HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-09 - Newport Balboa News Times• • • t J ·ADVANCE PUPtL ·:DEEUGE INDICATES TOP YEAR . . . Chamber · Drive · for Membel'S Begins Tomorrow Plane havt been completed and ewrytbtnc la ready to go on the clty·wkle mernbenhlp drive next Wednaday. SepL 10. -------L--~-----'--'--·-~_ IN STUDENT POPUlATION «th YEAR-NUMBER 37 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA #7.DAY, SEPTEMBER ; 1952 FLVE CENTS were N:::..iH=~ !'::: ..::~ :!i?ua~:O~~ Members of the nve teama: rep- reeentlng each teetk>tt of the ctt7 wt.II ett down to an I o'dock breakfut at which they will be briefed on the procedure for Ute day. .Fi s·h er m en strike It Ric H !rate Resid~~ts' s;~;:;;;;;; · ._Iron Curtain !~~:·Im~~ ;:."°s!':i Followtnr the breaJdut. team memben will call on more than 8-00 non-member bu.slneu firm. and uk them to join the cham'1er. Secretary Hay Langenheim has called attention to tbe neceutty ot a large lncreaae ln chamber membership tn order to help the orpn.ls&tion meet tln&ncla.l oblJ· &•Lion.a brought aboUt by the growth of our ,ctty and cof1"'U.i ponding lncrt:ue in the dem&Ada tor chamber eervicea by lndMd· uals and buaineu ftrma in the Newport Harbor are&. "WoeaadoU.0..,.....-.,. Job e:1pectnt ol aa. oal7 If w. are (lvea Ule llldlvtclual 111ppert of ~ "Clti:uh of tlM'I eommu-- •\ty for wbtcb we wortc." La.lllJ· enhelm stated. This "Forward Together tor Newport Harbor" campaign is headed by Chamber Pre11ldent Harvey Som.rs and Membership Chairman A , E. Stockton, who have both expTeueci the ttrm be• llef that the majority o( the proo gnutve businesa men of the city will welcome this opportunity to do lheir part ln the eupport of the community work of the chamber and wtll respond favorably to the team members who contact them. Four Narcotic HERE'S HOW IT IS DOSE! Fo'1'et O. Smith tu, ts, holda ftn of Ma ... ,_;, younger brother M1chMI, I Z, "'f'nt rtshJ.Oc-with t helr fatf'ter last week;.' P'ottM 1aw a m...u. mlf · Ulrew out hia line. TV next think hr knew, the MarlJn "'M hooked • , , anwtd tu. fJn:. Ozie bour, JO mlnutee later, he "'M sttll booked altbool'h jU&t by aa e7eluh. (lCe.nt Hitchcock Photo)/ Susl)ects Nabbed FvJ1en warblrd . , MARLIN' AND ALBACORE Here by Police Graveside Rites SCHOOLS THINK IT'S Four narcotic suspects were picked up by Newport police early Sunday morning and lodged in cl· ty Jail. Cllffonl n.om. ~ lS. aad Jolul Paul 1.Mld....i.. I& botll ol -Alm: Dllnld l'or- b. lt, of JOit PIM;ertla. Ooeia _JI(_ aad.Rlc .. "11 !(DD~11'o %8, ...,. an w· •••• en 1 • • ltr sit. s .·c. ~ -om.or E.. M. Sto Isak. Police .. td they nabbed· them u they observed Ute men walking toward Newport on the Ocean rront aldewalk. campbell and Stoneback said they followed the tour and were aOO.t to •top and queatton au of them when they aoticed John Paul L&ndreth drop or plant aomething on a fence aa they walked by. Police •id it WN a marijuana cigarette. for Mesa Hero 'REGISTRATION DAY' Scheduled Today P<;ople are comparing Newport Beach to Acapuloo Grave.Ide .. rvic.. for C081• today after Sunday's record shattering catch of 26 marUn Mesa'• war bero, r,taJ . Earl C. Mil ... ao. huabcnd of M,.,,. Ruth and yesterday's ~eavy return of albacore. , ~ iru..-..97 0...--·· .ffUdi3"~ llOilt in, the Harbor CUI -be found that tiil - ...ut be h•ld at 2 a.m . today In lied up with plans to bunt the clll88y lo gbills s·-d LOma Vlat& Certietery. Maj. Mlle• • n • I .... ,, ay waa the son of Mr. anti Mrs. c . N. the Coast from Newport to Laguna Was a mass of boa!B Mlle11 ot 18271 E . 17th St., Santa a.net hopeful anglers. Yeaterday.,..-----~------­ Ana. • noon scorea or boata loaded with f the fish, but only one ~t anr· The MariDe filer "._ klllf'd 'ooalbacore hea~?Adlbfo~. Nhewpod rtt Haed'; 1 l•r• believe ia, "Set the hook May t9, ln Korea. when he madf'I r al noon. Y a re um · when the marlin jump.." Trouble a forced •aad~DC ID a rt,·er bed, One hundred, seventy-four havej la martin .are jumping' all &round. ~n brought lo the Balboa A.og· One boat radioed to Fred Schenck. ling Club to date, companid to I of Clark Sweet's office. "Tve got :i1 last year. Oldtlmers remem· two marlin aboard, fanned three ber~ years long gone by when out, and have two more nytng ma.rim came aa close ashore u 1 ftah and they're jumpLnr all this. Some recall a 'time when around me. Whal'll I do?" marlin were fished from Newport Pier, but no official records are Reelde11t.a of t"'ewport Harbor available. a.re all excited about the phe- Albacore ended t heir wMk'• nomlnaJ martin catch. Each l 'B-Oatlon In 90me aecretlve lam.-eve•lnl' crowde l'ather around tlon and came Mck to New· the ll(lttf!id II.At bf lucky a.n.-· port. Harbor, local landlnp re-~"' at the Balbos An&'lllll' ported yNterday. Club. Typical comments like .. You e.boald bavi! eeea tile one Port Orange operaton •aid 1 loat; 1 had tllree bookupa, Drivers Must Stop for School Bus Red Lights ' most of their boats were loa<jed but . . . ; tbey were Jumping and heading for home at noon. all aroand me... and many Dave McAdams. skipper of Sea Wit!\. the. annual b&ck·to4Cboot trek ln hli:h gear, capt. Herbert Null. commander ot the county equ&d of the Callfoinl& W1hway Patrol today aal<t. offk:era weft! ready to ctte drivers who Ignore the' fluhlng red light.a on achool bU80ll. These light.a, he aid, are tor t.he prpted..loa of cb.lldren who must croaa the road before settlnJ on or alter geltinl' oft a ~ While th red Jl&llla ""' ... ...... .... all .. hide -. Or ... _ • ..-..,. .. ..,_ -...... til- er dlreettoa oa the ume f'Md.- way lllll8t come &e a htD .... Md remala 1taM1n1 aaUI die upt. 10 Oat. Vehicle. d~ving on a dif:terent roadway tb&n a atandlnJ achool bu.a -a altuaUon which could come up on the Mp&r&le ltriPIJ of a divided l>l.,.....y -do not have to et.op. Capt. Null Mid moet of Call· fomia'• 9Cbool W. acclde.nlll ' an: · eauaed by driven '""° opeed put -which haft stopped to take ,. on or dillcl.•rae cllildren. "II --""'""' ·~-... -~ • ...._ ...... real 1• •. f!!!! .... • , ..,... • -. Ille""' ~ a.t 'ft1>a1a el ... w'11& "9 _ _.....,...., ... lliw. Wieto." .. ,e11tt )&. ' Mx da'" bef'MP ~ wa• to be "'*"'-to IJle Ualted 81&,_ Officiating at 8ero:cea wUl be Ch&plaln J . W. WI._ from El Toro Marine Bue, and the Rev. Tl rt! b u .,..t 1 good ca'ches othera noat tllrouch the ntiht 1 e ~ 6 " n "' I air. fte boa.rd wae ('rowded with marlin Sunday anJ yeater- 1 t a __ _._ mtdnl lit. d , eVell a ~Y -I ay. Apache rUn by Bill Charlton 1 One of the atrange11t catche• fron1 Balboa Pavilion had 31 wu Robert's marlin caught on a albacore and one marlin Sunday. 14-ft. outboard. He took the Seaport reported 200 albacore 1 129~-Jb. fish after• a 2~ hour betides a marlin on Dick Karr's run. Sultan. For namea of fiabennen and Theories to account for thla marlin sises they ca~ght, turn to fantutic (Un are a.a plentltul ae , page 8, ~•Times K&rlne page,. l'eteroon. collere pruldent. ..... U C ticlpated an enrollment equ.aJ to P to ouncl•t lut year''-if not greater. A.n- . · _ . other week'• Ume w!U determine that. be indicated. . -. AD.yon_e who wuiu a kay to that '"Iroa Curtalll~ ,....... erected by the clt,y 011 the wut ldde of Bwck Gulley, Corona del Mar, snay have one for aa cent.a; but tbe ,ate I.a unlocked trom 6 a. m. to· U midnight, and anyone on the beach out.aide thoee boura la there Ulegally. ' ftlo WU Ibo op1llloa ""'dor- ed b7 lla7or A.drew &al"- ._.u.1 .. u.. d-· -t- ... held Frida7 eft8la1 at Co- ,.... HI Mar tJre hall. 'Fono .. up wu ,. be at -alpt'9 Qty CouadJ ,,...... .. -wldcla U... Mayor ad-"1J1!W..C ' Ma& reeerv.UO.. .. -.rt.J." Jareatded over by Councilman Braden Finch a.nd wtlh Mayor 8rnllh Lnd John S&llon, city man· qer, repreMl'litlng of:ttctaldom, .•om e 30 reslde.nte complained a.bout erection of the 6·ft chaln 1tftk fence topped by a 2-n. atrand of barbed win. It i. unotghtly, they opined. Said Mayor 8mttll,, '°TlleJ' eeemM. to be .. a mood or reYMl'e.. &MJdee .. on the other Mcie (Shore Cllf.h) have the.Ir OW11 -..... pleo, .... -... all -to u.e pl-leJ Md -._ We will pro-· vlde ke79 to anyoae, for S6 cet1ta. bu& preeence on ~ beach wbea tile &'Me lt tocked i. ll1ep1. "At the council meeting, the! other elde Will be heard .from people who llve cloae to the beach and are dteturbed by wild parties, who have to call the po- lice to atop the noise. We have uked for, and g~l. the raffra.ff from all up the cout. where moet beacho• are now under fence con- trol.. ·~ -·-z•-..... . -,a'te-• opea, the mere fact Ulti bM.cll le •ow le.need laM already had p.J'Cholortc-J effect l.n keep- REGISTERING STpDENTS at Horaee _...,. Scbool Y"'terd&y noon w~re Prtnclpal Roy Andel"'IOft, left, and Mn. 'ean Orr, a 1-eber -Ututln&' for IJle ~gular ,...Utrw. On pupil aide of counter frem wt. JamN Alfm, Robert Randolph HUI, &on or Mra. Robert A. HUI, wtt.h her daui"ttter, Robin Marie ruu, at right. JIUI chlklren are new &ttldent. at &ChooL .... (News-Times Photo} • Ice Truck Runs Over, Injures Boy, 6, on Bay Front Sidewalk Robert Howe. 6. son of Mrs.®--------------- Barbara Howe of 1245 Ramona At this time, Bennett said, th<' Ave., was at.ruck a.nd injured yes-child had left the l!lidew&lk sea terday morning on the Balboa Island sidewalk of South Bay wall. He presumed young Howe Front, near Agale Ave., by a "."as clear of the truck. On start· Newport Ice Co. truck, police re· ported. Injuries Included a maAh~ left foot and a poulble brokf'll left ler, Officer Rorer :Seth repOrted. Thtt chUd W&A taken to SL Joweph hospital, Oranie. ~ LeRoy O. Bennett, driver of the truck, told otflcere he had just finished Wllo&dlng lcti at the )Jar<fb Oil .QI. .deck aDd Md ..,.. turned to hl11 vehicle and 1tarted t to drive o!f. He s&id he looked In his rear view n1irror for clear. Ing up the truck, the right rear wh~, r_~lled forward over the boy's~ lnl' undee.lrable people out, and ance. ApparenUy the child "''IM 11tandlng ahead of the rt1rht rear wheel. police Mid. Ottlrer Neth s&ld Bennett \\'&a Illegal· ly ope.ratlnc a vehicle on South 11"1 F..,.t aldewall<-Y °""C Bo""' -...,... ~ ~ 511 South Bay Front. BalOOa Island. His mother accompa- nJf!d blm to the hospital ln Seal'• ambulance. from bulldlnc nrea on the --------------------------- E;~;;:::;.:~~~;;.~~~ l. A. Youths Caught Here Wanted acroSll hll!I own property to keep b Th c·t· F I R ~e t!~.bl~o:~~ ::~~~~p:~:i y ree 1 1es on e ony aps of the city engineer, brought In a . bulldozer. levelled off the bluff ( Pohce today revealed that three+------------- acrou the street trom his home ·Loa Angele8 youlh8 ari;-eated here and planted it to !lowers. Even 1tor carrying concealed weapon and this civic beautltlcation wu ob· ,possible then are al.so wanted jected to, Smith stated. by .'.'Orne , by police In Los Angeles, Her· resident who wanted to "''alk ti) 'mosa Beach and Torrance. the bluff edge and look at the · vtew. • · 'Missing' Boat Turns , Up Safe Object of a Utree pronged 1earcb by the Cout Guard Saturday. th• 1111p~y mlaalng Ml.u Mldrlft ot Newport Harbor WM aitUng in Avalon Bay ..re and \ound dur- IJll the oeareh. Ownen Mr. andl Mra. E . R. Snider from San Gabri .. el were .-n1. ; Cout Guard offlclale said y .. - 1 letday that the ship de~ ~ trouble on tile -1 """19 Newport to Anion and appuen I)' po.it Into oome other -to repaln. When she didn't ahow ~ at Iler regular moortnc In A va1°"" ea alarm wao put oUt to the eoUi! obud. j ' Newp><t and Lons Beacll cou( Ouatd ..-i. were joined In ~ .... b by llie air dlillk>li of ~ eo.ot Guard from .... ~ Wlllla. tbe ........,. ....re to ...e aaothr by ndlo. .\iome - ., cnt\ picked ap --·~· ___ u..,_tlle -od Ill A-Bay. The Chevrolet eonvertlble In which Robert R. Edwa.nl, 18, Dooald -~ 18, and Thoma. Ray Andentoll, 19, "'ere • (j)ontlllued on, Page tl A total of ·1.719 students had regillter:ed as of noon yett~rdtly 1 at Horace Enalrn, Corona del Mar and Newport schools, according to Superintendent Horace Enstgn. Corona del M.a.r, enrolled M.'i, Newport bad 662 and Horace 01-, . sign a total of 492 u or noon. ! Within the ne:llt fortnight, offi. I clala expect tola.l enrollment fig· urea to aurp&aB laat year's rGs· j tera at all three achools. Prt.dpal Grayce &:,,1et-of Co- rona del Mar School tound a line Of mot.hen and cldldren waltlnl' when Me arrived theN at 8 a..m.. )'N!erd"J. Ono moUlu bad ar- (ConUnaod .. l'a1J1! C) Fisher Clairns Camera Store Burgled by Trio Two caraenui. valued at '449.10, were stolen trom the Balboa Is· land Camera Supply, 215 Marin~ Ave .. Balboa laland, Saturday. F . W. Fisher, proprietor, told New· port police that a Rolleitle.x, num- ber 1237749. a.nd a Retina 2·A, number 16410 were taken from a ehowcaae while. he v.•u in the back of the abop. F\5he:r 11&.ld he wu w&ltlnc 'on a man wlttt two emaU chlld.rfan who WU Mk1nc queetlone.. He told poUee be believed the man took the eameru while b& "·•~ alone ln the front of the store for a few mlnutes and P\'e the CUDel'M to one of tbe MDAll et.'Nr..e&..£1 t ~~ wlie11 le i'etu-.1 to the otoro froat. .be notioed Dile of t.Jle <:1111---""" ~ u.. man and one cldJd were atm there. Before he called police, Fisher alerted a pbotogn.phic supply store ln Corona del Mar and learned that a ma.n and two child· ren fitting the same de8Cl'lptlon had juat left the store after aak· ing the same queatlona of the pro- prietor. Fl11her told police the man wa..ct dark with black, buehy ha.Ir. He was wearing blue jea.ns. He said the m&n·, queaUona indicated 1.1. good knowledge of . photognphy. ·t r I • ;,~ P'A .. i ~:~:HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS ' . •. .... .. "At/".---..-~--,,, ----....-~----------..-"Mll'll----~---'"-..... ~··u .. St. JalllesChurcllsetting fur-~~ ~Frank ~oble· Gale Hatheway Rite BeauW)ll In evuy detail was near the altar. Tall c&Ddel.- tbe eancll~t con~. bold on pew cde mart<od ~ -i.r Satiqday. 8opt. I at • e'elock &l.i. · and ,,_ a40med with ~ In St. J._ ~pal church. wblt• flowen, rnenerY aad eatln ,._ \vben Gale Hatheway, daughter ribbon. I ; I • • • • • • • • • or Mr. and Xra. J:rle HathaW&y, lloo&lle .t.ahl•Y of Loll&' Beach 1280 Branpya Wa7, L •I' \In a .a.ag Ob Perfect Love. t.nd orp.i:ii " Beach. rt:peated vow• wlth Robert prelude and marchu were play- Darrell Notile, 80Jl of Xra. Laun ed Q' J'Hrl Waldlnaa, c:llurdl Le<> Noble of Lons Beach and orpm.t. . Fnnlt D . Noble of Niv•ra F~lo, .,._. ._,._ N. y • Tiie noepUcm WU bold In Illa The double rln&' rite .... pel" home or th• IN1da'• parut., ·•formed by the Rev. J . IC. Uvln&'· where the f!Hpi..., 11a•ked will> 1 ton, the bride befn6 s;h'en tn ma.r-peenery &ad ~ wllli. lap- -n.age by her fat.her. Her wee> era. formed DacklJ'OWWfl fN' lM , ..:..:.:ding &'OW" wu noor lenJth, do-.....ivln&' line.. ~• I 11 • tlllled with tonr aleeved lace le · ----~---•· bodice and a bouttant net skirt yen.mi coup ia •~• •-.. ' ' wer. Mn. HathewV. lonly la a patterned wttA lace appUqlM and floor Jensth .-own ot· .lllver mauw poeed over white •tla.-Her fin.~ lace and tatt•t&. navy 1cce..m.1 gerttp veil of net w.u attached to and an orchid ~p; and Mra a lace half crown, and bad ·a Noble. who chOM a bec:omJns 1 short race veil. Bhe carrted a rose colored net and taffeta wbito prayer ~ with • Whit• iown with matchlnl:' acceuor1 ... • orchid, bouvarclla and •at I n The bride's table. bearlltl' the 1tlre&men. punch a.nd wcdd.ln& oake, wu Brtde'• A.tteDdaabl set ln the patk>. Altendanta wen Mn. Richard Amon( thoae oftertnf fellctta- • Prtce of San Bernardino, matron uom were lhe bride'• srand· or honor, brideemalda belnr Mia mother, Krs. 1:1.M Hatheway of -Joan. Nobl• of San Francl9C9, Hollywood and the bl"idqroom's •i11leT ot tbe bride~ and Mlu J?'&lldpa.renU, ,.f.·. and Mr•. J . R. Virginia Ballou of Puadena. cou· Roberts of Lo•i: Beach. aiD of th• bride . .All wen rowned For the trip up ~ cout to &like in floor lit»cth frocU ol Berkeley where th-.y wUJ make blue net and taffeta with ha.la their tuture. home. the MW Kra. and veil• to .match. and for COil-Noble chose a gray·blue tailored trast, all carried eax3.dlng bur· 11uit with mate.Alric hat and \'eiJ. gund)) rutvum lJUJes. I brown acceS!O~les a.nd cymbld- Thol;nN Fletcher of Lona Betl.ch ium corsnge. Stie waa cradu&t· was best. man and rue•ts were ed frol':l Laguna Ceach High ushered by Allon Hathe\vav of ~ ~;h::>al end Unl~relty of Callfor- Long. Beach, ~rot.her of the bri.;e, n1" at Ee-rkel~y. where !he \l"B.!l and Dick Hmdenoa., alao of LDng I s.ffiliated with Theta Upailon fl<'r- Beach. o:-i ty. Mr. Noble WA.I parlu:-~o · nte church w .. decorated wiL'l rrom Long Beacll Polyte<''· • , whit• g11M;tioU ud chryal.nthe-I Long Beach City College and t ·c I •m~urno.~~·~an~d~bro~aa~e~bed~~·~Ol~nde~l~o~b~ra:.:_•~t:...'.Be:'.'.:r:k:•'~e~y~.--------'- Assistance league Sets Date for Bazaar Luncheon The A.telata.nce League of New- port Harbor hall cha.Mn Frlda.y, Nov. 7 8..8 the date for it.a benefit rirklge luncheon and b111ar, a9d t he ape.c'iou' accomodt.tiou of thf' Newport Harbor Yacht Club a.s lhe setting for tbe bi&" affair. Mrl. Paul Ropra t.nd the mem- bers of her way• and means com- mittee are in ~barC• of the ev- ent and every member of the league LI contrlWUDJ la aoJM cap- acity toward uaaring the .uceeu ol the t.1ear. The bl'Jd,ge·lundleon table re&- ervatlOill!I are being made and •1 'tickets are available now a.coord- lng to Mn. O. G. Bueaa. ticket 8&le8 chairman and her co-chair· m&n, Mn. Frank Wlllt1mon., Jr. The membeni of the table reaer- v&tion committee. ate the Mmea. D a I e R&mMy. Aruthur But, Geor1e Penny, 0 . W. Richard, Harry Stickler, John Boyd, Hay La.ngenhelm, Thom & 1 Rutter, J oseph Beek, and John Osburn. The buaar bool.M wUl occupy the ent.lre lanai of tile Newport Harbor Yacht Club and the leacue mcmber8 promiae that many lnter- eatinl' .,id bl&Utlflli thlnp wW be on Mle tor U..y ...... opant the pa.at fnr JltOC'lt., Sil m1Jlln1 and a.,....irlas -,._ daJlrl>l- ful do.It e)olhao to -of vaJue. Wor!Ullop ,.._lion are busy fHh!c>alln&' .., -llltlul&r thlqo fW IM ~ booU and tt ta' NIDONd tMt .. m1nebe Rosen la apla .a ..... f-1 Tbe •••' wm w opa tro1n 11 •• ID. to J p.IL. ~ Ille claY wlll be filled wlllo • -ol i... tettKl!nr aad acltN .