HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-08 - Newport Balboa Press• ' • l ' ! ' I .•. • ' I Mesa Defense Cou"ci' to Name Chief • • '•'la...-. A ...... I( Ille ....t ..... ~ •• !.... ... ., ..... , ... -,_. Qneaol ......,. .. ' ' . • • I . - Th& • lJ your flnaJ reminder! l"be Second Annual Elka Mtnattt:I .,how wUJ be held thi8 week end, hklay and Saturday eveninp, at Newport Harbor High IChool audl· ~rtum beglnntnc at 8:10 p. m.. U you 1&w the allow lul year you know you'U wa.nl .to aee tt t.gatn.. fall new cut, new act.a). lf you mlaeed the gala show 1ut year Just uk 10me nel&'hbor who wu }here, then buy your ttcket!I r1ght away. Tom Norton, Leading Knlght of the Newport Harbor Elka lodge, wtto wu a big bit in hl.9 black·tace roki lut year, will be. lnterloeut.or. End men Wiii be Albert H . Mat• lhewa., It .. F . Shell, Bud Br~. Robert C.' beecher. T : Hord Seeley, Bob Norton, Cllff Varner, Robert A. Eutman, and Saint .Clcero. VocaliaU are: Lloyd Johnaon. Paul Lorentzen, Wf'l. J. Goochroy, Jr .. A. L. Doesburg, Rollie Hood, Fred Matlbewa, Jack Towie , See- ley Charle• a.nd Chuck ·Franca. H.old CllCatl•nte Races at Newport Cln ' 7 ..... -""" .......... ..... -""'Jtllll, ... ... t. .......... ....... _ .. .,< ... put • • . ' ' I 1 .. , ' • ' ' • • • ' ' I I I I PAGE 2 -PART J ·-~ THURSDAY, FE8. I, ·1951 ~ -~Ide ~ . .. AA<• I-' ,+L-'~-= .PllE$S~ -.IM -l.OC·~ --u.r. . -l'#lebed t1'VJ 'l'lmnd&J at Newport Bw+, 0a1 A+ "le • C)(ftoc1 .... prlDllllJ Plant al ftll 1111.---~ ...... 1117 ~ .. -.t-clw matter Jui>. 11, 1NO, al otlte poot oai. a& Mewpwl Beech. Calltornlll, 1Hlder. the Aet _oL Kardl a, l8'19. • • • FIRI FACTS-., •• ,, .. ,.~ .. ~,_. ~ Spoll1r1 ..-----.-------·----. ...,,..... ttr••d ~~ M11a ' • ' - • ' ... llldred ·'f•Utiaa. o.&a- ............ "' Ille "-~ Dwi'I ...... t ......... Ille .., tw MH•Lree P... 11aats 1 ll"'llle~X..~al ·a -MJ.1ftllill ....... fff ._.,,.,_..( -IMt'lll~. ' • - -4 1&' ... I •IF I) ..... .. ,.... ,A pleM ~· lai -to . • • • • ., ... _ -.. -Nd> -~°J-nJ& .-. ~ 'tlt0uu.-..-.... -, "'--~-·~•I las '8 plN>M to Ille tilter omter Ills u.e OeJlfonlir. ~ ....,_ ,alley _ ~ ..,.u : "•rriw p.utOl'llla "621 :rrer r11n1·ten ••••*'-/ 1n auta Ana~ tb1a period.. .inluruace' n11rN a..t. ·0.-u.t ~....-ww. tltrlt.tamOUDtt !u.e u.it _,.,.. ..,,--.. • ._ ... NliUc 1111•-A_.,. , , . , ,, ~1.!~~~l-OO 20 ~Olllberw, It pUtj<Ulerly ... ~ ............ ._ priDc1pe1. • t ... fie=· out GI cikrL I ,..-•· ' ,._ ••_<.,.-.. -.... ~ tt<• h ·~-It' !loo I' ·~,....,, • . tbet la a ~tfUI -lo ...... ·._~ _,.. ob 11-fa -lf~_. -Al9 .,.-. Kre,. ~· al4. A '""'..:...--l'lldi.t. 1'. · • . • ~-!'--. ' Pill: ......_ lo "liui ( - --·-,-_, •. -~· -!Nini'>&' -1itu-beclf--;:~-:-..-,., ...... ,L, :~~·I-• If _, --)!Oli-'r~~:-;:"';'_.<._..,_ .,.; -· wbo •II , I• l ad llw 0 bJ' .. ,,_,..,..-n...tw cl'....._wbo_I .,., .. ..., ___ ..,. ~ --~.-....... ".1--t: _.._._. __,, r ·--r-" • to ....,... . ~" __ , oPOla U.. ~· 111 b .... ,., ~ Y ........,._ -,...., • iat 1111 -. -• · · -.ple!le ~ -oa *"""' U&;CMIO,aoo to sao;ooe,aoo • "W7 · --' .-_, w~ i..t 1a -... .,.in.•. _;, llllN 0 , REDllICK. Oww -Pllhl!aher • I chlty lhlo .,..._•bet\ lbeJ W ,c ir-lllo ,1111 t• fl!nd. tllN • -...;,_,.,, --• .., : • bit ~ w.· ,_.. but -It • ROBlllRT r. WII1 .MM, _n,.-~ , "POP Ml PlAY WITH MA;JCHB.". their tint. trial. . 1a ~lo~.~ "llllt--c:-!....-:-, ._._,_ Wllljbo -~ e1on, 1et11 .... •A. AIJ!!!tANDJCR JlAJIIIJl'ON, ~I .......... • • ~ !1'0 ere In-In tlM}' ue-...t oi '""'11t ·-.r. ao 1111111-.d--ponoill ,_et, It --"°'°"' Mic, -- • , t --··-~ their .co111J111mi!J' .. plane fault of -...,,_ ., ,-.~ -lllo ~ -...... 111e-., B-1 w111 lie .. ~ON BAD:B: I lpOUent .,. Ml<"! lo l""ile Kgp • With lllo 111 wo.flui4 ..,_led 11o.., lrol1bl15 WIUa "~ ...,..; Md wo ..... il''llrN" Uo 4 ... ,.,. ... Jf~~ ~ 7 ..::.~:i.t.. -·The eap·1tol Week · ...... :i'Tetti::~ ~.a:.. "Mi~ ~-~~.t~ci:, '= =1 ~= ~ :-:· :-~~11::~ = • Sh) (Allio .-tbe~·B•IJIO& l'fl:W8.ftlOI,. . YOU -r· ··•, N-a:u-Ylnc -·Bemud Tut· ~...Mt -.Ui -IMI ~ ..... ~ to ...... llwoipimo., aail If -.. . "",.te:r)/ O.Wde taoe• ~ "-" per yw. . . Uo, lpllw.Hdrletle~, Glenn llmOUle ....._. • .' 1 •*rH -~ Ud do .!">'" -1hlnldnJ about --• By Walter L. Bulrdall o. ,.,, ~ Kn.' D, B. ~. Helf la bow It ta.w0nid: It .. -~t. It ..., b•..liOd .. ~ -aw. --do a - I -I • Kn. Bonnie Jollnaon, Gertrude A peJW h.a -a "tdHlly· em• the -Wa. ' j ..t.l 'at cllerlty, our ..-Uld THAT POOR LINCOLN BOY (U-.._ ClornsJa•le•t) Y·"UR Bue1lliell, Helen Trautwein, Nan ployed for 11 mcntbo et ,. "9lar7 8'd -~ :~ """9 ~ wlll -fMI eood. Dloter . . ·. . • Gov' Eu\ Warren -bepn t1ll'U· V dllle Mathew• and Mildred Meth· of $IW> a WMk. On Decemlier IOUt ,.... tel<e -"J aut of • 8~ wlll llad11d be • day Of " • Nq American story is better known than tbe story of inc blllapu•d at tile lq1olaUve ·co· N~a·Es-l'. : ' en. ll•· 1a lald orr. <tTndei--ctr> ::::..ierJk~ l i: re~.· · .• Abraham Lincoln. H•lon Into J&w Jut week wttll q -~ cumoten-, Jt·llhoul4 be ~ be 4...,IDI•~ f!lli4. _pr ff... ,, _It , ~ lnte-tlallal ~--'. Abrabam Lincoln's parents were poor. There was no hla olpalunb ·"'' .-· • -• 011 on· . Bea'~.-L la . ent1:Uoc1 to uneJllploy_lllent Inn ·-· -·-·-· It •• . : ..... , be!Wr,&Dd I ---e3 .. ~ ---One of Ille flrat he alpod wu . -~--ourence bee--be la oqt;'lt -;;;.,..-., • --t.n1tJ tli ..,.. 'r!~ lJJICI< •. to Pl"l'!"t'~ ·otart· county-welfare department to help them. He was mostly one that be uked tor. Tbo · Arudoualy _, ii.'.hte t.q "lh• (0..llaaoil ,_ ...... 1) lh-.ch.Jl:O teU)l ot ·l>& !JWll.} !l'*t 'lll"l:t:":,~.to act_""* of Wqrld Wer.·~ ~ selt-edticated. No school bus passed his parent!!' cabin. meuure •PAroprtat~ $1 ,llOQ,000 fUtllJ'e Coner-Mcorl.Y ·~atta-be wu l>Om about 2\i mU.. lhl• On Jen...,., 2rul he flleo • da1m the fluid to.-11\0 lm'fJ a 1f we lteop punolvff ~if o u ~ He studied by firelight. No one bad heard of TV A . He for conUnued at&te aid to cbl1d tho., reP.rt on 1111uopo. wll1<;b F"" aide of Bente Ana 1U1C1 re111omberw for -'Ila. · .....,. tbAt>.lo ~ to .,.. frielidl • ~q-, Rllala ··"!! 111 carecent<trw.!1'1lemonoy.laenou&'h eral ICIHftllciwv Wlll •mekoe_ next the da:r ·~· -eround u Iotllla-lbalndl¥jdUel'a--·-of~,4ulto de-ha~ to do a better,)Ob.._~ . split niila' and ·cler~ed in a country store. There was no t.o run th• cent.,. unw June ao. weeit "• berofoot boy.• "Tbooe w .... ~ eano!ri&' per1oc1 1a lbe llrll 'lJ ocrfbed :in.. Uie·.nex\. .. -~ I.be peeco .-then ..., minimum wage, BQCial security, unemployment or disabilit-y It i. expected that oupport tor ~ appr&IMJ of the mllllar]' po-da)ll Wlien ,Oran,. county wu monilti out of tJte l&tt..18 mOllllul. ~ , · · . 1 1 bu jboen. • insurance. . the conten tbrou&'h the n-tllo· tenUel of our fr1endll on the other •UU part of Loe Anplu county.• in"lhe flral ).2 monllia he bu !<>tel ~ •c;r·.:.y;. , i ' ri_ii. 1-J0Ur Fr1en44' Fonl, cal year, whlcb it.a.rte JvJy 1, will dde of the Atlantic ... reP,rcs.ed .. r can stW remember folk.I eamlng1 of"lJ,toO'. _ ~ · V~I t\. • J)re!alel' •YIAt Goodab.Ye 'till A boy growing _up today as Lincoln did would be be put lhrouch when the t.p· with web tmportMoe lhatl lb• talking about the bll: flood of tho Total .....,,. . I balii f•C!I!' t)·ll .., l ~ext week. • considered very much abused and underpri~ileged. Yet lature reconwna: March 12. ·Senate and Bou.. will meei t°" S&nta Ana river wlJlch went on a , -. t ' _.. • .. 1 · .· _ · L . I I bee •'-t ·<l A · Warren ·•-lliped a blll' pro· re••·r to .. -.,. to ., __ · , -ram~•e and did . a tot or dam-In ~ Jut 6 mon_lha b1a total Ho 'lf!U ~. !!' ~, rall"!I --+~...,---'-''"'"-'--•n~ n mere y ame ,,.,.e grea est pres1 ent merica ever --,.. • ~-~· ·~· ~ ~ of Boy' a~~ w•·~ are ~ •· A -.J ~ Yklln& a J>OMllble 6 per cent booet The General &lao wtll make con· age,11 he aaya. "But that waa juat earaJnp wtre Jl,sop. . ~~ ,P"'-~~ M. • • ~ ~ had. ln 1tate employeu' wage.a. The fide.ntl&I reporta to the s;nate a little while atter I wu born He uaea the ttnt 12 mor(tha Bede.er, d~trief ~hatz:ou.n·; 1 e ----• actual ra1lu were be.nded out b J'oretgn Rel&Uona Commlttee and ln 1881 and I can't recall too e&rntnp u a but. tor hta ..tlret Rnlltet•, cocnmlillione:r; ·an · Bob the stale personnel board at to the House Jrorelgn Aft&lra much about I~,. he add.I. unemployment benOttt payment. ~l&ln, tleld T~ , .. WHAT l)OES INDIA WANT? week'• end. Committee. Kemliera of. Coll.,.._ Harking back to the "rood. old and gets maximum berieftta of 11<>1 8cou -w11., -will ' ~ PRDfFSSID~AL ~ ~ OIP.ECTORY r, •) day1" Bert te1I.1 about the lav18h sa:w>, or $20 a :week tor 26 weeU. pinch hit tor clty officl.alll &lil!I: I To India's Prime Minister Nebru, the United Nations w-. lllto Line are antlolpauq-tllat he will talk etyi. In wlllch I.hey used to dltr (The law provldea benefits may Five CouncUmen:_ Cberi.j,J ,Mer-.• long.delayed decision to brand Comm.unist China an aggres-Th• Idea 11\to brln&" state -to eome of them pr1 .. te17, ~· ctama. "We'd Just hltch up a hqr9e be up to one-half hla hue _,..,. ke~. l!)u~ . McGo~em,. !'1 I c.k .:_:,__~~~~~~,.:·~·...;;__; sor in' Korea is a "disaster." ~ Into line with -·paid In •uot· 8oloM ~ l to a plow wait for • mlnWI Udo lnp, but not more then· $6GO.I Pat.:h, Bob C&llla, Bill · Rln~ City • Wh,y? _is it a ~'saster to tell the trutb? I. -.·u·~~~"!"...w..1n'1 •~•!:~ •bum·. Sorite ~,.and a.pre.,te-and 1(0 .,.;t In lhe'•ott and that Thia peraon rema.lna .;,emplo7· ~~.-.rTbo. ~-,W~rl~rook 1 ·e1t; •r"t.'&. lkelw,J). n;a. "-¥ •• ..__~ w. uuv. ....... w.-. tlve1 a.re predicllnC that,. th.Im re---the clam• aeem to low. We Uled ed for the 26 weeka and drawa e "". maa: 6··i: Cl ~t,... 1 I .• For the United Nations not to hal'e told tbe trutb ploye .. r•t tanolher & -cent port will belp ilhe couiitrY deelde to set tone of them; maybe on the maxllnum .or MllO ui!employ-:::,mey,_RaJ Batd\Ume; City ''!<fJe. D.W"tlltl'll"I' · ' cbulll well have been disastroUs. Such a course .buld rul.ve boOal In July If oondltlonl war-on the llCOlfe and cherUter of our second tboOcht you'd hotter oay ment Insurance benefits. ' .. .!. .• ~8101 : City Engtn~f· Joe lTllllftwport..,._OioltalfM& '' . . . 1 . . · rant. The flnf. :5 peT C4.nt boolt mobtli&aUon effort, no matter buckets and tube ru.u of clam.a. Now, tor the nut atx mont.ha w,,........... ~t .Supt., D ~nll l• · · :: destrOyed tbe UN as an instrument of mterna.tio!l&I 'Justice. wlU coot the atele $4,W,000 what,th• Genenl .. )II. then," uye Bert with a amlle th• per90n must find oome other ~:?""' Street Foreman, No!ll Bar--11-Bide-BH • ftU Yet during all the weeks that body spent in iiummonihg lhrov&'h lune SO. Should h• repcirt that ICuNpean llgbUnc up hi.I strong f .. turea. m .... of support It he la to be a lo u.!~t<lr Superintendent. Larry llGI a 11q "-Br••• tbe courage to pin the sanie label on huge l;l>mmun!Bt Wblle the IO"mor h&d alrtied nattona are able end w!Ulng to Bert can a1oo • remember the f\dl·fledged "lag,quarteror," · · Meter Reader, John Brun· • , a number of otber bllls ot a more belp themwlve. materi&lly~ 'there time Wben sport and commerclal But on Ute folowing January I.he; El~ SUpt:, Roy Gra-BarbGr llf.-1 China . that. it had so readily pmned before on puny-Nortb or •-lechnleal nature, al week'• would be more ent.bullamt In Con· flaltermen uoed to look down their 2nd, the tint onalveraary of hla ham; P&(k Bupl., Don Ort!''" .no! • • Korea, Nehru of India took the lead in e:alling not for end he bad left one major bill ITffa for aendlnc United St:;,tee noeea at you lt you ever mention-first c1&1m, .. •till being . unemploy .. H~bor Muter, Da_ve Ben•~y. _. tnitb but for appeasement and abject silrreoder ~ . Red benclfl&'' That one approprl•teo troopo to help tll•m. Such al otep od flaltlng -ror albacore. ·•No o_ne ed, he nt .. a aecond claim. . ther . temporary city '!!cwtP ' Chin ' d ds '1,300,000 tor flood d&mace re· surely would accelente our)' own pa.Id . much attention ~to alt,&core Ag&in hie unemploy1ment lntur·· are:_ Chief ot Police, IA.nee .IGree.., WELDQ.N ·w. SCJJ0Rq .... a 8 eman · palrL prepared.neu Pl'Ol'J'&D'l. And that then. arid they were clU1ified &nee award: ia baaed on the flr•t leaf' Polle~ C&pt:Aln, Bruce ~tt; DENTIST .. ;,, What are India's motives? Nehru has posed as a The money wu to come trom cou.ld mean st.UJ hlsbu appnwrta-with 'aharka. But wh'en the can-12 months out -of the. J.ut 18 Duk Sargeant. Bob Dtll:, :Detec-• 1 mediator between East and West, as a buffer ~tween the the lntereet on the •late'• 80 call-tlorui, hlsher tax.ea, ~preuure tor nerlea atarted to pa.ck albacore month8. and being the fint 12 tlve Sergeant, Tom Dial; Motor- -ed Chrtatm.u Tree tund. The tu:nd more oontroll on the economy-1.bd the pubitc got a tute ot the month.I, It. lnclude1 the lut J ~cltroe lman,Patrolman, C _e o. Hood; UO & lBtb Street, ooAa ._ Communism of Russia and the free enterJ?rise 'Capitalism eot that name, the story eoes. almost complete wartime mobll-white meat' tuna, albacore came moiitha that he -wu •teadily erti-a , Arnold Eh.Us: Fire Pbou Btt:• ,... ... of America, as the ardent peacemaker seeking to resolve trom • newapapennan'• ot.erva-lU.tlon. lnto lhetr own a.s a game fl.sh." ployed, before he •tarted h1I; year ~ele(,·:oo ~; ~: F1re1 Chief, b . Uon that It had llOIDethlng tor A ~mi8Uc report, on thf' adde ~rt. of loattnv . 9n unemplo'"""ent ln-y ee : Ftre '-"ltP~ Engi-controversy y compromise. bod ~ 1• .--• ,... n••r Pat Cadlrl Fl 1no-.i~ every 'I Ou '"" other hand, probably would ma1c:• "I try to crt my 1ba.re tor the 1ura.nce. ' c; re --:-!'--=--~ • OPTO-UU Yet, closer to home, in .matters tbat directly concern Do'-Problenul no change In our PHHDt oJow. rreerer In the garage,"' he uya. 1-1 9 MoaQla Al Borla; BµlldlnJ In.opoc..:t, Bm l r-""'.V;;.-E.;;";&;;G:;lri.&L,;:;;:;;;-:0:;:;,~D,_,~l his own, ·country's interests and his government's•ambitlons, CIYll defeme, problems oonllnu-ateady mllltary buildup of recent' "We had ·a wondertul run of al· For hi. lut 8 mon"•, -mem-~gyhl1'::._'_'US!nen Uc \Al-OPTO~~l"TRtST N · mon~-bacore this yeat." '""-'.... ec or, .--. .. 3 Grotle; Depu,ty DI-me eb.i"u bas shown little faith in mediation, little disposition ed to s•t hJP, priority at the at.ate • Bert wOrked on a farnl moat ot ber . he aUU hu Slaoo 'ln wace rector of ctvU DeWtee, 'Cbuck E\'Mlap' by Appol.al:mmt for co~promise. In it.;' bloody diapu~ witb P~ 'for ca~:;..,, tl...i.iy -k from a Welllq Period .. .j hi. iae and· wu roJaod In Gar· credit.a, which beln&' ~wlce $&0, WaJtera, and Police LL, Chuck 1111 w. Newport llML posseulOD of the province of KaahmJJ", India haS' rejected SottmbN" ctru aeten.e oonterence Du~g th.la "altlnc perl~ ma; den Gro.ve. "It wu qlUte a ch.an,g e.ntltl!8 _ hJ'": to ~.e m:X!muni un·-~ra.mer. . __ -.. Na -0o'l '·--t UN Jor '0"'11"' policy -..,.,. rromt-..n"'r:..hei-y•whenqu-em~i'llr~~-or .• ,• A.11 ,o.er .~1 ··' _..,,. PU1.U& or a -sponsored plebiscite _whjcl\ were agreed to 1n OJcaro .. .-kl he hoped the uaue to ~ debeted lo f rm.al tloned.-;b;it '" ht.I ourrent sport M60,a.pJ.n. at_the;ra(e of~~-~ Ttie Boy ~.Scout Unt~·-'·"- by Pakistan. Iruttead, the Nehru government, which holds WHk·lonc atomic teat.o at i... opeech•• and In Informal cloaJ<. flllllllis: bWllne•. week .'°' 2' weeb. ·· . • --In all perto . llOILTICIAN " military control in Kashmir, is reported tu be rigging a "(:!:: o::::!.~ ::_,:;:inc varlowl room conw,..ttona. The qu,.uon He ... ma to like a change from So ~ lndlvl\luel·~~ta to loaf nation by over 7&,ooo· Uni .Dur· JU~iinw;i)jl;rtijii~ }',___ ,, r-1 of whether the Ptteident bu, or time to ttme u wben we nvike on unemptoymet tnaurance for tnc the , Wee){ many ·~ win-~ ....._ one-sided election of its own, in tne best traditions of Hitler He aid be• bed no lmowled1• or bu no~ c....ututlooal prerop-to him Tuesday night.he w.;riet-the tint and lul &Ix ~onlba of _an dowo win be given oV.r [to the B•~•Z•OBTOU'I' or Stalin what WU IOlnf on there, but •Id Uvea to Rnd t.roopa to ~rope Ing ready to go on a camping trip 18-mootb pe~od.. Boy Scouts to demonstrate aome I ~ Atte-M•s India:s attitude ~ver Korea, which would compromise ~ U:., '::r::'1 al>~r p':"-1: without the conaent of ~ to Desert Hot Sprtnp with a pal And be can do 1~ te~ly, under of the uaetut <kills lheyf' cquttt j ·ue OoMt mp.._,. •· --create. the moat •~lr. The~ wu or bia. "I"U probaby be gone tor the wo~c ol the pz:eaent act. at thtlr meetings and t Scout OO&ONA DEL llAlt. the UN right out into the sea, is difficult t o understand. could set lnto hJlb .-ear. reluctant •ITffment. however, & Week OT t.en days," he aays. ThlJ: ·racket, • however, ~ very. camps. There will be ctUJPJ,ays 01JI DAY .&KO NWBT But the example of Kashmir should enable the rest of the BUt WIJ'Ttn admitted . that he that even that queltlon could "It'a n\pe to get &way from home ta.Lr to the honest wor~. handlcr&tt and apecta.I \~bits . h-..e llarbor U Id to "ud th t I di . , .1 . b and rno.t of the other iovemon evapor&te quickly. 1f the world once 1n a whUe." By honeat workm&tn, la meant calling attention to the 'COlllerva-• wor J ; ~e a n a l8D t necessan Y motivate<J Y a qreed commun&I 11t-eltua were aituatlon took a wdden turn. tor Operating from . the llth Street the workman who geta out at tlon effort.a of .. the· orgaq.lza.Uon. ----------~~ fair-minded, altruatic passion fo r peace and justice. pretty well out of tht picture--the woree. pier, Beri, h.a.e taken thOUl&nd• work and, lives ~ h1a aaVl.np IU appeal for apare cJot:b.thg and Df81JBA.NCB • ucept for tboee already In ex:iat-Two other -problem&, however, Of weekenjl tlahennen out on his While looking fot another job, in· It. traiolng"tn civil defenM. r 8 S M 1_ 41 A • ence. Ht MJd there Juat wun't llMm more Immediate and more cba.rter boats. Arnone them he 1tead of ~hine-to the. Ub.e.mploy-The Clvtl Defenae Stattfof tb Old EA&bliahed lnlUraDcl oy Couts Grft. st nn1versary enough time for blf bulldln1 proJ· urgent. One of them-price and numbers such •tars .. Don ment office to file a clalm Ior Wf· Nation&! Secntlcy Re•oU :1 ·~Cl' , ecte. • wage contl"O~ .....,..1y aut of Amee.he, 'Ralph Bollafny and Lum employment lnsura11ce. Board , hu ~plsed t rof: AD u.ne. written. , • I ' ' ~~71:-~.~ What he really wante:dehe a&id, the hands of Chnrrw tor tbp De-and Abner. Looklng over their It thY hon~t VfOrkm~ d.oea that the BOy .Scouie of ert.ca I BOWARD W. GERRISH ~~~ U1I ~I i,. wu apecttl~Uona tor gOod back tenae l?roducUon. Act .,anttng the-photograph.a Mth aome fines not find a Job ~ u.hauata hit play ln Workinc with te d I 180l~ewport8ivd Colt&',._. ·-w& ,,,,,~ & ,_,. yard .abett. ........ tomlc atorm eel" Preokknt bro.ii pbwera over lb• catcheo, lhty all aeemed to enjo7 aavlnp, It uauaUy .. ~ late for local C!YIJ Derenae ~ .-.an I PHONlD llllAOON 1fu 1iiiiii-~iiiii ... .-,;.... . . Ian In which tamUlea could pro-economy .... pa-i and ~· plq16c lolea In a cut.whlc:h •I.an him to rue tor, \l"employme11t In· , The Boy Scotlte of' , · .. ... t.ect th~." taw,laat. ••mm.er. . J Mr. Alb9eore. · aurano.~.~ tta;n• ltmlt ha<~ U.. ~ .. ~ ~~ P"" The .ot!)er lwu be"81W>c to We Ult64 Berl what hll" rreet· ed._ •••• -. -: ., • ' • _, . " • ' ', E • I • • • • • l.-• _7. ~ • force 1JW1Y memben tow..-.i • _ ·<~• ·--~~ ... ••· __ be' "-'~ . '0r9Yllle <.:eJGWOll, Deput7 lft&jor declllon. Tllat WU tho ..... -uuuo w~ ~ ~ ...,. ,_. a ~ ro; C!Yll Dote... Dlnctor1 lOld the queet ot Genet'&! 11"""1&11 .lld th• apont chulnc P"'•· tllo1) eroimd hon .. t 'b11P'il!a eovemor'• counc:U that by not ~ the oce&A. Bia antWtt Mowa him ., YI: J r ·• ( week he upocted to have -1bh Whole National Det.-llab-In Illa duel role o( diplomat end ~~-worker taku _advan~e of UM &14, ~l}>. ', lite .• vine, aheltera inulaco, O&kJ&nd mtnt tor lestaf:atkJn, to pnm the tllhln(' i>oat operator. "My lft&l· ta6-QUU"t.rr to draW benefil8 while COmrl}i~ laAI '"a!e- and Ban DI . l(ft&ted. "Any dralUnJ of lS-)-r-olcla u b&ai. eat Uulll," he aya "oom• from loafing. l7 en4 "1mll&r lildui pre. port 111 a " he r.merked. :i., Whl1r.!1' ... ~~ bU!ldfor· v~-mtoan~e waleblllJ the other fellow land• a IAepbole In '-pan tor .•,r-vt..: Ir.I PeitleiS>e< • • • , The mW~ ·ie.cs:..;-;ere .r;hai btl" one." Correction ot this loophole ln tlo.n ID the w.ork ·of and Caldwell oJao aid that recom• .-. .-J. the law certalllly la a ''muot• end toCal <;1.U Dete-• &' • w..at for -Q"" lon.l"'f'&b&'e prorram, N · -abould ..bli --·-__. " 1 mend&Uona for appointment ,of web •. .up WU lmpereUn. For ewport .Couple the metllocl ol dolnc ll wlll IMl .ex· .::-_-........... -. ft'l'io.Dal coordtnaton for tour the &hort-ranp, they a1d th• \)iained In later lnlt&Ummta. • ,... .... ~ ctvU defea area wtll 900n be youtN wtte needed to aYOid ~-(0.Umed ,,.. f'lrre ll WbJle t.htl eeriM to aome ex.tent 'l'be Boy Scouta ~ot~~t~~la " made. The areu that are wtt.11-Ing veto...... and fethero ta the Tito ~ couple we.., mar-bu OX-4 ch ... llq and fraucla propuect to uatal by a w I 5tUart foote GENERAL INBURANCll C011..u0.i. It((Ormatio1i 1n1 Bal..,. 111-.4. ' N....pa;t -Pia. Bar. M out coonllneton I.re: Humboldt ..-e breclteta of 19-ft """'j aub-lnled la tnclleu"polla, ....,....., and on the IUl8D\j)"!fm""l lnaurance CIYll Detenae _.. , and Del None counU•: BMote. ject to lb• draft. haft U-In Callfomla ior the reoerve tund In CfllfbnlJe. It help the R..i er-ID . I~ G811J11 •• !""'Pt~~ ·~Bu·l~. o.-· ..._ •-1 put 41 )llU1f; U of which were should not bo ._..'4 tl II In~· tr&lnlnJ ancl cooperet<I wl p.t!WI;:=+==;:;====:;:::=. --• -.--~ -~ Keenwblle. Conan• !lnall)' Sot -1 In Newport Beoob. · · ed .. a ..., .. of .... _ .. lllorl ... •...,.i.atl.,.. ....,pcloatble t · Poot-CAJVE psEsc&JrnoN Benito and Monterey; San Lula oquared a...., t0< work.· All com-~ llOMJ•-The moUYe la much more 1ert,• Yldlfl&' toodj clolhln&" Uld jolioilteirll ·1 PIWUIACY Obllipo, Bania Barbara and Ven· mltt<te uo1,.._ta • .,.. complet-UDUI U..lr fiftieth y-or roar-oua than lhaL ' • dUrlnJ ..,...,. ... ,.. porlo<I!!, enjl lure COWIU... ed tllla week, u.. -.mJtleemen rlqo U..y bad nnv bad a boney· It .-nUy wu atel:od In • aid rucue llnlta ¥<1~ I · L m. 'W.. t P. m. ' • • --.. tAlpUler for the ' tint moon and 'io "'lebrale tlleJr Jkolden ne"'"P"POt' ate>r]I that It u atom --reQ.-.el. J ~ Dellftl"od K ... tlm• ~ ...... Bryant, Dlroe-time to plan their worlt, and ...,,e amiln.--y !hot took a · trip bomb feU on • .._jO,.. Ameilcen Ill ~.-_ when by Ml QoM$ -. ·~ ~ tor GI Eftlployment, told w......, 1teer1np ac~-IMC&L I uqwid the Unllad Stltee. city end the prl'r&le -ce Btete end 1oce1 Cl.U ' 1 , • .Oorw dol ll'at . 1 lhet <:a!ltomta wu Juol ~ Tbo BenaU Armed ~ Tbe d&7 prior to lhelt Sl.ot en-compenJ• bad to P"J' fw the dam· .,.._ memberw of the! !"'ii"'! 1------------• to feel lltf> real Imped ~ --llub-eommltlae 1'--.r ..,. -tor nm..iy, the Hof ... Ylalted ~ ..... <Wry -.-jiiu,y -wlll bo ~ mobUl&aUOll-Bryant aid nory-"1a4or1 J-ID-Te¥.) -CUI, wbo to•e patient. 11t U.. with ............ ~ In that ,aYa11allle lq, "'°!'It With Cl one In the atele would IHI the bad boo al -k la ...... I 8&n .... ,..,._ Vetareno bOlpltel. city wouJO , ... ltr'.oka. .f~ -ID ".qomo.,., effect& mn of...., an .,._tloa llt, BofV can 118Ually be ~ , iTbe, atata unem~t·.in...r-~ ~ · Werrea --llllollt -1<· -Kllltuy ....-. Tbe • clelly on the N-rt Pl•r-· a... lltild la la 0Qt:tl7 u.._,..... nsl11"!7 ~ u ,i ~.,q~ tnc -lbe lllell'• law wlllcll pen1Q H-OoalmlU.. IDJ . !Ii. tewmlte p1uit1-, flatilnc. lllluellon u lbe -prtorai. ~ --· . keop ~ea --. more lta otucly of thO ptOl>lem.. 1.· · Ke'o ..-'"Tiie fld" -ol enee coinpe•._, ~ tbet the ' , ' , than &rl oipt.-.. cle:r end • .. nte -Ways -Ill-1111 loq -°"" all uounc11---· ID Ila --1lo A I ~ ·-baV ,-.. "'"'41'1 T~lllOll ..,.. Coaualtwi -_,....E ~--wtl1 .... ~-"-I -dtlll'7 .......... , "' 1lotloa eull>orlu5 ~to Ibo tb-.r-k -ot Ille rule, but W&rTm told bl& oftlcla1I ..........,_ ............. 'Die to make W.. Ille _.. wea 'rita1 "en.ta llcped 14!!n• ~ u.e to dot-"°'""'I """""tttq the boAllitp .... ~. ,.,., Jte)ll _lo _ _,..._ .. u1e ____ "" .._. M1Vt tl1• orm.,.~ ol \Pr 'Oznt TN-- A lot of cautorailM ~ feel-maa•a '.?'U •• arm~Mt,_. DO laa lbe mM' ti-~ lela'!Mahll,L T - 8tate ••etlft _,._ trdg-.rt-1'19e..Jlow A'-' +lett-beam- "" -.. dt..n ... "" ... ·--19'\0t -......., tot men fw a...trllCU. tMI -W.ll ad U.. ftnt time. •-sae•ttt111 to ..... """ ,... 1..-.... le --Ille -~ .. tlle -)tlQ' , ... ne •u · ftie ... b' CNllM'8 Sh ""7 ~ ................. .,.. ....... $ ........ :: ;·•· •n. dl.n ... GI 4,19. ' lllS lellfl I -"!;,,-e~r51~ -' • • • . to ......... '... • A¥ 1lanl we" .. • ct1m et "t 'fl'b .r• ... ._.. a 1 f,: • 5 I ... -._ --ttitz --Iii lalil _ ..... "9o-!=7f'."'··.: ·-A .. I •1 I~ .r ...._ .. ... .. .. a I .... ,. I. M • i ..... , ...... -W ... ISi N11::·., ~~'{ at =-~1f1 ll':t:. .... ~ WJ 40 stt fff a :e&:i= ... •T ti. ... , *18 ~ ::... .. I I !1 .. 1t-..... ?......... 4 ¢1 • i ! :?• .. -~ -.-. .... w... n I -•L •• ' I • • • , FO~ EXPERT-1 SHOJ llPAIU ~ (141 I. 01lf .L.,A. CHASTAIN ........ ~-- ' • . I , . - • I I I I l l I I . I I' I ' · mtms m.scr-1111io .,....._ _,"' 1:10ea. . ·' .