HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-15 - Newport Balboa Press.. .. ' .. • em IOW-.. .. t' " ·. ' ---·· - ~~ .. ._ -°"I u.. ...O.t ·~.~ ...... . ot . !be .. ~omta 8oulJI "o.ieotot &:mpln ' . -, , ' THlltfriat HAllO• 'I .. I • ' • ·• .• SECOM> LAR6EST Ho.ME COMMUNltY '. l/l'ick b~t·· ·11y T. N . ("BRJCK"l OAJNlll . . . ' -j· . . riumy, bvt Wa dept -tllblll· lnS ce1-f. ll>e otbe• da7 -WI· uoual It ,... for tile lltat. of. C&ll- forni:., ·to ·widen Ule a-Riab- ..., fJom Tom Norton'• elepnl eatfns ..... -t to Corona del Mar during lbtJ; wbtte:rtlme, Wben there wun't aa much tr&ll1e u VOLUME XII1 PHONE u.sual. It· WU. I told m790tf, a - thing !or \!>• hip~ lddo to ·cut the road. down to t'W'O lane• du.nns lbe •lade. aeuon. Of coune, -!t c Jamm..S up tratttc. aad made t.aT· D M ellng dead~ aJow for 1 abort-· '"11. at leaat. tltore'd 'be -aed-. denta! · • 8 e WOMEN FEAR Oil ._WELLS And the• accldmte bunt out ln a rub all over the place, daptte the two-lane. hlgbwa7 and all the WaminK eigha and lalltenaa. Protection from lntrualon of oll ... ---'------------------------- wella near Corona del Mar and ~ · ' Which just iOH to proYe- hm·m·m. J"ue:t what doee lt ro· to prove! Probably that you'd b6 better off own.ln.c an airplane. Neceulty force. tn..ttSc to I.be pace of a funeral proeeaion, and atlll \)'tere'• the cruhlng of crate8 for ~ entire lm(th ot the atu'WI.· atretch. What're you gonna do! z:-~~:.:;:,.;: i:: ~ewport's 91' Degree Heat =~ ~l~yd:i:. M~ ~ ed. 'is Tops · for H.ation The)' were Mat~ tn their plea ! by Mra. Amy Keri.nedy of IAguna A bis fat hMmtas Mm pat NeWport BMcb lnto the headlhlM Beach, repreaentlng the Coastal WNlneeda.T wbm (wltta a l"'ee»f'ded temperature of 91 ~) • OU Well committee formed recent· our city repleted tbe lltataat temptoratuN la tbtl nation. MORE AllOlJT IDGHWAYS ly to oppo&e drilling ot wells in Addltlonall7, tllie mercury peak o( ll deSreN waa a n all.ume th.la area. high for I.be mOAUl of Marcil for um, ..._ acoo~I' to1 'Fraak Action of the Corona del Mar Crockr.r, who l11U iltf' JocaJ w.tbrr record.I•• bureau at the It's good, of course. to see the women waa lnaptred by • talk be-Bal~-F1 Si 1,__ u-_ ... 1 ...... __ d •--•-1a ·~ -~ I th -N ,a-·--~-•o •~n~ s-h-• atate • h irhwaymen . finally take ore elr organization Monday by 1 • w G p · Ume at wlliclt. tlwl 11 de-nmrk wu niiaehed bft:&u11e t:t,nre-co-1·-*"ce or the need for widen· . . errow, a me01ber of the •··-. l . •~· '--n tt!M! a .~~.,d -~ ty-... -rm-----er wlUcft d ·aot tng Otilt loca..1 )()Aery Lane. 11·1 CDM "-ivtc A,uoci&tton '~ com mit · .. -... ....-. ··-..-., ... "._ .. ....," been known for y•ra that the tee Lnvestiptlng: tht oil situation. corM>la~ tbe le:Nper&turto with Ute time. route which runa trom San Die,,o He presented a 1Um.mary of the Other ladkaUOM of the record beet olW than tbf.'nnoQ.eters. -through our vtllage to the north la problemt that confront residents Included Inc~ .--ef aon drlJlJc.e ·at leda fouataJu. tbe one of the bualut tn the world, In that area and the eteps taken blOMOlft.l.ftC aut of mnbr@OM oa the beech. and tbr aharp latake of But lt'e been a long Ume aquees-niua far. He emphulsed lhe state· brM.th Of the We~ .ta.Jwart. wtto. COD~ by the auAl!lbiM, tn• out a decent chunk_ of cOn-ment made by Ernie Pyle of lhc e. took tM ptun.se late u.e l'IOe&ll au.rt'. crete for folks to go real fut on, Jergins Oil Co., ~ore the W eet Instead of juat crawlinr •lowly Newport 1?1'provement group when into minor traffic ac-cidenta! they were atudy\ng' the same alt· Of coune • no matter what'• uation, that no one \vould get rtch done, there'~ going to be a lot-of 'from any oil dlaoverrd. damfoo's catapult lhemaelvtt into The Women·s League then voted traffic cruhea for no apparent lo carry on a constructive nght for reuon. Tbey're JWit Sotni to the preeervatlon of an area free have one and they do. ju.et like trom oll weJls. that! We can count on 'em con-Smell.5 Well tinutng to produce more acc\dent-One of the women claimed bf>- prone drivers throughout the fore the supervisors. that she years. which keep the ambulance (CoDtlnued on Pace : ) driven happy and the ho.spit.ala busy and the lawjera tat. But J really feel that w ch divided highways like we'.re geta Ung cut down craabee quite a biL The onea wh.jcb do OCCut' are w"Jttng-dlnger1. Everyone.'• rotng fe.st-and the lln• re&lly ru. when they hit. but ao what! The ln- sun.nce'a paid up anyway, tan't it! 1UST A LITTLE , llORE Y ACllDIG Willie on IM .IUllJ«:t or. ~tc. two • tftlna• are worth mintlon. One la that a fence at 17th St. a.nd Santa Ana Ave. ln Coal& Mee.a h.u been cut down to allow folka to see what·a coming from their le.ft when they're on Santa Ana, and I'll bet cutting do-wn on a number of near-crubea at leut. Tb~ few who'•e. stumbled their way through thfl dept. In the y~ar.s put w llJ re.member that 1·Y'f: t>ren an old meanie for a long tll1]e. urging that tM death-deal· lng trees along tba.t busy thorougt11a.re be re10oved. l"ve bffn jo!Md in my campaign by 'n eminent colleague lJ\ ea.ta M~ but the trees are atlll atandlng. Ne"Yertbeleaa, a motorcycle ope· ' rator got hi!: the other night. In thJ.e ca.se it wun't a lree, but a utility pole juat befoie Ute stretch where. the tree• start ortert.nc lhemeelvee u death trapa to mo- torto!8. ,. , There's talk aoout a rour-lane 1tate route running through Costa Mesa shortly, but in lht: meantime thOl!le lreea, almost every OOt' at&ined by human blood, .u11 reach out their hunrry Um~ for ~n<. re sa.crlficee. When 're we going to ;et &enaJble and chop 'em down ? Take -Steps to· Pave·Last3 Bfld.-Blocb R. C. Drive Passes Halfway Mark Workers on be.halt of the Red Crou drive today WE're lnronne-d that their goal of $15.600 wa.s Within eight and that they had al- ready gathered ln $8,188. Carl Hanft9:, campa!jn chairman made a report to the mercy aollcltorw durt.Dg a nOQD.day lt1ncbeon &es· •Ion of the worken at U-e Balboa Bay Club. ; · Newpon Hefghts wa.s credited wtth being tbe first area to reach lt8 .camp&tgn gOal with Corona del MU, Balboa PenJnaula a.nd &aeon Bay ett:dJted with foUQWlng in cloee order. COLLEGE CREW ·RACES PLANIED.HERE ~APR. 14 • I ' I One of the grttt.blt thrills Jn lhe collegiate 1porta world will com<' to Newport Harbor for the lnltlal time Saturo,,.y, April 14, when thl', first annual Newport Harbor Intercollegiate CN:W Regatta wl11 be held. Hay Langenheim, chamber aecretary. said the ~vent wlU be entlr€'ly e:ponaored by the local Chamber of Commerce. P•rtlcip&llflg crewa will be .... ------------- Stanford, USC. UCLA lllld the Seatye. The watera taere. wllh no great crew from California Uni-currilil.· are Ideal for racing. he verl'lity which won lhe 1Dt8 Olym-belle edl and thfo apectacular pica. even can be viewed by all harbor Langenheim said junior vanity tteld nt.I Without charce. It will races w111 be held at 2 P· m ., va.r-be tl~trlfylng experience for slty racei1 at 3:30 or 4 p. m. and them; 1' e chamtx>r sec.reta.ry aald. If freshmen race. are hekl they will be at 1 p. m. Between 70 and NHYC RMt Olu.b 90 college athlete.. will compet.e ln HMt ct\ib for the ~gatta will U.. recatta. ' beJl.o"fl'9d--HJrbor 1"/tt-o!ul> Never . before 1\ave vintty col-where &rn.nJeme-nt.s ~•e been lege crews c mpeted ln N~rt made td store and lau:nolli the. rac· Bay, Langt m ted, and he lns 8hella. Meala for ·the crews hopn the rerat I be the .Wt will be provided at N'HYC and the: of maktng Ne , Harbor aa Bay ~b -.nd housing at homea of nationally k1' qr ~t'ew ractns commlt~men .. aa Poughkerpefe, ~.' Y., MarJe.&:t&... WorkbuU will be hek1 on the Oh io, or Lake "f'~gton ne9.r .-(OollU•QllCI oa Pace a\ . .. ~ . ' Council Awards .. . Contract for COM Beach Restroom · A . low : bid of $8, 7f8 tor tbe erection ot a comfort a:tatloh at the main beach ln Corona , del Mar W&J!I offered to the c I l_ y council Monday night by the William Mealey Building Con- tractors Co. ot Coal& Mesa. The bid wu awa.rded to Mealey providing thaL1,he plans are\ ap.- proved by the State board of Parka .and Reerea.~lon, and that ~-·~~ b!t"f'M,E beadl concea: ', llonalre D&rwtn 'Tate and lhe · city' ot NeWpot't BMch Ls ap. proved by the It.ale. Other blda for the comfort •ta- lion were $9,087 by Ute . laland Conatrucuon Co. and $9,987 by the South Coaat ColutrucUon Co. The City Enc,t.neer had pre-- vioualy estimated lhe oost of the comfort atallon u belns between $7000 and $7rro<l. The available funds for the project total $7833 (.ate park fund.) The dtffe:rence wtll be made up from the con· . ceaion rental. Engineer Webb •Id. At lhe meeting, Councilman Dick Drake utc,.i th~ CllY En· (Contlaueil oa PaS• Z) Deed filed for • • ' -, ' .... . . . ' NUMBEl.f 3 BULLETS . f LY,· .OFFICER ouc~ SHOTGUN BLAST Steadying hUi revolwr on the top Of hls car, eon.table ·~ (Tln7) V•USllD ot Newport Beach townablp put a bUllet Utrougll a hall~lnch crack &t .d feet to end a gun battle with John Gibson. 60 year .-old odd job man. The gun nght took place at 6 p. m . Monday In the tront yard ot GI bean 'a tum· ble-down aha.ck on the Santa Ana rtver bank at the toot of Hamilton Ave. ln Co5ta Mesa. Gtb8on waa taken' to Orange County bo8pltal where attendanta Aid the bullet had penetrated hl8 left aide and "lodged in his bac k near the spine. An attending phy· alcian declared Glb8on to be '"out ot dan&"-et." · ,,,-.,,,,, In the same hosplt&t,--recoverlng from .multiple · ~ru~ and cut.a about the fue and ·body (&lleged~ ~ admll)Lltered b7 Glbeon l wao Stanley Meek, 11. of 1013 Vtctorta St., ea.ta Mesa.. The chaptera In the violent 1tory 'behind the gun battle were retold by Sheritf'a Deputy .Oliver Me· Ca.rt.er. Juvenile Ofticer Al Oll· phant a.nd Con.table Vaughn. Oliphant and McCarter stated that they bad met Vaughn and Robert N. Monroe. oWner a.nd reel· dent of the Victoria St. house ln which the M~k family lives. ' . _lbd Beee D""lda&' -:' ~· meeting took place In Wughn 's -office and Monroe ltated. Utat G'-n •nd t~e Meek boy had been drinking around the house Monday morning and that Glb&On had u.ed abualve language in A. • ,QU&rrel With the youth"s mother, Kn. rrtllle Meek. ~,_oU~ wea_t to eee Mn. Meek: and qlii.uone.J &er ·a!JOut the quarrel and learned that Glbeon and her eon had left. the houae and had probablj' · gone down, to Gib- BOn's aback on the Santa Ana river bank. I Vaughn deckled to visit GlMon'1 pl.ace &nd Oliphant and McCarler went out on another call. How- ever, shortly after, the officer• rt>- cefved a r&dlo call from Vaughn reque,.tlng auiatance. Upon their arrival at the -scene, the aberift'a officera u.w the Meek ( Ooallllued on Pase 2 t • ·Mesa Sewer ' Contract Let An intema.i eewer system for Co.ta Mesa Will be completed by the tall of 196l wu the word trom the board of directors of the Coat& Mea Sa.nit.Uy Dtllrlct when they. announced Tuesday afternoon that the contract for the work had been let to the con- etructJon !Inn of Michael Iz.zi of .Te111ple City. • hz.l'a bid on the ·project was low at $661;938.91. Twenty bid- der• had ·1t1bmitted the.Jr feu and there wu a difference of 1270.· 000 between the hlgb .and _ low bids. The oonb-act calls for the inclueion Qt SO mUes of wewer llne&. ~ · · CQnstructlon tnn begin on April 1, and Jt Ja uttmated that the Job w111 talc• is inontbl. A verac-·dep~ of the lilles wfll be eight feet with the line eize averaging et~t lnebu. All lines are to be la.Id within dedlcaled atrMta and alleys.. Work t. oclleduled to ltart on lll'I ... t olde of ~ Mesa. probabl7 near Irvtne A.Ye. It was amsounced that the bfilk of the labor will be drawn tronr OranP, County. -• Secoll~ tow bid for t11• ..,,rk WU submitted b)' Ute G. Veil& - Qm.otructlolt Co. at '8111.838': thlril -bl.; -.uo.t'l' by A. A. Famulal'O"'Ot Banta Ana. •Members ot· the co.ta ..M.,.. Sanitary Dlotrict board Ue! wu-uam Lord, Mt ~ ~ N°"'. nian, ~· TeWlalde Mel Fw· twt\ Bl O*m,and Cl&lre Nolbl. ,. }, -. HaabOv Weallt1r • • ~··-~ ......... ... ......... ~ ' • ' ?. 1lfilll i... I =~· '* ':': ~ ~: ·: . •.. =•· • txA 11 .~-. • • I n ,; • • u ..1...#8 4J "Jhl'~ Mp. 11"-• ... I! ........ ~· ... w n ••· Mr•.a&• Is 1'1. 11• ............ .. 11•• ... - ;...•,: !~ .. ·.&;,• II Mmtra ~.•• c 11r r SP tw ,, 'tflt1he . •zat ntt st•• dil •rs1ww2~ ~ -4 ...... loll""*_.... ............. ,..,. ...... - '. a-seizsl ' a• .._ o Jn Ms • QI 11 ·C1 ts " ·. • • • • --• • • I • I I ~" 1 ~,ep it Ciro nd - • ~PROFESSIONAL~ ~ DIRf[TORY r, : •, • .j • . , • ' 1 . . ' • . ' ' ' • • OAVS PllJ9(W'Par>N PR.Q••cr . . . .... .. ...... -~­.mo...-. .. .._lnl , 0.-.., If!'<; .. liJU. w .. 8'1'.un..sY -itot Notary Public ~-1n1 1-......... .._ ~ HAROLD L JOHNSON ~ ,. ....... •I be ~...­ i'lloM -.. UU VW. W"7, ~-pon ....... Yea, more convenience .. .mare tr. qqentacbeda.lee..,•t•h..,Mon . comfort In air-eonditlouM &Po!' Coache1. More mlleo -dollar, too ..... vi .... ~ COW!ll Why Nttle for Jeee? Go GrvhOUDd for fun and economy Oil aiiJ trip! TODArs lllllST TIAVll •AllAllS DENVER ------------...... : ...... .i0.16 MEXJOO CITY ---~-......... 44.to WENNEMUCCA, NEV ..... U.IO . QUEBEC CITY, QUEBEC U.Oll CARLSBAD. N. M ............. 1&60 OIU.AHOMA CITY ........... .28.84 VANCOUVER; B. C. ........ Zl.TO BALTIMORE, MD. ····-····-·f.T.'5 -\ ,.. """' ... lttffl ll'f, 2., l£SS ... •• INM·Ttlf riebbl Mrs. C. C. Swafford, .qeaa. 5" Cqi.rt'~1 > Pftone -· Mn . '-~~~..._~--...... ~-- GREYaND • • ' GIVE NOW? TO 'l'BJI: RED CR088 Gifts 4 Greetings for You__. through ' . . ~COMB WAGON • ~ ftom ,.Your P~ Bwioeh N•~"'-• end CivieaDd Social w.u.r. Le..S.n • o. ,,, ~-•f: " • The ... ol ...... B .... t~51' EIZIFff a •sofn1l1111 Anmlla el Nc'lc21m111 II NEWPORT MACH • - raonth option for port.Jona of the i BABY BAPTIZED Convair Denies PlcinS foi-Base air b&.se laat November. Uttle Trena Aleu SwalWOn. Put of the bue wlll be utilised dau~er of Mr. and Mra. Tbol' for tr&intnc Marine Corpa bell-Sw n of Beacon Rd., Newport copter pilot.a. 'nle Navy hu an-He.I wq baplized In the New- San Dieio'• . mammoth ~ pro-noo.oced ' that "'$600,000 hu been port JJa.rbor Luthen.n church Bun- ducer of mJJitary aJicrah tn San. authorized for dewlopment -Of day :tilh Rev. Herbert Roth of- Dleeo, ConvaJr Aircraft corpora-the new tralnJ.nl' tadUty. ftc.iat'ti.r-Mr. and Mra. Carl Tegel tlon, ·formally den.led Tuesday wekapon.aore rbr the baby. afternoon any pa.a. for """ of 11,\8 ~OR 8UltOIRY I the Naval Alr Station (Ughter-Mlt C&rl J . Ott ol 284 E . 1./lth I MESA cmcu: 11 t.han-a,\r bue) northea.at of New-8~ .Colt& Kua. la con.valoc'0 g Clt'Cle Eleven of Ute ~ pori Beach. from us.aJor .wrserx performed lut. Me• \ Commu.nlty Church wscs NelM>n Fuller, a member of week in 8t. JONph l'loepltal · wtll tlllUbu Tue9:iay, March 20 at CObvalr'1 publlt Nlatlon.w ltatr, · 1 :JIOp.pl. tn. the home of Mn. MaJ. sa.ld .. we havti no pre&ent p_l&M ·11 can add • pound to any .put coJmfkeld, 44.0 Bematd St. for uoe of uy portion of· the of my _&l\Atomy )Uoi. by thlnlting j b&M.'I 1 , about.,., lt'l:-Cortnne C&lYet, mo-I , OIVE NO\\C8f>ss' ! Con.vair . h.Adi taltm. out a auc: Uon • plctaa.re · ac~ · 'J'O THE RED ,. I ' . ' I . • V'sd ~ Me ell 11 ,. tr -· W•' 111 -11 ~ _. ... • "TIDI TAILI !, .. 'lM a.a ... • • ...... 6.1 ,,. '"' ..... ~ ....... .. . .. ,,.. .... ·u 1:11 ..... ... ,,.. .... u ,,. ..... 6.0 T:•IL& ... ........ u '"' ...... ... ,,. ..... a.s ,,.. ..... +1 1.:11 L Ill. , u _ • l :tl ,. ... _ e.o "°* ll:41a.a ... . .... .... _ ....... -11.:u a.a ... U:ll .. m. u 113"'"" u n · ,.,.. .... u ...... -:U --' U:lla.a. 1.1 Ull ,.,,... -· J:Of ..... ,l.'I 1;61 .... -.. ~:n ..... '· 1.1. ·~d ...... ...-:-(> ... 1:11 &. Ill.. O.T J ;Jt,p.m. -o.J fiist i Entries .-.. ~~---~~-----+~ ....... TANK ' . • ' . BOAT ·oWNERS .. rree.......-. ... ~ . ...,_ J!tapt1'1 ' in _l951 Honolulu ~: .~.=::..~ ~~Doc., i Race 1-........... ~ =,be:.. N ~':'~I~~'~~~~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-\111 IUll R,CU Lake wt th •r huab&nd ' ~ r: f • · -• ....,.., Mimlle aalled Into PIPr<op>sr•--ol llM plana .,,4 entr)o: Newport ' le &'tore for two llol..~ tbe 1.161 Bonohllv -~ llohlnc lleeNiea and~lttCtlQftL 116- tnnCJ\lncod Frld&J at an advance wltA>-<lne ;-· otf flu!. one cold, -....,Pl!On. .iven by the aiid what llllila of aeyol\e ~c Yocbt club ·~ · • Y,11/l th~ K&Ul>n N&viplloft com• ~ the r Wha _lo do la :"'.'1~ ,..,,,.. . Carl zi-.... ·"fie ol tM ,.,. AcOordlnJ lo Q>mmOiloro ~Don-Unl& Ana Qowbon wbo lll<ea l>OY &Id Ay..-. of tl>e ~fie lllblnc. bro\l,rht In illx hlee bal!!>ut T~ club, -of llM oce&n roe-.Jut week. Jlund&y, Ile b&d llOIJle Ille yachta have -t ID elped en-boy1 wltll "1'"; bull the c&teb con· .b')' bla.D.kl: and at 18.lt another a1ated ot o~C111e of empty AC.me 'll'Te.D ..._,.. 'lllp.lfie4 theb in~-lllottlem and y Wu ' ll9n ot eomi at lblo um.. Thia 1a Floll~ ......; ai.:.. lblo 1...,. • ~tter list than expected wider b, the Up Bay. What op0Uln pruent world condltlonl, ~ .,.. caugllt wi1g11! tram o1s to ,,,_bets, ol the rue commltte. o1e-. powi c:oma are the beft belleve th&t It polnta lo a -1ble IMllL H&ll ~ hlttlnJ better oil .,..,.,.. flat of ,.twenty or twenty---\I'&" Uve bait. tl"--before the ftnal et17 date t..;e.rswt on ·~ b&ve ~ wu 7 of June 18th. ,OU.a.. . nu. Meg.n.l&I ~ c1e-1c co•· .John 8 , f'iabins-· with mni a -ol 2~ m\Jff rlcllMi c~ 'I ·~ i.l,a:tg11t on t>cm 8&n Pedro lo Honohllu la U!' tlle right 114< ol the l!&!l>Oa Jetty. aona-t and one ot the (1'eftelt Pen:h wetrfitnr ~ tel 2 lbl. are of reJIU)arlJ bald yodlt .._ and 'blllnif ,.pjar .tor this boy. ll'he --•-n--~f'"'·-~ "'°"' lntarut lo th• public lllaD calico bua. but blo reporta. pod other yacht racu bec&uM of tta catches ot .mett ualag equid dl.t&nce and the cok>ti'Ul ~Uon for a.ttraetJ n. and cdel!Htlon accorded the .,.,. · Ucipanu in Honolulu. ... , 1 · Take Trip . Mo..iac Star la Keith ~ aDd 80n Jk>nnie With the • r.-entr,Y ot Diclt dron way to Ban Felipe 'and Rbcem'a "booner MomlA1 Star, =upt •Veil ftah. Not dta- hlch broke the all-Um• record ID they are ~lntr 1>9ck lo lSMt. pta.na rolq tom.rd tor P e ,.they ;now How to n.JI\ Ma.y- daU,y radtO mmunlca.Uon from be Uley J~t , U~~ ~ . l~av~ the th1a boat, re rtinl' the pf'OIH:U women. -..; ot the entltt eel. New htp ,..... Live baltj boate quit' tiehinc al- quency equip nt will enable the bacore laat tall when they were Momin&' Star to ma.Lbta.tn even .Ull here F l'ood numbera ant better contact with the m&lnland c&tchea welje ,ood. Now they a.re than In ltfit. moaning .a~t c~tching a t e w Other deMlte 't.ntriea received 1ouay hallbuL Bait la good. Sev· to date · trom the local area are enl boat.I are ln dally operation. Mn. Pbylll.e B. Br u o •on'• , 'Ba.rge f'8h'1ll' from Newport L'Apacbe, Patrick Wat.Ion'• Teton pier will ~ S&lurday. Hope mn4 Stephen Newmark'• EftntJde. they can find a fevr mackerel. OUU.lde •ntHea Ulclude A. L. Mc· whJch i. mare than. th•-commercia.I C.ormJck'1 ~ WJtch or San Fran-men ~an d«!~ . . . • ctaco. Donald 8h&fer'e Janie of Your lisbfg 11ceue hu expllld: Portland, Dick Dale's Typee ot eo get a new . one for th1t year. ,._ Honolulu and the Gracie S hom Jake M.eyefJ' la, a good S'JY, bUt he Se&ttle, l&iled by a syndicate ot .UU hu tic> iive you a cttatk>n. You yachtmer\ and younr men in train· mutt, have One to f\sh ln the ocean -------+-+-+-------------- tnc. --don't ua why. H • h Q ,~ ........ cu.I z-a-.... 1g ua 1ty ~-come from constant I A new fO' yawl built ln Tokyo -Practice! ad 1'qUlarly en tbl; H. h Q /"' hu Juat bea> uloaded In Wllmlnc-.-per will rrodllce •.-Jta fOf JOI. 1 tg UQ t1'f y ton and tu 9wner, Mr. Robert Cry· r teer, ex-pec(a to flt out hett e8pe-. 1 ·jinting-Ph. Har._ t616 _ [inting-Pb.1 Har. 1616 ctally tor th! race. Afiother fonlp f f -I :::.::~."..:!~hf.;:.1r::~ 1• ·E. a .. sy· .handl · 1 · boa <::anal Zone with It. owner ' Tucker Mccture a.bo&rd. ' J:nlr)'/ bl&nlc.I have. been re-' quooted by Kn. Belyea'• Jada, Kr. I ; =a~.:.~:.. Barn~ ' ~aves irritation. a~d e_lay v-· "-tt . anc1 Porter sin-I clalr'1 .;,tnr Bcotchman. I" · • t-, ~riling to Dl<k T'rkel. chair-I ICIYI Paul van_ _K. -~om_ son, II I ,de, I. I. mM: of tbe race comm.U:tee, 9orne ~ ot the former enb14t1 ~t may re-. : ,. 4. : turn to tbe race th• Y«Pi" an Com·. " ·Our Hill --'·-· all modort , Donald Aye,.. . lik>*tk. tt • man.s....., meell ·ne I f our J'Nd Allen'• Falrwu.tllu, Tom . • Bllort'a T&aco and Ft'"'1 Lym'• family in which .there are fo,qr .p"{ing iJ · • PCC '&loop; Klttell. tlle h&ndlc&p : :;c" [ "· "I ' -"'* of tbe 1M9 race. Anotlter · It combines oelll!ible o""ratinvn:, 'Ill smart l'CC · tmD SH.We, Phil Smltll'a ' r-, · " <I OoMlp. la a pooeblllty &Dd a falr-ranee. Its ~y band.ling_ ·,iav~ irrirtan.·o 411 de._lay in 17 4otlnlte _,, entry la L P. !J'UJ. ~-l- mor'• ~ , ~. traffic. F~y iouru.g is a ~ eI'ry':~ m a Taie s ..... _' 80 solidly built and '°!speedy in pe1fi . . I e.'" • ..,... ·~ I, ' I {0111111•• rr-._ l) • . t • om ... "'" 11nP.onment of-H'.ILLM .AN . . ! '~ J !llW'. wljl probably be completed '1Y tbe ....S,of Ju17. Newport BMcb , , ll~ .'..I f'1n<!lt win be >i.led to.l[e.Y. for u.e A PIODUC~ OF THE IOOTEfl • ~ dnbtap fadllUee &ad qi. ... tu morllJ' (to be aft.Ua~ July.t) ., J" 'l' ~. •, ' Will be .-eel for p&vtn1 expente9. • ~ • ~ • -! .. ~ ' ' Bufn• tbe --eotlm&te cm • •·1· 'lfOrl< ~ Clone, tile enstn.- lq ~t flsWod tile -Of· IM ....... lnlpro,_Wll' to be In the aolpboo-ot SJS.000 for the-~ .. ,_ .......... A letltt -Nlld. to,dt7 council -..MnMn7ts1Jromt.M~ ~ '"41JOU Wt ...... tkm r.,m111t .. ~ -.... -tor alrlp ot Bii-. --~....,.. ... row at die--__ ... .,. ..... -... llft ,. tllllas ..... aoll -pk CFC .._. el ... .,.cl. .. IJ'll9 Wter -LI I 'VIII--. -..a ?'1 ' 4 lth 1• Ool W. ** -. J1 4 a •1flili> 8~-a. ,,_. ... OllJ ....... -'•tt1k ...... , ..... .. ..... ~ .... 1-..... ... ... ..... • """ letts -!.1 :.J-.,0:. ¥1•5 ~- .. mzu• • • rw • 'It? "' • mr ..., -. -141&• ...., - , I ' I , • ' • ,,. ,,1 1n tra 1c ., , ' ./ • I I • . .. . - ' • I . ·. - ' .. BR04DWAY .;.:.Now 60~ • . , ,NOW 8BOWUlG •. , .~ · "RATON PASS" PA'l'BIOIA NEAL. Dl:NNlll •()ll(IAf -Allo -"CUl'Att"FIRE· IALL'.' 8TABTS SIDiDAY, 11,Bllq II ' "DODGE CITY" . ERBOL FLYNN, OLIVIA DE BAVD.AND -Aloo ~ ''VIRGINIA CITY" . PAULO 1'11eal1e WALKER tld•- IU. !-IMO "Osw'•. p; at.' Pbone Kt. 3-6380 , ., NOW SHOWING 'STORM WARNING' Glncer Kogen., Ronald Rep.a -Alao- "NORTH OF THE GREAT DIYIDE" Start. Sun., lar. II "MicJhty Joe Young" · -AIM> - "TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" l6e tllJ B &lo Eveelap NOW !!BOWING "HARVEY" IAJIE8 8TEWAllT -Aloo- ''Watch Ifie Birdie" START!! SUN., MAIL 18 "AT WAR WITH . THE ARMr' MARTIN and LEWIS .-Aloo "SIERRA PASSAGE" I -I ANNOUNCING Our Opening j. · . Friday, March 16th I ~-.. ?'!!.... -~·~w J_ 'FEA~ING THE SAME FOOD and PASTRY THE ARCHES __ CAFE and COCKTAib LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a. m. Through 2 a. m. • Newport Blvd. on Coast Highway NEWPORT WE AJlE CLclsED ON mUlll!DAYS YOU'LL ENJOY DINING OUT AT , NORTON'S BAYSHpRE ~ RESTAURANT i ' COMPLETE DINNERS •·s~g ln f:,;erythtnc ·Thal'• Good" / I Pbone: Beacon 5144 Houn: 10 L m. to 9 p. m.. Dlllner 5 lo t p. m.. Closecl Wedneadaya • 17th & Coast lfighway , Newport~ --1 I I I· I I I I I I • . . - "11/.uh''· Dine-Overlooking Picturesque Balboa -Bay • NOW OPEN - BREAKFAST •. LUNCHES • .DINNERS · Spe-cializing iri Full Coufse Seafood end Steak Dinners OPE.'\/ 1 A. M. • 1 P . M. -OLOS!:D TUEllDAYS •• 401 MAIN (in the Pavilion I IAUOA PHONE HARBOR fUI FOB PARTY BMOVATIONS ,_ FU.N .-_zQjr ,E OPEN EYD~t FllDAY, iA'IUIDAY ,. and SUNDAY . . ·aALaOA . .· .T ' LIU'.). · , PllM ~ "<lO~Y· . ~~YUV PBElli ltioom 8BOW 8A,T. 11441 00-1' Rl<*ald'• Lido Market M..lck~y ltooaey "YOUNG 'roM !;DISON" OarioGM '""'. Ta8 ~·-· "I~ CLIMB THE WGHl:8T' MOUNTAIN" Suaa· Ha)'Wardr' . wuu..n LuDd1pn A picture you .l'ft au.re.. to like! Acldod: Frankie Carle Mon. SPECIAL lat8 Show! II :00 P. m. Ava G&l"da@r, Eva. Arde.a Rob't Walker "ONE TOUCH OF ~US" Charlea LAuchtoo "CANTl:BVILLE GHOST' Start. Wed. .. Sl:PTEKBE.R AFFAIR" Mesa.,..,/ I : ' .I; Pl~: l..o"'tta Youns "CA USE FOR ALARM" Fltl:E KIDDIE SHOW Sal. 1 :46 "TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" Cartoc.tn~ Celf'bratfl Rich.ant'• 3rd A nnlvflnary Sun. • Tttea. Uubolh Scott 'THE COMPANY SHE KEEPS" and Tyronf' Po~·er, Cecile Aubrey "BLACK ROSE" Tecbaleolor 'BALB ~}A?A'u1.ti-c -. ' Open Dru Eaater Week! Fri., 8aL, Sua. L Mar. 18-18 Eather Wllllam• "PAG"-N LOVE SONG" Teclmlcolor PIU.: Marjorie Main MRS. O'MALLEY AND MR. MALONE" Mon., Wed. Frtid M&dlwfty 1"""' Dunne "NE\'J'!t& A DULL MO!IJENT" Mala Po\\·~n "'OUTRAGf;" Thun.-Sat. Ll&aheth &ult' "THE COMP~\' SHE KEEr&" v .. ,.._ 'GROUNDS POB llARBIAGE' SPOOK SHOWS! TueL, Wed., 'l'ltun. 11:00 p. m.. '"THE CREEPER" Andtews Slaten "ABGE:ln'INE NIGHTS" Allllott & eo...Uo "NAUGHTY NINETIES" ''lllo"VISIJILE WOMAN" N?W 8BOWil'(G ''CiY DANGER" ' . I I -AIM- , "ILONDE I -DYNAMITE!' 00Jmf6 SUN~ ;Ji_ 11 , Walt JlioM~ "FANTA ' · la-·1·' 1,-AJoo-. ........,. ...... ..,..... ... ~~LA " -AM- "BEAYB YA . C Ii~,!'.! n NI . .. . ··'la .. • •• 111 ..... ~; ..... _GQllt · WJM a,_e·i:: 11.l ~--' ,,,,,_._ a 4• l FOR REAL FUN • Wltlrl • "ZING" DON'T MISS OUI ~ 'WlNl SHOW •llU -9JlU - 81lU SHOWS -t • II • I THE Cl,RCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S 0UTSTANDIN6 1 RESTAUAANTSI ,... EspertlJ r .. ,_. ~= ...... o. 11....-e Dlllfq -....;.i_...._, ----,.-~· In Lo4 h1ch ,n1 1 · . -director, eserv~ credit.. for her nne wor ; and ~ ·Ellen Slyb did a no bly beautltUJ . job with tb8 cho gi*aph.y ~. Student dlrec· tor Dary~Ford arid Don $teffen· aen, • technJclat.. together with Die Jonu. and '.Bob Ald- rlcll,, woijked ' tlrelelmly. Ao a final w0f4 Robert Wentr• i"eniua for gettin}J undR:amed . oi ·quan- t.ltlea of Went ana Gevotlon from Illa studepu. ~ much. to· do with the udl~ce"•· pleasure over· the "OUt Vt ·tbe1 Hi.t'' extrava- ganza. ICl!ltdt'd •·Pt--•t.ti .... ... .. I "" , '1.ANl:S ~ SH/L'S • lAILS •' HOTELS · Yin~;;t·~"frive1 iiif'eau I J I' . ONE NITE. ONLY • ' . ' . • -. . ' .. • .~ SATUR AY, MARCH 17 ' • • . ~EDt • 1-f URS. • FRI.· SAT. . :M~ll .Hl!zf ~-~z--2~ & 24 FiRl 1KIE LAI.NE ; . ' J a .. d 'o1CK PIERGE -I , " ' • I • THE ~-a:· EZ. ' . J •• . I . ,_ , . • ,_ ' • • . . 'e ; h~vin-' '. u . . .. ''"tis a rale ·toime .. . " , ' ~ ..... • '• • ·- , I • I I l 1 · ' .. s1: Joachin Cburm.to. E•·s.ine '.· D~t!~~!~~~~~ 1. _· ~eat . ·~~1 • ..-rnci 1IY C'&lbolka Of tlll& ---~ -J. .-... r *'lftldrl del u ;.:. u a mpecial <1&7-ot alebratlon. ment Olfd. ot·.-~ 1atenwt \AJr~lll PICI ·. marklq o.~ t~l date tho foarih .to ........., of .c.iita ¥.a -U.. R <...U, "'4 'i1llton I.. tbe annlWNU)'. of Ibo tint holy maa Harbor ..a ..u1' bo ~ ,,.eot ap-N°'!JIG<l Jllu1ijo: --r.e-· to be -'tn'Coota K-and of peU.-Of 'lon4'•'1ind talon at U...0..-dol liar_., .. U.e orgaals&IJc"l>of th• par lob of l(Joo ~ O'Brja, ·_.iv · · wuq ' II ~~ U.. tldl<I a--1 ' j!t. J-11'm. ~ .,.._ of tllanb-lat of Ille Al Jania~..,_ lluter -·~lit' ~-. gtvlrig win be celebrate<! al 8 and undet C...t"!Cl ... a · motloo ._-Joinll7 "7 U.. Newport o'cldOk on Saturd'y m~1111 ·6'i ptcblro·11et...,;. -O'Brl..,,111 a H&r• ~ 0( Qluri:.,_ Uld Ille Rev. Thom .. J . Ne•ln. a!udent ot St. Antbony'a.IC!lool ta I.he Ne...._.ct :s..i.or a....w ~ It ...... Father l'fevln'• blrtl>· Lolq( --w.!1,known ~-~-· r . --~-t~··. day and annlvenary of hta ordlna-ly, belnr·a ~t ~to,r at the •. n... aiolt u!.t m~inlaWa of -, Uon. • ' home of her """~ Mrli. J. E. JM(k· ebul'dMe ~11 1 participate ta tbe On lhe social side of tt.e parilh aon, 4I5 .Newport 81vd., Coota ~ wllfcll la lo bo· caleildar final pl&.M are ~Uig f1.:r· Kaea. • rb'l at D:IO a.l m._ Tbcy an: at. mulatcd for a repeat performa.ncc. AcUng tn the capacity of muter AIM1r'e'W'• Prubjtertan ebu~ ot the tn~reet;ng vari•ty progr~ of ·ce.remonJea for ~ e-ttnlna'A Newport . Bt:fsbta~ ·-Cllriet Chu~ preaenled on St. ·Patrlck'• O..y of program will be Jack Ham.. .,en 'by th• -.K•~ !fowpGrt Jut year. augmented 'tbll se~n known' locaJ actor and form.er di· ,Jteach; CommunilJ. Me-tltjodtat by a widt'r ~pe of entertainment rector of the Lapna PlaybouMI cha.rch,. Balboa IW&nd : 'O>tj>I\& del a.nd outstanding perao·naJJue:s. who Ma mOft recenlty been u 4 Mar· Qxnmun.y church, Conpe. Under the grnC'raJ cllairrnanahtp M>c£aled with Bing C.