HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-25 - Newport Balboa News TimesI ' . ~' ' f ' I r • • .. .. • ' . Juveni~ .Bureau· Adds .t~~rtotfc Fimto library • The new motion picture, '"I'bc Terrible 'I'Mrtll," a story ot a teen· age drug addict, haa been added to the audio-visual library of the eherUt'a· juvenile bureau it wU annoUnced today by SbertU Jam~ A. Mualck. -nle film . wtU. be uaed a. part " of a crim.e preventloo program .to, acquaint the public with the true faeta and tlg11)'ell of drug addlcllon among a®le8Cent.a today, accord- ing Sgt. Rua Campbel~ director of tbe iuv'!"lle bureau. Campbell stated the problem 18 eettoua among yµung people who b&• become &ddl•~ to tbe uae ot !W'COtlca and c!&nguoua druga. i;r~. u.. numbef of adol· .-cl In-hu -~ exaggerated and ~· c0W1tt la compu'&t1 .. 17-tree &ltl!OUCh then ha.Ve' been a tew tlolated c&ae9. -~ . .. ' be ,......... .. , . ·beneraUy t..,._~ whO ''try· oul" maiihu.-na M herOtn come nom broke or WlhapJll' - Matty ot lbml ba'Ye c r l m, l n ii. l _,,,._ -....... -ua1JIS aleo-·~-be-prior to, tr)'li!s ro.a.rnwi.n&. .. -.. ·o.i.. ~ )'!lUtll ~~!rt 'Oral!&>i <:O.Unt1, Campbell llild, are lllck o( parental control. ' -- Id.,. -of autom-and 11..-, "Wi~e u;e at.the prnent time el>e:ek· alt oton.. --UJat aell le --.... and ai:notlns ~ -•IL to llllnon. A 1.tpt :-jlnnlle pUrolJo belior cUried -"" -• u., -Uooa . to ~ ...... 1l!lf. .tqrm JlitrGI. Ila ·-· . ' • ,,,..._ --wlU •lle cn--list-~--"I-..... ~ ·-II. ..... """ ............. , .... It - coeted D lft Mm1ek. . ; • , ~o wmr HEr "* u...,;;... ;,tove 1o .:'~'""-' -°"""" 1a lioi...a li· .... .r.; w~ 4lopla7 lo oAe of)"" -outatan<""S ~""" ',;.;,lai estrtpo of tlle .,,,_. • • • • f ,• , ' • drtlwn. mudl favo-le ·co-from blaaden' .as ~'a.· otltel\ _..,. Ille oallflaNH•r ~ . r' , dloplaJ. Be1<1ad --lllCfa abo•-e u.. liOOlllt· lettl!• .,,,, ornee etatf. .. i I Photo by L Mull) Marine Bumed in Xmas .Tree Blaze nitt front· will be .,.ovlded. No !W-P i>ubllc uae of the area 1, provided 'Newport Beach; tn the· plant of the Harbor depart· tona del Mar. .men~ made publlc recenUy. With \Yright on 'the judging Engineering drawings and spec!· commlttee were John Boyd, Mau- ftcationa have already ~n ten· rte Stanley, Harold Hetrick and del'ed to the Board of JIUperv\&ors Herb Ho_lk_•_r_. ____ _ who must approve .Ch expendit- ure. " Swayne 1n·1ured in S'P'cloua m~tlng rooms for the monthly .... ion ot Harbor Corff-TWO Car Co. llision miaalon. offices for their clerk, of· flee.ii for 'lbe Harborm&Ster, his A rear-end coUiaio'l1. involving otlce crew and a patrol office a.re vehicles of two local restdenla on provjded. More area la Provided MacArthur Blvd. near Coast High- for the engineer and hill draft-way Saturday cay.aed minor lnjury lng room. fronting on a landscaped to Thomu A. Swayne 43 of 122~ Janal, than ia now provided for Grand ca~al, BaJt>oa' iaiand, ac· _One man w-.. injured and tWQ the enure Harbor maatera of(lce. I cording to California Highway pUy decorated trees Wete never Covered atorage areu. spacious Patrol reports. <Be wu treated at ,, , . • ~ . sodidt ln'r&ddft!01f~ 14 bor within the next two months. ·••cheer" ll\ the. boat Maapawer Needs ahowroona. On Saturday the "' Now, however, with the slx rooms {W,ere open to bieruSa iuad 14.(·foot awepers in the works, ~e cus~mera of South CoUt who al· company !acea constderable in·, tended a aimllar open boWJe. McGHEE WINS DEFAULT AGAINST OELlRICHS JN ·EVICTION · SUIT It will . be a bright Christm for C&mpbeU M. McGhee, 74, of j propertieB-from the Oellrich& and ~20 Iris avenue, Corona del Mar. their ev1ction from the lria avenue Superior Court Judge Robert home. Gardner ruled ln his tav~r Frida.y to eee Chrbtma. anive ln New· &hope., enot1noua landacaped park· St. Joseph hospital ' port homes for both V!'ent up in lng &reaa and a recreaUonaJ area. The accident occurred, patrol· unoke, one before the "tetUng up" includin&' a volleybell court area men aid. when Swayne, driving debrta bad been cleaned from be-a.re all proTtded for the uae of per· a sedan, ikidded into the rear end neath lt. On Wedne8day evanJ.ng eon.net. 'EIJbt fln,er 1illpa &re Jn-of a pickup truck driven by Bry- Kra. Anne Wlllon, wbo oecup1ea dicated u neceaary ·wUh a boat ant Lew. Maraton., 32, of 709 Poppy d upetain apartment at lUl_~~t. railway. The Coaet Guard will be Ave., Corona del Mar. ~ both and Ocean Fr., had juat completed proY1ded with an office, It.Ore room were driving .aouth on MacArthur drea\ni a tree for b6r alJ\all 80D. and ellore side bunk room adj&-81\fd. Swayne'• car waa towed to New upta, bought that d&J were cent to tllielr mooring J?'iff, accord· Stower's gV&g"e . at a he.aring in Santa Ana where Under an agreement signed he' awardec) McGhee judgment by Nov. 15, 1950. which McGbee uk- default in hi8 complaint against ed concelled. the couple waa to Mr. and Mrs. Chria Oellrich, also take c&re or htln for the bl.lance at Corona del Mar. • bt Kia life·. In payment, they were • • .I ~ • _, HUGE. OUBTINO CA.RD to "l'OV" tr-. ~ -,.., office •tall ...... above lo~r dtePo I!! -. of~ tit. "ili..m., of oflliie'a troat' dlaplay of a ~ old Santa 0.... ~-,,_ Illa feel oo . t ~• Ille wood-llundar atove, r<luln& after ..id!L ~.,--. (N.W.Tlma Photo) ' '-. . . fUm<d on. Aa Kn. WUIOJ\ voe-Jnr to the preliminary< plana pro· urpmed under the tree, a btilb wu vtded ·by the Harbor CommiNion. either broken or exploded and ln-The entire plan ta an outgrowth •t&ntl.Y t..tle tree was on fire. Slie of a demand by naldenta of the l'f'libbed it up and threw It out Ule polnt. and by yacht.Gnen .that the door into the at.reel, Wbere 11 bUrn• cout Guard be provided with adeo- ed i~lt out. qua:te ' tacllttlea for their mercy A! 3o3 % • S2nd SL, Harriet work. . Bloom went away at 4 p. m. Re-Euy uceea to the .ea. .ubatan- tumlng at 9:20, Ute place-wu on tlal moortnp for laru craft. and flro, William Howu.I H..._.,pelll, obOft aide· station for Ille men !3, a m&l'la.e from Oceanside burn· manntnc the boat have been lndi· ed bla hands badly In. trytnJr to c'at«I for the Cout Gu&rd. Other open the claa paneled door. Nf!'