___,__ __________ _ Jeanne Babette Eisen H.onored at Many Pre-Nuptial Event-s A round of pre.nuptial showem>------------- has foJ:owed announcement on be !O~em.ntzed Feb. 17 at St. Jamea Epiacop~l church. Chtistmu eve at a family dinner, La.teat &bow-er wu at an atter- o! the engagement ot lovely Jean-noon t:ea given Feb. I by Jeanne'• ne Babette Eiaen to Jack Theodore stater•in-la•, Mrs. Jac.k Eisen of .McDonald ot San. Pedro. The NeWport l8land. wh~ 20, local and br!de-elect Is daughter ot M.ts. out-of-town peat. broucht m~•-cellaneoua g1t1'. The lea table wu Percy A. Eben, 3909 ~M•?'Ollf ave-tove?y 'wtth aqua tapera and Jacey nue, Newport laland, and the late cut-out bM.l"ts tn Ute eante color. Mr, ~.n ot Wntrid&,e: and p.._.. ·On Jan. 29 another mi.9c:ell&n- defti: HeT tla.nce \a IOft ()f: Mr Oa ~ liboWer ..... held at Pa•dhni., Mn. HatT;f E . M cDonald of 8aJ\ -.-llY Mn. Bart IJ'omaearl• Pedro. and Mn. Don J ennee.a. Thirty-five Eoth young people attended cu.est.a were present. On Saturday Jul'.li.:ird School t>f Music ln New of thia week Mn1. E . K . Crlttende:n York, "Wh<'re Jeanne went after of San Marino will enterta.in at a n1ajoring in voice at Pasadena kitchen shower and the br1de'J col'~e. Afr. AtcDonald wa.s gra.d4,. aunt, Mra. Edward G. Eliw:n o~ otcJ fron1 University of Southern Los Angeles h.o.a asked f? lends lo C.:ilifornl.:i and attended Columbia b::-ing m isccllant!ous git't.!I on Tues· Unlvf'rl'l'tY . Their marriage w ill · day. Annual Hearts and -flowers Ball • Attracts Gay Crowd to B~y Club Mesa Teachers Honored at Tea Comp!imentary to Mra. Mlnnle E . Crain, principal of the Colt.a Mes& Lindbtrgh school. who la taking a t.hl-tt--month leave of ab· eence and · aleo honoring Mrs. Marie Pearce, who wUl aerve u acting principal. faculty membtta arranged a tea of a ttractive (le. t.a.Jls Frld•l' a t the .chool. Mn. Ia&ljell• K-r on behalf ot the te&chel'll, praented Mn. Cl'&ln and MR. P..,... wtth pr.tty cor...,-u. The tM t&bl• WN I&)' With a cen.t.e:rplecc: of early eprlns now.ta. I -. Among ~ON chatlt!ll' over lhe tea cups at the friendly courte.y were Mmea. Has.el C\lrnm.lakey, Jean Harrlllston, OeneYfJ ln&'f'Und- son. Vlrgtnta Ortber. Dorothy Whitaker. Marguerite C6nnor. '"':tb,.I Sct1a'er, P..oM M. Schiller, Barbara Magnuuon. M&rpret Maf.he"-'S, >:elite Long. Dorta WoOO , Stella Cain, Alberta Kohl. Daisy Preaton, Julia Cammon and Af!sii Viola Tummond. Return From Trailer Trip An enjoyable three week• vaca- F'rom the time they stepped ... ----~~-----.,._.---lion "trall~rlng'' hu jult been fhruugh the large red and s\lver W. Richard, J·. F. Lleb, Da!e Ram-concluded by Mr. &nd Mra. W . J . heart that fr&mf"d th.e doorway of sey, Don Harwood, Robert Powell, Nevtlle ot a32 E. 19th St., Coat.a the Bay club Friday nl.-ht, guesta John Allen, 'Edwin 0 . Wllllan\.s, Mesa. They drove rtr'at to BorreSo 9.l th"e Heam &nd Flowers Ball Nelson ~eice pd J . ~Jie Ster· Sprinp, contlnu1ng on to Puker f '. ~~~'h-1,~.f.;Stlt:W.,~ "' . 1)am', H""1' ~~dMPa. t D ~W~'i!J>~ Nev., returnl•~vif~ii'vny. ~··-~· on4 ·K .. Earl w ·r:-L ' tlllly.,.~ed "tomen...e.Qd t.hei.r-., .......,~:;:""'!-"-"'-• ft __ ,,.. ; ! • __..._>•t ...-Ct£3 t escorts, gari\nda ot flowen.. gild-Stanley, Me88J'S. and Jl!UIU.B. 'ft.ob.: SUNDAY ,QUESTS ro bird cages and everywhere ert •Calif)., LaWI'~ J . Pftater, Oueata entertained Sunday by trjlly rea heart.!. On the. buffet Roland ,\Vallely, Kemvin Hagerty, Mr. ~ Mn. Walter Bird of 1561 table wu a ahining heart of Harvey SQmers. Howard Cave, lf. Orange Ave .. ea.ta M:ea., were tnuuducent tee and on each \.tble M. Page, AlfJ.ed Glb&on and Jack Mr. and Mra. E . A , Carlock or an open heart or red cellophane Corn. • Redlands. wu Set In a sparkling whtte base Also Capt and Mra. Rowberry, ------ containing trcah gardeniu. ~ Mr. and Mra. Stephen v. ~an. Harbor Matrons In this atmosphere guests Ung· Saint· Cicero, M:eean. and Mm.el. ered long after the tanta.lizingly Boy~ Lewis, Ronald Barlow, Bob A • t t sweet strains or Henry Manners' Reed,, Harold Chriltler, Jarnea s. SSIS a dance muAic had a1ed away. Th• aeatue. Edworo Johnson, o.orge Pomo"a Tea ball wu the second to . be spon-Unli, )Villa.rd Killlon. Hay Lang-'~ sort"d jolntly by the San& Ana enheim, Fred ~uber a.nd Mr~ ,A play reading and a l'f'OUP or and Newport AuxWaries ot the Atargaret Bruning, Mr. ~d Mra. baritone aoloe were reaturee of a <;bildren"s Home Socie ty or C&U-K. T . Kendall and Mr. and i )r{ra. benetrt bridge tea gtven by tM fornla fer the bentfit ot the So-Maure Smtth. Orange County d>un.CQ ot U.. Po- ciety's adoption work and waa at· Credft tor the evenlng"e aucceu mona College Women'• cam~ tende-d by ma.ny out-of·town goes to' the reneral chainnerr, Club on Jan. 31. 8etttna' ror th• guests from both the metropolitan Mra. E . C . Martin and ~-Wen· event wu the lowly borne ot )(re. a.rra and throughout Orange dell C&lk.i1lll or the Newport Bar-Co H--~•--320 W ••--··•--. bo ~11 d ~ ~-~--rtes ~ ... -. --· county. r ~•UN •ry an -ra. .... -.i~e Anaheim. • Particularly lovely thla year Sprague and Mrs. Roy Potter of Mn. J . Leslte Ster:feuen cb.atr· were the gltmpeea or women's Santa. Ana.. • man ot the ~ we~ed the gowna as they swished by on the Other chatnnen for the a.mtr la;se crowd of memben and dance noor; · Mrs. WUfl'ed Ber la were Mmea.. Don I''. Ga tea. F . M. eat.a and introduced Oertl-ude waa In • moat becoming pale pink HIUllH!n, George Rumuuen_ Ed-~m Of}J<naa del Ku Wllo "'"" satin; Mra. Don Gatee choee mud Guard. Roland Wrt&ht. Kc-a poJanant 4ramatlc 'rt1'1ew 01, draped yellow ch.ttfon; Mn. Ro-netb Stuep, Harold C&ldweU, Canon llcCuller'a ")(ember ot UW land Wright WU amart In mop-Woltu Hitchman, Donl•l K. Woddlng.~ --the "Cl1tte'• 1 ... ..,..n taffeta wtth on over-Brown and Jack BlolodeU. Circle A.ward ond wmmU,. lo &l<lrt and Mrs. Lo~ ,Hendrick-I · , , !>"'1lng on -....,. J>rpt..,.. llOO wore a ·~ black aldrt FAC Members lldlV V"'l ·Leba !f Ule Poman& and bright plal<I pockeL Kn. Rob-I colJese faclllt7 pnO. ,..., a poup •rt caw. 1n map!-c•mm... ppear on TV of .,..., l'lt11 the ......_ ot Ing-. gold aaUn ond Mn. · Anrua , M:ary H&W --18t-_ . Potter Ill eold crepe were notal>~-Brealcfast frolics TM tea Al!llo. ~....,. Mn..J Ray l.an-"<lm ware a . -wU11 fink C.-WU, - gracelW white crepe tr!Mmod Ill · Twonl;y-five nwmllon ot tho """"""' .._ bF 11n. a. T - gold g'l!tltt, and Kn. mn.y Costa -ll'l1d-.y .__ l'MldOoL otl -...... ·~ Somera wu ln a tull llltlrted wlllte OUJ> -.ppMl'od .., tho ~ ._ '· """8 ot ••--i.i chlUon with ecru 1-. llotll moot l'"oeram ' -n.,. ---. ""8-r. .L. ... ,. et attractive. Xra. Kallrie Smlt.b WU -led Tlwi~, -. I,•. at t 1-wu ta •· I• ot Ult -~-~Jd~OJ'y -~-~ ~ ••• 0.lf .. • L ......... ~,~C, :---· 1!~ ....... ... .. WU , : 1'4 ... .....,, ~ -7 ~ ---. ........ 111 ..._,,. -Urie .... , ... a. ...... " WhJle )('n.. WillJard KWioa WU bl "'9w, lM pwp totd of Ult Mti .. tM EA a@. .... Q-......... . :=i:.. "': :=-~~ ~-:=.s--.:-:-.ea• U.. =1=;=~· .. ~ •:· ~.}lrtl<RGlandV&llolJ-~ -· n --·Cilia... ~ Jlli& ,_ l.Y ID-.._. -..,._,...... ftll 8-C. ._ 9R • DrMt .... .-; •• R &ad llatol; -1ll'L •,....a.. ftlu .. -loias 11" -'tiJ ti~ ~..,....., Cluiolloro\ ;.=:,: C L ~ J. •-3"W*• Ill l l'W 9 7 ' "" · '1 •• , .... ... I 2 -P . .£. o!!i1MP .._, 'S ....... -t · '( _L :"" M ._ Jik'!!U p, ... Bl I 1 .-:... lliiltca..., = ; 1:~ ~'\. .... , -: M't'•·td'-Lo YidR MAiiin x.e-...,.,9 I I 9 EE'SI. ~ ()~1 1 .. Jlr. ft &. JlldL. ~ ·or, ~ &lillol?, 0. • itir -... -Wll BoK -; °"'*a *' ~ r!:J g• . " • • oW-;OS;;-;'IO;:;;W;;;M;-;:;O;;OWIH,/,,9 Out°' ..... frl•d9 ..... IJ Ylllt.d lllr. ' -Jin. RbaerJ:r and ~ 'hrr)', 1111 .. Miil 8L. - -lllr. """ ...... ltd w. ..annw.r and. Mn. a.,rmodl! ... !Jl i..auna Beech l'llift C110C11 'or ~. a. Via ::?,'N1!;.. -L. .................. ~ .. c:,.::=t' ca.w, lti.tW, .. ....... --I ..... .. ..., ........ , J= .. .. • 1&\DtuMTilil far • ·- SlllillN -WILLIAMS ,, • .. • f ~ • PllNTS .. ·, · • • • t • ~ PO•TER • CAILE -·Tpc>LS •• SUN~M MIXEU •• ;. TOASTERS ' , • DEARBORN HEATERS • . . ·WALSH HARDWARE -· \ ~·~;;,'!:C~tiTi::L.C-_:; :."':' .:.:--...= ::: .!.' ..... :..lf..! '"' '""""'.. 111'4 N-lt -I 008TA 11E8A -~ 'ft.I ..-nc h cs~•U. ~ +. ......i 1 i1P11lllP11171!-~'111i'"'111i'P11"'Pll7llPllPllPlllliPllPllPllPllPllPllPllCllPllPll .. .... ~ ~ .-4 ....... r " .... • < . -- • • l • -~~~·...,.....,.•,.rt flf '1t ..iw le11n-'o,1f of·1t'..Ui4 ..O:it City wou" ,.._,,.f..,;.;1ropnd ·d~ 'liia;to1y •i\tl'nve ftet tr9m 0 1he ~I'll. vt-_,. , .tier of memWr of~· v1-·l'm..ilve-afij11,'' lllGH·T",--h;l<way by·hoiMI, tolMelon ••rllll_S:c~":"n.or'~ytJtlng h"O,..holders ple~ce- you Los. f nd P•y T,.o[ . .,_ 'erty entlNl)', .,.rpe1uo)ly • .;., .:;1t.1y-fo; th• ..c:utl• ~"'l:ratile~ 1,..e that Ihle • ...;. hae a hi~ polio · 'Iii' "' tloa.tlon ., C.rona -Del M•r.. To thl1 offer, the rite, 'arid ~ tit• flr.t tWe oaen l'n 1111 reoorded \ Mayor ,..;Jltd "ta. "dld not underwtand". #q)parent• :.. af·the. -cOum H•it.al came 1!"'"' thla •re1. Can Whtft .OoMn .. pl.yaN In C.t'Ona Dt:I..., wu ly, moMY epent for the knlflt of. ALL THI! PEO-"'tomeone 1Jve a'qood reaaon Wh)"th• Muff Iota and i.w tut. Pf'0¥111on ·Wlla ~ff for -ollff·dWelier"',... PLE dHeft't taltc. our bathlnt '~•·lhouid n'l:.t be1•r•riied tor MW• ,..,,. to M ·..t far b&Ok from the et.tfft-tteYtftd ,,. .and be rn ,to 04:nnect tott.hefn·T · lhe ,.rj<way. T~· ..,.....ny•no, wllo 1ovo• Bafhi·ng Beach to Be· ' After an, he money -or a -of poll• m•1 ..._uty ~ W a helM on a lltuff would ......t tfte Of ol•anlng up tht Mah sftuatfttn. · ,. _,...,.,,. .... uly of ............ tl!e pork e•d Sewage Tank , to~ oolllln of the euffertng of.,,. vletl""-WllY weur-. "' Ollt n ... Jtt. eu1to aaLOW TH a take a oha L.tt'a tit our It«..,,_ a.boW unf· ~ ' ll'A"K LCVaL : • > aut waltJ That'f JUlt Ute be~1nntng. aecaUM tary rep~ · Ceet of bull<ll~· ... 1rut thilt .... ...... It -•Id requl .. pum ....... neighboring ..... uv1. . .Go~1 , i,,,men'f for.a F"ew' at .,_., ... "••Id "',,,;!rd IN••••Dtlve purdl ... ,.. to sJone to dlsh•rw• ..wa .. tnto exletln1 awer llne1, 61 ••11 • tMy ..... · • P~ ·· · · the plan co~platn a rftW of a111paola which f ff b cJ n.,,,..,,,,,~the ·e1tyotY11tttemthe ldtl 1 1ntottte1Maot. dbel ... fh f · r.ery O y · .._.... ,.,kwlly 'Gt.,,.,...., •• of llulllll.... . .... At ~ .. no ,....1e1:." 1e m~~ for·-.. • •• !'P ns•o ' I ·-,....,. 4ewll t:fite 911ff ~. In efteot, WOUid dltpleal otM:r dian ot1•pool1 In the und for any .. _ AN yeu: p wM pr\defuUj' bbl Itta lutdl ti '-• NtalRlRI wan fot ttMtr f•u111 ~ T• .ft,...., hw that might be atartd on the bluff w.at 'of ·-~·f&IJI04!ll'JO!lftlo 00.M 8"Ultvard ltt CoNu tMe •11 , I ,._.. tMY Jt•11•11f an .,~ Pefwttla-8treet. We have too many oe•o•I• on Del Mart WflM ~you t111111C ~r'~ Wiii W ' •11 WP"'IM that_..,....,..-..,.. tM '9uteY8l'CI the IM8Gh now. Enn eM I•,,._ too many. TheN wtrH ,Jt ta '°tui'Md Into M alleYj fW tlte IMMflt ef -aetwally ., ,_ •...,, --"''N flf tho 1o-•toble evt•e-lhat PoR• ha ..... -ulred · tet--.,.elr/toal -ep1-f -flf !Ill& pr1..,. ~-loll -• --ot ..,r .. tltl"I .,.__ De ,.._ llfle 'te ewlm' De J.u want yeur ollll- IMI• --11)> an4 y tl!e fo'1'°"' .... utlflll c:AaE I. ;Mra. X ,...¥04,to Ce-• Del Mor In -te -,1• ... u. -~(.lie .. a--·- Muff vtew. • -tt.e wmmer flt tiff,....,... 9VWY day ef .1111Y aftd ..... ·~~1tt teU ttte rllk ef P.9!'•f - Th 1,1 n·d N A ..... _, at Clllna C.VO ; _.....,a_,. I -•11'lrthlnk '"'"·~··· .. Ille ....... .• MaMOf ~· ot ' -flf ...... lw ---r; -t --•• ... .... ---r"""' W·~ ...... -· -I U ...f --' =,.:'d..-:.~•• ttte fam~I)' w ......... .._ ~':'~'* =·1~.r=.·:,~:.r:.•.:. . nv ,,fanv · ·' . we~=...,_, ..... ,.11o..,...,.,,... -'*• -·•oOuW'lli"'"''•·•• A.-..... Ill ..... fl•1r 1tef ........ Mlallr llGl II . ..,...,.... .... ftf~1n11, ,,, & f d& W Fl If . t'" 1 111 ;• ....._ • ettr ceu••, .. _,, "" _...,.,-. tfiilt ..... knew.,.. vtrw 1e ..,.,... -. WiB ,... .. ,,," • ~· Y8f• tlld • -...... W•1ut wllllll -· .... 1an•t .. llllillll Ill tlM·ll-'"' 1UM ............ _.. WMllll" l:: •*IM t• 1~•1llllt" ~ In .... __. -_, . ~ It ---.... _ .. , .... e _., ..... ~-·---: ... _,.; _____ .., -·:· : :::--..... I .:'fllll ...... .. -f/f ... ,,.... I..,, ..... llRJ -•tel'tiJlf "II lzlWWlf.111"1t 1 flt••• dif> • Mlflfglllf , !!'. , IU'niilON A. W. NllTJf, 12.D. ~ . . r1*/d· qt:; • • r ' ' • '. • • .. • "' ( • • '· .' • • I• • • • I f • • PAGE 4 -PART I -THURSDAY, FEB. 1,.1951 '7 . -·~.. . Jk~~!.u;:,~PRESSAl • • II)' Morr.i Free DeHwiey St. .looepl< and Community Hoopllala UNITY lits N. POADWAY-SANTA ANA, CAUf. an. mtlll TAY!Ot DY, MT.J.,_ SUNDAY SCHOOL-It• A. M. sdNOAY WOASHfP-ll:IO A.M. STUDY CUS.$1$-tt:a P. M. t. 4:11 P. M. ALL UNITT lfTUATUl~I. ,_ ... Har. mo Ml E. Balboa Blvd. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BROADWAY -Now 60 ; Any-· Ally Time lame. 8le\\'art In ••HARVEY'' ato "SIERRA PASSAGE" \_ Starte Sunday Humphtty Bopri "THE ESFORCER" aUo .. DARK CITY" \ol1th U&abeth' Scott PAULO DRIVE-IN · Open 8 P. M. Phone Kl. 1-6180 Gary Cooper ln .. OPERATION P.WIFJC'' a l2t0 "'itEVEN(Jt; AGENT'' Star\8 Sunday .. RORN \'"ESTERDA Y" al80 Sbt>llfoy Wint.en In "FRE~CHIE" ' STATE tth at Bfr<':b Adult!ll Sk tu ! WALKER i~ ~-=g "PAISAN" alao "OPE:-; CITY" 50c E\'E"-'l:SGS CIDLDREN WITH PARENTS FREE AT ALL OfTR THEATRES • . s& till 5-40c Evenings • ''FRE...."'\CHIE'' al80 .. \\'HERE DASGl:R LIVES" Ro""rt Mitchem Start.a Sunday "OPERATION PACIFIC" "FATH&&'S ~ GAME" Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 141.5 COAST BLVD. I CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 0768-W :SATURDAY, FEB. IOth-2:30 TO 6:00 P.M. ' Refreshments Served • . DEMONS~RATIONS BY STUDENTS N'IW '~--Tep _,,,., or -,_ "IORN YESTERDA '!" • ·twtu. lu<IJ' Hallldq aod · Wflllam Bolden Broderick -cnwrord Sptt_... FMtuNtte "HOW TO llEA T THE A BOMB" Klddl•• !¥'OW Sat. I :'5 "BLONDIE'S HERO" Ca-. C-Ome<(y Serio! "UNDER SEAS KINODOM" Chapter 4 STA.R'tS \VEDNJ;so Y Fred McMorra)', Irene DwlDe "NEVER A DULL MOMENT' Mesa-f...'' I ' , • ' ··'' ' ' 4 ' AJoo "CUSTOMS AGENT'' Tom & Jf'try C'..Krtoon Saturday Kldclr'MI Sho''' 1 :t!S Thr fumon1' mo\'lf'I doK Ka.nan • st·xnAl' .tt.ntl MOX-DAY .,Ian~ Po\\'f"ll, .J Rtrardo Mdntt\lhll .... "TWO WEEKS WITH LOVE" AIMJ . "TARZF.~8 DESERT MVSTER\"' STAJ<T'S Tl'•.:SDAY F.f'rol f1ynn In "KIM" TODA\' T llltl' SATl "ltDA\' 'AT "'AR \\'ITll Tltf; A IC!\11" Dean Ma.rtln & .lt•rry IA°'4'11' Comln1r Sunda)• "H.:\.R\·t;\'" '"Ith Jam~tt Slf'\\'art FUN With • "ZING" Dine at ~ITALIAN COTT AGE t OON 'l MISS OU• PIE:SlNI SMOW 611U -6 11llt - GllLS SHOWS -f • ti • I : FEATURING • • ' • • • • ' ' • • • • • and AMERICAN ODS ~ JACK CEFIS, Chef PLAN YOUR LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE PARTIES WITH US -PHONE BEA. 88111 • PLENTY OF OFF STREET PARKING O'PEN ll A. 1\1. TO 9 P. M . 17th and Orall(Je Costa Mesa THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • I 0 PEN 10 L m. 'I'b.rOl.lcb 2 L 'm. ,. Newport Blvd. on Cout Hl&h-y NEWPORT WE ARE CLOSED ON TRUBSDAYS • • OPEN UNDER Nny MANAG~MENT 4 .. P4LS CAl)·E ll'OIUlEBLY KNOWN ;As IU:t J.rs "OA.n: WE·sPEClAI~ IN GO~J) flOPD , MU NEWPURT eLl'D.i NEWl'O&T llllA.OH ~. ZONE • OPEN EVERY FalDAY, SATUIDAJ • ] . • 1 THE C.IRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S OU ·TSTANDING RESTAUl\ANTSI Food ~ Prepuo4 -. Orac:locab' Sund. la OU. In 1JDlque Dllllas - lll'rw• Indoor l'arillq N-v..r. • • I • • • • ... ,,. •• .. fl •• • ,-' ~11atobe Sflgecf in .. Maril · · a$ P~·T.A. Bene_flt : l~beMfltrclru..c:::r .' :::-=~iZ-=~-::·~· ~ at µ._ •sowpcrt Hui>or U •Hiib" -i on '1'111...-7 and - .,.,. ~ -10-1~-ln lbe , ..... of u i old f&lbioned me1odl'llill1& -Oll1~"1: ''Oii; Tlie; ~t,. oi It . "". ; •• Between the. Mita -be ... ,_ yWoi:I<.at Ulocle Sam'~ • • . . . ' • -auo.· ~~ .. -' ; ! big CNlt of .lplDe .: Will be ent1tt1y -.. ta1oe• a.s .• • Wtu !Ude ltellar ,perf..,,,~ ~ : tlle -~,. -i.~\.od ~-:i Roberti Wonts or tile .lilllt .I wil1 !>e Uwi ..w.,._ Q11w • ; ' Mlirlin Iilgnm -<If' C*ta • Main ..-..m portray ti.. , ' Kel)deUt McKeanelll. U.. . ' Std enien Will play a 81>61<0IJ>eal'-' Ian -• and ¥uhle u ii. man· • lier tlle Flonldol'a Sextette. r · C ton Sawin .or. the hip oc:llool and James Fl~rald of ~ : ochool will aloo be la UM! .Flo s.xtette. A Barbenllop ' , Quaifet and otbet' opeclaJty ado • are junde..r • reheval at Ulla Ume. : ~' ell u tho9e for the. m.elo-' a. -' . Mary 'Batten stetrenah>. i...ier • of ithe Molhe~ers ti:rouftd wht~h tbe ~t f le being tormedJ : · wlllldlrect.aJJ of the mustcaJ num· ~ .OAl' OROUP OF BALJI() 181.ANDER!J, _.,.t llotw..., - durtnc the u~. ~ l:'lo•-en n&u. tip0D80Ml b,-tbe Olltt.arm.•• H°""' -~Md Mid d Ille -B&y ·c1u.b H Fell""lf7 Z. .. ,.~··1 ;o•' .. ' From left: Mrs. I-A.11u. llr.·I"rilak· W-. )(rs. ~ Roll&ld Barlow ·1a pneral cha an and direCtor of tbt: me ram& w I t tr"' Mra. ~d Wrtght N at.age mani.ger. T'lc~et plee are under clirecUon. ot Kn. Mr. AJJeia, • ' (PJ,oto tiY Beclme } Harbor Player~ Score Triumph in Presentation ·of 'Dream Girl' . Dance Studio Opens in CDM Mn. Harold J . SWansOn baa an- nounced the open'ing of the Dorer thy Jo Dance Studios in the Birt· cher building, 1416 Coe.et Hwy~. Corona del Mar. Opening-day ls Saturday from 2:30 p. m. to 6 p. m .. ' ' • · -j., > A) ljlorvath, general chalnnaft and . L~yettes Sent 'ro· meqi"""' or Ith• committee tnclude. • . . -Mral Mary Knipp. Coota )(-Sunshine ·Mission ' Mal• w.001; wn. Clmrle. ~,i ... ·. -• f • ot IN~ Beach ltlemtritary · Layettes· were\ made · e.Jd -sent scb<Jol. Publicity la handled by Ule io the Sunahirie Mlaslon', . An· ·th~ pubUqt(y c:baJrm<!l, M..C. • ~lea ·when 17 meuibU. the 'wUliam Tritt. Mrs. Porter Sln· By M. I. R. Cleve_rly ovcrcQmlng technical rUfflcultics of arranirlnit 17 act.1 by U8e of thf' lnterf'Sling Ct'nlPr ata.ge arrangement&. and ~m­ bllng an unu.sually talented cut, Harbor Community Players scor- ~ a real triumph when they1 pre· sented the E :mer RIC-e cothcdy, "Drf'am Girl," to pac ked hOU&ell Friday and Saturday eveninp at Orange Coaat collegr chape11 • Directed by MartheHa Randall, Players memMr and Coe.st col - 'eg t> teA~hcr, the Play 8tarrl'd Patti Willt-and Robert W ent..z. j ran1a C'oach al lbe high school. FlaJr for. C"omf'dy Anyone who saw Patti Wltlt' ln. t he laal PIR.ycr9' production wa...,n't 'too ~bed al her fl.a.lr !_or iCO!fl· edy Jn bie lead role or ueorsm• ' Allerton. An amu:lng ....,..,i ·or her talent I.I her g1tt for 1Jolng uninhibited. impudent. &n~ laaplr· <'d thin~ with nt-arly all Ot her lint>.s and acen('s. The openlng- ,cf'nr was mar-velom: Patti rolled otu of the bed coven In !"~·house red pajamu and did &ettlng up .. xrrclae• while she 80liloquizied on t he atate of ht•r eoul. Ariother scene wbtch •how4!'d her special brand of lunacy waa a dream ae- quenu in which ahe did Portla'.s famous "quality of me rcy'' 1peech. hamming lh~ lli:ics with gettures and tones which kid the 1 play· wright, Portia. and tht" audience ln equal meuure. In spite of a.dole.s-- cent speechea, and e compuhrion 'o do a female Wallt'r Mitty al t>very ring qt the lelepbone, tbe role ot Geiorgtria wu tr&MfOrmed by Patti Witte'• charm and love- ly voice fw1lh the buaky, 'fi•ltul overtones and fuclnaUng t.-.Jlln.g· off and ukle.e) lnto a slrt you c&ttd abo)lt &U the way ;ssh lhe play, whether ahe wu oon- ing over 'her dead-1ea-frutt roth- er-ln-law, or having vtc:ari,ous l"":ln• lti one of.. her more lurid day dreams. \Vfth so much brilliance J11 the leading lady, the director Wh tor~ lunate ln having the male lead, Clark Redfield, played by Robert Wenu who broug-hl the sure tQUch of experience a.nd talent to the role of the hard-blt~n n•wspaper man. an4 tumed the character In· to such an 41terf'8Ung l"\l'Y that he made the play at times .eem more important &nd deeper UltLn It probably really Lt. 8trlll,. Spark& While Patti and Mr. Wen~ were busy 8lrlklng aparkeJ trOm eoach other, the suppiortfhg cut wu holding Ila own with lnven. tlvenea.s and spirit tn ·a ftrlety of ·amusing rolea. Eleanor SChmldt u Lucy Allerton. ~~ dim• novel reading, coJd .. atnJeted mot.JI· t"r wu unfailingly g~: the fa- lht>r. Lee Wilder, u the _pu.ahed- around but kind-hearted bu8tnea failure·, ·wu gently humoroUA. Wo~n•s Ml9tonary aoOtetf _ of c1a1t and ll('9. Overman. lihe Coota Meu Central" ~ble ~ .. trailer" of the program Wiii Church beld an all-day JU~lng be JiVCn at the high achool P .·T . Thursday, Feb. 1 at the' chf. . A. meeting on TUeaday even.Ing, Bonny Berry tn the rOle of Geor· Mrs. Swanson and her aaaiat.ant. gina's married siater IMlrtam Lu-Robert RAsa~llal. will teacb ar cu) did a perft"Ctly beautiful job types ot dancing and baton twirl· With a amall par\. Her character-tng. . tu.lion of the cyniC.-al wlle .,u A graduate of the Chicago As· eJl:p<'rt and Rhe gavQ the full in· 90C!latlon of Dancing Masters. Mrs. A potluck iuncheQn WN , rved Fe~. 13. 'fl'ls la . the one fund· at noon with M.ra. Rebee~··Jpt:c· raising plan for the P .-T. A. to~ Guire and Mrs. Nell_ie_ ·.tqA.lda.ma thelyea.r. and tt ls hoped the entire .sharing Jioate.88 reaponsibUJl.ea.. co"1munity wUl aupport IL 1lck· DenoUng each place; w~ a red eta ~ 60 cent. .each and may be heart containing a' Bible verae. obtained trcr;m any member of the P.·T. A.. • Swanson formerly tau~da-nclog The business session was Pl"f'· jcction of Innuendo to some fia· · Id · ·i. M for 12 yeara tn Cary, Jnd na. She ilfied over by the prc.s en '· rs. vorsomt> lines . · I · • d 1-al80 a member of the National Gladys Be•rdslev. n atten: ance The roll' of the . "other man," "" • AuociaUon of Dance. Wl're Mmes. Nancy Mc.Clure, p'ayed by George Busdelcker, Jr., Beardalf'y. Dorl"C'll, May.iiie Ga~la· waa one of · the major parta. and Ruaellat, an expert ballet danc· . _ was in Ila way a.s satilfactory u er, la a graduate of' the Frencb Jther, Cl~tre Wrt.~ht, OU":e 'Mc· any character ln the cut, for lhf> achoo! of ballet and haa appeared Cati, Eve .vn Ypdlk l?, ~ate, Pratt. q uality of Jlm'a urgent self-Im· In Call Me Mlater, Chorolate Sol-. 1!4mma .. Harr:s, ~aude , artsle.t'. Thelma Pienon, Kay Gibson,. Evc-portanc e and humorleu approach dier, High Button Bhoea a.nd other lyn Wright, Loui.ae Kinmali, Mc· to llfe'8 problems wu beautifully lop mualcu.Js. He hllf'I danced with Guire. Mc.!ld~~and ')ffM Etta ·Vlr~ .. la . Ro~'""-• ·.Ad ionen ,let aQd Ballet. J\ume..... ~ i . ~ .. . •. c&U&i!t. · . • lb~ llailet de Pada, .......... ,~ •-"--' .~ , .•*' ••• •-• K.st\' meotm1~.rt the y la Broc>ko,. lmP.,rted rrom COUt col· ; . .: · ' llated tor Thul'llday. "Fe\,j ~ at 2 leg-e, had aome WonderfUl UtUe D S +· In th h r M J.:' l 11Cenea Of eheer corn, WhlC}J they rama ec JOn p.m. e., · om.e O r&. e yn avor~ "'!"ilh the trtcka~ poatureB f Eb I ll C l b Wright, 2a42 Orttnge Ave. r. and and ..-.1sto ot veterana. Joe Wilder. 0 9 U _Mrs. Gutilld).. mluionarlcaj from e -Ha.IU , will ~ the main ~kers. aa Georgina'a friend and partner t th · wttb Due to illnes.s of the reviewer,· They Will Wustra e elr ln the book shop bu..wlnesa, gave a •lid~&. Re.!reshmenta will serv- nl«ly ac~entcd portrayal or an lhe ech~1led meeting: of Ebell ed later. The public I.a Inv.it~. advice-giving hl&hly decorative drama section wiU m>l be held ~ but fruetrated bachelor girl. on Feb. 12. I -People do read the Pr~t adA• • Tho P.uc<.ma. _ Joe-!WU playr .t the policeman with great splrtt and effect and the dlalrkt allorMy, parlrayed by Sam Stafford, poi.6.ted up a flne bit or humor .I.ft the courtroom eccne. A.a the preacher, In t.he dream·marrying pequeoce P'red Brigga, With hla rolling sonority and expt"rtenced grup of t.be art of bu.rlcaqutng llnee, wu a. happy choice. The Mexlca.n dancer wu cb.a.rmlng and the alngef'll and ~ balcony Kene, wtlh Clint Sawin u playboy George Hand, an lm· portent part ~xcell•nUy played. added one more· lien 1trokC to the gay, rowdy ..-wlrl ol action. ORANGE WRESTLING .DATE Ooast College's wrestling match witb Mt. S&n Antonk>, acbcduled for tonight, Thureday, hh been PQlllponed but OCC has arranged _ a match with El Toro at Ute Ma· rine baae Friday night at 7:30 p. m. ' -.WH'Oi\.p ~IJt ..... WOUUJ YOU GOt . ... C1lAllLOITE HOLLIN8Rl!AD loJid.d leoreM1•t•H,,. ·~ "-ANU • SHIPS • IA.IL\ • HOTllS Wvt..I TIINtre Tidllt ~ Vincent's TTMI Blnau Herbot 1241 ' f "'Olt tjle MNUfHM .. VlllCHf'I U.. Dnlot Even the: ttrm touch and Clear brain of M.art~lla Randall pro~· ably faced eom, strenuoua ~­ he•J"N.l houra be.Core this kaleldo· tiCope or set chtl.'ragu and awln ahlfta from dream -to Uf~ in the ·n eah finally began ,lo , take the Shape or a play. But the. dlreclor'l!I Went and • c:apaclty fQ[ enorm.oua hard work, combined wtlh lo.vely perfonna.nee8 •by lead.a and bit toles alike, produced a fut moving MPLE"l"lt CA8T ot &he h1"1.Jy ~ !;lks ~UnstrellShow preteated. laat. year la abewa. M..t 4 • 1r and well-knit play. FAC Officers r Attend Board Meet Rep.r ... nUng the Coota Mesa Jl"r1d•Y Aflemoon club at a board meeting-of the On.ni-e County P'ederaliori rrtdaJ, P'eb. 9. hi Brea. wm bO Mra. H•lna ~<. Mrs. Calla Vl<Je, Mra. Gunnfna BuUer and Kn. A. H. Small. o the Local Elka wtll be back In blaelc.fMe aetlon thls Fitday uad Saturday' at. Newport Bubor Hl!i'-acbool for their aecond ~a.I _Pertonnaace. 'ncke-ts'.