HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-15 - Newport Balboa Press• I· • • &;cit-but- 1!7, T. If. 1"11f\JCr'1· GAJN1Cll To .tlllo dept. -lo one of the -elepat ... ,J .. ta f .. dl9- • -Oil ~ that --ftl>d. Waler la a· pntty - I 'l'IDPU!IS 'A lllinor of the ..\..t ' ~ dcv.Jopiq' Ana .; lb&. Oallfomla Bouth . . ' Qouial Smpln • __.,. _,.,.,odlty. ll -._ __________ ...: .. a oort of iuppor1111&' deri>ent tor ~· It lo uWlaed. ....,etlnl... to quencll thlnt. ·It lo a bandy -t ot llelpmate · for er-inc vep- ' . ' • I , ~ . ~ , ,, ' -· • . . ~ 1'Ht umn • , (. - . AllA . ' . ~I SECONlf,lM&EST HOME ,COMMUNITY IN ORAN6E I ' . ' • taliloo. And. llaed. properly, It II-one'• pedal extremlUea from becomJn&' odoroua and one•• car from belhc • dla....,. to th• IH!lisbborhood -.u, In both l&tter eue11;, enough -.p I• Wied.. VOLUME XI' PHONE 1816 NEWPORT · J'OuRTEEN PAGES Therefore. we lhall take u our weekly .ubjecl water. Or what meet to be c&lled water. ru elalJc>. n.te later on why there'• a new name for ll . Aa every IP"4de ocbool kid knows.· water hu played a ml(bty hoary part In blalo<y' Columbua med a batch of It lo complete a naYipUonaJ experiment w h I e b gained blm M>me f&Jl')e and little ptotlt. The thrlny Coloniata URd It to dunk wltcbi!• In, later bot· Ulng ,it and putting It ln 'all branch 1toru for uee u repellant to chue other wttcba into the bwlh... Geo. Wuhln(lon UHd It to throw a dollar acrou and. tn later years, the folka of JohmtOwn ~ uaect It to make tamoua, their •Y· ing: "nee for yer llvea, Uae dam bu bunt! .. Tbettfore. we have eatablllh~ t.ha.t water i.. a mtghty nice thing to *have around. ln cue the t\9Uae C..tebe. rtl-e, or 80lllethlng. -, :"~~ 18 ..... u ·~ that. gradually, , &..en. ed&'Ciis up . to modem ~otil&iUoft of wat4'r u ~m to 1'!'1i~itty or boom to ·-ntty. &9Jtbe eUe may be. In lhof' 11nilon\ times, I'm ·m "<the nr.i. ~bmu -· 1•·· 'tt~~?n•• ~l.1ti.11i g . Something ~~t WJnch e couldn't have ~ ' Wld-1"8ler bllla. --;BIA :'>!:• ,i t' ~ !-ere we go lt"t lilai Coat.a ,.reaa. water! ~ver .tnce thta dept. bu be;en a pioneer Meea resident (12 yean or 90) the water has been a pride ud joy. I've &Jwaye taken pleu.- \IH in Introducing un&cc::UltoiJled f.olk.e to the local ven\on of what fl6wii under brtdgee art.er the barn doo.r'a been locked, to mllt a mtshty metaphor.· ""'-long u t can remember, the Jleaa'e water baa been & standout. SclenU.t.1 worked ror' )·ea.re to pro-- duce "beevy'" water, and ..,.. had it &0 &he time, r•gb.t here! It wu heavy willt all aorta of th1ng1, and I oay "thlnp" advlaedly. A lo~ly •P1Jl8T l'IACE AWAJlD-.l'intund ,~· lo'""' a~ pi.....,led Ullo Newpott Bal-P....., our- oehre ln color. it aleo h&d an :;.ou..s..i· It)' u.e 8f_er (beloW) aad two · "9 .... bw u.i pnme~ broebure wtuch woe. the oeht• taate. So many follc:1 up trwared .-.,.ae.lot" the DCKnpsper'. i -11"~-.. f.. . =~=Zr~7 s.fba..: 'M. fS , deraTound 1trat.& brew that many 1 ph.JDctalia . now believe that ade· . ~-Dr p!n<h«I-,,.._ lt,11:reol· -'ft~rnt uu -Sil "" :•v TOll'ft ,..,-y •"""':"foll. Pot" many yean ca.ta Kea wa· ter bu M.a.nk, aomewha.t. It: bu been yellowillh, more }h&n aome- wbat. a.nd It's alway• had tlny thinp atrayin1 about the glass, like tea leavea when you're read· ing fortune•. But, neverthelese. it's been the bHt water In the world for all the U8el you can dream up, from not making rlng• on the bathtub tb not drinking lnatead of beer~ OOL DANG THl!I l'jlOORESS STUFF! And then, right when every- one'•· be-en broken ln, you might &1Ly, to our water, a new produet ta lmported, ju.et like sardines or caviar, from the Co)or&do rtve:r. Jt'a only temporap, they aay. We'll pt our old water back a.pin. Huny that day! Thlt: Colorado rl-.er w.ter 11 BOmething. 8o clear you. can look right tbnlugh It. A oelt-reapect· lng Costa Mesa soldltah would die trom tack of e.xerdle becauae be coukln't 9M whe.tfl to llW'im. YOU have to look' to! w.e what you'"' drinking! You UM more aoep and pt 1eaa a.ctlon, and tt coeta Ju.-t lbe same, and I don't think my carrot.a are going to like lt. Let'• get back to the good old days. Pleue, water dlrectons? Gimme back my odorooa Co.ta Me• water, pleue ! · .loses Diamond in Cofke Cup Bnathlns more eaatq Uteee 11&1• lw one ~ eampa.&J, -Mn. I . G. l'eter Beall, lll ltaby A-. Bal-b-.i;' ud one ma••pr ef tile DI.boa Ba,)' (JJ1llt. Atlp.m.M-7,lln.BMIJ ----tlq Ille efJ<o. ttveae. of coffee fOr c&eeeWc dlamoad. w b t I e wt.HI ...., --at Ille -D! otn>ppod -rlq 1..iue.. at .. 1 ..... wit~ a I V, o•iat ...a. at.o.r. tw. MMller ............. ) .. &.o ~ Cfil• fee .. Pa.a "'....,. to -" oat .;.... ~ TM 11&7 Cl•• --p-r, 8a ae..-. Kn. Bmll'I aterJ • .,. fend te Mve ·tM e...,• J& • lq .......... -u. ..... B•wc+er, ...,._t wtettes ~ , •• , •. "8'f a.a .... ... -.-..-u.ri.s.-••efllmelaaMt1 rae_., •••ta•r Well 1%7 '' f he· ..... Ma ......... 7 •• .. ....... • tt• .. ...... -••le .... ..... A!QRIALil&&iiKO ' ' ..... , dm a ... ,__, ol u.. a.a11 ..iin,..,.._. Aew:w• wllJ lie lllld ~. TllO p. a at u..--· ...... M•ta car •· 11 et&::.IJ, 177 ,I c~ .. ....,. ...... -·· -· -- • ·" • . . Recogntt.1on came · to lbe .Ne wpc:wt-Batboa Ptt• ~ Ute week~ h-om the Callfomia Newapeper1 Publlabe.ra' A.eaociatiort' antJ lho Advut\4lng Club of Loi. .Angelff fDr t.he brochure about U\e community, prepared and published by the newspaper. Bids for Mesa· Sewer Re ·quested A beautiful plaque, bearing t.he'••--------·-------~ ...... ---------- legend. "C. N. P. A, Conte1t Award-1950 For Best Newapaper Promotion -WeekUea -Award- t>d to Newport Balboa Prelllf, pre- sen\!!(l by Advertl3lng Club of Los Angerea" wu given to Mr. and Mn. Ben Reddic k. publla~rs, in Sacrunento Saturday at the an· nual convention. The promotion award la preHnl· ed to the · ncwapa~r which doCa lhe moet .outstanding job ln pro- moting lta town. The brochure which garnered the award for' the f>1:ea wU _putlll8hed In the put year and .contatruo 38 pagu of ·which 27 al'@ plcwre parea. The booklet bl A~ by. 11 tnche1 In l1z.e and eo dealgJ\ed that It becon:iea Ill own file rolder fot Indexing ln the archlvee of bualneu eatabllah- (Ooatln\M'd oa Pac"e Z) Mesi 'S~s--tudy forming of Defense . Chief Park · Commission CoNJt.ruction or a .•Y•teltl, of Sanitary ~e.n ln Ooeta Mesa hu bWn called for In a requeet tor blda publt.shed by tlle C.O.ta Me• Sadlta.ry DLetrtct. AccordlJ1g to the •peclflcatlora the bldl for the coMtructlon are to be Ned in Brig. Gen. Raymond E. Kn"'p. An end to bk:kerlng a.nd cittl· the office of F. e . e>wu;, aecretary USMC (reL ) baa been .elected u ct.Im among •arioue civic groupw. of the Board not later lh&n 10 a. coordlnalQr or the .,co.ta MeM prtva.&e in~vtduala &nCI go~ernlnJ m . "' March 8. Civil Defenae dJ,ltnc.t by the ad· bodies of •~ewport Bnch regard-The aewer •y&tem Le to be bullt vl&ory council of th• C'f'OUP· In,-the parka J>l'OgTam wal urged wlUti bonds recently voted by the A vice coordJ;nat« of lhe di&-b1 ~ city P&rttf and recreation conlmuruty and it " propoaed tM trlct will be seiectad at • m.eilt-committee &t Tu~8day'• council etf1\M!nl gathered by t.M 'ciity' col· ins B"rtd-.y nooa of. t.he ~ meetlns and It wu SUCl"eat.ed t.bat Sector llnea wt11 be dl.IPoeed al by wuncll, Selim ~ torll10r lhe ~ of Chic AaooclatloNI the Ocean Outfall · to be built coo.rd1nator, &&iO._~tdaJ_. · "--~ u the offk:tal body whenever the County S&ntt.&Uoa The defenae clftJriiOt will be or-i'eprMenttng aU civic uaoC:iaUou Dtatr1Cu complete conatrucUon of pniaed In p ... lnct and block -· actl""ly ._ed In maJdnc: tt·, the sa.000,000 projeet -..i by th• tlon. a.nd a prop"aa'I of p~ que.i. tor pobUc .impl'Oftm~t.a. people tit the c0u.n·tyl two yea.re emergendes will be Kheduled. (0..tt.-ued. oa Pap I) •So· . ' Hm bor Weallwr F, • • I ' .. ' .. , . • ·~ '-Mft?I ; .um:,... ta -...... felt ' -lml*riW, -·-· ·-.. --. .....-1 ~ .,. ~-­. -~ , ' ' NUKBER 51 Wood though the road "lhe. only workable eolutlon. One houee a year on the bluff would ruin the. view in t.e.n "yeara." He aid. "the opponent. are taking a very M!lf- 1.ah attitude." J'oUowtnc-the letters the old cippOolng pellllou With 18 lllJrD&· turea WU' read. then a new peti- tion with 119 lllpatur .... ~ I 1.t WU f"eYeaJ:ed that • .tile ~ ad¥ert.lalns campa.tgn 6f the ·Pro- tective .Aanc:iatlon 'had produced · l0oa11aa.. oa hp SI ' , ,( • • ' ' l • • • • , • ' \ . -.. ~ PROF£S510Nhl ~ ~. OIRE(TORY ~ J '·1 ~.l ~o;o.a. ~1 ~..,..;· ,,~Y Ii N ' Bllid.,oa.ca__. ' I I .~ ( ' )hdlcal ~ a.ea. tTGI " I " "' -.J 11111 ~ """' ... """ -.. V. J:. KoVSEL, 0 , 0. OPTOMETRIST E.....a.pbyAppola- lllt W. Newpof$ Bl.C. ,New~ ...... '........., 1111 ,~···-~ ....... =~ • 1' t• ... ., ••• , .. r I • '·. • , . ' I" I r ' ' f I . .. "TO THE .VIGl'OllB bOlons tho opolW" -:-L._.. YMti club-Ne~ Harbbr i.d.t <!alt.._ .. -OIUlllellp &rol*>' • .....,.. .. a -.ot Sa~ .. IWlual ohalleGp .-, otay .. rt1bt - IC. ... beea for tile,..,, 9'-,..,.... maltl•r &tr. In a mw' tor Newport. From left: BIAS 51.mpeea. of N.U.Y.c. wbo. ~-w-Blinn, (lilt rlcflt) ""'~ u prorram chalnnao and ..,......, ..,.... lter for the 1eJ1e9.. .. well aa Mltl•s oa tM wtrmtnr teun. LA.l'.C. Commoclo~ Johft Welh( left Cfldter) and N.B..Y.C. ~re 'Watter Fran&. eallrd th~ Com.modore•s-Race to a tie. I (Photo by Beckner) ~os Ange~es YC ·~~ts Crow' DFC .R~ceived ~Y ·In Annua.I ~Cft![~! Ra~e COM 'tyi arine .PilQt. A letter w&1 rec'elved lut w~ b7"1'ttte . qo~odore or our fain--WIT8 nq:. lst lli..uu:NJ; A.l.ft• p... and. "1Mll\I•• lad-~--.:s:--cl~ll bleh ,..,.taino4 ~WING IN KO~pl­ o. """*" ,,/ --"'atia -lol~ ,,......rld" ii06 i lhe club, Ila :-VllllaJp c. ~k.er, :i.r., a ,.._,_,, memben, l'hd the.ti' l&ll.!hg abUlty. . · old Le•th•inec.: pUot fl"Om OmJnJ To ignore '.uch WW-bred i.ri8ulb (whJch 'Would be the natur&l re-d•l Mar, wU recently p,...nted a ction of gentlemen like th~ ' .. 1 the Dlatlngulab;ed Flyinc C1'09 and an Arrhy ~tter or Commer.- who compr!Jlf the memberahip of Lo cal. Yac' hts-men dat'on by Maj. Oen. Field Harri•. N. H. Y. C.). wu, in this cue. ~omma.nding the 111t Marine Air• Impossible, since the ch&J.lenge craft Wing. came from those tradltlonal rivala. A d s d A veteran or 103 combat hopa tht" f:os Angel~ Yacht c'.ub. tten qua ron over Korea ln light, u.narmed The only recourae. therefore, , "Crauhopper" observation planes, Capt. P&rker b curnnUy serving WU t o reply with a. reluctant in-Charter Party ln. the Intelligence atttion of a Ma-vltatlon lo these disgraceful ex-rlne air group in Japan. ponenta or yacht.mg to once again N ea r Chindong-ni in South vi.sit the hallowed hall8 of N. H . Y. K C. and receive their annual "'&all-A new unit of the United States · orea, capt. Pu-ker t1ew a supply I I , I . Power Squadrons was Installed ln drop miaato'1 to a trapped Marine ng esson. ' t wu ·requested, a& I I h S.n Fr""cl-o last Saturday night patro for wllleb he wu awarded usua , l at the visitors try to re---· ..... th Lett f Co da I b !ltraln their hill-billy inclinations with several Joc_al membera 1oln1f e Se er <>" mmen ton Y while In the presence of thelr bet-up for the event. Commander U)e crela~ of the A~y. tera. It wu _also, 1ugp1ted by Harry A•hton N, of the ThJrteenUO Tying food, water and ammu- ComW1e· llott that the L. A. DlBtriet of which the new Squad-nJtio~ lO ~wing ~ta of .hlf Y.\ -.) ~t:heniaelvea kl ton win be a~member,·flew ·UP f~~fl' .. ~ a~,,aJ\& !»_ . ~~s)nc• ,,-ith Mn.. 'fbton and Mr. and t ""6. &nd -_ l..'.-~~!lbtS!!. ~\Qf ~-~ <>( ,lf!!J. h. • ·"""'"'" ' ~ --• !te~tmen lo to out and .... ~J~ .-,1 - l'•ther them up. ma.nder of Balboa Squadron. and lo r~upply the plnned-down pa- All thla ls buffoonery of long •l preaent aecretary oT lhla dis· trol. ' .standing between these two clubs trict, drove up with Mrs. Boyd Received Lee WollOd and la anticipated aa an afternoon and James Stoddard, JN, chair-FIY.f,nc over 8eoul during _the of pure tun. In spite or this, bow-man of Advanced Grades for t)\e September battle tor that city, ever, the races themeelves are unit here. e&pt. Parker wu WGU.naed when hardtought and the trophy proud-·They reported that the new a bUllet came throup Uie noor or ly diaplayed by the wilmer. Squadron got off to a tlbe launch-bl8 plane, went throUP the edge lng wtth Commander L. A. Ather-of bia ahoe, plowed up bla leg, and Race No .ExcepUoa. ton n-om Newburyport, MUii. &11 a went out tbe roof. Over the Nak- Laat Sattirday'a races were no apecia.l guest. He ta commandef tong rtver a buJJ'et lhattered hlli exce ption. Newport reta.ined the .of what ,. kn·own u tbe TbirUelh wlndthteld and knockta off bit award by a very n•rrow m~ Dtatrict whJetr la a ,.,,,....J> made up cap, ·but did not 1njUJ'e him. and the sixteen sailors repreaent-ot memben at large throughout • A fonner CoruJr; pUot, he re- lng N. H. Y. C. were kept On their the country a.nd &tao 1n Pana.ma, celved hi.I commi..ton lft the Ma- toes throughout the aertea. !fonolulu and Aluka. Where there rlne Corpe at Corpua Ch.riatl, Tex- A feature of the a.ttemoon, fa are . a few memben but not U, In. October, 194.1. After a tour the "Commodore'• Race," a •ln•le enoµgb for a Squadron and even aa terry Poot tn the •tatea, he race between the two, sandwiched wh°'Ere there are laolated lndlvtdu-aerwd Oft f?CCUp&tlon dut¥ ln Jap-- ln 90mewhere dwinc the lerlea. all there !fl&1 be mem~i• of the &ft and on Mldway Ialand. This race, contrary to the othera National ~UnJt and are banded to-• 1n 114d1Uon to Ule 'J)f'C and Lel- la sailed ln a maimer commen~ gether through 't be• ThirUeth ter of ~Uon+ C&pL Park- surate with the mood of the af\er-Squadron. • et woe thrff A.tr lledab and the noon and wu aaUed admtraLly Aah~aleo reporu Uaat J\e and Purple B~ ror acuoft' m Korea. thJa year by Rco.r-COmmodoro-iocai mander ~y l.anpn· lfll wl(e, JG'ladJW, µ-"1 417 Walter Franz ot Newport and helm, , , made a trtp to San EleUOt.rope Ave .. Corona def Mar, Commodore John WeU. of Loi Diego on hbruu'J 1 to ~mett with Oillt. Tb.q a.an one IOll. WUUam Angel... Tbe high point of thla • croup there wbo plan lo set a c. III; 11 .... attaJr occ\IJ'ftd at the leeward new ' ~ under way_ In· • _...__'---"--- mark whu each aktpper attempt-atructlon for the PilotJ.ng coune 61 E--.!.H-..A In eel to round the mark at the aame which would qualify ~e nucleus ....... Ume ln opposite ditocllOM. Tblo of 111embon lo upactecl. to be ,tv-Pil' othJt ·- l'QUJ\cd in a head-on cuUWon en "7 _ lnalructon tro1n Ba-~ which provided good taugllo for ~ · I 1 the opcclatnro. Plana are ohaplq up fM Ille Bal-l'ower ~n'a "l'rlnl S~ It ·• traditional for Ille An!>ual SP.<lnl Cont~ at.Bal· Pllolln• ~ now In Ila llllr<I winner of q.i. race 'f be to.eel -Bay Club ~ lj-4-A day WMI<, llallh '!".rolled II 'men 1114 ottrboud. there wo.o i':clllalclero.ble '°"I -fcrence will ~ wltll women, all ot ~--te tbat manueve~r at the flniab Un.e to ~ .est'me an tton.O they ~=· a 'FC>d ·tne M avoid be , the llnt lo croa. Wal-~t In charse of ae..ton W.O u moy -~ ler and Ohn made It a perfect on the PDol1.,. _,.. ~ llf CUr-&bout -nr- aflttnoon ~ tlnlabln1 ewtly to-U.. I>oa11 .AF• cllalnn&n of llal· IAat w.,...7 aJCht'• -l>F sether, .. ev-lttpl Wann -··. Local -of ;c1n:wr& Jam .. ~ JN .. -., -dry. .... • ._.,. ot the -.. ad-the ·-. ~ ... ,_ - Tbla victor)' melleo ~ In a -* ·--•• will "°' J-w....i.y .._ ...-,. 1' i.,. a row for tht Newport B&tttOr team I' •:+;it. IN', ~ ol. Ad-llctlll'e 08 , ••• , • .,, "7 'a. a •bldi -l'fOYlda 'Ulple In-"l•U ..Pedoe lien. Tll9o "I>" Kele .... _ ·, tenllft fW Maw aad lilttar,... ,., .. te ._,. ,._ •"M•M · "'*''•l"W~· r ...., .._ .. .uita ta wt,_,.. trlszsa ...... lllf q nssdl1: ••tnn 8utta A-. • ._ a ~ • .... tllu2t ··r:..· ·;;I ~ ~ --., t :.::" .=. .t.lW :.;:; :! .. ::r, :" .::.'!".~rn·• :'1 \'h"'": = ! ~ ':. *.:: .... ~ '•' ~.,.. !, I~ __ ,..., ~' •-!!!itl '!So'!',•~_. ot a·cc*q,:z •I 1 -.;:; -now~•• -•-..... &I•• -s Ila_ I q'W'9-•iltt9 ._ wITT a Wllal ._. -..... ~ ••rtsd .._tt_ .,.......,-,s'thlhlt• .... -. -..i---·Oi•e. ' -· .,.. , ~ • I • • • • • • \ • \ ' • • • • ' -fleeted~ Pf!~~? rm .. -~-~ lllltsl •• 4 ltlt •• "'f ~-1'lltll&. ..... U I. FCDflte Ill Ila 7 HI •-le .. .., ... ?ft I WIJ~-::: .. ... •• -.,,.,,_ ~ ;Ian Mid ·-o(•'nl--·.....,. -·---~-.. • .i Pnl'lle a.et T ........ aftlaln. ...... ,. ltanlll ...... o! dloo ...,.. .,,,, ,,. ... Tildlt dub, nzs-. .. ~ ·... ' r , ,,,_ ~ -.i io bow -,...... npua at-hll!n -FIR 1• -.ua, Ill, l•l.Ua. Dt.tea ~ IRt oot, u...,,..P It lo Cllr-_,,., .. ~ lhla ...nt arootnd JuJ; 1 tn -t.o C&tt'/ OYW Jiiiy J • ... . -.,, ·----.--~-------' ,..._ a-t . "' LoDr -T-elult, ,,.., llOlllOcl ~ ...-.,..'"...._ ot PCT,A. Me•8 Pilot · ·Ge.ts A~ant • A aecopd award ot the Dlst,Jng- u1ahe<i Flytnc Crou hu J>een made JiJ Marilu! (:apt. Olivar W. CUrtla ·• ' ' '. THURSQAY, -HI. 15, 195f. - ·-·. Girt·~ ·o.J. .;. · 11•;.m~_,ihi~•w-1 '1 11 "nm ... tmm WQ111• ..... ...,. 1• -..... ., ., ' WOt!LD lOll ..... --. . ,, ......... -~ . ' 1 ~~-~ ~ u••OLD~ I. p'IN!\l')'~ -/'C.""'"" J"V'\ft )J-.:N PLANtS • tHIPI • 1A1U • HOttJ __ ... , ..... ,~-~,~-- Coil .,,. "'.°~ · ,Viiielt'S 1JrMI hrHls ~ ~---... -'""I" 1111 ~ w8;r, N...,,_ .. _ ·ci.,... .._,,.,, .. -·...., "'- -I • • • ' We Want1 ·~ Chm ler loals . ' (I DDIEN'DOUS I BUSINESS IN SIOBT- Ideal Operatlag and Bait CoildldoDf • .. Mlcblllprn&n Wllltam A. We.Ver, 29-year-old Marine pilot; tor.. ny:· -USN-; 11t: 111J ""8Un• Al':.,· New· ll!g S6 mlalona over enemy-held lJC>rl &e.ch la eervlnr u , a..n officer' tenttOry. in Korea. ' Co ntecti WARREN FOWLER I i Of .\.bi: Btt,ue of Mklebipma.n at . Th• llt!atherneck tuer wu cited ~ .U-8 . .N•Val Acailemy, Annap-·ror-.h~ro,_ and 'extroo"!Jnary ol!a, )fd, • -achleveln•nt while partlclpatin&' Jn Tli~ Brtpde p'f Mi~IPJnen ls the ·36 iortJea from· September 19 a4mJntalcred by a ·mtdsllll>J!Wi of· to 23. Re earned hlo tint Dl!:C beer ··Ol"ginl&atlon compokd of .duflng ,World War D. membera or the ftnt (aerJ,lor) Qaptatn Curl.is' wile, Peggy P., ' Afte!1100m uil 1EVenlnp Phone L :B. 6-%59S . .\ . ' ., .clue. ' -&nd ~ Wll!lam Lowell, 4, lt\·e ~· at 317 Broadway, Col.ta M~. Ptlclfl c S~shJng ~ding .. 1900 West Seaside · ·1 I Long Beach, Calif. Ilea tit *· Pruit I * . VeptablN · : * To•-* Ulf•on * n .. :toeda * .. Ftah Fr, Fob. )i, • to a p.m. SL· 1..,.,. . .Pa.rllli Houee -Pedple do read the Preu ad&. f·o.o •· 1·1·1 a •• , •• ,, , . . ... . -. Plw:rlpUou * B&k11J'J, '. ~· Candy * TOlletriell ' * Gift. * HOU!lehold :·· ... ·:·~tt:lt.:•• : *' s. .·-. . i• ,, :51~ ,<· . ,, ' ' ;Ml:! Buclriee :J4•va·~.-.~ .~ • .,.-~;jlii.ia 8•'· ••ir~1'ai ·iiri:li, 't~~1'f;~alia · i' * Fo&ntain * Dellcateseen 1 ~ " ·~~ ... !; C ._ ·,•, '• .... ,.,..,"!· '• • •' .. •' j. • , ... ,;;.:w·,.~~ ... ,. ·1 l-..-•' ~·.t , ~·' ' ' . . · .nJ,~-~fJTlllO~'·IS;'.A·~. ··.; &. ~-:,. ~--~:,'#P ,, ;QJUJ'ftiJ ..•. , .~ Lltbr'--C:ilne · Peaches • ~'""" ~Mt Limas * * ··* Fountain ' ' ' r • ' -? . ' ,..T.:No'ktt,''. vouNel" _. ·-~·-• < .. . . .. ; ~..-lfi.-L:Mt••"' ' . .; .. ' lllA.TI"BEsH . . . • DEL·llONTB EGGI . ·.,PEAi • l .. .. Dez. .. Cta. c doz. 17-0Z. c.. c SUCED " HALVES . ' 8liJNaA 'Y8 ' . l . '~ I ,_ i· ' • r J; ... ''LIGHT MEAT .:... CHUliKt •., • STAR JUST , :tUllA ,,~ . Cb.. c • • ·C. ,. ·c -. "" ' . Sunt/J Anti &pray lham"9 • Batt. Spr1y 1 .· 24:.: * *}* ·Dn1iS A•Dll C_.., . , Via-· r Mt-'1 " .... ... ••• ti. I ' ~·-·1 : ~·3· '. ii : * •!* • ,. . I . < ' ~I r 'TZ "••sat• , . •••·· 2:s IOLt MEDAL Flour , ' ..... ..... ., . ' •alla •. c ,~, .~ .... ' ' . . ' iiiiiiiRIFT J&_1·A6; ··aua iilici£IN,WH1i» t · 59, _ ,;t.__3:5~ COFFEE NU(Oi: MA~GARINE ~·JS< ~ 8Sc .. ·st:LF ·sER Y1 cE MEAt~ 81AIMllB11SEI --TAILI !lllrtMID ' r , . . Ai tJ I U .... a wt111 7111 ftYIRI. • • l'INMT ORUlf , . •IDIUll llH • .. - ' • ., • l • r • -,. TT .~ -." j I ., ' • , ' ' ' _PAGE 4 -PART. r THURSDAY, FEB. rs. 1951 L~~!'Jilll:ss ~i:i • ' ' B!lt~~ BROADWAY -Now 60' ::J .::!~ .. En<k Thilnda,y • "'THE DTORCl!B"' Allo "DARK CITY" · Siano Fri~ . "SWBM \VABNJNO"-GW.er Bo!C"rw. Ronald Bepn ' "UNDER THE OUN"-Blcluud C....te PAULO' DRIVE -IN ()pea IP. M. PhQne KI. S4S80 Now Pla,rln1 "'BORN YESTERDA r'--4lbo-''FRENCRIE .. Start. Sunday ~ ·e~~DED' "1th All.an Ladd alao 'CALl:f'ORN IA PAGSSAGE' STATE 4th a\ Birch Adulta SOO tu Z WALKER ~~: Start• Tbunday, t"'eb. 13 • "THE BlTRNl:S-G Q UESTIOI\'""' soc ttll 5---40c Evenlnca Now Showt.g "AMERICAN GL'"ERIU..A In the PHILIPPINl:S" "ith Tf rone Power-Alao-- ''CALIFORNIA PASSAGE" Starts Sunday -Also- "Sl;CRETS OF A MODEL" Adu.lt.s Only ''PAGA.."l LOVE SONG" ' Esther Willi.ams Aliso "FOR BEA v;E.o"'l SAKE"' ' l i ' l ' n LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF lUS OFFJCE AT 1741 SUPERIOR A VENUE. COSTA MESA Formerly Newport Ave. PR,.