.W· &ddltiona an ·apparently the long port tlre'men put out Ule WUO. Um~ ~ of memben of the ~~~-,,--~~~~~~-,---.,,,--,~~-'---'io~.,--"--~~~~~~~~-."--';::-:;:::~ H ..... Oonuni.lorl, • COol. t.re biolteii down u: otee1 bull<l>e•dlnc U8,0llO for tlle Oo&lt Gulird: Ull,080 fot' the Har· -.~t --'9«Jler coot> -''" ......,.elfled deveJoPment an .... .for1 tlle Co.a lluard and '5.Uo for ui; Barbar departinenL Plor f<ll' the Oo9ot ou.rd would -to S),7.IOO-J!o_ Mtlmate toe tlie -al IW'tlor doputment ~ lo --ID Ille Pnllmlt M'7~-. ~ a.ii<I balldJnr· facllltl .. ~"8. ":t':a ~ i;:. = _....._, ·tioi. -,_,.....-,. -. .................... •.l!OO --lo loo-at •-al f(4,lOO,ro. -·--.. -~ •it ...... l~~w:•:•:· --... ....... i .... Uiit ••• l&dftm't Of M ....,ms' 111,liOI. . • ••• 11P. • t!lftw llu boeO ' no ......... .., 111 -.. -nrcmt -""" Ula ~-.. CIO' -•71 ' "' ·'!'.::r• ~-• •tW ---..... -~~-...,~....:.:~~ -..... -... ''• ............ ,,, . ..,_ ..... . " '• to receive slx lots at Irie and No anwser had been filled by ThJrd avenues, lncludlng Ufe ITls ' the Oelrichs to McG.bee'a com plaint seeking their e)'tclioli from avenbe dwelling ahd an automo- hb property in-Corona del Mar ahsl bile. return of certain monlea. The Hia complaint asserted further will vi th f '\1!1 tJiat the Oellrichs obt&lned $15,-judgment e ct em rom \ 500 ln loans from him, ba8ed on l>remiees. . . ,t-,. ed Ordert Jlati of th SJlelr contentions that l.iley own · .JEWELRY STOLEN l\K canee on e real esate in v.1 .. h l~n valued at Oellricha' detd to the property, '.'.Y- . Theft .ot •100 worth. of jewelry I promteory note ·and . ·trust deed. m·bre t.hJUl $100, . Plaintiff trom her 1hop, 141~ Coul Blvd., Judge Gardner also~gave , McGhee nra.lnta.ine<l tbUr was a fal8e rep- COrona del Mar, was reported judgment aga..lnat t~ paJr tn the reBentation made ~ perwade him Thursday att~rnoon. by Velma aum ot $1800. , . .to enter the agr1eement and con· O'Brien to P.Q~ce. ;"cwt::.a included Atty. George enu;,i.. on behalf vey hill t>roperty to them. . rhlnut.GM: e&trlngs, wrist brace-of the Oellrtcha, .-nounc~ . be M.or~raorutllJ, the complaint let, nebitlac ana other baubles, would rue a motion~ set aside alleged. · · ,.the. Oellrich's once &he said. PoliCe are tnveatlpllng the detauJt On grounds It Was not #<&ffec ~ regard''• for McGhee tlle thert_ w}licb occurred about the Oellrtcbs' f.:Wt they did not 1 ...... ~;¥d'llfe1-pa<IU&lly gave 2:30 p. ~; '?'!iJect.ay. get their answer filed on time. hlm liu f'!Pport untll he received . . Repreaented by Drumm, Drumm,, not.hins-.. • Atldltlbnally, the com· SP~~T STOLEN_ ! and J<>Jm Martell, McGhee earlier platnt,.-erted that when he com- • DaJJq WSlllet or San Dlmaa I won a temporary injunction re-plained. aboilt their failure to ltve report.id~·· Uce Thunday tllat straining the Oellrlcbs from hf.rtn• upµ>-~ ~t, Lenora -O•ll· his ""'!"! ' ·colored opeedboat,, Ing him and from diapoelng of bla rtoh,.dellCrft>ed u . a woman weigh· V entuni DI; .}Uu:I been taken trom real Or penonal property. • i 1ng more dian ZOO poun~ and her ~·at Balboa .Yac~t Ae;co~ to .M:cGbee'a ortgt• (M>A~-~~.ed of a violent Umper, BUJn. ~ ctatt hu a b I u ~ I nal eomp~t. he aakect JU!IP.B~~. ~Ii' him and lhr•w blm io the C&DOPY.· , ~ ~ ' ; • . • • for n;tum · o~ f~?-~ worth' of-~ G · •- . -Ff , z ,. t ... ' '-I ' •• • LE I fER TO THE ED~TOR Dear Kr. Edltoro Readmg .of the propoaed. new building to house the Cout Guard, Harbor Muter, I u a 1ldpper workinc out of thia Port would like lo sue..-couldera.Ua W ciftD thej. establishment of a ' branch U . S. Weather B\lttau ltaUon, in lhl.I bfuldtng. In 1pite ·Pt '1se 0 l.ntenalvie work no~· done by the U. S. Weather Service, ~ bartior bu little 24 bouJ lnlormaUon availabJe to the Yacht.aman, Sport l'iahln&' Landtng-1, and' the Rancher. As one ot the !'fatlon•1 busiest small harbot"I, I think we have need for 8UCh a ~. w:ltlt barometer eheckinl'. wind velocity, radiophone M~ and reJLable torecuts for thl1 vicinity. Sincerely. CAM'. ART GIBBS Ed. Note: So\llMb like a JOOd Idea. • : ' af .. ~ •I I 1' •ttlll ~ .. ,_, ..... • . I.nit ._ 'J 11•• the Jl4I ••• " ztuJW'ft n .. , ....... ,ji:tr ~ ....... :,· n.,,.,,,..~ ,Jlll!,tll~--· ......... .... ~·~1~··-....... 0 t I(' • Josephine Cole Rites at Baltz' Mrs. Joeepbla.e Cole, 89, ot 431 E. Coat& Meaa St., Co8ta Meaa, died Friday 1n htt 1'ome .rter an extended um.e-. A natJve of Indiana., ahe had been a reUdeni of eo.ta Me• for the paat 14. montba. She had for- merly reelded in Corona d.i Mar. She la MlrTIYed by a dall&frtor, Mn;. R. c. R omtr1l of th• ea.ta Mesa addreaa. Her body waa Mill to KM••• for tuner&J .ervtce. and Inlet'· ment. Baits mon.uiry of Corona del Mar la 1n charge . J. W. Wdliams Dies Sunday Morning Jack. W. WllUam. of 119 24th street died Sunday at 2 L m. at 0ran,. county hospital. He had been a patient there tor IQ d&,ya. after having suttered a stroke. He WU retired utd I.I believed to be aurvtved by a · 80ft, now ln an Artsone vetera.D. boaptl&l. P\m· eral a.rra.npmenta a.z; pt.ndins at ~ mortuary, corona de.I Mar. Heart Attack Fatal to Frank' Williams Fruk A. Williama. M, Orcbld avenue. CoroAa del lllar, .died early Sunda;r ,,_,,... al a ~ allmenL 8u"Yia. are pendi"C at Balta )(ortuary, Corona dol -· WUllapla bu -<jmploy.id by i.oc--.-.-. Sliiiii ·,-..Peets So~ fo. I loldiys ftii IJIJJJtet la tor ..... elrf .. ... ...._!loo --- -Wwa a,a1qas ...,. It wu ,... ... -....,. • -OlltllW' ...... -'-;. Ille '•'I' 7 St da al .....,., nr C 'S; .. ~ • ~ ,.. .. a•· ..,_,.,.. ·~==1=. • r ' .. . ·~ .. l .. . : ~.· . ' ~ ' . ,. ... •• ·,.. . . ... • -· ...... • , • • . !' .' ,..; ... ~:. ·~ ... •.: .· . . • • ' ' • • ' • , • -. .. • n r I l I • I . NEJDAY, Dlc. 21; T95T · • • ·HARBOR . SOCtAt . EVENTS f • f .. .. KU.,,lirnmtua> JWUllUC, ~ lldlioor-. -.