HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-11 - Newport Balboa Press• I • I · ~ '·· • • .. flt . 1o.s'q-, bJ.shec' I I · tallot1Dc · eatabll.d..aient acrom from a coun· ty dump't 0.Car did, up on New· · port Blvil. Juot after you pu1 Roger Wat.eon'• comer and before you come to the drive~ theater which didn't send me &11 &nnual pau lhla year. Of course, Oecar knew the dump wouldn't be there too long, and he · a l.a knew l~t the extenak>n of !lrlstol St. from Santa Ana event- ually will put hlm on an import- ant com~r. Sut he wasn't worry- -Ing abou.I that. He aald hlo cJlen- tele woukt eeek him out. and by goDy, they've done It. too. Folk• from i,e~rly Hilla and Hollywood are therQ_ almmt every day. You e&n aee Iota or ramoua folk get- ting th~lr new Sunday pants tbere, if ,you care to look in! REBE'N nmRE A. -"' Ille -rapidly dn<!olJlna' ar.: ot the callfomla llcutb eooeta1 1:mp1re • ' ~J Wk11 NII ....... C •• ••or Oas dn ' '"''" ·-., • • , .. 1N1'1 .. , HA'IO~ f 'JA . . . SECOND LAR6EST ~~·IN~ COUNTY ' ' • !mi FI -.. "" ..... ..... ..... i.,..u.i; --.. -...... _ --oilpfdrt ' I • ' j • . • r • I I I • I ! . • . ' • • a } • P ''= _...,. n.a.d.,. ai J<wpcant 'dt, C'la1t'•.._ .. om..,.... ~Plant at"·Jt11 -~.~---1l1t . -~--· -~ JS. utP. !It Ille _... -.... -"!fi l!Mcb, California, 1lader il>e Aa-at -I, lift. • llilf ._ ""1lwt ,.id oli<r>"·· ,la. tM !f-" -.&r. Ian 1' Waw& Bow ·C s a 'CJ 1" ors_,,, Ollm*7 • • / illDr o. UioniCJ[; a:;-.; Ni. .,..;;! JW911lt111". W"l'~.MJ!!I, .,.. .., ,,....,.... ""' ALS'l'ANDa,, ~· ~· Man .... .. •~o• .,.._, !UIWrOlt'r-8&1.llOA. nm ""'7 ftm.... ( b °'MP ~. ssa· JMll' ,_.: P.IO lb< -u.1 (fl.JS - • Pit) (41oo --Ille ~-llA·~· JrEWS.TDISll .. Ill? ..,) om.Ide ... _,, ....... -,_, • • ; . ' • • • • • • • • , ·Rexford · i: andt . to 'Address . 1-· C~u~!.Aet~ Mar. ..... .. .. Denw.,r 'Group · " Legio" A~iart :· Entertairied ·at , . Session stresses New Year Event I Reports and ~ns r . • -., .. aster Point inners From r •• ' . • ••• . • •• • _i·puss ~: ' . ~ Out of Town . . . . '. Itta. P•"7 .folu!-,ot. llul& ,-- Ana ...s Jira. a. & _.., Wbl~ M•thocr.u· Pastor u.,. ~ --Of ~l')llnta .,., - ple,Jlac\--W-111 SecUcm B. 't S k I !f..l w)>lle·~ J..,. w ,..,i ot G~ 0 pel 0.ft L.J e , • ' lbeme f0« 8111>.S.,.,' JU. S>Qpulv Oruge copnly artiat and · prooitnent Jn Sou~em California art clrCles will )e the weaker at tbe n~t mtttfnc ot the Orange County Art &uociaUon. to be lleld ,;,,,..,. lbe py New T_.. £i. Rpldln1 · \118 ilm.u.i.t -lb• !14'tiea In eo.ta )(--U. din-,.m.111l1cat10e teport st-"1 ner with wblcb Jira. r.u..., War-cM!nnU 111.vpht ~ ""°" ner and Jo Oendol of.tbe Denwu tbe Newport -Amuioall Le-cer.mica entertained their "'1-gloa Awdllary ~~ for lbe ploytt• U1d ternlllu. 'nte cn>UP ...,.Ular mee1ln4 Ko~ lll&bt wu .. ated at .a *foot .ta~ ae~ •Ith Ylce-p~t Alm& :ni.,mp- ln lbe kiln -WbeN eoi..tul -pl'ffldlntr. -• • decoratlona were -·by J-i>ll-Oel&ILI ·of lan>Wu aided andlln. ll'lo......., Parker.of Paa f 1..o.h· lj./ I • c1ena \tt.., wlnlten.ln s.etioll A In 0 ~ n .,!YT;.$ t1y f '4. ll the )(ut.:r Point open tournament • . 1 i . hUt in c0.t.a M'e:aa on Sunday af· 1 • ++_.K Br&lld Plucked frp~I ~e Luthe m. et ffowport ~ , 'Cbu~ torr Cllff brtw. · ' lne \Mello Gd loleey lqDa Dayia. by tbe Awdlla1'j end tbe type at After dlnn•<. • ~ "emceed -giftll .,,.,. contained In .. Thur.tay evenini;:,1 Jan. 11 at 8 p.m . In the, lecture hall . of 1 tbe Fullerton Public Ubrary. by Mr. Dendel -f'llJo)l<d. ~ report. Mr .. Brandt's wt,e, J.oan Irving Brandt. a r~ognlzed art:lat tn her own right. will vdhiblt1 her work aloog with that or her husband durtng the ln.onth-Jpng &how ln lhe lecture htllt. Mr. Brandt bu re- cently been honored votith one-man Mowa in Loe' Angeles and San Genld Davls.pve an ablbttion H-'tal ~an Wiima of emateur •leisbt or ' llaD4 per· ~urn.on """""'!Ced • -tns - rormance; Bobby Heckathorne and '.o be' held Tbu~. Jaa. "'18 at Cl&yton Fleener otter-ea aecOrdfon ~e Le.pan 1.bal(, at which t.lme &elections: Arlie Toulou.te en'ter-they wUl make ~'y ":EM: KU!· taihed,. wllh volcal aotoa; Anna and flee for the mnaf ln vcte ~ Betae)' Davfa with vocal duet.a and pita.le. Mn. Kuniaon uked Howard cutler w1UI accordion :Or volunteedi 'lo make c:ookiN numbers. Following the program for a tea party to be 'bekl at Lone Ed Hecltalbome C&lled tor aquart' 9eac.h -Veterana• boepltal Sunday, Diego. 1 da.ttlng. Jan. 21. Two n'ew memben and two prospective mttvbC!.n Were intro- duced a.a gudta. They were: Included among lhoee aharlng Art exblbitio:ts di11pJaylng the lbe evening'• plea.irures· Wf!'t"9 Mr. work of a dlffe re.nt artiat each and Kn. RaJ h n ecner d Chl1- month are .held ltlc. year arou d . P . tin in the lecture hall. They are open dr~, Robert, James and Cl~yton. to the public and may be eeen Mr. and Mra. Ed Hcckathot;ne, son daily except Sunday, 10 a .m. lo 8 Bobby and granddaughter Sandra, p.m. A.:. juried crramic exhibition Mr. and Mrs. Uojd L.obell, Mr. and 15 8Cheduled for the month of Feb. and entry blanks a.re available now Mfl-Walter Grohnerl. Mr. and to any Orange county reaident Mri. Gerald Davta and children. who' wlshea to submit sa.mple21 of Bet.aey,.Ann and Mary ~ynn. MW his. work. lnformatton may be ob-Laura Parker, Mrs. Nina Board-tain~I by contacting Mrs. RuSS<'ll ma.n, ~. an~ Mrs. Archie Os· c. Smith, exhibition chairman. tra.ndcr and son-in-law, Duke 7431 E . Artel'!ia. phone 2'426 : or Ramsey of San Diego; Mr. and J.fls.s Helen Grier, secretary, .315 Mrs. ~rank ·Mello 81\d, daughter, E Nutwood Place Fullerton. J oseph!ne, Mrs. Mellos par<'nls. ' ~ · Mr. and :P..frs. Eugene Bartlett and l:"i" SAN' FRANCISCO Mn. Arthur Best o( Corona del Mar has been in San Franci8Co over Chrtst.inas vlsitine her n1othcr and on he r return will join Mr. Best in · Yuma. her grandpa.rent.a, :P.fr. and Mrs~ Burgeas of MJchigan; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhotl{'S Ralph Selkirk and daughter, :P.tari- lyn. Mrs. Cele Diaift and son , Jul<'s Arlie T oulouse and Ro1my Quarry. Mmes. •Helen .~toclctcn, Francu Hann.a, Janet Sapden an~ Mildred Bonda. I A• the meeting c!<ieed, retreah- menta of chW, cheese 911d crack- ~rs. • and coffee WCN'J at."ed by hoeteuea KathlMn .Jenn.Inga, Vel- 'lra O'Trf'mba, And Eileen Inn.I. · ,Members atlerJdlng were: M.mu. Adrian Joyner, Jean Mukbam; Lydia Briggs, Geneva Bell Blanche Benz., Margaret Wtlaon, Julia · Eggert, Zenobia. Freet, Gladys Thompeon, Vlvla.n Halu, ~tarlon Noel. Bernice Opel. Wilma Murrison, A 'n1ai Thompao", Eva- lyn Rider and lhe h08teu<'a. READlNG E:LUB MEETS Mrs. DellA ,Wtlllam.s of Corona dt>l Mar W&.8 h08t'eu at the Janu- ary meeting of her reading club. • • MRS aad MRS. STANLEY A. YOUNG (Photo by Be<lmtr I Anita Coane and Stanley Young Repeat Vows at Island Church0 l...ovelletrt of brides wu dark-"'-------------- haired Anita Louise Coan e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thomas Coane. 108 Aip.le avenue Balboa Ialand. when aflc N"pealed vows on Sunday, Jan. 7 with Stanley A. Young. BOn of Mr. and Mrs. S . A,. Young of 142 Virginia Fuchsia . Expert to Address Ebell • Garden Secti.on Pince. Co~ta Mesa. Garden Section ot th.(' Ebell club Anita was given in keeping by wiU mt"t't Jan. 17 In thl' clul> bousr. her father ln a double ring ce~-~l!i W. Balboa Blvd .• Ballooa, at mon:v. pertoniied at tour o'clock 12 :30 for a sack W.nch followed by by Dr. Harry White in Balboa a bualnesa mM!ling .• t.ttnOOll. TW"eot4.wo tabt9-were 1JI ' w:lUi ~a twot ~ wtU be pi.,y. • y .of ~~lam at .....,.~ Puto< Nortb-SoUlb Winnen In 8ectloft a.un:h by ~ ~ tbla w~ Tl!"" Ilia le3t B · wen Mi• Pal Pall..-ancl, aormon Will lie bUed on ll1e ~ •f · N Your: hit.ti a. Bea:Nt T" ., ttll<rt Roth ...... ...._ ~ ~olui 1, fUl. '~- ,. <It tbe t:hurd.. w:111 • ~ Lauer ot Compton and in 8f!C. John WMiey, ~er ~f Method· ~ uon A M.ra. Donna Balley of s.,, Lim, end Wiil be followed the. eev· be • BemardtnO and Col. John Bnin-ond Sunday wilb "M'ethodlmn "'Id I ~--,11---~------ cata of ,Muroc were high ecorera. Today'• Worl~.1' ·. · 1 • I · Runncra-up Wt-we11(\rln aect.IOn Tbe sermon aerie& ii part ipf 1•. B were Mn:. Ii.my ,Kennedy and yeat'a atucty on the churdt 1fh1C,b Mrs. Carrie Saunders tytng with bepn lut Oct.Ober,..l'fitb a ~tudy ' Kn. W . A. Holl9ton and•.)Cra. ()a.. of the early ch.urcb continued ~ cle Crosland; Mn_ Vivian Bodman November with a allldy Of jPrp" and Mn. Mabel Boardman; Mr11. t..tantlam. and corrled tnto, Dj>- Amold Ga.ucr ·and Mn. Tom' Glll. cember with an ~phut. on °'' , .Runner1-up eut-west lo Section ecum.enk:&l., or world-!"i~e. chllrch. Jl wcte Mf. and Mrf. John DtXon; Eld6nl Bond and Douglas Graham; Mrs. ,Jean Haye. and Mrs. Anne Mitcbj::ll; Mra. Frank Toler and Mn. E. Thyg«<0n. Rwlners--up north-aouth ln Sec- tion B W('J"t'! J.lra. Bfrt Parker a.nd Al J&Cobs: Mrs. Roma Leber and Dr. M. Lauer; Chule• Jeate.r and A. Dt Welhcrb)'; · Mr. and Mn. Chartrs P'8.88ett. RW}ners-up north-south in aec- tton 1A. were· Mrs. Belly Coom}>, and f.D. G. Spellmf'ln; Marshall Mile and Bi'.I Hanpa; Mr. a.nd arry Schilling: Ray Still- d P. Crawley. Confirmation Classes i Start at St; James ' Confirmation cla.sM'a will start at St. Jamee EpiBcopal .church, lhoee: for Church achool., claaec• at 10 •. m . on Saturday and th()lfe for adults ' al 7 p. m. on Sunday 1!l t.he pariah house.' BU!.bop F . Eri~ Sl9y Will arl.n?in:ater the rite of confirmation at 4 p. m. on PaJP.1 Sunday, March 18. THE ARCHES • , C fl Hann.a A ~resses BPW on Local Defense CAFE and" COCKTAIL LQUNGE • Lo al defe nee waa 1JUbject when New rt Harbor Bwrtneu an d Prof ional Women's club met for. cir' regular meeting at the Park j. A venue Cafe January t . Ruth 1Wilmes, first vice president pre.si In the absence of Presi- dent 1 Ma.be! Fitzmorris who ls· because of an accident. OPEN 10 it... ~· Through 2 a.. m. • Newport Bl~. on Coaist High~·l:ly NEWPORT WE ABE CLOSED ON TllUIUSUAYS -am chairman SaUy Newlin lnt uced Carl Hanna. who is in char ot Civilian Defense In THE NEW New rt Harbor Area. Mr. Hanna gave a Ahort talk on what ts be· inK ne In utls area in the way· or cl Ulan ctefe.n~. G st.s introduced were Margo . Pat Kendall and Helen HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN .. . , Island Community M e\l hod I• l Thf' program wtll begin ftl 2:00 church. Her bridal robe WLI af. p. Jn . wtlh Mr. Leo IAc of lhf' L<-c white net and lace ov"r satiQ a.nd Fuchsia Gardena of Costa Ml'tlB her veil was h eld wttll a lace cap. u cucat speaker. Mr. Lee hu ~e · Phalaenopsla ore.hide. feathered of the largest collection or tuch- camaUona and 'alephanollll ac· atu tn Oran~ county and ts ccnted with 'sliver P'W.ncb t.rico-well quaUned to speak oq the val"- Une. made a bea,ut.JM boU4ueL tou. problem.. contronUng lbe lew of all minutes of pre- meeltngs pt the year were by 11e<:ret.ary June Quarles, p<tr\.e . by varloua committee m.uj!n<1n given. next meet~ will be a dln-- teetlng at the Balboa Yacht with Don BlandJ.nc as •peak- I• wlll be e cueol nlpt '• • ; ' '.f OU Can PIGy . · ich 'O"JClft Toiles at Once .INSURED J SAVINGS .. .. CUIUNT WHINGS Per Annum • b .. ,Gib . _~...-~'I '" • MlM Pattt H"yl"ff, brldeamatd., amateur f'Uchsla grower. wu lnJ>lum taffeta. Her Utile cap Mr. Lff waa an Ol'C9.nlter of the wu ot. whJi., •tin .net abe car-C&Jflol'ft.la J'Uchlta eoetety and rted te!tbered ptnlt carnatlona and holde ..n office ln lbat orcan.tu.- meluthcra heat.her. Ji.tary Cof.be, Uon. 'nlla la an open meeting and alatcr '.of th,,' bride, WU ficAvtr anyone lntere.st.ed in lhe growing girl In a white fro<"k wtth pink of t\.lchalu la welcome to attend. orga.ndy pi nafort'. Donald Knipp served a.s best man. Mrs. Ooane. nlother of the bride. waa ln cocoa brown crepe with cor- b&J;e of yellov.• rosca ond red f ea- lher8d carnations. Mrs. Young chose a slml1ar <.'brxage to comple- 1nent her gray crepe. • 1,-y a.ht! Jo"lo\\'Pon Wyoming Guests at Stull Home usb&:nds 'a.nd friend.a tnvtted. ~rvatlona must be than !tfonday night, ~. istian Healing ference Starts in . no Janu- ar c;::a sa , B. I. Epi3C<>pal Diocese of Los es will Bponsor a · conferen~ on ristian healing st Mar Casa. Bal !~land, JanUP.ry lt·lt>--16. • r· WITUOUT KNOWING A SINGLE NQU: OF ftlU81C Come H~ And Tr7 .,_!,. wonderful Ne'Y Orp..a Younelt ' QANZ -SCHMIDT· P1ANO ·CO. 520 No. Main, Cor. of 6th SANTA ANA Phone Kl. 2·5140 MagnolJ a branchf'a sprayed with sllYer and garlande of variegated ivy caught with pompon chryaan- tht>:mums dN-orat('(f the .church lo· gethcr with chry8&nthe.muma, sweet peaa and gladlohu. Before the ceremony candle• were light• eel by M iu Mary Abl\e Monuon. She later sang Thru the Yean, and the Lord'e Prayer . Mn. Rob-- ert Ibbot8on accompanied and played the wedding march. Vlattor• at the Wllllan1 Stull ho"1e, 1540 Santa Ana Ave., C'OBta Men. are his brother and wire,· Mr. and Mr8. Ha.rry Stull of Vet· e.ran, Wyo. They were accompa n- ted by their daughter and family Mr. and Mr•. Edward Haynes and aona, Dana and S~vie. Any nt> lntcre1tcd ln attending r may contact the Rt'v. Paul Moore Whe ter, rectot of the local church. l -------.....::•_.· _ _.._ _____________ .,. Al'!SilUng at the recepUon ht-Id at the church. we re Mrs. T . R . Ha~r. Mrs. P<"rcy F . Ba.Ines and Mr&, Clt'm Chrh1tie. Miss Joycr I Purcell ........a in charge of the guest book .. The bridal bouquet _ wu caught by both Cat CTa1g and the bridesmaid. P"ttl Haytw. The young couple are honey- mooning at Desert Rot Springe:. Both attendesl Ncwrort lla.rbor Hlgb school and Orange Coaat col· lege. Mr. Young ls With lbe 40th 0iVJ.1on at Camp ~ookf!. New Gallant Soll Completes T earn . . The.re wUI be no nffd to call ln neighbor c~ll<lrell when Ute Rex Albr!irbt an<1 J..,~b Oella,llt fami· Uea oC CUit Haven a.re 1"e&d.1' to play buket ball In a r-_... for the G.......,t team WM oontplet· ed INl woelt wben Ml'L G&llui tllonna 8W>1•1l eve blrtll ..0 ber fifth .On. , ------ CO BINED REPORT OF ·CONDITIQ.N Of the Ne Harbor lank, located at C .... del ~r, California , as of the close o' business on the 30th clayD.Cembet, 1950 ' ASS ((uh, balances with other ban · Pn>llllM of collection ............. . U. S. Government obUgatlons, d State, county, municipal and sch Loans and dhicounts (Includes Buk p reml!Jes, fumiture, flxtu Other UAets ............................... .. and C&8b items in < .t. ii,;;.i 'iliii;;· ~;:a;;~: I dist rict obUgatlons ..... . S.S4 O\'erdralta) ........... . and equipment ............. . . Total Allseta ..... , ........... ,. ...... ·····-·-···································- LIABILIT <Jolmnel'ePI deposlta-demand ................................................ . CpmmerBal deposit&--tlme ............... ·······················-····-········-· Sa~ deposits _.;_ ................... ·········-·········-················-·'···· ~ta~ ~n:: :'!lcl;!jl ~= .'.1""""1~.:::=::::::::::::::::: ~"'es for buflll,. lntue&t, et aecrued but unpllld -······· Otller llablllUes -·-·-····-·-····--·-·· -···--·····-······-·-········-····-···· I • . COMlltERCIAL $312,660.60 824,608.86 ISJ.,737.23 422;718.64 22,li7.36. 22.50 $1,718,894.69 . ' $1,523,!195.74 ~000.00 • SAYINGS I $69,281.29 95,1119.55 879,242.00 S1!43,M2.84 \ ·1 85,000.00 1· I Total Llabllltlell ··-······-········· '-·-··-········-·············--··--:.. $1,605,866.10 .,18,8{2.84 OAPITAL AOOoUNTS · . COMBINED $381,941.89 '919,~7.91 1Sl,7S7:2S 801,960.&l 22,147.36 22.50 $2,257,737.:0S $1,5~,li95.14 5,000.00 . ~· SQJl78.16 120,000.00' == d ta: · · . I . , • • 1 stock .................. 700 shares, Par $100.00 .. -... -... '45,080.oo · $25.000.ll:l $70,000JIO =-=r&;:r~~ ~-··: __ ·. -=_::· .. ~:::~~:~::=.:. _:~~---=·_· .. =~ .nE . -loc.i.~ •. 55 · . • 1--~-=-i-----·1·---~'-'----'-~ < -. • 1 -~-~-~ •• oJA .... -"* ........ "' ,~ .. " • ' .........--:... . .,,,,. ... The Gallant and Alllrigbt bom• a.re back to b&ck &nd t.bl eoualnl !Kn. Afbr1Pl .LI the I fbrmer l!lu\yft lll&Jlloy) llan the \'WI of bOth y.,.sa. Wllil the Albdjj;~t • ~ lndUdoo four glrll.. u..y . b&ye the &jl'fllllte,-• u lo .. end. -. ni. __ ant..i mu• • To&al J.lablllties ' and Capital AccolUllB ... -.... ----'··----·---· -,~,7~•.;. !f3;~.84 ' , fi,!57,:'17~ . '-. . .,. .. •11111•••. ... -• ' •' i-paqclcbllil...,. r... t 11 o a• ,.,...,... ot ,.....i-u, .... bl}'lll&ll -Kn. Earl StaoleJ • I • • 1 .I ·I I I L I • • • . ' - • • Sund•y .. Services NEWfo1!'.!!.Y f08!-W•' t•il'tl• ' et l.uth•r'n Churdi NEW.S-AJ11""'" -ll•W· Tt111fQ · 9Ulli!a7 ocbool w at 9:acr .-ith NEWPORT-BAi.BO~ Pam~ ftarllda- I ' J ' -' • • • • ' I f ~' ·1 . • I .ti-.= ..... ..__ .. ···-~---·~ • . . - J -•----w--,. _ _,.,,. " IJRJt .. .., a•r•o · "LD.• r •• •._•AD ... WirUL I po. •l'IJ""' lot, ";"AU. ¥0TO-R l(l(IC>lM-~ o;:;;t;:!;J:: la ~m ;;:;;;;;. aa's _, 1!:,\o ....... ,.!::, •:i,.:: , ~-;,.. "":.~ ~ .. ,_rwt • , • ._ • i f: C •:.-:-., ~re~ ,: ~ ~ -Har"rr.-6 • -!'111~.:1?!" ~-. -~--= x\{~r;;M .. 81 DP4o CJoCa , .... ..,.. ... -.1.. .... ..... _____ ,.. • ...,.. • ) ·---~-j f ....... ODota 111-. ' ~ ' ~ ... "' . - t · -ill . 6 .>-: ~ Mm. • I ~I .tlltfc NICll 1 ~ nn lup lhllllC -Vl:L Pl.~. eu.Jt. Tt JI BA.W _..!Arp 10'"-'ti'• PLUI08 tNm ...i. .._. -.... f< llliii!ltJ ,_'.111!• Do -· 11'111; ,.._ Harbor -•-r <Olbplele • ...w. ..-.,,-...,.... • w1111. ·•'"' cC-•111....,1114illl 'lllJ .. -at I~ nllaca, Lido 1uae1paf!!IL wrn -fw NII pta}'llla '--.. · MS. - -'ltd • .--.. ,Iola. • -Which \o•W. -.)lall-tlle COJt, ilCIDIJln', ... Ho. Mala, 8anta ~ l7C,, eor-de! 11u' d• ..... f•r all ape 1n. •N"fPOf't #- Harbor L\lthenn •.clluttb. Al thllo ' •. ••••& ....... 0 '1llNI .U. - -la .. ,T' ' I .me bO\lr Rl!v. Huf)tTt Roth.con.. • ••• r 7 -.. 117 hi .... ®<to the odUJ.t Bible ~ \ I .larnoOii .ao • • ...... ptWnt the lllldy'la.on the .&110. ,.._. ... _ .. _.. .. ~ .... , ... 11 11• • Llkel ,11111"(. Barbor IOM or Bar-Ana. C!Ot'. ltb.. · f 1 1 , • .. ..... FntEPLACEr WOOD "-no-w ~-, eepea WAHTED: If ~ ~ ._,_........_ . · • '. • ·, ~ J!OUI" ·old· piano ·a. · ruauuanmu ,_,., aw •• 6-'llL ~ 1'--rt BITd.. Ooota 111-n-W.t.M 0 ~ 'M.. · llplnet or i •lltlll · -· .. -. .uoa rro"or 1 , •• COii &UOz1. • • ~ • .,. ~ -•II'•~•>& . &Dd _, reatUt, PO a '40-.. point. In the' lite-of Cllrlol. Al the .-- 11 o'c:lock. mornJna-•Ohhtp -' I hK 1 Plj• f ,,I ftev. llotb bu choeen for Ille I' lh11 I lllfaa U. . theme of Illa ..,,,,on, •ia -Your ' lb• . · 1. ..... , 1AO · · ~~1·::,:;· taken from John ::rC";': =~~-::::-.:=.:-a~lll8M1!,'"211t11"'1", The Bal\ ODd Cltaln club wUl ""1 and oil ldl aod to Nject ~ eltullllLIICd --m!U to met!l l'rlday· al ·T:30 at the borne NIM and ~ Adtell•-.,.S ·•·..U.-. ..ur bo of Mr. Ol1d Rn. Bernard tiler• ~ Qp to I p.m. OD the W ~ ..... --. ft. Bar. 1111 man, 532 Fttnerton Ave., Newport no.. Bar'"l llll, Mirr. • .._.~• ........ I 'l' RC. Helpu. All memberw of the 1 li&WINMT U-ft!WABCMO 00. church are Invited to attend and till 'lllDD 11 ....... lrfw ..... am ... ,~~ enjoy llD evening of feJlowa.blp and --~-T"-----------~--------­plHaure. I -------'-'-----WA.HT TO Bt1T ~I 11 pc& ~ 00,,, iOoo.eout Rwy. lfoapwt-. Telev:iaion..a--.ace .-ueed comipted -1ron -1t11. 11111 No. ..,,ca · ""' ,;;,a.-y~ lot rooflnf. Sar. 1020zw. lltft Au.., • J's UTnlOHT Rlllft'Al.,. ·1 ......_ RAD10 a~ AIRS ~*.PO• M•JC JA.NtlA.JIY °™a. jsAI.111 , to ~lllkll. '" --· LA11J ... • • Unid Wam · Knabe CINDd. ~ ~· I iBD 1 lmb ~ - , • 'Nohalc!eDJ · ~ , . trlof Grand. Saw feO!I to . .-00, n-, ' . MDA 11.U>lO 6 'J'l:UMBtOH ttan FQJ'nlture KbaW Grand., v-. 1114f1 l.nd Gll;l:llHLLU' • ATPOC. , tOl ._..,,'o. IL-. llOl.J In tile Pbllllplw and Clark: WOIMl&r ~ llobmer aqs Hewpait lllTd.. Bar. 1111 . llOtf• In our own -k lbopa. ·Grand, only '3811. 'hrllia. bM-Z.. . ----.,.,,------· Wide ebolot ot fabr!OL SCHJaD1' BIG PLUlO SroR&, M5-2 ~ ~· 8-lts CLEAR.AN·. CE on .LarsMt diOplaJ' ID .so. C&llt. 6JO Na,. Malft, <otner •lhl l!anta wuhJnl macblne, -~ Rdlntohln1 and ReupbolaterlDC Ana. ·• ' · 1 ator: · • Weet OceeA ........, .Used· Refrigerators HOUSE & GARDEN JANVAAY CJ.m.A.RANQI: ~ ~~'.!.~~acb.· Pl>ane ~ . . ~ : Dr. Dora Purchard tQ Speak Monday ' Tbe Cherub choir" _?ill meet Sat· Ul'd&)' at I :30 at ~e_ cburcb and the Junior .choir tirtJJ meet the a.me day at IO. IMt&llation of all church ottlcen WW be n\adt durln• the D!-'omin&' worship bour, Sunday, Jan. 14. The Luther League will meet Sunday at 8:30 at the churcJ;I for th~ flrat meeUng of the New Year. Alcohollca Allon_ymo111 Wl1to P. 0 . -UT llalboa Illand, Callt. -Kimberl)' a-6111 All are In. goQd condition ... AppUan• are pttJ!lt acarce and wUJ 1900n be even harder to find. 511 CoUt HW)'. N..-pt., Bea. Im Spin ... ODd, Grando. ~-i --------.