\CTICE l.IMITED TO DISEASES of the EAR, NOSE and THROAT and ALLERG"f - . • ,</l\lfIR'i HOURS: WEDNESDAY Al<,D SAT-URDAY By Appointment . ReStdence Phone Harbor 1006 Cfi ce Phone Beacon ~8 FUN ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY •BALBOA • .ON D'SPLAY HOWi The only decision you'll make when you tet the lf'Mt 1951 Wootina.bouae RolrigeratC• line, ia which model -fit. .)40W" JPt.ehmf &.ery model ia a •tandout ••. for".tyle ••. value ••. features. Every one sivee you f.a.moue COLDER COW , .. the ~ cold for every Cood-keepius computmcnt:. Co,,._ in today ••• choooe your 1951 w .. tincho,_ Refripraw. You'll enjoy y...,. and yean of uJra .a1 ..... ......., au.ractjon! · ' CIWIT.slZID ~ ClllST . 'lllP\W\A'llD'-- -IUlTll ---ud ,m.tl ..... Ia- IOA(T.0W MP-T -I ~ I, , •· IXTUal.AW Hf'.,~W9 POICllAlt POGO \W_. . IAS\'·TO-USa3-wq ~HUcl!o t ' ·--.. SClll ... rn.UMta...11.nnu.-· j . '. ··:.~ ..... lllN~DUNNI .fllO *'MUllAY• ; . Bb;~ON • ·· : .. SHORT I ~RASS" • . J . 'I SUNDAl' L 'l'Ull8D'1Y '"""~"" \Vltb • MAJIJORIE MAIN and ' ·, . • ' ' • • ' I 1·. l . JAME!! WHITMORE In .. "MRS. O'MAUEY J and MR. MALONE" f -"'INO - ·LEt1 ClOBB "THE . MAN WHO CH~ TED HIMSELF" MIN8TBEL .8BOWlJ~ot, -~ fpr --......... to r1 .. IM!lore Uoe l!&tur<IV P'!rlo.--at lf¥bo• Hip oohooL . I Mesa. .. \/ : ., ... ' ' Q C S j '. h · Q h 't · Fashion Show Vl!l•T IN TULARE l range o: . Y"ilP ony re es ra~.. and Luncheon ~::i~~i~! ~:~~:zd:~:·~:.. .l!OI C..t 'Bi..t. Har. 1!13-W s:~~;~:; ::Psz.N~~sv to . Present f ebruary 21 Program . 12 Ao~:~~00o0n ~~b1 .. A10 ::. ·=.,:,; ~~d!r'Grl~~~~:!. ~~!":a~~~ «IBOlllA DEL !llAJl " K I M " · S..y club wUl be ap<l!lBOl:ed by \h• .~!chard Alan and La'1'Ydean . , by ile•(ldld_ I. 8"1>bft&s Junlo• Auxilia.y, Long Beach•Wo' 'Mancebo.of·l811 E.·.1~ St.;j~ta F1sll Fry Fell."1',_6 t.> Ip.a In 1'nt"hnlf'ok>r The Ora.nge County Sympbohy E • · ( M• • men's Cor:nimtttee~ &>utbem Qa.1J-_ Mesa. · · ·· 1 '' · St. lames. 'f'ad.a·Bottee i .. F.RROL t"'l.YSN ~nd :>rchrst ra. Wlder the able-leader· 1 p1scopa ISSIOAS ~ tol'!'i~ SymphOJ'.'Y &880Ciation. Res-".:· . ,,. · ~ :',; • Anll!llAI Out &oo~)~C.0~ Sale DEA" !<TOCK WF.Lt. •hip of I"·· Clinton Sawin, hu Are Sunday The'me . ervatlons may be made by calling WiBe peopl!o do ..... d ·IJ>e.ada. F,.........,, lt to·il'iobna17 u ;.. )r f'pare<l another rroup of num-· Mrs. G~gory Hoskins, Lor\f ~-;;:;;:·;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:~· ~-~===~;;:;;;:J•;!•;;:;;;;:;;:~~~ St;~DAY -Tl!F-~DAl.' >er~ tor ~e tor!kqg\~1' Oonqert, t S-'-I · Beach 8-98&fi : Mrs. Malcom Todd 'f ESTH t:R \\)LLJAMS u.nd th~jr fil'1l ln 19~j..,-~On -~eb.-21. a J\' .u~e1 ... . .. 9()-.3170 or Mrs. Warren Eckert THE'· .. ARCHI es· .. . " W.hen uked to ~te ,'i/ublldty, ' ' g.7220. I · 110 'ARD KEEL t t It it tlttln• •· ·•·--~ ''"•·-f!nftdav>-Fel )S,· will,.._ l!!Js-• " , . "PAGAN . LOVE • • --~ "' , ... slo~;;;:;;.•!'s"-d '• •t ; ·st. --.a.·m,. Th . t . p t , . ' '•aniata. E•ter!ng: the .,bulldlng, 1 n , '"' ,. . • _.CAFE and COCKTAIU LOUNGE' . S"'NG" heard a comoiaiiillng V1ll<e oay. ~hurch. Member• .of the church ea re ar y . •"1 . . ' ,:·. ., ,... "No ·no: i,.et·~.I.9-0•~ Jo tbe h achoo! u well aa the adult.JS will • B'' hd F • • ' · • · 1• · · In Toohnloolo• kf:I "nil 't~d>Ub ~JfiM.'· . een\ thel• monthly mlsslonuy I~. trt ay ete . · ' . _Alto_ ·" vtQJlrul "N~t _ . tld41~ fertng for lhF .work of the Epis-... · .' ~PEN 1~ a, m. ~gb 2 ~L ~ ,_,,.. __ ~ .. 11'<<!1.l!-ed. e • ~ theri i*>"1 . ?,{lsaione throughout the Oceusionrd by her tdnlJl birtb-,, · -. ) , . · -· ~ • I .. f.' ,.,-~ ~~~.,_f ''SHO(lT GRASS'~' ti .Ji'feC~tt ~ Ci • 1 a .;rt lof 1lnited St.a.tea and the worid. 111y, Rose ·Mart~ RtJeger; daugb-·~~ " · · ~~··-•. ;,~.-:-· • ' .... . Ii _ 1,. 1 ·-· ~. ROD Ot~ERON . ba8ic aavagt" rhythm .tb&l Quick:-In preparatlon for th.e offering, tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rue--I · ~, ~ewp~u•ti.~~ eoa.,i· Hf&bw-, -_ ·: · _ •mmiiiiiimlimliiiliiliimiliiiliiiili~J ~ned .my pu.lae, aet Illy foot-~pplng 8memd&ben ot thl~.:.chcurchhedschaloolFt!as1 t ,M·•.r; .. 3204nte°"re!n M000a• .~vge.ro, uCoap 0taf . •• , .'"'. • 1 RT~ . , , .t. ,~ -Jn the floor e.nd nu.de me, t~ un Y saw •u: . at r m. ._, 1.&1. · • • '~ ~ ~ ~ •. ' .vilh both eara to that lnta.ncibie "Who Is My Neighbor," the story friends recently with a ."l.heater j .. "~·:~·.A.RIC ~ED ON.. Tl H_CJ.R8D.Y$ ·._.~·· -ompclllng syncopatJbn _ :tfertecl '6f the Good Samaritan. They wUI party. Following . the show the _. ,. .... •: .:a. ., -•• TOUAV T llRtJ S.-tT. ••1t1\Jt\'t~Y" :S<1 ;\d,·anet· lb p~tt_. \8.rmonY from sixty differetlt tn-also bring uited 4;-lotbi~g tor the i;Ul?Sls re-turned to the · Rueger , _, . • ~ .,.. .trumetill. For the nret . tllne J two n1~sslona.ry ~rrers tor the home for birthday cake and Ice tea.rd a aympoonr orchestra rn a rnra.I mlMJlons depa.rlplent of the cream. • 7 ' .. .. . STAl~TS ,!o;('NDAY ''MAG:Slt"l t:EXT YANKEE" 1ractlce SCSBion. 1 church. Sharing the pleuures of the aft· Th<;, playere rang~ in all agea. , As in for mer year~. the Cherub ernoon were Jucttth Williamson. bolb men and womt'n. A youbg Choir will slbg their rellg-ious an· Bonnie Tnuity, CoJ'.)nie Bunker, :irl fingered the complex mfl!h-thenu and hy1nns at the 11 o'clock Mary Hayden. Marlt>a NPwman l.lliam of a French Mn:t, an elderly .,.rvtce. In plRCf!; or the sermon, Lonna L'oyd, Billy Trusly and Vir- YOU'.L~ ·ENJOY- Dll':llNG our At_ NORTON'S i! F6i Rut FU.N - nan gave low notes bn a fiddle 88 the rector will read, as required ginla Walts, i•g u the man. a bank ot V1otlna by Canon Law, the Paatorale Let------ Ntth. bo~ ac..~ timed to pcrtec-ter issued by the House of Btahops Chµrch. C boir . Jon g-a~ me a thrill. There wu at their meet.Ing held Ill January > !OOl!ng ol earne•tnOM, o! pow ... ln El PMO, Texas. Ho ho~s Memb·e'r 'ul pu?'])Off U,at made me r~el • An event or Importance to tho lagg&rd 8.a ·r watched them wofk. \'lector and his family e.nl1 of tn-Mias Eliubelh Wenk.• for1nt'r · Over and over· again the difficult ~real to the pariah. will be the member of tbe choir of Christ ........_ paa.sage was played, the dlreclor ~rtlsm at the .11 o'clock ~rvice Church by l}le Sea 'was honored "'~J: !f~t JThit't '~• . ~ .. deeervedi · t:her. ,-her home In Loe A.nge!es. Fifteen Houn: 10 a. m. to .9 p. m . Dlan6r a ·to l _p. m. C>Ut-ot th.I.• grueling work . \ , 1 members joined in.. a surprl1te1 ' _:i • : , •. ;. 1 p,r~ •Wedlt.,.,..)'84 \ (I •, ~. , BAYSHoRE ~:~RESTAURANT f · COMPLETE DINNERS • '. " • prals,d and condemned aa the ~r-t' Jeffrey Paul Wheeler by his Feb. 8 when she was prc.se-nt from , ;~. 'f-::t.f"Wo.{'~ltil!JYU { . , . · .... pagno!" by Nl<J<>lal .Rlmal<y-UnC: eqn OnOfS" Goodell hall. j~ .,me;~ the beauUtul "Caprice 1 'h-· '' I · • H• ' ! ' · t' \J ~i:y~t~e~r~he~•~,.~be~ld~al~le~r:.~P~Mll:~\l~ct~!l~"'~~i~,=1~1~th~="~~·~~.~·-~· ~·~·~J.Ug~·-~;li~in!il~-2~'!'~.~-~·:."~-i~~-J~,;~--~~!i~.~~· ~§'~·~~a~dl~=! Kon&kov.: [' 'G ' t Fr .. _. "· -1. ' :: To my am=rn.nl I found that UeS OJTI IY.10. • " aymphony le buht muc h a like . .. ~ play. Th~ parts a~ lt:frned by , It wM in .cornpllmf'r\t lo Mni. 1ndlvldual8, when Combined wCth Louis Conlbll of 13t. Joaeph,,.1.~o .. perfected timtng we have the .that Mrs. Charles B. Ml!lonr. &jJ:i dramL ln the spoken (!rama a Redlands Ave.. NeWport H e-lght.8. player can .:·ad lib" whl'n a fellow entertainl'd las l wi:ek with a j)Jaye.r n:abiaa: a cuc·line, but tn lunchMJn of attracliVE' details. the ~muztcll drama there ls no ' Calla.s com~ll"'IJ'd with pUMy wil- pla.ce for th·e · "ad llb"-tho sour lows wert> used In effeclive ar· note js not pennlt.led. 1·angemenl5 a.bout lht> rooms while The Oranire County Symphony Juchela.s ~ntere-<l the luncheon Orchestra In their forthcoming table. Place oarde:. bearlnK oJever production are-giYlng ue: a.II the ve raea written by the ho&less, de- ractors of a stage play-the light-noted the covers. 1eu of the StraUN \\"allzes. the Frienda attendl.ng the gracious .erlo\UIDeBB ot Johann Sebastian h03Pilaltty were all former re-ai- a&ch, the conr:ict of Nloolal Rim· dent.II of St. J<MM!ph . Th.-y included ;ky·Koraakov and lbe heertbreak Mnte8. Jerry Hall of Balboa Island. n "Port Royal 1881" u portrayed WUila.m Fleeman of Long Beach. : by George McKay. Larry Thels, Long Beach; MUton ' In the formation of thla ore.be&-Myer and Edna Lee Havard of ~ra talent bu ~ dra.wn froni all )f.J\t& ~na ; Hoity Parker of Ana- t. part.a Of j?,tytU _. m~ JA.~ elm and the honoree. llranaen~ -Cdlich'\& «~ 'l!&clo. 1 we have as ~loUU Qiq_bect Ue-r "'PP Fami'ly M .. te•, .go11n.1.lr,.{1illl0te, la ·1n. '"' . •tl}letor Of olrb.ga and .\hCO•Y at ~-.Sing Here the Fullerton ·Jun'Or colh:ge a.nd 1a concert m ... , ... , Uu• ll)'lft· ext Week phony. ... ~ ~ THE CIRCUS ROOM 1 8 Tbm Hendereon ___. OJX>e. Mr. ; Newport Harbor : 'Huntington . enderean Ja .a . tqddent at the Bea.eh Community Coocert a.a.soct-~cwpo(l Harbor f!\cb ~.ho:,ol. ;He a lton will preliftllt the nOtr'd Trapp I• outstanding u a mf&alcan and Family Singe-rs at their ne ict eon- playa ftrat obore.. cert. Friday, F eb. 23 In Newport Robert Armer -nute. Mr. Ar-Harbor High school auditorium. mer is a lt!-8.cher tn the Nlgl'l.Un· Thie famous Tyrolean f&mUy 1B on gate Jun.lor High acboOI of Loe An-tla eleventh tranaoontln.ental tour. geles. · ' An atter-coneert eupper' will be ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING RESTAUr-ANTSI Foud l!:JI~ Pre ...... a.ad o •acl•uely S..rved. Ill Our u • ._~­ Frw lodoor rartdm,..- Nul Door. Edwin Elliott -truropet. Mr. held at Balboa Bay club when Elliott of S&.nta Ana ·1a· an out· members can mee-t and talk wllh !landing lrumpet pl~yer and pla,.. the singe.ca. ft.Herva.Uon.1 for ·the .tnt trumpet ln the o~heelr&. . supper may be ma.de thla week. In , 1Upportlng 1'>'lf local ~r-Price will be ft.25. !heel.ca· through your attendance, •"t w.o throusb """ vo!Ubtary con-h h h .11but1ona, you ... not on1.r 1 ... klut er an C urc :evtng a musical treat.. but 10t1 S Th '"' aiding a number of YOUM ermOn el'ne -•• In U\e ordle«tra 1n ll/rtller- nl' tb~r mua&cal d~Jopment.' Sermon theme .Sunday, Feb. 18 Thia ii: your -0rchn\ta. Olve 11 a.m. at Newport· Rat'bor Luth~ -hem t.M support and lMplratJon tran cburcb ... 1037 <(llU Drive. la ll a we!l fili.:cl audl(orium for ~ "Cauee for Rejoclq." Text: Luk'e .lrat 1951 concert. • 10:11·ZO. • · Tbe "°'""'rt J!'lll be Ji""" at the Sermon theme W~y. ll'eb. ~OWJ>Ol't:H&fliorJllcb ac!""l' ar: _2J', 1:19 p.m. 1.s 'Tho, Eve,..)(ercl· -· w~ ....... :11 at fU1 llanour" Mld oennon tut la l:JG _p.m. Adrhlaalon er... taJcm trom MatbeW 2':49: Tb1a la ~ COW.ty S)""pllciny . tile weelllJ Luten eerv!ee. , ;notrt -Dlttcto<. Cllnti>n -· • ~ . n; conoert -~ ~, ~ coWu: ll 1 ' • .. Malt.c. ' ' '"Th&' 'home ot ' Mn. Horbert · ~, -o-titro to • per J,..a. aao ~ ~ lf-~.(TIM saq ~ ~· ... 111e me.OnC 'pw. '"'i ~ at.._: ,_..,,,."!:,, O>netrto But --<C Clrdo ..... of :ia; 2, b\ r ~;~ 111e1 ... · !he 'Coata ·-....QmmllDll,y llai\ . 8llob. • -.· ~l !Le-a.well ,WSCll on Tueilcllly, •&. • ~ -· wlolln: T-·He~ * u t:JO' p; m. · >tioe; 8-.V..er, Aate• ~ · · · . 1C111oU, tnapot. . , I ' At iW ADAB . D•r ~ JIYal'-Tll>O .A+oii ....... .._ et Dr- Rldoanl 8-Part~ 1Ml. ..... _, j.ot ..._I 10t 1 ',.. _.., llc•i1: c.;ilee S I t pol, 1n U. -ol u,; ;..1'11 leltl. Lr ~ 9tnylc;f.-..,.... I 111..ii. 11101 'tf. IUi a.·-~ b!'Pll .Mall lilarla - - I ' • ' . \ ;I , > I ~·P .. , \ ·1 ,1· . " / I / , , timely f ashioa news! CHECKS by ANN GRAY j~st. arrived .••• .,fresh es' sprin·g checks in superbfy tailored Ann Gr.ay ' . originals! count, on one to highlight your spring wardrobe! ,..... • • (sketched) with white. ·i:oet•dress, black or navy rayon, I 2t-22t 17.95 sheet 1 • bett_er dr~sses, ' ( ' • ·~ I f; • f . . . • • + • • • • • . • . • ' • ' • • • • ' • • • ' • • • Ji • t • • ' v ' . .. ' • ' • . • • • • v v • ... v ,; 1 • • .. ;: ~-;,.I -1 ,• -~. ~ f • '-';;;.;;;;;;;;;;;: ~!1111~:!(07~~'~1;~,r~M;·~ .. ;-~.., -ilNo ~ -: ~.-.of -.... II '• l8 f!" 0m&a -r-af'IELL ':,--:-------:t~~-.t~r~~~:~~~i~Ef~7i~~~~~-~i~~~~~~·~ • • ' . · 1 I ' ' I I 1 I' l t ' l ·l • r ! • . . " .. 1 Cdies :A fmaoci of Scl11l1 .............. ~ -~ P~GE ,,J. i-P~lt I,_..._ TH~RSDAY, FEB. 15, 1911 , ~. ~· '• ~~··i : · ... ~-t:~ ~u· ·· ss· ·q· · J"Ubllc ... -dUti'lclO !ti ~ -TL"! ~... I ~ ~ 11118 ~ ..... ne<!IYll>C',f4,• ~ . I • l ~ tn liai<I tai ·-· 1n ad; · " I • · · ' . • i Defense·Proram ' . E:qe•-or ~.u.. olTU dtf-~ ID Ille ~ nloa. ~ . , ~~II\-:,. ~r:::i: .. ~ : S .. Ille r.,ier.i and 91&te 10..........,,ii Will ~ exp..:tc to • .ii-pvt of the COila.. j I ~;;::::·:----...:.-..:..~~l l C.ecuUve i;ommlu.emen Ot the Oralla'• COW.ty ' ,....,.., oi Cltloo, • In -n at 9"1\a Aha Tbunci.J, J qrMd'' on llijs' fonnut.. ·~· .,.._ IJ"'li-~'S. l<OJJlllY dla:ualan « cltU de{.,... /llrv-(f•'''5• • • • pr<>blemo. · ' · '// '/tJ ikt': Tliey appointed ·Z>tocuUve .Sec-'it wi pay Jf1(t ~ : ~~u:· ;i P~C.,~:"~ 1.4Jll Ansetea 8 1 te BulJdlng Feb. . · ! l8 wt.th •tate .an ·llder&I clvtl de- Honestly manufactured and trothf~ll y s91d. rcnoe offlctaa wllelr the probl- FINE OLD COLONY p AJ NTS linked with DEAl,ER tern of dtvi.t°" of coot.t or prcp\r- SE R VI CE, assures your p ainting sasisfac.t(o n. au~;::,;::!~ be.;=· ii. warner 1>f • the bosrd ot au~ alto wlll Yo u'll' f in d Orange ·county's attend · and p...,..nt the county'• l>OSltton which la t.pe aame u ap-' Most Complete Stock of proved by the ,city ex...,uv.. Thunday. • ' • ' Ha-rdware and Housewares at In event of l•Xll\I du.uter through act or God pr other cau11e a.If expenaea or deetructJon from war condltlona· should be federal and 1tate obligation&, "'the local officlll!a maintain. .LINOLEUM • .... ~ . BOY S(JOUT DAY -LNt ~. "'-fort Jiarlloto Boy Scoot. · took over maQ of UM!! du~ ~ ·ilfewp0rt~b"Ofttci&li.. t lnder the-tutPlqe of Foltce CaJtt.. Walt' D.rton, Aei.tnr Cb.Wt of Pollt:e . Laacp Oreenftl takt'tl an lacontl.Qc call aN Aet'n1 Polltt Car t. Dl'UCfl'llnott (Welshed ~wa Ill' ..,.,'1 bad&el 1:~d& by for on1 .. n.. .. . ' . .':. ! EPreu Photo> c~ Employ· .~ . ~ H AS ·u.o'?l!E GUl'JST -to u....,.10~.!~ Savllltt -Co 'Offfc1n1 . .Ui1 c te ,._ leYle<j t.r -u.e 1n u.. ... .• -' ,.....1¥,oluring 1~. C&l1Corn1a to Atfa•d.Ca•r..nr:• , • •:;,:t·.:, T;.; .... _, ................ -f!p<>rtod • • . 1 ••· .... -~-..-. I I; ••·-l.. _ _, ._ ~-. • . P •• A. -.., • ptooldea _.,... Tax ·-poried ;-: .tale •11\1. ~ ~I; 11: ~ ..... #!f 1 ~ -..... 1µ 0.. • >al -.(or Ille~ Iii tbO -ln..:.U.Oli\ oqlcW "I U..'N~ • ,ll• lilw,..._.... '· ty, •verljla .3'3 -l!"P.11~ fai' llaJ!lool·, Yedon!. l!a'llilp UICI (#nj;!~· :;;:=:::l:=::::;:i;~~~ llie 119,1311 av~e dally •ltfnd· .....-at!on, wUI jolll a. delep~tjm f, an&.~ ror lj>4 county for<UOl · ot more tMn 300 -~ ~\l· , · .... ..., · · li, Ille &llOOCl••lon laid. tlon e<ecut1Ye1 Ill atteh&tng ~e .I CAlllNEr;., 1 • • ¥Jl'uat Jlldyear Conl•rcbc:e ·or ftjic ~ ~ MAN · R.-il f Calirornla Savtnp and I; o a'n ~ OUR f>1!!;ll110ft r C~, ~ (..ea'cue to be beld .-.,,,_,. 21-33 ..,.NITIIU ...,..,,._ ·,. . 'o at -.... ring&. • ~ • ROUSl!l .. 04•DP1..,;,_ .... ray11tcntl rop eonten;~ d&:eptea wU1 bela:f .,, eoASt HWT.' Nri!'OI Orante coUAty'•= coat 'rot sen-autbot1Uee.ln the fleldl of b&ne tlACC»l &m , ;:_ eral relief p&YlDent.t roi-Decem· tlnanclng, bo'!'e ~bui&dtn1. ,.1 ft * -' ~ be<. 1950, totan.d ·410,447 -a H l&le, ~I and finance. I BEACON HOUSPJ INTllRIORlli · •· c .. ·--....... n---'h drop trom Ille $18,7~ paymen~ -n .__,., ·.~·~ for-December. I.IHP, for thl8 kin<I, -0-RA-...,,PE--S-,.----.. --.... -.~1-~ of -aid to ·the needy, C.Jlfornla wo~ SUP-COVF.RS-IJPHOLSTERY ~ Taxpayere· aasoclatton reported &8 low N l.N ,.tr BEDSl,READ~ y ARDA GE ";} today. • .~ 'I'll• num&er of people recetvtng COrntoe boxel a Trave""' Rode BEACON HOUSE INTEIU~ · general l"'l'llef In the <:e>unty drop-HOUSE 6 GARDEN l-itone WlT . ped to 627 for December,· 19!W>, 111 ~t Hlway, Newport compared with 1,237 tor Dec~-·:;~=========~:;:2=:W=Be=a=ch:::=:::.;;:La~cu;:a:;a=;:;-~ ber, 1949. ... -!"! S~tewlde, general relief pay~ menta tor December. 1960, ainount- ed to Sl.389.90~. comp&red with ll,990,577 for ~ember, 1949. Thirty-seven countlt'I show rela- tlvely ~ood-slzed decreuea in to- tal ~nlhly paymeat11. SURP RISE \'ISIT A plt>asant surprise was "tore 1ut week end for Mn . Mary L. Williama of E . 2oth st'., Costa Mesa, who wa.s paid a visit ~ her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Cook of Fallon, N cy. YOU CAN DO 8El.IER AT n ·aniger , FURNITURE CO. • We Buy ·and Sell New and Used Furniture •• • Standard \\'dght -Inlaid LATEST MODERN PAJ'TERNS 2.45 Haclacol Kelps · New Mother ,.l'.CJ4! ·: Mni. Ruby Cheney of Flowe r With Grand Theft St .. -Costa Mes~ h1L1!1 u her hou!l' Ann~• Gl rl Scow Cookie Sale !°"t .Mr:, Ann '.D•Y of Alhambra.] February 10 to February u .. l812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 oq. yd. lnltallod Coastline Floor Coverin9 . . 1197 XPwport A •·e. Coata M~aa RATTAii ntl l.Al51ST DISl'l.A T OM Tiii l'AelFIC COAST • __ _.w,...._ .... .._ ...... __,D1•'• ........ -"'0...-:' ......... ~,. / FURNITURE ANO ACC~SSORIES I .. HADACQI.. Supplies Vitamins I ., ... Niacin and Iron In Which Her System Waa Wklent Bruce Moore. :ormer employ(> of J 9ti"n C . Lepp and William Stan~ l1>v, co-°'4'n ers ot th(> boat. "Ellie Ill." moored at Earl'a. Laqdlng, was erralgnC'd on charges ot crand theft Tuesday a <. Judge Dodge's court. HC'a ring wu set for 2 p.m . Ed • ...a. h Thursday. Mrs. Lottie 1'. w ... ~ " 0 Lt-pp said that he hlr~ Moo~ lives. at Routf': t. tnverneu, Miss.. h' bo t Oct 2o 19~ bu: two care-ers .•• she. ls a rec--to run 11 a on . . .,,,, lstered nurse and allo a wUe and Moore b"Ol1gbt the boat ta New- ~ m 0 th" r of a pnrt Bl'ach abo4t onr month ~o. new baby. 4\1\.er When 4'-pp visited the boat Sat- her \)aby w a 1 urday he found that the Karr Di· born Mrs Ed· rectionaJ Flndl.!r and a two-way ward& telt. run-radio I valued at $75-0 > were mlM· down· she knew 1n~ from the boat . lhe b d to do Upon further chi>ekln1:. 150 jome~ t () ' -pounds., O( \{'ftd WPighl!! (Va Ued al , l>el oV:rcome ~ ~:t~ ~ 20 c('nts a pound). a heavy duty p nd1ti }~, _, battrry 1$80), and six two-Inch ~ b c: t a:: lfn. U~ 8'pOOIB or Could Strand Salmon uld tee.I up to bu m&Jl,J' du~ea., Gurdle~ .(valued at $4~) Wert' r.dward1 bq:aii tat.mi HAD· all;o n1u;.s1ng . COL and -.,.. it reaUy. helped Upp signed a complaint a.galn8t f,<~I.., Mrs. r.dwf.l'Ch wu -sutler· ,¥oore upon dittCovcrlng e•ldence SOOTH. COAST ~deficiency of Vit.n;Una B i. whJ(:h h .. 'CI him to believe that 1 • ilcin and Iron, which HAD-.Moore wu implicated. in the lhefti. ' ,. cpolllna. ' . .... MAT~ALS ''CQMf~Y;,. •I ::. ~~~~1:."t~'Boa'' rd 'Cohsiderr ' --_.. [ • --• ilecoDd bottle.. and I csn D7 It bu -· '' , , ~ , "' l • .·.'·GAREY'S · SAVES YOU-·s40 . TOMORROW ON THIS ' rau "Round : the -·Clock .. Comfort and Service! • • \.r ' . :· i . ' ·' ..... I I I' •I , l · raU:r bolpod me. An. "" l>obl' • • f ' . --~~~11=1.c .... 110~_ . .. . ... .. ...... • dido'\ feel UU..walldn• DevelApmen· t 0 , · nEADY MIXED CONCRETE t ·~°:!;,:V= ~~d~~~ :.:~ b:,~ U . Ue ha1 helped me so much. 1 want ••• w ... w1 ... n 1 ............ N•WP'"'...., -.. llllv<L) · ~,kr:Xo~c~~tl' :~"t:.r; R1·v·er Br.idle Path Cw.ta M~Pbnne .U..COn P41 . recorilmeod it to.,All patients I ~~ kA'tiA1cbtn'rsc:tS:iththr:rf~~:i= • FOR MILL WORK. SASH & DOOR'S 518 COAST HIWAY -needed for Vitamin and Mineral deficiency.•• Resistered nurses, In lncre~ ln& numbers. are 1howin1 a keen I 191.eree:t in HADACOL and In the " inultl that are beln&: secured with thia &reat modem formula. Re- quest. have been received from many of these nurses for prote1- llonal bottles of HADACOL and many .of them lndie1ttell that they recommend the HADACOL for- mula lo thetr -~Uenta. KADACOL baa helped folks ot all Illes when their cond.itfon •was due to 1 de- tld.enQ ot Vl~min 8,, s .. Niacin and lf'Oll. eJe which are con- tained In HADAC L. Remember ACOL is sold Phone Beacon 6471 ,,At The Arches on a 1trict money-back cuarantee. And '° inexpenaive. Trial-size bottle only SI .1$. Laree family or hoe:pi\al ab:e, $3.50. U your drugiiat does not have HADA- COL. order direct from The Le· Blanc Corporation, Lafayette, IA. Cl ltlt. TM LeBie.nc COfllCS'aUO. O'THER YARDS: Laguna Beach-Santa Ana-Fullerton-La Habra-r ...4 • Upholstery .Crowds Out Wallpaper I WA.LLPAP·ER· .SALl'I ' Sing te, double· and multiple roll~ of World's fines t .. Wa ll paper marked down to clear. Added tolls may be ordered at distount during sale Oll1er Attractive Cleaance. lte1111: • '1.7" ·x 54". finest quality carpet samples · •. 