HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-08 - Newport Balboa PressI I . .. ·' • . • ·~ :llOW . 81'iclt b ."'6t · ·'- • ..... ·· . ' . ---• ' .. ~· ~ .. · •f' Ir--~-----------.. '1 '· • J ~ •• • r .. .. ' ' I AJ • ~ • • • I • . . • By T. N. ("BIUClt"l ~ It'•·"""" quite a Ume '(l lhlnltl .i.C.. ,., • ...., men~ anytNng aboGt flaltlng. Ha"Rn't we been '. ' . ' nice!' . However, th• U:me bU ~Tee! wben all cood (and dopey) 111en mmt Cdme to the. aid of their fl.lb and p.me comma.too. and clatter to the bdreat tax collection acen- cy and purcllue tor f3 a !'"""It -,vbicl) al lbw. tlw!m . to drop a hook in Ute. water• of the Pacltlc ocean. I• am one of t.hoae dopey char- acten. .A.boot tommorrow I'm g~ to hameoo llJ> the team and drtvii down to 1ee Kenn Rlma. ru walk ln.lo "the tackle •tore. P"I three $1 orrn my $4 roll and duh· em on the counter. Tben i·u ate.rt gtvtng hlm a k>t of abuae. l"U at.art otf by 1taUng D:lY vtewe on" the 1lrani'e aituaUon undei:. whtch caurorala hat worked lt- eelf lnto being the only atate tn tbe nation· to req\li.re fllhermen. to pay for angling permit.a: 1n the ocean. l 'U hamm~r .on the c1oonte• and demand to ltnow what benc· flt the angler get.a fo.r his $3 ex- cept harassment by warderui if he catches more than 10 !\llb, if you call that a benefit. HO.BB.IFll:ll ONLOOllEll ,-1e .... -attn -. or ..... L&lui y.-., .8r" !1, of 511 aotb St.. N-rt a.a .. , ~ ,.._ ldlled wbea• h1a motorcycle cn8hed la to a te&epbt1111 pole OD N' ewport • I· , ., . • • ... . •• • . ..... Blvd., -. U.O l'llulo Drhoe-b _..., at 7:'5 p.m. TuNclay. The 4-pd o;yclo UMI tllo polo II lllt -bo -n In tbe backpound. · (Preas Photo} ... • ,, 'l'D f?F • ' --~~-,. ...... ..,.c.. ~ to .. .,...... .. : fttila ;,. ~·~t ' ' . ;, . • ' ., • ' l . NUMBER 2 ~ . . l C0J1 nue _Heari~g of Me~ DEVELOPMENT - Mot . ~ Aciaased · of Mu~~r Of BAY ABEA PreUnifnuy'ltearlng fCll' Cordelia Esther Greer\, 23,iear-<>ld CoBta "NOT 'ASSURE~' Mea motrier, who Ls •ccused ot murder of her'3-month•ol1' daughter, waa reee.M t1\teada·y until 10 a.m. today, Thursday. ' · · Vlrtual!y au evklence WU completed, but the .delaj Wu granted at req~eat) ot Public Defende~ N. D. Meye.r who seeks ~ !compel the aherlff'a o~flce to produce a com-• . . 1 plete tranecrtpt of a st.a~. ent · . t . . made by Mra. Green tn p e of •herltf) lnveaUgators a fe ., •,..,... • • And aJl the tlm~ Kerm11 be Jiatenlng poker-faced to the oat· burst. Wben. I'm Uuou•h he'll eay "!iil thl.e otil Doc," and gatber up my acattered three buctc• and ring up "no profit" on the C&lh regtater, and wtahlng that 90m490ne with tackle money to 1peD<l would eori\e into the store. And eo l will )).ave knuckled un- der a.rain to a bureaucratic rul- in« which I think 11 Wepl. uncon- stitutional a.nd a terrible lnJuatlce to ftaliennen in gen'ral and my- .. lf In particular. u I had a lot of money I could r-etuae to buy the flahlnir permit and get hawed up bet-• Judge Dodge an4 appe&l and perbape get the whole buat- ne.u drclared Illegal. But that'd days a!teri the child'• death Feb. 9 ln the f range Count)' General "~YIPORJ .MAI JIJ. JN MOTORCYCLE CRASH ~~~~§ Rek>caUon of i.be Bay Shore bHdge over ttie entrance to Up- per Newport Bay la et.Ill a loDg' way ott the at.ate highway oom- 'mtsPpn told· the board of eupe.r- vteora Wed.neaday. A new h.tgtt level brtdp had been recommend- ed by Conoultlng Engineer Ill hla detailed Upper Bay development report. '1" " Reply to the request that Ule state develop plana for the bridp to replace the present low apan and pave the way for the Upper Bay development waa dellnred by G. N. Cook, ualsl&nt aecret- tary of the comm.iaion. COit. too much. Faulty Ugbts were believed tO earlier on .South Main, when the had slapped the child's face and have been cauae of rthe fal&l ac-later wu apparently fixing a had spanked her. The event of the cldeJlt on Tueaday evening which headUght on his machlne. Short-flat s~lklr1g had occurred a week' coat lhe life of Paul Lane Fran· ly afterwal"d the motorcycle pa.as-Or two agd. ahe wu quoted a.a eay- cla, Sr;.. 27, ~11 -30th atreet, ed him at a high rate of apeed, Ing and the •lapping had occurred Newport fJeach. Snyder stat¢. four or fl'Ye daye ago. Fra.nctf waa riding on Newport Francis "'-'8.8 a native of Wyo-Fallen From Couch bOWevard near the Paulo Drive-ming and had live(! In the Hacbor Meyer brought out tn c~.-ex- In lheatel' about 7 :4~ p. m. when area for-the .pa!'lt two yea.ca. amlnaUon that ln a aubeequent He sa.ld the bridge pla,n or & tube under the bay · "coincJdu with plane tent&tlvely corullderecf acceptable" · wpen the et.ate •tudJed relocatlon of the bf&'bway · ... In . l!K8. Co.t <If a llx ·lane _brld&'o · )lu been utlmated at 54.2'10,000. ':• ' • I So. again UU. year. I'll pay trib- ute to the lnAne idea or a buocb of pOwer-hungty and money-bu:o- Cl'Y bureaucrats .o t.b.&t I may ex- erct.e my rtsht of tlablng l.n the wide and free ooeu. It's either that or quit fta:tUns and I like hie motorcycle ran off. the pave-He ls survived by h'ia wt(.e. conversatl9n Mra. Green had told menl onto the soft shoulder and Margaret Francia; three children, tnveattgatlhg offlcera that the akkided into a telephone · .ole. Paul Francia, Jr., Dla.ne and child' had fa.lien from a couch and 'nle impact toni off th~ rtght Bobby, a.11 of Newport Beach; his that on a~ther occuton the baby. Becatuae ·of the cWTeDt emer- sency, the Rate ii not Conakter- lng re~tloft of the, ~ _Cook Informed the -ni. ·Ultimately, howeve.r, the state ftpecu to build a w.&cier j}?lidge ~to accom• lnodate lncrea.ei!ld ooa.stal t.rafflc. but a diffef'"t 9'l.e than Pal- teraon•1 propoal r.aa been oon- ol4er<MI. At _that tllJl-. P"'•uni- -.l>ly the l atata would rlM .the , that too mucb.- BE'8 1'.1 VERY BRA VI: HAN , . l'rt! TlllO! TO 00 TO WORK • Ae ueual at U)ll time of yffJ', here's a warning. It'• ttnie to at.art making that garden! • Thill year, more than ever, I think folks'll benefit by utlng their -i>are 11pace for growlnl' some vittles. In fact. eome or the hotsho~ In Washington are talk- ing up another Victory Garden program. becawte about every- tHlng that can be ,.rown at home can be used to good advanta1e. Penona.lly, I don't hold myeett up u an expert gahiner. For In- stance, tut Sunday I planted a couple . of dosen .. tomato Plante. ca"'rully placing paper pdffla over'em for protection ap.lbat the cold. • Naturally, ~ cats tore up.the paper cape and most of the plant. So I'm conaldertn1 planting the cata and bringing the tomatoes into the holise a.nd feedins 'em Frilkles. Mebbt: I ~ get .ame production that way! But no Joolln:, lf you ecratcb around ln the back ya.rd now you'll be mlghty happy when you begin harveattng nJce-fruh vegetables ln a few months! Grunion to Run This Weekend Grun1on are expected lll the area !or the nrat time tW. year over the week end. Accordinl' to t~ tide table · book thue Uny fl.ah will appear at 10:30 p. m. li'rlday; 11 p. m. Sat~y and at 11 :30 p. rn. Sunday. footboard and brake p!dal of the parent•. Bert C. Francis, Sr .. and had 11tru her "ead on the 1ln1t motorcycle and the rider W&S Mrs. Frances D. Francl.s. both of while bei bathed. . th.town back onto lbe h ighway. Los Angeles. and throe brothers, The oflcer ll&ld a stenographic meetlng violent death, Bert C. Francie. Jr., Ontario and transcript of the questioning Feb. First per80n on the ACene waa Hugo A. Francis and Danlel D. 12 had bffn made and that he Donald C .· Snyder, 2007 Maple Francts. both of Loe Angeles. !).ad studltd tt' before coming t(> ~ ·.~t~ ~~~ w~~e~a~ G~u';;i~a:.~:~ :~lng at ~:t h~:1n\1~~~t!r 8~~rr:=~t::1 . , produced and Justice Howard Cameron 4enJe4 bi.I request &t a& jeetlorr .trdm Dep. Dt.t. Atty. Rob'- ~iue to----entfttnc tJM1 upper ~··"""' 1 .• ~ ' ~·=: :P.ei11iit belled Namea ~resiaent Cook ~-that I • :t"*'t!~ _.,._,... ll)o "·--project. -thot : the -la' "wltl>Qut I legal, , autbol'tty". to spend' h.JChway fli:nd.8 for b&rbpr improvement.a. He abo noted that the plan to develop lh4' harbor la "not deflnllely USUttd." of Optimist Clµb fidenu.J Kee report. , DeatJ\. cf the -child wu due to a brain clot! cauled by a •kuD 'frac- ture due ~ a blow. J>r. Raymond Brandt, cOunty autopay euregon, teetlfled. 1He aald there waa a brulaed area under the acalp, a t~~~ 3~~! VI-AppllcaUon for the construcllon and' operation or a radio atatlon u; the ' Newport Harbor area wu apparently rejected in Wa.abing- ton thla week when the frequency requested wae aaalgned to the El Dta Broadcutlng Company for R 1laUon at A "Yalon. Catalina Island. · Malone H. fTex) Holm.J• ot skull !raqture on the rt.-ttt rear Corona del Mar, waJI electe<l presl-,or the head and a "subnormal hem· dent of tbe Newport Harbor Opti~ orrhage." j Aleo noted were deep brulaea on the .child'• cbee)<e; Balboa, a Harbor: realtor1 -Will aerve a tour of duty In Adak. Alaska {not man)' miles from Russian territory) .' u a Lieuten- ant Commailder tn,i the Navy ac- ~rdlng to hi11 ordere whlch he received Marchi 1. t The preaent alnlcture hu clear- ance of 18 feet at low tide. and.111 12 feet nine inches at extreme high tide. DEATH lUl:POBT -Cowat7 Hlsta-7 Pat • ~ _ .. to .,.,,.IT c.._. 11ecH -la •kl•1 eat ldollt'il'..pori •f *lie UMll taat killed Paul LaM ~ Sr. TM <¥'.,'eel motor-•rde tho Yletim WM rldlns la obowD In U.0 to,_-. (--Photo) ~{ --,; Gov't~ Acquires Title to Air Base El Dia wu gT&nted a l)<?Wer of 10 kilowatts, daytime onJ,y on a frequency 740 kUocv:lea. The I Newport Harbor ,. 8roadcuting Company had requested . a elation permit an that frequency. Angele• Broa.dcuttng Company c5f Temple City had reque•le<\• a permit for • statlon at 760 KUocyclee. It ls pruumed that that · permlt wu a1eo denied. . Ofllclt.le of Newport Ha.rbOr Bro&dcuUng Company are Wal- ter Mellott, 0 . D. '.'Dick'; Richard, P. A..: Palmer, Norman H~n and Harry Welch. !Aat •tation to be permitted ln Celltornla waa KTED of Launa Beach whlch wu cloeed ln leaa than one yu.r. Gl'VE NOW! TO THE RED CftOS8 miat club at the an.nual meeting held Monday noon In Norton's Bayahore Cafe. He 11uccf'Cda Bill To bias of Coc- oran del Mar, flrat president of th.LI year-old club. . "Other new ,officers are H . L. Hetrick a.nd F . c . Andreaen of CQrona del Mar, vtce·preaklenta; Dr. 0 . G. Suess of Balboa Ialand and Torri Norton of Newport, A. K. Phelpa and RJch.ard HUJtard ot Corona del Mar, dl~tora: Ferd I..amdowne of Balboa laland, aer- geant~at-a.rme. G. B. H0ffman of Newport wae reappointed aec~larY -treuurer. Jim Ray and Verne Wat.eon of Corona <lel Mar are hold-over members of Ute board or dtrectora. The lnst.a.J.la.llon party h&11 been 1et tentatively !or Ma.rch 30, ln Balboa Bay club, with Jack Bid- well or Balboa laland in c)\.arge ot e.rrangementa. Tti~ !ederaJ government Mohday for $1 per &e1'4:. , • + took tWe to the 4.07 acree of New-Altomeya ~ illoda'et and -p D • A "I 'f port Blvd .. frontagO In Coot& lien June Bloclg•l. II\& '411Ug!tter. who Sea Scouts Plan aper rw~ pr1 ,. where the tom'ier Sa.nla An&. were •peci&J ~ tot the city Army AJr Bue wu eatabUabed ln the lpri&' dllpvte. an.nounced Ten tons of paper are needed everyone with • supply Qf paper In 1941. the 81gn1111 ot~ th• lt.tpul&ted .et-in the paper dtlve ICheduled tor LI aaked to ca.ti the nea.rut of Title Wu ·\ranafl!lrred by a •UP.. Uement onlf a ~· boµra .befo~ Aprtl 7 by the local Sea Sc:oUta four locallons eo the Sooute wlU u•atloa which ended the Wb.ttUer the Wh.lttier ~ apte&J was due It wu announced today by the know at which homea to atop. Co. llNJt eoon to go before the lb be f\lled th t\ie ~ court. KJwanil cJub, 1ponaora of the The four 1ocauOrY are : Luter tr: ,S. CIRult Court 0( Appealo ·al . , · Scout croup. M0<>ey from the and Co., 515 E. Balboa Blvd,. Bal· San. ..;Pranc~ and Under tbe AT ONTA.&to ~paper eale• wt1I be Wied to de.tray boa: Blower'• Market, 816 £ut &l"ff'l1ent ~ concern ·.accepted Mr. and. ~~th Quarry Uae added expenae of a new mo-. Balboa Blvd., Ba.loo..; Tide 'rV, $200:000 f<>l' 'the ~ -oriJI· Of Santa Ana Aft. •Coota 1'(-. tor for tbe Scouta' boat. IOU Newport Blvd., Newport and nail~ leued by city of l!inta 'Ana had a w .. 1<....,4 lta1j With Mr: and . The Boa Bcouto will C&ftV&N Dr. Stockton'• offlce, 1006 Coaot and ..,.,_...-.to the'C\>V•rJlment Mn. Bnu:e W • Ontario. th• (own Saturday, April 1 and: Htirb~. • • ' ' I ""-~~~~~~~~~~~~'---"•'-'·~~~~~~-'-~~~~--~~~- Capt. Tltomaa R. MoQll.ff pro- duced 10 rphotographl ta>cen dur- ing the ~ouree or the autopsy, when caU~d by the de!enae a.ttor- ne'y. ' · . W,HJ:EL 8TOLl:N A tire &nd wheel valued at $60 were stol~n ·from the rear yard of her home, accord.Ing lo • com· plaint fllOd with police by Hue! ' P . Kluuman, 1638 Oranp Ave., Coet& Me .... • He will leave sGme time neJC.t week (probably ~day, for Sea- ttle and from there-take a plane to the Alukan 'baae. Chad, who has ~· prominent in man:Y loca} act1r1u~ announc- ed that Herb KenoY wlU replace him u president Of the local Ki- wanis club. Kenn~ aut.omatJcally was elevated to the pre3ldency &a he wu former v~e-pre1ldent. A -(Oonun.,.j,i .,. Pair• ~> THEFT JU;l'O&TW Burglar• stole a number of sheel.8. pillow ca.eea. buKUter- chiefa, towels and d1ah clothes from. a p.ra,ge at the home of Antonette Serra. 1940 Wallace St., eo8ta Meaa.., Tbe property waa valued at $7" 'Entrance wu pined ttvourti an unlocked door. G.IVE NOW! TO ~ RED CROSS OF ICER NEEDED. to ORGANtZE HA BOR· 'ANTI~ AIR¢RAFT 1BATr.ERY Neeci ~ an o(ficer to organlzej men would be feeded to get Newport-coat.a MU& a~ would an a.ntt-r-lrcratt battery before eta.rt«!. : be near the hlrh echoOL " an armory ·can be conat.ructed ln Alter the grcfup would be or-The federal government would the ,Newar,ort Harbor area waa re-ganhed the Arnl:y iwould make an ~rovide 7& pet' cent ot the CUNil vealed ~· week. by Bay Lansen-tnspeCtton and re:tomrnend 'build: for a $100.000 NaUonaJ Guard helm. ch&mber of commerce aec-ing of Ute armor)r to house the Armory, the at.a.le · wou.ld pro ride retary. battery, Langenh~m !"-llL 2t5 per cent of th8 f~ and the "We ~uat have a battery be-!'our Sita dty would be require<i to ~ fore the annorj' le approved by The four altea i •uggeeted and Vide about two ~d • b&lt Aerea Army a tboriUea." he explained.. being couidered tor tf.e 1ocatkm of ground tor the ette.. "and tboi c!Wnber la "1'Y anxlOWI of the buUdlng &11d dMll ground.I The local c!Wnbor of com- to ha~e armory utabltehed ln a.re.; (1) near uje high achool. merce committee wotklnl' on ar· thia It wllJ be for t;oth (2} Qe&r the pro~, Hoag Holt-h.ngementa for the· ahnory ln- NewpOrt .~ and Coeta Me• pita!, (3) at the ~lly corporation ~ludo Chall'llWI John Boyd. Wal- relldenl"i" 1 yard, (4) directly behind the ~ Lon_.. Tom Umde..-, A caj>tlln:i: lloutenant' II city ~ If tho lljJace wu larp -!ohn ~ and a-~ley. needed to -u commanding enough. llay•lde tDrtYO Park In They have &lfudf. confernd '"1th officer ol the ~ttery and to en-Conina <lei Mar !Jtad been con· Col. Willia !<Ym&& Of Lone jJ~0b. llat the ~ cadre. l!lYOntu-llidered but ~ bHn dnjpped I Offleer ~dale• ""°'1111 •it aJ ~-'°'·\!Jo battery would trvm I.be 11at auoe It 11 not .ly at the~ of COnunen>I be tour -~ "'1d 120 enu.ted centrally -located. ornce In Bal-. ~ • mon, .,.., Olll)' ..,. omcer and IO I Beat cet\t;n.l ~tton -for ·the added. -. • , • According to Grunion ExpeTl and Fire Chief, Frank Crocker, theee Umea may vuy u mucA u an hour with the actual srunk>n . run. Out.aide of bl.a own private spot. Crocker bellevu tM beet grunion ground• .to ha from 18th Strttt. west to the 5-nta Ana rtnr jetty. Oood l>unttnirl . :.c .. 4el tttar ,t.tlffn ~etums -._·Korea·~ A tial Illar Kal'llMI The KarlnM wer.; from the f&m· loq and !l'olNuna ~Ila ~ Hm bor Wecll1c . ~ ...... weell: 18 u. •n. --l . ~.-.JllP'­~ ...... 1 .~• .. Ftlda7. --~~· .. ~ .... , .. ·-· . 8nOs;. ' ..... .,..-It, .a ' II 22,.,. ..,. __ II &6-~ .... s•r~ • ·-· .. w * '"· , ·-. 6'\ "'9 wr rk'I 1s' , "• ft•• ••'lrr*l:M'C 1N-·•• ....... .. .... ,., .... '7,rt ., .. •••..-.,aaa·n i.-. -·---•lit Ow• ..,, ..._. I '11 • I 14 l L al u.o' tint to luil at -..,. ll'lnt Dl~and tho equal-the Olll1 -•IM al tloO -~+cl-M;wtq u 'a'eoa:-1y r-.a l"lrol-'.lcit.rtae.....,. Wiq. G'*S 1n W\lh uia llM:lliu ~ ?Miiie-. reblm'4 -Tl>o lloulenan.t +a. Jw<!Ubd<td Ii' .1llchOlo. .ha ''*PJIL '"'I -O! - -... ,,. ...... He ... -_, ll"I .--"""" -........ -ha.,,..... ....... of &•-.. '"'7 1iaW1 'wife -oe N.,;,. ,11,~..U treat• Iii!< ~ ltia ~ 111 Qia and . ......... plef•el -ed ~ 1\11 ¥ea~ lllt'"9 )ll!e-ti"!' ..o,i ..... necl'Wil, IL 0. -"aQ .... the -trJ'.. pita! at'.. a-... _ Be ....... - -....... IJMf',,,,,. ...... Tiie --IPlrot Lt. .._ bJ a ----Ill 1111 -94 ,_ cnw ort R. ia.,r, el In ~ "1 a ttH l ~ el* .... i z&o..-«:, . " ·-~ dol • .lllir, ll... JI-. . . ., .. Jlll'#'Mt•• ~.~::-;. nz l'IEtl tM .... 1111 --a ifl'i,,.az: ot: .... DI -M•. a 1:-1U! M M , .. --• -lilo...... . 0.,.. be . -_,. .... JU 111., ....... !!!_,.,, ,_E -~ ... ,_ ,,,. ....... --.... .._ 1J ~-• 1-t -..llill ol-. "' -·Je: ~ua • o. t M .., - -life 11 12 • • : • Ii.._ • · bo1pu ta "'.,.. lW". _,..Gn. .,,.., '090 tr11 ta ad air • w _. S1t1d • rrtr,•_, •: 9 2 , Li. :~· --·--.j:a• -ez.· 11 I ~ ...... II I la •r P wi. '!'Ji''"'·--'l'll911lr' 'I _.,.,..~~.1M?t!, ... -·-i-""-..... •NW' liz WWW W. El 1J-.,IJ ·•· rr .. a .•· W to lhDfllllu -DO ate P A1lior.. 1111 el .... *!Ii' U ' •, f • ' • • ' • • -a. "'-' .,.i4 ob<'lllt-ta ... N-rt. -4- 11112« '• awt ._.c ,., tao.. .. ew" BJ:N" o. u:omcs. on. an4 M 11•• ROBllilT •• wttJ.xm, ---- A. ALllXAJfDD ILUOI4'0N, ~ ~ ULTIMATuM TO RETAU.ERS Latest ultimatum . from the recently created pot of ·Alphabetical Stew is the "Directive to all Retailers" .from the Office of Price Stabillzation. The dictate from D1Salle demaitda that all retailers file a chart .of prices with any of the many regional and local offices not late than March 29. The date was previoUBly earlier but has been . con- . tinually extended because of the inability of the bureau to determine what it means by its directives. Although several pounds of wasted paper issued free through the mails identify. scores of offices acros11 the country.l!one is tamed for Los Angeles. After careful de- tective work however a branch of 11he San Francisco office wu found in the City of Loe Angeles which allowed that perhaps it was the office for Orange County u it !mew of no bther cloeer. The office i'l Los Angeles at 108 West 6th Street, Loe Angeles, 14, whose phone number is Proepect 4711, can not tell you how to make a price chart if it is neceU&ry for you so to do. But, they will give you a copy of & 24 page regulation printed free, by the government and dlp- tributed free by Uncle Sam's post office dtpartment (for which you will pay by further devaluation of the currency and increased taxes) . Do you understand what you are to do? The Capitol Week NeWpOrt Dentist . (~= ;:~t) to· Take SpeCial 'Oov. lllrl Warrea • ....... bllo Defense' course·.· tl>e oo-eaJled "pal 4'balo" ... lbo quUUoft1 Of ~po for lDlll'cpo lul .....,. ln one of hla '.iisr• -- menta on tasuu outllde C:allfom.ta. In effect he ..-took tbe" .tde Of bla ·former l'WIJiliif"'!'":'-'\Tboinu Dnlo7 opWft web ;;a l\epub-lJcan .~ .. , n p,..... denl Herbert HOover,_Seli. Robert Tall, and Sen. K~l<ll Wllerry. And 1n w~. oon'!petent political ollllerlefto c&llfld tl>e ..,_ tJon tbe formatJo» ot a powerful anU-Tafl axla CUU-"11 Taft'• chance• tor the kepUbUcan prul· denULI nomlnati(lp. • W&rTen e&k1 tt la up to the mill· t.&ry to decide tf>bere our ll"OC>pm should M ""t. B« aid ,th• debate oYeT deployment of our forces ' ' '"muat be a fl'e•l ~ comlort lo 8t.&lln." "If the Joint cbJefa of .ta.ff and our leader.. of W'Or.ld war II - like El8enhow@or, Manha.ll and the rM -can't malle a pl'Oper de-- cl.lion -an AIJl9!1(:u decision - I doh't Me boW" tboae Of aa who do not have the &ntlmate know'- led1e of reaiponatbllity can do llo," W&n"en e&Jd. · Up lo 'Mlllll&ly 1\Jeither do we-what's more we can't find ·out to do It :-But . . . Warren aald he thou&'hl It wu up to conrrua to determine over- all policy and tben leave It up to military leader• to· "deploy our lrOoPfl and. UH the vartoWI bow a.rm. of the ..mee ln tb• moet FILE YOUR PRICE CHARTS ON OR BEFORE MARCH 29, 1951 IN .A MATIER TO CONFORM WITH THE DffiECTIVE -WlilCH THE LOS ANGJ!lI.ES OF· FICE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND ~ OR GO OUT OF BUSINESS! t.tfecUve manner" to l.mJ>l•m•nt Lbe pollcy. .. I can think ot few t.hlnp that would five St&lln more com.tort than to know tbe Unit.cl State• coUld not .end • divialon to any polnt o' necesttty wit.bout debet- lns the m•tt.r ln OOOl'f'UI and ----• bavtnr It Uiere 0determlned," War· ft ren aaid. RED CROSS mE GREAT HEI.rEB "It would be Ilk• lytni our mw- When flood waters raged through Central California a tary rtcht hand behind ua and or- Cro h · b · edi l farln& to do be.We wlth the left few months ago the Red 18 was on t e JO 1mm ate Y band only," warren aald, ir we providing food and shelter for the flood victims and aiding tall potantlal agreuore tbat we in rehabilitation. This assistance cost the Red Croes nearly ar• nol !Jllerealed In one apot and half a million dolllll'll, yet it was but o!l'l ·of 'the ID&llY ~ lnte~epte~.\n r,<>IJl•.l!