-ta. Authur Addresses B & PWomen Mn. Lillian Aye, author of the beat seller ··1ran CabOose" &nd widely known lecturer addr-eaftd the Newport Harbor Buslnesa &nd Professional Women'1 Club, Inc. at Its meeting Thursday evening at the Chart Room ot the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Aye described many exper- iences in Iran and ~t. while with the Amerlc&n Red Crou dur- lnl" World War ll, aketchlnl" in detail the lntere.atln& c.har&ct-eJ"ls- ttca of the people of the ,Ml4dle Eaal. Mrs. H elen Norton gave a report on tbe blen.n1al coaventk>n she had attended ln Boston. Mn. Nor- ton told o f the natiQna.l awards woa by the Caltfomi& Bualnesa and Profusion.al Women on over- all achievement.a. Political activt- tiee, 1st pla.Ce; exp&nllon, 2nd place; conservation, 2nd place; po-- ijtical affa1n, tt.h place; atate news aervice, chairman'• award; and public news service, honor- able mention. A report was given by Kay Vaughn that ahe and her commit-- tee are working with Hirry Welch to make a drive for donations to Hoag Memorial H09pit&l. Mn.. Stewart of Coeta ldea contrlbut• ed -a b&Dd-made ··itMJ*.11• Doll" to thill drive to ralle money. A vote of thanU waa pva. to Marilyn Whealor an<! ,..,. Howell for tl>e vary lnformatln B P W ..... bulletin lnll>nlllnt' _ ..... of comIDs eventa and mMlln&' time and pla<:o. Att.r an a-•· -an,ocoo. ~of \lie -l•D4 Poat Ottlce, bao "-~ Apple Valley. -............,, .i.e baa attended t. pnM•••ftfl eoe- veallon In llu - OUHta attendlllr -ftl9t-"' 1111' of the --. .Mldfe Kkk, Helm Oarladl, X.,,. .t.lica wu.on. JW>t Hoke, ,...., ~. Plll'lllo Jaebon, Dorotty Jo -aoa. Mary Nucell. ud N •• H. Ro... Prise .... -., -Bachman. THE OUTSIDE. STAIRCASE to the pme room Abown from the-Jl\.iltc room wtndowa which o•er look the . colo!ful patio. 1•art of thf' 1argro <'Urvf'd s N"tional eho":n fa.en thf" exciting efa.anne-1 view from the baytront wlndo"·s. · t News-Ti.mea Photo) Maurice Sopps' Lido Home Has New Approach to Bay Front Life Typical, but lnterestingly dif- ferent, are\ the entrances• of the bay front home!'! on Udo" I1Jle. The Maurice Sopp home on Via Lido ?l:ord ha8 an unusual semicircular pJanUng a.a you apprciac.h the porch and the b&nd!Klme birch ('n- t.ranee door. A . part or lhf" wall next to the door ia corrugnted gtau, giving privacy, and light into the interior entr anc(' hall. ., As you entef-tiie door . a floor to celling narn:lw partition of Ar· tsona flagstone in warm hues ur red, pink, a.nd the grey tan n~u tral shades, bas three copper planter boxe. whicb slant al an \nterest- lng angle t oward the top of the box. The floor le covered wl th M 4 inch equa.ru of n.atura.1 hemp and U\enda Ule entire I~ of llle laa&l, rte.elled u you pus the plut.r box. J'llll lensth 1lau .. ·ln· ck»wa wtllcll roll b&c.k, have ecreens from noor to cetlln&. which oper- ate 1n tbe .ame faA.Jon. row "'de &Std S or 4 feif"t Joal" oa thf' \\'kki side of the flagstone. The drapes are natural, rough \.\'&ave material. and the wood on the · inside walla I.a bea utifully grained ln a natural light finish. The vertical cedar boards about eight Inches wide are set at an an- g l<" inste&d of tl\Uh v.1th wall. giv- ing an almO!lt louvered effect. The furniture ln the lanai ls SY:ediah modern i.n a blonde finish . uphol- st ered In a patterned material with a dcetcn of pomegranat es ln dark rose with moas green leaves. The background of the mater ial Is pale turquoise, a color c&1Tled out by Mr&. Sopp a.s a bac kground color throurhout the house. ln fron t of the dlVTi.n ln the lanai Ls a low cotfee table extending al- most lhe length of the divan and called a Lone John. All furniture 1n the house la contemporary mod· ern, and t he beauUtul woodA or the 1Walls anti t~ various plecu .... ,.. -.... nap. ... ,..&aao '• • ......... Ude It of Cumiture blend harmoniot141y. vttrs a...._. 1 teet.. and the A mrt: wrou,pt lrOG. tabM llJI JI _.... ,.._.. U. .U.pe a.ad fovr c1a1n la a aon. V- Oi .... ,..u ..... ~-.. with duoty ,_ chair pad-. '1 t I R ' M ISW -t"8--~-0-.. 0~taatk -.r the plaater in tltei lane.I and la tDed for carda or for lafonnal dlninl". The living room and din1ng room beyond the la.nal on the bay front 1lde of the house are cal'- lJtted In turquoise. The wall.I of the hou~ which are not wood pan- elled are palnted a sott' dusty rote. A large, two-place circular divan In dark green ti.bric has a rough weave pl&kl deaign In rose wool. A comfortable dark gTeen chair and a companion chair in ?'Ol:e flank the window ove;rlooktng tbe channel view. Above Lile fireplace Is the paint· Ing from which Mrs. Sopp worked out the color scheme for the en- tire bou.se. ~l ia titled Desert View, a.nd tbe artist Wm. J . Brown has u.ted the typical, beautltul desert color1 copper, brown, ~y. greens, roae, rose blege, pink and va.rtoua shades of blue. Mn. Sopp hae u-i reatralnt lD tile colora oomblned. to form • delipttul tone pktoro la eac:ll of the ........._ In U.. i...i, the -t la . u.. --wblle of the •tone lamp bu6t the otb- e1.: le a bl"Olll.e ceramic buei, bot boll& lampo ba•• tup wlllte tailored at&acte. ln a roup ta.b- ric. From the living room and the lanai, the beautiful patio with its tropical plantinglo la Y1&1ble from almoet every part of the roona. An unumal staircase leads from the p&tlo to the upsta!n '"'"' I room, or u the Soppa' term. tt. the "-.ctlvtty room ... It haa a tuD ala pool table, comfortable !Ounll- .. '1'14 a piano plu, a fli;>o "'°"' Of '1le bay fl'Onl It. front . ....._ --re A mum bedroom 8Dd paa ·-.... Oii the -flooJ. -UM: UDV-W at&1.n:aM 14&da olf U. ~ n. ._ are <:arpOW 'la a J.O'IP ._, .-. the -aft ,..._ ... --u..~ '"":1 ca ar. • trooted ~ ' ,_.tr""',_ i-••• .. -.... ,... 1t •-c11•1 akst......_ ~ .............. ........ -~---~-..... , ..... :r= _. ..... s.4 ............ ....... -.... ...., -~·--..... .. s•I IL .. _ ..... ... .... -..... ·~· ::=~~.!"=-.... ... 1o.,. ... lalt1• •••. ""' ........ ' <Jel:te Boero.of Oene'a Cale, ~ rona del Mar, told' Newport po- Uce ll'rlday tll&t durlnc hlo recent o11sraC! Mlrieone atole a man'• !1JI&' fnlm blo ~ at· S26 Mar- auente, Corona del Mar. Boero relWaocl .t.q. :ia flolD Aaope -.nd oald lie ,_ not.ICed .the I-then. He ~ Ille rili8' .. bavlng a garut '..uta&' with Blnall clla- 111onda llOl '¥' two Illa .t.i.o ml&l- lnJ waa a t..ncelot Wriat watch wtth chrome cue link band.· Boe- ro a&ld. He said U:e ltema were taken from & cup ln the kitchen cloeet. Re told police he did not -believe the 1oa reeulted from bur· glary, as there wu no evidence of entry. Corum Car DanlCM,led la •Auto Ac~hl•9't n.om.. Tnmwl . COrllm ot 82• E. 17th St., ~ 1(-'WU In· volved ln an aocideal W9da.Mday with Wallace BellJ-U. llradflokl of 506 E. Oceu Front. Balboa. ind Lp• Aaplea, &C(Wdlnl' to pollce report& l Newport· police Mid lh• acct· dot OCC\11'Ted at Ball>oa Blvd. and Coronado St. On the Brad· field car. rt1ht. front tire wu ~lown and U'le rl«ht front fender WM badly tora .. The Corum car recetved damace to the rtcht rear fender and rear bumper, potlce aid. I c; .... loero Back ~ lm'OP•a11 Trip Gene Boero, rerila.l p~rtetor of G.ea•'• Rut&urant, Co~a de Mar. returned home Aus. 28 troin a flve·week: trip to .Europe. He new 'bath way1. --' ST • w.iESOi~CH . EPISCOPAL ~ VIA "UDO, NICWl'Oll'r 111tACB - ' Rector: Rev. Paul MoQrs Wheeler ..._ __ uao ' Announcing .OPENING OF St. James Day School . ~· • MONDAY, S~Pf. 15th Kindergarten, I st, 2nd and 3rd Grades REGISTRATION SEPT. 12 9 A. K to l! NOON General Sheet Metal Works 1 ST AINLEllll llTllEL a iiREi:T METAL • VENTILATING • • PHONE llAJUIOB %110 lt01 VILIA W 4 Y NEWPOBT'llEACB -' • MAX W. POPE (}eneM/ ConlMclor - -llUIU>ll'fO · • REPAIR • ALTEB4TIGN8 • t90 Bola& ... _ COSTA MESA -·- , TM death of h1I brother, Jo- -.ph. prompted the trip. J'ollowln1 UM Hrvicu, Gene tound lw1tser· land. and Fran~t. maklq moll! of bla trips by ~r. Ha la 1ookln1 fonvard to the imminent ·arrival of a new, eapeclally ~iiJled elec- tric coffee maker which he hopes to have in operation 900h. He pu-.;,- chued the device th -Italy. 1 .. ---------------------------- Ricketts Promoted by Nortfirop Fi1111 R. S. • Rickett.a, 304: Alvara.do Place, Balboa, ha.a ~ appointed st.alt aaistant to Paul Jone~ as- sistant ~perintendent of prOduc- Uoa engtnee.ring at the Anaheim Division of ~orthrop Aircraft, Inc. · Ricketts Is a · member ot the Northrop -A.nf.belm production team currently produclng T41 op- tical rM(e finder$ fOr uae-In the new M47 medium tanks of the U. S. Anny ArdnanCe · Corpa. . ' . FOR · 'M~CHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWP'ORT f'.IARBOR AREA CALL KIMBERLY 3·2451 • e e . • • • • • • "" .oj OOlJNTY. PRODUCE IUGH STATE .. MERCHANTS POLICE California -a n 'd prlnclpa.lly Southern ca11tom1,-1oc1 u,e ·~· Uniformed Division of tlon &C"a.i.n· la.st year in 1htpment of t•••h rru1t and vegetable• to. STA l:E . PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY the tables of America,. Cbajrman l!::;===:;=:::;::::;:=:;==================:d.J William C. Teitehe of the i:Pe An-,-:;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;··;;;:;;;·;;;· ;;;;;::::;:.::;::::===::::;::::;=:::;:;;::::;::::;::::;;;;;;;;. ~le. Chamber of Commerce acri·' ,. cultural committee. reported yes- terday. Oraol"e coun.ty Mlpped 11.011 -ca<I-nm hip 1n the - California suppliea 38 per cent ot lbe country's produce and lhip-- ments from Southern ~omi.a-' totaling 21 per cent-topped those from any other et.ate except Call· tornia illelf. MARKEL llABY llOBN Mr. and Mr1. Albert Markel ot 345 23rd St., Costa Mesa, wel· corned a new baby dauchter into their family Sept. 3. Born 1n Santa Ana OOmmunity Hospital, the Ut· tle girl weighed 9 lbs., Sos. Make your vote count in the general election NOv. 4 by regta.. terlng. SepL 11 la reglatratloa <feaclline. • • RE'~IDENTIAL-1NDUSTR1AL. COMM.ERCIAL •• I r t HO JOB -TOO' LARGE OR TOO SMAJJ, · ZSO • SOt.lz &. Newport ~ &nor Z6SS </oHch ••• -llf - :FORE& £AR · Sf P.VICE I . . * •P•ri••alill ........._. , Josqla Thrall-I yeert with Jaguar research Lean. M.••dow-htll•h tMell ' car specialist 'ff lp1clll ... ~. ' * Service • -as- ·, . " Forei9n Motors, Lhf. • ' l t I l • • • t .- ! ' ' t • I I ' ' ' \ \ • , • • • Herborites Attend J'heyer Picnic: • • Mr. and Mra. P. L. BIQ1na Of • Coat& M-~ MIN. IClsle. N~· lan4 or Newport Beadl an llun· 4ay, Aq. U, otten4ed the l,DnU· al re10k>a or tbef1 home u.wn. men from 'ftaa1tt1 KV"'• and fl<td at An&helrn City Pan. 'AboUt 15 Jayhawken were p.....ut, ma.ny of them comtq from aa far away u Banntng &Dd Vt~ vWe. New Art Course at -Coast College A new course ht belnr offered th ta t&ll for adalt8 ln pa spec;tln drawing, and drawinc of natural forms bom obeerv&Uon and· rnern .. ory. All black and white - will be atUdled and UIOd. 'nle coune la beln• tau•ht by 8hlrUe Lourie, loca.I artist. It wUl be offered on Mondaya, 1 to 10 p. m. in Art Center No. 4 at Orange Cout College. ReJ1stral.lon will be on BepL 8 or at the opening session on Sept. 16. Methodist Circles Hold Joint Meet N ewpOrt Beach and Balboa Cir· clea of Chrlat Church by the Sea m~t JolnUy at Goodell Hall on the afternoon ot 'I\leeday, Sept 2. Ea.ch held its bualneae HJ11ion aep- nrat<?ly, joining together th the devotional program. Thia wu led by Mrs. Joseph Bodman, ·wboee subject was "We Are ObUp.ted." Pian. were outlined tor the rummage aale, which the circle• are holdlng week enda of Sept. 11-12-13. 18-19-20 at 23rd St. and West Bajboa Blvd. Holtbys Hosts to Son and Family Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Holtby, 1~18 West Ocean Front, are back home from Lake Arrowbead, where they epent the aummer at Blue Jay. Lt. and Mr-. Davt.d Holtby and two children. an bOme fr'om Korea. .Japan, and the Philippines. where they have been Jivin&' tor nearly a year, and have been. ,,.tth lbe Lleutenuat's pa.rents for a week. HoJtby. now re.leued trom the army, wlll re-- aume teachinr ln Lo. A.nple.a city -and I.be -.. nl)W gettlng est.abltabed the.Tt. House Party for Ontario Residents Mn. Mona Moon!, who has spent the summer "!'th her moth· er, Mrs. Ella Goeldner CJ/, 33rd St., baa returned to her home ln On- tario and will take up her dutleli an rqt~rar at Pomona mp School Before she left Mrs. Moore wu h<Mteae at a week e:nd home party, guests tnclUding George Church· Ill. vice principal ,,of the IChool. and Mn. ;Churchill; Mr. ud. Mn. Roy Decker a.nd dauglate:r Carol ot Ontario. and lhefr 80D, Robert Decker and wtte, of Rlveralde. New.,.Timee Ada 118'.ve ~ read In tM • Rarl>or tQ-..:flV~ tO<ll'P"- " ,,,.... __ •• _ .... \\&"'; .............. ~ ·--'""" -Alao -·o ... at Sher c ...... • --- Mn.. ILut .J'Olepll Bwte•1MMl -aee Nwy Lou Ol"MdlA (Portra.it by Sergl8 AlberU) Nancy Lou <Jrandin is Bride at: Church of Our Saviour Dinner and Ba~~bell for Highlanders I t.test event tor Newport HJsh- landers wu a poUuck picnic din- ner at Costa Mesa Park on Wednellday evening, SepL 3. Leav·· Wearing ivory aattn and heir-a white orch id: and Mrs. Hutchin-tng huabanda and ch.lldren at home loom lace, Nancy Lou Grandin son, charming ln hyacinth blue they enjoyed a purely femlntne wu loveliest of brides a.a ahe re-Chanti!Jy lace in n oor lenith and get-togehter. peated her vo .... 11 before the altar with scalloped necklne. Her rose Bueba.11 alter dinner provided or the Church of Our Saviour. gloves and rose velour h a t were both exerct.ae and amu.ement and San Gabrtel, with Karl Joseph ln contrnBt and a complementary some of the playel'9 owned to Hutchineon, In a late afternoon detail was her purple orchid cor-being ··atlff ill over" several day1 ceremony performed on Satur-sage. aner the eVtilt. The &!fa.Lr, vcrt- day. Sept. e. . A bullet supper was seried. ln. ed a croat su~u. wu plarined !fancy l'.Ati i. the ~augbter of the garden from a beautltul brt· by the hoeteu of the evening, Mn. Mr. and Mn. Henry B . Grandin dal table, with guest.A seated at Don Andrews of 18th St. of 1730 Oak Grove Ave., San Ma-small tables under green &.nd Preaent were: Mni. Andrew., rtno and 1108 Wea:t Bay Ave.. white umbrellas. There was al&o Betsy Fryman. Mary Lou Daum, Balboa, wbJ.le the bridegroom ts 1 dancing to music of a small or-Betty Roblruton, Lucille Smith, eon or Mrs. Karl Fayette Hutchin-chcstra. H elen Brandt, Ruth Tarnowake, aon ~ the la.te Mr. Hutchill30n Antong speeiat gue»ls were Mr. Audrey Gronaky, Dorothy Charl- ot 1432 WelHngton St., Oakland. and Mrs. Frank Lln<'han nr Sau-ton, Barbara Martin and Anita Dr. J"ohn Camithers, uncle of silito. aunt antl uncl~ of the Stevens. the bride, uslsted Mr. Powell, bridt>groon1 and another aunt, Hostess on Sept. 9 will be Mn. rector of the chUJ"Ch, ln perform-Mrs. Emma Goure of, Oakland; McGuire at El Modena Ave. tng the stngie--rtng ceremony. Mrs. Howard Hutchinson of Oak; Nancy wa. given ln keeping by land. siater·1n-law of the bride-- her father. She was gowned in groom; Mrs. Henry B., Grandin, tvory satin, fa.ahloned In period Jr.,I of San Francisco, slster-ln- 91:yle w1th long sleeves and draped law of the bride; Mr.• ll.l\d Mrs. fttted bodice. Heirloom rosepoint George Dulaney of La J olla; Mrs. tace ouUlned the portrait neck-Irene J ohn.son and Mrs. Andrews line and edge4 the sleeves. The of Oakland. tull circular skirt, edged with seal-The bride wore fo~ traveling to 1~ tell ever hooped petticoats an undisclosed honeymoon stop. a with acalloped edge a.nd ended ln hancbome red tweed sult with a wide train. The exquisite lace black butt on trim matched by veU, a cberiahed hi!irloom, waa black kid pumps and purse, black ftrlt worn by the brlde'a paternal suede gloves and a pert black vel- giandmother. It waa .held by a vet hat, the ensemble accented by .Juliette cap appllqued wtth rose-her white butterfif orchid.I. She polat. Carrying out oldtime tra-wa.s graduated rrom West.ridge dltiom, Nancy carried a borrowed bJgb echocll, Pasadena and Stan- rOMpotnt lace ran. u backl'f'OU.Jld ford Unlveraity, where she was a tor white butterlly orchida and member of Cap a.nd Gown. Wllu• of tile .alley. Final touch to · iu Sao Mateo the coMume waa a 1trtng of pearls at lier throat- Captain Page Now Serving in Korea With the I Corpa in Korea - Capt. Hows.rd H. Page, wboae wife, Maria, lives in Corona del Mar, la now serving with the Olat Signal Batta.lion tn Korea. 1'he battalion turntahea tele- phone arid very high frequency radio service ror the ~ Corps ... ., Capt.&tn Page Joined ~ 0b&iW- lon as maintenance otncer. A 1931 graduate of the UnlftTOlty or MID· nuota, he entered the Anny tel). yeara ago. He la the eon ot Kr. and Mn.. Arthur H. Page, 4207 Collie Aw., Loo An~lell--·----- 'Fallbrook Story' to Be Shown by Herbor Kiwanis • • STORK VllllTll Ml:llANS Tile lltol"k payed .a "1"!t to the Robert Kap-family Of Uli'. Coat.a MU& St., Costa MM& Oii '===========~=.ID SepL 1. Tile new daupter of the1 : family WU born In Santa .o\n& CommUJtlty Hooplt&I and wel&hecl a Ibo., 4l9 oz. BDn'11 VEIZJlaATltD Mr. Uld Mra. Robert Iabell <16 708 Aoacla ;. .... <;orona del Kar, celebrated the blrth o! a daugh- ter. Born A-.. 30 In Banta Ami Community Ha.pttal, the UtUe girt <'a.me into the wOrld weighing 6 Iba., llS ... ------ SOCllA BON llORN IU'ITBUSE9 ..... a~ ... lmoplar !lllapoo tDCAOON llGSI Oolta Hea Mattr:w 0.. lll!O Nowp<"' 111-fC. BE SURE -INSURE with KAUIUE STANLJ:l' Iuu...aoe Oal;J Pltaae-r l'ITI DI llfutm A•o. --- Mr. and Mn. ChUttr Bocha of 333 Bui St., Costa MHa., wet., cotnecl the \lrtll of a oon Aug. SOJ I~::::::::::::::::::::::?~. I Dom tu santa Ana Communltll H09t>lt.al, the new addlUon to tb4!1 tomlly welpecl In at 8 Ibo., 14 ~ VANOOUVD F.UW.l' IRRE WATER BEATERS ~ Service aa4 Rejlldn /oe 8t1e"""'1 PLUMBINO n--··-w Kr. and Mt& R. M. Locke have recently come to Newport Har- bor trom Vancouver, We.ab . They are making their home at 416 S.. ============:' gonta Ave., Corona. del Mar. They .-~~----------1 'trete aeeompe.nied bHe by ttietr 80ft and daughter. . VAN HOftN SON BORN Mr. and Mra. Jamea Van Hom ot 070 W . Wilson St., COit& Meu, hailed the birth ot a new eon born . Grauel Chapel I I 0 Broadway Bea.eon 5810 Ca.ta Keu tn Santa Ana Community Hoapl-'.::============' J tal Aug. Sl. The lttUe boy welK"tj.. -------------, ed lnto Ille at 8 Iba. DAUGllTER ARAIVES A new dauchter arrived in the remuy of Mr. and Mra. Bobbl Mc· Daniel ot llOSIS S6th St., Newport 41eoch Aus. Sl. Born tn St. Jooeph Hospital, the: little gtrl weighed e lbs., 6"' oz. BIRTH CELEBILA TED Birth of a baby daushter to Mn and Mra. Woodrow Stoner oL 101~ Victoria Blvd., Corona del Mar, wu celebrated Sept.1 1. Born la SL Jooeph Hoapltal, tile little J1rl Weighed e !be" 2 oz. ' BALTZ 'MORTUARY Lad¥ Atte- tlO <Jou• IDpWQ' OORONA DEL MAB DAY AND NIGHT -...