4'o% off Folding Chairs . . . • . • • • • ~ off Several ~preads at • . • • • . • 1~ off. Chintz Covered VanJtY • ·• j • • • • 1~ off B'DIMOllS· . ~ Up•alll~ 436 1:. 17th • • c .... COSTA MISA • • I I . . • •, Pla.M rof development or a bridle path tn the Santa Ana river wl'l be up tor dl8cUA8ion in a con .. ference thli ·we e·k betwetm the board of KUJ)('rYLsorfl and the plan.- ning and dt"velopment commilttt of the AssoclatPd Chambers of Commf'rce and represenlallYC.8 o! the riding cluba Or lhe COU;flty. Su~rvt!Ora are cona!dering ex- penditure or $2500 for ~rading a 20-foot-wtde strip In the bed of the river from Hamilton St., Colt.a Mesa, lo lJle Harbor B\vd. b,rld~, wbefe a ramp over the levee would be conatructed to permit botae- back riders to re&eb Win~tlrg Road. • Chairman Willia H . Warner aaid a large J>llft of the ~ty'a-:ridefl\ a.re: in the W~J!lmtnBter -,Mid'Wa,Y City and COtitt MGll& areM .an. that the proposed lrall wotild' per• · mit riding between Lh~ com.mun!· t ie:a over lightly· travelEd k~di with lbe river -Unk. Riding clubs have been urging that a bridle palh be pr.ovidtd from Coata Mesa to the 17th St. bridge west of Santa Ana, which supervisors 1aid would C03t ·twice a.s much aa the shorter Unk to Harbor Blvd. Supervtaora satd If such • tral} were opened to the public. they favored passage of an ordln&nef' prohibiting u.ae of levees. wber,. the county nood-control' depe.rj.· ment grow1 be.mboo and cane io protect IUs dlkea. · ! The n>~y growth la much· in demand.Jn ciUea for UR \n maid~ wicker furniture. and W~er tt had been reported thty a 1 marketable ln Los Ancelem and S'1i Diego at 11 a can•. AM ~ county otrtctai. uJd tlley baye bad oonalderable difficulty willl pet• aons culUng canM and ~g tjlenr QUI by tlie trul:kload. · · -Su~ C. Jl. J'MtJ{eri,:E Santa Ana P"'P'*d Uie c<Mlll m1lke ti a law 'ffolatfon to ~ Y of llll!'growtll which be ·-Wouid ctve law...n!okement off\cen a betlff -lo pt-t· -toro. At pnjoent. ba ald.-'l>lil1. la/" protedln1 Ille -~ la,fiw ..... paoobls. f' '· .-11 J-w..-of SUI.I! AJ!a• --tn ..... campalp ro... bridle paths. -a..-~ti 1n l/"an&W · u..~ 1-l.,. u.. '"" wwld ---to ......... , "' .. -Ur· ' . -" I Olil .... Cl1i8t M hk J II tll •sk ; .-,. . ' ..... Fl7'--........ ... ... , ...... ,.11 { • • j • ' -Se•sali~•ally Low P.ric•~I C.-'t ~Reve tile low-priceT W ell tt'1 true! Y.0 .~ set . Udl double-purpose Double ..S f . Dt't'u ~red ta mnart faltrlca and iuu7 •Pria:C ftJ)ed for rH.I comfort. Ute Plutle Cove~ Tele-· .. _ .. ~ .. Family· Size 'CROSLEY SHE~f ODOl .'VAlpE! no --r .._ Hiit en.i.7 !lbel....r .;.. .,,,...,._ • .corase . ...,...,.nm...t ..,.._ ...,_ ' ' ' .. ..... a.-. ... '°l""f •*"rase --_,.,. -__ , r~ ti.. -. ...ie.o-ie,.. vlaioa ~'·I.II dtpkie colon. 'h·o Table Lamps . ,. wttll ,_tdllns s...,.. Two t.amp Tal>IN and rnatehlog Ceclc.ta.U "rabte In Blonde or \V.inu~ nn.\m, with glaM topa. Complete' . \ Pay . Garey's as liit,le as . Apartment• Size Gas • Compact, 3·et baa eviery fdlture of a targ~ Mze •to,·e. Hu a.utomatl:<' PIJut Tops, Largo roomJ' O\-eD and fut. e fflden1 bl"OUer. Made by Buck. e~ of the oktest. a.ad moat rellable tnAaufa.ctw-e.n . ' la the atol'e bmhteu. I , ' • Ro,nter~! Here's a .Real B,uy! A Top-Note~ Buck. Quality Range that Fills Every Cooking' Ne ~d1! Garey's E·asy ~~Te.f~i! · .. • • ... i . , , .• _STpRES IN• SANTA ·1' -.• .25· w~ek ange ...... ... rorilci:rater n.N. . • •. .~. ·~·.::ta39~·~ ·· · · . "'· -~,; .... ..,. •• ,.,, · l . . .. • ... ..... ~ ,~ OW'tce .. •· • • . ' ' r I • ' ' • . . .. ' . u 'aim.Daro .. w ' '. I • 1 i . . ' . . . . ' . t !J!!!J!!!!.~.~·.'!:,:~•Nii*"'af?!'.~·~ . ~~-~~~ BOtJ~. •• ' • ' llfOUllM,l • _. • <' • • ~ • + .. C.. -~ l~ll •0' JSI. ,Tl' -PAPER HANGIN<f . ••n'lti"' L ..... ... • , . •I ... ---· -- and ~ AIN'rING '· :..:.:ifii .;;:~ QAIUDY.' ~m; '"o: ,. W ~ .. L 1 I' : q ., ' • 1 II ~r::t' :.. "':.:'.: = Kenneth Quarty ' =...."'~.:.:~ .ot '.~rn .. ot>DS Qd .~DS~.· "~1£:!!-Jilll""t .~.A:'PA'r:M:_ 1111,11t.ni. .&~~:;· i::a ~ ·,Sii. ~ ;r~~ ~ i.Ow-a TB.'."-'l'O ~ ttP !~~.ws .· · ~ ~ ~-~:!. ~ m1~:r:.,1ll'ile . J 7M2Lt11111A"<i!~ferli1ir AT.JllO.cUakVDfOa•-toQltt . · ·• -· ,.,..._ " - --... tr ~ = . . .-...,.. -. ..... -' ..., . . " •••11~.ua . ~~~·::~•==•&.' ~ '• :. ~ .-1 ' . :"'w. ~ ~ ~ ~~"?t...,,.~~ 1·. ~ws-Tnp:s ~'Eftrt Tm·1· --~~~ ~-~::}':~ 1a.r-:·.;Ji! Famoua~e w:r~c : . · '· ;1 • ,.,_-.,_ 1'~1 ,1m11:~ ONt-:,.._''· ~RT-••y POST' ~-Ml....,a __ ...,__ llill-t•Dd. CtJtt. .,..-• REPRIGllR.A'l'O(U!•:. .. ___ .. _ .... __ :_ .. T"""'159.00 , ±' ....... .... .,.,,.....-v 04 w~... . 1 0001> llOMll • ~ r. -· · · • · · h nom a ·.-·1. • .Pbozi• Rlm1w:!7 Hiii . • -4« ._ ..... io-. . · ,...~ . -..,.. i.. )Ual NEwPqBT-BAl.BO~ --~-'l'b~yg PREcwoN =plt.:..1111 ~A......... ,Apt.,~ OAS RAllG~; QQW ___ ....l.,~ ....... :... .. 109.00 A..i LOCA1'JON . .a ;.:..,..~ ..,._ ~·-~ p(Ja ~ -...... ""J. ._ <>tre:...uo --la*°""''' I . W.atch Repalrin,r · •-. Pll. ~ lUT~W"<. ''-· . •' , , ;:. 8-p,.'flllilL 1piae :e.ti ...... ,..,. ~VA'l'IOM11 talt .. --.. !'Ir t•r -. llUCJ'R()NICALLY 'i-:J-; A~ puplifill . 2·~· m:p ~IV,AN SF1'8 ...... ~.:~ ............ -.~ ..... 119.00 ~ ~'!;'~\i;!~~~ ) . :!"· :::.=t""irt:. ~ Lou. c'",'s Jewe•-.· . ~=cu ' ·. 11 , Modetu ~oNAL CHAIRS. ..... : .. :~.:.: .... u.95 -smi.. 8 •1.,..:·."'-~ . , _ A .. re· HM -==:. ~ ~ 'i:.: .. ,,., •H•i r · TESTICI>. A?fD TDdI> • _.. ~ ~ 1 w 1 n• ' ' '. • ( 'llD Mn; Mc4411: TOO ~ Bal· i Ol4 .. W ' 81cJI . 4 ft• I r..111 · 1718 Nowpolll Bl>d., Ooota M-~" t••, .a,, .. ....,...,_.~ " ., _., . . _ .• ..... 1 ...... '.15 A ll.Y 1 . ~ • . 113 or HarbOr.2813-W. ~ ..... ....., BOMD 4 I,!-I...... tle9i • . •. ;;;=;;,___ BOX a!'RINO and aA'Z"l'RBSS .... _ ........ :. ..... 59.1111 ~ liiorr l · '4 R~ HAVEN 1'M ........... WW not M ,_,. ....... for_... dma w taoanect -----------.,-~ Buv~,' _em, Whne1 ,,.. , . . ' , . t'1 • ~ ·_ f ~ • ~-'·• ,.,.~,••••=b •·• ,, . lwr&n at an ildTe:ri-ont. r!l1no u.. itabt t.o oo....ur cla•r, ,.tt-LO ___ ST __ AND __ ro_mm____ J , . J'old-Away BED with-MATTRESS, ... .,...... ~ .. 24.95 ~!!KC\. or '*"+ .. ·t con-•· 0"""°'11" lllld -Wt) :to Uld r ado and to Njoct ""1 ~ c ~ to,. . OU €&J1! -, · ar 1 lledt<lori1. ~ P!;Nna -. N'!"i!e M hr. ducy. PL -=..;.?NJU!a1~~Pll ... _!~~~•16::.J!tl:Z~11ar~1~ i.o,:.~~u!,d':',..,~i!;pe':::: .au: 11:.U:ltW ~ ll~em ADJUsflBLE L.Up'S ............ ~ ...... 8.IX!· ~.".'.:i~.<;=~ lleacoo mi-w. . 7 9c81 ftoiio I! • ·-tor a. -.. ,.,... ..... r II' no to ffOl'l 5101 Ilea Shore Drtvo. Pb. "'eat~Ra ionin•". I AX.:s-21119, :t,. ....,....., ,..,_. NlllWFOWl·RAIJIQS l'mlUllllDIO 00. ltarbor 08ft9.J .. <;11tnp. llOpl1 -& Ive an -IJl9d., ~ 11.;.., o.iu.rm. =~ ello~ ~t ~ M>.NT. MANY MOM i:rEM:s ' Summer "RenUWT · • 'ttl-SITVATIONB W4111CD iDl.e l le~ 11eq ........... ,.comhri bt '-for ~ 1-UllINESS OUlDll 1~11JU)Jlt'Q 6avm.. EXPERlll!NCIJD oeeretary deolHI Buy a Ho~ Freeze ! llAl.lll·l'W\ICED. TO CLEAR·Pli'I'! :e~':~~-~ ;.t!.. . t .. . . !" ~-rrl-~~ Cl-"'Al'I!! PAINTING ~ ... , tarlalor ~.':: r"'1m:ra1More.rtlc; ~-P!iilco freezer cheat, . GARE y. s' ' B.11.v It 'Raach Reaitv :NJriw CAA '..,...;;-~"'; MtJmat,;'-EARL SHEFLIN ;,-:; ..... -m·. 29tl" St .. Ne~rl 5 cu. n. , ..... ! .......... ..$179;95 : ~ 111i1r1e;'°~ • -0g~ h'1 TR:AD~ :TMS . J'Ully -. 171 ._ IR.. co.ta 11_ Beach. 79p8l Philco 7Yi cu. ft. up-QUALITY FURNITURE 1400 Jl&i* .JJl!d ' . Hi!fbci:r' ~ .c.-...... , . APs House & Rug \,... 6461-)( -MAN WANTS any kind ot work right freezer .......... $239.95 1865 Harbor Blvd. . Costa Mesa Claoalf~ -~~· ;..F' -'49 ~'t'·:m-18911 . Cleaning Co. IN'lnlO!t _ J:XTllilUOft by the day. Writ• P . o . Box Recond. Frigidaire . . • . . ..,,, . , 1 · · . '!& .... 72ttc p AINTING 323• Balboa lt!land. 80p8l ref rig. 8 cu. ft ......... $74!i0 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS Cl=-APUTDNft • HoUBllll '49 Ford 2-19., Radio . ( LICll?flll:D _ lNBURJID LADY w1U1t1 bowiework by day , · hea\er ...................... 1~ For Venetian Bll1'ls. or ~our or child can 1U1y\lm•. Keep In toueh with "" tor 1000 RENTAL 1 . --9111 Glenn Johnston· 106\0 25th st .. Newport Beh. buyo In othor TV ... ,. 1><1nr 11 llAl.Z. llJlMJlliLIAHKOUll\ u nOAft. ·11utr•n:a" . . • ~ I , • '49 J'ord, .2-di-. radio 5: ......, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. l!Ol • u.t et. . N....,.,rt lleacb PhOne Har. 3157-J . 81p .traded In -::.. -SPJ;A..o_.AI,ISTS heater, overdrive .. 1--.. THE SHADE SHOP Hartio. b97.J &4cU YOUNG Lady •Jed 20 experienced ~ EVERYTHING ~. cablft et;Uller. ~ hull A ' call Dina ,_,._ ! p , ,._' • :o. !:ABT TKRMB AJUl'!iff<ll:D ~ buv, on•v •i.400. Pbo•• --· '48 ack. .......-. ~an .. 1-HO DD# REPAIRJNG d fyplot end , .... a1 office work, FOR YOUR TRAILER ·-• " ~ Lin-'• d v· k Dito . Free estimates Ph. Har ocn· an peedo pooltlon. Phone Beocon DAVIS-BROWN 80. Wiii nU. mrrAN& U4 Harbor loto-W. 1ftlc . w_OO IC • "" r. '46 Cbe\I. 1-l' ton panel . 514 •29th St. Newport Beach PAINTil'{G ~1-M . · Sica! 11185 HARBO~ BLVD. PJIOPANll TANKJI WILL SWAP, 'l.u or ttaGe 21 rt. !lalboll blall4. II~. IOU Uc64 truck, radio; heater 7Bclll Rll!AllONABUr. Lars• or omall -iS"pte do read the Praa ada. COSTA lolJCSA Complete lnatat;otlon. NP.If Monterq. 8"ot otter! Iii olle qNFURNIBtlCD a RM. AP.T., tat. all new tires. Good -Fu--rn-1-.t-u_r_e __ R_e_p_a_i_rin--g-JObo. F'iee ..um tea. Phone s..con ea21 ~~;.::.• or on Tn11er -:::0~. time wiu W<•. B=~ ~:. ~:!';'."·.~~~~~~-shape ...................... 8911 Chall' bottom.1 renewed, cane or •pllnL Chair rounda, baclu and rockeH r<p..-;...., N-""1nl· HARVEY'S rtJRNITURll RJl:P A1R SHOP IOl50 Banta .Ana A ft, Coata K- BeaC<lll 913!.J. lfc14B Doris Billin9s Honored at Pre-Nuptial Fete One of those dellgbtf'Ul ju.st. befo.re-l.he-weddl.ng parUea campll-+ menting Miss Doria Blllinp:, who on SUnda.y became the bride of David Cadwallader , W&I planned . Wt 'week by Mlmi Thora Jo T:tlomp110n &nd broucht logethv-a poup or c~oae friende at the home Of the hoateaa's pattnll,, Re•. and kra. Joaeph H . Thompeott. 124 E. IOth St., Coata Meai... A breakfast opened Ule hmpltal· tty w ith guest.a seated around table& gay with decorations ln keeping with the Valentine moUf of heart.9 and dart.a. Following the be&utJtully ap- pointed reput and a few gamea bued on the bridal theme, •hower ,J>&Ckage11 cont&ltflng personal gitta w er e opened by t he honoree. Thoae enjoying the affair were Margaret Ne lsOI'\. Charlotte Be.It, Virginia Compton , Marlene Jaco)).. eon. Thelma Allen , Helen Brown. Gorene Boettcher, Doria Luek· hardt, J ean Inman and Eloul1e Baker. Delta Gammas HAULING Aay kind, lr&lh or! WaUter, 108 • lllb Street Newport ,-Ha~bor 21181-R 17cllH Shower Serie$ Precedes Marria9e of Thea Beaman Wltb Barbara (Mre. · Charle• l Stllnam U bo8tea, membera or Ebelleta club hOll!>...,, Thea Bea· . man at a mlece11aneou.a ahowtor, fin.al one of a aertee Whfch occur. Ted pr~ed1DJ hep. rnarrla&"e on Feb. 10 to H-'HOM1n1. The &tt&Jr wu k~ to 1 tie , \'&lenttne theme wt.th deitorat:sou and •p+ potntmenu m red and whJte. . The va.le.nUne mour, but thl• Ume Jn plAk, wu used when Mrs. Joy Beaman_ and Mra. Arthur Haya entertainl!'d at t.be Loi A.n- gelea home ot the fonner. Ap.ln red and white Marts. were employ- ed when cu••'--· bulden to honor Thea at the borne of M.rs. Emil Lemko, Villa. Park. AUlot· tnc h011te.ae. were Mmes. J:mU, Oeorre, Arthur, &dwtn &pd Ben LAmke, and Wa.lte-r Ttmk:ln. A aprinl' theme featured an- other mlace.llaneoua shower when M'.ra. John 't'reltell and Mr•. Ines Henpin• Hitert&lned at the Hen- ning home in Santa Ana canyon. Little green watering can.a nlled with sweet ~u centered lhe card table.. nu\ cUps and acore cardl Aircraft Workers DOUGL,A.S Long Beach Needs Men Alrcr&fv .Aamblra. 'A' A ·a· ,Up,hotl8terera. • llheeit .Metal, Hand Formel'8 • Extrusion handformel'8 Metal Fitter Auemblera Metal Fitter Mechanics Grinder Operators , Paidten I Shear Operators Saw Operators • Hydro-~ Operators 'A' Milling Yach. Operators ¥Illini ~ch. Machinist Engine. Lathe Mac~illt Tool I: Die Makers Inspectort--Toolinir Inspectors, Metr. Layout Plaster Pattern Makers lnllpector'--Mach. Partll ALSO MANY OTHER JOBS FOR MEN WITH GENERAL MJ!lCHANlCAL EXPERIENCE t El t Off. were da.lnty attain frtlled with . 0 ec ICers Cl'ff• net. 1tanr lowly fllto we,. . Plant Emplo~~ Office ' hp rtan •tine ( opened by_ th~ l><>noree at _each ~,,, ~It ~ll ~'::"w:r:~=.1;~ ~'~~M*U w. ~i /·1ql 1· ·~it ·inf .t .(:~.m. =u.~..'tl-~! ; !~~ ~: ~eti\bJrs !/"fhru-'SailiMiay 1950 COLDSPOT s cu. tt. retrlc· RennaORnANI:. B&mGuEel Csn 0 1oA$K. Por<T •• We.It's ..A. -~· g P--" •tow tumlshed. 31' !JellotrO~. '46 Olds 98 Sedanette erator uaed only e mono. Can bo 1 Ta UD~ Corona-del Mar. Pholle Harbor Hydromatic R 6 H oeen at Crown lidWe at 831 rR . UP LY . Used M"'nne Gear . -w. Mtlc Recond. ~ '""":--1.295 Cout Blvd.1 Corona de.I Mar. AIL~R S p · a. 80c&2 "" Nautical DeeoraUon1 U..., Nob UNFURNISHED HOUSJ:,'beau'U· '48 Packa~ ~I\. Sed. 1910 HARBOR 'LVD. Ut-3oth at. Ne'WpOrt a..cll fully decorated, two 'lledroolllo. Recondi. engine. A Television Service · RADIO REP AIRS Coot& Kw. PbaM Beacoo U24·R O!>eA 11_,. . I'll. Bar. 1470 •WI al:ower 2 patloa. Barl>ecue. bu · 795 'lovely yU'CI,' Gardener tunilolled. I. :If ..... : ............... ., .... . I.arr')' E'well • • J arold Rimm 'hehntclana M1:8A RADIO 6 TEl..EVl8IOH '"" -.,., c. Ill. -ll80l-l nNI: CARL Zeaa. Jena. mlcro- ecope, iteaeonable. Alao transit. Ph. Lacuna Beach. 44772. 79p81 SHEll'IHING-t x 8 -Floortng . 2' ru hHten, rubber floor mat& Dreulb~ table I: chair, buJlt-111 SHIPS CLOCK, striking. $45. Al.o antique mU11lc boxea, and expert re pa I r I n g. 101 lndlanapoll!l- Hunttngton Beach. 80p82 It-WANTED TO BUY . BOOKS WANTED l wUl ~aJI and buy ... Your entire library BUNSTER CREELY Phone , Harbor 3210· W 7Sc79H WANT CABIN cRUlSl!lR. 23' ft. to to n., u full dowti payment CJ:l'l •so.ooo income property at 31'd and Hoover, Los Angele!. Phone Harbor 0181. 81c&3 Boat Owners t. Mechanics ' Call 1our loc&l dUler for SNAP-ON-TOOLS Phone John Klmblo. Har. 1087-R 1144 Miramar, Bai.boa . • 80cll1H lronlna boa.rd. wuhlng m&chln,e, HAVE A Piano vou'r? not ualng!. 13~ n. &kitt with oe.r9 and ~d l A l ~ lnch wire. 12 x 18 mlr· J doll ·~ au HP -"·--~ ••n Undberc-Harper PTA wants to '• ..,.,, .,. u~, ...,.... ron. 1st• 12 tel't'&COtte We, buy aome tor achooJ uae. Urlflll· Alt J'OOd oondlUon. A.tier I p.ftl. Java,.torya, toilet., 1' plfM, 114 ly needed . .ctJ1 Supt. Rea., Bea-on SunQ&y. 308 Mtb 8t., If•· concfui~ coUpU.np, plaater board,, ~ · rt tt.eac1' ' 11 ftrtex, lawn niower, wheel t>alo-. con M+l. 78c80 po • ~ . -,, , , P row, .,. In. drill. 1 buffer, pipe BOOKS-SEA BooKS di.. 1!t to ~' .22 rllll, 18 ge. n-t"UllNITUtlll: P'OB 8AU: . ohotcun, plumbing fitting., 15,· A ftnt ft<>elc M baa .. Oii 1111,,..iil.- OOO V. neon transformer , ladder. S.-pc. 80.LID oak dining rm me:L lnf wb~ &U eurftllt Lot 73 , Trallertown, Costa Me.a. Re.ttectory table, 1\ne oondlUon. • booka. Llndl.nr U~. llOnlll $75 OR WILL TRADE to• re· Th J ) · d"' · ------------~" rrtgerator or waah. mach. Pb e s an ere Bea.con 8747-J. 79c81 nc 11ar1n .. -Ia. llAi'.1&41 3-PC. MAHOGANY bedrm tel. 9x12 rug, 9x.1&'7 ri.ig, 3 pr. atln drapea. 2210 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Me... 78c80 20 FT. Cabln crulaer, Gray marine motor, bar,.a.ln at '"6-or will trade tot good .... 111ng sloop. Ph. li•tbor 08N-.M. lld3 t .:r-er 1-. fllO per mo. Apply '46 Naab Alnbua. 4-d •1111 Irle,~ del l!bJ' .. 1~ r I: h o'dr. recond. CHOlCS z bedroom, l·batb bay-engine. .................... 895 front apL -ulltul lliy vleW. "~ Ch Cl b Co Good -t. prlva~ ~. ll.311 "' ·ev. u upe. mo. ~ Juno ill or •liibllY b)Wb· Radio, liter., Sharp 795 er ,by year. '41 J1>e So~ 4-dr. Fhdd .. Ollll!ll!NLEAr A Alll!OC. Dr 't>'-di beater • • .. vdHa··· ··-0• '. 3112 "•wport Bl ., r. ..-2 1 """ . Httc ownea; .................... """ • BALBOA P!:NIN8ULA ~ Nicely '39 Buick 4-dr: SedaJl turnll:bed 2 bedroom apt. Bun· Orig. black ... ,.......... 495 deck, garace. Wlntet-or yeara I · 1y. Re&80nable. .Phone Haib<>r Laguna Beach 0612-W. ' 7ttt;; • .. ·• ' . • .. -"1 "'I • Lincoln Mercury ' VlellY dooltablo tufllf~ll -, . ,, · den, -~' room;~. •1"-100 NdRTH COAST LVi>. u-nnc room, 2-<:er ,.....__ ''n· Laguna· Beach 1 ...... i115 per ""'· 209 Broad· Way, Coota Meu. . '.lip& Pb. Laguna Beach 45525 IN• LOVllLY COUllT -2 loodrm witumlohed hou.-, '47.!50 mo. ALSO Jarse trailer, po. Small traller, '21.50. 17•1 Pomona, Coeta Mesa. Pborie Bea. 87'47.J. · '74tfc '46 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. New '49 motor. Radio. Htr. New .eat coven. Good rubbef' A: patnt. 1811 LAlayetle, Newport Beach. Harbor 2960. 79cll YEARL Y-L(e. ,tunillhed ~ 'be<!· '50 STUDl!lBAKll!R 4-dr :mdon. room flat. flrepl&oe, . retr:1ce~· . with overdrive, heater, HllJ. tor, waahin& ma.chine a patio. holder. Ph. Beacon 5289-J. 80cU li:VERYTH.ING MUST GO - 8TATll· HIGHWAY GOING THROUGH -Conipi.fte equip- ment tor OAR.ACE and SER- , vtCE STATION. Lathe, valve ref acer , hard aeat grinder, Mt· tery charger. ca.ah regiater, lube equipment. Ha.nd toola and pull· era of all kinda. Rattan Furnl•ture H. HUB~&• IL&DlO $86 mo. uUI. pd. 213 Colton. ' ~ Newport Beacb . Har. li!Ot-W. 'llO OLDSMOBILE 8 • 4-dr '::od&n. 1936 LaSalle 4-dr. eedan, radio, heater, good condlUon, S200. 19 fL epeed boat wW. Gray ma· rlnt: molot. eat Broedway, LA· '.'C'l\"' Bet\Ch. 'fJ:b.., l.4'~a 4·&1111. 1 · ~,., .. 11«1 ·• u tl ltn.; N "'!l"'~ : ~~ ~J,l ~. I i .i:UI ' "°""" . Made In the Pbllllplnea and SOH.IO:R GRAND. PIANO, Uoed '· 'l9cl1 98 deluxe. FuUy equip~. · - In our own work ohopo. IOOd tofte, •*· Bp!Mt, _. mileage, liargaln. 1!!09 II!. Ba7 Wide cbot0o or fabrica. -. Ban •ll!O. D~· Many a big deal hu !\"""' made Front. Balboa llOpl1 Lar1eot dlopley In So. callf. SCHMIDT Btc Plallo SW,. lliO , th.ru a om"!J Want ~ --. ------------Rell.a~C . ond Reupbolot<rinc . N. Mall'o CO\'ft.er. hh, S&llta'.Atla.' trum ] BP~ APT. tl.oreo 1!'4~ ~Lnl\)UTH 4-dr el. -. & G N ~ . . . . .. _ E .. ,. ., ·ra ~.<!Ol!f>!e. '1eater ·"""'•IM!nl . ; . . W~·~itar -. 11:!·'3' . : i'fllr;1 . . ~-. .60 ffip11Jtmft'.1-.all .lllillll>. ~ ~~~~, ·N i ~rkR~ , , . 1 .,'-$ <W. ; tfl . ~·i61iit.. :.;1 , ~-lllf./ ~ ..::., pl:i;\dtlJ s 'b.inboo tuml· '·k= caall allowanco.· T....:. .. h; 4J!.¥ l , : '.. • T9c81 !.,~~~ • . ., . will meet at 7 :30 p.m. at the home -S . or MJ'B. Walter Sp•~. 22 Harbor to Hear Humorist D 0 u G L A Ialand, to elect officers ror the Aircraft Co. W11DO!:WOOD • Tabla Top pu range. Xlnt. condition. $61.&0 . Sat. a !Jun. 011l7. IOI I Btuhore Ort.., Weot N.wport ~1 tllMI; 4-plece bdrm. ae~ complete DA.Nll-SCHKIDT PIANO Oo .. NlCE. SUNNY APT. Tiie, "ti.then on.. 23,000 mil• ._ply whit. with mattrea: A: ap~ IT6; comer 9th, 620 N. Main, santa w n6 With wk!Ja. rad~, heater,. dcellent eec~tary , mllC. ltema, 70S J,. Ana. , ·:e~~ yOu ~re kiokJ.n,·~; p~lvate, $1885. 2050 Barbot " • new ~a.r. An unuaually Ci.ne provam b INC. , in stoR: for members and friends LONG BEACH mtne Ave., Corona. de.I Mar.p83 90methlns nice • clean!,. call at Blvd., Coeta Mesa. Bea. 6011. ~I Rll!NT A PIANOi ,'5 per montll 3Q9 • Hth St., Newport -ch. 80pU of the Ooeta Mesa Friday A.Jlltr- noon ctub at the monthly meet· DMSION China & Glassware Uta: NltW -NOIJ• 5 cu. ft. ---,_,...---------AU rout allowell If jou buy ... th. • rentgerator. AJoo'tallJe ~ ftot-MOVlNQ-Muat IM!U everytblng, 1n tenM. DA~llCHKIDT e20 • T9pll '42 PLYMO Club Coupe wttlt er rs.nee. clock control ln ~ including Uv. rm. set., 11" Holl· N. Maln, ·Santa Ana. ' HILLSIDE View Apt.-s rm.. tu.... '48 motor, radio and heater'. in« tomorrow (Feb. 11} when Fan· . ff'or Ollta and Home Warm nSe MacEnroe, impersonator. WTll· WANTED-2 pan tlme aal~en VWt Our New Depal'Qlleat er and humorlst will be the tutur· to reprnent the Farm.en rnaur: 1ood cohdlUon. Both P""O<l.~1'7 men :rv. a rt. Servel pa retrlg.. l)labe4. Bpadoue ......... (ajlo't• Pi-lea '560. t!h. H.ubor IOOl-fl. ( ,._ablo. ~ Har . Rl"'· and oome enUqueo. IHI Herllor LO\<SLY PLAIN CAlll! l>Culplow Ule M<!h .. ). :Be&con· Mlo.I or or Harbor 1114-W. 80cft llcU Blvd., Ooota M-. -= 11129. upright piano In fine oond!Uon, _..,, 7ft •• 1 -----'------="".