-0.by enter-pUouJ: Costj M~ oommuntt7 of Aire. H . V . Randie a pro«>.istnc priaea. Methodbt ~; Amtl'l'ibly of array or local talent lfli being iur The program wt.II be held tn \b"' God ot Colt& ~eu: ~pU.t sembled and It will be h&ghlighted social hall of the church and wtll Church ot,eo.ta Me-;'l"lnt"ifap· by the ap~ara.nce of outatandJng commence at 8 p. m. No admJ.8.-tiat church of Newport jBeacb.: telev\slon and moti9n plclu,e.atara. sion will be.charged. Retruhmenta· Four Square Qoepel.cburch.~ot Coe- will be aerved. ta Moaa, and lb• Onngo cout Notable Enterlalnen Committees named to auilt in College ChQLr. Among lhoee to be especially vatlou.a capacltlea Jnclude M,.._ The mase fholr. wlll be under the 1,. , i" SPECIAL D.a.nrmo ~ ~ Will-., • eo ....... 11e1 .Mar (left.) Md r..idle Goiaoa, _1;. A-. -·· .... v1q laatruc- Church PA&£ I CorQna, M.r .. ' I , l \ ,...., ....... . •• .,. wdl x ctlctM • ~ 14';117 ta tM ~ . · ., co.-w 1.:......;;:, __ ,.....;~--4-'-~~.,.__;...;..'--.:!...--_;-....:.: :,r;~'"':., ~ ta ~i;:,':.!.· ';; Ai xi/iary T tio :WO .. _, ..., lo otlMi:io ' . :O..""'i:-.. .-a~~ ~er.ves .. ~eter ns . ~ . _ . >'olodt-~Ololr," ·A ·~·~~ ~. -retall .-.-..ili ~ Ule ' Of•Mu7'8"t· .s..,--t ..,..ui.....1 _ _.,..,Pl"'l·od~J~.-rl ._ ·a I.LI •• ..,,.. of the Nowpod H~~!•.PF-1' whkh'':!>ell m-ftle '!'lib tM Of• Palms" b •. 'ftlf P.""'?"" llff-Le(lon A uxllfuy "'1lo ~ In nc. of f11ee l!fablllDUoa llJ' ~( llic'o at 11 o' "'81toet.are the af Lone llHcb Vet.ran' taI 19, will -1-oj>portllaltJ to 'CIW>ca, Cbolr, <llr'!"tAil ~ N"Y tor apeciol -dUtit J beaf-IDl IWthotfly.oa Ute 8Uldod,' llalten B ~"Ho-llatth 1S12L ! l occotdbJg ,lo H~ ~ . -· by _ u., Rev. .AOCOnuna. lo Mn. A~ 01 Tbe .c!ban!l>f!r of_,,_....-· "!'altl l!:dward t; Of ner, chalrman-<>f·UJe.daJl tlje WJI rot.art I an~ !l>&l "'- U.. Clluf'dl will , Clll the -un"'°' izto performed -. l ~'!"' or lhB OPS will -" oa .an lect. "l'anfare Fall~re· at botb "!'< for lbe m•n In the pata ~ p....._ of ~II< price celJlnr ....., """'fcea. warda, -tac to It lbat~ey • latlon al 7·:so p. m. w~. 1 •· tronaporl<d to appoln' t Mardi. 21 at' Banta >\i1a lllr:lt Popular enor ph)'1dcal or !""'."I'"'~ . . 'rj se.U..1 Lillie Th••""'· Mei:cbalita . I , . , . and X-ray treatments. 1',h• ~1 ~ wune<J -th!Y not ""1J' maat for FAC Pro· gra·m 191-and ·appn<claUon, of ~ll'ti have their "'pl>rt fUed by, MNcll _ ! U~~ won Uae bean:-o( he~ ~mr 29 but must have a retum recelpt A mualCat tNat la ln •tore for mittee' memben,. Mn:. J yne.t from OPS by A.prll 21, or tbeJ will memben and iftendl Or the Costa m&lntalned, and a•ured .th rtf. not be allowed to continue bul4: Meea Friday +fie~ club when turn or t.hoee: .able to ~· n81. Jimmy O'Brle.. tenor, will be Ume. · . f I beard -ht "Oon~...-t Pl'orT&ms'' at Serring with Mra: Joyner m A·d h t M t 18. Luncheon u be H1'Ved at Meadame1 )illldred Bondi an Ve'.I· Mrs.. Bette Smtih wu tbc recipl- 12:30 p.m.-tn cJub ·houH. Boal· ora O"'l'remba.. cnt of the door prize wben the euea will be es: Burl c. Grow, Adah As8oc.latlon of Orange Qoun .. • • • • • • ·~ • • • ' • • •• ' • • • • • • • ' ... • • • spol·Ughled on that even ing wt.ii Kenneth Stewart. decoraUona: dlN!c:Uon of Kenn'th Boettcher, be the J&me9 Burkca, veteran Kmea. Wm. E. Brown. John Glllll, DtlWc director of Orange Cout ·character actors and for m&DY Glenn Croft and Hubba.rd Nolen, College. yean &MOClated with the radto, eervice and re.rreshmenta. The sermon ,will be preached-by .L...--------------------------1 the J,te~ Joeepb H. ThOmPeon. • f1'91D Blll.re 8oe ... N. 4Weder at t lle craft. aad recreattoa center at .0...-Greve •"""f"... ~1 OIUp GH111~ Sacl•ty for orla>- pled Oldfdre9 &lld Ada~ t-p · aa.11&1 -of r;u.,.,, SealA. the regular11ng Friday, Mateh the · Newport 8aJ1lt>r l:lnl ~ r\ d S , 0 .. ee l'homu .,.d Harold a..be and Ne w Mem ~s ty met 1n monthly .... °" - Ray Cozad. j . 7 at be Fullerton home ot Kn. > · C. LewLt Balta, Miu ~Ith erl, Inez Hume. BENi:mrt' ~F, N. Y., pub-Mrs. M•ta Nelaon. Mrs, \a ·Mrs. Smith, lM E . 18tb St., ' ~ . Holy Week Services at Confirmation at Lutheran Chu rch Mlnl8ter of lhe Community church I Methocljat) o( Coata Mea.. Hts .subj~t will be "Christ t.lvln• in Ua." Mn. 8oe.-rd. a former W &C, ~ a oomplete-recovery from liaher, ln Calli. -"Read • book Prince, Mr. and Mn. C. H. Jh!rey Coata ,..:esa. will entertain the and saVe monety-book prloea ,.re were welcomed March 11 uJ new group AprU 5 at 1 p. m . Ail Adaha St. James Church Confirmation ae:TVice11 will be held at lI o'clock on Palm SU.n- day, March 18th at the Newport Harbor Lutheran church. Soya and g1rle who are tn the eighth Mr. Jamea ·T . Van Dyke '9 In charge of getting the meeting place In readin~ ud placlng the pl&no, pla):l'orm and public: addreu ayatem. gnde of public school and have M .. ~ th d• t Pa.Im Sunday will be· observed at completed the two year course Ot I esa rv,e 0 IS s St. Jamea with two special ae.r-catccheUcal Instruction ln the I N t p I s . d VICeS in addition l o the ~(Ufar fUnc;ta.mental le&Chlnga Of the 1 0 e a m un ay Sunday sc:rvlccs. The traditional churc.h a.re eligible tor the rite of .-. .service. of Holy BGpUam will be conftnnaUon. Palm Sunday aervice. at th~ held al 9 :30 a. m . wMn a class or Those who have comple~ed their Costa Meu <:Pmmunt~ )l(elhodiat a.pproxlma-tely j5 lnfanta. church irainJng and who will be conftrm-ctlutch will i~lude the 1ennon by scboot pupils and adulta Wtu be ed. Sunc:l&y are: WUll&m LeRoy tile pa.star, Rev. J. B . 'nQtnpeon. baptized. Bartlett Costa Meaa· Robert WU-"The Proceuion that ll~e • pollo th-•~ aa ooeupalloaaJ therapy ptGrnun . ... only 26 per cent higher -but m'ernbcra of Corona del Mar of Orange County 4re invited to Scotch ta up 00 per cenL" muntty church, Congregation attend. DAYS • ' • TBU DAY• ··SATURDAY I 'FUR1HER DRASTIC · EDUCTl.ONS!-The,Qlrh;' choir and the Cherub Uam Cr;lghton, Cos~ Mesa; Mary Hymn tor Jesua." Mualc by the choir Will provide 1peo\al mu.le Ann Olnamore. Coet& Mesa: Dwaln choir will lnclude the anthema: for thia service. Church school Roger Gatlerdam, Udo Ille; Diane • "The Palma" {arr. Dlckaonl and cla.Mee 1'ill not .meet lhi8 week .., Carol Hlibert. Newport.; Mary Jean ·"Go to Derk Oetlwe~t." There the enUtt &e581on will be taken Up Keael. Costa Mea; J erry Walter Will be a ba.ptl.anat senitce, a.nd by the eervtce In the church. Schultz. Newport and Jack Rolf members will be received Into the In the afternoon at 4 p . m ., ~e Srnllh, Coeta Meaa. pj\arch. BUY ON TIM E IF WE l!TOREWlDE CLEARANCE 'PRICES I CUT I N MANY CASES LESS THAN Vi DON'T TIDNK THESE VALUES· wti.L BE DUPLICATED 11'1 THE NEAR YVTURE BUY ON Rt. Rev. Francis. Eric Bloy, Biabop Through the rite ot confirm&-Roger Axworlhy I• choir dlrec-SHOP NOW AND SAV.E TIM E IF • of Los Angeles, wiU make bis of-lion, young people conlinn the tor, and Vivian Hamlon will pre- !,iclal yearly visit to St. Jamea promiae made by thetr sponeors at ~Ide at the orrp.n tor a ten mln- Pariah. While here he will Con-baptiarh that they wtn lead a God-ute prelude of organ mualc at firm a clsu ot church achoo! pu-ly Md Ch.rtlitlan lite and nmain 10:50 o'clock. . YOU WISH QUANTlTIES LIMlTED ·BROKEN GROUPS --COLORS. SORR\'.. NO RETURNS. PHONE ORDERS ALL 8118.IEOT TO PRIOR SALE. i &LL SALES-riNAL. BE.HERE r:::A.RLY!: R C.O.D. YOU WISH I ._ Upholstered Fumlture pUs numbering 15 and an adult fa.ithtul members of the cbUfcb. Sunday evening ve~ra will be c lau or 18. The muslt for tbll'll They are then admiited to full under the dlrectlon ot the High Palm Sunday st•rvice wUI be the church membership and are prive-School Youth FeUo~hlp. Beg1n- t.peetaJ music sung by the ~nior l~ged to receive the Sacn.rnent or ning at 8 :30 a pro~am of aacred choir at the 11 :00 a.. m . 111ervice. Holl' Communtoo. mualc and 'tongregatlonal •lngtng Nn. Re~. SALE Following the Sf'rvi~. there will On Palm Sunday, the combined will hlgh-llght the wor8!11p period. be a recl"ptio n jn the Parish House Junior and Senior Choirs wllJ sUJg roolh groups wfll auemble for for Bishop Bloy and Mre. Bloy and the anthem, "J.Jte Up Your Heada. their eepa.rate meetinp at the the members or the conftrmaUoo 0 Ye Gates." The theme of Paetor clOM Gf vetrpen. A -eoclal bour ctaaa. Mr9. Mary Sedey-ta Ute Roth'• se.rmon will be, "Giving-God ·follow• ter u.e .,,....,, N R'"'l chairman ot the C'Omm1ttee on ar-Your Best." The text ia taken bomf:I. Piece' Pri<"e .. f'RJCr::: 1-Televlalon Ch&Jr, tJg. bolta!lex cover ~.60 30.60 I-Modem Sofa, lll'ffD ................................ 145.00 . ·89M 1-MoQem Ch.air to match ... ·····-···"· .... 99.50 69.80 1-Rela\er Ch&lr,·gt'eCD frteae ....... -.......... 139.ftO 111..&0 2-Modem ?uJl-up Chatra, red. grey ..... <l2.50 ZD.60 rangements. The congregation ls from John 12, 1-8. Invited to meet the bishop and congratulate the cl&3!1. Captain Wiedman I-Maple Twe-place Sett~ , ...................... •9.M 42.60 · 1-Victor1a.n eolld mahogany vey Chair. . lloly "'ttk Good Friday Evening ConcEfrt green velvet · ...................................... 72.50 • G9.50 Holy Week will be obflerved at SL James w ith a service every day fapta'n Qeorge Wlerlman., for~ me-r put.or Of Newpert Beach Bap-1..:_.Nantucket Chair, tapestry cover ·······-·· 69.60 69.50 o( the week· a,, follows : · Marking Good Frk!ay, with the Monday, l\le8day Ml Wecines-presehta.tlon of an oratorio. the day, March 19th, 20th and 21s t, choir ot the CommunJly Method!at 12 :15 p. m . The Litany will be church ot Coeta Me¥ will present'. .&aid. The hpar of 12:15 wtll ma.ke '7ne,seven La.at W'Orda" by Du- it J>081!1!b'e ~or working people t o Boi..s. Beginning at 7:80, March take 15 minut~ 9r their lunch time 23, a thirty-voice choir wlJJ appear to attend thia SC'rvice. under the dlreCtion ot Roger Ax- tu1t church and ncnv &eT'Ving u a I .MMned I ctiaplain 1n tlti> U . S, Arn1y, w ill .._ "" pre•chmg at :h,. 1t:oo •. "'· Side or u~ Chairs Suntlay woral'aip iterv1ct11 _,, the /3 Off r l.u•'•h. 1900 Cou•· Slrttt, New-Odd Pieces 1 port Beach. The putor, Don Lam· :,.. ____ _..__ .... ___ .._ _______ _. • ber&on. will deliver the melAge 2-st. Francia Chaln, roee da.maak ....... , 69.95 entitled, "A Llvln& Rede..n1~r." at .. 99• 1-Provtncla.I Cb.aft, red priDl : ................... .,. . v the 7 :00 p. m. service. . ... ,___ l&ld •7 ~ The mJd-week eervice ot Rr&)·et -Maple Arm ........ Jra, (fftl1 ·P ····~······ ......... and BJble ai,udy wtlJ be1rln at 7:15 1-Ptne Arm Chair, pl&;fd cover ................ t2.io p. m Wedneeday. Bible' cl&Mes tor 2-Hoat Chalra, ~p.a.y 1tripe cover .... M.60 Maundy Thursday. March 22nd, worthy. &Jl ages commence at &:4.5 i.. m. 1-Modern Arm Chalr, ~ra.l epun Sunday. gold cover ···-·············; .. ·····················: ........ 182M t-Moctern Sota, MOOem tloral COft.r .... 189.60 8:00 p. m .. ther(' will be-held tht" Soloist. tor th!a occu loo will In- annual "candlelight services ot Holy elude two guests art,ial.8 from San- C_-9mmunion In comm"moration of l& Ana. Beth McDonough, so- lht! Institution of t he Lord'• Sup-prano. la a member ot the Mualca.I per. This IK"rvic:e ls al.5o the an-Arla, EbeJI Society, and doea pnr nuaJ. corporate communion for the fesalonal work. TakJng the tenor 0 "d I members of the Altar Guild Of St. lead, Max Mendenhall, who ha.a CCI enta James c bun:h. • done professional ~1<1-work t.n !-Modem Arm Chair, fCOral apun gold .... 1111.eo 1-Maple Wing Cha.Ir, 'print cover .. , ......... 79.50 1--Small Arm ,Cbalr. JTflY rouch wea•e 79.lfe 1-Provtncial Sofa. prtbt A plaln cmb. 179.r.Q 2-Qu&Bly Barrel Ch1t.lP, brocatelle and , velvet cover (only durinl' tbl• aale) .... 112.t>O .. Good t-rld&)" both Orange and ~ Angelf"S Good Friday. Match 23rd, the countiea, will be the iaecorut guest. GI Cl b three hour e('rvice rrom I2:oo noon The thJrd aololat, Ma:cotm Re:d, I ee -u s to 3:80 p_, m. will be held at st. baritone, com" from the local cholr, and 1& welJ..known ln Coeta , r 6!.M . ~9.93 39.85 64.l!O "39.l!O 89.l!O l~ 80.l!O' l58J15 15,8.r.1 169.50 99.l!O James church with the congreg•-t s· H. -, ___ 1 .. _ • . lion of St. Andrew's Pfesbyterian Meaa alnglng ctn:lea.· Vlvtan Har-0 1ng er!e' Tables & Occ:as-r11ntifUre . church joining In the service. The mon, regular Of~ for' the I · sddreases on the seven I.,.aa.t: Word.a cbuTcb, will~ a'ccotnpany the .choir I j--o:;;s;;;;i:;::;r;z;;;:jj;;;;:i;";i"";;;:d,;;"--, wtll be given by the Rev. Th'omas ud aoloLlta. The public l9 invited Pruentlng a varied and colorf'UJ I.I ()pea 8toclk "PbJe ji.CMlee •f ......a or t .-. --"th th •--• f laalcal and folk mu .WO.• OOdttall ~ 1n•d fter ftble , Gibson. puto r ot SL Andrew& and o worwup w1 e ~ congTe-P~ o c -• ---, tbe Rev. Paul Moor e \Vhee1e.r, rec-gation through the pruentatton on ate, the Occidental Col~ese Men"• 1 l_...; __ !l!!~la!!1~=~1!t!:·~·~$!,_!et~G~IC:!!h~.· __ ...J tor of st. James. • GOpd Friday. There ia no &am~-1md Women's Glee CJuba Will Dg Ii Saturday, March 24th. The An-sion; a aUvn offering will be t.ak-a combtned concert here on Frt· • day, Maret\ 30th, at eight o'c)ock. No. &r. SALE • nual Beginners an<to Prtmary De-e.n. in NeWport 8-rbor Un.ion High Pleeee • ~ P BIOE partment Easter F'estlval service Sohool Auditorium Tb e tw·d' 1-French J>rovincial Cocktail Table ··--··· 3'.75 Sl.95 ;11~"';0~~'!.'.:' 1~"~~"~~:'.:th:~: Preachin ' Cowboy groupa. dl,..Ud by o!af Frod-I-Ma11ogon.y' eomer Book-,: . ..:............ 3!1.oo 1e.94 ~ the showing of the film .. Festl-S d t C D M sb'am, Will ofter u ibicU:\14Ual 2-.-Modetn She.lfend Ta~lea, blk., trolt ..... 4.9.60 UM val of Easter." The Cherub choir ·Un ay a • • • chotn and u ,a m.bted cborua. bOth. l -Ooru1ole Tkhle, Modelia ....•..........•...........• Ul.00 111.68 Will •Ing [or t bis ..,rvtce sputa! Ba'ptt'st Church • cappella ·and ~om~ sell!C-2-Kod. Cockt&fl T•bleO. blond, erdn. ---54.0o n..1141 Eu:ter m,usic. The children win tlona. t ~ bring their mite boxee with them ' Membe.n of tbe o:ee CJubl baVe and cut flowets tor their n ower Re '9'. Leonard Ellen. " the sung the Bnhma and Vudl Requl- SI..., Shop No. Rf<c. SALE Plett1 , Prl~ P RJC!: ~--FUil size Box Sprt&&' f ............................... 34.00 %8.50 I -Full fliu Matetrea1 ···~······························· 29.76 Z-1..'15 I-Twin size Bo.x Sprtng ................................ 39.75 U .'J5 1-Slmmon.s., J.wtn site Star K~g . ; Coll SpriJ>gs ............... !... ......... : ..... _ ............ 22.7~ 15.96 2-Full size Sin1mona Deep Sleep Coil Springs .............................................. 29.95, 18.1111 'A Group or I Bedfpreads • Aasortecl Sf,Ytea and Oolon • 1 /3 Off Re«Jular Prices Sun'.Room • Pore~· • O~cloor Furnitire No. j Rec. SALE Pleeea 1 Prl~ PRICE I -Adaptable Utility Ta e ............................ 8.95 · 6.96 ANorted Chineae Peel Tables .................. ZO% OFF 1-Aahcratt Side Chair ··········-············ ... .ti! lP.26 JS.13 1-Grp. of Wronght troif SUIU'11J. FUrn, %113-403 OFF l~allty Rattan C..m"f Table ................ 82.95 48.M • . .(1f I* . I < •• Servel ~fr19erators Roduoed Jn Prl -Quantity Umtted · E.xam -BNSOO Re«Jular price 31 2.50 -Now 329.50 . . . ' . mps . I 20 D ICOl'Cflltes . BJ Uptaii (PlctUftl Usbta) 11: Price . . No. ' Reg. BALE ~ .. Pdeo PRICE 2--Brua T•ble l.6m -tt-n lbades ........ 23M 11 RUGS No. • Rec-llAl..E Plecea $. . Prtoe., PILICll 1-9'xI2'. Ori L. high quality .... -...... -..•. 239.50 1'1t..M 1-9'x10'3'". Hi fr. Qua.I. Fig., all woiol ........ 179.75 lllJS , Wllton,;·a11 , I roee ..................... --... .214.00 19.M l -Y'x1:z·101·, Ht ~tlaL 8cWputured l-!:~!~' !1 ~u:~ .~.~~~~~:~ ........... 192.00 · It.at l -9xI2 Modetf Patterned. green, all woot. &a.}nple rug .... -.................... .,. ... 180.00 141..N 1-12'xl9' Heavy Quality Frieze, tan ··--··386.75 MM 1-9'xl8'3" All Wool, green & rolM!, ·girl. _ •. l.f;9.5o •.11 1-9':itl1'6" Rose, eel!-tone, aJI wool ........ 120.oo a.ae Many iolbe · Rugs.not listed are also B&le priced · ~ Coverings One GToup 1 Braided Oval and Round ColOB!al Bu ;]" AuortP.d alse lo 9 s. 1% I K'~uced 20°/o • - from Regular Pricel Flbor Coverings No. Rt!s. SALE . PleCea Price l'BICJ: 1 pc.-9'"54.~ • Blue, au wool ............. _.yd. 10.00 4..11 1 pc.-D'lt2°'1S' Rose, a.U wool ···-·····-. ..,..yd. 8.95 l.N 1 pc.-9'x4.0 'ii:'' 1 Green·, all wool. .... -.. -.... yd. 16.96 .... 1 pc.-12' lwidlh-TQ aq. yds., Green Be)t .. ton~ an wool ..................... yd. 14..9:5 It.IS 1 pc.~~~o:o~fjl· .. ~~-~: .. ~ .. ~.~~~.~~-.... yd. I0.93 U5 Many oth~J pieceB not listed Bl'e &180 aale priced. C~RPET-27" 1 pC.-I06 1tn.' yda.J High QlJlllity cardinal • red witb ~ lea! fig., all )VOOI ........ yd. 1.2.911 &N ' l)U.ing Room Furniture No. . I Iler· 8 41& ""'-• I Pnoe l'IUCE 1-Bet of. Slx 'Ma~og-any Chairs ··········~-.. 179.60 •M 1-Reoondltton~ grop Le&t Mahogany ·Ext.en.Irion Table ·-····-···--······· .............. 1'M I-Maple ,Lad~ t;!ack Arm Chair ............ 33.00 l t .N 1-Kaple :8uffef ......... h.~ . . ·... . 897 - No. Bee· llALll: Pleoes II ' P""° nKlll: I-Twin. alae Meta\ Bec;latea<I. brown ........ 11.911 UI I;-Twin· ~ ':lalutal ,Pine Bed.lead ........ 32.1111 ,17.N !-Full atie Pnjvtn~l&l Bedl!tead ................. Gt.71 •71 1-N!tAI '.!'able. m&pl• .................................... %4.60 111.N t~Twin alze 1i'&Ple Spool ~ .................... ff.TS .,, croq WhJc.h la placed in the church Pruchin' ~boy,", will do eome ema wtlh the Loe An19lee Phllllar·, ~ on Easter Day. fant.uUc trlckli wtt.Jt. his educated mosaic On:beltra under the dlrcc~ rope8 at tho 114pu.t SUnday tlon ol Alfred W1,1fenateln. In' 1$4ct ac.hool, meeting ht t.tie Port The:a-they appe&r'ed In ·prUO&Dl& wltll ........ U-()alt -PffP wltlo ~ plastic· ._ --Table -!Ito• &84 Taw9 -Coel<tall --1-p -""' Cor&M' ~ -peoilve la prieo.· Spodal I• --· Ml,J ~ OPT! I 15 Mo.m Tale '-IP.I . IO.!O to al .. ~ ,_ · · ·•/o· Off · 1-Frencbi ProVtncla! Nit. Table ..... _. ___ .. 63.715 M.11 2-:-Maple 5-41-sWer Cheat• -···~·······-··-····-··· U.10 tt..M 1-Futl 8iJ;e Bed1tead,i Md. blOnde etyle .... OS.DO It.It . • "J w t " esus ep .is Sermon Theme at St. Andrews tre, next Swiday mwntnc, March tbe motion ttk:t.UJ:O. penonau~ IL_.-._..;.. ____ ._ ____ .., ______ __, 18, at 10 o'clock. Nudte, "tbe Oordon MacRae, J&ne,Powell and Table rodeo taUor," who makee clothe• Vtqoent J>11ce. 1~.er Mal_)le --"-···-····-···--.: ••• -. 21.&0 for Roy ~ra, Gen• Auuy, &pd The Oecldeatat ctubo ll&w :woe· 1-Mapte: Table ancl Lamp 0om!'ln"U0n 39.00 most of tb• othor alllra of Weot.m hlgb bollOr& ta ""l"peUUon 'wttll· 1-lil&pl• 'OMk --Oom)>lnatlop ~·46.&0 entertainment. will ai.o' be pra-other ehoml :rroupa. l'.ll Iou. ille I..:..,lloun4 ~. Ooclttatl 'Nble -1.-.... ,,... .. 29.&0 "J e8U8 Wept," la 1ermon theme enL ~ fut tlme UW awatO' iWaJi made) "'" · ot the Rev. Thomu Olbeon foe .Mr. SUera wu once a rider on botil UM Ken'• ·and-. Wbmell'' .Ai l&1IM _ ua c, 1 !A)......_ o. ad r l Palm Sunday at St. Androw'• the WJ'OlllfJ>r plains: lhen f,,.-five -tqolt top pi-ta u.i . • ' ~ ~byterfan chun:h. T•.t le yean i.. was In Weatem moYIH; SOllUltm · Cllllf01'111a Glea C:u~ • *"'!S .. --,tlt'l' o.P'I -from st Luke 19~tL "And when now he Ill riding the range tor God ~pionMIJ 1conleft... ';nle AID~ 'l .. He was com• neat, He•boheld th• and wtll lop-f/I -...i ~ y-. UM! M.0'~ Q¥b ..... -o1 ).<.Kabop"7 ~ TUlei ~1&UL Ollliary .US-..,. ctly, and wept o...U tt.• cootome. putttar on a ~-~ • ~ ftiMIDat.o •la ~ t.~Qalt Ooft• Tal>ie.'-'lt top ...;~ 11.115 - Tbe ,eholr wm alnr "G<J\I Him-allow of rope~ witb aplrl rrM W~ Ha-OOl!aP'~ 1~ 00 ·~.,...., ex. ip., pl>.-~--eel! le With ua,~ IGWette);, di· applfcatlon& Olae ~IPeainpatlJJoll. 0 ' -.. tteUd b7 James F!tagirald. f In Tiie Ca1ftt1 Q11ait6 -Vo.ft. Tbe _,_,,. --II-Molal -•• _.,........ , • ' -· _.,. addition the chDdren ot tho pi\. Uer will atnr al tlle -_.. ... , nitt-ot pc:d.te I.a VI ~ etl f.--:'·:"----;~;;~;::~;~~:".~--1 ..,...,, &not JunJo< doput>n..,ta will .......,. at n :oo a. ,... -. ..., •••• ~ JI , pft0ftltaeomblna~--'>cllol1' ·0n ""-tot lhlnoat "Dr. -a.., a'• r pw~--,_ bio numlltt. · · · .. , · ' L. ~ wtll-" aa'"'fte.Li<O-~ ,._ Oa U.. -•I ..... 1Aa s..-,, tbe ~ Wee bJc a.n.t. • ...... -· II I ... ..... DI. P"tll!IJor waa llle Rn: ;Jolin • • • ' ...._.. -...-; Pm IW?' ~i.L--~·~~-·--1""'!'-;;-,;.~~~ ~ of..Low ~ -..-. n 11\ ,,., *& J1!1111:: : Tllla _, u.m. Will be.two ...... , ~ • • ·1b11\ OU I"'!. . ._ a.$ -... -... -y at .at. All· nn·rw •• ·11r¢• •• , • ,, .& .. .... ' -~ -al·~. tho~ al Ill ....... _...... --··~-...... . ll&.WL WWII -· -·--( • · " 1MG• e •ssr•r , ·~=~ ,, 'f a r ... OJ.ee: Olllil .. ~. ... GO'*-=· 141111 .cfr 'llt•~ Y rf• ... ~ 11~ .. 11 ~Ill . -t~~~.~~·~1r:<31 • ' . , ' 1.....:Fltfurlne Table Lam ....... _ _: ___ ,_,, 811.60 l-Potete17 BNo ·Lampl ....... -'-·--..... _ .. _ 10.1111 I-Table 'Lainp, ·flor\l · ooiunul ._ .. _____ 211.00 2-Kllk I'----~ cloul lhadoa -· 30.GO -1. 1:-ble Lamp, tropitjl!I, atyle , .......... ___ 34-00 i:--Talll": L&mpo,[ ~ ~ ·--21.60 --It.1111 --·u.1111 . . AT1'NTION1 . .· ' ~· . AA .. pa• ... l:t"<•-oad& --{ .. m -'a,.t ._..,. .. P-4 •9!9P -I • Ate eil .,._, itfat 2 ''is k ~aa.8 • •c'-1' -Lat-_..,,. __ ........... F 1 l I , ' ' . . .... • • I-Boudoli' ·---.. -.. ~-.... --------... 36.111 -. - i 11ollywood Jed . -~tloa by SDllllON8. Twin ai;~pring .on lep '!'ltb Qualit)' -oprlng ' . • 7 R.ICGULAJ4.Y .... ~ Price _ d~ ~ )Q~Uly ~) . . .69.9$ • .. • ~ • J ' I ' •' ' [; • ... • ' ,,, ' . • • • ; . -u a 7117*!1 . . -~ . ,., ....... , ...... • TV NOW! ... sL ... • ......_ 'Here'1 Your Cb...._ 'l:bo-T=.,.~·...,..;;~n;· •;.,.F--.~~, '°..,. · ,....., 1 .:=a:;::~ , a ..... pla · • ... =I.OW fillll! Lo ~ QWIMAJ ~ ---~ llC4 00.-.... .. "· .. -.... ..._ ............. IHI uc,..'a J~ -. --·~ .... ,_ .... All. ftl-. '" UP. ~ ~·-Liiio -· ... --UP ~. . . • •.• ~ JT•NIWJIOi'tBhd.,.Ooota ::.:'~"':!'",!:1 .t:. •'gp ........ wD.::r .. :·;~.?--II.··.-~ Wen_.'Jia'9.~... t'" , • llall hi-. +ms• Pf14WN .... .. .. .....-·-'--:--~ 0 # .,,-.;r. -.,,.-~Jcobol--lca-.-~----~• :!: :a-·.....: ~":!.r' tTt,o 0 n .. ,.&..-;;-,,Vt ·oae._ ·::a.._ :. .;:.--~ , .19tSO~t.ETS, AI.I, MODEIS ·,. ~ Wrtto P. 0. -M ' • =-caot MN ' ..... 14 -..W: -, -· · Loi:aJ <;an. ~low mllap · • ...... -t+,pr\ Calf. tt'r • J·~-11" ....... 1::'••, ftDar ., . . ' I~· • ;; - t · · ._ _......, 11111 NOn ONLY $1T•150 ' "'"' .......,, w;.1 •0 01il111 w , • '.Well ~pped. radio, Heater; e:l'i · . . NEWS-irM:m _; Ever ""--A_: . . ·. " ,...._ . • . "PJUQED MA ·s~ ' . . · ~ J ..__;, · p t' ~·-f TIDE TV .. 11\" T••• ...... ,....RCA~ ~ ... -·•:r-t · ' , ; .1.v iw.J, NEWPORTBAYP()ST...;.Wedneeclan · ?' &lOriuuture 10111Co_.tllhod..lf••port ,.._..,.....,..'"!* ~ ·:"'-~1..qac..i":' ·.· Aliici 'wie1&1aoodWWIE .ear9. NEWPC)RT-BALB(>A·PBESS-·~ P.~ '~' ~ :::..=.·=~~';'.·Ins ·.,u~#mla. , ''t1 t · • . . .11...._. _.._a· ·.-.. u. _. -• • r ,,.1 · -· BA11u,a11 .... ~11111....auan. 111e ___ ,,_ __ ,,..,1.-. .• ..:utt• .:~1::::;t. ._ dr7'ii .-, ' " · Culoertson Chevrolel Co. " N-'l'lw w...,. ft-hr.._ Phohe Beacon M51-W .,.ut.111 - -ped,, -~ • ~ • I ·-etc., -at·-••· -• . · · ·~ ~·-Ow-le DetJer '. • AJl~edllDMt ...... fw~ ..... 11 .. ,.t& U• U-LOST.tNJJiotrMD r PIM9e PttlDD M2J_.w: )92$ •. -~ • 14&. l " .1,. lletl ',. •; Q.PSJllSUNDkYtlt:IOto5 -~··--::::-.::.::.~::...... ~~.~ e.e,,::..:;:.:...<>;::: ............ ~ ... -_.. ...... ..., 4 JJacs 1 PaPer · ' .711 =r= • • {(ftp 111 tooich wftll 111 .. &004 c.Ua>i am, looatl<m. · -. · • . ' 1.'"ea ! l'aper9 IM L08'.I' -Ullon1 NWVll r .. mAk NEW loM KOPllLS ~In TY •ta t1'dod . to.. ._ -. ~ -• .!51l DODGE Demonatr..tor CH01CE OF 5-· -- \ 4 U.cs S·PaP,tn SAi red ~iand wllo dllll-~ G. E.' Aa•-·tic Jllahwuhmj 111 • _, wlli ..a. lD-tary p111e rmt Lilleral oi.c.. -Low 1lli1eage . '49 FORDS ___ :_.,_ .... ..,396 ft. publlall.,.. .in not Ill ,.p•o.,., .. ~ ---.: me' -·-trom ~01 Se*Mort Dtl '"' ..,..... · lo -·-~le -oi -or an a~ent. rulf;: U,;' ri;ii.1o"':~ ...-; J'o'b. S.' Phone Harl>or ..J Blal< Oomblll&Uon ___ .. _....IO EJSr Tau.i ARft:urOJtt> ,., '*"'1· -New Cal" Guatutee ~ · • -· ~ .. an:nr .. ":i1a"::!i.~ .. ~=..,-:rtt:::o:=.=:n:: = evenliip. Drnp lD ___ _.. ___ ,,._-'-·7-:-~4UO ·DA VJS.BROWN Co. Hai'bbJ:' Inalvestm~nt· SHA VER MOT<i>RS ·~.Ford C?ub Cpe .. ,.$8915 accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day precedlq publlCatlOL I'll. Bar. tile LOST -White pet.rt ..-iy with J'ERGU:!ION HDWE. oo. ue JlAJUIOll BLVD. ' tors " Yo n-i-Pl..;;. -en CHOIC F l'lloDe Bar, t~~=·~l:J-:,:.:. ':. ! 111 om ta :~;iJ,.~it:'e=vi::: nOo BALBO• BLVD. • , , ·~~:!"~ Nw•Port 1 it .. BL; H.1100·1 l~ &;'Bt~.:&.ta if~ , . E 0 ~ nn --BmL. N-rt .... ~ oc1 for ... t1menta1 ,,,_ Ph. • ,,Pbone Hatt>or u& UQUO!l u amlwANTll:D -• r. ' .• 9 Mercury~ c1ra .... .$1695 , Harbor 1024-W. t2dS ELICCTR.IC ·rdrtc., ~ olnr., Cilff·oale' · County Uquor ( DilcDf ' •4ij OLDS 118-Conv. $2295 It-BUSINESS Otm>Z . Li-BUILDING D:aVJCEll MOTOROLA 7.Jnch. TV' • gb table .top pa nnae. inner oprtnc llc<nle . . · )\'rite ""~'. > • , LOal8;!;~~:;:1 J,1;;:· d~ ahow "'!"'l• omall u M, $16. bed, radio. phonO, 711 Macoa lari to .Bf" C1, tllle ·-. ' 11148 .BUICK ouper, •..ir I leilan, ,49 Bui k lS · Co $194:1 COKPL!r!'ll•BOUBl!l CLltAN.ll'lO WE RENT M Pho H -··w ?~-200 lbw.' oe clay, ~P.' pl. oe St.;'Newport Helghta ('rum off 1 ..• _~-I -'-. > • RAH. vlaor, orlfl, flnhol>! Low .c pr. \IV. _ oernce. ll'umttun ai>4 rup ELECTRIC palnt llJ><&yer; floor ar. ne ar. ·~~ .,_ clear glue, St.110. t 'f(eat Bal· RedlaMo An. lo Bluff D<llitl n~ a OrnCBll mlleap, Royal ~· ~treo. I • • • obtmpooed. Free .-.--aand•n. poll.hen_. prdentq· • p. m. D3ctll boa Blvd., Balboa f Ol!&e-W, Beacon ~1-w. .Diets .• _-,. 4· · owner. soi Mutlold. lcorona CHOICE OF 5-· J'Ully lnoured. equlpmenL Stroots TeWlnlde · . • f1'c9J • • · del Mac. Ph. Har, '2917·1*· "'-----'• Cars Al's I-louse & Rug Hardware. 1802 Newport Blvd.. t&-8ITl:JATION8 WAl'li"&D DIN&'l"l'IC SET, blue letthel ups w· EHOUSE 9Sp9• .. -,,....-tion : Costa Mesa. Phone Ilea.. 11222. ll'OR llAl&--Oood clean\!. Ingle In: ho~ and butcll. 2 • t 1t 12 r lll!O CHEVROLB:T dlX·couDe, eave from. ........... $100 to ,$250 ' Cleaning Co. -. FINE LAUNDRY lronl I neraprtng mattreu, '1 230 Or-Amer!can ortantal , l""P. Dav FACTORY n•l ' or "' Oii J . ch]jl Ave .. corona del . Ph. bod. MlllC. artlcle1. ll'.ea. 116U·R. or 1a1 .. tu, private, party ol'bon• La.guna Beach \ Betcon ~ltl '12tfc INTERIOR -.EXTEJUOR eurtalne. Help with din. partlH. Harbor l7~W. ..92p93 92c93 Barbor 240!. -I I •9tp93 ' • I Pick-up IJ)d dell'Ytt: Mra.· Wil-s'P•A' CE FOR RENT Linc In Me p AINTING .11ama. eau Har. 1159&. 11cts EVERYTHING -r· 1929 roan, $7•. Ea<:euent nm-o • rcury For Venetian Blinds, LICJ:NBED , -INa,URat> """".YO'"" TBA.TI.""' ~llOATS. SUPPLIBll • 630 w 17th St nine condition: 702 M&r\iuertte. 160 NORTH COAST ~LVD. Shad d Dra Hd Gl mxPllRT pl'dener c1eo1 ... work. •v"' u,. ---"""' -• • · corona del Kar. Harbor 011-.-M. r..guna Beacil es an pery we. enn Johrurton Hu power maehlnorJ. Ph. 11ea. Wll nt.L BllTANB ....s BOOKS-SEA BOOKS 1 t2c94 Pbolle wruna· Beach 4-51120 THE SflA.DE SHOP. llol-!IUt u!:b.r d:,"r = •283-W. H\rc ~:;:.~~ "ftne lltoc:ll at bOoltlo oa lill'-'1t-Cpeta Mesa. APABl'llENTS ~· R~uDs lA8ALLI: OOUPE, '36. Good,_ Free estimates Ph. Har 884 · WII.l-CARE J'OR two or tl!rtt -~ w•lc» ot all TnUtr . .(lllJ -~ 'li,JI WI~ . · Ph!>De ~ 11164 u-tor;nibber, heater, low mlleqe. 514 s 29th St. Newport Beach email · children ·for worklnc , lllitd-•· 0 boollo. ~11"'"'7. • . · · ll8c92 LIDO TQT ·E S126. U6 Acacia,. corona do! 711e92 PAPER HANGING molhen: subutban rttldence. s,rm... ~ 11amu,i CW. II.