installing a cnm-o!fleer candidates ror Goo/em -fcnse with Jewell Owerui tabbed ,s plete a\Jtomatie hon1e kltchf'n and ment-rlna nce<l college wtncatlonfl onr or the junior 1coll_ege's hardt'.•t laundry. wt,,th all the lat<'st equip-is No\•e.r:nber 17, 19~1 . driving backs. Most ob8erver's tab ment re•dy for an lmn1t>0dial" Applications for the collere thtt wlnne r or the Orange Coast- demonstntion or any type of ap-training progT&n1 of the Nav&J Fullerton game Saturday night to plianoe that might conceivably Re:o;en1e Officers Tralninr Corp• gon on to the cft amplonship. add to bette r enjoyment of your are available to high MChool sen· What abOut San Benlardino? home through extra 1eL~ure . hour s \ors a nd gradtµltes between the gained through the many auto--ages of 17 and 21 . matlc devtcea now available. A The applicat ion !orml!I may be formal announcement. will be obtained at high school•. collecea. made. ~ the House of Harmony office.11 of .Nav..i Officer ltf"OCutt- with a special demonstration of menl, and Navy Recruitin .. Sta· aU the F't"igfda lre appllanC('S. lions in Southern Callfomla and It is aUio announced that in Rd-Arizona. Completed .appllca.tlons dition to their regula r radio and must reach the Na.vy Examining lelf'vision .service departmf'nt a Board in Princeton, N. J ., by No- new department ror Frlgid!Urr ...vember 17. · Mrvlce hu already been opened Success!lll candidates wJll re- by the House of Harmony t o givf" celve a four-year college educa- you fal!ll and -efficient service on l io n v.•it h Governn1ent assistance. your Frigidaire equipment. and .... ·i ll be commissioned officers of t he Navy or Marine Corps .\T PASADESA COSFERESCE upon graduation. 'Phe prOgram Is open to n1ale cit izens of the United States, \Vith quotu assign- ed each state on the basis ot ita h igh school population. George Holstein and A. Alex- ander Hamilton. key laymen of St. James ~plscopal church, at-. t ended th<' Diocctlan Laymen's r onrerC'.nce on s8turdi.y at Hot r l Huntington, Pasadr ns.. As a result or t he November exa1nlnations, the Na vy expects to enroll 2.000 students in the new program commencing with Resul~ come from conl!ltant I the 1952 fall term of college. Practlctt! An ad regularly' In j.hle • ------ paper will produce results ror you_ Wllle people do nad the ada. l'lRATE2 0\VL RTA1:1STIC1< caut o ..... 10 Score .............. ., .............. ~4 0 Tc>ucbdowns ..... >............ 2 0 Converslona .......... .......... 2 64 Offen.11lve Playl ....... -.. 82 6 Firat Downs .....• -.......... 12 3 Flr.t 0o'Wll8 Running .. 10 O · First Downs Pas.sing.. l 2 Firat Downs Pena.ltles 1 33 No. of Running Plays 39 126 Yards Gained Runnin( 196 69 Yards Lost Runnin, .... 68 2.6 Ave. Yda.. Gained Run. 3.6 16 Passes Attempted ........ 13 67 Paues completed ........ 3 4 Passes had Intercepted 2 31 Ga.ins Paasing ·········-··· 15 5 Puntl!I .............................. 9 27 Ave. Distance Punts .... 34.2 f .37 Ave. Dist. Punts Retd. 4.2 30 Yds. Lost or\ Penalties ·75 4 Fumble• .......................... 6 ' 3 Op. Fumbles Recovered 2 2 Own Fmbls Recovered· 2 46 Average Yards Kickoff 30.3 ll.l Av. Yda. Kickoff Retd. 8 88 Total Y arda Gained ...... 142 !! Lo.t and Found !4 SehoolA, ln,.tnK'tlon !8 SltuatJoa" Wut~I _%9 ff•lp Wantf'<! SO Salr, 1'11!1<"f'llanf>On" SO-A S\npll :IO-B Appl!......., Sl \Va.ntNI to Rny 12 Furnltur,., tnr s.&16 32-A. Antlq1tM II Boat"• 8uppllff S.& ~lu,.l<-al, Radio S4 Dop, c:at", Pf"t11 St Pnul1P)·, Rabbit" !1 1.1\•f!Af.o('k 88 Spt'("lal Annonlll"f'me-nt 40 Rw.lnf"M Opporhattl~ 41 Stn"""' and OfnCif$ 4! WantPd tn Rent ti A.partmrnt" and HonfW'"A 43-A Troller ~pa.N 4' Room" ror Rmt «~A RMit Hnrnf!A 45 Rr nt, ~llM'PllanHtn" ~ Room and 8'tard 47 Tntekll 48 Automobll,.,., Tfrf'!lll 49 .-'ulM "'antHt 60 Auto ~,.r,·lc-e 51 Trallf."' 5! Alrpl&Df'!I M Money t.o Loan 66 Money Wanted 51 RN.I Eltate Wanted 18 lnt'Olne PPOpe_rty 81 fte91 Estate Exchanl'e 8! Real l!'Atate .10-B118lness Gulde - OONPLllJ'ID HOUllll CLlliNJNO 9l!:J'Tlce. FunUture a.nd rvp allampoood. Free uttmat&- l'lllly lnaured. . . Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Be•oon 8111 7tttc Rice, Cabbage and '· Cheese Casserole VACUUM CLEANERS re1ectrolux and others, $fl .9li 100 to choose from. up. liANK'S Vacuum CleanE'r Co. J101 S. Main St., Santa Ana , Kln1bPrly 3-2968 70tfc ~2-Bnlldlng Services FISHER 016 Drafting Service C'.oa~t HIRhway, Harbor 2J43 ' Corona clrl Mar . 12tr~ Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" !'i l 2 -38th St., Newpor~ Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 52tfc DEPENDABLE midd l e aged woman wouJd like &Leady posi- tion as-companjon hol1se1J.eeper. Rererences. Har. 127. 79p81 WANTED -Part time gardener. approxfmatt!ly 4-8 hra. per wk. Ph. Harbor 1857-J. 78c80 \VANT Experienced Sport~C'ar saleslady. JO.LEE SPORT SHOP 1835 Newpon Ave., ~La Me!W 79c81 RELIABLE WOMAN to care ror 2 children: Live out. Own transportation. Ca 11 Harbor 0126-'1. 79c81 WANT Permanent laundress, l day a week. References requir- ed. Call Har. 0263-W. 79c81 B so 8ele. Mlsclelllllleom & y ~ouse Movers FOR SALE -..;,,e piano-Story AND• General Contractors It Clark, $100. Servel retrlg., $65 212 Cabrltto St., Costa Mesa. 650 First St., Tustin Calif. 