-' HOUSE A OA&D:O ed utt.t. 1 a.nee Oroup. Lo c • I territory ' 11 l C..& a.,.. Newport ~ Mn. Mac.Enroe took her A. B. available. For app't. call Bn· •-::o====:r==::;::====' I degree at Fa.rJi> ooDege, did con MM-J. 80c81 ----------~ 'ltcll $2e5, tenM. , iz:i down and UO oeacon ·69158• -CADILLAC 147-&2 Conv. Very NEW ...,,,. automatic Kenftlore mo. at SKAPll!R MUllIC CO. B. OA. ISJ . A l!Jh cl~. oris. owner, 27,000 1111. wuh. niach. Pbllco retr11 .. like BEDROOM 811.'r, mallopa.7 ftn· ISlnce '190'11 fll N. SycamOh, • B:AL ' ~·...., Hy~!Heator, rpol. Ll&bt" -Jl'acluat~ WO!'k at the Emenon collep of Oratory, Bc8ton, Mau.. WANT REL.1.ABLE' MAN tor pa.rt new. 11«1 dlvaa and cllalr. 1111-. loll, 4 pik... Mattreu a box Santa Ana.. Kimbar'ly 1-0llTI. .HOU91C8 ~ '.AP'l'S. , cowr. Air ,ride llftA. -· • tJme ina.tntenance, boa.I. ~d and 1tudJed for bet ~r'1 de· gree at .NorthWutern Unfvenlty. beach bou.ee. Qlve rtferene•, .._, I ~ ..... hU NJ. Olrll oprlnp lncl-.t. 876. 510 Now· 80t!c YSARLY OR '8ItA80NA1. .o tu, tenna. Beacon 9061. 80pU I WJl"1. lldewalk blli.e. plrlo port Blvd, (above archeo). Bea-• See GA.IL CARNrf with She bu' appeared moat IUCCea-ex~ence and eompenaUon de.-st write Box V, C/o 1.1111 tuJJy on the rad:Jo &nd ,on the .pro-pape . 80al2 (e,u'ona.l •tare aoa .... p1noc1 ac· 11!11,,iab b1H. l&hlt. and ;sun. c:on ~M.. 71c81 SPINET PIANO. Full ke~ N Ida G,....... Re&! Estate I ~ACK,\RD ood&n. lllx Jl'l(!d atttr'lGa.m. 21M<>ctanBhd., ~11DUe<! -L -.lltul ~-1....,,.., . '. ,,,..., Jl~j .S?04 Balboa BIW;·'. Bal-! I &lp Bll!D DAVICNPORT and chair to cue aJid une. <>D1y '*"' tonu SOI: Mar1ne..Ba!-~. rar-.., N'~ewwport Bj'A<h-• llp match and upho,.l.e!'etl rocker. DANZ-~ ·Plaa!O eo.,. 6*J : • • • • · ctaim for bet-dutatandfni method ot dramatlsinc *'lebea trorn. recent booko. I Luncheon a.t 12:30 p.m.· will be tbe prelude to.the &ttemoon.'• en· tarWJUnmt. .! HEAD9«1,Al1Ju hr SHERWIN-WIWAMS PAINTS . . . . -. PORTER· CA•' TOOLS SUNIEAM MIX1 RI -TOAS'lllS • 7 • · DIAUORN HIAllll • • • t WALSH > • ... ..... .... • Call Sat. or 11w: •• Feb. n or 11. ·No. KJatn; Banta Ana. corfltt YEARLY NeW 'l'lltall:b<d •3 ~OE. NJC C1K 0 1i:,.lR •""7 • """ ·-: OVER 100 PEOPLE . ~ Weot ac.an Fron": Bal~ eth. bedroom bari>e, outt.uJe for I EBAKm ,,....::. ' ' I . (jpllQI: IH ud plq Ille 'Woridel' coup!M, cail "9 "'1yldod, ..i.tv ANSWERED THIS \lfANT AD TWO PD:Cll oventurtO<i W di-, ,t111> flow Ham-Cllonl o... lnclud.' SOS·aSnl It., .N•wp0rt C'..ertifii::hd Cara · · ' ..,, Umt room Mt, MS. Wedp-, pn. llYea If .,.... -'t ..,_ ~ Ph,-AM-~ ""1 -r ' ~ ' Complete hOUM fllll of fine wood uble top lltoft. Ulla _,,,, a not.. ot mmtc 1"'1 can play UNnlRNJllHJCD .> • """7 • boach lN~l!Tub . CfLU(P.!Olf fw'biture to be aoJd Sat~ '37.&0. Neatly ,_ DNl:4Utfed -ulltlll mmtc bi C. ---,'·Z -W.. l1' ·~~ 4 . ....t.i• Almol:l new, G!ll)o urday and Sunday, Feb. 10 l<Mmclnt cbah', Sii. Otller DAN~ Blc.t'lai:o and mo. ,_iy. DeeDent . ~ovet)lrlve. radio. •tc. and 11. I . , , p-. Call. m ·Ind. •t.. -t-o..... j· .MO N. ~ BaAta tcibc:Oio, ..-. . ..,. _ at.. Mr. -· ...r..r, 11oa ,,.... • -I b\stOft BHcb . IOpl1 ' Ana.. , ' ' Jllewpod -~ . tlolJ i!I for a '1-Uld ,,.,. ... ;,!!\ Incl-Pbil.o ~. tleo-• CLOSING ()U'l' ALL UU:O PIA1'108 -•·vp.·~ BllA1'ID JUW &;' 't· A tine :-'flnl "'! a ~ lrlc .... MID'l*Jr Uk -UNP•..-..n. _ ............... ..,. -pla~. -1111• DAMS. ' -'Std 'rt: .. ~= } . . '. refrii'Oralor Wilt. ............ qi. ,...., • ...., .. v .. n••v.....,, 8CIDlltl'r tllO N XalD llanla -__, .. H d ~---~~~ "r·-at 008T PRICE • ·-· . ! . ..... • . : wood ,.,.,.... PrWl9 ,dliiP!•I, lN~rED 00~ van an u~~-"""\" --.ea,w ...... ,. ' ·!up · ~4 .. ,;~ ~ ...--....,.to-u.n. TomUe-for-Nrnltan ·, N..,..._ ...,, = · -~ ~nt-,.,....-. IA. , • . PUJf_b ~-....,.._ ~ .tJle ~ at.,•, wwpuct •12 > ~ Thll W. •-u_ a n8Mi 2157 l!l. 0c::i.ti Bml, h:t.1-o-1 l:uplraa la ~ ~--Wltll tllM -hD .,.__ QOllONA D& liA.a ~-llliow I Of -ddi;. = 18 W lllal ~ -~--, Ji""_._, -·-•ture ~-. eaa. m ·Ind 11t.. a.a.-.-·• . _. ~~ "'""'~ -----~ or Harl>w OltK-'f.. , t < l&C& 8 ~ l.U'~. '. au..u.,e.a Bpi! .. O!}tf. IOPll p:4, .. it!a., ...... -.. ~· ~ .W. \~ '1 &M U:1o -• · • • · I 1 " • 1Mll W. --· ....._, • ,m.-cnuc OllQ.Uf. Liiio -· I lilt....._._. C:IJt ii.; • :r; .. ~lt tn'lNT. :; ..'. • lt lppe8red In the Ntw•TI•-. PllK'~ N'nl; ~ ____ a~ --~ ..... ....._,.,..,, Mll•••~....,,..•llillillill a11 rORD ..,., •• wl the ~ewport-Blill-Pr I 111t ,,.. • • • • I ' • •l:rUltil --. ·...,. 1r1 a. tWff ,.... .-. -,._ o.ts. ~ ::-a 191 -. 'lfr. ~-Waa-ol Jack'I l'llnlitGN wllo ~ ~xx-:::~ ,. '. :-.= ::::r ~ :. ~i_i: = :: ,:. . I··--u: =~J:::: .0 T Pr, ~' a. 11&1 ftpOrte4 thatO'fW' ioo ..,._ _ ~ BatmaQ-1 ud Ma".v«t. Ctr :l:(i... . .,.. '-Aai tm a•ll' 1 t.'tiiilii '..,.. • ..., ...,. ,... ··-~-mldtbeftnrt,daJ., . Clln'Cmlllm4'lrs11 tr I ~VtirULWAU!lftUt-.... I : ••.• a... ...-.n1111 •&•,_ ... to "'97 .... ...i.t• ., . .,., ~ =: .. ·~1~.:.tt ... :: r.~'.:>.":...a.:.~..;.r: • . '==~ Wt IDd ult tw tbe ,"All Talrilr.• or .,. to ~ -• sz a 1 C'111, • · ...., ..il · ~ Bu:llol' Preli" 'hs er... till .,_ • ~-M• -=-~· = .-. ,,:= • ...... . -.----~ .. I • • • • • . - l I " I • r • \ •. . .. Co.ta llMa • t ·~~-l ~----~-"'""--' .. ·J .l . .., ~... -• . -• _:.... l 1:.J .. au~~ ~ , . ~ r f ~ • ; .. ,. ,'! !! ;~ ., 0 s s::; \1¥1--•:-.. .• .• "l'&L !!!!ft! • ;, PM;E ;7'-;pAlf T -THUlSD4,v, FEI. IS~ ••st• . \ ' eoabNADmLMArtPROPER:;;~-. '" ... a I R9llet s. ·1-,..a I -'Realton -, Helen L. t,yllII -. ... S ~ . DEBIRAa1.k, RDSONABt.iY PRICED HovEs ron. s.Ai.E .. ...;_, . , .. • • • -... : I ~ G. N. Wfill J.S .1Dr:okel'! & AsaoC. • · · ···~ BLANoo ~~-.~.,_TF.S, ~tot r·~... _Tbe a..t ~-on FArth 1L. S. JONES ·· . . ' : ~ lfARTIN 'One of.r ~e Best, ' • 0 0 ., •• _.. ....... • I ..... °!! '" NmW ·l-BbltlLildwd.ftoorl • "~ · NEW!·BEDRQOM . ' ... _I..;••"'•"!'" .. '':' . •r 1 ••• rr, •===••• Jo.°' Blvd.4 -.. ;---..it3.aoo EXcellent loj:atlon ---~9,2&0 ' . oHlbcK o\rER' 'l'HE8E HoMm TODAY·~ .. NEW ~BDlw'. ~.:.!>fl Blvd. ,. , 2 YEAR OLD 2-BDR.M. , 1 , • ·~ • • . • ' 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Mand o. 1 . ...ie -, s bedroom borne, . 1 . dllllq -~ llllple ... ~ . . ·a099 to O\*D ru-:i:,-.;--~·000 . Hdwd. floors. s. mvd. $11.00Q,, : •. BUY NOW.'WIDI.& CES 4RE RIOH'l\! · · • -, • !. r I , • ~·~AV ... ~-sun Y?~ NEEDS. . · ' CORO*A JDEL .Mll Ph. liar. 1871 or 1812 Har. 46-M or Bea. 8042-~ Eves. cloMtl. -~lace-LovelY back BALBoA' ISLAND 7~ 1111 r......i. · . . , ~ALs-YE4R OR •SEASON. ' , .i , • , - BAY Fl'. bome. M~ beau. on 191and. ~ I: tloat. 4 B.R., S.bath. A liome for the DI09t dl9crlJ!U. natlng. ·Priiea right. Xlnt. terms. MAKE US AN OFFER on tlu. choice 80' nul froilt property on lJttle lwl•Dcl with attraetlve 2 B.R., dlnlng rm. home. Patio, BRBQ., dbl •garage. ~Wit be eofd. · HOME AND INCOME -Beautiful 3 bdrm, dlnlng rm bome, patio, PLUS · maid'• rm aJ!d bath, PLUS charming epaciolis 1 bdrm furn. apt. .Drive by 307 C,Oral Ave. If' iD~ted .we have the ICeY,. PRICED for quiC:k aale. . 2 BDRM 'turnlabed home. Lirg& Jivillg· rm, fiiei>Jate, Jge-enclosed yard. For QUICK, SALE i1~.ooo. CO~ LOT near shopping center. BUY NOW . for $7,500 .. Limited-time-only. . , . WILL TRADE • beautiful large lot in Cliff Haven · · aa pari piiy.' on & 2-B.R. bome In Harl\<»' area. OWNERS' A~ON: List yout property ~.l.h :. • us for sale or rertW. B~ClfE A. GATES.:__ REAIJfoR • -CORONA DEL MAR NEW and NewlY FURNISHED -2\j, ,years_ ago -11' blks. from main ......,. ·beach, tblo attractive 'MODilltN' ' home l8 belnc offered ft r ONLY •·18,llO. EV&ltYTHlNC lnctuded-Mapt~ furniture, Wettlngh~UM retrf.cerator, oa:.s table top range, lnneraprtng bed& ALL liken~! 1100 tq. tl. -All rooms and garage EXTRA arsti. BJO windows, tlreplaee, patio ... PRJV ACY. TERMS to a responsible buyer. Immediate pc11tt·P10n. .1 Chlulge of employment maJc.ee quJck aa\e deCn.~le. EXCLUSIVE with . STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 1311 Cout Highway, Corona del Mar pn_ Har. U2 LIDO . SPECIALS Prjc~J $12,700 LARQll· 1 sJ;;°oow BOU~ toed -lot 7tdao ~ IOO rabbi lo, oome chlekena. t,..,l.or, ' , . ~TIONS T~ J'Q~ EASTElt WEEK , , .. What 18 a i'S~.E?'~!'' CORrNA DEh l(A:R PROPERTIM:J • A "B1·ERPl:k" la a.property w'1ch You can· m CoMt Boulev&rd I • . . Jl'armhOUllll Kot.el • . ·' --~ PA& ~ELOW market ~alue. . B~ lOltr· ·, Corona del Mar Harbor 1~. , h OVJ'ICR llUCll A PROPlllUr -S bedrm. r•W•oi -llltftlt+ • Price $71850, terms ' I A Bargain: 1 LOT -Jun allow tbe Ar<llff Price $1,000 ' -' · .. ·~Side f yr. old, 2 bdrm. houae and (UHt hou.e. Cornet lot, lltlxltO. Price ~.ooo. term11 G. ~-W~lls, Rea.Jtor and Associates 1790 Newport Blild., Colla K- Phone · Beeoon 0181 QP,F!N ~ ~o · 5 l>.M.. . Saturda}' an~ SundaY. · 513 • ~J3t_4 ORCHID, -CORONA DEL MAR ' I . • THIS IS lNOOllE PRQPERTY or • 1 • HOME Ir: ~OOME: Approx. ~ aq. ~. 'zyf6 BEP· ROOM A .DEN home, W.. bath8," PATIO, out- side ih~er, aj prece, 'I•®~ ·room' It · workshop; taro line.bedroom apt. completely furnlahed, SUN DEcK. Bond8 pd Property all ' . clear. Full priCe $18,500. Low upkeep, natural lhake eiqeri9r, .encloaed yerd .. Tbla must be inspected._ Mult. List. No. 1672 . .Owner haa • been' tranaf. an~ thJa P,rDP, is gotng·to be eold. New Lido Isle ~ADY sooN -a bdrm, i-1>at~. · F. C . .ANDJl,ESEN, Realtor dlnlntr--4.n. Corner Jlreplace. 602 .Cout Blwl Coloh de! Mar Ph.-Har. 1540 J'orced air· heat, bar-type kit.ch-· t en, 2-car ....... Cor ... 1L to 11. , .riAJ.~B·O: ISL: AND. tot. SUU time. to cbOOee your own .D --~ coion. Prl~).~0000·' , BAY FRONT'· 1 lMJrme. and den, l % batra on I - 1 i. tote. Beautltul large patio, LARGE LIVING RM. wbod pan_eled, attr. fire' deluxe conetn.ctlon. Truly a place. Dinlni' rm. 'fith bar a11d brbq. Special fine home. '22.1500. game room with terrific view. ll bdrms., 4 $4 750 FUll Price batba. All the closet apace you could desire, CUTI: BEACH HOUSE, 1 block f""" _,_ bathing beiu:h. Build-Dbl. gar., forced air .. plus pier a11d (!oat and Inf In (OOd '"1>!1,d. _.750, furn. good beach. Beautifully furnished. $75,000. NEEDS "'PIXIN' Duplex on Bal-Blvd. need• Nelda Horace work. but has lot.9 ot room and · po111blut1u. $77150 furnUlhed . Gibson Mazet BLDG. SITES Harbor 602 Harbor' 3028-J " UDO M-n. bay front choice loca-306 Marine Avenµe. Baiboll Ialand Uon ·······--····-........•...•..•... $27 ,:w>G ----------------------30-ft. bayfront R-3 ........... $9',«m •~-n. tnslde ........................ '3.500 Hom~ and .1h Acre Very illce 2 bdrm home .on wide lot (lpx200).rt>nly J yn. ,old. Well con1tructed, hwd.. flreplal>e. 2-car gar. Likeable kitchen. Thia . ta a SUPER BU1' on Today'• Market. OWner may cotteider $2,000 down. Full price $9,850 • G. I. Re-Sale $2,200 Down ' Two Bedroom Hoi:ae--Near New- port, Heights -Bulryard fenc· ed. Lot '02"139. PaymOlllAI an • $53 per mo.nth including taxp · l.nd insurance. Full price ont1 $8,200 ' -· .3 B. R. G. I. R.e-Sale In very good condiUon-&bo\&t 4 yrs. old. ExceptLonally ~p 3 B.R. having a ve., nice 14~ room and dining room corilbtna ...... tlon. Fireplace, thermostat, bwd.. tile, Ea.st Side locaUon. Redeco- rated. 2-car .garage. l:uy 4'.I· pa)!ments of $68. per mOhtll. $3300 down. Full price ' • '$11,000 . 'I PHIL SULLIVAN Formerly C. Galen Dent.on G.T.EVERSON REALTOR 4 90 Newport Blvd ea.ta Mesa 2 batm, ~ at Blpway ... A Uthe wortr. pa1aU.., "'!d tr"ll**Plas WW mak• w. p1ace a c:hanDlnc ..,..- Full •*'Dt Pr.I.,., SlUO(I. Very ... ·-·""' tenaia -y Ila :~. F"or &PP91DtJ!-1. -or 121l BIIl Schutter : •t llarbor 2..T._ ' · ·---• BAl.B.QA ,ISLAND: - · ; .-TQ C~SE~ F.sTATE! ., '{ I ~~M '1,"1 ~· a, Oomor lbt. dMlrai.w-1'1"&.;. , ! I I • , ~ · l. I. ,· •'*'-,_ ,./ o ,j • " , • ',,: ~ • uyAlo • • • .. • • ", ·· : ... ·"A$KING ·PRICE $13,500 ,.:~ .. ~·~ , ·,, : "'Bld8 aubmltt.ed al our oftloe., · '• " .~ ·, 1 · · · · ',.-.CJill MN. ~. Harbor 1 no . '• < • • • • • • • :>. • I ': .. -· .. IN· COR(i)NA:: DEL MAR . .:'. -. ' Arj;R+~ f -6_Rq0K<._HO~. 1\1 hlocu ·"rriim . .'.~• IMftM':-or Rlfl!J"&Y·. 40'· loL ·Lilr&"O ltVlns; -.•· ..... ~me :-°'l" ... unlllual ·dining ~I . . I ~j~ .aiid b&db:wlth tlll. Prl~, $18,600. Mu!tlple.Ujit-., 'j, 1.nl ·Mo, lUL · !--·t ' C&lt lire. ,Maioon, Harbor 177& :·. ••• .. ··~ . .. ; ,, . . ' ; .. •• : EARL W. STANLEY ·-.. ..-• • I • \ ,. ~ealtor lltlt'iUld Cout HIW"&Y . ._ Newi>Ort Beacli '"'" -~-...._ ..... --- ;elf· CO&lt Btway ,~, .. . de! I • .~ :225""Matlne Ave, Balboa.' t.land l . . llltb Uld -·. Newpon:.~:..~ . ' . -' ,!! '• 3111 Ne'"W'"port_. ~-; Newport a.m '•'. . I ' ... < ~ BALBOA ISUAND BAYFRONT! Phone Beuon 814J· W Harbor 3157-W or Beacqn,. M58-J • r . " ~· ,.~ ·-. . ' ' 5 , : j • t • . ' Heart of Lido lele' ~~~~ Rii~ :::.: ~~ 1 . nent view-Qi. 1>ax-t11d ocean. One THEY ARE' ge 1 tting scarcer all the time. "Don't Get Caught c ·--·:· ._ ·"" · :a-ALBOA, ISLAND--. : '' . -. Ill-REAL ESTATE It:XCHANOll 3 bejfrooma, 2 baths. ~tr'a l.Usf ot the wr.t \.few lob ' left 16,Slo · ,c • cqrner lot with permanent' bay • ORDNliEAP ·•·"All80C. 2 BDRM HOME good Wtdy bef<ch. Knotty pine liv-witq yo;iur PuRslj:;DOWN:' '. .• -~~tJU;.f' ~;2 ba~ po!QnW tiome:ln: "':~ view trom . tbe li'!lns 1Wlll. 3112 Newp<lrt' BM!., 'Hul>oc< 26152 ing rm, fireplace. koom for a11 income' apt in Every daj 1 you DEliA'i'. , \"! cJl9ace jae&tloil tt~ ·North Bay. Eiltr&" larp., ; :11~: tie~~:'!.t ::; ~EAL BUYS' 1 1 . . -• rear. Wp know of no better bayfront buy! bmeansTOthDaAtY•n!!"'willho~ )qu .. ~ • • ·tli_.},e.,~·:wttir ~ r&nntand ·lllM<· .. ' , .. -_ -• . uy ..... ~u . • , ., &:.:..1t-.l..a ·-, • • , . ; pauoe. one, Wtth ~. J!a· , : . ; • · 1 ' ~ more· men.yTOKJlRR 1';. .~~:: • .:1rl~~":.,a~1s~.~· "Uo..t Barti,,..,{llJlow'~ :.> lt~·.t tra · targe gan1ge. °""1or Will BALIIOA-S. B R $9tl60 " ' I 1 ' $2-!t,000' Beialde9·why l!Qt, ~ V• ' ~-. l~'<!l'{~lilil;.-...,.i illlr ti.at. " · '-. "' '\ ~' =~~==~)""~,!!!~~-~ fo 5-* rm;t 'and 100c1 ' • ' ~TO. ~~k -lieatierith~~'L!!e'. '>' . 1,'..~·~·•:::·~~-~11>~· "'•· J> ·:·;.-.' • .''rf+-'.•i°'. ,... , ~ •1 fttmmlft:g. n:i.s. s. * ow.r LIN WOO· "' VI1CK.. REAL" •. ·ro· R. J.l4IU c:9e' .a.A.. • .... i .. .\ • ...., f HADFIEl t:> • ' • ~:· p , · loo•• but u. Xln't c:oo4111on. .u · • · c;i.us:i;v» 118tinA · • in ·ii• ' ,,_ · f'-~ ..._~ ~ ~·~ · · • .,.,, · B.ld. ~. vtr. turD&<t.-0... be 312 Marine Ave. &!boa Island Harbor 2042 /.-· . ~nl· ~ • .Dlll"°!& I B' ,. ffarboJ'. go; . : .. r Another Lido 3 B . R. lloU&ht tllrnUllled at UO.i-00. Be t...'...Flrol tlm.e offend n~ly ,n.,. . '. •• , • '·, '· ... ; • .. . . . ' ' . : . . ...... Times change, and wh1.t wu per-~ to eee th»! -------~~----------'"~---4 bed:rm, 2 bath boine tn tltl• .. • · tecl for your needo a t.w Y .. "' Two b&tluo, 2 year. youn&'. 2HO aq. . _:,__ . 1 ; BEST BuYS .. ·ell loc&Uoo on LlDO I~ Ne,.',ri,;.ft Hefg' htS I ago may now _be Inadequate. fL In the hou ... pluo dbl. car-INCOME Pl\(>f~~l0,000 lh ACRE & HOME 'Th!. la a emart'home ·on lb. · "I'~ , , ,. Perhap• you bave a city home age. M x 18 loL It:xtra 1...,... • • . E S'd c t M Thll '·-·•~n·--2bdnn•om• BAYFROm",th~I hu'clnilo a.i.'Re..;i;..~ibdrm . .Wccol -and now want a beach home. patio. All for •2.f,&00 wtth"S15 t Rll'bt tn tlfe Uttrf BALBOA: .• 1 e , 08 a esa ~ ._....~ .... --.:: µ n 1anl 1art Hftrtal .,...._ ' ' ~ . Of you have acreago and you ~ FHA loan oomllllttmenL ' ~":J: ~d 'i =~':{ Nlc:e 2 bcinn. 'hwd noon .. lhtrmo• :..,'; ;'~°i,;,~~~ ':;:~ •1';:: un":'~ heat. tile• f~aiu-, ..,.. =~ni.i.11:· ~".;1.:l!J NEWPO~T . BijlAC!l BETTER BUT ... , . ~~::~.eu property. Or 8 M..UC:ER! nu. i.a priced rtsht. atat dua.I wall heater, prare. den. Patlo and lath house. Built bage diapou.l, bot-Point dteb-tas~Uona fot -extra bath. LOVELY . DUPLEX ·~~}~~~ C1oM to NewpJK Blvd. Lot 194&. It'a pretty u a picture. waah~r and A~ in A.LL ~ ·.,&tluiiai yaid.. l'mc:ed. each,, tt~lace,' aood ·~ •~· •Th• lojlcal tblng to do i. to ex-LIDO BA y FRONT BALBOA POlNT-$13,500 60xUO. Price ie.ooo. adclttlonal In the Back Bay area 11T1ong offf ~e. t~~a1ho11>~ w~.!'6~~ ~'.Jntln ·Will Han·dle cellertt location. '1'1119 .-..-. I I •1 000 nl-home•. You'll a~ I'-o ••=· ~"°'" 1Jr~e -t w """""' . " r.turn. Priced rl pt wlt) IAlrma. change with· eomeone who hu Attractive 3 B. R. home. Would 0 • , · '""' r.·--'""' ttr ti • · r · 'f'h&t you want and need.I what New 2 bedroom, 11' bath.I, mod.. make Idea.I home tor family prked below replacement. 8 ac ve. .\.. • ' you have. It'• simpler &nd lt"•I em tn every det&tl from the with c.bJldn?n. Close to g0oo 2 BDRM houae' and cva,.e on 1 ' $10 800 2.-Alao 2·story home tdei.I tor -Costa ·Mesa BE.'.l'Tll:R 'BU'r more economical. WebavequJ.te wood parquet noon to the mod· bay bathtng beach. acre nfll.r new Alpha Bet& mar.. ' I children. On lovely street Ul1I Odbd~~;j w.nri,Jlom~·complete~ . . a list ot propertlea t o select em beamed ceillna. Slidina fl.MA - _ ket, $7,t°O Additional acre i.s on 2 lo~ ft.-hu I q;" ~ td\. i acre fa~tD.I' r2 • HERE 'TIS: · ,. 'from. Come ... u1 today. doors. Full width ot the living COSTA KJ:SA-$7,000 U .500. . '"'--ta -..'e•a B g in ·bedrooms and den Thll home ~-~Iii. ' ·• ··· .... · ' room. built In elactr;lc 1tave ,ond , s B ft. flrepla come 1 t '-""" m. " ar a hu unuaual y1rd and out-"~ '. ,·.i\.. f ..... 'Q;._.,.,,. . ,Balli\>& Pen. -••·GOO .'-:-ll~ We want your IUltlng. oven.• Jillectnc dlall,.,.ii.r, Pf· 70 · 40 2 ce, · 'Ftn° Induotrlal. lot, 8SX290. ~I.Oji(), $1 000 dwn ..ioor UVlnf •--Willi • lltUe .' , v~ ,po,MiJU • beach oottare;·--::!. ~·ii~ b&~ dla-•' I I •· f built· • x 1 · -ear garege. e term• ' • lma-'-aUon· -··" W<JIU!erflll '' • r-.IJiOWft ·-ent · room. flrep ·f-... Isl d R alt C ' .e ~· p Ue o ... o nela'bborhood. Need• IOme BRAND 2 bd horn. 60 11w• ·~ , ' -r ~ .,.,."!"'. t .. ' 7...~ .·.Ji~ ... ~~~· j; . ~ ~-~d~ l'i.i:"=h:: '~::!1 .. 41''1'1"'-erfUl~-GOOD Ll8TlNGS Wµ<T&D ·~t:iE~~~~epo":~: 1i .. 1t;'-"'l'litft~. ~~'·'~~ir~ ri' ' ... ;' .. ·;_·:· 11...&.iol ~era -1 ~rors ~. we a'1r'Uke to llhow. r'or appL • •\; ·.w ~ TJ~~ I I S Park at Agau,'Bal-aland to see, call-BOVI'll .COAST RltALTY co. ROBT. H. MOTTET I ~.!500. ,balanu $150 montb. See • Bell. cJoOd for' . ' , 1 ,..: • HaN>or 377-W "llliulllple Llottng Realto'9" · a.a. tl24-J Rel. ijoa. 0131..J thla now. ALSO Only ·aoo. WI!! tali.-traae. >'> A Cl&Slified Ad la the mlshty midget ln AdverU.lng The John Vogel Co. sos Kain st .. Balboa. Har. 2034 1000 Harbor Blvd : Drive around LIDO lt!LE. Look · i ~ · , 1301 Cout Hlway, eo,,,,.. del Kar .. Nrar Pav~on" COSTA KESA . Newport ·Heights at lhe activity-look at the new TWO. ~ UmJ 100 fL tfont· ' • _, • · •' Phone Harbor H17 or Herbor 17u -------------------~-~ bU!ldlng. DOl('T OllT 9'\UOll'I' "P· i!Qifi for'UIOO:Doym P~ Owner "'~ys "sell',' . ilO<l2 ]• Cleaa I l>odrm home nur tbr BhorL Lots are oelllnt and oell• lo -'hr <tit#. · I ~ _ .. oN•• ro· 'w·v ----------CORONA DEL MAR "'oday's Daat J:tuy t Hip -onl1 s yn. old. Ing fut. You can,1tlll t>uy a f.., Ba7 l'root 1lonle -:t•c1o . ..-. J ....--~· ~ ·i· ~ &"! H-n---. dbl prage. All choice lou at roelc-bottom ' ' · ' I ~to · -----------A .Gl;:~~inA~!.~,:1Pl1 2 Bedrm. bome, bdwd. fire., in ·-di are paid. Should G. I.. prtcea. The' law ot .ouppl7 and ()live )filler : ' =· ~U~dl pl~t.-~· :i;,oANS For Homes encloeed yard PLUS 2 bed· CORONA DEL MAR Sl,llbc>.• · demand w111 certainly ~ sooe Court Ave., Newwtt Beach prc1en and Patio. ow.r· 11¥ 1 ·.. • -the value Of tbeae Iota. Get Pb.one .. Barbor M.3 • 1 1 ftlOved to A ·r an4 W A:MTIJ with 4 '7o -51;2 .'}'0 In.t. **SOLD** rm. apt. over dbl garlge. ·• youn NOW. We ara ·tllo D.111-, to..U. • Loq IA!rm. Low payment spec1a11a,,. In r . H. A. and G. l. Ptana. 5 ~ % C -•ru"Uon Loa rftl 518 °"'bid Corona del Mar Well located $15,750, trma. •10,000 l Beacon Hill Realty . VELOPERS of LW<> IBLE • • • • I · · · • h WT WATERFRONT . .. . . • CALL BOB 8ATI1.&R By a Bar. 31&3 tor'll'rff Appralal Multiple Llatln& Raltor NEW 2 ~-So. of high· way. Larg& roome, forced a.ii' beat, dlil. gar. Encloeed yard $13,500. Terma. LO~poD0:.2p~ •• 1 yr .... N= !"!.:.~7':s-~hel) were. lllUe buy. . , . ~~t~-~CO!lle. ', .. BETT i R B~"!.: otd. l!lnclooed pat10, gar&&'•·_.. 'l-1•711 P. A,!:.c,¥t~ a --. a1ii1 ·&.1 bdnft·&p'r' 'Waterfront HoOMi Rep. POIRIER MORTGAOll co. FOR QUICK SALJl:-'New 3 bdrm. Mell'o.. Life Ina. J'unda. ID S-&186 houae. 