~fJ>I¥~· oceuiona in which this grl!at organizatioh' g&,ve a helping Wuhlngt~= aay war- hand. ren'• atatement J)Ollltively align- . We hardly need to be reminded of the multitude of ed him aplnat T'att. Tivy aald It would put ln. JlJ&UI aight a Call· services rendered by the Red Cross on the personal, local tombl-Pennaylvanla-New y 0 , k and national level. Nor should we need to be reminded anu Taft ""'"· • that theiie services are made possible solely by the con-A combination of tb•.. tbrM state. would be a powerboUM ln , tributiona we make eaeh year. any RepubUcan convention. They During the mol)th of March the Red Croes is conduct-a1ao k>ol<ad upon tbe "Axla" u ing its annual fund drive. This year the national goal ie poatble of becoming • movement . tor the nomination or Gen. ~ght $85 million, a sharp mcrease over the 1950 quota due to Eiaenhow.,.. tne added responsibilities in lhe Civil Defenae program Dowey, who head• tbe Now and the new burdens of the Korean War both in Korea and York OOP daJecatlon, baa alre&flY come out ror D(e. Sen. Jarnea DU:ff in veterans' hospitals in ~ c:ountry. a pruldenUal candidate In his own This means that every donor should give more than rtght, cont.roll tbe PennsylvanJa he did last year. Many of the larger donations such as deleptlon. II he can't win .th• nomination hlmtlelt, he would ap. the $5li,OOO given by Bank of America, and those of Stand-peao; to be 1n favor ot Eiaenhower. ard Oil, Pacific Telephone and o\,hers represent very sub-Warren blm•I!, or course, loom• ijtanti" 1 baollts ';lr their 1950 contributions. And only as aa • Pf.UldenUat ~blUty. Hla ~ . . . 11~te11p:cnt 'W'Ould '~ to mean this '.is done rig down the line can the full quota be ha .mlsirt appporl Ike 1t ~• ra11a obtained which· is ao essential to maintain the great bu-Of nOQ!.fnauon ~~ manitari.:O services of the Red Cross. . · ~ui • ~!t 1"rk .i% ~ · 'b tio t"'~-. . d k 'l en -.,.,. apo .. ou! Make yoµr contrt u n uuay-an ma . e 1 generoua. 1n favor ot the Kefauver commit- ·Blood Test Not Alf owed in Trial tee tnve.UpUon crime on a na- tlOlt&I ecale. He &&kt tt ousht to cooUnue It. work for another year. Income.Tax Office to Stay Open Warren a&td the committee'• inveaUptione bad made tt touch Santa Ana dlviaton orrlce ·or the tor racketeen to conttt}ue In bu~ Collector of Jnternal Revenue at nqe wheN ~y had been espoeM. A.dlnlulon of a blood test .to 110 N .. Main St., •ill be kept OJ>e9 He prec:Uct.ed they would be look· ,determine whelher a motort1t all day on Saturday, March 14, tnc for new placu. waa intoxicated was dented late and unUl 9 p.m. on Thursday, Mar. He mad• It clear be didn't want l~. Thi• 1.-. tal aervtce lo.--been any of tbem In ~"·o~la Re Tueada.y by Superior J u d &" e -.-.... ......u..1 • ., • Franklin G. West. The rullnK WU arranged by Robert A. Riddell, backed up the comi:Dltt.-ln ill ln the ma.nalaugbt.er • felon)' Collector. Of lntem&l Revenue, tor object.ION lo ~ .,ettlnc drunk d.rlvtnc cue in which Ro~ th• convenience of taxpayer• who Uquor Uceuu 1n Caltfomla. ert Dale Lower Qf Hollywood la may desire heJp ln the preparatioll "ll:'veryµme a ertmJnaJ pb a accuaed tn the death last Dec. 1 t of their return.I. Uquor Uceue It makee Jt.wt one of ..... _ Elba.beth Wri•ht ot New-Any peraon wbo ha.a a problem more b~ for ¥lee and .u-. • ta connection with hia return ma,y crime." Wuren ~· . port Beach and lnjury of her ho. receive aid and advtce at the Co!· Baell tit SM ba.Dd., George H. Wright, ln a lector'e office. However, lt thiJI The ro•ere.or ..... back ln Sac- Newport Beach coUiaioh. twng-period le anything like · tta ramoto for U.e nnt Ume ln three Cheml5t JaCk Cadman. of -the 1 bo to predeceUOf'll, the crowd of tu:-Wftkl. Be bad been ha.pttallMd aherUf'1 crlminoloa a ~ ry pay\n every day next week wW tor t:r.tment ot a .,.... um. leat.lt1ed a sample of ~~· bk)od s h o w e d a content ct be to large that It will not be JM»' It WU ltJlJ ION at ...... end. alble to ... ve ·~··"•"" atla!Uon w·--•• •-a -·'t h• wu 20/lOOtha per cent alcohol When 8 '" -r-.. ~ -s-.. -.. -. ~ Alll. DlaL Atty. Parley Smltb lo aU. Tberefore tboa<; wbo dealre DOl recularl:r_ .•~ •ldo'•doak. . Ute help are advl8ed to cau Im· • aaked his opinion as to whether mediately. All ameably IDl>-commlltee Ulal. percentage would ""'"° Ule Wben tuUy prep&r'!d, ~-WOUOd 1IP a Ml'I• ot ~ on man wu Jnloxlcated DefeMo. 'Al· UllU' be med wltb. lhe local office, tJ>e ·.11io1111 PfOb-ot ·..__. tomey Bently M. Harris objected. or they may be malled to the Cot-U~ tbe et.ate'• conirea-- He wu upheld alter ~ lector ot Internal Revenue, Loil, atonal and ·-"''-'"atst.rtct.L fJ'S\l.IMJll aa to admlulbilUy 'of An-• '12, eaur ...,......-...., tba-taaPmony. Ii wu potntAlll out •-ea · 1',-fl 1.Uft\e<I Ila attention to lhal jllood te•la are c:ompuau,,... trylq lo :c11aw up a 11111 f~ !ep 11 Nibenl 1n Callfomit ct>lllt4 Pledged to 1at1vo'appronL "l'11e bUI w1111oeata .~.,..~·!t ":.""'..:;~:;; Alpha · Delta Pi . -..aw -..-i ~ta. -• .._ ~ ... _ .... _ 9ualitlod aa ap · . Soclllll W..,_• Cira u ~ on bio<MI lnla to ,._, Kr. and lln .Badd Rias, Of Lido u ~ lntrudealion Ha ,.id tl>e fMt Iafe oii IJ(-7 o+oulq ~l--fO Alel Mii.., • C..,..a!I . bad,. r-4 .-teul.. Ut· po 11 nlallfm ot lMlr clauPter. <;llerloo .11,.,... Wiii 116 • uw _ :,~oe~ "::!:" .= ,~ ~ i:t:fJ!.::'t7~ ~ -lror at a -.,. Of UM Oall- poru ot lnloticatioe &om -,_.. Jl"&t1 la IWr -C. dr II r llDI-.. -lttrie ot 8oalol Wtlfllre ............ DOt .. 7rfw... """_,.,.. ---to ................. u. at . -..., __ • -··-1':11 ............. Bofloll ~ a•iyuuo~ ,... ._ . w. ~ ..._ 4 0.0. dtl.,._ Ila ta•lte r., Dart19i .... -* U.. •UN • -;.;;.,;;_;-;JNMll;;;;;,- forWll,u ....,,..._ at ......... "'u -......... --Dma ~ 4~ ..o cna ~. Cltz ,1 ·• e& Udo 1111a: P1111111 1o..., _ m 'ID -Oil• -At ":81 ...... Toll, 1-'1!olllo ~ --llo ~ -... .,.,, 1sa •• i-. .u. ......,. 1n; 1111p-Dlalor<e &1141 -,. -..-. ,., nm .._ c.o11 . ' • • . " • • v.sw• Sida. ••• • ..,. ll06. 8aJ ...... ·-··-..,..,, . ' . ' • "" E. •"' 8-t. COata -"""" .... - . ·•f;tSIUUY . Uol,•1=· ~ ' ..... <laMI --'-Ii .. . ·""'°""' OSI. llAll . ..,.. ·r.,, -. " 1· ~,!.~"'o . : ·..,..~·,,_.·1~·~·~~~---·~ .... i ·1 . ., ... ,' ~91> e~; SURE. rNSURE . -. iw. s.-t PG1 .. IGJdililll u, umntA:Mc11 ' ' ~ hl/Ot lll&tio!t • ~ l l ... , .......... ~ ·-. ................... _.. I ' • J • • t ' . '·. / HUIRY! GET THE BEST DEAL •• _. Kast Durable Car Your )loney c.. 8117. -• . -:HUDSON . An late models ~ a ·NEW-C~ GUARANTEE! .. It's a plea.au.re to look at and a lhrtll to ride and drtve UU. 1960 BVDSON Super 4-door aedan. "Step· down" desip with Monobllt body-and..,_frame, tf1ple • sate brakes, high • com· prvaion Super· Six 'engine, t1'Uid -cuabioned clutch a n d other long-life features. Very good Supe.r·CUshion iire& and many extra.a. Thoroughly tuned and adjuated tor top -ntcbt performance. New-Car Oua ..... an.tee ... Built for today and the lonr tomorrow • . and cuaraat.MJCI by us acoord.lngty ! Come In today -don't delay MAIN ST. GARAGE 410 MAIN ijTREET B UNTINOT01'l BEACH lLX.INOTON &-SOU Mo. pmb. to •ult your. needs -t-t • ' • . • ·ooNORATULAnQNIJ areJa order oa•ftle>Mlu-ol Halfj Allltoa •·OOo ]!Jl<r .~ ,llle ·l .. ' Dletrlc$ ·or ~ U. &. PoiYer Sq~ ":\, U.., Bo!M ~·Club ~1· r>.a loft: llollOrt L. ~ 4lstrlcl -.elaey-t.-.urv; Oommal!!ior 1lafr7 Mirt.e; CllleJ.()<4•1 z.·•.,.. A. N. ,Cllttoeo. -C..-., maader S!&Ur y1nero, or Ille -.eth Dt!IJ!CI. s-aie, . . IPhoto llY BeeJmer\ POWER SQUADRON PISlRICJ ' BOSS . - BEGAN CAREER As PIER . ·FISHERMAN . By Ed Le HoWIB • f HWY Ashton. N, wae unanimously re-elected Commlll\der ot f.he Power Squadron's Thl~nth Dle- '.rict last week end. If you're wondering what lh<!i "N" followlAg 11h1 name means {a.a we did un1!1 we asked him ). It, stands for Navigator and indicates that he has completed the Power Squadron~ course In pure celestial navigation. Harzy. who lives at 2272 SE,...-------------------------- Clltt Drive, Cliff Haven, spends slst from thb younger members nost of hls time at his law of-of his famllj . ._ ___________ _,,I 'ices in Balboa and week ends as "Ftrat I started fishing from -nuch a.a possibl!! on hi& 38 toot ' a pier, stepped u·p a • pace and Convalr In .San Dlero: Don. 36 and Jack, 32, both employed bj Thompit0n product& The couple'• one daugbter' Pa· trlcia, I• now Mra. Wern.er Donat .and makes · her hOme In the San Fernando valle.y. FAMOUS HAMMOttlD Organ l!iplnet Type~ ··~-i:VER NEEDS TO . BE TUSED"" Di.ni-schmldt Piano Co. 5%0 No. &la.In St. Sa.nt.a Ana Phone Klmberly %-61t0 -abin c ruiser, "Edna Lee." He ancf went out on the tishini" ba;rgea. !ti& tour son8i (with a 1*>at build-After that I became a ~teady er assistlngj helped build the cW11tomer o.f the Uve bait boat.a. ~ruiser with the Ashtci>ns pitch· Then. It wail ' just a very abort ng in "slapping on paint. and step to buying a boat of my o\vn." 1oing this. that and· the other own." 1hing," says Harry. "After having a. boat for a This l!lea-going lawyer wa." while I decided that I had better born on a farm in Seward. Ne-team how to get from here to ~ruka (about 25 miles west or 1 there and . back," he sayS. "'So • .. 1ncoln). With a smile he says l became a"member ot the Power •hat his father moved from the Squadron. Following the COltrses farm "when "I wu 12 years old.\ with the Squadron. I began to just the age to start doing a learn how rtuu1.y things I had ' k th f '' I nan s wor on , e arm. • 1 done wrong. Before I had any He entered the Un.lversJty or instnft;tlon It had been a Ca.ff of 'lebruka &11id studied law· there 'a fool rushing in wftcre an(els n 1910, but discontinued his rear to tread'." 1tudies in order to work tor a oower company~ his rathe r hav- ;ng become interested in hydro· '1ectric development projecta. • • , Had Accident ~lie working for a power ~mpany in 1923. Harry met with 'ill accident that necessttat9d the lmputatlon of his left foreirm. Harry says that he was reaching 'J.P to throw a switch on a t~m- 10rary e.lectrical set-up when a C.re&k accident aent thousands of voJta coursing through his body. He fell b&ckward.s. and befieves W. fa.ct uved h.!• Ute. '"The thock ot raJJlng on my back ·,-robably started me breathing "\gain," he says.. "In much the "8.me n1anner that a doctor starts "\ new bom babe breathir;J. ·· . Squadron \York ltarry became Intensely ln· teresled In Pov.·er Squadron work and Is ranked as a senior mernber of that• org~ization, h~vlng won the neC'"essary five merit awards and more. Only one n1erit a.ward can be earned In orie year. Harry has 12 to his credit. Thev are given for "teachlng, acting ·aa an officer or the IP"QUP or being ac- Uve ln Power Squa.dron work." he says. Just about at this tlml:!! Harry thotlght that It ml,Jht be a g . lde& to lht'OW t:n 8. 1ttt1P \'!'Ofn• merclal about the organJzation · 90 dear to his heart. 1 In addition to his Power Squad'ron activities (h.ls district Includes Squadrons at Lo n,g Beach. Santa Monica.. Balbo&. co) Harry ha.e &Leo ee~ u · Los Angeles and. San . Franeta- ch&Jrma.n pt the Joc.J Red crou for lhr~ cenaecutlve yeara. "Actually, I have •ery little · Red Cron WorJc to d0. With capable men llke Carl itanna ln rha.rge of the Fund Drive and Uoy4 Loveland heading the dt.- aater committee. the,, orpnl:u.- tlon aln1oat rUns by itaelf." be says. Harry Is alao a member of tbe Kiwa.nl11. the M&.8Cl11.s a.ru1 hia col- lege afflliations Included Sigma Alpha EplsJon and Phi Delta Phi. the legal fraternity. We hart hea.rd about Harry'• war service and he tolri ua that he put in thre:e year• of port se- curity work tor the Coast Guard Reserve In Long Beach.. "I had a wonderful time there comft!&l'ldlng an LFD." he commented. "A La.rg~ Flat Deak." Ceuntt ··tteftlses ·· Pef$0nal Tax Refund Request Just becauM" an owner had T«'"- . ., , • .. • • -•• ' ..l • •' ... ' ~ -, . ~ . , " • •• ·I .( " . ' < . ' ' ' • j ... • _, . ~ .. • ,, • • ·: . . .. ~·: . ., I· . • ,, ' . r - "' • • ' '. • r ' ) I • • .. • .. • • I • 07 MARINE AVENUE • • . . . . BALBOA ISLAND'S NEWEST RESTAURA J· WILL OP~N FOR THE PATRONAGE oF ALL WHO EN~ot THE · · I PLEASURES OF GOOD FOOD, WELL SERV~D ~IN 1 AN The SMORGASBORD ls only ONE of ~e many atlractton.1:1 to merit public approval. Other.a include, the Sunday BuUet Breakfast, 1erved" from 10 tlU noon at a fixed pr\ce of. Sl.23. Da.11y' table d'hole Juncheori from 11 to 2 and d inner from ~•Until 8 p.m. Daily a la carte aervlce from the grUI, or choice steaks, chops, roa.st.B, poul- try, a.nd seafoods. Special and standard aandwich meriu. Salads ln protuelon. HOSTESS HOUSE pies, cakes and pa.atty epecla.ltiee. "ln- ,Betw_..... •AM!f• ~~ oof· fee, le.a antt olher beverages.· . f-GREEABLE ENVIRONMENT. The spirit of HOSTESS HOUSE is that of ~incere h oepitall~ and courteous, attentive service,. in an t-. tractive and harmonious setting. The HOSTEss HOUSE staff of skilled a,_id widely eir,perien~ chefs, bakers and service attendan~ hb been car~fully chosen for the ability of its membeb in the seiection, preparation and service of .fine ,foods and pastries. · HOSTESS HOUSE is under the personal superv1s1on and clireetion of Mrs. Doris J. Wheaton who '.has a 1 splendi<j 1 background of r"!'taurant operation aiid management extending from the Radio Ci~ Mid· town ~on in ~ew Y!>rk City, toJio.llYWO¥ 1d 1 Los Angeles. HOSTESS HOUSE piee, cU:ee,:pd- pastry specialtl~• to take• oGc-; Delivery of w1y of the H0STICSS HOUSE SPECIALTIES ob llUld or sea. • • • For the• present, no week~Y . Breakfast will be served but tbe Daily ready-to·serve luncheona and dinners will meet the convenience of many. _Al HOSTESS HOUSE you m ay have a simple meal or your choice ot • wide T&riety: of savory dlShes from many landa. NEW FORMULA Checks Rheumatic ARTHRms PAINS flM't OSI -·a&. JOOI ·Taking the accident In stride. Karry (after a lapse of 12 years from U,e ttr21t "-•Y he spent In law cour21es at the University or Nebraska) returned to his -1aw 1tudles In 1925 and N!ceived his iegree in the spring of 1927. r•The Power Squadron," he ex- plained ls an educational lnatltu- tion a.net _ not a yachting organ- ization. Out Piloting class It open lo anybody in the world. More specifically, the United Stales Power Squadrons are or- ga.nlzed to establish a hlf(h stand· ard of skill i n the handling and nl\vigation of ya~hts. to en· COUtaJt8 the Btudy Of the science ett navigation. to cooperate with the aa-encles or the United States C'.overnment charge<t with the en- forcement of the laws and regu- lations relattng to navigation and to stimulate l.nterest In activitle11 v.·hlch will tend to the upbulldtn~ ot our Navy. Coa.tt Quard and Merchant Marine." moved· hia boat te mporarUy to an-l-------------------·---------------.,...-.;...-+-+-'"-------------other county, o r pl•nn.-d to move • PAnaw'.s FoaxutA T.uun coaca.fa • ttcent discoftlf dw: is briagins: •maziq relief t0 thous&od:I. II tc.Wti nu,,..I]_ • rvLI,..,,,, fai"' ""' ••k r.1& '-'t.·The 'ftl'J6nc: dose of h)'M"• fonnul& ....u.; scaru curbing awful toint and ~I• . ptios so JOG aa wort, s!eepaod'l:"ia grearu com.fort. , .=. If ""' '"''" • quick """'•""" help (or «he aches and pains of anhritd or tbnunarism that n'l&J ~ used wichoGr Ent of upecuiaa u omacb git'e PATHl'I .PoDRJl..A a trial. The fust hoftle eUR -.J.Jy help JOG-Ol fOUl mopq bKk,. TURNER DRUG CO. BEACON HOUSE • • • CUSTOM INTERJORS . -. OFH:I Y.OU Complete ~ lntf-rlor Deeoratlag -•- Soec1t1lor•n9 ·~ DIA,EllES IEDSPauos S'-l' COVEIS UP't-!OtSTEllH& COINICE IOXiS WALL'A'Elt FUINITUIE -• DI IEACH ST., LAGUNA IEACH 4.S517 WHERE IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU OOt ... CllARLOTI"E ROLLINSllE&D lotMtd lt01'"9Mtfl ... ... PU.NtS • SHI" • ltAILS • HOTELS Wwt\oltl fttt.tre fidet Ao.-c:r Y'!llcent's Travel Bureau 11trb0r I?"' "Oii tht M•a.tflhtt" Yiiw:•llf"• U• Dr-.. Water Healers SER\°10: It REPAIRS . /os BeclJolJ AuthoTl.zed. Dealer Day & Nla:ht Beaten TEllWS 10% -()o.." Ofl .u ... d9" Phooe llattMtr UU..W COl.le.lffO • INTERIORS " MOOflN _. JIOPtCA.l fUt.NtfVU 1 DlltAnS • WAlLIANal • LAMPI • R.OOI CO'Wllltc•S HOUf!I: a O.UWEN t11 COA.51 Hl~.A"f .... SOii li.q:>M mr . This wal!I after he had a fam- tly and, while going to school. he put in a good full day:i work. tn additiori. to travelling 25 mUes 13.Ch way to the university, he took all hi• Jaw claa&es in the 'morning. From noon until 6 p. m 'le .Otd lnsunu1.ce. then returned home to study for his clasaes at !tight. He and bia wife. Lela (they 'lave been marrled 39 years) de- ~lded to .eek a more equable ell· Tiale ln 1929 and they came to Loa Angele~ahton took the bar exa~tiol) .. in 1930 a.nd hung up his shingle then.- Take Bii' Step He had taken a big etep to . the Weat and left · behlnd him what might have been a brilliant po· li{ical career. He had &erved a ~erm ln the Hou&e of Reptt1tenta- tives Of ~e Nebraska ~g:lslaturn u a delegate tro.rn Seward, Coun· ty C41at dlat.MCt) .... The Ashton.a \nOved to the Har- bor •rea ln May of 1946. They "1ad visited Newport Beach on Neek enda eince 1938, liked the U.mosphere of this a~a. IU"d <+e- "!lded that t.hla wa.e · the place. Nhere they wanted to U-.e. He •tarted on the way to be· ~i.v. a boat owner &hd later a nem6er of the Power Squadron l\a the "I wu tn.tereeted bl flab· "U(" route. with a credila.ble M· It. doe.a not e tlmlnat.e him from paying personal ta.x~s ,on lhe craft County Coun1el Joel E. Ogle hu rull"d, l The opinion wu g!ven on the request of Fra.nlt May or Puadena for 8 refund or taxes he aid he had pa.id ln Orange county. Re Id he a.lso had patd t.axee ta11t year In Santa Barbara county for lhf' same boat . Formerly moored reeularly in Neowport Harbor, the boat OWJ)er had announced he inten(ted to reg· later it trOm Santa Barban. coun· lntere9t In Boat.a ·ty, and had paid hia t.a.xei there. Harry'• interest ln boat.a and OgJe aald aueseor• claimed It W.U boatl.n& 11 of the contagiou. va· here •t ueeament ttme and bad riety and the proof I• hJe wife, billed May . tor pu:sonal t.uea. Lela"e volCe from the outer otnce which he Wh required to pay be~ when we uked If he gel.I, a fore he aold the craft. ehance-to go boating often. ''We went o\lt a lot leaa la.at year than the year betort'l." Ila.id Lela with what might. have been a wistful note in her voice. Another proof rolght be offered In the fact .that· his youngest "°"· Bob. la now a eecond mate on a Victory ab.ii> eomewhere between Yokohama &n,d Korea. "We're not ex.a.ctely eure." ,eays Harry, "but the. la.at letter we received was from Pusan:' Rt• children knew lhe' t'eel of a boat deck under their feet and Harry be.J:tevea lh&t Uu" love of oo..uns he•I*" .-ur-1n c:reat-tnr a &m.mon lntereat to~ the f&mlly. - Rury lllld. Lola"• other "three .on.a. are u.Vry, 31, a lortm&n a.t Harbor Seamen Complete TrainiltCJ Two Newport Beach Ra.man recrutta, Walter V. Racker. Jr. USN, of 1916 Court Ave., Newport and Donald R. Dickey, USN, of 318 Alvarado St.. Balboa. ~Uy completed recruJt traJ.nlng at the Naval Training Center, San Dieio. Ca.lit .• and are now avaUab&e, for uslgnmc;q.t to • fleet unit or to one of lhe Navy'• echooll fot ape- clali&ed training. Du~g lhle period of tratrtln.g, lhey .Mnderwent int.ena:lve drlll In such subjects u •lrn•llpl:. lllivip· Uon, bUlc ordnance and araman· Ahlp .... -• , I ~.,.. ., ,,.,,,_ _,,_ ""' - ...... IAitl It . .,.,,.,.., • ...... itltr ftf ,,..,.,._,J . . . V~1, JumbQ~Drum Bra extra smooth, ex~ I ••• lfat .. lf II II P .. ,, ......... ~ • • .. .. .. I the low-pri~e 1 field f . ' . • • • '' ' - ., ' , .. -.. • , .. I i ·-' I • ' .. • .. • • • • J • ~ . ' ·BltOADWAY--~TATE --., Blrdl ~U.tot Now 60# ·::: ::! . NOW SHOWING {)p<nl 8 P.H._ Phone Kl. l--6HO N~· ShowiDS Humphrey Bop.rt• ''THE ENFORCER" Aho Richard Oonte "DARK CITY" f · Now •. ,...,. w.-.eo..,,, •-110.-1 "'UR' OlllC&'I' WIOlllU IUID" •• -Aha "'BU7E BIPOD" . 8-8aiidey ,_ •1-ui •Jll.Utyzyr AlooWa,._ 11...!tota "SIEIUU. PASSAGE:' -.,....-WALKER Ill. ,,=: ... uu • ""' -... I N!!W:-..S· Vaa_I •• ..,. ·oaOUND!J -MABIUAGE' Moo Marjorie -"llllS. O'llAµ.EY AND IOL M•u>Nt' Stana8uada7 Rampb"'f Boprt In . "THE ENFOIW£R" "'9o a.,.i c-meron In "SHOaT OMllll" r ·I W..G =.=e..CMO. GOO!?:t~ PLUS: 'Airline to Anyw!Mfe' . • Sun... Tuea. CoeUn.. ura. ! :15 • Me s a Jf\/ • . Tecllak»Jol' IUCHARD WIDMARK • , . U !}.UH'' 1 1 Dine 9verlooking 'Halls of Moftt.z..ma' -Aloo - EUZAJIETH. SCO'M nVECA LINDFOJU? .. ' Pictur~sque I Balboa Bey ' P.2'., '~ . •· ~.~~ I :......._ I NOW OPEN :: ', 'V . I • I "Dark City'.' Flnt Run! Sun.., Tuee.. Oontln. Soa. !>: 111 . llENE DUNNE FRID MACMURRAY I . I Rossmore --Sportsman Wharf _ AJ .. _ BR~~~:~~~n; inL~u~~~:se ·S ~:!::dERS 1' P:~~.!!?.~.::. end Steak Dinners Flr.t .Run~ OPEX 1 A. M. r 'T P. M. -CLOSED TlfESDA YS ! t iiii!~iii iiiiiiiiiii . I :sow SHO\VJNG 1 401 MAIN I '3 Guy~:~~~ Mike' PHONE HARBOR •t!l FOR PARTY RESEB.VATJONS l .Janr Wyman, Van Johnson -AIM>-·--------~~~~~~---·~·~·~·~·~~·~-·~·~·-.1. . "UNDER THI! GUN" _ .• (in . the Pavilion) BALBOA ( ·EDDIE COnON is now at HOUSE OF FINE FOODS (FORMERLY CIIlCKEN HUT) 608 Coast Highway Complete Dinners $1.50 up • • • • • Sou•hern · Fried Chicken Steaks • Seafoods Newport • ----- ' RJC'hard Coate, Audn")" Tottf"r Starts Sund&)' Flnt Run "CRY DANGER" -Also - "BLONDE DYNAMITE" lt:liilMI FOR · REAL ·, FUN 1 With • ''ZJNG 11 , DON, ~\SS OU~ , t'llSEHt SHOW GIW. -•llllS [ ,., ... , ' SHOWS .l. t · II ·) .... t. e-• Tno.w ..,_..... .... ,... llU09N''"1 ~--°"' UM•ow~- THE CIRCUSI' ···1s: ===~~ -· FOR EXPERT • ' r "Dining Room open i./ :30 AM. to-8 P.M. doil'{ Closod Sundoy. •M hoOd•Y' Phono: Kimberly 2-2"6 Loh of FREE. PARKING. lHE, AACHES. CAFE and OdCKTAIL ~UNGE • OrsN•lO a. m.