HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-03 - Newport Balboa Press• ' , &idt~t ' ., T. Jf. ("BJUCK'"lt QAJMa rt'. ahn,ya • p'ea.-an to bear t.-OllT t.._-.0 N_.-tcr Wll0'9 ftOW ULio dtjl&'a. cClfTOOllOllll- •nl for U.. .-em half of ~ .,,d polnta -DU1dli °"" Wllnlln-, _ ,.__ more Hai• -(olluo u..n' aim-Myono, moved ·.up tn a apot outalde oi Aabland, C>Tegon, juat after th• Indiana letl, and ~.. been lb•"' enr stnOf!:. reporCtng on the com~ lngs and gotnp ... or localltea. wbo atw&,ya drop into bia -Jlllbellevab!e estabtbhmenL l OQtch Gus mwst lock bla Yllil· ora in hte jlJ)ectal Octopua Room and pry all lb• lnfonnallon tboy have out o( 'em, beCauae be knowa the famJly hhllory ot about every- one who pulls oa the main high- way. • For lrult.ance, he writ~ lbat Charles E. Fan and wife of 8&n G&br1el dropprd by. "Hla aon, HAJ"Old, la &n o'd-tlme Newport fiaherm11n." Or, .. R I-I . Baker of Orange-- he's county dogcatcfier o r II)()~ thing Ilka that -11t opped. Mn. Baker i& lbe 1dslf'.r o.t Joe and Elsle Patterson of Balboa l•land." And "Mra. J . E . Balley ot Colt.a Mesa was In recenUy. ,She wu vlllting ha aon and tlla funlly. ' Tbey live at Shad)' CIJl'9 Oft the Rogue, where JI &lwayr g_ood if the Water tan•t: teo high or too clear Qr too muddy, or eome- lhing. And you MUST have a ll- cen.ee. loo. A neighbor of the B&Ueys la Don (Canoe Bullder 1 Douglu. another Ex-Newporler." He also mentioR.s Jim H itch- man (SU..ie'!I blggeall was on tht· -• .'blS..- A. -ol tba -~Pldl)' ~~ -- of tile Callt<>mla South . -' Cc.-t&I Empln I • • IM,l9• 'Dtl IN1 I .. HAllOI · AllA • . '· SECOND LAit6ESl 'HOME COMMUNITY • l ' , ~Iii' 7 .... ta ... t ·1 -.............. -ta ................ p;pr'r' ••t ·'--....----;;._-.1 t NEWPORT BEACH, CALU'ORNIA,. THURSDAY, MA.f ~. 1951 ' BALBOA ' ISLAND JQUJH~" 13~. HILARiA.;LEADS ADMITS SEmNG THREf··FIRIS AFTER'lSf HOUR; . I . ~,:~:kl ;:l-i:=-~ ..,~1 5 · bble ~-11· 138 STARifRS ~:,.°;:,!. ~':. :~d~;_;;i':.:~. qua . erj 'At 12 noon 't.oda.Y .(Thurs- Fire Inspector Phil Hayd•n hao a1 ·1 j t · -1· · '· «'-k ff announced. mest -.•.1f1C v~eaa too o ' -I ', way to sch .up thataway. And s.i. .. la at tv left; otlloft, left t. rtpl, ..., &U.-t.; No.. 11, 1 ·-lllrd: No. ll, 81Q<1Uti: f'()(J 6. Allllliioa: lo-1,'H-(-- hie attn oae laoor), Ud II, Dolpida. n.e -·~ at U - ·~ totalling ... Mllm•led $3800. B •t · L·cense· . aay) 138 of "the'West Coast's A poUlion will be filed w ith Bl . Cil ·'all lb'-from •N¢Wpo:rt Harl>or's west · n lb riU ·-'" lb g mixup at y n "" _.} , . _ that Norrnui J"'il"9, the !amily grandson, wU vtafttng on a wttk end from Of'l!l8"lll State. where "he's aludying to be a Phar - Pharn1 -Oh, lieck. juat aay drug clerk! J cNUe Miller of Tustin and Jay and Ann McColUater of Costa loteaa were a'.on~ too_ .. ~:.. e au 0 ea -& ........ st e week 18 .ihe squabble and fuaa o~r jetty ~ ;,-~ l ~ of . ~e According to Inspector Hayden. the Luu1ng of a license to sell live worldt8 ·~~.: QCeaJl sailing tnformaUon waa rccelvrd by the bait to the Odette and N.!1""n e ent, the 140-mile Newport ~:..i 1 f IND BOD.Y OF I MAN. iDROWNED NEAR COM N~rt Beach fire department Corp. from the Shell Marine uock Eli . which pointed to t he boy as the ~n BaJ~a l.sJand. . . sen.ad.a lnternatio~, HE'Lf ... TRY ' ANYTHING, ONCE guUty party. Hayden added that At 8·20 8· m. Saturday, Odetr,o Yicllt. Rac;e. Overcast skies several clues ~ been found the..t and Neleon were ordered t~. ap. fnd a light wind greeted the tfed ln wilb tbe boy's adml.sslon of (H.'&r ~fore the Newport ~ach • " , guilt. cit>: co~rl to . a~er char~ pt l>oats ~d ram ~ predic~ Hayden Mid that lbc youth &d-selling hve bait ~J lhout a _ Jlcen.tc. for tonight and Fric4y. 1 milted settinJ: the Circe but could They have pleaded not guilty and A general haae over the ocean offer no expll}'laOon for hta ac-court t~ial has been set for iM•Y made tt dJftlcWt for the hundreda tiona. The Newport Beach fire d('-15 at 1 ·30. a . m. of ·~~ Untng lhe Balboa partmenl had b<>en working on th(' _In the inlcrlm, they ~ave ap· pe.nlUOla lDa the, Corona de) Gus ald he heard Gen. Mac- Arthur was vis.IUng thla country and so at•nt htm a note t.o drop ln for a cup of coffee and see bis Smiling OctopUN>-11. However, he conceded t hat th~ fan1oua gener&J was flying in an airplane. and JJO wasn't di.sappolnted w b e n he Body of Paul .J. Alexander. 38,4'------------anon angle of the t ires in co· plh .. 'CI for ai:id receJv~ a lacerue to Mar bl(ltta \0 .... a clear view of .Anall.elm, wbo drowned llon-. operation with the National Board sell live bait .. The city license col- didn't. ' d&y .. an aftermath to the week-I Beek 0·1scloses of F ire Underwrlter111 . lector Harold Young, checked with end wind storm. wu found by -· At90n was auspl'cted after lhl'.' Harry Blodgett, city attorney, an4 .-..rchen Tueaday afte rnoon outbreak of the thlrd b(a.ze IMt (Coa.Unued on Pqe •j Howev('r, on the Break th Bank radio program be got a Jot ol air spaee the other day and wonders il any Harboritn beard about him .. He'd be c&ad. of a note II they did. Oo&Unc ln ahaUow wattt a mile E nd•t A k Thuraday al 2')5 Abalone Ave. at ... be~:~dr:;a .de:~~~&n. w .. s xpe I U~es, S :~e~· ~~d!:'~~1rc~tr;::d '~u;~lt~ ~ewport1• y:-"!»''"8' drowned when a aklff be wu at-ted th~ a~nist to gain en~ry to IS PO 10 lctim temptinc to bring uhore over-Probe . oec·1s·1ons the unoccup1Ni homo belonging lo I ~ t.be new• tretn one of N a --moat.-dJatant...,...1 A PA"r. FOR EARL STA.NL!: leV 0 8 - 12'g V'ls area 1ut week. got tn eome mort pl\cbes <fut week end. turned alter alrlklng a hidden K, R. Swift of Los Angelce. I rNf' ln a.n area hit by beavy The other fires a'legedly set by breaker• and .·a atrong undertow. ReverberaUon.1 at c:barga levied the youth lnclu.ded one which t.l'ewport Llfesuard CapL Jack ln 8&cramento tut week that burned the hoqye of Atuireo# Oram Jonea and Police Offloer Dean equipment ot Uie Placer Oo\l'1ly of 8IJ'i M.arlno, located at 207 Pollqm found the body at 2:80 8otl ConaenaUon Dt.trtct n:ilpt Abalone Ave., Dalbo a.laland, caua- p. m. Tuuday atter a 20 minute .,..., ..,.,, wron~ly -'1" ....,d Ing J3,000 dama ... Aprjl 13. An: -· It wa.11 broo!irbl -..e of J . IL-....., otm ~· o}ho~ fl,. In th~ .. r1 .. pt , thr .. ~L~ 0( the ..... ,.~,~~ • tll'cll...IUl!L~Ml!>q•. u..-. n~r reAltor of JJ&rtJOa "t". ~ 8~~~ :wiiloh bell . arid KaulMn Mortuary ln J.eland, gave a atatement to the damages estimated at $500 were Anaheim. . legitlature that he h.a8 apent 13!5,-cauaed b~ th& blue at the bulld- Wttnel8el told Newport Bffch 000 with private concerns for ma-Ing owned by Mrs. W. W . Bar- a.nd Lapna Beach lifeguards that Leri.ala and work tn the develop· nett. Earl came south from Sacra- mento to (ind ottt local fttllng on hls proposed pUT8e aelne bill. which woukt keep the game hog11 away rrom the coaet during th" trummer n1onlhs. WASHED ASHORE-Ufesu&rd Carl May-. of ........ Be9ch coven the body of Paul I. Alexander, S& of Anahehli. wbo drowa- f'd Monday la the IMl.rf bf'twttn Arcll ft.o<ok Ud Cl')'•tal Cft,-e near Coroaa del Mar. AMlitLI DI May• •~ Newport Be8clr pol~ Dean Pollom (lf'ft), and :'li"e"·port UJesuard C.pt. leek lone&. the small sklU t*ertumed about ment. of hla Hidden Valley .sub-'r°'-f;-----;;,,. -------------------- 126 Y•rd• offshore be~een Arch dJvillon near ROBe'Ville, Placer t roe \ and Cryat.al Coft at 8 :07 County. p. m. Monday Beek· made this dlacloeure in • • Taking uae Allhore connection with charges th.la week : '1 AB a result of hi.a visit. a group ~t at Greg Gorby's home ln San- ta Ana. Greg, wheri not playtng pinochle or mllklnt; lemonadf'. operatf's one of our cannerie!I. A l"!o there wrre reprt'aentativcs of other canneries. of sporlllfl!hlng landings, &11d of the aportflsher- men. There was a put of the bill which n1lght do damage to the lo· cal cannery Industry due to cut~ l ing the tteM<>n loo short. and (Continued on Pase .I) (hlddoo ). ' ' TOWNSHIP MIGHT LOSE CLASS A COURT 'JULY 1 .. Alexander waa attempting to ta.ke a Une uhore to a beached 26-foot ate-el-hulled craft belong- ing to Oo.n Charle of 1216 Cout Hwy.. Newport Beach, which went aground Saturday. when hi• (Co•tlaued OD Pap I) that state purchued equipment of the Placer County Soll Conser- vation Dtatrict waa us~ to de- velop homeaJtea on the tract. (Continued .. Page %) Chamber Needs H. · ht M · · Crew Race Movies e1g s ar1ne All appeat from Ille CMmber . Newpor.t Beach Township Justice Court, now a C1aa A jurlsdic· of Commerce for motion plc- tion, will revert to a Clau B rating after Ule oltlclal 1900 cenllUA M·1ss·1ng ·,n Act·1on tuttw take.a of tlLft rece•t litlJ;er-Opp Nmnecl Head ftgWU ""' filed about J uly I unle .. aom• •lop i• tak.eft to a•• It ::°"=.":;"'a:-~ · I more populat¥>n before the. deadline. • .... 1_ weei. f M Spotten · O ang County COWulel Joel E A Newport Heights Martne ,,_,.. 0 esa I r e · H e explaluod "·I ~--of Ogle said Tuesday that · the new serg~ant wu reported mlNlng In ..-____._, • p 1· Le k Yo\.-. -----'~-• of r-o•-' ~--. u r·gu howtnc th town action ln Korea by the ~fe.nR, ••"' ... ,., .. _ ~ •-__, Fr~ Opp, long tlme Mesa real-0 ice ID ~~~; ~it~ ,:: stha.n ao.~ popu: department thle week. He la Mu-Artbur"la Saa f'raDCllJco oe the dent. of 24 50 Orance Ave .. I.a.st lation. will have the effect of In· ter Sgt. Robert J . Montieth, 29, Mme day all tbe major Dfl""9- v.·t"t'k took over direction of the T · _ B I • validating a superior court ruling huabe.nd of Mrs, SUMnne Mon-rff .. llHlt thetr "l"ipnH!llt to the local ora-an1zatlon of plane spot-WO urg ar1es under which the township court telt.h. :>35 Et Modena Ave .• New· Bay ell)' $0 eovv the ennt a.ad t era In the Mesa civil defenJle set-was advanced ln ming about 18 port Heigh~. t.be crew raoea were Destecte.L up. . monlh8 ago. Sgt. Monteith wu a..n ob&erva-However, die Chamber 1fould lie relieves Mrs. Mildred J.tath· Newport Beach police lnvestl· Th 950 ahowed the lion pilot with VM<>-6 and wu ttke to ue moviee to •bow the ewa. organizer of the group· of 25 gators tied together an attempted e 1 ceMW1 rormerly stationed at E1 · Toro Otympkr. oommJttff the type of volunlf'f'rs who are lllatN to hold burglary or a safe at Munro Newport Beach Towna!Wp t.o have Marine Corps Air 1tatlon. He wu ooune Ule Harbor baa aad .Lan- rejtUlilr test drill.a In which they Motors, 3001 Newport Blvd .. New-2S.OOO population buit ead of the eent owt-seu Jut July and par-~ would Uke to bonow 8pot actuaJ a ircraft and relay port Beach and the mlclnJght core than JO,OOO wblch auperlor tlclpaled in the .. Inchon landing. U\T nlm takeo to . make copkis. ~ their tnrorm&tlon to the filter chaae of intruders Tuesday by ourt dt'<!i.ded for the townehlp In Beeidea hl.11 wife, h~ ha.a t.hree Either ooW or black and. white center In Southern Calltornla Verne Tripp, 230 3111t. St., New-ordering 113 classltlct.tlon cha.ng:e chlldren. Sueanne, Chriftlne. and ta ~ted and It w1J1 be ~ which handle.11 the caJla. port Beach. ~l the llnle lll,ne.w court build.inc J ohn. He wu reported miatng taf'lled ~the owae.r, ~· P.fr.s. Mathews aak rd tQ be re-According to police 1·eports. an was f'recled here oppoalte Coat& April 24 tn a Mort time. ll~vf"d In order to devote more attempt was made. to open a sate Afesa Community Park. ----·---~------------------- l1n1e to the Red Croaa program of ln the top drawer ot a metal fll-:fbe change ln cJ.aaalf1calk>n ~.i:;~cllon of teachers whlch oh• Ing cabinet :~~~·:..0~·;~ 1,m•y mean ~=o~ ~i I Costa Mesa Be-gins Preparations Jor 'Annual Lions Club fish fry . ' ' ' • . } END OF AN EPISODE occurn-d during Ille wlndotom y wbl.cb aw"Pf; the Harbor •f'M. and b~' dowll tbls ahack • M. the CO;l'lle{ of l1b St. and Santa Ana Avt'., Costa Me&&. The ~ha.ck "'U the home of Ramon MHldou. "'ho "'&!J brutally clu~ to death last ~ I!. The &hack "-.. late r torn do'"''1l fo.r aal\-a~e. ' of the race s~ F irst boaL ~ acrou the lille in the Loni ·Dlata.nee Racing Rules Class was PCC·3. Selene, skipper- ed by Vall, &u!l.& B&rbara Yacht Club. C1oae on the heels of Selene ·Were Attorante, Antigua., Skylark &nd HiJartL . .. In . the Arbitrary Cius. first past the starting nag wu the sloop, · Stormy Petrel. followed b}r Bold Venture,. _and Flicka. An hour alter the •tart of the ...... Hilarta ..... In first posi- tion followed by Bran.ta _ wltb Saluda. wtanet of lut year'• race ln third plaoe. Cliff Ch.a.pm&n , general com· mittee chairman of the Newport Ocean Sailing A&eociaUon, spon- fUonbnoed oa Yace I) • Irvine Co. Gives C0unty Easement for CG Anchorage Late Tuesday Orange county accepted ail euen1ent for an 80- foot-Wlde acce& from Bayside Dr. to county"·owned property near the Balboa YM:ht club . . The Irvine ~1 granted the coun- ty the easement without pay, but wtole tn a condition. that the county ahould keep the beach in front of other lrvine Co. property for pubJlc puJ1>0St!.8. The county proposes to build an • anchorage for the. Coast Guard'• cutter on part of the property, and t.he. cpunty harbor corriml.salon .. bu !teen pushing for utabl.labment of. a had>or departinent headqua.rten ~ere. · • . - _J;uperviaor Betns ~r .. of Newport ~~ aaid flnt ahtp- '!'ODt ot •lttl onlei!ed for th• Cout q...t,1 dock i. clue to ,,. delt- ~ and that I.he eourily lhould .. tu~ ~ matter of tlie ristJt.or·, .-f~ bail, been ponding for · ' r. t .. ~pion. • I ,. • ,I ICabor 'WealL1r I 1· ,r • TwpaNt••-. .... ... .... .......... .... ,.....-: -<, l -·, ... .._ = ir ......... ---D Prts u • ..,_. 11 --~• • .,.,,.,,...,..._ .... . . ....... ·-·-" .. . ') ... .__ .• _'.. ... c -• 1~u.-..1 --'-· • • W I I ' '"= I ,...__ " • l'ill " •f .... ... .......... • • • ' • PAl'iE 2'-PART T -·THURSOAY,.MAY •l ,1961 ·,~j-. -~~·. -, .-.a ,~:Puc~~eli J»RJS~~ • 4 _·n1~uttt11"'••am • · 1 l'Ubtlahed every Tb~ at NeZt Boocb, cattlomJa. Office and ~rlnt1n1 Plant· at ~11 , BMl.~Pllbne Blillor. ltlf Entered ;JMO, at lba )loot omco al Newport Beach, Co.lllomi., under Act f!I Kadi 8, 1679. . . I The C~tol iWeek ~:·.~ .... 't? •. -....... L, eh..... n. "' Ur ti. -*'•la -Iii _, 'T" llala.cl, --·to l. b. IAM. (II--°"''.I. I I) --of lbo '-111¥ ..... Th cmoe • -.. ten • ,_,. oce•U-. "II o .....,.._, ot"' ~t lillllileo I. -U -ul'" ___ _. _____________ .,.. ___ _,, -Ille ~t. paid --__ ._.,,_" -· .... ~~..;._t!Pt,..:~cai.';, 1i.8'. Ila -. i:-·-· ~TDIES -Every Tueeday w;::•=.i ... ~ ~ ~11r~:1 ... :.,:.: 1iEWPOBT BAY POST-Wedneedays · .po~t fbllla. ~· ·bttterlf _:nuns ~ ..=:-wm ~ NEWPOR'1-BAIJSoA PRESS _;Thor8days by Den......u.I 'tnd' 00 ll)' .. -....,.-~L. Northernln'iOi a11 llcal b,... Wdolla to ...u;, UM..,........,.., lfew.-it .. , -._.,.._ .uo --1a 111o 'Pu 11a,. emerpl aubtUnllally In lbe aam~ the sir• al tlMlr ~-· ,, __ • IM ft• c., ,.,._, ' SLIGHTLY UBf!D. 3-pc.~l 1 • • ' . April w. Ull • 'f-;d -tlonal like ft /.Phone 1 -lbat 1 had the ..... - Har, JU88. , l r Hc15 her ;~. relate a (toey told to..--· -L&l'&'Mt -~ "' a-,. '0-17 ' • • Hem.her Callfenda M~ PvWttrm •MftdetSM Manber Natk .zl Utettal •-mza. . BEN 0 . REDDICK. °"111P and P\lhllober ' R08ERT0 J'. WUJ.llD!, ~••,M.a.nAcer A. ALEXANDER BAKIIJfON, A~erllalng Manapr The Press hu ~n adjud•ed a new.paper of general clrculatlon by decree ot lbe SUperlor CoUrl of Or&nge Oowity anll lo ftllly qnallfled to pul>Usl! ~ klnda ocl lelll nou-and adnrtlaemeall. Of'FICIAL PAPER OF TBS ClT!' OF Nll:WPORT DACH SUB!ICRIPrlOl'f Jl&ftll1 NEWPOBT·llALllQ,' PllU8 •ftl"J 'J'hO.-,. 1 In Orance ·eoun'Y, SS.50 per ,._..; p.oe lllx moat•: (fl.la tJuree months)" (Abo lnoludM the NE~RT·BAl.00& NJ!:Wll-TDO:ll. oa Tueoday> OOtalde Ille ....,.17 "''° ""' 7oar. . , Brick Dust (CJontlnu.ed from Page 1) afte r a lot ot friendly wrangling', tluring whlcit Earl kept. both ean y,rlde open, a. compromise wu r'f'B~hed. / W ord on· the final decision of the locaJ folks, will be received Isler. But you may rest as8Ul'ed that the Assemblyman went back to his new offic~ in Sacramento with an earful concerning our local industries~ Folks hereabouts, incident&lly, should feed good that they have a. representat ive who takes eiJOUgh interest in our problems to scoot down during the busy week end to do the best he ca.n for us! Ensenada Race ( Contldued from Pal'e I) sor and orlglnator of the race, called the start "the most beauti- ful we've ever Hatl. almost Ukt a small boat race.'' The achooners AstriJd a.nd Glo.rta Dalton were 36 minutes late crou- ing the 11tartlng Une due to their llm1ted maneuvef'&blllty and the tad that the wind djed doWn ahortly an.er the 11tart of the race. The Race h&d been ortpnal.ly announced as having 138 entries, but two late entries puahed the amount of participating craft to a re-cord br-eaklng 138. At l:DfM!:nad& leek Discloses (O>atlnoed """" Pap 1) The anat.e official bu requut- ed a aubcommtttee ot the joint liicUil&Uve 'committee. on aoU con- eervaUon to make an. lnveatiga- tton ot Uie cha.rget cont&ined tn a report by,...,Legislative .Auditor 'A. Alan Pott. ' . Beek dec.lue4 publicly about the report has done him a grave l.njuatice and auerted th~ auditor waa unfair ln Mllng the report wtthout giving him a chance to be heard. Wanto Doct.lono In a letter to the leg1alatlve aubcommlttee, Bttk uked that the investigation determine: "FtMlt: Whether there la any evidence that any •late tunda were spent on the utenatve and cost.ly development ot Hidden Valley SubdfvUtlon. "Second: Whether the rectama- Uon ot wutela.nd and the con- at.rucUon or rese.rvolra. dama and dltchet, with resultant conserva- Uon of •ter, and lhe converaJon ot.. bruah land.a Into '11.-.tered pu• tu7e u a ccompli11hed at Hidden Valley W&.! a proper use of con· servation eervice equipment when the established c harge tor sucb equipment was being paid by the owner of the land upon which It WU u.sed." ~ Statemf'"D.t of Spendlnl" Beek sent an itemized state- ment to the committee ot hla ex- penditures as follows : ron11 o.i t1WJ .,.,. ln~ucecl. ' ~ ,_ , , , • MllfDIOM AD IS a l.lNU • . Tiie ~tie opp o a It 1 oft l'lnt Pliae of the C!'i.t wUl All on rt,... -pomt 11o .... ror ~ la adft91!0 of ...-... ~h otartA!d wllb "";.,.:! =-~t~r:.:~a..:4=.; • •hv t'l'llper ' • .'75· ~~f-to • on C&lalllla 'al"4 fer 11111 -, ' 1 &11 J ...,_ , LllO lok:., two --:..:f!::at": DOI' and'-_,__,~ . 'lb• S .hpen !.00 P"-'4 of Olo · re-wllb a ~. ~ ud .,,.... 1'bo ~ WU1 nOt be ~ for mo.. lban aoe ln"""""t apporUOnmtlit bUJ. • :JWld1ao o • d • r a Pl ssatod 111 1-'HD of ul -t. ,_..1 u.. r!rbt to CCll"octlJ' ·clualt)' Jllal: S1 ""'a •la"'"4 lie-t-1 mhdlula Will So . to -°"7• tn4 all ado and If rojo<t a117 &dnttlument --ronrW>c to lbe Ume -~ IMlat>l!n 1nd lbUd pi.ce wlDnen. Kar• 'li* aAd ..,wauooa; 'Advortl-.nto ud eancell&Uona will b" Wat.ta R. t.oa ~ tint ..,.. cb.andlal ordon will P to ah _,. ai:MpU<I up to O p.m. on lbo daJ. _..is.,. publlcatJon. Ph. Har. 1416 ...ilocl O.. i.a1a at a • ......,.7 h..,.. t .. tani., lncllidl-. tho tint ---· 1n1, Mii fiw •&• _.. or -JM1 &ad -~ to bis Uiat ov-..S the awmbl)o place wiJIMn... .N&WPOH ---mllllfo 00. cb&tnberw and the um. tht btlll Muter ot o.eai~ t• the 111.l h''•• mw...·ff'•""'* ftss*· CIMlonla. .._ •ready ta. lboi JOftmor'a :ontut W1ll be X... lfllol, the . deal< • , .. dlO &IU>OllftCar and )ocal -· --------.,---~-------------~Y. m:.;1 WUM1 Mid' be ·,,... oeu man. who le In cbarse ot •-OlllO:M OtJID& --.mn&~ll WA1fftll "Inclined" to 11,., lb• bUla ""-fudstnr u a me-. a< lbl·dub. _____ _. _______ _ there wao ovld,ence pt real In· NU.. baa ~ a "°"p ot ~ 8000 Cl&UGRO W.ANTl:O--Oene!'al carpentry " equlU... Bn he &dqod lbol be ludpa lncludki(''~lnmt ,radio, Miljle. . --... np -re!*lr work. Harbor 746-W. didn't lblnk any ~rtlonment •-and ll!OYI<_ &Ian, IMlad-+·rz11.1l.. mo Miii El• , • 1Sp1e blU. would aatls/Y everyone. ed by Victor .~ TIM Suds· fi'7 ·1111 ... . , 1n1 wm t-tho. ilarade to be Al'• Howie & .Rug riaHllllUIAN-Na..iptor Wanta PlMI Pit I 16 . • The final Benata ~se char· aet~ the bandlinr of the billl lbrougboul lhe e.ollre . le(llalatlw proceu. The majority Of lecfa1at· ors U.tened attentively to minor- ity argume.nta, then voted down the propoaala. Walen wu vlc~halrman ot the Republican atate central com- mittee. While he ateadlaatly COD· tended that the bW. •ere fair and equJtable, democrat.a ch&rged they wtte de1lgned to pu'l them out ot office and keep thetn out1 Proof ot tbe pudd.ln• WM U• peeled to turn up at the next pn- eral elecUon. lt the r-s>ubllc&nl make dt..proportionate ct.Jn. or democrat. aufter be6.vy revedell, It may be coneldered the bUJa we.re responsible. Even then4 bow ever, there wt.It be eo many other tact.on worthy of comkleratlon, It may prove lm- poealble to evaluAte jU1t bow much effect the 1"8pportlonlng had. The billa draw the bound.ry llitea tor the state'• 30 OO'Jl..,_.lonal diatricu, ruhut:Oe Uie 80 a.uemb-- ly dl8lJ'tct.e and makt a few mlnOT change• ln •tale ae.nate dilltrtcta. UadM'wotld ·htft0f'80e On the crtme front, Warren charged that the undetworld wu bringing-tremendoua ln.fluence to bear on the legialature tn a.n ef- fort to ketp his crime comml18lon from • c-ettJ,ng aubpena powers which wouJd brtng re.lucl&llt wit- nesses to the bar and make them Wk. betd on 8'illdliy.. .. · . • • Job out NowPort Harbor. Pleue · 0r~u.,. u.ro..pout t be •GJe&nlntz Co. · wnt.t Newport-Balboa Preu. &rea ~ aJiO .~ the e&n• ~ 'aw a i 'iw 1 fttfa write Bcm· P·l, th1a paper. J4p15 dld&U. tar Queen 'of U.. eandftl, "' · · •-~-~------·---- ;;: :!;~;i".,.:11w-ors:''r: For· ·Y.epetiah Blini:ls. ~:.!"::-:;ru,.-,::~ candldat.. Wlniiim I:. (Bill) Loni Sh~ and Drapery HdWe. or b7 lbe hr. Spraying. Renovat· t. chairman ot lbo _,mlllff In THE. SHADE SHOP 1n1. New lawna. Har. 1987-W. chup ot ticket. ilal• and the • · 13p15 candld&W tor q~ .. n. Free e9tlmatea Ph. Har 884 -------. Township Might !~--·, Dodf'! wrn ~ a cut In aa1ary and he may loee •t ._,t a part ot tbe ..... .._ o£ hll clftlcal belp. OoetlW 8blft . It wu learned. bownar, lbat the board of IUPt:rvilora in co.n- 11.s.nng ahlttlng ' lbe loWNhlp bound.ar1ee 80 that a 3~000 popu- lation wou.ld be e.mbrKed by Ole townahlp. Bupervi.o,. aln!ady ha"9 qreed to add Greenville, Diamond and Paularino voUnr diatdcta to New- port Beach Town.abJp when the court reorp..nlaiuon plan 18 etfec:- tive Jan. 1, 1161. aid they may make the abJft at once. Ogle said be wu not sure what would happen to c-. of between $3-01 and SIOOO which have been tlled there. lt the court drope to Claa B , ft.a jurladictlon will be limited to $100 1n civil caaea ln- atead ot the 11000 m&x.imum for Claa A court.a..-,, 514-. 29th St. Newport Beacb 83ttc ll-81JILDINO !JEBVICEll 11'1ltltiOR -ldU'9RIOR PAINTING LICSNSICD -INSUIUllD Glenn· Johnston ~01 • n.t St. Newport Beach -rlln7.J 14o41 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN I'll Palrnar BL, Colta K- Bea. MllT·K llkt Universal Building Maintenance F1oo't w,JXJ.ng • window clea.nlng wail washing. For Bldga., Stores Offices and Homea. 823 E. 10th St., Long Beach .. f'h. Ha.. 116. Hp IS Patio Furniture PAINTED '9-RJ'JLP WANTED WANT fountain g:lrJ, steady, ovei 21. Houn, 10·8. FINNEY'S . 2200 Oceon Front., Newpol\t Beach. 14c15 WANT DENTAL ASSISTANT, .t0me experience desirable. Local office. 8tate qua.Uftcatlons and age. Write Box N·l, thll paper. llplG W ANTED-DUIHW ASHER. Pre- ferably a woman. Houri 2 to 9 P . X . Appl)' R.aga.n'11 Reataurarit Corona del Mar. 13ct5 Sl!lCRETARY WANTED -Muat be able to type end take short· hand.· Wrtte for lr.tervtew. Bay Eocrow Co .. 1415 Cout High· way, oil'Ollf del Mar. 1ic16 WANTED -Ftnlab Carpenters. Call at J 8'-Balboa Coves eve- nings. 14pl3 SA.L.ES~ -ExcetJent oppor- tunity w.tth well established Cost.a Meu flrm handling Hoff· • man, RC;A, , Packard-Bell teJe- vlalone and Norge, Bendix ap- pliance&. Call Mr. Gedddea, Be. 0663 for app:t. 15cl 7 VERY mci\ modem ooi.liJ<d and {':. ~e:~~~ K~ ~ !*Ir ot ena: _1a~ liOS I Acaclaj a ~ tell~ and tbe """1 io Corona del MY' Harbor l7tS-K. -~ a IDOlber cat tn4 her~ ; L H"lt' klttl.ia I Be oute and -...... NORGE :i-eh11£rator, good condi· &!!out lbla IUMI It .... brlnp .... uon,. 4 i. ou: fL apt.. "\lie. u 5. lll• Jlrtm"""°"' Yalue ot o.....,.. Maple bunk J>edll, *'t tln· 11"!'-c • llh. coU aprp. mattr<ad com· ""' all traffic Jam.s n.._.,.t plete, $26. · ~y bed, rOa\d con -J wonder! • ; dltlon !untolda Into dbi;:-bed), 1.2!'-4r!vlng through a net,li>J, '10. Weber "prlgbl ptaliio; •Tll. -:--1· ll tew yeelui &co when "P 330 Santa Ana Ave., ,N~rt ahe&d ! noUced that a I~ B•lghtl Be""°" Mi7. I lfcl&· tru4' h&d ~Uled oome lum~ OD ' ' lbe ~rffl. 'nle drlver wu put!Jnl j lbe I lumber back on lbe t:uck:C..• Openinv Speci:8.ls tr.rtlc wu movlllg aJon1 ~t Q . ' nonnal and everyone WU happy, Tuesday to Friday Qnly . But; O!ong came a motorcycle of· MAY 1st to MA y 5th fleet· and dlomounted ana 1n no· AT I Ume at all be had a aweu tratnc I • · jam in progreu. DALE'S new location 1 ,k'itow 1 shouldn't wrtte ~ 1874 HARBOR Blvd. :: •. 1 know It coUldn'l bappfll • New Furnit~ 4 apt. gu ranges (regular f109.50)' ................ •pcclal' f 88.!IO f Pberitx Air"Ooat rocken (regular f79.!50 ) ......... ~, .. $69.60 4 4 'h cubic ft. refrigerators (regular. $179.50) ............ 1150.00 ~~~!~~~e -~·d .. 4. !::1~1~:: Used Dinette sets (4 chatr.s) S25 a: '39.50 A few good rebuilt mat- treases ............................. :.. 19.50 Coldspot r efrigerator _ .......... $89.50 Big discount on all merchandlM THIS WEEK. Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1874 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Tbia i8 your Friendly For4 Dealer saying Good-bye 'til ~~ 7~e~ :='iJ°:tt!:' you need a new 1951 Fol"d or a used care we have Iota Of, them. NeWPOrt Balboa Presa, Newport Beach, Call!. Gentlemen: May we take Ulia opportunity to thank you for the publicity gi•- en,. our recent Spring Frl and at the same time thank for the courtes.Y 'extended tn putr liclty for the varloua Uon.a of the EbeU Club during the put year. Sincerely HOUSEHOLD GOODS -D- cooking ware, linens, pillowe, · 112 ·~th St., N ewport Bea.ch. 14pl5, LILIAN DANIELL, Secy. EbeU Club A bomb gives little wamlnc. U you ar~ to survive a bombing you may ha Ye to act instinctively. Read -and memorize--'"Survlval Under Atomic .Attack," the r:J .. nclal CivU Defense pamphle\. WE . NEED GOOD USED RE· FRIG ERA TORS -~an m1ake btK trade-in allowances. See the new Philco refrigt>raton thi9 w~Jj:! . • DA VIS, BROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD COSTA ME!\A Phone Beacon 6821 ,1 . ' ~ PP.OFESSIONAL ~ ~ DIRECTORY r, It Is pre11umed the first fin.lshtng yacht will arrive sometime Friday a. m. May i . On that eveninl' Will be observed In Eneenada a "Noche Mexicana," fe•t lve occasion atmllar to our folk dance seMiom at coun- try fairs. The event will be in H idalgo Square. Presentation cere. monit>s to the w inners of ·their awards will be Saturday, May G when the Pl"esidenttal. Gubema· torial and Mayor's trophle9 will be officially presented in Enaenada Park. Th~ Fourteenth Battallort Military Band or the Mexican .>\rn1y and the 70 piece lJ. S. Naval Training Stat1on Band trom San Diego will render a pre-pre.senta- Soll •lid •fl., c:o11wr••tie>-.Apptod.,.,.t•· 'I' SIO.oot to '1•(•' Covflh Solt CPM!'· ~ '-"k• •!Id ttl• fohowl111• JWl••t• ~,..: &.... 1. • .,, Sf•llm.t"'' eo.--'· ~ ... ,.k., Co"""' ltt•<*J: i••fll JoHI. HI.._ v.u.., l(•Mhlldi0111 fot•me1tJ; I••· -..1. ,,..., •.cu1,. ''•eM c..,...., 1~•1 : Warren aid the. blU waa tn "grave da.nser" and that It would be .. very unf.ortunatei lf It did not pua." It hat been held up in a senate oommlUee. After 1962, It Will make no dlf· ference, for t.b" townab.Jp will be enUUed to only a Juatice court cJ&uiflcaUon with $600 limit on civil cue.a under tbe court reor- p.nlzation. . . Police Unlc • Phone Beacon 6451-W 11c12fl, Sewing Macbi.µes PO~ON oPen tor choir direc· l'\ew Stn&"er• portable ... ~.50 Up tor ln llarbOr a-re& chU.r.ch. An.' N'ew Sb'lga--con90ke .. ~fl~.50 up awer tn. tuU. · staung age, ex· Ae low u i2a.19 dawn "'2!1'ER &. Bl)CKER, D. D. II, . t1on concert. · The presentation crr emony will be followed by the Pre~dent's Ball at the Riviera Del Pacifico Hotel, Ensenada. Ente ria.inment w ill be provided direct fro n1 Mexico City. IO"S•Yl"• Tr•1tsW Mb fMr. U11UJ , low'tfl • (<.-.ti. frT't•tl... pl.p.. P4dvr• 1prh1t1.,... m .- APP"O'I'"•'•'" $25,000 lo S.ct•"'4'ato l"lp. Worli, S.u•rn•llto; Cl•-,1,,. Worl•. F•lr O•ls. DHc.hl,.. (for u1bdl•iM•11t-'.coJJ1pl.t• to H. ""· k(ti.f. °" '•1+4nt ..... ,... •. CifTVI ..... , ...... l"d' (ilt rHI •if•t• wbdl'l'{do11) -flO.· Ml (l11c.ol'llpl•t•). ~ J.U Om .. v•dto, .-Ml~; l . L Srnltft, 1711 Hortll Slsttl St., $.c:r•,,,.ftto- S..d• fl•dlao clo••r •fll<lll .... ., P"'fft• ~"•)-.$517, to F. F. Smltll Cem,..llf, '2J lw.tftfl Sttt•t. ~(,.,,..,...,, Panic and mua hysteria reault from untrained mlnda. Do your part to be prepared for any eme.rg.ncy by mrolllnc NOW tn your own commV.nlty's Civil De'.- fenae orc:anlzation. Be prepared. Annual Tea and Fashion Show Climaxes . P.ublic Schools Week Rumbllnp tn the ae:nate have lndJcated that that houae may W1thhokl the. subpena powers If It approvq pending legillatton to Ht U.P It. own crime lnTeatll'aUng committee. A blJI to ban cl.raw poker f()t new life when the a.uembty voted to withdraw It trom commlttff where It had, ln effect, been kWed. The comMitte•. on board• and comm.lulona -the old public morai. committee -bad turned lbe bUI down dtoplle lta ap- proval by the l'ovemor and ._... eorted law ·e.ntorce.mmt otnceni and age.nctet.. lilquallslnf lbat. lhc public ulW· u.. c:ommlttee ot the ....,.bly kUled off a bill dWped t.o .curb pmbllns by WUo1 leued wtr .. away from bookie&. I I · • I l ,. . (Conllaned ,,,_ ._ 1) motors. 1be ale had $.2000 tn it at the Ume ot tbe att•mpt. Marlt8 had been found on the combln&Uon dial of the t a re whleh the burgtara had attempted to pry ott. They 1¥1donUy had been trightened or needed extJ'a loola. acoo.rdinl' to the report.. One of -lhe CJ'OUP of thlevea entered the Trip:p-0.Llte otncu: at m1dn1fht (poqlbly looking for more toolt:J a.nd V.-me Tripp waa at.ill Ul th• otn~ Tripp tu.med on the f'klodlll'bU and chued tbe intruder, d\IC.kU:l( J aledce Aam- mer wh1cb Ult punued man hurl- ' P .APER . H.ANGING. and· P .i\INTING . Kenneth Quarry 161~ Santa Ana Ave., Coata llesa Phone Bea.con 5304. 12uc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" , ~12 .. Utb St., N#'wport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 13tte ed at him. CALL ' '"'• -t tln&llY eocaped by Christian. Oellric}J. . cettlnr into a ca.t With two other tor ·exclUiive wa.U decorating coll\J>8.nlona a.nd attv.1nr towaro. We a.pply all wall covettnp Balboa Blvd Tr:ipp aald lbal he ~ 11U8, Cor<>n& de! Mar wu unable to read the ·llcenae , ll&rbor 3009-W plate. lict9R perience, qualtflcatlona. refer-and $5.21 per i:nontlal encea, aa1ary expected. Write WE REPAIR ALL~ Box Qt,. Ut1M paper. 16c17 SEWING MACBJNES All makes clea.n!!~ ................ 1 ... S#.50 Outboard Motors . ELGIN 5* If. P. 1949 inodel, Uke new, extras. $65. Cost new $135. .Hiawatha ri~ H . P . ls.4:8 model, good, f50. Uecd doors, $5 each. General Electric manJle. A buy. $50. Phone Harbor 2866-M.. 2pl5 iiEFRIGERA TOR, S door reach-In. $300. Frlala.tor. 18 x 18, 2 Ava- lon.1, deep frya, 14 x 14, $7!1i ea. All three tryera for $200. 221e Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Beacon 8227-W. 13pl5 SMAµ. CRIB,.$11. 201 On)<x. Bal· .Boa. lelaAd. :. • 13pl~ ------------~. GOOD USED 30 gal. hot water All Singe~ cleaned ·····--·······$3.50 Above includes cleaning, bearing and tension adju3tment. . .. ' Pick·ttp and Deliv-cry FREE? SINGER SEWING CENTER 305 W. 5th KI 2~3945 Santa Ana • •Reg. U. S.Pat.Off.bySgr.M.fg.Co. 96cll NEW 9 x 12 Chinese Hookfd nig. Phone Ha.rbor 1169~MK.. 13cll5. DENTISTRY • • 1783 Newport mvd., Cost.a Mes& Medical Bl~g. Beacon 8732 606 E . Bay .A. ve., Balboa Harbor 327-J BERNARD KAHN M. D. 800 N. Broa4-y Santa Ana anaoun~ ope.olnl' of offtce Pra.ctlee'Umlted to Booe Uld. IOl:nt SurreTY Phooeo: Kl 3-991 and l·llll Ol'TOMETRiSTS By Gladys Tritt toudon, AMMlm Publisher, Dies Newport Beach pollot ant ln· vestlgattnr the cue. -----------·--·• heater. Down sleeping bag. REP AIRING and Down Jacket, size 42. Rolloway CUSTOM BUILT Lawson daven- p0rt and chair, all ,.spring , con- strue., 1275. ALSO Lamon lov.e seat, roam r u b be r ct¥'biona, newly recovered, $75. 3!1> East 15th st., Coot& Mlsa. 1 r 11· a. m. o~ eves. after 7 p. m. ·§~15H ' ' Furniture The Mother-Daugt-ter tea and rough, Carol Schlickenmeyer, Mar- fa..'lhion !how held in observance lene Moqahan, K enna Johnaon Lot\q B. Loudon, ~ atfection-Ffnd 8 d. of Publlc Schools week at New-Fra.ncu Kimes, Pat Huffman. 1.te17 ~ N 'OoY' by lhou.-O<J p0rt Harbor Union high school Nancy McDonald, Shirley Tyler, ande of ~·· ~t:l&n.e ta at (Ooadnued·fram .Pap 1) April 26 was an e vent demoll!ltrat-Yvonne Howard, ~rma Thomp-ruL Gert. Loudon. co-founder of akltf capaiAd. It wu &.cloeed. i.Jlg beauty a.nd knowledge. Hoet-son, Evelyn Woodworth., MllUe the Ana.betm BulletJn. p111ed The victim wu one of tour eases for the affair were the Girl'• Chamberlain, Darlene Foreman, away Monday alter a 1~ 111-men who were att.emptlnc to aaJ. League cabinet and Mrs. Fay Har· Lo Ann Wllliamaon, RulhJe Hutt-neaa. vace the be1cbed cN.tt: Othon bi.son, dean o f girls. man, Sbirley Merrill, Ina Olda, Loudon waa. born ln Salem, ln· included O&U Bumph~y of 517 Home Economics in•tructon, Mary Stewart, Arlene Hayw&nl, dlah&, but b&d •nt most of bJ.a. &pnia SL. ·Corona de) Mar; Miss Joyce Anderson, Mia. Huel Barbera Prentiae, Dale Wade, Ute In Southern Ollltom.la and Or-Stanford Smith of 309 Pactftc Owens and Mrs. Dorothy· Ring de. Susie Ple,er, Sbtrley Encle. Nln· anc:e ~ty. He WU 'an all~ Cout Hwy., Newport Beadt and aerve a round of applause tor their "ete St.even•. Sh.lr1ey Berpron, around newap&J)ennan' belnt able-(Jordon White of 231 Hellotropt, fine 'ol.'ork in stage setting, inatruc-Joie McKenny, Louiae Rorick. to work ln nary ~partmttt ot Corona del Mar. lion in sewing and first year foods Marlene k..an.kill, 'Mary Melllnpr, a paper. He WU an ardent Civic Cbarlie, opentor of the Charles and for the continuity and dlre.c-Nldtne 1 Mathew., Norma. Mar-worker. A. RepubUca.o bf_ ,...i.tn.-Craft Co., a boat rentaJ ap.ncy. lion of lbe style show. Talented lb&ll. Pat Rumffy, Joan Dale)ilout\ tlon Loudon WU a candldate for atd the beached craft wu rented Mrs. Virginia Castle,. who hu an Clara Bennett, Vlvtan Luak and COncrem. from tbe Und Dlatrtct Saturday to a man-nsllte.red u fnteresting background of little Joan Ktmu. ln the elect.Jon of 1N2. A.. SeminoUa ot Ooraa.a Oel Mar. theatre work and much experience Na.rratlng in • prof~onal He wa. Paat ~ Ruler of The en.ft went acround whilfo he in giving ·readings and book re-manner tor the taah.ton ahow wsai the Anabitm •Dia !Loc!P. put and b.ia put:y we.re n.hln&',•Jt wu views, generously . g:ive a abort capable Joan Pari.9en. the .:rlpt pl"Hldent of! tile ~l4d Cbam• dllcloeed. course in model l!'alning~ 'to all belng done by Suale-Pleger. ben ot Qom~ J. o1 Orup ------- girls pllrticipating in the program. Cb&rmin«IY eowned for the oc-County and ot tie Anaheim c............. ft..er Always lovely with pa.lntlnp caaklro and efftclent in tb~r du· ChaUtber. and ptWt praldiu1t at ~~ VW- on the wall, huge fireplace per-Ue.t were U\e floor hosteaaea..'They the Ora.np County PN:llt .A.moctaA (OoeU._. bW .... l) · feet in atructure, sunlight and we.re Jetta Gannon. f'r'ance. Uan. I . btu• pool through th• glau pie; Kbruoa. Ir!a ID&bie, 1<Ynn Hoxie, • Lo<-. -waa el«lod~7 lbo Ullll• rocel-on 0 . K. to lolue lbe II· ture windows, the SOct.a.l hall made G)')"ftD~ Gloege, Judy Gannon. ed P'f'tll&.., OM of s reprMtnt.a.-cenfit· ..._ a dellghltw frame !or lbe Jllrla. Joanna I,ellbold, Janlceo Allen, Kil· tl-to co¥ar lba u..i l'latlou Blnoe lbat Ume, --of U.. p...,1ng through an arelrway deco-lleent Cbambtrlato aod• Karay,n Orpnlla-tt Ian ~ -bu -the foe&! pblnt ol .. rated With fern. pastel tlowent and SchUckenmeyu. • Be !M'fW )lla_ , Bwt 'quf!,e a C011t:ro"1a) th t.be clb · rlbbon lbe modeb displayed every Oa l'hs-DeU; a dall&toWr • ..._ Klldro4 ~ :1",.!t ~~"" .. ~ ' pasglble type of wearing apporol ~ lbe lUblon cl!oploy a 'hcPrt ol> ~; two -~ tl'om nightwear lbrougb tal?o~ ~ p_,..,,. ot lnlA!rl&IJUnent L. H., Jr, """° took'......,. pollllJ. be -wl-t 11111 lppfo'ral of autta tn4 tormala. The stylu. ma· -rt•"l''•hlcll met w\lb a ,_t calloa a< ~ 11u11o11p ·-1-· lbe city _.,o • . uri&la and colors of tbe day-time c1ea1 of apprecl&U... f,_ lb• au. ary, &lld lt061eJ, ilow ta IM ,,_ ~.~~~~'"-"1-J""W" ru..-'and the girls WMring -Dbft IJnsle wllb bla ._. Ma'7; 1llo -. •n. Dart.-~, -up, --• Wiii lie them were enc1>antlng. Ve!'J .tm-dla!I, Donna Prtee In. a~ ~of """~ Pr.Ht• -baWclil to lbe cit)' -..u at 11• porlanl IJ lbe tact lbal each lft04. llMI Klltol ~ and Carla Ker-broilien. llinUla ot / "11et :..-_ ,..or:{ ~ • .._, •t. et made her own dnru, ak1rt or eer. in a dwt 'Wef9 ......,..,t In ud ,,..,..., Paa! Md Jobll or .-. 1.11e1r ,.. __ 'l'IM7 ,,_ .... a1.,..1o, lil4 -: .. ,._ 11n. Sunday l'herne All S.bool H<>ddo ~ &lld Ole _.,,. ~ -Alloa of. ~ .... • . All four gndea of tbe ~ ~ :t... ca: ~-~ .Cllarlaa l'f••-ol -et St. Andi •WS ,...,, ..=In rep.-ng, ~·~ ~y 1:, :!':.::t':°!~~~':.::.: ~.-.. ·~ ... -.. ~ fta lltn. 'It Ell M1 , -grill u4i.q """J ---.--,. ··~ -. -•• bW of k u• WI Jtt tf , ...... Boke, Nlna BDlla"!-~ ....,_ cloUI, all--..... CUIJ*ell 1M Sil.Ill ~ •tFI .... --M Ml I hr Parker. LMUe ~I<~• 'M fkftlw1 ""8 JeitC rT •'" ta tM wtUa U.. an. Jolla...,.. .... m · ; I •DJ' a. ..... nz.,. • SllW.ap. Kay aotro.-......., .. _, .z.._ et·IDIC"'hn ad fftmb .... ,__. al .. vrg 1*"I 'Jd " ._ 11 ..,_ Mr8W -.&:. Pat Sbafer, .um. Orilt-r..r ''" _ .. to 1oo -to .. = 1111 • .., ~I'•*• "'° ua -c 1 .,.. 111 .... -. Nancy. Tritt, J-B 1, -Ulo ta 'hllo -7 Ehl -Je"9 W11 Ill la 0 p <If ... -I -11N --~ ~ WaDr.ef._ GarGil a..ta:....,. lt""sa, -......... wwQ Iii• w' r ra .. nt1 111r7 ,,...,,_ wm .... •a .... ell. ~llla_..Beanlala7, 1~ n..; 1Dm ,... llapD ad 1>zll 7 ..,.... *bllll' 'ti al "' 1111 .. • • . ( ' • • p AINTING _bed_._P_h~. _H_ar_. _135_1._M_. __ 1_3_c1_' Reasonable. l..arC"e or smalJ jobs, Free est.Jmatea. W&Jker.108 18th St.. NwpL Beach. Har. 2e31·R HAULING Any kind, truh or! WALKER. 108-!Slb St .• N•wporl. H. 2581·R A!collolia Anonymowi Wrlte P. 0 . Box 2011 11&1-Uland, Co.Ill. Piion• Klmber!Jr ~ 'Solid Cltize1111 Vote Register Now at City Hall • 9pH TWO GIB.LS' BICYCLES, 24" and 26'1• In excellent condition, with extra.a. Ph.one Beacon 5887-W. 13pl5 LEICA Ci\.M§RA-F2 summltar Jen.eea -Complete with filters, wide a.ogle. And 135-min tele- photo lehses. Reuonable.. Har .. 3069-J, 14pl5 HOME BENDIX waahing machtne in fine condition, $00. 517 Na.f- cluu.a, Corona del Mar. Harbo" 2889-JK. Hc15 • Rattan PRESCRil'TtONS M&de in the Phllllplnea l'nd CA VE PRESCBIPTION In our qwn work l!holi!i. p .. •nu •cv Wide ehotce of fabrtea. ~ Largest display lb So. Caut. 9 a. m.. •w 9 p. m. RetinWling and Reupbolaterlng Preacrlption.a Delivered HOUSE &. GARDEN us eout Blvd. -r nn Corona del Mar · 811 Coast Hwy .. Nwpl., Bea. 5217 I '------------_. MOB'l'ICIA1'1 Ml.ft •OBTU.&B~ 1""11 &Uendaat ... Ooaat 111r~-1 COtlONA DEL llAJ\l DAY AND NtGBT Pbo8eHarl>orU 'W.~ ... rt. F11 .. .... ,~. lll8UIWfCll Oi11rf11ile -'" ---1117 ......... ...................... 111AR1'. VI. ~ rr--.... thiar '"'' · ftlFFZ DIW J9, ' •*? ...... ,,J • • , ' , ' Ii I • • ' ' .. • • • • spring . Rest• · ·1 ~p""'1 f esfiYal SUndey Project · "' ' • 'V . . ol Ch~ School 11$ Gay Event ~A~::~.=: of ~a Club -· ~ _., ICll"o', 1.uc11 illU' e .. UM cllmch ........ TIMI Tllroopla'tbo -Lesion J'loet& lo pattomed after IM Ml.-hlll1 '"""*y, .lprll M a Jar,_ -~ .. tamlllar la Uoe .-ot llUllor ......... fllJo7'ed "'*-~ ::: .. ~ ~-0Ul7"'°" a.. M'ewport 8-Sboll club •Rd -... ....... -•frina' --o.117 -.. led -111 ....... -.. and -bootlla, .: btaaUOal" noW.r -ct Ille di~ -·food Md a:t ullllblt. · eollecUon ot. m111la'.. ll&ndlentt Jll&dt by · tho cldldnn !Ure ,,_.., coobcl rood Ml& pa Will be Offered for eal•. bar kept Cllub tMIDMl'a " Tho Fluta wUl beirlD with pie-~·-plied with nkl lun<ll lmm ... ••tel1 • ft. r .,.,,,y and ru .. te oup ,..-. eomethln1 to aee, do and bUy. cb\U'eh aervtcea Sunday.,. at, 12 ·SC?· DU.rtnc the attiemoon tea wu fte'publlc i. cord.Lally lnvlled to euved and ca.rda play~ for prlza. attmd. All children of the Sun-Tbe.. attracttve ta.Uy card.I were day llCttooJ,., ~.,. ba"'1ted puwnta ftiade by Mrs Clarence Dodd who and trie.ndl to •!lend their Fiest.a. wu ln charg. ot tea reMrv&t&om: Proc'eede will be uaed to pur· · e a-.-_ ... cb&le· • bUf for Ch1Jdren ln out-and arrangement&. ViqU ~...-""'i • ol Balboa lalan.d, na~}7 known ~ f'!gion.I HrVe4 by the Sun-cartoonist a.nd au of "BotUI! day ~ It 1" hoped that rut-Fatlgllo" and "Wiie Po We Go flclent f'Wlda m~ be ,,.laed to Ftom He.re!" W&I resent and complete the &mou.n~ alrQ.dy con-autographed hi.a lat ~. " trlbutecf by tbe cihCd:ru to pu.r-Tbe hand-knitted dre .. waa won cb&H their bu. in Ume tor lJ:'e by Mn. Besa McBri~ ot BaJboa ~cation Bibie achool to be held and the Richard'• · mekhudt.e at the church. Kn. ErnMt W. order by Mri. Howard Petene.n of ·• Scllvltz I.a aupertntendM1ot of the Lido -!ale. Flrat prize tn the art ... Sundf.y acbool, and Mn. Miidred exhlbJt w ... awarded Mn. C&lhJP _ '! Truaty 11 chairman Jn. charp of Sha Mn C M. Deaklna pre8'-• • the Spring 'FtMta. 'The church LB w. · · • l ated. at 1077 CUtf Drive New-dent. took t;lnil place ln. the tlow- oc rt 8 1 ht.I 9 ' er &rr&nS"etttent competlUon with ~! .PO e I • her patnted dalDea. while Doro- Barty F. ~eyf.r 0al"l"y'• 1865 llutlior Boulf'V&rd "'l'hJ.o qht be 10Ur lut ~chance to buy the tj.:r•.aJ1.d'~t111e refr1K· ·entor YD" \OCdt.-M~ufnturen­ bAve already C\lt J,he n\lJT\ber ot models a.rtd. ~eatutts of ~urrent · · produclion '11th alJocations to. dealen. and plutlca wlll soon re• _place metal u trim &nd In many working parts. With eo5ta con• tinually rlsins, you .,. alao Uabl._ · to pay aa much for the future "austerity m'odell" u yo. would for a Deluxe mod.el today. We atlll have a wkki d.rlety of fttri&'• eratora tn many style1 and Ji&U. Result.I come rrom conata.nt f>racUce! An ad replartf" ln UUa papo< will produ<:e ...it. (or you WAl.,lPAPERS AD N.,. 1181 .Patten. C1 .. ., .. ,.1.-. a o.c.-.. BOU!ll: a OA.RDDI - 111 0-t 11!o7. Nowpert - thea Ht-ndenon took 1e<;ond place tor· the Coron& del )Ur Garden club entry. 'Tbjf'd p&ace W&a \lfbr1 by Mrt. Elmer Polrl•. All awa.rdl were made by pubU'c votet • In tbe cut tlbwer dfv1.eion Mra. Sam Meyer rfUIV¥ tlrat prise tor her gl&diol~ Mn. J . .A. On.nt. HCOllid place 1 for bu Charlptte ·Armatron'g roaet 'and Mr1. L . IC. Sprague, Utlrd tor her nJl'ht f"Ofe•. MIN NflES-Su1ul•Y , ... 4 lira. w . 0 . R&ldy Vl'U tint. ln the l ~============:lpotltd plant Mellon· wllh her amaryllis. Special tbanlta go tQ Norman's MOTHER'S DAY 1t•a Hallmark Card8 "Wllen you care eoOUl'h lo lelld the VP.ry beat'' Aleo l'ERSONAL12ED GIFTS Nunery. ElU. Bro~hen, TUIUn Five and Ten Cent NurMry, Lee'l!I Fucbala Gardena and ShameJ'• Nunery tor donatlng beautlt'UI prtZt'fl for the flower show. A.tao MorTt'.s Flower ehop for hta love~ ly floral · arrangwnenll ln the toyer. Folger'• Cotrff company by courteay ot Rlch.ard'9 Market made all or Ole dellcloua coffee .-erved all day at the tnack bar " MRS. JOlfN'J'UOMAa JUWl:ON 1¥kn"."'11hW•> Connie smith ·and John -Ne~forf-~. Repe(lt vows at· Corona·· de,. Mar~: > In a late att"'emoon~ceremony·-tl\ • . Corona ~I M¥ · Community 1 an~ Robert {;eyer. Ot Corona--del church on Saturday, Apdl 28. Mar; personal shower by m~m:- . . beN ot the Sigma Kappe. eorortty Ascension :Sui,day t<? Pe .1.Q'bserve~ · at C'Uth6ral"!~Church '-. . .UCenal.on ·sunday, • .commeno- raUor U\e~ acenaion ot. Jeaua ln1- heaven .tort)'· days ~!let: Ea.ltei', ·Nill be. obeerved UU. coming Sun- day at the Newport Bvbor Lu- theran churs:h. The the.me for the . , . ·''NOW· OPEN , ETHE:~ RICHA."fl.D'S Antiitue's & 'Imports ' \ ' Decorator · ToitFh,es fcir · the Home .JUST 1N TOOi!' PO. VNUSVAL Oln'S POR MO'l1lSB8. .YOUJi'G OR , OLD Oo8TA MESA -8617...J • 90 l! you really need a new retric• ' COSTA MESA STATIONERS and during the tea period. Mra. Byron E: W.ella. s-eneral chairman and he:r commltttt wer~ con'lmended tor th~tr we.Ju of pianning, study and hard work which resulted In the FutJval's grett aucceM. vow• were •Poke n by lllu at UCL.A: Kitchen thoofler by Corn~lia Lou~ Smith, dau/.hter J.fud&irtei Je.. Lyman and Ron ot Or. and Mrs. Cutleman mltb TOJT&nCe of P&l&dena;' brv.ncb by ot Corona del Mar a.nd John Meeda~ Robert Smith Md' Eu.- Thomas f'lewton. !IOn of M.ra. Gene fene .. ~r aunu of th~ Newton and Mr. Lee Newton of brtde in Pasadena'; and -~-re-. Santa Monica. The double rtnc hears.al dinner by the parents of rite wu -performed by lhe ReY. b. id · t th• BaJboa-Yacht club. Paul Babbitt. lhe bride ·betnc ,-tv-r e • -· - pa.stor'e eermon wtll be; "Rejoice. The Lord \a King" J>ued_ upoh the text trom St. Lu'ke 24'::w>-M;. The 1enior ehurch cbolr will •ln& the 17th century German anti- phonal; ''Ye Watcbe.rt and Ye Holy Ones." Roly Communion wUI br ceJebratad at the J l o'clodr eervtce. A qulei room LI provided tor par:enll who deelre to bnnr young chUdren to c:hurch worahlp With them. Church ·ec)lool ·meet.I at 9:30 a.m. With cl&.e. for children ·of all agu. The adult Bible clua .which mffta ·at th11 same hour ...r.11 dl.scWJs 'the lSlh and 14th chapters ol' th' Goftpel according to SL M4thew ' era.tor, we au&"Celt you vi.tt U today!" ' . . 'lier• ... th ,<-.';· Cooler1tor fttftns flt (II stlll b11 tHql Coolerator provi4u all the kinda ot cold required tor perfect retripration 'of each t7pe Of food. From the !llU-Wldth 40- )b. FrMui-<:hoot ~ht down to th• KIDS.Sise Crt.sp·O·L&tor, ·Cooltn.• • tor incorporated · ev.17 1pace·••vtn1 feature and lte~a&YinC' COllTeft• knee \hot can • built into a deluxe el~tric ntrt .. rator lndudlftC' - KagtcSelecto-0-Shelvu -81\dln ... Sna.ek Buket- , AdjuA&blo Cllill-R,Ator -Fruh Meat Drawu- Kag!c Litt and Plutn7 lee ~and r!Pt or left !Wld doorw optlonel at .. atra C'Ol'l. ...... c •••• , ... ....... ....., ... ----.............. GAREY~.s 1165 Ha•• •14 -• • . c ....... .. • 1188 NEWPORT BL\'D. -a11s-a For Mother WITH LOVE • • • Greeting Cards Cook Books Stationery 1mprinted Parker Pens Unusual Books •• BLtJE SAILS Balboa Duplic~te Winners in Afternoon Play en In keeping by her tathrr. MOA Club Meets With-Mesa Hoste.s.s. Connie.· a.a she ls known to her ft1ends. WM .lovely in her brida.1 robe ot ca.ndlelle-ht faille, She wore her mother'S' · be11.utiful wed· ding-veil ot tuile and Ch.a.ntlUy Ktyfd to friendllneN wa.s a lace a.nd carried a ca.acade bou-galherirt'g i>f the ,Mm -Ot\e 4.n- quet with Ol"Chld center. otbtr club host~ed T\J.~y. -Matron of honor w.aa Mrs. April 24, by Mra. Iona MackJn- Martin Connolly. of Sa.n Marino. t08h, 896 E. 21st St.. Cdsta Meea. cousin of the bride. -and •rorll.¥ SewiAg..a.nd._eonversatton p!eaan'- Mra. C. E. Irvtn and Mre.. E. L. sister at UCLA. who wore plnk ly pa.ased the aftertlOOft -which Hackley were · Winn.era In the organdy. Another aoronty NWr. ended wtth the ae!"Vfns-of retruh- dupUcate Brtd.re 1ame held In Miu Shli-le)· Bennett. of .Gttlldsh: iriehtl. Mn.. Mackinl.Pllh uaed ·a Balboa on Monday altemoon was. mall:f of honor and wu beautlt'\11 arr&.nltlft>.fht 'Of. ap~ TIUiL paatOr'J!I office hours are. from 9 a. m. to 12 nOQfl every day· Wed.needay evenings have been apeclf'lc&lly designated u vislUn1 hours at-Ule par110D&ge tor those · who dMire .to con.suit wlth thf" putor. .BQU\ p&l'fOl\qe and chU'rCb a.re .fOca!N at 1021 curt Driv•. Newport .Hel&.hll. Runnere-\11) Wet'e , Mn. c . H. eowned . In aqua ULtteta. Both tlowel"8 ... the centerj>teoe !Of the Jotm.on &nd Mrs. Charles Board· caf.ried sweet peu. ~ table. M · l ,. A' d man: Mca. E . T. McManu• "'1d Brot~•-U.-l&w ol the bride'.. Mrs.'LttlY <;ooper ot cOete ii(_-rs. 0 a n erSOn Mra. Robert Brown; Garald Mc-croom. Ri chard Leonard, served ind" ha--t!Ml'Jnter M.t.QOry ~-· · ' · .d Comber and c . H. Johnaon tylnr; 8 1' be:it m&n . Uah'n """.-re WlU Al&ry-.ot. Pasadena were .specfal. Named Presr ent W1th r.trs. Faye 8chlue{er IUld Ropra, Mart.WI Connolly .• n. d tJUtata. Members Included Mmes.. - Mn .. Ca.Jvtn L&mbert and Mr1. Cleveland Loucl\berry .. Su• a D Lula Bell Walker, A.my Vtete, Mra.: Lola F. Anderson, 208 Ma.rp.ret MacDonald and Mrs. Ruth Elliott. a t C9Usln of the Hulda Young. May Budtland. Cal-Magnolia Ave., Co1ta Mesa, today Roy Strots: Mrs. Mlldrep Lytle I bride, WU now.er Jirl. 1a Viele, Irene Northern. Dolores headed .tr\c Orange County Lcpl and Mrs. A. G. Ooesburg. \VedcVng music. play~ bv Mra. MP'rrt.aon of Costa Mee& and Eli-Secret.arlet Aun. following h,.r ' . ' BOOT I RY'S ' . We S,peclalb:e ID Conecthe Shoes • INTRODUCl:ORY· . s :A-L' E 2 w.EEKS ONl Y. · · Playera receivtn.c lhe most rat· \VendeJT Royt. included "I Re-or· Ughter of Newport Be"ch. ele<:tion to the presidency at a Ins polnt1 'for th•. evtnlng ga:nes member April.'' "Tenderly," Next MOA Ctub meottnr wlU be mef:Ung 1n the lav.• office.a or durtng the month of April were "Ro!llM of e1ccardy," Schuberl'a be:lct May 22 at Mn. Buckland'• B1odget and Blodget, Santa Ana. .._ · ' · · · Perry McAdoo; Mrs. Pe&'gy J ohn-"Ave Marla:' &nd. "In the Garden." home, 180 Roch"stt:r St., Coeta Other officer• elected were · ~ -· · i. · aon; A . t>. Wetherby; Mrs. A . 0 . Basket• or· pink l'ladioli and Men. Betbine' G. Kline, vice preeldent; .. ~. C~EOUj-T _SALE Doe•burs-; M:arsaret Holmea. white 1tock formed the floral aet-LoUiae Bcooler. aecretary: Ade-~ooi In the &(tomoon game• lh• l lnf. N I w 1· I l n. ~mundoon_ corresponding Save up' to .. /0 HJgh Ft•e tor the month were The 11ame flower! decorated the oe roo 1e RC:tt:t.ar).; Maxine Man a, le 1 d, L Sally Bl"Own ; Paula Oaaser; Mrs. Poppy avenue home of the bride'• Eng' aged to . treuure:r; Ka.,y Flatley. governor. r . -A.G. Doeaburs: Mr&. C. E, Irvin ; parents, where Sigma Kappa Plt.na were formulated for 'the -EV~r(thin9 .GOe • Hur.r·y Mr, E . L. Re.cktey. .ororlLy slste" or t1w bride as-Los Angeles G ·irl State" Con'ventlon· of Legal 'Secre- ii11ted at the reception. In th• ta.rtu Aun. to be held ltfay M ln Pllone LAf'ID& 4-46lt PACKAGE EVEN/. 1- AlltlM ............ , 15~ ... .. ~ ct ..... 11., • ,..en._ ... SPKl.t ·~ Prih. J ~ • YOUl SAYJ ... . ... Don't J'orpt ~· Ilo\1 Kay lSth Ht N.At-11 ...... II .._.: ----·-· . s,.d.J •.ct· ,rb, J ,....__.,,,. , _ _,, . • -.. Olllll ....,..,. ~~llAll pnrtsr Jal.W. ' . ' T t Pl recelY'fnl' Jlne were Kra. Smith. ~sno. r;>elegate1 from the Or-~&4 -"" C t 9' I d. I -.... na Beach ournamen ay wearing sklppor blue laoo and Romantic .climax Of hJio ten enge County ..-1at1on a.re Lola .. ' n. oas y --':r' S h d I • d S d cc:traage or plnk roses. and Mn. d&ya' leave of ablence waa pre-Andenon.. Betlrlne Kline &nd Ka;;y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C 8 U e Un IJY Newton. who choee navy blue aentaUon of a beautiful diamond FlaUey. Alternates elected weM ..., • The Balboa \ Duplicate Brldre crepe and yelk>w 1"ClleL ring by Pvt. Noel,. E. WropJte to Elate 0-T&fi Alva de M\lnbrun a.rid · . 11.ftlD)(\ Ill lllDl Club wni •J>OJUOF a Mal!lter Point For the.honeymoon trip to Big' M1u Nancy A.. Bmltb ot t..o. An-Hattie Belle SweNtOn. . tf!!