HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-18 - Newport Balboa News Times• , • 43nl YEAR-NUMBER 51 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1951 FIVE CENTS • TARS · BOW TO OILERS AND ANAHEIM AT He B. TOURNEY 1 Corona del Mar Summer Resident llosf! Tourney Queen • Losing two beartbrcakers by·._ ______ _ l!lma.ll .l!ICOrea, Nrwport Harbor UnJoo high school'& Tar bitsket- balten were nosed out · of the fl- nala and third place Thur~lay and Friday evenings at the Hunting- ton Beach h!gh echool invit.u.tional toumament. The g a llant ganir <•f Tars fou1tht gamely to the end-Thursday night. but the clock ran out on them. leaving Huntington Beach Oile~ ahe&d t7-42. Thla win permittr<t the. oncrs to play Bell Ga.rden:oi Jn the finals which the Oilc~ won Friday night, 41·35. Bell Gardem had dumped· Anaheim's hoopstent, 4.9-'42 on Thursday eve- ntn"°. which IPft Anaheim to take on Newport Harbor Friday night. Thill they did and beat the Tarl!I by the halrbrrath score of 42-41. Harbor's hotshot forwards. Ar- man NetU .. s and Jim Menrton 8al- vaged somC" hon(•r rrom the tour· ney by bt-ini:: namt'rl to the 81l· tourna1nf>nt tcan1 and r('tt•iving individual llY.'nrd~. HRrb<lr alsQ won a lrnphy ror bt·i n g: in the flnal slx teants 1n thf' 1nC't·l. !\ll"fltk•n lllkh AJ(a1nst A nahcin1. ~lt·ndun wa:- h.lgh scorer ror th•· TRrs. bai;:g-1n~ 12 pomts. wh1IC' N"ttles J::Srn('rrd l!llx as lhli i..<'<' JayrNI, t't•nter. RobC'rt.'5 1nad(' four points and Lll8k thrrc, while scoring-s ubs Jackson niaclc !.'CV"n and Wetzrl three-. Thl' Tars Jost Netll<'s on foul=:-at Lhr half, while M('ndon fouJe'tl out in the third quarter and Jayred al.'M> went out on rouL'I. ,Against the Oile111, Ja,¥red. Men- don and Roberta went out on foul!-!, forcing the use of 1~8S cx- pcorienced players. Coach J im Mil- ler praised the dl"ff"nl'fve work of WPtul '11t&inMt th(' Oilers. Chief obstac te for the Tars 8eml-fina.I gam" with thr. Oilers sl"E!me<I to be thf' latlcrs' height and phyaical ability lo p:uard un- der {l)eir own basket. The orange and black clad lads proved too much for consistent lay-in shqt..., by the Tars. For big boyi. th~y p,.ovE'd they had tremcnllowr agil- ity. Observe rs tho\Jght the might have come out on top ot lhe scoring 5prec hail l"'t>ttlcs and Mendon or other ace caaaba shoot- ers been allowed lo make more long shot.II. At half trmc, lhl' Tar~ trailed lhe Oilers by a scorP of 15 to 22. In thf' 11econll hair, th•.• Tars !:('etn('d lo come to llft· and show- ed much greater ai::gress i\'C'O<'St< in ~l<'Rling th(' ball frnn1 thf' larg- er Oiler!'i. Sonll" Tflr su bs ! iokcd partit'ularly ag~rrsaiv('. Coat'h Mill"r, analyzing the-Oile r ga nlf', said the Tars Wt·r·c· faced by n1u~h grcalr·r we1J::hl although team height comparf'd favorably . He said lhe locals W<'rt• "f>'>Oped out" and "lrt down" by lhf' OUer game and normally should havC' b<'att·n the Anaheim lt•am. Lack of sufficent good n-serv,.s 80 far has hampered the Tars, h<' added. When top · players foul out, the Ta.rs must rrply on rr lativC'ly in- experienced res1•rvc strength. TARS ' 'C' AND 'D' TEAMS • ROSE o·uEEN SOUTH COAST' RECEIVES· VISITS KIN NEW CONTRACT FOR .JOB HERE OFTEN Contract.a for five more wooden hUlJ MSB mlncswee~ra were -awarded the Sooth Cout Co. by the Navy, It wu announced ycater- day by Walter O. Fnnz, preoldent of the ftrm. Thia brings to nine the number being conalnlcted hen for U . S. N&Yf me. Pretty Nancy True '111ome, 17- year -old Paaadena City College atudent who wu ehoan Queen ot the 1~2 Tournament ot Roael!I Jut week:, i• no at:rtLngtt to New- .port Harbor area. In tact, ahe Uves be.re jtult about every mom- ent lhe can break away from IChool acttvitlca. She ll!I the granddaughter-of Mr . 1 and Mrs. Leon P. Wllllaml!I and the niece of Mr. and Mra. C. Lester Jones. all ' well known Co- rona del "'tar res.ldef\l8. ~~:c~~~:::~r-:~~ ,.ITY UST tour boata ordered by contract 1ut "'\., ~~;:r ~~m~r~~~~;2 OKAY , RUNK 500,000 worth of ship bulldlng will ~r ~~:e~~t~:n:lyft:ec~~l flnn LINE SALE Keels for the third and fourth MSB's 21 and 22 of the MSB 0 cla.ss were laid Oct. 1 at South To facilitate purchase of sewer Coast with several high ranking bonda ror comtructlon of the jolnt The blonde, blue-eyed daugtlter of Mr. R.nd Mrs. Cheater J . Thome navy officers officiating. outfall, sewer treatment plant and The wooden craft are used for other facilitl~. the city council harbor defense mineswei>ping. 1.s expected to mttt at an ad- ThC'y Will be used probably In joumcd session Dec. 26 al 10 a.m . anti-mint" work in Korean waters. to approve a resolution aulhoriz- hu been a constllnt aummr.r and Wet!kend visitor at Balboa Island and Corona del Mar since she was a toddling two-year-Old. Nancy first learned to swim in Ne\\'}>Orl Bay, according to her wncle, C. Le"ter Jones. building contractor. That talk a b o u t Nancy being interested In archi- tecture may have started because ahe hu been a1'i.rays Interested Jn construction work. he said. A member with h'er brother. John, 19, of Balboa Yacht Club, Nancy has a little dinghy she sails around the bay, Jones 81lid. "Like all kids. ,uie h&M loved the water here (or swiln1ning and boatini," he added. A good deal of the time she Is visiting the Newport Beach ar~a~ ahe pala around IA'llh her cousin and good friend, Virginia Jones, also 17, who is now a Whittler College co-ed. The two of them have mlUlY common Interests. Jones sairl. Whenever the Thorn- es have been out of tOIA'Tl , in time past, Nancy and John have often sta)'ed with their Newport rcla- ln artdltlon to swimm\nJ: (Cuntlntwd on Pal'e 4) Charges Jail Local Couple The contract awarded South ing sale of the city's trunk lines Cout wu bid on by more than to Sanitation Districts fi and 6. 90 shipyards scaltef?d from hert Atty. ~an-y , Ashton, special to the ea.stern seaboard. It Ui a counsel fO'r-d\st1·ct.s 5, 6 and ll, fi)\ed price contract. said It \vi.Ii ~ cessary for the The> local firm will immediately mayor and city lcrk to sign the begin obtai.ning matC'rial.!! for con-contract which the resolution 11tructlon ot the five new mine-would authorize. · sweepers. Bron~ is the most dlf-"All conltacts and re.soluUon111 flcult material lo obt.aln, it was must be In order so that the bond stated. 9.ttorneys n1a.y prepare a lran.1!1- \\'ork c;,.,ws Inc~ script of a.II proceedings," he .ukl. Although actual confft.ruction on "They base their opinion on the the new contructlon on the new transcript for edification of the contract will b(' expedited, It was pro11pective bond buyers.'' estimated that 30 to 60 days will Present plans call for the $8,- pass before appreciably more 308,000 worth ot bonda to be sold workers arc hired for. !.hi: job. Jan. 23. According lo Ashton the How('vcr. an approximate 50 per only thing that might delay the cent increase in the working crew project W-Ould be IJ the bonds did Blaff is anticipated because of the not find a ·ready ma.rkeL Th\s nt•w orders. South Coast now rm-prosJ>ecl is moat unlikely, he. said-, ploys about 150 men in its yards. judging ff-om the preSC'nt bond Hulls for the minesweepers are . market which Is strong. constructed of cedar and mahog-1 The city'a trunk lines will ~ any. Use of wood In the hulls re· sold for $205,718 to the disltlct.8 duces the possibility of the mine· invo!ved, providing the council au· SWC"epers being blown up by mines thorlzes such 8" la expected. they are used lo pick up. By so dotng,Newport Beach will The new construction will pro· have fulfilled Its part of lhe many ceed und(>r direction of Capt. E. E . sided ~~e~ of gct~lng the sew- Sprun~. supervisor of shlpl]ulldlng, er. pro~nder way. Long Beach Naval Shipyards. The local• shipbuildiJW concern Docl-Fines Ricard during the last war worked at full 2 - capacity to turn out t5 mine· $500 on ABC Cou11ts. sweepers, 40 aircraft rescue boat.a, · ..._,.,.,.( H erbert William Ford and his 15 radio-controlled bomb target Charged wllh two . co~ , ot ' wife •. Lenore Agnea Ford, both 21, boals, six PCS patrol Craft, two sellin,g·beer to mlnors, M'rs. Ethe.I ot 220 -2oth St., Newport Beach, YT, inter ~ fr"lfhtera and Hall Ricard, 53, owner and ope. r.-~ suJlly cbll4 . " = -· 1. noe• n• , ~fll•'Hn · m t1on to repalliiiil'--~-' two &0-n, and ~elved ttentences to deatroyer cl&M.-.., 'terdaY paid iMo on one count. Ill ~:-· WIN . 4· BASKf1BAU.-'A•ME~~+ • • Coach Jule Gaae of Newport._ ___________ --- Harbor's batUing C and D learn~ Halftime score: Newport today retca.st'd result.e of tht' two Garden Grove· 11 . junior basketball contingents' Wetzel looked good on offense games with the Harbor area Boys' .Jith Briggs and Marinez good on club Dec. 8 and Ga'rden Gr<1Ve Dec. defense. This is the 5th straight 11. win in a games played 90 far. The high school squadl!I won the .. 0 .. Tf"am four gam(.'s mostly by clo~ scores ~·ewport (l6) Gardrn Gro\'t> ( 10) except for the D game with Ga~-Diehl . . .. .. F' Barnett ~t'n Gr~;c fwtuch ended 36-10 1n Fitzpatrick ..... F ..... : ..... . Lim is ewpor 8 avor. • 1 Neumann : ... C ... Ochoa ~oll~w1ng are the games and Talstra ... . .. G• . :· ..... Valencia their lineups : Eggert G "C"' Team Scoring subs: Newport -Mar- Newport (SO) Gardt-n Gru\·e (25) tinez, Knipp, Moore, Jones : Gar- Huber ............ F Harl den Grove -Nevria, Foster. Siple ........... F ..... - .... Robinson Halftime .score : Newport 17, Wetzel ............. C................ Pittser Garden Grove 2. Briggs ............ G......... .. .. Pawell Diehl wµ outstanding on of- Revla .... ..... ..G ................... Beal rE'!nse. Garden Grove managed to Scoring subs: Newport -Boy-score but one field goal. vey. 'Martinez: Garden Grove -This Is the 5th straight wln in Howard. (Continued on Pace G) ' • I •.....Oa lllOll'8 OU~ Dlllr-1.9111; ·a' I I ' ' • trf ,., > t 1& _t,1 *"" OMHs r , 0 lllflM .._,.,.. ....,... ............ at2sstt11w'llllv.iiltll 111 'll&Mf• ..... 'R: , •• .,..,.(.) ....... ,...,, ''le.. a .... twe ~ • (lf .... 1'1 .. Pllolo) • •• • the county Jatl when they ap-Originally' kn<7Wn a.a the CoUln111 N_e~rt .TOWneblp J~, Oolft't. peared In City Court. Marine Corp. until reorgailtzed in' where she appeared Wore JWJ;tice Ford was sentenced lo 1~0 days 1933 88 South Coast Co., the firm Donald J. Dodge. H e found her in jail wt\ile his wife received a 60-has been building shipe sJnce l908. guilty on both counts, but sua- day sentence. In addition to Fraru:. the firm of-pended the second one. Their children, one aged four, ficials are Leo J. Benzini, vice-She waa arrested Dec. 8 by PRETJ'Y NANCY THORNE, l1·7ar-old Pa.dena Cltyt Oollep Atudent "'ho WU nallled Quttn of the 63rd anntta.I Tournament of ~ parade Nf'w 1'~~ Day, ts well·lmo\\'n In Newport Beach. ShP learned to 8\.\'lnl tn Balboa Bay, •peruh rach IJUftllDM' wttb her aunt and unclr, Mr. and !\Ira. C. Lestt·r .Jonf'S,, ~ (l'&lldp&t'f'nts, Mr, and Mrs. Lfr.on P . WllllamA, all of Corona dfol Mar. Na.DC)' Is a lo\'t•r of 8&illnc, swlmmlnl' and akllnl'. tM former t "'o •port:.s drawlnl' her down ht'ft' m&n)' wrek ends the )"NT 'round. the other an Infant. will be turned preaident and Stratford Enright, Sheriff:• deputies Sgt. Rus Camp- over to juvenile authorities. police secretary. Chief engineer is Hugh bell and James J . McAlacy ot lhe said, while the parents st=rve the Angeknaa. Juvenile aureau &fter they air sentences meted out by Judge sertedly saw Mr&. Ricard selling Frank Linnell. H Ill H the beverage to minors. Accord- Ford still faces another count anna at_ Oftl8 tng to the officers, she admitted of child negl('ct which he drew Home from the hospital this selling the beer and said she had several weeks ago when neighbors week came Carl Hanna of Shore not asked for Proof of age from complained that the children were Cllffa 1who underwent a five day the youth.II. NEWPORTERS VOTE OKAY ON BEACH EROSION GROIN PLAN W est Ne~r ,.Improvement.-------------- Association. 