·1'1oocli ~ &. IL ·, . ZllSP"' .... e ii.I& R\91114 • wcawww ' • • ' • • • , ONE OF AtW~CA'S . SHOE REPAIRS OUTSTAl)IDIN6 CAµOl!i · R~TAU"f.NTSI J. A. CHASTAIN .......... 'llr ..._... I I~ E. 17th O>ola ..... ... -o...in11117 s.......i. 1a Oar u.i.ue ot.lllS -Free '-!Wtdq- Nut Dew. ~ In •• Lond:··~ liiRM1\ -~ Mesa Circles Announce Meets • Welfare.Club Elects Officer$ • SUNOAY . ~­ BAUQA 't .• Ride~· lo-Join In Sunday · Round Robin STEAKS and CHICKEN .. I '!. ON BA.UK),. tS~D A2'·S PHONE 'HARBOR %1!11 I> lllAIUNE A VE. a.-1 Thun.) ·e LAINE • PlllCI . ' • j ·' • ' • I . I • .. ' • • • • • • • . . • • • " • .. • f .~- ' r • • • . ' , ~ . • . . • . .. ' • • · ~c. AH :ron..11..; -of~ -ncl BO•" · w U.:iU N.01koi · i · Ne . s· Man Celebrares·.,. :. MN. Art Tv; .. ot-.Pa&e• - . M. Ooota *-la hoalO o1a a ClillTlftCM'IC • or •t111DT z 1IOlltll • '6'& OI' a•1, ~_ft ,..,.,. c.mp Ooolt· • .,Hij0'7S _ If.AMS ........ mima .. !O()ll'DOlf ·E·. ht. th. 8.~ ' ., .. where.oho le--~ wlU> the 40tll' TBS ~-do -.... ~ w .. Ot•'1 of 1g IA I Dlritlol\. T1w! poop will 1oa .. tw cOltlt, UWJ. tJM7 on ..,.._, o-.., ..._ <I ~ "' Jap&n 1a ..... a1 -• °MUy lbir a ·,llMtawt ....a ~ IMl"'111FI • 9Aii , w H. Be •RI r· .+-~-.:.....---""--':....:.---11. farewell e>enta .... plapned tor GOoda au.-u an OJuS Blgh-AUCI: TA'ri.dll. . " ,•. -· ...,., u.,. ........ the young "'""-way, City-Of N"'"J)Qrt BeaA:h, • • , . • PlablUtt -· Newport a: ~ """'"'"'°'-'" bu to ..... _. ...... l --~---------·~ OountJ Of 0.....11. s""" of Call-.. • • 11'11. ~ • ye&nl old ... 'IV • """' ........... _ ... _ ..... ~ii.it I • form.. under U>• llcl!ttwo fll'll\ BO ROOS, A. ~ llBliil:,IUC, :.s It ......... tll<I -II& .,,. '*"'7. lnOJudlns 'llr. .... UGAL HO~( name of ;Davy Jonee' Locku _, l!:UOltNll D~. ET, ALI.. ...,! ... ~~ h!:.i"'" =-llll!r l'f'• flw ~ten.• Kn., lA9ta. --.----------1that the'bld nnn lo cami-e<,I ot Det...,...t. --. ldten ~ ~ 'lild ..,,._ a. J. ltGoter dt lfuta CZJlTIFI · 1) lliE!IS the •fol~ pan.1 .. wtM-narnea , Under ·an<1 ll»' .-,Virtue Of • .,, ilren Pt11•")!1 ID ,do" ..,._, Ana. Jlrs. O. -0. ~. Mri. CATE Of' 11 8 Mid a&Ueueo an u toltaw., to.: 81<ecutlon -out of tll• Su-'1iarlng teUCltatlona >fu .,.. _ol "'2 =u x,.., ~ • KN. _,Ida --1"ra ~~ w;t: . ' " perlor O>urt qt t~e Cowlly of ~ daufl!>le'f. )(r9. ,m'lJerita ~ ot ~ ' . TB II: IDID~Nlm <Io e;a BR'17Clll B. CARD • • -Olup, 8 ta i e ot ~~ 'lf Santa Aj\&. Gltla ond ca,.ia '~~ !JI~" -Mr.• - hereby OUU!y that Iha lo conduct·. C!>t'Ona· del var. €all!..;,. wlle'reln AIU.. Tt.yk>i. PlalnUtt, ,..re P_..,ted -. and tl!ero and JI!., a.tu: llr .. ....a ... S: mir a· Real Eatae<o busllleao at 700 614 N~ and Bo. Roa.,#· La Shelle ~ were two cakea u -r ol llltu-·c. J'lemll2ir, ,Billy «114 J•le ol Eut Balboi BJ'vd., ll&lboe, COii· HARRY E. Bml:OU. P,. Dllketta; Et: Al, Daf .. ta st at 'Ille ~tet f / , lan<la: )(r, &NI Mn. Tllo F Ir fornla, llndu the tlctJUoua firm 811 Cout Highway ', upoa a Judpjoilt ~ tk · Mr. Berry lo a natl Of V..= }r. ,c>.rtl, MlcNtl ....a name of --ReoJLy -Oompany •Newport B<o~h c*uroml. lot day of V,,bruary 18111 tot ~ueetta and Nnr En1 b~ ~ Clloll6lo: ·111r. K•'!~.f_... and that Wei firm Is compooed ot OAROLE !I. ADAm the 1um ot EISht..i.·hw.ar.d doi. • ~ ~ ot • To bO ~-~· -ll'.J&. ~ , the to?lowtn&'. penon.s. wbo.. 193 Tfiertail Road Ian and 00/100 Oollafl, "!$1800) ture, he waa Don. too ftlla W1!111aa,,Jlr.~.i14 llN.:BW:ii~ rwn .. bl tlll1 a.nd place1. of .real· LOI Angel .. 411, c.Jlfo1'111a ot the. United su.Wa_ buldec, be left Rh•iffde, • f _,._ '· ,....,, Jl9'!. ~~ . : llr. dence are u tollowll. to.wit: ADELi: J .ADAIR.· · . -. and lnu.reet · and sum 0~ bl tact Jll• doctori • be. f onc1 Mn. '·l!Olloet Bile ond Ulllan B. Mc-Adocl. 1000 Welt · 193 ~ ~ U.U.15, on Whfcll0:1<>tal amoum, .Uve. But he roolod'em. Ke. worke4 Martljn, all of~: · -~ Bhd., NOWj>Ol'L Beach, Lot Ang<loo •r. Calltoral& cndlt . muat be f!ven for P'I¥> ot llanta Ana Army A -'ID• • • --·---- F~mily Qay. , J ·- afl Chri.st' Church . . , CASH & .CARRY CaJlfornJ&. 'i<QTNESs °"' hands illta t7th .,_t · &n4 ~ 1auaract100 m u1 ·1t cloaed &Del he the two-Co·-• t I • ~-d J' · WlTNESB .my band thla 13th day-ot Febrwu-y, J9Sl. tbt ~t of t $114.38. leavtna-o ltOry houae ,oe RI . de ~anoue n9t8I On41 ..... ~ day of rebruary, 19!11. llRUCE B. CARD b&laflce ol $1828.77 Dollafl, with llM be'• ltlU Soll!lr :rir· l ' Honors •'-hew ' • LILLIAN R. McADOO . H4J(Ry Ii:, BEMOLL lnlerelll · from the .28th day Ol • He '"'" up •t ~ •.. ;.ci r.so-' ,.. . -" ~ \ State ol C.llfomla, CAROLE I(:. ADAIR V.bruory, 19111, Is now Cat the cldeo which Of ·hlo et 'CM!...,... Word -. .-wid Wa -by NURSERY , County ot Oranr;e, ... ADELE J. ADAIR date •ot thta writ) actually due tlone wtU g<t hta atteptlon: flab-Mn. Barry White of --Ill· ON THIS 13th day_ or February, ST.\Tlil OF CA..LD"ORNlA, on Aid Jud~t. 1118' or work 1n the ~de "Ftah· La.qd lha' her brother and h1I Wt.ie. - A. D. ltl)l, before rne..,Robert F. COUNTY OF ORANGE; • I have, on·. the Gth day of tnr l&tt. year ·....a ~· .:0 '"'9 Mr. and ,Mn. Ce:cu Snilth of ,Spa• -' 1'" ~. fl ,BAJ:t, •CARN A 'TIO I ' WUJmea, a Notary Public In and On thta 17tll day of February: February, 1951 .• levied upon all 111mallly the J11Tden......, ..rt.a.;.. ltallo, wue .!>A KOPday -tee! Ono thouaai;i\ dollan baU on ; "' $ J \'Named for the aa.id. Cowtity and State, re· 1~1. before me R.. v . MA.R&HALL tlle rtsht. tltJe,, claim and tn-claJ. There'• a Uttl~work later the Congteallonal Medal of Ml· Mclj;~t-'!IJll let Mond•Y ~ ttie , 1 ' •· • " • artetlea 'siding therein'. duty commfaioned a Notary· Public in and tor aid t•\'"t ot defendant.a A. La Sbelle le the bouae, tun.ch And 90me or ·.r~· ~Ir .aon. ·capt. HoW.U'd ~ Bei..c!91tlty court~for Wll· DOUBLE .WUN AS N- . l.nd 1WOm. peroonaUy appe ... ed County and SL&to rHilllbr; tbereln &ad li:UP>• Dukette (or, either ot •e•t In the attern-. Tl\U< bu llmllh. , _1 • • , • torf{' I<· ljl<n>~, Loo 'Anr;el<•, . _ -•. ~ ••. ., , , \'arteu .. . IJllian ff. McAdoo, known to me duJy commi.satoned and nro"', lllem) both Liuffvi<tU&Jly'., 9.lld u lo be a little real, n.Qt on•account C.pt Slntth volunteered to lead ~ W.U ~g With drunk drtv-,,_ •to be the per.on whose name i• personally appeal'ed BRUCE B. tne!D-IM:rt: of a pvtnerahlp doin« of his age, but t>eca~ f'e goee a 1fOUP o( airplane• tnt,Q .l(OH&n ~-and dr1 g on a auspended · MARCON:.e w•SIES aW.Crlbed. to the wlthln tnstru-CARD, HARRY E. BEMOU... b11lineu under the name of Orey dahclng every other ll;i~t. return-enemy ten1~)' aR<I on lhe~t op'et"•tor'a Ucanee. Dougherty · · .... . • ~. ··~ Banded ment, lllld aclmowle<tged to me CAROLE E. ADAIR, and ADEI..& 000.. Can.ceaaiona, l91"elher wtlh lrtK 9" the lut bUs ~ a.fteT -all.· day deetroy..S 12 ta.a.ka.." &eked (or a Ju trbP,l Wh ich. bu DELPHINI . v~~~ that aht ex-.cuted the same. IN J . ADAIR known to me to be Uie UlY l.nl•re•t ..;htch b.e partner· . ~ been set tor Mpnc11Qr, Karch 16. • -~ WITNIC8S wHEJU:OF. 1 have P<Oona wh... name• ue au1>-ahlp m.,-ha"' "' and to the · LEGAL N 1i · LI' l!i.ALI NO;,ncE·. Douirherty "°" ptc~ed up by bereunto Rt my ~ and S.rftxed scribed to the within lnatrument foll~I deacrfbed real ~te ~ .• . .. ~ · ~ .• : • ~ .:--a. .Newport ' Beac~ police ·at Cout ·COLEUS my ottk:lal .-ea.l the day and 1e.a.r and acknowledged tom~ tht.t tbey to-wit : • t .-• : * • = = • * Hlghw_.y and Tustin Ave. In thla CertiJlca.k flrat abon e.xecuted the a.me. IN WJTNBSS Lot 4, Block 3,. ot BfJboa , 'or NS'WPOM IS&ACB . ' written. WHEREOF, I ..... hore11nto .. t 8-yotdo Tract_ .. per. map BTATi:. OF ~ • BbME PROM HOSPITAL TOMA ... O ~-Nrs ROBERT Jr. wu.ua;s, my hand and, attlxed m~ ottlclal thoreot ~r<led In Book •#. N~ TO OONTMOTOIUI • ' Mn .. Roy~Uarns I Olga Grau-I' . ·• . _. , . . . , My Commlaalon exp1res 11 /18/51 seal the day and year ln th.la cer-Pai:e 78 ot Ml.teeOaneous SltALf4> PROPOS.Ai.s wUJ' be 'recefYed· at th• office Of the at,Y el) ot R\ve e Dr., I.a convales-- ,. I ..,35; ... 15; ... 20' .._45; ... 10; ... ; 3; .... 10¢ .. ( fJEAL). ttncate first above written. Maps. Records of Oranre Clerk, City Hall, Clfy pf 'NftPo-1. 8-ich. Oali(orala, UDttl 7 :IO o'elock clng at her • from surgery STRA_ w•E. R_ll. IE, s. ~~ .. trullrt No. MO-Press. <S EAL) County, C&.llfornia. P . M .. on Ute 2~ ~ of Marcil, llfl, at whteb Ume UM)!: Will be performed In e Santa An& Com-"' ·r:-· Publlsh Feb. 15-22; Mar. 1-8, 1961. R. V. MARSHALL Toaether with al\ and singular publicly oP,.ned &ad nad. fQC' ~rmllll work .. follows: mmun~lt~y'._'.'.~~oo~p~ltaJ~,--·--~''.--,.,-~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notary Public ~ nand tor S&k! ~d tenement.a. bvedlt&ment.a and CITY Qi' _NJ:WPQRT BE.AC.It CALD'ORNIA - NOJ'ICE lNVJTlNO BIDS County and State. My Commla-appurteu.nce• thereunto belonr-For dolng cert&1n work on Naval Kine Sweeper · · · ' · · · ' ·· · · ' · · · · I Notice la herel>f rtven that t~e sion Expires July 9. 1964. lnr or ln any wlae appertaining. YMS •t9 at}er ~clni' the ahtp.'on shore. Board of Tnlatee• ot the Orange No. 845-Preu Notice 11 hereb~ flven, that on No bJd will be-rec.tv.d unleie. ll ii m...S, on a propou.I form Coat Juntdr College District of Publiabed 3/1-8-15-22/51 • Wednuclay, the 18th day of furnlah.ed by th.e Cltx,1 &nl'lneer. Eacll bid mWlt be accompanied by ·Orange County, Calif., wUl receive March, 19C51, at 2 :00 o'clock P. 1 (ca.ah . oertlfled or out.Jeni chetk, or bkS4er'• bond) made payable to blda up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock M .• of Mid de.y, I ynu proceed the City of Newport :&etch. tor an amount equal to a'l least ten P. M. on the 11th d•y of M&reh. See f11e to aeU I.ta front' 411 lhe court houee (JO~ l of the amount bid. 1Uch l'\1.&RDtY lo be forfeited ..iiou1d the 1~1. at the office of aald IChooJ door, South Entl"N'!ce, ln the Ctty bidder to whom tM cMtf.aat la awarded: f,U to enter Into the dlatrtct, located at im1 s . Har-New of Sant.a Ana. at public auction contract . • · bor Blvd., Coat& Mesa, Calif., at 1 to the highest bidder tor ca.ah Jn In accon:ta.nc9 with the prcrtialou of Sec:tlon 1770 to ' 1781 of which time uld bide wtn. be put:J-1951 LAWfUI Money of the UJllt8d the Labor Code, lbe C1ty bouAcU of the City of Newport Beach ha.s Jicly opened for the' followtng : (I ) Statu, all the right. t itle, <J&jm ucert&ln.ct the g'eneral }>revaillng rate of wage• a ppllcable to the 10 acUona tele8COp1c folding and interest ot said Mt1ddanta. work to be done a.a follow11 : bleachen. !urniah. and inatall and HUDSON A. 1.4 9.belJe and Eugene r[)\iJtette, Baurty Per Dlfom (2) th• printing or 2()()0 college Individually and u a partn.erahlp catalop. The.Hid Board of Trus-NOW for either of tbem} of, VI a.nd to ClaMJrlcaUon· . Wap 8eaifo War~ Carpenter .......................................................... n ...... 2.36 18.80 teea ah&.11 be the tole judge of the tb• aboVe deseribed property, or mertu and qualltteatloru of •the 1 BODY •sTh..:s ao. much thereof u nft.y be Laborer1 ........... .. ... .. -··-·· ............... _ .. : ........... 1.70 t•.OO Atr Compre880r Operator ....... -....... -~ .................... 2.0~ 18.40 equipment olfered, and reaerves TO CHOOSE P'llOM neces.sary to raise sufflcif'~ to the rlaht to reject au bkl•. and to sa.Uaty said Judpent w1'ur in-· Structural Iron Worker ....... : ........................... , ...... 2.5-0 20.00 Pump Operator ................ ·--................ -................... 2.00 16.40 w&.Jve any informality in bJd. • tereat and costa. ADV.: March 1-8, 1951. IT .:fLLu PAY YOU GIVEN. under my hand this PaiJ:lte:r, Bruah .... 1 .................................. ~ ................... 2.38 19.0f Open BlQI: March 16, 1951 at 2:00 11 y ·NOW I th day of February, J901 . P . M . e J Ull!:S A. MUSICK,. Sheri rt. PB.Inter. Steel and Bridp ....................... _,_ ............ 2.50 20.00 Painter, Spray G~n Or Sandblaster .................... 2.'3 21.04 Slgnod; BASIL _H. PETERSON, Main St. Garage By Carl R. Edgar, oeputy Painter, P&int Burner ............................................. 2.60 20.00 Painter, Glaz.ler ......................... -... .' ............. : ........... 2.18 "'17.28 _ Se<:., Board of Trw:teea 410 MAIN 8'1'. ROBERT A. EASTMAN. No. 641-Preaa. HUNTINGTON JD!&CH Attorney for Plaintl'tf, Publish Marcb,.1 -8, 1961. 223 Ma.rlne Ave., Induatrtal Plpentler ......................... -................. 2.126 21.00 Elect.r1cla.n .... , ..... 1--· .. -· .. ···········--···-············ .. ·······--... 2.625 21 .00 ~u;:::..in!tl!~':m'iit';:~e~in~~ ·i·~~-·~ ~:~ ~~.: • I • • • • FOR SHIPPERS. Santa Fe offers "on-iline• pct· formc11;ic : .• smoother handling ••• ever expand- ing maintenance ond service &ciHties. More . - double trock thon ony othtt wcsttm nilroad. I . FOi TRAVEllRS. A fleet of five daily m.ins- -Super~ the OUcl; El C..pia.o, ~ 1.imiti:d, Th_e Gr&ncl Canyon~pnnicle aa:om- modatioru to fit cva;y purse Pine ~ ~ food.,On your next aip to or from Ghicaon. . ' .. -. travd Santa Fe. 598 ...... te>l'l .,,.,~· . _,,_.,._!'10_....,,. A 'flf .,ntll _ ...... -........ 1' ... ..,. ..... 6 P'! _.,._ · ... ':,,. .. e.11,......, ._.. r. ••null••'..,.._ fen z!h• •.,.. S-r. e.. Mlt.-,.._ • Balboa Ialand, Callfomia. No. 65S---Prua. Publish Morch l-<11-22. 1961. All bk2il are to pomp&red on the bu:fa of lh8~ty EacJneer"!I eatlmate of the quanU M~Of work to be done . P·MIS CERTIHCATE OF BU8Th"f;88 t1ctit1Gm Flnn Name No bid wil.I .be accepted trom a Contract.or who baa not heed llcenaed la accordance wtth the provi111on• of Chapter 9, Dlvtaion m of BualJ\e• and Profetaion.a eoqf:. Plana may be eedt.. and form• of propoaa.la, bonds. Co11tra.ct, and apecincatlona may be obtained at lb• office of the city Engineer, City Hall, City of Newport Beach. calllornla. THE UNDERSIGNED d oe 11 hereby certify that he Is conduct- ing a General Contractln& bu•lneu at 128 Ian Remo, Newport Beach. California, under the fictitious finn name of ·hlla.nd Con•tructlon Co., and tbat said tlim ls com· poaed of the totlowtng per80ns, The •peclal attenUon of prospective blddert l8 c~led to the "Propo.aa.J Jlequlremaata and Condttk>ns" a.nnued to the blank fonn ot proposal, tor tull dlrecUOn.a u to bidding. etc. The City of NeWport .Beach. reserva the right to reject any or all btda. 1 whose name1 in full and places of residence are u follows, to-wit: A . L. Gatterdam. 128 San Remo, Newport ,,Beach Dated : ~farch 1, 1951. ClTY-OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAL,IFORNIA C. K.. PRIEST, City Clerk. No. ~3-Pl'ess. PubliM March a..16, 1951. WITNESG hand· lhll 21st day or 1 CITY OF NlCWJ'ORT BltACH Febl'\l&ry,,1961. s;I'ATE OF CALIFORNIA . A. L. GA Tl'ERDAM , NOll;'!Olt T() QONTKACTOBS State ol c.lifornla., SE.A.LED PROPOS'.A.LI wtU be nM:.lftd at thl office of the City , Cou.r · ~/IO.;. ~ ·qerk. CIL,y !fill!, ~~w;pt;~ . : , t_~ 1,:a-0, P. M .. . 0 , . 1;'!1.Ji'OI niary, .ot tile ;zelh ~ _ 1•1. i!)>lc;. "41( ~ publlcly , A. rJ. I ,..., !.iei th ol>ened and "''!'I· rclr +io k-u t V ', I t i' M. ti tJa: a '?fcJta!-t lie 111 ' CITY•ciF-lt'l' BL\CR. • and tor the l&ld County and St.,.te, For the Construction ot Ooricrete Bulkhead and reUcl1nc' lbere.ln. duly commiaalon-PlaclJl.g the YMS 449 on Shore eel and sworn, penona.lly appeared No bid w1JI be recelv.td unleaa it lll made on & propc>l*I form /6.. L. Gatterda.m, known to me to turnlahed by the ctty EnJ'ifteer. Each btd inUlt be acoompanled by be the perBOn who.e name ls sub-(caah, celtitied or cuhlen cbeck, or blddel''• bondf made payable to a6(1bed to the wtlhln lnatrumenl, the Oty lot Newport Beach. for an aaiou::rit equal to at least ten and aclmowJedged to me that k• per cent !'10~ l of · the &1Pount -bid, auch suannty to be forfeited executed the same. IN WITNESS should thle. bidder to whorn the contract ta awarded fall to enter WHEiRllOF, I have her eunto 11et into the q:>ntract. · my lla.nd a.nd ~fbc.ed my official In acbordance w1th.,lbe proviaiona ~ 8eetion tTTO to 1781 Of the teal the day and year In tbla Cer-Labor C<ite, the City: Council of the Ctty qt Newport Beach haa llflcate first above written. ucertam+:i the pneral prevalllng! rate of wagea appltable to the ( 8.&AL) ~ work to be done aa follow•: ·· m..Ill:ABETH M. HEEMSTRA H•r17 P1!r Dkw11 Notary Publlc <n and tor th• Cllaulll .. ltoa Wace Scar. Waso Covnty of Orange, State Of Carpenter ··-····· .. ········-·····-··-··-· .. -·-··-·-·····--······ 1.36 18.10 )[y :i:.;., Explrn 12/30/S{ :::J: g;:;:: ~~dP--~~-~k·~--;;t;·:::: :::: ~::: No. 844-Preae. PUe Drivet> Man-Derrtclt B&rceman .............. _ 2.30 18.40 Pub. Feb. 22 ; ~ar. ~-3-1&, ir1. Cement RlttJaher __ H ......... --.n·-·--· ... :·-··-· ... -........ -... 2.31 • 19.04 i , Relntorc.~ Iron Worker ._ ......... -....... _____ ... t 2;SI 19.6' .NOTICE OS' REA.llDfO Laborera, General q r Conalructlon ·-····-···-........ 1.fG J•.OO PLANNIN'G OOllDU8!llON J'lar;man .............. -------------------------·-----•·-·"--L 75 H .00 NO'l1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Wal,ohmon .,., ____ .,,_ .. _ .... _,__., ____ ,, __ ,_ ............... 1.17 1.1.M that tile Plannl!IJ. CommtaoJon ot Apprentice ~~-n.e...., . the City of Newport Beech wW Oller, G .. --·:.·--~---'----·-----L93 14.« bold a public bea.r1aa' on the ap-~ Air Ootnpre.aor .---·--·· .. -· 2.0I 11.40 plication of ':,,tewart Arcbl-for Ooncnte Klxor ~~r-8111p ory,. ------· 3.11 17.U a . 'l'Ulance t m the nQuirecl n.. Hff..y o.¢y Re~ .. ..:.-~----·-:. ___ 2.so 14.40 toot athack. to a two· toot oot-Punlp O,.....lor • . --..:-... 2.00 19,40 6 -... Lot 30, BlocJt B, ,'l'rtu>t Tracm.. aperatoi-f: ' • 'lil!t2""· ~. ' . . .. 7S (52& 11¥61• Dr\ .. ), Oorona QI' 0...... ~ ~°'11Qori'At'*""'-ta 2.30 18.40 del Mar In ~ Witll Sec• " ~ llaehl"19 ~ _;.._, __ ~_,_ ..... _ I .A It.Of tlon t ol ~·No. ~ Ull.li llqlll~t ~ (~ ~ , Notlco la llimi~Y lllrther ci..., • ell, Donfclu.8&1•-,·etsrcwrt.,Cl'&M uo 20.00 tllat the -~ wW 'bo bald Qrt pf ~ frllOb oe..-t1Ja!1 ~ Yarda °" UM .lltll _,, tf March-1911. ~ ..._ ~ ~.-...J-.:..,..__ _:_·Laa . 1-'.M ~ a.a.f>11or o1 ~-aty • • All--.,. to ;11 F1Nll'Cia Gio ... o1 U... C1t7 .. SIP••"'- , at the hour Ot ·1 :so p. m, 1n NJ¥ CtuolftCat~oa W'b1 -~ thaQ 1.11 111,M . ._. newporl Bncll, ......... -. Ollllmal& ol tbt -01 -" to M -. at~~ and place &IO,J ud NO bid '!rill lie ~.a 01211'...., -liu.--.il~ -~· 9'J ..,.,..,, Urszss$ la llONi 1 • Wiil .. PIU¥'11 21 I( ClljlJlt'tr t, l>tt ... m 'Uld 'be n.l'CI lbereca-of .... ? SE ud ~~ ,1 ·-. RAY Y. COJ'ICU!f', ~ -mqllo· .. --...."' ... wx-_· ......... -.-. ~O cO\oiwni:>N • _._._ ·_,. .............. et .. e8lla 'fl .. City ..... , llJ' °"'"" OI '>a-Oll7 JlaD. ~Ill M2I j: t Qtp fl / • ....... iacmoor. -..... ......... w,,,=. fJ6 ,,,,1 ........... * Hq. -~.. ''1'12;1111 R I :•rte .. . ' "tlll .... .... .,, •• v-mi. ofp;•s ...... •sd'=•• · · . nec:myat-_. ... t_,.. .. ~ • : 2 • m wa..i.. ... an ta111a. • ••;llllel'OI -11 ... -.. tr.-~An4r all. GftT -.. , .. ;. ., .... u ..... .. : ~ -....... ol \be h-o.w, Me di'· .... ___ ... -. 1'9.1!11 I\ 7 P'Sf .IS'llllra l • •• • • . ... \ : .,'r -.~ , .. • • I ,. -. r I ' j ' • .. I .. I • . . • I INSURED s~v-l#Gs. ' ' j . t ' . ,CUUINT WNINGS ' ' I,.' ,, ! .. 1 •• . ~.,.,. • , ' • • • I • .; .-1 I 1 l ' rt ' • ' 7 •. ' . r ! , .. • . . ' • • . . ... I ' ' . " ' . . , . . . .-· --' ' • -J •• IETTY·CJOC:IEl'S BIS9Ul~K 39c LAIGoE PIG.. • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • · UIULELE--1/J SLICES ~.!c~.~:~.~·~·~·.~ ......... 21 c HURRYI HURRYI HURRY! AND VISIT OUlt P 0 RI SIUSAGE ' ........................... ........... ................. - TINDU YOUNG LAMB lATH'S COINLAND-l·LI •. WINDOW PACI SLICED BACON . ' . CORNED BEEF ·BRISKET •• .. . .... , -. -. ~: .--. .. " . .. . . . . .. . . ----. -I COFFEE ~: 81c ' . . ---.... _.. ....--.... : ...... ___ ...... ..... ...... ....... C~lcke•·.t ... s .. G........ · · T. u111ii..1A'' Ne. I/a Flot ·~ Grff• Lellel . ! 27 c' OUIOWN 63' SPECIAL • CUii ' I ~-......... . .. .. .. .. • ............... + ................. ... -• .... ..,,,...... ................ ----.. ----.. .._ LAMB • ...... ....... .. .. --.. ...... .._.._.. .. ....... lATH'S' S~ALL IASTEIN SPARE RIBS LIAN& 49( MIATY . Jb, . Fiiia·1A liiiiiili' 49f. iiusii .. SAUSAGE 6sr. . iis_,ciiMEESE··· · 59~ iiiiWURST 3,tt. · . Wit11 o•r ow• fa•••• • ......... s •••• IAlll9UID RIBS ~:~"79f. ALU 1111' TAMALES • 5-0L 10:. TIT ·-wtUt. ~ "9• w ' --:-.U.1 CltUJ C.• (l.-e ' .... ;., l. 1111~111'11 ''''' '.r'.. . ' LAIGI llYEISIDI NAYa ORANG.ES ALL GlllN, .NEWTOWN PIPPIN APPLES • 'ANCY, FUtL POD GAIDIN PllSH P.EAS 2 LIS. 25C-• U. S. NO. I, LAIGI $M90TH IUSSIT . . ' . POTATOES · 1ft-~~ .. u .-. ~Z.7!. ~ J • • • • ' DOWNEY . .OJI L l'IUSTONI ILYD. • ·Af DOLAN A~ • • Opom .Doll1 'Ill ...... • ' . ' ' •• ' ~l~TH ·2~. ""~ ~2" '. f• . • .. . . . • .. . . """ .. $299' -. . . • • \ . .. \ • • • • • I I I • I • • • • -~ : I > ....... ~ .. . ' ; I '· • . .. • "'j -- P~GE I .. THU~AY, MAR: I; 1951 j ' . • -=-•i.Ess-a· 1 LEI IERMEN EID KORI) .. Ll~~L·NOJICE • ii!~ t~ J!l of '~ !~'!!!. ~ ' .. N 1 Alf~ IUt -k at Hubor HI~ accotdlfll to~h Jglll BaU1 Bob Buri SEALED· PROB ,./tu be roeelved 'at tJie office of the 41ck aJld Dick '-• .,. -for their fow1ll of va..ity b&l1 City ci..