~ , .·The i·ande-·· I·· ~ · Mar. Hubor =--!. ;· nces - l •-t, • ~·-·~ \ I • D It -want a rental mi tlzDo 1--------'--'-------------PO// equ.,.... .....,_.._ ra-ORAN"'E COAST l14llarln -r.. •·-Sitt BUS~00 \BLDG.• at ••4 ~-~ , .. , = HARLEY. DAVIDSON MOTOR'· and p AINTING by day, liour or week. Mro. • u . .. 7 _.. •n--~· lllLll. -.... ilnarsl '°'"" SHARPENING Kenneth Quarry Montgrimery, 2ellt M.on<ovla ao. rRAILER SuPPLY u-fL aUJicHCRAFT . p1ywooe1. ='1..;':1ijN~1!':b';';b;.!:::; apt.o. AJoo -. ~ ' ' . CY~lt, ~ ~~ All toolo. lawnmowers ·pinking Coota Mea. ~tp93 ,1110 ILUUIOR r.LVD. -t ahd tnller. lilxoell!!'t -· eotate, ·....,...,tal)t, denti.t, P. A. .PAIJMER , • 92p9S llhe&n1, knlv••· 1-9 p.m ... S~. lM~ Saiita Ana Avo., co.ta lll-DAY WPRK'-.• 1 per bour. Baby Oolta M-Pbme ....... nM-R dltion. 12'0. nnance. courtd)' 'law)'er; bpber or beauty ahop, DICORPOIU.TllD. FIXIT SHOP Phone Beacon MCM • sitting, ~ centa. !Uf., 01irn lo brOk~ra. llU, W•l:miMter florlllt. •te. Call Beacon 6044-W. J3S3 Via Lido 'Butior 1800 609 Coast Highway '1Vdl2 transportation. Call BeL 1407-R ALMOST NICW Gill ranp, perteci Ave., NO)lfJ'Ort -b Hp96 ' 98cD!I I, btf< '37 IiOQOE St.lion wasan 4-dr. One owner., excellent inolor and . ttree. ~o. eound ~. newi top, plUtlc eeat covera,. eeaJl N ewport Beach . ..:..,___________ 9Sp condition, S90. 208 ~ethyet, p AINTING Balboa loland. Ph. Bari 2018·W. i 19-JIELP WANTED ,.~ 91c93 EARL $HEFLIN 92p6 Furniture Repairing Cha.Jr bottoms renewed. e&ne or apllnL Cha.Jr rounda, badl. and roc1ten replaced; al8o re-gluing. HARVEY'S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP 2060 Santa. Ana Ave., Cort& Mea. Beacon 6133-J. 11c18B 1%-BUJLDlNG SERVlCES PAINTING Houses & Docks or '! -F or est imate P HONE HARBOR 16~9-J 87c89 :r1S Palnm SL, Coote. K- BeL 6457·M Holl · REPAIRING and · PAINTING . REASONABLE. Laree or email jobs. Free eatlmatea. Har. 2Ml-R HAULING Any kind, truh or! Walker, 108 -18th Street Newport Beach Harbor ~Ml-R • i7c11H Raultl come from comi.nt Practice! An ad rqularl;y In Ihle paper will produce ruulta for you Standard Station. Inc. • ~as a few openings FOR MEN Who are lookJng for permanent employmant with excellent o~ portunlty tor advancement. 21 to 40 preferred. Paid while training. Approx. ~$270 month to start. ,Liberal l•Unciry allow· a.nee.. High achool mlnlmlpn desi~. See Supt. atr1he • STANDARD STATIONS Dahll ... Coaet Highway COrona del Mar Television Service RADIO REP AIRS L&rTJ Ewen • • 1 &roid Ramm Technlc!lllUI M1l:8A RADIO .. TELEVISlON 111'1 -7. C. M. Bea. ll80l..J THREE 500 YD. REELS -2 poles mJec. llnea, tackle and gear boX Excellent condJllon. MUST SEE, $7S .. 508 M&rlgold Ave., Corona del Mar. 93c95 HA VE DOUBLE BOX springs and innerspring mattress - WANT TO TRADE for single Phone Harbor 2919-JK. 93c llJRTHS STUR GE ON -To ){r. &nd Mrs. munfty hoaplt&l, Mar. 12, 1961, a dauchter. 8 lbe., ft ~ os.. Between 8 :30 and 12 every Friday SO-B-APPUANCES 89c93 ------------MUNFORD-To Mr. and Mra. Maurice Munford, 2328 E Iden Nofel Sturgeon . 502 Ocean Front Ave., Balboa. In Santa An.a Com- m \jn ity hospital, Ma r. 8, 1961, a daughter. 6 Iba .. 6 oz. Ave., Coat& Mesa., in St. Joeepb WANTED _ Ucenaed lrd --tat- hoaplt.ai., Mar. 12, 19~1 . a daugh.-ant engineer or better tor the EVANS-To Mr. and Mr• . ...WU- liam Evans.. 2001 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. tn Santa Ana Com- munity hospital, March 9, 19~1. a son, 7 lbs. ter, 7 lbs., 21> oz. "Gypoy"' HO B.P., AU.. Imperial MELTON-To Mr. and Mra. diesel mgtne. Apply . Port J¥'tes Melton. 2191 Clay St., Orange, 113!5 Coast Hlwy, New- Newport Beach, In St. Joaeph port Beach. Beacon M25. 81c:O:J • hospital, Mar. 13, 1901, a 80n, 8 r-------7'...---- EXP ER t ENCED Houaekeeper· cook. White. Proteat. Live ln. NEWPORT R ARB 0 R EM· PLOYMENT AGENCY, \)05\t E . Bay Ave., Balboa. Har. 2611-R WILDE-To Mr. and Mrs. David lbs., 3 oz.. W ilde, 2 172 F airview • St .. Costa MARRIAGE LICENSES M esa, In Santa Ana Communit~ Gene Henry Lon~eyer, 20, 706 ~ospltal. Mar. 9. 1951. a 80n. S. Sycamore St., Santa Ana; bsRC:;~To Mr. and Mrs. Rob-Vir(in.ia C&rollne Banen. 17, 132 W. Wll . .,o•SL, OMta Me.a. ert L.. Ro~. 224 Onyx Ave., Bal· Ruaael.I Tolen Gilbert 21 1213 bo& Island, in St. J oseph hosplta.l, E . Balboa Blvd., Bal~; Sb.aro'n Nt/1Jri;,Jt1:.J..97!• "1lf"l-P 1-s., e oz. ICIW'·~~l~L t1lfiEj ~t-i rt-0· ~~ 'fo./Mi. 4.nct. Mn. nut st~~th,r Anal. o l ·' . 9~ Furniture Salesman :1.r;,~-Only :·~ppij:rJUt,Iai:R BROS. '• .9llf1N· I~ Btl'eet Sant. Ana wE REP.AIR a.II malcea of w&&hlng machine•. ironers and· vacuum cleaner•. STROOTS T eWlnkle f;l&.J1Sware , . 1802 Newport Blvd., ~. Meaa. Beacon ~222. 86c99 s1-wb' TO BUY • MAPLE BDRM. SE:?' by private party. Double bed. Phone Bea- con 8838-J. · · 92c93 • BOOKS WANTED • I wlll call and buy . . . • Your entire library BUN;STER CREELY ! Phone Barl>Or 3tlJ· W • 1 I' .1.f. .. ~' '·t ·f8c79H P-.t! Cort~ 24..74 Orange • .. Ave., Rhae E . Fouet. Jr., 21, 1601 t ostil1 Mt!sa. ln Sar!t.ll' Ana Com-· Bayst.d4 Dt., Cofon& •de.I Mar;' m unity hospital, Mar. 11, 1951, Mary Katherine Bame.a, 20, 693 a son. 6 lbs.. 10 oz. N. Oranp SL, Orance. ' 87cH IS-ll'U&NlTUBZ FOB SALE HARD Y --To Mr. and ..b{n. Howard Bert Trueedell. 52. Pn- James Hardy. 238 F airway"'P-1., tar10j Blanche Badon Sanders, «. Coe:ta Mesa. In Santa Ana Com· m Amethyst Ave., B&lbO& Z... -----.. --------· .. -... -... ---... -----... ---------.. ---------------.. ---------------.. -----------.. ·---------- ANNOUNCING the OPENfNG · of peggy small • FASHION SPORTSWEAR 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island • • . • • • • with the ec<ent on, • Co-ordinete-s en~ seperetes ' ........ ,yo.. ' fa"+otll• ....... .; • • •••• • Zr I .......... 1: 8lllta , . ~ !lmeta •--l'rlat.l Te11f11 • N'Oi I" lllller . .. .. .,.%!!..,. ·Jllilrn ·, • • .._,.Jiu :v .. 811111'tlll 'h•u . . ' .&m01l1r2r--a11b1 ........ % ... I ' e.jl .. fl •1 1171 I • • . . ' • ----------- MOORINGS Pleasure and Commercial LIDO P~SULA YACHT ANCHORAGE End of 31st St_ Harobr 2381 NEWPORT BEACH hi' SAILBOAT •alle rigging, Beacon 6814. lb · water, lood etc., $M. Call 92p93 CUPPER CLASS -18 ft. oloop. 2 malnaafll, 3 Jibs . (including one eet new "lly)pn). Excellen~ condJUon. $600. Har. 1ae1. 93d6. ' . WANT TO RENT Houoe, mlgbt buy!' Write Box'B-1, thl.a paper. 92p94 ' . WA.NT ROOM, ·board and com- -.pantonahfP ln prlute home for my eJderJ1 mother. Har. 1187-M. I · , &2P9s. . I For .Rent ·New and Furnished A.partmenta , . ~beamJ, towtnc bar, new cop- per vertical exhaust ~ $295. 3112 L&tayette. NewpOrt Beach. .Harbor 1020-W. . btfc , $50 per mo yr. I'd~. close to town and beach, bwd. flOoN. pnj.., MUBT SELL 11147 ~Ell - waahlng machine ·.md hot waber Like ~ew. $SOO for my equity turnJ.abed. no objecUon to 1aood a.ftd usu.me payments. Take tenanta with well·beha•ed chfl-clean prewar car for equity, dren. (o'lt If \ repe;i.n needed) A buy W H ' J for 90meon&.~ca.r lfl in New-See . A. . oU8ton, r ., own ere-. •-1. 222\t Main ltreet. Bun\· , port days.) :.J one U>ng Beacll lng!On, Bead>. 'l'eleph<J!1e Lex· · 90--71141 · 93c lngton 6-4027. I 1!9p9S ST A TION WAGON -Plymouth, ENTl'AL . 1937, new motor, $250. 111 Via EASTER R :·.1 -Dljoit, Udo lol•. 93pl!ft 2 bdrm houae n!!&r beach -avail· ' . . ·able 'tll June 15 OJ1Euter week. «II MONEY TO LOAN ALSO 'I BAYFRONT APT. 2• bdrm, 2-batll 'tu June 15 by wj<. or mo. ' GREENLEAF .. ASSOC. 3112 NeWport Blvd. i 'i-'°· 26112 ATl'RAC'I:tVE, ltke ftew. 6 nna, 2 bdrma, unf'unltahed. l'treplace, dbl garage, patk>. Adult, no peta .. $100 mo. yearly. 711 lria Ave.,\. Corona del M'.ar . AT l..t983. 9lc93 LOANS. For Homes REGULAR.<~% (10.20 yrs.) G. L 4% (20 yearal , . FHA 4\4 % (20 yeara) Gob.ltnlc. Loana 5-S Mi 'Jr. ( 14 yrs. ) No Commlsa. chg. on MelrO lo&nl We buy and eell Trust ~ CALL BOB SA 'ITLEll 11&1'. ;1661 tor Free Appraleal Rep. POlRIER MORTGAGE 00. Metro Life Ina. Funds Kl ~5185 . LOANS TO .BUILD, IMPROVB. BU1:, MODltRNIZE. Oft ' REFINANCE. w, Buy Tn1llt D"'4t ~~~~~~· ll383 VI.a Lido ''" Har. 1600 MORTGAGE LOANS • s. . UJl,;J ':illt'N'."'Bro.dway, 1 ta Ana We BuY, and Sell Trust -Deeds 68clll • J > I ,. l ' l f . - • . . • Oceap. Vi~w .::-~ bdrma;.2 bath Jta br&n4 • ...,,. On the bluff In Newputt Hetiau o,ertook· Ina the ocean and yet ""1r I abort bloclle bom ~Inc. . It baa every teatun ~ could deojre. ~ 11111~ P" iumU. heat ·to a!J "°""'I"· ttapton.. n~ _prb&s• dlopooal, 1Jea11tltul bard"""4 and many bUUl-iillJ ItJi tile beet buy 111 the area 'f11h llJI OOe&ll view. $20,000 . ' -;:· . ' 3 ·bdrm home • Newport Heights NEW. 2 blocb fr1)ln bl&!> ICbool H-Ooon, larp wlft• <Iowa ractnr patio, ttaptone Oreplace, ~e beth In- cluding tub and stall I.bower. l . I _ $12,000 -3 bdrm Home -Costa Mesa SPARKLING NEW. On Bf.o&dway amoni otber lovely homes. Beat bwd. noora and excellont tlnlOI> wor)< thni:·. out. A be&utltul tamdy home at a very reuOn&ble prtce $11,500 ' % bdrm home -$9,000 HAS 1200 SQ. J'T, Only , .f: yr& old. Very large 1'00ma. Hwd. Doon.. nttplace, th~ostat furnace,' good. ~~atJon. The hoaae needa complete re.decorating. In clean condl- tkm It. a $10,500 to $11,000 house. BEACON HILL REALTY • ' ' 466 Newport Blvd. (above Arches) Ph. Bea. 5713-R NEW LIDO JSLE , READY ,SOON -S.:y view, . 3 bdrma, 2 bath, dill., den. Cor· ner fireplace. Forced air heal, bar type kitchen. 2-<:&T garage.. Cor. SL to St. lot. Price $22.000. DUTCH COLONIAL A tr'U)y beauUM bome. One blk. to 0cee.n tront, nrO b1ka t'o bt..Y. Fine vtew ot ocean and jetty from bedroom. 3 bdrm.a.,-1 % bat.ha, unit heat, fireplace, weather •tripped, gar. dlaposa.l. Large wn deck. Prtced right at $21,500. TODAY'S BEST VALUES $9,000 Newport Heigh.ta. Nice cor- ner, 2 bedroom home. $9,MO Costa Meaa, on Broad'fiay. ~ bedroomo, tarp tot." Well kept, recently patnted. Fum. available. ' • • I •"'L ...... • • c:c,.a x-. I The a. Town on Earth Cloee'tO Blvd. , ' .. ,.... and • aood a-e to Im Jn. --~. per '!'°PUI. ~ $1G.OOO. , , ' , \.___ .. ., Duplex, East Side Priae -9.0CJO. $1,MO down - A~ain 5 a.cree m~ed for Indupoy Price $10,000, . , Small :ai~ E. sicie --- • • . . . ,Price '3.~, $800 ~ • • -BLANCHE :A • ., . A TEs, Realtor ~ 2 B~ Home L:s. JqNJllll,_. I .. __ .,,, · , J._KARTU( ~· dn 'h acre. Good · 311 ·M~e A ., BalbOa Island place for ,chlckeD!I or l'llb-Pit. ·Har. 1671 or 1672 Har. 7.&:Ji£'.or ~ ~ Jl)na. btta. ' . ·BALBOA ~ bdrm-,, 2 bath~ ~d Price $~00, $1000 dn home. Beautiful ' fllnll4hlnga. •. 2 ''dreD1ng '.I'QOD18 · -with showers, double> garage_ Elttra-~~-paijo. Aleo a pf r. Rome .. N~r )!lorth bay on. one of our 'nicer ~ta-llll8t 3 bdnns, fi:eple .. -:Very ,nice be seen to be, appreciated., _ . . · Pr.ce $12,600 $3,500 'DOWN Balance $62 per month G; N . WELLS 'Rlt~. .It Aaroclatea 1V90 Newport Blvd., .' Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 . . . . ' . ' Select~ by. M\tlt}p!e Listing As Outstanding ·Buy 1 OF THE WEEK . . . T Two LeveJ tots ~er ot cilfi Drive and L&Jolla. .$3,500 for Both in nice ruidentt•I loca.tton <Juat above Arches). Multfple Liiting No. nos Aok About Thia at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR ' . BAY SH_QRES - 3 bedroom ltome witb chamµng pafio, beautifully · landscaped_ &i,11 down pay-· ment. !i.\CRIFICE at $1•,SOO.<;lO' . BALBOA BAY FRONr-4 B .. R~ 3 bL, private beach, pier and float. /l rear buy at $40,000.00. . . . . BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR • LIVE ON THE ·HILL· Here you 'can relaf away from coogee~ -and traffic noble. See Catalina It Ssn Clemente lalanda · acl'Ollll the blue Pacificj We have a. modem 2 bed room home, dry wall cou- .. , ~~~ REALmt'ATE , I . . ... :-. NJC1:,1 ~ • ou.r novaa Eu, -~~·i:io-....... - pi(ater lnalr· ,.... ! A """"' t~ e•rtb ~~"' t .Je,llOO. Term.. , , ' ' . ' . -. .RUSTIC -Y AJOllRlCAN --~ lldrin ljolm, ·-Ing ; bdCI< ftteplace ML bdWd. Thia boeuty I. dlrolrent. Priced rtpt at '9.t°· · I S BD~ G. 1J'~.\LE -hivd. tloon_. dual tum., ",..lace, We. .....,, por<>h.J dbl. pr.. 8°"122 ldt Pd• more Utru. Th1I clean . cvV home al'· fll,OOC! -$3,300 dn. and . JM mo. · ,, . ' I ~ BlCAunvuL , ACRB8 ·~ 'll:ut aide Coeta Mesa. J1'or your .._ t.ate, or reaidy tor aubdtvtaton. $2,IOO per ·a"" it you buy W. ,week.' I . . UNSURPASS"° VIEW LOT - Newport He'ithta. fthe•t. 45x125. A hot one ~t $-1 ,llOO." I~( ! ~ 1:?.!'1 1•,W: : · -l . ! I' i)': -: . OJJ~ICE. ~· AR.EA PROPERTl1!2\ ULIJre 1nn In ~ ,,, ..... • ; r~ • t ' • • • .. ' ~ I ,. • ·o Newi)o}t Fleigl:itJJ ,S~ial ~ . ;Jlllt £emc' ~ Clii'"* ,.. OWll -....... Ru a ~ 11' ~·1f!tll -.. o1 ~ r..rp ~ ltfjllC ·rm, -.bljf na, .~ ·bol.k --·-tJllellft'Mitet ~ ~ 'puJbna'n Jafttory, mabopaY ' """' -.: ~,...... ,.uo. ' · · r , ·; AD Udo -....... PUJB a -.lot. priced at fU,700 fa,toO-. l!ilhqr•-~ !Ma rel! ' Bett.r1liun7 ... tl)la ! • -r.._ 1;----• · .• ' .... J • .• -" · Co8ta Bargain , --...i ~ ~· ---!court. -of malt -,. ,,..__ ~ • lo located OD nearly· one uw,t aci-. of'l•J!. 'I Ii ttoDll~ tbrOW of ahopplnc~ dlllrioL -Ill ·~ -~. b ... e.,., penny. $1,300 , -.., lltJ,eM On ' "" 0. L loin. .. ,. ~·' ·,.-. . .• . ' . ' 1 , • ~ '. €!1' .. ~8i'll~D Vip'Y 'H()me . • 1 2 ~ and. do , 1 iq balha. -uUtuJ ·fireplace, dining' ; nn, i.rui double Q, Tb<i "lilY would tal<e ......,.. to . ·~~mSA=f9r1 'AY ~SUNDAY 1-5 · I 2291· . I ;"!'R' 0d "C.liff'•H . . . . , g.ll',_ ~-a '". .. aven • -~ IJ¥kei',,.16tll and Irvin~, _n.67116, . .. i .. • . > • ! ~ • . NEWP0~.1'1J~<;-~ .M-1 ZONE MODERN· INDUB'l'Rii\L'· BLDG. 114-00 oq. f\ .. 20 ft. • met&t ciooro. A-r· ~yao;. 'Cannot b'e dut>li«&ted tor ,_ tbe ~g prlce lot· ~.2*> .~ll OWlOCB WILL L;ICASE all or 7100 equant feet, 1-·---' 1 • -• '. · Waterfront Special ' 127 !>' on the wijtet:, ll-j -.•, CQI'. jot, full price $4000 ' '\ l • .. . !Beach Special · · · 1 I -CloM: in. near ma:rket. and tramportaUon. A.UracUve S bdrm home· In *""" r,;;dltton. Single prap. Fenced --yard, larp let.-~ [~CE $7,500. • -For above 3 . ~ l!M Mary ~!~eon; 8113 Newport . j j l .ol..' Blvd .. Hatt.or 1013, eve&. HarDOr 2092-W. I . . col,to~A. DEL MAR $4,750 FULL PRICE cute beach house 1 blk from beat be.thin&' beach, good condition. $-1 ,750 turn. $17,900 Newport Heights. Beautl-92c94 tully iandocaped, 2 bedroom ----------- ' construction, built to last lOoo YeJl1'8· Two Inch thick redwood. llding, · one Inch aoUd mahogany · 'inside walls, ,triple roof'mg, flagstone ' w a') k s, chimney & fireplace, heatolator, all ·electric heating &cooking. Double garage, otore room, L,aUJ)dry room has shower a: toilet, conc?te: A brick. retain- ing walls lz fences .. Select neighborhood opp. pa{k: 1 ' .For the -dlscrimipat~ buyer--one of the finest view homes ln Coron4! del ~ -I bedrooms; den and atu· 'dlo, permanent" t:lole OCMD view) broad lot, terruecl prdena. Stone'• µ,row to the beaCIL Everytbing In per- fect COlidttiOIL For •PJ,l!l-phone Blll Schuster, Har. 147.f. • LIDO BLDG. SITES 156 ft. bay front cheice Joe. $27.500 30 tt. bay ft.ont R-3 ._ .... :____ 9,000 home with separate ground level 1.pat,tment. 45 ft. imJde ·····················----· 3,000 $24,000 Corona del Mar. Out.ltand- 47 ~ ft. inside ...................... otter lng 3 bedroom, nearly new. Ftn- GREENLEAF Ii: ASSOC. eat teatures throughout. hard- 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor ~2 wood. Solo aJuriilnum, etc. REAL VALUES 2-BEDROOM HOME cloee·to market and lr&N!lporta· tton. Only 5 yre. old .. 60xl:)0 ft. lot. Full price $-1 ,000, $1 ,100 dn. ba1. like rent. 2-~EDROOM HOME S yrs. old, nearly new automa· tic f'9.Dge, ref .. and automatic waaber. Back yar4 all fenced 5 feet high. A real buy for only S7 ,400, tenn.s. 3-BEDROOM HOME $123.bOO Ocean Blutt, Soon ·ready. Fabulous ocean view from every room. 3 bedroom•, several baths. elevator. Ask fOT Mr. Mottram P .A. PALMER lN<;ORPORA ~ 3333 Via Udo Newport. Beach Barbor i500 SOUND VALUES! BALBOA PO!N1' Built tn 1940. Fireplace a.nd tile, Cha.rml.ng 2 bcfrm atucco home, located in good diat. Lot lft0xl05 trpl .. p8.tio,, Jatge 2-car pn.p. Full price only $8,500. EZ terms. Attractive t;. de1ign. $14,000. Income Property 2 .BD~ HOME, hwd. tile, noor. Furn., 1 bdrm. rum. apt. above large prage and laundry roOm lNCOME PROPERTY Modern & attre.ctlve. In deelr- able are& and cloee to b&y swim- ming. 4 apta plua gueat room. and bath. Nicely tumiahed. $~.- . with tile and hwd._ $122 per 1110. 000. -Income on nearly one acre of ' undy loam aoll. A reaJ buy to~ NEWPORT ~GHTS futur·· tnvatment., Fu»'. pM"·· . ~r New! 3 l?dftll1home\. Frpl., onl,Y 2,r.oG. · Term1~ --..< ': I h~ . .. fala of tue. Id .... tam-~ ' .J....... • f Uy h e. L at.re to Me tbJa. B. A. NERJ!.i.':iON '"·-· . MRA Multlpt;'Ll1t1nt Offlee SOllTB,COAS'I' IUl:ALTT 00. 1982 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Mesa "Multiple LlltinC Re&ltora" Phone Beacon 5225 302 M~ SL, Balboa.. Har. 20S6 6 Units in heart of Balboa ·~-Pavilion" Bayfront :r,.ot 42% ft. (COt'.) El Rayo tract. S16,000. Beautltul vi.,.. ~el­ lent location. The Illand A FINE BUY • . -3~BR's & DEN ' F. H. A. loan $9300. •'h %, balance cash. Price $18,500. Multiple listing see any realtl>r. ) N. B. C. REAUI'Y CO. 3116 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach. <4> 2 BATHS-BEST BUYS $1,200 Down' •. 3 BDRM G. ~ REBALl!l __:_ Bu Sl,000 cbalnj link fence, corner lot. 1,ota of liUe In bath and klL Balance ot il'llo loan II $1,2SO. Come In an make a reuonabJe otter. Owne-want.a to do bust-.... -. Nice!r. ,style<!_l!om!'.,on at-E . Side, Cotrt&. Mesa . F. !'1· ~-.Resale . Bar~e Fr~cque tractive comer. Tbere ·are 2 BDRM CAPE COD, HOME. Lovely 2 bdJ'm, alllloot MW, n.... R&ALTO,ll ' • Garage, Jue• corner fo~ 89xl40. been lived t,n. Hwd., tlle, pn.p, .•OO E . 17tb )St. at iTuatin Av three bedrooms and den Near Llndber&i> ochoq). $7,000, euy,,paymont.e ,ot $42'!9 lnclud Costa: M 1 Ph. • · with two baths & modem terms. I taxt!o and. lnaurance. Foll price e88) Bea. 6818 • -1 qt $1,300. J kitchen, plenty of tilei fire-2 BDRM h-and gal'age on 1 Home 11.n ..t hi come . Place good he t and ak acre near new Alpha ~ta mar-$750 · DOWN G I · ~'i -• 8 • 0 kot, n .llOCI Addltlo '"" • · ' Pr:' t Sell · floors. There ill a lovely $2,llOO. t · Brand new a bdrm _._ . a..r :IC 0 Al · ty' led Ii ' ' -'-~ llOO oq, ft. Comar )ot,. flaptcme 2 bdi'm h pme s VlDg room lnduatrlal tot. 83x290. · $l,OOO. ttteptc .• bwd., We, th.nno. r-11 llpt with open beam ceiling terma type. We·-W. Ja the tut . over • Individual home that can be pu:-and h6b unpainted mahogany wain-chued at 6. pcr cent Oown. W e 612 ~· us-2 bdrm home, ~ acre. JG,500. ""--• -id e-G.L bom that aeote ~ &Dlple'dinlng al-ooo DOWN -·e -___ , e Co M ll, , we have adveru.ed, eo act quick ro 1 del ar cove. The exterl9r finiah ill OOOD Lil!TIN~ w ANTED on thll orio. Full price--· Open Ey, 1..--5 . of shakes and splattered . $11,~ · . I . • brick decor. ~ration ROBT. H. MOTTET , NEW 2 :a .Rt-NCH TYPE csn make this one of the BM. ~~ ·uaJ:l:' ~l.37-i .I\ 2 B.R. & Den h~me on lJarge ~ot, expan- . moet colorful &!boa 'r.-; COSTA MESA ' On lovely comer lot near Newport stve ~ ~ from lov:e- HeJi;bta. Nice kitchen. ..parate Jy pannelj!d ' Uving rm. din: ""· bl .. b&y wlndowll, nre-qpen ~cl&)'~ 1--6 ~.~: ,,in\"-. -}!~-.:: i $9,000 . . land' ho~. . .,.IW· · d 1· t..L ... -~-•• R~~ 1¥hi~-r'f'l't,~; b tit.4 • and "~ t aittdidJ ~~' •• ~ most reasons y prloed at .~. $20 OOO • r • S bd,r1'> home, cloee to ~ _,th • · , ~ be9cb-<!bL p.rqe, patio. llark room. J. A. BEEK Office Onl~ '6',QOO - Balboa Island Fern' ' Full Price-' Harbor 63 ~ Jal1111d ,-$13,250 · • Balboa Island • TWO GOOD BUYS r $18,000 SMALL DOWN-• Lido-Isle · "' 3. BR. Modem $17,9 3 bdrm, 1 ll b&tb.I. ltttet to street, Cloee to B&y aa4 _, Long term easy payments at reasonable rate of interest He wa.nta to oell QUICK! close to prtv. beach end club hlle. · ~ I --• Ready ooon. $24,500. Byfrnt. Home $24,000 . ' ALSO -S..uUlhl Bffc.b, Kporlnc. , Tuma. ot-Po111eesion a' once - Balboa Realty Co. 700 m. Bal- • Desirable 5 Acres Bayfront, Lido Nord . $38,500 3 bdrm and mald'a. A 1ott.ly llome built In 19<2. Tiied batba, - metal link, bcnrd-!loora, unit heat. · Others s bdtm, llO' lot --·--•11,260 2 bdrm. 46' lot _ ..... :ii•,r.so 3 bdrm; ~ew ·-··--.. --.SJl.500 CORNER ~ with OCEAN VIEW In ~ new "-ltal cli. ·trlcL Ideal tor oubdlvtd!ng or Lots _ rancbln& -. -1 U' Via Dljoa ----.M,IOO Full Price -$7 000 . 90' Via OrYleUa , a • Sf,IOO • ' 100' Via .,._ ·---".MO or will -on IJK:om°' prope~ ~II' -Clrelil ........ lo.MO or mnaD. !tome. • Ir. ' · 'Olive Miller • ··a.yfront .. t.ota · ' ~ OOOlrt --.-. "*•pWt ..,... w Lido --·--ftl.W \ -~Ma Jll'Udo-. ... _ ...... • • M-n-......, -. ".;m .. G. I. Home Reeale 2 lodl"ln -0..-... ·-. --S'M'"C·Price '10.'lliO Pf::>:& ooly 1!111 .... -At .. ,. -See NID&L 1IOOGAN ·41110---.02 ...... - -Balboa co9ea -•-••I a mr11 • .,,. w I j a "" Ill& .. ,ur ,..., r i•~ __.. .... , .. ,.,..,. , .... , ..... w 1""1Wo l ...... ) "- . _,. ............ -.-.: _.__..._.., *•Mt~• , I .... ~,,,; ALSO~ 'at Water's F.dge I bdrm home, lltpenor eo..tnictlon with many ..,nne- · menta. .A ~t ,home with l.dvantace* of ~ach and waterf'ront activttle. tor "the summer, only -$14,150. See BUI Scl>ustU, 916 Oout HIJl!.-Y• CDJl, ffar, 2474. 'EARL w. STANLEY . , Realtor · · lfth and COUt JDway 15th and Irvine N"'!'J'Ort ·Beach . ~ Newport Beach 615 cOaat Hiway Corona del ~ar , 2:2& Marine Ave. , Bal-Island . 3113 ·Newport Blvd. Newport Beach For Sale· in Corona del Mar 2 BEDROO)il tJNFURNismiID,HOUSE, .hardwood . ' . floors, doUble garage ··-----.. ---.. ······----.. --$10,500 2 B.R. FURN. HO~, hdwd. firs., dbl. gar. $12,000 2 BEDRM. sod' DEf, partly furii. hbuse, dbl gar. South side -···-i ...... :~·--'·-·-·-.. -.... -----~----·:_;. _ _._$13,500 2 BEDRM. 81!4 DEN, linfu'r., -45-ft. Jo~ dbl gv. South Iii.di! .. ~ .•. ----~-............ _._ .. '. ... ------·-$21,000 -FITZMORiiIS REAI,.'UY COMPANY · Realtors 'Btlahl....+ Brok~ : ~lll ~.,~cL ~..Ona d!ll ·~&r-' 1 .Har. 2152 • ' • • .. • ' ·. I I • • I I , • • • • • . . • ' , . • ' - I· I r . . ' , $" .. -· . M"'-I.fl•, Jlllcy LEMONS . CIMl'IAL 4MlllCAN , hr Da. . BANANAS U. S. NO. 1 IUSSIT • -·.POTATOES . . . FROZEN FOODS . CHHIUI POOD ~MOplSTIATION . ~. ·D-y. llewpert o.ly ria ... t ·~ 4~}'1<1~ .·:.~: 43c . •011 4~-Mil-..,,._. 49' •··..-c .. , 'nit .._ _, W•"T"' ... ,.._ C • • • • ' . . . . ' . • ,,~. • > s~ .. • • . &.'C•.,... ~ sweet'K~ ,.,, . WIN:E: i . ' . .. 35c · 4/s . • • . ' . ~ 1 . . (~w~ nt,t1~~. . , v • ' • • • • • • ' ' • ' . MAllllCftlWnZ c I '· o.-.c;nl ..... ,, . ~.-INI . • I RiLL ~- ,, J qu~T I·· . ·I . ' . ~-Tom-... .. :..rMtal _ ... _ .............. j .._ .... , • ..... I· I ' ,, I l • • • • • • Two Tm Make Al· LeatJJe T e1n n.. co-dWc1rc. Nwwpwt ...,.. • • • • ' • r o • ..... . ~ . •·• ~ f A6E. I 1 . • . . • 1 P~T-It -~Y. ~I. S. 1951 - ss-a ........ ••t. __ ._,. ff-L-........ _,.. Beat tlle All• ql ..._ ......... ..... ..... ~ :g~i:~~Sintl·Anil for .. ••. ;..::.~;;:;:.. C' ,... UM . -........ Apd . -~~lo"' lie u.. "<!&7 °' . hj ..... t ~~ • IESA IOWLfw FUN! . ' • r:i::. ~::..~-~ t ' ·\Wo -•· n..i .. .u.o ~ N . ~ .. ~~~r . -~·~ ..... ·no' N .. , .. 'Fool-_,.~ fllill ~i.ai---~thel !odUalc • ., • ..,-p. ~·- -Ill ~ the lllloc-~ fO.-bolo ~ ..._,.to dafl!&l . te· Ana 67-41, NIW· Oil NiWpWtJihi<L OOl!lr-" llZU tho "Ju,ey'' namlq.t11o IOboyo--=Batt.lr -~ ~ lteU~30tl!~~~t~~dual~~-~·~:;vl~c~blty~ l~~~~~~~~t~!'.~·~-=~~·~·~-·~~~~~~·~!:·~·;=::;~ lllclel-«I tllo -all-p<>1-J>l&T· a -ta AM TuttM1. 1-...,.1 -' ' 411'8: ' ...,..._... 8anta AQa "" .,., ;::===.:.-...:~----·;:-~·~·~· .. ,..:·;...~---:-· .;.· --11 < • • --· t4 -Uli but the lelllta ntlcloil ·a Y CW'd ' t • · • · A.1 .. N ..... New,.n --=-...-111e Taro tllU . 14 IF •o ... oo·' wun •To· --............ _ ._ • lhe'PantlleraaollleN.W· fo H eDJll -J Am!· .._,._ ·.DU& -o~ .N_,..,. -~·meet'" dlttlcult"' J • · . . , ... ~~(:y -. ·' · · a Jiit .Psslkrler, Aw 'alm BaJboa' 80b Y&rdley, cap ace a ......... .r I' ttia w-.. Am ' -·~· r B aact c t.eunai ~ &19o at · colk(e, wu f ~ · I· ' -:::-::.:=-_ a:;:":u~~~en~ ~~lal ~:~7=~ BU YI A ~~K ·li 'D .S ·O N Ed ~ tlula AJla-• taj.. Jack Porter ~ a oplrlted pi.,yer r m tile JfU'A'm confer· '1 I ' :. ' • v_, ._ lf..U..--bid"" the anchoc lap -~•lart· .nt.. to. ~~-oquad. ~owt llEMllER8 or tte on:.,. :Co.l ~· ....,, .... !!le-...,. .. ...., slt1lll(, ~ lo(t: l.ra W•-· A•M!m 1111' nve yan1o belitnil Bir JC'a ~ Smith and j ~ ' .i-sum.a.. lAuhe -~ -~~ ..W T-'llud.. Middle ...,.1·Ra1 BldlU•g._llm,.,_U... CoooCh• wlio putlctpaled ta the D!ck .Joneo. He .,...ie up tour but Dick or fWlerton made . · •· ali 8dllllhlc, .Job Gloed, '""'° a.P.-'~ Miia M....,. Tblmllo. Top row1 ¥"'.Toa--I poll W<re Mm Keith, Anaheim; Joneo had Juat enousfi loft ta tlie Ille am. Ven~ placed .~..! 5·,, • ..,..,, .~ .. ,....,,Jf·. - H.oward J!fe'\'• licket:; .~. .......... Leo Cl'omhl., and Ku.ay l!a•"•l'f'o Bud Daw.on, l'U.llerton; Lee Ma. at.retch to -.ve the mee~ .. two men n+ tint team. ~Ill ,.._ ·-Vft• _ . leller, HIQ!t.lngton Beacll; Jim Jone.. tied Porter In the 100 bu( · , .. • • TAR HORS.EHID'E so·uAD PREPARES M.lller, I Newpqrt 8-:h; Blllo--t him five feet ta the Tear; ... Hl, Yr. ll'rana, Onulge; and Luttt Mc-uo In 22.1. -· B ad san~eo r 1-a 1 Knight. llan .. Ana. Perhapo the blgs .. t llUrpNe y~...J'.:... --F •.3 2 came •,W'hrn Santa Ana'• Dick --~,,... ·-;-··-··· v FQ!!~r.~~~ .. !9!~~~NJ~ ~~9~~! ~~ ~~~c~ir . ~i":~ ::~-~ ;; ! •TU E 1''EW OA.BS ON °0 UJt SHOW ROOM YLOOlt e OAN AND WILL Bl!l SOl.D AT THE 0 1.D PRICll WHILE THEY LAST. r. i . pmO, with tho "B" team l!>dlii. la pttparilllon for lbe P'f''< with Redondo Beach Hlfb Monday v>om· U.. mile with Law-ce Monil o.f Smith, 8anta: Ana ...... F 6·2 l '' tw P<>m. ~ • • -...... Ch • h' the l!&lnta -Unc ~. Bob Fllller, S.D. ~o ...... '. ..... c 1-11 2 nlng" Jn th~ first of 0 ~ of -~,-·. ~ • "th record of one wtn oae;. ai¥i on~ amp1ons IP Woodhouae by two yanll: In (m Lawle.r. Coinpton ··•····· G 5-10 2 ,BalJ•• honehiden cm.me uut . • M,mu.•. a.u.... ... 11 pme wi a · ' 'st aa. Hammer, i'ullerton .. G 8-1 2 tie '!be-Bcet·reliur unUJ \he-'.fiftt. M~ afte:r ncaUon when they face Ocea.nelde al Katbol\~They · ~A · ·r · "' ~.n~ with a 9-3 Win ner Ofean . ' _ • ..-.., Harbor Area Boye' Club "E"': 120 high hurdl~ Grlttlth. ,~ 11 I Sarffl •14• ad tbct>. ~. palT Ip,, irlne""" t.,o fo•,lh ...... Six plleb· N ttl ' M(ii clw buketball ~ lnvadu i-:NH. and Bennett BA: Tlbbet.i, SA H)i es e t OUlfh 'txcel.slor nlne. ,a...a ~ 1,_lf~ ~·\1.orked the-came for the Tan. e es .: es An~lea Ttmq Bo)'ll C lub Satur· Time 15.5.. • Jc' 6 1 Hall uaed the thtte pmea. "'· . · 7--=~--·--~ 1• • , .. day morning ·to face Santa s.r. 100-Tle Porter, SA and J~ H 1 • f ..... ..,..._.--~ -hara for the SOulhem Ca.utomla ~o~i:~o:i:~~,~~ -··lt~~rtm ~tY chalked Up All c·1F 'Tta" m' .. . . Boya' Club "E'' ba.aketball champ· ~n:U~~:.:: ~~~ ~~. Orange c4aat College'• aouth- ers and pOteoUa.1 pitc:bel"a. ,BlU. their-, tint· wlri Of the ye&r ){Ob-• k>nablp. NH ; Gldeoe, NH: t ime fin G7.5-. pa.w plt.chlnC ace Orv Threadgill ~--· Un -... • The k>c&l team or eeventh and NH ~ th 1 •-to •t 1 Muhburn, Pet~ Mo~&,.. "1!,'l'V' ,:tvf ~a'( by. Joi I .llol'.ce~ _ • , , 32 440--Nerdrum., NH; Myre, ; lcv e oca.. a ~ v cLOry over Cratn!-Dtck lAne arid ·Oeot-ce ·La· lttor tn a return match at Bell-Only orahge cw.Qty -cac~fr to el1hlh ~· hu racked up Sphl:tman.. SA.: Ume, Ma. Ha.i:bor Jayct:.1 • lu.t Frif'lay after-. Bono aaw acUon trom the blU. flciwe.t, 10~-SIX Tar runa ln lhe be named ~ the 1001 He.tm.. Alh· win ln 34 st.art.a thl.8 seuon. The 180 low hurdle---OrUftth, NH : noon. br • u two loaee 'c&me at the handa of Um Th -• I th Oaeaukle !·T eev\tnth lnftl.nf oke a ,-t ?· leUc rounda ton AU-South~ro ClF Bennett. SA; T1bbeta.. SA: e. e game ncv up n e &ee· ' ' WUdnea on the' part of ZXcelalor• buketball team.a. allllounocd thLI the local hlc,h IChool Dee team tn 20.7a. ond lllQ.lng "'°hen 'klk.t Sn1llh got Oceanaide capilaJlud on. four pJtdtft wbo walked. tbree together y.