HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-14 - Newport Balboa Pressa \ I , •• _ 55$555$$!200$f330000202 21sacccccqrrsrse10susuos a se;a 4PJ•t•==••9t•••• ' "t • • 0 ' • By T . N . ("BRlcr<l GAINJ:B More iooci" ,word coma to t.hi8 dept. trom llacramonto. Two nlcr a.nd llhlny new bUle &rf! repoelng on the deak of Oov. W&nen.. only awatttnc bta atcnature before they become law. Or, at leut. one of 'em wui be- come law tmmedJall'ly. The othe1 will ail a round awhile, first. Earl Stanley, our Auemblyman wrote yesterday that all the knoll had been taken out or hla put'8f seining blU, and that only 8 acr-atch or the governor's pen h needed, now, to make It effective Whic h, lo my mind, la the bea' news local sport.amen havi ever h&d locally. It marks the rtnt local inroad!' whJch ever have been mfllde OJI the purae ~lnen. I'm etlll amased that the big boy1 wtth the bl~ boats allowed the sporlflablng ln· du.stry get away with having a "fish.Ing preAerve" whlch la ban· ned to the big fellen, who can wipe out a.n entire acbool or fish in one wrap of their net.a. And, to my mind, It also should mark, In t he 11port fl.8herman's book, that they have a represen· tative In Sacramento who can pwih through bllb even a.gainst mighty 8llff a.nd often unpleasant opposition. Earl's bill will keep the purM selnrra (or ring-netter•) three milt's offshore from the county•s cout from dawn Saturday until sunset Sunday during the summer month!I, which Lln't much of a con· cee.slon, because they don't fi.9h much at that time . anyway. But It also 8els up three "taboo" area.a along our cout, The8e will be cl08C'd every day ln the week 1 and night. too. I hope) from May 1 to Sept. 10 to all 11uch selnlng. The flrst'n run11 from the north bank or the Santa Ana river six miles south and reaches two miles to sf't. Th.at keeps 'em away from the entire Newport Harbor water· front. The M'COnd ls a two-mile r&dius around Dana Poi nt, and the third a simll&r Rt<'& around San Mat~ P oint. {wo o f the best flBhing spots vi.11ited by our loc&t sport.s- ftshermen. And our Auemblyman affixed an emergency clause bn.lllneu to lhe bill. so u. 8000 u the governor 1dgns It. It.II become la..,.. and there'll be at leut a llt.tle protec- t ion against the seiners. Personally, a.a a.n a.side. I don't think the new law, If approved, will ever be broken. eithe r. 1 don't think the big commercial men from Pr"dro want to stir up any· thing like the hornet's nest whic h has been buzzing among aport.s fishing circles. They know good a.nd well that the sportsmen are getting well organized, and !:IOOn will have enough power to give 'em a good les:W&Uve batUe. even If they ~ · Itta I *" M,r&' lobby! A 8ECX>ND BR.ZAil FOR OUR DISTRICT The second bill In question Ui a deal pulled from a cubbyhole by A88e.mblyman Stanley a.nd pushed th.rough committees and the Aa· 11embly and ~na.te. The bill was ptop<>f!t'd by two o ther legU!lator!! and would have e xempted surf fishermen from paying lhe unjust and I think Illegal $3 fishing li- cense for oc:ran anglen1. It wu kill ed Jn the fish a.nd ge.mr" commltte-f' of the A.Men1bly, but Stanley took It up with the Senate comn1ittee. and says that to his knowlf'dge tt•s the ttrst such bill thf'y've ever pa.aaed out of commlttee. Under the amended bill the state's fishing lict"n.ae will not ~ required for any person fi8hing from any publlc piers In ocean watt"r11 or the state. In other worM, you can go pier fishing a..nd not pay tribute to tht' P'lsh and Game dlvbilon kids. I dunno whether that includes public pler11 In the bay, but I a.a· irume It does. We'll clear that up later. But It does Indicate that. an in- road hu ~en made on the bU· reaucrats illeg&I (I thlnkl &etivity o r forcing people to pay to fish in the free ocean wa.tera. I'm hop- ing that more lnroad.8 follow ! And 1 hope that .11porl8men don't forget to lha.nk our As- , semblyma.n for the hard work he·s been doing for 'em! HLRJ!:"S A BIG C'ELEBRAnoN Jim Illingworth, one or the nh:·~t grocery store c h&rftct'f!ors in the Harbor d'strict, la otflclaUng at thf' opening of Costa Meaa'' new Alpha ~ta ato~ this wttk end. P~r90nally, I 'm golng to drop in and try to he lp give Jlm a &end.- off. He's one of the hardeat·work· ing and pleasante11t grocers you·ve ever mt"t! BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP MAY RIOPEN Limited operation of the ca,,I. nation Cove boat laWlCh.lng ramp on & temporary ~i.9 WU ut'C@d by mem~n or tbe Newport Beacb Puk, Beach and ll<commendatlon Commllaion at tbetr Wedne«lay ntcht meeUng. They recommend· ed to Ute council tbat llle ramp be made available from 8 &. m. to 3 p. m. dally. OllAIOIEllillEl8 THE Plll!:llS A. mirror of th•• most rapidly developtnr area ot the CaJUornla South ' ' I j ' .AJm. ·to ... ....... tall and tmp&ru.i, IUld Ill• lo NCetve and fttaln Coutal Empire llRVING THI INTlll IWtlOR AllA popular oupport SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY VOLUME XII PHONE HARBOR 1616 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFQRNIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 14', 1951 SIXTEEN PAGES FIVE CENTS ' NUMBER 16 BEGIN WORK ON HOAG HOSPITAL ACCESS ROAD DirC<'tOrs ot th<' Hoag Memorial H03pital. Presbyterian, took an Import.Ant alt>p at tht>lr meeting last Friday night wh<'n they appointed Mrs. Winifred M . Bacon. or Emerald Bay, wife of lhe lat<' hospital administrftlor. to ~rve fta Purchasing Aj!;ent for the hOBpltal. She wtll have authority to acquire sup· plies, equipment and furnl~hlngs which will b{' TIC"eded a.a 500n 8JI the hospital building i.s cr<'Cled. H ospital dirr"ctorl'I believe th.a.t by planning and purchasing ahead I membt'r~ of the Building commit· lr1cU! with other coopt>rating and of a ctua l nPr-d, n1uch valuablf' time 1 l f'(' of the hospital are kt't>plng in a"-'Tf·rin~ to 11:upply. on a ten1po· will bf' ga inf'd and important sav· (:ln1'!r> touch with the situation and rary bflSI.'!, th<' watf'r h t>('(led dur- ings can be n1ade. arr glv1n~ their valued s<'rvlcrK to ing the actual bulldin~. According to Geors;-e Hoag, Jr .. a (!van£'C the planning and con1ple· vice presidrnl of th<' ho.~pital lion of 11:prclflcatlona which It Is board and actin11: chairman, Mrs. bell1•vf'd can be done within the Bacon is well qualtfii>d to carry month. out thrse Important dutlrs. Shi• Road Startrd !'1UcccS8fully operated lhr" Pon1ona Work on thr" road to connrcl 1'1 eetln(.! IA'llh th(• county i.upf'r- vll'IOr• and road romm~ionf't at lhr ho~pitRI sit<' Wf'rC' St('phrn Grl· !!('l and \Vil\lanl F . Klnlr"tir, men1· b<'r~ of thr Board or Dirf'Ctors of lh(' hotirpltal, Bl'rt Wl.'bb for lhf• rity nf Xt.>wport Beach and Harry Wt>lch. Valley community ho~pital for with thp i;llP of the 1-loa~ Mr· !!Orne years whil<' her late husband, , morlal HORp!tal, Preirtbytrrla.n, is wllo was Lhan administrator o f thf' undt•r way. Monday, Junt' 1 t , Su- Pomona institution, was serving J)f'rV180r Heinz Kaiser with Roft.rt Arf"a l.andmark wtlh the Un1tt>d States Army H08-C'ommls."'ioner Har o I ct Spr••ng<'t ThesP t1,1,,·11 tntfl(•rlant rTloVC'R ror pitals at Denver a.s Medical Ad-mt·l with othl'rs at the junc l~on of roar1s ancl ,,..·atrr art· prt:llml nary ministrator. t hf' Hospital road and P lacentia to artua.l start of thr bij! hospital App(untmPnt of Rn ar1m1nistra· A VC'nllf'. Costfl Mesa. and ~avr the I whil'h whr n built 1,1,,•11\ constitute a tor for the local hospital proj.ect word for the ~tart of <lpt·ratlons Janr1mark for a larj:C area, Lo· W'&8 df'ferred for a time by the di · St'Vl'ral lhon.san<I yan:1 H of fill will I cat<'d as thf' hospital 1,1,,·ill br on re<:tors. M r. HOH~ sa1cJ, and added be moved to the spot tn n1ake thr !\n ri~hty·ff)f)l ('lt•vst1on ovPrlook· that Mr. Bacon. who Wat! serving roarl\vay which i. being built by 1 1 in~ Nrv.'p<i rt Harbor it 1,1,,·lll be as admini!'l trator when hf' dird tpr County. ch•arly vlslblr for gr1·at distanc-rs. very suddenly on May 19th, had At the same time th<' roadway The 111ain bulldinj.'( Wlll br ov(.>r STOP AND THINK! AN f:.DrtoRIAL Mll88 hysteria is a terrible thing! Sound thinking, law abiding clthens, when caught In a crowd quite often do things they would be sorely asham- Defends Oil Explorations ed to do lndh·duaUy. They make rash statements, threats, s. F. Bowlby. vice p .. ,.1dent in and ol c harge of exploration and pro· V "" untruths. They propose ttt8p888, restrietlOOll of duclion f<>< Shell. one of the com· lndJvldWLI and collective freedom, and propound demands pan lee holding lea.sea nea.r tht" abridging the 0f.eMom of othel"8 _ which freedom they eo .. t and inland in Orange Coun- ty, t S&ued a statement today would not be willing to give op themselves. • warmly defending efforts to find We have seen for several weeks past a demonstration new oil flelda In this area. of mass hysteria in our community! Sound thinking, law Mr. Bowlby -termeG tht" efforts being made to-• block plans for abiding homeowners, proposing restrictive measures that test drilling u no doubt well In· they would not be willing lo live with or abide by them-tended. but perhap• made with- selves. out the knowledge that oll fields. . If found in lhe area, would be de· We refer to the potpourri of statements and threats veloped by his company without voiced before the Supervisors of Orange County and itE l annoyance to residents. Planning Commission and your City Council by r esidents I His statement continued-"The f Co ti' k' f rth t . t ' .1 d ·u· I idea t hat an oil field must be s o our as inc see 1ng u er res rte ions on 01 r1 1ng. forest of unsightly de r r 1 c k s. Firstly, we as residents of the Coast do not like oil smelly waste products and noisy drilling, nor do we want any unsightly co ndition fostered machinery is a thlng of t he put. . · . . An oil field can be developed which would damage our scenic beauty, or contaminate the without residents being aware or area in any way. But:-' its presence. and t he return~ tu WE BELIEVE IN FREE E1''TERPRISE, IN JUST property owners and taxpay•rs LAWS EQUALLY ENFORCEABLE AGAINST EVERY-and the working ""?Pi• of Orange • County would be immense. ONE. WE BELIEVE THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL PROP-""Derricks are no longer left ERTY OWNER HAS THE RIGHT TO THE FULL AND •landing after a well . i• complet- ed. Pumping equipment can be COMPLETE USE OF IDS PROPERTY WITHIN THE placed at ground 1eve1 and tanks LAW WHICH LAW MUST BE FAIR AND EQUITABLE. far removed from the aclusi site We speak first hand ! of the wells. "Such measures 11; o u Id, o r Our home is one of the three nearest to the operations rourse. be taken if any fields of the Shell Oil Company on the Irvine Ranch. We have were discovered anywhere nea r bonus value in our home in Corona Hi ghlands because we recreational and residential con1· munitles in this area. (Continued oD Pa«e 2) "No oil company would wish lo REQUEST ·FOR DELAY DENIED BY COUNCIL City council members re- fUBed Monday night to ask the Orange County Board of Supervisors to delay grant- ing of any oil drilling permits despite letters from Corona del Mar W o m en 's Civic League, ·Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart, 183 Shorecliff Road. Corona de! Mar ; the West Newport Beach Improvement Association and a verbal re- quest from the League of Civic Associations. Tha Board of Supt>n·lsora at their Tueed&y m tttlng appro,·- f!d t-he permit of thf. Maroll C'-0. to drill for oil laland from thfJ Coa.-.t Hlsflway In the "·eat S e"•port Beach area, fa addlUoa to request a SO day delay, S ewport BeM'h t'l\i<' .{roupe had ukNI .the poatlnr of a $:w>OO bond b,f the oil comp&ny to require thfom to 11,·e up to the conditions of th~ perm.IL brought lhl" plannlllJ:' a ln1ost to 18 b4•1ng put lnto condition for thre(' hundred and rtrty ff'{'l In ch·1na Cove 1Decis·1on ·as . Near the point of flnal approval by lhe travel. plans were worked out tor length and thf' hospl t~ when board. a ~y "!~P1J'" tor UM complete-, will have 75 bed8 ln th~ ht~lrof'~ttl'rlrfb'Mt'"dMliflll, ~"(/tttlll9..._. meta 'b41MIBIJ"·/ 1 ·~ that too~-_.. ..... -..... ' -'""'·------·----- destroy the beauty of Otlr fa1ncus Southern Calltornla coast or to make it less attractive to Its res- 'denlll or lhe thousa.nds ot people _.......,t--n ·~ ·YMJ". -..,..r Southern California Is one of the nation's richest oil regiona and oil Is a reaource whic h is vii al to thl11 nation 's welfare. An oll ftnn reprewntatl,·e '48td that th~ company "'u honded by the 1tate and tbat the I weU wu planned u an offM>t for a .Jergtna Oll Co. well OD l&nd nest to that leued ,, IL ... f A reeommen at.km on ~ Chin& Cove i•ue wae promlM.d cltlsens lDto the actual drawtnp, and the pltaL The water problem wu plan.I ~11 be rt"&dy by Uae ('nd o preparation of apectrlcatlons l8 IOlYe't by Arley Swarts a.nd offl-lune was gtven the Board qf Di-of Newport Beach by mem~re of the Park, Bea ch and Recreation well under way a.nd should be com-(:!&19 of the Newport-Mea and the rectors by lhe archl~t ftt t:tc Oomml11ston at their firet open :neoeting We<tnellday night. pleted 11hortly. In Lhe mea.ntlme, Newpor t Height.a Irrigations dill-regular meeting of the boa.rd. The GommtNion heard a.rgum.!!Dll! on both e:lde.8 of t he China Cove -· problem In a long aeaalon. Me-m~ra nf tht> aevPn man,•-------------- Chlna Cove Matching Land Com· mlttl"f: gave their oplnMma on wha.t should be done with China Cove. Ell.ch side WIJI allotted a 40 mln- utr prr\od for the prPSenlation' or the-Ir case. Hlslnt)· R.f'\if"\'\'Pd Sprekln,R: fnr lhP acquisition of China Cr,ve was Allrn C. Stelle, who revlewf"d the hll!ltory of thf' pro blem &nd urgf"d action on lhr obtaining of the Cove proPf>rty by thr" city. Hr said : "As far a.oi the sta te Is concerned, it ls China Covt> or nothing." Stelle pointed out that the land to bf' given to the 11tate tor China Cove nttd not bf!: waterfront prop· erty. Spcakini;: for th,. oppos:ition l the aldf' that would like to aee China Cove prea.erved, without having to rtve up matchJng ocean front '-nd.l'I ) Shlrlt>y Meaerve • & Id : ··we·re being uked. after already living two block• llO that Chlna Cove msy be a cquired. lo give four more-bloc:ka '° that China Covf' CllU\ ~ a cquired at a it.ate deter· mJned appra1sa1." Meserve nld that "under pro· vl•ions of the State Park Act the law requires that the city ma.kt' beach lmprovemenls" after the acqul11ltlon ot the beach. This •tatemf'nt wu quest.toned by the oppo1ltlon. N f'Utn.I Speak.A _ Ru.saell Patte:raon, "I'm a neu· tral." u.ld that It wu a tough problem. He: added: "lt doesn't ma.ke good IM!rlae. With a h igh at.ate appraisa.l on China Cove a.nd a kaw appralal on Ocean P"ront property."" . L. 8. Rottman. a re1lde:nt of China Cove.. aid: "I don't think that a state beach would ~ good for the ateL" He added that he eved that Lr Ow-lrtate-acquiried na Cove. the beach would k a to local re.sldenl8. He 1Ug· ~ a subacrlptlon plan to ac- quire China Co•e in amall pieces. H• 'pledced '1000 to ouch a pro- IJ'OD'. RandalJ MWer, 1218 Cove St.., aid t.hat he too would pledge SIOOO lt there were no other way an.Uable tq preMne Ch.1na Cove. lie added lhat he would lllte \.o --.. the Iota eould be -,;ht. Ne-LAM Drowned Man's Body Recovered from N. B. Surf The body of Augustine R . Guer· rPro. 25. or Rt. 3, Box 375. Ana· he1m, was found .(n the surf at 28th street, Newport Beach Tues· day morning. Gut'rrr"ro ha.a been mi&Bing since Memorial day when he was caught in a riptide and unable to reach shore w hile swimming off 15th 11treet in Newport, An exten11ive sea.rch made by life guarda and 6 boats to recover the body fa.lied. The body was tound In the surf early Tueeday by W. S. HuDa&ker of 12.6 26th atrfft.. Newport Beach and tf>("overf'd by N f'wport police officers Layton Cornecl and Vlrg11 Phebus. RelaliVf'l!I ot thf' drowned man establil'lhPd hill Identity at the Baltz Mortuary. I In time of national emergency. our total productive capa;JtY la likely to be called upon. G1vl"n time for ordinary developn1ent and careful planning. theHe oil resources can be tapped wtU1out inconvenience to anyone." ,Speaking from the floor, Mrs.. Stewart Ila.id lhat "At evtty m~t­ lng I've atten~ on tbC5(' oil wtolla, I found that the majority ot people don't want wells." Mayor I.sbell agreed lhat the oil question could be ser ioua . it al· lowed to gel out or hand He add- (Contbrned on Pap 8 ) CDM Beach Traffic Jams Slated fer Investigation Tratflc jams on the ramp leading lo Big Corona beach and making a re11tricted' swimming area off the beach there will be investigated by City Manager J ohn Sailo"' and Newport Beach police a.a a result or a declBion made in the city council chambers Monday n1ghL Harbor Weallaer A letter W&ll received by the council from E. A. Dudley, 220 Ja.smlne Ave.. Corona del Ma.r, TftnperstvrM for tlll<I • t stating that there waa a three -I hour traftlc jam on the nuun with week la U.e Harbor a.rM: -· .. -cars traversing the ramp and no Hieb Low parking apace available. Dudley Thu1'9day, IDIM! '1 ·~·-··· '70 58 requested some tYJ>e of traffic con- Friday, .lune 8 .......... 10 59 trol, adding that such a jam would Saturday • .J~ 9 '70 58 make It impouible for emergency Sunday, .June JO 88 80 vehk:les to enter the area tf they Monday, .June 11 88 6'7 I were nt"eded. TuetWlay, .Junr 12 . 88 69 The Corona del Mar stale ~ach Wrclneeclay, .June 13 .. '70 M (CJontlnued on Page A) · ResuJ.u monthly meet'nc or UJf Board of DlftdDn will be - Monda7 nnt., June 11th. at 1.1 :Mt • L m. at tbe Cape Cod Home. Bal-' --~ ror the er-....u ... -... of Ille Oceu r.-1 Md ae..ci.. Protectt.. • .., .... -t.hat -orpnla&Uon ... -anl,,,......,. la faftlr ot a bc..t 1-..e "' ......-Cilia °"""· ---eel ' -...... -wUllq to ct-.. ~ --Ille --....,.. llofll..... f.ll:lm .... lie, -Ill~ -:i.land. s. ... ra1 _,,..,... to the lry- lawa Aft t.o be pr 1r led to UW bOafd U well u 1'CC<lrfry actioa "" ..,_ r-..i bllll. • . I • ...,._. wmAn COIM''"" • , ... • fet llZlllr •s' tlll*Wll·a.a._,_ .... 121• Dz '; ftlr • ..Ill ;-. ,._JC.._· D ~ GOIS•• ..... •rfilft• ... A.a• Ila. I -• • • • .... -land to °"' ll&la." Tllo -aici ~ • cle-~ wtll be mada _ W_ <1a7. .. •--,--... ,_, -.., pull• llJ' a~ "n'I • ef ~ -,.., -.. wen., (l..it), -tori--wm~ .-;. A\1 ~ • N ....... ...,;.. -P ... -\ _... I ' • • l I • I • • • PAt;E 2 -PART T -THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 195 1 l~,~~!:«P.1tESS~ Publl.ellled evrr y Thur.wtay at'N~wport Beach. Calltomla. ornee and rrtntlng Plant at z211 Balboa. BtVd.-Pbnne Harbor tilt Entered •• 8t'conr1--c lus n1fttter June 18, 1910, at the pollt omce at N ewport &ac h, Ca llrornia , unctrr the Act ot March 3. 18Tt. tllle larl'ftlf paid C",l,,..ulatlon la tlte ~et'r11'Drt l larboP A,.. SH-ond J..ar&w.t l l•ml" (:ommwr.lt,. la Oraa•e Ceualy Mf'flitbn Cattf•mla Nt,,...,.per Publl81M!ft Ari tladen )f""'1f"r S•tloon•I r..-tlt•tfaJ AMOriatlen BEl< 0. -RrnDIC K. o.vn.r.nd Publlabtt ROBERT F . \vtl.J.)lli::g, Btt11inrss M&nager A . ALEXAN"DJl':R H ,\~fJT .TON, Ac1vr rt1Slng Afanager Tll• Ptf'IM hu bttn arlju..-1~00 a nMWitpn.~r of general circulation by lfforrPf" of the SUpcrlor Court n f Or&ngf' County and la fully qU&Dtted t o publish an kin<b of k>~a l hOlk'f'~ and ed'WrU.me nta. OFFICIAL PAPF:'R o .. ~ Tl-IF. rfTY OF NEWPORT Bl!AC H -------· -.... ' :-01 "1\:-iC"l?IrTJ<lX R.\.Tt:S : S-F.\\"J"'ORT-H.\J,RO.\ Pitt:-":-; t<'t-ry Thuriwla_v Jn Orank'f" ('qunty. s.s.~o rw-r ,·••r; $1.00 !'l:< moatbl"; 4$1 .!5 ~ n•onlh.") (.-\l!ln lnrh11l....C th.• ~t:\l"l'ORT-RA1.mO .\ :'liE\Vli'.-Tl'VF.~ or T111·~lay ) Cl11t ... l1lt• fhf' C"ounly S ... 00 pt'"r ,·.-ar. STOP AND TIJINK! ' '.Letter~ Dear Sir: M'Lu &hlrtey Anne Euby ronn T Count;y Prim.,.,. &;bO<>I Newport. . . , -· WalN. o ... t Brttam 11th May 1911 I am a ..-r In form 1, In New jiO!t C<Jw\ty P!'lfriaey !lcllool. Pembroket.hlre, WaJea. I am 13 y~ara .ot &ge. Newport.. wbtte I Uvt Is a M'n'a.11 town or a bul"J' nn th .. ~(' In th~ South Wfet eorMr Of Yi'alc-8. · Thrn:-arc:-11bout 2.000 Pf'Opie llvtng here. Tbta ye&f 1901 la OUY Fe•tlval year In Ore•t Britain. H f'r(' ln our j,own of Nf'W'l)Ort. we an" o r,-anh1int:' concf'rta, dr an1u . 111 fa.I r . and my achool will bol~ ILi own t'Xlllblllon on u.-ltth of July tblll y.er. Flaa !Illa exh1MU09 W1" hop<' to "'"" f'OO'Ug;ti. MOne-y to bay a movlf' proJ~ lot" oir edtiool. °"""'" at·(' .ffi clUM •ft\1 t.OWl'l11 o.ttf'd rfSWP'OftT ln tht-wortd. 12 II> U... lll<Kloh lalon<U. l la ,.,_.h \Voot Africa •nd 12 In ... llnlt..1 Stat• ot Amfrlca. My m•:t1lf'r In llll"t\ool U.. ai11k ••d • to wHt.e to all th,. Nf"W'P<•Tts In thf" "'"""°Id. 1o thftl. ~ make a tlnk. thfiougtt ~r iif.tlff11. wilt\ th. n1 all. t tbklk M. if'! a i.:~ Id~ find I ~ Wrililtc ttl~• lf'ttf'r. l hav'" t-hNien t o wnt e lo J'0'-1 , l ht• afay"r or fl8i(>h, Cahfo:nl:1, l~ Ualtt'd 8ta1f'tll 111 ArrwrlC"L Could you p lelMlt' """'I nw .-oml"thlnJC" for our aomf'.t~ that wUt shoov.• our .,.hool what your • """°°I ExlllblUoa- Nowport 11 Ilk<, a phnloK"f"aph , a ){Ui•le bonk r:r any lhtn~ n1arte In your to~ or aomf'· th in!?" frnm ont• of your x hofil~. I, fron1 :-.:f'w pnrl \\'1tl•·"'· ~t"lh.1 ynu and rill y our chlldr•n aAd C"itlun11 a .. ~t \\'l!'hr:< 'Cl,Jfion Gt1rau I \.tl:\.'S $HIRLr.Y Al'\NF. EASBT. \ . The C~ol w k'WBAT PRICE INFLATION! Ut/11 ee ALL.doHllNTS OF U. 8. EOONOllY • a, ...... L. ~ftll ' llD'BE8EN'f:t.:O l1t OPS DEC&ON8 .ti -.,. i I •) CTlils lo the -.I m a .. r1 .. ef art1c1.. °" U.. ore ( .-.--_,!I.A.ti " • Price BtabJlls&UoJL) ll WU a btcllc -i< U IM Illy W JlLnJB A.· 81!EAD 1 l ' t4a;19letun at.arltd ~ Ua bem~ WA.8HJNOTON, D. C.-The Otfaet oC Price St.lbil•t~ ,la i-.. •lnlt.eh wtth actloa of the 'bud¥el. f'Ully tel up to repte9f11\ evt"ry .M'gl'l)ent Of iftttrlist,.,., busm-I bor a. report. on communl.U In eol-a.nd agrioul~. · I I testa. and a tt•olt tn lhf' AMem-Fo 1•••• 1 th •··I Ind try th b It d bl r u .• ,_.,Cf', n e s...,,, us ere lll"e a a --ozen_ fT' mONt ~-~ addition a blll to ban com-divtsloM, each ttPreee1'ljng a eerment hi ~at important ~dWI ry. mttcl.el dtaw .poke-r w.,. revived, The Lop man ruuned to direct tbue dlvlaiona are recrult.1:1 wt ~ cttl.e8 and counties &h.14fgcd tt from lhe lnduatry ltult, men who have had years of experi_ence wt tn oat ~-to-tor owr taxea for that particular 9e11"ent of lhti .. -------------4-- fringe areu, -And lbe Staal.. lndu•try, n'Mly et whom •~ 9UC-quickly, So he took the buUj by p&Mt"d a tlghtenf'd child cart bill. ccurut bualneumen lhem!K'lvea In OW> home &nd f'f'Q&fo prica 1, a Oo•. £art War?n lflgnf!d Into Ut.tr putk'ubr n... ~raJ .over4.ll price l"fSUlat1on a.w h!1 bill lo stv'" hill crime com-On top of this, OPS namet1 what ae of January n. Many ~t1'ftls mlM1on poWtt to (Otte reluctant arf" t"""ed .-dvbory rommltteee. of tbf' f!C.'OftOmY were ~. U.ey '#'tbt~Mt'll \o &ppN.r bef~ It. n:ch c:erumtiq of a dosm or mcm! aid. But there had to be• ai..rt- ThP SMlate apt7t'OYl"d hy • n.... 111-t"n. all rttTUltf'd tram a perttnl-hi« ~t ntabttllbed quickly. So Y'Ole UW Jl.035..01&.2-tO bodge>t ptt--tar IJ'tdt91'try or M>""ent t.kftof. t't'om U\at potnt. e-very ~ ce-ll- l'f'ntf!d t o It by 118 rtnanoe com-1"'h-f' <"Tlllnl" rrk-p on any gtw" Im. tat.a.bl~ mnce hu bf.er\ an mitt~ tn an hour long nlg'ht ees-com111octity are not juwt drawn out attempt & rall back pl1cM.. Some 11kMl. It batted down aome ~ c-.r a hat. \\"bt'nf"V" a ~llJ\g 'Pritt ·llave been ~. 80tne Mvr am.t'ntfment•. moat or w~ woutd le f\Xf'd by OPS. it I• lbe rnult not u of today. '.-•f' p&rllal1.r r~lof?d cuta madf-o( thf-~nod opl.Rk>n of ltn'eral Lebor balked W1M-ft Cyr'UI: c'btng LR fund.A to ttw ~rtmf'nt ot meetlnp ~·1th thf. hNd ol the lft.. :wt a W"al"f' f'IWse, and: labor Mental HyJEIPTtf'. d\lstry rll,·uiloo •nd th~ m.-mbf-n mrmben ot. the-wage t1labi)tzation But tM Senetr Wt1'1ion differ.cf of that ad-v1tt0ry rommlttC'f>. Tbf' board walked out .-nd tied up ac- t"Oftahtttabty from lhAl pa...-d by !"f'Ml)tin,I( Clf"c'laton 111 pa.alM"d on lo ) Uon on that llOOre for w~b. But U\fo A&1111embly tn mkl-AprU. Uni~ tbe top tthf'lon In OPS for revk>w, i u with pr1cee. there hadl to ht-8 tht AM<""mbl)• ~curs In th,. Sea· a.nd finally rt"llcht-f!. Mi(·tw. .. 1 ~11~ etarttng point at which ~ detern· atf' cttug-N ~p..rdt"d u dout.t· for pronounoortlrf>nt. In ltOO'le ~ t.ning ffftor could be ~ed l f~r ru1 thfo blll "'ill go to ii. con• It may . ~o .f'Vrft to Eric John.8\<>n pveminl" w.>gn. Now. tt\e a1m ts rut"nit'f' commltttt to Iron out lM for revi~ bt!fon-·lhr crlling prlt-1• to cut oft wag,. rl.ses 88 ~f JµnP Y&ri.atlou. h1 annou1-w:..'fl1 . 30, taking tnlo conaidtta.Uon Ith€' El>rTONS ~f)Tp_;; T .... ahoii\'f" 1~tlt>r ,,..,. n·'f'~l,·...t hy )laynr IAlwU. D!&ay \n budg-el action had, log-fn • givt•n indl&Mtry, lhP ttiling ~le.tor clau.ea and alt Che bf:nt>· In llrN\\·Pr In tbt> N-q11• .... I. f 'hatnlw•r of Con*'4"N'i• Sw-r.-tary Ila~· jammed lboul ~,000,000 \Yortl'I prit"e I~ not fixed in mllny Cl.PW ftt. labor' bas obta.lned U I I ;±It (('r•ntln·w-d f'rtt·., l"!>(r 11 of !tiptejal appropriatkm W\lc that until m l"f'tlnn haYe bffn l\eM t!Jf collfttlve. ta-alning t.ont els h " d f th 11· h 1 .. nlft'n.ht-lm l.111 ri1th1·rinc lnrnrn1a11,.,. 1nat.rlal ,,·hk-h ,,·Ill bi· fur· •"'-• ., o \'erlook t he ,·~:f.t 1!1.s n.11 canyons o e r o 1ng ranc -rot11d not M. •ctf"d upon until ...,.. "'1th lbHe ad•i.ory co•ttrnitte1'ft 1 W'itb 1.-..--.. . ,,·anJMI lo 1\ll-~hlrl.-y .l\nnr Ea~hy \\'Ith nnr (1onun flONU from .... ,. t ~-• b ••-Qo ' ti th ( • ·---, lctn(fs . \\.'e \·alt1r ti1a l \'iew highl)'. We W9.0t to pro tect it .,...,tr•· \'~ "''~"'"'' Y U?I" ""r · 1 N"pn-llf'-n n,-" inanu a.t: .. urer.1 In t~ Meantime. OPS illi&s con- btit. t he lanrt:> ri'(>r \\"hirh w e look belong t o ln•ine. ~~••iwtt1 ~t'f (C"allfor9.