---Rental reblrna, :5~~;1UNFURNI8HID> I.RM. APT., Ip. Jack's Furniture wouaond•m~u.barplno.D•M~ fam· llvlnr nn., bdrm., ltltd>en, ....u.. --·~ Panel r&)' heat, ~ llllld 1,501 Balboa Blvd.,; NeWport Bch. BIG PIANO STORIE. ~00 planoo •love fllmlallM. #IT B~ ' Bed.a, matt.ttuel1 chelU, atovea, to cboole from, UO Nol Ma1n. Corona del Kar. Pboa• ~ Tbe .econd lecture. of Ule Par- onto' l'orum, apob.IOred &y New, port Barbor and Coat& Me• Par, ent•Ttteber .laeoctation wtll be stve:a in the recreatlon room of Harbor High school at 7:SO on Monday evening, Jan. 16. Dr. I)ora 'Pul'dlafd'e subject will be '!tl'heF· apy tor the Cr.ucial Agea'1 (UJider- standing the Adole.acent). Island Church Sunday Service Grape Poirier W1.H aJ.ng "My S&vtour and My Lord'' <Dudley Buck) i.ccompa.nled by Ealelle Brown Mlll• Sunday morninl', and . the topic of Dr. Harry WhJ.te 'a ·-.noon will be "The Lltt. With a Purpoee." Dora Purchard., Ph. D . ta a con- eulting psychologiat and at ptteent t. teaching 1111d lecturlnc-in the Pasadena. achd.ola. She la a former ' . faculty member of Pennaylvanta Beach Lease College for Women, Goucher col-1 lege, UnlveraJJy of Pittaburgb and (CoattaUl'd from Pal'e 1) Denver unlvenlty. a new contra.ct wtth the joint out-~rn in S'fitzerland, Dr. Pur-fall .eewer district. Current con- cb&rd came to the United St&tea tract will expire! ln September. Clusifled Index 10 ....,,,. a... ll Balldla1 Haitrrtale u a-•ld••• \ 8en1oel l,_ 15!1MnYouO.. II~ IT-.. ~ 11 _.,.Aldo 1t vp11o-.... to H-Afal it I.at ... -u-~·­!88tt_w ...... H Help Waated IO Sale. lf'Ms9"?1 & .. A 9wajle 11 Wanted '° 111"1 n ll'm:nltme for llAlo ft,A Allttt- ' ·WANTED-Dlanetlc Cc>-Aiidllor. AddrellJ P . 0 . Box 7S4 , Bal- C&llt. Mp PHOTO TINT Have,, your f&voritt pbotopaph band tinted. Wrlte name and . a-on baclt or photo. Alo\> natural colortns. Price 11.&0 e .. SEND TO SANDRA 2000 JC. Ocean Fnnt Balboa • Sllc71 MOTHERS NOTICE: I.At t11 be your' baby sitters ever)' Saturday ftom' 2 to 0 _p .. m. Special Kiddle Show PORT THEATRE CORONA D!':L MAR - "--·el .,.. refria. 5 ell. refrtgtr&lora, etc. corner 8th, Baata Arla. • 2fl8flzW. 14~ .,_,,. •-• Unflnlahed ll'urnlture. ' -ft; In very nice COD• BUY, SELL or TRADE SPICCLU. BUY WHIIlE I THEY ditlon .. ~ .. ·--·--.... $74.95 Pllone Harbor :IS-02-R .LAST! N<>W 120 "':JBonellt Frigidaire, 5 CU. ft.. ..• 89.95 ffc78 It&llan acconllona cue, Frilid4ire, 6 CU. ft.. .... 94.!IO BA.MBOO RA'ITAN BBOPI . $189.85. Terms, $18.85, &:jwn ~~ Ice Box, looka like Complete line. tactory,toz,.,... $10.M per mo. at SILU'Illll'I electric retrigerator 14..95 Open 12,9 dally a Bun. Bank KUBIC oo. !Since 19071] 421 N. ' -2'18 Ocean A.Ya. LJslma Sycamore, Sallta A.LL Jnmber- < ALSO Beach. tte ly 2,()572. 55Uc Wblrldry portz ~ • le waabtt -........... 39.95 IO COUCH, poker table, • -.· . GOOD VPRJGBT '"• "~ ft-om Elec. water beater a BAR, folding steel chalra, maple rock· $M. Terma u connnl I aa '6 GAIN t ' e.r, maple coffee table and misc. mo. at ~·1 KV.-ic CO . · ~ Begonia, Corona ,del Mar. (Blnc:e lllOT) 421 N. llnamore, Harbor 72'7-J. 85c67 l!anta Ana. Kl. 2-05'!1. I ·«Uc. Have a few good TVs-, JUST TRADED IN! DA VIS· BROWN CO. 1886 Harbor Blvd. COila M- Beacon 6821 W!f; l>uy, sell or trade. Call us and save money. Crawley's Used Furniture· W A'NTB:o-Unlllrnlabed 2' beclrm. houae' at reuonable ·~ rent· al. CDM or Newp0rt~Hels!>IL Call llarltor .lill·R. Ulfo IN .NltWPORT, .cloM to OCMI\'!. I bedrm. ~ tunll8hed hoUle, p.raae. Water Ol1d Pa paid.• SIMI 'lll<i. Pb. Saloon ... T'IL · •leltic YEARLY RlllNTAL, ~-IOW. Beautit'Ul ~new 1 bdtm. Ullb.mL. apt. l'lreplace. Guqe. $IO mb. 200 Via A.AW-, Lido laile. Jlt.r- Bor 2193,J. (A.polo, note). -NICELY l'URNISHICD 1 ~ upper "ri"' apt. Year a.l'Q.WWl rental, $TO mo.. lnclud. utll. AJ>z ply no Dahlia, eo-. del Ma.. ffpla . . KlTCHlllNE'ITE AFT. fUmlahed $25 mo.· J'um••ea~ 2 bdrm. ·apt. $51 mo, · 1 bedrooin flmL apt, • ln 192'3, m&rrl.ed and in 192~ be-(2) Inatructed the city mgineer came &n A'fer1can citlz:en, and to prepare apecific&Uou tor the •tarted ~ her family here. remodellns at the Chamber of She •peak.I five languagu and ber Commerce ahip office and to make chief diversions a.re art and mu.Jc. arrangement. for the placing of Academically , DT. P u r c bard the ab.Ip on land next to the Udo IS -8a ..... NH--as 1>0p, a.u. Peta U POQIUy, -l'I u..- FROM THIS DATE fo...ard, I wtll not be re11pon.11ble· for any debt.a other than my own. Doroth_y Ptelter. EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER W1l l'ILL BUT A.NJ: ....S 2366 New't Blvd Costa Mesa Phone Beacm\ Ml 4.zJ / WHITE Table Top Ou Range $35. '37.60-mo. ConV<nldt locatloll. Utll. Incl. 1629 W. Balboa Bl¥d.. daye. Harbor 11711-R. '1p72H ~ • brinp to the lecture · plaUorm a Wharl. trUly Univi!ru.l educational back· (3) Awarded · a CQntract to ground. It include. Johna Hopkin.I American Pf'pe and Conatructlon unJveraity, Univertlty of PltU. Co. to turn.Jab the city with &000 burg, Unlventty , of Callfom1&., feet of 24·1nch concrete water pipe University of Berlin, the Sorbonne tor $38,600. Pipe wtll replace a 'of Pa.rla and the Women's collese wooden 1tave ilDe that nms from of Zurich. the city reHrVOir an Monrovia St. In addition there have been to the north-we1t ramp of the! valuable yeara ln clinical reae&reh Archea. ln hospital.a, work with Dr. Paul (4) Approved the purchaae trom Popence, director of American In-Johne-Manvtlle Co. of 1200 feet of •titute of Family RelationJ: Or. 6-lncb cement ubeatoe plpe at a Bruno Klopfer, profeMOr of psy-cost of $1~944 to~ uaed a.lonl' Old cbologyat tl'te Univenlty of C.li-County Rd. in Newport Bclpta. fomla at Loe Angelea and many (5 ) Approved purch&M of a new othen. &eWer pump from hJrba.nb Morse Her one aim in Ute la to help as Co. (or S983.lt5. It wtll replace old many people u possible to use pump in aervtce 20 yean at Piaua their own l'ood minds to under-Udo and Via Genoa on Lldo IaJe. 18 Special AAaOllllCe' 7$ f.O ._,...._ Opportnltte U Wutecl '°Beal UA--loudH-«-for._I '58-t, llll'O"hn UM ... ---,, TrDcb '3 A.alomobOoo, ""- U Aaloo W .. .,,. llO Au .. 9onlco Gl Tnllon GI .u.plaaeo MM_,-'°I.- ff Mon.,-W .. ted . , _r.._"_ ... aaanoc'11s,~ ·----•• Beal Ea'"9 ltuhnnp a--.. z.tet" Rug and Uphol&tery Cleaning and Dyeing WE apeclallu In cleantns Rup and Upbol.t.ery otlly. Done 1n your own home or ln our plant uainc the: tamoua Rlld syfl.em. RUGS DYED LET us maJte your old nap and tumlture look like' new with bright, new colon. Work guar. FREE ESTDU. TES, Pb.' BeL 6108 HANLEA'S 2039 Harbor Blvd. Coal& M ... 23c2fB 18 SRA•'& YOtJB CA&• PROPANBI TA.Nia! Complete lmtallatlon, rep.air and oonlce of oil · Trallar &qulpment. Bennan IC. Sa.muel ICllla ll. Porte; ORANGE <::OAS~ TRAILER . SUPPLY 1910 JlAJUIOR BLVD. COila M .... Phone BMcon UN-R attc G. E . REFRIGERA. TOR, 8 cu. ft., late model. Excellent condition. flrM>. AutomaUc Bendis. wuher, Uk• new, $90. Ph. Bar. 2370.W . ' . ' . 64- Sewing Machines , Ou beaten, ~ each; chet1t, $3; Mattreues, ~-Beacon 6040, days. 60c87 FOUR CHAIRS 6: cocktail' table. 3 b&r itl:ttb. Ruatlc flnl.ah, eutt- able for patio or lanai. Green phone desk. Harbor 17~. ~1 ON SALE Saturday and Sunday- 7 ft. Servel, Apt.. •lze p.t fSJll'e. 2 studio divans and miec. tu.mJ. ture. 6011 Sea.shore Drive, New- port Beach. ~ EXQUISITE modem c u a to m !Chtnue for 11"(. rm and din rm. lkodern blond oak bdl'IJI •t. tn .. cludff knee h<ilf deal<. Phlleo deep tree:ze, ~% cu. n.. like new, $125. Harbor 3149 .. J, ~et. -- I . CHOICE Y1Ul. ROUNI? · J'UJl.z NISHED 2·bedroom ¥m• on Bal-p~ '$100 """' Bay & Beach R,ealty Ethel Shirley ' Gloden F&y 1460 Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 1284 62c6! UNFURN18HED. 3 Im.( ltou.oe, cloae ln. Cbeap rent. 121 Bro&d--y. Coal& ){-- ON BALBOA. ISLAND OHARM'ING ROOM for JOW\I lady -·employed. Share bath. ~ '211 mo. Pb. Har-_ 2&f 7 .J. __ _ NICI: L.UlGE FRONT ROOM' 6 t kitchen,. P:7.60 mo., ltnena and Utllttlea i'urnlalled. 2 ·people. ' . / WORKDfO men'• home. Rooms(" $7 per week. Gu heaters - rooni. Goq4 -123 28tb 8t., Newport ll<acb. 'll~ BALBOA PICNJNSULlt'-'Beautl, tully tumtahed, 2 l>Odhn. •!!t· Su.ndeclc. ~-Wlnter or yeatly. Reuonable, l"'Tn• Har· ~A~ BOKIC8 bor 0012·W. . I 11~ ;.;.· ------.------LIDO IST :I.! . RE.ST HA VEN ·~ !'Onolonen ..,.-.-., .. It 1"" """l a nml&J .., LIDO · ISLlll -UL Snerai toYely ).6% Caln1llo, Cool& 11(.- atand and a~preclate the complex.I-(8) Approved the application of ll--BU&INE8S OUIDZ YOUNG LADY @mployed,. want.a tranaportatlon to t..c. A.pselea. Mondt.y thru Friday. P¥ne Harbor 0883·J. Met? tiea ot llvlng1 and to eo adjust their the trlephone company to lower mental proc:essrs that they can three cables which are exJ)O&ed gtve, receive and ~e happlneam. and dangerous at Bay Front and and alao to undentand reverse! or 8th St. eorrow. She hu been singularly (7) Gave city manarer permis- auccessh.11 ta her work with cfill· a1on to purchase new tire• tor the dren directly and through ' their city fire truck.a from the lowest COMPLE'?'ll HOU811 CLBA.NING H-LOsT AND FOUND -· -&Dd '""P 1.:;;.-----~----8hampoo9d. l"ree esttm•tee· LOST-Brown box'er, female, 2 runy tnl'Und. yrs. old. Had on choke.r cbatn NEW KA.JESTIC portable HW- tng machine, $89.60, terms $12.20 down,· $7 .25 per nionth. ' and Refrigerators NlllW : I . 8 "cu. ft. ·················-·····-····$189.60 •I> cu. rt ........................... $169.60 UBED: aplL Alao bomeo a~le. . Bett7 Lneberg Bea. 6Tl1·W 1 ' • esct8& P. A. ·PALMER --......,,.,~--- 'HOME SOLD , INOOl\PORA.TED '~ MlllO&UANJIX>Uli MG'st tell turnlahlnJ• of 1~ room houae and prage apt. l"tne · quality Monterey furniture, very reuonably priced. 109 Oriyx Ave., Balboa llland. ~7 S38S Via" Udo Barbor 1!!00 -:mtc ON l'fll!WPORT BLVD.;· COila -,--------.,---Mem.-Storag~ prare or lllDA11 5 cu. ft_ Kelvtnator ........ $ 89.50 Al' H & R and lead. A.nawera to name 9 ouse ' ug "Cb-chee.'' $10 "'ward. Phone Norgo .......................... : ....... $ 39.50 -llOAT8, 80PPLIEll r-~._,.._,.._,.,....._,.~~~--~ Cleaning Co. a.aeon 11477. 8!1d17 pa.rents. She I.a also well qualified bidder. 1n vocational &Uidance. (8) Approved purchaae from Beacon 1111 Aga.ln Mrs. Haviland Rogera, California Metal and Enamel Co. ----------"'"7ll_2tf_c tl-Sll'UATIONS WANTED high school parent education chair-of 298 &ddition_a.l •lrHt name sign.a 1929 Harbor Blvd. Bea. M07·W man announcea that the lecture i. for.a total coet of $1192. A maJo Furniture Repairing When you need a nune: .... 're. and all ln.terested adul .. -·-OSHKOSH H'AT • SlfO~. BAG ~ -· portion of the town will then have ---•r bottoma nnewed, cane or Pract1·ca1 N"--"'·-'•try Jn ·t ed t d th M d 1 '"""..... . ,..~ •Mr6~ blue-aJrpla.ne. white cowhide · New and lJsed Furniture Dale's Furniture GOOD BOAT GEAR Propa., line, motore--~ nft. etc. BUY, SELL, TRADE, CONSIGN Some Xlnt boat buy•~ 8 tt.-80 ft. TR.APING PORT v1 to a.t en e on ay ec-new name sign., pa.rt of a three 1p11nt. Cb&lr 'OUDdll, baclm and Graduate Undergraduate trim . Like new. i,i price. H.ar- tures. The audience attending the year pro&'f&m . roclc.en replaced; aleo ,._ctuJns.. Trained Practical Nureee bor 1,.._ Mcil7 3108.La.fayette, Nwpt. Har.102Q-W first lecture of the series came (9) Gave city 'ma.nagn author-vv • · 45ceeH away inspired with new ldeu on tty to get quotations and purebue HARVEY'S P"URNlTURl:I f. Specially trained OB Nureee IN PERFECT coNDmON- re.aring today's children and It la from the lowest bidder a new half-REPAIR SHOP 806 Orange, Santa Al).& ELECTROLUX, complete with CHRYSLER ROY~2 to 1 Re-- expected that Dr .. Purchard will ton pfckup truck fqr the buUd.lng-:OCSO Santa Ana Ave .. ec.ta Jl-Kimberly 2~1&8 McM att&chment.a $"" walnut di· ducUon. Good_ condition. Pboae give still more help with the prob--department and trade in the 1933 Ba.can 91S3-J. \ 1Tcl.IR WILL DO WA1llllNO and mON-ne:tt.e ' 1et. ilo. Phone Beacon Beacon 5450; 12tfc 1,-wfii·-~.f . Uy ".f• '.oday. 1 ~u:l·c. ,~:U~jlm-~ . .:..n· ... • _ ){ .~7 c• . . . ~ TT •..-r-·~ . i"; ~ L ,, ~ :mG l ... 111' h<J!l1h w . k up ,; ,.1 ....... ' ' : . ,il:'.::" ''N.i.:• HJ..W.. lallk · . , I.~' . 4! ' c y .inager'I ;:-~~ING ~Vlil!A ~.j ,ancf'.•11 .. '-~n • ·r. 55p.7 A . B .. DICK. JidMEO iil'ci!INE:. Fl ;: · . . ._._~ !. ~-;-. eren•e at San · Joee, f b. 21 • ,, • , • ' • · •· ""· (lnqdel 43:1), tu11y , !'u""l'attc. I filJt>SO: eporls.' K~wAi-e5 .. 'ta and n . I ' • INTERIOR -IDC11tRIOR OOLLEGE GIRL need.I pan. lime ink, •tencU., gu\de11, etc. Top •· (11) Told Henry Lane. owner PAINTING work In home by 1'5lh. Expert· "COOdltlon, "660. M . En . es Attt-r 17~ montlul of operation,. of the lot at the end of the T-alley enced In Clea/UDC". laundry Udo VARITYP:ICR It 4 type font.a, $125 artne gtn. reaources of N~rt !{arbor •t 15th St. and Balboa Blvd., to :i..._ 1..1CENsm -INSUR.Im ehlld care. Roob, board and DALTON Addlna Macb..lne, PG. m H .P . 8'nl<. c orona det Mar, ""~!':~.2:' negotiate wtth the city mOD&ger ~ Glenn Johnston aalary. Barbor 1880-M after-A. B. DICK Mtmeoocope, $(0, PRICED TO lllllLL LARGE TRAILER tn 1ove\y court. shop 20 ' x 30'. Hesvy 1rirlnir AdlllC., $80 mo •. 1'in ~mona. $35 mo. Phone Beoeon SHT,R. Coal& lleaa. Ptt. Beacon 67'7..J. 'eee'rl 63ttc 1940 PLYlolOUTH f-dr. Sedan. 'EltceU.,..t oondlUon. lluat "'"' lo apJireclate. Call Harbor 1 na betweftl 10 L m. -IS p. m. Mctl . -1 1?!~1~· ~ ~~·~-~~·.· 1u1r1111l rack ... topi 'N oe --dllton, $1,,111. Pr!. part7. 1112 W. B&J' Ave., Newport Bcib. Ph. j Har. ,!Kn..J. lllptT" . 2&7,737.00, bank officials ~""'l:= regarding the city's purchue of noona Mp 2285 Olen.neyre St., Lapna See J hn Harv ed. today. Ca.sh on hand ln-the Jot to Ult! for an alley. City 501 -llat St. New'°" S.Cb · Beach or Ph. Laguna •.H92. · o ey 14-tfc veatment In U.S. Govornmont Sez had offered $200b, Lane thous;bt Harbor 229'fzJ .; U.U WANT TO CARE for chlldnn In S5c64 at Seacraft ~ ·arom ro LO~ ~ curttlea IO\aled $1,301 ,870.00. $2500 would be a hotter pric• but my home. RM--"'• ra~. MS S2l5 COAST HIGHWAY TWO BICDROOM APT~.;;;;, M a rdUlt of favorable earn-Mayor Ld ~ uld he dldn't p A.INTIN"G Avocado, co.ta Mea. 8eacoJJ _FOR SALE at drutlc NCIUcUon : e:d tn corona del ~i;;:;)y lnp for the year endlq D<cem-know It the city could purchaae 6390-R. eee 2 lllln•ralJchta (black Urt>t), NEWPORT. 11&.A.CH reol&J. C&JJ .-ventnp' Harbor ber 30 19!50 a dividend of $2.00 the lot &t all now with the lncre... EARL SHEFLIN $H.95 M . 1 Gelpr Counter, Pb. ~CON 17'71 067tzJ.' 65<67 per aha.re -wu declared on the ln 1 1 al $69.GO; 4 Alpha COUnten, SS~ ttfc 1 capilal atock outsta.ndln•. Balance c ty emp oy~ artea dra.lning 11 Pr\' W.&!tlD> each: 1 CJtolort,lt Plclc $S.7D. All ON· BALDO• IS~' • the t.reuury. I'll Palmer 11&., Colla -lln ~ of Illa pronto ..... added lo the (12) eunealed a complaint by Bea. 6457·11 -WlLL GIVE rent ,,... (utUlUeo new. clootnr out lhla e. Small Boat Mart Attncllve 3 or' bdrm. • ""' capital atructure of the bank. Earl Hurst. tOIT Channel Placl!, -'di of mW1 modem turnlabed NUCLEAR PRODUCT& CO. rum-, yNriy. I Tiie benk la entirely locally own· ~ Beecon eMO BOA.TS BOUGHT, BOLD .and ao-Stt· Galli cameY • · . · ' ed and operet.ed and I• a m.mber ~=:="1'." =·.!:'d ':.~ REP AIRING and clllldr<ftln. ~ ..:::k. ca;;.;: &6[>88 oopled.on -.-... L Nelda Glboon'. ~ ~ l!-06 LOANS For ~omes Of the Federal Depoalt lluurance CO>!\ dreclrlng of the channel had PAINTING --_,,w, n -WORK •Bll:NCH Balboa .Marina. ~ -!!.."" i-lldu. 4.;.:.!"-7 ,With 4:,% -511 % Int. Corporation. undermln<d plllnp which caved Jn 2802 Caaat ~. Harltd!;' 07'71 ~ -~ I -v I 7 ' P ' onhlafloatandd&mqedhlabo&t.·RZisoN.sI.E ·i..rs, or mnall WANTJ:D-Apl. Jqr. will st•• =~~'ltm.ln.~~·: .... tt.i:.~·;'~. 7 • l6c7I a....i..-.~ I ~' 'l.oa6Spect•=-111a-.B......,,· :~O.L ro America 03T Gr&11led pier, floet. •lip or joba Free --Wall<er hee rent of fUm. q>l. In ---,. .ll.il'l._l.ALE ,. --·--• • ---wall penntu to I. L. Holbrook, 108 •• lStll st, Nowport -.lo'. for' -... Utu. pd. AJ>Pb'. -Ulm"'" top, 1 &Idea &Dd OPZN INB<1ARD ltt1NABOUT SP ·· · l'llN. ~'It"·~ LMM Discusses K. / .. Sopp, A.lbort K1eJn, 1:. t.. Harbor Zll8.t·a ncUH 111m..-oourw. ni E. ~ .middle. ' 1arp' .,.~ un-boat. uy,, ft. Priced lo MIL~ <;ll..l. -BilTl.llR ~ts. NortQn Slntoo Nie Neufeld · JllVd., Balboa U... -lb. ...,11 ,i In baml>oo at I001 Hewpolt-.. Neafort C1ll ~ .Har.11111 for cl"'" ....,,.,_ Welfare Centers and Palll Daniel • rm . . ' I -and lap& peper, "86. . -"" c0.11. ·--KL 2..... ' ~ PODUlllt KOR'l'GAQll 00. ROO G1 ~~ &x,p1a, coo1< • .a4 .PHOTO. JlQ~-~teur ,... • 'e6et1 Linwood le ,1 . or. Katrn. ...... JDo.l-. u -• A. apecJa\ board mee~ or Pro NOTICIJ OF A.NNVAL butler. larpr &l1d --· rotary ...,,,......, • .. ... fl!l"4 . ' -1 Cl['.' I · · America waa held at th<j home of , .i:.St'!':!i C:H~m, Slop ..:f.:~1:=1Hd. ~. colored or J"llli>lm. ~~:er-'28. BOOKS-SEA, DVUKS • ~ ~ ·~ ,.,.0 ~ wiJfO. Mn. Colin Brown, Ba7 Shoru berw 'of Illa Nowport Belboo Barbot tSzJ · -· A. --al -• p .-lta. !lo ~ •t · 1·1 -piano ,•ere formulated for -l'edenl .llaYinp ucl LoU Aioo--i I 7 ---· 11 ... la. lllVDI ... ~-1,:~ ";'!'"_~ -...,,... ..... all "° -lllli ~1. I poi4 roa BAJ•-A.imoo l'!nlt - -......... ye&r. The queotl<tD of elation .Will be 1-14 at tile ..... NJ:WPORT'BA.l\BOR • -.. -.. -... ·--I •"l's -,. r A.ppjy m!4 ' lltltd-. -. .,. -°"' Doo. 1, child wel(are centera wU1 be clatlob'o ottlce, S833 Via IAdo, PAP-bn J..:. ·-GlNG . DCPLOYKDIT .AOl:NCY. ,.... aa.oo. • • ..... _ -· . . ....... I ' .-1 ~•1.{WeJlwand. WIDll112 a br<>Upt ~ore the general meet-Newport Bea h CaUtol1llla. ~ HAN eo&'lt &. Ba.1 A...,. 11a1...., TWJN .-ll'rilll1I uc1 oo«oo "'I.IC Iafanden , • ~ 1°"'. s. T. 111e11-um w. tq and II~~ oplJ>lol> Of the Jaauory 'l'ltb,~Ml.at 1:00 o•~ • an 1 p' • 1....-~G . -..ur,.. '1. D,llUllU\ ... •n& BarJNf l'VJIJ!UllliU ~fli'. ~ ho Ba7 A-Newport sci.. ...., board Iha the Welt.,. centen bi tile an.._ tor Uoo ~ (1 AJlN'.l'lN , . BllltCB-OOUJITl:ft, l'lt It. JdP.. CltUIU:B Wk4 SD· .0-(., • --. r --.11W. · .-id be. pprowd but tl>at they of eJecUnc' -DlnetoN. II-OP&NDIG l'Olt ltJIAL Wl'Aft I ll 8 rt.. dM uo0rt..s 1116 -~ • • • --Wi a.,.-"'"" ll w••r. ~ MiW• I =~ J'.:1'~ ~ *! r.:: fylq -Of Offlun .. ~ Keqpeth Quarry ......... rl ••• "" --·.... ;; • .--;;..:-::.ed.iat~ llow;LCt. "" '.;"I - "*1. -De1bolt.e17 liW<o•ed ~ ~ "porto, "'flowlar la * ftJr Jfowport ..,_ ~ TWO Woo' ... v, ... ,, -a.aop. ~ ...... 11.._, -. o -,..., Qlllalll Of.,_ fll"'-._ PloC•--for 1t1e put ,_,., 15~ -Ana A.ft, 0oota -"'!ft-O. K. 117"7 . --._ aiclrio .-._ • llplT . ,.-, -. wz -. a full "port pf the ~·11-"°' -, Kalli••• cor;1ml:llja ....._ J11wt Of •7:• ft,. i...1-----.-....,,..;----...,- ,tandldo_, · · .-1oa·1 nm-• -lion. ' ' ""8 1""'9 •~•"" '~ -111;11.wPt:l~ s 'lllL J'lnt ~ ot the ,._ wU1 lloU1JIC u dHc <ti "1 WIL.& • lll•-.. . . - { be a.Id rriday~ Jan. • 10 ~ ... In -QI 0 ........ ••• .. .. ~ I r111s•-:o••s 1 iii:ii:U~ri-~"ii-;-;j;;i~ II .. at tho l1aJioe ;., 111ra. -& -. u. ,._ U8J., -u.a -a-.......,-........ W •-,._ -. u•o..a-J'reat,o.--., --.......... ·........, ...... ,, an... ..., .. , ~• . M'*'Wll" a: '1 _....,. :.~.Ma'.. I ::"..:•••'> -•cfUl• 1111 r·•-=-::.. ~: 't,'zn•::: j ••t•."e • ..._ =; ;:=.~~":. -... :~~··:,~ . .:::~a-~ .. ~= r.:-5t!itT'!:1ia;):1::~-.~·~114r .~;.:-·:~::·-.,,.. .. Lida 1Jlo -""'1& ••••-...._ 'tr I' ... Ill I ._ a •'"' ...,. .flrl '11 Ill __.1• -t:lu= p, /a. •t -r-"I .. --: .:. I -., ... -""' . -.... . ... ~ ..... ~ -... -.. ,. J/U,/8l .... ""' .. • • • • • • . . • . . l L . "' • ., . ' r: • I I ; • • • • I ' • • .. ... • . . • G¢orge M:''Holstein & Sons · ~uilt Home& ._ . ~NOTHING DOWN TO VETS EXCB:PT ESCROWS AND nd'oUNDS . 2 BEDROOMs S BEDROO~ $54.12 . S BEDROOMS 2 Batho • $62.47 $64.92 PQ HorlTH Plus Tu• and IA.lur&nce PER ~QNTH Plua 'Paxe:s and I>wrurance PER MONTH Plua Taxea and Irururanoe Al..L JIOUSES BUILT uNDER.F. H. A. tNSPtCTION AND APPROVAL' All bousea with fireplaces,• large unattached double garages; both sti:eeta and alleys paved ; liardwood noora; lots of tile in batlls and kitchens. LkRGE LOTS 62' x 125' TO 20' PAVED ALLEY ' 1 Dual f'loor fll(11&Ce&; apacious kitcbens with tile drainboards; kit<:bens, baths and service porobea; :J eoilta of enamel paint. Foundation . -.\lOLID CONCRETE, 2"x8" FLOOR JOIST. , ALL 1!0UflE8 PLASTERED WALLS. WATER SUPPLIED BY NllwPORT lilllGaTS IRRIGATION DISTRICT i TO NON-0.L's on F, H. A. TERMS: from $51 .97 pe'r 1.fonth, lnclu";ftg taxes and insurance j ~~ • ' COAST ORANGE ACRES,' Between Tustin & Irvine Sts.-Above 19th St. COSTA ¥ESA THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Exclu,sive Salfl!l Agents 1301 COAST BLVD.' CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 1477 · Harbor 1741 r Why Keep Looking ? Check With Us, VACATION WITH INCOME ' for any GRAND . CANAL DUPLE)( - BaJboa Island. Two very nJce • • • . . . (1. N. WltCJ.S Broker Ii Auoc . $75000WN • Dandy Little Home , • BANDJl?f '-led. Diii. pnp. nlt!e J'9ld. ttu.tt trMS,' ..,.,. ..,.. llor. chlcltana, ttc.. ' • $6,350 ONLY-ft,ooo down-btl. at seo per month, lndudln( lnteN&t. I . • Collll! In .,.cl ask us ab6ui the hotU.t inCO!fte· deal In toW11 , .What ".barP!n I I G. N. Wells; Realtor and Associates 1780 Newport Blvd., CO.ta MM& Phona Beacon &181 $5,500 . 