77p79 · ·Phone Kimberly 3·1885'- <Home Phones JAsper 9-2773 or JAsper 9-2687) 73c86 IN'l'ERIOR -EXTERIOR ·PAINTING LlCJCNBED · -INSURlll> Glenn Johnston 601, Slat St. Newport Beaelt Harbor 229?.J Mcfit .. EXPERJENCED CARPETERS \V1tnt Worl\ by Hout or Job. call Harbor 1164-1'1 7ltfc H.H.HOLBROOK W ALNlIT DESK 33" x 60", glass , top. 3 chain. Phone evenings. Harbor 1238-W or see at :i15 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 77c79 DISHw ASHER, Portable G E. nearly new; poker table; Lionel train, 0 gage, track and accel!I·. ories. Phone Har. 1778-R. 78c83 PIANO, upright-nice finish, good condition. Price REASONABLE. li32 W. 19lh St., Col!lta Mesa. B~acon 3827-W. 79c81 ,.,, Simple to prepare and delicious DEPENDABLE PLUMBING to ent ia this hcarl}l .rice, cabbage and ch~se caa&e~role, which I.a an BLACK SILVER FOX Short jacket, size 16. Call Harbor 774 before noon. 79c81 excellent meat sµbetitutc. Use a A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor ltlS.W ALL or TBI: ~NEWS F·ire Safety (o.Jrly ·m•ll oven-proof dish for the making so that the layer ed dlsh "A'UI have depth and the Oa- vo rs Will be combined properly. ·,n Home ·,r-It should be accompanied by other .) vegetables In 9eason and a crtsp 2801. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wlse people do read the ad& REMODEL and .REPAIR ~idence or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. RA'M'A"N' CHAIR $311. 2 7x9 La hula grass ·rugs $9 ee.. Planter lamp $8 Floor la.mp $10. Tapa cloth $8. 9x12 hOoked rur and pad ·st6. Ma.hog. drop leaf table $36. Day bed $15. OUtdOor clialse lounge $15. • atralgbt chairs $2 ea.ch. Bowling ball a:· caae $10 . G. ~. Vacuum Uo. B r a 111 e andiron.a &:. fireplace screen $14 Dog basket $3. 821 Orchid. Corona del Mar. · 79p81 of -~· Newport Barbor Area . . ALL TBE TINE • BALBOA MES ,_.,.EVERY TUESDAY -.) . • · EVBY THURSDAY • .. • f a B01IB FOB $3~50 A TEAB-1a Graap • • SUISCll'l'IO" OIDa FORM salad. ,,... Defense · Need l ~n=l~.!:;~ed rlee • · .2 cups ahr<dded o r chopped . ca.bbase Amertca.n home flre eatety hu 2 cups drained canned tomatoes b®ome a national. defenae problem 1 teaspoon sugar beCause of the • th~a.t to wide· 2 tea.apoo111 aa.lt , spread home fires resulting from 1 tablespoon chopped onion a. poulble atomic bomb n:plo· 1 tableapoon butter or margar- \ Blon, according to the National ine Board or Fire Underwriters. ~ cup finely cM..im &ed bread The average bOWleholde.r may 1 1•blespoon melted butter be on the major line of deten.e, '' cup grated aharp cheese fire authorttlel!I wam, with com-Preparing the nufry white rtce : munlty civil dete.nae depending Put l cup of white rice, 1 tea- h.N.vlly on the Oreo-fighting abU1ty apoon salt and 2 cups cqld water ot eacb home owner. ln a. two-quart saucepan. Cover General Building Contractor 538 Fullerton, ~ewport Beach Free Estimates Beacon ~779-W 73p87 DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor , Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 8408-W 17ttc ·PAINTING . -EARL SHEFLIN · Tbey noted that World War ll with a light nttlng lkl. Bring to de'inonatrated that the hcevtelt a vigoroUa boil. Then reduce the damage in air attacka ~ not be.at u low u poulble and .team from high eyloalvu but from for It nilnutcs or '+f'Ul all the wa- firu •tarted by l.ncmdiary bom"8. ter 18 ab9orbed. 'lbia makea vtty -Be wtse-tell Pf'Ople-GyertHe! EVen In the atomic bombing or rlr'ID rtce gralna. <If you prefer Japan, """' that raged "'tchedc· more tender rice gro.Jna, add Y,, 14-Penollalll ed caiUttd the major damq-e. cup more. water and lncreue the ------------- -~"' ~ llOw eooklng time 4 or 5 mlntea.) Alcoholics ~ ,,.., Cle--~-~• wt1l ,_ a •I· ftmlove the lid, permit the rte. Write p, o. em. IGll ....-~-·~ • lo dry to tlle ,deatred eonolatency a..-1.11an• callf. . . -... Refrigerators KELVINATOR retrtgerator, 6 cu. ft. ExeeUent running order. completely overhauled. $87 .50 COLDSPOT 8 cu. tt., left hand door. Perfec\ condition .... $79.95 CROSLEY Shclvador, completely Oftp bauled; 5 cu. fl ......... $75.00 SERVEL. apt. size, 4 cu. !t. Per- fect condition. Very clean thru out ..... --...... _ ...................... $69.llO Washing Machines EASY WASHER, deluxo, with Ove.ralz.ed· wt1n1er and -pump. Good tor ·IOtl-of eervice .... '49.!M> pntlc t,ulc to .. t 11,1U'OUC1l nibble-anll tho gralna Will be .. parate "' fllled atttei._ Uley· ~IDd U. & an11 Outty. 'Never ttlr rice; Ufl IPll<N>e KJmw\J .,_ EASY Itani!& .. Wiial6er -r -~ at -., may 1--••v ~th • fork ~-' .. 3 ·-· In eood. runnin• ordor < ... $211.00 11&\'e to ,..iy_, '."' . lbed: ..... llre-.... ,, w. ~ . -• -. • BEl\"DIX WASHER the 19!)1 de- luxe automatic wilh the agita- tor and the watl"r saver. You don't have to bolt It down. Ueed ronly 2 months and not a acratth on It. Balance due is $188.38. Pay me cash or take payments of $11.99 per mo. See Mr. Baughn, 404 So. Spadra, Fuller· ton, 9 a . 1n. -8 p. m. or phone 2tri2. 74trc DEARBORN HEATE;~ $20. 2 chron1e bar s\oo1s, $8.50 each. . . End tables. mirror, lamps, mlAc. lt~mR. Phnne Harbor 0019·M. 77c79 PERFECT for i.mall n-dtal or beach cottage -4 burner api. size R'QS rang<', , OV<'n control. Brl"akfas.t table and 4 chairs, one twin bc'<l and r hair. Harbor 01 67-P..t. 77c79 \VICKER dinet te set, table, five eha.Jrs. end table, writing de.ik. High ov't?n gas stove, All rea- eonabl£>. Harbor 2269·R. 77p79 --COAfPLETE Furnishings or 5 rm. ttungalow in one lot . 506 A vo- cado Ave., Corona dPI Mar. Ph. Harbor 1.f31 ·MK. 77c79 W ALNlIT twin bfo.da, box springs, . and! mattresses, chlfferobe, dre.111· 1cr, night stand, bench, $200. . 