-. City• Ha111/ct J ~fl Newport S-h, ~omla, untn 1:30 ' alone will! lettermen a-se LaJlona. Atmand ltllea, Le-Abbott, o'clocli P. M .. Oii u.elj2g doy of Marci!. UNI!, at which Ume they Gene CnJJ\ and Ua,d l!lwlnJle." . • · ' ' will be publldy openi;d ¥id .,...i. tor po.rtormlni work u follow11: Burdick caldl .. ; IAne playa allon.top and tchea: L&Bona play• C1TY OF ~RT lll!!ACB, CALIFO.RNIA f1rat ~ and pltcbel: Nellle1• · j . For dOfnC ~11 work oa Na't'&I Mine Sweeper pla,p nrat and aocood -Ab-' YKB. '49 prior lJ p~r the abtp on ahore-; Swingle, WJyne Griffen, ~ No 11fd will be rOc:e1J'.':l.; unleaa tl la made on • pro-··• form bott playa . third -ond Crain Neabltt. Don Arcila, BID Beardon ..,.. ..--and Swln"'e are outnelden. 1 tumtob«I, bY tho <;ttr! Eo&ilneer. Each bid rnuat be accompimted bY • •• Vic Wllaon, amee Vineyard, Jim <ca.ah. cerllfied or Cuti. terw check, or bidder's bond) made rw.yable to Even eom~ of the hokioven wtll Haneon, Rlctiam. Rider, AUIUn ,.-have to rully bUltle for atarUnr Bmlth, ..Nont. ~ndre, Rogv lbe City of Newport ! Bea.eh. 1tor an amount equaJ to at 1-..t ten bertha aecordtnr to Rall who ea; .. Pneateri ~?! WooJever. Jack F"I· per cent (10'fr > ot qe amo..,at bid, such ~nty, tl'I be fnrfetllll!f1 pla.lna that ~rvea Crom lut year, kef. Jlrn ~rt.a, Bob Woodbouee Mould the bklder to Who!p the contract hi awarded fail to enter Into tho.e up from the Junlot varalty l.{ld Bob Eg, rL the ~nt:;!rd&hee. wlth.1 ••e provhllona of 0 --ttona 1170 .... 17"1 of and newcome:n ~aye been mtpty · ,... ~ """ 0 lmpre•l•e ln H.rly workout.a. the Labor C.00.e, the ctty €ouncll of the City of Newport Beach hu Late etartt on the part of the Tar s ·1mm· ers· aaoertalned the cenerat pt!evalllng rate of ware• appUcable to the buketbaJJen who were tied up tn work to be done .u foUowa J the cit playoff• hu loft Hall In ' ' llomt7 Per Olma THE CHAMP -Moor' a TM>U of Brewel' • Wbo WOD ()pea AD-Ace Slak.., ,....,.., of th~ 8outbonl Calltonla lllelllner Club f1eld trials ~Id at ln1ne -oa U pper Newport Ba7 -weok -. brlnp 1n • blnl like • -eb&mploa. The .....,11' a r ..... ,_. old JA.brsdo.r, la DWaed by" Herbert "rlelalllaacker, I r.., of Saa. Francteco. an uncertain atate u to the bewt s· k d · Claeelft•t.foa Wap 2!k'&le Wag9 poaalble CO"/blnatlon. Lan,e, Net-1n or an ~;:.nter ........ : ... , ....................................................... 2.35 18.80 Ues •nd BvtdJek were the aquad. nn .................................................................. _ .... 1.75 14.00 N~comere Dick LUak and Bob Air Compresaor G'>pen.tor ·······················-········--·-2.06 16.40 Wetzel ~pear clnchu to crack the Newport borte swimming Structural Iron Worker ······················-······--·····-· 2.50 20.00 flrat team In the first ramea. team won tbetr fir.et victory Pump Operator ··~··········-·····-·· .. ··········--·-·· .. ·-····-····· 2.DS IS.to TRIALS WJNNEJt8 -F1nt and aeeood plllce w...,,_ In Ibo .;,... all-are -ke at Ille .. ..,.th llce•Mld Reld trial hcfd ovtt tbe week end at the Irvine Ranch on Upprtt Ne\Vl)Ol't BAY by tbe Sout~m Callfomla &trleve.r club al"tc' pktured ftbove wltb thet.r o"'ltrr, llerbm-t F1el.W..Cker, Jr.., of Saft Franchico, 1Ptt_ Moor'i. TOt1l5 or BrewPr, whtch he o"'lllf and /hant1k•t1 \1/o.n ftnt piano. Hoy Oonla, rtpt, of Yi;:lma., \\'aeb., Is wlth Flelshhacker's MCOnd plact-~nnt!r, Bea\·er Creek Ba.bt.llt, whh:h he bandied. Tars Win 1st. Track Meet L¥ak ii a power hitter from Ver-Wednesday Jlght. hb. 28• •lnk· Painter, Bnah .... J ............................................ -•••••. .' •• 2.38 J9.()( dugo HJlla HJrh and Wetzel la lng Long , acb Jordan in both Painter, St.eel and Bridge .......... , ........................ -2.DO 20.00 up from the junior varafty. Luak the. varatty a.f1d Bee meet.a and eet-Painter, Spray Gun or Sandbla,ster .................... ,2.63 ·21.()4 probably .)VIII open the eeuon at Ung •lX ne recotda ln the. pro-Painter, Paint .Burner ·····-·················--··"············-· 2.~-20.00 1'ttrd baae and Wet.al will be at eeaa. ~ch Al Irwin's vanity Painter,• Gluier '~··· .. ·--·-····~······-··········· .. ···········--·--'2.IS 17.28 i.econd bue. Luak may play tn the won 5 ·l ~d lbe B team ju1t Induatrtal Ptpetttier ................................................ 2.426 21 .00 outfield It Lew1.a Abbott return.a u ;;:1y~~-were &el In the EPllec-~lan ·········-····················-················;··············--2.S~ 21.00 to top •fOflTl after being h•mn.-red 1 i.liu.l.l'<:r-Le&d o~ Cement Caulker , ........ -· ......... 2.625 21 .00 -.··r-vanity M--y,ard free atyle, 200· An •--~~--11 milted h t •··· ••·· 187 3 Newport Harbor's vanrlty t-·k by the nu and a "ltitf a.rm." A-Y c--..u.~ oq. o . ereln, no --,.......... . 1 .36 •-.. yard f~. lVU"-yard free and four-· and field teama ebowed thf!ir Burdick will probe.bly irtarl m1t.n retay lll'ld ln the 8 JOO-yard All bid.a .are to W com~ on the ~ Of the~Clty En(ineer'a apJkre to the Futler:ton Indl~ In catchJng: IABona pltf!hing: Net· free. Betk, who eel the lOO-yard estimate of.the quanUtiea of "?>rk to be done. a lop s!ded 81 '{!. to 23% acore at ties or Tom Perklna !a.not.her boy r No bld Will be a¢ce}>ted from a -Contractor who ha.I not been Karbor'e home grounds Wednes· 1· from the Junior vareity) wttl be ·=r~~;·:.:r:toihe ~ec':: llcenaed l.n accordanc4 wtt~ Uae provtaioIU ot Chapter 9, Dlvllrlon m day afternoon. T~ Ta.r Cec \H.m at fln1t ; Wetsel at eecond; Lusk breaking tottr-man relay learn and ot Btlainess and Profeeelon1 COde. ........ I won by a 44 to 33 1core. Unban.. or Abbott at tbtrd; Lane at short· Plan.• may be ~n. and form• ot propoa&la. bbnda contract. and .... w:ere tops fqr the Tar varsity. if" lo .,. bta -• ptly the 'tat Bees IOBt 25%, to atop: Crain, Swtng1e .. and Lusk For the :;ea Baird ot Harbor t1pec 1cat ns may "?. o , In~ at the 'fftce of the City Engineer, ~1 %-. or Abbott In tbe outfield. City Hall, City ot Ne.i.rport•Beach, Ca:llfot.nl&. High won l 50 free, set a record ' Vanity evcnl-'I were highlighted The Tara opened Wedne.day ln ~c 100 free. and waa on the Th~ ~lat attention ot proapecUve bl~eni la caUed to the by Tar high jumper Norma.n's 8 ! a(ternoon against Oceanside down winning ~lay team. H~ tline for "Proposal 1Requlremeate and Conctitlona .. annexed to the bla.nk form f~et Hi inch effort for a new aehooJ 1 eouth. The achedule Ii.at.a 23 gamee the 50·yard •free atyle was fa.Iler ot propo8& . for ful1 directions u to bidding, etc. record and Tar shot putter plua the Pomona tournament. than the "araity lhne for the The City of New'port Beach reaerve1 the fight to reject any or Swingre·a 52 fOQt one inclr' toss. , First' home game ii slated for to-event. all bids. Tho victory over Fullerton made day, Tbureday with Excelaior. Hall ResulU : CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALI;FORNIA tt 19 straight vlctorte.a for lhc plana to divide the team lnto an Va.nllty C. K. PR.JEST, Clty Cle.rk ' Tar vanity, unbeatf'n at.nee 1948. ·A ' and 'B' equad ln oroer to give Medley relay: Newport: (Muon. Dated: March. 7. 1951. Va..ndty Re.ult.a more boya actU&I competition. The Johnaon, Aarvoldl, 1 :l4.D. No. 652-Preu. Publlah Karch 3·16, 1951. High . hurdle.s : Gritrin (NI, 'B' team wW be llmlted to fre•h· 50·yard (re~: Preston (Nl, Bttk Younger (F), Trautwein fN), 1 men and eophomorea: (N). Agar(N). 2~.7. . 100: Jones tN), Schmidt (N), 'The echedule and roster: 100-yard breut: Johnaon (N), . I Nerdum (NI , 10.4. Bdow bl the vantty uad 'B' ff&ll (J), Mtlchee {N). B. Muon 440 : Nerdum fN), MyTc (N), ~ K.bedule for the 1"'1 (N). 1:27. Cartwright IF) . .M..7 . llN.80B. Tbe , ... nlty and •e.• will 200-y&rd tree: Paine (J), Aar- 880: McCraken (Fl. J ohnson play t~ u,me llChedule exMpt void CNI, Ch>wley (J), 2 :19. !Fl, Southworth (NJ, 2:13 . wbe~ noted. All sames wttb the 1.00-yard back : Preston (N),. 220: Jones (N), ~bmldt IN), mCf!plh>n ot the Pomona tour.. D. Muon IN), Holtz (N), 1:13.8. Bon8E't fF). 22.7.. . umenc wtll aiart at s p.m. 100-yard tree: Beck ·1N), Palnc Low hurdlca: Gr1ffln IN), Young· WedneiMl.ay, M.uda 7 at Oceanalde (J), Agar l~I. 1:01.4. er I F ), Corbin (N). 21 . Thunwtay. March&, Excelaior here Diving: ~tawtckl (N), Staau EASTfR SPECIAL! 1,\ lie~ ~~119 ~~-P,iroles Shatt Out Tournameilf at by. Wfaiffier. · 9-0 M.il4!: Snyder (Fl, Woodhouu Tlw.ndiay, Manh t& a..t ,Excelaior (N.), HendeNMJn (Jl. ~-+(Nl,_~c ll'O~b:Q2 . ,,......,,, llan:l<.U .Uy:<><ip Fr14af IndlvldUJl~' medle:i;: Short !J), SJ\ot: Swlnrt~· (N). V&n Orem-Ma.reb SI. Pomona Tourney D. Muon tltr.°''ott~aon. (N), &f.7. PERMANENTS ' ·~ .... Cold ':Nave' ~"Machineless OCC Gym, Sat •. Seventy-five of ~ beat wrest· ling men in Southern CalUomia will participate in t.hi8 year's edi· \Jon of the Senior AAU wreet· Whittler college pitcher Bill Headlaild smacked a second·lnn· ing grand..alam homer to win. hi~ own game u the Poets abut out Orange Coa.at college's Plratea 9·0 Friday afternoon at Cost.a Mesa. Box Scor": ling tournament to be .held in WHlnlU the Orange cO.et College gym· naslum on Saturday, Mar. 10. .tb r It . ' . I I 0 S I I 4 l I ••• 4 l I I I o I O 0 I I I ••• I 0 0 OlAN~f COAST •• ·~"'"'' It I H•,,h. c ) Tltl•\.· 1b • c1...-, rl-p I Ttlu;ill, tf.p ) """"· lb l ~ltchoell. "' I K~"• ~f ' ...... , .. ,: I '•"'"· I s...ff•r. " ' N~~. " l llc~d'"• ,, I ' • • • • • • ' • I • • • I • • • • • ' • ' • 0 • 0 • • PrelimJna.ry matche.8 will be-- gin at 3:00 p. m. wit.h two matches· going on al the same time. Ch•mplon&hlp m.atchee wtl1 start at 8:00 p. m. Rerulation weights from 11~ lbe. to heavy we.lght will participate and Olytn· pJc wrestling rulea. will prevail. I I I I 0 0 I 0 0 -Tickets for lhiJI C"lga.ntk: sports apeotacle a.re on sale Ln the col· Tot•k -J2 ' s lege businej!ffiCfl at 75 cents SCO«E IY per &eQiOn" r adults and 2:5 E'-Col...,. cents per salon for student.a Or•• Co.tit with student body ca.rds. Special ------- reaerve aeat.s for both aeaaiona -People do read Tot•I• JO I • INNIN&S ' • • OoM 010 000--f • I .......... • ' the Pr ... Ilda. • COllC)ratwlations • • . to all GIRL SCOUTS and BROWNIES on ltteir 39th ' GIRL SCOUT BIRTHDAY~ Monday, Ma~h 12th ~ official heedquarlers for Girl Scout app.rel and equipment in the S.nte An-T uotin area, we are especially pleased to offer our best wishes to 'oH Girl Scouh, on this -Girl Scouting's 39th birth- day. ~ a token of DUI' appreciation, we are offering each Girl Sciout • souvenir cjift -a lo~ly 'heert- haF"Ki pl.die ~~sel 6et y ' · et '.ffie ~irl Scout Shop.-tlwrd floor, on MO.Id:';! Mardi' 12. I ' - • Girl~ ~e.dquuten' lo Sant., Au- ·- I I Slate Nears End Six wtJu5 and seven lOflaee dur- ing the put week •dvanced the Harbor Area Soya' club baeketba.11 rttord to &7 Win.a and M ioe&I!'" for the 1059·51 8e.Uion. Onl)r two more Saturdays remain on the lo-: cal hoop Blate be.tore flna.1 curtaln. ~veral close games marked Jut week's action lnclUding a 22·20 win by the 'O' team over Newport Enalgn'a elxt.h gr-act.. The fJnal outcome w.u decldia u center Stan Schones sanlc: I' rebound ln the overtime aftet the game end· ed 20-20. $chone• Wu hlgh m•n with 12 points. The 'G;' tea.m loet a close 22·20 decialon tarller in the week lo Huntlng\'on Beach at Orange CQJal colleg:t . The Ttgera atav.KS off a· lut minute Ocean View 1JCOrlng spree lo wtn •s-.a in a .Cee league cam~· at Huntington Beach high echoot Saturday momtna. Teddy Marti· nez and Eloy Martinea lead the 11Coring wllh 17 and 18 polnta Don Huber potted 18 point. but hi• Clll38 'D' Cardlnal.s lost to Weetmlnater 39·38 (n another tight HunUngton ~ach league game Saturday. The 'E' learn rolled to Its 30th 1 wln of the seuon l)y defeating Huntington Beach lrt a league game Saturda.y. The 'Es' defeated Huntington Beach g,.._mm.er 8Chool 'B ' team earlier ln t.be week 42-32. Huntington had won lhe county grammer school 'B' champlonahlp the week before. George Schultt of tbe 'E' team contlnue.i lo lead the BCOrere •• he potted 11 poiata Saturday to brlng l\ia total to 223. Frank Na· vairo ha. M.8. Dona}d Seal took over the acoring lffdenhlp of the 'G' teorn w1(b 10 po"11a. ll:loy Mar- tinea continuea to 'lad the 'B' acorlng ·with 174. Jlin Haneon la leadtn&' Ceea with l H and Doo Huber 18 ttlgh 'D' with 131 pointa. lln CNl, McCleUan IN), 52'1". (Vanity Only)' 4.·man re:lay; Newport: (Pree- High jump: Norman (N), Grit~ Moeday Marcb !I Oceanside here ton, A-pr, 8ecil and Aarvold). !Ith, 8'~". Tb......u°y. March U, Corona ber< --Ila Broad: Polman 11'f), Jooe111 (N), (Var•lty Only) Medley reta.fo: Newport: (Pettlt, SmalJey (Nl, 19'3". Moada,y, March ! at CorOna Doyle. Caroll), i :38.~. • Pole: Smalley (N>. 10'7''. (Varsity Only) 50--ya.rd t~: Baird (N), Thomp· Relay: Newport, 1:39. Mond&y, Aprll 1, Matre Del here son (J), OUuntr (N), Barlow {N), &e,, ""'"'1ta CBeea Only) 26.8. I Hlg:h burdlee: Sitton IF), Har· Thu,...,.y, Aprll IJ, Fullerton bere lOO·yard breast: Da.vta (J), ria (N), Parker (Nl, 9.1. MoedaJ", Aprtl 8 at Placintla Doyle tN), peratew (J), Hammon 1Do: Fehlman (F), Fuji (F ), MoA. AprU IS. L.B. WilBon there ·1Nl, 1:21 .5" Jama INl, 11. Thunday, APru ti St. Anthon)' 200-yard free: Carrol (Nl. Cole· 880: Berry CNJ°, Hand (Fl. here IVanlty Only) man (N), Blrdaall CJl, 2:28.f . Taklgo (F). 1 :3~. Tuet.., April !t, Fullerton here:• lOO·ya.rd ~k: Smith CN), Bar· 220 : Fuji (Fl , F•hlm&n (F), W-..claJ-, Aprtl H at Tustin low (N), Pf.tUt (Nl. 1:18.8. Taylor (F), 24 .3. VrL. April !7 at Santa Ana• lOO·yard !fr.ee: Baird (N), Car· ,Low hurdles: Sitton (F), Opp Tae.d&1, May 1 at Anahetm• rol (N), Gjbbona (NJ, 1:01.8. CN), Chenet {F), 13.5. Tllunday, May S at Orange• Diving: r-forton (J), Orovea (J), 1320: Marlin . CF), Lelnau (N), Friday, May '· Wllaon hel'e Isley IN). Paze <N>. 3:4.4 . Tuee.. May &,.. HunL Beach here• 4·man rqlay; Newport: (Balrd, Shot: Ma.rqu(!tte tF), PulaakJ Frt... Ma,y ll at Fullerton• Carrol, Pe~lt, Barlow). IN), Wood (F). Tue9cllay, May 18, Santa Ana. here• 'C" 'fMm ExhlWU09 Broad: Hopkins (N), Chanel f'l14a.f, May 1&, Anaheim here• ., Medley ~lay : Newport: (Ja.cob- (Fl, Nelson (N), 17.4"', TUiNciay, MA,J' n, e>ruce bereA' aen, Tunne Ibbolt.<m), 4~.3. Pole: Arton (F), Crlllet (B'), Wedll1!1da7, MaJ II, Tuatin here• ~Yard ree: 91bbona., Berey, Opp (N), lO'S". F~. M'.ay 14 at Hunt. Beach• Torre.nee., 29.3. Relay: F\JUerton. •tndlcat.ea Sun.eel League J&mU 5().yard back: Jacoblen, Ftts-- Cee Ree.ult. Bee . camea will be pJ.a)red at gera.Jd, Sum.men, Haggerm.a.n. :SO : Taylor (N), CoUon (Fl. Lower Dlamond at hl&b acbi>ol. 3\4. · j • VaJeaquea fFI. 20.2. . Calchera: Bob Burdick, Jack 00.yard bre&lt: Tunnel, Briggs, 100: Boyvey (N), Stafford (N), Whek:hel. Tony Pridham, Larry Co&ne, Ko'°· 88. Tlnaley fF), 11.1. Chapman, Marlon Q&vey, Jim •·man ~lay; Newport: (Gib· HO: Sta!f~(NI, Gilmer (B'), SkfU.ITB a.nd Don Jackaon. boM.. lb.,,.tbon, Torrance and Hanaon (N). ,1 :37. Pitchera: Georre L&Bona, ·eon. Berry. , Low hurdl a: Grat 1 (F), Velu ~Walton, Jerry Flannagan, M--i~r---:-,-- (Fl, Luhelle l,-15.~. lhur Hayu. Pete Morru, T•rry OCC --Let Men Shot: Orow (F ), Cotton (P'), Gibeon, Leo Curt.la, )lob Rev\ea, 1iiRi'll Pelto~ (N), 4~'10". Dick Lawrence, BIH Mashburn. ·Sweepln~ .all matche.t, t.hP High jump: Miller (N), Beu Gt~ Griffith, Rolly Pu.la.lkl, Pau' Orange cqaat college ra.cketeen fF>, Varney lN), --5'4". Frueha.n -1td Howard Allen. took a top h,eavy Jt·O victory over Broad : RoblruJon tN>. Bell (r), Flnt bUe: Tommy Perklnl, Don the unbe ten captatrano Hlrb Pole: Careon (F), .0'6". ty, Bill Kelter and John Murphy. Courer c ta. . Walker (Fl, 16'5". Lulk, Jerry Evand.I, Kenyon Beat· ~ool ~I l&lt Friday ·on the Relay: Newport. Second bue: Armand Nettlu. ~e und eated Pirates will open Bob Wetsel. Teddy Martinea., Jack their lea RUQn with Santa A'ITE"D POINT LOH+. G~ Davt... Jlm Wheeler, Ron Surmon, Ana on W~eaday, March 7. Mr. and Mra. Don elmuck of and Don Thompeon. 118ulta I OCC 'va. • C&platrono. Bolboa lolaod and Mr. aJld Mre. Thlrd _, Jfln "now. Lewis Bing~: J~k Klebe 8-1, e-1:: Jer- Harry C. B.llrdlck ol Coet& M-Abbott, Dick Lualt, .Don Clark. ry Forreot18-1, 8-0; Bob Marohall attended the CIF -etb&ll ~7-· Robert Burmon, PauJ Sc:lWltt and 8..f, M; 'en Hardman 2-t. M , off Friday at tlle ·Point lAln& Cal-rin Burt. • 8-2; 00 ~ f-t, M. M . Hieb achoo!. ln the evmmg lhOJ Sl>orUtop: Dick Lane, l:loy _Doublu: Krilbe ond Manhal wore entertained u dlnDer puto Martollles, Bob Dtebl and Don 8-1, 8-1; onut ond Hardmon In the Point t.orna · bom<i of llr. Jacoboori. . 1-2, 8-2; y and Smith t-t, Olld Mn. Ja queo ~Ulekl: Geno cratn. Lloyd, M , 8-2. • • I Regular I 0.00 for 850 Regule r I 2.50 for 1000 I /'-.. ' llAl& cur. SHAMPOO .. WAVE INCLUDED JIM'S IEAUTfi t$H.OP, 204 COAST ILVD. OOBON&1 DEL ... PIL H&R. 1818 SEE· rUIJ l.AjGEST ,SELECl'ION IN CALIFORNIA aa •1· l11RNITURE·' r,ft&[ ·8 Pad•BReooTen .• (0 I I ALeMINUlll e HDWOOD • RATTAN e WROUGHT IRON . SWING~ e ~RELi.AS • BABBEQUEB HOUS£ & GARDEN ·-Of¥ia P'r1d.llJ' Nlfllla -8~ 811 ro&S'r· HIG)lw&Y .NEWPORT BEACH ' ' • ' ' \ , •• . ' • ~ . .P:Ge12 _ PAR: ,~"""'.THURSDAY, MAR.'· 1951 ReapPortionment ~·AL ~~ : £'BjKe.'Jaus-B Survey End. ed 011~=·~.:.!~ ~~=~: •fl AL Z . -. · Tllo undeml,_ 4• liHeby m-•-s and .... ~ . certll)' U.t .,. · codiluctlnc a of -• 1 ~ -·~ , , With all h..nnp.eomplet..s, the pett ruc1a IM-~~ -, ••i:... =• •-Ne " ~ h• H . p• t d tegltlatuft't committee· oa re ap-County · cautomla, · 1 eoUth !qt ot TD ll'A~D .,.. W a PS Ire ·omes 'IC ure PodlonmtnC It DOW prope.rlna: lta Coaat Bowtftrd, eeach, ......... IQ ·-Plm.D' 8. IJll,A• ;~~:.% ~~'"'t: i,:0~~ ·~ =o'!~e un:;r . ~ · Octl~ ~A and ~.=.. at11~.'1;: For D A R Chapter -by Lagunan ...,,blyman . J!larl w .. Stanley etld ACll.!ll8" and !hat ial4 tlrm 1! &D .. oo":':i C&Mmlla, andt uiat ' today. oompi>eed of the folJowln&" peraon, •-.and __ .., of U.. • • ' ' It wu learned authorltatJ:wdy whoae name· tn t'Ull a.nd place of ame wlll ibe !»&de. and the pur- Tbe fourth Wednesday of the that the ctommJttee loolal wtth l'elldence ta u follow1, to-wit: cbu. pdCI theniot ... wlb be pa"5. month marks the meeting of Cpl. M K•dnap ed. favor' on the propoaed cread>n of Tlll:I.JifA G. JOHNSON, ' ~--t..~y the-"_ 18th daY OI Git I p a new Congretak>nal Dtdrlct ot 521 North Bedford Drtve, --~ ~ at ,,.,, ~rowi CO., Wm. Cabell Chapter of the Na· I Oranse county a.nd nortlle,n San BeVttJv HW.. cautomta Inc., lUG Oo&1t Jllehw&Y, OD- Uonal Soclety or the Daughter.s of aobb d b p • J • roaa ' dtl. litar: Orul.19 f?Ouaty the Amerlca.n RevoIUt1on in homu a~e y ftlP Diego cowity, but Stanley l&ld Wit.nee dl' hand Ul1I: 8th day ,.,_•"• ' • ' ,.~ . ' ._.,. that the final recommend&Uon on of February, 18.!)l. ~om1at,at:.lO.OO .ocloell Al Ml. or members who ~Jnde in Newport Clarence W r I g h t m an, Long thla matter hu not been made. THELMA 0 , JOHNSON ,That. the ..qdt'w di aid WDdor Harbor. Thil new cha.pttt which Beach, told Newport Beach po-Whatever the committee'• rec-State ot Calttornla ~ 30I Cbtal Avenut. On:naw m et for the fU::st tinle IL3t October lice the story Saturday or how he ommend&UOflll, they. wU1 be up to cOunty ot r...o. Aa~lea, u . " County, cautomJa. and the ad-- b growbtg in. number and accom-wu madi? prlsonu by two armed the leg191atu.re . to decide ttJtally, On thla 8th day o( February, W-.. of ltdd ftlMiM U OOO ~ pliahments under the strong gllid-men, forced to drive them around It was explained. A. D. I95J, before me, "kainia d~ COrofta de1 M&r, on,... ing han"'. of it.a most efficient 11nd and. then robbed of S27. The 1960 cenaua gave the pre. Lee~ a Notary Public in and. County, C&llfonlla. · talented regent and organizer . Wr!ghtman said that he had etlt 22nd Congr@.ulon&l Dl8tr1ct for aald County and St&fe, reakllnC Daledi 5th cky Of ~ 1901• -:::-:.ea K. Boardman of Bal-parked hle car on Firestone Blvd., too much population and ao a di· therein, duly QOmlh.luioned and PluLrP 8. .ORA..B.A.M. On Feb. 28 the group met •t 2 when two men got Into hl.11 ve-vi.ton wu con.atdered ahortly alter swom, penonally appeared TBJtL.. Vendm'. o'cl.ock at the home of :P.1:rs. Tevla hlcle at 5 p.m . Saturday &nd fore· the offlcl&l census report. River-MA G. JOHNSON, known to me to ELBA.NORI: B. •FOLK. Weetpte in Corona del 1ttar. The ed him to drive t o San Diego. One tide county, now a part of the die-be the penon •hoae name ta sub-Vendee. regent opened the session with of the two armed m en then left trlct. agreed to a propdeed with-scribed to th,e wtthln Instrument, State of ca.tlfomi&i dewltonala read by Mrs. c . F . the car and returned after 20 drawal. and acknowledced to me that she ~ly ot Orulp, 1u. l..a.Jtders, foUowed by the nag aal-minutes. The men forci?d him to Northern S&n ~lego county T"U~-executed the ume. 9n e M:&l'CJ\ 1981, before me, ute and the creed. T en dollars were drive to lJth St. and rrnne Ave .. dents, with whom the matter wu In wltneu whereof, I have here-the underllped, a Notary PUbllc pledged to the Neighborhood Costa Mesa and kept him prtM>ner discuaaed 1n a 1ertea of confer-unto aet my hand and tltftxed my m· and for said County and Stata. House, &111d a silver offering was from 10 p.m. Saturday untll dawn encea prior to tile leglelature'• official seal the day and year Jn peryionally ~~a.red. Philip $. taki?n to be aent to tht: national Sunday. committee hearings, also have lhl.a certi!lcate nr•t abovJ.e written. Cni.bam And ' Eleanore B. Folk, building rund. Wrightman was then forced to agtted tentatlve.ly to the Orange VIROINIA LBX LEWIS, k·ndwn ta me-to ~be the persms A delegate, Mrs . J. L. Beach. drive the pair to Redlands &nd county-northern San Dl~go coun-Notary PubJk: ln and-for sald wbose names eubscribed to the. wu voted upon to accompany Mrs. back to Costa Mesa. They left ty aJtgnment, It wu learned. County and State. · within tnstnnnent a:mt~ ac!lmowt_. Boardman to the state con·vent1on nirh at around 1 p.m. Sunday tak-(SEALI edged tbal t?'tey executed t~• in San Fi'anci&cO the inlddle of ing the valvt> core from one of hi.II Ri..a..A Pew But No .. 