-eek, 'waa Newport Harbor'• practice games. During the eeuon. Shot put-Van Dtt.mltn, NH; on bu4; on error and HArlow Harbor erron and four base on with a double by Crain. elngles by ab•r-n...shooting forward, Armand the locala defeated e\"ery grsmma:r 51 ft. 2'ii tn.;, Swtnrle, NH, ftl n ., RJch&rd80ll ta baac ),JL Thread-b&Jls taJong with four hit.JI to de-d -" ecbool "B" team ln Orange County the Lewie Abbott and Bob WeUeJ an Ntltlcs wbo dropped t.ht SUMCl 2 ln.: McClelland, NH. 44 ft., D ~. gill fbllowed with a two bagger feat ktcala, 7·2, on the win.Den a balk and lrtt'.erterrance by the Leai;ue' scoring tlt.le to Santa Lncludln.g HUJlUngton Bfacb which HO-Porter, SA: Jonu, NB; that brought both ba.ee runner8 in. dlam<md lut Wedneaday ln the ht hU ... ~.. ,__1_ and won the county champkmahlp for NH Um 22 ~ Th Ullrd ln.nt r d F E catcher g IJ•~ ae '-'1 -...u Ana's Rex Babcock by a alnc~e Scb1Rk1t. ; e, .v• . " . n~ oun . . first game of the aeaaon. Harbor Uoyd. Swingle hit elnglea after point. echoolll ln I.ale February. SM-Berry, NH: T~t.. SA ; Harrla tour g the bueti on a sconid lhe l.r two run• lb t.be •islh EJ:cellk>r had rilled the buea on Orflci~ apparently coft.llldered Lead.Ins acorer and ata.rUns al Southworth. NH; tlme, 2m •12.10. wall<. N~'"°P' R\dgwc..y f1...llo\ved on a. a.Ingle by lbird baffman Dick walka. Crain trfpled and Swingle Nettles a better .a.U·round player fe.rward la ee•enth grader Geo~ 8"0MI jump-Be:nnett, SA: 20 wllh lhe -~d doubie of the a!· Lusk. a fi clder'e choice, -a aiogk aingled ¥1 the fifth to get lhe 4th than Babcock in ma.ktnj;' the ae:le<:· Schullt with ™ PQlnta in 34 n .. 1 ~ tn.: Polman. NH, 19 tt... ternov.1 d;lving Harrie l:c.me. Jack by Bob Burdick and two tree run. lion. g-ame•. Forwvd Bnice Kn1pp hu 1 ln.; Ortftln, NH, 18 fL, 8 ln. . :::·ark'• ~·J1it broni.; lt in Harri& paaea lo first. Gene Crain slam-The Beee showed laclc of ex· NelUea waa named to l.he aec· 188 polnla ln 30 gamee: center Hlah Jump-Norman, NH; :S ft .. th~ Y»irJln up the LR.Uy in that med out a t.rtplc. BUI Mubbum pe.rience aga.Jn u they blew a 7.2 ond lt•am. T en men w~re na.med BUI Wet.Ml bu 178 ln 30 gamem, 101,t ln.: tie ·Andrade SA-, and frame. ! wa11 t.he lCM1lng pitcher. lead to fall lo Excel.8~r 10-ll Mora· on t"&eh of the two tMtna: cboeen. guard Charles Berry baa 141 l.n se OOah, 84, :S n., 8 % In. Harbor's QnJy run came In the The Bees ~ored • 9-3 win With ~ ..on ULe wtnn.er'a d\a.mond. Alhaml>l'a'a Ronnie Bane, a cen · game.a and (\Jard Paul Neumann Pole vault-Igou1 SA. 11 n., e 1tfth when Jf:k Hug~ got. on.bue i .-•. .J'' 1 • dA.LL LIC<INGTOl't ... FXJR A DEMqN8'11u.~ON • .. . -... .... . . . MA;IN ST. GAU(iE Ui ~ ST. llU1'"l'INOTO~~O...- . I ·WI ' I BA,B Tl&BS I • Mtoch BEF,<>RE• Co' ""'nient · R..,.i.lil;... a....-Eff.ctiye I We ..,.Ye A ~. , .. •1. - . I l l hlti including a doUble bJ'" Jtttoy Once more t.bey-out.hit the.Ir rt· ter waa· detJpa~ u "player or hM 122 In 34 p.mM. Rearvea II\.; L&nca.ater, BA, and McKim, on an error .P>' Smith .. Dick Allen Martinci., short.atop, (n the thfrd vat. but couldn't mtlN.r.tbe run•. th~ YM¥" by the Helm• bore.rd. Frank Nava.rro (218 ln 30 &&mMl: SA, lO tt., 8 ln. fhen l"f'OUJlf. out: inning when the locals 9COred fM AuaUn SmlUt-trfplDd wllh OQ!e man The Moors' mighty center ttu ta.1-Roy Danlel (87 in 32 gamu); ~)'-Hewport Harbor, ttme, etU k'On!d. a bue runa. James -Vineyard, Terry ;Gib-on tn the se~lb to bring the ~ars l~ 135 polnt. ln_ ~ 1.._ for a Dave Tamura (14 5 In 24 p.me1l: 1.,.:-~-28. • · -\ome -a.gh ... ., oon. ;T<jhn ..Murp~y. Rl<lll!,i<t'ft~. c-. .._ llngl• b)' Vtneyo.rd and b...,,.llant :!11.l! &v.ra-..._r -~e. Robart McClwokey (114 In 21 J'Lt.-N~rt Harbor &7, Center(!• Mike Kohn 8COred and BOb Revlea all hit 9lng1 .. In t '"' a• '"' •-" -m )' and Jim Mulder Bob --~ J a double by J ohn Murphy accoun • 1n. competition In ·lhe powerf\1.1 n-N • • Santa 417. the final taU tn, the sevenUt frame l . . . . n;o~~ ~ ~~--~ . ... 1 · I oua pltCJlli'6smo1f ' .' I the big third~.. Five pt~n ed fot" • lift.run third Inning. P&cltlc lcasue, Bane bJt an aver· Piper, lArry B&Uey and 'l'erry Ball a.. II when after Jolb& to tint un an shared toe.a) honora. age of 28. , wtU aJ90 see. action. 70 high hurdlea-Boettcber. SA: t!:rTOr tn left fteld Phil Shafer Excelsior 5-3 Lead.his Batten The sclt>c:llons: Vlewen of bOt.h tea.ms pn!dlet a Parker, NH; Heller, NH; lime. pepped. a alnfle. and Harrte !ul!ow- COQJ btrf'Zea ofr lhe ocean Abbott: Swlnaie and Crain •~ y1-t Team cloee batUe. lf the locala return 10.38. e<! with a dte to left fleid which I all h leading the hitting drpart.ment In ..... home with the championablp. It ioo-~--. SA·, Bel ....... _.. "' .. •-in ored brtngh"•' Kohn prompted C0;ach Ha I lo c . t t' -. , ..... --. .. -. -- game between Harbor and Excel· vanity play. Abbott ha.s five h.ll3 F Rl'llly, Alhm. . .. :S.J 1 1:5() Sr. Will be lbe rlnl one W.00 ln tour NH; Brack.ell, SA; Ume. Ila. home. F;lgh and nlf\lh ui.uqga aior at Newport Heights Thura· in Hven trip.I for a .714 aveta1e. i F t<eougtt. Porn ..... ~10 115 Jr. yeU11 of play by local team&. 1320--Wbttehead,. NH; Garcia. pro·.-ed fruit.Jeaa for both tc.·a.,,s. day al the end of the ninth wtth Crain -ha.a powered out two tripJcH F Neri, Loyo la .. -S.-9 180 J r. Wln. k>M or draw, the Jocala-Wltl SA; Gara., SA; Ume, am 421. . Om.np ~t .. I!! o I 0 1 0 0--I the ~Ort" l ied. 3-3. A single by a double and alngle ln 11 appear· F S&nchP:&, Cath ... --~-0 160 Jr. 1'? .. watchNthe Loey kAnY«-.lea~ An!:la 120 low burd.~Hopkina.· Nu; Harbor ....... .1 .-... 010 010 010-1 sophomo re Sl'C'Ond baseman Bob anoee at the plate for a .384 &vt"r· C Bane, Alhm. .. .. .. 8-J 190 Sr. p .. y lhe ew or an ea ..,.t. Opp, NH;. Boettcher, SA ; time , 'J:= Yetzcl followed by a triple by LU8k age. Swingle, mlased one game bf'· C Hnrkan. L. B. Poly 6--8 212: .Sr. u.rday allemoon ·at Wrlg '»<y. P'leld. 14 .h . FROM ~ FERNANDO and a slngJc by short.stop _Dick cauae of track., ha.a two h i~ In 0 Ritchie. Comp ...... 6-0 157 Sr. Wla I; t.e.e t l.aat WM.It .Shot pul-Polukl NH: Hem· Mn. Staqley Phllll.pa or San Lane acounte-d for two of the: Tar five t.rtpe for • .f OO average. The G OUbert, S . D. ····-·· 6-11 130 Sr. lAat wee:k'a recoro ot eight wtns don, NH; AppeJ, ?al; dist. 45 n.. J'ernando baa "been vtaltlng her runs tn the third. The tbJrd1 run tearo. &a • whole hi batting at a G Findley. Glen. ---·g.3 180 Sr. and four •~ brouaht the aeuon It ln. ~ d.aurbter. Ramon Bird and THtM. .. " . . . . . . . I .-. L . • . . ~ SATE YOU II-ONEY ·. came on a walk lo George La.Bono •. 232 C:lp with 19 hits in 82 ap-G Lthbrdg. Brrghl .• &-2 195 Sr. mark to 7G Win.a and SO Jouea. The 220-MNerve, SA; Beltran, NH. Kr. and Walter Bird of 1Ml a sacrlrl"• by We••·I an•. a •'-gle pearances. The.Ir oppoa.Jtlon ta l)ll· .. -. •--'"--1 ~ •-t t e-Akett. SA· time 24 2-,___ .. -~ m ling .21-t wt.\h 11 hit.a In 88 "trips 84-ceod .r.... ~ o.eam ~~ Y eeca~ ,,_ea u ..... · • · · v•·tW:tce Ave. Coat& Mesa. by Lane. Excelsior ecored, oile in Lhey defeated a Huntln.tt6n Bucb-MO-Winter, BA.: Bear, IA; --'--+ ·----~_:,jre:=:::::::=:::::;==+=--'---'"-'~..,.,..,..._,-'"':-the SfCOnd 01:1 a lrtpfe and a IJJ\gle up. F Nettles, N"port ···• 1-4 180 Jr, Wutmlnater Al.l:.Star 1ea.m 47--48 Pace;, NB; Ume. lm SS.Sa. and two in the sixth' on a pair of Elroy Martinez and Vlneyal'fi F Ranglola:, La.Joola t-2 :J..825 Sr. Saturday morning. George Schultt llt'Oad jump-Prager, SA. 1.8 ft. 11inglts, an infield out and a Hu-are leading t.be "B" b&ttlng. Mar· F Wittenberg, B.H. 8-3 11!5 Sr. accounted for 18 IOca.J palrtla. 81,t ln.; 'huex., BA; Wut.. NH. bor error . ttitu ~ •ix hlta in nlne trtpa and F Heam; Excetalor -5--9 160 8r. Don Huber potted 17 polnta but Relay-Santa Ana. Ume lm 13.2 Inexperit>nce wu the chief Vtneylrd baa •ix hits Ln 11 show-C Dunn, Loyol~ ~ ....... 9-4. 206 Sr. his lMm loet · to the l HuntJncton , Rieb Jump-r-Tle Bear. 8.A.; Wfl8t cause for the "B" lou. Excelrlor lnC' for .&S? and .M~ aye.ra1rea re-G 'Lockh~ Ven ...... W 140. Sr. ~ n... 3().2&. Eloy KarUnes Nit; Oreeleat, NH: and G&Wvaa, bunted Harbor's freohmen llnd epectl,..b', Bean\On and Smith an G Danlelll, ().om. -··-·· 11-J. ,1J7 8' . ...!Ne! 22 pofnta u the a._ Oee NH; bels;bl. & n., 4 In. sophomore cornbllle lntO aubml&-hlttm&" at .GOO wttb three for six G Bonham,. Pom .... ·• 8·3 170 Sr. Ttrera .loat t7 .... 0 to Huntlnaton Pole vau.Jt--Opp, NH; Hop~, alon 9-5. The toca& oulhJt t.heir and two for four ,napectlY1!!ly. 0 !Ambert, W'hJL ··-~8 l!K> St. Beach H ... u. Buddy Tboinpeon NH; hei&ht, 11 fL, 3 in. · oppj>nenu to.~. Bib Beardon The Redondo same wUI be •t and Don SeaJ 1COred as &l!d as Pointe-Newport Barbo< 48'11 ; sparked a lhree·run fourtlli inning 9 Or 11 a.m. and ~" aecond game OCC T k polnt. 1'NpfcUve.ly u lite Boye' Santa Au. .f:S'A. with a triple wtlh two .al>oa.(d. wttl be played at eltber 1 or 3 . rGC llleft Club G t.eun defeated it Midway • --... o P..m ., de ... nd.1..... On the' morning ~ ~'Iartlnez got three tor ~ and r--e B f b H bor City and the Hu.nllJJ.&lon Beach lOQ--Co~ BA; Stafford. PID•·•a y ~ wupo to win the Midget 1.eque Boyvey, NH; Ume, 11.l!a. V.,...lJ a.tt1q Rttarcb cha.mplonahlp of the RCOftd round. 120 low hurdJu---CatM>ll, NB: People .U: "lf ..,. In- mont lo -11. will I llll tielp1u1 td-rioo ,. • __ .,.. AB R u AV. Harbor JC thlo week celebrated 'Ibey play the Huntington Beacb A.ttllano, SA; Marumoto. SA; Ume Abbott of ---·-·--· 1 1 :s .7lt !ta firet track and field Yictory neu tor the gnnd champion· l5..3a. .. Swtacle. of .............. 5 o 2 .400 llince the MW school opened two llllp thla week. , Shot put-Peyton. NH. 43 ft., Woodhouae, of ... ·-· 3 O 1 .333 year& a.ao. The vk:tim wu Orange .. After t.bt completion\ of the 1% ln.; Norton, SA~ Drury, NB. ~ of ........ -...... 11 2 4 .JM Cout. 79-42. at Wllmln~on Tu .... llTUeJiftl buketball .. ...,., of 131 l80-Wrlgbl, NH; Tal lor, NH; Wetael, 2b ............. 12 2 3 ~ day. gamea Sawrday morning, then Mawoon, SA; ll•i>•· lm 112.lo. Lane ,.. .................. g 2 J .222 Summary: will be a lhort lull If\ the oports tMM>-atatfOnl, Nk; Boyvey, Luak, ab ......... , ....... 12 3 2 .187 Harbor 11, 0-11" 0.-t U _....... Swimming 4tarla Tueo· NH; Poooo. BA; Ume. lm 32.k Burdlc ... i: .......... "·· g l 1 ~Ill 100: 1-Hlllds, H; 2-Brown • .i.y, Ma.rcb 27, folloW..I abortly, by B......S jwnp-Cole, BA. 17 n.., NetU... lb .... ......... 1 0 0 .000 H ; 3-Leggett, OC; •• 10.3, a IU!W clUI ta besinnlnJ ......wnc. ~l ~ Id" lie M ........ SA and Roi). LaBono, 6f. lb ........ 2 2 O .000 220:t -Baker, H : I-Brown. H; -.wr..Ulng; tun_damentalll in-,, Nu_ Pttklns, lb ·.ot ...... 2 o o .ooo ii-Mulder. OC: 22.8. . of boxlnc: twnb~. and cm-Relay-Newpi>rt lfatbor, Ume Maahbum. p ........... , 2 t o .000 440: 1-0.._, B ; 2-Mulder. Uca In addition to the tam apart 4'.lla. MQrrll, p ···-···---"· 1 1 o .000 OC; ii-Boughton. OC; ,64. o1 the ....,.,_tnck. Rqb ~ ....... SA. 11 n., 4 Robetta. of ---······· 0 0 0 .ooo 1188; I-Ruvalcava, OC; 2--wttll BunllnctAJll -In ; Vamey NH· MJJler NB. . -----Jollnooa, B l l-Huterb', OC; Jm., Banta A.Jw are belft&' plamlod P..ic. ..id~ U • tie Team tota!a .-... 82 15 19 .232 12.L BalUera. In -~to the recuJar 8o,r -Id, NH and ca,_, NB. Oppo. ,lotala _ ..... 841 H 21 .2U Mile: 1-Weql. 0C: 2.-Club a...p tllo ~ 8ab&rd&T of lltipt t fl, Im, --~· -nb OC; 1-HIJl•Y· H ; &,2. M.&1 lit 0..,... Eloaat Pola-Newport ~ Two-mUe: 1-Balllua, 'OC; I-Baatball -wUJ -Ille •·-ta •--n. • • -A.JI R B AV. Folando. H ! no~ u .U.C Saturday ta Juae -· --------* . -... • ·-·-·-.. 8 5 I .el 120 hlglt, -IU'dlff,: -a. W}i>-. p.-..t plano. Tho --•to .ml. Vbiie'Jiinl.. lf -·.-11 a 1 .MD uam.. a: .2-w...s. oc: 1-woodo-• -----• ~v=..=.:=:: .. ~--~~-==:: :E ~~~i! .. ::,S·~i :C..!1~.:!°'.!'coM "ll~••llno .. IP abodt bolpiq "'° to Mlitjlby. 1~ --~-g a a .133 1.3.li. • • lD __ L oallod after ~ ... ~ ' QQ 1 ..... Cf -·-.S. 2 2 .J3S Relay• 1.,..-00, 1>f -t. Annual b:lt fb'lnc·--ol Cllll •--•-a P"!" •• _._ _ Pall ' _..., -Jlldol', 3b ,.,_• • 1 1 2 .#1 l'l>le ~utt· L-tla ..._ W.C lkoul JM1Ck UO will llo teJi,i at l :IO -.... 1111t ol --· - baylns ol -lo ...i.··· "~ ' 0 0 ~ .'80 H · w1 sID B ' I All. B • P. ii\. ..-Tat the nci.IJ. ••l'ol Ooml90 --*•I Or•nce ~ owa ~ ...._ •-. ·-b.-:'!.!-..: -.=---.:. · 111 • er, ' · • ' C>rcW •-0onina ._. 11ar. Ci:>9t. .,,r1a•*• IM'•e,t Mr N 1H at · I • 'f,:~ ... ~· I I . .u fL I ,_ --...... "' I ~ -* . ~ron, • -=·---'-T J o ~ llllot-put' i-lb IML JI;._ a-.,!~.,~ •. "":._~·~~-.!!' tote..,. .....; ill&. .:l' -'\ --! ltdM,"J\-ol --' I 0 0 . ...., ltafford, OC; I Cb SA n· 4& :v-. ~-. -...---.._ \ Wo do l•n• a iOt of 1a1W-~ a ._:..-.,.. , I I 0 MO ft. f Ill. 1 -at1Pa1 illlA!, -'n ~ "n.. U.:.,.. ' .i..lioi. ot vU. &o ,...., C1Ut; ib' -::, I 0 0 -HlchJllln•: l~B, ~ B: ldtt. -~ lllte, t hlC ...-. • a a S ..l..-t the -I -· Id-• -l o •MD 1-J w•n•---· B; 1-r I• K;. -~ 1111-. - -..._.~ .... l":....~~-lM 4 ' 1 O .1 llll I~ ll~-- -lllte, --Idle. m C111 ,_ -M --I t I :;;;;:--opWOe o1 u.. ~.'It ·---o· •• --...... -,_., M 11 •· a: ";'_to flT, 11t1oot - -• ~-.. ~: ~." ..! -g fw IM, 0 I II • 3.J IQ,.,,~., ... T ' -: : : = ~ 0 ..... B; I • -II; • I ::w.-....... ~ ,_ P ilo; *·I '~ K h i -• T ~ lbio loat yom I t•..Z .... • -., •. ·•. II: a-Q• •'w, -· .... 3. -'Ml ..W -· tH&bocd. aa or , ... ''---.... ------• '1lllm -.__.. 'la 11 • ... n '" II; I 9 tt, ur .a., Jr •'"II L. J•n ··~l!i'~:'i:"i °""'" ~ ..;.,..; ••• .-.IL. • ...... ••• ..,.. _ ... _ ··:: : • • ~;t t. ,, •• JM = ··~ .. --b 'liw: cdla..ll.&.-llr.1: 111,11· Afrlllltlf!'-... -.... ~?\ ... ~-~-.:: =~~+1!£?q:::: to ... ~:;!~-~~....,... • -. .. !119..... • • • • ... . • • • , , • Vho~ MilfOer ud Exh•uit SyatelliA . , . I I r ' . --.. - l' ' • • l UNt lL. ' . . , MARC H " l . 31st . . , REGVLAR fl l .10 I I .. .,.....,_.. .. , SAVE $3,4 5· ' r . · for this' . .. 6 POINT CHECK. ' ( • • • ') '1 • I • ~ ' PAGE 2 ' ~ PART I f -· THURSOAt,,MAR. 15, l ~I .. ~ .. L~..=.-: PRESS ~ .. Elementary SchooJH'l'. A. Hears .Mothersingers, E.l~t~ Officers 0 • • Although their ranks were dect• mat~ by the nu. Mothe:rslngera gave a fine per.tormaoce at the r~lar meeun• of Newport J:ld.ch Elmnentary School• P .·T. A. Kon· day eVeninl", March 12. The audi- ence at Newport achool auditorium· thorou&'hJy enjoyed their rendJ- tiom of Jan Blbellu~·~ "Onward, Ye Peoplee'' and ··s....ng to a Sleep-- Ing ChUd." Then, donning Gay Nlnetiea, hat.I, they eatabli•hed the proper mood tor theJr coming be.neftt, "Oh Tbe Pity Of It," by slngtllg "Where Did You Ge t That Hat." "By the Sea" which Zoe Barlow acted out, dressed In an authentic bathlng suit, circa 1890. Mra. P. S. Ba\nes, preaident, opened the meeting by introductn1 Cub Scouts John Evans and Chuck Remley, who led the nae a.lute. In reference to honored gueats, the fathers, the usual business meeting was shortened to the re- quired elf'Ction of officors for tbf' coming year. Nrw Ofncen Ba fb·oa Duplicate B~idqe Winne~ Mrs. A. W . TUmmel and M.ra. Joe Wilcox were wtnnera eut-Weat and EvereU -Tawney and A. D. Wetherby were high eCattra north- eouth in the duplicate bridge came held ln Balboa on Friday evening. Ru.nnets-up eut-weat were MJ'll. Tbomaa Gill and Mra. Arnold Gu· ser; Mr. and Mn. L V. Browu; Mn. Bugh Shields and Mn. Elea- nor Newcomer tying w\th Mr1. Carrie Saunders and Charles Jee- ter; Mra. Margaret Church and Mrs. Mollie Ballard. Runners -up north -aoulh were Robert Brown and Mrs. Roy Strotz; Mra. Charlea_ Boardman and Joe W ilcox: Mra. Margaret Holmes a.nd Mt8. Everett. Tawney tying with Mrs. Robert Brown and MMI. A . D . Wetherby; Mrs. Fn.nk ed and Mrs. Charlea Jeste r. Receiving the moat. naUon\J rate- ing ·points in the month or Febru- The slate aC ofticer1 selected by ary were Mr.s. Arnold G&&Hr : A . the nominating committ ee, under D. Wetherby, Mn. Charles Boa.rd- Mn. A. y. -Andrews. chairman. man, M'r . and Mn. L.. V. Brown w~ elected unanimously. Includ-and Mrs. Frank Reed. ed Mre: Mn:. L. J .. Csenar, Balboa The 8'.lboa Duplicate Bridge hlllnd, pf.'fftd~t : Mra. Norman ·Club wllf hold Its next regular Hag~ Lido !Ale, vice president; weekly meeting on Friday evening recbrdlrlg aecret.a.ry, Mn1. Harv~y March 16th. Swruners, Balboa; corresponding ------- secretary, Mrt. Mart3 Newland, Newpdrt Hei&ht:B ; trt>a1urer, !of.rs. H. D. Peuie: Corona del Mar; par- liamentarian. l.frs. P. F-. Ba.Ines, Clift Haven; biltorirn. Mrs. Parter Sinclair, Bay Shores. Auditor is William Bu.rdick, physical educa- tion lnatructor. ~ Mra. Baines comment.ed on th'! tact each orttcer was rrom a dif- ferent .ectton of t.he clty. They will be l.JUtalled at the April 11 meetJn.c'. _ Dr. B. N. Deaenberg, local rul- dent and lrustructor at ·Long Beach City college, introduced the U. 8 . Public Health service picture, "Preface to a Life... Arter seeillg thJa plcWre parents wert" inc:Uned to review their own mt>thoda oJ handling ch.lldren and change some at their ideu. Huab&nda not only enjoyed the program but expressed deep ap- preciation for refra.hments wb.lcb ronowed, apple pie and ,coffee. Be acon Belles Meet Wednesday The home or Kay Gerrish. 515 El Modena Ave., Nev."J)Qrt Heights. wtll be the acene of the next m~t­ ing of the Beacon Bell€'s to be held Wednelday, ltfarch 21 . at 7:3'0 p.m . The top~ wUl be ··Planned Ptant- lng ror Small Propertlt-s ." 114!11T,T1•Na lllC•r.Y ftj\YOU• CAUi IYlaY nMll 'iD'C8 Canblna every quality incredi!mt A~ern.oon Bridge Club" Winners Mra. E . T . M cManWI and Mn. Arnold Gasser were v.·tnners eut- west and Mrs. Gerald Mccomber and Mrs. P eggy John.son were hfgh scoreni north....outh in the duplicate bridge game held on Monday afternoon in Balboa. Run.uera·Up ea.st-weat were Mn. W. W. Wihon and Mra. Mollie B&l- Larch : Mn. Morton CT'08by and Mra. Faye Schleuler; Mrs. Ethel Btahop a.nd Mr•. George Merri- man; Mrs. Kathlttf>i Wal.sh and Mn. H. Veneman :· Mrs. Helen Thayer and Mrs. Ardythe Bezbul- an. Runner• • up oorlh -south were Harry Springmeyer and Mrs. Roy Strotz: A . G. Doeaburg and Mre. Robert Brown; ltfra. E . L. Hack- ley and Mra. C. E . Irvin; Mre. Tbomaa Gill and ·Mrt. Frank Reed; C. H. Johrut011! .and l Gerald Mc- comber. Tli~ gloup will .hold theft nt'Ct m.eting on Monday after· noon, March 19tb with play start- ing at pne .o·c,ock. ON. Bl:U.FWWER VISIT Mr .. and Mn. Neal Cor8on and chUdren, ThMma, LeRoy a.nd Cb&.rlea or Cuata Meea •pent Sun- day ln &llflower visiting Mr . and Mrs. Rex Cor.!JOn. - I . , Dr. E'*erson Cox to ·Giye ~ecital Sundaiy Evening 'On Pabn Sunday evening, 7 :30 o'clock, Dr. Emerson Cox, former dean of Long Beach Orcanist's Guild. will gtve an organ recital at Ftr•t Baptt.t o.hurch, Costa Mesa. There will be speelaJ music by the comblaed church choir and Men'a chon11 . Sermon will be by the Rev. P . G. Neuman on the a~bJ<'ct "A Faith That Slnp." ~unday morning Mr. Nc:1marm \vln preach on "F&!th at Work .''. On Friday of. th.la week at 8 l?· '"· the execuUve couni.:11 of th.? church will mee( in th':' rducatlon- al rooms. On Monday, Mnrch 19 at 6:30 p. m . the ?ofen'M Brothf'r- hood ·will uaemble ror dinner Speaker will be · Dr. Paul E . Du· h!U9t bf San Diego, his subject, "Dealing' w1tt> Celeb{ltles Lesdo ~:to ~ i.oro." · . 1 ;~n;u;.,~, March :ni Ii the Pray. er Pa.tse ind Bt6te Study hour wtU1 lt'l!lk>n on the ILilt t•hn.pter ot 2nd Peter, time, '1 :30. p.m . (:hu Fich .s~~ool Benefit Socia/. I i ' Fourth Birthday Inspires Fete Mrs. Albert Markel and Mr11. "Many happy return.a of the Harold &ddy ahared hoateaa dutJea day" were a.aid to Janie ~rt.q. last week at a d'ellghtt\JJ dessert daughter of Mr. and Mt.. A.very, lunc heon and card party. at the Dttrins, 2176 Pa.ctt'tc A n ., Costa Markel home on 23rd St., Co.tta Meaa. when Mrs. Deerinl u- Meaa. Sponaored .._. benefit ao-umbled ema il rrlencU recently to clal ror St. Joachim school, the he\p obeerve Janie'• fourth birth· affair wa.s one of a sertea of relay day. partlc.a be~ elven by varloWI Gamm aped the a.tternoon hours membeM! or the Mother'a club and with prl&ea pruented to '(_1cltl- Ladlea guUd. pue.ta enjoyed play-Lynne Taylor and Eddie Howard. ing bridge, canuta an4 :M:IO, wtlh For the birthday collation there Mr•. Dora Sweeney taJ<lng ,htgh were strawberry and vanilla ice honora and Mn. John G!J11s belng cream and a cake decorated in awarded low prUe. I pink and white. Among the ladleli part.tolpaUng Among the young rry enjoying in the pleuurable tvent were the merry feaUvlty were BUly Mmes. \.Villlam E. Brlown, Louts Haun. Johnnie Taylor, 8 cot l Scheppens, John Gillis, Robert Wright. Vlcki·Lynne Taylor , ~le Baher , Art Berge, Henry Jean-'Howard and Jeanne Ann C&mp· se~. Ii. V. Kand le, GlenJ\ Croft, baao. Dora Sweeney, W . J . Neville, A. Tbe occaalon aiao noted l ht" Landry, Al Ferra.rl, Oeot:g-e Min· birthday of Mr1. Clau4e Updtk• of ttiitt. Oerl,r'Ud1, Jfs11leaon, J . 9· .J...onc', Canyon Rd., who, wt th Mr9. R.Jph Kennett{ Stewbt. Paul NLaaen, McDowell •hared the re(Teahm~ts Murray Rabbitt, Ja.mea Mclllah&n. interval. W illiam Haberle, .Ma~t Rayea, G. E. Mouu.k.t.a, Earl Trapp, J . Munn, ...... -... ...... P '' ........ · ~ • , ;l'i I ltiiJ ... __. s ..,, • • 1 ' I . • • -~ ii '·~••'•I . tm . :-colt! Saff!·Ofl:~ .... ·:· ';Cf!St!, I . • -. . I . .. .•·· ~ . ' ,.,,,...,..,~ A new type V·l ... and a re~I buyl1 A ta1ollne •conom}r .-'-~~out! · eoh1erve1 power I N• bUlgl~ 'bulk! ~rkllng performance .V.ry inUet "9\"'er require• preinlUin tu91t . j {k.'itetlllli.1#~~1 I . -A-tietf ~ M . ~ • I \ • OPEN E~GS AND SUND A Y& BY ~lfi!l'MENT I · I JOE NICKERTZ.1 Locaf ' Dealer 34' 1 ~ W : N~~po rt Blvd .-By Lido lrhertre Haf,r;.s I a. Nwpt B~ach !. -. Grange H.E.C. Sews for Indian Relief Kenneth A1cKacue and George Chapman. Costa Mesa Girl Scouts· • A §ala. •• The Home' Economics club of the Grange met at the Grange h1J I for an all-day meeting Tueeday, March 6. During the morning memben worked on aewtng for In- dian relief. Red Cross repretent•- tlves Mrs. E. M. Ertckaon and Robert Easton gave an lnforma.- tlve talk on the many advantages and helptul work of lhe Red Crou. They uked for volunteer block worker11 ill Ule present drive f or Red em.• tunda' and 9"YeraJ mem· be.rs responded. Luncheon was served at noon by the boatule1 ot ure month, Mmes. Clarabelle Pa:reona and i.. Vera.e Parker. M"rs. R obert Rapier, chair· man, C09ducted the bua:lneu of tlle &ttttnoon. Mrs. Alice Kyle gave an lntere.sUng-report on tht> diatrlci REC meeting held recent- ly a.t Fontana. The next district meeting will be hek1 at Garden Grove Sept. 9. The county HmC meetinl' will be bek1 It the Santiago P_t,.rlt tn Santa Ana Wednead&y, Mareb 28. A Pot luck luncheon wUl be eerved at noon. Mra. Ja.ne Garrett, weJtare chair· man annuonced tba.t colored Eul- er egga wtll be taken lo the coun- ty hoapltal at Euler ttme. . Balboans Meet in Cold Montana · Wr1t1nc trom Gru.t Falla, Mon- tana wbere the temperature ·-wv 32 below aero ye.t.erda1 1n'>rning.-· was Mra. J . ,J. O.Temple. the tor- mer Betty Crocker, \\'hoae hU$band T/811--o.Temple; le now •laltoa· ... there. The o.Templee keep up w1l.b home town new1 via pa._p11 of \.be Ptua, bat tta •UU a .man world for Betty told of .-In&' on old Barbor BJc1> ochool chum, the fc.,.. mer Dorolhy Smith ot Balboa. Jllft to ni&l<e Betty even mott wistfUJ of 1 Balboa aun. be.r dad, INre Chief il'rank Crocker, .. YI': Memben of Girl scout troop 12 under the leadership of Mrs. Nelllt! Long v!Jliled Ole Newport Bea.ch police 1tatlon Wedneltday ·'Nbtle working on their Community Safe- ty badge. 6mcer BurdM.11 ver9ed the .scout. on tratnc \awe, blcnl,. and other mran.s pertlnel\t "to greater community safety. Scout leaders Get Certificates , . At the regul&r meellng of the Cost.a Mesa 01.rl Scout Leaders' A.aociaUon ~e..rt.ifica.tff. were pre- eented 19 member1 q~Utytng by complelln&' 20 boura of buic train- ing. The coune wu ctnn at the SOout Hou.. over a period of week.ti by profeae:lonal worken from Fullerton. Tbe»e reCelviJll' cietUncatea were liftnu. Nancy McCl:u.re,' Ruth WU- son, Edltll l,udl, Joyce ICdlck, Del· la Clark. Mptlo Glylu>. Malle! Gay, Mary Lo.wio. ~ --love. Celeetla i..,...h; prra,,_ Crane, Tbelma lllMr.-~ B ol- land, Irma Sbaw, Ola4ys EIUll. a. .. r17 Geier, Olene VU.-, v jl.i. ••a Beebe and .... ,. .... ~ Donlci.. "'It wu, 91 deptea an the roof C. =.,~~· 1top tempenture 1"" u.. Palladians . rk~t,e .. t C . 1 , G · at Lakewo~· a~~lt roup An loo •lta•lnl'. .... held at lidp Isle by u.. PalJM!o .. , · cr..i. .- dub ot llorsee e etp llCbool mt :;:~-ID&o.lulo -Bat......, al 'JllMoj ID LAI<--,_UJ 11y.Jtr.. v-· .. .._. -.j aau. -,., ~ iii Via ~ -. Ueo PaW .Qomm•o, ~ Jllll7 Slripor • ba 1.1 ••,. 111at u. ~ oc a,,_ dlSl Ila(": ._ aa "'· -tl '--1 •• ~ ---uw.. ..... wt.- • I .... I 1111. Vu ... -. OlrlQI en.,, ._ ••' ---, c. ....... ~ ~ lla'7 ca, -.,.._9'1111 ,,,.. -P. llUnD Komo ti a.ea .. DK 111-. arm. •w11.,... ._, 0.IW IL Mah11 ot H.,.... ~ I•-.. ••F I WO Mt. "'"Jlelllill Ud .,._ 11.,..-. ~At o. 0 rrw1 • · tlY FlsW 1 I ' ...... JL Uiile. Ud llm. Cl 'L • , • • . 'l"--... • , . I i I • \ , • • • • i.....a-..i MAYONNAISE • Pint l9c No. UI Wlllte- ..OTATOIS 10~9c of the many ann ilfersary Yalu es on safe. I Qold Medal R.OUll 5 lb. bag 45c 10 lb. baa -Ille --..- MIU Laiye om 2r.ir25c ---1 COl'Nl1 1 lb. I • 79c i .• ' -· TOILIT TIUul 1000 Sheet Roll' ~-~ I 16, 17 , • . , , . • '· ' " ' •• • • • • . ' I . t • • • . • • • •. h • ' ,.._ . I • • . '. • -' Dr.-9,e!>tt Cfatlc . ·Mesa G.irl Scouts . ·~~erming fot Alfv•ntisf 6~· '. Shrle~.Ft.-. ElemMt..f'Y~··T. A. Spefilh Safurdqy. Obserie 1Foundin9 . Mesa <;e>Uple • . t? ~nd Suppr~ Surpdl•·Honoree Boerd -~· ; I· · ~ at Santo Ano. ~)(s-. and BJow111eo • .'.'! ...!!~-fllll'<Wl1--• -e. ~-! tp, ~·~ • ••~i":· • _.,_ ._, ""..!"'=:h 'Fa~ Nf...U · · .: ._ ' RIIS · '· • ~ Oalt& ea jol.oed mm.e ODe -..:.u -.q .... ...-. -•• •!! --· ...... ~ __,. · ~II . ~. "C'-~ '°' t , i:!t· Olem1 Clark. lntera&UonoD1 a ht.It rnlWoa Girl al:ouU ....Or tlM Mn. frC Siiis Ml' •Ws a *91a. 'l'foo lt. ~ ~ 0( UM It. •• 12 , 1m _...A-, ·""10.~')1 _t-~ "" ~ .. , . . kDOwn t'l&I""", Jectlinr. !'¥tor Gr Unltod 8t&tu' In --Un&" lull· ltll1>rfio ~ P't"¥" -Jt -tll.fla7~ Cl>-ol aaot.-. .,._.. & ,.....,.. .... Uit -.. ali' ... °C•,.t...a I ;Y,~· d" • '" ' f , rc-1-. tl>6 ~ CIMr Ho.,..w lm4 eltoi r-da:.>'Ibe local olMrttDCo -¥n-I', l , -¥4 N..,pcwt llfl«l'to Wiii · -'bold -..... a • ~~ .,_,_. N . . ~ 'm1-.;J rlr» ,,..... ~g 'LIO$ "'!'!lpG0e('O$ ro..-. bf 'the Camp Ftrtheat wu beld la·,a coJortUl cerelnony ..,.._ Myrtle BwU I), tbol,.....,...., -lblJ Oii MOlldar> ll!m ol -~· ~ •tool p,. ' · .._.. ...... A-• ~ 'l 'J' • ' · 1 f/ 'l"'llf.1.' Out, a Chriot·for-Othen laymen'• 8Ullday, Match 11 •l tho Main Tl>ole -~ ftilod wltll ,ut-. -tw..· 4ue to ............. --~ -·Vlret ii. ....... ,.a. ~a&.: .n{lntv. nofi . ~f ""' TICe1s · movem..,t, l"tll spe.J< In the Ftnt IChool oudltoriwn.. . -of Uit l'"f -··~'t boat ~ pJarWll( on -,.. ~ "-DorotllJ'Gnu.oallurc, ~--.;'"''Ip ""'°"'' .......... ·"' ~ '... · • \' 1' · _ -_J.T · . ,. • • •' M•thodlot cburcll, Su)&' ADI. A ""«• rainbow form..i U>• OOllYU"Ced a f-~ ~ Oii truclO load of 'rood~~ to ~ OIJm 01oWo ult~ loaJ ~· .. ~-. . "' . l"'Plred 11,J •Uie ~ ..._ .. all: ...m~ 'wV. ope. March 1 T. Here on h!a way to background ot the· otase with a their attnctlft. ~-.-a~ ti>.• 'Naftjo ln4lal>I ~ ·l<a1;""ta. ~ '!'II. llrlt -au·..-•t ·.Jlell~ ..... wore JI 'flt'' anftl~ ol<her .O..li·la c\11 .,-. ,._ Loo Cool~ HawaU, lie la the prfncjplll Speaker cold pot at the end. One Girl Scout 1211 • 2'1tll It. N•w~ 8"Ch. Arts. wtl.l>ln the nut ~ -~ ll4nor Harw -\o llolt.,Wl.i. U.. bnilll•!P at 'dotliclltor, Mt, 'Ulll, ·, -cll:'b, Junlall rid~ Jl(>Up ot Ul'l tbro1'sl>out Holy w ... k at the nnt and leader trom aac1> t.