HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-11 - Newport Balboa News Times' I '. • .NEWPQDT-• 43nl YEAR-NUMBER 50 . -' .,, GARDEN GROVl7.S GU~D Rlvlallcls m'-obot o-te bucket Frtday • Jlarbor plaJef deRecta ba1L Waif.ta&' for bounee-off are (left to rlCbt): Tan &berta (18), N-tt (U) ud Sut .. rlleld (%1). (News-Timea Photo) TARS WHIP ARGONAUTS; , ENTER H.¥9.~· lOURNH .. Ga~n naut and Grove'• vanity Arg·o-<~-------------- "B" 1.11quad basketball te&rru1 were both whipped. Friday afternoon by Newport Ha.rbor's Tvs. the decldlQg ..core• belng 47-27 and 68-32 rea:poe;llvdy. To- day, the Tari entered Huntington Beach high school'I lnvttatio.naJ tourn&.ment.. takinr-on Valencia high school at 4 p.m. SIDLER LAND REZONING. UP JO COUNCIL Lacking the t!ll"h acortng ser· Vices of Jun Mendon, varaily tar· The problem ot deciding what "&rd, the Tara Were led to v1cto · t<) zone the Oladya Sidler propet:- -• • Ii A. d ?'{ tUe ty Ln Balboa was due tor a decls-Y'.''ce again Y rma.n i:: 11' e;.n ·la.st night at City Council f.t?rward, Whose d~dly a~itng Il\e'etin as the matter had been W• eeuon haK put him in first ~ &' · ·· I k h -M -continued from the Nov. 26 se,.. a."Ol' nr ran eac gam.... en.-th m · ted Con'• abeence was occulohed b,f •ion in hope at terea pa.r- L.l -h 1 t t ttr in .: local ties could work out a settlemenL "8 av ng 0 ea Y 1..a.at council meeting saw Atty. ~te c;i:~ seemed to miq. Meo· Max HurwtU, representing ~e don'a presence particularly bi the 81dler ll!tereat, urge the c Iv 1 c fl h&lf hi h ded with lb Jo-1group lo rezone the lot from R·3 rst w c en e to C-l cals leading by only a 17·11 mar· Thia. brought a verbal . barrage gin. Regular center Lee Jayred t R. 8 Van p It 900.7 Eut waa aecond to NetUea' 18 point.a Barom Fro t · t ~ · to the Sld-wilh 14 t.aUled. He wu followed Y n • nex r by Jim Roberta. npt lf\lard. wtth Jer parcel which la Lot 1, Block 1 h 1 t Do Jackaon for· 13, Balboa.. Van Pelt b I a ate d e g t po n a, n ' k Councilman Ross Greeley tor re- ward, bagged one point. DI! Lu8 ported1y favoring the Sidler ln- at guard m~de four, wh e Bob teresta against thoae ot o th e r We11t. a sc~nng sub, counted tor property owners In the b 1 o ck. three pol~ta. , Greeley ts agent for Sidler prop- Nettles ahooUng eye was ofl on erliee tn Balboa And functioned as tree throws u he miaeed tour out f Ltk wise hill tleld oaJ a real ealate agent ln the aale ?f pf our. e t I the parcel from Paul Lorentu.n to ,shot opportunltiea showed he mias. 'the Sidlers. fl1 a number ot attempt.a he nor• On Oct. 18, by a vote ot 3-2. malty wuuld have made: good. the city planning commission de- . Jim MUl er , varsity coach, ptt-nled • request that the s 1 d 1 er dieted that .. Harbor will have a property be .remned to C-l . Four .. fair chance of winning the OU· com.mlasJonera were abeent. era: Invitational tourney which ~u At the last council meellng, drawn 16 learn eritrlea, including Van Pelt ottered to purcha1e the FuDerton. Be.I! Oardena and Bell· SidJer ~rty to pre vent tta Oower. Tbe Tara wtll not play to-owner from laklnl the 1081 Hur· day, but will play tomorrow night wit.a maintained to the c 0 u n c 11 at 7 o'clock, taking on a team lD would be incurred It the parcel either the winning or 1oa!nl' aidl' was not rezoned C-1. Hurwtts ln- of the ladder. depending on Har-91cated ht• client would be reaa- bor'a ahow1n_g apinat Valene~ unable 80 tar u property line 11et Tra.rrui en~-;r~ In the conteat are b&eka were c 0 n 0 er,.. d If the m01t from Che Sun.set and Orangr ground ta: ru.oned.. but a a 1 d no 1 .. guea. P'inala will be held Friday offers to bux tl\tl Jan<$. w h I ch at 8 :30 p.m. holds an old aback, had bee.A re· Should all go well with the Tara. .cetved. " they n1ay meet Huntington :;;:··=~ ~ -::~~ CYNTHIA MAUS· TALI 1oca1a a cha.nee to awnce the re· srr FOi ir "'TURD "'Y -1 humbling ol ll>e ftnlty foot-, -"" ball oquad which wu dtubbed ' Tbe ·~ alltllor, leotunr &lid ~ _,, tile Oller&. -1111 tra9'1a'. ... C,.Ulla - 1 wruc~ at i:.acu-art plier)''"' 8DWAJl'IS llOVZ ~""""1. Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. - The ReY. and Jin. J&mu C. J{&U Will l!1"9 ~er llhllltrated Jec- Stewart and -moved trom tuft Oii """"' World'1 Grat - 1812 arci. Ort .... '°81 en«--···· teJlln&' ...... of tllo laler-Ylew Drl.,., Bo,y-.., -Bal.. eo\Unr, bite ol ~ ID .....,.... un!O,y. He i. ...... of 8t. AA--WW. ti!" cmnpi.tlon and ol -~ Qw:rcb; u.i. <to-wqrlt and -- l . .,. . -...,__ ..... of u.. - MY .ft WI& motr:•:...... .ty s ·e bml •"'Ml' tbe cme -.. :w11en ,.,.. si .. i. Dot-._ .,.. ~ '° 11o taud i. 1111o , ~ a Ttall..Qlfto ~ .,. .,.,,... .... _,,..,. -» ~-t FY-~ 1ort.ea~~i-.~-. (o _, i-. ...,.._.,_..._. • .. ..,_ .le a "tl••• ol ...,_ -..a.... . -·· ' ~· II••• nw,.,,., ........ --l i.. -\,.-i -<( -.. -r . ' . . . ... . ' REHEARING ON SE tf SERVICE TO BE SO UGHT A rehearing ->n the City Cotut·- cil's recent rejection of a bualneu license application for a . eelf·aer- vtce guollne 1tatJon at Goldenrod avenue and Coe.at Highway wu to be aought lut nlsbt by the Wayne Huntt;n of Ba.Ibo& I.eland. The 1tatlon W&I \o be bullt adjoln· Ing Corona. del Mar fire 1tatlon. The Hunters, of 318 The Grand Canal. already own and operate a stmUar ataUon at Costa Meaa. Al lut council meeUnC they were among buaineu Jlcenae seekere and were the only ones whoec ap-- pllcaUon waa denied. The council rejected their appli- cation for a at.a.lion on grounda or "fire hazard." Thill decialon wu made within ml~utes after the city clerk read aloud the fire depart- ment's approval of the alte. No zoning permit ta neeeaaary. Word got around city hall ' cir· clee last week that Galvin Keene. 1ocal attorney, had been engal"ed by the Hunters to pr~nt their eh;le of lhe cue at the council'• next session. Keene filed a request Jut week with the City Clerk and City Ma.nagPr lh&l the council rt>queet appearance of locaJ fire depart- ment officials at last night'• meet· lng. He also a.eked that the malter be brought before the council for rehearing. California cttiea have. alnce the advent of self service atationa, al· lowed them lnaide city limit.a a.nd rejected their presence. Whereu Santa Ana does not permit them. San DJego doea. The City ot Newport Beach tuts no ordinance keeplng the .ell-•er- vt.ce staUon from opera.Ung ln tho eorporate-1i•o~t~-,,.,-.,.--~-I ' W est Newporten lo Hear Comm.lttees at Friday Night Meet • Members ot the West Newport Improvement a a 1 o c I a t I on will me.el Friday nlgbt at 7 :30 o'clock In City Hall to hear corntnltte.e report&. Reginald Pegram will pre.sent a report and recommendation re~ gardlng control ot beach erosion tn the Weal Newport ocean !ron· tage area. Florence Cooling will prCAent arguments In favor ot the propo~­ cd '986.000 school bond election set lor Jan. 18. A report on condition at the Weal Newport lalan.d bridge will be made by. Georp Sherrtll. Other report• will Include civic beautifi- cation and oil well drilling-. OWENS. MANNING NAMl:D Frett Owena, tlr1t Btrlng guard on Orange Coaat College'• league ch&mpion Piratea, haa been named to the All 8outbem C&lllornl& Junior College Team. Syd Man· n!ng. OCC end, wu nominated to the team'a third alrtng. .. • DAVIS SCORES--Dlek 0.vfa (H) dro,·e uDder to 9CO"' with tblA shot u be led the Oranp ()out Oollrp Plrate& to their fourth otralpt win t'rlday nlpt wllh :e points. (Jack Davia Pholol .. By &d MacMIJUaa Orange Cout college WU tabb- ed as a posalble heir to the Eaat· em Conterencr buketb&ll champ- tonahJp along w1L11 San Bernardino and RJveralde this week after racking up two impreNlve week en~ wtna on the OCC covrt. San Berdoo and R!verslde a.lao rounded out impreuive practice aeuona to enter the "tournament" seaaon &.!J threat.a to displace Fullerton hoop klnp ot the pa.st. two seasons. The entire Eastern Confe'rencr 11N5ter take.B part in the Chaffey tournament lhla week. OraJJgC Coa.at. and some of t.ne other club! wtll aee action ln the Sam Berry Tourna.ment at Glendale foHowtng Chrlatmaa before openinJ Eastern Conference League play Friday night, Jan. 4. Dick Davia pumped 1n 28fipoints Fr"lday night ·to pace the l>trates te ·a 82-62 wtn over Harbor jay- lff a.nd Ma?lual Rull bounced into the scoring parade with 19 a.t- urday night to lead the OCC five to a 63~ vtctory over the El Toro Marine•. In.direct contrast to their !lrat ' three games, Coast started alow Friday and Saturday. After trail· ing moat at the firat quarter again.st Harbor, Miles Ea.ton's boy• came through with a basket barrage t o lead at .the end or thf' flr11t 10 mlnulea, 13·12. Harbor .again took t.he lead to the second quarter but gave It up juat before h&J!Ume and the Pirates left {he noor at intermlMion with a .30-28 lead. Coa&t stretched the lead to 48-40 at the three Quarter m&rk and length.t>ned the lea_d fo ur more points In the final stanza. Davis :wu hot from a,lmOH'l any· where in his scorching demonstra- lion. He scored the first two points ror Coast on a law In shot tor his only points in the first quarter. He potted tour polnta on tbllow ups in the second quarter a.nd P.hk ahota ot 22 and 18 feel. Davia acored nine in the third period and tallied eeven more on a jump shot, drlve In and three tree tbrowa in the Jut quarter. While Davls wu an oUenstve threat li'rlday night, Ruiz wu the (Continued on Pap •> ' CROWDS THRONG HEAD-ON CRASH SCENE • , .. I 3 Costa Mesans Hurt in· Coast Highway Crash A two--car headon colllalon late yellterday on Cqut Highway, be.- tween Helen's Nuthouae and Bal· boa Btvd. cauaed injury to two women i.nd one man, while two amall children were ahaken up. Police reported the lnJured as Mr•. Paul W . Dougherty, of 476 Eut Broadway, and Mr. and Mrs. I Harry W . Wright, 1784 Newport Blvd., all of Costa Meu. They were taken to Community h08· ; pital, Santa Ana, by Seal' a am· 'I bulance. Officer Warren L. Cusel. u ld a four d00r Beda.n driven by Paul W. Dougherty, Marine Corps Cap· tatn, collided with the Wright ve- hicle after Dougherty apparently went to sleep at the wheel. Driver of the Wright car waa not lmmed.l· ately aacertained. Both sedana involved were a.hal- tered so badly they had to be towed to a local garage. Masons Install Sam Kinsf ather as Lodge Head lnatallltlon ceremonlea tor Sam· uel l<.inatalher, newly elected Wor· shlptul Muler of Sea.faring Lodge No. 708, Free Md Accepted Ma- !IJOn.s, and hia slaft ot ofticen for the coming year, were held Satur- day night at the Costa Mesa Fri· day Afternoon clubhouse. A crowd e8Umated at 275 pereona witncsaed the event. w. Ben Sorrells. Worahipfyl Inspector of the 6S4th Masonic Diatrlcl. acted aa tnatalllng officer and presented Kln11father with hi• gavel ot authority. Asslatlng In the ceremonies wu 'Eddie Moore, tlM!l muler of the lodge. Other officer• lnalalled were George L . Boaley, aenlor warden; Arthur Fltzmorrla, junior warden: Howard R. Trluel, t1eCret.ary; Rex Albright. tfeuurer; Corwin D. Hoene, chaplain; Raymond Nellllen. untor deacon; Virgil D. Smith, jUl).k>r deacon; Luter Smith. mar- UAJ-: ·¥..P• Wlllto..enlor -= Dde&ld DUqU, , __ , Hllmar R. Ca.rlatrom, orp.ntat; and WI.Iler Peck, tiler. Congratulation• tor the ottlcera and member• ot Seafaring Lodge we-re extended by Sorrel•. tor the outata.ndlng work they had done since lbe lodge was chartered Oct. 12. 1950. He also praiaed Henry K Dleater, retiring Worshlptul Muter. tor his activl tlee In the lodge during the put year. Members of the lodge who ~ere admitted during the past year presented Dteater with a gold card and pa.!lt Master's apron a.a token& of their appreciation. \.'lalton Introduced ViaitoMJ from other M&80nlc lodges In the area and from af· flllated organizations were Intro· duced by the lodge's new muter. Among thoee Introduced were Mra. Regina Cottle, Worthy Matron, and Harold Fink. Worthy Patron. of Harbor Star Chapter, Order of lhc Eastern Star: Alva W. Gunn, 8.JUIOCiate gua.rdJan of the Colla MYa Job'• Daughters bethel; Ralph P . Ma.Ikey, president of the Seafaring Lodge Building ANOCta- tlon and aeveral worshipful mu· ters and Maaters·elect from lodges at Sant& Ana, Huntington Beach, Laguna Be.a.ch, Orange Grove, and Seal Beach. Refreshments were 8etved fol- lowing the lnatallatlona by a com- posed ot Mr11. Henry K. Diester. chalrman, Mrs. Sant. Klnsfather, Mrs. Ida ..Naylor, Mra. C. D . Horne, Mn. Max Owen&, Mra. Rex Albright, Mn. Arthur Flt&morrla, 'Mrs. Virgil Smith a.nd Mn. Har- old Fink. Ushers were Max Owens, Kenneth Johrt80n and Mt!Jwood A . Berry. .. ... Pony McC.la Dies Here of Pne•nto11la • COMPANY-STUDYING NEW ALTERNATE PROPOSAL An a.ltemate proposal tor relocation ot Pacltic Electric cSepot facllltlet in Weet Newport wu presented to ottlclala ot the utility ln Loa Angeles tut Thunday by members at the atreet and highway development committee. , Thia propoa.1 would utirtae the Banning Company.'s sand tract be- tween Balboa Blvd. and 58th atreet and Cout Highway and the ex:lst· Ing P. E. rlght""°t·way:. The plan was prepared by R. L . Patteraon who hu represented the Bannlng lntereata here in many matters. According to Ctty Engineer Bert Webb, the Pacific Electric ottlclala eeemed to react favorably to the new proposal which would ahlrt the depot northerly of the old channel right-ot·way toward CO&llt Highway Into the Banning tract. MRS. RICARD ARRESTED ON ABC COUNTS Mrs. Ethel Halt Ricard, 53, own· er and operator of RJcky'a ~ket at 2106 N~rl Blvd., Coat.a Mesa The P . E., he ea.Id, took the cit}· waa arreated and booked at the plan and will etudy It before work-Orange County Jail at 11 p. tn. lng up a Plan of their need.a to 1 Saturday night tor sale of beer lo aubmlt to the city. •minors by Sheritf'a deputies ~ Should the switch be made, a Rus Campbell and Jamea J . Mca line of euca.lyptua trees could be Alary. planted In the old channel to Several report.a havf! been re-- screen the utility operatlona from celved by the aherltt'a Juvenile Weat Newpo'rt reslden~ It waa Bureau rect"nUy that juvenllee brought out. Recently. West New. were purchasing beer at the iroc· port Improvement A.Mociatlon in-ery atore known u Ricky'• K&r- formed the City Council that it ket. according to Sgt. Ounpbf:lt. opposed vtgoroualy any change ot head of the Juvenile Bureau. the area's R·l zoning. The alore was placed under Ob- 1..