~c HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS ~ .. · ftll: 111lCCU8 OP A1ft pqurANl!lNT IS FMAD 11.&.Dt SllAPl!M ' DAN'S IARBIR SllOP llALllOA 'l'lll!:A!U •n& BAI.JI()& Pia"° J"4/,,udioH. TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) C-n Planls• of n.-OonU.....ta bradute 11.-, or Bela Banok llPECL&L RATES FOR SUMMER STUD.ENTll U6 Serra Drive llarlior nn.i Corona mgblands -Corona del Mar ~ 26 Departures Daily Pro• LOS AllGB.ES lnt/,.Jmg 14 Tllu.oPllESS IDS& Mo"' semcr. mo"' lbru-Expms buses-to Ch icago, St. l.oois, Oklahoma City, Ksnsas Ciry, Da.llas, otb<r points without change. The best cosrs no more-go Greyhound! SEE HOW YOU SAVEi Chicaso. • . . . • • . • . $4 t.6S Boston .•..• , , ••• •s9.3S Detroit .•••• , , •••. .C7.<C-O Kansas Ciry •••••••• 3'3.60 Wubiopn •• , • , ... ,~.po Minneapolis .••••••. )9.ZO N..,, Yotk •••••.••. ,6.10 Ne-w Orleans ••••••• M.90 · ,,.,.,.. nv ao. ,. ... LB~·-·°" It--'· f'riP f'lie4it.. . ,_ IW.ft9 MRS. C. C. SWAFFORD, Agent PHONE BEAOON M!! 6" OOAST IDGHWAY NEWPORT llEAC8 • 'GREYHOUND ' '· • • I • .. • • • • PA&E~ .. . ... ·at · · · · · Senator Reports : N:ew .MleS· . . . . :. . A.,,..,* 1.oa111ao11-. ~ ~.T-.· .. _, Cost .of Adult . a.a-u 8-nd-Clw Matter at the --la N!N~ J1!oM1t.i H•gh ( ~hool ,.. Ca1lfomla under the Act of -.. U7f. . • I J\, ers P•Mr'ed EftJ')' Tumda7 at Newport ••• Otl;• ;' · · : '°l 11!ot NEWPOBT BARBOR PUBl,T!lllDfG OOMl'Altt SA.CRAJO:NTO, -(CNS) - Bow blctullon ol adult education WlLLlAM A.. MOSl!lB, lidlt.ol' tn Ula oCboola or Orange County atteeta rtnandng In the wrlowJ SUB80RIPTION 11.A'l'Da , dLntrtcU bu been worked out by • NZWPORT·BALBOA NEW~TDll'.8 9"117" ~111fW_'_ J_ tJie .enate interim committee, a anqe Ooallt,., NJ50 per y .... ; P.00 ob au ... 1 fLU - _ ... (Aloo Incl ...... the ~RT-BALBOA pwaa, WWlll•m6's.J1) bMded by Senato< Harold T. Jobn- • OUIBlde °""'"' County llLIO por --· or Placer county. ~-r& Hubor Valoo. ,_ TO THE UNREGISTERED VOTER • "You have until Thursday, Sept. 11, to register .. n11ag to Ille ........ llad I.· NB ADA. .-.tog .. ,,410 &C IN per ADA. WltMat adulta, for .._ attmd·sce W'OUld have been !Joe forthcoming Presidential election, Nov. 4." • Such items have been run by this -paper and olbers throughout the nation during the peat few months. 11 is too early yet to tell wh;ther a record regiatratlon of eligible voters will be on the books. : Officials of the major political parties have urged the un-reglstered voter to get himself tallied by city and county clerks. Newspapers, civic organizations -even rellgioua bodies-have all asked taxpayers to register. · And we do so again here. You see, there's a reason. You, the unregistered voter. ani often tile qalckest to crltlcl2e the Incumbent administration for ltll li1la of omission and commission. But yon jolJt ~ yoar listener's time. Conve""'1tionnUy, :voo are jn8t pawing the air, spinning ''our wheels. JlecaWie yOG "haven't "time" to register now. You say, "My one vote won't count." But bow you join the yowllnr; ta.xpayen who are registered to vote. You ralse yoor volee la cho"1!1 at the antics of e\·ery le,·el of government. They think you arc as good a citizen when they bear you plump for economy. honesty and efficiency in American government. But. if you are not registered to vote, or if you are registered and do not vote, you are & fraud on the body politic. You are the clrone, the armchair poUtlcal general who has much to say about running national, state, county and municipal affairs. So why not practice what :vou preach• Why not reg- ister now? Registrars are available at city hall, city fire stations and at some of our local super markets. U you are unable to leave your home. call the city ball and ask for a traveling registrar who will call on you, Your vote is that valnablr to our way of life. Don't think about registering. Do it today! SAUCER STllFF Seen any nying saucers yet• If you haven't, you'd better start looking because eve rybody is "gettin' into the act." Maybe the mysterious discs don't exist, but they sure get around a lot. The U. S. Air Force says that more of them were reported in July than in any other month on record. No less than 114 written acoounta of what wu seen have been turned in. In additiru:i, there wei-..boDdi'e<la of oral reports and sightings which weren't giNen in deWI. Lately the saucers have taken on more substance by appearing on radar scre<>ns and the Air Force is no longer passing them off as figments of the 'imagination. The swiftest jet planes sent up to pursue them, howeYer, haven't come back with anything tangible yet. A few experts seriously believe these phenomena to be space ships from other planets such aa Mars. Could be. Maybe they were sent down to. get a first hand report on the conventions. The noise was probably heard on Mars. ----•---~ ADMISSION DAY One hundred and tY.·o years is a long time, but 11Miss" California is showing no signs of age. Although in recent years she has taken on weight -the weight of influence. that is -she is still in excellent shape, And she's popular. too. People all over the world have heard about her beauty and sunny dispo11ition. The result is that hundred• of thousands come to visit her every year. Many of thrm become perm.anent boardeni. Politicians are particularly fond of he~ becaose a~ baa a lot of nice electoral votes for the presidential candldate of her choice. And many eastern industralista who once thought she wasn't attractive to them have come running to get acquainted. In spite of her age, Miss California is a romatlc figure. On September 9, when she observes her one bond.red and second birthday you may be sure that her mllllona of ad· mirers will give her quiet a shindig. What a gal! ----•---- Eternal vigilance truly is the price of freedom-but vigilance alone is not enough. There muat be prompt and positiv~ action taken when attempta are made to clrewn· vent or destroy the rights guaranteed by oar constitution. Action of the most salutary sort was that of a P'~ Court in the District of Columbia recently in a suit brcflqrht to clarify , pnivisions of the lobbyirig law. Tiie court'• decision, in effect, upheld freedom of speech. the right of the people peacably to petition their' govenunent for res dresa of grievances. The attempt to lnftde theee rlJhta ehoold concern us, as shoold recent Admlniltratlon attenipta to censor news and suppress criticiem.-Tlle Laltelllde Sta(, Calif. ----•---- Average Pacific !Southwest factory wot'tinin (SOUth· ~ California, New Mexico, . Aru.ont and Nencla) 1j9 toola anli ·equipment valued at $12,l!OO-and here la "the ~ exiilanat1on of the-producme wealth of a fref hJdU. tda1 . . • as compared wl.th StiOO "9t worlm1111 Ill EDrope, and · a · n~ligible amount Jn .AA-:'l'be-Natha:U AMMla of 1'anulacturers JCconomtc· ae.eardl 'CcND!:U. ·~ ".' ~ . . . ..• ~ statistics of the Np.tm•I ............. fll. KID- ~. a ~ expert, l>anJel K. ~· eJi!.ef ~ ae-~t'Of the D1111er Eqmt-t (lo. Of ~ 81'1 tlMi ~ 1963 budget of Preeideat 'll••• wtl.• C-. tllll mince funlly $128 ·~ moath In dll.et .ad_ -nw • I . .... -Loli Anplea Timea. , · ... • -. • -Ille Mate -ropria- --""""' _,. '9S.UO M tM.11- lD Anabetm Union echool dl.IJ- trtet. the lat.eat report.a give 1,297 average daJly attendance, wtlh a total appropriation of $124,730. or SH.17 per average dally attend- ance. Rad the dlatrtct not had adult educaUon, the ADA would have been 1,105 studenu. wtth a state '11ocatlon of $103.f50 at $93.62 per ADA. Santa Ana city dietricts. lnclud- 1.nc adult.a, had an average dally attendance of 1.791. wtlh $174.190 at.ate appropriation. 1fllhout adult education. thl! ADA weuld have ~ 1,971, the appropriation $169,390. Sant.a Ana Junior College ha.d tll ADA with adult.a, and 11. 11tale appropriation of $85,990. Without adult.a, the ADA would have been 715 and the state allocation $66.· JM. Orange county In all districts showed a total of 8,208 ln adult counea. 122 ln basic subjects: 1.14-t in cour•e11 the committee MY• are subjeet to review (or policy determination a.a to neees· l1t7; 3, 722 courses described by the committee aa "frills" and 620 in trade. Wiener Roast for West Newporters A wiener roast on the West Ocean Front beach wa.s back-to- school event hoeted Thursday eve· nlna by Muter Johnnie Porter, in lieu of a birthday party later in the month. Pruent were Mr. and Mrs. Cha.rlea Porter. Mra. Marion Woodard. De.vtd a.nd Jimmy But· ler, BUly Haworth, Michael Bol· ton, Claudia and Lee Woodard, the latter shortly to return to Alhambra.. Lido Isle Family Home From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Hadd Ring or Udo tale and children Dona and Bill are home from a vacaUon which took them to La.a Vega.a. Reno, Lake Tahoe and Merced, where they Visited Mike &nd Do· lore• (RlnC") Roetnor, a.nd Nicky, the Rlnp' first grandchild. MESA WINNER lN CONTEsT Mlle Jeanne Shores, California's entry ln the Mi.811 America beauty conteat in Atlantic ctty. won the annual Coata Meaa F18h Fry beau· ty cont.eat ln 1900. She won third place ln competition wtth 51 ot the na.tlon'11 lovllest over the week end at the beauty conteat. but loat out to Neva Jane IA.naley of Macon, Ga. -as did the other 60 beauties. Mia& Shores now Jlvea in Azusa.. BIRTHS HAJLED Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blanch· &rd of lt20 Ocean Front, New- port Beach, hailed the birth. of a new daua:hter into the fam11y Sept. 4. The little girl wu bOrn ln St. Joaepll hospital and weigh· ed 7 lbe.., 5 OS. -----VOGEL BABY BORN Mn. B. Stewart or 39e Bay St .• Costa M-~e gT&ndmother ot a litUe glrl. Mra. Stewa.rt'• de,uJhter '8 Mn. Roger Vogel of Burbank. The 8-tb.. 8-oa. girt La the leftftth pandchtld of MJ"8. Stewart. • .. (OzttU 11.-ftp l) ... , ..... bu ti ............... --•L9A•.--ear ---lf•j!Oilt .,. _,,_._ ... ......... 'l"llt1'm;1-. .......... .,... • -Ille --JI""" .,. 1111 tallier. . Police at Hennoa and Tornnce repor-tedly want the trio tor &nnl!d rof>bery. Tiiey alreluly ..... bol<l- lng aome. ctrla In connecUon with the aame robbery and -red nartoUca tn the apartment of OM of the gtrLa. accordlnc to their re- port to Newport police. Hennoea and Torrance police told local po.. lice that at lea.at one of the boya arrested here wu involved ln the armed robbery. In shaking down the ca.r, New- port eouce diacovered a concealed .32 alhomatic tuc-ked tn t.be-car top. Edward told poUce hla father u8ed It for protectlon tn his bus· tneu ln Loe Angeles. Allto found bl the car were various artlclea believed by police to be Stolen &ood8. Tbe boys were tuned over to Loa Angeles authorttte3. Graveside Rites (Continued lrom l'lage I) C. M . Nortbrup of Torrence. Mc- Auley and Sutt('ra Mortuary of Fullerton wtll be In charge. Other survivors Include two sons, Gregory, 4 and Chrlstophe.r. 3: a slater. Mr111 8 . B. Kelley of Chula Vista, and a brothi?r, Lt. Kenneth N, Mllea of the Naval Air Corps In New J ersey, · Miles attended Fullerton High School and P'ullerton Junior Col· le~ and Rr8duated from the Un- iver11lty of Callfomla at Berkeley. He took naval aviation training at CotpUll C hrlati and wu co1n- miasloned 'a second Lieutenant in the Ma.rtnes In 1942. Du rtnc world '¥ ar 11. Mllff fifM' mt. I.lone lb the Soutll Paci- fic. He "'N awarded the Purple Heart, DlaUnqulsbed F I .Y I n r CroM. two Al r MedalA and a Ptt&ldeotlaJ Cltattoo for com- t..t duty O\'e l' the 8olomoa. IA- hutd .. Following his dlM:harge at the end of the war, he wo1 ked at an automobile pl11nl until rRl\PrJ. back lo service in March. 19~1. He wu RMlgned overseas ln Nov..:m b .... 1961. Schools (Continued from Pq:e I) rived at 6:30 ~m. and waa 18th In line. At Newport Hai bor High School. the big ruah of freshmen to regis- ter was expected thui afternoon a.t I o'clock when the eager youlha will arrive In busloads from their respective area.a. A;-& of yesterday momlng. ·a total · fJf·· IOO &en.10l"9 had registered. compared to last year'8 first·day regialration of 375 juniors .and seniors. Superintendent Everett Rea of Costa Mesa Elementary School District ln a ··~­ male," -.Id he expected a.n e.n. rollment of bet.ween %3 a.n.d 2,· 400 at Ulf! dlatrict'• three mcbools M ap.inat !,lOS laat year. A.a or ftOOll. yesterday. Main School had llt'.t new pup- lle. while Harper 9Chool bad %60. M... klDderprtena y.,.tenlay rea:U~red f-00 cbUdtt'f' of wbom SIO ~ new ..tudenta. Newport school expects more than 700 puplla In clus by the end of the ftrat n1onlh. Its sec· ond grade will be running double aesstons, wtth 72 In the morning a.nd ~2 ln the &fternoon. The school averared 780 atudents la.st yea.r'. Lindbergh School as of 2 p.m .. yesterday totalled 100 new kinder· garten pupils. 38 first graders, 19 in the second. 21 ilJ the third. Yesterday wu new atudent r'l!&ia· tratlon day for Mesa schools. PilotlllCJ Classes ~ ... . . • • " • ' i.:nnsoAY. ~. t, 1~ . ~ ". I , .. KJETS CORNEil~'. --i~;;:;:..~..;;.;:;.;;.__1· :_.f•;·~L. ~.~ ;.,· -~~ ~'~~." TIMll' 1a;· ... the llay lllce ~ l'°' _,· ~-< ' • • •• • r;:'·.;; '; ~· ••• •1 •-. "* ..... -.. ' -.. ..,orl!OS ro OICUft\'.)Jlll . , ~dl'ICll u ·a"!'D'f ~ o.at u.."1lollrcl ot T'rwlteem ot '119 ZllTA.ftl 'op. llMIGAllSI' L 0ra..p ~ llmlOr ~ ~ of Qtaap County, heniaaft.h ~l<ldo~ ti: :n:;. ~ ·~aN, D..,.~..,, reI.m.t to'lio ~ '~ioljv." ...W 'recdYe "!'to, but not lalU tll$a 1 -• NPJICCI8Hll:RllBYOJVml to 1:00 P:M;. 8l'Ple\Dber J.9,'llM.•!aJed -tor the AWUd of -- Aftor laturdaYo• racea, who wuta the c!ttdlton ot; obd au ~ .folt '-"~-La~ for the ll-t Ct~)er Bulldln11 --.a dawn r ~ ba~ clalma ._-u.ie aollf de-aball 11,o ._heel la Ula -. of·the "Owner," In the Adlilln)ltr&Uon w.m.-the .un turns 0 ..,,. once ceden.t or --to ftle Ul<m . Bul._,.J; ·O.....-Oout O>U~. 199M S. Barbo< lloulnard, • 11.- mon · · 1 with the .,__,.,. -W-. kl the Baata AM. Onuip Oouaty, ~ and ~ bil open..S .... 11 pobllc- AJl<I •YA to hlmoclt with a frtend· o~ of the Clerk of Ula 8"perior ly "'19<! -at the llloYe atliled time In ·the ottlce ot'tho ''Ownet" 1y onore ' Court or th• Qounl7'·. ot Orange, In audl ..,}!ding. • . , . . Lot 'em dream -State ot Celllot11Ja, or to p...,.t -tild·m'l"t conform and be ,,,._. ... to thlo lnvitaUon. the Tiley caa uoe the dew. the 1&111e, with the n~. YOU· plana, iopedl'k:atloM. ..,4. all oU)tt documeata eomprlalnir the pertln- Tou like to "Ile ln .. on Suqday chefs. to the under undenlpied ent cootfact' docW:Renta. O>plt11 'ot the Contr&ct Document.. are now too. at bi.a or her place of bumtneu. lo-on me and ..., .to public ~ ta the akl officea Of the Owner. N . H. wit: Tru8t Dep't, Bank· or Amert-and or -.i E. Aleullder, Arcllltoct, ioo.led at 2379 Glendalr &ule- All States Picnic at Bixby Park One. of Southern California'• outatandinl eoventa ot the year la to be held Sept. 14, at Bixby Park. Long ~ach. Pro(T&m begtns at 1 p. m. with a ba.lf hour band concert by th' fainous Long Beach Municipal Band, followtd by an addreae of welco,me by Mayor Burton w~ Chace. Re(i.atration available for every state ln the U. S. A . and Ca.nada. Ala.aka and Hawaii. I Gigantic, fa.st moving vaude· ville including eight •wonderful acts. Plenty of picnic tables avail- able. Hot dogs, coffee, pie and cold drink• al80 served on the ca. 810 No, Main Street. Santa ftrd. In the Clt7 of Loo Anger.., In O&ld CCWlty and State and may An.._ Callfomia wtthlli •lx montba be· obta1Ded at either plaoe by ctepomttln& ~.00 for each aet. Tb.la after the firBt publication of UU. depoalt Will be retunded U the eet or -~ dt Contract Documents de- notice. livered &re returned in good condiUon. Within five day• after tbe bid Dated: September 5, 1962 openJ.ni. • Bank of America National COmpleUon time requested to be eel by bidden. A statement Trust and Savinp ~taUon of ft!Janclal condition and depoell of lOS'f of the total bid by certtned by L .• w. McKee, ICDeuto< of cheek or bid bond la required with each bid; Labor and materlala the Estate of ea.id decedent. bond and performance bond requlred of contractor ee)ected. Robert A _ Eutman IC&ch bid 1hali be made out on a form to be obtained at eltbtt Attorney for said E;ttate ot, the aid office.a 1n which. the Contract Docume.nta are on 1lle. 223 Marlne Ave .• B&lbo& lei.and, Each bid lh&ll be acoompuied by a certified or cashier'• check Calltomia. Harbor 2713. payable to t.be Owner, OI satllifactory Bid Bond ln favor of the Owner, No. 317 Times executed by the bidder aa Prtncipal and a satisfactory auret,y company 1Pub18h: SepL 9-16·23-30/52 u aurety, In an amount not !QI than ten pe.r cent 9! file bid. The ch~k or bid bond aha1I be given aa a guarantee that the bidder Will CERTIFICATE OF BUSINUS execute tbe Con.tract tf tt be awarded to him ln confonnlty with Ow FIC?ICIOUS FIRM NA.ME Contract Documenta and wW provide the aurety bond or 1:.Jcxl4a u THE UNDERSIGNED doe a spectfied t.beretn within five daya after notiftcatlon at the aw&rd of hereby certiJy that It la conduct· the contract to the bidder. tng a boat building and boat re-The Owner reserves the privilege or rejecting any and au bida pairlng business at 526 Cout or to wa.tve B;DY Irregularities or ln(orma.Jltlea in any bid .or . In the Highway, Newport Beach •• Cali· biddln1. fornla. under the flctlciOUll flnn Purauant to the lA.bor Code of the State of Callfomla. tb,e ,aald. nwne or SEACRAFT, and that Boe.rd of Trustees has ucerta.lned the general prevalling rate of per ea.Id firm la composed of the fol· diem wagee for each ctatt ur type of workme.n needed to execute the 1 grounds. . Bring your basket lunrh meet your friends at the States· picnlc. :i'ld lowing pereona whoee namee ln contract.a which will be awarded the successtul bidder1; and t.be&e· All full and places ot re.atdence are prevailing rates are COGtalned in aaid lpf'Clficatlona adopted by .the,. as follows : ROSAN, fNC., a Cal--Board. and are a.a tallows: ' tfomia Corporation. whoee prlncl· CLASSIFICATION: With $23 pal office 111 located at 625 Coast APPRENTICES -May be employed in conformity with See~oD Wallet Highway, J>i•wport Beach Callforn· 1777.