~.-.. .. ~··~~--ol'~·-...... ~ ..... : Pretty ~ Wedd.in~ Unites . .Eben Smi.th~ ~ Arigeline PagOnis • Attn<:U"" In.."~ doW!-. ·ti.. lloma wedOl!'s. lrlola ai ~ P• m. on Sunday, Dea; u at ,the rul·-Former Newporters cknce of Mr: &11d Mr& Tbomu A. Tho 3'°8 Marcut 1 ave-Old time-., ~ten wU1 re- N ::::!_. -..... •Re Ung m.-r Mr •• and )In. M. J . CUm• nue, ... ~ff"'" .. ~~ pea mln~ot.mtt owhen of the -wue MIM A.acelin• Paconl.-' of Loe Angel later of )fn. Oce nt Hotel They are now ea. • th UytDr.. an apartment on North .'hlalnaa and Eben. O.Orse SmJ · Sycamore Santa Ana and on -Pqonla wu ctven ·In • :U."""• l>y :r.1r_:nomu In •&Ingle Ctuutmu will be celebrating their ttn.i-;:reinonJ ~ed by the 60th weddln&' anniversary. • ' Collage StWtents Home far t-folidays • Jim Kline, popular -Bl ped \irbo II •tteadb!c UaheultJr a( Clt'np .... dDlanldjl. ..,ii ....., tk ~ ..acatlpa at ~~-lllu:ebe.....__ tor lie dl4 -come h-. <lmlnlf" tlle • .ummet. He wtlJ be .-unc all hi.a. old trtendo. · Abo .honle 11 Ralph Wella, Ot<l- dent al o..ec-aruce ll:Jlerbraek eot down fro"' ~· State Juot In time to help I.be tamlly moYe totqt.elr t11ew-nacll'bome-and' .... -..... ...,.oled -· ~"' Step~ona.thla put ....ir.-end. TUc"lc Rabbitt &bl!· Stan :S..U-U. home from Berkeley. Tb!! latter ta 801I of Mr. and ~ Jtat1 Glover of Newnort Helcbt.o and la doing tine wo;i tn UcJiltedure. ' • . 1 • .. • . ·. Rev. P . G. NeWna.aft. pastor or l'tiit Bap_Ust cbureh. C09ta Mesa She were far lb• 'oceNion a be- ~ rupberry boucl& au.it w ith powder .. blUe b.at. mateb.lng blue acceuoriea and a white orchid New Members of~CfTrist Church- Baby Orchestra . on..Church l>°regr.am • co,,...e_ She wu attended by her illter, Mn. 'lbo~, weannc a navy blue silk tunic trocJc: with corsag-e of ptnlt carnatJon.e and canietlq_ Otvlng .. be.st man a.Mi.t.ance to Urie bridegroom was Harold Ken- neth Calkin. Received u Dew menlben at lt was -more tJuui "atandlnc Christ Church by the Sea wen room oJily" on Jl"riday evening at Mr. and ·Mn. cu..rti. Goodman, PUgrtm,ba.U,. Cartona del .Mar, for 365 La P et:leo "Ptia.ce: Costa Mesa the childrlD'a. Cbtiltnlu progTam. and by tranafer fTOm St. Palill'" of Community • churcri. for late&t Method~t chlll"ch, . Loa A:are&ea. comet&, ha4 to k>ok tr, from the Mra. Roland Thompaon of 620' kitchen door. •• : i • .. ' ' • ... . ' . . ' . . • • • • . . -- • M.,,.l<l&I he'!~ Reconled mu.lie of "Beca'u.5e" end "Alwayj" wu prelude to the ceremony, a.s Were thl traditional weddbtg' Riarchee. Bacl:gTOUnd for the,rtte wu a larJ'e cabinet "n.dlci on wblch Y(ere poinaetUU and candelabta.. Ferm, lK>Uy, potnaet- tlaa tnd mtatJetM-" adorned the roonu. West Octan Froat., l!flboL Nnt A novel oumber on the program preparatory meinbera are carol wu Ruth Gibbs' Baby Orchestra. Ruee, Phillip Lee Raaee, ToJ Wtlh smaqest members., Imrie Thompeon. R-ol. and-ThomP90ft, Beall. Jr. a.nd Bill . Sawyer con- Daniel ·Goodman apd ·Pal.Mela Ann duct~g. 'the little violinlats play- Goodman. ed a Procr&m of solos, duets and CBl'Ols. Taking part wen Pamela Fraaer, Johnnie Beall, Den n I s ,Rldeoua ~ ~d Perry White. sgt. '!!'d ~~ ..... ~. Bl'!nk Richard Randolph are now ~ at lt21i Wett F t d Art" t Bay aveuue. They have oue da>fgh· · ea ure IS HAIRCUTS • HlllMAN MINX WATER HEAT$$ · ~·w··, l itue clellvered hue a.-Se~ Md ''' 'n,. .. ·-· -• Young -Hostess Entertains Friends at Yule Party ter, Rebecca Ann, twQ years old. • p• R , I The augeant la alatloned at EI' tn tanO ec1ta ~00 plllo lax ---11.oe 8~ ~.·.. l ' You.r Bait>o.r Area De&ler ,A PLUMBI!!o'O • NEWPORT AUTO SALES •utbo~-~ ~--•--' Toro Martue Corpe Air StaUon. The buffet table, bore a three- t:Jared; weddlng cake topped wUh mlniatllJ'e bride and groom and an. a.aeortment of dalntie1. A.uieting ln aerving were 'Mn. Olive Mil- ler, Mn. John Sany of Long Beacb 'a.lao a sister of the bride) and Mrs. Hazel S.nbow. Bil lie. Wil liarrison Here at Christmas ROM VAN 1'"1JT8 ~ '""' .. R.Jc:.hard . L. • Randolph, Jr., 7-' n. • ._ ~ ' • vear-old aon ot Lt. Col. and Mrs. !90M,NEWPORT BLVD. UH··~. Newport Blvd. Da7 &: 1'"1gllt Beaten .1 •• .,. ....-., N8wpert "Beach TtlMS ' 4 •.. ' ; < Playing the part Of. a gracloWI It will be gpen bouae on Chrtat-Mr. and Mra. Char!U E. Cal· kins of Van Nuys w ill •al Christmas turkey at the home of their .On "and daf.ight.er-1.n-l&W, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C&Jkinlt and children of Balboa Ialalld Richard Randolph, 429 Orchid NE'WPORT 1 BEACH 10,r. Do--. a.11 · ....... ~ .. • avenue, Corona del Mar, wu tea-~;~=~;;;========~~~~~ ... ~-~-rllAr~~lt~O'I·~~· ~~~~=~P~llo~ne~Ha~r~bo~r~ZM!-~iw~. ;:~ .. The new Mrs. Smith is a regis- tered nurse. gradUated from Mt. Zion hOl!llpi taJ in San Franciaco and presently with Good Samaritan hospita.1 In Los A.ilgfles. Mr. Smith U a violin instructor ln Holly- wood. Planning a ~layed hooey- moon, they are now at home in that city. FRO>I l\OCRIOAN • Ju.at out from Kalamazoo. Mk!ll~. in ti.me to eecape the cold weather a.re Mr. and Mra. John B . Wolfe, who have purchued a bome at 122 Via Lorca.. Lklo Ille. Mr. Wolfe ls retire from active blw•nee.s hoeteaa Friday even.in.g _ at th• mu Day at U\e home ot Mr. and home ot her parent.a, Mr. and Mra. Mi-1. Ole.lr WiUiamaOn, 806 Weit Stroller White, ~lttle' Balboa 11-Balboa. boulevard. SpecttJ guest land, wu Gail White. . will be Billie Wllliams>n, mother With Yule decoratlona making of the ho.t. A tonner realdeftl a gay setttnc, there waa singing JUtd we,ll kllown in Balboa, Mrs. of carols. playlnc of pmea and Wllliamaon la trom cathedral City opening of beribboned ,.in.a. where ahe la director of an art Enjoying th~ eve:ritng weTe center.~ lured Sunday, Dec. 18 ln a piano recital by his teacher, Mrs. Vera wtlliama, of 3131At Aia.rine avenue, Balboa bland. Guest.a were invited f,() the Ran- QTY "RALL PAllTY dolph home 'tn tarewell h08pltallty . S A~l[.!:.-, . -' Linda Morris, Peggy Badtleld. ------ Patty Parker, Diue Riley, Mar- cia SteWar.t .