&ad Purch:ue servation on Saturday night and at 8 :3~ p. m. two minors We~ seen coming out of lhe place wtlh a quart of beer, oftlcera said. The boys gave their ages as 18 ,Years and 14 years. At 10:~ p. m . two more minors were observed bJ/Of· !leers going into the store. They purchased two quarts ot beer and were not uked for Identification or proof ot age, according .to dep\i. ties. Thia transaction wu 9l!en through the window by the of· ficera. Should the Bannlng..,Property t1e tiuitable for P . E . purposes. It will have to be bought by the city arid traded to the company in exchange for land needed In connection with the Newport-Balboa Blvda. widen· Ing project-and to get the tran- sit firm'• holdlng11 out of down· town Newport. The city would probably have to lay a spur track from Mth street toward Coa.at Highway ln order that the tra.ckage between Mth Md McFadden Place.may be elimi- nated u a throllgh llnr. E . Van Dusen. land and tax de- partment head of the P . E .. headed the group of five railway dlvlalon chief• who met with the local committee which wu appointed lut Seplember by the city council. Newport Beach repreaentative11 on the committee included Mayor label!. City Manager John J . SaU· ors, Webb, R . L. Patteraon, Tom Henderson and J . M . Miller. Mrs. Ricard wu then queation· ed and admitted that ahe had sold the beer to the minors and bad not uked tor proof of age. Judge D . J . Dodge set bail at S500 with ar- raignment in the Newport Town- ship Justice Court set at 10 a. m . Dec. 17. The minors will be dealt with ac- cording to the law also for viola· tlon of the Alcoholic Beverage Control act, according to Sgt. ~mpbell. More than 100 civic leaden O·~---~.?---------­ Newport Harbor · area Jut Thur•· day night were brought up to datr on progress and plan• ot Orange Cout College at a dinner meeting ln the Coaat cafeteria and later session In the chapel. With Walter Longmoor. board of trustees president, prealdlng, e number of OCC adminl8trator11 and teachers sketched activities of the college in day and night cl8.88 cur- ricula.. Dr. Basil Peterson, college preai. dent. presented aeveral chart.I showing the collegee's cost.a, en- rollment figures, atudent percent· age• and other phaaes which were contraa:ted favorably with similar Junior college• ln the state. Day enrollment tigurea have jumped from 515 In 1948-49 to 667 ror 1951 ·~2. while undupllcaled evening enrollment zoomed trom 1699 in 194S..49 to 3408 for 1950·51. College stud e n ta percentage wise, he said, ahow 24 per cent come trom Orange county. but from outaide the college district. while ~ per cent are from within the district. A total of 18 per cent are frorn other California countlea, 15 per cent are from out of at.al<' and eight per cent are none high school graduates. Sixty per cent of the parent.a of OCC student.a live in the dl11trlct, 30 per cent are ln the county but outside the di•· trlct while 10 per cent reside out- side the county. !iducaUonal Cott. echedule ao tar with our bu.tiding program. but higher cost& have slowed it down some althoug~ higher tax valuations have riBPn with cot:la."' The college tax maximum is 36 cents per hundred, while bulldtn( tax i8 29 cents. Farm Propam The agricultural program la pro- ceeding satisfactorily but has not yet reached a money-ma.king lev.:!:I . It wa.a stated. Gueata ate beef grown by the farm atudents. Other speaker.a included Dr. Jame11 W . Thornton. vice-presklenl or Coast, and Dr. Bill Prleet, dean at the evening collere. Thornton reviewed operation• of the college counselling at.aft whteh he heads. He alao brought out statl&tlc. iihowlng Harbor High school ,provideA 25 per cent of OCC'a atudentbody, with Hunting- ton Beach High school contrlbut· lng 15 per cent. Priest di.8cU88ed educational op- portunltlea available lo ew:nlng college 11tudenta and pointed out. u did Peterson and Thornton. that OCC want.a to present the coUrsPfl most beneficial to student.a and the communK.y Ila serves. Annua l Football Banquet for S. A. Slated Today___... Coet ot educating OCC student. Santa Ana college'& annual toot.- ls $516.40 per unit, average dally ball banquet a.nd huddle, sporwor- attrndance u compared w Ith eel by the Second Guessers club I $:117.80 at 11\lllerton J . C., $484.98 and IUllOClated student body, will ._t Santa Ana J. C. and $801.93 at be held TUeeday in the college Contra Coata J . C .• be Mid. Rev· cafeteria, Mel Hein, line coach at enue .aources for Gout ahow that the UnlvenJty of Southern call· T9.8 per cent comes from dlstrtct foml.a. wtU be the featured speak· Patty KcCalla, 4-year-old dau-f _,, Majo and M J hn. Mc taxes, 8 8 per cent trom out O er. . _ ••• ter of r ra. 0 -dflllrtct tuition fees, 8.3 trom elate Former SAC gridaten Jotnuiy Calla. 120 Topu A..ve:., Balboa. Ia-aid, 2.4 trom federal aid and 1.1 Pouch, AL Carmk:hael. Bob Buck-land, died Moodly l)lomlng of tul· b Zellnk Ra wm-per cent from mlacellaneoua in· ley, Bo a, y ........,_,, minatlve bronchial pneumonl&. On come. Keever Ja.nkov1cb, Herb Hill. Jack llund&y """ hid gone to Hollywood v hn. Cout expendlturea break down. Plcke'tlng and Don aug are with her parent&, and had )l,en 111 he Aki, into tb.eae dLltrtbution acheduled. to attend and make with wllat they believed to be car h • • 9'clme• .At bedtime me had a percenlq'ea: admlnllltr&tton 4 per ehort apeec ea. cent: tnatruction, 29.8 per cent; Coacb lhln wu tonnerty of •~t tfmperature. auxlllary .. rvlcu, .5 per e<ont ; ope· wu111niton State eollel" llnll ~ At 12:22 a; m. Monday the par-ration ot achool p}¥.t, e.1 per cent. New York Glallta. Rehl wu et&hl entl caDecl the Inhalator lll!l&d and maintenance. 4.7 pei e<ont1 fixed tint .. Ill-Pro with the New l'iwk llr. Hup Plllm, but the ch1ld wu ..., i.at be lllJe dead. An au•-. pelf<icnied at cbarpl, 1.7 per cent: pupll trano· Glanto -, year wu _,..., portaUoa, 1.7 per cent. coach on, the ~ A,..-lldw Orange ' ._ty bolpltal lbowed Dr. Peterlo!J JIOl!lted out Iha team whlel! won Ille Weetem Dl'"' lil'oneblal ~· 8be WU one Giie of the •·---ndltar. cur--c-,ioaohlp. el. tlu'ee cMldrea. , rmteral &I'· -·p ---.--"-~~-..-....t NDU1 II tllo~ llbllillnl' pn>eram. He WU U All·~ ~oa -to! -p11dlns at Bait.a With ·-.ftJl,000 -.. avail· ... Ute 1no CoQpr ·e1nen;U.t ~· Ible _. ,_ to ~t col· c:aptund -J'acatlc. Oout -: Iese ldltlceil. Tiie ·art• center, a CeNDCe dlamplcw•" -.wilJ to U •Lft. Dfft41.1An0 1' . new lllllt. to Iii! f!o'*"" by ~ the ----ratM ao Ula .&.mn1a1 i..ca••...,,of ~ JUJ7, wm . -~•te!Jt .u-TtmePOC.u~......._ fDr i.-... t-.-aei-ta sut,MO. Kn . _,. Aa -t of ,_,. • Md,~ B * ..it,r -Jllel«I· llic:ladm Ille tetien1lop:al dlDlier Wiii Ila a -- wlll be w -·w allbt at INl!dl-s, --.. -.... Ila .. of .. l'Giw ...,.... ah1• N-,,.n·-Y"""\ ailll. 'ri.. #•P" camu. ---..-I' pl It D '• -... 40.. N<t'I• ·wtll .-.-.t ~• """' ~ 117 Ooc .~ ect"trS'JC ,,~ntAI eon r ..a loo ar Ilia -....... ~ ..... lli'Walrlloa .. E It etloii -. .,... -JR ,. -.......... I 'Ml ., . • '. t>t.,N'ti,."'··"W ... aite.l11illtwtldl' ... I '•g•• , ' • • , ~-------.---· --·--·---------·---- ' ' ' l • • • ' • • ' • MR& WJND"Bl:D BAJUIRB, llodttl' -~'lillt:d'..:v-oJ'j$'.lloi--..~-..:'"~ ....... ~~-...,,..--.~~-·"""' Bob Beckstrom Sing s in 'Messiah' FREMONT, ?O:B.-Bob Beck· strom, Midland Colle•• treahman, Mm of Mr. and Mf'L K. A. Beck- strom. Newport Beach, wu • member ot the 135 voice choru• which gave Handel's ''Messiah" af' the Fremont auditorium tut Sunday evening. ------ Hollywood Couple Visit Re latives Mr. and Mr&. B. L. Newland of North Hollywood ~re down Mon- day Vi.ld.Unr their atmt, MIN Elsie N ewla.Dd, 33rd street. They were guests for luncheon, u wfre Mr. and Mrs. P . L. Higgins of Costa Meira. For dinner, they were gursts of Mr, and Mra. Marie New- Jani:i. Newport Height.a. . Glamour Brooms Now Available Those "l'lamour brooms" which women interested ln a "clean 5weep" of govern.rrient a.re wear- ing. bave arrived and may be ob- tained from Alane Ba Id w In Ehresman, chairman of Pro Amer- ica, she annoW'lcea. Several mem- bf>rs are buying them as an addt"d touch ror Christmas girts. Young Methodists Name Officers Bob J ohnaon la lhe newly elect- ,.d president of the Sunergous group of the Coat& Mesa Commu- nity Metbodlat church. Other of- ficers named at an ele<!tlon meet- ing were Bob Menna, correspond- ing secretary, and Dorothy Brew- C>r treuurer. Members are anticl-p~tlng their annU&.I progreulve dinnf"r which will be an event of Dec. 21 . ' ENTl:llT AJNS BRO'nlltR Mrs. John Meador of OoldenJ'Od avt'"nue ha.!! been entertaining her brother W . R. Johnaon of Mlnne- .!!Ola and bi8 wife. Please retUJ'TI. library booka fore December 15. IALTZ MORTUARY LM;r .&.W. b .. no ~JllPwal' OOllO!tA DE. KAil DAY AND lfl.GHT Phone Da--rbor f~ • BE SURE -INSURE wltll MAURIE STANLEY -OalJ' • Phooe.llarbo• 1111 2~ Marine Ave.. BalbM laland. MATl'RESSES Boata--Bome1 Trallen lrrepJar Slla- BEAOON llOll Coeta Meoa -Co. UOO Newport llhd. WATER HEATERS s.i-. 8ervkoe Ud 8e ... ,. /oe 4eclcto/J PLUMJllNO A.athorlud Dealer Day & Nlcttt H- TUMS Ir/. 0..." aU Hut.n Pho"" llarbor UU-W HH•MAN MINX ,109 tlellvered "'"" The Unitarians Plan · Potluck The n@xt meetlnl' ol tbe UnJta.r- lan Fellowship of I.a.,.ina Beach wiJl take place on Thunday, Dfoc. 13 at the Old Studk> on the High· way at Diamond . street at 1 :4~ p.m. The vialtine-minl8ter will be the Rev. Harold E . Schmidt from Van Nuys, who will s~ak on "Our Stake in. Keeping Our Public School• Free." The meetlnif. which will be open to the public, will be precede"d by a potluck aupper at 6 :30 p.m. Buz Ellsworths Plan L. A. Move Tbe younger .90eial .!let of the Harbor area are soon to lose . a popular couple, Buz and Mary Ellsworth, of Grffn Leaf Farm•. Costa Meea. It's a~ to the good. though, for the change ls nttese:I-· tated by the ract that Mercury International Pictures has become so big that offices have been mov· ed ft'om Corona ctet Mar to Los Angele• .. The E11aworths re«ntly n ew to San Francisco to deliver a plctutt for S &: W Foods,· part of a cam- paign to h4? co-ordinated in Life. Mr. Ellsworth flew back down the coast, making !l.bots for a long filn1 which t he Western Sugar Beet Association ts making to fPature their Industry. WSCS Bazaar Aids Circ.les . A nnual Christmas ~ar a nd dlnner of Chril:t Church by the Sea was held at Goodell hall Tuesday of last week. Each of the five circle.!! had booths and articles left over will be sold this afternoon at the W . S. C. S. meeting in Goodell hall. Luncheon was served, coffee and doughnu~ during t he afternoon. and dinner at night. Mrs. Winifred Young .was cha irman in the kit· Chen. Miss Clara Kohlstedt. pres!· dent: wa.a a.se:i!rted by circle presi· dents Mrs. E mma Weatherfor d, Mrs. Boad Freitag. Mrs. William Trusty, J ohn Shield•. and Miss EU!ie Newland , as booth chairmen. Each was aided by circle mem- bera. Each ci.n:le hu its own pro- ceed•. but money trom luncheon and dtnner went to the Advance Fund .. Costa Mesa Folk Take Firs+ Aid Another First Aid Class has been concluded in Costa Mesa with 18 school bus driv""ers, teachers and house wives receiving Standard Fl rat Aid . cards. Mrs. V e.rnon Mathews waa Instructor for the class. After the cards were given out, a surprise gift or two blouses wa. presented Mrs. Mathews. Cot· fee and cookie.!! were served by the ladies in the cJus. Thoae receiving cards w e re Thomas Sharp, Ruby Cragg, Jer- ome Edwards. Rhea McKt>nzi<'. Florence Kunzman. Mae Jackson, Don En.sign, Dorothy Springs, Nila Mc Laughlan, Virgie Frankel, Ada Brandt, Costa 1.fesa: Andrew Oliv- er, Barbara Dunson, James Dun- aon, Ne\\•port Beach; Don Graham, Velma Haasett, Gerald Cohemow- er, Sa.nta Ana ; Robert High, Co- rona del Mar. Anyone Interested ln taking a first aid class in January. to be conducted ln the daytime. is re- quuted to send a c ard to MrJJ. Mathew•. 597 W . 19th St., Costa Mesa. Newport Circle Sends Xmas Boxes plus tax aJtd lloeMe Newport ctrcle of Christ Church Your Barbor Area Dealer by the Sea WSCS met Tuesday afternoon. Dec. 4 at Goodell hall. NEWPORT AUTO SALZ8 Memben were preparing booths ieot W. Newport Blvd. tor the buaar a.nd had a buslness Newport -meeUng only. Harbor 1401 The chairman, Miu Elsie New· I.!::============~ I la.nd, conducted the devoUonal aervice. Mn. J . A. Bodman re· ported having sent a:lx larce boxes of clothing t.o Korea. _and Yuma for the Newport and Balboa Circles. OUler Circlet; will aend later. Each ta abo completinr a quilt to be aent to mi.miona.rie. in Yuma. Circle mem.bera. broucht their Bleuing Boxea. These are to be opened before Chrletmu and pro. ceeda go to the tteuury. As each opened her box. abe told of the tpeelal bleeelng ror which a mm wu pla.ced in the receptacle. The kltcbe.n committee reported ha~ ....