HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-07 - Newport Balboa Press' . . -·:•-Y------·· •••••••• • , By T. N. (''BIUCX''l oAiNB:s .!Am.I .... ~Joe. ,Uiat • orpnla· U... which bu pied~ ltaelf to do ai-lutely ftothlng And wblcll WWld vot.o I~ • ._ dlrectorl" out ol oftlce If any moi:nber pro- poeed Ul:Y worUrwbfle ac.tlTity, .re-- ~ It.elf y .. terday. For the nrat tlme. niee thlnp were aaJd about a member, right to bla faet1. • Even co--..:.i'latrman of charge of jlbetl, Bob Oanmor and oo-cl>alr- man ln charge of unn.atterinc re- marka. Lea Ste!fenMn, ehattered tr'dltton. and made comptltnent.ary ~arka. . . • • TID:.PUJU A. mirror ot the mo.t · raptdiY deVdopln&' aru of Ille ca!lfomta lloath C<Jut&I Eniplrt VOLUME XII • .. • • PHO~ HARBOR 1616 -. ,..,. .. SllVJNG THI INTIRI . ..IOl~IA . ' • . . • , ·, . . . . SECOND LARGEST HOME CqMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWPORT BEA.al, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, WNE·7, ml • • SIXTEEN 1PAGES WOMAN KILLED IN MESA ACCIDENT i f ,, .. !j ,-t .' ~ ' .. .. FIVE " ~ •I ·1f _,.."' •• -to .... ,.-. -~ Im~ &lid . Ull!I to ~·· .lud_. Ntala popUJat !"'W"'t NPMBER 15 'rhe obJect ot the unusual at• te.nUon was Harry Welch, who wa. otttctally honored by. the or'~ ganlzation for all· the civic work he's done in the put. And for once Harry aJmoet WM l'pef!Chlea whlch la something tor a gu1• who haa handlt!d many difficult 1itu•tton by quick thinking and quick act.1on. Mrs. Vivian McKee is dead,4------------------------- HIT FIRE TRUCK :, IN ANTA ANA DI -LATHR Tom Norton. the only chambeT of commerce preiddenl I know who aporte a butch haJn::ut. sort qi l'ook charge of the backacratch~ tng event and introduced put president.a of the chamber who've worked with Harry. Braden Ftnch. M.ayar Les 18bell, H erb Kenny, Walt Longmoor, Ralph Mukey, Sam Meyer, Theo Robin&. A. B. Roua&elle and RoJand Wright. either eaid a few worda or made a polite bows. Two other chamber put·presi· dents, al8o members or Amigos VleJOll, didn't say nice things be- cause they couldn't be present. They WPre Paul Palmer and Eddie Moore, the Mesa Malt Merchant. her husband John is hospital- ized at O>mmunity H08pital in Santa Ana. and Highway Patrolmen are preparing chargea against-Jack L. Pro- basco as result of an auto- mobile crash Thuraday morn- ing at 12 :30 a. m. The Mc- Kee home is at 190 Albert Place, Costa Mesa. Report.a of the caJlfornia High· way Patrol show that Mrs. Mc· Kee met death as a result of the family car •being .struck trom the rear by a pick up t ruck being driven by Jack L. Probasoo, 32. ot 447 Newport Blvd .. Coat& Mesa. A FEW MORE &IND WORDS According to police reports the Whatever nice things were said McKee car was stopped prepara· J agree with perff'ctly. lory to make a tum Into Baker Often In th" newspaPf>r business street from Newport Blvd,, when a peMK>n gPts a different ln8iir;ht It waa st.ruck from behind. The into bow J>"'()ple work. And that car wa.a hurtled Into the draln· goes especially for cha.mber of ag-e ditch alongside the biJthway commerce secretaries. I've seen where Mrs. KcKee was thrown eome whO we-re s tinkers and some from the car and lodged between who were excellent. but Harry, ror it and the bank. my money, tops 'em all. When he Both vehicles were demolished. was worklni:: at being the local Funeral eervtces for the decea.s· secretary, he pPrformffi lots of ed woman are pending at Grauel mJracles, I know, because I 've Mortuary. seen him do It. Mr. McKee is the &Sllistant Harry took over tn 1923 and manager of the hardwar' depart· guided the chamber'-and that ment of the Sears-Roebuck Store means the communlty-lhrough in Santa Ana. He was taken to it.a toughest years. I don't think Community Ho~ltal, Santa Ana be got rich at it, but I know he suffertng from brul.seB. lacerations baa probably more trtenda than and posaible Internal tnjurles. anyone elee In the whole country. Mrs. McKee waa born 55 yeA.rs Which means something! ago in-DlniOll. She Is survived by OB w" her husband John E . McKee of , • ..s. AROllT THOSE CATS the family home at 100 Albert • Place, C08la Mesa. A &Oh Ser· Despite anld, r en1arlui from some ,£eant Herbert C. Aahb&und ot of this dept's more unenthualu· Lowry F ield. Denver, Colorado: 3 tic readers. I haven't mentioned daughters Mrs. Ole.nna S chuck· cat8 for qujte awhile. nee.ht of Los Ang-elee: MN. Lol9 Al!d. 11'.!. ".'l<>i' i:-~-1><'-8ro<:k-of....R@J"!f · Pl/!9 · Oil Operations Attacked While scoring Shell Oil Company for npt havlng "kept faith'' In holding to county requirement.-u to. drilllDC' operations ln undevel· oped territory, the county J>oard of tupervfllOH on Monday indicated they w~uld evcntual13· grant permit for a Rcond well tn the h ill.a back of Corona dc l Mar although deterring permit for another two weeka. Action followed • new request from Corona del Mar reatdonll who. In conjunc t lon wllh a coa.at committee headed by M.ra. Amy Kennedy of Laguna Beach. haw prot«>stcd d rilling of oU wells near the coa.8l. It was c h&rled that t.be Shell company had changed loca- tion of an exp\qritOC"y well beblnd Corona de.I Mar: that the derrtck wu visible from ma.n.y poLftt.a tn the Harbor area ; that drUllnl' bad brrn continuotU •Ince Chrl1t.rnu and tha't they were nealtgent tn allowing oil waste to flow lo the beach. Supervisor Hein~ Kalaer aid 'a rf'pre&<'n latlvt" of the oont'J)&n)' had clalmed thr rotary mud ovuflow- ed on(' nli.:-ht . tie disputed the slal t'mf'nt. saying the oily emeJl- lng substance wu or two dlUere nt colors, indicating th('re had been two St'parate flowa. Resident• clalmrd one nlglal'8i__ now would not hav<' reached & petnt *'-'o mUes away. KaiM'r Mid the otl firm had "not kl'pt talth" with the people. · Kalaer a lso •Id the oU company had deliberately picked-out a cir· c ullou& route when a group of intereated reeldenta were la.ken on a recent trip to location of the propoaed new well and-that lt wu much nearer the. hl&hway than they were led to believe-. "I didn't know any major oil company coukl be that dumb nowaday1," aald Supervisor WU· la.rd Smith. Chairm&n Wtllla War· ner atattd that "HunUngton Beach producers c lean up their WmP9 dally and are can.full of splllacit. even around the drill elte." There are no re&.80ns why the same care cannot be wted In tile aouth cout tooth.Ill drilling operations, he etal@d. Mrs. Florence Cooling~ of Cor· ona del Mar had written the boa.rd about the petition, Marin.I" 400 atpaturee of coa..st reeldenta. urging the county to protect the a.rea betw~n the hill.II and coa.tt from 011 development. Thi.a, and "othe r lndustrlal development'' along coaatal are&1 a.nd thelJ' preaervaUon along r ecreational linf't, la becoming an lmporl&nt probJem for the aupervlAora. Beauty QUttn Arlene AndPnon. 18. of Anabehii Tuellday alter• noon when the ear she "'M drivtns crashrd Into a flre truck In Santa Ana. MlM A.adenon. laad 'been .-.mtid Beauty Qttftftl of &.he Cow.la Me.a Fbh FY y tut Sunda.y. She. died of brain lnju.rie9 WeclJle8.. day nicht at Community bospl1-I. Shf' L<1 sho"-n bf'lng lift~ onto s stretcher by ambula.noe attarct.1. a.atl!l.. (8t¥ picture. pace 5., part fl for photo of Mlaa Andenon "•lnnfnl' &Muty Conte&t). Bait. Question to Council Ari ne Anderson, 18, win- ner .of the ~ Mesa Fish Fry ~auty c.oiitest last Sun- day died of brain mJuries Wednesday at 10 :35 p. m. at Community hospital. T h e , injuries were the result of an accident at Bristol and 17th atreedi, Santa Ana. Tuesday afternoon when t h e c a r which' Mias Anderson w as • drivini; collided with a state forestry truck fro111 Orange on an emergency call. ' Jn, ' treeJc: accident, the fire truck ~d the beauty oontest win- ner's , 91-r collided twtce, with MlBB A.ndereon being thrown from her vehlCtd after ~e second collision. Tht Sant&· Ana college co-ed who h.aa won eevera.I beauty con- test.a tn various parts of Southern C&litohita during the past three yea.ra.1 was driving her car north on Bristol at a:ifi p. m. ~esday and found the traffic signal gTeen at 17th St., the corner of the col- lege campus. She was preparing to proceed throl!gh the intersection when a at.ate forestry truck from Orange. on emergency call to F iflh and Harbor Sts .• west of Santa Ana, ran the. red algnal a_t Bristol St .. it.a own red light showing and City Councilmen or Ne¥.1>0rt ·s ea ch will probably be f~ 'Yilh siren screaming. two ordinances and as mnny petitlol18 anent the problem of aea.guµa, U Hlle8 Per Hour bait and recei\'cr• in the bay whe n they m~t Monday n.lgbL The truck was traveling at Scheduled to be presented are two tentattve ~inane~ prbvt~ &botit. 26 milea per hour becauM tor the cor.tr;ol a.nd handling or Uv bait at the. landlnga and· ,.-;.ika ,Of ~c ahead of it. according -~ ~•v ~•'• th l ' · ' • · -""1'. · to 11& dr1>&. ~ >Je.-r · ~., llill _,,., e w& .,.. ' 8<19tt. 'i9. 8IRJ W, Main St., Tu. ~:a th~~-~~&~:;,:: t:h:~fd:~7t BIGGEST CLASS I i:r~relt J.:tt ~!t'':rt :,,::~~ka cause die mar"'"et·a -g.Ntred~lift.'\it Mtn NM Aahbaugh of Oo.ta It aeema that some people aren't \ Mesa; and a brother LotR Carter ' highly enthuaiutlc about half-Sia· of San Diego. meae ca t.a. the other half being I ahrouded ln that same mystery which clouds the anceatry ot most Am·igos membera ot the alley cl.an. However, Art Gibbs, skipper o f the tis.bing boat Sportsman, and hia wife, like half-Siamese. They are now proud poueH80rs of a. black bundle of fur f l gueKB it's fl.Ir ) which I hope hasn't torn down their house by now. Viejos Now if any'One'll interest~ ln a couple of lean. stri.ngy, unhand· ~e. but highly interesting fe· llne....-jll8t meow once and you'll have a famlly! llER.f:"N THERE Earl Stanley's bill setting up ftshing preserves along the coun· ty'a cout haa been approved by the ~tale Senate and now goe& to Gov. Warren for signing. That ehould be eaay, because the gO'Y- emor'a an ardent angler ... Few word.a on the fly wlth Dtck Rich· ard, the marketeer ... A.Leo with Tom Hetteman. who didn't look Hke U\ J'BI man even wben be ....... H~ W&all1er Temperaturee for fM. put ....... la llM --....... Hip Low Tbar&da7, Ma.Y SI ........ 411 61 Friday, IWlfl J ·······-········ 70 , 57 saturday, .June t ....... ..... 11 54 8uaday, I~ I ...... ···-··· 14 116 M-y. ltule 4 .......... 88 68 ~1.1-a .............. n 59 Wedr,eda,-. lune 8 ........ 81 S8 More than 100 persona, mem- bers of Amlgoe Viejoa, gathered at the Newport Harbor Yach! club Wednesday noon to pay lrlb· ute to Harry Welch. perennial 1ec· retary and campaign manager of worthwhile civic projects for more than a quarter century. Outata.nding t1;lbute waa given Welch when W'lllter Longmoor. put president of the NPwport Harbor Chamber of Commerce preaent!'d him with a $000 gov· ernment bond In "GratefUI appre- ciation of our work whtch you have done." The gift was preMnt· ed on behalf of past president.a of the Chamber of Commerce. Eepecta1 tribute wu tendered Welch by A . B. R oll8el1e. 'Honor· ary Captain of the Port' who aer· ved u preaident of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce in 1934. Rouselle sald that ~ty will owe Welch and R. L. atter· son a debt of rratJtude per· petuity for tbe building of the Harbor, Rouaelle &a.Id that the work of the duo wa.a equally lm· port.ant as that done by George Roger• whoee memory l9 com- memorated by a bronze plaqu@ on a granite boulder at the fool of the Harbor Jetty. Ptt:HDt &roll Members of the pre•ent Boa.rd ot Directors of the Chamber of Commerce. and the City Councn ICoebaed oa hp I) Ja.ndlngs, y&rdA and operators and Miu Anderaon's car Jett a trail home owners who claim they have AT HARBOR. HIGH ~~d.:...··~~"6;1<;:~r';;,11~~r r:~:' bet.>n seriously damaged by the ._. excrement of thousands of aea· Tbrown From Oar gi.ill.5 attrActed to the bay by the bait set free from and held in re· ceiv,rs, The second ordinance is one drafted by the operators of t hf' bait receivers and sport fishlng landings for the control, operation and construction of receivers. Two Petltlon.A FATAL ACCIDD~ at U.., tatenecUon of Baker atreet a.ad Newport Blvd., Cmta Mf'8a, at 1%:SO a.m. TbUl'INlay took tlaie-Ute of lino Vlvlao MaKf' e ot 190 Albrrt Pl .. <M!:ta Mru. tier hwtbutd \\'M taken to Community hospital fo,o lllJ...W... Mn.. M eKee dl«I "Wtt-ee Ute cat In whJcll. she •• rldlns WM atn1ck ln tbtt ~ by a plclc-op track dri\"f'tt. by '-.k L ~ rt, of 4-61 Newport 81\·d.. Costa Meaa. """°nllq t<> polloe ,..poria. Rumor has it that there are at lea.st two petltiof\J!l quietly in cir· culation calling upon, the council to place more atringf'nl regula· tion.s on the receivers &nd the operators than a.ny yet proposed. Cireulatore and aponsors of the petitions were unknown to all of those contRcted by the Press at a N. B. Park Body To Ask Funds Budget of Ja.000 !or expend!· lure by the Pa.rk and Recreation Commiaalon will be uk.ed of the City Council when It meets Mon- day night. Propoeed to be cover· ed by l}le tunds &f'e more facilJ .. tiee tor the West Newport Park. 'funds to share coats on lhe 1wn- mer time program ot the achoola and further park tacllltlea in other area. Members of the Park and Rec· realion Comm.talon a.re prepar- lnc" a ., year progn.m tor devel· opment by the city a.nd ln tt they will plan for parka lo eerve every need of the growin& city of Nowport Beach. M.emMra af the eomml.u.ion are PL&zmlnl to t n v l t e interested put.lea ln the China Cove. Beach Park pn)pouJ to attend a public meetinr next Wednesday at the City Hall when they will ende.vor to nnd a ec:>luUon to the long en· lanl'led problem of propoMld ac- qu.1.ttJon of the atW w•ter beach area. . Senate Okays ~!!f~'!!M !~~ ;n~· a round, ot applau.e alter -rln• of tbe rt-to Senal•'• recont ao- Uon ftlilll.Un&' ....,.,,.,..,W maell• ottl •• on lllo cout of Oraas• i-nl7· ' Tbe tilll ct<IU&Wll COllllM...iai op-• enU-""'th -MlnOO oDlf rowid ~Ula Within l-mllu of N~ -ell.· Dana PoiJll &JOI . San ~.., Polnl The m_. alao aw; .. ~ eomalerd&I Mt. llll6• _... _ Tbe 11111 -.-mell. to u... ""''...., --p ectloil .. ••••te • ............. - OnlJ 1h (oct,lu'lpt -1'7 == II .... 8llP'o) ol Udo --= ... , ......... to .,._ u.. 1 era..._ 11.>a n -----···· .,,,.,, . ._... n .. 1 t I ,ithJ wa-.. • '; • 1111llu• .. .,. lo.,.... ..... rt' 9J9 p ...... -IA ..... ( ·' ..,. c .. -. • .... . late hour ThurMay. W ins Promotion Both of the proposed ordinances provide that permits for the In· stallation of receivers lo conrine It's Major W&n'en P. Nichol.a, bait shall be obtained from the USMC. now. Friends learned thl.8 planning C'ommluion. One ordi· week of the fo rmer Meaan's pro· nance. that of the borne and boat motion from captain to his cur· yard owne rs. provides fo r a license rent rank. Major and Mra. Nle b-to maintain and operate ea.ch r e- •-1 ••g Coo M ceiver. Thie the landings a.re op· oui, former y of ~ ta eaa poeed. too. _ alrttl. recently arrived ln Waah· 1 Both of the propose°d ordinances lngton, D . C. (ContlnlH'd: fmm Page li) ·-ooa:A -& l lli 11111 -It ........ -..... 3 lka& 2' -~...-.,. .. •;4e;a a-f':SM,t• ...... IS Q~- ( .. ll)J-• 111.I M ""91-(N !P.•> IP 1 a Ii _,_ • Largest clus tn the h.iatory of Newport Harbor Unipn Ht f h achool consisting of 193 eentj:>rs will receive diplomu at 4 p. m. on Wedne&day, June 13 ln the school stadium when presented\ by Principal Sidney H. D"vidlfn. Second largest number ,of ·ebl· den ts (162) a:radua.ted in 1948, , Invocation wW be gi.v'en by &e:v. Paul Babbitt of COl'Gna.. del Mar Community church arid hul' Lee Will give the ' student · wel<Xf""e speech. ' · t • •. Dr. Hugh Tiner, .pre.Jdent;J ;of Peppe:rdlne college; . I.48 ~a, will be speak.et ·of 'the a.ttemdim. H is subject wtlt be -Ch&itlmlef''of Leadership in today's W9rld."\ The La.rkettes will sing, ~d ~ona McTa.ggart will g\lve ~ farewell speech. Benediction ,vtll be .(iven by the Rev. "ntomu Pendell ot ChriJlt CburcQ by tb• Sea. Baccalaureate service~ will be held Sunday at 8 p. m. µi IUle school &Udltorfum with _ _!_dd~eu by the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, rector of St. Jamee EptaooPa.t church. [ Both vehicles plunged into the orange grove at the northwest comer of the lnterseclton. Tne truck went to the right of a Iarg'e walnut tree and Mias Andenion'a car to ita left. They craahe.d to- gether agaiJl eome 90 feet &rom the first point of tmpa.ct. Miss .Anderson wu hurled from her car ln the eecond collision. M1a Andenon, a brunette beau· ty who wu Anaheim'• Miss Slick Chick at the 19.f.8 Halloween fes- tival. Mias Oceanside and M i.88 Sun. Tan &t Balboa in 1949, Miss Queen Luau of Laguna Beach in 1980 wu alated to enter lhe Mtas California conteat at Santa Cruz next week-end, in a try at win· ~ ~ora aa Miu America. Gree.te.t Tragedy An.er repining conscloumes.11 foUOWtng the era.eh the beauty con~ winner haa said th&t the acddent wu the "greatest trag· edy'Y ever to befall her. 'nte truck wa.a occupied, in ad· dltlon to the drtver. by Ordea.n Mouen, 22, 1212 E. Chapman, Oranre; Charle• A. White, d , 12s (C.0.tlaaed from Page 6) , .. ~ •, .. • • ----1111!1'1~-:-'""!' ..... ~~--:""~--._,..~----"!'l""'::--7-:-'.'~~~..,..,....,...~~~"7"'"'"". ··-----~~:;,~~.::::i~w;~~~'mtl~~ ~r,::::~~~ • .. ' ' PAt;E 'i -PART T _.. THUISOAY, JVNE 7, 1951 ;'A~~"'fuss-8 W ~ • A.II DO ~;, MCAJ ....,_ · pyhlwM.d •""7 ~ at Neppol't Ba 1 el\, o.aatonaa: Oftlce ud "'1'>tlnS Plant at lllf .__._ ...,._ .,_ iat Entued 1.1 .-.id-eluo maU. }• 11, UfO. at tbo poet -al N~ Beach, Cl&lltornla, -tbo Act ot Manb a, 1m. -... ..._t pal4 ~···'!! .. lf4 ... , -- 8eo'9ll 1Mpet ..... C P ?tf la Ou p Cs&C,. ltt ... ll'•ss a F s • NU •ti If t'll 5 DR t • 1 tt e • fr1• tt 7 Zl' 1"11 07 PF psf u• BD O. W0 1DW. 01 if -fibbt1 ' ,.. "'*8ltT '" wn> rd '• tt r r •·0 1a r A. ALEXANDER RAlaLTO.N,. Achertllln& Man•p:r . -' • OFPICIAJ; PAPER OF ~ ~-'}P tfSlf~ .. -·Oll • • • sUB8CRIPtl01C ,.,.. . N'J:WPOM-Ml.90A ... I ._, ft• •r. ......_ In Onn11e OoantJ, .._,. .. r ~ • l 'IF f .... - Rionth9) •(Also tnclods UM lf::5¥Rbt'pt• ......... 15 a T>IHdaJ) OoWlle ............... ,__ • • • • You.a · YOUI -COii RESS \ • A famlllar .rack lo ~ around Wl.lblllrtob Olmoot .,,...,. i.-. ._,.....,...... ,.,..._i.11• o• . a fllr•lln _.,...., MTI-· fw .. afftdal YWt.. r ~ ........ _._ ...... , .. _____ be_,.... ,..i&te Wa'll. as n tnr ...... Ill. ~-... . . •\·'* ... --pt~ _......_ .. It appean to •Wr> trom • United State.a policy of foretrn atd eo coetnvtd or ~ or botb. .. lo • ._..... dubloua handoat lieekUL lf such Is tbls cue. there could be no more appropriate Ume than now for conp eu &o re&-ppralee lbla rorelsn us pC>11<7. Tile pnal' dent hu Jual iuked co._.., to provide $1.6 billion more in mlli· tuy, eeonomtc and long-range, ( J'otnt Fovt) UldstanC!e te foreip _..,.,,..,, .... Bow\• ot \he.e offlc:l&I v\a\lor• ·~ : ~ a.re atrona:ly au.peel of tryin& to THE CURTAiN' Rim••• play Uncl• Sam tor• ~ckerU 1;"~ The horrible examp!e P.1i• Jo )IOrifty In the c.-. d".!:;-"~ ~ru.;,~tomi:U P~"" of a r.cx a!femlcr is JOre9eDtly a t1le mrlpt, wtth adGn A. :le :J ~ · Pnquonlly their ~""""' tor want- ad ............ __._ ... _ w mer ' '' 1,f . tnr )OrMA or mone)' f'lt'll a.re ao occupying the wings re y to .._ ---.-" · l'6 0 M J,tir: m....,. .. 10 11< laughable to th- to the villi:>.'1 of L'1c' pb.y af llf41 poecftJWd lly H.nrJ I'd . . wtoe In th• waye ot lnternatton&I McCracken; the protec:itor, alflll, 1ftY ~ tlnd J-11 ...... r.tf•MA Pll&8ll ly ,...,..,_ uiO 111:ni1•p"ll -eeonamlce and politic•. Davis. Tiie Sheriff of courae wlll tie Ule llrVlld 111a111derM .... ·..., cloy 10 ~ M1 In Olli• .. or lb ... mlton come · •I "' .._, Wo tnq~ -l'OI a o wllo on porl•<lly alnceN! bon"oW\ng football p!ayer denied the ll11nr'lt IDie. J-A. Wa.lck. PfJ; kt ~, '!.,= .,. Wa•f, ..,_ -111111<111, m'"81ona. Tllelr r....,.. tor want- • Hero of the pl .. y, a fore.st l'IUlger, a la6ll llorn of tlle wooda, ........ a11( ...... ll-. j>UtJ....,.1)' la Ullo · -*' ~ In~ to borrow are oound. And their trained by the Indil!llS, dill-alld per_,..,IDS Joe ;• ii._ -...,. •"" •ailll p.. -met -lntentlofto or repayment are u ,...... Ill__,... doell Mt ....... i. tlitM le r lood a.a can 'De eapected under Scher'tnan. .._ ,._: C.:::: •; .om..._ ,_ W'MI•-._, an _.. condittona, like \oday'1, that make What a play a compe.teot .,...,. -W ..... 11p-IH>l ...... .., ._ ... ....., ., o& Wiii ... t.O ,.,. lbe tuture ot mare than one tor- nece9Arily would he dream be<:1111it Ulere an f6dl:-t'lld8 . 1r. t?I• ....... Iii • W•. Mel lit • j II alt n1C.. ••rn rovemment hlghly uncor- .. '--' • .. ......... -.,., ...... -; \alft that ahaw: ' • -• * • becaW' -~---dill h , lfl • B~t the wtaectacken uwan, 1. 'l'be man wbo ...W .a liR 'S I ,_ .. ~ :::';,., • -flf -S-m-of tJoo -•ar -.._, lie don't dlltlngulah b<lween th• .. 2 ,.,___ G d I all# .. ~ I'" II .. I ... f W. · 1 ..._ •aa1td11.a. type:• or .. vt•tor1 and tend to ac~ . ~ty taa Ul'J ~·· 'L N •~ • ... _.,... 1 t 77 ' " °"' W• leeiilti ,_..,. .. 11111 pwt CUit all Gf them at dro-pplnr ln at a. I'« either tall•n 1-·-. II*• ............ ., ,.__,..l't' .... --• ....... a.. Wlllte H ..... ·ror • llandoul . . ~ I __,_, ... .,...,_. .. ___ . ""'"'..., -••-.,. ._ II. Being an ~17 fe. it ti l't ••ps .t• j • t .a MC •• , 1t ,..-,. _,,, ""'"" -&JI _, --,. wUll 1'1116 can be dvnorallilnr to the " L I# ..a__ .... ... Ute .me 18"7 dt7. polDt et .,,.. .tinter• vtaitol'a. And It can ca.uae ™• by ibe law. . --,, ... ... 0 and ,.._ _ ft 11ope tllat la lhem to ruent the poelllon ot the 2. Perhaps the Jodge 1tho .11111 ~ lle&r the ~ .. ,;;.~,11~ ·~ ';: rour rotiJ too. Un)ted 8te-cr.dltor who h .. ease wiD be t.be -wllo II • .,. ~ llglllll9t lie .--. · .......... th lkh Bon -.itd. not r.it th• economic Impact at r 3 ,.... war a.nd world unreet nea.rty ao the villain wbell tile ~ WM at hand fO · •• 7 !r • ., lc!Dfttc • Wphi« m~tt u inoet of the homeland• commit him to a State laatltutlon tor Ute. -. AmlCJOI .Yie ·1os ot lh ... Tlallora han. 'We ..,.. tDftl dllM .,.,_,., dHld '?bat la hard1y a •ltuatlon COfts 8. AM the Motheni wbo lluellta Ill' 7ear Mlp and I ( Contla .... ,.._, Pase 1 l ductve lo the world frlelldllilj> a. Of a llttle girt, bmtalfY tllaln. reJMn>allJ' ..W &loo •Y llwlk preao•1ad Wei& dll aa --tJle United 8tate. -b io b. Of the villain, whotle lieut long qo -Wm oot Y••~ _11.,...rt ...,._ -~~"! .... roll-~ .. _., ~ ~ P-t.. both wttbln Md -t ~ -- -Ute t111Jted Nallone. . by lier """· .,_. Ool> city •-loo fin( .._ IWr• IA n.. United 8tete1 Clollftdl ot Yes we are certain that a good pJa¥Wrigbt would Arlie 8-P-.n&. ina. u... Jn\crnolkm&I Cbun...,r of weave a drama that would utaund the crltlca Oft Broad· Amon• ~ ·-CU.wt or C<>mm•~• pu• It lblo -Y tlle RAJ)fO Vl::R8l18 TIO: PRESS Cotnmertt ,,., , sea la ati..o-l1U'lff ct..J : way u being too far fetd>ed tc> be true. Bat nnertlleless , ,....., lot, 1es1 ._ at '*" -.. • ,., -· ""'• Olelllle u.e -°' eonUn- in our play, a Judge, tlle ~tor and the Sherilf woyld ·°:'.':.!'-9,. Sf~ Wlo llta-=•i:. fi.':t'1 t!"!" ~ -11"'•._oM~ ...,... - all go to jail along with ffmary Foro ~lien JI and "°" 1Jt Loo .a.pi.. _ ,... Cl-), 1'lieo Ra•llo U"71. Wal-::~ .. :'::'~ :::ft,:..: when he would be found gllilty ol Murder. ,.,,.,_ Wlla .,......, of ter I . 8plou l->. WllltM '--· 11etw .. ~ t11e Va!Ud llatu and r .. Had McCracken been ' ~ted to a State Aaylum It'• .. -lljl•-,., aUer· ~ flH-1. •str' ri..~ dploM countlteo. ?lllo .iemorau.- -n.. -···H--N -11144-401. 11.n ._, (1tfi'1 . ...... wbeii bis •addened mother f"tled a petition with Orange _, ~. -. -aJWI ~ ,..,, • .,. 11,..1, -'"• hu r,..boll I.lie ,.., •• t •her• 'County'• Superior Court, a little rltl. Patrida Hull might ::~~r ":;..~'.~"= Ro_, A. Wnp& 11 ... J. ftrmM ~~ =.,~ t".:.:., ftln~ still be alivt. · 'Alaatl * llfew1!1 " F. Nert.. pres ' ...u °' UM ... .,.. • .-peeted ot eoininr tor lflDet 8.._,..._, chamlfier p,_.._. Ut.t 80Gll to a •--~·t --• --I" ~ Had tile police of Detroit, Micbipn carried forth their NaJ' c. DaYlo. Welcll. ,.=----o.~n w w• tr- prosecution under their "Goohicb La,w" be would have v.w c.... "'"9tdlnjr ...,., tJ1e "'Uh• of 1'hlo ...... i.,. muot epend to orm been conlined there for life aa an ballltuaJ -offencHr. CoMna 0.1 _, Aini-Vie,_ .. --Jno• uw -munlOt thr .. 1. were Juds• 1'oiNTt Oal'dsNT Md .. -11o.-... ..__ '"-ll Tb...e woold make Interesting acts In our play about "-11 ---lo ·~1p Ito • In Ed'• Jlfote: Ln ltetf«naA. reena., raUNr Ulan try '° fight the life of a villain. W'blthu new• I• aJanted or cammuntmt •7 ttM:lf. •But we are BllJ"e that high tlpOt of the play wollld be ..-Jy roporWI fr«tuently de-IQl1' llaxJOO VU!Fr The ..