638--Preu. .aame. •· March. A report of the San Oif'go t ires to prevf'nt pu~ult. Wright· .,., Publlah F eb. 15-22; Mar. 1-8, 1951 WJTNJ:'...SS my hand an1' official convention which took place the man slept for about two hours WrOllCJ Church 9elll .• latter part of Febn1ary W&{I made and then rt>portt:'<l his story to NOTICE OF 8Al...E OF S'l'OCK (SEALI · by Mrs. H . P . Yarnell ~·ho made Newport Beach P?lice. A Newport Beach: reaidenL wu IN BULK. DmAN C. BRADFORD the trip with Mrs. Bcmrdma.n, MM!. featured in a Uttle human intere.t TO WJSOM IT MAY CONCERN: No.t.ar.,y Putillc in and Harry Welch, Mr9. J . L. Beach and Report -rhefts story appearing l.n Lea Wagner'& THIS NOTICE of intention to Cou.nty and Stal~. · Mrs. Carl Hanna. column, "The Mirror Diary," In .ell a atock of good9 In bulk No. 6!\l-Prea.s. t ' '· ' . . Mn. Thoma.a B. K ennedy, La-Over Week"'nd Monday's Loe Angeles Mlrror. Witeneaelh that notice la here-Publish Much 8. 1961. ., 4... ' guria Beach c hapter regent wa.s .: The quote from Wagner's col--------...-------'---~--,---,i'------'---·c:.·-·-·-·;_· --'---'•-'r.~i"-·:_·;.··_;;_...:..__:_.:..r:;v::;._: • ..,;_ ______ __.'- 1ntrodtlced u the spe&ker of the Money. life prll!servers, 8 tire umn read : •. I ..... : '>' afternoon. H er address was liUed and wheel and a pair ot shoes a.nd Several years ago a chap we'll • ·t · ; "Portamouth, N f'w Hamp9hlre, By a scarf were items listed In petty call Barber was in a tight fix. · :1 ' ' ' the Sea. My Home:· At length thefts with Newport police over A Hollywood friend, who'll be call· Ch I e . ,. ~· . . at' , . 9' , ... Ii· •t I Mra. KeJ1nedy dt;scrlbcd the glori-the week end. ed Sam Alli.son, ea.aed the straln . rys er again ~el"' ·e, s your m•' 1 ··onn• --· e . ous New England country and the Paul Mantz, 301 E. Bay Front. by •ending hlm & weekly check_ · ' & ' · 111 ~ · , ' · . , ' ' ' •. . · . ... old and beautiful colo nial home9, Ba •• 1 d Recmtly Allison wu floored by lboa ui an . complained that 2 some of which Wt're established lllneu a.nd moved to Newport life preservers wece taken fron~ 8.!I far back a.s 1623, three years Qis yacht, Adore, mooted at that Beac h. Barber began mailing HIM , after the landing of the Pilgrims. addreSS". check.11. The first was cashed; the These beauttrul homf·9' are exam-others were not. ~lrs. Ida Ward, 123 Via Undine, pies or early dev,Jop.ment and cul-Lido Jsle, rPported the theft or a The quarterly bank stateme~t ture and all or tht"m have been tire and v.·hpe J from the trunk ot wa.s Ule tip-off, and Barber won- kept up to the pri:senl In perfect her car. Sht:' said the theft pos· dered If Cy wu .are at him. Mon- condition. Homes built by John sibly occurred Whtie th.e car was day c&me a phone call: Pierce, Samuel Larklt. Tobiaa parked in the rear of her home ·•You don't know me, Mr. Bar· Lear: old churcht's attended by sometime <luring the past three bet. but I am Mrs. Sam Alli90n Georg• Washington ; the Liberty months. and I live al 119 24th St.. HermoM bridge whlch figured in the Boaton Gladys Teeters, 210 3Jn:I St., Beach. Tea party; the first lightning rod told police of the then of a wallet ··¥or M>me time I have been re- in.8tallej:I by Ben Franklin i.n a from h e r residence containing $72. celving letters from you wtlh home in Portamouth; Newcastle, Charlotte Hol lingshead, 3461 Via checks for Sam. I thought they Fort WiUlam an<l Mary I oldest re-Lido, reported the theft of a pair m ight be for my huaba.nd, who Is main.ing fortificationJ lll·scr1bcd by of blac k suPde shoes and a scarf sometimes ca.lled Sam. Today I got Mn. Kennedy who re.sided from from her car parked in the Lldo a letter from hhn tn Texas and he C'hildhood In one of the old homes, parking lot. wrltea he never heard of you. made the delightful old town come • --~-----\.Vhat are the checks for!'" to life for her lt!ft ent'rs. · The Sam Alllaon tor whom Co-hostessea with Mrs. \Vest-Three Hurt in checks were intended Jivea at the 119 gate for the-lovely tea served at-24th St.. Newport. Beach. the close of the artrrnoon ~·ere Mesa Accident Right pew but W!'Ong c hurch. Mrs. Harl'")' W elch and Mi.as Besse Skinner .· The table madP an artis· t ic picture with Its lint'n C'loth, sil- ver. glass and yt-llow iris. Special gu~sts werr Mrs. Thomas B. Ken- nedy, Mrs. Iva A. Welsh, Mr.11. J . Kinkaid, all of Laguna; l\.fisses Louise and Gertrude ~ontgomery, Balboa ml·mbt:>rs or I~Jewood c hapter and A1r!'I. \Vl·Stl{ate's mother, Mrs. V1rK in1a Tarbar of Corona del Mar. Members v.·ho atteiide<.l thf' af- fair were Mr~. J. L . Beach. Mrs . Chttrles Boarlln1a.n. Mrs. C. F . Landera, Mr9.. F . 1. Morris, MiBS Be88e Skinner, Mrs. Jamt".11 W eb- ster, Mrs. Harry \V c lch. Mrs. Te- vis \Vestgate. Mrs . H .P. Yarnell. Mrs. Carl Hanna. Mrs. Edna 1'.farx. Mr-9. Louis Sands, Sr .. and Mni. \.Vllliam B. ·rrttt. Three persons w .. re. treated at Santa Ana Community hospital Saturday for minor injuries re- CE'eived In a lhrP<"-car acctf;lent on . Newport Cl ~!. nE'ar the lnter11ec· tlon of ,\t.,ntt" Vista Ave .. COl!lta Mesa. They \ ... t'rf' Alta J ane Severson, 50, Los Angf'les, l\.1rs. D. V. Wil· son, Santa Ana . and l\.tr.s. H . C. RuS9ell, 59. El Cabana. The accident occurred when O&n lel J . Det"v.•ellc>r, 37, Santa Ana lost control u f his auto and cot· lided with an auto driven by Alta J . Severson . Careening off the Seve rson auto. Oi?lweiler's car hit the side of an auto driven by Hart- wt<ll C. Russell, 63. i\1rs. \.\'1lson was a passenger in the Severson auto. Car Overturns ort Newport Blvd. In an accident early Sunday, B~rlha Hen-era,.20, of Huntington Beach received minor injurlea and was treated at Santa Ana Com- munity hospital. She repol"tedly waa a paaaengi?r In an auto driven by Donald L. Elam. 24 , of 2003 H\.rbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa, when ft .ran oft tht' roadway and overtur;ed. CHP reported Elam wa.s appar- ently traveling too fast and went to sleip. His auto ran off Newport Blvd .. about ~ feet west o} 22nd St., In Newport Beach and rolled ebmplefely over. Rankin's of Santa Ana h•s selected, once again, lhla prt- Easter !leil30n t o portray to Orange county the full magnitude of nowen• and perfumes in their traditional battery of windows.. Jn each window a perfume hu been dramatized lo recreate the l~lraUon and enthuslum th-1 orlgnaJly created It. Each theme Is subtly blended with choice and unusual blooms ty-pitytng the e s· sence of the perf'Uinf'. , A cordt.al lnvttattob hu bffn extended · to realdenu of Oranit> county. to view tbla pageant of flowen and perfume• Friday, March 9 to Monday, March 1 2. St. James Church Plans. Hospitality For Service Men - Roy Ma.l"S&<I WU appolnted chainnan of a.n Armed J"orcea commlUee when the vut.ey ot St. Jam .. &lpleooi»J cbur<h met Tu9' d&y e venJ.n.s, duttea of t.be com· mlttee -• to -tllat vlalttns Ep~ tro1 weleomed and provided el)tertatnmeni and recr. aUon and that Ml'¥\ce men t.rorn lb• pariall Ar• p ...... ted tho Eplt- co.,.i """""' -and jlr&yw ----ll'orm&tlon of the _...ittoo WU • l FEEL THE M/QHTOF NEW YORKBR NEWPORT • 180 HORSEPOWER ',~ .... ,; .. H .. you ... the MCtet o Fit.l'owet:'• unrnatdied ability . . . U.. MWI Cb.ryel•r Hemispheriml Combustion Ow:mber, hMTt of the ft.Mst motorJ car enPr-built todtiy. Ia tblt dome- ] topped, d..n-wallecf ..--, JOY .-the! onlr idMI corabustloo chamber ia •, motor ~ enctne tod.7 ... the only way to dwelopl full cornbuttion, hill ao"-p1Wliod, full: work and ftlue from every dros).. of fuel I "' \ \ ....., ................. . , ...... .mo,,.., '-"& -S:.Jf l6 x N./11,......,, ... , ... .1.1 .. iL:• C.-.r1a·h• ......,s ... \ ••• , ,} i • I , Ots Bloomer· Sleewe COllt by Jules of Celifomie tnoplred ..,. IO-:aJ covploo - -•ltandl ... It. Jam ..... ''bait· _,.·mttC!q ~· 0.. i:.. ~­ plea Sir! -..... to dlurb.. mMlills _. trt:.ts. a .a&Y1 man tram a.i.tM, now MUM· rd at alan ~ -•I Os!Jm, Utalt ~ ...... tlle Iii'!'\ -01llip Pza#1t• .. De pl h' 1 .., r' • ••• . -· • The coot sh<iped to a hem of world wide circulation . . , . the sleeves round and fuU ot " new' fashionable air. Rayon linen in pink, navy,-aqua, and blcid 17.50 . ~luJv 1209 Coat &Ml. CorOMclel .... ' FASHION SHOW s.ivnjey • 2 to 4 .la ctlftntlon of -third ......__,. • er·•• wD ._ ........ ...,. Pml't•Wll, .... . -o& tl•oO ' 0 y-..... ,.... ........ "'-~==~ .. .. 1l1t111ii11l1t• ........ "' ---·--~ ----bo-tthe...--. ' . ' l • ' • • I 1. t r , ' • • ' -·R,~. p~· Bobbi## , Speaks Su.nday .on Lenterl l~el'lle ' 11olnc tor hi• text '"And JelN8 -a&l7 turned,blo ,_ to.So l9 Jerualem." tlle Rev. Paul Babbitt Wm preach next 8Ullda)' · 1i the Conununlty ChUYcll 'of 0.- uma del Kar at 8:'5 L m. &iid 11:00 &. m. on the w~ect. "Croee' Wlae and Crown Foollih. .. In the eve.nin.f aervtc• at t:30 p. m. Mr. Babbitt will lecture on --?'be CootenUi bf the New Teata- J'lleht." A t~vetocu• picture' Oil Guadal&jan. Mexico, w!!I be lbown. Sunday ., mcbool for all •res meet at 8 :46 L nt. ~ with Mn. · tla.Ymond Harvey u superintend- ent-, Both Junlor and !ienior Hlgb ICl:iool Ptlgrlm FeUowsh.fp meet at 8 :30 p. m. with Mr. and Mn. X. A. Harwood, Harlan Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mendenhall aa counsellors. New MNllbt-n Mr. and Mrs. .\... Grant How- aJd and Walter Gnnt Rowald; Mrs. Fannie Belle Bellamy; .Mra. Lew w. Pettit; Mr. and 1tl1'3. Edrar F. Hirth, Joanne Hirth anJ Edgar T. Hirth w ere received . into the church la.at Sunday . •' . S°a.t~rday-Dinn~e first Festivity in New. Moose Hall Flrst big event. in the ne\\' Moose halJ. 23rd street and Ocean Front, will be a pot luck dinner 10 be held th~ ctminr Ne Chu rh H .. I, la.ken the troat door wtth 1u Saturday night under joint aus-w , r \, . ' cu thnoe aymbol.o Of Fallh. Hope and plces of Moose Lodp \457 and Charity. The two windowa by the Women ot the Moose. All mem-N c lefi ti replace Will relata , to the ma..r- ber:s and their guests are invited earr nmp ' "" ria,.e and contl.nn&Uon rite•. The to attend, bringing either a hot -1. U . VI I two windows to the 90uthweat diSh, salad or dessert. will be given, one to the memor-y ' Moose members have been t c • M ' of Ja.mea Irvine and the F1ake working Jong hours remodeling a OSiil I esa t&mlly will take the other one. the building, O\vned by Heinz Upatalrs Ute four wtndowa carry- Kalser. Haven H. Holbrook. gov-\\.rord from Jimmie Wood. con-Lng the aymbola of the Four emor or the lodge: has been in tractor. Is that the ' new Fellow-Eva.ngel• a.re )l'el to be taken by charge of alterations and has ship Hall of the Coat.a Mesa Com-trlenda. Tb~ lovely fireplace done done the plumbing; Clarence munity church Is rapidly being In va.ryinc colored -.ndatane wu Young d irected necessary car· made ready tor use. Windowa built by George Potta and 900, penter work and Morn Molho did and doors are in the kitchen and "Wimpy" Barltu and hJa crew the Interior decora~ing. while Ray lounge, the walls are ready for wtll nntsh the atucco on ltte re- Dawley served as. electrician. Joe _plastering and as 800n aa that . la matnder ot the building'. .,. that Homann. T /Sgt. Rand, Ray Hoff-'bone the floor can be put tn tC!-the lounge and }(ltcbe.n m.a.y ecxm man. Ed Edick, Ed Jones and cether with the kitchen ~bineta be ready tor ON"llRuicy. Rev. J. others too numerous to mention. and all the kitchen equipment. H. Thomp90n said: "It hu been have given Invaluable service in The new stove is ready for set-a long t.iJ'ne .t.noe we could have making the premises ready for ting up. the fello.wM:Jp cenerated thro\.&j'h occ upancy. ~fr. and Mrs. John Reynold• our church dlnnera. We are look- Week's Services for ·Lufherans The st>rmon themt> f or Sunday, March 11 at the Newport H&l'bor Lutheran church \1.:ill be: "Jesus Chrl.st-Grorifled !" The text i; taken from John 13, 31-38.. Guest soloist for this Sunday's !ervice will be Ml88 Kathe rine Parmes. Negro contralto. who will aing the .spirituals ''Det>p River" and "Swing Low, Sweet Charlot." t.fiM Parmes is a !tudent of Estellt.- Brow-ne Mills who bu ber beac h home on Balboa lala.nd. At 9 :30 a.m. P.:Stqr Roth will lead the Adult B!ble Study group in a discus.ston of the 10th chapter of St. Malhe'A·. All are invited to attend the present seri~s of stu- dies on "The Life of Jesus Christ." Special Lenten worship l9 held every WeclnE>sday evening at 7:30 p.m. Me<l ltations are based on colored slldt's which dE>pict scent's ot Christ's passion. A mid-we•k service of !ntcrccS8ory Pray<'r follows the sermon. On WedneSday March 14 t!e theme tar the Len· ten m editation will be: "Behold. The Cruc ified Lord,·· with Luke 23 :4~ u the telCt. -ll&Cl11W"4 --11il hi••- have donated the Good Shepherd lng forward tO them u the blr- W~ndow on the: aou_th side of the Fellowah.lp hall will be encloeed lounge; Mr. and Mrs. Cowan. to-a.nd we will be out of the .wind. gether with lhe Loyal Worker• The Youth Lounge wtll be atlrt- and Mn. Harrl&0n, teacber, have ed just as .!IOOn u the other pa.rt taken the three window• to the of the building la uaed. We have east in the 1oun,.e, w.hich will plan• for dramatic and reltg1oua picture the Christ as a Babe with plays on our piatfonn and fel- Joseph and Mar)', the two other lowsh1p hall a.a well u games anJ having the head of Christ as a tt:WldlX Q!Jle.I.!!!J I. We need ad- lad of 12 and as ae speaks to the dttlott~ Sunday .ChObl room. but Rich Young Ruler. the clauea will be abtfted u need J immie Wood a.nd family have arises." • We're One. Year , Old <Today J / TRIMFIT. SOX, l11regul•rs ..... 25 PAJAMAS end GOWNS Asst. Styles I -8 .............. 1.&t SHO.ES, Bro1'en Sizes ................................ , .........• 99 • . . '. Reg .. L,8 1.39 -.r~ ··-; · · · ~ir ··-t 99 • ~ .......................... Re'g. . • Reg. DRESSES Sizes 7 I Z . . .................. Reg. Reg. GIRLS ' COATS 2.98 3.98 4~98 Sizes8-I0-12 ........... Reg. 16.95 12 0'11y -I 00°/0 Wool _ WOOL & CORD 1SKIRTS Reg. 3..98 Sizes .8 -10. 12 ............. Reg. 4.98 WOOL. & GORD SKIRTS Reg . 3.50 ·Sizes 3' • 6x ....................... Reg. 4.50 COTTON SKIRTS Sizes 3. -ox ........................... Reg. 1.98 Cl~DUROY JACKETS ...... Reg. : , S11:es .7 , '1 • IO' ·······-······-·····Reg. " . . CORDtlROY JACKETS ~.( . . '~,%eS 3 • 6. .-~ ...... _ ................ ltet ,S,f& CORDUflOY JACK:STS Sizes · 7, -l i -····-·-· .. ·-····~·-···R•Cl-5, 95 BOY.S' Pl.AID 0 .1.ACKETS •. Reg. I +.~Q. l.Q0"/0 Wool, si~es. 8•l2 R•g._' 6.~t BOVS' Fl!AN . EL ~~RTS Re9._ t I ~ti. . S.us &; : LO.-12 .... _: .. _ ..•. Reg. 2.91J 8Q:Y:S." ~-OATS, I GO"/. WOOi SiaM. -3 ~:..-~--·~. 8.9' 1.99 2.49 2.99 11.95 2.4l 2.99 1.99 2.4t t.3" 4.49 us • ).99 • t.19 '·" • • l.lllTlll Hl•I Cltunk Tuna ~:~; '":;..•" 27• Pineapple ~~z 1~· 24· llby Lima ~s \,!· 13• Sunny Hills, in C:,.Uo bag 12-lb., 25c) large llllli Beais .~ 16• Sunny HUI$, inCeUo ksi 12-lb., 32c) i:..... 111 •• .11-Gold • ·•· 35• ~W "'"'91V>. Medol .... M.cftun\ 01 ..... ,.. For Lenten rnitats. fat ltoHltS w":b;.-. ~-16• Oioiceofmedk.tmorwide. (12-oz., 30cl l11111:Spapettl =., ~>!: 21• ,Serve dwlng lent. (2.lb. pis.a., 41c) .. 75•1 ss 0l· 72: ' . ·• s! •1 ' 19Sf - ( •. • -------------~----. SHf 'le Rinse' SUDS: ·l \'l'.uheac!othea clean It.er. 30• I without nns1ng. ... . . --------------~-TREJID SUDS ' . I r ... w • .ru., 1214--.1~ -11 ~iabeo and clothes. .... , . -----------------~ ·11511 SUP " I Granvlaled. n,...~-~1·· For .U wa1hlnii. .5•/ .. 7· ·4· ·:: ' ' I • • ' • -. ... . 4.- . . • - ~ ,,_,. ii '.'Bj:tZN R. ROBERTSON, If. D. -Announce• lbe. OpealnC of Her otfk» at 17U SUPERIOR AVE., COSTA MESA (Formerly Newport AV&.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNA!X:<?LOOY • OFFICE PH. BEACON 8608 RES. PH. HARBOR 30M·W LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ANNOWICES THI!: OPENING OF HIS OPTIClil AT 1741 SUPERIOR AVENUE. COSTA MESA Formerly Newport A••· PRACTICE LIXlTED TO DISEASES of the EAR. NOSE and THROAT and ALLEROY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY By Appointment Offlm Phone Beacon M08 Realdence Phone Harbor 1038 • RATTAii FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES MADI! .... out OWN WOICIHO•S AND flOM 1MI PHI .,,.NII THI U.l•IST DISPU. T OM lMI PACl'IC COAST • ,,.,.... "-.... w .. c-.. .... s-. ....... _,a.-..-. .... ~.,. ....,,,, .. .,; o..,.. '''' co••e.s iJO• .... -' ...... S.--•Ov• Ol• &flrf• HOUSE' GARDEN tu~w..,...11. ,,,....,,.,_sin PERENNIAL PLANTS. PACIFIC HYBRJD DEl~P.H.L.'Vll~MS. 11epa,.&e colon Ill ~ 1'tARGtTERITES (OalaiiN) ln tta1t8,. l'ellow or \dllte ... ... . . .. <~ARNA.TIONS. large plaat.e ln can& Six colont Pt:NTSTt:MON!k-Mixed C.lora, ln calJon CAM ............. ..... . ... -······ Tt18TIN ....... • . . • • • l I . PERSONALLY IMPRINTED CHEtJK lo ......twd by Qty ·lll~r loha Sallora (left ,.;,.,.) from N~wport Harbor bank pr"Hldf'nt, .lairw. Van Dyke_ at tk baak Mooda7 &ttertaoon. B&ak teller ' Carol But ..... (lcH) at 1:11 Ba.r.&de Dr .. Ooroaa drl Mar and Cblel Clt-rk Marie-B. 8tlJJlnp, !ti Dahlia A, ..... Corolla lkol Mar, are crf'dlt~ with an ~t ha maklq oui llM!i cltttk.. Tbe newf.l' Wtalled ehK'k lmprlnkor wtll ,Allow baak ~lron. to tU.,·e thelr pego.aly printe4 daeck bookA lb a mattu uf mtaut.N. / I Pn.a Photo) Parents & Teachers Enthusiastic About Show 'Oh, the Pity of It' By Mh. i-ortr..t l!Slacla.lr To borrow a popular advertl8- tng phraM. "It'• lucky It you llyt> ln Newport and can aee the run- niest ahow In yeara al the Harbor Hl1h aud:torium on ,_larch l~ a.nd 18. "Oh, The Pity of It." ~ lhl! <t•Y period piece LI called, la a melodrama of th(" 1890'• that will have the audlrnce In the able.a. Out of mamu and papu; and teachera the aklllful and lal('nlNl Zoe Barlow ha.a created a trouJ)f' '>f players wtlh prolpuionaJ pol- 111h and great enlhwilum for their C. D. M. Duo Visit In Inglewood Mrs. Clara Axtater &ru1 aon Karl ot Corona df'I Mar sper1t the wttk et'ld ln Jnglf'wood , KtJe•U of Mrs. AXtater'a sl8lrr, Mr11. V. 0 . Mc ~ Farland. Whllt' thf're 'h"?' atttnd· l'd a party .:tvt.>n by onr of Bert Mlltht'll Andf'non·s wrltiJ'ig class- ("• and found Bert cnV'ualutlc ovf'r a play by one or bl.I pupil.a wh.Jch ls about to bl> prCKIUccd Forum Series to Begin April 11 "Wor:d PQraonalillf"s" L8 th" thf"me behind lbe ffCOn~ Forum Serk-1 to be eponBOred by Orange Cout Evening collf"ge, beginrUng Wednf"Bday, April 11 and extend- ing each W~neaday nll[hl ther~­ after for a period Of four We@kl'. an.nounce1 Dr. BMI Prleat. dean or the evening college-. Thew lei:turea, IK'ht'dul~ to ~· s::ln at 8 p.m. in thr t:ollrge aut11 - lorlum, art' bclnJ: offl"icd, free of char1e. u a aervioe to the commu- nity. < 1 1 SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY Balboa ·washlt work. The many doubts a.rwt u.n· cl'rtalntlf's or lht" varloua (K'rform- ~rs during the firat re.he1i1.raal8 have.· twen replaced by a .confidcn<'(' arld skill inllpk"t-d by her dlrettlon. Helent' Cxnar play11 thr part of Uie graceful heroine. Cella Hem- ingway, with such amoothneu that !t ta dlfflcult t o reca.n that at first she tell u though ahe aprouterl 11lx ha.nd.s every time she waJked on the stage. And Marth') Ingram. lhe hrro. who wu worr\cd about hla 11tudenta seeing him In an em- barrauing kl.u with CeleetlQ<' Harvey, lhf' feminine menace, now Navy Re calls Donald Button Oonakl Button, rnelal&mlth- Thl11 lf'cjture serll"s will center around the Creal Man theory of hh1to't}'; that ltl. that human evenU ""'o'v" around «tronJt lt'aders who, dlrttlly or lndlrectl.Y7"' determyit' I lht' de•tlny of tndlviduala through- out the world. Who thcae men an" today, what they did to get whert' ~y &rt', and what they are like- ly to do next wilt tM:> handled b)I four colleJ:e profl'MOtt whoef> background and lrRJning makf' Ulen1 well qualified lo band!e the '30 Min . Washing -Fluff Drying Blankets Wool Shampooed and Dried 50• J 03 Palm -BALIOA l Harbor 2724 ------ weld<'r tint <'l&.M, USN. hw!I bc<-n reca tlrd from the inactive re· MrY('ll and will rf'port March 23 to the Naval Re«ivln1t station. San Dte10. Button wa8 dl.acbarged in 191:'1 after o(4 months of fM'r· vice w ith the Navy, re-joining the reaiervc ln 19.ff. He is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Loren C. Button, or Ccntt!r 11ltttl. Costa M<"N . subject.I &Migned. .J The first l~ture. April 11, will bot> dellvt>r(.'(9 by Dr. Claude Bua.: o( Stanford University, wh~ ·oplc "Who'• WOO in AJlla" will inclUde dJrN::t rt>ference to~o. Nehru, C hl&ng anti the Ja -IM' Pf\me Minister YORhlda.. I 100/o Discount on Any . Purchase Bring ~ ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fish Daily from Our Ow11 Boats! Whole Red Rock Cod 25c lb. -Local llallllut 40c lb. SHRIMP-CRABS-WBSTER-ABAWNE 2800 LAFAYt:rrE .• ON THE BAY .• NEWPORT hu become Ml ac:lept that hl" uya. "I 'll &how them how IL Is donr!" and Cek>.sline le 1;lvtng up the Idea or hldlnK the klM with an extra large hat. 4-H Girls Bake Biscuits, Muffins On April 18, Dr. GU~ T .B~ nf Cout wr1 d!scuu Truman, T•r\ Elaenhowcr. lt1cAr1.htU' and Dew~ "n &n a.ddreN on "Amerk:a'lf Leaden." Dr. H~rt Herring o( Ci.att. mont •or uatc School lJt tenlaM Lively en ed to handle the sub- ject "lA in . American Slr'Ong Men" ( Peroitt. Vargu, C&nSenu Robert Wentz I.fl apt to be lhr hJt or the show.