111eet1n·g Friday eve-the West Newport area.. They are ning at City Hall, passed a reao-planning lrpprovement of West lution directed to the City CouncU, Balboa boulevard all the way to requ~sting preparation by the city Cout Hlg,hway after the street engineer ot detailed plans fdr a Is widened. r....,.;.dscaping p I a n a single groin: to be built seaward are being drawn. The board or near 40th street. The plans wUl trustees, officers and faculty per- be submitted to the Federal gov-sonnet of occ waa conunended for ernme-nt for its approval and con-the work they have completed and 1ent to con8truct. and to the state the care wllh which they spend tor its study and ret;Ommcndatlon'l'I the ta.x dollars. on tho beach cro&lon control proj-The group alao endorsed the ecL I rtchool bond tasue. u presenled by It Is efOtimatcd that such A Mr.. Kenneth (Florence~ Cooling. groin would cost approximately A qucatlon was brought uJt by Sl0,000. Thl15 would be raised by Lflln Lavlgnlnio regarding rall!llng mutual contribution of the city of the Arches overpu.s. &ehedulcd and lht' property owners of thl' tor "WM!enlng. a.a-to posslblllty of a.rca, with lhe probability that If raialng lt to allow ln<"reased boat no contribution is made by the clearance. The matter will be city, All 8.SS<'Mml'nt dil!llrlCt con· preeented b&lh city and at.ate of· aillltng of 100 beach front lot.81 flclala and the harbor commiasion. would be a.sscaaed 1100 ench. Next COUD1Cil Meet Pl obably Dec. 26 This aclkln foUowcd recommen- dation ma.de by lhe beach ~rofllon commlttL>e. c haJrmanned by Regi- nald B. P elTaJD, Loa Ahgele111 al· tomey a.nd ,,beach front "'aklenl. Becauae next dly council meet- Ot.her members a-re Clyde Rex. In« date fall~ on Cbilat.mN eve. a Ora.nt Garmon. BO'l'aCf Brower, ~ Ukelllk>od ~ that: • and M.lchaf'l M laJtolf. They ~-quoNm of councilmen WW f&ll to ported lhe 36lh atreet groin, ln-be preeenL l!llalled nearly 20 yeara: ago, to ~ Cl~ ball eOUl'CH pred.k:~ that ln aurprt.slngly good co11dlUon and •n 4 a4Journecl mtttln1 would ~ attonilng protection. to the beac.b. Mid W'edneeday. Dec. II al 10 a..tl\. to ta"4 care of rocuiar · coUaell AnoUHlr reaolu~n lVM &deptett. btadhea&. " directed to lh( board ot aupervtl--''-----~ ora of Orange county and. to t.he DIJiii"1-"Ell Jl08"l'8 · clt.y cooncll, l'<'Jlleftlng oi<k>Ptlon • llr and Mra. John JOll•- by theno of ,.....,~ PeUUonln« N....;...,. Att. OonloA \IOI ""'· the )'ed raJ and ~ covenomet>ta ~no dlnMr -OD --1 lo to conduct t. ~ratln llUl'YfY llr, and Mra. CbulN Porter, Jr., of the West Newpert beecb area _..t -John ot N""~· lloill Oeorp Shemll ..,.rted on ulc 1 ta•UloO·leUr -!'>. 38th otreot biidp. atalJnr; tWt • be bad ln-U~ ..... bridp. . -.uuxs .... . with Franda 8-th ud Clt;J A !Ille of .... ,.all ll'JM_ ..... ,. ll:qlneer J. Bert ebb, a.Djl th&t day la Cll'1 O!aft "7 MILL W!l- t.bo ~ ap-8 Iii ... dianal'.. llam iL ¥1 15, Cc 5 'P I .... --OD1K11tton. .,,....,.pl"O'ft....,. tor.,,,,, a• .... •.._ 11t Proo!lpt attelit.loa "L tbe .,alt.er. l a -- ....._,.,," I .. ' . Letten oC ..... !: ...... -.re ...... =· ff ootect to Bo-~ous-.Mo 'Pa s' '1 N *&. I Bir 80Ct.tloo ... Oii p Oout O>I--Wetm 1 S J . UlltPld' .. ef 1ep. no ~ 1or ~-•W ""et ... •-J!ldW. of the COCA...._ ~ P .-. Jf. P. "Bnttw. wwa, .....,miltee and518 ....... to•naUf7 .,..W to ,.a.;.. t • • '" • • ' - • B111'9lars Steal $50 .in nres, Battery unfed and not cared for. His wife slay at St. Joseph after a sudden ------- w~ working at that time. Since Illness. Complicating other in- t.hen, officers said. Ford asked his conveniences now Is the fact that wife to stop working, promlslng Hanna will probably be confined Newport poltce yesterday in-that h e would flnd a job. The lo his bed with the gout over the vcl!IUga.ted the burglary of a scr· case on the earlier count was con· holidays. vir;e etatton Saturtlay in which t he tinued. ------- culprit mllde off wlth three new The p r o bat i on department. tlrea and a heavy duly battery· cht>c king on the home, found the after breaking a gla.a door panel I children hungry. thei r home unfit to gain entry. for their occupancy and both par- Fred StepheM, 2100 Weal Bal-' ents unemployed. Following in- boa Blvd., reported the burglary, vestigalion by Officers R. E . Neth. and valued the stolen merchan-the pair was arrested by Det. Sgt. dl.8e at about $50. V. I. McManigal. PllRSE Rlt"t~ED Theft of between $12 and $15 from his wife's purse which had been left in a car Saturday at 1802 West Balboa Blvd., was re- ported to police by Clayton Thompson . of the' Balboa Blvd. address. Shohjun Blasts Are Powder ~perlments \ Who tired ;that shotgun blast Sunday afternoon n('ar El M11.r Motel, 310 East Balboa Blvd.? That's what motel operators BBk· ed police. O'ficer Warren Cas.sel. Invest!· gating the case, found some local youths experimenting with black powder. Yes, they found It w_euld explode. _; • -~ i . • • • I • lllR8. WJNJl"RED' Jl.UIBJUC, SOdety l'.dllar • ' ' . ~-.. oJ'¥lll~~~~"""""" ......... ~ ·--~"""''"~~.,..,.. .. ~ -Burdick 'Reunion at San Diego Gay Hospitality at P.endell Home ' ' .Joinin&" a h.mlly reunkm over Sunday enntns at borhe at the tbe. week end ln San Diego wllJ be local M.ethodlat pa.nonage was & ¥:r. and Mn. HuTy C. Burdick, jolly "attatr. Chri.stm&e candle• In • aughter Carolee ·.nd 8DD Bob, of oJa fuhloned atree't lamps lighted • ~132 Map.olla A ft., Cort& Mesa. the way to the door whf'l'e Rev. -fhey will be entertained u bouoe and Mnl. Pendell, the latter • cuest• of Mr. and Mn. Jacquee charmlntr In a irold frock. creetecl •Scholle. Otheni tn the p.tb~ theb-guuta~ Yule , decoraUon• • i'ill be Mr. and Kn. Don 8v.rdtck were in all rooms, both up•tain •of Lone Be&eb.. and down. In. the l&J'l"e upeta.J.ra • Uvtng room a creche, uaed u wall ~.. . CllBl8'l"lfA8 PABTY decoration. wa.a Jtt&Uy admired. : .Memben at Newport Harbor It wa.a almost an heirloom, hav· , f<Jwant. club wtll hold t.he1r &n.· lng been uled for many years in the home ot M"ra. Guy Emrtt, ;nua.1 Chr1aln:\U party 'l'hUnday mother of the boateaa. Both Mr . • noon a t Roamore cate. lfH'llbera •till .brtng cifU for children. who a.nd Mrs. Embree were present. "'will be gue:sta at the Mnt. ~c waa iprovtded by a re~ • . volving candle decoration on the • ~===========:,I Wffet table, whlcb playf:<\ Cllf"Ol.11 • • • BALTZ MORTUARY LadJ' Atteti&Ji& no o-& m111in1 CORONA DEL MA,R DA y AND mGltr Pb.one Jlal'bor U ' Gordon e: Findlay CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Ml 0 Bal.,_. Blvd. Pbone Harbor tl! RMldence Harbor 89 ' NEWPORT lll:A O H u lt turned. Pouring were Mrs. Morcan Lowery, wile or the pre•i- dent of lbe board of trus tee•; Mr.11. A . J . Rtitter, choir director; M W Clara Koblstedt, W , S . C. S. preal· dent; Mrs . Boad Freitag, wife of the church trusurer ; Mrs. W Ul- Uam Mc.Donald, wile ot the lay leader . Home Ee. Club Elects Officers Mrs, Addle Mae Stearns la the new chainn&.{l. ot the Home Eco- nomics Club ot the Costa Mesa Orance following elecUon of or- ficen at a m eeting Dec. 4 in Grange hall. Named to serve with ~===========~I Mrs. Stearns were Mrs. Hattie t Phillips, vice chairman: Mrs. Alicf' WATER HEA~ Salee, Semoe &ad /oe 8.cl.loJJ PLUMBING AuthorlsedDealor Day • Nip& Qeaten mW> -11'1. 0-. .. •II HMhn PboaellarllorUU-W ~ F ox. secr etary; Mrs. Roberta Ra- pier, treasurer. Party Plans for Los Companeros • Featured by entertainment and a gift exchange. a Ch,ristma.s party will be held by Loa Com· pa.ne r08 R iding Club Thursday. Dec. 20, at 7 :30 p. m. in the Mesa Boot. and Saddle clubhouse. All members are urged to come and have, lots of tun. ' " HILLMAN MINX •t-dellvONd lien pl'ao &u: tuld U- YOIU' llubor .&Na Dealer NEWPORT AlJTO SALl:S ZI04 W. Newpon Blv4. Newport- -r.H6'1 BURGLARS GET CASH Burglars who brok e a window ot a ttrvice station. 822 Coast Highway early Monday mom.Ing made off with $273.98 from the cash boll, FH.nk Phillipa reported lo police. The case ia under tn- .Yeetlc.atJ<ift. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 -SOtb St.. Newport Beaeb Harbor 2583 trim.mer aftd, tb~ have-a fisutt. So..\! u .. lldu.A<izot iii spare time AT HCNB. . No dica.or •. 'ring weiabr· 1-!ft a tlel;pfal kind ol •t0nia,(' ... and boor ir • ' ,. ... Tt•:• ... == 7 LO!lo a.a.OB . .,. __ • • \ ' , / ' ., ' TUESDAY,.0Ec. 18, ·1~(' . ' -,. . M•·~· 6aitQn HOme frorit Balboo lslander.s ~ :: ... ~ ·'y1ftl>on · K~ Al>o4rd USS iot Oakmont Party ..,!!!.; · ~ • "" 111o1r ... ,..,_ trip 89nHomme Richard 11r. -.... ciuwe ~ •. .Amtloi v1e1oo :-1a -.... ...,,, _.....llwy _. -"'llDIS, tide,,... -•nd _.._, -...,..tocl -cm SAN DllXlO _ A-...s 't11e -In -·le~ att ....... 'tlle pcirt UM ifi , tu "l'•pa, Nor. , w1ian ,.... ·urtnd JOon 11MJo -p•a <If ,tJlit Charlel -. • • !llMNlls-.. " .. ~ ., = ~r U88 ... Jlnq-.,.-~t -.-. Clio .. _ ,party. 1'llt la Ula ""11 ar --· 1 a · In llalt.ri. at ---e cm No. Club gueat.o' .,_Jn will be t11e ~ daqhter ot Otto =:::"~ = L~ a •••*>· Oil ....... ~fUMY' copim~g ottlcer ot Bl Toro :,, ...a Mra Lucille Dodd; cit aaii,,., ·11o11onnaa; third -. -11re-. .,.ia•<>f.:Arr·and l(.arlne s-end bla ofll!:lal pu-~lliiia -'Iba_, b_rlde..-n la UBN, b~ ot Mh. Dorie 0... r~~;-~~·;o;;,.;•:;a~·-~•~r:;;-~-~· :;;:;;::ty£.:;•:;;i;;;:;:;;:;;~:;;~~~;I "" -., .... llelen ~tel-1<111 Of 681 ca•allna Drive. N--. Jiiir, Tl'!Gll. -York. Be bu port lleacll. , , ~-iii.Ill" .,iiltltuineel from Ko-re a Rocomniwilonocl from' tbe Pa- OIJrtniG THE WEDDlNG OAD 1'!9l#r. -. , . . , DanleL ·The brtde I• t"6 former ~·~•-*'1 ~~ of Oosla M.-. TMy re...-t.o vowa De<:t"lll nnt ]!lipt!Ot -II.• . ' ~ ~ . ll'boto by Allema.r fltudlo) -. . • f • t ---· ·'.r Beverly Ann 'Martin fl~~ Brilqe · to say Vows in Baptist Church wn.. M,,.aervad with -, J'lnt clftc JIMern p,eet, u.. Boft Hom· Kai1M 'cllvlolon. ' me Richard bu •oper&teel on tbe n-· _.., left here -'fl><ll<!u fl~-Un ff"* ' --~ 'f!J:P at polnta Of~ inter· c1.nr-e 0 . :area•· ~. tlt no--B. a Mt i oonUnu•llJ for ll'IOl'fl than ... -1,; TV QtoftUia, Pleld,tlfow ·Y-. wi-. u..-a-Her afr croup; c:OmpoOed . of ...,, , will 'report for apeci.J Ma-flel>ter ~na T&l, TIS and ,_..,_ trilnlne. • 174,,.,_poal!. ~ S, 11, Sii Gift:C·ompletes . ::e8~ :1'=-...:! Sf. ~am es Fund =: ;: :1uu":"-r;~F rou.. au M't'al r 1I11 .. m"'-•. 04ft of MN. ,Kabal G-W. • -·to duty at U.. ... ~ o: Sf1111 dl6o1< 1ut wool< co!npletecl hootWtlee In ico-, Ii&.., Jl:-ed Cl-u-111 fli' Ille new aducatlooal th• major portioO of VN Alr ilcUOll ·"""'-~~a, 'lam• cb""."h~ on1nat the comm....-1n '1tortli • ~ •. •Xclualve· at fl/!"• 'KoN& alnce th. itart of peace ,, __ ...,. -. ~IOO. Mra. G,.... talk lu! · . : , ... 18 ~.of ? , ! a . :wmmer. . l'.ii&.:~ D4t~ks·· Joi;n ~iss Be!fy : A~rig~t ~ ~Cit . 1s Hostess to in ... iYule -Ptogr·am Alumnae Group -The Southern Oranp ' County Club ' llcoUt Packa lOll ·and 181 Alumnae ·-latlon oi Kappa .liitld joint Cllrletmu procram Fri· Kapjl& Gamma beld lta ...,.1ar oa, ~ •l Newport ,Elemen· monthlJ l\!lldleon mae\IJla,.Tbl!n- tary ...Mol audltorlum with Art day, Doc. 13 at the -· of lji. Rimlq, BooUtmuter ot Pack lOll Betty Ann Albrlslit, UOf )4U'lno Ban Maddlaon, oulstanl, a n d Orin, Bay 8borea. Jl(n.. ~rt ~r Hul'h Bolto~ of Pack Holbrook and llln. WWlam Chi, 211' In cbarl-e. ch .. ter were the ualat.... hoa· 11,cith paeka had jolneel In deoo-t-. . N\Jnl' the bl&' Chrtatmaa t~ Tbe afternoon wu spent tn eew- ·wblch otoqd near the atap. Scout-Ing · therapeutic toya ror the Or· mUter Relft.ley apened the meet-ance County Society for !Crippled tnc and Welcomed. puenta. Den Children. .., Mothers W!:re pruented ' plaquea Pther local rnemben in attend- for their work with the CUba. a.nee were: Mri. Loulae M. a.nag. Tom Norton and Cliff Varner her of Balboa, Kn. Wa.uac. B. were introduced and canned eooda Dicktnaon of Shore ~ Kra. Perfection in ever)' detail mark· uid toya, collected by CUb&, W~tt Stroller White of Balboa IUnd, ed the nuptials on Sunday, Dec. atrea.men. $he carrl.ed an aruattc ,.tven them for the Elk•'. Chriat· Mn. J. E. Keim of Balboa and 9. when Aiiss Beverly Ann Mar-arran,-ement of broni:e-hued chry-mq tbartty work. O.· W ... Dick'' Mn. Walter G. Hitch of· Costa tin, daughter of ~fr. and Mrs. aanthemmna. • RJchard. aponeor of Pac~ 181, wu Mesa. and Mra. Dick Drake Of Co-- Robert E. ~tartin of 414 Clay T·-" u 8 .... nre8eJ\ted wtth ·a cvdei\1a plallt. ___ HJ-•··•·. • Bob Lt. Keith ~~. . . ~r ~ a-·~·· ·--o·~·-Ave., Newport Heights,. an.,. -Force,· of Sacramento, cousin of by.L._._ Cotjt,_fonner -...... .. ":"._. ------ bie J: McDaniel, son. of t.t:r. and the brldecroom, f'UUllled best mu ter. Attn.cUve etfta made by the FAC T · p · ~fr!!I. G. A. Snyder of E l Toro, duties,. wblle Robfft B. ~ ~)'8 WVe pneented their parent.a. 8tl rogr•rn wer• principals In the tlrsl ... eel-brolhor .of the bride, ..... Gary ~ arid admlrecl. Notes Yule Se•son ding to be eolernnUed· in ·the Flflt Shull were uaber& Charin McDonnell of Den 2. • Bp.ptl!!lt Church of Co1~ Me••· FoUoWioc the VOW ~ch&nse, P&ck 100, 111 l"OIDI lnto t.M ,Boy ' " • ' -· merry ... · makt it · MOJUD .