-p formed Wboo~ a I~ I> rll e d amlllefllent . Tll17 ""8 ..,.oi """'Y!!M,f""&• B!tb od>ool. .. . \ ' · -. • ~ plula -"'°"' Wellof of Maple 4.._, · w-~ IUld. -ci..., mef / :~~pUon&I chutth"' Loa.Al\· :!1:1:=~-=~= =~i -:t ~ =tlla!:.:'. :'"t!"~;':!,:~~~ .,.: II , [. d D ' =-...:.-J1!~ ~· ::':: :::.:S:';l!~at:,., ~ ~~n:;:' =-..: tl>e MAil-(5, 1t11': The Man:h 11' """'t!nc. under member marched In while &\I ihoM lllojoyablt, t.oo. we,. aocordlo to eal! llN. C. lllnlU.. Br~oOll-. !ll lftl ft .. --. .Ollo..,Mn. GtllYCI Oowra ...... ~· r r. W -loft· •of. attlc'~~ted the IWIJII-or the-On.nge Coun· 1n attendanee """ ,"Olrl Seouto nwnbon pJa,yW b7 _.,. C..Uer. and arnnsem111to wtll bl ....W'fw Pledged to Bevlw "'PQI' .., u... Hoen• Mr& Wella ud · IM .~ Ille moetll1t wltll Pri4· , . ty pamp Fartheot Out untt, la Together." · Lovely ~Uono o1 prdentu plcll up. Tllo -ol Uijl -.. A~ph t!!. 'D It !-. -~ be'!I on Low, Mr: and Mn. L.~ 11.lm iWn«l l!'~t to ..-- from t-to nine o'clock with pot • !liter -fl&r; plqo, &:Ollt &od combined With ,__ added 19 ~ '1•r/ snat ...... nevtl>lnt" ...... "'~ • ~ ' -ll•t •t ~ °""""· ... Mr. """ .... llo,bort ... &','d o.o..-........ ~ ~ ....,,. luck dinner at atx. Other out· Bro..,,. p-were ·mode. Tl!< the dellptNJ p&rQ atmoopbero. llfM 10 .-U1 •~W b7 lll!nl N-L&Jid.u. °'11i!''t.ir felt tbat It lleft uooptlOna.l· cWlgbter 8&aclr&. Lee, MrL ,Hiett N""'" llcDnoalcl) ~··-t: •landing rrpealcen Include Ethel Girl Seoul ..p;...,.Ulls eoeh troop cu..,.,... ~ f~ ,... a <Wect• -· , ' I . . ot Mn. ~ B. ~~-w. ly """'-, . · ' . ""cblldreo _8'£ty, :r---<Jeorn. .....ui;; llller- • B&n.Jta, wlte or Dr. John Gaynor ea.me' forward ca.JTYin• a May ab·e bUftet aupper -;!~ a aum.ptu• , , OHaa J'Toet; NeWpon Beach WU Perbape the lnOSt tateriltinl ft· Ward ot 'li'f~p:te. ~ ryl Bclmea, tre&llWW; C.Uterlne BAnka. Ept.ecopal rector ot SU basket ln a corru:pond.t:q: color ou. ~e baked and decorated by l 'A ~ 4 • , 1 pl.daed to .Alpba a.~ Del~ port WU \bl..), ot M~ A. V. An· , .. • lonee. eerpaat:.at-arma; Olean Dteso, Ind Dr. Rol'f'd Brown, with tJ>e tllln~w and dropped her Mn. Mlllt1-t° lh41 m&jor ,attr&c-as m1gas ' I /, Wll1 at 'u.. UDlvonltJ of Call• :::;,:;olfWi"' ~ ~ ~ -~~ ,,,omu. outolde chairman-~ -for ... r1 .. of .... lt\ldi~ buk<!t or·pennlea Into the pot or lion. A!ao "!' lllO aupper menu t M T d fiirala e.t llJ.er'•le1 two_......... '!"' -. • A "-of H-I bieeda ,club rop ...... t&tt••: Virslnfa .,.,. •. of Wluaual prayer experiences: gold. 'fl!~ perutlu wore st .. n b' "''"" uoorled ~· ulado, f:> ee U6S ay \8lml :"*"d"f at Ult Uel-.lty \o ~ ~ro and --enjc)yod 'I; ri1a 'eft S ncenUJ ••'. -~ ~ I• ao open m .. tlntr. and llll meml>Fn ol •ell troop tor e&ch -rt ond oofftt. • Lu Amlpo ot CUlat ~ ~ . or calllwaia at D&Ylo for , hor tlono. fl'Y• 071 and poyehlatr1c when U.Oy atbiilde<J dlnnir la wbo .,.. tnte....,led a .. cordl&lly year pf tllelr qe: . Everrone liod a-~ limo, ti!• See will meet T\leadll)', ~ (1'1rt;rea.>"Mr u4 ~ ~ oopb<>-i:;• •1t1 of by tlM P .-T. JI.. lh1a tlM Bri>ri:, BlllaboteJju flllllle to ·ntOll OOMrTO!f . weloonltt. '.The moee.y C!Ollecled from th' e1pecial~! the pleued hoet Md JO. t:ao p. m.'at tM hblnc Of Mn. mof't .U.U.. •t aru.,e eoui·OoJ .. 7 · · ~ · tbe ..,.MJna -Hil&mu Jconwientton. Dinner gu.utc. eQtuteJned re-- rainOow Pota over the Un.Jted hoateu. eN Job.n lhiek». c.bairmul/ tl.16 Wtd lep:. he •now a Junior at Bent· HAD VMONIA ~l tolk included Mr. ~ Mrs. cenUy by Kr. ·and :Ura. Eu.•ene M C M H • St.tu repruent.ed Juliette Low Amonc UN arpriaien w Ba1 avenue. Th.ere will be a book eley. Ernest' Be &rd of. tG1S Santa ~Sllllth ot 1S5 E.11.IU. fat.reel. GWesple, S'ZO Avocado, St., eo.ta rs. • I arrlS World ,.,.,eadahlp tund. !Jonna i.r ...... llld Mm ... P , l . Miller, ro'liow and clothing Will t>&-1cod • Ana avenue con"taleeelng rrom Coat& M-: Mr. and ~ ... ~--rt ..... were Mr. and Kro. L. R. is Bridge Hostess .Hamilton present the gift to Mn. Kenneth~'!""· "':U ~ti;:· r ... Aluka. •Anfon• whA> would -. IN ?tty •f .... ' • '······ •lrk of ...... pneu-M\11\J'O and' Mr . .and J ltrO. Cecll tlo"ell and chlldren, Katl>y, Chrla- ~rt wu the prchJolte to an member who t.eeepted It -ae be· ra. HumpbreJJ. apn. ~ r v• ...__ . • · · · · _ , • ~--:. Dorothy · Holm•, Jlllletlj! Low er, llldw ""'".,.'· •·•· ~. · like to corno ..-m -. welcomed. Marell 111-1 •• I ~ Rip Sclloul , monJa. . . • , Botcller ot'"N.wjiort f' cllC tine and Deru\la of C0mpton. afteFnoon ot bridge when Mrs. C . half of the Friendabip fund. n:ie 1dck, Howvd Cutler and Joe Ho-' 4 .. _ • • • ' • ' ~ • -,:-- Al. Harr'1 of 1818 Fullerton Ave., pf"OITam cloatd · wtt.b · memben mann. \ , ' " ".... • l C~ta Mesa, wu hoateu to her singing "Our Cbalet Songl• , ' • caH!I club recently. S4'-eet pea.l !!OMS vaoM S"EXA.8 gT"&Ced the room.a. Aseembled to~ AT IDYLLWD..D ~n , Earl Tatniedre. owne; of the occulon wtte Mm~. Arthnr Mr. end Mrs. P . J, Miller of tbe Bro&debar 'l'raUer Heim-. Thronson, Paul I1unl&p, . Ray Court St .• Newport Beech. enter-20&0 Newpol,t 8"cl., ~· ,Mea. Berg, Max Schachner, Robert tained wtth a deUi:;hU\&1 week end llaa lel'sruu.1*l a D'lonth'I slay Daniel. "rhomaa Adams, William outing at the .. rr ldyllwtld home. wlt.b. her ~t.a lo Goo1•\ei•. Tp. WIUJ&mo. and Alma Bjork. ll•vill&' llln In the llDQW were Mr t'llqM ilij ~, and Mrs. T. A . Tilomu and,.. .on, W-.. i. __ _;f_..ata "'' the v1n~ REDLl\ND A\'E. GUEST Pat. or Newport . Be&elo: y;,., --.___,. --,- M\aa Bernie@ GutniRP of Los A.p· Douglu O. Bray and chUdren. Swants home on Or\n~ avenue. gelea wu entertaJned over the Doug lu a.nd Bonnie Jean of Costa CoM.a Mesa, wen ""Mr. and Kn. w~k end by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A-lesa; Mrs. Kathryn Tailor, Co!t.iL Bob Lille)' of 'S&n. Dle10 and Ted B. Mefone of 01~ Red'.and.a Ave,, Mesa; and Donnie arid Lu9k,y SU-Llll,ey of the Navy Trab\lr'lg Center. N ewport JHtgb~ ry of Lone Beach. S&tti Diep.. 'QlURS. • FRI.; Cllld SATURDAY sn::~. 'i!-81:'-'.R .E~G~ 29¢ Chocolate )(arshmallow .r.,p ""i;.• s!! .. ,s.-i 271 • C'hocola!P FRl"IT EGGS 19¢ Rf.g. 29" . SPf>f'ta.I ti ' ' ' ,. FRttlT and s 1·T EGGS 29¢ IUJ:". 59(t .1 .• SpP<"laJ t:::ASTEK BASKET SPgciAl.S 3¢ 6¢ 7¢ 15¢ 39 ¢ EASTER CA""'V E66S 13¢ Box ol I! .... SpeclaJ EASTER c m c i( and Bl'N:!oo'Y SOYEL Tl.ES -Spe<lal 13 ' 24¢ 35; 691 EASTER IUNNIES Rf.JC. lOc 5 ••• 39'¢ llOSIEllV, NYLON 15 D\•nler , !SI Guaitf' . HOSIE.KV, N"\'LON . Sl !tl 30 Dt-llkir, ~J GWlop ..... . M USIC . .\..L LAMB s4•0 .... ~. $6.49 ... , ... 8 ...... ... PLllSH EASTER BUNNY Reg. ll.18 $169 C'-OMll AJ'PLAl'D THE BERO mss Tll.E VTLLIAN ' "Oh The Pity of It" A MPlodnma wl&h 0Uo ' to he P-W ~ i.e Nt"Wport.. Buttel' llo(llerslapn u • benrftt tor the Pal'Pnt-T~her A89oclatlon TllTJRSDllY, llAllCli 16 FRIDAY, llAJlCH I" AT 8 P. M. N . R UNION HIGH SCBdOL Tl-----• Soap .......... ,.,. . ~r --.,...,.., COIT m' lllXft .... _ , . _.,.. EASTER EGGS ~N .,~ '6500 'l'ERFUMES -----------'(ExclMI tU n,t.lncli.dea) EAStiR BASKm PLA~~ 1 '.. EASTER EGGS a.,. 8 "(•r .., 6 for ·29; f>LtrSH EASTER BUNNIES . • LoatlMrte OOLOGS¥8. 'l'wM4. Rff Role, ~Illa!. Ml"""'• ~d Ob.lento& ' ' 'l M -zia ... ~ '3M ( E.11:f'-. tax ·~a t!Miuded) PANORAMA EGGS • j I FABE ROE COLOONl:S. 1'-cl IV Wood.hue. Ap~ Straw Hal an4 :n.....- '1 Z-• 'r 'i-an. '500 ( Exehtie tu not ln«iludfid) CHICKS and LAMBS ·l.aaVla ~ JltdesU. """"' 117 !Ila •r to 'il.00 . ' (Exelile ...... wt ......... ) • Yudlq CIM1 I S -Nlc'I ' Gr1 ... i 2 ~.1 ..... lies· tLll .-, fflt • tt Pe.. 1011DY ~ -s• ......... ..,...-··· -·-· • • • -1' .... ... '-'-!IQ ·-II Mii tit,,..... UW HltU ......... ~ ... 36· Sindwidt Sprud ~ JI• lun<Ni-. <8-oc,, 24c; QUOl't. 67c) Chern Milk ~~~ 2 :! 2S• Finl Mil ,_....... ":;:-)8• YtllOw Com Mui 4:l:."' 22- • Momnoflou, t:ZO.O.., lZc: 5·1bs.. 38<1 While Cora Meal 4:.;"· 24• ~Ml' l.ou. I~. bet .. let· Trim your weekend food cert• by taking advantqe of theae o\1tstanding buys. They're spotlight features in the parade of values Safeway is offering n~w. Check them foe items you want to !ft.elude on your shoppina: list. T~en, come to Safeway, where prices are always f w ... and Save! BUl2l't.R =:.!1d"~..: t1• on !be~ loalll m lil coo~. Not. low prlc9. 630 .. . ~45° ,., 39° r..tllo MAfDAro Exct'flt'nt for d fl l'ln 39 eep fat fryiag, .. ".. . -,. ' """'-' •. .. . . From the (armi a"d o.rehan:Js o the .wett, frnh frllill •nd vpget&blet ·are • ruhed 10 tloe Salew•flntar you. f1 r th< belt 11 lo.,. prk<o ..• shop Sal.Way. POTATOES ~~ 10 ... 29° r.ar.r, ·~~.... ~1n-baqs. .. iw .. '-' . . ' I Cf:l.£81 . 0;!~er:-.c;-:r · •. 54!'.: · CllPEfi..J..:. Piml m~'.~· ••• ,,. llaJy."~ of .... !.t!. =·=··... . ... a· br•elda11 or •qw-for I ~ · I • • . · · ~· " .. iL: . C-· Tkllf~M. Iii-4.J,z .,· ......... aolld r "'""" • Dew!-· jl, llaoe ... ,_.cool<M . ilhr • ....... ,.... .. .. , .......... ~ .-. . . . .................... -. ~·,1 .. j . . ' .. tllU r1a1 NllU ; Grlhim Crl<ktrs ~· 31- P~w Gold tHond. Boked thimer. l1Kem1 Mil .= 19lc ~ than bllll require .•. yet COits Se-9. Homlgerdtd, pasteurized. ( Yl·fOI . S9c l Btlfermfi. L..;ome .::! 15c Miik prkoslYbjec\ Slate Soonf ._ .. ,__ DI C1rlt Rolls ';i!: ~ 25° Sllwoons Nutt a-. ~-25° \ Cookies ~, , Knmdlies tt:.1 : !.-:· 25° ._,, OlttH Puffs, ·~· 10- .. Malzies Cora Oips ·~-f 5° I dnllll-1/11 ' Jlreehly mado'ooi ruthed to the s.r ... .; ' 1tore ia yowi neiabborhood. Spnl .. Drips ~ tO- IJoteJCllll~Olps 1t:· 35• Swedlsll fl\ltlls -1~ 29' LUCKY &A•.IDI A Cotifomio fO\IOrile. '!: 16° 1:::: 3.74 . 11 -· 15• _., 3 '' httle 241 ........ ~ In ont·'MIY bottles., no drlposits. ·u .... 33• · ..... 315 -·u-• F•ll -,Dopoolt ...... °"botltor. IEllL P•U IEEI IZ--16• -el 111411 c. 12.,... ,OT I -ofr..od only WI Sof._,.. llc.tnsed to NII it. T.,. odditioftol • a; I aim m: ._, ft ttSt.~I \~Jl!l!!l_g. -Ir - _ ... ~}----· ftD8 ·-·. l ....................... .J:. .... t .. -. ....... -.----~ -, . . , • ' . • • 1 l l • I . ' • .. •• i . • \ .. « \ ! ;(, •• . PAllT ~ t. '.....; THURSDA Yl MAR. 11:195'1 : . ; t • 4 • t • • ,~~~~Rl~~:,~~·J PA6E - .. • - . I , Hellmerk· · end Ncwc.ros~ I Scouts Learn· . . ·Off ice Pri>Ceduies · • • I . •The Very 'Best • . · For no'morel _ t •. .. ... • Camp .Plans 1m~tant at Scout Session FouttAen uptrlq ln!....,edlata Girl l!coUta were lllttlated Into tlle complex p~ of a moc!Onr oftlct;. lut WednNday _wben Mell\· .. .-;. BtUE.·SAlts •· 't Starting the meetinz With coffee hen ot'lhe Orange Cout :SU.l· ·and. donu.I!' ~· pl.....,t cuatom l n-Dtvlolon' &118W•red tlle/r re· the new Girl Soout,bo&rd of New-queet Jor a practical demon.tr& .. port· H&rbor met March 8 at 10 uon of.btnce maehlnn. tutng pro- ..m.. at the Scout hou.ee. Mrs. cecfU.ru and letter wr1ttnir. ·~ .. ~ ., .. '•'2idellallt -~ - • ~ "... . • y • Everett Nunan. 'commiuioner, pre-All 'fourteen g1r1a are workillg tdded and opened the meell11g by toward tllelr clerk.~. a cunecl c&wng for mlnut.:a ot pttviou9 bllr, repreeentJns. Ule blg.l'tea( me-etlng to be read and approved awud t.n· thetr ... bpJi{'edtate dlvtllon. Tb.la wu done by Mn. R. K . Bar-A.rn()IJ.g .u.oee 'dlltiN' ..tUae · colle&"e vey; recordlng aecretary.' Mn. werel l:rl.i o~Keele,~CJuii.le.ne Pu,._ ,Clarence Hlcbie gave the treasur-cell, Carol Ann $law. Donna Bam- er's report followed by other ch&lr-tlton, Ruth llende~ <Gretchen men report:.. Gaines. Carolyn R&C&n ..... Lynne Tnµn.ll'lg cbalrman. Mrs. H . G. Sch&chner, Dl.arta Crane, ~Udy Tracy, gave the namen of eevet"al Frame, Betty Hiatt, NanoJ~ ng. movies available for use to leaders Martha Norman, Mary t ceel. for use al the houae. Mr1. Wayne M:a.rlaln~ MorrUI and,Sue TTK>mu. ;dro;I, adar!c~:'~::f:;:· ~::~~ yo~;l~l:~d:::r:C:::.Tt~gN:: • with day camp dlrecton there and man, .Mrs. Nellie Long, Vta. fran· told of 110me of the aummcr day ces Crane and Mrs. lr .. a J..elgh camp ,p'an1. She and Mrs. Eether Shaw. 1 • J th~ do1tor .. Gets Jan. Term For. Grand Theft .. PRAPEs ·~~- e IOW U IJlll pair \ , Dl"NNER H OSTS • Chapman• will repreaent Newport Cooperate With 8coUta HRrbl>r aa director and bWllness At the conege botb Ole lhlt~-• Comlce boXea A Tn.•ene Roda I . HOU8~ 4 OAJIDEN manaG"er thla .summer. tora and speciaJ. ~· nt.e In the I &II CNlfl Nl'?f· Ne)o110rt Mrs. \{ennelh Staregc, troop buaineaa division ' · tt;d: :witll camp chJllrma.n (a new appoint-the Scout.I tn tbetr ~f~ 'm•nt I wUI ooon bo" able to give Je;t. One 6cc atudeljt, ,J..., If'•· Jeader.1 a complete Uat ot over-900, c:temonatrated of(iee mathlnes. night camping. altes. Mn .. Ray such as. the ~culator, adding ma- Mtddaugh ... member of the Marl-chine, compt.Ometer alld Mklre!l.99- ne• ·camp £OmmittH: aa well u graph. ,,\notber, Karlene • GJom~ holding the office ot corresponding atad made.. a 8pecJaJ Easter carit secretary, rt"portcd on the camp <Utt~ m,.ater u -.. auggeal'e!lf pro- committee meeting held March 1. Ject for the scout gi'o\Jp .. Apn Pol· RobeT't Bruce Moore, 42·yt:lt'- oJd commercial fisherrpan whoee home ·i. at Seulde_. Ore., w~ g1vcm •one lo 10 Yeal'JI ln euperlor "Ob. the Flty ot It" I ~larcti 16-11. I p.m... Hlp Scllool CQurt for grand Ulc!t 9f S600 ~~·~...;. .............................. ..;....;..,.., ..................... ...,~~~~~'4------~----~~~~~"':';~~...:~"'!"j--... ~~~--~"'"'.'."'."-:~:-:--:--: ......... , ~~~~'::~f.:'. ~'°';' •,i:oat ·~' ~ ftD1un: cn1arrv•s .OMl.Y C!l\U.,·DllCTI: STOP SllOPPI~ rAITIR ·UNDER Oii ROOF• Dales for Mariner camping at tins and Juanita Lum demoMlrat· Emerald Bay were announced u ~·tbe cutting of a atencll and the Aug .. (l1 to !}ept. 6. Mr•. Nunan operation of the 10!ineo11-ph. •announced. tJle appointment of M1la Doria Raet ai\d 'Mre. Do.ro- Mni. Ted Hambrook ~ aecond thy · D&llt., lnatructor8' .hetd die· * He also is wanted ln Oregon for * ~ VU.. I I ~Ul'll'"" ~IL •_ . . ' ~ ~"' I If'" ir • ·' · • vlolatt.on of ·bis pro)>ation on 1oi--~------'''-------+-....,.--------------...._ · Pr5-rrf..U...-... .. gery p~ -o~upporl! ,ihargH, _.._ , · rr-~ d1·pu~y COl!'m1,stdonr.r and Mrs. cuuloM oo flllnt Jllld buaine8' let· c:ou.rt record• disclosed. l'ubllc 4•-_,,..-' l..I l ' ' ' Q D DR I ft M L I render N , ·D.1 '11':!""~~ <urg<d th<' Wtr a's1 1 .•~1-~St • 1 •' .. 1111ra:1t · • * court_ n6l \0 eeiid Moore to lhe * • · .... · ·, . -.--.. Murray kabbllt aa equipment ter Writing. · chairman u we:1 aa chairm!LD or "It wu a live e•pcrlence tor U8. the no1ninatlng committee. too," rCmarkt-d on Coa11t auldent; A new first aid klt for U8e in "for in our classes here we haw the Girl Scout houae has been pur-to prove we can teach 'a new girl t'hascd. New _nf'edt>d' .shelves for on the job." book.a in tbe office ha.v~ been built. ------,- A first aid cour~ will be ~ven N rt G 1' at lhe. Girl Scout house for lead-eWpO • • era bt"twttn lhe dat.ca or March Takes i -·· Course 13 and April 5. 1.r41i1W A rnotlon was put into efft'Ct penlteqtary from btrt, because he Fnlt safd term• 'ht're and In Orcgoh * WOUhJ be "C:C:CE'Sl>i Ye puni•hment." v~-....... The court. hCJW ('Ver, noted the ~~ deff'ndcnt prcvicJuBly had been gtv-* en llj!htcr tl•rms. Officers &l~ cit-•..J...--- .. d a lonJ; rf"cord for ~fooN!. dattng .... ..._,.,,.. back to 1027 as a. juv('nrl' and lo· * 1·1uding a n1ani:Jla.ughlPr caae in y 1-- 0ranj:'t' county. ~· Ro bfort Louis Coe. 18-ycar-oltl * t conlmerC"ial fisherman from Nc,,_,,- port Harbor, admlllNI burglary o( ...... two bo&ld in the Harbor la11l Fe"b I' .... 19. Hl' aSkf"d (br proba'tlon through * Public Ot-r<'ndcr ~feyer and hear· ing v..•as set ror March 23. Ot I M;;les R•h,.. R<-lcaie * Tho C'UUrt refused agaln lo r1•- • * CluMly * To&hia; *' .Gtfla * B-hold * t•' tlJle the Ollifnrnia Foundat!on The 2.000 mark Wa.tt .reached r1·· gtn. to the Girl Scout.l!I lo put up cently by the Slxlh ~rm.)I Mobile 6 partition In the main room of th.-USA FI unit, during Its. ·stay al hou.ae !tO that more than one troop Camp Roberta, Ca•ifornia. when n1 a y meet ai one time. Mlas Ruth Private Collins ChrUJtle, of .New· Kinney wt11 hold a meeting or the rt Beach, a membet 'o( B Com· Arf'a Panning gr..oup at the Scout ~ny, 95th H"e&vy ';rank Battalion Hou!-M' an April 3 from 10 to 12' of the 7Eth Armored Dlvl~i~n. f'n- a m. The next &880Clation meeting rolled In a course In bualnesa law. wiJI be Aprt1 24 wtlh lee.ders ~ The unit haa ~en ~oulj'ilifis mill· ~Psle or the board· for a salad tary 1n8tallatlon• 1h the Sixth luncheon. Army Area since No,vember. Mor«.> IP&Se .Coc• without ball, w)len,,.thc ck(r.nditnl said he would like lo be frt>t·d 0 11 his o.wn ,recognizance go he could gel his boat ready tor the coming tea.son. . , . ', . I A~y,a•a.841 Prl~ ~-a•tl•y .r .... ,s .... ,.. ·-·· it~ . IS, 1•, .l:f A ·18 Foantaia * ~ Reservists to Hear 'New Weapons' Talk De\.'elopment ot lhe Patton tank from an original reque3t by tht> arntored branch or the Anny to It.a pre.sent U&e in combat in Kor- ea will be one of the iRJbject.s co~erl'd by capt. Donald G. Sev.r- nrd. USA, in his dlacLtSSlon of "New Df-vt"lopments In ~apons and Equipment" at Organ Re- serve Headquarters. 1012 ortb Mairl street, Santa Ana, on Mar. 26 at 7 :30 p.m . One of the eight officers pres· "~'Iv touring the eight western states of the Sixth Army, Capt. heward will present hle: lllWl\r&- llon lecture to mt"mbera of the Organized Rtacrve Corps aa part of the Army's Program ot keep· lng member• of lhe civilian com- Ponent.8 ot the Army u up-to-date as possible on cur~nt trends lri the Army in the flekta ol wea- -POn.s. equipment, tactics and stra- ttgy "8 well as the part the Army Is playing In the organlz.atlon of a community for -defense. against atomic warfare. Aleo Invited to attend th<' two-hour program, are ·members ot 'the National ·Guard ahd Reserve Offiter·~· Training Oorpl!I. Occidental Glee Club9 March so. Hlrh School /' Cl8881fled Ad la the mighty midget In Adve.rtlal'ng than 200 men and women were en- rolled In USAF! course during the stop at Camp Roberta. Private Chrlatle, the son or * and 0 Mrt. Clem S. Chrl&lle, r·esldtt with h'" parents at 23601 ·Snug Harbor Drive, Cliff Haven. Wcirn Vetera11s of · Subscription Rac.ket ·· 11t~yl"r Said' hi•' 'tiffrce . ''BhoUltJ not havu bct>n appointed" to n?_P.- rest·nt COf' wlthollt charge. si ne'~· the· man owns a boat and an auto- mobfe ... bnt no change wae Made in the appointment. Aho CO(lllnued till nt'xt Friday was probation hearing for Paul Frederick Bell. who hu admltted theft Feb. 19. of an auiomobile bt"longtn~ to William G. ·Hay of Coeta 11fcsa. Probation investlga· t ors asked the> coUl'l !or more t!mc to "obtain more facts." • Hi9h Sc:hool Band Invited to Review A warning to veteran11 and their wivea to h<-wary or lavi.Sh educa- t ion, medical and other benefits promlaed i.n connection with sub- scriptions to so-called "veterans publications" waa sounded today by Ben Liebermann. Orange coun- ty director of veteran• af(alrs. "If'"'tt were just a ca.ee ot a vet-National City, Clllif. la already erai1:'a bt'lng •taken' ror a fl'W dol· alartln~ to buz.z over San , ~lego tars. It would be aerlou.& enough," County a n1ost gala mwdcal im- he aald. "But beyond that, we ha~ rade. l~e . fourth annual M•ytirae bad repealed reports ot these aou-1 Band Review to be held Saturday, cllon promlalng everything from ! May 6. • ·• . unlimited 4e.ntaJ care to a home I Ne~ ~Afbo~ H1g'1 . Khool .loan ..Or an eiJucaUon If people will has been invited to psrtl~lpale. sign up tor their pubUcaUon . More than ~ bands, drill le~a. As a reaull. unthinking vlct~• majorttte corps. d':111' and bugle are sadly di8U1uaioned when they co~. and their ald:11!ary units are start trying to cuh in on aomf' expecl"l'd to compete for 58 tro-- of the promises." _ phles In this spc-etacular revlc\v. Hls advice to all pcreons ap- proached by aubKriplion ~llciton for any publl:caUon claiming offi· clal status 'Or recognition of •ny )tind in· connection wllh veteran n1at!.era 111 to report the matter • at once to him. m N. Broadway, Santa Ana or to the nearest Bet- ter Buatneu Bureau. SPORTY I HEAD MOTORS INC. KAISER FRAZER yo ur Dealer WILLYS . CROSLEY ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUl\ICE THAT WE ·HAVE ENLARGED OUR SERVICE DEPART· MENT :AND I-JAYE A coMPLITE stoc;K OF PARTS AND ACCESSORIES TO GIVE 'YOU INSTANT SERVICE ON YOUl.CAR. ·~· Our Sales Dept; wiU probably give you twk. as IJluch ' trad•in allowrit~ on y~ present car. th.n 'f°': CM ~t eliawhere • • .. ,So it wi1 pay you to. Head 1 f« the. Best and let ul prove ~ -servlc:a to you! ~ ~ .. l ~ .. . HEAD MOTORS hit ·:·i:~ ... ,. 506 L Fla• It. 111 .. ·'•• ,, •• , •••• ~ •3111 • ":••J-UF_ .... ~ ~z::~ .. ~· .. ~.r.:: ... .... .. ·-... . ..... ,7 'I., ........ .,, ... _ .. I . 'I • ...... .. ............... -... ., ft sn 1 '\;iN I 'rsf a. _. .. 'II ..... .... : "' ·C"il C' t I J ... 0 •'AM , 81119 Ollie ..................... • . ' lie w .... Papar ,Mebl TriM 19 lcnlret . ~. c . •'-. --.... -6 29 ~ler E991_ hr , c .•. ·* * Toiletries. A1strW t PIEIEID411£11 I ~ ·* *· -* ' ·llf• ' ON a•117 , D' 22''1 f L1•d1• Dry~ !2-ll .. ..,...,... ............ 2 ....... -. • • j ' '·•· • - Another important milestbne in Mayfair's fabukius hi!Jtory • , • this week two more grea't su~ets be6r the Mayfflr name. One is in Long Betreh , \be other in san 'Diego, Five yea.rs ago there were onlJ!" 6--today there are 22 Mayfair Markets. We're mighty proud of that record:· .It's some+ , thing to oe1$rate anti ~t·s jtist what .we're dQing this week-end Come join \IS : for real food savings! . '' ' ' ' I S.·Crop. Q;ecn1•d . ---.. --- .r G091N ·2· '~2-1c. Betty Crocker, Biseait 'BISQUIC P=CE 39~· ' . • ..... _ WI ~· . Aidea•11;Goldea Valley . . . : • I Chiesa . ood 2~7~c ; . :ift'" 2:. ~ ... 18'1 '-' ~~ • . -n-OS.ea&,. . . . . . ' . ' v1c~ .. s~~ -~~~e· PEAS ' I ~RE&H, t Rll~. ~RM ~ ~-, ... ·-~ r I l ,EJTUCE >2 =2-I c 11 I fl, "~oi·• '9c . ,. -. ~ auo "' ' '--------------~~ •• • -"' ' • ; • •• • • .. r:---"~ ........ =-~-~--------~----~.--~--~r.~~-,,.........-::--~....,.,.....,..~~-,.....,--~~-:~~~~~~~~If~?~~~"'>"'~~~~~m:;~~7"'""'~1~-::-::~~~".':-;"~~~~~ \. • . -~~~'....h. .. f · L l t r .. • -> • • , I , . ~·._, PAGE~ -.~!11 '~~S~AY;MAR."15, l:s.I ~: !. -~J:.'ius-~i ··-. ST.PAJllCi.m Wij1 ' / • • • • • JlilUIAIUl OUllll •• OUT!I -AoJl:I' 8~ , ~ • • • • -COSTA MESA: .. STATIONBS lie.DU.A. 11~N••ro..illh.t. .-. ' ·ARTHRITIS . Meumalic PAINS TURNU 'DRUG CO. • . ~ . t -~ '., ·' ~ ·.J. ,;. .... • 8-111,r ''"'""'"' at 'Olit . ; i .Scdoiuns !Ml ....S.-MewpGri Charles. I.aught n HM>or 0111 _ it<f'*to -pv( ID a t 6 . · R d" 1 -~-Ille ~ 0 IVe II In I , .... CWll.llns ._., a&' Ille 't 0 'd . t .... '01t1 &eOut bl . Newport • • cct . en. ~· . 8-cl\. " ·'!. • -TbOme Ha~ at Os:cl· Durlag U.... af,te...., BrGWrile .ieuta1 Collep ta alread°1 co pl&· 1 i.oop. In uni( nu 8Ull' -r. and 1y oold out for the &1>ecaruce on mar<:W \ci ·"-K• ·wttll lib:th-April 2 of Charlea IA•;=tor. day. peu1,. Ille ~ -In a procnm ot l'ftdlJ. ' the i ::..,.~~ ~':~~~ :r:e~t~~-ry-::~ box. wblcli . ved !lM _,. ,\he Thome B.aJJ Artt.1j ~ huj • whlch gou the World Priend-arranps"" addltlonal~l'&nCO ablp fllnd.. • or IAuchton .., the p~ua day, • M,ra. a.or Wheat of ,Newport Sunday, April ·1; at :J~P· ·m. I tlJaDd apo!ce , foreign doU. and L&uptdo•a Tbome qall .. ppm.r· -ed tile B I .. her exqulalte ancea /ari lll~ only Pt,ognpt•· of col ecUoa. . r of Ceremonies readtng1 that he-will--gtVe this 1 t wU-Mrs. -8 Ho~ and ions ........, In 't11e Lo8 Apples !net.ro-1 ' ldder waa a.. B&all William· pollt."b area. ~gh \h• Jllon~ay llOlt. 1 evenlnllf bowie la eold ~ut.: tick~ • Tbe ewn program wu open· for '5'(1nday anemOOJ) "a.rt at.ill . -. odf by Mn retl Nt1n9.n. com· •vatlabte, aocordl.ng tj> Manager m!alioner, w apoke on ·Juliette L::on, Ettinger. t Low and . w°lld [tiendahlp. Mrs. , 1 Sl 16 FINE ; ~ 1 Ted Ham0f'GC1k wu muter of Occidental Gire p tubl Ead Ra'ph· William•, .717 Weot AsSISTANCE LllAOtlE OFPICEU were ·~led ~l' a& 8t.: ,,__.,..,.... 11o ... b)' Mrs. ceennonJea "td c:&lled on ·olde. ~-SO, Rip ~bool Bal"°" DIV<!., pleaded guilty Vh>ataia CM~ rein-ataUve to tile liaUoul COW\cil. 'ileaW (left_ to !1Ptl' are: 'ftlrw. E. A. Crary, Glrl Scouta "?~ Mariners who aang , chargu nr dtwlk driving Jn N..W· vloe p....ia..t: Mrs. l'.djar R.· Rill, p-'dea&; MrL a-1uc1.-Roqtd-.., p&fftameetariall aa4 rotlr· special numbj>l'8 u each troop - port Bea.ell e!ty court Mon4't,y an•.:t • . Wu called ahd blrtJtday money ·-.. na~-•~~ Ille _l .... t: Mio. Marioe OU.mer, oe"""!I .ice p-L l!fud ac JIOft lo, rlpt) att: Mn. Doyle In -'l ' -wu g1v61 uie choice ot-1MP-yit1g a " ~ w.,, aga •· n. . tlne of $1T3 .or •pending 4-0 djY" Hatala. recordlq aecre&&ry; Mn.. Oeorp PfllllleY, lualor'adl>tlor; Mn,.. Rolud ~n.11..._ trieuurer and Speaker ot e evep.hig Wu MlA ..... t.--o.H • .,..._T ln j&ll. He was picked up o.t 8 M,.. Walter Fnu. aortt9pCH141.as aeerelar7:· * ' (Preu Photo) Barbara t...n n of O'endora who lr,,.••lu m. Monday on. Newpqrt Blvd. • ' . showed beau I colored alldea and BEACX>N t RACE TRACK -. COFFEE CAKE .••• 23~ , ..... 29c-.) ·' . ' ., . '~eYiMrt o .... ac· i.:. Assistanc_e League Zont.CI Club ;:~::.:.~'J:':",.:~ s:~i::~ ~: ~':' .. "=..:::T. ... ''"' LEGAL NOTICE ' LEGAL NOTICE '' t'VI W fl ternaU_onal *campment. _8eveo-F~;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;~~I ;;:;;;;~~ . CITY OF NEWPORT. BEAcri. Installs Officers,· Hears Report~ .. :do~~ H odspita/ J ~it~u~~;~ gt~~::::::~~ . I 'v STATE OF CA.L!FORNIA oys or . ' .... In closln~. •ll ,present l!&llg -BEACON HOUSE ~ •• ' -...;.~ ·' UNICED • ~ X~ICF. TO" CONTRACfOR8 '11\11 annual meeting. onee-a-ycarj 1 • Mcmber11 of Zo.nta Club of New-"Our Chalet.. nd "Beautiful Ban-CUSTOM INf:rERioru; • SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at th• olflce or the Cl!y gaihei;t•s/~ u.. entke N6-P'"' Advent"1st Church i>o•t J4rbor voted lo adopt a Boy'• n••·" • • · Clerk, .City Hall , City of Newport Beach, c,Jltonita. until 7 :30 o'ckM:k Beaeb AA' at.a.nee J..ea.«ue. found . WU"d toe one year at Orange Chalrman ii/ charge of the pfo-OFm YOU : 'ANGEL FOOD : •• 79'-~ P. M .. on -the 25th day of March, l&el, •t' Wbich Ume tbej will be ac~.~. stat&qi,, uaoclate and Juh· y OUng ·~eop-le , . ~Ut1t.1° Ho.plt..l, to turnt.'1 need-gram W1UI Mn. c. Wayne Crowl Complete Interior l:Jrt,corat.lnl' publicly o~ned and re:'!!::..f~rf~ll' work· ..... ~UoW'a: tor auxlt'-ry 'mem•-In ~y , H ~ ,_..._.-1ea 'or pletLMJre •IUld ex-of Corona delj Mar. -• -! CITY OF. ~t."Wt'U~ BEA.Ca CAL.IP'ORNIA .. ~~ e-b d ttrt~' " ..._____ Se>eci•li1irio iri , For doing c!ertatn work od Naviil .Mtne Sweeper .,prlng attire UAelhbled •t St. to e onore . camtort when they met at N • • OlA,EllES Uf'HOUTEllNQ YMS 4.fg after pla.ctng the ship on shore. , Jamee parl9h houae thia week to 00011 Tttll~ll)'. March 8th in Nor-~ISJ ~:eenqgers •EDSPtEADs eoa.,ice soxn NO 'bid will be received unleN it-is made on a proposal foi-m pect le:W off\C:era lnatalf.d at lhia Young J>e01>le of the Newport .to1t'J Cate .on Co8.8t Hig!'way, tor_ Are -~fem· SLI' covtas WAL.:,Aru furnished by the CJty Enm .. ~r: Each bid' muat .be '&,.---1._...Jed b·v mcettll ..• ~ . • ' .: ! • , Jielgbts St!vcnlh • Day AdventJet their .teJtUlar luncheon meeti.rig. r-f" fr••ffM Tr•c•• FUIN;TUIE . _.. ""lliUl.4lt-t• " Mrw. Vtrgtnl& Cutle.,.· lnstalllns church W1ll be-honored at apecl&I' ~ .... Muff! Howes tnvit('(j all -t.arqe !>election of f•b•icr- (ca.sh, certified Ol' cashlen check, or bidder's bond) made.paya61e to otffOer. m • brtet but" alplfleant ~e11"durtnir the denomlnatJoil'• metnben Ct Group Two to meet at • Loca1' Th-.-£-es . I (Reg.95<HJ «kW.'; COSTA MESA 1700 ~C\\"pDrt Blvd. CORONA DEL MAB 903 Coast 1ucbwa7 LAGUNA REACH 275 FoffRi AveeO& .. the City ot Newport Beach, for an &nlOUD\' equal lo at lea.at tep ~rernony·~m~ to· off&;.~ M'1'-world·widc!i Mlaklnary Volu.nteer l;l~i' ~home,. 181 Broa<twa:y, cmna m ~ 220 l!ACH ST.~ lA$UNA IE.A.CH 4-5~17 ( IO'k I o t the 11.mount bid. such f:"Uar&nly to be forfeited lhouJit the Edpr HW, pt'dident; Mrs. E . A. Week, Meq.; Monday evening. March I . ·' ::~~ct.to whom the oontract ls awarded ... fail tf!