~ now oa uJe.. (PM&I Photo) • • ' ALL ·Go TO SEE -2 n d A N. N· A L -. LET'S THE • • • ELK·S MINSTR ~· SHO ·W -FEB. 9th and. ... . ~ Ne_wport tfca bQ;r High f U-N· SONG~ . ' ' 0th 0ol Auditorium · :F. UN · .. SONGS. .. . • . ' . :LAUGHS·' • , ' j • • J • • ' . . . ·' . . -. .• ·1 ,_,. ~ • '-'s .. h o·· . ~and DallY IUlllftll, Niw-'L h rt M. +· Blood D--L Unit Mesa. ILn°llliM Cc · ••• , • ..........:.... JtA6E I ~·JtAlT; T THl#RSDAY. FEB. l .'ltSI !, .. , F~~rst~ge~~:r · i»rt"ll••clo · • f:~=~~ w~ru , to vwt'M:.. ·: · uu"""''Y , ,;·1.~ ..... ~,,-w&ta · · · ·a · of A~~~~~ ::T.~i.,'~~ 1~~=·:0~ Monday •. Feb: 19 « Hits $.14,595, , .. ,.!:~~!.' ~-· C:: -~--R~. ~ l'~SS~_: .....inc w11ep Mrs. Jan!fe -Clwld· ·.The flmlltt ...,1.,..t Trailor tu Hlli!N _.,. ""*'· -. '· Coota -will be """tiod -·-< ,. ·--.. ~ J • Jor or Orat\ce entertalhed tbe rartr. 16th SL, Coot& )lffll ball at .11 a. ~.!'.l:.-of Mn. Ille ~ Jle!S C... · N-WMinc .. bedWed tor. tbe JI-hit '2,iaoOTI c111r1DS J-· BAD CAA ' 1 ~ WBJCRJIX>lll',·I .b&ve belftftt.,_~ Slqettea Club Wedneoday. For-opened (or bualn .. undtt .the °"'FP llJO ~ ~)I-unit!!!'-)' M. )I-&(9a la Ulo put lllrft ary,'to,O!K* a M por -l -.•A• car--by ............. ~. "'>' bud -atfbted DU' ~· tunal<; winner or °"'door prise m&na-en ot -ey and ,.; 11• 11\. sa:~,. ............. lo"" 1t -a to 1 p& •• tbe Am.rt. WHk• ..... a total -irahl-• --~ .... ~ _ .. rui-~ loill Ille ~.-ii.,..; In tlila -OW -wu Mrs. Marge "BrocketL Mrs. Hoag. Cy HMJ anhOwt<:ed ""'t ,brougllt by mem-?-. ,,.;. ~ llalJ .,. w, tau. ,. ~U-•f ~.o.a. -118 ~ 0..,. U.,-0. 0 · lier, UlllO, """ to iii; ~"or a '..,} ....... ~ bj, W'IC&t.e ~ all!rYt W'!ltten. • ' : Jlelen Clark, prealdent, coqclucl.ed the bustn-changed hancle on In th 'al\erftoon tile _-will ~l'dlac to )lft.1 lllldntl Ma~ by tbe couaey 1Jlllldlng department .a ~l. per cen gain o•n J........,,, ~ Bniickman, an ~\Iii l. • ROBERT Ill'. wn.r!Ma,,. -' ... the bwdnea .. aalon. . January s. · · • • • - , ,.__ • ...., Ohow. ' of laaf year. ' ilatboa, at1 tlle-ln~ !>( ~ My ~on kplna Ull .. .11\( > Tile deligbttul affair waa abattd SI.nee that timl!. ttd...,,_llag atltnd the Wo~ld °t'I ot•PN,yer .W.. who. i.1&1a •-•· Of,~ -·i:.ars-t l>roJect i.. !l>• 4153,090 Bulldlng tor C. Vf. Dono-.St. and Coaat .HIP:not .M 11! t No. 187 Pte!i • -·. ' ._,.··:by~ ... Clark. Mabel Smith. work h .. hem In piogtoom and ocrvlcM, opo~11110f'¢ 'I the N-· ~of the mtlcal ·~ f ~ bulldln&' wtyi la~ h ' lalnly laed al th m. w-.y:· No one wu Ii\-hbllah..F~K J-1&°·22; Mar.'1, 1~ Mae Folker. Clan Badage. Lou th• Trane.-·Puk Wider the new port Harbor ·of Cbun:h U ' M Inc ~p on the Orai\ge Coaat .~'..t.p rpr • UD· Jured Damas-were lllgbt'. ·· ' • name of Buoon 'l'raller Park hU Women. at t CllWdl "7. Ille b!Ol>d lo ave . -.l..of <Nr uCl!a --•t 18tb apd•Q St&. ~...,..ted opurt !" operatlona, WU . ~ ' I ' ' LoclRfood, Brockett. Louise Green, th ~ sea, Ne#port , t -· 111en la Korea, a ,.ell u to • pot4b ol 'Oliota 11-. . alllO pteued; he u.ld tllat the "!"'· I . • • Grace Kline. Costa Meu; Emma opened for ~He II · _. ' • recoT;eiy ot ~ tn mt& 1 A bulldlJl.I' permit for a mortµ-&~Ction tndWltry ta otMOUlly not l"Wll FrJ' 'l'M. U. I te ;..:..t bolpltalf. till! co-ope..UOO 1froln aey, expect.ed lo ~ $2S,OOO, wu hampered too mu.ch by govemmen· SL .,_ ,...W. ....... I • GlllL SCOUT CX>OKlE SALE beCJm Sa.tu.rd&7, feb. 10 aad wtn coathltte for tw~ "·tekA tbrodp F•h. U.. Vou'IJ protably be se~lng: Mftlr of tbNe Glll Scouts maklng a&1" ln 1our nelchborl'lood 1hen. Left t~ right, front row: EUen Dayn.ard and Marcia Skwart, lntermt-dlate Scout.a; Kathie Smith and Clarittt \\1att11, Bffl"'nirs anti Jlarrtet Klnl'.-lnt~rmrdtatc Scout. Ba.ck '°"" 14-11 ta rfcht: Bar- t.ra Uttlf" and Ann Stuart. Elptb Grade <::lub; ~tariftf'r S<-out Nancy Tritt, MnL E. D. Sunan, Com- mLtooer of tilt-Nrwport Harbor Girl Scout' Auoclatioa and t'lariMr Scout l'"Von~ 'h)·lor. · ~ r rcM . Photo J i .. • \ ~· >.. 0 . . . , ' • , INSURED • SAVINGS ' CURjlENT E~RNINGS Per Annum ·. -.nk:e eilube, cburchea, .won!~~ ·U..ed to Paro_ Ridley and Seal taJ rertrictloM and he doea not f II orpalaatlono, a. well a. ~ Location Will bt 192t Harbor Blvd'. <xpe<t much ot a alock•nlng this LIQAL NOJIC::il I ~ fftlldenla • 18 ~ Min\•~ w. A. CO!lrt<>ey -w. A. Lee· 1e&r• will make announcement. lroin ter -wen panied a permit tor a . He sai(I that tbe January, 18:)(), their rupecUve pulpU1 ~ u"'°recapplng p:ant at l:liH New-permit.I weft!! ,$1,578,448 -tem J:?Uba an havtnr ape&ken and "t-port Aw., Colt.a Mesa. Construe-· ~n thoee tor reakSen,ce conatnJc- eo.ta Meaa Cl)amber of. eom.nw:te uon cqmtl ..,.. eltimated u 120,-tlon alone last month; on 161 per- ~&'h the pfMldent Selun ooo. mit.. ialJued for dwellings, valua· P'ranklln.. bu prom.laed all oUt rfve other ~rmlU Uallng cost.II Uon was set at ll,817,332, com- .. lllan«-more than 110,000 were ts.sued for prising the largest •~n bra.deb Me.mbera of the Coeta Me,a the unincorporated ,Coeta Mesa of actlvtty In the con.a ion tield branch, America& Red Crofta, area. Recipient.I w ere. Bir'SCher, for that period. headed by Paul Creighton, chair-Hod JU and W.alker, tool and die ------- man, wlll ... i.t the Santa "'~a •hO!>' at 140 w. 17th st .. $12.:.00 : unJt. Mr& Mathew• and Mra. :l3.cr Edgar Hlrf.b. duplex al 20C2 Cllf! aeph Rapier, canteen chalrmen. Dr.,, Newport. ,,11,400, and gar .. Final detatla wtll be organ age, $800; Rolland J . Collins. house •l the regular execuUve · boaf'd wttb atta(hed' garage at 2271 meeting to be held Wedn~y. King• Rd .• OIJ?f Haven, $10..500; Feb. 14, at 7 :30 p.m. bl the 80CIAI David Frucr, hou&e wt th garage hall of the Coeta Mesa Community at~ St.., James Rd., Cliff Haven, church. $12,500: C. D~ Gridley, business Lutheran Church Lenten Services Speelat Lenten aervtces wUI be held each Wednesday even Inc dtir· Ing the Lenten eeuoo •t"7:3d'p. ft'.l . at the Newport Barbor Luthen.n i:hurch. The short meditations ot- fe~ will be bued upon the acenea I ?f the Lord'• Pualon i.a they &'re projected' by colored •ltdes uponr a scret>n behind the altar. Much ot the service will be devoted 'tO prayers of lnlerceaaion for peace.; tor loved one•: tor our nattoo; tor lhf' world. and the church. The public la cordially invited to at· butldlng art 1'124 Superior B'vd., $12,000 ~4 R , A . Eml119n. dwelling and garage on Mesa f>r., $1 9,900. PennlU !Or /our houses were la- wed to Geerp M. Holstein, 166 E . 17th St., .Coeta Mesa. ThreP dwelllnp with garages attache-d wtll be built at 403 and 436 Wal- nut St. and <f:J5 Esther St., eaCh at $8,650. Building cost of the fourth, to go up on Mesa Dr. ,Wa8 not eatlmated. Study· Book Reviewed for Newt)ort ; Circle ' lend and jofn ln prayer for theac A very Interesting review of the troubled Umea. study book .A Chri.Atlan·s Vocation The gencr•I theme of the Len-wae presented by Mi.all EIJ111ie Nf"w· ten worship aerlea wllt be bued land when the Newport Heights upon lhe words of the Roman Circle of Christ Church by the Sea govf'rnor, Pontiua Piiate. A.a he WSCS enjoyl"d the hoepitallty of J111lood Jesue before the multitude Mra. P"i-ed \\'oodworth, Thursday. to male~ the.ir decUton and their Jan. 2:§, In her home .945 West ~holce, he cried out, "Ecce homo!'" Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. :_ .. Behold The Man!"' The eerles Miu c ;ara Kohl•l('dt offered or Lenten sermon• are dealgned lo the df'VOtlonal portion of the pro- repcat the aune challenge and .gram, baaed on the theme '"Keep pre~nt the Mme choice to people a song In your heart" and conclud· today. The tint Wedneeday eve-ing her n1ess&gf' by the readlng of nlng Lf'nten service waa held on a poom entlUcd Goct'• Love Song. A•h Wednesday, Feb. 7th. They Rummage a.ale plane were d~­ wlll be held for seven Wednesday cuaae<I. Final arrangement.a and evening repreaentlng each of the the date tor the aale wltl be an. sewn--tut d•Y• of. Ch.rlwl"• Ute Up· nounced at lhe next meeting of on Ute ea.rUt. I the troup. 'Buildin'' Permits 5et New ·Record A record $1,377,091 ln bullduig permits, an all·time hlrh tor New- port Beach, was est.&b'lsbed In January. according to Pete Nel· son. building inspector. Previous record month waa $1 ,035,957 aet ln April, 19<f8. 1'he unusual number of permit.I durlng January were probably caused by efforts to ~ conatruc· lion i:1tarted ahead of lhe antlclp· atcd freeze on rcsidenUaJ building by the government. Ask Removal of Fair Grounds Entrance ~ight That sodium vapor light at the en~rance to the Orange Coun'ty Fairgrounds on Newport Blvd .. north of Costa Meaa ahouldn't be th('rr, b<'<'nuse too many motorist.JI think it marks a major int8l"BCC· lion, t um off and wind up In the ditch or on a side road. So think several resldenlll (>f Costa Mesa wtio today a.sked Su- pl'rvisor Heinz Kai8er or Coat.a Mesa. to do something about mov- ing it rlseWht"re. Costa Mcsaris apparently are givinh their new supcrvlaors1a real workout. They s.·so ukcd: That shoulders be laid on Mesa Dr. nrar Newport Blvd., so that thr rc win be a ws.lkway for pedea- trlana, there being no aldew&Uia there. Th•t aome "~ow". algn• be Plac· ed on Newport Blvd., tor beneflt CJ:ltTD'ICA.Tll Of' •tJmiJciis P'letl-.,.,.:w-; TH E UNDl:RSIG~ d cl e • hereby ctitUy lllat he lo co~cl· tnc • boat landlnr -tng Port bu.tllOM at 3108-3M2 • fay,ette. Newport Beach, ' for- nta. under Ule fletttloua firm name of Colea Lido Cove Boat ~lng ll.Dd Trac:itng Port and that Mid firm la: compq.sec:t ot the following pereo"' wboee names I.ta tu~ and places, ot reaide.nce a.re u follr w•, ~o-wlt: . f Watt.er E . Cole, 3H2 Lafayette, Newport Beach, Cailfornt& WITNESS my hand Ullo 8th, day ot February, 1~1 . WALTER E . COLE ;8.._t.e ot caJUoml3, :C<Junty o( Orange, sa. / 011' Tills 8Lb day of February, A. D. 1951, before me, Robe.rt F . :Wlllmea, a Notary Puhltc ln and for the said County and State:, re· .Wing therein, duly commiBsioned 'and 1worn. ~raonally app8ared :Waiter E. Cole, known to be to be the perlOll wboee name is eub- a:cribed to the· .wtlhin · tna~ment, :t.nd acknowledged to me that he executed the a&me. IN WITNESS .. •• ' bo!'f wonon hopos oho'I be rem9'mbered on Volentine'• : Do~. Sen<j Rowen, 'Ille ~ '.· e-.P,re1sion of remeMbronce, ·.,. she11 lcnow '/°" roallyCGAI'"' . ~'\,{ .. *~""' ···,; ·lll·UH ~ . -' 1!-t • NORMAN'S ":~ : ~'URSERY· FLOWER SHOP~ • tSI :s &,ast Htway ll&rtlor ; T -Corona def Mar _ ... · • t: •• ~------.ii.-=-=-===-===="''======== ... --o!ii:i • ;'·MAD MOORE'S . fASH & CAR~f;; ; BALBOA BOULEVARD AT Zlat STREET, NEWPORT NURSERY! ' TUBEROUS BEGONIAS . ' GLO~UOUS -COLOR FOR SHADE GARDEN OR TERRACE ' I LarCJe 2 in. TUBER~ 45' ea •. Choice 1 t in. TUBER 35¢ ea. 3 for lJQ: 3 for 1Jo ' ~ • ,PRIMU " ' I ..._. .... ~ . ·Sin I bloom ' l St. Jame'S Womer\ Meet Thursday It waa voted to pr<"M-nt· a $5.00 gift. lo the church. lbcough the 1and8capln .. fund. The muney ls tD be uaed In the purchaae of a roae bu.ah for the churc.h grou.nds. of ped!Stri&r&c'and motOrlatA allki: ; 3 inch ~ots l ¢ ea, 225 ·aoz, ' at Parish House Twelve members an a four guealll W<'re In att('nds.ncf': Mrs. Leon Frrguson will ~ hostess to the clrclr Feb. 22 at' 7;30 p, m. in her homf', 4~3 Santa Ana Av(' .. Newport HelghlR. 1'hat eqme more a:treetm be lm-i proved by the county. Thhi ta ll<>mcthlng ot a perennlaJ request, the communlly spreading out ovei: February meeting of the Wo- men's Auxlli&ry o( St. Jamu Episcopal church will convene at I :30 p.m. Thureday. Feb. l:i in the parish house, Mra. Ed Kuan presiding. 1 Johanna Salton will bring a di.splay of ceramics and describe how they are made. St. Cecelia Guild Names Chairman a wit1c area and frequently clUng its nct>d for better paving. Kaiser saldl he'd refer the re· quests to lhe county's traffic com .. nlittee for recommendation. ·CABINETS FL'llE FURNITUB& MADS IN OUR OWN 8BOP8 IL' ha.a bee_n decided to do away wtth auxlllary duea. a silver offer· Ing to be taken at the tea hour to defray rerreeh.menta expen&e• and Individual partle11 to be given to raise nttesu.ry budget tund8. Mrs_ Bernlcp Ilcach WRS elected FU.NITUl" lEFIHISt4ED chairman or St. Cecf'lia"s guild or ROUSE A OAR.DEN the Women's auxiliary, St, James •11 COAS1 HWY, Eplecopal church at a meeting I '======'=EA=CO="='m=:::;:;:== held Tuesday In the home of Mrs. I Yvortne Benton, Bay Ehore Drive. Flftttn mem~ra wer~ present. Hekl lut Friday Wj.!f one party. a bridge luncheon rOt 32 guute. held at the parl.ab bouee and b<Mt- eaed by Mra. Keran and Mn.. 'WU~ llam Elder. Thoa uelatlng were Mid l~ne eo.omworth. Kn. A. A. Schllld~ Mrs. Anne Patt~ and Mn. J<alhleen Oooken. Planned for after Zaaler a.re two more pe..rUea. one to be rtren by Mmes. Verne_ Snodgn.a, Anne Patlieon and Yvonne Benton, lhe other by Mn_ M. L. Kee~ and Mra. John Bea.ch. New Baptist Church Draws f·ntereat RellgtoWI aerricet1 wel"t: held Jut Sunday ae&tn ln the Port Theatre ln Corona de1 Mar. Dr. Mlllord. L. B&ker, Bapu.t. mlnLlt.er and Bible te.acher, spoke Cb the theme. "A Prayer Keeling ln Hell... at the momlnr wonhlp. Dr. John J . PreVol. profe.or at the caJUomla Baptl8t Theotoclcal Seminary In Lqo oAJlg..... Merle Albri&ht and Kaye Paaldte ,taupt at the 10 o'docll Bible IChoo1. "nle crwP WU enCC>llfaC'!d by the at· tendance. and lntereet. abOWn' &ft.er onlJ' the thin! meet.In&' of Ullo new chwdl. Mrs. Wllllam Elder. doll com - mittee chl.lrman for the July party, explained tbat 1$ was plan- ned to make and drese JOO doll~ to be aold at the a.nnuat eVent and each at lhe f"tJd11 wtU do a share ot Ute: work. A hOllpll&IJty chairman is to be: ftamed. and ,,.n.11 provide a Jim of name. ot member. who will ac l as hosteuea at lhc church coffl"f> bour and a~l!tary meettngs. Mrs. Carl Veneman Entertains for Mesa Matr<on In QOmpUment to Mra. Robie Blackrpon ot Coat.a. Mesa. Mn. Carl 'Veneman of 118 Jade Ave., Balboa '°land. entertained Satur- day, Jan. 27, with a luncheon and la.yette ahower. The: Balboa Bay Club formed the i.ettlns for the luncheon· a.flu wtrlcb the trte.nd9 ,..embled at UM bcnne of Mrs. Veneman whe~ UM honoree opened her pretty ctn paclm,g'u. Twfitve g U It • t I ''"'"" Ind-"' the group. . Me~.Cf-ctes Meet; 'T~ay Nat Sunday morn1nr at l o'clock Dr. Balter "l'lll - "'Hea,a -1Wbo Go. Tbaef• Bible cit•!• wtn ~ m~ at 10 o'cloc1'. /-q are ~I II>· Tbiee -oi Uie Coot.a Mtaa vtlAd lo ~ lnllplrln• --. Clo!nmunll.f Olutd WSCS a re t. ' elated to roMt 1Thurllday, Feb. 8. C . unity' • Ch ' 1 h while otben wtll om-.. next omm urc ,....._ C.. dal .: ~ Clrcle OM wtU>bt recelftd at Orona mar l " o'<:locll -l( ')(ra. ' Hamet John· . -. U4 Jll_.. BIVd.· j ''I*cltl"Up, 1~1~ WID lie Qw IO'a. R4pil BM .and )l(O. rtor- tabject of tlle -· Paoil IM<t•" --will .be jolal ho.111111 llal!llllfi w WWW -B tq, lo Olrde ,,,_ at I p. ll. ID lbe ~ 11 Ill llotll. lllo t:41i -lllo --......... -.JOl -'I· .u'. :80 • -a& lllo 01 • 1 tl\J; Clldo hw w1U ' 0tMr a& U1o I .U .. of 0... dol llw, 1 1 Jlli -· -lfn. i(..--rr..,.._ n-.-··--11n.·-. n••• wtn ...., al llilG WfllOIAt~ .. (plel -..W MltSSJ ...... .......... -.. .-to ..... . Ordo -will -lfa -· .... ar. ••tdsiiW bs&lll ...... Mpnd•r. · ... Mo. U. at Tta "'Olol ... Os&I.,.. ~ p,a. Isl a. ...... 01I-. D1r111 At T:JI "' a. a r.:ij+ :•'» L 1'? re, :NI a -a ..... a • ._ __ ....... ,. ·-,. ..... -•'ls• II .. ,51'' , . .i tM l*G;P 21 &. .. ....._ CINlll I .... ~ -4 I .... -,.. -,.. u' ,., ..... JI., .. tM7 • .ite fl 1UJL • & ~ ' \ - LUMBER CO. •· WA'{ER HEATEiS Iii Re&, Spee. 20 pl. . ............ S!6.IO •n.60 so gaL -·-····· .. ···· "'-00 15.IHI 40 pt. ..... ·-····· -<&.IO 11.U' • REDWOOD POSTS sx~· ...................... n Sx~1· :................... .&I Sx.4--8' ·······-··········-.98 &xt--e• ······~·-·-····--·· .M lx.4--T .................... I.IS "'~· .................... l .Z8 • •• IO .70 .88 .llO JM 1.01 I CEMENT 90c-Sack I • *LOANS* Borrow ap to .,_ - a.a be -for •r ....... lb· tu...;. palllttar. .-... -triOIJ flduno, ele. I fla7 n>-~ .. ~ ·~ . ' r • ... . ·. On:N ALL DAY SA1'UUAY ' ~.:..•.•1,. .. #. '• ~ _.,..waa ~ .. Beio .--:U. ........ "* .. ·1 ") • Lamps ,. • · Lighting FiXtures • Wall Papets . RE~=rNG Location Y, Ill • UOTUSTlNA 1'1\RTS A.ND, GLASS REI' LA.CEMENTS MacMillen Lighting Fiztures,: • Pltone Beacon' 5619· : ., ' k ort Coaat IDi:bw•Y ., NEWPORT BEACH , SELF-SER ICE LAUNDRY ·. Halb·o · Washlt. f 30 Min. Was ing -Fluff Drying Blankets Wool Sh mpooed and Dried SQ # ' - -:'103-'a' -·BALBOA ti 2724 •• so ;' COAST MATERI~ ·COMPANY . -I RCATION ED CPNCRETE ..... "' .. ( N....,.... ___ ) . . 9'""-Ber,_ .... , . --. : '. I ·:j ,. • .. . ' '. ; ' • ' • • • ' • • ' • • • . ' Katharine Phoenix .Repeats Vows · in. ·charming Horue C-etemony · Tbe .......mr or Mi. Katllarin .. ------------ K&..,. Phoenix. dauJr)llor bf lllr. ud llro. Allen Phoenix, 408 11111 St.. Coot& -II-and 8arit1 Antu ot J:cpt performed W-eod&J, Jan. SJ, wu cbaraelorlaecl ilY cbar.lnlng obnpllcllJ". 11 wu al8o the j':Ulm.inaUon of a rom•nCe Doris .Billings Honored at Bridal Event wlllch bepn on Ille Unl....ity or Complimentary tn llloo Dorla /Callfomla at Berkeley campua. BUllnp, ~ler ot ..... and Jira. Wilen hotll young IJOOple are ltu· Jolin C. lllllJap ot 1Ha Fullerlon denla. . .\._, COOta 11-wbo will ex- Rev. Cha.tis F. Hand, uoociate c1w1re m&rjtal"'""" Bundo,y w1111 putor or Ille eoota Meea CoD\· O.vld Cadwallader, a -Dan .. munlt)' Metbodlot clll1reh. otllcl&t· oua abowtt wu ananr.,S Nc.nt- ed at Ille double-r!nir ...-.Ice al t ly by Mn.. Don&J4 BnMord and o'ck>ck In the prnce of· fam11.y. Mn.. W. H. Samil\laon of Lona Jftembera ;nJy, In the boa:ne of tbe Beach.. brlde'a parenta. ~ VaJenune motif prevailed • The bride wu lovely lrl a two-. lbroul'hout the _d~ratlve ettecU pl.eee coetume of green faille tu· with, the. lac4f*P~ tc\e~~ter­ hloned with fiarin&' peplwn. Ob, ed·...tth lWIJl )lf&FU. A\ th• ne- •ervlng the bridal tradlUon of nir,fi"• ttn&k _refrJahmcnta of mold- ''aomethlng old" she wore an U.• ~ -aa.J.ad..' Fnn.Ch bread, potat-o qa.llite belrloom lace Yell wh.iC:h Cb)p& add 4.asei · foO<l1 ea.k• 'tvere came from her great-aunt In Zns-aer.,ed. ~1 h'lt:nd'e -fttdm land. A bouquet ot ,,renoW roeea ~· ~· Ban Bernudlno and lent ettectlve contraat to the en-Y~pa. wen · tnctuded ln the MJDble. Mr. PhoenlX' pve hta ruetl l"f'OOP. dau(b.ter tn keepJng. TM weddiµIS" ot the you.nt c.ou- ~ carrying .. old-fuhioned llOf'.• pie ~'be oolemnlaed ... u o'clacll gay of early spring blouom.s, ln-the· ~ Me. Community .Mn. Edward Richardson of New: Mi¢bodilt cft.urch. Mr. Cadwal- port Hetshu, usl•ted ... matron l.ader la the .on of Mr. and Mn. of honor ln • 1mart mauve trock. WUU. cadW&lladtt • ot Oatde.n ),fr. Rlch&rdlon U1Umed duttea or Grote. be1t man. White gladio1ua and abock form· ei1 the floral background. Mn:. D~TH ·NOTICES Phoenix chose a smart bla.ck and ANN Al...&XA.NDB gold gown accented by a corsage Funeral aervtce8 weie beld Wed- o! prdeniy. Blouoma, all whlte. · Wrroundl!d a tiered wedding cake netday • ~ &Mta Alla for Ann "hlch wu served with punch after A~er, 50,. ~ .lAO Newport the Jeremony. . Bh~ Coda M~. ~ 41.ed •un· 'ltte new Mra. Anlar wu g-radtl· da,)' tn Ule O(&tlge Cot1'ty bol· ated ftom Newpor\ Harhor Union plfal aft.er an .,..._ UlnM8. · High achool. later attend1n .. Santa Born In Cl'IScaa'o, lll., Me had A...na Jllnlor college and Oranse llvN lD. ~ M-for two yea.ra. Cout u s~ SUrvlvlng bor ..,.. two c1au1b· co ege. e la an a.rt major te. · Elfanor Alexander NMI Pat at Berkeley w ere her hWlbaod ~· two broth J hn d la atudylng tor his PH. D . deg-ree. T~ Stgborb. an , oten~: ~e ' ~TDIES -.Every TM1tr t. NEWEO~T BAY POST-wea .... ,. NE~r.T·BA.LBO~ PUSS-Tbanda,. If ... ,... Res,,.... Mi-.-II iaie T1:rty• ! )f~wtM.J'• ..,..._ · • llDllllO• .&II • e ...... All can-·iaDllolOill .... -...... IW Om* • 9ie~••••••• • I 'I ., t lbFI 1 f'apw ' ,1~ ·t •tu ~ f'lperl 1M . t ,,_ a ...,..,. l,00 I nae ~ wUl aot ... ,......... fol' .... a.a .. ..., ... lDMrilc.. "" • ·~t, "*" ,. u. rlPt to oorr~ eh I'') U17. lllHI all .,.SO and ta'Rjoct ""7 -!>Cit """""1idM! to nii. ..,4 rtSuJauona. Adnrtlwnenu """ .. noo11au.. lrld'1 11t o-s>t..i up to 6 p.m. 119 Ibo da~ 11"-tioa. Pia. Dr. r.• --· in1. -tw "'.u ~ -.. - , rn , 2 .. 1'ISW1'0llT !llAAllOa P1!1IUlllllNO CO. _Jill 'd'1a..,..... H•"'81" arteit.. .._.,. DI Cl888lfied Index t•---llllalldl•s- ti au•w•a1 8en\cee Jt ,.,.,'I ... UBllareY-~ HTnmpcrtalloe 11 .....,, .. Ooatradaft II_., A1* lt t/JIMJI~ NH.UU."19 ni-t_...,._ .. -~ ........... 11 BlluaU-" .. """ UHe.lpW ...... 118ale,- ... A8- 11 Wanled \0 Buy .II hraltaN. for Bale Sl·A &a...,_ II lloata, BappllM M ltnsloal. RaGo ao r>op, oac.. ..... II Poa11J7, R.ablllt. nu ... -1111pec1a1 A• ............ t tt ....... OpportualUC* ., w .. w ..... , ta&,_-1&-H..._ ...... ,., ... , .. &mt., .,...,.,,., •• ._ __ _ n-LOST AND FOUND WST-~I .. ' broWn holl sll&pe<! leather bandbac on &atufday e•e.. J"~b. &rd.. Need TrU'bcal plnk h'ame &IUIM, ~er. 'rT'l8t San RalMI ch<ck bk, identltlca.- tloo earda,. white Ron.non els. ~-Orey fountain pen. B~ chango purae. R~atd. Kindly phone L&l\lD& 4-4ill, callect: or wend to 840 Tbs.Ila. L&cw>& Bch. 79e78 LOST-~ reward tor the rttum to 211 Knox Street, Colt.a Me.u. ot • bob--lall blue ~male kitten, 8 month.a old, or t~ lnfonnaUon leadtns lo Jta ·rfCOver;y. lt be· lonl'• to a aoldJer now In Korea, and 1trayed awcy on P1b:11. ' 71p78 • LOST-Uberal reward . tor male red dacllahund W1>o dlM~ trom 5101 s. Shore I>rtft on Saturday night. Phone-Harbor 0809·J e"ininp. TfpT9 • • .. ~ i . . !.!!2\*•e!!-9!2!'.· ~,.. •ava # 4t ..,.,,...:9'!!1:.;*1 . " .u~ ~~ . Rattan Furniture . II UNIT JllCITm.. .._,_ ' I t r . 11*-ta u.. ,__ • -• '111.-1a t• •a_111e1::;. ~ Bi;,~~A,.~ - • la -111<-• -... laO:iiurJ u---~·-. .,,:: : ... -.. = 09u£p1-1, •••. -Jr11,~Y oa U..ONAL -u-.. ft. aava. NblpratGr: ~ ....._, 1n ... oaar •11.JIOCl llil OAlll CAMn w1t1a ...,.U.1 --· otlslael·--·--·· .. and ~ ' . > • •Nelda QDwne, Real ~. ·~ Cha 'rhae Valuea Today.! ""°" pollc) lllll11n .nect-BOt:JSE. ... r!AftD"""' ~ Tl!.e John Vo~, w ......_ --181. Bat,* $169 95 , Dil U, :.we-. llOl Cout BWJ!. ~ dOI . ..... __: I 11~ Ooeat llwJ. Nwp&., a.. U7T l'tii--,17tl .or .Hai. tn J'(lll Rl:NT-fStasle·apt. tDmlllled un:D OU 114NO•: P>OllPftllJ", 1lliPLS 'DIMINO Taljle, t obaln, ~ Barl>cJr -.;)( pe I*' -. VUJ\Ueo paid. Ym· oatre .. • Saltier Qd :Buck'1>-eott .. , ,l&b1-t·pl,-:e -"°"' PJ:T llHOP esCluaw. In b' ..U. ICll: 1J:. Bay Ave. Tele.' $37 60 & up . . ..t ;rlh lltlsle .. comple'ho/ completely eqlllppod--' ; ~ 1t5-~. 18p'8.'.-, • I • . tu n,ax rva', ruoonable. , ed. Ja,JOO CGmplele, ~ de-· • . 11-WAJIHINO KACBINB8 206 O>ral, :s.ilbce i-.1a.n4. 79e78 aired. Wrllo BOil U, cate ot Wa B~IJIO~ -l'undlbed 1 bedroom l·PC.. KAHOGANY~bedrm .. 1, p•Ptt· ' • •. p1' ~oL.~ !IOl z. Bay ll'ront, -IDaly. Alie, Xmmon ,and --ot¥--tsU rug, "'11~ , s"pr. aaftn . • . ·I ~ Barbo< .0331-W ·~,. 1210 BarllotjBl•d.1 Coot& n-3'!0 .. ·a,ow•• 1111 r· •1pa1 0.11. PORTABLE DlllHWABBJ:R: x.,.;,.<i_ I 78cl0 -.;...~-..,.-----..:_. ...-tor: tr new, J118.-• t A·l LOC:ATION ca~~ iki-rt,/RNl8Hl:l)BO_l __ Now $1{9.96 11 11".,ft, lnnLma boa. ·-Pa~ '-. and -. -th at -. w... • -·' pied by ,,....t P. O. . wlll !er paid. 1 yr • ....._ '10 per mo. TlillMll CAN BE JIRRANGB:D Beacon 522,2 STROOT'S. TeWINKLE HARD\VARE 1802 Newport Blvd. Coll& Maaa LA.Tl: MODEL WASHER, &'oocl vacuum cJeaner, Ham.eter and . cap. All rcuc>nabl•. 3000 WHt Ocean J'ront. Newport Beach. 71p78 Television ~rvice RADIO REP AIRS . .....,..,, .... • • J .arold Ramm 'hcbDlclana MJ:llA RADIO • TJ:LZVIlllON .... -J. c. ... -llOll-J GENERAL Ou hot water healer, 76 pl.. eood condJtton, 120 for qutclr. ea.le. Phoae Ha.rbor ~98 9 lo 11 L m. 76c78 EVERYTHING J'OR '/OUR TRAD.ER , WI: "1.L lltl'I' ANli ..... PllOPA!OI TANKS 'Complete instaJ;alton, "'p.a. 11"4 ·..me. ot all Trailer lllqulpmitlll. Ir-.. II. llamuel lillla ... Portet • ORANGE COAST 1'RAILER SUPPLY 1110 HARBOR RLVD. Oaota M-Phone e.con 1114-R Walt's Tra'<ling Post remodel ·lf .;ii ~-a0*-1 APP'7 011 lrls, 0orona c1e1 Mar •• BEi: Kb. KcMo0. Tod 8'1-'eplt Used Marine Gear boa lll..t: B!llboa. "' ----· ----- N&u11ca1 1>ecnrau..... 119&4 HN, ' 113 or ~ :JITJ-'f." ~1 LIDO JSLE0 • • tn.SOU. llt. NowpoK -.ii · \ · ·* M • ....>. OJleD llia>da11 Pb. Hu. HTO Raulla ~ nua I· 1 ~ ""' want • Nlital-"" ~ Practice! An &f· ~ w. J8LIC -.. .. .. ni loftlJ . Small Boat Mart pa_per_w111 __ P•_oa~._~_,,_,_..~_-,r._,,,_""-''-~ ._ __ a .. n,bl• · P.A. PALMER BOA TB ilOUOHT, SOLD and ac- cepted oh con•lgnment. \. · Balboa Marina 2802 Cout Hlchway, Harbor 0771 81ic78 25-ft. cabin cruiser. Cedar hull. A • iOOd bu'y, only Sl,tOO. Phone Harbor 1020-W. 77trc BOOKS-SEA BOOKS A Me ~ ol llOolll 'on all ,acl>t.- IDf llUbject9-PlUo all C1lr1'ml bOok&. Lendlns lib...,,. . · The Islanders Z1' Marine. Balboa Is.' Har 11147 14-MUnc.u., llADIO ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD Square Gra.'nd Piano ~'\line Malhuahek. Came around the Horn. Perfect condition. . A collector's Item tor ONLY $260. ti-AP~ '• HO 1'.NCORPOR>..Tlm ·; • \ -Via Udo Ba.-1600 RENTM>I ' " ii.: : ' . ,' ., '.· ,_ . Dtf• • • • ~: t ! SP CORONA DE!. KAR -New 2 O&ll ...!;_: ,_,., • I a a..