·-- sioc1'1H~s . ~nd . lingt.rie Tantalizing sheer stocking•. Mojuds·· are the perfect gift for lovely legs. Gorgeous gowns. ·beautiful slips . , . lovely lingerie by Mojud . , . exciting gifts for every Santa's lady. See our wonderful collection of hosiery and lingerie by Mojud today. ' The young couple ·pledged ,th eir 75 trJenda and relaUvee· .volc..t Scout. and, wu rrttted bJ: Scout· It'• the moe:t joyou. lime of the promiies at 2 :30 '<>'Clock witn the muter Bob Wu.on of Troop 5 and year and wtlh that ln mind mem- Rev. P. G~ Neumnan, p&ator of conST&tu.la.tlou and pod wiab.• Fred Woodworth, Den Chief . .Fred bera-ot the Costa M• P"riday at· the church , officiating at th e to tbe jusf:weds during a rece,p-wai al.lo s:we-nted wlta hla Den ternoon club· are lookinl' forward beart}'-'armlng double ring cere· Uon interval at:~· icbvrch. Mr•. Chief cord by bill . ~tmuter. With ire&t &nUctpatlon to their mony. . Martin cbo• u , attractlve ~'1 .. Rece.Mhc adv&ncement a1f&l'da annual Oiril:t.mu Prorrt.m and Baskets o! while gladioli, snap-taf~ela • wit ~d ·m.atching ~ la Pack..111-wtre'StepMn M._cNeU. t. Wbich will be an evient of J'H.-• ~ • drag.on:1J'. white and . tuchaia-toned eortea ·.:coeJ\~ b~~•'·~~~Of 1'Dlf_ .._;and ~· -....: • Dec.,~J. at 2 p. m. tn. the li.d U. OCEAN FRONT chry$llnthemums were' lnter11pei:..: roee& ,Wlth .her .~~t;t.J. Divtd RQUi.. two wolf •DUi:~&r·{,dltflj~oj-9.)i • r"!"1T""' • .,ri \'' ·~·'"" ~~. ,., ...,.,~t.Ai\f\ v•-r 1.1! (. ed wlth ,greene!"Y to .c r ~'a t e a ~~:;!.-Pc!;:e·~~~~~ tOw.; ~~'Berry,~ .1i&tP --~ ~ "6mpo _for Cbriat.ll~;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a strildnc bridal b!l<kcround. · ,.... __ ,.;_ "'4· JoCd ,a.Del lllnr arrow: -muttme Will be a . muoleal ,. pro- , A• prelude to the semce Mn. prdenl& ~~· ~·-~In,'.& BOiton -If badp.,Jolin·IUc:banl, cram to be praaenteel by the Bar· Howard c . Rolsheim, organlat, rreen p.~e l'l11t ,,.. t b. wolf 'badp· John eo0k-lion bor K~rera. Nunbtft are M,. A c 'K I E ' s play~ appropriate· fl e I e c t Ions. bride'• IJ"&Dd.motRl', 1!!1! Ben baictQ:; ~ Reed. lion ... be.dee: to brlnr i1fta. tOod or to)'8, for t later accompanying Mrs. Delavan Rocera Of\ Burbl.nlf;. er eonace BWv ... Pruehitnc Welt b&dl"e ed d.l.strtbution to•"----,..__ fortunate wu aJao made up of jardenlla ' · . ~...... ~~ -D. li'reit.ag, BOIQist, who sang "I Mrs. xtniite COrd of Santa Ana.. eoJd and allvw armw, . &.(U\&•-cturtna the bolld&)'8. The stft1 are Love You T ruly" and "Because." ~dmotiier· ot the new ·benecHct. M'Wer, wolf aOver aTl"OW •. Timmy to be wrapped .nd labelled.. Mrs. s M 0 KE y Escorted down the white car-w as clad in blaCk velvet and cor· Mang-, bear allver armw •• David Goa GNble, ch&lrman of commu· peted center aisle . by her father , · b rchi Olbeon,, bear II.Ive r arrow. ntty aervice, ta ln charl"e of thta who gave her in keeplne-. Beve~ly seage of ba. y 0 4!· • 1 New CUb tor Pack l~ WU project. . • made a ' r adiantly lovely picture. In R.ece.pUoa : Aaalatanta Qa.rie. MUlin&", who r«.-elved h.ia ------ in a.n exquisite white tefleta and A tlel'ed wecldln~ -· topped Jk>bcat pip. Awarde, received Ho1··1day . 0·1nner· s N 0 w MAN· lace go\vn and nylon net veil .ca.a-with .. m.ytiature bri<fe t.nd. l'J'OOfft were, Ricky Harvey, woU ba..dge ; ' cadlng from a JuUet lace cap was flanked by tall wblle tapen TOmm;y Moi-e\and, wolf badge; t B lb C adorned on each side with OM<n&'e 0~ th~ p~ttJIY.. OPP:!llnl«l.retrea!\· ?!~·WFl·~:C.;.:'._~tbe.ola~~~·,roAJw: a a Oa 0V8S bloseom clusters. The bridal ·coe-· ment lable,. Aldlbg in. ser(ing ..,"°',.. JJ .... ,_,.., •· tume was designed with a very and otbei-bo,,Pilable· 'det&lta were a.in DoelbUfJ, 'bear 1Uwr IZ"l'OW~ Enjo)'in&' tom·and·Jerrle. &nd a ftltl taffeta s kirt, lace yoke out-Mrs. Ben ij.Of«.U; "'the . .Mi'.iae!!I Bar-O.~k Reniley, lion ~badge and buffet IUpPfr Saturday evening lined \1rith daint~; scalloplng , and hara Ungle, Sharon Sherrill, Mar-go1d and aUver arrow: Jack Stone--at ·the hotne of M.r1 and Mn. Bert long lace sleeves ending in polnta f[al'et M.~l. 'M:adge·FUJ:Jbrigbt, blcl:, lion· •ilvV atriSW : Deimla Milli And Mlae Lorn& 11Ul8; Bal· over the wrists. Roman _hya clntlu Joan Kitnu, Nancr. Dea.ver, .Joan 1'&DdY •. dt;a.ner ~tripe ; .John Hutt, boa Q)'f"U, WeJ"e' Mr. and Jilra. and \V hit e shattered carnations Ialey, Joan M"firrfli;· B&rb&ra Star-...sat.ant denner atrlpe; Dennia Walter PitWlo of Corina.~XF. and comprised her shower bou q ue t . ..ge, Doran Suiu. MIM Mary Llnd¥-y •. servlce 1tar. Mrs. GeOrge . S&nden of North The corsage of carnations later Blodgett had charge ot the gum Sa.ala Arrt\·e. Hollywood, Mr: and Mn. L. A . completed the bride's chic appear· book. · Mn. Bruce Handy told the story Robertaon, Loe Anaetff. Kn. Ceramic Snowman Hurricane Light from candle shows thru button-holes and face, 8-inch size .'. ... $2.95 · Smaller and Jumbo Sizes · Many Gifts Items, Cards, Wrappings, Etc. ' OPEN EVEN'Ul~os ance for traveling when a dded to Tbe new Mr. and Mn. Me-of Why the Chimes Rane. Then, Cblli"lea Porter and aon Cbarle:a, a beige faille dress complemented Daniel wtll e.atablilb residence ln with Mn. Earl M. Stoneback at The home waa be&utlt'Ully det09 M k-a f p· tt ltiift Sh by black velvet acceasor lea a.n d Santa Ana upon their retilnrtrom the piano, and llllcbael Bolton at ratecl In the Yule tide t!Mme and • ac 18 s 0 -ery. . . } ~ op grey duster with black v e Ive t a honeymoon ot uncliaclo8ed des· the accordion, everyone .ftg SU-there WU a bl~ tree, from the . cut ls and collar. tlnation. Mra. McDaniel attend-ent Night and Jingle Bella. center of which Kr. Kills lifted In Envnld Green eel . Newport Harbor Union Hlgh It was ju9t alter tape aoonded the pla)'ful family cat, who ... E. l'l'lll a, Ooota --7111 Assisting her &later as maid hi d at Ion ln S&.nta Ana fireplace chimney and pruented ever. , SehoOI and her huoband received that Santa Claus eame down the thou&'hl It the beet playcround ~~===;;=:=;==============~::E~~ ot honor. Mlsa Edith Marlin lent ..!-~_!-u cHe eerved tour ye&ra an 180 cbUdn:n with bap ot nuta • charming contrast ln noor ltnsth ..... """w.. h Bob N C I with the u. 8. Navy, ~M ot t.he and candy. Some aald e '!'&a ewport, oup e emerald green taffeta. developed _.... ...... b d hort Ume being in Korea. · Norton, othtta tnai.t~ e was with scalloped yoke • n • -Uy Old Nick hlmaelf, tor he tert Enterta'1ns N'1ece cap sleeves, the note being re-·' th N rth Pol fi I peated in her eca11oped cap tted Newa-Ttmea adl have been rea4 ahortl, for e 0 e, 0 • th b k wit'-J t -'bbo 1n the Barbor for OYer 40 year:a. l&wed by the PY stralna ot Ru-_in __ e __ ac ___ .. _ _:vF __ v• __ " __ • ___________ c...._ .. dolph, the Red Noeed Reindeer. ' Mr. and Mra. Clyde Meredith ot 312 • S8tb St., Newport Bffeh, ez. ·tended NOent h-ltallly to tbelr niece, M1N Joan Mer'lldlth, and ~1Jeannte Pollock, both ot Ban FT&J1Claco. . Plannecl for the ell)oY,,,ent of tho charmlnc :rounc Ylaltono were tripe to neral>y poblta of lnte.- lnclUdlnc B11 -L&ke. Holly- wood, -Ban ,l>loso --ru-. ~ at.UM Balboa aa,;- 8""' -at~. Deny rarm --..--........., ""8e ~. ll!io -!>ett-I Friday Program · for Mesa Baptists lli--..i by the .;_y aebool <lepartmenl ot lllo --llaptlat Ohardsl of o..ta'-....;'\ Clirllt- lau """ ... wtll be it.W J'fldioy; ' Dec. n. at 7 p .... at Ille --~ Gn-y ........ ,Doo.a.u.. ~ ea.rcJl dllah-Wdl pr I mt & ..... , ...... ..... -u.. dlr-of au-. 'l'Wllc- Henry ·Oeisters on Desert Hondoy llt.. ._. .... P I I' .... DIN 171.0 I silll-.lltt JU°tt I IS •Ch••• ::u:~ .................. ..... :II!·-... ..., __ ..... ~ •, 1•* ::..: :aflr': -'· . • -l Th e EASY·OOES·IT CORNER By CLAYTON THOMPSON ~ • llewTeMctkeAa • • lt111Cllft Cfl(.sl•• • • D11i:;lf11 h• • <111411• ..... l'int -• _ .. _. ·--I =-•-lorJl-.y' QM I . , .. , ' . • • • •'. • ' TUESDAY, DEC. 18, 1951 PA6E J -• • nm -HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS HA IR CUTS , -MRS.-~~-~~~-~---······ """"Ctlo.-~ ,~._..,.,.-....,."°*"'"'"'--~W#4Jl¥4J¥F'7.>Aii4447.._1NOVO- s-m•oo · Christmas Program Highlights Week for Elementary Schools and P.·T.A. :MIA ~WPORT' BL\'D. ' ~Wl'OB'r BEA.OH '1:4 U & L 110Mm Jlr. -llro. Tod 0\10tt -.-a.re • new rMdent. of 118 OJa1x. aftllbe, Balboa t•••nd Jl'omlerly at Loo ~lea, they hove leued Ille Ialand houoe for • year. Mr. Ovl&tt la with the 11.&nwren ent r.-r 2t "1m lmc~ •7 111 ,.&OCJN.. .... ea.ta Ill--Oo. 11114 Newpwt 11m1. .BE SU~~-INSURE ' ~ ..... ... IU.UllU: 8TANl:.sY -Ollly ~-·..,. ft5111lartDo"A .... .,._....., Pfifer Rittle Co. · :~:::::::;::;;~~~::'.~;;;:=;:-:; ~~nri~fi;ii;_.;r;:~~'i~r.·~F=i;=-~"::::~~ ~-. r;r.. -• More than 700 voices jolned tn•------------- the. finale of the Newport Bea.ch Ye Merrt~ Gentlemen la £ncland•1 Elementary echoola PT A Chrtet· moet popular carot Tbe.e wq maa program Thunday night at both sung by sixth srsde boy• a,c... -----------...,.-.,1.the Newport grammar school companied by Ronnie Keeler. ~-when 200 artudcnla from Horace Betty Shannon directed the En· I RELIAILE T SERVICE v moROUGHLY TRA.l~'l:D &, FACl'OBY QUALIFIED E.LECl'RONICS EXPER~ FULLY EQUIPPED I<> SERVE YOUR TV and RADIO SERVICE 1''1:ED8 Enaign lnv1ted tbe audience to Join sln~era ln It came Upon the Mid· them In the singing or Silent nt,mt clear, and Long, Lon~ A.IQ. Night, Holy Night. , The procnm wu opened by lhf' 1be theme or lbe progTftJTI wu Horace Ensign achool orchC9lra Chriatmu Carols in Song and under the direction: of Norma Per- Story. It wu interpreted through kins, playing the prayer from " script, written by Mrs. Jan€' "H.a.n8et and Gret.cl.' Half w&y Pettit, reading teacht"r, which through the program the orchea- ._Jevei-ly work~ in lhe l'ltory ot tra waa heard again. playing in Chrialmaa traditions as well u cxcrllent rhythm Rudolph, The the hiatory of the carol.a. The Kl-Red-Nosed Reindeer. ting for the dramatic portion of The Orchestra and all alnglng the progTam was the Newport groups concluded the program Beach public library whl're two with two pop u I a r American students f Herbert Perry and Chrblmaa eonp, Jlng-ll' Bella and Kathleen Huff) questioned f.h(' Ii-We Three Klnp, and 0 Come AU brarlan (played by Virginia Fu-Ye Faithful, most popular ca.rot of gill on compo.sers of the carol all whic h ha.a been tranalated into and the history of the holiday. 100 languages.· The audience then The earl!! we~ lnterprctr.d by four joined with all c horuses an!S the dlfferl:'nt &lng1ng groups, all un-'orche11tra to alng the ever beauU- der the d)rcctlon of James Fit.%-fUI Silent Night gerald, vocal music instructor at · Horace Ensign echool. --~---- Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations U. S. Govemment Licensed 'Technlda1ts Call us now for ~e TELEl'QONE Bt:ACON 5,83 Cholni or sixth grade bo)"', •lxlh Holiday c. otillions grade girls, Enslngert'I and Har- mone-ers offered several or the less Slated .: at NHYC familiar carols as well as almOBt all of the w ell known one.8. Wrdnesda y 111 important in the calendar o f the younger set, for It is datr of the ~aux a.nd Belles ball. the formal Scnl&r cotillion tit NPwport Harbor Yacht Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hirth, co- rhalrmen wllh Mr. and Mr111 . THE J'OUNGf:R SET Jo.... In lbe feottvlU .. of tho Newport H'arbor AMlllt&nce Leapt''• Candy Cane Jlall bt'kl at the Balboa Bay Club on Ott, 1.f. From lrft: Mias Ann Morrb lrll>!J the light rant.uUc with Lee Ada.Jr whlle 1'1ls.. Pat Allen has Paul ltolwrt.