2 Bedroom home on Mi acre, near Harilor Blvd, . ' Industrial lot 63xll90. ' $1 ,000 TERMS GOOD USTlNGS WA,?l'l'lllD ROBT. H. MOTTET Bea. 822•-J Res. Bea. 0137-J 1900 Flarbor Blvd. Newport Heights IDEAL FAMILY HOME -(1 200 'Ill· ft.I fUralshed, 2 1.,1e bdrma. _ Attr. Uvtng nn. with fireplace. Kitchen has' ouUeta for dl•h· wa.sher and for either g&1 or electric stove. O'Kfffe and Mer· rlt ranse. Hotpolnt elec. refrig . Dbl. gu . compJ. fenced. Only $11 ,000 with G. I. 4 'ft. loan. A ppro~:imat ely $3,000 dOW'n Costa Mest. ·' • • .... S"Zi.m l ' - r • • • • ALMOST NEW ~bedroom house with ~·IJedJOOm apt. over double g&rage j>lua guest room iu>ci , bath -both' units apac!ous -cloeet ~ce. · We tlllnk thia one of the nl..t laland propP.r· tits. -$31,600. ,B4Y1'RONT wlth_pler and float -3 bedroom&, · 11ii! ti.tht 'Wlqt. 2-bedroom apt. over double guap -bilth have lovelY ))ty view -many conveniences .:... moet liva'ble and east to rent -partly furniahed. '89,S'l':i. AN EXCEU.E;NT buy -3-bedroom -2,batb cottage with attractive llvlttg room. firept.ce, , In good location -rudllll8d to Slll,liOO. Nelda Gibson Horace S. M~t Harbor 502 Hybor ~l 308 MARINE A VENUE, BllLBOi\ ISL,\ND • • "FLA.SH.,,· BALBOA ISLAND ' YEAR AROUND' HOUSE 1 8tory -Centrally Located -SoU<I Stucco Con- strµction Le.rte carpete<I llvinJ room with fireplace 2 good 121...i bedrooms EACH.WITH BATH Center hal)wlly -Terrific ~oeet space Separate dining room -Ba:ck porch · 2-car garage pl1111 <1011ble carport space (can add unit) Completely Furnished Including Motpoint was&lng machine -Electrolux -Kitchenware -Dishes and MAYBE' even an RCA 17" TV eonsole 7 $13,500 JOH,N 'B. PRENDERGAST REALTOR 223 Marine Avenue Harbor 1331 Balboa Island S 'BDRM Q, I, ~LE $1,'l:I0.40 down. Nq -.,, tide lo. cation. J,lllO sq. ft. opeeloua HY· ID& rm and dlnleir -· Dual . turnaci! with tljermoelat: Tile Jn kltcllen and batll, U>bla. f&T&JO. fenced,. ... MAO """'thlY P'IY· ment. include• tua and lnWr· &pee. FULL PRICS: $9,250. 'vv l"fiRNUUllID :1-BEDROOlof Value. • yra. old, hdwd. doon, din. " room, naptone tJr11p11.ct11 fell· ced. In· real rice locaUo,., f'rlce ·flO,llOll. Fl!rnllure la llattAlr than average. vv TRIPLEX-Income la f2,700 yr, Ill well loc::ated, ·each unit has 2 bedroomo, hwd, ~ pl<nty ot UJe. Hardly a vacaQOy tn lut year. The price, $17,9<Jf1. lilH lh1e now. ' vv $1,000 DOWN-2 UDRK.: HOKll:. Full pri~. $8,500 and $50 mo. 4 yra. old, hwd. panel _,.., heat, tile. &Ox12n lot. • ' FOR ~QUICK· ~ALE · WEµ. L9<)A'nlD Z•~m holl)e, 'J W.' y..,,. old. Mol· ern . ~(ft. . rtre11p. -i pallo, ba~ Oieel< t1t11 ope If )'Oil -"191111111 for a -,ood blly. 'fB,600, ' -I " Din.UXE ~ ~te 'U tt. i<>i .wi th .:C.an ¥lo-,. -' ~ ... o1 rto kllt4 u.aoo. , . Call _Blll lic~~r, JHrl>qr ~47i. ~ .. View Lot in C<)rona del Mar J'uat· abo e the main. beaiih (SO..US) oM lot troin Ocean Avenue and oa\ly a jump to the beuh. A ~ buy -Terms. cali Mra. Maroon, HARBOR t 77rJ. -• . EARL W. STANLEY Realtor ' nth an4 eout. HJway Newpcirl Beach V V m )(artne Ave. from the new Sta )losPIW on . Oorona del Kar I NSWPQrt lk&cll ' . ' ' Style, Size or Pri.£e ~,:;.~e;icil :1~en~~t;:11 .'"!'~~ s0~~~~ ~!:! LIDO IS:::aONT ON FLOWER ST., only f bUU. to Blvd. 8---. bed1' .• -home OD I lot. OD 00,._~ Lovely wood work. 'coaqNA DEL MAR . $3000 DOWN ' a»-ACRES -Wa~g d!aJ,&nce 81G Cou\ Ml\<l'ay iW"F la~ S11S Newport Blvd. liarbor Blvd. Ex lfat'fpr In· ----~---....;.'-1 +-----.r--....-~----:-~ come W)ils. A BARG4.JN t.t · "- $3,2&0 • • • ORAf.'l'GE1:C ~·s ' F'IN~'.l' .. . M'Yoll ·are·lllolliig'~ · ~.tlum In ~thing;~ • ~ llhow Yetythla 1h.qme located In ·tile Ttqtin,' Lemon Hta( are_&. .,Uy. _..itile ~~ ~a. 1~"rti.-· 'f'SW-W•Tmt-. , · t!<>o',"'N> • ~ -Jt..'!'.• baft ottO«d .,.,0 DUV -Wlll\la & oma1ltt PIA-. ... ~ M-. ot BarbOr ,...... OJlly $13,500, terms Have lle\'enl nice winter and YEA.UY RENTALS In ~ On '"!DO IJ!LE Udo one lltory S-~room, 2-b&tn home la a KNOCKOUT. Jtle- gantly and completely · tur- nl4hed together w ith lovely ·pier and slip. To SEE this home la t o BUY lt. Special price makea thb a DELUXE EXCLUSIVE lbtln(. Thia le a lovely borne. Built trt 1&42. Exel. conat. A POOm ._... rangement throughout. Monel mew •ink-Colored bath ttx- ture&-hwde. floors--un1t heat. Novel dining bar. Looka out over bay to Balboa !Jay Club. bLJVE MILLER Exct. bathing beach-and well 2006 Court Ave., Newport Beach .,. -• ..._ I • ST~ SllITB OITJtRa ANOT'"''ffi!iR'""" BARGAIN; · i~,':i.'bath model'll home. ht ll>c•tlon, f~ blocka to main beach, Priced (Ar below mar- ket."Hlll'I')' on thla one! · ' Contact Tom Payne or ;>tan Smith 1Sl1 Coast Hifhway, Corona del Mar turnl&h.ed all included in price. Phone Harbor 343 V&eant at present and we have / · 2.-Perfect 2-bedroom home that the key -so you can took it COSTA MEIA LOT, eaat aide. CAiSH TALKS • Week's Best Va.Jue 0 ACOU:S -P,.utltul lll&at 8Jdo location. Sandy loam. hl,irh .,,4 dry. Rl•hl tor, aut>dlvWop. $11.too .vv Barnev Francque . OALTOR la ideal for ye¥ round living over at your convenience. 3%: 11000 or make offe r. Phone or lplendld for Week·ends. B. R. 2 \i baths. . Beacon 8H7·R. Mc71 Brand New Completely remodeled 4 bf!droom Ullian La P erle ' Fred Croller home on Balboa Blvd., Balboa. . ASSOCIATES. L&le•t 1n de•lgn and modern ,-Builder tn need of CASH and will featUl"tlll, Only ff'w feet from FlrRm!iHJ:I> HOUSE -Sale ' or Hll thla beauUtul 2-bedroom dell1ht!UI PRIVATE BS:ACH. LIDO ISLE le .... 2 bedroom.o d•n. dbl. (&r· A1oo on UDO ISLE and ON 55 f LOT $ 9 500 a,.,, We !»th, walled cont11r lot, ham•· Hien quality workmOll· ONLY $10,000 -Lenient t. l ' fireplace, b&rbeclj(!, fruit bee., &blp -.,_,.r l ,lOO •q. ft. Nlae term•. 3 BEDRMS., 2 baths, lovely patio. ocean vtew. ownflr °" premJ... appeartn1 -likeable floor *1t Thia place Is Immaculate and a 400 E. 17th St. at TUstin A.ve, terrill; buy !OT $8.000. Qood in· Coat& M.,... Ph. 'Bea. 68lll oome poulblltt)' or a nne home ' tor a larp famUy; ----------- ' -k>lo of Ule -boa\ -3.-Clever 2-bedroom and den BeauUtul carpets 6: draperl•• i'ri.. Bat. and aun.:· 4qG S...t& -~y l'l&ndout featu:re. -H B d' home now under construction. included. Very good terms. Ana Ave., N~ llalcfttJ. ~ , 2~ o -~p patio -0me OD r'()& ' way BALBOA. ISLAND N . avrey •n t~ ., pr!~ ll'ALB<M. BL\'11.1-. ~} r. . tQ. • I { ~ f ~ ., 0 tV..-~ . Los Allgeles, anl:I the1 Harbor. -· Mt ht 8 acres of citrus 'aiict av~. tbill beautiful home is the l&Uperla,tive in' Joocl iNte. quality, livability. There are 3. larg'e be\b'oQll)ll, large living-room, un111Ual rtllllJ?~ room, separn~ dining room, Maid'• quar- tera: Modem convolliences inc;Jude djshw!Ulher. pr· bilge <lisposal, atain1-steel In kli<:hen, f&dio c0ntroU~ ~e doo~. EXiJanslve yard' is com· p~tfly enoll!lilld · w!tp ~ concreie wall, i. bent1tit-ully lllndscaped1 hN •pPo1<1er syat.em front arut rear. Fqr YOW' outdoor 1!1"¥1ll'e there Is a lovely patio, a bjldJ11into11 collft 1""11 there Ille .U.)>lea for your horses. 4JIPolntm41nt1 only. You. will agree that thia home la wall 'lfO)'(h the '75,000 asking price. :. ~to ' Y~ve advantage of oele<-fN!. ™ 'y ' " _::• wood ~ ,-_l.MJ!.!.P"b!. Cl!»~ r:e.i at-~la.);T"I JlllY.' LArg. five tlcjt of coloro 111 :,you j BU't , 1£HEAPJ.E! l # , iJ:' f:;rd __ . .,. • ·~It · ~ . Wt .~1 .. !WP;I, ~ la ONI.-T 'fl7,900.' ..: Livable 2 sty. 1 B.R. apt. over $4,500. rite . Deybl1, Bos ~ oae r· · ' .. ttri .. AL80 double garage. Multiple real-n , Yucca Valley. ..!. ........ BOp to Mf!bca and tran.Portatlon. ed. 1 Some~ d1~~bl~ Joi.fl .Jo~ ~e ~;'~ .. 1o~t:'."p1e bldg. """"' B yf t be h h C. D. M. Income $9,500, $1,000 down Perfect ror i.rr• ramuy , INVIiJS'l' NOW! I ::::.tertront IOI.fl 'rot e.:,r;,.,.. u~i: a ron ac ome 2 attractive 2·bdrm qom.. on ~ $19,~, ·~~ Olf M ·09JAN .. weu u crcq •treet lots 60 ft. Lot, LIDO ISLE ~ Yt'. old, s bdrm., 2 bath, a nn. but iocalild ooriw; 1ot. One · Choice Location ' .· • W!tll ~ .)Jiit -4 <P~~Y 'l'bi. dllrt:iitgulabed commu- l ed bel 1' t 1 pl&ceJ;. oo.rL frontage. fine loca· bom• 8 yra. oid1 qd other new. . . j Of fllat) ~ fOU ~ \.lie • pr c ow mar • va ue. $5 000 11on. J'Urnlal>ecl. price m ,ooo. P'lrepla«, patto, tnauNnce -.,. laat ad&'• Of ~ ov~rtool<lnr F. P • WA I .DRON lllii. J'lloltl!:, •Qtn!llnJ ~lap. llitr Qlferri ~lfnt bay· Remember we are the DEVEL-' Te""' f7,li00 payable at $&4.12 per mo. Irvine ranch. Real ranch 'tyle ' patio, pmp, ,!!'.illlnir ~e OPE!\s of LIDO ISLE. Our IN VERY BEST LOCATION. FULi, PRICE ,16,000 3 JI, R. home. Only 3 y~ old. ll!XChUSIVB A'OENT • to Balboa itOriii.' Near the bay. front properties witii a • offerlnp are zxtjLUIUVE l•t· lfere 11 REAL value. Mo"' New 3·liclrm., ,:bath ho.,;e on Lido SubnUt Down Pavment Completely· tumlahed, even to I08 MC!ne Ave. , Balboa loland . '!'!lo prtoef Olllt p,ooo. I· . . . . -~ . __ _; lnga. Here a little BUYS a LOT. tha.n Si houses under consln.lc· 1 1 , •• ,_ d 11 u • _ 1 r the dlahea. HardwOOd fl . · . __._ WJde variety. of View auu · ! tion on l.Jdo, so cood lots u-e 8 e. ~•e ...,t an pa 0· µ.ere• tlreplace. IAtl of buUt.-lna. · ' Phone· Barbor 2S4·R BAJ,,BOA Polfrt tot • . . P.A. PALMER going fast. a real buy at $li,500. G. I. $750 Down ~y l.ANDllCAPJW ~7 $1,liOO •• Only PIO downl J i ch~nu:ter, Y(ltli location INCORPORATED SEE TH1B! I A-rnv.C'l'n1!l I bdrm "' l'fflW· , J'Ull Price, OnJy p ,liOO -factors challilnr from ncome PORT HEIGitTB. n.ep1aee. Top w. u you can1 BALBOA ISLAND. N~ = saoPS I 1. 5SS3 Via ~do Harbor Investment Deluxe 8-unlt baytront a&:;, !!ched· l>dwd., Ille, rravtty 11ow t\11'· • ·• • l(odern lllfhoot new .3 bed"'°"" blojlk . to bl~ ' Jllrivport Be~ C&ll! COMPANY·-REALTORS uled lnoqne 'near $14, . Truly nace, laundry, prb. dlap., dble ... B.-A. NERESON B.t\RGAIN! -~ ~ ...,.,.., 2 car pr&Je ror 1 S.rbor N_ev,rpo~~~· :.:no 30th SL . ~ ~ ad!:i.~roperty, A•k \I.I pta(O on paved alley. 1912 Newport ~Yd., Coota Mesa TWO biltmi i!Paclow llY .. ..;., ~~~~i!:1i p ":' , -:---.. DON'T MISS' =~~~ po"J:: , • ~ .. lovely enclooed pallo If\ a 111 .... .v .. ; U'a a ' We have· a s~ priced 'N BALBOA. PENIN8ULA, ....._... 20-acre cpicken ranch 1 ••l'XlltlT ftOIRll! · * * s (> L D * * P1"" iwo -· pool .._ • ' ~ · ±: T~ o t.E late, completely tllrnl&hed home, 7 miloa from Ne.wpori. 16,000 ca-I -Wltll • "~ G .... t ~ ~. UfopJQ '1.000 ~ ' . ry hqm& wtth many Lid Isl B Fr I yean old. A·l -· p&cltf, a bCUW, """--11 . p~ ·Sullivan • 1119 <>ranp' Aft., COUJ4 "· -wrtod to apL R1Pt -IF ........ ti!& j . -unit -t, and o · e a;v ont . ~ bedrQoma with twtn bed&. .._ 111 ,.,,,,... ... t puture, ll'onnerl;y c. a.Jen ~ eo-1a "'-.,...1...,, ._. .. ~ _ Ud 0-1 -'PC:-.-a.bk of • • Laree 11¥fn( ..-n ~ <loll. 4, P'!:u~":; :"":i~ .::"~ &buqdal!L -tu. M0,000 •. COn· G 'I\ ~. By ., , ~r w ~ If ;you're ....... ,_. wt ~ "· .....,, l;cicT IUP,erb Soµtli 1 IJ&}'frolit, bdrmo, plus malira qtn., liba\IUI unall cub paym'ent. im,,;..nate .#JU PIUt "1'da In ""'1-. ttO N..;jlOjlf; ~e~ ¥.-KuJll»lo" us1~ ~ior· It 1a Jl"""4 !or~ aclloa, • ~~~i:r..,111:· ::..:L. cl!-l!nel ·.~· 'Tblit Will -t. ll().fl. ' pier end poqeulon. ' . . . . ----..w . .. ;. '-· ---'· v· ,.; Rltr a ,.,.,.. ..... ~ ~ _.,.. 'I t ~ N-17 cteoorated and moat WK. .E. ANGOLD, ~ ·, • Builc;tµlg Site. ll&rtior llGTlW or BtoCOll IWMJ --llt '!IH . toj! Jl"!lf't tdt!l(l!ll&l .L.UU-Wuuu:.. lCa, • -ble ~ .14'cWritl ,_,,. -~ ~· :sp f~·· of_ traqlye. • · ~1~ E. Batbo&.Bl'fd. . Balboa ~ Ponln.<(Or, ... , ...... ~-AlllO . · '. ~ JU~~. ffv, ..,,, lalbell Jal, ~wltP llUi!tfl..,..•~Ji!lll'll ~ Ulll lllidX. beach , At $5:5,000 -l 's a bqy Phone~ 12!18-W -~ ~-1!!f'~ -. __ ---, = ow.a WILL -.i. 11•~ For th& Finm in ·. . . ~ , ... .taia II* ......-· lllfO, a • . • • I · I I • -' '1'AYll -llOAT llHQP .• n. . • . ' • ce.uuaa wtu. _ ... ii!"-' I abobld. bill.--I at 'J'OUl'. • .. The John V gel Co: llMt°"i.:;.,1;;:+..->uoo• • w •·~I'• .... P<>4 -.: <>o,an VJeW Lota · lf'1'lU !'•1-i•,s11.•Jfl> . ,.._. l In F.._...,. Qpnwintr .... ~ • ~ ~ ,_ ••rm,'11ot1o :re• • ~ llO'Q'mQOMT~OO.· ·.i't. .·-ill~ ' ~ 43'. nnd lit,, N .I·~ -~ -.,. • ,... ••"P\Nt at>d. ~ 11111 _, t a tlel 'pta. ..,,,. 'CORONA LAIWI: u.u., -wllll -of ' ~ u..,. •••_.. t. .t Pllone Hu. l•ll80 o Bu. Ml.W Iridu8trial ~a, ' •-:rT' " O ...:... ,_ 15-il ~ ... ,• • . .....,. . ..,. •••llM• -au ... 9',. ...... -J .. t: . 4.1.a ~fia ==-~=-=:--c::±::-::':::-:---==-IN-'ce0 I Bit ---"" ... ., BALBOA1 ' ~~<•• ..... '°' "'''""' mollLA.NDS ... ·'• ... ·~ v. :art -...,...,...., ... ., ... 1' ) • ,.. ··~ , SU TIQll IN RONA !>,SL ,-. 8-19 Uta111t 0DST l'lllUd '• ... -!t za Pl J I •P. e llla-Q, <lo ~ !ti ldtdlea ~ ~J:i ~:: -a IUVl , JUJ\,IOU1BO., LVD.2,-. ""k!le .... rn1S1zu. . --lillll!l~T';-.:;:i-,.... , ,.., O;AtmN 11 lfsajlGl't --&ltWsr Ito. 'IV"li'.6.'M -"NT _.,,.,.., -ltqoM; l)Oorw. -...... .... ....,.. Wr~ fq!IJ :::r '-~· 11' .. "-~'" .I'~ . =:a, Nd•--. , J'!IA ~1.Jt .. ~ ~ traa s=r..*="11111 4:C. WU'>SNTIAL · · ~....; J~•:.,.n: ':'*I: ";t..:,. ~..: ':.:: ~. ·DUPI,.:X . ·· , J. 1j.. Beek~ · . .. ~~ ·=-~ &i4N '1IOJCT ..... lat. 0-. . . M.850 ' ' . . INOOJIE ~ &lt ~-· 7 = ti 1:': =-=. ·:-:: .. ·':':'" .... ':',' :~: ~ ••i9o4 ....n ..... T ·aa<"--., 4o0Mar delllar,..,F..,"1n ••llss i-,:r. ":', ... oo••••••••AllN n 1'1--= ... ,,.11 ,._~a--:t.:l.$';212r--zZ:•.-• Rl!te:H, . . , i:-~na . S'llL . .... II • ----1 ___ ..., ·-"' ._ ... _. _ .... , .. -,..._ .-I Balboa 6"i!i Boine • • ~ • • . rn1iif i .... ~ Bar~-ft .. ,., -... •I • 111 , /".I. r;;E .-· --· ........... -:.;12;'....... .... -· zj,_. --• r.a--. .. ···-• 13-------..-=t.!'.~\:1~,li ~.,-.,e:t t .... '.j ' • .,,.,__ J . . suet~ illlll,1 ~ • r 4 I l j t • • • • .. t • •Ir • 1,, • ' ' ... · These ~ndlnt Specials Effective . Tllurkciay~ FriclGy..,Saturclay, Jan. t-1 ~1~13 I . . , ~· • . ;, • • 1 · • • • ' • • _ .iTifCON~:·0 .. Sl~-SWIFT'S $1ii!C)Q~· l-11>. H~at Seal ....... ·' ••..••••• O ~ I • 1 Dl·XlL · SOUAI. .. -C:ILLO.WIAPl'ID • • ~ . .., ;. . .: 33i. . COLOllD LOCAL;8JtESSED C>flCKIN . J:RJElrS .. 65~ C.t Up ..... , for ... POI I I •• o • • 0 • - ' -.• ' ~ """"'P~~~· T~E .~O~ILl~NG~ SWIFT'S usnaN POIK LOIN • • B1E E F ROA.ST -49• L£4N & MEATY 3 to 3'/• LltL Frem lltti.r llld. •• • • FED STIEA IEEf 33~ SPA°RE RIBS 49i. , ·:lest 9aality, ~olc!e•Tellow, C1mol.AM1rlcu .·BANANAS ' 12~ FANCY IMPEllAL VALLEY llce Padecll " CARROTS , .... ~~·CH • LAIGE SMOOTH. IDAHO 11ussn 10 lln 2ac POTATOES~:S~1s .· 7 . .... LAllGE. SWEET SPANISH ·ONIONS Was•. State Dellclolb or Winesap · APPLES 4 ,~. 2CJc Larqe Stalk Uta• Type CELERY 1pc MILK • ..:~s 2 ~~~2s;· ~:·-599 . • G1•eM1 Valley Fre .. ' LIMA ' BEANS • • -' C. & H. PUii CANI · · SUGA~ ·:-.~· 91·~. Chf .... AaA_. . ; D ,...._Meat4Meat11u , , . INNERS ~:: 35~. >. IUl'T'S-pfNT JAR . . rANCAMP'5-.No.zv.cAN MAYONNAISE -41c PORK & BEANS 21c 2No.225c ,c •• , HIMIT MIDIUM RIPI ··OLIVES LAUU SCUDD•a•s ·PEANur ' I UTTER .. • No.1 19c TALL CAN __ llTTY CROCIER 'S ~IS9UICK = LGI.. 3·9c PIG. PILLs1u1rs ~. ----LOG CAllN . _ · PAIC~IE .. , ~YRUP . ·_. ~ _-.1= 24,e::1··· ......... f ~ o.u R CINCH IAU. fLAYOISJ • . . =. ·~ 2~21'1t7,. c 40-25-~ ~AKE MIX . P••. 35c : ... · ·· Oily laster• leer lrewecl 11 .. ~_West 100% Scotc• W•l .. ey . CALIFOINIA l'AIMS 11r1 .. •"" Cleorl 6.;.. 96c A c:~F7: Sry4'49•• ~...----J. ·80JS£1Drllf£S "!.30NJ 19c ALTES BEER THISTLI SCOTCH . HANOI.PAK OF.... . :;;;;r_;;~;::..:.:.:.:=:UJ;::·=~...:-~~~J HONEYWOOD 100 PIOOF IOnLED IN IOND . flll;I'· T" $397 WINES OLD MR •. BOSTON . ' . FIOM OIEGON ·~CKIEllY or OYLDOMDl.KIAOSTON FIFTH s31• PINT s1•1 LOGANllllY · "f™. BCJC *"Es!in° ~ FULL 9uA•Ts439· ' ' lllD51YI I, s PICllN' FOIDHOOK PEAS · ·.LI AS .,z.oz: ~·1c PIG. ~ , . ' . Large Cr!sp wu·s 9uALm • • . Plchweet Coolitcl HOMA FlllSH FIOZIN LAICil SQUASH · SHRIMP · '~ 1sc cA1uiltowER 1fc . .._........,_....~~ . ,·DILLS -F:R.A .N;K S .;#Sf= 1Z:.Oz. . Plf, ' . • ,_3 -COMPLETE SHOPPiN&·c&NTlls' DOWNfY · . NIWPOIT IEACH COIONA ·Oit. MAI· . ' 1111 I. flUS'IONI ILVD. . 11f C11J II-•.,, .t Tull\. tll C1ul t1•11;:.,. •.Jn ' 1 AT DOLAN AYL OfoO ...,_I....,'" 1 ,_ -' ot;;z; 1....,'" u ..... 0.-.n.ib' 'Iii ftp 1-. ' "<l'iL 'a ... ._,.-.> a-.._ Ml" l• ,,. .. . -. . - ALE,X' · -,, .. TAIA~ES . • • lllTID n RI ... -Ill, WITll a .. ' ' • • -' .C11ms GOLOIN· • .,.., ' DENNISON'S 6 L ... ·' 'laffie1 TOMATO . · : ·;· • . j CATs-ue · 10$1DAL~ . SWUT P-E As· VITA·PAK FIEESTONI . · 5· l(o. 21;._ . c;ns I PEAC·HES1 • \ . S. & F. l'ANCY .j4 • i ~ ·MISSION 11NN HALVES 5 .. No. 2\1• . c:... . . . . . '· - AP ·RICO~S-. ' Sl:OKELrs TOMATO DIL MONTI 6 lf.!i JO); . '. . GOLDIN Cl~ -, C9I 8 c Q R ~N ·.. .. ...... CAMPlli,L'S • . TOMATO -SOUP \ ··HUNTS TOMATO . ' ' . I I • 0 • .. • . . , r .. • " , .i. I" ' . I I I ,. ' I . I P~D A..llOYJ: ASE tile wlanero la .~he !O~ C-t Collop JllOI foot1lall -aaaua1 · •-'(.-..n left) ~Ve WWttord. wllo Wllll .<loeted .,...tato of tlle sqad; ...,.. Ho,...rd llfUler, wbo received the Moot-Ml.aw""=Playod •-rd. Mil.lllq the p,_etotloll i. C-b RaJ' -Wln- iier of U1e M..t·Val...,_t>layer awvd i. Bob (lt-....,;i.Quto) Berry. . . " ~RIPPLED .Pl·RATESf fOSE FIRST THREE GAMES OF . YEAR; . .,MEfT CHAFFEY FRI. ' .... 4 • ,. (. • • • ! ~ • (HJ ft tt tp ; Crippled ~y the Jou ot fl.~e playt.r• tncludin( t}\~ of their first string, Orange Cout college Pirates No More Albacore Anglers Predid ~ ~ ~ ctr.OV~ two ot their flrel three gamu of the n·ew yea.r,1Jostng to Sant.a Ana ln the ,first Conference game s I II ot Ute floe8.llan . • r . ·. 1 If the first albacore of the 8t'8· : ~ ~ . ·, However, the Sues hop~ to rcgaJn ct place ln lb!t winning columns When they meet Cha.tfey on tl'!elr 80" comes In 800" it will be a I sleeper, Lee Jonu, secretary of .: : : hOrqe.'tloor Friday after vhlttlng Rtveralde Tuead'i. n ght. Game Ume 18 8 p.m. .. the Balboa A ngl,!ng club, said ~ the fl.rat gaine following th this week. Thl' !Y'Cretary said hr .J._ • 16 14 7-6 C?irteupa.s ~ac&Uon, Coaat took Game stau.ltc. follow: K . s ted . belleye11 the IA.!lt school of ti.sh has --' J ' .....u Ci\rWJ JunlQ!" College. by storm OCC (13) Cltru• (41) a1ser ea on departed. ----1-,.,.-M-,.-.M-1---+-J~uary 3, winning bf a ecme o~ .Johncox fBl F . (7 ) -Bartel J onu predicted no more alba- N••pori 1451 '•ft tp L..Q-.. (CJ} '•ft tp 7:i ·~ f9 &lter a half .. tln\e mark of Tardie (-3%)-' P'•(14l Dtiwburat core unlit June or July when lhe Aft.IMK.t• f ' s D Notf•11 f 2 I I 34 t.o 26. '.Bob Yan:lley ran up in-. y Bo d w fish II n..r •. f ' l I II ..... , '1 I I 1 divtduaJ high score (Or' the came DaVll (21) ' C (20) Jameaon ar • arner norrl'I& y appear. Anglers ~. c 1 1 J W.mMI', c r 1 1• 3 , R lcbartlaon (4)1 Q (4 ) Elllll have been fishing since New Years R-.m. t I • ' ~fl.' 4 I ' with • total of 2 potnta, 'N'bUe Doehm ( 4.) 0 ( 0) Bon Eak· ,. day in !,;;'.an attempt, t<' catch lhE' K-.,.,, • o z 2 s.t.Y.t 1 2 • DU:k Davia netted 21 lfpinta. · r· t t r th 19"1 Stwt ... at, t • • • M1.Y. • J 1 r , · Scortng Substitutes, DCC: Shat-1 A • Ch • I I •ra a ore 0 e <> season. ~~=::·: : : : wc.w...,.,, 1 I 1 ~ov:ner. when tbe. .Buee ... jottr~, er, &; Cltrua: Klu.uman, 2; Mohr, gain airman Such a fish would actually be the Flttsi_;i.. 1 14', 1 n~ed ·to Santa A.rul on January It 2. H&JfUme score OCC 3<1. Citrull lut fl.sh of lhe 1950 albacore sca-st.ff•-•. • 1 o 1 the Pons tOQk~ a !O t? .4 lead early 26. . . &On, J ona.a 11a!d, which w~ cx- ln th.e~,flrsl half ,whlCh lhe Plrv.tea OCC (OZ) Sant.a Ana (1%) Fr1cnd8 and well wiahen: fl'om tended longer than usual. B.E-8ENTZNCE MESAN ~C~ ~ !l6 lo ;l1 bl h&lf lime. Johnoox (l:i) · r (ZO) Smith lhe Nl!wport Harbor area nocked The dlvi"11loni pf fish and game TBR{I WED~AY ... ········-········-· • llNO NANCY · • ROSBY *OLSON ! HAIW ' . lu'llC : BURN * HUSSEY : .. Mt~fJ • SAT. l!ABT DAY ne of tl:SO'a Top 10 BETl'E DA VIS • • •• • • • " LL ABOU.T EVE" Sun -Plus - .SHOWDOWN" I WM. ELLIOTT Tue&. Jan. GA..R\' COOPl'~R­ RC'TR ROMAS "DALLAS" Technicolor -AlllO - DICK PO\\'ELL J UNE A.LLYSON". 14 • 18 ' RIGHT CROSS" Sam 1 Olde.raha_t_ 61 Z38 Eut TbC. ga..Qie temalned clole Wltll the h "---_., i.o re-ported MO albacore land<'d on ue iv· , rut 1ol miftutee .. Qf ptay·.-iien tb~ Yardler (Z3) .,_, F: {18) Mattox to t e ~ ol superv ra 'l"ue•· •ix apC>rtfishing boat.:J from New-TodQ" Thru Sat, -Palm~ St., Costa fMeu. wu J'e· ~7P~' aheid... ·~ctWnl" at Drafts (23) .. ,_ C U~ Rekl day mornlns to welcome Heins port Ha.rbor ln November. A total Pria.e Ficht Ehrtlle! = ~ n~ ~-~ != 72' ·!e U , . ·-. : '11.~ ... y :: ~m (I) ~» ~ . (7·> ~ cou.nt.,y,'.j govemjn• board. alao ca!Jgbt 2000 kelp or and Juae Alqeoa • ,. • • . ' .i · C~STO"!t r Alo ~ .... FOl ir l~ . Stjll!lt "1 ,.Uld. 11'1 · for J'OU 'I , '. elwQo ... e'L'"; ppd .taote. LOok,...... ~T/ ... w- . tllo llMt -A MUFD'-T'AILO&IID surr. ,. 