•• Tar:lel .Be.all.. Suaan Davis, Vicki Csenar, Betsy Cole, Margaret Swain, Mafcella Kelter, Holiday Group at ldyllwild J . Arthur Gant, auditor anti tor Mrs. Randolph an4 sona, Rlcb- treaaurer. and senior employee &t ard and David. 4, will leave ln the city hall, acted u muter of Januuy for Japan to join the ~:=r:• ::i~.~e ;:t~~1a;':d Co~~;rd wu ... lated by Bonnie BEGINNING WED.,· DEC. 26 Santa. In a gift exch&ng~. Doyle and Marjory Fisher ot Bal- and Gail Festiv~ Christmas at Hazel Dr. Hemes • boa Ialand. Richard played by D R E ,5 S E S * WIUOHT ILL WITH FLU memory eight or nine second Mr. a.nd Kra, P. J: Killer, Eu:t Roland Wright, man.ager of crade compoaitlorui -end closed the Q d 2 ·ft · R G b BroadWay, Coeta Ma&. were N"""°'t'• Bank of America propam wt.th a concert piece, ne an "r"Ce, ayon Cl S1 b7 thtilr IOft·lll-l&w and 'branch, wu coaftned to h1a Mmtt UtUe Tarantella. Marjorie play-T ff ::r:.;:!"ad:: =-, ~.'= l'rlday by 111n-. !:e ~~':~'::i = :;:: ' a etas, Wool Jerseys,· Corduroys 1 • BonriJe 'Jean. fi1r a holiday In th• DllNVEIUTS8 .uuuvz J!OOIUona In a pleulng manner. B L 0 U SE S * ChrtstmU breakfut a1-t.M" •ow at. Idyllwtlcl.. They left Sat-Mn. Nicky Ed,erton and tour• After the program Mn, Ran-• $ W E A T E R-$ .· ~ home of Braden alMI Kay F1neb, u.rdq' and will return Chrlatmas clolph M1"V'eCt Christmu refresh-· :: =t°:iv~dh=·~tac=. eve. . ~=: ~-:::s:;;::. =...=: ~-:-i.: ~!~e:.0 H~:~· d~;.: ' <;:~epes Wool Jerseys Pastel PUiiovers Fin ?bey came here t?om Denft:r, &- ch's brother-In.Jaw and.alater, B b y dJ G Colo. • • were •hared by Mn. A.· J . Cer· ' ., A f F 'II S • · S'' BAL'f+ MORTUARY Mr. and .~ Allred Child•. 1a · o ar ey oes ·cm10. "-ew at e u1ts, ilirts, C.oats • ' • ... • • , •• . . ,,.,...,, Alta ti• the jolly pri.lgram. scheduled for E ·+ w·th T "" • . memberso(bothtantilles. aS I earn FROM MEMPHIS Bk g,~ •. ··_I' fH C-•,JllcHO.O·M-Mf ' Pteaenl ·w,llJ •be llh'· and Mn.' •• • OOROMA DE.L•'JU& CIJllci......,,_·~ln and Bob Yudley,_ oon ot mr .• "!ld · DAY ANDl!IGBT. Pa~~'lW'~ r.: :Mi. ~~l~~'::n: ; • l ·,,. • • -j:. ' '· ,-._ .~ . ,;·4·""""-~==n-==-==t!=::'=·~f::! Mn. -and·-· Cleorp mu fot·h• .... eon• eut with the--------'--.;,.--·1cr6 -.Eiisl "Ofhoit .Wa .• ....or '? H.rboi 2060· ; of th':~ ~~~ie:~~~ Unlvenn·ty of Colorado buketba.11 NOTICE OF Dll'&NT l ~~'.,..:'.:~~~~.::_~::_---~=======~~==~=========================:: • home on turtough 'from Brooka team. TO MORTO&,GS I. 1 · ' • ' ... BE SURE ~ INSURE · Air Force' s.ae. He la 1n the in-Notice ta hareby rtvfD. pureuaat 1 telligence group and will study Pu.eHAl!ES HOME to Section 34t0 ol tlle ClvU Coae • • • wl .. IUURJll S'l'ANµlY lnauraoae _.o.IJ' Phone RarbOr 1114 !t5 Marine A\·e. ...._ lalaad Rwsian at Monterey next year. 'Mr. and Mn. Paul Albrtcht are of the State ot C&IJtornll,. that 0.Q.ly dnes a.bsent will be Mr. new resident.a, having purchased a the undersigned. C4JU' METAL-- and Mrs. fll"n.ncu· Finch) Henry home at 23562 Signal Road. Cliff LIZING INC., wboee address la and sona, whOae home 18 in On-Haven. They ue from Burbank, 506 -30th Street, Newport ~ ~===========~lgon. where Mr. Albri~t waa a pur-Callfornia and wh~ bWljiD ... le cba.4ing agent. They have one that of a MetaWilns Contractor AT DE.l...ANO DOME d&upt~r. four-ye&r-old Mar y and which buainess la known. U MATTBESSllS Boata-Ro~en Irregular Shapee BllAOON ilOf1 Coota Mesa MattreM Co. 2150 Newport Blvd. Now livinl' wttb Mn. Mirt&m ChrWlna. CLARK METALLINZING, IJiiC., DeL.ano, 1307 Eut Balboa Blvd., intends. u mortcagor, to mort~ are Mrs. De.Lano'• daughter, Mn. 18 PJCru..E Dllt.ECTOR gage to Ban.k of A.mertc:a Nalk:nal Charles B. Wood and her hus-Lido lale newcomers include Mr. T~t and S..vinp AssociauOn, band. They are rrom San Demar-and Mra. Roa Lederman. 139 Via whoae 'branch adrlreu i.a ~given dino and Mr. Wood la In the u-Undine, who came trorp. Toluca herein below, u mortgagee, cer- phalt division of General Petro~ Lake,. Mr. Lederman la a motion lain pereonal property ot which a ~;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;::;::;~~~ leum. picture director_ ·ceneral statement of the charac: r ============='='=-===---------ter thereor i8 u roUowa:, Machibery and equipment. Gordon • • I • ,lV.·A-Gln' YOU'D LOVE. TO 'Gftl· ' • • • , • • e. _Findlay'. _... t ) '· ' ' • CONTRACTOR and · BUILDll:R wblch -<al ~pqtll' lo .;::t ed 'al 508 t ~ SOth ·street, N 1 Beach. CtJ.lfonUa,1 Ud u.t..- conaidera.tion. for said mortpge will be paid at ~ hour ol 10:00 A..M., on the ntth day of January, 1952. at the Newport 'Beacll branch of BanJt of America Na- Uonal Truit and Savlnga Aaocta- Uon at 2200 Newport.-Bh'd., New- port Beach, C&Jllarnla. } ' Something tight I · t • ~1 ' u1\i Balboa Blvd. Phone llubor 41! &Nlde:ntti llartlOr 89 NEWPORT BEACH RELIABLE T SERVICE V -" • THOBOUOBLY TLUNSD a FACl'ORY Q11.&LlnED ~ONJCSIJU'ULTll P'tJLLll' llQUIPPKD .. 8a\IE YOUR TV ... MD10 8SBV1C& Nl!A'B . Co .. -r ... It Isa .... I 'mid~ U.S.~ Uca11Sad f ech~. I ea1 .... (9rl ......... COAST t11 C11i1 'la'_, I ' ...... ···~· -----.,___, • A LONO WAY --_,-lloJ ~ Weldl,-.., wWr~-....... a..~ flpre wt. ... eenw ..... C!OMt'ksnt. of <>:ranpt coulJ fW aJmoR a llalf 1ratut1. Tbe mee.Uac took ~ ..,._ -·· Plld< a& N-1'$~ Y---tlie ' ~ •m1rt1M~~ ... AIMCiat!d, C'trmtaa •I ~ Wei !¥r Joi!!& ~ patty. !N...,..Tlm• Pbotol ' Dated ar NewpOft Beach. Cali· torula thla Twenty·Flnit day '<>I December:, 19~1. (Seal) . CLARK . META[,!JZIN~, INC. M. H . CLAJl.K, Preatdent M:or\gagor No. 240--Tirnes Publilhed U/:ll!IM • ' for everyone-I at your electrical appliance dealers! ' U1fiERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY • I O . . ?-'- • • • • • .. ' • ' 1 • • ' .. , • • •ij 4 • • ' :· ~ ..... ' -... , • •• .,....-.Jt.. .. .. ~ ..-f,.._ • "' .4· . .,..-·1~ .hf •I'll -• : i:. fl; ... : h.-!o ~~, ,: . . • ·ti11Pi'lite ' a Rij,I Eit ' .. " ; ' . .. .. ..., ~-1.. -•0 -'or •a f . * f t tf" i ,F 75"i -.. ~ -..~ •" . •Ai.wu.u..a ~cMIJli• ~1! QIWQ).,?lMIO,, _, -·~·~o''..