- COAST ELECTRONICS co. 915 Coast Highway Newport Beach The Harmoneers· Png lnspiring- l_y The Holy City, Joy to tht' World, Birthday of a King. and Angela We Have H eard on H igh. Lynn P cu c was the accom panisl. SWIAnn·e Stowers a ccontpanied the e:ixlh grade' chorus of femalf' voices slngin~ First Noel and ThP Coventry Carol. The latte r is a lullaby written in England about 1400 expressly for girls' voices. ftlory of Carols Thf' audlt-ncl' wa.._" lnformr"t through the skit that Oh LitUe Town of Bethlehem, ~o popular with children, was actually writ- ten for c hildren and that God Rest How well do you know ('.alifornia? Santa Anita Park, opening on Friday 0£ next \veck and wnnjng 50 days through March 8, 1952, will present some of the \vorld's most exciting history lessons pertinent to this wonderful and fabulous Golden Siate. Santa Anita's outstanding 29 stakes arc named for :ind dedkated to tbe memory of. the famous old Spanislymd Mis· sion land grants. Santa Anita s affiuent 71 ovemjght features honor and pay tribute to olden landmarks, note\vorthy yearly ~vents, worth\vhil~ exhibits and museums, historic points of Ult:erest, the States celebrated mountains and picturesque valleys, its various parks and unusual streets and highways in and about metropoHtan Los Angeles. llOD M hc.T 11111.rt Mr. (Photo by Beckner I ANNUAL P. c. DINNER Juniors Entertain TO BE HELD DEC. 29 Edgar Hirth. co-chairmen w ith Annual P_ C. fh•et rlin.n r r will Mr. and Mrs. Thomu B. Fro8t, bt• held Ike. 20 Al 7 :30 p .n1 . In will be tn char~e. Patronf'Sl'les BalOOa Yacht club. Rrsrrvttl11JnN will be Mr. and Mrs. Stroller t:houh.l be n1adr In advance. Tro- Whltc and Mr. and Mra. Arlhua-phles for 19~1 fil'l'l t·h<rmplon· Kramer. ships. latlics' Rlld crews' ract•s, On the-san1e day th" Junior will be aw1trdcd. rollllion will have ' a ChriBlntas A1ore than 20 vi:>ilur:o frorn lhr party frnm 5 to 6 n"clock. Patro-Los AngelC'8·San P t•dru flt·rt arr nl'.SSCS w111 be Mre:. Rode rick Burn-expected to attend lhr rvl'nt. Thr hame and ~{rs. Robert Ziegler. local fleet hos h<'<'n invilrd to join Mrs. Moreland Le-it.hold and Mrs. tn the Christn1as Rr~atta . Det'. Austin Sturtevant are co-chair-2D Rnd 30, ~ponsor<'d by Newport n1cn. · Harbur Yac ht club. The Matinee cotillion will have thl'ir party earlier In the after- noon. Mr~. Mlrlam Smith and Mrs. HRrvcy Somer• havt' been asked to se.rve aa patroneaaes. Mn Charl('a Ullman ls chairman and co-chairman are Mr8. Fred Cleary and Mrs. Samuel Colyer. Christmas Regatta Set by N.H.Y.C. for 3 Divisions Dlvlslons foa-the annual ChriAl· mas Regatta were announced to- day bv the race committee, New- port Harbor Yacht c.lub. It I" slated for Dec. 29 and 30 and en- tries will be divided Into three groups. They follow : Dlvi.l!lion I will con!lst of the followtng claases: Snipe" Skim- mers. Lehmans, Flref1ya S. C. 10'&. Snowbirds. P-14's, Pengulns and Dunnavant Pays $25 Driving Fine Here Pt'rry LcC' Dunnavant. 121 Ac ·a· cla. avt~nu<', Corona del fl.f ar. p1rad- ed gu!lty to a, rt'C'klc•ss drlvln~ count Friday In city court an'i W-&8 tined $25 ~ Judge Frank M . LlnnelL The Incident tn qu~suon occur- r ed Thursday night whC"n a car r~gtslcrC'd l o Dunnavant, accord- ing to police. cra."ht'd inln l hr rfar of an auto d riven by Corwlr. W. Root , Jj2 Lor4'ta \V alk, Loni.: ne-ach, at Sl·cond avenue and F ernlr.af !'itrcC'l. Et"Jt<>PE1\ro; C 'ltll '~t: Mr. and Mr1'. Harry S . Mar.shall of South Pasadt·na, parents nr Mre:. Wally CerhanJl o ( Corona dt"\ Mar. are planning to sail for Eu- rope in March or April. Tht'y art' ownrrs of a Harbor-moored cruis- er, the Grand Slam. Senior Dorcas '-Ir~. r., I .. Srnith of ;'ll:t~82 Saint An,lr1 Y.'!'i St , N('Y.'f)llrt 1-l l'lghlo;, I lt·llilC'r 11f th" Junior Dort:n~ So- l.-i•·ly Hf lite s .. v.·nlh·Day Advc·nt- i&l churl·h. HS.<;1 • .;tt-d by the ladiC's I 11f h<'r g-ruup, 1·nt~'rtain•·d the Scn1t•1· Dnrl'as soci('ly, un ·rhurs-\ llay. f)coc . 13. A dC'llciuu.s luncht·on WMS srrvf'1l at 12 :30 to 2il ~<'Sls. An an1us1n~ r1•Md1n~ was ~IV<'n by Jane l Bohsl , f'ntitled ··cu=n;; With n H :tnrlsnmer f\t ttn," \Vl"ill<'n by ¥\'Ill Carleton. 1'hit· ha.s bt·•·n the la:)l llll'l'ling fut l'll th SOCll'tY fur tl11s year. Harborites to Buy Home Peninsula Mr. a.nd Mr~. C harles W . Taylo1· hav~ moved from 227 Ruby Ave. Balboa l!land, to 2015 .A.flrama.r Drive. Balboa. Mr!. Taylor ls pro- prirtor of lhr Biz-Mart Knit Shop In Balboa a.nd hl't husb;:i.nrl 1~ with a tool and dyt" cnn1pnny. 'f hcy have t\VO dau~hlt·r~. ~l arc1u and Paula. and like Balbon so Y.'C'll I thPy ar<' p!anninf t u buy the 1'l1ta· mat homl'. J<lltf)t\S I:'\ lt;\c•t: "Dr nny·• J ordl\n nf San l<'ran- ci:o:cn plans lo racC' his n1·Y.', hlack Rhodes 33. y,•h·ch he bought from South Coast Co. r1·ccntly, in th<' annual C hristmas re1=1ttla be-fore shipping the <:a-aft north. I ·~1'J=: ~-A• 1. Accidents seldom happen when drivers are properly trained, and strictly observe sa.fecy codes: Tua.e's -A·hy telephone drivers have won awards as among the safest on the road. Pacific Telephone dri\'c.rs can p<jiot with pride to their impressive safccy record-a record achieved when we had more vehicles on the road ch.an C\ler before, wd during che bu.sicsc ycan io our history. 3. Protecting your safety, and the safecy of rele· phone people, is jusr one more big responsibilicy for your telephone company-along with providing more and better service. we·re proud of our safety record, maintained, as it ha.s beer •• through rhe greatest expansion period in our history. An expansion chat bas meant adding over 1,800,000 new telephones here in the West since the "A'ar. And yet telephone races have gone up far less than most things., which mlles your telephone one of today's best bargains. @Pacific Telephone 2. Exacting performance ~•ts must be passed reg- ularly by all telephone e"ll'loyees operating moror vehicles. Under the watchful eye of company eDmi- oers, and with che cooperation of loal police depan- mencs, these road tests suess quick reaction and safe driving. ln ~dition, drivers mwt pa.s.s physical 1:Dd eye examinations, as well as wricteo. and oral tests which insure• full knowledge of che-rules of che "!"'i· . . Your telephone is ono of today~s best bargains { Price ....... -.... J ,,.,..,..,,__..., ... .molf ........... ., ....... .i~1cr;-uoal-llll-.... f91.-IM. ....... t.t..""'~•_,......_ One hundred commemorati,·e attractions! Plus one hun- dred exciting races and the spectacle of the nation's most superb race horses winning them! Each one perpetuating the-lame of the other! Sabou. Division n will consist of the 1--------------------------------------·---------------------------- • Listing of these places and events \Vith dates when they will be commemorated at Sania Aruta Park follow :- IDSTORJC LANDMAllS EXHIBITS AND MUSEUMS O.C. !&-•LAS FLOl\ES ftA!'OCHEJ\IA Dec. St-•CANADA OE LOS PALOS VERDES J... 1-•EL RANCHO SA."I PA SOU AL !::: t-•SA..'li \'NEZ MISSION 5-• JlAN'CHO MALIBU SEOUET J-. 5-•Et ftA.~CHO SA."'° VICE>m: J... O.-•RA.NCHO DE LA CENTINELA Jaa. JS.-•SANTA CATALINA ISLAND laa. 17-HUNTINCTON LIBRARY -. 17-BOTANTC GARDE~S u. 1#-SOUTRWEST MUSEUM UL U--CABRILLO t.IARL\'I ~IUSEUM Ju. Sl--COUNTY MUSEUM POINrS OF INTEREST l~ 2--01\ANCE EMPll\!! 7-LA llEA TAii PITI 11-ft.AUBQW PTElt 18-PALM Sl'R1NCS U--&ANT A MONT CA I~ JZ-•VALU SANTA MAJUA )-. -. 18--'E.L RANCHO LOS FELIZ PALISADES ls-PASADENA PLAYHOUSE tt--SAL TON SEA S0--1.-U. BOA-NEWPORT HAllBOlt !!!° 19--•MJSSION SAN CA.JU.OS -19--•MJSSJON SAN YEllNA.~ Ju. 13-•SANTA. BA1l1Al\A PllESIDIAL Ju. S&-•EL J\ANCHO SANTA. ~IAftGAR1TA )IUI. 3~'MISSION SA.~ GAB.RIEL Peb. f..-.•J:L RANCHO LOS CERJ\ITOS Feb. &--QUEEN OP T1IB A.."'"GELS Feb. &-HACIE;o..-OA VJEJO P'•b. 9-•VALLE DE SAN FELIPE Fri>. 9-•SAN •IARCOS PASS Peob. 14-0J\Ull BAJ\RAct:S Feb. 16--•EL RANCHO SAN ANTOSIO Frb. l&-•SA~"TA. SUSANA PASS F"b. I ~FORT ~fOOJ\E Ff'h. 11--CA~l.PO DE CAVL°""CO Fri>. 18-AVJLA AOOU Feb. 17-•MTSSION' SA..\' LUIS R!:T Ftb. II-LOS A..\'CELES PLAZA. Mu. 1-•EL ltA!\CRO SANTA AN:ITA Mu. ~·MISSION SAN JUAN CAPIS'IllANO IN TIIIBUTE O.C. 1~-CAUPORNl.A BREEOEAS P'ff. It--AU.ARA.\f LlNCOLH Ftb. ll-JOCllT CEO&C& WOOLF ·r4 ~•CEOBGE WASRJNCTON Mar. ~•CHftJSTOPHU J. tt 'FITZ CE•ALD .... ~ATS or TBS DONS nAJU,T t:vu."l's "'°' -TOOUA.'8:>1T or ..... ......Ji~ J-~ADIA SftJNG l"ICSTl'V AL J-. 4--MONJl:OVIA CUP )9. U--1..ACUMA MACH ilT PSSTIV4L --~­.... 1-HATIOO<.U. rn."V:' ftSllYAL 7 ... IT-cKllSnL\I n.a: ..... ~CllUS Ii.. -W1":.- !::: Feb. ~~ SU.VER P'4 &-LOS A.'OCKU:S CIVlC CENTER l'tll. 1-ANCEL'i n.JCHT Fth. 7-BIC PINES Fth. lo-HOLLYWOOD BOWL Ptob. 11-AJlCAOIA ARBORETUM l't'b. ll-llAJNBOW FARMS l'eb. 18-PERSHJNC SOUAl\B Frb. D-l.A.U: AJ.JIO~EAD Ft'b. 11-TTftOLEAN VTLLAG& Mar. S-1\ED l\OCI CANTON Mar. &-JOSHUA TREE t.IOXVMENT Mar. &-TWZNTT-N1NE PALMS Mu. 7~ JOLLA CAVES MOUNTAINS Ja. 4--MOUST JllUBIDOUX Ja.. ::--rJUhl wtLSON ta. OUNT PA.LOMU Feb. 5-MOVNT WHtn.'ET VAU.EYS laa. 11-DIATH VALL&Y -. 13--0JAI VALL&T }ea.' 16-Al'PU VALL&T ra 1-COACllBLLA V.U.UT Pelt.. 7-Dlna!AL YAU.El' PAUS J-. I-ECHO PAllX Ja.. S.-ilCADlA COUNTT PAR J.., 10--Cl\ll'FlTH PAB.I: 1-. 11-llDT PAfll Jae. Sl-EXP05mON PAll T• 13-CENERAL M-.U.THU. PAll P4 15-ELTSlAN Pill: r-. --.SAN llAP'AEL PAU P'tb. IS-WILL 11.0CJlllS PAJlX. F-. ~l.IOODIDE PAil.i W.. 7 IA.LIO.A 14U •ti I ....... LOS .AHCBU:I 1TUU CLU' INC. • -• followtng cla.asea: Rhodes, Stani. Ludera, Thlat.lea, Lightnings, P . C.'it, Albatrou, International 110, International 14'1 and Vlktnga. Dlvlalon W wtll conaist of aU ocean raclng claaaea. Starting lines: Dtvialon I wUl start from a line off the Noncalm Pier at the Newport Harbor Yacht club. Divt..ion n will start from a line off Udo late. Dlvlalon Ill will at.art from a line off Balboa Pier In the ocean. lndlvtdual entry blanka for each boat participating must be fllf'<I at NHYC before 11 a.m. Dec. 29. When entering boats. be sure lo procure race course aharts a.nd ln8lructlona. AU !!:kippers must check bullc- ·t1n board by 11 a .m . or the day of lhe race for any c hanges. Entrant.a mll!lt observe all rac- ing lnatructiona on race chart.I. Christmas · Day to be Merrier at CDM Canteen I On Dec. 24 and ~ the doonr of I a ...,..,W Cbriot.maa can~n wUI open lo alt membera ot the armed forcet pa.alng thrvugb or vi.Alling I lhe. harbor area. Located in Co- rona dl!'I Mar at the comer of Hel1olropc Ave. and Cout Hlgb- .,.y. the canteen wtl1 be Newport Harbor area'.a way of w1alllng. • Mttr)' ChrU-I<> Ille -matL Tiie' canteen will ~main _., from noon unW mldnlpt •rt'l.na' coffee. ~ cake and • variety of r-1 ltOlllO -IH by a -of private and e6mnMrclal ro11oo of t.11e ...-~Talnlol°" will be lnotalled and pins --oetuptw .. ~L Dce•l-of --""" *Ith w•Wa ... bNa 1111mnsa,...,.. lNt _.. la Diiied uf .&QOfte •polllt"' .......... wH to -a..,Ywaoeeo1 ... l11w11 : "8 ....U. Oov n ... '9e a co.a au-w. ?11rs1 IMlp •...,.a Mt .., __ u..a. .... .,.., krMb' w•k••n. 11¥1 Y ....... • • ' II BE S FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM OLDSMOBILE! • . fM ..... s.,.-r H~"'-" .,.,...... .. _, ~...:-....-................ ' ··-===""-_,,.,.., ..... -'-"-"' ........ ......, ..... 1111-ET ~WAY iii A NILllAY I . . ' • • 1411 C111t llt•tWf • ' B-,p1 Bolida1. - . &.. Olo' t.&.ac, ti.uild« of llae t • ...,.. BelOlay C-p&-tbe olita-S.,... "811" w1 tbe ....,. -· "91"! ,,_ ... ~·· .... "liwd.top" licwlieu • Ir itJr• I,. .... ..y "'1y ...... ,,._,.! 1).e ,._~£ape,...,... W-d ,.idi...,..... ~ ..W. B,..a•Matio»n .. •t S.11io loriWu• Soper "811"'-• lh cam "lr,-u yow:O'I ,.,_ ..._.., 11-..,r • • -GM .......... CM .... Wint DOU9W~ .. ,,.._. ........ ICDltt•ll .. 'f JMIU W'J' Al t P. ~ I I • • • • ' < • ~ I I I 'l J . ' I " I· I • ' ' ' • • ' . / ,, NEWPORT IALIOA NEWS-TIMES . ' TUESIMY, DEC. II, 1911 A DIJ lrBttnd u SM:ond~ M:att..r at tb9 Poetaftloe la Newport B11cb, caJltonda -tlM Ad " llfa""' .. Jl'lt, run·tal ~ Tt ,,,.. at • ..,;Mi•••• narrw a wn J.1 uc A. wona. Sdl'9f , . ,..,,,_,le ....... t.pl N.._ .... ~at11rr Ela et aD, 1ll86a ·' --al C4LU'ORN1A NlllWllPAPllft ·PUBUaBl:ftll A.lll'N. --of tlM NATIONAL llDITOIU.u. AROCIATIOl'f ·~oiit --· •• ' • Jlll:WPOllT-MIJ!04 N&W .. ftid:a ...,, Tl IF I , .. -.. OoaalJ', .......... ,_, ....... _.,., .... • ... 1.u.o 1ae1-u.. wxw.-1-••tJM>& nm . .......,...> O..lol,tle 0-. Oom11 .... ,.. ,_ ···r ..... ,,._ .... ~ -. .. / . (ID SLOW-MEN WOBKlNGI · " Although milllona of wonhr have been written and , lpoun on our current tuation prorram too little attention bu been paid to one upect of it which Je9pard1-the nation'• future," aaya W. Alton Jon• ln the maguine . !!Jenice. ''In the early daya of the Republic John Manhall stalBd that the power to tax wu the power to destroy, ind Jamea Madi.on deiicrihed one way it could be done-- by aatlnr. up .the -1 corn.. ."What is ~ corii ! As any farm boy knows, seed eoni ill -that-part. of the year'• har(est wlaich is aet. aside for the nut year's pllllltlng .... "The seed corn ot buslnea is likewlae the difference between what.a inai\ Pl'.odUCliB and.CODlll!lle•· '.It js _called profit, or ea vings .... "When political apnciea expead a nation's aavlnp in non-wealth producing enterpriaM, rather than Individuals in tbe development of new lnduatriea, there can . be no .Jll'OlreaB. Letter From Farmer McCabe "Two-fifths of our total employed in 1930, u Senator Harry S. Truman JJyrd pointed out recently, had jobe in lndustriea which did White House uot eziat in 1900. Washington, D. C. "Here are tvio facts : For twenty yeara, more and Dear Harry: Somewhere on the West Coast more of our aeed com baa been. conaumed by Waahington It shore looks like the folks who are a gonna me.ii 'apnclem in non-wealth producing enterprisem •.. , Christmas packages back home had better hurry up, cause "Thoughtful men re•liae that no politie&I org&nlution the Firemen and Engineers Union of the Railroads are . alrice the world began ever developed a rreat induatry. getting ready to strike again this year. You know, it's ~en water worka and the post office were developed by a funny thing that coal r.iiners pick winter time to strike, the aavinp and energies of Individuals who pooled their and Railroad Unions pick Christmas time (the only time .