~ of the California Labor Code. Taken From Home ia. ClU\PENTERB: en w;!~t =~~"!g o:2~;;~ M~~~ Au~:.'~~~s:• ::.h day or ~~ :~;~ ~~·~~~~t:;i~~· ··············· .............. $ :: A. Hunter of Santa Monica last (Seal) By Jose Rosan ~Cl.ANS : Thunday, police said. J , M . Keefe Pcealdent Elcctciclan -General Foreman o( &de South Bay Front, Balboa By Charlotte M. Allen lectrical Foreman .. ... . ......... . Ul&nd, made lhe report. Secretary I Electrical Sub-Foreman 3.12:5 2.875 Keefe aald Mrs. Hunter believed ~~if ~f California, County of Or-IClectriclan ........... . 80meone entered the up3tair& llv-j Cable Splicer Foreman 2.75 2.825 3.125 ing room tn the afternoon anfl On lhla 29 day of August, 1952, Cable Splicer ........... . took the w&llet out of her purse before me: the under11lgned, a No-PLUMBERS~ ... 2.925 which "'8.8 on the mantel. The tary Public In and tor said Coun-Plumber, Foreman ... -······-···--······. 3.15 thtet TC-JllOVed the money from the ty and Slate. per80naJly appeared, Plumber, Gu and Lawn Sprinkler Fitter ................. -. 2.90 wallet and also took a yellow.gold Jose Rosan, known to be to be the Pluqabier, Lead Cement caulker ....... ····-··· 2.90 Lucerne lady's watch, police sald. President, and Charlotte M. Allen, Plumber, Utility. Pipe Une ...................... 2.80 ' known to me to be the Auiltant Pl-Umber. Lead Burner ... . ......... ··········-··· 3.16 NIL!:!i!i H UBCAPS TA.KES Secr+tary of Ros&n, Inc. the Cor· SHEET METAL: Kenny Niles. Jr .. of ~-47 Morning poratlon that ex<.>Cuted the with· Sheet Metal Worker ............................................. -···· in Ii1strument on behalr of the OVERTIME RATES FOR -rRREE BASIC TRADES: 2.625 Canyon Road, Corona del Mar. Corpot·ation herein named, and CARP.ENTERS: Double tlme for all overtime, except !or Pile told Newport police someone took acknowledged to me that such Driver Kan -Bridge or Dqck Carpenters on tide work where the two rua.roon fender l!kirta and 16" Corporation executed the same. overtime rate Will be time a.nd one-half; providing that when men are Inch chrome Chevrolet hubcapa 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I r b l Th sci Nil td called to work .Q1Jt.8tde ot the regular work day they ~tn be guaranteed rom 8 car ur ay · es sa hav~ hereu.nto set my hand and •Ix (6). boura nst.y at the overtime rate. ' the car Wtl8 In the parking lot . r~ t th ba.nk t th t , afflXed my official seal the day LA.BORERS: Time and one·half except Sunday!J and HoUdaye nextUdo 1 et a e en ranee and · year in 'this certificate first which are double time, to o 8 e. above written. --... .. TEAMSJ.-l!On.o: nme and one-halt except Sunda.ya and HolidayB (Seal) Robert A. Eutman whJcb &r1e dQUbl~ time. . -, X-otary Public in and for ~ 9.tiaU' be p..W for work performed ttt etttM Of the---regtP . '* MARINE NECH. IN.JURY Pfc Jost>ph Jt. Balley, stationed &l El Toro Marine Baae, wy ru&hed to the base hospital Sa(· urday 'Mith a possible broke:n necij:. said County and State lar day's or week'• work and at the rate for overtilne of the My Commission Expires craft involved. July 29. 1956 Holidays u herein referred to shall be deemed tO be New Year's No. J11 Times, Publish: Sept. Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day. Armistice Day, 2·9·16·23/52 Thanksgiving Da,y, and Cbriatm ... If any or the abov• holidays fall Police said Bailey injured him· Belt when he dove of( the dock et 37th an'd IA.ke Sta .. NeWJ>o.it Beach. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN GOD\\'IN CAR DAl'IAOED · pursuknt to the provisions of Sec- Hugh R. Godwin or 713 Broad tlons 3440 and 3440.1 of the Civil St., Newport Beach, re-ported tp Code of the State of Ca.llfomia. Newport police hla car waa struck that E . L. BALL, Vendor, of 214.'0 Saturday while parked In front I Mira.mar Street, Long Beach. Of:ll- of Balboa Yacht Club. The left (omla, intends to sell to W. P. wheel and fender were damaged.\ BOES, ·Jr., Vendee, of 340 Mapo- lia Street, Costa Meaa. California, KARLS, .IACKSONS ARRIVE all that certa'in personal property Capt and Mrs. C. J . Ka.cl and Capt. and Mrs. William Jackson. both -41lattoned at El Toro Martrir. Base are making their home St I 512 F\J.lle.rton Ave.. Newport Heigh ta. I John Cabot Pleads Guilty to 'Tom Rap consisting generally of alt 3tock in t.rade, flxturea, equtpment ahd good will of a certain Reta!l Ma. rine Service Station bu.slneaa known aa E . L. BALL. o.e.A., Richfield Marine Servtce locat- ed at 222 20th Street, In the city or Newport Beach, Calltornta. and that the p.urchaae price thereof. will be pa.id at 10 o'clock a .m . on the 18th day of September. 1952 on SUDday, the Mondaly following shall be consklered a legal holiday. lt ab.all be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contract la award~ and upon all sutH::ontracton under him. to pay not lees than said general preva.tllna ratea of per diem wages to all workmen , employed tn the ,execution of the contract. '. No bidder '!l~Y withdraw his bid for a period of 30 days after the date aet tor the opening of btda. ~rd of Trustees, Orange Coast Junior College District, Orange County, C&li- rornla l!lgned ' B. H . PETERSON No. 313 Ttmes, PubliBh: September 2 and 9, 1952 &EFOltE THE PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSION PF, THE BTATE OF CALIFORNIA Al'PLICATiON FOR INCREASE rN RA TES In the Matter of the Aj,pllcauon of SOUTHERN COUNTI!lll GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA for a ceneral increase in gu . rat.ea under Section f54 ot the PubUc Utilltiea Code. Cha.n;tng hls plea to gulity. at Thomas Elli.son Eactowa, 1711 John Cabot of 200 43rd St., New-I AtlanUc Street~ the City ot port Beach. was fined $100 'or 20 Long Beach, Co ty' of Los An· Time once again ror a new day11 tn Jail by Judgi? Fran Unnell geles, State of omta .. courae tn piloting under the dl· Friday for charges Ot being 1 a Dated September 2nd, 1962. NOTICE OF PROPOSAL FOR rNCREASE IN GAS RATES , 80~ COUNTIES GAS COMPANY OF CAµI"l)Ri<IA hereby gtvea~nottce that an appllcaUon wu filep 'With the' C&Jlforni& Publle UtWtlu Commlalon on August 29, 19l!2, ·propostns &1"I re· queaUng authortza.llon of the ODmmlMlon to lncreue the charges o1 gas . aervice aupplied cuslomera. The amount of aadltlonal annual groa revenue• aousht ii approximately $923,000 based on 1~2' pur- chase volumes. The preltmlnary spread of propmed reye:nue in· reclion Of the Balboa Power peeping tom and Intoxication. C&· E . L. BALL Squadron. The courete at&rta Mon-bot paid hJe Clne, ' Vendor day, Sept.. 15, at 7:30 p.m . at New. He was arreated by Newport pf,-THOMAS ,. EIJ.J80N port Harbor Yacht Club. lice ~veral week11 a.go afte r he 1111 Atlantic Everyone la invited to attend wa.s allegedly seen peepinl" into Lone Beach, Callfonala the tr&ining devoted to lnatruc-the bedroom of Mr. and M~. I bcrow No. 1101 lion tn power boa.Uni-. No advance Geo~ H. Gerlcke of 23lit Ocean No. 316-Tlmea e'!rollment_la neceuary. I P'ront, Newport Beach. I Published 9/7/52 , I, Far larger bills ·for us~ .• bUt .. your el actric rates haven' · ·showed it! • I -. ' Ju.t ten yeara aae Ediaon'a tot&! opetati~ . "nieitoroney .•. w~' &Jlpl'O~tely ~*"•n mlllio~ Clollara. La_at y~ our fuel bill azO.. ~ wq ~.~ tj\at, and total !'peUtinc ~·Wm~ ~thrt+ I ~umldiu 1942. rovterectrieri~b~~Jecl~~ :~ • .10 fatt")'OW' 1''-for ~e Ml'Vice'an low• eftt llefQ're. If )'Oll'1 • have-been~mortfdi'.~tYlt'ao~~1Qll;.'."~. ~ J -"---~uaetlltp~babliea,;1..,..~ f,.. ., . t ~' • , .. • • • "'l'&clil ~ii,.,..,. Mt hf.,,tw cm •M okitr. • • -· creaae. Is: . ApproxlmAte Apprudm~t.e Amount or 1 1!"""'!'t Increase: oaeUe Clue of llervico Int•mlptlble Induatrlal Retail Gu Service,... $266,000 8.9')1. Other Retail Ga.n Service .... " ....... -'................ MT,000 2.T" TOT AL .................... $923,000 3.2% nie slate, ~ COUllUH and municipal corporatlona, wblch may be uitere.ted ta the &Jiire-mentlolleil · appllcation will be 1Umllllod a copy 11-reque.t llWle to Soutliem Countl•• G.. qompany or callfornta, Box :nM, Terminal Annex, Lo8 Angele• M , California. . • Tbla not1ee 1a pm 111 ~ with the requirement. or itw. 24 of uie· OommlMlon'I Rlilel of Practice and Procedure. &O'U'l'ID:RN COUNTD'B GAB COMP ANY ()jo ciL!roilmA , . , . . By1P'rtill B. Wtli:ht. Vlc~Pha1dent NO, 314 'I1inee. ~ t/2152 • • • • ' • • • • • • • -· ... :t' ~ ·~ • ~ ·, NEWPORT MildA .,..; . >'r - .I ' ~AY, SEPT. 9, 1952 . .. ~ L ee .tare Delivered ,He re Thu JiS day . Christian. Scien ce -. ,., \ A Lecture to the tea~~ an~ p~ ot I the Sctlptures the un~1,.1n.i i'aws Christla.Dtb. Rathtt dkl tt 1en·e to wbtch ttsulted ln the m&rvtlow &)•;e Uwn uii~us. -Biblical hulin~. She wo!~ed alone Paul tbt apaisUe who at Ars1 and &!A-inst great oppoa1t.on dur-P'!r.:-:cU!.e~ chrbUa.M.. Was ftnallv lDI those early days to praent lbJ.s aw•k!ned to th~ creat Pu~ of di.scover)' to \he world. She con- JtstU' min.IStl'y. He )oiD~ tht·dls· tlnu,ed,htt ttror\.s to learn f1l()f'e cip1et and not ooJ.,.-pret;ebed ti\&1 and more ot the laws ~f Cod and did outstao~n.1 bea.ilna work. l'or to utili&e them in bleu1ng all who almost three tiWldred .Yt•n. ac.-I were receptiv~ to the. t:rutb. cord.ins t.o authentlc_btl'fPrlcal rec· In. 1375, !line )'ears 1fter her ords, hMlin& wu conUoued 11 • 1 heelll\I'. she ~cd • textbook coo- re&ular part of Cb.rill.Ian practice cem.Jnt ber diJCOvery and named 'rhm the beal1na aspeet: of Cbrla· it "Science and Health." This book tiaftlt.1 wa.s lost 11Jhl of in what we did much lo help others to learn now caJ1 \be Dart Agel Fortu-the basic rules. Four yean at{er ncftely the Bible bad been compiled the text~k ~s 1:S5Ued 1he ~e­ and was prr...enred throu&)I tbil clded that 1l was wuse to or1an1z.e period, but It wat not commonl1 a churt"h Tbererore in 1879 "'!• aviilable to the people until lb• ~Y ~U~ together a few Chri.s- a.rt of printin& wu developed. l1an Sc1ent1sts. and o~ her motion put out Ille """"' ~t., · Ill• doub!, lkeptlcl.sm, -. """"""' neu. He re:u.e<S to be tafta~ by their waUlo;s and 4'n11al.,,:i:!• knew Ure to be etunal ... c1 1""1 man ne:ver dta but forever ttAecP the Life wblch is G<Jd Ile took Iii• falhe:r and mother ot th~ cbild and Peter and .Ja~ and Jobn tnt-.o. ~· room wbett the maldesa 1*J. Wb.1 did he not put lbe 11.ther and mother out! Doubtlea b·e reallied that they, a1 well u tbe ebUd. needed to be ewaltene<I l1'0ID their belie.I that death WU 0 -11\J', llf compolSionatol7 le<I them from th• com~t1l' of the doubtin& iCOrMtl Wit.h Jesus they were i>tt$tbt to see lhe operaUoo of the .Otrid, Tn.Lb. ••hlch 1rou.Rd them as. •ell u the child trom the dra.Ih of ~f' rea:ity or de1th. JerJs eon1ldf1Jtl) appl1f!'d lhe d.Jvlnt law of Y!.• The.n hf' look the maiden by wt hand. and cummanded, "Dllmsd. I sa• unto thee. 1ri~ .... nere./ov se~. Is the peroeJuaJ ciomm1n of the Christ. the I-aw a1 Godt to arlSf' rrom earth At hi• c•'mmand '"thf' d1msel •rose, end walked." Christian Science Entitled Chrini~ Science: The Power of the Word by Jol>n J. Selo•cr. C. S. B. of long lkacb, CaWo~a .._., .. llw ... ..4 "" LMW-. ffl ,._ .1111"" •:11.....-. n. ,_ Olwd; "' '""'-'-~.i . -.... _ .... t ?ttr A lecture was deUvered in the Lido theatre on Thurs- day Sept. 4 at noon. ·by Mr. John Selover of \,ong Beach, entitled "Christian Science: The Power of the Word." llr. Selover was introduced by Mr. Alan Dartford of Bal- bO& wbo llllid : First Church of Christ. Sciel)tist of New- port Beach welcomes you to thi8 lectun!. A Christia'\ §cience lecture indee<f does "Open beaJts to th• voice within, Thy holy Word, the truth ma k-e th free." (Christian Science Sentinel Jilly 26, 1952) Our lecturer Mr. John Sel· over ls a member of the Board of lectureship of The Wotber · Cbureh, The Finit ChlU'Ch of Christ. &ientist in BO.ton. Massachusetts. Mr. Selover spoke substan· tial!y as follows.: · "S.w ye my Saviour'! J{e1rd ye the &l•d sound? Fe!t ye. th" puw•t or the Word? 'Tw•s th• Truth that made ua frft. \ And wu found by you end me l'n the Ufe and the love of our Lord ... These words •re rrom thl!' be:auti-iut Communlon Hymn (Poems, p 15 > written by Miry Baker Eddy. tJM. OiJenve.rier and Founder of cliristian Science. In the .earth f9r lbe Christ, Truth. thllt makes free., nmefrl 1nquirer1 turn natu- rally to lbe Golpe11. where "the hte and the love ot our Lord" are portra1ed. As 'they ~•d perhaps they piCture Jesus walk.inl by lbe S:a of Galilee. where so much of bis bn.linl work was done. Won- dn and sratitude m11 ftll their • ear\I when he cauaes the blind to 11tt, the lame to walk. and Uie s.ick to be wbole. Some ma-y pause In ~ s.tud.1 and as.It, "'What Is th~ 1ttat power which blessed 10 re- -...-bQ tlloee waG •ma &o.~ ,, D:>t h*1p'?" Others ma1 conclude that tbe beallnl• were miraculous O«~ just for that day OJ' erL SUll others, however, m1y uk: 'CW'h.Y should qc.t we practice CbriJtiaD be.alin& t.&iay'! We have th~ 1ame God that Jesus and bis fbllowen worshlped, 1nd did not ~ ..,-, 'He that belleveth on me. the ..-orb tbal l ' do shall be do ah.J; and srnter worlu: than these lbaU ht do; becaUM I 10 unto my Father'?., (John 14:12> There i.s no l\int. of limitation in that promise. The only requirement ii to believe. to understand the Christ.pcwer wb.lcb .JHU.1 t.au&hl and demon- ruatod IO perfectly. n-.· a..cbievemenll> or Jesus and his.tollowus bav4 m.aAJ p~eftt. in Ute Old Testame:ol. Thcou&h ao e~ unde:rstaruJtn• of tile ont .llatiibt1 God, M,_ .. w manna t+,tJ horn the aides to feed tbe Itri~Jte1 Ind \"at~r ;ush forth tr0GJ tht rock tO Q\ltnch thel.J thlrtl El.isM. the man ol <;.od, raiMd trom Lbe dead the chi;d of tht Sbunammite woman who e11me to bim ln her time of need ( 11 Klnp 4). What was the Pf"WU wh.icb brou&hl about these .. out- st.andin1 resu1 ls? Sure.I J God' 1 pxtnesa and love we" belnJ e.x· pressed in a ver, practical way to thdse: wbo trulli.n&IY ind furlualy turned to Wm. i It ii WoaicaJ to conceive nf Gott *' a.lml&bty and t.hen Lo ·uaut in &n.1 way Hia power. willin1neu. tDd tibWty to maintain the perlec- Ucin al 811. creation. nl prophet.a and W 1semen et ol<j looked for the M!OS&iah to ap- pear amon1 men. 'l'hllt me:uen.,er. ~ biueved. ,,ould com• tD .....,, powor and would lmme<li· ~' ,....,lutlo..u.t the Uva ot men Oii ~-cootnr7. Jesw' advont "*' Ill Ill q\tid ol meekn... Only • lh n lrom the !alt and lll•J>Mrill In th• fields •• 'llrtt "*"· o,inlzed lb• 11.piftca.nce al b1• eomtna. Tlto7 wonhiped·JOIUS. the 'Y\liblt lile, ol tho Olrlllt. wbn ..., JJldoid. in d .. --· to, .. YoiU• tloeiu 111• tb1n1Una nt the .... R~ c&IM •itb 1: spiritual rDCPa&t tor ~Ul!WllV. a m....,. of bealln& and alvatkn. He came: tri uplatn ...., mum.~ ~· ,p.....u.ai ...... ;r. ~· am.t. .,..,,,.,, ID hU7"'1 ~ ffitt pu~ wu to spir-1'•1•tu wnnblp and not .,to «Y.,... -1!1,_.. lbe toecblna of 111e ·~· _. He oxpl•ltoed <te&rty th.Ill "' !WI> ~ ..,,,,. "ID dul><>J tbi l&w. or Ill• 11t9"".U." and adc!H. •1 am IOOI 'l'1'!'" to d0ftl07, 1,.,1 lo NW". (Ma tl· $;J 1). . tu c:ivtliution bepn to emn1e they voted "To organ1u a church from the darlmeu. .,.in we havt desianed to commemnrate the some records of bealln&-b7 •rir~t-word and works of our Mast.er. ual meani. ln the .. Journal o The which should reinstate pr1rrut1vt Revettad John Wtsley,• wt}P wa1 Chri;sli~f11ly and its lost element ot ooe of the. nrlainator1 of the Metho-heahn1 C Manual of The Mother dtsl movement. it i1 recorded that 'Ch~rch by Mrs. Edrly. p. 17 ). lll 1138 hi• brother wa1 healed ol Si.nee lhat .dale the Church or pleurisy. by pniyer alooe And in Christ, Sclent~1~. has bttn p~e~ch-17~ he healed b11 horse of lame-1n1 ind pract1c1ng pure ~~r1st1an­ oe:m ind bimtelf of a ~vtte heed-lty. carry1111 o~t w1lh 1ncreas1na ache ~Y IJrlJH. We reatoned, lo stkcesa the Scr;ptural commands. quot• btt own words, .. Cannot God "Heol the sick, cleanse the leper~; heal eitbar man OT be.alt, by •n1 raise the dead, cast out denions, Q1UDS or without any1" We mlaht enc1rclin& lhe cru53 and crown, a5k u\,U'SelYel lhal aame qufftioo which 11 the dJst1nctive emblem on Surely God can heal. and that all ot Mrs. Eddy's published books \\'ithout any maleriJ!ll means. be-and on the Chr11l1an Science per1- cause God iJ almia;bty. udlcab. It wiU continue 1U n1iss1on Before-bis cruciftxion Jesus rt- ve~Jfll lo bis d.tac:ipln precious promises. promises . which have , a distinct Sti&niftnnce in lhi• pre1ent agf. The)' wi!I be found In Ch1p- ten 13 to 17 or Jobn·a Gospel. Jesu1 made It clear th1t he w11 lo leave them. but ne cav~ assurance that he would not leave them comfort- tess. He sa1d, ··t wlll pray th" Father, Bnd he shall cive you an· other Comforter. that he may abidf' With you fOr eyer; evf'n the Spirit of truth" (Johh 14 :18, 1'1). This "Spirit of truth" obvioualy d.Jd not refer to 1 fte:lhly form. Th.re" limes Jesus used tboae words "Spirit o1 truLh" in reference to that which would come! The prom· ised Comlorter did not come with .. popular acclaim or with pomp ind ceremony any more ihan did Christ Jesus m earlieT years. lt cam~ quirtly, and it is. flell in "tbe hearts and livea: ol aJl who are healed 1od redeemed by the po"' .:r of God. Ch:rtstl•n S•·tence lod1y bringa..10 bwnan.ity the 1p1r1t or Trulh, OT lbw Comforter. Millions wh.o have t>ttn bl~ by thf' Christ. Truth. U presented by Christian Sciencl! reco,cnize it as the Comforter. They cntetuUy 1inv. thee words from one ot the hymns in the Christian Science Hymr:.al (No. 14 >: .. Christ comes a11in with holy power. To lift our blinded eye1 to .... . . Tbe sJcll: an healed, the sinner ble-st. Ju on Illa\ ~ye in Galilee.7 .. " • :r. • • Chl'tstian Science i• today re- ceivinl a resped:tul and gracious hearin&. Thi.c. indic1le1 th1t the thought of humani!.y is al list ready for its me::.s.a1e of s.alv1tion. Dlscoven of Chrittla.a Sc~nce That the Christ, Truth, ii avail- able today was proved when Mary Baker !'