-1.a ot moot ot u.. .. b b D . rl At utin ••-oold penda upoa tbe point of view ot BM• ,_ a ,..,,,_..,, _, In allleoo ue otUI loo ahaky from W en t e 18t ct totne)' proaet: ( u..rc C&8e W the reader, u well u the writer. l.A9 ~ Pf. JC., 1.9 Jin. Cl•ud9 World •ar ll for UW.m to rearmas be asked by the court, ''WHY DID NOT YOU AS DJS. In our new1p&por._ u w•U .. In A. Knall ol -i.i..1 llL. ...,., piled aio, u... coo& of tlM TRICT ATTORNEY PRESS FOR THll: COMllITJolENT moot o&ltetf, "" ........i attempt Coota -cStJ Mn. "-.,._ poot""' r...,.,ery. n.07 find pay. OF THLS DEFENDANT A!I REQUIRED 'BY LAW WHEN I• made to ... urately and l10aut-Jo:red a wtatt Willi -rat11er. -:rou·ra .irtu&lly llnpoeotble. AAd UN1 ean't get mueh long-· HE APPEARED IN THE CRDONAL RECORDS OP THis term •re<llt ouulde the un1t..i COUNTY ON THE SIXTH OF NOVEMBER, '1950?" OPS Fili Deadl• Annou d lteteo bee•-I.he tutur .. ol The Dlatrict Attorney in . tlMI dialogue we are 1111'9 Ing 1nes .nee ~~:~:~.:-:°ua1": "':: would say, ''We~ .... " . ' Thr:M••n.de Ofr Souih••*' ma.nufact..uren. lp:aporteta, and service constantly breathing down thel:r And the J ~ 1 wjll na7 , "Df<!, Jl(/t the .Sheriff paint trad...,.en will -ru. price Information With the omoe of Price "~~;..me tor•lt:n mllltery uelat- o ut to you that. t}fuj man wu 1M>l only a BeCGnO offender, lt1tiJl9ttoa. Muk Sh& ..... OPS price execuU•e announold today. anc• by the ·•. 1y I u S. I.a clear IJ\dis but a jumper of bail and babltllal morals offender'."" -,..... Wiii bo Jolnln&' oporaton <>< ,.,.,.......,te. lllHng cat«!. Again the D. A .. "Well. but ... " ""!-~-"""' and uoe<1 aUID rtrma. and retell mudlante. Tbe Judge .-ain. quoting lrom th Penal Code of Call-~.:! =~ tDed "'atvnento upon wlllc.b their p.....,.t celllnc laa den Greenleaf fomia, uMr. District Attorney may I ea..11 to your attention n.adUDu tor flllnf thl• IJ\/onnatlott and the lndualrtea concerned aection M4 relating to HabituJ Criminals particularly Mt· an .... toU..W.: Wins rress Prize ting forth the. ~bll8e of a chlJd. and f~ Mr. Dla\rloli IJMdllae Attoeta Kerulolloa FMM Bard•n Greenleaf, wlstent edl· Attorney •pec1f1cally on tb~t datll 1'>ben yao charged Mr. J,_.:ie ikrit-(e. J.. CPR ~• Sic-I _....,..,, or ceiifll'g tor or lbe On.n1• Cout colleg• Henry Ford McCracken wttll vloJ.tlon of Section 647 ·& roepalrlof. eteu1nr. -price char(<d eactt clan of Barnacle. wae award..t the $100 did you not read the law ?11 • .. atartni. proceutng, cu.tomer wtth OPS DI8s journallam echolanhlp awarded Again.from the D. A. "I ab ... " -.lllnsl TRJcT Orr:tell, I" 'W. eth annu&lly by the Newport-!l&lboll Pnw.s. The acholarahip la gtven From the Benclt. "Und.r 8ectioll IK7-. Mt. Diiltrlct · IJL, Loo Aap... 14• C&llfor· to "•nable a r....iunu etudent al Attol'My, Section one polnta ollt ~ery Ptnwww wtio llDll01ll nJa. occ to continue ror a eecond •~-.._,,, ._ ---' •-• L ...._ •·~ 2 Mu..t-~--~RH ;tOCo ~~ ~ ~ y•ar In journ&llom." or mo-... any CllJJQ • a ...,.....t auv; • pan 1 lzW llpCID .,-,. _........... "..-' m..--..,...-0 ..-~ J'onn Barden ll rormet edllor or the first conviction by • fidt ol llOt 0111 llq n.. lnul.k9d , .. ..w. DIKllCn'Oll, Office Newport Harbor Union high dollani or by imprieomnent Ill U.. count)' jeD. for llOt -or Price •111"""'"" Wuh-echool Beacoo and u pointing u.- ceedin& alx month& or by ~ .-II tine and lllqwllllm...t m.-., D. c. ~~=-= :tf':"'ck.piy A1'ID 18 PUN1SHABLE tJ1'0Jf 'l'lllt SllCOND .AJCD UCB '"" W lllJporC.-. CPR ll BIA!Um Pll ae aet -In pl•-.• abe a&ld on recei'Yln( S',__...UENT OONVI,_,_ -...-...... ---t °' <::!Pa h to lbe aware!. 'V~~ .............. D'&. .lmr~-.& ..... ll'Wftoo. 9lf ...... ee I'.,, *Ion THE !TATE PRISON NOT D."'lilil»W> -YJCAas.w -·""T -.... ·--''G&bo Baltlerra'a. trJell<llln-v , ..... u O'••• ........ 1-U ••••••. and Mr. Patt<'-'• deadlla.. And fro'!' the willp U lptlftoc::lltor u.Jd lDlpdr.-w-.r-'II. D. C. bave lnoplrod all my eltorto tlll9 on liehalf of the publle "A8d ~-·11onor wllat wu tbt ' · 1 Y••r. f woUld lll<e I""" cordially verdict of the court?" otlMr el'im4ill PN"ldlld for ID put oae ol tJdl code llpclO ~t!i = ~:.-;:e • • • "WHAT PRICE INFLA TIOR, • ' Despite Our Dislike of _Con~I~, The.-e Is Definite Need for QPS RobinS Ndm CTilt ..... /lrd .. : ..... •I I--....... ; .. ~ .... fili>dlT' . ~ "'""'*-fl# ... OJI/# •I M<I '$~), • • ._ · r ZL7 · · BF WAI.TD L SBEAI> f . f .:S .. J~GTON~~e Amttlcan people as a ~ pf h...Jr. r-.~l __ . ~ ... P·~-and the 1overrunon11.1 •~are •• -..__, -oppaoed to &bJ' --1Jed ~Uon, l!ltlla IA !hi. private:! enc,--tn• to• the bo of' ' buot~ u-"'u.. dlllleu. r : , · · I · ·~·~i-i ........ ;..., tM IOtll, ~'l'!:t i:..,. ~c lab the An!erlcan. _,. of . , d 1 , .~ kat. been 111 llllllR•• w "' • -plSf -a,. _,.. -: • ,._r•n.•:f. ,.!.. -~ oiti\uioady. lt --UMr -... llalitl • aw 11no .M ilotl'9 .. +illoe • .,, nau ....,. • time oliice 1 atarted II( tiie. hm -~-o al .. ....-,, ~=1a:... -· •t ap; 'ef ,<if _.. lb Bll!llioa ii! II ....... .,. _._ e.ere -p • a IMlt c!IJflpni~ 19? I hive -n many, -7 --al -·-lo -e:itiallft --~· chaif*"° ad I lhllllt llle Mrtt lllilo17 -u. pNpllr lia•e rt""' 1•1tt··• ii.e -.r liW.il!'I; Wr11 ,...,. Will -Jua u _,, • -ot 111* .-1r"1 rr.-ere and,.-. ~ w a. and\tlle Aact cba.n,.. Juot ....... tor a Umlted period In order to eOll otprodqctlob Jor farmers a.ld :ttable aa .,.,,, . proted lft•t.tr and 0\'tr-all tre.. bu.dneumen; to ellmtnate anp prt-1 wun•t 90 ~ 1 eotild d.mt.. 0.. ot ut.11' Imes ti now, vmprasiteertin& taeu~a. · It~ . a wllole eotumn an the ~ wjioo Ibo IUlllon flftl I ,...ve ptdL la&.. 'P«"lall<lf> a D ii o~r DI~ -of lM Cool& The aiU'l'eftt •trul and crislJ t111 dlltupUn praetlca . ~ M' Lkm.11 club l'llb l'ty. I •-.r beef!. nll'OnJtble fbr p1111•e b.r the abnormal m1rket eond.JtJon1 ~T W ed. .o hard, nettT wu ., tlf. conpe.u of the Natiena.1 Produetion 1e1rcttiu: to prolett C:ObS\fDlefil, ed never wu ao compld.•lJ Act. ot I~. an ac:t which esplru wace eamer1, investors al)d pe • aa with tbe .wccees. Of an June JO •n4 the eatenston ot whtcl sons with reJattveJ1 t:tx.e~ M .llmi • af~t 11' •bkb I played a 8hlall eonpe_u now 11 ln u., ~·· of d tr.icom•• ttorn un4ue 1mpalhn t debatin1. . of tbelr 11.-tn, 1-tandards; ~ pre--f . heud a feU.ow1 Wile> WheJa TiUe tot the N•tlNi•I PtodU.ctlon vent ec:onOmtc disturbance~la~r ODed b7' a cotnmlttff on kaa Ac:1 1ec. up • •1'•tem ot emuame, dlspute1, .lnterterenee1 lri efftf· • lo ty and J1'0~ aftilllltro. wa,e and prlce aontrol.I. Under tlve mo\Wz:allon or naUo rt• sat~ !'I belalig to no o~ pro!Ulon1 of lhi11et'llon. tbt Offle"e 1ource1 and lmpainnent of riatklnj'J ed pi.utlcal part)'. I'm & ~' ot Price St.abtllutlon wa.1 lnaueus unlb and morale." publ,can." rated b1 presldentlal order •• pro-Aetu•l.11. OPS h11 m1de •~ Thi& la Your V'rtendly Ford V'tekd in tbe aet. 0\01en to head up b.eadw11 tn curbinC the upward Detiler, Theodore ·Robina, -~ OPS 11 Erta Jolu11i.n. a Repubs price 1piral. The upward trend .of lnf ~bye 't.U net Week. llc1n, former two-Ume pre1itffnt et p)"'tces, baaed on the create~ mar- UMI UnJt.d Statel Cb•mber of Coms ainJ of profit.I in bJ1tory, ha• at mtrct, etar of O\e Motton Picture leaat been halted. And the bope of PrOducera a11oclaUon, and • sue· OPS is that the prtce. lndn vad\.1- cattul buttness mltn in bJ1 own all7 will be rolled back to 1ome- riabL where near pre-Korean levels. His-chlef Beut41nanu arc Mlehael Howe\l'er becawe of several fac- V. DtSalle 11 di.rector of price cons toi-1. mairllf the tffm•ndou1 in- trol. • succtJSlul m1nutac:turet ind crease ln Uae national tocome an• a toriner mayor of Toledo, a Dem· hi'2ler stand.a.rd. ot Uvine. th.ta ma1 oerat; and Cyrus ChJ:n1. chairman not be postlble. ACCIDl!:N'l'S IN RURAL AJll:.\a of a bl-partisan board o1 waae It rtlu1t be remembered that OPS 1t1bW.u.t.1'm and lon1 a 1ovemmtnt 11 onb one betor in curbin1 prices~ career man in the medJallon sec-Several other O"Pentloru are in~ tlon ot tbe d.-partrmnt ot labor. voJved. One la direct)y up to eo~ 'I'b4!11 three top men have named 1re11 UleU to drain otf exct!u pur .. dou.01 ot other leaders ftom b\.dl-chasJnr power ln hi&her tues. An- ness and tabor to important posts other is lhe function of ihe feteral arul have ML up •11trlct an4 re--board 1n cur-bin& in!laUonaq cied .. .aianal offices th.rouJhoul the coun-ilil such as i.n1tallment credits and try to carrp 01.1t the \erm1 of lhe cbarae account.a . .Another ii up to price end waJe control Nc:tlon, the treasury, in drafn!nr ott more based upon dect1imu reeched here purchasina power in the sale of 'f'ra.tnc acldenta in the nlnl &reao Of California llhowod, a ma.rked Iner-nae durtag the. ftnt three month!: Of 1951 when eoms pared wllb the same period al 1950; report. the National A~ mobile club. During t.be tint three montha of• i951 ·there we.re ~1 reportable accldenta, 9,'138 prar9ons'" · inJuted and 501 peraona,. JdJle<1, while during the a&me period ol lOM tbere were 5,.211 reportaa'lle acklenta, 8.040 persona injured and 381 pereona killed. ln Wu.hinJton and implemenUn1 defense bonds: the Intent of c:onarets. The besl And Lbe most Important autborll.)' tor Uae ln&ent of con1re1s the selt-4Jsclpline of \be In the Intense Productton Act ls ~ple themselves in ..a the lanaua&e ot the ac:t itteU: ~r' national emer1eac1. i'ot Is what con1ress seek.s to do in thlJ sell-Imposed restraint. tbe-1pro- eslabllsbln1 wa1e and price con-gram.sot ncine of these a:ove~nt \.l'&Y: a1encle1 set up lo protect the peo. ''lt i. U. l:itWoi el ~pa•a to pie ·will succeed. . ,. ,ro•kl• n1cea11f1 avtaeritJ to CThe following .arUcle wUI des.I athJe•• Che , followlal ,W.,OM• an with the •et-up and operation of erlller to promote the na.tlonal ••· OPS.) ·· U. S. WAUR POLICY . STUDIED .1 .,. 'C1 rs• , ... d..J.lr '6.fte I • ' , , \ I Lut week tl'te •uft..eo1'lmtttee on ::lrrtgaUo11 and Recla.ma~ •• ~t whkb 1 am c~an, COllllMllCed. atudies on the recommen,i.ttoaa for a natlDnal watn pouey made by the President's Water R.t~rcu J>oJ.Jey Com.mi.ton. TbiJ Cornmmlon waa set. up b y: the :ereakSent over • yn.r ap tO mak reeommenda.tlons whJcb Yo'04Ht <.larify t1le naw conflloed' field of -ler clenlop-7 • • 'n When drtvtng into areu with wh!cA you are .ftot familiar be on the lookout for polt.ed •peed llms Its, advlses the National Automo- bile club. City limita are ~ pl&lnly and by expectlnl' lbem and t.hen -)'Inf tile pooled ~ you c:an often ••ok! em..,,.._.. ment. add ptthapa dela)' in • !tt'9.Jlg~ cltj. · KUP lltlPPLY KOSJIUL Ir prov!s!.on ts made for'ca.rrytrt~ spa.re headlight tuae., the aupply should be reple,nished as rapidly u the spa.res &re ,used, .accordtn_g to the National Automobile club. 1'he suppfy, ot'herwtae, mq tJe.. come exhausted Jun at ~ Wrong time. . ..J PPIJf~~510NAl ., ~ OIRECTORY ~ ment and federal participation bt ~ local go\l'ernmenta can parli-ol!N'D8TS wa.&.er projee:ll.'lbe aubject la & cipate on a. ''ma\Chin~" baaia. . -I ~----------- very complk•ted one and ptoM.bly Mere Loeal. Aatlllort.(J' man7 mODlbe wth l"O •1 Hlott As a natural corollary of .l~l apeellic &ecu!alton 11 fotmw,&ated. and state partlctpaUon t.n wa.ter LE8Tl!:S A. llECKl:R. D. O. II. DENTlllTRY 1785 Newport Blvd., Costa Meo. Medical Bl<!r. Beacoa e"/GJ DOG E. Bay "Ave., Balboa Harbor 827-J One ot Ute recomm~tk>fta ~elopment, the local· and state made by ~ Pte81dttt.t'1 Water authorities should have a gfe&t¢r Pol1c:7 COmmlMlon W'U that there voice ln the management CJr the be local UMt .Ute ,.,.uctfMUOn ln projects. Many of us think that the ftnucbt• of tht!lte water dt:s the state and local people l!hou~d •eSOpmeat pnject.a. The Commits ha•e more authority now ~ !&oa appat1!'11.f17 &9d in mind coops they do. The state and local peo""e era.tlve llnanelnl' Of Water devels are themselves to blame to sorJ?c 11-------------' Opment projeCU. T'lt1a le at.I lnter-extent. Recently my wb-Commt~-P8YCHOL0018T utin& recommendation ln the t ee, wh!ch conducted a hearing on lipt of some of the acUvltlea in the dtetributlon of water tn the E110BNE f:. 'WAJIJ'LE88 Ca.lifom.ia. with reference t o the San Joaquin,, pointed out tO trie OflldMMe ~---I'd development of water by state governor and the state legislature · ·~~ lklatlom agen cies. that the state had set up r,,o· prO-~· . ~ .. a:::::,~.!_ F1ftannln&' Fonnula Needed Cedtlre by which the title to wa-i 7J. ,&; ,,_.'"# . ter could be acquired undet •late 8aat9 AM The plain ra::t is that nearly all Jaw when the fcdetal gO"Yermneftt fll. C6Sll ... n ...... , of the "rood" project.-those is scttng as a service agency tn 1 ·--~---'-------' easily tina..a.ced -have been bulll. the dlstrlbuUon of ·water .. , OPTOMETIUsts The projecl!I coming along now In tt 1s our be.lief that the federal C.Hfomia and ,ln. other putl of government sbould l)e nt>t.hb\g T'. E. 11.0EP!&I... O~ D. the we.tare aoln« to be more aitd more than a stakeholder ready to QPTQ• 'ETRISJ more exponalve. Recently a tlJUre dl>trlb(lte W&t., WhJcb Is one Of M . of $1.270,000.000 wu given u the U'le great natural re9Q'Urce. ~ ttU.. Ev .... ~ .&ppolatmetll amount necemrary for the P'eather state tn the di.rec:tion and in th; Ill• W. Newport 81\16. · rh'er dn'elopment. niiB is three manner the state 'Want.a that ito be Newport Be&elt t.imes Lhe a.mount of money lAe done. Btit a broader partielP.udn , '-------.._r_15_1_1 ___ ~ federal gover1tment has ln lbe b)' the state a.nd local pecn>le; ' · whole Central Valley Project. 1 the ttnanctng of· these ptojec have grave doubts u to the abtls wlU accelerate local cont"°'i lty of the state «c>Vernment.. much a stronger vofee , ln tfle mat r less the. ~local governments. to from the state le•el. c&rry the huge coat.I of one Of lhetJe project.I by t.hemaelvu. p E lo Howev •r. It should be poealble res~ mp yee 11 tor lbr federal and state covern-u-... _ -Sur ' MORTICIAN 8.IU.TZ KOHOUT LadJ Attea da• uo Coaot wpw.7 CORONA »J:L KAa OA,Y AND NIGHT l'llo9e -· u -lo -t1Ye17 ---l109J'n.nAC. !! tick'na """"' to e&rl)' out u.. -" ~· I ._, --eJop!DUt. Tkn-,.,.,. ..... &10.~. . ~ tare, JQOfe delaatd· _. MdJ' ..._ ,.,, ~ •71·1 ,•~ Iii~;,.., -.-ow-"'1 .,.~--Ml-"-lrt-.. -..,-'"-,-.• -,-,-.~.-. otud)' -1<1 .. rrtffll to llle -.. l'l"'P<><t BuW ....... ti .... ~ ' I .A.-7 -' ommeNllltloM ot tk Prmlthnt'9 ,..7. ti.,.,,. 1119 own la lP"'t· W--Pollq O " ....it7 liDlpltal -.. . aa. ~ . 'L"'UI -wru_•lle:alilti• -with. r....,..i to - -a.. _, --.. w · I JIO:WAD w. u oa1 puUdplllJGa 111 fb aailirs --Pw-1111* W I JMl'few,..t-., ~-~ prujadl.. "' fttlr ..... ts ,_ -.. flpleed apt""" ... ~ ·~ -..~.-·-.. ••-~-~tliat~~lll~ia;le~tt;;:-;•;~IW~ed~. ,...:::.· _;·:__J!.l -1..j ~:.;::+;:;' =======,=·=·~ .;'PEEr::>Y HA ".'1JF.; <:"OM["/?( IN~. The Justice presldinf WOllld tile l'Nll<>Y• llin lllact . ..,, wit11 U.., ~. or any put ~r · ...... tbereof, of a · gown of dlplty and nay "I ,,_,, IJl'OMtfotl" IDd tMie. :Jilld 11nder tile ... of fourteen ~ d1h'• '7 reqwt retire forever. · ••... Mall be pllty al a felony ucl 111111 tie tzap>1r 911 Herewith wonkt t.U U.. ..calit of j9ltloe, ·ot dlpJtJ ill tile •1te .,.._ for a mm of '"-... ,_,. to Ille) § slJAE.INSURE of tJae COlll'tl, the ...,1ct of law and order and U.. falllq 1/21141 DltrW& Klchlpn PD. Mohrtl8S Etc•.,,., liM/'7 s. curtUI> woald . mllff Ollt tlla .,. GI tin bl-nit eldld. • ' ' 111 ii; ao -: . 1 SPILOGUE, emNe n 11• ID. tarp~ ~II lk 10/ltt• lll•t llptloll, -tn"llutllll.l to tile •1111~ri•lf curtain of jaltlce oo tbe ~ ,... .U tD ._ die Q l • 1t 71 a • ..,.. · ~ ol tbe VlllalD Ht I) .... ...c:nct..:.-. . U/111• lsttd'c tl111P fll att-Mp .. ..,._ , '' 2/l!"~ ~ Anples l'D. • I I rt 19 .el' ...... t.. ol tile ~ D*Glt Br 91 fll Conwctla9, l'b:• .,., Ml ...... Se...U.. lu"lce Aet. · u ' 1· 1' 1 te t1te IM lfTIIDI)' ol a 1hw, .. ..,._ ~==-u. & 11an1ta1, _o t~ w .t.Mtl 'IMl111• ~ .. 1:-=1 ~1:#j=,:•bt1 1 m111&1u•-ml 9/l/• MJft'A AJU PD..• • 111 ~ -a.. .,.,_ maa n•v , ..... bd fHUC .. t,111/41. . ,..,,.. .... A-. p 0 a ·.:?•:? 11 71 f I ., !!'!!_IMJll•14 IH?M· ~Ill• -OaUt•8 •1 r' CWt • .. Off ti"r ,.._., •'1'" Ill Crab AG...._ Olm.DR• A P'0 1•.,. 1• I Jia.y p!;i;;;; ~ ..... olifhlb ...... ., -? M _, ll/21JJtl M!ft'A il.&, GIWft> JbltT. lewd or lucMou. ut 1M1M1tC ca1 otdte lllD MMatUllJrc 'tllltd <XR11ft'8 ,,,!!cl at-•nr: BMMrDr. ICUl.lll 1 t -·· - ~ .. -. -·~ . :'Its - -·01 StMH tll ' .,.. l W .. •s;I Paull 11 a ·• ••t•.,... a• ... .llwl••""" -~ • • • • , I I I I .· ' ' • . • A1an~:8ettyWh~R~ lhspirt Numerous · Social Events -· . J.. --tar . : ' . c...-,. pt S • ~ D eC -lacli hole~ guuto beln1 l"!""er ~ ~-...t.i._"" iflm ""'"rt 'ot ---Stanford •" ••Ulr. a ~ ~ .. _ -F • -· at tM-T""" 116'14o wlU1 -~ .1 ~ Wlllle 11 l'll8IJiWp ahowu, pven ~ Nancy and Ju• to~ .tJMa Yalll9*1' Aalllcw, S. flt dltb> Tbll; tee. and pt..-.1 .... Kr. _,.Mn. O•oil• L. .udl••O. er \-flll by Mia .__ ."Sill J'C'""' 0..-•I --Do,,.,.. of J'i1*rk!Ce, -,... m-. • -,......,.1111 •"!Ill try clfte 'were btaqllt •Ilea .,., ~ ...... b>i --· Ro-COoao ol Koeth BioD~ '14'e8l ... ta. tea afftD .., entertatne4t w.IQ a ._.. ~. Jme'I ta Olndt8 •Y ku. Bo?·r0 K!u vnit• l8 eecond pade J:.t:u ... frti.I• .r JleU.1'•-. teacllft at &lie llk!rra Ylata -e_r~ ,... -.a.J • llitehft lllawff In Loa Aas•• ........... I .... ,.,.... eq'rd•' p ... t. ... eoek· ra•e .• pu1.)' tor bd', ~ lnS ........ Qia ~ A.Gi~ tu. t,ewe&a. Sle ... p *'ated Sll>llq, --* a.. llride-alda rn-Stanford _...., when (C.la 1 dw .Nib•••· *tltr at tM 1he waa prominent Ln ~ua ac-., bdms;M • wl 00-w • BctMiily. tivttla:. A. clever .mall "-t laf1"-. Ja;:-to are· ,.a·t1•), II' P• a .,._ or, Betty aad bar (WlA broU.O Sob .,.,.. ... ~ -...... at• are fonaer 1.--. 8nlM tehtrst; Mtrbs 1 .'!!tu ot cha.mplo~. . B!lr~np111e, WUl clve the spin, Alan ra<ed SDlpq with Betty &tu dln.ner GA-J\llle 20 at the home many a time and la alto a blue '61. ber'paren~ Mr. and Mb. HaJ-. water sailor, handling the An· oW Cox or-Glendale. Tile. aat eve-dtew-1 .chooner Andale and ha•,,; ·-g. 'l'lwrod&y, wW ... tbe re-Ing a1"o participated 1n the llMT ~1&1, dbmer'h~ at the home of Honolulu race. He la complet.b'.tc' U., bride'• ~nts. hi.a tint yMr at medical ecbool. Put event. include the lunch-USC and la a member &t Nu Stg- e<m and kitchen ahowet given by ma Nn, med:fcal tratern1t7 and J'ean KcAlphine, matron of ho.nor, ot A)pha. Delia PhJ. Hta brother A.nUta 'h.nde and Suzanne John-Bob, who hu been UTing at Taft. ecm at the Sltlp Room tn Hunting-Will be best man at the w'4d1Aa. Silver Wedding Anniversary is Observ~ by Adrien Pelletiers Planned. bJI her ~ &ll .a . .---------'-~-­ deUgbtNJ .,..Prlae (or Mn. 4'4'f<n PeDetler wu the NC<pllon. hild Sunday at tlte'tr borne. qi Rmerald Ba7. The couple, toim.er reddenta of Udo lal.. were oblentnc 1beir ~th weddlnC anntvua.ry and everytla.i».g wu keyed to the all- ver theme. The refresUnent ~le waa laid with & ellvar cloth fe8'l0ened with c&maUoaa &Ad ailvel' i.e. and cen- tered wtth a beauW'Ul arrange- ment Of· pblJc roaH. Pink Ml8e9 mingled wrth eUver leave• 09. tbe 'ftddinC cake, topped wttb the baditiOftal miniature bride and groom. , Gin of Mr. Pelletier to hla wife waa a loTely box. cont.Jnlns a lft inch silver plate engJ'll'ft4 with etgn.aturea of all the guesta. some- Ging to be cherished and used ae a, unique "ttm•eraation piece" tor ~ to come. Adding much to ta.e oecuton wu organ muatc, played eoft}y u a background and Incorporating wedding and anni· •ersal'y 900p·. Among the l~ l'leats felicitat- ing the couple were their daugh- ter Renee and her bu.band, Ar- thur Kacew1cz; Mr. Pelletier'• ln'otber, Leonard J. PelleUer and bte wtte of St. Loula; Mr. and ?ttrs. Maynard Harm!. of San Francisco; KUton Ba.ker of Lo• Altos; Kr. and Mn. Thomu Scheid of Palm Bprlnp: Mr. and Mn. Wlll1&m Marble. d&utbter Sarah A.an and Mm Baird, Of Udo tale; alilo Mn. Pelle~·· pan.nta. llr. u4 Mn. I.Jonal Precour1t of Loa Ana:eie.; her brother and Uter .. ln·law, Kr. and Mnt. Leo H. Precount Of Whittier; her 8111ter, Ma. Norman Brown, Mr. Brown and their five children; aDd Mn. An.a. Pelletier, mother at Ule bast. Resulta oom.e from. CODd&n1 Pract!cal Al> at. ...-,..,, ID thl• paper will prodllce -tllr 700. "l'•aaa~tld.au Wak of W. . Nademal s-c7 u a •eau.6 '1.akiaa u'rather ci.aa Mn'illa u !"' • IPIUNO n:&'llYAL of t1Mt N....,..n f!<lri::I -ce--rrway wtUt ~ fiac'lt m1 't91 ... ...-. ·rm' tr' -11"9 ~ I .,. . Barbra Stovall and John1 Martin Say Vows in Candlelighr Riles The C<>mmun1ty Presbytarlaa c.burcb, Laguna Beach, WM aet- tlng OD Sa~rda.7, Ma7 28 for tlt'ht o'cloct candlelle'ht !'Itel which united Barbra &vonn• Sto- vall, daughter ol Mr. and Mra. cty4e IC. Stovall. 491 F\ower SL, Costa MH&, and John Harpet' Martln, son of Mr. and Mra. Clair G. Martin, "1'04 Via Udo ?jord. Udo 181e. T11ie Rev. Chariet A.at· ty aa.ld U.e double-ring Unee, the brlde being &ive.n Mi keeping by ber father. tor ctwrJ. deco~tlon.9. Prelude :a .. lc lDdUdtd VQC&I llQIOO. by Jo Aan ll&M~ a,.c:au.e. °"'!'11 tbe Teen and , Tbe. Lord'• Prayer. ~-z-~~c=-~ '"" the llrtde'a -·· -. fonn&I ~n 0-Ue ta.rue with cll&mpagne: ~cusorle• and tullfo bat trimmed In rrUneetorl2s : and Mr• · llu't.lA, who chOM & ~ quolae .nu.tuna fannal with la.cc bolero, &n&U:hlng at:ee.uoriM and bat of .Uver 1eqvi.M. Both moth~ en wore corsages Qf purple or- c.hlld•. Barbra WM lovely ln her candle- light wedding gown of heavy aa.Un. ~to lou:f -aet la noUIMI godeta ca the ak1rt and Its .... !M. Mid abwt the -yollo · W-•s OI~ o6 the titted "°41ce . ..lier belllrt--'1be · tour~ttcred · "'-~d.b:ll' c&ke ahap@d t11runet -,.,... eaabllOldl!red waa topfMtd wtth a. rnialature wtth Red pee.rla and held a. flnger-b't•e Nld l'J'OOm a.nd surrouaded Up IJJ.u.aioo vetL She canied a with ........ ait4 fern. MU.r abo•et ~et ol. ,wh1te,J'Ole:1 and Q;e. rt..-~· and Mr•. M•dV' ~ .!.p•anoi:a. cenlered 'with • 'W'blta r-\l>O m;it tu<:e;' It ....... - ol'<hld. ...-b7 M• -LH Krllln&. Taltt*ta and Nrt ualatecs' by Mtaa Margaret Btldge- J..Uu Margie Stov&ll aister of llUll). Mra. Anderton and Mra. the brtde, waa mald of 0honor. Rer Rtq aerved punch. Mias Krlllna gown o( l&vender taf(eta had ... aleo '" ch&Jge of the ru•st overaklrta of lavende r nf't.. match · ltook. and Miu ~1argaret Bridg - ing net nillta and u ectheut bead-man of g\[L!I brought to the dre11. Sl\c canitd a nosepy of c•urt:h. port ldloNl feurtll ,_. ... ex..ie • patriotic 1°"9Allla u Ulelr ~trtbuUoo to the Fe1Uval p~ (PreU Photo) Barbara Hoshour to be Bride . of Kemeth Smtt~ Balbotlsland· ' . I M)>. Md Hn. B.ar...,-8bMlr mocmccd the ..... mm& ot. thelr Boal.our-;-804 Summit atre<t, Al· da.,,.W, . ..,-.,. -too Ken• ~r..-~ N M rec.aUy lift-neth McRae Smith, 10n of Brig. ' " General and Mr.. A. D. S!nltb. . -" 911 North Bay Front, 'B&fboll la· land. Miu Hoshovr ta a paduate of Pomona eolleg-e and la now at· tending the Gradua1.e School of Social Work of the UnlveraltY' of Caltlorn~a. Sk• bu many · f'rtench 1 on Balboa lslmild. having •pent many of ber vac&tlc>na bere and both she and her ftance a.re ex· • peeled at th9 Smitb home next week. Mr. Smith ts a graduate of Stanford university a.nd la now attendtnc tbe StanfOrd l&w acttool. Hts ta.mtly !ormerly resided In Al- '-· a.n..al' bll&I> .. """' l>eefl alalloned with t)te. Army Air Jl'orce at K frtlllrld P'le1d. Miu Hm~ .. bour'a father la profeaor ot law Iii. .& '•'-.U..e....Un!v.eral\)' of N!,W ~1txtoo. . . , I ' t • • R IGHT AT ntt.MO!l(Dfl' •bee 700're !ootinl for • mlodul._ ~oble, ci....,,,., men:W. ni at •1Nal.17 realOIY'Ne price, C09ll du. briltW>dy scyled rug of Woimnd l(>Ull yllt& Par .. gnm.dooa srsTi spruce,._..,.,...., • I I ~ ttd, w~ lllae, cedar ~ ••• """ .... est of .u.1 .... Pro.;.a.t auipo io -'ti- color. This will auwer yoar problem -- beoucilulty I · . 12x1!5 -95 6x: 9 -•" • 9x1!5 -&2.liO u 1 -, 1'1.liO 8i<l0-.ill~--36-'!J!P '-~~ FAJJt PI.AV ON .HIGHWAY 'xl50" ~ • •• .a Invitations Out For Abel~ Taylor Garden Wedding Treat other driven and pede8-Nf WPO T FU' RN ITU RE ::,";" y":u. y;::,:1~:-:at~~: I . Automobile c 1 u b. rrtahtening • I (}poll Fri Y mvontnp 'TU 9 p. DL Frightening pe4eatriaJts w Ith quick slops or angry blaats <1f Ute 822 Coast llhray I lleaeoo Mi32 horn may cause confusion. that /l·----------i~--------------...: may result in a mlabap. Cqurtesy and fair pla7 on the pert of mo-- toTiM.11 can prevent many acci- denUJ. white carnation.a and yello""° rtJl8t9. For the honeymoon ln Yosemite Bridesrnald.8 we re Mlsa Jo Aan n11ey . the bride cboo8e a navy Martin. ti61n sl11te r of the brlde-blue ault, small navy and white groom; Mrs. Roland Chitwood and hat and mat.chine &C":ceuoriee, the Mla!I Faria Tomlin.son. Their costume complemented by her g<J"Wn.a d•plJcated that of the maid orctrid coraage. She wu g:radu· "lt:2:2:<eo>::!'.""1::<>::2:=""'""""'""""'""'""""'*""'""1=!1::<>:=*:2:<t::!""'"'ll of honor but were In green. while ated from Newport Harbor Union U their nosegaya.. WeC'f: of white. c!ar-lllgh &ebool. Santa Ana coUege nations and pink roaes. and returna to UCLA fot' final lnttatlone are out to i6'> IJ\ltnU tor a formal wedding in the P"" den chapel of Capilla de S&n An- tonio on Sunday evming-, June 24 . when vow• wtll be "peaLcd by Mlklttd Bn~ Taylor, 215112 V!ata Drt.e, Bay Sbor9 and Jo&l High Qua_lity ~rintingr-Ph. Har~ 1~16 'l \. ' fRHUCIBCHR WHRG Desert RC»e Pattern Pattern • ti Created in California • Franciscan Will .Not Craze e Decoration Under the Glaze. The New Starter-ette (2 MCh DINNER PLATE, BREAD and BU'rtER PLATE, CUP and • SAUCER). Tiempo -6.95 Deserl Rose -6.95 I Buy yo~ Franeillean ware now. Stocb are eom}llete: So lovefy to Wle, 90 _, 'to own. • Start your eerYice today ot buy your Ji'ill·im. AccUtlry p1eoea are ID . open stock. .. • , Rober\ Martin .erv.e4 hta brdth-ea.amlnatk>ns on June lt. She LB er u beat man, a.nd U4h&n were put hon~ queen of' Coat.a M!!aa. Jerry Alsobrook. ftobert Rill Bel.N!l. 1~7. Job'• Daughters. The fcov.bl ot the-bride) and Wantt M'iderrooro bi a graduate of A.UM.rloll. ,. lta.rbor high and Banta Ana col- C&Adkia ""1'11 ib&rtfd. Uu: cea· lege. He ls a corporal tn the Unit- ter aa.le artd eaac.wa.ry eandaJ.atiira el Statn Air Fore. and ta 1ta- "(~ MIJ ~Field, N . M .. ltJi'"lln.. Ul blP at home ~::dl!l~ -~ . . . --·". -Of 1dllte sJo4!oll, _... 