-iurcea under private m&nagement . . . . some folks want to practice peace on earth and goodwill "We adviae our representativea in Congreaa, to whom toward men) and 80 on ... I reckon that's the trouble , we have given the power to tax, that they keep constantly with a lot of us tho', we can't see the hardships we cause In mind that it is also the power to destroy. They ehould our Neighbor cause we're 80 intent on getting our axes conalder whether the so-called J?"'ll"Dt-?day ''yrelfare" we ~und that we can't see anything but the grindatone. IU'fl dlatrlbuting so widely at home 'and abroad la unduly I'm athinking that the Big Boas on the High Range' ain't ile_pleting our ~. corn, and our ~tll!g it today will de-gonna be pleased atall at our doings. prive us of the conveniences and even the neceasities of ' Your ole fren, ''life tomorrow. FARMER McCABE "Let U8 make certain that under the (Uise of promoting IAIJ Rights Re .. rved> · the general welfare we are not, u the Chief· Justice feared, destroying it." ' ----·---- · 'The •public respects enlightened self-interest. It ad- mil'!!ll businesamen who candidly dl8cloee their interest. and · then 1incerely expreea their philosophy. Given time, the P!ibllc rejecta phoniea iri bu.sineaa, finance, and in politics." Presby. Women Install Officers Mrs. Thad Samuels wa• ln1tal· led president when members of the W omen's Fello.,..·ship or St. Andrew's Presbyterian ch u r c h met Wednesday at the c h u r c h -M. S. Rukeyser. 8 lounge for the11" annual Christmas . ----party. . "It's time the government shook the tt -b . ed Others taking ottlc-.e v.·ere Mme•. . . . . sea er ram 1 Webster J o n es, vice president ; ~onomic theonsts out of its hair and accepted big business Mrs. Kenneth Fowler. secretary: . u a normal. necessary, and, indeed, dealrable adjun'ct of Mrs. Roger McColloch. treasurer. ·this great industrial nation"_ San n-tnct.oo Ch · I The Rev. James S. Stewart wa!!I · ron1c e. insWling officer. For the pro- ----• gr&m, Mrs. Edgar R. Hill read , . " .•.. there is one standard which must be applied to every dollar of our government spending and that atandard is: Is it necessary!"-James C. Davis. The Christmas Story a.nd there were carols by the Harbor Moth· er1lnccrs. ----·---- "There is a lot of fat in government-operations and , what we should do is to put the rovemmental agencies on ·a diet." -Paul H. Douglas. Mesa Pastor Plans Baptismal Rites The Sac1ament of Baptlam for lnfanll and small children w1ll bf' administered by Rev. Joseph W. McShane, pastor ot the Costa ·THE AMERICAN t: Mesa Co m m u n I t y fttethodist ':, church, au lated by ~v. Cha.rleti F. Hand. at the Sunday momlnc worship service Dec. 23. Pa.rent• "-----------------------.J desiring to present their children ' ' • • • • • • • • • tor baptism Jlt this tlrne should contact ReV. McSban•. .------ Starbright Club :Ito Elect Officers : SlecUon and lllltallatlon ot of. f!c:en ... m blllillJbt 111a 1>w1in-~.f: eerrloa wbett lbe St&l'bfi&bt club ~· ptben W-y, Doc. 19, for ~ hw'lwm at U :SO p. m. 1!1 tM I. o. o. ... ball. CoMa w-.' u wm lie tbe &11JUU1l Cl1rlotlllU puq. of u... club wltb • -...... stft e•Ch•'!re- ' Christ Church S.S.: Program Weds. • ~nnu,11 JH'OINln of Cbrfot Clourcl .. by Ibo .... _, - will be beld Wedn-y evenJn1r In -u 1oa11, T:ao '" "" Kn. wax Dololllw Iii .. --.-rw tlle --.. • .All ~ "'11 .... & put. ad ...... , .... ..,._a.... .. ,.-. To MexJco City· for: Christmas ' - Students Sing, Island Rings ·to Tunes of Carols Christn1as carols rang out Sun- day night all over Balboa lBland and 1\3 little iJ!lland a.a a group ot .voung prople promenaded alonl' Park Ave. and the bay front, blending their volcl"s in time·hon- ored. favorites tor lhe sea.aon. They were put. present or tuture Coaat college students. After alngtng, lht> group wu served ref~zhments at Nelda Glb- 30n'a office on the ialand. They were· guest.JI of Balboe. Island BWllneas Association. Young people participating tn lhe ca.rob included Mikel Bumi, Barbara Lon«. Paul Alexander, Bob Qlbbou, Velma Pridham, Ralph Wella, Polly Neiger, Unc Clark, Kit Creeley, Chuck Allen, Bruce Ellerbroek. Don Dtckey. Prentice Taylor, Diane PattenM>n, BIU Y&rdwood.. Pete Srntth, Patty Haye•, Mike Kohn, Mattia John- atone, Don Walker.• Garey Gray and Harlow Richardaon. Following the Island caroltnc. the Sf'OUP aeren&ded Robbie Flero, Oranire C<>ut 1tudent, who orpn- tzed U>el caroloro. !!he wu worll- lnl' at Vincent Lido O.U,. and wu unable to attend the caroling party, IO Ibo ...,._ came to Iler. ------· ..... lllHN'llli .u>&f.r.s lU. Kt.. MJnNe 4def9 laft I lo II; .. ltlOll ruu.ton .,..,, Ooola liaet, -at 1111 ....... -TllloJ _ ... __ °' .. -........ ~.Dac.H.-- here fJ.'9ID Lo9 ......... ,... JIWftl .... ---...... -. la Cool& --w two0 -tlol op, .. la-llJ'•-r ..... w. ,._ ort.oe ~two -Niwa l'.ad. two sr-r tnM't 1& .. ............ ,, ........ ... -la-....... Ollla-wltb u.e Rrt. c,,W.· -.._. .... Jnmmeat ..... at.,,_ lb --orlal peril. • A!f<80aT•W:WW • WlllWD T.'m' • ~ 1:10 1t. t••1ttt11 te. , ......... -....... "-to Ma ()!A1 M III ... ,.., .. ..... , ,, ... at ......... ~ maan .. mt .-. _,-..~a ftJEITCI • •--~ wva · nN&L P:t!!Qlf .,..«$ 1111 a••.nwoar ...... ... llft, ''ltt-,..,. u-""'"" l'llla1 .... ,., ~ ...... lor Kr. -Kn. o.e w-..s :: !111 : I 11 ~ *""'""' -1lonl a -o... ~ cJmo llolita d _.. tloo left ,........,, fer --...... rt 11 11 F I• WI "la a11o _.et rir 1ria -In -.... ,. -~ a, .. tte, --. lll ud 'Ibey "111 '!Jolt boUl ~ 11,.,. •1• <>C cold we&Ultt, llUt llWe -· 80, ,N~ -Yldlt club. mt& Tboy ·left lop ilr ....... UU'.,.. =:=Jolla, -,, . , d~e Geae'1 ..,. ...... '-"'* ..... 111 -u~ PPJl&N1' ~i:.&N ~II s&.UTUc Jan. •. He haa Jaat _.,, ft9 ~· • Iii a ICU I l H. M. ~ .... 1• Uol4 St., , Lt. !Jiil -Kn. C. J . If-· KoM and will n-be otal ....... et -'lilottpoit~•cl>, \Old P<>ilf• tblevN -· fomier -tie .-nD, El Toro bw. Tbq Wl1! -. • ~ J-&ad 'WllJl&ml tam bad token a prmenl vahaed at ...,. D-· at lQ\lo lforiti Boy new a~ent on ltubJ' oeca,., -Oil J'i14&Y pt a 11ll!nPIO 9f ~ '"-a clotb .. llne Tlluroclay. Front, Balboa lolond. Balboa Ialand. -of Nuicy'o Pl"O"ftOM ToUr, _, octJYltlOI WMn !boy ~ ... lfBC ,broWcolll In Hollywood) -.....,_to. uncle ond ount, wlJl -" Iba fomlly Chrl.tmia at lU 'l'llOrnff a.lld will Ott.and U.. Mott YIU'• Day parade onf -llowl Game toirelller wltb lfuq, ~Uad. natural," w •'1' e -Jonaa UOld tn deocrlbtnr Illa DSeoe'I manner before 'a n d aft.tr IM Wu chOlen roee queen. TOOta. TlllJl MISlllNO Willie b'8 ear wu parked near U.. blib ocbool or at hi.o home, 1Tl1 lriUta Mar, Balboa, car clout- ero ~ Thuroclay took a opare Ure .Dd a boa of mecbanlc'1 toola trom U.. wtllcle, 0 . N. Niet.on told pollce. ' at ·Walker's ' ' ' The Frienclfy ·Store, at 4th and Pine ' . Another Walker 's Friendly Service! • One Houri Free Parking At ooy Ylctorlo A.to Po .. !__!!!;.::::;...._:: wl.. piircHIO of 1.00 or 1110re. Tlcbh V•llff+.4 .•t s.nlce DeP: H ... ~ ft••r space for 3000 cars · no waiting, no delay .... at 4th Pk. 707-451 LONG BEACH Also FREE PARKING at a.nY('PARK and SHOP" lot /\ T H E -P I N E S T -C A R -0 P ""' I T S -C I. A S S -I N. -T ·H E -W 0 R L:D . --"'--'t \ ' ............ -,.,,, . . -~ CC . .• ,,~ .. ,,,.._,_..: __ ""· • I / I l . • \ • $-4170 at coastal cirics; pl:w local Jicauc and tu & SANTA ill his mOK bountiful mood could DO< pmf..tamoie pcd'ea ond enduring gift !hon !he dislift&uished Bn'Usb J..- Modt vn S<dan. The J•suu bleods -~ dassic "JWal ill lioe Oll4 6Aiab with amazin&ly suppk ~ ... J'8UU's ' ---.labiliry ... swpriiing ...0 ill hondling ... biadJ. .... ...-. with .ttry. ,.,...., mfli"g power 8ows C.Om !he 160-bonepowet, cwla 01'!1 •• amshaft <n&ine thu, ill the XK-120 spons roMsn, holds the world's prod11ction cu speed iecord of uu .... per hoar. . ' GI#.~;,,,,,.,,,,~ 1-01-..M .,.., ,__,lift•,.,_ " ' ' , - -... • '"°" \,,.... ' ..... cidoo; "loool ...... . \ ~, . ' . . ' ' ' ' THE EX01JNG ~ n .uo SPOaT$ coUN ' ·, ~11.-frtio aaCir-hoTe ..,,!belt DpOlll .....w. ' '!' Of'lll .... ~-120 lfO!ll Ci'O"ft ......... ..... • V"•-----· WobJOUrftaioooo4-.A . d•I 11 r i Josaat • ,._ .i-°" a.n.,,,., 1-ilinoJ tlJlde ill; . ...,.,,,.,Of-•···· ............. ~ .... · _... • 1111-.e.~perfo-rst•••:a;..uo ~ \DZl!lll.,.~W<:itbelfldGu• 11 ft IClfdle Jai..,,,~Vll t ... '1itlplaiOa1;1.-.1a.-. . • •1f \-; II 1& . . ' • •..n.;ia·--.. ......160 •1111, ........... . i..a-•, ....... ~ ' • • SEf: TH~SE SUPER CARS AJ • 1111 c111111ar • ., ~ . • • • I ~ TUESDAY, OEC. BEING OONGR.ATULATE,D by Dr. Boi...t Go.-llpreul, ~ ho tis.mes 8teffe115en, ton of Mr. and Mn. I. Lmlle Steff--. Corona del Mar, fourth from Jdl., tor wtnnlns Rbodea Scbol&f'UJp wltb WIUlam Cannlcharl, Hugh Burm and Nell Snwleea. Tbey v.·l!rr Who's that behind those TREES! 11!EES! TkEES! There in a vast grove of beautiful Christmas trees stood -guess who ? Princess Margaret Rose? Krla · Kringle? St. Nick? Guess again! It was Chuley Drake! Sure enough Charley has opened a big Christ- mas tree lot right across the street from his "Charley's , • • • Seafood Re1taurant" on Mariner's Mile, Newport! Me ~---~ and Charle)' want you to be sure and buy your tree If ~ from him ~ Charle}· has fresh. green, pine-fragrant trees ju.at in from the North Woods. Silver Tips! \Vhite Firs, Douglas Firs. Charley says he's selling at the lo'4'etit prices you'll find around anyplace? Oh yes-you'll find beautttul sprayed white and blue trees on this Jot, too ! Big trees. little trees, middle-sized trees. You can get a Jove.ly big, full·bloY.'ll tree ~ or 6 ft. tall ~for around $1 .M>. $2. And wait t ill I tell you! BTO (big time operator) Charley la aleo selling tree ornaments. lights, tinsel and stuff ... and lots of unusual toys and cards. Just like a gypsy peddler-I told him. This guy Charley's got more""irons in the fire lhan the Village Blackamlth. You might drop in at his restaurant for a seagoin,r snack or elegant shore dinner. Charley's Seafood Rntaura.nt ia open every day but Tues. .. , The Chri111tmaB tree Jot l.s open all day and all aJcht ... The lot is on Coast HJway just acroas from Charley's Sea.food Res· taurant which is at 1136 Coa.at Highway, Newport. Bea. 6834. • • • BE SAFE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON FROM MANY ROVING EYES: LET US PROTECT YOU' ... BECAUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN VERY PRIVATE UVES .... SHADE SHOP. 61< Ztlth ST., NEWPORT HARBOR 88' • • • -' -it•s like looking thru a kaleidoecope. 'l'\J.m-it slowly and see the varicolored patterns change. Look In this shop's small window C&R and see in your mind's eye ... a snowy old world ChrUtmas in many other lands? Vera Williama calls her Gift and Art Gallery .. A Little Comer of Europe." And so it is -... book stalls. pain lings, prints. and Imports from all comers of the continent. Gala gilta for lovers of the u.nusual ! Hand carved figurines. hot choco- late or grog sets from Sweden ; Italian ware with a fre!lh.ness of color and design; English brass and copper ... planters, plaques, j.a.rdinieres: and English lu;ster, Part of this little tucked away boutique's Charm lies in its infinite variety ... Admif'e the Brandt watercolori, see some rare old prlnts. or stroll around and ga.r:e at the Venetian handblown glass. the Novara ware or perhaps caress some newly arrived Florentine silver. Be sure and gl!t one of Vera·~ little Christmas Lapels. Pin one on and you get full of Kringle spirit and merry as an elf in a dell ... One item ot interest and a special bargain ... a large punch bowl {pressed glass l with tray and 12 cups ... $12 for the entire wt. How can you miu? ? ? Don't miss \'f"ri\ \\'llllam'5 Art Gallery & Gitt Shop, SlS I/: Marlne, Balboa litland. • • MERRY CHRlSnrAS • We hope Santa Claus is good to you and yours- We believe the real spirit of Santa Claus is to be found ln your church a nd friendly asaociat.ions. In the . words of Tom Paine . . . "Freedom to worship . is a duty to worship. not freedom from it" - Eleanor Ma.rsh · Virginia Logsdon Donna Nelson Leah and Gilbert Brown POLLY APPAREL, 1833 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA • • • WANTS HOME BY CHRlSTMAS! This doll is so life-like-you could probably send her off to kindergarten! She says "mama" (did anyone e.ver hear of a dol1 saying "pa.pp&"? l ThiE doll also walks and should have a atanding appt. at the beauty parlor for her curly, washable, comb· able hair. She's a nat'l. adv. Ana.nbee girl, and she's staying temporarily at Dona.let.on'• Balboa 5~10. Give her a home by Christmas ($1-'.95) She an~ a raft of other chlld deUgbters at $1.49 up. Now for aome nice inexpensive remembrances for the older girls . . . 