1 - Mufti, i.tlt. 1.118% New,. .. Blvd. I a bloe_lfa Nort11 01 Saata I . ·-.. .... - ""'"''-Clal> r --·~. I OPEN' jALLEl'S E\:'.ERl' NIGHT · FUN . ' Bowling and Bmiards at 181 Newp0rt Blvd. I In l).o.,..towa Co&ta iMea MESA' RECREATION · OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALIOA • -.• "" • --• • -,, • • • ,. • -" ..,,tenced '°Mo~~ In tho tbe~t ~ .IQ~ pme Rlcl>ardaon (O!,..,q. · 1 ~~) aloy "4toer 11 ...,.ut mombor of the of 1921 oportomen on the•!>< -to RIGH:r CROS', a•. trom the~°" p Wt1cJn ..-...~. ~-c>f',' -Jeqo•~ -;:-. " 8c¢nS 8"~1-~~· oq:; none, K1•-1 -ting WU Inform•~ i.o, t# white, --,and t!O Did<. Nwell Ii_.._ ... . ,... ..... , . . ,;.._. -· ·-. . . • . llllbta·A. ... :-1i. Half-Um• ~l(,;.I~~ . !!llo!l,ii.'~~·::.':'·i.-+...,.~-~~-"'''!' ....... ~-- ..... -• -Olil'.Ct1te0 Of · the. t ........ , tliol""""'---•• • • i ......... <•> -~y· o• -·--~ r'·n--~ --. . • ~ 14AMD tlle -l· ~~1''0r ,IMIJ:T-~~. ~T~~ hil (lO)' can:•-;: ._ ~~-~-" -by club emberi! In recent ence. on coftdJUon OSdenl\aw a~ 40 pet l dmt ._.,_., .. ...__,, (.D) • r'' r. (t) Hardy •&eC:UotL of Wlllia R . Wamer of years were by Wayne B. Elarpcr, • report resularly the probaUon h~l!Yer-, stlU be\d h\Jb ecoring <l>avtl (l•l I.(:• .{9) NNbll ::~r::::.:":1wo7ea: ~~= 2Z:.'1i<1D9t;O~ ~= ~~-.::: -ro. .. fratnahofromla~-~·~•~wt•!"' -~ bOft!i~!~ .th1•· e.~~e.~~lhDo23 ~potot ~e_J>-hmr~c ~" (2~ QG " (0,!._ Sale~~~ lt · 1a the thll"d Ume Warner ~ 8, 1948. ctren unlea ~y Je,...:COm":. .. :.'~ to.__ .... ~..,. Wlllllll:'. ,..... ns e e ~. ,) ' ~'{20l .,,caen...o btt:n named t o head the IUper-~============ ..-.... Smith tra.Jled wtth>-20 polnta:. 8 co r I n g Butiiltitutea: OCC, vl90ra, and hl8 election wu w ith-,.. by their parento. Meeting Harbor Junior College Thl•m• 1: Hatbor: Gazeley 3. out opposition. • CABINm TO HONOB RELATIVE tbe folloWlnl" night 0" lhe Loa An-Stockwell 8. Haft-Ume acore : OCC Warner annooncod he w ould an· nNt: l"URNITURE MADE _} . gelea floor, Coaat held lo a cloae 10, Harbor 20. noun~ committee appointment.a L'\/ OUR OWN SHOPS Kn. W . E. naner of Shott scote throuihout lbe game. stand-k ' ,UaHlfUll aEFIHIStllD Cliffs will enlerta.µ\ Saturday at-log' 20 to 19 at halt time with al next wee 8 meeting. HOUSE a GARDEN ' St.rte Sun. i Teclutoolor -Hllalc:al ':J'WO• WE.EX!! WITH LO\'E" I laM Powell -AJao - . "UNDERCOVER GIRL" ' ·i temoon for her sister-in-law. Mra. Cout on the short end. However, Rn' f"l\LM TR.EE A desk penset Wh presented '" COAST HWY . HEWK>lt Freeman Fisher, alao of Shore-a end-of-the.game •urge sent }iar· Mrs. RandaJI Geddee, 201 V ia to Kaiaer by Arlie Swa.rU. prcal-1£ACOH un lltlmi!lll!!•lll!I CJHfs. Twenty.four gueeta have bot' ahead to flniah Wit.tr 5tt point.I Koron. Lklo Aile.' damaged the dent of the Newpbrt Harbor-"=====::::;======= • High Quality Printingr-Pb. Har. 1616 High , Quality·Prinfing-Ph. H~r. 1616 been • invited to the lntlcipation to .the Plratea1' 45. froh,t end of J;l.el car and a city Coe:ta Meaa Lion's Club. Swarts - event for which appointment.a wtll Harbor's Fte•nla.n held hlch~ palm tree at the oomer of Vla Lido apokc only brleny. Olhcn who be car:rted ou~ in pink and blue. acore UUe for the evening with and lA.fayet~ St. at 12:30 p. m. expreeaed aatlafacUon at Kai8er 20 polat:s while Coa.at'e Dtck Davia Wedneaday. J'ielth,er Rbe nor her taking over were Ralph Maakey, placed aecond wtth 16 polnta. two children Who Wete tn the car· Sam Meyer and Harry Welch of were lnjurediJt. tbl'a.ccldent. the Orange County Coat A.an. Yardley *1ld l!-rry Johncox. Pirate ,. and F. B . Owen of the ~ta Me~ 87 110,BBi A . Rriou8 threat to Cout'a Karl )if • ~ 030 Pearl SL, Only other matter tn connec- =~~~ed. for third with 11 BO~AT li!c'IEREO Chamber ot Commerce. 1 hopes for a suecentul 8e;Mon Lt Balboa ,lal&nd ~rted that l.n· llOIT with the reorganl&&tlon of Free dellri-to SL 1-.,pb '" I f •• ft t •-•·-la truden bad brt:>ik4m "the main en· the ~ W&I the reappolnlplent • ., L w..-; OU 0 •.urtt n Bu-w<Et P y.. of all appointive offlcera on mo- aml fJommuat.,-H_,ttal era, Bill Feldner who whl play be.U gine eea water' lnl~t on hla boat lion of Supervlaor Willard Smilh e tn the future wtlh the Alr Jforce, '"Blue Spray, Jr." 90Me Ume Tuem· -c, •·•111 m..a.. Jack Wbtte who la out tor the.tea-day ntpt. The •boat wu located or Orange. lluttor 1111 IKJll with an injured back. and Bob at Earl, Stanley' a lAndJng. ------....... Han-ta who dropped ecbool. BALBOA CIRCLE MEETS ======::::t:=====~ Alao absent from the Pirate R.EPOR"8 PAO"'LER lineup are Jack Doyle, finlt ·atrlng Mn. Fran)t1iQ Wilcox, 2026 E . Balboa Clrcle 0( W . S. C. 8 ., Christ Church by the Sea. m et at the ,home of Mrs. Grace Webb wtth eight present. Welcome wu gtv~ a new merober, Mn:. Young. • tllW H' MET Comp~te Pet Sup lies . I( • COUARs ·· • .LEASH~S .. B,RU~HES • r • 8~ ' •oua•• •ooos l guard. (lo8t to lhe N_avy, and Don Ocean Front, Newport Beach. r e- Dolan. who turned .. profeutooaJ ported a prowler ill her nelghbor- Cor the bueb&111seuon. hood at 9 :30 p, '"'!-Monday. FOR REAL FUN .,.... . "ZING" DON'T MISS OUI PIESIHT SHOW GllLS -G11lS - GllU ' SHOWS -t • JI -I THE CJRCUS ROOM ONE OF .. AMERICA'S 0 UT 'J.AN 0 I NG RESTAUf.ANTSJ r_. &s,.rtt7 ..._.... - . . . .. . . . . I ···JANUARY,.. R~GULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• .. ' I f ! • IDll " l . • I 25• I,• ALSO BIG SAVINGS. ON 'ALL MA ES • • .. \ • t • • , . ' 1 I l _, f .. ' • • • PA6E 2-If -THURSDAY, JAN. 11, '1951· -uss.a .St~·Ja ,. Parish:Arinual ;:Meeting Shows G _at · Progress f ~r Year , . 'llltmbera bt the _,,...lion of._ __________ _.., SL J&me11 paNll met Sunday, Jan. 7 st a p.m. to ooricluct the. annual pUtah meeUns Under cbai.nnali· llhlp at Ille 'hctotj. °"' ftey, Paul Xoore W1Mttl~ •• ~u Rutter waa elecud -dfl'k ;et the .eealon. 'P~nme. Elleti.rooJ<, rourtng senior wardtn .-_d ch&lrman of Ibo nomlnallnl' corrunltttt, made hl,9 report of no~l.nees tor the 4. VHtrymen to Mrve three year term.a.' Elected w're Lyman Fv- ~w.n. Wllllam s. ao1ateln, Albert Maruc and Rlch&fd Campboll 1:11• ve.try bad pre-viou.ely eleoted Ber-- bert Dewes to n .. the 19M..-62 up· expired tenn of ! Robert Suttler, who hu moved 1'> Phoenix. Deleptea elect;d t9 the Convo- cation of Long Beach were Rich- &rd C&mpbeJ.l. Be~e Rie11, Arthur A(jhey, Joaephine ~eeler and Kath- leen Oooken. The vutry elect ed the following as tdelegatea to the Dk>ceaan convention to be held ln Los Angele•. Jan. 23-:ze : George M. Ho~ln, RaJPb Bea.Jl, Herbert Dewea; and al~matts, Th9'ftd Rutter, Robert ~llagrana and H . A. (Jerry) El.a.II . Fla&aclal 8'i>orl• Report. of &ll organlaatiou were received. ~ flnanc1&1 ·~­ ture of the pa.Nb waa sound u prQehted by t.hti 'treuurer, Arthur Achey. Rec:elpto totaled $23,HS.46 while diaburaements totaled $18,- 083.43 with $4,llOO of the -- eredtted to a building tund tor the profK*'d new educat.looa.J. 4>Uildlnf and tor\ church enlarge- ment. ·'nte conlP'esaUon adopted a budget of ita,ooo tor 1961 whicb ii an incre'8e of $3,000 6ver tAe1950 buda-et. 'fhe large percent of the inCreaae will go toward rniaaionary exp&n11ion: In hl8 annual report the rector complinJ.mted the pariah on thti year'• progreN in growth and ac.- tlvtty. The church school hu doubled ln attendance. Congr11p- tlons 'IJ'eW ao that lt became nec- euary to have Uiree Sunday morn- ing 1tervlcea. FMar Ob~U\·ee M'r. ?{heeler proposed four ob- jectlve1 for 19~1: 1 ) Institute Mr· vices of tnterceulon on behalf of ~orki peace and the -United Na- tion: 2) create prayer groups &nd thua atrengthen the spiritual life of the pariah; 3) consolld&te the memberahlp lnloi a well-informed unit. through the 1 medium-of adult education and; 4) if ROMible .J!on- rot:ruct the educaUonal buJldJng for the church school. Certal.n tunda are on hall.d. The problem now Is one of government reatrlc- tiona, hJgb coat of buildlng and the availability of materials. Mrs. St41nley Dixon Is Honoree \ at Shower Event COmpllmentary to Mn. Stanloy DlxOn of Balboa 111-nd. an attrao- Uvely detallad layet~ lllOWtt WM boateued ll'rlday, Jan. G, by hii' aialer-.ln•laW, Mn. Kenneth Qoar- ' 215 Wu.on St., ·eo.t& Y:eaa. The pme of whoopee atfol'ded amusement with prizes 1oln1 to KrsJ Dixon and Kn. llemlco Hat-• den.' The llvlnlf r oom wu decked with vatt-~ued bloomo while the dining tabie bore a centerpiece of a small blue lace b&lllnet filled with pink ..,.et pe... A decant- ed stork cake , w~ .ened With nut roll tee cream whk:h had pink stork centen. All 80ri.a of lovel7 , g1tt.JI were received by the honoree. Quests included Kines. Betty Dutro, Pa- tricia Myrebn. Belen DUI.on: Leona Graham, Be.mice Haxden, Maude Slack, Marguef'I~ Quury and MUts Lorie Meyer. Mesa Red Cross Starts Classes in first Aid • Coeta Mesa resident.II will be (iven. the opportunJty to renew their American Red Croes it.and· ard first aid certif1catea, aa well a.a take an advanced course, ac- cording to announcement made by Mrs. Mildred Mathews at the reg- ular meeting held Wednesday, Jan. 3, in the 90Clal ball of the Community church. Certtlcate• &ft renewa.ble every two ye&ra and national and local CtvULan Defenae Councils are urging that all _cltl- zeru aftll thelJlfflv" of this coune to be pttpared for any emef'C'ellcy. Two at.andard or beginning cla.ues Will be held, The first will commence fllD Monday, Jan. 115, at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Girl Scout hoU.le, Anaheim and Plumer St.I., wllh Mrs. Mathews u the tnatruc- tor. Thia cl.au will convene for •ix week&. The second standard cla• wut lt&rt Wedneaday, 1atL '17. ·from 'f:SO to 9:30 p.m. in the ·library of the Main School, with Ray Croft u ln.ltructor. An advanced cl&S8 will alao be held at the Main School on Wednellday, Jan. 17. from 7:30 to 9 :30 p.m . with Don Robert.a as instructor. Thla will be a 12-hour course. Parish Officers fo be Installed . Sunday Mo."liog • --. ' . . -Elected.. oncen of tile .pari.lb,. -<>f St: Jamee . 'and lte organlMtlO"' will be lnatalled by the rector, the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, durtni the 11 o'clock service on Sunday, Jan. 14 . • • I I · ~ • ' ' ' .. ' ...,_ .. , - I ' ,. ' ' • , ' 1· , , ' , i 't ·j . . l . ' ' ·.·bRr~N~~ .. \ • The meeUng followed the annual Feaat of Llghts pageant pre.aant;. ed by the Young Churchmen'• League and concluded with a mu· r;lcal progr&m and the serving of re freshmen ta . C. S . Creighton. chairman of the Coata Meu branch, American Red Crou, presided at the meeting. M eetings an held tbe tut Wednes- day of the month. The local group voted to· participate ln the Com- ffiunity Caper11 to be perae.nted Jan. 26 and 2i in the Newport Ha.rbor Union High School. Persons lo be inducted will be Vestrymen H1rbert 0.wes, Lyma.n hr-well, Wiiliam Holrteln, Albert Marsac and Richard C&mpbell ; Women's Auxiliary offlcera, Ce-- clle Ke.ran , Ruth PattlM>n, Bernice Mayer and Maurine ltlder: Y.C.L advisor, Frances Hamilton a.nd officers Pat Allen, Jack Wilcox . ' "The only younptenr who ll8JIS a cop &re hJs own."-Frank.Jin P. Jonea. Tele-tun · by Warren GOodrich -- "01•• Johnnie Glowworm "'9MY of time tO -•w•r- loe prolt•ltl:r can't find hi• lltht 1wltdl." .... You'll com- )llele mon calla~ you iPve Ulaotbtrponon ·iyof~ to wwa-at le8n a full~· lite.;; Pac:lfic ~ Kenneth HUI, blood donor chaJr- ma.n announced that the mobtle unit will visit Coata Mesa in Feb .. deta.lbll to be announced later. 'lira. Jerrold Spanrte.r wu ratl-ttea: U publicity chairman. Mem- beri Prettent were Chairman Creighton. Mrs. Mathews. Mrs. Paul N0rman, Mrs. Lloyd Gabriel, '~ Gunning Butler, ..Judge Don- llld J. Dodge, Ralph Irwin and Walter Weimer. Bible Church : Women Elect New Officers Costa Mesa ·Pastor -Takes Bride in Pretty Sunday Evening Rites Harbor Masons to Install . Officers Saturday Seafaring Lodge No. 708, Free and ~ceepted M...on. will llc>ld the ftnt annual lnstallatloo of offi- cer. at 8 p.m. on 8at_W"d&y, Jan. 13 In the Fr1da~rnoon club houae on We.st t8lh St., In Coat& Meea.. The pub~c la lnvtted to be Chamitng simplicity added to preaent. . the tmprf:ulveneu ot nupU&J. rttea lng Ute arvice. There Wett a.rt&.. The ottlcen to be lrult.a1le4. are: &n<1 Joan Merrill. ' Following lhe service • the vea- try will h~d a ahort or.:aniu.tlonal meetlhg(/ ~------ Homemakers Club Friday Project "Simple Electtlca.J Repaln" wtU be th• topic to b<: demOMtnted af a 11>eetlnc of•Ule •eoeta MeM Homemaket'll Club 11."riday, Jan. 12, at 10 a.m. ln the·ed.ucatlonat build- ing ot the Costa Mesa Communl· ty Church. Project leaders will be M.me11. Marg-e Brockett.. Joyce Htrtle~ and Alice Compton. 'Iboee planning-to attend are to brif\g &a.ck lunches and cupm. Coffee will be IM!rved. Harbor • Y's Men Giv.e Council to An~heim Gro.up Sunday, Ju. 1 ln the o;ntra1 Uc ctuaten at pyraca.nt.ha. be.r-Henry Kouutb Qelst.er, muter; Bible church of Costa Meaa. wh~n rtea and flam.ins potnMtuu Samuel Klnafathe.r! H:nior warden; vows were exchang("(f by IM.J.a bloomtnr on the table w1lb the George Lon Soaley, junior warden.; Kathryn Loui.le Wenger, daugb-gueat book. wb.lcb wU ln chazae Rexford Scott Albrlgb't, treuurer; ter of Mr. and Mrs. WUbert weft .. of MU.. Maberry. Howard Roge r Tri&iell, HCttl&ry; ger ot Salehi, Ore., and ReV;-Upon their retum from a hon-Robert Harold Reed, Cb&pla.ln; Dwight , Kinman, paator of the eymooo in Palm Springs. Rev. Arthur Edmund Flt&monU, ICD.lor local church. Rev. Ktnman la th.-&n<1 Kn. Kin.maft wUl eat&bltah de.aeon: Raymond N lelaen, Junior 900 of Mrs. ·0ertrode Darrah of reel nee at tbe corner of Eldon deacon; Vlrf'll Dean Smith. mu-- Mrs. Jay Be'ardaley will gujde Placerville, C&.Ut. and deciJ su. •b&l; Lftter Albert Smtth, ~r · ror tJ:te purpo.e ot tormtng an the actlvtUes of the Women's Mis-~eta brimming with white The new' Mn. Ktnm.an received steward: Oecar PJllhu .White Jr., Lihelm Y'a Men's club, membera ·I :· . . . , ~~· Cl~}ll'Clilee BLOUSES ·1 .. 1 I ..... j Cott.oM, Prhlhli ............. ,. 6.9511 • ~I f • • '-.... ' .Jeney8 In choice of ollkin .......... 0.95 1 I • i Veh.etll lil choljle' of co I'll ...... ~ 9.95 /. . •• 'j ..,. .. _w •SKIR1S, ' l • •• I IT 1-.... ' .Jmte)'ll ID cboiee 9' eolqrl ' . aad black ................. _ ................. 14.95 ' . Taffetas, PWd9 II . ~,, __ .19.95 1 • . I . . Velveteens, In eolon ... .. ... -... ~18.951 . /. I l .. . ' r aionary Society of the Costa Meea glad.toll and atoc.k; palma and the her ~ucaUon at th• ~ ~-.. Junior steward; Hibner Ronn.1n& 6rthe N~rt Hui.or area Y11 Central Bible Church during the 10fl radiance of w,hlte tapers ln High achool and Pactnc Bible Carlatl'om, oraanJat; and Donald llen·a club met llonl'\ay tn Ana.- ensuing year followlhg her elec· gleaming candelabra set the theme College, Loe An&elea. Ber bu. Dunl&JJ, Wer. t. • betm wtt.b an lntereat.ed croup of ,, lion to the presidential poat at an for the double-ring ee~ony per-band attended Huntington Park: T1le.f.d WUJ. De & recep~ and men of ~t communJty. A • . I • all-day mffUng 'ot th• ocganlsa· formed al 8 p. m. by Rev. John W. High .ticbool, Loo Aapl .. Bible retr..bmenta 1Jte11 the ll\8tall&lloo OrvlJJe (Tommyl T1'omuon, -· nnOf!. !Je1no, f • • • lion Thunday, Jan. •. al th• Poppl• In the pl'Uellte of more Seminary and the Uni~ly ot ceremony. ret&ry of ,the Analislm 'fllCA, , {J • , church. than 1!50 friend&. SouUl•rn Collfornla. ' • prnlded. llpMken ,.... Geor¥e • DI A' lf ET' I c s M' l u Otflcen elected lo .. rve with The young couple pUgltted tMtr G' I •. s ;:.a. tt Gould of Temple Cit)' and M&l'lon l . n 'lln.· Beardaley Included Mmea. R. troth ot&ndlng Ill fl'ont Of a ~· Virgil Coffman tr s e1u e e Keller 'at ln&:lew~ I . . { . -t . . , . • • NOW, . ~~ .S85 r . . ?,· :J ' I « ·NOW .. ,95 . 1a::· '. - , R. I I L. Sharman, vlc .. pruldent; Re· Ila bea\ltltully decorated wllllt . Oft' Progr m .. ilarbor area . ya I Men a tlllb " •, ~ •• 1].lftl... f.t..,. ---· IOljrW.- becca McGuire, ...,.,,1ary; Ev .. ..naun..,candyt\ltt&114.featherY.Honored at a memtieri In atWl<W>Ce -i .P1'.lllllad1aa~ef~-npl.1ou-.------+-, ----.11yn wr1g11t treaArer; Nancy Mc-fem. Tbo candlee .....,, il&l>tad 1>1 • for lo.'.41 ,.. WSCS 11obort .o. ~. pnoa!dmlt; l'rull .. 11at-:rw. ·IMC1 rt •ir ·J~. ~.:¢ .,... W' .... I •APERs Clutt, weUare work committee N .... o"". a, Mabe~ and Dawn -·-D'tn('er Event mes.. Dlal.· Vaua:hn Bradle1, lllll.. ~ M~ 1 -~ A....-... ,, ... r l. p ,._,....._.,_ n-8 ...... n..--....-prof111'_ rt•' 1 uraaor. All' . call c:bltman; Tb,•lma Pter90ll, aoclal ! 11 ~ --~•. _.. -•• ••-'-·~ Al N-1111 .. _ eommltt .. chairman; Nellie Mc· .Nlu Helni Keating aans, "lie-, l!:a~ wllb a dlllntt SUD-0-r t of tbe 000ta ~ l!o-aa.· lluT)' Klas, , .-t .L '"-I!'.~ ,, m.. < ~ ...,.., at c .... to , • ._.,a --A-•. ppbllclty cba1rman. ca-" .aad -~wn Pl..-.,_,.....,.. Mr. -)In.. --,..._ oo.mllDlty cllllnlll W9C8 1-al'd Los-.~ y...-_ W lllt_ A•. I OO.OlfA -JU&~ HOUl!E a ,p1',11W:J:N Lending boateu aid at the noon MD&' "Ab, -t ~f)' ot Ute.• Co~ or 1&27 aabt&•A!la. '"'"·I la •t.,._ ~fW '1'1mrada7, Ju. -Tllatcber, a.:J..a, Vlr'f'I , . 'f lllOou& BW)'. N '!WI' pollllck hmel>eon w ... Kn. Kato The .,lplato woe ae<olllpuled by OOota ~ -Unnpl u.. at· 11 at 1 ...... ~ _.,..0 :°1 be l9cill~··~·~·~J11~-~d~J~oe~J~~_:·...,....::.· ~~:::======~=~=;:::::::;:~:;:;:::'.'.::::::~. Pratt aM Mn. R. L. Shannan. Robert Bear<loley, wbci alOo play! fair u a tanwell ~lo IMlr on-IM -bt::r ""' "•! -~ '-. -------+---...__, Tbo sroup worked on ltama tw ed the t:radltJonai weddlnr mucb-..,.,, Vlqil, Wbo wllJt ... ...,.. =:"' -"':. ...,. :\,. ~0:::Ji; ,_ _____ ..... _____ , X.... Howe, mlaalol!¥1 11\ lk!Ullit eL · ID IM Army Alt .,.._, ' a-•-v 1 __ ....__ .._ Alnerlca. • carry!llg a; white Jllble wllllt an ~ _.-I Jin. '\llrlllll&=_.. " "'"*'"'11> ~--.,_ )In.. Nellie M 0 4--IC~ ~ wldta wtlom -tiaUa Whlolorr--Da.tll-Tim• .,_ mp '*'ll 1• • ~~re;-~~:=~ ~ ~~ ~ ~.!:k ;~ ',fl.s~ ~ ~ •:.,:,,~,,~ 1; Kr& 0mni. Br-or~ ,._tell 11y a -n p1111r .-t. .._. • ,.. ..... ,~llfCINleqvs. a.ate ........... a•, ti.am hp a. IDMNtl .~ ......-• .,.._ 'ftlll.. '!'.,.....or ''a 1111taate ~ ~fL .. &41l•:2.:'•,:# 1A •rW ii• • ..,,.,., •• ..-w • U. topic~ it •Xou llMW ma...,,,, •'Mtledl u attaacttw 8t.. Ant• 4f't/MP 1 t II la L-c -;-.. ~ ~======:±'==·===~!~ -...S B1Caaa i .a ... fJl:ak ....... ~ flock ..t. 8sr"' ... .._ 5? rs lllJ Ulit I --1&11111• ' oft' 1lllJ' a..,., ...,,,., al plM •• ... ....._ OllV'\f. Re llft r-------------·1 I MM;~·.-:st;::.~~·~l·~·· ~,i , JI) ot )kapM 'ht !tr ...... QM. ~- !!:! .... st0 s !',!211•-C :w.• .. _wrdi•• 1 •t --l'wil • •• ···-" CllSro9 -lllllolr .. • .... •?: • ... • lhOd, ....... "'E . 0.... ,.... .... rliuiill= ... ·= •• •<• .. 2 .... ...... .. 11li .. tlillr 1t 117 .. .-. vdk1t * : :i. Ortider, ,,.. ,_ ... 11 .... 11tw1 'DI tr? 1'111 IE •; .. WrteM. ... • tJ ..... 71 'M ...... •-------...-'-----'1•tOls -._.,... ~L pslll'ttk 1 llt•ru••ll•s rea ,._. , I • • • ,· i • • • • • ·- " ., -- • I • • j • 1 •• • • .f • • i l I • . , ' • . ' • ' -. Sund.y Services ecNnmunlty ·CflUrdt IM.1e · 4-H Gi Ii ' -Ml s. 'laura Jones for Costa Mesa Sunday S• «lees I lold CooWng.M .. t Is I loit9ss Methocfast' Church .ft. --~ ..._. ••hit. A -.. ...,:. ..;;. ..., to Mesi Circle 11 • --"' ... 0 7 •1 ••Fl• .... .. ... ,. "' tjlt .. _____ ...,_,,..;._,' __ ._.., .............. _____ • ----'l'aplC "'•~~ Ooi-:=itll!~~ fll OU; 7 dll Mar, ODD I • tllM' ~.-.II~~·---· p~ ,__'!*''Ill "' CJrdo 9 " I fff lllo ~~" ..... ~:-~ .• ==-~'°';osax..!:;: ........................ -.. .. :.; ... . ~ m =·= ... .: Ma. rch of IMM Donald Button -"' -~ ...... J . II, i:a::: ~II~:-"" ,., 11 _.:::Sci --·-~ Iii.a.. 0( .... 1- n.I ~ to Write Memoirs =::,--:'.!~-Tll&:lll-! • 11o111·11Fo .,46 ......_ _ &'~ ~=~l\i~ ~i :,-too:tbetran• ..... ,.,":'&J_. or··ive Unde ~ _ . . 1rom the pipe ........ oi>ena Ibo ..... ..., ...... , -.......,., , __ ~· """•• -· .w.;,,l':r:.-:.;;. ~~.; .. of Ari H1stonan wotolllp at 10:00 .nu. VIYlan Har-14-Jn llFo •·ell ..... WT! ' -Illa """::~ tt, _, R let ta-~ s.u,. .... ~lid ... . t -at --Tofo .... -JG!dll -ebalr. ---"O;:: '!'bat --· • belb ztlDnl.... ' • . . Bpw Spon, rsh• •~bet ~ .trleacla of Dol\"ld ,.W be .,.......t by .UM cbolr, -i u .. A.1111 1-. "1 .,...,. -la N .. ·~ 1 b -, _ Atltt a.~ -.-Ule<W.-lp Blfl"ll Of Loll& BMcll, former tb•·-clrolr dlr.ctor, floser .U• llFo 1l o'clado NJfloo U..· ach&lt 8W mem 91".$ ; -. ~ -l to S- Coirla. -reatclent, WW-be Inter-worthy 1-tlnc,.A nu-rii la pi:o-elioir wm ..,. o"J"riaol 1a the L<Wo• t C 0 Ml Ch ' h &~ .Heatti..ud -KarWi. , eoted to~ ti.at --Marpret Ticlod lor omall-.blld--bJo Ronclel Bdtll c:loaln-an --II , , , urC . ButclM!r, otholla Clrut, ....,_ Tile Bulln... and feU!onal Man Llaton ,of Now T-·bu 8"ndlo7 ewn.lDc wonblp will lie ~ b)' Mu7. Battell 11\eff . I Zimmer, "lane Reid, ~ J..., Women'.