'l'.f!YRA, Hol?ywood burleeque -and dolt>-. .._ quttn-'"lbla job la Juat one Jong cunNuo wlQ. JD&li:pa --crtad." Charles A.bell, 31 Beacon Bay. Mrs. Tayloe la formerly of San Marino and Utah. A.a her pareir\8 are decl!Ued. Mr. a.nd Mn. J . D. SnodfT'U.1 of Beacon Bay will take their places for the ceremony. Mra. Taylor"• daughter, Nancy i.e.. wW be nower rtrl and hff Ii.II.et, Mn. J.m.l. ~t<f" of · Balt'"r.aka Clt,y will be ma,,_ of -· ~ inC out Ole ll&JI and .....,,... lnl' for lhe centnon7. ~Mr. A.MD Mt fen:ael' ---.,~= store aad tftalil • Balboa 8-J c)Db. ~ to• wltll -!al.oil T he W&I lDdaltrial ~~~~~~~~ • at Santa Ii(--pr I EU, 1' with tr.. J-v.,...i -Ii the new Balbca t•pe1 otnce . • • T 6 Entertain Son and Family ... -Mn. J . D. "-'1 -d&Ucflltt, Linda ol Redwood City, wlU vlalLhla pannta, Jlr. and Kn. '/, K. ·""""'· ~ .... -. ...... do...J-· -~ for tae sn+w'lrw as. U'80 on ,_1,., ... ---. Dick Edward 1-ry. Tltey eapee& tO be here tor a 'ftOk. -xr. 1-ry ......... u,r --lo u.. .... nua--of Vldt.d Pr-. . AT •AJCW ••wowidUD J'n l' · • we rt• at i.-.. _ ......... Q111t1UU- au ' m, cc-t*. .... ... llh. -Mn. _,. .... ' • ' ' • ' • • ' • • ' I ) -I ' J PAGE .. 4·'-·PART "I -·THURSPAY,JUN£7, 1951 ~-~ .-'~-~ : . L7P 12i~;ituss·-B .. ANN BLYTH MH1 Marlo LMza ot&r m ''Tiie G,..( C..-." Tlllo mlllll<'&I port ... ytng tbe Ute of ~ world's c:"9teet t.eDOr ta cur~ rt'atly breakhq box off1ac reeonla la New l'erk, CMcacn. and Los AnJelN. It opeDed W-edneeday at the Lido' theatre and will ha\·e a .ax-day run. Leather.necks Stage Variety Show UathPrnecka fTom El Toro Marine Al;. Station and the South• em Orange c~nt:Y Red Croea have joined forces to produce what promlse8 to be one of Utt! finest varie~y ahow11 to be seen In thlll area in yellr~. , · "Owr tttr T op" -featuring u.e pick of l!'!I T oro'a talent -wll! be seen June 7-8 \,n the Santa Ana••----------~--­ high school audltorium al 8 p.m. The chl. according to tat. Lt. Hnrry K . Renfro, who is produc- in~ the ~how. will feature mort? than 50 Marines u well aa wp- plemcntary ac ts from Orange county, and surroundl nlf areu. F1ylfts Bulla . . Mesans Vote Water Bonds 'Fairview county water district "Carrying thf' musical load will I voters overwhelmingly a pproved be tht" El T oro Flying Bulb dance I a '325,000 bond lnue to finance band under the direction of Corp. a new water diatrlbution system ~b ~Portt'. who wu: featured 1 1 Monday w hen they balloted In the w11h h1.!'I own outfit In the New atfairmaUve, 228 to 11 . York aild NP\Y Jel"8ey club8 prior Poll ing wq at Main school. to being rccallf'd to a.c tive duty Le88 than a third of the 1096 lnl't year," l!'lt Lt. C. P. Lewis, eligible Voters in the dl•trict turn- "':ho us handling publicity for the ed out !or the vote!" Phow, announced. "Bac king up the "The board expttl.8 to proceed band will be every type of act Immediately," Chairman Har~y from fire l'&te r to torch singer." Aldrich said, "wtth adverlialng . BROADWAY -Now ' 60~:::.. • "SnMttJ9en Island" J~n Cbandler, .. ....,. K.,a -Aloo- "Flghti119 Coast Guard" Brlaa Doalevx JUNE 8111 "Flying Missile" Glenn Ford, Vlnera Undfon 8UNJ>A.'Y, •UNE letb • "hve Bells" -y.,.., -Aloo- _"He's a Cockeyed Wonder" Mlc-..kf'y RooaeJ, Terry Moore Srd &l Boob Kl. !-4640 VonUnuowa Dally From 1:15 SAc Ull 11--60. Evoalllp Nr;W flRS!I' RUN POLIOY -Al.o- "Stage to Tucson" Rod Canlf"ron. Wayne Monk A lways Two First Run Hitsf -C ontinuo us Doily From I : 15 p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p. m EVENIN GS Al.L C lllLDREN ALI .. Sr.ATS C:lllLDREN SEATS 35¢ 9¢ tax lnc. Doon Open I . Show Start& • 1 :1~ I 8:U .Jl.!"oi'E 6th "You're In tfle Navy Now" Gary Cooper. Jane Otter -Aiao- "A I Jenn ings of Oklahoma" Dan Duryea 14¢ ChUd,...n Fr'Nl ! Pbooe Under I! • J KI. J..6360 /I.NE IOtb "Go For Broke" -Alao - "Painted Hills" CHILDREN 1;NDER FREE Wllb httnt. at all 1% VRS. OabM.rt Theat'" ' . 'DDiNimWR n•••t•o MAlllO ANN LANZA·BLYTH ooaonrr lAUL\ KIRSTEN· NoVOTNA ILAJIQll THEBOM Mesa-¥'' ' . . WED. -SAT. FIRST RUN t:;;,.~ _SCOll~ -AND- • , NOW llllOWIKO o.. ........ _y_ Good lye, My Fancy -Pt.- F Al'HEB'8 WILD GAME • 8T A1Cl'8 SUNDAY AIM L&dd, PllyUJa Oalvert "Appoi I Ith n •••nt w Danger" -PLU8-•'" Fiim , ..... IUT NOD~,.,,~(J Open Evtiry 0&7" COM,lEn DINNlRS Frort1 Sl.50 «i SJ.50 TROPICAL · DRINKS 01... 1"' '"• m1, .. 1 ... TAH ITIAN SICYl:OOM F.l'f'e Parklas H•rbor 171 VJSIT THE NEW -HUT on Cout HJway, Laguna (Cl-4 TM.d•.,.~ Phone 4-8008 for ReM-rvat.lon. NOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX Snack Ii Cocktail Bar on the Pier IAlbmus CATALINA ISLAND J_:._ CACTUS c At. f'Y ~ ~t ll ,_.UT (~11~~ :i. Y 0 11o' ~f't~D!V AR Featun>d In the cut of the re-salP of the bonds." The board will -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;-, vif'w art' Songster Corp. Chuck act. he opined, at the June 12 .~ Jones, who has been featured on meeting. hoping to call for con- the series of radio ahowe recently struction bids by July 1. "With tt"!lru1crlbE'<f at El Toro and due tuck we can start construction by soon for release over a national September l ." radio nPtwork. Con•lract.8 for all materiat. with Heading up the female vocal cancellation clausea, have already .section la J>f'fl Gr_acie Hoffman, been signed. said the chairman. described a.s "dynamite with sex" Aldrich said that the district b)• those who have hea.rd her ren-wo1;1ld In effect ope-rate two water dltkins of H it Parade tunu. ~stems u the con11tructlon pro- Ano! her lop Marine performer cee<!s, with porllon11 of lhe new will be Pfc. Marvin Ludwig, who system put into Opt'ration u aoon df-scribeB himself M :·the poor as they are completed and before ma.n's Eddy Peabody" but la all of the work ia finlahed. A ma- clas..~ed as' a near equal by thoae jor part of the 7~ uaer11 wtll be ,,,:ho have ht'&rcJ. him. Ludwig re-::tervt'd with nt'W and ereater pres- cently appeared on &n Al Jarvis SUTel!I by next spring, he aaid, anrt television ahow In Hollyweod and the whole syatem 3houkl be in so grPat wu the reaponee to hi11 o~ation by next summer. act that he was called upon for Work wtU be conducted by sev- a repeat performance by the not-era! amall c~wa, working ln areu ed record splnnf'r. ' which a re mOl!lt critical for lack of HlllblU~ prenure and becaUBe of rotting Addlng the hlllbUly touch to plpea, Ald rich stated. The Placen- the proceeding will be the Bean-tia Ave. area west to P•<'lflc Dr .. town Four, a qua.rtelte with three will be the firSt portion to-be in- mcmbers from Boston and a vaded by working crew.a. fourth from Loulaiana. Despite the . Eaitern background they turn a neat mualcal .. nditlon bear1ng 1 SMALL FRY ROYAL TY the twang or the 01• weat ac -cuo,SEN AT FISH FRY cording lo those who have-heard ~ them. Jama ica Carnival Opens June 13 at Padua Hills ' Takin( their honors with com- mepdable aplom b were l."team of the yoWtKer aet. who had their own 1~&1 part tn the Costa Me.aa Fish Fry. Crowned ruler11 of l.he .mall f ey were JunJor Queen Marlene Daum, 17 ~ mos. old daupter of Mr. and Mn. Harry C. Daum. 208 30th street. Newport Beach: and Jack Wright. 18 month& old aon of Mr. and Mra. c. W . Wrtsht. Superior Trailer Court. Coat.a Mtsa. June: promfse.e: to be: an out-lft the Baby Beauty ~le.st. standing month on the calend&r gn>up A, ftr11t wu Raynell Joan or the M.exicJ.n Player11 at Ult> Laanie4 11 monUui., whose par- Padua Hilla theatre, with lhrtt ents are Mr. and Mra. Re.ymond s~ event• llsted·ln addition to J La.snick, 180 Roe.heater street; "Como SM-mpre:." (Like Alwayal. eeoond., Gary Laweon Carter, 10 gay coml!'dy of the: Tehuantepec months. eon of Mr. and Mn. Law-. regl~n o~ MeJtico. BOit C&rter. 470 Mapolta. Co.ta · First ~ the: popul&r Thuraday MUL Group B. first. . Diane eve.ntng sertea of 1peclal foyer Rama. 22 month& daughter of progr1Lm11, featuring a Mariachi or. and Mn. Gerald Rauaa... 2830 orchestra providing thia novel West Newport boulevard New- form ot native Mexican mw:ic, port Beach; 1J1eCOnd, Debra 'eox. 12 augmented with rancbero aonp months. daughter or Mr& J erry and regional da.neea by · the play-Cox. 22.0 Orange avenue. eo,ta er1. during dlntnc hOUTa. Me.a. Second ta the opening of the &D.1, The diaper derby ,... won by nu.i Jamaica outdoor carnival tn Jeffrey IA.rr&bee. I montha .on the thealre patio. echedWed tor ol Mr. and Mra. Orman LuTabM. June 13, wtth lively eong and 292 W~lnut Place. co.ta )lea: dance entutalamen.t. Mexican eecond. 8u.u.n Mae .. DoNq, 8 pmea and exotic retreabmtnU. month ~hter of Mrt JMeph Thlrd la th• flttb annual Sh&de Doney -8alrla .\D& U...ue Loving Plant and -Guden .-and thini. MartlA )hltnjean 7 of the Pomona Valley Branch '9f montli ...,. ot Mr. &Dd Mn..• c.0 L. the National Fuchoia Sodet;y, to MaltnJMi 192 Hnd -t. ~ be: held J~ 22. 23 and 2', tn Ute )[.... • , oUve gn>W adjolnlnl' tJ.e thMtn. 'Ollnta .,.-_,. -led by Kean..-hlle. "Como lllemp~" 1'» Brat llllop -P,oUy ~ "1tll It. tropical oett1q, -Ooola K-. cootumOQ'. ~ -p and -pecuJla1' to~-...... ------ glon or Kexlco. 1o ~~ ..,_ ~n,1111,1'-~ • ......,. ~ u Pia ..iy Ca.pt. J.,.... ID. warn.. . Jr. -.tbO&trleal ran. • UlllllC. ~ _.,.. -tllo "nle .-Wy of~ wOI ~ ~ llU -.:i.-"' be ..... =!I._, thnaP llat.-6iota-llelJ! "7; Ille 'wllf .. -unia,y .., -w..,._.,, 1'luiloton. ;t..ulde """ ,.,,., and Sa ~u.......,.·i.o..---­J-19, ~ u.. ~ bllltop piq· .Kaa. 7 ~ ,..... •·Ill'- -Mail ~t. .. ~ .. •·• at• OOoCa _.,,_ ~ • • • TV ANTENNAS Coll us for installa tio n or servicing of yo ur antenna • Prompt service by expert technicians • Low prices TI DE TY Harbor 208 RIOStuseWI radio! NOW IN DELUXE CABINET! "ClDCK•RlDIO Color t~T RUN! SUMMERTIME SPECIAL ! TtJy;sDAY NIGHT NEXT WEEK JUNE 19tb The Whole Family Mom, Dad a.ad all the Kldll Admitted for Only 60 ¢ WHAT A BA.ROA.JN: U &eaa,. C.a Oct It. We (M Do It: "Why C•n't you eet in the 1teblt like other horses7" JAMES E. SHELTON. L. 'A. ba.nker-"W e rpu11t not allow the p~eent emergency to become the occuton for loeln1r our Ame:rtcan : ht!ritqe of a !mi polltlcal and -Opportunity lo knocking In economk: Ufe:." CLASSD"IED ADS. • SPEEDY SAYS: I wre enjoy the fine reception I am having in Newport Beach and I guess I've done ·some good. BECAUSE I've convinced our factory that New- port Beach needa more new C&l'1l -and now we haYe them. • AVAILABl E FOR DE LI VERY FROM STOCK e Lulla you to Bleep, turn. itaelf off. Wakee Your Ch,. of Colon you to mwric atdom4ti«&ll11. If you doze oft, it • bUDelL Electronic Servant·turna coJr-m•ter, Pl YMOUTHS heatinr pads, 1ulila1Dpl, etc. OD and oft I . . 'B!a!VEDERES-1'-'Yvioutha emart hard top. autiomatica1ly1 Telil time n"1 in dalr. Fi-SuJ>URBAN~All metal wagon. ·• toned ,.mo. Stunninr, deluxe 1:-'eecheci s429§ · SAVOY~Tbe ·Delru '.Wagona:· mahocany plastic cabinet. Model li08. . • . ~· ~~ 00upell '~ Doon.and 2 Doon ~ Convertible -~ l:·~J*..... t ~ T,._ u LO... • .$6,00 do"j $U5 per ..e.i .CHRYSt EA'S , LES NO•T .~~~1=·~· ' . E:t.BC.•BIC .. . C"" '"II ..;. •'t Sat -...i .. .J. 1. ti,, dollar •o'll -· .... -4.ii. ....... ,... -..-~,.-~ .... l'llJIJ'.ril -~ DON'T BLAME FUEL· Another gasoline will not 1at- feet your car'1 economy if U\e car· buretor needs adjustment and it.he ' engine la otherwlle not perform- ing at pa.r, point.a out the N&t~on­ al Automobile Club. Don't blame the tuel until other poaible caUAe1 have been checked: f o r the GRADUATE 8""'11or MHI Parker PENS/ Wali,.te. Stationery Many otlter tterne COSTA MESA STATIONERS Be. 5213-R. t 181 Srwport Blvd. • • • R oss·1; s FINE JTALJAN DINNERS Also Steaks -Prime Rib8 Cocktails 16ll Ooast Blvd. Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar OPEN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every Wednesday • 1% Noon to . 6 p.m. • FREE • a.ti..ro0N8 •• Conce&81ons 5f • Rides 6¢' BATH HOUSE FACILrI'IES l'~OR MEN AJ\i'D WOMEN GENE'S RESTAURANT ~ BAXERY French and Italian Cul1in1t Hand O..Oratecl Weddlns or Blrtbday Cal< .. ·YOU'LL ENJOY DI NING OUT AT Phone Harbor 110% • '105 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar NORTON'S- .•AYSHORE Ri RESTAURANT . COMPLETE DINNERS -,..... "8~ In 'E.,,rytlllns ftal'1 Good" Pllone: BMCOll ITU Bou.n: lt a. m. te t p. m. . om.er 6 t.o t p. m. . CloMd Weda11da)'• 17th & Coast lllJh•y Newport BMch CHARLfY'S 1SE 'FOOD Superb S ~fo oCI By The Sea! . Lunch or ' Lunc~eons 1.00 Dinners • • 1.25 By -The Bay ~ ( .. afood Cocktai ls . ' p • fSeafood Salads , FOOD r T ~VT • . , 1135 CoGst j -~ to po\, on. ... Nr' --r--I .. • 'ME AR HES . CAFE and q' .OOH:"r4:Jll.o. LOUNd£ ', . t ei. OP,_ __ JO & 'ft'll•llliio: ... •• ' • j. ' • s~~ l1~1F~bam~~l~~~ ~!,Per-1fice to 19 lnclullve out or Nt'Wpo."t HulloT ...iua -·-Yldlt clul> at . r-Diego ~·&JI the hoat club. , .JClll c. c. Wbeeitt or ~-.... n .. t eaptaln or u.e N••pott Buj>or A tleld or app........,.telr oo ti.et, announced that Ule regatta will lie "l'f'-red by Ule Newport -to 'trom ' 8outlwm Colllwnlo Harl>or neet of the M•rcury Cl.., · Penpln fleeto lo expoet.od at Ban Yacht Ricing A.aoocl&tlon. Tbe MtKW7 a.. Yacht Rae· Dl•C!J June 18-11 !or Ille third .,., The races will be _t.eJd on aa ln& AunclaUon. ...,. founded tn Dual Wear cout RectonaJ Pen· outolde cou.,,. etartU!g off Ille Loo.,Angelee In 1HI ..,..i originally CUln cbamplonllllp reptta. The Balboa P !er and all entrlH mu.t ~ed of flHta from Loe An-colorfUJ tePtta wtll M raced OYV be tn the hands of the race com-relea. rr'-io. Merced and Mode• " two--mlle San Dleao count~ mitt.ff by June 18. lo. Slnee then neeta have been nanJted .,,. 801!11.lC Barbqr Drive Tune·UPll will be held .81111da~., chartered In Newport Hvbor, s... """ a tare• .....,tatoo' 'l>oat J\Jne 24 . folloW.,S bJ live ,...... Pedro, Beheden. Carmel. Red· Arnone the mtrlee from Bal- 1tartlng at 1 p.m ... on the 25lJ> wood ctt7 Honohltu. Vallejo and ~tn neet expec:tird to compete through the !lath.· Saueattto. • Annual cbamplolUlhlp •t San Dle~o •rt Reed Bcot~ lll:!CI r;.,..1;o Lloted repttaa have '-o held alnce 11147. clul.lnplon. Bob Woodward, Chuck Tb.ta year at. teut 10 neet.t are Wu.on and Cba)'le• Rooi. ~IW. expected to enter lhetr bel;t •ll· ~ fleet bono1'I laat 7eaz by tall· 'Ort and COIJ\pe:-UUon will be keen tnc tour of tbe nr.t nvc pl&cea. and touch-'Ibo Regional Penculn ch&m· other, ettnta will be the open hou.e at :S p.m, Sunday, June 24.: beach party a.t 7:30 p.m. on Mon· I Rise to Remark ·-day. June 25: t>u.slnesa meettns wt.U. be held at 7 :SO p.m. on Wednetld&y. June ZT: banquet at I p.m. Thurtday, June 28: troph,y preaentaUon Friday, June 20. Thf' Mercury sailboat was de--bJ Beprl!•e•tatl•e Jolla PMD1p. signed by· ~rhC'.al Nune• of SauaaJ-1 have Juat thought up an ldea Jto in 1939. At prPMnt about 340 for a record lb.al would eeJ.l Uke ot theM: boats have been built and "hot· cakes. On CtrOe •lde Marp.tet !lte u.llrd by groupe ln localltlea Truman coukt •tnc. "Old Soldler• aa dtatant u Honolulu. New York, never dle," and on tbe other aide Acapulco and the Vlrgtn Iata.nda.. Me could .tng that popular b&IJad plonehlpg at San Dlqo will be a prevtew of the NaUonat Reptt.a September &-0 which will be •lied ln California for the tt.nt Ume. The winner of lb• regioaa.l. raoea here wUI be given the honor of .electing the locaUoo tn Calllomla for the national chtamplonahlpa. Mrs. H. Y. Wtwdemann Dies In Hollywood HAROLD I. JOHNSON ~ 1111 Vllla Wa,, Newport a..clt 40r the. MONEY Uw ,.,.1 ,,..., N r"·pori Bea.cit .... btro Cui lw lnr• '•I POJIT Hl'RON, •UCll .... ,J4.C."8 Sfl;l'HLIEHIEM, PA. .. 49.M ASTORIA, ORE. .. l&.!3 &.ELLJNGHA.\l, WASH. .. J O.TO ~IA.RTl"1, TENN. . .. :16.66 0..... w..,. ~· •u-Saw IOS 011 ltrl.. Tl'(iJ ./Or the. SMOW EQjoy the"ahow"on picture book h.ish••Y• in air-conditioned com- fort. Go one Wlly,nturn aDOther. Stopover• anywhere. See more an your vacation-byGroyboundl Tr•vel 011ywhere. 1a•ve practJ- cally 011y time! Your bUJJ ia wiait. inr-just peclc. your bee and so. Con1ult Greyhound A1ent about U.S... Canada. f.tu..ico vacation• I 11111!.. (). C.· --64211 I ot about the flrat decade of tbi11 century, "Don't lhoot the piano player. he'• doin• the bHt be can" • • • With that ott my chest, 1 turn again to the lntalllble logic of thf! regulation.. of t.be Offi~ Of Prlce Stabtltsatton-OOOPS to ~-l know of a man here In Wuhinl'· ton. of Quaker background, who bu built a nlce Income through a aervlce he devtloped tor govern- p1oyea. He bu taken ~r old hOUHJ:, t.be ta.rp ones with many room•. unttl be baa comfortable accommodatlona fOT' l!n'eral hun- dred people. He turnlM.he• room and break.fut and dinner. 'lie" llke• to ae.rve a good meAJ and a leg ot lamb hu btt:n one of the lteme lrregula.rly on ht. menu. Under OOPS the price cetl- lng on lamb he.f'e la 71 cent., one cent allove Ule regulated ceillng. · So all our ftie.nd te required to do to to ftnd a butcher wtllinc to edl hlm lamb at a lou of 1 cent on each pouad. 8kange to aay. hi• butcher ls occuloftally willing to do Juat that, probably becaUM owr the yean he ha.a ~n a good cuatomer. I If hle board.en can't have lamb. 1 they'll hear from aome bureaucrat t that there ought to be atrlcter regulation. Thil a.bow• lbe abwr· ditica Inherent ln controls, when the M>lutlon In a free government iJI production. Why doo't people thlnk for tbemaelvea ! ln the decade ~­ I tween 1940 and 19!W>, the popula- 1 Uon of the United Stat.ea lncrewed a litUe more than 13 per cent. Yet in the la.at five )'Mn &lone our national produdivt.(¥ llM In- c~ _,. _CfCl •au Ma to· creued T3 per cent •lnce 1939. Theee lncreue. cover gOOda of aJI kJndl and the lncreuee are Jn lerma ot phy•kaJ production. not In terma of lntl&tlonary dol- lara:. Pleaae note that. It tollowa · that even It 20 pe:r cent of our grou ptoductton I• ta.ken for war purpoeea. u ta now propoeed. the American family, wtthoul any controla, will •Lill be better off than It wu In 194.9, and much better ofl than It wu In 1939. It la contended that tbe Ameri- can people are lpCJldlng more for goods and 8'1rvicn th.an they Jlkt ln 19-48 or 1939. That la true, but aak any hou.ewtfe, or the pronrb- la.I nlan on the •lrttt and bolh wtll teU )'OU that pruent ln!l&ted prlceJi reatnln thenl frttm buylnc more now in quantity than they did In the earUer yeara, even though good1 arc plenutul Price• are high and are J'Oinl" higher. not becawie of llhortagu, but be- c&UM of the inflaUoM.r)' policy of the Truman admln.llit.ntlon. Oov- i!fnment 9QU&ndermanla. and a failure to apply orthodox. curbe on credit expanalon, caualng the troubles and prtce cont.rol8 wW not c:ure lb~m . Tiu. Inflationary policy h .. booate<I prtcea, even though con- 1umer plpel~ are tu.U . M.er- ch.a.nta are troubled by IDftDtonn. AdverUalnC" 11C.beduJe1 are belng expanded. We read of a price war In New York. Food I• available and more • belna produced. There 181 not a atncle ee.n.mble reuon to juattty, at the pttee.at Ume. ua extemton of the Deff'.D8fl ProducUon Act of te:K>, .under whJch OOPS aeta. We may need aoma allocation powen, for war material& Tbe De:fenee Produc· 1 lion Act abpu)d die a quiet death on JUftfl aolh and 8hould receive a decent burial ln the heavy tome• of th@ U. S. c.od•. BYC Vice-Commodore Convene Wurdema.nn 1-nd Mra. Wurde- mann. 209 Ruby avVlue, B&lboa laland. recelvPd word early Wedneaday morning of the death of the former'• mother, Mr•. R . V. WUT'dcmann, who made her hOme tn Hollywood with her. daughter, M.Lea Helen Wuredman.n. She le &lao survived by a fl'&J'd· daughter, Mary Ellen Armstrong and great grandaon, Sherman Converse Arm1lrong. Funeral lt'rv1cea wlll be he-kl at 2 p.m. ll"rlday ln St. 'Thom&3 Epl ... copat church, 7301 Hollywood Blvd. DEATH NOTICES Karl C. Burdick K.a.rl C. Burdic k , 78, of 108 Ruby Ave .. Balboa J1land, died In Santa Ana Community hoaptta..I June l. after a long lllneu. A naUve of Pe.nnl•ylvanla, hl!l had been " re•ltlent of the Harbor &rt!a for the pa.at 18 year•. He I• •Urvtved by two ltOU. Harry C .· of Co.ta M•M and Don · ovan of Balboa Wand: one daughter. Mrs. Ruth 8 . Schone of San Diego; a.nd tv.oo grandchll· dttn. Funeral aervlcea we~ held Mon- day at Grauel chapel, Coata Meaa. Rev. P. 0 . Ntuma.nn offl clatin,. Jnterment "''a.a In Wealmlil•ltr Memorl&l park. • Georr 111. rau1 Oeor~ M. Faul. 302 'Ea.at Ocean Front. Balboa. dlflfi June 9 In St. Jn&eph ho11ptt&l . He wu 89 years old and la aurvtved by one aon. Dr. Faul Of Hollywood. Se.rvtcee wfll be held JJaturday •t JO .~ m. ln Smith and Tuttle chapel. Iii! North Broadway, SR.nta Ana. Jn - terme.nt will be private. .lettJ t.... Shafff'r Funeral eervtoea for JerT)' Lee Shaffer. 3 montha. aon of Mr. and Mra. Donald E. Shafer or 1892 WhiUler Ave .. Coata Mesa., were held 3 p. m. Saturday ~t Mac- Doup.11 Funeral home of Santa Ana. .. I The boy waa born ln OolJen, dalll'l. Wuhlnglon, a n d w a • brought to ca11rorn1a by hi• parent.a when he wu a month old. In addltton to the parenta. he I• aurvtved by a 1later, Donna. Rev. Gerald Bash officiated. Interment was In Melroae. Abbey. Bait Ordinance (CoathtDOd """' """' I) provide that al1 recel"f'ere, wheth- er tn the waters of the bay or aboard commereta.I boat.a enpge1 In catching and tran•portlng lhf' bait ahal1 be covered at &11 lime& except when a.ctually loading or unloading •bait. Both ordinance. provide that no penon lhall · put, plac.-e or aJJow to be placed ln the unconfined wa- t~n of the Harbor ltve bait except wben actually being uaed for bait In flahing. The ordlnancea further provide that no dead batt aha.ll be dlapoeed of tn the b&y . Both ordinances and petltlona an a ruult of the r-ecent attempt ot Oie bait reoeJver operator• to have paa9ied &n. emergency ord1- a.ance for tbe control of recellten u dratted by them. The ordi- nance wu prel!llel\ted at an e,c.e- cuUve ee1aion of the City CouncU and held ln abey&na! by the coun- cU eo that the public could be Informed. Maay C-plabola CoMlderable compl&lnt a.bout the nerrant abuee ot be.It .hold- tnr prtvUeges &nd or dtachargt.ng ...._..._ '-'----n b&Jt tnto the Bay an.d t.hu• at-~!! J TV'J1lr tra.ctlnK l&l"f@ .watm• of _.RUil• (ClotlU... ,._. Pap l) ln the an& hu been heard. Home-- 1 E. Almond. ~;·Bernard flea· °"""'" and boat re""J""en have man, 22. '" 8. Oaruey, Banta eomplalJled that thl cuJ.11' drop. AA& and Paul Kellen. 19, Kidway ptnp rota """"' ,,_,y outfitted City, all of -,.... unhllrt. Mto boate and tbal tn.111nm.1>1e Mt• Ando.-.,... &lope 1n ber paint Ud ftniloh jobe ha" - car. 1'llUTOd by the plloL 11(,-11· state ro.-Joo 11e11enn&a .u. on baft' eompl•---t11o -that the' -.... tho ,..u .... t lo -to ha .. ..u.. !Int -Ill 20 y.,. llm>IW.. a -........ and opa(led plaate 1lt&te ftn· UUClt "-the Onnp -...... Md !Umllu.te of ..., ~ troati-.-• 8llO "' .....iNd by -....... ta. 'nl• -.unit-dNftlllC the - JO-. Ud Mn. Alihory .._._, ot ---cm boluil4 of Ille """"' auu It '""""" Aft.. A•Mlm; --. uc1 ~ .. _, .,,....., n,.. --., ~ -tan la~ "of It dll WD· or ~ aa11 ~ All· -~ w-w . ..,._ r•- diu-11~-; -pand---• ~ .., Y.1-flt •• ,..,., The il!l? mitt. et., ......... J¥ .;.. zs'irr•• ~':•ou.r. mpn • er ?a 11 ., II• .. AM Nwe tt AMI •• · 0111 'c Ne 8PnU> a..-..... n~ ·a?',, st ot _. .... ,ti W11r't _. ~ I.,., 4, r m .. ~ tW •Fit ) ... Fl ........... --- --m ~ w11 4iill'"dttl • _... • i ' -• ~ .• 80f.l>lEB 8AlL088 -A t1oq11111 -wltll> • ..riy -Steplooa A. !!allo ... lt, Ill l""'- ·-NPWJ>OrS -to-..--.. II.lo....,.., ealll-t In II>• U, 8. Air Fo..,.,by U ()ol: Harr)' E. Wlllanl, esecutlve of-ef Ille llouUtem ll«orultlnc District, Loe Ancefee. Y-l!UI· on W the to• of Col. lob I-IUlora. cit, eepepr of Newpori lktach a.nd promlnellt la 0l'U'I"" com- ty (llvk-attain. A.JI oLdN -.UWr. Sp. JoU. J. Sal.lo"" Ir .. la ataUolled ~1th the Air Force bl: Liie ' Far Eaatrra Air Force otm.,,.M.. SAILORS ARE AIR FORCE f AMIL Y :;;t.·-·· . Despite hlll nautlcal·aoundlnr name. Stephen A . Sailors, 19. come• rrom a 100 P"'"r cent Air Force family--4Uld to continue the tradition he enlll!ted rect-:ntly at Santa Ana U. S. Anny Air Force recruiUng ' station. 2021..i Wt•t Third lrtrttt., ror four ye•n in" the rankJi of the alrm<'n. Young Sallona I• thf' eon of Col. J01ttl J . Sallora, USAF (rel.), ~l9 Irvlnr •trt:et, Newport Beacb. city manag"r or Nnrport Bea.ch and promln<'nt In Orange county clvtc atfaln1 Col. Sa.ll<>ra hr a member of lht." Sixth Army Miiitary Ad· vl.aory commlttr-e of Orange coun· ty. A Yt'teran or 17 )'e&f"& of Wt· \•tel', Col. Sailors M-rvcd with the 8th Air Force ln E,rrgland durlng W orld War U . mand. Hla bi-other. Sgt. J ohn J. S&llcJra, Jr., 21, ha.a bet-n 1tallon· ed thert u peraonal chauffeur to Lt, Gen. Ge-orge F . Stratemeyer. Commandling general. Far Ea.lltem Air Force Commantl. Big broth· er John wuted no time in sign· lng up for the Air Forcr follow- tnc hi.I CTaduatlon from Newport Be&ch high echool on<' and a half yeara ago. Thi-new e.lr fore" voluntrer CT•duated rrom Newport Bt'ach htgh school In Junr of la..'Jl year The new alrman. who kft for bulc tralnln1t May 20. will find a wann Wf'lcomt' lf he'a la.ler u- 1tgnPd to lhe P'ar l!:aatt-rn com- and attend!'d Orang" Coa.at junior ."