16Q8 P acific Dr.. Corona del Mar, H&rbor S094·M. 78c8P MAYTAG \1.rasher $75. dining set 8-pc. complete SM. Wall iron- ing board $4..50. Dbl. Box s,Prings $5. MIBC. items. l~ Cabrillo St .. Co.!lta 1.fesa.. Bea- con 6857-J. 79cSl SS-Boa.ts. Snppfles Chrysler Engines Used C~owns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 OOAST IDGHWA'I: NEWPORT 'BEACQ PH. BEACON 5171 IHtrc JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory -approved SaJea and Service StaUon in Ute New- port Harbor Area~ Sout~ Coast Co. Newport Blvd~ at 23rd. St. Harbor 2600 53ttc 18 IT. CHRIS CRAFT speed boat, Chrya .. Ace. A-1 mecb. cond. $1.f50 Free slip rental for boat.a otfette!. tor aale up to 2& ~. Wizard I< Rowboata for Rent Ken Scott'• MobO Marine D6ck Next to Ferry l.AndJng, Ba1tiDa Harbor %720 59trc FISHING BOAT, 24 n,, 3 tooa mackerel. Cray 8-71, ~ !than 100 hre. OWner leaving. WUl aacrlltce or trade· for lot or pidc· up truck. C'all Beaoon 5%164 a.ft.er 1 p . m. 71e19 ;2° SAD.JNC B6A T. mut • pd._ '* 17' Boom wltll hdwe. .Make offer. Janes 12121 et.De: ~ Garden Grove. 79p111 ; To ... Nl\YP9Rt. u• •OA PllSJ cmd 1HI NIWS. TIMIS : lll!ltlns -m\t and -. .-.. cupe fluffy nee. l6-8bue Your Car , AP.llX ...-,__ ................ $:ZO.OO iii~~:: :T.i:!;b ~ ..:-:.~i:-~"'::::1 WANT RIDER$ -or ride from K...m.o.:e -••ns fna<h __ ... ,17.50_' M ' .......... ••• '. di-ate tur-e1, a-aad b~ -of.-*«. Stmmu t<w 5 = "'1::, ..!:1:.:'.:,...!1:: RO'l'All'l' "-~-.. _, ___ .. ,_ ... $15.00 TRADB -Jow old iii-.., 111ecb1o \ Ptease'aend The Pren and Tbe 2 New11·in-to • • . -• • N•IM • I • • bMtln&' app~ llocll 't jolt riiln~ COolo: ort ~~-~,.~ Nqoday ~ ,.,_y,-..,,,. "'--'Teri."~ "uit' OrJan. Plalloor,.T~-11· -atui. _, ~ wtoldl, If ~ ~ ---wa-•• • le)'. Ba.-01lf.,J Tlpll -:1 "' · S-. C9oll . ~· DANZ- -fOGibt ~. anJsltt -. --In . a ,..._. C.• rolt, °"' l'VvN:! iicfum>1' ~o o;> 1111 .N • il7 ......., to olt7;wl* _,_,,__ ploeo the rte., .. tlle botta1 ~-• • , ;;<i'R~ .. "' ...... -.ta Ana. tlou. • 1 , er, :tllle 4....,.. Gf -dull'.\ -1R · Ram &1111 ..m w· • '"')e U~ .' l!W"-• _ "' _., .. ,,_a. ........ • • ""' -::; ~ ~ · ·· . ... · .. e m-.--we sa A ll01'Tll..,. • .---. :::s::: :...-=.:· .. ~t""'· :.=--::.:·.~ .='"1-.:.::4; s~·11a1r ~ .!!OWJ!Oft ·-': ~ ~ ~ "t:.i.: .co.: lllald.. A a.e-.te 4allJ 111 1 ,..,... *-'"1121,-.,.. ell a.._ Ge .. Pu 4'1) t :A -= P11111e•sr1~ -t"Jc1'1 •.No. ....... ow•-. a.ta Ila I .... -.---Ille Jllllt'.~ -... i::: ... m: -.._11p5 r···-• l. .\a. • I-..-, _, · P 1,,.,. .-. ~-1·11•"4 ""= -r·--e=r:• !' ap'F t J rNc 11n --· .....,. -,,,a u .. ::!.•1 ,.. J!!'• L -1'~ a. a. ... ·~· M ;? 4'l'09. • ou. BIVDDl'l'S ._, fl!+ , tM1, ..... .-. t ... '!' .... I -.. • • - -ZI -·· r -Tl. •II'~ -. 1111d I -Stal ... nc Gortilo. ....... :-: .. =-:l -~. l .., -• ta...... -7 WI! ..... ol p •• -... .... -......... 211;:: ' ..... , . . fMI. ... ' I .. • • .... ,.. • • • • • I , I I ' ,I MANY CHOI 1 WAN.T AD will cost you only SJ end it wiU run . . in ell 3 locel papers. • A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Pholfe Harbor 1.616 . . Nrwport-Balboa Nrws-Tlmes -Newport-Balboa Prf>s.• Newport Bay Post (Shopping NeWR) SLIGHTLY USED Spln•t Plan~. ·1 IS • Nallonally .known make In p<'f'· LIDO LE r<'<'t condition. Terms. $4J'.!)()' s·pa.rkling 1 'or 2 bedroom turni.eh· down and StT.02 per mo. at C>d a"parqnent.L One> bedroom .,,'lhafer'e Mualc <Slncf' 1907), 421 (twin ~dsl STD mo. 2 bcdroom111 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim· · $100 mo. AU utl11tles paid. Prl- berly 2--0672. !...r--~9t~ vale garaps. MA.GNIFICE!<T Electrto Organ. 1 P . A. p ALMER Repossc"&M.'d . Big Mvlngs. A bara-aln of a. liff'tlm('. T <'rme. lNCORPORATED E>ANZ·SCH~fIDT PIANO AND 3333 Via Udn Harbor tMO OP.GAN CO., r120 :O.:o. MR.in, cnr. 6th, Santa Ana. Newport: Beach, Calif. . . Quality Yearly Furnished 'Rentals BALBOA Pl!!NlNSULA -Unob- structed bay view, 3 bedrooma. 1 baths ............................ $17~ mo. BALBOA PENINSULA -New 2 bMrOom hom~ .. -.......... $125 mo . BALBOA BAY FRONT, near yacht club, 3 bdrms .... $200 mn. LIDO ISLE -3 b<.lrma., 2 bath11 ..... ............. ..... ........ .... $2ft0 mo. Everett Morris and Associates 408 F., Balboa Blvd., 811.lboft Harbor S~ FURNISHED MOl'I, J bdrm. Apt . ALSO 2 b<lnn. upPf'r apt. \V lntf'r $4~ mo., utll. pd. or rca.s. yrly. A~ 4 bdrm. fllrn llbme, S80 mb. wJn(er re.n\al. Mrs. Conrad, 312 Alvaradn Pl., Balboa. H. 2-491-J. ~7c79 YEARLY UNFURJI{. J bdrm. apt. With gar., f)oor"' fUrna,::e, W&tf'r aoftenf'r. Near Bea.ch, $60 mo. 1000 W. BaJboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor ~M,. 64trc TWO BEDf,lOOM stucco .hoU!lf', fenced yard, garagt>, yrarly. 108 31st SL .. Newport 8"ach. 77•·79 YF.ARI~Y Balboa I sland. n<'arly n Pw futn. l bdrn1. lnw.~r ctuplf'X. Al.SO Corona .. d•·I P.far furnlsh"d ~i nglp apl. Ph. Har. 2927-W. lfA!\f"MOND all f'lf'C'tric chord or- gan. You can play In t<>n min- utt"s. Hammond Grf'at Spinf't Organ. Terms. Come In and play. DANZ -SCHMTDT BIG PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Main . Santa Ana. WINTER· RATES, 3 rm~ furn. aptA' ________ ' ___ 7_7_c_ift On Collin.I Ialand. Each. apt. ft.as water frontage. , ~O Penthouu on leue. West end Park Ave., Balboa Ialand. Ph, HarbOr %9e2-W. 76trc COSTA MESA-New room with -----------bath and kitchenf'tle. Prlvatf' GREAT SALE or Summer N'lurn-rntranc('. Rerrtg. $lO \\'k ., util. ed Spinet pianoA. Save from pd. Phone Beacon 6621, 7 a. m. StOO to $200. Like new. Full KU&ra.ntee. Rc n'tal terms. DANZ-to 8 p . m. ' 77p70 SCHMUYI' BIO PIANO STORE, fi20 N . Main, cor . 6th. Santa Ana. RF.::\"T A CI....ARJNE:f, trump<'t or olhrr band tn.