• club, Inc.. NeWport eh_,. lllm .to prepare ber m~-provided by Ula CoUep MTI'....., WttJa Mupnt kMrl& at ;::-" Weltomfd lut llw>d&J' u new lllyl:Ue Loq, l'rttsle J--· ana, -.:II 11 _,. ap1a if cllarge of ou'so lot 'PU\lllealioD. A -"I tra-U.. -d Ill tile -d -. pa. , . -_...,. cir-.Coroba clel Mar -Com· Ma!')olk Ratne.. • • the Marcil ot l>lmes !"'llo .meeq yeirer-ud laWn&Uoully -.i •lona,cP-~ proienl«!. Tbo ,....; -.iax'ochool m-at t ·U mlllllly dn1rdl....,. Mr. ib4 'Kn. Tiie Jan. It n>Htill« ~ bo a_.i . IA the N~ Barbor Vl b~ Mme. Lint.on lo W-~ Will .,._ Miio Jou Vu o'clocll' Wltb Kra. ~ 'x_ Tbomu Baume, /1bomu Jr. and baltead by Kra. ~'RaJMe area JUI. 1~ thro1t~S , • .. tlo:uJal'•Y 'Ju\own for ber art (lfto Doftn of CIWla Vi.ta wbo WU ' ~ U ~tendct. Patt,y Ann; Kr. [~ Jira. 0. W; of 1771. Moaroota ~~ 0oot.a ' .• For u.. third tive year l• Y~ in the Ne1oon Gal-youth cara ..... ~ lut ,._. m.. • 'l1'e Jun1or Hllb ·J'!Jcrtm re11ow-.. _~-fii:-iiiiiiiC•~riii. io.neciii·~1.a~1.ijiia:=-iiiiiii;i~t=·a· i:liCiii~~ii'~-~· Ute crow1nc menace polio ltU 1-.ry ·at Kant•• -ctty betns her rave her awn.mer Rrvlce ln Ha· 8hlp wtlll ll&rl&n. Boyt and Mr: ·.-pt the country, 1 vine In Ito .moot taiilous American one). wall In mloaloM and youth oampe and' Jira. H. A. ltUbl ir ... d.ruwi .. ~·more truuuOO,odo men, wq-P!ctura of ber. New Tork apart-111ere· Mloa Van Donn _b&I coJor-u COUJINllora and the lkQ,lo< HJs)l I AT TA , FUR_-NltURE .Aljli> tne'l and children wbo.b Uvee were ment ha.,. a ppeand ln the nation· ed alidu of ber .lllJIUllft'• expert. PlJc:rlm J'e.uowihip wJth Kr aad , cb&nged ....,.lebt l>yE-al --and aM ~ ..,_ -Tbla __.,.,,.will begin at Mra. i:IDa Mendenbau aa co~noel-' . ACCESSORIES ,. J'ortunatl!.ly our c can • tu:W. coDecUon to \he Butta.lo e:ao P~ ~ wJ.ll ~followed b)' 101"1, meet at 6:30 p.m. · rr AMI• ooc. OWN wdeu.oH AHO ••o• lHI '" 11;1,.~ f1cht thla menace by trlbU (M.T,) m--th• varloUa :roulh poupa In u>elr Rellglou. pictures at 7:30 p.m. --• to the ldareh of Dtmu., la mcmey Altltougl> Mme. Unton and But-ai.cu..1on meeting, and the ooc· eaeb ' SW14&y. "BOllth 01 the THI u.aeuT DISP&AT . ,. • ._ Y, JAN. 11. 195J .• • sa- · . ' - " . ' . -STOCKS ~ llCj)NDS .' • r coMMoothES 'I . ' -UNi>E1W1111Nf S· ' .. PEANWiTT RlcCD. '' M!MlflS N!W YOIK STOCK DCHANG! • '4.-med by the naU~ foundation ton met ln Ptfoenlx early 1ut ond aeaaloi:. of a atudy clUI on Ute C10Uda," a ptcture ihowtng the \n. a,. 1til PACMC COASf ~ • tct brlllg the mlracleaJ or mod¥m yeu and µiey have had mapy problem.a ot tire Orlent, taucht by fluence. ot Cbrt•ttantty fn Syria _..,• .... ~ medicine to the beWWSe . of your ta.IQ and an uUaalve conupqq .. Rev . .J. Stuart lnnenL , wU1 be lhown this Sunday. ~ . .~ __.... I" oi1-loao1 of r.-i . . . ..,; "''"'• s...; fui.. ... • Lo1.u..t•0Sto<k 619 - .. • , • commun·lty'e poUo victllna. The-nl.· dence., It la JUll recen.Uy tti&t Mme. The S'd'Mabmentai hour, brtnr· ptctutt w~ ltlmed ln Syrt&. you .._....:,.a;:=~· tfOnaJ foupdation tlu'ilplh it.a lo:-J.J~~ bu deal~ted Button .u µ.& tocether &U group1 tor a c~ .• ,.. tn.tt.ed to ~ttend. Tbere ia no ... _. ...... ~ 1 cilJ ch&pten ~ &lw~ tead1 to of, bet bloJrapher. In .-ot btr Inc period at 8 <l~, will be under cll&rge. HOUSE I GARDEN • (a tina..ncta.1 a.s:stataD.celwben wd-wortd·Wlde couection8 t-'18 II·• U,. diNcUoa aJao of the oollep ~ · .. C-...:~Jls ·,, ta...At:'- , LWfD 1PIJYATE WI S .. I Baak'ot Lapna~, Bldg., lAOmiA BEACH-P!L M -I -, S.• "'-dtcci' • lot .t.-... u • H9w Y•k • s.ottt. ' ~ I tlleapy and nunlnc, tnnoport<\-Butt.a, wllo> tall. Mme. Llatoa'a oral cbaJftnan ot the January T'_.__ _______ "--..-----------------....:...--_,,..1.-..:...--....:..--._--------.;__: ___ ..:__.:. ect . -t6r . hoop1ta\iut1~', ~ Ilana! bonor, lout exjlectod by rrouP. Kn. Maude Davia la g<n-Clo•fted ..,. C<1'lt little, .sp much- lion and hoopltal oql!I ont. un-.i ~ -be kbool of Mllolon.o. vlctlna la, tar beyOl\d Ille meano ln the creative arta. - Th• care and tr~-t of poUj> .tiared wt.Ill all wbO take late....t ' ot the average family, ind It bu Wb)le . ..,,,. su-llNoucllO" St. Joachim Choir !ued the reooun: .. of e national Cu UM· W'01'k la to ba -) · 11 Entert·a'ine'd at foa:ndation to the b~ point betnc" written, Button wm ..... e9o-. for the tec0hd atraighi y'ear. aq bla own .. By Honilem C&J'.. l!d BWllneu .... Prof-OD&! Wo-nap," wblcb be now ...,.,. to u Hori ay 9inner men's club, lnc.; urse lthat every· ""the poor man'• Llntao'' elntt h1a one contribute more ttian ever be· travela have been Umlted to lbe .Alwan a acene of gracious hoe· ton to the appeal th1I year ao that We..t..m Statea and ~lflc wa· pJtallty, the borne of Mr. and Mn. the national tounda,ton'1 work ten.. WlUJ.am Van Heemakerck, 986 W. may be continued. Bultoll la the aon of Mr., and "lTU. St., o;..ta Me .. , wu parUC· Donations m"°y be I malled to MF& Loren C. Button ot Center uJ&rty eo arowtd the holiday aea· Mra: Ruby SteV~~r.. cb.a.lrman., St,. Oocta ......_ '°" what with Mra. Van Beem• March of Dimea, 2~ Ma~ kf:rck'• sJ*ia1 talent.a for artlltlc Ave., Corona del "'"'r ' New· Officers decon.ttnc and( wondertul cook- lnc· STEAL ·~ -lns+alled by One Of the moot dellghtlul hoa- -Xay Nesbitt, 1158 Ocean Bl~ pJtalttiM WU the d11\ner ho.ted Balboa reported to police the tllett St. Joachim Guild by tbe couple tor the choir ot SL of two pair of leYla from ber Ji:tachim Catholic church. There cJotheallne 1 Saturday nlpt. She by Mary Tlled"9e ••edle were te.stoona ot bright rtbbona. 'allo uJd that a fl.a.nn!el ab.lrt had lnataUatlon of new otflct:n for PY leavu and floral p'.a.ce canta. been stolen trom be~ clot.beeline-t.tM comn. ynr and variou. pro-Aft.er the aumptuou• reput. about tWO Wttk.a &JO. gn.m.a under COllltderaUon were guesta enjoyed fortune telllnJ and -----------\be majof l\eJU an the acenda of ILltenlng to the couple'a record St. JoachDn Ladiu Guild, which collection. convened 'Mlu~y. Jan. ~. New· Choir membe.n and othe.n b~ ty elected prulde.nt of the rroup, den to the festive event included ~-WU"---Brown Miu Alice Martin, Miu Imelda __.... uaou &o. , W&I p~ R?tt.ed the pval by hther Thom· Anton, Miu Nablha !Babe) 4.ft .. u J. Nevin, wlltle llra. Robert ton. Miu SUMn ~. »• l.1ncb waa aeated u vice-pm!-Dorothy Townoend, Miao CUiotta J dent; Kn. o.or.-e Paul u Mere-Menier, Hr. and Mn. Robert tary and M ... 1warren eomn.. u Lynch. ~ Gay Th.teaen, Jeny . tre&IUttr. ~ ~ . , Shannon. Eddie Ortel'O. NLna L&ID)chtn.,. into the buatnem ot Michael and Bobble Van Heema- acuviuea for the new ' yMr J4ra. kerck and ~-Betty Kirby. -S-• o L -_--, t ~· -..---™i•D Ulllit.iJW planil. tor a ball'9d • ! 1°"'1" Ale:to be -t1•l4 Ju is t?om K•n..l'ie-E-.1am•ity I Liil. to 1 p.m. at Stroot.a-Te--'lliil Q. . "'IJi' -· Winkle hardware. Mra. Julia Gam-H fr T • mon will be In <bur. _ ..... by ome om rip ~ ':.~~ ohlbaver an• Mro to San Francisco PALM LEAF C FFEE CAKE 11A ,....J 23:. A membership drive, 1ehedulcJ to get underway ahortly, wu plan· ned with Mrs. H. V. Ka..ndle. ap- poin\ed cha.Inn.an. She will be U'· .ltated by Mra. William• Brown. ,Mn. H. E. Nolen and Mr•. A. A. EJchb.om. Hoe~ for the evening we~ Mn. Lout.: Scheppena and Mn. Captatn and M~. H . V , Kandle and children or Z34 E. 20th St., Coel.4 MM&, concluded a week'• sojourn In San Fpnclaco a.nd the Bay area.. Being tonner San P"'r&ri'- cl.lef> ruldenll, capL and Krw. Kandte enjoyed again the many at: tractions of the' bay cl t ie. u well as much e.nter(aint.ng and wum hotpttallty-utehded them durlnr Ulelr· stay. I WlllJam Brown. Charles Becker Dies in Texas Many H&rbor people will be l&ddened to learn of the sudden Highlight ot the trtp wu a vialt with Slater M8f1' Fl(blblola, O.P .' (&later of Mr.. ~) who teacb· ea at St. Leo'• Pa.rochlal school ln Oakland. death 1ut Frid&y ln Dalla.a. Tex., ~I S Ll..d 1_ ' of Chari .. Becker ot Pboenbt. Mr. ·~ew I' Cne Ure and Mn. Becker 9J>e-Dl much of A d f their tlmot ~re .... hooted mUly nnounce or ddl~httlll part!.. at Balboa Bay St J L, Ch h DEVIL'S ~ · c1ub. s.rv1cea ... ,. ••Id TUuc1ay • oacn1m urc DB.UXI SQU~' 6'h for him In P\>O<ftb<. . • -~-, A new oclledule ot mw&, s:om--•...., ... ..., Balboa Islanders a;ienc1q llyn<laY, ,.,,_ u. i.a..,..., * l.Mifw,. ... r I ·v1 announced. by th R.ev. Thomu J . . -008TA I08A Off for Phoenix Nevin, putor ot St. Joachim 1100 Newpo_n r:vd. ~ ch\lf'Ch,. Cotta Mesa. The marked Mr. and Mn. Bert B. Brewer tncre&ae ln m... at'knd.ance bu Cj)RON A DEL MAB of South Bay Front, Balboa lo-made It n~ to supplement tQ eo..t ID • l&Dd, an 1eavtn6 next week for by two add.I~ eervtce. tbue _ l 1,.,.7 Phoenix w!l.ere their new 'hop!• which have beea~ln efect a1nce thl lAOVNA hu Juot boon completed. Tbey orpniu.U.,.. ot pariah In 1~1. 111 ro,..t A will at&Y ·ia.e for oome tlmoi re-Four SWlday will now lie '--...;,~.;.;;.;;;;;.;.;+;;;;.,--.1 tu1'1)1n&' bere J\lll llefore !Cuter. I Mid at U>e n~ boura of 1, 8 :30, -'------+-'~--~-.:..· ..;:_~'-'-----'-'-'1 ~ 10 ~ 11·:30 a.m~ by F.ather Nevin. • POT l801 ~ ........ ;;•rt···~ oma .. , ........... ., 8PJ~U8 Foa .nroK, ni..· UT. -~-----.. 10' ' UIT.~ .. •--z~--•-•r•r ... 25• I • 1-' ,... • • t '---,..;'---"-'• ,;;;__:;_;;o;r , ·-... 10' " ' .: ~1 _:: ___ _;,_.:..::.;;..;~_;: I . Mrs .. Bert, Brew~ is Hostess at Canasta Lunoheor1 • • Kn. Berl B. Brewer of ~ lll&Dd wu --on Jaa a 'at ----.-....i. at Balboa llla7 chlb --ott-• llcbttlal Mtp'MUl,J w -'" 4. c: •· 21 , D1a1n. A.a&au '·Lee· -~ .... s.v.~ ai Xeru.-~ Mn ~ - l'iial -· -r....... -..... --~fea ----·-. Dalllllt • s' --~ _, 1 • . r · (~'-- • • 'l)'Un your ~ f'ood coeta by takllac advantqe of th.e oat- atandinc buys, They're the ·~ r..m. ill the ~ ot value1 Safewayi1 olrerinc now. aia th-ro;· U-1 you waDl to include on your aboppinc list. Tbea,come to S.teway ••• IDd .. ..,.1 ' . CRISCO SllOITllllG For~ing 1 ... 35•~ ftl• · or ff)"lng. WI c.. :I - COINED IEEF ·~· -. Llbb1 brand- For quick li>Ula. 1::: 39• ' At s.&way1you C&J1 be •ore of lues in .,..ti. Selecled from top gndeo, fullY'trimmed. S.feway mtats give good ea.ting every time. POK LOJ!~BO&sJ 3: gc . !oro,::~:i=:ed . : ... 5--,:'11r. ·.' • ' ' .. ' . POii. LOii C-.OPS 43· ;!._ Fullrtri_,,,,. chopo c.t. 13·.. W Cl I fnm U.ra Cwt v . Clot ~• cra!•·(eol f9rk;. ..,.._ • .,... .. . I 1·1·z ... , ... ·BOUT BOILlllti "'*'Moat. fop u.a. c;c;., Gnzrlae .. • !• , . -· ' Vaa Cwr• ' ,_ , .. GIEEll GIANT PUS ' BigS-t. • Extra S.vor. Vacuum packed. Golden kernel. '!:-17• ·- • ' .- ·• • • • • I ' , " " ·~ \" ' I j " " • ' • I • \. ' P~&E 4 ... , .. PJ RT 1-1 '...; ~~AV, JAN. II, 1951 ':'PUss-B .. -·~~~~~~~-t-~~~~~...,...~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' • hlds .. · tD}t Mlrlne New Piiot E . . ·1 ~ .!tar SllO ng · R"' Trick I..; Cd~tla6 Ille ltlal &ppoll1' SOJ.OCWHl!:!IE ·JN S 0 UT B -once ot the apoc~ular new 1~1 KOIPJ.' -Now every bundle ol ·-· " i1Give. rat · Ctlnu a •111 .... · .... ~-··' 9 ·-----.......... i19tJU .• •••Mil •t «W 11w7. Neis; 11t -. -:»?Jymouth fn Newport Harbor, •traw tn Kona akdig tbe Com .. :..')farvey Somere • ~ lpc., the locaJ muntat tr\11 90\lthward la a poi"" ' -Chryaier .. Plymouth fdealer at 21l91 slbJe enemy. · Cout Highway, Jlrliewport Beach, A moequito obHrvatton , ptlot bu arran~ an un.UBU&l a.I.I day IU}d Jet ruer teamed up to uncOver ahowtng ot the car tble Salurday, a new Communillt .camou~ Jan. 13, trom. 8 L ~· unW 10 p. m. trick as they aearched dawn· a Shirley' lngra111 of Balboa I• wlndfng road near the 38th pa.r· land, patiOnally tnqwn cover girl allel looking ror ..enemy actMty .. a.pd model, wlll be pttaent to gtvr Tb'e spotter plane. saw a amall an exoUc coN&ge of two Princeaa gnmp or North Korean ll"OOpe AJoha orehldl to eycry lady who scatter off the road aa the ntst attends the. ahowlng. The nowcrs Marine A.Jr Wlng jet pla.ne ap- are being specially flown ln from proached. Hawaii. A. they jumped Into the ditch • Soft background ~uaic wlU be OJl .both •Idea or the toad, eac]'I provided by Gordon Longfellow at North Kor-ean untied a bundle1 ot the H&nunond organ. Longfellow atny lie bad been car'rying, drop-- is from the _Mesa Scl;aool of Dance ped to his knees and quk:k:Ty plied and AccordJon_ the straw over himaelf. •- , Highlighting the 1vent will be The ftlOIQWlo pilot then called'ln the draWing for flye wonderf\JJ the "Panther" jet piloted by Fl.tst prlzea at 9 .P. m. Sahu-day. Tick-Lieutenant Danny Johuon of 821 f'l:t will be dlatrtbtl\ed free to Orie Ave., Corona de.I Mu. t'V t·ry one at ihc ~wing of the Wilh its guns bluing, the jet 1951" Plymouth. Qf.aild prize will made a &er-camlng run down lhc be s:w> on t~ qa:yment of a road &nd broke up lbe newe11t nPW Plymouth. ~r . awanb in-CommunJ.st camou!la.ge trick. elude a car heat.er, -'J'OWght, M't of fog llghte and {wo back-up Ugh la:. Harvey Somers, prea!dent of the company, a&ld thatJ a prtvatr !ihowtng of the luxurfoua new car will be. held Friday oJght. PriYer-of-the-Y ear Award Presented • • F or a wrtJng a Mtriowi traffic f,inatfhlip .iD he&vily cOngested,J.raf- ftc, thick 'drJver Jamca A. Buford, 32. Wealf:l'D ·,Truck Unea, waa Ynantm.~ · ChOOBet\ Californl•'• .t>nver-ot~Year by the Motor Truck Aaoclatlon or Southern CaUfof'f\la., "'; • : Buford wp trave.llng along wlth J.he tle&"Y "inbound rn;,!flc on At- Panllc Bl'Yd.., In Lynwood early In 3une of la.et year when he felt his truck bumped on the. right aldt>. Slowing down, he o~rvcd a aeda.n f-'lth th!! driver slu~ped over tl\e •l'al. Seeing that the drlverle111 car was headed tor h"cavy traffic, Bu- tord rode herd on the car with hi.a truck for mofe tha.n a block,. fi- nally a!owtng It down and bumping lt. · Into tome heat}' machlnery wb~re alight dam8.Je wu 'done. ,rxa.mtnatfon llhowedt that the drtv• ~ of the car had dtec; from a heart f"!&Ck. I • ••• Cliff Chapman Now 'Gran~pa' lt took Uirtt attempts to get him to 8lop long enough tq tell It. but finally Cliff Chapmain of Lido tale finally revealed that h-e·s no.w "Grandpa." a son hav· Ing b<-en• born on Qec. 28 to hia tJKughtcr aJ1d 800-i'ljlaw, Mr. and Mrs. H1erberl Holve of Co&& Mesa. aJtf ha.a a AOn ot. bis own about ready for k.Jnd ergartcn &nd a.d,rnlts he flnda Jt dUficuli to think of himaelf as gra.nd!ather . Install Stop Sign5 on 3 Mesa Streets • New stop lllgne were belng ih--" staJJf'd thU. "'ttk by the Oran county road department Jot 9 inter· 8eetions in the unincorporated area. ot Orange cou.nty, Including three at Costa Meu. on order ot lhe board of auperviaon. Actton to IN!tall the •igM waa taken on rccOmmendatton or tht' county's tl'afflc commttee, which atudlea va.rloua requt":ell for im- provement of tratttc-atety con· dJttona. The followtng slop stGna were ordered installed in the Mesa area: Orange Ave., ea.st aide of 19th St., Short St. at Weatmlnater Ave., 15th St. each side or Irvine Ave. Steal Bill and Tray from Drive-in Cafe Th<'ft of a care bill for tour meal.I acrved on a car tray which aiao we.a. stolen trom the V..tctor Fat Boy cate, Newport Blvd., Colla Meu,... waa ~~\,ed... to sheriff after mldft.lsllt-Sun . A we.ttreas, Ella Jo Richardson. hailed a pualng patrol car or the sbertft'• office and reported that a certain harbor service elation OJ>('tator and tour men h&d drfven away v.1thout paying tbe bill tor ".he meah and had l&ken the car tray and dishes away wltb lbMt. HOME FROM BAKl!:BSFJf:f.D Returned after a Coala MeJJa 80journ with Mr. and Mra. Fran.k J:Srceat of Santa Ana. Ave., are }of.r. and. Mrs_ Charle• Davia of Bakenfleld, Mr. and Mra. Otmer Breeet and Cbarles Hansen of Southgate. -~~--- -OpportunJty le knocJctng in CLASSii'IED ADS. Parents H~ar Dr. Hai el Vorkink on. First N~ght of. Adult Forum By Mn. Wm. B. Tritt • , and "guklance." The vnlY res.I rea. aon tor d!aclpUne la or .tiouJd be tor the "'elf~ ot the chi~ l.adlftct H etttoda ' . ------.-------------- New Body Lines, 'Safety: Flow Ride' :~~~. ~~tp<~. ··~~· Feature J51 Plymouth on Di~p!ay Sat. :~~~l:~i~·1r~ Independently of the pont brake Spectacular engineering adv&ncttnenta which prodUce driving and u an added ufety meuure. riding -ede heretofore unknow'! 1n automobiles or ..ny price ctt-u· Cball,.e tateriqn f~ture the -new Une of Pl,ymouth can1. Combining smart new body ina · Ne~ Plymouth lntttlors .offer I 'Ytlh matchleaa tn~r lUxury the l1t5J Plymouth wlJI go on the ttneat &election of upbol•t.ery dLlpla.J here and throughout the Unlted St&tea Saturday. the two ana trim and the most jlarmonlou~ Harbot' f.rea. Pl)'D\OUlh dfaiera a.n-.-----------~--col« echemee ln the company .. ftOWlCed today. · according to Harvey Somera and hialOfY. The colors which have t>d.tgnen have' given the Ply-Datid Stiaver. ~n ch°'8en provide tl\roug.hout mouth a Sll'tklnc new anhouette1 'The new Plymouth gtvct you the interior a ,plculng combine.- and" Interior nftne~ent. are in-roadabillty never bc.f0;re offered in tlon ot sbadea ln harmony wtlh the novaUonai th th:e lowe&l price fteld . any car .. " the Harbor dealen Mld car'a exterior color. Alwaya noted The atylln..J lmprovemt>nt. ret.a..ln "There la no neceutty for titeer-for fpaclouanees. Plymouth now the tradlm,na~ · roomlnese oC the Ing-wheel fatigue to control the ha.a e¢"eri more head room and' ~an. car on difficult roacls. 'nle driver more room to Stretch. out t.n com- The new Plymout.Ni may be seen le no long-tor required to focua full tort In ~he rear teat. 1n Newport Harbor at shaver Mo-attention on the condition ot the To go with t.he b'igh quality or Lora, lasl R&rbor B.1.-d., . Costa road. · He tll•Y be more watchful tbe .Up.holat..ery,_ there la a Jullld- Me.M.. and at Ra.rve.y Somera. I~ of on-coming traffic, pedestrians, '°me n~ t.natnlrncnt panel whlcl'I 2491 Coat. Hwy., Newport Beacll. curvt'8, crOS8roflds and other po-features a more convcnlent group· Euler to drive and more con1-tent la) huar~." lng of euicr chock long wh.IJ~ dr:'lv· tort.able, the new cars have .--at· lnl'. !l'hen are nine-body-lypea In e·~ NfJ\f Lint>• .... 1>1.... h U ed beauty, more aatety feature.a •.ue new .. ..,mout ne . and broader range• of vtalon than The l.lnea of the new Plymouth Amonc lhe "high-priced ear" ever before_ have tx>en beautified. An appear-featurea which •~ ret.alned are a.nee ot mue:tvenea comblned 1IK.ocyltnder, 07-ho~power e.ng-lne with smart atreamllning la induced with a 7 to l compreaton ratio. ' s.tety-t'1ow Ride F.nglneera &af the nrw ."Safety-by a new grille., beautifully redci-the combtnatlon Ignition and Flow rl<le" ta.kee the bounce and algned front tendef'B and hood, a 1tarte.r Switch. autonia.tlc elect.rte wallop out of bumpll. A new ap-wider wlnc:tu.leld and a larger rear cboke, ~per--cushton tire&. M!c- pllcatioft ot bydraulk: fldlAr ,eontrol window. Narrower windahleld pU-guard hydraulic braki!!a, ,.anct .. f . In the I.hock abeorbeQ prmJldeti a lar1 together with the wider wind-ety-rim wheels. more· gradutJ change of rUtatance •hleld provide additional later-al durlng aprlng deflectlon1 and thus vlliion. To utUlze fully the greater a softer ride when drtvlng on vlaion through the now r-ear wln- avera;e roai:ta. It a180 eXerll extra dow the real' vlcir.-mirror LI two -resistance on roug'b roa.da to a l'!chea wider. Tbe cha.tr-height degree where driver and pa..!'9en· front aeat and th! nt'W de1l1t11 of «en are aimo.t completely t~ hood and Cront Ceadere J>ert\Ml the ..u...~r··"' ""'"• )olted drl~. tp -u....-.s ........ tbe ~ .. 0.: "' .I -1. \ ' 1 • ... .. ''B&fety·1'1ow ,ride .. J.s one of 'the AU Plymouth encl.nee~ have g"'9.t.eet coaCi1buucm. to _dr\vlng a bulft.fn b1-pau cooUo1 9Y•l•m comfort and. Afety ln reeent Yf'&n, 1 permllllng water circulation and HOME PROM T UL."!ON Mr. and Mn. P1 L. Heuton ot Cyprcsa Ave., Santa Ana HelghtA. have returned from a vlw'lt In Tuc- MU\, Aria.. with · Mra. Heaston'• •i.ster and family. Mr. and Mn. Joel C. White and chJldreo~ Tbere- 1& &nd Dbny. Jot ... White 10' & lorinh reaklent of Coeta Mesa. -People do read the want ads. I ' 1936 ·Harbor ,Blvd.; t • , · . I Costa Mesa ' Telephone Beacon 6907 There are beautiful new lincs in the new .1951 Plymouth • cars. A new grille, redesigned fropt fenders and 'hOO!i, . and a wider windshield provide an appearance of massive- ness combined with smart streamlining. The car11 feature unl'recedented roadabllity and riding qualities, and riwner- OUll mechanical improvements. " ' • • rr . ' • . : . Yi 0 es -and an Opf¥Jrfunl • ' Q.U · ' .. .:. . ~ArulDAY, JANU RY 13, ltSJ • ' • . , • ' • ·• • • ' • • • .. •• .. • I l I · DlCIWf..,. 'for I · . . a .... :..,_.:·-:.· Pl'ifes ·~, n}'Jlsqa of ~-1' tow.rlf &he d~.; I . , ~ . -~,!