~l -__ _ nor . . the wholf'l"l:alf'r and Utt_. n'talln lo 1 tlnued lo batter at the price wall Th,--S.•natc•A f8ci ·flftc1ing ('Om· J?;Pt an ov.-r-an plctUt(' of the In· J 8lncf' il.8 g eneral prizp frehe rt>JU· The fl"\'inr C'i1mpan:,· h as the right t o subdiv ide it. to D I c1· . Work t St r1 m1 tt('e Ort Ufl ·ARlt"'l"k'afi ut1vtti•s dU.Slt)' anU M ,ni;cr~ll . oplnJon 1-tatiol"I .• lt ~ tbced • Kt!'fl,ra! build ()0 it . t11 1lt•Rlrn~· 0 \lr \•iew. We know tha t one day enta tntc 0 a 1·hargf'(.I in a k>.n ~th)' report that fronl thf" nwmbf'ot-1 of ltw indtmtr)'. manutacturen; n-gulallon, 8 Sen· , · .· .· · d d h d HOW· comn1u ni.At organ1u.tlona w e re In addition, the lncfu•try hu a I t>ral macll.inery regulation. and .t n~cr s11lxi t\l!-l!Oll \Vl?l r ome. wie rea t. e ay. • 1 , ··nour-l!!!h ln g" on the ca mp113"'"" or I prf'fer<'n<'t' as t o· juJ1Jt What klnct other regulations on do wn the line t:V~R. \Vt: \\'11 .1. F IGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF THJ Con.~tru.._~tlon \Vlll l"tA1 t in1n11·11lftlf'lv nn th~ <_lenL.al r lln if' fflf" !Callrorni•'" unl \T~ndt lt.."'" and rof., nf rotiltng pri<'f' un<kr whlch tt "pre-rrom manufact.urer to r Ptall<>r. All t>ROPF:RTV O\\'~F.it TO (TSE ff L."1 f~AND, TO Rllll..D l'hil.lrt'n of =""''"llf•rt R• •eh end C'o11ta M1·~ Sl·huola, 1t \\•a• announr"d lr gf'11. . ff'rs to OpPrat.P . -whethf'r undtt of lhf"se af"f" fnll!or1m reg-ulatlon!!: I IT .,1,r.nJ\'IOI: IT t1"111y b~ :\fr"" F.•h!~r· R H •ll , pr1•"'lolE"nt 1\r th•• A'-"i!"t1t nrf' I.ot~lll!lh' or 1 A;ld t1'.· rf'.J)Ott aN"u~l Jl'Ctlool th.-Jr<'ncral Ci:'Ulng pr~~. frir-c~ I •nd arr lntendtl. t o bold the prier o~ IT. s f:t . . . . . N°t"\\"fl<1 t l 81•M('h . .11pon!lnr-1n!! Ill tii:ftnl7.8tHlll A ~ 10 ,000 j{ift fron1 th1~ ht •ii• of a '"t rqic lac k o( inform a+ un<lt'r lht• nililJlUf&cturer 8 price ! line until lht> final r eplfltion can l.}ncler t i'!.(' v.·in~i0\\"3 nf 1.c.1r home is the r oad built fur J an11,1111 l i-vint> l'~ouniltltion ha~ '"""·~ po~albJ,. t he budd ln:;i: a nti rqoip· liun" a bout t h<', r "al Ol\-lur:~ of I rPgula tio~. o: under a tailor~ 1 bl~ df'termined, b&.sed on a tft>fH!ral R c~ess t o thC' <li l \\IC'll <trllling-s ite. Before the windows 11:\ss pin,!!" or the ln"'E ·Plv.n nt-d C"linic at lh ls t lmt . •·nn1n1u ni~n1. It .satd cducal1(lna l prlt"~ r("g-ulatio n applytn,e t o 1ts 115 p f'r cent roll-biic k o f profit · · d d · I l · · ~ · __ _ __ lt"11rll!'t1' \4'rrf' il1<'lined t n 11tick lh("lr p artit.'Ular 1Rdu!'!ltry. margini l?'te t r t1 c ks c·1rr\·1n~ equq 1m c11t an men an materia o .Th" (•h n 1t· w il l b1· lor-al ~\I at .>06 hf'acb in the sand wh"n th(' word . ~ adri8o1-y commKteP8 of-' Thi l .,. l f OPS 1- . . . W "'~---\'1a ~ft1htJtR n•·x t t n Rt J nn1t•l'I 1 i . . ,. s ar.,f' o was t-nunc and from the we ll drilling locattOn. e Cr~ t o tum o ur I ,.~ t 1 h. t ·" 1 · to·r t h Bn\I propt·r dh~t la riot g vrr was nl~nlionf'tl. t en flrv1(!(' llJl l11to 80-("twf'd t•~k at('d recf:'ntlv by E ric Johnston • W lai ed bo · h ~P ~l"flP" (" ur1· 1 · Rr~·· rnoni In thr .;tt•hool11 an1\ ftt hu1 :1. "'"" forcet'I f'ftl'h chergMI ~·Ith a defl-Ol'S ·h h ' heads when the t rucks ))ass. I e comp n a ut n1g t 1 fot· ,,.,,,r .. r~ ,,··-rk •·•~ 8 11,1 t h" l·linlt·. h 1 1 11 · . -. PS. I bo98, 'v "n e l'K't a. goal' or . r· _... . . d I ni·\·i·r folt'rlllt"h l ,. jll;\ltfS<."f' . "A y. '"Tti .. r_. rann,•t b.· lhl• •lightJ.>111t nllf' rluty to ruf'ftish 0 With prlc<'& y,•h i<'h would g ive ~ tpe r travel, n OW the ·t r ucks a re COD lflru to OperatJOOS In llY· whi•·h v.•lll bi• In K r•·cuntl l'llll ,. ft ..,11ri·•·~(11 J p1·ojl r Rr'U il'I thrt-•··fllld . +l•H lbt:· thr tt•pott JIJaifl, a1'out thf" pric in~ fcw-mul._, ft)r the intlu&try ·1 't 0( th -ftt -li2:ed d tfn I. ht I 11•1\\"f r. \VIII hK'"" f'ntrl4 nr .. rr-11111 \'1w. r11i>t.11h tlia lk"ll1; l!l•>1·11n<I. pn·v··n•i.1n I •-. I f!in f -i ht d '~her tra ,.' ct"n . .-pro .s rra_ u g ig . . )fR lll f:R Th" Th rift ~hol•p. nn\\' Jn-·x1:ot ... n1·r n ( N1n1n1 un •l o rg&n'-"'a· tnf' IJ • ~ re 1' •11 '" n • 1 the be11t three years out of the To the left o f OMr home. ONE MILE AWAY. 1n a i·ftl t"d at 220,i ~l r····l "'.111 •'l·i·u pv :ir:t1 IJl ir-•t. fix it:· t 1nn_, at th.. Un l\"rr1dty of C&Jl(or-~r-talton _c:Mt•. ".1f'thod8 Of dift· ,!NS to 19.ftt period, Which would • · a · · · d l"k · I ' ~1 1 " H··h·n" c~~na r, J'tt'!l'ident n1a Rl 81•rkf>h•y ancl Lna Anjlelf'8 lr1butlon, llB'd a.ny othrr faettlr ht> pte-Kort'an profll.s gully is the wf'lll -it rs w1th1n our sight, we o not I e it. l!!I port lr 1n,11f ttw bulhi i.n J:" Rnd \\ill .. r t hr X· '''J>'""'tl SC'ac-h EJf'm,·n la.rY Thrrt' 11'1 alAO 8 11 tuJr nt con1muni.s l y,•hi(-.h ente M! into thf' C'....,,t ot n This 1~ r cent ~fit roll-back WF. \\'11...L FlGHT FOR THE OWNEM RIGHT TO hA\'t? an i•n tranr.· ."n 3211J "tr••••l. P arT'nl-T i·ttch rr Auncl&tlon ••1<1 unit at th .. Un1''''t:!'!lil " of South1·rn comnKJieiit-"·. I pe be h _.. d • • An l\ttt'1"rtlv ... ret10 ha., ~·n In· I ·' ~ ! ("Xpf"Ctf'd to re ect..-u on own l';EASE, FOR Tll E LF..~SEHOLDERS RIGJIT TO ORILl ... t'IUfl1"'\ in th,· plfllll'I. A reh 1t1 .... ·t "·a." that plAn~ art> undt>r d iJ'Cuulon f"Rllfnrn1a anoi """ at Stanford. Ani1 wh~ _OPS UI rt-•dy t."J ~n-I thf> lh'lt' to lht' retail 3tort's 'and ""R TH'' DRll • ~n~ RIGHT TO PUR..fiitlTE HIS WORK Shf'lb\' c RJu.J c~"''J"Kl' Hol,.t~l n w..·ithln Itri ot~l'lni'zation fur a f"f'· Uft1 vcr!'Jily nf f'alifnrn1a Officiall' nounre a Cf"-1 hn.~ price tor lhot In-I t"'\l.!11 to con.8U1Ttt"rs. Tho!te were th(' rv r~ ---o-LrA~ ' • cw '" ••m1)h •~1 111"(I l"ol'\rc atk>nAI prot..'Ttl.m \~·011ld not .. ommf'n l until the v h~d dustTy t•e prtef' n-pn"~f'uU. the y·a-or h•· h p~lls but not as 1 . v.•111 bE' bu11t.t ·r C'ost of l h t> st rue-' ' · I .-'"' g f"Vl ' Wl'IHIN Rfo:A..~ON. . . ltrT'f' will be>• ~·tY.'ci·n S-t n.oon ""ti or ik-nta.I hC~-.~:t'.~--jll; l·ha.nt"•' l•"l reiad Lhf' rt>pn rl. 0 Stt1n· ~m thou,:ht anr1 op1nio~ or ~ high u 1~. If thi11 roll~bsck 'Can We believe in F'rPe Enterprise. 1n the sac redness of J-t5..l)O(\. M n . Hiit 1111ta ft"I. ford off1l·la l11 (Jt>nl-i ·d the C'hargt-a. 1ndUAtry ltsclf. . . . be rlff"C't~ so that It "rill be_ ft>lt ! :\f r11 c .. rlru•IP H . ~fyrr111, l'<'h oot Thf' Coru1n lttt'(' h1••df'd b~' Sen. I Th<Te havr b.~n rf>)&~1VcJ)' f1•v. at the> ('ODSUme r lE'Ved, then OPS j)l'Opert}' O\vne rship ! The canynn u1lon y.•hich we live is the one down which ROTARY MUD JS Sl'PPOSED TO HAVE WASHED TO THE S EA IN C:R EAT QUANTITIES -and if there ;, any questil"~n a bou t which ca.n.)'On we speak . the can yons lo east and we!'l.t tlf the drill site meet 3n the lot adjacent lo Otlr home, whic h lot we are committed to bu)·. There it- ('loi 10 11'f'ntll\o• •"lannlnir lllll "(' fflf" r'n!lt.M ~,,.,.. M<"hOOl!!I, fl.aid I Hu11h Bu rn!!, 0. Fr .. !ll\O, MU.1 A. ... indq~tr'if'8 Ulroug1'owt thf' y,·h cie wtU hatt done a good jo~ and o...;11 Mra. HUI f lr)ot r "v""''-U l h•· t h•t • "'""rnt MJr•r y 11ho•'t'l.i 11. 1h•n1bl}·n1An VPm un Kil patrick , 0 .. fllbric ol Am~rican buek'\f' .. I•"\ !ind t..w jugtifled itself. It remains "''"'"• M.l a 1111·•·lir~ h1•ld l\f nnd.~y ~ .. r·u•Ui n1•.-.t ru r tb.· M't V1c ... '< 1 J.Awi AnJte.h·"· v•al5 a~~i ll lf'd ,,.·ith ind~lrl•I ilfr Y.'hich ha.vf', •a & to be seen wbeth~r lt can. 1·~n•n K a t t h1• humr 11f ~ft$! E rn-\\'htt·h 1t t l1 ni•· y,·uul<! pruvi•le. Sh i· t•oo11nun1s t 1•n t ,.rpr111e• ·and front group. oppo~ any Cf'i1ing pr~t' t!'f'll Ssfll.-. IAk lo l111r , \\'hlt.·h 'olo'U '''" 1>lr1"1\ll,"I tht' fn,·1 lh1t.t N iu·-•-~rrn1 p" lo>T n1or~ th11n 16 yf'ar!I. It regul•tlOn (OT' that lndwtr.v. Th~f.f' ··•II~ !'1111 tMl ('j !ll~""rM li v•• J'IBnnin~ 1lun 111 d• nlMI h"~ll h n1u:oct ho"' pin. 1..·•llf..'d f•ll KllpRtr1ck to quit M 'h&.\Tf' b~n f'XC("ption s, and IL ffl n11tthl bt· 1nit u1t"•I hy t••pro>!ll~nla-v1.1 .... 1 lt1 .,, .. ,,.nt'"' An•l t·l"!ldr1-n If \·halr1n.nn -or th .. inl•"f"i n1 con1n1 it-lat~Jy .fr-0t11 lhL.'! minority J:,ro1fp t •V•':OC ••f t h• :-.,·,."·p11rl H0·11.·h l'ln•t th .. v1•1>-.'1At11 \:oc t ~1 b<· ~ur,·~ru l l,.,. 1111 •·r11nt' 1tn•I l'ornoctionA. Kl.I-!that ltlOfllt eo.mplalnf ~ SHRin!tt Q'pS ('P111ta ~•••!Jiii ~how&11, t~· l'ar,·nt · Atlr11°hn1t th1· n1~t1n~ \Vt·r-t-: p11 t rh·k d•'n ll'<I th1· ('ha1·jt es p.ntl ha\'t' con1e. tmlall sign o f drill mud or Rotary Mud o r othe r contamina-'f1'tt• h1·r A~~,._-.i-At iun . p1t rt~1 11Jf"t1nl"; ~l rA. ~tarl{•ret Frttman. hjgh n1acl1· no 9 rff"t lo qu1L · 1 J.q~vi'4~. i.a . a natJon -~ofde Th4re ,_ no 04'! 1'n the I 1lrnlh•t .. Kncl Lt•a1[1.1 .. m"'mbrr•. I ..... h nnl nhM!A": '"'""" Emma M . Mat-I • opt"r-&ttnn IJUC:li a.a of"g mu!it bf., tion from tht> well 111.t thiff fl()int. .. m ~lrl'I . Hill 1n 11tl'tC lro,.inK th.• Ir-lill, !\"••w port ""'9r h J!:lt•n11•nt1try A b1-pa1 t1 M'!in l(t"Oll p 1n~f' up nf I sonlt> indiviJual• art' pin.ch1r~l . Ar:id Ca nyon ~ \"tnc .~1na t1•1n. AAhl. "Th·· 1._•n1t1· l"•'hoo1 n u1 11ro ; Mrtt. ~rl rnde H. I ntA ny or the yovnaer-mf'mlK'rs of it ia nw.~uraJ wben )'OU ar(' f!incllf'4, . Tra \·ersing this cd.n)'On t o the sea is a })8th throttgh i.1.,n d1•n1 Hninatu r oC all lh·· or -~f v1·tJC. C'NltA Af,.,.a .Mch<l41I nur ..... buth parUr 11 euccrec.Jcd in slripplng It" yPll. Sonlf'-lndualrie• may 1uan· b h h l rsed "t ' At J:'ll nt7.1tt "11'111 rt>pr1•Jl'1•nt•"l "'"811 rh1ld :\I r•. l";ray<·r SP\T!rr. p rincipal Co-I 110111 .. of ti"M' pn'ol.·1·r frun' thf' "bi.!l ufac tw-e n101-e t'f fic1enUv "'"IUw dt tangled und~ n ish and growt ·we ave rave 1 · ., ... rritr,.·· ~h .. J<l tt'.!l~·d thNt th• runn d•I ~I Kr l"t'honl : ~f rA :0.-aJt•An \\h•··I!!"" 11f l hi:• 88.M'mbl y 1 cont rol~: !'lorn(. rnay h 9.vf• labor the mouth of the canyo n in Shore Cliffs appears a dump-1 C"lln1r tn bt• .. 11(·1·r~ful n1u~t h<' a t-"1·11·k . T"TA •·r-on<I vlC'P p1vAid1·nt , Htrt tttey ttMn't ~t aH-tht"y troublt>; SOTTtC"" rmt)'" ~ ~ of ing o f g r ey m ud. It might be confuse<l with Rotary Mud "nrt1 n111ni ty •·11.lt>H \'• r 111 .... un~ th•· c·,,itt,1 ~··!'la MRin !lrho<1l ; ~f r~. "·ant•·d Thev failC'tl 1n an effort 1nateriai8. But provi~•t•n also Is . . · h h ced ·t l ·u I "r,n1btno"'!..I 1•fftN"l11 uf lh1• !lt·h1o0l11. H1·l 1 no• ('!ilf"n11.r, l"T A prrl'll1\\•nt to take aw•.Y f rom t~ apree..kt"t" m~ ro. han'lll!lhtp ~~ t" wOrk f ro.m a 11 o il oper a tion. But w~ .. wtt o t ers. tra 1 0 . 1 I 'h·nl•I prurrsak1n. pA nont• a.ntJ "<'•"· '.".""1·1\·Pflrt B""'"" h P. I r m "n t a r y hi!! P""""rT to na.mr tht" m l"f'llbtorl'I out th-Mr lrOutJH>e with OPS. . ~urce . It a J)pa rentl).· was clumped f rom a cement mixer v11·1· l\r,c1U1'7.Atlon11 botl'I 111 r1~Jt"n1 111·hn111 : P.f r". ~fa rria H ('~". PTA or ron1nl1tt.-..11, \\'Ith tht-('Xl'f"ption I \Vhf"n )('Ike-DiS..lle ca""" dcYoA"n depos iting it s \j)ad wher e a ho me is being built. to Rt11111n l1'l ratl.~n nn\I f1na111·1ng. H1..·Alth. ch11 l r n111 n C'nronA 11rl Al ar nf on1•. I lo Wa.ahi.ngton only a ff'W tnont'h• Advertising Man Now at Redondo Mr. and .M-ra. , Ralph ~ ... aon and ~talenJ of' Coron&J ldhf i<.ar will ~hortly tx-making their home In Redonde Bee.cf'\. Mr. 8orge1on, former ad'vw:'rtilling manager of l t~ N ews·Timf'11, begin.e-"'oi-k next w-ttk with tht> South Bay Br~r;P, .Redondo . dajty, Civil Oef ense Meetmg Friday An lmport&llt meeting ror Civil ·, !lllEODOU 1 KOBIN!I June 11. 1951 ' Yjea, that wu me driving tbe Model T Fom In the Llon'a Club P'lsh Fry Para.df' a couple of Sun~ day• ago. Numerow: people-uked me the year in which that Model T "-"&9 built. It waa buUt In 1914 and I havC' o"rned it the put lleY- t'raJ years. MOlll people w ere too •rudoua 1botlt UJp tutvrl! and did a lot or seare buying a ff'W monlhs ago. Tttt8 was eapttlally ~ as "'" prds to ne\11.' automobilu. Now the gen~ral •publi<' Ut being tob COl'n· placent because vf'ry definJte1y new ears w111 ~ In .8hort supply soon. Stef'l for new cars Will bt- off ~-:-;. starting in July and al- re•~-· many deal.Prs inwnlorie:S are being depleted. Thi!!: appll~ of cou to lbe more popu1-r <'&rs llk@i Fords, and those v.1Uch havr st-':'lng public dPmand. I am not writing this to scar€' you- juat lo prepart" you. This ls your Frll"ndly Ford Oea.k-r, Theodore Robins, say- ing Good-bye 'LU nt'xl w~-• XJl:\'f" SAMg FOil FIRM Barnt'y Francqu·e Realty, 400 E . l 7th St .• COBta MPSa will bE- kno\vn her('aftrr u Costa. ltesa Rc11.lty. Frl!lnCQUt' nplalned that tht' new nan1e tie-s in with the 1!\'er g-ro,,•Jng devt'lopme nt and popularit y of Costa ~fesa.. Francqll c> also announ<'ed that. \\', C . Gabbard ha" nov.• bf'<-ome u- J!:oclatffi with lht' firm. Gabbard has hf't'n 11ctlvt' In real f'Alale for n number of y ear!!: in tht8 arf'a. ·rhE'i office "'ill continue to operatr In me gen~ral r£'al estate practlC<' in I.II fit'lds. $5000 Bail for Marois Offender Wilham 0 . \Vharton, 26, tfS2 F1o~·er Sl., Costa M esa. &<'CWJed of a f'elony morals off<'nse against hi80 10 -year -old stepdaughter. wai1'f'tl preliminary ht'artng Tue8- day in N E'wport B€'&.C'h Townahip Court. and wa11 ordertd held uMer S~ ball for SUpt"rior Court ar. ratgnment. The alleged offf'n lile occurred May 31 althoug h J. Parley Smith. 1 rtr puty d!11trtct attorney, S&id ad- ditional cou.nu. may be filed against \VJ'iarton on baals of the girl'• claim lha.Lsbe \\'U m teated •. tat~· - ~ PRO Ff~~IO ll AL ~ ~ DIRE CTORY ~ l.F.qTER A. BECKER. D. D. R. DENTISTRY h .1 the Beach P1t tt•·rn...>tl un 11thr-r 11U('C"•·1111f u llv ,.,.h ....... I; Af r !'l. ~{Ary Roehl. PT . .\ Thi? l~llt lon manag'fr to pt the 1 &.g"o. not only the Amt>nl'lllli ~. W e do n o t dnt1 bt but tha t t e r(' "·as 0 1 o n •'.!t lftbli11h•"' t•lin lr11 tn 50 ... n l"Nh'~ h"Alth <"haii n1an, Ha rb<1r HiJ?h n it.·11 com.nlitl .. e th1• most pow· •but UM-tt> S.n1 himM"lf ,·N'All" bet9g in the aren nrar this ca n~'On . There ha s been in recent S>a n B1·r na nlln11 a n•I t .. 1111.,: H••11rh s1·h, ... 1. M r1111. Brr-<lt•n" HA rrl~. PTA r 1-rul a8~n1 bty group madf' t'ltt-~ prlcro CNt or l.h~ n1arkti.. Tie m o nths great qirant itieR o f oil dumped o n the bee.ch fro m 11hr f'\.l n11• will P'"'''·i,.,• v1111ll\ r.~ . .., flr<'~ill•·nt Lln•fbo--ri.!h A('hn•)I: A1 rll. ti,·.--· with tht' 11P"'•kf"t •-" c-ha.lr-l n1one.y cnngrefle a~¢a~Pd ff'llr . bl d ~ t·d dental 1111t'1\•l1•r"' to Jt ll ~ h nfll I.Air-ii.· Kn t~ht . l'TA h1 •alth ch•ir· 'ru an . That mnv"' clip~d tht> 'olo'inp :buying dt'(MUI(' nie.tf'f'ieU. s .nfl J ... aguna t o I ..ong-H<'ach. The oil 1rresuma Y was um,~ .. , eh11tlrrn "''h(l!O(' fRn11 1L1·!'1. bo•1·11t1'9<' n1An nnd ,.~r-~t:ii.1·y. ("OfllR At rsa nf n1ajttr lt y leadf'r R.a.ndf'I Dtckt'y ftlT11•m'-'fll8 wa3 bf'lng ot•t.t•n up b'y from t he t ·l nker t h a t WRS rnmmed off-shore. W e believf nt tnaJ .. qu11 1,. inl·1•1n .. l'I. er•• unabl<· ~1•1111 J<('h Oj•I. Mr11 f'11t"•' Harbison \\"hn he.,1 nl.Jl tht' ("()fT\m\tttt v.'"hk:b I r\lrinJ" prk'f-• l'ILM.t>r tMn tl'H! .~ that thi~ is the oil in que~tion . I t o JlAY I.he fu ll c()11t of •·nr ... It 1~ H 11.:;h '"-"tmf•I 1!,.t1n nf girll'I. a nd ~li"-" t1•n1111 .. 1 1tw Sf>M'l.llng ot n1ort' than ff"-nl!K' ~teblla:hment <'(.Hhl plaf" 1785 Nev.tport Blvd., Costa Men " Medical Bldg. Beacon 67!\2 50S"E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-.J · OefenSt ch,;iefe, w'a r· den !!I Md m.-puti.es >A'iU be held Friday. June 16, 7 '.30 p. m. at city ha.H. In- formation v.1n be g1~n Out per- tainlnS" to the Blood Mobi~ Wtit on June 19; and-dialr1buUonj of 1 Bulletin 3 : for the immJilllUflon I, _____________ __, . . 'S DO NOT ph1nnl-"(f t h"t lhl' ('lin t~· \\'ill ~· s~r-nh "t' V1•8t11I. prlnt'ipal :'\"o•\''JlOtl • mtlltu n tlollAr!'I In °"-" pl.Ult t\VO ! nrdt>rll. / It i~ tlt"flnttrl)· unfair for JK"Ople \\"ho .JI T ptt1·t ially ""~1r.\upportin,.:: t hroujt h Bf'Al·h F.l t>n11·ntary ~·hCH•I : Mr!l. yl'.'nnt. I DIS.lk• ha<I to dO aon1~'tng1 program a.nd tor dl:!CU8Sion dt a PSVCHOLOGIST I.IKE Oii. OPf:ft . .\TIONS to eondMnn a land .01'-nPr for a 11_vBt4"nt or !'tn1all i;1ttduRtt'tl ft"•'~ F .. dJ.!ar H iii. .<\~l11t11n<'•"" Leaau1· tf"aSiDl: hi°" tJrOJ.M"ft\· .•• PARTICtTLARLY \VHf~N THAT bn ... 1·d on f an11 ly lnronu·, pr•·,.ldt!nt.; P.tnt. P r t f'r ~rrt•tt, · ER ONS l"Tim.· Fa.-tnr P'l-t•l'lt.h•nt Junh•t Asai.t.ene1• Lf.a. IANDO\VNJo::R , ~l.1\ISELF RESTRICTED OP ATI • Dr. Lf'll'tt>r H. v 1<'rlin,e-of ('o-,:::u .. ; ~1r". Gt.-otlr"" Hol.t.ein 111.1 TO A MILJo: INl.AND FROM H IS PROP ~RTV LI.NE. rona <lf'I P.lar. rt>prt>1't"nt 1n~ th1• 'un1111 A s.'li.!ltanc·,. l.R a )l:_1w : Mn1""· TH E '1R°V INt: Cfl'91PANY J)(D NOT NEED TO \VRITt, O range County Dtontal S4:M'h·l v and Bh•nC'l'lf' RoJC<>nl, Gf'O t }!t" P('tl n<'y. I _" • -, , loc11_l <k>nliat.a, rmpila111~,·ct that In \.\"t"ntlC'll L'alklft8, Arthur Be-gt, E. INTO TH P~IR LF.ASE Sl1CH A R~TRICTION. a at"rYice nt thi• kind, rdU<·at ~on Ui A Cret}'. Su .. Hltchma11 , Phllllp I \t'lf" t>t'Jlif"'\"t' it i!4 dt>finit.~1)· n11 fal r to CONDEMN THF a pr-hn r fartnr . ··"'·f' <'•n rPp ah S nlilh, Edwnrd Millett and Lht' · SH Ell. Oii .. CO)f'PAN\·, OR ANV OTHER COMPANY ~-"t'th ron-vrr," ™" potntrd nut h<>t1t"u:. M rs. Ernt>at Sartig , of th .. •'OR SOMF.TllXG THEY DID NOT DO. A PRJ\' ATF but_ it r\1ur at:nn ln th.. car p ot Auiatanrt· Le.a.l"\Jf". CONTKACTOR IS JlRll.l.ING FOR SHELL When R ot a r y ~.fuel g ot into the ca11yo n . below thr well oper J.l itlll. it \Va s an accident. It should ha\'e been !'aught by the company and by the county inspect or. It is no t nE>Cessa r~; t o call names or become aggra· • vaterl . Beauty Queen's Death Accidental A coron ... r 'it j ury r l,.a r "'1 FrAnk A . Scott, 19, Tuetln of any f ('· ~pon.aiblli ty in thl" a t"CldPnt Thf'-911 :\y, JUl'l'I.• 6. "'hlch re11ulled tn lht· <lt>ath o( Arl•~ne AndPrl"n n , 18. 01 AMhf"ln1, "·ho hart hf'-en chosen ~auty qut>t>n o( lhf. ("01'ta ~f1•g F l!!!h Fry WE RtXJOMMJ:ND TO ALL THI': P EOPLE WH O soott ..,., th• •lrlv-. of the .. - HAVE B ECOME UPSET A.ND Df8Tl11tBl:D TO REREAD stat• Division of For.•try ttro AND f;XAllllNl': THE CONSTITUTION Oii' THI': UNITED truok Into Wblch Miu Ander"""'• Real Estaters car <'ra.ahrd at 1 Tth and Brl•tol STATES. THE Dt:CIARATION OF INDEl'ENDENCI!' sts .. Santa """-n. Jury rom· A.ND TO ANAL\'U-T HE JtES'l'1UC'l'IONS TllEY ARF pletely ••onor•t.., Scott In the s Bl .o\SlllNG FOK. DE'.l'UMINE •'RllTllElt UNDER UJl.1: :::::::,;•1co """' lltld ln a ..... 1·, wap ows CONDITIONS TJU:l' WOULD BE WILLING TO UVE ..a .. ,.,.,.. Two lc.M:al UNDEE Sll('H R~CTIONS AS T1Dl-l' WOULD IM-~-II ••• I ""1 ...... ~r "r. the amt-JUry ,...,. Tf'-plea~ not runty on ~ com-P<JSI:. _ tum~ aa op.ea Vttdld ol accl-, pJaillt• on ua.ttJt and battery In We hope the hole now being drilled ia a dry one, wr d~nlal deatft in itll probf' of a:n 1 Newport Beach ctty cou:rt Wed.-oil r •rlJ-momt.q Junf' 7 era.NI al netd.ay. A court tr1a1 bu bMn hope the entire area is disproved a.a prooerty. Karbot" Blvd. and Baker SL which 1,-t tor the nwn on w~ HOWEV"ER. \VE WOULD RATHER HA VE THE brought dt'9tll to Mra. VIYl&n I June 20 al 9:30 &.'111. 't SHEU... OIL COMPANY DRILL AND FIND AND PR(}. McK ... M. °' 191 Alllort ~. Printjpals m the a<tlon ar• DUCE Oll. IF THERE IS ANY THAN WE WOULD TC Coot& M.-. 811< '""' with i-sW.1•y A. Smith. <O, and Thomu hu.b&nd,. Joka. McKee, w~ car J . Payne. '48. both of WboDl con· HAVE THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT THRU wu .ammed by a lnkbw -·n l"""t r0a1 ..._.1• b<ullhe-1n 1 ITS CLAIM TO THE TIDELANDS PRODUCE ON OUR by '""k L. ~ 32. eera ..,._ Co""'• ctel Mar. Each of them BEACHES OR OFF S HORE . rator of H 7 Nowport Blvd., Coota om•red • c1u..,,·a arre..t ap.but C!a. 1 • lM other Tnt.ala7 al'temoon, each We belie"e that the Irvine Company ia endeavoring to ProMM. ... •• car....,,med Kc:KH'a. .,... .......... ..., sao ball ...., salegue.rd their ll\nds and OW'll. They are our future and -It Into a dltdL n.e lk· ...,.. ttliod ._ult &lid battery they will do nothing thl\t will hut their planned develop-f~'~ 0~~~ .°".,. ":'O\Jll&'l't ap!Mt ""', ollttt. -., -..-~ -...-..---... A~nl" to poH.ee report&. tbe ment for the areu llllrt'l>undin=ua. .... ~ Gilt. i..uo '"'f'S a --from the •&SS 8Y8'11:a1& 18 A ~I • ... i. °'I• bo,_ tut .rear -.. ~8 of dry runs. I Oi i~ nt;t.0-..,..,, M • 911 l'h!M •N•eftlll., ~a. ... tlll Yftt lkd ... ~ fta• t&."teltlL E\"f'a t ........ tlieno itt -11 tf 11° I~ ....... ~ ... ef Miia lw:r• .. tllil • .te1z1 i I ~till ......, '' ........ _. t.lllr l'l••t rdskJal .. ltll ..._.."' ~ • a• t I ..... ~ aft ~ tlim le .. \l.lldltiJ ~ tae ....._,, 1 • f _... ) . . ~ fl . l't!Oa.4-aY ~YO& ma.n I& 8'nltll'o -P1i1ne •Id • .,_...., STOP AN1J TlllNX, '18 SVINE OOINO 'IO PUMft "COL lllVSll WATD wm• Payne r: •-dated u a ..i- D'S oo&snAN1l8 TO U Dl:l!l'Oll.D WJU:N liiEY ~ L. L. -llU -r.. wu oukloos Ille -ot UM llAYI: 6~ AND INLAND A~l'.AS .... WMLW a~ •a.:J ... cM' u =1·• wbm. u.e fracaa 'l"O 8?C.I.!' ' te ot 1 r " ""Ol las 1 '11D .,.._ Water -' . & t-.e Shell Oil Com~. a ttpUtable., clepm<Mhle "'*'· :,:; ·~·=• ':""u. "::: 1'~'41 MmOll001'lll!I • cern going to spoil its rep"?-tlon hy ally unbecoming cqn-.---.y u. -"""°' ot Bun. ~ or CtH 1 '1 c1e1 _. duct ID our couunwtity! tloo .,-.....-qotem ot i. palntf"a -·~ ror u.. What kil:MI of ~ would JOU be ~ lo 1i9W Ille .Motn>pollton W&tet' Dlllzf<:t. ~ ~ ol lllO ,,,_ . • Water trom 't..::-lo I aL I.qui'& -F-of -with under the CJrCumataneee! . srut -to ~ Ana. ..,:...""' Jtab' n -- Stop and think Dia. I•·· ••-'--... __. IL ft· .... .._,...,.... --.- ' I OPTOMETBJSTS \'. E. KOEPSEL. O. D. OPTOMETRIST F.Yf'lnlnl' b1· Appolnmtt.11t SI 1• \V. N"'''"POrt Bl\·d. N°f'\\"port ""8C'h Hal'bor ~I I MORTICIAX BAl.TZ MORTUARY Lady AJtr-adant 410 Coas( Rlsil1''8)' COROSA Dl':L MAR DAY AND NIGHT Phone Harlt&r U Old J!lfSl1RAXCE Eatabllahed Insurance Ag enc)• .AlJ ILQes wril~n. ROWABD lf, GERRISH l 1808 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa I PHONE .BEACON GUI ·1 BE .S~E-INSURE .... • • 1 iumm: !!TANLEV 1••.-• o.t7 · --ITIC -~A\"~-11 - i ~ . w. SIMilt Foote alcNJ:RAL mstm.acic Covn-..lllfon!Mlti<m tltT 9a'll -- !<f-~-__ ,. p•Rt, W. STANLEY ... a1a1tar N-j P lie N d• ••.am -JfarlM ••• 'f 1 . . • . • I HAROLD I. JOHNSON r a ·, r e a , <W t ' 1 ft .&ce9GJ ~-··-. , liU....--...,,l!fewpwt -• mOCJIARDl'8 8BOE 8BOP ::::-'~& ,\Hw ........... 11 .. ~ ~P9dk w.n OUI MOTTO: "'°""''"' llftponlbS. HO! l!f_,.,rt Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH -Claladfted ada are read by folU -.... loolMI' to buy. It lulls you to t11eep, wakee you to music ... tUJ'JlS on a favorit.e pro-cram . : . turns olectric applianCee on and off, au*1maticaily ! f'in&. towed raruo, 110CU12W G-E electric c lock. Tells time even in dark. Rich rosewood plastic $ 3T" cabinet. Model 505. AZ.. ~.i~ o..r,undy and ivory plooQc. A1' low a.~ SltOO dn, St.25 a Wf'f'k Les Nott Eledric PHO:\T. RA.RBOR !M %82'1 S"'''pt. 81\•d., SP\\'port Bfoa<"h n.e Most Service 20 Dai/7 Tri/" EAST • /""" Los Aug.In i11dluJi•g • 7 "F.,t-Thn1" EXPRESSES lite Most Miles hrY•rMoney Titere Are !f! ,._, fares! Chicago .••••.• $36.85 Detroit • • • • • • • 42.80 'W&o'""""n. D.C. • '47.45 N-YO!lt. , •••• .C'.80 ~r:on ••••••• Sl.60 Des Moines .••• , 5J.45 Minneapolis • , , • '4.65 New Orie&DI • • • • S'.CO ,..,_,._.,.. -..... 1111 ... •s , .. _, -. c. c. -APPlilm A.-on c-t m,._ fllaszc • •Im Oulbowd Champs Set for llwC111ls legdtla Jue 24 ' ~ ' Silt J'°4I cJ>amplona bad alped !<> de1Hd tlioelr Utleo Dftr. ti>.. rcugb..--i.n of Lonir :a<ich Martne Btadlum June ~ -.i tfe 8ot?tb Gd.e 111wanla C..b pt:es 9'1\bo II.I -4 ann..i re.,otu. Mid water ctrcua. Two u~ Will ~ a ianaec1 bueb&.niid.....We combln&Uon. BJ 11 .m G-tte. -Oyler ot """'-· GtitPtta IMt year drove Kuta.rd IC.Ill to will U?e tlby M-hydmpla.ne daas. Her~. -BUI, turned t.aCk 8mmet !UM oil San t>'fego and DfC'tt 1'herTMn, :A!h:am· bra, in the C-Raclng hydropt~e cla.u. Orlando T orgtanj. Bakerstleld (A hydroplane); Loata BarOOr, Pua.den& (F by~f'); loe Proctor, Vent.ma (C khrt~ nm- about) and Harvey ~peon, Co- Yina In the big ""'liwn~ng Herd" r -runabout, are other tt\Jtal.8 'W'ho ' w ill defend, Klwanlan John GroBB, general c hairman. announced. "We expect a ruler , more !ltreamlln~ and blggr r race n1eet t..ba.n Ja.!IS. -)'.e&r," Groet11 ~. He •id that a fMt moving, 25-- mlnute watf!r' clrcua l• planned to supplement thf' epeedboat Melag. Rep.tta proceedl wlll So to tur- thOT K lwanlo youtfi work. TtWi ~ikewil!se ta ttl" cue for the othor big summer aipeed:boat n1eet cm the famed L.onf. 8'9cb. Court, tu. k presented July 4 by th<' \Vl•.st 1...ong &>ach Lions Club. More than 70 y.·riltern ot;tboard stars 'A-ill ~lash ln t hf' J une. 2.f racE"fest, Gross said. 'Twinght Suin9' New BYC Schedule 0 1'wlllgf>t Bailin&' Baca" .. th• ne.w 9Chedule fQT' the wmrner at -t1'e NeWJIOf'l-Heriter ¥aeht ant>, wh~h has llst<'d a l..J:ohman Dinghy <"om petitlon for f'ach W ednesday and Friday night from 6 :00 p . m . until 8:00 p. nt . The bay racing is to answer the d€'sirea of thORf' w.:O cannot race oa wf!lllk WICia and wiM1 to krep thf"tr ttan4a m at tiUPr, sheet and sail. Vacation Sc:nool at Christ Church A daily vacation church school ror boys and girls from the sixth grade on down through tour yeaNi old has bee n planned for ChtUtt Church by the Se. for the two week period June 26th to July et.h. Mrs. \Valttt Cot-btn, direct.or, bu built a.round her • atnmg awr that will giYC' boys and «lrls a ]oyous and worthwttile 6petlf'n ce. The 8Chool will be held from 0:30 to 12 each mornin«. Kon.day tttru Pt-fday, _.th ttMo n:oeptton of the Fourth of July. Pl&IUI include s tudy, worship, r ecrf'at.ion and gam~. sportJ1, craru a.rut special projects. . The achoo! i~ or an uperimental nalllr e this year lo di8cover What rr!!ipon!lt' th(' comm mtlty will ,Kivi~ to thf' program. It is lhP nm Ytll - cetion JK'hool conductM.I by the church in ao many years that lhe older mem bers have forgnt•f'n Jlurt when W111 S the leM tlm". • • ' Mariner Ship Naiad Coses Year With · Dimer Honoring ~niot'.s St. James Rector Stresses .Need .of .Hew Educa~ Buildings &-In&' .. :;--h.. been ruu or &ccof1\Plldlmftrt.a and en· d•wr, -Newport 11.atf>or Mariner 9htp Nal&d held a 'dinner i:arty honorirtg-the eentors, the sk~r and matt>•. The arralr took plact> at lh<' IK'Ollt hous(' on Wedne9day, June 8 at 5:30 p.m . The table, bM..0"611¥ deCONtild by a com· mlttee Maded by Sharon .Sherrill. had p-~ or cork to repre- eent ta ~er mem~s and t.he ern~ce W1l8 11 ·toftly hlue lltilp filled With now('rs with Ralls out- lined .tn ~whlte. Otfta ·\\.ert" prf'sentrd to the tin-e. !M!Dfon, Lu Bellr Boice, Jane Sodedlflll and Sha.rry Van Cmn- P<'rnolle who r('('eived fare.en glfU or ship under sail wllh faces of a.II Naiad members on board. Mrs. Ted Hambrook. skipper and Mr21. J<f'nneth Starcge and Mr21. 