51 puge nylons 98c pl"'.: nylon trim slips $1.69; fancy panUea &9c up. And some neat souJ would enjoy a quilted, aatin·lined clove, hand· kerchief or Kleenex box. $1.29 -$1.49. , The 5&10 hu plenty of seal.a. tap and wrapping paper . . . a re-al sood buy In outdoor llg-bt •trin•"'· G. E. hnlba only $!.19. DONALDSON'S BALBOA 5 .I: 10 at 300 MAIN, BALBOA. • • • • • ' j ' . ' - RIND RAISING ._GRQUP TO · . PUSH HOSPlT AL DRIVE. WITH · RENEWED YIM· IN .JANUARY . .. . . -~·------------With a eood .tart bot atlll a Steffensen Son Wins Honor as Rhodes Scholar James Steffensen. 21-year-old 80ft of Mr:. and Mrs. J . L es 11 e Steffe~. wellknown cOrona deJ •lll'&r rftldenta. -this weekend loiiir way lo eo. the N"'!'PC>rt Barblor comniJ.ttee for tbe Hoaar Memorial hoopltal tund lo turnboh and «1ulp the hoapitaJ. will con· tlnue tta work {Wetly du.rinJr thP Christ.mu and holiday .ea.eon. Thf' comtnltiee Will be rudJ lo Co hack and talro up I.be tuk qaln .vtth renewed vtm and ~ rtght after the flnt of the MW yur. Thia la tile order of Cllalrman Dr. G. N . Peue '-1ed after the bre&ktut meetlh• ~d~ morn- ing at the Balboa .Bay club. Hg dlatrtct commanders· agreed to ac- cept the chatnnan'1 Viewa. These com.mandet'I are Hadd R. Rtns, Dick Richard, Morrie Stanley, l • • ' ' . ........ PA&E -g - . . . C·l,A-SSIFIEP 'IQ(Mi~ .Midget In Advertiain!l' . ' • brought home a wonderful Chrlst- mU present-news Ulat he ls one of four students wlnnlng Rhodes Scholarships. He will go to Ox- fo.,, Untventty, England. Mra. Smith and Bob callla who I '""re p.....,.t lo make t.iielr week· ,,:U::-~Bolldlnit:=:;:::~c.8e:;:;:tt:.:,:lces::::,,___ ;;,Ul"'--"'~=="-'~,;;.!da;.:.;;;.. ______ _ iy review•, report procreu and S & N 11 Superfluous Hair ' . • lllC!kj four rbDIMm from f'l•ht rn>mlllNe of .&ic we.tern. sta&K. 8teff..-en i. Enclhh major at Pomona collece. a.ad lnteoda to bf.aomeo a proft!MOr In Engll~h. tttalninr an outAlckl tntel"t"9t ln <"tt.IUve "•rttlnl(. • • • • • • • • • By MARGO Please steer your park and guide your sail On an eve.11 keel With a &Wtle gale ... Plus Sea30n'111 Oreetings and plenty of cheer ~f=~~ ------t-- From Wa.lter and Anna who sell Marine gear! WALT'S TRADING POST I blk Ea,.t ot Nt"wpo rt 81\'ll. Harbor 2410 . .. . LOCAL MAN RUNNING AROt:ND WITH FORF..JGN BEAtrT\'! A F'LASH! A STREAK? A COMET ! WHO IS IT? WHAT IS IT? Why it'a Frank Wishon space cad e t in his mtshty MG. 'that's aJl ! Just the world's faatest small car. that's all! The inter- national set, dJplomatlc circles, and the motor cloak and goggle corps are all a twitter over Frank Wtshon's new BRins u MOTORS INC. And well they should be . . . Mr. Wishon haa the distribution for the famous Jaguar, the Riley, the MG and thoae two sterling small Britishers ... Morris MJnor and Morris Oxford. Mr. Wishon formerly owned the Hotel La.nkershlm in Los Angeles. He came to the Harbor area to retire. Then one day he tell tn love with a foreign auto. It was thl!: bl!:ginning of a. la.sting romance as witness British Motors Inc.. now In lts large, beautiful quarter• at 1209 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. And Young Steffensen, an English major in creative writing at Po- mona CQllege, is now In his sen- 'tor year. He intends to become evenually a college professor ·m English, with c"reative wtttlng as a sideline. The local youth and his three cowinners were chosen from an origtnal group of 45 st u den t s from C&lifornla, Arizona, Ulah, Nevada, New Mexico and Colo- rado. Tbe winners were chosen by a five-man committee whfch met S&tUl'day at California Insti- tute ot Technology, Pasadena. Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president of University ot California, head- ed the scholarship committee. The schoarshlps run tor two year• with payments of $1400 a year to each student .. Assisting Or. Sproul in picking the win- ning students were Wilson Lyon. president of Pomona College, Dr. Robert L. Nugent. of the Uni- versity of Arizona, A . 0 . McHen- drte of Denver and M . D. Thomas ot Salt Lake City. Winners with Steffensen were Nell Smelsen, 21, of Phoenix, a social relations major at Har- vard; and William Carmichael. 22, and Hugh Burns, 21. bot.h of Denver, and both international a.flairs students at Princeton. Civic League Seats Officers special note to you import auto owners . , . , British Motors haa a The-Women's Civic-League o·f complete garart> and repair sen-Ice for all foreign motors. Al DaYia Newport Harbor had their busl· is Chief In Charge or Wrenchu in this department. I say old boy, ae.a meetlng and tnatau&tlon of if I wge you I'd dro.p by BriUsh Motors and look around at 10me o' 'orncers th1e morniilg at Bal.boa thoae ,orgeous motoring jewela on . dlapl&y. Mr. Wlahon or Mr. Yacht Club, combining it With a John ca.Jlan, ,.eneral manager will certainly enjoy leJling you about luncheon and Chrl111tmu program. Brita.In's gifts to the highways. 1209 Coast _Highway, Newport Nea rly all present officers, head- Beac.h. Beacon 7341. ed by Mrs. Paul Davi.s, will head at BYC Luncheon e e e 1 the group ror the coming year. :Slgbt\\'Par Alley Ar~ you regl!teTed as a somnabuJlst? Even tho' you may seldom walk in your ~Jeep ... or appear before crowds in your night shift, you'll still enjoy wearing becoming sleep-wear. The Jo· Lee Sport Shop has some nod apparel called decent· ly enough, "Oreamies For P I e as an t D ream s." Scientists claim that once atlired in a night gown or p. j.'s of thls Bemberg brushed rayon yam, your chances of having a nightmare are one in a googol- plex. For one thing-, "Dreamles" feel like a bag of baby x~ttens . soft. The P. J.'s have a peplum and are ln sky blue, coral, maize, and pink, $6.60. Gowns are $0.60. And before lurching around feeling for your coffee pol in the mornings, thro'v a matching bed jacket over your sleepy shoulders for $3.96. For more formal and fancier bed WTaps. Lee baa moll58el.ine de tt0i (Marion Potter Is the Only known woman who can spell this) ... anyway Lee says It means glor1fied voile . . . and these da.inty little bed jackets are $4.90. We ll before anybody sees you ln his dreams, get with .. Dreamies." Jo-LHI Sport Shop, 18.'.15 Newport-Ave .. Costa Mesai • • • "EGAD S IRS, I'll ADMIT l'VE KNOCKED ABOUT THE WORLD ABJT. One morning, it't' Pince-Nez, Madtid, or the Pike at Long Beach ?" The speaker was a splend1d, bronzed man wtth a frayed, henna moustache and cJose.ciipped cults. · · Quickly enough. I dJaco\'ered this man's pr-etty secret! He spoke knowingly Qf far otf places because he owned a Zentth Tranaoceanlc portable radio from the Houee "Spte.DdJd HAMMOND CHORD O!'GAN ALL ELECl'RIO You can play rich Organ music at once, without a single lesson; try one in your own home.. all by yourself. PRONE KI. 2-6140 FOR FREE TRIAL compare note.. ympson 0 ar Ever'ythlng Is going fine all p AINTING & DECO RA TING PennanenUy removed trom. rw, along the , bay tront wu the wot'd &rms, lep. Eyebrows and b.iJJ'. from all district chairmen. They 1The Best Money Can Buy" line shaped-No mQre twe; .!"I· report lncrea.olng lnter;,,t and 512 -38th. St., Newport Beach Eu.EN L. BRY ART R. II).. many, many more people a.nxJoua PHONE HARBOR. 2404 Tue9day and Thuraday only to help with tunda, work and 52tfc Udo's Salon ot Bea.uty Har. 3171 ideaa. Figuring out the number of beds at $2500 each which will be n~esaary to reach the N~w­ port Harbor quota, Wesley Smith llllifge&tl t.he problem ls not too much, ln fact he a&.ld, lf all the talent a.nd enthual&im can be used and developed he believed the lo- cality ml«ht do a great deal bet· ter. On the bui.a ot 'bedl alone 30 would have to be subscribed for ln the Harbor area.. Well a good st&rt hu been made alld while there are not yet 30 bed. at least half the c011t of that ntimber has been secured 1n cash and pledges. Of course not all the tunds came ln for beds, but every donation of any size large or small helps to make up the t'und to be raised from this are&. More and more orga.nizationa are plannlng to un- dertake\ the r aising of subscrip- PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., Costa Mesa Bea. ~~7-M 94c9 Painting and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 008 • 31th St., Ne\vport Bea.Ch Phone Harbor 2418·W before 8 a.m. or after 4 ;30 p..m. 83tfe COMPLETl!l PJOUSE CLEANING Furniture and 'rugs shampooed. Free estimates -Fully insured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 6111 72tfc tions &nd all are puahlng the cam-------------- paign among frtenda u well as members. "Keep on with the good work," wu the order at ther close of the meeting, .. until we flnlsh the job." I ------- 'LAGUNA KIWANIS HOLD INSTALLATION DON K. BUTTS Lie. Genenil Contractor 1tesidential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6406·W 17tfc INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • Slat St. Newport Beach 22-Lo&t and Found LOST-Man's ring, ruby se:t ,with small dlamOnd in center. NF&r Mariners Mile, Coast Hwy.• ~­ ward. Phone Bea. 6150. l 1c18 29-Help Wanted Wanted at Once TOP MACHlNIST Permanent Job Apply at .. South Coast Co.· Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. 8tfc SALESMAN PART TIME Large_ company can use 10 men. Age 20-39 in advertising dept .• who would like to earn '60. per week-working 20 houra eve· nings and Saturdays. This will not interf~re with your present. work. Car necessary, Phone Kl 3-821.fc December 19 & 20 13cU 30-SaJe, Mlaoellaneoos Ottlcers of Laguna Beach Ki· wania club were to be lnatalled lut night &t Laguna Hotel. A delegation of the Newport Har· bor Ktwan1a club waa" expecUng to take pa.rt in the fYUvttiea. Harbor 'J.;lfl7CJ iuc38 FOOT PEDAL CHURCH ORGAN The Newport club will hold ita l.Mtallation ceremonies jointly wtth Costa Meaa. Kiwani.s on Jan. 3 at the Balboa Bay club. ------------MEDIUM OAK '' Tars, C & D (Oontlnued ~ i-..,o 1) aa many gamea played so far. .. C" Teani Newport (S8) Boys• club (t9) Siple ............. : .. F.............. Hopkins Navarro .......... F ............ Chapman Wetr.el .............. C................ Routch Brllf&'B ............ G........ Pflrrmann Revta .............. G ...... :. Steinmann Scoring aub1 : Newport -Boy- voy, Coane, Milum and Lovvier. Halftime score: Newport 15, Boya' club16. On offense Wetzel and Navar. ro took honors with Brtcgs as outstanding on defense. For the Boys' club It waa Rousch who atood out on offense . .. D" Team Newport (SO) Boys' club (%7) Martinez. .......... F.......... McCIU.sky Fitzpatrick ...... F .......... Thompson Neumknn ........ C.................. Berry Talstt'a ............ G.............. Tamura Eggert ............ G................ Daniel Scoring subs: Newport Sleeper, Vaile, Beatty, Knipp; B & Y House Movers General Contractors 6W First St., T'Uslin, Ca.Ji! Phone Klmberly 3-1885 (Home Phones JAsper 9-2773 or JAsper 9-2687) 91tfc Frank J. Moll Fireplaces, Barbecues, Fences Anything in block brick or naptone, etc. 437 E. 16th St. Costa M~sa Phone Beacon 5553-R 3tfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service MaJn.lained Pltqae: Harbor 1418-W 2801 B~ Blvd., Newport Beach 14-Person&la Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . 0 . Box 206 Bal-hland, Calif. Phone Kimberly S-5393 Boys' club -Bruah. 110 ou...- Halttlme score: Newport 11, l'.....--oo=._.,;=•ua=tl=ons=-'W;.:.:an::;::ted;:;:. __ _ Bays' club 16. lllXPERT w ASHING and Ironlnr. Phone Beacon 6058-J. •·; 1,0p13 COLDSPOT refrigerator, 8 cu. tt. Good running condition, "'new unit, $46 cash. TWO NEW Navy pea jackeu, Sizes 34 and 38. Price, $12 ea. Ph6ne Harbor 1388. llcl3 STOVE, toP 4 burner range. &nd 75-lb. tee box, $8 takea all. 3910 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 2270., 12bl4 KODAK-Six-20. er uaed. Call evenings. F·6·8 lens. Nev- Ha.rbor 2916-W 12cl4 . CUSHMAN SCOOTER, 1947. New tires. Good condition, $75. Ph. Beacon 5729.w . i.~t.f FIREW~D ,j i . Coal and Chall:1lll ~ .. >( • ~ • H. W. Wright Co: . Phone Beaovn 5665 1784 Newport Bly<!, Coot& MMa of Rannony. Yeah, you too can join the 'srna.11 world F ellow" Danz•Schmi•dt -BALBOANS IN PHOENIX isn't It' dept. H . of H. bu Zenith and RCA portabJq in all si2s Mr. and Mn. Thomas Frost of Mrs. Fulton. Brinar lo 1822 TWO C ANARIES, male and f .. male, 2 cages, $1r5. B.lock"' It tackle, rope: pair hip lenctb rubber boots:, $8; copper ketUe, (tor boiling Jobs:ter). Bed divan. 