-112 m=l!era of th• Cal.Uft&'. committee with aupper during the week ot Ufe evangel· latlc C&IJl~· . The , Juqary lneeUn.g wOl be held on ne.,:· 21 IMIAlad ot the ,... Uai-,.nd a' U...llome ot Kn. P. 1. BJalM, 1811b Tuetin aveoue, COOta )(-.wit.II lllrL J . A.. Bod· ........ ~ ' One -~. Kt& llay -.. l!M ~ lo -...... , -... Ille Put -u.. It .... ~. rourtotll were pr111nL . .A " I 't of_ ..-theJl'll lilJ be: 1-d; ~ . 4 U: I.•~ k~ Bond! • • , • tuESOAY~ DEC.-l f, ltlf Rat Cron Units RepOrt Progress at Meeting Here Reporto Of COjl'mlttff Mede were featured Friday at the lunch: eon meetin&' of director• of New· port HarbOr branch, American R<ld c.-, In U!e EbeU club. Vlnce:nt 0 . CUa.i'mano, chairman of the Red Croes bloodbank com· mtttee, reported that next vlalt of the bloodmobile will be Jan. 17 at Leg1on Hall. A total of 131 pinta of blood were ctven. at the lul visit or the bloodmobile. he aaJd. He offered to oblaln • prtnt of "Blood and Bullet.I,'' a rum. for use at the Januuy meeting of the Civil Oefen.-e group h~re. C&rl Hanna.. CiviJ Derenae chairman, I accepted the rilm offer. Cusumano pointed out that Ebel~ .. ·.· · . BFmgs Magic~ f~r Young Set r ' ll'ollowlng the old tradltlo' that qu:iwna. le tor chll~ Elle\I melhbera were hosteues to UM!: , -Ml W!ien tlley .met l .. t -" tor a prosT&m lealUrtllc Bob -. JOUDS Loo Anpjee ma- &lvlan. Rabblte pulled fl'om th• ~ dleap~~. dnl" and other trtdtl entertained-tbe croup at the . Coreil& del Mar rruomar echool >tttdjtori11.m.· ,Two holiday .dllck<od ·t.e• W>leo ateo caught the Jl.flenUOI\ ot both chlld .. n aD'c! acfillu. 'l'all tapers a.domed With S&nta Claua faces, bright ball• banging. trom w!litA! Christmas ~ treea and ot.fier •P· polntment.8 were the work of Mrs. A . A. H~a1h. f{"lldlllg at the refreshmel\t hour were Mrs. C. M. Deakin~ preaideot; Mr1. Byron • DEC . ~4 8 P.M •. • -BALBOA BAY CLUB ....... for -. ~ c'wl•a•'• . .,_,,,. .c;11a1c · ot """,,.; l'• -.-•t·,..""' ,..t)' "' ""' ,... CflAllJ'lt DINN'Blt .DANCJl . ' . :. . Wells and Mrs. R . L . Allen, vice· . r • • \ heavy demands have been made by the mllltary for blood and that more civilian blood la being drawn out of Red Crou atore.s than ti being replaced. No charge la made for civil or military uae of Red Cros.s blood. He eald tbat 2fSO pint.I should be donated on each blood mobile visit )\t're. preaidents: and Mrs. ~ame1 W. c.JJ llAJlBOft HN--W / KJ ~.: -· UAOOX IUI Th l . ~-;--•• ,. orn on. • ~ '~~;;;;~~::::~=;~~;~-~~~~;·~'~-~·~~~~~; Durinl' a short buaine'8 meellng 1 which preCeded the progr&m, club members were reminded that tick· . et.I now are on .eale for the bene· tit briOge and luncheon, set for Jan. 17 at lbe Newport Harbor Yuht club. In charge of ~e event ta Mrs. Ba.sit Peteraon, who an· nounced that the fete w1U ·be lim· lted to 100 tables. Proceeds will go to the ·Hoag Memorial hospital., Mrs. E. w . Whitson, home ser- vice committee chairman, report .. ed activities of her unit which al<W famlliea of arn1ed forces membera financially and otherwise. ~fotor OorpA AcU\•e The local motor corpa' atx wom- en drlver1 tran1po1'ted <t09 patient.I to hospiiw and put In 713 hours ,... .... U'"D•Ma& l.BON'T~ driving durine-the past tour ___ ....:..• ----~---~·-• __ _ montl\9. Mro. Ralph Rus .. l, ch&lr-' B·lb'o• lsl•nders man announced. Mrs. cart Zam-Stin.day Schoo l .. .. .. locb .report .. th•t tb• local •t•f!"• on Southern Cru"1s .. 12 acUve Grey f;adl••· have been C loss to be Feted ~ Full support of the club wu promised the forthcoming gram. mar school bond election . Mra. H . O . Boyvey is the Ebell represent&· tiVe on the citl.zeM' committee working for the measure. moat active In recent months. Seven women are working In the nurse's a ide section. • . Christmas projects of the or· ga.nization include a donation to the Navajo Indian children in NEW OIU..ICANS, Dec. 1.-Mr. Arizona. Mr11. Clara.nee Dodd, wel-; ' · · - and Mre. Leoh Yale of 218 Onyx faro chairman, w .. In charge of RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTR!AL-CQMME.RCfAL st.. Bal-laland, Calli., Mile<! gifts for hospitalized men, women NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL It wa.. announced that a total of $218.10 had been collected by JunJor Red Crou in it.a reeent fund drive. A total of 160 Thanks(iv· lng tray favora were made here t or Long Beach ho!rpltallzed veterans' All membera of the el.ghth gnde Sunday 11ehool c1aM ot the Coat& Mesa Community Met.hod.lat church have been Invited by their teacher, Mrs. Ir:a Hartahom. to a Otrlatmae party to be at.aged at the Ha.rtahorn bomt>, 1800 PaNIOna. Thunday,. Dec. 13, at 8 p . m. from he:~ today aboard the SS . and children and announced that Alcoe. C..ftlier, Jwmry Uner of the rurther artlclee may be left at 2SO .. SOth St. Newport Beach Barbot Im Alcoa steam.ship company bound Richard's Market where she will lj~~~~~~;;;·;;;;:~;;:::::::;:::::~~~~F dinners. Stanley Had!l•ld. new head ol 'Detect"1ve Story' the Harbor branch. Introduce<! Earl P eter90n, newly appointed Pl la chairman of the wat ..... tety com· . ays et guna m iUee, South Ora-ng'e County . Chapter. ..Sboc::Jdnc" brutal and •totaµy on a 18..Uyt: C&.rlbbea.n CMJIM. collect them tor distribution. While on the cruise, they will Members also brought canned villit ctudad Trujillo, Domlnlcan goods which will be added to bas· Republic; Klnpton, Jam .... a lca; Port kets for needy ramllles at Christ- Qf Spain, Trinidad; Wille.mated, mas. Curae.o and Gv&nt&, PulT'to Ca· New members Introduced by belloi and IA Gu.aira In Venesvela. Mn. w . B. Tritt were Mmes, Earl Seton Millnl" they spent thf'Cf' c . Miles, GeoBJge H . Lane, C. E . · ' da19,ln New Orleana. Meeks, Hugh Plumb, Jr .• Earl T. Cray, A. W. Schenkel and Mrs. HARBOR A.REA Mark Taylor, an associate affili- ate. I . I Nf'Jtt year's branch tu.nd quota U.Orblnl'' wae the Verdict of ~ew will be no hfgher than that ot 19~1 . Yotk c:rtUca when the 3·act.melo· Hanna announced. Drutlc econ-drama.,· ··Dclecttve Sto)'y,'· OPflled \ omy has been effected In the Red Its 2·year run on Bro&dway. . Cro&a set up. meaning that New-The same uncen!IOred and uncut, por.t Harbor will raiae no more venton opened Tb\lrsQ.ay, Pee. ~.I than $15.600 (la.st yelr's goal), he at lhe La.guna Beach ~l~yhouae. added. The area ralaed $18,:Sl~ Unlike the radio and motion pie· last year or 104.~ per cent of the t ure versions of .. Oete<!tive Story," QilUScout ./YfUl.'4 N£'xt meeting of the general club has been set for Jan. 10 In- stead of the flr8t Thursday in the month. At th.at time Mrs. Virginia Castle will gtve the program. I Yes_t5th Street at Radio Towers L---=--sANTA ANA PH.Kl ~a311 1 .__ _______________ ........... __ ........_... quota. the Laguna produCtiOn '!" CN.cllfng Troop No. t!, !ad Oracle ~ Bertnninl' Jan_ 16, new mother with. the same pungent d~e ....._.,,r: Mn. E''dya ~ and baby. claMH wtll be launched .and vtgqroua action • wtllielt :11rat Co-IMder: Mn.. Lois Irwin Women of Moose Plan Social Nite on a chapter l•~ throu~t th• electrt!ied .ll••"pl&y~P\ll>!i!;. · -! 'niunm;r: IO • Clo-I-• country. Clu.e• wtll be held on Howard ·11&-p" Graham. the lo- Tuesdays ~d Thur9d.ays from 7:30 cal director, agreed with c<M1lrec.. llome At tht regular bueineu meeting of Newport Bea.ch Chapter 1168, Women of the Moose, held Thur1- day evening., Dec. 6 at the M:OOS<' hall, reports were read by W ilma Corbln, membersbtp chairman; A.Ida Gorton, publicity chairman; Fiora Vaughn. ritual chairman. Tbe report.a for the child care and hospital committees were to be made by members of the commit- tee•. to 9:30 p. m. for parent.I expecting t or Marjorie Wtllla.m_,I\ tftat "De~ The gtrls in Brownie Troop No. children. Regtstratlonai ahouJd be tective Story" abould not be ex· 42 were late in organizi ng this fall made prJor to Jan. 15 u claas p.u/gated. "We felt," saJd Graham, but they a.re now well on the way eize is limited to 15. 1 ··that Southland theatre lovert1 to a.n active year -IP&rnlng the would want to see this great melo· Brownie promise, salute and hand- 1 drama in all ita hon esty and ahake in preparation for their Mesa Pastor to Address PT A Rev. J oseph W . McSh.ane, pastor of the Coat.a Mesa Community ~fethodist church, wiJl ~ the prin· clpa l speaker when the Costa Mesa Lindbergh -Harper PT A meets Wedn(.8day, Dee. 12. at 7:30 p. m . in the Main school auditor ium. A program of yuletide mu.ic wtll be given by studentl of Harper school. Since this program will be the only n.lght meeting during the school year. a .pecial Invitation le vc:· tende-ct to all fathers of Lindbergh and Harper achool pupila to at· tend. MESA WCTU PLAJll Costa Me.ta WCTU , will hold an all day meeting atartln&' at 10 a. m. Frklay, Dee. 14, in the Com· munlty Method.lat church, Costa Me•. with the hours devot.ed to working on atghane. Members &re to bring gifts for the WCTU home at Eagle Rock. Sack lunchee are also to be broughL strength." lnveetltUrf' ceremony. The action-packed story, set in They have been making puppets the smoky ·and profane 1.tmo1--starting from papier·mache and phere of a dele-ctives' squad room, ending up with many interesting i.t rich in humor, pain and pathos. figures. among lhenl, Brownies, The tough and noble characters Donald Duck, pigs and 'The Wise are portrayed by a large ca.at. re· Old Owl.' A show ls planned for ported to be t~.e best ever u - 1 the f\Jture in which thee:e puppets aembled for a Community Players' \Vill be used. Last v.•eek the 'mem- attraction. bers turned their m eeting room Member• of the ho1pital com- mittee are making pt.ans for a social affair of some kind to raise money to apply on the purchase of a wheelchair, the project of the Ia.st haspltal chairman, Birdie Ostrander. Other production date.a will be Into a 'Santa's Workshop' and Of?c. 12, 13, 14 and 10. w ith great joy and e:xcltement -----·--made charming gifts for their HOlfl: FROM HOSPITAL John u ·~n of West Ocean Front, who wa1 recently in St. J oseph hospital, is now at home and re· cuperaUng. ------ Mra. Marpre:t Nel.aon, 116% 29th strttl, wu notifle"d yesterday morning of the death of her hus· band in Long Beach Na'V&l hM· pital. Word waa taken to her by local police at reque1t of the hos· pita!. Neww·Ttmu ada have been read in the Harbor tor o'ftr' .tO ~ mothers. Regional Meeting of•Girl Scouts Held at Newport · • Spending the week end of Nov. 30 through De'c. 2 at Newport Har· bor Glr1 Scout House were 31 rep- ruentatives of the National As· eocl&Uon of Girl Scouts. Region 12 (south) which is Phoenix, Lu Vegas a.ad C&litornta from Santa Barbar& to San Dlego sent the.tr membent to hear and diacuu ..&he • Nattoaal Glrl Scout Convention which took place la.st October. KIM M.vtl>& Prendergut, pn!OI· diotlt Of the .U-,latlon and Execu- The next meeting will be Social Nlgtit a.nd Mooseha~n chalrman. Myrtelle Tipping, hu extensive plane for the evening. Refre•h· mEnte wtll be served by her com· mittee. Plana were di.ecu&1ed for the collection of ChrLetmaa gt.(t:s to be ta.ken to the Orange county hos· pttal ror the older people there. Thi! will be done at the Dec. 20 meetlnc. Also on that, evening Piora Vaughn will conduct ritual practice. Saturday evening, Dec. 8 pub· Jiclty chairman, Alda Gorton, and co.workers Dorothy Miller, .Angie B ridps and ShlrJey )(Wer, iterved the chicken dinner prepared by Chet Bridges. Thill committee will also turnleh and serve aandwtches followtnl' the dance. , tl"', DlreclOf tor Loe Anse1ee wu N•tion•I Artists po-t and pwe a •tJn1n&'. ad-.. .. an-' ...... o...-Rol>orta, R . t d • =.a: ~i,. ·~p= :!': epresen. ~ 1n ,..,-.i 0011 ll<oubi pro!tlema ·~ SAC Exhibit , -.~:-trir pocnHar to -· . _ ~ .. u..-u.. .,..._, "' th• "'· "Pnlrle Prtttt K&lien" doe -to . -•' • d AnaeolfOPart~laG• Girl Scout Boar 111111t111s uie -"' n•t-ny kai•ll U'u,ta dltrlq all tllle ·-M like~ Xmas Plans !:a~ ·=t of u.. ~ ... .0. DO,;. '•. --of -u«lt4a .. Kay ~ all!! lodllt'Oouocu. of Newport llOJ' hrtftllp ,,_ -....._.; l-Jl~.rflat.at u.-;8-• 1,.. Tailor -Qf...-1'-_..,=tll lllrL 11...oti -~· -·-QI'• --. ; 'l'be mteatc., 11111 •·re••:: • Lulp· ,_, J1tt . ---... rtkrL•oo~V•n1 I_,.. .. . . ·C ·"e :·i.;, D •• •• AUTO u~~:~T HEATER • REG. PRICE $37.50 • SALE P_RICE s27so ONLY HHI LEFT e Flt AU Cars .• Three Speed ContJ:ol • Nationally Advertised Also ZEREX·ANTl·FREEZE $3.45 oa1. Reg. $8.75 TERMS EASILY ARRANGED Corner 2nd & ~yeaniore Senta Ana • ~ The Id~ Chrishnas Gift ~ A. Year's . Subscription t BALBOA A\ES • AND r.:;:1 ......... ...:11..:.;:~. r-v·~ i:,.cr,1cill'1::", ~a .i.4 ...... ~ta '1 llolit. .a M 7 • 1117·..-t' II r. :C: Fi~: =.t:i: :: ::-.-;:. c :; I_. , ' "'..::.._....... 7 1•11t .. IJIE'•t •- 1 -0a1., "'3.50. .. . -••lflUll ...... ,,~ ...... - -~· -2V 4 _,. . ( ,..&,_'I ""---h '*-"00 t11•11•.., u 1P15" ~-.:, ~)wh,re jn vr~~tt C91U1ty-, .r.'!""' ere-·. ~-iii ... ~-;l~~~4ll~·~tbe~Jf~'~.J~ol!tb~.