_enter into the Ctary, l•l vice-prealdenl: ·Mri. Mr. Kenneth B. Perry, pulor of ~8lh, to make plarui: ror the an-A recE"nt meet :ng in the of'flCf! M'&tlo o~r. 2nd vice-pl"dlftlent; the clmrch, wijl gtve 1. eermori du~ dinner mef!tlng to be h<' d of JOBCph Hamblet, Harbor high ln accordance with lh<i provisions ot SectJon 1770 lo 1781 of Mt a. Vlr~ .. !a Hatch. recordlnu •snl'O"fa.lly deYOtl'd to the p-blffllft ,.M~rch ZB'h. Mra. Howd"Ls host.csa vice-principal.\ brought together the l:a&bor Co'1e. the City Coun("ll ol t•-City ol Ne-rt" n---h hu e...... .,.. r--•v 11; lll'· I M-Ed~·· R Hill PTA p•esl '"" ~..-ocac secftt.a.ry: ;M.n. Watter rrans. :ind lnttteR~ o f young people, on tbr 00 OCC&.11 on . ..,. f!>-.. • • ' • L'!Ce-rt.alne<! the general prevaJllng rate· or )Vap.t ~Jeable to the correspondin.g secrct.uy; Mre. Ro-. Saturday, March 17th, U a: m ..• Mr3 .. Elste Hamploh, chatrman dent; "Mrs. BUit Pete"80n, juven· work to De done as follows: ,, , land Wrlglll trea.surer· Mn. R . &nd a t1n• program 1111 p'anned tor .of Nom·natlng Committee present-tie protection chairman; Mrs. Roarty Per Dlf!:m · · ' ' '--cd nameJJ ' r m •mber t fill Bo d Thomas JCJ115fo. motion plcturt• Cl&.!tfl:ltlcatltqJ :-\V Scale W R Hodgki.Julon, parllaJncntarlan Friday, March 16th, 7:30 p . .m . .,..._ ---l or "th 8 lo ar Chalnnan· Muon Siler Lido and ' •ire •P and· Mrs. George Penney, junior There will be ~lal music and a Y&CAllC ca or e ~m ng year, to •. . ' Carpenter .................................................................. 2.!0 18.80 UJ.ary ct i.c> . be vuted ~ al the annual meeting. Mesa tl)eatree: own r a.nd R, V. I.aho"ers . -. . ... ·¥···-. ··-··········-···· .. ···-······ 1.TI ·l.fl .00. •U& -il v r. . ~arge 8~:~~ young ~~ ..Mrs: MIJdred st&nlr,Y was t"lcct· 1 Cundiff. O\lo'l\er, o e Port theatre. A Ir Comp:·e300r Ope~~~ ...... .,.J".;.__.--·rfi·-;-·T· ~~ 1.&40 t ' ltcpot'ta He9.rd , -~o: preeent . o a.re ex~ ...... \lclPgatc lo San FNlncisco, These busy t!'"-were bent upon Structural lroOI \Vo~ker ..!..: .,,,,.·rr-'+.i .. ,.! ... " • ._J,~: fi'.aO 20.00 ~ttrh1g ~~ Mro. n . ~ ~ The Churc.h.'e "sh6re _ A~I •• 7 a.nd 8t;fl . to ptll:"nd Zonta discussing a problem wblcb hu Pump Operator .. ·-·•·:;;-~-···'···J·;.·"· .. .J.~---J·t·J-l._J..!,; Zoo ,.._8.40 HodgJtln1K1'f~~J-~esl annual nt . . · your ! IOtcm&UonaJ Spring eonrerencE' been brougtrt to their attention Painter. Brush . . ... ,. -----a. ... ;.-.J.l-t-~L4 ... !..~~ 2;a8 :1a041' f '~l frtltn Of.fic....W and commlttOf' r•lthl m.ovtmmt. whlc:Jt bt e:nlllt· ~ct IX Airs Eva. APpCn will and which concerned bolaleroua- Palnter, St eel and Bridie .. .. . ....................... · 2.50 20.00 heads tor the League·a a ctivities ng Adventiet youthR to. win their act u alter.natc. · ncsa of certain. atudenlR at week Painter, Spr-J.y Gun 0( San~•lallt•t ··tt .......... -'l83 '; '21.4>" tor September, 1959. to March. rr:rin;:r ~d nctg~bors to _'Chrl.!llt. Mrs. He'en'5tocklon rrporlcd on cn<t perform~cca in the theatres. Painter. Paint Burner -. ··tt ·;i.f.J .. L... . .... .i'l lao'f · Moq ; · :t9!'Sl . Mn. Ed~ar HUI greeent~ W'. tea.lured. een-agen.oi the t..ha Inter · City n1eetlng held In It was felt by all prese11t that Painter. Glazier ... ; l L 1 '-l .4 ... 1.:. 1 .......... 1 %'.t&; lT~tlf t ' Ute tmpreasl\ie record of Toluntcer :no"linJtlon •re studying-the Burbank. ·,Silt-attended wfth Mrs. this grollp or young people by no Tnd ustria{ P ipefittcr .. . ............................... 2.620 21.00 hours. atrved by a ctive •nd 8\UI• ble lth1 friends, conductlng MlldCed_ Slanll!y Mrs Letha Dro· melll18 repre1nlll {hf! wbo"e New-El t I . • 2 ••• 21 00 tal I . be d led lll t evangellllt c meetings, and carry~ . ~ . . v po t H bo A~-bet In ec r cian ·-.... .. _.,.. ., ·--~·r············· .. ··-·· .o... • . ~ ng me.pi rs an no a ift 1 . ~ and Mra. Thelma Paddock r ar r re&. 1.~r ng Plumber -Lead or eeMent• Cal.J'l~r . .'.~ .. : . -~-~-!. 2.1"51. ft.M th' total· bt 1-.319 hour• volunlar'· g on WO. far!! ,,rojecta .. a me•na Bope.'' • echool all week 1tudenLa are' apt Any ctamWicalion onMtled her.eiA.--not-HMM..th&A-l..&;. ' -. i.l)I doAalN '8 eeMMW,....,.-HPYMlf' 9C attarjilc.. t)lelr faJtb. _ -ztiftta g1{'Vc 8 Son voyag~ T ea I to feel th6...nkoo ot • ch&nge on All blcis are to be OOQl pared ~~--s ol. Uw 1C\ly Engineer"& Jn \he past Mx months represent-J\ccorct:ln1; to church youth lea4· f8fM.1'8 'Jay -suthertand d•ughi.e r Friday and gf.turday. However, In estimate or the quantities of work to be dOne. ~ · ed •n actual tot.al of 918 l"lg ht -ers. the JOO.OOO membert1 of thl') o(:.. Zo!JU&n Rulli Psdd~k Gibbs I the Uieatre tbt'y ahould not tor· _ No ·bid w111 be-accepted from a U:mt}:aCl~r "''ho' tin.s ,\Qt· b--n hoUr-dllys contr;buted to Le•gue <tenomlnalloR'll MLM'onary Vokln· 8Unda,)t atlernoon .March 11th. g et lo be cqnalderate of othel'"J'Pl licensed in acco1rtance with the jlroyUions of Chapter 9. Dtvtston pi Pr<1ects and othe r orlO'.an lullonlt, ~r eocietlea al' over the world are rrom I to 5 at lh~ homC of Mra'.; vie'l{lng the plcture, eapecially the ol Bu~in@'.ss antl Profes:!Jionlll Code. · • .. • among them Red Crew;, Commu-urutl~g ln a arpecjal wee~. of prayer Mt.ldred St.a.nifty, 9 ~neon Bay, group of glrlll' (fourteen or fifteen ..,. Plans ma y be seen, a.na Jorms_ pt p.roposala. bonchi rontract. an.d ntly Chest, PTA and youtb organi-and .spirltuaJ emphasis. Newport Beach., Mi!lll •Suther· years of age who have been out Sf"9Cifiratlons may be o~talnod ·.~t ~ pffice ot the City .Engineer. zatlons. 1and'A ·collcctlon or art objects. of order. The theatre owners wen,> City J-{all, ~lty o r Newport Bea clt. CalitO~a. ... Roport or Thrlrt Shop ncllvltf{"ll,, C:anasta Luncheon handcraft and antlqut'a froru Jap· cx.ceptipnaUy FOOperatlve and t\&Ve \ The ep-clal attention or, pro~l~ blddera i.s c&lled to the preaeoted by Mra. Tht.rlllU...'$ Rult•r, t w It H •... an and Korea . were oli dl:ipltty. suggcet.ed lhal any dlaturbance "Propoonl ReqUirements and Condit.tons" &l}Oesed to the, ,blank form chaJrman, emphui.ud that thl.a e a ace ome MJl!e Sut.berla.nd le&VE".S the end of be reported ~ the mapagemenl of prcposal, for full directions as to b~dding,et:c. _ pri'!.clpal 1;.eague endcavo~ ope-rat· A., congcoioJ Kaf.bor llrtt atx-th.e month by p'ane to New York immediately ao that they can cope The City of ~ewport Beach reaenea the rt&'tt to reject any ot lng on a tour-day per week hula where '1te takes the Queen M&ry with the problem . all bids. provtded a l!lleady flow or funds for BOme enjoyed luncheon 11.0d an ar-tor Auitra.Ua. to be married lo Parenf.a of ~ewport Harbor are CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA local charitJea ~ well as cont in-t.ernoon ot canut.a la.st week in Captain H. M. Bob.le' of the Aut-ukcd . to cooperate with theatre c. K. PRU:S1'. City Clerk. ued opportunity for thrifty harbor Ult' home of Mn. Ray WaUaoe. Aq Lra.IJaA Amiy. .owners and Ole PT A and ~ool Dated: t.1'arch T, 1951: resident. to purehue at low coat arrangement of Jonquils tonned ~· committee b~ attending the local No. 6~3----Pres:;. Publish JKardt 8-15. l~l. aeeded Item. ot family clQ~J ng the table centcrplrce. In tbe · ~ theatru on .. r1day and Saturday _ and houraebold gOOt"ta. gatllcrlng were Mine1. HOmei-Mel-('lghtR to detfnnlhe lhe extent of CITY OF NEWPORT BEA.CH Welfare Wotk lolt, Way~ Plckeri"I', M. J'. Hoe-'t.b.e problem ~d to form optnio"8. STATE OF rALIFORNl.A t eUer, Sam D. Crawford and Wa,... Ad .. Vi« tn the matt.er-and recom· ,._, Reminder that a deep rw>rt110nal -e~-1 I M Pl k In ---!..'....:.. l NOT~.E TO (,'ONTJlA.croRS lnter.•t la t.Xen in lhe pl"'r~blem.:t • .... cq 0 · "'· c er g .cv~ rnendationa l'f!gardlng it will be SEALED PROPOSALS will ~-I ed t ••· olfl f th Cl . .,. high. Mra. C'tawford won Mcond w: elcome. 'I . ' ,,.. rece v a uOIPll ce s> e ty of famllieR and lndlvidu.La 11ervf"d prize and Mra. Mellott wu low. _ Clerk. City l-lall. City of Ne.,wport Beach, CaJitomla, unµJ 7:30 P . M:., by the hard . worktnr members ot ' · ' - an the 26th day of MaJ'Cll. l'6l~ at. wtUch ·time !bey wtJI be. pub~cl~ Vie Welfare eommlttee, WU cvl-F'na· f p ans _~i.: opened and n;ad. tor 'Perfb~ worki ¥ roll°"'"' . denced In ulu; repc>rt or Mto. Rob-Cooked Food Sefe .. f '. i TUI" ' CITY OF m:WPORT BEACH. clLIFORNIA ert Walk••. cbalnnan. In llle total et Belboe Island . . • Seuion .. F or tte do(l-l't.ructlon ot Concrete Bulkhead Uld of 51 cueis reported u recelvtng Plaeing~MS 4t9 on""Shore. .,.. ~ta.nee, tbe type of be.Ip g-lven Plans have l»ttn comp'eted by 'f Collrege No b{d will be recelved unlesif It ta made Ob a . p\.oposal form lndlcaled that actual~ many .more the WSCS of the Bal'°-llland ll tu:mlahed by lhe.!City..Xnw:tneer. Eacb ,bkl muet ·be accompanied by lndlvkluala thaft 61 be•ellted. Community Mothodlat cla\frch tor," tea.sh, certtfled or cashier-a check, or bidder'• bond-) made payable lo The committee made" 84 home cooked food,_... to be "'1d nqra-Final p'an for Coaet Collese's the Cit.v of. Newport Beach1 ror an amount¥ equal .to at Jea.at ten calle and gave auch varted eer-day, March 22. •tarting at 11 a . m , 1951 Summer Seaton are f'.lellring per cent NO~ I of the amount bid e:uch -guaranty to ·be forfeited vtce. u : Rent paymCnt ror 2 tamt. a.~ Bo&tdtn&n'• market, Marine &Did compleUon, rdlng to Dr. PUJ ahoulfl .tf\e bidder to whom the contra.ct 1-awarded fall to enter 11~.about. to be evicted, aa!fted Balboa AVenuee, Balboa lal&.nd. 1· Prteat.'.B · er !Wuion Direc· · Into t.he cOntr~L .. · • 1 with c.u payment on home fOf' tor. Regiltr on wt1J be can-Ied ·Di-accordance with the provisiona of Secti()n 1770 to 1781 of the wf'dowed mother, &.rranged tor ex· CLA88MATJ=S \rtslT _, v on durtnc-the! week.of June .U-15, Lebor ,_Code. the City Council of the City of N9'6P0rt Beach has amln&Uon Qf a child by a fteuroJo. Remlntacenca .wue ln Otder wllb ctassea ~encing•on J\lnf' uoertalned lht. general prevailing rate ot waie• applieable to the g:Ltt. cionat,.S. a hOllpltal ~ to a when Mr.. ~· ot A.bl-8. No c:laa Ill be held 00 ~·ed· "(Ork. to ~done a.a foUows : family with three lhvalldB. Slx.-lenc~ Tnu, Y.al&ed Mn. Thom.Y., neaday, Ji)Jy ·, but lo&t tlrne \'."Ul • Hourly Pei-blem teen cue:a were uatated with •P-.Keating, l2S Monte Vlata St., . • be replned Saturda).-, Ju!-y 7, •l Vla.lftcatlon Wace Seale Was' pUce.tlone le> oU'ler private 'or pub'.. Costa Mesa. l_t ~ t.be flrlt time MQ. SUNICE D'EAH which Ume c ~ll ;.n~t. Carpenter ....................................... ~·-·······-·-········ ~'8 18.80 . • Uc agenclea and rp.any other needt' in lhl'ee years that the trlendlr.hatl C l!jf. 'r' b 1 ' Yid.The summ -F otr,rtng wW pro- Piie Drive• Foreman ................ : .......................... 2.78 22.24 penona ~-foOd, clothlng, f«Jl ~ach other. They wet• c...... • 111 ; c lJ WOman · ocb:,l.an ~::: ::.,.~~~ Pt.le Drtver Man~Brld~ or Dock C4J'pente.r .,lo.. z:u 19.84 tumlture and to,... mates at NUJ"9Q' Tralnlng 8cbool , 5 "-.. - Pll• D•lver Man-0.nick Ba•pman ......... :.-.. 2.tb 18.40 -.., Tea Plaas at Hendrick Kemor1&1 HocPI~ to :AddreSS th•I• acho<>I · By attendlni: thlo Cenlent Flnl!iher ······· ···-'···········----·-········-············· '"'2.38. 19.04 ... -t . Abilene. Mra. Kea.Un. .. .recepa ~ 'A s8umrner lotf and . the 1~2 Re ~ouncmien wu made b)' ti · • • ummer ion. enrollees m a y ' lnforctqg lr<>n Wo•ke• .. _,_ ......... : .. ___________ t 2.38 19.04 Mrs. Joaeph Beek, cbalnnan at onlat r.._. Dr. L. G. Nelaon, 1:111 ro menca. acquire the . A. rk,,..n,. In one 1 l.$rers, c;:;eneral or Construction ·············-····· .. 1.7& _ 1-1.00 Wltalninl' embera. ot 1ana for 1E. 11th St., Colta K-. , , .. . · ~d one·ll.&lt yeara. ~rutu atu. ~fc::an ...... · ·· ..... · ......... ··· .................. : ....... ~ 1·73 14·00 the annual Ce Tea J be gt•· · . Mm: l!:untU .Davy ,Dean. or dents who "" ic~ deficl· a cltman .. .. ... .. .. . ....... ··········-·······"·"--· 1.87 13.36 •D by thla gniUp on April '10 1'1 Arl'END PLOWD 8HOW • d~~ Will .,,.alt OQ 'Tll• Pro-...,.,,.., or .., """" la1ten: 1 ..... tiuln . Apprentice Enctnee•. Including Flrem.;n, . . , •• . ,,.notlt th Thrift 811 · Mr. and Kn. Elmer Clark and jded ,13&1 Am~ent" when oor-=roaJ, le k>eda U• ·b~a' le> Oile•. drease' ...................... -... --.. -·-·--.' WM 13.« -;lln. ~k1-~ ~ • daUgbt'ez 11\far~t of 24,-i Or-memben or Pl)> Am•J1ca m~l ro, ~pie~ U uch as 7 UIUto -dl&f': Air Comp'""""' Operato• .. ····-····. ····-...... -.-2.06 1'.40 uijb'rni 111 Yel. ,,,;:;;• 1 Jn anp ·Ave., coat& Keaa. wtnt <4> II!-.~ t1mv In their pel"Q\&lleDt i;g\Iil• 8111 eek porlocl. ... Concrete ML-.r Operatol'-Sklp Type ..... -......... 2.18 17.H ~ loyal _:.::.., aol ;;'edged ll«IODdo Bnch , "i:-lll'. Whenr ,,-. Gt aiOeUng ~ Hall eou.-' Heavy Duty Repa~an ....... ___ , .... ,, .. _ .. __ ....... 2.llO 18.40 lien In ~°=:f..~rz;:;. they rint t!IM•t ~of Mr, aftd 111, 11...,.,_ A:,. ... Corona c1ei ' b t;: oil-I~ a Wl<le Pump Operato• ...................... _______ : .• _ ........ -2.!>f' 111.40 Uvtl;la WMle...:U.,, h Iha. AMII. <:INll • ..uleTwaraa tM JW.. 00 "'1<1&1 "10~ al 10:00 ~&e ol au ~~~ ~:;i:: Tractor Operatol"-Bulldozu, Tamper. Scraper, , er IJ'OUP . attendlld the lnteru.tkmal L m, )b.reh 21.. . .. ""'-" ~ - o• Dl'8'< Type Shovel or Booin AltacluneDta ~.ao 18 40 1'"" of -· Grater.I ac~-no-r -ID !al.__. , . .> .. '." ~--· ruatllematlca, for.Ip l&aguass. · . lcdg-"'t J&a mado for the Ir>-• --....-' , ....,.._., ....., long been acUn· J;:ngllall. and 181 ooleocea Tiie Trenching Machine Operatbr ~-~·--·-.. --. 2.38 19.IH t....ud support ol l&lnlng and · llY a+ndited' Wlih the catlfomla lblUt ·-of ~ ' Unlve.sal Equipment Operator (Shovel, Dragllne. -la&e bo .::: f U.0 t ' BIJl'l'llDAY CSLElllU.l!f'I. ~ or WomeJl'a ctu'bi baY· ~ y .,00\l"-de- Denicll, Demck-Barge. .Clarn0bdl0rer....., :i.no 20.00' •ta ::;::' "' or °" ·. A ..,.Clal blr-y ~ -tng .,.-.<I 1woi,....aa botll llle . '-~ .fO't young "'"" Dnvoro of Dump Truck• ot lua. tban ·6 Yart!a '' ' • • fMl!og '"rd ot ~-t by Nl<ed fdr Dia a.& Ill' --!; ·~· .... adote -ril. s•· WfU ~ho ~.-• ...... Ill 1111> ~ w · ... .. · 1i. tlM!l 'ifW:Uot' amrwary, crid.lted ..•• J_ • G u j • ---. • • '~ fcrrtw la be:bri ·1w:n care-. ater Level _ ........ ,. __ ....... -.. , .... -.. --.. ·-· U3't .tt. ... 1 ..... oat ~tkbeet .;._._ 111 aua. • .. i-11ers of ~-.... . t -. re&U41nc l\d bid . • • . A:Jly Claailicallon omitted herein. not .... Uuul J.17 • 1§.88' -"" •-r awt • ~ for ber ~ ~ wu Wi ..-.. U>at .....,, .tlal lnteT<9L . ' 'T "" flMl' ~ All bids are' to be com...,...i on .tlle l!jwda of the City ~a ~ la ~ N•llopai 4.olrlatance e.l«r-t.d oa 'llatUrdq. :x..' '-~·n&--· ...w bo llrlei-~~ .....,...a: 8-lllUT• uUmate of the qllAnlitiea of ...wit to be -. · ~ • ' qw • .Ii ~ -at~ Mn. L1o7<1 lhhnt. w Da11d \,. 4l*i' 5 '"7 ·-. 1 •A.rUroU l' ' de • Qrl tbo 11111 llmD· • lio bid w\11 be aecepted ti'om a COii~.~ bu -not --•• .... -~ -..,. ,..... -'la Ill<! -to ~ £ "-"" ot. tk _, mcr . will be aftllohto lo 11eenaec11n a<eon1anee with!!'"~~ q.apter • .. DI-m ,.,,,.:-: Bode -1IT ..ioy tJio. odCl"I. \ ·• -,lrlio ...._ ~ 1n t1>e the . , • of BnalnHs and~~-. ' • 8 "' tJie .,_ ' "• ll.•-...,. Of o--t an Bib-' T Club , # Plaha may be lieen. 'and for'INl!6t.pot 11 ... tlOD4' tastnct. ad ..:: A 1 ..:-a;.o: ~ :t GUWJI OI' pw•• i YI tts'tt laft&J :. alUIDd. 'J'be ~ ~ 8' . ER.WOOD'S . $10 TABLE ~M~ $4.95, Many Below -COit There are word!!i ad. couragoous they li\·e fort'\·er In the m1llda of men. R.emeqitwrt ," "(;1,·c me LIBERTY or ,1,-e m"' Df;,\nt:" \\''e need 700 today, Pat. ... ' . ' Stand b3· to -eJ"n.8b ?" AU the \\'orld u.tute5 you. Captala. '"Thia da,r ahal~ thou be "'ith mr In l'aradh;r." The ~t.er or pKU"&g-e_ 1 _ . In Spring'• ros llnJt 8luufe, bt"hlnd 80rne di!lputed barricade. " I keep 1& rendcz,vo'f• wlth l>t•ath, m ,y plf"d~ \\•onl la true, J ' kMp that rendezvous. ApolnJif's to Alan Seeger. ~ ' FURNITURE -1lFJ,'S -A:R~ -JEWELRY -BALBOA • , ' ·, ' ·REDDY 111owAn . i· I . . f'f 5enallt of tile, C.1llrJ ' rm • busy little atom! I split myself iJ1 two!. . ! I I • I multiply al 'many times as.I have jobs U> cloL . I I .. I " ' 1n·~I -, winter._ spring or 1~ . I ·.rm ~r ev~ hour; · Justtpj a ~tcb and watch me zip · Witl lipt or beat Of' power. -. . ~... ! ..... .. • ~~t;r 7N~~~~ ... ;:-~-U.. City-.:••"· ~ ..,,," .,._, • .....;-v .... at~-:.:::-=·==:-..: I;':"":. -:.:..\tr.: St. p· Darice Tbe llj>eClaJ al.t.en1¥m of J>l'•~ft --' Ja. -.. tbo -~~OZ5r' p ~ ~ 0.;:: at. --,..,,. M ..... g ilto.. I 9 ' "Pn>-1 ReQucreme.nu an.i10onc1111oaa• u·aac1 t<r °"' -~ -, ••. --:w_ ....... ,11>11 -·.:... .... _ , ... • .~ -~ ..-"IOUTHI I( i!•LlfOaN·I,; ofp1-1.fortullcllreoll<laa~--1ar;oto, -· · • 1 llata __ ..._ ... •Y• -.-• ·--.,..,.... -•.a.,,.. !'\.. .. on.. Clt;r "' N.wport r ... tbo l1PI to ~ ..,, "" -·· --11 I 1 . «*~DH •• ... -·· ...... .. ... t ••••o ... COMlll_A_ NY .r . all 'blda. . .-if• •• • • 1-:1a 8'1WI .. at. ... u._ a.-Y a I .. do 1T1~::::· Aaa C ••» f". , .. C.ILPlUSIT,~.Clortt -1• .. Ill"* ...... 111 & ~-~--·~ ....... -._,!IF ----- • I • 1 : ·' J I .• ' CDT or hiiWPOllT lw•Cli. ~ Mr._ ...... 1. ~ ._ ._.. -0. Yf, It -Ill~ .. = ... I ·1 ~ ..... -II-. llt.,. --j' · -. i:r.i.d: Karell 7,"U&L''' Sllil ~ .,._ • r 1 -._ __ .,,-.. . ..._ _.•..., __ a. .., 01ssp ~ -llr. - JIO. IM-Pftu. Jiu1i11a1s -•Jl:.ltll,; . , • • .. ....-:a "'9 ...... -o& • , .. _ • I . . -· Jira.-·#~ of ..... "8L ~~~~~~ttt~~tj-;::~:t~~~~~~~:t~~~ " -f -----~· • -4' ' t • • , • • • • • ' • , . • ,. .. < , ' • I .. ' •• I • ' ' • • ' . . · u-.. "•" w°"''" D:.1. ' ... ~~I o ...... Hec;e . UM ' . . P• .. c F ·._ ~A.rtr il -lHussoAY.MAR,fs.19s1 Plan· , ~ f"-II. •· ... -~~:Puss ~ 4.! . , RICHARD-F. ·ALTMAN\ ll. D. PfJYBICUN and SURGEON . .AnnoUDeee hbl return to .§1 , . OUlfonla. ....... "' ...-nn \llu•' I I.A . GI ll'-.,... -. ac 1r-..ao ,. .. ~r nat ·UllC L ' Beac' h =:a) at .. _ ~ ~ 4 ..:.. '1!11* tW•::: .. rt"CH Ong _,,,,,; -.. Dr. -........... 1), .. oai•--iM .. Of an... OoMt ODii .... * ~ """ v z .... · • , . poet •tr-~ ~· !lie WW fo ·-0.111· Oluq llt'o Ne•: A .... flal " II ' · Tbin •WQ IN ..;•n•Uoe Of f1i. ~ -U.. Air ,._ W _ • ._ '11 IM Mew,,......:o=11111 -.. -cl 1>1-lilwa """' tu.---• u al!*-~ b9e rwlm lta to..._ Pllt" t r. ~ ....... dl Juw .,..,. WUdl. -.. ~ami Prif t 1' 9' 0-.._.. •• • • • -at. - 3018 WEST NEWPORT BLVD. 'o.o.p ·IL~8MHW, po 111._, .. All wo"•~ --~ cr.oiu., Aea Belt: W-0.. -,, w......_ n. c. .. 1:xe..u.. .nun.,."'""°"' -lllcillle -. ne ~--,_ ot ~to da,ee 'u ~ •Ylted to attom. ~ ilaltl! ~ ~·Iii la -ot nei,... ~ l.olllS Briel!. . mq Iii lli84o at tllo ol!!b. ~· -Wr ......... · -"°- WABHUIGTON, o: C. -P1au ---, l!ld . IW U. ,.._ ror a new N191 lloopltal at 1-J a ·_ Cf b p • · Wl>lcl! tllo COUDIJ -wlll ·•-. lU lleaeh, wt11cb Will provide .-n .,.4 .... ys u . ro9rem ., · -. '·· " • tre.tment rp. a11 c1opon<1enu and for Eeafer Weelt ,,.!,::f.io eom,.=ui:'..~ ":: Navy pe.raonnal wtthln .. ~ area -· • 1!'"1""" · • " of th• Naval -.., 1'enlW1aJ U&ll!Gt "-BoJO' e1u11 'hu -and Aeada SL. lataM at &.•-• NEWPOR:l' BltACH Offlce. Phone Harbor J 140 loland. have b<e1 mmunloaUd i:upt_;a 'flll1 ~ ot t.ner polltaa Wat"! Pi'llllot 1-i--. '; +----------------------1o COngreuman Clyde Do.Lons ~ W-'ieUYIU.W~ witli uie to ta., ~ ~-Ai.,ort. Lons Beach by Rear AdmlNI H. Slillrdaf bUl!ot!'aU 11M!9 at µe A~..,_ W.·H. l'flc- HELEN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. . 17-4 I Announces the Openlnc or Her Office at - SUPERIOR AVE., COSTA MESA ( Forme~y Ne$rt Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAECOLOGY OFFICE PH. BEACON MOS RES. PH. HARBOR 3064-W L. Pubh, Chl•f of tho Navy'• su . .t.al"\!a .,; .tuni., Ud ...,th\"" llad complained _111a1 the PO"P.", • roau of Medicine and SUrpry. 1111 • K~ with a ......... •1 -l·tutall«I -·--:..~ to The plana will have ..-elf.et of lllka tor all JQalon: ~ •• ao • -r. tbal lllalll · '!M conceatratl.;g ·medl<;al f&clllU. 1n Soy.' Club DJambon ·I'>-tot tv.it -· ud be -.\)lit told the Long Beach area to an ex\enl Dlpoy-.t~ and, ~Y 'lo 'I~ """'-• compaa7 •l!OUt I~ M n•ver befo"' r<&Jl%ed the.... tho 4lb Annual overnltllt·~ ,tlie "!'lttt-wanto U.. llM1 11'"' ~ The new N•vy hoapit&I plan car-camp !or all Boy.' Club ...-lleTo -·· Ia f'Ol1m1 fiw It, tlle, _._ Mee the appr6v&I of \he Medical 11 yurt of age and oldu. Satur-Cff1ll_ will .,,... to ...... Ill.., Polley Council, ·and 1.rf It. ronna-4e,y Mai-ch 24 ta lhe blc" Euler wafer, aervtce to the IJrpo~ tbue Uon It ha.s had the cooperatkln of en hUDt, vacation . f14la. • rnaklnr the' twp .me.. avalialtle the Bureau of Budget. The~ MW' l.natMd ot tbe bne wt&1ch the coum- 1 ho1p<tal Is. Intended to handle' 511115 Damaw' ty nuw lo nnWllllr. Navy cu e!! without the necqirity ...-· _________________ __. ., patients gol•r 1o Oc•anald•. for Newport c~ Ar·r·est -y-:~_ . 1 CaJft . The pJan la now bf>fot'e the · ~ Ulll'ID Dt-1)3.rtment of D efense. Dam & & t • lot&llng $28,Zoti.o for ' were demanded fn "1uperior "ourt ,..I/MA n..rt LAWRENCE 1<. GUNpRUM. M. D. A"1 NOUNCES THE OPENJNO OF ms OFFICE AT 1741 SUPERIOR AVENUE. COSTA MESA Formerly Newport Avt-. PRACTICE LIMITED TO • DISEASES or t he EAR. NOSE a.nd 't'HROAT and ALLERG Y OFFICE HOUR S: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY By Appointment O ttiOG Phone Beacon 6608 Residence Phone Harbor 1030 Mon•y for Hotpltal # th1e week by Ema. M. Go:dt!ni who • · ~· . • Mon~y fo r lbe hoap!l&l'• con-wu lnjured. In 'a Newport Beach Fin eo.t.a... Mua.1 yoqlJlliil , were s tructlQn w ill not be available un-au\Qmablle C<lllllion 1ut Jan. 11. &JTMted by Newp0n poUce Ulla t U &tt er July and the new f&ctllty Htt cbmpl•tnt ap.lnst P'red and Wttk. Of\ crand theft auto 'cb&rpe who~ contemplated 5Jte WAI not Rhea ·i:lalnt! Redman alle(ed ~· ,atter one ot. the boy• ~qecH_;y announced today, 11 p :a.nned to ~ waa d_rfvi.ng "f:ut °" Cout Hwy. stole a' ca.z-trom Balboa rrtda7, c;if a ala:e Jar~e e.nou'h to handle between Marine SL and Ba1•kfe owned by Kipp Soldwede.I, 119 V flll perronn.e? and dependent cues Dr. when her auto WU ln colDalon Lido SoUd.. ~though It "\vfU not be.. u larg\ with one driY@n weat by Redme. The nve we~ ta.ken \nto cul-. u the Long; Beach Yetenn.a hoe-She a&ld. the •ufrered multlP.lt tody by San. Diego pol!ce Batun.tat pttaJ which la to conUnue tune-[J\jurkea tnclUdina to ~f ~ and atter they o\lftrted· the cu oc· tlonlng In Its preae-nt status and tplne, for wbkb ahe uJ(ed W ,000 cup.led by lbe youtha flttad the magnitude. geAttal-damage.. and "569.50 tn deecr1pUaa. or lhe car dflKl'lb4td In Announcement of the new boa-•pecJ.a.I upenaa tnclud.lnr medt-all-point.a bro&dcut put out by pltal crowN long and succeaatul cal treatment, &Dd la 'llddlUon Newport poUce. efforta by Congnuman Clyde ~-IOU•ht "'°° for damage to ber car One or the youtha wu Dt.nlel .--------------------------, Long or the 18th CIJ1fornl& rn.. and 1150 for loa ot It.is u.e. Pera, 18, 20P9 Hamilton St. Coat.a trlct, to care for Navy need• ot Meea./ The othen -~ IA H• SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION IN CALD'ORNIA ft& •10· ··FURNJT~E C'~& Pads8RecoTen ALUMINUM e REDWOOO. e KATrAN e WBOUOUT :WISGS • l 'MBRELLAS • BAIUIJ!:QUES HOUSE & &ARDEN . Op<'D Friday Nlgbi. and J!WM!aya moN 811 COAST HIGHWAY NE\VPORT BEACH 4.!4 per 100 YELLOW CALLA LILIES 30¢ (a~e bulbw ... ···-················ ....... _ .........•.......................... ~a. TV~~s:.~!°f!!Z: buJINI ..... ... ..... . .......... . ....... ~a.-40¢ DAHLIA B ULB.q Cholrt> "'a.rft>tlH onl.)~ ....... ...... . . ................. . 5 & 10; Nursery 1.C 121 So. Nf'Wporl Bl\'d. TUSTIN Cl.-1 Tllunday SOUTBCOAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPEClFICATION ' READY MIXED CONCRETE ~ Weot ~ Cbtot•om N~ ull( llutio• Blv'-) .A '···;~j~' .. 1~'1;~; .•• ~, ... ::(! .. tt'. • • SHINGLES , liq-. SPEC. HEXAGON SHINGLES .. 7.20 11.92 THICK BUTT SHINGLES .. 9.11 7.60 ~-1 ROOFING Rea. SPEC. y 90 lb. ROOF -·· ·-······---·--3.67 t .90 'M lb. ROOF .. _ .............. -3.oe 35 lb. R.OOF ········ . ......... 2.60 2.11 Willmlngton, Ban P~. Lone c II t Ad t l'Tom i• to 17. Police Mid tl!e 11· ~=~~n ~~ n~~~bo~:~h 00::~ 0 ege . 0 op ~:r-:n:Oyoo~m~~ed~~n~~ Angf'fes lfarbor aec tlon. D f aware It waa •tq)en and aided tn . OHlO GtlESTS e ense Program eb~f~~;!c; p:lr =~~ Mr. andt 1o1rt. Leo A. Lee, 2&5 I wenl to san DJeco SUnday and Broadway. Coata Mesa, have been .. The Junior Collel"e• or A.mertca returned with the five youths to entertain ing as thei r houae ClJeala have unanimously adopted and Newpon city JAii. Ttte 1uven11ea Mr. and Mrs. J . Clark Marlette or presented lo the Conrreu of the were taken to Juvenile hall, police St. Mary's, Ohio. United State.a a plan Cor naUona.J aid. SoklWedel wu noWled h\I r===========:J<!etenae," stated Dr. !Saail \I· t"c-car wu In runnlnC'. order and ·to WAUPAf'ERS All New ll5l htteru c:-n.., .. ,.,...... • o...~ HOUSE ' GARDEN 511 Cout. HWJ. Newport lleM.b • Water Healen- F.RVICJ!: '\ REPAD18 . Joe B.ddtJJ AuthortMICI Dealer Day ~ Nlcflt Bea&f!lra Tt•ws 10\ Do.it o• •II Kl>.t•'1 Phone Harbor tM!· W teraon. pre•ldent, Orf-l"ge eoaat recover It In San Otero. College, upon hl.8 return from the convention of Junior coll<""ge11 In Dell ~es. Iowa. "The basic feature or the pla.n provides lbat young men be gtven the opportunity to continue t heir education at the &a.ffh! tlrr1c they are rece lrin&" mllltai)I' t:ralnlnc." l!lks fo Sponsor Relays at l.ac)una AnnoWlcement of the flrat an- nual Orange C'Ounty Ellu Relaya Satwrlay, Man:h .u ... ~ Beach Hta-h school ....,.. made by meet ch&irman John Ward. t.ra.ck conUnu9d PeleT90n. "'The collCC'f!9 an op~ to dt"aftlJ\S' men prior lo ~11chln1" 1811' years of age and J\re convinced tha.l th1: welfar>! of coach at Santa Ana coJle«e. (kl; nation depends or the con-Deslcnated u "Elka ~aUonaJ ! :nu<.U'f trtilr..lll' of mer. fl.nd wum-·Youth Day," the Elka ·~r9d en ln otht'i" n eldl bn!df'~ the mW-Euler week event la bel:nl" held · u part ot the Natk>nal Youth Program of the Grand Exa.Jted Ruler, Jo!teph B. Kyle. Twelve Oranae county hip 9Cl'lool1, Santa Alla colle,., Or- &nge Coal!;t coUep, Fullerton J unJor coUece and the El Toro Martnea, are eJ1:pected to aend repreeenlatlve tea.ma to compete in &JI relay events ud neJd event.I on the prornim. according to general chairman Ward. La- guna Beach htch achool and Coach Maurice "Red" Quyer will host lhe meet. Bob Eaatmall, Newport Harbor \Oq'e wtU head one of the committee.a. -• • • • Ii ·o· 1eti~ . -~~ORMERL_ l'. NU-LU l 'ACTUAL VALUE 64' ~ , I ' i ' I • ' yes, absolBoutely frQuiee .~~ 0ad~ts ;while <;ipplia Jut, a ~pint. can of ~ous . yseo · ..:a.· rytnl!I Enamel. Maay beautiful colors to ~oose fro~! N~g to buy fir 10 p~y! No obligation! Jwt. come m and get u! This.JS a bona tide ger aqiuainted offer. rou'll enjoy using~~-Jd-~Jm~~nameL You'll like the other•line products m the Bovten lin . ·~1 d 'i be t .. , _ , . . , . .. . . " .. ;~. , """' "<I .Jlltt 0 VWt OllZ new store wliile tills PREE offet isJn ec:L · ; -. I ·' .,, SU TIO:' NJ!: II~ N• ·-PJ<JTUBE · ' . . A NEW, W~Rt.~ -,OF · COLOR · H ite Beautiful ~·a famoua.t'Pace-~tter1~J l:i,ouaa, an ultra-modem paint factory, making ma&ic w!th exciting ew .colot,s, ~.ll _f~oua Ostwald "color world," . I actual step-by-step, crea1 Ol\ o_t ~~~color acheme:. e ¥.SHOWJNGS-FRIDA ·EVIi! ~ 7 aad 8 O'CLOCK • ..... __ _ • ., lb . ROOF ....... 2.19 I. '78 Mesa Permits Total $202,471 "' 11 a ••n• i • . REDWOOD POSTS ReJ. --····--··-····--· ................. 72 ···-·-······--·················· .84 3..'l'-6' lx•-T' 3x4.-8' ... ·----········ ·····--······--·--· .96 4x4-4' ····························-········ .91 4x-t -7' •. ······················--·······. 