.ddy, in 18". turned to the Bible for help when medical opin· ion held out Utile hope for bf'r recuvery from tevere injuries re- 1.ultin&· h'om a fall She Md llin ln r semioonsciou1 state ror about thtee days. Friends were pth•red i" tb.e nut room expectln& btr pus.ins. Sbt bad been an ardent beUtver tn the power of praye.r since ~arly Y9\4th. and therefore it "'a• r:tat\JraJ for ber to turn to the Scripture& for comtQft. ~he openf<I tier "Bib~ to Matthew I and re,id tbi •cet>unl or Jaua beaUna the p.Wtd man. Tbt ,spiritual usence of lh11 story mt.ae I deep imprts- aioo oo ber. Tbj: c:ornmand lo th• pels1fd man lo lritt .,.. ... she rea- sonl'd, meant for btr u weU as tor the sul!erin1 ones in au a1u. She was cansclou1 of the !roence of the _power of God, an l"Ole lrom ber bed. dttued bone!!. and walkl'd into lhe next room healed. The law of God. the law of 1oo:t u cUntalned tn the Bible, hid raised her up t.o health 1nd usefut activit,y. W1lh joy 1nd srat;tude to God abe deltta\ined to make 1 ... rch- Ull' study of the Roly Bible to flnd, ii pouible1 the Science: which hid bulod -llor ot the el!oru ol th• accident. Sb·e withdrew from ~ clet1 tor about U:rH ye1.r1, study ... rn. 6nd *1'ot tht hullnJ rules iboi found lD th• S<ripiurea. Sbe Wit us In "Soience and Health with I fi;q !q ,1110 Sc:riptUHO" <Mt "1M .e.rch wu awMt. d.lJn and buo1· ant w1tb bopt. oat oi!ilsii nor de- p.,..ina" Cp. 108J. and lhe adds l41-t _di~ Wfll\ bt.r WI)' to IMolute tund\PIOOi .. to th... rui.. by "'dJriM: Nv'1atlon. reuoa.. a.nd -.i..11ot1• to humanity, inviO.ing all to accep1 lhf' benellts or the work of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, until the proph- ecy in Revf'laUnn is fulfilled when I "there shall be no more death. neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall lhere be any more pain·• (Rev. 21 ;4). The Bible ud Seknee and Bea.lib When one hears Chri.!itlan Sc1en- list.s express gralltude to Mrs ~ddy, it is not only because of the heatings which they have received. but a1so because she opened lor them the pages of the greatest of all books. Jhe Holy Bible It be- etimes chart and compass to every earnest student or this religion Christian Scient1sU u.se thr King James Version of the Scriptures. the translation favore-d by mvsl Protestant churches. Since Chris- tian SctentistJ: read the same Bible common to many churches. there 1s a natural kinship between these denominations. Many ol them would. I am sure, acknowledge a1rttment with the firrt tenet of the Christian Sclence church. which reads. "As adherents ol Truth, we take the inspired Word or the Bible ai our sumcient e-uide to eternal Life" {Science and Health, p. 497). The Christian Science textbook, now entitled "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, is an essential volume (OT every student of this religion . Literally thousands have be~R healed simply by studyin1 this book in conjunction with the Bible. The Yi.st ooe h_updred pases ol 'SCt~ft(.l.f''aria RH\\!\ cbb'\iiil verifteJ testimonies of suc.h healin1s. One we.man, whose: testimony begins on pa1e 612, related that an oculist wbo examined he-r before the turn of the century had round her eyes j to be ln a dreadful cond1ti'ln, and a.he wa.s told that she would always need to wear gla!9es. She was healed of that trouble while read- ing Science and Health. I had the j opportunity of visiting this woman about two years ago, when she was reputedly over one hundred years or age. As l entered her home she w11 seated 1n her favorite chair with a sm11l copy or Science and Kea.Ith in her lap. She had bttn reading to herself. 1 noted that she wore no glasses. She reacf to me from tbe volume later withou!. aid or assisance ot any kind. Her son,· who the physic1an5 declared would hive boot deformilits because of rickets and who was healed at the ame time. was present when I vi11ted his mother. He was in ex- ce.Uent health and showed no evi- dence of deformity. Jen• and the Christ \Vhat is this healing system which is reinSUted today tor hu- manity's benefit:" How does 1t opertite? For answer I~ us return for a few minu\.ts to Jesus' minis- try. Jesus came with a mess.age of salvation 1nd healing. That mes- sage wu the ·Christ which be em- DOdled and from which be was lnse:par1ble. The Christ l.5 the ever- lulin1 divine 1du which Jesus. e.xpreaed.. As deftned ln ChriJt11n Science. the Christ ii "the divine m1nite•tation of God. which rome1 to the nem to deltroJ lnc.arnal• error'' (Science and H•alth, p. ~83). The power of God. or lnftuence of Truth. whlch Jesu1 wed a.od wb.tcb CbriJlian SCieo.tisU emplo1 Lodi)' ii the Christ. The redemp- tive, reaen.erative power of the Christ. wben acct!pted and applied. wii>ft out of human coo.scioumess lbe t•ar, &ht ijnorance. and th• ll.n wb..ich tend tu dU&ble tbe ~ .. tn 1the fltth rbapl.H of Mark 1 Golpe.I the account la t;iven of the b•lln& of 1 Uttle Jirl HeT lathor. J1lrul, came to Juu• and .. lJe.. auU,Jbt bim paU.,. aa_ytna. 1111 little d1ugtit.er lleth al the pnint of doth: J pray thee. come and &17, tli1 ba.odl on ber, that sh• ma1 be Maled;...atVI &be sb1ll Uve• ( verwe :SJ. Wllile JHUI tollowed . flit cl>lld'a lather. ooe came .. :rtnl. "'l1IY daUlllter II ddd: Wbf trou• bled. thou Ute lluter •ll1 fur.., tller!" lien WO -the bopel ... • ..... a11• ""1dlad. -. inJ p,.,.a. th• -QOtun ol Goel .... rnttiled !<> beiq .-pt! .. llloullll Aa. m• .-<i "'* Btbf• m• wu 1kl lo Ille ~ble conclusion tbllt God is All-in·aU: that Ro is tDllruli!. 4iYWI • ..,pritj>e. Illa! He Ii aU-priWei.all ·~.all-ocienc9 n.. at1nola of God. auod. procluda ... ~JIY ol. llllYlb.Jna unllM lilD). .. Ooa. *"""' u..... is •• ~ or .liYu,,!!".... 1111. dlln•. or Wiii. T!le a.....,. ot 9'1c1 -At illit niHWi ~ -... ...,..,., .. a r.llly. 'r':n Ut~mU:,:· fabt _., .... 8 _,... m:lill ·or J!lu~ to l>i ~-··--. ~·-~ •• •1~1 ~t ~ , ~ 1P41Jaa~ ~ !h• ..i.. ,..i; Now_ .... ~ UM .,.. •• :<117-t11ln.,.i. and MWI 1~ dOari;J "'9 btr ' -ol -' belief. wblcb clo-claftd with llMlllt tbllt DOibin& -.Id be ""°f 19' tM cbUd. ID an• wtr ,,_ 'll>lb the ...... tortlnc -whlc:ll 111.....i Ibo alormlnl ........ "lie -afraid. "'111" .. iie'fti' -..... J--....... dlllll lie blu...'• fou "' u.. 19Wlt7 al u. lde•u"' and tall8I lllm lo bin .. G4ld "'--.......... .......... po•• ol ltil C1u1ll ............ di tJuJ....,, .... iMJ toclbl ·ic> _...., lllln. ,,..,_ -Hllltli llad' tam ""°'-lar It .... --~ -; "' <J!otf. """'-.,.. ** •. llcl•llic ilt .... lee ~-... .-.....i~ -klk• M!iet 111 IM......, ~ -• man. -.. .... o1 " ...,....o.i "' a. ._, = • ~ .. n...,..l "' -llilllll fl·. j"IWI 111:; .. Ille -i.r .... ~.~..iti!r&j =·=.r.Oo!I ... ..;,.::: etr_ ,..,_ 11.Jti: Hit -1lr talU.:I ~ --~., ........... ... .. ... illf'•1'11 ~ ..... .,..i!i'l !\: -ll ..... tillC oC .. .. ...... =='= .. ~ ....... t 111•• ..... .. . ""' ... ., I»-... .. .. ,"" ... ~ ..... ~ r:•t----... L~ .. , ... s .. • ...... _ ......... "' .... -~ ... = ...... , .. .rtl ... " ........ .. I''#) 1 j llill I ltM•• TIJ------~ .... ~B ... .. .:.-... ' Av:t.UahllltJ el lh, ,WW of GM! Tbt 1 wer or Gnfl, the Cl\rilt Truth. 1i> ever avath1bl@ ln ever) home. in evr ry omce. in e'Ver1 Mi lion. Tu J.1i;'J its benefits one trfu11 wllhngJy reach for and l.C'C'tPl thr Christ llS Savit•Ur Mrs. Eddy. flX· plalnina the operll!on of Truth tr human 1rfalr1.. dPC'9ret uo ~"l" 162 or Sciencf' and Health' ""t:hris· t1an Sc1encP hrin"'.a: t•• thf' bnd.)' tbf sunli~ht or "i'.t'uth, "Aoh1Ch 1ovllfM'• ates end purinr-s Ch;isttan Sdencf acts a~ •n alter:itive, neutrallt.k\M error y;ilh Truth. It cban,_u tb<- st'Crrtions. exp:::ls humors. dtsaolv!:f tumors, relax~ ri&id m~les. re-- stores car10•111 bones to ICXiftdnesa The el'rect ... 1 this Science b lo ttii the hum11n mind t.f'I I cban&e of b1se. on which it tna.Y yield to U. harmony of the divine Mind" · The "sunli&ht of Truth'' whiCh Christian Science brin11 to tbe body Is the Christ. the-apirtt of Truth. the Comf11rter. which stit1 human thin.kin& until it LI willll'li& to ac-cept thr p~mise lh1t God ·11 the only consciousness or Llfe and that man ts His perfect image. :i;1nll"Sll and elf'maL Ruma.a. con.· sc1ousne111 mu1t soont!T ot la.ter yield to Tn1th. • Defeue Apln.Jt EYU There is a story or I little tOWl! in Italy which once QIU 1 seaport town. bul the river ao aillcd up the harbor that !hips could enter only through 1 la:\.&. narrow cbanneJ which "''as marked w1tb pO.in&. On one occasion an enemy fteet stood oft's.hore ready to invade the citJ'. A wise citiz.en advbed tbt removtl ot the channel mtrkers. Tbis wa1 done. and the enemy fteel COllld not tlnd l~s way In. Wb8.t -.re the markers In our ttlought that would tend tu cuid<' error and Its t.nefjJJ efl'ec~ in? Are tbC)' doubt, fea-r. \vorry, i:norance of God, hati·ed, an1?er. ~sentm~nt, Lmpatienoa. te- bellion.. s!n! As the wise 'ODe in, earlie:r .day1 urged thll the channel markers be removed. ao dou Cbri1- t1an Science reQuire us to do'Uk,_- wise. In Science and Health we read lhis admonition (p. 'sn): "Stand porter at the door of thou~ht. AdmitUn1 anly 1ucb co.a .. clusions as you wiab realued in bod.Uy resuits, you will OQntrol yourself h.armon1ously;'' On Pllff 231 and 235 of the same bOOk Mn. Eddy declares.. "Evil t.hou-chll. tustJ, and malicious purpbses c1nnot ro forth. like wandertna polle:n. t:rom 4)ne huma'1 mind to aoother. Aqd- lng unsuspected lodamenl. if virtue and truth build a strona defence." Godllneu i1 a 1.urt defense a1ail).s.t error. But Godliness does not mean expressin1 onlJ .. aoodnua.; for ln- slanc·e. or only any othtl one.qua!· ity of God: it mean• reftectin.& \ht wholeness of God at le,ut in aome me1sure. To be ·Ooclllke:. w• ,rnust know Him. To heip ul to piri i better understandin& of God. Mrs. Eddy hu 11ven us a.eve6 synoni ... mo~s terms for God. ~ty aH Principle. Mind. Soul, Spirit. l.J1e, Truth, a:nd Love. Tbty are ~ tntercban1e1bly. but they aU ref tr to the une God. Thty Jivt: us a sevenfold v~w ot God. ucb one helpln& in its own wa1 .to est.ablJSh lrue undentandin& ol tbe onenus and whn!eness pf God. Each ul .riese synony muu1 terms. for God 1s based on Scriptural authority and ri1hl reasonina. Tb• fullness and majesty of God a.re better untlH· stood by the clear an~ ever· expandin1 compre~n of lbue seven words. Al one thinkl of God a• divine Prltticiplt It becurnU evi- dent that He ls the ·S~prtril• ltule1 and La waiver. It ii ll'ppeNal that God b lb• anurct of IUCb qu'alitie• u order. JUdic:e, a nd predlion Prloclple lovjn&l7 inallU UP'"'.,.,._ dl•ofe to !lb <din..• God. dl•itlf Mtntl. I< tho IDWtt °' ~enc< and of au rilht ldeo.. UndOnliodi inJ Qnd U &"11 NYala litm U lbt' founta!rl of bnltb ~. aract · and be•IJV. God, SpirJl. ~ !JIJ!nil•. the onl.J' au.blta.Dce. Re Ii umn.i- p.-nt and DllUlfwtet W Ii. U · .,..-le all U..i II toocl. Com· p~Gad.u~ .. -Hlm u oiM...t. ao11-i.i-t. th• auth0<-ol all truo~Wtilc UA 00 Ila ldua.,.. utltll .S.thJ-TTU unlQldo i'Cltrill. Ille d1•U.. ... ... . \1111.t "': God. aood. opefttinl ID ~tllllii ;t:Oil· lriou-. t~ is ..._u .. and II Ille ""11 rftllt7.~ ....... Wlllllt"1· at1Wll...-..S ·11tio.6.·ID ::..~:'.:to.~~: othocljl. """ _,. ... qa, ..,,."-~-- .. -.IJ'!eb otll!=r ..,.., all. ol .,.,,., .. , llAYllU Cit -p>rlect to''C1WU ~p!e. Amons IC.me af the ezs.'...ur'~l qu.tsliUN whicb o:i&:-ac\C-"be ~ ptrfeel spiritual VCL' ar;e lovt, wl.adom.. puritJ. boll .. ntn. ,b:alth, oplrltuol w><1erst.od- 1n~,~'1!! spiritual power. · ..,._·· Z<klt ID her dt!l\Alllon ol man Ill ScJmee and Beallll pointa out the c!lutal'J' e1ftoct or boh0ldm1 the petted. man. Sh~ uya {pp. 411. U1): •Jaus beheld lD Science the perfect man. wbo appeared to hJm Wbft sinolna mortar min ap-e-.-. tq mortata. In thi.t f'"rfect man ·tbe Saviour IAW God 1 own I~ and tbi• correct view oJ man ht!Ued the lick.." • ClrJe: •bo' ma)' be pra7ln1 to be tree from an1 tnharmony will ftnd it-helpful to toUow this rule. Be:- ho)d Ula perfect min! Refuse to bellcve that ran is material or 1 rnorl al sin.Mr. God Dtftl' made • flll',-:Ji. Mortal min ur milter-man 11 .~ o..'Ountertett. 1 mlaconctpllnn ol bei.i.J. It ts t.he lie about man We """. a new vltw of man. a trur. spi: •lual view. Al Wt!' ~nder t.he sp;, ·tuaJ farls of real bcin1. pat- l.t's :-..n ocr thinktna ant! acting t.ht pe :. ... ct mode:I. the Christ-man. evil th• •. Jh,.ts, ftlr\ ljn(')nir.c;:. sin fadf' a.a~: the lnh1rmony diS.C:.'-'Jlears. The acl ~Lrta.nci of Trutt 1n l'+Jr thous.ht! an~ th• rejectfon of ,. r ror 1s th!' red~npttve proceu · .... ::-reby ~ put off the ohS man a.nri put on the ne"':~ ·'Ibe-power of Goel ;n human consc.kxllnesa •w1kens 1< from the belief that 1man can be !:li -:k or die It ,.forms tbuuat>t. ra·ris lt · .... ith spiritual truths. with "supernal '":;tmeu 1nd Cairne'-"'" (Science and Ke1lth. 1-2t81. an:! .hat refor- mation or re-tormaUon has the eft'ttt of rest.Q:nn.e th• naturaJ funct!onJ of lbe body. Christian Science de1.lands re- dt.piptioo. It deinands th11. we overcome a1 nipidly as pos1ible the belief th1t we are mortals. It has been proved over and over a&ain that wh10 hatred, (e1r. ignorance, &in &rt' cast out of lhou1ht and dlvtne UOve welcomed Ip, healing ha• follow~. Be:Uer bodie.s and hnme1 art found u the belief that ma.n 'is a mortal sinner 1ives place to ftn Lindent.&ndin1 th1t be ii truly 1pir1tual. everlaJtin&lJ perfect, with an individuality ,.,.hicb ls maintained entlrtly by ill Maker, divine Lile, Truth, and Love. Ru.ltaa b1 Prarer nj>t":! tho.I Love'i encli'cllna uma ~bne? all of Cod'• cbUdren. Jt lqc:lut:ej 4.-t;a.lm usura.nce that man hi eve-:' alive. ale:-t, quick, and ac:- tt\.-::. lt ~ntained a denial of mor ... tQ1 mind ~icfs lhal accident.I f?e ~ib:e and even norm.'ll. \hat ~c, con.C-usion, fear, ruenlmedt. &"paration. injury, destruction aH tl b::i: e-;;pec:tcd. Jt denied en1 and 111 st:atistic81 beliefs of chance. lt dft-lared thet God'• presence pro- ttk!s a:id eternally maiot.ains the: tdentityt_~f man. This knowinl or pt-ayer, "fSlough only Qutwardly la one v1ord. envelnped tpe boy wltR l..ti\•e's pr,olection. The car struck him. and although going fill)idly. it ·seemf!'d to come to 1n immediate stop. The boy slid ahead of the ct.r fort-bout Hite-en feet. A passer-bJ plcke::t up the da7.ed child and ru~hrd him away . The m11:he1 and slS'ter nf the boy, \\'hn hrd been wtlh h1rO. ca1ne up 11nrl talked with the d::-lver, who ntTl?rcd 1·1 take · thzm to flncl lhe child Du :·'.ng lhe next hnlf-huur thl?re was r 1 panic, •mp:itience • .:r1t1c1s1n , or f~ar. A fee:lin~ nf God's or"escnce <!:ifolded all Finally the mnther And the cttlve;o (Hun-t l~<! clinic In "'hlch thE' b11y harl bt"t'F\ taken. an<i y,·hen they rar'1 the b-ell . the bny-htnlself answ~rc:d it Th('te was no evi- dence nf any in jury 1 wn days later 1 ~.qu 1r1e~ ""·ere made at the n1 •me. ·~nd !he mnthe.r chP~rlullJ rier t.. " ,; "()h. 11.-.'5 fine. H~ skated tn sci1•1• I tnd ay" • Chr1'"t:;.n Sc ience rcvc-nls ~he m~lhurl of u ~d11111z. thl" 1ll1'o'·er uf tjle \',11rd 1n s11l \'1ne, cvC'ry c11n- ce1vnb:e problem 111 daily life "D1v1nc Lo\'r always has mC'l1 and alwa.vs ~·1 11 m"rt every human n~d." declares ~A rs Eddy 1n Sci- ence and Health Ip 49~) The truth nf this staten1ent has been proved over and nver RJ!ain by Christian Scientists in all parts of the world . Sun e crit ics. ,·,1hile artmittinlit !he healin1 e\'irlence 111Tered by Chrls- t'ian Science, 'itl'k tu explain it on 1 material or psychnl•·~lt:al basis-. They are re-luct<i.nl to arlm1t the alml1Lh11ne!.<: 1>f Gort ;ind dcclnre either tho I the p;d ll'n t \'>'toU!c\ hnve ~Co\•crcrl an\"\\'8~ 111 lh:tt !he re· covery was !he re~·u11 of rn('nta1 11Uggestion Sume e\·en arid that Christian &lenle is no! a rc111::1on but a philnsnµhy 01 psychnlngy. Christian Scirnce is nil ml")re based on psychnlntty nr the u~e flf human mind or SUR~es1 1nn th:;in was the hea1 1n6 methnd •)f Jesus and his a1,.1stll"s , for 11 fulhnYs pre- cisely the r ,ttcrn la1ci d o\ .l 111 lhe Gospels. C'llh pr1rnrt1ve 1.:hr1st1;:i n healing Rnd its mrxl"rn t"111st;i\c· ment, Christ 1a n s~ient •.. are founci~d upon the !Virile R11c k . the Chris' Truth. the \Vorel or God. fhere>ore they ?.re rine and sho;v forth the power of God. Healln1 b.Y Bib!ical Ru!e 1•KUUU~T ANULt;)Qt th t.ne-N~')M>rc the t.rio pictured allove wit h the catch Ult>)' broughl lu lt"Lrf • .JM' Tipton. left. of BaJboa catqbt t~e 1'6-lb. marlin on hi-..,·y la.ck~ · Youn&' 'My TiptOA, rtpt. Mndled tiNo boat '''hilt> t\lo·~audrr Ren· ner,. got the thrill ot hill llfe wt.th t.M-expNif'ncr, Women's Punes Taken by Bur9lar Th<'fl or two ladles' purees con- taining $91 was reported to New· port policr Saturday by Mrs. Glor- ia Hansard of North Hollywood. Police ie.ter found the purses in a vacant lot. They said every· thing WB.!1 in the purses except thl" wallE'ts containing the money. A{rs. Hansard told police the purses were taken from her cabin at the Balboa Motel. Police be- Ju•v(' one purse wa8 le.ken by r<'ach1ng through an open bedroom window. The other wu removed by the thi<'f reaching through' an up1•n door. taking the purse from a chair. ThE' second pur8e belonged to Jnst>phine L . Cantfield of Los Angeles, police satd. 1Ntv.1i.·1\n1..-~ Photo ) 1 Outboard Motor· Token From Cool('. Theft of an ~ull1oard motor waa reported to • f'\l'"'JX.trt police by Robert S . Cook. He l old police ll\~ Evinrude l ·1 horsl'.' powt"r mot.or was taken fro111 hio son's ~ 30metimc-lus t Tue~ay or Wedne11c day Y."hf'n the bool "'as moored ln Grand Can1:1l. Accordm~ tu lhc reporl, the mo- tor ts ~T"Y "'tth blut" t rim ""'ilh iserial nun1ber 4111·29102. ~l\ .!lRid th<' motl•r is l \';r, years oHI. He also t old puln::e tha l a red, 60-- gallon portablC' i;;ai. tank \V& stol· en\..fro1n 9 1l' bu.ll. Bob Pettit Novt 011 San Die90 Station ••• " Mn. Edd:r' w11 once asked, "11 h!'ci!lwg the skk the whole of Sci~ en~?"" Sbe replied. ln part: "HrAi- ln1 physicl:l 1.ick:neu is the smallest part •t Chri1ti1n Science. fl is only lh.e bu.11.-all to thought 1nd ac· \ion, in the bl&ber ran2e of infinite JOOdneu. The emphatic purpoi!t of ChriJUan Science js the he1ling n: 1ih ; and tbi.J. task, somel1mes. may h harder lb1n tbt cure of disease: beatlJlt, whil' mortals love to sin. they do not lov• to.be sick" (Rudi- dlen\al-Divtne Science, pp. 2, 3). · Tbt same Principle which de- 1"~•1•· Mab allO.