-;..-.. -.: .._:i.c-. e .n..c ...., __ • ';-. wnw .s; ...... ~ --;,., • r Will ikrulce .tor ..._ ,.... f ~~~ ..... -~.'"~'BUt.o.i~. , UcSO •. °"* . ._· · -·Kl11il,..~ ..._. , . . . . J.13 ~ .at:, , ~ Melt • • ' • ' • ::;_,, · · W Al'fi IID -· PIANO. "TO liSl'ft' -Nlfr.·-·. • ' · !! ! "" · Alli " • ·~ •' o~ ll'l'OftS. PllQNJI, a.ui- 1,D·-·HEP...-. -._,...-H.-i':.~---"""Q ........ L"".J!"""R~ ... -_oo-.......... K'""· ..... , ~.~~~H.it~.. 1111.w: .. -~ u,ie. ..,.., ............... c~v......,"' -•-llPINS'l' Planoo, ..e.· .8d ;......_. • l:S:-'-.,...-~....,.-:,:..---:---1 ' . ..;!.__ • ~ • ..,,. ....... ....._t -~--=>= • ,. • A rNmpt· ' • uiu; 10ca. · ~WI and balr-__,, \..,...... .,._... ~--!!;J.~ !!!J Set f~ . R~~:::;.x;!~~ n:::::.--=t= ~· =.."""' ~=;...~.u: ' • •. "D<:>:N K. BUTTS ' no1 --Bivd.:"Kewpod BM,c11 ~, and· Tbunda.J on))' ~~Nop~~ ~~ S . & N' 11 Lido'• 8aloa.of BeaU!7. Bar. 267e • .::. ••• · ·-· • --·-..... , Uc. GenenJ Contractor . ympson o &r . · . . ---. • .. · · • Residential-Commercial p •"'"""''Ga DECORATING -....__., __ ~ Wu.:... ~c orpu, -""" ..-. Remodeling ,,..., , .. , · Can 0 ,. " __.....,.._,, .... D.ANll·llCIDUDT Plaa.;-.;:/a Or· Pl>one lleacoll 84ot-W "The Beet )i(!'ney . .,yy . EXPl:RT w ASHING "'d Ironing. . ""' Co.. a2o N. Main. ..... tt.11, 17tfc lil~ ., 38tl!'. SL. Newport Beacll ' . Mr1. J'ulton.. Brins to 1822 Sutl An&. . . PHONll HARBOit Mot VU.lie -PJa.>e, Newport S..Cb. HAWOND ORGAN8. I n. -t , INTERJOlt -l!llcrERIOR ~ 5Jttc Harbor 12S7·W. · 10p24 •·- Hammond Cb0<d'~.·U·)"OU PAINTING . d FINE moNING,, CUrl&lna. etc. don't know a nGc.e, '11"' • PIA7 . LICBNSED -INSuruW . Painting an Pick up and deliver. Help wl\11 thl.11 The Hamn:>ona, llplaet Or· Glenn Johnston. Pai}erhanging =~ :~. MrL wu~:i"5 :,:i-... w:!d~•Y mJ;.;~ ~= • , • . . !501 • llat St. N.wport Beach GEO. B~ BCHVIDT Plano and 0rPn Co, . BUbor" 2297-.1 3k38 "'llOI , stth SL, Newi>ort ,Beach CARPENTER ethS.:~~ 020 No. Kala,-~ ~A!!!!!;"!'t& Uld B~. ~ & Y ·House Mover8 General Contractors Phone Harbor 2418-W bet ore Altuatlono and Repalro TWO bdrm: \IJllUm. houae, 1 blk. 8 a..m. or ~r 4.:30 p.m. Phone Harbor 2901·M SPINET Piano like new ... St-unatna from ooean. By Year only, $T:i . · 83Uc .>' 14ptm cue. B1g, round clear tone. A month. .... _:;·. . . •' . . .. . }int a~ul Sally newlin R EA"L CSTATEJ WITH JOHN 0 . BUFINHAM 507 E. BALBOA. BLVD:, BAL•DA I ,. . -LINWOOD VICK, Realf'or W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager . . • 8l50 Fltwt st., Twit.In, Cllll Phone Kimberly .3-1885 {Hom.; Pllonee J'Aaper"t--21'13 or • . Frank J. Moll ODD JOBS: real joy to hear and eee. Special LIDO 18~2 bdrm. t\un. home., puiatmu pite $316. Ono only. S115 mo. by year only. EDNA CRAIG, Rental Dept.' J"-r &-21187) 81tfc COJID'Lm'E HOUSE CLEANING l'Urnlt"'• and ruga """'1pooed. rr.e utlmates-Fully bunu'ed. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon &111 72tfc ADUB (o..t1a-i lrvm hi" t) Fmlplaces, Barbecues, Fences ht...,1nry and all llincla at building, paUo and fence work experUy Any.tb.lnC' tn block brick and 1-euonabl)' done. Harbor or fl&ptone,. etc. 234.-C-W. 14cl6 t37 E. 18th SL • Coot& Meaa ------------ Phone Boaoon Mlla,R auc Resulta come trom constant Practice! An ad ncuJarly ln tlli9 paper will p~ .-ito tot f'!"· Wanted at Once TOP lilACHINIST Permanent Job Apply at South Coast Co. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO Pl>. Harbor 1552 or Har. 2914-M STORE, Santa .Ana, 020 North . 8tlc Maln, comer p Sl "' $10 WILL HOLD any PIANO tor CHRlSTMAS dell .. ry. DJl.NZ. SCIDIIDT Big Plano Store. Santa Ana. 6th St. corner, 520 No. Main, 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! USED Spinet piano, tamoua make, tn perfect condltlon. Term.a, R~AL V. SPECIALISTS C&U .,Edna Craig Linwood Vick, Rltor. llAll!o& lalancl Har. 200 32cr.4 ·LIDO ISLE .»D.12 down a.nd' 120.50 per mo. Clever t or 2 bedroom fumlshed B,:llaqe at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO., apartments. All uUUtiea a re Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. !Since 1907) <21 No. Sycamore, paid. Private' garages and nice ·.. 8tfc Sani. Ana. KI. 2-0872. patio. Reuonable renta. .JVST ONE MORE CSANCt:! ------------ Qurr SULIUNO BECAUSE NO ONE INSURANCE oltlce needs girl HAVE an old piano you are not P. A. PALMER DRAGGED 'YOU UNDER THE MISTLETOE! five daya. Muat take dJctation. u11lng ! .Trade ft ln foT it. lop INOORPORATED Extend Heartiest Christm_. Greetings and Best Wlaltes for a PEACEFUL and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAlt • 312 Marine Ave . ., Balboa Island Pb. Harbor 20(2 lf You Need.Another Bdrm. • SEE THIS EXTRA NICE 3 biirm . .home. Could . . ' be made 4 bdrms. Onjy l ';.IJ yrs. old arid still loolla brand new. (Owner has no children). Hwd. floon, la17e floor furnace. Near high llChooL Nice lawn, .lot 80 ft. wide, garage. . . ~ we all get another chance New Year'• Eve .. Write Box 12, Balboa. bland. ca.sh value on a Packa.rd·Bell 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 "' you know! Here's the pttc.h. fellows . . . . State qµalltlcaUorus 16<:17 Televhd0n. Convenient terms on Newport Beach, Calif. G. I. Resale offers usual good terms. Chri any balance at 1 SHAFER'S Orab that ·money ,you l'Ot lJrl. your atmas WANTgo_A-1 finish carpenter, I MUSIC CO. !Since 1007). 4.21' N . BALBOA PENINSULA -At-oock -Just grab that jreen atua belo'I-, It ; gets mouldy and run like the wind to Mazie familiar with pre~ut assembly Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl 2·0872 tractlveJy tumlshed 2 -~rm. du- Ry .., ... .. .. ...... __. work. Only top men apply at ~------,-----=---plex with aundeck. Winter or Bird's PltE-INV~"TO ~ -.... .