1.12 <x4-8' .......................... ,_. ________ 1.28 SPF.C. •. so .70 .IMI .80 .91 l .O'f • HARDWOOD FLOORING Bel'· \O x2 No. 2 common -.. $186.00 CEMENT 90¢ SACK 1.,(>ANS * SPIJO. su.11.00 Bo"'°"' up to SUOO ,.,._,....a. CU lie -!• ,... lllV f1x. , . tllf"Mi, palllt&as. rootllis. ekcbldl ft.Xbuel, • AQ remndr-.. Open All DoY Sofc;;day OPEN 9 to 1 4111 IUNDAY .. TllJ!:SJ!: PRICJ!:S GOOD AT ~ 01' UlllC Wft& ~ AD 'llu& 11 te......... . . l1ac• .5681 • .. .. LUMllR CO. i40 I:; •l'Hll 8t. ' --· -·· .... _ UJ4 2 f . • • • • 8ulldln&' permit. tG; 23 bomeo RECUPE&ArD«I were INu.d 'fOC' .J.h• Costa :u. .. Ha~ Wlll!amoon oVlMOMlra· area Iii the put !DOil~. · • ., . Ucenoea panted by the Onnp • mar Dr., Balbos, tovner nit'l'W ot 90Wity buUdms departmont ffd Newp6rt 8eacl!. lo ""upei:-Unc-~ the area totaled U02,T'1 In Yalu- hil .bonte trom a ,..nt lllneu. Re atkm. \ . - returned lut Wffk f.-a lt'.c!ay COa.otrut'tion 'lO"'° of $10,000 or my In -uie U. s. Naval -llacpll&I. more ,..,. -,. lour of San Dl•p. Re look m •bile l!laj-tho dwelJ!ns ponntta 'fbe - In&' Oft the ·-I De&r l'Uu wve talle out by 1(1& M#W! Sprlnp and W.. mo-to San H. wunun for 1 1oo-+iui at· Dlel'O fOf" treatment. ~ed. swap at" nu 811 ·JUMe ~I 6====;;;;;;====;;;;:=========~ lid.. '2&.000; Di. "'4 KIL P. a . , Tlmbonllte, n11 1n1no R4, SU.· FO~ MILLWORIC. • SASlil & 'DOOi S • ·sa Qa OOtft lllWA'lf . • 000; • x-ia ~ ..,. .. Dad SL. '11.toO. -l'red:t:; ~ ... K!Jop Rd., '10.008. """" otbot permit> tl!at u.t.d a nll!atloD at -Ulu 110.000 tar tllo -Jeet. W...: paat-• •to--·--·---....... b<1N'q at -1-JI!. 4ll!flrlaJ, W&.J, ....... a w. -n .. _ .... _~"""' n .. .. -~·· -... " ...... -t at ---· -~at . iiart; .. N=p ... at ""' ........... _ ... ; ···~---fllil at • nu a• a, t7"ll. • .... ........ ~ ...... talDlia o.t 117' c. t rt1r Jn-. 'ftor -M --"* a-_ ... ____ .,.. ... --·· .... -GUI. ' , . • . ' •• , • • • ~ • • • .• ' • • • ' • • ' . • ' , • ' • ,..: ~~-~ __ M __ iii_-~ __ t_if ...... ..,.··i c ·~.:; 1·['{.:.o:i~I· N~wpalf GJ. Geti Sciel'lce_lecture C .... I. lzdg1 . . ·-e&atiMCAft OP JIUSINZ881 ................ w.-' . '. TH E UNDllRllIONED d o 'a lMh"7 certltJ that lie lo condUet· Ills • a-rai COnttact1DJ -~ 128 l!&n Reno, Newport ""•ch, ~rnJa. Wlder 'tbe !lctltlOIS •flrm no,me of Ialand 'l:onatructlon Oo., and that eatd flrm is com· ~ ol Ille'· followJns pereoM, who. raame1 tn tun and placea ol. rtsideoce are u tol!owa, to-w1t : A. L. Oatterdam, 128. San l\emo, Newport Beach WITNl!ISS hand this 21st day of l"ebrual'J', 1161. A. L. OA'ITERDAM State of California. County or Orange, ... . OV' THIS 2"1et day of February, A. D. 1901. before ma, ~ub@t.la M. Heemetra, a Notary bllc I!> and for the e&ld CCunty and State, reiddi.nc therein, duly commiUfon· l'd and 8W'Orn. per.:>nally appeand A. L ~am. known to me to be Uie pencm whoae-a.am• 11 ..ut>.- ecrtbed to u.e wtthln t.mt.rument. and acknowled&"ed to me Us&t be executed U.e aame. IN WITNESS WllllRJDOP'. l bave beretmto ·•t my hand "I'd atnpd my ottlcla'I Mal the day and year lD Udw Cl!f.... . ttneate ft.rat a.bon written. (Sl!AL) EU2AllE"rH M. HEEMSTRA ~otary Pabnc bl Gld for U>e Co<\Jlly of Orange, Bl.ate ot California. K7 Cornm..iimon l:xplre• 12/30/54 NQ. M4-Preaa. Pull. Feb. 22; Mar. 1·8·16, 19~1 . :oiOTICE OF INTl':NT20l'f TO SELL NOTICE· lil ffli:Ri:BY QIVmN pursuant to the provt.lon. ot Sec> Uc:m ~o of the Civil Code o"f the State ol Callfo,.i&. that Jolul C- Lee, Vendor, ol f'!22 -l!tnet, Midway City Callfornlo lntenda to aeU to Walter P . Rhodft:, o( 1.2.aA. Broadway Street, Costa :w--. California, Vendtt, all of the-pet- .tcmal property ducrlbed &l!llerally u tollow9 : _ . All of the stock in trade, trade turnlture, fixture.a, foun- tain equtp111ent, and leuehold lmpl'O'Vementa knowii a• Lee'• Donut Sbop Which hi .ttuatad at 2903C Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach. Ca.Ufoml.a.. Said eoJe lo to be made, and tlMo coD.lldrtnUon or prk:• fOl' 1uch • l ·~ 8dence· Tbe -of ~-·-~ .... • will. be th -With U.,& 1j1t C.Y81ry Dh-~.,. e ... It-.. .. tµdroat -ll>Wl'· Ject ol a lec:tunf to be l'&dW edl _ Prlnit. l'lnt Cl&a Donald O'ftlr'11i.t1on ID'WB.(llO kc), lhl-D. l"J', "°" of ,Mn. ln K6blmali. day evertfn&', lil.attb"'lC, at I o'clock. 2lt • N"e.wport 'Btvd., Newport l'rom Fifth ChUl'dl ol ~ lld· ~ ---• ..._._ ... entl.tt, Loo Allplea. Tiie lecturv, combat ~· Badp In !!:arl ll. SJmrn.. C. S., of Allltln; ltorea Willie ~ u &II tn· Texao, la a memlier <>I The C1uia-fantryman wtth Iha 6th C.nJ\-:y Uan Science Board of Lectll1'!ehlp. repnent. I ,, . · · , Thlo !Jadr, Wblcll to on!)' &ward· LEGAL NOTICE ed froatlln• combat lnfan...,,. .... -----------dlotlnSUW>e& tile octU&I !ls11unr CERTIFIC..,.TE , OP' llUSINE88 ncnTIOUS F1BM NAME Tlill: UNDlCRBlONED do bue· 'by certify that they are conduct· mg a Rutaurant and Bportlnr Goode Bumn ... at 817 Cout High· -y, City of Newport 9"ch, CCunty ol ~re, State of 00· tom.ta, under the flctJ.Uou ft.rm name of Da..,,. Joow' Locker and that the •Id n.rm 1-comporeed ol the followllJa partl .. ~ n&m• and addre99N are u followe, to-- wit: . BRUCE B. CARD Corolla deJ" Mar, California GH N~ HARRY 11. BEMOLL, 811 Coaat fflcllway, Newport Beach, CaJlfomla CAROLE E. ADAIR 193 Tljfertall Road Loe Altgeloa 49, Cal!toml& .\DELE J . ADAIR. I 91 T;g.rt&IJ ~. ~ Ang.lea 49, C.Hfonua WlTND8 our handa UU1 lTUI day or Pebniary, t961. BRUCE B. CARD HARRY E . BEMOLL c,u1ou: E. ADAIR .ADllL& I . ADAIR ITATE: OF CALIPORNIA, COUNTY OF" ORANGE: man from the 1'81' area and Mr- vlce troope tn a c:ombiJt. sone. A 10ldtu muat be a member of an Int.Aley re)lim.nt to be ellflble to receive it. Minor l.C. c..-lnCDM A three car accident occWred at 3:ll6 p. m . Wednff<lay, Mar. 7, at Marigold Ave. and the Cout RIP· way tn Corona cl.el Mar. No one wu Injured and clamagu lo &II three can wu mfnol'. Involved tn the a.ocW.eD\ were Kenneth· w~; Jolin.eon, lJ'O,Seth st .. Ne"'1'0I'\ S-b; M" ~ RH... SlalAlr, Ul j M&Jtsold Ave., Corona •t i,ar a.:00 a eU 1>e1<>airtnc to Rlcllanl "M. Lons. DO foppy A .... ,. Corona del llC"or. Accol"lil.ng to' the poUc:e report.a Mn. alater WM'" rotng tout.hweet on Mar1&okl and cromtns the OoPt Highway when 9tntdt by the car driven by John.on .. Her cu wu thrown into Lons'• .,. h lcle which was puked on tbe aouUa aide ot U'l6. Con.st Highway ~ar MarlCold .j.ve. LEGAL NOTICE ·N~ A to011 NO'DCE TO CUDITOIUI llotat.. Of Ofi>rp .... -... --NOTICll IS Hl!!RiitY OIVZN to Ute ct.tftor of ud aJl palORa ba'rinf claim• ap.lnat the aaMS decedent or aaid e1ta.t.e t.o ma UK..-n with the n....ary -ere In Ow . ... .. . . -. . ....... -, MllQ11E IN TRll SUN -p....,.i. .....,....,_ :il-pb. Os- ~ aad Ida &UM, Ai.ballan '.-p dop ki>ep ""'""" over liio ,_ .t ... _, tllat molo11no -the CloMt 'lllchaY .._ .. ....., ,_ 11oe tmr. ...... 1>-I) w 0-.. &-! Mar .. -1 - ' ( Preu Pboto) On thla lTth cl9y of J'ebruary. 1951, before me R . V. KARSH.ALL a Notary ~ic in and for aid County and State ~in& therein duly comm-and "'"""· peraonaljy appeared · Bl\T,JCI! B. CARD, H~RRY E. llSMOLL. CAROLE Ii:. ADAIR, and ADELE J . ADAIR known to me to be the peraons whoee name.1 are sub- ecribed tof the within lnotnunent and aclmowle4e4 to me that they eseouled the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I bave hereunto Ht my hand and a..ttbced my otf1c..lal IHJ the day a.nd year ln th1a cer- tificate nnit above written. <SEAL) atnce of Ute Cltrk of the SUpalor Goocff Cour t of the Cowity at Oranp, ellow State ot California. or to pruea\ · the ....... with ti!< _...,., Lengthy Case Nears Concluslon R. V. HARSHALL vouc..,., to the uaderalsne<I at hla No Good Gr her place of bo.tnem, to--wtt: t so cl o Donald. o. Harwood, • Ownership of • home lit. New .. 1U5 Cout HIJbway, port Beach i. Involved In the eot- Oorona del Mar, CalJfornJa. A WU'TSllt for tM arrut of Har-tlement of one of Calliomfa't loctc· wttllln alJl montU aft.Ir the first old Goodfellow, an EnsU•h dttsen e.at divorce trial.I, now draWfnc: to aale la to be p&J.d on March 18th. 1911, at 2:00 o'clock p _ K.. at the oftlcea of John W. Arant, Attor- ney, Barbor lnVflSt.meht Bid& .. 2917 Newport' Boulevard, Newport BeadJ. Celitomla.. • ' Dated March tth, 1Q51. JOHN C. LEE Notary Public I nand tor Said County &nd State. My Cammi.a· aion Expires July 9 , 1~. No. 64~1'j" ... PublW>ed 3/1·8-15·22/M bll tton of Ulla ottee taken Into ClAl'todv tn , Phoenlx, a cloae. tn P&aad.ena. pu na:.S March 12, ~951 .. Ario.,°" tn>ml~n Qbargea, bU Dtoputanto· are Mni. J_.,loe ••11.1. ROltEMAJUll CRJBBSN, been -In Newport Townahlp Primm, 49, San Merino !IOCl&llte, " • No_ Mtr-Prea. Publtah Marc.h 1~. 1961. ->. NOTl«lz OF INTENTION JO J':NOAGI!; IN THE SALZ OF . NO'ftCE OF INTJ!;NTION TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OHA!TEL MORTGAGE TO W~Olo( IT KAY, CONCJ;ltN: · NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Sub)kt to IMUance ot the 11· pUMl\a&nl to the provl.Mona ·ot Sec-eenae applied tor, and commenctns Uon 3440 of tbe civil Code of the not less than 15 d&ya alter the State ot CaltfornJa, that Walter date poeted. notice la hereby g1v · P . Rhoda. of 121A Broadway, en thai the underalcned propoeee eo.t.a Mea., Caltton:Ua.. owners of to HU &Jcohollc beveracea at that certain donut ab.op, known u theee P~"'-lses, dhcrfbed u .fol-· Lee'• Donut Shop, and located at low!: 29030 Newport Boulevard, N ew-Boat GypAy , Jl!tli Coast High- port BeachrCa.li!ornia. lnlendS t o .way,, Newport RN.Ch , Ortnge place a Chatt.el Mortpge upon fix.. County. tutta. equipment, neon alp.a, do-. PuraoanJ to audl lntenUon, the nut-macblnea and gOOda located at undersigned ls , .. :•pplytnr to the the above liated place of bu.tlneU. State Board of Equallza\ion tor The Mortp.gee ot u.Jd property-lsauance on original-applicaUon I.a John C. Lee of 7723 Ba18a Street o f an alcoholic beverqe ltceu:• Midway City, C&ll!omia. for these premiaea u followli : Tile aald Mortgage wn1 be ex.-On Sale Beer Ucenae . ecqted, and · t h e consideration AnyOne desiring to proteat the there.tore Will be p&kl' on March iaeuance of such llceme ma)" tue 19th, 18~1 at !:00 o'clock P . M . a vertneO proteet with the State at the otncd Ot John W . Arant, at-8oud of Equalisation at Sa.cra- torney, ,H&rbor Inv~tment Bld1"., mento, C&ll!omi&, ataUn1 ground• 2917 Newport Boulevard, Newport for denial a.a prov)ded by law. The Beach. ca.JJfornta.. premlaeli are not now Ucemed tor Doted Match 9, 1961. t/1< sale r alcQltollc bever ...... ~4@!~~omf:~· ~~r · CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE: OF CALIFORNIA NO'ftCJI: TO. CONT&ACTOB8 Adm&nletra.trtx et th• Eatate court. • ; a.nd Ernie Prlri1m, 4:9, milllr:te oc -decedltnt. Ooodfe-Ww wu charged by gamblff. No. 667-Preee. Newport poµce _Wlth the tbett of Thei r bit ter court Wl"&ftgLe hlch Pul>. Ma r. 15-22-29 ; April 6, 19~1. a aun· and binOC\llare val~ at baa filled 120 volume.a ~pf tuU- Sl!J trom the boat · Senrak,. Il, mony .t.nce It bfJ&n la.at NO¥em.. • NOTIOll: OF SALii: OF llEAL l:S'I:A U:-UNDllK .Elll:CUTION I.a UM> Cou.n of U.. 0..:ty of 0....C... 8-of c.iupia. 8REalPP"8 8AlZ At.ICE TA TI.OR, J>taJntlft VII. BO ROOS, A. LA SH£I ,t E, EUOli:NE DUKETTE, ET. AL. D<fmdanu Under a.nd by vlrttie ot an i:aeewUoa la8ued oul of-U.. Su- perior Court al ·the County of Orange, _ 8 t a. t e ot OIJttt>rnia wltenln A.l.Wt Taylor, Pl&J.ntltf, and Bo. Rooe. A. La Bhelle, Eu- ~ Dukette, Et. Al. Defend«nta. upon a jud~t rendered the lat day of Fabruu-y, 1951, for the sum of Elgbteen bundnd dcll- ""'°"" ·• -Bay club and -a. hu puUcularly -*-I owned by Lloyd T . Ka.rna_ Jr., arvu.nd comnaunlty property lworth Whittler and the bW'glary ot 5600 a bout; $1 ,000.000. The propefty ln• I In p~pbtc equipment from cludem a San Marino manalon ad& UM home of RJchard Stewart, tOI a home In Pa.Im Sprtnp, ,, ..it 1 Abalone A.w .... Balboa Jaland. u the Newport Beach borne. PhoeniJ!~Plct in check.Ina-Item.a Su~ripr Judge Kurts Kautntan found la el.low'• ca:r the cam-took th~ cue under submtuioa era equtpm nt ducribed In an all-Tuesday ani:l indicated bt may point.a brc:>tidcalt put out' by New· ·&ward Mra. Primm cullt.od7 1of·tbe port poUce u stolen Crom the five chlldrt'.n mOIJt. of the tkne. Stewart reatdence, DetectJwe Sgt. V. I. McM&nii;:al Mld. A .... 600 tur coat a.lao found in the ear beklin(ed to the w1ff of ac- tor Ronald Coleman. McManlpl expl&lned and Good!ellow wu traneferred to C.O. Angeles county ja.IJ to face a p&nd theft charge tor UM-theft.. CO.llty Sdiools Get.Stcft Money lan and 001100 oouan, 111800). 6 p.6'v -..efts ot the United Statn. h.tdee w • • J I 0 -'n1'! &pprcpriatloM Of $3,000,000 f or th.e atate'• eJeJpantary Khoo» and l!M,000 tor hJfb. ad\ool have been apportioned, Roy E . Stm,.on. aJpertntendf?Jlt ot public tnalruc· tloe, aid today. Tl\• supplemental epportlcn· ment.e were made aval~ bJ tbe · kgYlat.ure tn the first ext.raordl· -. and tnuro.t; and oum of R'eported Friday ii~~~ _;lf;==~~·o.n .. of ·$l°!'i..'t' 1!: _ ... laWu .now ... µ,·••lo ..,: lllterut from Ule 11th day ot ~--· February. 1901, 1.1 now (at'the lira, H .• O&rtler, 681 Cliff Dr., date of ~ writ) actually due complained that power lawn mow- on aid JudcmenL er wu taken from bier ya.td some-- ! have, on ti. 15th day at Ume durinl" Ute 11.lsht prevt.oua. , nary 1elllon of 19M for (l'f>Wth, of ,,... ~ ~ ~\I~~·~~ ~ "'~ppaitibament for county wu $4.1)21.64. • •· 1 CDM Man Fined for Dnllllt Driving ' ., "I .··'Rt•·. '. ~'· -.. . ' ' . . • hr y.on olwad, Yot4"i ..._o..,. of _,....wtl.nff the toa41 ... .; rc.io.,,.,,. .............. ft .~--·~ ~-,_..~,,,,.. .. Col0rb1-r' Carpetin• ore ol I . . ' I t T ~ B 0 D o ,a I:: .. j· Ypur lord Dealei' ,~,l tit N•r llYcL . ,... Hcsbor ·~·· I . l . ' ' I . ,• ·~) . ,'I !>f1 · • ' • . ' • ' .. ...... Newport .•each . Diataw~U--.ofllw'man)'~ . 1 1.,.-1111/w~b•a•• .. SEALED PROPOSAL& wtlJ be ~lved at the ofnce of lbe City CJ.erk, Ctty Ha.U, Ctty of Newport Beach, CallfornJ&, untU 7 :30 o'clock P. M., on the 26th .day of 14arch, 1901, at wtllch ttme they will be pubUcJY opened and read, ·ror pertormi.D1 work u foUowa: CITY OF Ni:WPORT BEACH. CALD'ORNIA For dolnl' cert&ln work • Naval, Mine Sweeper YMS t-49 prior to pJ&e1ng the ahJp on aboft. . February, 19al," M'vted upon all Police uJd marka showed when-Edward Tuohy, T4, 4.17 Golden· the 'ri,fbt.. UUe, claim and l..n-Uae m09Nr WU drakged ~ • rod Ave., Corona de.I Mar. WU ternt of defendant. A. LA 8helle bill a.nil. ~•rh a gate but there tlned $150 on a drunk drtvtng and Eurene Du.keUe (or ett.her of were n• other clues aa to Where charge In HynUncton ~a.ch City TH£ IRLS B~HIND _ EACff: tEWHON~' ''HELLO'J eirS arc important jobs.:....Ji Uiey do them well No bid will be received unle• tt la made on a propoaa.J fonn fumia.bed by the City !lnpeer. Each bid mu.t be accompanied by (ca.ah, cert.Jtied or caahlers check. or bidder'• bond) mact. payable to lha. City of Newport Beach, for an amount -equal to at leut ten per cent ( 10% I of the amount bid, such ruan-nty , to be fol'felted should the bidder to whom the contra.ct la awarded tall to enter into the oontract. la accordance with the provision.a ot S.Ction1 1710 to 1711 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach bu uoerta.inld the pnera..I preval ltng rate of wapi applk:abla to the work to M done a.ii foll~wa : - them) botb l:ndlvtdually and u It wu"ta.ken. ~ ~ Court ~-· membert of a pa.rtner.h.tp 40laJ Kenneth Marltham, Mrvtce .ta~ . :hoby wu anelt.ed tty Ru.nl- buatn ... ~under ~ name of Orey Uon operator a! Balboa Blvd. and l.nglon Be&cll-pollce at 8:'° p. m. Gooee cOneeu~ toretl'let with Hwy. 101 ... id S18 was m1Mln• Monday' on Ocean Ave. a ~r­ any tnte'Net whlch the ,_rtAer-from a wallet left ln the station r;nU. west ot the City ~· ahJp may haw In and to the by a cuatomer, T . S. PJattt. K.alia· Police cba:rged Tuohy almoet f'ollow!nJ' -bOd real utate peth, MOllL blt a truck at 11th SL Ocean to--wtt:• B. L Abbott, •so El Modena A"·· forced car* off u.e ~lghw&)L , Lot •. Block S. Of Balboe. Ave., aid four ~ chrome wtlJ.Je travelln&' wat. fJld •Lde-- Baya!de Tract, u per rnap chain wttbout tiack• or aeab 1wlped a bu.a before Willi .topped. t.benol recorded • tn Bootl: 4 were taken from a traller ln front I Paa-78 or H•-na-~ ot bis home. ....... • S t -'--' Mapo. R«:onta of anace A lleadlJPt rim &nd lNlb w • _.,0011 en enc: .... Oounty, C&llforal&. W<en f1om Illa car puliocl "' """'t .for Noft.Suppert , • Bem11 PW ~ ToJether with all oad a1qu1v of tho eo.ta ,:u.a Bowline center, 1 ~n..uon Wap lleale Wap &lld ...,..monta. ...ncw-u &ad Jam,. ZaJiPr, 1.18\!o E. -li'owld to Ila•• 'riolaled a.,.-_ cari-tu ....... --.-.... -.................................... ·-··---· .. :1.16 lUO &ppul'tOO&nce& • tlleftunlA> be~-BIY<I., ._p.._ IA> Newport po. tlon order ot two yoan "'°' MJ· L&tx>ron --------·---···--------------·----·--------·----··--~·--· t .T6 H .00 Ins •or In ..,,1 wt. ~ Hee. nm J . Kuhllney.r of Bo-wu Air Compre_,. Operator ..... _ ..... _ ..... __ ........ _. 2.0I ti.'° . NotJce to '*"Y rt-tliat .., _Mn. E. 8;-McCI..,. 612 Marl---to nine month& la 'the Structural ln>o Worker ·----····-----------------·---·-··· UO 20.00 w-.,, Ul!I Jllh dll1 .at riiil Ave., repGl'tecl a red and !lOWllY Jell lut week for~°"- Pump Operator ,_ ......... _ ............................ _ ........ _ .•. 2.0I 11.40 Marcll. IJ6l, at· J:OO Q'clOOir p , wlllle llidoweik llleyele u --port by Santa .A,n& JuotJi:e Jlri<. P&Jnu.., -·-.. --·-··-·----------.... --.--.. -· .. 2~ a.0& ¥.. ot -~. 1 w111, .. -Po11ee -Manin OnJwe, ut .,.. cam...,.. ~· w w. ptacecl P&latar, Steel and Bl'id .. --····----·····-··----·--·-I.to 20.00 lo oall IA -<Ii IM 00~ -Cecil Pl, ~ KMa, ~ °" probation -t, tN .. a11!11 Palnler, s~ oua or· Sandbluter .. --··----·-t.ia n .o. -.., 8ouUl ~. IA u.. CU]' llae IMft of ....,. -ciapo f'r<D .~ -arreetao1 .., a wane>jt ~- Palnm, Paint BU111•r .......... ·-·-·-··------.. ---l.IO J0.00 ot Santa A-. at pubac IMICtloD ear In t1'e UdD Parldnc lot. Sar taJJure to 1teep VP. wpjiu<t pq· Painter, Olul~ -....................... _.,_ ..... .£ __ ,: •• _.'.~ ••.• J.1' 1T.2S to U.. ,..,. .. -Im' c...i. In I • aoente req,ulred 111 ('9 Ol<>b&Uon 1Ddu3trlal Plpa!lttar ·-.. -........... __ .... _ ............... -•.• t.• 11.00 x.aW'!W Vonv ., u.. Ullltm Yed .. 111 for CD.... lft'Cklr. ' • . =:!"' i.";;.-~-~---(;---:-_::::::2:: = :.:· ~~~at': =-~ : .~-: 'pnot lft ;, s OO~lf' , Ally clulltlceUon -it~ '~notleellbu I.IT it.ll · 4."1.a...,_lt•c 1 Dubtl.t, nc&•I ,_ . AAr&J•r•.-i~IUllrto- 411 bl4a are to llO·comparad on the_,,,, U. City~ .-r11 Ill' U\I u a ,..U•• ----Q ... fl&! MlA!e IE"ll ·-. • ~·of the q .... uqea ot WWI! to be-.. (or -ot u...; ot, 1a -to no. Afr Modal --• .,.... -o1 p w11 , ....... Wat> • No "'4 WW llO ~ a c.atrac1«, ----u.. .-lncttit pipatf, ..-tel Ill ""'-lo Clllft.' Aewt A.. -Coot& -na1 -·--1a. __ wttll the ot.. ~· t. ~ m • -It _, lilr ...., .. -r m, ai~w ... Mutr .-IMt -iu.-...,.,.., ~ ot••"••lad~rli'aa , 811 .,,, to..._ ..m1r t f11 fW •t N1J o•;tsner ta •Jtco• .... ldalAl4W••4'ifL -~-~,,..: "="'...~.:~ .::_".;::':,~ ~ ~ ......, -~• ' · • ~ r,:~ ;;::.:~.,-. :w•;i.TC: :r:• "8: ..... _ ~~ -:...:;·~ ---~ ,_.. . . Y~' .__ _......, ... ::. -.......:. ._.. --. ,.--.•• City 11,a11.~,, ot Newpol't Bt1cll.~ • , CAfM ~ ., ...,. '* -'-c.&. . '-~-u.o auua . ~.i:.:;:..!t;:-..:'a:.=".:;~· w• .:·=-.•.::,. ~.-:,tC ~ 7 ;. • ~:-.:, ca 1;t « ~;~i5~i~~~·:;:;j :";::~-"' 11111 • · - 1 °"*' a lfli'Cii-. • 1'111 ., ·~ ~'?t:"'.l'~ ... =0 :.: ':, ':"¢:".-.~ to ..,.. -• w•~ ~ .;.=..i •at" :;-. .. ., 1 • ..._ .... -I • .. • ms •u ., w -r au ......_ , .._ · 1.tt _.. .. ..,....,.. a 11411 s .-< : L atm ...., ,.. • Cl'!'!' OI' HJ)l(ffUU' DAOR; c u~ -............ _ -d ,.. .... c 7 .. .... .. ... llcUjlll ... ' • • C.."JL -· C1*¥ as.-. ...,_ ,., r cm le -• ' ~ Qp ........... _ .. n.&.t: Ihm> f, 1111. • ' • .... -~ .. js > .. ....... • . ...... _ • .,, .,. -Pl .. --al11, 1111. w -•J5-0. 1111: * ............ --11111 4 ... ef. -, • ' I , • ' " • • • • • • . • j ~ ~ .. ~ • • f • -. • ' • • I -· , I • • I ' ' ' I I . •· . ( • • r • ( • • < • • • • • ' ' ,, PA~E -~ -~ PART 11 _-THURSDAY, MAR.-;;:=;~1 : jNewj:,ort Girl Canasta ·iuncheon FashiQn Show. ~'!~••ss~ ~Office "~~=-~~ ~!=r~c~.::.~~ Aftnwd , ~ ~ . --..I-p ~ . JMt -a ......... al ...... -OollOa ,,_ -al Kn. K.. J , Twld9JI. ... 0.-al UI!! unhelwltt of """"' •Jo7ed a wrJ )lln•e'. --.. trlon"w a~ Ille &C\lft "-"" St .r>atr'1ck · Dance '1s C ·D· · -M Event ::u:t~~"'! ~~ =~!:: : .. =.i= =::ct:·=--~~::::~ , r , . . omc.n ror u.4. A-t.ed w-tlon f.a-1q --ftt ror Ule -Ill-Oran&'• I • .. 8tudentn. -'-~ ,,_ •• , -,._ ·-~le 17 ......... --~ c.... li>c;jat.ed, u.. f H rbo Se th Gr.,.Jft-f .1 -Jean ot •qa'lo -otock f(lJr UI!! ap-Iba. ---· · ,-..,.,... G"· B&J-, · Illa M-rt Bar-or a r ven cnn::ll ' ;:,,.::~"' -:11th 8t,1N--polD-ta. la Ille --~ =.!~a~llu~:.mH~· _bof Yocht. • lb ~y lllcbL. . . ,· • port llMclL • Mn. P. D&rre8.~ Mn. C. K mer lldlott' and n.,7 w.in.e... Pri..t at Ille p&j'ty w•re llr. Wbelller )II!! name lo lrlob orf 1 c u~ ~or -ldent Lo Jl:lla.< Barrio of e,o.t& II-. Mn. OU. • , and. Kn. Mr &Dd Mn. not. Peter Welgon..,,,~ Ille 1111 £ ....... _,_ · Cofla-abeth Joanne -of Rcvie 4, :.!"::."'~11i'!f\:4 -. U.. Pity of U" Koe• Ort _ xr. _;.Mn. - cn<l<nl' SL Pat.rlc dance wllll tile Y.-n "'':II ....,..-14192 Ball ~ Anobdm, :n-· JI.;... 16-l .. I ...._ mp S.:-1 Greeley, l(r. and M'ro. Httbert • -. • .. I> We B.uy a ncf Sel Ne w ·and .Used Furniture • j • • 1-~ . . . . .. -1112 Ne •rc1., costa ~·· 1e. ~-s+ ·proper flourloh. He k<pt. tlllnp to 1 -.....in Spring =•f":t[:..~ ~ ~: -GIVJIJ Nbwr Octl'r\al Olee _... : .DewM;Joi,. eWOllb . ._d Hele11 l -; moving ..,.40wy at Ille Corona · ~ ochool. ~ TO 'l'Bll au O&o8ll --. lllell 8c'I-' Klatt. -----~--------t--•j-_ . ----'---· _____ _;_ __ . del 'Mu llChOOI auditorium ra.t Tea ill April 2 . I Friday effning an4 wben It wu .. over. everyooe agtttd ,I.hat Ullo. On »onday, ,o\prll i. tlle spring term will begl'n at Ol"M.&e Cout thelr Second dance o,t tbe year' wu ~nine College. epntrary to f~r­ complet.ely wcce•fUI. mer practice which involved one The wti~tleta of whlte ca.ma· week of regt.atratSon prior to the Uons a.od gTttn nbbon worn by Cf'm.mencement of ctaae.. both the hostesaes. Nancy Campbell. regietrallon and clauea wUI be:atn • Nancy MourJ[Utart. Joanne Bueae, on the 1ame day. ' Jackie Yarnell and VlrJ:lnla l"u· ~1 adult who \\'1shea l<. enroll ~t and the bQulon:tlcrea of lhe ln .one or more of the 53 courw1 bo.'lt.11. Oouglu Tupe;I, Sfew avatlab\t!: may do .o at the Eft-- Watcher. Donfl Waldron, ·Howard nlng College office from 10.od L Mitchell anCl Bob De.Long cvried m. to 4 :00 p. m: and 8 :30 to 9:30 Out the St.• Patrick's theme. But p. m. from April 2 through April the parent.a rep80nalb1e for the re-L. In claaeee which are h.alU ott J treahmenll found that they could C'&mJ>'U regtatraUon wU1 be con- not adhere to the greeD;, colOI' dueled · by the lnatruetnr at the 1-cheme -ca.ke and Ice . cream firat meeting of t.ht: ctau. muet be chocolate, or else. Persona de3lrlng .:academlt::: .:.red· WID Prizes it muat complete regilllrutlon on -or·before April 18. Olhera may en- With prlu dancet lntenrperae,<1 .roµ at any time, provided vacan- among the boy's choice and l{lr111 l:i~ exlat in the clau of thelr choice;, interest wu kept at a high chuice. pitch. Those winning prtzea w.re: ·Approximately one Week before Ann Long and Richard Sandoval ft!l(iatratlon begl.ns. each of the (broom dance}, Richard Pickett 1128 persona enrollf'd during the and JeRn Evana tahorteat couplel. winter term will receive a bro- Tom Wl"tght and Joan Aushe ch.UH giving a detailed account of ftal1eat couple), Janice White and the aprlng program. Joan Aughe (spot dance). Lucky ~Coplea of t..b.la announcement recipient.. of the door prise. tick-will be placed tn various key loca- et..s to th<" J~do or Meu theatr~ t..fbna within the communtl ;·. Any donated by M'uon Siler. were Dlck peraon deirirlng a brochure ,.-a)' Ballard and Laurel WoodBOn~ obtain same by writing or tt!le- To augment the recordlnJt!' used phoning Coaat College. for dance muatc, P eter WelgllD played the "&er Barrel Polka" and "La Vie En Ro&e." Adults A&N9t Mrs. Richard I_ Stcw¥l, u Bridge Collision lniures Three home and family chairman of t.Ae Three penon.s were lojured, two Newport Beach Elementary School serloul!lly, In a two car !lead-on PT A, p!HJ\ned th la as she hu all eolllalon at 1 :O:S a, m . TUe9day, I of Ult' 7th and 8th grade dance•. lt(ar. 8. on the Santa Ana river Mr~. Don F. GateA had charge thl11 brldp. lim~ and uaJ.tUng her a.a chape.r· A car driven by Waller V. Ravo-l onea were her huabe.nd., Mra. Har-vich~ 31, of Manhattan a...ch col-~ F.. C'.flmphetl. Cof. and Mra. Uded w1th a vehlele driven by Eve-C Stuart Dtehl. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jyn Hewson or HunUngton Beach Lyon, and Mr. and Mra. Robert afte r one of the driven loat con- H. Adams. · , trot. The teaChera present were Mr. Davovlch and HeAl er Henslick Roy Andersen. Mr. WUHarn Rlt~ of Huntington S.-arh. a pll.Sllenger ter, Mrl!I. J ean Orr and Miu ~ne ln,thf' Hewaon car. recetve-d. major Dulin. injurlf's. Evelyn Hewaton wu a tac 'In the backf;round. but M> very a)~hlly tnjw:ed. 1 • neceSSAry wu Mr. Chrbtianson, Ravov1ch wa.a rushed to Com- the-cu.stndi.R.n of the Corona. de\ munlty h03pit&I In Santa Ana an<l Mar AC.hool, whoae: helpfutnesa the other two Injured per90rul werf' wu appreciated. taken to County hoapit&l. • Harbor Students Doct~ ~gins • Practiee 1n Harbor Compete in . Citrus H.1., R. Rnberu.on. M . o.. •• Jud ·n,. Contest· no~ •haring an office scver .. 1 day11 -CJI ~ · a week with Dr. Law~nce K. Gun- drum, 174.1 Superior avenue, Coat.a Newport-Harbor High School Mesa after being ln private pra.c-Futu~ Farmen are now pNCtk-lice in Loa Angele!! over 70 years. Ing cltru11 j~. 'fh.e.1 -.tll ~ve Sbe Is 1'owf!Ver, not a newcomer a te11.m represent thetr"'Klfo:6t at to· lbla a~& ror s he and her hua- the National Orange '8haw which b&nd built a home &t 333 Eut wUI bf' held March 17 at the Na· Bay Front, Balboa IJiLand and ttonal Orange ahow In San ~rnar· much of their t.ime ha.a been spent dino. here . ..,... School.B will !lt!nd rcpreaent.atlve1 Dr. Robertson ha.a ~rved with from all cltrua dletrlct.a ln the tbe Loe Angeles Board or Educa- united State• to compete for hll:h tlon 1tnce 1928 ln an advieory ca- honora._ • paclty, endocrinology and gyne- 'fop tf'am wW receive a gold cup oolOgy' being her apecla.ltlea. An whUe high lndi'\'lduala will receive active member ot the Loe A.n- meda·a for fint 3 posltlona and aele• County Medical A.aan., Calt- aJ!IO lat high man will receive a fot:nt& Medical Asen. and ..-euow ot wrist watch. 2nd bJgb man, a the American Medical A.aan., ahe pen. Srd high man. an Evenha.rp waa formerly on the atalfll or pencil. and 4th high man, an Ever-Children'a. Orthopedic and Call- &ha.q:> pencil. ' fomia Lutheran hoepltals. She Last year the Newport P'FA wu ai.o honored by eiection to chapter under the eupervtak>n of Delta KaP,,a Gamma society, nal- Mr. RoMrl Perrin, won the na-ior'lal organizatk>n of women hon· tional conteat. Jim Slemona· won ored ln the field or educaUon. a gold wriat Vfacht and gold medal 1 ------ tor belnC high Individual of 'the R h ,._ I I contest. Ted Trompeter WU aecond eac ..,..,, •nteftt ft high ind1vtdua1, 1oa1nr only by 0 •• Mesa Traffic Death point. He received a allver m~ and a pen .and pencil &:et. Walter SetUement or a. $7~.009 ault ror Wiicutt waa the third. team mem-death of a Costa Meu. i::arpent.er her who &1so helped bring home• waa aelt\ed l&lt week tor 17700, the gold cup whlcb the-chapter ti It waa dlacloeed ln aupe:rtar court very proud of. • aa Judge Kenneth E. Morrt.eon·en· Members ot Utia yean team aft' ttred a judgment ln favor of Krs. Richard . Rider, Dick Whitlock. Glady., Pearl Oelrom, her 3-year. Louia Abbott and Paul Aughe. old aon., ~Ip Stewart O.t.rom These boya will try hlCrd lo even and her 10-.year~ld atepeon. Jamee the record or lUt yNr. E . Oltrom . U!l(J ALIJHNl Unlwr•tty ot Southern bali- fornta alumni ol lh1a atta an being Invited lo o dlnoer-procn.m meellllg of t.be Long Beach· Alum .. n1 Aaeoclotlon Fl'lday at s:ao. p.m. ' . •t the Lahyette. hotel, Llndcq an.d Broadway. Je• Hlll newly appointed foot .. ball coach •nd two auiatallta, Don Clark and Mel Heln, wW ouWne proepecta for U1e comlns eeuoD- • LGmP' Sult had been flied aPlnat Guo B. Tamp"!' of Bal-"'! naull ol an automobile collllion tut Kay 5 at ltth St. and Pocnona A•e.; Coeta Kua., which ruulted !n Ule death ol Jomeo Stewart Ootrom, • .. Ot 1H W. 20th 8t., COota M .... t.be bu.aband ·and father ot the t>l&Ditltto. • • . • Atty.' Samuel Dreiaen d.l.lcJoeed that undtt the eetUement wblc.h WU 1Mebed, TaiftpU. .,.,_ to pay UliOO to eoc~ ot-t11e-boye and '2fli0 lo U!e widow. • I Ulhfing Fixhfts . · . Wall • ' . . -1 -~ r-.,S '-.! .. All••• P.urft ;f.IQa GI •M _...,_ . M.