~·Har~-bo~·~· Al:~-~~~T~w1ce~· ~--~-~·~-~,~~ .., i..a.f~· ~ -. · High Q,,dify lrinting-Pll. H ~f :~"'.':..: ~: :-,:: Hi~;9110'1!f. '!_lnti~g:;-1& #!.!'·: 161' , - . J \ • Mrs. Green Host ess to Stagettes C lu b The appointments w ere all red and g-rttn and the !!pirlt wu merry when the Stagettea club waa entertalned in Costa ?ties.a Jut week with hostess Louise Green "doing the honors." Betty Rus- sel! wu a gueKt of the eventng. A deaaert course. business .session and program of games amid a set· Ung of poinsettias and greenery, most aatisfactonly fil led the houni. Members pr<'sent WC're Mmes. Lou Lockwood, Mae Felker , Clara Badage, Daisy Sullivan, Crace Kline, Marge Brocke tt, Emma Poupart a.nd Corinne Tallman. The door prize wa.s awarded Mrs. Tall- man. Next meeting on Dec. 18 will be the club's annual Christ- mu party at the Costa Mesa home of Marge BrocketL ~ Jingle bells· .IJ) earit rou 1'11 n ~-·re~nggay? WMS2Ned (oh boy !) .fur Chrisfrnas~ iheMNKof' AMEU4:AMtl JoinNow! ~If you're not 1har-\ ing in this year's 127,000,000 Bank of \ America Cbristma1 Club, join now for '52! Save any amount per -it-from 504 up- and at the end of 50 ,..-.. you will receive tbe run amount aaved pliu 2'1. inl<r<JI. lt'1 tbeeuyWaytowve ror gilt.a ••. l&Jtes ..• insur· ance premiums ... and other year-end bil11. Save any amount _. .......................... . I Week's Sessions for Mesa Circ les • Meetlnga of the varloUll clrclea of the Coat.a Meaa Community Church WSCS will be held thte week. Circle Ten will a.uemble Tueaday, Dec. 11, a.t 7:30 p. m . with Mrs. Mart.an Overman, 11-t E . 23rd SL Circle Eight will me-et Wedneaday at 7 :30 p. m. ln the home ot Mre. Mary Sheran, 179 E. Flower St. The following groups wtJJ hold sea.a Iona Thurlday: Circle One, 7 p. m., with Mrs. Loi8 Meek, 2044 Orange Ave.; Circle Two, 12 p. m .. at lhe church. Mrs. Margaret Long, hoetcaa; Circle Three, 1 :30 p. m. wtlh Mn. Jda Kelly, 447 Hamilton St.;C~le Four, 12 p. m .. pot luck at the church: Circle Seven, 7 :30 p. m . with Mra. Wilma Myrehn hoeteaa. Make Reservations fo r Snow Camp _Seventh. elshth, and ninth &r&<t- era ln the Balboa lala.nd. Coeta Mesa. and Newport Beach Com- munJty Methodist Churches are eligible for a mid-wtnler snow camp to be held at C&mp Seeley ln the San Bernardino Mountains. the four day• lmmedlat~ly follow- lnJ Chrlatmaa. Rev. Tbomu Roy Pende.11. pu- tor of Chr1Jlt Church by tho So.a. will be the director of the camp, wttb the staff .elected from tb.n>- ought SOuthern CallfomiL Ooet wt1 be $8.M , and ruervaUofta may be made throucb their t o c a 1 church. Cookie f)rogram for Homemakers autalinu c:ooai.. will be made IUld -l<d "' Pl'Oject 1.-den Kn. -*' l!f--""'"· ---~.al '& maetlAs o( u.. Coat& K.r. --... to be -rrill&J, 0... H, at 18 L m. ta t1oe· -.. _ Oomlioalt;y ...., .... \'ftee Wll bo a poUnclr -wltll • -.. 0.. -,t L I ! l'l_ 141 M.S .,,. a.-M ceiat sift ••t srae. ~ -'t .t.t aa n•"' oo >•----~ ....... tifloi ~~i..-... ,,,_ .... U. w.k ... & IT Mn'll • t:••· ....... trip. Bonnie was a charming bride In her formal Empire gown of heavy white aa.tln. Her fingertip veil waa held with a Dior cap of lace, em· broidered with aeed pearla and her beautiful shower bouquet waa of white shattered camaUona with orchid center. It wu arranged with wide lace strearne n which fall lo the hem ot her gown. Serving a.a matron of honor was the bride's sister, Sally Stafford, in bouffant white marquisette wtth touches of pink. She carried a ahowcr of blush pink roses with satin streamers, and wore similar flowers In her hair. Sam Stafford1 Jr., served hl.s tuture brothe r-in-law a.a beet man. Mrs. Findlay selected for her daughter'11 wedding a gown of hydrangea blue crepe beaded with cryl'lll&l, with match.ing acceMOrtea and 1ilv(>r l&me' hat. Her coraag-e wu of pink rose•. Mn. Statford wore rose crepe wtth brown accea- aorlea and and a gardenia coru.ge. Church Det&lltl Pink winter sweet pea.a. fern• and gTeenery decorated the church and tall ta.peni: shed a .an light ' Beach Matron is Bridge Hostess Bridge waa the atterTn&tt\ of a luncheon the' other day in the Huntington Beach home of Mrs. Wayne Pickering when a group of Harbor area friend.a was brought tosethet for a pleaaant afternoon. FI o r a 1 appolntmenlll and place favora were colortul re- minders ot the aeaaon. Mn. Ray Wallace captured firat prlze, Mra. Harry c . Burdick scored second and Mn. M. J . Boe- tetl~r wa. coruolecl. Making up thl quartet table• were Mmes. W&llace, Homer Melk>tl, Burdick, HoateUer , Sam D. Crawford., Ma- bel Andrewa, Warnn BrUIC.ol, and the booUu. Toastmasters Club Now O rgcinizing Now in the process of organlza· tlon ts the Harbor Area Tout- muten Club now meetl.ng every Tue8day evening at Norton's Bay Shore Cafe. ' Illinois Doctor is Luncheon G uest Dr. F . E. Bolleart of East Mo- line, Ill .. wu a luncheon gueat of Dr. Alexander Renner of Corona del Mar on Friday. Dr. Bolleart is In the west attending U\e aes- l!llon of the American Medical AA· sociatlon In Loi Angelel!I. He 1111 lhe father·in·law of CapL Joseph Braet, jet fighter pilot al El Toro. FASHION SHOW DATE Having. a dale tomorrow for an afternoon of canaata and ahow· lnC" of Kay Nel.8on origtnab at Balboa Bay club are Alene Bald· wtn Ehresman, Fay Marshall. Sarah Taylor and Cora Booth. Toutmuters lnternaUonal, de· voted lo developing the art of pub- lic speaking, hu shown spectacu- lar growth ln recent years, now having over loop clube. Expert.a\;::;;:=~~~~;:;::;;;;;::;::;::;::;;;;,, In the field of .. tt-help op<e<:h FISHERMEN'S clink:. or speaking clube deecribe Toutmutere lntemational as be-CASINO CAFE Ing wllllout pe<r In the develop· ment of thia art. Their method.JI N'e the result.a ot 20 yeara of the IC&la St. at Bal.,_ Blvd. bell efforts and thlnklnl' of thoue· SEE I.lie. 8EA80N'8 CATCH and.I of member parUctpa.nl.8. I ~~~~~~::::::::::~~~\ Thia local club will be limited I lo 30 active rnembera and 'expect.a to be chart-ered ln January of 19~2. For lnformation call Elton Barnett at Beacon 5713:R or Bea. $.M2-.W. ...... ,., ... lli11'91 ,I •A'Cll DAltt IJll.WIDl1' .. "== :t..J..:• .... 111111 'lftt.al t ··-..... ...... . I P,M.. MUA lloVIPk j J • • ' • •. • • W illiam Hand at Camp Kilmer HARBORITES AT OAKLAND Spending several recent days in Oakland were Mr. a.nd Mra. Mil~ ton Bennett and children Penny and Craig of Lido •IBle and Mr&. Catherine WUliama of Costa Meaa. • 5 G1:eat: Trains • He~e'a what folks ny about Santa Fe's five great daily trains between Loe Anaeles and Chica.co: ../ Jbr>< •on S.anta Fe trairu I know 1 un le.v• on achedule in any weather ..• ridt rafued ... arrive re/rqhed, ,.iaht downtown." .,, like room to mov• MOurwl .,, to meet Mtd t.Jk to ,,.opl•. So l anioy Santa Fe'• lti9:Nly locm'9 and • ~atioft care." . · .. -·-. ·; ' ~Mm-mm.' Lots of wondwlul Fred Harvey food to choou lrom. "I lib privacy,'° I trev•I 5-nta F• -by my•lf in • roomett• Oil bedroom, at with my IMIWly in • com,,.rtment °' drnrin.4 rooiA."' .,or Heinl the •ilfit•, up clOllll, tlie bii non·foUint windows .,. ""1· And what 1iiht-1, .Joni Sett• Fe'• colorful Sovt,,.,_t - No ~ MOr"t _. ~ wiM trave'-n •so Santa r e ••• all tM: .,., .. Oflf,.Y SAl!T'\ FE o&.,. ouc1t • wide cboKo al _.i.;1y ~ .--....... -... auch. 1-..,.i. ..,.._ .... ., do-. --tr.ma. 1.41?!'rR:t~'~:,. • • Cl a: ...._. ....... A. .. ,,1-&•a.--II V f rtJlllPI __ ,_.,, t,CZ ,,,_..,. ~ All.A. CJU• • • •• • .. • • • • ' .~ ~ • ' ,. ' • • \. t J I l l I " PASE~ • JGwPolrr " REW ....u.be4 EYeYJ" T1 f 7 Al lfe\tjhwt Pzsell, o.ntonda t.y -NEWPORT ~· PUl!IJJJllDTO OOID'AliY om... and Print~ Plant at 2211° Bill>o& -Telephone Harbor 1819 WILLLUf A. KOSJCS, Editor ' q.Hlled to Pabllall Lop! Notl--A<l••-11-"' all ~ '.Member of CALIPORNlA NEWSPAPillt PUBI.l&BERll 488'N. Member of the NATIONAL EDrroRIAL AllllOCliTION SUBSCJllriJON RATES• NEWPORT-BALBOA Nl!W8-'ftMl:8 .._,. Tlrsh1 11 Oranp Ceunty, S&.A4I per ,.._, 9!.IO obt --: '1.16 - -tu (A"'° IDeludeo Ille NEWPOBTsllALllOA P8"8'1, n-,) OuWde o""'"' 0-'1 "°'° per ,_,. t • ' Letter-fron1 Fanner McCabe , ~ ..... 9. sportfish · · ~on tJie w11t Coul Coll•,e Plans Set for l.4>~1 Study Harry S. Truman White Bou.e l • .i,. ..... ..ui ..... eoJlep Wuhlnaton, D. C. lbr tprpn wtD bo aln!I at Dear H•.....,: _., 111'1 ... Cs, lllPt'• -u..s"" tlM I hate to bring this up richt-p.ow ~hen you're ti-* Paik.-·..;., .,_uon Com· with political problems by the d~n. but I've jest cot to .,.,_ ill . Clly Hal~ ...,u,... to have a little more "you know what," You -; after. all .......,.. Homlth. - the11e montlul of f"llting and eapl•tnlng fer )'Oii, r•e been <City o1 . -~ ..... ,.1--11~'-. out conaiderable more than I ~ and u icou know, ~ UOO toonas•. it'• harder to pick lip extra c~ out here In Callfomla pro¥1dtnf 1 -~111<:!:-00~ than it is in Washington, D. C. 8o iffen }'OU don't mind, oport'• -. jest send a little note over to John Snyder and tell hllJI U OU.... mattoJw or community ills I • . tMe9t wUJ be ptaented at the there • anythmg left in the Tnuury to do a little better OOllUDloolon .. -. 11 boc!no at by me. 7 :30 o'clOck and I• open tO 111.e P . S. Your ole fren, FARMER McCABE Whilst you're down there In Florida you micbt -It you can get the local Chambel'9 of Cqmmerce to take a fft train loads of theae nice California onnae• . . . that'll boost publlc. YAN DYii ATTINDS IANIRS' MllTIN& 3. 15 P!IUllCIOUS EM!A Ctlia&LI;? AalwH to Qacotlea N•. l: I Answer to Qa ..... No. I: J. When the nerve leading 1. While no ~rmanent cure 1 from the e>:e to th._ br•in is has been found fpr -pem.ic:ioua ,Jarred or irritated. unpu~ are anemia (a type of anemia far aroUNd ln ~ nerve which the more serious than almple bnin pe..rce1vn u .flubn of . -PRlCE INCREASE "ORDERED•• your strength more'n anything e1.1e 1 know of. FARMER J&m• T. V1an Dyke. rep~nted llcJit. •Thia can happen even in anemia, ~d one wh1ch used to the Nawport Harbor Bank of ea. a ilark room. 1'1lerefore the man be·fatat Jn all cues) a means of 1<11na del Mar at the December ,who uya he wu hit .0 hard he controllin& th.is copdjtion was d.Jnntr meetlnc of the Independent ...... "°'n•• may well be te:llinc developed some twenty years BaJ\kj:n Auoctatlon of &out.hem tlle,..tnith. ,.... ago by the use of liver extract. Last week's headlines brought the "cheering" news r All Riehl • Ruen-9d) that the Office of Price StAbilization will authorize even1 ---------------------- more cost of living increases on "a wide range of conaumer Plrates Win items." This authorization is made pot!Bible by the Capes (Contt.ued. from ;-are i > hart provision of the Economic Controls law. ball of fire s.turday nigh t. Th• Lino llPll ~ ';, . . F ... ~.1-"::':; a: Feldlar 2 .......... F ...... s ..... Keyu If C.Ufomla reunUy 11.ekflll Loe AI» ~-to Qaoltlom N•. !: Liver extract made It -ible pl.el. · Tb• m.Mtinc' feft,u.red a I 2. A 1Dratn ii a sudden stretch· for an individual with pernicious pand dlacWllloa ot Jal.nkln& Mw inc and''t.eari.q of the JJ&amenu anemia.to live a ·useful life ovet rtJESDAY, DEC. 11, 19Sf -•-, . I s i ltEl-tA&tf T StRVICI v THO!IOUOBLY TllAl'.NJ;1) a FACTORY QUAUFIEP F.LECTll01''1CS E3H!ICT8 FULLY EQUIPPED to lll:RVll YOUR TV end RADIO SERVICE NEEDI! Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations U. S. Government Licensed T echnlcians Call us now for service TELF.PRONE BEAOON 8711 COAST I ELECTRONICS It requires that OfS ceilings permit manufacturere to Tw1t1n Southpaw hit t1e1<1 goaa take their presKoreao prices and add or subtract all coet rrom JO. 27. 25. 20. 18 and 15 r .. t &Jong w ith two lay Up8 and thne changes through last July 26 in computing new celllnp. !Tee •hot .. He wu just .., hot on The provision also allows increuea to a much later date def•n"' as he helped bre&k up the than earlier allowed by the price agency. Marine offenM with sevt>ral pus P........ 10 ...... C ............ Ruebei 12 Ru la 8 s•--·--····· .G ....... ·-···· Hardy 9 nerµa e -............ G ....... Jlrnon.. a Probl ... Md.' &led ,llMJftond Glad. of, •\Joint wftb lajury to the the ordinary span of yean. More synovial, membn.ne (the mftn· recently ~e .acti• printiple in 11o1u1 R Kolloft, oubler, 111.e nnt brane ·which conta1.n1 ·11n •ow.i.·• liver-whii:b tumtd"· out lo be aui. Ballk,qt """:-.-.S· wllo ·bu ftuld tor the joints which k_. vit..min Bti-ha> ~.i.Qloted. HTY*I u ~ ..... t:re.uurer or them supple). A 1 strain is a Thu .,,, mardelt u one of -tbe co Ill• ._...i.tlan oinoe lta wpn)&as painful llretchin& of llpments ~eat triumplu '.'f modern me<f. tion 1n J92t. Kellou waa eJected when no tear hu occurnd. !!Ith-1caJ research. . . • to a ~Y creat.od pool of honor· or·type of illjury lhould be treat· CC••"'""' ,,., •1 Hu,.. , ... ,.... 