0. G. SUeas. ma.le.'!., rf'<'t>i \·f:'d aur· p..... llautloal clfll bl ...,,,......, tion of theb-IT'f"lrt f'ffort 1D be- halr or the sh.Ip this put yrar. New atdp ottreen rf'Cenlly <'lf'C"t· ed. Wt>re Doran Sueaa, offlc-er or the dPck; Sharon s+ie.rrlll, yor- man : Nancy Deavf"r, lNp<'r C91'l:"'> and Joan Nunan, sergeant al arrru1. Clas."' rE"presentativPs werf' Judy Allen, !f'Olor; Barbara Star- egf', junior; and Jan L1olworth, ~phomore. ' .conatllllent.11 of the Reverent. . L•ldO V _ -'-..t. Ctub P&lf! Moore Wheeler. Rector o~ Room. for the Bhow\na' of rdlg- 11 9CllT 1' ~al•t James Epl8COpaJ Chlirch io\UI a11d educational plat.urea. 0 ' s are .,,...,ently convinced that t . Six Ci&llsr'oOmL 6. Cho Ir to p&n 98S0n they polUM!ss a "tern-winder of a Roont. and 6. Ofrlcf's ror thP .. --.. 11"1 caclH!·r. Not on:.t in U.i• com Rect-or and Ctnm"h ~t~·.' U do Ule Yarht rlub openi. Its mtmltv have tho~ to whon1 a Cost of the s tn1cture wa.s set 8e&JM>n this v.•eek end with a Sat-wmo~ ~ '}>ritached reacted wilh to ~ in ex\eSS or $20,000. Rev. urday •d fiunday regatta and weh \-ehe~e Md detennlna·~ Wheeler iherl Mtld there l'T\Ust. be rala dllmer M.nc:e, to· be htl<J t lon.. Nol. dt.en ha.s a J>r'eacber outright gifts or money. now ; Saturday· e~c at Udo l~le aet forth tbe f'O&I wtlich his nook Tboee unable to j1ve at 'Oboe may Community Club houa. . ll\U&l rnfft and fd'uad i1 met by pledge a cert.a.in amount, 'A1thln Rear OomlnOdOn Orin Thork· if per C!Jlll ~thi'1 48 ho~a. & weciffed perlO<\_ ,. ild~n ovfU be "honorect ~·4l lhe This haa been the performAnqf' And most of a.U he .!'Sid, Cash cocktall ~ &n'a dlnner, wh..11! of lhe EplscopallanR of our com-on hand \\·ill df'termlne the con - Commodqn !i!Y. Lanren!\el{J!-.w;IJ.1 m-..tW we..--have 9'1ftt..f9t"tb '6.300 structton d1tte. . preside. of a $20,000 ioal for lhe buildlnJ To date Wheelet' has On hand lofts. Dorl.a Th<»'k.Udsen \\•Ul be ot a church ~hool _renter a.t the f;S,800, and a pledl'e or coa.tra.c- in c ... '>IJf ,liibirtabunent r.-.d Udo Iale location of th<'lr house to., George M. Hohrtein and Son Mn. Dean cellver v.'111 pre)J8.l'f' or God. to construct the edifice at bare the deoorationa tn n nautlc:tl Rev. Pa.ul Wheelat spoke from cost. theme. the ('JUtf Sunday ~·hen hf' tola ){r, \\lheeler has l!let ~ cround In chqe of the recatta Will hi" pthered WQt'A.hipperl' lhal h& bre&kirl( date ·ror July: 1st 3nd be OearP ~ Jr. vl<!e wu uhan1ed to !'ee youngMters of aver:;i: that 'Ile · with. the help or commodott. and Of'Orgf' Michaud. his C"Omm1mlt.Y t8.urht the i.1:ord his vestrv and flock will raise the RbodH: cl•aMl!I aad ~m&ller or God In a clothes cloaet. He balanc-e ~f the money needed tor boalR will u.11 at 1 p. m. 8at\IJ'-'Uiddy pointed oul that the the bui•dln« ptotJam bM'ort that day and at 10 A.. m. anr1 % P· m . rath"r ~pacloue ve~tment C'loset dalt>. Rnndny. or the Church wnJ.1 no>A' houaln' An ambilious progn.m to care Thf" a warding or trophie~ will a clas.-. o f children. 1-ie stressed for Lhe. n~s .or _tfle children of take plaC(' Sunday bleht. dllo thstl each and evf'ry Sunday ottt comipunit}'. CommodOtt'il o r other local the Ch11rch S1md&y S<'hOOI wa.• yacht c lub11 "·ill be feted at thf' tuml.n,IJ awa.y cttlldren becau"-C of gain. a ffair. a complete lack of spaC'e. AT HOT 81'tl1NGS Atany or the ship's members will .A. two w r ek'a vac&Uon at War· He t old tht" J!athf'l"Pd Chri11 ti&nft that he relt that all or the 80- l('Ollf'Cl 'charit&blr driV<'S' O( t"Om· CDM ·KinderCJi11rien Graduates Feted at.tmd sumrftet-Kai'ilter camp at ner Hot Sprlngll Wa.11 l"f«ntly COft · Catalina in leptf"mbf.r, prior uf cludNI by Mr. an.d Mn. E. I. Moor•• achool ol)f'nb:lg. fbere will be no of MN> l"u11f'rton avf'T\Ue, Nf"W))Ort regular me~s of ttie g?OUp dur· Hf'ight.a. l'Vhilf' away th<" MMru ing the sununer but during thr fell t'htf'rtalned .. guf"SUI ror a rc\Y meeting wiD continue •on the w.::-day1 Mra. C&.lla Vif'ie, MrA. Heinz ond and fourth Tuud.&19 ot the ~lmq, Mra. Ann HUU!r and M~. month. II l'J..11. mlltttR. society, lodge!" and ben· Ma~ter Clif( Chapman third W&R liclenl g-roup."' had made such ln· host to Corona de! 1.far kinder- roa.d~ into the t lthlns-s of the garteo graduate. on Saturday aft- f.hnrc hes that the ROHS(> of God C'rnoon at the h'ome of hi8 parehts. waa unable to. ~Ive lh.e mO!lt 'Mr. and · Mr•. Cliff ~hapman, Vla precious of all burdens. children Lido Norct. Lunchron came flr•t. for t.eadtlnS. The rector charl('ed wtlh tried chicken .te"9 ,for each t.ll&t Chartty wu nee*<:l, bnt and evetyone: milk, 11andwichet1 without lhe word o r God therP and ict" cream (No vegetables, for Ch N Q f P E.o S mood coulc1 be m tn1e chorlty because thh; was 9'lr1ctly a party). ap• ter 0 1•ste U\e 'A'orld wottld revert to Heath· Afterward the beach pla¥b~se • • ;;;s~~it~~~ ~~:~;ty~·:i~dt~ C~~ :!~ .~ L:!0~:U0:g t'::: :h~e1~':~ Organi W"th 11 ~J lbe s csl Giver. •" enjoy .... t the fun from the ter-zes I ws1 r I ~·Ir. \\'heeler SPt rorth the nttds race a bOve. Young gueru wen 1\11 or his f.:ongrf'g-nlion. R new b11 Ud-Karen Bruning, Nellie Turnham, • P, I ~ • ' ' l! I PARt °f"-THURSDAY, JUNE I 14, 1951 PAGE 3 - • Frlcl&T June 15 8aturday .rune 11 - Sun clay J\JM l Monday Jum fl Tue..i.i June 19 Wedne.aay June 20 Thursday June 21 , • • TIJl,I ~ 1 :02 •'\', m; •·¥ ~m. :".~et II-!~ ef·: "" t''°'-m. ''" -' li~1 .... '8.M m. 'lo:All:! m. t:# .... 11--: .m. 10:21 p. m. 12:31 p, m. 11 :11 ;P· m. -J @ ' ' _,, J'l'.lLL QtlA&'J'Ja -,.o•, .fuly ll J~~ TA LI '• ·~, S.4 • ·ti ~ 7.l u 7.1, a.a 6.9 3.9 l .S (t l.AllT ql!AJITl<B SUni 26 U·DRIYE ~·•s ; ·~~ , !AW 1 :08 L D>. o.c 11:69 «.m. 1.8 1 :111! L m. --0.4 12:~ P,o m. 1.8 2:'1 a. m. -1.1 1:32. .p. m. 2.0 3 :27 a.m. -1.6 2:ri P. m. 2.0 t:t• .. m. -1.8 S:U Jim. 2.1 &:01 L m. -1.9 4:CK p. m. 2.1 &:41 L m. -1.1 4 :61 p. Dt, 2.2 ---mlOIJ 6Uly s ROW IO.\TS : ~~A.Kos d . ~l~iS!~~ IENTALS !IO! eo.At IDway ~ 'Newport ~ • , ,. Ph. Barbor lS1$ j ,-- AT SOUTR mm_. lllU'SHORIJ EmGE 4 FOR REAL SA'IUFACTION IS SMALL llOAS' & MOTORS NOTICE ; ~ TEACHERS! · Sav'S!!~OI 90· ~ PLUS Spe:~ I In "ment to techers Dodge ""'."" Plymouth -Delivery Detroit . SHAVER MOTORS <JOllTA MESA 1£BDIWG PLANTS AJ<TERS, ZINNW -30" MflUUGOl'°8 ···············-r;:······r:······"· ................................. dor, PETUNIA, LOSE;;U:4., -.;ARNATIOS aod 351' PRIA>X Pl.ANTS ··-·-···r·-·····-·········--·················-···········-····doL REDOING RE0ol\')A80 tuFP,Llill PETUJ\'IAS aod 40¢ DllSTV MILLE& ~ ............. ·········-·······~···········dOL ~~~~BP~~.~~ d '·· .. , . . ... -.... , .. doz. 601' . . 5& 1,0f Nur$arY ltl!l So. NNe"'W"'jk>"'rt Blv TUSTIN 011 • Tbunday BlG.fHREE - News,~ Poet~r· ~News md the Press OVER Zl.llOt OIRCIJM'llO!ll IS DIE ANSWER Phone Barbor 18UI ~· tUliil &SI< fer the ad,taker. F&mUit>s who art' a tlc to do so Br(> askl"d to help undr rwrite th11 cost or tht' projt'<'t. \\•Ith a rifty cen t regi.citration fee. or • clalJo.r ro~ families where th1-.re are two or 'lnore children. "B l:lrg&lrl rote• for big ramlllea." CaJifornia ·9 377th chaptl'r or th<' McBrld!", l.fn. R. L . Reed. Mrs. illg lo ho11Re l . A cJ1i ldren·e Mlke Dd..ong, Stcpher\ Stone, PEO Si.aterhood. NQ of Nt'wpott Orace Sallora, J,.fr". L. C. SaWln. I Cilapel fo r the Prim&r}' Depa.rt-Dukie Ball&, and JrrTY Stone. See.ch. wu organisf'CI on Thurs· &fi"I! Margaret L . Scbarle, M.ra. R. f mient. 7 Beginners Room rontaln· Mothers .•b&l'llbg the good time day, Jun" 7 at t :30 p.m In U:l f' LP8lie Spam. l1r11 . J . Lfoslit> Stt'f· Ing Allor and Work-and-play were Afrs . Ston<', Mr~. Turnham Costa Mt"M Friday Aftemoon fen.en and )(_r1. c . E. \\'illlanUt. ( areu . 3 t...argl' At~'.".'.10~-v~l~•~ua~l~A~led~a~n~d~)l~r":'·~C~h~a".'p".'m~a'.'_n:_. _____ J~==:';;======~===============..:, club houSf'. It i~ comprlAed of 22 -------------- Datf's or thf' school have bf.en c ho~en so that they will not ron· flict with the R.ed Cro-ss ilU.'lhlln ll~g lf'<iSOOS. Verne Orn, Sr. Honor Bishop and · Mrs. James !laker The g olden wedding annl'V'PT"M.ry of Bishop and Mn. Jame11 Cham- berlain Baker wu cUPbrau-d ht joyou.a: fuhlon on T\lf!9dil.y. June 12 with a reception al thp bome of P.fr. and MN. Verne On-, Sr .. prominent Methodlau t f"slding at M4 South Orange Grove avPnn•. Pua.dene. Bl8hop B&ker Is bead of all Methodist churdlee of the Loe An&'defi area. comprWin.g Sollthem CaJitornla., A.rboa& ,th•_• Hawaiian Islands and lhf' ·Latin- American conff'tf'nCt> of Southern Califo rnia.. The On-.bome Md lowly pr. dPns were decorated appropriate- ly in gold ror the reception and Bisllop &nd. Mn.. Ba.ker J"eCeived ln ft'Ont of a golden aJlar, nan~ w i t b l'lt'ven-branch candelabra with gol&in csndlN. Ruth Assn. Guests of lslahd Hostess m<'mbera from the-Harbor area. who r<'prrsent dimlls from PF.0 chapl.t'ra Ui five slates a.nd nnt' rrom the tf'rritory of Hawaii. The initiation wa~ l'&rrled out by ,.fr'B. E . L. Ca.tdnPr o r 1/('n- tura who i.9 the Califomla stale orgoanlur and llbe waa &Misted by officera of .the o...,.e county PEOyeeipNClty. Chapt.r r J S o( Los;Una &ocb wu U!e wponsorlJI&: cha.pt.fir &nd tf'a wu St'rvNI by them. l>M:OrlUOJ\fl WPre. 'Carrlt<I ovt tn the tradlUonal PEO co&orw. ""1th 111>rtnc folwen of )'f.'l\ow and wh1U Ud yeliow oandl~"· IArce pot. of marcuerit... th• PEO now•t . graced t~ haJl. Two vlolln aoloe were pl•yf'd by J..frs. Walt.er SplC:f!r Of Chal)Ur C J I.ft Santa Ana. wllo wu: accom· puled by Ml .. Mup.ret 8ellarl•. They Wett M'entlAl_.n'a ''On Win&• of Bong." and "Vlennt"Sf' M.elody" by Gaertnt>r-Knilaler. Thr new ~ioere or Ute ch.ap- ter are; pttaident. Mn. L. C. 8aw- ln: vlce...,,....ck•l. Mn. fleUm H . F>-ankHn : ...,.,._db>!r ....-,., Mra. W. A. McBride ; recordlnJ:" .. cretaey. pr. R. E.ve\)'11 Alvor<!: treut.lJ'ft', wrw:·o. 11. Clull.pbell: eu&nl. Mrs. Martia A. Maftaold: ~ ..... plata, Jllra. Qraoe ........... Gue.au for ttte-..,,. lllcbtdM ..,.._ I!. E . Varney of Banning, 1l&le .,.._.•nt: Mrs. E. F. ln."tklpp or San li"ra.ncl9co, at.ate first v1cf'- preaWl•nt; Mn. P . A. ~ of llKondldo. ll6CCft1d vJ.oe.....-1· dent of Callfom\a tttale ~: -the -..-...... Mn. Gardnn. Vrs. I\: t W-'11 OJendale, put pl"Mident of ~ n.. -el ~ Fllill. 203 aupreme clulpter OJtd Calltcmla Dtamaadtur~ !'~locale~flllo• ~-~ .. , atate ch&11~att.e~ u ~Id .... ~ a-.. UJC • -..,.. following-JM<iliii•t.1 • ...--m~ of -Ruth •• -Jon fomla ota'te dlap_!Or: llln. ~ oi o.U,. eouni,. ~t Jo "°" f11 1 is.,. •="'\ ....... ,_ -Of -iolanll -~ tlJe 'clJirlet tllll of 'tJie DOW cboj>-dle t>uol.-........ A ~ teroi\O.......,. ....,.Ja(!>lm· _,,,. w.it .. ......, by .. --lnl'~ ..... bNlle -ll&lley, .... •t -·-ot the -ICtht1 ,w.-. Kn. Rubye w.... li>clude<I 1n ... ~ _ .. Pll¥ . ._ ...... ..._ -... Nadine Porter of anl; Jacki• A--.J'llXlo in 111'1 '"n - Wel'd. t>ca q: a.a.at Warner ut aw , •a 6 \ ... 'Of.....,_ NOE PD: <W!N 1liU , Pea, LA· ter • -4° .. • .-, • 1"'; um. K'illluTt an ?' _... or de new ~ m-. Clem__ _ clF,lde' o.. R. Jllftl1ll .t.-.i. Kn. 105% SUCCESS !...~:!."·~ ~~ hd'EI' ...... -had o.:t:'l:L• ·-:.~ --~-·.-....... .....-0.. .... 111:•,. ,_' ~..... .. -lod '11 NIM. ftllo 11 lGI ,_ a., .... It. ll. °'':t>. Mn. °lL """*",1aO:rh ._._..,.. .............. ,.. L•: ·,L- ilot at n 'p ts :• -. -· ..._ ' NEWEST NEW . BA1 · 1_ II AMERICA'S • SUPER \ • • A,,ecirancel Bo.lyl Chassis! ALLWEW - • . I • _..,., ...,.._ ...... ._ IJri,.1 ~ • _... ~ Fr ';,1 -. .....,----- -. •• • • • " • . -.. Fresh • • • • . - • . ' I • .•lb Can t.1£DIUM GRADE 'A' RANCH MEL-0-SWEET 1 ·Lit. C. ton '. 1' ' . it • r 1 c -e · .. 1·1 · •; . • • • • • r -. r• • r .~ l• '" "" • • .,. . • I ' • , . I • Delicatessen MACARONI SALAD 1tc CHEDDAR CHEESE l'i-OZ. PKG. . 1 l T..AR OLD LARGE BOLOGNA 25c ENCHANTED 'LINKS 2 10• Assorted Cheese Ravors 49¢ g..oz. PKG. REE.SF. ICICLE STIX 29c ·ciiioifii°CilEESE ~ 59¢ 16-0Z. JAR MEDIUM SHARP VAN cAfAP'S , pORll & BIA"S ENTH '6. ORANGE IMITATION FRANKFURTERS REf;Sf".-KOSHER ~TYIL-?4-0Z.. JAR TOMATOES 2tc No. 303 ~ • 11c \ft-()i. BllA.NDT"S FANCY HOT DAWG RELISH 29c K05HER STYLE . DILL PICKLES 2 ~.,;.,.15¢ ... , RATH'S .,_, Breakfast Sausage 42·c 8-0z. Cao SWIFl"S ' PARD 12-0z. c... 16c ·-C:..ttwl~ GOLDEN.STATE -PREMIUM 29c golden,,,,. c ICE CREAM .0,. PINT f Dll MOM1£ CORN CREAM snLt Me. 303 Call 2 f~ 29c 1-Lb. 1-0t. SUNSHINE . !. 'Choe. Ice Box Wafers lie aterme Ons 911"'•••d Klel!Ae . wftole or hofves · AR ... ,., T11r11ip1, OnioM, M•*d, Spiiloc• · · Bunches for U. S. Number 1 Kwn Co11nty White lose -. ew rop lbs. Tops off, fresh sefeef9d lbs. 8 3-4 Oz. Package HERSHEY'S Chocolate Syrup 18c 16-0z. Can ROSTMS CAIE · Cherry Angel 'Food ·39c WESSON Oil :::: =~ CURFEW · GAlLORD coif££ 'fOUR 'RIND 7 2c\b· Ciulrllll~ . • fresh""' PEAS k 303 Un -16-~ 2 c-19c __.!!!!!~=---i KELLOGG'S ~~1 1~i.C-15 ~ CORN POPS '1•1 Oz. lex 16c ' . . . • Wttlltl I ING NO ·uquoR SCOTT TISSUE PER ROLL 12c ' P . SALIS TAX ·cowctED ON AU TAXAIU 11IMS • Store Ho•• -1819 Newport A.••· w.-Days _ , •• "'· '° 6:Jo ,. IL · 3n A....... ~9c · · 1910 · s1nc11rs -to. IL to •:oo p. IL .. Pints ~c . ..--Pis U . , .------~~---. " llDRES ·IM . COSTA , ME 1SA ONLY! . . ' l . J I --·-------·----·-------·-------·-.... -----... -------------...... ___ .,.,.._ ' -PIDT -THURSDAY, JUNE ·14, T95f RESS-il • CLA·SSIF IED The MighJy Midget In Advertising NEWS-TIMF.S --: Every ~day NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays . NEWPORT-BALBOA PRD!S -'fhundays N•wper1 Bay PMt a-.llled Ado -!"'II' ho ... ~. N.-,,-..nrnre or the Thursday P""8 MIN1.M11l\I AD IS 4 LINES AD ClM'1118d ad~ nw.M IJto paid ror CUb In ad\"U~ of pubU8tlon. 4 Unes 1 Paper S .75 4 ....... 2 Papen! 1.!lO 4 Un<8 S Papers 2.00 The publh1hent will not be re.ponatble ror muTe Uum one lncorrttl ln~rt.lon of :m advertisement. reM"rve the rteht to COrn!eUy claulrv any and all ad8 and lo reject any a.dvertltement not confomtlng t~. n:les and reguJaUon". Advertbementa and ca.ncella.Uons wiU b< accepted up to ti p.m . <"•n the day })t"eeed1ng. publication. Ph. Har. 1816 PhoJNO Jla.r. 1611. uk for ~Ad Taker" or Mnd ., ud ,..mitt.an ... u Nl'::"'PORT HARBOR Pt1RL1SIUNO 00. !? 11 &J.hoa 81\'d., Ne"•port Besch, C.Hfornla. _ ........ __ e_u_s_INDl __ s_o_tJJll __ E ____ 11!-BUILDING llERVJCDI COMPLll:nt: BOUSE CLltANING ...-.ice. ll'Umlture and "''" Sympson & Nollar o1tampooec1. :r.... eatlm•t-PAINTING & DECORATING Fully -.i. "The Best Money Can Buy" Al's House & Rug 512 -38lh st .. t;ewpo~ Roach Clea.nin.,. Co. I PHONE HARBOR 2·10-t --e 13tJr 8-ecm 9111 T2ttc For Venetian Blinds.I REPAIRING and Rhades and Drapery Bdwe. I PAINTING THE SHADE SHOP ~eaMnabl•. !Arge or small jobll. Free estimates Ph. Har 884 , F'ree estimRtes. Walker. 108 18'.h Rt. N"·pt. Bearll. Har. 2ti81-R 514 -29th St. Newport Beach 1'?-RMLDING SF..BVl<'ES PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 213 Palmer SL. Co«ta Mea 8-. 11457-M 94c9 INTERIOR -EXTl!:RIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED HAULING ~ Any kind, trash or? \VAU<ER, 108-18th St .. N £'wport. H . 2~1-R 14-Pl!:RSON A.J.S Alcoholics An~nymoua • Write P . 0 . Box 2«5 Balboa Island, Calif. Phone Kimberly 3-$193 !2-J..OST A...."1> FOUND • I fUAftWI• Wilfiil JroUllmdllld•~-'"· 20 ,....,. _.._. Good cook. Good !'dtttnce. Pl'tfer Barbor- ...... Wdte Mn. Bdllncn. 2021 E. 9V ll'rant. BalOOa. llpfll L.LWN llAJNTlilNANCIC )l{OWJNQ -WAn;IUNQ - ~. J. PAISLEY Phone 8Mcan 9083-¥ llpSI WOMAN wltll 0 yr. old daqpter -· poolUon -houelteopor ar chUd care. Live I.JI. Jt.efer. ..i.... -· M19-R, atp33 HAND IRONING D 0 Nil. Mn. -. Bubor 2tn-J. 32p34 EXPERIENCED B o a t BuUder with nilly equipped shop wUt do rPp•lr or new cnn•tructJon. \V. • Roye~. 1759 Santa Ana Ave-.. Co&La M cl'l&. 32p3" EXPERIENCED Colored Cook • hoUAekeeper, Uve In pmiltlon. fl50 or S175. Kl. 3-~3fl3. 33p WA.NT LADY CASHIER ror avg('. 8 hrs. each evening tor !!IUmmf'r iw'.uon. \\'ritto P. 0 . Box 827. Balboa. 31p33 \\'ANT WOMAN ror hnuscwork- 9-5 dally. 6 days a week. Nn cooking or child carr . rt1ust hav,.. transportation. $12!l ~n~o. \\'rite Bo:< D. th\11 pap<>r 3lc33 \VANT THREE Auto Salf'llmt"n ror new and wiNi carA. E:icJM'rl· f'net' n<it nf'<"eMAry. Good re- mun,.ration (or rlgbl ma.n . 7'iUBt ht> of t1:1~I charal'tt•r uul n11at appeara.nc~-. Apply MUNRO MOTORS. 3001 Nt'wport Blvd., N t>v.·port Beac h. . 3 l c~3 SUMMER jobs availabl(' now. Plra&e rf'gl11tf'r. NEWPORT HA Jt B 0 R EMPLOYMENT AOii:NCY, 50!"11'! F:. BAy Avr ., Balboe.. 11 bll<. from f1 •rry I. :i2<':l-t SW4'1'CHBOARD OPERATOR - Rt>t4eplionlst. Apply ('1ty M11n- a2er's o rC\cP , l'i!Y hRll, N<•v.rporl B('at·h. :12c-:i::l Glenn Johnston !l'.01 -31st St. Newport Beach Rarbor 2297-J 3•c48 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling LOST-Finger ring, 3 diamond.a. I \\'ANT CASHIER for br!'akfast on Mon., June 4th, hf>t"-'· 900 shtn., 4 a. m ... s •-, nL R.Mt1- blk. w Bay Ave N 8 & C ta I rnore Sport3man s \\hart. Bal- Mesa. ·R e w a r ·d. ·S,.~time~~al ' boa. 1t.fr. Hutchins. Pho n f" value. ~1 rsi. Brown, KI. 2-39~9. _Ha r~__r_12.a2 32c::t -1 Phnn(' Bf·aron 6106-W j l 7tfc ------- 3tc33 LOST -Grey ft>malr Cockatt'rl Tuf'sclay, June 5th. Rrwa.rd. 311 Ruby, Balboa f!'!IBn<L Ph. Har- bor 392-W. 31p33 Legiob Breakfast Set for June 30 \DEATH _NOTICES ~f.,.lhoumP R. M('Laf.f'l)lf" .\telbnurne R. M(·Lat chie fl2 . WANTED fl.ia le and r('mah• applicants to r n1edlcal end cnn1n1l'rriRI po.1i· tlons now ovailabli• in c~o~ta 1'.lf'fJ8 and Harbor A ,-,.n Medical-Commercial Agency l Formerly Amer ~I . d A~f'nry) 318 Spurgeon Bldg. SA ;x•r A I\':' A KJmbf·rly 3·8211 i llOllRllOLD OOODll NllW- Mattrao and box "J>rlnp _ . .$29.50 A.jlt. _... .... ·-·-··········---•• \ • I ...,,, Rat in Corooa del Mar: I Wna ----t, apotaln. &It• ~ rrom ~. Yearly Mnt $1" mo. • • 41 And 2 bdrm unfU1'1tlabi!id apu:tment dntlf•ll'L Haltl ' a -,,_, tbe 0eean. Y-ly -$126. mo. • llO-~<D W.,.. d!Met aet . --·-····-··· 81.60 O:;;,-;;:;t;.,;-: .. ~ .. ::;;dUU;;;:1;:'1;'. ":ft.U<O;:";:;;;E,;-1 =-Ooucll . __ ........... .. .... dJIO 'DAN A POINT BARGAIN: BoautltUI le1l<'I lot ~1 WE HA VE A COOD S~ON or Swfurur 11.ental.. • 3:!~ i:P ": :"'!1J1 -room llet ___ ............ -.S&t.M . · . for -1• at '2700! . , lriddU -a p!ll broU· Dremtns tabla wllll mirror FITZMORRIS' REAL TY CO}(P ~~ ~":"alla:~.!. "':-:'~ ~.,...a;;-w;;:·;;bi;···~~ ·· 11.90 Ill ~Bl':"ATE ;!!°~BRO= •f 2 owe/ on ll .la $1111.47. Cll\ p&y '-·•·-·-··········· ...... ,. ...... 69.201--------·---'---:-------~-4;.t--+- ~a:.:r ~ J:~ ~:.oo Dale's Furniture _..,.cAL. RADJ& 41-.A:PAR~ .... ·-1 . NEW LOCATION ALSO~ l'llJoo retrt.-ter la a 1174 Harbor Blvd. L'O v l!l Ly STTJDIO UPRIGHT LIDO ISIS 1. • bfc aflN. l\ cu. ft.. one. HM Omta MeM.. Beacon 6&3?J pl.a.no. Fully iJ"U&r&nteed. Tft'IQ e-~mc., _AO...lb. tre1r1r .ch& $38..17 down and .Sll.60 per mo. If ~ want a niiitJ .. 1-1)> LIDO ISLE ~ m. Several good bomea available. Alao apart· ment.s by Wttk or: mo•th. Me91t chiller and t'Ul1 width ROPER GAS RANGE, good con-at SRAFERS MUSIC CO shelves. Two n18peh for vege-dttJon. g x 12 Wilton rug. Ma-(Since 1907J, 421 N. Sycamore, tabl""· Ba.lance on my rdrlger-hopny dlningroom table, 91.x Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. ator ls '287.99. ALSO cub or Cbmn. l-.fi.9'i! Roche$ter, Costa 17trc takke payments of Jl4.IO mo. Mee. BM.coi'I 6817-J. 33c35 ft.El\"'T A PIANO ~·per month. P.A. PALMER MT EQUITY FRilE. -wh- 1 boqlll "·'°'So ........ Fd-ertdl. 9 - 8 p. m.,.or ~ Ft&D~ t"rton 2152. S1C.S.S lRONRITE IRONER-latest mod· f'I, open both endii, Bargain at uoo. Roll~-wood ~ bed-•teel frtmt>, box sprln,gii and lnner mprtng n1attrt·M. $30. Phone Harbor l&D~. 32e34 SERVEL REFR!Gi:RATOR. 100<1 condition. \VhJte, model 60, 6 root. SatUTday only. 2306 CJlfr OtlVt", NeY.rport Height.. 32p33 G. 11. REFRIGERA1'0R, V ru. tl .. , $:)(). 2761 Bay Short DtivP, Bay Shnrr.11. Phone Bc>ac-on "6737-"\\'. 32c33 /.tany a big deal hu been m11.ae thru a sma.11 .Want Ad Appliance & TV EARGAINS PHILCO 7 cu. rt. N'trlgeratot With horizontal fr~er lo<'ker. Slid- ing !lht>Jve!I. RPftlgPrated mobt cold ZOl"IP. l..Argf" WCPta~ bin, $1!'1991'1. PHII~CO 6 CU , fl.-ExcellPnt m e- chanil'al C"ondi l.ion. H ermetically iirall'd unit $94.5"0 Srrvttl Electrolux gas refrigerator, vf'ry c1f'an cond. 6 cu. rt. $119.9~ !fl" PHU.CO ti>lPVf!'ljon con.sote- in exe¥11f'nt condition, mahogany t·ablnrt \Vllh doors . $249.96 ALSO 12 1 ~·· EMERSON Con80le TV. Xnll conelt. blsck tube .. $139.MJ Trleking 10" TV .$99.9~ Philco 10" TV, auto luning,89.96 K~p In t ouch 'vtth us for guod buy:-4 In TV M>l ~ bf>inR lr11df'd In D-BOAT!!, !!UPPLIE!I 1fl·FOOT EOAT and trailer. All metal automatic brakeR, 2 new tiret1. Boe.t and traUer In ex- cellent condition. Both &275 Orchard JG&(M. 28p!3 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 625 COAST JUGHW A Y NEWPORT BEACH All ,rent aJfowed It you buy with- in t('rma. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. I 31th GREAT PIANO SALE Ala· son an<1 Hamlin Grand, Steir.· ~ay, Chickering Sohn1er, Kim- ball. Kurtzman, Wurlitzer, etc. SavE' up. lo lwo-lhitd&! DANZ- SCH~ODT Big Plano Store, Santa Ana. 520 No. Main, cor . 6th. \VA!\i"TF.D : 50 pianos. Trade ln )'our old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or bel.utifuJ t elevt11ton. Htgh- f'St r aah allowance, term1 DANZ-SCHJ..ilDT PIANO Co .• c-ur. 6th, !'"120 No, ~1aln, Santa Ana. &'>-DOGS. CATS, PETS COCKER Spaniel, blonde male, 6 mos. old. Also black temal,. f'0<·ki>r, 5 mns. old. 455 E . 16th St ., r usta 1'f1·sa. BPacon fl-497-W 32p34 INCOBPORATED 3333 Via Lido HartJor 1500 Jette UNFURN. new apt. Garbal"e dt.p. qwn entrance. Near Udo shops 501 -3-4lh, corner of Ffnlf'y. Har. 2529-\V. 32c34 r \V 0 FlJRNL\IHED HOU5E1' - One and two bedroom fenced yard, Servel ttr .. waBhing fma- cb inC', <'tc. Utilities paid. Adult.II only. Yearly rental. 704 1lris Ave., Corona del Mar. · 3lca3 , RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 1607 BALBOA ISLAND HOU&!S and ApU., yearly or aea- 11onal. St"e Gall Camey, wtth NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE PR. BEACON 5771 U 04trc .._B SINESS Opportmdtlm 306 J.tartne, Balboa Isl Har. ~ 69ttc PA IR R. .I: L. Fla,:'!thip 90 engine~ with rcduc. gear, Factory approv<'d J ollnson board. SALEs & SERVICE South Coast Co . h. p. $750. Out· Harbor 2600 Nev,rpnrt BeB(·h ~ :lttfc Boat owners arid mechanics FOR ''OUR SNAP-ON TOOLS Call JO H ~ Kl1.fBLE 1744 Miramar, Balboa Harbor l081·R· 92C'93H SEA BOGKS ' Business Opportunities UNFURN. 2 bedroom horn(' and garagt'. Nice fenced in yard, lots of cupboards. MUBl see to ap- pr('Ciate, $65 mo. yearly. 1888 Placentia.., Costa Mesa.. Beacon ·8112-M. SlcSS Hf'r1• is a seli"'ctrd list o( good busl- 'ness opportunities tor sale ln thr Harbor Arca -Not some-S50 ;_ l.al"gt! 3 rm. untum. apt. unl''s fnilurt's but prov l' n cloae to town. 1-927'-" Hatbor rnont>y ninkt·r~. Gel in now and Blvd., Costa lies&. (Key on ha v"' th.· a1lvanlage r1f s ummPrj ptf'n1iees). For turtb.er intorma- busint•ss : lion Pb. Laguna 4-M58 after. 4 Off sal1 liquor 11tore $1 3,500 , P . M. 3JcS3 Prt's.ci1ng &: Clt'anlng store S 5,000 HORSES, DOGS, PETS, Etc. Camera shop ............... $16,500 Spacious 3 bedroom home, 2112 T kl acres pasture. Highway tront-a c e store!'J J 2 toe.} ··-· .. ,20,000 age, fenced, irrigated, land- scaped. •100 mo. KI. Z..2904 . 3tp33 Harbor Investment COMPANY 30th and Newport Blvd. Hsrbor 1600 BALBOA ISLAND ' t ine 1toek of boob on all yacht.-I lJl&' subject.a-Plus all current ------------- book.a. Lending library. i f':OFFF.E SHOP 10 !'!LOOI. ol<I f'S· Furnlghf'<l apt. Sleeps up to ('ighl. 1-:.! June St~d'; July $350; Aug. $400; 14 $('pl. $150. Ve ry nice. ~'2 blk. to So. Bay. Shown by appt. Harbor 21~.K. 31c41"1 The Isla'ltit:rs Bar lM• VIKTh"G SAii ... boat No. 16. Ex- cr-ll1•nt condition, Call Harbor Z264·J or &•aeon 5681. 32c33 tllblishvd trAdt•. Gros!-! $J800 mo. Rt•nt $30. Hours 6 a .m. to 2 p.m. Heart of Santa Ana. Fine for couplr. Good stock and flxturrs, $4500. call after 5 p.n1 . Harbor 2Hl'i-\\'. 32c:l4 IHE:JtE .WE GO!- the New ~951 HENRY J • at this ttractive Price '. $1498.92 The Fad hi on Academy's Gold. medal A Wa.rd winner !?r 1951 • . : the "'t'1sa- tiona.l new Henry ·J .... is YOURS for only $1498.92 delivered here! The Henry J 1 a big family-sized sedan, won its division in the Mobilgas Economy Run. Test the Henry J today -- for STYLE! for EOONOMY ! for PERFORMANCE! for COMFORT! for SAFETY! The Henry J ... delivered here for only $1498.92-at your Kaiser-Frazer dealers NOW! KaiSer Willys Crosley 506 E. FIRST SANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3-9688 '50 CHEV. 2-door tJ:elUxe sedan Only 8600 miles. Save money 9rrom privatP O\vner. Make otter! Ph. Harbor 2'104 . 32c34 JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer Certified Used Cars 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION CPE., like new. Only 18,000 milf"a. 0 v"' r- drive, hill holder .......... $1395 1948)STUDE. LAND CRU- ISF.R. 