&l.CknCIL :·Th• pow4r at God is supreme, un1ver-•1-and ii capable ot deltrOyin& the nibit malipant d1-eut: or the most ttprtbemiblt a.in. To destroy · eitbn.e.one must learn how to pray iftltC\ively aod fervently . Ht:aling •'f any condit10P. physi- cal, mental. mo!'ol, or financial. is possible today for all who obey the &imple ~cripl\U"al rulj's _o.c:: pointed but ancf amphtied in Science and ~ealth . Mrs. Eddy statt'd an essential rtile very simply in the fir st words of th~ Preface of Science and Hea1u~. "''here she wrote, .. To those leaning on the susta inin~ infl111~e. to-day is big wit.h blcssin~s." Sammis, Leander ·Wattf Hoses ·Taken ~1rs. F'ord Sammis of 2022 Mir· '\Olar Drive. Balboa, told Ne~ pnrt police that someone removed t,,.o JO.foot lengths of green pla.s· t1c 1;:ardt•n hose from her yard Friday night, U. S. Naval Air Station. San Di- ego, -Serving h~·re \\'ith Utiliti Squadron 'M11 <'t" i~ Robf·rt \V. Pet- tit, aviation Pli'l'lrnn1t·~man fl~t" claSI!, USN. of 207 ·32ntl St., New- port Beach. . ~ Th(' squad ron u~:''.~ both piloted and pilotl e~ 1L1r11n1·s1 a.1rcraft tftl iL'5 job of .supplyLng target.1'1 for.. shlpg' gunn<'ry pra1..t1c~·. Th~e dronrs arc pO\\'• 1·t1cl by propeller or jet engin•·~. In lh<: air they are radio contro!l,•d by a plane fol-- lowing tht• drtJllt'. anti are· ra~ controll<'d fro:t1 lhl~ t;lO\lfld on take-off15 and landings. • t Prayer in Christian Science is neither emotional nor intellectual lt ii spiritual. Mr&. f.ddy MYS on pa.ae l of lbe te:1tbook, "Oeaire is pnier": Jnd she 1dds, "no loss can OCC"Ur trom trusUn1 God with our de.lir.u,. that lhe.)' may be moulded and exalted before they lake form 10 words. and 1111 d.-ds." In praytr oat s.bould dnw closer to God and not ""-~ utse God to come or to send health or purity to him God · it always r,raent, ind that f•cl becol'l)el ev dent as we pray •ilh true faith and ubderstanding AiwC cOll\i'DUnt with God in prayer ovt ~)~An truJJ ·•moulded and -.AJ~" e_Lord's. Prayer, wb1ch, when un ertlnod In it.I spiritual aeda, beat.a the alck, Ls used in all Cbrt1ll•n Science churcheJ 1t both the Sund.11 ae.rvicl!1 And Wednes- day t.Umony meetinas Also Chrirtl*'1 SclMihrts a~ uked tn pra_y tbu1 daUy: " 'Tby kingdom come;' l1:t the rel&n of d.ivln~ Truth. L.U•. tnd Love be establllhed ln me. and ru1e ttut of mt all s1n. and "91 Xb1 Word enr1cb lht aft'ee- lioos ol all mankind. and aovern tbe.m!" fCburch Manual. Art Vlll. Sect. 4.) By Ii vine this prayer, one accepU the Christ. Truth. ~to bis experience. }"his Nrv,. to .. tradJcate every unaod- lUli trait or thO\llbt. and the result II ~UIJ.n&. ...... et lllt Word Th('ft of a 50-fool yellow gar- ,rlcn hose on the some night wa.~ also reported to police by Ivan M. Leander of 1722 Mirlmar Drive, Balboa. He said hi.8 ha&e waa tak· en from the front of the house. What is the rule that lj1ves evi- dence ol God's power in everyday affairs":' Is obearence to that rule beyond o~r reach? The rule is to obey God'. to co me unto Him. to lea-n on Him . One is not obeying or leatting on God if he harbors flatred. resentment, rebel:1on, jeal· ousy. impatience, and other base POINT CREDITS FOR MEDICS traits in his eonsciousnPss. One cannot lean on God and ha ~e at the same time. Jn his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pointed out that be- fore one can lay his gifts on the altar, or in other words before he can ·truly commune with God, he must love. nol just tolerate, his brother, his neighbor. 1'1edical Reservists attending thr annual Convention of the Aa- ~ociat ion of Military Surgeons, N ov.' 17, 18 and 19, 1952 at Waah- ington. p.c .. will' ~·awarded polnt credits, Headquarters Fourth Alr Force dlsclOlled today. One is not truly leanini: on God Atany a big deal has been mllde U ht Is depending upon material through • small claulfled ad. •remedies. The Bible makes it clear that one cannot serve God anj Mt"mbcrs or the squadron are undergoing conl!>laui training i.n aerology, m111nt<'nl!nb t". electronils and mechanics to keep them abreast of the late.st developments In Naval 'aviation. · •. SIMPSOS lliA~IED .. Fred W . Simp.:=on of San Diego has been elecled cha1rmll.n of the Colorado Rive r B~rd of Callfoz-"..1 nia. , , mammon, Sp}.:il and mattP.r, Truth and error, at the same time. One' is not lean1n& on God lf hf' ts o:-ceking only materiai com!ort or prosperity. Such ~ 11ne must re\·1se his thinking and learn tu seek lhf kingdom of God. and when t}e suc- ceeds io fl.od1ng it, then health. happiness. and success wW follow Hig her Social Security Pa yments Ahead for 8700 Orange Countians " as a natural re.suit. ThP. same power or God which · heals and saves in our individual lives operates In human C'Onscious- ness. to maintain a righteous aov· ernment and end conft1cl!' among nations. As each one accepts Christ Jesus as his Exemplar and under· ttand1 that 1l 1s the Chria:,, Truth, which he expreut:d that e:liml· nates eoV)', fear, greerl, hatred. and atheis.m. he is h~:piri1 the Social Security checks mailed SepL 3 to 8,700 Orange County pe<iple were the last under the old rate~ of pa:fment. according lo Garrett W . List, manager of the Santa Ana social security otttce. Payments due to the aame ~pie early in October will _amount to about $366.000. A& a reault of chaapa made la the l!OCial oecmllr law la J•· l,f. nearly ~ . .-.iq old-qe. and: ft(Vlvon. lrf a 1 e -e -Illa will p l J d .... 40&1· nlenis, Moat red.red worken "111. l"foeAve latl c •• reacta1 from. '5 to ...... ,1-tor . ck:peDdata --·"' will be -tba.a _ ,_ -.... rtr- . world 8nd 1ls way out rt confu- lion and discord. The pqwer oi God is unlimJted,.l"lt ll capable of solvinJ the areates.:t or the most minute probtem in .mdividuf,1. na- tional. ot worlft allal~ U doubt trees-tn. we m1:1 ftnd lt he..lpflJi lo detlVe reti is 'lftlll did I~ "'a!M. "l'qr not. o11J1 belli!ve.• \ll'JT8, ()Al!B, OOUZ.Olt Cbriltlan Scltn~ b nut limited Velda.na wtlb ee.r:t1ce •ince the to ao7 apttial Mtmmt <tf 6umen 1._w of .... _-Korean cam.pal~ IOCiet1 &l'.IJ more than the muJtJ. ...... .. -.MIU • •·· pll••tlon UbJ• is so ttatncted. It 1s· who-are planning lo-JO to .ac!>ool a. 101tntln~· mma&e ol lh• Chrllt· under the KQrean G. 1-BW woro _... 'llllnJ nut. "Cnme untn me. lldvlled todo.y by the yeteran. Ad- alt--)'I th1t i.bnur t.nd-a,. buv7 mlnlalrauon 10 Wte a!ons <-lb .._ aDd l 'l'w .ctn you rat" ·"' ,, ·~~·' ~ •• ··~-·~-110l,i. Jl :181. mooe# o.,._..-, ~" --~· Ao W. coma unto God ••d at· b\o~ ro• tJ>o{lt.-two ~ 1oap1 tliit'.promllod Comlnrtaf. wt T)M . ~ VA, Cl!PIO~~ le 1D7111ll7 .....,.,. "Yee" to th-tbat'·IJildfto the law. 0 . ~ - queet..,,. W.lltl wbl<b r• --u... aD4·.trailllnl'alkM-eu•t -.i-: "'841~ .. So~! lie jWlcl tfDUJ ~ attar Ii HMrd ..,. -d -"<11 Fell 'If ... t..ru !l<'b.0, oomJ!W• -<Jo lbt -Ill ......,.. And wltll ID -• • • ...... "*' .. -utlllll ....... '""" DIOllUt'llf Jn_.,. ·-- Oii .. _ --....i...io u.ai -°'or Ille~~ ..... -•• ~· Illa ll'alll.-. ~ tho ~_,.,,._ .. ta- " -. • . ltl&lmmtllaf~ ~ .. ~C1i;.:~ " en.. lo nto!Jt ~ these ln-· crease, \rill be about $! to $5. · "For example," Li.st says, "A retired \llsured worker whoee A1fJ guet payment \Ya.s $40. based cw. - earnings received since 1936, will get a September pay1nent of $45':' a -worker who got $68.50 In the current check "·Ill get $77.10 the first week in October." Ust says that it will not be nee:· e11Mry for persons nOw gettln'C oJd-age and survivors payment& to ca11 or come to the Santa An& eocial security otfice to get ~ lncrea.sea. The check they will """ cetve .e.arl.f In O...."t.ober. will aut.o-o m'Ucally carry lbe ID~ amount& • • . - • • -1 • ' ·fYf Rf ONf : I s· S I F. I ED ~A D S ·Rf AC H ,. UR CLA N THE · N·f WPQ ·RT _ "A~IOR AREA. • • • • ·CLASSIFIED The Mighty Midvet hi,Yffrtl•ng A .t A • + it A ,£ Pt .. ... PalJ h s.pt. 4., 1962 AFTER TRIS DATii: I will not be naponafble fM any debtll a- Ctpt my own. narmce A. Ober TRA VELLINO TO Del lolar every Monday at 11 :30 allarp. llaTe room tor 6. Pbone Barbor lm eventilp. llttc WANTED DAILY RIDB: to L.A. vicinity, 0th A 01"&nd. hours W . 523 4Jillo, Newport Helgbu. 28p28 Sui)erfluous Hair 'Permanently removed h'om face. arma. lel'L Eyebrow• a.nd ba.1J". line lb&ped--No more tw...ma gr .r .JON L. BR YA.NT R. IJ. Tu.-y and Tburod&J cmlJ Udo'• 8&1~ of S.utf Bar. lftTI WANT W AlTRllSS Steady Employment CO'l"I' AGlt W AB'P'LE SHOP 305 Marine Balboa laland 2Tc29 BABY SITTER Working mother need• baby aitter for 40 hr. week. Good ret"erencu ~ mu.It. WOI deliver baby daily. Apply at 206 44th St., Newport Beach, evei. 28p21 W .ANTED -young man to ride S·wbeel motor cycle. apply ALLEN MOTOR CO. !! !!!!t w-ae•ssa• CLEAN 0 . E , electric •love. Shop~ ID\llb. Both In s<>od condition and bargain.a. Bea. 8718-M. 28c28 The Cracker Barrel CUSTOM Picture f~ng, gifts, useless and WJeful. 128 ·Agate, Balboa Island. • .• £ 4 £ f ,ti et . ;°"' ·n • ' . New 20" Television·'-l... $159.95 New 17" 'l'elevision -129.95 Record Changer Attaehm!!llts ........ $ 5 It up Radio Conaole. qaed --~--.. -------·--10 It up ' RADIO-APPLIANCE· ltEP AIR-TELEVISION ' WAYNE'S RADIO TELEvlsION SERVICE 1814' Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Bea. 7206-W Bay Furnitur e ''Wjlere Price9 Are Held at Bay'' Easy term.a. -Free ParkinC Open Evening> to 8 ' • MARTIN Outboard Motors IMMEDIATE Dl!iuvJ:ftY of 4 \>, 71>, and 10 hp. modela. -Factory Gua~teed tat 1 yr. - "' Sa.lea arul Se:mce Ellis' Boat Rentals • RENT A BAND IMtrUment. tor -Clal'in•t.. ~-pet, trom- bone, .Solln, oax&pbone etc. onlJ $3 per mb. Rental to apply oil .......... p,,_ at SILU'ER'S Mua:c Co. lalnce 11111'7) 'Aalt Uout Accordlan I-plan' 4:ri_.23 N. Syc&more, Sall:& An~ Phone KJmbe~Q-2-087Z'q 23ttc S6 PB:R MONTH rents or buya good practlbe piano. Some u low U $411, $71, $96. All term rent credited on purcba.M.. Dam-Schmidt Big Piano Store, 020 No. Main. cor. 6th, Sant.a Ana. Somebody Wants Tba.t U9ed turnttun1 bric-a-brac, paJnUnpr. etc., now ta.king up -Ill your garage. Find a bJy. er with a clauitleid ad ln the Newa~nmea, Po8t, and Presa eom- bln&tion. Juat Phone Harbor 1816. NEW 2802 Coaat IDgbway, Har. 2315 U -8tonrl Uld Otnce. $9.95 Table lamps, plutlc • 72ttcl -~~~~-~-----~ t2-Lo8t and l"ound Cadillac -Olda'moblle 217 Broadway, Laguna ~ach Apply to Mr. Harbert. 26e28 26e39 ahadea ................................ $ ~.9~ -------------$12.9a 8 way floor lampa $ 6.95 Har. 1372 MOORING ~for comm. boat up to 36' Near Legion dock, Jlll5. G. W. Phelpa, Mesa Trailer Park, 1626 Newport Blvd., Co8ta Meaa STOREr ROOM for rent. Costa "Mesa. Opposite Post Office, 18 NEED MORE ROOM? • Plan that Bedroom & Bath Addition -NOW. • • • FREE ESTIMATES DESIGN HELP . REMODELING A SPECIALTY C. ED SOULE P. 0 . Box 151, Balboa Island Phone Har. 2568-W . 8~ Not1"!8 12-Bulldlng Services LOST -Small white leathe r hand bag, Monday. Vlol.nity or F e rnleaf 3rd and Goldenrod. Corona de1 Mar. Reward tor re- turn to 519 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. Har. 28M-W. 28c28 STANDARD STATIONS Has Opening for FOUND -Photographen' case Station Salesmen 1 1 with supplies. Owner may hav~ Aves 18. 40 by Identifying and payin1 for ... ad Bea. 6495-J. 26c27 5-day -40-hr. week· I APPROX. $:zgo TO START LOST-Will the peraon who found / wooden tackle box near Pavi-Excellent Benefits lion, corner E. Bay a.nd Main. Good Opportunity Balboa, pleaae notify C. O. Alt-for "Advancemeni m&n, El Nido Traller Court. Costa Mesa. Bea. ~329-M . Re-Apply ·y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 ward. 2sp2s Standard.Stations p AINTING LOST-In vlclplty ot Balboa Ia-Corona del Mar EARL SHEFLIN land, small brown automobile Dahlia & Coast Highway Meet. every Tbunday Main SL 6 Balboa Bl'rd., Ball>oo I Dian.,. 8 '30 p. m., Locljre I p. m. Rol>ert A. Eutman, uaJUd ruler m Palmer SL, Costa Mesa compass, reward. Harbor 2009· 8:30 to 9 :30 EVERY WEEK DAY Be.a. 5-457-M 13tfc I 27 ttc Aa Approved by WSB LANDSCAPING LOST-wallet containing valuable 20c31 papers. vicinity of Miracle Mlle 7 FT. CLUB DAVENPORT and ch&ir to match, SGlS. Treadle machine, $20. Call Har. %7 . 27c29 BRING in or list with UI • We will a.dvcrtLee, display and sell them tor _you. See us. we may have what you wa.nt ~ WE HA VE radios &: booka, dl.ehea, Preato cook er, cr ib, rugs, drapes, bicycle, trombone, trum~ pet, typewriter. Clothes pole, lamps, table.( rock maple chest, etc. WHITE ELEPHANT SWAP SHOP 106·107 Palm St. (or call at A pt. l, upstairs) · Balboa Phone Harbor 3238 13tfc 10--Buslness Guide Spr1nl<leni nuitalled New La1\rna Free Eatlmateo Beacon 6()86..M. In Newport Sch. Need badly. MAN or Woman kitchen helper A Reward. Call collect Lambert dl!'lhwuher. Year round employ. SO.B-Apjll ... ances· 5.37u;, 27c29 Apply the Snack Shop, 1519 ---~,__ ______ _ Furniture Restoring Chain. bencbu and stoola • ustng cane, nlab and reed. Harvey's Furniture Repair BRING to 2<M50 Santa Ana An .. eo.ta Mesa. Phone 'BeL 81!3...J. p.r.p COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rugs shan)pooed. P"ree estimates -Fully in.sured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 6111 '72ttc KISTLER & CO. Complete Insurance Service Auto -Fire . Burglary Health . Accident Life Insurance 2603 Npt. Blvd. Npt. Sch. Harbor 0523 28tfc l!--Bnlldlng Servi.- Roofing -All Types New roofs and repair 38 Jn1. aper. -Free ..tlmatoo JOHN T. MORRIS After ' p..m. FOR Painting we'll both be proud of Call Shooter. Har. 3898-J 27c 29 • Charles R. Benton General Building Contractor ReeidenliaJ Commercial R emodeling 2596 Crestview Dr. Newport Beach Bea. 5846-M 8tfc Painting and Decorating Color Consultant GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRAm'OR 508 • 31.St St., Newport Beocll Phone Harbor 2418·W 13ltc HAROLD BAXTER PAINTING CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL .r. COMMERCIAL Spectallztng In Retlni.shing Old Stucco and Redwood 379 Ea.st 20th St. Costa ~te.sa Beacon ~253-W 26tfc Coa.st Highway, Corona del Mar, ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR BLACK COIN purse containing $10 and wri.~t watch. Ph. Loa An- geles coll ect after 5 p .m . Hud- son 2-7EMO. 2&:30 2lc28 1952 Deluxe 11 cu. ft. model. COOK &: GENERAL. Must be Im- maculate &: thoroughly e.xperi- encE'd. 3 In f&m1Jy. Private a,pt.c 1 LOST -PLATINUM. diamond, and top salary, with periodic emerald watch. greatest sentl-raises for capable person. Pb.. mental va lue. lost Saturday on Bea. 6876-M. 28c33 Sea.a:hore Dr. between 6lat and -----"'--------- 85th St.3 . Reward. C&ll Har. WANTED -Housekeeper. 3 in 0342-R. After Thurs. call Loa tamlly, live ln. &epuate quart- Angeles ex change, Texa..e 0-5986 era. best of conditions. Ha.r. 1574. collect. 28p30 28c30 LOST OR STRA YEO black and white fox terrier, male dog, two years old. Rea.80nable reward. F inder notify H . E. Huton. Ph. Fleetwood 21280, collect. .28p30 28--Sitnatlons Wanted HOUSEWORK by hour, Own transportation. Leth.a Hawley, Bea. 6-424-J. 26p28 GARDENlNG -· Power mowtng, ~edlng. trimming, etc. Pref. m onthly rates. Bea. 6415-M. 23p28 SEASHORE Day Nursery HOSTESS &. CASHIER. Apply Snack Shop, 1619 Coul IJIP- way, Corona de.I Mar. 28c30 EXPERIENCED FRY coOk . Ap· ply Snack Shop, 1819 Coast Highway, Corona. de l "Mar. 28c30 Skilled Bench and Floor Molder Boat builders and carpenters Experienced Ask for Mr. Petty South Coast Co. Newport Beach Har. 2600 28c30H I · Ha.a big 60 lb. cross top freezer chest, adjustable shelve.I, butter ·conditioner. It's the Bhelvador model & has 2 large crt11pera for vegatables. Paid over $380 tor it new. Can have for con· tract balance. No payment down if ypu lake payments $14.45' per mo. See at R 4t H Appliance, 404. S. Spadra, Fullerton. Ph. LAmbert 5-6252. · tf NORGE FREEZER ·-It's the 1953, 11 cu. ft. upright one. Has all freezer shelv~ & bold.a over '00 lbs. ot frozen foods at 20 devees below zero. Also has 2 nice slide out baskets. U~d on· ly 2 weeks. Paid over $430 for It new. Can have for contract balance if you take payment!I of $14 .74 per mo. See at R A: H Appliance. 404 S. Spadra Fullerton. Ph. LAmbert 5-6252. 23tf BELOW wholesale prices on 3 Ma- gic Chef Mlllges and one Philco 13 cu. ft. refrig. All brand new, never used. No atrinp. no catcb.· e& Har. 1786-J or 636. 28tfc O'KEEFE "' MERRITT range, It'• that 1952 C. P . Model, hu tCtt up top. Full size oven. Chrome Ihnerapting mattreaa and box spring on 8 legs. .A C A ticking .. Twin size, reg. $79 va.lue- at Bay ............................... $ 39.95 5 pc. chrome dinette, 30 x 42 table, 10" leaf, Dun- can Phyfe or French style. Nev& Mar Mica top, 4 straight leg, foam latex seat, Duran plas- t ic chairs. $109.50 val· ue at Bay ........... : ............ $ 79.95 Armless ~ divan. Ideal tor den or spa.re room. Colorful patterns. Bed· ding compe.rtmenL Dbl. a p r I n g construction, $89.ao value. At Bay .... $. 43.50 Double duty studio couch, modem aqua.re bolster cushions. M o •a edge. Makes Into double bed or sep. twtns $89.95 value. At Bay ........ ,,_ ..... $ 67.00 USED DE PT. Large 8 pc. dining. rm. aet in walnut, butfet, 8 chairs, 44 " x 60" table. Three 12" e xt. leaves. Complete at Bay .............. $ 39r00 Three-plate glass mirror vanity ................. _ .................. $7.50 F o u r drawer Birdseye maple dresser base .......... $ 9. 75 Three drawer dreaser base S 5.50 One drawer child's vanity, mirTor and bench ............ $ 3.:50 White crib, ltge new, cut o u t decal:!, adjustable springs with sterilized 28p30 JOHNSON Outboard Motors fMMEDIATE DELIVERY of a Umlted quantity of ~10.2!5 hp. models. Factory 18.lea-It aervtce. Sout h Coast Co. Newporl Blvd at 23rd, Har. 2&00 34Uc • MOORING near Bay Shorea. Suit- able for up to S()..ft. plea.sure boat, $125. Ph. Bea. 5570-M. • 28p30 28 FT. FANTAIL . commercial boat. }0 ft. 4" beam. Includ. mooring & skiff. Trade or Rll on terms. Sµbmit offel". Beacon 7156-R. t8c30 10 FT. BOAT, 21> H .P . Jtlgln out· board motor. Both $75. Separ- ate -boat $20 or motor $G5. 303 Grand Canal, Balboa laland. Harbor 3215-J. 28c30 18-FOOT speed boat just about completed. Full houae Mercury motor. $1000 or will trad_e for late model car. 2100 W. Balboa. Blvd., .Newport Beach. 26e28 F AlRLINER-28' T . S. 1047 e.1p. cruiser. S. S. radio, bait tank, cover, etc. bcJ. cond., $8250.. Owner, Beacon 664&.J. 27p29 matt,.... .......................... $ 25.50 M-Mnolcal, R.,u,. SOFI' with nearly new Slip cover .......................... $ 12.50 Ma.guine racks, smoking stand&, sewing cabinets, end tables .. j ......... '..9~ to $ 4.95 BAY FURNITURE 427 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA New -Beacon 5228--R -Uaed WOOL ca rpeting, floral pattern, 39 yards, excellent condition, $2.50 per yd. 4 bed bolsters, $6.50 each. Ship wheel maple mirror, $5. 