--1•. LJtldllll Fiiia• ("-' . ~ ' ' "! s?· -•• a• .... _. 1. ...... ti ... orr-o..&.rt ·*' U1 ftJllD .&YL lf9WH -•'CP • ' NO· 'l. Cl<N •• WHIT WIU 111 ,,u . ao . ·;~: . A,1-UT = QA~·-? ..... ·-1 ::- 1111E IS WH11-AL . i llJll us::·:.~. · • OtEIATES UEll OWi ialf ES 111 FEEllli 1•1s . , " ~;:,l 1 • '.FEEIS TIEii CATTLE -•. ~I ~tlF~C llEti' :." . ,. OtEUTES TIEii 011 IUT! PACllll PLAn , ,;;.•: • 11£1 TIE WIOwLEl .. E ••• EIPEllEICE OF 41 TUii ' ..... 11· TIE •UT USllESI I I IL .. 1101 llllEI IEEF 5,EAH .I ILPll• IETI · . \ 111111 IEEf c ALPll IETI '• llllEI IEEF • I ' ' [ ILPll IOI 1 llU~ IJEF ;t11 ID ilftl· I CllC1.E I • ' ' BBL\ • • • • I - • • ( • " A Review of the New 1951 ·spring and Summer Re$oriwear \ Available in the Newport Harbor Shopping Area • PAGE I -~ART 111 .. • ::r.-,, • NEW~T BEACH, CALIF. \ I I " l l ~ ~ t l I I , I t • ' -4 ] 1 I . ' I • MARCH 15, 1951 J t ' I 1· ... ' .... / , . . • By Mariorie Carne .. . . · C."foffti• fnhiot't ~igne" say the shoulder i' the peg to hang tM fashion *tY on, for Spring and Summer. 'They . demonstrate if by "fe~tltri"9 three import•nt styles that are ~ prominent 'rn almo1t every collection and _bring_ costume ~ eleg•nce ~•o day Dt, evenittg ensembles. The stQle, which is , w.om~ih ar\cf 'und~ with cocktail clothes and for .. · m•ls· the clUster. tnade in every fabric from durable dinim -· to ~-...-pes. shod 4Jld Je,arate, combintd~s --..--...i c..pe-iack-!s. o,r cape:-stole~. or attac~ed as a wide collar on a dress. or suit. 'lhere'-t' a 1:hcace Of silhouette, too, in the sun fashions which r.eVeat ·more. shoulder 90ing ·than coming,. since the halter necldimt modestly covers ~the front, but exposes a bronzed badr. The stem-slim skirt, prevalent in daytime dresses. suits and some enning fashions, finds a counter'- pa. rt in the fuff or ffa~d ovenki~ or apr~ wh~h is a ·.sef•U- ate item tlwat c•n be worn or dtSCarcled at waY. V an•taons 'on the denc:Jer liM are the pecJ-top. trumpet or morning • · •· glory 'Silirt, but~ mo.t f•v~~ Sn .suits~ dresaes alike is . the P'fted, or lroU'nded hioline s.lhouett9. Most of the one:-piece d,...ei conholed -lulln•ss iJ, ~ skirt, achi~ed by un~ pleeffn9 cen~ •t •Kh sicJe of the front, .with-either ..a smooth. :kd or narr9,.,.ed si~~ paf!.els .. or re-_. _.._ _ _......, vene fuffneu in tt.. back only. The one dress that c.m*S the fl•vor of C.ltfomia oyt-,.-r door living i1 the um dress. This 5e•son it wl be tM biCJC)ftt liit of an. New lines in its haJter nec~in•, although fnany are strapleu •nd 'shown with rMtching or contrasting doles ... Even strHt dresse1 have the bared back, with little boleros to ·"ear while s~. The sleeveless iacket. blouse, and even now • sle1v1l1a duster, continue to be shown, with the probability tMt ~ women will don them for street wur than.her.tofor.. • ~ Sumtnef f .bncs are interesting this year. There •re the · cottons, with·eccent on sheers sudt as voe1es and organdies: imported ·Swiss dots .nd dtecbj' b.r•thon, the cotton with • weave like wool bar.thee, 1not tr an~. but with enough body to make it~ excelent suiting tNterial). Cot- ton lace _continues to be popular; first started as an innov•- tion in swimwe4r, a IM)W has taken its place in both sports- wear end dresse>.' for &.te d•y pd evenift9 .. A~er cotton comes Jhe pure t.nen group, ,.used in ~WMr as wen as the-dress categoey. Alio, the ravon liMiitare so d91e in look iftd te.+Ure, it is more the" difficult to di~ between ftte ·real.arid the rayon. In fact, many women prefer rayon. for it is leu ·~· h.s tM same ·crase-nsistant fmish, and weers es wel. Pure silb abound in prints and plein colors: t imported fuij now is printed in true California colon; or in natural, it combines wiih d•rk ~r bright accents. Silk orgendy or org•nu, comes in a subtle .iridMCent weeve tMt gives it almost a metalic gleam. Printed, this silk looh opaque, but stift has the fine ftel and coolness of the silk Or<Jandy. ~ . . In suits, the new-:+4'item is the hymo construction or inMr linift9 et fM'iiase of tM iac~et which gives it a sli9litly rounded or belecl effect -combined of course wiffl only the tiniest of w.tstlines. Even pockets ere curved ~·rd to · adci.ihe rounded lne .t the hips. Skirt ler.glld remain alM»ut lhe s.me -14 inc"91 from the floor .. Co.ti .,. modified from the edrava~ pyramid lines of last SMSOn. Cerdig.tn and .coL'*s coeh I* to be ''derk hors.." A few .. belted,· Md-some heve removable, buttoned 'c.pes .,.in undencoriftt the imP9'f anee of the c.pe dory. ... Sportiwur sees the accent on sun f .d.iofts -end coordiuted ·pieces to make up sever•I dHferent -costumM from• b.sic idea: Stoles ere more and more important in this c.t-tory, tMmi"9 with sundresses or matchin~ skirts. ~orni• ~ners lin ... Short shom that ... nicely brief wethout being scant; tfaey hive the minimum of trim, cuff and pocket details . this season. Titer• •re fevr pedel push- rs and sla~s. but they ere m1 very much,,; the summer playweer ptcfure •s ~ of coordinated sportswear. ~ predominating in the C.lifornie f•shion story •re mac, purple and soft pinks. Bright sh.des combined wi~ bl~. •1 wel as neutrals such as beige. natural and ~ite with navy or bled are important. Tangerine or per·' s1mmon! lime, sulphur yellow and peacock blue are also noted. In summi~g up, ~ California fashion story is a cok>r-~ fu1. and versatile one, wath evidence of the continuing popu· l~nty of the separates, both for day and evening wear. The SJlhou~tte is not confined, but dual purpose styles tnean both !he. slim and the full ~rt hold their own. The costume look is •tt:ongly identified in suits, coats, dresses and sportswear. ~::c~~arly through metc~ing stoles, iackets, calles and Spring Suits to Have Pared Line Your new Spring suit has a finely tailored look with attention focused on detail- ing and trim neatness. From shoulder to hem it is slim in line, relieved, this season, of its severity ~y a gently arched hip!ine, ·novel -.and eye--Compelling detaib- ing and a so~ or silky-ap- pearing librit:. Jacket lengt.hs are ap- proximately an inch longer than last season with em- phasis on the tunic style, of- ten 32-ineheJ lon9 and cut ·in almost a straight line with your slim skirt. Other, sof • ter versions of the tunic iackef ar.e a trifle shorter and have fullness below the waistline .. Back in fa•i•n's favor is the man -tai!of'ed suit. The one-button style predomi- nates, but unlike past years, the new version is sd~ened THE SPRING TOWN Dl'ftMt .Jlas_ A-.dttu.J etttm:ne_ o_ut- look. Tkl• ahf'er rayon Vf'r- wloir 1s dntped for the wo- man with a tuner fltul'e. Ab- bate Swift. I , by feminine collar a n d fishtail peplum, placed ~t pocket detail. -the front of a cutaway Tiny · pepiums on the iacket: sides, center front an~ back The 3-•nd 4-piece suit is SWIM SUITS CAL-TEX --., -- PAR-FORM CORONADO $5.95-$19.95 .. , t a , F 4 ••• , ' ~·.,.... of fitted iackets can be also due , to become a ----- ffen adding fl~e~g a~ Sp~g h~~ ~ad~ ~ ---------------~~~~~~~~~~~ cent to the a~hed hipline • may have i iackett or 2 look. skirts plus a vestee in match- Outstanding versions in-ing or contrasting colon or elude a circle peplum which·· patterns. It may be a neat- is placed at each side of the ly tailored s u i t complete hipline, a peplum . that with matching or contrast- stands away from the ing iacket. It may .. be the 2- iacket 4nd o~en contairfs skirt suit . ~r perhaps a suit ..,..~~ ,,-deh. the apron· peplum with ih · own b!ouse in a which appears i11 the center solid, print or striped crisp front of the iacket and the fa bric. NYLO"S GOWN 'wttb f'fttlno front of pennanPnt plf .. tJIJ and trlmmlns of "1df' fmbrold~...-d nylon i.~r. SofUy shlrttcl back hM f'IMtlclud walt11t. 81~ S!4!. ('.olo"' -blmh. white. • • ' .. -· ... -· ... -· .. ·--· ·--· ··--· .. .. -· ... -· ..• -· .. II •I 112 •1 Ill •1 11 ....... -· ... -· .. Wn,FFIUd ..... •• PEDAL PU SH ER S, BLUE DENIMS AND SWIMWEAR. FOR THE. BEACH ••. • COSTA MEiA I -.. ·-... ,_ . .. . . -. . ... • 11 ' Ii' I I 18 a11 -. -. -. . ~ l'MP-0 RTS I in Feminine Apparel ' skirt 9.95 ~ camisole 4.95 bolero 9.95 espadrilles 1.50 .. ' ' Coats are Slimmer: in Topper Length Coats are slim. Coats are str~ight. Coats are gently tempered with a wealth of new detaiftng in keepin9 with the all-ov« silhouette for Spring '51. The b.rrel briefer, the pyramid, the .tuxedo -front · fujl -fen~. ffle ftt+ecl- ~~~~:.:-..---~ toat ~J'Mf !~~ tu"ic -topper · Lead th& coat. f ashi<Jn pi-· ~ llttle .. 1t ...... rlc .. t•J•• ~rel• trl--. N••tlf•I flll1ree effMt . ·~~~\\. ''Y. \.)J/") - .. ~ rod& for Sprin9:. With tiny · d.ou&d.n, obviot.(Sly pared- . down cuff~ .and carefull pro- portior.iftg emphasizing the ·f~ .: desired ·rt a r r o w Ines on the f uU ; c:µt of these coats such as the barrel top- per .nd the pyramid. · Scarf nedllines, big con· vertible collars interpreted with ~~ichtess revers an~ shoulder ~.-lets ~t as im- porianf a rid new io~eninq­ influen~es on m a n y of Spring· s coats .. ' These neck!ines •Ml coJ- lars combine in a striking effect · with h u g e beK- bloused. push-up sleeves o( lull bracelef : i~gth, over· · size cuffed sleeves-_ And tb '· complete tbe effect of $oft. ness and dramatized fecnm- inity of'· the new season, there are side wrap ~osings. obliquely placed ~t+oris ~ and diagonally sl.nted rev-· ers. As weM as the surprise element of linings t h a t range from vivid red sil~ or- g.ndie · to-cJay striped taf- .f .... and pri~d silks. Use Soap Soep added to the final rinse water helps pigskin --• :& 1 ~ HE\\' l 'NBACK TRA.PLES. DRES by cal· h'x or C&lllonla. A two-plttf' ~ nwmblr. 1'1tla troat d~ boclb: f1&ttd Inn~ plf!atecl • illllrt: ._. n•••••• --. Wat..-.. oottoa ............ MZt'mMI ........ w.. or Dode. .. -~ 1mclil ... wtlllt a ~-a.id AIGS.. gloves stay ~~ end pliable. ~ .. ... Here's Advi~e for Women Shcfppers . Werning~ women! Pre- face ~ tie shopping 1f0t rn.tles With this quick re- -fNiher coune in necktie ch o o,s,i ·n 9 from expert Broole c.dwahder. Here ere his tip$: I. Avoid the n e,c k t i e thet is i-.st 0 10ucl" A man JNY wMt +o ex.press him- .self but" not bao.rd fad.- • ... 2. Try to retMmber th.t 1 mod suits are ~! t~Y or brown. 0on•t buy a tie that won't hermonmt with any of these colon.. 3. Avoid buying n e c: ~­ w..r th.t as too short. No C..avat should m&asure less than 51 inches. . 4. Don't iust grab any . tie. Give tie selection the thouc)ht and consideration you give aH other 9i~s. 5. Remember that this year the neat compatt ~t­ tem on a ~ dirk ground is considered sm1r+.- est. IARTINE'S CALICO SHOP ,. ThiS two piece sundress of Mexican handscreened cotton in blue and white Arlee with matching reversible bolero brings the promise of 9ay, I I I listi1ctive Yar•age in Rayo1s, Cottons and Woolens carefree vacation days ahead.' · . . BALBOA tSLAND j 1801 Nf'wport· Ave .• COSTA MESA ~--------------------------------·--------~ ( Fabric ·is Star of New Bio.uses I . It's · the fabric th.t tells the new fashion story ·Qn i•wel and surplice, neck aned blouses for Spring '51. L. a v i s h all-laces, lace~ trimsrpure sil~ • prints and stripes, pastel sheen, pure linens, polished. cottons, . sheer nyl~ns and cotton pi- ques give variety· and fes- .hion inter.est to the-Wouses -· yoli\team with skirts or wear with n· a ~ r o w-silhouetted suits. • Sleeveless styles ' and styles· with the merest sug- gestion of a sleeve are fore- r:nost in the new fashion pic- fure. They offer fun-to-ac- cessorite iewel necklines and surplice aecklines. Surplice necklines are often tho dra- matic accent mark of e wr•p-•round style-th.t ~•n - be worn with suits or with skirts in early Spring and to top shorts later in the sea- son. In a more casual mood are the cotton-knit T-shirts. This season, T-shirt design- ers have given a dressier outlook to thMe classics with novel collars and fas- hion-wise colors m a k i n g them as smartfy appropri- ate for business wear es for sun and sport separates. Flannel for Spring Loob Fresh, New Flannel is the. fabric .. talk- ing point of fashion t h i s Spring of 1951. In suits, suit ensemble1 and eoats it achieves a spanking f r e s h ' and new effect. Spring colors in flannel are lighter than for previous seasons. Pearly grey is most popular with stone blue a close follow-up. Beige flannel is also to be seen wit1i a rosy or golden cast, as is heather, navy and sparkling white. Tone -on - tone combinations appear primarily as dark. insets worked onto lighter tone suits; bodice and hip strap- pings, collars, pockets, edg- ing, buttons, bibs a"d yokes . all providing darker tone ac- cents. Also classic styles and new nylon lace . ~MASS , NEW YORK6R Dufl satin lastex ... 'third dimensional design •.•• matching suit and iacket .. make this swim duo lhe Mabs hit of the year . Suit with inner bra .. 16.95 Matching cotton battle i~C:ket 11.95 · Solid and chalk stripe flannel helps re ... introduce man-tailored suits to the fashion scene. Clot,esH01st18t. 2 15 Merine Ave. Balboa tafand j - '• 17'1 NEWPORT BLVD. "°8T4 • P.ure silk ;.turns to the . fashion fold, this Spring, in ma~ guises end et modest • ~· ,. ~ Print, sorid an~ sheer . dresses are all featured in • this luxury fa bric. along with _ coa~ and boxy iackets : lined in· a silk print. or plain -u · and • wide selection of flor-· . . ,...,__.,At;,-geometJic ~-stfiped ~r b!oUSfJ, some of /which are part of a dress 'ensemble or a costume suit • .. TRIS ATl'BAOl'JVE mother- daopt~r easemble a. a SaJz. burl· pd.at e.xcluaive wttb t.alP Ortpnale of· Callfonda. Jbtdttna~tocem­ ~t are elMMna. MockllDI are Ea.18e U14 little llrtetlil BeJ'l'NOll of Corona del Mar • . >. I o·'BRrEN'S -FOR YOUR PASSPORT TO SPRING! ----- "'81111UlED P 41\"EL clu9le." Bolle 1lllarte BeW• .. eculptur- eld ...... i-boesta llDOOtla ' ........ .we.. dppf'~ a.tt ... Iott M1nde ~ Avatleb'e la boA etMtlcbed ~ Wida and QloD llJetad _. .... prl9p~tco'- . on. . f ·... .. t 1 • ••• give ·and :wear exquisitely sheer •.. 1.50 to 1.95 1209 V...t _Highway, CoJ'ODa del Mar I r . ' ,. ..... I -"\ NEW PU.UUS ~ ~ e4 fOI' ,,....... .... d«ll WMJ'. Tiie .......... ~ ---•·ona ,.., .,_.. er W..p. Tbe PY 1*W 9IJttall tot ~ bf! mix~ ...... *h1AI. ... obs ... ~~ Berp,r ........ 'l'-ides. / 680 Coast ~y Newport Beacf Beacon 5248 I ~ 8undaJ• ' ' , . Soa-p Hemline' ~irk bem'ine·1 on dark ·fabrics with ~ap. It's neat, · easily visible, easily b~hed or washed off later. • Wil Ill Jf ~ ~25 t•rilli~I PLY .. NO FJ8B , • A Dress +t> , 60 ~any.-. - Places Thi1 Seeson . · One dress for inform.I -. daytime weer. The same dress for gala evening events. It' 1 as much fun as magic and it's the key fash· · ion of Spring ·~1. It may be a dreu with a tiny bolero or snug -fitting ..: Jacket that_ -wh.n remove~ r~v~als a gay print blouse -..top~ Oi-a m•y he .... .dre" . with a suit ,~. in a for,,,al f ~ric sudl as faille or pure silk ~th, 'neath the iacket, a baretop bodice of lavi$h lace. Qr Jt may even-be a cheerfuJ cotton dress you 'H wear with its iac\et or bo- lero top for · momincj shop- ping and by doffing the ·iecket later in the day re- . \ veal a dreu perfect for sun- --ftfng ~ ~ACtftCJ • ..--, · Wider, Shaped Belts Circle Slim' Woists Belts to · c o m-p I e t e Spring's costume look· and to emphasize the slim ~nes of newest f a1hions are wide and shaped to the figure thii season. Wide, contour or curved types are mast pop11lar and can be seen in sleek black patent-leather,~in sok velvet. with its own self-buckle and in co1orf ul ribbon styles. LOVELY BEl'T\. "!t.ND~R m..... a bloomu MiffVf' ~oat by •un of (".aUforllla for M!r _.. filbor'fl ltoUday ha Corona cld Mar. nm f&llhJonably 9'yted coat of ra) on llnfll h• JM'lrlttt for Uat1 mild M"aSOll ahf94. E'S MEN'S SHOP . -. ~:wtswear and AcceuoFies For Men and . Boys -T SHIRTS .. h!:;"!,:,.MI . . WIM WEAR • BALBOA BLUES • YACHT SHOES C...p .... Lia• of en'• .l'arnldalags Custom Macie Cloths ·line's . -Men's -~hop 305 Palm A~ Harbor 1638.J ' 1 s .. . 1 t • , 0.RIGL'-il .\L -~fary Elbl- werlh of 11&1--. I ..... _...,,. r. a ~ 1•'1nta _.,...... A .._... ' d,.. ot banililcl'fflM"d Mn.l- ean <'oUon lD ".luncla" s-t- t.f'ra. Hrr dlntt-r <'Oat ot baad- ,.atff ~i. ... ~ ... mau·bluc "Jung-la.. prbat • .. Fabrkfl < ~ <-olur f L tya.cl b,\ MortPI. linen tfte Star You 1f ...,. linen this Spring. You'll choose it in a · dyed-to-match ensemble that may consist of a sr.m skirt and a sleeveless blous~. You may prefer it as a nar- row~lhouette duster coat accented with a contrasting color vehtet collar. Or you may like this fabulous fabric best when sty'8d into your favorite dress-up frock of the season. -. · Cotton Glitters Cottons have a gay glit- ter this sea~on. Pert off -should er styles for CJ41la evening events come aU dressed-up w i t h rhinestones twinkling a m i d lavish applications of lace. Smooth cotton b!ouies, look sparkling pr~tty with sprm~lings of beads border- ing their r1ecklines. • wear , the straplea bodice arid continues over the shoulder to a deep sailor collar. In Lilao. In sius 9 -15. •• . . for fi• fashions at mocl•st ....-. . • IAe She Sleop 80b E. Balboa Bot.1fevard I t4 I A L ·a 0 A ' ' . ... Barbor 1095 Reductions TBB MAR~-- • is Spring l<eynot.'e . fabrics that h a .v tt httle shoulder padding and more natural body lines. A n o t h e r contriblrtion It looks t.ke a great sea- son ahead for sportswear. Every kind of leisure-time c;lofhing fbr men is branch- ing out in new variety and with new comfort features. furnishes new color interest, · :.I! the tartan flannel bluer in ,"',~~· wi.t::-.. authentic Scottish clan p.t- tems. These giV* .. r • • w• come lift to the 'solid tone iio...._~~;.,.tlri Increased porosity a" d licjht • weight construction are keynotes of 1951~ sports- wear designs. A n d the Spring and Summer in"ova- tions th.t will interest every man include sheer sport thirts, odd iackets with featherweight construction, new tailoring ideas in ~orts, more comfortable waist- band treatment in slacks and color variety in all types of sportswear. slacks or shom ·which m•"-•·~ are f avorincJ. e.ftp ... sis.on tl.ck·v.-- sign is fJefinitely on com- fort i with such things as shirred -elastic waistbands and other treatments that ' require no belt. · NEW COLOR ACCENTS ap- pt"&r ln mt>n'• fuhlou for aprt~, M OD tbb llabt- Wt"ISht rayon poUon r wltb It.a thl"ff-tonf'CI cbeovroa atrtpe IM'roN tbfl cbeet and In the knlttff walstbaad. 0.•11h. · .The. Spring season jack- ets ate designed in r.gbt- weight wool and wonted Style scouts say that men are finally ready to be com- fortable in the gentler sea- sons by wearing walking or play shorts for golf, tennis, mowing ' the lawn or iust If you need a Business Suit for the ieach. Get Cl Curlee Sul,t at ~ LA llOftE'S • ,,. SMARTLY ,TAILORED Economical in First Cost and PRICES 'J upkeep. Provide the absolute maximum in both comfort and s49so up good looks. Choose yours today. ' LA M'OTTE 1S • 112 East 18th St. (Opposite P. 0.) • COSTA MESA loafing. The n e w shorts come in a big selection of plain color fabrics, fine " woolen or worsted flannels .. end gabardines that look like a million with the gay- . colored. an over pattern sport shirts that are slated as style leaders for Spring. Sport sliirts for the com- ing season have shorter col- lars that will be welcomed by many men who shunned the former long -collar vogue. Great popularity is ·elso expected for the ne~ variety of woven pullover shirts which have gained ac· ceptence steadily over the pasi two seasons. Pattern choicM for Spring range from so~, clear pastels to small stripes and checks . ' • • t' • l { ' ..._, t-~-1 • ~~ FOR •sand GIRLS • RED, DENIM and KOVAL BLUE Price $3.35 f" Bo/JJ. RTING GOODS port Bh•d.. at 17th St._ A MESA &Mron 8021-B of FREE PARK.ING (Fore aad Aft) ' ----------------- ' - • \ .. ,.. ··. \ - ' The ~ol drelsed man wal lridesc;,,t or mixed .. ef- Stic:k to the ltr•ight •nd focts will be seen on many ' ~row tM SprinCJ. . ~ . • weft dad back. es~ci lly ~ · ;n,. unbrol•n. hanging . in. combmat!ons ·of b!ue and n,..,· ol $pringluits •nCI. top-tan, blue and grey and wine __... __ ~ts acid height •nd sub-end grey. . ·. t~act ~ 1ro·m the male · Dark co!ors take over for contour. Hat.s, tie' and col· tropi cal fa bric suits. with --·t.t--n":"a~tapereCI to ·~~ance bfue loomi~g in importance. tbeJU•djon · ~--·--pcoats "w..iJl tum. p. in · • Lightweight fabrics e I' o many shades' of grey. ' help to achieve slimmer lines Sh®lders slope naturally witlt clear finished , and un-this. Spring, 'with padding in finist.ed worsteds. s Ji a r k • suits and topcoats pared to . skins, flannels, gabardines a bare minimum: Jadet and Ughtweight t w e e d s end c~t shapes approach leoding the field. the rectangular~ , , The two -button single-. breasted suit, .prized for its slimming effect. is gaining · -co"'1tfy -wide ~"rf. aJthough the thr.e.-. butt~n ... double -br•aded mod.t •0&~~~ still .,-wicfe styte-~ppe·I. Patch pockets, graft~ from ·spcx:+s iacketc, ar• being " widely sported by w f 11 AMONG THE' MANY new f a • b • o a • l&Dovatlou for 1porta f'Dthl19tuta h a wat.r- proof jactkf't that tolcb 1-to a IJD\&fl JJiM"~t for st.Grap ln p•I tJ&c po<-kflt. auto duh- board or flAbtac Oy case._ All Vlnyltt~ ~le. SJ> r in 9 -•~o .. Summer favorites are the pecenniel dr_.sed ~·· particul.rly in t~ middle and far West. light ground t • r t a n s dominate tlte Spring sport& · pU:ture, featured in odd sports iadceh, blazers and a new item, he tar.tan waistcoat. Tart an is all • important for sports a~cessories, too, turning up in shoes, caps, s u Sf>• n d • f s and shirts .. Spo~ topcoats in tweed with ti,,.in linings have wide appeal this Spring, with a re1Urgence in popularity of the bel collar. The trend toward lighter ) tropic~ worSteds, rayons, linens, anG linen-like weaves, sil~s ·and sil~ blends. Minia· ture chec~s. self weaves, subdued dripes and over- weight in sport and bu5.i· ----------------+~~~:+~~...._~~-""':-:-f-..-:-~--7t: ness dothes extends to shirt . plaids1 fj!'d wide favor for dress and business, with f f ancler .patterns setting the t pac.; (or semi-sporh end sporis~ear .. Colon fade to cool tones and shades. with attention focused on greyish cads, "particul.rfy greyish b I u e s end tens. • Hair Styling ~ fabrics, too. • Expertly done .. .. ·• By ' ··Dan · \ Be sure your hair is properly cut &nd styled before your permanent. Latest modes and Coiffures. · .• · Din's Barber · Shop a.Jboa Theatre Bulldlng ' Balboa • • • • .. " . I I •. I l. I I • ' I I I • ' .. .. ' , ... .. It . "' :· .. .. , ' i ~ , • ; •, I . ~-~ - Clear, New Colors Greyed blue, lighter than Bloom for Snring_ royal, darker · than pastel · • I'!" blue is coming into Spring ~:.:~~4;;·:_,.,a~~.:i Spring f nhions are burst-prominence. It may be seen .... ..-._-'41 ing out in colon th.t might in 9al• prints, as a soft over-~~~f~~~ , . easa1y have been pludted ch~k, as a pretty Spring from YOUlt f.worite garden. haf. Aftcl again, sparlcli119 Colors are gentle. Colors wltite acts as the P,erfect · -ari muted:. Prinfs ere su"b-accent • note. tie,· such as the tiny plaids, Your dresses · and your the diminutive checb, the suits will boast that most florals and . geometrics that prb:ed of all Spring flowers, •re artful minute •. siz• tree.-the viQlet, in fones that eries and the stripes, here range from the very deep a«1ain, but ever so delicate-· to the very deficate. And ty crayonesl in. what more dramatic" con- y es, over all colon reign trast than the addition of as der.ghtful reflections of smoldering copper or flam- every sw .. t Spring bloom ing orange to this strength- from the deepest of blue inviting sfiede. • iris to the most dit.~te of Grey ;n patterns, grey in daffodil yettow.-· · -lustroUi pea +ones, this is-w...w~.-. • It's navy, of course, as how you wiH find that ever- the leader for suits, for .. popular shade of Spring: dresses. for pert •nd. shert this year. Ughter in tone toppers. to be foiled by the ·than last year·s suits and sparkle of white et your coah but "evertheless here · throat. at your wrists, on and ready to toke its place your head. Wtiether it's a as one of the leaden of the deep black navy or a spark-season. ling blue navy will depend Beige, considerate fteu- upon your own taste, but all tral tone for the radiant shades of navy ~re here and spre.d ot Spring color. ready for ec:five Spring loo~s its most importani fashion · maneuvers. when styled es a S-uit or a '\ Our Bloomer . Sleeve coGt • • • by Jules of Califomie The coat shape to a hem of world wide · circulation . . • the sleeves round end full of • new fashioned •ir. Rayon linen in pink, navy, aqua, black. 17.95 1209 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar ANOELS&L~ -the 11U11e of t~ IMtN fabN la apt.. for ~ eon. amoot.b f&brlc la lws\-.aly to 9''Nr. Maurice H&JldW of Calltoru\a ck'tllp- NI tbb ow-p~ ewtl ••I&. ,,..t•rlnc a diamolMl...._ped 9h.lrrNI front panel aad raf- ~ atrapk. top. TM bra 1.8 board ror a f"latt..rlqly our- vfld I~ coat end coupled with a strong partner which could be star -of -the -seasoh navy or fresh..as-t~rass green or even danling and gay yellow. And this is not all , for there are other colon to appeal to every taste and imaginarlion. T h e r e are toasty browns, corally reds, so~ melons, electric aquas and toud,es of gold. So pre- pare to enter Spring in col- or and enter it in the color you love best! Shoettare Opened Up Th.re's an opened-up look to sport-time shoes, for Spring end Summer, f eetured as open backs, that are seen even on moc- casins, and open shanks (the bottom part of your instep) on other low -heel footwear styles. Skirts Grow Shorter on Sprin9'1 Formals , The 1'1orter length formal · for Spring is en accepted ~ part of your gelii occasion wardro~. It eppea"' in nteny 91.m- orous guises! exotic sheen such as orgames and chif· fons over special n.+. and crisp taffeta ,.tticciitt: al trs FASHION~BlE _I.~! styles, some~!!"n..est~ _.._TO ,-n· • .a.:·· ~1:l ....:_. : trimmed and rustling 1 taf-· 1.l"V"' •a; fetas in eacitiftC) grey and apricot colon. Many of the new shorter length dance . dresses have matching stoles and some even have fur trims adding to their elegance. Give 'Em a Dip . Collars and ~uffs should be cli9ped iri w..-m water ~(with 41 littJe bleach •ddedl and scrubbed lightty but firmty with ~ so.p-Nbbed brush before· they are plac- ed in the washing machine. I I ! I I I I : i \ I .. Yincenfs Ueki · Travel luNcm J i AIR. 8.BIP or T-..iN USDVATION8 BOTEL ud RESORT ~o .. --';'ftn;A~~4L.:;,;·~-=-=-"'4'•-~ I • --------------------~ Smartly Casual are the Washable, Celanese Jeraey Dresses designed by Serbin . . . 3 striking styles in colorful spring ahades ......................................... Sl!.95 GAY CCYrTON DRESSES TOO!! Polly Apparel Everythlag la Women's War 1835 Newport Ave. <Joeta 111M •