}{, r1ay11 thf' part of a vile villiatn eo Wt'I) that hf' ha'5 slop?fll the show &eVt"ral llme11 during rehcaraala when the re•t of lhe ca.st couldn't rt•ad their Une11 ror their laughlf't. Others In their parts are scarcely le.ts &mualn~ and Frekla Petenon u Hiid& a.nd Katherine Procter u Matilda are «rtain to get their &hare of -----------------·--------a laugha and app'awte. Les Steffen· C011ta ).1eaa 4-H clftb l':"irls mel Friday for a cooking &eNlon In the home or Mrs. Harvt"y tcoemer, Birch etrt.'('L The girl.a dlvld~ In· to two groupa, one making ·the new stir-and-roll biscuit.a, and the othf:r, com bread and oe.tmea1 muffins. Pn>1'Cnt wett Mary Soud- e>r. Evelyn Taylor. Df'anna Souder. Marian Koern4"r. Alayne Compton. Flo Lou Thoml>80n. Joy~ Ville, Hel('n Blehm, Shirlf'y Lewtll, Bar- bara Feeney. Betty and Bunny Hiatt. Leader11 on hand were Mra Koerner and Mrs. Ra.Jph TaJlor. ThC' nrxt cooking meeting wtll be and De Le Tltrre.) Dr. Jere King of UCLA will con· elude the forum aerie•. May 2, witti "Europe'• Policy Mallt>ra." an &d- dre.u to be centered around Churchill. Stalin, Franco Atlee - . ( aon 111 In his elrment u a Shake· a~arian actor, the 4J>f"Cle.lty eongs . SOUTBCOAIT . MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIRCA TlON READY MIXED CONCRETE Woo& Wllooa (bot•-N-rt --· ll?lft.) ·Ooeta II~ a :n, .. aMI • and acUi of the olio, the excellent 'lnd Adenauer. .. I performances of the many other members of the cut., aU are extra dividend• In lhla gnoat show. ln· i cldentaJly, it La a benent for the l • A •1• ~ combined PTA'• ot Costa M .. a e91on UXI 1ary on cakes. • Main School. Newport Bfach and B · 1 d c I ; l L-Ah d l Harbor Hlgb, •net worthy of sup-UI ers as~ 001115 ea . P.-T. A. Boa.rd Plans of Frank Dials Newport Harbor unit 291 ot--. l port. To Be Guests to PoppX Day M f Amerlc-.n Legion. Awc.lUary wb eeting , Of . . Mr. .;,,d Mn. 'rrartk Dial. (6s~ one or the untta ch°'"'n •to partlcl· ·~ W . iDth St .. wiU 'be hosta to the pale ln the opening of' th~Allxih· -----------------------=-pa rents ; Faculty Bulldot•' c1 ... or the Costa w ... ary Poppy pn>gram ·n.-t.ong Beach , Comn1unlt.y Method.let chu r ch Veteran's hmpltal Monday, M.arcb Board n1ember1 of the Newport March 13 at 8 p.m~ ~-•-¥ Harbor Union High Sch"iiel Pa,.. Rev. and Mn. Jdaepb H. 1bom.p-Donning •' hocpltat robee and • YOU CAN DO BEflER AT enl· Teacher Alaociatlon btet at eon entertained the tlaas at the muka, the ladies went ,,(.hrougb the hJgh adlool Monday, Feb. -26 lat.rat meeting. President ~Y· the warn. cottectlng popp!es a.nd at one o'clock. Twuty•fou:r mem· moftd K. ,Euln\&n conducted the r~rd.ing the name and number of bera were preemt aad'llCn. Ed.pr bultnea Halon. afttr wbJcll a completed popplee of each paUe:Qt Hill. prtaldent.. prHlded on:r the P"',...... ot pm.. wu "'10Yed· mpged In maldnif them. In tllat monthly bwdneu aHBlon. The Roundinl' out the evening ~ra way. ·uc11 man lit gtvd. Cl"eCIJl for • mtn:utea we.re ·read and approved Thompl!ion aerved deliciopa ! r.& a.nd. pa.kl acord.in.C to the ftp res FURNITURE . CO. and the tr<aouttr'• ... port wu r....iunent.o to M .. ro. and -Cl"-liat.d bT th< workera. Daniger made. RaYl!l<Jlld K. Eutman. Cleo J!'UI· Th• enlhuo!aam ot the men Whc • • I Mra. Elmer Patle:nion recrea· ler, J"rank Dial. C. M~ Bunch· t.nd con1lnlct theee mlm~ flowem \Ale Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture uon cbainnan "'port<il' 00 lbo Mn. 1.mian McCldland. ,... .&11. lnopln.Uoii· to th. womon. l ' Orani< coun~y dlruu>r ot recent , -, will -'rdle<t"'8 th<ti' . =~J~ .. =.:1-ln r:::::~ Sunday Speakers.L. -= z..i.!.i::~Y.~ or cmmrr. N0wport- TW ......, Qwct.. ftle c::Mtt, ldMtltt, ......... ST.PATRICK abd EASTER HALI.MARK CARDS . Oll'TS + ART SUPPLIES l• •• COSTA MESA STATIONERS · FO~ MIUWORIC, · SASH & DOOR'S Bie.u1a-RJ~ l'Jll!'iiewportBlwcL I PINE F N1Tt1KIPJ MADE SEE 618 COAST WWkY . • ClilNm IN 0 OWN 8 AOP8 fl.UIN Ull llL'INISHlO ROV'IPJ A 'oARDr.N At Tho Atth<a . '" CO.ut lftWT. NIWPOlt OTHER YARDS: ,La.gun& Beacb-Sa.nllt. Aiul-Fullerton-La Habra.-! ..cl ~NW> • ; "et'f 9etsO\\~~ • f Now you cAN ENJOY the p~estige of ~-pockct-~iU checkbook with -eacq check handsomely imprinted wilh your own name and addrcss.L .at no ~ost to you!_ You'll .Vi"-this personal to~ch•that adds to the safety of your funds, too. • . . eel hcclr.5-ha Instead of waitp>g days or weeks fGr YOll' unpnnt c . • you ve them in· a rnatl<r of mommts-thanb to 1the new Todd Imprinter we have jwt installed. This machine prints Y,Our name an~ addrt:SS tD .sharp, clear letters right here at the bank, in about the tune 1t takes you to make an ordinary deposit! · • - . Stop in al the bank and get your book of imprinted checks. Rem~bcr, there's .. chmge for im"f"ti~ and ~cc r fast. Get your chcc:ks ~ay. -port .a~· ~~ .B.~•k COB A DB DB · · · ~~ioe.;'~~deral D P,sit fnsp-1-c;ince Corporation , 181.2 N•wport Blvd., Costa ........ 5656. ty. Art •'!'Vds for the llCbool dLo--• 'lbCioll ~Ddln rrvm ·-- ----'''----------'--·---------P~~~~tlv. w.... 11o-at Costa Mes-a · I ri'!:..;.:':""H~:0:..,;3 -:'.; land. Wrle/'t announced the lmpor-Meff1.' odiSt Church .. Eileen 1-Puppy - t&nt-J'untor and -r ParenlJ! tor "-•t ftl • ' • Olld l!'lcutt1 -tin&' -will l!eniwn t '~ ""'¥"<1'' at :-• : ,, ' • lah p1ace llSrcb • at T:ao 1n ooota -~ ot1\D'd>'wm """"" . • tM ~ lolW. ~-,QUMT lie • .,._ Wu --.a SavloUr," VWglftlle New lhi.p. U.. problema and_..., u sl'nD l>Y "U. llcY.~ 1!L ALI c . . ' ol ,_Uoa will ..... -......... "."'• ......... ,..... .. •• ,.. -• • ...~ n..-Kr. Bam.llleU. ...... lo 'IL 10:19 .a. ID. . .. Mn.-~ and --o1 a..-, -at 1:.a. 11n. ~ x.,;;... nnt ~ · , ::._ 'Bw~ "':w i.;.i:,oo•t>~ .At 1:a -•••11 ~· , lo r : ·•a--.. .._ eMrp a( -"'91 pcJ Ito at •• ,... an .... -a» ·t.t w •01 I ' ... •• • I a ......... t>-oe--.. ... lM ce"•• .... "" 2AttllleJ' = 0 ,, •• .--... . Ymtlitt W111'1-Bil .. IW ~ II SW wlD bo I . -o"dl* i. ll£e ,..... """-!M ~ j " llis·P1'A • 1 s int, "Oii, 'lllo l'lt7 lit -. ... rbjtat: "War ..... IL ..... De ,.,_ - It'" lo llt-olapd ~DI!.... ...... . .. ..... -... -.. WJ .... -.... "' : :-::,.u ..':"JI~ deftiDp--~ lo We !'!I'-. D. C. at11rl a. R POI' .... ,-..~ • • • u.. r -.c u. r.tsrw I oPw -....a - -ar:.., .._ . --•- 7 ¥ ..,, .. ·-.u l:U --"" .... -11' Ill -.. -Y.-6 rz a·ssa Nau_. 217 a Jortt1 af .Un•1 U.. ·~Ql1 _. ,_ a. Prw ..._. WIU...... a1 t•C• -~ • • Lcimps ~ . I • LMJMlllCJ ~ ·~ • ' • • Wall P«p,rs . • ·LM• ••.ua•• • • • • • • • • • . • ' • , • l • p .. ' • ....... , •••.•.•..........•. ;·· •·········•••••• • • • I I f I I ' . j • ' ~ B. TUCJU:K. W/0, l). S; N. &ad 'Bride SHIRLEY SM.{Tll. ·S/K le.. "-;AVE. of Coroa dd Mar • ( . . • ~ . .. • J f Balboa Bridge_·~~ · 'Horrie Cleaning' Red l White Theme . Me~ -d Group . THUR~AY,. lit!AR. p, 1•s1 Winn '{otd ·.. Is. Topic ~r For lrd An$niver1ery . Entertaihed 'at . . . .'. -Q an. llllillll aJld 11n. Beacon Belles )' ~=-::i:.'::i{ ·oi,-Be•ch .:.:...:.... PRE.SS ~ w..t ud I:>. tfet11V117 and Mn. lll.u:IAD PruU.. counl7 waa sf..., baPP7' .._,.itlon re-M-ben a .C-J(ea •card • . -• • Arnold ~ ....... """""" .. 1.--Mn. Ralpb fiylor at Ooota ,._ • . • '\"!' .• ., . . " - Amolcl were !>IP _,. --· --of centJ.y when MHI Taylor lnv!Ud a club ......... ~ -u1 at c --· k. s. I ~f ··di J b' n-L.1.. aorih • -:,0,ln, Ibo d\lpllcate bomu ,lief...., and alter • ......-i-'ffOUP of little fJ\lk to a py ce1e-,ii1J1Cbe0a ID '~ lfllJltlqt.oe -: 00 18 c1 9. . S 0 S Ll'Ugmers brldJ• bekl on Prlday Oft-Inc and a!mple -~ of .... bratlcln. -. • Of 'M Wll3'!'0 l'lokerlnc-s out c r'.' d Pl . ·t o· nine In 11a·-. . cleanlnc -\be B•-~-Tbe amau ~ -b'id al the Cl..U • of vulepUd -C. ·amp brul'I an • wo. 1nhers { , " Rumt.,.•r .u.t-weat wero Mn. nen1JaC -..malton' club, met _,,,_ Tay~ .home at 10 o'clock. 1n th• adoraod U..1-fO"'U f~ Ibo oeca· · «' -' · . · , . · )'(a,Prot Cllurctt ind !l. !l. Bruce; oentJ.y with Mn. Kay QI~ 932 mOt111nC and ,,..i a wonder!UI time lion. l _ .· Newp_orl Barbor lrl •Scol/' ~°"' ar ·meeting of 8etllel NI!" Kn. R~rt Root and Mrt1, 0.0.S. W. tllh St., Coolla M-. pla)'inc wttH Vicki'• to, yw befor-. Mra. B~ 0. i)a'.rd'. . annual cookl• oale wlbtli't= 151 of Job'• Paullbt,n. wu held Camll; ·Mr+ MOiile Ballan! and Mn. Joyce Blrtler, balrm:an, a lunclleon at U :80 p.m. A red and awar(led, ·tbe rw~ prllle In l>rldge 0-and the glrla w: • to on Thura$.y, March 1. In th• 1'11- Mn. Elea.not" Newcomer: Mr. and pl'Mkled. .. The< bcMtea eie1"d re-white coJor scheme wu re.tlected p1a.7 •. .Kra. M J. Homte:Ue.r -.COred the community for 1 eupport ln MM.. 'l.._, V. Brown; Mr~ and Mn. ttelhmenll tO 'Kmea. Rae bue'b throughout. the appolnbntnla utd second Md .RaY. \\f;.Jtace ·l;b• drive, entire P!OC~ or·whieh day Afl~moon club houae .. ~ Slt\ftey Court. M.ujorte 8&.dpr, Kay ~ ot coune, the major attr&cl'on law. . ti · "-1 go lo the "1ab ahed ca.mp M~· walh ttonored quee"i 9U!1 R\iJine,...up north -l'loulh wett Joyce Rtrtter, JilartMI PrenU.. waa a bJrtbday cake apafkll~ Othe~ I.fl company b.cluded tund. The goat of l~ fund 'la lo Thoma.s pre.slding. Tbe Ubr&rian .,~ )Prank Reed and Mra. PenY Betty New; OorlMe Tallman, ...... with 'candlea. Mra. AVery Deering Mrs. Wariu Btlstol+ Mn. ~ etl&blisb • camp ln th' m~l&ins "gave a I very cnfithl('nln1 repot't Johz\IOft : Mr. and Mn. Robert Dia-garet ITbal.cbtt, -Olorla Tutbi; .-.st.eel Mra1 Taylor. D. Crawford'Ud Kra.. HOIQ.er Mel .. to be Wied by Glrl Scout. of New·, on 'Brotherhood.' Several girla re.. chner: Mn. C. E . Irvin and Mn K.aUle e Pattenon, Ad& Bueter. Sb&rlng t.be occulon were John· Iott. ~1 • · poc:t _Harbor. I ported on the trip to Olvera street !!:. ~kley : Mra. Robe-rt Brown ''P ed Planting ror Small nJe Ta1lor.. brother of the Utt.le · £Yeryone connected wt~ the and China Town. • , . ft(! E. ,4 Hackley: Mra. Jl"red Prope .. wUl be the top!c tor Celebrant; lttrf·Kay HOWllO"t Bu-...:......Costa e'Sa Y'outh drive did .• :""ondertUI· job, aay Dlscwudon~was held on the pro- ,.. RoaNJVil)e and Mn. Margaret the Ma meeting to be held March Ue Haun, Jane Deering and Randy i R h M. a"10' n"ty Scout offtcla & Mrs!; ChrlsUan grcssite dln'her and tee akaihifc Holmee. · , 21 at · home of Mn. Kay Ger· Baun. ea¢, 8 Scblndler, chairman, t.tte nelgbbor· party llChcduled for Saturd&J, In the same piayed on Monday rlab n El Modena St... Newport · hood. chairmen, troop leaders and March J7. Preliminary plana wete att.ernoon M.rA. E . L. Hackley and Hetih Earl Sheffl'1ns I Saturday ht the tl"t blrt.h-aJ.J Brownies., Girl acOut.s, eighth made ·for the sp&ghetU.dinner Ob Mrs. C. E. Jrvln ~re wtnnen day of O&f C Butler, J f., and grade club girls• &ftd , Me.ri.ner April 5 to ·be he d at the f'ridV north-aouth and Mra. E. T. Mc· .. Id V'1s1't Son s,·11 In honor of e ~·hi.a par· Scouts who aold the ~ldet. A{tcrru;on club hou~. Ticket. mv Manus and Mr9. Arnold Gauer TWO Year-0 ent.s. Dr. Nra.-Gwtnlng But· be pur<':hased from any rpemMr were h'gh eeottrs eut-W't""t. ler, 175.3 A.na elm st .. Colla Meea Christian Sc·ien~e . of Job'-" Daughters. Retreahment. Runners-uf north-eouth w e r" Sh'a 5 Honors ¥-r. and and~· 1 Shrflin of entertained ttth a dinner. • or cokes and open face aa11dwlc.._.... Mrs. A. G. Doeftburg and Mr•. d d Palm St .. <Joela M aa. s,SCnt the lnc·uded ~ -the ruest 'company Reveals True Mon "'·ere" served. Robert Brown: Mrs. E . stern and Wit Gran a -past WOf'k v .. ltin thclT PIOn Bi I were M181 ~lr1cla Buller ot Loa ------ Mra. Roy Slrots; Mrs. p~Jt'IO' and fa.mlly at the new home near Angele8, M!ia Jrene Sargerlt of The understandlng of t n1an's S C f d ·y ·· . · JohnMOn and Larry Spring: Mrs. Two-.. r-old Lol,s Fuller, email Vall<'y Center ._.,:.flC'rr he Is station-, Saiit& Ana ahd Howard Cutler of olatus u the imab'j and. like-am raw Or S IStt ~ ~ra id McCombcr and MrL Frank daushtir or Mr. and )fro. Grant ed M flAh Wl\~r-n. Thr slxtb-bt1·th-Costa Mesa. J neaa or God destroys sln.i sick· New Granddaughter Reed ; c . H . Johnson and Gt!Jrald Jl'uller. 72 Broadway, Coeta Me•. day or youn~ 'St1·vrn Sht>flln waa • . · neu, and death aecon:linl' ito the McComber. Runners-up eut-weet and h r maternal grandfather, ob8ervcd. The "ldc•a couple pro-1 ~S80n-Scrmon on "Man" in nil To make the acquaintance ~f were Mn. Mlldrf'd Lytle and Mna. Loren ¢, Button at Center at.reel, creded on to Covina to visit son C U ~ ~ I 0 N ~ Oirtatia.n Science churchce on their new granddaughter. Ja.nit Charle• Boardman; Mra. Helen shared !birthday honors at • ram· Frank and family 111nd help cele-F!.r ~Furniture & Boata Sunday. E~:tbcr Rombaugh. Mr. ancJ K&. .!thayer and Mrs. A. BHl~lan :· fly dinner boated recent:y by the brate ~nny ShefllCl's natal date. .. .. net .and Plutkl9 The Golden Texi Is· from Sam D. Crawford ot Magnolia aY't- Mra.. Morton Croeby and Mrs. FuJlera.. Psalms (37:j7 ): 'M&rk the per-nue. COlrta Me&a., drove to Bania .. M H l hJ.-• In th • ath r1n -0 --·lt.» come ~ rrom constant Made by 0'1' e.xpcrt cratt.men feet · man, and behold the un.. Ba••---•--, -k w•-re ••'-· Faye Schleu r ; Mr. ~d ra. . nc • ..,..cu e g . e g we... ~.. co ,.. ,.,...,.. _., -.... ~... iu: ...__,. s. ff.Dille ; Mrs. Robert Roaa and Mr. an~ Mra. Button. Dona.Id But-Practice! An ad t i±gularly ln th1,. HOUS.s. a GARDEN i right: for the end of. that man we~ guests of the baby'1 parenD. MN. Sidney Court. ton, Judy, Loi.a and Paul 1''\aller. paper wilJ prOOuce results for you 811 Coallt ~pwa,y, Newport le peace." · \Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rombaue- Gamea a~ held each ).-fonday afternoon at 1 o'clock and Friday evenlnp at 11 :30 p. m . ab~ to join him after her d\8- charge froin service. The W<"ddlng WM pe.rform1·<1 In ·. : Navy "Couple Honeymooning Here ·After Marriage in New. Mexico First Presbytcrlan church, 1-lobbs, • Starting fro1n opposite sides of~ . , on F e b. 22, birthday of the bride· * ORAM6E · COUNTY'S ONLY C-OMPLETE ONE-STOP SHoPPING CENTER. UNDER ·ONE ROOF! * . ' {'-' . ,the t"&rth. shr from Charleston, band wht"n both werr at Sao Dlt'go groon1. Shirley \Vore for the ac- . s. c. and he fronl Formosa: mar· Naval Air Station in 1919. caslon a dr.apcd gown or navy · rlcd in Hobbs. New Mexico anct The Warrant Officer I~ ~ rr c rrpe with light. .bluf" hat, navy npYt honoymooning in Corona del J . B. Tucker "Of Hobb8, N . ;M., and accessories and an orchid corsage. -·.Mar, is t lk' exelting story of two Mrs. B. L. DuJay. Bellflower. He Her matron or honor, Mrs. Joyce • ~·rvicc yt'IU1g J>f'Ople, Warrant Of-was ~raduated from Excelstor C. Morgan, v.·ore a wine suit with •fleet and Mr~. J..cster B. TUcker. Union High ·sehool &nd joined thr br.ewn acceMOrleJI . J . B. Tuckrr The brvle i8 Shirley lnC'Z Smith, navy in 1939. He has ~en flying gave best man assistance to hia S/K le WA \'E, ctaughlcr of Ern- 1 .... -ith a navy patrol bomber crc"A· son. Meat.ii ...,, * Fruit * VeptablM ·World's largest f OD .. DRIC Mark•tl ,Prescriptlou * Bakery * Candy t. eat F . Smith. •120 Fernleaf, Corona in the Formosa area and at t.he The young couple are mak~ng dr>I Mar. Graduatin~ from Dorsey 1 f'nd of h·s month's lea~' of ab4 their h~a.dquartcrs al 420 Fern- High school, she joined the W&vf'!! .5cnce, ~ll return le> A t.'fllgl, Japan cat ~nt1I llM'.Y re~urn lo their re- in 19t5 and n1el her future hus-wh('re he hopes hi& wife w \11 bP, "l~t1ve station. tn Late March. ARDEN'S-Processed American Cheese :! 1•ound Lotl,f . Al~ Popular Brands $145 Cigarettes, carton • Plus Tax CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 37c Spa9hetti Dinner Sauce \\'Ith l\IUAl'l.rooms ' J Swan Pure Mild SOAP, lge. Medium. i for lk 2 rer 23C Full Pound GUM CANDY Money Sa\1AI' Mix _,: ,,, ,,,:.~ ,,9_ SLICED 39c BACON Squares lb. • • Swlft'8 Premium 61 .c HAM lb. Shllllk HILlf" SllUAllN or 89c RIB STEAKS lb. Gnlde .. A .. Baby Bed Thr.-'re DellcloU-49c EcoilomJcal Too 'Lamb PATTIES lb. , PORK 19c NECK BONES , lb. ' Monarch -1 lb. 79c $156 M. .J. 0. Long Grain 21b.37c COFFEE · 2 ob. RICE. 1 lb. 19t Colored-In Qwuten1 29· C ,OLEO '"'. '"'·75c . .Good Bulk COFFEE &ott o• Nortbem 35c · f owels 2·rolls . ' . Potato or MACARONI .• 2' 7c· SALAD .. lat; c:ca HM : : . . .. .. .. . . . . S-lb, Cu SP~Y " 98c ( t • 1 ' ., •. • - ' , ,· ' \ ' ' . . • • 1t76 "9wport llwd. '.COSTA , MBA .. . . * Tot.oooe * Liq a on * F'roa!a Foods * C-ticll . -' - *' Tolletriea * Giffa .* HoU11ehold * Vitamin• * Sandriell 1812 s. MAIN _ I ST., IANTA . ANA * Foantabl * nelieale&eea Adverdaetl Prl-T111u"1•day Tiu!. . . S•• .. y --·--· Marell ai 9 9 10 A ·II .llJST SOUTH OF SEARS e ACRES OF .... EE PARKING e .OPEN NIGHTS AND lilJNDA 'YS Sundries 9't V•lw Quality Paiier E 14 •100 nve opes · 1 ... 11a. I 29c 14~. • HIO" FlylftCI Box Kites r * * * Drugs . ...,. Up to .1.15 Oft Rlx•ll DENTIFRICES •43e Rexall Tooth .I:aste • SSe Mi 31 Tooth Powder e 2Se Milk of Mapesia T~h Paste · CHOICE OF 5 5 1 A .. T. 011 A LL fw $ ONE KIND * * * Fountain -TOAat-t:D EQQ aAL.AD !t'NDWIC:H1 LUNCHEONEA ]9c * * * Liquan $)4~ -C-•Hlll--Whhkey * * * Delitatessen · ··-~·-Aanerk:cm ' • TOP GRADE STEER BEEF STEAKS .. Sirloin or Rib Table Trimm" T-BorM Of' Club ' . (A1rijftj Clovetb1oom -I ; FRVERS . ' e Evi&cen.t.ect ep&n~y · •CatUp c .. e Cleanecl ln81de . and Oat 2-tAl 3-lb. Average Top Gra4e Steer. a..t Own Ready Fl'flth Rainbow Mount&I• Rib Roast' 79i,~ Trout I , &lloM, at.r ..., _ · l ~ortt.ern, Steaka liver, 69'! · ·Halibut ....... ---10o "'Mtlo hWt 1 Dubuque'• Ml-. 611ood Sausage ·· 4~~-B•on • · 1 ~1b. Can · " ·can, 19'. .·s~ ... 43•. .. c r • • I • ._ J ' 1 ·I I I I I - f s s s a :;a a soQooso.ss+s cc'·'••••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••~ .. •-••• • .,...-.... . . . • .... , ·' r • f. • • •"'6 .• -ART TT -.THURS'f!lAY, UAlt 8.' .L1i>ea":fitrss I Caunty Club. Wqmen fntertained at ~11 . Club Recipro.ciiy Day Youth and good looks plua taJ ... ____________ _ mt ln overflowing meuure com- bined "' niak• the Con••rt l!!nte-COM Garder> Club t.aln.ment one o! the creat au~ -e• of "'• year .. prooent.d l&R c_1:. ·L,·ts 'Th1·ng' 'Iburtday by Ebell club tor their ~nw Rectproctty Day program. aJ Fl"'wer Show " l;nvtted by Mk. C. M. Dea.ktna, iV prMldent, to the tea and prognm at American Legion hall were state, diatrict and county officers and cha!rme:n, u we ll u the preai· dMl and a gueat from each .Oun- ty club. The program Included the story and 900gs from Naul;"hty Mariel· t.a. a concert gn>up, and concluded with Oklahoma, sung In eo1tume. The trio wu compo..<ied or loveIY young Patricia 8eertl1', lyric 90-- prano who was finalist In the At· watr Kent auditions o! 1946; WU· Uam Olvia, hand80me young star of grand o~ra. concert and ra- dio; and tM:autlt'ul and gifted Nor· ma Loui.Mo Brown, a ccompani.st and arranger for the group. At the short buslneu session a nominating committee waa ap· pointed to pre.ent a. s:ate for the annual l"lection of W ee.rs and di· rectors. Named wife Mrs. Marloe Othmer, Mrs. J ohn Daniell, Mrs. Harry H. C&.!M.'y, Mrs. S. A. Cort and Mrs. Rayrriond K . Harvey. A social lnterim foUo....,·ed the program v.rith tea !lerved at two tables be,auttfully appointed with la ce cloth, silver serv\ce and 1prin& nower•. Pouring .were ¥mea. Colin J3rown, Paul R.ogera. ·Byron \Vclb and Amella Gambit>. Freeh u a whllt ot aea breeze alllOl'J.C the exoUc now~• at the lntematlonal Flowe r show, Holly· wood park, la the bit of be&ch •r· rangeq u an ~bit by Corona del Mar's year--okl Garden club, Planned and &rran.ged by the chairmen, Mrs. Ji"'ran.k Powen and her comm.ft.tee, Mmu. Karl Ai· tater, Florer and Luetta Spiece, the scene i3 one o! sand dunes with me9quite, sedwn and meii- e.mbry&tlthemum. Under a sun u.m- brell& are the paraphe rnaUa of the absent bather; a buk~t or shell.I, beach towel, aun glauea and a novel. Nearly h1dden. so that It must be "di.scovered" ls an object which attracta much ~Ing comment; a box: found on the beach, authen· Uc flotsam on 'Wblch has been printd with Up.stlc~'The Thing,·· and which bl nearest moal J>t>Ople will ever come to Attlng lht' Can1- ous object. Mon. Afternoon Bridge at Balboa Atrs. G. A. MacDonald and Mrs. .. ' • ------------·I • Ko4e la UM l'tdlllpl-ead . la "'l'1' -..,. -.,,._ i.....-In So, Odb . I TeleVisf a--'--and ~ -Et•1: ~·•1 . ' !Hli ....... Y~, ·a6u . Ir; GARDEN NEWPORT BAl' POS'.1:-W .. rd•Vli'· ~!?REP~ w OoUt .. ~-. am 630 w. 17 . • 'DCll:I Tb barf!' e. r I -Re-,.----+...:.., _ _;_____ r· !., NEWPORT· BALBOA P~ ~oadap _.,ftfot•u 4 PCB BD,M ~t, apnnr and mat-eo.t& . · Now ... -M <Jn•'hd .a.. -M la .. h11'1~ '°"'4 11.ADlO 6 Tm.llTDllOH · ·--t maple _end tablol. Phone B&rbo 14 .1 ' · )roae 1'1 1 w tllllO ft& 1 t•• ._ -1nl BroadWa7 .. 0., Ill. a.. .....,, 01a;ple ku, occutonal chair. LawlOn venport.. club chair IWllMO• AD •• U1Qlll I mAllT SPIN. wA:Stu:a, l~ ,.... !'It. Bu. 2128-R. .... or Sat. .. , .... ..., ............. . . -· .. -·~ ' " lilltfo All C' 11'o' ... -•,... fw a..1a .,., · "'' 0 1 r'1Jn, • o1c11 fOOd 001>d1Uon f'lll.' 11\tra· · &9c90 .. ~I-Joa - . ' Iker 1 ~ ' ,'Jli . ""' lamp, •7.1141. 90'I -, ... --.. annv.AnoN·8· ~~- 'lb• I P.tzn 1Jle' Corona dol.M&r. lllo80 DAIQ:NPORT ""d 2 kFtcben ta---· - ' lb• . I --l.00 bleo. CHEAP. Call Barbor 29M. .LJI)(Y -RM-ble ,..., 11148UI ·-· CROSLlllY"SHELVAI>OR..