337 Via Udo Soud, Lido !ale. 28p30 DINETTE set-2 benches and 2 chain, $20. Har. 1351-R. 27c29 ALL ELECTRIC organ. Uoed on- ly 6 months. Save $200. A beauty. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 No. MaJn. Santa Ana. I $395 BUYS beautiful Spinet. like new. Terms.. Another for $4:!5. Others, 100 · to chooee from. Terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT BI Q PIANO STORE, Santa Ana, ~20 No. Main. SPINET. Cue 1llghUy damaged In shipment. Save $180. Term.1 on bal. Repoaseaed, J181 paid. Gorgeous mahogany c a a e. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 No. MaJn. 11195 Newport mvd., Coot& M-' 11810 SEASHORE DlUVE RATES-2:>c per hr. by week. or 36c pel" hr. by day. grill broiler a: griddle In middle, ------------~ SPECIAL BUY beautltul oplllet piano, e:llghtly marred 1D ship. ping. $8QO value, now only ~. ConveQlenl1tetzl!• at ; j • ! I'll. Bea. 5179 (evu. Bar. 2H6-MI 87ttc Sympson & Nolla:r PAINTING & DECORATING ''The Beat Money Can Buy" 512 38th S\., Newport Beach' PBONlr. HARBOR :uot 4ttc B & Y House Movers General Contractors -9'nt St, Tuatln. Olllt Pllone Klmberly ll-1815 (Blme Plloneo J..._r t-ma or JA.sper 9-31187) lltt- UITlllRIOlt -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENl;l!:D -msuJalD Glenn JohnSton ---SL Newport BMch Barbor 2297 .J lSttc REPAIR WOR~ l>oee ;your houae need ._irblJT ror .....n repair jobo, call J'nM at Barbor 1744-RK. ·Wol'kmulob!p Guaranteed 20ltc Alfred E. Wasser BUILDER Additions built approx. $5 per sq. ft. Phone Beacon 6119-J 28p33 Paper Hanging and fainting JACK WAGGONER Phone Beacon 7156-R 28c42 14--Penonals -Alcoholica Anonymous Write P. O. Boll 2IJG Balboa teJaad. caut. ..-. Kimberi;,. wan R eligious Science Practioner By Appointment Write Jeune Loft 1806 Ocean Front, Newport Bcb l'lpllB Plua meals Harbor S485·W 29c30H fiegiater now Ir you want to vote in the PrealdenUal e lection on Nov. 4. Deadline t or registra- tion Is Sept. 11. , &ABY sitting by responsible adult. See at 31531 SummJt Rr .. South Lag\ina. Ph. Har. 2904-M. 28<28 Carpenter Work REPAIRS .r. ALTERATIONS Day Work or Contract First Cla8a Work PHONE HARBOR 2901-M 30c FINE IRONING. School dresses like new. Men'a 1htrta. curtalna ~f'UJly laundered. Pick up &: deliver, Jhft. Willlama, Har. 2297. w. 2&:30 SKIPPER -N.,,.. on l&tge day boat-kn°"' !lablng from SOUll\· •nl Callf. to Alaak&. Duly ll· cenaed and avallablr an... SepL 12. call Lac=t s-11 . •-am betweeQ O ODd 5 or write W. paper, )!QI( Lo.ii. 28p30 i;:::====================================;~I Z9-BelpWanted • , _WANT AD will cost you • o~y 52 ~ncfit1 .wiU run • in •II 3 local p.p'.n . • • A Mlnint1111t .HI it 4 lines. I WANTED Waitn11es and bus bOy. Apply lferle'a Drive-In Corona del Var ' WANTED Experienced Cosmetician Steady employment ottered at good wage•. Call Pringle Drug Co., Kl. 3-8324 . Alk for M.r. Cadwal&der. 28c33 SERVICE staUon attendant Pennanent "°81Uon Keeler'a Union OU Service Sta- tion, Park and Marine Ave., Balboa IaJ.and. 28c30 sPINE:r type organ. Provlnc:Jal love eeat with foam cuahlons. BOTH reuonable. 427 Sant.a Ana Aye., Newport Height.. Ji1e. 81i5-M. 28c30 used only 2 montrus. Can have for contract balance if you take payment!I 'of $7.98 per !"o. No money down. See at • R 4 H ApplJa.nce, 404 S . Spadra FUiierton. Ph.· LAmbert ~252 . 23tf • -St-Wanted to By -• WILL PAY ca.ah for yaur \ll80d turnlture and other bOUMbold goods. CRIST FURNITUIUll, 1681 Oranl'e A 'ft., Costa lleaL &ero• from new Alpha Beta Market Phone Bea. 7323. tt TOP DOLLAR PAID for SHOTGUNS and RIFLES -CASH on ll&rnlhMd - WAR SURPLUS STORE USED RANGES, Servel refrigera- tor. Wuh ba..sin and tub!. Plat- form tockers. Swivel ofttce chairs. Book caaes, chests. Bunk be<H. Bed divans, and many other high grade used household articles. \Ask abo"Ut X"cco'Mtian lemon pan• SHAFER'S Mwric Clo. (81nce 1907) 421-423 N . Sycamore, S&nta Apa Phone Kimberly 2..()812. %3ttc C~ist Furniture 'wANTED: Good uaec1 p1anoa. New and Uled Furniture I Highest cub. or aJlowan9. 1687 Orange Ave., Costa Meas. Acron from new Alpha Beta Mkt. · Phone Beacon 7323 23c2~ SOLID oak (Harmony Bouse) bdrm. suite. Nearly new., with box spring &: matlreM. Trade on new pi&ao, electric organ or televU:ion... Dans- Schmldl Big Plano -Ban· ta Ana, 820 No. Ma1n, cor ltll. H C Bay parlor grand. -~ tone and condition. Reuonable. Phone Beacon 8820-W. -26c21 Hotpolnt refrigerator, 8.4 cu. fL 1------------- Prtced reasonably. 1133 W. Bal· boa Blvd., Newport Beoch. I 28p28 1952 ~ON. Trade Ill~ old plallo. ma--allow-ancee. DA.NZ-SCBllq)T, ""1ta Ana,_ 520 No. 111&111. • X 40 tt. $115. mo. Bea. 5606-M.· 24tCc WANTED -By r~Ured collegf' woman, Small apartment or pleuant room in adult hon1e. Some wte-k itchen. About $30 or $35 per month. Writ<-Box KS, thlll paper. 28p30 YOUNG couple need!! l bdrm. turn. apt. Year round lease. No children or pets. $60 t.o $60 per mo. Ph. Ha.r. 1378 28p30 FIREMAN-Penna.nently employ- ed, wouJd like yearly rf'ntal, furn. 2 bdrm. houSP. Can pay $&:';. per mo. Bea. 5-457-\.\". 26p28 48--A~nts and Houses WINTER RENT AL. Bay Shores. Modestly furn. 3 bdrm. house. $100 per mo. Avail. Sept. 15. Douglu 7-4880. ·2&30 BALBOA IS~W lnter ren- ta..I, avail. Sept. 15 to June 15. Suit tor l or 2, ideal for teacher or nurse. Reasonable_. Call Hubor 3773. \V arter fi p.m. 28c33 A 1TRACTIVE turnl~hed studio apt. Bendix. Suitable for l or 2. $80 mo., on yearly 11!8.Be. "-11 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. Har. OZ91-R 28c30 CORONA DEL AiAR 2 bdrm. un- furn., dbl. garage, fireplace, floor furnace, hwd. noon. 1100 mo. yearly. ~ Begonia. Ph. ltI 2~2. 28 p30 LIDO ISLE-2 bdrm. home new· ly fumbhed. Fireplace, garage, patio. $200 mo. by year. S 125 to June l~th. 1113 Via Ko1'01t. Ph. H&r, 2871 ·J. 28c~O 1 BR a_pt., dWIU1trs ..... $62.liO mo. 2 BR. apt., upatrs. ........ $77 .50 mo. 12"-Pearl, Balboa Island. in' blk. to Ferry. To see call owner Harbor 30tl2-J. 28p33 BAY VIEW New be&utlf\l1 '2 bed- room apt. fumish:ed. Winter ""'t&L R'eofonable. BAY APTS. 301' Edgewater, BaJboa. 28p33 FURNISHED 2 bedroom newly deoorated house. Balboa. Ideal location, one house from Ba}'• $2' Alvarado Place. Sept. l~­ June lG $86 per monUJ. Phone lflrbcf 1Ji70.J. 28c30 \ RED BARN BOUSE BACK BAY RANCH 8"'immlng poo1. 2 bdrm&., untum. $75 mo. Avail. about Oct. l 5lh. Bea. 8'1M--J" for appt. 28c30 • WINTllR RENTALS -FURN. LOVELY 2 bdrm ocean front, $60. SbJ.gle, IN1table tor couple $35, utl1. Incl., Sept. 15. Balboa Pe:n- lnsala. Bar. 1752-W . 20tt WINTER RENTAL-Newly fur- ma11ect apL 2 J.arc"e rooms, elec. 1"efrtpraUon, beat and rea.aon· able rent.. Act'OSll from Tele-- 'phone omce. H. 2!;21-R 27c29 WINTER OR YEARLY RENTAL -Avatlahle sept. ll nlca 2s bdrm. apt. wttli aeparate gar. op. 206\i Dlamolld Ave., Bal· boa hland 27c%9 ,r" -.... -. ""'!'~~-.------.---~-=----.....,..,-,...---·,..--, -:c-::-~~ --.. -... ---• r • • ' • • ' . • MANY CHOICE SEL-ECTIONS OF R·EAL·. fS .TlTE l -ISTED IN--·-T-H'IS • ,. . •• • • f ' • w .. ._ t;• 1 A e -,,,,••A A.A£+,•,•·• & •,,,€-.A •s• • a &pw" sta ud Bdllree "-•.,.,....... ud eo-~ r..aaa. at Rei•·~ • ••1 'l'.lttate • • .,. at h ' OCEAN FRON'l' cmpL, """-• 3 bd· nn. l!lrUd fncw, !&oft 11•. rm. Wood puollns. UllO 1110. 700I W : OceOJ\ P'i-ont, Har. Sli&l. I 27c:29 M:ODlilSTLY ~· S bdrm home. $100 per mo. 28&2 ctrele DJ'., Bayshoru. or Oouc:Ju 74880. 2ae31 AV All.ABLE Oct. ltt-l!l'Umlahed 2 bdrm. home. Winter rental S&0 mo. 4101A. E. Bay Ave., Bal· boa. 25p36 BALBOA PENlNSULA-1 bclnn. apta. Llneno 4k uW. turlL Sleep *-Winter ront&J.. flO mo. AUIO 2 bdrm. apta, available. a.n.i>..n Apt.a., 15&6 lllramar JCl.DNa .,_pta., Hllll W. Balboa ~ 1'f1-W H..rbor Sf.21.>V • 19c33 BALBQA ISLAND FURNlS~D HOME, oor. lot, 2 IS•· bdnna with twin beds, lge. living rm .. tlreplace, patio, dbl. car. Adult.. Leue $12$ per mo. Mr. Smith Har. 2i43. 20Ue J'URNIBlDID Winter ""tal &ftll· able, 1-two -4k -~ bedro<ml apt.a.· OWner on P"'l"" lies Au11 SO to Sept, 6. 1802 W. Ocean Pront, Newport Bell., or call Topu 2·94124 19"28 -Rentals Wanted We line people W'&IU,,. tor l, 2 A a bdrln. -and --bomee. Trly ... or .uon.. CALL ll:llNII!! IMlTB at W. ll. FISH· ER °'9'ICE, tlli OoUt mvd., C:O.... do! Kar. Har. 2441 ll!Uc ·Somebody Wants 'lb.at uaed turnlture, brtc-.a-bra.c, paintlnp. etc.. now talUnc up space in. your carage. Find a buy- er with a cla.ssitled &d' in t1'e News-Timea. Poat, "and Preu com- bination. Just Phone Harbor 1818. " RENTAL r SPECIALISTS . Call -Cr&I( Linwood Vick, Rltor. BALBOA ISLAND Balboa Island. Her. 2042 13tfc EIOHT APTS. Wlnter or yearly ------------ ren~. 1 bdrm -newly decor- ated, Balboa Laland Apt.s. Har. 3™·J. 2:1c28 Two bdrm. tum. twtn bed.I. fire- place, patio. gar. 1 or 2 chll- dJ'•D O.K. Sll5 per mo. incl. utlL on yiarly lease. I Balboa Island AND llARJIOR .ARBA Bee ua for JUrl:I' and wuonal rent&la.. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 308 Karine, -Ial. Bar. !500 • llltlo Three rm. tum. apt., My v1ew. $85 per mo. ln<lu. utll. Yearly LIDO ISLE Jeaae. Clever 1 or 2 bedroom l'Urnlshed ER.i"'ITE SMITH -9115 Cout Blvd., apartments. All ULllitlea are Corona del Mar HAR. 24•3 paid. Private garagea and nlc? 17TFc I patio. Reiuwnable rents. -------,P.A. PALMER BALBOA ISLA.ND yearly rental.: IN CORPORA TED 2 bdrm. borne completely tum.13333 Via Lido 1416 cout Hlway Hotpoint auto. wuher, 2 car Newport Beach Harbor l500 1&1'· Adult.a. Owner at 127 To-13tfc pa.z. Har. 2974-J. 26c28 • A TJ:RACTIVE large new. 3 room apL Untum. S70. Furniture available. 0 a rage, laundry. 11531 SummJt Rd., South La- guna.. Har. 290C-ll. 26c28 Modern 2-bedrm. Balboa OC&AN VIEW-Furn, large liv. rm., bdrm., larre klti:.hen. gar., $70. jno. to June 15th. 115-39th St., Newport Bch. 28p30 YEARLY UNFURN. 2 bedroom home. Lge. lot. garage. S85 mo. 470 Flower, Coata Mesa... Beacon Peninsula home, I 62<>:1-RK. 2&30 Completely rurniahed. Encloeed patio, barbecue, fireplace, Panel SMALL CO~AGE tum. Sult. tor Ray heat . .SIOO mo. to June l5th couple. Wlnter or yearly. 307 o't 1160. mo. year round. 2022 l111and Ave.. Ba.Jboa. Ha.rbor )(lramar, Balboa. Har. 1803-W. 2M2. 2&30 or Trintt)I 9M9. 26c28 AV AILABLI: Oct. 1.t-Fumlahed 2 bdrm. bomt. WtnUr rental, '60 mo. flS l!l Bay Ave., Bal· IJoL Ph. Har. 0393-W. 26pJ6. BALBOA ISLAND 19'7 two-tone green Pontiac, Tor- pedo 8, sed. cpe. by orlg1nal owner. Good condition, faat. powerful. Fine rubber. Radio, ex.t.raa.-~Price S8Q6.. Phone Ha.r. 1618 27ttc Two Beautiful apt.a. -each with 1939 PONTIAC 2-dr. aedan. Ex· 2 bdrm.9 -; plank peg tlol>ra in Cf:]>~ly rood cond.IUon. Ha.s upst&!n apt, -Lovely p&tlo • original palnL Pb. Bea. 843()-J . ground. For turt.her lntormation 28c28 call SY. 3·4131, Puadena. Calif. ------------ • 27c29 FURNlSHED houae and garage, l \9 baUa. $47.60 mo. Water patd. Couple or l chUd 0. K. 109 28th SL, Newport Beacll.' • 2ilc:la 49-Aot.>& Wanted Expert Auto Repairing Complete Body and Fender Work _ Free Estlm&t.es 2028 Harbor Blvd. Co•ta M~sa NOT OFTEN Can we offer a BRAND NEW home on the BA¥- FRONT of LIDO ISLE. ''l'hia home ia o.n 1 ~ Iota and b,.. 4 bedrooms, with huge J1tmpua room finillh- ed with birch, tolether with larie insijle barbeque. T w o batha, 2 showel"I, forced air , heat, bar type lrttchen l.n n.tural woods, 2 patioe, 2 ~ car 11an11e and new pier and larie 1lip. Ll'ling room ia 18x28 with all rooms extra nice. J'lnt time advertiaed at price of $!15,000. fletter see thia. ALSO 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' OORONA DEL MAR . Level R 2 Jot, -Only S2.650 $(IOO DOWN -$25 MO. $1,200 DOWN -$7,500 FULL PRICE Good 1 Bdon home, 5 years old 3 Bedroom home, 2 years old Ocean Cout Line,.Canyon & Hill View $32,000 -Exclusive with. us TllRU BS.DR.Ma. 6 de.n home on 1 %: lots near sbopplng catu.' Bu Dolty plDe living room with fireplace, ex- pc-4 ~ le bar in 1• X 20' den. Many olher features. .ApPNIX. 1800 .q. ft-plua double garage. Owner leaving ~t. 1. 5'uU price OD.Jy 112,500. See anytime at 703 Helio- trope. THE WHITMAN CO. 400 Coast Hlway Corona de! Mar Ph. Har. 1862 (Eves. Har. 1082-R or Har. 1693-M) CORONA DEL MAR 1 South of Hiway • P""" to Shopping dlatrict, Bay and Ocean Completly Furnished $8800 on LIDO. ISLE another EXCLU· atvt otferln.I'. Thi.a ia a ne&rly new 3 bedroom home, torether ------------------------2 Bedrooms with large playmom all on a •1 ~ tt. lot in prime Location. Home aJ.90 has 2 balhA. outaide shower, di»posa.J, wired tor electric stove and dryer ansf bedrooms are all excepliona.l. Lovely patio ls one of the mwn feature& Here t_, a Jot ot home tor $29,600. ALSO a few C"hoice Iota tor ae.le on LIDO ISLE at rock bottom prices. Pl'iv&te beaches, re- strictions, clubhouse, tC"nnia court.a, etc., m&lte theae lots very desirable. Renlember wben these tew lot• are sold they are GONE. \Ve are the OE· YELOPERS of WOO ISLF. where a little buys u LOT. • P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vla Lido 1418 Coo.st Rwy Newpot't Beach. Callt. Harbor ,1500 • $1,500 D 0 .W N HERE'S )'Our chance to buy a good 2 bedroom home on l,.. acre. Frame -Cedar ahingle root -good floors. Well con- structed. Lots of extra features. WE'LL LISTEN TO A GOOD OFFER. Out ot town lad}' wants lo sell b&d.ly. Asking .. $8950 Exclll.iive Listing SWIMMING POOL ON BROADWAY Also ha.a 3 bedroom• In excellent condition. Hardwood noors - fireplace -bathtub and sepa.r· ated tiled stall shower. Large dining area. Vent. bllnds. Back- yard fenced. 2 car prage. Patio G. I. Terms with 4tfo. interest rates. Payments Including taxes and ins. are only $&4 .38 . EX· CELL.ENT BAY at ... $13,500 Another Exclusive Liating SHORE CLIFFS In thia exclU.iive district of beautiful homes we offer two, three and four bedroom homes. De- algned to take full advantage of the ocean and hill view. • Priced from $23,500 to $37, 500 Which is below today's reproduction costs. Call for Appointment to see ERNIE SMITH with W. E . FISHER Realtor -Associate 916 Coast Blvd. Phone Ha'rbor 2443 Builder -Realtor · Corona del Mar (Eves. Harbor 0379-R) BRAND NEW 2 BEDRM. HOME Under $1000 down Payment.I approx, $65 mo. Don't mia thia one! FOR LEASE to reliable experienced operator THE RED SNAPPER CAFE On Cout Highway. Full equipt. Tile Sink, Thermostat Controlled Heat Wood Floors throughout ' Large Picture Windowa · with built-in planters Cedar Shingle Roof For Sale by owner Phone Har. 3888 days Phone Har. 1520-J Eves. A. SANDY STEINER, Realtor $9500 Muriel M. Pinover Chas. B. Retmier 634 Coaat ru-y. Newport Beuh . Beacon 5157 2 BR-TV den, gar apt ----Thia 11 the "picture book" klnd. Large 3 Bedroom WellsBuilt House 50 ft. bualness frontage on Newport Blvd., New-. port Beach. Zone C 1. fl~,000 value -will be sold ' Now at $9,950 Exclusively by JOE CALLI. Call eve8., Har. 3838 WATER FRONT ISLAND HOME PLUS INCOME EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Home & Income Soft grey with white trim-red 1 brick ln front. Huge plate gla..ss window• -fiaptone fireplace, parquet tloora. Bright yellow In ,> 1pacloua cheery kitchen, tile galore. Barbecue . + -car sarare &lid roughed-in rm. with 1' t.th. WW eoaatder lot u part down paymenL ONLY $17:50 DOWN 3· Bdrm. Beauty WHY PAY RENT ! ? 1' -Ovm- er Ln MedJcal COrp11, muR leave and will cooperate with buyer 1 ma.k:lnC" It poalble to own thbs 1 lovely bome,. Soft colon, tlne taate and the beat appolnt- mmta throughout. Uv .. rm. hu ' a ••1wt.tr a••••• ta ., * * * SPARKY.ES WITH QUALI'l'Y * * * Design,' matedals, speclfteatlona and , workman •• ship ehallmge the moat critical home seeker. In '0?1'0!1& Bighl&nda, built on a alopiilg view ic\t 60 X 225 ft. 'n>e m&ID floor: at street' level con- aista of doable garace, entry hall with planting feature . and convenient Guest Ooeet, cheerful living room with l&J'ge brick fireplace, dining room hu beamed celling and attractive wall paper,. outatanding Electric Kitchen with tile features and solid natural finish ash cabinets. two bedroom, large linen closet and attractive tile bath, • Loweg level bu a guest bedroom and bath, spas ciou.s 19 X 27 Rwnpus room with bar and fire. place, opening through double Dutch doors onto terraced and fenced rear garden. Exterior is of redwood, stucco and brick; The in· terior needs' lots of adjectives to describe. Heavy random width pegged floors. Extra large cen· tral heating plant. Lots of closets and storage apace, Thia home is occupied by owner and can be shown by appointment only. FULL PRICE $27,500 -SOME TERMS Fred J. Crosier and Associates Realtors and lnsurors 406 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar -Har. 3571 BAYFRONT -BAY AVENUE EXCLUSIVE Four bedrooms and maid's room, 31.12 baths, Ex- cellent construction, hardwood floors, fireplace, i large patio. ' PIER AND SLIP $49,500 Unfurnished BAY & BEACH REALTY J, M. MILLER, Mgr, ,ED F'lTZPATRICK ' 1450 Balboa Blvd, GLODEN FAY DICK FAY Harbor 1264 CORONA DEL MAR New 3 bdrm. home, south of highway -2 baths- Hardwood floors -Fireplace -Dining Room - Forced Air Furnace -Many built-ins -$16,300 Full Price -Excellent Terms ·TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coast Highway, Cqrona de! Mer Harbor 2774 TWO OCEAN VIEW LOTS $12,750 EACH Finest location, 40' by 140', on Ocean Blvd., .com- manding an outstanding view of Ocean and Har- bor entrance. R·l one, level l<>ts with sandy loam, no asaessmenta. Moltp. No. 2632 RAY REALTY CO . 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Har 2288 WINTER OR YEARLY tum. 3 bdrm., tJJe ba~ fireplace, lher- mmtat heat. Garage, hardwood thruout.. Tile Kitch~ larce reh1s:erator. FLOYD'S ·Phil Sullivan Private l.andlnl'. beautiful ocean vlew. nearly new. 2 complete double apartment.a, plate .,glLS!I •enclosed Jounce, sun deck. tlag atone patio. Luxuriously fumlahed 3 bdrm. home plUs 1 bdrm. apt, 3~ baths. 3 d.reMlng rms. with ahO\ven. Garbage dl.sposal, diah- washer. Work shop area. Forced &Jr heat -Thermo controlled. Large partly enclosed patio. 