-~ No. 14 Boltlvar, Udo Trailer CHRISTMAS SALE -Behrman yearly. Reasonable. Har. 3019-R ,._11inc-Faces" 8.HE SHOE? Mute ia knocld:nl' down the Park, Newport alter 7:00 p. m. Grand piano. uaed. Lovely tone, 83lfc prices on dreaes, blouses, aweaten., llkirU, a coat or eo, and a few now only $49!S. terms. Other ------------ faWe .Wta ... There's • variety of party taffetas, rayon pba. cor-Gra.nda $495 to $2400. Wurllber, duroya. wool jerseys &nd who knows what all, ill one and 2 t>ce-SO-Sale. Miscellaneous Steinway, Kimbal, Ch.ickertng, Jll!-ups. You buy ll\,is stuff, you'll look sharp fer the rest of tho GOLi" CLUBS. pracUca.lly new. e eh rm a"'n, Wegma.n, Petrof, Yearly Lease ae.uon, and Mu.'le won't have to sit up N. Y.'• EVe taking inventory. Story &: Clark and, many others. I. Pollyanna uk no other reward than the thot'. ot all your mlillng Complete •et ladlat MacGregor· DANZ • SCHMIDT p I AN 0 on waterfront turnishcd year·old home. Three bdrmA., 1 ~ baths, sandy beach, re1trtcted area. ' little facea. RUN MERRY! To the She 8.bop. The sale start.a Wed.. Loutae Sugge including putter STORE, 020 No. Maln, Santa ·-· and bag. Phone Harbor 144,6-M Dec. 26. IOI E. Balboa Blvd. Ratbvr "''""'" t Ana, comer 6th Street. • • • RING OUT THI: OLD .RING· Dl THE NEW! EVi:RYTHJNCi FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR AT DONALDSON'S BALBOA FIVE and DIME .... INCIDl'lNTALLY THE SAME TO YOU: U!:W DONALDSON, HEU:N COLE. • JO POMEROY DONALDSON'S BALBOA 5 & 10 IM KAIN -BA•.UOA. • • • DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MY SAlNTED GRANDMOTHER aJways used to wear real nice bloomel"S and a laeey chemise In C8.3&-the buggy t lpJ)ed over. Regardless of your uJtertor motives. a dressy tn'terior is to be sought after. And the lo-Lee Sport Shop bu the fanciest, pink nylon net panties that could ever be dispJay- ed by a runaway horse! These are about the size of an anttmaca.ssar, have side .p1ea4 aner 6 p. n1. 13t c Bay & Beach Realty FIR~WOOD Coal and Charcoal ACCORDION-Used, full 120 be.al. 14:>0 Balboa BlYd. Harbor 1264 · I Will sacrifice for S90. Term•. BALBOA PENlNSULA-Furnl.IJh· Otheni low u $125. SltO. DANZ-, ed sl 1 a t. 125 (wlnt ) SCHMI.PT. 520 )l'o. Ma1n. corner · ng e P mo. er · H. W. Wright Co. 6th C h ·sUn Sal Santa An ALSO 2 bdrm. house .. frlgtdairf', · rt 88 e, a. Jaundry av&tlable,. S5• mo. In· Phone Beacon 5665 1784. Newport Blvd , Coeta Mesa WEDGEWOOD RANGE -19~t model with' all aut.omatk: cook- 1nf bul"fte~ehlx.e oven with lamp and extl'a.I. Allio h&a the SPINET PIANO slightly damaged In shipment. A bargain. DANZ.- SCHMIDT BJG PIANO STOf\!!:, Santa Ana. 520 No. Ka.IJ), co.r· ner 6th. Over 100.,pt.anoa a1wqa. grill broiler. UHd 2 mos .. can YOU CAN have a piano in your have for bal. of conuact , J129.83 , home at Christmas tor only $Oi or take payment. • ot $8.90 per I mo. See us about o\ir fine rent- -mo. See at 40. So. Spadra. Full-al program. Rental appllQ Oh e rton,., a .m. to 8 p.m . or phone future purchase at SHAFER'S 2102. . ltttc MUSIC CO. (Sinee 1907), 4.21 No. Sycamore, Santa .Ana. KI. 2--0872. eluding utll. to June 15. Harbor 1270· W. 5tfc Collins Island Wat end ol Park Ave., Balboa t.aland: 3 -rm. cottage apt.a., weekly or monthly rates. Call Barbor 2962-W. BALBOA PENINSULA -Fum. single yt. $20 mo. to June 15th. Utll. incl. lAundry &: wub ma- chJD.e available. Ph. Har. 1270-W 13tfc The nUJn~r of Dteti and women enpged In reaearch and -d.¥:velop· m ent ln the oil tnduatry (more than 13,000) i. .. o Umes aa large SPINET PIANO -Reposseued. FURNISHED 3 room r ear house. ' C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E . JOHNSON, Broker 400 ,Newport Blvli., Costa Mesa Beicon 6698 (Evenings Beacon 674'l'.J) OuTSTANDING Bay Front Home and Apartment on the exclusive EAST--BAY FRONT of Lft'TLE ISLAND. No expense has been spared to make this an incomparable home. Large endugb for graceful entertaining alid small enough for ser- vantless living.· The pier and float will please the deep water yachtsman. SHOWN BY .APPOINTMENT STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Harbor 20 TRADE ..... Have tery nice Baytront home ln Private paUo, b&r·type klt.>hen, fireplace, fU~e heat. Olus enclosed· tub, large ward.robe. Thi. is a Teal buy with a low down .,_yment. restricted area -Want smaller home in Balboa-Newport area. Bay & Beach Realty 14.50 Bal~a Blvd. Harbor 1264 56-Money Wanted Santa Aria Colonial Deluxe 3. J?dmp.. 1 %. bath home. ~ .... .!!!,'.., ..... .. : ~ ..... ., * * ·* . . ' "-l, .. .. ; Holide.Y· qreeW.gs ..... * ....... . . i ·~!:rh ~ ' . ( ~·of OUr Best Neer llCl!oal. ~ tt&blport&· · Uon. "''t~ ·2 bdnp. hpme with tw<.·11at111; ecmplete1y fw. • -ed.~ .._ ..... . G. J. Resale There's room on thll'. luge lot for ram.Uy and pets! Tear-old home with throe l>clrma. aood heat, hwd: floon. au,llOO, uaoo c1n. MOlltllly paylnenu NIS.88, In· cludln& taxes and lnL · * ..... ' Oce~ Front ( 3 bdrm1 den, % bat.ha, good beat, dbL gar1 Niqe beach bome or . . ren?J. S17,llOO. Bay &. Beach Realty 1450 Balboa 'Blvd, Har. 1264 * * '* * * * A New ·Year • Resolution I promiile to investigate the SOuthland'a most beautiful Island cinnmwllty where my family can enj/)y the ultimate in living.- . Yes. We know you a.re talking about LIDO ISLE which offers tne beat In private beacbea, clubhoU11e. terirda court.a. under- ground· utllitles, pters, etc. Start the New. Year right by in- ve.atigaling LIDO ISLE where you atlU can buy a lot aa low u $2700 on easy term.&. We ban \ brand new homes as low a:a St<,9!50. lnvelltlpte now -start ?• New Year rtpt- . , P:A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo, N•wport Beach Holiday Greetings . t NEAR BAY ll'RONT attracUve 2 bdm:t., 2 bath home. J"lnplace, patio, hwd. flra., diallmaatel', d°i.spoaal. Adjacent 'to -y swimmiq ~I.Ch It good t.ran&- portatlon. Priced rigbt at $12.500. •• WATERFRONT _: Tfll.I beaotlnd home ,la truly. dl•Unct10e. SPl!CI• oua lJYiq rin.. -.tid dlD. nn~. . roomy kf~IJ. 2 llreplacea, a b&illli:' .... ljrp. ·--bn.-• m~ene;~ dQr1nltopt. u~ that would euily c99yert. lnto iwo ge>od .-~nn1. Hwd. fiooro, barbecue. N ... boat slip w1u bt available. Tit.la property mWJt be •een to be appreciated. Priced at oft!