-'""'""" oollcsf' until rtcently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Methodist Church Women Shower Bride-Beet lJlora ·10 Thompson Colleen McDermott Wins Scholarship Thr Nf'v1port HarOOr Bustnus The bright confetti of pre•-------------and Pnlft"f!fflonal Women's club Helen Pohlman, Wiima .M)·rehn. prf'sentr>d lo Collel'n McDermott of Violet Ca.uela, Nora Lange , Jda ~1 0 TUst1n Ave .. N~rt Height., Black. Maude Maxey, Margaret ilil annual scholarship aWi.rd at Lons. M•rtha Moore, Aimil Holt. thi> NPwport Harbor high 1ehool Kate Hlrtler. ,Clententine Shotwell. service point banquet, held on Frt· Ann Ulley. Olhella Crane. Laura day, June 1. nuptlal partle• la swlrllnc about charmln l;f Thora Jo Tbomp«>n. whoae wedding to Edward Jervey will take place June 12. Thor& Jo lt!I the daughter of Rev, and MnJ. JOMph H. Thompeon. 124 E. 20th St,, ea.ta Mt!ea. who &re Jonu, Nellit Ogden.. Zude Hall. Thi1 award hi given each year Ethel Rbodee. Mabel Jamee, Ber-to an nutatandtng girl gradu&tln&" nice Hadley. Pa.ula Sandborn. from Harbor high, who de.lrea to Maude O&vta. Ruth Allen. Clara continue he r training for either M.cMurtry, Jd& Spaulding, Cer-•a bu8lnea or profemlone.1 car«r. tnlde Edick. MJ.uea Virginia The •tudent chOll('n to receive. tMa Compton and Mary A.nderaon. award li! selected by a. joint com- eo widely known .. Two Men Hurt As Car Crashes Two men were lnjured when Many lovely g1tt• &Ad prac:tic&l ones e.-" well •ere ahowered on the pl"Otlpectlve brtfie at a 00.· pltallty F'nday, May 23. when Mmes. Ruth Barnett. Velma Co mpton and Allene Chrt.tf:fl80ll formed a rn.elou• t.o.teu tno. The a!talr. to whlc4 &JI worrien of the Costa Meaa Community Church and the WSCS were bid· de.n. found eettlnc ln the church cbapal. sfendlnl' p.yly w t t h fe.a.thery fern on the rnanteJ and piano ~re red and white can:ra· tlon• while white and American Beauty toned gladioli \...ere uaed lhe.1r car •truck a Southern Call· to artllrt.lc ad'Yant.awe in flora.I ar-fom1a Edi.on Co. guywire and rangementa elaewhllre. pole. knocked down two parking Bridal GIUD8 me.ten and ra.n lnto the aide of a Ke)'ed to the theme of romanoe bUildlng at 1300 Coast Hwy, New- W'u a eerie.• of pmu played, po.rt Beach at 3 :3-t Lm. Wedne•· priau going to Mrs. Loli Meek day. and Mnl:. Jean Inman. Marttlnc Police aa.ld the two m.en injured prize• ln a recipe c::ontut were were Pe:Uy Offteer William T. Mr1. Helen Brown and Mn. Hearne of camp Del Mar and a Regna Rea. p-..cer. Ooc&r Word of C&plp The honol"M and her mother Pendleton. Both recelwd poalble wore corsa.cu of l'ladloU prtMllt· trutured rtbe and ahock. They ed them by lh.e oo.t.euea. were ta.ken to the Marine Corpe Tbe retreahment table. spread Atr 8taUon at El Toro for treat- with lace. waa espec'-11Y attrac-ment. BuUdlng owned b;Y J . s . tJ"" with Ito CC1t.n.I moW of Barret\. wao vrtenalvely damaged. mln.lature brtde and bridepootn The broken pywtre on the SUttOunded by aweel peu. Mrs. gTOUDd acroea tbe hJcbway &1.moet Compton. pruided at the punch c&u.aed an accident tO two other bowl and Mrs. Ba.nlatt poured ¥flhlclea. A police car and an un- tea.. -identified butane truck were u- lncluded In tbe cuut com.,..ny pooed to 4000 volte of eleet.rlc:lty weni ~ea. I>a.lq e e n. ~ t t t. wben Utey "'"" acrou the broken Cleortla 1 Ora-Groee Bllllnc. pywlre ohortly arterwud. Sparks Cl&ro RoUJna. Blandlo ~ !low In all dlrectlono )>ut no one Lorene Wotte, CaJOI • ~klo. Wu b\JUred. Tbe ll:dloon company Lucille ~ -Bl.,,.., WU .ailed .lo repair the llne • mittre ot the Bueineas &l\d Pro- fe88ional Woinen's t:Jub and Ute high echool faculty rnembera. ·Thf' rund1 for thill M:ho~tp 'and for the Buaineu and ProfeNtonaJ Wo. men'.! Student Loan tund at Har- bor h igh are raleed through :the ticket Nle1 From the club's an· nual Chrlltma.a Preview. Mi81 McDermott expect.a lo be! corrle-a laboratory l.et:hncl&n and will 1tart her tralnlng at Orange Cout. college in the fall. Virgil Co ff man to go Overseas Virgil Cottman. amt of Mr. and Mn. Ed' Coffman of 1627 Santa Ana. avenue, Coeta Meea. hu ~· pleted a 17-doy !Urlough from Fort Ord wheJlfl ht! bu been •ta· tioned &Ince jolnlng the Air Force in the wlnt.er. He will report -to Camp Stoneman and await ordera for owr11eu duty. The young aer- vtceman wu wtdely entertained on hi.a leave home." TO LIVE IN W&Ji'IU:K Mr. and M.111. Robert L. An· dnWIS anC:t baby, Wl\O have· .. ~ reoldlng In Toft. Wiil 1>e at boan1, tn Whittler after JaM 16. I&. Andttw, la son or )tr. aria· Mra. G. L. And~i of Col'Ona ,id ,Kar. -~ ........... -."1-1-~ 71 PLNI!-. -lutQ ! .' I$ e m wtll --OF ·---Ni!l ....... ~._ ... .., .. ,. ~ --......... _ .. , ~ I , • " AY,JUNE 7, 19,11 J I ... I ·s·s~~ . i.. . . • ·~ ,, · ... ' ......... .. .. ' ,,. .. ---: ...., ....... ., ' ,· l'rldai Jim\. llaturita>; 1 ..... auwsay. · " • . I 0:26...a.,m... • ''"·Ao m. 1:11 L Jn. 3:2' ,·~ 1;c7 a. p.. -.ui ·a:o ._:~. &:1&.p. ... • . 1 u ; a.a • , • "f:l!O ... 11t • . fA. ..... • .. :14 " .... a,e; '-• ;. a:li a. Iii. •· 0.2. iu , ~ · 7:111 P. Iii,"' · lo " , .... 10, Konday :·,.. u • t.1 "' 1:1!1 )>..... ~ .. 4 :21 p. m. 2:87 a. m.. •:U p. ';"· J;14 p. ,,. 5 ::U p. ID. G:ff a.m. a:a&.p.m. U a:ap p.m.. S.T s.a I ,9:42 &. m. t:& !.3 1 I 11 :18 JI. rn. • . s.1· ~1 June 12 w~ I .June 11 3,3 ' 10:%T L m.· j,( ?llred&y .June 1• I 4.8 1 3.2 11.3 0 :18 a. m. 11 :12 L m. ~ .@ 1(f I • ._ rcu. qCJ~. MOON ' . J .... ll .,_ 19 See WALSH FOR Complete St o c k of Porter.Cable Electric Tools . . . Goodall Pratt Mitre Boxes. ... Stanley & Miller Falls Tools LAST 1QUA&T~ I June 2~, !'<SW MOON · ~uJy a 1844 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Beacon 6603 u 1.t BALBOA TRANSFER CO. AGEN!l'S FOii Beacon 65.53 l .. ij Storage Local and Nafion-wh:Je Moving ' 0. I:. llkNil!:L -1113 HARBOR BL VD. G. C. 8ENNrl'J' I STOCKS • IO!"DS • COMMODmES UNDER.WRITINGS DEAN WITTER. & Co. MfMlfis N!W YOll« SlOCC EXCHANGE I I CMcilg• IMnll of,,.. . . . Saft fronclac:o Stock &dtattfe L9t A•f9Ml S,Jo<.k &citoft:g• 1£UfD PFIYATt WIW -fff i.ewoa lloadl Bldg., l.Acr-lloadl PIL &-1161 See ,,._.KO... • ·w ~' • r--Yort: • s-rtt. T~rilti•~ THOROiUGHIRED •I aACIJ •.tllT ,.__......._,.;,-,. ............ ,J ... " • • • ., • • -PART T ...;. ~~Y. JlM 7, lSff 11111 • f ~PRESS-ii 't•o 8ARGAIN8 .... -Jr I l'IJI> W.. .... -...... 7 .... , • I ~ C,LASSIFIED ' 5 • ~-• M6'!lf °mrie TV. D 7 Fl ··--7 fl•• • -... ·----~ llQll ... 'rY -..... tr .... Th. Mighty Midq.t-,In Advertilinq WAJ'ft a· 1rlrr11 a.< ~ .. ' e _. ,. - , NEWS-TIMEs -Eve-Tu---~&.y =~ ':!f .•ll.!":•:J ~ ~'*' ..,.. 0' we· 1 • ., ll>IMI-~--Mr .. •u a I ---· ___._,,. --,··•1 • NEWPORT BAY POST_;WecJnesda:v-, ' -au..I,.. ... ;;,,.__,_ NEWPORT-BALBOA PBE!IS -Thundayw u-----.-.-,.-------II .SP _,_ .. , . '1»9' -COAft'WWA"( Newpaot _,. P.i.t ~ A.to -na u. tbe Tartt7 -li.. - - - -· -· • · -•l'Ultl ••ca · . N'-.,-ff Den..._, I'!-~ a -·-Mii L, 8AllY 'fht+Me ~ , . llIN1ll1lll AD 18 I Ll!fl:8 . -PB. U•cmt Im\ • AD~ .. -moat"" Jlllld ,., CMlt 1a -., ..,-.... DA VIS-BROWN Co.1 _________ ... _u_ .. 4 Unes · 1 Paper ' .'75 WAJl'I' nwM& II -W••al:9 -.n>. ', -••• • o. -wJea, JC ''h• .Io..--1.JSO ·11!cit;to11!1'~i-~~1~-;·~ISl'~J~~t1·~~~0i"Cl1191'~.A~-~~·~~~; .u.t. ... , .. <>Ml u• ..._, ·--~-... -......... ,,_. --........ Jl8.Tllf\' ... 4 I b11 S Papen .!.00 .. ,. p·· I ,._ MO -tr ~ i. er-ti". ,... Tbe publlahen wllJ not be reepmudbie for mun than one lncornct. WA1'Im>-W..fallif ~...,.. -·-••-a;tl '· -'-Cl t'? t ll& llpM Jnaertton of an ad,,.rtloemcnt, ,,_.,.tile rtrht to corrsctly claaalh ~ -2 aft, • 0 11111 --1'•':...•1':: ~ .... ,U'f':..?!·, SEA BOOKS • uy and an ada aad to reject anf adW.tl9r:m.ent not COJttonmnc t~• ,.,.._,,. • Ml s•W Ar T-. ._...__ -- l'lllea and rel['•I...,., ~-l!ld eucellaUONI will "' llr ID -A.r... WR accepted up to 5 p.m, on tile c1&7 _..,..II ppbllcallon, i,., Bar, 1111 --. • PL ... , -.J. 1--zj...-----------• --., -• .. ,_. • -Bar. Ull, Mil tw "Ml_.. w -M --I-to -JaeJt'a Furniture ... IJi• ... ea WtlWI !ChPORT R&Rll()Jl l'l1llUlllllNG a>. ~iiiii:;Di:::i;;;;;;;;L'.jf-j -l 1 tt I .. ..,,, ----~.n~u~ ...... ~~"'~ .. ~-~d!;:•,!N!tewpo~:n~a~~·~·~o.i~~M~o:!r~"]A,~----8~~:=:.;.••:1 •1. 11": We Buy, Sell or Trade The lsla21dt=ra DM'» ~ll p -.:J::' a. -W'tl& ... IL mtd., PlaoM tU w.eeu .... at la. .... 1161 aa..med Index 11-·---u Jbdktl•SMUertal9 u~.,-1•.......-. 16 8"""' Yoar 0.. 11 Trampo- 17 Bootu.r~ 18 -'7 Aidt ii Upllolatartat IO Btt'* A.Illa nr..t.,fta• .. _,, ....... sa--w .... H Help Wuleof t 5 lS-BUILDINO Sl:SVJ<lE8 PAPER ·HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 S?lt.t& Aila Ave., Coats Mea Phone Beacon MOf a·Du ' ... ........ UH.. · J'fpD ---·'-------- . . 11,u)ioA l>lqll)' Jto, lllO, -· WA!r'I'' -ltrli . 1)1< ftll?m ftatt.ID Fmuiture tit~ -ccmJU.. I'll. won:.: .._ eqe~ma ••I 1 -. ..... M. .. ft.Vt -BuMw Wl MJ& 2hll .... CkrJot• !lee .-..··1'.!11 ... __ _.01•,.., C-. ~. 1'•ftwt..... 1'1111 e c Ii ttr. llDI~ WIUI -'-Id ...-. ; · . ,_, a..ri-.... IJ 11'1 -...(iii,. ., 1IM now, 1 11'· olll. aK complete. KltcHIJN' be_-.a .... • -_.... 1t4° $ e ..... aa4 ............. .._._ t24 ~ P'ernleaf. Coron& der.M&r. ...--. --Harl>ot '0589-J. :jtpll :.::!':"' .. ";:' .. ~ .;:::'.: BOQSE & GARDEN ll-n' CJIDAR dory comple .. ~ PAINTING , -· . .,.. ..,. a,..,......_. ilM m dOut H"7. N'wpt... it., urr we11. 6 hp ,_, oara ps 'CO• VT ~'COT 'n.Y C-t IJ1-ll'!"1, Newport liloach. llOl'PC>Im' -can. li:xc.U.at condllloa, SW, ~ Ii:)~ uu.... tidl •lee. -· ..... good 213 VUnd Cant.I. Balboa Wand m Palmer SL. Coota -"iA:MiTNrJ.Pr.W.;t;;;t"-=--.;;;;;;;; condition, co!fff t&ble, anllq\le Harbor 781,Jt. 29c31 BM.. 5'57 .)ti Mc9 MACHINIST Waated -ll:ncb•• aide board and table. Ha. 2Qt8.}( - --no OMio& •i. :19pao IHJUUO.R -JtXiMJOll PAJNTING LICZN!IE> -INSURE> Glenn Johnston 501, Si..t Bt. Newport 11eacH Harbor2297sJ S4<41 wa1, Newpciel Sass• '9fl1 CJDlL far frut dMI ••W · t te I _,..., ....... -. ......... b• 111:rtaU....,,., 12 -Dtullnr Toe!Ml"'ll i... 1116 W. Vlctocta, ~ Mam. ~ ll·FT CABIN crot.er 1 complete BRA.&1---n&SPLA----c-.. -t•---,.-n-.. -. wltb l!Md, plley, 2 p«rm&n•nt ..., -'4nh.r, 2 temporary bel'lbL andtron.. Mlac. Old brlc·•·brac. Twin ecrew St.ar mginea, to be Pa. Bell. "'1.J mondap. .old for best cult offer. See lt 38c31 at 3400 Ma.rcue Ave., N.wport DAvENPOllT and bed4a?e11port t-Be_acll_,_H_&rbo __ r_2_:12&: __ R. __ ll9c&1 __ tn pad condition. :ID ._ Dr., ' . ~ . a llfG •a GI ICI r A~· ... ;c.;,;a.;. bOla -Gft1ete fOI" .... ,.. w Wiit· lll>l, ---· -tect, --_. ............ , r1'*' --uor. u~ ATrRAc1•1ve ..a kleated l4l1N ~ -cupeled -baU., t1-t. 1201 a.a ~­Corona d<I Kar, Bar, #140-W, I ' ''• 19918' -~~1dnect •are NM by aaDll WM IN kM'llS to lioy. 5 • ' U .UA.WlllB/lftttmol'!ll!IA a -- 5 • Cfoll -Cl'lll Linwood Vick, Rltor. Ba-blaad. Har/ IOU -- ' I 11· .... , .. 111'1'/l"* DollA1'r ,. i I f!SA.JOllNO tnoolne anc1 \t II e ..,.ple!oly ru;u-· 141*' or perwon aloae or oeftrlll t"'1!l!ii": a and % btdrl>cm clupleJrl , 6 . CDM Ocean View rm. llome. .t.Jri,.. ~, dno 1euec1, 1 bUc, to bay "'r...p, $15,000 cub ~ .._t or Jin· 2 BDRM RANCH TYPE HOM& Summer . pi'o...i ~-···-""' --'rool. llwd. noon, .i.ie. Reservations °""•• Rib. Ii. ~ ili1atl -I ""larure tol, Way, Beverly Billa, CRMt1' • $1 cc 500 t uc1o 111e Bay Front un11a. i and ._.111, 1 ~ ... >. ,l.il' , erms 2 w,._ 'TO week up. Barbor 11 · = ev""' 11ar. 2914,11. uttc --.;-:;ji!!!R;;'.:~·-::-::m' ir" Ernie Smith, Realtor SUloOolER RENTAL on Balboa I.z. AdfOiftbtM~ ' :'"~ f : -eo;:.:$8800~';7del Kar • land and Corona del lier, 11y - week, month or .e-..on. $!:s wk. and up. Alao 2 Wm> ytiarly • , rental tn CD&f, $83 mo. Phone 1------i-1 ..:.--~....1-+• I Har, 1520-J or Har. 1077.J, Be tm.. ttpSt tter .11 uan. and priced ·to go! . .. '49 -'48 PLY, -._ ...... _: ... fllU PENT HOUSE and S rm. cott..p1. ALSO BOAT SUPS On Colllra Ialaad buY. Ullo completely IUrnlabed 2 ·bdrm colt&&'• below IUJbway In Corona clel Mar, 5 bllto. ,...,. , ocaan and 5 bllto, tram bay, Pq. Har. 152().J or H&.r. 1077-J. 2tp31 Each apt. bu water frontage. Aecom. 4. Wnt end Park A.Ye., Ball>oa bland. H&rllot 2"2'W, '4~'48 PLY, ~ ,.,. ...... ,. .. 118!5 '47 PLT, dub .... ! .............. ,,,,, 10ll5 · I,Attle Island '47 CHEV, dub ....... ,,, ........... ll!ff '47 CHl:V. -............... ,,.. - '<1 FORD Oon<r, ,. ........... ,, .... lOU!I 27p39 USlii OF Penlnaula Polat beach. '4e OLDS '11" -.u. ,, .. , 1~ swim in bay or ocean-<mly t '41 DODGK ..._ ···········--· W blk, '41 PACKARD -tr oe4an ,_, 1119 ·•• a'Ful>s .. ~.-.... lfed • No. 1-3 bedroom lower. ....._. ... r, No. 2-2 bed.room upper duplex. '38 JrOAD Plc~p . ······-·-··"·-·· ,., Nlcely tum. July, _Aug., SepL Open to 1 P.""' I 1582 Mlramar, Balboa. Harbor OOU.W 19-Uc "We Tr8de for Ule s.t., UNFURN, new 0 apt. Garbege dlap, SHA VER· MOTO~ Own entrance. Near Lldo shop• ' . r _ 001 • 34th, corner of Finley. Bar. No more 'liO'a -bvt a wh.ie 2529,w. 29c31 of a deal on 1961'• 3 Wrm, 2batJa. comfortable home. NllM ,..,.._ M•h·ra ...... , It a;. , • na. u-.zm pr.. fr7'- 1tr1 tum, -t, Win.I tor -_., ... ~ Oal•, '1'"9, -lt'l'.urt.eY JIADFIEU>, P•M.,. ne ltfadl•. Balboa I.t11aa• -, 111 • INCOME 10 Unlla -5 Lob \Ir bllt. to Bay J'roat ao.to-.-........... sn.aoo. 1e ...... ao Sale. an..,.,.. ......... •ASw.s-DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Qintractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling ----Coeta Kea. lie&. 83~.f. 2'9c31 •.a _,,SIC•• -• n10 ;:.-:..::;~v:;;::;:,...,:;;::;:~~==----IN BAY SHORES -ll'um. two T our DODGll:sPL TllOUTH Dir. lt!IO l'lowpert BlYd,, ~ Mt... ••COil 600'7 • Vlll'lll .. Bay Ftont, -pri: --h, lllr bib. from - 30-B Applla.Deee SJ -to ""'7 n Ful'1dtme for 11a1a OIBION ~ Retricerator PO. !Ta GR.EAT Pl.ANO sA.J...J: Bea bdrm home. Reuon&bJe. June l:lec:Uie ranee with hJCfl o\ten po•e•1ed Spinet.. Like new! Pay 15th, SepL 15th. Owner leav· U6. Bal>y bura $1150. Pbone mat ~. Sa•e over &200. inl' st.ate. ~1~ Vista Dr., Bay BarbGr :it39')(, 30c32 DANZ-8CHKIDT Bl&' Plluo 'sborea. Ph. Beacon :5688:W, -er ,..,;.i., rw ,.....i. -~,__..., -,-LWrta.-CJ la.-, -II-A utlcpaM IS-Ba.,.._ M • laL Ba6> Phone Bea.con 8405-W otore. Santa Ana, cor. 6th and 29c31 WAJIT S:Xpuf\ellelld Mlilli -.. Main. • '"" rry -. B&n" Y.-SPECIAL this week! ----------....,?ts~~ 1• Gl\EAT piano aale, 31th year. tboa ';;alty Co. llreeiey 30MJ>blne Wolob lTtfc S6 Dop, a.to, Pets .. PMIUJ, ....... 11 Unmtod: Sympson & Nollar ,._. c:aa.). • ae.11 N.w Coa.sol•um rup h.12 .• _.$ 6.96 Read tht11e prlcee. Never before b&v• we .bad .ucb buplna. II 8ptdat Aanoo &JWI .. --Opporhl ..... o sto ... am1 omc.. U Wanted ID &NI U Ajllltmeata -e- "6 ansn• rw a.a M Salt, !'heeDe Z IU ----.-.,~ 48 A.utomobDee., ftree u Autw Waatec1 50 Auto~ 61 Tn.Uen 6Z Mrp?a!I .. 55 Money to i.o.a 6& Money Wanted 61 8-1 Eotale W_.... 151&w~A......­ • ,.,..., Pre,erty 11 Beal Dta&e Eiche•p a 11ee1 blat.. COKPI.1:'1'11l ROUSE ~ .mce. Furniture and n1p •b&lnpc>0911. n. -, .... ll'Ully -Al's House & Rttg Cleaning Co. S...... 8111 ntfc PAINTING" D.E;CORATING NF:li:C> HJCIJ»? "The Best Money Can Buy" Olnoolt -tlel _,_. -• 5U, 38lb St_ Newport Beacll PHONE HARBOR 2404 ;rae. a ch ,,._. la .. )faas ll!tc Tim.._ Poot and ""-- ------------Uon at '2 per week, min. Pbant REP AIRING and PAINTING Harbor 1111. •·sonable. L&r&e. or am.a.II joba. MU8T aWLL -~ bJOOlal9• Fteeutnatea. Walker, 108 18th tuchala bangin• buketa, all dU- lft.. Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2081·R terenl. 285 Broadway, Coet.a M e-. Uc30 HAULING BEAUTY l!ROP EQUIPMENT ._ Any klnd, truh or'! W AJ..KER, Oryen, eto. BALBOA IN>I llJS,18th St., Newp<>rt, R , 2ML.R BEAUTY SALON. Har.117, 28cSO R.49u.lta come rmm eomtant ------------ Practice! An ad recularty tn thb Complete trutanat1on, rep&U and paper ..m p.tiAtlu Nl!Cllta' tar JOIL aervice of all trailer @qllfpment. Alcoholics .Allonymoua Write a o. -20l5 Baa... ?etnnt. .. Callt. PbOM IDllJ.berly 3-6393 •ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 llARBOR BLVD, Cost.a Mu&, Phone Beacon 8nt~R COllPLl:TE k1tchen slak and cabinet Wt.. ready to lmt&ll. Solid Citneu Vote 540, AJoo teml-drcuJu •....it, Register Now at City Hall tut bw. cu\>_.... under ma, • 9pH lloguy IOp, '40, '-"'!-Hell For Venetian Blinds, ----------a. ...... C<><-<1e1 wa.,29cai ~a3,ry Hdw'e. .. MJST' AJfD .01Jl'ID • . _ g~p ~ -w ..... -, , ~· closure~·, , . ~ o,,v apt& a: Lacuna r Cameo"' ptn. J./ ..t "• estimates Ph·, Har 8Sf RO..&rd. Mn, 1t, Black, Albany "'--72 pl'ICe li14 ·'29th St Newport Beach "40. 28c3-0 Batll!nJ sulU ........... -Short.a and bru .......... 31-.M DON'T gJ:l.AY, CALL TODAY . . ... '* • ad la t1'e ••ef1 0..-. nec:1 Rdio• o1 UM BIG THRE&- Newa,onm.. Poot Sllopplq - and the P?a.s OVER 21.!500 ClRCULA TION IS THE ANSWER! ' :' Use Classif iec/ Ads . . . to llell yolll' ear .... tofin4a~ tor yow llome . . • to nmt yow apt., ••• to dispose of l•r•fl••• aM lto••llDill 1<1•• JOG 90 loager n-i. • ' • to 111111 • iood Job Ute '-Cl~ssified Acft N••mt Hailt Nl1llk1 C.. ·.'22.11 le•N•L Newport l1•c1t · ,,.,, ...... 16lt 5 .. LOST -Sall cover, white canvu, 18 ft. loag. Reward. :pt\, Harbor :1161. 29p30 Blouaes ····--··········-····-··· 38--SI H&nd loomed Mirta .... 10--12 Bunk beds aprtng• A: pad .... 30.00 UMd nt1llt atanda -········-····· 7.96 ~ machine .... ,. ............. :11,M Used Coldspot ~trig ........... 75.00 We buy good Wied furnitlU'e Diµe's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1874 Barbor Bl'flL Bu.con MS7-J CROSLEY SHl!LV .A.DOR, 7 cu. ft. t'n rood COftdJUon. Ne'e'ty GVef'"- "-led, $40. Ph. Baa. eeoe-MK 29c31 ABC WASHING \lACHINli: rn rood workins con.d:tUon, Pl). Pbo1te HarMr ~M . 29cal ~ ROOOJIS ot f\lrn.lture--aU or ~ p~. Television. radio, lawn mower, door. window a.nd ca. ln&', SM Broadway, Coat.a M esa. 29cSl STUDlO Coueh, Sllnm011S, Ill es, cel141fl C condition, W . Barbar 1027,J , 29p30 ONE dlll!LT•twtn boll sprlntpr 6 mattnM: llouble sprlftp, cottee t&ble, c:llu.,, See after j :SO p.m. 4U ti~ ~~tt Hgbta' 29p36 EliCERSON 10-lneb table model televiaion ln perfect conditJon, noo. Ph, H&r, l4HsJ .ventnge, :mt A BOU.. 111JP~ Spinet.a, llOJ'T\~ new. eome uaed. priced trom $:195, $3315, $387. Grs.nda: from $3~. Almost 100 pis.no. trom Which to choi<8e. Spectal euy l<l'TNI. DA?fZ, sCiDaDt blr piano .tore, 5211 No. Matn, cor. 8th. Santa An&. ' UBE'IXPlANOS from $19 up. Good ~la · c ond l tloa.. D~NZ.. , ,aaoNo. K&Jb • ..,. .. An ,.. cor. eth. ..... .. 31th OR.EAT PIANO SALE, Mag- nificent all electric organ. Cue 11Ugbt1y damaged in lhlpmenL W ill .acrtf'lce. Thl.s bappena but once ln a life t\me. DAN~ SCHMIDT, Santa Ana. 020 No, Mtln. PLAIN Cl.le walnut banplow U]>' rtcht piano ln perfect condition. Fully guaranteed.. Tama. '28.62 down Md $9.~ per mo. at SHAi"ERS KU&IC CO, I Since 190'1 ) il'.1 N . !Sycamore, Sant.a .Ana. Kimberly 2-0812. 17l!c B.EAUTIJ'VL Jeue French spinet piano. Slil'hUy used. Save $100. Convenk':nt. terms at SHAFERS MUSIC cb. (SWl.ce 1907) 4'21 N. &yea.mere, Santa AnL Klm'ber· ly 2s0672. 17!tc RENT A PIANO ~ per MOf'th, AJt ttnt allowed If you buy with· tn terma. DA.NZ•SCHMIDT. 520 Ko. Mlljn, Sant. AnL TRADE your old piano or M.ftd ·ln.etrument an a telnWo:n.. We need several pU.nm and band in· atrwne.a&.a for our aunnaer rent- elt. HiPcft trade &Uow&nce at llHAJ'll:llS )(UBJC CO., (Biiiet 1'°7) 421 N. Sycamore. Santa AnL Klmberly 2--08'12. 17ttc ·- • • LIDO ISLE ll you want a 1'e11l&l on layely · LIDO ISLE see UI. Several «ood home. available. Ai.o ~ menta by week OT month. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED "33 Via Lido ~ tllOcl 161.tc See Our Display Ad Pag~ 4. Part ll for the biggest used car b!lrgains · . f I you'v«; ever s~n ! t.uuan life.Ado<> "" Bar, aa \ • Ger. ~••'• dbiilw1•n. tW I '>ii, -Jud, -· $9'150, terms FURNlSHlilD •,rm houee, New· Harvey Somo-' !.t pWj. .Bch. ................ i'\11'& .. .. ·:.. ~ ~ -r Y-· cWld o,1!., ~ -1 eou~·ffl"'Y. '>"ewpert J Good Liatinp 1Vaaie. t Orts LA~ ROE ocean and bay. Reuonable yeu· SOc 2005 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bch. Jy or s ummer rental. Call Kl· mberly 2-1~'1 . 29p30 CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm turnlahed apt and prafe. Har- bor view, ch1Jd o.k. $l:i mo. on 1 year leue. Har. 2187. 2k11 RENTALS JOHN D, BURNHAM '. . 507 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 CORONA DEL MAR -Fumlllhed 2 bdrm house, auto waeher, sleeps 8. F or •ummer or wtn lease by year. Ph. Bea. 5ns.W. ~fc FOR SAJ..E OR RENT-Coarteoy to broken On Udo I.ale 2 bdrms, 2 _ ~~ !F&e walled ~ .. ~~~~.l~~ , \" r"' ~ ~~l>'f'~•PI %1~ BALBOA ISLAND Howrea and Aptl., 1eartr or ... ootWJ, See Gell camey, With NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 306 Kanne, Bal-lal. H&r, i502 118tte SCHOOL t.eachtta -Winter rent• t.l. cl>armtngly tura, 2 7 story cape Cod houae on Bal lo, 2 Ip, bdnna 6 den, 1 \Ir balba. $8l5 mo, Avatlable SepL 10th. Bar, lB!ll , w. :zacao Cf I 11 n CHEVROLET 2-door .deruU sedan Only · 8600 miles. Save money Crom prlnte ownu. Ph. Barbor 2404. 28<30 '41 CHICVROL!ln' spedal club coupe, radio • heater. 12111' Marino AYe,, Balboa lallind. J'll. H&rbor 0374'·J. 21c81 '4''1 STUDJ: CbamplOll conver., new top-aew b~ ex~ one local oWller, $1160. 215 B Marine Ave., Balboa lai&nd.. , 29c:3e · Harbor l46f, W 29pSO PRICED FOR Ql71CK SALE 4 large units, bat location, ll block to ocean and' bay, Beautifldlly ftU'lliMheli Won, derful income, Call owner t ' information. ·rbone -Harbor 1210-w. 5,JioMS. turnlahed, Sleep = ~ ti replace $4 700. 1.21 3l:th ~ewport Beach, .sop • B.A:Nereson 1982 NfWPOrt Slid.. Co8ta Me•a I w AN I &D -.. Bay Irront ....,,. ~!h yacht anchorage, not over 'J'O•GOO ~cUL Roxie I !. Hamer, ~t, 821 Burdick Dr,, Pomona, <JUC, Tele, LYc, z,1-. 28pall WAJC'J'ED HOME ar INCOME Fumtahed, neu B&-y Close ln. From owner Priced Rtcbt SAii.Aii DE:Nla Brolter 1657 B. Walnut St., Pua.den& 4, Callf. 8Yc, 1-3364, WANTED TO LEA8IC OR BUY: ' :+pprox, one acre with omall -...... Deir high ..,,,.., Ill ea.. tli. -. lM , lltll St,, ljewport Bach Ph, WAlkeT, ~ a11Wt .-1ap. aottc ~w.um:o '"1:~111.0Lll)i'n' llll Trwt bud-' I ' . . , J. .a,aoo. Payable $35 mo,. e" If.I. . ,_ I O(ian,g• Co, utity s. ~portyYlllue S7.-. can 8'oll ... Sattler. Poirier ... ,. co. Bar. • • c 1IYl!lsJ. 5 -~ 5 ' I • ' • l!'Dt8T -,-. 191. .... ...,.. • 5 .ilk ·-~ ...... lat. at '" .... ..,_. --_..,c. •u;OOI!, l wiu aloo -' --.. PAr&fttor ......... i:illlll .,...... ' llplO ... ,..., 1.& T. D. ...a.. .... 0 tJ .......... 1 ........ ~_ .. ..... lllf ..... JM -.. a.la. .... r I• ' I I I I • . ' • • • • • • , . , BLANCHE A. GA TES., Realtor · L. C. JONES J, XAaTIN 311 Marine Ave., BalbOa'lsland Ph. Bar. 1171 . or 18'7Z EW!li. Hmbor 7'6-ll . -, BALBOA ISLAND ' HERE IS OPPORTUNITY! 8 Ulltt aft. lllNli • 70' frl>ntage on Marine Ave., charmlncly fuinlahed, n~IJ decorated. AND Priced RIGHT. Buy now for t1le big summer reatala. If f811 an loOlring for the lollan~·· BJ:ST invabnent, dca'l waiL ~me in and talk thJa over. • . .. • BEAUT. • B. ll. 2 llllQ b-e. J'orcecl Alr llet.t. • Dinbag room. Pallo. H.W. floor9. GUINoge dimpeNI. Dbl. garage. Drlllltically red11e11d far qliick sale. SMOO down. Enretnely attracth'e 2 bedl'Oom •ell furn home and SJllall •flt. Patio. Garage. Ktar South Bay -A bolley . . COSTA MESA $1500 d<Wll. a bedroom homa..· Dlllil)g l"OOJ!l. PallO w1ih BRJ:IQ., dtll. gar. Large landseaped feaced yard. Small monthly payment. BLANCHE A. GATES -1\EALTOR . BJ\J..BOA PENINSULA POINT -. 2121 OCEAN BJ_, VD. -Open Sunday ~-6 . or by appointment · .. CAPE COD HOM&-.:-Approx. 2200 aq. ft.. 2 story, 1 ye&r old. Large Uvtng rm., tttep~e, dining room, S bedroom•. 2 bath.I. 1Arge -· oor~ ltltcllen &lld ---au rtoon . l'orced atr ll•t. IO • IO Mm defk, peraanent view. llxtru . galorw. OfJnlNctcJt'll bcxntt. Pflced to sell now! P1'101'1: JlilUIOR 1218-W Spec.ulators Inv ea tors -People- H ere iJI a bargain $6500 2 bdrm stuceo and plaaier houae.. 2 yr11. old. hwd. floors, tlreptac~. lge. livllte nn and extra la&. k it. witb tile &nd that ls not all-It le completely tum lshed lncludln• Phlleo retttg, table top stove and 16" Admiral TY. Beat ThiA Jf You Can! $1000 dn-$lfi.50 Brand n89' J bd.rm--e:~ to n• 170i St. abopplng center. RU1tJt T ! HUftJtT ! Newport Heights A lovely MW 3 bdrm home In heft Height.a tocauan. Flu nery- thlng, ftreplace, llwd., lot& of tile, dlntng ana. breakfut nook built In lauhc.1ry, excellent fur- nace, lge. dbl. pra1e. All for $11,000, tenns Phil Sullivan Duplex · Neat ne• dap• '*'· S..u.n ln1 -lneome ..... 1 bill. to ky and ocean. ~ plwnbla&' In fer ant uni\ nrer ~ pnce. Muat be ...,, le appr..i•te. .19,000, u.rma. RANCH 20 ACRE RANCH '1 mUea fl'om ~ U -permanent puture. ABUllcl&nt U.p waler. 