~trum <>nt for $5 a month. Rental appli('s on future purc ha!le at SHAFF.R'S MUSIC CO. ISlnC'e 1D07l , 421 Nn. Syca - mo rf', So.nla Ana. KI. 2-0672. RENTALS- 1-2.3 bdrm. holllleS Winter & Year Round PAUL C. JONES Rental Agen<>y 2307 Balboa Blvd . B.4LBOA ISLAND, furnlithNI 2 bdm1. cottagt'. Wintr r month&. •SM>, water paid. 116 Emera.Id Ave .. Balboa Island .-71p79 Yearly Lease or Sale F'i'ature<I In Homl' & Gar<lPTift. SpaC'lous ultra mod!'rn 2 bdrn1. 2ri-rt. plate glass ov<'rlooking ocean, dbl. gar., sund<'t'k, t'IN'. dl'ihwa~hf"r, disposal, rangf', refrtg .• d eep fre<."Sr. Bt>ncllx, r lr. COM. H8¥bor 127!1-R. 78p80 YEARLY RENTAL -l 'bdrm. rurnlshf!fl duplex-$75 mo. lpcl. utll. Ml I..a.rk.!Jpur, ('oronn. dcl Mar. 1 78<'80 44-Rooms for Rent GRAND PIANOS. 2:i make!'I. U~I frQm $496. Tern1~. Stein\vay, PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. 520 Muon tit Hamlin. Fischer. Knabe, Chickering and many others. DANZ. SCHMJDT, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Rt>mem- ber: corner 6th. Harbor :1313 , P,ERMA NENT w e e k I y rrn taJ 74tfc I sleeping room. Privat<' entrance. -----------Garag-t', $1 0 per '•\'eek. Blue Top Balboa Island Motel: 401 Nf'WJ'Ort Rtvd .. New- port Beach. 6Dtfc W e have sevt-raJ attractive apts. and houses for winter rental NICE ROOM., kitchen prlv., gar· starling It $4:i mo. and a rew age. Rea8onablP. 1~1 2 Ocean PRACTICE pianos, $:59, in excel· lent playing condition, 11.2:5 per week. Terms. 2 years exchange of full purch&Jlle price. DANZ- SCHM1DT, 520 No. Main. :Santa Ana. yearly rent.ab starting at $45. BITd., Balboa. Harbor 0245-R. Nelda-Gibson, Rltr.. .. 1 __ ·~~-~~~1_1c_1• R&."'T A PU.NO tor only $5 per month. Re ntal applies on future purchase at SHAFER'S MU· SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycarno~. Santa Ana. K.Imber- ly 2-0872. 85--Dogs, Cata, Pets 308 Marine, Ball>o& lat Har. 502 69tfc WINTER RENTALS PENIN- SULA. Furn. 2 bdrm. apta., ocean front. Refrig. Reuonable to June l~th . -ut.U. lnclu. Ph Harbor 1270-\V. 6ltfc RENTAL r1 SPECIALISTS can l:dna Chis FREE -want 10 rind good Ljnwood Vick Rltor homf"s for 4 cUtf' kit tens . Call I Balboa Ialand. Har. '20U ak64 Bea.. 6148 bf'tween 9 and 6 p.m. 77c79 ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. rumt.shed ____ _._______ Balboa Bay Front apt. $50 M3 tst\1111 J •1 ' Couple of Children! Yard! mo. w1nt er rental. Ph. H11-rbor 2269-R. 77c79 CH EAP winter r ental to rtiht -party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. 3706 Channel Place, Newport Island. No pets. Harbor 1217.J. 78tfc BALBOA ISLAND We have apartmenta and house&- BAY BEAC H ! In elA.'JlOrt. Furn. . A vatlable for winter aeuon or 2 bdrm. apt., ga ., util. pd. Yrly. yeatly leue. leB.!W' SSS mo. or $75 mo. till July l!lt. Call Bea. 6467-~t. 78tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively rumU!hed garage apt. Suitable couple. Avail. Oct. 15th, m winter. $65 yearly, util and gar. included. Harbor 0657-R 78tfc . FURNISHED nice clean large s le-e ping roon1, kitcli'enettt\ frig- idaire. bath. ~un porch l 2n<l flr.) $-4 5 mo. Phone Harbor 691-W . 77tJC' BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. .2 bath apt. FlrC'place. good hn.t. SI~ mo til June 15th. AI,SO 1 bdnn. bayfront. $75 mo. to J une 15th. ~hone Har. 26:;2 or Harbor 2914-M eves. 77tfc FURNISHED house, Balboa .Ia- tan~. 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, garage. Yc>ar1y · !!"[LS(', $12& per mo. Owl-tt'r at 213 Ruby. aner Oct. 1. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine , Balboa L!land Harbor 2462 59ttc WINTER RENTAL -PENIN- SULA -Furnished single apt .. till June 15th. $8 week. UttJ. incl. Adults only. Phone Har- bor 1270-W. 8Iltc FURNISHED -2 bdrm• .• sleeP 8. Spacioua t"nclosed patio, real home, Udo I.ale. CoM.lde.r yearly lease, Sm ptt mo. Write Box "E" this papu. "!3p81 FURNtSHED 1 and 2 bdrm. mod- r rn apti" Wlntn and yearly. $40 to SM mo. All utU. pd. Bar. 0499,M. 77p79 SEASIDE APTS, nicely tllmlahed, l br., uWlUe& included. Y:early rates. ,1828 W. Ocean Fr .. New- port Beach. Harbor 23911. 72p84 BOARD and ROOM For elderly people in large privatf' home. Good meal!I &nd care. Phone Laguna 44326. 79p84 AlllOirotlve. • 48--Aotomoblles, Tires WE TRADE FOR THE BEST! '37 PLY. Sedan ..................... $ 14~ '41 PONT. Club .................... $ !565 '41 PLY, Club ............... $ 59~ '4 7 PL\·. Sedan .................... $ 995 ''49 PLY. Suburban ................ Sl59r> ':il PLY. Seda.nette ............. $1815 (Somt new Dodges and Plymouth.! lt>fi at the old price). It co.ta nothing to lnvel'ltigate! SHAVER MOTORS Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer 1680 Newport Blvd., Cc:Mta ltesa Phone Beacon 8907 ST A TION WAGON -Fprd, late '48, beautlfuJ shape. Only· fam- ily use. Extras. If you ha.VP been trying to find a clean o nt, you won"t be disappolnte<l. Pri- vate party. 5"13: Fullerton Ave., Newport Beach. 88tfc '49 FORD Convertible club coupe, radio, heater, overdrive, .-py lon sea t covers. ortginal owner l'Oing overseas. AtechanJcaUy exceUenL P rivate party. Harbor 3488-W. 78c80 t9at FORD 8, 2-dr. aedfn, like new, under 6,000 milea. J\adJo, underseal. Seat conrS. P'tiv&te owner, $179:5. Can t&.ke ow.r n- nanclng. '421 Bel Vue Lane, Bal- -· 78c80 '48 WILLYS JEEP -:-Good con- dllion. 3900 Seashore Dr •• New- port Beacb-. 