¥ $31,000, with very, very good terms. Balboa Realty Co. a-..w•y Hone and wear like a cul.raM. $3.25.. Lee hu ' other brand new interior decorations such as TV lounging pajamas. Juat like new, famoua make, Utilities Included, $4.5 per mo. beautlt'Ul ca.se. Gorgeous tone. 263 E. 15th Place, Costa ~tesa. as In 1914. . Trust ~eds for. Sale Located In But& Ana. Unit heat, fireplace, hwd. Ors .• G.E . kitchen. Owner will comilder trade for beach property. Sub- mit your deal. Opposite Balboa Ban~ of America Roas Greeley Josephine Webb Lillian McAdoo Har. 3277 700 E1 Balboa Blvd., Balboa Theae &.N; acintillatlng enough. to divert attention from Dagmar ftUG _ i0'3" by 11', W\lton, $60. even ..• lu.xw1ous black satin trousers with quil ted, turquolee Comfort<:r, wool filled. hand· mandarin top. $14.90: or crepe pants with coral, peacock blue. or tied, SlO. !)06 Orange Ave., cha.rt..reuee tuxedo jacket $11.96. Or you could look 11.13h, lollygagging coata Mesa. on. the b.earth ln a quilted robe of navy lined with chartNiuse, or a ------~----­ Save over $100. Tenna. DANZ-1~17 SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, ------------NET YIELD 8% to 10% It MORE "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS Sant& Ana. _320 No. Main Street corner 6th. ATTRACTIVE turn. apt. on water, IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS'~ patio, gar. Ad..rlts. Will lease Ev ry Joan tiU insured If desired. Close t o bus. Richard~ e e • ·nutch Colonial pink 11.ntd with blue ($17.961 And hark tO ' one more enchanted day or eve costume. and a t¥-st buy for the money -washable, gold ~!';-~ . Mkt. and theatre. f51 '1 -36th St., 1 $3,381-lst T. D. pa.ya $40 mo. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, fiaptone front, Newport Beach. Har. 691-W 6%, all due 19M. , pa~io, sundeck. Large 2-car gar. eloth dusle;rs in oriental patterns $7.95. And please take this to BENDlx WABHtR. Late 1951 IJ heart too! A JOYOUS XEW YEAR TO 'l"OU AU.. FROM LR that h&f all those latc11t fea-tf~ • 77tt<' $3,6M-lirt T . D. pays $4.0 mo. Located 1 blk. rfom ocean and sTaoUP AND THE .10..LE.E SPORT SHOP. 18&5 N'ewpert; Ave.. tures.. Ag1ta.tor that gel.JI clolhee ;---------...._-__ --~---------6f,t. $350 dllilcount. ba.y. Priee $21,600. Consider YEARLY-Newly aecorated. Ex· ceptlonally nice. Unfurn. 2 bed· room duplex. Many extra 'fea- tures. Near ,both schools. Rea- eonable. 2265 Clay St., Clift Haven. 83tfc eo.-. Heta. ci.a.ner, watf'r Aver that makes $6.~lat T. D. paya is<> mo. q% omau home u part trade. • • • wa.ahing cheaper. Man I -bought DETRA Y AL IN THE VEST -It from will deUver it for you Want to Buy Used Furniture Don't Stand on. formaii'ty, Kewpie! On the other lf you pay me cuh, $187.39 or band. don't let your bra..ssiere crawl out from under take paym_enll of $1.89 per mo. Will buy 1 piece-or a carload. your decollet&(fl. Several of my nodding acqua~t· can hav!1 all my equity tree. CRIST FURNITURE ancea Ln ~e &x:i&l Register have lllmoa:t ha.4 thelr See at 4.0I So. Spadra, P"uller· 1687 Orange, Cost& Meka. B. '1323 ~A-Traller Space n..ain.-era.aed becauae of Bra.saiere Betrayal? Avert ·ton. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. or phone Tpt11-..------------ , Jl"ree collection se~e. BOB SA'ITLICR, lU~ CoUl .iltvd. Corona del Mu Harbor 10'77.J Rep. PODUl!JR MOltTGAGll 00. Matro Ute Ina. l'uodl Kl Mt*zl B. s.· or Bnsltere Blunder this coming ~a.r! Don't 21~. ... 14.tfc ..____ • House Trailers for rent Jet it happen to you! No doubt, you'll be appearing · PHILCO REP"RlGERATOll 1951 LOOK t fonnally during the brilliant, ensuing eoci&l aeaaon. ··Now the only REFRJO!:RA TOR -Gibeono with model, 11 cu. ft. deluxe. Hu M ALSO large Jiota wtth laW'll8 and • LOOK! REALLY We hold-up Is a Peter Pan formal •No-Show' bra from frtt&el' ahell. Perfect condltJon. lb. crosa top freescr chest. Btg pall<MI. extra clean rest room:t ·:n Hillma.n convert. demo. lbe PollJ' Appaftl! Peter Pan Hidden Treuures (with the built-in •to0. Ha.rbO'r IYT27-J. ~ Be-meat chiller tray, all at.eel and laundry. Thia ts a fine place W W. MG SAVINGS~ buatllne) come in strapleas white o~ blac!t. •If you dare to live eonla. Corona d~J Mar. 10C17 ahelvee t.nci blg crtaper for vea-to make you.r home.· '51 Kaiaer 2-dr. sedan, w w dangerously. inve.t Ln a i;"eter Pan Triple Treuure (at your own etables. Uaed 2 mos., .llke new. • L\befty Trailer Park SAVE '9()0! Full Price $7250 Newport Beacb location near ocun, 2.._ bdtma, good Jlteat. Cor· ner lot. Thia ta a real buy. Will conalder years' le:;~. GRllENLEAJ' It ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 N.wport BIVd., Harbor 1552 3tle. Mr. Boatowner! See This! With $2500 Cash You can move Into th18 2 bdrin home. Built 3 yra. ago, just re- decorated. Dbl. gar., excellent location. Hut% G. I .loan. Bal- ance leN than rent. corona del Mar Ocean ·View, new 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. y; to W carpe{ing Ind dr&_pea ljicluded H wd. floora, du&! fir. !Unuu:e. len<:ed, paUo. oprlnkle...., front It rear, 90' loL Qnly' f18.l500, owner tr&DBlel'ft<L Key lo Ol!1' ·otnce. .~ :-...-w. E. Fisher Builder ~ Realtor risk. ot coune). Polly -is di•playing all sorta of precocious under· Sl...-W•ted t0 B'!f Can have for contract balance 161U Harbor Blvd. •51 Ford Victoria, 8800 mile.a garments-Kayoer half allps. fancllul pants, and goS11a111er aheer -• • • • ol \$229.~ or 'take payment. But& Ana KL 2-5379 FordomaUc drive, heater. W .\TERFRONT value; comfort&· Ernie Smith bomery by La.rkwood and Berkshire. Before you dance, natter and WANTED -Good 1U1htly wom of ,U.61 per month. see at 46' Gp18 ·radio, U.S. ·master white bl)' turntahed, e&rpeted. Attrac-Realtor ~ Aalodate, • oonqUer, get the in.side goods from PoU7 .&ppareL tUS Newport clothing to aell1ln my new ahop. Bo. S--padn., tiinerton. 9 a.m.. to wall.a. life suard tubes, tive knotty plfte Interior, fire- 918 Coast Blvd.. Corona del 11;&.r A.ve., coeta Meea. FR.ANNIE: 0 RAH AM, 1201 8 p.m. or phone %1'52. 