3 -· and bwll. ~ ..... , fer lG,000 chltlteno. WlJI .. 11 •1111 or wi-l -k. O.n· .mder part trade In by aroea.. 01llll:NLllAJ' • AISOC. BWLl1l!lll -llllAL1'0R nu Mewpori. ..... ~ --.. ' .. .~ .. . ' . . . . Corona del Mar cH.A..RMlNO boae1 i... I . bdrtna, HY!ng rm. wtth burned ..,!in, and flrepl Dlnl.ag rm, k1tcllen, break.fut rm &.nd i.&Ut Aedeu to loftly patfo wtlJI llnpllce from klt.tflen Md lhlnf l'fll. fte.. decorated tn anct out. ltM!JUIJU w to w cal'l>ellnc ant ........ PLUS turn. apt Met AL ,.r. On 60 ft. cornet', so. of Mwl'ay. Roem fer add'l ~ PRICED roR QUICK SAU: C. Galen Denison u.0n1a Wanlff 8alea and Rental.I G. T. Everson E . . 490 Newport Blvd. Coota xe.. rn1e Srmth, Realtor Phone beacon 8891 12'6e COUt fllway cO'tona del Xar Harbor 31'7·\lt nr ~ '911--J Phone ~ H81 Large Lot with unoMUue\ed view of bay and qcean ln beauttrul ~ Ha veri f flot a JeUe hold ) ' Only $3950 Nice 2 bdrm home 3 'ti. yn. . eld. Hwd. noora, ru noor tulnaoe, on 80-ft. lot. 3 garages Wit.A at?L above. Room to build tutother unit. $18,500 For F'Ur~er Detal1e-SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1!:523 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 LOOK 2 B. R. Home-New Busineas Office Office -Rental All 3 in One- $23,500 TERMS * Will talut Small Home for Part Francis J. Horvath lb.Ibo& Blvd. at !5th. St. Har, 1U8 Har. u. aop $1200DOWN Attrac~ve 1 bdrm home. 2 frs. old, lenced yard, l \\-car ... . 1 blk. to new Alplla lleta 11 ... . Costa Meu. J'lli loan. ~. bvt very •Ice. .aeo. tull l""<· Best Buy, Costa Meaa $ bdrm heme, 4 yn. old. t..w.ly corner lot. Hwd. noon, _.le gar.. be•t locatkm. 1"'11 pflce $10,200. Newport Heights -New a bdl1n -· E19:-t lo-cation. Beet al eout.rWUDn. hwd. flOON. nr.pi.ee, tse pltte glau w1n-.. nu '"""· 1ta • _.,.. •n.tno. , ...... , ... ........ w ............. -• ' •"*L~ SAT.BOA • 121 alJ -..., ~ - ..itll -"' toea . --llay. s tarp bdnna'Ud dell, 14 batlui, Oen•ral Electric llltcllm, 11µ1urtoua11 fllrnlabed, m.ooo. Ph-Harbor UG CORONA DEL KAR Deluae frtple>r Oii tflllot palm UM lined street. 2 bdrm home wtth ....m Ylew PLUS 1 bdrm unit, PLUB ....... apt., $3~.Tl!O. -U..lbcfr 1141 or Har1-1~17 s!~!·~~tr\G~L~~nt a.ia 1flilr .i.w _,,. acrou IMlll! ...... -, I IMinNo, 1 '-' lleillt. ~ ua--i. -at S28.llOO film~. Phone Harbor 44.t olOHN VOGEL Co. .... -... """"'" -·h --..... Wead 100 lf&ln I\. --110l CoUt Bw7 COrona del Mar OOODSENSE I • • r••r,..,... • • w ANT INCOME • • • .THE ISLA.Nb .. . ' .. , • SLIOBTLY . Dil'l'Jtlt.DT " • • . . AV~.!" altradll ::r-, !'itb a Plan. u.t.,...ii, •l!J ... . . .ldtcbon with dlal1· wu:ittr, ..... ot rZ;t ea &na ...... ,!....... ....._ wrqoma and a, D..i_ *<Ill' It WllL.•f'-."•e. p.s, heat r"4 ~ !loon. TboN ~·a ~ A!plW otJt.d llollll -wlU.·---.. -·-llDpalnlocl •atl.llftJ. pwt __..,. -Aitt1 -~. . . ~ , Here 1" ..-n ior mf~ •...4. al a ,.ice. tJlit -. . _,.. bualn-ttt.500. A fine -laland Iota- ,,_, call for appointment. • • J : A. B~tc OFFtCE .· Harbor 83 Tiie rwter who mp "HOME IWtmf.HOIO:'' la lliddlng llb111f llllll leranad!"I the ----~--------~-.~--~~~--~. 'Rem money·-Permanent Ocean and· Hill View hD•ad ayer le ione f«- ""' -but the . meney )'Oii piat taco a 00-ii otlll ,_,... Jt ehanges lta form -It ...__ a property in· lt.d Mf gold and almply pe•ns from your r 11 ht poclet lo 70ur 1elt. 2 bcb'M horn«. 1 ~ bath•: 2 n.replacu. ·•~trtc kitchen, double prap. ... }' lfl Ill ttatu-..-i Wt. 2 11dr1111 and 4laa. I ll Wll.t, ........ larp doO!e praJ, 46-root cci;ner Jot .. llWllt IMhca .... SU Tea1*: 1'WO Jl!INll, HOIOI! FITZMORRIS REAJ..'1,'Y CoM.P ANY ltli:AL ESTA'11 .... a18Jms llROKillll y.,. •Ill "" mai.iq th• ruom us c.ut e1v<1. · ~ 'd•I Jhr Harbor n&2 MCWll la _ _, Oii LI DO --------------,---------JG& lf.,_ )"OU ean boy the I • = ~l=~lv:""!": d a~.:.;~ A FEW TO INSPECT . C~a M- we have 2-3 or 4 ·bedroom Lldo baytront ~ bedrooma. The Beat Town on Earth hOmtel with prtckea booandk term. to pier, 40• 0 0 'watu ··-.. ·---14:5.000 H mee your poc: et . . ere's a good buy! Uv~ 'Oil UDO ISLE you &Ad " bedtoom bayff'ont. ~xclo• 2 bdnn home on % acre, garage. the elllldraJ;l can e'ftjo)' t b • aive •rn ......................... , .. M0,800 &ood neighborhood. 8ome trees ~ •"'10> tU ..... ·----'I ' Prjee 4t..ol.llllOI\ ·Ila, ·pmat.-aalldj llatldnJ WCt.MiiUi,11\ii tJatM ~·-·-....,.._, • :i B:R. Home be&U.... t.en.m. court.a. pl.n aad lancflnc floata and finest Im· Small waltrfrot1i 1 -..: pnl"NJMatl Wftl\ aB w I rt n g pier · .... _ ........................... $19,:M>O .... 111o.ad. New, very attractive 2 bed· G. I . a.ml<!. l'lpwt. Hpt&, $81100 S1500down 2 B. R. Home Wll llft UR DllVZLOPllfR.a f1f room on penln.llul& ....... -.$16.&00 lovaly LIDO 181.1:. -Wllel'O a Older a llodreom 2 * ... little buys a !.OT. near bay, nice Preen .' ... $19.- • • •• ' . • • • • • . NEW LlsTINGs COSTA MESA • ,~.. . 3 JIPRM 1$1. L R~lllOO QOWN, -'!u.11 price. •10,iGO. A lllee bl&. f~Uy home qrr ll6' lot •<I 1--,. -w~ a.. lance uem ~r !llhoot IDd high aobool .• Y-M:ant. w.i.. Iii ·-. """'· 11'l'H ST. BUSINESS Im.ONT- . AQa -iWftr7 ::.i:stt;. ..,., .. 11.wd~ ' ill• tn baul Ill --.~ ... would eQl)y convert ~tO bulfnem or proteaional otf[ee. IO ft. frantqe .. !). I. ~ - $l!!IODOW!f -A-t2- bome. • yrs. old. ltlcoly lua· .:aped, fenced, «> tl lot, _, Wl)bol.a, eut atde. Thi.I value at plOO. • 1 BDRM BR.U<D NEW -A trim lltO. borne ju.d ..... ,_ 4 conple. Ode ,l>lock ,,_ - Alpha Bela market . tMOO. Call a:T&nge term1. ACREAGE OVERLOOKING BACll: BAT • M.TS. 4-\0 ACRES. Fer 7-... tale or aubdlvide. ThJ.9 dlcdce ~ d U., low price Of tlt.· 500. Submit your reaeonable terma. · BARGA.IN ONI: ACU -lJI' trw>tap a 307· deep a zo"ao FOR BUl!lNESS. $27!!0. Cub. Look t.hU over QillCll! INll>U!11'RlAL -5 ACRES. Level well located in Coeta :Mesa's ever growtns light mfg. aectlon. Price $10.000. We can al.lo lo- cate &ma.lier parcels. Come In and state your need.a. Barney Fral).cque MlALTOR 400 ~t 11th St. at Tustin Costa M.eaa BEST BUYS · in Coeta Mesa NEAlu.T NEW modffn I - den, 1 '-' baU.., ._d n.o.., clc.e In. near -k. -,... produ.clion COIL f10,880, term*. -ALllO EARLW.ST 1'1tll IDd CoUt Hlway If-putt Beach 8111 cout Hlway Coton& del Mar 228 Ave. ll&lbo&Wand AlJcTION , Realtor 11th and Jltrine 1'owpatt p.acb sns Newport lllvd. Newport - Saturday, Jtme 9th, 2 p.m. . - ' ' ~16 Riverside ·Ave .• : N-'wport Heights Excellent sllleco home :::~ lldrma and lllajcf• ~.\ot.~tt me.at \TleW 'at 1'ewport ·• Harbor and ocean. ~hoine la located in best dlatrict in Newport ta. WILL BE SOLD TO ffIGHES'r BIDDER with.Jut teane. J;:xcelJent ;:i;· I hey ~ - ~: TaU Olfioot mpwa.y 101 to All· Amertcan. Market tft Tum mn1b on !Uftralde to auetion. lt you pttfer to ~ we ba-we Dupliell, 2 'bdrm eacb, new = ou~r0~-= •lffly loeated ·-·--·······----··•11.000 wa .. otter you ..,.. pm.a aad Clb&mllllc 1..., . .-- l \\ b&Ulo, Sood ...i.Ientlal .... -net.r hlch -'nlla -... a tllzw BR lloma With J1~$~o:'~ :i ':!11!.,. TERMS 1$ per cent aepoait at cl<Me of auction. Balance wh to lo all at ~lose of escrow. For fur. _, btrmo. It Wiii pay you to I lbdrln, nleely loe'""'2. I -k with ua on LIDO JllU:. Jean .............................. m.MO come ... ua. • 2Bdrm __ _ P.A. PALMER apt. near bay, .-m. come ······-···-···-···················IU'brft.tt A..-otntt tnim NJ, I -........ tarp patio ... Jll,llOll a llHlo al-Ua6. Prte. 1" S7500, terms I Bdrm ff<llno, '4INWI $950 down GOOD Lll!TJ;lfGa w A!tTD> ther infonn. Realtor Ted Gustafson, auctioneer. ROBT: H. MUl."Wl' Ph13l6 _N. fflchl,;..t )\ ..... Lo. Anplel BeL S:ZU-J' RH. -. llt'7·J' one Gladstone 81P9 or 8'aeon IJ22ti. 1900 Harbor lllw4 1-------~----+----------­ CO&T A JQlll .. • · 1NOORPORATED U33 Via Udo Newport Beacll, Calif. Harllor uqo, • Bdrm lleacll -· old, G. N. WEI .. LS, Rltr. Newport Heights? ----------~I llut e....,.,,1ar .. ,.u. ·:-u.,_ a Aasociates . Balboa Island ., 'c! ___ , ' ... ,, , .. --lhlO I bdrm ' a.-. Wltll -' and pmt apL It aouJd be just .... -uo loold8c f0<. 1~·· -... ond the encloeed patio la much tarrer than aw1 a,e. Ideal • J&:&Uon J .. t 100 I\ t.-n the beadl. Se.Mom ha'ft w e .-. an7'b111s ~ oo nice tot tlle price .............. JUGO .. an 1'oblaa right awa_y Linwood Vick, Rltr. UA.LTOR llll MNlno A.,.., Bal-laland ,,__llllt2 ~ tw llM GJ'MD Lawn" b-. -NEED two large bedroonu ! Like ..-Y, A ~h iw.lty : 1711p Newport Blvd_ : walll-111· cloeeta, w-•t at-Jla.e? Pll'lof.· ,, 0111At1#at ~ . .;. :v.-.i Ph lka. 51S1 cav•. llrlcl<,patld, ud MtlMul, USO--.._~>' -r·llM ~TT.. ~' ' "lu:fe wetl·lapdacape<l/ loWl ·tOt! _ llclO WANT ha!dwood tlaora, aep- --. arate dillln&' room, large l<ltchen Todaya Best Buv BrPl'ER BUYS •ery attracttv• flttpla<e, tUb ·iT ~.a. ..a. 1.Q.d Mall ahower, pleat)' ot. cq-. in -Corona del M'.ar on.Balboa Island boarda, c1eat city water and -sewer in! This lovely home, Wm.-W. F&l'I: A 90. It Marine ou Can't Beafit- For location Qnlv $9300, terms Waw.tront .home and 1""omo--3 built by a fl<emed c:ontraclor J W... .,.._ry yeu-f'Olllld ·-e for hlo own famUy, avallal>W -----:------+--------'---- •MALL 2 ~ 11enre, atfiL olll. I ;aSM, 'alee view. PLUS 2 for only $12,500. - tood ~,_ ~,. ,.., ,,.,..,_ ..,. apt.. See thla add C!Otn-Pliohe. John Mottram rigbt now Needil a .11'·ra1a''·s fA.HJ dn _ · $28,500, terms P . A. P ALlrlER Kul 1¥'q ""': arl , _ lNCORPORA.TBD l -T ~~~ I . --t•> iii....-apt. ua~2 Newport Beach, Calif. Earl Chamberlain · ,,._ Ud two 1 bdrm apt.a.-Harbor lllOO. Real V&lues in Costa Mesa .1 •·bdmt .-.to market_&lld t7ali. ll.Of!lttloa, Ml iwlce , • Only $6500, terrn8. • -~ ..-...-~ M .,_ ..... ~. Adftn~ (Opp. If........_ -.,._} ~ lillow Wiry It 1" out-G I Resal 4 G I R al -=r:.-· _ -•·--~ 1n-.. 11u1 ... Bal-• • e % Jnt. . .. es e • ~ llwd. floonl. tile Ind WJ'. ..--iJesd $12 50() I ~ Only $22,500 BT OWNER ~I lldrm. DOWIJ Prloed to . ..U for WANT INCOME! 1'1n """"4« ~ 1B Raa1' decOrated bome. TUe kl-Only $9450, $1800 dn • ...._ hrt, -o.i. ......, PuDman ball!-HWd. floon, dlll. Pa,_u ~ per montll! ~----,_ Jard. -w-JMac .... ,.,..to., ...... • • B. A. NERESON • 'Vor YleW tor valae Lido Nord Bayfront. LAJIOJI ' B. Jl, • baU..--U' lol-lo'nl7 ...-..... i- Pla • allp lot LAR(Jli BOAT. All ~ -UiMp Jlo<I baft -looldq -Nldlly tum- -,., ...... kq fl> - • $57,ti()O 'lal•bd Realtv Co. .....,,..ldioali-a.torftim. .... •-Jhltlfla'i.a.tlnp Uy With -ot . .U. Ol'llN rlmllN08 .ALSO: ftl4t at .4pt.a, ....,,. Jillo"4 -. lfewpon &lsli'to or i:a1I 11RA AK-' H..-~ A PRIIOl ... ..-... ~ ... -· . Beeem ~w. ~ -., ... -~ ~~ , ..._ m-W Kidllple JMtti~tl•ltw -IJI:i Boro ~ (CMW) • -'---..,..,..,.-'-------Owner· Leaving State _J.N1 __ x0!'.!·~i-~rt~-.~-~·eoota~~-~ •11,oop.. ,, ' · x;roo JSI.E i-.... Plklfle ••••mo ·r . - c:llUmlas1 )l_olne. I ""'--. . I .N~ Btiich . I ;:.., Qa aL ..,.,.. ,.._ 3 UNfl'S-412,'e!°. INCOME , 1" <2:!,,f~ :·:~.:If= _ _. •::.:... twvt,.= ".::. RKaM H=:·~ ;::; °":'tr:.it ~ ~,":Ji;. ~ ~ii O"lllM. •1&.toi. 1 ,__.._._Ila-. o.o .--.~tt> • --_,. 1 111 11-l 1 .,..._ Cl'onna -.> .... ---. -poft ••t" . ----.. 2 2 ...,.... •• lfoJ.o 1°" ,1300--· --.. • __,_____ ~ NewPOrt lfeiahts • U-1-'llM,11ea.1Dw-.,= -P. J... PATMIR ••~·IDJ*.llilY 61 - DfOOllP9ftMD • I .-. Al 111r_ .. .,.. DI OOllONA. D& lUll IU.. 1D1 Tia U. On'SR -A.tlru. -I -. ffart»or T-' ••flllll •• "" Oollf. -.ul~~-·--=t -116 llaPll, 11'"1. Ill .. -.. W .... I ---. ..... t....t-~ ~en...,. em... lot,,.,,,. .... --·"' .... .. ., ........... .-..... '81DC>•••· i ='i ;:-.. . · ..a Newport Jfiltlata r.=-"• &i • 11 1 a a • -~-·~--...... , 11••-t•..W< i; ~. -0.1.':; I . -................. AWor,,! 7 11 , ..... e -a a Ms' iaiiii·•1i ~jijfii~p;ii* • ..,... b ' I . • • • • .. ' - 1 , I ' I ,. • ··. "L&r' • Vice Pres1 meat •u .... :t and ..-·-·· ~. Vice Preli . product ~t ud "DAVE",Gen N en! su~-~ orwalk Karte't...u ...... r, -cARL,. V General ,Super!.ce Pre•ident a.ad: laor, Beach JI(--~ ~-•ta WATCH ALL.A ...... . • ~ ...... or .. ~ERICAN GROW! I y .-c•dolM • •th•k•y n,weuvec ...... -..... , ... co....,...atl ed1toK• y .. ... ..,.., . ... t.ltli .... • .,.+lfyl119. BOILED HAM ·· .. U •. S.No.l ·Lar ' . 1, N_E_W .. iPfis . 10 J z§c TASTY LOA• c c lb. ' I • .. . I I • J ' t . , . I Boys' Ciub"~lfoosJers e1an Fun . Night for Schctlarship Members of tM Har~ A.re.a Boy•' club Boosttta club' are ma~ plng" plana t'or I.be flnt annual Boyo' club tun nlte In connect.Ion wttb the Boye' club birthday p&rty fl"rlday nigbt, .June 22 at the Colt& Me8a club hou~. Ptoeeq from th• ule of tlcketa to the tun nlte (o,t 2ft cents each, will go to pay .aome boy• way tb:.rouP Orange Coat cobege ln bhl freshman ye.r. lt•------------- ie hoped that eflougb money can be collected to pay for two yean of coOege. -Tbe Boo8te:rs decided to aWard the acholanhtp yebly to the graduating senior of Newport Harbor high who, while maintaln· tng average grades, bu done the mOBt for the Boys' club durtnc bla yea.rs or membership. committee of Bob Wetzel.-Joel Leonard, Ter· ry HalJ, Jlm Mulder and Buddy Thompaon set up eeven requlte- menta which a boy muat meet to receive the echolarship. tun nite wtU future ,. "H ome· Grown" ta.lent show with Dtck lA.ne . u muter of ceermontea. Prisea wtlJ be awarded the beet talent whJcb wlU be limited to Boy.' club members. The outdoor b&.aketb&.ll court wtll be the .cene of the action and wlU be lined with carnival type booths where all sort& of gamea and conte8t.e wtll be ataa"ed. An art derponalra· Uon by George James wUJ be re• ture ot the nJght'• actlon . .Jamee will aketch any chUd for 10 cent.a &nd any adult for 2~ cent.a. Refreah.menta will be eervN:l free Tlekela on Salo Ttckets are now on sale by all mernbeni: of the Booeter club. Tbe • .. to Boyt' club members and at a .!!mall charge to visttona. Tht! en· Ure Boyl:• club facillUes wW be open for public inapectton. Mesa Merchants Open Bciseball . · Season Sunday Ne"'pcri Beach ., l.ecJlon 'Drops Two .sVJimmers 5cOre Anaheim Next Foe .OCC Announces Grid Program • • • Hllii.tnrtoo Bea.ch Swlm club Newport Harbor .Junior J4ion Orange Coat college athletic board ot control and student Jeg1s· Jature relased the 1951~52 football 8Chedule today. It la a ten·g&me 9Chedule and certainly the touwbest achedule the Pirates have had to at J~e 1 event. ln '£1 Segundo bueballera retum to action Sat- Bud Long wlll ~ a ( the belm AW /"ohn Jurgel\Ml1 of BaJboa I•-unlay at Anaheim's LaPalma ot the ColJta Meaa Merchant b&ae. land recetv1ng a lblrd place medal Park and play here at Coat& ball team for the fifth year th!. for lfO-"yard tree .tyle, boys 11 and Mea '• LJona field Sunday after Sunday as It malt-, lta 185r cte.. 1:2 .. and a fourth place for » droppln.g thelr tint two gamee to but agatnat the St, Loufe ea.I'd(-ya?d back stroke. Huntington Beach at the OU City face to date. • The Pirates open wtth the northern -champions, Sant& Rosa, at Santa. Roaa on September 21, come back home to face Oregon Technical college of Klamath Palla on Sept. 29 ln their tlnf appear· a.nee in lhe soutbla.nd, then tackle their Eastt-m COnferertce foe• on successive week enda beginning wttb Fullerton and following with Mt. San Antonio. San Bernardino, R'.iVersfde. Chaffey and Santa Ana In that order. On Nov. 17 Orange Cout meeta the · 1930 Eastem R08e bowl representatives, Bot11e Junlor college at Botae. Idaho and returns to face a ·strong Harbor JC team at noon on Thank.aglvlng day in Sa.n Pedro. The Pirates play tour . home gamee including the (Tld titanic with Sane. Ana at: the Mu,.niclpal Bowl in Santa Ana on Nov. 10. The remaining three home games. Oregon Tech. San Berdoo and Chaffey, will be played at the Huntington ·Beach high school at&diulh. The San Be:rdoos and Chaffey games. wtll be pla.yed on ~~ ..... 'tofnl. J Golf nal Juniors. The pme ta alated · Tiit. boys relay team ot which lut Saturday &nd Sunday. un•1or for 2 :30 p.m . at L lona ftel~ A Broce s.ird of Balboa and BUI The Sunday ·game will get un- Junior American Leaion cllftle be· Car fuU of Corona del Mar, are derway at 12 nqon and wtll be tween Newport Ha.rbot' and Ana-merabera, took second place medal followed by the Coat& Mesa Mer· Ch. amp Contest he lm ,,.,1" preceed the pme with for the 200-yard free •tyle relay. ch&nt.game •t 2 :3-0 p.m. a atarl.ing time of 12 noon. Baltd a.11o· received a medley re· The· locall •howed their lnex· Long ta uncertain on hla 1tart· Jay 1thtrd place medal. perlence lut week end aa they Qualifying round for the Orange ll.ng lineup, Bob Burdick will catch At an earlier event ln Pacific outhit Huntington Beach In both county junior golf c hampionsh ip and Allie Thfeme ta 9)ated for Coast club Vicki, Newberry was pmee but couldn·t keep up their will be held Monday, June 18 at first bMe with Phil 8.haf.er or Julf' sixUl in 26-yard tree style, girls defense. Bob Wetzel paced an 11· 9 a.m . at Willowick Goll Course. Harshall at aecond: Dick La.ne at 6 apt! 7: Llnda Preston took a hlt attack Saturday wlth thrtt Santa Ana. !lhortstop : George .Jamee at tblrd; thll'd place ·medal. M-ya.rd breut •inglea, but U\e locllla lost. 'l·3. The cont.eat is open to all boyl!I Kenny Uyeaugl, Jack Cluk and at~e. girl• ll and under; Susan Huntington got only six hits. Har· living in Orange count~ who have Shafftr will probably atart tu tbe ~1'.'!"'" h~d a second place medal, bor wu guilty of seven errors. no~ reached their l9th birthday outfield. Long ltated that N a 2.5-j'ard back stroke, girl.a 11 and Pete M.orrtl, Elroy Martinez a.nd before June 23. 19~1 . tentative lineup. under; and WM fourth in diving. Leo Curt.la pitched tor the loca.Ja. Ronald Miller, Sant& Ana., will Sevf'ra.l of lut. year't ball play-ltfona Rae Bartow ·wu flrst 1n 2~ Gene Crain scattered five hit.a defend his Championship. ers are still out of' town in-col· Y•r4 beck atroke, glrla ll and over Sunday's nine innl'ng game All matchea will be played at lege or In jobs that may kttp un.d,r. but •llU 100 4·3. The locale er- 8Cratch. All will be l8 holes. them out Of ball. Some pttued tht At Mlaalon Be:•ch, San Diego,• rol'ed four time, a.II a t crucial mo· Therr! will t>e fl lghU tor all who two practice seSl!liolMI hf May and Suaan Brown waa tirat In 50-yard ment... The LegJon nine got six enter: rtayers who do not ma.ke probably will show up •thia Sun· ~-style, gtrlll 12 and under; hlta otf Huntington pitching.· the championahlp flight will be day. Mona Rae Barlow placed lh1rd in Slated to heave from tbe.· hill paired in additional fl igpta. Manager Long hu called a the aarne race. BUl Carroll wu for the loe&la Saturday a: Pete meeting for l p.m. Sund&;)' at tht fourth in 100-yard Lree etyle, boys M orrta; Jack Whelchel receivtn8': Mata Play ~ute-Bllys' club for all candldatea (or 15 and under. In the men's dlvt-John ~e Cit Leo Curti.8 at Ont: 1-• ,...... ••• .._ lune 18, 9 ......_ lo H tln t Be h I b •--.---pofliUona. Hi! •treeHd .• lbe .ta,ct If n •. un g on ac cu re ... y ElroY, a.rt.Inez at second: Dick . • ' ·~!"! !e!s~IPA~E rt-Jut ..... to .... Of'Ull'llll' foe tlf CW aioUred la the Wv$r et .-,..f:4Glllb<edJ'Oura~ • Ill Ille .M01M!a7 1!1Pt 8et'rice Club lflxed "~··)ft .find the ~ Cbllf ·In nr8t place. r . Proben rolllq,tor Ibo Jol<en ;wltll bl pme Of' 208-1-Clr&nquillt 1'0lllnx for Ille ~ .CJub wttll bl ,oerloo of '1112. 4M llcratcll Trio league hu llle PlcJc Upo In nnt place wltb a tot.I plno(fownlng of M13 for 12 pm-HI game of Me and hi oerletl, 202a. W. Flelda Ill leading Ille lepuo wltb a high Piile of n't and hi series or 744 for fottr game& New1 from the 500 Scratch Trio l eague-First place team B. A. Neraon, 8\07 tot.,I PINI for 12 ca.mes and a hi aertee of 208. P'rank Walah and B. Brown boUl have bl gamea of m . e. Andef-. eon le holding hi eerlea for four pmee of 765. And hereia how the women are etackJn' up on Thuraday night.a-- The Screwball8 nudged into ttr•t place with ~33 total pina for nlne game.a. M . Tbomp.90n hoJd bt game o.f 218 a.nd E . Holbert, hl 8'rles of S23. Tbunday Commerela.t league-- General Sheet M'.et.al first place with 5720 total plna, 8 gamesl M. i Worley 'ht game of 213 and D. 1 KJngabury hi sertea of 547. Friday Men'a Trio league-Col· tage W a.tne Shop in first place with 11603 total plna for 24 games. HI game with handicap held by John Phllllppt at 250. HI series with handicap, Bob Barrle--873 for four g&mea. Wedneaday Mixed Foura league. Skyltghtera nrat wttb 6707 t.Otat ptna for nine game1. Ladies Tuesday 6 :45 p.m . Handi- cap league-Newp<wt Pier Fish· . !:f.1 ~~ t~~s:5 :~~s.w~~b:::.! : Market hi team ga.rge, 806. New- Port Fleet has hi te._a.; series 2373. HI game. Dorothy Martin, 228, and ht series 534 with hanJlcap. Don't. force&. the . Sooteh Doubl.,. thle oom.l.q" week eDd. BOYS' CLUB SWIM The Harbor area Boys' club wtll sponsor a swimming trip to Huntington Belch Plunge Friday night for the enUre membership of the Boys' c lub. The bwi will leave the club at 7 p.m . and will return at 10 p.m . Admission Is 35 cen ts for those under 12 a.nd 50 cent.a for those over 12, Five cen ts of each ad· miseion goes into the Booater club fU}ld for baaketbeJl uniforms next winter. Notable G'uests • • 111-IM,. PLAY ' ' . at r.ot ., .,.. . ' :l1 GOl.f 11 HOLES!i JIENTGIU:JCNllli azG(/(lAC N LENGTH -PA.a 11 I HUNTINGTOM BEA.CH GOLF C.OURSE nu. aw .... ,. tom Talkn~d May we &how you? MUFTl1 t . cuh°oM TAILORS 19831 Nowporf Blvd. . J f Phone KI 1-%980 I llloc1ct Norta of -Ana Gountr.r (Jlnb ' . ' . GOY'T. INSP. HORSE.·MEAT DRY FOODS LEASHES COLLARS . BRUSHES SOAPS FEEDING DISHES I BOB'S : SPORTING GOODS 11th and.Newport Boalevard COSTA MESA PB01''1!: BEAOON 90%1-B - VAN'$ B 0 W.L ING • [ Thuni1q nJcllt t<t ~"' ~ -'ldp·. -" ,.,, area. -' The complete ecbedule le &a fol· lowB: .._.,,_ U. • ....., that·lie wutod all ooll4lolo,.. · t. t.aln ,,... Ud~~ .•OO-y....S ~ II) the bot comer;.Bob Wet-'-!';&'•;::"::+-:·i....--,~'=!:l~~r s ' ......... WU 1n tedl' W 'a ·---~ .J-<,.; ...:Qpportunlty Ill •ir ~· ""4~~1'olng nut £0 Che-No9y v1i10yaid'&i·fd"ifii!ilniffiiik'TiFiirf ,.. •ssIFIED Al>s te~. Local .member• of 111. team puturea. Balboa ls'lan~:iers •• Septembor- 11. l"r"'"'7 Santa -(th<: ... ) !t. 8at'lrrd6y 0re1"on Teell (here) o.--.. Sat..-y l'nllort .. (the"') JS. !laL M L San Ant ... (thono) I& Tlnandey San Bonloo (he~) !'8. "Friday Blvendde ( t.bett) I ~:";:'u~y Chaffe.v (llere) JO, 8at11J'day !laata Am (here) 11, 8at1D'day 8olllf! JC (ttiett) I H, Tllunday Harbor IC (thett) (Tllani.,..tvlq n.yr Shamrocks .Face 'Crank Bros. in. · II O,»ner Ttie t9:5J. 90ftbaJI H&80n gets underway Monday night u la..t year's championship Sbamfock lellm8 take on Crank 9 roe Roof· Ing at 8 p.m . under the lights of Liona field. The game will Mtve as the kickoff tor the alJl:.team loop com· priaing teams representing Rich· .ard'a Lido Market, Boye' club, Salgons a.nd Holstein Construction ln addition to Shamrock and Crank Broa. Nine lnnlnc g&mea wtU be played each Monday. Wedn~sday and Thur9day nighL Game time each night' will be 8 p.>n. f _New rules adopted by the man· agers and repreaentatlvu prom• to &"iVt' the fan a wide open 1tyle ot 90ftball. High acore are ln the ldffertng ...,..th a rule forbid41.ng the Importing of top pttchere or any other players who p\ay tn any other softball le~et. Tbe. loop la alao limited to fftldeJl,ta of the N•wport · Harbor hl&tl -dlo- trtct, which ahou.Jd gtft the ie.aue a decidf'd home--toWn flaVor. , .. other came.. blJ.14"1 tor n.ext "W .. k : Wedn.-y llipt, ~ ~ Rlcluu'd'• M&rtet; Tllunclay ftllJng, Soya' club w. Holst.eta ConatrucUon. , "On.ly really plain women know about love." -Actreee Katharine Hepburn. who eaya she's plain. -<-' are Brue. 'Baird and Don l>re8tm1. Crain Will be on tbe bill Sun-a BOWLING ~ '1N_CLUDING PRIZE MONP.:Y Many a big deal bu been made day with Roger Pfister or Jim thru a small Want Ad -People do . read U'lie Presa ads. Roberts tn the outfield, Californkl FishlllCJ Regulations 8HIY> No Cl.OSU> aASOM ... .§11'~ l.IMIT • .JUM5IO""f0 AAQO-t 14 • . . • • AO LIMIT MAQCM I~ "fO '"'ll"I! 9 • •• • ' ., It was an occaeton when good frtenda got together, relaxed and heard "music . you couldn't buy" when Mr. and M:ra. Frank Wishon, 335 Ea.st Bay · Jl"ront, Balboa Is- land, were Sunday boat.a to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Doa:h, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoddard and Mr. and Mra. Ed Groenendyke. • J DIRE!; G~UO per P•"""' c~uADf SAT . ..!. .. 1 P. M. TO I A, M. ..,.. llUN.-1! NOON '!'() 1 A. M. PRJZP.: FOR 1st, 2nd and 3rd ' I TROPHIES FOR-1116~ COOlfLE from VAN'S BOUG PHONE: lllJ!IAOON 11618 1703 Superior Ave. Mr. Bush is the Hawaiian high falsetto slnger with Harry Owens' orchestra which ill appearing Fri~ day night for the las't time on TV Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 channel 5 and tt was hi.a mueic· 1, High which held the group spellbound. He Is Joining the Biltmore Trio --------------------------- and will be at the St. Francia ho- tel, San F rancisco. Much of the day was apent crualng on the Wt.s:- hon cruiser, Dorfr&. 