'fhia IR one car 111 a n1lllion. See tt now ··········-······················$149:S 1917 CHEVROLET <-DOOR SPEC. dlx.. eed. all or- iginal and verj clean $ 995 1~4~ STUDE. CHAMPION Cnmntandt•r Barn<·y Bt•llthan•rd-. died Mond1ty al hiH honte.· 21~ nounc<'<I thifl \\'Pt'k that the Flower street, Costa ).fesa. Mfter 20\•21 H Ea.<iy "lhirl<.lry portabl£' \.\'Uh Ing C ANOE 18 rt. n1ahogany lami· naL"ll, ropp••r scr!'\4'11. Good con· EXC l_U81VE F'ranchii;1e<l dii;1Lribu- Lors be-1 ng .!Pl up in prot eclt'd t(·1T ilor1~·s by pron1inent quality Paint Manufar·turrr In bu11inPss uVf't 35 yea rs. \\;' e no,,· have 120 author l:zeJ df'aler_g in Northern California . G()()(J rnoney maklng pro[H11!'.it ion for th<' riJi!:ht party. Factor.v \\'er1·houge in Los An- g•'l..:e. F or romplele Informa- tion and servl1'•' "''Tit£' t o box F , lhis papi•r . 33p AVAILABLE July 1st -By yea1 $125 mo-Z bdrm tur?i. bOme, Balboa peninsula, nt!ari bay. Ph. H&.rbor 12&1-BA Y and BEACH REALTY. 32c34 2·dr. S(.>dan, only ~7 ,000 miles, only ... : ············-• 435 annual Am1•rlcnn l...<-ji!ion breakfast ""ill b(' .<11·rvet1 Saturday n1nrn1ng. Junf" 30th. at th(• forecourt 1n front qf R 1charcl's ~larkt•t. Xf'\\"POrl Harbor P O!t 291 i:!' a~ain spnnsorin,E Lhf' brf'akfaAt. v.•hi<'h la.c:t yea!" drew more than 2,000 pl'rsons, \\'ho con1!'.un1f'd 1n orr than 10.000 hot cakes and drank n1orP thfln 4,000 cup:!' of coff('e . Hut cak•"S and cofff'e v.·IU again tw sf'tVt"CI frnrn Rix ~·1t.1dlf'A, from 7 tn 11 that SaturdAy morning ··Au you can t'8l for ~O cPnt.<l" i.s tht' motto of tht> Legionnaire!!!. Again aASil!ling thi!ll year 'A'ill b(> ni.•n1b<'1's or th\' U·~on Auxiliary. \\'t"ff•rr 1•roi:rurn Pn--t<'cedA frnn1 thf. hr1"'akfast ~iUJ nt,,in~• r~:j\etlon anJ ('h 1J<11 ~... \ p ti :ct .~t> I •• I • L"'·glon Prnrt. Ci1·nt•ral <'ha\r·n1,.n in lh1s )'(•ar's hrt>akfast 111antll'r B+>ll anJ Fi!'st 111and .. r 1'-:':tl MurrL"on. 1·hargt' of atP Com· V1cf'-C'on1· Othl't 111n111utt1•1· nlen1bo•rs arC': T 11·k,·t <i. l"';.••or;..;•· Hf'n7., Bi:1b Br1~g-:­ nnd l\f11r~un Lt•anarrl, rood. Hugh l'ifvnlltl : t'1-..:,k1n;::, Gus TPn1plt~. F1·ank ("rnckj•r, Ralph Bonds, Dr .!\.. F.. Sto,:ktun. S.1b Hurwitz and 8111 Ba o n Is t .. r. arrana:;t\nients, H\:rb ThtJnlption. llnr1 y P"'l tus, Tatt> Hal1·s. Dnllag Kini::. Larr)· Rupp, .John ::":l1•nue<". Ji'red Stcp- h1•ns nn1t Kenny t.farkhan1 ; pub- Ji('1ty, 1'"'r1·J J uyn1~r a nd Vince Cu- :-;u 111ano R1r-ha1·1rs Mark(:i is ('0-- np•·rat inx with Pos t 2fl I in prnvitl- inK lhf' f'als. Sgt. Riley Coe Dies in Germany Death c laimed Slaff Sgt. Rilt>y COi', 27, in a v<-h icluar accident in Cern1any June 10, his parrnts Mr and M~. Roy Coe of New· port Blvd., Costa Mesa. learn~ this week. The Army Air Corp11 man, a radio t e-chnician, resided \\•ith his w1fe Ellen and month--old- son. Daniel Eugene, in Horn, Ger- many_ He had be-f'n In Gennany two year!!. Tht' body is belng sent home tor burlaJ. Besldee bill parerit.a, wife and aon, be leaves bla brothtts., M./Sgt. Howard Eugt:ne, lfe-rle and Edwin; and Ute.rs. Mrs. Mauttne Balley. Mn. Blanche Moffett. Lakewood VUl&C": Mn. Mildnd Crane. Lantr Beach. Sgt. Coe, a native of .&an Bernardin~ wu graduated fn\m Nowport Harbor Union high achoo!. laWPORT WCl'tJ Newport Beach wcru will meet 1'11<9day, lune 19 at 11>. m. wllll Mn. Eulala Eatu, lTll \!o .... Bal-boulenns. Election ot ot- flcero wlQ ~ lleld &1111 &II mem· ben are Wlled .to a.tttad. a long lllnes.1. A native of Canada, he had livt'<! in Cof!ta MeM 11 yPar!'I. He was a. retired carpenter !·JX. CRAF'TS 1'1A X Skill Sa'A· wtlh 1·a.'*' &: r xlra billll"~ J~lkl" ft P'A', $.6:-1. 112 C rystal. Balboa Lstand. Harbor 226 JOH TI\8l'hiTit' $3-l.fi.8 Handy Hol portable '\\'a.•hr r. g()()jl ('ondltlon. ideal for apt. $!9.0!'> EAS\' TER~fS ARR.4NGED diUnn. 107 .4o.halonP, Balbna Island. 33p3;, S!\'lPE AND S NO\\~BlRD for _g~h. or wiJI tradf' fur small can1p trail<'r and rqutp. or row boat anrl outboard. l1 h . Hur 1119-\\" Surviving are hi!! wtfe, Glartys 1'tcLatchle or Costa 11t e.sa ; one son. Ruuell McLatchle of Van· couver. B. C.: a daughtr-r. ~fr~. \V.vonona Perry of Rlrhn1ond, a nd three trandchildren. DA VIS-BROWN Co. C'lJ'Tlplf'tr inf-ltalla.t lon, r"p~i r and !885 HARBOR BLVD. ser\'j('(' Of all tra1\1•r (•qu1pmPnl COSTA M.ESA Services \vere held at the Grauel chapel in Costa · ~fella at 2 p. n1. Wednesday, wilh Rev. V. C. Houre:z officiating. Interment \V&B in Wf'~tmin_gtpr Mf'n1o rlal park. ORANGE COAST I Phon• Beacon 6821 TRAILER SUPPL y MAHOGANY LAMP TASLEj- ......__-vsJOAL, RADIO GREAT piano sal<>. 37Lh year. 1910 HARBOR BLVD. I round, S9. 6tD Ltlrk~r , COr· ('Q.!'.ta. M r M. Pha n(' 8€1\('on 6221-R ona d<'I 1-far. 32_c33 Rt"O d lhelk' prlct>s. Nt>V('r befor"' have Wr had such bargainR. )IN. ~'t•IJlf' <~. PNrma.n A IR C01.iPRF.SSOR C'<in1ph·~I' EMF.RSO:\" 10-inch table model nuto1nat11· u n I l suitablf' for t4"l~v1slnn in pt"rfnt condJtiOft. Spinet:.. sontt' new, "<lme U~f'd, priced fron1 SZ95, $335, $387 Grancl" rron1 $395. Ahno8t JOO pianos rrom \vhh·h lo t'hoosr. Spc'clal PL"IY t >'rm.... DANZ- SCHJ..ilDT big p'1an o stor1>, 520 No. Main, cnr . 6th, Santa At1a. Mrs. Nellie Pea1·man, ~4 . or 246 Ce-<'il Pl.. Cp&ta Me~. dldrCi Sat- \IP\.la)' al Orange county hospital. T'1UMJh o r .s1nall i.:.araJc. r,honf' $ll)(l_ Ph.I H a.r. l474 ·J evenings. Harbor 1627. 32pJ1 29tf A native of Mis.~uri , she hod lived in Co.sta MeM 13 years. Surviving are he-r n1otber, 7'trs . :\lay \\'lute of Costa Me!4l ; a son, RIL"-'-'E"ll Pearn1an or Oklahoma: lhreC' brothers. Jeos..-.e A. \\'hite. Harley R. \Vhite anti Ch~rlcy \V, \Vh1t('. all of Costa 1tft>sa. "nd eight g-ra.ndchil<tren. Serv1res W('rf" held Afonclay Bl ~~·. br8!1J .n~w •. bo)',:"·. Jtl ill In <"rnte. HAIR DRYF.R, proft·-~1n nnl, p<'r· feet t'Ondition. PHONOGRAPH. --port able, electric VERY REASON A Bl.£ SAVE $7fl, S1!'J() 1'r\•dll on n1•w dinntond -1:: 1>rii··· l 'h B••al'on ;,115 t.lny:it. :l2l·3 I 11 a . ni. rron1 the Grauel •·hapel. f~ARH JN CHRIS'f!\o1AS C'AROR (.;ostn. M('!:Ul, 'A'ith Rev. .M' c. I Ell.."y·to-9"11, Knr1t1-o~ :.!I · t ·ar11 Cronic of(i<"intlng. Ren1uin ~ \""'I At1sortu11•nta pay yo11 50e on $l he senl to Stro11<1, Okla. Ult>.~. F;MBOSSEJ) Name -1.-n - f)orot h••• .Jnhn.~n prlnls, :;o ror $l.2f1. 8 11-{ lint' lmprilllf'd SLa.t lont•ry, Napkins. o th('ra. Fast, rrh·ndly sf"rvtce. FREE lmprlnt,,S•n1ples , AM<>rl· mmts on approval. STYLART, 1717 \V . Ninlh, 0.-pt. 166-0, Los AftCC'lf"s. 33p fl. COOPF.R Hrwltt Mr rc va- por Light. F:xN>llPnl rur hrnch work or OVt"r lathe. A bargain at $1 5. Bea. 6600 ·\~/. 32p.'l-I Dorothf'a J ohnson ctit'li Thursday morninJ!' at her honlP, 1100 Oc('lln Blvd., Corona dC'I Mar. Shi' wu born ln Nortbw1ch, England, and 'A'alt a 1nember of Harbor St.ar o:hapt"r. 0 . E. S. She la 51.lrvlv'f'd by on (' son, Fredt-r lck Howlll'd :; John...:>n of DE-tn>ll; nnf' daujthlt>r, Mr!!. Lillian KrUt"gl'r of Corona df'I P.far: lhrPf' •lsters. Mrs. Sarah £1Jen Afallard o f Pasadrna : Missel' Margaret Gibson and Nt'llle \Vhall OVERHEAD pr. Joor, hltwe. of Corona. dt>I Mar; two nephewa, Dr. Thomu Gibson MaJla.rd of Al- t.adena and Wllf!"M Rugh Mallard ot Pasadena; a.lao three grandcbil- dren. Servict"s will be held Mon- day al 2 p. m. In Baltz chapel with lbe Rev. Paul BabbJtt ottlclatilag. Interment wUA be ln Grand Lawn cemetery, Detroit. 'ob.a M....,or John Walker Meador, 51, di~ Wedne-,. at hla home, <U Gold- enrod, Corona del Kar. Be wu born In Md;.eansboro, DI. and Md r"ffided here aev~n y.,.., comJnc tr< n Puadtna.. Be wa. a m~btf of C o m 111 a.n I t 1 Oonlftptlanal church. He la IUrYl..ct by Illa wife, Lois; two brother&. Sam. of Bose- ..._ .. _ --Wallie, <II P&Mdena; one sister, M1-Ra1:1lle Meador, ot P.ndenL ~ w.fll be -Ji'rlday .at S p. Jn. ID ~ -pol willl the a.... Paul .. bitt anll the, Re•. l'wn)' -ottlc:lattnir, ond nu. by -., LociGR Poot 291. -·--be print.:• Jl 2.~. 2'-bUT'n~t elrc. plate, mlac tool.1, Hula. tiki rt. neow cowboy ahoes, size 7 1-,-8 and hat, me 7. Gas heater, 809 8q'mJ.a. Oort-· on& tlel Mat. S2p34 '48 mod. Chev. truck, 2 ton c:Jo.ecJ oak body. Nat'I cub reglst.«-r, nearly ""'· Comp acaJe. Swinging MSle, lllalnl-•lttl pan. Lot ..cond pl~ G. c. Beiley, 1118 I:. 18th •trttt. Ooata x-. 32p33 30CIO fl. COPPER tublttr for tuna -. . .A.l.80 -ra.1 -guaranteed 're- frlpraton and W11ta. B. 1'0N IWOE .REPiUOCftA"roft . •M Ill. Utb St.. eoat. - ~ --5'111-W llp34 c 'JUlll:,q Used Furniture 2366 Newport Blvd., eo.t.a Meaa 1-1 i ghHt prices pa.Ml tor your Furniture \Ve buy, .ell or tradt C'nll Sf>acon Ml-1-J . 30p<2H USED Elf>(·t rlc Refrigerator, 1 cu. ft .. ~00\i C'Ondltlon • .c:ihd.p. 2384 Elrh·n AYt' .. Collta Me98. 3Jp38 Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1506 \\'est Balboa. Blvd., Phone Harl>or 2002-R. 30p32 MY AD7'f1R.A.L TV 111 a 1861 lt00 modf'l-Used it only l monlb A it's juAt like new. Balance duP on It I• $1119. I alreaoly .,.i4 U.. Px.ciae tax and IL hu t.b.e aeri&L CaM ot tali• ~ nt 48.97 mo. £4ui~ tree. see &l aton.a'~ <<H lSo. Spadnl, ll'ullerl.oG. t-8 p. m. Pbonc FuHert.Gn tlG2. Stc3S PLAIN CfUI(_> v.·&lnut bungalow up- right piano In p<>rf{'('t condition. Fully RU•tanteed. Tern1s. $28.62 ·. do\\'n and $9.65 J>Pr mo. at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. CSinee 19071 -421 N . Sy<"an1ort>, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 17lfe FOR SALE-Baby grand piano. Good condition and tonl'. Will exchan~c for walnut o r mahog- any (\ni11h 11pln rt. Phone Harbor 1288-\Y. 32c33 TRADE your old piano or band lnatn.iment on a. te levision. \V~ need several planoA and band ln- atrument.s tor our llUmmer renl-A>.. Highest trade allov.•ance at 8HAFER8 MUSIC CO., t SincE: J.907) 421 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-o672. 17llc S7th GRE.\T PIANO SALE. Mag- nl!lcenl all e>IN'lrlc organ. Ca9r .Ughlly damaged in shipment~ WJU sacrlnN>. Thi! happenA but ·onCf' In a lite lime. DA.NZ-· SCHMIDT. Santa Ana, 020 No. Main. Ratta Fu_:.._._ BKAUTIFUL Jesse French spi.Det D '~"" piano. Slightly uoed. Save itoo. ..._.. 1n th• ~ -4 Qonv4!:nient Lerma at SHAFERS In our °'"' -ll iobopL MUSIC CO. \Sln<:e 1907) 421 N. Wkle choice of fabrtca. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl.n:iber- 1.a,.._t dlap1&3' ID Bo. caltt. ly 1-0\172. Utrc R.eftatJlllnl ..... Rtt;a111c.ert.o1 HOUSE J/11_ ""ARDEN 17th GREAT PIANO SALE Re- • U --Spinet. Ulla -J hy IU Ooaat ll~ • .lfWJtt,, -. lil'M out balance. save o.. ltOI). D~ B(C Plano MAB ob.A.NT "'Ml~le table and ~. Santa Ana. OOT. ttll &fttl s~-........ cbalra.Rea· 11a1n. aonAl.k. ~ ---.J. t------------ --OOME IN and ~ tile WODde .. T W 0 HlOB OVBN STOVEii, CHJJ:Al'! 18'0' VIDdO Plaec. Mewpmt P da UpSI roua ~ - -wtlb ownj .-ct bc:1Ue. la .-S cm... di ertat ..... .es+cn Dmf.Newpurt ..... qp ~ .. -.. - fUJ MW Baminond O>otd Organ. J:"9ll lf you don't tmaw·a note "' lllllfte ,... .... play1Jeautltlll muolc In ta mlnuteL DANZ-11,.••nr Be Plano and 0rpa 0o.. llO N._ M&IJI, Banta Ana. t1llBD PUNOll ,,_ .... u;p. Good pla;,!q .., o a d It I o It DANJl. ~*"'D'Yr, -NO. J1a1D.. Sen ,...... cur. Ith. • , ., . A'M'RACTJVF. WC'll located Bal- boa office for lawyer, account- ant, insurance, builder, e.rchi- tect, etc. 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1607'. 24tfc . ·1 PROFESSI(\N.l.J\ ili'il1dP A •l- relff'nt Joc8u0ftl Coftle:,.-. At. tract lv(' gTdbni f"loor bldg., park- ing. Id1•a l for I)o('i.01, Denth~l. Opton1etri~t. 8 ('8Uly Parlor or '? Beacon 6211. 31c33 t!-\\'ANTED TO RENT DESIRE % bdrm. unfum. house, yearly basis, E. Costa Meas, Harbor area or C. D. M. Phone Harbor 25M-R, aflf'r 5 p. ro. 31c33 URGENT! NAVAL OFFICER and family de- sire 2 or 3 bdrm house. Furn. or unfurn. up to S80 mo. Ji':hone &a. 6:">72-\V or Bea. 81~ •c:i• WANTED-Ground floor room Ir board for e.lderJy gentleman. Cloere td beach and fishing pier. Telepllone Barbor l&M. !2pS4 4s-.u'ARTMENTS .a BOUllES ....... ' BY YEAR OJ" month, 2 bedroom furn, &:-l bedroom l'uTn. homes. 2-110 W. Ocean-Front a.nd 104 251,h St., Newport e.&ch . .()wnor "'in be on premises Friday, June 15th. 10 a. m. -2 p. m. PEARL J . SM ITH 4'20 E. 7th St., Upland. PhonE- Upland 321-:154 or323·193. 32p3S New Car delivery NOW ALSO Can arrange f actory delivery 3415 NEWPORT BLVD. (near I .. ido) Ni>)N'port &ach Harbor 510 33c JUST COMPLETED-I & 2 Bed-61-TRAILERS room. unrurni.RhC'd. Garbage dtii- posal, wtil heat, garage. Close to stort's. Yearly rent.al. 453 Cypress DriVf', l..agltna Beach. 22p33 SUJOlER OR YEAR'S LEASE- S bdnn. house, <'ompletf'ly furn- lslu>t:l, overlooldng beach. :S 12 Ocean Blvd., Corona del ¥&r. Harbor 1467-J , S2c34 ~~-~~~~~~~~- 19 FT. VAGABOND TRAILER, Completely Pqulppcd, awning 4: epare Whf'<'I &. tire, Good con· dttlon, tr;oo. 20061 S . W . Birch. ~a.nta Ana H1•tghtA. KI. 2-293.'l. 3tp33 · .. qffiplete· oil.~ B'.aphore ...._:· i'ark, i 7th" W Coast ff-ighway, Newport Beach. 32c3·1 24 F'T. VAGABOND alumln\lm trailer. l\"(·w paint, $750 tor quick sale. S ee at SANDY'S ~ELUXE ~RAILER PARK. ·939 Cout Highway, Newport BRach. 33cM Summer ..J.aroN"'" To LOAN Reservations -+J.--. ---· ----- Lido Isle Bay Front untk 1 ,anc1 :cJoANs For Homes 2 bdrma, $70 week ulf. Ba&>r 1·~~-20 yr. Regular Loans 255J, ev ... Har. ll!JJ<-111. l?ttc OONSTRUCTION LOANS LARGE 4-RM HOUSE and gar-at 5-5~% 114 yrs.) . WE BUY AND SELL age. unturo. 1 bednn: ..l Aleeping TRUST DEEDS porch. Yearly rental, SM mo. SEE BOB SATI'LJ!E 1888 Placentia, °""*"! Maa. HIO COAST BLVD Beacon 671z.M. 31cl3 Corona del Mar Har~ 1071·J FOR RENT _ NEW 1 APART· Rep. POIRJER MORTGAGE CO. MENTS -OCEAN VIEW. ID· Kfro We In& Funds ~ UtM qu;re 220 Nargue~, CafOrlll IJOA1'1S TO Bun.D, !KPROVB, d "'I Mar. 33c35 BUY. MODERNIZE. OR rui:F1N ANPE RENTAL " \VANT TO ,SHARE fumlahed 2-We 1lll)' 1'ruat ~ mj:WPORT BALBOA FEDERAL BA VINGS • LOJ..N A.BSN. l3S.1 Vla Udo Ph. Blir. 1500 SPECIALISTS be4.-n l\Om•. paUo, !'1.Utl ..... oponalble empJorecl WOJ¥ft· jB&I· Olll l:cina cnlC boa Ialand. --~. or '!"m-LinWOOd Vick, Rltor. ruer rental. ·I'll. ~ ~ s.t-laland. Bu. :IOU -1------------- COllONA DEL KAR -2 bdrm hmll*ecl apt and -'" .Har-bor mw. Cl!Ud olt. Oil i )'Oar -Har ... 7. 3.2c34 PENT BOUlllll and I ·nn. oottagea. ALSO JIOA'I' SLIP6 On CollJm te17nct 'Jl.1M!h apt. hao -I.or r-f.age. Aeccm. 4. W.t 4!D4 Park A-we-. Balboa io1and. llarlior 29112-W. Z1pS9 UBI!: OF Penlmula 1'olnt bMdl. NE\i![y ~ &e!.I,' ONEY WANTED Elj~~~zrr J.t Trllll Deed- ,llOO. Po.yable '36 mo. s~ lilt. pft-ty value 17.l!OO. C.U Bol> lier. l'Olrier Xt.g. Po. 'Bar. 017-J. UUltf SEASOJQ:o lit Truat DMd. -· plwl d?G,. Jjay Slloru approx. •ia.ooo. Dllt-t. I'-e!Nooa '51M-R. · Udl F.°1: DELAY, CALL TODAY • • for ... ad In tlle """" ""' ... --"'Ille • , • • j I I I I • I r I I I I • • -'· • REAL ESTATE BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor L. C. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Marine Av~ .• Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1871 or 1872 Evea. Harbor 7~M Balboa Island Home & Income 2 beaut. 3 bdrm homes, comer lot, charm. furn., 3 yrs. old. Priced to sell. Xlnt CllWIClng. Bay Front. 6 bdrm home. beaut. furnished. TlilS IS A BARGAIN. S29,500. BLANCHE A. GATES'-REALTOR THE l~LAND VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar rNCOME -nearly n~ tum. du· ptn., conwr lot. Cbolee \oclatk:Jn. 2 ldnna eacb unit. Larp "'!"""- napi.one flreplKe. w:Ut beat. TDe ln kitchen and bath. BrMk· fut nook. new t\Jnlture. Rup and drapes. Walled patio. Car. for ea.ch unlL Brtck and wood otAe:rtor. Plut.-Or interior: Own· er Uvn fn Uftlt No. 1. No. 2 antt !"e.ated tor 11~ mo for .f mce. a1oe mo. fol° 9 mm. P'r'ke, S20,000. Ru a ' $'7300 IMUHnc. m-.. aM mo at 5 pez-cent. Spic and Span 2 bdrm hom e-N>finishM tnalde and ouL Hwd. t1oora,. WTitia.n blinds, flttplact>. Extra gue11t. rm. In connr rtkm with gange>. Fmc- • 4"d patto, berbttue. aprinkllnJE s~l("m. A re-a l homr at 111 .971\. Good termA. - Exclusive Shore Cliffs A BUY -On The Bay I NEW ? B~~~~;!~ RANCH 8-0uth Bayfront 6 BR Home 50 feet. view, R-2 zone. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island Ferry Harbor 63 Ralboa Is land BALBOA PENINSULA POINT Authentic Cape Cod H ome 2121 OCEAN BLVD. Open SAT., SUN. 2-6 or by appointment 1'wn fl lory. 1 yf'ar ol<I, apl!rox. 2200 sq. rt. T\"'·o b<"drnom~ and bath do\vnstairi.. 1 bedroom , den and bath up11t.alrs. Sundrck 30 x 30. pt>rmanent view. Largf' living room. fir<'place. F'U.11 l"ize cUntng room. ~!II Jr1tt'hf'n and nMk. Oak noora. Forero air heat. Wtoath~r·strippf'1I w1ndnv.·!4. ('nntractnr's home. Dtras galore. Pricl'd to M'll quickly. Wm. E . ANGOLD, Realtor ~Li F.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Need A Good Home? 1 Persona lly selected. ever y one worth seeing: Newport Heights Onr bdrm, a rf"al velur . One bdrm. 2-car Reragl', almost nt'y,· Harbnr 1238-W Costa Mesa The Bes t Town on Earth A Real Nice 2 B.R. Home on 1:! acr C' or K"f On nd. I yrR r~ o\,I, ooly S1!'">00. Well Built Two bolrms, harmvnO('t floors ; quality. €Jiff Haven j 3 bdTS?.U~~~Y ~:~;place. $1!"i.:MJQ ~ Two bdrms, sun hQmf'. double garagr. work .shop, t ool- small dO\\'Tl shN a. Apprdx. l acr«', all fenC'M Corona de! Mar $16 .• .,00 Sl 6 .!)()() Tl:lrc>P bdrrns, li\'1ng roon1. Thrf"t" bdrmit. 2 by PlrgPr l5x2 I , bath~. rail J ohn ~(ottram . He! bor 1!'"!00 F.ven1n_'l:s Harbor 2-180-R P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED COSTA MESA SJ-000 DO\VN FINEST Reslr1rntlal stret>t.: Near- ly n('w 3 B. R. hon1e, 1 1, b·aths. largt' !iv. rm .. fireplace, 2-ca r garal:,('. ))ig loL rt•ncC'd. Price ju~l rNluct'tl. Ownf'r sa,ys ~11 ! HORACE S. !ll..l.ZET ' . . 30ft ~arlnf' Avr . _ Balboa f'tlnnol 1-f iw·bnr '3028-J 3 1t•3'9 et-REAL F.ST&TE EXmA!'<GE rHARMING inromf' IUld homf' mmpletely furn~hf"ll. Idr al for f>"TttOn alonf' or ~f'Vl"ral famili4'"~­ :J 81\d 2 twdrMn1 duplf"x 1:&nd !i rn1. hnn11• Always tf'nlf'd . Qnp IPasrd. 1 blk t o bay & ocean. $1~.000 CMh plul'I vac.ant or Im- proved propt"·rty. BalancP loan Owner. 1532 Miran1ar Harbor 0812-\\.', tCoortesy to l'\tokl"t9). . 19tfl" \V!LL i:X.CHANGE e-q u ity In well locatNI new Lido ls le 3 bedroon1 2 bath homE" for 2 bM'iroom homf' in Harbor an!'a. Call Harbor 25&4-R an,.r 5 p. m. 31 c33 -~~~~~~~~~~~· fi:NCJNJT AS IOUth of OcPant11dfo.- 2 B. R. stucco. right on oct>an front on bluff, lov~ly garden. clOSf' to stort's. Sl0,000 or ex- C'hangf' tor C. D . M. MJTle valuf'. Knapp, box 308, Encinitu. 33p SI-REAL l:lJTATE WA!C'ft:D HA VE PARTY with cas h wantin1t to btly a I or 2 bdrm. hOUl'U' in rtw11ta M f"81.. About $4 .000. Phone Bracon 522!'i B. A. Nereson Price $13,500 BPst of T C'rn1J11 Xlnt Business Prop. Cnrnt>r Jl)('a t ion on '.\'E'Wport 81V'(1 . \\'ill trade for ni<'r 2 or 3 l)(lrm. in Costa Mrsa 1 bdrm home, price $4950 $1000 down 2 bdrm home. garage. lot. $4950, terms large G. N . WELLS, Rltr. & A98ociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa . Ph. Bea. 5181 • -~IORITi - 1But not ready to retire) IF FATHER had bt>r n ··on the job" day llll<I ni~ht for has he! I for 1L'I Ion.-al'! lh1': " unit, al- tracLivf'ly furn. Balboe I"'lan<I inconlf' propt-rly -he would hav(' won lhf' bc~·l'I pral.'I('. but wnuld ht~ kinil or run llo'A•n . But toJay-t.iu{' to C'Xlf'nsl\.'t> dc-c· o rating anrl re furnll'lhing. thle propt>rty looks "Sllappler'' than I a W <'sl P oi nt Carlet. Inrome frorn partial trummE>r rPnlal res- f'l"VatlonA al'rf'ady exc(>of'da $1000 -whk-h goe-111 to the buyf"r . You'll •fTN' -an r:J1ct"ptlonal boy at $21 .!'W'>O, t f"nn11. Island Realty Co. RH!t""' -Mllltlpl• Llotlftp Park at Agatf', Bal.laoa ~land Harbor 377-\V Todays Best Buy in Corona de! Mar New 3 B.R. Home clase lo ocean. EnclORed patio. Many othf'r features. If yoa're lookinc fer a quality home, pric· ed right, SEE THIS ONE! TYPE H OME. Hf"&\")' shake roof. La1·p roonls. 2 flreplac('8. fo rC'f'd _air hf'at. I'"' baths. Col· ored fixtures, df'll OJ)('nll to patln La.rKf' c-onvenient k itc hen. prlt•r $29,.000. $12,000 at ~ pt'r crnt inl'l"UMlft<'(' loan. pymts SS~ n1n PhonE' Harbor -tt<I JOHN VO;GEL Co. 43~ -32nrl St. Nt>wport Bt"al'h 108 !.larlnr Balboa lsland 100 ~fain St B&lbna 1301 CoR!llt Hwy Cornna df'I Mar ----------~ IMPORTANT CHOOSING a 1home place is IMPORTANT bu sines•. Wlltrever yoo ro DEMAND THE MOST for your home, your family and your in· vestment. Insist on fully prot~ctive re11trictions, com- plete improvements, com- munity prestige. Choose a locati on with a MASTER PLAN &!ll!Uring continuity of good environment. H f'rt• at LIDO ISLE you v.·ill havf' privacy anrt quit•l. whrr'-' you can stl ll bll_v at ~cnl'liblt'. prlt···• CnnAld,-.r-lhr!'W' 1"\.0 F.:'<C LlfSTVF. orfrrinjif!ll: 1 Firttt tlm" o fr1>rM1 on I.JOO JSl~E a chnrmlng. unlquo• and 1mprt"S1111ive :'i bf'<lroom, ~ bath. ont-1tto1·y NORTH BA l" · FRONT home. H<>rf' la rt'al- ly a .. hfln ry·• on lnv .. Jy Jot . w ith pif'r and l'llp and home has :'\0 STAIRS to r llmb Thi.& hnn1e is partially rum- l.!!hf'<! and t hr fir~t on(' that 8C'f'11 it \Viii BtJY IT Pri<'•~I to M'll 2 Also on LIDO ISLE. hrAntl nrw 2 !x•droom, 2 bath home with all up-to-date-ft<AlUr'Wll Pcrff'f't Wf'ek-f'ncl ho me Clr ld<'al for year arnonrl Prir.•rl at ONLY $1i.200. ALSO s.·vr ral nirt• bulltling 81 t f'I' on lhl' BA YFR0:'\'1' of LJDO ISLE E lth\•r for single family or In· c-omf' unit.A. If you '''ant " LOT bt>lmv markrl vahH'. M"e 1~. R<'- mPml)('r \Vr art' thr DEVF.:LOP· ERB of UDO ISLE. H f'r e a little buys a LOT. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 333.'I Via Lldo N1>wport &ar;i, C'allt . H ar&r ~!",oo Everybody is DOING IT! HOMf:OWNERl!HTP in !!oolh•m CaliJorn• hu incr"f'8Md l lt\'1 Mnc... ltHO '11\Jrln• thl9 Nmi' per1nd N"EW 1twtlling units only i"ftCf'l'Uit-..:1 &! J"('r N'fttl. trHn:tE MUST BE A Rl!:ASON. J oin thlA grnup o f hartlP owner._ J"'l'.I will neftr bf' tMry. SH tbfo.,. SELECTED ntuew: HARBOR HEIGHTS -A lowly •~ 3 B. R.. horn~. (]ftptatt. Hdwd. l'loe..., -~I t.v•I lot. doUMe gara~. OWfttt wUI Mn· '™"''""''· homo In lrad< '14,IOO LIDO IBLE -SnmetMn,r n...,.__ 3 Bdrm., 2 Mu... lar&t' llv. rm., IPtu1 than 2 ynii. old. Prime ltJiCatlon .. $17,850 BAYFRONT LOT -I El Bayo Tr.I corner v.:lth '42' froolage Sll,000 DUPLEX-2 • 1 bdrm. unit.I, new, near proposed boapitaJ ait.e, aood location a.net good value 111.,600 (te.rn1&). fOwn.e r will take Lido l.tlf' lot l.n trade). ..... -;·-· ;--. -~-·--~-.. --....... -. --. --~-. -. -...... ·-., .... ~ .... ---,---·----· ---·-.-~· 11 • • • • INCOME BARGAINS • • • $2500 handles duplex, South of BM!. On comer lot In Corona del Mar. $13.llOO full p~. Balance i;.yable at 4%. 'l1DS 18 BF.ST INCOME VALUE IN TOWN. No Information over phone, pleue. HA VE SOME VERY DESIRABLE reRtalA. Summer and yearly. OOM'l!ACI' US FOR o'l'HBR PROPERTIES, AND BUrLDING LO'l'S-l!ALES And LEAl!ES ' CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES Robrrt. B. 411 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1037 Lynn Rtlieii Coron~ del Mar L. Lynn Fannhooee Motel Harbor 1083 COSTA MESA REALTY j, Ti ij~SD l' :JuNE Tl r~! . ~SS --8 *'HOME I . PANORAMilb • " Open ' Saturday and Sunday _.. 1 to 5 p. m. oad, Cliff Haven COMP ARE THESE PRICES Ocean View Homesites CORON A HIGHLANDS 60x130 . .. ..... . .. .... . .. . onl y $2950 ~3250 60xl00 LEVEL R 2 69x103 Extending through from Cabrillo to De Solo. A choice lot Terrace $4250 Unob- $4500 3 BDRM G. l. RES~Sll!OO DO\\·N. full prtc. $10,4!>0. A nice big family home on 65' Jot and frncf'd. ie&.!IY walking-di.!1- tanc(' from Harpf'r 1tehoot and ..... high S<'hnol. V&f'Rnl . J.fov~ In n()\&,'. Thi• beauUtul 3 bed b~ d ,at .. the bluff In Cliff Haven. It direcUy ov~rlooka the Balboa Bay Club and hu a perm.anent ~tc view of bay and ocean. Nicely la.nd!!caped. There a.re many exceptional tea~ tn thl.! home, tncludlng a.n all (>lectJ'lc k ttchf'n with G. E . garbage dispoM}, ~le. There are two v.•ate.r heaters.. 2~t baths-. Automatlc fore4td air hMting ayirtem. The nOOl"l!: &re ca.J"pf'ted wall to wall and the home Is furnished l"t"ady to move right in. It's . priced bflow replacement. ]f you arr-looking for a home with an unsurpassed view hf' sure to 8ee this one and we tn.1ne11t very 800n btcUl.Se It just can·t la11t at the asking prlct'. F or appolntn1f'nt to. see prier to opening. call Harbor 177!1. 90xl08 -TWO STREET FRONT AGES. • 17TH ST. BUSINESS FRONT· AGE -Ha11 very nlcti 3 bdrn1 home. hwd flooNI, fireplace, ex- tra bath in db1. garage. F ront "\\'ould e-asl1y conv"rt to bu.tlneM nr proff'ASlonal office. 60 ft. frontage. G. I. R Psale. strucled view TERMS : 5 YEARS : Low as $950 caRh. NEW HOME ; Three bedrooms, bath and half, fireplace. Level 60xl00 lot. Just completed and priced t o sell $14,750-Tenns Sl500 DOWN -A nP&t 2 bdrm home, 4 )'l':tl. old. N"l~ly land· scaped, fenced, 80 rt. lot, n~ school•. l'Lllll Aidr. Thil: value at $i!WJO . R . A. CASEY 402 Serra Dr. Corona Highland!I Phone Harbor 2330-W 1 BDR~f BRAND l\'EW -A trtn1 litl,J C' homf" just right fo r e couple. Onr block from new Alpha 8 1."'ta mark"!· $:'>8..'}0. Can orrangE" trrn1rt. Courtesy to Brokers · BALBOA ISLAND VALUE DON.,. FAIL TO SEE THIS BARGAIN ACREAGE If yn11 are k>oking-for a OOOn 3 bedroom. 1 1:: bath HOAtE !!! Choic~ IO<'Rllon perlel't C'On dtion taJ"o1tef11lly O\.!ERLOOKlNG BACK BAT & 1'£TS. '1 1:! ACRES. F or your f's - tal" or subdlvidt'. Thl~ cholcf' par<'f'I al thf' low prlcP of 112.- 500. Submit your r"OM"inoblP lt>rma. drr-orateft ni <'t'l~· f11rn1~hed 2 patios hn rlwqnr f'Vf'rylhl n~ fnr enjo_\'ft.bl~ year ro11nt1 ll \'ln~. PRI CED FOR QUICK SALE -HURRY!! W. W . SANFORD, Realtor BARGAIN ONE ACRE -12.5' frQftta~e :Jl 307' ~ A ZONED FOR BUSINESS. $270-0. C..h. Look thi8 OVf'r QtnCK! Pnrk A\·f'nHP 11t ~fsrlne-RlllhO:l l!1 1Ant1 Harbor 2'462 ---------------~---- Business Frontage 3 B.R. Home $1000 Dn. A RF:AL DEAL on l':""'J'IOrt 8\\•d C'lu!ie·ln. 50· frnnlaj:(', lara;e homC' ex~eptionaJly n icf'. I a.