·-stove• refrl11.; ...... ' ~ ~ Jlet, venelians, rat&P-Y-ly. Ltnwoge~1c)c; •Rt or. 111e Larapur, c: o. w. npJ'V &!bee ,au< ...... I . . BRAND NEW• Furnlslled Apt. Fum!ahed ~.. • · ""· Jile· ,with -· $811 mo. 2210 H&r-gonla st., COroftl'• del llQll'. ~"""· hor Blvd., Cool& Meaa. 77c18 Feb. 10., $40 mo. Write, A. w . Howard, '1 "V,lrfln£a Rd.1 'Bui& NICB 2 bedroom rum. •pt.. '811 Barba.ta. lic77 mo. Alao I bdrm. rum. at $61 mo. Both till July ~ 1803. E. Balboa Bl~.. Balboa. Phone Harhor 2810-W. 77p80 UN11'URNISHED S ·JUI. , lg<!. living rm., hdrm., l<lldien,. bath. Panel raY beaL Ftl.. and stove turntabect. · '317 Hello Corona del Kar, Ph• 2989-W. H-BOOM8 FOR RNT ATTRA<:nVE R 0 0 M. outaide ---------~.;.....-entrance. Near b\l9el and lhop· UNFURNISHED llOUSJ:$utl-plng. Very re.-onable. 603 Lark- tully decorated, two . IM, apur, Corona del M&r. Phone '!tall 11hower, 2 patt°'-Bar. ,ue. Jkrbos 3099-J. 71c79 lovely yard. Gardener turn ed . 1 year 1-. '160 ptr' mo. A_pply NICI: L.A.JlG~ FRONT ROOM • 42S lriA. Corona del Mar. '10c89 lliltchen. $87.liO mo., llneDJ1 and utWUee tul'hlahed. 2 people. ,, 'l'rllcb ta&o--.T\1.- 41 A•M Wulled 81Aoto- ll~n .. Alrplaa..e 611-MOMY to 1- _'8-AIT ___ v_ ... _T_•_o_•_11_w_AH __ IAD=~-TICMPCO GAS HEATER, Jo.ooo YOUNG MAN want.a any klnJ! ot B. T. U., llke new, "· 4angle 1300 W . Bay Ave., Newport Bch. • Phone Harbor 1960-J CHOICE 2 bedroom. 2-l>&lh. bay· front apL Beautttul. bay J view. Good heat, pnrite ~ch. S136 mo. t-0 June l~ or 1llghtly hlP· er by year. .... 1 WpRKINO men•e home. Rooma, '$1 per week. Ou heatera each room. Good beda. 123 28111 St., . Newport Beach. 32c33H 51 MoDeJ' wanted work aner s ,P· m. Pbone ~· ln cabinet. $3.5. Phone Harbor bor IOOS·R. 79e78 2849-M. 77c78 GREENLEAF .Jk • ASBO(;. 3112 Newport Blvd., Har. 2M2 I ' 7ttri: High School P .• T.A. to Elect Tuesday Election ot officers win feature a abort bualneu aesslon ot the Wewport Harbor High achool PU• mt-Teacher Auociation, to be held TueAday evening, Feb. 13 In tb@ recreation room of the school. Mrs. Edgar R . Hill, president. aft. nouncea speaker will be Dr. Gllea Brown. chairman of the IOC\al •clence dtvtaioh of OT&.nge co&.t college, who will talk on "lnter.- tlaUonal Tr~nds." slaters, Xra... M:&ry Blsbom of Lo9 Angele9; Mn. l:le&nor ~ of Balboa;. Allee ~.of Michl· pn'; Ella Bont~-o G:Mcaso, and Dr, Sara W'-t ' Illlnolo. w ..... ·Ora.it . . •.: 01\rlolian 1 -'~·-n_n-"l!INES-..:>8::..G;:..:;U.:.ID;...;J: ___ _ Science· readier, otttn.ted at rttu. enlbmOnient • .ou In JCelr0oe Ab- WILL TAKE chlld in my hbme. Here's A TV Bargain BUNGALOW upright piano ln perfect playing condition, '295. Terma, $30 down, SlO mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. fSlnce 1907) 421 N . Syca..more, S&nta Ana. Kimberly 2.()672. -7lttc BALBOA 3 ROOM rurn1'hocl apL $47 per month lncludQ\S uµJ.ltlea, A&tive. Also Import.ant wUI be the an~ nuaJ election or dlrecton nt Nf!W· port Hubor Teen Canteen, Inc. bey:· . ·------M~sa Homemakers o!i~ka~ .. Qo~ .. : _, .1:. . ,.._ CQllPUITtZ HOU81i CLIUNING ..-.no-. Jrurnitu.re and .rup lhampooed. Free ..umau.-- ""111 ---Al's House & Rug • .Cleaning Co. ~.IUI , . Furniture Repairing Cba1r bottorna renewed, cane or 9J>llnt. Chair rounde, backa: and rocken replaced: aJ.ao re--clUlng. HAR Vl!lY'B FURN1TtJRli REPAIR &HOP 2mo Santa Ana Ave., C:-.ta Me-. Beacon 8133-J. t7cl8H Day1. Baby 1ltting evenlnp. 312 Alvarado Pl., Balboa. Phone Harbor 24ff-.J. T4pTGh LA DY w ANTS' to do houaework afternoon• and b&by 1ttttnl af· ternoon.s " eftftln&a. can Jil-'81 Johnaon, Harbor 1800 (8 ta 6). 77p70 WANT TO CA.RE for p~l child, day• ln my home. Pbon'. Harbor 1814-J. 11p11 :&-llELJ> WANTED WANT MAN- PHILCX> Con.eolette, lG-lnch Telf'· vtalon, overhauled; In A-1 con- dition: automatic lunlnC". Only $115. Keep In touch with U• tor good buya In other TV aets ~ing lr&de(S i.n- EASY TERMS ARRANGED The Davis-Brown Co. Ji& Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mua Phone Beacon 6821 77 SPINET PIANO. Full keyboard1 diaconti.nued model. Beautiful ca&e and tone. Only $395. Term• DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano Co., 520 No. Maln, Sant& Alla, corner fJlh. . SOHMER GRAND PIANO. Uaed good tone, '395. Splnet, repos- sessed. Save $1~. DANZ· SCHMIIYI' Big Plano Store, 620 ,· N. Maln, corner 8th, Santa Ana. all year rental. ·aenlce ' men welcome; couple oJl)y, no pell or children. 806 Bay Ave., Bal· boa. . 76p70 ' El Toro Marin' s LOW WINTER RA I One hAl'IJ'OOM' tumtahed an ' Liv· . '1n~;'iiaiJ_~,...., • < 1-lh. UWftles .lbelud~-......... mo. 507 E. BalbO& Blvd., Bal Call Harbor Z27~ W . 78pTI FOR RENT-In Newpor'I Beach near RJQkard'1 .ltarltel.. 2 rm. house, partly rumillhed. mn. Utilities \xt. Ph.. Beacon 8 84--W 76p78 NEW CAR TR.ADE-INS '49 1Mercury Club Cpe. · 1radio, heater, very 'nice ···--·-'··-··-··--$1695 . "\: . . ~ '49 Foil! 2-dr ., Radio ' heater ·----······--·· 1495 '49 Ford, 2-dr. radio & heater, overdrive .. 1595 144:;:: _:. -, -. " • C~brati-Or. ot Founders' Day wi~l be obser"Ved, put president.I hono red and a life mem~hlp awarded. Harber Molheningens will -'Ing four numbers. After ad· journment. r efreshments wUI be Hrved by Sophomore cla.u moth- era. The ecM&a Kea ' :ftomemakerw' cltlb wtu_· Wet Mond&i,. ,.eb. 12 fn· ·~~d or F~b .• 9 u ~ously ..,,. nounced. ''aeanlng ot Rup and Fumltun" . ..W II<: .' ~Ollflraled by l{ra. ~Jan PrenUU\ Counly Home Ad~r, at the catherinr which atarta-at tOi.a..m. In the edu- caUonal · b\lildlifk pf· tbe: eo.ta Meo& Communlly 'cl\Ui<:h. Dlocua- slon In Ille hnllly ;RolaUonsll!p Prorram wQI J>e "lmriOibli! Bouncl· a.rtea" For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. MOTOROLA 12 lnch Televla¥;>n. table model. Good condition Private party. Ph. Har. !179-W. 78<78 \V ANTED--50 plario!I. Trade In your old piano on a Gran~ !Spinet ) or beautiful televialon. Hlgheat cuh allowance. Ternui. DANZ·SCHMIDT PIANO Co., corner 6th, 520 N. Alain, San~ BALBOA ISLAND -Nie Apt., fumlahed, year Write 1128 Lorain Rd4 rino 9. ATlanUc l.o880. • 48 Pac Ii:. <l-<lr. sedan .. '47 'Ford 6 club coupe. radio & heater. re-· .. -~.-. conditioned eng. .... 995• -··, lew Pettitts Home From Honeymoon ' • • • Clips lind ucl< lunch.. are to be brought. CoUee will be .erVed. Square Dance on February 16 The Pilot Cl&aa of Chrlal church THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates• Ph. Har 884 514 • 29th1 St. Newport Beach 71k92 11--BUll.DlNO 8EBVICD fi'OR PAINTING, ETC. Service Afloat L 1600 C~l Highway at Balboa Bay Club FRIGIDAIRE autoniatlc w~her, U9ed 4 monlha, $1 ~-1700 W . Ottan Front, Newport Beach. 78p Ana. R_E_N_T_A_P_I_A_N_O-.-$~-pe-,-m-on_tll __ MODERN !·bedroom untuWed All rent allowed Jr you buy with· apt. Hwd. t;oora, pr., ~Undro· in tenna.. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 620 mat. Near oce&JL-R"'°nable N. Main. Santa Ana. yearly rental. 311 Karr,erlte Ave., Corona del Mar, or call evtt. 1Sat. ll Buh .• Har. ~74~J. · '17c79 Home lhla week from a honey-by the Sea will hold a l!QU&re ·mdon in Mexico are Mr. and Mn. dance. in O~eU hall, 1:30 p. m. on nAINTING Lew Wallace Pettitt. wtto.e mar· Februa.ry 18, to which the publlc F . WAN!T WOMAN to cart for a mo. old baby. ~ da.Y• a weelt, B:SO to 12 noon: Apply 122~ Diamond, nage took place In Corona del Mar la led. Bob 'MWaina or Lqpg EARL SHEFLIN ~-:'e!~~thf to~er 1 ~~~!~~t ~:<m'r~:. 171 Patm'r 81 .• eo.ia M-·1~-,; .. ;.i. llD,tEii dl'iiro. I• cll(r.fU! Mn · ____ e._a._M_6_7_-w _____ H_c!I the couple continued to Tue.on, Les Nott. then down to N ogates and into Balboa I1land. Harbor 2923-W ""''-"'tt~:.; EXPERIENCED bookkHper re- ceptlonial for doctor'• office. Mexico where they atayed for a week at the lovely town of Her- moaillo, making side trips to Cuaymaa &nd other interesting points. They return~ed. entlnaed over a trip which they find aever&l other Harbortles are t&klng, or will take. Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt are making their home al 207 Pearl avenue, Balboa Jsla.nd. First Grandson for Hadd Rings Moat enthuala.sUc of ~dpar· enta are Mr. and Kn. Hadd Rine, wbo welcomed liltJe Nlcbolaa Roetnor at 5 :30 L m. ln Good Samaritan hoapltaJ, Loe Angeles .. The boy, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Micha.el Roetnor of Southpt-e, wei&'hed aeven poundl, one half ounce. Greatgrandmother la Mn. Gordon Hollingshead of Balboa Jala.ad. Mr. Roetnor will eo into acUve aentce with the &lr corpe on Mareh 17 oo the baby and 'l'otlMir Dolores will come home tO Lido }Jte. wbett an extra room la be- lng added to the new bome whicli tbe Rlnp ..,.. buUdlnr on Via Zurich. (they have .old their fOl"-- mer. home to Dr. B••ett). Sunday Subject at St. Andrews · "Juatlce Mln(led With Humor" la aermon .subject of Rev. Tbomu Glblton for Race Reta Uona 1 Sunday at St. AndreW'1 Presbyterian cbJJrC,h. Text la from St. Mark 3:26; "And it a hou1e be divided a(&lnat ttaelf, the hoUM cannot atand." l'1JOh Fry Feb.• JI. I lo I p.ni. St. ,_ Parisi> - AaJlual 05'! -t Cookie .... ... ..._,. te I& r.-, H PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry Houaekeeper, amall family, UW! 1JL Newport Barbor Employment Acency, 606~ E. Bay. S.lboL Harbor 2!)81-R. 17c71 BOOKS WANTED CORONA DEL MAR-2 1>4dioom turn. hou.e. Encloeed patio. ' 811 ~M. 77c78 Yearly or tlll July 11 IA.rklpur, C. D. M. Ha.r. l!il& Sant. Ana Ave., Coat.a Meu REAL ESTATE l&lelnl.an. ~ Phone Beacon &>04 pe-ulve office can ue aaJeiman I wlU call ant buy ... Your entire library BUNllTER CREELY· Phone Harbor 3215-W BALBOA PENINSULA -rlce.ly turru.bed 2 bedroom .&p Sun- deck, pi-aS"e. Winter or!' year· ly. Reuonehle. Pl\On< Harbor 0812-W. 7'trc 66pTI or broker. Some experience re- ------------,-qui-. WeU eetabjlahed Qffiee. INTICRIOR -IOClllRJOR PAINTING LICEN!IED -INBURD> Glenn Johnston 501 • Slit St. Newpor'I Beach Harbor)297-J Mctl , REP AIRING and .PAINTING RllASONABL&: LArr• or small ~-Free eatlmates. Wallter, 108 • 18th BL, Newpor'I e.ch. Harbor 2613,·R. 17cllll Alcoho!lca Anmiymoua Wrtte1 P. 0. Boa 20"5 Belbce Jala.acl. Calif. Phone 1KJm1ten1 1-6311 Bay and Beac~' Rea.tty, 14-60 Balboa Blvd.. Harbor 1264. T1c19 78c7911 USED PIANOS from $89 up. Good $80 Ci%l Fernle&f, Corblla del playing condition. D A NZ. Kar, 3 bedrooma. large llvlng w ANTED -Man{::protlubl• SCHMIDT, 620 ?f. Main, Santa wltll t1rep£ace, prare. Rawle.Jfb blWn 1n City or Complete house full of fine Ana. comer Gth. SM _ studio Apa.ttmonl, !arr< Newport Be&ch. •be •Ila-f11f'tllture to be sold Sat-ELECTRIC ORGAN. Uke n-, U·"·g room with ·'---Holly ned w1• .. -" II-'-· at .;... ..~-d S d F b 10 "''"" """1 aR;VYlll:', 1 • ""' ·--........ --"' i.uuay an un ay, e . famoua make. Save $200. Terma. wood twin beda., Kitchen and Wrlto Rawlelrh's, Dtpt. CAB-and 11. Electrified orran. IJMd. only ample ~u. ·Shower, batll. Mll-101, t707 11:. 4tlll Bt.. Loe S175. For church or bome. Dans-Harhor 0829-R.. 77c79 Ancelea 11, Calif. 'Mc?S lncl\lda PhJlco re.t'rl~tor, elec-s(.hmldt. 620' N . Maln, Cor. Sth, · J WILL -~ • ua• ·-~~ ~ Irie ranre, Murphy &Ink and .Banta Ana, THRZE ROOM '~ apt., ~· • ~· ~-• ci-to cOota .._ • ......:.. ••• , a bull••-· --·-~-•-ror _,_ .. __ retrfiren,lor. unit. BecUonal Ill· n~ .. -~ ....,... .... ..._ ·-~ ..---. ·-•-••-... lei too ~u•~uu WALNUT a.ti.,._ yean o"' ~6 mo. •-·•-U.· labor. -ABC Lumber CO.. van -~ -· ee num-Slelmn Duo-Art -.'l:! .. -~-,.· l 'O E. 17,. ~•· ~.:... n~a .....,. to menlloD. Y· rrand piano. """ WY • 41t Newoort Blvd., .. ...., .......... .._ ""' Llke1new. k"fe Oftr.~ of new ~ ~ • r-; TTc18 PREE u. ND -.-... 2157 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa prleel Convenient i.rms at ,.... • ,.....,,-· !'bone Barl>or 2502.Jt '8 MUSIC 00 (Blnoe VERY deolrable tl!flL ~· • .•heed IA _..tJty ....,........ or Hat-OlM·W J.901 •zt . N. B~, Santa , d•, -· roobl. ~: ~- work. Ph. Har. ~· , '!7cTI ' · 77c71 Ana. Kllhberly 2 ..... 12. TT\to: uTlng--pn.(!!! l yr. . . -· uu ,er.mo. --w:~w~~orw"'= n:!'. 11Ulk's Furnit\Jre c.uB. nn Jl&J, Ooota ...._ · Be..,... B&J. Ph., -~6Tt. ~lboat -:: 1!.~ Bch. PUPPID, J'<f· ALB() EL. TQ-RO ~ ~ ma :tn111a, L~;. slo"fes, or CWl:rd 8how' U4 peta. • ;.!!fl~~~!: PHOTO TINT ______ .....;.___ rotrlpralon; etc. · Yoekey Bt... W~r. LOW Wilfrlllt U . Ban "OUI' I taYOriU ~·-,.... M t••• •WW1 .ANiWOOll, " Vndnkt.d ~bare. ~ We11tmt0 efer 7115. ftcfl IN" .D&r'.llft.&. · ., ,_. .. _.. .. ..,.. BVT, l&lL or'ft.ADI: -· Two Mp&rate ---;;;Tm' )il'ittl,..•I , ~~tin~ ..... ~rlolef ~~·:;:, G. Ii.. J:l.IC RD'RIGmUoP.--ll&rbOr -.Jl • . ' in quiet 1-t!aa.e-:e:~I • ;trt',,;;j' ~ ~UO ea. II CU. ft.. .---~ Me'IS ~ ~ OJp~cl.~'£' ~ , •to -Ii lltOilr ' '46 Olds 98 Sedanette Hydromatic R & H Recond. eng .......... 1295 '46 Packard 4-dr. Se<l. Recondi. engine. A buy .... : ....................... ~ 795 . . '46 Nash Ambass. 4-d r I< h o'dr. recond. · engine. ·-··-.. ············· 895 ·~-Cl•b-Coupe .. ·· . ' ·' ht•r Sh 7h5 · ~ I f ,f !f,"tt};7 !' " iJU'11! • jJ '41 De SOto 4-dr. F;'luid Dr., Radio, heater, 1 owner -····-··--·--·-595 '39 Buick . 4-dr. Sedan Orig. black ········-.-··· 495 Laguna Beach Lincoln -Mercury li' NORTH. COAST BLVD. , Laguna Beach Ph. Laguna Beach 45525 I • 193~ FORD, model A 4--door ee- d&n. Good motor. Cheap trans· pt)rtauon, $80. can H a r b o r HH·R arter 6 p. in. 78c80 • I 11M9 FORD COftYertlble coupe wt\I lake 1939 ,or 'tO Ford or Chevrolet iD trade. Call at 203 Grand C&qal, Balboa Wand arter 6 p . m. • 77p71 • I I ' ltDO ICERCt7RY Convutfble-For eull Or your car for m1 equity. ~ Barhor lOOS·R. 7Gp78 '' ·> • CHOlCE .1941's IOttwec!. '!Kii H"-~ •'l' tens.I .. Waffle Breakfast Sun. at IOQF Hall P.l&na Ila•• been """''ed by u.. IDOr Lo&IS"• Na. .... Ooota ._ llliND TO BANBllA Del-Marw .!~. Ooota ~-MOD. -· uu ..,., ma•__. CANDt ll1'0llS, peo•• • '' (Al ._ _, "' ':;&"t':; I060 II. ~ 1'l<lnt Balltm --v P. ill. •-•• ---I -LO-,_ 111 I I I RIMI -71 ltd~• u,fn,m.. ;:::~ -:-.: ::.:.:-. :; =N lt.1•1:. la•. -eoa1•21 \1t"!"" -'U PLY. SD> --~. .. for a --11-to bo ,i.. --,----~<--------...._., plll ,,.,., ... ,.., -. nc'lt I -(Bl ••• •· ~-• ....._ :.u PLY. <DNVSRT • ..,.. .-, '" .. -·•• rovaCAa i.c-'1111 •-1 ...... ~ ~ . RW..:'IL.Ull A pet ..... Mt 'I• 1JI-11 PLT. a:i;S. --• LADY u 111 -~ 000.., dol --. -. a c-..>. '!Ml a ia, -f1M1. _a::; -, · . · ' · · 11'9> 'tl bCJllOll m>. • 185, . •-r; 'Feb. u. -....... to ..... °' -.,, ... ,u -• u.. roor 11a11 c.-,-. - m 1 • --::..: ==>io ':at:;: _111111_.. .... -t I f ,..,.,,1 llM watnio • u.o -:Sr I '!I.I'.,~ ,~ i! fte ,._II •ti lb' £r-.tled I ,, ........ tit att•• ftull Obp, --I'll' -W, : ..... .to -.. .. ....__ a =a-c ~ .. ~ ,.evr p ol -;r' • -.Sse111 l a lllllillt ' 1-1 7 ........ , .,;:_;,-,o.;,.' ... le 1-Ay -. N, -OLU'll1C CA .... A _ 11, a e" ... ft1. ....... -·· , .• oil-Z 1111 • 'Q D£¥• 811>. ~ ... I'll. ft.-.:~ I W COllPl--.T JQVt••llD. . tki1 ~·~ llAa ... El! ~ 'R 8l\ID& 111>. ·-' --. ~ .. :"'!\.".:~-"i=-1 W ••"· -:::,;w-.,_ "t!~'=••'rr.":•~==-= •• ::'\.l'..... •£§5 "-llT11lz2a -. ..._ , --... -Cllll .. _ ..... ' ...... • .... Ill. -=·-·· Ii .. ··-~ -· Qil .._ -. • • ...,.. ......_ •n11 ~ ur1n.-1•.-,... -. .._ ,~, -... . • . . . I I I . • ' 7 7 • . ~ . I . - .REAL ESTAT • • ' . BLAN~ A. G.A~~ ~tor. L. 'C, -JONES , J. MARTIN , . 311 1.{arine Ave., Balboa lsland Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 _ Har. 746-M or Bea. 6'K2-R Evea. ' BAI.BOA JSLAND BAY Fr. 'home. Moat beau: on w.:.id. Pier Ii float.· 4 B.R., S.bath. A home for the mo,t cH,crlml· , natlng. Priced right. Xlnt. terma. • ' a n••, WTA!lll :·i : ' • G. N. WHIJ.S Broker & Assoc. ' --eo.ta .... ' Tbe ee.t TOwn r' Earth • -. . ~ Wel!k we hab 2 ·1pedal · deala. . SOLDB0TH ' ' UnW a year or ao ago - 11>me people ljked Uncle Joe, We never did like him but we do like our lliotlhga 'f(e have. ' ' ' • I , • • • • • D•LIS'f.4m r ... ?:me•: !PZC\!". R.~D). V, F-!. t : 1 ~ f ' i"'· • I ··~ • •• -' . ' CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTlli:S ~ B. LJDD Brlt.dn Bii• L. L12111 • • MORE _~ARGAINS • , ' -, FOR BALE -N-2 bdrm. home. Bwd floora, S. of Blvd. R·l zone-:-$1ll,li00• f· •• ~ •••••• ' NEW 2 B.'R. BMAIJ.ER HOVE 8 . of Blvd. lf-2 sone. $11,000. , • _ < ~ - EXCELL1l:N'l.I JWl' -t .,,._ old. 2 RR., hwd. flooii S.. of Blvd. R-2 ~~ '2,liOO cub·handlea tltbl. Fllll pric, $11,l)OO.-' . ., ' ' . ... . .. BEAUTD'UL R1.NCH Tr,i: HOME bn 194 ft. frontage. -2 Beclnn.· Excellent 1 -nelghborho6d and view, $18,llOO . 1 ' ' • • 7 . . • HOMES TODA~ · ~ OVER THJl: '3UY .NOW WHllJI! l;trCI~' AR,E aiaa'r! , r · .. ' FOR RENT -S~~N: ;Rl =:~and.-111any otbera. \ ARE YOU TIRED QF THAT CLOSED-IN FICl'lLING1 IF SO · 3 Bedroom ~HoJl'.le lji &UM -Good IJocatlnll, CAil be oubcllYl<lod. Lola of P!J&Olblll- CORONA: DEL MAR PROPER'l1l!:S 411 Coast Bollle9aM . ll'annho1-llotiel Harbor 1037 Corona del ~ Barbor 1oea MAKE us AN o~Fli~'ER""' OD thlll choice 60' water-front property on Little· Ialand with tttraetive · 2 B.R., dining rm. home. Patio, BRBQ., dbl garage. Must be aold. . -Beaut. 2 B.R. llome, plus maid's rm_ and bath, plua 1 B.R. modem apt. Both charm.. tum .. d~ gar. 3 yrs. old. A REAL BUY .$U,ll00. Xb]t. term.a. • 2 B.R. Furn. home ill Xlnt. location. Lg., 11•. rm., fireplace, patio, gar. For quicli: eale, $i3;ooo _ with amall down payment. . - CORNER l.cO'l'. near' ab0pping-center. ljUY, NOW for $7,l!OO~Limited time only. _ _ · WILL TRADE &beautiful large lot 1n ·Clltf Haven as-part pay. on a 2 B.R. home in Harbor area. o~· A'ITENTION : List your propert:y with ua for sale or renW, - BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR MRS. LlLLlAN H. McADOO WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT SHE HAS, TAKEN OVER THE W. L. JORDAN R~ ESTATE OFFICE • ( AT 700 J!;. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA AS OF FEBRUARY 10, ,961 CDM SPECIALS SOt.rrH OF HIGHWAY. 2 house& on 1arre lot. t unit comp. twn. anCI now rented. 2-bdrm. unit available cl1>11e or eacrow. For except. valu~. .ee this today. ONLY $13,750. Terms - ' BETTER !IUY HERE 'TIS: Balboa Pen. -f7,!!00 -Small beach cottace. COOd ai&e ).lvtug room, fireplace, redwood fences. aorae fUmlabtnp, pod location and only • tew yea,.. old. $7,500 fuU price BETTER BUY UW. • Price $12,500 . . I bedroonl home -All fumlahed aM ncant. Pric~ $4,500 '7ll0 9"wn Whi ftl\t ! 2 Boinea, both good on Iara'• lot. Price f9,600. $1,000 Down E.ut Sif)e, rt•ht In town. 4 yrs okl. A honey ot & 2-bdrm home. Just $8~500 Terms If you .need a home PRICED Rl'GBT, give us a ring - I'll bet we tir'ake a deal. If not the coffee la on ua. G. N. Wells, Realtor and Associates 1790 Newport Blvd.. C.O.ta Meta Phone Beacon ~l&l BEST BUYS IN COSTA MESA! Nlce I-bedroom : lot &Oxl2~; l4600. 11000 down. • • CORONA; DEL MAR -OCEAN VIEW ATTRACI'IVE .. OWER HOME, 4 bedrooma, 2 bath.8. Double garace. WORTH THE MONEY. • See You at the Open House Sunday 516 Catalina, N.ewport Heights · New 2-bdrm home. hwd floora, dbl. pr. lge. lot. I FITZMORRIS REALTY CO., Realtors 813 Coast Blvd., Corona· del liar Ph. Har. 2152 PLEAsE ! _ PLEASE! COsTAMESA REAL ESTATE . ' ' S BDRM G. L RIDSALlil -Nice Eut Bide -tlon, n.at .Harper ochOol. ~Iqua bedl'!iOii>,1 .~ kitchen. ~ dual ~. dbl pr., fenced taxl:lll lot..-l!1'ct · $10,4ll0 --' $2,9llO down: tlWUO mo. tnchtd. taxe•, tnaur llhCf tn- terut. ', , 1. CORONA EL MAR . ' South of ~l'-Yiew Now 2 lledrm, 2·bath hom Fbulat coutructlon. Larp -view patio. 24'"24' , on 82-tt. l!>t-· OnJx 116 fl: to ooean blvd. Tb1a type t P!'PP"JtY Lt P.t!Jnl' ~ For ~. tenna and app' to I aee, call Mr. ~uatBr at Hu1>or H7l . . • ~ . 1 • • '· oCEAN FRO . T SPECIAL . . . -A'l"l'R. IUIDWOOD Home Clean S&ndy Be&ch S D.R. cleli .. """'-· patio. F enced.· .. 'J\. Ute:tuUy turn. fl2,llOO, terma. ! ,. -. : ~. . ' . ' ALSO .choice -ft. CO<, t , cl<an 11&ndy bo&oh PJ!14> ' ; !Jont&ct ·J(ra. blckaon, H · r 1013, Ev..: 2091-W _·· -. ' DON'T skip over ll1J8 "ad" or you will be missing one of the FINEST HOME The }eland If you are "Bayfront ua today. eubjec~ to lnnuence" -+'-'1- the v v. -. . .. GQMM~CIAL PR.O~ERTY FOR 'LEASF; see BARGAJN! 2 bed.room ·itome; 2 ... ~19 }.{ewport BIVd., Ex~t-~ tor pn'I mes. or ..... ~. · VALUES . we have ever of(ered. · t.-Ch.armlng tmall borne on UDO ISLE that ' la ldt&l f0< a couple. Perfect to Uve In We have a South Bayfront or UR u "Alllal property." ••v1--· rt •t f O EVERYTHING -about thl• """ prope Y or Y u -old, 850 -It. hl•d. floora lf(bt tntr. -0\<er _ZllOO . oq. -tt. Low '-'lit-, ..,,,. )'?'I . ~ . ,• ' • . .•. j . ·' cor. We link, concre"'· block . 11 fence 2 •ldel, new. feM -nar-'BOAT OWNER'S ATI'ENTION' •tone patlo, ~ 60x150 ~t, · . · ... ~ , • heat eaat atd• locatlon. The pr!oe IDEAL VACATION HO ...,;&t ·o,; the Cb&nnel 'and b 11.MO. You muat act at one~ only a step to tn»Jc:eta::· 18\i ead, pier and floit. Well It you want thla. !iullt, 8 y..,.._qlcl. .a1 .. p1 :lo y, Spuloua llvlitg room.. ~-Patio, Barbecue. , bl .--l""'PI• etorap. '' J'iilj Price. ns,lliio.' See thje t dela7! • . .... .. hdme aparklel. Yau Will ,,.AH to aee. Two story home and "OH" when you iee thia. with 6 bedrma, fumace ' 11 ~ • I Many r .. tu .... ou ch lo Jarce heat, fireplace , (a,....e lot, -JN CORQ"'T DEL 'r" D •.; ' ... . v r' . . patio, weathe.-.atr!pplllf, cir--"' Euly Arn~ and -,tyto · ' · · '1' • lY.UU\. • • • clllatlnc air he,t, etc., aeldoQl and many good features . combln& • Ne" I · bodnnll. A~~ I BEDROO HO~ 1141 blocb tk.m-> .• -found In Ulla price home. Potlaibilltlea her~ bwd. 'jVeatllaNI! ·brick """"1-86uth of HIJhwq. • loL Large llvJnC ~ni. · ' Minimum or work with • $38 500 fireplace. Beamed c,um.,.. ·Spa· llMm oet!Jnr. H&rdwocd' fl .... unuauaJ cllnln&' room. masimum of enjoymenL But at ' cloua roomo throughout. 1fl&n1 . l<ltc}>an Uld bath with tUe. r ce, $I l ,OOO. Multlpla Uot· location and ALL for ONLY ,1nte0~!1.,~~ Prlc~ at lDg. ~o. 1821. _ $5 500 U<,000 -The nm one that Call Hub Powera 1 .~. -· ~ ~~ • Call Mn. M&rooft. Harbor 1775 · ' sees lhl.a will "buy lt." 1 2 Bedroom home on 'h acre, J. A. Beek Office v v -_\ near Harbor Blvd. 2.-A l.oo on LIDO !81'.E • 2 •tory 'BALBOA ISLAND FERRY ' EARL W. STANLEY 3 bedroom a.nd den nome on l Industrial lot 63x290. $1,000 TERMS -. GOOD USTiNGS WANTED 2 Iota -eo it. Thia home bu Harbor 63 Balboa Island Barney Francque Reah;ot uhuau&I yard and outdoor Uv--R.EALTOR · 17th and OOut Hlway j ing area. Dandy home tot a Ltlll&n T . L& Perle Fred Cromer Newport Beach I . , large f&mUy. Willi a little BE'"•'ER SEE. THIS . •a""'"" •TES • 226 Marine Ave. 1m...-t.na.Uon Jtl&D7 wonder· • ... • ~AA. • • • • ~-t" tu! thlngo can be don• with Lido Bay Front Home 400 E . 17th St. at T\latln/.ve. •16 Coat Htway· 'Balboa t..land 81.13 NO'!flM>K Bhd. ROBT. H. MOTTET and l erma can be &f'r&n~. With 6 bdrma., 6 bath&, large den • -. - - -' r • ; thlo property. Specl&J price . Coata Mesa, Ph. 'Bea. ,6{118 · 1-~rGn& clel Mu -. N<Wppa• &..di •.,: ' --us•...J k ... a.a. 6137-J ALSO ;.:::St..~!'1::.r.'~ .. n:!i · jr.$ .. -;JP:Q~· . ;~ilip~ula. 1 v ALli~~E§1 : Own. PT"_$&'""'-"~-"_ . 1900 Harbor Blvd. -t 'ch,_ I t -•· LIDO • .in•·-••• ~ .. tor •""ooo TORS yi . I~ ........, '2·blolh ·~·., '• ., . • . . T ~"'! _ aew 01ee0Uor--•an MJZt~,;:ld;;-_,~eu:d'~~ 'sp' i ~ft " ·.v. •lll'lfe~~ ·_1 , '.·, Ba.y i'ront bom• -Lido lfla-2 Toda ' T> "t B --• IBLE at rock bottom pried. •N ' ·J.v~ . lopalkin·-~uit re ·...,, '., flie;l1Jnen,ta "i'4 .• ~leepbig . ......,, ~ ~i~~ft IOt Y 8 oeS UY Private bo&oha. r;OO<I -· · -)Qn l.. :ttlbn, • Pllleed Island Realty Co. • MulJ.1.pl~ U.tlng Realtoni · Bu.at·=,.. 'Broken ._. ta.urora I HARBOR 371·W ' . f Park at Agate: Balboa laland FIND IT ' in the W.:int -Ads • • 115-HONEY TO LOAN LOANS For Homes with 4 ro -5 112 ro Int. •--• allp and • "'---ut1>1 , -m· ' u.~ club-. funt., • ......... ~ STEAL t ~~ -ivt1 llan ~a ..-ie: Price -$29,600 ' r1-t , ~...... ' •I .. • -.. -t -.--. -• th -:., I ·--'-n lot •-t t ';. . . -aNl or.~ , 1 I sarden and patio. ~ bu _ e c .. m-.e Ne Iola very -uea r • · JS.O-.... . · n'""e • ree · jUlt . Ul\.80 tile bMt JH.ece ot . . : .. • .. _. _ • ; moved to a nncll and WANTS CORONA DEL MAR able. Only $2,650 Niowport 1 Blvcj. .tro!>taa*. ~ -' ISLE s 1B. R. HOME-'9.~ lo ..u. --GOING -Go!NG -GONE ...:. Coit& x--. It hu • drylh f 2 . room .. a ~ 2-b&th home CloOe to kl' tnliit A!"' . "'°" Bl!TTER BUY Balboa Peninsula Bayf roilt $40,000 Roomy and very livable l·atary home, !S B. R., pier and noe.t. A prtnie value at t40,000 turnlahed. BEST location. See tbLI ! ·BETTER BUY $10,000 U>,W DOWN PAY)(ENT C,pe Cod. 2 bdrm. home, .1 yr. old. l::ncloaed patio, garage. cor- ner lot. Lota at Extra.a Don't wait until lhia one-1..1!1 sold, aee It now, buy it now. Juat Ilk• my hair. You w1u have The John Vogel Co . 114 ft. "1 and la 1n • ~II! <fn 1'1' Iota. Panelled Inter~. awlmmin&'-Thia i!roPeiv Jii ·1a to hurry on lheae. We are tbE" 434. 