4. ' Richardson Brothers ' · Go East an(i West Word hae ~ ~ved by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Richardson of Rich· ardeon'e; Yacht Landing that their son. Ed R tChardaon. first clasa petty officer, U. S . N ., hu Jen. Pearl Harbor and la on h1a way to Korea. A second eo~ Jack. hu been hom.e for two wee.ks after gn.du- ating from Reeae Air FOl'Ce baae, Lobbock. Tex.as. but drove back and on Sunday reported at Head· quarters Command. Waahlngton. D. C .. where be will be atatloned. The ll~utenant LI pllot O_f. a bmob- er. Everett Reas Visit Relatives Mr. ana Mn. Ever..tt k. RM or 201 Broodw•y, Costa -_, Memorial Day wtth. relatfvea. The 1ocaJ couple Vt.Olt.ec1 tMlr --In· law a.nd daughter" "Mr. and 'Mra. Georce McKeolwl and c1auliiw 8andra Lou ot ill>enUan ()&Jg· • . , """ Balpll Rea, Who attends UCLA. and qotber _, and ."lam• Uy-Jl(r. and Mn. "llwrott Rea of W•wood.. . Balboa Matron Home l=roM Mexico ' Bame Tua111i~ a 11i1t .wttll tr!-* la -~· . .,, Mllilco -Jira. ~ Bldn, llllO I:. ~ ...... ~ 8'I' ,.... -1&7. -~ w)l,IJ Jl(r, -~ """ ............. -._,., ' . • tvear a Plateau Ar• 1l'i < . ' • • • • • • • • • • • PAGE 2 -·PART I f - THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 ~Te'~m11·~ Water Safety . Men to"Meet Water aatetY-tnatructor1 lbroupout th• Southern ~ county chapter of the American Red CT'08I wtJl Jfleet ~ an aJI.. day retttaher trn.inlng CO\n'le at T\asUn hJgh .chool oo Saturday, Ju.ne 9, according to Robert Smith. cllttctor of q.tety aervl~. Cla.mld will b2 CODd11c;.ed f'1'om 9 :30 to • p.m . with a aoda1 Jurich-- eon at noon. There wUI be a dl.9cU98ic:>n period at which time educaUon&l moUOD ptcturee on learnitlj: to swim. fun· darnenlala and skilled IWimminc wUI be shown. The pool will be used by the Instructors to obeerve and practice new tecbnJquq 1D teaching, lite saving and the ate . RA «•troP -Tiie -Plymw*'· llel• ...... a b~ oq.lod W-11 I 1, IOI -la ..--....i -oa...,..,. -~·la PIJ'moutb -""""-la i.e Q .... --f wmdoM ue down. no -t ollocufto oldo vloloe alld Ille-. ae Op.a ae a _.wtll u- la ste•rd II.ad foar '-•toee color eombhettooa MU. maf.ck.lnl' llltertor .. =~l!n~ ot •maU water crotta lllld Bed Cross Seeks I CalitOrnia Wins H .n· Norsl Tbis day, devoted to confVieDCe 0 e . ft ft and workout, directed by RO'llort C' ~..... Award I ' • > • .,. Smith, Is In preparation for tM K Bag _.._. 1 JS ' sum me r safelJ program to -C&f"' 1·t . IJPfS Ca.lltoral& hu ~ four ot Courses' _,. n r!<.~ 0.1 .:.t t:~c b::.c~~. hiz:.b achoo! ~ •ven first pl&co tnttiif: Piety ' •.. · , . pu'l!J c.rd ::t ~u:nmcr campa. rdll tf red N 1ona.I - "E.J.ci'l yr !le the> need for a ID additJcm to tba tradJdonal awa_ · 0 e by the at Oa 'M-.... I& .c:::e.t& ,..X.., Red I -• ' Red c--welfaz aervice tor able 1 Safety Council. C!tftord E. Peter· ,___ ~•-•-..i' .__.::....._ ~ . ...:..__ ...:~r.;-to·::\·1trn :!?:d ger.cr.u water • ..._ • 1 Stat H)Ch CQil'l'lftl.iMI ..... ~ ~""--llVllUe-ftOll'!'-~ :_".!t't.J p!"o~::i.r.1 rC'<"'~V'?:J ::i. greate.r bod.teed a.nd boapit.a.llsed ~rvl~ ~:°'°''a.nm! ed wa, oner, lnat.ruotJon. qib JIJ;s~'-· wW 1·~c~~1:..o n c...'ld It i.! m~t dtffl· men carrledvi oo through cbapLe~ I ~e -.Jd~ ~omi& bU .bff_n J:Mos_tn. ex.ia.tp91J ~.;i~q,.P" cu.t t ') fi:tll e:lo.u;.!i lMtructora, borne Mr ce dep&rtmenU an l Jud ed. top th t&'h laJ' tet he&4QUarte" lbe tint week In r~:l.:l:J or ,-,t:::1z:i :.rl.! r!.cc.J CtOGa vol· Red Croee field directors, many K • am.one e e l C· Jb-. ·,....,.,,· ...__._;;.-. __ •---"•. e3l statee tn traffic law eeforc~ ·-......, ~~-"''ll-U'll: Ml' cntcer:i,"' ::=~:1t h ~hi , ::u!din~ "the· war-tJme aervlcea have been re· ment, highway enctneertnc-, tra.t· The IP'lnt· 'tlapa..t cburch on J~c:: o! ::~c<r ::.tc pc.cl f::.cllltle:i In actfvat!'d for troop!I in Korea. fie u.tel'y educatlon and le(ial.a· Sant.a Ana uwt -...no11& stieete Lh . .J ::rt..:J. ;;, ::.!.:.o k t'Cnly tell by Word was received by Harry live ~IM.fclL PltMJ_uu ue to be ln 'Ouata M ..... A.u-JTUbed the UM U.1...:c L1t~rc:.t .. J In t h~ pro:'.!ram." A.lhton, chairman of Newport awarded to tbe .iate ln. the ...,. of 11\e •1cony Roorn tor the~ l t : J l:op:<l Lt. t C.· r:.i:urc th.at a Harbor branch. that 28 mob!~ future. equip~ cSU. ·roan\. ·AU ·co.ta mv r.~::-:.:n:; o~:;r:::.1 !c~ ::.U pbyei"\ canteen. slmtlar to llloee which .. A number-of Callfomla cities MeML cd H&rbbr ldldeota a.re r!:::.'.lf l~:i:1d.ic!lp:>~tl i ,j r.icnl:llly carrJed snack!, sonp and smllo r•-Invited &o --'st.« lo• u...&'cta.- ret.:itd ld c ~'.11-ten \V!ll be made to millions or American sef'Vtct"• .-nt u-a" or •econd place award.a • ..,.. or honon.ble mentkm in thelt 8 by lthtphonl.ag. &tcpn Gtl'W'K.. . pos3.ib?o tJ1rt.u,gh t!1 1J i~te rest 9, men in World War U are _ belnl' population STOUP. f.or vuious t naLrUctJ.Otl wttJ be pee Oil K an· lndividn.:i.l.J .::;.1J c:-c.-..ipJ fn thf.:t re&dled for operation ln Korea. tratttc enforcement actlvlUee, ln-day. Tue.day and . W""""8da}'9 cccnlry. Red Cro:!1 producUon volu.nteera cludtna Loi A.nee.le•. Oakland. both tOr ctay and evenlnr eiu.. The ability to g ive such train-are again bmy rnalclng kit bags Freao, San J ose and Sacramento. unl!I the 14 -hou.r co\l.1'9e ~· com· inK Is deve lop<!d in special course for men enroute lo Korea. thoae The state. with which eautor· pleted. given Red Cross Instructors, Smith in combat and those m route home nla competed for aJ.1 awarda were Mrs. Robert T . Whitten, bome mid. &.Dd on hospital ahJps or plane.a. New York, Peruuylvanla., Ohio, nurMng-ch.&lrman, ot Co«a Me.a. Tbeee euentia.1 litUe Mc• to carry lndl&n&. Dllnioll, MJchipn and hu done an outat&ncllAg-aie.n1oe AUDIO-VISUAL COURSE thtlr few but Irreplaceable per-Texas. to this a '°'a in orpnlu.Uon and TO BE OFFERED AT OCC lbl&.I belongings are a typk-a l Red Meanwtille, Peter.on reported ~rrangemenc.. for thia branch ot The Un.Jveraity •of Callfornia croaS ser~ce expected and truly U:lere ., ... an izaauae of S.t per Crtt Rod era. Krvlce. Ber bue- Exteruilon Divia!on h8.9 corp.pleted appreciated by our aervicemen, «nt la the-mambh ot tratnc ac-band la arriYin.r 800D from KOl"'N. a.rran~menlll undet which a Mr . Ashton stated. cidenta: ln Cailtornla laal m onth-&nd ~ vri'1 return to their fw- course In Audio-Visual Education Southern Orange county chap--dHpite tha fact that traffic ac· mer hoete. Mtt. Howard Brya.n of wilJ l»..Offered on the Coast col-ter bu a.ccepted a quot..a of 400 cide-nta lncreued lO per oent. Dur· Coiala Meaa w1b be the new ch.&tr· lege campus during the comJ.ng bap which indlvidual.!1 are mak-lng the fln t four mootha of thbl man. summer ttrnt. This course ls re-lng at home or are being made year. Petenon sa.ld, t.h.e average •r11e t xtenstve equipment ne-ed- quired of all candidates who seek by groups as project. in thl'ir llt'W -l.ncr~ in accident.a ha.I bffn t<i for thla coune bu been pth· tea ching credent.Jal!, unless their tng rooma. The Red Croes turn,bh-equal to the increase .,, traffic. 1:N'd rrom Red Ct"09m twa.nchM tn original_. teaching Cl'rtificate wu ing lnsr luct lons and matertat. Sarita A.na., G&f'dM Grov@. Co.ta is.sued prior t o July 1, l 9"'7. In order to complete lh!a: quota M.csa and Newport Beach. Audlo-ViauaJ Education l XL by July 1 m~y volu.nt.ffrs are OPTIC TO"C Aller the put eJtperience mmt 147) 13 designed to acquaint with needed and "'1yone wlahinc to Almost everyone la tamllar with people have bad with vtrua nu. the lheoriee and method• of vi.ftlal help allould eon tact the local Red the term. ''20/20 vtaton, .. bUl how ~ need fM trl.inln&' in ,the care instructlon and to furnl!h experi-CroM office at 207 Island awnue. nlany people knw.-jual. ¥o·hat ll of the 1lclc In the borne la a w~· ,,nc<-ln the utUization of ag.dlo-Balboa, Harbor 188!1. means. If you can tee amaU ob-come service. We can ail ab.ow wz visual a ids. ~t et'llng~ will be held -·-jecta or l•tteft fl 20 "'fMl--OI>-•PP'l'ec~ ~ att,...._ & Y.Y on each Monday, WednesdAy u.d A'l"IYFUOES IN' DRIV1N'O ject,i or· letteni Ui&n ca.n be aeen pracUc&l and neceu.ary pbw ot J. .... riday from 9:30 to 12, comJ\le.DC· Ignorance of safety ru!em. cockl-by the "pormal" eye at that dla-1 Bf'IC help for a stronger commu · ing on Junt' 18 and terminating ness. dependence upon luck rather tance--you have 20/'20, or normsl nt l y. J u ly 27. Three un il.8 of upper di· than upon r ea.l dMvtnc Ilk.ill, arc viau&I acuity. vision cre<fit will bf' granted. ,A &JI wrong attitudes that arf' It lhe normal eye can aee an ttt of 30 dollars will ~ charged round ln drivera who bave proved ob~l al 200 feet and you ca.n·t tor r cglstratlon in tht.a cla&I. Rea· them.selves to ~ accklenl prone, diacern It beyond 20, you have 1st ratlon 1,1,1i!l ~ conducted IA the potnt.s out the National Automo-20/200, or extremely poor, vh1ual l'out college adnti.nistratlon build. bile Club l-fow are your attl· acuity. In fact, from a lrgs.I point Wi g oo Monday, June 18. tudes? are Uley wrong, or r ight? J ot vi ew. you are t:11lnd. GLE.'l FORD. Hollywood tllm star. on how lo nay happtly mar· rlt:d "Oon•t see too mu<!h of e&ch olhl·r both huaband and wife .11huuld have a night out once a • oo. \\te ... on ' v.•t•t·k away rrom thf" r-amlly." ' ' • No moving parts to wear outl Wich a Senel Gas JteCripralor, then'• no mocor, DO 1111Chinrry. 'fbe hDf IJAS llame io die Send Fl'Oftillg SyslO!D malt.,~ Ind mld .•• elimioous moving pans chot wear out Ind make noioc. Thia ii why S<nel -ya ailenr Ind W.. longer. You pt yan ol ptoeeetioa when you buy a Send ·Gu Refrlaua-. And even lo-,..._., W1-you NII the eight ..Ji.ts. you'll ogne IMt Ser..i ii LONG.,. beauty. 1Vbta you look U..ide, ,.,..'II bd it LONG oa ~ ....... 1DG. 'Ihae'a lllOft _.,. opocr.,. -fu11 a ilo4 .,.._ ..• all tbat'a....,, AadewaiowvJ'bll S-dla illo1hr1 It dealm' Gt~!'.. ~· .. ..i.ct your. s.+tl Gu JWriaenmr.....,. •.• •• '"--t• flit .• J. = ::~ : I 41'C-::r:";:' • ---·-----~---'IWI~ ,,, .. . frodior will ........ ,. ..... ., • -.t tZJS# ............ W ..... M:. ........ .. . . ' • ..... ' CltJ GI ~~ 81 *• ..... ti OIMF r di - N'•ow-pw<-..,.... at1 ,..._ 11811 A.1111 n ?• Drb 1••t IOI' ~ • I PllCAL~ ltllMl • • • • I, a IL ~ ae .. -0t11c1o Tu~ lit -fM 111e City ot NMjlOft ....... CaomtJ ot flns ........ ot oiiltonla, .- Amr•rrl Oww . nam17 Cbarico, ~ J. °"""" lltlftio r. -·-·~~r :-'-~ .. 1 • Be(Ty, wuu.. B. __ :_.,.__ ... ... .. -.. -.. =,~= ~ ~.,. ~---·;::; 1: Wyd<ott, on.,. T. 111W1J 11!'/tl . H• O...Uer, Horry : ........... ~··•····pr ... _......... (>· Oartler. BfjTy _.....,._._.~ ••.. ·+-__ .• 1 ......... ~ ' ! ' -"- TMor 11• 'l ' . B&niett, PeraeJ o. ··---'···-'-r·--··· .-........ T.,... .. 1.· .. • • ' 'J. ! BBIRY 0IVS llVrtc9111at, .......... --·"'Ille ,.,_ al ._ -u , 1 n<a ... ,loo Ille CltJ" et JlfcwjMl -Watlcln.i, Roy M ......... , ....... ;r;·· ..... :-... !: llT • .., ' 1 I -t tar tM demi,_,. •«ns lw a , .. 1 • .,_ tat.t ,.<Pll't7 .........,._. TILACI' .., I mo f ' . ··~ ........... Ul&t., ........ tu. ... t9 -.,, .... ', l'Ol"'ti -r.,. aa fits·'"" Md ...... ttw 11, ... paW at tM Tax Maeder, W-8 ........ c-;.~ .. ----• • McOoll, E. Bunlloe ·--~····•··-·-·--lil 0-1 rllar'• Ott!• .,tlllf aw Hell.. --... , •• .......,, ~ ., 1111. 4T n:ll O'CLOCK A. M. • ot lllet ..,, lllltl -fC O t) •I 118Nd McOoll, lil. Burd!M BWly 141 . .. . ..:.:...# SJO&'..-.... Knute R. Swty·" -·-~ "' Ille -lillt ---WI"'! --"loo aad -· .... ~-Id, -... Ille -- - --· -1tle<J, BT ~T19lf or LAW. --loo -~"' H4iapOot Bn"ll, ad !Mt -ale wllJ be ...-ta tllo W-or :nD TAX OQL. SJocreo. Knute R. -··-··-•-···--··· --····""1_, . .nt Gundnun, 1-&WJ'eD<:o K. ......... _ ·--·-····· \·28' aou. L&wren.oe lil. swty· ji' ........ .OH Golt. L&wre.oce £. ........ -... -.6111· l.ecTOR "' Mid <*)'. • • • • ·R. k 1llJO!P! ...... l!Mlftklo Tu OOOaotcir "' N•wpurt 811rll. caut.:aml&. Hnoon, Jobn M ................... + . ---·· ~. RECORD s'uttn:Y '1' ••em Smith, WaJlace G ...................... -r·····-· • • ... ~ 111:4()11 'l'llA.CI' Pertclna, Irene M et al ............. _ ................. 1J Rerrtn, Marie ................... :. . . .. .... ,... .. .. . ....... ... . .. J& Tborp, Ruel a . Sir~ ··-··-··· .. -··-...... a lllVS&~N Bonner, Waltar.R ..................................... -.... 1$ ,.,,.,,,._, IAull c . ·····-···· ,......................... ....... 11 Str1qP1, Res1e ,J ................................. ·-····-··-··-8 ! . . , I.AO ftACI' . . Ho1Jan4. L C. ·---·.-.------·-.. -··-········· .... 18 JohMon, Srnma OeordlMa 411 -(u 8t.) (Inc . piir«:s..e 11 .. 10 bet ..,.,. J' • A RI\ a R/W)... ~ lhxwell, Neille N. All (ex. St.l .. :......... 1 Maxwell, Nelli. N . ·-·----·-·-~····-··············· 2 Maxwell, N.Wo f'. SWly &' .................... 3 Whlte1 JCdwarJ I. ···-·-···-·····-·······-······-·_; ....... '20 Holl)'O&k. Fnieman r .................................. ft LoJ'le, Charles IL. et &I --·-................ .... . G CANAL 8EChON White, Willard .......................................... . 7 Johnatone, Bruce B ................... -.......... . JO L.avacnmo. i..ra A ................... ··-·······-··· ........ 4 'fl>omp>on, CWlde A. .... .... ............. ..... .... ...... l Lo(lio. Cllarl"'I ~ et al ····························• . .. 5 Siple, ClorOOn G. AU <ex BEiy Ui 'l ... .... 9 Paller9oft,, ICbner ..... -.... -...... .... ...... .. .. l Sip!<, Oot<loD. G . .................................. .......... . 4 SECTIO!f A . Bolloll, l!lll& D ... :.... .. ... ...... ........................... 4 Greenleaf. CU'roll P'. .. ... ~ ........................ 14 8IX, "TION B Alexander, OiariH ·-········ Ahrens. WlllLard F . et a l TRACT !M Hand,. Brvce J ..... . ~OSB ·············-· u l . ..................... 10 Maocullocb, Ma.rl'\Jerlte L. All (Inc. bet -.me It Bay Aw ext) 16 Macculloch, Marcuertte L. All (Inc bet ,. u.me 6: Ba.)' ATe ext) 17 Maecullo<ll, Mar.JUO!ite i.. All, (Die. - .. Mme A-Bay Ave ext) 18 l!:A8T Nt:Wl'OllT BumwOT'th, P'red ·-············ ........................... 22 BenUey. Anna .. ···-···· ..................... 12 8UB OF BLOOK A-&A8T Hl:WPO&T Staten. Lllyan SEly 44.9' .. ·······-·-14 • 1:; J ohn&oil, Oeorce L. et aJ ....... ···········-··-······· r,i F ox, G. M. NEly 10' ................................ 140 .. -• 28 sl 130 131 !St 181 133 m r.i• 140 tU 240 333 886 MO 437 Ull 11 17 111 218 218 • I ' U .28 16.U 8.28 •.72 lS.30 1.35 =~·rc~:1.~id~ c;;:Jt· , .... :Jl>Y ·~-iir-· 90 ' .. ' ""' • , ............. a OOllON A DIEL I -; . N&M..U.d, Fr-ederlck J. ~ !Ilic P'f :: , r au. ·a«Jl ' .. f SI HIJton, Robert M. · ............... LL...................... t•. :~:~: ;~~:..:~·E~::. ~ Von Euen, .Margaret ·····---'. ..... -............ 1~.1.. 6 Hope, Roger C. --···-·········-·-·--···· .. ·····-·······--.JJ Drukel, Daa ·················--···-1····-"············· .. 1t Duignan, Jack M. ·-···-·-····-·-··· ................ !" CORONA D::?.L MA.It ' . 18.78 8wan.90D, Victor J ............ ·-····-···i····--·-··-_ M 4.99 McCry•t&l, fJllZAbelh A. NICIJ Ji' .. ...! .. · ,{ 1.89 McCry•tal, EIW.bOth A .............. !.................. ~ 1.24 McCryotal. EHlzal>etb A. ·ll~~· ..... 1 .. 11. 20.29 Amidon, Eva F. ·····-··················-·····-···-······-11 32.21 Dav1S, Edward P. et al ............... ········-·····-· • 3.83 Mltcharu, DeWIU .......... ·-····-······· '····--··· .... --t Mitcham, DeWitt ······-········~·-······ ··-··--..... ...:.... ~· 20 87 Ganater. Eugene F ...................................... ___ ~ t3:27 g:::~: ~= ~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~ t ~~-::! ~!:: ~lto~d .. H~·-······NEi~-iO;··!~:::=::=:=:= ~f 9,$8 Miller, Clifford H .................. T .... ·-·····-··· .. -·~· li- 4.99 Anderson, Florence ···-····· .. ·-········-·····-·-.. ---q_ 39.Sl <=harle. [)on H ............... : .............................. -. ·l 9.5S Bl"O'Wlfll, Frank W . ·················-············-···---··· lilit' Gannon, William J ................. : .......... ·-···-···-· If· lO.G? Foet.er, James H . ·······-··-······-············-··········· 2J ie.et Fletcher, Juanita w .............. ·-············---····-'a Wallett, Cora M . ···················-··:7...................... I Biller, )(ay T . et al .......................... ·----·-?··' ii 40.42 'P'h.flllps, Frank L ..... ,,. ..........•...............•. -... .!.-'. U: 16.67 Corbin, Wesley W. ··································-···~··· ~ Corbin, Wesley W ..................................... T ... 'I. 2B.ll I Van Land4,ngham, W1n. H ................ -..... :i_. 2*· TltACT ftl--OOllOl'i ~ DBL llAB '<': ' Lynn, Robert B. et· al . N1"1 li..ao" <.., IJ>n'X ..• , 12._16 Lynn, Robert B. et al . slcly 11.acl' , (Jl:x Hwyl .. ' Mt.31 Lynn, Robert B. et .&1 1 iNWlr 31.20' ,..,., • ..-.... , •• ,~ I (Sil Hwy) .. •1 -13.40 Col .. -.... _ p ~ 11.... -.... . ....... ~· . ~ <~. ~) ···-··········· • 28.97 38.48 Flagg, Don P . AU. (Ex llwy) .............. 5 TRACT 87s--00BONA DU MAR Celdert, Walter L. H .. Jr. ···-······-··············· 49 .. TRACT 88Z---OOltON A DEL llA&' Ingram. Robert H ......................................... SO Drisl<el, Dan ·············································----· 1111 ~ ' ' • •• 'I .. lSl 1$1 111 111 ' .... . ·• L ~ 'u u . A Fox, G. ).f ............................................... , ....... 1411 A A A A 38.03 18.71 2.70 ~.M KE-8UB OF SECTION I, BALBOA. WAND NJICWPOllT BAI' nUlCT Wa.riouulont, Floyd ···--·············· .. ·····-············· 13 Scholfield. Leeter H ........................................ : l~ sua OF BLOC& C-Nll:Wl'Olll' SAY ftACT Comel18on. Harry H. ·····-···········--··-t-------··-T Loni'. Moc)Jeoka J . . .......................... -............... 4e • 4 c c I 41.81 25.fO lOOM 8.71 Scott, William H . . ........................................... 17 2 Gogerty, Francea E .......................... __ ............. 2t. :t ~ty, France. E ........................................ U 4 Shoemaker, .Jao'>oo II ...................................... ~. -0 ll(yers, John W. ···························-··········-·-···" 7 Stetson, Jottn T ............................. 1-·····-·-··-II( ~-' Foeter. Solon R. , .... -........................ -............... • .'. 11 ' • Corn•Uoon. Harry H . NWly J2.04' ot l!li:ly et.Oii' tinc bet aame A hip tid• Une) .... 87 c 6.87 Frueban, Edwvd C. ........................................ IJ 11 Bonham, Edna F . NWly Cl' ............... : ... :~~ 2t • ..... · ·1.s 1" '.,, f ~··1·•,;••· •J SF.Cl'ION 0. BAI.BOA ISi.AND .,, ' ' ' BAUIO.A BA l'81DIC Rooe, Bo ChrtaUan et a.I iJI (Inc. bet same 6 llll'h Ude llnel ! Roos, Bo Chrt.Uan et al .A.U (Inc bet same A lalgb Ude line) S Roos, Bo QU'll'llon et1 aJ All (Inc bet euae .. lllgb tide line l • Rooo, Bo ~ •U o.I All CZ. Ely 1') (Ille .. t .... llllJb tld• line) .. • ~. Bo Clu'lltloa et al All C Ille bet -· a hlC'I tld-J e R-, Bo Chrlot1an et al ....... ·········-············ 7 llALllO.A TJl..ACI' 'l'llonlpeon, A!lbert R. et al ............................ 7 ! ·' t 3 a I ' ICA8T BIDE ADDl'llO)I TO ll.AUIOA TRACI' Noel&oda, Anna I.. .... ~ ... ,... ............................ ~ 11 ' . Scanlon, BllllCbe ·-········ .. ·········--············-······· 17 14 ' · TRACI' 111 liprquo. La Vergie ......... _ ........................... • Sprasuo. La Verpe ... -............................... r7 Dllotr, lluc'O!l• ft. ··--···•··-·····-·······-····-··· 8' Walt.o. -H. ..... ·----·········-········· .. •··· 8 Bini, llule W, ............................................... l 'IL\CTMll Rice, llhria!I P. H. ·······-·-·····-·······-··-·-" 0 TRACT Tl! Berey, wtnlam IL ........................... --... -.... 14 '° IW_.B OOLONT ftMlT ~·~ = ~: ~= -.~!. .. ~ .. ::::::::: :. . . . ooa:.ur ftOJIT l'&&CI' llllt<bell, ,,_, .. ___ .. _____ ..... -.. ,.... • • aJYDWIW>N • ....... "'°Pll .. JO:IJ'' IO' Of 8Wly • ilJlc por I llec ..... _.. adj) _ ..... -._.4.---.. 10 Holland, Lo c. ot al .All (Ille bit - ' ·" ~ U.. llloo} iO • • ..,.--·...-no11 TO MCW-1 ~ • • •• J . _. ,.1 ... au .----~ .. 7 ........ _,.. w ... , ..., ---------., n·•• , ,_ ._ ---------11 •""7· " • Jlf. ~--'-• Wz ,,.._IL ~ "'10 ...._ aa•11t .&. .., ... -' II --. •• ,.t& ..,.. .. ................... _ .. ·-· 81.!JI JI, -. . • --I .... Ci:!. .. .. -.. JI • 117 •• :::;: : :: --: = • , ,. 0 I K 11 11 11 Gi ' f 11 n ~ • • • •I ., •> 11 • =. -- • McAllister, Ray E .............................. '. ............ ,.!J. -J Pitntan, Aup.sta T ...... : ....... _ ....................... _/. '*. . .1 cartner, Flournoy P .................................. _, .. i' " i ·I' .:.a· ·--1 Stanford, Glad)'B A . ........................................ , • ' , 121 .62 Thom""'•· Donald c ....... '. ............ ·····-~····-·-·u e· Pierce, Cbarle1 Roland .................................... ~ ·1· 10 FIPh..-, C..ylord L. ·········'·····-··············-····---· I l1 Grorud, Nol'W1.an E ..................................... ·-··· ll· 11 SECTION OI, BALBOA ISLAND , S8 12 W olfe, LE-Ro.f _ ............................ ·-···········-······· 27 MaTPlea. Perce ············· ...................... ,........... lJ 43.88, .Marples,. Perce ···-······································· .. -·. tt 39.02 M°'°"'"-&n, Flor'ence W. .................................•.. . i Berla, WUfred .................................................... If e3.73 Brewoter, Harry C ............................................. *' llolarsllaU, Rq V .............................................. , tt Robl.naou, Loren C. e.t aJ ······························-·· IT 24.10 Naylor, Ida P ....................... , ........................... 84 tt.S7 Broer ing, Lawre-B ................ 1 .................... 25 . I . 11.ia Doehr~~f :V:~~I~-~.~~~..... , 24.10 Na7lor, Ida P .: ...... _ .................... -··-············--····· a 17.4.9 )l'.cCnUOCh, Potter ....................... L. ................. l•. 114.llT Ploelpo, Anna A ........ '.... ........•....•.•....•••. : ........... a ll0.(4 Mick, Ml.rgaft~ D . Wly 1~' .................... ,. llECnO!i FIVIC-BALllOA IU.AJm :M.S D' Aaost!Jlo, .fomer.euo K. ........... !. ...... -·-···-ta SuWVID, Charloo F. . ................. T ............. _ .. • Hartman, Lou1oe s ........................... --··-··· n 3.eo 1 ~ tn•11o 11. Nly 1Y ·----·--..... a 1 Holllngahead, Gonion ···-+··-·"· .. ·····-······-· ti ;~: Lavac!:~O~::-~~~-~~l_t •~ Lavagnino, Lat8 r.. tlWly 2'J;;;;_, I ' 8.93 ' Wlf lrl'OI ,_ 'T " 18 • ' T11Mll',lll9 , t· . ' l'JUp, <!Ao "-l'·---.:.. ........ '.t, .................... :_ ii li:Bl'tlJt,. i:lw'O<i<I c. ._.:. ..... ,....... ---·--·-~a: u .os Mcpwan. ~ r:-.!.. ..... 1-.. ·-··'-·i-:-r,-""~ r.. ~ ··,-···-........ -... ·-· 2.77 · -' lU Roblalllft. ,~ (JNllt :.....---.-· ·--....... --ti_ .. ' .. . • I j ~ , ._ . n.cru• . . 4.A1 4M 11t••, 1.ef'end 1.. --...--J-···-..,._ .. ___ ... .._ .. 01.21 Am.Jwn, Id• ... J. ·--·-··-, -.......... ~ ..•• -< , I .. .n .n nAQI' un 'f.M -B. Otj 'I§ •am -. JM; • J 'te &. Cl , , I r ., ... _!mo. -::;::~:. aui ""'""' 8. Cnie.. I r I " , la . ..fM .. • UI .AM ft1;+1f t !IR f1tt:e1,., -_., ... Gin' .... ,_ •• 1 ; -~.: .Zjl~~ ...... ,, .... 1.1 r . 'il .. f. II -.. iti6a. 11 12 : IS t1 ia 18 11 lt l 11 II 12 ,t8 l • l I I ' -) I -l • tt.61 tU. ~' R.· t&Af . . : . •' ., n .u ~ .... • • • • , • • - , • ! ·-... > SJ AJE RECREATION .BOOV URGED Mesa Octogriiian PAGE J -PM' lr ..J ••tt• -..uae .. ~.,., ... •• ,. a. _.,. 7 ,. °' ~ete~. on & lhday .· a -.8llM --'""' ..._ ca •z Ena, oa -" z lo; u.e o... ot u. --pttul -~ • ._.. ' ELI MJ ...... 0 ttt• ---I~ ,..,..., 'tolt woe ,_,_.,_, et Wt date tooll: -.,.--~-...::.,.,..-';_--,,...;..---:-.:"-'l-:,-..-....------- llle w z I' 11i. • "'" ot 4ue., .•· Mi s • « .... ........_ ['l&co.."' ~ Ooola --°' f sti A • lo:~ -·tr-.1.. "nnU•t 4' lllo ea ,._ F r ts •mn!at ... at q,J!M .... ~ Kr. ud , ll. W. Jl<CloQo!', U ft :<(8 MGi un · ·-tWo --~ . 178 Vlrfllda Pl.. ,.._ -Ile· . • IZlo ~ ...... ~ rtpt 1o ._i mi -.i, "' .,,, • .,.· •-;.,. =-~--bonolt~ Host~ss te>i·: Club , '· -,.una-ot u. -aall~ -u Ille stant Ndwqiod tor ol, •-and ' --A Delpbo~I club : J0 · I a '••• Dl7,.0 Pc LIDO,, -tadll!t.. ud oidDo tor ,.. aro•ee, U. -ea-at la on Ille .,...._ ~ her llltll birth· , , . I ~ vldllls nchaUaa _. ,._,,,.., Jolla. or.J'alnt X-. II ... ~ Ila¥, Bome ao re1au-and _.. 1~ aso la 1"" ~ by ""'°""'---• It lot -· tMt JM --popalatlaa -ea11ec1 to '-or u.e ..._ .met In Coola Ji-' ll&t~. ~ ~j • lM ...,..E?t Uil • CaHl..a.. ...... ta:=IMirJ lo"Nd ~ , , 38, fot & )Unc:Mon!wtth lin. ~ ..ii•s ~-.-U ·O( Ille !: ••olop l'i'*: . TQ.a. 1'11111 roi.-1ona4 11\e !IMutlM ence Mll\e of 17211 Twttln a~~ -Jo--.· .. 1111, -.,.., .. _ ud lllr.tlodQ ---..p1o4 the aa --Other local -lat. w.ir.u -.,.,. lo -"'°"!•• 1aca .l'O••o4 taa talilo ado"'fd t"'4Jng were Mn. Flor.nee Oon· ' ClL&Ufl:U .............. OlllftA llDJA ··-61114 . .,.,,,,, .............. Wltll ,_ I to u.. lcaia DI--.,.., ... _ ... ,.. wltll .._ --ud 1'U'IOpled nor ud Mn. Sue Bum>WL -Keene> -Of s-..... Illa BHN !IF~ J-M -,Mft. Mc(lJ9!!o• WU WU plaJed ~the -.,fr---r-.,--,,.,,:"·-"r"'""·'""-, --· -~· ·1 1 ,,.,,_ W, ---Of .. ' tbo -· ar'l'td ,_ ll(n, A.i -~-JlrL lint prlae C!>1'1c ti> Kft. Jllnw>,.L hoe ·-•m' I Jaid U.t ·~ .. ~~ .... I II 7CW"9 lM dt•b?'.± WWil.m "'Cro. &Dd-Mi..--.Robtn I ~~-; 1 . ·>~ thla .. _ ,..;,,. -~ i.o Ulat' -°'· a -..l!<e _, fartlo crooir. of Ooot& -.· ' • K' . ., f . w. --,.. "' u.. 1-....i ......-... ·.r..i.. eomm•• .. • u.a ••1er ':' u.. • An ...,.,..bla _...... ..,u..,... 