~ be.th. htlgf' dbl. 1•rage. Room on front of lot for large bldg. \Vhy pay rt'nl fnr bu.11inf'~11 whr>n you c-an buy thl!!i ro r $18.2/W\ on lhf'M' t e rm~. Brand Ne w 3 B.R. BEA UTlFUL HE\\' HO ME "'ith all of lhf' fi nest ft>&tUrf"~. fitt"- p!ace, h"'·d., lo t.A of tilt>, palk>, Y .. lcl(' lot, dbl. gar&J:e. FHA fl- nanrPd. Lo"'; dn. lo\\' monthly paymenl.11 510.9if1. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 NMvport Blvd. Costa Me98 Phon~ 8<.'aC'on 6393 Harbor 3 1C,7-\V or Be:lcon M68-J REAL VALUES in Costa Mesa $500 DOWN 2 bdrm honH•. nl og• In, 2-t"~r g'ar. Jt w on•t lal'lt ~ 2 BDRM HOME, only 2 yn. old. 0 11 :1., &C'n•. A·l saning npar back hny. 1"tJLL 1..1ruc~ Only $9500 FOR RENT :? hdrn1, hwd, th<'mto. hf'at. lilt-. $7!°1 l)<•r n1onlh. Unf\Jrnlsht'<I. ,B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENINGS l\fRA & N~t. Ii.arbor Afulltp).r. Liallng ~altor 1982 Newport Blvd .. Crulta !.t•M Phonf' Bn.C"on 6225 Duplex Nrar new duplez., cor. location In befi t lnC'Oa",... area.. 1 blk. t o bay and QCNJI. Raup plumblni In tor 3rd nnlt f>ftr luge ..iaraKf'. Mu.t bP aeeft to apprecial(". 119,.500, tif.nna. \ RANCH 20 AC!\& JµNCH 1 mllea froM ll.,,.,..i. J 12 ·-.,....,.,. ... , puban. A~ dlNp -ter. LIDO ISLE $15,750 Cnn1 pl<'tely n c"'' 2 b<lrm. home. Le rJef' rooms. Ch~ your 0\'-'1"\ C'O lnr11 and fln iAh. Lo\li'C'St pri('<' nrw hon1e on Lido lt1lt'. Al..SO pl"'rn1ani>nt bay v1f'IA' build- lnJC •ll P. 0v("r ~ ft. front&R(". Sac1"'111ce-for quick N.le, M .300. OREENLll:AF' .. ASllOC. BUILD~ -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2!ifi2 CDM Ocean View 2 BDRM RA!\"CH TYPE H0 1'fE. Shakf' roof, l'!.v.·d. n nors. dblf' ,ii:flr&Rr on larJi:r lot, $15,500, terms Ernie Smith, Realtor 120.'l Coaat H iway, Cor ona rlC'I 1'{ar Phonr Harbne· 2867 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 4 large units, best location, INt>USTRIAL -0 ACRES. r.....1 "'ell locate<! in Costa Mesa·s f'Vf''f gTOwing light mfg. l!Jeetlon. Prke $10,000. \.\1e <'&n •l.&o lo- rat1> smaller parc('lit Comf' In j and ~l8 lf' your nC'f'flR. Costa Mesa Realty • Barn~·y Frnncque -Fr1>d Cro~irr \\'. c . Gabbard -400 E . 17th SlrC('l Costa Mesa Beacon 6818 Newport Heights !\"P\\' lhrf'f' bt>droom homp with firf'place, furn a cf', hardwood flt)OrS. garhag(' dil'lllOMJ. doubl(' ~ara~f', $11,000 full price ALSO Sixty fl~et of lndu!'ltriel propC'rty on 31Rt StrC'el is ft SOllTlr! lnvf"St· tn~nt for idl1> mnnr·y. Sixty foot pleCC'~ 8J'(' ACaf('('. 1 block to ocean and bay. Ralph P . Maskey Beautifully furnished. Won-3·11 1 Ne,vport Blvd .. Nf'v.'J)Ort Bch. derful income. Call owner ____ P_ho_n_e_H_•_roo __ ,_•_0_2 __ _ for details a fter 5 p.m. Phone He.rhor 127~W. Sailboat Included 29<-43 i;i prie£'. You get sailboat and -~--;.· ---....,...r ~P.g ll• l.Wf.ion "' • bdrm , Excell,.nt Inoo"'e'' •ii.in>rnl-lrt.&i'. ep.,,1oua room• •·· . -i· •. ...,,. • and porth. 1Coroplet•ly, f\U'll~· N ew 1 bdtm duplex, dbl. garage. 1..'<I. Nnt Of'W, b"1,. well built ¥<! nie in kit and bath, kits of roon1 fo r larg" ra1nily. All for t.."\lpboa:rde. R-a lot, c~ tr&IUI. $21 ,r,oo UKl at:ot"t.I, 113,000. Tttms or Exr htslvr wtll lake bldg. lot tn lTade. You must we lhb one at 242 OM County Rd ., Nf'wport H rf.ghts. Phonr ~ft<"Qn 9008-M. ~2)>34 V;\LUES! Bay & Beach Realty Ethr l Shirley Glod<'n Fay 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284 BALBOA ISLAND ctrrE AS A suc·s F.AR '. Thkl THREE YRS. OLD, CIOM> to bay, <'Qttage haJI 2 B. R ., J 12 bathA. 1 2 l)('droom, 2 bath ho1n<'. Dbl. kit. llv. rm., sun rm., gar., lgf'. ga.rngr. Large yard. $115,000. lot, )>(>tween bey & OCt"&n. Furn· ~TANLEY HADFIELD. R('altor lshf'd . $8,8150. '.?16 11.farine-, Balboa lAla.nd . Har. 20 I 32c33 OCEAN FRONT coi: AGr:. fu rn 2 B. R. Xlnt. locnLonn . '"'"' N . Only $95 Down H . YaC'ht C'IUh. $!1.!"".dO. OCEAN FRONT -5 B. R. home 3 rm. apt. ovt-r 2--car gar. Patio, all furn .. rlOM to bay 116.000. Balboa Realtv Co. Rosa C rf't'ley JOMphlne \V,.bb BUYS TmS FINE LOT 54.xl 39 on Vk-torla St.. between Haz-bor and Newport Blvds. FuU ,price $995. Phones: Beacon 5606-M or Beacon 5293-W Lllljan McAdoo 18tfc 700 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. 1!)3 ------------ R UBTIC TYPE 2 bedroom hom<>- large nnpla~. Dbl. pral'f'. Lge. lot. Ownez-le&Vfnl' It.ate. Sale OT trade. U8 Tu.st.lo Court (be- lwttn 16tb .. !Ith), Costa ~ea. 3lpM LIDO ISLE BEBT BUY ON THE ISLAND, 2 bdrma, bunk room. turnlahed, $>7,llOO. NBC Rl'!ALTY 00., 32"d and Newport Blvd., New- port 9f.u.h. neat 3 -!-IMlna •• Boiulpm.,.I tor 1:1.C>Oot dllc"-WID ..U with ~r UIOUt Jl'YMtOck. Co•· Alder part tr&d<t Ill ""1 --. -------~-----' In Corona del Mar BEST B'1YS HOME and INCOME CHARMING 2 bedroom horn~. Ha.rd"\\·ood floors. fireplace. Laundry. Garagf'. Corner 10C'&llon on Broadway. NO\V AVAlLABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Plus attra.ctlvt> 2 bedroom apertmt>nt r ent.rd to excellent lf'n· ant. Rf"asonable price anrl lf'nns tr deslrt'd. eall J4arbo!' 1013. F or details BALBOA ISLAND Are you lnt1>rrstt>d tn living on Balboa Island, but ~rant mOf'f' room than a 30' lot afford9! ? ? We have it- 4 bf'dfooms, 2 bathA,. b ig fi replace . Pl!&Cf'flUI liY'ing in your own largf' patio surrounded b y your ow:n yard and ,;w.rden. Pricrd und('r replact'ment coRt. Call Mrs. )faroon or H oward Nrighbor at Har. 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l 7U1 and Coaot Hlway Newport BeaC'h l.5th and Irvine N~wport Beach 223 Marine A ,.e. 81~ COast Hiway Corona rtel Afa.r Balboa ]fflanrl • 3113 Newport Blvd. Ne"1>0rt Beach IF YOU HURRY, you may choose colors for thm de~rly planned new house is as yet un- decorated. 4 bdrms., den, livable patio. spacious living rm with huge fireplace and enchanting view of open chanttel thru great picture windows. Best private beach below ".,,hbltering Corona-de! Mar cliff•, with pier rights. • Everett Morr(s & Assoc. • 408 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa • Linwood Vick W. A. Tobias ft>aturlng PROPERLY PRICED PROPERTIES VALUE PLUS 1'\ew modern 2 bdrm home. l '" baths, 2-car gara.ge, ~~-­~.O~~l\!. SHORES . Good terms .... $14,MO Harbor 3265 Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 $3800 00,'.\VN. 2 bdrms, furnish('() hom €'-PanPlcd living rm , fire- placl', bar k lt ch f'n. BBQ and £'n· C'lo~ed patio. Balboa Income 7 Units, $27 ,500, good terms CLOSE IN --4 doubles, 3 l'lingles ~ buB;lnl'8S zon COmplf'te ly r-e- • I • l ' .. ~~-~; Mtmmt~ inr.o e. ' -and many others. Only $8850 WP h&YP m011t all the better buya 2 bd .•--Balboa Bl ~ I I rn1 .......... e on vu. lsted. Our t me is yours. Nice bf'.ach · hou~. Jl"irepl8.C1", LINWOOD VICK REALTOR. 312 Marine Ave. Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND * * OPEN 1 · 5 * * Beautltully fumlahed year round 4 bdrm. S ba. home. PraetlcaUy new MODERN. with enclo8ed patio, 2-car gar. R.t!ady for com- pl•le living, $29,500. 1711 Ocean mvd., 8a.lboa. Harbor 2451·M 12tfe Waterfront Home 3 bdrms, 2 belh.8, pier and noat 2 yrs. olOlncludes GE dtshwa.Mc>r DlJq>o&a.1, patio tumlture. Ph. $27,750 Owner, Harbor 1027-,l'. 3~ partly furnisbt'<I. ' This Is Choice! $21 ,000 -3 bdrms, 2 be.th, untur. homt>, lg". enclosed patio---com- pletC'ly plec. kitch en, stove, f'(>f .• Ulsh W&Hhr r and gar. disposal, 2-car garage, landscapt"d. CoastJ Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harboi-2658 G. I. Resale-4 7,, Int. $12,500 BY OWNER -3 bdrm, n•wly decorB.tM home. Tile kftchen. Pullman bath. H\\•d . noora, dbt garage, fenced yud.. Short w&lktng distance to scbools and 111opplng. Ideal location for fam. Uy wit!\ children at HZ El :Ho-• den., N~ R•lgbto or call Beacdn l6941~W. For Sale by Owp¢r. Owne, Leaving S~ Balboa Peninnla Poirlt · ....!. lOI! N'"'vport Blvd., Costa Mesa Earl ~d;berlain LIDO ISLE -NEW 2sbdrm, and l" b&th. Fonnlql dralbboanla, pJ"b&ge ttl•PGMI. dlllll-r. DMllMd ltll;(l"Od Uvlnl' n7.f00 Por tl>e BEllT In Hltbor ... ..,...u ... -- O.ll .. A.UOc. BUILD!i:R -Ra.\LTOR 3Jl2 Newpqrt Blvd., Har_, NEWPORT BEIGllTS -By .,,.,,_ for a Choice Selection in Costa Mesa $800 DOWN Home for · dloc:rimlnaUn& ~... 1 l3. If· Beach House 1 yr. old, a bdinla, 1~ bj\thll. A cute 1*'1• .,,_ t:o Udo llhop-." bwd. lloora. ~-,...,. lilt-p ln1 lih4 handy to be<lebea: na«, alra II". dlll. -· Wajled PUmlobed ... d pa.luted ID pod \VANTED TO LE.ABE OR BUT: Appto1. one aae with am&Jl house, Mar btgb acbool ip Cos- 13 Mcoa. 108 ·18th St. Nowport Beach. Ph. W Alker, Harbo.r 311$.R evenings. 30tfc 50t Cout B1'd, Coroaa de! Xu !Opp. Newport Hullo< Bank) !'bone Harbor 11211 , Harbor Investment ... M-.;o 2 11t1rm -. .. -· COMPANY llJUl ,,,.....,., lleamed edltllp. biC ~ -'bU!lt-IDI, ta--and N_.t •"'1. chicllnr Dar. °"" ......... t-. Lota ll&"* 1900 ,,..._, A. Your ad appamr NS· %-ear P!-ace. Uo.800 PhnM7~ Homes , uJarly In tbae c:elbmnt BACK BAY B , .. ,..MIL ' 1 ~ ' Comer -..ia1 lot 71 " 110 w1u brtiir )'OU-.,·-BAYV01W'soim -2-. .IDcome P.roperty siao -.--... Pit,...-. .... 1ome... Harb4lr ana • ACRES ..,..117 t.illn& _ .. ,..., '-·· -Btlllln-Opportuni•'-1 -ft>IU are ID die Ila.bit at cloao lo !he 119ck i.y. 0--at\acbed pnp, 1~ --. ...., "loolllnr In u.. cluol-pleU!y rv>eed and.,,_ rm-. ~..:;--tlo. Will ao11 .,.. ,. OOOI> UllTIN08 WAJlllllD _.. -'* need I no.-. Sol,600 ®-plwl • llv-. lnMle. • zu1 eo. m,. BIZ ROBT. H. 1IOT!TET -aemoa · ·able 2 • ....._ -. tor r-. !Id.. O:~Ha~;pdl'\3= Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. -..-. --. am.i I.I 11osou - -w ,... 1 111'..uu..Y ~ R••or ,,_ •• · 1524 oout Bl..S.. 'CDK 1101 --I -1Vllr ,.....l a4 .. tide pep. ne ll&itno. Balboa r..tand Bu. JO -Peai>1e .-ua. Prw a4L ~ rr• COlll'A. MM': . •• ( •• pa.Uo, el<: (FHA~>· 1 wu. ~ge nlcely ~. ONLY t15 5()() frcllt ~ and petlo. _,._ . .,, , ~~ llit«lni....,~ = O~~~=O~.ULY u.~$7,llOO. ;Tttina -be AJi'h:g JtJ1'il i1t11 1 H to -' ' . ' fr" c.n .Mr. Km>ptcn, Harllor 1500 7 CORIOXA DCL ~ ... ~ p_ ~ Pa.Inier, IDc . =:r % -"=' = J~W '~ Y!-.~ • M~jNk't ~ ............ ~ ........... c.. ni. <701•& '9,l!liO. ft. Har11or ~ . Pnetlcitl Aa ...... I ..... -.... "°I Pl\'\lllCe. , .... "",... ' ' I • I ··-·••,.• ••r••., ..... .,. •• ,..,.,...,.,,..., ........ .,..,..,,._..,,._,..,...'f .,T"•.,.-•.,.,., ... ., ........ ,...,..,...,..,. • .,.,.,,.,. .... .....,,. ,.AG~ a -PART I -~URSJAY, JUNE 14, 1~51 -' : ;~ . "'.:p.u-F Ji,.,.FI~-~·= PRESS~-· Harbo r Community Players Score Hit With Drama 'Night Must Fall' By WlnJJ'red Barbre Harbor Community Players are being complimented on their Frl· day and Saturday prese.ntaUoa of "Night Must Fall," Emlyn WU- li&mB' suspense drama at Coast college chapel. ~rtrUde Horn played a diffi- cult part as Mrs. Bramson, the tll- tempt"red hypochondriac w h o could leave her wheel chair and be amazingly nimble when she so det11irecl. a.nd did it excellenUy. As Olivia Grayne, Margaret Rouzard had moments or pitychic insight which, never overplayed, held the audience motionless. Robert Wl'nlz gave his usual fine performance as Olivia's 5Ult- tor, H ubert Laurie and Nancy An· drews was a bouncing end rfflci- ent Nur8f" Libby. Virginia. RoyeP gavf' a tip-lop pE'rformance as lhe huusekeept.or. Mrs. Terence', romed.Y a ccC'nt to the murder drama. Her helper. pretty and not t<>O int<'lligent Dora ParkD"'. was d(·li,e-htfu\ly portray- ed by Marge Stafford. Benny Turner wa.s a handsome Inspec- tor Be h1ize t 'i''hon1 the audiencl' Suspecte<I of also b<>ing none too intelligent I v.·hen h e let slide many oppotruntie!'I which might have helped solve the murder. Orrt:"n Brooks, who alway.!! be· comes the person he Is playing, wa!'I the looseltptlt.>.d, dancing cigar- ette smoking hot<'l page boy. the side of h is schizophrf'nic pt:"rsonal- ity which ht' turns to lhf' public but ('Vt•ntua)ly rC'veal1ng the other sidr to Olivia. The whole dran1a, howrvl"r, seeml'I key<'d to the onr thing wh!ch tncon111istent -the second murder. whe n Dan smothera Mrs. Brwrnson to get the key111 to her ' money box, when he could have slkl the box into an overcoat poc- ket and have been on hiB way. Or wu this logical aa being the ill- ogical working of his diseased mind? Production Staff Credit fo r the splendid setting and presentat!on of the play goe9 to lhe production staff, which in- cludes: director, Marjorie William- son : production manager. Nath&~ lie M ichaud; stage manager, Nan- cy Andrews; stage set, Marthella Randall : stage painting, Lucille Babcock, Phyllil' Knight: st&~ crt"W, Pati Witte. Swen Brockman. Orren Brooks, Sam Staffon:!, Gro. Bacon. Laurie Barunm, Dtana M.argwarlh. LorrainP Myrrs: cler- lrican s, Robert Horn. Orrf>n Brooks; stage furniture and props. Nathalie Michaud, Lil Fis. House manager, Bobbi£' Sylvc!'l- ter ; Neva Oakden. Lydia Sher- man. Mary Price, EvP!yn Gardn1•r. Erlwin Sytve!'lter. blikr Michaud, Polly Jarvis. Hospitality crew: Agnes Blom- quist, Betty Jarvis. Caroline Web- er. Fredah Batel'!. Edythe BarnPS, Lydia Sherman, Neva Oakdt>n. Mary Price. Ev1•lyn Gardn!'r. Pub- l!clty, NathaUe-~tichaurl ; busin!'s.~ manager. Sydney Morris; pro- gram, Betty Jarvis. Next production of lhl" Play1·r~ w ill be Blithe Spirif. parts tn bi· takt>n by Fenton EarnMhaw, Pat1 Witte. Neva Oakden, ~tary Price a.nd Marthella Randall. Worth Playing at Hotel Laguna The Buddy Worth orchestra, coming to the Hotel Lai::una T rrral'.e Room on Friday, June I~, \.\-'ill entertain nightly except ~1ondays. Featuring lovely Carol Worth as vocalist, thf' Buddy \\-'orth nr· chestra lR fB111ous throui;hout the west. especially in South<'rn CaliJor· nla. Rl'I one of the n1ost l'ntertain1ng instrumental and v0<:al t:ombo8 in Alpha Beto Ope.ns New Store Here lhf' business today. Lrader Buddy Worth joins '-''lfe 1 Carol on novPlty duel!'! and the fnurSQme does cloBe harmony vo- calizing. The group presents two fa.st- Thf' 26th unit nf Alpha Beta '· Food ~f ark•·la, In<', t.'\' "P"nin~ th1~ V.'Pf'k end in Cn.~IR Mo>l'la. Thi.!\ I makf's thf' fourth 1narl<t'l op<""n£'d by thi8 chain in th(' first six m onths c1f I 0:11 . ThP OC'W. tT\od('rn "tructUrt" i• l&H.tf'fi at thr r11r1v•r nf 17th St. anrl Orfln~f' f'n thr c ity of Co~ta Mesa. Ovi•r 1:1.000 s<1uarf" ft'et ln area thr new n1arkf't "'ill cn1ploy somr 35 p"npJr. Evf'n at the very ! beginn1n,c: th" 1narket will be the ' second lar~est 1n the Alpha Beta Chllln. 1-ffldt•rn in ev"rY rl!'tail. lhP new Alpha fif•ta f'lllbOdirs 40 Vt'ars of gnrify ]!tore .. a1 IV8fil-rii1f'~t. The front of tbe bull•llng is all in • ,,,, ••• I' I __ SUN.· MON ONLY "Sealed Cargo " Dana Andren ,"Fightinc.J Coast Guard" Rrlan OonlPvy ~TARTS Tt:ESDA\' Bob Hope's ~f'"'Ht and FunnlM't "LEMON DROP KID" 11fats~:;it?,4~i'jc·1 ' . . ... . ... OPEN t'OR THE RF.A!!ON: ! 1''11'9t Run HIL' Tut· Rs .• SAT. Ann 0\'ora.k "I Was an Ame rican Spy" Hotl Cam4'ron "Cavalry Scout " IS COLOR Mesa .. \/ ar ~ -. · j~·~ ··t." Al"'D lni.umnllt-ln\'f'"llKator St ':\'.· Tt "to:~. 0 1\SS\' KA \'t~ "Up in Arms" BOB ltOPE ''They Got Me Covered" Sl .!\fl\tEKTIME SP!iC 'l t\L Tl't:l"IDAY Ol'\L\' The Whole Family ~lom, l>ad ant.I all th,. Kida 1\dmltt.:.•d fllr C>nly It 1'(1M',Y-lt t:an Uo tt \\'p. Can Do It ! ., N o'if 8.,; ...... C Um> llaL , ..... 14-111-11 "AJ'P()INTMENT WITH DANGER" Alla• Ladd. Phylf• Cal\•ert -Ph11 - "BLUE BLOOD" Cetor by Tec.tuUeolor Bill Wllllamw, l&nf' Nye Start£ Sunday .Jun<' 17-18-10 "t TP IN ARMS" Danny Ka,-e -al&o- "THE\' GOT ME C,'O\'EREO" Bob Hopt', Dorot.hy Lamour Rf"g, Sat.. Mat. tor lhf' KlddJn 0'8Ll!E BLOOD" "~PR[NGTIME FOR FLl"TO .. -and - "1,ITTl_,E MAT<.:H OIRI/' Box Offlcf' Opr1111 1 :t6 Sbo\4' Start11 J :00 p. m . 9 ClllSllUI ltUT ~()()/) ""'" QM6 Opt•n E \'t!ry Day COlrrol,LETE OlNNElS fro"' SI SO to SJ.SO TROPICAL DRINKS Q:,.. 111 Ill• IEtth1ll•e TAl-tlflAN SIYlOOM Frf'e P•rklar - VISIT THE NEW HUT on COMt Hl""a}-. l.al'Jn& CClo••d lueute¥1) ' Phon .. 4-Pooe for ~rv•UoM XO\\.' OPES I CHRISTIAN 'S HUT ANNEX Snac-k ~ C'otktall Bar on thP Pll"r l 11thmtL' CATALINA ISLASO ~-C,,,cr11s C4t. BY (f(ll HU1CH1 N S & MOM SNEOJC,AR glass windov.•s, This allow~ as I BUDDY WORTH I much natural l1ght a.::1 pos._-;lbl<' to moving 30-minute s ho"-·s 1•ach r ve-•••••••••••••-' ad~ to th,. n1udPrn. artifir ial llJ;hl \ nin~s; its dance music ha,•ing a which <·r>vt•rs th1· rnt1rt> floor I wiril! ran)'.:e of rhvthn1s frnm san1- spa<'£'. Th" Hrr·a around thr markf"t bas. run1bas and ~swing-to drt•a1n\' ha~ bf>en rur•'<'fully lair! nut to ac-ballarts. - commodat(' lhf' l'!t'Patest nun1ber Rcct"nt eng&J:t'lllf"nt8 inchHlt" ot cars for parking:_ lead·ng Los Angell:"S anll Paln1 As u5uaJ ther£' is selr-srrvict· in Springs hotels. the gr·ocery. product>. and delica-------- lessen dFpartments, [n addition, . T affi J hov.•ever, th1"' 1narkct ha:i 8 .self-I r IC am service mral d('parln1ent. All meat (Continued from Pac" 11 801~ in. the stort• IS wrapped •I 18 not detiignateri as a restriC'll"I plain view of customers and placed I wi·mmi· ~·di ,. d d I . . s ng art'a, u1.1 ey con 1nuP . lrect y 1n the .':1£•lf-sc rv1cp ..:ase" Paddl " f ~-ct •-•-h ' I' e anu sur ~..__r .s ar,. ..,.,,u,~ w 1ch 1ne onp entire wall of tht· uged in the bathing area whh·h stor:-Alpha Beta Is fan1~u ... ro1 have caused two 5C'rio·u"' accldentil owning a nd opf'ratlng lhf'lr own th· b b ' . 15 s~IUOn y per!IOlls e nJ{ ram-ranch and packu1~ hous~ so lhelr m('d, hP allPgrd, On a number of advanCf"lllC'nl Is a natural stPp for I . " t l k (l('('RSIOllS J>OWf't boat~ h11vr t'Ohll" 1..11cn1 o a e. 'th· th b k 1· J ' Ill th 1 h WI tn e rf'a er 1ne with many un 1 11 ~,v~r · ~· 10 ;:i s man M"\Vimo1ini:-in the area, hf' add"fj ~~~ thl' fNi·v.·port &11 1ulevard A letter provldtng: 1dn11lar inforn11t.- p a Beta, hor )'f':'lrs "''1 bf' the lion from J1t.01<'l'I D. Slc1<l<iar<I. 22:i ~ar;~"'r ~II \ . .'~ ~"'-'' h.stor('. Larr,· J11sn1int' /\ vt· .. Corona !.lf•I r.1ar. w11.1• uc t"'~ \\II ""' 1n c arl!:t' or tht· also rr>celvrd .. n1ea t•partn11111t. All"~ .. " Paid J•ur ----A public h£'tt.ring on thr cnn· $100 00 0 DAMA GES fl,malwn or th" "'"'""ment fM t the improvelTif'nt or e.llf'yl'I bfotwern ASKED FOR CYC LIST I' Ith St. and 19th St. was conl1n- ue<l fron1 the prC'vlous meeting. All An I I-year-old Co3ta Mesa objection~ wrrl' over-rule'! and d1•. cyclist who WllS in C'Ollision with nied and the ('ontractor , the J oh:J an a11lon1oli1le a year a~o s11t-J . Swigart Co,, Oransr. orderrd feN'd pernlanent injury to his lel't paid. hanrt anrt ar1n. res11Jt1ng in par-Edward T. llt>aley. president of al)'s1s or the mt'nlber. It was a.I-the Central Ne~-port Bf'ach In1- leged 1n s11per1or court as dam~ provt>ment Assn., said the objt-c- age8 to taling $11)4,533.fl "''ere tH)n I){ his group wa.s withdrawn den1anded. at\er lhf' contrat·tor had r~ll(1t'd Joseph Robinson. S r .. rited suit U1e C'onrlitlon in the allf'~. ln bf-halt of hts .son. Joseph. Jr.. City EnKinerr J . B, WPbb said llE'("k111g dt1n1ac:rs fro1n n1otori&t ~an1pl,,.~ ar thr n1aterlal used tn Th('()dore RiC'hard Le.hn1an. the allry • tmprovemf'nt job WC'N' The complai.nt alleged ·that sent ta a testln~ laboratory and young Robinson v.·as riding his rounr! well within the 1tn1ltl'I or th~ blke northeast on NPwport Blvd. fJWClfications for lhe work. 1000 feet south or Bay Ave. June The Council paMed to a seccmd 12. 1950. and that the boy and N>adlng the live bait receiver bike were 11truck by Lehman's 'tegulaling ordinancr, DL8cu.18tn1 auto as it \\'&s beaded northeast the proposed law City Attorney on Nev.')Xlrt. Harry Blodgett said: "I have diJI:· The court was asked to award cussed it with people fnt~resled in $100.000 general damages. $2« all phases of the ordinance and a). for medlical expe1111".s· $3000 for though the $10 fH may come u a tuturr medical CO.'lta, 112.08 for shock to some of ~m. aJJ ha~ atf'ibulance charges. $1Z8.03 for been in ag:reem"nt wttb the new hoapl.tal ex~aea, $60 medical ordinance." eupplie1 and $1100 for future bo6------- pltallaa.Uon and medication. MESA WSOS M£PiilNG Genera.I meeting or the C.oeta Meea Com.munlty M e thodlat chun:h WSCS w!ll take place Tbund&y, June 21-A noon lunch· eon la planned with a prognim I ... p.-nted ..tw ...... cLt. RETURNS FROll 'DSllA8 Mn. NeUie Vick. IJJ Marine Ave.. Balboa 1laland. aooom,pan.Jed by her ma and b.Ls wife.. Kr. and Mn. Ullwooc:t Vick, retu.med lhJs week from EtPuo, Teus. wltere they vielled Mre. Roy WUIJ&mo, an old IChool triend ot Kn. NtlUe Vick. --·--- . • , . ---~----------~---- Oil Pe rmits J ( ContlnuMI from Paie I) "d that 1t was q111•stlonabl" if thr city rt1unc:tl could trll the county and thOJ board of 8Up<-rv1sor11 ~·ha' to d11 . ThP m 11yor rnn t ln ut•d "I've ~en her1• 30 yeerH a.nd I fought hnv1n, nil Wf'lh1 within lhf' city lin1it~ :,!nrf' l 'Vl" ~en hrrr. Our city rot ll rl pR~s 11n ordlnenc ... but If the ~v,.rnn1en t nuf'ds oil th,.y'r1• guJnp ln J::f'l it." Mrs. St«-wart 11aifl that a. rt'- fltlf'st fnr a dPla..v shoulrl hr lnlt1Rt- ,.<t by lhr clt.v Shf' r-tl""d 1nany 1n- s ta11Cf'l'I in \~'htrh county off1c1als v.·n11ld !lo t,V "if the NfWp<lrl B"RC'h r·1ty ruun1•1] •l111·i;n't ohj<'<·t, why shn1di1 w .... ?" to·Tr~ Sl1•v.onrt adllt>•1 "'11inc1• 1·v1' bf•('n h••r ... I rnr a bout a Y•'ar 1 th('r•· 11>1 on(' o)it 11tor-y that ('OIHI"~ up ovrr ..i.nd 11vi>r and O\'l'r. lt'i;; the 1tlnry nr just ho\v rroolt,.d lh1• c1ly coun- r'il Is Th,.y'rr all al(lr\l:"S. but I begin to wonder artt>r hrarln2 thl"n1 rf'pt•atf't.I. \\'ht•rt• lhttr1•s 'ltnoke. thcrf' n1ay bt• f1rr ." Cou."'llrr1 n~ this <·hari;:-r. a.tayor l~hl'll !ftatt·d "\Ve I tht' rlty coun- "1 11 reprt>~rnt about 20.000 pt-oplt-, not Jmt tv.·o or thret" hundrt'd. Jlmt bf>cauae \'o'r do things that somr people don't Ilk,. we're not ••rooks 11J1tl lhleyes." Cour.cilman Braden Fi.nch added that hr hadn't bt"cn convinced that any concrrte rt"•ults would bf'!' ob- tallle<I by a.11klng delay. The re- qu('$olt tha~ the city council Mk ror a delay in gTantlng oil well pe_r- uuti wu tabled. Sig ned for First T elevisi.on Ro le Kenneth Britton. one of tbe pro- du<'t!n ot the newly formed La ~na SC"ach Summer Theattt Company, and a well known cb&r· acter of acreen and .tace, bu been ilgnPd tor bll ftt.t televtaioo role. He wlll p~ Ille part bf Mr. '3qUttro. an Jwucrlbla emplo,.,r, In "My 1:1•~ Orwi1." a ...,....... play by Sld•ey n.14, Dom a otoey by N.i.on ~ It WUI be tllmod eu\f In ~""" "1 -Produc-tion.I IDc., Hollywood, for obowlnlf OYtt tM National B"*dcuun~ com-'a-WnilMm aetwwk. "I Wh rd n•"'•' 9otten thet• ~•+•• fgr yow birthd•yr' ~~WMD'te \ • O'""·~G 'IOOM'> "110 N SY C.Ao\"\O~l ST St.Ni A AN/\ 7800 W NEW POR r NFWPORT 6EACH 401 MA1N 8Al 0 0t. CAlERING SERV ICE THE PERFECT GIFTS ! DESKS and POCKET PENS • Parker • Shaeffer COSTA MESA STATIONERS Sr. 6!1S-R. 1188 ~rwport BJ\-d. DFllES TO IAM I '"The Duke.s of Dtxie," jap. I band of Orange Coul Coll@gt-, hu aigned a contract to &pl>f'V Ill the I Be\-e11ly Cavern. Lo• Angele• Dixieland "JlOI. on U.. n!Pla ol Jun~ 12 and 19 -and polalbly •ong.or, ~rt• -Rojao, col· tege tnatnJclor and advlaiu to tltfl :>and. Th!.e &tvttatlon eeme u a re- !Ult of Ille J:>uJt..-winning U.O 1outll<m d..uromla Jua Jubilee 1t ~la~..:.:-::..~-,:: :!U<ief Joo lkCalf..,:, d"""": ~..':,~) Wlerba<>J, llUjo; Ken Woll& -:1 Steve Hope, lr<rm-~ Bob ~ <lartn.t. and Don 1 ..... tn=' L BROADWAY -Now A.ny S...t Ally Time \\'l:ONESOAY, .JUNE 13th "Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison" Steve Coch.nut -D•\id Brian "Katy Did It" Ann ~~y~the Mark Ste:,·ena NOW SHQWING "Flyincj Missile " Glean Ford -Vl\·eea Lindfors ' MONDAY, .J UNE 18th 'Best of the .Bad Men' Robert Ryan • Claire Trevor :'My True Story" Hf'!frn \l\'alker • \\'lllard Parker ~"' ~ BoAh Kl. %-~\40 Continuous Dal.ly From 1 :16 36c .C.111 6--40c Ev4'nln1r11 SEW FIRST Rt'N POI.If'\' THITRSDAY, Jt'NE 14th "Lemon Drop Kid" Bob llope -Marll1·n !\tax"'4'11 "Stage to Tucson" "Heart of Rockies" Rod C.am .. rqn -Waynf" Morris Roy Rop~ I;. Trlggt"r Always Tw o First Run Hits! -ContinuOU$ Da ily MATINE E to 5 p. m "I.I, ('l{l l~DREX SEATS 35 · 9 f tu In c. ¢ Doon Open I ShO\\' Starts 1:1 ~ I 8 :15 FRIDAY . .Jl'SE 1~th "Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm " !\tarjorlt• ~111.ln -Pt'n-y Kllbrtde "Half Angel " Fr om I : I 5 p. m. - EVENIN GS . Al.,l. ~EATS Children Free t;nder 12 Cffll.ORF.X 14" PhonP Kl. S-5360 Tl'E8DAY, d'l'SE 10th "Santa Fe" Randolph Scott "Bullfighter and the Lady" IArf'fla \'oun,1; · J~f>ph ('olton Rolwrt Stack • Gllbf-rt Roland CHILDREN t 'SIJER tz VRS. FREE With ParPnt.A at al.I Catmrt Theatres MOOSE LODGE DINNER SAT~~~~\&i~GHT ' ' . ~Ufl 81>9rerfb9 at 71k: per plate to &Q M008e M~mberw and tiuf".St& Sf'r\·!'11 from l to 9 p. m. ZIOO Orr..ao t'root, ~,."'port. FRt:t; DASC":'INO t-0 Four-Pl,.,._.... On.•h6lra , OPEN EVERY DAY! ( • • Kitldles Day Every \Vedn~sda~­• 12 !\'oon to 6 p. m. • FREE BAJ.LOONS • Concessions 5t • Rides 6( BATH HOt;SE FACILITIES FOR MES AND WOMEN , "More than one woma.n h as started out playing ..Plh fire and ended up cooklng over lt."-Bur~ ton Hillis. ---------·---- ~IATTRF.SSES Boa.ta--Homn--TnMlt!nt frttl'Ul•r 'shapea BEAC'-O N 5-061 CO'lta M('M Mattr("a Co. %160 Nt>wpqrt Bl"d. THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN $995. $29.00 per moat~ YOU can ~l&y rlaorpn musk: al Ollce, wlthoU leant· big a aln,(le note, hear and pl&y Ille Bammonr Olord .on.en. D-Schm~· · Piano . ... --0--ltll ~ ... -~ , ... "Beauty le often only skin dope."-Lontion Opinion. "Perhaps the beat way to make the Ruasl&rul keep lhc>ir word ls to tl!fUBf' to take lt."-G. 1'1 . C lover. • , ' ' ' -. -I ' 11 CHARLEY~· ·SEAt=ooD Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lunch or Di~ ,By The Bay Lunc heons 1.00 • Seafood Cocktails Dinners .. 