79c81 ' ' • I , Two ~droom Country Home Oppomte the Santa Ana <;:ountry Club Golt Courlie • on Mesa Driv;e. Unob&tnlcted view of the fairways IPld mountains. Ample privacy!on this 83'x234' Jot. The muter .bdrm. Lo 14?x16' the otlier bdrm. is 12'x14'; living nn. 16'x2\' with fireplace; kitchen 10'x18' with. plenty of cabinets: a large bath with pullman sink; double garage with plastered walJ.8 & ceiling ; ldry. rm.; storage rm. & extra \.!.• bath. Total ~oor area over 1\IOO sq. ft .. It will be a 111easlll'e to show you this restful home today. PRICED RIGHT 11t $16,000. One-third down Owner anxious to sell due to ill health. • G. N. WE:W,S, Broker & Assoc. 1790 Newport Blvd. 1 Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 51SJ.. Ji:ves. Beacon 5617-R BALBOA ISLAND Cho1ce South Bayfront Income EXCEUJ!>NT DUP~ Prime location Supct·b vlt>w F'tnr Beach. Each unit bu apacJou!' living roo1n, f lre- pluce. 2 bdrm,. 2 battut. private garage, plus many un- usual features. Well buUt with nearly 3000 MQ. ft. total area I Ar hitect '!I plana and specifications ll \'tt.llo.hle for • in~J>l'l'I Jt)n ) Except tonally l'flOd vsl11e! SPECIAL Price, T&rms \Vm. W. SANFORD, Realtor P nrk Avctibe at Marine Ha r bor 1'1 62 Balboa Jslan<I NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lge. 2 bdrm. home !1180 sq. ft.) dining room, lge. kit. with break(ast nook, fireplace. Heat in ,every room, large bath with stall shower, hdwd. firs. Double garage. Only "$12,600 TermR. COSTA MESA New 3 bdlUll. home. Dual furn., fireplace, hdwrt . flr>l. Gar. Large lot. Only $0250. Excellent terms. 490 C. GALEN DENISON, Realt,or A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd ., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 Bay Front Triplex Locatt'<I on Lido bay front-Two 3 bdrm. units: o ne 1 bdrm, Show11 i:-ood income, low down paymf'nt to r r11ponsiblr buyf'r. Pt1ce $17,rM. Lido Isle Nt'w 2 bdrm. home nl'ar best beach. Private patio, spacioua living .. room, attractJve well planned kitchen. Olaaed tub en- closure. t..rge wardrobee, num- erouJ1 other attractlvro featurel'I. $4750 DOWN Bay Front Home With pier and 1 n oa,t. large lot . spacious patio a.nd garden. 4 bedrooma, 3 baths. Best bay front value in the area . $67 .500. GR~NLEAF &:. ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newpor¥1vd. Harbor 2M2 Newport Beach 77tfc TWO BEDROOA1 home. hdwd. noors, fireplace. service porch. $9,800, $2500 do\l.•n. See at 717 Larkspur Ave. See ownl'r at 7'.Jt Larkspur, Corona del Mar. Courtesy to brok<>rs. 77p79 HURRY! HURRY! • HURRY! No. BAY FRONT 3 bdnns. and maids, ALSO 2-car gt.rage \A.1th e.pt. over. Both have Jge. fireplace•. Bather11 aho't"en and dreulng rooma. I bll4:. from Marine Ave. Should &ell quickly for $37,500 . LINWOOD VICK REALTOR W . A . TOBIAS, AMOC!at ~ 31 2 Martne Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2CH 2 "Look ro-/ th!' Grren Lawn" 77c79 1 . . Newport Heights Today's Best Buy Growing or Gomg? What klnd -of a district are you looking at? Ia lt G(). ING backwarda or 18 It GR.OWING with Its future · ahead and. very !'O'IY ! . LOOK at LIDO ISLE where · these ha.sic elements can be attained: Reatrictiona. Highellt. type l mprov'ementa. Good nel1rhbors. Privacy. Bathing beaches. Clulifiol18e . Tennis Courts. Playground!'l. Churches. Schools. Shopping Center . ,. -. . . ~ .. Jill=· PAOIC T' .., NEWfif*I ~ .. ' "liW'iJ''"'dG& • . • -·Ellale .. f CORONA DEL MAR • • • • l'IRST TIME OFFERED 2 beclnn. stucco home, -' -1y decorated; bdwd. floora, f"treplace., Joye)y : encloaed patio. Ocean aide ot blgbwe,y: W4UWl,g ' • dlatUce to ! lltoJ't!9. RoOm for additional unit. Prici!d at only $12,500. • -STOP LOOKING--for that bard to find 3 bedrm. home! Here it Lo • Newly ·decorated. Hdwd. fioora. Lots of tile in kitchen 'and bath. Excellent location. The price! You will be lltll'priaed ! Can be purchasi!d fur- nl•hed or unfurnished .. CLIFF HAVEN Three Mnit. and den ranch type home. Heavy shake roof, forced air heat, 2 liaths, Jots of tile, lge .. dbl. gar., patio. Just compteted on large view lot. $26,500. Terms. See 2352 -15th St. Open Daily / · LL.tings Wanted-Rentals and Sales • These ALL 1nnke for value and cont.entn1ent. We are DEVEL- OPERS or lovely LIDO ISLF. \Vhcrc a little bny.111 a LCYr. We hnve o~ned u. NEW RCctlon \Vhere !40me very choi<'c lotl! t'!ln be bought n l ro<-k hotton1 I prlc~s and terms. .ALSO at this umc we have tor ' W. E. FISHER, ·Builder-Realtor !<ale '°me BRAND NEW 2 and I ERNIE SMITH, Realtor-Associate 3 bedroom homes that s houhJ 9l6 Cout Blvd. · Harbor 24'3 be seen. YES we are the head-I -.: q11arterl'l for I .. IDO ISLE. Wr 1 ~ Corona del Mar HA VF. \l.'hnl you WANT.. 1 --------·-'----~----------, -- P.A. PALMER . OPEN HOUSE mcoRPORATEo 507 Lido Soud, Lido Jsle Bayfront 3333 Via Lido S d. 12 t 5 Newport Beach , Cal;r. Un ay, b p.m. H arbor 1500 , 79c8J r.oSTA A{F;SA -FOR SALE on RENT -Nr w 1 bdrm. home, I cllmp. rum . 2048 Pomona , Co.•ta A1.t>s&. Call ownt>r, Har. :1237-R. 67tfc BUY NOW! $1000 Dn. ·New 1 bdrm. home -Redwood I ni<"e appcA1'ing. 2-car garag<'. ! Cloae to n!'w mark f't nn Eaat I Side. Payment approx. $!l0 ptr Th~ 11' an ideal family home, 4 b<lrma. aii.d d e.I). l•rce living room, large patio, sandy beach, pier and Nip. Mwit be sold to Rettlr Pstilte. SPe t hlM before buying. ON THE OCEAN FRONT For a beach house-, J.hlll lll Ideal. Large llvlng ropm with fireplace, 2 bdrms., rear patio, central locn.tion. Good buy. . $11,000 BAY and.BEACH .REALTY 1150 Bal-Blvd. Ethl'l Shirlf'y .J .M. Mll lor Harbor It64 GlodPn ~ay Dick Fay ' inn. Ji'ull Pril'e Only -------------------------- $5750 Balboa Peninsula · W!'ll bullt 4 bedroom home, one $1800 Dn. 1 full and two '!