· 11.51-~ ~ ' ·l'Jibd ~: '~ '-'-~. I utli; . ;I • • ._, 8 ..... h-· . , ' J1°"'111 I ,_ -a.., ,•1 ,..: Po~ Hg,., f t t ... • • I • ; • I ·. r , • r I r. • I • r· • Newport Angler·s· · Clifton Re-elected . · nder New P.ower. S<idn. . Compet~ in · of U. S." Power SquailrOtls Piloting· W>urse · . Sailf isn ;.Tourney ::===~~ a::n19~1 -: .. ~:,: :-:; to 8'gin Jan. 'll : Southern Calllomta In general . The 31th annual conference Of <ldepln, which met In the Hot.el A n.w COii...., l.n PllotJnJ, gtvon • .DINGHY l!P'VHD . and Newport Harbor In partlculer Aawr, N~ York City. on Saturday. Jan. IS. al.lo re-decled Execu· by the B&llKJa Power . Squadron L. •• •-•I wUI be ..... M--••y, J••n•~ 22 -• A -11 'bl"4 dlnPY Wlth a pair will haw the ut:l!t represen'--"; on tlve Vlce--Oommander Herbert R . .---------------.... ~,,_ UQUa .....__.,. .... of oua ~de wu found ,by Arthur o! any area ln lhq world t.h18 ~k Prior N. EducaUonal Vlce..COm-nity. Slnce women are not admit-7:30 p .• flt •t Balboa Yacbt dub. Torn.nee. leo& Park Ave-. Balboa when the Slxlh Annual Light m .. nAer Edward L Neleon N. ·Ad·-led to membei-ahlp, a ap«lal cer-The couree la froe of ch&rge,'.,pen laland. at t:1n p. m. Sunday. The Tackle Sa11fl8h Tournament ill --"' tlf'-t t quatln atlon 1-award to alt men and welrf!.cn who are di~"""' WL __ , •-• a -·U wb-' b.kl •, t Palm Beach, Florida.· m In I• tr at Ive Vic-~-mmandot -.a e 0 c Miii -boat lndOd d ·--Int • .... ..,, IUCll '~ ....... ""'""' · ~ eel upon pu:stna the exam and 520 m an .... ....., a.re effl:v moun\ed 09 It.a bow waa turned Dr. R H . Hoffman. 5«.relary of Kenneth B.,Cbamp .JN and Vi~ euch •watda were made fn 10~. ed In lea.ming more about UM' ov ftYthe Harbor Department..., the Pacific Anglera, of thi BaJbo& Commander f.eecret.ary) John c . ~lfenda.nce flguHs at the tree recognised pracUcea ot eatety and er ...,.~'-' ----- • ' IW.AllD • · '~16Rs 00£1tN I •-" ttof'ICA\ fUlNITUll I OIA,B ~ WAL1PAPJIS • LAMPI ~001 COV8'N41S ' HOUSE & 0:.UIPEN ' I COASf Hl&HWAY NIWJOll • • , I • PA~E 5 :,: PART l~~. THURSDAY, JAN.1 II, 195~~ '.rei .. =· ~L>P0~;fR~i$~ I f' I t : j I ., j DRAPERIES f ... ·.mi~: ~ ~ p . cusTolf )(•PEI Fll.Oll sl!ll.ECT P ABRJds · OOMPLETJ!l iN'l!EtUOR D~MTIN ~iERY!~. __ , UPHOLSTERING e) SLU' OOVJlRs e :!JED~;• BEACON HOUSE ~l~IORS • !%0 .B~~CH 0i!T. • . IAOUNA..;8fJA~H :_ 1 . . 4-6517' ' .Bay elub, Mid four NC'wport Har-Talbot N . The newcomer to thit 1ectutt1 are up nearly 1,000 over competency 1n th'e handlinc ot bo •-am will compete In the &ma.JI '---•~ No adv••ee e·-'I· • r """'" • JI.st of top brau ii Vice-Command-1949 and the Inc~ in m ember-uoa-. -· i.uvo event whlch ta achrduied to run er (trt?&SUnr) Jamea P. H . Mt.rk-&hip, over the umc period, q ap-mcnt la nffdod. , -People do read the Preu ada. I llEACOH tlJ17 -Bo ~ pe<iple-&d""ru.e! '-11----· ---'-----" High Quality Printing'-Ph. ,111p,. 1616 through Thurada 1 y with Friday re-er JN. ~ proximately the ame. nteM cdle.aa _:1!,t!.~"rlinUe to Jnfeklt ~rved a.a an a tcmate day in cue Found«! tn Bo«ton tn 1914, thll Having p~yrd a major role on on ay u ,.. .. ~ or ten wee , of advc~ we&lhe't". orpnlzatlon of amateur boe.lme with the armed forces in both concludittg with an t>x.aminatlon Newport Harbor teams and now boast.a 15.000 memberS"of 119 World Wars, the Squadrons att which hf optional. M•JI wbo P9At their membeni lnch . .1de: Balboa local un.iU: (equadron) from cout ready again. In \Vorld War ll, the lb• Piloting examinatlon may ~ i Angling cmb. Hora.cc \Vithcrspoon. to cout and gulf to :;anea. Ba.lboa Jc training structure qt the e1cctf'd to mem¥nbtp in the Unit- Sa.n Bernardino. team captain: Power Squadron ii the unit ln thr Anny Engineen' Amphibian Com· ed State.a Power Squad.rona, of RuMeH A:ndenioo, Los An,gele!I Newport Harbor area. Squadrons mand a.nd Army Tran.sport Corpe which JJa.lboa Squadron ta one of and Ray Rochmcr, Lo:!J Angeles are JoCatcd In Hawaii and the Ca· wa.a conducted by Squadron men. 114 units scattered acrOAs ·thC' and Newport lk~h ; Milton Tate. naJ Zone and there la one fonb.lng Lut April, the Govf'rnlng Board country. Women who pasa lhe ex· San' Bernudlno, alternate. In Alaska. • of the USPS approved a plan or tunlnatlon are given f\ cerllflcatr Light Tackle Marlin club, an There ls no connection ·with the cooperatfon with the National De-of quallfiCAtlon and are entitled exclusive group nf fishermen who Canadian Power Squadrone w~n ,rense Eatabllshmenl in utlllz.inJ: th<'n to take the advanct'd counea. have landed a mRrlin on Tight are rapidly developing their or-our training faciltl<'B for thi' bl-ne· Inl'ltructor8 are l\ll volunteers. tackle have sent Dr. A. L. Coy ganiJ::atlon along the u·nes and tit of lhl' Dop't of the Army. mPmb+>rs of fhe local Squad.ron. of Long Beach and Don Alli:oion with the blessing of their Amerl· Tran~rtat lon Corp~. in rl'l!IJK'et anrt all a~ cho~n for lh-eir t:X· ot Beverly f:lills. Nev.rport Harbor can counterpart. to the Harbor Cra!t Units of that pC'rirnc(' o.nd ability a.nd most of ,.acht Club Tuna club~ entered bod lh<'n1 have lakt'n several of the ad· Dr. Lester Lowe. I..oa AnJ!:elcs. lU Pllollnl' Claut._'9 Ay~ example of the valu<' which vanccd courst"a. lt"&m captain; Frank Wilson. During the pa.st year, 163 ff"l'(' the Dep·t of the Army placrs on Balboa Island •aod Ray Goul ot public c'.asae8 ln piloting ..-('re the educational progrttrn \Of thr Los Angcl<!s and Balboa. conducted throughout the coun· USPS is fou'11d in Sp<'cial Regula· The <.·our8<' lnc lud(?.IJ accurntr Pacific AnglC'rl!I of the Balboa lry. 8,847 boat-mlndOO pco,,le at· tion No. 140•105•8 (conrcrnin~ and understandable lnfotmation club hav<" a repr~ntatlon or tended the s~ions and 5.766 of regulations governing lhf' Officers· ebout motor boat !av.·. rules of th1· Merle Affcrbough of Newport them requezted examination. ~'a RcM'rvr CorpR); the USPS t'O· roar! for a11 boa.U. handling of Jielghts. \VaynC' Harri.~n o f Santa rcsUlt, 2,811 became certiflt"d dorsement Ol 'Navigll,tor' is accept-boats both sail and power. partt AM ancl J.V!b Aflf1C"1"1f0n or Ba boa nlembcrs of this yac~tlng fratrr· fd in lieu of b colh:~c c:l•gr<'1'. ">f boRL, an•l l:vpca ot rh:s. somf' Island. H. G. Roger" or Glendale nr th,, prlnclplea or u111ng:. rule.- will b!> alternate. • ror .s&f<•ty, n1 'r9 for lighL" aboard Other Southern California or-5, -4lft boftli'I, 11sc of fl;lJ;"S and manftera ganlzations Sf>nding rrpre&Pnta-' ' ( ~nfl CW510m.!t aboard Mhip .. zk1p· lives include lht So11t!':ern Cali· ore n By Ed P"rl'I' rcspon1llblllty. si•l1' to navt- tornla Tuna club of I..ong Beach Scule ,izat1on, use or charts ""d navige- and the Tuna club of Catalina linn ln:strumrnts. compaas with • Island. Hard a·lce the hr lm antl hand I r1ucstio11cd lht•1n RH to authol'lly 1t·vlnt1on a rt! variation a.nd the I Wives of thr majority ot South· the spokes JlvC'ly~ Looks lil~e a j Lhry lau~hcd il 0~r_ •111,.y thLln'l re. usr of scvC"ra1 ways or taking anrl trim me1n~rs accompanied.I . . 1 quit'C' any. b+.•nr:n:; to locate the poaltlon of lhrir hus brutd11: lo the l ourncy. I •hoal or a t1dc·rip r1~ht under thl' It had aJ\\·ayR lx-f·n lht' rulf' 11.n d a boat Rl aca. Sat.urda~ ha,,. bcl'n de3ignaled a.is bOws. This column Is out ·or luclt . the pra'cticc. and lhry had nrvt"i· Sptttal rmpha.siA 111 ~ut UJ>?n ladies aay 1n ~hr tourn1me0.t. Wt' got oft to a bad 9tart Nothing Known or ht>&rd or anything dif· saf<'ly .. ard mt'thod:s of giving du1· qurlnr: la'i t Vt>at s tournamrnt ·1n but 8<1.?s.11& and nasty croaa:~u. ff'rtn•. Scn:ting the !utllity of ar· J tr ~"s .!'llJ.rnals 8.Ild, of reaculng a Acapu co, Mexico. ).trs. Frank I Couldn t have hem leas ausp1c1ou• gument unde r suc h <'ircumstanct•S man OVC'I board. All of the ma· Linn!;>li, w ife oi · Jurlgc Linnell of if we had ventUrl'<I our initial I let the ·mJbject drop r l~ht thert" J lt•r·a.i in the coUr!!!>e i1' valuable lo Newport Seach, brQke th~ worn· jaunt on 8 ho'y Friday. Th(' tur-but lh<'y werr such fine ft•llo~·o11 nny boat orx·rator no matter what <'n's world rt'COrd with a Nght moll waa precipitated by our stand 'lnd 50 rrank and l'arne~t 10 their 1 l}lW or 1'1\7.1'. Thi:' 1naterial ie al80 tackle sa1lfl.sh. 1 on an unwrittl"n bclirr. that 1 f<'ll a rr.rasure of I us1·ru1 for a ny pv.Meni;cr or Ct'e\11' Tournamcnr oontr.stants mu! t law of the sea. sympathy .and rr,1:rt•l that thry I mcnibcr. use a nine-thread !27 -pound te3l N c v er hav1n::;:: s hould be so n1is~u1<lt·il. An<I th•· ------- Unel or lighter and must ob.:Jerve known any d1f-pity is that thf'y ar(' not a lon• .. NHYC H Id rulrs of lhr InlL"i national Gaml' fe~nt practlcc, There arc many 111rir1• most· o s .Fiah A~. Only team~. r~present· I we b6ldly M · ly yacht..1Jn1c:n "·ho 'ia~1 1· undC'r I lnl;' angling clu~ aff1ha~t"d w ith a er t e d that lhr same m1 .. npprl'henslon. It 1:~ • lFGA arc e lglble to eompete. when a conning all a qut'.l'ltion or & hoollng-, or E E Ma • . officer Wishe11 I rather, tl'\c Jac k l)f it. Th<' CO:ln· nn1ng 1 DJ:SGHY ADRr•-r to direct a Vf"ll-Ing or a Vf'S3t'I Is gnvrrnl·d by an • • Mr&. Ralph Baker, 3 Harbor 8ers course to unwr:tten Jaw of the sea. I t can· • • Island Drive, Beu.con Bay. rl'portf'd at a r board he no t be learned from 6ook8. Dinghy Series t!i ,poUce that a djng~y be~ongmg con1manda Port A rt·cruil acqtJirca the tL·chnlquc to her wu cul adrift from ' it.a , ...._ Ed Soule to the wheela-of ht>lmarn&ru1hlp from r<•r.sona.J tn-' 'Olm"""oo'l'•~ln,.11;"1 and an outboard "lnolor man. and vice versa. but our .statr· i:tructlon ju11t aJ.1 h•• lt'arns or 1~13 E. E . P.tannln,:t P.temorlal c:ham· from \t between ~:80 &ll4 ment bnn11J\t f'e~rcuulone. and halyarda a.ad the othcl' "f'le-p1oM.l'llp .crtn for dlng:h.lee wt.II a .. p, m. lul Sa~y. The dlngby \ Some ot our reader• -quite a menta of 9"&.m&nflhlp. Hll'I fitttt lea-~ ht:'ld .al the Nf'\'.tport fl.arbor W'&:I. recovered by a netghbor at number in fact -take ltu1ue with .on la alttrlng teachlog him lbot Yncht club thia week end, Jan. 13 3 :4 ~ 'p. m . us a.nd Insist that lhf" rule la ex· lhf" V<"s3CI must l'>Wln g exactly con· and 14, .&pon~red by the Southern Also nllSSl ng from tl!e craft WU acUy contrary lo this column·s lrary to lht' romn1and "Port .. Callfor-n la Yachtlni;: auoclaUon. a rt:-d two gallo~ gawllnc can. The version, but this la not u great a ~nt!s he r 10 star~rd anq .. Star-I Th€' rrJ;::at ta Is N'Strl<'lt"l'i lo m~m· mtsstng motor 16 a 5 horse power 'surprise to us as th~se well·mcan· board" S<"nds he r to port. lt i.s the bt.·rs or SCYA yacht clubB. John30n, l0-16 model. I inJ!: readers may have thought It univf'rt!al t11le ot l11t' sra und th<'r1· 1 Srrl"s 11re open to all dinghy wouJd be. We have heard the aa.n1e are no exceptions anrl n1) qualifi· cla..._.,,s v.•ith three or more f'O· HAROLD. I JOHNSON argument.II many time."! in years <:ationJL It Ui f1Xl-d and inviolate lrnnl!\. Entries w11) bfo accl>pt('(J • gone by. u the aea itself. until 0 11" hour bl-tore thr start of Propell«'r Re..,U. We may be v.·ronJ: but this col· ~la•y f'nnru ... ·tl lhc fir:jt. ract• Saturday. If w~alh· Columbbt.a Apney J umn Is going to s tand pKt on our f.lany }'acht.<:nll·n brcnn!l• run-Irr. cond1t lon"' Jl"rmlt five races Pbene ii.arbor &ZO Vil'Wpoint until confrontf't l by l'Vi· lllV"LI on thhi: st('('rUlJ.:' rulC' ~·-\\'1 11 be sailed. tv.·o on Saturday ld€'nce that Is n1ore lani;::ible anll t"ause lhry arc whtt.t Raihir8 ("all Mturt1nf:. at 1 anLI :l ·30 p.m. anrl Z811 VUla Way, Newport 8ee.cJI convincrng than .Jlnylhl~g a5 yel "Taff·rall junlp<>r3 ... Tht•y hop t~rt·c on Sund11y at 11 a.m., 1 8.ftd submitted and we wou d be au-!I.board llVf'r the ~lPrn and fc<'t · 2.30 p.n1. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR 8AL!:S and SERVICE Vt. . .a Har. l!O'.J A0p•11,,. 80' Coast Wwa) Corona del Mar LUMBE~ CO. • PLYWOOD • Rfo£". 41:8--I 4 .. 4x&-f." 4.xA--\1" 4x8--'"i" ():8-l~" S l'EC . 4.23 5.60 1.15 • ... ~.18 ..... -8..93 • . ll 18 . I0.24 .... )t.10 B.%8 9.541 • • PAINT F'entt and B,anl'&lo••· ll<g .. ~-~ -MPf!CIAL IJ50 • CEMENT a...,1ar I·"' SPl':CIALi. ao, •I OPEN .ALI! DAY prcmely happy if W<' frlt 88 .sur<' ·1i"t on thf' quarl i·r·Uf'("k IMtl'ad . Cl8.AC'S f'xprctNt lo parllclpnle of receiving a welcoming nod from Jf crawling on board through lh(' 1ncludL": lntern~tlonal 1-t, P-14. old St. Pete when we approach the hawS<' pisws and labQi ious ly \vork· i Lt>hn1an. Pt·ngu1n, Ftrefly • Dyt"r, Gol~en Gate 11~ we arc trust m.11·,. Ing their v.·~ art. pic king op In· [)(Jta. Inler·elub. Naples Sabot pos1t1on on tll1s Btf't:rlnK dispute dl8pt>nsab'e rtlndamc t 1 th h d and llaiboo. Dinghy, Starting line is IOUOd and aCithentlcally foynd-but sure 'way. They n ft~Q"'uiree c:~1 • ~'Iii be off the club houae of the ! ed. . . mand quicker but somcllmM lack NL·wport Harbor Yacht club where! Solhlnc Nrw lhr rudiments that only the con-11to:a.ge taclliUca for boat.a a:n,d We stated that there la nothing tact.5 and cnvlronmC'nt of comnier-traill·rs will be available for vlall· new in this dl!ferenct" uf opmlon clal sailing can glvr, In,; yacht club mem>M>rs. regarding the corret'l inlt•rprcta· But, happily for any n-a<lf'rl'I we Trophi<'s will be awarded as tion of commandl'I to the helm, 'llay have, .nd probttbiy our boss. soon as J>Ol'3ible after the hearing This wrltrr bump<"d into It years t his long-time bugaboo or Po r t or all protczta following the 1'8l ago when he transferred his yacht· 'lnd Starboard no longer k('cp,ii race and when the results &re tab- ing activities to Chicago and It .Yachtsmen and othl'r amatrur UhLtl"d.. bobbed up right he re In New~t S&ilors awafit niJ:ht. Dinner wUl be> served Saturday 11.S an echo or the ~IJC'cond bik rac~ Salling, q . 1 it wu known night al NHYC bf"ginnlng at 6:30 t9 Ensenada. through tv.·o ccn!.ur ir8 of ~loriou"' p.m. and at 8:30 p.m . Kenny Walla Reader:!J will recall that one Df lWpremacy of Aml'rican shi~in~ will Pihow color movies of the the skippers, just entering the iu al lu:t becom,. 8 lo.4'l art. and 19;:° ll«'rmuda race. Dancing will Ba)· lo Oni.!!lh, f"ilhC'r because of wtt.h it, has vanls.hKI one more of begin at 9 p.m. lhe fading daylight or something our chrrlshecl customs and tradl----~--- that somebody had mixed for him, .Jons. And the powers who did Coasf Guard Tells wu suddenly appalled to aee a ':his to us were smart. They stolci 'gigantic whale wiklly threshing ' leaf from American colonial hi.11· 1950 Adivlty lhe water dire(:Uy ahead and pett· tory. lowsly cloee aboard.. lntulllvely Troubled by the many recruita M>nalng tbelr danger. he frantlc&I· who had diltlculty in dlsltnguldb· Coa.!'lt Guard activity Lota.la for ly bawled to the hetm.man : "Star-lng le(t root from rlpt, one of lhC' yckr 1950 ln the Eleventh Dia- board! Starboard qulek!" General Waahlnglon'a clever acr,-lrlct were released from lhe Rea- -It workrd all rigbt, and the ~eant.1'1 had all bel;lnncrs lit' a c ue Coordination ~Oler 1n tbc yacht avoided contact wtth the Nlap of hay to their tert ankle and Tlmcz bulldlng, Long Beach. lo- wb&le, l>Ut. unfortunately for our " wUsp of straw to their right. day by CapL John Trebea. the purpoee, the. reporltt did not dlit-fhat aimple expedient eolv~ the district commander. They a.re u close what the bellrumlan"a reac· problem. When be lint'd them ~Jl follows: , lion wu ot' whet.her tbc yacht to mareh be a!lf'malcly tnt.Oned : l . :>19 CIUIC.1'1 of dllllreaa or po- ahcert:d lo port or to •larboard. ·•nay-fool'.' -"Straw-foot" and lm'l,~1 dl3trua. But thia writer dJd not permit thJa lbey •lep)X'd otf ln ~rtect uni.on. 2. 3o5 ~ of actual aubt.ance. omiuion to nul!.J!y the educaUonaJ When W•r a swamped our sea 3. M ..-.rchell made by Coat upect ot the Incident. 1Crvicca by am&Lcu:n and n.· Goa.rd veMebl and pla.nee. In an altitude of felped lnno-yaChtariim who couldn't &1way1: -i. al cuea where ,medlc&I .,,... SATUR.qAY Sundaya ~: t 1 p. m. eence he propounded the problem remember that Port mC'ant st&.-. stat.a.nee wu 1'kl-n to the pat.Jen! before the next 'l'u.e:Klay'a meet.. board and vtce-nru. they eellled b,Y •hip or plane or tbe patient ing or the Luncheon Group -·• It\ u ea.-lly and u quickly u an waa rt'lnovcd from a "eaael at •• weekly lratemlzatlon Of locaf nau-euly"'-y wu-lrigate coU)d slip and '"""'"'"'~ to a bolpttal. ' tical enthuoiaalJI _.l I.he Newport her mooriJ1&'. 'Ibey dkln'l add bay . 3. 211 cue.a tn•olvtnc I.he g!•ln& ' Harbor Yacl>t club. The open dll-er atnw bu came cjoae to 11. at mOdleal lnformaU-by radio. cua&io11 at· th• cjufttJon waa a bl'l 'l:lley coinpletety ellmnated port 6. 85 mlocellanoowi lnddeato. 'l'lleee PrtOet. {a-at Time or --.u. JAN. H TO AN. ta apath'tUc &net_ thoee who apokc and •tarbo&rd from tbe. pk:ture. 7. 10 falae alarm&. w.>ro ol>Yloual,y caulloua about _,.d aul»titUtect plain left &nd a. 10 orcbff made foe crub- commlttlJIC themalV., but It wu rlJltL 1 ba"' no .lmoW!edJ• u tto ed planes. r dlffertnt arter acl,JnUmnwlt. wboU,. othct natlona now do 0.., J. •.niuot. hllmMt -th WIUt . -ra ~ oame but we Amer1C&na no laagtr 17 .,.__ .. have any ueUae far c:onlu.ttng or -------" 0~-= :.,_ ""'ac11"":! = =~• t11e, Important Job ot Sfoiir l~y .. Wo .. d ___ me add .Jet it II!' .._ · l'\'O 11 ~-.... 10 clwlse , '-Pww S1•1n tb.a.t lM)' ~ _, qa111tloe ~· CDDl'9e the muter com-~ po1n.--.,_ then ma-: ·~ R-.-oe "Rlpt A bill pnildblU., --. CO<lld .. bUt -..._ ta • -.· and/"l>e belrnmuul .tans r.-entertas t11e -·--atarboU<I --U.. ,...i.L lier ~ k!Q, oe riJ1:bt, u tlle ten atr <>nose coua17 .,.... latro-Would" -ta_,. lo-tho..._~.._• i.·mutar -diaad Wo-lnllla-.UJisle-N,llt! Alllooup u...,. _,,.JI* u alJ.1 addo -like : "Qa1c11. • ~ lauo.t ~ _,,_., ller1 lltM- poiitlft lllat tllo;f were rts1tt u I "bard• or '"Ii lltfle" Of ~· a,. Of a•n '*' I -1llal ll>fJ' -· ·llMT --lo -..... """ .... .......,., .... Ml ...... eldlY ~~ ---wtddl-pr''M -...,.._ llaL IJ'bq ....... ,....,. Wbm I .. i.-.... -_ .. ..._ .. ,11• tea. I • • • , • • NEW I sl CHEVROI Er I Rucp • • ,. I • ,., make these ~dvanc:e;.Desig~ Trucks YOUR .. G r BUY( ' Great Features Everywhere You Look • • • OllUT DIG911 FUnntES •Two o,...t Entln11 • Vat.,...n.-H .. d Efficieney • Blu.-f\ame CombuaUon· • • Pow.tw·l•t CarbwetOf • Per1Ktad Coollnt • SoocWlzld 4-WI)' Lulwlcatlon • Th«lnOttatlt H11.t Control • " c.m.Ground c.t Alloy Iron Pletooa . UUT CM.Hiii FUTVUI • R.,...S. Rigid Fram• • Hypold RMt Alt111 • Slnglt-Untt Roar Altlo Hou1lnp ' • Ntw Twl~ Rear Btakll ti._...,.,,.,,, ..&.It) • New Dual·Shoe Potklng Brake <Jteo .. ,.o.,,, .-odeld • Ntw Torqu&--AtUon Bnku fli,M.J.,t, ..Mel11 • Foot·Operated Park.Ing Brak• f.odell wrtll J·...-d rr-1111•M1-l • Steering Column GNnhlft (...Hit wirJi J-.,...4 "°"'_;,,J.,.I • • 4-5-1 Synctn-Mllh ' Uri• Doot OP111lnt11 I y,..., .... (i• ._,.;., ...w e lu-Around Cab Vlllbiltty • Wide ~ ol Sprlngi , Sida D<Mn Hold OPo11 by 0-- • Contor Stup "<' OREA T CAa AllD llODY , Sturdy Steel ContlnlclJon FIA 1'U1lll o Unit·Doslin BodlN • Now Vontloanol In Cobo • Piek.Up Bodieo wllh Fl'*' .Sldd • • Flui-Mouatecl Cob Slrii>a • lmirovld FulJ..Width Seats , •Insulated Panel Bodin • ""jumblo Siii -.. Pr"I* • Exlrt·SlrtnJ Stakl BodlN \ • Eye Llvtl • FulJ..Wldth Gravel Shltld 'l • On..Pleee fendn I~ • Coootlrbaluad Alllgatar..J•J·- CULBERTSON MOTOR CO. " 2481 Coast Hiqhway • Phane Beacon g442 NEWPORT BEACH • ' CA .rs rltyl'!I Cfln • -.. ' , ' • • --.L'•IR•S•:tr_, • •••-•wain llJDC .1 • My automatic 9a1 clothe• dryer remove• drvdgery, ·,. glvea mo fine drytn1 weather whenever I choolO to wa~ I 1'1-1 of ....... bravy dodioo baabal Tired of haqia.a llp cloches and takiQI' tMm down 1 Thea you aeed aa. iwiomatic au dodi" dryer. All JM Ille i:a CUA ia wee cloches cfuea from wrinau or aur.omatic wuhtr ... * the: coa.uol .•• &ad in a matter o( miouta ttmave you.r dried dam., Yout laundry Lu been dried pntlp. lt"t 10ft, luffy, ftott-tmeW..,:. There are ao wind·torn hem.a. DO l'1llt or dirt 1poa. DO IU.D·c.diq. --~I .. ii'° much r....r ... ao much beau. A.nci the iasc:aJ.Jed price of la , automatic IU clothes dtyu UJower dwa that of olher types of dryen. Tbe operu... iq am i1 aho lower with ps ... ocil7 21 to 3~ per dryrr.full. See die clil~ ., dralers' or rour Gas Compuy now.£.... ~ow fou an win an illlfomacic _. doclMI drr.er and ocher valuable prila.' . • AatOINtie Got Ctott.. 0..,.., ilhtetmM it llNDIX ""'"' '-1' ... _.., lad .. "---• nd MwtpaoL I . 1 \ •• . I ,_. -J p • ' • • • l • I I I 1 .. ' . • ' , '«"" ' -··A. 11' 2 '""""'"""1Afl "· '~ ~ill' EdiK:a. 1 ·Rise , to Remark COiiege Plaiis 3' ::"'-t'S:-: · -llESS ~ Prograni Studied ~~';:'= New Buildinm _N•~Pftt woo1s C f As Pl t C t C 'leg :f-~:!'-~~~~= At Uie 1ut ~ m..t•ns.,ot Total ""f"'!'l-1 ~ fol· oas sn. . ans a oas o e ;:..: f~ ano!:: ~ ~~.~ ~~ :!"!/~!~=:: !:.,.,~ · J("!i~ ~ c11i· ~Ille · Aa anolhor .tep Ill UM ~ and 1 '""· Tb-. 