119 •.:c.Fadden St., ·Santa An.a. kl. 3.,';042. 13cl5 Vllelle Place, Newport Beach. FOUR B. R. HOUSE--..:.$2MO de. and price.a. Record players too ... a complete R CA t.5 rpm port-pf C able tor $34 .. 95. A splashy ctn aa you get $e worth of records free. GftO o. Balboa have been 1n Phoenix for Ob mua1c lovers never bad It 90 ,.ood! Put t.heM Stocking a few days and.expect to return tillers oil yo1Jr Uat : o°' LP . , . "An Amerlcan In Parts" ICUrshwtn 6%0 N. Hain Street Wednesday. Durtnc their abRnce hits plus the ballet flnale); Menotti' a complete "Medium": Golden Comer ltb. rJ&Bta Ana I Mra. Wood and Mra. 0Webb have Age at the Met; complete o~ru., carmen, La Traviata and other•: been staying with Jeule and Ferrer'• "Cy'r&nO" . . . and Yule jump for joy over '"Satchmo at ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;T;;;om;;;;;;;m;;;y;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, SYJDphony Hall"' Of' "Goodman al Came(ie" . . . a afeichtuJ of ti Chliatm.a.s tunes and children's story book albunls. Music of tM spherea at all speed.a at HoUM of R.armolly. 1817 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6663. • BARGAINS TILL THE COWS COME HOME, , ~AD LIB 87•••00 Harbor 1251.w. 10p24. livered:. .. FINE IRONING, CUrtaln8, etc_ THREE B. R. HOUBE-S290q de-- Pick up a.nd deliver. Help with livered (both ~ n.. ae-tbick). dinner parties. Mt8. WUlla.ma. TWO B. R. Hou.e, 0 . K. eode. Beacon ~91-W 10p12 $3M<> delivered. OWner ~e -------·------Anaheim 6404. 13c15 8 . C. GRAD., 26, married.. P erm. Balboa ruldent. Exp. in aalea, office mpnt. Serv. at.at., boat repa.tr. PMne Mr. Klatler, Har· bor !_96>3. 11p13 WANT llgli ,. uaelceeping and Ironing, •t · ' _LExipgton 6-llU&. llpl3 ODD 30118-'Wl!I ~dle ~ng paint, ~ter, cement, prcl· en.Inc, et.Ct: Ree'Ql'•hJe ratM.. P1!<>De BoacOn 5467-W j 18pl6 u .. tbe Non·~ Poot andPnm --u... tritb °"f'·SIMD v. -. . GAFP'ER I< BATTLER rango. Ila the 1951 CP an automatic and haa everything, Lamp and clock, outlet for touter and bu all- steel hot cake griddle In • tile middle. Aleo hu all lllnimer 1 burnere and' allooehroJ:ne cooking top -·and that artll"' broiler. Used 2 month.a. Can. ba11e it foti c6ntract balance of nu.u or take payment. of P,09 P'et' mo. See at 40( Bo. Spadra, :ruu ... ton or Phone. 2152'. Uttc More C'ewlfled cia MXt; ,.... • • I - • • ' PAAD: • Dll!JC. 11. un Nl:WrwT BAit.11().t. NEWS.-TIMl:S ~ £ ~ . . MORE CLASllAED ON PAGE FIVE SUGGESTIONS for CHRISTMAS GIFI'S GREEN'S 1825 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA Ideal Christmas Gifts St. Mary Blu.nkcL'J Bates H£"1 rloom Spreads Geo. Washington Spr<'ad.a Paclrlc Contour Shc<'ls Cannon ·Sheets and ·ro\vcls Pequot Shttla and Cases Bath M ats Table Llnen Towel Sel.8 Goodyear Airroam Pillo\Ys Gift Wrapped Home Furnishin gs Beacon 7235 8plJ St-Wanted to Buy WANTED -Good •lightly worn clothing lo aell In my new shop. FRANNIE GR A HA M, 1201 Coast H iway and Goldenrod. Corona del Mar. 20c.21H Want to Buy Used Furniture • W UJ buy 1 piece or e. carload. CRIST FURNITURE 1687 Orange, Costa ~tesa. B. 7323 7p21 PFAFF clt.-"C. sewln~ machlnP. !XM's 12 Opt'rations without at- teu:hntPnts. Exct>llf'nt condition. Sacrifice at $225. ALSO spr<'d J:;raphlc cu1ncra ln fine condi· t1on. l\.t it1c. heal1•rs. \BblC'8, lamp~ (;all eves. or w<'ek ends. Har. 2336-R (oc H ar. 3444-J days.t tlc J:i \ USED Spl.net piano, fa1nous make, In perfect condition. Terms, 1~9.12 down a.ad $20.M per mo at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO .. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Kl. 2-Cle72. CHRJSTMAS SPECIAL -A lovely grand piano 1n perfect con(litlon. F ormerly $785. Now only $505. Terms. $60.82 dQwn & 121 .28 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Slnc-c 1907), 421 No. Sycflm ore, Sanla Ana. Kim· berly 2-0672. SPI.NET Plano like new. Slunninl': case. Big, round 'clt'ar tone. A r eal joy Lo hear and see. Spectal Christmas prlee $395. Ont> only. DAl'IZ ·SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, Santa Ana. 520 North M ain, corner 6th St. HAVE an old piauu yuu t1.r<" nut using? Trade IL In for ll:i top <:ash vahl(• on a Pack flrd-Bt•ll 1't.•h•vision. Convenient termH on any hRlanc1· at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. tSin('f' IU07), 421 N Sycanlore. Santa Ana. KI 2-0672 -------ACCOROIO~ -URed , rull 120 b&.Slt. • • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa lsl&nd. Ph. Harbo~ 2<K2 Extra Nice 3 Bdrm. Plome Could be made 4 bdrms. Only 1 \i', yrs. old and still looks brand new. (Owner baa no children). Hwd. floors, large fl~. furnace. Near high school, Nice lawn, lot 80 ft. wide, garage. G. I. Resale offers usual .good terms. C. GALEN .DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd~ Costa Mesa ' Beacon 6698 (Evenings Beacon 6747-J) 4:t-Apartments and Homes ·• * * * LIDO ISLE * Cle\'('r I or 2 bedroom furnlsht'd ape.rtfllt'nla. All utllltlea a r e Jlald. Prlvat(• Raragl's and nice patio. Reasonable rent.a. GOOD LOOKING cufiton1 built 1 Will .sacrifice for $D5. Terms. 6'-:: fl. sofa. Exc£'Jlt'nt' eondi.-Others low as $12~, $1·tf). DANZ- tton. $1 00. Ph. Har. 698-J. llc13 , SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main. corner 8Ul. Christ mas Sale, Santa Ana. P. A. P A L M E R If You're a BARGAIN HUNTER Look These Over Bayfronl home with 4 bdrms. - older, with remodeling possibili- ties that the low price would permit. Pier, float and 40 feet on water. Someone will 1·ecog- nlze the value at $39,500. . TWO PC. living r m. set . char· lre USc Venl.'tta mohair, excel condition. Cust $400. SC'll for S17fl. Bea. 57 13-R o r Beacon 6467-R. l l c l:l I INCORPORATED S~JNE! PJANO slight!?" damaged 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1300 1n s hipment. A bargain. DANZ-Nf'wporL Beach Calif SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. _ ' . Santa Ana, 5~0 No. Main. cor· BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive ncr 6th. OVl'r 100 piano:; always. bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll * * * ' Cozy lllU(' 3 bdrm. home with bar- * Christmas Trees ABC \VASHER. It's that l&tC's t I 1 paid. Garage S75 mo., yearly * 19!;'l l ~II auton1atic washer anti YOU CA N hnVt' a pil:lno in your or $.'>O mo, winter. Ph. Harbor t ype kitchen, patio. fireplace', Rood heat and n icely furnished. $13,000. F or lhe RIGH'r TREE at the RIGHT f-'RlCE, Go to SHELTON'S 181 E. 17th St. Co~LA M cS<:t Beacon 6034-W &·1:1 IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT • White Ermine Coat Opera Leni;th Size 15 Never ~11 Worn Approximately Half Price $1900 For Information, Call Kimberly 3-2980 1 lcl :~ TRI-COLOR Colli!! pupp1l's. 5 wks. old. S25 Cfil'h . W ill hold till Christmas. Bt:al'On 6098-R. 11p13 it has the agitator. overnow home at Chr1:.:::ln1as for only $f1 Jfi71 . ' 79trc rins" end it 5pins drys all th<' 010. Scf~ us a bout our fine rf'nt .. 1·!Qthe-s. Used it only 1 month. 11.I program. R1·ntal applies on You t'an try it first and sec ii futur~ purt has.· ut SHAFEft'S you IJkc it. Can have it for con· 11.1US IC CO. ISinc1· 1907 ), 421 trHt.:l balance of $248.57 or takP N o. Syca1norc, Saula Ana. l<.I paym1·nti; of $13.50 pt"r monlh. 2-06i:.?. S1·i' at 404 So. Spadra, Fuller---------- ton or phone 21 52. lltfc DAVF.NPORT. matching chair. 1nahogany end table's, coffee ta- ble. All like new. $300 lakes all 426 Marguf'ritC', Corona dcl Mar . Harbor 2294-M. }lplJ UF:UllOOM SET. in ah o g any Vt'nc~r. 2 dressers. night :;tand. n1irrnr and po!-ltt·r dbl. bed. box spring~ and innerspring mat - lr"1'8 P C'rft>ct condition, $125. Ph. Harbor 2900-J. 13clf• SPINE'f P IANO -Itopos&.'&'!etl Ju:;t like new, fanlOU:i nlakf', beautiful casE>. Gor~cuu~ t onP Save over $100. Terms. DANZ- SCH_MIDT DIC PIANO STOR~-:. Santa Ana. 320 No. Mu.in S lreet corner 6th. Your ad appearing reg- ularly In theac colun1ne will bring you many new customers. llarbor area folk.a are ln the habit of "looking in the clasai· , S nli fled" when they need t~~:::~i~;:;:;:ted-. ·· 1--Ul_•_ .. _ .. _"'_""" __ · ____ _ the new 16'-18' and 20· fibre S5-Do1.,rs, Cats, Pe_!s ~lass 5('dan cabin cruisers, in· --- board or outboard, by BEAGLE n1 a le dog, 7 mus. old, re;::. AI<C champion rt·triev1~r $·!."">. Call lia,. 1 ~28 (t•ves. Har. WIN CRAFT 102 E . 16th .. Costa M('sa. B. 6562 1 2515) 1 lcl:.: 11 p l 3 12 FT. GLASSPAR. like new. 7 ~, 36--Poultry, Uabhlts H . P. MC'rcury, ter·p. oars. an- chor. Sand dolly. $185. Sec Mr. Balboa Island WC' have severs} attractive a pt.a and hQUses for winter rental starting at s4:; mo. and a few yearly rentals starting at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Marine, Balboa Isl. H ar. 502 69tfc ATl'RACTJVE furn. apt. Qn water, patio. i.::ar. Adul~. Will lease If rtcsir('li. Close to bus. Richards Alkt. and tht·atrt·. 617 -38th S t., Newport Beach. Har. 691·W 77ttr r~unN. 3 rm. apt. with bay view in nict• t·ondilion. $65 mo. Util. pd. YC'arly rental. 1607 W . Bal- boa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har- bor 1068-M. llpl3 BALBOA PENlNSULA-Furniah.: f.'d sjngle apt. S25 mo. (winter ). ALSO 2 bdrm. house .. frlgldalre. laundry available, s~ mo. ln· c h11.JinJC util. to June 15. Harbor 1210.w. 5Lfc Collins Island SNARE DRUM-In exc(·llC'nt con-Grimstad at Balboa Ilay Club RABBITS FOR. SALE-8 thuro- brcd d()(•s, t\vo but·ks. R ca.....,un· ablC'. 566 Ha n1i lton, Costa Mesa! Bea<·on 6356-M: 11 c1:1 Wt>s t rnd of Park Ave .. Balboa Island. 3 rm. cottage a.pt.., week ly or monthly rates. can H arbor 2962-W. ' dition, includes sticks & brusht·s. or call Harbor 1535. 1 lcl J S25. Ph. Beacon 6098-R. 11pl3 I · Everybody reads the clasSlfled ads. I----FOR LEASE-New 3 bdrm. house, ICE SKATES (size 61·::) w orn !0-9_Bus~ess O_wrtunJties unrurn. F\r('plact-. dbl. garage. on?e· electric train. 4 wheeled 34-Musical Radio ~ 23542 St. Andrews Rd., Cliff skunrner. mech. truck. toy sew · • Men's Clothing Store Haven. Beacon 8874 -J. 11c13 ing machine, lik<' new. H t>avy CABLE GRAND PIANO. Vf'ry 112 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa FOR RENT-I bdrm. furn. house carry-all truck. Phone Harbor good tone. Excellent condit ion. · 22M. l l cl 3 W ill sacrifice for $300. Phone Sto<:k about 1 yr. old. Stock and in Newport Beach. Reasonable H arbor 2990-J. l3c 15 fixtures invt'ntory about $1 3,000. to June 15th. P hone Fulle rton CHRlSTMAS BARGAIN -Elec· tric lique fier (H ollywood). Like new, '.rt price. 321 Santa Ana Ave., Newport H eigh ls. Bea- con 5244. 1 t cl3 Somebody Wants That ueed turniture, brtc-a -arac, p&lntings, etc., now taking up apace tn your garage.· Find a buy- er wlth a classified ad In the News-Times, P ost, a.nd Pre&& com· SPINET Pianos, new and used. Baby Spinet $295. Christma~ sale on all Spinets. Over 100 pianos to choose ~· DANZ· SCHf\.11DT PIANO And Organ Co .. 520 No. Main, corner 6th, Santa Ana. ELECTRIC Organs, nt'w e.n<l used. DANZ-SCHM"IDT Piano and Or- ~an Co., 520 N. Main. cor . 6th. Santa Ana. Phone Beacon 5606-M. 4tfc 1088. l lcl3 Business Opportunity Wanted I S MALL 2·room cottage", furnished. One block from Rtcharda Mar- PRIV A TE PARTY will buy or in-kcl. 162 E . 16th St., Co.sta Mesa. vest in establis hed business in llp13 1 Ha rbo r area. Must s how ~Ot)(I -------------- profit . Give full particulars W. OCEAN FRONT cozy atudlo Write Box V, this pape r. N<1 Hpt. Grountl floor, carpeted, bro kers. llpl:J ~hn..,.,•t·r. all convcnlc ncca for * * * Can you imsgine a year oltl 3 bdrn1. ho1ne on the waterfront at $27.500. Art istic papers and colors, 2 bRths, fireplace, good heat. See thia one. Owner trana· fered . MUST SELL! * * * t> units near stores, library, trans· por tation. Units al\vays rentcl.1 . Neat as a pin. owner might conalder trade. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd., Har. 1264 * * * * * * 56-Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 8% to 10% I< MORll: "'PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" Every loan t itle insured. $3.381-lst T . D. pays 14.0 mo. 6';t, all due 1958. '3.886-lat T. D. pays $40 1110. 6%, $350 discoun t . $8,080--lat T. D. pays $80 mo. 7% Free collection service. r BOB SATTLER. 1415 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ute Ins. Funds Kl 3·5186 55-Money·to Loan LOANS for Homes 6%-20 yr. Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 6-6'At% (14 yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER 141!5 COAST BLVD. Coropa del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Ina. Funds Kl 3·6186 LO.ANS TO BUILD, IMPROVJ:. BUT, MODERNIZE, OR Rll:FIN ANOE . ' . Chic}cen Ranch A real opportunity tor the right man to earn over $1000 per mo 5 acres, 2 houaea, b&rn, stables, own water and equipment for J 5,000 chlckene. $6000 down plua inventory. · This operaUon has over $00,000 groae sales for 1951 Can be lncreued. Moderately Priced INCOME HOME. New 2 bdrm. on R·2 lot, located clorte to beach. Should return lo $1200 per yr. Ample room for addtUonal unit. Full price, $7260. Reasonable dn. payment. Lido Isle $15,500 We have just completed an attrac· Live 2 bdrm. house with ma n,y tile featurea -enclosed patio. corner fireplace, good healing. g la.u e ncloeed tub, exposed beamed ceiling in llv. rm. Can be bought with low down pay- ment of $4750. Best value on Lldo !ale. GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 3tfc Desirable Duplex "Superific" TWO turnlshed units. Each w ith two bedrooms, living room. kit- chen and bath: with a sundcck. f>Orch, and fireplace. A good Balt>oa. leland location for the family who 1nust consider in· cun1e to be essential. Here. is a 3 bdrm. home-l>f quality construction on BALBoA ISLAND. Large living rm., flrepl&cc. Guest rm. with bath. Separate and complete apt. over dbl. garage. • Price $18,500 ISLAND REALTY CO. -Realtors Park Ave. at Agate 1 BLK from FERRY LNDG. BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 377-W I CORONA DEL MAR INCOME BARGAIN Attractive 2 -bedroom hoi:nc, only 4 years old. Good location on NarciBsus Ave. Separate guest rm. & bath adjoining gar. (built to take 2nd story. Excellent income recant bu~ OWner M~ S0e your Multiple Listing Broker or Mull. Llstlng No. 2123 $10,500 W. W. SANFORD, REALTOR Park Avent1e at Marine Balboa .Island HARBOR U82 OUTSTANDING Bay Front Home and Apartment on the exclusive EAST BAY FRONT of LITl'LE ISLAND. No expense has been. epal'<1jl to make this an incomparable home. Large enough for gt;lceful entertaining and email enough for eer- vantlees living. The pier and fl oat will please the deep water yachtsman. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT . STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Harbor 20 Beautiful Large Corner Lot ON MESA DRIVE overlooking country club. Curbs are in. Ap- proved for FHA. A very good buy. 20 7< down YOO ASK FOR IT WE HAVE IT DESIRABLE lots in choice locations. OPTIONA L-can be used as a four bedroom, two bath home plua a rentable separate guest room and bath. Your inspection ln· vitcd. Newport Heights PRIC E furnished i rn.500, with Builder Must Sell LIDO ISLE waterfront lots for sinl le homes or income purposes. A LS 0 cross street lvts at prices well under value and terms to suit you. tern1s of 1."a down and balance on 111onthly payntcnt.s. I' Exceptionally well .built 3 bdrm home. lndivlduahty, beautiful Call Harbor 63 J . A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island Ferry- 2 Lots, Costa Mesa FOR THA'f new home you HhouJd ' buy theac two 60 x 127 toot lot!;, buy one or both. O n 15th street near corner of Orangt; Avenut:. Priced $1485, Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE Har~r 63 Sacrifice Sale $2.500 down wlll buy a modcn1 duplex local.pd in Corona del Mar I blk. from beach. Yields 12 ~ on investment. Buy fu r· nishcd or unfurnished. P hone Harbor 1063. 12cl4. $1500 DOWN Cha rfnlng new ranch type home. One bdrm., all fenced and land- .sc-,ped. Good COsta Me:oi& loca· ll<fl· lt's pretty as a picture a.nd a wcJl·buUt home. $7995. elevation. Many wonderful and cOl!tly fea tures. E ntry hall, lge. Uving room windows, fireplace, force<I air heat, selected hard- w ood floors,. 1 % baths, large )<.ltchcn, built-in laundry. Street bonds are paid . Are you inter· estcd in value? Thia home lB un· dcrprlced at t.he bu1lder'1 ex- pense. Full price is only- $14,250 --. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1800 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa P hone Bea.con 7123 (Across from Costa Eves. Ha. 3157·W Mesa Bea. Bank) M58-J Out of Town Owner Says "Must Sell" 2 1,2 bdrm& home, lovely brick fireplace, needs redecorating. Unfurnished except stove and drapes. F e nced rear ya.rd. Full price $12,500. -Will consider offer! Balboa Peninsula INCOME REMEMBER we arc t he OE- VICLOPERS of lovely LIDO ISLE. Here you can also BUY homes a t most any price you desire. NOW we have some splendid 2 -3 • or 4 bedroom homes that cannot be dcacrilicd. You MUST , SEE these. Our listings. l\l'f! EXCLUSJVE with ua. It w ill profit you to come to our offices. Here a liUle buye a LOT. To ALL our clients and fricn(ls may we wish you a mOHl MERRY CHRISTMAS and n NEW YEAR in which we all can enjoy PEACE and HAPPI- NESS. P .A. PALMER •IN CORPORA T E D 3333 Via Wdo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1:>00 ' Balboa Island Only $2500 down b uys this older· 2 bedroom home on a full sized Jot in good location. Kno tty plne interior. Hu a fine 2 car ga· rage all ready for an apartment lo be added above. FuU price only $11,900. 216 Stan Hadfield REALTOR Marine Ave., Balboa Phone Harbor 20 Island blnaUon. Just Phone Harbor 1818. HAMMOND ORGANS! The gn'at SHELi,, .GIF'r STORE', by NC\V· port P ier. clean 8'tock. Good I mail ordf'r business, money n1akc r. $3500. 2102 Occ·an Front, N ewport Bt.·a~·h. Set· Sunday, i.:omfort. Twin beds and couch. Sna<'k bar, kitche n unit. refrtg- f•rator. etc. A snug place fo r 2 or more-Nice beach. RenL moderate. 17<M W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach. Harbor 2999-J. We Buy Trual Deedo 2 NllWPORT BALBOA 11'EDll:RAL 8AVIN08 6' LOAN ASSN. Newport Heights bdrm. home In xlnt. location. Obie. g arage, 4 yrs. old. lovely yard, front and rear . 18700. Exceptionally nice 4 units -·2 stor y stucco, only 1 'h yrs. old. .f-car garage. Three 1 bdrm. units furnished. One 2 bdrm. unit unfurnished. Close to bay and ocean swimming. Excellent lncon1e. With $2500 Cash l2p\·1 12p13 MAKE yours a horn(' of clistinc· tlon with a beauttrul Siamese cat or kitten. Phone Harbor 1326·R. llt'l3 Hammond Chord Organ. I f you don't know a no te. you can play this'. The Hammond Spine t Or· 1 gan. World's most beautiful 42-Wantetl to Rent tont.'s .. Easy t e rms.. DANZ· :l,. ---- Ul">STAlllS waterfront apartment. nicely furnished, Aceon1mo- tlatcs f iVl'. $110 per mo. Apt. E. 365 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle. BEAUTIFUL 15-j;allon slalnl<'ss • Bteel aquariun1 fur sale. Includes plants, rocks, li J;hlcd stainless steel cover. heater, tht•rmostat thermomt;"ter, filter and fi~h. $50 value, only $30. Dea. 6690-W. SCHMJDT P iano and Organ Co .. YOUNG COlfPLE nPf'd upt., in Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, corner arf'a. P crmant•nl. Furn., partly 13pl5 6th Street. furn. or unfurn. Ph. Beacon 12pl•I CHJLD'S full slzctl lined play- house. Shinjth:d exterior and roof. Call Har. 1443-J Sat. or Sun. 12pl4 GOLF CLUBS, pructica!Jy nC'w. Complt'te set ladif's ~tacGregor­ Louia. Suigs inclu•ling putter and'" bag. Phone Harbor 1446-M after 6 p. n1. 13tfc CHIHUAHUAS. r egistered. Ma- ma. papa. twu babies. Buy une · or all. 214 Cabrillo. Custa Mesa. See 6 p. n1. to D a . n1. or all qay MonOay. I3pl5 FOR SALE-ChU<.l's play hou..ec. RENT A PIANO -Let the kiddie!" learn, Sf! per mo. Full term re nt allowed on any piano ln our st ock . DANZ -SCHMIDT B I~ Piano Store, !:>20 N. Main, Santa Ana. I LOVELY bungalow upright pianC1 in perte<:t condition. Ternuc. $33.J~n and $11.94 per mo, ai ··l!flAFER'S MUSlC CO Since 1907). 42l No. &ycarnorc. Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, ~D. $75, $87 up. Pay $5 per month. Full trade-ln allowed on new WithJ.n two ye a r s. DANZ. SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, San· La Ana, 520 No. Main, 6th SL corner. Buy now for Xmu. Five· feet by 8t'Vcn Ceel, $7.5. REGULAR $275 valUe -N ew 120 ·Phone Htlrbor 20$1...J . 1Sp16 bass accordiom. while they wt, TSLSV1810N, Philco · 12~ incl! • J189.~. Case Included. Terms. "table_.....,, 10 montha old:-Ex-Jl8.90 down and JI0.7& per 1110. • ...,...... at SHAFER'S MUSlC CO. oellent condition. $100. Coll s 907 Hanor C!a2-R. 1-u 1 In<• 1 ), ill No. Sycam0tt1 -~ Santa Ana. Kl. a--0en. 6150 ~fore !> p. nt. llcl:J VERY N ICE 3 rm. cottage near bay & shopping Cl'.'nter. AdulU, ,!_3-Apartmt>nt~'i ancl Hou8efol no Jkls. $45 mo. to June. Utit. W '1 pd. Apply 430 E . Bay, Balboa. T O bdrm. unfurn. house. 1 blk. Ha rbor 307. 13cl5 from ocean. By year only, S71i ------------- month. BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn. UDO lSLE---2 bdrn1. fum. home. single apt. $25 mo. to June 15th. S115 mo. by year on.ly. Utll. Incl. Laundry It wash ma· Ph. He.rbor 2::>62 or liar. 2914·M chine available. Ph. Har. 1270-\\' 3tfc t3lfc ----- RENTAL ii SP~IALISTS Call Edna Craig l Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ialand Har. 2042 32c54 YEARLY-Newly df'COr&ted. Ex· c~pUonally tUce. Unturn. 2 bed- room duplex. Many extra fea- tures. Near both &Choo.la. Rea· eonable. a:M Clu..y St., Clift Haven. 83ttc House Trailers for rettt ALSO large Joi. with lawt11 and • pattoe. extra clean reel roCJqb and laundry. Thia ta a fine place to make your. botne. Liberty Trailer Park 151&2 Har-Blvd. S&nta Ana KI. 2-11378 6p18 ~ Via Udo Pb. Bat. 11100 Ive. 4~Automoblles, Tires LOOK! LOOK! • 1951 HILU!AN Sedan dem- onstrator. v e ry Io w mileage. AT k BIG.SAVING 1048 CHEV. club cpe. (1 ownf!r ) Orig. paint, n~ titt3 .................................. Sl09tJ JIM I DODGE '.> ton pickup $ 490 CHEV. IS ton Pick up .......... J '19$ I BANK TERMS "Hillman Ml.rut Dealer .. \NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2604 N<wport 'Blvd., Newport Bel> Pllone Harbot 1407 Tremendous Bargain tllil DODGll 4-dr. cuot4111, -. radio. CU lit. A-1~ ...,.hanlcwl· condlUoe. lltiST 8SLL . THl8 WEEK. WW .-iit ,,.._,Ille otrer. Pb: fla{. lOll. • JJcH 1911 BUD80N I BllDAN..-<ll1c· ,IDal Cllll& Ol,IGO -mllol. J:xco"eel~­ Barllar 0701. • •. ll'elli ' Newport Heights Bran<I n('_w 3 bdrm. home. Its tht> attractlve ranch type with fire~ place, best hwd .. flOQfs. lots of tile. Finest workmanship Sl2,2:i0. Beacon Hill Realty 4.86 Newport Blvd. (above Arcbe») Ph. B. 5713·R or Eves. B. 6632·W Priced Right! Good 2 bedroom year roUnd home with 2 floor turnaees, hdwd. floors. G•r&ie U\d pe.tto In choice location near bay. We don't think you can beat thh:_ for SU,500. DUPLEXES $6000 CA.SH, P'Ull PRICE buys a amall duplex in bualnesa zone. cloee in Balboa. $13.500 for a large older type du- plu on 2 Iota c!looe to bay. Lowtt ren~ WW bring good mmmer income. $36,500 Lido Isle 2 bdrm., 2 bath home with flag· stone fireplaee a nd forced air heat. D i.sposal. Service porch Beautiful enclOBed patio, 2-ce.r garage. Lot.s of storage space. Only $22,500, $8600 down. {Furniture can be purchased l! desired.) Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2668 SHORECLIF'F'S 27.2 Evening Canyon Rd. Open for Inspection Just completed. 3 bedrm: 2 bath. VIEW home. Bireb k t L c b e n. Lota of tile and formlca. Le.nd- ocaped. Priced Right Loree Prudential loall al ~~ You can move lnto this 2 bdrm home. Built 3 yr1. ago, just re-- decorated. Obi. l'&r., excellent location. Ha.a 4. ';t G. I .lollll. Bal- ance leu than rent. Corona del Mar Ckean View. new 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. W to W carpeting and drapes included. Hwd. floors. dual fir. furnace, fenced, patio, sprinklera front 6. rear, 60' lot • Only 118,500, owner tra.naterttd. Key 1n our office. W. E. Fisher Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Realtor -llWJCl&te 916 Cout BlvcL, Corona del Mar Phone Barbor 24.4.3 10tle Corona Highlands Large corner view ~y OWIU!r. Priced -· PIL Har. ~ or Har. 3081.R. 89cU -thia -to buy. ~ . • Hal'bor 31113-J. • ucu New Home r Lido Isle S17.000 for aUnk:Umy rumtalled duple& Oil P<l\lnoula w ith paUo, 111!14UTD'OL 1 ---ua-Nk:e 2 bdrm., 1 'l i..th. tile olnrr. - dbl ~~..;rou•1 t.enaat 1n nun-. _. tu11 pr1ce. -:=ce.arr :::!;~ .. ~ • • ..., ... -·-' w. Vletorla, Coot& --'Plilqe dlojlaeolJ. ~­ $11.14!' tw altal•nHel Mii-811 "'?".-M. ltUo , • ......,pod.~JIBQ.,Uf,400 . duPln ..:r, 17-i-..od . ts rr. BAY -'~r. lot "lrilll pi,.r can HUl!or 11111..f. ep11. llooft. J'!rOJI .. aad In A·I pri•ill-'""' •~-~u ~.__.. •-LOT ----esnftkMi 1 ~. ~· ..,_, --......-..-..--.. ......... ~_._ ,oS!llV.._.., .. • -~ 1-m1 "!I.et~ p. •. lJclt wr 1d .4, tille. 11' ooni. U..lbc:Mt•Realty Co -............ · ...._ _.., ---IL ~-'-.. a-w-.~ • ieou ae. Gr••llF Jct 1ff'M Wallib 1$1:¢1 » W'd, ~ -~ \'Jc. . -. , ,-i._ ~••• . ..,,an ... &· ~ ~ ,,.,... ~ a.umoa u11 ~ ,_ · 'l'llO !"-11t'lll oa ~ --c:as1r--.¢l'!I,, M. '"' w; t~ -1lli • lllli ~ . • ..