1.wan 1s·O. f1ce rs ~ .-::; .:::= er.• I • puunt "-Illa Conlm.NI..,. -tad.by Roy ud Anne' Ball, { • ' .,.-- n.iO. tJio1 -. -• 111e ::S' ~ ~'"":; ~~ sNt·P.t ,,..._ o1 tbe at Conveht ion · · . ,., ~~ • .=!'-~......, op-ot ·a --· pi&l'tln-ol Natllral _,_ ~-Wllp p ve & tap dance; I ber at ,.,...Uoa 'tt._.1lirooip-tllo -tltln actl.ttleo ot the .rnat-rran<tcblldnn, Barbara Joan Herb Kenny, prealdent of Ille out Ula etate. Dorlna'-t :rwn Stat ...___ t at IDducaU Radley •• Diane Borland an d Newport Harbor ' Kl~ ~b, there bu '9en an lzt~ de-• -~ ~• on. Pamela Hadley, who entert&ined wW leave by apectaJ traUl ~f 1 MA.ftitl!SfQ'S .._,___________ ma.nd for the 6eve}9pment of rec-Ml880UIU GUEST wtth dance numben; Leroy Hoc-12 to attend the lnternatioDal ~n· C M M • s h I reaUon arfU Wblcb will l>l'!'Yid• • • Ian(!, who wu he&rd In plallo venUon at St. Loulll J uno 1~' j Jrftplar llllapeo . . aln C QO f•cmu.. for larpr numbere or Miao J oy. Oweno of , Pleottnt ..iecu .... ; Donald Guttrldp, ac· 21. He. w!ll be accompan1e<11 b1 BEAOON aw1 Ute ot&te PoPul&Uon. Hill, Mo., la tbo bouoe sueot of cordlanlot; and Kercy McClellan. ll!rs. Kenny.~ Ne~, . · IJlattriioo '.1'h•Y paint out t!lat . wtlUe II her cou.ln Mn..J amea.E. War'ren who offered pantornlneo t o record· d.ent of eo.t .. )!eia ·c~. 1 °""u,.flt'V::.portl BJ~ 00... to Graduate .' ~ ·dulreble to J>ff .. "". the' .ne"' 1 J r., sbi Coot&,-!!~ ' I lDp. to the conventlbn'.· . . ' ·--+------:----' I • t 161 Students D!plo""" will be pr ... tod lJ1 eo.ta 111... Main • -1 elchth cr&dero .. t cr&dualloq ~ to be heJd Thurlda.f: Juae 16. at 4 p. m. In UM M-.,,.,..c.r. ,.,,.,.. .... to' stria aDd 11 boya In the duo. . GreduMea wtJI · partlclpatA , hi choral (vene nwnbua: 'l"be Kbbol chonta wm .mr. Mn Vtrafnla Kll!der. ""'""' -.:her. ancf 'Mar: t!a ~. llllsllah ~acher. ho..,, ~!}le-. , r~Pt t (ntat.fol:I.! 1!1J1 , fnclude an · a..,.i .b_y Ille Amerlcan".'Utioir f'!" onutaadlng ctt.!selieli!p and -laralllp to one boy and Olla ;lr1 •llC> bave been named ·out· lt11W)t,._ by the 9Cbool faculty. . MRS. OLARK GABLE ls ahown boardlnc the P\ooeer lut Friday bnmediately after nllllc sutt for dlvorce trom her movie actor' hu~baad. 8 lillle la tAe fonner Lady Asltley. Tbe Pioneer bu bed' ba8ed In Newport. Beach for 8e\'eral yean. Rebekah Triple· tink 'Club Naffies Mrs. Viola Beckett New President A "Pl tllD.t.&Uve of the •tudeQ.t c<>un<;IJ wtJI iw-nt the board of eelucatkm 'wt.th a $300 order tor ....._Uoa&I e.,.fpmenL . Rn. P. O. Neumann wtJI Ii•• the lnvoc&IJoll. The l>enedfctloD wlll "9 Mid b~v. Charleo J'. JlLnd. H. Paul l'fonnan, lloard mtmber, wtU award the diploMaa. Els;hth jreden will be hoDoN!I with a tbeate>r party oa tbe mona· lng of ~a.duaUOn ·day, latft' .ha• .. tni lunch a.t the Costa Me-. park before tbe (l'&duatioll pro,_, 1.ccordinc lo preaent pJIJ\8. :rti• PT A 111 usbttng the student council with these prorram plan.a. Bri~ge Lunc~eon at Cooper Hom~ Bouqueta of rosee graced tbe roome or Mra. John M. Cooper'• home, 531 8anta Ana avenue. Mrs. Viola Beckett will head th Newport Helghte, when ahe Triple Unk Club of the Mesa Re-$ E R brougbt together a compNly ot bekab Lodge during the en.suing u~t. ver~tt ea friend> ror luncheon and br\d ... seaaon following her election to T I K• , • on TUeaday, May 29. Miniature the presidency at a meeting held .e s 1warnans paraaola and tiny Japan ... - Monday. May 28. In the Newport. Need of c:hools holdlnr noeegay were attached to Bea.ch home or Mrs.. Marton Rose.. I the dainty place cards at the qu&""1 Mra. t:lazel Dumont waa colloatess. tel table.. Other officers ch09efl were Approxirnat~ one out ot every j Sharing the pleuant aff&J.r MmeL Flol"llllce Switzer, vtee five children Orance Counlyl were )lmea. P . A. Cbamberlal.n, prealde.nt; Florehce Conner, tffas-~ools bas 9l e type of speech Ounnlnj" BuUer, Nellie Rldley, urer. ancl.Pearl Ba.ekes. lleCf'etary. µnpedlment, accordlnf to ata~,Eroeat .JICClell&n. Paul v . Parku. Mr&. Loia Stewart called the tie.a. declared Emest R. Norton ~Je-a JI'. Band. Coeta x..a: meetin& to order with each mem"I.· before Costa Mea KJwanis C1ub C'barl8 Mc>Jar)' ot Newport her respondtnc to roll call with membera. Nortpn. from Ute of-Height.; and L k. Daui'be.nba.uP n quota.tlOa or story. , · lice ot the 8uperintendent of ot Lynwood. On the melt lilst, the condition Scboola of Oranse County, u: Prtzee ~re awarded Mm-. or Alma Black 'rU report"fd t_q plained tb'e method ot aaJsta.nce BUtler, high; Hand+ 9eCOl'ld; be lmpro~ bub MllrY, Lou cd!i. given theee _P{0}1l~ms and played'j Park .. , travel; ~ Ridley COJl8'>" Y< """ ~ • -t, lWf latk>n. ~· ,...., . " ~ -.. _~ ~~·· ' -.. ... . ' ,...-_-.. .l!!l . · · _ --la. -~pie do ~ Ute~fadl. Jtveretl Rea, aupertntendent of --------- Mrs. Mamie WUJlama, wbo ta the 1oce.J .chools, apoke on · the leaV1ng 800n on a trip to Okla-_importance of two third.a of the homa, was wished a pleua.nt voters approvtnc tbe boad 1.-ue journey. .. at the apectaJ election TuUda,y. A scrambled letter conteat pro-Telling or the crowded condition.I v ided amWtement with Mrs. Bee.k-of the schoola. Rea laid that for ett capturing first p11a and Kn. e&cb 30 new bomu completed., Z4 Switzer being awarded the con.. chUdren Will be en.rolled in tM 80latil;ln token. , llChool& Between now and Se~ One guest, Mr9. Bertha Ing-le-tember, 1962, ~ new bouae1 will brestOn. was welcomed. Other be completed, excl,J.ldlng a.ny pro.. membera present were Mmes. posed development ii!_ the ~k Marie Doughty, Gladys Bird., Ger· Ba.y area, the educatol" stated. trude Watkins. · Flora Harris, Edward Oraht wu inducted Mary Taylor. Tinta Small. Lillian into the du.b membvthtp. Stu· Smalley, Ettie Slaten. Colleen dents from the elementary ecboole Slaten, Bertha Watson, Iva Coe "sang. Edwin EdJck had cha.rp and Gertrude Edick. Roaes · and of the program. carnation.e were employed to de<> ------ • . ".I You'll be deli&hted with the wide assortment ~SO~~P""' of top-quality frozen food• found at Safeway- ,. vegetablea, fruit a, j uices, 1eafood1, poultry and others. It'1 eo eaay to prepare complete meals from theae pan-ready, quick-fro:en foods, an,d there'• 119 waste either. Buy all your frozen food1 at ~eway from a variety of branda you lcnow you can depend upon, abd where prices are low tool , OBUGE mcE • • FRUll COCITAIL ' Do i Monl< bronc!. J7.-. 19• Fancy quality. · cm . . PORI ._ IWIS · De • • 15:. .... 10-nruson 1. 30.<n., I&. I • FAllCY PW - ~ Giont. 2 17..._ 35• 8 13 Sweet. ems • ' ' " -WAD~ Duchtto brentl: · • ~-pi.,19c ;qt.,,9c. ... 4 . . • • '""•' "''•u •mmt,,.,,. lemonadA w. ' "'°"· f 0-i o". _. eonc...tr<>!ld. F\'fth F.oun. Bir Eye Peas 1~_ f 9- 8 $Eye ~OID •::· 1,. 'If Ill 1'111. Slim •. St- . Poc:koged, Nody lot.,.,.. Salmon Steab •· 69- ~Nd. E>ocellont n-. · Flit.I ol Cod .. Jte ICE CREAM '-" l'li4o 2 ,.., . U'lilllll ..t1M 47 C VonUla, St.dw!.in,., C'-olcrte or Cocoonut Frvit ftGYo,..; . . • . orate the. livlnC ~. T-he host· uses served retreebJl.Mnla at I he ()DM FAMILY VISITS Word hu been received from the John H : Poolea or Pacltlc Dr., Corona deJ Mar, that 1 they .,.. having-a nice time ln Europe and expect· to be home the latter put close or the evening". Police Auxiliary Fetes Husbands of tl!rie month. . They left .\9rll Uni with tllel• thtte <bildren. ~ dln<Uy to Ttfe monthly . meeting of the Italy to vtmt Mrs. Poole'• grand· Women's Police aUXUiary waa mot.her, chief PUl"pOBe ot UM Mid Tuead&y -Int'. K'Y 29, at tr! p. the home of Mary cu.mano ... l6801 :piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Qout Hlcbway. Co-h-wu1 1 Mary BatM. The b11alpHe wwlvra dealt DlOll• ly' wltb awdllary partlc!paUon In Memorial tlay l('n'I-and aloo of the comb/a -'7 f« h-da. S $ YAWiS IN $ $ . Unfinished FURNITURE ' P~LIAF . COffll CAICI 23• - (low. ttc-.J After tbe mMtln&' gamee and rehfthmento wve en,jo;yed. .M.eraben att.elwtlfta" ~re"'lrrnea. Vlola CQrnec~ Audrey Cottle, Bev· orly Burdeall, Mercedes Croqban. Ruth GenU1i. ._, Oo..-, Bea 1-. LaVela 1-, Lonafl>e 'lloatpmeey, Lola Prtoa. llHDllalll Wa!Dle, and Betty -llaa. ~ tor 111e....i..•-- One. ..,. st..a.~ .. amae 1 ..._ ~:· ~ dlOCmA1I 111'111CMI 'J'ba puty ... f(W tr qt 7 " ..... Mid 1"111 h7 ....... at tM .... of -1-Me ... l 1rtm, N_. port 8 ....... A llufttit dlsla1r ._ -·•q•....__.,.. ..... u. ..... •JoJtil .. • •• ,,, ....... -. • Qr Sta ............... ~ • .. • .. • • • • • Va sr • • • ' -.,. W <l"" ... ._ Uc I I 7 7 • •-••. ( F W __..,. l ' ... ....., . Oll9rA ..... .. .... &Sjs:JI .... • OXYDOL YILIUDI DIM.SOAP. Ci ,_,, . ...... ':i: .. 2~--• • • • l • • • • ' ' I . . . • . • .. • • .. t. .. PAGE 4 ...:. PARt ~I -THURsDAY, JUNE 7, ~961 ·_ ~IJ. -· ~· a .u6"'-!-_ ... _ PRESS~· . -- NOW YOU CAN HAYE A NEW, IOll.D FAMOUS COMPLETE FOR ONLY FULL PRICE .50 EASY TERMS Here Is a hearing aid built to Acousllcon's e.'C&ctlng istande.rds or quality. Includes all the lutest electronic developn1ents lo g l\'e you better hearing! ._.. SPECIAL SK0IN RECEIVER OFFER ._ NOTHING TO WEAR IN EITHER EAR! Acoustlcon 's exl'lusive Skin Rrceiver hllA made tr possible for thousanrls to hear again WITHOll'T WEARING ANYTHING TN EITJIBR EAR!· No headba.nd11! No preMurel The Skin Receiver ts .lfours for only ~ additlonaJ with the purcha.ae of your $69.60 AcoU!!:l iron If you•wtsh! Rentember, though, you may have your hearing-aid complete for only $19.60 If yoU do not want the Skin Receiver! .._/ COME IN • • • SEE IT • • • TRY IT Writo or Phone for FREE Home Try On • .Acousticon of · Santa Ana 809 N. Main Klmberty 2·5510 Santa Ana, California -sPEEIY 'AYS: The l1Hed cars listed below are 'the ..cream of the crop. Drop in and sec my boss HARVEY SOMERS, he'll be glad to show you the best buys in the Harbor Area. LOOK! at these -"SPEEDY" Prices 1950 Plymouth Sl>ecial '40 Sedan ........ $1495.00 1950 Dodge Convertible, Radio ____________ 1395.00 1950 Ford COnvertible, R&H, 0 . D ..... 1W5.00 194T Chrysler, Saratog,. Sed. R. -~-.... ·995.00 1947 Chrysler N. Y. Club, R & H · 1095.00 - 1-="7""'.:r ~ I . Amd Many Others .. • Let as uelat-you la your plUla. We w 111 ---~ estimate -.,1 - -1-~ -material.; ~.a . . . I-, f . • • ClOtltndoP OP help you obtala a Title J ·loan fo~ • r .... .,;. ·a• QIN** TA-a .. ' I ' • • . ~ i.. .. ,. - ' Something for Everyone in New Books at City Public Library ' For a rtiata1 Twenty Pa.inter•._ ___________ _ and How They Work: for aden· tlst1J. Opportunltlea tn Atomic En· ergy; and tor IAdlea with a yen for marriage, How to Meet a Mllllonaire--Theee are 10me of the new noo·tlction bookli: rrce.nt· ly M"CUttd by Newport Beach publlc library. New rtctlon lncluda: Arkell, Old H erbaceous; Budd, Aprti 8aoW: Bushnell. Strange Gift; CU•hma.n, Badlan<b J\Lltlce: Downe I , The HJgh HIJLI C&llln1: Duffield, Love. 0.ferred; Garth. Fire on the Wind; Kane, ~e Scanda!oue Mn. Blackford; Koeatl('r. The Agf" of Lonstnc: IAJ1ca•ter, Venture tn the Eut: MacLennan. Each Man'• Son: Ma· ~n. Proud New Flap; MonU, Man and Boy; Nathan, The In- nocf"nt Eve: Spellman, The Found- ling: Tharf\cor, The Captain; Wode· hot18e, Nothing 8tttOU9; Yatte, Poor Cou11in Evelyn: and Yerby. A Woma.n Called, Fancy. My11terleoa are: Bagby, Dea.th Ain't Commerc•aJ ; Holdl.n«. T oo I Mllny BotU~: Lockridge. Murdrr Comee First: Rut~ Euy to Murder; and Taylor, Dtpiomatlc CorpM. Non-fiction Le predominent In new book• and tnctudee: Barry- more, Wft Sarrymorea; Bou.gh&I. CAMP PENDLETON RODEO Martnea of Ca.mp Joseph H . Pendletoo, Oceana Ide. Calif.. will doff their combat tralnlnr gear thla Sunday (June 10) and don boot. and spun for thetr anflual· rodeo hekt on the .bue. The day- Long •ctivltlea will lnclude " grand parade, lrk:k and fancy riding ot all types a.nd will be cllmued with a wt.Id cow milking conte41t. Top guest of the Marines for Ute ewnt wW be cowboy movl" at.ar Roy Rogen and hi.a band ol rld.n. . W Jt.b the program •la led lo •tart at D, Lm .. tbe morning'• ac- Hvltleo.11 wlU conalat of wild bull riding, calf roptn1 and bareback bronc riding. During the noon hour the M&rlne• will hold a giant barbecue wtlb music being rurn- 1*hed by the colorful Ca.anp Pen• dleton Minne band. ------ OLD PORT TUON OkJ Fort Tejon, located 1n Te-- Jon Pua ln Kern County. la re- ported by the National Automo- bile Club, to paw: been bullt In 18.14 to df!fend lht> pua agatru1t boetlle lftdi&na and wu an tm- pollt.&nt anhy po3t In the early di.ya of the A,Jnerkan Occupation. Opportunltle11 In 'the Prlntlng ------------, We give your ehoea the new look 1f you have the old parts. Wins Sc.holarship William Schmidt, aon o! Mr. and Ml'1J. William G. Schmidt of 7jl(! N'." Bay Jrroot, Bal-llland, 1'tu 'bcten aWV'ded a 8Cholanhlp to Pommta· coliq'e for the coming 'lcadernk year. Mr. Schmidt wu vice-preaklent of the student body In hia H-nlor year. He won letter& ln football. He plaru1 -to major ln pre-ensmeertng at Pomona. Clueined a<1& con btUe.. do much. Concrete Work or A.LL KINDS FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS • FREE ESTlMA TES • Chas. C. Warren & 5on Bta. 518W • Har. 1082...J 2113 Newpt Blvd. Coeta Meu ~ ... l!:t MY f '.1. •s•dr Dafls• ·~· --... . .... ' .. ~ .... , .... , ..... .....,, and ••rv tlflra: f-• ... • m . CIVIL S~, M :i..t. lllES Typist •••••• ~ •••• •.. • • • • • .. , S2l4 .. S220 ,.. ... ~Ill' ''•••·1····l ;M,.,$204toSZJl9'1!"'-~=~ ~·~~ merdal graduates. · I . _ OAREl:B8 000118~ ~ Accounlfnl, aDd :=.~a: ,for bo~.'and air~ ... 10 to 17. I · APPROVED FOR S ~ 25 Yr& ---+--~.-:----, r: > ~.':::',~~ fa'-m~ ~M Waeel I ,...,. 0.. .If _, I ' N.&111: ··········~···"····~ ..... ,. •• ~r ·············:······ ' A.l)l)ltl:lll ···········~············1 ···················· l c:irrr ··········.:·.··~·····~···j···• .. r.'..,n ·········· I -.,._ --=-·· .... -- " In store for you in your ekctric o/Jme food frttzer:' . I I . . yea~t '~ound .good e~1119! . · All. TH£ MAKINO& of mal'\le~ metlUJ at any KUOD of tM Y.eat . are ready and. waiting _ in your elecbic home food fn:iea.f. WJitilta. ',, thot .is, until the family's 1pp,iite calls ror them. Wba._, lt llUt IO licklc their lute,-jusi Allch in and you have it. Evcrytbil)1 ii .. in season, all the time. · -- Slorc away food'fr..hneu and ftavor. Food;n your fneur 1tayt at pe.ak o! pcr!ec1ion. S1orc awoy the savinp you make by mwt ahopp ing, too. Food jn your freezer ii like money In lhe bank. • Tradca : Brown, Dealgna for Uv- ing: Chue, The United NaUon11 in Action: Cobb, Your Dream Home: Cope. Battle Submerged ; cu.Ya•. EngJ\ah-Sp&JUett Diction- ary; l>«M>bln, O!!J>ortW>I~. 111 Photography: D otl re, 20,000 Leaguea &bind the 8 BaJJ; ll'ra.nkl , How lo Expand and Im- ~p ~ Nell Shoes FRESH SILK ,._poft -""Pal• ... , .• c •J,;, . "' SOUTHlltN . ' ' . ~ ~· ·~"'ftrla! ""~ _,. ~ CALl,POltNl·A '1-DtS-oN 'CdMP'A'NY' ~ ... . _ .. IOI -!!nd Newport Beach prove Your Home: Fry, A Phoe--- nlx Too Fr-equent: 0.U...her, K.now Your TttUl; Goddard, Tbe Meaning of Shakeapeare; Gr~ley, Fott11t and Men: Harlow, The Rlngllng11: Hart.Rll, Opportunitle11 ln A tom le Energy: Hendenon. Ctrcua Doctor; Hoffman, Peace Can Be Won: Jone& Ark of Em- pire; K ing, Mn. Foley, Cod BINI Her; LUly, How to Meet a MJ1- llonalre: McNally. Read Atlu of the Unltf'd Satte.: Mallory, Pollt- 'cal Ha.ndbook of the World; Maugham, Journey to Slwa: Mich- ener. Return to ~aradt.ae ; Miller, I'm Sure We've Met Before; and Mltche.J\, HOW" to Buy, Keep and Enjoy Your Car. Moat.. A V1olent Innocence; Moru.t, Jn Seerch ot London; Parker. UphoJatertng at Home : R&Mon. OpportuniUN in Televl· •Ion; RaWM>n. Opportunities ln Motor Tranlportatlon; Roda.le. The 'Said' Book: Sheen, Thr~ to Get Married; Spaeth, OpportWll· Uea tn MUc; Teller, An !al.and Summer; Think, Dairy of U. S . ParUclpatJon ln World War ll; and Wat.Aon. ~nty Painters and How:. They Work. Pre-Leg~I Student WU:Ua.m Wittman, eon of Mra. V•r• R. aea ... or 1421 w. Bay avenue, N~wport Beach. bu 'been awarded a Kllolarahlp to Pomona college for comlnl' yee.r. Mr. Witt- man wu ttudent body preatditnt·iD bla senior y-:ar and a member of the National Honor Society. He h&I won lett.en ln vanity footb&ll and be<ii acUft In spee<h actl'ri· tiea. Kf\ Wittman wW follow a ~~M~ PJOCTaM at Pomona. • Alll llESEaVU!'S ST~ Air .-rvllb wbo w.re 1n..,hm. larlJ7 .-JJecl to ...Un dUty olDce .... ouuw..it ot .lbe . K.ottaa war ' have beeo ,stwn .ome ldee wMn · they cu ~t io •91."out. ·• Tllo oUlelAil NleNe ~ Oc the p.ten.. l)epartmart ...... .,.,, ......-b7 Rep. ov,.ton ....... . claalnnan of • HouM ~ ee._ , • YIOe. wb-coaulll~ • ,.., ,. ! ~ ., . . -~_..io......_ ....... U,,,, du'y -UM ,-.ii.. ..., -wlll -.. Pio to -nlld llUB ~ ~~-lJ .... -"~ -· Ottie1 ....... Ip -dlrl7 ,,_ flAlsdl-... ...,._,_ ___ ..... 4ldNd to -.. a ·bH-. fll 11 _ ... -~ .Ha~ GllUd -OlrP.P-~ 111111 ........ ;....na -.~ t(oW-.,. -· .. ~·-...... ,,, • an. It •• , .. ..... -... .. aftrli .... a.. "' ---.,... __ • '•ans, .. ..,,.11sw._ ... , .. ............ , , , • • .. > • Chryller't new PlrePower fn&iu bu rocbd the automobile"· bull.neal risht ·down to ita ,,_ • Quietly; behind all the w-atnry tallt r ''' rts. • _ PitePower taket any recular grade c.UO. line you care to buy . . . and .adds its own new "mechanital octanH" to the power1PYina: octaneo of the 1asoline itlelf. of •eQCiW .of tomonvw" • • • Cbr)91er ' The reoult io oomethinc new· and otar- bu buift a nmil~.....,Y ~for you tlinc 'in ~veneu ... and-in ufett, to drive ll>d117f , •• -too. You ret quicker and omootber 'coa-' . . .. . It can tPv8' you 180 bnrMpc>will, to ~-trol ol when and bow ~ move; tlwi 'pall .f'P.'-olhir •"""'" jo•Y, oti. cilia:· , • ~ have ~felt .befortt-1 I~ ~ ita. prnr la ~ ~ -Ito~ tJie eoc'M, of ~ •• ' Oil tbe kitod ol -.yl. , n..,.i for you today ••• aDd IJ'OU' Chryalor But you doll"t Ila .. ID ~ ~ • , • deei.r liawit91 you -lo11JY. '4 in thtl or a}wl it fancy ~ ....,. ID pt .U etOlf!id ~ ~ ...,. car 1PG that. llO IKwMpU•• fiirfll't!....,.I . --~dlouel s., , ... '. ' I, •• •• • •• 1 I j ·1 ........ I. • . l so 1~0111P9wn ..... • • - • , - • • , PRICES' REDUCED • FOR • FATHER'S DAY LA ,MOTTE'S MEN'S WEAR Opposite Pqst Office, Costa. Mesa Plywood 4x8-1•" 4:"C8----~ •• 4x8----~" 4x8--"'" U:8_!•," Roofing Re1. Spertal I 3.38 $4.S1 8.93 $.. 10 8.78 1.S8 10.2{ a.« ll.70 1.11 Rec. Special Hexagon Shingles .................. 17.20 14.H Thick Butt ................................ 9.11 1J5.0 00-Jb. Roofing . ....... . . . 3.67 %.90 M-lb. 'Roofing .. 3.08 !.&O 55-lb. Roofing 2.60 !.l l f6-lb. Rootlng 2.19 1.18 ' Plasterboard % ·• Thick .. . .... ... . . S 1.80 ~" Thick .. . ............... 2.0l • .'·a.;oANS * 11.51 1.71 Borrow up to •z600 l 1s ttd. Caa be wd tor ptumblas tts- tares. palntJns. roofllls. "ll:eetlk!al tls:tu.r'M. etc. Any ftOIOdellns. ,Open All Day Saturday OPEN 9 to 1 oa: SIJNDAJ! , TlttSI': r'RICl':S Gf!OD -'T•-rliu:;OJI l!MZ"WITH 'PID9 "D' JUNF. 1 TO JU1''1: 14 Beacon 5681 LUMBER, CO. 140 E. 17th St. OOSTA MESA COST A MEsA'S NEW!:8T LUMBl':B Y&KD YOU CAN DO BETIER AT Danig.er FURNITURE CO. • We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., COlta Mesa le. 5656 100/o Discount on Any PurChase. • (l':XCl:l'!T AB&LONE) Bring this ad to I ~:~hA~!:;~;: ~~.~~;~:'~ l BARRAClTDA -\\'HOLE, CLEANED ·-··--·--·-········--·--····.lb. J3c Vl':LLO\\TAtL -wu ou:. &Mo orr .......................... ~ co. , !800 Lafayette oa tM Ba7 NEWPO&T llutlor et5 SODTB .COAST MATERIALs' COMPANY SPECIFICATIQN READY ~IXED CONCRETE • "!!9 West -( ... twu-.·N-.Mot -.....,, Blvd.) ~ .... -.,....El :•1161 · - • DAIS.er ,..,._ .., ... Gn1 .. _.,..." 25;. ·~· ... et'lup 'l11m ..... E nm , .. H~SCUS ~ ~ -·~:::=-.:-:---:-_,--. 751 GARDENW : :-r."'!. ---·-751 • HONEYSUCllJ YINIS .... , s&1o; N•••.Y -.. -.... , ..... WWW 0 a • Motn Bf!A(1TIFUL of all tJw. coalfllta.nt. In the 0.t.a MM& ftM P"t"f coeteat was Arleae Ander- aon reprNt:nt.J.na thfo A.nalwlm .lullior Chan\bt'r of Com.mel"Cft.. She la Uown rn::dvtnc" hrr cup from mo\-~ atar Rrx Al ~n. K m SU~ ~·ho ~ t he eonteat la &t rtp t. !Press Photo) CIVIL DEFENSE IMMUNIZATION IN HARBOR AREA · STARTS JUNE 15 Plan.s for the promotion o r the county-wide mua immuni.z.atton pro~ram for civil defrn1e are under way here A<:cordlng to Dr. John Oeburn. medlC'al director for Newport Beach C"ivil deft'OM'. The program la being undertaken at the requl'st of the mt.'dlcal end hsllh Mrvlcee olvtl def«we Mal;d ot Qr&nlfe QOUnty wilh the 11>11 '<o><rJIOMlltb•.,, u.tt.10r..,~ ....... -·-~~-------- county m«"CHcal and 0111l-eopathlc profeMlona. The doctors. through their respective a af'OClatlons, have llg~ to provide th<"lr sc.rvlcc1 J.l a. minimum fee. Th~ will ln- cludf' the tmmunlz.alk>n material.I wbich are b(>lng provided at OCN!l by the m ember.,, o: the O ranl(e County Pharmaceutical AsAOCla- Uon. etvn defen.9e WO'r'kera, civic gn>Upe. loCal mercha.nt..s and all c ltizt>n• &re being UJ.led In publl- clzing thta mus +"ffort to have the e.nUre population or Oran11tc county tmmunl:&ed agalnat the dla· eaau amallpox. tt"tanu.. diph- theria, typhoid fever and whooping cough during the lh.ree·montti pe"· rlod. Jun~ l~ptember 1~. 19~1 - Brillla.nl ey~cat.chlng poeters will be promtn~iy displayed In llllore w indows, post offices. bank.1 a.nd olh<'r conspicuous locallon.s. An t>Xplanalory lf"a.tlt'l te.Ulng the fa.ct. ot the program and urging every per&on to aec hia doctor for civil df'fen.e immunizatk>na w111 be: dlatrlbutoo to every home. Jn d et1eriblng the v~ue ot auch " prog-ram to the community'• prf"paredneu for a poMible dial- ter: Or. Oaburil said. "we •re t.ak· Ing a major .1tep forward In pre· serving tne· health of our cltlun11 by givlnl( them maximum pro .. tecUon aptnat certaln Prf~ntabl~ eplde.1n lc fliaea.ece now, before dl.8- a:.ater atrlks." 142 Graduate at oct June 14 Riders Sponsor Fish Fry Dance A rrcord crO'Wd of more than 250 attended the dance Saturday :1lghl In 1....:•1lon h&ll. another hiJ;h· light of L.he Costa Ml'M•N('wport Lion& Flah Fry and Carnival. Mu- !llc wa.s furnlahcd by Van's or- che•tra or LonJ:" BeaC'h. The El Rodeo club of PlacenUa poalponed Ile regular dt.l\C@ In favor of the Ft.sh Fry. _ Dlrl"Ctors of district 12 of the California State Horsemen'a A58G- clatlon, und("r the d irttlion or F . S . Paull, vicr-prrsldt"nt or lhil'! di.atrtct, formffi the committee in charge. Other.s serving on the commllttt were Mr. and M.ra. Charlel!I Perry or Olive and F. s . Paull, Jr., of Coce:ta Mt"aa. Jack Taylor or Anaht'lm and Van were the square dance caller•. ANhrt.lng F . S. Paull, pa.radf' chairman for the Fi.tsh Fry's color- tul parade were n1ember111 or thr Auoclaled'Rld!ng c lubs ot Orange county. There wcre a number of pa.radt> groupe •pending thret' days in Coela Mesa. Stable facilities for groups from 'I"wenty-nlne Pa1m8, MontobeUo and Burba.nk were ob- tained at the Orange county t'alr &rounda on Newport Blvd. Dar- rell Kln1r. owner of the Shamrock "Cafe· in Costa Meaa, turnlshed all Dr. William C Jone•. pre1ldent ... -----,--.,-.,.-':......_,.., ,-, --,,,,--, .. the hay for the vlailtnr horaes . of Whittier college 1lnce 19-44.. w ill deliver the maln addreu al th~ Orange Coaat college commen«- ment illurlday ev-enlng, June 14 at 8 o'clock tn the college audl- toTlum. HI.I topie will be ".A Time tor Greater Faith." .. With a rich backs-round of varted experience gleaned Crom appotnUnent.s to poaltlona ot 1ead· ershlp wtth the United Stat.ea governm~t. the Oregon atat.e government and national orpni· zatlona ot churches, Boy Scout.a and YMCA. Dr. Jones la expect- ed to' bring a vital meuage to !he tpproxlmately 142 graduates a.nd to frtenda and palTona ot the school. Ray Jeffs. president of the OCC St\)dent Body, wtU Intro- duce the speaker. 'tbe evening's invocation and bene4ktion will be given by the Reve~nd Joeeph B . Tbompmn. pastor of the Cost.a MeM Com- munity church.. MUll<al ....,_' • colle1te dl&lrlct.. one from Huntlng· ton Beach area and one from the Newport Harbor area.. ldenU:fka- tion of recipient. will be made at a later date. a.om .. , ... te On Sunday, J\Ule 10, at 5 p.m . lhe annual baccalJ,u.reate will ta.kt place In Uie achool audltortum. The Reft:f'tnd Thoma.a R. PendeU. pul<>r o( Christ ChuHh by th• Sea, wtll 1J)eak on the topic .. "But God! What~ a · Cbanee" He ·ww be asslated wlilh the lnYOC11tton and the bent'dlclkm by the Re•. Pet.er Nyl!nhlua., putor of the Church o! the Fort:' Square Ooope~ Himl· lngton U., h, At tb.. . « the Ol'l&n pre- lude by )li. llartln will be Franck's "'l'lnrt Oaotale .. _and the colle're cho'r wtll '91DJ' two "Dum• bors: "Almljh!;y God of 0Ur Fa· ,thers." by J&me. ·and 1'Tbeni Ia a Balm ln GUead" by t>aweon. 1n the latter Mn. Muleet Ja.cob9on will bo featured u oopnino ... 