320 Iflrbpur, corona de1 ner loL PBONJC 11.,-bor 181' to plac.. 3S3S Via.Lido 11.oot·ICJ· RJ, '!"ml fenced. Plet IAf.iri I atilry f-. ..;.i, ~-..,... Lota of l!:xtiu your wan~ a{I on thUI page. N<WJ>Ort each. Calif i.nd flo&t. Small doWfl JJ<lymt! old. Thll hOlll• 11a1 11 ~ a Don't w&lt unw thtl -lo flOld, Harbor l!IOO ,. • ....., T. D. . ' batba CllnlD• ,,_,, la.lli'ar ma, see it now, buy It now. ' ,. · 1 • • · ·' 1 REAL BARGAIN ~&:·Beach ~t =~~--~ MORTGAGE LOANS Low Interest Rat.ea FRJ:E INSP.EqrION Mar. Landoc&P"3, tencod. - Anaheim 4817. 7Wl Hll\08 opening for a.uoeiate Wolter. Earl Cha. mberlain COSTA ~A ..... • -.... ~ Loftly • B. IC, .-In. Balboa. W fll)r Cll<lden hj wllll ,_, · • --tillolli. 500 Oout llMI, eon.a~ Kar Neer ....,.utlDs;. Oll6' of tbe 1411 ~-Bl'td Bubol-i-, PaTI>d paUo.jAJI W. .. ,~ COSTA MESA u.tlbp Wul<d -Allo Rentalo (OppoollAI Newport Bar-. Bank) ,....., beet.-. . REAL ESTATE '"' . ' . -1 ft. lto·lttniW -•·-·WO S. W . COLEMAN ' • ~. Plloee Hut>or nae \nu Only $8,·"""', ~e'-ft R m . D•-"'-' B . 1... Pier -~Oilly sO.IMlo -~ ~~·1:..., ~; ~~ ~f.!e ,Smith, Realtor ~ iN\I •..,., y y • q '. ~ ..... e, ror_1i1 ..-, ,rt11a1; .-. w • ®'! N. Broadway· Phone latp llY. re, flnplacl. .._ l~ODut Btway, Oi>rona clel Kar • -• ~. C. W A-,:}1ta I'"! ce ~ · • .. Santa Ana KI a-1778 . ..,...., ~ 1ot, r-. l'rice , .._. Bar.-*' Bl!tl'l'ER SEE THIS . Beach Frpnt · -· • vre Buy and Sell Trust Deeds 1uot .-.dljced C>Wner -oell! Lido-Bay Front'Home ICxcellent 0 -&lld ...., -s BDRM o . L ,RUU.S ~ Mlel CVJMT OOOPl. a.a:ao-on rm:r:r-,R ~:U'f 88c8l VIEW LOTS . , 1 -.. 1'llllt • ~ ._,., • llUt Bide l«atlon, ..,. !."': , ... _ ..,_. -•'floil. ar: : 1 . ------up~cs s. MAZBT 1 w1111 o 1M1nn&. o b&U.O. ~ .,. .n...o 111m., 111ns1e pr, -~~ .-·--· ., _,......,. Xlld.. --· • ~do · HoD).e • J.()ANS TO BIDLD, IMPROVll, i IOI Marble Aft ll:lltra latp lot, Clltf Dr!W, ""'"· .,.. eo ft. Jo& wltb plu -floatj rool. • ltltcllen. "lds ~ -. .,.. ... -.. , ' • ~ . BUY, MODERHIZE, Ott Bal-folll"I ,Har. ~ ttcr way llalow Alue: Wondornll for HI~ OnJy $9100 -V..rms ~.~-~'!...:' ~ $1 Al>A Wfil ~'"'°dle t $ ~ • REFl.NANCJ: . -dun Ba...,,~ lot$!.~. • lploadkl· llU;r t'or ·*' . , u: ;.,_· tndillL 'i; -..;.-;;: , ,uvu n~ . a.•a.. ""'*~Ill ft .• NZ~~:"~~ 1;:~ 2. :!:.~.~~-CU::: ' ~lgllt --~~ti.di , . t.reot. ' • . I W··· "'-T-,· 1"*-4-.: ·LOT. ... ::-. =:::: ., 84VIN08 • LOAN ASSN. •"":iaw.i. ~ ~.Lari< ~·-~·!". :--fll50 ' . A. STEAL · I· • G. I. RESAI-E " .. 1 · ' _,, -... ¥--..~ • ..,, -.. ""* ....v.· ·.usa Via Udo Ph. Bar. lMt --:eon.a dol .!~ ~ BAY SH.ORES .llJ-ft. lot. !alee -t, ' 1 ~a;:.:--=:::·;:; " r r l • ~·:-:~Ii!·~ .... T .... &VT 11-ftAJLDS A •c.un'ON,. hiln• Twa altncttve 1boyo, 3 -pnly $2,650 ... ft. r.iclad-New eupd. o-A~-~·--...:-,_ ....... ..,!!:-.:.. .... ..... .a Jil'ft8. 4 -..._ '°' • ' 'VIlftY a TBMS. , .... ~ -.-- -. _,.. --~· • WANTED -u"""' -· tata -.... .'"61ds· -·a•.• • . ·· The Jbbn Vogel Co. • --""1 .. :n.t ._ •• •• ... .,., t.i ifatbor lnYn•a.,t ·. ~medium-. _____ JfQ.,.._CU•Plm'll ;-"50 -MllO-•M-a-111.,111weatt-B.A.Nli:R.Ji:SON· ~~.~~Ill .. ~ ,,T~~ emao.aJ'1'i:-WU'0811 · TlµDIC "'' io,.i tot: ---. •e.,1 -. a.-PIN-~-.._ .. " or a •• ._.,I 1111A • 11 .--.. ~ ~-~ ... lltu~ ..i.... --a. .. of lll&bWa,J, ... Chm nte I'll. OOllO!f.l DSL .... ~-•. -• ...._ l \lt -Wat.t.o-riwqe . -r"' -am. aar. , .. --..--• .. , --•m0 mr.s * * 8 o L n * •·· 1 • •.::= .-r;.:: -r r • '1r=,,~ ... ;~-:.";l·=~:: .. ~~ .. ='=·~~-;;:z:::---.... C' II -lw ...,_ Wlll-ledlM• ._... • . --~ , -~-------~-• _ _...,._._ _. _ -11111&. • • • m • ....,., I • •' ~K • • ..,_ f/MI . i.• 11 CB•L -&ftl WUI ,_,,. .. ~ -.. i. -. • 1 a.a ..... . IAIU .._.1M!9 eq9 UJ I -111111 •• a • ..... I LON. -·· ..... -• • • •*• n • t' ... r I • -•• l'IUVATa P.utl"f -.. "1it U. NMr .... ,. a, .... a, ll ~ -• I I IM j ...... JO . T. U.... ,. ..... or ..... -.. -. NBC>. REl!\I.TY Co.. ;ll••re·. !Mp~·. • •• ... , ..... ,~ . &acaa.,..,,,. .. ~ ~ wltMa .,.._. rr•ss•., az •• ... = .............. . . ·<:M llU. ...... .,. •&. "--& .._44F••n11 ....... ,, .. , MaMn•n:+• . •1211&-.••11•_ ........ _.-.._ ... ~~.-.., :" .. -.. -.......um "t.:~•e --IM&. .......... SI I ii • .,........ ---Ou ... t'l!l9 _....,. !':' -. ' .. • ' • ' • t ·I • -- '· I • I • • • • , • ' . . . • 1 '·. -~ • PILLStURY'S F»tQU,R s.LB. 47' c / _ ;o.ta. 99· ~ a-.. lag. -::11 • I 2-LI. SSC IOX I .. 1 ...... J-J.J ... ·-- lllOU lllllfl COii . • ! : • PIDIGlEI . · 3 1 1~3C DOG FOO.O ~::~ . I Qn 12-.cn ,,c:_ .......................... ......_.__ ....................... _ .... ..,................ . .. .. .............. . . -CHINISI FOOD DEMONSTlATlOIL t..'ii+"·'ii·k& n.,....Prl.-s.t.1DeWHJ. New,.,t ... , • .Mua.ia·s • . at71t~ ••• -4~ . 1'1"W•...,... TO•N• 41C S"l(I0"41 .. :::: .. 43c ~It-",, fl(ID .. ~­ 'O' Wv...,-~ •ICI • ~ WISCOMllN ... .,. ••.. l.. . ....... 'ii· H . .... ... .. . ' I . ·• ~ • • UNDID WHISU\' •. .. $2981 o"i.iv&HAi:olF 'I 63' SAUSAGE PEMB"RO~K ~·"~. 7. ~ •• cSulot':I-eo .... ,,...., . 1 ,,_......,...,_....,..._ I OllAll&E JUICI FROS D , 1o.::° lATH'S . • ...... li,,_ ... _ efC:-,5• 1~ . . . -. ' .. """Ji" . "l>OwNEY . N~POIT •EACH · c9t~ .... ~ ... < 3 "c a. • .: .. ~ .... . -.. c;-.. ~ • ., ... Tllllllt ":' c ... ~~ ... ,,, .. '"~k_• .s~· . OPPI · AT IJOLAll l'lt. : ,· · o,. 1111J1..-. .. 1.-. , 0,....., 1 ...... 19 .. ,_ __ ,_,,..9,.. . mt.•liL••..a1 iW'IL • ..._ .... ,,,11 ., ...... -.--.-f --" .. ' ' ............ , 11118 n... . • -• ~··" . .'ill!!_.--.~~-- .- J I • • I • \ \ . . ! ' I - • • PEP TALll.---089dl I~-~ llo!Bttn the U.,ru of~ Doe,...,......,._ q~ of~ Or- aa,r ......, t"u¥1· The Tar -· feupt valiantly bat ....,. out on tile ohort •nd of a plloto f1nhb U-S5 ICQre. (Presa Photo) .. ' A Court of Honor &or the Boy Scouta of the Harbor dl•trlct !Troope 6, llo. 81 , e and 11) will be held at the Coron~ del M.ar echool at ·7:30 p. m. Monday, Feb- ruary 19. Merit badgcfl. a.dvancl'menUI ln rank. and a special tenderfoot lri· doctrlnation ceremony will feature th4 evening-'1 meeting. Coach Al Irwin will speak on ST CE TARS MEET HOT OILERS the "Paa:t, Prt>scnt and l"utul'e of 1 PLA : . . _' . ~=~I ::ft:::::~.H::lbo:~:~ s:~~·~:~~~1~~;~i:~~ or Boy Scouta .to make a epeclal IN FJNAL . CA6f• SE~O :·FRI. ~~~.to att•nd the ~urt of ~~:~+.uf!~:i&~~~~=~. ' . Former· Adv·1sor ' Hopes for a ~ood home .'.JL&nd ·~ Ute Piratca loet to Ch.affey Friday Eaatern ()onfettnce Standlns WLP ... Op Fullerton ...... ........ 8 1 642 613 Chaffey ................. 1 % 381 314 !San Bernardlno .. 8 S 641 681 Santa Aua ··-·--·· .. 8 4 800 671 Rl,·enlde .....•...... ! 7 <431 '9! On.nl'e Coa8t ...... ! 8 537 637 ML 8an Aatonlo .. I 9 691 69! Friday S'sflt'a GamM Fullerton at Santa Ana'; Sao Bf'rnardlno ai Or&a(e Co&.'Jt; Rlv- enlde at ·Cbalfey, Fbib Fry Feb. 18, '5 to 8 p.m. SL ilamN Parish Houae Tomorrow night. P'dday.t will eee the end of Sun.et League. b&8" ketball play for 19~1 and will "90 determine whether Newporl'•'-f.'_ot aftd cold Tars will retain their Ue for fir:.t place with Anaheim"• Cot- ORlsts. Anaheim; :SZ.-38 and to Orange, 38-37. Othmer with 13 .wu high man In the C.Olontst , tilt and again tQOk honona againsl Orange by &cc;M"lng 11. ·Uneupe and 5e0ring: Le.sfer leads · ·. · ~·d ai••ady -" dispelled when ' Of Pres.ldents night, 118 to 79. Yardley's 31 point. were closely (allowed tn the high Anftua.I Glrl Scout Cooklti Salt> Cees t We "f', ··~o_rl_n;:.lf_1&_bl.:_ea __ b.:.y_Ch_a_!t_e::..y'_•_Da_m ___ F_•_b_ruary_...:.._1_o_to_.F_· _•_bruary _ _;:__%_4_ Newport ra.ceM • my. tough Huntington Beach five wh;c.h kilocked off Santa A»a recenUy. Tbe game will be played ln Ule H'.arbor High gym Friday night. following th~ B team game which beglrul at 1 p. m. YAlSITY &AMES "f-"¥flll') "ft tp Aft4ih.!!fl (0) H.ttlff, f • J I• S W•bhf, f 19 ft Ip • •: 0. 1n : - ! i ~ .. ~~~~ ~~:,r:: ·~= '=~ to ~peak ~~ere_· Anaheim should easily defe&f the league doormat Orange, but the Tar-Ol'er game will ~ a t09l!!'- up. However, the home floor ad- SWLVit 'leapt'! Staadlnn WLPT80p Ne,vpOrt Harbor .. 1 3 460 l80 Anahoka .............. 1ltMM3 llaata Aaa ......... .. • s 418 08 HuatDll'ton ·.kach 5 t 431 In o.aap , .................. t s SM no Fllllertoll ...... ... ... I 8 S48 45S , ..... '°"· f -1 J 17 St•lflboffl, f Gtlfffflt ,c I 1 f I F•1lt-, t l...Me, 9 I I ~ W•ltll, 9 s....-., 9 I l 4 t._..lf•t. q 0.IWlly, Q ll • 15 IJ 0r ..... C.44) 'Wllll•mt. t M1i1110I, f A.k•Al•r. c Sh••VWI, Q Sml ... 9 1 o " acUon the Tar C and-D team!'! eawl Dr. Napoleon H ill, o has per t LJ lhUI )Veek WU' a~ge haps lnfluenced the llvea of ~OT'I: \~ 4--0 Tue3day and they came out rtfty-top bracket men than any one per- fifty. The Ct'cn won, 37-25 and the 800 in America today LI!! echeduled Dee.'! were beaten In a very cloac lo spe-ak at lhe nf"w American Le-- gamr, 35-33. glon club houae. 15th & Bay Front, f9 tt tp l I S I 2 10 Coach Gage'5 hot C tcan\jump-on F eb. 28 at 7 p. 'rn., gommander :i ed lo a 16-15 halftln1e lead, fell be· Barney &II announced last Week. hi.nd at the th.lrd quarter mark. The occu~on l!I tht> free dinner to 21·23, then poured on the coals ln which every ve~era.n tn the Harbor. • • ' . • l lhe IL'lt period making 16 polnt.8 area. will be Invited. '' 19 t' I l-4t lo ju.t two for Orange and won Bf>caUAe of the large crowd an .. t 14 IJ ........,. by v. l2 point margin. Center Le&-tlctpated Bel! h&.11 reque.ted that 1 TEAM &AME:S t(•r was high man with lO potnU. each veteran bring a ~PY of h.la N••P'Orl flll) '9 It tp ""•h•fm (SlJ t9 It tp The Dee game was cloKe all the dlsc;h&rKC' with him to presefil at · J~--. f ' J 1 1 H"'"•· 1 s 1 11 way with Orange hotdlng a 8ught the door. HeaWi of all clvtc oc .. -Yc•i.H ... , I j : ; C-"I f / g ~ 17_ 15 lead at th• hall. Pftmnan's ganlzaliotu1 will also be Jnvtted to ~~!.!,., f 1 1 J ~•u. f l s ' ;tO point.a m&de hlm top ecorer for thla oulst&ndlng meettng u weD TIU\tag'e should gjve .ihe S;tlorl ~· c 4 s IJ W.i&i, c l ? •: Newport ~ Leonard bafged 9. u the city . counclJ gf Newport lbe nod but not witilout • terrific ~· ·c. J .~ ; :;:.: J t , .uneu &Dd kortA.J; · Beach, Bell said. •truggJe. It the Tanr wjn Utey l!tfill. e• f 1, • I ,. ·~it 1, ... • .~, "~ .F· -, Dr. Hill rarely la preva.J.Jed upoo wUJ compete In lM CIF playoff• "•"",_. J(4 "f'I 17 ::=n c TIA)t ...,..f to leave t..be -.nctua.ry of kl.I ~f at San Diego. · /.NJ..i:M ~-... --· z ,....,_. IDJ hi ff'1fl: Ot'"t1l9":f1SJ • '-8 tit 1n lb~ d~ Wben be a noW: N~t zolred_.g • Cl7 '9 ff tP'o..-.. C»l f9 ft tp ..w.,..t,t f , T '"I ' J4~ ~ i : ~~ bti. .la.._! ~ted tU.blon ~ • """'9t. , • 1 J t, ~', ~ : i .:. fZ:> c-· .._ e. t f 4 ·~e til J19W." to IMet ·~if ~ ~Ing Dtt.o. ~ ~ °"'"'~ ~ . 1 a 11 :ri-.--. '~ 2 • • :;:.~· i ~ 'I , 1 w~·: : ; : eJ\Pa'f:meab. When he corumn. Flnal n'ldkt. 89-t•: N\t-~ • f: : ==.~ ~ ~ ! Mom.:. 1 t "at.anding room only" .Spa ~waya tfea snap.......1 oUt of a ~ent .acor-'• ..,..._ • 1 J 1 C.ll~-. 1 1 1 J prevail All who have heard ·Or t""'"' L I ' J 1 • 1 K•Het, • I 0 J · -; i.ng elump to bag 25 polnlll end -'· 9 N1wPOM IJ s s t6-)7 Rill understand why for he i.. one pull within one potnl or Santa ~;::1 ! 1 ~ 1~ :"t~ Or•"9• -' ' • J-2S of the moat profo~d thlnke-'e ln. Ana '11 league l rad1n~ Rex Bab-_____ o TEA.M &AWE the wor!d today. ~k who has a 132 total. For-\VORKF.RS CLASS N..,-fOrl CJJJ 19 H Ip Ot•lt9• IJSJ 19 It Ip At 70. Dr. HUI has the sp&rk.Je ward Nettles has 131. LOYAL ri.o .... ,, I I O 2 '•'''''" 1 ~ ! 1~ and wit of a man 20 year• young- 10 Ta"' Stott Mra. Georgia. Graves will en-~:!.~':.'."~ 1 ~ l ~ &°:.~~!i~•.·< 1 1 7 er. Hla phlloeophy l.8 baaed. on•IJe.. Trn Tar player~ aeored in thf' tertaln memberll of lhe t-oyaJ o • ...,. e 1 o 1 '"'•· .,. ~ : ~ Ing the lnlmate or the captalna of victory with Griffllh making 13 Workers clau of lhe Coal& Mesa ~:1:~~~~9 : ~ ! M•tl. 9 lndwitry, the hea.da of world :gov- and Pett'rson nine. Orange guard Community Church on Tuesday. ,n,...,,.,., q 4 l 10 I ernment.e: (who have sought hiJI Sharunt potted 14. Last Friday Feb. 20, at 2 P· m. in the home H••PQ•I : ~ ; :~ advk:.e) and the milllona bf jU8t Newport post to Anahe im. 43-37 of her daughter, Mrs. Harlan °''"4' "pt>0ple"...trom whom he hu built as Nettles wu held to five points. ~. 212 Flower SL hM.r~ Mar-Fish Fry Ft"b. 18, 5 to a p.m. hill phllOBOpby and to "·horn he hu The luckJeM1 • Sa.ilor B tf!am tha Moore will share osteas re-given 80 much. HI& booka have dropped both ·of the lo •ponaibilJUe-.. SL lameit h.rl9b Home been translated 11' several iang\l· AUTO BODY and. 1'.IKDIB REPA·I NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB . ·TOO,' LAIGE ' • FREE ESTlt.1A TES MOST JOBS ·ONE DAY SERVICE Fine1t ~ Equipment a(ld Worblu LOW .PllCES · · .· . ANY MAKE -CAl. . . . : . . *Asv 'PAYMENTS I ~ . • ... • . . - a.ge• and hie followers throuctfacit the worlSI have reached the amu- lng figure of 85,!p),000. FDR SouJllt Advice Franklin D . RooAevelt mught hi• advice twi~ durt.rig hla admln- latration, eo did Preeident WU.eon during World W•r I and President Truman 30 odd years later when he waa standing alone. Adolph Hitler wu ao lmpresaed with Dr. Hlll'a writings that he Wrote him when formuJatiflg h1-"Meln Kampf." Dr. Hill replied lo hia letter and predicted hie downfall because Hitler used most of the doctor's formula !of. •uccea but Ignored lbe bulc prlncipletJ hf the hun1an relatlonshlp ot mankind .. laid down by Je1ua Chrlst . Napoleon Hill bepn hla lifetlmt work when u a. law student and wtfter, he lnterv1ewed one of the world'• greateat Jnduatrlal&l:tl and phllanthroplata, .Andrew Carnegie, '°" hla college newspaper. Hill WU amazed when Carnegie Nked hlm to return and diacuu many of the lndt11lriaU•l'a ph11090ph.iea. Then . Carnegie· 1ave HW one minute to make up his mind If he Would devote the remainder of bi.I lite to tbe study of the live• of wea)t.hy men or that tlay and learn ~ formula for their .wuccea. HW accepted the tuk and wu •on h18 way to-a life'• 'tlfPtk few men have a=mpllalled. · I Through ~•Cle. Naiioieon HlU opent w...lql of IDUma~ con· wnatton wttlll lllCh ·men u Henry P'ord, Tboniao -... ..., llwt• -of othet-wN1th1 men P'7" Int Into . tbelt --~ u-. tlloutllt.1 -'\penonall and = 111111 •• bl ..... par ~ n. "8dmce 'or ~ .... ccmpleted ... ~ -!ti th• ' pld,_,.,,. J""'T" uncltt • RW'a ~ -1 II ... llMr ~ or J?f. Bill to ......, tbo >-{ --£:. lk ,,,_ l~I .... -ID or- cler.IO --tal - -H4! la ,u.e ... ~ 'II' - OPEN-MOUTlt&O lllJT Aoct!JlATE, Nowilori eul.or bu-r Wetzel drt\'e11 IA for a lay..._p a.bot t.o nm u p another two point.a' for the Tar Cee:men. Makins up for the kwl .ef ,~ Dee te.lu the i ' Cee team •tomped on Oranse Q\·e by • 11-if . . r6. (Presa Photo. fbllo!"la,r·-''ftlai< -°"""' 111$."° • ....._ --. "lid-~ Ull •r~casr,.• J;"'.: ~ ..U ,_ WQ I.la. llfe,' "Tiii -.. i..-.... lo ..-. ...... -..... --........ , ... 11~1:.:•:·:·~:1.~: :::.:: ""2r ~ lo ....... • lla.alalo ...._ r .. r ss su· 1 Clo • -• u4ta -..... !Mil --•1 ,.., a.,,.. . c --.....I ._....... . ··• Wsl 1.-.c 'II 1• ,• ~--......... -·....... . " -' . .. l · . • · I • - • P•:'I' SUPPi/ES • COLLARS LEASHES ·, BRUSHES· • FRESH 'f . u. s. ·Govt. In~. MORSE MEAT Bold SPORTING GOE>DS N-rt 81.-d. a& J1th SL COSTA· MESA -.-, 8021-R Lolo of P1U!:E PARKING (Fore aad Alt) I --.. CHOCOLAR ANGI L 79'-FOOD - _ ... _, ,....., ·•UoifW>H"'-F...taiJJ/ 008TA MESA 1100 N-port Blvd. CORONA DEL MAB eoa c-i msto-J' ,- LAGUNA BF.A.CH !1'6 Fore1t A -wenue ' • . ..•... ·-....... ·-11111111111:m111111 .1111111111111 ~111111~ ~·~Ill I ' I ' ' • j . I ' I ~ ... • I .... ,NOW ALPINE ARROW , 10.00 1 89 W•tbable Wool 8ltfl1. · ................................................................ . TED WIWAMS· All woo~ p~obnmk wa.....bie . 10.00 719 Wool Slalrt ...... ~-: ............. . WOOL PLAID JACKETS . 14.95 1129 With Knitted Cellar, (Juffs and \\"alltband. .... -.......... '. .... . Lge.·Asst:u...c. ~·'!ER JACKETS 1-30FF laclud.las few odd alr.es ln Nylon_ .............. -............. . . ' . ~~u!~ ~~U.5.~~~ ····---~~!~ p s WATCH FO ~ OUR AD. ANNOUNCING Tire: Op¥lngl of Our LADIES ~PORTSWEAR .DEPT.· ' • SPORTSWEAR • .,, •• -• ••• .,, ., • .,, oe -· .,. -• ,,. •• ·•• . --·--· ·--· -~ -.. ----· --· ·--...... -· ... -· .. -· .. -· .... -· ... -· ... - ·JHE NEW :HAMMOND 1iHOID , llAN : . ~ ·• Yatt C•lli ..., llcll0111 , •••• • o..e · ,, , ~ Wt~DOWiW . ' .·--..JOllll • " . I . t ,,. lllJllO.._ , . • ' Cftf 1.•~· .. . ,,.. Id W.W OllSIF T d • II ;t•fCO. ' • • •l a \ . ' ~ • • ff"'9'• the most 'ferutile dictation machine ever 01Jc.r:ed •I "91 if!nJ Begin today to cut 7ouz office costs with the W.eb. •r·~a.go -Dicutioo Machine. Check these featuU-1: a.uto· ..UC foot c.oouol, cnra·sensiti•e voice pick·'Yr., "radio" tone p1.i"7M.pc. from · ill own speaker, earphone p ag-io for.eaJy Jlucribu... 1(1 ~nable, simple 10 use, economical to begin with and economical to stay with. You NEED a Webster-Cmcago Dictacioo Machine ii you: --......tt.it,teport1,co•• Mttor1 .... ·-°"· -Joi•• record1, In- ventory, priiductlon figure•, (,CNlf•r•nc•1. Web~ltla190 -llrlf In •'vlt q'1ollty.T JU,t In low !•d. WILLIAMS STAT,ONERS · 1241 TUSTIN A VE., NEWPORT ilF::Acn Harbor lll!Hhl · Beaccn 51 !\!) ' . ' ! I ' 1t0R i i $1 00 . YOUR OLD SERVEL Gaa Retrtge.rator on a Brand New ILV 800 drluxe FrN-ur Shelf, refUlarly pn oed 11.t $89S.98 lac. .ales tax. Prbport.luoate aUowaace oa your eltttrlc refrl•eratGr. GRANTS FURNITURE . ' J • MB8 HOWARD llltNBY BENNUjG (Photo by ~e' ., continuing his 8ludle.s at the Uni- versity t o actUeve his master 's de- gree in Industrial relations. No date ha.a been aet for their wedding. Thea · Beaman Is ··Bride in Rites at Immanuel · Lutheran Chu·rch I"" N rt Bl d. COSTA MESA .-· I DINNER INVITATION ~~~....,.~-~ewpo~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il Honeymoo·~-In Palm SP""-a• • , I ~his i~. a . Gallon CAMELLIA'S ' good time to get the plants you like while they are Blooming. , cans of Camellias from $100 .up ' ; Large plants in 5 gal. cans from $l90, \IP. 5 & 10; Nursery t•UI ~· Newpo"rt ru,·d. TUSTIN Cloud Thurwday ........ • ...... , Mr. and Mra. Wayne Compton are Mr. and Mn. H ud Heary Loz:en McBride Wu .. bUt mfn of 351 E_...AOtJ\SL, Costa Meaa. HennlnJ', m&kinl' their and uahva were.. John 'l"rekeU . extended dinner hogpltaMt}' Sat- bome at 4.22 Claudina St. Arlhur tla)"t: GU 1 Henning ·and urday t o Mrs. Cqmpton'.11 brother Anaheim. Tb er Th.ea Lee P'loyd Pafao~. dompleting the~-and tamlly, Mr. and 1Mra. \V. C. Beaman, d&uc tourage were Jobai\na. "-ltB> noiv-Strpherui o! Loa A.rJgelea. Mon~e K. 107-Vla San ,r cirl and Robert T"rek'll, ring jr,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ij I Remo, l.Jdo lale, repeated vows bearet. _ J • 1 with Howard S.nnlna;, """ of Mr. For her dau&flter:• weddlJI&, s PR. IN 6 c.ot·T'O N s and Mn. Jleney Hennin&" of 8&nj,a Mi's. Beaman wore Coral CT, Ana canyon In lmpHNlve rite~ WU" belp bat &ljd ~ •i,mn1_,a 8&turd&y even1n& IA yflh bJu.e ld.a conare...tor-~e·t t-~-Lut,lleran church, Or· While the brlaea;room'• mother $7.95 Up &iil'e. ' chose hyacinth blue crepe with The bride wu escorted down Carnation. cof'lage, a gray hat a..nd the center alale and g'iven in k~ •cceUdriH. t 1 _ • _ • t • I, • ·. . ' New, advanced V-8 enginel Performance that sparkles! A "miracle ride" that'• comfort plu~I ._. Wear•191i1ting master crafbmanih1p~ ~ , I I I . · , I Cos"'le11'to·own,than ou expect!· · The ·· eht A~.iricci 'i-atl.i"·a• er9~11 · • - ~ ile Rllll .«e tl'1tlJlll'./_ inc by her fal!Jer, the double-rinc Pre'lude music wa• by ·lhe or- 1 eervice beinc performed by the ganiAt, Mr•. Walt.er •Kempt11 . Soio- Rev. Joel E . Rou. Whit• 1at1n 1st, wu11am F""klne r, sani ··ae-Jenn's Dress Sho"p . . OPEN EVENINGS AND sUNDAYS B APPOINTl'ttE?l."T '1 1 b. bows marked th• pews and pillow cause," "Oh Perteet Love,•· ajid ~ JOE-NICKERTZ, Loc:al Dealer hich th I kn-•t I 504 \\'f"Ml BaJbna Bl\.'d. ~· • IA:J ' il " :,. on w t coup e e.i wu o '1'he Lo"""'• Prayer." 1 white aatin. Floral ~ttln& of tall • ' Reclf'!PdOft I BALBOA ii · ' I 1 ~~1~-~~---~-~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~4~J~5~W~·~N:e=w:p~o:~~B=l:v:d:._B:y~L:i:d:o~·T~h:e:a~,~~~.H~a=r~·~5~1-0_N~w~p~t~B=e=a~c~h __ waa Uchted by tall candelabra anti &TOW1cl... m.uaJc tor the reception. . on ·the altar, euc;:tiartaUc candles. beld ,ln the chureb parlors whlrh \ I I Thea wu lovely l'1 her fitted were decorated . with gladiolus, gown ot tradiUonal .i white satin. ltocks and palm11. The tiered wN- The Bheer yoke, topped with a din& cake, topped with a mlniB· atrinc Of peut. Which WU & ~ tUre bride and rroc>m , WU llUr· ot the brt.derroom. wu en .. cntJ;ted rounded wtth ga.rden!u. It wa~ with Cb.anUllj' Lace. ~ rufflet served by Mra. o . 