915 Coast ~ay tntereeptloru1 and nl<'e backboard The average penon -18 so &Wllllped with the deluge w<><k. ot -laws that he knoWB little ot sucb ooapeMloDI pl'On Tho local• appeared loggy villlob8 until they lllap him In the breadbuket. But now, agatnst El Toro untll Coac h Eaton injected a. 8t"COnd team lnto tbJ. one authored by Sen. Oapeb&rt CB-Ind.) wtD allow up-the uneup at th e end or the tlnot ward Mtjustments where the manufae&urer ean prove eost period . El Toro had taken advants lncreaaes.. age ot the lack of life In the Pirate cnw,for a 13-8 lead. Jack Clark It 18 an eeouomlc axiom tbat price laC1'1'9M8 al-JS Utted the lead as the 2nd quart•• stay ahead of wage hikes. So ea.di -OPS ap)ll'Oval of otarted with a lay up and Glenn cost ~ will have the usual wage rahial dem•nd , Griffith put the Plratt>!ll out In • front wtth a tip ln 14-13. Jer ry We have heard It before, but thhak It worth nitenUn~ CUffo1'd tied th<! l!COr• with a ''" that the whole price control setup 18 wn>ag. Wbeft!Ver eons •hot and ba.sket. by Mel Cofflnan tlol9 are lnstituUd, the Individual's 1-tive llld laltlattve and Wbltey )(aJjala put the Mas tines on top, 18-14. la harn-..1 MrTeSpondlncly. We aa a uatloa of ODCll free s.o ... Ti..i up mea ..,, reaping the ROCl•lletlc whlrlwhld. Tbe ladlvklual Is Gnttith potted a free •hot. Al becoming the lowest common denominator, a cog forced to Deniz dropped in • two pointer from 27 feet out and y,:ayne MeJs mesh In cadence with like cogs. qui•t made a free !llho t to agaln tie Without us cogs, governmental machinery would not the count at 18-18. MaiJala got function. But with us well geared by federal, 1tate, county thp vbllo•s on lop wllh a fr•• throw and Ruiz grabbed the lead and city laws and bureau·made laws, we are grindizag our back tor Coa.at with a t ~-foot teeth out. This next year will see us further stripped of Jum p ahol. R<on Quigle~ stcetcheO cub as larger tax bites chew deeper into paychecks. And the lead to 22sl9 wi th a 20 rooter but Cliffo rd put the Martn£>11 ba<'k cost of living increases are "ordered.''! wtlh• a lay up. Ruiz sank a tree Meanwhile, every federally subsidized farmer or buais ahoL and Cofflnan dropped In • · neu will be allowed additional COllt lncreuee along with Jump ahot to make the score 23·23 . tbose who are not subsidized. · RUis made another tree throw and t.. . . CoMn.a.n aank • l$zfoot -.bot by Surely, even the most lackadaisical citi.fln lleeS by MelqU!at and a tree throw wlllch now he is being "controlled" and .taxed with ever-crowln"' followed the •hot and a 3(),foot oet • shot by Ruiz just before the b.a.Jf momentum until he as the "cog'' will be IO ti.lhtly enmeah-~nded put the Pirat? in front ror ed by government that he is "free" mainly to pay taxes the nlgbt and Uoey slowly pulled and eke out a progreuively decreuinc income. away for lh~ir fifth 8tratght wtn . The OCC club face• Ea.st Loi What avail to make more money to pay more for An«eieo College Wednu<lay In thr living costs and taxes to pay more for governmental 04sers fir8t game of the Chaffey tourna- . ·vicea'' to construct and enforce more controls to clutch the ment and plays either San Diego or San Bernardino depending-on wage earner and busin"Mman tiJbter IO that they must the outcome or the rlrot round make more money to pay more texee, etc., ad infinitum? games. And to think lilat our rugged Colonist. rwelt.ed over Hunt~on~~~~. w~~ y 0 n the Stamp Act ud tea taus to free tlrmnhee .ad pos. Camey and Vale ncla"s o a, c n terity of remote .-trol eov--tl Tbef llttie dre&lllecl Howwo were the stars or the first how this couatry would ellalave ltaelf. wins o f t he seuon for the Junior Varsity or !'\!serve team. Carner Yes, cost lncreues are coming up. You might tile this potted 11 agalnot Ha•bor's .. serv· away: ea Friday night and the former So Ire 1 ti · Huntington Beach "B" p I ayer eec ODS ••• came back Saturday night to sink ----•----14 againBt the El Toro reserves. "The National Pl'Oduction Authority (NP.\) work in Hou .. acored 12 Friday and six '-"'~ ~-· Saturday. The reserves . ...-;>' <11epartment could not have been µna.rtairen nor cars . thriller Friday tM ... 9 and ried on without the valued help of experi.ae.4 bWlinessmen away Os28 S.tUI-day. ll<orinS 8Ubto-Coul MeJqulot, 4: Scllrudl. S: Qulcley, 2. Harbor, Gladnf"y, .f ; Canton, 8: W lU.iama, 2. occ as El Toro 50 Davt. JO ............ F ........ Clifford J.A Feldner 10 ........ F ........ Cottman U Pot.or9QD 2 ........ C .......... -.. ll'alk S R\11•'19 .............. a · ........ MalJ&la 12 Schruch 2 ........ 0 ... -......... Buah 9 Bcortn1 Subo-Coaot. <Jrjftllh, 7: Helquitit, 8 : Clark, 3 ; Quigley, 2; Deniz 2. OOC Va. • OCC Va. Harbor RNf"n'NEI Tero llMl'ryN Houa 12 Camey 14 Camey 11 .wuua:m. 11 lAGrosa 1 o Houae 8 GJ\a.fer 7 --SA&Iu.-3 Crane 7 LeGroas 3 \Vill,lama 4 Campttre.J.I 2 C. Black 1 Ca11illa! 2 Cl!-mpbell 1 Need (Jbrbtmas·~y! Sell thO!W' unnl"'f'dNI item• turk· f'ld a\hy ·in yonr «•,.ke of cl09Pt11 ~t Harbor 1811 and tfuo !Ml takPr "111 hf"lp you p I i. t' f" )'~r ~ ..... lflf'd ad. BO""DS AS VllLl'! 011"1' When you. live a Defense Bond ... Cbrt.tm.u ctft, you.&fve your. ~lt, aomelbipg. t.qo-tbe .u.tiat&c- tlon ot knowtqs tAat yoU_ an help· tng to protect An1erlca . :.t'OVE O:S GREEN UGHT The wise motoriat pennltll a.11 pedeetria.na to gPt 11afely LO' thr curb before he movea forward on t:he gr~n light. polnta out the Na- tion Automobile clu.b . who know what they are doing when they de&J with bust. ~=======,...,.-----------''----~ ness problems." -Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce ~ . . . Expert& say that the punchboard racket couldn't defended in court. It'• case woul4 be full of holes. I THE A MERI .CAN WAY ' ., • s ~ • •• ~I"':r§~:~~~th: ;;~·;.~lity Printi:~~=;~~ Har. 1616 li:--N_e_wpo __ rt_•_•_ac_h __ • :Gt:andito.give.-:. and=toget ..• AN ELECTRICAL GIFT! ·For refreshing rest, all year .long: . electric bed coverings SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO ,;-') • I • More peoPle buy Cbevrolets than any othe~ car ·!.- ~ .. lftl ....... ,... n-_ ... .., ' ff el ..... fll I wllJ -.... ..,. a. .... " .... .,, ..... _. Hirt __ ..,. to tblalt I 11L ....... .., 01111h' i.11.. ...... C.. al lu " -• • tWt ;rteo W C!Mwur.'a llodJ .., P-. -... ,_ IE .... ~ .... -' .. _O;' , ............ . ,.. • an 1_,fJt;••1 •P •., ~ rd ......... oii Wida"" .... .,., ... ~'. ... _ . .....,_ --~ ZDlll II .+ 1111'1 ,_._, a..; ..... ~ ............. ,.,.. • r ' ' I ·~. Ch•vrete·t's tt-~prOY.d ,_. •• ·=.,,.-! ·s ·~·~:f,. ~--·~~ -~---- ·l • • • 1\JISOAY. Olk:. 11, 1951 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO TlllBZB: HEY FEILOWS IT'S HIGH TIME TO PUT ON YOUR STOUT BOOTS, lace on y o u r J Snow..:Shoea, and button your par- Jlu! Thia la the day to pt )'Our -• .,,..:;....:::=-.., sled out of moth balls and ro· deep into the woods and feJJ your Chrtlt- mu fir tree! Pick out a nh;e tree that will flt your Uving room. N~ wb~ you tJWins your axe, be 9Ul"e you're standing on the rlg'ht aJde Of the tree. By the rtcht aide, I mean the side where the l'f'M: doem 't fall The other aide la the wron.i aide. Me! Yell "Umber"' .everal times and then pull your tree home on your ~ed. On the way back, stop at Mr.Donald'• Pala~ Store for a can of Plutl-11.ote TrtlP Spray! Thia way you can have a floriou• (Httertn.g tree! You can cet this Plutl-Kote ln gold, silver, white, blue or any of 16 colors. It comes ln a can with a fingertip control. You p!'e5S your trigger and preato you spray! No brush, no muu, no euu ... Helgho Sllvtt! for gold) Off to McDonald's Paint Store, 1872 Harbor Blvd., Coela Mesa.. Beacon 6703. -. • • • "THEY LAUGHED WHEN J SAT DOWN AT THE PIANO AND PLAYED JINGLE BELIA" It &JI happened over &t Ethel Rlr.ltanJ'11 Antique Shop when l sat down at the child siu' Schoenhut Plano. But thelr laurhter turned to amazement, because this darling little old ma- hogany piano really plays. Only $36. Any child would love lhls. Here's a sweet little gift Item too by the way. Old time sugar bowl planter• $1 .60. What a place to get the Xmas spirit! Tbere'• a perfect strap of 23 graduated alell'h-beUa on Ethel'• door, ($22.50) and out in back Gar Morse ts rejuvenating An ancient aleirh ! Why not get your helpmatl!! an old shaving mug or a bi&: cup that saya "father"! Just loads of unwiual gimmicks here. A beautiful pine BostOn Rocker $47.50. :i ice cream chalrs at $6.60 ea .... and a marble top table $37. Ethel hu plenty of brass. candlesticks. cuspidors, etc. Or a fireplace aet anyone? Choice or castors $12.60 up. Say I've given you some cood ldeu, haven't l? So mush over to EU.el ftJ<'hard'-" Antiques and Gitt Shop and shak.-h.-r !df'IK'bhf'll"- 47~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 6877-J. • • • DECK THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY TRA LA LA A:\"D LET'S BE .JOLLY! Well tra la yes , .. A rood place to put yourself in a mistletoe mood Is over at Lee 8bJpley•11: Bus) aeamstre.ues ue turning-Ol.lt merry little hollda) frocks by the dozens. The nice part about one ot Lee's custom made originals Is that It's made juat to fit you! These party gowns fit like the skin on a mink. You may avail yourself of some of Lee's brtl .. li&nt styling or have frocks made according to your own whim. Lee la disptayinK a variety of her new cocktail concoction.s ... taffeta separates skirt.a and blou&e11 for the alter nve trollca. Blouses of all "On With dlecriptl6n ... slee•eleea, halter type. etc ... Aleo 'J'hr-Dance" noteworthy separatee of the hand.90me De•rt Suede cloth. .L.tt has jewels. scarves and all manner of accessories to spark your pla cos- tumes. On wtth the dance! See Lee's stunninc styles or have her whip up somethinc dramatic jUMt for ~ Lee Shlpl.-y Orl5rlnal-. 1106 Coast Highway, Corona dl!!l Mar. Harbor 2848-J. • • • .. Oh wind, U winter comf"A can •Prine be far behind." Naturally not! Spring is just around the cor- ner. Why only yesterday I spied my first robbln. There wa.s a picture or one ln my bird book. As I say ....... 800n crouses or Is it croc.ll wll be puah- inl' up the creen.w&J'd. and ~·11 all need glider love aeata on the 'Jawn for to watch. Carlyle'• -" Fw;n.ttLl.[e State baa aome altl)'ltly .eaaUOllal new "If 'Wlnte.r Com8 .. garden tunUture that looka better than my ln~ door ltu!f This furniture la featherweight tubular, aluminum com- bined wtlh woven pl.a.sties. It's eaay to tou about l..nd can be lett out in the elements year round without rum.mg. Now let's see - I! your husband's a postman or trolley conductor ... or no matter what he ls-he'll k>ve & contour type chair from C&rlyle's. Only $69.50 ... and 11Uppoeed to be a most b\ls.stul seating arrangement. Nice occasiona.1 chairs $17.50 and rockere a.a low u Sl9.7ft. Every dayiasalesdaya~CARLY'LE'B.1990H.A..RBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA. BEACON 5739. • QUE TAL. OOI'<CWTA ! BUENAS DIAS. LOLITA .•• • • RAVE von FE~VJSH \'OUR C~Al< SHOP- PINGT SI, LOU'l:A ... ALMOST, SINCE J TIME BY EATING DEE:\'ER AT CASA DON CARLOS 1 lS -!!nd St., Ne"')>Ort • • Harbor %113-M • ___....._ PARTIES! PARTIES! PARTIES! GIRL! COME A HERE QUICK There's not a single moment to lose! '° The C&ndy Cane ~ ia this Dec. 14.. J'uat wait till you 1 itee what I've picked out for you to wear! Fua FubJoas haa a most exciting 2 pee. gown of l(H.Y lame with silver glitter! Honey, you'll look Uke the l'tar off the top of the tree in this~ I won't mention the price out loud because you won't want the othen to know how inexpensive it wu! -And listen-for other abininl' hours, get one of Eunice Knox's new metallic jersey blouse•~ You know I don't rave and carry on like lhia ofte.n, but these bloU&eS are ru!Jy charmers! In turquoise with allver metallic threada. or white with silver. ntese are non-scratchy and non-tarnish at $8.95. Oh, you've just G<Yl' to have one! Thia Jilt.le &bop is g'IOwinC' with pla frocks and skirts. A purple Bengal batique skirt here for $10.96. Wear this with a cocktail ca.mJsole top, and you have a sleek abort dinner combine. If you have time, while you're in Fun Faallions, rr&b & ruder at the calf Shoulder bap with crests. Only $5.tNI and be plenty sharp for gifting aJonr with a calf belt from Fua FuhJona. 1306 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. "YOU ALL -.t'tlliR l!llJT,m WHEN YOU CA.l.L Ml: THAT STllA.NGERt" Land'• aakea. let'• all smue when we call na.mee. Wb,y rm .mums rfcht thJ• minute when J call tboae little boot.a "°Daye CY Delio." I ,_.,· ~ d&a<IY llltlo cowpo'• llootl at _,..,, -.,.. Uttl1 bunl< bou .. du-uo a rum attor th-1n red, white, brown sa.90-a&- 17 .86. And rfclJa roplft WNnl.len a.re clean eon.e OD Barber'• rut weft.el'D boota -with bM.la at 1&96. tY.cu bis cntton bettor p11op on Oftr to tlll• btr talnUy ehoe eaiporum tor emne kid boot.a! While you're there·"'°"'"-· 11\Ch on to oomo Daniel G,... - 9lllperw tor your men and wtmmln fol>c. A put.UN • t ~ Ml or su.re--tlre .Uppe.rs be.re. Speclal on Ter17 ... llC:Ul'f• at 1%£ Small !ryora allppera SI.Ill! up. 'Rlpbn Loafer Sox $2.Bft -$3.96. And Red Oooee and Little YaJtk Party Shon for smaller (iris ln Mary J&nea. ankle and 2 atrap. Now don't head tor the barn to unhitch until you'Ve been to Barbfor'111 BooWrr, 1196 New. port Ave .. Costa Mesa. Beacon ~8-W . I • • • "HANG UP THE BABY'S STOCKING BE SURE YOU DO NOT FORGET FOR THE DEAR LITTLE DIMPLED DARLING HAS NEVER SEEN CHRISTMAS VET" Ye• ... Christmas Is for 11ttle creeps! Poll)' Apparel hu Prine._ Pat, ~by boy and ~rt creeper Aet.11 with anap on eafety britches, pla.allc lined, ooly 12.95 eet. For blgpr block: bultenl, boya 2-6, the neatest TayJored aJacl<s . . . A dup- licate of Dad's In aollds or checks,, aniJ a i-ed wagon-full of boys Tee Shirt.a in Iona or Mort sleefta. 0 . K. Mary Jane take it 88.!llY, Polly hu plenty tor you, too!