32nd St., Newport Beach a.re.a tbaL~ hard to beaL OU Ul,500. . . . nne ah.ape and woWd ~ MleAl DEVELOPERS ot LIDO ISLE Harbor 2476 or Beacon 631&-J can buy m GO n. to &oo ft, ] . BLDG sriEs tor year-round Uvi!t.i or wmnift where a little buys a LOT. The loW price and tum. wUt UOO M-=-tt. bay0 front chblce loca.. &nd week--entts. HU B. .. W. tliW:, amue you. . tJOor rurnace. Be1 .sure. to lilrt P A PALMER Balboa Coves Home Call us NOW for details . t~n ---··--··--···-----····--,· ·-----'27·\IOO t111.o• . . . ' so-~ ba7b-ont R-3 ····-········•e.ooo -. r . INs~~~~~D . MOdem 2 bedr1: ,!'d den. 2 batha. Best Buy in . C M ::~ = :==::::::: :::::::~~:::~ DUPLEX-2 sroiY,.PLUs Of.it Newport Beach. Calif lArrt' Jiving rm and dining· rm. . :.a.... • • • • N2WPnRT HElCHTS -Penna· Apt:· S..car 1garage, i2 B. R. ~ Harbor 1 ~ and 20. cru.Lser. '6,000 down. Very attract1ve~ tidrm botne , " -r·t ~ t be d .oceat( On apartment, 2 tlre~ea. IAr1• E l Ch b l . Ba ~t cloae-ln &:. aide loca, Uon.. nen ew. 0 ' Y an . • -e p&ti9-AttA.otlve f mOOem. ar am er am S.. owner, lHO Weal y Ave. Hwd., fireplace, tile bath Willi o 41• heat view. Iota le.ft $e,600 Betw,ee.n 8ty &nd Refer_. 000 Cout Blvd .• Corona del Mar or Phone H•r. 0898-M. 75h IN ~ bldr as•-nr down'--Th L l H ••P-tlle 1t. Bhower, · aep, ..inr. -• •· "' -~" M. L, No. 147. -_ (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank} ree OVe Y OmeS rm., fenced ba<k yd. ·W· dbl. IA Meaa. Over 21,000 rt. r~ · k' - Phone Harbor 2288 0 B lb J l d · ecA 000 · W terf t H 71tfc ATTRACTrVE 2 BDRM HOll(!l_. n · a oa s an pr. APP,•· 0\'tt flQ,000 G. I . e ~ -·. cOsTA MES -$8.~ Lonr term. Low paymenl 8 tOD ome Quaint papers, beaut.11\U .wood , ·· · . ENCY JiOSPITAL BLDG._ ~OMJ: PLlJB I!. A:_5:RE;, Smajl llpeclalhlnl' In F . H. A. and a. I. Lare• 2 atory -only 81!. yara •, panelllnc, tiled atall iholiver and DON.,-EXPECT TOO MUCH -Full Price OJJ]y. $8,95Q r location, brlcli cone~ moderli atlicco hoqM; 5 y-. Plano. 51!.'ll> c --rurtlon Lonn• old. Thia home bu a UR.., 2 * * s 0 L D * * tub, dlahwuber and · dl8poul, Wlil ha•• a duplex wttll • llOOd Thia bomel mmt 8.r!'thla·-k ' 14 """·· tni:tudlllr Ollrf'l'Y· ' ~!eel ••. <lood·~~ ~~i:!B~t~~!;.-./: .;::a:~~.-.:i:rir;::: ffl.,,llran .;,;1,~·cBh!~-.. :t11tt'Jt.i\!tm~~~ DF~h1'7~~ ~ -'t.~til;.r!hl1~~~;/~' , ~ _,t -.... -: -. !lop. Muua MOR'1(1'1.•E ' p Se .. 'ilea\-l.4vare I' I N ,~('I iliea ' Prlc..Prigh; I ftl'~r.":'1" ' I .. I ' ' n, I' IJliJm' I I \ . Metro. Lit• Ina. FllndL KI S-6l81> wltb n>OtnY I BR apL abon. By a -\ • Y ,500 Brand new 3 bdrm. bomd Iii .,.. S1 2 la to Paved patio. All thla OD 17141 UDO BA YFRONT HOKE -Ono port Hght& -nttplace, hwd. buUd &notber houM If deoired ft. bull<hM.ded waterfront with Mllltlple u.tlnw Realtor or the niceat on tlle .north bay. Linwood Vick, Rltr. and many other outat&ndlns tea-11 ACRE. & HOME OWner WILL TRADE towud pier and noat. Only $6,600 re--o bedrma, larre llvinr rm, din· 312 Jlarine Avt:., Balboa laland turea. 72 good 3 bedroom hOme .. prefer- ~ulred, bal. '150 mo. lnclud. 5 J S B d · Ing nn .. •II In top condition. Phone Harbor 2042 Full Price $10 000 111111 la Oearly nice..:.. 2,bdrm home ably on Height.. per cent lntereat. -n -an ernar mo lilxoeUent pier fof larJ'• boaL 78c80 • ' -16 -'Wlth .18 fruit treea, -I .• B ETTER B u Y HA VE 3 bedroom otucco home, • PlflL SULLIVAN m • y alu·uba, flowed and a pr-180i:rrH COAST R&UJrY 00: hwd. floore, on 1 acre. Dbl. pr. 4 BEDROOMS, 1 ~ .b&tha, ID\"lty CORONA DEL, MAR-. d~ Patio &nd lath booae. Built • "Multiple LlatlnJ lte,altora" - Equipped ror 1,000 chicken.. y, pine living rm with t1np...,., Formerly" C . Galen Dm19oh 1 5. It'• .pretty u . a picture. l!02 Main SL, Balboa! ~. _2034 207 N . Broadway Phone Lido Isle Home bll<. to bua. cloae to achoo!JI and nlca aundeck, ac..-atreet tram ' G. T. EVERSON.. In the Back BllY. uu ariion1 "Near PavlH~ll" Santa Ana Kl 3'-7778 cburchea. bay. $1T,DOO. 2 bed.rm home, forced air heatlnJ', JU hom•. You'll acree tta We 'Buy and Sell Trust~ $19,500 WILL EXCHANGE for houoe or ' ' ._ dbl. ,......, fenced yud. REALTOR pr· ~ replac.!snent. IF . I 88Cs1 THREE B. R., 2 b&tha on 116 rr. Income properly In Harbor ar•~-Bav & Beach Realty $13,500 490 Newport Blvd. 0ooi. Kau , . $10,800 , y u want .,, lnutlaClll&te ..,, LOANS TO B-UILO--, -lMPR--O-Vll,-LOT. Lov•ly patio. BaauU!lll Will uaume._ 1 EtheT Shirley Gloden ft)" Open 1-5, Sat. .. Sun.· P-Beacon IHS.W • • _ ouae, properly ii<!~ fm j BUY, ~ODERNIZE. OR earpets and drapea Included. U!!O Balboa Blvd. ~arbor 1"4 See f21 Narclaaua, CDM Harbor 3157-W or 8-1 ~__, c· ta-.... B . ' ortabl• y...-.r.,,,.d-·Uvlllf, RlilFINANCBI Very g""'1 term• to r!pt party. Newport Heights ~ -~ argam d -• : ~ '· .w. Buy Tnut Deeda BlilTTll:R BUY 0 -1· ~e. Good_l bdrm •tueco, CORONA DEL MAR~ :i:w ~~~'c:::,;~ir•. NEVER AGAIN $1,000 dwn. ' IF HZWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL lazse llrinr rm with fireplace. ' SAVINGS a LOAN ASSN. Dbl rar-with plumblnr co~-BARGAIN · $14,750, terms For $2500 ...,... I l>drm homi on'° 'J" u w.nt a pier and tlo&t for 3833 Via Lido Ph. Har. 1600 Newport Heights noctlONI for extra bath. Beau-=l tb 5 Sat. "' Sun. ' ~ray Hh~ ~-~po~h--· our bo&t and • good baacb fiir UA.. _ _, felfc~ REDUCED to 111.:ioo !or quick ONLY AT _., -·~ •• r ••d A 2 bdrm home. Tllla· .... la'-117 ~~ ·--· ~ anuc Harjior Rd. . .--.... -th. -! • -· -.. 111-TRAD.EllS nl Bpankln cle&n. Only s $11 000 art f sal~. s -.-..,. and panelled CLIFF HA VEN ---""" \ !!!::::!~~~------.;:;. old .. 1 priced-u only • • P · urn. ;::n, •2 ~a°"" 2 ~-to CO.RONA . _:.: · , IF WANTED -Houae trailer, late $9,850. ·u .ooo clown ba••"u. ('jVu App. by FHA •t SU.000) .... 1 ,.... - -•, -.---·y u Ilk• • ap1M4111'¥1ow "' Ibo mode~ medium •lze. 25o'lf" TOnAY! Llotlnp Wanted -Alao 1'ent&la lllGHLANDS . ewport -Heights I • bor """" ... .,. -In 1"W' TR.ADE for level lot, ocean ade Co ta ,.. Ernie Smith D --Ito ot highway, san Clemente. Pb. • B&T.TlfR B\JY S .w.eSa $ ·Handles -, _.....,.,.. r 00 YOU QJilT I bednn --u.. Barbor 2288, Har. 1986 ev... Qood 9·nn, 3 bdrm home complete-, U06 Cout'Hlw&J, Corona del Mu .... ~ -~ on!Jdbl. ;a Yft. -~ , ~ 78el0 Harbor Investment ly tun>l&hed OD 1 """' In '°"" Keye at-. ' c -Har-.., y o.-n _ ....... Lots Q\'el';' ~.. prap. -• ... ... ~, ooMPANT -ltiW.TONt condlUon. C!me :1n.J..__ -·The John Vogel Co .. T w . ' . -· lookiJIC Newport Harbor. atti ~'~_a.+ Y 'II call · -~o~Y WANTED Newport Bl"4. at -IL · Only $8,~ 1S01 ~Hwy. eorou del 11a.-lf:al~ Covett Hdine r' eo ft. or_ -tron~ -,_ · I, ~ StanJey ield WILL DISCOUNT 10~ a chattel Harbor 14100 ' Low Dowll_ Payment Phone! au-ITU .... Bar. lt_n • ' No. 4S . ' on Hlll "i:> ... O:t+u. ,i •.l • ...,_ . mortgaae of $2000 on a prom!-. . --~ Ha.-• .M Modup I b7drma and din. I -r All atilltleil ID cl u d I n c ... ~ .. ,, c i or a"""*•t tO -- neitt 11&1t 111>op-Founta1n aCat• APPLE YAl~JCY Hl:JGB'llS WI: B4VJ: aome sOQ\I wlllter and ~\.... • l.arp U"llW,. ap.s dlallis na. f.MWeN.· , , [ , , -"")?Ort lllfd· (allow Arcbml ·w1al'.U.• -: ·-::.!:'::';.:'~ 1:._""_:: =..s~ "".:'1~11':.°':!'; year1y rent&Ja ••jb1• --, . ~AL y ALUF..'3 rs.,,_ ~::00_. ~: . No ~./ ,_ 'infl. , • , »--I Pbooie BO•-~ &Tu-a.7~ 1 ~ • TR* _ unW all apeemonta ..... rii1-1.l6 --•ta --lnot Olive Miller I I rosTA KESA . ... ......... a..:-M. ,.... y I ,-'. il~~~~;Li~;:;; ... ~~ tilled. Not• &loo pay. I 'll> and a ot1"'9tloloal. Oww A. V a. R. -eoUrt An .Newnort. -a . L .,... , "" _ 1 B.ll. &M -. ~ , , r' Conveniently kaeiited; ll "lstn due thla year. See-· ua -\l·L.. \FlctorriDa. a.ut. ._ i7a~;.;-,r34--1 --, , 0 ~·ST SA,........,.. A.ISLAND· ii' Wc.ot Bay Ave., Newport 810.. -• nena 3 ~ -olde ..,.,..,., 75 ft. •v ___..,,...,. .I 1'rtftie tHnb rflla*"·' , , i, np19 _ , -1 1 ~. lmooad, ""'f1W lo W I ~ J 11at11 ..tar -r j . -0. QDll'" 1cC>c41'1Qlr I "==~ 1---,-, ------~ °""'"" ~ - -" Toda 's Best Lot i u ...,,!et. dbl._,.,...._,~ .. ....,.. ~ wlUi ,._ ollrl-. PLUa -' 'l\iw a~-• _ •• _,, ~ .,_EAL-·-w•" Udo w. -,..,,Ma -.,. Y _ Y. act>Obi Only 110.700. • --.. ....,_ .... ba,.t ..,.. r _; _ ~AOO 1-----·~__.-._-...,. .... __ u4.plar. .I in l 1 .-..................... ....::..:0-1 ,;,,..;._ ~ l.l'lav,ATll PAATY -lo ""7 .,., a,,,..,,...._.• lcklo, CORONA DEL ..... n 3 ax,~ 9!f! -• -1'~ .... 00:::. -B•11 to~- dOplu. or -wttll -19.ft. lot, b''I .... -.aAn ptldit .Bql.o 0---""A. ..... llol-. ._..Tl.-_8' 1 JJttle1eiltnd apt., --~,.-.. ,,II ..-, .. UI& ~ ...... ti I• -~ ~· ..-!::\n:fr! ~.::.4":. llPl' -lit e y-MW e • .. llWJt. Ml• ISl&lll M I -----· Yooy~;~ ... _ , ___ SJJ,ootJ . -i--. ... • ti t ., ' -~ ~ ....... ..... .. ·-'4 ~ 1:KL . ,.._ ~ • a.a.a • • ,._ -°"'! 1'121 • , • =•••& 1 s•r:•:..... nar f1l4 ••: r ... _".,._-····-_. _ _......___ be .......... I A.NI -·-··•1••->..... ' ·=.:~.:c.::-:a: =~=~v!~ .;:::~~'! i':"....i .t. um,,,j"-v,~.-· ~i:-;;1: :1.~~ ._.,': -DC' wlll a •• ~ L -1 0,... ._tr J • ~ <GJtMlt• New,....._...... -I --port ~.... • i•! :•' .. ...... l::i ~l:.l~jll .111-. 11• llffT.W-. ~ .... Ca ., ... --.-"!"! ...... ----' . ._ 8j1 I Ill" • 0& s • .;;11. ·-.... "lllf ... Rf Low Interest Rat.ea ' FREE INSPECTION MORTGAGE LOANS S. W. COLEMAN } ' .. • ·---~'-- .. • , ' . I' . I • -· • • , I • > • • , • I , , '1 ' . - BUTT END ' CUT.· ' "' .. I w1LSON's.~ · "0:.."ic~~... a A e-o N JELLO 2Pk9•· 15C -~GOLD GllAPfflUIT . . JUI.CE 11·c tfO. 2 CAN ••••••••••• ' SUNSHINE . FLAVOR . NOCOll ·. . · . 'IHI ~ ~IAD '!"Dll 1MI SUM . , NORTH COAST APPLE SAUCE 2 :OOi 25c Ca•s . ;~IFIC GOLD •••nm fEARS 7 31c NO. 21/z CAN ........ . HUNT'S Small .New POTATOES 2 Tall 15c Cans sTollLTI HONEY POD PEAS 11~ WILCH'S . 4 . • • . Nl).~OJ CAN......... ' . GRAPE JUICE WHITE KING ·Granulated SOAP LGE. 31!= PIG. Old Hr. Booton VODKA . PHt• s31 · · s100 v. pt, • IMPOllTID FllOM CHILI! DELICIOUS Gae ~~.~~.~ .. ~~~~~. ., '"' S.oW-, BebU..1, Baul --QeNli ,... ~. . • ....... ·-• • • • f ..... Goad Old-lltodltd ·Wklskty • $~15 GUCKENHEIMER ,,, ... · · ·· ~ "-·----· -------. --· ................... ,, .... .. 4 YR. OLD STIAIGl:fT $]39 JIM HANLEY FHt• ......... . I liO lllTZY-*UY • ., HOIMIL'S • OERIAI SALAll CHUl-lllO 89~ I . _llA tft'S 11.ACIHA WI · 'Olcl Fashk»neci .s~USE . • . ' - • llllAIPAST CLUI IAll •rlMrf . 1·LI •. CAN 'CO.FFEE~~ c . . c . :fUIT _· ' ' I .. • 41 ' ! OUR OWN! . M'.de with pien+f of Mayonnaise ancl Eggs NllTO . SALAD 4&( .. . . . . ' ..o;.· ' .. ~~ ..... .:' '-,.,. • - PURI : LOJl'l81S .. ' ..... -·· , . "iilf OEs ,~J; .,,c ----'"' .. .. ........ ,, ... 4 .... .. .... • 1~Zl · 1~ PIG . . . c . . • ·17c: If.OZ. ., Pl•,·I l • • • ~ v ' " • D WNEY ,' " Pba1 11ACit coac>NA 'l»a ~-~r· ~tt;;ti~~~~¥~ -<-J ..... ., ... "''""' ...... .c.-'8ti ...... ., ... ' ;, •. -# .. .,,,..,, ........ _ l t b.ioalliilr•.:.. ... ,.... .. (itd. ~ ........... , . • (N. ·-···•·> !-·~ 'IJl1 L ~~ ILYD. AT DOLAN AYL I • • "" .-. . o,e. ...., ..••• ..i ' mTIDTI-.. • ...... WITll • ' • \ . ' I . • . l • ' . • • " 1 ., ' • ' , I I I I • • ! l r i . I I I I ' , ' , .. T • • ' I • I ·Qlf.· NO You 1>01'f'T.,... oi.. <itthtlll .c,.. "as .,.";..,._ 't1>e ·holl ·~ Che_..,.. lit.,. GffOOllll" ptaye. while -..... .. A.-NettJm OAd. Dlok .Lan~'lbok on. Ton 0\181,lllolr ftn/; 8-1 ._.,.. -to o toqb Santa Ana ft••' ~y Md Nowpor<'o' ........ a... will be •I -F.rl..,.y ~ ,tlaey tanrte wtth equall,y atf'ODI" A?•IM!bn. ·" _ 1 ·~ J.Preu Photo) ._...... Age,ncy Has 1 c~·1nvntkJc:M C•• ro· Percent Gain of ~·~1n,'.,Dac:hshuftct · ~ mltaing two ,year .old dacb· •hund and • -...... •<l(lor pane' .are . ....;vOI~. ih,...the m)"l't.ery con«rntn1 Mn. JUiia Wheeler, 5101 Souftol-e DI'., Newport Be&cb. A 10 per ~enl lain lo rellOUrcee ~ ngietered by the Newport .. ~ Federal Saving• and-Lo&n ~atloo-ourang 1900. Neill Do.- vii of Loa Ange:lea. executlve vloe- presklent ot the CelJtornfa Sav- ings and Lo&!l League, rev.ealed today, . I A.-ts of the local inat.JtuUon now art-S.5.424, 752, which ia • gain of $'493,955 for the year. Total resourcea of the 183 Call- fomia uv1nga 1LSSOClatlons now atand at Sl,488.417.509, an ln- c:re&.'f of $249,062.248, or 20 per cent during 1950. Aan.ua.I Girt Scoot Cook.Je S.le February 10 to Fe~ Z-t , Upon retumlnc bocne .urty Sun· • day mo~g alter a late Saturday n1ght show, Mr1. Wheeler found that the doO'r rlua In &n entranc:e door on U1e eut etde of her home had been amuhed. CUey, the dach.ahund, we.a mtutng and noth· lng elae ln tht houae WM m!Mlng. The queetlon ta whether Caley took orr on hLs own or wu take NeWport Beach poJk:• are inveall- pttng. I ~ Flab Fry Feb. 11.., II to I p.m. 8&.. .lame. Pan.It H ome Becjin ·:~t Aid ·tnstructw. Class Re(\ • ~ Jtni Aid l .. tmc- tor-cll11~ a& lbe fol-lowtats • 0-C<iUep. Co4to .. _ -i"'~ J. Se•--*"· ...... llU.. .. ·J:N p. .... ,.,_..., ~ TnoU.r Ceart, ~ _., Feb. Uih. ot 7:GO 'p, .... !laato !\.-Oommunlty ~­ ter. 11M w. 8Ul SL. Feb. 1au. .. , 7:00 "' .... IL la ntte1M1'7 that a.pplkaat. for tbe ceune must. ba\•e com-. plete4 t.bo Btoadard f1rol Aid """""' wlllllA ""' ... t-yearw. Ad'fS..DCe coune JTad.U..- alel!i who Mid current Reel 0-.U F1ra& Aki c:ard11 and old Red Cl'OM First AW lnall'ucton wUl ........ <j..._ • • I SUNSET LBAGU11 l!TANDING8 W L PlL Opp. llaala !\.-...........• tv ~ - Newport -h .... I l 144 1'71 Amaliohn ...•......... 5 t HJ IH BuaUact-Bell. .: I • lllA ll05 Fullertoa .............. I I -IH o....., ·················· 0 1 :t4t 159 F.-y Nlpt'e - a ... ttastea 8-h at 'Suto Aaa; Newport llarbor at AJaa.o bMm; Ol"Ulp at P'UJlerton. tlrat period. Thia r.irelled to 31-24 and 4~33 In the aeoond llild third quarte,., wtth the Salnlt always trom 10 to 12 point. ln front. Riverside Bwls Pirole -~ps~ oran,e Oout coUop loet • dole pme t.o 'Rlventde -Tueeday, allpptns lnto a fifth.place tte with, --------------lhem. l'lnal 'ICOre wu 45·43. 1 • Tbe Plrate'1 Bob Yardley, ecor· tn.r k>ader unttl Tu•ac:lay night'• pmu, slipped to third place .. he acored only tlv6 points againat River.Ide. Hia current total LB 1!5 ln eight pmea. Riverside won the Prne at the fr~ th~ Une, c::on- nect1n1 on nine ot 14 alt.empt.a to the Pirate.a' nJne of 19. Lineup and polnt..e: Rl ... rsi ... 1'-'l Wnght 19) F Roberta (5) F StepheM f 12) C Martin ( 10) G Ellison (7) 0 eo.:.1 (U) (~) Yardley (2) lloehm- (7) .DaviA (18) Johncox (~) MearA Scortng auba: Rlvenlde-Whtte 12); Orange Cout-Rlchard&on USTERN OONFEJIZNOE 8TA.NDIN08 , W L PlL Opp. Fu11ertoD. .............. • t "' ue ci.tiey ................ 5 z ut JH Santa Alla ....•...... 5 I tl8 U5 SM Bentar'o ........ 5 I 550 tl5 o._..., C-t ..•.. Z I U 7 48S Riven.Ide ~ ............. 2 9 STa ut Mt. San Aotoato .. l 7 d l Ml Friday Nlpt'o - Santa A.a a t S..-. Beraard1Do1 o~ C.O..t at OhatfeJ'; Rtv· el'akle. bye. for· a half•tlme 1tore of 24 and victory by only nine tor & final ecore of U to Santa Ana made 20 t:f&aketa and Halttlme tcore: Riverside 20. converted 18 of Ila 29 tree throwJ1., Orange 18. (1), Shaler (61. point.I to 17 points 37. · Pirate Corward Bob Yardley 8COced' only 13 point.a to take high soorlng honore for the nlgtit In contrast wtth hle averace of more Newport mesh~ 11 goala. only 1-4 ---~--- of 28 tree lhrcrwa. Gtifilh WU hJgh nta:n for New-Tar c·ees w·1n port . wtlh 17 polnta. R ex Babcock, • Safnt forward, poll~ 18 to take than 20 polnta per game. · Tie for Honoca the lndtvtdual le•KUe scoring lead T . Game He tied with Jerry Johncox for away from Armand Nettle• who oumey 18 point, high acore tor the Cout W&& held to 11. BabcocJI now hU 1 team againat Harbor Saturday 105 polnta, Nettlet 101. ' but honor& for the came w~nt to Tbe Tan had beat~n Fullerton A record of tour "'"Ina In five Harbor's Fl-eneenlu wtth 20 lul Frklat: 44·31 with rNervea (llUTlta the put week for the Har-polnt.11. playlhg' mu~h of 1lhe" same. Net-bor High C and 0 buketball Tht-Hlll'bor game reached a Uea wu hip with 14 point.a. tum• ha.a put a pleuant smUe on 33 to 41 half-time "'.score wttb the The Bee \.eam beat r·u1lcrton, I I.he face of coach Jul~ Oage. The Pirates on the abort end and 38-2'8 led by Othmer's 14 point.I ~. beat Fullerton twtCe and ended with them etlll nlne points OJ>d then t ook a llcklng (from l S&nta Ana while the Dee11 lrlpped behind at 77 to &1. S&nta' Ana, 4!)..4 1. OUuner ap.J.n Ute Salnt.8-bul loat lo the Indians. Scoring follow•: wu h igh man garnerinc 1a IA .lhe flret round of lhe C team occ (31) s-.. Aaa ('8) markef'9. Tharp ma.df' I . tournament at Capia tran 9 Davia (4) F (12) Ssplth _. · I WedneBday the Gap-.coe.ched fiVP Yard.le., (13) F (0) Reid I..Jneupa and ilC011n1: I , .Sllhered put Fullerton, 34-31 Melqulit (21 C (7) Mllcbell VA•SITY GAMlS N-pen (4') '• ft 'r s. ..,,.. (WI ,. "'')with ~nter I:tster leading the Mears (S) a t 12) Balaley ,.,..,,._,, f s 1 1 t.Oc«•. t s • 1• ecoren with 14 point!'!. Schultt and Johncox (Sl ~ t6l Mattox =~ : ~ ~ M • .,-.t ~ 1 :. Wetul each baggl!d 8. Newport Scoring subslltlntla.occ - 9rifflffi, c 1 1 11 ~·. c' • > 15 Oeea will face the wlnner of lht' Roehm f I):. half-time 11COre: OCC ..._,, 1 • • ..._..,, : ~ ; IApna-CapU.trano .pmc Friday 17, Santa A1'la 24 . • =: ~ ~ ~ f!,~.r. ... ~.~.I 11 11 .. , at I p.m . Ftnall wlU ~be.Id Sat-occ (81) llal'bor (11) • ~ 7 17 t , ...... •U:rday. Dam (15) F .<I) Ga.seJey ..... ,_,, -....__ T C •s• def ted ...,. -.... Jt '' 14 11--11 .... e ar tea.in ,...., ca _ J'•rdley (18) · P' (IT) ~n . . Fu.Uerton Frid.,-at the lndtana Melqul.lt (I) c (20) l'reanl•• =l"l :-:•s =e:\ :-:•r .,...., lf:"ltl )"fill ...n .playen,r.c-M-(1)1 ._-a CU .~ "rfi• ~, ,. , • • ~--~ 1k!bu11t 1e<1 ~ .r.ollnC<JJt g11::_ 1111 ~di ;:c:::i• ., l ' r:::i.:.. I .I t -T)IOlll~-·-...... CKrtlliUIC1 _tq-,.,UllttM: 000-·:.... ""*'~' 1 1 1 lttHlhr,c t i 1 int' on "both otteull and ltetenee. fUe~ 1 f1), RichardMI (2). t:"'·c ~ : : ~J.,4 : ; ; Tu~ tbe·Ceu· whlp~ Santa Roehm (I)-! Harbor -Ardats (I), ...,;J., • 1 1 1 • • .Ana. 33-32, ~tr•inln,C' their early sterena ~(t). llallUme acore pee lw.n<•., 1 • 1 . eeuon form, Sc.4tlltt wtth 14 33 Harbor 41 I.... I I 1 • • H...,.:. 14 12 11 .....,... polnta. played hla beat game ot ------- h tt......., ' 12 ' ~' the eeaeon. • 'Short Hones' Race at Lot· Alamltos l TUM $AMfS ·--141) f.t ft Ip 1 '· AM lgl ti«._, J • ' .... f ....U.1 .. •, I I 2 4 'eot.n. I Atnl,,.,...M, I O I I ~Hf" I T\Mp, I J 2 I W$MM, t Ottw.t .... c I J II Cole\ 'I lu1•. t I I 1 M.,.,.1, q loi....-+i, t I 0 2 Lee.,. 9 M-porl \ I II s-te ..._ 1 17 '" tt tp I l ' 7 4 I ' 2 14 ' ' ' ' . . I I l 7 ' • I 14--41 II '-415 N,._pori (•) Lo,_/ I n.Mp, J.ca ..... ' ..... I otlwMt. c LIM, o tob.m, 9 ., ...... 19 H Ip I hll' ... f1') ft It tp I 0 J "'6of•.( I 0 J J a • L.d~•.t J 1 • I t l C...•11.~ I I ) Jo ltt•-r.c a 1 I 6 J 14 f•\1'91 ' J 4 It 11 -lll16f-d.tJI 4 I t ' ·--......... ' • 7 . " II I Adventists to Dedicate . . $60,(D) Church ' 1)-Jl I t-)6 The Seventh -O.y A.dventlat Church of Newport Height. wtll be dedlcatf!d to the Lord on Sal· urday, Feb. 10, the building' being now completed and free ot debt. It waa started tn 1046 under the dlrectlop of Elder Glen Ooffar, and whee be wu called to the 8a.n Bernardino church, the work wu contlllued by Elclor Chaa. Martin. to be follqwed by Eldol' W. T . Jef- fenon and the Pre"Dl PNtor. Kenneth B. Pury. . Tbe aeatlng capacity of tM aanctuary ll 240 and the jUnlOI', prlnuu7, and' klnderptten room.o can accomodate about 80. Tbe la eoUmated to be about '80,000. The Dee8 were aoundly defeat- ed by Fullerton, 31-1.5, f&lllng apart In the. eec<md , half aflt'r hold Ing the Indian• to a 10· 7 lead i.t the lntermlaaion. Leonard with 7 point• WU high for Newport. But they came bact\_ atroq -.gainst Santa A.na a.nd won eu- Uy, 24-10. Leonard waa •galn tops ' oo offenaie with 9 po,lnt• and Boy· vey wu excellut on defel\8e. Llneupm and scoring: Quart.er hor&ea. world'• ch.&mp- ione on the turf for all diatancea up to a quarter of a mile, wtll run again Sunday attemoon, Feb. 11th, at Veaaele' Ranch Track near Lo8 Al&mllol. . Some ot the fut.est "abort hor8CI" on the Pacific Slope wW break from the mechanical atart• tng gate in a total of t!lg-lrt r&c8, from dwt&ncea varytnr f{Om an CJililfSTUNO 'C' TOU•NIT eighth-mile to • quact.tr. ~ .... ~ CMI ,, H Ip "-lt't ... (JI I .. H Ip poet tlme LI 1 ::JO p. m .. wt.th • Sd.ltt, I · 4 l I ~td:hera f t S 1 e :10 t •· ••-0bout W9twl-. f 4 1 1 w.,_..,, I s J 11 race very m nu""'a wu ...... I 'lllft'ltltf. t 1 o 14 Fl•lfi. ' 1 1 1 tbe afternoon. • ......_,.. I I I M~. t I I I VeaeLI' Ruich Track ·ii ii mlle hrt,' 1 1 2 i:~· •· ~ : : eUt of Loe Alamltoe on Katella • C TUM SAMIS N1wpert1 '"' f9 " t• 1. AM (nJ Scltwff. I 6 1 14 ,_.'-" ,"t W1hJ, f I l I M.nl•, f • lMf«, C 4 ' l S.111•1•, C l'll't, o I 1 4 ".di ... 9 M•1 .. 11. t t I I &""''"· 9 c..f•, t I t J· ~ c._,f I I J Wr~lit. o 0 I J ,,_ .. tp Fwtl'I041 I» t I t Pec•lt~. I 2 I 4 Otott. I t I I w.1 .. .,., c I J 4 Dtfr••, t , • 'I c. • .,.... .... ' 2 l 7 ,R9ld•.c I I J N•i•. 'I • ' 1 I .. l I I 2 D TUM •AMD '9 ft t~ s .. .., .. Cit) . . . ,.., ..... ( 2 • 4 w..14 .. ,t J J f l.MtM,C I 1 1 M.,.,. .. o, 9 llJs.-tt,9 ' . . I I l ~ft·~ I • ) • • • I I 7 ' 2 I 15 • • • I 1-J ,, ft tp ' ' . • • • S J IJ I I l I I J A~enue, oppoelt.e the Naval Alt Station. • COACHE8 AT CUNIO Coe.ch H. M. Harper ot Oran .. Cout college and Coach Ralph Reed ot llQbor High acbool were among the 20o hlsb K;hool, Junior Jg ft tp college and college ll'a.ck coachea ~ ~ ; .(rom w.rio&p &red of Sduthern 1 1 1 C&Jifornta attending the .econd ~ ~ ~ annuaJ M.id-wlnttt Track and 1 2 4 Fle)d Co&cbee CllnJc held Monday, o 1 1 Feb. 5 al Mt. Ban Antonio college. 19 ft t• l I 5 I l C • • • • • • I I I ..... S I II I 0 7 J I 7 ' • 7 ' . . ·- The tlrst mHun. of the dedlca· lloo will be held Frldil,y, r~b. I . .7:30 p... m. at which Ume Dr. Ed- ward Bepp lnatall, prof.....,. Of ft.. uaioua od ..... Uon . ~ ta eie ... Suset ~ to collep, Wm apeek. A larp at-~ ._ ~ Dl.o.I.. tel>donc<. al -peoliW ,,_ lbe • _, .. ~ ,...,.., ~ JUST ·~ MSD'ALL · SHOIS .\ •' I ..... ~~~---.....,,----~---.~---~~~r BEACON TRAILER PARK . op.n ' for hslnJss .. I e <O Fr: LE~"l:L LOTS e .MODERN REST BOOllJS e r A. \'ED 8'l'RECl"8 e !?. BLIL TO BUS · . • A A A fuRO\'ED e NEWLY DEVORA TEI> e OL08E TO STORES e l MILE To BEACH 1~ CY and ETHEL -HOAG I Beacon ts:il~-• tsa 1~ 18th St. •• ~ Mesa J ' ' . . HALLMARK VALENT·INE, CABOS "WHEN You· <;ARE TO SEND .TltE VERY BEst· BOXED S'i'-ATtONERY _:. GIFTS ~ 1,IONOORAlilMINQ - SUPPLIES FOR THE OFFIC& -ON OU& SB.EJ . .VES - ·-IDEAL BOOKKEEPIN.G BOP.JCS ANt> EXTRA S~ - . OOSTA ME$A .S'.J:ATIONEBS . BE~ 61215-R I l'188 r-~WPORT BLVD. . . 1-(igh · ·Qualit y. P~inting 'r""1 P/1~ Har. 1616 • • '· ~ AAA dlllr'Cb ~ l"'I""''-' ~ TIM! 8._t · Leq11e bublbOI• be -l.t Thia .. "P"" ""'°' Iii etudlnp ... ~"" pell 8110l'Jed ,_ b)' Ille _1::..,,. l>Ut Ille lltuotlon, lo "°" ckv la Uom. " Ille 8&n Diego Cll1 LMc1'e wblcb ilatutdL1 ~ ...i ... • lO. w11J -~-two ct ... ap1ut· ...,.. l \f . '.· _.,. .• Uf.:.-,_.._.~--1 .• • • • 11 L m. llder C. A. -· ...... Ille -·· -"two (eemo In UM -ot tlle Paci&~ ODaM-CU' ~ -Wiii .,.. u. ~ dD ·-Diep bJp -a.. Ila~ ~ :18 O-.... M..__., ,.,_., .... -l -~ ·e. m.;i.. cl(] u. --~·--. w, ..lit.,,. Ooa.(e ...... Wflt Fl Ill la .. La JOiia t WI. 8"' ~o will ftle a ... , .. ol tM = ..... mMt tbe 9tt:wet t.eecut . WGDd ~ -at llar Diep l'lid&J 1o •q•= --· -to au 1'lpl, ._ u 14" Joaa wm plt,J ta ..... "' -.......... -u. • ••.• ilnlt -la .... .. ~CJC SHOD, • -·· . I • ~ ·-~ . ____ ...... '-.i •.. ~ ~to...,.l&a .. 1 a -'o.,s~-.lllpl. -1 ="-':": : -..·:! =·= . . . ' •Cllll• ... ...... I • ~-_-.llf u.o _,. ' •ss11il ........... ~· ... 01 , .. "'i..~ .l: -· ,, ... ,_..,.,. I.... ... 1:1• II no -et tic~ Ill "" ..... eC -'••loa -a ~ -J • • 1111 • • -.-abs .. •Br t•.-'>••, 11 07 2 r.a -_.. ... .Amt. ;.,;.;::_.;:...,;; • .... -l 5 ;t lo I ..,. .Glf "'-Ck •, ..... _. _ _, _ _.._,.._IOitp-+¥'1f • < • - • • • --- , I • • I ' •. • -\ PASE 2 -~ARt IT -• THURSDAY, f£8 »8, 195J ., ~17.q .· '.'ft~"ZNl!V-' Q ·*lr . ...:.-: PRE_$S ~ . ' ' N CG controk I "AL ~MOTICI ~ ' ew 0 • I ., lfcmca 'fO a-•-. . ' ' t.c on Marine c..ents . . x .. .__ . ~ NII -·•s .. •--.°""""' a-.... -L J S:. u.. 8!1Pertoi 0ourt "' u.. -• _,. """*'""" ~-... ..-., .,._ u.i .... 11111 .. .: A. of - ' _,_ .. __ ~..:1:t~'!J:-.... ~-~-~ --.. lo~rt ........ ., COldwalor, -.. .... A~ ... -.~ ~., ~.-· • ' . . ~'~of--l'llr ~-la&' u.. aa-SUta ot 111\VCll w~. alU..-~o( ~&j.-..,.w.,,-,,,,h ·B'aclcwards Party at Christ Church Power s\iuadrons Kemben a' the Y<>utb hllow· M ' ,.L A • · lllorttJ' <II U.. Clout Ollard to ce..--...S. t W"lf&N. • ~ ~ W11o rd'• -.... tp llM· _.,.,..., OL all •1111111 Notice 18 Mreby .-'to --It lo palllt4d --· wtra. ~ -._., ..,__.,.,.., _,.,Ibo -of .,.y ........ ono .,..,..... ...,.._ apmc tllo -<Jallfonlla ..... bot•-•, p... ....... ..,. -at llJ ...... , :::b:::: -i!.~ ~~ aFI\. nn1versary ~ """"""' ~ GoodeQ llall. Ublted States Power llquaAlrOiu embers Of th' group -marked their 31l!'-birthday on ba<:lcwvdo, beeked Into the rooifi Friday February, 2. OD thLt u tlley an1ncl eaJinir "Good bye,• Found~n' Day In & y8J' which b&clted out of the room u they -naUon beitna With firm re- left lbakinlJ hand& and •ytnf IOlve and deturnlnallon· It wu . "'Hello... Games were all bu1lt tttUnc that tb1a the ~t .yacht- around Uie beekward theme. bis fratemlty bi the land, ahould ~ ..-rqati.,~or p006r ear. -t ro.~ -. .... _.., U.. t Uil _ . ,.. pe!r!te ~-011 'nr ....... la • oty. or ute .,.. Nnltled tod-,,. by otnoe of tbo 0..-bf IJoe oton-----al , , ~ ~ u -.__•al• lltb Oout Goud DJatrlct • 1iea4: aid Court. or lo pr1 it IMm lo i.& 19--e·t 111 ilno Ullltod i,._ no;~ 11 ,_,. ..,...;~. .-.... Lonr Beach. • the ~ at U.. ott1ee "' rt 1a ..t1e,...a tllM 1n ~-1atlGOj; , •. oDlatrlct o~taied'tbat or-. Jepe Weber, at -Bill 1900 tbON -a tata1 r . J:.: ~ ..... .,, w Ulan pn1sat1ono p: · , to bold mll-=>J:· U...Cltf .of Lea A.