1Ut minute -•-autllqrtSlq tile propai4Uoo . of hM ~1."':'a-· bfSb-Of 2,A: -of TruetoM of Illa Oranc• Annual Mee't1"ng en.tuauon' Of plleral -Uoo &,ft dlttleu)l. Katten lllp tbro<lgll :=-~~:,:i;: .t.-.1.1; l l'""'" tl!al! Illa ,.. Oout ' °' COIJege Dlotrict ol OrJse Cout fd"'lnlotrators and wftll lnad-ta -and cluci.d wett l!'lne Atta Y!!! Q'&fta vious hip of 2,GTO . ,l;m,i!Jnini Orange Cbun~. Callfotnla. Wiil ,.. • ruulty membeft met In a Mrl• ~ ..,..,,. 1fllo '1e -NI ~ Student euter'iili cate-n.,... of Jul ~-Tb< eelve 1>1!14 up to the llo.ir ol 2:00 TwOllty-one ll'lernbon of a -of conferenceo iaot 'l'llunoay wltll rduetant17 u Ibo htNlt ol Ille terl& ~. ·anc1 8Wlmmlns .,_ oebool ..U tllo _,_ lllltl' o'clock~· P! on Ille 19th day of dal eonunlttee a-ppolnted by Prul-Dr.· II. LNn&r Johnoon, coordlna· eleetloa -.. buay settlns ,_Y Pool. The ~ and Cra1to' Bu1kl---.--.J. _,. Januuy, UMU, at tile offlco of dent Jack Kelm of t11e Oranse tor of th• pne"1 edUClllon -to man. Uld, bopl!IJ' for appoint· Ins Wiil lnc:Ude a n=-ot ...,.,.. tutlon wb1'1' did not *I" Ill-Ill~ aid Dlatrtct,L l~ed at County Coe.It A~tlon met at 11'9JTl _ln Oalltomla. who apent tbe rnenta. u the rem~ memben !at' C!~ u well u epeclal-ueue ovv lUt 8eptetnber. 1-1 Barbor ~Yd.. Coata tllo Balboa Bay club IMt s&tur-•nU... day on t!>e camp<ao aild re• are buoy wttll the .....,,1,rom..,ta of Jud fOclUU .. for ......,,ic., oom· 'l'be emollment box -la u Ill-omla,. at wblch Ume clay attemoo• and ll'l&pped a nwn-malned l'br a rqular faculty meet-Ibo -on al>Wt to begtn. me"'lal art. and phologra)!bf and f!lllowo: . aid bi.t.~IU be pu CY opeJ>ed. ber of ........,.,,onclatlon!o wfl!ch will Ing In the <•~. Botll Ille a ..... and the llenatA! arel!1to<:tural draftllli;:. · ~ for the Of e followlq': .,. submitted to memben at the With Dr. Johnson were four met ln RmodeUed and redecorated ~ Robert IC. AJexander wU: em-·~ ID SchooJ., 4715 now One Bu.rr0ugha tyte T~78 Type--annual meeting to be held at La-men actJvely lntera:ted ln th~ atu-Chambf'n, which . are cert:&lnly ployed u architect. and RJ'cli&rd 4-U lUt SepQmbt:r: NeWJ!Or writ.Jn&' ~eeplnc ~ehcne, or sUna Brach on. Tu.eeday nen.lns. dcat-ct.htere.d proaram u tt .. 9001etb..lnl' to,... Coa.i'J'e8ll LI like Plerer Of Corona del Mar u W> School IM4 and W; Coron& de equal. Tho ala ~ of TY'uste .. :ran. 23. • -S studied tluoug!Joit caJl.for-the family nlch decided .19 buy a ola~ atcliitttL Th-m .. haVI! Mar School 1142 'and llOll. Th< lhall be the oole ~ of lht .,.... • It wu ..,._ that a niOOlthly nla• Harold 8al of Lol>r Baach ~ ,.,.,,,.!, for Ille ~"flrlr ~m; been 1 .. ponothle ior developlll« high ICbool dropped to l,020 atte· Ila and qq..ur1ca~ ~t -the equip-meeting durln• the dayUme would City Co\Jege, George <1erbner of ~at• all Beto~ tt I over, the plana tor a.11 new buJJdiilp to ant ~rol~~:. oft 1,037 la.It Sep. ment otfF~ &nd ~'servea the be prefuable. Special meetlnga of John · Muir coU~~. DeWayne entire living room W retumlahed •dat.41 1 • em .... r. -. &.IJ'• peak wa: rtgbt to Lrejecl all blda, and to all membera .ahou.Jd be-held every John.eon, grad\late . student of and decorated. Our roof1, over tht bns membef. p!"Ment al the 10'4. ' waive any infonn&.lt)' In bid. three months or &II occulon re-UCLA and Dr, Cla.rence Ma.rah, two Chambera. ahawed af~• ot meeting included Lq.ula COnrady, Waiting Hit• for kln,ISel"garler ADV.: Jan . ._.:........ 11, 1951 quirea. retl_red vlce-pnialdent of American falling down and during the war preaidtftt, of Westmtn1ter. Walter claues werje reported by both t.hc" Openingi Date: Jan. 19, 1961. A reque1t that the e~ty follow Oow\cJI on i(dueatlon. yeans we worktd with tron sup-t.oncmoor, clerk, or Newport Coron.a de1 Mar and Newpor1 \ Signed: the recommenda.Uan.a made by U>e Tbroupout I the day small pori. hold~g them up. When ma· Beach, D. D. LawbeMI ot Seal achooLI. "llbne waitinl' Ji.ta ap. BASIL H. PETERSON erosion committee of tbe -.-id.a~ irroupe ol ~ct.on met with Dr. terlall were avallable,. Conl'ff.U Beach, Harry Le'Ba.rcl of Hununi-ply only to rnom1ng claalt_ea; there 'S·A LE ' . ' t>MllL ~Y. l.&NtJA&T llllt " -' ' . • f 1 q>U IN·~ \SEE, V~p1!8: . ' '·" • ' ION'll ...i 801'8' J 0 l!I0\!8' nANNEL 8Jl1'T ·--·-··-··-·RK· 2.69 , Ml:N'8 NICCK'ISES --·-·--· •. .Reg. l:iii> & up . ..... ~ earrp.. ,, " . • Lit ·" . . , -YAJidAdE s.;zdu• -. · ~--.>FPllAN'" woo~ .. Jlec . ._115 yard N°"' .... ~N-::::.~ ~~-n--;. ......... ~-3'df .t u,,_ coSt~ MESA I . .l••t 1•1'anel 1811 N~rt .BmL ; f· I ~ . Cao .. -• • !Sec. Board lion eorne montM &Co ln UM! ap-. Jobnlon and ~e other viston to dectded to fix the l\vo roora. and ton Beach and l>r Hor~ Parker ia no llat for a..ne~n c~. )· • . NcY.' 614-Prua 1 pofnt.ment·'J»f a coa.at eroeion engt-ta"k oyer apeclfic programs In epe-juat 11.ke the ramny. ended up with ot Costa Mesa. · _______________ .:..._ _____ ...:._.:;__ ________ ~.:...-----r---; Publlahed ~/4·-11/~1 1 neer wu approved followi~ the claJ uni t neld.I, euch u communi-a complete remodelling and deco--··we are pn!parlng buUdtng stat.meat by lla.)'Ol' 8h.utelt ot e&tfona, 90Cial aciencee and voca.,. rating job. " plan.1 ao that when suitable Op· I P5311 1 SeaJ Be&ch ~t bl.a dty 'llt'&a apin lloaa and to e&ch&np report.I of . New Roofs. Chain portunltle1 and condltlOllJI arilte, CltRTIFl~TE OF ,BU81Nlt8S ba'f'i.n. el'09ion problem• oo lte mea.Dtngf\11 •~dent expe.rlence!S The replacement of the roof and ·actual conttnict1on may be au- ncrrr,ous FIR!ft NAME beacb.. The eroakm oommJltee, in.aide and CM4talde ~e coUege the new chairs are neceasary lm-thorl%:ed," atat.ed Conrady. THE UNDERSIGNED doe a Dan Patch. ch&lrman waa uked clUll'oom. provernvite. We had lhe finest It la a..nllclpa~ that the nat- hereby cerilty that he ~ conduct-to pttee.nt the matte; k> the su-Evaluatt.ta Study collection o r strained back.a or any 1on&l emerg~ncy will havt eome tng a. Paint Removing buatneaa at pervbors at their nut meeting. The pneral educalkNt 1Wdy la leC"l&lattve body In the world, and effect ln slowing the college buJld- 2811 I.af.yette Av!:., N~ . ...-___ . primarily ont of evalation and the chair•, which h4ve leather ing prokram. . Beach, California, u.Pder the fie· r...aelns Chanp re-evaJuaUon of junior college ~-cu•h.ton., will end lhat doubllul tJUoua fJnn name ., PA.Cli'IC The ·Aeed few more ad~uate ricul&. Studc:,ttta in today'• 9Cboo1A, honor. The palntJng• of Wuh· NELREM I COMP~, and th&t flnancln,-prdlnpted a change In .. y admlntatraton and ln1LMJctore ln~on and Lafayette have been 9&.ld firm ls compoaed of the 1ol· the rate of duea ud an &(l'ffment alike, mwit Nftive Ule best all-moved to the le.ft and right' and lowlnC" petBona, wh~ name. ln that the meml>enhJp committee round education whic h will provide cleaned, but the o"d P'rUmldl mural tun and place• of residence are u wovJ~ really work .i their Job ln them with th' kna.wledlt'U, aklU.. hN been covered up, like the n!Sl !0Uow11, to-wit: 1951. Reports on Chttatmu light-attitudes and expertencet lhat wlll of the waJI. with Wood p&nelllng. Garvin T . Morse, 1238 South .ing and the a.onuaJ Chrl8tmae par· make them intelligent lndlvldUal• The floor J: carpeted, and ala.lea Birch St., Santa A.na, Calif. ty were dlade and tha.nka extend-capable of social. economic and •re rearr gt-d, and the cloak· .1 rooma remodelled. WITNESS my hana this 8th day ed to those who had l.lonated tro-sptrttual adjustment ln a complex The Srvoake.r'• rostrum 1-oom- af January, 1951'.. ~. . . p!Utl for t:l'lf UC!'tlng progTa.m e.nd SOC1ety. r- GAR VIN T. MORSE to the uaocilion for arranging and "That Ora.ngt Coaat attempts a pletely remodelled, with black State ot Ca.ufornia, Mll:>tnc fl.4&nce US. Chrilt.m&a par· prol[Tam geared to Uae need& ot marb!e p!Jlans and ne"A•ly dulgne<J County Of Orange, 88. lJ, lhe •tudmt and aimed et Ute tot&J dt .. a.nd tabll"'I, and a n t'W nag ON THIS 8th ci,.y of January" A committee on nomlnallona developmtnt o't the 1tudent ts a hanging bac1': of the presjdlng of· A. D. 18~1 . before me, Robert T . beaded by Dan Patch w~appolnt· deflntle charactertstic ol lhl11 Ln~ flcer.h The Ktwanm Ctub of R tver- WILLMES,1a ~otary .PublJc in and ed. lncludlnl' H. F. KEi nny ol Ba.l· at.ltutlon," Johruon remar"-ed vol-side u been trying-for years to for the aald OouAly &ftd 8tate, re-boa, C. G. Kimble of Laguna unt&J1ly at the end of hi• visit. get the Speaker to accept a new a.I.din• therein, duly i commiulon-Beath; ft&T 8mlth ot San cte-Lunch wu aerved to the vt.lton American flag for that place, in- ed and awom, penonally appeal'ed mente; Ted Bart.Jett or Huntington and repreaentatlvea of the Cout stead of the worn and 9011ed flag Gvvin T.. Monie, knoWn to me to Bea.ch. 'They w~ present a list of facu.lty and •tudent body by mem· which WU there. We do not be the ~ wtlo8e name la au~ nomlnatlon1 for ofttcera at the an-bers of the home economlca clau c hange cuatome and l.radition.11 ecrtbed .. to P.1e within instrument, n.ual meetlnc. Troph.la won in the ln cooking. In addltk>n to prepar-eaaUy, and it hu been trad.Jtlonal and acknowledced to. me that he C"1rtstmu Ugtlttnc contett.· will be tng U'le meal, itudenta acted u lhat one of thi! national patriotic executed ttie same. IN W1TN1CS8 awarded the -.me ev-enln.-. hos ~ and tto.te..e. at Ute varl,.oua orga.nts.atlona g1ve.a that flag, and WHEREOF) I bave hereunto •t " Jt waa decided to is8ue a cer· tab1ee In the dlnitlg area of the '° it waa aa-aln. my hand &fld afttxed my otnctaJ titlcate of merit to go to those homt> economlet dtpirtment, Not everything meets with co m- seal the day &Ad yu.r: in UU.. Cer-maldn• merlto?ioua dlaplays dur-· At dinner u.e1 I vlaiting group plete approval. Certalnly no wom- tificate fire~ abo~ written. ing the ltpttag cont.mt but not wu enterl&i.ned by tht> faculty ln an had anything t o do with design· RO~ERT F . WILLMES In line to recelft a trophy. the faculty dlnlng room of th<' lng the quick lunch counters In the Students Hold Polynesian Dance Grus 11klrta &DI.I lel1 amldal a Po l.yneslan aettlrig were focal point.a of f.n tere•t at a dance 11pon.80rf'd by the atud('nt Christian Aaocla.Uon of Orange Coo.at Col· lege, la.st Thursday evening. The event took place in the achool'a. am&U gymnasium, tollowfng the OCC·Sanla Ana baakctbaU game. Credit for the lsl&Jlll atmo11phf'rt> In decoratlonJ11 wu given to Je&n BarUne, talented a.rt student. Bob Well.a had charge of refreshment.a. Postpone Action on Mesa P. 0. Variance JANU!~, g!!!~L~ CIAL i I . . . ' ~ . ! • I MOTOR 'TUNE~UP 1 • Adjust \'aJ,·t-1 -Teat Compf'H&lon • !Yt lRnJt Ion Tlmtnc e OINn and Sp&cr Spark P1U~" • Adjust Carbutttor JdJe • Chtock Battery ConMC~8M & Tees e CINUI F1wl Putftp, Bol'lll A Air ctean•r e C'INn or Krpltu.-t! a Adju1t Dlatrlb-~ . utor Points. • ··wE Will ! • Check Dl!ltrib 1 :tor Rotor a-c.i · . • Cher;k Manual ~ \'aeuum lpltio• s59s (l'BTta i:xtra) • COMPLETE Advanoe • e TMt Coll & Ccmde•Ae:r e Ch~ Manifold !hat Co.trol • Nennaliu Eftgl.e • Tlghtea Head a 1111.anlfold Bolbl • Tlghte• llo&e· Con.llecUone & :A.djmt Fan Belt • Luh Valves on Model• Wit.It SoUd Valwc Tappete ' " •· BRAKE ·.AbJUSTME~T WI!: WILL: ·51~ CHECK BBAKE LININOS ADIU8T B&AJU:8 FILL MAIN CYLIND~ • (LABOR) ALL WORK GUARANTEED -Pie&-~ Ami DELIVERY CULBERTSON MOTOR CO. My Comm!M1on" D:pln!• Il/1.8,/Sl Detenae pla.na were touched up-campus cafeteria. cloakroom•. Oil which we mu.at de· No. '811--Preu. • Oil by Da.ii Patch of the county pend during urgent seBl!llona, and Deferred tor one we-ck by county supervisors Tue3day "''IL!J appllca · lion of Dennis Hogland f or ap- proval of a variance for tbe new Co.ta Mesa Poat Office bullcM.nc on E. 18th St., 80f..lth<"ast of New- port Blvd., which the planning eommlsslon ha.a n::commended against . The structure ~ready ha.a vouR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE Al{D CHEVROLET DEALER been built but planners ruled that 2481 Coa"st Hi'way N'ewport ··~cJ Beacon ' 6442 . t I • . Pub. Jan.' 11-18-2:;, Feb. 1, 19~1 . defenae ofnce and men.lion or the SugCJeS D-6..-. lhe men &nd w omen ln the preM / many ooaot projects now unde r -t ..-.Ille &'a.lle ry moaned a bout the changP.11 • there. LltOAL NOTICE study wu made. Plans for the ft T To be oold for •lorf.ge and labor aru\ual meeting will be a.nnounced ~escue 8 ams U &o-Rellrl• sutrlcwnt otr-stree t parking had "'!'\' B not been ProvidC'd to conform to !..----------------------..,..------------------, the county requirement, ' charges. One 18 tt. x 8 tt. "open In detail tn a few· d&ya. The principal argument cf'nters Utility. 1' u WUli&m Barr, tut Maj, <ffn_ W, M'. Robertaon over lbe chOiee of 23 ~reliefs addreaa, e Arrowhead, Callt. · -.V• the "IJ&'ht l"UCUe" team con-around ,the Callery wall of the One a· • f ft. pl.ullc skiff, STEAL ~ClNO temp:ated In the Cal1fomta ctvll 'Houae Chamber. The eommlttet> Owner Ric.lard RJcene man, addreu Steel fe.nclnl" valued at $100, defenae aetup might be1t be coni-consulted ··rune coUel'e profes- unknown. • wu stolen n-om the premisni of poM'd of skilled worK~n. aore, .. who probably hope by now Sale -January 2;lnd. 1851 al the La Mesa Duck club on Paula-Robertson ~Y• brlc}(layera, car-that they can maintain that an· 2 :00 p. m. at 811 Cout Highway, rtno Rd., laat week end, according penters, e lfftriclana ilnd plumbers onymlty, They came ~with the Newport Beach, Ca.lit~ to a report to the ahe rltrs office might beat make up lht compoel-Idea that the. plle ry w II could be . A. B. WYCKOFF from Chief ot Police R. R . Hodg· Uoo of the 12-pera<rn reecue aquad improved by the facca o the rol- N o. 619-P eas. kituton of Newport Beach, who l.!1 with perhaps a small building lowing "law giVera:" George Ma- Publt.h Ja . 11, 1901. secretary of the-duck club. operator ae squad leader. son. Pothier. Colbert, Edward l , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CA.LlFORNlA . NCITICE TO OONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Ute oft~ ol the ctty Clerk, C\(J' Hall, City of Newport Beach. California. until 7 :30 o'c1ock P. M., wi the 22nd day of January, 1951, at whlcl. time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work .. follows: crrv OF NEWPORT BE4CB, CALIFORNIA For the ConatrUction of P . C. C. CUrbl on B&Jboa Boulevard, f1'0m 6th Street to 9th Atreet. Robertaon saya the t eama ahoulc! AlphoMO X, Gregory IX, SL Loul.11, ~ set up on a b&ai• of one to each Justinian, Tri~nian, Lycurgue. five-thousand population. Hammurabi, Moses. Solon, Papin- The te9CUe squads \\•ould be well Ian, Galua, Matmonldea, Suleiman, qualiftl!d In ttrat aid. Their ~ot Innocent n de MonUort, GroUua, function would be to rMCUe l.n-Blaclutone, Napoleon' and Thomu dJYiduala from wrttka~ and burn-Jeffer90ft. ing bulldlng1 aa JT.lght occur dur-If you can write me and say Ing an atom-bomb attack. They that you know, without looking up wou¥S (Cive quJck flral &id a.nd then any 'of them, who• they were, and tum patient.!I ovtt to Utter car· why they are entl~ed to have their rten.. facu in cary.d marble •round the Roberl.lon bellevea t r a In I n & wall of the House Chamber of the manual.a: wilt be available ln a U. 8 . Congreu, I wUJ aend you rew montha. aom~ ktn4 of prize! I join thoee ' . JACK ROBERTSON'S ' ek<vzaHce Sale Sale Starts Friday, January 12th al 9:30 A. II. -. . .. GROUPS OF SUIT~, TOP COATS,. JACKETS AND SHIRTS GREATLt ·REOQcED No bid will be received unleaa lt ls made on a proposal form furn· l1t.tbe1MCll ~,' l!latb bid m""h l><o, "'~· ·,'l" by tcuh. dot , r. ~'flllifl4),I ; :P!l'bf• / 1.rl:. U.. ci\Y o ~-J ~ :to, at I Mt beh pei~ent ij<f'i f 4 bl , e«eli_ guaranty to be torfetted ahould the ' I ~~· nk I.ht aelectton ta: out of ~ . Ira, lb ff' I I th ,-.., 'II -O""ft elping ft la partlcu<ar room. P er-,_ hape they could be. properly, ln q,.r: '0~ '' {. ~""· ,~·r;.t ~~~I :~ I •• \ A'f.C 'W\S l ) TOP -COATS , I ONE ~o~ . . , t ........... .c. ... ..,~"'c {... ............. ,.a. ...... ~ .... -> ............... M.EN!S"'" .. c-' .. " ......... ~.· REDuc:OT PR1cEs Dress Slacks bidder to whom the contract ~ awarded fail to entier Into the contract. In accordance with the provllioJ'l.1 of Sections 1770 to 1781 of the Labor Code.' the iCity Cot.Ind) of the City of Newport Beach ha.a aacertalned the aeneral prevaiUnc rate of wa.gu applicable to th~ work to be done ae follow•: I Hourly., Glualtlcatlon Wace Scale Ca.t:pent.er ............................................................ 2.U Cement Flnlaber ................................................ 2.38 Laborera. General or Conatruct.ion .. -··········· 1.75 Aaphall Raker and Ironer ............................... 1.96 Flagman ···········-····-··································-·····.·· 1 .7~ Watchman a.nd/or Guard ................................ 1.87 Apprentice Engineer. includinr Fireman, ·Oller, Of"e&Rr ···-......................................... 1.93 Alr Compreuor Operator ................ ,, .............. 2.~ AJphaJt Pla.nt nreman ............. : ..................... 2.1:5 Aaphalt or Crttllhtng Ptant &ngtneer .... ·-··· 2.30 Concrete or .Aapl&Jt Spreadln«, MecbanictJ. Tamplnc OT P!nlahlng Maclllne Operatnr t.3-0 CODer.te Mizer Operator -8lclp Type .... ~. J .18 Heavy Duty Repalnnaa ............... -................. 2.3-0 Moto< l'&trol ~°'· lncludift« any type Of -blade .......... -........ --.--....... 2.43 PWnp Operator, ._ ..... -..... _ ........ -........ -.... -.......... 2.06 RoHor Open.lol' ....... -...... -...... -... ·-······--···· .. 2-2:1 TN<t« Ope.-tor -B>•lldcwer, 'IU!per, , Per DWm wa,. 18.80 18.(M 14.00 U .80 14.00 13.38 l~.f4 16.<0 1 '1.20 18.40 l&..40 17.•• 1.8.40 19.(4 18.40 18.00 ' Col d D d lb.e Supreme Court building. They ora 0 11.'ecor ....... law-rtvera.. not law-makers. A Balboa te.aldenl, \Vllllam A . McClure, 914 Ocean Front, la con- tributing-to the t/nivrnily of Coio. rMl0'1 rflC!Ord of "7ri year1 of ett- Yice to Colorado and the nation;'' More than 137,000 have lllten<led the university since IU founding. High point Of Co:orado's anni- versary ye>r wiJI be Jan. 2t-27 on the Bouldir and Denver ct.mpU8U. Univer•ity '4.J.utnnl from all over lhe country will take part tn• thl& event. Stu~t CUt:hberuon.. faculty member and chairman of the 75th •anniversary oblervance., l&ld, .. In line wit.ft the .erloua mood ot the Umea. our obcterva.nce will heaY· lly alreat the intellectual •Ide of unlveretty uce."' · Dr. Ralph Bunche, Nobel 'P- Prta.e wlnnu Ut yea.r, will ad· d:rea the Pl&fn oonvoea.Uon at BookMr, Jaa. 2S. H o will tall< ae ''Human Rel&Uo6a and ~ ... wtth the exceptJon of Jettereon add MuOn. They CO<Ufled taw.11. J"ew were ln accord with the frff- donUI on Which we foWlded t.h1a country. Cc!!rtainly old Sul,yma.n the Mar;· nJlieent dJd not lncllne lowa.nb peoraonaJ llbertiel, and Napoleon's code hel<J that the aec\lffd waa pllly unUJ he proved hlmaelf fn. nocent. Q>lbert, lf you recall. waa the tin&nclaJ in an tor Lou ta XJV. And It mu.st be embarruetnir to him to k>ok down on a body which haa been able to ba.lA.nce llll budget tor only one Congreas •ln a pner&Uon. Come Up and aee ua eometime. lt le a , .well-Jooldnl" pla4:e. It ought to be; It ~ the tup&yera '3.000,000 tr.. botll · a ..... · and Senate) -you mtc-ht almOlt thlnl< wa could aftord IL I hope tbo ..-Ito Of tho fl'nd -OD Will Uve up to Ibo -· Senpor or Di'q ~ llbaftl or -• Attochme!l.,:.,~ -·-·-.. -·--···· .. ·-·-··-·-··-1.10 18.•o Altlcle~r. lroWll Clalld s..1MY loOb 'l"'rti!chlns 1ne Operator ·-n ... _ .. _______ 2.-q 19.o. Diil• ••tec1 by Hosp..._. Uni..,... ·Equipment Opentor (Shovel, ill .Flis . Mllgc11Jae llUI ~In•. Demel<. Domck-Barp. Clam· la an .U-t .rtort to _.; aheU or ~> ------·-·-.. -·----· J.llO 20.00 ataot lllue of Ille Padtlc 811-...,...to 1a Ille tlel4 Of chlld at .. Driven of Dump Tntcl<o ot -than 4 ~ torical ~~ <iM'1.. an ""--17, ClaUdn!ui tal la Loo An· Water> 1-1 ·--.. ------·---·--·-· 1.83 H .84 an tbr :alartumo olrike of 1en, ,.--u..; Any ciamncatton om1U4d -· wrtu.n by Dr. OU.. T. Brown of on mo ...... a o.., UJua. AD-....:~-~..:; .. ~-;.;...-..:·:. Cl~J' ~ .... or;:• =.i..~e-tho 9'ftclal :z -== ln lac i;:.~~ Htlmata oe U.e ·• llUa ot -tn 11o1-. . publlcatlon at Ille American BJo. -ldU .,.. penllfoft<lltliY cripple will .. ll<Cepto4 -a Collttaetor -.... --tqrical "-tion Oil lbe Padle --llcmled ..... w1t11 u.. ,..,lahmi., CMl>tar t , Dt-... m eo..t and ii, --l!Y *'4-1be booklot llll!o(ntill boaia..,, ot and Plot--~ • il!J colJepo alid WllnntU-. Ito .-to ...... -a ~ ,Pla(la ~ lie aad -ot ~ bondl, -tncta. and ~ II to P-M'loolRljl ...... Gf Pl'••-...,_ta w11o -ltleatloia ma7 oMofNd 'at Illa oMot ot Ille CltJ' ll:llst-, ~ In Illa, a.Id of Weot Ooul -a OOV1 -Id wrU. to CllJld Ctt7 11aD. Calltol'lll&. Mat12J. TM Ntidit "J' Dr. Brow• 81..nttJ CILild:ra.._ At llfb' "1t n. U.. Gf 111Ji1 ttl>ol-.. 