_._ 'Jt \~-~ TL\JlW\)•lr.J•~. Open Tou.mament on S u n d a y Bear the new Mrs. Newton wore gele11. ~ Afternoon May 4th With play a navy blue p.berdine 1uit wtth Pvt. Wroolle waa viaiting hia .tartlnl' at one b'clock. The pm• white acceuorlu and an orchid mother. M'1"L Wraolie J'orker, l02I will be he)d at the Friday Aner· coraage. She attended Mae Mur· We.t Bay avenue be.fore being noon Club HOUM in Coata Me-. ray College tor Women t.n Dllnols transferred to Headqua.rte.re corn- ARIZONA GUUTS Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Quarry of 1~15 Sa.nta Ana Ave., Costa Mea, are entert.alnlnl' aa hoUN guest. Mr. and Mn. Eugene Long and mn Ronald and Donald of -"'ceon· Arts. Mn. Long I.a a daug11ter of Mr. aod Mn. .Quarry. • • and U.C.L.A. The brtdej"room at-pany, 7th Dfvt.ton, Camp Roberts tended O.S.C. and Pierce CfDep. where be wUl be ln the lnaurance where he wu vice pre~dent bf department. He attended New- the atUMl\t bod'y --and pttaldent port Harbor hlgh Khool tor a ot the HortftulturaJ dub. . yn.r and wu paduated front Arnone the many pre-nuptial Brown Military school at San event. were: Buffet dtnner by Mr. Dle10. and Mn. Clmnolly; mteceua.neoua / The couple la planning a July ahower •Y M~eo I.. I!... Bi.b WO<ldin&". • Brownies Sew for Hospital, Ward Troop 12, ·3rd grade BroWnie1, under leaderehtp ot Mn. June Doyle, 1laa Jun completed their project <Ir maklnf a.nlmaJ ohaped bean baga ot calico for the ChlJ- dren'1 Ha,plta.l in Loe ~ele1. There are nlne girla In· the troop which meeU on Wedneaday'a alo- 223 ·~ Balboa falond. -''I'. .CAMP RORERTS Kr. an11· Mra. Ha.rry Parker and daughter Pat of Bola ·~ve., Mr. aiad Ura. Roy Shafer and 4&u1hter Pat of We1bntnater Aw .. motored to Camp RoJ>erte Jut... WeeJ<. to vloit COd'Parker One! John llb&ter, ..... of tile local 1amw... ~ boyo ha•• ....... Uy -c&ned In· to tllj8 aemce of Unclo ·Sam. • ,, - I i . • • ' • • ' ' ' • • ' ' . . . • " .. • •• . ' ' '· . ,. . - . . . ndH sun• SA~-SPIC1ALS ..,.Cfl'fl\.. ' . ': ,. THURSDAY, FRIDAY . & SAfURDAY · . . . . · MAY i ~ ~ . • ' EV ~POR~TED . MILK 3 :~.asc . . GOLD MEDAL ENRICHED FLOUR ,;:;---1 O.lb. Bag ',!,t)': 8 s c . \ ...._;;,,~ . . ~- . "We Specialize_ in Courtesy" I • • • ' CLAPP'S ' . iiav· FOOD 6 .... N ... ,. IONALLY · FAMO~S ~ t·LI. · ISCO ic . . . OUFf'S LAIH 14-0L PIG·· IL MIX-' 2 4t. Milli'.!! .HOT· ·ROL . . -. ... · · : .... .,. . ._. .. &. AMS 19c 7/~s-oa POlK BE . - PEANUT ...,__. •. ·~ ... BEANS 1:5c BUTTER ~INK ' ' '--=---:::::== . . • • ~·-. ~ \ N E S & L IQ U O R S • Buy ~ow and Savel , . ,. . I • . . . ' B E E F · . SHORT· R,.S. :; · · · Fine for Braising · .... , ..... ' -. -...,-----------"'· • • LAM·B· . . PO·RK . PATTIES · . . For~ Frying ·• . ' -SAUSAGE Our OW.a Make " . . . BA . ' ....... ·· : \vjLSC?N . . I~ . . Corn Kmg . . P l·c··.· N 1c· s· Luer's Famous~-=;, . . . ·s .. ·-. . .,.._:. · ugarJ_,.-e . ' ' . •• ' ' ALL-AIERICAI .·· ' ' ' . . . . I --·-FA•: FIS'' : ., " ~==:::;::. ==.=.:::.::· ,LAIGl.'GOLDIN llPI, c:i NO. 1 9UALITY BA·' NA . PIESH TINOR .• ' c R: E E N . . ... S~OT, COACHELLA.~. P.EAS CRAPE . 2 :u~.· 19c . LAl•ISTALllS NISHC1isr_•1 CELER LAIGI l'l;UH-NIW caO,;, ' CUCUMBERS - . . ·. eacfl 4" I .. • • ! • • AUXH••.' TA·MALES ,· .. 10~ . . CHILI CON CAIMI.· v. ... , .. -Jk • • . 1 . • iiiUiiNGEI, ·iE ;-6 . ~ . .. , ~ • • • ~ .. \ "I 1 • during Naffonal BGby W~k •.. nomatfef.what ·· · ests ..... you'H find them here! . . ' ' l . ' lb . BROUGHT TO • ·: -,Y8B ··DAILY! ~ • !CAN 2'h 25c s U. S. NO. 1 'I' WHITI 1051 MEW ' 10···29c UIT SPUDS. e· .. each Sc 10 ,~25c r .. SOLID llPI ~f2c • TOMATOES •• • • • . . · KARO .SYRUP· • • tlO 22 ·1w1 21 LAllL C LAllL C . · M~.8. (AJI Grinds) · COFF·EE ; 1-LB. CAN .IJ.B~ TEA BAGS ,, , ....... 17c kUFT'$-11fffT JAi -AND CHllSI · c SANTA MAllA 2-lb. Jar No. JOJ CANS ~·( Miracle Suds ~. ·· ·:Tl·.DE ~ . Large Pkg,'. ·19.c .· CINCH · • ALL FLAVORS CAKE ·.MIX ··Large Pkg. 34c . . . • · "We SP.eeiCl!tize· In Courtesy" • .. . 1 I! !flMIT SLICED 01 HALVIS--c:LING 25C DOLE'S SLICED \' : 1f1 1 p EA c HE s ~~;l ':~............... 1 1 p IN EA pp LE NO. 1 21 C IOSl·D~I TALL CAN.......... I I PEAS PACllD . IV LllU SLICED AMlllCAN . ' CHEESE . 49~. • iiNG'BOiiGNA 55;. ' -\ . . • PINC ·CENTERS , OPEN AILY 'TIL-.MIDNIGHT · . . . ' • • 12tCOAST.-HWAl . or•IWLT1'11.IP.M. • • ICOl. ... 4' 'IVSl•U '"""""flL •.sAT. 'TIL 11 P.M. ~ . - MAR .... Cce•.., ••••• '-.. hlr .. 'J:l!I: . .tc:..et'u · sl 1'fl.as.t.-Wt•• .... • -·~ t • • • ' . I • 12-os. c •. ' . • SMAU atADI "A~ • ' . . J . FRESH .·lGGS· I . . . . 1141. CAii • • No. 1i> FLAT CAN · • .s~': • Ne.IT~CAM ' ' • I s•, ' -j ' • ' ' ' I • • . ' " . .. • ' • MOU C L ASSl 'FI ED • . . PAGE TWO • I 11--HOUl!EllOLD 000118 Bargains! Bargains! w ANTED-60 pl&noo. ,Trade 1n See TheM LOW Prices I )'OU¥ old piano on a Graod, Spinet or beauutul televtalon: Euy Whirl~ ~ble waahlng Hlgl1eot caah allowan<:e. T.,.,,,._ machine ···-···-·-y ··········-·-•34 .!!0 DANZ · 8CHllIDT PIANO CO., Ne.a..rly n~ QA Ntrl.(. & :_er Ith. &%0 No. Main, Santa OU. tt. ""'"-••··-·············-.. -'1811.95 ---~·--------- Pllllco l«r' lable model TV .-utomatk! tuQ!nc-tone COb- troL Attrac. modemJstfc mahogany cabinet ............ $89.9~ EZ Tenns ADMIRAL 12~" TV, table model. Includlng &ntenna. 8 mo. old. Guarantee i.t 1Ull effectJye. 19'.50 cuh. 417 H•Uotrope, Co· rona del Mar. 13cl'O YEARLY ~alboa P"eninsula 3 bdrm, 2 ba.thl, living room with fireplace, kitchen, 2-ear ,..,._ •ce. tu.mlahtd. $100 mo. 12\i" Blonde COn.ole TV HURRY ON THIS-Slightly u..d JOHN D. BVRNH.UI ' blonde mahogany aplnet piano. &07 I L Ba.Ibo& ·Blvd., Balboa $179.95 Keep ln touch wttb us tor good buya In TV 1eta belnc._ traded Save $180. Terma S'n.82 down Ha.rbor 84'6. Eve.a. Harbor 2:27a..W and $20.70 per mon,,th at SHAE· ._ ~ l&el? ER MUSIC CO. (Since 1807 ), 421 N . Syumore. Sallta An• ~T WITH 2 bdrm houoe wW Klmberly 2-0&72. 97Ua a.hare with a la4y. LarUpur in -. , ------------<''-f .. Ave., Corona del Mar. C&1I •v .. WEBSTER wtre recorder for dic- tation, etc. Complet. with ex- tra wire, foot control .and car.. rying cue. SACRIFl'CE -An excellent buy! EASY Tl!:RMS ARRANGED DA VIS-~ROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MEBA Phone Be&cOn &821 SERVEL ll~u. ft. refrtgerator- Excellent condition, ,200. 4 Bolatera, epriq• unit for etudlo couch, never uaed, $30. Huber 2687, l!tcl7 GOOD 3-burner gu atove with oven and broller. $16. 312 Al- varado street. Balboa. l~p BWNDE MODERN DINING RM. Set-Table, 8 chairs 4: buffet. Aho green dining room rug & pad. 2«2 Crestview Drive, Bay- ahores. 15cl 7 USED PIANOS from $60 up. Good playing con d I t Ion, DA.NZ- 8CHMIIYI', 520 No. Ma.In, Santa Ana. corner 8tb. BEA 1JTIFVL home-stze Kn a b e grand piano, like new. Save "' ot new pricf'. Ube.rel trade, con- venient . temu ac SH.AFERS MUSIC CO. (Stnce I907J, 421 ·N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klm- berly 2--0e72. ttt!c ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. R<tpoo- .tened. Masnftlcent tone. For church or home. Pay out bal- ance. Terma. Th.11 wondertul IMtru.ment LI ju.l like new. DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano and Or- gan Co., 520 No. Main, corner 8th, Santa Ana. COME In and play the Wondertu.J New Hammond Chord Orp.n. Even it you don't know a note of mu.ale you can play beautltul mu.ale ln ten mlnutea. DANZ- SCHMIDT Bil' Pia.no and Organ Co., !S20 No. Main, Santa Ana. --llOA TS. l!UPPLl'ES ------------TWO LOVELY uaed spinet plan05 SNOWBIRD No. 1. "Head of cla.u'' both like new. Btg savtnp. $1 50 .or will trade on snipe. Terms. $41 .62 down and $17.2~ Newly reeomditioned. Complete. per month at SHAi'ER MUSIC Ph. Harbor 1370-J evea. 13pl!S CO . (since 1907), 421 N . Syca- more. Santa Ana. KI. 2--0672. WILL PAY CASH {Or used 12 ft. . 97ttc Wlurd boat or equivalent. 14831 East Chapman. Orange. ,SPINET piano. Repoueued. Pay Ph. Orange 1372-M. 14cl9 out balance $287 . Another re~ ' I pooo'n. '395. DANZ -SCHMIDT WAN'l' TO BUY pa.dd.leboard suit· \ Btg Plano Store. One Hundred abl~ for 12 year old boy. Har-Pianos from which to chooe~. bor ~~: BOOKS Hcl~ I ~N. Main, com•r 8th, Santa A nne stock of boob on all yacht-140-BUSINESS OpportunlUee l1'g trubJect.-Plwl all eurrmt boou Len<11n1 ubruJ. 'Liquor Store $13,500 The Islanders 10FF SALE• 21• Jlartne. Balboa la. H.ar 16'7 Well establ!Jlhed location. Proven INTERNATIONAL 14 , like new. Reuonable. Call 1410 W . Bay Ave.. Newport Beach. lla.rbor 0896-M. 9cH Marine Engine Specialist Service at your noat or mooring. Pre -summer tune • up -ready your boat tor the coming sea- • .son. custom ~e• tor runa-~!~ it~~~· ~·1 ~ ~\1( Vf.: •Ion&, Udo Isle, suitable !or pleuure era.rt. $160. Ph. Harbor 2293-W. 13pl5 Boat Owners and Mechanics For Your SNAP ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE 17ff Miramar. Balboe Harbor 1087-R 98c99h moneymaker. Groa • 'x c es• S50,000 per yr. Rent $M month to month.· (Leue can be ar- ranged) Extl'a larse wallt-ln box. New reach In box. Good fixtures. Thi• REALLY add• up. $13 ,500 (plus llwentory l Harbor Investment 30th and Newport Blvd. l •U'bor 1600 USED, FURNITURE llTORE tor ule or wtll trade foi a ' boat up to·Sltoo .. Phone Harbor 2502-R or Harbor 01~-W. 14c18 M.AL T SHOP -Fountain, CTHI , u ceUent busln~ and equip- ment. 1927 Harbor Blvd .. Cos- ta Meaa, phone Bew.con ~14 . lfpl!) ESTABLISHED small pottery. I Well equipped~ Very good con- dition.. WW flt in garage. Sell at leu than inventory for quick ale. Kl 3--841& a.n.er & p. m. 15p17 n.lnp.. Phone Harbor 2.~MK. 15p Lli:A VING ST A Tll: -2 bdrm, C&ll be 3--<:a!>" Cod, tonced ,Yard. tine loc&tlon. Furntahed or Wl· turni1hed. 385 Broadway, Ooota M«a. Up17 CLIFF HAVEN FOR LEASE 3-bdrm. home. This la a beaut. place. O\vner turniahes 1tove, ~!tis .• dining rm. turn. ..ahd drapu. The rental of l l&Q. mo tncludea •arden aervlcea. 2 yr. leue., Call Fr~ Barker, at Beacon ~795. EARL ST ANI.zy, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport Hgts FURNISHED 2 rm •pl. and Mth over rar•ge -Adults only. 240 Broadway, C.O.ta MeN... 14c15 RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa Harbor 1607 TWO BEDROOM turnlahed hom~. larre living rm., fenced yard. Yearly rentat .. soe w . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1~7-J . llpl8 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE partly tumt&hed. Dbl. p.race. (acrou from Rlobat'd'a Mkt.) 508 Clut>- houae Ave., Newport Bch. lSclfi FIRST TIME In yean that we have a vacancy In the LIDO A.PTS. on UDO ISLE. Single furni.lhed &pert· ment Ideal for l or 2 pe1'9Xla. Thia I• a 0'honey"' tor the rll'ht tenant. Mk tor Mr.•Grotun&n... P . A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3313 Via Lido Newport Beach. Calif. Harbor lSOO JUie 1 BDRM bayfront apt.. Udo Ialf'. $70 mo to June 15. Summe!' reservation ta.ken now. 1 and f bdrm. unit.. Phone Harbor 25:!12 a.rld (Harbor 2914-M evea). llTFC See ·1-• Louise Apts. FIRST DoublHi and Slnglea OVERLOOKING-BAT JOii Carnation, dorona d•l Kar 92<QH BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APT8. YEARLY OR SEASONAL .jiff GAIL c.uQi1ll't With N!!lde Glbeon, Real Eatate 30fll' Manne, B&Jboa 1al. Har. C502 . 88t!c Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey 41-WAJITED TO RENT -~~~~~~-~--~· ~----------- at Seacraft 825 COAST ffiGHWA Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 WANT EXCH. USE MT. home for beach home 2 · wka. ln A.Us· M~ home 1 'ii: ml. from Lake Arrow· · bea.d.'at sky l"ore8l.., beaut. view, &11 ~nftnteliee&. Write N . L. McFutane, 3520 Caatle Reash. RJvenide. : lSpl 7 TW<J YR. OLD HOUSE al\d pr. Knort1-Ptne livtnc room, tile lD kite.ben It bath. ctoM to •torv. • Lea.ae for year or aummv ma.. No cblldnn. Inquire simdaya only. S08 -34.th St., l'jewport Beach. Hpll rrv. ROOM UNFURN. home, I . l>edn>oma. Gardener: 418 l'om· le*( or U1 N-A"' Co- rona del Mar. 1Spl6 ' .... ~~~~~~--....,-~.;..;~.~ ... !:~.,..~ .. ~·~·~ ..... !!!!!~£~111!.!..~.~-~-~---·~f .. ~~-~·~·~r.:.2 .. !!!!il:~~~·~·~;-. ..... ·~~ • • ' I .. • • I . - • - An'nounces t.,be openin~ of ~ office · and th.e Association With him of .,. .. .. - • , I I ., ' • ., Loveland '& Ben i t ·a S. Loveland Realtors • for the ,Purchase, Sale and Lease of • Be a ch and .West e 'r n Re s _o rt Properties Ranches and-Groves • Ranch Management • • • • • • • * * • " 408 EAST BALBOA BOULEVARD, BALBOA, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE HARBOR 3265 • • • • • • • • • * * • It will be our 'Pleasure 1 most desire It: to (ind for you, your dream home wh ere you Bay Front . Ocean Front Lido, Balboa or Harbor Isle Balboa Peninsula U, besides the purchase of a home in the Harbor area, you wish to • make a eound land inveatment-without subsequent personal manage- . ment-we can arrange for a lease and/or planting contract, with particu- lar reference to Imperial Valley Mojave River Vaqey San Joaquin Valley Arizona These include cotton. alfalfa, grain, vegetable and cattle propertiea. Other ranches complete with are available, home... of course, designed for o.yner-operation, • ' • • • • • • I ' . \ • • ' . ' •• AtitOiiiotive . . Balboa Penn. Point 2121 Ocean Blvd. Open Sunday 2 to· 5 pr will show by appointment Open For lnspection Saturday & Sund~y 228 Via Koron, Lido I.ele CORNER OF LIDO NORD··· YJA KORON . SEE Shaver Motors New "TRADE-IN" OUTLET ! ! J uat a Sample of What We Have This Week- ' '50 P'ORD ''Cult.om" V-8 tudor with radio, htr., fog lite~ elec:. dock, pla.sUc eovel"I alnce new -Thoroughly undercoated, attractive "Sea Mtat Green." WHY PAY MORE ! $1595 ·•1 CHEV "Fleetmuter" Sed. Every extra! 2-tone ver and blue. Try to match this for only- $985 Sil· t, '47 PC)mtAc '16" StreamJin't.r Sedanette. Orieinal 2· tone gray flnish-Spotle&\ interior! Radio, htr. etc. , $1045 SAVE $300! On "Brand New" '!!O DODGE SilDANS • CLUB COUPES equipped to suit you! This la not a come on-but a reaJ S.SOO Saving! IT COSTS NOTHING TO lNVESTJGATE! Many Mjlre! Open to 8 P.M. SHAVER ·MOTORS Your DO.DOE· PLYMOUTH 1880 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 8907 Dealer Coat.a Meaa. • NEW Studebakers ... DELIVERY NOW! BETTER CARS FOR LESS A UTHEJ\'TIC .CAPE COD, l year old. 2 8tory, 3 bdnns., plus large comb. bt>dlroom and den, 2 bat.hi, Large· living room. Fireplace. Dining room. Gorgeous kitchen and breaktut room. 30 x 30 Sun- dcck. Forced air ~eJl l. A·l con- . st ruction and artl.atlca11Y" dec'o. Priced t o sell quickly Wm. E. ANGOLD, Realtor 615 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 3 BORMS, 2 batm. extra sWJ shower, t treplace, unit heat. An excellent loCatlon a ff!W atepm from the beach. Come by "and see the beat buy on Udo lite. GREENLEAF • ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 G. I. Resale Phone Harbor 1238-W 2 BDRM Home and dble91 ~ce. 14c15 . v_.net\«:!~~ an~ dra~ go -----~----..w.i~ • ·i> ti~ · ~r1ce, 1 ~sw· . BEACON BAY . ~~\»~-;.i:. r mo., )ll u~. IF YOU ARE A BOAT WVER- And tmjoy comfortable living. And wish to keep flt playi.Ag badminton on your own prtvate court, we ha. ve a smartly furn.. i&hed two bedroom luxury home for you at a tpeelal low price: Call Bill Kempton fo r full details. Hubor 1500 P .A. P~MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif ' Harbor 1500 51-REAL l!lSTATE WAJITED SEE Mr. Hougan at fQO Cout mvd., Corona .def Ma.r. 14c18 Something Special COMPLETELY FURNISHED 1 bdrm borne on corner lot cloec to still water· balhln(. Palnt a.nd idea.a will make thla your dream bou.te. RoOJp for 1 an ja.d.· dltional unit. $6!!00 FULL PRICE. Tenn.. · Charles E. Hart :w2o W . BAiboa Blvd. Har. ~42,11 (1i:vea. Har. 2fflh1 Newport ""'· ' l•cl6H .. • • • ' • Open f<>r Inspection SUNDAY 226 Tustin Ave ... IAllove All·Amerlcaa Market) 'OCEAN VIEW 3 !3drms· ·& 2 Baths. On Ille c11tt In Newport Jlelsbla. B...,..i new. JJ<autl!ully deol111· ' ec1:. Pn4 bollt. All quatley , ... twa w1u. ·unit' ~ are- p1.loe, beabtl!lll harclwoOil . aDcl Iota ot flapt.on\ work. X..t do""1 to earth value tn an ..,..,. view hom~ in Che harbor u-ft. $21,000 --. Beacon Hill Realty •66 Newport Bl•d (Near A.rcbea) Phone Bea.con 5713-R VOGEL VALUF.s STOP AT 1301 Coast 'High· way to see these better buys in Corona del Mar. I-AN ATI'RACl'IVE 2 bedroom home, plus a tarp 2. B. ft. Apt. over a 2 car rarace, laundr)' • store room. Now rented. Wall- ed ya.rd. Ba.rbe'.cue. ! unlU tor the price of one -$11,250. 2-0WNER LEAVING lmme-- dlat.ely for the Eut hu reduc- ed the price ot thta attra.ctive Shore Cliff home, W1th hard-, wood floor•, naptone fireplace. •pa.rate dining room. breakf~ nook, etc. TO A NEW LOW! All apackiua rooma. bl&' wtn· dowa. Partial ocean vteW1 Drape? included.. A real Jl;ome in an ~chlllve nel(hborbood. We have the key. :1-INCOMF-S-rental ·unite on •Sx:l 18 corp.er 1ot. Good neigh- borhood, ocean aide ot htgb,...y. Ail unit.I aeP.,.,..t.e. rwith lnd.I• vfdual fenced yard.a. 'Unit No. I 2 1 bedrma. ua!umiahed. Unit No. 2 1 2 bednna. partly tl.lmiah· ed. 1 Ualt ?:lo. 3 bachelor apt., .. fl!uT tumlohed. 2-car p.np. S~01 per roo. income. Priced -uo,IWIO. Good terms. only '80 """'l.h)Y payment&. The John Vogel,.Co. 1301fCoast Highway, CO~a del Kar HARBOR 1741 or HARBOR 1477 (Eve.a. Barbor 393-M) 111<17 LOT 300 J;ijk. .on Sapphire Balboa Island $7850 'Close to North Bay Courtesy t o Brokers Phorie Owner, Harbor &10 15c CASUAL IJvlng on Balboa PeJ)ln· 15\lla, s·pacioua 4 bdrm, 2 tlft: pJ.acu, big cloaeta, 1 etory, ~ly 1 te<tec.idated Wt\h tute. • Lo~)I W<lfn • Pa~ . ~ J 91J1 ds,&00 dh'.,'1$85 rho. Total price '25.800. Sandy . MacK&y. Har. 464. 1•c1a Balboa Island· . wduLD YOU LIKE • gOOd 2 bed- room beach houae Whleh. will lleep a d0ze.n peop)e with • mtnlmum of fuu and work! We ha.ve one tor- Only $10,500 ·~DOWN 1Stanley Hadfield RiA;L'roR c 216 Marine AVl!ln.ue I BALBOA Il!LAND ' ' NEED USED CARS~LY Will pey Tope for your car 1900 PLY. S pec. Dix t-dr aed ···-········-·········-··•··-···········•1•&• UM.8 f'QRD &-Tudor -fltr .. 1298 1948 CHEV. StyL Cpo., htr. WANT ~OM oW'Der-.J or 3 bdm 1-, Eut Side Coot.a x-. un- der $10,000. Must b!! low down pymt Private party. Call Har. 731.J. 14p18 OWNER MOVING -lhst .. u quickly -.A.ttnctlve 2 bodrOom modern }lome. 11' baU.., pr. "-,,_. refrlg and .to.. Choice Bayfront tnclud. Only J7850. 203 -Uth home under construction. 4 bdmu 8~ .• Newport Bell. Har. 1056-W. • Can also save you UP ·TO $260 ":nd rsdlo ·--··--·-.. ··········-·· 1495 tfflt ,,,. s batha. Every delWre featutt. -----------i--I Moot outatandillg view lb .Jll..,.. 43-APAltTIRNTS a ROUSEii BALBOA PENINSULA-3 bdrm., l " bath on Mlramar Drive for ·q\l.&lifted renter& 3 MO. SJl!AllON Rl:NT Al! •100Q can ""'7 Die~ Kar. 1ou. or Mn. Maroon A Mr Metl'bbor Harbor 177'. CORONA DEL MAR -I Mna. Jt •-"-.. _,.._. t turnlohe<I ba.Y troot. pm. llcla. you ....., ~ .... ,. a 19'. CAD. •2 • •-<t:r. led. plotely equipped tnc!u. button wtndowL Oom- puoh PRIVATE PARTY Waa!JI 2 B.R. home In ao.t;a )ilea., ft'om. own,. er qp to J800 di( 11118hty more U tllm. Pll. Bea. i!650-R. Hpl~ poflC llarbor· WID be eomplot.ed' for~ WJIUfler occupaaey. NEW Mo. 75 "Twlot Grip" Mar- Un motor. Used once--511~. 518 \i W. Bay Ave., B&J-. (2nd floor.) 15pl1 8-llT. SAILING dilll'~Y. bralld new nylon saU. $75. 1111 Dum- ond Drive, Lquna Beach. 15p17 Earl Stanlev, Realtor 22ll Karine au! N.wporl, BIYd. Balboa I.aland Newjiort 8-:11 Uclt • Summer or :r-r 1-(Olnaa· factory 1 Uon 0o .. 1 U5 ~-. 8111T7-VWtioDUilleJa_,-.! Corona dot Mar. Bar. -..ft. ' HC19 JOE NICKFlRTZ -.... -,.,--'l'ILULSa---.. -... -Cli---lltuclehUer 0.ler • MJD JrJJWPGftT Ill.VD. N&WFOJ\T MAllH · • , ___ Lido_) Har. ~ -°'"'" ..&. • ~ • • • ' • 1941 CAD. 82 -4-dr. -'. pletely equipped lnc)U. button !'iJld~ Oom- pwob ' lttT CAD. '2 • 4-<lr • .*L Hyd.. -""· ....uo. . • Gll-llGJllEY 'l'O &.OA!I . LOANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION. i:.oAN~ at &-5 ~?0 (lt Jn.) • w .. BuT AJolD nu..• • ' ~N.A.BLT PRlCl:D . ' GREENLICAP' A .A.8800. ' BlllLl>ICR RBALTPft Ut1 1Nt'WJ!Ort lllYd., ~ - 'I ' -I Ex~eptional Offering 4 mtrr INcOD -PROPl:R'n °" --~·­p1ekety. RAlj>ea"7 ,._ Goal ' , -uan. • .. ·, ' • ' ' • , • \ ' ~ .. ~-~-~·~!~:~·~·~ .. !IT!~A!""!..~~-----_.:f?~:,~lf!.~A.;!:~~!!!~~-~·~~~~··-··_1~! .• ;::!PP~·~L:...! .. !!!'~'~l!'~-~········•'•••~::~·!::~7!7!'~L!:.Jlll!lf!!!•~!lll!!,~_,,.... .. ...!11!::!7!7''· ..,.,. • ee•r. ~ . ' ~LANOHE A. GA'TES, Realtor ONE LOOK , • •' 1 Buy her1tlle '.lUOBT· ,house for Kather•a ·J)a~ ·, L. S . .Jo~· .J. liA1tTm ·• WILL CONVINCE YOU that ud ,.. ~ DO llAVll t11e itpt Ila•• .ir-wblch to ••b your .i,oi"' 311 Matme A,ve., Balboa Islan, d the following ll1"e "BU'i'S.".~· "'• lll'P 1all 11o look_... h.W i'NP ot I~"-·,,,_ ""•1 •,~ r lltbwtlw; an of IOOd. Mui • INbatlaa, u4 "'°9e &11 • , • 'l1'IBY AU Ph. Bar. 1671or1672 "'8z'. 74&-M 0 ot Bea. 60t2-R Evea. 1. 1-1y 11-1arp 1 -1 PJUca> BPl>W TID PitJ8l:NT DAY•llLUUDll'I'. A few of t1*a.,. G. L · , ' ' • ., . 'CHOICE .H.4RBOR IAREA P • BALBOA ISLAND· Grand Canal. 60' frontage. ·Charm. 2 ·B.R., din., rm. home, 2 _patloa. Room to build S more unite. VAKii; OFF'ER. BAY .FRONT HOME $29,000. Attr. 6 B.R. well furn. home. THI.S PRICE IS FOR. QUICK SALE. CORONA DEL MAR G. I. RESALE See thiJI BEAUTY today. 2 aR. Encloeed ,Patio. Near water. An excellent buy for $13,000. Bf,.ANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12:30 - 5 p. m., May 6th BR.AND NEW quality construction S bedroom home-- Exterior I• of 1tucco and redwood aiding, a very at· tractive combination. Living room ll large and bu m<Xlern Swedlah .»rtck flTeplace---wlth a large ptcture window, • Adjoining Lt a tull family size dining room. Large k.Jtchen bu abundant tile, dbl. aJnk. Lou of modem built-in.I with breakfa.at area . THREE large bedroonu with ward- robe clOM:ts.. Bath la pullman style and hu plenty o r tile . Dual floor turn&«., grade A hardwood Ooora t.hrougb- out--0vtr ftOO sq. rt.. of lhia well located Ea.at aide home. It will pay you to drive out &nd see t.hb home during our OPEN HOUSE- Come One, Come All! Drive out Newport Blvd. to Monte Vista St. Turn East on Monte Vista 1 \I" blocks • To 164 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa • or Phone Beacon 5225 B. A. NERESON MRA & Npt. Harbor Multiple Listing Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ON Hazel Drive in Corona del Mar we have a beautlt'UI 2 bedroom home with wonderful vtew or ocean, beach and hills. Mo.at attractive~ $25,000 with l6000 down. ON MARIGO LD , we have a 2 ~room lllld den homl!I with dble. gar. encloaed patio. partly .furnished, $1 3,7~. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS BROKERS 813 CoaBt Blvd. Corona de! Mar Harbor 21:>2 • TODA Y'S BEST BUY in Coi:ona de! Mar Only $9500, .terms ' NEARLY NEW-2 bdrm home completely redeco- ratep. Fireplace._ room for 1 more unit. WELL LOCATED. EARL CHAMBERLAIN 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 ~---------------------- The Island Costa Mesa t The Best Town on Earth 0 H Sh · YOU CANNOT AFFORD to : pen ouse owing Rent. with a I1eaJ Like Thts. Because · _ _ 2 bdnn home tumtahed. 1 bdrm home turnished. Neat & clean, ' ' When Summer Comes /ou are going to need bdrms, at leut three of them, and pouibly a den to slt"t'p a r~w f'Xtr&.!i. Then you mutt have an adequate living &nd illnlng room with apace tor television and several davenports to enjoy round th'! ht"afth, tlresfdt" evening•, l Tbe kitchen-it will have to be ultra, loUJ ot cabinets, tile and an electric dishwasher. Several bathroom8, paUo a.nd garage with 1torage •pace 'A'il l just be dandy. Now we want you to come to 201 Emerald Ave .• on Friday, Sat· urday, or Sunday, May 4, 5 and 6 a.fternoona and tell Bub Powera that you &g'l'tt th.la home i. "Worth the mony, to you," that.a what we want to hear. J. A. BEEK Office all ro r $8100-$1000 down. • Vacant G. I. RESALE -3 bdrma. One or the best we have had In •SU When you aee It, you wU1 &(l"ff Hu double pract>, fenced yd., all land8caped. Price $9500 FOUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOMES All good loc•Uono -Plenty of room-Each on '16-acre or more Rea.tonabty prtced. No. 1-'21.llOO No. 2-ll&,000 No. 3-SIJ,600 No. 4~ Uf,l!OO G. N. WELLS, Rltr. Ir AMOClatea 1790 Newport •Blvd. • Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 LOOK - --. What You Can Get in Cdrona del Mar . A 3 BDRM llO..__e bll< from ocean-With l&PI• ,.Pt. mw =.: ~i!'~!!'1 :;:..:::.:;: R1i1M, wble1i nw11a tliq" beiar a low rate ot ....,. and low monthly p.y • cleYft homo tn a prime r.-Uan. -ta. Licht. c11eerf\l1with 111ce _.. • Ea..,_u,11y for Mother and the family · ration from, nelJbbon an11 "" ~ I • ""' feaw .... that ''Will w1n ,..., • WE RllOOMIOl:ND a 3 bdnD. bome ovwtooklnr tbe entrance harbor with lta Mart." ·Priced at '11.000 thla i-fuallle ~ ot on1a, ·boate. IUld tbe type~ lite tbat makes Corona del 1a .-i. .. ~ ao .s.tra6le for ,_,...rowid llvtnr. TbJa. bOUMI will make any woman'• 2. Alao "" UDO lllLlli a charm· heart i.a-v. Dclo't talle ber to -It, It you are ~ot In the buying mood-It In& a t..droom. s bath ru.----:rr• . P~pr cleslcnect bDme. 1:aretu1 la 'One beiplD. JOl1 cui't rem.t I ' . thoUcht' and IDUl.IJinatlon ""' OOMTACT ua roa OIHl:tt PllOPlllUl&il, Ri:N-r..u.e, 0AND Btm.J5INo LOO'S been ,ive1 to UU. home. Bar ~~,:;,, ~~";,~.;:::;:1~:,:: • • . CORONA DEL MAR PRdPER~ lota ot ttdwood and c:e,....lo W. 1lollort B. l.Ynl> Realton • Helen L. l.Ynl> an • ,..., ot the many fine t.a-ill Cout Blvd. Farmho1111e Motel ,.,.... an: this •< pn~ o1 Harbor 1037 Corona del Mar Harbor 1063 ONL T J2S,(IO() -Torma . 