14-ca.mpbtll ed~ the yoke and lone aleevea and Mlaa Leanore Hays. Mrs. be.Id &.t the wtUt with 1&Un but-Harland. Lemke a.id Mia• i'lor- ton and loopa. A coronet •mbroid-ence Jorgcnaen poured ootf~e. ered with 8eed pearls b•ld the tin-whUe Mrt. Albert. Merriam and ger-tlp veil of tune. She carried n Mra. Cllarle• Sidna.m prestdW sl bouquet ot gardenias surrour.d1n;::-the punch bowl. ·M:.r8. WWlan1 a white orchid,. Chace wu~in charge of tbe guPSt Blue and Champagne book, M_rs. Merle Frick and Mr~. Mrs. J&l1l.h1 ~.>of! Lb• An-Joy Beam&l'I of gtttl, geles,.. sJ1ter ot lhe br1de. waa ma-For her c olng away COfflUmt" thr , f lf'9n -ot l ltpnor. Hu pepod rown new Mra. Henntnr Chose a gray 1 with acairoped neckline wu of Ice .eWt wtth navy ~~ie11 and h<'r blue atln &nd mlt6:~ wete blue orcbld Con&C"e.. Sh~ 1~u gradual· tulle. Yel'°w camaUoq;a 8.Dd blue ed from Loa Ange)efi High a!shool irla of her boQquet weft repeated and baa been alt.to$ OranKl" in her bead band. Bridesmaid• Coaet college, Wber~ abe b presi- were Mr&. Jobn Tr-ekell of Ana-dent of Auociated \Vom•.n stu· helm, 1llter of the brlderroom a.nd dent.a. Sbe 11 a member or Coats Miss Joan Muon of Corona deJ Mesa Bethel. Job'• Daughter. and Kar. Their ,own.a, faahioned like o( uie Ebclleta. Mr. Henning also t.bal of the matron of honor, were attended Cout colle'e &tt~r C'l"&d· ot . champagne •Un and their uatlng from ·Valenci~ High achoo!. f/~-~.~."1'1 , 11 • nowere were hyaclntb blue ca.ma-Both yowir ~pte expect to i:n· .~ I I•'''\ 1 1' •I • l"'t- ....--.\\···,, •'1 • • tlotu1 cOntruted with yellow now-ter Untvenity ot Callfornla at p41t1. /wNt '!"""' ~~ Engagement of G;r;o;; with th~ 4 kite flying safety rule1I 1. Fly your kite il'I an open lleld, away from electric power lines and other over- head obstruetions. ' .. 2. NEVER uae w"lre, tln9el or metallic •Irina .. , 4. If the kite<IUdlea Ina power line, let ~ immediately. Don't pull! Ph011tthec:om- pany owning the lir>e and a ·, lineman will com10 to_.et ;Gw liite for1C111L • ·~~ .. ~-• • • • Told Saturday at Open House Mr. and Mra. Jack Diamond or 120J W est Ba~ ~venue and San Marino announce lbe encasement or ·their daua;hter, Olerta, to Lew- rence Rlda;e Guild. Jr,· son of Dr. and llftlJ Lewrence R1dle Gulld of ~ "A.apleo. Form •1 · annou.n~t wu made at a Valentlnt open 1:toUee Saturday, rei..: 10, ctven by thO bride elect'o -ts ID lbolr Ban ~ ~°:i.. ~ =.:! mut WU made --...... --~-. ..,-~ bOm tllo' ~ Ice ~ .... w:ntlled wlUa tM ••• *' 1-ry &ad Gloria .. nd b<!orto. ~ In l'Old ---· ..... _ ' by 1~ JIM9t,J -~ Gloria -,,_."'I mm u.a · O'aitwlllilJ ot ... db I • °''¥F• -.... wa4 a J'lll XII - • .... ., .... , •••• •7'27,7.. .. .... · U7 wuai&t).-. ........ , ,, · I ;'. wttll .::!'! (=· ; v,.,-:, "! :.::,. ':: -= !J:.:t·~= SC . P, ~·• u..po -•ltJf), -.... ,_,... lllo ~ flf ....... ---cu >._ear..._ ol U'at9eWtJ w .. tonUa ...., 1111 .., a. ~ mm. .A.t pro u • lo 1-'na' ol TIMta lD ~· Bo lo '"1' . I . • • • • 11cny ~ toweJs are alwrujs soft; fluffy~ sweet-~tneJling ! .;"!~~ I ~ •."t ~:I ~ 1t..:!l(.i:.l\ 1 "i ~ • ... -Gn~o.yw· 111 ..... ,-i.ct-. .. WHIRLPOOL ~ lectdi"t .. k .. W.cNde .. ,. •• •IHI IC•MOt•. '. roua; HOSS' U•ill'f _,, . • • • • . alJl"bl .,,..., ~ t ' I • ' .. • • ' 11\.~·-·' '\","ii • ' I • ' ·. ' I ~ I ' I ,. • .. .. \ .. . NeWJ>?rf. P.~T. A. ~rd -Plans _for . i~r:P:J."~i~' Benefit and Found~ D"av Prwam· EbetT ·sectio.n Tiie Board of the Newport . ' ' "'I" cllall> ~~I ...,,. taken -Elementary achoola P .-T. A. . . • for ~ tal>ulo.. rip throufh -- meotm&-at the' .Horace -.,.. CheJt M•yfief (j em Europe by .,1axin. at Ebell llChoor lMt Th~ round f!Aell • , • • dub• ho,_ TllUday nl&'hl Feb with •. ruu oclledule ~.work. -N-ata Celebrant •· tinder the P10an!>9 of JUl18 old<. the ~!<"IU lt<tn1 ne<Odlltg '-• . • .. · " : ADii Hyd< of f!cta AAa a mollor. attention. Mn. P. F . Balnea, Satunla;fl Feb: 10, wu •big day picture adventure into unu.aua prealdent. brought eome apeclal in the Ute ot 1lttJe Ch 1 M _ pla~ wu .enJoye<t by an entht.Ll- probiema before the group tor -HY •Y 1 lutlC &qdieh.ce. • Utelr dedaiona. field, daughter of Mr. and Mra. F , Momt th.rtllinc of all . WN the 'Ib,e torlhcomlng tund -ralaing 0 . ( Bol:!) ~ayfield.._ 18.'7 I!!. 18th Y\llt to Oberatntne.rpu whel'9 one ewnt of a melodrama ·&nd ollo SL, CO.ta MeM.. It wu Cheryrs •w the. 800 loCal"' lnhabtt&nta ln took up ma.t of the time. Mrs. aecond birthday and tn obeervance. colorf\lJ coatumes ot anUqutty R. J'. Barlow u mt>SK> cbaJrman of th~ Important event Mra. May-playing parta id the l'a&lk>I>. play. 18 carrying the mojor resPonstbiJ-field invited a group of youn'g folk A vt.alt to Hadrian'• villa wt~ IU lly tor thLs.. · Slnoe It ia hoped that and their mothers to a happy tea-hundreda or fall• and fountaln1: tbe proceed& will augment the ttvfty. , the iale of C&prt and a trip lreuury to the point where It can Streamers of plnk crepe paper throug'll the Blue Grotto ln emaU 'meet the budget. much effort ls adorned the dining room wbert .boa.ti ttlrougb the 1emt-darkne11; being apent on it, and will con-bAlloons cente red the ta~le. Color-'the ..iwaye romantic clty ol Ven· tinue to be through performance tu1 paper hat.a and other· favors lee. were out.t&ndlngAiher vtews time, Marc h l~ e.nd 16,. Ticket dis-delighted the smalJ fry but a large were of Norway, P'rance and othe.r trlbulion. publicity, costuming, re-birthday. cake, de<:Qrated with co'1ntrte.a. rreshmenta, program printing, and roses, proved lhe major attraction. Tbeae free travelogt1es. ·held the procurc1nent 9f advertising for Jee cream wu served wtth the each nrat Tueaday evening ln the the latter , all received -some con-contcctlon. . month under the au.plcu of Ebel! elderaUon. Present Were Mn. Claude Knox. club lll'tl a "must'• tor member• A letter ~rom thl' 1st ,and 10th nandmotber ot the cclebraitt; and an open to frtend.8 and the dlstrfcta ol the .P.-T. A. In Los Mn. Dean Smith and d&\lghtere, ~ener&J public. On March 6 Mr. Angeles, aaked how they could as· Sondrah and Patty: Mr.. Wllllam Ballard of American AJrllnes will ailt with the problems of ~ter Purdy and daughte~ Carol and guJde hla audience on a n ytng trip \Veek in thls area,· Their a.ssisl· Linda, Mra. Clifford Lowery and through South An1ertca, announc- ance ln uking parents to see that Donny, Mra. Bob Wlaeman and ea aection chairman Mri!I. Con· their teen-agers have proper Robby. Mrs. Everett Brace, Mari-stance Ja.yred. cha~ronage, .sufficient fu1lCls. and lyn and Larry: Carol Lamb, Carol ------ encouraging them to participate Chamberlain; Mrs. D. L. Chancel- in any orga.nlzed activitics·provld· Jer, Airs. T. J . Mayfield, Mrs. Roy • ed by the junior chamber of com· Kttne and Maureen Sla~er. n'll'rce, wUJ be Suggested. Sendlng gifts but unable to at- Corp. John Toepher Now et Camp Cooke The decision was made to send tend were Cheryl's other gr&nd· two delegates to the state con· molhe.r, Mrs. Bentley Salkeld of vetition at San Diego fn t.t ay. Los Angelea, Doreen Salkeld, LM F""mal plans were made for the Angel~8: Glori.ajean, Allcefaye, regular monthly meeting Monday. R ichard and Larrydean Mancebo. Feb. 19, whJch wtll ~ a special Founders' Day program. -People do read the want a.dB. ttci.uJta come rrom consta111 FyacUct"~ An &d 4'eg1li•rl' l.n t.hl,. paper will prodttce i'esllltt for Y•HJ Corporal Jortn T~phfr, who ha.a, been doing radio work 1 at Camp Gordon In Geargta, wa.a home for a nytng vlllt before gotn·g on to ca.mp Cooke to await further ordcrl'I. He vlsllt>d hU1 par- ent.3, M~. and MTIJ. Harold Ha\Yley. Seuhore Drive and former fellow employees at R.ichard'a market. ' .I ..... BARG Al tor Thmsclay, Friday and Saturday BARGAINS on CANDY -- TOOTSIE ROLLS J\1ll>GEt: ('A~O\' t lb. 20' PARTY MIX Reg . 39c 19¢ lb. JELLY BEANS Reg. 39c -33 ~ lb. ----------- • BARGAINS ON SU N·D RI ES (M_p0RTED 'l\~LWW WARE CHINA 20 pc... SET Rei-. .&.93 Special ]98 SHOE LACES Reg. I Oc -:--4 ¢ MJTrE:>I TYPE POT HOLDERS Reg. SOc -39¢ FLE:OBLE PLASTIC TUMBLER \'ef)' (i0tKI fqr l'•cbbt 29f ee. 1-LASTIC BOTILE KITS I • WITH S PLASTIC BOTrLES Re-g. 1.00. -79' U:ATHER KEY <;ASE 6 KEYS Reg. SOc -21 ~ ·CERAMIC PAINT. SET-198 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS P.18 Value 4 for-98¢ K~-9i ' TELEVISION BARGAINS PHILCO TABLE MODEL TELEVISION 12 h" SCREI'!.~ lt.g. '2f>9.D3 Zenith Floor Model • J!Y1" SCRUX-Rer. "89.00 Special, $25900 Console -Set · Television 12 ~I" SCREEN Rec. '3-0f,oo Sp. $24900 Table Model Television 1\1 z" SCREEN 11<1. f!!P.00 BARGAINS ON TOILETRIES HORMONE SPECIAL CREAM 4.00 Value -l9S DERM::::.TIC8 S. A. CLEANSER Reg. 1.50 -100 NITt: EMOUIENT Reg. 3.00 -200 Ot;RMErJC'S t~L U ID C'Ol.OR. MAKE-UP \Vlt.h 8. A . CLEANSER 2.10 Value -lSO • Tl!Sts\T PISK. CLEANSING CREAM · Reg.1.75-100 Reg. 3.00 -l9S TVSS\' t:MULSll"IED CLEANSING CREAM Reg. l.7S -100 Reg. 3.00'-l9S TALCUM DUSTING POWDER ' I l_b. -43' BARGAINS ON · SUN D·R IES $UN GLASSES Reg . 1.00 -Sp. 59; ---.;;:::. =----J 2 GOLD FISH end Philco "'°jection BOWL 2'¢ Model JO" SClRBQr. Rei;. fT00.00 Speci'al 34900 GLASS .,G BANK Reg. 2x-19; TELETONE . 19" Screen •> COTl'ON WORK SOX pair 19' • llEA\'V •SWllAT SOX Reg: 69c .!... pr·. 49# •• KLE~O Foclal l'Tk1••. ..... ft-!t v ..... s,.dal 4 fol< M¢ \ - • ... , .. ,~-v ~ ~ I~ . . . .. . .. ' ' .. • ~~GE '.~;-'l'ART·.H ,..tj; URSb~Y. Fe. 15, Ifft , ' . . . • USS~ . l . . . ~eV.: Stud~nts .'' i -'Judy Eme on Honored ,it · t 1 Is . Hostess_ • ~CC Dance . ~ · af .Natal Eyent .. It ':wu t~ "Land of ~j Judy 'Di&n. l!Jm...--; daupt.or heart• d<atre' laat S.tw'<lay ,evO-of Mr. al)d ··?tfn. ~ J:inenon. nln~ wh<n ~p Cd&!'l etucjent.o U2 • 32nd sleet_ '!Ol • only JMlt«I bonoDld MCOJlil oemutei; new ~j rrlendl to help I cel~tnte 1'er dent. With a.. Valentine dance in lenth birthday a.anlft.1"9N'J', kt the gymnaatum from 9 to 12. Spe1 1terae.1r ~ed the pretty pink tn· . _ctnc •Pon.aora of the dance wu dJvtdual cakea ~ Witlt lee the OCC htei'z>allonat Relallolll! cream ond Valentine cup ot DULi c.lub. . 1 and candy. • "' Fro1)l the moment couples l~ep-1 ..\. red and wlllta Valentine ino-- ped through the heart gate 2.t t:t"'" ~If was carried 'out tn decorauana entrance to the dance ha ll t.Jff'y '.lftd there we~ favon for ee.ch were ln the land of .. Heal't"• De· ~est. Gamca were p?a7'!C1 Ud sire," tor besides a Ja.rge pieret.'CI Judy had ' tbe tun of' un~pln.s heart auapend~ from the ~ter many lovely Pfta. ot the ceiling there were cupic..l'S Gue!ls included: Ethel Sch.:0.· bow and arrows and hundred~ ot der, Jean :wwUocl( Patty Frelll ... heart•. all aizea. gayly dewra:.tng Llnda Kiddle, Rachael Fauat. the festive dance area. Nancy Rambo, Margene Burdette, A five-piece band led by Georgr Caroly Towl, Marie Jackean, n.s.. Evenaon furnished the twing and bara To"•I, Eleanor Shorb, lAldQ' PrA MEB'l"ING---Z.oe krtow, • ea aatltellul batblai llOJt o( the 181't ..,. d&Dc&! before PTA \Valt.z tempos for the evening, Rogan, Geraldine Nack, Beverly ben at Newport Barbor W.l'h ~bool Tiielda7 nlsht. vocally AMllted -by the Mothtralq'en· ha nt"he'!.l>-r....j General ch.a.I~ tor the event Gibbson. Donna q>x. ,Sheryl a.t- i • "-the one responsible for the son, Sua. n Hcrbc~ .Judy Sutller- rend Uon of .. By tbe Se&." r {Pre&1 Phot o) V&J~oUt wu Jean Bartinu. land, ~rt BUcb; Sandra Make certain that the QUtalde tJc, advtaeA the National Automo· dented tenderB or much more aer· ments; Bill Hay, tickets; and To-· Chairmen of aasiatlng committe-:s Sw8:nSOlll, Barbara Peck and Pa· PULLING OUT FROM OUBB • , from the curb into moving traf· save you the coat of repairing were P ericles • Spanos, refresh-trlcia Regan, Corona del Mai:. lane la clear before you pull out , bile Club. A backwa~ glance may IOW!I damage. by 1'homJ>$0n, wrap-check. -People do read Ute want ads. • • ~ ,,._ '~ .. Bi~ Meat Volue 01 s.~.· ~.· · 1 , . _.I Ye • • • , ;'!'f~ • -• Special Feature Price luat look at 1hc low price on 1moked pic1fica,·the 'economicaf mcaJ of many uStt .•• Del.lcjoua hot as a main dish (boikd, fried. f>r with beam) or sliCt'd col d for • Nndwichee. Each picnic will 1upp)y meal for several meals and at today'• low price. it ii most c welcome to your budg~t. Get your lmoked picnic today al Safeway ... during this big sale! . ' ~-.... MORREU'S PRIDE SMOKED PICNICS .. S.WI •izcs, short slunk, io Visking \~ ... ,for " 1NGOf 11~1uNG I ' • SALAD 'DRESSING DuchtM brand. Light creamy.testure with just-right ~rt ftawor that adds aest lo salads. Priced Jow this week al Saleway. • ~~ 21 • 'i:' 33• . ):" 5 7• . Mll.K, 16111, ~IUUI Lucerne Milk =-.ltc = 19lc Ho.ioo-'11:r:ed, pmfeuJlncf., -rro rid\. Non-Fat Milk .._.... -1 x M1lll pr'.c. wblect to Stote loord rqulotO., Fresh Bread '::." •s• · '=' 20" Mr-.~· .. Whitt 0t ...._,.UC.CS. Cer6i!lac B~a~-::' ZOO Crackers :::_ '= ~'":' 17" Cradcen r!::r •.;-20-~ 32- 11111111111.l NAiii Pinto t.':' W ~ 25• •.::; 13• Smal) White ·~ 35• •.::; I .. Pink t.':' SS• ·~ 29" •.::; IS• Miil lilt hltll Swift'ning .i.:r..":..'i>o Heinz. Baby Foods StroW-.d. ~ .. !!' 9S• 3-23· Com Flakes ,,~;., 2 :.-;: 'Zf- Uncle Benlt Rice ·~ 200 Cheese P~4~21°':!,. .... ID" hll~ • Welch Grape Jelly -•:;: .. 19" · Margarine ::=. . .. 318 Prunes ':'·':'!: ·~u-!.'! 21" Waxcraft Wax '"ls'=~ = 339 Aerowax -... :=.' 339 . Citrus Soap 11.;-21• '::' 11° ------------ ' IYOIY,SIOW Forfi~fabrico j 11~-30• or fo-r d:iabes. ..._ P"9t -----------SUIF 'le 1 .... ' SU• ':.t 3q•· ---TiiiS..1{. ".""--. For11l 1l& 32•· C....walwloy time in hall. wuhing. ·• .... • ·; llrllHU. ~ Edwards Coffee ':.'"t.: ~:-83° VocuumpocUd.12·1b.CM1~6SI Nob Hill Coffff ~ ' ~ .,.,. Poc~ln~yboo-(2• 1 .1.5)1 Orange Juice·";:..., 2 :;: 35• Welch Grape Juice •,::-3S• ·Grape JuiQ =' ::;,:-35- ·tAJIY llEI lumR Pacbd in'l!uart•n. Fjf!t quality. , . .. 75• S. I . · S k ,..,. ,,. 1r q1n t4ia s . .,-., ...... 89c . T-Bono Steaks ~~· .. · 97c "I.I. HI• UMI Fealu..;d thia week a~S.lew1y. Larrb S~ew ·Meat ~ Lamb Rib Chops ~ Lamb Breast .::W Lars• io1n 'chops .. sm,1.1 Lain 'Chops ' . ,,., . .. » ..... .. 21" ..... .. .. TYPICAL SAFEWAY SAVINGS " PIE C :1;.1 : : l;.t.; StJPllEMA TAJn'. Pl llU> lab a cbmT pie ior Ww•1'91GD'a lllrtbday dbmw. ' c • • $ -• • • . • . ..&3• .. .. . Mild Cbtcldm ' $11 HOii 111 llllT Salmon Fillet · .. 59" Fillet of Cod ._ 3 .. lroaded Shrimp ':>:-,.. Scallops .... _ •:;: as-. ~n Perch Fillet ._ W • m a 11 •• lUtlll lllHUT/1111 Oysters · ~~ ·~ .... U- Oystera ~=~1e '!-:S-.. ,. Shrimp ~~... ~ .. 49" Tomato Soupo..-2 ••::.,-11" Rancho Soup v--'0!.-ID" l~orChOc:lwn~. 2 c-., l'Jcl N~I ~ Gold ....... p. ...... ·-•• M.O.""'otWuS. .... ..... S heft' I Gold ...... IL_ ' ... 21• paa t2.1b. pl(Q., ••c:• · .-., Ma "I' • "Al".... ,._ 21 CCJ~I IJl-01. pkg., Jlc:I .... e Kraft Dinner ........ , 2-. 'Zf- SHced Cheese =:: ........ as- Pimilnto, ~. J4c; S..-iw, ........... JSc. I 1H11n1111 Ice Cream '= 2..=:., 35c Ice C!ream ~.;,~ 2..::::, 47c Part}-Pride Sher:bet 2..:::..21" · StraWborrles a;i-..r ·~ 31" Chetri.S ... "-· "-•-.IL. ._....... . ---Ma.,r.malhtws ',":!; , :0:: 119 I • \ • • • ' • ' • • ' . . • I , .. -• • ' • • • • • • • -. . J . , ·,PAGE l -·?ART 1 r -1liU~SDAY; F£B. '15: ''51. Harbdr Readers • t~ =;e_~ · · ~ ~ow lnterest : .. ~•" ~--=·,puss~ in -NoiH=ictiort ·. ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"-~~~··! f . ... . . . . • • ' LEGAL ttOTICI' ·, 's~~~.:!:! .J:thu! for .-..,. · In tllo Rlrllor ..-. on ····•;·: I I I I I I ' . Durtn,-w!Dter montllo of 12118' yliar NOTJar: OF llALI: OF •NL .... -lllrporior °""" ot -lllato m... non-nc:tloa -haw dr- PaOnllTI' 81' 'l'JlUllTl:IE ol ~ llo -F« Ille culated than op.7 oU1tt ,-. Tlw . UNDU .OIZD'OF TllU8T ·0ouatr d-.., boOk "'l'alJ 8hlpo to catb&J,'' ,bf TRUsT N.O. 1... No. 6'M1 • _. Hetooi A"l'lr ,.._ , U.. .IJUe "--·a c~ J ~ noN . etol7 of "'• ~ famibr &Dd of .;;~ wiLsoN bUe;;;;;' &nf l!lq!'IOS · 4)F ti.&µ: OF UAL tho 'Oblpo t,d .111111 thot -1lod llD Wile by tieecl ot' Trut c1ate4 &NI) PJ:ll80NAL ~OPICllTY euiton, ~ "°l1loallla In 1121 ~ 24th. llHP and reeonled ·4~ PllllUC AUCftON Tbero Ille ,mettlWlta H....S tllfltlt llaroh 8th, 19'8 In Book 1112, -THOKA8 IUCHARD DITI'IUJ\, llaelr wt... fot the tlrat time. It Sf ot Oftldal.o Raeordo ot o...,.... Plalntltr WU 'a lite of luxury, -&loo - County, Calltomta, did grant &11d ""· ot 'confin""ent to be compared oonve.y the property there.in and MA.DELL llllERSON DITI"lrlAR. lo &' rt1deil c:ace. . hereinafter d_,lbed. to the Or-ft AL Detendanu Amons ~ ncuon are: Sq· an.,e County T1Ue Company, u NoUce 1a hereby given that the nold. 1'ae Loftd utd Cafttd: Bald· Ttuatee. lo ~ure, amonc olheP undeftlpect. u Receiver In the win,. The ~la Armor; Bartlet\y obUptlOll.I, the payment ot one above nuinbered and entJtled ac--Cry Above the Wlna; Blocbmaa. note dated February :Utll, 11141 Uon, will oell at public auction to Rather Cool t<W Mayhem: Cold· payable to Newport Balboa Fed· the hlchelt and boot bidder o.nd ~U. The Balance Wheel: CUn· enJ Savtnp a.nd Lo&n .U.OCla .. aubjfft lo the contlrmalk>~ by lng'. B'f'! 'ot Prey: Colver, The Uod, a corporation. or order, tor l&1d 8uperior Court, au of the Par9on: Daw.an_. TM outlaw of the p.r~clp&l 1um ot 11000.00, Wtu. rlsht Utle and lnterMt of th• Lon&t>ow; F1a.ruijpn. The F&ttb lnterut trom dale at the rate ot • pa.rt.1• beNin in and lo Ule real of Mra. Kelleen; Garve, No Te&n per cent per annum; prin:dpal and &Dd pt:r80Dal R"'OperlY herel~r fo.r HUda; L&_Wl"ellce, The Way lnte.rnt due 1n monthly lnatall• more pe.rUculaJiy dete:rlbed. 'nlinp Aft: Mute rs, Nlptru~· menta of si:s.oo each on the lat ,l&kl ale wW bt conducted on ner11 at Ben,a.J: Me'aendabl It• dAy of each and e~ry month. the •tb day .ot 10.rch, 1951, at the Only Temporary; Parker, Pa.u· be&"iApiJl~ on April lat, 1949 and hour of-2:80 o'dock p . m. at thf port lo Peril; Se~on, Foxtlre; conttilulq" until tuJJy paid; u.d aakf pr6-t--. located at 410 Cla.y WlckhAJlfl, The Petr1tled Geature; "'™AS. default bu ~r· Street, Newport Bffcb. catltomla.. Wylie, The 01..sappearance: Ya.tea. red In that the lnat&Jlment of prln· Tbe re.al .nd ~ property Ou&rdtan Heart. clp&1 and Inter-eat due \lpon uJd betnc the aub,eCt ot the above M'yeteties Include: Bush, The aote on January lat, lj50 hu not mentioned aale la more p&rtkular-Cue or the Purloined PlctuN>: been paid; and ly deecrlbed a.a tollowa: Cheyney, Dark Bahama: D&ly. ~~8. Newport Balboa. The Northwe.t~rly 83'A' T~ Book ot the Crlme: Dt.lrrant., Federal S&vlnga &nit LcJ&n ..uao.. ot Lot. n. 23 and 2f, Block SO, Tile M.&rbJe Foreat; Yord, Murder Cf.&.Uon.. own.er t.nd holder of Aid Fir« A.ddftieb to Newport 11 Ule Pay-oft: Oan1Jtet, Thf' C&ae note, heretofore demanded that Hef&'bta. ., per inap recorded of the One·Eyed WltneN: Knight, t.aid Tnlatee sell &aid property and ln Book 4 at page 94. ot Illa· Dea.lb ot • •· Btr -miot: Parker, OR O.:tober 23rd, 1960 duly l"1!COl"d· eelleneo\lt ·"Mapa, ftttord.I of Which ?tfra. T9r:r? : .. Paul. Mu~r ed ln the omce of. the County Re-Orange County; t.o,gether with on lhe Lett. Be.nit;• ~· The cordtt or aa.ld• County, ln Book allot Ute houaebold f'Umlture, l.&lt Suapect; Sm.Ith. A..ngv at 2091, page 264 or Official R@cordli tra.11er, equtpl'M!ttt and all Innocence:· Truaa, Never Ftght a thereef, a notice of uJd ddault othe.r ruor90naJ pro~rty loc!at-Lady. • • and of lt.3 election lo cau.e Wd ed u~ UM NJ.d ~--· Non·flclion lope .lbe li.t with property ta be 90Id and more than ne llnpft>ftme.ftta tn and to the thea added: ...,.elll, ln Penon three months have now elapied aa.U r.i propel't.J' cout.t ol 8 Lena Home: Art of tbe.. Americu: tlnce the ~ordation ot aatd. no-one atoty two bed.room &Ad den Au(Ur, Tall Ship•. to Cathay; Uce. The sum ot S913M prlnclpa.J ruldiface, a two car! 1~ge and GasUat, The ~w; Bee)(, Balboa and lnterut ther-eon frotQ Au.rust a comWned work toom -.nd shed. Island Ya.ma: Booth, Fabulou.a lat~ 1900 Lt now due, owins and S&Sd aate wtU be made upon the ~tlnatlon•: Bo~ll, London unpa.td on 1&1d note and there la followl.na' tem:Y: lO'k ot the pu ..... Journal. 1762 • 1763 : Brentano. alao .RCUred by said Deed of Truat cba9I price t.beMOt upon ucept· Big C..t.a : B~gp. Home Nureing the Trustee'• fee &nd expenae. of ance ol a bid ~y s&id receiver lhe Wtth Cont'ldenoe; Brogan, The Era sale est.itnated at -1138.90, tocelher i.Jance upon cloae at eaerow' fol· ol Franklin O. Roosevelt; Condon, with any auma paJd and adn.ncect k1will;I' eontlnaaboft by aid Bu· We Called It Mt.11lc: I>avenport, by the o'IJler of sa.ld note tn &c· perlor Court, aJl of the earne in Oho.Uy Tales to Be Told: Emrich., cordance with ~ prov•tona ot laiwtul n:a0.q ot tht' Vniled Stat.ea. Comstock Bon1111La ; Faulkn•r. said Deed ot True~ wtlb intuut The Wld......