-, onr '14,otO -... In Ill ' t ,000 a 1 m.1 ftlit 11 1 g • •"' ~ fine eventa whlcll ue apt to caUM h'-,.."'Lea.......,.... C&llf......_ <&Dlllns 1"""""' .~-~,llt4~ Of c...,~ol .. ,.,. plJIR 1u.•·1a utra hu&rd> to the salety of ur9 w -tttt ottloe W--U.. Ploee ol Ihle poup, "'°"' _,, "" 1 cent the .... ~la Ila· · cm. uvipble waten m uat submit bual.de9 of tb1 ~ IA all wen •OIMD. 1 • -rtn•· ......,. det&lled plane ot 1uc11 marllle· pa,-mat"'!_~ lojMIO ..tate. t:?=· =9~~~· :;:;:;'j;'i=~·=i~mm;m;;;~;;;;;~·~-=:;; Nlt&W it.I creed to -t be boat tng An ' Girl 8coo.t OookJe 8.ae en1hUliuU 'w ho MrYt the .Na vy, hbn:mry ,10 to F e bruary U M&rinee, Coaet Guard and Army durinl' Umes at wu. Complete 011e0 Stop . . Factory--Cheyrolet and Oldsmobile SERVICE CENTER ANNOUNCING When a .nail group of New Englanden foundid. th~· 'Power Squadron of the Boato"n Yacht Club' baclt in 1912, few realized that lt would grow into a national organWLUon· Ln 1914. ... two short years late~. D a.n'd instruc- t ion claues e set-up ln otber sectlQJl.S an u a result, over 5,000 men who att ended these cla.sses entered the Armed forces. Many of them received comm isslorui on lhe buis of this USPS training. · Peact'-Ttm"" P rol'ram AT TliE BALL -P..-t. at aa annual B-ud Flow ... 8oJI at Balboa Bay club Friday we.~ Dr. A. V. Aadrewl of Coroaa ttel Mar; Mn. Aadre\l-"8. presklent of the Newport Ha.rtN>r braoch of thr C.'hlldrMl'a H ome Sodet)'; Mrs.. Charta ffilmu of Balbaia. e»o cbalnnaa of thfo ft9en'llt100S committee; Mr-. ... rold <Jb11at&er; . . ,,.., pft'81deet of t hfii Newport H.,bor ~ Md 1Jr. etuu.tler. radea . <tr reptlu to t he Com· Sucb ~. with ~ MCIMMJ'J mander of the 11th coaat Guard vouche'*' mu.t be tlW or phMOl· l>latrict, Long Beach, eai1t. e<1 u &fotM&kt, wtthJ.ft lilX' monthi ' , 1 4 .i t l 1.!1":':an m~t ~.'";.~~~ti~ ~! :~~~~ flrat public&llon Of lh1I _ w. w..t 'I Cll 111 •• ; ,, ••• at.art of a 1J1.ll1ne event unless lt ta Dated Fe.bruary •• llDL ot aucb a naturo that It cauoee "'.l!XANDIUA WARREN : · ~ "I ~ UmltaUona on the -O( .. por-ICxecuUtx ""' tho Will Of -• -ml!:lltl:Noou "-u --_ ....... _ Uon Of navtpble wate,.. by other decedent. · D an .,....._, lnterel'ted partlea, ln which event J erome Weber, • J ~ ~ , . IM plan.I muat •be ll\lbmltted not 629 lloutb Hill St., Ideal 0 ....... u.. an" W -".oiWIU--re.. than eo d ays ln advance. Los AllpJd._ Calltdrbla.. ...--& .., .._..., Ttl:ey are to lnclude intOrmatton AtWrney fqr Ex.ecutrlx. '/ • 1 I u to 'pnel'al public lntere1t in No. 136-Preu. ~ lhe wate> event. .. umated n'um-_Publlah Feb. 8-1~23 ; !'far. I, 11161 Contee+ WARRE FOWLER ber aqd type1 o f ve&selt partici-------------·l t _ t be d ' • . paung. num ran types of ape<:· -Altel'llOOD8 ucl_ Evenla..; · _ ',~ B.,a..•.ae tator ..... i.. lime &ehedu le and HAROLD I. JOHNSON .... ' "! ........ descrip~n oJ event&, and ll at.oe-1 • =-•' lion of~ chart or 1ealc drawing ~-. Pl"Ofelltt BrfnfN showtng the boundarle11 of' th<' ~blila ~ ~vent, varlou• water COU?'9e.S or Pbo11e Haner - Pacific S tbe IKldltloa or • New Testing and Tune·Up Equipment to &Murt! you Scientific Dlaposl.9 co.rrft'tlon ot your and •nctne In the interim be.tween the World Wars, the Squadrons re- turned. to their peace-lime Instruc- tional program. During Worlfl Wa r Il, t he Squactrons nl!:ain sup- plied. t housands of trained p('r- aonnel who :!ltc-rved the A rmetl Forces the better, due to this Thi" lltoart• and fl"k>wr.nt Bell I• a bcifteftt for lhf' Ohlidtt:n'e 8°'*t Sue~. planned by lh•~ N""'POrt Harbor and Santa Ana cMft,...., a .. u to be ullllzed by part lclp-••u v"~ w I 1900 West Seulde ant.a, offictal• a.nd •.:_pec_ta_••_•...:_c•_:•_:t.:_t.J.'.:::~==-===·=1.:N=-::;:porl=:-==:J!.'.:=:=:=:=:=:E=:S:=:1i:::i:==~:=:::::=:=:E:;::::=:=:~ ~ M ~ t roublf'A. e STEAM CLEA.NIN O e TOWING S ERVICE e MOTOR REBUILDIXG e SEW ENGi.NE IXSTALLW • IL\DlATOB CU:.\mNG e LUBRICATION e WAJIBING ·POLISHING e BJLUU; SERVICE . e FBONT END AUGmNO e WllUL BALANCING e dPE&T BODY and ll'SNDU REPAIR e P~G -Dl'ST • FBEE PAINT BOOTH Compare our PrlcH For Quality Work Culbertson Motur Co Ult CoaAt ID«hway ~Oil 6'.d Free Plck·Up and ~Uv11ry ~\\\I • , • A -paint job ... an extra lpthroom .•. roof repairs ... buenlenl all fixed up ... JIS, this Home is rtM1 fW the years ahead! ' . How's your own •7 H k needs repai'* and lmplO'llfl1ellts, now's the lime to have tt done. And wtth a7nph-FHA loan , the aist may ' be less' tllao you'd think. Just !OS itrcash ... Ille rest spread over as / Iona as 30 months. Looll for the dealer or contractnr who displays ult flmotis 7np'w emblem. He ctn ma~ an Ute amnpments fGr peace-time training, , Tlklay's motto ls: 'Thi:>rc"H much to be done In ':),1.' Jn lh<.' words of Chief Commander Arthur N . Cll!ton, of Longmeadow. 1.ta.ss .. the five objectives for the year ahead are: Maintain the High Standards of t he org3.fllzaUon and intensify cooperation v1lth the Armed For- ce•. Accelerate the Educational Pro- ll'&Dl t.o enlarge the stoclrJ>lle of t ra.lned. civilian!. Ernphulze 'Safety' to promote better a.nst safer bo&Uns. Streamline Admtni.tration to lnlure efficiency of orrutna Uon. Strive tor Peace through pre- p&rednep and principle. Fine Fisherman $25 for Tcikln9 Abalone • A closed ecaaon ori the taking of abalo ne e-xl.ets until March 18, Deputy Ftah and Game Warden W. 0 . Platt of Terminal Island warn~ In Newport Townshlp court Monday u Judge D . J . Dodge f tn e d William Clifton Hughe.a of El..einore on such a cha.rse. . , Platt. ui<:J that ma.ny Ude books clo not •how the cl~ •uon for a balone fr om Jan. 14 to March 18 A bag Jlmit of rive ext.ate during the open season. ThE.> vark>us col- o rs of abalon<' and. lht! sli e they muat be, a.e li:!!tt-d by the fish and p.me ~od<.' re<l. ove r S<'Ven tnchee: green, over six·and-a-quarter ln- chu ; pink, alx il)ch'es and bl&ck. nve lncRe•. Hughes wu charg~ with tak4 lng aba.!onie out of 1teuon and for ;>oae"'ssing undcr-aised black aba- lone. H e was nned $2[1 on each count, with half of the fine 1ua.- pendt"d. Power Sqn. Plans Instructor Course To Improve Jruitruction in Bu.I· boa Squadron coursea and t o train more Instructors and 1C1Sistants a new course Is t.o ht> given In Instructor Technlqu<'. accordlng to Commander Hay Langenheim. A.P . R ex Brand t, A .P., v.•111 be In charge of tht> course, and la chair- man of lnstruCtor TTainJng for the Squadron. He ts a.n experteilced teacher and h&a been actlnc u one of the Sq_uadron'a hut ructora and he huldl tht> grade of Advance 1 Pilot. He hu a!80 taken and p&!'s- ed. St!amaMhlp and is now <.'nro ll- ed lrf the Junior Navtgalor course. The new course is open to &II members o f the Squadron, will continue for three or four v.•ceks from Its beginning t1at1•, Feb. 15 and will meet at BaJboa Yacht 1 club al 7 :30. Brandt v.•111 be a&'list4 I f'(I by Curtit Dosh, A.J:>, ano JBffil'8 Stoddard. J.N . The Squadron'• Weather course exam.lnaUon ha.a been paned by · Fred Comlc.k, Harold Holl%, Leon· ard"lfostc ller. Harry Pl<'lCht>r , Al- vin Spt>ncier, Adt>lnide Oantell. Euala Daniels, Dorthf'& Grimes and Louise Hostc tlt•r. The courM>, I bel<l at Lido Yacht club. conclud-1 ed in January and a n{'v.' Weather course will be givf"n tn fall ancJ tht> date .,,,rill be announcC'd. in the Pre5s:. Advanced Pi!oting cour9e mt>n1 4 hers will take t he rxaminatlon A.larch l 0 and the nC'w course In ScamanshJp will begin \\"ed n~sday March 14 at Balboa Yach t club at 7 :30 p m . This course is op..·n tn '"llEAR It' NO"':" Squadron memtx-rs Rnd women f:c!w'ard R. Murrow. noted nCWll who have pas&l'd Piloting. Forty commen ttil.tor will haye a. one-h..our havt> 81Kned the aJvanced cnroll4 prorram over Kl.;h, ..-1:day, Feb. ment cards • Robf>rt Boyd .. J .N . 9 from 8 :30 to 9 :30 p.m. HI• topic will be in c harg<' and "''ill bf' M· la "H ear it Now!''-all about the si.sted ~ a selec ted group of in- National Blooct Program. structors. A••11al Girt Scout . Cooldft Sale Fe.,.,_,,. 10 to Felmmey-~ U >,sh Fr;.· F ob. 18, ~ "'.I, p.JU, SL J&nW.'9 ............ Hoaite • < ' .. , I • *· ORANGE COUNTY'S ONl Y CoMPLm ONE-STOP SllOPPtN6 can8L ·, . ' " lleafll * Fralt * :Veptable9 * 1 Tobeeeoe , J Llq!on i ~ * \ ~ Fooda Wtrl~'s Lar91st f OOl·DRll M~rketl . . Prelcrtpti.on1 • '* Bakery * Candy * 'l'olJetrlel * Gitt. *· BoQlehold .• * Cotlmetio * :Vlt•nUU ,. * ~1812TS. MAllfST., SAifl'A '* Fount.aln * Detw.te11ea. \ . ~drle9 t . .11J8T liGIJTll SUN DRIBS . Ito ltf1llt"' lml. Med., 1....,, Scuffles ~ " Value ll<>y,; flannel Shirts RIG. lo Air Mall ~ Envelopes * * * DRUGS ' • ' 39° ... 1: . • Reull PUN 1po I• 540 Allplrin BU. llEG. R••• 11 P'uretnt :. 11110. 79° Alcohel Reicall Pttrofal :: lll[Q. 59° Mineral OU lloull Miik of :. ll!G. ,,. *·* * FROZEN' FOODS Magnesia \ • Llbby'a, lpoa" Broccoli , a1rc11119 P'Dnf"ook Umas · • . . ·~ •• 8, 19 ·-'\ ' , A£1lES OJ! ...... PAllKDfG • ,RN NJG ' AND 1S11Na.AY8 . . . • Rainbow Trout;r:· · North.rn Center Cut lteab Hclllbut 5 5 ( Top 0.v'l. Qfatlod· Miik. ,. ... •Lam.._., .. k -llomoved 7' s· . .,. .Leg·o~La I b -. i. .. 6~. Large Loin Lamb f snc ' NCN"thern Aed &teak.I Salmon Steaks 7n Hoi':MQralo H. . •uoar Curocl 79&. i~bbiis 6~·-_ Lge. lhank · 49; Pa..t. a. 1 to Bak• ' JU.~ . . . P'Nlh Frozen Pe•l•d Shrimp NANllTTE DUPRI! ' FACIAL Tl .SSUE ~-22c FOOD tLU•, PUllE, NATUAAL Graplfruit·· Juice ; ~ ' YILLOW, IN CUii•; l'llllH . '• .. RIO QllANDE IOAKED GREEN 'PEAS 3~ 22~ 2 17-os. -OUI ' ' IG TOP IN SINGING GLAll · PEANUT • BUBER . - .. • • ' I • I ' 1 • . • I iflt 1"w·· FHA loan. Or . H yov wish, you can . llllnP' finlndn1 In a few millllles at IJIY Bink of Amtricalianeft.1 '* * * .. UQUORS tf:tt -Hlll ......, ... Whlske1 · Arden . · 1118 (, . ..t:i:c• -ll'll'olrl-................... -i ..... . _,..,....... - • ' . • • ' "-ca If • Sweet~ , ::•s· .,._ 4-V•..OW t • lm.PGrted 11111 1-:. 98" 1* * * ltJUNTAIH .,:.._-Pie • • ..., I • ' - • ,, • .. • • • ' I .• ' t • • , • . . . -. ' .,, -yfu-sD~Y, FR:l ,1195_1 PUSS -& Ebell t unc:h.eo n . .. Joonne Hogen ... ' Fa~On-·r ea. ' Feafur~s Revie w P,gaged to · • , To Be Ben&rit by ~ma' May Sonta "arbaran F?r Red .Cross ed tore!i-lo ~ Wo.ye -)(-211 boo.rd -.&114 ... of ~ iaion Clwb o( Beo.ih met wltb MIL C: Doo.ldn9, ~s ror lunch• the N~ U.-Yocht Tuuciay, ~-SOU>. • =table, Jle<odtOd by Kn. wui lovel,y wttb IPi'lns en &114 '!"lpttcl unique oll•U.. :No mout · oolaUl\uift6 with wD ""' cup. u!d d&lco.te al>oll l>._ ~o.. 'l'bo -utlfUI "'-i of the bay h'om the I cllbln& room mo.d• • pej-tect Ht.Un&" for the .att.alr. One of the m~ <t<llCl>ttul Mr. &114 N'ft. J~ a. ~ ot Thlf eo1m1u1nlty• partlclpallon f&l,. ot the y-for EboJJ b Corona de1 Ku. •tt &DllOUDC:ln& II> plw tor a fublcm taa u a ~ th ,_ h~ the -t of their dauaf>ter. benelll for SOUthem °"""re COUii· rnem---. wu e Joianiie C".a, '"'° &A.Yll'ellee L. ty chapter American Red ' CroM. ll'eb. l In Amer.can LectoD' ~ Wathe'/ oon or Xr . ..,4 llft. Earl ~ ioquted at • no-- wfth ..,. ~-Procnn> Jll"I"' Watlley of Bo.nto. llubo.ra. l)m<heon held Tllooc!o.Y In Bo.- by Erma Huftlno.n M'Al)r. •Onkf!• The brlde-41ect o.ltendtd Prin· Bo.y club when the plu. wu ''" , and loWly _,,, deeonU01111 ~ clpfo. cellep.• Jlilub. DL, &lid wu pl41ned bj Ito ortstno.t<ir;Kn. Guy ro.n('d by Mrs. Ray Nelloen and gracluo.ted trOm Unlvenl~-of Cllll· M. Ho.rriy OI ll&llto. Ana. ' Mn. Jl'red Pbd... futurina "1· raru1o. o.t !!into. B&rt.n ·whore Mr .. Haney npiauuod that the. enllne -b..,,. ond .. ...-., 9be received the <'<ll"f'O of -po.rty wu being' pWut4d by o. am. pot:t.d plant.a. lot of a.rta in eocJology. She· li & rroup or~unt~ wor~ere. and OD ·t.h• tu:ncheca eommlUee •en: me.mber of Kappa Alpha Tbc!ota lhet ii. p will bmeftt all Mm..,. C. B. Lamar, Paul Janee. sorority. · the Red u.nlte. u they Wm Hlon tn the k>wage later, ~ ldecl · ov.!r by W preeldent, b usi>t out t/Je dlfr•rml i>pb\IOM or th-p-t ... lo the type of Horace Parker. Robert Pow+U.. · M.189 Hoira.n·a ti.a.nee Wu aleo be allocated, upon an attendance :U':Y L. Rabbitt and Sam 1-4i rrac;uated from .s&nta Barbar& •rcentare bMie .. The pi.ny will ey · ' collep An eoonomlco mo.jor h• be ~eld. Thuttdo.y o.ttunoon, Mar. Ir,;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\i' Kn. C. M. Deo.ldn1 prulded at w .. p.:..ident or S~· Alpbo.'E)>-8 b:o Bo.I-B&y club wh<re Buf· fl the buatne.e and prog.ram RMkm. ailon. .aod&J fraternity; • member tum'• Sa.nta A.Da at°"'l will fia.ge • •. WOOD. 'S d · raJa!nr project ldtedultd for M'ra. Kay reviewed ... uwell An· r Cal 1 b d Bl K o--· o. preview of amart. 1Pi1nl' mode&. denon"a "Loet lD the Stan." a 0 c u an & ue ey QC.t ... • A U and Jfhkh la a yearfy t'Yent at the c.Jub. any tufgMtlona were worked and it wu tln.ally decided I lor, men'• honora.ry tratemity. and aJ.90 W111 provide rtfruhmen~ mUlllcal drama teJJJD.r a ltory. ot H• bolda a eecood lieutenant'• for the tu hour'. · · 1 "'~ t ' the black.1 and whJtea ot South Lui l th US.A R H ~chairmen and worken from 8PEC~100 ·OAK BAMBOO DESK • CRAIJt Ut.50 Atric&. . Pntlic\llarly lottly Wu ::ly 0:tt~de4 e ~un.P ·.col~ t.b1a Ind other county cqmmunttte.a In a world of lnt¥Jty klllcll)' Malt)' of m..JbM 19 llkP a • t a Spnnc reet1-.a1 would be CiTm April 28 at t.be American l41on Hall In Newport Beo.ch. Boot.ba, a flower 9how a.ad a cook· ed~ food tale Will be prHented In t.bf momlng. Cards and tea will be \}te ~ event of the attemoon with priaea (&lore! M&ln prize will be a hand knit wit, made to her ampn,., ln bauntlnl'. \ntnor lece of the law at San Fl'a.nclsco wtU be announced at an ea.rty date, aa.actua.ry. ' •tn.ln at;td · wtU. ll\lltrumental ac~ and praently° la attodln.-the together with more detailed planl · ' ... coropanlment ~)' Ruth Arm.1tron.-. A r1 T--llt I F• I for the pleaaa.nt afternoon in itoM. If" )"OU ea.a keep i.l"'" heH Wben all about you &Ir n.te of the annu&.l benent p&r· me can ...... ute 0 ore I'll 'loalnr theln -If Yo• ~ meiet btumPb aad dlsuti; the • ty wu: aet for April 2$, to be Trade a.t -rt:underbird FI e Id ' ------------·,Ill tame-It you cae force your badl and n~. to auve. )'OU ' l"lven by execuuve t>oard memben Arizona. No date ha.a been •t tor whml thq're:sonlf!--U y~u e&11 hold' on when tlterf' ts nothlns ·-· c•-·--of ··-·o-·.· A t•'k the weddlAg. -• China & Gl--1-ar•. ' --•-•·•-., ~~ --ftD -· In you ""' U.. ~ lo .. Id -~f fOU co.a ml """b unforglv• on Jepolatlon wu' glv<n by M n . COLORADO. G{fE8T Vl&lt Ou r N-~ Ill& R111111te with idllda ... -YOURS 18 rlD: EUTH AJ\'D . ' the owner'1 me. the work beln1 c . ~~.::m~ecz new-membf.rs were Mrs. Harry N0td1o)\ Of Byer•.. .. For Olltl &Ad Rome ....... .BVERYTHJN(J TBA~· r I'!'· ,~,.lo.ciH to B. IL). Mr&. Barry M. Whct&e.I, Mrs. Ab-Colo., hu bffn enterta~ y the ROUSE a OARJ)~ .' ·. f · Dr. HOW'anl Erwood dohe by Mrs. Harry W etah ot the "Needlepoint.er." - ).fr•-ByrOn Well.a waa appointp ble Hunt Wachter and Mre. 8terf.. houae guest of Ml"9. Anna Smith, In&' Pul1. H6 Hamilton S!., C-OotA Mella. &ll Cou& 8 "!7· Newport -FURNITURE • OF • lljWELBY -BALBOA R be . R . a' ed. genertll chairman Of the Featl· o rt amsay · ·f e Honored · · ~/"~ ~ ... ei~:'~;~m~~.~ by Lfdo Drug Stor .'fmployees I t •' ' ------ To Register Episcopalians in Arme d Services Torranc e Famify Guests . at Mesa A '!llrprloe wed<llng parly; be.Id Monday-ln the travel bureau at Vlncent'"e Udo Drug store honored Robett .Ramsay, partn~r-manager and hia bride, juat. back from a Organization ot a 1pecial Dlo-- honeymoon In New York, where cqsan armed aervlcea commlttH Mr. and'Mrs. William E. Nickell they atayed at the Waldorf. to' provide for the splrttua.J, mor• of 221 Broadway, Costa Mesa, en-I Mrs: Ramsay t.s the former• al and toeial welfare of ~i8copal joyt>d a V'Ulit over the week end Betty $&mp80n, daughter of Mrs. young men and women gotng: into from 1.-fr . and Mrs. DaV:d B. Dyer Wilbelmine Sarnpso11 of Loa An· the a.rmM 11ervlcea wu announced and daughters, Barbara and Cha.r-gelu and Corona del Mar. She is bJ Bishop Francis Cric Bloy to-- k'ne, ,md Mr. and Mrs. John Luab nCJ atranpr to the Harbor, he.v-day. (MerciUe NlckcllJ, all of Torrance. lng 9J)ent ·her summer Dere for 15 The committee will tunctton in Mr. and Mrs. Nickell entertained years or. mon. Mr. Ramsay has tttree wa.71, Bishop Bloy 1&.ld : 1) Sunday .with a turkey dinner. I been here for ah ye-an. Hts tam-Jt wJIJ •end the younl" peopl• away -----~------'lly livea ln Pomona. w1th the bleaslng of the church: 2) .,.------------~! Accompanied' by the bride'~ tt will help re-establt.h them ln DRAPES ~.!..:." a.s low a.a 8.96 pair Cornice boxes &: Traverse Rods HOUSE &I GARDEN mother, the cou.ple new to P~-church contact. at duUnatlon nix where they were married in ~Int&; J 1 It will m&ke church and First Presby~rtan church. Mias adc1a1 contacta for Ep\acopalla.n Sampaon Wore a blile and black y~ung peOple coming Into thlt pMnt dre'u and a coraage of white a~ from ot.her Dloceaea. orchl"da-Alterward the couple left jAll Epl.&oopalian young people 611 Cout Hlway, NewpOrt for Ne~ York. erltering the services will be given '-------------'/ l Weddlnc March-tHe Epiacopal Service Cross, an u 1 ta.k h h band to l~FnUflcatlon emblem whJch,' by ..,av 11&'-.... en er ua «qt of Con ire-, may be worn 1 wotk M onday, Mrs. Ramuy and ~ the otticlal ··dos-ta1"," In the manaser were invited to 'I Jal ch\U'C'.h cuemor:Uu. Tb "co~e up and have a cup of cot-ea of lhe,en.llaltt• wUJ be for~ fee. Tiret inkling of what was ln ed to 1.he NatloRal Council of 8t&.lra. w~en U\e strains of t.he In turn advtilM! chapta.lni at •tore: ~e aa they mounted ~ ± ebuf'Ch tJi NN-York wb1cb Lobenpi.ti man:'-we~ heard from 'pe and ;tralnJns 11\atkme to v ... , ns · the •rttord department. w~lch the 1ndfriduab: a.re asalp-. \ f .lt 1\11\1\r In the travel bureau tJ"ley round ~· Rectors ln parlshea nearby van u.~. \ ' ' ribbon atreamers, tall candela bra ~ae receiving centers wll) alao be • ,._ # &rld many beautiful "·rapped ~ck-advised to make contact, &nd from age• '."'hUe on a buffet was a tiered tHen on. the young people ~·111 be •Jt. ' lO weddtng cak e' topped with bride :-qi3tert>d With chaplains and lo· ..._T ~ s.t .. ~ &, ' and _groom under a.n &;t"h. Th<' Cl\1 clervv thJ'o(fig. bout theli service ,__ bride wu p~ented with a cor-n..:r ,o·y'~w.;_, ~..: 2~-::_"A sage of white ca~tloM. After careers. \ ".l-,,; '• -. ., • ~ ..... ·~~~ -~·::..""···"'·";'--...... ·: .... , ........ .., the gifts were open<" . cotte-e and -f.•" · ~ ·-·· ·~ · ~:. ~-. h<-"''"' champagne were ser:ved with the ,\ .. ~-:-.' :t.• .,._ .-!'.ll' • . •· .. -. . < . ._. .... ·,e.,... ~':-".-#". weddlnl" cake to tbe gue•t.8 of hon- ....... ~;.·.:-·.•~.:-,. .• ~..'...>··1;;--··~·.. >'>or, Afr. and Mrs. John Pelletier, ... ~-;.1 \.,~·-:-;.~~ _ :;;-: ~;:_-tj.y' Mr. Vincent and the 30 employees .: . •:~";~, ·~' · ·-':"· · '~lv:i· • ~ present. A naheim Y's Men Dinner Guests of Local Club ' tlllll # :111 .~., ·. · ....... : ;'~: ... \.," .. ,·; .. ",,, :.-..'.-. .,:;.:.~"""' Mr. and Mr.-. Ramaay will be at -· ~ ·.·-~:.:,"·: ~ .~:.:·}~~":·:: """;·:·~~;~·'.:\-home to their friends after Feb. ··.'°' ~:;-...·-, ··. _'··~ .. :·. r y.:-..,::.:;:~~· 14 at 2t7 Larkspur avenue. Cor- Airwnv Coffee ::• & .., .... 77-Mem~r!I of the Newport Har· -, ,..,_.. bor area y ·· Men's club were host.& CrGWld ei •f-. IJ-lb. llloQ, :z'.lSI ·-... ·~,w-,'7'~.1c.U; · ·.1 / · ona de! h-far. .. ', .. , ....... ,. -··· -------..... ~ .... ' ., Nob Hil l ,._.__ ~~.!.. ....... -m.onday to a ~up of men from ~ __ .... #W- Anahel.m who lrtU be inducted h1to '"IKCnOmYboo. 12·1b.boQ.1 .S7• a new Y's Men'• club of that city. Lioton's Tea ~I ':;'ir 209 Dlnn~r at Christ Church by the Abritkbroclf\Qdl'W.. ,,oc.._.of41~54c:I Hymn Festival • • . t.K>W ON $Alf •• fMf.iY CiRCl.E Oet yovr COpy today• ', • " Se ' . sh Flakes o&M ~ 25• r 1 [s Be1nefit Se•. Newpo .. Bea<:b. preceded • ea· rb T "' -... 1· .. I.. ' . (' '.'" ' .. , ' '"' .· bUaln ... ;..;no. pruld<d over by nte ury ea ~ ~... . For· Robe Fund Robert o.· Lo.ug, president. .,..,_and •oneie ""-· ,,... ot"' bogl, sar:, \ Spedal g'Ue1l8 Included Bob ' NII# .,j,llr --;-. f-j• fi sh Cakes· .~.. '!: 21• .-cl Clams .::l;... '0,I!. .... 29' M need Clams s-..,;;:!," '~ %'/• ' -~~¢LOI ty1'9, 6Y:r-oz.. o:in. J9cl • , • ..... * I.M far,., aJw r-•11 <J9STA MESA 1100 N..ypcort Blvd. . . CORONA DEL MAB aos eoa.t. Hlsbwo.7 LAGUNA BJ'.ACH 214 Fore1i AYeaue "What a Friend We Have in~ Boy«, dla,trict go.Vernor of Orang• PaL.~ •---"' 2 ,_,_ ...._ :Jesu•.", "Are Ye Able?" Md . county Y s Men a c!uba; Orv\lle UN....,. CAHs .. - "-Ho:y, Holy, Holy," a.re the three (Tommy) 'lbomaaon, secretary of cc.,.., ..._corteniof6 1.161 f •·top hits" whe.n it ca.mes to the Anaheim YMCA, and Oavtd Burger1!'4tiltet 1:: I .. f hymn. accoqtlng t o a poll re-Collins, preeident-ele-ct at t he Ana· Gallo Wine ~ 1 -- 1 1 cenu'-.' tak~ at ·chrl.!'lt Church by helm Y'a Me.n'• club. ' ..... 1•- the 'Seit-.. Obe hundred sixty-five A talk on preclou• gema wu 1Galto lwgund)I WW.. fifth, 5k; gi b Robe H in Co Gaffo Sautfine W"llW~flffl\, Skl byrrins were named as tavorltes bv ven Y rt a ea or ca leerandwipt'Oti,.,.atot~...,tris.,..a, .. members of the congregation bi Mesa. lkllf'IMd ":.,.<"tt.m.. r .. .,,. 1t•1**- I the poll. o.nd the ten high ran.kin&' · ~~'II ... 6"''f l' "'~' •u :hymne were sung at a Hymn Fes-D 1· t B •d •1 •· '•~1 rtt•..-1 ltlvai held Sunday •venlng. The up 1ca e . r1 ge G m Crackers . :.: .. Fettlval waa .. benefit for Uie robe w· . R I ~-Goldbnlr'l41Eictfa~. Tund of the Sallctuary Choir. inners e't'ea ..... L-+-.J -Roney Grahams .I . _ ...... Other bymna 1n the top ten in-I eluded: "Love Divine All · Loves Mra. Arnold G ..... r o.nd Kr.. Jelly&.ant ~ :.:-21• Ex<elllnJ •• "Falreot Lord JeBU.1 .. , Robert Bro~re wlnMro north· • Dri-.J •-....< ·-~ 29f .__ •-·~ Old' Rugged Cross," "Thia is .90Ulh and Mra. Eleanor Newcomer .u.,..... ~1 iillA- My Father's World," "Faith of and Mn. Mabel Boardman were hacodc.bt.nd, •deed. U90IMld. Our Fio.th•<J," "In th• Garden" hl&'b .. o.,,n .... i.-wett In the du-Wheotle1 · I =-I .. • · a:n<f "Jesus Lovet ot My Soul." ~:~~~drv= betd b) Balboa Milk c~:o'U:..~lj ·I::! 279 -----..,...----------,,...------+---Runn~ nortb·-tb were ' CMrullMllk ·'::.~ 2'~·· · · -· --=~ trlnr .."i"~ ~ :~~ ~lrytand ~ • .i ' 20:: 21• , There '.s Still Time berry oand .t: o. Wetherby; Mn. 1. Mola.... ·-~ ; ..., _. Ill, L. Hacltl~ o.od M'n. C. E. Ir-l:lnif Starch f« • ·-•'!& 11-' • win; Amold CluMr fnd c. H. l<I pt ,...q ·for die Jobnoon; Mro. Helen ltanclo.ll and Whh Magk Soa" ~ .. , East9r Parade Mn. Roy lit/018. I ....... -..1-..... 5411 -· • • . Rwmen--U,P eaat-w.t )llWUe Kn. •' tlllard. :IS) • . Robert Ro0Ji1 o.nd Kn. Jlenrt B&· qt a prt; M11. ant Mra. J. Robert Llilki lllJJrn.TAU.OIUm Mr. o.nd Ifft. -DWcbner; ' SUIT HH. Lile. ~?lill Uld 4 K. Ella- See Uo-b;y FM. H berry; Kr. :lllrL B.' M. Wall- tncfon:L .. I , • • 'Ibo srovJ! wjD m ~ on Jllrldo.y -II" P'tl>. ttla th play ll&rtlaS at ~:30. . Wllo to.b on ;Jct for ·. Chi Daf•11 Grll . ' •-a 'I tl ... wi ,.._._ -I .. &·· ... -....... ........ :: ..... P:t .... ..... . ........ . 1111& SldUJ: <::-• • '" l or~Slyle. "-·•32-~ . .. hbftl. Ltd. Giii UI S 1 .. .... •••l.••s r:• Cllst 2 ' at .. ..., ,....., ... ... -............. _ ...... ... Ilea~..._ · . ~ D N iii I M1ts._.el ..... Aa O 2 >a.It • > • Nllll I# llll ITEIKI Sirloin ' :aks Tow · "' 98• Round 5tt1C1k1 ,. ,,. '"' .. 83• T~e '5teakt ~~· .. l.G8 ' ·PElCm Guile C...ot. Sliced or Halved. Yellow Cling>. ..... .. 29" lEllTEl/.111 HI• rAtlll Y'14N ~ So'-woyhso WKt. Ml*'C't4.n.ot high quoltty .eo,foodl • -pMlia. Fillet of Cod ~:'.,. .. 39- Fillet 9f Salmon .. 19" . Ocean fl•~ Fiiiet · i.. er Whole Whiting .::,, -...27• Halibvf SttlClkt ,.. .. . Grffll Shrimp 'z:" .. "'. •:;: 8'- 1..-W Shrimp .~ ... ~:,:·,.. ----------------•• • . IVOIY SOAP FUllS . Fordiilie.or-12~..s.3·"-ine~ ....... u- IUl~tunulD IOAP ~~-..,, s 56-. , .. -.· "" ..... •u1111w . 1oor .. .-r. -....:.: -.n.· ............. ......,... . -Im SOAP . , ,, •. , s ' CPWI ' 'Yw .. 2 .. .. .•. , .. ,. ... ... R·r'r-.. ,. ·-21· •2 .... 41 · ' Whit• ...... itk9o ~r.dln ~ ... w:-~ ·~I&• ( idit1 lZ-oa.. pkg., 30tl . 5 h tt• • M~. ll•L 17• pag 8 lnl Webn"1 .... ~hettl co.~.... -39-. st~~~:;::.~: _i t• ::r.~d 2 ..... 15• . , j OIAllGE JUICE ~~wCrop~rand. 2 . ..,..~350 Fr~froien. . - ' ,, • ' . ' . ' • •• • • • ' , ·. I . 1 I 0 ·. • • ' ' ' • !- PAGE._ ~ART •I',..... THURSDAY. FE•.~· 195 1 wpon Harbof Gi~ Scout Assn. • • Mesa Cub S~oUts · Receive · Awards I I -~ ..::.