-Clown polka-dot: pajamu ln red or blue nannel, S2.96 and Fireman red ski P. J .'a. Uttle femmea fTom 9 moa. to 12 yrs. can be outfitted In • party drt!M st Polly's. Loomcrafl3 and Betty Batea $2.29 to $6.39. Inci- dentally , thoae 2 charming-lady attendants at PoUy'a ue Eleanor and Virfinia. I don't mean thl!! lovely girl• in the window. l , meAn the real live dolls that eel! you the good goods at Polly Ap- parel, 1833 Newport Ave... Costa Mesa. • • KILL JOY WAS HERE • Now don't accuse me ot throwing a wrench ln your worka, but it ju11t might happen that durlnl' the Christmas festival weeks, you may acquire theee symptoms : Your temples may throb, your hands .. may aha.ke, perhapa a touch of naueea here and there. plus a slight guilt complex. The thing to do at this point la to J'O lie down and get youraelf tn condition tor the next round. Ue down like a mushroom ln a cool, dark place. Thia could happen to you, so you may u well prepare tor these comtng events now! Go to the Sh&df. Shop for light repellent roller lhadea. Or better stlll ask to Ne the brand new Plaat\c V. Blm4a. New translucent beauUea in 9 decorator colors. Theae are Idea.I tor beach homes or boe.ll u they a.re not attecttd by lllt-alr. They are •uch a amooth item that dust sklda right off-now don't be upset by what I've told you. Just keep calm and Jet the Shade ShQ,p veil your quiet hours. Shad'" Sbop. G14 !9th Xf'\vpDrf. ffar... bnr. JUl.t. • • • QUO V ADIR, 8 18 ! In other words ... How you been keeping? (many people have asked me to trnnslate these words! The la teat result of lhia coloual arena epic, Uona va. Ladle• i..-a .skirt! Pa.can, ain't It 1 The '°'"~ Sport Sbop la ahowlnc a de.Jiptful new aklrt by Preview in an au- ,thentic Quo Vadl1 prtnL VJvid putela blend- ed Into a pattern of ancient Roman Jewela ... ot an eXcluatve cotton fabric and sprtnkJed with rhln•ltOnea -$1._ff,. Alex , OOlm&n.'• Jtalud to Santa (not to be outdOne, that one) is a complete circle ak.irt of l't.ud chlnU and sequln·-dusted. These come in several noraJ blende at $16.90 and are eye-atunners when comblned with a black velveteen Frlt.Ei top ($6.50) You'd be picked out of a.ny grab bl.• ln either one of these nirty skirt 1ret-ups. Lee aleo haa a bloua Une, Robbie of CaJ. Robbie's bra.nd new word ta a holiday affair ot Nylon Faconne, and tta ultra chick for tbe after 6 testlv'I Uea ... plnk, black of white ... several styles $6.50 -19.95. l hope no lady would dream of beina: caul'ht under the tree . without a pair ot lOO 'fr nylon panties with white or blue bows $3.26. 'o Ltt Sport Shop, 1816 Xf'"·port A\'f'., Costa MHL • • COME SNOOKS ... And we two shall trip the light fantutic. aye, even ma.zurka and tango a leentsy. Yea, little one, I am buyinc you a cramophone trom the How.e of Hannony tor your very own! I dlacovered that the Houae or Harmony hu children's JU)A.'a ''6 record pJayera in white cabinets with story book deca.la . This is a contpJete •t and only 1%1.N. Or dear child. wou1d you nther have the portable · ea1y car:ry-all at S3.ol.95? Or would you oonaider the "6 changer Itself at onl7 ••!Mt Anyway you play It boney, you get SI wortJa of Neord9 t ree! Chrlatmu w ill lut you the whole year round with recordl! and record playera. The Houae of Harmony bu atory book t..lbums, Uncle Milty and Donald Duck, Alice In Wonderl&Dd. Cinderella and dozens of delightful chiklren's clauica. For the grown-ups. Mario Lanza albuma. Canterbury Choir Carola. complete operu, mualcal comedies and sytnphonJes. Yes. I think we'll make It a reoord Cbrtstmas tor a.JI the family! The largest record library in the county or next.. county maye 11 at the HOUM of Harinon7, 1817 Newport Ave., C.osta. Mesa. Beacon 5653. LUBRICATION CHANGED Eve n though he ma.y never ln· tend to' undertake the taak of lu· brlcatlng the new car himaelt, the owner wUl find it profitable to make & 11tudy of the chart that comes with the tnatrucUon man--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;i J uaJ, declarea the National Auto-Ii mobile Club. The erervk:e ·authort- GIFTS GALORE Ill AD LIB Uea maintain that no Lwner can &iVe hla car intelllpnt m&tnh!n· a.nee .uruea. be ie u.onit.lfhly ta- mUllr wltll Ito lllbric:atlon r«fui,.... menu. The requlnment.a, ll1 every cue, will b&V• cbangod - tbe awrap man'• older car and hit new one.. A TIP FROll SANTA • • • ' • State. Slves AnchoYJ for . CL1':-SSIF IED The Wi9~ Mldqtt laAd,......_ .. • Ing I Newport Hatboro oport fWler. men ...,.. dollat>ted "'1"-l' wltll _ ... thllt ..... De~ of Fl.th ud. Oemtt. meeUna tn,..NMlon at daco Bardfne AeeoctatW&~ request tor penni.kln to ltill .-,hovy and other Uve bait for reduction pur- NE\VS.TDIES -'Everf Tuelday NEWPORT BAY P08'.t-Wednt= NEWPORT-BALBOA PRISSS-'.l'b ys Ne..,..n Ba) ~-"· I-&di -r.. .. lllo ~1 .N---w lllo n.Mu -Ml.Nlll1lll AD IB • U1'l1!:ll . All~ ... --..... tor°""' ..... i••., ,_,.._ t Shem · 1 Paper ','76 t ,,.. • ... _ lJJ8 -Aceonllng t0 lntonn&Uon llllp- plltd Tttie New.Time• by J . B. Jdc- N&IJ:r, vlee-pruklent oC the Bal- boa Anfl.lnr Club-and a dlttctor of the Ocean F1•h Protective AA.- IOCiatton, who attended the mttt- tns. auch a torrent of pTOtesta were filed with., the fish and game group that the state o!fictals re- fUHd to even consider the sar· dtner1' appllcatl'on. t Lble9 a Papen UO Tiie publlehoro will not !>'! reopomtbje tor ,_., Ulan --•eel lnlerllon of &n adftrtlooment, -tbl r!Pt llO -~ _,, an1 and all a.di and to ~ I.IQ' ..,.,._ llOt -ormllll to Mil.. and regulaUom. AdnrtlMmftlto and ..-Ua-. will bo ac<epted up to 5 p.m. on tbl d&J pr-f. pabllc&Uon. Except deadline tor New1. Tlmea 11 L m. Kond&19 Pboae Har. 1111. uk for •.u nii..-or -.. -.--to NEWPORT RA•-PDSl.ll!BDIG 00. Ult 11a1-.. !UN., fllewpwt Brrtla. ~ More than 12!S letter8 and near-1'1-1'.'IM:'M'M'M~~0--0-1'.t-l'.l~ ly 30 telegn.m1 had been sent the depa.rtment. atroncly oppostng the s&rdlne lnter~t.s:· attempt.a to take anchovy. These came from . a var- rtety of organization• and lndlvi- dual8. Loct..lly, the B. A. C . and the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- rrierce were among those protest- Dig-the Laue by resolution-and letter. Tbue were sent Seth Gor- don, new head ot the tiJl:h and pme department. SUOOF.STIONS !or CHRISTMAS GUTS Buis ot opposition to the aeln· l.n&:' tnteresta la on t.he ground that lhey have ruined sardine and other n11h harvest along the cout dur- tn.g-put yea.rt. Local sportsmen teared seining would be dlaaatrous I ~i-i::I-1'.NCI".t:l-t:t'!t-!!-t:IM:N:N~ to the anchovy which reproduce! at a rather slow rate. OPS Geh Power to Ad on Price CeilinCJ Revision Dtatrlct ottlce1 or the Office ot Price Stablllzatlon have been given broad authority to act on applica- tions tor "Cq>ehart" ceill.ng price adjuttmenta filed with them by individ•&l bua:lneuu under Gen· eral OveJTldlng Regulation 21 . Wllli&m C. Moeser, director ot the San Diego di.lltrlct OPS ortlce, said delegation o f authority from Wa.shlngton, 0 . C., permits the di.s- trict otnoea to latue "letter orders·· e.atabllah.lna: ceillna: prices of in- clt-ndual applicants . GREEN'S 182'; NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA Ideal Christmas Gift• St. Mary Blanket.a Bates Heirloom Spreadl Geo. Wuhington Spreads Pacific Contour Shttta Cannon Sheet1 and Towet. Pequot Sheell!I and ~ Bath Mats Table Linen Towel Set.11 GoodyE"ar Alrfoam Piilows Gitt Wrapped Home Furnishings Beacon 7235 8p13 The new regulaUon., whJch w ent -----·-------- Into •tr•ct 0ec. 6' permtts mo•t * Christmas Trees * prodUCet'a, manufacturers, proces- sors and operators ot service bU11I-For the RIGHT TREE nesses. \\'hoae annual gross saleJ1 at the RIGHT PRICE, are under '1 million to apply Cor Go to SHELTON'S ceilinl price adju.1tmenta. Firm• ,....i lnd,lvldUl!o wh..., b\IS!n•u 181 E. J 7tll St. Coot& 11- paMea more than $1 mllllon a Beacim 90M·W lc::ll year muat apply to Wuhington, AIRWA y SANITIZER vacuum D. C., tor relief. t'--h Moeser warned that the new cleaner with complete a ~ - regulation does not provide any ments. Dispoaable bag. Excel- automatlc "pus through" of ln-lent condition. Will aacrifice, creued prices to con.aumere, but $50. 181 E. 17th St.,'Cost& Mesa. dOlel provide a price adju.tment Beacon 603'4-W. 8c10 procedure for flrma provinl' they FOR CHRISTMAS-Two electric are euftering financial ha.rd.ahlp aa Marx train• aurhUy Wied, &e· a re.auJt of price regulation.a. ceuories and tracks. Phone Bea- Moeser said the regulation ap-oon 6053. S>pll plying Capehart adjustment pro-- vtaiona to specified businessee will BOYS' Dayton Touriat bicycle. 3- not appreciably attect the cost of speed gear !!lhltt, good tire.a. l{u llYing-and"prac tlcally will not have had little use. Beacon 5587-J. much effect on fooc\ prices. 10pt2 General Overrtding Regulation 21 provides for adding additional AMERICAN FLYER E 1 e ctr I c coat Items to the general buaI·' train, 1 engine and 1 pauenger nea procedure ot a firm and per-set ot cars AND 1 freight set mitUng the firms to readjust cell-of car&. Special large tran.form- ing prices on this buts. er, automatic uncoupler. 2 extra 8HOP WISU.Y-BUY BONDS Wbere there's a bank or a post otnce, there's a way to solve the Chn.t:mu lhopplng problem. Just step in and buy Defense Savtnp Bopds u gifts. They're sure t o pleue. The re ere strong bonds between the present and a successtul fu- ture for you. They're U . S. De. ten.ff Savings Bonde. . auto switches, 80 tL of track. Station house. Switchboard eet up. '35. CAn be aeen at 1201 Coast Highway, Corona. del Mar. Harbor 3094--W. 10c12 -Be wiae-tell people--advertlse! For Venetian Blinds, Shades f.!1d Drapery Hdn. ~AiNriNG'roa LlClllNsED -ll(StlU:I> GleJtri Johnston 501 • llot 8t. Newport lloadl Harbor :mrl..J - B & y· House Movers General Contractors 8liO Flnt St., Tultln, C.llf. PllOM Klmberly 8-11116 (tiome Phone1 JA.sper1':'ff?S or JAaper 9·2687) 91tfc Frank J. Moll Fireplaces, Barbecues, Fences Anything in block brick or n agstone, etc. 431 E . 16tll St. Colla Me .. Phone Beacon 5663-R 3t!c H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair 8"rvtco Maintained Phone: !Urbor 1418-W 2801 Balqo& Blvd., Newport Bea')h ResuJte come rrom conat&nt paper Will produce reWlta for you. Practice! An ad i-egularly tn this 14-Penonals Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . O. Box 206 BaJboa Island, Calif. Phone Klmber'ly S·SS93 EI.I.EN WARD Beauty Operator formerly of Helen's Beauty Shop Will be pad ta gree• old. and new CUlilc;unera at her NEW LOCATION 402 -32nd St., Newport Bch. Ph. Harbor 2258 for appt. 8cl0 Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from f~ anno, !ego. ll:yebl'OWll and baJr, line ohaped-No more tw.J:tng. ·l!lLLlllN L. BRYANT R. IC. Tueoda:r ond Tlturaday only Lido'• Balon of Beauty Har. 1678 LOST-Bllltold with ln!Ualo E. H. on Balboa 1al&nd. Keep money, pleeoe .... turn billfold and per- aonal papen. Edna Harper, 212 P earl, Ba.Ibo& Ialand. Harbor 26M-W. 8c10 LOST-Wallet and chock IMlok- Kttp money, pleaae return wal· let and contenta and check book to Mr. Stevena, 1811 Vilelle Place, Newport Beach. H. 1570. ~ 8cl0 LEGAL NOTICE T,HE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Pb. Har SM l-LO-BT ___ E_moral __ d_rtn-'-ir-.-2-ca-rat CEBTIFl<l&.TE OF BUSINESS FlcUUous Flrm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- b)· certity that they are conduct- m,.._ ~tall lad.lee' and men'• ready to ~r bualnea at 110. E. Balboa 81\'d., ~ cautomta. under tbl ·t1eUuOu. firm name ot Pjper- Johmt cm a.Ad that aJd flJ'm ta com- -" ot u,. !ol!owlnlf ponono. -:ia.m .. In !U1l ~d plaeee o! rulde11c1e ore u to&wa, to-wit: B. Stanley Henlllie, 1715 Ploa dol Sur, Balbli.. Callf. .._ Henllna, 1716 Plua c111 lluT. Balboe.. caut. ~ our -lhla 15th 3Ay of. No¥ember, 1"1. ' B. ITANLmY HENLINE, wttll two t carat diamond.a. Re- ward. Ph. t.aaun• •-e1ae. 10cu Sympson & Nollar 28--8ituaU-Wuted PAJNTINC: &: DECORATING WANT H;;;se:;;.~ and baby sttt- "Tbe ·Best Monev Can Bu_.. lnr· Have own tranoportallon, ~ -I reference& UO Avocado, Coat.a 51% -38th Bt., N'•ew-pocmrt.t Boaeb Mea& or phone Har. 29Sl-W. PHONE BARBOR l40f. . tpll ll2tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN Painting and ll:XPERT WAmn'O and Irontnr. Kn: l'linon. lll'lllC to 1.&2% VUelle Place. Newport Beacb. Harbor 11117-W. e IOplll FINJ: IRONINq_ ~ etc. Pick up~ deUnr. Help with dinner po.rtiea. Mra. W1111am1. Harbor lllU-K. lOpU FIREWOOD Coal alld aw-I • • • H. W. Wright Co. : Phone Beacon li8M • t '18' Newport Bhd , Oolta .Jleia CHICKEN l!lQUIPMENT-Bjcd- era and coop&. ~ • AUIO\% pr. lk!IL 392 E. Del J4r Colla M-. llea(Ol1 e2811-W .., Beacon 9059. tell RUGS -9 x 14.5, blue, 1.5 x ). llOft tp'HD, wltll padll, 9 " 16 nven!ble. 5 Indian aerapea fer m-rn bomeo. BBrtum w4D taputry. Complete clllllq .... 8 chalro, buf!ot, side tabi., omall wrourJ>1 troD toble. <114 Spanllb rrtn.tsllt leather Cbafr. Dra:pea, apruda, m.l.oc:. artlcl-. 87 Balboa Coves. Pltono Ho. Sl78·W. 9c11 SCOTr SHORTWAVE RADIO-- Covers 80 key. to 24 mgy. ,,ft bend.a, 11 tube. Made for Bl.J.llt. IP• USN Model RCH llOV AC. 0Harbor 3058·W. JOpl.Z TOOLS -De Walt combfnatlon jointer, table saw. Boice Crane 'drill uw. Twelve--ln ch band saw. Misc. •ha.nd toola. Evenings. 264.1 Crestview Dr., Bayshore. 10p12 BOYS' 29• bicycle tn nlce condl· tton. Make offer. leo'it JC.. Bal- boa Blvd., Balboe.. Har. ZM&-M. lflcU SO.B-APJl!i!!1""" • ,. WESTINGHOUSE, 9 cu. ft. .,.... frtgerator with freeze cbest.. like new, mechan. perfect, $%915; Kenmore washtnr mach~ $125 Prive.le pty. Ph. IA.gun& 4...e681 COLDSPOT Retrfg. 