11 oa11eO to U.. "Pro. ii a 1'9rt. al 0.. ~ -----. 1-•-.sin' ud -1 -~ •~~-~~-od to Ille lllank f-ot ~-elltad)'Ol>Ol~~aad-_ .... a ........... -o•f ! Zif pl'CJl)olfllal. tqr "'"'" ~ .. to ........ etc.. . • -......... . •Nlopa. •Tile CllJ' al NE' BMeil run·-Uli dpt tn .. jaet ..., or . ____ ,__ aD llidO. I . . -NOW ()Olnf•JSFll•• "'·•• .. ·--·--• . • OJ'~ Ul•Clll, c:.u.D'CINfLL .. LaUe lla'iN. m, ~:Mr. °hlllJ' db'-........... • C.liC"W,Oli;)rella* ---.. "'· Cl'--....... -• 1111 - $2.95 ALL WOOL ARGYLE SOX .. llOTI' MEN'S FALL SUITS VALUES to $49.50 NOW ' 34~, ONE LO:r . I MEN'S 1 :FALL : sq11s YAWES JO $75.~ ' ·465' • • ' • , NC>W Y.alues to $14:,5 $27.50 Valllft s21.s5 8'5. $42.75 Values $33.85 $49.50 Values $39.85 •-----....... - ONE LOT. ALL WOQL SH~TS, SPORTS AND DIE$51 SHIRT S1YLE I • Yaltr• to $10.95 ·: • N.ow .. 6~ { .. I 1 . ,ONE LOT / · ALL WOOL $LACKS Yallies to $20'.00 · -. f . ·;Now 12"· r ZIPPER SHIRTS SOMETHING NEW White & f'kialn Colon $3.9S Val...S 2~' ·2 for 500 ' ' Datod: 'c I FJ 10, 1161. ' • --~ 19 "!TO 5 "9 -lilo M7 .. -lllr llilznl•1 ... II ~ .. aa ., s ,., ,,,, u .. "" ...._ a .... ="·~ ., • • w e •·· "·-~-~~~""!--~""!!<-~~.,.~,~----°""--,.~-~~~ • • • • • , ' • ' f I • • or Oar • • • . . I· . ' • lggeil , • ' • • • • • • _._, 240 ~t Ye. , • Phone 1071 'OOP.fta•PILO'l'o(J~ ••• .,. 0( ~ l.arlD_ l!. ..... ~· ........ ,s.;..;. #ttb 0lilo lllllu 191 .,... .... ..; •Iii ........ ~~U.. u&«,..;'tJM" .~1r -· ~ 1o·.v.t pllo&.aad ,......i-·- r&r .......... BT Air, 'a 'tlo-d<I Mu . ..,_,. '•-1..-0l!d•C .la '~ bJ ny Of. a lotr O,-tnr . !~ f..,t Ott t» rtouad! lloileopt.tr. · . .' , • • ; • , . (':..,..~Photo) IS ARDENT 'EG~BEAT R' . B ( OSTER Some 'call It ·"-ec1·bealer, otbera mlrbt. rtf~J" to it. u a whlrll&1,., .a.Dd the more preciae-rTi.lnd~ call t • • I It • Hiller 380 bellcopter tbat 040tse L. Bosley, 922 !Ar.kaput Ave., Corona del Mar, file• at "one of the ~ricers, c•neral m&narer and chief pUo\ tor Farmins By Alr, Inc." , Boeley, who bu bff:n f\Jlftl ftUd..wlnJ' planq 1tnce 1929, t. firmly con.tnced that ~e helicopter and DO~GHNUT SPECIALS It& multitude of tpecla.l abUIUea bu won a nrm niche ln the aviation lnduatry. I . · A stubby. even·1mUed indivtdtr · IELLY a;nd c , STARD FDJXD ................... do•. 55¢ ~J:~':n:. ~~~-::.::.,.fl~~ .,;;;::;,-; ,~e:"!:. ~~,.u..· :::J Sc.out Counc·11 to ICED CAKE ~d NUT DOUGBNUl'S doz. 46¢ Ii: rlW bellcopt•ra "Juat a little 1eu t1w1 of peoplt pu.er<d arounci the I ;iv• • year." M-at hlt work 11'8 ahlp. Kool of them bad Ille Im· CRf'~ PttS -FRENCU.,.PA8TRD:S been concerned With crop ~tfnr p,....lon that I had flown tba ohlp M t • H bo' . <XJPK..IE8 _ BR&AD _ ROU..S. and apraytng'. but. on 6ccuion he born the factory. One woman. ee 1n ar· . r . j , • bu been preued tnto aervlce tp juat couldn't undef'ltand how I ~ora·s~onut and Bake Sfto. . p help an air-minded San.... Clau.o rn&llqed to land tha plane On the • ·Tiie 2tlll annual rrtHUnr of the m&Jte h1a roundl. Boeley 19 cu.f'o. tn.IJU, .. he -· with a unlle. Oren-Empire Council of -. LOca In Orwlter Alf..Amerkaa Matfrret \ renUy Worktns op· an experimental a-....: ... • · ..,.,.80~ .._ aaa. .. -... anl)' mai. -ibOwo ... 1.1\tel'Ml In OI) -Jl!li otoc!WIC-~-W~ 8~ IJ'lx. ... ,~ ~ ... clalolfled ada. '11'1 up In po~•r and P9.rformancel · lt'I economical In 9a1 and<upkeepl . It never needs any premium fuell · 1t1 ".miracle r:ide" i1 a 1tand-outJ. . . lt'1 the V-8 value No.1 for '511 lt'1 pr:lced loll!'er thalJ you exp.di ·~-~/'7! ~'B ~1 f!fil.ffl#•· ;,,,.. ""'"• OPEN J:VE1'"IN08 AND SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT JoE NICKERtt, Local Dealer 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har. 510 ' • Nwpt Beach ... ' .~· ..... ~ ,. " • • ' •r . " •'·-· :·· .. .... ... , " •• • I- i I I i 1 ' ~~ '[ . I I 810 '· m...., . N-pori -device, •Ull Ill the tntinc atap, C..,. 0...diic ~'."' will be .Jan; 18 ,•t 7 : . ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ l"'blcb. wW M\able him tO 'tow airt-Tbl• year ('Boeley'1 nnt u a P..· m .&t Balboa Ea7 clu tt wu aJ adVertJtiiU bbnet9. bellfople.r ptlot) meet of ti.bi acU· ~~ced Utle week. 1 • _ He'• cta.ciaold on hellcopten tor vtUe. h&'AJ ~concerned with ,',Du~l'lor J'uGre1 Ktrpte~1it. ~r-., certain typeo of wo•k and jiolnb """P ""-r or -"'' ,durthr .,,. coiinbll prHldfftt· .,.Id~ _ .... _....,_ ad-..tageo. Of' JU the i><'rlod (J'Ol'l U., 1ati.,r part fl! Jnl~·adult leaden< Iii SCOµ,t.; ... ' I ' . .. " NG----·- Theppenin9 of offices by EDWARD R. ROBSON PUBLIC ACCOUNTA. ... 'T ~peclalla.ln!l i in lndwrtrlal Aceounb and llHlOfDe Tu ' Ottltt: !SO"I W. Balboa BJ,·d. Newport Beacb Harbor 310 ~ , ' Je...~ Pbone: Harbor 70!-I ~ •n;-bt&ter "!!'Int o1. al) .. be •Y" May \broach Bepi.tnber. -... Ins "ltll lie --~at: U>e ''IJle heuc4pter bu a wide ~ an4 tdmatoa have bten the cfiiOf m .. tll>,ir f<>r , thetr adlle~.,,,..,.ta, tlon In !ta rpe.d ""'If•· You .... crape that ,..,. lft&t'ed, al\l>Wrh -tl!at ... r1 .. of llJlOC!&I ho#Ol'I jual hover over a awt wtth no he hu don• 80Me experimental or rebop!Uou will be bee~ rorward speed •t all Or nm alon1 walnut blowtns. He " alto .cout-'ro 'Df: honored mrnany "'4ll be al a top speed of '14 mllea per tnr the pomtblUtlea of liquid !erU· W1Ut.am ~ens of Santa Ana hour." UUr spraYtn« Dom the &If· and G<orre 'Nan.ey of HS libc>rt In Tfrht 8poh For du.tin.I' be U9e9 tW'1ft boppen St... Colla )(esa.., each w:lth 40 U>et cany 540 pow><l8 of lnlectl· years of Scoutin( to. blo cr«llL ''Thla speed ·fa.ct.or enabJee, the ctde and eover between 100 to 100 A nominaUnc committee report helicopter pilot to maneuver In aCl"el per nt11tt hour ln 60 to eo wU1 be read by Ted Cilek Of Sa.n- Ught apol!t ibatta flxed Wing pilot toOt width&. "We can work to a ta AD&. IW cb&J.rman ; off.teen wouldn't dare approach," he con-pal'• eyeluh with a ·!copter.'' then wtll be elect~ and lnatalled. ~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tinues. 'l'h•n, .. too, ypu can land 1&ya ao.tey "and tbe roton of tbe Spe&ker for the occaaion .will without a prepared runw_,, which pl&ne drlv; the duJ:t -lnto the be Ernest Schaag of Los Angeles, la dealrable when yo'1·re out •pray pound." an £ac'le Scout who.e, "From lng crops. With a rk11copter we For apra.ylnr, lbe lhlp-1& equtp. Valley J'o'P to Korea.~· l• report· 1pray or dual trpm a workin~ level peel with lW(> ·boom.a totalling '6 ed by Ch.let Seoul ~ecutlve Cecil PRl.MU' a 'r Mallcoidetl (Baby Prlmula) e coloro 5¢ ~ BudA and llOme blooms, In cans .. ea. , i ln naUJ S6c per ~oun OBCONI A Primulu, 5 ooloro or mixed. In can& • • • • B\l>omllng In t Inch Pola· 1llc .,., ..... 10' :~ .- 4 v • or from thrtt to tour feet above reet tn lensth W'llb &d,JUatat1ile Flfe to be a'n lnlpJrlng 'addreu. the grou~d." apraytnl' noalea .... We u.e41iqulda 1n cil&rge or -.rrangementa for Boaley s Hiller 360 alumtnum-tor weed control over widHJ)l"M4 the aftalr u a committee_ headed clad heUcopter llU been developed area.a,'' be a.ya -by Jam• J . Gubblna ot Orange. u the result qt 1& yean ot re-' Alked abou.t' h1a price, Boeley 1 . ~~ture, ~ . !.'I" c !U"; ' . ~ ;: ~ J;to,. ~ e utty wt m01 he COP"" work 11' caut te n U9ed to be their 1Jow responae "It the ac:reap la suftM£lent the lo con_tro)fl. nte. pilot UAed lo ba•e price comu tp abon five cea~ per to ehltt hh controls and wail until poUnd of ·w.t applied. With the Oonim1t~1 tor ~ the ensulnr ~e hellcopter1 felt like· making • fanne"r suppl)'t.nl' tbe ~t. Par ~ were named. by Mra.. Dorothy move tn the dealred direction. Uqu.kll, the l'&te ruu t• &round HOlmtta new cl\&Jrma.p ot the Coe- "Tlle Rotormatlo," Dooley .,.. 46 centa per p11on ror appllea-ta ~ w..:. Girl Scout Leaders• u· . A UMINUM WAU nLE . pl&lna: "controi. th• plane Of ..... tlon. We ai.o cb&q1I by flying -l&tlon, at • meeting ThUnday S~Y."OOODBli' TO OHIPPINQ PLASTER, PDUNO PAINT taUon of the he.ttcopter's rotors." Ume If deetred '"Of coune tbett tn the Girl Scout houae.. AI'ID MOLD. STALL Gl..EAMING LIFlilTDIE ALUMINUM: Thia control wblch reoemblff a lo a mlnlmUD) fff." • Cbaltmanahlpo .will be fllJed by WALL TILE A AROUND YOUR TUB OR SHOWER-bicycle handlebar comlnr In over ·er., Doc Mrs. lldlth Lud~· profl'am· Mra (40 BQ. FT. OR LE!IS) FOR ONLY-· the pllot:a ahoyJder controlo u(e .. · . p ton i Graca SJieth, orpnlutl.,; and $45 'C 1 •-~-,. up and down, lorwlU'.d and bai:k· We can be oomparod lo doc· tralnlJlr· W. B Johnaon bb111e and .. °"' ..... on Easy F. H. A. Terms Ward. and sldeward motion of tho tors," be MY•· "We're . u.ually prdenai ..... 'sybD No~ pub- . . io~ DOWN _ so MONTHS . • helicopter. -1 never called until the ianner tlnda uc rl.taucma; &rid Mra. ~ Htl- Guara.nteed ..,.In.st Chipping .. cracking, dlsco1ortng or Nat. ''The tail roq)r (which 1p1J\a 1n it too late to UM anythlnc· but a Uud. bUdget and finance t Add Value to You! ffome a vertical plane at 1900 revotutlona helicopter. but we tty to keep OJ.Ir Mn. Holme. if:lllcloa&i ihat Otrl · For Free l'.at.lmak Call Beaton 62&~~ or Beaoon flM&..W per minute) ls• Ulted to counteract prices &t & rpuonah)e level." Scoubs tn'Colta Mee& 'now numi.er the torque · effect or the matn ro-Boeley la quite pleued. wttb ~ moft. than 300 ·"1th 2:> Brownle COA LINE FLOOR COVERING tor and acta ... a rudder •. too," Pl"'teer work belnr don• Ill New-IJ'6opa and nine Ipterrnedlllte 1'111 NEWPORT AVE. COST• IllJ:8A explains BoLey ·For the tecllnl· port Beach reprdlnr. the dally troopa. Adult leidera .number 156 ~=~===~t=========~===::~~~~ cai minded, tile lbellcopter 11 .--~ pickup, by • . helicopter. and there are appl"Oltlmat.ly 182 • er<d by • Franklin alx~llnd .. op-Thero lo no qu-Ill lllJI ~ reri"tett!I commit~ lnenibera -en~. eyelopine, 182 -"" to the ftlu of ~,bra fOI' Mr. JO!mson -reported the comple: ~or. 'I'll 'copter ........., .. 14 general Pll<J*e ~ lie -.)'a. Uca ot IOl1le b9dly n...i'ed cup. pllola of U!>t per flylns llour Tho Onroa& <lo! Mar pllot polnte4 boudL HO' ~ that land-SE • SERYICe LAUNDRY Bal oa Washlt . I I , . i 30 M1f1.' Washing~ Fluff D,Ying · · Bla rl k~t's Wool Shampooed end Dri!d 501 03 Palm -IAUOA • and lb 28 ptloci capacity tonic out that U., Von. Camp flolllas -PU.. q/ u.." Jll'OW!do will begin gtv .. It a two ll"'1r tue1 ranr<· neet .._ two be1lcopbn tor spot• ~. • s....,... N-llnr acboolo of lllh, t.bu ~ : Gtb.r ~ memb.ra ...-1 ft you'ye a 1"1 '°' "1lllllnr out=-:.. ~'"'Zi,'"'t!: ;! -:;:;; ~We Lonr,'Mn. MJI· and llv!"r )'OUlitlf a l>ell~r IA> lleforo tlloy are loodocl. • -1'ox. and . Mrw.jl llerln- lalcjl the family 'fclr • oplD. ,...'D _, ... ._.. lllOl bell-1,..-------_...:'--- ba .. to wait.~ 8"""'1 •Yll ~ .... &I'll -tor -llllel.-----------that &II of the ~14ro -. iaalat•ano". A ipOtleo' wtUt 116< ' • llUlllUftetured it "' ..... l .... -. ~ ctut• ---• ii,. E L c H ~ I drall,acl .jnlo tlilt Atmed ---....... .. t,IM ...--AnoU.,. Ummnc ~ Ill llQJlllr ....,-. n.. ~ _ - • 11 r:· ::::::::::::r:-----~·--------~ 1· IMlloapta .. "*l>lsli pdce, ,,.. -111o ,... __ --"' -lllllor lllO --"'* ... ooo ---·-·· -.. -~-to-_.,_ 11101<lm: -11 ,.,_ -• Hmbor 2724 ' -,ooltlllr .., tho YarmJar -' llE'I ~ :t.:f ·~*1-. :':: et:"urc ·.=-:-, ":": ;:: i: __ ,., __ -..,d-la ........ ~ .. ~ 11n-•1t _._ ., .... t M z;tw a. _.Jlft -------??...... .... .. ~ -·-.Id lllat It .... - _ .. It II ... • .... . . atr11:..-.-Ulf llllorllilFl -·--'t11r• -Ill l'lllt Ano. • ... ...... ;r ..... ~-..Illa ...... ~--· ?1'8 I ?-.C..'-""'111!.. ..... ... , -as •• ..... :8P&a ' --~--~~:Sill~~ ...,."""~""'-"'iio~~---"""+-•·~-~-... .,, E ~:zi:• '!:3' l! ,.;13,• * / \ • ... f . ·~-• :.~~ I •• ; j ... ••• ..... .. ·~\ .. • I ' ' ' • "' "••oJ A • ly rood friaod of t1lc {.,.Uy budild. your~ offers more..,,,;,,. tMii ...,...at baril..U. NJa. . . . WHERE . EVERY .DAY IS BARGAIN DAY ··~: . ·'{ . .,. -·., Yi: ur ~eieph nc gives 1:ou ~~re for. yof' money than in 1~40 I 1- 1 \... I 1 I •, • l • • . ' • . . ' • •M•~.::-• ··1 . . ' •' -~ . .. I . r.iGE a -fART 11 -TH~DAY,-JAN. 1!' •. 1951 .· Balboa. ~ouple Bii:tfidey ·Celende • Christ Church Ship• WHteyan Guild -'~---llE-SS a Home ,From .. Avelleble ~"' '. . Clotfiing Supplies Meeti Jan. 18th . ' .~ ''~; -a::ii p ~ Gilman fSprings Mese WSCS Cir~• 6 to 6~rmen Pestor n:· w~ a..J.. ~ or !!_~~~_i~_:~~~~~~~~:_:::_:~,--=-· Memben of Cll"Cla Sb! 0( l!M A ..,...,_,_! Ulpment of ueOd lbe o.a-·6oin.ml1.7 :ll;etb· · ·Parent ducation progra~ for . Elementary PTA -HoW well do you understand Mr. ODii ~ 1 Johll· K. lllllott Coot.a M-CGnimunlt}' cllurdl cJoUllnl' OJld lboeo wiMd for odl.lt eburch will meol '1'11...-Y. A #er, noon. Bridge retunted lut r~ ,....... OUmUI ·WSCS bay• "additloaal birlllday ~·· .nru.,.. t.nd needy ...... Jon. 18, "at 1~ p,mj Wiii>. Mn. Hot 11\>rinp, Sao Jacinto, When Cll,lendan avaOob'•· lo tile pabllc. eoroui.. to ~"1WIY Ihle ~ u t.oi. . ~-420 MajnoUa Eac. h .Monday they opent t ... dayo reolil>I' Uld 11!•Y aft; 1~ cait. <acb.. r ... ~ • .....Wt of • ~-oollectloo An.· ~.!"•ilii1• ~ ~fwlooal enjoying the mineral \lo.tho. ·Wbl!e who !>ave ordered ealendan, 'l• by th• coogttpUon of CllHat women are -~ lnnlod to Mn. Fnnk Reed and Mn: Ar- 0.old Gauer Were wtnnera north- llOUth and Kn. Mlklttd· Lytle and Mn. George carroll Were bJ&:h acoren eut·~t in the dupltcate bridge game heUI tn Balboa at the homef of Mn. Roy Strotz; on Mon· day. afternoon. th~ they !lad a vtalt from Mr. January .,....·may be ~ured Ii>' Churcll by U.e Sea. Dlltrlbut.lon vlolt the lfulld. · t EUlott'1 daugllter and family, th• calllttl' Mra. Jamee BaJJ~ Jlel· In Gttmt.by wllJ be made bY Pu- Eucene DeBraa Of "Jnglowood. who eon 11381-MK. tor Wl"hebb Korber di Nurem-. OUEllT8 AT lAlN(l BEAOll were on their w•y / to vl•lt hi.I berg. wtt.h whom Rev. -rom P~n~ ReTl and Mn. ~oBei>h H. Tbamp- brolber In Pa~ Sprlnp. VISITOU FROM DOWNEY dell stayed whUe In Gecmany laal eon oi Colla Kua Joined a fam~ 1 Mr. and Mn. Bruce~ Quarry and 1Ummer. . Uy ll"OQP ente.rt&lned' rec;,ently In Rfll\llta come from conatant aon•, Bruce and Randy of Down"Y Mr. and Mrs.· JOMpb Bodman Long ~ u p.,ta: of Mf'&. Practice! An 'ad ttrularty ln th19 ~re Sunday guats of tbe Ken· have been ln Clh&rl'e of the pack-Tbompeon'a parent., Mrt a.nd Mn. . . .. " ',-YOU ~N ~"Ai IM 'Al Baail•r·: ' . FURNJTUd CO •. -:-l . ·~. 1 -' We Buy end SelrNew • d Ured Fu nit.ure t f, 1,. ~-·~· ..... 1812 ~.ewport ~cl,. C• Me~a M. 56" -. ( ... . \ .. 1'JU.r• child! W ell efiougb to help '1tn develop hia maximum polentl· aUtJee! An f'xpert on the subject of child guidance, Mrs. William C. 9'ian<1t. la l:heduled to speak al lbe Jf-nUa.ry meeUng or the N ew· Port Beach £1.emcnt.ary School P .-T. A., and a.ny parent feeling that he or she could use 90me help- (1.11 hlnta should •ltend. The pro- ~ wU1 etart at 2:00..p. m., on Monday, lhe 15th. In the Corona tk'J Mat. &ehool .1udllorlum.. Runnera-up north -eouth were Mn. E . L. Hackley and Mra. C. E. Irwin; Mn. Henry Enert and Mra. Strub; Mn. Tom Giii and Mia. P.eggy Jobnaon; Mra. Amy Kennedl' a.nd Mn. Carrie· Saun· dera. "'-per will produce rew.lt.9 for you. ne\b Quarry family ln Co&ta Meu.. Inf and •hipping. A. E. Hubbell. ~~~~~~-'-~~~~-'---~~~~~~~~ ' Mr& Quandt hu a wide back· J"tound trom wtilch to draw hf'r ldeu. She la t.b e mother of two ehlldrerithenelf. Her under-gradu- ate wo'rk wa.s done at U. C. L. A., he'.r graduate work at .U. S. C. &nd fhe hu ll't.udled pareiit education 1U1der Dr. OertrtJ.dt: Laws a.nd Dr. R.alph F.ckert. Teaching on the !unlor a11,d senior high .5Chool levels. workini: with youth group.a tor !ix years and cnn<lucting . .study an>Upa and lc-cture rorrna for the L A. city achool:s have broadened ber experiencea still further. • Another speaker. Miss Nadine Hermanson, B]X'ech consultant for ~e local schools. will report brief- ly_ on her work. One of the pro-tnun• she has Instituted l.n the ~a.urooms ha.a been-"t.horal read- "1J." An exan1PJc of which will be g'l\ren as the entertainment fea· ture. • Udo,, Isle Club President! Names tommitt~e Heads • Mrs. Hay Langenhcim. newly J.l~tttl president of Udo l.81e Wo- men.'a club announced her commit- t ee chairman far thP coming year :Whe n a.' ,board m eeting wa.s held .Mom:lay afternoon at her home, -It was rcvl'kled that dutle:ii of lhe club will be in charge of: Mrs. Cordon Hudson. hoepit.allty; Mrs. :John Boyd. program; Mm. Fordyce )oyd. card8; M;r8. Stanley Cham· t>er8, decorationl'I: Mrs. F. E . Rein· hold, refreshml'nta: Mrs. Kenneth Brook11. welfare and Mrs, Havll&nd Rogers, publiclly. Mrs. Kent H ltc hrccl(, retiring- presjdent, was pre&e nt to usiat ~ new offi.qrM, who will take Over at the next meeting, tD bf! held Friday. J a n. 28 at the club house. All Lido Isle women are lnvitcd to attend and t o become members ot the club. Plan8 were ~lscu83Cd for an ex- tracurricular affair, a dinner dance t o _be bt>ld Saturday eve· Ding, Feb. 10. Preaent ftir the seNion were the Mmc8. La.ngenhelm, Hudson, J ohn Boyd. Fordyce Boyd, Rein· bold. Brooks, R ogcra, <;. B. Rudd. Anne Leflrr. Allt'n Crlsell, ·v . D. Munson. ~ Barn<'S. John Moore Robh1son and jManlcy Clark. ~ocktail l Party Hosted by the Ward Humphrey's 1 A delighttul cocktail 'Party was Jiven at the hon1 e of Mr. IUld Mrs, Ward M. Humphrey of Btiboa Coves, preceedtng tho New Year's Eve dlnnl'r·patty of Mrs. Irwin F . Mcgowan al Balboa Bay club. Guests inclqdcd Mr. and Mrs. Runneni·up eut-we•t w ere Mn. Margaret MacDon.&ld and Mra. Mabel Boardman: Jdr. and Mrs. Floyd BuelJ ; Mra. Bu"rr Wh'te and Mrs. Robert Brown; Mra. Franklin Seamon, and M rs. James We b- ater: Mr . and Mn., H . S. H ollls. National rating points a nd prizes were awarded the wlMeni and ra. rreahmenta were served at the con- clusion of play. The group will meet each Mon· day at 1 o'clock at 414 East Ocean Front,. Balboa. For reser· vaUon.s, p:ease Phone Har. 3228-W. Dennis Hoglands Are Hosts at Holiday ~inner The Coata Mesa home of Mr. and M rs. Dennla Hogland and children Diane and Leroy, 285 Broadway, formed the eetting for a happy boUday .dlnner. Pl!!:&aures or the-occuton were shared by Mr. and Mra. Robert HitchcocJ< and chUd~n . Henry . Corliae and Cora Lee of HoUy- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Biil Capo and daughter Jeryl Deane and l'tOns Robert and J ohnny of Burbank. Mr. a.nd Mr•. Ben Hogland and daughte1e Coy Lee of WhltUer~ Mr. and Mra-. Hitchcock Sr .. of Los Angele8 and Mrs. Cora tjogland of Carela Mesa. . 'Christ at Cana' is Subject _at Baptist Church "With Christ at CRna" will be the subj<:-ct of the 11 a "m . acrvtce at the F irst Baptlat c hurch of Newport Beach, 19th and Court Sta. This wtU be the second mes· MSC in a aerle.s on the life of Chr ist presented · by the putor, Don Lambefson. T iie evening mHf!lage will be en- titled "Judgment Begins at tbe Houae of God." Sunday school for all ages begins at 9 :4~ a .m . and all are extended • cordial invila· tion lo attend. M.ill-~·eek service o( prayer and Bible study will be held Wedneaday, 7: 1r;. Summer Weddings Planned at St: James Church $l. James Eplscopal chur ch. which haa been 90 popular for wedding&, will see many auch event.a lhl8 coming 11ummer for reservation are now being made for many date:ii ll'I July, August and September, according to mem· bers of the Altar Guild. M111. Bert Brew er Ls dlreetress of wed- dinga and la ln cha.rgot of all a.r- rangementa. Dinner Party at Cooper Home l Cha.rile Burges of Wut Loe An· geles: Mrs , Susan McMlllAn or Pel Air, 0 . R. Clanton of South Paaa.dcna, Mra. Irwin Mcgowan of Beverly H ills, N . K. Patton. New- port ; the William Op('llC'a of Shore Cliffs. Corona del Miir; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holtzendorf of Bal- bea Covea and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galle ngher or Paloa V erde Eetates. Mr. and MrR. Woodro" Coopt"I of 2015 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mesa, diapenaed r ecent dinner hoepllallty at a family gathering. Sharing the occuion were Mr. a.nd Mrl!I . L. W. Howard and son Pat of Pa- cific PaUsades. W . F . Cooper, 1''. F . Ballou of Garden Grove. Lynne. ' Bob, J ohn and Larry Cooper of the ho"le. . I MINUTE Soft Water CAR WASH COMBINATION ~SPECIAL CAR WASH end both fi{r 225 LUIR~ATION only 1 AIN . STR&T AUTO LAUNDRY . - 1io1 !SO. "-i-lt: .--' ~ ~ • S.rs Fl'l '91\ ...... y w .... ..., I 11/0 . 2-t. La.12ar .. CAN GALA TOMATOES •OO••M ••••• • ••• A .. •1e11T too.&lc:.t.ot PICT RIPE PEARi '~nee. OllMT '°"LE l\tlf. _CIDER YIN!!~ TOMATO KETCHUP Tllllff SIS'TeRS WHOLE KERNEL COR NO• :Z. CA"' f UJ. 'f-0ES. Diamond A SLICED BEDS ""'°' CAM'5 "CeM .. •1• T•I WAY 1'08 WA•T IT'" 2 PORK ancl BEANS tw0.2taw oitiii'R -BREAD aii-·. 23J 'I Hi' c· ua"iaii" ••••~20 •• la. ~'~Boots CAT"Fiii~ ~Mt:t · ~It 31' -~~-:~ ... ri: • IVORY FLAKE.I ~3· I T,I DE • s~a ' 3~2' 2~B' • . r I I ,- ' •