3. Super speeial waterfront home. Ftrat time offt-red. nu. home I.a on 1arce k>t in best locaUon on LIDO ISLE on tbe NORTH BA YJ"ONT. Comfortable, well kept 4 bedroom•, 3 bat.ha With oplendld petlo Uld yud. All tile kitchen., hardwood tJoora, bar, pier and slip and home ts f\lm· tailed. ALL t.hJa U. a BAROAIN at $60,000. ALSO A tew choice bUUd1ng site• tor tale on LIDO ISLE at prices you can afford. These lot.9 are aeU- ln&' very tut. The law or aupply &nd dem&.11d mua:t ce.rtalnly ln· creue their value. Don't gel &hut out. Remember we a.re the DEVELOPERS or LIDO ISLE where a little buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vi& Udo Newport Beach, Call! Harbor 1600 REAL EST A.TE is the Foundation of all Wealth! Thia t. a well eatabllabed tact. Mor e money has bttn made out ot real eat&t.e than anything d8" -011, mlnerala, crop•. treee and store•. -Thoua&nd• ot people have been coming to Ca.litornta -INVEST ln Calltornla. Real Eat.ate. ~t ua tlnd what you are loOklng tor, Th@ following •re a few lbtlngs that we con.alde r P. V. !PRIME VALUE>- ' OCEAN FRONT BAI.BOA rENINSULA DON'T T~ TOOi TO llUJLD A 0 l.IT'l'Llll ORAT tlOOAH IH Tim Wl:l!T-I'vo pt ona ricbt hft'll for ""1 ... Drop llltt T_.,.I ~N'• a elWiee for you to, -wlla{ II Jmown u the -f"llUJ. Thia dMlr· able little -.., ·~t -i. on the llal-Penlnaula and luia a 1Wwptn1 .taw o# the Padtlc. I'd 11y the OWJMn ha" had a lot ut pteuun uct comfortable llvla• In thla l ·l>odroom beKh bolM. ·The lu&• lhtnpoom la utlaUc&Uy 'pannelad aad bu a hip 1-med c.llln1. The kitchen la an en thaped &U&lr )Uat ott the llvln& t"OOm wtr.kh aJJoW. for audJence p&rlldpetton by the cook. And ot coune the,.•a a bil' ftteplace. Tbe beth aeparate• the 2-bedrooma a.nd hu: an ouUlde ahower 'fOT brathert convenience. The-re's a cement porch on the ocean side and • larl'e .andy sun )'&.f'd u you enter. nu. i. the fdeal home for a tmall family or tt h&I all .,rta ot ~tbOJUd for enJ.arsinl'· The~• room for twa auto. ln the prsp and room tor plenty of happy home Ille In U.e hou.e. You'll •crtt that the prtce tag t1 •conalderate •t U7.l!OO. JOHN D. BURNHAM REALTOR .607 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA HARBOR 1007 (lCVltB. HAR. 227f.W) SARAH W. )'lEWUN, JAMEi! C. NEWLIN, Jr., HELEN McDONALD . Balboa Island • INCOME TWO 2 BpR.M APTS--So built and saned u to permit a.not.her tncome unit or buaineae If preferred. One apt. la rented Wltll June 10th. Itel, but lmmedi.at.e powMion of the other may be bad. Thia hu been an exceptk>nally l'ood lnveatmenL ONLY $4,llOO down. Full Prtc:e •1&,llOO. Act flow-No need to u.k why/ · LINWOOD VICK, Realtor ,,,. 42 FOCYr BA YFRONT LCYI' CCor-312 Marine Ave. Balboa laland lhrbor 2042 ner) El Bayo Tract .. $18,000 -----------.,..---,----------- WATERFRNT. lot (Balboa Covee) One oC. the be.1t ... -......... -.... ~ BA YFRONT HOME--6 B.R. El Bayo Tract . Prime iocatlon-- Wondertur pouJblll tlu .... m .&OO LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT-3 B. R. tiled batha, unit heat . Acrou from Balboa Bay Club. Fur· nlahed ·-. ·-.. ... .... ,38,M>O Harbor Investment 30th and Newport Blvd. Harbor 1600 BARGAINS BALBOA ·ISLAND Choice South Bayfront Income EXCELLENT DUPLEX-Prime location-Superb view-Fine Beach . Each unit has spacio1111 living room. fireplace, 2 B.R., 2 baths, private garage, pl1111 many unusual features. Well built with near- ly 3000 eq. ft. total area (Architect's plans and apecification.11 available for ill.llpection) Exception- ally good value! Price $45,000 -Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Ha. 2462 Balboa Island CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA NEW LISTINGS SHAKE ROOF, RUSTIC AND BRAND NEW-$2000 ctn. FUil ·price '8(>00. 2 bdnna, apaeloua U~g rm. with rnaulve ftre· pfue, beam celllnp, We atnk and bath. Double pr., larse cor- ner loL Tb.iA cunom built home 19 different. Eu:t •kle Costa Meat. 2 BDRM 0 . I. RESALE-Neat " lf'tm. Close ln. Eat aide loca· tlon., n~ly decorated in A: out. Thia excell~t valu.e at $7100. Move in wt th SJ 770 down. Pay· menta of 163 mo. include taxes, lnL, and lruNr. 3 llDRM. ROME ON FLOWER ST., COSTA MESA-Hu fl,.._ place, hwd. noon, bls llvlng rm, din. rm, nice llle kttcben and bath, dual f\J.rna.ce, . over 1200 aq. rt .. ddUble gar., fenced yd., nicely la.ndac&ped. Prtee 111,000. Mo. pymu of $41.43. You could not replace Jt anywhere near asking price. FURNISlilED 2 BDRM. ON Ii ACRE-Move in now and etart living. Tbi8 property la zoo.ed tor buaineu. Cloee to transpor- tation. 8Chool. Neat A clean. FurnitUf'.'t! ls worth 11000. Price $8600. Thls ls one ot our befit va.luea_ TRIPLEX BAROAIN -FURN· !SHED-Three 2 bdrm untta plus garages. Ren\ tor 17:S mo. each. Located on fine bualneu corner. Show 15 per cent grou income. Price 117,900. Thia one adda up. See It NOW! • 5 ACRES-BEST EAST SIDE LO- CATION -Sandy loam. ~t a creage buy Eut ot Newport Blvd. $2200 pe.r e.cre. OVER 1A: ACRE--.J.00x270 Lindbergh achool. Sandy priced at $2150 cuh. near aoll. Barney Fran~ue MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 400 E . 17th Et. at Tuatln Ave. • • BEA~~ A HOMS· AND IN001MJl~IM1' marut aad tra•_.,.tkill-2 attnetl'N II built tacw. Ill 'A·l -ti!&. t-ear ,.,...... ' y1U'd. t Ni ~l' •t fU.aod for 11otb. Kultlple ,LI.at, No. 1741. 1 .'.AT'I'RACTIVE well an~ ;,.me. 3 bdtrna., hwd. tloOr In llYln& roolll. Floor +. ,_,,y ldtclle!L lier· >lee poreh. cem>nt patio, gua~e. Full 1:ic1 J77fi!> For detan. on either propert)!, call Mary Dlckaon. Har. 1013 (B:vea. HarOOr il092·W) Costa ¥esa zjctra Special · CHARMING DUPLEX~ ~way corner. Two very llft"'18 2 bdrni home ... one r _Mlll tlrepW>e. Sepante laundry room.a-and ,..,...es. Best coutnJctk>n. Priced to aeJL Multiple LI.at No. 1770. J"Qr turther details call Mary Dlckeon Har. 1013 (Evee. Harbor 2092· W) I • <er THOMAs -FO~ BALBOA BAY SHORE PROPERTIES AT MAIN GATE ·NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOMES Now available With Bay View and deluxe !eatures--5 % financing A,LSO FEW GOOD RESALEs -Priced from $12.000 to $25,000. Call Carl Thomas, Beacon 5748 days or Beacon 5823-M eves. OPEN HOUSE at 312 SAPPHIRE BALBOA ISLAND 2:00-• ~:00 P . M. SA TURDAT and SUNDAY OWN THIS HOME for $4l)()Q down and $68:80 Jtionthly. THIS YOU CAN'T BEAT! Attractive 2 bdrm home, fireplace, on one of beat 8treets near North Bay. Brick • pe.Uo. Room for a.dd'l building. For details phone Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor, Har. 177~ on . Have Many Choice Homes Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,000 FOR EXA)(PLE: Very attractive 4. bedroom borne on· 80 ft. lot. Ntoe patio, year around house., tuma.ee heat. ALSO On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Bwlineu buUding8. All occupied with A-1 tenant&. Show 6% net or better. No phone call• please.. See MrL Maroon or Mrt. Neighbor nt 22a Marine Ave. IN CORON;\ D:EL MAR ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDftl?O¥ HOME, l~ bloclu tram ocean. South of Highway. ~· lot. Large living room. Beam celllng. Ha.rd~ood floorS. unusual dining room. Kitchen and bath ~th tile. PRICE REDUCli)D for quick Sa.le! Multiple Usttnc No. 1621 For det.aJ.la call BUI 8huater, Harbor 2f74 SEE US FOR l:lEACON BAY property. We have two attractive homes now -they won't la.sL For d,etail.8 call Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor, Har. 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hiway 16th and 'Irvine Newport Beach NeWport Beach 615 Cout HJway Corona del Mar 225 Marine Ave. · Balboa lBland 3113 HeWport Blvd. Newport Beach . ' .. I ~· i ':. " G. I. RESALES Newport Heights $1500 down · •(Incidentally-a wonderful place to establish your permanent home.) THREI: B&DROOM HOME, 1 and "' bal111, So. or llle Hwy; NEW dbl. carage. 40 ft. lot, nower1 and lhruba. Near Seavtew, Price hu been reduced to $14.GOO be· ca.ta Meea Beacon 8818 ------------------------ TWO BEDROOM HOME -Top location. Excellent condition. 2'" car garage. Approa..' 4 yn. oJd. Payme.nt.9 lnc.hJ<Se-taxee and tn• ca.uae It ntt<U aome work, Sep. entrance to 3rd bdrm. BEST BUYS .-· , , · in COeta Mesa • aur1nce. The Ml price t.. only 1, f SAY, YOU FOLKS who want .. "troME & IN-, '"''"~\f.'~-)l •, · ...... ,,., prqpe , .an a,.., ,....,.., ,p .JlllY" a e ' · '''deriJ 11» 1 b&tll.11 ' bdwd.' 'rtoo .. '"'"~' ~'. d . -1••-• littJ . • NmXJtU!· . ·"'°"""' 2 -- $8750 This Loan Is Worth An Extra $1000 . Today THRD: BEDROOM -C1ooe to ahopptns &nd tranaportatlon. Approx. l yr. old. Hwd., tile, ex· ceUent la""'4ry taellltie&. Dt:nJnl" area ln kitcbe.n. Edy .t ~ terftU' $2300 down &r1d SM tncludlns taxes and Insur, S.. t..hU today. Tomorrow ma)' be too late. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Coala )(- Phone lleaeoo Ufl·W Harllor 3157 • W nr ~ 114111-J more for a ! and LOCATION! clooe tn. near park' Be-re- We HAVE it··· TifREE UNITS TakH •II cuh, but we can ttnance halt with eue. ANDRESEN CO. 602 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar H~rbor 1640 $3250 Now Buys Ocean View R-2 60x100 Corner Seawani Rd. Ii Serra Drive ANNOUNCEMENT On and after May lat, SOUTH OOAST REALTY 00. and BALBOA REALTY 00. will operate their real estate bualne9 under the name of Balboa Realty Co. production COIL 110,000. tenna. Al.BO Corner tnduab1el lot 7lllll0 '1400--UOO down, $20 per mo. • 0000 LISTINOS WANTED . ROBT.H.MOTI'Etr ~ ~4..J Ru. Bea. &137..J 1900 Harbor· Blvd COST.A MESA 8~F HAVEN VIEW HOME -Open House Sun., May 6, 1-5 p. m. 23572 S. E. Kings Rd. BEACH HOME and SAILBOAT LARGE FURNISHED BEAUTIJi'ULLT LOCATED HOME, one block f!Om bay and good/ llWimmln&" beach. ii Vl1 ~p;~i,~;11lil~~~;i-.~ pon:hu, ~. roo~~e~~ car •)'eEU'~:~·,~~ J ; Prtce incl. 22• -µboat and mOortng. S2UWJO. Exclualve. BAY & BEACH REALTY Gloden Fay .Jack l~ Balboa Blvd Miller ' Ethel Shirley Harbor 1264 • -SEARCHING CO~ONA DEL MAR for a .3 ~droom, 2 bath home? -. l HA VE IT! Huce Uvinli room, dinlnc room. Oak Doorm,·tlreplace; all cloaet.e lined in Tenneuete.,cedar. Bir uUUty· room, ~re ~uJlt for apartment above; •toot fenced lot. cWtsgh~ul patio. A pre-war, well· built home; excellent floor pian. New 11.aUng exclu- alftlT with . I STANLEY.A. SMITH . 1311 Cout fflPway Corona clel Mar , -· OORONA ma= • """" oUPLZX-~ PentnaulL 1n <Not Leueholdl LIDO ISLE . ? .....,._.,..,., cboiee ruldentlal oectlob. Lower WHERE IS THE Newport Heights. ' 2 bdrm. untt 1a .-rvec1 •t aum· THREm lar&'• bedrooina, ' b&th-or17 850 m11 ,._ Upper l bclnn. unit l'OOllUI, oal< floors, tori:ed air . p AR TY? ) • 'I' ' . NlllEI> S • &OOd alse --.T la &'Nllable now. <Janae, Walled ~. aprlnkler syatem, bar-SOMl!!'tHINQ HEW -SOJO:. LIKE wallt·ln ~ ---t1o Botlr unlta attrecu '• beque. ~ f<DCIDI an a Wbo Aiied ..-t· a .....,.$1. 'nlllJIO CUTE -at a F.iC" )'OQ ,ieove, brick patio and~ COMPARE tbla desirable ~ · •e.,. '""' of Uie feaCU-of WI fta• -,__,_ Jn o:;; . can i.tford to pay. 8l'!1&Ced cm lers< wen. lendllcaped ,loU 60 ft. -'1~. home. n.e tuU price la fl7.GO!' -•-Olledtthel>Ntlocotloru>•Udo. WANT hardwood !loon, --property wltb any BATJ'B.OJ<n' -Clloleo Belq lo-with tmm. . We .... lt--lHIO u di\'· A tand•eompaet ·-- rate dlllln&' room. attractln nr. that you can buy foJ' oatlon. hrlllohed. Tbla older 4 fll8 mo. Too load to lut · ~I 2 ba home. Very nice alse U.· p1enty ot cup-t Clear ct~ """""' m rona , · bWUee. rrp1.. 1arp ..-Mr. Kompl"'l, Bullor 1l!OO '. 2 Bdrm Home UW1['2 Ye&!'IY old-Well pr1ce11 . Harbor 63 Bel-laland J'erT)' nnUd. LUro f...,.., yard, love- ly plluato -....,.lie. placl, tub AND otall allp'ftr, "•"""" • Co . de! Mar bdnn. bome ..._lot.a ol ~· For advance ahoWlnl ca,11-' -b 1111 .. With tlreplaee. U.. water ·anc1 _.,... llL All w. ..; •1 • ..;, ___ ,_ .~"" ~ plu anc1 no.t. Be oure to p ~AI ,.n:;vo • , , , •t sh.MO" • . ancl mO..-fT.hla JOU will love) •erllll, • """ .,...,., ~ -~l PG,000. ,•JPVW>o -lo ooel')lthtng. 1i:Xtra ' ,/~ SICll THISI --.t a roo1<-.p1co or-per month. ' l>~Tbla ~ -·IN Tiii> Jot. T111a ·1a .,.,older~ boil V • m ,"61or,.,.ick .io , ,_ __ ._ -., -•n-. ~ mi Via Udo'· 1a _, .-~ '"n.r. Harbor Jn~estment • Don't mi. tllll 8AR04IN for ------------' LOOK! ~PLUS /MWll•! ro. appollltmoQt e.11-:='-''"j.., ~ ~ NtwjlOldc Boe•. CUit. PtUCS ~Ir ,... allth and Nowp0tt .Bml. , ..... --1l!OO AS -_,_ ·-I B. IL, &ilior uoo J A ...... 1100 • ...---. R A c EY '--'!'I~ ·•11 '11 frpl.. -' Only -.500 . ' I -...-: "p A. PA11'111'D . . ,.u.......,. ,_. .,...... ,,..i----~---'--'-~ · olnu'W> ffrl ..... Dr. Oor.a R~...... -'t )mt ...., at •u.ooe. ·,1 ..... llo. -Income "'-'"-. 11 ' • • OPEN 1 --5 • • ONLT $2000 CAllH. cute 2 bdrm $1000 Full Price ' ~Tm> • __ ollAJ ----u. -BDT!ls • -· --of blrb""1 t BI••-J'R()J{_ -·~'I~ sm Via Udo ,,_ --.. ,r ~boa Realty Co: . a ,...,,1 .. 11~--..·-;~:!: IH'OOllT.l -,.... . a.:=1, ~ ';!.;.'!""., tn Corona' de1 MM -PWS ----_ __. _....... Nel#pOrt B••dl. caJlf. • _ na-ww .s at 1 1 .... nma.. ,.,. .-, a•alifmi· a••• 111 :T~ __,,.. • --. put.lall7 "'"'1*-Har11ar lllGO " Or Vftur ,'.l.......,lrer ----• T , .... Jq -, , -llOl'WIJI, -Pl' I •. detacbed .-.....-. • I---------~ ~.-_,.......... wwwm ww . Full n-=~ eOIUV\ -,.u+, ,_ --~,. -..s, ...-. -. lot."--Q:rY LAND , . 1n11•• .. AZ>OO . ...-..-....:; ......,., B A. ..nM>~u ,.... ..-., •• 1'11.t ~ Total. Price'$94150 _._ .... ..,. --~ tor,•_.. ,.. ..... " .......... a.., ..., -._.. .. • ~ .. ~..,., , ~ •••L ....-. Mii.nil l m.i. oa •ate,_~ -.l'UJ.iol'lllllll •1•111 · ----, Ma.t.1tllft.•P• r , 11111 Ernie Smith. Realtor -TOI( ,PA YNC, Rltr. ~ ":e-:' ~ ·._... VlolMk a. ~ _ •• • • .... _ Jama C!, Hcritanl " • .,,, u11L? anaot: it "I:'· -. 1r1a "1to:I 0out 'flt#ay, eo.w.4ol 11ar • 110 a.. •tat sq wq. wrtt. P. o. --. --a 1 • -• Pu<'lzl Al! .. 14 n 1' 11 ... u~--. •••.-.,., -•• 1;nt ..._, Cllla1 ~ ~ .. '* z '1r • ... .,_._.., eon.~--mu.m, -.-u"* ~ ~ _,..._,.~1• ? .... ,... _ . ws.-· ~.••'.·--· '"!"'r,.1••t ••--: . . .. .. . ' ' -. • ' ' I • ' 1 • I I l • ' • l , • P~&E ,I .....: PART I ~ THURSDAY; llAAY 3; 195 1 . Donie~L.uM 11 · .. ...cB:;=:;aoJr-u•• . a ''-""" , ,L: 71PJS!!....:.-: PllE s ~. ~ Stan(lout !Sailor. TI DE TAILIE • hld.;'c." ltlflH 0 ·21 ... m.. 3:5' p. m.. 10:02 a. m. 9 :18 p. m. 10:f5 a. m. 9 :43 p ..... 11 :27a.m. 10:11 p. m. J..2 ;18 p. m. 10:39 p. m. 1:19 p. m. 4.0 a.7 3.7 6.8 3.5 5.7 3 :18 L DL 2:•1 p. m. 3 :GJ &. m. 3 :611 p. m. •:25 Lm. 3 :29 p. m. 5 :00 &. 1n. 3 :Gl P-m. G:39 a. n1. 4 :10 p. m. 6 :23 ¥. m. •:32 p. m. 7:15 p. m. in c~p Series . --0.t ~ ... ·t 1 2 Standout •flor durl1IS one ot May 4 Batunlay May 6 . • ' -0'e lbe l°"1ht1t Apr! Week ondo In · ,Newport • Harbor .allfn. hlltory I.& wu none ol the ~ knOwn aa.lt.A --0.7 hut we.a a l?·yea.rlold g1rl, pretty 1.8 Do1Tle Le!N!a of Lklo lale and -o.e Pa11adena. Bun day May 8 Monday 3.2 6.6 a.o ~.3 2.1 Mias Lewie coptuJ'Od .lbe Leb-Ma.r 7 Tueoday -0.5 man dJnghy cf'Own ln NHYC'11 Spring Gold C\tp aterlew &rid had to May 8 Wedneaday May 9 'lbu.raday May 10 11 :1:1 p. m. 11 :50 p.m. 2.8 6.0 4.7 2.S , -0.2 ride out the very lu.Unt w ... lber to do It. She wq Ul.e only Leh4 2·6 ina.n to flnlab Sunday'• race ln • 0.0 rtp-roartn,g 1lorm which MW 00- mll~an·hour wind (U9bJ. F 1JL I, MOON May lJ • ?.fa;· 27 P AINT RE~IOVED FROM FURNITURE &: ANTIQUE!! BOATS STRIPPED STEAM CI.EANING Garvin Morse Co. (f·onnrrly PaclfJc Nelttn1) LAST QtJ~,.;R May 20 . NY;W MOON May 5 Only tM moet hardy ventured !o sail at au. altbOU~ lbe race1 were entirely <:<>n.qnect to greater Nrwporl Bay. Only the lucky. and still more ha.rd)'. were able lo nnlah the oompetlUon. The.re w~ a lot or pretty tall 'u\illnc:: In Sunday'• final racu, but when ll wa. over all hand.I 2.& Huur Emergen<'y Plumblnc bow...ct down lo the job turned In by J.tlss •Lf>wla and that ace small ,poat u.1 tor. FT~ Schenck. who perform~ 111, her crew aboard 131 E-l1th • • 1•P•1'1 I the 10-fool Yehman dlnghy, Dl.a- "1••r•110"1 bltll\. Co",;;:;: Diablit.a won all of the LIC ="-ra.crs, over 12 OrlrtnaJ rlva1e. Jn .. , C.11 ••.co" •ztJ-W Sunday's fin ale. hawcvcr, only &ix Udo Plumhin.it C:OS tu. M eM 415 Nt-wport Bl\·tL, Cotita 1\fesa salt.Jr vl"nlu~ out.' And only Dor- rll' finished. The rcat dlsmuted, capSiud, or just pla.Jn surrender- t•d. It took acrobata u much u saJlors to stay top--atde with the small onee. ' . . Pborw Bncon 6611-1 ~uputatf,·e Dry ~ao.lng LIDO CLEANERS •66 !'Jl'lWJ>Ort 81'\'d. C'OSTA MY..S.o\ Bea. 618Jhl Wt-Of.H'ralf:', our U\Vn plant ... Otta-• You Complete Interior Deeenttq Sp-cl.all1.lns In Dn.peril• Wallpapn ..up,...... hraibn V»llol.U!'tq OOnlc• a oaH SU» Oo"Y•N 'rn"Y•n• 'l"r&eka -La.r1e S•lecllon of F•brlc- LAGUNA Ii.A.CH _, ••wb. ••· fto•• 4--N17 BUSINESS SERVICE REASONABLE RATES Bookkeeping by the Hour • • Multlgraph • Ta...x Re,J.urns • Harbor 13!5-M RICCIARDl'S S HOE SHOP Shoew ~pain-cl Wbile You \Vall l4 ao.t. Start Among 7• boat.a Ln the five cl&Mes which mwitered a requlr~ six or more atartcn, one Alamlto.~ Bay Yacht Club qontender, Leon- ard Smith with Eager Beaver . carried off one title, among seven Snipfl sloops. Carl F;lchenlaub's Catorce, Mls- l'iion Bay, ·won the International 1-1-root dinghy trophy: Ha.rrh1on An1os' Magic Carpet of Coronado Y1t.<'h l Club, only boat lo venlureo out In the finale among nlne en- Att •r•tlo"-••mod•ll"o lrit·s. finished the 5.5-mlte race-ti) Ort~dr~10W.,... tak(' the Lightning claaa champ- ou1 Mono, Mo01i11q lmp0ulbl• 10:1-,hip. 2802 Sto\Vport Bl,·d. Tom Sheppard or NHYC. yout'1- NEWPORT BEACH f\JI sklp~r of Aret>8}" cdgNt out --.:====::.===:.....---,!Georg(' Fc=llU' formidable Ha.nnl-r bull ror the Rhodea till@. e K1 "G e CARPET e t ·PllOln"Tf:R\' (.'LEA..'OIN"G Geor9e M. Graham llARBOll 304-R D<Ylg<' hu movt·d. Watch It! Bum Weather Makes Chad. Lon9 for Home Lrt t('rs received from Lt. Com· rnand('r Chad Twlchf'll. fonne ri)' uf 326 Buena Viata.. Balboa., now 1<latinn"<i at Adak, Ala.aka, lndl- <'Blt• thert> IA quite a dlfferenc1· in \V1•1tthJ'r condlUoM there and here In Newport B<:ach. See WALSH HARDWARE Chad lf'lla about ra.in. 11now, hall and 90-mlle wind. every day. Th•·· on·y Uvlng thing• up therf'. h(.' <'latm.a, arc &ea gulls and h!'• wond"'Nt why they "lay up lher<' when all they have to do It to ny down to Newport. FOR TIME TESTED SHERWIN-WllliAMS PAINTS •• COMPl.l'."'TE l.JNF.S HARDWARE & HOUSt:WARES Porter·C..ble TOOLS 1844 Newport Bh'<I. COSTA MESA Beacon 6603 Hov.:('ver, Chad i.. In flne hta.lth. !though undentandably loneeomt.- for his n1•any frtencbl In Newport Bf'ach and the m11der w~ather In lhls area . ENIOY CRUISE A_g house '1Je8t.e over the we<'k e nd Mr. and Mra. Orville R. Mlt- h{lff, Shlrley1 and Richard of 398 Flower St., Costa Mou., "nterlaln- <'0 Mrs. Mlthott'1 brother and family Mt. and Mt11. Robert Stttl· ntan and children Karep and Mike or La· M ea. , A crula.e aboard the tocnl cuuple's boat "Joop" wu on~· of the pleuure1 arrlUlged for the visitors. Dodge hu moved, Watch It! Buy efthe mtmtli/ Buy of the year! . . . . NEW ·STUDEBIKIR CDM•DEI H . Amazingly powered! Attractively pricedl Sparkling pe'*°rmancel A bea~ in looks.I E•c•ptional value I . ' ' ~,,..,,,,,, 1f.., tc~ • •••or. 1'1•10, .. · ...... , .................. ..--.i• ................ , ..... ..., ...... le•• ' lbli.. . .>'. ~ ' . . dmtet#~~l"lllit:/~~·-.,~/ : I -. ":" " 0.-~ A!fD llVNJl.UB •• ~ JOE NICKEITZ. Local D• 1l1r • 341~ W. Ne~port Bll'i.~y Lido Th•etre ticr.·510 Nwpt INclt --. . . . • ' ,~ ~ • -J 'FA!IT BECOMJNO FAMOUS ... -i..s •kipper la youas Dome • LcwU. wlao, lD two rnon!Q1or aalll.Dc ber 0W111 Lehmaa dln&hy ln compoUtioA. .has ta.kt:. a llJ"lt Or ll!ICC>nd In e\·ery coa.teat. With. Fredc:Ue Scbflack a1 heor cre.w, !'tbr N&lly pro,·eJ henelf a aallor by wln.n.ln.c ~ da.il)· firsts and a 'tf'rlew On&. In IM&. week- rnd'a !olprillc C.okl CUp a.trim at lhf' Nr"'port llarbor Vaeb.t t'lub. Thf"y att shown bfore att.:r St111da¥'• nae-pd race wlUcb P\'6 Dorrle: a clncb oo the eovelf'CI Gotd Award. ·In a claM as larce as th,. Lehman flec!t. and a.caJ,mt the. ktq e.s:pt>rif'DCe of her oom- Pf'Hlon. lhc lo\·cly Dorrie la acttl.q' quite a rttJOnl lor hienclf." (Photo by Becknt>r) ... ; • StTNDA Y'S BRISK BREEZE took Ila toll ln many Up!ll?th amoac the unaller boata ract.q-ln N. 11. Y. C'a SPfln« Gold Cup ..nett. and addrd a few mast• to lt.s .-ore her,.. and t hf'ft". Only w.ls of the usually larp Lrhma.a flee&. \'enlW'T'd out la lhe ru•ty \\•Ind.._ and Ntown .,...re att the bi.Al t"·o to slk!k It out. Dorrie Lfowt& ln :"to. 101 ,,,.. out ht front for thft f'tltl~ race and man- al"rd to hr-the only onr to fin.lab. Chick RoUlrul No. lt had to gi\"e It up for ob,·lous rea&om .•. a badly bent masl. • • . Giff... IA&n•..._, S. M ' 9We1' J!PU"l'Oft IV JUlll-~u mgw ~ ;i:,.,,i..: 1 • ~rs at J.taj 16. Dlnrier. ;:J:. ~~~~· i Tw9l7-membml w\n lie ldded to~ Pow<r llqj ·• ~~~.along lbe Oran.p 'lOIUr wtt.b !Joe pro1T"t•llon ot C..rtlflcalee at t)!li M&yi'uui cllnDer t7 -·u weu u t.he ....,t of ._ , I.be -lei. of Callfornla, add Wll1' •aa..c. to lie bola at ~-Yacht Cluo. · 1 t nd through October 31. • n..e men. baVe Ulle week been notified t}lat-tll"Y ·palllled , the Truly quuan~• order wW be sprtns pobn.r coune.~ with the examlnaUon beld Ap.11 23j Cutt11.2 ent<irced. by the Orange County Doob. .,eJlalrm&11 of the Local Board of Admllalone will p nt th• R~"lb • d•partm..,t, Dlv181on of AM ciu. tO Ray IA.ngenhelm. ' . San tlon. for· the protection or Commoder., at lb• May J8lb Jou.;.,. Raymond Mfle~!~1 .. h an. bolnp, who c<il! be ltllled }event. in add.lUon.. cerUflcates Newc~b Warren Poine~'' v ~ by ling e~en mlnute amountr. '~lD be prae.'1;ted to .mt women.JtM>rt Ryl~t~ and SlroUc 1·' te. ot 1 •.flesh of rl}UMels during thr 1 Four boys undtr · 18 aJao p&SIJed The two Womeit 8i-e ' ean te Mln\lner moot.ha when tht abeJJ. and ltbey Wfil 'become ellgtble to Baird and Jane • MWer: ~ RolJlert Cllh1 ~ ext;.remcty poiaonoua. I ~ppty for 8Q.laadron rne.rnbe.rthlp Boyd waa lnatructor. ' ' there a pereon in your borne o~ tht,lr Jllb bl~aya. . A•-liq \&keri t¥ first aid train· , · Mea, paulnc-the recent course · t. ne? The goeJ of Governor are: M. A. .A.ndel'90ft. Melvin Beck-May 19 .and 20 are 't..be ln Ht for Clril DeCense is at 1 tt: M...,.... Bemard Cu rt I for the annual cruJae and ren • ON"E trained first aid vol- .. ~·-" ' 1 vou. at C&talina laland. nu. ·r 1 Brid&era. EI me r Christensen. the event wtlJ be a District th-r for every California hornt!-. J"1nu Dnnne1.y, Jamee Ferrell, erinJO:, wtth boat. going .. 1.. ~er· Wiiiiam Jl"1eher. Norman JNlzJ("er-'¥ • l aid. wm•arn . Freely, Anthony aid Bay from Balboa, Loo ""•• • HAROLD I. JOHNSON 'P'u:n.'c. R. .I. G"rn"-U"I, Clarencf' Long Beach &nd Santa Mo ca ttf Squadrons. Pre"'8llrr Rf.p.'.ln Hl~e. Fred Horls:-cton. Rob•rt Boat owning me:n\beni will take Onlmnbiu' A--Jlolhrook. Ralph Holdf!.n, LudweU .. -# 1') L&Ni(1•.I<'.', Ptlnl Moorf', Leon aboard non-boat owntng memblere PbOlle Harbor ao l M gl.IUt CttW ind the two J~y I Wftt?. &nd p .. ter VM Etten. Island affair includes a ehOre ij.;. UI 1 \'Illa Wa.J, Newport ~ ,ltJf::;;:" 0~'ho~;:r1::~~~~ ~~~~ becue Saturday night. J . L. Mtin-J'~~I;;·::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~ Mrs. Marjorie Andcr&0n. Mis,,: son ot Balboa Squad.ron ia Ois-I 1 trlct rendezvoUR chairman. Har-Em~llt..a BrJon. M 1" 8 Carroll<' old Holtz, Ted Himbrook and d•rl jClark. MnJ Eleanor Fi1'he r, Mrs. Ben80n. local chairmen, are col- 1Vlrltnia Rylett and MrA. .Jan<' le.'boratlng on the p'•ns. together Sparks. Roys under 18 e.rf:': Burt Corson, TerrUl Gloegc. Gary Ro~-with local Commander, Hay Lan- ers 8.lld Jack Woo<lhull. Thret• genhelm . men also p~ the course but ------- wiU not akc out mcmborehlp• et Annual Meetinq •his limo. They are: 'Dou.la.• of Chr"1st Churc"h MacLean, Herb Ford and Terry "Ford. Fln1f. .J~or Na\ipto~ Flr1t Junior Navigators lo be t>arneod in Balboa Squadron courSl' wUJ be awarded lo Bernard Palnl and Robert McGwlre. James Stod· d&rd, who instructed the course irtven here for the first time, carntd his Junior Navigator i;radr ahead or the clus exam. Also t o be presented at the May 16lh meeting wlll be eight m<'n and two 1Jl•omen who have p&AScd the Advance4 P.Uoting examina- tion u of March 30, 1951 . Thee,c examination papen are graded al Anapolb: . and return~ have just been r~eived. Men ar(': William EdW&fd.8, ~orge Fox, Joseph Ml'mbers or Christ Church by th(' Sea held lhert annual meet- lnJt and election or officers Wednc.'iday evening at a dinner ~athering in Goodell hall. Rev. Hayden Swift Sears of San Diego. district superintcnd<'nt, presided at the business seMion. Reports on the p&st year's ac-' tlvltlcs and plans for the future were madt'by over twenty gr9UP within the church. The e vening closed with the play hFronlicr Preacher" directod by Mrs. Elsie I Hargrove. The cut included Mary Alice Baker, Kenyon ~ly, Mary Lo Hargrove, J im Eva.nls, and Jame!! Hargrove. SH~PENlNO .~ris F'xit Shop Mo,t·er1l. S.ws. KnJ\·es., Etc. I Bl':ACON r..s:..J HOO Newport. B. Coeta Mesa CABINETS FINE FURNITURE M.ADE JS OUR OWN S HOPS FUlMITUl£ IEFIHISMEO HOUSE &, GARDEN 611 COAST HWY. MEWPOI T O'iN NITES-Su"d•'f 10 to 4 FOR SALE ~ BY OWNER ·. .. ~, peclal prtCe for q1dck We. lw-droom cott.ar;e-: doubte MLJ:<' a1tb f'xtra. l"f>Om. SO rt. lot fronting on Grand Van.al. Balboa Island. Call Beacon 6!84-IL I BIG TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE For '(our Old G~s R~n~e .on 1 a Brand f'le~ . ' • I . . C . P. GA~, RANG~ 1 TIRt,iS.-PRICED AS LOW ts $1~.$0-~RMS - .. GRAN~S . FURNITURE • I Photo by Bcckncrl ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~---'~~--~~~! -Pt'Ople do read the Presa ads. I 1645 Newport Blvd. Bea. 5707-M COSTA MESA McCulloughs. Lose Boats in Storm Capr l<'"S o( winds llnd the Pa- 1..'iflc la ist W<-ek f'nd t'Xlch<led lhflr damaa-e beyond the confines of the N('wport"Harbor c.rf'a to reaC'h some of its former rt'!!idt'nls. At Oceaualde thf' operation of th,. McCulk>ug h Brothers from that city's pier were wiped out wl1cn lhelr barge wu sweopt by the sea., shipped four reel of wat('r in th" hold and lost Ila eatt tanks, ralla and gears , The McCullough&' new 'Ocean- side' 66 footer was swept uhore "-l Carl~bad along · wt.th the cap- '.a in. 'the live bait t.auler Wau- ltonora wan swamped and 11unk, 'llld the Dora. M, blt.rge t c nc:Wr. Nas iw.