1.25 'up • Sea food Sa la ds FOOD TO TAKE OUT ' 1135 Coast Hlway -Next to Port Ora nge Newport -Be:aoon 68S4. HOTEL LAGUNA Announ ces The SUMMER DANCE SE A SON STARTING t 'RIDAV JllNE 16th -IN THE -DAX('ISf~ d.,.,.,.,._ n,.,.~ SIGHTLY ./fvv~ #~~.... YRtJ1'1 9 ; Ex('rpt BUDDY WORT H and HIS O RCHESTRA ttw.turtnc CAROi .. lo\·ely femne vocall8t ' Never a Cover or Minimum Charge • , I DINE TONIGHT AT Tiit: CAPE coq HOUSE • Fl!:ATURlNG THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 &.· m . Through 2 a.. m. • Newport Bl•d. on Coast Hlgbway NEWPORT WE ABE CWSED rlN THURSDAYS GENE'S RESTAURANT and BAKERY fftnch and Italian Cuisine Phone. llarbor 1102 • 703 Coast 81\·d. Corona d~I Mar HOPI INDIAN VILLAGES Hopi Indian villages, which may be reach from Holbrook or Wl1U1~ low In Arizona, are reported by the National Automobile c lub to be the scene each year in la.st July and early August ot a world- famou1; 11nake dance . ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNEUS Also I Skaks -Prhnc Ribs Trout fishing hu been conttnu· lng fair to gQ9d during the pa.st week at COnn Lake in Napa 1Coun- ty, reports toe National Automo· lMle Club. Some llmlU' have been taken from both boat and 8hore. \ · Cocktails ~ I Oinift9 Rc»m ~pen 11 :30 AM. I~ 8 P.M. daily ao...f Sund I and holid"Y' .....,., Klm!M 2-2196 I, Lott 9' RUE AAKING. I "I 1611 Coast Bh·d. Harbor 1180 Corona del Alar " • 1 1 . ·--- ' • • , ' Leglori toe~ ShMrocltt Win. N tUis nf ••• · citIJurr4tsJ,AGE • r Vs. santa Ana first ooftball ~eran Church 1st Baptist Church of Costa Mesa _M_e_rc_h_ants-. -.--Drop--Open--,er,-,-,-~-5-'iu~~~;:'i',: M~fcft; 11··8 ServiCes;and Eve Ille Onnco Cowl~ ~ collu Crull p• • oU .,ltb.nen ltl"ffd" ''ftelilfcin 1UUl, a Hout,". At Jl'lnt Peptlat Church of 0..- Bud Lone'• Costa -ll•rdlant llalebalJ clob pnpared f<r Ito Utte ll&tlltda)' &nil 8ll1ldllJ wttll a DOtlco tol tlarnll Kini'• _.,_ bl Illa -or "-'alta -· .. 8'1DdaJ, at Ille U -~~e ol the lOCll -alttt ~-... •• 1•-<kbut to tho •-·~ -..'I'll h--with Bula -•-••-• ....... -•·•'to _,,,.., at tho ll o'clock -o'docL WOl'lblp •nice. Rn. P . •--·rr-. ~ .-..... Ana. • 1-i .Tunlorw CO to Ban• •---...,... •SO•• thla &..-,. at Ne•p>tt r Q. Newn&n wlD haft u _ bla topic L. A. Gold J:arlea, M , at Uona J'leld Sunday , altA!moo1" N .. t ta Aaa Beturd&y and play llolt bl euy tn w. y-a ootl.bel1 Lutll'ran Cllurell. Tiie la "A P'atheri Low." Tim<! wUI bo Bunday'a ram• la carded !or 2:80 p. m. -Immediately follow1nr the Sunday al noon at the Colla II.-leoC'M u they ataged a late ~ taken from the Goopd -IUGn ot l"au..t'a Day. Spec- Jllnlor Amerlean Le(lon match• .... ------------Park. to_,. 0 ~cbampo ·-to Lull:• 1 :81-U. Mra Gene lal mllalc will bo rendered. At the bon-,n Ntwport Harbor Poot 2111 the at.th to ro four innJJlp. He The atartlnr llneup for the Ban· finally won. U-& Tiie toam co-.._,.. ~t, wUI alllg, ~· 7:80 aerrice, the aubject of Rev. and Santa Ana. The Legion came allowed three blta and one run. ta Ana pme wtU be tun. Rre~ 111' lbe local roofer &nd Ye Blelited" by John Ddle Neumann'• add.reu WUl be. The will •ta.rt at 12 noon.. Valencja'a ?>attn Houae played tor the flnt lime thla tea.on. ~ 9lartl'd ah&key but &coc.L *' Hl(h Road of Ute. At tblll mer· M•nager Long'' club fielded a eec::ond hue UJ.d connected tor two Lewta Abbott Ls al&t.ed to be ln c&ine to lfe ..tn. t.be. flnal lnn\np Church ecbool meets at I : D L .vice griduate.a ot UM! h.lch .chool little on tbe ragged odde In the hlto. 0range·, Glenn LuckenbUI Ille lln<!uJI atlor mtulllr lhe nrat to outp !be 81'amrocka. m. with claaa .. for Iii area. Tiie wUI bo bonOftd and a N-Teaa- early lnn.tnp .to let the L.. A. team aJao looked ~ at the plate four ptnea with a Moulder ln· •'P&nk" Plnkley"a crew took ad·-AduJt Bible Study cl&a l'hl ment wUI be pruenled to ea.ch. ptle up a H lead. -Tiie neldtng wtlh a ringing triple to hla credlL Jttry. Abbott. ahould IHld to the .....,..,. !" the ,_.,,, ... of lb• by !be put«, will ttudy the 17th Tbe Male Chorua wUJ p.....,.t a tlgblened and lhe boys .tarted Garden Grow'• Ray Raml~ play-hlWftr. ~ne Creln wltl lie '1/uk Crank·BIOeeU ~ by acortnr four and ll!th chaplera of the ~ numller. conn!Ctlng to wind up a cloee 8-.G ed nrat ,bue and collected two ln ~e outf1eld aft.er mtulnr tut in Ule nrst tnnJng on two hJU.. two according to St. Matthew th.La :t'huraday ~veninl' at '1:30, the taller. hit•. S&lurday'a 4-3 lou to Anaheim walke and three error• The7 Sunday. Pralae, Prayer and Blble Study 811.ak7 8o:pport. Bob Bu.rdkk btnglt'd w h 1 I e became ot work oblJga.Uona. ecored t..Jo more in the ~nd on . lhUt.ute a.tnn&e I bou.r ""will be held. &overal Orange County blgb catching and Dtck L&ne went blt· The rest of \he llneup ·wtu be tour walk.a and one hit. A.It« Mr. Ernest W. Schult&. Sujada.y Saturday will be the Sunday school at.Ara !ooked •lrong In their leas at abort.top. Jule Ma.nhall as follow•: Jack Wbelctlel, catch-eeort.n.a' lhrff ln UU! fourth and .chool auperintendent ot the ~ .chool plcnie at Irvtne pa.rk. All flnt game wtth the merchants. wu at thlrd base and Kenny Uyc-er; Pete .Mor·rl.a, plt.cbet; John two ln the fltth the Shamrock& chQ,rd'I, waa elected chalrmab ot members and trtenda are welcome Orange'• Ru.sly Heman. opened on augl tn centerfleld. Manager Long Cpe. rlrat bue; Eloy MarUnn. were aUeeced tor the night. the'Boa.rd or Pariah llducattop for to attend. Bring luai"cbee and tt the mound and gave up live hit.a substituted fT~y in trying to tlnd second bue; Dick l.A.lsk, third The Crank -Bluell combine Orange County al the IAl~ran any do not have transportation, and live runs ~hind shaky .up-the right combtnaUon a.nd hopea bale; Bob Wetael, ahortatop and IOOttd one In the rtrat. two In the Church SCl\ool Te&chen' ~ute. meet at the church at 9 o"clock. port. Valencia'• all Orange Loop to came up with an alrtJ.ght team Jamea Vineyard ln the outfield eecond and one each In the seventh The Junior Mlaalon Barid! tor >.. a reminder to pa.renta In the pitcher Rudy Caudlaa came In In thia Sunday. with Ctt.J.n &nd Abbott. ' and el&"bt beton opening up with children from a~ 4.-12 "eeta community, clauea tor the Daily Anaheim came from behll'ld to a three run barrare ln the top of Thunday evenJng at the home Vacatk>n Bible echool wUl com- ' • Boys Club -Award to Woodhouse Bob Woodhowie will bf' awarded a .cholarahip to .Orange Cout College for lits treshma.n yu.r at the Boys' Club Fun Nlte &nd Birthday Party at the Boye' Club Friday Night. June 22, It wa.a announced this wtt:k by Bill Wt!Uel. Booster Club president. The 3CholaM1hJp wtU be present--------------- deteat the Joca.la Jut Saturday, the ninth. or Mra. C. Trusty, 330 Del Mar mence at nine o'clock begtnnlng '4·3 and opened with a ba.g to win , Nine lnntng gamea wUl be play-St., Coeta Mesa. June 18th. and continuJng until ; 7-2 Sunday. • • ed each Monday, Wl'dnMday and SaturdaJ Pie.Ide June 29th. Theee eeut.oru tut un-1 Thuraday eventnga atarUng at 8 The Cherub Cbolr will be enter-UI 12 noon. Good progn.ma are Local Bowlen Win p. m. Tontght'a game brtnp to• lalned at a picnic to be be1d at provided fP1" the children- gethe.r 1"e 8o)'9' Club and Hot· tbs Coela Meaa Park Sallfd•Y At the morning eervtce Jut atetn CoNltructton. Next Monday mornJng: at 10 a. m. The ~up Lord"a day, toUrtttn were given nJght. Shamrocks play Richan:l'1 wlll meet at the church. tbe band ot te.Uowlhlp ln the Market and Wednelday night the The annual "Father and Son church. • •. Fine Woolens Pl.us Gopd Tailoring Makes M.uru Clothe& Out.standing • • Mk your Neighbor MUFTI, LTD! CUSTO"' TAILPb Newport Bl\•cl. J nMe ID S.%980 S Blocka North of Santa Aaa Celmtr,. Clldli ed to Woodhowte on behalf of Booetera' Club hy Wetsel. The sc.bolanship waa swarded by tbe Booll:ten: Club to Woodhouae lar~ Jy on the record or hts put par- ticipation In Boys' Club actlvtttea. WoodhoU9e bu been a member of the Boys' Club since lt opened lt.a doors In June 1917. He hu been active ln arlJii and craft.a In ad- dition to sports. He aervf'd on the Junior Councl( l.n 1918 u an of· fleer and has coached teams and aided In oth!!r club Jeaderahip. educational tund. The acholarahlp wilt be pa.kl for out or thi9 tund u wtU awards tor special artlJltic and muaical eki.lla. On Wedne9d-.y lut on the grM;n.a ot the Loa Anrilu Ex· position Lawn Bowllng C 1 u b. Mn.. Lot\e Croaltr, • member of the Newport Lawn &owlinl' Club competing wttb lt other South- em Calltomla cJutNr •mef'l"9d tuc- cuatully In wtnnlllr au of Ibo three twelve end pmea wtth a ptua ot 28 point.a. Sa.isms a.nd Boys' Club tancle. Banquet." will be h@ld on Mo?day. On Monday nlpt a large at- June l8lh al 1 :30 p. m . I tendance of the Joint Senior and 11!."""""'""'""'""'""'"'""'"_,"'""-'-====i=----======-.~ Putor Roth and hla tamlly pla.n Junior group. ot the Woman'e to leave on a three weeka yaca-Ji(laalonary Union met at the Uon thl.a Sunday anernoon. church. A n.ne program wu &"iv- A3 a student at Newport Har· bor Hlgh 11Chool. WoodhOUff ex- celled In football and track aif'd played aome basketball and ba.M-- ba.Jl. He .et a new mile record UWi opring. Ticket Se.Jee The P'un Ntte la designed to ra.lae money tor the Booeter1 club Tlcketa are being 110ld by mem· bera ot lhe eoo.ters club tor prizes which will be offered at the Fun N ile. It la planned to have mem- Trout·fl.ahlng hu been escellent durfnl' the pa.at Wffk in E\ Dorado Can)'On In Plac.er County, accord- ing to the National Automobile Club. bers or the Booaten Club contac t home• tn lhla area next week to 8lVIMML~O SVHEDULE FOK l!IEWPORT HARBOR A.R.r.:A sell Ucketa. .lulJ' tt.b -Aac-t U. lNl In addition to ticket.a -whic h C..0.ta Ml"M aad Ne•port Btacb-lOth and Bay Sta .. Newport Beac h are not necesaary for participation Time c•--- in the Fun Nlte -the &oo.tera .... Ace Group Club wtll have booth.a and demon-9:00-9 :3~ a. m .......... Non·SwimmeT _ ............ 11 yea.re and up atratlona on the outdoor baaket-, 9:30-10:00 a. m. .Swimmer ····-......... Adu\ta Included ball court durtns the Fun Nlte. 10:00-10:30 a. m .•...... Intennedl&te ............. Np age Umlt Retruhmenta: will be ctven to 10:30-11 :00 a.. m. ···-·······Non·swtmme.r ....... 8-9 and 10 yeara &ll members of the Bo)'9' Club In 11 :00-11 :30 a.. m. . ·~·-· .Non ·.wimmer .............. 6 a.nd '1 yea.r• celebr&tlon of the rourtb btrthday 11 :30-12:00 L m. ... w ••••••• Non·rwtmme.r ................ 8 and '1 yeara ot the club and the p&renta, broth· era and aiatera aa well aa potential 1nembera a.re invtted to t&ke pa.rt tn the open bou.e event. BaJbcM bland-Ruby and North Bay Front 'nme ClaM Al'e Group 9 :00-9 :30 a. m ......... Non-Swimmer ...... 11 years and up 9:30-10:00 L m .. _ • ...,. ..... Bwlmmer .. .. ... ... Adults Included 0$triches to Race at Fair 10:00-10:30 a. m. ··-·· .... Intermediate .. .. . No ap llmlt 10:30-11 :00 a. m. ··-······ N'on-awtmmer ... 8-9 a.nd 10 yeara 11 :00--11 :30 a . m. ........... Non -•wtmmer ............. 8 and 7 year• Oatrich races with plenty or thrilla and diay apeed wW be lbt- unuaual spectac~ prQdlled dally to vU!lton attending the 1951 Orange County Fair acb.eduled tor August 15-J.9. at the fair p-ounda located on former Santa Ana Army Air Base. The colOASaJ. two-toed, raclftg .... ------------- blrcb named Jug He.act Swivel Hips. '1at Top and Bottle Neck, will .-be-~t -...... ln tratnln.g rOr the fair'• datly Detrich Derb;ys. Jalopies Roar in Fir5t Night Summer Show 11:30--12:00 noon .....•.... Non -swimmer ........ e and 7 yea.re Col'OM de.I Mar -China Co\•e Time · CJaa Ace Group l2 :30-I :00 p. m. ···-···· Non·Swtmmer .... . ....... adult A 12 yn. A up 1 :00-1 :30 p. m. ·--······Swimmer ...... ··-· ........ -.... a.ny aae • l :30-2 :-00 p. m_ ···-·-·-.Jntenned.lale .............. any a1re 2:00-2 :3& p. m.. _ ......•... Non -swimmer .. : ............ to and tl ye.are 1:80--8:00 p. & ... y""'.ffoft.nrtJl\mer .... : ..... __ ., __ & and 8 yeara 3 :00-3:80 p. m . --··-·····-Non -.wlmmer .............. JI and 7 yean Registratlona U. belnc taken at 207 Ial&nd Ave., Balboa Harbor 1860. Swimming applleaUOn• received up to June 8th totalled 188. They Included Co.ta Mesa, 100: Newport Beach. t7; Corona del Mar, 26; Balboa lala.nd. 11 ; Santa An&. 2; Balboa. 1. Thia Included 121 begin.ne.ra~ f7 lntcrmed.latu, five adult.a and 11la llfe aa vera. Superintendent to Be Honored at S.S. School Dinner en, and the guest apea.ker, Mrt. Peggy Mani.Ion, formerly ot De- l rol t.. gave an lupl ring talk. Morning Topic at Baptist Church Mr-a . Raym~0nd K . Harwy, who ha.a rcUred a.a superintendent or Coronadel Mar Community church "Not Our Real. .. ta the aennon Sunday achool, a position which I topic choeen by Putor Don Lam· Me ~ held almoat etnce fwnd-beraon for the 11 a. m. worahip Ing of the church, wtll be hJ.nor· i aervtce of the P'tnt Bapu.t church. ed at .., Sunday echool dinner to 19th and Court atreet, Newport be held Tuead.ay, June 19 at 08 :30 Beach. The put.or wtll again be p.m, 1n Pllgrtfn hall. preaching at th~ 7:30 p. m. aervtce Alt pa.rent.a and chlldr~n In the uing the aennon wbject '"The ecbool a.re tnvtted to attend thla Circle or a Chrl.atlan'• Fellowahlp." testimonial dinne r. Ham, rolla and Bible echQol cluaea for all age• coffee wt.U bf' furnished. Each begin at 9 :45 a. m . Sunday. Mid- tamlly should bring their owa ta· week prayer and Bible atudy "'111 ble eervtce, vegetable, aalad, de•· comn1ence at 7 :30 p . m. Wednea· aerta.ndm Ilk for the children," For day. aert &nd ml1k for the children, For The annual Work Shop and Harbor 1101-M. Houae: Party of the Southern Cali- Delegates to Methodist Confab Mla Elait-Newland, lay dele-••\e and Rev. Tom PendeU, pu-t.cs.-VJ.Ll~ve a week from Mon· dax far Annual Conta"lnce, wh.lcb wW again be heltJ In Kedlanda thl.8 year. Mrs. PPn(1t'll and Ml'll. Mina Ivea ahlo expect lo be In f\111 tlrue attendahce. OLJ"lt>r members of the consregatton "·tU come up on apeclal days. Billhop (.erakl i'~r.nedy of ~orf ­ land, Oriea-on. \Vilt ~ the cori!tr- £'hcc speaker lhJ11 ~·ear. fornia Baptiat Women's Society le being held at Redlands University thla Wffk, June 12th through the l~th, wtth Mr& Don t..mberaon' and Mrs. W . 8 . HunB&ker in at- tendance f'rom the local church. God Presecver of Man, Sc!ence Topic God's power and willingnea to deliver and auat.atn man will be conatdered In the Sunday Leuon- Sermon on the eubJect "God ttle Preserver ot Man" In.all Chrlallan S~:lence churcbe•. . • I I MAKE THIS A srdRTIN' GOOD Em bi's -------DAV RODS-REELS-Ll~ES-LURES GADGETS I AT BOB'S SPORTl'G "GOODS 17tb. -N: ... -port .. ulevarcl 908U ~-· ·.~lf-_1 ... ~ ~... -~·99~_1Q.!l·B WARNING! LOYAL o JRDER Able to outspeed the neeteat horse. the racing oetricbe• wtll spin around lhf" track tor their ap- pearance ln the Orange County Fair Handicap, one oC the m.aln evmta or the ff"H, even.tng arena Mow on ope.nJng day. Other racea will be held ln connecUon with •cb afternoon a.nd evening horse Bhqw tor the rt"malnlng tour days or the fair. To eliminate the poalbillty or tbe oetrlchea trying to hide from a:pectatora during the race8, Bob Fullen"'1der. Orange County Fair manager. ta tilling aJl holea big enough for an oatrtcg bead. Roaring jaloplee of the CJ A sanctioned speedways switch from daylight racing to the arc-light.a tomorrow fFrld&yl nll"l\.,t when the entire plll or redhqt CJ A Chaurtewa gather at ~albert Stadium tn Huntington tor their tlrat summer 78-lap nlgbt llbow. Play Safely This Vacationf Thie declaration ot Paul from U Ttmolhy (4 :1Al constitute• the Golden Text: ''The Lord ahall de- liver me from every evil wo rk, and will preserve me unto hla' heavenly kingdom." , Does not, nor ha?.~,·e~ so~t~~ of money from Salmon ang1en have been bring· Uig in good_ catches during tbe put tew day. on party boata working out of the San l"rancUk:o a.rea. according to ~ Na.tlonal Automobile Club. NEW. II ALL· YEAR" RADIO lndoara lt'a • TAILI UDIOI y, ·Les Nol I Pacll lc ,. »W\(&•··--.-ml._,..--.. Jfe•e "• anll ' , Quallfytng trta.la open at 7 p. m., and the tropby duh aeta off rac- ing ftreworka over the flttb-m.tle clay oval at A: 16. Danny Let.Mr, who lboWed hi.I raclJl&' du.t to one or the f\naJt fields or t.\e ee.aam -and t.be blggeat crowd -will be b&c)( SPeklnc a repeat ot t»I aO.tap.. ma.in event. Lettner took com- mand on th.e 18tb lap, and wtth· at.ood repeated challengea. to noee out Jack Tate and Blackie Barnes for the checkered flag. Letner'a rictory marked the flnt doUble main e.vent wta at Talbert · Stadium this eea.aon, all other featured maln. having been divided between l'UCb ravoritea .. Rex Scb~ndley, Leo Breit.baupt. Grant Lambert., A.I Moran, Charlie. Stoner and othera. Tomorrow nlght'a show will mark the debut or a complete summer ~y night'• .e&80n of speed raclnl' at Talbert Stadium. which • expected to be dominated with JaJoplea. ··J!:very Friday ntrht'• Jalopy Night al Tolbert Stadium," wtU lie the lllogan. Tbe uauaJ 30-lap main event wtD headline the lbowa. Among the prtnclpal lhttat. to Letner'a aupremacy at the track. other than U\oee noted already, wtu be well over &O driven Of the cantomla Jalopy Amodatlon, Who ha" choaen !be Tlibert.Oftl u their awn.mer ra.c1nc home. &nd have ...ured own.e.r-ma.n.aaer Tom Tlibort ot. .an appdrance -" week end. SACC Golf Mt-9.-12 a...ta Au Oounlf7 clllb'a ra- v1ta11oM• Golf,~ bdq- ..... ...... -ot .-lllora Olli· fonlla'a fonmoot -.. "' be Mid .. -••• •-11 ~ ..,... ..... raceUy wt- ed to~ .. 111 ·--I.bl "'" Dual ~ ~ tloe ttArt of wad. OD tlle chab' .. MW llO.• 4!00 lntplloa ... j91:t --wtll c...r .. put at \lie -flll" ....... .. , .... ,.u. --..,.tM -· ----u. w-·a -tlollal ta a a a• "1111 U -:ta. I.-• Ula IWXl ._ b Cllioliua -""'"" to .......... •' .............. . -.... ,,,.. -.- ln "'Science and Health with Key J to the Scriptures... Mary Baker Eddy point.a out, "'The. divine Mind that made m&n m&Jnt.a.lna Hie own lmas-e &nd 11.keneee." Agaln ahe. u.ya ''Man ta not made to UIJ t.he sou. HI.a birthright la dominion, not lft.lbjection. He la lord of the belief In earth and heaven -h'm-1 aelf subordinate alone to b l.a I merchants or business men of Newport Harbor an!B. lo the event you are approached by anyone ooncel'lllng gifts of money for any reason, demand Identification and get clearance from Better Buslne11& Bureau. Alao that the Loyal Order of MOO!le support our own <Jhlld <Jlty, M...-beart, and M0081!baven. home for the aged. · Malc•r .. (pke. Ul. 617). !".::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::• Father's Day Theme at Christ Church . "Here'a Where Father Cornea In," a aermon tailored tor dads, featutta the F•then' Day eer- vtce Sunday morning at Chri•t Church by the Sea. Hymne and acrlpture readlnp will ce nt er around the thema ot fathers. n., anthem will be "Almipty God of Our F&thers'" (Jamee). Sermon Text at St. Andrews Dr. William 8. Middlemaas, apea.Jc.inc at I :30 a . m. Sunday at SL Andrew"• Preabyterian chmdl, Newport Hel(hta, will have u hla aubject., ''Momenta In the UYe.a of ·Men." Hi.a. tea:t ta from John, 11 :27: "Now la my llOUI troubled and what ahall I •Y !" Cameron ;rhom j Is Oregon .-Gra~ A etURnt ln the llnl"1'1dty Who attended Newt><" high acbool WU ec1....,., cl<!C-ai. the 'Untftnltr a eandkla at 4Uae Bachelor o't ot °'-'• 7tlll annual -.i- ltMflotetnent JUM 10. He lo ~ 0. ,_,. !"'ft ., Mr. -"""'-Olme""'tl.. Tbom ""'!' oL w~ Oref »W-tMOllC8 (. ·-no-.......-.,. .. ,_ " -.,,,., --.... ~ M, et C1it11. Illa IW, ........ Q --· ,,..~ .. ~...... ~ , ...... -...cu ..._ •• a, __ .. ,., .. ~ "!:!:!. .... ..:..' .. ~ 91:"1 .... ~ ... .a.:::~I .-~.::r~.:..:.. ~ .. .=:; -;t • ' /or .. FA 11HER'S DAY ..: ~ I • • ' "' thi~ SUNDAY ChooJ , /~om these names in ~ne men's wear • I A'l't1ow -S ~i rta Mc !re or Spbrtawear ;Te ron and. W:ila n Brothers Pai,m•• Int I-woven Hosiery · , ~iqfiee'i' Ba1ts ' · ~~hit Jei--elry . : Sp p•r•n :rf..ilet;iea . , . ·-c! Spo tJtshirts . ·f:IOllr,rogue n.. ' . •1for S •• :. · · ·t· . . . • • •' • < ~WUT ·1_ WOllEIFll WAY TO ~ LOSE FA'll Eatintr-Instead .-1 bietirig! • ,. . lo C.lorie Couatintl lh Diets! lo Exercise! Sounds coq good lO ho u-.., bot it IS .,..._ • Tbankl to a &roup of N"" York donon you can now lme pounds of u&IJ fat C<ifVJ week witbou.t ~g on at&Y special diet, without cuttiaa cue a.ay 11X'Cial foods. WITHOUT ff.AV· lNG A SlNGll lHJNG'.aY MOMENT. • Th<se N<W York ........ c!Mo•.,eol a food oc1;.-called Wales. * . ' · Wa!ex' does remarbbl. 1b1o.a. It -US JGl!l;t 6,,etke .. mand Jen food -yoa tat te."~ _., •<iPI unttallf'-J" JOU nntt f«"l huD.OT. l • • • , lkfc.. Wafex wu ~Hed to,._ it WM PfO"l'C4 <-~It 9')' the doctors on a la~ group f'il ~lu ovel'Neiaht mite ~d woncn • .The .. ors a.rcfulJr cbccbd resales and Mtt is wNt they found:• - l . W~ lesses of I to 20 ~vnds wfth.vt •"Y HI eff.m wh;d'IOe\fM. . 2. All mombcn of 1he group 1ald they nev•r felt better and N!VfR Hl\D /.. KUSGRT M OM!Mf. W aft..,,; is ::Wlctcl) •afc. ft is a /ootl adjunct. noc: a drug. ~ ~ toe!.£} t.: ":..UC\! t..bo:w: Wl•a.nud po0 ncis and iDc:ba. ''ou dn at• ll !u.:i monr•·s sapply of Yafcx few 01tl,.-l.l on il\OOc:y back g-.:;in,rucc. Y au.r teal~ m\&M show yott, bava lmt wballo., lii:a•r an i.mpf'O"tui 6,pr~_ ~ dlUI l09k. fttl beau °' you s<t YOL'll ~ONIY BJ.CK WilllOUT QUEmON. •ilM' JIDOQU roui sa.n the sooott )'O!ll rm.y ba-.r 1he lost of w~1ht )'(>UI yam '"· • -----Hew W1fex Snti ifioa Yo1r 1 • ..., ;.,TOtdiq io Joci.enli6c: c~latioas 1 ~ Wafct' has the-hun~er-•tKf1inc: opa.tic}o of 2 h:im u.ndwicha. 4 f'JlP. S dJttt ol whice M..a. - }-ec ic con1airu onlr 5 mcbly caloriet. DOCJOal Wtlt.e fCl[f clh1lcel d•tf •ltlll pr•f"- tleft•I ••P'lph• •n ,,_ ............ . Walc:x lac. 3.560 1'roadwa1 t"lnt York 3l, N. Y. • IJrln:r ttr )Jail thf"I C"'Ot 't"'(>S to RIClfARD'S l_.100 l\f ARKET for.Jntlr Waff'X . Pleas1• ~n<I n1e I boltir of Walcx at S3.J1 flox includC'dl \\'Ith th1• uniJ,•r!4tnn rl!ng that if r~i.ult.s art' not to my J11:.tUtfa('· I ion, niof\(')" will l:k• rl'funded. IC. 0 . D. orders 3$C extra I :'\AME . ADDRESS CITY Sf:ATE LIDO MARKET • VIA LIDO at NE\\'PORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH ------------------ ~ .eowea Pl/i,c,e4 °' tlue 'If e<VJ,/ ALL OF OUR BRO.ADLOOM • -STOCK ON HAND ' . IEDU.CED FOR 9UICK SALE --· • • • . . MM. • " . -; .. I ~ -. •,:. .J..hi. • HA l ' MO"-" •r·· LEY Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Healy Ret~rn From Catalina Honeymoon Trip Ba~k from °"'1' hoMymoon al ---------- ~•l•i-'na lal::abd and reiJklinr al f'atrlcll Bee.Wy was betn. tna.n '".1000'• Fernleat An., a re Mr. and an(I us.ht'"' We?e Mark M~ and. '\fr,. Raymond Mlcb9el H,.aley. Trd Clark. who8f' marrla&"e waa rf'C'tntJy lk>I-~trt. Frahm. mot.bet of Uk! rmntzNI in Coroaa dirl Uar Com· biifh>. wor" AM•• of rows Jaa and R1un1ty church. T_. brk~ l" lhe tl~u,• falUt". wl'lile Mr•. Sri.Kol forn\l'f Palricla JNin rrahm \\'B" ln d\19ty rOM: CT.-~. Both i.laui.:h\('f of Mr. a.ftd M'n. Nonnan cnnlrlt"m~ated tlteW C08ll.&nlQ with ~~ox FTahm. "'13 Fitrnk>a.I A•r nue. c.-cn't!laJu of can:aatJon. afttl f'OR.'- anct th" bride'1"00"' W aon or Mr. butt&. ancl lolra. \V. 8. Brtltol. 80f ":t ~dtlabra. wblte etoclr ahd Oct"an Blvd., HunUngtoa S.•rh. Ahaata daUle1 proYklied-.etUnt fqr, Patricia waa rtveb' In marria~f' th• e•remo9J'. Miu Jita.rau,._ by ht>r fa_thfor In a OoUblP ring Fal"'ftM.nl .... ~ ... aQd Bup C<'remony which w-U perfom1ed by S. JiicOymont ..anc· tN Lord'• the ftey. Peal C. Babbitt.'· She Prayw. "lln. Wimdi!U Hoyt WU "·orr embroUlerf'd S'{lu organelle or1alii1L · 11,·cr tartet.a. t~ bOd.Lce title4 and YeUaw and .wblte flowers dtto-- "'tth Petc-r Pon-collar. Ow-Ak1r1 rated PB~ U..U tor Ulie:'l"l!C9'po '''Ith a lrain. Ort t\ngerUp Vf'U Uon. ' ~ ..-Jsta:aOe W•~ \''•• ht•ld wtlh a hlta.ddrus ot llff4 I AlmN. ·~ 1)a1ieia. A"'th' pc-arl.A a.nd abf' carried a white Kr1111pe:r, O. Z. Robttl.MMl.. JoNl lrstao1t-nl on whkh wu a wb1t e f ~feadoT •nd·M...._ '8Ue ~ Bat-" ort":hld u'1Ut. shower of •t,pb&notbt j hara Bini and lletv• ltltt. IUld ,sat In rlbban. l • For the ....,.ymooa die ...,. , Atra. Marcu1 M<>Nien, mall'Gn of Mrll. H'9.117 wore a. dreN Of ltiluf f\u nor. wtta in apple JTttn taff,t.a shantuns wtlb while liM.r\ ~. and C'&~ lavend#r •Wttt peu \Vh'lf l'&f't .atld actt:MOricl &114 an'1 yellow dalalea. OtJl Mlrian1 on::n~ corAJ•. D e-19 a ~u.a.te FrMm anct Michael Bums, brtdee--of N:•wport Harbor HlP tc:bool, maJds, wore daJfodll orrandM her buaba.nd of Huatlft.cton· Buch ovt'r tafteta.. a11d canlf'd yellow H11a., ~ Ht la ill tM N•vaJ dal.sic• and lavrndcr nwttt peu. R~etrve. • • • ·June 17 BOOKS SAILl!'IO • .;. Ar.uTtl\'R . >"lllRINO e C';\llTOOS • OllEETL"G ' C'ARDM . .. . . .. _ Parker • •· .EYersh11rp ---Pen 11nd Pen~H Sets • .. pifts . -· _._. . ,- IWE SAILS . ..... llOI M~IN, ~I.ROA DI. . WISJIS . : r • • 0ti&\CU;.'r1JfT" T001M llUSH Reg. 59c Ye1_;. · • I At PrinCJl•1 ' COLGATE DINTAL · • CIU.M · .Eco110.111y • R-.. 6lc At . Prititl•• \ SPFAilAL _ TRIS \l'E t:K 0."\LV • .. ' . Pli!RM.~'\'E:orrf! .•5511 (lt.~J:-P.00) ...... . ... ; f'8. DO'fTIE •:Lt.EN'>< BF.A ( "T1' SA LON 114 ro:. 19tb • (:_,_._ ~""!" 5\8S ., -. -. .. ' I . - Complete S_fo'" k of Porter·.ca~le El,c ric !iM4 Newport B~.1 To~I~ ... '. G~o 1111 . costA 'MESA _ Pre.tt".Mitte Boxes • • • ,. i. , ---1' . . Stanley -&· Mill~r F 11, licit~: 16o:i r 1Tooi1 .. : ,,-.. ;· .. ~ E> .... b)' oppolo-t-. , -, . ,- ----,·-... -.~ ... ·'.!S::;=::::::::.::~~-j;:' '$:::::::==;: ii:;~·=·";:' ==~~ 4tli & -, Broadway·. •• • Reg. 6,0c ,Six\ At Pringt1s . _At • Pnllflet , . ' c • At ringles . . ~ Pri g14!1f I · Jolln1on's Glo.Coet r..sBF . . '· IOLISHIN& •I • ; WAX I flint R .. 59c ; • I • • I ' • • , • • I • Bib-'n-Tocker Slim• Dfie Held • . ' I • • • Selective Semoe . ~ Bethel 157 Job' S J. . l u • I . ~ i PAGE 1 -PART lf -• Y~ JUNE 14, 1951 -It NewpoPt HM Yacht W> tt*!