1 ~ years old. One ot finest homes with lncome in Harbor area. Shown by appolntment only flrtplace and fHeze carpeta I------------------------ wall to wall Chamlng In every detall. G. I. loan $62 mo. APT., FURN. large llv. nn., 1 bdrm., thermostat, furnace, tiJe bath &-kitchen, garage. see 17~ Plaza del SUr, BAJ boa Frtday Saturday or Sunday 26p28 CLIFF HA VEN RENTALS Two Bdnn. A den. :P'um. Yearly rent.al ·-··-·······-······-----·--·····-•121 Three Bedroom, turnlWd. Year- ly rental .................................. $126 Phone Fred Barker, Bea. 5796 evenings Bea. 6939-J 26c28 OCEAN FRONT Wlnter Rental. Sept. 15 -June 15, 3 bdnn.s. $75 mo. 1205 E. Balboa Blvd., Bel boa. 26p28 Apt. for rent. Bal.boa Ial&nd 6cH 51-~ ' LUOOAGJ; trlr., all ateel body, • x. 6 feet, ,.reen, canvau cov- ered. Make.a good traVellng bed or dump truck. Two new tires, $125. 3~ IJdo Soud, Lido Isle. ca.ll Harbor 1803-M. 26c28 1951 VIJONQ 27 ft ., liXe new, all equipped, $2,075. Phone Bea. 6606-M be.tore 6 p .m. Tra.Her at 21st 4: Tustin, No. 7, Coeta Mesa, 23ctf FOR SALE Or trade---Elcar 1951' 26-ft. aJ.J-aluminum tralJer. Toil- eL and Mower. bland bed.· Slpa. 4. Box 274. BaJboa Island. 28c:SO Room tor Rent, Corooa dill Mar Phone Har. 2899-W before 10 a.m.1 ,57-o;.;..~8';;-':;=Ell=fl'::.;::te:;_;W,;..Ul=ted;;;;:;...._ 26c28 WANTED TUt wd ;fta"'**" ..... &-llcac. pUltlap. ......... ,, 1IP _.,.... ..... , .._ . ..., ' • -a o'z ,-ed la Ila x-r al,....,..,..__ • 'f st'11 "" ...... n .. Jiii.. ....... 1 ....... U ··s·i Jdia 11•i QR ...... a.. I ?.,, 1:9 Plt'I -. I • Geo, Everson BY OWNER THIS WEEK ONLY 3803 Marcus. Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 3282-J 1866 Newport Blvd., Costa :P..teaa (Across from Coat& Mesa Bank) Phone Beacon 7123 Eve1. Bea 814.9-W Bea. M~-J _________ c_2_ec_2_s 23"2~ LIDO ISLE New 3 bdrm., 1% balh, modem home. Forced air heat, fireplace birch kitchen. diaposal, many o t tier outstail)ding featurea. Vihere elR on Lido can you find a value like this: Priced $20,500 ALSO CHOICE large corner bldg. site, Udo Isle. • 1 PLUS ACRES, 3 In good Va- lencia Ortn.ges, 4 acre.a ln per· m&nent p&11ture, located In beautlf\Jl Oranre Park Acres, nr. Ora.nee. $18&0 per ac. trma... Call Carleton Smith with Ver- non L. Valentine, Realtor, 117 E . Chapman Ave., Orange. Ph. Oran&• 2172 :ZSc30 ------------· End of Seuon . Special Newport Heights $500 DOWN • BAY SHORES BUILD on BAY FRONT Vacant Lot YOUR own home, pier A: 1llp. On- ly bay front vacant lot avail. Exclusive BAY SHORES P. S.-We have 2 other f\ne buys comparable to the above. Let us slww you . . . · LINWOOD VICK, Realtor -Office 3911 -17th, Ooota -Beacon 15786, •fta. 8-•ooa IOS7-M See This Lovely Old Redwood House , . . . .,Of~ IJOV8,E, All Week · ' 916 OCEAN BLVD,, CORONA DEL MAR Unaurpaued view of ocean and Harbor entrance. Llvmg room 16' x 28'. 3 bedrms., 2 batlla, 35• " 125• corner lot, ocean front. View of Harbor entrance can. never be \)betruCted. Furnished or unfUrnished. Call Harbor 369 or see your local broker. NEW 3BDRM. HOMES REAI.I.y LOVELY Fireplace, double garage Hardwood flool"I. 1'9. Iota Ocean View, CIOl!e to Shopping & transportation $ll,950. on terma Peninsula Homes NEW 2 BDRM. dbl. gal'&glO. Fire- place. Thermo controlled heat. Garbage dl.spoeal. . A good '"Y at $13,500. Down pymL $3600. LOVELY OCEAN FRON'!: HOME S bdrm., 2 bath. Luge rwnpua room on lower noor with bl.r· becue unlL lde&l for enterta.ln· Ing. llarveloua view of chan- nel entrance from picture 11(1n- clow1o. Thie -be dupli- cated at lleted price Of '28,'ll50. • ' I ' I 1 • • • • .. • PA&E • Monday 0 :51 a. m_ 4.0 8 :08 a. m. ·7 :31 p.m. 6 :37 a.. m. 9 :21 p. m. 7 :05 a . m. 1.9 0.7 Sept. 8 12:36 p. ni. 5.7 TUeeday 2 :10 a. m. 3.3 ' 2.5 0.9 SepL 9 1 :22 p. m. 5.3 Wednesday 4 :41 a. m. 3.1 3.0 ~pt. 10 2 :30 p. IU. 5.0 0.8 Thursday 7:30 a.. m. 3.4 ll :02p.m. 9 :1~ L m . 3 .3 - Sept. 11 P'IJ<>lT QU.&BTEB . SepL 26 4 :03 p. m. Ft ILL MOON Oct. J 4.8 LAST QUARTl!R Sept. 10 NEW M00"1 Sept. 20 Fred llarenz I Wishon Gets Two Marlin Sails • • • • for every need Two martin ln one week, lhat Is 1 Frank Wl.8hon's Htory, and a hlgh- 1 ty plrasant story It ~.s. Frank, 33~ E . Bay Front, Balboa Island, went out SC'pl. 3 and hook ed up a 129- lb. fU!h with Nonn Begg as s k ip- iw.·r . Sail Laundry . \\'ednes<lay, he pulled a 116-lb. Mildew Proofing I n1arlln aboard with his wlr~ a..s s klpJH'r. Wife Dorothy, like the I old man In H em ingway's Ol'W Doak. had l o outwit a shari( :.~1at was 2055 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA I after the fish. She wu successful. ThC'ir son, J ohn. 7 l...i. was on t he 1 boal "'ilh th em. BEACON 801'7 I Re,.utu come rrom · con11tan1 Practice! An Ad regularly ln t.hUI 1 {IA.per will produce reault.8 for you. BE YOUR OWNS~/ llEW 30 n. U-DRIUES -A.'llD SAU:S Phone Beacon 5546 Tackle Bait 8 Scoop Bait Ta'!ks Don (not Doc) Charle 1%15 <X>AST m o m\'AV-S'EWPORT BEACH Fiberglass Your Boat -at - K 0 V. E R K R AF T 907 Coast Hi9hway -on the Bay Ph. Bea. 5406 U~Drive Cruisers. • • • • . . Nearest to the Ocean Live lelt Outboards ·--Launchl,.. • 5-11'-ll e Tackle I Jlariln OutboaH Moton Authorised Apat ELLIS BOAT RENTALS !BOS <lout lllghway Newport Beach Ph. Barbw !Slli .WINTER SPECIALS 17' FAIRLINER, RUNABOUT ........................ $ l'° MANDELLA UTILITY ···············-···-~--........ . !O' CHRIS CllAFf RUNABOUT ······--·····-····--· Z4' ENC. CRUISER, Sleeps 3 ..... T ................... . Z4' SPT. FISHER, Bait Tank ........... _ ............ ... Z6' GARWOOD CRUISER, T. S ........................ . llO' llUNTEB S • 8 Radio, Xlllt. ·········-·····--···-··· SZ' m. <lBUJSEB, Uke New ·--···'-············--····· M' 19'18 RICHARIJ60N, T. S.. Eztru ........... . 44' I8L4ND CUPP.ER, See This Oi1e KUT olllon -a11 o1uo -power .u oa11 DE.A•J:B.8 FOR :WEUN NON-SINKAIU CIUISDS -il'D-• • 1,750 z,260 3,350 Z,900 2,800 4,800 5,500 6,500 9,250 Tij~ -=~MOUS 18' LYJAAN ISLANDER DZ iloB ENSIGN r l ' • The grand sport of fi"1.lng con- tlnuou8ly hol<ls many new and colorful surprises in our local waters. A group of Lady An- glers reecnlly on board Trade Wind met with a memorable one. lnaamuch Q..!j the unpredictable albacort!: put on a disappearance a ct more than a \veck ugo, the gal& wl*!I;· corroborated v.·it h "Pappy Grahan1'.s (sk l p~rl spec- ulation that wc~d fi s ll 111i:; wo11ld beat a probable dr;y run for alba- core. lfo\\·f'\'Pr, thf' ff"rulnlnr an,;lrr11 hadn't anfl('lp1tl f'd thf\ plru. ... urr or hllllns: a. ll('h uol of bin{' f in tuna. -\Vhi<'h hap(M'nMI -off s horfl do\\'h around th" uld barn landmark. JI n-qnlrt'S a lot or lhJ;t'hUJfy lo 1H'M.11Ht.c1 f' R blu .. nn to take a Im.i i. Tl\'o of our m r mbf'r M (oftt•n 111 thr headllnr11) apra rc·nlly in t h l' know Mlf'~l'dt>d In hookln~ 111• -non.. othr r than f-'ranN'8 Pula"kl and Thrlma Brailford. Thelma e.ncnuntcred a 1L ttl1~ bad luck \\'h1·n her t11nA took a lnnJ! run and tang'lerl \'{llh ;•n nn('hor rope pro~1·t ,v or tht' Sl:1p-a-L<111 adjacent to T rade \\'1 nd:i !"lrr·n rtlsqualify1n~ her f1:-ih. \\'el~lung 16 lbs. 11 1:0: oz. 1''ran<'cs boated hers as a lf'git1n1nte. qualtf.y1ng a~· the first tuna in the rlub this sea30n.Wcight 10 lb.!i. l 1 oz. on 3 6 tac kle. With surging 1ntcrc~t. n1any of the mcn1bers art> tuk1nr; advan- tage of t he exc('11t1onul run of marlin and ~CV"ral h&VP taken their first marlin . An1vn& thoS<' are Lury No!'.lcnzn, Dorothea Kins- father and ~111.ri:-arct SOfl<'n. Ttlel'rE' girls \\'ere out \1/1lh blood in their eyes, apparently, s1 nt:e they \Ver~ using heav.\' tackle rendl'r1ng al- most surety in landing one. Aftt>r t"·o unsu1·rr:sMfnl hook· Up!I l~1K"k~· ;\"oow·n1.<' fl1'1hlng on board Dolfln II hookf"dup thf' third timP-l>f'lif'\'ln,l.l" In thr old Mlagr "lhP third lhnf"' 1:. thP charm." LU('Y brought h f' r l{OrK~ 8Jlf"f'ltnt•n In a fl1•r battling It ;,o . mlnutf'M. Our luf'cioufll prema.lurE>ly grey hairt'd ,i.ral Margaret Scwlrn t.Mrs. Glen I got her 1321 :: lb 111a rhn in In a hurry 29 ni in utc~ from lhe time It was hooked. Needless to sa.v, Glen, \Vho was !!!kippering their boat Chinook, was fit to be tied horsing her first marlin - we won't go Into that. But that lt11n't all. The r1 vi. was ao....,. hot aftl"r boating, the Sodens were forced t o rope It to the stern &nd --t" SO "KLll!'lli'KERS," Wf' dt>al only In • o u n d , Rn'tt"able muton. Thf')' art' f'.\:JH"rll)' l"f'COndJtioned In nur m\·n shop and are excellent. valuPS. IELIAILE T SERVICE ·v ~ ' TBOROUOIQ.1' TllAINED A l'AC!'ORY QUAJJFIED IJU:OJ1WNICl!I l!XPl':RT!I l'1JLl.Y -r:QUIJ'PED to 8ER\'m YOml TV ..... RADIO llJ:ltVKll!: ""'* Complete ~lne Radio Sin~· at1d h*talmtlons • U. 5, G0v..,.....11t Uce1sed Te1•1t1aM Cala llOW for senlce ~n·~..,.. • I NEWPORT IALIOA NEWS-TIMES -. • Jack Toon and Co n n i e W urdeman'n were the magic names in Sunday's PC-Rhodes rac!e t o Avalon sponsored by the Balboa Yacht Qub. Toon t ook the· George Strom trophy \\'\th a third and a fin1t . Like Wurden1annn, he commented that ll Wl:iM "n n1ost wondertul sail." Breezes or JO m . p. h. paced them both o n the tack over and · reach back. Lou eorree took lleC· on1! i.n Squaw, l!Uld 1'"rank Woods. third. Amon,c thf' Rhodf>_g, \\'uf"tko- mann took thf' Ruth Mryt>n tro11hy. Illa 1'11d8hlp \Vaa flnl a...r~ and fourth on the ~.) lnrn, beating Hill Klrch~r·11 llt'OD)'·f'flnny \\'h.lch took the flr8t on t hr return. Bob \\'hltf' '''""' third In White C&p. Marvelous weather marked the race. Bolh Catalina a.nd the n1ainland were visible at all I times. Al Avalon the boys had a gt'l together and songfe8t. Strat I Bnrigh~ of South Coast liked the j:farty so n1uch, he stared over a I few e'x tra days to relax. T oon I laid hi" triumph to his terrific r rev.·. Lloyd "S\\'ede" JohnlfOn. Bob Glea80n, and Mike Driskell. CALL IT L UCK , call It a&,)'thl.al', Mr&. Llly Cal.I bu three m&rlln altt.ady this ae:uon. ~ CaJl took her lat.mt 134-lbA., Sun- day. She la aho\\>'D \\'Ith l er first. flnt aJeo of tbe Newport Harbor Lady Angle ra. (Kent H itchcock Photo) 1'far1anne Pearcey's Rhodes wa.PJ second a cros.a, but had some rig· ging lroAt bles. She finushed the re.cc under pG\\'er. Coleman Leaves f o'r More Albacore " After Breakdown Off Guadalupe drag it for' 30 n1lnu(es before was ea.fl!! to carry on boa.rd. Refuge, Bill Coleman·s commer· cia.1 nshe r. leaves. t omorrow for Me~loan waters after another catch ot albacore. · Colema.n, who lives at 2020 Or· ange Ave., Coeta Mesa, ha.d en· gine trouble on hla last trip oft Guadalupe Jala.nd. He had about 5~ ton aboard when a. cylinder on his Caterpillar diesel canked out. Ao· .BIU put It, "The"' Juat 8.l"en't any machine 111 hop 11 around Guadalupe.•• He radioed tM company tD San Olecn. They n rw the part• and dwnptd tbem by panchute to bis -.. Coleman rlcred up a makeahJtt engine and powered hls way ba~k to t he Harbor. He l.s accompanied by Tom Beach and Mellon Bran- non of Costa Mesa. -' ' • • ~' ~ ~ tuEsoAy, ·sm. t, 1Jli. their marlin: Thunday -..! W . A . Elli.on. 104 %: ; Blrger A. Out.he, 128 % ; Heney Wrtcht. 11111; Ken Hill, 115 % ; Pl!ll Hedlund, U2 % . Friday-cbuelt H. Klnplond. Ul; Kno. H. S . Stark, 134%; D. R. H&Men, 1118; Rodpro Hall. 121; Harry H. Houee, 110; Mra. be added to the Flberglu abella for dlatrtbuUOil Ill the Eut and MlddJe Wa:L Hu& will conUnue to be made at the Coet& Mesa factory. Her· berta took over lbe Wlaard plant ln 1947. Dorothy Klnlfather, 113.,.;. Don ------------- B. Alderman., lf-4 ; Dave Flnk, 1"3. Saturday-Joe Ba.han, 166; Rosa Fullbright, 187; A T . Artna (2) 193%, U5%; Gil Wayne (2) 12611'. JU; Jane Groenendyke, 130; Ivan Ellmo.re. 17&; Burt Conon. 145; Don Coraon, 110; GeofT'! Rilter, 134; Bill Hughes. 11111; Harold WrPte, lM ; Mra. M.argaret Soden, 132; Dale L John.llOI\, 136: Guinn Lloyd, 130; Cl&rMoe White. 132; Ira H . Kent. 163; A. W . Mc· Donald, 154. Sundfly-John E. Robert.a, 129: Allen 0 . Huff, 120; E . Nott, 96; R. A. Ingram, 132; L. P . Barn· hart, 133; F1"ed Grant, 189; Don Ames, 170; Mn. P . Fred John- eon, 118; Ed Cleland, tZ7; Bill Pigg, 142, 137 % ; Peter Reid, 119; Mrs. Uly CaJI, 13ti.,t ; Kenneth L. Ball. 118; Jack Elll80ft, 188~; Charles Hopton. 1861'; Thoma.a A. Garey, 1.U: J'. D., Rlc.h&rdson , 115; Sheldon HartweU, is.t; Zen· as LeoRaro: 123: ForTeel Owen, 124 ; Harold Wooda. 126; George Pillsbury, 129; E . I... Launder. 134 ; Jack Bronte, 130; Don Boles, :Ill. Wizard I ells Expansion Plans A $60,000 expansion program ha.a been announced by Wtzard Boals, Inc. of Coeta Mesa, accord· Ing to CUrtls A. Herberta, pre.al· dent. · · H erberts staled the pl&nned Jn· creue ln taCllltie1 will enable the company · 00 more than double pro- duction &nd add new products to t he preeent line or Wizard boa.ls. Expanaion Includes the aqulsl· Uon of land valued at $40,000, leue improvement.a valued at $4,- 000. and a $18 ,000 inveilment in buildings and equipment. The com· pany pre.aident alao dlaclosed the organization la prelle!lt1y conaid· ering the e11ta.bU.hmen ot a "fin· ishlng v.nlt '' in the Qreat Lakes region where molds and trim will NIWPOIT WATU Tl;WP. .Luty-.rU.1 T1tlo,.... .. ARE YOU GOOD? ')'e're aot t.t.ert.eted la your morals, Mt an you .. -............ Tell ... the name of Ute Port On.nee hoa&. Ul!U had 1171 aJM.core llnce th 1t&rt of tile nm Jal7 11. 8be'1 a well·k:ao"'11 sport fhher with ' reputatioa for belDc one of U.e top t.oab )'Ml' In Md yeer out aay· wbere on the ceut. Sldpper ll • Mad10me chap and a lo-- cal mu wlloee tau.er werka wltll him ......_ be ~ .. to lla1I. Here a.re • couple m o r e klnt.a. Boat's aaane eonl&la1 aame word twice and tM aldpper'• name la famllb.r ta eveey ora.ltlloloctat. Brlal( the Port. O...,.,.e Pete ad o\·er to 011 with TOW eOrl"fd -· a\i\·er and we'll be ''err clad to pat JOU Ga fM 1lae1t Ujl lland you one of our excep- tlo9all)' ·-......... ._ ... Aaswer aen week! BOATS SAILING DAILY OYPSY MI!ISA.WIT AIALUNOA IA.M. IAM. 7&.llL MAY II. l:N A. Ill. .. 'dmlr•l-S~h1 t.c\1• W.d. S A. W. 81&CO• •••• • POR T ORAt.JGt FISHING HOLE. , L ,', • r;: .· ! ' • JUNIOR CHAMPION of U.,. !IA'-.......... Club,-P et.. Meotoo. hohh trophy pl"t.'M'flt..d by Anctts Potter a.ad Frank Sawyl!!r Sat- urd&l' a fte m oon at .S"'''port H&rbor Grun.mar ScbooL Heaton won . th!' troph,y f or ('alchJD( JO ,....netles of edible fta.h. Bill says he ran into some big onea O¥t th.e r~ -"Muat have weighed around .0.50-Ibs." He aid jthey were really two-men ti.sh, needing two men to he& ve them ~;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;._,, FREEZE yo·u1·~ · '" ._ NAVY DANGER A.REAS (New s-Times Photo) Harbor Frozen food lockers · ·,aboard the boat. Wins Junior Championship The Navy announced the follow- ing danger and firing area.a; San One of the biggest eve11ts of Newport Beach's Balboa Clemente. Pyramid Cove, Tues· Angling Club came to a thrilling climax Saturday after-day, I-10 p.m . Wednesday, 8 a.m. noon j t o noon. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 1 · . p.m. Pyramid Head -today The small fry crowned their 1952 fishing champions. through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10:30 A:bout 100 people, tbe fishermen, their parents, and p.m. \Astle Rock -today tttrough friends gathered at Newport Harbor Grammar School to Sunday, S a.m. to midnight . sec the trophy pre~ntation. la rgmt nsh among t™' f'.ntraitts. ~ 'Lovely trophys were given the ! first and 1SCCond place wlnnss in IO cla.aaiticatlons. Two boys. Ed·1, 7 YR8. 8AME LO<lATl()N New 10-P•"!""rr -Radio EqulPl"!'i 418 -80tb ST. NEWPORT BJCA<lll Thirty or the mru:t avid, excll· rd y oungst el-s you can lmaglnt> ,KoJ:gled wlde·eyf'<I at th!! lmpres- s1ve display of trophies on the stage. die Groenendyke Jr., Balboa ls -I p• • _ A-AT. ••y -"'NT, mer-.n,A land, and Bill Doner, Newport ' a.--...... -.,__, -..,..,, -"FUN ZOlfE IOAT CO. Beach. were double winners. Olh-I FO~ ,BE8ERV A'l'IONS PHONE BABBOR, 8 ers follow: Albacore-Terry Trim· 8POllTFl8RINO _ BOAT RENTAL& blr, .Corona del Mar, with a 27-lb. U-DBIVE CRUISERS I oz .. fish. J im McBride. Newport Beach. second with a 26·lb., 11 a., excaraloa eve"J' bi\or -He ~ 8all Olt the oz. longfin. '40 l'"r day .. n.J Qw-60c: U-Driv.. 115 a day • --- Yellowtall -Gary Martin, 14· leaff w1J, •tv late . aH oU: Bait &aab -I P'M'"C'flft -.w Boato oompl7 with Cr'o\\'DNI .Ju.n.lor cham&Hon '''llS Pf"t#' Mf'fiton, Balboa bland. "'ho rnuJbt l ~n \--arifo.tlf"e-of ed.I· blf" fl~. PPtf' "'88 ce-rtalnly hap-- py ,,·bf'n Prftldmt ~ Pot- lf-r and FMLDk Saw,yer ~t· f'd him wlttt the foot.,:hla'h tro~ phy. The champlon l8 the onr. "·ho tt&l•ten the &Tt:&te.t , ...... _ lety of flllh, not neceasartJy the lbs .. 3 oz: Eddie Groenend.yke, Jr., C 0 •• 111 .• '-"·no 6 a. m. to Ci p. m .; llourty rmttab -'6 per It.oar. ~~~~·~-~~.,..,~~ ... ~~~~~~~:.::::::=:=:::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::~ 13-lbs., 8 oz. Barracuda -Linnie -·- Allred and Dennb Handy, New· ANNOUNCEMENT! ' ~-· . .__ __ ~ . ' 7 ~&10 h.p. Mercury Motors J ready for delivery Foctory Authol\ized Mercury o~·tMer, Sales and Services Aho Ag111t for Glasspar Boats ' 12' -14' -15' -for fisllin9 and ~kiin9. FREE Roy R091ra plcturel ' for. the Kiddies DA VE H. SPIES port Beach, ti~ with 8-lb.. 14 .oz fish. White Sea Bua -Tony Vaughn, fO-lbe., 3-oz. Foreat G.1 SmJlh ill. Lido tale, 16-lb. Ba.es Eddie Groenerfdyke Jr., S.lba., 8- oz.; Mike· Walley, ~· ·1b8.,l·oz. Yf'I· lowfln Croaker -BUI Doner, Newi port Beach, 1·1b., 6-oz.; Marie Vari Pelt. Balboa. l·lb., 4--0Z. Spot!ln Croaker-Barbara Dike. ca.la Meaa. 8-lbe .• 3-<>0 ; Bill Don' ner. 3·lba. Hallbut -Antonnett~ ' Bfasottt, Monrovia, lf-lbe., 8-oz; Unnle Allred, La Habra, fi-lbs .. Z-o&. Mackerel -Bill Whither- apoon. 8&il Bernardino, ~lbe., 12-j oz.: Jim Llnd~an. Bslbo& Is- land. l ·lb., 14-oz. ' The 100.--t, open I" ev- ~one l.rom t to ti yean of 9P> ..... -"1 Bal Dike of Newport --OU.. ... ..... _ ol tile -- --I aa e o.-JU, ....... 8&WJW, Bert lllUo, -. °""' 1e w-d.:r: 1 Put 9f the mone)' for the t.roi phJ• ..... dooated "1 S.rt Kiili! Milli _....., atoo, tbe proceec1a a chUter putt, towardo the pb)'. Van Cllmpa donated a movl cm ta .flllblq. otber -for tbe party Ill cuded Von. de-CUipa (t:alce), Ill< -(lceo<r-). Oae. Cola. -. t11>--,. .. u•. 111c~llDIH llMlng ........ IPtl• .... -taclpej ...... .,_..by.._~~ ..... Ja'• Bq ·-.l1M$ll. ~ ::._••lb>• h'xt .... '9( ~ ._ ~• t 11, a.it -?IN 1. l 11 R .,; WMQ Cr ''"' t _,, ......... , .. -··•1•'1J ... .......... £ ...... _ ,..... .. .. .... ·. • • • , • Steer Your .Boat ., • -· '_ ~ For, <fompl~te M1r:ffte Servic;e ctARK· ··SWEET · For Yecht Sales, Charters, r .. and 'tnaurMc:e~. ·-, 900.3 lst St.,·:Niw;.ortti•ch • • ~rbof JOI ~ ..... ~~ ~ . • .. ' ·I I I