1(uc like new PRICBD RIGHT! place, .bdrm.1 bunk room. two ,, _,_ • • • Cout Blway and GOidenrod, "-"Booms for Rel\t •7•• b&tho, dining roqm, -· au .. t Pl>ooe Barbot Mia l~G Co del ~--~•1H TABL!i TOP .STOvil,· •~. Good CHEV * to~ pick up ......... • "" h"'·-w1•• ·•-er ·•d d------------.:---r-WHO PUT THE RUBBER ~llJlNlJT5 IN rona ~. •~ ""' TELEVJSI;QN NIGHTLY ~ ~ ---· ·-' HRS. O'TOOl...r8 NUT ctJPf•• 1 wo:rkbtg condJUon. ~ · . '49 Stude ~ ton pick up, Ing ·rooma. ,Pier. ftoat, eeawall G od In , •' ' ' llREAXFAST SET--<::JDoolb.e, rid, .l(.ll(I: Tms your home away OD .................................... S1095 Qnly ·a21.6\)0. . . 0 COMe , $J · A nice question Indeed! Well, ~ cU take 14 llnwlolJ, R .. lo '30. Good C<>DdlUoB. ·mrbo1' !ralJl 0home. Colly room.a and .·n Dodve * too pick up .... i t96 Call Jolln Mottram, Har. 1!500 ~ · all the credit tor thl.I Jolly pr&nkf Fly c1ow1> · • k • Two well·bullt 2 -.n. etucco --to tlle PARTY HOUSE In La(Wla tor a bas RENT A ~~Let the kiddies 3038.J. 111< Podl\o Dr.,-Co-single' apt. By day, w.. or BANK TERMS .l T .. "'""' bou8ea •. One 3 ~. Qld. <llle 8 of rubber _....u. 2j)c' (altedl. You wlll r ~ '6 por "!"· hll lrrm rent rona del Mar.· month.· • "HWman Mins Dealer" P. A. P ~ old l&r c.• o...t In Colla henceforth become Jmowa aa a wit, madelip; .U-ed on UI)' piano In our ~ •·• . · :raoe w. ~an J'ront. ~f~1S: INCO.iu'oRATED it"'.a. Z.:.. oo';;. pa;;_.t, boil- bon vlvant and all around l(.:hmo. AA a ma.t-• •lilllk. DANZ·~ i!.: g lO Brh • 9Jf!l!te!+· NEWPORT Sa3a via L!llo, Newport 8eacb ance on aood · •~ ioen. Make ter. ol tact, yuu can ·j!Ul }leo!.Y ol whoop Plol>o Store, !!JO N. __,, .ta ' • • .flOOMS ' ...:. Permanent, weekly J. '1' T'1V\ SALES your monty wi>rll for )oou. l'lll1 bito any party wttK ca..m.f ~-~· · Men's Clothing Stqri! .·....nbi.I. iuce alee~ room. n.v,.v,. · ·;u,~ ' ' price '10~-- trom the Party Hol-. . l'oc. your New Yu.r 1 LOVl!a.'f ".bUDgJaw . uprtpt pluo 112 &_ 18th SL, eo.t 'Lf. Private entrance, ~ StO 280i Newport Jin.d., N.:..,,.,rt Bek. Corona nigbJ&Dds · • ·- brawn -horn.o, bata, ipmeo, -UM and In •-"eot CODdltlon. Te.._ ··-~ t 1 old. lA · .• .>1 week. THl!l BLUE 11'eP, ~1 ---...... H0'7 LAr-~-"' ""'"'-kl&-b7 -'r , Phil, .. "'fi11i.;,;.o.. conlettl! Napklno, autcy.! , a.t.J:, t:rt..olofus Na.ffdow. and Sll.IM l'"l' mo. ~ &boU yr. . Stoelc ,._ .Nowport' BMI., NewPort Bela. ·~ C7 , •· :""'_, ..... .,. · · · O~-·-- cocl<tall ll)vlWl<>na. Thia Part,y Hoa. pi.co~~,!".,!' !'.'~.llr-thol at BllAJl'ER'S . ¥tJllIC_ CO. ~':.i~s:'i'C:."'::o:.~t '11.=~ Cjuat ,allc>Ve the ,Arcllea). 8UC. .'61 , )DNX ~-, . ~1i."Ji.. I'll-• JIU. ~~ ~' '··.._, --" • mood w -a ball GaJa Decor tor all _occa-..... ., . ..--<Sln<:e 1807) 4Jl Ho.~ . • J . • Ne&IV -low ~ uoo . ~.ersou . and"t<lo<malio9."miiat.. .And" a bag ol trick ~--d pdcebl 1tlta llant& Ana. 'xr. 't-GMI. · LINEN SH' no BAulOA JJILAND--8in&le room, .wortll of ..itn.: "°~ f17118. _.. wi..-i.u~I 1.IDI'· : :a...d.i ciiola 'ih.a ~bla -~tured French uh tray,. napl\lal.UO!. bv·goocla. Tb4 I • ·, l / · • vc· .. · ltlt<MMlte. b&lh... Prl'!&te "11 Pboa. .Jfaibor Ota7.J. le11\ ·· ", k• • • • • • '"~:Jl' .. •oe 71Jll . , Part7 Houa j>eople ..ut alao do a Clo""7 job"et,llft-U....pot dec:or&-0091> PRA'4'fu!d•flll.Np&, '68. On1J °"e lo Ne~ B&rtaor-. -. Vftr)' _..-..11:1ec ' . . M !. · '•~· . ("""8i·~·0op .... -) tins tor Y'>Ulthome• ttte ho-., or cave. Call tbom and -! · '715. "" 1II> ~ -th. New' atock. ra.-lo .. ,..,. ~·· '8, week to Jun 15tll 1980 ~O~ A ~ .S-condltliln, -;:; :td !I '* ~... .• . . ·~ M,M-'« . Bea. ~I JoJ to u.a ...... 1u! &ee 111<> 1'11"7 u-1'I & ~ ~ ...,_ Yllll tnde·ll\ . -.....,. ~ 01nea. '1!500 J'l1I ......, ..,.:Ste ma. nu'• -· uw. -. •'"' PJi: •·~ -x. Y 'n '.A ?.rc!J '. H ~~"' ~· " ~ an• -ttll5. • wtWa two O r~~ iUck 'and !lat"'*' "'1*' .Loi "pc1.·Haibor MU..J. J •• lltfc I. , -,llpl& 'W~J~ or :. 0-· i.71 " -!lt!!Jt+. ·. 'Lfd T;.l ' • • • • • .,· , ~-~ . 1i1111n; .u,~ .Ao&eJet. CLneUd 'MML • . ~ , . . , , , , , .,._. 1f• i.-,, "-.e-,r nome • o. ui e . ..,.. n.U·ll&Qlo mr IN TRI: lll!lllQ-' _:-.. :-..-.._;\, ... ...,.. .. . 'fl~ ~-mr.. " 48-;41il1!'••!'1?>.!!!!. · .~ • .,,CQp.W~ LQ.Uq.,. N10e .2 ~»t'l:Joel!l.--,-w4• A aa.n;,oF WET Jlyllll! . • ~ ~ ,,,. . ..,,..,..,,,_. • ~ • • • ~ •· 1 • • • • . . lll ........ v.~. <U ""' ~ ... ,...,.-. tp.11,Wos ...... u J!1br 11tUe diiill!lll{ll ,&re apt to 'let carried . ').• ~ sats~ 1-.N.W UO ~·-, , • , : fi' · ~Wll JIOr,'.~....... ' f!liillti~'")>wika~ 1 =:.=.~~~1~9~~1~u:.!. ·, °'~=:c~~ .. ~= · . _1 1 ·-~ot1.Eliith-Good,.w°'~~;,":·~. :.-=•1£'· · 1:1'...:::,~=it#'h,f..;. ---u.ah·i.t1n"°t1an.tqrall'6:f!l ·' aua-. . .-'1gpirmo. B~ .lllln11 .:· · laioaram.tmaawillb.fOl"all •.; • .,~· ;,m,.~. · Jliiltioip• rJ. e;u -S .. lel*'< Tbll,fllnlltUN p.inlclt la , , ,._ ~. C 00. Wo i!t"' •••Ill t• 11~ W • .· -,· . -· """--~ \., ,;,....._, ~,\ . ._ C«T ·~ ,,..~ • ~urf:..J ~ • ~r;:-...,t.I~=-..:i!"'a;;:;::; · · ~ 1=.'kf. ':it'...... ·:u::·. 1 ·: _.:.~;. !':"Je . ·; . .. :-~--.,....-r_ r .. , ; .. r.t. '=ifea::r~ {~z--:.:;i:"=._-,. -pu11,buJll~.aot 10 ~.-.lilt-.. ·=·. .L -dz.. ·'"II . ··-. , ' D~ftlv.:!ER'S 'MM>UT~ ··~ ~ ~ . • ~ :-111 ....... -... n-. n1.n _. -te .llialQa ..., .... _ • • ;;,ll! • ill. ..... -·• N ,_,............_ ~ ~ .. ~..,.,, . "· IA141 ••=1=t -4,.._ .. - _ ..... tutMd ~ ..._.. ~ .-"'11 at ..... I!'::._. -ta ,._ e.... ..,. • ..._..., ·17th &: ··~Blvd., C011U 'Jlaa ·· BeL Uff .... ~ --4 -.. ':;/ip",_S::: :S "J4!'. in.:; ;:,:--;:e · ---, • .• ,,.. tJ:::: • ~M • aai~ ~ •J: · • w.,.. ·•l1rur, Oww OJ dllr. . Wi u..llri•l.-ii '*' -~ uo ~ 1¢;;,,....,and iii -. 11 le ~ !IP-A!'d If ulaill! ,. "' .... II&~ • • -;.,.; :.---. . '. • e • . .,rr.·M er,· --• Clldlqlilill, ....... •:-cl ...... ~ -. , Ob, ,._ ..,, ... a.pr .. ...,.. ""'' • ,. • TD lJp -M* ~ -~ •!9-•Da.Jat~ha .. IZ,1_, __ •T'Mf No.'-<m-.~.ta.Dll--~.,...._,. .... _!!ii!: I -.-• ~ ..... "'N ..... ,'11111&' • _._ • ' llz:ll'a~ • . ~ ----.> ,._ • • r ' . • •• ' ••