·ampc-d and fiUnk at \kl moor!rtg. Darna_IZc was eostimated ·n exceM of $150,000. No Jlvl"s were loat as the )fa- .. ln ea f1om Ca.nip Pendlelon pul 0 8CR and rf"8CUNI two ba~f'­ nen rrom lh~lr craft during the height of the blow Sunday. The\McCul'ough Brothen form4 •rly operalM their barge and *t from the Newport Pier. They 1rc well known In bot.Ling circles JD the whole South Cou:t. Guest Preacher at Christ Church Rev. GUbe.rt Zh:nmerman. pas- tor of the Ftr.t M.ethodlat church of 8an Lull Oblopo, wW o«upy the pulpit at Chrlot Church by ·he &a Sunday ' mom.i.Dg tn a >ne-SUnd~ pulpit ea.cb«n;:c with he local putor, ~. Tom Pen· dell. Mr. Zimmerman la weU known lecally, having occOp!ed the Com- munity • Melbodllt pulpit durtnr tbe pastorate of Re9. J:. D . <lood· ell. Hlil .. r ...... In SU 1Alll Ob!a-- pi> .,.. broodeaat °"'~k)yL Wl\Ce ID the nortlltrn olt.7, Re¥. l'endell wll) aUelld their annual .:lwrcll picnic followliia U... morn· In&' ~lu and !n lbe OftAlq wW NP\)lt to lbe Welle)' r...-~ >f Calltornlo, Poll't .. hlllc cor on hla .__ -oummor a;i lln!ctur 0( tbc 111•'.liodllt ,...th ~. p-In ~"""'" ' U. 8. SENATOR FAUL DOtJO.. LU In CUit. \m 19111 Prwft~ • ' q llOJ ~...,__."]" .. Dot -" IQlllllf u rAt.ed tor ute ,_. r ....llle•ao_..,_,. IWo Wof!k -Ula -,_ ~~... . . • •• ' . . ' .. en•••• ........... -.... "'' • Mydre~ms ·came ·twe WHEN I SAc;, 1111 ~EW AUTOMAnC GAS RANGES, ... ~~ They make cooking~· easy, as f .. . and a1ecanomlcal asr'vti alwlly1hoped Tbore"• 1 .,...,rid of dilfere-. between the new automati.c ps nloges ond ~ modelsor"neo a few ya n ogo. 'fb91'1 whr you u ould ~iJit the Spr,ing ShOwin~ now beiDf beld at dealen' and yourG1t1 Company. O~ display are the lllOlt verutile "Ethe most beautiful 'cooking appliall<'tS evft' · de. Dl'lco_ .. r bow much rime aod work of ~ new automatic gu ranges wi11 1u..(you. Disctover i11e(peomy, ioo, beca..,. Y"l'·u fi nd th t ~ture for feature it a.ts less m buy and m· operace. • j ............. --11 • • ... < • • / I , , , • ' • Tar Bee, Cee Swimmers Win··leagtie ChampionshiP.; Varsity Takes Third Newport'• ,.ralty swim.men could do no better t.ba.n third ln the SUnset League champlonahlpi beld Jrrlday at .Anahe1m but lhe Tar B and C , pquada each copped tlnt place. F\lllertof) garnered 80% poln}JI for flnt place tn vanity wttb S&nta An•'• M ~ good tor 9ee0nd. Coach Al ,lrwtn'• chariret com· plied . 48\i pOrnt&. Anaheim and• .... ------------• Huntington Beach followed. c s C.One Tar varsity winner WU ' oast urprires Stan Agar wh0.. 3:19,4 In the 200 r.> yard free atyle waa a new Harbor High record. Cl&SR B winner• tor R• ' · •d 9 3 :S~r'!e,W~::W~~~n d~~·IUI~ 1vers1 e, • the 200 yard f elay team. In cl&lll!I C Newport won the 100 yard re· lay. Fu.Jle rton ·s Pe:te Lae, a double winner { 100 backstroke and lndl· vidual medley I, set a new league medley record for 23 yard pool.a at 1 min., •~.9 sec. ln C.8.M B competlt1on, Hun~· lngton Beach's Gene Belahe set a new record of 2 mln., 10 sec. In the 200 freestyle. Summary: \ Ciaos A M•dl•r ,•l•r-Fwll•rlon, S.11t• ""•· N••· porl H.at bol>. An•h•/m, Huntl11.qfo• h•efl. n-. Im 21.S '· so ,, •• ,ty1-w ..... {AJ. Mwllo#ly (SA). Cl•r•1 IAJ. I••• (NH}. ltrefl•1 (Fl. 6'•· h•~ IF). f f,..•. K.11. 100 N••rhtrot-'11tn•m (F), Mllll9•n fHl l, Co.-bh1 {SA), Joft111-. (HH). C•p- lio19•r (Fl. N01tc:i11 (SA ). l i"'!1 I~ 11 .h . 200 lrnrtyi...--A9•r (NHt. U1•mber1 {Fl. E\d•hl \SA), w-"i ..... (A), Gfo•w ls.A), •·11-,,. (HI Time. lrft lf.41. . 100 bec~stroke--l•• (fl. l'er•• (SA), W.· io1t (NM J. Gllmor• (FJ, ~,.., (HtJ, M•y (SA). Tim•, Im 1.-.. 100 fr•Htrf-"""'"phy (SA), McC.ldl•11 fFI. •··-(NHJ. c1., .. IAl , "'"'°~ INHI. .... ~ .. fSAJ. tl1tt•, 51.71. Ol•i1tq-W••••• (Al. loMI IF), St .. h IHH), lond (SA). Jolri1Ho• (HI), N•''°" (SA). l11di•ldu•I medl•r-l•• (F), l'trl11•m CF), l'•r~• (S•J. M•MJ11 (NH). 6 11-.r• {F). Cor· >ill (SA). nm•. I"' 45..t 1 .• IMW t.CO<o /g.r r..., •• d pool. 100 r•l•'f-fwll•rlo11. """"•Im, N-port, H•rbor. S..11t• 1'11•. H1111tl.,.~ .. •<h. TiltHI. Im 4' 31. - l'OINTS: F11ll•rlo11 IOi S.l'lt• A.11• SJ. N••· r.:: HMbor 45, A Im J4. Hilftf'fn9to11 • <II 17. , C.,_, B r:ASTl:RN BASPfBALL STANDINGS W L Pct. Santa Ana .. . ·: . . .. 1 2 .718 Mt. San, AnWnJo .. . .... 6 i .150 Rl,•enlde .. ....... 3 I .8%6 Oran.-.-Coast .... S ~ .313 Chaffey . . ..... S 8 .SSS San &mardfno . .. . s 8 .SSS Jo""ulHol-ton ...................... s e .iss Friday'-" 0amt'9 Santa Ana at Oranp Cee.t: San Bfonutn.llno a& Chaffey; Riv· rnldeo at )tt. San Antonio; t"'uU· erton. bye. Dodgl" has movl!'d. \Vatch It! SENSATIONAL THRILL-PACKED JALOPY RACING Sundcly, May 6 -at -. TALBERT STADIUM Huntington Beach • • The late--startlng P irate ball team lhumped a favored Rlv~r· aide nine, 9·3 Tuelday and pulled into fourth place in Eulem con· ference atandinp, two game.a be· hind the vanqulahed Tiger squad. Orange_ Cout went to work early on Riventde, caging the Tl"t-ra for good with rour rul\.!I in the first frame. Norman Ridgway led off with a slngle and when Allie Thieme and Jesa Smith wer~ hit by pitched balls, the buea were atocked up. Jack Clark's single 8COrcd Ridgway and Thieme. JI'. E . Ha r· r ia' aqueeze·play but brought In Smith. Orvtllf' Threadglll's single tailed Clark with run No. •· Thiem e cleaned the b~ea with a three.run double In the sixth. 11 .. ~d. o. ..... eo.,, Al I H St•~•n•, rt 4 I 2 Nordlw.,d, lb 4 I 1 Copow , Jb 4 0 0 O•l9dl10, cl J I t 15H.iM,.., llt-p 4 I I lott..t.. u l 0 I WllK•"''· ft 1 0 l r ••• 9110••. c 1 1 o o M iii~. p-l b' J I I JI J f l id9w•r, o n.;.~ •. l b S...itil, .. Cl.,l. If lclld'11. cf H•rrl•, c sa.1.,, lb Tt.rtl9ll. rl J•ll<le•, Jb Tot•l1 Al I H ! I I ) l' I ? I 0 • I I I 0 0 . ' . I 0 < I ! I J'-I 0 ~ " . , St. Joachim Nine Takes Orange, 7-5 Softballcrs of St. J oachin1'& Catholic schoo l at Costa Mesa de· teated Holy Family or Orange 7·5 Monday afternoon in an Orange County Catholic League game at Santa Ana's Santiago park. The focab scored rour runs in the top of the seventh t o pull their first win ln the achool'a two· year hil'ltory. Rueban Pimental ~altered IO h lt.8 while pitching for St. Joachim'•. The OrangC' nine picked up four run.a ln the first lnni_ng on thr~ hit.a and two erron. Their only; other run came on a home· in the fllth lnnlng. St. Jgacblm'a gathered 14. hit.I with Stan Schonel"I and J oey Snell collecting three each . They acor· ed. two rurl8 ln the flr&t lnnlng and one In the rifth before tht> big seventh. Five "tralght hits alter two weTe out in the la.st In· nlng produced victory. Jimmy Mc· CleUand. Schone•. Tommy Oelapc, Ronald Ortego and Snell a ll hit in thla Inning_ Del&i;>e tK:Ored the final run on a delayed steal. The locab play Santa Ana ·a St. Anne 3Chool at Coata Mesa park Monday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Lombard Leads Conference Hitters • 1'AIOll ,_. tb.aa<-17 7 -4 RU:l!NTL Y OROWNl:D CllAMl'S In tile flrlt Mlllual llltnlmural banc11"'11 ebamploulllp , .............. , bold at <>raace Cout Colr.ce (from left. kMillll1l ,Rudy IU\·ew. and MJke RaJtlern.. doublett champion.a. Jn. &.he rn.ldd.,. •taftds Wllbar Dittmer, wbo fl'llmJutt'd llm Faat for ~ ltnftN erown... R.l\'f'ta ud BaHJtt;n ltt>feated D&\•@ W"9.rt.dt aJMl .lluhn Campben GO April 18. Tar Win l~t ~::w~~men Baseball Game: Win s. c. Trophy Edge Anaheim Fo11owlng defe&lll le the flrst two ""suneet League buebe.11 ~mC"s the Tar11 o( Harbor H IGft finally The rtnala of the Southern Call· fornla Women·s Lawn Bowling u· aociation annual conle•t were held on the Exposition f'ark Green.. Loa Angelea. Sund:iy. April 22 and Newport Harbor tt>am par- ticipated ln four fifteen end g&me8 or trlplu:. came throul{h with a narrow-mar· Trophy cup W&ll won by the g1n 3· I win over lowly Anaheim I Newport Harbor lAwn Bowling Coloni.ttls who rest on the league club, rt·pre.sented by Mrs. Libby doormat. The game waa played Bau~r. Mrs. A1argaret Hodge• and at AnahC'lm Tueaday. Mrs. L.. Fermin. Tar Pitcher ,..uhburn and On Saturday, April Z.1 at Red· Colonist Hurler Ramella each al· land!!, lht> Redlands Lawn Bowl· lowed acvcn hlta but ftve big Ana· Ing club he'd th£'ir anhua.I triple• helm ('rrors helped lbe1 Tar vie· tournament on club jt"rf'ens w ith tory. ' · fourt~n tean1a comrx-Ung. GeorJ,te L&Bono had twt> h lU for The Newport Harbor Lawn Newport but' It wu Bob Burtllck 'a Bowling club was rf'presenlC'd by big bat that turned the tide. Mrs. Margaret Hodi;::f's, l-frs. Lib· Hl!:I flflh·lnning lrlple .wlth La· by Bauer and t~ol. Dewitt Bauer. Bono a.nd Swingle Of\ boa.rd spell· There were three t;ames p1-yed ed victory tor Newport Harbor. of flfteen ends each. The ColonLslB got t.helr lone run The cont.eet ended by lhe New· In the acw.nlh when Bob Hatfield port Lawn Bowling club team tripled a.nd c.nrv.~ •ln&lcd wlnnlni by a . plus of seven. hlm In . --;;;;,,...-· The Tars play at Orange today, Tburld&y, meet IADC Beach Wll· :!tOn ht'rc Friday a.rtd Huntlngton Beach here Tuceda7. N••port H•rbot w.._.1. 11t L•M. •• L•lofto. tf iwl119 I•. <I lvrdoct . c c •• 1 .. , rl Lu•~. J"' N•tl••. lb M•i.hbw11, p Tot•h N••POft ......_IMlm At l M . . ' I I ' . ' . ' I • • I 0 I I I 0 ' I 0 JI J ' Coast Swimmen Take 5th Place · . • • °"" • _ ... ""'9 -~to ...... poi.. In t,be -. ·--.u. ..,...._ rela,y camlftl-tlllo llatllrday mom· ... at~ -lli,ll ~. rttot -t 11~ to< 10 -.m. 1'llll ·--..S• for i1:1a p.m. • • Bllntlqtmi Bolitll, Saal& .Ana. Buena Park and the -t elllb 11a .. utered -Bue!\& Park ·11 ,deCendlnc champion. ,°'P"l"'U· -----------.1Uo0 will be accord~ lo .... 5aln Cftlsli-Cluo A Will be limited to 1M>ya ts who were bom oa or &tter Jan. t, ltM; clau B Will be llmlted to Tar, Nine 12· ·2 :=..~E~+E::t; , :!. "::!_. d :~~.J'i\": pt=.i:i~y· se0wnl Newp<>l't -two • '"" NAii In tbe f1nt lnnlns, Banta the Boooler'o club ,of Ule Boya' .\na hlgl> ocbaol'a Saint& lllomled club to the flnt three teama a<· trom behind to eculUe Ule Sall· COl'dlnJ to accu.muJatJ~ .:ores :>n J.1-2 for lhe:k eecond Nal1"h\ ln clue A and B. A.II event.a wm Sun.let ~ but.WI. wln at be at.aged &e ·relays, even the field a.,yton field l'>lday. ...nta oC abut pol, high jump and The Salnto b&tud •round In th• broad jump. aecond lnninl' to acoTe four runa. Lee Taylor ta captain of the A t.noUtb tq win.. Ro Babcock'• l~mn and Dave Tamura la captain double and lllng!f'll by Ed l'oucb or Ute e team. and PhU M&tllna. plua two W&1k8 ThU. will be the flnol '""'k meet ud three Newport errora tunsed of the year for . the locals. the trick. P'rom that poln\ on, the Salnto bad rverythJng tht-lr own way wllh. the Jittery Sa.Uoni; helping with a total of seven errors. Martina, who eventually .Ilmlt- ed the SaJlon to fJve hJU, f(>t off to a •baky 1tart. Bob Wetsel. flnt up, got a llfe on a.n error, Dick Lane walked and Uoyd Swingle brought them both in· with a double. Aller that the Sa.llora never threatened aerlOUl!lly. H•wperl H•r~ W•t'l•l. lb l..M,tl Swl .. I•. cl l11ufic•. t Ct•I•, tf ............ b S.ni• AA• Al I H . ' . .. ' ••• I 0 0 • • • ~ I I Records Fall at Boys' Club Recorda continue to fall lhia week aa the Harbor Area Boys' club continued It.a • tan d a rd achievement teat.a of phyalcal flt· neaa. Three record.8 fell tn pull up competition. John Shiga.kt'• record of I& and 13 In the var· ally and Bea dtviatora held up. He ma.de the var11tty record la.Bl year and 11et the Bee at&ndard tn llH9. AUTO. FLY Rf<ELS • • MAY 19th TC!) 26111 , -( ' , I CREELS 4.85 to t.5p 4.-95 to 6..25 BOB'S .SPORTING GOODS 17th & Npt~ Blvd.Costal.-IG lea. 6021-R OP .ENING FRIDAY, MAY 4th . I AL'S BARBER SHOP I A GOOD HAIRCUT Sl.00 · 11 6 . 22nd St., Newpo rt 'Rq_und the co rner f rom Merma id Malt s·hop l ...... .. WdhMO. rl ~.,., ... lb M•.!lb.n, p Menh. o ,.,."'·· b At I H I I I I ' 0 ! 0 I I 0 I I 0 < 1 • • I 0 0 1 0 I I 0 I I 0 0 I 0 0 •• '0 0 ........ Jb '-'"•·lb .. .,, lb .. b<O<• .•• '1y•11. lb ~d••. Ii '"-cirri. c Ml"•IKi. cf v•fdlr'•. rl M•rlhl•I, p ' I ! ! ' ' ' I 0 • I I H IJ 7 Jim Pucoe'e record of 13 pull upa still hold.a over from 1949. Gilbert Dc~ed set a new cl&.88 D record of ',\ pull upa. Frank Navarro bet ered hi.a own record ln claaa E with 15 pull ups. (Thli.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ best mark la.at year wa.a abt.) I 1 Billy Haye11 broke Larry Trick's G r ecord ot six pull ups with a Tol•l1 ..... ""• N••porl H••bor 1 ... 1,... MJ llt •-11 100 000 0.:.. 1 ' . , Thieves on Lido Get Liquor, Ham Liquor, ham, froun bananas and Ice c ream were the targets of thieves In the harbor ~a !&at wee k end. Nine ca.sea of liquo r. a caae of champagne and a 12·pound ham. all valued at $760.92 were atole.n from the garage o f Alex Deer, 625 Via Lldo Soud. Lido lale, aometime between 7 :30 p . m . Satuntay and 12 :30 a . m . Sunday, Newport ~ lice reported. Other valuable ob- ject.I ln the garage were not touched, pollce added, the ex.pen· •Ive 1tvuor t>:elng the objective. Froun bananu. Ice cream and Ice cream ba.ns valued at $28.30 were stolen from a store at 1010 Shore Ave., Corona del Mar, M. Robt Franci•co. 312 Lark&pur Avt>., Corona del Mar, complalned to police at 1 :O~ p. m. Sunday. A w indow In the rear of lhe &tor<' waa broken out to gain entry. pollc4' said. Bulk tee cream va.luetl at 138 wu rulned by the thieves. police added. Mesan Killed in Tustin Crash 7 'rt e!Cort. F our rt"cords fell In the first njght of the standing broad jump u 32 boys took part in opening competlUon. Dick . Whitehead set a new Boys' cJub record with a leap of eight feet. eleven 1nche11. George Sblg&k.1 held the prev1ous record of eight feet three a.nd a half. Whitehead's mark also aerv· ed u a new B record. Roacoe Lewis fell an Inch and a half of Shlgakl's C record with a eight-two ert'ort. Joel Leonerd jumped eeven·nlne nnd a quarter tot a new 0 mark. George Schultt leaped aeven-slx for a new E rec"' ord and ~ne L9rlng did five~ eleven and a. .half for a new G rec· ord. Competition goee on through lhi. week tn the atanding broad jump with anQlhe.r event slated tor next wffk. JUDSON S. HAYRE, appliance exec .. tn S. F.-"ln. this era., bus!· neM flrm8 which don't really know how lo sell are goi.ng to rail by the wayside.'' . Dodge ha.a moved. Watch It! OCC Pirate Sports Patter • NORMAN'S · CORONA DEL MAR For BEi Iii Flowers THIS WE EK - GLADIOLUS . . ... .. . .. -·· MARGUERITES We Make ()(lltve.rlea ~ SJ.,>-~ . -...,... lSlS Coast Wghway . Corona. ~el ~ I • I O&anMvM1 l:Af!Jiru.M.. •1a· ~,.# .... Afl«A. ·-· ,..,~,· -izdtOeM, \Jest .5tn Strut at Qadio Tower! "'--~-SANTA ANA . PH.Kl 3-011 SILK SPORTS ' , •• . . , I .!1-J "4.-1 . ~ "1•• .. J . . . .Zl• • • .. " .... ~ Atta a•'<>'•'~.i'.t: - ··~tr • • • • l I . • • • • • • • -• • ' PAGE 2 -PART If -THURSDAY, MAY ·l, •951 .. ~JWre ~' ,~;r~ .. PllESS-Jl • aa~ JIOllCI ot tbe 8upt1 bMr9 2 7 0( ltreet. or City .,,.._,, -. prior to Ule day Mt fw Ibo ....... ~ U.. _ _,,OJ>!, ~ to Ulo - City Oounell "1 ~ ltatlna In - _LE_..G_AL __ N_o_nc __ •_,. ... ,~~=: =-"-~ ' . re!....... lo 1><nb7 -mal(. to Ulo LEGAL NOTICE ?iOTICJI OF INrl:11;'.no!f TO of Truot ~ ~ .. fee an4 .,._ bo ---Of Jn El'fGMlE IN THE SAl'.t aP penoes « -ootlaa"" &t'.175.00, ~U:n.": ' • ALOoHoLIC BEVF.llAGa ~ wltll uy ..,... pal4 &lid O.WW. 19111 c1a,y of April. lffl. April 30, 1901 ....a.-1 loy the ~ at a.'d C. It. PRDCST, TO WHOM •IT 'MAY CO?fCERN: note tJi ' ~ol'danOI wtUt the ,... City C1ttk SubJe<t to tssuanc:e ot the llcenSe vlaldns-0t aald,.DN<I of 'l'rioot. With applied tor . and commenctnc Ml lnterett on aafc1 Jut .m.ntJ~ leu than 15 d&yS after the date IUll\S. posted, not.ice i• hertby givea that NOW THEREFoRE, NOTICE the undenlll'.Jl<d propoaeo to ..ii I& HEREBY GIVlm tht the .ici alcoholic beverap:a at these prem-Orwlge County Title Company, by bf.9, deacribed u follows: virtue of the a.uthorky v e•led 1n tt 701 Baystde Drive, Newport aa 't'nlatee 'under .u.id Deed of Beach, Ora.n1e County ~nuot., will eell at public a9tlion lo •Pursuant to stich lfttention. th• the ll'«be•t bklder for cull. lawf'UJ undersigned Is applylng to ~ money of the United States ot .State Board of F.quallzaUon for America. on lhe ~lit day or MaJ, tssuance on original appllcallon of 1961 at the hour ot @!even o'clock &n alcoholic beverage l\cenae for A. M.. of u.ld. day at th• SouU- tbese premises a,, follows: h'O.\ door ol the· Oran.re County ON .SALE Court House Lo the City of St.at& BEER LICENSE Ana. CallfomJa. All of the lnlerttl Anyone destrlng to protest the con'H'yed to it by MJd n.ed of tsoua.nce of such licftule may ffie. a Truai ln UJd to all that certain vf!rltled prot u t with the State prop.tty elm&le<l ln· the County of Board of Equa11Zatlon at Sa.era.-0l"8Jlge. State of Cai!fornla."" de- mento, California, stat ing gn>und2 acrtbed u : for denial a s prov1ded by lt.w. The 'nlat portion o f Lot Stxty- premlaes are not no\v licensed for three or Newport Heights, the sa1<' of atcoholtc beveragea. u thown on a map recorded ·WALTER A. RMfALEY in Book 4, page 83 of Mtacel- No. 694--Pres.11. Publish May 3, 1951. SOTICE Ot~ HEAR~G .-·. Notice L8 hereby ,given that the Plann ing CommlMion of the ctty of New port BeKh,' Statf' of Cali- fornia, will hold public bearlnp on the NYJOJUU011 of lntentJon of the Planning Com mission to rer.- ommend adoption of a subdivi.s~• ordlnance as a precise section of the Community 0f1181gn Section of the Master Plan which will &elup standards and prlnC'lple:a govem.- ing the subdlviaion of land. Notice l.s hereby further given that said h earing s v.•ill be held on the 17th day or May, 19~1 . and the 21s t day of June, 1951, at the hour of 7:30 P . M .. in the Cou. cil Chamben of the City Hall. Ci t)· of Newport Bea ch, California at which time and place any and all peisons lnle re8ted may appear and be b~ard thereon. , RAY Y. COPELIN, Sec'y. Planning Commission. l&Mous M•pe. r-eeords of Or- ange County, California, d~ scribed u follows: Becf,nning at a point In the SQuthwest erly line or said Lot Sixty-three which ls Z00.13 . feet Northweste rly Crom the inost Southerly corner or &&id Lot ; thence Northeuterly parallel with tbe Southeaater- ty Jhi.e of aald Lot Slxty-lhree, a distance of 16:'>.07 feet ; ,O!.enee Norlhweaterly pualJel with the Southweaterly line of said Lot Sixty·lhree, a ctiat- &DC4 of 45 feet; thence South- wea~rly parallel with the Southeuterly ltne of uJd Lot Siity-tn.ree, 155.07 fttt to the . Sout.hwesterly line of said Lot; U.ace Southeutttly along the Southwesterly line of a&ld Lot Stx.ty-t.hrff, '45 feet to the point of beginning, No. 881-l'reu. Publh11l Ap;rll •: Ma1 S, 1ll01. • NO'l'ICZ~ n.r.crJON roa .. llSIOID8 ..... -.-OI' TtlE OOVJ:llN- ING 8QAB.D OF nll: OILUIOI: @6U'I' IUNIOB ()()l'.Ll:OI: Dl8n!ICT. NOTICll 1ll HEREBY GIVEN to the •loctln ot tbe OTans~ <lout Junior Coilol'• Dlotr\cl of Orans• County, C&llfon>la. that llle All· nual Election tor me.mben of UM Board ot Tn.Liteea of the Orange Coast Junior CoU..• Dlotnct ,ill be held on the tlllrd Friday ~ May, •!&., May 11, 1801. It wU1 be neceue.ry to elect ooe member. The poUlnc place tor ald elec- tors of the On.age Cout Ju:nJof Collep Dtlltrlct will ~ deslgnatod and appobtled u follow•: Electloa PreclAct No. l i:Lll:CTION PllJ:ClNCT NO, I shall tnclUde all tbe are& embraced wtUlln tile exterior bound&rtee of the Seal !Soet.cb Elementary School Ol!ltrtct. The p.QLLING PLACE Utertll\ ahall be at tlle s.a1 Beach Ele- mentary SfbOOl Bulldtnr. Cout HJ1trway. 1'be pollt Wlll be open between Uwe bou,.. of l :00 P . M. and 8 :00 P . M. OFTICl:RS 01" ELECTION for l&ld Election Pr-eciDct No. 1 :· lnepector: Mn. Mary Tayk>r .Judge: Mrs. Anna McG&ugh Judge: Louf.l.e CoU!er Ewtt .. ~· No. t ll:LECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 1h&ll incb>de all the area embraced w ithin the Wntmlnater Elemen- tary Sch0ol Dtatrlct. The POLLING PLACE t.hertln Mall be at the W est.rninlter Ele-- mentary School Butld.lnl'. 1571 Eaat Wellltnibater Avenue. TM J><>Dil .,W be-open between the howra of 1 :00 A.. M. and '?:00 P. M. OYnCl:RS OJ' l:Ll:C"flON '°" •kl Election PNC:inct No. 2 : . . HUGE BOumEB TUllB~A Imp ·•1-r •..-ii - • 1411 rolled do\ ... -• ...-"""."" 'IMt -· •· ... -atltt .bftelllq "' baolt ...m...i...., Sciiiday ·,niibl 'l"fio :;; ~= '!.:;;:4 H~ !:;."°="'f~~ of c..-.....,., -po4ottac to tho.ble pp In ti....;.,...,...., t1ro.re roe.Ir: lllt a re.rrtpramr and .,....e f'J'ftr')'tllbta'.1.a91df. ·it tiild l'be• .truck apJMt a tab~. ~ '9 Mibmt.d-81. Sl',990• · Newport Harbor Girl Scout News Tmop N'o. II !.Olb Orad.P l.DUonne- dlMe Olrl -• Leadf"r: Mra. Makobn Archbotd1 M~U Monday Af\emoons a\ OoOllk-U Hall . . ~ . the gtrlai pre:p•red three,. meala cNt cif. doqr. over a.. c&111p fire. Ttaf"Oll(tl the day trails ~re' t&y~ <d ond followed and .,.,,.. .. .,..,. a·nd atort~ ' took" p~ce bMlde a huge fl.re during the evelling. A backyard picnic JW'lch at the leader'• home prl-ceded the crew races which v.•ere viewed by the lroqp togethet. At preaent a one·act play ls 'belnir aludled !or the troop to pre- sent In the near future on the s tage of the Clrl Scout Ht;u.se t or parenl11 of the g1Tl!I and other guest.41 . Every phase of such a pro- ject will be atudled lncludlng atagt' crew and bualneu management. , I SlwJst l)ritlgl. Test Water WeHs ·-olAP to --* for a.a..• _.., w1D 1'e llie diCI· "'I at - -Ill Ille ...,,.PY -ar..s Ille .... ta Ana rl- -Pndo .Dua If llie ....,,..... -~-.·bf·~" ---lollowecl. • W--OC 0rUP, Rh· ,.....,. ......... ----._ ""'. ~ tlle liateft onp. 111radlll& report"• UN plan to Ml· -....... u..t' -.. .....,,.... '>eliia -u._. _,..,.Uon -~ -U tlle.Pr..io buln --Tt' -H. Iii-~ting •ats b 0. water -.!.,...e for Ut~ ~,. -J!llp.e.r Oe<>rp Qo- -., tlle OOW>ty'• flood-con- ::r.I ' ci-. ....__ed that Ooo -t --i. to drlll -o.tl_of_Rd."com· MDCiA( about 1080 feet northeut >f tbt road aa4 hot le9 than 1000 ftlltt-h'om t:ise' m&Jn dWlnel" 'Ct i th• rt\IW. ' ft>Od C<>nl1ol l:ilclo-J. A . . . ~1 eaid t.be ll~me ~ le ""'Malyole of Ille atud- lu wlllcb wae eooduct.ed ln con- oection w1U. recent coutructlon al the HeQlld unit. of a pl~1lne irp stream ftom tlti dam. 'La,_ pt..- Wbile a tol'CrucUon tlrm was ieyln&'. U.e 1000.t-·lonl' plpellne, it wb necese•ry lo remove the Wa.te.f. · m t.be p-ound where the. men were working. 'the noodoi:On- tro1 dist.Tiet aank tel't holetti. t o ctetermlne t1le etfect of tbe' "'un waterlna" ot f,he work ..ite. Th~ ftudy ot tho pumping done lut rail allow• !t "1" poulble to dN.tn the-long beyond the river by pumping on the north elde," Bradley noted. '"The reaulta, how- ever, will be &n. lne.re:ued 1oee of water from the stream." 11le recommftlded not step of alnklnC' test wella ln the rwampy area, would provide encineers w1t.IJ dethltte data Oii Whether the pumping wotlld ba•e ad•er.e ef· fttt on the underrround wate r suppll~ of Riverside and San Bernardino countlea. Scout Planners 'The Oranp ~onty Senior Girl Scout Pllmnmc Board held an "•UC Dr ••at llZ&OON Mil Ooota JI.--Ult NowpOrt Blvd: ' ' PATIO · .. • I USHIONS .......... N:• 9 -Rs;• L . 71): -mrp&'t ....... ao't!U a OAaomr 0.-lllP~. N.,._.,,.._,. KlllS ,,.,., It ... ' I • ALUMINUM e ltEDWOO .. llA'ITAN e 'MlotlOllT lBON ' • SWJS'OS e LIAS • IUJIJSZQU!:S HOU·$£ & G~RDEN . • 0pen :mpta &H s~ 811 OOAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH , '. SPRIN SA'FETY s·PEC 1 IAL I I SAYE -SAYE -SAYE -SAYE BR AK~ .4DJUSTMENT tr Iaelodlng Ulliag Cheek-(AU.Cltevroiet.) .BRAKES 1495. · R E,L I ~-ED • Chevrolets 1937 TllrO!lgh 1948 Total Price • . I . FREE PICff,UP ~ DELIVERY CULBERTS N MOTOR ·co. BE CON MU 2481 . Coast Hiway Newport . lnadl No. 69&--Press. Publish May 3-10, l P!'.11. or so much or said property u shall be necesaary to be aold to provide a ewn au!Ocdt to pay th~ total a.mount secured by said Deed of T?u.st:. '[)a\ff: April 17th, 1t51. IMpector: L Po. Weare Judge: Mn. HeJeJI H. McGrew Judge: MJ-s. Sarah H . Wllltam- Thi• buay troop o f Girl Scouu 1.8 •trivlng l o rea ch 8-e<!O~d cl~. Jn· ternatlona l underatanding Is a re- quirement at \he l(oal of aecond clan and recenuy the group en· tert&incd and Uatened to a lecture made by Mr1. G•Jbert VH. former· ly of F ormosa and no~v with ber famil y ln Coeta Mtsa. M n!. N ee, whOM: husb&nd Ml a doctor. taught In a glrl!I' 8Chool tn C'hlna. Sh(' a ppear ed before t roop ~ and «Ueat.J. who are members of troop 8 led by Mrs. H. Schrot>der, in t he coatumf' of the upper cla.sa Chh'1!9<' v.·nman. Jt wa.s a most attre.ctlv ~ blue wool. Explaining h O\V gi rls or Ch inese families !l.J'e sold fo r money by the ' fathe-r, 1-l n:. Nr-e explained how f.ortuJ1at~ ~r" Amerlca.n gtTIB. Dr. and 'Mrs. 1'ce have one Clrl a.nd th.ne bdys. Jlur- lng U'I~ afternoon eac.h «irlt of the t"·o trO"l pS had her dame writtf'n tor her tn Chinese cha rtu:t eni t r:> tskf' home. A\1 a gr pert that having M rs :-..· •>e as a visitor was an 1n· t• rc"'11 nK, educational a nd altO~'"'t·t · her dl"llght!ul way l f'I !'am a badge. M emben o f troop No. 10 are Linda Adair , Mlma Bouchey, Car- ol Doane , Palay Grant, I>e:anrui Peter~n. ' La Netta Richardson, Judy Rogers and Judy Stewart. Mn. St&Nord, a young girJ not too lon g out of coll ei;c. la &Alllfit- ed tn h er wo1'k aa leader by M1n .Sally S td'ford. They are In need of a troop con1mlltee formed by mothers of girls In the t roop. Vol· unteera please call lfrs. Stafford at Ha r bor 254'4 -M. over-ntgtit 188111ian · AprU 20-21 at I ~~...,;;...,;;~~~~...,;;~~~~~...,;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ the. Newport HarbOr Girl Scout 1 · CERTITICATE OF BU81Jf1:8S . · Fietltlowa Ftrm N"""' • P-5467 THE UNDERSIGNED do here· by certify that 1 am conducting a Y acht and Ship Brokerage busi- nt'ss at 711 Coast Highway, New· port Beach . Callfoml.a, under the flet itioua fir m name of WING SANG a.nd that •kt firm ht ~ posed or the fo llowing pel'~ w hoa! nan1e11 tn fUJJ and ptatts ot r e9idence are u fot'.owa, t.o--WU:: Mn. Elizabeth Cbattock. 