-1 yoar j 90c:92 If l'Jll -\a ~ ..i.. et.. Newport. _BttM Barbo• ni. publl.lbon w111DO\110 _.r111o fOI' men_, :-::i,la~":": .. ~":1 old. Luo dw~ ,_ com· ••••· --~""' ..._._, ,OMts'il' llcB IDMrtlon of ..., adv~ -U>e rtallt to oon .. lb • '1'7 I -.., • ...., ~ and llD adl and to reject U7 a.h••'s M+t not QC9fCllWI• tc j)&l't.ment. Perfect condiUon. II BOA.ft. llUPPJ..IEI • aipt:a. A.Im 110111• . CORO.MN DEL KAR 2._ l"unlJmed ruloa and ..,gu1a1.1ona. Ad-......1a &Del .._Ila_. will .,. "Brc •vlar 01> thla. Phone Har· . ou:<:epUd up to 5 p.m. OD UM dQ pnt>e<llD( J1Ublleatlcll.. Ph. Bar. lilt bor 232l. · llOc92 STAii iloAIT, 2 maina&lla It u.JI· P. A.., P; . · ' toOl!D With private ""tftnce and. nc>• lllor. 1111. -for •,U 'I"'-or -.. -I 'ti ma W er. Good f COl\(IFUon. ,700. 11&1' ~~ OWll plotlo. Phone Bu. -RK 'NCWNU BAUOa PUllLlll811fG oo. EVERITBING bor saa or Kim noi. 115p90 -Via Udo '! 1eqp 90dll nu kD 11 -.. N-11 n ..... ~ FOR YOUR TRAILJl:R ' l " W11 ll'lLL Birr AMID aw 5 \0 H. P. ~ Standard Marine . , , r._Bu81NESS oum• . l~B'llJLDDfO UiBVlOZl:ll PROPANll T.untl Motor, Sf.>'.. J. B. Smith, 170 AU...Uon ·~ • ""5 c.i...,. -Complete lnat&taUon, rep.Ir. Pomona r-v• .. Coal& Meu. Ap-NKWPORT BIUC!l-....,. [ tw.J. COMPI.&-nl: ROUUI C1.LUIINO PAPER HANGING and ..moo of aD TnJJer ply before 2 p. m. 88pll0 ll'um. I bdnn. ·~~pr. 11lJllUM .m... 11\malture and nip J:qulwnenl-. tnclud., $45 · mo to; Jubf.• 1* lhampoood. ,.,,,. ---and PAINTING ROl1i1&D Ill. Samuel mm. M. -BOOK$-SEA BOOKS ALSO 2°nn. aeL. utjl. tnCL ~ ll'llllJ -. 4 llne ~ of booa on aD ~ to July lat. -'f' Mt7·~ NEW CAR Al's House & Rug Kenneth Quarry ORANGE COAST In( oub~Plwl all· current . . ; . 'I ,111uo """Al"\E-INS ,;, l'RAILER SUPPLY bookl. ~ u11rar1. RICABONABLi:: Bt;tQUOI ~u.. · .L'1~ · Cleaning l,0. 1515 Santa Ana Aw .. Coot& M-1910 RAJIBOR '01.VD. . Tb~ ~anders fuJ new 1 bdnn e,et., ulilll· '49 Mercury 4-dr. aedn. a..con 9111 f2t1< Phone ~ MOf CIJe!a M..., Pbone lle&eoD. US4sR 11• Karinel h. Bu 1M7 ed on year 1-· •\ ' q;.J>id' radio heat . 0 D . 1746 . 79c91 -1 Av,., Corona-del· lf-r· -bl• • · · " .. For V-enetian Blinds, :Klxlt NICE STUCCO ant new MOORINGS for approx. 30 tt -t now. l11ttc ,49 Ford, 2-dr. radio 8r: Sh d , d D Hd PAINTING aluminum buslneu ,bldg1 (In north bay oppoolte Ken ENT • heater overdrive l""" a 'j an rapery , Wj!. ONL¥ '1.SOO NUea Villa Marrna) R AL J.I ' • .. """ THE SHADE SHOP EARL SllEFLIN Delivered moat locau.U.-, ALSO nearly new Bruner 2 h.p. SPEr.u A y T""""" •49 Ford 2 Aoor, n.A:0 1'71 Palmer at.. c:!alta ~ Al90 16JC40 •tucco and franlrie bwll· compres&or and other freon '1.,..~ i ~ '"\J J\4U.J Free estimates Ph. Har 884 Be&. 5'~1-M Het neu and re•ldence bid~. u .100. rotrtg . .liu1p .. uaed one ..... n. can IDdDa Cr.iii heater ...................... 1495 514. 29th St. Newport Beach WE RENT delivered, cloee by. See at 723 1417 Ocean Blvd., Corona del LinWQOd Vick, Rltor. 78c92 W. t. Palma, Anaheim. Phone Mar, Harbor 3189-W. 89p91 BAI-laland. Bar. toil UdH '48 Pack. 4-dr. aedan .. 1«5 -------------ELE<n'R.IC pa.lnb aprayers, Ooor 8-404 . 89c90 .1 Furniture Repairing Chair bottoma renf!W4d. cane or splint. Cbair roundo, baclto ond rockers replaced; &lao re-l'luins. aanden, pollahe.rt and gai-denlng equfpmenL Stroot& 'teWlnkle Ha.rd.ware, lBOa. NewpQ.rt Blvd., Coct.a Meu.. Phone B4a. 0212. -um.rr;r. 'J:R•tr:gs,. atee.l fr&m.e, auit&ble for cvctoner or for a boat. A RM.l BARGAIN! Ph. Harbor 2MS. 90c92 S4-<WU ___ B_IO._AL.---'-llA.--D-I0 ____ 1 coRONA DEL MAR,. 820 'Marl· '46 Chev. 'h ton panel truck, radio; heater all new tires. Good shape .................. . 895 7 .- Ho.11te.Uea for the d4Y were of· ficers a.nd members of the ex~u· tivl! board including: Mmes. C. M . Deakins, Marloe Olhmer, Byron Well.9, E . C. Twichell, R . L. Alie.a, J . W . Cammack. Alexander H&m· Uton, Paul M . Rogent. Colin Brown. H V . Snodgrus. P . F . W lleon, Clarence Dodd, Amelia Gamble, J ohn R. Oai1irll and Mi85 Lilian K . D&nlell. Robert Brown Wf't'e wlnnen ea.st· west and Mrs. 'fhomu GUI ancl Mrs. Cera.Id McComber w&re: high scorers norlh.80Ulh In . the dupll· cate game held In Balboa on MQn· day afternoon. HARVEY'S FtJRNlTtJR]ll REPAIR SllOP REP AIRING and P AINTING COME in a.nd play Lhe wonderful New H«mmand Chord Organ. Even if you don't know a note of mus.ic1 you ca.n play beaullful muslc In ten mlnutea. DANZ· SCHMinJ' Big Plano and Org&..A Co., 520 N. M.aln, Santa Ana. gold. Two bdrm.. pnturn. 'Fire· place, PaUo •.. Ga.race. Yearly lea.ee. Owner W . B. Fairweather, 2400 Lambert Drtve, ~na., SY 2-0889. ' .7p99 '46 Nash Amhass. 4-d r & h, o'dr. recond. .. Mesa Matrons Play Canas.fa CanaslA w&a the order of the pvenlng Friday when Mrs. French &mith ot ' 1728 Monrovia avenue, Costa ltfeaa, entertained several nt>lghbor.hood friends. Mrs. F . U . Gi=""ant captured high prize and Mrs. Harry Crant was awarded the con.!K>latlon token. A de!IS<'rt course rouoded out t.he pleaaant hoepitaUty. Includ«I were Mmes. C. F . BrO"'-'ll, Walt Helt.on, Paul H idc.Jen, C. F . Brown, C. C. McGa vran. William Smith, Robert Halnes and Bryce East· man. ttt,\.e l • • ' " 2060 Banta Ana ANe.. CoSa 1(- Beacon fl33-J. 17cl8H Runnera.u:p eaat-west were Mra. 1.•.:.•-.:.B..;U_l..;LD.;..;tN_0;._8:,.ER_Vl_CE __ w __ _ Cal"vin Lambt>rt and Mrs.-Faye INTERIOR _ llXTmRJOR Sch.leuter~ Mn. W. 0 . Miller anu Mn. "'orion Cro•by; Mrs. H . P AINTJNG Veneman aiid Mrs. Kathleen LJCBNSiD -INSURllD Walsh; 1\11'8. Robert Rosa and Mro. Glenn Johnston A. W. T\l.mmel; Mra. Georsl!' Mer: .,. ___ .. riman and Mra. Mlnnle Heuck. ~1 · 31st St. New~ ~ Runners-up north·soulh were Barbor 2291~ . Mo4.8 ~ ,Mrs. Frank R eed tnd Mra. B. M . Wil.aan: l4..ra. Ma.re Soderberg and Mn. C. E . Irvin; Mrs. B. T. Mc· Manua and Mrs. Peggy J ohnl50n: Mrs. Ethel Bia.hop and Robert Brown; Mrs.' Arnold Gas.~er and Mni. Louis Venator. Hlgh scorers in the monlh or February were Mr1. Fran}< R eed, Mrs. Charles Boa.n..lm•n. Mrs. A·r· nold G~r, Mrs. Faye Schleuter, Mn. A. G. Ooeeburg, On MO\'l~y. March 12 the frGUp will st&rt a lix w"k· series, at the conclusion of which a trophy will bC' &\\'&rd· ed the wtnne-r and t>xtra rating pplnU will be givttn the "'t..op fl"Yt. ·· SUFFERS B&OKEN LEG A brO.ken Tes: WU .muttered by four-year-old Edward Hammer· beck, son of Mn. E. E . H&mflllCt- bec\t, 1612 Second Ave., Coro~ d{·I Mar. when he wp.a atruck by a bicycle operated by Mlch1e.l Bramble ot 521 Begonia Ave., Cor-- unl de! ?.iar. The a.ccldtnt waa re- ported to police at 11 : 18 a..m. Mon- day. OAK.LA.ND GL'll81' Mrs. Lee Bowen or Oakland ha.s been guest !or a week of her son· and daughter·ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hadd Ring, Lido Isle. lt'a Wertinghouae FROST, FREE that COUNTS! It counts door OJl81linp, be· caWJe door openinp let in warm air which fol'Dl8 frol!t. ' At eveey tiOtb dQor open· ing, FROBT-FREB auto.. matically del'talta it.oil .. , evaporateo tbB ~ .,...ter.. Westinghouse FRO&r.- FREE is the only ho""'-P"'°"" completely automatic re- ft:igeratoz; it defr•!"y when deboeting is neeck1d. See it and odwr ,,...t new 1951 Weetinrbo.-Refriger0 atora today! ~- NO DEFROSlllG ••• 'Z1::l . ~" a E • u < -. l • E.\' : { t '· · O J •• ,, N LO~ t "' IUT Willi &11 IYI l . lO 1'111 fUTilll WEST11'1GHOUSE value depends on tbli quality ft,:r eyes csn't .al . t'• •Z, we .. J: You•eo... SUR •• J If 1''• ' W:ESTINGHOUSB I ---~u CA• •• Sllftl •. is.n WestinpJtouse . Or'sr We1tk,.1111 Malltls.• Lew as Szot.95 • • ' R&ASONABLII. Larp OJ' -U joba. · ~ ""tlmatu. Har. 208l·R --. HAU:ii.,.INS Ally kind, tra.ah or-! Walker, 108 · 18th BlrMt Newport Be&ch Harbor Wt-ft 1'1c18H Alco\!ollca Ancm.ymou. Write P. O. Box 2il6 Balboa Itltft4, Ot.lit. -Klmbelf7 a.MU • PRECISION Watch Repairing E.LECTRONlCALL Y TEM'li:D AND 'l'IMEO li.ou«k's Jewelry l 788 Newport Blvd., Costa ¥eaa &1c113 !%-LOST A..'iU FOUND LOST -Black male cat. Plea.oe notify. 303 Grand Cana.I, Balboa lala.nd or call POLICE Dept Harbor-l. 19c90 LOST -Liberal reward tor mt.I! red Dachahund wbo disappeared from ~101 Sea.a.bore Drive on Feb. 3. Phone Harbor ot09·J evenlnp. 90p90 FOUND -Small d~mond din· ne.r rtng. Write Box Z cue of• thlo paper. 90c tll-&TtJATlONS WAliTED PINE L.AiUMDRY. or Ironing only. Help wtth dinner partiea. IN.ck· up and deliver. Mr& WIUt.ama. Cail Beacon :i68l·W. 88c90 WE' REPAIR all makes or wuhing machines, lronera, vacuum cleaner• and ta- ble applianom; STROOTB Te· W.tnkle Ha.rd,wve. 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Bea. 5221. " 8k99 OOOKS WANTEID I wW, call utd buy . . . Your elittre library .BUNSTER CREELY Phone Ha.rbor 321!>-W ' 78c79H :n-FURNITURE FOR BAU Buy Your TV NOW! See these LOW Prices: RCA CONSOLE 16" TV, like De\v with AM 6: P'M rw.dJo. be&utl!ul m&bo.-&nY C&binet. · w.1lh doors ....................... -........ ...... $32f.95 PACK.ARD BELL blonde l l ~" table model. BARGAIN! Two TV Radio-Phonograph Com· bln&\lona, l&teet model: ooe 14", one 16" rectangular. Floor sample.a. Excellent bu)W! 10" TABLE model ____, RCA. c bU· al.a -Expanded mask -Mew black tube. IWcondltioned and guaranteed. Comple{e wllb la· hie ........................................ $118.95 UBllI> wuu!I UCGRDER. Good value at . .. .. . ........................ $91.50 • K-eep ln touob with \11!1 for good buy11 In TV aets beln1 traded tn -I . .. . . ~~I~~~~. 1886 llARllOR BL VD. COSTA 'MESA Phone Beacon Ufl FURNITURE> BARGAINS YOUNG MAN, Veteran, wanta job in aervice at'a.Uan , light truck Caloric Ou Rangee, apt. A: ng, driving, m~baniaal \1f'ork or ? ! Chrome dinette Ml ................ f&t .!>O Call or write 37ll'Ai W. Balboa Ma.bop..lly bed Blvd., Newport Beaeh. 89c90 Mabogaay.( roe.ls.er .............. $2$1.60 Autlque chest A. table · WANTED -Hou.eework by tbe hou.r. Haw ow.. tra.D.SpOrtaU.on. Beacon ts2ll·M. ' ~ 8Qp9t • Standard· Station, Inc. Has a few openings • FeR KEN Who are looldna tor permanent' employment with e.JIC:elle:nt op- portunity tor &dn.neement. 21 to {()· pretv1'ed. ·Paid while tralntua. ·'App~ wro . montlt to start. tJtieral laWldry allow· .,,... HIP Ocl>oo~ mlillmum deolred. Bee 8'Q!L a• the ' STAND&RD STATIONS • llUlia_. Courlllp-7 Corona de! *1 Betw-l :SO &11d U "'""' -l' • • . lfc83 • Magic Chef cu range ........ $89.50 ln~matlonal Har¥eater Re:frig. Engludfr Matt.re.. tuU or twin -............................. S39.9~ Deep rreuera, lnterna.'l 7 cu. ft. Victor 18 cu. tt.. Dale's. F\lrniture Utll Harbor Blvd.. Coot& Meao Phone Beacon 5107-W ll3c8{ Jack'!i Furniture, lliOI W. BALBOA BLVD. BARGAlNl! In ~ and W.palilted tumlture - I ~. Sell oo 'lnde Phone Harbor 2MJ•R • USED PIA.NOS from $69 up. Good playlng condition. D A NZ· SCHMIDT. ~20 N . Main, Santa Ana. CO?!. 6th. TRADE your old plano or band instrument for its full caah value on a Packard Bell tele- villion at SHAFER MUSIC Co. {slnce 1907) 4.21 'N . Sycomore, Santa Ana. Klinberly 2·08T2. 83t!c RENT A iPIANO. $0 per month. All rent allowed if you buy with· In tenn11. DANZ·SCHMIDT Co., 520 N . Main, Santa Ana. ELECTRIC ORGAN. Like new~ !amoua make. Save '$200, term•. Electrified organ, uaed only $175 For church or •h ome. D&.n%· Schmid!, l§2d N . Main, car. 6th, Santa Ana. RENT A PIANO, $6 mo. Shr. mo. rent applie& on purchase at SHA.FER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 4%1 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl)nberly ~72. 80tfc WANTED 1 50 pianos. Trade in your old1ptano on a Grand, Spin· et or' beautiful television. High.: eat ca.ah allowance. T erm11, DANZ..spiMIDT PIANO CO . cor. 6th.~ 520 No. Ma.in. Santa Ana. I SPINET. Brand new but case slightly damaged ln shipment. A wondert~I bargain. Save $14 0 Genuine.I T erms. Danz-Schmidt Santa A.ha, 520 N. Main, corner 6th. Ove~ one hundred _plane«: . ' YEARLY RENTAl.J -12 bdrm hoU8e, unfumiahed. 428l Golden· rod, Corona del Mllr. Phone Ha. 211<8-W. 88c90 BALBOA P1'NINSULA-2 bdrm. houae, very att.ra.Cttvely turn· !shed, $& mo. to Juile 1st. Har· bor 301Q.R. 88ttc LOVELY 2 BDRM, 2-bath bay front apt. Fine bay view. Private beach. $115 mo. to June 15th. Slightly higher bf year. GREENLEAF • ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd. """H.arbor 25S2 86tfc Balboa Penin~ula Low Winter Rates ' Furnl.shed cottage. Quiet location. Bedroom, livingrobm, bath, kit· chen', utllittea inc,uded SM mo. Pb .. day. Har. 1607, Bve. H•r. 2278-W. ~90 COTT AGE TRAILER. 3 rrna, 27' apt stove, running hqt water, private bath and laundry. 200 IC. 16th St., 18 and Orange, Costa Mesa. Adulta. 89p91 KesuJta come trom cqnsta.nl PracUcel Ao ad regularly ~ th1'1 paper ,will produce i:esult.s for you CLEAN PURNIS!DW home, Ser· vet, GE washer,; fenced yard. Near 1111hop.s. Adult;.,, no ipe.la. SM mo yearly. Util pd. 704 lria Ave., Corona del Mar. ~ 89p91 SUNNY 1 bdrm tmfurn. apt. BBQ patio, gar. Close to tr&N &: shops, yrly, $M Jll.O. lnq. Apt C 302 32nd., Newpqrt, Ph. Evea. Harbor 650~ W 89p91 SPINET ~poss., Pay out balance, $285. AJiother repoueMio"n at $395, • .,.t new $615. Just like BALBOA. ISLAND new. Te , Daru·Schmidt Big H,OUSES A.Nb APl'S. Piam _ r~~~!":!~,l"o~n 'fe~ff~.+I.. • "&th. ~a. .1 I ·; 1 ri jJ, th Lo~t:t" · ~J.. E ),i;i;galow 1 : Gt : . !l•' It; Estate uprtgbt J>1an6 tn flne condltloo, 30I Marine, BaJboa: laL :Bar. 502 $26:i, tei:rn.L $~ down and $10 69Uc mo. at !SHAFER MUSIC CO. , (Since lllo7J Ul N. ~camoro, For ·Rent New and Si.nta AJlL KJmberly 2..()672 , 80tf< Furnished Apartments GRAND ljAN_os -uaec1, Knabe Chlckerifc-. Muon and Hamlin, Stelnwat. Everett, Sohmer, Wurlltze , Starr K.tmbalJ. Many others. om ,$396 up. Da.nz· Schmidt Big Pia.no Store, Sarita Ana, ts2i N~ Main( corner tth. 16-DOOSi OATS. PETS WANT TO PIND good home tor my m·~ Collle. ·Good with chil- dren. {I'm colng lnto Navy next week) PJ>· Bea. 8195-M. 89p9,0 -llCB~ Oppertmllb engine .................... .. '46 Packard 4-dr. ~- Recondi. engine. A buy ......................... . '41 DeSoto 4-dr. F1uid Dr., Radio, heater, 1 owner ................ .. '40 Ford tdr., '46 Mere. eng., twin radio, heater, pipes. Sharp '39 Buick 4-dr. Sedan Orig. blk. rec'd. eng. 895 795 f 595 445 · Laguna Beach Lincoln • Mercury · 160 NORTH COAST BLVD. Laguna Beach Ph. Laguna Beach 4-0525 '4.9 FORD 8 Cultom Tudor. Over-- drive. Low mileage, A·l. Private party. Call Harbor 2123-J. Eve- nlnp & week ends. 85ttc '46 CHEVROLET 4-dr. Sedan. '300 worth of extras. Orlgln•l palnt. 1 owner. 11095, terma. Aleo large 2 wheel uUI. tra.ller, SJOO. Chad Twichell, Harbor 2142-W. 88cOO 'S7 DODGE Station Wagon-All In sound condition. Has ff-en ca.rt· fully driven by 2-<a.r tamlly. ReuonabJe price. 3112 La.fay· ette, Newport Beach. Harbor 1000-W. 8&tlc ...... (t i.,. l j··· JUST LOOK AT THE USED CARS YOU CAN BUY Right aere at Home --•• -... ' -----•• + • 3--... --------. ~ --... --_ .. --. --. • ~ • I ···--~-..,-- . • ' . ... • i REAL· .ESTATE · • BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor L. S. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Manne Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 . Har. 746-M or Bea. 6042-R Eves. . BA-I.BOA .ISLAND -Beautltul • bedroom furn. home, 2 baths, near No. Bay and shopping center. Patio, dbl. gar., laundry rm. Priced to 1>ell. CORONA. DEL MAR r-Charming 3 bdrm. ranch type home, near the water. Built for graciolllf liv- ing. Large master bdrm with f'ireplace. Two patl0&. • Priced 11t $16,000 for quick sale. 8ALBOA BAY FR.Om' HOME, • bdrms, 3 bat.ha. private beach, pier and fl(/&t. A real buy at $40.000 BLANCHE A. GATEs -REALToR · llt.-llML E&TATE EXCHANGJ: VIEW PARK -;-4 bdrm, 3 batb borne. Will trade for Balboa or Newport home. Call Landauer Realty, 422 Crenshaw Blvd., Lofl .A1n1oleo. Ph. AX 1-5261. 87p92 BACK BAY 15 ACRES -lat time offered for aak. Beautiful view. "Restricted area. cau far intonnatlon_ New Lido Isle ,. . G 2Z'L m"PD ~~~- The B<!et T01fiD on Earth • . Eut Side and Priced to sen for SURE! ' ' In bell "111-U&I Put of Coota Meu. A 2 bdrm home that la reaJJy a ,abow place. m:rtra lot, all for J7 ,&00.' 2 Bedroom · House 3 yra_ old. very mode.mLIUc. Guest houae on rear ot lot. 1 block from •tore and 8lvd. Only $6,750 S8!IO down, $50 per mo on bal " A 3 Bedroom Home 4 yrs. old, 2 extra Iota. ALL FOR $7,500 SweU deal , for a builder. We Have 2 G. I. Resales That are O.K.. One 2 bdrm horn• and one a 3 bedroom home . • • • • l, • ' • ~t"'· . , 8 .,...,,. • • I'-" I . : . CORONA DEL lf'kR PROPERTI MS . ~ B. 1.ynD \ . . '". Realton . ' . . IJe!ea L. I.Jim.• WW PRICED HO~ AND INCOJdE PROPERTY, c. Ij): M.. 1 -.~-• ....-L-,._-.. -. -.--t---il-.+-1 --.. -.;--. ----.... .,....,..----''---"- .... I ' ' 2 B. ~ ROME fully fQrnialled. 3 'B. R.,Home, ~. 'good I · $!1'fl!O ' Hdwd. nr.., very ea.By tenua S8900 . 3 B. R. Home. For. quick e $87li0 8fVERAL Two unit Income ........... _ ....... -.... ~ ....... :$1.,500. and up. · Gdod. • F-ENT DuPLEX. co;. lot. each bu 2 B. ·R.) fireplace, only .. $18,bOO VIEW DUPLEX. l blk. Beach, 2 a R. ea. frpl., bdwd. fl . $U,500 can be purchaaed fully flmllBbed -All newly leased. . RENTAI.S -EASTER, s~. YEAR 'RO o ... . CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES ill 'Cout Boulevard ,..~ d l M -Farmhouse I Motel . ~arbor 1037 . ..,.,roua e ar Harbor ipea . I Looking For ---? ? ? ? B~ · TOM PAYNE, Realtor PARTICULAR " • , -about yobr location My New Office Ready Soon _ about yo\,r home < at -about yollr n~ghbors 310 COAST IUGHW A Y I Here on LIDO :tSLE' thue aJ.e CORONA DEL MAR FINE l!lXCLUSJVE JJ.ttlnp. ., . CHECK ·THES < ~ ' I ·ONER. -TODA'Y! . -. . } ~ . BUY NOW W1'JI.!l ·~CES ARE JUGRT! I NEW S BEDROOV ;'1 BATH HOKE. Fireplace. Lots of ' • • clooet opuw. Srd ~ and adjoining batb Ideal to• rental. 2-car pnge built tor apL above. $J2,llOO. Low down paymenL _ ! . • For dot&llo --~W 8'!bW1ter, 615 Coall Highway,_ corona del Mar. Phone Harbor UH. NEWPOR'n BEACH M-1 ZONE • • MODERN INDUS'l'IUAL BLDG. 8400 aq, ft., 20 ft metal doors. A-1 Condition. Cannot be duplicated tor the uking price of $31.500. . Will trade small home, clear ; Lido lsle--for ocean front Balboa. READY SOON -3 bdrm, 2·bath, dlnlng-<len. Corner tlnplace. Forced air heat, bar-type kltch· en. 2-car garage. Cor .. , st. to st. tot. StJU Ume to ch «J0.88 your OVln colors. Prloe $22,000. It you need a HOME or LOT ... PRICED RlOHT .. , Come In and see us _ . . Than.ks! Temporary Headquarten. Now at 318 COAST IUGHWAY Telephone Harbor 0961 or 2883-W I-First time offPJ'ed nearly NEW WATli:RBROlfT honie that la unique ln 1ur beau.11tul etm- plicity_ De1tgned for comfort and enjoyment this home hu 3 MASTER inze bedrooms, 2 ~ spa.cloua ))alba, large rma. clever k1tcheb, lovely dining room a.nd other DELUXE fea- tures: Home it located ln moet de•lrable spot 9.J1d hu extra fine pier and .t!Up. Special price. OR OWNER WILL LEASE all or 7100 aq. rL For de- tail.a call Mary Dtck801l, Harbor 1013 or (evenings ca.U Harbor 2092-W). . -- Balboa Realt~o. 700 e. Balboa Blvd., !boa Harbor 1153 "90tetc 'YOUR ANNUITY Service Station undtt long-term le-.e to Union Oil Co. (Like money In the bank ). Will carry ll8elf and pay off tru!lt deed ln lea than 4j years at the rate ol. $2,000 per year. Harbor Investment Realtors 30th at Newport Blvd Harbor 1800 ~T-llEAL l!STATE WANTED "Thill ad ran I11st·· week." WANT 4 or 5 bedroom home on waterfront-mun. be cla.ss. WANT bay frontage--60 to 100 ft. NEED 2 BEDROOM HOMES. CUents waiting. · RENTAL LISTINGS WA.NTED Result . . . 100 91-! K I " It . . . . eep em coming. - Wo rking people in vicinity wi.11 pay up to f15 mo. !JUMMER RENTALS SOLICITED ALSO 2 bdrm.a. and den, l % batba on 11h-lots. BeautltUl large patio, deluxe conatnlctlon. Truly a fin& home. $22,500. $4750 Full Price G. N. Wells, Realtor . and Associates 1790 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5181 CUTE 'BEACH HOUSE. 1 block Selected by Multiple Ll!itlng from beat bathing beach. Build· Ing ~ good cond. '4~50• ,turn. As Outstanding Buy Lido Bldg. ~1tes D5-ft. bay front choice loc. $27,!)00 30-ft. bayfront R-3 ·-·······-···'9,000 45--ft . inside ··--··--·-···---·---·-----SS.lSOO 66-ft. tnaJde lot, best loc. • 7,000 35-ft in.olde ...... _ ................. $ 2,850 GREENLEAJI' A ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2MI 86tfc . NICE 2 BEDROOM HOUl!l!l by owner. Redecorated. Reasonable price. 220 Flower St., ea.ta Mesa. 89c90h OF THE WEEK ... G. I. Resale, $12,900• CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm home hwd. floora,auto. heat. 2-ca.r gar. 3 blka. lo beach. close to ahop. center. Payments only $61 per mo lncl. tax. and tnsur. WHY PAY RENT! Mu1Up1e Lllltlng No. 1891 Ask,About This at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR 89c91 "" Corona de! Mar. So. of Blvd. Balboa Coves Home 2 BDRM. HOME, bWd. noon, au landscaped, $12,000. Hu atttr. G_ I. loan on It. FITZMORRIS Realty Co. REALTORS 813 Coast Blvd, Corona dei ~ar Phone Harbor 21~2 $2,500 OWN. AttracUve 2 bdrm. hom e. Sep. dln. area. hardwood noons, firepJace, garage_ 612 Larkspur, Corona del Mar, 89p90 ~~~~~~~~~~~- No. t3 Modern 2 bcdrme and den, 2 bmt.hs. Large living rm and dlnlng nn. _and 20· cruber. ie.ooo down. · See owner, 14'10 West Bay Ave _ or Phone Har. 089e·M. 7~h MAKE OFFER on duplex, 310 Grand Canal., 398 No. H ighland, Monrovia. Ph.. EU M>tt 8St51 . 