-.,nect teeervea Ule P'rom Veraa.lllea to the New Deal; on said Wt mentioned surna. r~t to reject any and all bida. Haig<Brown, MH.Wr! ot the Year; NOW THEREFORE., NOTIC'I: Dated thia SUt. da}' ot F ebn&al")' K lnert, Our Fichtlnc Planea; IS HEREBY GIVEN that the &aid lt61. ' Loula, My Story: Mann, Peuant Ob range Coun\y TIUe Compa!ly, JOHN W . AR.A.NT, Coep tum 1 e In Europe; Muon, The J' virtue of the authority ve.l'ted Receiver rindp ea of Cheu In Theory and nrfl'-81XDI W!£DDIN AltJl!IVEll&u'I' ,_ eele~ II)' llr .. -Mn.'~?'> ~1• '1" 8~rt S&... Ooota M-on bc•""1'. Jl"M. &. .wflllioaally, tM ~ ~ Of!8! llw a& their llome for ---famllJ oa'li.da;r, F'eb. 11. Tiro coupl• wlro *""' rnanled II! DllDah ha"" tw. dllldten, Victor JC: T-t, Monro.ta: """ Hd• 81tiollo)', i-s -: three .,...,.,o11.1i-.., Robert L J.,.'-on. Jll Re'hP"ler SL, Ous.t.a MeM.; Laae B. TN.De;J, ......... Pait:; A.Ilea ~. P.•dr .. and OM l'l'Nt ..-.......-; c.inle A.a hobon. (N ...... Ttmes Photo) Chonge Dote for · FAC Garden Sec. f AC Juniors See Plastic Products 8011 • . . • ,, . . l 'r_ , i -.:· "Emy .day I am inOre ~th the handling qoaliliet ' .: . . 1 t f • of my liillpian · Mf*-It's a lile-ea-OJI wet, olippe:y roadi, · ·,Ii I · · Th. e·n and that's important w erever 1t rallll or mows. e 1 man J • • ' gin• uodleilt gu mileage and I ,.t be too . emphiitic .about ita ~Js. coachwork and riding qualities." I 77Un·r I A. PIODUCT OF THE IOOTIS G•OUP ' . °""' .. ''"" .in.. . u..s..i... .. , iAe J!.o,. ~ . DISTRIBUTOR:. MUNRO MOTORS Newport Boulevanl, Newport ~h Dealer: I Dealer: Dealer: S~ERS MOTORS Box NU ELSINORE, CALIF. OSWALD MOTORS IUMl'S; ~-Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH CLYDE W. KING 1219 South Main SANTA ANA AppUeattons for profitable fr&11chlses lnvlt.ed in it as TM1.ltee und~r &&.id Deed No. ea.4 -Pl'eu Pra.clJce; MllcheU. Hl1tory of. the ol Tnat, w ill eell at publk aucUon Publlab. F eb. S-l~Z2. Mar. l, 1951. Modem American Navy: Nevins, Date of tbe Monthly meetlng · lila.rp.ret P eteraon of. An&helm of the pnten Met.Ion of the Coeta p Y"e & demonatre.Uon ot. plutic11 Meaa. Friday Afternoon club hu tor home decon.tinc at the lat.est been changed !rpm f'e,b. I to Feb. meelin&' of the Junior Matrof\a 22. 'Ille 1eulon Wtll be held at .the aection of the Co•ta Mesa Friday home Of the leCUon ch&trman, Afternoon. Club. 1------------------------------------------ Mrs. H . B . Mc.Murtry. ~ E . 20th MeJ'nbera dotialed $8.80 for the 1--------------------------:----------+-----to the hlgt\e•t bidder for ca.ah, The New Deal and World Arfa.irs : laWful money of the United Stalea Nevins, The United State ill a of America, on the 5th day of C&ll.'RFICA.TE OF BV8D{SSS Ch•otic World: Orr, Freighter St. The hoateaa will .etve a lunch· local M'a.rch of Di.met tund. Mrs. eon at 12 noon. Burl C. Grow, chairman, conduct· .March. 1951 at the hour of eleven ncttt:hliue nna Name Holklay; Palyl, Compulsory Medt· u'clock A, K. ot aid day at the 'l"B ll UMDl:lt819NED do e• cal care and t.he Welfare statt"; South front door of the On.nee M.n:by certlfJ that 9bt: l• conduct· Pratt. War for the World~ Rough· County Court HoQee in the city ot lnS a "-J ·E:tt.a.te bualstea at 700 ley, Wonder• of the Great Battier B&s:ata Ana, California. all of the 1tut' Balboa 'llr.G., ~boa. C...U· Reer; Shippey, The Lo9 ~ interest conveyed to It b)' ....a lomia, ~ ~ llcUUoua ttrm Bool<: Steehotm, The Hou.se at DiPed ot t'l-tiit tn and to an that name of &!boa R.eaJt)' Company Hyde Park; Stefa.nMOn, Grun· certain property situated in the ahd that aa.ld firm la com~ of land: Sti!lnberg, The Stateama.n'a County ot Oranl'e. state or Cali· the fo!lo..,lng per.one, whoere Year-Book, 19W: Symonda. An· fOl'nla, deacribed u : name.a ln f\ail and placd ot ~al~ tlque Furniture or lbe Walnut Procram or thf' attemoon will -ed Utie bualnem. Ref~shmenta of be a talk oh Sprtng Pl&aUnc and Jlot ,fingetbre&d a n d whipped, Tuberous Be:gonlu. Th~ plan--creanVa.nd coffee weri.e_ aerwd by nlng" to attend are ~eel to hoateuea La.rue Danlt e r, Jewel pbone Mn.. McMurtr)r, Beacon o•o.za.. Vlrfln.l-a eha.mberlain and $0t13-M. V1rginia Becker. The Westerly re-ct.angular 42~ dence &re U , followti, t~wlt: PPtiod; nuhe. Plclo!lal Compost. feet of Lot r.,.0 and the Eut~ Lillian H . McAdoo, 1000 Weat lion and tie Art or Ptawlng; erly rectangular 40 feet ot Lot Balboa Bl•d., Newport Beach, Thomu; 01,lt or This WorJd : Ware. ThrM, Of Tract No. 57, Call· Callrorni&. Wlng lo Wini': Wt'lruitock, Mu8Ca· l omla Avocado Orchard WITNESS ..my hand this 13th tel at N oon; Wlllla.mson. The Acres; as shown on a map re· day ot '=ebruary, 19!ll. Eternal St'a: Winston, Flghtlns cordt'd in Book 10, pace 3 ot LILLJ.A~ H. McADOO Squadron: Wit.zig, Dance9' of Mi8cellaneous Maps, recorda State of catilomia., . Switzerland. ot Or~gf' .County, Calilomla, County of Oraqt. a. or so much of aald property u ON THJS Utb ·day ot February, A D l.•t •-t a ....... _ ~ "The cOming months may decide aba.11 be neceaaary to be sold to . · ..,, , ......:: ore me, n.uvc:'rt /r • Wlllm N Pub whether we shall lose our rrttdorn provide 1 sum sufriclent to pay ea. a ot&ry lie ln and f th Id C .. in our International atrU•gle to the total a.mount tiecured by said or e •a ounty &Jtd >:>tale, ~ a Deed ot TM.1st. siding there-it\, duly, commla.aioned preaerve It. or uae our rreedom in Daied February 2nd, lD:il. and sworn. perso¥!.JY appeared a auccea11fu) nghl to preserve It.'' ORANG!: COUNTY TITLIC Ullian H. McAdoo,. known to me -Prea. Cra..lg R. She&fftt, Sheat- New Members ' at Me sa Church Ne""· member• received Lnto the Costa Mesa Commtiitty Mtt ho- diat church durinC'.: .JantMry In· eluded Charle• Ri<')lard Brown. !52 Magno1La. Ave.; Mrs. Lackey iu;td d&ugh.ten. Mllls BeU-y a.nd Mlu Ann \Vebber, 1608 S. Syca· more, Santa Ana. a.ad Lywaa.n Ma· aon (attending the Southern Meth· odl.llt Unlverslt;y lhla semester). Mary Sinclair. Si5 E . 20th at.. &nd Barbara Fe-eney, 1878 Fullerton Ave., became preparatory mem· ben a.nd &re ln t.ralnlng. COM.PANY, to be the penon whOee name ~ fer Pen Co. • By CEO. A. PARKER oubacribed to the w1thJn ln.Slru· • c11an.,1oe11arp Bridte PrYident ' meat. and -.cltnow:iedged to me LEGAL NOTICE • By c . w . BA~ . 9 .,. .. uted u.e ~e. rn To•11a111eftt Scheduled ~~t1 ~.l\/!\'f rri t::" , •/.t~~~1:;.d1;::!: , N,OTICE OF SALE OF STOCll. '~'~.:..,,. ~bor DuPl l~ie ;:;,';:i 831-i>reaa 1n)t •drtliial ,.,_,. -de)-&n\f •Year IN BULK Brkll• Club 'flffil •old It.a flrtt 1 publlcatk>n J"tbruary Sth. 19!11 in. t.hla Cert.lftcale flr1t above TO WH champion.tup pme of the 19Gl OM IT MAT CONCJ:RNo S ••u F 8 2 publication P'!-bruary l~tb. 19 .. l written. TKIS ~n on. un._,,, eb. 1 th. n o1 -•tT'rt' .... ,_.,. NOTICE of lntentlon ·lo _ _.II •-n...... 3 publication February 22nd. 1961 ROBa.n-' F . "-'&....&...Ml~, -1 u.::: an ""'t""'" Parlt City ----------~---My Commlaelon expire.a 11/18~1 sell • stock or goods ln tNlk. Champk>Mblp toumament played Cl!RTfll'ICA.TE OF BU8lNE88 <SllALl Wltnemeth that notice le bettb1 ln two aeulona trtlh trophJu and P1edtlou. Firm Name No. IMO--f'reo. I" I v e n that t be.,, u.nderaiped Mut•r Point.a to be aw•rded the THJI: UND-"lGNED does Publish Feb. 1~·22 : Mar. 1-8, 19~1. WAYNE V. PRICE lnttQ<U to aell wiRMTIJ. The firat aeaMo-a. will ~ all that certain •tock of merchan-l rt t • 1 · h.,..by ce.rtlry that ahf' la conduct-s a a one o cock and the tee· ~-cA_. OF -•D•'l>TS'Gio , d!ae coMbUng l'enerally or Stock. ond teMiOn -'U -un•·-·-t lnl' a reetaurant bualneu at !07 ...,_....... am:. D-'-'Q ....... ~ Equipment. Fb:turee and Good r• •""" ...._._..y a Marine ~ve .. Cit y of Balbda i.. f'lctlt&ocn .,,_ Name Will of that certain bulineM a :IO p. m. !J'he tournament will labd, County of Orange. State of ~ undenigned does hereby known u : be Mid ln. the tr'tiday Afternoon C&lif,rnia, under the llctitloua eert1fy that she conducting a Harbor Paint and Appliance Club HoWM! pi Coat& Meea.. tlnn name of H08teu Hou.ee and guest ranch 1>u8lne9I at Oranrf' Company b e I o n g Ing to •Id Wlnnera ,of. the weekly game that aak1 rtrm is comp&ed of the C.Ounty, Callfonata. ·11M South WAYNE V. PRICE a.nd located al held on Fri4'-Y1ev.nlng.were Mrs. tollowtnv peroo-·. whooe na~ Cout Boulevard, Lacuna Beach, AmoJd c....er and Mra. Joe Wll-• ·-....... 219 Cout Hl&hWay, Corona de! I yin t t and a.ddreme. a.re as follOW9, to--Californla, under the flctltioua ...._.._ cox Pa i eu ·wes and M.ra. wtt: tlrm name ot ''BRASS ASS M.ar, ""'.-.... ge County, Ca.llfornl&, CU.ter Tay&or t..nd A . D. Wethet· Do~-• Wh t•• Sou ACRE$" and that u.ki tfrm ls &Ad that a transfer and uaign.-by pl.aylnl' north·.OUth. .-13 ... e.ton,. ~ th. ment of Ole aa.m~ will be made, R B&y F'n:>nl, Balboa. Iit&nd, , oom~ o.t-the tallowing penon, and the h unne-,...up easl·we.t were Mra. C·'lfornia . whoae naine ln full and place of pure a.ae price thereor. ChVle.s Jester a.nd Mi-a. Mabel &l _J~--will be paid, on Monday the 6th 'Al!.aP'l'I Mr WITNESS my hand thia 7th day residence ·la u f~ tcrw1.t : dpy ot March, tff61, at Bay Eacrow ~-rn&J'.l; ' and Mn.. IL )(. or Feb""••..,, 1901. THELMA. 0 . JOHNSON, WalltolfOl"d; Mra. Heb.I')' J:cprt · _, •tt ...___ ............ Co., Inc., 141~ Ooaat Htgtlway~ and Mn. ~---,.. __ 11 ., DORIS J . WHEATON "' North ~on! unve, Corona de! Mar, CaJllornla., at ~ ..... ~i-... : .-n. Lura Laridfield to Receive Cap in Oak land: Rites Mt• Lura Mae Landfleld, O&Ust\ter or Mr. a.nd Mrs. R. L. L&ndtield, 211 East Bay A venue. Balboa.. who entered the Htcti- la.nd Scltool of Nunriac. Septem- ber 12, lU&O hu completed her first six months or preellntcal period. She will receive her cap at a ca.ppinc eere.mony Saturday, Februa.ry 1T. 7 :30 p. m. at Ply· mouth ~ptton&l C. h u r c Jl, 3805 Piedmon A venue, Oe.kland. Miss Land!Jeld graduated from tbe Newport Harbor UniOn Htgh School ln 1950. fnd~y ,:R$f,. Frye at St. James Parish House ... -'f-· 8t. James Ch'lrch 'School Flab Fry 'Wtll be held Friday of thle: week from S p.m.. to I p.m. Ttle pnera.1 chatnnan I• the pruldent of t.be Guild, Kra. Vlrcin14 Forbea. The Ftah Fry will be under lhe di.· rectlon ot two of the Harbor a.ra'a le&dln.r chefs, Hern.& Kalmer and Tom Norton. -:1 'nl• ceneral pubtk la invited to lhia event. wl\tcll will be held t.M partah houoe nut to the church. Tbe 'Wt>lllen of Kn. For· bes' committee &Te A.n11& Eller- -. l!ldyth Carnr, Eleanor n.her, SalJy Somera. Mr&. Bw;tf· ter Creeley, Mn. John Stet.aon and Mrs. Stafford Hall State ol. C&'ltornia, Bevvq HU.:a. C&lilomla 10:00 O'clock A. M. Tb&t Ute ad· C&rrl& Saunder. and Mrs. eai; County of Onnge. •. . Wll>l .. WIJ -thlo Sth aay dress Of aa1d vendor la 219 Cout BeMon; . lllra. Floyd Buell ..... Ashermen's Club ON THIS 7th day of Febru•~ of February, 1'51. Kro. Ota Oyain. • A 600d payc/t«JI, inUratinll wor!i; ~ ,..~,.., o flM 8'1u{it P.lan-U.-«n polf of~ t.uplraM job. : . Good . people 1make \ good,: telephone _se.Vice . : Why more thin half of each dollar we take in goes to·e~ployccs .-, .. ' _, HJcbway<, ~na del Kar, Callfor· I\ . . north d kf A, D.. 1961, before me, ·H. K . THZl.MA-0 . JOHNSON nla, o.nd the addresa ot aid .. n· unne.-..up I • .,11th """' Sun ay Brea ast Holkor. a Notary Pu~llc In and State Of C&Jtt...U.., dee ta 12t a. Uncoln, Orange, Call· ~ ~-:...m:r• ~; · ' :: ::!':..~ ~::; .. ~ ~ty.:~ 1;. ~":f ";;obruary, !~~ l2 FebM-~, 1901. J.,,_: Kn. ~.:i &C. ~ A .,,.Je quln~t !'UPPllOd the mu· !:.!:'J:= :=:.~ .. ~~~ J t. ~=::apt~: =-~lot=~· 7 nPon>. pe.--ally appeared Dorla A . D . .iesf, beforo me. VltglJ\ta • _, Fraalt Raod; AnM>ld aM. ~ ~ tlle _.,,.. _,. r-r T--•--1-,. --,,- J. WhMtoD known to mo to be the Lff ~a Notuy PolbUc In and WAl'Nlil V. PIUCE, Joe Wllcolt· Mn. Helea Radcliff the Plabennen•o clUb of the Colt& mo.iogomoo&ly.Matt<rolfacr;waingtbeWcsc't ~tuCb·tbcit~poidlla>ditf,'lao. Tbot'1 : -w-name ta oubocrtbed fOI' -OaUty oa4 State, rnldlne v.-r &11d Mn. i..;., l\o)lal. W-Commwalty Keth.od lot dema...!t IDr terrice bu mide 111 ~of~ WM'1. U>Oa\dilli ia w~n'"ti's.-ln .manu&aiiriog.for . :. to the wlthtn lzultrwnent. ...s theN!n, ltlllJ' comml"I-and 1 ~ll:"'"j:HK~ · ell""" beld • -meetllllt lugest an~ Tbot melllS a mighty big payrOI! puiiple,~and wageaiiijscv<!"&<aboot2.fcmiL , i admow~ to me that olle .;.. owom, ~ appeued TBJCL. Vendtt llIHOIU MJOD>ml'Jl -1 la Ulo ..._ eate. "nlA ... paniallody "!bP>JOU considttdior.,..econ--Burdj·tbe~e·~ tbe l"""f ~-•·. edlted t11o ame. MA.a. JOtDlllON, ~-to me to l!taile otk;:attromta.· A-· llri-'.bf hQI a[Bnck. = =.::,d ::"na!:; ood btp the apab1e JM'OPI•·-wd oaJt widi ilri~'p.iopk<.:.oeed<d l'!~d1erip job fOr the .~ lN ·WJTNICSS WlllCIUX>I', I ba the -...... -• Ill ad>-a....1:7 ., Or&11ce, .._ Oranse Oout ~11e, ~ "-. ll'lliller, Kalcobn Rold "'4 '1'1lc>--....r and~~ cliciom. • •-..;!:-.Loa· ..i. Lo-· have hereunto. set my bud and «rlbed to ,the "*t~ ~t, o.. u FtbrU&ry ltll bafore me. r&lt Into U.. -ot a ear -...... Thom--lte&I A~ ....-~ ,-r--: --GOO --,~•r"Jec~,~--~ 1 atrlxed m, ofllclal .al Ille 11-,y and ~ la me, tllat lll>e t114 ~ed. ~ Notary Pu1111c: b7 A1&ll A. Cbafe, TCM ICafllold lo J-wttf. Keo .,.._ pl&Jinc ). V.kU., te!lf'hc 1.;obt ...... joba it a flOlit1 Ud yev In thls -te .tint deCUt.I Urie_._ In. and tw Mid Count:riu.d State, 'A-.e., °"""'" dtl ~ at'T:tl Lm. t1le plaDo _,._ct. -that m . ...,. macb tQ the oarioe today ... ~ a altove Written. 1" wl-~·I haft -perw>ally appeo.nd w.,_ v . l'r1da7 at Ba)'llfll .Dr. , ,OIMt tallla -~ lr>y Rn. J ....... (U.\L) •to oat mJ -and ~ •1 ,._$A. Katllllt and Ziiia Jlllliwa7. H.Tbom llaY ~ I\' ...,..,.lfdephoac ~ IDl'noed lirikillcd ptopll; H. K. KOLKER, ottlelal Wl -clay &nil :r-la bat• bowtt to mo to .,; OliAle -.. lb:pp..i '-Uio tnf· lbnd ~ ~ ' ' it pa!f'loai,dr ~ ~ -1111 ' -1;.i. 'NotuJ Public IJl aad , ..... Bald tJilo _,...,,. q,,,t .-"'1tlft. tJ1o "-----lie ltpl wllell llrlea'o C&l'lldt blo I IJl atwidalieo wen 11Gbert Ooi-and......,..ma.alelrdlc.p:G"ET a{w._ County &lld State. • · VJllQJMU. ta t&WD. ocrillolll to 'tho wltllla -:.O ~-··Dom .... to !11' ean ttor, o-Blowa, Fraall II dJ..,oe.'ADil, et."'°""' d;-ae,...i"iy • :.=-~ll-22,~.J..UilL 1 ·=~·~&Ddtor--.. ,,·.,ae11"'!f.'-~ tllat ·u.e, Cllt-l Cnjlb.~ .u...tllJ, W. D .• tzhpbllll9Ml,aline. ..... +s"tt't(• ( .. ....... , .. 4 • we w . -· l"llalterV; n..,. rs r Oeo '.i......:: ... •• ._! 1 1 < . ..._ ·.._ a ' • • ----'1V1TNm •1 ~ liDd ~ M *I ••0¥'' •• fl••· .ib. ~ •+a..:. JW4. -oe au . .--, --111'":".:.~ato~.!t~ :;~.:1:...;-.t.'-11,ml ~ DllAN C. ~ ~-·::.c:t-D. C. ......_,Kr.=-:; ~~-::-~::-· .. ,-... 1 $ _.. _ tar •'11111 atif"-a t 111 81u•"'" t 1, ~ 'I ,_ ..... ,... I I ''-"""" -,• • la la -nMm7 Pllllllc bl .... fw -U. ~ .... .Pft'la .. -()o., C. X a O, 011 p -••r • @' 11118'. ._ 1116 •'SJ!!W M • .. 8a:I& Z ,. t · C..C7 ... aaaa..· IW Jtsw111t ...... ~--.AIM Orsrtrdft, Rs 11 aan; ~ ta_.....,. oe --w -...,_.II .... -<8'1·1 • .coo a staau 5'11111"'1..0 ft1la• Tt1·1 a ll>n. J.B. praoaatioeotW•-nw...-t•'d'• .. •'-'Dlfl ,., ..... "1 .. 21 .... u.o •• ..._..-._._, a,aaw.1'11111r. , ,... '!" '" I ',.., ...,, • It IL: ·. . ... -l'lll>lllll i.:..., ,., u. UA.' ' ··--I .•··--a... .. lti~ I • ' -r • • ' r .. -• I . " • I • l •• • • •• ' . . THEODOftE ROBIMS 5U Coaet Hlway, N_...;rt BNdi _......,.,,_ (}M Pilot Leads ' Bombing Attack Wltb UM; Finl KaQM A.Ir WIDC In Kore& -"It wu a /fair a-~" I P.,t .. ,l>Ole ' him, ond be put one \fl me." · ,Tbat WU \he· W&y ft WU jNt . by Leathemeclt ·J'lnt Lt, Harold J) •. IJalsb of Puamount, caur; In deecriblnr ·~ p&rt In a mlulon crier ~tral Koru.. Flylnl' wltb a four.Ian• dlvlolon of COn&tra · of the Fl.rat Martne air wlnr'• '"ChOcker Board•: "'luad· ri>n, Ilelch bad ' Just blSw> to ' sirate and. rocket a 41d&• coqt•tn. Ing enemy emp'acemente. when be •w the flaah of amall arms fire from co6imunita troop-. When • . ' . C•lll(I•~• ¥Sf9e . , - Factw'f C:hewrollt: ciadO ......... ./-sn~I CENTER ' ANNOUNCING tllo ..idlti.. of ;::==========::. Lt. ·I>elp landed at bla -In Japan, be dlocoftf'ed llole1 In tho New TesUn1 a.ad r-up Eqaipmellt OFFICE SUPPLIES . BOO•KJZPINO FORMS BINI>EB8, llJSC. rtEMS HALLMA.RK CARDS • • • • ·cost~ MESA STATIONERS Be. 5%1S.R. 11118 Newport !11.•d. COl.llLATtO , INTERIORS. MOOllN •~ JlOPfCAL PutNITUU DMPB • WAWAHIS • LAMK ROOI CO'tUltt&S HOUSE a GAJU>EN . 6J I C:O.Ul Hl•HWA'f' Nl'WfOll lllACON un LEGAL NOTICE ' . NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE lN THE llAJ.E OF ALCJOHOLIC. BEVE~GE8 February 3 ~l TO WHOM IT M'A y CO!'fci!'RN: Subjec't lo Issuance of the il- ce.n.e applied for, and commenc- ing not leu than 10 day1 alter the ·date po9led, noUce l• hereby l'iven that the underzlped propoees to .ell alcoholic beverage. at thf!9t prem lHa, de8Cribed u follow•: 2300 W . OCEAN FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. Punuant to auch intention. the und..-eJcned ia a,Ppl)'ln& to tbe State Board of Equallution for laalance by transfer of an &lco- hollc bevertge llcenae fOr the8e prem.lses u follow•: CLUB LICENSE: Anyone destrtnc to protest the laiuance of tuch license may file a verined protest with the State. Board. ot Equallution at ~amei;ito, cautornia, stating grounds fflr deni&I as provided by law. Tbe premlaea are not no,w lloesued for the ule of alcoholic f?everagu. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Mooet Lodge No. 1467 Newport Beach. Calif. ' ~ aae Pr:-. " P\lbl1al\ Feb. 15, 1951. CEJtTIFIOA'l'I: OF BUSINESS F1cUtlou• Flrm NMllf' 1' HE UNDERSIGNED doe a hereby oerUfy that he lll conduct- ing & boat l&ndlng and Tradlns Port bwdneu at 3108-3112 La- faye tte, NeW?ort Beach, Califor- nia, under the ftctltl0tl9 ftrm naine of Colea Udo eo·ve Boat Landing and Trading Port and that said firm ls compo8ed of the following per&ona. whoee names in tull and places of residence are u follow1, t<rwlt : WaJte r E. Cole, 3112 Latayette, N ewport Beach, California WITNESS my hand ttu. 8th day of February, 1951. · WALTER E. CO~ Slate of Ca.Jifomla, tall Of bla plane. After l~'lln&' the' ..,,o••nr ridJ•. the rug-ht or Oonalr:a wu (Vlded by a ~-lr•>ller to a ¥11· la]f• houolng R..i troopo t.114 ... .,. pU... ~t LMder C.ptaln Phil· Hp I>e Loll&' of ll01 On:hld A-... Corona de! Kar, led tl>e alterett In a -111DC and ttntlnr attack. UDO rs•~~ '°"' o..t la. ,_ for 'tlHo _....,. ~ -tall --. .U.W: ~. n.nr.;10, • 11ertee to be betel IA tM -W11 e~ ~t)' etnliDWe. Tbe v~ ..,_ fall' wu 19 hODOr of Pott Capt&ln ·Tbo,... Joaea of !Mo hlef YacJK ehab. (Photo by F'ot.om) Leavtnr ~ (l&l!ll~ vUJqe, .the flying Oevlld<>sa ·followed' the C.On- • . • ( I . troller's dlrecUona to another rklgeruJ ot dug .. tn-· poeltl'ina. Bomba, rock~ta and bullet.a left an undetermined number of cuual- Uea ln the area and brought a call of IM.nka from the groWld con- troller. Dinner 'Dante at Lido · Isle cub S~pper ~onors 1 • • Rigdon Sisters Natal Celebrants Honored at Surpri$e . Luncheon Is Successful Opening for · les Inaugurating moat auceto1111fully a aeri8· at aoclal ~ aftairt to be held-at Lido laJe Community club house wu the buffet dinner da.nce Ot Satllrdo.j night. attended by Mrs. Claude Anderson is Bridge Host.!ls• 12d .cue1ta. The aertea, given jolf\t-Blrda of Pare!lae now~ and ly by the Lldo Isle Community u-1 arrangemeot.o of. ~lc&I bloomo eoclaUon. Wothen's • club and graced the roam• o(• Mn. ~ude Mn. Mary We1eott, employee Yacht Club. wtll honor L. I. Y. C. Ander90n'1 hom•, 20l>S. Apa.helm at llle ctty hall aitd h•r aiater-ln-Statt officer:s and first to be SI'· Ave., Golla Me•, .,irhen' ,abe ... law, )(n..Jean. McDonald of New• Jected wu Port ca.ptaln Tom aembled a com~ of triendl port Hetghll were honored iueat.e J~nea, who Wu obwrvlng his Thur.day for lune~ and br,ldge. at • .urprlae birthday luncheon blnhday. · i'orming the e~Uome were Compltme:nt&ry to the Mtue. Dorythy and Emtly Rl1"don ot Fe1- tua, Mo.. former eo.t.a Me• z:e•I· .denU wbo have been vlllUnt Mr. and MPt. A~ Rll"don of San.la Ani. Mr. and Mta. EUward Carr. • Hamilton St .. eo.t.a Meaa, t>n· lertalned recentljl witb an enjoy- able buffet l'Upper. Bharlnl" the ple~t occuion were the Ml.