317 Co"ronado St ., Ba1'toa California. WITNESS my hand lhil'I 8th day of April, 1901. MRS.' ELIZABl:'TH CHATTOCK (Corporate Seal) ORANGE COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, By GEO. A . PARKER, President, By C. W . BAXT'!:R, Secretary. No. 687 ...... Pre-ss Publish April 26; May 3-10, 1961. NOTICI!: 01' HEARING oon :r.McU.. ~t Ne. I ELEC'J'ION PRllcINCT NO, 3 11hall ln<!lude an tbe are• embracf:d wilb the Ocelll"I V1ew Elementary SChool District. , The POLLING PLACE the~ln shall be at t.lM! Ocean V1ew F.Je-- mentary Sellool BYildtng. four ml1t'll north of Buntfngton Beach Ph'Pf• eon '1 f • on Highway 39. The pohe will be Not1ce IM hereby g1•an that thf' open between tho!! h0t1nr of 2 :00 P1aaaing Commiaaton of U-.e City P . M . a.ad 7:00 P . M . Of 1'ewport S~ach, wlil held a OFFICERS OF !:LECTION for pabUc hnring on the application satd Election Precinct No. 3: atf certa.Jn pro perty owners tor a Inspector: Mra. Alice Lambert vartance to change-the front yard Judge: Mra. Edwin L . WalJcer se~ck from 40' t.o 39' on Lnt.8 Judge: Mrs. J, 1. Ptace, Jr. 1-2-3-4-, BJixk f38, Canal Section Election ~ No. ' 380"1 to , 3&07 Finley Ave., ·New· ELECTION PRECINCT NO, 4 S tale of Callfornia. port Beu-h, ln accerduule: wtth ahall Include all the area embraced County of Orange, ss. Section 9103.25 f&) of Ordtnanc'e w tthln the exterior boundariell of ON THIS 6th clay of April. A. D.. Ne. 136. the Fawtlatn Valley• Elementary 19:il , before me, Fl"f>d W . Brirgp. Notice Ia hereby furl.her gl•en School Dlatrlct. n Notary Public in and for the &:aa\ uJd aea,u,1 will be be)d on The POLLING PL.ACE therein said o.µnt y a nd Stat~. reaidhte the 17th day of lofay. 19~1 at the 1ha11 be at Uae rountatn Valley ther ein , duly commissioned and hour of 7 :30 p. m. In lhe Council Elementary Sc,hool build1n1. Tal- s worn, P"'riJonally"' appeared lira. CM.mtiier9 of the C1ty Hall, Ne-w· bert and Buahard Roac!a. The polls Eliz.a.beth Chattocll , known to me piort Beach. at which time and will De opma betwa8 UMi! boura of to be the p.:raon whoee name 19 p:&tt any and all per.ane In-1:00 P. M. and 6 :00 P. H. subscribed to the: w1U\Jn ln8tru-tere1ted may appear and be heard OFFICER.8 OF £LECTION"\(or ment, and ac knowledged to me th<ereen. aaki Election Precinct No. 1 : \ that .ehe t xe-cuted the .same:. IN' RAY T . COPELIN, See.y. Inapector: Mra. Lyle Dunn WlTNESS WHEREOF, l ban Piannl:n.g dom.mtMkm. Judg•: Mrs. Rury Fulton hereunto set my ha.Uc\ kl'ld atnzed No. U6---Preu. Judge: Mra. John Folkerta nty official ~al the 'day and year hbttah May 3. 1~1 . Eleei:IM ~d No. 5 In thJ.lj c_.rtlficate ftrwl above -------------ELEC'J'lON PREX::!NC't NO. ~ NO'l'IClt OF FU.ING ASSltSS--ll il>qju4< "11 the'Uea e,;,>*aced a:&lWT FOR THI: IMPROVE-wlUUn the e.xteT'°r bou.ndariea of MENT OF CERTAIN ALLEYS HuntingtoD BI a c h Eleme.ntary LYll'fO aa:rWat£~ ELEVENTH &ct\()01 Oi.ttrk:t. 'vrittw. FRED W , BRIGGS M y Comm ls."lion Expires 9/7 /1962 !SEAL) No 678--Press. "' ..- Pub. April 12-19-26; Ma~ 3, 1161. S'OTICE OF SALE OF w::t" PR.OPl!KTY BY Ta'1 USDl:K DEED OF TIUJ8T llTa&ET IL"ID N1Nm'DNT11 The POLLING PLACE: tbenin 8'1:azT. A8 CONTl:MPIAT· 5h&ll be at tbe Huntington BM.ch JU> BY ip:80Lll'l'ION 011' IN-i:lem•ntary School bulldlnj[, 5002 TIJCTION l"lO. Ill•, AND OF Palm Avenue. The pol.la wW ,be Tiii: 'ftME AND PlACll OF open between the hou.n of 1 :00 A, U•SJNO AJ!I TO WO woaJl M. and 7:00 P .... A1'D A811Cl18JIENT. OFFICEJl8 Oli' ELECTION tor .T~l N0>. \Ml ~ aa)d Sleeth. Preclnet No. 6: WB'EREA.S, ODIS E. -REVlEA P'unuant lo atertut.e. the "Im-lna:pector: Fred Locke and MADELLA 8 . REVIEA. Jiu-pto'ffinnt Act ot 1911," DfvWJon Judc'e :·Q .0 . Troop band and wtle , by ... Deed of TrUllt VU ot ~ Street and Wi'hwaYa Judp; Chu. ruakbau.aer dated June 2nd, J94T, n.cor4ied Codi of the !!!late of ~orn.Ja, Elieotaoll PNea.et N'o. I June 26th. 1947 In Book 1~. _. ~ le h .... by 'll'fft taat tb• ELECnON' PRlilCINCT No, S 2 .. 3 or Offic ial Records of on....p Supertfttendent at St.net.a of th• lhaU include all the am. embncfll County, CalllomJa. did gTani and CH;Y et "!•WJ!Orl -•. !lams within tile utttlor boWldariea ot conv•y the propert·y tbereln and made an •111ument to <:OTer the Co.ta M9 Unk>a Ele.men·Lary hf'reinatter de1teribed. to the 0.-.. eoeta Md ~ Of t,hai b'nproY~ Se boo I D~ , an&P Coun\y Title Company. u ment ot certain ane,. tytns t>e--The POLLCNO PLACE t&e.ttin Trustee, lo secure, amon.g otber tw-eren l:lnenth St.net &Dd Nble--ah&IJ be at the Coeta MeM Union ·r roop So. 17-ftlh Ora.1lf' lnterm<'- d1•1•• !'ik"oUL"ll Uad1·r: MD. Sidney ;S11nc1.-r~ l\1 1·1·tK Wrtlnt-Mtay. ('orona tk--1 Mar School • By w ay of earnln.; the child cart· b8dge and beln~ ~xcc ... dln){ly h1 It f•.Jl too, k'lr1s of l }ti.'1 group ac'tll as baby !itt"'r!> f.n· small <:hli<!r r n c.I t he· C .. 1 v::.a <J~I Mar "• ht10 I Apr il 16 fi nr.r.:..: the PT1\ nH't'llT'lg. E a ch ac•1 u t. adopted ll sniflll ('h1ld lo guard and lalt-r on tn•· ;,.• h(.1(11 ).!.rOUJH'" brok...: u p 1nlo ~1•1t1µ.i tu supe1-\'il'I·" th~· Jifft"rt•nl l ,'· ~ " I)( piny Md '{.! ncs TnKJp No. 10 . Elsh•h Ora.de-- • Girl ~oat.II LNdl'1": Mn. M&l'jark-SC&ftord M"'t" Friday Afte.nt00n at lt... G•rl S.O..l HOCl!!le Thia n ('W t roop formed a ff'W month.a ai:O" ls ma.king gre&,t atrlde.1t In Girl Scout accompil•h· menta. Since Febnlai·y the troop u • whole h&8 learllil"d to p lay and lmprov e It. game unde r thP l.n9tnlctlon of Leader Mrs. Stat· ford-who rorrrierly taught tennls In the east. Becauae 'the troop Is working for curved bat (and for fwi) an a.U- day trip wu made 1'9Cd!.tly to Pete n; Omyan nea.r Santa An.a. Starttnr at 8:30 a .m .•. and rf:turn- mg at 9 o'clock ln \.be e•entnc. LEGAL NOhcE ollllpllorUI, the paynt<Dt of w -..tb Stnot ii> .ici City, u «1n· J:runealuy 8dlool l>WJdlnl'. 1901 u ta City l:Jtctlon~. 7, 10, 12, ta, not• dated June 2nd, 1941, pa:ral* ~-by Raolutlon ot' lntan. Newport Boul .. .,.d. The polla wlll 14, 18, 21, 22, UI. to W. P . McGee and ICva L.--, lloa No, 881t adopted bJ tho City be opeo be-Ute bowo ot 7:00 The POLLING Pt.AcE u.e.-ln h-oild >rite, .. jdlnt t-Oooart! ot aid CllJ' on tbe :Utll A. M. and 7:90 P. II, aball i. ot tho eo.ou. de!....,. c .. or order, for t.hie pri.Bdpe.I aam at •1 of July, 1950, fUed Uae .-me 01"11.'CSB.8 OF ELECTION tor mcatary 8cbool, tth .nd Caru- $4!!00.00, >ritb il>tei:nt H tho ~ la ,..,. offlc< on tho lttll itay at ..i. Eloctlln Pnclnet No, S: lloa, ear... dd Kar. The polio of e per cent per &n.n\U!'~· April 1161. ln.lpector: 11.ra. ~ J.mu wUI M opa tietw ... lht a.ovn or aad lnlafft dlle ID~ I .. ..., tbr 11-,., Iba 21t1i Jlldse: )fra, NeDlo Os*ri 7:00 A. )(.and T:OO P. JL ments ot $•S.OO each on 10th d&y of May, 1961, at the hour et Jlldp: llln. llaJly ~ OFFICERS OP IBLIICTION for day or each month, be~Ins • •~·thlrt7 o'clock, (7!30) P. M.. E1Mt11• ... .,...,. •o. ' aald Bled.km: )"ta:llict' No. •~ July 10th, 11»7 and continulnc ""' Cl II><! eblmben of 'tlle CllJ SLllC'l'!lON Plll:CillCT NO. T Jnlpeetor: Mra. AM< C.-1 tll tully paid: and CouncJJ In the City Ball »t Ule -.U -all tlle --Ji>d'p: lfrL Jw a Jforpn WHEREAS, default haa QCellr-City ot Newport Bttch, u U.e Within the U.. -... -Joilp: Xra. Jl&rt1>a II. C!lln•b!t• red In that tbe IJUlt&llmell.t of time &lid plaQe w1'en Pd wllen ol N<!wpect --tar,. ....,. prlnctpal and lnterut due upon all penono, lnteruted In tho wodr -Dlolrtet, -t N._ l Tiie. f ......... I -U.. WU aid note on October 1~. 18&0 done or l:n. the. uJd ~ (~'-a. ta Oti' Dftinns , ,.a11S ad ~ • a~ ll&a not been paid; and W11f 11o -b.J' i11o Mid City l. I. a, .. I, I. t , U. U. H. )a. "19. _,. o1 Iba -ot nu-- WHEREAS, W. P . McGee and Vounell. ~rty owaeftl t1ia .-. ill, -Clllf &-.-) .. et 01 I• cout .1-'boo1 .. i:.. L. McGee, ownen and llolden .cnctot ot blo •mpa And, all otbor . Tiie POI.UNO PLA.Cll -D!l;b let at Ot-. °""'ll'· caa- Of asld JIOl.o, b.,.totore .....,._ penoao Int-In -_. w ~ bo lit UJo !'lewjlOil --on Ille Utl> a.,. at -, that -.Id Trwtee all sald piOpei b aJd •• * 'tent. tetUQ1 ...... ftd m ct mtll'Y .. t 1~ !Wt ud o.-~ I -...i ·on Jonuary >OU.. 111:11 cluly "1 &llJI' aet or ~Uni>"'4-of U11 1n1. n. palls will bo - -LOUIS ootlLU)T ...,.,.,._In the amce of the Coull-flapedn-t of ·-or u.. -tao -ol 7:• A. IL ..S WALTW JL ~ lJ' -do• of said County, ID Cit;, llqlw la z•llaa --T:tl P. Ill. JLUUIT a. LlllAaD Boal< Jl2t, page 1 .. of OflldoJ or Wbo d&lm Pol 1M --tdb •a _.G.ectiOM lllt II< D. LAW1!1MP -· tlloftaf, a noti.. .. -not 1'ff1I ,..,..--.11111 ....... a ti ...... -1: -.m PAMA \W -of --'9 U.. -Ill & .-- -? •111Lr: ___ ...,t -ol Tr . I ol Or St dme: .w ,..ope-t:y to .... _.._. •ut1e1 .. vw ... ..., cWin u.c ~s" .. »&-.a.= an., ca..t ,., .. _ cnn :o ~19tt ------f*tiimoltloawwll_,_ J'S:-.• IP Sa ol~~J,c.ntinla. 2.i.!:."~ .:~~·.Mr:t:-;-r,-;a. :-:.:..: '.a!.":; .:zr..·~!:,z:: ~I AJ .. "t~ ..... lj ·-··-• 1 £ - -.......... -•Hos --·I 2 .... _ __,., __ 11<p1•'tn-.-•-• ..,. IL-.wwwas' .,.,,. a·sn.,,. ' , .,.., .,,.._ • · ---cpaM ...... _.. -•t. --• -N.o .... --., ,,, II .... ISi .... t.bon lo aloo eec:und bJ' -Deed Kt, -.. llmltild. .Pv-Ho. I ( ... _ l'ullU* Ap11 SzlO.lT, lM1. •• • •• • Troop No. Z4 • Fourth Grade B townl""' !Aader: ~ B.1s. ~btrc ~ff"'f':l• Thunday at Corona d"I Mar &hool l !l antlclpat !on of SE-wing and gootl gr-oomlng badgt's next ye.u th1s group or ri ftl'vn Eruwnies al· tt"nd~d the Mother-Daughter ka o.nJ (l).:jhion show given at the high S• boo! April 26 w ith U•11r1P r Mrs. l)ro'Jf'nbf'r g. They WC'f·' in vit ed to s:.ay for tf'll and iJnc-.1 up qu ietly a1\1 l \\'ith f'X('11::11£-nt mar.r.1•rs. Girl Scout Counc~ Names Committees Newport Hn r bor Gl rl Scout council )lt'1d a meet ing at the Gir1 Scoct t-Joust> o n April 21 . C.Orn- ml~siont•r Mrs. Ever ett Nwtan Opt'n t.-d the session with the rtag salu te. Minutes of t he previow: mL·et lr.g Wt•r(' read by Mrs. R. K. HarvE."y, recording !'l<'Cretary, fol· lowed by tht• treuurer'a report U pre."ienled by !.fra. C A. Higbie." Nev.· committee a ppointment. were namf'd by Mn. Murray Jltab- bltt, nom ina ting chairman. u fol- lo\Vi'l' Mrs. 'l'ed Hambrook, sec- ond d~puty ; Mrs. H. P . Yarnell. PTA coordinato r ; Mr3. John Qu in t, program , comm ittee: Mra. Arthur Cramer, Balboa laland Neigh borhood chairman; Mn. Doe .Smlth. Mra. Roy Harvey a.nd Mra. Bunste r Creely, pub'.lcitY comnttt- '""· A beauttfUJ poem dcecribblg·•1 houae. Dinner tor the fourteen gtrta and three leader• wu su~ pei;vifed by Mra. Sutherland Hut- ton , 'Newport council progTam e.h&irmu. . Time and place of the next Sen· lor confenmce were the ma.in potnr.. of dt.cu.uion .. It WU d ecld- @d tllat Senk>r Scouta of Newport HailliH I Mariner Ship N aiad) would be in charge or preeentlng ~.tw colon on Sunday morning on '.be COl'llerence. Nu.cy Tritt and JaJ\ Dal'W&rU\ repreamted New- ?Ort Harbor at th~ Ple.nn!ng Board >ver-nighL ' El Toro Open House If current plan.8 work out, the APJl'led FoJ'cea day open houite at I EJ Toro Marine Corps Air Station will offer Orance county residents a n.rte\y of enter\alftment that will compete wttb the presenta- tions ol t.he FJorertz Ziecfeld. The G Toro extravagana, of course, wJll be on a more "out- door p)l&lre" ~ UMJsre of Ute not· ed lbowman. Plana naw being W91'ked out b1' me-raben of l spe- cl&J ..Ut appointed by Maj. Oen., w. J, w.--""'' • ctant ti~-· par...s... """'OMtn.tlona :::;-r_. --~-~ ..,.. -...Jolft' eom-t e41utpment ..... -... --will l>O part ot Ull -Open -•l Ulla --U..~ottlle n.rrent war ea.wn ww. f At the outbreak ot tM Kao... trout>i., tpwn. and "'•t..,. Yi9lt. wen: can- dened f• mrertlrit7 ...... ) Allo tM.lllded tn curf'eftt plans • a ,....., • to open Ule old l.!Ptetztaul-AJr -lo U.. pub· Be, •• "... tMwl to inspect l~ new l .. J n 11Cft lraMpOrt heU- eap,.,; •-will -up U.. Mas .... 0Drpr ftnt 111:1elt equad· Nil. Jt • not known u yet hoW mu7 of the .,.... fll&CtttDem wlll be •t tbe ~ ect;fftted air ta- clll\y, at p<-1 'on!y lb..,. hell- capte:r"9 have arrtwcl. - Newpoit loj .Amaag ••• fa• Go1eJsmt•s camp WU read by Mr& c .. W. Crowt, dll'fttor who apoke: brlef'ty on ptana tor tbla .ummer and U. need for more adult help. Troop orsantutlon chairman. Mra. P. V. Pete.non g&Ye flj"Urea to ahow the creat mcreue tn Olrl Scouting Ulb ~ In Newport ~ a-. Gltlo hen 111&1 wltb the orpnllla· tioa mucb. )On.gu than m other . 1'Ml't7~ _,, •. ,..... "'°'" dlo<rl•ta. Finl deputy, Kn. Louie --Caenar repo.rtcd on tbe fact Utat -uU:»m caHI~ t Pc I u & I a g the Olrl Scout House la bl lll9CA 'lfte from Ne•pcwt Beacb. aft dOmud ror waek ....s vldJac ~·.-.. ot tlle 111151 lrool>O mm lnlud wblch .-tAI -ot .&he U--to. Nanl tM haaa ftmd_ Mllltm7. "Tllo .....,., Way -• a AIU.0.lt the ,.._ ot aclbl eolor tum ot traYel lly Ore7bound .,_._ wlil -.. -......tnecl Bua waa -. to ..,. ...eten~ until .,,.-U.. .i.y, 1 .... i. thtt by' Kn. H , a, T>aeJ tr&ioln&' -of '1a ·-lpi Iii !Pont all -S.,.UtlfUI • ...;. all·-,.n. ot Ull Unltecl Bt&\09, .. ex-u. Cntt.l lliata _..., WIUI pa<ted IO bo llM .utb i.v ... t • ~lltlr Plot .. ..,. & *ll&MNI ~ 1n the' blflor>' '." t11e plet-. ....., .. -~ bi UN -utertam, d1aua1tid ~~port. r. Wt~A---...__ "'""""' . ~ --""""" -.... • 7 _., -... -.. --·i<4 lil'•-. IU TUatlA •-. ~- te M .,. lt9 by--..._,, m11•1re P' &t&Me _..,..,.. .._ ...,..n••••..,.-. • -.,.. th• <'r r•c • ft'r7 pW•at• . n••• MCW GllJl,.:l'W' ~-. ~._,,..,..,._toacUrp ii;;-~;;;· ., -...... --· Iii !IF ias:1 M 90C'I_; • • -..... • ..... .. LM° IAtl•s II r 1 '1Wn1Ne .. llN ·-·a ~ .... ,, a ........ .. -"'.-"r'° ll&olOllla ~ ~ ~ -:--- .... --...... -,,.... .. t 1? I 7 .. a 8imct ......... ~ ........................... '· .... , .. -.. wtM•. lln. Ada Q. C , .. rd I , __ .... =-"'!,. °':"' .:.:-C:.W ~ au'?:.!.-.Z:J:' :0 ':9.~-:;: .... 1 IF I 3 ...... ••• 7 S $ -• • C = • v :r..o;; ... '•"f .,,, ___ ............. ~- .tlilr -.. "'*'t ••JI I) I 0 Pl -.... a -... ts ......... £ ...... Podp""" -•ad. -n1 •• '"'--.. - l • LUMJ ERiAND. . I BUILDING MATERIALS WHILE BY . LAST! CLOSING OUB YARD '·I Must Be Oat by Nay 25th ----' ·LUMllR· , Common . Douglas Fir Lu'mber $60 per M bd. ft. a.nd up 1 Was • NOW ,;. }{nQtty ·P fne Tongue and Gii><>ve ......•. 20.6c 18e per bd.. ft. Clear Fir Vee Joint Shlplap Jx8 ·····-· 17c lie per lad. ft. RD.-1 R<><I 'Cedar Shiq1Jles ., .............. 18.20 1480 per -ft 4x8--1* in. OF Plywood A-D ............ 1 '1c 14.c pet "'I· ft. . ix8-6/16 in. Plyscord ... . ......... 16c th-per ... n. 4x.8----'!. in. Combed Plywood ........ .. .. Z6c lie per ..._ ft. 8 ft . Redwood l.c.ath-60 pc. per bdl. .. _ 3.t6 !. 10 per bdL 6 ft. Redwood Lalh-60 pc. Per bell ..... 2.M !.80 per· bdl. <f ft . O. F . Lath--M pc. per r l. ···-·! 1.4:i 1 ... per bdl. ' BUILDING MATERIALS Common Cetnenl ................................... 1.15 Reinforcing Steel ...................... ·--········· 2.:S ifetaJ Lath. Black ........... J. .. _........... 47c 1 Stticco Netting l 'hxl7x36 -.J. .. --......... 12.00 I. . WAll. BO~RDS 9llo per - ~%OFF Siio,., ,.....i 10.00 per roll . , I tx8-3/J6 Upoon Board _,, .... -............ , 8~c I Y,o -., tr. Marllte Plain and Tile ·-·--·---·--···--··· !Oe 1q. ft.. Ma.rlite Mouldings ···-······-··············-···~ U%o bP'F 6xlt G••v. !'!~ .. ~~~e~ ..... ~1 °!uc'! _ 3xl1 ptd. Railer Veal• --··-··-i. .... ., .. , 29c !le a. . " I I \ . SA~ ~d DOORS 10, 2'4. 2.8,X8.8 Bldg. Ftelneo -•13.60 UM ea. 2.h.6~8 1 l,1t ~ ~ ·~ . • • ' -Door, l'lutl n ........ 1'u.1f 'MT.._ 2...b6.8 l fht ruu St:r: ,' ecr. l.0.15 1.14-. ... , ... 11xu. 1" a -I>5J ':..-··-· .so ~.11 ... 2z8xl!i & PaMl' IW . _:_ __ _. .. ~.Ill t.k ... S.Oxa.8 1" 8' Fiat~ Door •·-e H•:·,... ~~· 1." ~·-.r~--cr° .u .. -:-. . . • • • • • I • ' -· • • • • • .I II • ~ r -H ... ..L.~ i' Ch' .:LL I . ~ 'Soc• EbeH Prelident ~ '=7..:.::::: ...... ~ Birthchi y pa rty ' ClllM AUX. lidEtl S-.IMllC. •· Enterte1n$ "Bo'4rd · :_'::.cir.=:.:"-.~-for Lide lsle Girl ·' Plant f·~--1al ·Akt .. to ,'Paren-ts ·· · -· ..... ~~ ........ 'of Mn. c. lll. Oeal<l.nf o! sa·-, a Caola -'-"-"·a. l:bell club pNlld..,t, l>on_"..ol .... b.lf _"'." _ a&, ueeutln l lloard a.a4 • COJJlllUTI.llt' ~1..•1sl1taKe ·to naw:n.11._ ____ ___,.~----11;.balrma at a dll:IUt J~ parenb wu tb.e lmpt•11&nt t•plo u.m.-.-,. It S. IM>ped tll&t -...Spart)<°" -day ID tile unde~ -dlacuaat<in at . th.,. .llln-lb.ls -project whicb. U..loor «Ill~ bOUM, IA ,apprecla~~ of rn-.thlg ot the Nowpcrt ua.,... awtlll.uy .. -u.i will' prov.. <Mir work for Ille put ,,__ AusJliat)f of the Olld?en'a Hom& to be ~ ~. l Sevao. tHrea· of c•Mlte .,,.... ~:etT. :.etd TUeed\:>· a\ •he hOU\e , ~ bwttneu ot~the ... m.eettar tn play &11d table pnz.e. were)ove--• ot ~m. RoW>d Wi:tg.~t. Newport included tlle 11&1111• oTa """1lnat• 11 Ch.'n ... hand • embroidered Boscio 0.---.,...,.. ~ R. lnC ooauntttee. ~ on Ullo ba.idkerchl-Por lwic-. ta· E, Campl\e\l, Mra-J~hn Bro<ig)I· -ttee we Kn. H. a. oui.t. bl .. ....-. ...,,._ "lritll ftllnl&tun ' ton, and Mn. J . Hanld C&1'!WelL ler, Mro. Reload 1f(?Iiht 8i4 llli'I. v&Ma ID '11'.lllcll wett tlnie9t ot_ Dec'"1oii 1o exp&Jl<l. acUvltl .. to o. Ga~ -n°"""". wlllle tile, C:ub ,_, bore laelud~anclal ~ to natoral. }New by·lawa were "rt.4 by Mi's. 4ecore.t1vt tvtdtince of Mn. DM-- paren , . a , .Ione felt need in °'1Jdrut a.nd wwe approved-and kJnt' notable ablltty at flower .,... ~ • ty--WM made-at accep™1 ti7 tJ>t.. a•••Weiy. rans:tng. u.o -'liiHUng &119 a commlttH Mn. E. c , Manm, v\ ... prut. At todaY'• "'IU!u mffthla wu aPJ>Qliated to. ~e.a 1tud)' of den\, prealded at tbit mMtSar tn icrL Dea.kta. wW be ln8talled •t1te p~. The coln'm..lttee, aug· the ableftc_e of Mn. A. V. AJt... preMdent foy ber 98COnd term _and .mellte¥'411bee that ;tttne, inclttdee drewa ... Pfes!'dent. . f01'•l\ff tJ•th year. She wu pretl· -• -en ~-J . H. dent tor yet.re 1931-33 anti llf&'p. lli Ill.· Chmtfer, w.-u FAC 'B k G 1942-44. ' Calktna, Don F . Gates, Lawrence 00 roup E. Brown and W. H. Hitchman. H R . F' h F The tlnal ~ o! tile committee, to ear evtew ;.. Moose. IS ry -~ by Mn. Landers. . M h , D ; Thia project will ,,_uy extend Newpoet Ulmuian Dorothea On Ot er S ay ·tlle· , services of the ChUdren'll: Sb~ly will reivtew .that popular Home Society. It b:&l,_alwa15 be~n book. Harem Seare'm. by Rose-On SU.nday, May 13 at Mooee the-poHcy of the aociety t o give l1UU'Y 'l'aykir wben Frlelf-Y atter-Lodge, 2300 Weat "Ocean Front. connMJfnc aervtcea to natural pa,... noon club bod. secUon hol<b lt.8 there will be anot.her or thoae rt- ents who are ci:utsidertng the final meeting ot Ute year be Fri-gantlc ti.ah trya wtth chipa, &ll h...aty of plafinl' tllelr chi!d d•Y of th(s W:eek. Oftken will for FR.EE! (to meml>ere and thelP for adoption, and the Newport be imita'lled and tie KUion ~ gueats). Chef wUl be Sgt. Miller, Harbor awr111&ry hopu to gi'(e begin ~ a l:l,:30 a.ck lunch~ chet t• the command.tng offlcer fta&Dcial a.uistarlce a.L9o, where eon for mem~ and lhelr trtenda. at El Toro bue wl\o hae ju.ft re- ilee4ed: to natural! parenta in turned from Korea. Be will be • the. county Who may or_ may not Las· Amigas Group ... lated by Clattnce Y oung, Dur! wbh to place their child tor adop-Tipplng and Archie Oatrander. !Jon.· --"--r ·-~-to Elec, t May 8 _, -·~ ~~·~ MOVE TO OXNARD 'Newpor\ Harbor auixliary pkrn· La.s Amiga.s circle ot Chrht Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gordon have Mred &n:Q !tpOMOred. the uu ot Church by the Sea will e1ect of-aold their home at 173 Flower St., peychi&trte eeTVicea in the San flcera when they meet on the eve-Coeta Meea. &n.d w1th their eon Dieco d.latrict before l:he opening rttng of TU.e.S..:7, May 8, with Mrs. and daugbtel'-tn~law. Mr. and M r&. at · the county office in Santa Thoma• PendeU. JM5 Oce6Jl Blvd., Roger Gordon wlU move Saturday Ana and th.is 9ervfce proled so B&lboL Mn. Greenlee will give to Oxnard to reside. The two men Widely 1uccesatul that it Ls .now a the 1tudy book 1eaOn. EveryQln.e ww go lnto the contracting and regv.l:a.r service ot the Children'• tntere,tted: Lt invited to come. building butineu. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY-MAY 3rd-4th&Sth 10 Piece GARMENT covn SET PAPER TOWELS ( 150 C o unt l !Ug. t« ea. 7 for $1.80 SOILED BOX ST~TIONiRY -~ . 1/2 .OFF 79; GLASS COFFEE MAKER 69¢ GUSS TEAKEI ILE Boy's Jeans R<-c. P .!9 $1 .79 " ' ENVELOPES Reg, Sc 10 tor 33¢ METAL Pot ·cleaners Reg. lllo 3 tor 21 ' PWLLIP'S 11111.K OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASIE Re1. -2 "" 31; FIRST AID J<IT ...,.._ s!.?t Sl.69 UBBrs 11-00. TUMBL-ERS ..,Jr. ame• 12 -$1.19 I P<Mmd BOXED Choe. Cherries McKESSON TOOTH POWDER 21 c •' ' '~ ~ ~ '' ,' '-'~ ¥ ~'t CLASSICAL RECORDS 1/3 OFF • ~~~~#%!'.!~ HAND TOWELS . • 3 ..., CJ8f MEN'S SHORTS - MOTHER'S . DAY CARDS ALL PUQlll . and MANY 8.EU::CTIONS • MEN'S , SWEAT SOX 49' , Stua S8· 44 Reg.-· 25' SWIM CAPS 24' . Hershey Kisses Re~. 79c Ho. • 59' 11'. ' Handkerchiefs -1,Rcg. !Se . 12 tor 99; Mechcaaical toys ...,... 49c 19' 59 r ~~~~~~-Reg. 19c PfayillCJ Card:s ' Ref. l!6e 59' THYAYALS ••• $349 VYONS •••••• $J49 RYBUTAL ••• $349 RUllG DOOll ~TS sm• 1.a•u .. .......... $1.Jt RE\'LON- TOUCH Ir GLOW Ir POWDER PUFF a..-. Sl.60 $1.1~ . I>. GRAY Summer· Cologne Rec. st.oo $1.00 COTY , • , llUOlJJIT DES BOIS ' TALC and. TOILIT WATER - s~ $1.JO • COSMEllC IAGS ffhED -WAURPROOF AS!IOUED COLORS • $2 2S to $315 • ~QUDN~--•oti.ec-­ dt,11tel for ,QMelt et~ DetJ ~ 0,.... eoui <>onese, F'"-7· .'ft& ltirl•ia wtD "lie pa M .,,.,_,__,.to -_,. -.,-boJlot .~7• ftw-sts7. • - ·Y,u;;ll·flllD .EXCEP110flll ~AWES ll :ffa; mr•-Ot 1MI mil ~ ~ -\ ., \ "" • .. " .......____ ~ "-"' '\ \ ' 1· Atrulyoutstandingvalueevent ... ~here~oucaitreallysa~~ · •·.· ~ -......____ --..... on food!;. Regular low, low pri<ies plus special _buJI!_ make th~ · --_ . _. _,_._ . -]· -:~. a saliyou cahnotaffot_d to miss; Check the" values ltS ted, then . · -. __ ,: !--· ·-:..= C---~ hurry to Safeway and lake advantage o( the low pric,es during.J -· "·. · · . -. · ·--· · · · • , this·big May Sale! · . . · · Nl~l!U"-!llfuil· , P.ElllAllT COFFEE Spectil price . thft week. t.a. &9· .... . Airwar Ctff ee ~ !.!' 77• Groundol store. 13-lb. bog, 2.25• Nob Hlli Colfee~:', ~·· 79" EJ1Ctlltnt flO'<o'Of. 12 • .. bog. 1.51 I Bfadl.TN Ya~'!· 57• ~!· H- eon......,.,. 11 .,_ ..... I 131 Frozen, concent?ated. ' 1H II/ti MIMI u-···on'1 f...,.., •sv ••••. 1s• 11'19\Gl' Alne'kon c• PNnut Butter ~..:."' •:.;:--3ZC Chunk Of' rf11Ulor. f 2~-oz . }or, 5lct BUnER fint quality, quarters. DAIRY GLEN 111. 73° ·---------.-----------·-----.-. - AtLSWEE:T MARG .Ali NE 1 ~ •. -'25· c ' ctn. .. I Play lvtagic 'Rit\ml!_t ic:' Game and SllVe up to I Ge:._ pet pourid ·more. 8W -· CIOHA •~ 7 ? • ............ -Ell _.,.. ••-"'tA ... ............. I • Y«*I ''!!-~Jf~: 2 ~ ia-Ti . TOMITO $lUCS =d 4 · ~ .21° ,AVEl I • s1itt1J1. ~l.IE.211_ •• _ SPIG_Htl"i.21' ~~ 2 u:.:L23° $111 ch L~s,onc1 ... 19" '' to Juke, ~. 4:;:-· z7c SAUD . OIL ·~4;';~ =.. 37,0 -t 1N°'1J;:t~t~.' 33c -· -. C0c.allf Pallies · 11·•· 2to f!11.BGA·· n;i"°~· !: 25° wbi ;M;gic~ ;;_. 550 FLon lllch .. Qd..EadcMd 85. • ;; IG .. ..., .•• 21'., ... pkg ... 29cJ ~ .. . :.--1.98 1:;!~ . sum .a.-r:..... = 450 ·:: age . . Ji Ll•WELL ' Twel•e deli~ioLls & . , SE ----------------; • .... FSNJj' The miracle Lunch Meat. \ '':'-ti•_ ' . ---------~-------------,.. I ' I cillllD.Mlll ··. Dairy'anci -2 ;... •3•7 _ • Evaporale<I. • .-· 4!1! . Camati . ,. 15' .. , . 'Ev,.apon°:"e4--i. -' ' __ _._, ..... __ ,.. Aa9rleaa· . PrlcNLow . ~-97o .· , .... loot 89o . FLA-VOR..AID' f:o r making 2 gc , beverag~. . ' pk9s. ------------------------SODA CRACKERS. Bosy Baker. (7-0i!. pkg.,15c) ~~ 25• ------------------------DEL MONTE CORI Cream stylt-. Goldeft.; ·l::·1s· 1 gel1 tin dea.seru , 3T. piic :~ ,, ·1 .. I ~ . ' -------~--------- I ' • ,. • • State Pre$i~ent of ~ Pr0 ~ic~. In Locat ·Talk . on Government . ' • All ot us fr• lll!ked: "1Vbat6-------------- doei Pro America mean!'' uJd Mrs. DudJey Lop.n.. prfftdent of Calltomta Chapter, Pro Ahiertca, when Me addreued . more than forty members and gueftte of th~ local unit on Friday, April 27. "It means." ebe continued "for Mothersingers to Take . Part in P-.T.A. Confab the American ey1te.m of govern-,"And th' rui-ht eha.ll be flU~ 'ment. What is lb.e, Amertcan sys--with muslc .. when approximately tem of government'? We have al-700 Motherstngert from a1} O'!"'r moet allowed O\U'Mlvea to be de-California lift their volcftl \n an stroyed btt•uae "''e have fa.II~ lnterp~tatlon of five beautlM to explaln, have faDed to reduce 90nga ln the P'ord Bowl; San Dtego this great aoctr.J eyatem to aimplc Thursday night, May 3, durtng the words -,vheri the bul.e of It make. state convention ·ot Califomta an ldeolol"lcal formula or doctrine Copgttaa o.f Parente and Tcach- by which a people's movement era. • may lake hold and spread." "Mn. R. F . Barlow, director of '"There art two ,kindA of· people's the Mothe rsingera In lhe Harbctr n1o•emcnta: free people's mow-area, ha.a announced that 23 rc11- ments and ideological people'" ervationa have been made from n1ovcmrnt11. Examples of tree among her members and that ar- n1ovl'menl8 are our labor unto•~. rangeme.nta have been completed n1usical · a.asociattona, horticuJtur-1 for the uae of a Ne\lo'port Harbor I al &380Ci&tlon.s. any of the aer-high 9Chool bua to tran3port the vice '<:lubs., or any of the other singe~. to and from San Oieg:o. I huntJred~ of organizations you all I FoJJowl.ng a rehearsal at F ord know. The greate-at ideological Bowl Thurwtay afternoon, thC' peop't•'3 movementa that have oc-Mothersingers w ill have dinner currrd in the world are Christian-logcth<'r at the Balboa Bay club, ity !spiritual base! and socialist!