84pb (Formerly &880Clated wtth Earl W. Stanley, Realtor, Corona ~J M ar office for two yean; and tor the pa.st atx months with Stanley A. Smith, Realtor.) The Island 3 BR's & DEN 2 BATHS-LOTS OF REAL HOME ~00 Down :. A. Resale Lovely 2 bdrm, almoat new, never been Uved In. Hwd., tile, p;rage, euy payme.nt.s o! $82.39 lnclud . taxe• and lnSurance .. Full price of $8,llOO. Nicely styled home on at-, $750 DOWN G. I. tractive corner. There are lJ:re.nd new 3 bdrm home. over three bedrooms and den 1100 sq. ft. Corner lot, flagstone flreplc .. hwd., tile. thermo. ranch with two bi.the, a modem type. We believe this ls the tut ' kitchen, plenty of tile, fire-lndlvldll&l home t'1at can be pur- Cba.aed al 5 per cent down. We place. good heat and oak have sold every G.l . home th•t floors. There ia a lovely' we have adver tised, so ac t quic k on thla one_ Full price- Alpine styled living room with open beam ceiling, unpainted mahogany w&in· •cote and ample dining al- ' c.ove. Tl)e exterior flnWl:ia $11,250 2 B.R. & Den On lovely corner lot near Newport Height.A Nice kitchen, separate dln. rm, big bay window•, ttre~ place, pleasant den, 2--car gar. For the beat buy tn the area. 2-Al8o on LIDQ 18LE on the' BAY FRONTlan ihcome prop- erty conaistln~ of two 3 bed· room unit.a and a single 1 bed· room unJt. sUJted for retire- ment or ·aecuJ-tty tnveatment.' 3 homes for the price ot one . Tbta is a gobd place to put your money. 3-Brand new 2 ))edroom and den home jll9t. being completed. All modem featuret1 and ap- poinlmenl.8. Priced at ONLY $18,500. AL8o on LIDO ISLE aome wonderful building sites. $uch u -.fG fl. r°n the waterfrqnt With aea wall for ONLY $16,000 Alao c.rosa street lots lh•t you can buy rro-m· the DEVELOPER at be-' low their real value. On LIDO ISLE a little buys a-LOT. P~P.j\LMER lNCORl!ORAED Newport S@a.ch, Calif Haroo;-1000 of shakes and 1plattered brick decor. Redecoration can make this. one of the most colorful Balboa Is- land homes. F\111 P"-o-1------------ $9,000 Phil Sullivan ( OCEAN !FRONT SPECIAL . ATTR. REJ!)WOOD jllo,.. on Clean ·Bendy Beich 2 R.R. den. Pum., patio. F'<ilced. Tutefully tum. •12,llOO, term&. ALSO choice ocean ft. cor. Jot, clean eandy ~a.ch $8250 Contact Mrw. ril<ikeon, Har-1013, Ev ... 2092·W ' CHARMING WELL BUILT HOME SPACIOUS LIVINd ROOM--Bearned ceiling, flrepl..,.,, 2 bedrooma1 and deti -PLUS out.aide guest room, bar- becue, ~· Located close in on Jarp beauUtUlly land9caped lot. Priced r1JhL It' interested SEE MARY DICKSON, ~113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. EARI.i W. STANLEY , Realtor 17th and Coallt Hiwajo Newport sf-ach 1 ---; 22!'.i Marine Ave. l~th and lrv.ine Newport Beach 615 Cout Htway Balboa Ialand Corona del )Mar 3113 Newport Bhid. Newport Beach BAY FRONT IF YbU W AiNT !A BA YFRONT HOME on BajbOa Island, you had better see this! ' . . 2 _BDRM, • knotty pine interior-large fireplace, floor furnace, completely furnished and spick and span. In excellent location, with beach and room in rear for garage apt. $24,ooo, Terms ' -Clu.eilled ads are read by folks Now I want land suit8t"le ror..,.. who irre looking to troy. farming -20 to 40 acre patches. Lido Isle Special -. $13,950· Being sold unfurnished and C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson REALTOR 3 BEDROO¥ HOME ON BEAUTIFUL !LGE C0RNER UYl'S OF ROOM HERE. 9011156 comer tn an! e.oeu. location Costa ,MeM . 'louse, garage and patio built In 1.848. Hu fireplace hwd. noors and qualit.y features. Large fenced patio. Price, $1 3,· 750. LINWOOD VICK, R,ealtor 312 Marine Ave., Phone Har. 2042 B~LBOA ISLAND JOE CALLI Lie. Real Estate Broke r 2122 Newport BJvd .. Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 2248-J Cash for G. I. Homes WUI consider others with A-1 ft. nanctog. Ph. Harbor 2865-M. 88p3 WANT-2 or 3 bdrm. turn_ or un- tum. hou!e: good locaiton, close ln near bay. Reasonable. Bal- boa or Bal. I1t Phone SY. 4-2126. Mrs. Schaupp, 1741 Pak>ma St., Puadena 7, CaJJf. 88c.a ~fn.= ~. ~! LOANS For Homes REGULAR 4 '> '7o (10-20 yno.J Q. L 4% t 20 yea.rs> FHA 414 % (20 years) Oomtruc. Loans 5-5 % 'lc ( 14 yr:s.) No Commlss. chg. on M:etro loans We buy and selJ Trust Deed.a CALL BOB SATTLER Har. 2661 for Free Appraisal ll.op. POIRlER MORTGAGE <;;O Metro Life Ins. Funds Kl 3-5\85 BEACH LIVlNG wilhio your Costa Mesa Buys rea ch. 3 BDRM HOUSE. large Jot. W , 2 bdrms, large,iving room, lovely w·1 A.ilk! $7300 Submit 1 com er flreplaoe, • atep to beach r; 80"· ng · -cJub houae, Jar~ lot. This j_, 0 er. rea.I value. Terms to re!lpOmri• NEW 2 BDRM ' HOME. ' acre. 1544 • Placentta. $9,000. comm. ONLY hie per &ons, r f:}arbdr Investment Realtors NEWPOR.T mtlGmI'S Newport Blvd at 30th St .• H . 1800 Nearly new, deluxe home_ Very ------------ attra.ctfve place near Hi School. $14,000. N . B. C. ,Jll!lALT'l 3116 Newport Blvd. Newport Bch. H-ome and Income Priced to Sell ~AY, FRON.? HOMES ~ 2 ~ 11.<?0lt plus-2 bdrm I I; 'Spl l bv~I ~~. lai.indr)i " .mli 1 ~otlby< 1-doin. •' •' ''' 1-5 bdrm home. 1 lp llvlng room. Sandy beach, beauttt\.11 vJ~. A bargain at .. 0.000. 612 NARCISSUS · CORONA. DEL MAR ' OPEN SUNDAY, 1-5 ' most reasonably priced at ' $20,000. J. A. BEEK Office Balboa Island Ferry f Harbor 63 Balboa 1,1._nd • INVESTMEN'J(s Safe and Profitable -490 Newport Blvd. Co!lta Mc.ea Phone Beacon 624.3-W Harbor 3157-W or Beacon M58-J OPEN HOUSE· ' N ewpoit HeiP,lts One of the beSt tiuys in tlle entire E. Side; Costa Mesa area . Really n ~e 2 bdrm home, 4 BEST BUY$ 89c91 Have You Noticed:. Balboa Coves ? 12"' Sa' pphil"e Ave yrs. old. Hae 'J'aDY nice features 2 BDRM CAPE COD ; HOME. ,. -• incld. ffrepl&cf~ hwd, firs, nag-Garage, lArg1! corner Jot. 69xl40. The 68 waterfront prope,.. Balboa Island stone, etc. Bonds pd .. price J.t far Near Lindbergh achoo~ $7,poo, ties, half of which are im· ~low replacement. terms. No 1 .... ooo . S111t. & Sun., 1-5 proved or being improved · -........ $1 ; 'l'.50 with homes that are at- No. 3--$83,000 16 unit apta •• 2 bldgs. Fu.tn.labed Ne.Ny new 4-bedroom. 2--bath 2 BDRM house and gtLl'B.ge on 1 scbedul..t n•t Income $7,110 home. Large living room and Beacen · ill Realty ..,,.. near new Alpha Beta mar-tractive and NEW; all I ket, $7,500 Additional """' have beaches and It~ ~l'<~~ fjffiira:~Y1 ,~~';~:::;:: 466 Newport m d (above Arcbea ) .4w$2;Mo. . i . I •. ~; l.~10.!tft1t:·i'fht~~i . . .. r.n;;,i..:~~cw , ~l8-R.1'c : °'' r ·,~·: !o')' I<. \~ ~.~I ~~~~d;TF uJed net Income $1,414 yea.r:ly. call Mr, Mottram at Harbor . ' ' -~ 1.1r ~ ' j j ,# !:'. r 1it1itri, tb~iJJ'iy9~ I boat. tllOO Income Property · . We have a few homes and . . NEW ONE BEDROOM, bar~ue, P. ·A. PA I ,MER In the Heart or; Balboa! 2 Apll!'t· FHA financed, close Jn. S0.!?50. building sites available an~ menu and 1T sleeping r<ioma. $1,000 down. PRICES are SENSIBLE. . fNCORPORATBl> 2-Modem 3 bdrm bome--PLV8 2 bdrm. apt. Xlftt. location. Commercial' bldg, theatre amt 2 atorea. iSc.h@duled del lncome $7, I 30 yevly. . , NEW 2 BR !µNCH TYPE No. 4-$110,000 . 1 3333 Via Lido Newpwt lle&ch This can be diiveloped into good Don't wait for bii'her :::'!"1.~:;~'1.:toi:!lud~l~.i 0000 LIBTINGS w ~ED prices, see this one now! 3-0WNillR HUST SACRl11!1€E- 6 bdrma, 4.-b&th home. Pier It float . - .f-6 bd.nna, ;3% bath home. Ple-r • float_ U.ually liberal financ- ing. home~ lot, expan-New bJdg., .+. etore1 and 8 •pt.. sive ocean view from Jove-chect.uled net income Sf.938 U panelled living rm. Y•arly. OPEN SUNDAY, 1-5 WILL SUBMIT EXCHANGES • will W!e :\ of parking ac-ROBT. H . MOTTET • • commodatlon Between Bay ·• Bea. 0224-J Ree. a.IL. 51S7·J LIVING ROOM with parquet Ocean. Total ric• only '32,000. UIOO Harbor Blvd oak floors. 3 carpeted bed~ 2 bdrm home, out oide Coot& 0 . ., THE "" I' .• COST A MmSA , M•a. l'lrepJ&ee, 1 cal' -· ., " -lN11' rooms with 2 baths. Furn• RE.AL VALUES SEE 608 SEAWARD. RD. ON THXSE 1 CORONA HIGHLANDS WM. JD. ~LD. Rltr .. ~1.6 E . Balboa BIV<I., Bal- Back yard ·all ?enced. Some fruit 3 B. R.. 2 be.th home now in IN.COME FRO; M ace heat and many other onlJ $0,960. -procea of {nstructfdn. Thls _ wtll be ~ .attractive When • features that MUST. BE · 2 ~home nearly n-. Rd. rang<> completed. d a real buy! Small Investment SEEN to be appr.edated. and automatic waaher. Lot · OOx . •15.ooo. I I Part 1-110 ft. Wldt!YeloPed !Jew-New and only 523;000. MORTGAGE LOANS B'& & Beach Realty Low Interest Rates Et.hef Shirley_ Gloden v.y Pbone Had:tor 1238-W -LJ.ttlnp Wanted -Alao RentalB 100. Home 1 ... tnan 3 yean old. NEWPORT HID:QJITS. port Blvd. frontage. V, lue • • FREE INSP ECTION, Kl. 3·7778 . HtlO Bal-Bl..S, Hubor UM S. W. COLEMAN 207 N . Bro&ctway, Santa Ana We Buy and Sell Trust Deeds 88c81 LOANS TO BUILD, IHPRO'Jm, BUY, lllODmRMZl!l, OR Rili'INANCll: We llllJ Truet ~ NSWPoM BALBOA Fl!:Di:RAL BAVING8 A LO>-N ASSN. S.'i3 Via Udo-Ph. Pfar. 11100 THE IArs·s lHE NEWS-1/MfS 1HEPOST • -·• ! Orcurge Coul)fy•.s 0 ll'ftta nc/ i g- ' /tao/ Esfat• .. ' . . Arlverlising . Mecliom . . . ... -· ... -------~ -- - Balboa. Island •. Special s bdnn bdme, .-to· goo11· oouth bay beach-dbl. guace, P,&tlo. Duk room. 0n1y $6,ooo·-.r Full 'Ptio.- ~l:3',2:SO . Stanlecy. ij'adfietd 218 ........... ---Ha. :IO .Ernie Smith, Realtor 120G Coaal Hlway, COrona· d<ll Kai Phone Harbor 2"1 NEWPORT DUP i lent ..;u. A ISLAND Full• prlc•, only $7,400.. 3 B. R. hol)'le Ion large loL Many Jl2,8tl0. CALL BARBOR 1600 extru, lot; or tlle, (rpl., bdwd. . . -; tin.. Beod tiuy in the area. Part 2-3 bdrm. hOWM:, i ~ J60 Harbor Investment Co. _ Good 1ecau.o., OJ1Col• •12.899. j J ~':io:rwi-:02 ~~ oot..:! 30th and W. NewpOit BIYd. come. OWner amdoua to OCllAN:'FRONT-2 bdnn and oun COSTA MESf' I SlOO mo. Toto!! ln""'1•· ;Newport Beach • .LOVEL 11! 4 bdrm; 2 bath. Cl-in BALBOA. $8,llOO, terma. -· G ..... e. Co .... r lot., only 3 B. R., -~I, 2'car g&ra,ge. co« S280 mo. Valwo $20,odO. 9j)c Und•• iao:ooo . tt.100, tenna. · ner lot,. 't. rtdlll-hood, -t -I I Nl!lW 2 STORY HOJIOll and tum. aide. Thia l\ltt property. but Part 3-Very tarp rear!Iot, ...,. rental unit. 2-car pr .. flDOod. 1Bl' -'7,ll08. ' Inco'.me Property hu good bllltl.S.. C.2 for t?aller !eourtl or Enjoy Beach Living o. .... new. <;anaol bo cluPlicat-~t -tto-• ? ? ? T? 'Nro ~trezlcea. . ..i. for >ellJng price of iµ.ooo. .~A GIBSON s.-home, llwd. floonr, t.ne and BOtlTH. UT RllALTY 00. Valu ••llQO • 1 to ... _ !WINL 1.er-,.. ..._ ~ tmna. n-tum. 1 bdmi apt owr a "Kultlple ~' ~..,.. · e. ::::._ · i .1 and n;..1, ~t 'I" bd;;;. ;, -Harbor 50I _._,, -. _.. Hwd, ...i Ille. 30t Maln .. at. B&J-. ~!></• 2034 Total Valu. .SV.1~ a ·garqea and · work' ""'-. .Small BtulibesB ' 30f lf&.da• A: Bal'!"4 "*!"" l'Urnilbed. ~ mo lllcoiM. N Pavilion · -I '! pl•tf or ._ tor_ onoliior Plil'l' 8JlOP mJi Prr lltl1'PLllCll . Al!Pro&. 1 acre and)' lllAm tlOI~ ,..-Elderly o•me< m. · Docitor '· •n h..--uua mel<ea id<al -· ID _.-,. b.ecb community. ,11Aff~·am111 BO.aac:-pod dlllrlct. Prl"."4 to ..u tor Today 8 ~ ·l:Juy · . •'muot ro eut.• Seil'a1r at f:·r &1)!1 , ,_,.,,., reaemable-• ...-. •• ' Operat<.i .. part 11me tq;--. Fo?-$82S)'. ~ ,u,&00. . . . . . lDI '{ · , . 500; no.~-. bal.jiteo mo. .• .:".'111 ~.am: ~.,:'ODAT.J . Costa Kesa ::. ~='"'°' 1-n!ftt. IO'lill 0: L -ai llSde ''!' f bdrm. B. .A.. NERESON . CORO . DEL~ ' Clieck ~.:.ru-.J > H&t!lbor lnvest!Q.ent _ .. -..~_....,.._"'_ -·· · • 11n111~1-iromoa _ • .:.! · ' W.A:~~~1'0 \f • ., tt~to~ :,.~on 1 'f"_-. 2 · ~ JSLE,. . ~ a ---. ~ -·1""' !«Ii~ C'~ ~-M.;. $16,~ . y'.,~ . ~ ' ~-~r ~ -14 New;;.J ~,ot aoil. IL..H. tAoo' Cboloo 4&-fc lot; ... ,800 •. • ot'1T ..... Oiiew __ ;e11-t-~ . lo I~. t~NMrpo<t•llttol., ~-~ 12 ~ liJ!!!rm.'~=· 35 frdy$87fi& >qlBS~ll illD .............. e~. ' wb. QN..,'~ ~ l!eoo'M .l!"".J-1°'>, ~ ~ GIG.l-tiaU .• : i.. '....-~· £~HART -JDE~C:W. · ;.<11 · '.:·--;~ ·":.:;-~ ~Z~. ~.=s ... ~ru ~ .. . ' . .' . • -w.::_~-: ="'ot • U: iii.! a1a1 • ._.. llr. ,.._ ~~ Tflir: : ~ .nT :1 ¥. I "• lOOK fi. \• • ,Olive 1e.u: lliMit-, C.-JI••• . .-~'ii'=-t.-i;;cr-. P'l111 ~ • ••• 11.., ~"-~· · ;-.;: , ::*:;&• ,.._ • -r .... I<!°' o.urt AlOI:. 4iW t , • ._ ·; '• 1 111•: • ·1 lltni. ....... · i..I ..,,1.,... ••••• -:::, ~ :11 !.!! ftOF 9 -.... r am;a,.ca..Utl.fWI! a -n 0t aqbzttJb¢ ...... ~,. £4YiV ~ ' ...... ~ · ,.. Llllt.~ 0 .,,.,.,, ~ -.. -~ oUJI' -• -I 0 1 ....... tra41or-p;iaod al -~ c.-........ ' . ~~ . lfU .. OJ 7 ..... ~··· •J,,:::ii;21a~ ---•n •lllllOO~P.-J'JIAlo&n., 11:rt?.,attN01110-"u. ,u.nt,w1 a • 1.-(01p:t!aXi _,,.,.~>--. And11rat....., ·· "-J"=r n ta -.,. JJ ~ #o&':t 14 t " · ..... -..... :•Ml CMll-" _. -.-.. 'It•• .. ., .n 1°Cll1 zwtr,....... Q "°'' ... '11.C.-~ ,..__,. .111ro,r1,_,.... 1>DrtB.1Mt. .. -. _..., UIT·WX cs hp 1 1 WWM;,..-...... ... , • i • • • -__,, • -1 • ·r ' I "J"i f : , ' ,' • ..-«-··~-_.__,_-~.._, __________ # ----·---""---------~---.!__ ______ ,: ______________________ ... ___ -·----·------h---------------·&.=...:. ·--·- ' ' • ' . 1 I ·I .. ' . • , • ' . ·-.. . c.,,nasta Play L.A. We'ekend on . Monttili S~ial 1~: ~--..,._,_ ......... 0 ..... •lt""'l""'r-S""'""'. """"" .... --:.·,, at ~eier Hom~ 13th It-. niversary ~ -Frid~ for , 1 ,w , ~ . MR. a.nd MRS. WlLL1AM BARNETT I photo by Colleen McCl~ky) William Barnett and 8ay Jones . Repeat Vows in Costa Mesa Church l By •lktly Kirby · Ear!ietit anti one of the lovl'liest Mrs. Mollie Jones. "'ho prealdl'd March wt..Jdlngs v.1as that o[ la..~t at the punch bowl. FricYt-Y cVli'n lng In lht• Costa Mesa UpoQ their rctur{l from a honey - Con1n1uni t v M C'thodist church moon it Big Sear, Mr. anti Mrs wht>n V...'iliiam Allt.·n /Bill) Bar-Barnett will estllblfsh reside nce nelt. Stlfl or Mrs. Ruth M. Barnett, on 28th St., Newport B<'ach. Th<' 446 Bl'rnar<I St., Costa Mesa, and bride, who Is receptionist for Dr. the late J . Lin co'n Barne tt, Claim-Gera d Rausa. Newport Bea ch. ed bf>auti ru!' 11fiss Ray Jones a..oi .!tutHr!<l at Newport Harbor U'lon hia bride. She Is the daughter of H igh school. Mrs. GMrg1a J ones, 1 :'.1 1 2 '~ E. Her husband attended Santa Balboa Blvd., Balboa and W . E . Ana eoi~t> aftC'r h~ graduation Jones of Silverado Canyon. from Harbor High. During World The popular young couple pledg-\Var U hr served a1> aviation ma- ed their promi!l;('S w ith Rt'V. Jo-c hinist mate with the U . S. Navy. seph H. Thompson, pastor of the He iA presently employed with church. officlal1ng at 'the imp res-Douglas Ai ccraft. Long Beach sive s•·ven o'clock doublc-ri.n~ 1 branch. cere mony. Rev. Charles F . Hand .wa.s tht.• assislins: m inister . -The soft illun1inat1o n of white tapers ~learni ng in thrC't'.' candC'l- abra: all \Vhitc arrangements of carnations and gladiolus mingled with lacy fe rn t o c reate a striking back~ound. Satin ribbons defined tbe. bridal a tslc down which the forml'r 1'-liss J ones advanced to the allar on the arm of her brothe r. John 1 Jack) J onca. who gave her ln k~ping. Malcolm Reid. soloist, sa.ng "BecauM>," suppl,mentlng, the pro- gram of organ music by Vivian Rarmon. Taffeta and Sf't Central Bible Church Service"s Central Bible church services at C08ta 11-'lesa begln with Sunday school at 9:45 with c~a~ca for all ages. Free bus ser-vlcc Is providecl throughout the city for those un- able to attend othcrn·:sc. At the 11 o'clock morning worship ser- vicr, Dwight Kinman will preach oJt the subject of ''Co-partners With God," a timely subjecL 1 The youth service at 6:30 18 al- ways an inspiration to the t~n­ agera.. The. EvangeU.sUc aervtc~ Appearing In a floor-length held at 7 :30 Le always a time of gown nf whlte ta{frt.a and ne t , singing and 8ped&l mu8ic wUI fea- the br ide was a pic ture of story-ture the 1oapel mesa.age of Rev. book loveliJiess. Dealg'ned with a Kinman. taffeta ruffled ski rt with double Mid-week prayer and pral8C net. overskirt. the exquisite en· service on Wednesday evenings al aemble was de tailed with a taffeta 7:45. Bible study at preM'nt In th1! jacke t. giving Interesting accenU book of Rorpam. Cholra practice with a mandarin collar and small W«tnesday at 7 o'clock . The an- buttons down the length of it. nual Eaater program of Sunda.)· CroY.•n lng hf'r shining blonde hair' school is being prepared and will wa.11 a small white t&.ffeta ca p. be presented Easter morning at J>('&rl·beadcd, from which fell a , 10 o·clock at lhc church. short Vf'fl\ of sheer lllUBion. Her ------ bouque t was cornpoaed of white carnations and while sweelpeas with" sweet peas knolled in the rib- bon shower. Altendlng her 11ister as mi.tron of honor, Mrs. Richard McCunt> cho&e a gown almilar in mode and Dinner & Picture Planned for S!Jnday by Church Club rilatertaJ. to that the bride, varl-A "Progressive Dinner" will be ety being only ln the paa~l gr~ ,held for member.11 and friends ot c:c>lor. lrT effec:Uve. contrast W8.lf the Newport Harbor Luthera.11 her ~uquet of pink carnaUon11 .!bUrch on Sunday, March 11 at matching her flo~al headdress. t :30 ..m. The first dish will be Marvin K. Gibson of Costa P Mesa assumed l>Ut inan re.sponsi-served at the home of Mr. and bllitieS while Ted Sanderson and Mi:s.. Wayne Rueger, 324 Del Mar Wllllam RW!:h., uahered. A ~e., C~ta Mesa. ,lnatructlona The church chapel, adorned with ~ ':1f1;:n scS:V~ =~i:: nex~ roMbuds, jonquils and swtetpeu • . par turniabed lbe aetUng for the re-~icrpaUng wtD progreA from house ceptton following the nupttals .o houae '!flt.a deS1ert _lo .be .enoed •--1 1--·~ 1 -ngrat-•l the parsonage across from the w~. guea • vo "~' ~·e r ........ 'hureb. ul&Uone and rood wiahea to t:J\e " Al 7. p.m. the fu'.l-len~ movt'.n.g JuatWedL picture, '1'h9 PQWe.r of God" wtn M.ra. Jonn aelected a smart ·be abown fl\ t~ church audltor-~ c"'pe .dl'ellll. and. Mra. Bar-iUm,. Tile plctun ·wu mede IA nett WU atUted lD a becomlng 3•edm and la the story of a.. mt. black and ~ sill< print. Both .ionuya ....Ole • od-tureil 1D , n>Othen wore cona,.. of pink Attica. Th• \>ut.llc la eOl'diJllY lft- .,._tlona .., complemeotary tie-Ylted IC! ~ The ~lctun :"111 ~ lie 8boWll lot the -.-.I tlnie at '' . ~ -&lllp 11:al p,d>. You att lnYlted to - _ ~~r of .attn<Uon •\ 1Jie brl-U>< ~lctu"' Wbetller 1"" altenil tile ..\~of the o..n.-. eoun· Errtortawns at t11e1r caeta .~comrlienonte t11e1r Wrteentb Grad ·stu ents MA'ICtfMONIY •a-SALE ty ~clJ ,of the Pomona •Wo-111 ... home a row ewnlnp g« Wt!ddf!1I' 0Jlll1•.....,. Mr. and Mn1. , , , '•.. , · f -·; ~f ,---~-. nr .. •a Ouilpua club wm be held Mr. and Mro. Bomar'CI Geier ....._ l:\&lpli ~lor of ll207 Pacific Avo.. The ino Tti and lt,ll s-1· °"1J' a-bMnctel ~ _ lnduoe ,.AllJ' merchant, bl Ille' rrtdq, M&rdl 9 .. ~ 2 p.m. IA ll>e hoola to a c.ftuta club. ilra.:E Ooola K-. "PO•l the w~ end --~· • t' 1..,. .ot. "'"'•&'. =;E' ~"::...-,..,<!' ~-.· Uful ; ... ~ _. bollle or.~ Leo J . l"rlla, 800·~· ort 11.ymood and Mr. Oder in I.Go Aage(u. A few of the high.• ors ~u ( or llMo a:-~ of 8 · ,_ ,...,.~-~ ,_,. ...._. -Cl.t!mea~. St., Anaheim, It waa hlg~. In, th• group ....,.. Hchla of the c<lobraUon were din-Jam.. ch ocl*>I. and their · cool and ~ 1 . h • Y-P\ll & depoalt On what !You want. announced] by Mra. Selim Franklin •I'd 1.1,...._ Jack Hlrtlef. R<ihrt ,., al' ti>• Houae ot 1rfurphy and Crleftd• wl ~ Ml415'rlday. March MargO a ·i , 3'.'l""geot o~ .ti>• R01(er boys, 17•1>. 11&flt Kenneu.j. Flake of the Pomona · Drunkard. at the Thea(re Jclart. me:n are Mm.at. /W•tcMr and ~· ~t ..... + 1morntnS ot IPY' d&~ -Ix.It Jooit~ of Coota 11-. preu chairman. aa~'o-;;d ·and Howard Qtaen. a.ltendlng a performance of The 9 ·1n the iab ll ...... Co-cl>alr-In the" go . ~ '1'1"" gold, l:'m only ;70) the pl......,t coneie, muBlc depa.rtment will pre-, Before returning lloc:ne Mr. and Lamb. • · be.ck o,ver ~.,. put at tbe .IWffl red wine' !>f youth. Rill .an Wustrated pro~am on F OM OOUNCIL BLUFFS Mrll. Taylor stopped .In Anaheim The8e tbl)' ooclala" .. r.e !o I find: '"!'HE OUTH OF THE lsotn. IS EVERLASTING ••American Mu.sic." All members M-r and Ml'l!l._KelJJe Jenleft ot whe.te they vt&lted h1.s !flOlhci. provide th age p-oup wl1h ·the AND_ ETER.N 18 YOU'l'R.". 1 ~ ' and ftienda are lnvltcq. 310 .,ower street. Coat.a>Aeea, d1lt-' Mn. Ira Taylor and Mr. &nd Yfa.. oppor.tunlt Ot p.rolpUlY •upfrvtsed .. 1 l ~--=---i ! ~, · pcn8C$l recent bOWle 1;'¥!at hospl-KeMefh Bradley. •. creative laJ llfe. The programa PU&NITUU r.QIBICS .. IAMP8 ... ABT • ·BA.tJl()A. A Cl.aSIJfled Ad Is the mighty t.lity! ~-Mr. and Mn. E. C. CUr-conslst Of either dancing, fllma. OJ' f f midget ln Advertl.81ng rle of Council BtuU1, la. "'.'be people do read the ad.a. games •n1 ttgb_t ~ent.s. 1•:..., .......... ,... ........................................... .._ ... ...,...,..!I --.·--------- •• Mayonnaise ' . , @v.t111169t! PINT$ 40~ Cream ltyle Corn Grapefruit Juice ~'or. e- Peas & Carrots 12 or. P~t;. l'~c~~ orc:i._ •• Jule• 601.C/IN-MAk'fS Uots.18t! T Spinach <%.~ raf ct o(f. /-loi.1' .... 2~ I 1'9owflake laltln•• Pt>llNO BOJI Peter Paa-Salmon ~~~~ Del Mont• Corn , llna Apricots • f JB. , 01. No.a.. C-41' f llJ. 1-#oz. · N0.2f$CloN ' ,~. 2o-111_ 2 Dole Plneapp • Juice ........ <AN• PlmlEDTl lDAF ~It, ~"?f12 • I e e oz. PICO>. I _ flADHIUITERS l~T"""l'.IOM' , __ ../ 4 .. I , ' ~wu_'/ il(1 . L9. PK<;r. . . 211 .. WITH .. ALPH LIPTON'S fl A ,..J/+oz . ••• 8tACK TIA BAGI 1~1~· f .·~ at SD\£-'::C:~_ 11~; . . ' 4'J table wae a ~t:SeN4 t!ake d!Dner or not. • · ~ • tOjip.d wltlr do-gold -ed-The ~ ana <1>terl&IDlnmt la ding rtnp. -.., wl\Jte can-""1q -red ">"' tllo Ball - -auJlll• ui. ._.,.an ... t.a. CJj&iJl club. Mr. ond lll(ra. ltlelrard After the tn.dlllonal f'.nt lllce ol Blll>b\U and ' Kr. and Mn. W- Uls"eoaf .. tion WU'cut by-tire bew RU.pr ant co-<:Ulrnito of Ibo I J1t-. -t: .u ... ., ... -by """11\lu,;:a.,.,._,.. A h-oe will ._ Jw:ae IA¥0kl, ,Mn. Betty otrertac ~-be ·tUea. R11u1•a .... °''' .......... Kial w-j!Uth. _. -... .. -tllla -by I flil<L.-'llo -·.--~aid ... ~'llU-. -..J or-.~ , lilt .NIWP.OIT ~~ COSTA Miil , ' < : • • • • .. ' •