< baths, 2-cu ./ ) garage. large hobby houae on N~ 3 bdrm. '--Fireplace, hwd. very large lot, Hwd. Ooora. garage. Approx. 1040 8Q. ft. I ParUy furn., plenty of storage. Nice location. Can you l.maglne \ Many extru:. AU electric kit· the l"Ull price LI only chen. Nice patio and attracti'v~ $9250 landacaptns. · $18,500 New~ Bdrm. F.H.A. $2650 Down LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Large home with many extra tea- turee. Beautiful liv. rm. wJth fireplace, dlnlng area, hardwood floors. loU or tile, covered patio. double K"arage, extra wide lot. Full P rice Onfy Sll,300 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1866 Newport Blvd., Coat& M'e11a Phone Beacon 7123 (Across from Costa Mesa Bank I Eves. Ha. 3157-W Bea. 54~8-J On Balboa Peninsula THREE years old. Unf\.lrn. 2'h: bdrm. home, 2 baths, fl.N"place, $12,500 full , price Good Terms. Will consider all offers. COSTA MESA G. I . Re.sale -3 bdrm. home, on a large corner lot, only 3 yrs. old. H\l.•d. floors, all concrete block fenced. Patio with barbe- cue. $11 ,990, $26,00 down. Coast Properties Co. SPECIALS! ! ! ' NOT ON THE BAY"FRONT! BUT CLOSE! This older ho m Ji haa beau. BAY view and ~ only 100 fl. or flO t o dandy awlmmlng: be.ael). Lot.e of room .LARC'6f..: living rm., fireplaoe. One large and 2 amall bed.rm.a .• klt.cben wUh b~ot nook, liert. pch. PLUS 3 rm. apt at tear. Furniabed, a COOd value -a good buy-$12.600. OCEAN FRONT -Furnished , 2 !ltory 4 B. R. home. Choice 1cr Jatton. J uat 6 abort blocka from BalbOa shopping, and acroaa the street from Bay front. Fi~­ pl~e. barbecue. INCOME API'. over garage. Priced right · at $16,000. ... Balboa Realty Co. Rosa Gret>ley f j Mephlne Webb • Lillian'-1.fcAdoo 700 E. Balboa Blvd. · Har. 3277 NEW three bedroom home with f ireplace, r u r n ace, hardwood floors, garbage disposal, double garage. Tne Home Stretch-301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 26Ml Today's Best Buy in SHORECLIFFS 3 bd~. home on large Jot. 61-Real Estate Exchange $11 ,000 full pricl! To help your choosing, see Sell or Trade -· Bee.utiful I acre Poultry Ranch in ·San Fernando Valley. Compl equ\pt. for raising fryers, shade, fruit, berries. flowers, etc. HOme and income rental Price $12,600, will exchante $7,600 equtty & ase\1me tor iqn. rum. hse or Income in Newport, Bal- boa, CDM area. ne.ar water. Courtell)" to brokers. LAZY D RANCH. 20126 Ru D n y med e, Canoga Park. Superior 8, 1J88. 79c81 , L. A. for BALBOA Trade equity in 2 %:-yr.-.old Wel'lt HollY"'OOd 3 bedrm. and den tor clear residence. Value $35,000. loan $10,GOO owner. 1314 Bettut Drive, Loa Angeiea 48, Calif. 7lldl9 Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. lla.ater B. R. 14x20 2 blltha. large playroom and shop. 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle Ralph P . Maskey 34 I 1 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor 402 68tfc BALBOA ISLAND Attractive well located 2 .bdrm. home plua • 3 rm. apt In rear. Large usabfe 'patio. Wonderful rental record. $18,500 f\1mlsh· ed. Oood terma. STANLEY HADF1ELD, Rea:ltor 211 >Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa I111la.nd . Phone Barbor 20 LOANS For Homes CaP.fstrano Beach Palisades 5?1o-IO -,r. Leana , · · CONITRUCTION -LOANS -!law 3 bedroom home. Fireplace. al -141"' 11, -.) · -09k floors. Lota or windows. "· • Vlew of ocean and hJlla. See WE ,BUY AND. BELL this at SS,000. One third down. these listings on Balboa Island. Two bdrm. home furnished, with two-car garage, close by bayfr:ont, $11 ,250. Aloo a speeial for income--Two bdrm.' home with separate apt. over two-car garage. The furniture is worth $1500. The total price is $16,750 Investigate before these are gone. J. A. BEEK Office Harbor 63 Qalboa llland F erry NEW 1 BD!Ul. HOME, lf"'Y stucco finUh, • $3975. 39~ Vic· torta St, f near Coll~ce Ave.•, Costa Meea. Ph. ~-5608-K. 71tfc In Corona del Mar Beauutul new home one-halt blk. from Ocean Blvd. 2 bdrma, 1 % batho, hwd .. °"""'· dbl. cuai"•. patio, evt;rjthlng. for comforta- ble living. Price Stt,!!00. FOR VALUE In fine lge. ocean view home- sites conveniently located. • ·All utilities. Terms. Model homes to show. Corona Highlands At Laguna edge of-.Corona de! Mar. Ask at tract office. PJion& Harbor 414-J JUST cOMPLETED Beet 'tonstrucbon. Spacious living room, patio, land-. scaped: • • This is below replacement!:· . -. $19,995 • Earl Chamberlain ·. • 600 Cout Blvd .. ColJllla de! Mat· (Opp. Newport Bit,bor Bank) ! • Phone Harbor 2288 ' • 88c70' COSTA MESA ' • • • Owner ha.a ldt for good. Fine ~· bedroom house. Fenced large lot, .. 2-car prage, a)I appointments.: Your. Offer eoMtdered • .. • For Appointment to Se&-• • _ HORACE 8. MAZET ,• • 308 Marine Avey . •., Balboa lala!Jd ffubor 3028-J• In Exclusive Shore ·Cliff• • 1 -·~ THRIJE BEDRM., 2 ba~· home ,.J ;\ 011 1arge 80xll8' 1ot ·1uo ~· Cc)rona def Ma.r ·~uy:4 ft. -pllia muoney -Jlrlth ~"""" "'--radio controlled .,..,r, lludwood · -.......,.. IO>Uwn / tloora. Forced air tumaee. Lot. Only $81'50 full price! .;_ ot tile. Completely feneed and . -"" Jan.deeaped. 3 bdnn. home, COi)', a:ttractfft, IQ• • , eµetlent "'1pbofbood. e.;e.-. Prloed at $:1'1.a<JO, % dilwn walled pallo. Wf'Y J"IY ttnt! t; Call. OWMl" Barbor •INJ...J' or ., • .._ at. 1" ~f* t::. P~dena Trade. >! 77p79 -!