7 cu. It. plua. Good condition. Sacrifice for $60. Call bet. 9 a. m. & 12 a. m. }{arbor 2074-J. 8p10 PHILCO REPRJGERATOR, 1951 model, 9 cu. ft. model deluxe. Hu the ~ lb. cross top freezer chest. A nice big chiller tray and crisper tor vegetables. Also has all steel Melve1, Uaed 2 monthJi. can pay off contt'aCt balance $209. 73 or take pay- ment:A of $13.•2 per month. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton or phone 21 !52. 8ttc Use the Newa • rt.mee. Post and Presa combtJla- Uon with over 21,500 dr- culaUon. UP1lJGHT PIANO [Kohler and Cbue). Nice tone. ln good COi>• dttton. '$.M. See a.t 3112 'Lfa•7· ette. Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 1020-W eves. .Stfc Want to Buy Used Furniture Will buy 1 piece or a carload. CRIST FURNITURE 1687 Orange, Coota Meaa. B: 7323 7p21 -=::-=:===-c:-::=:o='.==~~ O'KEEFE A MERRITT tab~ top cu range $~. Jge. circulating gu heater $~. 2 twin inner· spring mattreues and 2 ~pi:_ln:p all for $22.:>0. 1741 Pomona. Costa Mesa. Bea. 6747·J. lclO WESTERN HOLLY range, 1951 model w1th lamp and clock. Grlll broller and large 18 inch oven. U led 3 months 'and jtlllt like new. Alao has atmmer bum· ers. And balance due on con- tract $149.58. ~ !~ r take payme.p.ta ot .-.ov• per month. See at 404 So. sPad"N, FU11ert.On or phone 21~2. 8tfc TWO Twin beds, dreuer, vanity, atool and night., lland. UOO takes au. BeL 5795 or Bea. 6939..J. 8c!O MAPLE bdrm. suite with doubll' bed, $f.ai. Box spring and mat· tttao, $%0. Bea. 7105-W. 8c10 DRIFTWOOD arrangements, an· Uquea ~ br:tc~a-brae. Barpln.s 324. Marine Ave., Balboa Is- land. Apt. 7. 9p1l EASTERN Hardrock eecretary, brand new, reasohable. 422 Nar- ciasus, Corona del Mar. 10p12 LIVING ROOM. 2-plece suit<, name color, in A·l condlUen, 115. 100 Eut Bay Ave., a.tboa, Apt. Z. ·IOpl.Z MAHOGANY Dbl bed, box spring and mattrua. $b. Fitt<d sprud and aklrt !or Hollywood bed, $5. Youth'• dintng chalr, $3. Harbor ~. • 10Cl% G. E . PORTABLE dlabwuber, ex• cellent condition, UHd six mos. Sacri!t..., UOO. P)IOne Harllot' 11121-W. .. l0j>l2 ByMA•GO Kore than a mUlion Santa Cl••-"'"" u. 8. S&vlnp Bondi to t11.ir !rlendl' and rela.U.. .. Cbriltmu priaent ~ ,..... 'nae ..... II blP« tlllo :r-. Jldnom- ber, • Det-Bond ... -t With a toture! .. Relulto """"' -_..... Ill.OJ.IE .BBNI..l:NB • ,.Pape=lCJr 'c;Jil(). . ' I • .r l'netlcll Af' 114 ~ID W. 81&\a Of.call!cnla, po.pv wm produce rlllfllto t« :JO!! onca17 ot <>rup. -. • _ ON T9UI 15th day o! N...,m- ~ + D.~l, Mt-n\O, -r:--a .Notary Pllbllc m aad Iii .,...,,, Couty~ ...... ..... ~ dla\y ·--·-....... I ' wwUy~ aJllllUta K. •e'*1 WJFMwe and l3olilie =~-:,,;a;.:.·:,. tc;..t;;: ..... _ _,_,_ ............. fO -•i;t.11: j ;M .. -.m Df 6iJPJtl'. I...._ •sl81o -......... ·-· ., .,.,?, •• _u. ___ .. __ 111.t=-~rr.wn.r..vw 0 $'] , ••••• ~ lrJI. I 17 ~ 11 """ »If, Doc. '-11, 1111. . . . ~ GOS -Sbt ~.Jlewport. Bwcll; PlloDe -:iua.w bofaN SL 1r1-or'afUt f :IO p. IL ~ - DON Jr. Btrrl'S u.. O••ll o-1 • ant« J'le' C: 11 '1' • • ••••••• .: ...... a a ...... ., .,;.. ----. Pw +ew· Pl Jobi • .,.,. 8t South Collet Co . • l:laCTllJC Orpuo --·-. l>4NZ-8CBJQl1T Pla!'Q. aad ~ IU 00.. .. N. Jb!a) -· tlll. Newport Blwd, 8t 2lrd M. -Aaa. • . ~, •• .__i;;;;-~:-;;:~;:L;;:;;;;:;kidi: I \,..dr ... PIANO-Lit Ille ..... ... •AIQC'A•, •lfGllf-.. 1oen1, .. ,_-. .... -,_ ..... l .... -. Ill• ••1 .. -""=Ill -~A!!! ~ ._ • :r. • -iwm-•-" ••s -. ... wur.-. .. o-t ...._ ....... -. .... ... ..... ~ ..,.., , .• -~ , ldl laull 1ra Aw.; 11111111 Cllllll. jjjii;;"'.(jjjj;jjjjjjjji:jfja-;;iif1iiiii: ~-a a~ • • • • I • • • I ' E~ECTltNS ·o·F· ·R .EAE ~ 't .ST 'ATE L1,s·1.Eu ·' 1tt:·, T-,s . SECTION . la la . ~ la Ii ~ ~-~ le · Iii ~ 'le"'* .le '~ Ii le £ la ~ ~.-~ ~~··ta ' ·~: ... IOH .=oi; 1111 M A N Y . C H 0 l r E S NEWS-TDIEIJ 't • &-:::-le le &;. &;. le . t. .~ le ~ le la A " ••• cal, .... 0 A& J'Qft BAL&-New 120 llaM Itall· ti ~. • an accordlon and cue, t1 treble . IVlllV keya. onty •189.tloO. Terms. Gu-, ___________ _,..__....;=;;;..~----.-....-.."'-- anrnteed. Beacon 0201-W. 8c9 VPRlGBT PIANO (Kohl.. and Chuel. Nice tone. In good con- dJUoO.. only $$5. See at 3112 Wayette, Newport Beach. Ph. flarhor 102().W eves. 6tfc LOVELY bUngalow upright piano ln perfect condition.. Ter~. $33.37 down and $11.9'4 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. &ycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2--0672. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $59, $75, $87 up. Pay S5 per month. Full trade-ln allowed on new within two ye a rs. DANZ-- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, San- ta Ana, 520 N o. Main, 6th St. comer. Buy now for Xmas. REGULAR $275 value -N rw 120 baaa accordions, whilr they last. $189.95. Case lncludert. T erml'I, $18.95 down and $10.76 per mo. al SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. fSlnce 1907), 421 No. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672.1 $10 WIJ+., HOLD any PIANO for CHRISTMAS delivery. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 6th St. corner, 520 No. Main, JOO PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! BEAtrrlFUL spinet piano, likr ' new -big saving. convenient term.a with up to 30 months to pay at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Sin~e 1907). 421 No. Sycamore, Sant& Ana. Kl. 2-0672. CHRISTMAS SALE -Bebrn1an Grand piano, used. Lovely tone. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1961 HI1..LMAN Sedan demomtrt.tor- Very low mileage ···-···············-···AT A BJG SA vtNG 1951 BILLMAN Sedan-radio, heater, whlte#walla. Bumper guarda. Spot Ught. Low mll<oage ........ $1295 1900 FORD CUstom 4~r. eedan. Radio, heater, O'drive. White walls, nylon aeat coven. Low mileage -very clean ............................... -.•......... $1595 1949 M G Mldget ............................................................ $1395 • 1947 STUDE Champ. conv. Htr., radio, new full vlew top. Motor overhauled. Recently pa1nted. Ortly ........................................................................... ..$1095 BANK TERMS "lllLLMAN MINX DEALER" NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2604 W . Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor lt07 4S-ApartmMts and Ro- RENT AL ii SPECIALISTS '49 DODGE Coronet 4-<lr. sedan, llke new, 1ow mileage. all c-xtru:. Thia car ha.a not been drtvel'. for over 7 mont.h8. Call Fred Barker , Bea . 5795 or Bea. 6939-J can Edna er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa bland. Har. 2042 a:ldM YEARLY-Newly decorated. Ex· cepttonally nice. Unlurn. 2 bed- room duplex. Many extra fea· tures. Near both school!!. Rea· sonable. 2265 Clay St., Clift Haven. 83t!e BALBOA P'ENINSULA -At- tractively !urnlahed 2 bdrm. du· plex \\'ith sundeck. Winter or yearly. Reasonable. Har. 3019-R 83tfc Seto '50 CHRYSLER Nwpt. Wlnd80r, radio, heater, white sidewalls, foam rubber cuahloM. De luxe eqpt. $385 under celling. Pri- vate party. Harbor 2932. 6pl l 1949 FORD Convertible, radio & heater. Actuttl 1nl1ea.ge only 11,800, one owner. Reasonable price. Phone Bea.. 6038-W. 9pl I now only $-495, t erms. Other -------·----- 1912 DODGE 4-dr. $('dan-Has been completely overhauled. Will sell 8.8 is fur considerably le88 than Blue Book value. Call Harbor 1063. 8cl0 Grands $495 to $2400. Wurlilzf>r. Steinway, Klmbal, Chickering, Behrman. Wegman, P etrof, Story & Clark and many othe rs. DANZ • SCHMIDT PI A N 0 ' F URNISHED APT. -3 rms. and bath. adults, no pets. No drink· c-rs. Near center of Costa Mesa, $50 month. 1876 Fullerton Ave .. Beacon 5136-M. SclO STORE. 520 No. Main, Santa ------------ Ana. corner 6th Street. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -A lovely grand piano in perfect condition. Formerly $785. Now UNFURNISHED house, 3 large bdrms.. veneUans bli.nda. newly decorated. Rea.sonablc-. Call after 1 p.m . Beacon 7026-W. '8cl0 MODEL A RoadRlcr '31, good mo- tor. brakes. etc. $95. 22:1 Ja.s· mine, Corona del Mar. Harbor 3058·W. 10pl2 1910 OLDSMOBILE 2-dr. sedan. good condition, one owner. $295. 312 Coral Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 2639-M. 10c l2 -Be wt.se--tell peopll.'-Bdvertiae! only ~95. Terms. $60.82 down BALBOA PENINSULA~Furnlah· &: $21.28 per mo. at SHAFER'S ed single apt. $25 mo. (winter). MUSIC CO. !Since 1907l. 421 ALSO 2 bdrm. howie., frlgidaire, No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim· laundry available, $65 mo. in-~4S-·A_-_TraUe ___ r_S_.!e--·--- berly 2-0672. eluding uUI. to June 15. Harbor • House_ Trailers for rent SPINET Piano like new. Stunning cue. Big, round clear tone. A real joy to hear and sec. Special Christmas price $395. One only. DANZ • SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, Santa Ana, 520 North Ma.in, comer 6th St. 1270-YI. 5tfc HA VE 2 and 3 bdrm. homes !or rent unfurnished from $60 up. See us !or rentals Coastland Realty Co. Phone Beacon 6259 or Beacon 5702 ·8cl0 ONE Bedroom apta., 14:~ mo., $80 ALSO large Jots with lawns a.nd pali08, extra clean rest room~ and laundry. This is a fine place to make your home. Liberty Trailer Park 1~182 Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana K!. 2-5379 5p18 HA VE an old piano you are not uaing'!' Tnde it in for its t op cab value on a Packard-Bell T levialon. Convenient terms on yrty., utU. pd. 1800 Vielelle at 44-Booms for Rent 18th'taclng the b&y. Har. 12:37-M 1 .-.;;....~.==.-...;.-.==---- BclO ROOMS -Permanent, weekly balance at SHAFER'S SIC CO. !Since 1907), 421 N S.:fcamore. Santa Ana. Kl 2-0672 Living alone and afraid of wolves? Lock yourself in ACCORDION-Used, full 120 bass. WW aacriflce for S95. Terms. . my upstairs apt. Others low as $1l5, $145. DANZ-l 2 bdrJ'ns. furnished-Yearly ren· SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, corne~ ta!. 204: Gamet, Balboa Island. 6th. Christmas Sale, Santa Ana. Harbor 877-R. 9cll SPINET PIANO slightly damaged NEW 1 bedroom, unfurnished du- In shipment. A bargain. DANZ-plex, near stores and buaeea. $65 SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, mo. See at 238 Old County Rd .. Santa Ana, ~20 No. J..tain, cor· Newport Hetghtll. 9pll ner 6th. Over 100 pianos always. rental. Large aleeplng room. Private entrance, sa.rage, $10 week. THE BLUE TOP, 401 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. (jWlt above the Arches). 9tfc 51-Trallers MOVING----2 house trailers, must aell one. 22 tt. Badger, 2~ ft. Royal. Both good condition. Priced $1695 &1ld $795. 234 F1ower St., Costa Mesa. Bea- con 5259-J. 8c10 a w.1 r.aee · • · llMI NW a Bi.I r-1e !! : !!!'! t.:Ri!:«s . •• • • . ~ ·, ~-.'!!!' ,,....,, : . . : .•. * .• * •.. * * . • I . S CORONA DJ!lI.,. MAR OPEN .B~YFRONT HOUSE EXCLUSIVE Looking ·for'Real Value??? 759 Lido Soud, Lido IBle Priced to sell. You may haYll 3 bdrm., 2 batlis, new, ram~. ~ch type ho~ S d De 9th 10. · t 5 complete information by corner lot on desi,rable street. Redwood atake fence. un ay, C. • a.m. ·O p.m. calling at our LIDO ISLE Encl~ patio acceellible from large maater bdrm. 40 ft. on the wet.er with <loul>W -ril. pier .allp. aandy office. living rooln and hall. AD modern features through· beach and p&Uo walled for privacy. llouM hu 4 bdnnl ut U al fire I Large on upper floor. LlvlnS room, dlJllAJ room. lcltchen, maid'• 1. A 2 bedroclm home that lo DE 0 ' '1USU • -P ace &rl'IUIP'DeDt. WV· Lux -· drobe cloaeta. Decorated In excellent taste. rocm and bath on lower floor. 4 nry llvable family E In every detail. • m• ho:O and nicely &n'&ftfed. Exclu.t... "beaoty" lo beyond descrlptloll. ' FUil Priee -.$15,800! Reduced for quick sale to $39,500 ' BAY & BEACH REALTY HtlO Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 ' * * ·* * * * Exclusive Bay Shores THE JOHN VOGEL COMP ANY offers for your selection: 1. New 2 bdrm. home, dining rm., forced air heat, garbage disposal, dlshmuter .................... $15,500 2. New 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Shake roof, lovely patio .................................................. $15,S:JO 3. New 2 bdrm., 2 bath. Beautiful home with en· closed lanai: on comer lot. 2 patios. Attractive- ly landscaped. This lovely hbme must be eeen t~ be appreciated. Shown by appointment only. 208 MARINE A VE., BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 444 and Harbor 2151 Evenings Beacon 6480-J and Beacon 7278· W SMALL RANCH NEAR S. A. COUNTRY CLUB. 71"" acres, mostly in permanent pasture. Well fenced and cross fenc· ed. Seven paddockl!. corral, hay shed, three feed racks. Cow barn bu cement floor, stanchions. ' . Good little 5 room ranch house. 260 ft. 2" gal· U you want exqutslte coloring, . _ ALSO _ lovely planted patio, unit heat, Best income property in Corona del Mar.1 2 "-'-hardwood floor•, larg~ room• uurJB.o and everything spic A apan, home of same type, PLUS 2 bdrm. garage apt. then by all mea.na SDI: THIS. with · Se te I dry d Priced at no.ooo and worth vtew. para aun rooms an garages. every cent. FUil Price' -$19,200 ! ' 2. Al8o on LIDO ISLE what you have been walUng for. A home on the NORTH BA YP'RONT tor ONLY the low price of $38.500. lmagine a 2-story home with 3 bedroo1n11, 2 baths, maid's room. 2 shower and dressing room8, unit heat, 2 sun· deck!!, circular bar. clever kitchen and home completely fumtahed !or only $38,500. Thia lo a BUY. AU><> W~ are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where tine home& can be bought for aa 1ow u $15.