~~!. •"-to I~ Officm -~-~ -il ll<bt "!' Ille draft~ ---... hoe ....,, ~~----------,,--1;::;:;::::::::::::=:::~::::1:::::;:::::::::=====; A P7 ~ waa had lry._---,..-------1 OD lf*1 M bat WU _._ to lalce 0oota )(-11e1a.J 167, Ol'.der ot .,.._ ... , Patti 0W7or; jQlllai' -l . membmo and ~ ot 811>-'n· M st ' p •nt 0 Ille l4ot --to P. (). -Job'• Dalqrl\lfN, for. llletr -...ioc11•n. -N_..,; -'~ Ohc~rrilt o:.e.n ...... ~ eft>b at' their -... ... tor-a er 01 pen 618, Prlllcetoo, New J~. Jl .. laUoa ....... .., own• .... Jw paid, Ill.a. Harr•: 'GUier ..,...i. 1' • . : ~I ,, .; .. .....i.·~ld. l'rlday ""ht, J-• &t • • SI d -PW to be ... -..., 'for ..,. 1• at a...,.• F.r1dr.J' -tlla-. "'*-111 ·-•· ...-• --'l!..I..~~ . , Newpi>it~~~.Y:cb~.~ub. vi:; Tournament ate otlltt ot ~-1&'1r --· clall-.. -··e: ~···~ae ,: .. , I ....... lie wu ·~ 1 -popu 1 to a bulletln ..-I..0 by Ille milt· Miio o.ai-a.a Will 1'a In· -Ide,.,; ._ • .,,__. •-• -.& mMtl.I ".:'I'. ... ,, Five <Blta O'Rllytlim. Mn. Robor.t Jll)A and Robert tary MIWilr'• ottlce at Banta Ana ota•led· u -• -. wltlr & lldlltt: lllJftriall, -. Bel!mldt; . .,.. ~ lllllARam Chalinn ... In ~~ of tbe dance Brown -ttl"1••eN eut·wut and COUere. ~urct ... ta 11\ 0...,.... Coun· _,,, ot; -ome.n. -• m....-. llarllJa bpi-. , All.. , _..:'Mr. ad Mn. .......i Huber, Mn, Belon r.adelllf and v....i Mor· ty who Wlllh anolller .-tor Ronond qu..., CU'OI n-a. WW nr-t . ..,_,,., -T~ · ~Faa11j .... '!!'1 "-~ ,OW 111111 'Ml'. Mid Mn. Stuart Dlell! ot Co,.. ri-were bl&b ocoror11 north· 11118 deftrral llhoUl4 contact Dr, pri!lldo. •zdrt• lly Mn. .J>oml -.i .,_,.., ll:•11a.J-"'1"; • "', ~. ~ ', _ 1 _ , ona del Kar. Hoota and boot.-• aoulb In tho duplicate brldr• pme RoberU at Kimberly 2· T2M Im-' Rapn, Bo~ p&nlialL and can lllltil -.._, DH•• Ntt-, llO& - wo"': Kr. and )In. V....S HarNon. held lft Bal-Friday ovonlnr. medlately. ~ ·•alnta ~ . -: l'oultll """ I"'. caru CCllt.\ --~· . J" ·., lie Mr. arul MN. Harold B<lledlct, Kr. Runnenr-up eut.w .. t wete Mr. ~ oft1eww -will -li'lllli; attll ,m1u ._, Pat ~ I l'tfzbM•n, "'t WWl'.111Fo ~· --!...,.. _:_...a. ... and Mro. L. W, Newlon, and Mr. and Mn. L. v . Brown tying wtu. The aato-ddvtnr campalpa In with -a...n Ill-: M&rcl& terlcb; J.-lll/lt ..-... Lo.-' -. ..-. , , ....... • "-.llij! 1 1 . , ,-_ tJi and Mrs. Robert Callis of Corona Mr. aJld Mn!. H. M. WaUlt)gfol'd; Korea Is no problem, .alftC<I Ille -r.7io., -, ~: Jl!dy ralne Crandall: ollcbida!l, aJrkJ -:-:7-c,- del Mar; Mr. and M:ra. Dave RU~ Mr. and Mn. Ocorl• Macruder; Marin" put \Ip ~ .irna Tuck~, ,..... )»'llreffll; hu 1'11or. · . Santa Ana; Dr. aDjl Mn. Olivet ,..._ n'Od ll.o<maftlle ud a1,.. wllldr Mid: .. ~ C&ft!l!lly -w:,rr01, I.a.lo .,.. l.yn Smith, Put I hon<>ttd ql!ffN or u.., Howell · and Mr. arld Mn. L. S. CbarlU -an: Mrs. oathwV>« u.. RY )Oil lilt mlcht be your mardl&l •· B«lhol i lU aerw u lnotalllnr of• HoateUer, Balboa laland; Mr. and llrnltb and Mn. Aki.ne Ol!u!117, ..uet1" .Apl,>OlllU .. ottl<ora ue: Mlllor _.._ Hig.b Q~olity f jin .itt.g Ph. Hat •. f,f 6 Mrs. Jack Chan1bers, Laguna ttuM@h..Up ·ftOl"Ul...OU.th _..,. -" -• Beach. )()'&. Jl'a,. ~.. UO Kro. , , , • - Regular ar Sour DaUgh .... CHHIARTH tolls 23'- . ,..._ a7c ...i • (w I'. Pre-DaD<e Partl<o l:l"""°r N-; M'n. ...... Ir Preeeedlng Ille affair which wu a..cl &ll<I llrt, P<sp J-: attended by about 100 couplu, MN. llo7 ltrota 1114 11\ ,JI. -.: W6fe two cocktail parties. Ont Ml'L ftObert Btowa ~ Mtl. A. b . was jtlven by Mr. and Mra. Callla. W.U.rlty; Mr. arrd Mn. J .. Wll· 718 Ja.amlne where guest.a w en: eox. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hirth. Balbo& 'Ill tM Monday att-· ...,.,. lllland; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bubo Mn. 4fQ¥ Wolcott and Mn. llo7 bard: Mr. and Afn. John Keeler, Stl'Ota Wet:e tqb ..,.,.._ ltlbl· Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pieter, Mr. Hn>-"J) w.t't Mt. &M v .... J . ft.ob. and Mn. Al P elger, Mr. and Mrs. ett Luk: Mra. "-so Johuon. &nd Lester JoneaL Mr. and Mn.. J im Heery tloW.: lira. ,._,. 8chhaeter Ray, Mr. and Mn. H. Lyn• and Mn. Qallllh LMlllltrt; Mn. Hughe.s. aJI or Corona del Mar; Mr. Mlkb'l.lld 1'Ytle and Mn.. ftobr.rt and Mrs. Bob Pcareol, and Mr. B't'Own.; Gtt&ld McCorribf'r -and 0 . . Plain GI' Sugared . and Mrs. HamUt<>n SmJU., C:O.ta R . Jolullcln . DOI. ' uu ... Mw ..ii ~t Mesa. Duplicate 11r~ pmee are be\d ......,.......,_,. ~ .._ At the Jack Bruner home. 219 at -4 t• !tut Oce.an FTont lo. 8&1-..... u< 4eaJ · •Jor'22c Apolena. llelboa I81and, bOllpltal· boa wttll J>!ay otortlng ' at one "' Jty wu enjoyed by Dr. and Mni. o'clock Oft il'onday and at T:SO on cosTA 'ftsA Edward )filum, Bay Shores; Mr. trnday ,eftl'l\nl'a. All 1.n.tetteted 1700 Newport Bl•d. and Mra. Ronald Barlow, Mr. a.nd brldp: playen are lnvtted to at- Mrs. Cal Pearson, Balboa laland. tend . OORONA D:E.L MAR Laguna Beach members WPrt Oft Sunday, June 17th, the club IOI Coua. 1Uc1tw.~ entertaJne<I by "fr, and Mrs. Mar-will hold ltl regular mOnthly M'u· shall Clark. ter Polnt Open Tournament ln ... t.he LAGUNA BF.Al'll Friday Aftomoon club houoe In :.,._..;ns;;;;;.;;."•!'9&•-..".o.-....o;,,._-:: Many' a big de.al bu been made Costa Mesa. The game will start Uu1:I a amaU Wt.tit Ad promptly at 1 o'clock. REMEMBER •, JUNE 17 ~ DAV THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 'l.UWE A!ISORTME~'T C'A1''DV LICORICE BUnONS 11>. 45' Regular 5ta lb. FATHER'S DAY CARDS ..... _ STAnONEIY •100 Md up SuPf'r Spt"t'd \\1itb 10 Bla.ck'9 GILLETTE RAZOR $L 16 \'alue •100 --S5MM · SIGNl'r CAMERA '9500 CASE · .,.., .. 11tt•l11 ..... . '3:. ... 1 Qwut VACUUM I ' ft"fP,'. $!At . •189 PEP!!ODl!:NT Tooth r.m & lrnll "·" , ....... ,,, Nau..ilY- Tooth .POWder . ,,~ .. IACK RESTS •1•a Double DN!k -..... a..-.. 1tll ' "·* vai .... fwt .... rie •., Et&A. \"'8 lMlfXll'ICIDI: 89r CANASTA CARDS ••ctl lc IAZOIS UJIDNOTO!'I' M"»H CONTOUR U ~v '2af9 SUNBEAM ·MLllO SHA \T.MA!!TER ._ EU:CTIUC RAZORS J J OS. SafNd~ Tumblers 6 ror 39 ; 0Mon.t4'<1 Rec. I fw 4liD H..avy ltan· H1 8aO Tumblen 6 ,.,. S~ Re1 .• for nc 5 OL l)(imr&W IUICE Glasses · 6 ,_. 35~ Re,-. "le Mdli -to Coffee Mu• 6 , ..... , •. ...... 1to ..... 0-. Coffee...._. St•"-... . • CJabdy JORDAN ALMONDS Rt.I{. 89c lb. 55;lb. Ca"'1Y TAFFY KISSES -IWlf. 50o lb. 39 ;,.._ Sho 1 only ROUSEROCD RUBIER GLOVES lies. llOc r.. 29;,._ • tlltl E•~1 /Tiii · Sanawidl Spru4 ':: 39- Lunc., BoJt. 1Ho$f.pint, 24c; quart, 67c) Preserves ~ Ji!' J7• CApttcot or P•och, 2-lb. for, 39c; Apricot-P1neoppW, 2-rb. jor, 43c) Kem Grape Jellr J.;:" J7• Margarine ~~ .. H• Fresh Bread '::: 15° T::: 2o- MrS. Wright's, -...hite or whept, -'iced. Rolls DI C:.Vlo ,..._ 28• erown 'n Setvt .. 11 Hostess Cake ~ _. 39° &oldenCom PkkWH• 1 ::· 11• CHICKEN Of TUil TLIE SEA •8. . ,, I , lle llJe,; Green Label. For Salada. .•::-a1· • "" ,, ,,,,,,,, Pennant Coffee ~~~· ::-11• TN, In 41 .... a· I i~ , •• 8-.... ~ ... _ .... Tea v. ... 29-~ ... 51• llliKll .... .... Jenyi:~:=boo. ~is- .......... Cltews ""'· -. tt-aawi-bu<y ... • ~~ ~, .. Mlfshllillows t.:= 8.'.:-.10- Ple Rlllll J=n ~ J• large, Grade A EGGS Oak Glen, Fmlt. ProCected fo r you by comtantidrlgeratioft. =-~51°· .. If you love fresh fruib (and 1V!M>iloem't) '• eood newsl Our produce stanch look like a maftU110th fruit bowl-with everything fresh from the orchard's. Then ~ wide variety, wondedul flavor, and ltlODeY•14vUtc 'prices. Treat yourselC and Y'?ur family often. For real produce value· •.. Shop Safeway. G . BIT ~~~=-lb. 3%0 GOLDER COD Ts~ each 5° CUC ·~=~a ·,., 100 ~.~.~ .. s· ~~;12 ... , ... s· • , • t ~ I :.:z: . I --,,,,, ['""''_,.,,~;_, ... I Orll1tJlke .. , .• ,, ';:: 11• I sF'Nea-oNAL Frd\.froren. Corantrottd. iYR I 'I l111a11dt eu.~::.tod ~ 1Z· MIL ' Dlsc·ovtllY v.,~r., Stfvwbeny, Chocofate, or "-• kt er.. ~~ z =. 47c: '!t~···· • i.ut-FNit. Erno '"'" •mo-· . I TUfll sum °n!t" ~ 44• ':: 11• .. .:,ti . FDCY PEAS 55':~!:'4 1!: 15• m:::3q:;"' L1JllCB MEAT 8~~Pri1:jk 1!:1. 43c .~ kh mnk: ii EDWARDS .COFFEE ~! 84° :~~ .. '":Mi~:: .. ~ DrlporNQU!ar<plnd. Vacuumpackecl. 12·1b. can. 1.61) ex ro-ri<il Lucerne Milk you\·e olw•ys ID' FOODS Cl-'• 3 -. 23c ~ et~:~'cl;~:~•ed to three limes ils "'9bled Oimp)y h:placing the w&ltt that hu Jll .. • ~.. ...._ L-'-•• _ .. _ • I"-' / bet" ralin .. t, tou '"'"' n.·o m>u a "'' I ... IE '"""""•-·-·-'""' ·qu~rt OA repla~-ltore price, Ot lh""' •1•1111111•1 suns ~w:= ,i;r~=z•· ~ i :-r~:;~ ~:<T~MWAY. DUTtH tim.l OIESE . 0.olce of·Americ&ft or "' ... 29• · American·Pirniotlto. ... , PAIST.al MoN tltlft .'-. '"'-23• Stanclanl or plmlenlO. ..... . PRiii JICE . Sunswttt or 0.1 Monte """ 29• Serve at brukful. ....i. 'llSOUll . CoLI Mcdal'a lliacuit ........ 39• Mi" (:ZO.O.. 23c) ... . , P•• Mil &~~ :..-• . -CIMIPS ·S...-.120-.,16;J ~ .... ..., .,,....... , .. 2r Pllllerns ~-~SI-<""-....,"•> .... --------~--.----.-~--.... ,-----------, .....,_ : "'° .... : ..--; For'diolae..'•Mfu& I Ulll f'RIW : a.-.... ,, .. ,, I 1•.z.--2 .. ;· -1' .. : 12:-.. ,. 1--,.. . ftaUa NIAllST .SlffWAY . • • • ' .· , . • • • • • • • • • . ' .. • • • " f ... , . " .... .. ,. • • PAQt 4 -PART 11 -THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 • , ~-;d~~l.ESS~ • • • • • • • ••• •. ' j • • •• • • • ' .. • • • • • • -.. • ' ••• .. •• • • TOP ROW: -.. llerpn1n_ W&J'll• llel'l'J, !..an7 llemcb,· Lullelle Bol<e, BUI Buekoer, Bob Budl, Bob Bunlk:k. BO'ITOM ROW: Dale Coleman. Dleea Colema.. Botmle Oomu, lfflroy Cn.fl • Geqe Cr.In, R. C.. Crane, Andrea Crlbbea.. • TOP ROW: Gwynne Gl~r;t, John G~nleef, ,Dorotby Orettcnbt4'1". Tom GrTtteobrr~. G&rn Grllntb, A1in Grittty, Mo Gl'OJL'iky. BOTTOM ROW: 8&11y H~adrnon., Sblrlry H~nnaa. Jrla ff.labie, Henry Hill,"~" Hiit . .loAno Holbrook, l..yml U o11le. TOP ROW: Dkk La.niti, Maurice Lanadale, iJolm l.ADJ'eftbelm, Ro~rt Lanen. Paul Leto, Norman Lr Gnidre, Joanna Lelthokl. BO'IT01'1 ROW: Wllliam Mubburn, Betty McCarthy, Colleen M~Dt>nnott, "'lUlam !\lcOonald, Danny !\1cGre,v, J o.)· !\lcKJonf'y, c·barlM McKinnon. .-. • • • • . .. . .. •• • • • ~· . • lit .... • • • • .. . .. 7 • • • • • • TOP ROW: .Jim Flsber, llG!Joert FIHner, Daeyl Ford. 81111\ey Franklin, 8aU¥ lo Fro&t. Collllie Gammo .. Dohll GUbort. BOTI'OM ROW: C&rele Ga7, Bob B•aooell, llm eama, O&rol1JI Barr...-... l'ftd Harv•7, J!:vdJa llftcll, Btyu Ha7 ... • !IOl'<llOW1 ,_ S • -S I r, Oe lie S 11 r ' ... S-. ......, llMs, 1011 Kah(, .uo0 1 •7 7 • BOlroM .TOW: Al. 1""""' ~ ~ 8""' • 1tp, -t.l•ola-·1,, O• .... l 111-. ~Ql91nl'lti 1.111i!. ... _a lt•llill lll'L I I ' • ' • • TOP ROW: Larry McMMtrnt. llm Mc MUlan, Sally McMlllf'n.. OENTER ROW : Mona M<"Tal'prt, Jack Mtt.ka, Mary M el- •Jll'er . BOTTOM ROW : Carla Me~r. Al Mrrrell. 8hirlry l\IPrr·11. I Graduation Services ' Preceulon1:tl : "Entrance and March of t he Peers" SULLIVAN ORCHESTRA Invocation . REV. P. G. NEUMANN "Ave Marta." SlllRLEY FRANKLIN Vio lin Solo SCHUBE RT Scripture reading . ?i.lR. FRED BRJGGS Addreu : ''The Power to Within You" Remake Your World Is . REV. PAUL WlIEELER "'Hall, Our Redeemer" "Oreal and Olortous'" CHORUS-CHOffi Hymn : "BJest Be the Tie tll•t Binds" Ble•t be the tle lhat binds Dur heart.a in Chrtslian love ; The tellow1hlp of kindred minds IJl" ILke to that above. When we a.sunder part, It g1ve• ua lnw&rd pain, But we .tta.11 atlJI be joined ln he&rt . And hope to meet again . Am•n . RHEA HAYDN ' 3 • • • BOTTO:\I ROW: t. Von.ae Pete.non, Ropt Pfllter, Susie Pl • • Benedictlon . . REV. HERBERT C. ROTll CLASS OF 1161 or Newport ekt...r u-lllllt --Ille -··--Intend lo ..;aUn0e their dadi.oi ApproxhMW,. 119 will atteed 0- • I • • ' • • • (&Si •• .... •qt HI --.-. ................ d ... I ~'"" • I • • • • ..., ·- • . " • • ' •. • . • • . , I • • \ IDA TES I Jton. Sbaron O'Coanell, Joanne OllKHl. Richard-Opp.. ' . 1 Roa.a.Id Quarry, .lo Anne Qutoen, .lhn QuJlty, Jack Ref'd. I i l '-• , • • • • ' ' ' • . ' : -• ,. . ' TOP ROW: Mary Ilk-•· 'lm Rltt<>r. Sm.I Royce: CENTER llOW: Rai-t Sandf>n. Bill Schmidt, Ataaa!eott. BOTl"OM ROW: Pat Sbaler, Marly Lou Shaw. c .. ry 8ho11. Graduation Exercises Procesalonal: "Pon1p a.nd Circumst&nce" ELGAR BAND "The Star-Spangl~ Banner" . KEY~ARNO LD BAND ANO A UDIENC E Invocation . REV. PAU L EDWARD BABBITI' "Let All My Llfe Be Mu•lc" . SPROSS ' "Folk Picnic" . . . Arr. by HARVEY ENDERS THE LARKETrES ' Welcome . PAUL LEE AddreSil : "The C hallenge of Leadership tn Today'11 W orld" . . DR. HUGH M . TINER Prealde.nt. Pe.pperdine Collep Farewell . . . ltlONA McTAGGART Pre&e.ntatkJn of Clul Princ ipal SIDNEY H. DAVIDSON Preaentalkm ot Dipk>'mae . . . . MR H. R. RING M:R LESLIE .STEFFENSEN MeDlbera, Board or TrueteeA "Alma Mater" -. . . . CLASS OF 1951 Benedictk>n . . . . . . REV. TOM PENDgl,L Aceo ......... to otlldala al Uio lll&I> -ool, UIO of U.0 -ta Cl'rou Photo) RAceuionaJ : "Receaatonal" SCHJCJDT • 1• --· ..... ff ....... C&HIU llOWJ n--'•1 I t n-. o. ,_nt 'tr 7 • ~ aow: •1D11& 1111anmi2ill1"4 ..._la' ft,.. .. • ' .... , • -• • ·IaSs • • , TOP ROW: Doll Southworth. Robttt 8~ Don 8teffetaea. J.orta:lne BO'JT0~1 ROW: Frank Traut\veln, Bob Vaa Ort.mi.. Boa Walktt, D1aae Wallaoe, ~ • . I I . TOP ROW: "'•J~ Welty, Ukk \\'h.IUook. Walter W11tcutt. Bill Wlttnmn. Larrj Wood, Rnh Woodhoust\ E\"l'lyn Wood"·ortb. . ~~ I BOTTOl\l RO\V: Don Wool~'-"'• l\lanb&JJ Worley, Bill Yar'Wood, Lyn.n Zerbr, Dee Zlrkle, Ted Polman, lea.nnie Trwity. \ TOI' RO\\': Janr BAkcr, lle\·t"rly Rames, Bill Barnett, Florence Bf:Uldry, llob Bccbt~ Sr'°1?nr ~ Clara Bennett. BOTJ"OJ\t HO"': 1'tlkt"I Bum.<1, 'Ol'ce Caldwrll, Nonna C-tle, -~eorce Chamber-. Warren ~ter, Drlorbl Chrt8teucn, Nan.cl Cole. • I TOP ROW: llm Slrmmo .... Mel 8°'"""7, Boli Smltb, 0..,. Smltb, lack limJ.U.. Marilya -· l !!Oderberg: llO'ITOM now :. o.~ SuDlvan, Uo:r.,s-,te. -Tate. Kola~ 'hylor, iallM -··Er-Tbompoon, ':'-t TbompoOn. ~-·--·--. ....... ,, 8iiii'Oll 80W1-OL • OC, ~PnPno .. 5'1m"L -. 1'9111_1_ ·. ..'""-·"· 1"•111•-: ' • • ' • • • • , • I • • I ' • 1 ·' J, r tot i"A6E ,6 -i>ART 1°1" ~ THUlSb~Y,JUNE 14, 1951 occ su-. Classes Sfirt , DJ!',UNQtl .. i.' TA~ &ru·~~ -Q . 0..-. -E. ----..--·· • ~ On Wnnq, 1'lm 18, ~le-. Ot" ,, ... a ..., 11 • .,.. a.no.;-... J. __ _. __ _. ____ • 7 . Col.I& OQ1 .. '• 1111 • ow .. • JwdOI' calr•a. • ••M -i.. • aw. e.lllenla. • ;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;o-;:,::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:llll~;;;;;;;; -.. v,tldor M)' "a112I -40I -"" ......... ..,,.... • -a -., .. ,"" • .... .. nAW -WA18l MIA18S otuclOilte •"l'td*I to enroll In-~---·• 11'la11•-N'"U"kt -~.-&lld' Alll MN\e .l>obqll<mt for Berey, -JI. -••n ··-• .,. ~ o( lllO 18 do• .. .,rend. oupplloo -Id be utidpUed. ...,_.L TmAJl 111Ci-e1 ilen'y, WlllMm H. •. .::;......,+... --··-··-10 ...... ..,, ... -•1,11 I nnol ~lion tpr tlM ~ 'Tbo ...,nmer olfortq. will -. ··;---• l O&rtlor, B,any ." IJ:l,!\tli" i/l 1'!Wly 4~5' H L., LJ J_ ~· I~ ~,,., ..iu be bold tn ·11>o A-io. -'l' _...,.i~ tw lllP ll'tAT9 or c.a•~ J Wjdroff, (i...,. T. • NWlt:.W ot-Slllly 1,3(lo' H ,-~·o,.... tr&Uoo ~oll day .. ........,., -..... ,,,,,. to l<"<•lera&e COUNTY or OllANOll -,.. • Gartler, Hany ··:;:r·· • ' . ' ··---·"'"--·· ,D .UDO - 1 1 Ltl 41 ~ .79 (LEANBll8 . ..__ " • ~-l-Tllll, ~ ..__ ~_Jllnt,~ ~l!tl ~I --at•~laf1~ , • • ' C1Tl' OFlQWPORT BDCH) Gartl.,., .Hlrfy ~~---f l -·-·-·-h J. Ullf rt-•..•.•••• ,. ..a: •• _ _, •Ol'·~-.. -11 --• .. . .\ ,. ,.;. ' ;..._ ___ ._, . i .. .. ewpor -.--•• ti b• -_, a -tnYOIY!nt -· a <-. ........ IDQ' ~ ,I. It. R. H~ u .. -Ottk:to TU """""..,.. In and tor tho ftACT Jlll ( I '. ·" ~A 11118.& 8!'f •r,m •n• • ,, _ .re.ait will be ~. June M. ..,.OU.. U.. A. A. ~ tn -~ ot Nowporl 1IMdl, °"""'l\._ of Onlap. Bt&te ot c.llfd""' • ... Barnett, Pornel o. ___ 1 ...•. -L ....... .' ,If -I*"' ' .• -'°' iii -. lbl.-lc -"* wlll ~· ... -......... otu-ID:Rl:BY GIW NOTICK .tb&I. def1ult. ba'llnc been m..i. In ~e Watklrlo, Roy ~ ~·-···.. .. ···-·-····-61 W. _ ... -... ,.... -.1 ute on JulY 17. Iii line Willi -la .... .-ie del!Glq-peymoat ot raue lllCI ••II "''""' due, to UM! city of N-rt ileaCh , . t =~~=~~~~~~~~=~~=~==~==~=~=-=::....:... __ ....:._.::.·· --.wr. ........ lb&n tor the lloell year endlntr -ao. 1901, -u.e p,......rty bel"elnlflar· 'I'll.ACT M'f-UDq ~ -~ :::a: fa ' II . • . ' • ' . . GJme in! Tty out fts z;p anefpejJ! Dynamic 120·/wrsepower t1r.4·v;~ tfiril( Sl:UIJIBAKh. • llY.8 Drive this wonder car nowl Needs no premium fuell lest 8 in actual ... mileGee In Molllifeas lconomy Run I' ~ ... ~•••un -. ... ...s. JOE NICKERTZ. Local Dealer J4 I 5 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har. 510 Nwpt Beach A FEW MONTHS AGO THIS WAS AN OPEN FIELD In most towns you can telephone over a wider area than ever "2. New.<qWpmeo; in ND1ziag t.!DOWll$ bls bttn put to wodt io ll>creos< the number of tdtpb"'!"' you dJl cill in -town1. For adclin& eoch """ line mnn• pt'O'tidiog a~ poit'ofwim lad:. m tbe -• ollitt. &id the~ 'ft must nio di• wiltS inaeua u'"' posli oat jioni tbe moin port ol -...1.,....-.e,,... In 6ct.-npinsion program ;,, dw lut6w,.... is me liupt< CTCt t:a!Cllttd bf ID '¥'"i'11 public ublky. • • 7 Price inaea1e1al._194.0 ~·IP i 7 tr ......... -to deocrlb<d, lllCI tblt, unlNo .. Id Uxoo -••• "''"!ti IO _clollnquenl, WIM!oler, Wtnotoa s . -···+r-1 .................. 88 .... , ...... Ill -Ill' Willa c!Ur· lOptber wltll au pen&ltl .. -·----""paid at ti>• Tax KCcou; E. Burdloe .. : ..... L.I······-······ .. ·-l&a Ille 11114 --... 111 In lddl-Clollec:tor'1 Ofllee In tlle City Hall. oa or bofore 1)1da:r. lune 29, 11161, McColl, E. Burdine ewt1 ...... -........ 187 -·~r ... 1ht ... • •le otf•r-AT TEN O'CLOCK A.)(. of !hot day. o1l of -~ .dwril>ed B)~. Knute R. SWly ................. 278 ... cnl\ · I Will be In the Within lilt --oal4 tlxel ucl ·UH ...U. pena!Ueo and 8 ' t -. e1a I ... IM -aloo-. ~ jogren, Knute R ......... -.... . ................... '279 ::t :•::·'la=~-"Ill.day Ind coobl are ll:en 'Efl ... -oa :;. ....... .._~ _ . ~-Ml Gunclrum. Lawrence K. ·-·• .• .,. ... -............ .284 ti' oo Pl •. BT OPlllRATIOK OI' t.AW,-loo ti_. et ""'-...t Goll, • ·-·ce l!l. ll"'lv ., . •1• • that IUdl oaJe .. lie -11o 0. 08 -0# T8Jt TAX --·~ " ' i ........... -...... • hll ....,. . Gott, L&wrenoe E. .................. J -········-····.IUS ualt.o Oi .!!::tt •:J!!l•~lA! m: Ll!lCTOR of -ca.,. IL tt. "°"'*'Nt()M •. HIMDn. John ·M ........... -:-...... T ............ -1 ... 1086 ---...... ...__ "'"""1 +., ., D~~RD sUR·~v 'Ml en .. . t\IU ~ Joell;· Ma:ttcr, four _ _._.. 1.-.& ""' • l1lll-n&IV'JI -.. E.1M'09. --., ) ..u Wt.I !le:llb a ... , t st tor run M......,. •1se1., <:!tlt'WI •• smtth; Wallace_ a .......... ·--r· .. ·--r···· .. ··--.... · .. r· n fttt!ralia ..-..ma. AJl •11n tn.. \. • ..... Jarrett, Dudley F ........... -................ ..,}., ~ ~ --80 ~ ~ etdl will be AW'MM °"111!.t . w ..,. ••-..•••qr Commerce BuJldtng Co. Nli l!O' ot "1Y held l"I tlle to.-oon. Tllo llChool NEWPOll't 1111.A.al ftMlt' · • ~171' ..•.. L.'.f :. *2 llbrlry wm 1'o OJ>Oft ;..,.,, 7:CS L • CORONA DEL 11fAB m. lo 12:00 P· m. dall:r· Tb• SUm· Perkin.!, lN!ne Mot ol ......... -..... ..1. ••.•••••• 1' M 01.~_• Nanne tad Frederl •k .l , Al I (Ille ma 8eflUl10n p~ of atudlct Herrin. Mark! ····f"O-----····~------···-""' M w.,.• 11 • c · all \VUI include oflerlrlg1 In 1 ~ Thorp. Haul H. 81)1 W •········--.. -~.... II 14 I.JI _Tey ~j '-·· '23 range of tlelda among which ,.re . _!t .. • Hixon, Rohf>rt M. ···········-····-·············-·r-· 1 bl,tain•u edUt:atton. eclenee, malhe-RJVE8 88CftON" ~ Hixon, Robert M ............ ,_ .. , ... ·:·~................... 9 matl<:o. ~t, toreilP! langulgea. llonner, Wolt.oo-It.:~·-···--·-······-··-< 1• • ._72 Bidwell. R<>bert W. All (Ex ~y 860') ........ -E"g~ll\ Ind. eoclll aclence. TbomADn, .I.pull C .... -o .......... -···-···-~-"tt. d ' IS.1111 RE-SUB OF CORA>NA: DEL MA<R Any pe wbo la t atlA! d Striegel, Rogle J ..... -···-··-·· .. --...... -........ 9 ' 41 1.18 collel'e uni-::. tbe ~-";. &nenntl ( LAllE ft~ \ VHo~ FAsenR . M,.!lrga:ret ........ ······\···· .. ········-······ 5 ahould be aWare of tM fact that · 0r-· oger ""' ···-·-··-······-·······r·············-······ 11 n108t wt i"IJ1a of Wedd Wu U Holland, L. C ... ···-···············-·············-::···v-··· ti lH A.13 Drtskel, Dan ···-··············-·-·······•····· ········-······ l T fhuot have tM1mft>t$1 anll octuol-Johnoon, Emma GoodlnNt AU (ex !It.I 11bc Duignan, Jack M .•.......... ~ ...... , ............... -... 13 po?"ot -IY ho i-iroulq their tNtnlng on lt+18 bet -CORONA DEL MU ~~ ~~r i:_;,.:. :=:\ It Rlt It ft/W)... 4 llO · 11.78 Swan!IOn; Victor J ........ 1 ....... , .................... 84 benettta will· be dloallo-tl. Maxwel~ Nellie N. All ( .. BL) ..... _... 1 Ul C.89 McCryBtal, Ejlubeth >... ~Ely 28' ........ 7 Maxwell, Nellie N. -······ .. ·--··--· .. ·····•· .. -·-··-·.. J Jll 1.19 McCTysta.I, Elizabeth A. -········--··-····--·-....... 9 Honor Graduates at Sf ate Polytech 8&m F .. P'ortt-n ot Newport wtU ho among t1t\1•two Cllltomia State Polytodlnlc ~ student. who wi~l lftdu•te wtHll honon <tur1ng &ndU&Uall Cttf'moniea to be held llaturda:r. lone 1•. at 2:30 o'clock In U.. co11..-'-ball "'8· 41tu1'. . Paul C. Smith, manapig editor of thr-Sa.n ll"rartciaco Chronlcle will I gh"' the grodliitlon lddtta . A1>- proxlma.le1y 118 atudenu will re- ce-Pv r Ml::lletor ot ICtftCf' and tech· nJ('al · cnrtltlc&tfl for work com- plt'leJ in agrlcuJturC-, engtnttrlne- and ll beral arl.IJ. ------- Richard Harper Graduates From Washington . St•te Richard Keamey Hut>er of Balboa la&a.nd WU Obe, of 1490 st.U• donto wllo ...., .. _ .i.,.... on June 3 at Wllhtnatoa StalA! Col- t.«-. Pullmu, W'*-He .....,lved I B.A. In economtce It tlW! Mlh gT&duaUon ceftl'ftony, Moxwcll, Nelllo N. SW17 II' ...•. _......... I 131 1.24 McCrystal, Elllzabeth A. SWly 25' .....•. 11 \\'tdle, Edward L ............... ~-~···-··· ... ·-····--····· 20· lU • 20.2'9 A.mldon, Eva F. .............................................. 17 Hollyoak, FrHlna.-11" ..................................... 22 23.2 12.21 Dav111, Edward P . et al ····-··· ........................ 4 Logie, Charle.Jf M.. et al ........ -........................ I 134 3.&S Mltchan1, DeWitt ·············i-··················--·--1••.••• 1 CANAL SFA'TION White, Wlllord ._..... ... .. . ........ ...... ............. 7 J oh.ntltone, Bruce ts ........................................ JO f.,aV11gninO, Laa; A . ··-----·--............ ............. 4 Thomp10n, Claude A ...................... ---·········· 1 Logie,. C!'ha.rlea M. Pl al ................................... 5 SJple, Gordon G. All (ex SEly 15') ....... 9 Palteraon, ElmPr .. . ........ ····--·-········· . I Slplf', Oordon G . . .. ... . ... ...... ... 4 sr.cnos A Bolton, Ella D. .... ...... ...... ............. • Gttenleaf, Carroll F. . .. . . .. , ...................... 14 RECMOS B A~xandrr. Ch&r1f'8 ................... . AhrPM. W illian.I F . r t a l . .............. 13 ·•· . ········• l TRACT !S4 Handy, Bru<'E" J . 8FCl"IOS B M.accttllO<'h , Marguerite L. All t Inc. bet 10 same . Ir: Bay Ave ext) 16 Af ac£ulloch, MatKtlerlle L. AU (fhc bet Mm<' & Bay Ave ext),. 17 Macculloch, Mar-gurrite L. All (Inc. bet 111amr & tlay Ave E'xt) 18 · EART NEWPORT Buritworth. Fred .. ···-···· ............................ 22 &ntley, Anna ............................................... 12 s re 0}" BLOCK A-EAST llo'EWPORT Staten, Lilyan BEiy 44 .9' ............. 14 A: 15 Johnson. George L. ('t aJ ................. ······-····· 52 140 143 240 333 33S 340 437 C39 220 225 18 17 111 218 218 218 4 8 A A Mltcharri, I>eWltt ············-·······1...................... 3 Ganster, £uc:ene 1". ··········-···-·-·······"······y···· I 20.87 Gamble, Norman A ........................... -1-...... ___ 1 :1· IS.:t"I Gamble, Norinan A .................. !..................... 4 _1 4.61 CoMn, Lily .............................. ).................. I 11 .99 Miller, Clifford-~· Nilly 10• ·········--······· 14 9.68 Miller , Clifford H. .............................. : ......... H 4.99 Anderson, li"lorence ,_ ...................................... _ tt 39.81 Charle, Don H. _ ............. -·---········--·······-··........ t 9.53 Brown. li'rliik W ............ -................ -............ JO Cannon, William J . ·····-~----·······-········---·-····· 16 10_67 Foster, Jamt-a H ••.. -............................. -..... _ .• 11 Fletcher, Juanlt& W ........ ·-···········--··-----4---I · 16.84 Walker, Cora 111 ...................... ----... -•••• -•• \.-t Biller, M.ay T. fol al ................ _ ............... "·~·-11 .f.0.42 Phillipe, F'1-allk L. ···············-······-············--·· 14 15 !\? Corbin, Wesle7 W . ····--·····-···············-········-· 5 · _ Corbat, \Vesle)' W ....... ., ....................... -.. ~..... 7 ---..van Landingham; Win. JJ. .......... ' .......... -.... :it 28.11-Y • ' . I -TRACT ftll--OOllON A Dill; MAit Lynn, _Robert B. et af NWly 31.20' ' ~Ex BwyJ .. 4 12.16 Lynn, Robc>rt B. C'l al $Ely tS.:80' 69.37 Lynn, Robert B. f'l al tEx Hwyl .. , C NWly 31.20' (iEx .Hwy) .. 5 13.40 Flagg, Don P . All (Ex. Hwy} ................ 4 F lagg, Don .P. AU !Ex Hwy) .............. 5 28.97 TRACT 8711--00RONA DEi. MAR 38.46 Geld~rt, ~allt!r L. H .• Jr ............................. 't9 TRACT at--OOltONA DEL MAK 38.03 In"'gram, Robert H. ···-·if-········-··············· .. ·· 30 131 131 133 134 837 ~ no· 432 03 m -486 435 4H 539 MO 542 543 uo ™ ' ?M 737 741 .... 741 ua L L L u u A • Mr. Harper and Jl.il w1fe, lhf' former Bewrty lAbdeft "t>f Lo8 An«-leo, ret""'ed hffe loat Fri· day and are now at home' at 219 Abo.lone, Balboa lllalld. 1 Two From Here Willamette Grads Fox. G. M . NEly 10' ............................... 14-0 P'ox., O . M ........................................................ 141 A A 18.Tl Drllkel, ban ......•. 0 ................ , ....................... 12 ;~ -.SUB-OF ~N ~ a.u..»A 1!11.AND Scott, WUltam H .............. .1... 