------------BALBOA PENINSULA-3 bc!rm· TRUST DJCmllt • Bal. arr. Callh Wk&• 341\el Cate-IN+~ ' Realt" Co '48 ENGLISH '12!1' motorcycle. SD Bl>B SA'ITLER ltna SL Ph. Dana Point 8781. · ~· ~W""OrrlS . Y · New • paint, pert. medl. cond. Hl5 COAST Bl>VD. 77c79 Raalton and ••fin•• ero"ker. T°HRF..E BEDROOM ·I-Um. H ouse. tum. house, 2 b&thL Winter Lo.rKe fenced in back yard. CJo.e rental. $1.St) mo. Write Fem to school. Harbor 324:i. 78Uc White. 137 MesquJte. Palm SML. FURNISHED gueat howle, m mo. Incl. utll. Newport S.ach. Ph. H.ar.,311hlK-,17c19 Sprlnga 6r Ph. Palm Sprlnga ~4 . 77p82 Will take $130 ror quick aale. Corona del Mar Harbor 1071-J . ------------1113 Cout 8lvtl., Coi-om de! Mat 1229 w. Balboa B!V'd: Ha.' !16W. Rep. POIJUER Jro!n'OAGllVCO. ~-, -~-~ 2J•• -Lo;tel)' 2 bdrm ""'18 In I). Pu.: 1 ' 19p81 .Ketro wo Ina. ,._ Kl uua ' Newport Heights ·-.......,r ~ G .. I. Raale 4%<1pt. ~-tor 2 bdrm. -•n:. bdJm. lla!De.;,ollwood -· CDM. Propttt•·oy ~!ear, Prfcod a • • New 3 bdrm. home with 2 "bl.thll. Hu ocean 'riew, flrepiace.,bdwd. • noon. dbl. ga..._e. •13,Jl::j(I. ._II ---llIIU-Wll: ~ ~ 1087-.1. 1rc.Tll • .ocean Front Triplex . ~--1o1, •·•· °" · , . -• • llapauo.rotttot ci.e to •tnll Tom Payne Realtor llRAl'ID ~; -"'"' fllnli; .. ~ .... port BetPU. ... ' p.are. At cw:rst r-tei• ._.., .. zzsd;e ,Nor. 1tL Wflt 1au. 11.0 Cout B.twa71 enn... ... Mal• ,._ ..-a -· -taia ,.,... .. l ..... --~ • ~'at lllJ)IA. ,Teiw lo , PrioO '8llO • tlOOO OOWN ,. ~=1--_ ___,,_ ---.. w Ml • W1's "9& •11, ~ ·: ~ -... -~ -• ·r · ... ....._ ---. II Cl)7 --:~=~· P.A. P••.Jll!R IRCOllPOiitAftD w.,_ .OM'a ...... ldal~111111,. ms vta u.i.. -..,..t -Near: Ocean 6 D&Y ~ .-,_,.r. "" -·~ • 1Ml I -.... ... ..... Ill I ._ •-a. c ..... u.n Oo.. ... I 'l'll~~A~umiiiii111CitiCe>iiiwiii•lirPi'*Jiqjiiqjiitiil~M wt•••· as• ....... z' ts . lf!!•pwt m"'1; x~>,t;: ..... ..... ... ............... ~ ~ ....,. ....... .-, 1 h ... 7 !V•Ti ....... c.ot ..... ~ __ ....... ·-· ·--"' 7 4 11W7. *•»Ill ...... am ...._~ ... -· •f1tl -ru>'.W'! ~ .. ~? ~. ' IOY ,W, !lllll tar NO.. JI. ~ ' . 1 '""' ,.._ Wfll pl•tlilDI r.-ut. tqr ,_. [ • • I I ' ' ,. ' t ,1 II I 1 I• . - ' ' · 1:PAGE 8 ' TWO BlG :flSH THAT . DID NOT GET AWAY r ~ ~ ·i • -· ·• ' l • ., ' ..... • • ·-' I .... -. ' . I -.., ' • '· • "- • • ·-• I J PRO\_i DLY HOLDING the pP<'toral ftn of her IS!% pound marlln tbat wu broucht to gaff ln S hours and S6 mbwt.e5 h Mn. "'11- Uam E.. Lacl1en1nyer of 2%1 E. Ba)· Front. Balboa Island. Mn.. L&cbf'n111.r~r tallh."'(f the ftsh u the ftnt bn>ul'ht to boat by any membf>r of the Lad,y Anglen.. Aboard the "Tarlu' to "'itness the aceompllshmrnt ·''"'"" Jlr. and !'Int. James Donnelly and Mr. Lach- enm)'f'r. The bill fi11h '''as take n on b&lt 5 miles offshore bet\\·een Nf'''·port flubor aiad Laguna. It rounded out the &ea.800 catch. according to Mn.. l.acbf"nmyrr, \Vho brap of a freeur full uf albacore. The marlin 'V&s taken on the exp001t1on aftf"I' thlf't big fish b.)' the 1..aehMmyf"n.• (Kent Hitchcock Photo) ---- .. . ... . . .. ' . . -... ~.~;i • .. , I ' • }:. . ~- • • ·'. -,_~,.. .. ~ r f • I • I • . -.. • ' ! , • • • l .. ' ? . l ) • l • I ' NEWPOl't IAOOA 'iiEWS-TMs • I. .. • • .. l .. '· TUEsi'AY, ~CT. 2,-~195.1 ' ' Jr. Red Cross. to be H$fd "Pwfc:Gd in: 6n1.-' So~ Dak;+a Btack;s ~esence' . jttwrlsoi.' Re;oils \.eals ~ ~ · State . ·P".cnic .\: to'Ai~:f:OCC .Squa·~ M°"'*la1n IJOii '-. .r: ·n Santa Ana World • Wide eervtce t.o other /OUt.h will be the keynote Of Uli~ Junior Red Croes lnatltute • tu ·or school p}1nctpals and teache r- 1ponsors of Junior Red Croes n«tXt Nedneeday afternoon, which will >e held in the chapter headquarJ.· !.1"9 ot Southern Orang~ County 'hapter. 1104 W . 8th St., Santa Ana from 3 :4& p. m . to 5:15 p.•m., Mrs. Victor Hupp, chairman of Junior Red Crou committee, &n· nounced today. Speakers on the program will include Mias Gene Dulin. U!acher· 1ponsor at H~i-ace Ensign achool, Newport Beach ; Ml89 Helen Moore ••f Hunt!ngton Beach High 11ehooJ ; Robert D . Smith, ch.apter director of safety services, and Mra. Hiida Redmond, director ot chapter dis· aster servk!e,. Mrs. Anna Lang wil l f"Xhibit the n'cw sn1aller gift box which hi desig ned a s a gift fo r one child. L ynn Wat.son. Santa A na High 'Chool, Joan Isley, NeWport Har- bor High 8Chool. Patrlc1a Berry and William Boswell, from Hunt- ington Beach High school, t he four high school delegates who at tend· E'd the National training center tt.t Bluff Lake this summer , will be s~cial gueat.a at the tea, which precedes lhf' program. M rs. Da.nlel McNaughton, M rs. R. J . Graham, ttnd Miss Abby Chapman &re asalsting in plans for the exhibit and tea. Old World Food to be Served at All-Nations Fete F ood from many nations will be served a t the SanEa Ana Y.W .C.A. when the All...Natlona Fest ivaJ takes place on October 19th and 20th. Tacos from Mexico, c how m eln from China, artd kraut rouladen from Germany w ill be featured a.s "'ell as lhc Ame rican hambur ger and hot dogs. Swi88 cheese with crackers will be served by SwiM women; and GE'rman crullers made from an olcf family recipe. Swed- ish pancakea will be baked as ordered and served with llngen· ber tie.f!. Mrs. D. H. T ibbals is c hairman of the food committee, and the food \Vili be served from booths erected ln the pa tio beg!nning a t 4 :30 p . m. ea ch day and serving until 8 :00 p . m. t xh lbits of many old worlrl treuures w ill be shown f rom 1,:00 p. m. o n F riday arid 2 :00 p. m. on Sat urday throuout the 'afternoon and evenlng, and the prognun ot da.nces and sonsa ot many nations w ill take place at 1 :80 p. m. CHOICE SPRING VEGETABLES become your tamtltes "ftrst choice" when you serve the 1arden products In 1pecl1l