~ PBESs-B. Presents Arinual Report '.for 1950 in T ri~_al 'Rites ; ' ' lafi Rounding out 1& t\1lJ yMl' o Students Atte.nd Art Apprec on =:-:,7N~~lr~t=~ Course --..Ins annual "'port to the pubUc that 1. Farm. eil's Conclave . Flnt of ~ "::..ron coune =~inro.:i:i-)£~ ~la!'::'~ •I on art appreclatJon aponaOred by led&e that mem~ri.btp ln the or- .Five OCC Young Fannere and tmlr gponaor, Richard Barrett. have juat returned from the Call- fornla Young Farmen Con'ftfttloO which waa heJd at Redding, CaJl- fomla, February l to 3. ~o ot the students, Del~rt Andenon of Newport Beach, regtona.t secre- tary of the Southern section. and Davkl Townes ot Orange were of- fjcial delegates: three others, Al- bert Ben.son, Davtd ,Hilde &nd AJ Farley, all of Orange, were gue.ta -ot"the convention. Highlight of the conference wu a sympoelum dealing with con- servation or natural resources. Six men from µie Slate Forestry Sc r- vjce .and the Soll Con&ervation De- partment compo&ed a pan.el u a sprincbo&rd for question• and .dis- cussion from the young farmers present. The Coast atudenl& had a full proJ:ram too. On their way up- state they etoppE"d over at. Fresno State Collt"ge to look ~over the school rarm and to talk with the herdsman thett'. Oul.!lide Stock- ton th<'Y visited a dairy ranch to *'<' a rt>glstered H olstrin herd. Jn SacramE'nto thf;' group toured the Statr Ca pitol and c vt'n saw. lhC' the Unlvenlty of Calif~ Ex-pnl&atlon g1¥e1 then\. More te.Mlon divll'k:m will 1)8.. (lven adu1ta are ru.llslnl' the aattatac- tonipt, Thuraday. Feb. 8, 7 p. m. tlon that comes trtm work that. at the i.guna Beach high llChoOI, lnvotvea young people. • under the dirk lion of L&waon P, Si.Jl:t.y-nlne per cent of lhe gll.a. Cooper. head Ot the dep.rtment who live Mr.e and •~ betwffn Lhe of art and arehltecture at River-agfls of -.en and 14 (second to ktde College. eJgbth gradel an enrolled in Gtrl Flrat lecture, open to the public ScouUn... Compared with olh• ao they can tnvelllgale the dlatrtcU th.US per cent la. unuaual- coune, wUl deal with the sclen-, ty h\,:h. Broken down lnto age title palnters 'ot the R.ena.iea&n ce. groupe lhla total t04 Scouta out Cooper w ill be t:ntroduced by Co-of 679 acho01 "g1rla la u foUoWs: rona del Mar artfat, Rex Brandt. Brownlee, Zl!§ (18 lroop&l ; lnter- Studenta ma.y obtain co llege medi.a~ Scouta 199 (11 troopel credit from the courae. Cooper a.qd two Senior Scout High lt:hool said. , girl troope (Mariners) with '33 members which ta not lncluded In the above pt>rcentage. In all thta make• 29 troops reglatered ln There are 692,325 adult.8 ser,v· Ing In the Boy Scout.e of America a.s volunteer leade r~. Since 1910, more than 17,750,000 American boys and men weTe ac- tive in the Boy ScoUtA of America . NEW FORMULA Checks Rheumatic ARTHRms ·PAINS 1950~ One Of.'W t>Jghl.h rradc Scout troop and one third grade Brownle troop wa_, In proceu ot forming when the bboks were closed. 'Forty-n!n(' l'eaders were reglat ered ll!I of De<:. 31, 19:!1(), with K Vt'O te&dl;"t!I tn procelll!I of reareglster- lng a.nd six new leaders about lo do BO. Girl llnd troop lf'ader m"m- bcrshlp greatly lncreUt'd ln 19:>0. SummM Camp Govt•rnor. . On the return trip Barrett and Mil' Oii ~ JOOJ Summer day camp wu excep. tJonally well attended at O'Neill park ln thC t.aguna mouatalna with 198 girl.a a.nd 46 staff mem- ber! repreffnllng Newport Har- bor. .Forty-five gtrls Wt'nl to th~ variotm eslabti!hed campe which are A2altoa Tr&l\111 , Singing Pinea, Ma.nz.aJ\lta, Seven Oa.ks and Cata- lina Mariner Camp. Elghty-8IX girl.a enjoyro ovrrnlght. troop camping at Rankin's Ranch a.nd hlit mrn vl!it('d San Francisco. PAni~·s Pot.Wtll.A. T~ cooui~ a Paying particular attr·nt1on to the tte.entdiscoft:rytMr1.1bringu:~gamui1aa k I • n ttl.ie{ (0 thousanda. lJ ....,,(, l#l#nu ti:: stockyards and pac 1ng p.an ..... ! L • • J 1. · L. L _ J l · ob· thev l ruc•,.,,,,rt•1 •••--•1-1 1•'-... J· Al CaJ Poly, San ..uis 111?0· · ftr}'f:irstdOK olPaync·s form1.1t. !Uu.a.Uy checked herd rC'Cords on an OCC itata aubin• awful joior a11.4 m1.11cle row and vlsit"t.-d the school farm. pains so JOll a.a work. 11ttp aod lift i.o At Dos Pueblos Ranch north of greartt coaUon. Sun ta Barbara lhl' group watched If you wur a ~ com(orriaf .kip horn-branding in process. (or the aches and paio.1 o( anbnus or rhnunatism that may be used without Thr r·C' arc now 75,fi96 Units of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Ex· plorcrs in the Boy Scout.a ot America . (rsr ofupsnting stomacb gi•e PAYN1'1 f o ll.MULA a uial. The &nt bottle must ro.Uy bc:lp JOU.-or yoUr moner back. TURNER DRUG CO. Mariner Campa. On March 10 at lht• Girl Scout Hou!W , a proFt"ram WllJJ g1vt-n with all troops taking part commemo- rating-the foundlnJr by Juliette Low or Girl Scouting In Amertcll. ,,.lany lntere11tin~ and Informa- tive Girl Scout couree11 foi-adulb were ttivt>n through the yrar and were bf much value In lht" work. Th1•y w <'re Ba.sic Lcad<'rshlp Cours..-. Troop Llt"t'Oliing Cour:f{', Day Ca1np Training, Art11 and Crafts Tralninj:'. Board Membt>rri Train ln~. Trainins in Recnlil- "~ tO an,,JMJu u.e-.... , · • the IW'MID.tatlon of awarda to -· Oii Jl&lld • Dec. 81, Coota x-Cub llcoClta Of - llM9 -·-·---··-·····....:__. f'9.'19 JOI wben the ttpJ&r pack meet· OperalinlJ R«etpl.--, • · 10.-Wu beld J'rljlaj, Jan. :Ill. In Receipta-Conunualt.y tlle Main llchool. Around an hh· Cheat ···-•~-··-:-····--· 2.J90.00 ttaUon', campftre. Jwa.rda wett ~~""..~.~~ .... ~.:. :· U&.tD =.t. boyo In an . Indian tribal Campenb!p donation Jleclplenta Of \he &ward& W<t•O: from ......i.tance i:..a...,. I 100.00 Xlebul Silla. wolf 'badge; 8~­ Day C<&mP ""'elp).1° ---482.00 !oy SW., bob cat, Dea 1 :. Gary Lee Tot&I •.... -. ...................... P,llJO.fg Clark, bur b&dp, Dan 3; Clar· ence Miller. Steven Lewla, ~y Ru.ueh. wolt gold arrow, Gary Tranlltoey Receipt.-. . Membenblp dua ····-····· Juliette Low World F'"rle.ndahlp Fund -···-··· Total ·····················-········ C&pltal ReeeJpt.- 413.M Dunn. Mike Phoenix, Larry ....,,by and Pb.JlUp RUMell, bear gold ar- 34.88 row, Ch.arlea Taylor, bear badge and bear gold arrow, De-n 4.. ~.38 Mike Hayes, 11011 badge, Den 5: Cook!o s..1 .... •··········· . 1.27f.90 Calendar St.le ................ 525.00 Phllllp Field., wolf b&dp. Johnny Ke.el, bear b&dee. Tommy GU.. bert, bear badge, Jack Haya,, lion badge, Den 6; Jerry Welty and Total .......................... $1,799.90 Larry Harrlfl. bur b&dro. Oen 7; Total Receipt.a ....... .. .L&rr;y Sharman, wolf badge, Stan- Dl.ebu~aern.enl.a, 18,118,58 Jey Thomu, L«rry. Holme.a, Jlm· my Gallagher, Chad Hanaen, R ich· ard McCra.ry, "'olf gold arrow, Den 9. Operating Dtaburaentent..-- Salarie9 ...... '. ............. $1,568.00 Auto Expense ... -·· ... ... 41.75 Rent, light, heal, water 128.91 Equipment, soap, towels, Etc. . -·· ........ -······-.. . SanltaUon ................. . Inaurance 81 24 8.9~ 218.78 Office supplle. . .. 120.51 Den 6 won the attendance fla& and the boxing gloves for the bel!t attendance In January. Cub Scouts Hold. Potluck Dinner Telrphone • 123.91 National Chart.er Fet< .. 5.00 The AiJc dena of Cub Scoutd peck Prognm ..... _.. .. -· .. '127.37 180 heJ.d their annual blue a.n go'd Publ'c Relation• 72.U potluck dinner tn the Corona de: TTalning .. ,...... i90.87 Ma. 1 r school auditorium .... _ Frdldd~~ Camp Dlabonementa .. 444.23 wh ch aaw one new mem~r a n.i Total ..... .. $3,130.20 ____ when Jeffrey Burrt11 became a bobcat and one member dropped when. Larry Allen Faduated to Boy Scouting:. Tran1ltory Dl1buraementa- Me.mberahtp dues .......... 473.!W) A motion plclure on football 34.81 baaketball and track event. .,...u ahown by William Burdick of the 5 ~&.3l Newport &ach schOol •Yatem. A shOrt talk on the meaning of Scouting" wu given by Jolttt Keel· Juliette Low W orld Frleadahlp Fund CapfC:~.l~~R~enta~ E.'!ltabtighf"d Camp Savings account fund, cookie saJea, 19'49 ... 19>0 ............... . C&Jt'.'ndara ······-······-·-·· . ! procttda lo Individual Cookie COil Total 507.00 813.18 :;~.oo trooJJ"'l 661 .74 U ,306.90 =rota! DUtbur!M'mttnla . $5,94~.'4 l BALANCE ON HAND, De<. 31. 10>0 .a 113.15 er. Boy Scouts to Hold . A nn. Sundey Serv_ice Boy Scout.a of Troop 5 and other Scouta of the Nf'wport -Balboa area will hold lhelr annual Scout Annlvere:ary service Sun<t.ay morn- ing at 11 in Christ Chur<:h by the S<a. rn£>nt nf Volunt~rrs and Day Camp C ub Scou t pa ck D1r('t·ton. Tra.ln1n,::. The8t' counws were WC'll &llended by L('&dt'r&, It At+ d olhC'r &dUlt 01('0\tK'rs and board 0 en ln recognition of the pre!tt'nc<' of the boys. Mr. P endell, himself a men1ber Qf thl' Scout troop com· 1nlttee, hu taken u hi8 topic-. "On My Honor" tht'.' ·fir11t phraBe of the Boy Scout..,oath. As part of the service the boys under their Scout muter, Dean Beaumont, wUI repeat some of Lhelr 3COUUng pr..dgea. · That's what we like. We believe if mote people would stop irl and ask questions, get the fad> about stocks-instead of o<ting en fMtchet °' tips-the average investor could OOeose his earnings ond Oii down his risk. * feol on1inly fr" to atop in. ond °"' r-qt1911ionl- witlicut obligot~ DE AN WITTER. le C:o. MlMIEI$ NEW YOllC STOC.l UCHA.NCI Chlu:igo loortl of TM• • ....... Sa" '"9Mi1co $\oc .. bt.hot191 lol A11g•l•1 St0<1r. b(lriot1t• . llAS!O ,l!VA1E WlllS &anlc of la9uno 8eoch &ldg. • _Phone loguna ~· 1156 lo1 A"t-'•• • Sa11 fronci1co • M•w Yor.. • 5-aHI• nlember!. ot Newport Harbor S J Ch h Council and the Girl Scout Troops t, ameS UrC In tum profiled by lhia tr&lnlng and tut.ruction. The pUl'JIOM of the Olrl iJCoUl AMOCl&tlon ' 1.s to serve girls by i:nalcing It fun for them to learn to serve tbem&t!lvca, lhelr homca, their community and countTy. The program depcndJJ upon the com- munity for the budget that makes It po.salble to 8~rve the girls. BhdKt"t Report ' The budget la admlnh1lt"red by 'rt'aponll'lble cltluns or tht" com· rnunlly and Newport H ll r b or Council thanks thr people of New· port Harbor, who throu,::h thf' Community C hest, make the pro· J{T&m pouib'le. Ht>rcwtth la the 1 OM financial r<'pott : Girl Scouts Se ll C ookies Soon CUb Scouts of Newport pack w111 attend 11 o*doelt • MJ"\1'1cea Svnday mornms at St.: Jame• Eplacopal church whe., the re> tor, the Rev. Paul MCiJIClft Wbeoeler ·wiu key hJ• aermon to the youth group. At the 9:30 hour there will be a mlAion film and at 1:30 p. rn. the adult contlnnatton ct... w ill •tUdy the doctrtne of ko1y 1 Communion. Thureday morning-a 1 after the I 0 a. m. 15erv\ce the rec- tor will rpview "The Kealtng Light'• by Agnea Santoni. Warn Kids on Kite Flying The .next National Ja.01boree ot the Boy Scout.AJ of America la .tehedu.led tor the aumm~r of 1953, the. Wrd such encampment. Cl~AREI IES ' ALii POPVLAB JU1.AND8 · $:145 ' CARTON .__. 1'LtJ87AX • ARDEN'S .. MUGARINE "'31 c: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -. LAROE MERMAID Wash. Pwdr. pk,. HEINZ , Tomato Soup 2 lb. Economy Pack Blue Rose Rice ltc G 0 O·D Bulk COFFEE lb.nc 'stokley's Blue Lake GR. BEANS :.: .. 46 oz. Tin Grapeft. Juice ~n:1m Oold-Potato Soup B,...-_., , .. ,.._,JO, 1951 y, c-. ... , ... , .............. --l~ .... , .. t>J-..-. ...... 1..e-._..... ....... --.. lY1aitNP.tMUk 1 f.-M • •• ... ~ --....... A--'" 1-•1••-11 cmdMoMI Cook onion 1lowl, in thorttni.rlg ~cil Y«llow. Blend in Sour, t:-1t and J?C:P'" ptt. Stir ln w•teT. Boil &nd. .lbr Z miri,-Add potatoes; mi.-until 1mooth. , Seit in m.illr.. Add chMN. Hee: 1low· l_r unri! chee1e melta; do n.oc boil. &trT. hot. Maka 4 ...mnp. Pork THE :vERY BEST 50c Pure 'on Sausage lb. 1- I FIE~. VEG~TABLES FANc-Y wASBINoroN ·3 19c i RUTAB~GAS · · · · ..... . .. i'·· ltc FANCY IMPµuAL HEAD ~ETTUCE FANCY v&iJ.Ey TOMAYOES · · · · · IDAHO RUSSE1S • . 10 !1*. 2fc •• • Mesa Ban·cll· 11.ark~I 1976 Newport Blvd. . ·.Costa Mesa ··LOTS OF ·EA-SY P.:ARKING ,:-· .. , , .. ,, -• . . . l ~BUY NOW :AND • . . e·E SUR-E! BUY . BE The Girl Scout cookies drive opens Saturday, Feb. 10 and wtll run through the 24th. Thia la a national event fo r · Girl Scout.A, who sell thme 21pecla.l cookie. each Ft>brusty. Ptoe.el'd°• ot the local drive will bf' used ent.!rely tor the establiahect, camp ·fund. objective of lhf' Harbor troops. • Kite flying aeaeon Is approach- ing once aratn and wfth It the necsalty for observing a few 11lmple safety rulea. according\ to C. D. Shedenhelm, Southern Ca.11- romla Edi.eon Comp&ny district manager. It La: lmportanl for par- ents lo impreaa childrm with th~ neceulty tor keeping kite1 away from electric power llnea, Sheden- helm aid. Kitea ahouJd be nown only in open tlelcla ' well away from power lines or other overbead obltruc- t lon•. It la lmpohant to remem- ber that the kite string La at, an angle and may pau over lines some di8tance away. 80 cart ahould be taken In chooglng the a pot. . • 9\\.. ~"\t\l\• . : 'tt\\\l~ : SURE -Of gettinc )"OUr HQffman '<••hite they At.ill con. L 'Ess ~ · 12:'-' lea Utan a year •ao ! , W ILLI AM R. HI C-K EY WiJh Our OrganizaJion . LESTER & Co. ,M<mber Lor '1ng•/., Stoc! Exch""g• 515 E. BAU!OA BL VD. • BALBOA o lliuo• 2821 HOllTWOOO $.AHT4 4HA PASAOlNA lOHG UACH '<>MONA t lvtUIDl $100 SANT4 .ONICA IAH rtotO IN TRADE FOR YOUR OLD SERVEL , Gu R.f!'frl,l'ff'&\.or oa a Brand Sew BN 800 delne Fftie&H Shelf. tf'l'U-iarly priced at $SIS.&8 tne. Nlea tax. Pl'Oportloa.ate allow.ace on your elec'Crte rerrt:cera&or. Doa•t Wall! Limited Qlaa&U;y. T..-II~ GRANTS FURNITURE . 1845 Newport Bh·d. • . TUBEROUS IE®tflA· IUUS Cemellie type leflge bulbs in I 0 colors Cern etion type in I 0 seperate colors , '. Picote fyp• 'in . 5 colors , Hanging Besli:et lypa in .8 colon All l•!-9• 2 indr Ir up bulb• at •-.. : tUll ... N 5&10• ........ .., I -• The glrla Will vi•lt their own neighborhood. wearing uniforms, blue for lhl' Mariner•. green for the ScoUt.8 and brov.'tl for the Brownlee. Only ones not In uni- fo rm will be the Eighth Grade Girl's club. Tht'te are .50 cookleB In each box and there are plain at 3.5 cenu a box And filled at 40 cenl.a a box of 30 cookies. Chairman of the drtve Ls Mt11. Chrl1tlan Schindler. The largeal encampment ln the We8tern Heml.aphere waa held ln 19b0 when 47,163 Boy Scouta antt leaders ht'ld tht"ir National Jam· boree at Va.lley Forge, Pa. A.aaual Girl Scout: Cookie 8ah Frbnlary 10 to Februa.ry U FROM A •HAM" Ndkt shack at El Toro. •ive. of mWtary meo aer,•l•ir lD .ias--eo•'><c,... wttb tlldr mat... &.., Mn. Vlrp.la Atwater, MO Ordtld An.. C.. m• .t&t MAI' i. pltutod to MNI' UW. .-ol CapL WIUlom Al- wakr, II ~ Ed Gn--lo la ebarp of tmlL I Wire tinael or metalllc llrtng should nWt"er be U.8ed, M they are conducton of electricity. Regular kit@ corda will &lJlo conduct elec- tricity when they become wet, 90 It la lmport&nl not .to let them touch the ground when it la damp. Under no ctn:umat&ncee Could children · atlemPf. lo dlalod1e a k ite that ha.a become ent.ahgled ln an eJeclrlc line. A t.elepMne: call to t.M company owntns Ule Une wtU b['lns a lineman wtth the pro~r equipment to take Ult kJte I satoly from tile lines. I • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • BE SURE -Of the performance advantages you pt ONLY ~·ith a· Hoft'm.an I BE SURE·-Of.LAST!NG ~ali<y-:- Hotrmao televis10n 1a ptec.i· a:ion-engineered Co sive bet- t.er ·~rvice -longer r Never before has it been·,o important for your television dollar td buy quality! ' And never. before has your television dollar bought more qualit, than with Hoffman Easy-Vision Television. With your Hoff1DAn you'lt m,ake tha£ dollar go farther, too.. Becau'ee 011111 with Holfman do you ,get the .finest com11<>- nent parts, precision-engineered to give • you /Jut&n.g eervice ~ performance! ,. ' ' .. .. I • • ' • • • • ·• - ' .. f , ' • • • UGAL NOTfCI .· • I Jl'Ol'ICS OP· SA.LE CSP .JIM. non&TY BY TatJat'U ;,,., tlJfDU DQD OF TllUllT • TSU8T NO, H .. ' • I • ' ' UGAL ,N011C, • ' la Ille ... -~" ....... ot '~1ll, la ... PM .. OMmtJ .,.Onzp . N .. MMJ., ~. CllCIL J , WILSON NO'DC!l . OF M.ui or DAI. ·&Dd LILA WILSON, bu1b&nd and .ufD PEIUIONAL R0*'-(1 ,.tte, by Deed of 'huat · dated. .AT PtlBUO AllOftON ~bruuy :Ulh. 11149 and recorded THOMAS RICILUlti l>l'l'TKAJt, Ma.n:h Ith. 1949 ln ~ 1812, page , ' Plata M o? O:ff1clall Recordl of Orange ft. ~ · Cowtty, Calltornl., did ...,.£ ...,d convey the propel'ly therein and KADELr. EMERSON Dl'lTMAR. llerelnan<or d<ocrll>ejl. to the Or· ET AL · Detendantl u.ge County TIUe Company, u 't'ruattt, to aecure, among other ob1J.ption1, the paymeJ\t of one note dated February 24th. 11149 payable to Newpllrt Ba.Jltoa ¥'ed- eral S&vtnp and Loan "->cla· Uon, a corporation, or order, for the princtp&I awn of $1000.00. with interest fl'om date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; principal and tntunt due ln monthly inat&U. rnenta of J~.00 each on the lat day of ea ch and evqy month, beglnnlns on April lat, 19-49 and conUnulng Untu hlUy paid: and , WHEREAS, default ha.a occu.r-- red in that the tnatallment of prin- cipal and Interest. due upon said note on January l at, l9W has not been paid; and WHERE.AS, Newport B a I b o n Federal Sa rings and Loan Aaeo· elation, owner and holder of said n"ote. heretofor@ 'demanded that a&Jd Truste-e sell said property ahd on October 23rd, 1950 duty record· ed In lbe office of the County fie. corder of said County, ln Book 2091, page 264 of Offic ial Record!! lhercof, a noUce of aa..id default and of It. election to cause-paid property to be eo'd and more than three months have now elapsed since the rN:on:lat!on of said no-- lice. The aum of $913.54 prlnclpaJ a.nd iritereat thereon from August 191., li60 is now due, owing and unpaid on ea.id note and there 11:1 alao Sl'CUred by aa.id Deed of Trust the TrwJlee"s fee &nd expeMes of sale estimated at $136.00, together with any auma paid and advanced by the owner of aa.ld note in ac· corda.nce with the provl.a:ons of said Deed of Tnut, with interest on said hut menilont'd aum.s. • NOW TH-EREFORE, NCTICE 15 HEREBY GlVEN that the said Orange County Till~ Company. by virtue or the authority vealed ln it a.a Truat~ under said Det."d of Trust. wlU sell at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash. Notice ii hereby livt.D that the undersigned. u Receiver tn the above pumbered and entltled ae-- tton. wUl .ell at publle auction to the hlgbeat and l>eJt bldde<, and subject to the conltrmaUon by said Superior Court, all of Ute rtgbt Utle and lntere.t ot the partJea h"ereln tn and to tbe real and peraona.l property herelna.tter more parttcWarly deecrtbed. Sa.kl ea.le ~11 be conducted on the 4th day of March. 1151, at the hour of 2:00 o'ck>dt p . m. at the eaJd premlae•, located N 410 Cla)" Street, Newport Beach, ca.utornla. Th~ re&l and penon&l property being lhe •ubject of the above mentioned !5ale Us more particular· ty described u fdllowa : The Northweaterly 63 i,t ' ot Lot.a 22, 23 and 24, Block 30, Flrst AddlUon to Newport Height.a, u per map recorded In Book 4 at page 94 of Mil· ccllaneoua Mapa. Records or Orange County: togethef With a -J of the hoUM!hOkl turnlture, ,trailer, equ.Jpment and all other pereonaJ property local· ed upon the said ' premlaea. The lmprovementa in and to the sail real property con&Ult of a one •tory two bedroom and den reslde~ce, a twa car _garage and a cbmblned work room and shed. Said sale wJU be made upon the following \erma: 10~ or the J>~r· chue price thereof upon &c~t· ·IJlcc of a bld by .aald recei~r. the balance upon close of escrow fol· 1owing confirmation by aaid SU· perior Court, aJJ ·of the same in lawtuJ money or the United Btatea. The undera.lgned reserves the right to rej~t any and all bids. Dated lhta 5th. day of S'~rua.ry, 1951. JOHN W . A.RANT, Rcceive.r No. 684-PreM • Publish Feb. 8·1:>--22, Mar. 1. 19!>1. lawful money of lhe United Stales VARIANCE of America, on the 6th day of XOTICE ClF REARING March, 1951 at thl' hour of eleven (Pta.nnJnc' Comm'-ion), o'clock A; M. of said day at llJe Notfice is hereby gtven that" the South front door of th~ Orange Planning Con1m1aaton of the Clty County Court HouM ln the clty of N Santa Ana. Califo rnia, au of lhC' •f ewport Beach wl!I hold a pub-lic ·hearing on lhe application of .Interest conveyed to It by said w. G, "Johna fOT" a lOO',k variance Deed of Trust Jn atld to all that lO Lot 1, Block ?, Eaat Newport C'f!J'tain property 11ltuatcd In tht> ( 111 • 8th Street) In accOrdance County ot Orange, Stat~ of Ca.JI-with SecUo a t Ont'-~. fomia, dcecrlbed as: 635 , 0 o ts1&n.ce no. The Westerly rectangular ,.2~ N t· is '1 b Ur., 1 r .. t ot Le/I TWo and Ule East,-: :u.:&~W~hl~""Y ~ ~~~ Ob nctm\l'Ular 4.0 ff:el ot-t..ot1·.. a· . Tll"ff of Tract No 37 Call J.be tM.b day ot P'ebnul.r")', 1901, torn~ Avocado Qr c"h a r ~. at lhe hour of 1:30 p. m. ln the Acres: u shown on. a map re· CouncU Chamber of the City Hal1, l.-Orded in Book 10_ e 3 of "'ic~rt Beach., Callfornla. 't )(lBceUaneoW!I Map3pa~ecortls .vh1ch tune a.nd pl&ce &ny and all of Ora•ge Count~ Ca.itfornia. lt"rsobens h lnldec.lhaled may appear r h I 'd .Llld ear ereon. o ao muc o "81 prope rty as RA y y . COP EUN S • • .sb-.,11 be necessary to ~ so ld to N ' ec: y. J>rovide a aum suff1c:_lt•nt to pav ewporct &>&~~-IPlannlng lh · omm-on " e total amount l:K'CUr('(I by said 8 d 1 Ch 1 IX-ed of Trust, Y or er o a rman, Dated February 2nd, 1951. Waller M. Longmoor. ORANGE COUNTY TITLE No. 632-Presa. . • ,tlll:I ~ ai • "-t ..e ·' s; .r.u.i °"' P o.iil t . • ' __. ....... Sid -...... , ..... , Ol;r-w-. -....... llAl7 Ken1-.l &1G,. OW.. (8eea .. row) Al •=n. aut ~ Alice A.n-..tmat. JlaJ Kratt. &ad 0-.. ... ._. (~ roW) o.-Mot;SU; Ci)'atllla "T.(y1or, Oaylonl 0-,_·a eU, .... JWuloDe Aft*noa, (1-t IO'f) -I-illett CtwDiey, I--..., Oil Sll<s. Eddi, llatb, {lopPJ: 8Jad<o. ud Gonloll AFford. (8bJadlas, riP•> Mr. l!clwta !U<e. facall:J' -lllor. Tell Rules of Civic Contest · Rules tor the Orange county civic beautlflcatfon conteet wett' a.n'l°unced la.at w eek by a eub· oommJttee of the Aaaoclatetl Chambers of Commerce of Orange county at a meeting al th.e Sant.a Ana Chamber of Commerce office. Mra. Mary Topper. I chairman) 2463 Marino Dr., Bay Shore• and Mrs. Ruth Jaynd. 1211 E. Balboa Qlvd., Ba.Jboa, are local member• or the committee in charge of th~ eonteat. M'esa nS.-Inducted at Legio n Aux. District Dinner Re~niatl~ea or the Costa Meaa of the Am1rtcan Legion A.uxll along with HunUngton Beach. Seal Beach, Anaheim, F\ll- lerton. Oran11te and Laguna Beach unit. in th"e 2tat dll.trict were en· tertalned Thunday, Feb. 1, at lhf' annual memberahlp dinner a t.aged by the Santa Ana unit. , Honored gueat wu Mn. Cecelia McKinnon ot Concord.. deput.- ment prl'aldent of the Amerk:a.1' Le-gion Auxiliary, who made .her official' vlalL In hei' .. apeecb ahe Each locality entering th(' con· dlacusacd the Legion's leP1attve le.at will decide upon a plan for progTam. O t )I e r dlaUnruJ.ehed clvtc ooautlfulcatloo project lo bf> guesta ft1led were M'ra. ~e unde~en . Col'}'lpeting loca·llles Wolf. department AmerlcanlzaUon will prepare and submit a rt'porl chalnna.n. and Mrs. Nelle Cari.on. to the judges not later than AprU 21st dl.Btrlct prealdC!nt. 10.. I The Amerlcaniam program or Judging will lake lnto consldf'r· the auxiliary wu outlined by M_ra. al!on the size of the partlcipatlng Wolf, She talked on "Phuea or communltiea and wit con.alder: Communism" and &180 explained Complet'f:netis of reports. p:-o-lhf' proper trcatme-nl and pi;.eaen· gresa made and method or prrs"n· talion or the lo'"lag. laUon, M per cent. Extent of lo-New lwclliary members of '-he cal par\Jcipatlbn. ~ per cenL Ex· va.rloU!: units prc3C.llt Wf!re lnltl· tent or· publicity, 2t\ per cent. a led by the 11at dletrtct drill A permanent trophy will be team wilh Capt .. Lillian Thorpe: awarded to the cornmunffy winner or Santa Ana In charge. Membent at tht" A'.prll 24 m('c tlng of tbc of the . Co8ta Mesa auxUlary ln· Asaoclated Ch8.Jnbcrs ,ot Com· ducted were Stella Bunch (Gold merer . .:rhc commltter or judgq Star mother)~·Lela Lane, Helen' wUI be nan1ed by the chatrma.n of Cla~. L@tlle Brtnder~n and Flor· the planning and developing prior ence Flaherty. lo April 24. Attending from Coeta Meaa ---were Alma SWJLrb. pruident; March of Dimes Aided by B.& P. Wom en F.<tllh Dul&nC'y, BllUe Hill, Grace Thompson, Berlneace Fox. Una Patmor. St~lla Bunch, Lucille Dodd, Lela Lane, Leltle Brlnder· '«ln, fo""'lorence Flaherty, Helqi • . ' A•t• i1 ·, •. C1 1y I•"• Slil 911••• , • j • . LCGAL NOTICE I • • OUfMOA'l'll OF BUSINESS Flcltlow Pbm Name THE UNDERSIGNED doe• hereby' certll')' that •hf' 1s conduct- lnr a J'NU.Unnt bualnea at 307 Marina A .... City of Balboa X.- land, County or Orange. ·state of I CaUfomla, uoder the Clctltlmm firm name of Hoateu House and I that •kl firm la comppscd of the Collowin• peraons, whoefo namea and addreaee are aa follows. to-- wit: Dorla J . Wheaton, 136 South Bay Front, Balboa. Island, CaJltomla WITNESS my hand thl!5 lth day of February. 19~1. DORIS J, WHEATON St.ate of Ca'llornla, County of Orange, as. ON THIS 7th day of FebruAry A . D ., 19~1 . before m('. H . M . Holker, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, re1id· Ing therein duly commissioned anr1 aworn, per90nally app<"arcd Oori:i J . Wbeaton known to be to bl' tht' pereon whose n&me l.s aub8crlbfod to the within Instrume nt, and acknowledge<! ta me that she ex- ecuted lhe Mme. IN ' WITNESS WHEREO,.., I ttave hereunto S"t n1y hand and affhted my official ~al lhe day and ye~r In lhla Certificate first above written. !SEAL) . H . M. \\' ALKER. . Nota.ty PubJic In and For Said Countv and Slate. • No. 13~Ptt88 Publiah F eb. 8--15·22, Mar. 1. 19:'.il . VARIANC,: . N<mC'E OY llF.ARIS<i (PlannJnl' ('omml&~lon) Notice ls herfbY J;iveo thst th" Plannlng .Comnli88ion o r thf' City of Nt'wport Brach w ill hold a pub- lic ,hearing on the application or Ray Kimball for a ll'n 1101 foul front yard eetback on Lol 12. Bloci, 218. S..ctlon B 11812 Vil(')'r P :acel In accordance "''ilh Section Clure and M lldred P"b~r. ' . 