\ Balboa park. Three local unitA of tm&tf'rial base). Chrlatla.nity Is ' PTA. Ne\\'porl Beach elcmf:ntary arriVt'<l at by tht" Individual exer-school3, Nei.q>art Harbor Union t"ts1ng-a cholcc for good or evil. high school and Coala Mesa Main ·'This ability lo choose belw«'n school. art" prNJentlng the Har- two linf's of action ls the source bor Mothf:rsingers with thc~r din- of all human progre.ss. Marxists nt'r rf'S('rvatiorui. believe that 1ocialisn1 or commu· F ollowing a majestic procc8-, ni!\m l.s bound to evolve-with the slonal intn the bowl, the singer~ inexorability of a Jav.· of natUr<'. will be heard in two songs b.Y 1 It-" fatalism if'aVl'S no choice for Nov<'lle Caln, "O Sing Your Songs.. mr n but to subn11t to its forct" a highly dramatic numbfor with and mean~. 'rhts cteniPs the basic great varlatioM of .volume &nd hu1nan e lcn1ent to reason and tn color. and ··Ode to Americ&," choose." which will ht> a thrilling climax SorlAJ Fnnnula to tht' concert. Others 90ngJ11 to J.1.1rth,·r shl' sa·d. "Our prob-bE' ht'ard on the program, dlr1..-ct- lcn1 is hn\v to Htop soclall.sm. Our «f by stale chalrmAn nf Molhf"r· .systen1 of government and thi~ aln,kl'r!!I Nancy P . Turner will bf" nation has pro\•t·n conclwuvt>I)· MendrlSM>hn's "On Mu11lc's WUJJC'" that 1t ('onta1ns lhf' social rdrmu-a fa.n1lllar Strau.._'3, "Artist's Lite la. but wt' hliVl' not rf'duct>d it ,to thr .solid ba.rre of a simple doc- trine n("f'es.~a.ry for a proplf''s 1110\'t'nlf'nl fn the Unit('{] Statl'S ""'C have prac tlc.-.d thils soctal formula tM·rauSt· ou r nation wa"' fnunflf'd up.-Jn It. but o•r peoplf' fJid not Sf'f'k to undf'rNLand why it "•'orkl'd tht• way 11 du;I. and Dyke1na's lovt'ly Booater, "The Arrow and the Song." Booster Group Discusses Pll'!nting of Balboa Blvd. '1"ht' ldt·ology of our formu.la Is cuntatn&1 not In our constlution, Thl", b(<auliflcatlon commlltC(' o f but .in the Dt'claratio n of Indc-the Balb6a lmpfovt!'mrnt A 8ltOC1- pf'nd•·nrt'. whll·h i.s lht-exprt'saion a.lion werr jt"ll('Mls or nurMryman of our phllOAOp hy "all mt•o arc Paul J . Howard of ~verly H1118 erratt·d equal and that tht•y arc -and Newport Brach tor luncheon endu,,.,·t:•I by their Creator with" ft the Brown Derb)· in Bf>verty certain unalienable rlRhu:· Pra.c-Hiiis April 2~. Making an exten: t il'e or this philosophy permitted sivc tour o f h l8 nuraf'.ry, lhej Wett the ilevelopmt'nt of the Individual shown the best type of trees ault - anO thf' frre market. which ia a able f~r planting along Balboa moral rconomic fo rce. The devel· Blvd. o pment of the indivir\uat is the Italian pinf' wa. .. auggestf"d all gre_atest 81nglr cuntribu~iOn of all a trcp that. might beat tit th" clvllizat1on. Through t'l.c SO<"ial needs Qf lhe &rf'a. however, a dP· doct r iAe that .,,.,.,._ have practiced, ci!'llon ha.A not bttn reached by a nian had to li•&rn to sausry the committee on what tree tu thP Of'Cd:i or others In ordt'r to u~. sot1:;fy our own. It product'd the Arrangements with Mr. Howard :-ocial otd('r of abuntJa.nce. Where were n1Kde by Lonnie Vincent Ln the wQrld. under .any of the president of the Balboa lmprovt"- l')ther systems, Us lh<'re a record m('nt As:Klelatlon and Mont,. equal to the generoeity of our Grimes of the Kiwanis club Ala•J pt>0ple? The s~t~m Of justice on the tour were e:urt Wil8on., Y.•tthin our own bordf'r•, while not John Kimball. John Shamel and perfect, practlce.s Jess lR]uallces Mazie Bird. lhKn other~." • ------- Colonlal tnrluf'n<'f" Atrs . A . Baldwin Ehre.sn1an. lo- cal chapter unit chal1·m1111 pr~ sided a.nd preacnted Mrs. ' A. Stafford of Corona dt>I Mar. wh apoke on the group's study "Con· stitutionitlm" and the Influence~ the colonial days on the founding of thr constitution. ~frs. J...ewls Gardlnf'r of Bay Short's. lf"gis latlon chairman, re-· vlt'wed some of the biU Row before le2tslature, among these CrOBS l''iling and ChUd Care Centers Old Ag~ A~iatance and Hot Car: ,:o Bill and Sf"COndary Boycott. Th"se matters we r e discuMf"d and Mr3. Lo~an helped c larify' 1.he n1atter and informed the membctt1 that the Slat(' Pro America board of dlr<'c lor'3 voted to.support S..B. 1228 and A.B. 2921. Ho t Cargo Bill and Secondary Boycott. It w~ decided that those mem- bfors interested ln study fegi.llUa.- ture-will meet in the home or Afrs. Colin Brown. 2631 Bay Shore_"' Driv(', on Tuelday, May 8, at 12:30 lo form a study class. Mrs. Ehresman announced that the California Chapter Pro Ameri- ca boa.rd of diJectors will meet on Thursday, May 10, at 10:30 a.m., in the Ebe.II Club, Wilshire and Lucerne. Loa Angeles to which all men1bcrJ11 are tnvlt~.' Police Auxiliary to Fete Husbands . -... J.tonthly meeting or the Wo. men'• Police Auxiliary of New- . port Beach waa held · rece~Uy at , the borne of M ercedes C~h ­ ' an, 81~ Broad street, Newport Beach. Bea L&c:e Lott1lsted aa co- hoat..., New plana for the huab&nd'a party Wttt" made. rt will now bl:' The buJc principleoe ol Civil ~reRse &re !lelf·help and mutual aid, df'el&rt's Maj , G .. n. Waltt!'r M. Robert.M>n, Catlfornla State 01- 'ecto~ ~ge haa moved. Watch It! • 2-LATI .. PECAN 5"CI CAKI 79' ... -..... ~ .. ...i _ ... · • held June ~ at the home of Jrilrl:. t ·lAce. and will be • butfot dinner. . Attar the m .. Un, ....... wm. .~·rwllJ!llM..'IWWT 2g.c_ • • t11Joyed and were followed wltb ..... '1c -I ' ~ta. ~ at~ OCl9I& -· ""re llmoa.. ~ ~ea, -1. ,_ ...,,., ..... --.u. ~y~:· Kary • • • -. • .• • i =m::..~~~r!:11 ·•...c-·~9mi .ut: • • Pl:b-Mani)e 8t..,-le, Vlolot • IJl!S I ,, • ; • lltooel>Kll. ·Belly PIM:..... .... , cuuta l'al ,Coe, ·Nicky ~ aad Millie Spratt.• • : STR\CTlY PRBSA l .. "um 11.._ •1 1lllA6H ' ' S. ,.. ..s &YM~H&S GOL1.l£N R•Pe .7,... C£'1TRlL~mERICA IAHAXJLS POU~D STIUCTtY FRGSH L ·11.1:ms·~•= -·· tllAGE , .... J .UNtVSS ~ I wu. ~cc:.iz=u=. · CH ': · J:I IDNS . ~ r Store , H~urs: f ..... ~ . . 1~19 «NeW:Port Ayenue~ Costa : Mesa' -9 • • l • • llTl/IS' . v • • I I -. ~ 6:30-_ p. m. Dfil.ly <.. -. -( • e • \ff---=- rj/ c~ .fJ ' !!11 ' \.~ '-~If// f / / { 1 I 111 I 1 \ I\ 1 \ \\ \ \ ,\~;."' ~.= u~uon. -- ~ ---..::---- . S\lD.days---9 a . m .. to 6, p. m. ~eluding • • • • • • " .. I • ,- ' PA&E·I -PART 1r - l'HU~AY •MAY J, 1'51 I " -•• 4 ' Mottler) rV~its . . Famgus, Ai~ Base. Namect ·for Son RANIJOLPH AFB,' T~ April 2t -FQr U\e flnt time ln more than twfl.,-!earll, Mra. J. D. Roll· dolph, "'°¥'°'or C&pL W. N. Ran- dolph fOc. whom Ute Air rorce Bue wu;.amed ln J930, wu bl.ck. on the station today. Mrs. ~dotph, who make. her home With the )'oungeat of ber five daU-ghlens, Mrs. F ... Pe.ny Hopkins, 112:1 w. Balboa ·BMI-. Newport Beach, made the Ion• trek rrom caurornla to Au.tin b7 autO rccenUy for an eitended vt,ait, with her eon, D. H. Ran· dolph, now employed with. the Texu ' IState .. Highway depart· ment. She arrived at ij.andolph &J 11 thls 111iorning and went direcUf to the oftices of Brig. Gen. Carl B. McDaniel, commander of the tiatt Hlnce lalll A:u~t. ·During the afternoon Mrs. Rl,n· dolph attended a briefing aesaion or a mobber mi&sion which wu in progrcJJS at hangara on the ea.at stage where B-29 combat crew training ts in full awing. Mrs. Randolph and family were honored gue.11ts at the dedlcallon ceremoniu June 20, J 930 when , the Air Force center ot aviation . cadet training wu completed ¥d set upon the miaaion ot providing pilots. More than 20.300 aviation cadet.a &Ince have received train· ing at the base. Mr8. Randolph was please with the new m iBalon ot the ~ and thoroughly enjoyed the more t.ha.n four houra or observing B-29 crew train1ng In the Superfortreu , program, Project Proceed. Mrs. Wend~ll Hoyt Ree lected Head of Capilla Circ le Mrs. Wendell .. oyt wu re-elect- ed president of CapUJa circle of Corona del Mar C.Ommuntty church, Congregational, at the meeting held April 25 in Pilgrlm hall. Following the report of the non1lnatlng committ~. Mre. Fran- ces Cox, chairman; Mmea. John . Sadlelr, Verna Lee, and Sidney Blackbcard, the following pfficera ....., were elected : • · Mrs. Hoyt, pre8ident; Mn. G. Davies, vlce·ptttddent; Mra. Dave Hagan, tr.ea.aurer; and Mn:. Geo. Ranson, 'secntary: Mrs. LotUe Gra.tt., histoMan. • Speaker of the day wa.a Mrs. George Wilson, representative of lhe American board at the 75lh anniversary of K obe college, Ja- pan, who told of work of the . board among women of that coun· try. Devotion11 W C're given by Miu Margaret Gibson. Plans were made for entettaln· ing the UnitC'<l Council of ciiurch Women at their F el!owahip day Friday (tomorrow ) • in Pl!grim ha ll, 1 :30 p.m. Mrs. W . A. Mc· Brid e was appoint.ed chalrmp of the day and cir cle board memben1 will serve tea al the soci8.I hour . Tc& hosleMea for the circle n1cctlng we re Mmes. David Han· 80n. >'feta Neleon. Mad e 11 n e Brown, J ohn Sander• anq Miu Margaret Scharle. Mrs .. Inez Claytor Hono r Guest at Far ewe ll Event Mr-. and Mr5 . Earl Stanley en· tertaln~ with & fare1A•ell cocktail partY on Sunday at their Beacon Bay !borne, honoring Inez Claytor who ts leaving for an extended &lily Jin Texu. Mrs. Claytor, who haa Men associated with the Stanley officC8 for th.ree yean:, wu presented with a aurprlae gift, a handsome travelinJ cue. ' ' Mre. Frank Twitchell, mother ot the hol!lteli a.nd Lewis Stanley, • brolber of the hOit, autsted tn enterttalnlng'. Auemblyma.n Earl. Btan10Y H!ft lhe parly ear1y, plan. lng back• .to Sacramento. Pttsent wore Mrs. Cla)'t9~ hen IOO-ln-law and daughter, Dr. U>d. Ml'O. Harlan 11mW1 or otangi!; Mra. Edith Ma-. Mra. Etna • Emtgb, Mrt1 •. RuU. wwm,.., Lew· • • • -.. la Stanley,.. Mn: :rwltcbell M. eat -oep" ; ::"e:io":.i ~: ~~ ~i::= I!. ley, Jack Bt.alll, Willard ~. , • FFod, Barkot1 Robert Dennlatoun, I · ' -Howtnl Netglll>or ond Ille bGot . ' , ' and hooleu. Only member.-of tbe Stanley orpnizaUon not preM:nt were1 Mr. and M~a. C&rl Tbomaa and r· uld' Un. PllU -· Pr~by. De legates t o ~tte ri d ~~~ti~g n1.&..~ a==• of ·8L Abdrew'• ~ -WUIMm ~ k bnw, -.. ........,. wW act , tile ........ ~~ of La ....... ~.to --~ 8.lil_' Ce I ~ti ~ 1 -~­•-. +te ••.• J .- ...... of .._ "' .. Mo •·:~=---= ~::: = .:r:· ;:::: •,::."'CA_ :".":\. =~ .ca....... • , ' • • f I ' • '; ' • ' • ' . s&Ds ~RSCLOSUU QM OiQNAWA.' • Foncloauro of a mechanic'• noiii Pot. wililam Talltn. :ZS. .., of aplnft. property at 713 l.rla An .• .Kr. utl Mn: Dlclc Talotra, Mt Corona del .Mar. lo aougbt.Jll » Wal!IUl PL, co.ta~."'*'"" perior ·court by Hayward Ldmbcr a.n'lved iA ~wa where be .... n.-... t Co. In oult apln&t -!pod to t.be l590tb ICnglnlu Hugh and B elen C. C.lma, Ut~ 'l1Ultt;y ooinpany. A • C'f'&duate ot Builders "-ptance Corp. and Newport HarbOr, be wu Induct..:, J1:Ub S. Cole. • , . l»to the eervlee In October, 1150. WIU. FILED ' ' ' • -. • • ... ......... II G ~ OAimCa npe : -F"'ft1 p r ..,nt a( very '1ollat ftC. h r'q ll. H~ colledail by the ~ Oouat,. """"'"1-d - -rr.. I.he Alt ~~·cl' U.. ..,__ CM -,__Ct '11'tam -L at~ .. ~-~-~19 -t. Aio -. a. 11, ... Ml· --a p,..,.,. a( -• ' QOlll81111 ......... ~, and ....mce ~ the ~ ~ ~ W. Pir<ly. ~ ty. TM ~.-tao u lafOI" ar1•1•u.. e...,. ... -maudi -• i. ~ ou. ••"o""' -ID -............. l'fe. lluta AM. --_,. ilallsl(w _ ,_,. .. ---to d-)11••·-·-*"" ... =·nn1 nee ot aa wd t1i9ft w.crear, ..,. .. fw ,..,.., .. 'lOllUnUntcattona equtpm«nt. Ute.re.-for proper medlcal ~are. to obt&ln by beccmtnl' an. lnt.elfal membt'r literature. • of. t.be U . 8 . Alr Forceia. .Since Jan·ua.ry tint of thla year Pfc. BOcsaklnaon, 20, oon of Mn. t~ offk:c bu d!.otr'.buted · 26,tp . 11.ay C. rtaher, 117 Via Dijon, pleceo of llt.erature, p,,_.ted rtewpwt a.a. CaUt.. attnded tum.. and medtltal .prrak•ra be1ore . . YOU CAN 100 BEi IER AT l I ' I I ' , ' .Da.· ige1 , -~ ·~f e~. ·We Buy a.nd Sell ew' an~ Used Fur1tihue .r ... ' -~ ., '· I C~.Mesct ... 565' It wu alleged a total ot $991 .82 was o""'1 'for tumbt>r and build!nc mater lale turniabed t>," Hayward, and that an additlonAI ll ,89~.4<1 ls owned to Auvern B. Yu rgan for labor and m.atertaJa. the Yearga.n account having been assigned to the lun1ber firm. WW ot'Jolln T. Blair, .,bo dlocl ~faeda.Y of la.at wet"k, baa beeft filed fOr pn>bate tn aupc.r'!or court, dlspo9ing ot: approximately 11 ~ in personal property. Mr. Bl&Jr !ef t &0 pCOp<!l'ty to hls widow, Mrs.. Allee R. BlaiJ', or 24.63 Santa An.a Ave ., Coat& Mesa. Newport -ill0>-1>ool anJ H poupo Willi f1L at-M , bu Jlofll oa .. U'ro dllty with t11e S.901 people. Col>Y&leoe.lit .-.,.r ~--------~.-;----~---------­ Air Poree llnce A....,,.t 17, 19il0. patlmta have i-n 11 ,.,,. In • ~ to .. -.. tlH! Scott com· tllelr bo!Jlff thrvu,rla Ge -y·1 .,-..., ..-, Pfe. Hqllfn-tontnbutlon for U>e Vloltblc Nllr· -compJded -· tr&lRlzl&' at W.C A.-:latloo• .. me. .. 4*kland Air -S,-. Tor. • --·-~~-­ , Dodge has m oved. Watch It! BALBOA TRANSFER ·co. . AGE.Vl!I FOlt •, lecxon 6553 UtA~tI Stora9e • Local and Notion-wide t-1oving C. E. Mt1''1E I. -19~ RAJlBOR BLVD. - G. ('. BE!\'N)~ SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE Wf'11t \VlllMln ( brtwren Newport and Harbor Bl,·(L ) Cos ta M~ -Phone Bea.eon M46 HOT BUTrEUD POPCORN -IM ""7 If llawker ll< - Stewart M he otftcliatM at the P'fC'On ....,,N., borrowed tftlllJ Al Aodel"MNI"'• ha 7.oae for tbe wte of tlte CUb Soout Pliek of Oorona del MAJ' .._ btanlay. 11\md'r'ed• of parentia ..,.. ~ Wok pwt. ID UJe afte..-utl •...a!Jo& outllll' al Ille - ~ In tbe Crow» dlslril't. (P re .. Photo) Gabor Renner Likes Amerka. Wants to Become a Citizen " Newly &rTi ved ln th~ U nit ed Statea (for the nrst tlme) la Gabor R<'nnl'r, 38, aon of D r. a.nd Mrs . Alexande r Renner of 436 Serra Dr1:ve, Corona Htghland9. • Gal*>r , who hu •pent the la.at 18 year-s tn China. both ln Shanghai ~ and Hong Kong, arrived in Long Beach tut nur.ctay Uld waa • met. Dr. Renner'a son h&a been em· ... ------------- ployed with China Elect ric, a sub- aidl•ry of International Telepho nf' and T elegTaph. &nd hu been l there by hi.a parents whom he had not attn for ttu-ee yea ra. ~....,_~ working tor t hem In a mana gerial capacity. HF.LEN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. Announces the Opening of Her Office at 1741 SUPERJOR AVE., COSTA MESA <F.orn1erly N ewport Ave.)' F.NDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAECOLOGY OFFICE PH. BEACO N 6508 RES. P H . HAREOR 306-4-W According to Ga.,bor , who tell.I the story v'ith a Continental a c- cent, he waa moat tmpre.-d on thls. hf!I first viait to the Uni ted States, by the vutMa of the country. He ex.plaln3 that ln H ons K on1 the populat ion hu lncreued f rom 600,000 Pf'r&Oh :S tn 1 94~ to I~ prellt"nt swollen ~ of 2,700,- 0liO soula. With a ahy smile be explains, 1 that coming from H ong K ong the I huge amounu of ava ilable apace in the United Sta te11 fuclnatea him . H e . ia equally Impressed wlth the t>ffic h:nt way IJl w h ich people gu Y.bout t heir daily btatne1s, and lhe general a tmosphere of clea.nll· nt'ss whiC'h Is In svch sl'Ulrp con- tta.K t to the Or ient. · Another of hi• tint lmp~ssion "'hich he 11;poke was confetned '-''It h the wondert\.11 highways in the United Sta.tea liUlll "the speed of the cars that travel on them , China ln S hangha.J b\J l a.eked for a and the diBtance1 t hat people transfer rrom his buaineaa post t ravel and think noth.lnc of ." there when the Chlneae Com.mun- "ln Hong Kong." rt>latee Gabor lats took owr the city ln January "we make a trip out into thr 1949. He then spen\ ~hart per iods country a.nd back totalling 49 ln Swatow a.nd Canton. later mov- m1 lt>t1 and we're very p1eued with lng to Hong Kon g In May of '49. 0Ul"l\t'lve11. He re In t-he Unit ed He .uys that the Cornmunl.al 1 StatPti that St'Cm~. to bE' no dist· domination of China has little ef· a ncf" at alt." ft.'ct on Hong Kong (except for Ask<'d a bout American women s\\·ell ing It.a populal1un) and that Gabor smU,s to hin1self and com -the BrlU.sh have (and sU.11 do) ef. ment.s: .. From what I've sef'n of f~tlvely controlled the situation t hf'nl In Los Angele.a, they're very in their crown celony. _ beautltul. 'but, of course. I am Gabor sa.ys that he was "gtvf'n very fortuhate in th at I have hatl permluion to proceed to the U nit· t.be .opportunit y to n1eet them In ~d St.ates" and came u eoon u Hong Kong ." poulb!e. He explains that the .. I lllso ftnd that An1erica.n 11communlcatlons buaineM run by women •r! very helpful and effl· ChJna Electric la praotlcally non· ck.a t. both in buaint'Jl8 &n<i---t'n the ~i.stent and that there ts llttl• or h9UMhold," he a dds. "U fe takes no .tot e lgn 8t&!f rema.lni.r\J. • on'a new aspect fo11 me hen af· He would Uk e to !ind" employ- ,c-=-==-==-:------:--:c-::==============~I ter being ln the Orient. In China ment ln Call!ornla, expla1nlng of course, then are alway!I ser· that h is blood h&e been thinned b)' PLASTERBOARD R Pg. ' SPF.CJ. 4x8 ~" thick ...... ,: $1.80· St.51 . 2.02 • • FIRTEX • -4x8-% '' thick ............ $1.94 4x8 -~ '' thick ............ 2.33 ,. as.oo 2x4's •• • • WHILE THEY LAST ' Shecalhi11g • • 85.00 WHILE IT LASTS *LOANS * 1.77 ' Bonvw up to $%500 uawured. can be med for plumhlq nx. -p.iau.,., rooflne, eloeblcal lb<-etc. ~ ar•odollll• I Hours: 7:30 a. m. +o· 5:30 p. m. Deily Sund•y -9 a. ril. ·to I p. m. , 'flUlll: PlllCl:8 GOOD /lT rDil: OF SAU wuw -AD JIAY 4 1'\· JIAY 11 , vants, but here ln the United so many years in the Orient and State.a, ~here are eo many wonder· a ml1d climate ta about alt that rut inventions to ltM p a houee he can •land. spotlessly clean-w ith tittle dltft· H~ enthustum tor the United culty and no servants.'' It.ate• la bound.lea and be la look· Gabor is here on a.n lm.m lgra- tlon quota and lntend.t to be-nd ·ever y effort ·to p1h Amerl~ cl(tsenahtp. Ha rave uj> hi• Run- g&.rlan cltizen.attlp tn 1tt8 Wben the communLst. took over rntrot ot that countty. ·'fB aaya: "l eonatder mfS:dt luc!fy to have been permitted to come lo the United Stale! and t w UI t ry to do everything in my power to u~ hold the confidence in me ex- preMCd by lhoee wbo .allowed mf' to en ter thia: wonder1'Ul country." A horseman ol. IQIOe tame in China.. Gabor says thllt hla great· eat desire wouJd be to rep resent the United Statu in the ,Olympic ~es. In tlle Orient be rodtl tn many ateeplecha.at event. and lD point lo point conteeta, ma.n.agins to .always be well up with the wtnnel'a.. He. 18 8lrlc.Uy an ~ teur, and 1&.,Y9 that m01t at. the racing ls done wtlh amateur rldera. • ' Small Jn atalure (abou~ u 1111' a a .tum~ Jol:k•Y) with brown eye. ~ •uned tM.tl1nl. lnl tqrward lo the day when he will gain his cltlunshJp. After t.hat, 1• mlfb.t be a good idea to 9C&n the names ot Wtnnera tn. the equutnan dlvl1tona of the Olym- pic pmN. Might be a felJ,o,r there by the name ot Gabor Ren· ner. We wouldn't bf. a btt mr- prtoed. . lefjin First Aid Class Enrolllnent Ralph Rooc'el-cba1mian of Ula Red Croa Flret AJd comm1tttt at.at.ea that we now ba•et 9everaJ certitled lNtructors a+aila.ble to begin c1aaeo ln th• N""P"<l Har- bor Ott&. Tho-A19erlcan Rod C.-- eiTII Defense urge ~ ... evny bome hu at leut one trained ttrat allllr In the family In .... of any ~cy or dlaater. • l:IUo*nimt Will otarti at once. ~· wJah1n&' to • rogtater et\ller tor an att.emoon or eve- llllqr elau ' llhould phone, a- a.5. I , 3-.bdr ~ 11_..jaa. Oerma4. ~ ~ -1 llllmlta to • spa ~ J • . 111&'1>( a<:quapi--Qlln-LolWf of··--.. Ula UK! u -. ~ -leclp ot -. of Na1J¥A l:ntery, wllll'- .J"l'&n-. ' .. _., 1, -.pt ID , loo _.,. tn ••'Mi 1ol (.., UM Pool ;,;;rt -""".:.i. "1 Jftoli I "'ao -o< tJ1e -) Ill. UU --~ ~-• 0 I • ·W®~ow ,~@W I I>Mce .... movld: waub· Ill Doclse hN moved. Wat.t-h It! Dodfe haa ra"'ed. Watch. I \_! -People do road tlla Prem Ilda. , 1haf ~ Stoc~ Oucitdiona \ and t.Gte 'Ne~Are Availabl. at - • MAD MOORE'S· CASH . & -CARRY aALBOA -vuvw AT NURSERY llltt lft'llm, Nl'JWJ/OBT ': PELARGONIUMS Now c!:1o~~'.'."".'.'."ciu: SCJf-. lllAllTRA WUJIINO'l'O.'< GIE&ANWMS . RliFFLED PETUNIAS Bl!: .. _ .... '.-· . 25r ... RJCH$1AS Jlli; Pluh J5# tn quan C&M .................... -....... .... -.. HEU-'HERBS -HERBS .. .t. GOOD TDIE TO PLANT . , 35¢ -. 3 for 1.0Q ' , . ,LA~ 9EACH' oma ' Bank. of l.qOoia lkseh Blilg. Ph. 4-li56 ' ·1 C-lete'Broken&e Facilitioo · 1'Li-stock Tmr . ScadldJl+aad ~~- y 0t1t order llO bur or 11eU listed srocks, bonds or. com-· · moditics will be a.tuttd with tpcr<i aod mccuncy ovet the natiQri-wide 1leased private wire system CGCl- neaing our 16 c&lliornia offices and our New York ollice with prinoipa) 1 Eastern irading centen. Sutif. riaf f.ciliiies att mainw-1 for your cooftnimor • ·Ih:.A.NlJITTER •Co. ............ " ............ .. ' LAROEll PLA1''TS ]9f Wr•• _..,IA,,...,. ... ....,_,,....•at p -, ................. -.. IWI •TANCllCO .i. ~ caaa -··················-··-···-····-···-····-·············-············ -. -- -. LET TllE WHtllt FAM/Dr S5£/ . ' . for Trade • '" it ' B"~nced' &c?~~.tE1.~t1sloN Srop 10:.ki'g ;.~~· .2':..U ;dl1>'1"J show du ~ 1ee :ini1io11 • , · t1ot 1 ;,?lnisi'l!"crowdio1j' ;j, you muit do wirb tiny, otd-fu ed JcrffM. Trade #ii> ~r BIG SCREEN Balanced Beam PHILCO•e.nd pol a. .ill:G l!'••isido picture that the entire ra.al'r caa~joy ••• ~.a.efYbodY sitting in· their •ery own cWrl Let 00'.sbow ~~ aml\ring n'w Philco T~J .. •ision,;Jt.eoeiHfO, with the oiw;,eltj cleaies~ brightest l'ictfre ia 1et..is.io6l S.~ po;wered autdm chassis for coasi1tead7 -'6de t«epc:ioa·neo ..... tmgb conditioD.J! See the new Bala.ced 8-Philco ncei~ •, . let us uode in your old· fa.thiooetl tlit 1-tM fl:ailst telmaion receiYer money can buy. C-? .•• i.. .... ~ '-ill"• cnwinmcno com you nowt . I PHILCO 2~S4.Has•tweatr'iada~aurelnthis ____ , couele. Pbilto &loocod --• ,. 1h,vpco~ perfect foe"' Dftr the Hl'ire K.Neaf •. I ·I . l!(o Bi.<! No s.-il'U~ fa< rr1nae • .,.. perio,..,,,.,., .-..W.. ...... _ililc" aoaclitiO .. i' . I . _ . . .i . . I 10 ll'ECIAUD IN EU"EB'l1 ~ SDVICE :. \, . ,. ... .... '" . . • ~ , I . ~ • - t le•con'S611 llwd Uoor1'-M waoU lie 1-•u-&lldb 1,' .. wmt tO ·&'zpe• wtlb '* ,.,.. 80C'la\e lie alil the ..... ..., .. ta and o&>q• -... two -ot _.glinot~ ~la .... r.:,. later l"lla nw ten 1 .. ..., ,..opeat1 &ad a r -t rrr at • • -LUNIB CO-..' tti t:. lJtll tit. -' . . eoe.fA. lil98Nll .... ...,... •• y , • • . ' •• at 111o. ft4' a -• 011e -Qlota ~ -! -111 V-J1o • 7'1f -IRJlll .. -•b wlD 1"'1~~·=·:· .... ... _.,... ... --·----ll*C na1-we· a -...., a.a ot Wilnlll • -i .. -.... 1 tret:w. . ' • • • • • • ~- • ' • • • • • '• • R'ATTAN THI LAl•IST DISPLAY OM THI PACIFIC COAST ... . • \ FURNITU~E AND ACCESSORIES HOUSE' GARDEN •nc...t ..... M ___ u,, OPEN NJT!l:S -!!llNDA Y IO to 4 r . 10°1~ i>~~nt '· on .Any Purchase , (EXCEPT ABALONI:) Brin:; thl9· ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET I Freslt Fish D011y from Ow OWll Boats! SPECIAL SMALL 75¢ ABALOXE STEAKS ..... .LB. IF TllE "'l!'li'D DOES1'1o"T Bl.O\V! I ! 2800 Lara>·rtte on the Hay ___ x_>E_w_ro __ a_T ____ na_-_,_a_u_.. • • 8HAVEB MOTORS' NEW HOME at 1880 N.w,o.t .en·.!.; Ooota M--ope...t to tbe publle • lut Tuesday. Shaver Moton1 II tho ontT --d .... r (Dod,., J/ll'mOUU.. alld ~so Trueko) Jc>. c&ted. In Co!iita Ms.a. Oeaeral -.IM ma.n.ser of U. e orpa•zatloD ta Art. Lanoa wtt1l BIU Selden- bur«e tweAt91 Ute s-rta and wrv\oe d .. partmM.ta. (Preu Photo) 1 sELF-SERv1cE LAUND,;;---1 Wright ·Named Balboa W'asblt BondCbairm. Castoffs Help Salvation Army Salvage Drive Seek to Protect Freeway Route 30 Min. Washing -Fluff Drying l Blankets Wool Shampooed and Dr ied 50¢ I 03 Palm -BALBOA HarbOr 2724 ---- TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Roland A. Wright. manager of lhe Newport Beach Branch of the Bank of America, wu today ap- pointed chairman of the Newport Beach-Balboa Defenge Bond Com· mlttH, by Harry L. Hanaon. county chairman. Newport Beach reaidml!I are urged to·begin a search of clOMt. and irarase• for un"·anted arlJ. clea In R.rep&.ration for Salvation Army Salvage Week May 14 to 19. Caatorr materiala are needed ut«eritly. by the SaJvatlon Army Social Service Center MrYing this area "lo continue rta program of social rebabllltauon: ' Protection of the poulble tuture route of . Sepuveda Fr<eeway against encroachinent of sudlvi· alona la the primacy a.Im of the effort to obtain state recopJtlon for the artery, memben ot the Orange County Coast A.uocia· tlon'a committee in ,.euion at Newport We<1.ne8d&y, •rreed. Con1tructlon ot the thorouch· fue u an alternate to Coast H J· way, 8houk1 bte of great interest to truck operators. it wu brought , ftB A _ii!' -1s~·-l ;:;;:;;;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;:;;:;.11 ~ ........ ConCrete WOrk · 0-::.:. --;.':.:"~ 8 or All. IUNJ>8 · ll01llllF • <iaDE!il • Ill o.-1 '°""''' Newl"l_l't FLAGSTONE PATIOS OP!N NITtS-S""°!'' '! .. , ~ . - , BLOC~ WAL~S • ~ l:sTurA!'Sll • Clllltl. C. Wcirren &SOil • -5180-.I • Bar. 1ea..i ISll l{eoopt lllri. OMta -, ' Waler treaters llDVICE • lll:PAllUI /oe 8.ddolJ Authorised Dealer 1JaJ • Mpl H-rz TilMS I'"' Dow• °" •II Hut.,.. Plioatl Harbor H41sW lllDWl MANOR, C. S. • Penne-.at bome for elderly s-t.lemon __ ..... by llr. • JI(... Cllmllan o.Rrlch * 5!0 lria. Ave.. Col'Ona del Mar Harbor S009·W Spring . LUBE ··special . I • , • ••• ' Here's What ou Get -.,_ • hen11 en.ii-'IJ• 3 • ._ • -.,., .. , - ._ 1'11111 0e oU. A ts.411 1noiMI--IJltt-A Yoliio. ' , ... ~ VII.-... .._,._.._._.,.. ~~-.. - A •1.68 v-. llM,f· A tl.00 Valoo. Clean Air cteeaer .. Rfe. 50c Fiii 811ocll: U.Orbtra 'wberr Check B-eo-and• 11tn11 II -ry. Roplar Sf.ao. n..,..ury. RosuJa• S!·Ofl· <Jomplolef.y L<tbrleare car. Paint Black Tires. Rec, 50c Ropi.r Sl.!11. • CICan \\'h.lte Wall 'l'ltt9 and oomp~te \'a.cuum lnalite of car, "'uh W\Bdowa, SH • 3 \ Wash & Car Polishing, ••• : •• : 9.95 Main Street Auto Laundry 1801 5. MAIN ST. l SANTA ANA ' ACROSS .THE S!l'REET FROM' SEAAS Nice size Med.Unc~. camellia type, In 10 separate colon: Carnation l)'JM" ln 6 colon; Plc&te ln .f colon; Al-.o Ranr- inr: BMkrt t}"JM'i In mP.J:N colon. Wr1ght. v.