10- lsL Ulhen for the barCe•aurute will be mom-"ot llle 8tlldat Chrlttlan ·-I.Ion. GUl':STS YROM omo Welcome vi•ltors lut week in lbe Orville Mllhoff home on Flower SL Were M.r. and Mrs. Melvin D\ll'an and daughters Vlr- gtn.ta and Maxine ot Bellefontaine. Ohio. SH THE 1951 BUICK ' AY, JUNE 7, 1951 • • • • ., • ., ' • • •• • . INSJi l ~ D $A~IN " • \ -----~. . ~ . ..0 ___ _:,. ci __ ..... _ ..... ._ ... ___ _ ~IC1 ' , CURUNT EARNINGS Per Annum 'B~ • •' • • • ' • ~· .... -.... • .. """ ..... - LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING Not1ce la hereby given that the Planning CommlMion of the CitJ of Newport Beach will hold a puJ>.. lie hearing on t.he appllcattorl of Mra. George Hobteln for-a V&rl· ance on the Ely !SO' of Lot 6, Tract 1117 i:w>s MaJaga, Newport Beach) to allow a deviation from the strict requirement of SecUon 91041.21 ta) Ordinance No. W . Notice U. hereby further gi'ftll that aaid hearing wtll be held on the 21st day of June, 1951, at the hour of 7 :30 p.m. ln the Council Chambers of the City Hall, New· port Beacb, C&lifoml&. at ·which time and place any and all pe,... sons interested may appear ~d be heard thereon. . THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 195 1 PREss "-8 , Initiation Dinner . for t(amaainas Six Tar Beau ties in Queen Race • • • RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission No. 713-Pre.u Published G/7/01 . Six lovely ·remlnine entries from .Newport Harbor blgh school have started the ball rolling ln the preliminary contest for,,aeJectlon of a ttnaU.et to repruent the local sch~I district ln the ~1 ~ge county t&tr'1 que.n conteat. · ·· . _. . ..-' ......_ _ NOTICE OF HEARJ!'J08 , TboM settins the loCal contcSt Uhaer'Way are Marlene Ander.,n, Notice l.s -hereby given that the 8hlrley PN.ft~ Aae K..n, .Jue . . .. . . •· Planning Commtsslon of the Ctty Norton. .. Mik~" Burns· and Ann enter the contest 1~ urged to ftU ot Newport Beach, Sta~ t>f cait~ Morn.. . ! out entries u RqOn' u possible. tornJ&, wW hold public hearlnga Oft , CbaJnnan of the queen conteat I The competittoa ie open to un- the application of certain propertJ" commltte. for the Newport Har-married glrla · regularly . enrolled owners for the amendment of Zon-bor td,ta. IChOol dlatrlct b Leon tn lhf' loc::a\ high ecbool and com- ing Ordinance No. 635 90 aa to W~ of: Williama Stationers : plete rul&1 and regulation.a may cause Lota 1 to 11 lnc., Tract 1026 at Newport Heigh~ ~ember of~ be 9tcured at t~ two abo~ to be rezoned from thelr preaent the Newi>ort ~ar.bor ·Chamber ·or·• menUoped lOc&fiorUi:" .... ~~ ... .r.one of R-1 to R·2. Commerce, 8pOl\IOring the l~ A t otal ot twelve flnalleUi wtll Notice I• hereby turther ~ven event. . t»e selected from t.he twelv~ high that said hearinp wUI be held on AccorOinJ" 10 WJllla.:?8'· judgtrfg school district:J of Orange county. the 21st day of JUNE. and the of the local prellmlnary .con~~·t One ot theat> girl.a wUJ be crown- l9th d.ay of JULY, 19~1 at the will take Jl~e: Saturday at 2. f>t1 queen of the 19~1 Oranre ooun- bour of 7:30 P . M. ln the Council p.m .• June 18, at the K~ Niles ty ,fair with the .others aeleet.ed , Chambers of the City H~l. New-Villa. Marina. IOl Bay~lde Drl•e. 88· membera of the queen'e court port Beac.h, California, at which Newport Be~ch. Judlff vrlU ~ aipd all will be gtven a royal round ttm~ and p:ace any and all per50ns pfcked at a lafet' dialf:. _ ' of ente rtainment during the five- lnterested may appear and be Entriff la.\•lted ~-. da y fair. heard thereon. ------- RA y Y. c;oPEUN CN!rman .W!lllaJn.o atata. that '1l(RD'E8 FJIOM. IJ'J'U Secretary all cfda nOW" &ttebdld,-the New· , 1 Plannin• CommislJ~ port Harbor t).ip KhooLare cord-Nell MW'MJ'sel'· Of !JNO, .Maple "No. 71l-Pl'H9. laJly in'Ytted. to enter &te oont.e.st.. Ave., eo.ta 11..... wri~r for PublltJl Kay 31' June 7, 1951. l:ntry. ~may M ~ at natloftal uap.&lnno hap ...mtten -the "'-ec CCWll7 . 1alrpoWld8 local 111<tt<lll .of . ~ .. ~tfl'4!'lll0&' '. · '. -'<:..I>~.. ' ·, G!! .i on l<l•wPort ,BIYd., or,,_at-U.. New-tIJnt-4 ~~·~or-!! ~'1 1 • ,)>Ort . ·-r 1 Cll&mmr Of • c-. ln,f lhrOun '11#,J! dultDg' tlM put Ji~ lllirebY ten' that tilt mere< bi Balboa. G~g to t two'w9tk&~· " . • • • nnlnc GommlsaJon ot the Clt7 E~:~:~?:~~~E::i:~f:i All American Ope. ning· to feature Pla.nnlag Comm.lalon to tnlt1atf • . :i::S~;!.:~:~~t!J! .World's Largest. Pie and Prizes eompr\eed by, certain tots Ut Tract US. Blac;k H. more tulJy de.cribed ~ After montJJa ot planning. Blayne Hutchieon, pretldent and cm· u Lota 3, 4 and O, be rezoned trom M"a1 manager a.nnouncee the ~ opening of the All Amert~ mar- C·l to c .. 1.H dlltr1ct llet;-ln Morwalk, Th~.Y. Jyne lf, 15 and 11. A sneak ptt'\'iew' open· Notte. .It h~niby further given tng wt11 be held .1UJ1t 12 and 13. · , that aJd bearlnp will be held on Celebrlttu include tht tver popular Walter O'.Keefe Of Tadto. the 2l•t day of JUNE, and the n... bl Noth1 .. -proO?a"' ltth day of JULY, 1961 &t the ¥Vu e or ' ~ ·--~. ; • boor of 7 :30 P . M. 1n the CouncO Bury Babbitt of -tand Re-eluding two -opanlela &ud Chambers of the City HaJJ.. New. vue fa.me_. K'ITV'a Henn.an., &hi three dalm&Uana will be rtn:n u port Beacb, Californl&, at which Ola41clan &ud venlrlloqulat. Fam· prlRo al°"&' with tllO ,.... _ - tlm d llet.I qt ~ all to be &ward· e an p'.&ce any and &ll pe;nona OUI °"-f Mtlant, Tex HanUoa. ed to lht hn:Jcy tScket bolde.ra interested may appear ·and be ra4kie chkf • atety , r&n«er • ·of dW1nf Ute ppt:ftinc. heard thereon. "' .America and othe.n wtU lie pre--Joyce. famous elephant ol Tv- RA Y Y · COPELIN aeated on the alqe ·of a clpntlc Da. Jllnl'l• Jim, and ·Otbor m-~ Commloalon nW..dair food .•how to be bold IA will be there tor the ltlddloo aloes No. 110-Pr..a. 90MecUon with the snnd open-with Ftanlti., the -c!Wa· Publlah May 31 • June 7, 111111. IDg. Coo~uoua ontttt&lnmnt -. Uncle S&m, U ft. tall, fl'M ~ and cttt. wlll c&J>dy and a .,.uiu-Of oUMr bllhilsht . tbe food lbow. • mtertatnmonta are planned fw NOTICE OF ID••NGS. Notice la hereby st•"' that Ille ple pnlq CommJ.tMon di UM: C1ty or Newport e.-. state or <lali- fornia, wW hold public !MartnP on the 11.aaoluUon of IntaaUon of t Ila PlannfA&' ~ to eftueM U.. soninr law of tM Clty ot Newport Beach by ~ Bee- llon tljll.73 (bl. to I.be ~ Coda, -111>1' ,._ Illa p'O'fla. -"'ttOl.ti (ll) the -met;dal ffpntnc ot. IPOl'l Giii. .. N'-·la he>dy -.. si- llla& --.. wW ... IMlol ... Ula. n. ., ot 1tlN1:. -Goe JICll ci.J ot JULY, bll.l at uia -ot T:IO P. II. 111 Ille °"'Mii Qe=a 1 a or u.e C11J Ball, - ,_ • •. c.ur-i., at - dis& -..-"117 -an pw I ......... , .......... .. ...,.._., £$ • ILt.T T. COl'm.Dl 1 111 11.,. n_t21c1te2r ....... ,,Jiii. • A bMutltlll ponJ. -.plota with the lUddlee. a&ddlo and -boy Oll\llt will lie Tllo -.Id·• ,l&qat pie will ... a,...-to._,. luelr boy or 11r1 ulllbtlecl ud fr'OO _...,. ot II IA the fl'M --I durina' tbo will bo p-&waJ' uiaW U... -"! -">I'• ..,,,_ padiP" ... In-DO _... ' ' + ~ • 'GRAND I MAll8HAIZlTB "' """ 0oaUi M--Pi.it f'TJ ~. ~ _ .. ,· .. -·:::=:.~ , ........ t ~ " .... ~ ..... crowd that lite ridM u well a .&e olnp. (Pre .. Photo) LETTEJtS SOUGHT Lett.era qt admlniatraUon ln. tlW' estate of Lou G. PeWllOll, who d.ted May 27, 1951, were sought ln superior court-by a niece, Viola w. Dough•r of National City. Sbe uJd the e•tate con.iiata of ap4 proxJmateJ)t $500 ln penional prop. ert.y and real estate at $02 30th strH:t. Newport Buch. t lN NEW OFFICi:s Officee of ~ Newport Meea lrrlption ptatrict today !"ere u- tabllahed In a new loca.Uon at MS W . 18th st'.J'fft, Coe\& Meta, wbere all bu:atn• affair• and cot J'ftPOll· dence are now being conducttd. Fonner a.ddreu wu 826 Center strfft. , ,; SP!~ pn»i_,w.;~o.·~...--: Mr. and Mn.· ~OI~ n& ea.ta Me.aa have returned' trom a trip to South Dt.l<ota -.., they att.onded the luneTal of lira. D&- v1:y'e alt;~r. Mra. Cbariot.te B&lll. who paued. away . aiddenly tram a cenbr.I; .bemorrhace. .. ,WAUl It ... DmvEOUTWITH THEIESTJIEA( OFTHEYEAR ' •• ·-·-.. :e ·••~ ••• ST DI BEAM ' SEliolSITURNER ·1 SIGtllALOCK I ' * 'BUILT-IN • .. 11 FM ." 'RADIO .• : . -: Pl~ -J~ for , I \ • • , . • ~ecbrcf Player I WE SPECIALIZE: IN 'EXPERT TELEYl~ON · ' ' . · SERVICE 11 . -r .. ; • ,. 41..L MAKES I I ' . 1951 ~a6/e . )· ~It Rw-mltrW. ....... lt(fr,_, ' ' ' ' NOW/ • • 1 ' .. r' ,. , . • ' • • i r ' • , Variety Show Friday Evening ~ Parish House I " I Thia Friday, June , 8, lfn the parish -· lhe Ch...,.b cllolr Of St. ·Jama church win preaent G d Q f C . "The Lillie Variety Show," a mu-0 1 n y reator steal prol'1"&m of variety acts, with Ch. S • T • · , --p ......-1« ....s vaniou. cience-. optc· opocwty n....,....,,:. Thi. ~ ' ~ ',;, . , la under the diftkuon ~ ~n Mfi!.«nwttY of Fr&nceo Chtlda, ua!oted by 'Ka>U. au that .Qod b&o JDa4e la st.- Munro, Carver. Somer. and Ball-tn the • S\11\day leaon-eermon on ey. al8o Jack Co1e and Robert the aub ject. .. God 'the Only C&u.e Forbes. During intermission re-and Creator" fu ail ctn1.tU&n kt- freahmenta will be served in the enee cllurchee. patio. Tb.11 citation from RevelaUon It i.. hoped as many u pouible (11:3• fa tba'Golden Tut: "Glft.t wU1 brinl' their children and and marvellous are thy wo,rka, Triendti to help wpport thla pro-Lord God Alm ... ~ty; jWlt a.ad ll'\Je gram, proceeds of which are In-are lby wa1•. lbou Kilts of tended tor the Ye.ltment fund. The s&ln.t.a. .. committee hu worked to provide ''TheT'e la but oae creator and a very worlh\lrhiJe evening of en-one cnatiaa." declve Mary Bak- te.rtainment and due to the young er &d.lff 111 "Sciea.oe and H•allll agea ot the nlemie,.. of the Cher-wtth Key to the 8ct't1>tun&'" ub choir it Ui unique. Particular credit goes to Mn. Frances Childs for her wO!l(lcrful work with the Cherub club. R-ta -~ tr--.it Practl.,.! An oA ftl'l)uly In tllta paper wQJ prochlol reaJlta for J'OU. :1r1111 • • eci a .REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• 6875 '~ . PONTIAC ,. ' No -· ...,_ •••ri•• ALSO llG SAYINGS ON A!-'-MA6' 18 POINT OVERHAUL • ' •' • • , Cherub Choir to Sing Sunday at St. ames~harc At tbe IO o'cloclt oorvtce 61111· d&y , the con~tlon of St. Jamea will hear Uae Cherub chotr in their cJo.sn.c 9ervice for thla aeuon. 'ni.e choir under the dittction of Kra. J'raac.a Childs wW 9ing .ev- era.1 m1-lonary aatbema u well u the llyma they .tar every Sun- day ln their own aervke. P'ollow- lnl' Ibo at.ops they will adjoorn to I.lie pariah l>ouae t0< tbe allow· lng ot" t.he regular Sunday .um.- mer ntm or cathedral picttiro. On Monday, lune 11 at ·3:IO p.rn. the Cherub choir will bt en- tertained at a party rrponaored. by the Church School Olllld. Kn. Mark ~ley will be ln charge ot the games and retreamenu. Cartoon · J*Wrt'I will be ebown for the c hlldrm'a mterlatn.ment. Thi8 wW compleU the •chlldten~• -.cUvlUee: unut they go to tlllflr ~ amnw camp at ~ Bear the !Ut week \n Augv.K. Children's Day at St. Andrews ' Dr. WIW&m S . Mlddl ....... ~g SUJ1day at lhe1l:30 a.Ill. • H.rvlce a:t Bt. Andrew' a 1 Presby·· terl&n Church, wtll b&Ve u hi.I MJbject "Only a Dram!" text 'bolng '"rl\e kingdom• of 1111• world a.re becoming the ipngdoma of Our Lord &.l\d of HiJ Chrlat." Rev. 11 :5. l ' . nu. ls graduation da7 for the cllurd> ~ool and lnate&d ol a 11rPU&te oe at 3:30 p.m. u ~ ..._.,,_, memben · "9t tako In th• auvlc:e. laiu bw deP¥tmental PJ"OIT&lll.S· Atttt lUt wed<'• -Jut .,. ~. "'9tor, Rev. Tb.cnnu Gib- ... be a'*9 Mn. Olbeon were lion-- one! at;~recep,tlon. Mr. GJ-.i, -.., tloft. will shortly .... tan to ve ler"rice .. navy ""'"'lain. f • Luth e an Churc h Choirs Feted IC!'& H~l>eK C. -, ~ ol tllt-""i°': ~~t 1'awputt -~~~·~..::-::: ....-.: -.... ?fly ·;·p' •· ... ,,. e. ... joalar -... ••-•tnC pUly IO llo -- --10:11 ..... -at I.lie "'--' ol Dr. -..... 0. .t.. ~. Pastor ·Addresses Teocherslnstnut. .,. Cl 1· c ii ... ~ 0 I .,. i ~ ~· 0 ! • ... I f . 'I i ~ 1~ i D ... z ~ • • • • .. ' J • ·1 ff ,E I ' " ' 1; Wn~n _on ocqual.nto n~e of y~n ~rings . a f""" \ of his to coll upon yov, yow ~.-ef<.1'19 -•t' comer depends ·to o great extent-on· the OplniOn'.I I • • • I of the man who lntroduees him, doeu't it? Usually; 1 • · you Judge the strvnger by the ccitnitany : he' kMpl,, . . . . . . . Th • .....,_ ... -''-I _.... • • ' ·w· 11 pn-...-.........,. no w ·to CN'Hltj1111g. ..&N on . ' advertiffmenl o~rs in the COftlpony · of_ ,..,.;,s ~ ed;toriol columns w"ich you hove , looked, upo11 ' •"l'IMlt friends, and in ·which. you have faith, you. tronlf.r ti.- feelings o~ faith and friendshiP. to 'the' odvertise•11tt • welfr ' -• 1 It is possible, of course, for the monufocture.r. or. ~t lO gain the good Wiii of the public by· Merely offeri119 .. erdM.ndise ' I ' ' which proves satisfactory when" tested· to insu'l' the i~ 1tr1ol of the product is quite onaf\er molter .. It "*!ns,t'9a(th,.int 1'ion must be effect':'I by Ille -st deP.9nddble '.mutuol fifftd:of '1i•· I!' I· •• • and buyer. . . >-•A, . . , . • ~ ... And even oft~ th~. ne:.;, .;,stomer ~ci4 ~~ m.iJol.iJ'tf J.\i; ~.~J ,•1~ "i it is quite n-ssory to-ssure him of the. wiulom ~ ~o ·1 rt I l mind liim that ihe praduct ii still in Ill• moriet by iencfiat a .,.e~ge to him again and ogain,-ift teed conlptii.y. . : . ' · · . . ---' Morw and more are ihe ownert of better.'nwspaper publi.iotioni c:'o · g to the realization of the importa~ce"of discrimln,ot~i. •• the ~· rBohi-of !fl odvertis- lng which is.to 11ppeor in lh~r. c:olumns.'They,'.kn~w tbot a oens6r!fijp this kind acts os o protection and a h~lp·.fcl'r_ ~ ,o~ve!"iser ':'~ ~•r. II oi~r t the reader the comfortable assulQnce 1hot !"• odVert1semenb he r9ocls may t. ru11edj and gains for the odvertiser th• potrondge rosulting ,ftons ltia faith. Thia \iict,, rtlling:h 'be-. "d .. 'I , -.. .-.i1ng stronger everr oy. . I . ' . I I ' ~ertiaeri orw keenly.awore:)tf ,fMi -,upe~rity of the results,Ottainedlby the use ofa cfe • pelldobl.• odvertillng, medi11mt.:.-,,. • ..,1iose ~ish-,..rcite Clilre ana th~ht in the se- ledioft of material for iti editorial 'arid G.ew• cOlumtlt,_. ••dium whlcll 'ls al. integral foCtor · ., •• .-J• ,· • !ti 'Moping olld mlectll)O the views of 18 circle of,~.'"e;divrn hicli ·'-ei..p.d JI larg9 circulation o!IMMlg a iw~nlQlive ' clou of ~in itt po · · 1• cin:le of readers which rwpr91911b the entire CCMWmunlty. . I USING Mse FACTS ~ ~ CRfTERION M~ Y.OUli .~IjOF A t DEPENOAIU ADYfRTISIHO ME~ ~'? "TttlSt ~ PEI'S HAHDOfGIE£TtNGPIH;1"EGlOVE'Of~'CON .. •Afi(Y . lY" ' • . ' • • • I ~ . • .. • ' ct ! .... • & ~- I a ... • I I I I g i I ' 'l ~ ~ I. i .-.. ~ l .. 1 'i ' I j '• ' • • .. ' . . . .. . . .. -~ART 1 ~ -. THURSD'-Y· :R!NE 1 •. ,1911 • COM CJ.lb Scouts :1vaff'• ... a · Hold P'icnie, Ntme r-=za':I· PRESS.~ ~•¥' ~o~.ast~r . . Cllb -l Pack ,llO o( Corona W r C l . • .H . ie1 ~ otlk:)ollt-'W<>Und P u.. omens ivic e~~·f9: ~r · .. Er~1~~~= J£~~r ~~!~~ ~~ ~!fy.Budgef. · ' §S,:£~i!~·fE . vkftd, by the oommltt.ee. ' men'• Civic League wUI C<J!1Vene· •Ibo• .. '·tron . ··~ . Chalrmaa . of UM ciommlttee •. at IO a .m. on Monday, June 11 u u IYlu , ' •• 'lril••• .Jen... prellded ~l a 'bust-· k:i Ragan·a ~fe, Corona del Mar U d S , ~ wtth city manager, John Bailon. ft ergoeS urgery •t-meetlns whUe"Scouls played to preaent lite city b"'!&el. Bal· ,.,,, ... '~U.C,.. pi. 8-ianu· boa Island women . wbo wllb Kre. ~ V.rweU or Balboa ter Hevey 1'~ · ancL 6t Kn. t.ranaporlatlon may call Mn. lit ill recmertnr· from wrgery, per· '~ coordln&tor, -:,ere wept.ed. Murphy, Harbor 03M·R and lunch-rormed Monday 1n st. Joeeph hol• N'_,ned lo tbe po.ltiona were wu. eon ruervatlona Should be made pl~ lnltead or being t.n New ll&m C.\ Tobit~ ~d Mra. Tobitt.. wtth Mra. Arthur Galea, Harbor York u ahe bad expeC\.ect to be While J. Q. Siod.dafd wU1 'lbl P.. 884·M. at th1a: time. al.It.apt Scoutmute.r. lifn. Dan Eb- The League's execuUve board The Farwella new to Columbla. berta 11 . ¥W secretary and Dan met recently at the home of the Mo., to attend gr&duaUon of t:heli Oriakell Wi!J continue u t~uurer, chairman, Mrs. May Davia. join-daughter, Barbara, from Stephena Wllllarn Jonea will alto continue ed at noon by the community wel-collel'e on May 29 and were to .u commltt~ chairman. fare committee tor a pot ,!Uck have continued on to New YOllk. To fill lft lbe vacation period, luncheon. Mn. Lester Jon~ Is Thex were lookinr forward to a there will be a beach party In Au- chairman of the committee and , two-month'• trte which would in-pit, w1Ut Roy Mather .u chair- the affaJr took on the nature of 'elude ·com~ home by boat man of p1..,.; a bon voyage party, Mr. and Mrs. through the Panama Canal. When -'----'--'-- Jonea pl1nnlng to leave for a tmmed1al4!! 11urgery wu deemed DRUNK PRIVER8 INCREASE European trip in the near f\lture. neceue.ry. the family retumed and Calllorn.la Hlghw•y 'Patrol ar· reated 2,~64 J><!l'SOM , for drun1< drlvlng-during the first 4 month& of the year, an increuc: of 488 or 19.80 per cent over the l .076 cltatlona lPUed tor that offense In the aame period or 1950, It wu announced today. It la pa.rt of the new program t. now ataytng at the Tuatln ranch that one of the three major com-until Mn. Farwell le able to re- mttteea of the League meet wt.th turn home. ' .the executive board each monlh tor a pol luck luncheon. Vlalt Cou,t Collece On Monday, May 28, the educa- tion commltte, chairmaned by Mn. Edwin Morgenroth. went on a tour of Orange Coast college a.nd came away enlhwdUtk: about the new edµcatlonal plant and the part lt la playing In the commu- nity. Job's Daughters Breakfast at Park Drunken driving l.s a major AaembUng flnrt. at the home c&UM of t.n.!f\C acc!denlJ§ and fa· of Honored Queen carol Thoma. talltlu, tM patrol pointed out. on' Sunday, May 27, a (TOUp of "It h .. bttn dcmoMlrated that. about 33 J"ob'a Da.ughtere of even a mtnute amo~t of alcoh?I Bethel 167 Coat& Mesa. and their mar tmpaLr a drivers judgment. parent.a ~eyed to Irvine Park reflexes and reaction time," the ror break.tut. patrol def:.lared ln a pie-a to drlver11 After breakfast (ei.ch (irl pre-to turn down that drink If they pa.red her own and there wu are golng to drive. Mesan to Receive . • ROTC Commission Selim Franklin. eon or Mr. 1.nd Mr11. Selim H . Franklin of 11928 Santa Ana avenue, Colta Mesa. will b<' among twenty-nine ottl· C'l'rs who have completed their army ROTC training at Pomona co.l~re and Clat"t'mont Men's col· leJC~ a.nd whO receive their cem- mlssions &s 9e00nd lleutena.nt.a of L~plighter Dance lAmpllghtera dance and mid· night buffet 11uppcr wtll )>e held al the new YWCA building, 14\1 North Broadway, Santa Ana, thl1 coming Saturday, Junt 9. 9 lo 12 p.m. Btll pur<:het'• orchestra will play. For members and their friend•. non-member11. $1.SO ea ch. For lflfomULtlon call Harbor 761-R. lnf&lltry in & Cf'reMOOy to be held flj()N BAPTIZED In Rembrandt hall at 10:30 a .m. I Stephen Wayne Wllaon. small on SUnday. June 10. 1 Pf' nd M p t s aon o \;, a rs. e er. . BRIG. GEN. JOHN H.. tMlkel MICHAELIS, lit C.lff. on i-etum from Korea ....-"'tho war o~r there 111 1otng ..like a y~yo..~· Wtbon.· waa baptlzed lut Sunday at Newport Harbor Lutheran church by Pastor Herbert Rot.h . Mn.. WUaon ii lhe former Mary Jo. Quari-y. . ' . ·John ·Kirks Home From Eastern Trip Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, 1631 Placentia avenue, Cosla Meea. re- twne<f laat week from a three week.a' trip . which took them through Utah, Kanau. Texaa and other weatent atates. The Klrka. who we.re marrl~ In Yuma in 1&40, werp recenUy reconc iled after· divorce prOceedings had been started by Mn. K irk. AT 811~VER WEDDING Mr. &lld Mri. Herbert Sattler or Balboa l&la.nd were among the many gueat.a wHo re.Jicltated Dr. and Mrs. Paul Es;ilingcr of La- guna Beach on thetr r«ent ail- vec. weddin& &J¥llveraary. • . ··,S.CAtT.~R Some :ne . ~~ . ~~ our store. before . Jun,. ~5th, and regi.steni hia or·"her name, ' will. receive · one ~f tjie fol- loWlllg r • I st Pri e 9x 12 Wunda vr~Ye Rug· Retail Value "".'"i 'S!H.95 . . ' 2nd PrJ*e • ' I 4x6 Wunda Yfieve 1 Rug Retail Value -$~7.95 1 3rd ~ri:re · 1 3x5 Wurida W rve Rug . Retail Value -17.95 • This thrill can ci>me lo· you- just come in anCi register. Drawing date will be an- nounced later. . ,. Lag~!,_~Ch f Qt!!~ Co. Free Customer fal'k.tn.c at Keat of Store on-~ ''e. .Dr. Bull Peteraon. OCC presi- dent and' three members of the staff 'took them about lhe camp- ua, 1howed the new library, the technology building. tlle well· equipped ahop and the home eco- nomJc1 cottage bul1t by the stu- dent.a. The phlloaophy of tbe »ehool, vocational and pereonal guidance of atudent.s and their actWIUe• we re explained them, u well u lhe 7·year' plan and l~ year plan of l!'Xp&nalon. Not lea.et Interesting wu the fact that 2-100 atudenlJI are regi1tered in the adult education department. qutte a variety) a bueba.JI game was enjoyed. The parent.a. fur- nished much or the ente~ment •. during the game with Mr. and Mra. Leo de loa Rios, Mr. and Mrs. -----• -----~------------------------r---------- Next fall they hope to go again with a larger group say lhe nine committee membera who were preaent, Mmea. ~enneth Cooling, who arranged the trip: C. W . Wal- deck. Paul Davia. Floyd Buell, Bud Oesenburg, Ja:ck Jl'lorer, Ed· win Morgenroth, E. Smith and Paul Moore. Costa Mesa Girls Take Top Honors at 0 . C_. 4.H Fair Top honors were achieved by the Costa Mesa 4-H Club mem- bers. the Stilchy Stltchera, in cooking, aewinc and judging con· test.a at the recent annual Orange Countr 4-H Fa.tr. it WU dlsclo&ed by J.tra.. Ralph Taylor, one of the local leaders. Norma Thomp80n and Evelyn Taylor were awarded blue rtbbona for scoring flnit In the home economica judging conte:st at the evenf' staged •s an educational pro~am to prepare about 400 t-H Club g1r1a and boys for ex- hibiting their sewl.ng. produ<:e, Jtvutock and canned gooda at the Or&n.a"e Cottnty Fair which Open.! AU(. 16. Awards were won by Alay1te Compton, Patty Wild. Deanna Souder, Mary Souder. Bunny Hi.a.tt, Jackie Garrett. Flo Lou Tbompaon. Evelyn Taylor. ShJrley Lewis, Norma Thomp&<>n. Esther Thompeon, Linda Dttrina. June Payne. Lynii.e cooper, Marian Koerner, Joyce Vltte, and Helen Blehm. COM Artist ·Home From Virginia · ''The only pel"80n who takes her work alon,ir on. a vacation"' aay frienda of Thelma Paddock Hope, who returned Monday to CoronA del Mar alt.er more than a montll in Marlon, Va. She drove there with her· daughter-4n-law, Mn. Fm Hope. who Wt.JI stay to be near her hv.sbe.nd, now in offi- ~n· training ac::hool, Not only wu the artist feted b-y friends at lnnwnberable social event.a. but 1he. pala.ted tt•e por- tatta &nd wu uked to return for a eea.aon of pain line. Sbe drove home with a party of frieode who were C0'!1ing to t.o. AngeleA. en- joying particularly the acenery . throuch Ari.Iona. Dates Set for Summer Camp A. W . Gunn, Mr. WbJllock • M:ra.. Carl "M'lomu participating .. : Among the dlvensiona were hoc:-e- baol< ridlnc. bo&ttnc and riding two aeatt!d bicycles. Costa Mesa Riders 1 · Win Show Trophies 1 · Costa Mesa ridf't"ll attending the ( annual Eecondldo horse ahow ·ill EacondJdo were. Glenn Thom&1 aftd Joeephlne McKee. Both young rid.era won several rlbbona and Glenn captured two first pt&ce trptrtea. Al!l('I enjoying the horae ,how were Mrs. Joe McKee. Ha.y· den Ruuell, Audrey Gray and Mrs. Carl ~mu. GJerin ana Joeephlne entired the competlUoo In the ~enl Loa An - ~elea apring falr at Bellflower . Glenn Won first' place tn novice hor:-emanshlp, hor~man.ahlp and 9l.oc0k horae a;,,d aeeond In trial horse on Man. About T own. Jo- lephine cop~ 8eCOnd place In stock horse, riding Carrot Top. Is Hostess at S.luniber Party Shirley M.ithoff, daughter of Mr. and M.re. 0 . R. Mlthotf, 398 F1ower 11treet. Costa Meaa, en· terlalned school friend.a with a alumber party over the week end Tile young gueala, Diane Wallace, Melba Walker, and Leslie. Tac- qual'd and their hotteU. enjoyt!d eattng snacka wblle watchln1 tele- viaion and playi.nr ca.nut&. Fol· lowina a late breakfut Sunday they went to El 'toro, Spending the remainder or the day bone.back riding. Shlr1ey and Diane wtll graduate UU. month from Newport Harbor Union hll"h 1ehoo1. Penny . Hatch of Wllmlng:ton paaaed the Memorial day hoHday Ith llOa. Mlthoff. Young Swimmer Injures Hand Noel Barlow, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barlow. 232 Agatl avenu,_ Balboa Island, Will not be able to take part for .ome Ume In event.a of Hunllngtoo Beach Swlm club, of whtch he Is member, because ot. llUl injured hand. It wu cut by broken glus when he put. hla band ·tbrouglt. a wtndow at the gymna.alwn or Horace Enaign Khool and .even attt.cbu were aeceuary to cloee the cut&. Lost From Car,. Purse Returned ·• €) rfu!T'I CANNING TIMI I •· C. P. P-£ C T I I CHEC~S TO SEE . THAl ll4E Pi<ooucr IS TOP Q.UAllTY. . ' PACIFIC, THll FLAKE SALTllES~ ·.<\ OOOD IALAD ILfllETTA TOMATO ASPIC :;>:C!.. OCOo .,.,...., rT MXMC.s• CHOPPEI 01 LEAF S I IA C H~:23~ -~ POP'1JLAI Ml Al l .. cauo -... t •~oat 8QMS lfm& Ww_nt .j:.. TA°~Tt! 11 IOL' ME.AL large ELIO llACAIOll 2 le FOllHOOI L 111 A IE 11 S I i0i iii;' I c·1· • A'' I ii ii 35: Clttrir'ii I iocMc or;es•• I ELL ifi i1 C00TI. FL A IE s !:: 20J ';.:; 29~ ~ .. tsb .·iw:r,Tr ,·;··T.;•E ;c£.i.' o 11Q1. 79£ iliiliss\.cia E • • • ic"•£71 i a Ho.111 •,t1vo11T1 llll-OICAI . llPPEI SIAX . l(llP A IUPl'l Y ON HANIJ •• ~ T·I l l. E T T I S S I E IUIPAC~S 2, 8' "~· . . IJCn'rt ,. 12~ IE SH P 0 TAT 0 IJ 11l0 A t4 Q.TO" 27 1 siPiiiolR ioci£' i ;1 i.:llTO" 29' 2~2i~ . IEM COllTJ I.I. 11. ·WHITE ROSE P·OTITOEt .. Fii llllll-tl lllE·111M111t . -~~ 9°g~A ·- •.Eus•t•••••~ 1i ,, llfllll,ll•IPJUCI• I ~ • • ' '