- 000. Alao a few remaining lots for aa little as $2700 with ea.ay tenna. GOING -GOING - GONE is the story of the LOTS. These kl.nr1s of BUYS won't Jut forever. Herc a little buys a LOT. Come see us. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vie. Dido Nc'4'port Beuch. Calif. l-larboa· 1500 ' TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2774. BALBOA ISLAND One bdrm. cottage plus sleeping porch. 2-car garage on full lot in xlnt. location. Full Price $12,500, terms ' LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Harbor 2042 • COME AND SEE We Want Your Offer! Strategically localed on Balboa Island. Large llving room with fireplace. Connecting dlntn1 roo1n. Two bed- rooms .• plus additional sleeping room-affording comfort , and convenience. Enclosed patio. Nice yard. . . . a rumilhed home . : . Only $13,900 ISLAND REALTY co. • • ·1nsurors • vanized irrigation pipe. Rain-bird sprinklers. 15 shares S. A. Hts. water stock. 330 ft. on paved •treeL Can sell-off several bldg. sites. Desirable Duplex "Superific" Realtors Park at Agate Ave. Business Brokers BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 377-\ll Let us show you TODAY! (Courtesy to Brokers -clip this ad) SEE STAN SMITH, 1311 Coast Highway Co rona del Mar. Phone Harbor 882 for appointment Duplex, Pier, Float Near ahopping and bu.a line. llx- cellent condition. Brldl patio. nreplace. New modem ldtdten. Easily converted to l&rae home. P r i c e $18,85-0, untumlshed. Tertru11. New Lido Listing TWO bdrm. home, walled patio. beamed celllnga. Tlle featuru throughout. Be8t buy on Lldb lld~( 115,500. CoMlder reuon- ablo down payment. Newport Heights N cw liating -2 bedi-ooms and Out of Town Owner Says "Must Sell" 2¥.. bdrma. home, lovely brick fireplace, nee<b redecorating. Untumlat\ecJ except stove and drapes. Fenced rear yard. Full price $12,500. -Wlll consider otter! Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally nice 4: unit.a -2 story stucco, only 116 yra. old. t-car garage. Three 1 bdrm. untta furnlahed. One 2 bdrm. unit unfurnllhed. Cloae to bay and ocean awtmmlng. Excellent lncon1e. $36,500 Lido Isle TWO fumiBhed units. Each with two bedrooms, Uving room, kit- chen and bath ; with a sundeck. porch, and fireplace. A good Balboa laland location for the family who must conl!lider in· come to be e88Cntlal. ' OPTION AL-can be used a.s a [our bedroom, two bath home plua a rentable separate guest room and bath. Your inspection in- vited. PRICE furnished $19,500, with terms of •;.. down and balance on monthly payments. C&ll Harbor 63 J. A.' BEE~ OFFICE Balboa Island Ferry BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. house un· furnlahed, $2995 full price. 389 W. Victoria. Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 5606-M. 92tfc PHONE Harbor 1816 to place your want ad on lhla page. Corona del Mar Income ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in good location on Narcissus Aye. Large guest room and bath adjoining garage (Garage built to t&lce 2nd story) Front hoUBe now rented at $75 mo. Price $10,500. See any multiple listing broker or Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agent ' Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Ieland Want Space Around You - - - for a garden and a horse perhaps? Here'e a brand new home among •Qther DiO& hOmea _ 2 bdrms. and den, large fireplace, hwd. firs., gar. Extra large lot, excellent sandy soil---Only $3000 down, $10,500 full price. 490 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON,,Broker Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 (Evenings Beacon 6747-J) GOOD BUYS VOGEL VALUES r Need Christmas Money! YOU CAN have a piano in your Sell those unneeded Items tuck- home at Christmas !or only $5 ·1951 VIKING, 2~ ft. 7 x 16 Ca· convertible den. l "-baths. 3· bana., like new. Very nice In· car garage'. Large patio. Cape 2 bdr1n., 2 bath home with Oag- atone fireplace and forced air heat. Disposal Service porch. Beautiful encloeed patJo, 2·car prage. Lot.a of storage spaae. THREE BARGAINS COMPARE THESE PRICES $1500 DOWN. Charming new BALBOA PENINSUl<.A POINT- Attractive modern 2 bdrm. home with guest room and bath adj. Garage, trpl., patio. Owner leav· Ing area. $3,.500 down. Full price only $12,6!>0. Corona del Mar THRSE bdnn. home, hdwd. fioora, 15 x 11 living rm., fireplace. lge. kitchen, tile sink. Sunny break- fa.at nook. Bath ha.a tile floor s.nd walls. Exterior wide stdins. Interior plaster. Cedar shingle r oof. Wide porch. LaWn, ftow- ers. QU&ltty thrqugbout, on a good alttet. All thla plua t ( ~umer time clock Hotpotnt elec. stove, a larce Kelvtnator refrt•· erator and round red chrome breakfast aeL Price reduced to Slt,200. Excellent term.. Call today. mo. See us about our fine rent-f}d away ln your garace or cloeetA -Call Harbor 1618 and thei Ml al program. Rental ·applies on side. Lots of extras. $1800 cub. Cod design. Price 114,MO. ranch type. 1 bdrm. home. Fine location. M x 135 lot. All fenced and landscaped. A really well built home. $7,995. future purchase at SHAFER'S taker wlU help you p I ace your MUSIC CO. (Since 1907l, 421 claultled ad. 1741 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa~ -- 10p12 Stock, Chicken Ranch No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. FURNISHED Single Apt .. yearly 2-0672. rate, $30 mo. inclUdell utilities. HAMMOND ORGANS! The great 309 E . Bay Ave., Balboa. 8p10 Hammond Chord Organ. If you w ANT woman to share view apt. don't know a note, you can play Beacon 5451J or Beacon 5958. thla! The Hammond Spinet Or· 8cl0 gan. World'a most beautiful ------------- tones. E.a a y te rms. DANZ-LIDO BAY FRONT deluxe tum· SCHMIDT Plano and Organ Co.. !shed 2 bdrm. ground fioor apt. Santa Ana, 020 No. Main, com er Fireplace. Diaposal. Enclosed 6th Street. patio. Pier and dock adjacent. Rent re&.10nable to June l~th. SPINET PIANO -Re possessed. Ph. ~ve.a. Harbor 2!590. 96c9 Just Uke new, famous make. beautiful ca.se. Gorgeous tone. Save over StOO. Terms. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. Santa Ana. 320 No. Main Street corner 6th. Everybody reads the cla.ssitled ad& Collins Island West end of Park Ave., Balboa Island. 3 rm. cottage apt.a., weekly or monthly rates. Call Harbor 2962-W. BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll. ------------ 55-Money to Lou LOANS for Homes D%-20 yr. Loana CONSTRUCTION LOANS at G-51>% (14 yrs.I WE BUY ANO SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER 1410 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Jna. Funda KI 3·"1116 LOANB TO BUILD, CMPROVE, BUY, MODERNIZl!I, OR RJlll'INANCll w. Bu)I Truot Oeeda NEWPORT B.U.IJOA P'ZDERAL SAVINGS A LOU! ASSN. la8I Via Udo Ph. Bu. lllGO 0-B~~Op~~ltles Men's Clothing Store 112 E . 18th St .. Costa Mesa 8\ocJc about 1 yr. old. Stock and p4Jd. Garage $75 mo., yearly ,,_ ___________ _, fixturu inventory about $13,000. Phone Beacon 5606·)1. 4.t!c LIDO ISLE WE RA VE a vacancy tu the LIDO APTS. on the NORTH BAY· F'RONT. Furnished apartment ideal for 1 or 2 persons. AAk for Kr. Grohman. P.A. PALMER • INCX>RPORATEJ;l or $60 mo, winter. Ph. Harbor 1671. 11>ltc Balboa Island We bave aeveral attracUve &pta and houaes {or winter r@ntal starting a\i, S45 mo. and a tew , yearly renlals atartlng al $M. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Marine. Bal-la( Har. 502 69tfc ATrRACTIVE..tu:rn. apt. on water. patio., gar . .Adult.a. '75 mo. or will ltase. Cloee to bu. IUchal'cLI Ml<t. and theet.re. 1111 • :!eth St .. Newport Beach.-H&r. ell·W 77U<' Use C/assif iecJ Ads • . • to iiell 7our C&I' • • to flJld a boyer for your home 1 • • to rent 7our apt. ••• to dla.po11e of faralture aad Ml!I efiold goi>da .JG" ao lo ager . Deed. • : • to ftllll a iood Job 3333 Via Wdo, Newport beach Harbor 1500 ONE a...bdtm. Mme, modem, un-ti .,,.. rurm.Md. 14~ -20tJi. Coet& .... 1. tlllta ~o bdrm. unturo. 1>ouo<:, 1 hilt. b.m ocean. By ~ar ool1~~ '73 month. uoo •1• .-z bdrm. tum.· 11ome. $Jl.O "';O, by yur only. Pb. Harbor ~or av. 2914·11 sue II-yearly.' . __ _. ONE fUmlabed apt. In rur, 1t'IY· . Call T. CU-. Bar. 1278, 10p'l2 UJe cozy rliBNIBmm ...-. 1 bed· • Cle11ified Acf'1 -. .-...,tu O>ota .,_. """ .., rt H ...__ MO mo. Incl ut:ll. AllliO ,,_, ... ., OU -~t;:· ~.BM.~~ '. ll1lk1 C.. .vtl.Nl8HEI> APl" • 2 bdnl)-wltb · CQROl(A D1:11 MA&-.....,._ 2211 Belitoe Blvd. -,, • ..11oet ~ .. eu. u11..J. 10pu ~-.. ._ <911e ..--Newport lee~ 'rU1Ul1lllD:D 2 --· . ), Oentp. Bo. of ~· .... ' .AU ISUlltlee-1'>ld, $1$ mo. 114 . •Aft ....... ~. fro "'°' SU-. rn. Herbor 1618 -s, 11U1 •t.. coota-. ~ _.UH. 1001J[.__,...-,_. ... ...,,_~_ • • 20 acreii, 12 acres pennanent pu~ ture. a howies, b&m, atablea, completely irrigated. Abundant cheap water. EqulPment for 15.000 chickens. WlU contlder low down payment._to qualltled operator-or part trade. GREENLl!:AF A AllllOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2562 3tfc With $2500 Cash · Ooly 522.500, $8600 down. I frumlture can be purchued Lt desired.) Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phone Harbor 2868 Newport Heights Builder Must Sell Newport Heights TWO bdrm. home with dbl. ga· rage, ( years old; Xlnt. loca· tlon. LoveJ;.-yard, front Gt 1ear. $8700. Newport Heights Brand new 3 bdrm. home. It's the attractive ranch type with fire- . place. Best hwd. firs. Lots ot til~. dbl. gar. Finest workman- ship. $12,260. NEAR_ BAY and good bathing beach. Attractive, older home in tip-top condition. Hdwd. firs., frpl., 2 bdrm.&., 2 batha, patio, garage. This ls really nice. $12,500. OCEAN FRONT--4. bdrm. home and 3 rm. apt. over double ga- rage. Frpl,, patio, barbeque, furnished. $16,000. DUPLEX-Thia older property hu wonderful possibilities. 3 bdrm. lower, 2 .bdrm. upper. Frpl. 60 foot front.age. Cloae to bay fronL $13,MIO. , , Balboa Realty Co. You can move into thls 2 bdnn home. BUilt 3 yr._ ago, Juat re· decorated. Dbl. gar., ucellent location. Haa 4.% G. I Joan. 8al- ance less than rent. Ex:cepUonally well built 3 bdrm home. Individuality, beautiful elevation. Many wonderful and coatly features. Entry hall, Jge. living room windows, fireplace, forced alr heat, aelected hard- wood noon1, 1" b&lha, large kitchen, buUl·ln laundry. Street bonds are· pa.kl. Are you inter- ested ln value?' Tllll home ta un- derpriced at the buUder'11 ex- penae. l!'Ull price lo only- Beacon Hill Realty Rou Greeley Joeephlne Webb Lillian McAdoo Har. 3277 t66 Newport Blvd. (above Arches) 700 E. Balboa. Blvd., Balboa Corona del Mar Ph. B. 15713-R or Eves. B. 6632-W ------------ LEVEL LOT, NEWPOltT HGTS .. Ocean View. new 3 bdrm. I bath home .. w to w carpeting and drape• Included. tt...i. flOOtl, dual f1r. tumace, fenced, patio. sprinklers froot a rear, 90' lot. Only ua,:;oo, owner t.ramfttftd, Key In our oUl<>e. $14,250 I Boulevard lbcome Balboa Island Only $2500 'down buys this older 2 bedroom borne. on a tull slzed JOt tn good locauon. Knotty plne interior. Hu a fine 2 car ga- rqe all ready for an apartment W.· E. Fisher Thie ~ Red Hot . 100 tL tmntage oo Newport ~Yd. Stan Hadfield to be added above. Full price . only ht,960: Builder -RealtOr and 1118 feet In depth with bwll· REALTOlt Ernie Smith nesa bldp. Very cJoee In to 216 Marine Ave., Bal-Ialand Realtor -A-•ta downtown. Leued Income II65 Phone Harbor 20 <per moath. Land alolie la wortb I ----------'----- 818 Cout Blvd., Coraii&,Clel liar Phone Harbor lffll lOlfc the. u1t1ng price 01 •n,boo. For Sale or Lease JMVBllTOIUI -It )'OU wcn't go for W..,.,.. · dOa't want to matce m~ . 58-M~Wllldet '', " , Trustnee~ .. ioio iji" ~ 8.:!.'!f~ce- Nrr YUJLD).,,_ IA> 1°" A J1101U11 TO x -U'I •. oU\ .of .ixown ow!:! ''PLAINCE ~gaTB~·1z... ..,. 11&µ. lT. ~ ..... offer. ;rr;-y -uu.·-• -· .•Phil SUlllVan· . · ~-lot T. 1), ....,. Uo ..._ . . . " '"' all --. ' I oeo. EvenlOn , sa,-.,.Iat T. 0. r...,_ ...... U11 N~ -Calta iA.. '"· ... cll8oilMlt ' : : -~ • rl •• Tt.11 "-°'°:-'lat' T..D . .,_,. ..... ,,. 1Ji.a-..... Coit& ... -..kl ...... ealllctl!oa Moiloe. ...... a ~-W -'1liL Hi'' -~JOI~-. . . • C..-dollbr .,..., ..... .,, ..... -~ ' -1 .... ...,.._ .n..-qQ. --·-1 -... ,,..,., .. -, -Life· 1'4 ..... ~ ......... t .......... ,... . . • ' MOI>11=RN a -houoe, a yra. old. Llvlllc nn. 13 " :z:1, beamed calllnp;" wood panellnf. Auto wuber. l!:uy urma. 166 Orcbld. ~ 'de! Mar. J'l>on• _ .. 1'arltOr aoat.J. , llCU near acboola, $1800. 312 Coral, Balboa Iallt.nd. Harbor 2639-M. 10c12 2 Lots, Costa Mesa FOR THAT new home )'00·.b.ould buy th-two IO x 127 foot lob. buy o.ne or both. On 15tb street near coruer ot <>range Avenae. . Call BEl!:K FERRY OFl!'ICE ' Harbot tl8 " TWO bdrm., well turnlsbed home only $9,000. OWNER MOVING, so has price reduced to aelL Living rm. 12 x 17 with 8UbJlY . exposure. Maple t'U:rniture. Ga.f. fera and SatUer stove, I ft. Philco refrlg., 8 a 30 brick pe.Uo. Brick walk. Expenalvely walled and fenced yard. Dbl. cedar ehtngle siding and root. Sep&· rate room in prage. There le 600 sq. tt,.. on root or gara&e Whlch n1eeta requlremenUI for an apL Ornamental fence ln froa.L . ~ this comfortable borne to-. day. Its good value, pod teftll8. JOHN VOGEL CO. 1301 Cout Hwy .. ·eoroaa del Mar Phone Harbor 11ti; Barbor U7T (Eyenmp Harbor 393-llJ 10c12 I J"j I