•ho la lhe lmmedlatf' pu't-pre1ident of the Ne"!POrt Beach ChambE-r of Commerci, re· celved confirmation of hi! ap- pointment from Secretary or the Treasury Snyder *and Wu issued a certificate in recognition of th<' volunteer ·post. \Vanted are used clothing, fur-o nlture. bome appliances, radios, bed d l n g, dllhe11, • newspapen, mag&%1nea \and mlllcellaneous ar· Ucles. ; out, since heavy traffic Ot such J L:-:::-:::-:'."':-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!1!'!~~~~~~~~ vehicles on Coast Rtway now 18 _ ANY OF THE ABO\-'E TYPES OR COLORS 15"' ,.a. Sl.15-0 DOZEX • Glo:.:lnla~ In :i good mlxturf' of rolon -20c-11a. 5 & 10¢ Nursery • UIU So. N•wporl Blvd. TUSTIN _Cl-Tbunoday FOR MILL WORK, SASH & DOORS • SEE 318 8477 ·-Thf' A l"<'hN • OTRF.R Y (\RDS.: Laguna Beach -San.ta Ann -Fullerto"n -Ln llabra -Bha High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 The banker plans to Immediate· ly begin lhe expansion of the com- mittee. joining with othe-r -civic leaders and buslne1s men in pre- paring for active campaign.a to encourage more familie3 to save through the reguJar purchdk or U . S. Defen~ Bonds . J . B. Mesalck, State Director of the Saving-3 Bonds DivlRlon or the Treuury Department, a.n- nounced ll'le appointment, stating that ··it Is through lhl• local leadership and community cooper· ation that the ~ TreaAJry Depart· ment hopes to stimulate lhe Mir of Defense Bonds on a scale ap- proaching the overwhelmlng suc- cess of the Bond drive.a of \Vorh1 War n . The need ls no less today. eape-clally since DefeNM! Bonds are an l'ffective inflation cu.rb. ·· The Newport-Balboa con\nllttc(" Is one of over 20 similar commu- nity units now t\mctlonJng In Or- ange county. According to Mc.i· a1ck, the ttctlvitlt8 of the conln1lt· tee Wlll be expand«! to kPE'p pace with the growing need• ot the nation's defense effort. Under Wrlght•s leadership, It I.! expected that full support of the bond pro- gram will b(' achft-ved and that the cltizt>ns of the art'& will rt>· spond to the plans or the local committee to J:!.elp build greater family security. Oot'lgr hM moved. Watc h It! Vets I . . ' ·m_ag1ne. A BEAUTIFUL LARGE 'TWO· BEDk'OOM BEACH HOME IN BALBOA For Only $1260.00 down! Full Price, $12,460 • The only thing G. I. about these lovely homes is the Low down. payment and Price. You will like BELVUE LANE for choice location-and you will like the quality and work· mansh ip together with extra features that mek11 a desirable beach home. Although completions are in July, -choose your choice location and floor plan now. Remember, these homes are selling and there are no otheT easy term deals available in Balboa. A f~w not1•Vet two and three bedr.oom homes still available on F. H. A. terms. Pri.ces . $13,500 to $I 5,500. ' MODEL · HOME IN BELVUE LANE . • Will be open only on Saturday and Sundey I to 6 p. rn. • Located Ball,oa Bot,.•V•rCI between L and S.vHle. P.IRO CO. AGINTS • Syc1111 .. ~·- • • , • William H . Adams, chairman of the Newport Beach Salvage Wttk committee. pointed out that dl.oicard" donatt'<I lut year and refurbished In the social center's workshops provided 228,000 hours of work lhprapy for nttdy and handicapped veteran.11 and non- veterans. ln addition, the ~nter served ~l.7!W wholeeome meals. turnbh· ed 18,5&~ warm beds and pro· vlded financial asalJltance. ·· Auiatrd by the donatloM of N('wport Beach residents, we wlU continue with lncrea.sed vigor this program of vital service to hu- manity," sald Brig. R.&ri90n D. Gifford. Salvation Army Social Service Center manas-er, During the ulvare week drive. a special fleet or Red Shield trucks will be available to answer cal'JJ to pick up discards. A tele- pho:lr <'&II to Harbor 0758 will bring a truck lo hotnf' or offk-11. 4 Drunk Drivers Get Sentences Four men received .senlences for impeded by the great volume of pe.ssenger car tralflc during pe-· r1ods of cout recreatton&.l ap- pt>al. AMemblyman Ear I Stanley's Bl11 No. 2214, dealing w1lh the possible inclusion of the route In the atate hJ1hway ayatem will l?e supplemented with plctorl&.l. a.nd statllUcal data when Jt LI broug-ht before the u.scmbly committee on tra.nsportatlon and commerce, the group agreed. Harry Bergh, Orn.nge county planner and repreaentative or th county on a committee or three repreaentlng Loi Angeles county, City of Long Beach and Orange county, v.•u -de.signal~ chairman or the aaM>Clatlon·s irub-commltt.ee .studying the Sepulveda Frttway matte r. Ha.rold Sprenger, 0 range county Highways Department; William· 011..Uienne of Huntington Beach. J . Frank Wharton of La guna Beach and Bergh compriae the entire committee. New Motor Group Elects Officers drunk driving In Newport Beach Officer's for the newly formed city court Monday. Commenting Balboa Motor Sports group were on th(' number. Judge Frank Lin· elected at a meet ing held la.at nell said ••tbE' 1argeet number of Saturday at the Colonial rest.au· drunken drlveni in this court at rant. one ti~,. since I have been pre-The group was form~ to create si~lnK. I an organization for sports car en· l"he four were Marshall Stan· thue.it.sls anti contains about 40 ley Se t.nan, 2008 E. Ocean Front, member». Balboa. Hf> plt'adffi guilty anti New officers are: Monte LA was fined $200. . Fl.tthe, Colla Mesa, p""'dent; Jame& Jacklin. ~8 Redlands Skip Calkins, Balboa Ialand, RC· Ave., N~port Beach, He wu ar-retary. treasurer; Harvey-Mayer, restl'll and charged wt.th drunk Balboa Island, vtce prestddt.t; d~inK aner his car wu lnv?lved <>wens Dresden. Bay Shorea, l'J>Oll· In an accident with a vehicle opt'-tor; Warren Atherton, Lido Ille, ratl"(I by Sylvia L. Rogle, Santa act,be; Ralph Bymn, Balboa Ana. at 28th St.. and Newport Cova and BUI Tougll, Newport Blvd., at 4 :55 p. m, .S.turday. Help~ ea~nt OOllUnlt· Both cara wer e tllgtruy damaged tee: Joh. "Porter, H&rbot Isle aJ'MI after the accident which oecurnd Zrtc Irwin, eo.ta Meaa, eftDt.11 a.rter Jacklin pulled out trom the committee. cu rb. Next. meetl•C' ot the group wm Jacklin pleaded guilty to drunk be bekt at 1208 eo..t Hlgtlway, driving and rPCelved a Sl50 flM Knrport Beac:t), at 8 p. m . Sun- a.nd had his license suape_nde? for day, May 16. 90 d!ys. ------'- Leo A. Huard. 132 Broadway, Costa Me.sa pleaded gutlty ·to drunk driving and received. a tine or $250 and had hb license ~­ pended for one year. J oaeph Leroy Wlllit.in.10n, R lv- enlde, pleaded guilty and paid a flne or s209 for drunk drivtng . 2 Slightly Hurt in Newport Crash ' Two penona were ll.lpUy 1n· juttd in a coin.ion bet~een ca.n drtven by P'1obert J!:. Moore, .M . Loa Angeltt; and Patrlcl.a Cbatf'ey. Murray, 1&. Loa An.ge-lM, at the lnle.ratttlon of 121.h St. and Balboa Blvd. ln Newport at t :27 a. m. S.hmlay. Both can: weN eutbound oo Baiboe Blvd. when Moore stopped ~la vehicle. Accordlns to. poU... c•1111 .. r to legin Luncheon Series Boa.rd or Dl1'tttors of the New- port Harbor Chamber of Com· merce announced plana T'Uuday to hold quarterly luncheon meet· .irl«• to facUJtate \he t!!'Xchange ot ideas and dlacuul0118 on major problema amonr membeora of tbf> Chamber ol Commttce. Ftrat of theee mtttlngs. whlcill wtll be beld eYery three months, ta ICheduled for 12 noon Wtdne. day, May 23 at the Newport Har- bor Yacht club. Lea Sleffet'l9eft, c.hdJrman of the mtertainment commll.lff, prom· .... an 1nu.....ins prop-em an'1 memben of the Chamber of Com· merce a.re u.rrect lo brlnr non· MOJ11loer p-. report&, the car oporat.d bJ h· ,,. 18 Hine at trtcl& Murra.y ran Into the ft&!' ,...... or tho olhor nhlcl•. Tiie .... drl¥-c 0 &bff "°'Pftal . . ... b~ the x-. ~ l1rl ,.,. -. eel~ ..._., to Ila l>ont end, ~ ~ OelMral llooplt.I alld .... towed holD the --Ille ~ to """ u.. 1169- or tile sttldent. Tit• -llOI· plbll ..,. a·--r-a out lip. '-·wtll M -tbroqla tho Mn. 8adle ~ 52, a -•llh l&-Uan. Tbl.-w1I tqU la tlte olblfr-car rlOltftd M ptd1I IJ' «x"'et MN II f'mlli 1DJurieo to hor 1'lfl -iuid. fen. I ,..._ mlll 4 •pa: lllaidl:/ aft> -IN~--~ OU.· ._ X., U. JWL LIP' ,.. U... The -la wlddl .. -II J k -lie _,.. ml U.. rldl.ni WU ..uptl)r -•pl ID -of tat -· All • ol 7 I an --.. I SQ -... to "llllW a .. _, -------· r:il ....... ~-lllOHW A-Y lil"&MD• .. ..... .... ,.ar ... .., ,,_..._ ' •• ->•••• .. Cid bl&o ~ .. 'trll S Putr. Pit. ..U. a111J. , 0 TI ' 11 lilate ~ 1.0, ......... -tlii&Oo«. ........ __ _ -te-11Wawww111w1' ..-...... --. .... -..... td:I ............. ___ ............. ,.. ...... ...,., 111.qo J. •4'-IM lhN ssD _.....,on --. ..... , .. ..,..___ I pfrmttw1o-u.r..,._ Da .. 1-_,.., . ._ b! 7 p.m. ot lho'v, Apdl IO. ~ ... _,.._ W ... lll I ' ••• IN~URED SAVIN1GS CURRENJ IARNINGS Per Annum ·~· ' . . . I • • I • l I BROADWA y -Now . 60' 1::. .::: ~ :SO\V . SHOWING • "Valentino" & "Al Jennings of Oklahoma" • STARTS FRIDAY HOWARD HAWKS' •'••uctlo" E Pl~E4w. G. RoMneoe la 6t()PERATION X"' OPEN 7:80 P. M. 8HOW I ' )'<OW SHOWING t .. f'M AetaJre. Jane PowlllU "Royal Weddl!HJ" -AIM - Mark Stevtn• "Tarciet Unknown" STARTS at 8:00 P. M. STARTS SUNDAY Spence.r Tn1t'!y "Father's Little Dividend" ,-AJllO-Davld Brla..n "Inside Strai9ht" Srd & Buob KL 2-5640 Contlnuoua Dally f'rom l :1:5 S6c tlll fS.....-4.0c Eve nings , . SOW SHO\\'ING Glenn 1''of'd, R.llonda t .. lemlng ln STAKTS 8l.SDAY . Fred A•talre. .l'a..ne PO\Vt!U In "Redhead & The "Royal WeddinCJ" Cowboy" _ .u .. _Mark stev••• -Al8o -f "Bird of Paradise" ''Tar9et Unknown" Children Under 12 yrs. FREE with . Parents AT ALL CABART THEATRES ANNOUNCING Mr. Ray Hill INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN CHEF AND MAITRE 'D HOTEL WILL BE AT YOUR SERVICE AT THE HUNTINGTON INN CHALET DE ROULET ROOM Shows Every fltiday and Saturday as Usual 804 Ocean Huntington Beach, Calif_ Phone Lex b-4172 SHE'S HERE ••••• the most ·talked-about voice in America! SARAH VAUGHN singing in her own bitter-sweet style with YJDO MUSSO, his Sax and Band Saturday, May ,5, 1951 RENl>EZVOUS BAI,1,ROOM l---on the beach at Balboa FUN ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA • Dining Room open 1'1:30 AM. lo 8 P.M. doily Closed Sunday• and horidor. Pl>one: IO"'b.tfy 2-2196 Lon ef FReE PARKING. c . ' -• ' ' • ...... _ ... , .............. ... ........ ~ ................. . ........................ .,.. TUESDAY -8ATUJlOAV l_.au«fts~ Lausbs! LaUJlla! -ALllO "ST.EL HliLMET" Mes a Jti...'/ ~ [ ' ' . IUT OF THE MONTH? •. , .• """'"' f'RED.AS'IMRE .J.\NE POWELL .71~~- TECHHK;OLOR • • • ~ Sl'NDl\Y. TVESDAY Walt Dhnf'y'• "FANT ASIA" ~t.Uto A.\v&rd Wr.Mn "Sf:A.L ISLAND'"' "'BEAVEU VALLEY" {'onllnuoua Sunday 1:30 p. m. NOW SHOWING Grf\l(Ory Peak's Lal•·ttl "ON LY J1i1: t'.olflANT ... -At.o - "l'Ll lES Bt.tSTERS"' Starts suada,J' 'TUE GROOM woa&. 8PITIL8' Rln.Jtt Kep:rw -'ack Canon -ALSO - Bill MM!hlln'• ••UP FRONr' RAJUIOA ZOl'r"rA VB IMtalled otnc.n April ta la Hurley ill<lll Loa "'1th Miidred stal.1ey • ...Urlq pl'Mlcleot. .. lnotalll•r oflleer. Ia foreVoUJ"d (ifooft to right) are: Rolftnond Barrir.a of San BrmAnJlno, dbttrlc-1 l"''f'rnor of .:ZOata: M,,.,, Stanley Nd •nv prf'Ndfont. Jlf'k-n St«kfon.. ln ba.ckcrouad are k.&J:hleen Colentaia, director; Marlt" liOM't"S. J9f!t'tctar;,· and rqn-ReiD<"rt. t·reaiJUrer • College Chorus ' to Take Part in Music Festival Fifty-five ll\rmbers of the Orange Coast roo1n chu~ cla'!.'!, unde r director o f K cnnl"th 8CX'll· chcr. will join wilh l'hvr,u&rll from &11 Southland junio r coll<'J;'-'.11 In an &II-day music ft-s tival to bf' hild at the Loni;: Beac h O\Unlclpal auditorium Saturday, May :>. The day'.11 .. agenda will Include practice ln th(' morning and aft- ernoon and thl' format concert ln the l'Venlng, open to tht' public. FolJow1ng the evening prl'Sf'nl.a- tlon, the host 8chool. Long Beach City college, will give a 1\a.nce honoring o.11 part1l·ipants in lh" m&Med choru.-.. County Symphony Postpones Concert Orangt• County Syn1phony or- chestra, which hlld announet.'d it! closing; con<'t'rl 'of thl s-•ason ror Tue8day cvt•nini.:. 1'1a)•' 8 al New- port Harl.Jor h i~h achool aud1tor- 1um. has poslponf'<l the concert until Al ny 29, d1rt'ctor Chntou Sawin announced today. Rf'&:K1n for lh(' c hangt• lS that P omona col lrge Sympht•ny Orl'h• i-lra 1~ play- ing-J..1ay 8 al Laguna li<:ach h1i,;h school. LAGUNA. IEACH PLAYHOUSE "MY SISTER EILEEN" -~~ ··-~--- M a.v 23rd through Jllue 2nd (Pboto by Beckner) Helen Stockton Takes Office as Zonta President • ~f rs. Miltlrrd Stanley, retiring prf'tildJ"Ont of Zonta club of New- p'lrl J-tarbor. Installed otficets for Lh(I comin~ year at lht'.'lr dinne r ml'<'ling Thur9day cvf'nlng, April 26 at the Hu'rlcy Bell In Cdrona dcl Mar. Taking office w ere: presldrnt. H<'len Stockton, Corona de! Mar : fir~l vlt.-e-prcsid<'nt, llt'l£'n · Nor- t o'\. Newport Sf'ach: tK'cond vlce- pr<-sident, P eg Ha.apa, Chrona de\ Mar : r«:ording secretary, Hazel 0('11, Balboa .,J11land : corre.."'pond- lng st.'C relaD{." Marie Howes, Cos- ta Ml'ss: treasurer. Pf'ggy Rein- ('rt. Co.sta Mrsa: and Kathleen Gol<'n\&n of Newport flcighL, and Letha Drolet, Santa Ana, direc- tor" at larJ:::<'. Mr.11. Rosemond Harrif's, San Bcrnanlino. district governor of Zonta, tipok e on thf' fet•lini;; or frl- lowship gaint"<I 1n '-'"'O rkin,:: t oi;ct- hf•r for high ldl'&ls, ...,,hen she ad- drr~C"d the group. Miss Vina Mac Hurmer of San- ta A na, a talcnlcd yoUnJ?' &..ccor- dlonlsl appesring frl'QUf'ntly on lPlevisi11n. plt•aM:'<l 1n,.n1twrs &ll•I l;Ut'SlS with a program of ap1110- prial1· mus•ca\ M'it'cl lons. A bt'!aut1ru1 cow-hid" brif'f casr \VH-.S prcsentl'd lo the club by. Mrs. ~lanl~y for the convenience of t•a c h sucC'erding prt•11idrnt. ' ~! ~=l~es · C-.f~ C~at Pirates, .D~y €~ ~~i~· Cli!!'!.!1~ by~ rp"'W!!~ J!2!0!.~11~Y enth-De.y A.c!w{ltlat church, lSH "'--UDUI t lt~~t ~ faculty will be meta- If ortll Broadway, on Wedneoday, mon>bled ilolo old--tlm<; -WCkllilt; oMnct.,. ot the .high --, !"&¥ eu._ • i -.unr ~1 -. .., dlmlnr po11111«1 swon1& anG ~ Du Dlrben wlQ be maour of lmlvea. ! ~ ceremonJea and . the guest speak· once each year Ul:±olle~ celebrates on. a ecb~l-wkJe scale. Fo~ tt of tM afternooq will be J"loed lowing a morDlnr ot elcr&ted 'C.Lulle•. the .. tun .. a:tart.s. TtiLI yeai- len1en •f Riverside wilb mu.le there wtfl be a p.Uy d · ratfct mldway1 tn tront or the student u~1of\. by tile rtrlo triple trio of San · rt from otrangety alluring ana ~ Academ7. Procram wili . . veil exoUe botha, ~ by •tart at 1"30· Costa Mesa Couple var!puo campua IJOCfal and educa-Plate supper ~ be IM!fVed • 1 Uont.l orpni&at:kml one will find tram n io: 7 fou~ec1 by mu11c Remarry in Neva-la han\bu...-eno. hot .io, •. t.ama1ea. trom ~ La Sierra Academy ~ trtd chick.eh, coke.s and coffee. band. The hJl'h point ·of the eve.. Betty Jean Wright and ~Id He P,.ay even pick up a eouvenir n1nC Will be an un\LIU&l tableau w . Wrlgbt \Vl"re married Altil 29 uh I tray made ln ceramics eta.as, "'The Ten Virgtna" directed by ln Lu Veg-u, Nev. It wa.a I• re-or pte may take hb. chance at Helen. Morgan. There will be marriage for the cbuple wh°i t'lrst darta or the candy booth: and be many boolha, selling hf.ndwork became Mr. and Mra. tn J 1946. maY. even learn his future from a and gift. or all de&ertptlon, each They have a . three-year-ol~ eon, gi~ fort:llQe t.cJler. . one to reptteent a dllferent na-Larry. Mr .. and Mra. Wrl&'h:t &re From 1:1:5 to 2:30 p. m . there lion. The Senior Dorcaa Society making their home al 080 Center w1111 be an .auembly ln the audl- of the local church la to be Span• St., Coata Mesa. torfbm, featuring Jae Venuti, vW- lsh and lhe Junior Soclet)I la to ~ llni:rt., and hls trio, a talen~ Chinese. The public ls cordially s t d o· vocalist and perhaps certain Hot- lnvlUd and it ta free to au. a ~ r ay Inner 1ywood peraona.Utieti . COM Couple Visit New Grandchild Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Llonbarger of Corona del Mar returned Sal- urdar from Seat4.te, Wash., wherf" they visited their son and daugh- ter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Lee Llon- barger anti made the acquaintance of lhe:ir newest granddaughter. Louise. The proud father is a for- mer Harbor area resident and is a graduate of Newport Harbor Union H igh school. Attend Concert atRamona College Harborltes attending Pomona college choir'a rendition of Mcn- del880hn'1!1 Elijah on Sunday eve- ning in Bridges Hall were Mr. and Mrs. 0 . M. Campbell or Newport H eights a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horn of Corona del Mar. MfW"Vin and Roy Miller, nephcwe: or Mr. and Mr•. Campbell stni;" in the 204-volce choir while Perdlta H orn, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Horn, Is a aludenl 111.t the college. C.D.M. Residents Home From Jaunt Mr. a.nd Mrs. Norman Nelson, 516 Poinee ttla. Corona dt.'I Mar. ""'ere guest.a for a W<'C'k at lh1• Lazy A ranch, home of Mr. and ~· _A . P. Pratt. Alpine, San Diego_ county. From . there they went to Hemet where they saw the Ramona pagMlnl, afterward spending the week end with Mr. and Mre. James Pennington ot RJverl!lldf'. Balboa Luncheon For PEO Chapter t M H l'I I In mid-afternoon lbe annual a oose a puabball contest be:lween fresh· I men and sophom0re8 will pf'ecede fl.loose Lodge 1457 o., lhitt com· a tug-of-war and an egg t08S. A Ing Saturday night wlll have a 'baseball game between Santa Ana dellcl°i>ua meat loaf dinne;r at J . c. and Orange Cou:t will bP- Mooee hall. 2300 Weat Ocean gin .at 3:30 p. m. on the Cout Front. "8t 8 p .m. for members and diamond. . their gue8ls, price of the meal ·From ~7 p. m . all hands will being 6:i cents. Don Randel, ehair-meet at the cafett'f'ia for the an- man for the evening. Will be as-nual fish fry. sistcd by Women or the Mooee. CUmaxtng the day's activitlee Lido lslers Visit Castle Air Base Mr. and Mn. Hadd Rtng of Lido Isle and 80n, Bill, spent the week t'nd al C&Blle Air Ba.ff, Merced, where they visited lhelr J10n·ln· law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Michael Roetnor. Mrs. RCJ!etnor and .small son, Nick, who were wjth the Rings for five weeks after Mr. Roetnor went lo camp, are now occupying-a trailer at the base. Andrews Grandson Born in Pasadena Definitely "~ing of the May" is Richard Slater Andrews, tlrst grandchild of Mr. and lif-ra. G. L . Andrewl!I, 315 Jumine Ave., Cor- ona del Mar. He arrived May l in Huntington hoepttal, Pasadena and is son of Mr. a.nd Mn. Rob- ert Andrews ot Taft. Hl.8 weight wa..s six pound&, seven ounce.s. Mr.s. Andrews ts the fonner Edith Slater of Pasadena. Choral · Conductors Guild Festival wtll be the Pirate Dance to be held in the gymnaaJum from 8 to l 1 p. m. Here amid the almo. phere of nautical aurroundinga the King and Queen of Plratea wlU be crowned by Ken Niles, Hollywood radio and televiaion et.ar. Identity of the royal pair will remain. 9eC· re:t unttl Ju.l before lbc corona.-- tipn ceremony. _ 14ccordlng to Don ~ipp. Stu· d'nt Council election committee chairman, the following gt.r11 have ·been nominated by varioUI ctube as contenders for the crown: Marcia Johnston, Jean RuueU. I Mary Ann MorrilOll, )!'.;Ileen Brown. V'vian Ciwthra, Robbie Fiero. Atlee Valencia.., Janet Hill, Mau- reen Cameron, Gila Kliu and J<;")'Ce Purcell. ------ LAST POT LUCK La.st pot luck supper untiJ' Sep· tember Will be the one of Tueaday. May 8 for Harbor Star chapter, sccofdinl' to Worthy Matron Ruth Deiste.r. .Ma.nY. &cheduled parUea will replace the JSuppcr event.a. Ti,E NEW HAMMOND · :::1::=:.1 11 Curtain 8 .30 Adml!!ISIOn $1 .W Mrs. Stockton. arur takln.1t or- flet!, named the foll owlni;: cotnmlt· lf'C hf"lld."J : fln&11cl', Elsie Hamp- ton. Co1ona de) Mar: lntf'rnallol'\al rt• a lions, J <.'nnlc-Richard, Nrw- rort Beach ; lrg1slativr, Judgf', Cc- 1111 Young. Huntingto n 8'-ac h ; at- '•·n1fttnct•, Edith Mull. Balboa: fc.-1- lnwHhip. Lucill~ Stoddard, Curon.1 d1•l Mar; Intercity, Blanche &n.z. Bal bun ; prui;:ram and flrrang<'- ,,<'nts. H f''t'n Norton, Newport Bt'ach , public affairs, Dorothea Sheri..,-, Bait>oa : mt>mbl'rship. Le· tha Orol<'t . santa Ana : !K'rvice P..1ildrl'd Stanlt>y , Kewport &ach: M!11sc11 Gertrude and Louise J.1 ontgomery wlll enterta.ln mem- bers of Chapter AB. PEq at Junchr-on in lheir Balboa home, 2117 East Balboa boulevard on May 7 with Mra. Earl Morrow a.s 8.881.atlng hoe;teN. Dr. Charles C. Hlrt., director of choral mlJ,'!liC at the Ul}.i»ent\Y"'6? Southern C&llfor:nla, baa been ae· lc<:tl'd to be guest conductor of the second annual Orange epunty Choral Conduc tor's Guild Festival Which will be 'held In the JifUUer- ton high school auditorium on Sunday afternoon, May 6 at four o·clock. FOR REAL FUN -· . "ZING~ DON'T WISS out ,._UlNl ltlOW $1W -lll•LS - , ..... 1111;· ~"-~" Open Every rJray COW,Llll DINNElS FrOftl SI.Ml t. U.'° TROPICAL URl1'-il.~ OIN 1• tllot bc:httJ .. TAf·flnA.N S.ICYlOOM Free Parkins .... bet 171 't,IMT THE NEW HUT oa .c.u& BIW11;J', i.q.... -"~ ,.....,., r.o. , ... Ill for lleeen'atlo• cads iT ANNEX ' -a Ooelltait .., -tlle_ fler H)z*-.. VATAJP'A UIL&ND • • Lai:una •-6529 Re.!lerv"tton.s held ,lo 8 :1~ THE CIRCUS ROOM ' ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING REST AU RANTS! F-i Exputly Prepan>d and Gradoualy &rYed, la Our Ualqae DlnioJ ·Room Fl"Ml Indoor Parldas Next Door .. in Long Beach i 111 publ!clty, FrM.nces Mears. Co.st.a M esa: &ncl yea r book an1I prlnt- ng, Pt'i;:. Haapa, Corona del Mar. Gue1'L'I f'nJoYlnl; the OCcll.l'llon in- ::ludC<i ?.1atic ROiiing. Santa Ana; Helen R. Robt'rtaon. At .D., Balboa la'and; Dorothea M. Grimes, aa.l- boa :· Marcella Van Dyke, Mar- garet C. Kirkpatric k. J oan Perez. and Ruth Barcum or Corona del Mar; Lucille R. Ang"ll, Newporl Beach and Eslh<'r B. Du.saer, Mar- . jorlc Ba.llf'y, Lillian Brown and Roet>n1ond Hlt.rr1el'! of Ssn Ber- nardino. Zontians Loul14e Hi..mb· let and Eva As~n won the two door prizea. Program will be a tslk on Or- ange county artiat.a by Mrs. Lewil:I Moulton or El Totb, herself' well known a11 an arllal. I City Librarian Back After Illness Dorothea Sheely, city librarla.., Is beck at work after her recent lllncsa Uld h1 apenciing much of her lime addreBBil)g variow ctvlc groupe on neecU of enllj.Tging the Hbrary. On Tueaday, May 12, Mhr and her husband,• Marlin, will start on a two weeka' vacation trip lo Grand Canyon and points of ln- SARAH VAUGHN te•est ln Arizona. AT BALBOA SAT. Dr. V. C. Kelford Thr nation'• number one gld to JJ:eak Her~ .11ingt-r, M iss Sarah Vau.:ha.n, will • k' $ ' mak<> he. fi"'t W e•t Coast ap-In ee 5 erleS pearanc"" in more than a y('ar at Dr. V. C. Kelford, nationally Lhe Ba boa Rcnde.zvoUA thla Sat-known Bible conference speaker, urday Pveni.ng, May 5. The cur-will be at the Flr1t Baptist church rent M'rif>a of appearances wlll be 19th and Court at.reel, Newport her last In the United Stat.es be-Beach. during the week of May fore ahe make• a forthcoming 6 lhrou(h 13. Dr. Kelford will be Euro}>f'&n tour. speaking at both lbe ll a .m. sntl The combined churcb choirs o t Orange county numberhtg somt: 400 vo!ces will appear In a pro- gram of great c hurch n{UJl\c rep- rescnlin& the 1dcvelopment or sa- crt.'d c horal music from the works or 17th century Engllah snd Ital- ian ma.steni to the writings or con- t~porary American composers. EXPECTED FROM ~T Expected to arrive aoon In Coe- t4 Meea are Mr. and Mn. Wil- ltam H. Appe W and IOn Jona- Lhan of Pittsfield. MUii., who will be the house gueals Qf Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gam"1on, 267 Mag- nolia Ave. Mr. Apps !.s Mr.11. 1Cam- mon's brother. I Dodge bu moved. Watch It! $995. $29.50 per month iYOU can play -rie;h organ rnusic at once, without le1£rn- lng a single note. Come hear &nd play the Hammond Chord Oragn. • l'lanz .. Schmidt . . Piano Co. 520 N. Main Street Comer &t• santa Ana Phone IUmberly %-.5140 GENE'S RESTA'°'RANT -BAIJ.J:BY French and ltcllian Cuisin• Hand Deoora~ We<ldlar or Blrthday Cal< .. I Phou• Harbor 110! • 704 Cout 81.-d. Oorona d@.I Mar Winne. or .... ,y major national 7;30 p.m. aervlce• Sunday: May Tt-t} Ani·CHES poJiuJarity poll and kno\~,.n u "the 6. and each nt&ht dur9tg the week n; m09t talked about voice ln Amer-at 7:30 p..m , lea~" Sarah Vaughan l• one of the The me.-.tee: of 'the Bible con-CA.FE 1and COCKTAIL LOUNGE top recordlng favorite&. Her new-fe,..nce will be Umely and suited . eat Colwnbia waxlnga.. .. Deep for the .oull of men (n daya wch . • r . Purple" and '"'I'beee Thlnp I Of-aa theae. B.e speak.I on such sub-OPmN 10 L m. T'llroulh 2 L m. fer You," were eapec:laUy premed Jed.Ii u: The Blood Remembera. . for her current appearance. On Bow DMd la a Dead Man!, Dy-• L the program &be wU1 offer at Bal-ll&QJJte, The DevU'I: Wife, An -"'1U be ouch all-time Vaaclwl lllcbo 1'rom H.U. Pat .. Une for the N""P!rt l!l_..S._~ l .BJPwa7 'bit& u "'Tenderly." ••1 Cried for Jew, Tba qine Removed. ·God I NJ:WPOllT You," "WhJle You Are Gone" and· and RUMia. and The Three Veil.I. 1 "Swnmertlme-.. The c~ ocloool beg:tmo at • Q lUUI ~ ·-'hlllUDAD 1 9:41) Lm. ~ m=• are provid· 11~~~~=~=~2=~~==~==;=~=======~ nuT CB1IJlCll or CIDU8T, ec1 ta< a11 .,.._ • ,ll.OWl'l'IST • -----~Via w.. N-~ ~ ..... • ••• Held . . D~··TO~ IT ~ . .. _. ..... ---::!!r:-' -. • ::. c;:-:._o1 """"· ............ -.. <Alflil'S ~ c A , I _ ...... • ,... .. .. o . ..., ... 11. 0( eo.ta r ......, ~ 11:11 .. .. Kela. ... Oldet«I hdd t.q, Ullllll"U •.•... ,., ............... -•• .. .. '° Mlperiot eomt. on'. .tat~ .=:::.i, ":. 7:.::' ·~~:: "::"1 rape -.._ late v-.J by .. a.·--~ -i-1-ld I. Dodp la.Now- ... ····-' Port~~ eoou:L ,.. ... .,:;:C ..!'.io':-;,:, ::'1. '"..:;:: -wu -.ot a C-.. of. -. ~~=: .... ---- l1QIT.u.&.m ... ~ IW TY ~ .... -.......... ~- ... -··-~ 1-c-si..rcw......,. ~ la Ull llewport llilr- ._ -,,.. --all -11_ ...... .._ ... __ Ji*:oJ 1 A ,, 1·Met • Vo ........ , ... Wallcl Jll - ' ..