-e1 Ricdon, U!.etr father and brother Jlm ot Feslw:, Mr. &nd KrL Abe Ril'(lon and daughter Judith Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr of Calipatria, Cal .. and Dick Carr, youni aon of the hoat couple. h<Nlteued ·Monday by Mn.. Lillian Pretty Frocb Mmea. John Wee~, Jfrrotd Spang- 0\ven at her bomr ln Balboa Welcoming ~est.I lnto thf" new ler1 Joeeph 11 llan, RJch&rd Cove11.• r ktaii Dittmar J!lmeat M leJl&n, Homu AT PALM SPRJNGS t aun room or coc • we11e Mellott, Kenneth at' ewart and "e The Valentine moU wu car-Wayne and Ela.ine Murdock, the I u~ Mr. a.od Mra. Cb.a.rle.a B. Malone ried out In luncheon appointment.I latt,r cha.rming tn a 1thort evening h01leaa. of 61~ Redlands Ave., Newport . te...,. 7• -.,..,_ eorNCtl• of. ,_. trG•''sz ' • STEAM Cl.&ANINO • TOWING 8EltV1CE a.ad ....... • llOTQR UBIJILDING • NEW ZNOINE·.Df8TAl.l.ED • RAI>IATOR Cl&UllNG • LUBRIOA'nON • W ASftrNG -PQufuuNo • ~·Ull: SEJIVICll: • P1ION'I' l:NJ) AUONING • WHEJ;L.:BAIANCING • r:ll'.PIElft' BODY ... FENDEB llEPAIB •·PAINTING-DUl!T _.FU:E p AINT llOOTll Culbertson Motor Co • . . • -. ' ~: • l ' • . • ' •• Your onler ro ~ or ~ ~ AOcb, ~ cs ClllD-• modirin tril1 be eoccuted With ~ .,. mrlc', i over me. ~uoo-wlde, leased pri.,.ie. ~ ., ... -. ~ neain& our 16 Califomia oflices ,ao4 <IV Nnr ,.ark ollice widi Principal , l!utem ~ Cf'!._.,~ ~ rial ftriliria -niaincained I« yoat1Ma .. ;... ; f ' ·. DE.A.NWJTTER ~ta. ........ ... ,..,. ......... ,, . ..... ...., ., ,,.,,. ... ,, 0 .,,, ...... , ••• • ' ...................... , •• t ' Lei .UllA M ' IAll fl.NeClleo • ' • " . ·: ' and the celebrant.. were lhowered rown of black net and taffeta, At the cloee of the hoepitality Hetchta, enJpyed. a dell_j'blf-ul with dalnty bandket"CbJefa. After with oft-abouJder bodice of lace. t.a.lllelt' showed that Mrs. s,ancier weekend Ln Palm Spri.ap u the reput canuta wu played. Al-Mni. Hay Langenheim was fn acored high; Mra. Dittmar aeoond rueata Of Mr. and .Mn. C. A. ma Knowlton holding ht(ll 1COre a draped red and gnen •Ilk print and travel and Mra. Stew&k, con-Herbert.a of Newport Beach at and Joyce McDonald tak:lng sec· and Mn. Havlla.nd Rocen wa.a In 8olaUon. their attracUve deee~rt~~ho~m~•·:....._J============~~~::::::======~:::====~~~~~~ ond award. Mary Wuoott re-black crept> with d~ aquarel---------------------- cefl.oed eon.aolaUon prize. . neckline. ' .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,,.~-. ...... ~~~~~'"I Otbft'I pre8f!'nt were Dorta Fer· M•s. J ohn Boyd waa noticeable guapn, Lena Ught and Elolae Bak-1n black crepe with 11Jver lame er. and sequin top. while Mra. John Card Party Plans Made for l=eb. 23 A public card party, to be b.eld Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. In "f'rid&y After- noon et11b bouN, *a. &:."ed by the .M.othen club of Mf!M Be~I 157, Job'• I>eupi.rw, -t-in,. l"eb. T at the home at. Mn. -~·--..~ wu ·•«'he bMtW l'ruenl --·· v ... Gunn, wbo prealded: Dean Bmtth, P.dwtn JODea. Hany Burdlcll. Charla Taylor, C. k. TUcker, Sarp CX.ws ford, Louia Crandall, Herbert Pe-- tenon, RJta Boardman, Borue Park.er, 0 . E . Whit.a, P . V, Peter- IOn., E. Walttt frr{ollar, E . V. R.a.- pn. A. W. Gunn, Roy Walkha, W . E. Ntclr:ell, Harold Ftnk. Next meeting wU1 be March 7, 1 p.m. at the home of Mn. Ra-can. 222 ,Agate avenue, Balboa Island. Party & Potluck · Is Monday Fete at Pilgrim Hall MOQre Robinson was al..9o In black crepe. Mrs. Tern Rutter wu in teal blue and Mra. Willard Killion 1elected a Kelly green print. Marie Wilgus: wore a blue metallic gown and Tula Ring wu ln black vel- vet. , Mn. Grenville La.nMlell &nd Mrs. Robert Hitt were in boulfa.nt fr"'OCU. the former we&rlna' 1trap- le• black net wbUe t.be latter w.ae J.a WhJ1.e_ w1th. a...Uvs...lhned. Mn.. O®rtney. Pla.tt ~ a .tn.p- -.. black wtvit ·~Ice and bouf- fant net aklrt over pink. Mrs. Wa.rner Gate9 wore a. pale aatln brocade coat over black and Mrs . How&rd Lewla chose a dttp pur· ple dlnner drea.!I. or pale lavender. gray and gold wu the handknit dreSll with deep U neckline. most beoomlng .to • , • • ' I How .. abou.t . " • ' : I \ > • • traffic on the Santa ·Fe? • With the Co-Oj;c:ration of our officc:rs, and of the employees whe remained at work, Santa Fe: managed to kc:c:p thousands of freight can and all its passenger trains moving during the ~ore oongc:Stion is relieved and delayed earl are unloaded at their destination. -·. . . . . -· Santa Fe was' able to deliver m<>re Ca.rs to ' ochec railroads than other railroads delivered ( ., ' f $' • .. • ~~ o~• .. "" a. . ~·=!t ru;~· I: ~ r: Notary Publk 1n am tor thl! Mid" County and State. ·r~ •ldlng therein, duly com.mlsaloned and sworn, per.!IOnally ap~red Walter E . Co.le, known to be to be- the peraon whose name ia aub- acribed to the within iMtrument , and acknowledged to me that he lixeculed lhf" aame. JN WITNEs.8 WHEREOF, I have hereunto a.et my hand and affixed my ofttcial aeal the day and year in thta Cer~ ti!icate first above written. Corona de.l Mar Coounu.nlty church .~·Clflld h~ld a Va.1f11- tine pa~ ~ p6u~ ai~r Mo(lday •...W.1! In PIJ&"rtm hall. with nearly 100 l ln attend&nce. While small fey were amused by the puppet l'how pre.ented by DonaJd. Steffenan and hJa aallt· ant, Marpret ,[)tehl.. •dult.o en· joyed fllDll of the orarid Can10f'l and Carlobad . CaYUn.t through cou.rteey of Use St l'e rallroa.d. Mrs. Nelson Neice, while equaJl) attractive wu Mr1. C. B. Rudd'• black moire formal. Mn. Kennelh Brook.! waa in .!leek white satin &l)d Mra. W ilbur Bucks wu smart (n befded cocoa faille. Mrs. Mac Renfro wu In 1trapleaa black faille with velvet stole and Su8'e J ohnson waa In black crepe. Mn. Vincent Healy wu in black crepe With gold c hok er. Mrs. Baker wa.a ztUn.nlng In •lender black crept- appllqued with Chinese brocade and·maichtng brocade coat. ,,Y.i." ' . . .... "' • ·~ • ~\!( ............... f.w , ·•· ~~ .. 41Pne~ '.reaturect Swedllh } "outlaw s~ike" which, began January 3~ · ~-tc>~c1""tripp · COiin~ f. , -I -, -1 , .• , : . ~ Santa Fe. Consequently, Santa Pe oow h~ -·--· · ~tially;Jm ~ .. OffJf: rW'i tlt~m I.~·.' 1 :{ ' , I die '.'.JJ~~1~er ~,i I! il,f ~rr:r~~\'r i ht 1 1~1 :1a <~ • ROBli:RT F . WILLMES, My Commi.Mion Ezptres 11/16/61 No. 637-Pl"UB . Publl>h Feb. 8-16·22; Mar. 1, 19~1. No bualnem meettnc wu held, but It WU announced that )'OUDI adUlt couplea would meet Friday, March 2 at G:SO p.m. In Ptl&'rlm b&ll for a poUuCk supper and IQU&re dance. smorpebord buffrt and· loftr-ta-· blea were decorated with -candles and Va:Jentlne molita. Red balloon• h'"'-from the ee.Utng of the sun room, where dancing was enjoyed an., the dinner hour. Pre9e.nt were Meur1. and Mmes. J . Buttle and gueata, W. T. Keay, A. E. Nucent, Dave Splea, Van Cktthter and gueeta, Manley Clark and. gueata, Wtllla.m Wtlg'U3, Wais ter Ba.Jeer, J . M. Roblnsdn. Willard Killion, Templeton, Lee Barnes, Warner Gate. and· cuest.a, Court- hey Platt. Tbomaa Rutter and pelt.a, Vincent Healy, Hay Lang· Newport Circle Plans enlMlm •. Howard Lewi., Fordyce R S I Boyd. Jack Hugheyai, Nelson NOTICE TO CREDITORS ummage . e e Neice, P'renklln Kln:b, Walther, Ho. A-11110 Plano for a Nmm&ge ale to be C. B. RUdd, Speldlng l!l'utman, In the Superior Court ot the held .soon we.re dlKU..S w)len Gren'riUe La.nMleU. Robttl 111tt, M. State of California, in and for the A. .Andenon, John So·~ ~. C Newport Orcle met at the home ,_ u.::m. ounty of Orange. OoUver, Hadd R1 .... ·, Be-yn Po BR of Mn. llamie Hance, 209 29th ...... • --tale fl! UCE WARREN, IC&ple; Deceued nreet. Mn. J . A . Bodman opened . the meeunc wtlJI. 4->tk>M, .... "!"<> Betty Jarvlo and sueet.a. Notice ~ hereby ff Yen to credit. ject befrts .. WIUt H•ltn& in Hie Mr&: C&dw&lladtt and gue.lta, Mn. ore havlllg'tlaima agalnot the oald WIDga." Luy .and ,......, S1111le Joluuoon, decedent to nle •kl clalma in the Vera MoUOG; Me:e.s.. and Kma. otnce of the Clerk of th' afore-The etrcle WlU aerve at the J0e ll"erg\&SOll. Mac.-R.entro, 8 • ..., uicl Court, or to pruent tllem to -ellurdl llW'ing M'ateh, with cleoo-K _., u,., under&Jgned at the olll<:e ot r&uona and u -~ at the ellO, o . JI.. P'llcklnger, Tom .Je:ro01e Weber, 829 South BW reception fOf' DIW memben.. MmN-Heada9on, W•yne Murdock, J: c. •tffet. In tbe Clly ot !.<le Anfelee. lfaJ. I>eloller. J . A. Bodman and Axel-. Thomae Jon... Wilbur Co.int• of Los A.n•eJQ, Calllomla. Kia Adele Bedd°"'e will ..,..... -· Kennetll Broob and VII'-, • vl.9e -..itJoN, ·M'n. May U'IW> gtnli. M'.,._ and pula. whi~ latter offt~ ii the .place of. . btMUless of the undertri,cned in au :!m':i:.halnnan of the holteea1 p • h S l • I • matters pcrtainlnr to aal4 eetato. .... ... ·~.-· ····-••---~rlS 1 o, Cla S B!Jcll c'aJma. wtth tbe wtan·ry ~ ..__, _ _. UO\.lr Ul'B vouehen, rnuot lie ftled or p,_t-=~ -eet.o. to 11 --Pl Med ·by . ed u afo'"8akl, within ol&.moalliot S .J. an.r tJ>e "'"' publlcatlo!> ~ t,!!lo • ,f. Jamis Guild n~:. -· Mrs. A. J. Lupton . ~ . ~February C, 1-. ·-·Clllllrdl llebOol Guild at Ila ALl:XANDRL\ WARREN' Home From 'Visit -tl>ly meetJiis held at I.be - ' becutrix of U.. WW of aid ot Mi;-. l'll.IJl,iOr --• .. deeedeDI.. Mn, AAdrnr J . 1 .. twa•ot Ml Barbor IJ11D4 dtdt\W to 4P'77M J._.e Wal>er, Victoria SL. 0oota ll ... -N--Lent a jlarloll raniuJ - 11211 &outb "w llt., . tm--N -..,.... lllt Ill U.. ..,..W. -,.. lo to lie a Loo A....-, c:atlfomlo; _.., .... ,.,,.-,_..,, ~-.dlltllo-w ,.-,. f• lbi<ull!JL -llula P N '•, Wiiiie _, te lie -'ftw ' 7, Aipftl L !!.~~ .!:!. .... -·. ~ ..... 1-· tM Mnmz ... , .. :' !?' ...... 0 7 .... RIED I~ .. -.... ~ ----------.._ -.& time trl•lll • i. v ....... La -nNI lat.tr • .. -...,.,----------..... ..,. !ta I.e. I .. I ,._ 8&.' IS ....... BIEi •s 7 4illzil ._. Orr1Ws -. •st llJ II .. Ml IJ' M - -0 • C.•o4a.-,,.. -~"' ...... ~-= .. =-=~tbe --.... .IOIM Orsb&m. . e•.,-ded 111S o1 •-;;.... Q., ""• far tM to MrlW ..,Mal ....... 6--ta , .... of die wt)' arp• ..... ,._,. ta M tM ~ ....-ef ..,. 1111•1 Ou8d o6 a. lamnr Mr ... ~,,,..... • ~ • 1 I • • • , · ' · · -rail • inmpertaticn" Santa-Fe ·ceuid iiOt, -of • J ooursc:, operate at.its top c:tficic:ncy. Now vital supplies, which have: been piling up in frdght terminals during the: past sc:v~ , days, are starting to move. 'A complex situation • There is one point, however, we:' know the public will ~detttand. So complex a thing as J . Amer(ca's Transportation System cannot be • • tum1 off .and on like a Water faucet. Thousands of "cu days" were lost due. to ·freight can lta!Jding still. E-rcn tholigli can ' arc ~ lllO'rio•, it ii h<Mu>d to take a while Naturally, this will result in a shortage OE cars until this 'complex situation has bc:co ' dc:ared. .A word to our;sliippers We arc: doing c:vc:iything possible: to si-d up the retlirn to normal. We ask, however, that •hippers"who now need cars bear with us during this period. Santa Fe: apresscs iu thanks to its .shi~ ' and passengers for their patience ana under· standing during~ trying ·times weiha.e all jutt pa'5ed through-and abo to all our people who co-operated in thu·emergehcy, maoy ... • ' I • I responding beyond their normal call of'dutjr • • , '. . I ·• • ! • ' .. ' • .. • • • ~~~;;;l~:i;;:~~i,E"'.Jn.~~~~~-,~~~~r;::;~---:.-r--·-~ ........ ~...-_.....~ ........ -c~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!';.~~~ t , ' • ' • • . I . C .. D. M. Church Sermqn SCJ bj(3c f -. . Biiai!. •• hold and bug our a.. Uglolla ~or ahall we uao U>em to -. will be .lhe prollle,. 'd-!>Y lhe !IA!•. Paul l!Jtl. Ward .Bab~tt next Sunday mom· Ing •t. t :•I L m. and 11:00 .L m. ln · t.be Community church ot Co- rona del Mar. 'life IUbjec.L of the .ermon ta ''Religious Experience." C.D.M. to lr:l ear 'Ia 'nlla ?(oar ll• l!:lld mon topic ot • u , at the rt meeting al b>rona <kl at 11 a.m. Bt at JO Lm. ... • ~. I " • \ optists · T;!~~U:.~i!:i M.Wpo.1 .·woe1-.n · r. Baker '. :~=.~:=1.~-:::i. ,rnl .. d In'. S. A. .. :! .• :.~ qUartora and central ~ • • t ,Civil~ tram the crowded y • .._ area· to · K~I IC. ~ f8, 630 El K<>; , wtjl 1>a tlle ~ a o!IA! 111 Ora.nit• ~~· 'Acconl; 1aona SL,·N~tt tfelJhU. la ,,,. • MllCcmt'.-t.. llUL· Ing to, ~Ude w. Ec!1n,tdil, gen· OOYerll)g.ro:om 'ln"'°'.bol!Y ........ Bal'P!t-1 urclt •ml ~· _lhe compan1 hu :wbon silo WM.bit 11y·a car at 'Dllnl Port· 'l'bMtn Jn ~rebued 211' aoru·~l Ult north·. and Main .n.., santa An& on Wed· 1 S d J' 1 1.h west. comer of J"ullerton Road, and needi,y. according t.o poltce. un ay, eb, Jmperlal BJghway near ~ Habra, Trallld fnve.!tgatore sakl the in- t c1•wea .~ meet and "plan.a to conatJ"Ucl a wa.re--Jund woman wu hlt' by •" car ,,: • houee of tom e • 125,000 equare ,1r1vP11 by Connie J . Griff in. SS. &!t.emoon the feet.. 1018 . E. dhestnut' St., Who :wu to have a Sr'ouP · goblg aoulh on Main SL whe n the . ' \" . • ' .: ~ .: · *'~oows · . SPeCfAL-Now Spring F11brj c1~$1.29 ·yd .. . ~. . _ .. ll•P· lla lbe atndgbl·jaci.,.t for 1fU1!o l>Ut Holy M. .... r. I didn't ~It. lihe got lo'readlng lhe ·~r1>-"We're staying 111 Korea. we're re~g out, we're •tnn.l.oa. we're Joe1ng •• w~'re ~ vn.nclng, 'we'n ~t.re&tlng, we ~oq~ the hill. we l~t the hl:i, we are not at war--45,000 deed. the commanders say_: they My lhey,dldn'l say ll. AU righ~ i>Ui:er, 111 go qµleUy-"SEE nu: SlLL Y MORON. HE DOESN'T ,Qtyf!;. A. DAMN . . • 1. WISH I WAS ~ MORON.:....MT GOD PERHAPS '.r .Alf." ' Dr. Rowan:I Etwood FUJINJTURI: e GlFTS e nlwm.RY -BALBOA The lrwltwe o.( t:he churcb hava. luued • call for the congregaUon to mtet ob Tueeday, Feb. 20 at 17:30 .p. m.i to consider p:ana for /buUdlhg aa educa~lonaJ &.od eoc.hu fbuildln,g. All mettlliliera u e urged to attel\d. Le.at SUll church wu 1t of young BapU.t church them in t&ktn community. 1e from Celvary Flab F'J' F~ 11. 0 to a p.m. 1mla'hap occurred. Mrs ... Brush WIUI fn WhllUer uaialt 8t. liurie. Pariah BOiiie walkfrlg eutward acroae MaJft St. I a CeD.l\Ui Ot the AB.au.I Otrt._ seout Voo~ sa~e Sht WU treated at Community ~rr 10 lo Fe~ :U hospital. · 1 ''"'==--=--=====....,===========•1 . -.._..._~-~..._.-MB~.-..,-d-~~tB~S-.-,-A~MES THOMAS (IUy Aaron P hoto) . Miss Barbara Rechs Repeats Vows in Beverly Vista Church Rites Just baclc fruru a honC"ymoon at-------------- Carmrl and ~1·ttlng t'~tablishcd In t..h~lr ho n1e at Culvt•r City arr Mr. and Mrs. JanlC'S Thnmas. who rc- peatt"d vows at 8 :30 o'clock , .Jan. %7 In B('VC'rly Vista Cummunlty chur('h, BevC'rl.Y 1"l11ls. The bride Is the fbr1nf'r n.i.rbara L RC'ch~ N. H. C . C. W . Pres. I Addresses Ba lboa t Island W. S. C. S. daught1·r of 1-fr. and Mr~. C. F . Balbon l !ilsn<I C 11 n1 mu 11 i l y Rcchs. 132 Suuth Bay Front, Ba:-Church'\VSCS C'njoyl~l a r1•pnrt on ~ Is lanfl. I hf' TN'ent Wo rl~t Dny of Prayrr 1"hc doublt· ring candlcll~ht &l"T· f>f!rvic" anti a review or the book 'l'ice Wll8 ~rforn1t•d by Dr. J . K. Thf' Ecumenical C h urch glvl'n by S tewart In R Mf'lting of whlle 1 M Uia El8ll-New· and, preelt.lrn t (Jr 11l•diq,lus and ferno. Fot the or-1 Newt10rt H•rbot Couricll of gan pIThl~" Mrs. Thom pson pl11.y-Church Wom f'n, when th€'y met ed ~lcctlon~ rron1 Studf•nt P r ;nrr ror lunch<-"1)n Ff'b. 1 at the horn•• and Lhe Des<'r t Song. Shirley or MnJ. Louis Sands, South B11y Folld, HOlnlst . AAn& "Oh P erre<"t Front. She was prcsl'ntrd by Lo\rc" and •·1 Love You.'" B<>ttye Fink, proi;ran1 chairman C'ha.ntlll)' l.ac·P Mrs. Grae(' Gunn, who led In Barbara, l{iVE'n in keeping by <levotions. wu o n the lunchc-on ht'r fath!'r, was lov1·lh·sl o r brides committc<" with Mrs. Grebe. Lone ln an r xquis1lt· gown or ivory Griffin. Mab<-1 Price and Haltir Ch!\J\ti'ly lace o vt•r ivory satin. Blflckerby._ Dr. Harry Wh itt• was Che bocti ct• loppi'd by tol1 ls o f nylon guest. Et>&trlcc Hall.'i<'r prt'sidt..'<f tulle. Tht• rinJ:<"rtip vt•'l w as held at bus1n1•ss, Tht>rc Wll.!:i no s turi) by a Juliette cap. n1adc by Mrs. i>e&."'1nn, it tx-inl{ ht•ld Tu(lsday 01 J ulia V t·lo v, an old fatn1 ly fril'nd thid wec-k 1:1t the huntt' of Mrs. Fa..<1.hionl'd of satin, 1t v.·as ~aded Bov.·tc-s. lcadl.!r. w ith pink and white pearls, rhlne-PreBt.'nl wer(' Dr. White, M is..<1 lrtont•s and sequins \Yhi\e the std('h Nt•wland. Mmes. Florence Wood- werc> beadf'd in 5pruys of leav~. hoµ5<', -Blanche Bakker. t.owMr W'h.Jt e t OOC'S and bouvardia were Smilh, Sarah Bowman. Marth.a. combinr<I In the bouquet. whic h Allen, Lottie Donker, N ancy wQ centered with a white orchid. Terry, Nora J ones, Ruth l bbott -- Kt'yt..>d to rainbow colon were son, Tempera.nee DcMu.mdrun, tatfela gowna of the bride's al-Gr~ Nuh, Margaret Dcarbor'n. tendant.s. Dorothy Bernie", matron H elena Ha rg rave. Adele BainetJ. of bonOr. v.·a.s In rf'd and carrird Hauser, Beu Edwarda, &:r-U\• ptnk roe~s with heather . Brktes-Pink ham, Bettye F ink and wel- maida were AIJC"la W isc, in purple corned a1 new memben, Anib and carrying red carnations and Youn11r. Ethel COA.ru? •nd Lotet ta heathl'r: Joie Rapp. in yellow, with Scht<nkel. Next me.rUng, Match 7, t a 11 am an carnatioM ; Nancy will be a luntht-on and kitchen Holmea, ln grf>t'fl, with yellow car-shower tor tile new ch ureb. natio ns: Rosen1ary Ross. ln rust with pink carnations; Dorothy Ho llini;t!JWorth, Wt>arlng blue and carrying dark pink carnations with heather. liom ,. ~eptlon Thf' bride.groom. who is son of ).tr, and Mr~. t.i. F. T hon1as, 108 North Olive strrt•l . Alhu.1nbra. as- lrigned best man duties t o Robert Uu~n. Following the ceremony, which wa~ attended by 375 gue8ts, a rec€'ptton w ... held at Lhe home of the bride's parents. The new Mrs, T homas was gn.duatrd from Dorsey H igh .chool and· Unlvf'rsity of Califor- nia at Los Angdes. She ta;· past president of her sorority, Alpha P ai Della and wu membt!r of Trollil., Spun and the Prytoria.n eoclety. 1-ler h usband wu gradu- a ted from Alhan1bra H igh school, Puedena J . c. and Is attending U . C. L. A .. where his f raternity la Delta Sigma PhL Mrs. A. Renner Addresses Circle , St. Andrews Board Elec;ts Officers . Sermon .,ubject Sunday morn- ing al St. Andrew's Presbyterian chut'c.:h is "How Ca.n \Ve Know the Will of God?" The text i8 "For 1 e&me down fron1 Heaven, not to do mine own wlll but the will o. HJm that sent n1e": from St. John 6:38. T he newly fornu~d Boar'd of Christian Educ:atJon held' its first meeting at the church Monda:r night. EJected were W ebster J _ Jones. pre~ldent and Mre. George • Wheat. secretary. The board alao a ppointed Mi-s. W atter Blalr a.a church echool director. It wa.s de- ckled to form a new J unior Hil'ti cJa.u, to meet al th' 10 o'clock hout in the put.or's Study wiU1 Joaeph Hamblet u teacher, The Orange .Dl1trlct Westm.in- ater Youth P'el\owahlp counclt'wiU meet at St. AndreW'a on Sunday. 3 p.m •• wtth repre-.ntatlvea from county churches p~nt. • Storlf• of he r homeland. H un-l B , + Ch h guy and b&rd8hipe of Ill• In Chino st apt1s urc and J a pan were told by Mr&. A l-S t $ b .,....d .. Renner. apeolW>g ..... 1 ermon u jects · to j3 membel'9 of Balboa Circle i at the bome ot Mrs. Aclama,'Mon-''Tho Chrlot .,_ Oemono. ~ tero .t.rftL Taking u ber aubject. ---and o.th. .. will be the UU. ·i:.d N ol Your a...rt Be Troubled" or lJ>e "'-"° \tell...;..., 11y Ute Mra ~er -appreciation f'po..U ... tlbn IAmbormn at the 11 . tor 11(e In Ille United 81.at<L &.m. -p oemee of tbe f'lht A 1'>!>-t plNlaAl IWPNe WU BaP\ilt dtllttll, 1900 Oow1. 11t.. the ..,._,,.,. o~ l'rmUce, •n· N"'!'Port Beach. I • • •xpocU!dlJ'-1>~ anor a 1oag 11.-,y "Tbej ery (or a' -tor.• u.. 111 ?few Yodt -abe wu ..-~ In a .."9 ·ot ~ c..urtent al a •l!nlc. t.ltleil "JHWI AAsweno Job••~ · 1'bJa WU Ii lwH:heon mfat.lnc tJoaa," Will be dell-by U.. wttll l.& ""° <>+tree .. ...-•1 t11e paa1or at Ibo 1 p.m. ....ica. Blble ·l\!I'*'"""' XlML Yauna. Webb da .. , tor an ..,.. lM:sfu at t :44 ancl• WMat. Noort -1ng will be +m. llundlly. ~-Ir ...,... 1 ,.__ 1 at 411le. 1'olM 0( x,.. -.Blj>le lt1Ml7 --will ... Ooqld, 3llO l:Mt'lle¥ •-' -.al. ·T:ll p.m. W .. q 1 lq . . :\ . ~ ~ Ml e 0 YI• M ~OUMO 57: PINK SALMON u. .. Y 0 L A M D A 3~ ll. 'f75 WHOLE CHICKEN ' CAN ~ . ITA K•llP POUMO IODA . CRACKIRI IO>C. 2 0 L D T A Y I • II r,iiJ_ •t.,.._ 1 GRAPE JILLY ird...'~.' 'Jtl· IS'-' • I C R I I C 0 ~)::,JJI& · {.,._ 98~ e L 0 8 I A•I PLO UR • s Le . BAG D•OMID~•Y / GINOIR BRIAD MIX '::!: 21e. Al•'MAIL CLING PEACHES Ll88Y'I TOMATO JUICI I ••••• elAllT • DIL MAIZ e ' !40. lol<"" / CRIAM ITYLI CORN, ... ' ... ISe D I A M 0 II D "A" CUT GREEN BIANI DRE FT ~ :PkM~ 7,,~~cl.'' WIZARD WICK • ' • w E HI v E L 0 r ·s 0 f I T •. . 1001 FOi llEAIFAIT·llTI POii-FOi IEISEITl·IALAIJ· All EIPECIALL Y ECOIOMICAL 1011 I· Haaw t LIL 1' ~ ~-DnS,. I • • CAMELLIAS POPU'-AR WAR.IE'Tid .... 9'00M . • •