creamy aauce1 . And grand tor vegetable 1auct:a are the conden1ed 1oup1. Three ftne soups to u1e thl1 way are cream or mu1broom. crum ot chicken, &lld cream of celery. The a~tal flavor or eacb aoup.aauce gt vea a \)lea11D&' rieh'neaa to almost any coo'ked •eset.able. Espectallf sood vq:etablHauct combinations are a.spa.rap.a with cream of mush- room aoup, green peas with cream ot chicken soup. To prepare soup tor a sauce, almply stlr together 1 can ot tbs condensed IO)IP and % cup mil k. Heat well and poar sauce o'fer the· cooked Yi1etable. Then you·re on your waf to hajpy eaUD.g • . . . ' CHICKEN I& 'EATURED at Dl&ny nleala by 1mart homemakers these d11t. This 11 one meat that's pleatlf\11-and. so well liked. You call tee4 · the ,.hole fam- ltr trom a amall amount of f:'hlcken when fOU fix thl1 noodle dlsb. wltb ·condenaed .' ereaJD of chick· en soup. The aoup st•ei t.be d.llh that fllll-ot-cb.lckta la.o~. • EQ1 Chicken 'n' NMcll11 I ta111"""°1'UI · , I cu.J. cooked ftn•IJ' c~ nOOdtp 1 ~i:.:::.,MT \6 cupf nolled 'utter er Vi foT!:--, .., .. marp.rtne -•i 1 can {l~ cupe) eoo td. U.lcU. t'Ond•ftMt e,.,.. et · ok!q• .. \llt I s1 .. 111er """ -";.,., 11i ••ttor bl a HKtp&a U .tU ~· ~ IOIP. '-004Jeto' MU c'11d'q, O.a111 ala all 1Qrot11'1-. .,..; lo• ·--a"'1t 11 -·· ot ntU b11tii'ihroa1b. ~ f Mn· ~la&L •••\ TRAY Tit: Let a lt"J ll'O~ r.. .A dllcarded poetcai'd, cauat>t m. The umt-annualf'plcnlo at the ' Oranp Cout College ,\.otbali That .tam lion la •tUI nio.k· hl• car'e radlator Jrllle. 1.ed \<> a South Dakota State Soclet:V' of 9toCk ebot up lut week aa Olarlie lng the police blotter. !barge ot h!t and run and pl-op-Long Beach, C&11t .. 1w111 be beld at BI·-~ rted . M. 0 . Harrison, 207 Eveninl!'. :rty. dam&ge. cl&lm to be filed Blxb)t PaFk. on SUnd&y, October ~ ttPo Ior practice alter Canyon Rd., Shore Cliffs, called a.plnat N9rman N. Nosgle. 'TheJt•, 1961. All Sou'!'JroDakotau and bou.nc.lng back and forth between Newport police! early l"'rld&y postcanl was & tip that ll wu 1 thelr frienQ are lal1y tnYlted and among ,aeveral of the larger morning to report the cat calmly Noggte'a car which da~ a to attend. Southland Jun)or colleges . and w&Jklng toward the center of the fire .hydrant and smuhed a gar-The regular meeUng of the 90tne tOur year echools. Black wa.s tract, about.....\00 yarda •off Hilb· bago CUI at llH East Balboa South Dakota State Society will way• IOI . Blvd., '"at • a.m. tut Tuelday. bf' held at Maclbl.nista' Ball, 728 Palm Sprtng'a High achool'a ath-A polic~ hunting crew left for Ruth Wetp.nd, 1133 Ea.st Bal· Elm Ave., on. Thu"'4&.y evening, lete of the year last aeuon u he the scene Immediately bu\ Mr. boa Jx>ulev&rd, beard lhe era.sh October 18. covered dlah dinner lettered in footb&ll. buketball. Wblskers was nowhere to be and Aw a man standing by the I at 9:30 p.m ., followed by buelneaa baeeball and track. found. car. OWner of lhe garbage can meeting and enterta.tnmenL He waa honored as the Player wu Ra.lph Mtchelaen and it wa• of the Year ln the Riverside Coun-ZIEGLER CAR STOLEN "1aUIP.s la lalatiee ia u ad .. hi th rd i.e.t waf of ..., ~ tAe to m e postca wu address-· Opportunlt7 .. knoaktq la ty League alter leading the Palm Police are looking for a 1900 ........ jut Jell"' ed. Calilomta ·Highway Patrol • CLA.S8ll"Dltt> A.De Sp~ high echool eleven to lhe Mercury two-doo1'aedan which bfftcer Walter Meyer called local Use the New. -nmu. ft of the 0 . I. F . small scboola John E. Zlegl,er. 4.30 Eut Bay ·Yoa1l ftDd many n1oe homee police when he found the card and I Poet a.ncl Prem comblna· p yoft. He wu a deferudve star avenue, Balboa,. reported Friday a.cl apt& adve~ for reat- car Tuelday afternoon at the tlon wtth aver 21.600 dr-In the recent City veraus C. I. F . had been Molen from ln ff.ont 'ot J'M..rly or wtntu-ln the ~ !fll'hway garage. • culaUon. ' all star game at San Diego. hls horTte. allied 11eetloa ktday! ~~~~~~~~~-=--~~--=~~~~--~~~'--~~~~-=-----=-~-'-~ The. thud of the paper _on the front porch, tossed there by the bright eyed lad on 'the bike, or its, delivery by mail, start~ people reaching for t~e facts of life-all over town. Ever think of it that way? It's the great Ameri- can A-iabit, this eager reaching for the :.truth, this wanting. to'btow what's going on-1~ety­ where and without the ·slight;est delay af all. It's a good habit, t.oo, for here is .the. fourt- dation of the freedoms we cherish -so deeply. In knowing what's going on lies our ca-pacity for t}le making of choices , which is the very essence of our individual liberty . It is althis point that our f avorlte -news- paper becomes so important to our way of life. For in its pa'ges are pr~sented the kaleido-- scopic 'changes occurring constantly-the truth of what'$-going on _in . the world -f~e facts from which _ we, as individuals, determine for ourselves how we will vote, whom ·we will patronize, wh'at we will think, and what we will do. Newspaper men everywhere, con8Cloos of · the critical times In whk!h we Uve, are devoting the W1!8k of Octob9r . 1st to 8th .( . . Jfatlollal NeW9paper Week -to ~praising tht!tr service to tbe / public. Aa publl!lben of your favorite newwpaper, we Invite you, out. -. . .· . . --/ IMden, to make sugg~tJou for maldag this llbWllpaper aene you • • • ,.. ... ~ .. ,....,. Mf"9I or cloat' Ille •W&J' a iaoaL Willi a tnq. ""' • -..,,.,. •ooi ot tllo -tor tM -la ... trip to tM f! .f.rtat ,... ... _JVll_lilocttM -•IQ" .. tllo lrV ..,.. 111•-l••lll'l ... '. • • mt a•• 904 ava ' • • • t I j