8 ot Ordinance No. 63:). • A no~I Idea or ml.iring money F' • No\lce ta heroby rurther given tor tbe Mareb or Dlmea Campaign lftd Fishennen that .aald hearing will be held on was the program or the Newport Guifty ff M~ol9:1.._:... the 16th day , of February, 1951, <Harbor Bu.-tDUJ!I and Profeulona.I ..... ., at the hour ot 7 :30 p. m, lrl the Wome:n 'a Club meeUng he Id Robert' Ma.r'9ft eodptry '33 CouncU Clullnbd' of the c;1ty Mau. 't~'-.atd.Park Avenue Caf'1:, cdml'ft'en:l«I r.Herman, ne~' 3~ .Newport Seach. Callfomia, at 16oa Dttn st .. .Newport. Be&ctt-. ch·~ • plea wbich lime ~nd dt.ce any and aJI Ne'¥ m .. mbera had charge or tbe or guilty J.o two aou.nll of moleet~ penona jnte~ may appear and me-eUng with Janr t Francia u 'ng children In Hurlttngtofi Be:ach be bea.r4 lhereon.t chalrrna.n. All memt>ers were g iv · city court lut week a.nJI wa,a een· ft.A Y Y. COPC:LIN. SeC"'y. t?n num~rs a.a they. came In 11.nd 1 rnc('•I lo IM.'M alx mon°'9 in Coun~ Newport Br al·h P !annin1,; later a drawing wu held, but be-ty ia 11. . Con1111la...1on fore gl'lllng their prize. n1Qncy Thrle monll'111: of the jail een· By ordt'r of Chairman, had to be donated lo thf' "pot." lcnce were .ruBpended and Cough· Wallf'r M.. Lon~OOT . Ruby Steveneon. Mal't"h of Dimel'I t ry order('(f on probation tor three No. 833-Presa. ch.Urman counted the donaJlons yl'ar.s. lo 'Yk>late no lawa, refrain Publlah Ff'bruary 8. 1061 . and &aid the evening · Wa.8 a auc· from using Intoxicating liquor and ce.u. Othler l\ew members helping mak~ repr<Mlt to the p~obation de· on the com.mlttee wcrt> Jean How· parlmt'nt. ,. • • Sermon Theme s. . For M~;Sa Baptist s • I ' • , , Rev. P . .Q • .Newnann, ~ of I.be J'lnt Baplt8l ChurcJ. al Ooota Mea;'llU IOlected "Tllo Dynamk:9 of Our h!U.• -tor hla oennon topic . ATllCNDS '"11fDAL at I.be 11\lnday Momlng worolllp Mn. calla ~.Of' JIUl>aJ' IOrvloe at 11 a. m. woilt io T ,.;.. Be.c.. ~v At lhe eventnc a.emcee Sunday _.....,.,... • . ., at 7 :ao o'clOck. lleY. Neumann will attend IUnenl ~,. f!)r-• talk on •ra1th tor Dally. LIYlnr;." lime friend, Bert Reid. • · '~ I I • • <I ·~·I ,· _!~'!, ~U_! ~~D_K~'!C?~--~' '!_E~~C!!_ ' J I NEW MOTOR COA~H - 1 HEDULES htwffll Balboa· Newport .lei:tcll •d Los Angeles Motor Mach =! ~~ ~~N ~ p!! ~ ~!len-:-oervk» l>etfta Balboa Reach, l'fewporl: Beac*., HutiastN BeM=h, 8ea.I .p_or:adl. Lake"'OOd· Downey ud Los AnplM. . Travel bl comfort ud l&fetJ' -antve relaxed and "'8ted. No parld.ac ree WheD you travel P. E. l · •ALaOA·MIWPO,ltT alACH·HUllTINeTON •!EACH TO LOI ANelLll ., D.tl Ll' EICP.PT -· AND Rot. 111.nS < "'ql'T •• Nnn:n1 , ..... <-h•-•111 ~""' .............. Hnl ... , ............. --~· , .... ., •• ,,_ ......... s •o •· •· ._ .. ·•• .... _ .. _ ... __ --••· ' ••r '' .. I A••• .... l:.'t_ =.'t ~ ~ =f · tilf l:.'f =r tct :1!1 ~ tw ftAfl(l9 . r • :--:." ··• . ~ • .. . .. . .. .. ... . ..: ::t;. ::. ... ...... _ , ................. 1 ••••••• ..... .... ... • • • • • • • • . ::r.!' ..... 1•.1. a...1 ......... '"'l' "" . .... . .... ..r .•. I I.OJ ····· .... I "II u••• ..... .. ,. . .... ...... ...... ,t. II .... . .... .. .. ......... ,..,, M.1 ••.•••• ~ .. . .... ..... .. ... . .... '· ...... 1-..1 .......... 1 ••••••••••. ..... . .... .... . .... ..... .. ~ .. '"' . ... ..... ..... •• ... . . " . ..... . .... .,... .. •• ..; ..... 1 ................. ... •• . .. ,. ..... . ... "" . .... ..... ..... . .... . ... ····· ... 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LIO •• ~ .. .... , .... , .. 11, "'" -.... .... . .... STIT ll_. .... ·-..., ·-·-• • -• .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. l• ..... tlam ,._, ..... 1 ..•.... I l .DI ····· .... .... -"" 11.U "' ..... ..... .... ,_,, .. .. """""~' -..a cr.1:. ....... , ...... l.11 .. .. '·'' 11.12 ... ..... ..... . .... . . " . ..... t.tl Ml ... . .... • -····-.... , .. , ...... 11 •••• t.21 . . .. . .... .... 12.GI: . .. .... Lii .... ·-· .. ..... . .... ..... . ...... "'"°' ··~'···· ....... 1, JI .... II, i J 11.ll ... . .. .. .... ..... ..... . .... '"' , . ., . .... . • ,...., 111 I •11 11 ..... 1 ......... "" 1.11 11. 11• 11. II ... "" . ... .... .. '., ..... ..... . .... . .... &ii ... ..._., 1 .. 19 II, •.I-11-1 •.• 1. t I 1.11 " " ~-10. II 11.11 .... t , II I.JS ~· --··~ ..... • .. ....., ..... t 1IA IC •••.••••.••• ..... ..... . .... . ~ ... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... ····· ..... ..... ··-··· . lel-1 .. ,,. fM e ltltN ""' t •. l.tl I. II ,_,. . ... .... , ... ~If '· JJ .... .... . ... 10.14 . .... . •• .--.11-•--·········· ,_,, 1.11 .... .... '"" . ... .... 4.11 !.tl l.D "" ..... ..... . Lie .......... •a.-........... ••• J .... ... .. .. 1e.t1 . ... .... ..,, "" ... .. .. .... ··~·· . " a.llfl_, l•.I . Ij .. ) ......... •• 11 .... .. .. .... 10.11 IJ.tl "" ..... "' 'LN .... 10.11 ....• . .._,. 1"'4 SL I ...., .... ) ..•. ..... .... .. .. .... .... . ... .... .... ... .. .. . ... . .... . ....• . ,., .. .... .._..., ............ .... I .OJ .. .. .... 11.• '·" ... .... .. ,, .. .. .. .. . .... ··-· -T•I•. a -..Cl_. 1\1.L .... Pl .... ..... .... :·· 1.12 l h 11 .... . ... ~ .. 1.11 ~ .. t.11 . .... . .... k ............ , .............. , ...... LN .... ... lt.. 11 11.n l.M t.11 ... .... l, IJ .... 1 l. ll ..... . ITATIOle • • " .. .. " .. .. ' L• .. ,_ ·-......... 1.1 ....... .... 11.• . .. ,, I! "" 1.S5 .. ,. II.JI ..... ····· ..... ..... . .... : """9rt ...... 1•.1. tc.t1•1 ... ~·· "" 11.1'1 .... J,JJ LU .... 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II .,. .... ~ .. l.t2 10.4J 11.tz ..... ..... . .... ..... . .... .. r.1-. ... ·~11 ............ 11. 11 IS. 11 ... .... .... .. .. , .... , ... ..... ..... . .... ··'·· . .... " TPI•. I ... 11-' fll.L ......,, ...• II. 'H 11.>t •• l!C ... .... ..... .... . .... ..... ..... . .... ..... •r U. ......-te• 1•1• IL lt&-1 ....... 10.t4 12.4t ... t.11 .... llo 11 1.11 ..... ..... ..... ..... ····· .. l\J lL ...... -DlllJ bmtt Ml•rokJ', ._,., ... ~ f•ll•I .. •lttiln:•-T"fl ~. -rt1l -· '-'ti of h.Lr, ..... Dt.J, ~l•l•I Dl.7, _. CIWll~ Ill. .. "' .. ,,_,..,..,., Qlol7. • • LW.-~l•I~ ......... al ... a 0.1.._._(...._.1111 ... 1 \.9 lAI ""911 ... llcWl.lll,•11 t. f~ I I I .. , 9f'11l•ll .. uia.no.11 .1 ..... o.t -M. .... a..t.t ... Ul *'"f· . L-Lt.i ... ~ e it,_t..m al .... , \o Mli ·-..i-,. 1"-1 .. •la W •t..efllrilt ....-..n .................. • P irw~ II*, M" .. llltl ..tao""'""'· .j )_ _ · 1-.. n.u. ,,.. ···a. . .._llio&. 1-... --~-•t•t t .._'" •• ~ 1r .. .._ i-. -.'---1\t.•1.._•~•.,_.;~ ... ,.~··,....._' I , ~ -'ft•~.... ~ 1''-I ~·~ J f ... OON\'ENIENT RETURN 8CJDloULES OF~ .QUENCY.ARE AVAD.tUILI!: ' UPON REQUMT FBell OPES,A;T0118 .4NJ> AOl!N . _. ,. ,_ '. COMPANY Pub:tah February 8, le>:"ll. By GEO. A. PARKER PreB1dent By C. W. BAXTER, (Corporate Seftl) No. 631 -Press Scc rt:tary 1 publiCatlon Fc-b"ruary 8th. 1951 r Ftl.E ESTATE PAPERS "'Estate of J o J . Harrington, who died Marc 3, 19t9, waa tn superior court t y .. hJa wt ow, Mrs. ".Jean Ha n~ ~.o.C Orange Ave., , 'ta liCeu, ti. Oct petitions for lelte of &d.mlpiatra· 2 publlcation February l:>t?n 1951 lion and for termlnatk>n of joint 3 publtcatlon February. 22nd. 1951 tenancy. Est.ate subject to &dmln· --Clualflcd ada are re.ad by folks r lstrallon WU llaled U approx!.' wbo are looking to buy. mateiy $450 tn penonaJ properly. !.'11, Maggie 0 r Ider. Dorothy Co_ughlry wa.e ii:tentJfled by :S W_right, Sunnye Eutman, Ruby 12·year~ld boy and -trlrl aa the M1111zko and Peart LcFevre. •man who moleatf'd them In a llfe Pre111ldent Mabel Fitzmorris p·rc· guard atatio.n west or municipal sided at the meeting and mlnq tes pier. He was a.l8o charged wtUi or ~revious board meetings were moleatlng a juvenile boy ,.t the ,read by June Qusrles, 8C'Cretary. foot of 16th St. A.. report on the Girl Scout Troup tpoDIOrl'd by the club WM given j'Fil D S • by Evelyn Va.rner. Carolyn Web-e GftlGC)e Ult •r wu. appolntl'd chairman ot the Against Newport Firm Boaea Night with Irene Mo•rls aM Ela.ine W else aaslliting. ft .. or lnjurlez suffered by lb'a. So UHmderPully sort f'uffy,sweet-smelling! ~ , . A ·\ CITY Oli' NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTOBS SEALED PRO POSA LS will be rtteived at \.ht" otttce ot the City Clerk. City Hall .. City or Newport Beach, Calllomi&, until 7:30 o'c;:lock P . M .. on the 13th day of February. 19~1 . at whJch tim•'Uley will be publicly opened and _read, for performing wcirk u follawa: 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, C ALll!'ORNlA For Furnlidting and lnatalling I Prize for the evenlng, a ceramic wall pla41ue, went to Mra. Trygve HeM. - GuelU Introduced were PhyUU! Wtl!iam8on, Judy Woodward. Joy Poo~. LouJae Smith, Hazel Decker and Roftmarle Cribben. J. W. Cameron on Mexico Trip ChaJn Link Fencing . J , W. Cameron or Corona del No bid will be rl'<:eived unleaa it la made on. a p-ropoal form Mar" la on hill .way to Mexico by • tumll!hed by the City Enginttr. Each bid muat be accompanied by way of Nogales on a trip tO galh· lea.sh, certified ar cashier'• check, or bidder'• bond+ made payable to' ed. flnt hand ~preulona and ab- the City ot Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at leut ten per aorb the atrnoaphe.re of Mea.,co. cent (J0i;4 > of l}\e amount bk\ auch cuannty to be forfeited ahould He wtll -.top·at He""ostUo. Guay· the bidder to whom the contract Ia awarded fail to enter. lnto the rnq and N•V1lJoa.. and . go on lo contract. 1 "' ~ Loe A.Jamoa. called the Mother ot In lLccord&nc~ wllh the provbiiona ot ktion 1770 to 1781 or the Loi Angeles. .. wh,~ be wtll lltay Labor Code, the City Council of tbe City Of • Newport Beach b&t tot a while. ascertained lb~ ·-general prevaJli.ng rate of wqea~ble to Ute - work to be done ru follows: . . · B N I t . Jamea Lockwood an4 Vn. Carpen~lflc&tlon urn• ----------·---~~c '\ l'1 "'7'.x.!'."';~ :i~ i::: Cement Flnisht'r . ... . ............ : .. : ........ ·-····-·-··· ~ ,.1.9. t eojobm at San J"ranc Laborft11, Gt'nera.l or Construction ···················t·-······ L'lS While tn the -8'\.V City u.e)' we.re nagman . ·-,_ ---···---·-.. ··----···----·---· 1.7& ·ne "'~ or _ .... u..,.. Watchlpan a.nd 'or Guard .............................. ~--········ 1.87 Air ~mpre-MOr Operator ················-'-··-··-·:··-···-·-·· 2 ~ ~crele Mixer Operator -Skip Type r·-r-··-. 2.1. Structural Iron Worker ····-···-···-··'-·····-·---------. 2.GO Tractor Operator -Bulkloser. Tamper, ~r • t. or Drag-Type Shovel or Boom ~Atl&chm.enta ~30 • '\ ' > -I "" UnJversaJ Equ1pment Op@ratc>T (Sboftl. Draalltlie :ll0.00 " • Derrl<:k, Derrlck·S.rge, e ·ana.ahell or Crule) 1.50 Drivttl Of Dump Tl'µcka of. JeBa "lhq 4 .!'cf& Water Lf>vel ......... _..~ ... -. ..!..-~-----·_,,;,_ ... _ lil' 14 M, Aey ClaMJtlcaUon omitted lb, ~IJo/ ·not lw · tbaa l .'7 , U.JI. Pearl Bialy Who waa allUng in a.n automobile In Laguna Bead\ when It waa struck by a truck. d&rnagee of mqre than '30.000 were: de- mande!d In 1uperi•r court last we~k. Mrs. Bl&ly and he r husband. Charle§ F ., flied suit again.It the Pacific Provialon Co. ot Newport Beach, \ta oper,tors and Franklin Rinaldi, alleged to be ddver ot a Pacific Prov\siQfl t.ruck. They auerted lhe w omaa ~w.,. altt.lqg .tn he.r hullband'a auto -_t thel curb on S . Co&llt BIYCI. l1,1t July~ 6 wbe9 11 WU hit by a t.rucl<. ln ac1Jtltlon. to '30,000 s e o e r a l flamocOI, .I.hoy Mked tor an unope- dlled amount for mecUcal dlaq'ea and •108.0'l tbr damage to tbe car. Vll!IT!I IN GLENDA'LI: . A Wttk'a -Y In Glei>dale hu boon concluded ' by Mna. ~ Patoe or Churcil St., Okta x- wbo va.lted Irie.ode and rel&U.,e1 whlle a.,.y. A•...e1 Girt Scoat Co.Ille 8ue 1 · ...,......,,. 10 to ...,_,,. 14 -_,,. , f "Thats .fhe only ~Y !V dncribe doth• t dried. '" my outomofic 901 dolfta drv« • • • ' Alt1r1"i 0.. a..t. Orytl' I ••1e11• ·-' KINMOll ~-..-­............. .,,.,. - All l>tda .,. to be com~ ~ the bula al. U.. Cll,f mncin-'• l uttrn.at~ ot the qua..nUU8 of worll to be-. dme. . .No bki Wlll be aOCf:pted from."' a c.ontftctor ,rtto hu not ~ llceaeed In ilcoordance wtt.h t_k pro-of µ>apter ·t, ~ m ot Bl ... ..._ and' Profesaiona Code. .. 1 • l>~ may 1>e .... .,.. fonna of ~·· -. ....n.t. .,.s .-1flc&tlona may be~ al Ille~ of llM Cll>' -..1 •• 0\1 'Ball, ~ewpon Beach, Calllbrnl&. , • • • • 41~ °"" apecla1 alten\1<>11 ot ,........,_ ·••r:i ~ ..-''° Ulit -... -1 ~ttmenta and>~-....... to Ult ... - '' al ~ for l'llll ~ u to blddlq. fie. "'. llb1r Clty o( ?(~ -•-••,-.-ilpt. a rojaot MT"' I aD ltlcW. ," I • .t ~ • l>aled J~ •• 111111. • c. J[. Pltlmr, 09 ~ JJo. ....,Proa ~ r·-.,i'°'7 1-C, UOJ- ' • ' • .... .... ~ ' ' • " • ...... _lr l.,,. B FlfufAl!Z I - ' . ' " • " I ' ! ' ' •• .. '. • .. I i. • • • ' , I I • I ! I Ji I • ' ' • I 8tylln&' Ad\'aACH I In appe&ranee. the l 95'1 lll},e fylly auata.ina the p&ci' of the me-= ~ca). l.tnprovemenl.8. All rnodelii bve been completely ruty-~ 1•· aide and oat, and eat:h D'ladtil ·hi.a . lb dlatl.ncUve lndivtdual cba.tM• tertsUcs that ma.ke It re&aily d• ttngutsha~ from aJt othen tn· ~ line. .. Stylin~ chances lnctude a n~ wide sJoplnl' hood that helpa tq lncreue dr1Yef vtalblllty; n ~ .. -t ;hont fenders; new curved bumJt- ,flrs and · maMlVe bumpeT 1U9.f'dll; new front and rear omaJnenta• "Uon; new grille• that an· dtllUn~ .. • tlve for each model; new f POflt ·and rear fender moldJ:np; and • Mlt moldlnC' that now complete- ly encircJe8 the car. Tbe . new wrap-a.rou'nd ·•Cleaf'>. bac" windoW la now uaed Oil an , nlodel&, J.ncreaalng rear ~ windoW area by 201, 1 square in<!!l:es or .IO. per cent ae compared trtfh i.NO- tnodela not havtng OU. teatuta. Length or the car la accent~ at@d by the riew frOnt fender llDe. WbJch extenda further b&ck tn UM! front door j>aneJ. NEW CHRYSLER "FJR&. POWl:K"' t:N'GINE. ()qnaerva· Uvely rated at 180·bonepower. the nn'' 8 ·f'\•Uod,.r powerplaat la a 90--<k-&n"f' valv~ln~ V· type eftl'lftf'. most • revollJtionary new . I • " . engine • 1n 27yeal"s .. • Urqe saving ~-.· Chryaler engineering agllin brine• YoU an entirely new.povierplant Lett Fr ~• • which will set' a new pattern of performance for yean to come. • ers om ~:,$ . FirePower is not only the most puwerlul engine you can drive t,oday on Ad ive Duty ... it is the moot elflcJent, tooi Eahautive t-::t proved Ruldenta <>f Ult Harbor area this the mechanically best and Dio.t "reliable car. • Wer ljuilt. Only-by •· who r~lve letters .. trom senice= . , !:. · j~1).'0~, can you, know the neW world of satisfaction· i~ opeos to , ~¥;-~.JJ.';'f, ! ~-JM~ _ · •l~th i Jll~ ~~~ei' ~~ 01,1~ with eMe; any otbllr·engine· W.:,.;;t . ~,Q.\,Tt;j.I~ '-I?~ • · • '•iii' dtMr tar. •Yet FirePower uses no more gas than you probably u1e · 2111 to think twice, and carefully now .•. uses rtfgular grade gu,. tDO. It will run mqre earboo-free . ; . las;. k>Q&9f before they de.troy such leUera . . · b ·1 bar and cancelld envelope•. • •• require 1-attention and upkeep coat than any other engine w t, . • • onen. he pointed out. the In· none. And along with FirePower, Chrysler tormaUon contained In "GI". let· tbi --othe t d ttta is thf'! aU-lmportant clufi to 9 year presen ... Lwv r grea an NOW.-ON~DISPLAY evidence that may be ~ulnd basic engi.Deering advancee ••• later In ut•b!iahlng. lh!irTlce-exclusive new Oriftow shock absorben, man'1 right to medical tr tment or compensation for aJ . nli or on all med.els, with over twice the lnjur1... -shoclc-llb«>rbina power of any other 'I'hb I.I particularly true. in lb~ c...., or Cllmb•t cor.dlllora web u car'1 ••.• and, optional At extra cost; the have m•rked the Korean cam· miraculom new Hydrlll\lide power difficult to maintain In t.be field. ateering which does fo fifth• of ~ur. palp. '~here medical reconU a11e ~ A dlablllty which had tto oricln llleering work for you See alJ t1- ln llttVk:e may be cuUaily men· ex}tff.• new motori"• f1fondet1 tonlom.w Uoned b)' your GI 80ll; bulband or .... •-. friend In a letter and may ne••r Al your Chryelet dealer'11--Ametic#!• appear tn ·military recordL ll'ean ,_est ,_ car ;1 now on display. iaier. it ~y reappear and eau.e him auffednl' and lo• ot Income. Thal letter, parU~larty lt tt 'men .. t lona 80l'l1e of hi. buddiP. wtto WIJUki have lulowk!dJ'e of tbe CUit>. may be t.b:e •Ii mana of tau. aervlceman•1 eetabllahlriJ' a ftttd clalm for K'Mce.-connected diao- abllily eompenaatknf· an1 trm.t· menL Such lettera have 'pn'Nd of vital lmpcirtance ln .. lielpt• many World War D Yeterans llll&hUab their enUUmient to MMblJit7 ., beneflta. Get ID Caci r11citos TcMIJ • • . .. . .... ' ( • • ON 1 DISPLAY ' .. • • ' • , r • ~ ....... ~ . . . • • • .. • • • - .. , .... • I" • ,, • • • ,. tao · ·HORSEPOWER ' • h-Jsler~. I I ~ ' . i' " . f; •. ' I '• • ·~' .,j • • '· .. -' / • •• . I ; j • I I I I • • . • , • • l • • • -· ' • ., .. \ l • • • • ; I ·, ·.' :i::·-_,, ' -•• "1'~A .Pless ,_ .. - •• • ' ' • • • • • • • • ' • . -• J j l . ' I • I • ' nnt meetlng ln 1951 of the to-._ ____________ _ c:aJ unlt of Pro America wu held n1d,a7, Jan. 28. in the home of Jira. Elmer Polrler. Corona del Kar wtth aboUt 60 memben pre• ent. Cbatrrnan Mrs. Alene Bald- w!n ~. prn!ded. Election of otncers for the com- m, year WU Cira\ order Of bual• neu. UnanlmOWlly electM to aerve were: fte..elected chairman, Kn. Alene Baldwin Ehresman. Newport Beach: secretary, Mre. Sam f&lker, Corona del Mar; vtce-chalrman. Mra. Elmer Polrter, Corona del Mar; tnuv.rer, Mn. Hal Wela, Corona deJ mar; re- elected publtctty chairman, Mra. J . Arthur Taylor. Lido late. Mrs. Ettreain.an then read the varioua lettera received from the following, ·acknowledging with ap- prec:.latlon the elforu of the Pro A.me:rlca croup An the recent gen- eral election: Glen McCloud, Spen- cer R. Browning, Ralph Maakey. Morman MOier, Edward ShaltUck and Richard Nix.on. Next dlacuuion was on legtala- Uoa, Including: Child Care Cen- t.era.. It waa agTPed that Pro Amnica reconunende to the C&Jl- fomla Leplators that w e recog- nize and endorae privatt" enter- prtae and we believe whereve r poalble •private child cart" centers 1bouJd be encouragf"d. Public child care centen ahould be continued on a temporary basis. Permlulvc Je(itlatlon lhould be enacted to permit local achool district!: to de- cide whethtt they want Child Care Oenlera ln their di1t?ict.8 and that euc:h district. . u approve then ahould bear a proportJonaJ part of ltJ• C09L Specl&l privileges above tbt Ileane Te8t should be stricUy reserved for children of per30na ln active •rvlce &nd dl1abled veter- """· ne lnve.tlgatfon ot ability to ,,_,.. should take p 1ace at three mont.M' lnterva.la a.nd the stllte- rn"enta ihQuld be made under sworn atfklavit. CrOM Flllnc Pro America bf>lleves that the preeent syatem of Cros8 Filing ts equitable to au parties. Prtncipal &peak.er. inlroducf'd by 'Mn. EbrestnRn, W&J\ M.r. Jack Mtller. of Auociatc-d Farmers of C>Tance County, Inc. Mr. Miller pft a brief outline or .the. ueocl- a\J.on he tepreaents. which wi..s OT'- pnlaed u a direct result of the "'·ftta\n.p" ln Northern California and Ute lmpe.1'l&l "alley when the fumtta: decided to ban together lo work and Investigate criminal communl&tic conspiracy in Cali- fornia.. Mr. Miller thrn launched into the main topic of Comrnunlsm and lt1 beglnnlngs. Loca i Churches to Assist County Revival Campaign Orange cOunty c 1 erg ym en. Youth for Christ leaden and Chrll!tian laymen are bU8Y U.19 week fln&l!Slng <tetaila for Orange county'• greatest united revival campaign which opens Sat.urday evening f P'eb. 10) wttb Eftn~­ Uat T . W . '"Tee" Wilton in the pulpit for the opening ph.ue of the •-week effort at Ana.helm high achoot auditorium. Citron and Center street.a, 7 :30 o'clock. During the first weii:k of the c~P.,tgn In which 42 1elldlng Or· an~ county churches repreitent- lng aJmoet every protutant de- nomtnaUon will join, Gordon John- eon. Orange county Youth for Christ head haa arranged for eomc of America'• outatandlng evange- li8l8 to appear ln a aerie. of "workt vl.alon ral1lcs" beld concur- rently with the eeventh annual executive cong~N or Youth for Chrlat which opens lbia week ln Loe Angelea. . World vt!lton rallies w111 be con· ' ducted nightly through Saturday F ebruary 17 at 7:30 except Sun· day evenlnga wben the service W1U Atart at 8 :30. Saturday and Sun· day raUie21 wtll be hekl ln the Ana~ helm high achoc:>l auditorium and all other aervlcce tn the Fremont Junior high echool auditorium at the 8&1lle Jocatlon: Participating cburches In the evangeJiaU~ camp&1gn include: Co3ta Mea BapU.t church. Rev. P. 0 . Neumann: Coeta. Mesa Ind~ pendent churc~ Rev. ~sht Klq· man: Coata Meea Aaembly of !Jod,. Rev. M. C .. CronJc and New- port Beach Baptist church, Rev. Don La.n\beraon. Me sa Foursome Spends Weekend in Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bellringer and Mr. and Mn. Roy J . Hlclta of 511 W . 19th St., Cotta Mea, returned with glowing remlnle- cenccs of a wonderful week end &t 'San Fell~. Mexico. The fa.nt .. ou. flshlng Yillal'e la located 126 ml.le9 llCM.llb of Mc•.lcaJI -on Ult Gult of CaUfornia. San Felipe, according to ~fra. Hic ks, Is a primitive town whert' the pioneer tiplrlt iB evidenced by men &eiling water. cftildren offer- ing tamales for sale and bakerg peddling c akes and bread. Mrs. Hicks ill enthu.slaellc over the de. llcloua shrimp Me.xtc&no, tacoa and tortUloe. I ( "P'rom thla revolutlonl)TY com- munlat document. the communist ManJfeeto. aprang Hiller's mon- f1"el National Socia lism · In the ta.nd of ll8 birth." u.ld Miller. "It ta the crlmlnaJ program of lhr ~a"'8e of the mild climate. c 0 m ·m u n I 8 t revolutionaries . In' aome of the 'natives lived In care). Ollna. It la the guide tor al.I Rua-board tlouaes., adobes, with large aia communist dlctatota who ael:r.-crack.e and there are even living ed governmentJi in eastern Europe quarter• made of paper, the re- -wtlh lhe U&i..stance of lhc Rus-turned traveler said. alan cornmunUi:t 8.fmy. It 1.8 the '1I-"The quiet. reeUul eurroundinca recOve of the pn-sent dictators of are aom~thlng you will long re- $o.vlet Socialism In Moscow where member, ln the oplnoo of Mre. mUJloM of copies of it are now Hicks. Printed and distributed throughou:t U\e W01'\d ln m&ny languages - to ptomote cOmmunlst revolu- ttona In other countries. And thi.8 trlmlnal document. aa these two Unity Church Lenten Program Ovman communi.lll8 wrote lt. la During the Lenten aeuon, Feb. now lhe Manlfe11to ot the com· 7 through March 2!1, Unity •tu- -munJet party. In the United slttee dent.a the worJd over unite In an -who.e national officers were re-intensive study of the prlnclple• centty convtcted of criminal con-· of aclent.tk: prayer and .raat rrom 11piracy tn a U. S. tedC"ral court in negative t.houvht. llTWlech and • New York City·· " -r-ac · Uon, rather than the deelrea of Ute Mr. Mille~ told of the attempt phyaical body. They read their of Mr. WUILAm Z. Fos.ter to gain Bibles and lhe book 'Tea.ch ua to JeadershJp in Amc.r1can labor Pray" · aa outlinW In a special oniona for the pa.st 00 years -· study guide prepared by Unit who ta known for his .. book ''To-School and furnished free to atJ. w~rd Soviet America and wa.a denl8. They consecrate themaelve.a one of the twelve indicted for to Uie w;ill and work of God by Criminal conaplracy In 1948 -attuning ~mseJvca to divine but wu severed fronl the group mind through prayer and medita- becauae of a sudden heart attack. ·uon · Tbe other ele~en b"eing convtcted si>ec-1aJ cl&Aes an conducted in · mid found guilty -but are al aJJ Unity cent J lh preRnt out on ball ers an ey are · open to everyone without char•e Mr. Miller told the group that or obligation. The Unity\ Church It wu clearl~ the duty or every of Truth. 2015 North Bi;ioadway, cltiSen lo write bia or her repre-Santa Ana, invites you to pa.rticl· aenta.tive in Wuhlngton, D. C., pate In uu. eplrttU~l feut.. Clua- demandinl' action on the commu-ee Will meet every Tue8da.y at 2 n.Lun ln U. S. He had word.II of p.m. and every Thuraday at 2 pra.Lee for t.he courageous action p.m. and 8 p.in. Phone Kl S-5441 of Senator Mccarthy, stating that for rurlher lnforma.Uon • J.a.rc-e number of government em-· ployeu ln lbe U . S. State Depart- ment ~•lgn~ befor-e they could be 1n ... 1Jgottd. Mn. J:hruman preeented. new member•: Kra. Robe.rt J . Heffner. Mn. Howard L. Cave, Mr& Floyd Buell. Mn. Belen S. Randel and )!,,. Harry E. Campbell. The H.atbor &rea chapter was orpnbtd In Januaey, 1960, with tw.Jve members and has. groWll to to aCUYe members. It LB open to all women tnterealed tn govem- maat of the people by the people tn tbe true American way. New B. I. Church Pleases Home Mission Board • A •-t Girt 8aoat Ceolde &lie ~ lt to Febnary H t"W> ' Ff)' F•b. 11,' S to 9 p.m. St. ,.,.... l'luiab a ..... , ...... . • , . ' ' ~ • PietUre and Potluck - at Christ hurch A•-<llrl 8eoUt Cookie Sele · F~IOto ... -.,u. -People do read the '\lfa.nt ada. DO BE1 IER AT· l . j • ~ '. .. .. n1ge1~-i ' . R ITURE CO • . •' • We. ~uy and ~,,_I Na: end. Used Fu,111l~u:' 1812 Ne 11vc1.~·c0sra Mesa Be.'$65' ' I