4 ...................... 1' t SEWPORT BAY TRACT Warloumont, Floyd -...................................... 13 Scholfield, ~l'lter H ........................................ 1~ 4 c One .. undr"f'd etpty....ut delftel'I wrre conterred durtng-Willamettt> univl't'Mty oommenc<'f'nent Ct>rf'· monies on Sunday (June 10) In McCulloch stadium. 8(;8 OF Bl~OCK C-SEWPORT BAY TRACT Bachtlor or artA degTees were aiv~n 13~ candidate•, lnclud.Jng James Wllllam Peyton or Balboft. Island and former Newporter, Enrl KJtlefer. Newport Circle Comn1ittees Told Newport ct.U. of W. S. C. s. met Tueoday, 1.-6 with Mn. Comtli.aon, Harry H. ................... ...... ............... 7 Loog, MO<tJ'ooka J ........................................ ca Cornell9on, Harry H . NWly 32.04" of SEly M.08' (the bet aame It high tide line) .... 87 BALBOA BAYSIDE Roof\, Bo Christian et al AU (Inc. bet same It high tide llne) 2 P..oo8, ao Chrilltian et al All (Inc~ same " hl&"h tldf, uM) 3 -ao Cllrlstlo• ell al All (Inc ljetUJlle .. . • " blgb tide lbM! )I 4 Rooo. Bo Chrllltlon ell al All (Ex Ely l 'l (lnc bet same a: high tide line ) .. C Roos, Bo Ch.rl.eUoll et al AU (Inc bet aame " high tldellrle) 8 Rool., Bo Chrl!!Uan et al ....... ........................ 1 John Pftoc.....,., UU Weot Balboa • BAUIOA TRACT boulevard. MJ.u .&Ille Newland 'Tbompaon, Albert R. et al --·--····················· 7 oreotdhl6. c c c 2 3 ·3 3 Mra. May Delold:er Wu co-host· HS at I IMrthdly party, witll 'Otterinr by mena.bera ol tbe circle. each of whom. pve. a penny for nery ~r ot their ap. The EAST SJDE ADDlTION TO BALBOA, TRACT Neellnda, Anna L. .......................................... S 18 Scanlon. Blanche .............................................. 17 24 candJe decon.ted WU l«Ved at Sprague, La. Vergn@ ................... -................... 26 t11e ~,........,..., hour Ind setting Sptague, La Vergne ....................................... ~7 wu '"""""'"" by a myriad of ll:lllott, Eu~ R. . ......... -. ......................... "1-oumm~~ • · ~.... Wllt,Je. Em .. t H. ................................ -.... . At ~ ----1'1lll Bird, Mule W .................................. --.-· 1 Newland announced duaJ l\oateu-. TRACI" NI e• tori UM ;rear. coounitbte cbalr. RI Mariah p H. 4.1 men and memben. They include: ce, ' ....... -... -:·----- WaJa ud mema. Mam I e TM.er Tn Havtoo. clOainnon: P . L. mntna. Berry, WUlilm H. ...... _ •.....•.••.. ..:.. .. ____ U J . H. Milla. Georp Arey; Corol Curll'> Jeanette Beddome; 1tlend· llZASHOU: COLONY ftMJT D W Roi •• --·-· Pvpwm. 1 . 1Uc1>an1 1'1917 16 ·--···· a a.nee • • ._7, .~ 4 man: olln Pftlolmer, Ray Bliler, l'al"JmlM, J. Richard ·----:~- Edwlri De&-; flower, ltlft. OCEAN Jl'lllOllT TIUd ' ~trReil. dlalnnan• Adele " 9 n.~...:.. ~ )(Jtdlel~ Jamn H. ·····---~-Kate~ .. ...._.. .• , "'"" J . A. Bo' M, clloJ1'.-.. 1UVE& llllC'ftON . -·: !Clara OWllla, ... Qol!toer; !!quire, n.yd s. ~ "' ., ...,, .. ' ~ Mn. ~ l>oloolor, . (lnc .por ....... 10 dlalnilla: ............. 11. w. ~) ··--· . .. -y. .... NwA at;· ldl!>hoa, llolland. L. C: ot al All; (1116 .. -.~ Mn. -OalMn, _,,,._, I ' It liip W. -) .. F •F G I IC 11 11 u . • . , ll ... Jlllunljo. 1'aytoo. P. I. R1a1111, . •• Jolla utt.; •¥ 127 •. -Mn. • ~ l'ta8'I' ADDfft01'f TO M&.IWV ml8ll aq ~· •' 7 ss; 11iarpNt. SdnnW"\ JiCam. J . .___ -I ~ a.a Qlo'1m, ..--. w .. _.. Rlll>J • --· r -i ,....,_ 1GD R. ... --u 11 n .... ' ' Goprty .......... &. ......... : ..... _ ................. 21 c 42.11 Goprty, .....,,_ It. ............ . ............ 1·-··· 12 4 25.40 Shoem&ki!r, J&lllel S.. ..... .!L •.. -. . ............ 1 ...... II Y I M~ra, Jolla W, ........... ·....... . ............. -•• i4 T IOO.U 8tetal/h. Jolla"'T._0:.......... ., .................. -. •....• 31 8 a.11 ~'!'~.~R:.·•c: ...... ,J.1 ~ ..... ······-.. ·······'1't , . 1121 - 6 .IT e:..~:'u. "!E!l ~=~:~:::=r~: 14 ta McAlltater; RQ· 11:. ·--"'·· ••• ··-•·····}!~ !t i :1602 =· ~ Tp_-=-~r:=~~:'::==~ "·::: ' · BW.""'1, ~ L ·-· : ...• ·····:·· .. --:--I 121 .12 'ntoenP900,,~ a.--~ ...... ._ .......... -~ 11 P\i!nie.:QiU!a•Rolull ." "'"""· ...... .,..., .... ~ 75.0~ ~·9911ii!iiL. .•. ..,..~ ... -........ ' l ,.. • Q~~·:.::~;;· I ;~;t! ..... 'li 38.U W~ Left.o>' ...•...•. -~. L. . •.....•.....••. 11 Marpleo. ........ .......... -r--·· .... ~---'11 cs.as Marplft, Perce ............................................... 11 39.02 Moorman, FlorwlCe W. · ... .1. ........................ _.. 1 Berl&, Wilfred ................... .,.., ...... -..................... 26 63_73 Brewster, H•rryVC ..... 1 ....... 1 .. ·• .. ~ Manha!~ Ray , ........................................... lv Robin.8on, Loren C. e,t al ......................... -...... 27 ~::~~ ~~~r::;.::~:=:t~·f·~=~ ::: ~ 11.23 Doehring. Carl F . ·-·······i··--···· ...................... 1l 24..10 Naylor, Ida P . -.................................. ;· .... .(...... 3 •7.49 McCollocb, Porter ................. ~ .............. l.. .... H M .t? Phelpll, Ada A ............. ,. ........ . .. ·+···· 28 DO.d Mick, ~ D. • Y 7 H••••••••••1SU•U 24 . . . 8-0N nvz.-.11;4· -LJllOA ISLAND a• D'~ Anerleua M. ...•... ··········-·--·· 23 ~ Cliariea F •• , ............................. 2tl ~ Louloe 8. ··-..... o.J ._ ................ 21 3.IO Kartman, Loulae S. .I y a· ...• -........... 22 Ho111ps , •d, Gonion .. r .... i ................... : .. 15 11..n . · nACT 1111 ..: con:s . . 8,ft ' f I t.,...,.lloo, I.Ats A. ..• • .. ~ ...... _ ......... 87 i........,LotaA. ~2'and '· · Wl:y littg cor ....•.. • ' ftt.t.(,T ..;.. , I 1 I ' Palp, 1Ao 4. ---·····-··l-·[··-T; •••....••. -11 .... I , Mart.la. •wa11 c. .. .. -..... ·-· _. .......... ~ .. .:... •• · o.• ........... b-. "I' •.... -!. ·-· •....•..• r •··-10l M'lt na, L. -Clltut ..... tl ........ ....... '--·,lli I.ft lltUIU&ll, L. Chat ... JI ..... ·······-· _ -~38 ~lllf · • I .............. , ... "" 1. .•. f. ... -···-.. ~ u' (11.. A ...... "''td ~-~. . ········ ;·-fa I . t .n ll 12 • 13 13 17 18 18 18 19 1 11 11 12 18 I 1 2 J • ·) ,t -J . 5-67 M'I. 3.28 a~ 29.40 • a.1s 1.74 . j 5.57 129.19 • •18.45 73.0S 113117 I 8.45 : 1!1.ao 111.n · 14.20 12.88 C7.10 - I 25.57 22.H r&.14 5 .14 29.77 6.50 18.20 5.50 8.70 ?.to 8.U 20.4! J 3.112 8.45 1.115 2'1.U 1 13.CO 14.0ll 11.511 • 32.11 lS.21 11 .111 17.81 8.18 I "' I 3.1. S.H 28.31 10.37 • 8.511 I 26.62 45.86 10.42 - '!4 .14 a.79 - ti.Iii IO.ff OM ti.to H .Oll ''.[Hi 11.lf 72.'2 .2f.73 18.113 24.2S 37.~ 82.93 37.78 23.07 21 .U 41.99 28.70 •ea ta.It 19.81 H .11 ai.U -• 4 . .14 100".M .... .... ..... .,a.. "i:S We $ 7 ss .. Mn. A...,-. K s stll N. ·-;· If I. A.. : .. ,_. llilJllE. llft. Mte 1 '• Wiil ~ --. __ .. 1e • • ·-l:ILMlr ..., l s;r. J ..... c:ntebor J't·--· r.c. _;.._ ... , • ... " .,_a. Q I W Jloo f 1• IK; J . JO aa • 1illp)Me 19 GM al tecl~• b111& hapl~ .... ·----. • I "l 11:. ..., ... .. ftoo -•11•1 wit " 1111,t ..,., lloa It 9. -tt• -• a • 1119 tw' flllt!.,.., oa.i rs • .,, 11uaat ._ ..,.._..-, ii ClcUll • 1Cltl ts PI ...... arro. W-, 0111p If. -· 1-Clollt ..... ' ,. 77 IGI I .. Ol!ll .... L u • I I .......... -TE D , 0 7 ha .. 14 ~-·--ttfl It r .. 101 D .• CWD ha a. ..,.,..,, s r I Ill .,._ • n · -------"· M ......_ .,.u I !W-M$ 21 •M'r... ' ---·&II l1s -· 14-1'.-• • :.~,:~ .. -.... "·~ "' r: ... -ra,., -~-. .q.. , = .• ' i • ' • • °" ' • • • - - .. J s 2'1 •I. O•JI"• l'Mr'fUM, lac. _j , :1• -&II &Ii Al Ps J kb ~ f sa1• w. R 1t1I •••as WI ...... ota.UIT~-lijCMl aUP, oot11ilt <WCBUI .... ftAft •'*'IJIOR'"M UI . D111l Wo•o ·~~, '1'- •/ Pll .. ,_f,~4.D ." -~l-:...-::-''-r'i;fll* "" r ~h· • ._. ,, • I • [ .. • • ' '•AL MOTICI lleAL N011CI , !f!M !l!!!g, • , -........... ----.-------......... ---.... -.-----------• ...,.,.,,.,,. • maadl9air • , -·-·~ .. ~ ~~ -XO. -• NOUat It IMnl!J ....... lllAl tllo -"! !:wl•• of lk,d A ••ll"lll WWW-iNd •t• c.... J-Ql!lles• ~1c1 o1 <lnnP ~ .... -,.,.... or 119 """' OOCJMiL • to .. U.O •'Ownffr-...m .-Ive up to, but not !M« than 0:91 A.IL.. "1'1& J•••cw l•CI A• lune•. lt4l, ...... Miii for~ ....... Ott eamtnecll fW a cempt• mOft. DlU B&flf TO• -1nc ~ to lie lulollff la UW Ullr1'ily IMWi.,. Ill ~· ~ ... Ta. <U*NO tJP1 Colloae. Buth -.aball i.. ,_,_, 1n ua omo. o1 llM! "OWDH, 1n v~ ._ ......-. the A-Bulldi111r1 Onlop-0....,. Cellolc•, tlOlll ..,_ JdlilT °'. A ' 1P011ftOt11 or & BIY<I... wr llaat& A,na, °""''* Couaty, calllonla, ud-8 be-od 8 ... &JIT W ilG1(._ M a,..i publicly ttad aloud at th• oboV•·lt&l.Od· time b1 U>a offtff of U.. ·'IBI: fl(lS&Jf FSON" g. ··ewner" l"'sucb building., IWll&ll L1J0011fl& IT •S&'l' Each bid muat conform and ~ ~va to Ulla ~Yltatlon. the AMP ()OL'l'ON nam 1111 piano, ••W<atiou, and all ~r doc.~•nlt, comprlalft« Ulie P"rt1· Tllll Cl lT1' or IC&WPOa'I' nent contM1Ct document&. C<lple.o of the Oohtnlct Dc>cun.ento are now UMl9, flOttm or - on file and open 1o pubH• lnllpe<tlon tn the Mid Of(IQo of Ille owner. · ANG · llT A'i'S or ~ Oontu.-t bkb will be r«:<IW<I ~ a .-,_ -m. optem. NIA. OompleUUon lime r<q11eoled wlll lie •t b7 -no.' A depollt •f 10"' Tl>O Cl\y CGUDcU ot .I.lie City of Of the total bid by certified check or bond lo nqulrod wltlt .-II b!d: Newport ~ punlUOl>l to Ille labor UNI matrrlala boud ud perfo...._ bond ....,.i....i ot -ctar pro-. or' U.:, "l!ltroet v..euoa oelccted. ' A t of UNI." ud all ·--••ila ..-Each .bl<l shall be ma.de out on a rorm to be obt&tned. at tllt' liak1 th~Nt.o ;, e 1 /t 6 SeclioDI UOO office trl .~cb t.ae d::intn.et DocumMnts are on file. ' i:a.Sl th• ~ a.a Each bkl shall tK--accorppanled by a. certified or caU.Ser'• chfick ;::,. eo.: doH M-ttb.Y Ol"- payabk> lo tlllc , 01' Mt~factory B.'4 Boad kl favor flf t&.-Owner, dalD. re..:dVt> '~ decl&N a.g ft)f4 t>xecutcd by the dder as PcincJpu.J and a satlsfact.ory surely company )mn• 88 sarety, In an ount not Jeu than ten per c~nt ol the bld: Tht' · ~ AK-tw .. .._ a IJ ... · lflrtlM -. u., -Oas , al a.. O. • 1D 4 .... chec• o• bid bond I bo given .. a guarantee that the ,b~r will SECl'JON 1 : Tllat U.O pubtlc> • f .. -c.a, l' •. .... ef - ('XectJle the Cont.It If It be awarded LO biln In confonnlty with the lnt.erut. ud conYClllf:noe ,.i.re f a·p *• C••NI el tie~ •dk Air ,..,. • U... r' '• ... • --\ • ..i Contr-.et Doc!urnenta 'and wtll provide the IRU'ely bond or bonda U tbe c.Lo.lnr up and ~t qJ ;I ....,.. r· ..... Ul:t't ••"'11 •1 ca. ...._ .............. t.-a..._ ,.... ..... ., lliltrliM" ~L MM!Cilt~ Utetttn wtUWr rtvr dlly9 attn-nouttcatton of the 'award of the a. put of a pons.-., a Rreet hi ' w, .. ~ e ! s&r..., • Ill "--~ •• S-.. ee•11 8llJ' f'llFilltif l rtn'IC .,._ ........_Wftlf'. contract to lbf, bidder. . , U... Cit)' ot Ho~ -Olld ti ,._ 1Pn 1 Cl>!. .. L 'iian-..... I. 9. ~ky. Mf'O. llaltortna. 'CoL·ll.NIU. llln. "· I'. ~ The ·°""""·r~ .. rvu lb•. prtvpese of ~jectlng _any arul all bldo or, la tbo lotent19D ol ~-C!'J ~l -~ ~ ~ Nn1. '· &. Oljl aad Cl'P-OllL p.L I.. II.~ -.~r ~ .• walYP any trNgularitic-s or ln.lormalities in any bid or. Jn t.Mo bl2'fhlg: or t.liie ptty nf N..,aft ~ t.o f"',t WAI~: . ' , _ ~!'hl>t.o ~y. Bee,~~ Pursuant to the Lallor ~ ol.,,.. Slate ot Celll'ora ... lb• ll&ld or<ler ,tbe ofollowblc ,.._'"4 ""'° ~of :rnwt .. • hu ucerlalM<I the. general plivallln" 1'<• of per Uon of Oald. Jlbeat. 'la iat, ~-eti, of < '' ' Ti.:-_..:.. 1---' 1· •• lb -' ~••··local' ' :;:,~7 .. ~~~:: :.~~;.,~:~==::=pi:.~ ~""'-:: =..c:.uat!'.:r =: tnoft Jo.· .1. rm -. ·., psoo Repeats Vows Ea-:~ s-~:1!~ · · valllng rat .. ..., ...,lalned In eald -l!IA?~ oclopted by the Board. ci.-1 llp and o_bondnjl#<t. .IO-wft: , • • calte: M~•>' Saller of Mef· and ~p~~ _._May bf. ~ployfid in cooform•ty with s~tion no=~)'atl!eROtt ~. i~'-1.'osta· ':Mes'· a Me' thodist c·a..urch ~ ~ft:~fi.t::~~r ::·~~ 1777.5 of tile-cautoniia Labor Cede. '· Front. Afd polnt of bestoaiftg' 01 \, . ~I bnwl. Ttie ,.urst book wU ~ in Labo~ra. Gt'!nrral OI' ConatrucUon .......... --······· ... -$l .7~ aMn be.lnl' Ute Ma9l 80Utt.ttfy • ,j By ·•*>' ~ . '1h&rge 91 \11.u Rul'.ll ·PO<Jm.Ote ~o( Electrician -General Forrman ' . -......... - . 3.125 rOf'Mr ot Let.• .. BJock F , Sf-e .. · ~ Wlllb8 W O.e-hundreds· • -Whittler. .. . Elec:tneal Foreman ..... -... .. ...... ··· 2.&70 abot-e Oolofty TN.et.. ~rded . -to lv ,no J Tho • RtnltmMt M'nll:e'Ctlf'd "wk.ti Oito Per tra.vt-llng 'to a 'be'ch resprt Zlecl.rtcal Sub-Fore'man ................... . .. .J.1~ In ii ... ~ u ...... , Book WAl1t ':'° v•.f . "-..'.>.~ ... -.. ~ nrp-J mnrrlag"e a.a Jt was the chol~+of· or und£8ci0Sf'd dt'fttln&ti"fi UtelH!'W ' • -~ --doluglltA>r Of Rov ..... ~-P· tftA -ular yN••r-.V.upi. to .,... · • ' ·~ · EIKlr\<an · ............. -.................................... •· ··· · •·•• T, ,.~ ... --ol 0r"'!g• ;;:,;;.· H Tllcnhpi<M f IU E. 2ott> ~ r'• ~·• ., Mno : J•n•y <10nned • a -•be~aerd OTerUme ll'tall be pak1 for work prrfom\f'd ln tXCNS of Ute "C't" 0....t)", QlJ#Of'li!A: tll.eae.e -r· . ., · M 0 Ed: N'd cltt' lhf'k' P~IMa \n the Costa check 'tuit in Md *'1,d .ri&Vy. blu~ lar da)"a or wttk'a wor• &nd at the ra.l<' for overtllne of the craf\ tn-. N'~....,.J etoD'a all.I 11.fte~, ~. C!M.., and .w lleaa. Oommunl\J' Mt\bodf•t eet..of~with.•whlte ~ ftM volved. ~r~ '11-of ONoll ~. ~ • ot At!MI~-chureb. w1th ~.v. Thom,,...., pu-1.lle whit. 9,.-hld co...,.te riyir\'ber l:lotiday• u hen>ln .,.rerred to !halt be dHmf"ft tr) bl! New YM.r'1 "'°"t It f#t.; lherlr!r .uotb-"1"> ·~ ttwt~ trotlt. · 'I \o_ .. nt the dlurch IUld fathtt tJf thl' w.ctclin-. M>uquet Jh JlJ(.y ~-j~t- Pa)', Docontion Day. lndep<n<lcn~ Day, Lob<)O'-DaJ. Arnu•Uc• Day, w~ piarallol lo tlte-ll-•ltht."'..::iof 1 -~utl!ul b~i<\o. off;.,latlnc. !Wv. 'Iliomu wM. wlll IHv~· QD! an' ex~ ThanlUlcf'vtnr Day and CbrbUnu. U any of UM ab<we holiday• C&ll on WdtllrtJ' .,..,_pUon ot the ~.i. fm ~ ~tn1a 1 ~ t.M Varley of LD1 A.ngNH wu aal11t· lilllJ> lo I:..kf' LN.ilet'. -Mntf · and Sunday, t.b• Mo-)' fo•"-tng sltall lie .--a lopl ll-J· nmtj••'t•l~tl7' llilo n1 19\11 Lot ,_., lft, ..,., _ t,((s, J . p , rw'I, Ina ftllni~r at I.be 8 o'l!&o<k rtou-other 'l'""nl• Jloin~ \n o,.,-p,..11,c ---•-~v ... ~-t to t horn lJ'ad '? ot-.., ~tlanUi, a.rf' pRrPnUI of tM tde-<riil' Cf'N"tN>ny. N -b t t -~-' .. to" • t••-'•· It l"haJI be ll'l-.nu.lo.ry upnn ..... e "' ... 'rec r ow & eon f toaa ln~Nf"C~ ~b..• l'*" brtdt~. , , .o"'-. ~. ra~ng t.p .~~~"" IA award.NJ.. and upo• all J1Ub-contracton uoder hlm, to pey not lt'u 15 ftel. ·~ a( rilbt -,.,..~ Wh a W11rnl tmich ~r An abu 1 1'<1anlCf' or 11;le.d-oll and prk>r 'to l'fl~}:>118hlng ~Ce~ than utd g<>neral ·prevailing ralt's of J>f'l' diem wagH le all workmen a.dR'f<'S 90Uthfftuiy of aad stock. al whi e, contrasted With BOl!lton wttt>re Mr. ·Jervey' ls now ,_ rmployed !n lhe execution of tM contract. para.Del to eald. ~ the cool ~M"n of fern and N'fkoct-atudeftt a.t the Boston SclM>ol. ot No bidder may withdraw hlo bid for a period of 30 doy• afler lbe llM ot 0.:..,, ....,.,., <»-LEGAL NOTICE HI "'• .oft glow of tall l&)H'ro In n.....•=· M.... A graduate of d&tf' set for the opening of bkta_ aoul.JWut•rly aloftc RMI ,..... -------------1 JlilVflr candC'labra which bankl"t'l Emory Uftiwirsity, he i.9 atnllat· Board of Treateet, Ora.n1r Cout Jumlor aUf.J Ma• t.. an e.W9ed.loD !'li'OTIC'F. OF Hf'..ARlNO lb,. !lftnrtuary altar. Myriad" of cd wilh Kappe Phi Kappa. &n(I Plll Collf'J:f> Du1lrict, Oringe County; OtiJlf., MUI u._ MMJthwHtterly Jll'Oo ?\otlitt la 11,.,,.by 11v,.n \Mt the I cathM:lral ta~r'!" and wide Mtln &ta Kappa. SIR'flNI : BASIL H. PETERSON k)a&aUOn of tbti -~ Pl I Co , __ 1 f th c ·t" ribbon df'fincd the cPntral alA'le The formf'r J,fiM Thompao11 wa.s ann nc nlm..n on o f> 1~ th 1 ~.. nd · UM at ta.la Lot f: t.Mae• t N---t Beech wtll hold a pu wi f' UBteni of •ru-f'n a f'l"ffO• «J'a.dUAt.ed ft'om Whltti:H' C!Ollffl!, ... lllO?th-..terty a lbac eald n "-,,........ cry caught at the ~WB. C&ndlfl's clue or lMl , and waa aet.tft lft. _,Utwat,,.'rJy prelon-t.lo9;l ta ~ hJf"arlngChon thb• ,appUcaVaUonr•--~ bot'CIPrlng th" aislra and tn th€' campua affa.iMI. belng pre•idetd tJf ·' ~ •-..,. an"Wa urr or a -.uvo-rl 11..,. ed b 1 ' SOT~ OF ! 11\'TENTIOS TO XOTl(~E· IS\·mxo BIM tbl> point. oC ~.. . Lou 1197 l lil 1198 aNI 1200 "an nary werf" ...,.bl y cous.n5 lhe Thalian Socl•ty. Prominently • No. 712--PteM Pl1bll&hed: Juac 1.._JUM" 21. 1961 . 0 O• ~ T__. ""··L>' O>"' · Rakl. -i-el .W st..rHl to bf> ~-•907 Lld, 0 1·_,_ 1'0 allow 0' ot ~ brtdfo, Sha"'°n llt1~ll, klentl!JNJ with Mt'thodiat Youth f E~ A r: ••~ ...... ......... • Notice ls hereby given that the •-:r-"'"•~• ..,,.. Al.C'OHOUC BF.\'ERMlE..~ Board or Trua~ of U.C Orange vactltfl\l. doftcd u,, &Dd &N.odont'd deriatlon from the a~rlirl appUca· Sandra Hubbf-11, 8UMn 'Hubbell F'~llowMlp work she 1• a paM., Junf' 12, 19!il Coast Junior CoD«>ge District of 11 ......... elHtlf ~ 4111 a c•rtaJn tkln ol SeclJon 910-t.21 1 a) of Ordt-::!t ::•=IC'~~~~~-d~~s!'ea w:~ MYF ennfPNncr nrtlcer. TO \\'lfOAf IT MAY CONCERN: Or~e Couaty....caut .. will ~Jvr lhap ap,,Oft>cl &ad MGpted by the o.ane.-No. 836. wo;e dainty \\"l'iJll r"t1f'SAK~• of . N.otl-,.· h·-by gtwn that r1r. bkhl up to th~ hour or 10:00 A .M: City 0-•ril ot U.. Cll7 ot New· N u h b ru th ~ •. \ ... ., ,-,~ port llfaca fGr eaU1 YUatlM, Cloe-O Cf' iA f're Y r "r li'ven ph\k ira.rnat'4>ftA. tffll dafs aJt~r thr dale p<M'll<'<I. on the 29lb d•y of Junt', l9~1. at inc vp and abattdOfO'Defit.. •Y ReAO--that aald h~artng will be '""'d on MaMtal Prrl~ the undrrslgncd propo9('8 to MU the oftsc• of Mid achool 'dl.Btrict, llllion daltd June it. lltn, and UW> 21n day or Junf', 19~1 at lb~ alcoholic b<'verages at lhf'Re J'IN>m· located at 19951 S. Harbor Bivd., de:tllft&lNI "'RffolaUon NO. .MIO". t\ollr of 7 :30 p. m . tn the Council ).f r»OJ (or 'he Mn'l<-e WU IM"t Ltf'M1 deacrlbro as rollowa: ea.ta Melli&, Celtf., a\ wbkb Umf whl<Jh -"' llap ie °" ttk '" the Charnbtin of tbf' City Hall. N P\V· by • •J>«IRI progt-a.m "·hf'n Mr11. -tOl Main S~t. Balboa/New-.1Jakt bida wttl be f'lbUc:l7 opened otfttt ot tM Qty Clerk er th"" City port Beach. Callfornla, at which Mar~t>rft,. Chapman of LoJt An- p<Wt BN<'b, Orance County. ror UK-Nrni..ehJnc ot t,aae: tolJow.. of Nt'W)Ol't Beeett.. Referencc 18 timt> a.nd pl&ct> any and all per~ ge)('-111. 80\olal, Mng, "AU lhe Pursuant lo auch lnl•n\lon, the ing: Maln\esw.ace of l1'f'Wl1ten k..tliy liU. to aaSd Map (or tur-90Ja tntert>ated may appear and Thing• You Are," •11d "How Do underalped la applying to the and bu.i~ .,...h...._ Tllte -.id ~~ .,, lo the JH"OPOMd bP hf'ard tl'liereon. I Uive Thee" ~ Ellubelh Barrett St.at. Boa.rd of Equalization • tor Board of Tru1trea .shall be the sole ~-tlon cl··• g Up ••d a~bdon RA y Y. COPELIN, se-c·y. BroW'ftlng) with Qrpn aeoomparU- 1 ( J d f th rt d -··'l!I ..---• ._.n ..... .-. -' menla' by Doria Hemp of Olen-IR11Uance on original app icallon o u go., o e m• LI an .,..._. • rm"l'it ot uh:! portlon Of a.kt fllireet. Nt>wport ~•ch City an alcoholic be-Ytta.«e Uem.,. for 1 catk>ne of the equtpmen\ offfff!d;. and aid map la made a part of PlannlnK Commiluiton:.. d&l('. J ohn Fu.gill or El Monte rt>&d th~se j>l"f'ml&es a!! follows: j and rt'lt'rvea the right to reject all thl• R e.olution lo tbf. same h"lf'nt No, 7:Zl -Prt>u. the "Lov('" chaptPr fron1 1 Cor· On Sale Bet'r LlceruK" bids, and to waive any Informal-arwl pu__...._ aa If th• same were Publiah June 14• l95J . lnlhlan11 . - fly In any bid · ,._... Thm. from Ute ba.lcony, th<" Anyonf' de!liri.ng to protest the · herein incorporated In tull. iasuance> or sucb licen&l' may rue ADV.: June l<I, 19Sl. la.rg~ church choir sang lhf' 0 In ~r J 29 ••1 o ·-oN "' --•"-· ---..1 "Faithtul and True" by Lohen· a verifif'd p ....... test with th~ State JM'D C ..... e : une · l.u l ---... "" .: • n.-l uie prwww-Bid -"" 1 by th ·~ AM I • , .. _ 1-·'-__ _. "'·-• 8 ..-ui bt> rcce Ved . e grt.m to accomnany thP bridal ('n-Board of r ... ua.lization at Sacra· · · qa '°" '"' e .... Q.lg \IP .,_ al.l"UI-a-"'~J ~--1 f th N t ,-· .,., BJ~ doe-t o( ••· •• Id ....,... ... _ ou1VU ... ..,. eH o " ewpor ton-ve paet.nv down the whit<" mento, California. slating grou.ftd11 ~= .. _.. 1wU1C a1..ott• ....,. .... h •-h 1 DI rt f •··It -~ • • B • •1·L H PETERSON ot ·-•~ ·•·•1 be had •-'-Be&c °"' 00 Ill ct or # J4U' or ca ......... ted a iale. Under lhe direction for de-nial a.a provided by law. Tht> ~ · ..au •tttet ........ and L&A· 1 9• ·r- •--n .... _, f -··• d ••-ctty Co ctJ t th llllPP ~-for the achool yiear 1 "'1' of Ro"'er Axworthy, the choir of-p rt"mUws are not now licenat"d for .:;)C1.:., cum. ~0 • 1 ua..fffl en. an uac un o e 1 t Ill • N 723-~--City ( N rt n. h h b 62. A l9l of aupp let1 and spec " fered the hymn "0 Perfect Love" the Ml~ or aJcohoJic bewrage!I. J 0· ,.,.~ 0 ewpo ucat: eft Y d ; fU 1 CECIL H. HUTCHINS and Published 8/!4-n;?Jl elect.a to proceed undv the pro-catioa.a tor sat aupp 1~11 °n111e n a. ~ young rouple knt>lt ror the ~-~-f"'-Id .• 81 V Dbilrtct Supt!rlntendenl'a o c e, b~·• bl-'-• wblch culmtna•-• FLORENCE E . SNEDIG .. 0 ..--,. o o.ne • reet aye,-,..._ ~. ~ No_ 720---Pttss. '""!"' NOTICE OP' llllAILING Uon Act nf tHl'", and au amend-Clltr Drtve and ln-tne Ave., New-the exchange vows. Orga.nlat. Viv, NOTICE IXVrn!\·o BIDS Yale Graduates Include Balboan J ean L. Hopkl1U1. 1707. E . "'Bay Avm!M', Balboa, waa included th lb# 'group or OJ atudcnts ~ California when. more tM:n ~000 cudJdale& received degree. tft Yale Jb>Jv-1¥:. Jl5QUI , Co>D- m~cement Yonda.:f m.Onatng-, J\Jne 11, at 10:38. ' ·· ,. ·• -· .. s I . . . ' .. Notice la bt-rr-by liven tMt tM meata l1'ereto. belaI aeeUoM l300 port Ht f&:hta. ian Hannon w .. ttwo accompan.tst Publt&h Junf' 1 ... 1951 . PLa.nnlcg CommluJon or the ett.Y ~ 8S31 of the 8t:reeta and ~ 8ida will bro ~lvt'd up to 8 :00 and a.180 played lht' tradltlon•I of Newport Beach will hold a pub· Hll'hlfa)'e Code of the State ot P. m .. July 3· lO~l . marches. NcrrlCE OF l:STE,.'TtOS TO ENOAOE IS THE. SALE ot· ALCOllOU(' llEVmtAOT.S lie Maring on the application of callfornla. Th«-Board or School Truetel's Little Sidn('y Hubbell. another ot the Newport Beach School Dia, ··-' r th b Id ad ad Robrrt 8. BulleT for a V&J'iance 8ECI'lON 8 : The Slr-t Super· co ...... n o e r e, m t' an o r. ~.. trkt reRrves the right to reject bl n g1 ; 1 II tall t on Lot :>O' .x 90' ln e • Wly of 9th lnl'&dest Of Ute Cl.._ -NwH a e owl'r r n ye ow c a.. ~Rust~Pt.oar . ' . : ... ' . June J2. 1961 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCBRl'I: v -·-...,.. .. &oy or an bida or waive any In· 1 •··k r I 1-• St.; bd Nly by Bay Annue, and -..--a.. ...u muae to a. -led carry ng a ...., t>t o var f'g& ru •• ............... --r-: r-tormallt7 In • bid. Lowest bids on bloMOm s. Lot ~· X. QO' In 26' Ely Of Tl..t alon• ••• -of ••· lndJ I • .-.... ..u.taetory ndual tema or ff•lrtoom \·,.11 Notiee \a hereby given that flt-1081, bd Nty by Bav Av•n~ -~,_.."""' -t .L.~ to < · da "' • ,.... -.-..-. ,T.:: · ..._._, ~ 1o1a1 bid may be "f"eptrd , '""" ,da)'JI al\"' iM \e. pooted. !:1.1"1!•' a"llay ,A~"'!<-:l ewporl ""1-~"l '~'ll'ol>~W oqllocretlon of ocbool tru&Ue•. A-doc \e tbe allar"CllL.tl!~ '• the ~, Pied ·~tn aeU &Ille' tlrl m ~ _,., adt U{a;I • arm or her father who PVe h~r at ....... L ~ 'g'·· .._ '• , .. pr<m-···~ MARION C. DODD. '""'"°...: wra ~ at ~n 9013.M of Ordlna.aee No. 830. • ln &A. oolleft; et tbe .......... GI -.-,_ • •• ... t!lerk ort'h~ 'N@Wport h1 kffpinJ\ the brtde .wu l'tldtanl- !-gas.olwo,~'.:~, • l " ... lM1. M8Crlbed as follmn: No~ ta bueby f\uiber fh'q ,uc1 ,.,....... ot. •lid l'tftft. kid 8f-acb Schc'>ol Diatrict. ly c harmJnc tn an exqulaite gov-•n Z800 W'eot NtwPOrt Blvd., that told ltoar!ng will be llold an ~ oM11 dllal.i' o. ~tlooi No. '11'-,.,.__ or whlt• rnolre taffeta and Jaco ?\4>wport Beach .. Orange County the 21st day of lllM. 1951, at UMi Of U.S. lta6baUpa ot lpttatloe ud h'1bllt ,une 14 .• 211 J90l. atyled with bouffant •klrt and Purauant to IU<'h inlf"ntton, the hoUr of 7:30 P. M. IQ U.. OOunc:h &be time &1ld .,-..of tM ~I mcidlum train. The titted bodlc~ underalped ti applyinr; to the Clwnllera Of the cttt Ball, Nnr· f111 all -111.-ed tn ar M-Nanc& or Hl:AUNQ waa d<alped with i... yoke and State Board or F..qualiutklu tor port Beech.. Calif~·-. at wttkb. ~ to 1'e paup lltt .,...Uoo kine poJn\ed alileVH. For "1<>n1e- wua.ne<> on orlglntl applJcatlon ot Um• AJld ~ uy anc1 all per-of Mid -1loD of _.a· otnet. Nottc<i le benl>y /fl'"' lbat lbe t.bJnc old-Ille WON a ollk net and an ak:oholk' bevenr tice.ttM foT ION l•tuuted may appear ud la"TION f ! Notice a. Mn~ PlamdnC Cammlaion of Ute Clt7 lace veil f~ from her moth- U..-.. premiers a. followa: o. beard llM!r<on. ,rtn. \Mt Ibo ...,._ Ooundl ot tho flll 11'.wport -wtU bold a pub-or'• ....-.ddln/f ttll. .,_,,eel to a On Sale Bffr l.Jct'l\lle' RA. Y Y. COPRI.JN, See'y. ~ Of.N .. VW:'8..cb doN ......, Uc b8rias Gil the applJcaUon of small taffeta up. Her ahower Anyane deatrlng to P"'leet the Newport Beach City bJ Ila llloa:+:-: Ille II.II ..__ of lloberl I!. Pridham for a Variance boUquet WU C<llD_.i ot wblte hssuan.ce of 1uch lice.n.se may flie Dl---•nr ~-m-~ -., en lot II. B>oek 7, S.CUOn 'l"wo, p,, .. , ___ , __ .. ,..._ ---* •lephAJI '~ • ~· luly, INl. at Iba _, ot 1:18 Balboa -..d (IOt Coral Aw.I 111 ·-·..,._... -~ -• a Vf"rlf1ed protest with Uae State No. 714-Preu. p. -. Of Aid ..-... la U.. ,_ ..... , otle.. • Board or EquallzaUon at Sacra-Publlalt Jun• 14. 1961. ...,,, --~ with Ordlnenco No. Brkhll att.-ndatlla were lad hY mento, California., .tatlnr p-ounda Cbamtaen of tM a&, ol Newport 836.. Mia ba Draptt u rntJd of honor tor denla.I u provkled by law. The ""It la a k~own fac t tb&t m\ldl !:.~.:C-\;' In Ute~ Ball at Notk.:e La hereby f\Jrthtr J'lven la fol"fft peen moll'e tarfeta tl<'-p~mlaea are not now llceneed fw ot Sally Rand's succea wu ckle tct v f//f IW'flOl't .. die tll&t. -1Zll ~Inc wU1 be tleld on cented by the cluster of dN"p pink tbe Nlf' of alcoboUc beveta.ges. her · 'adverUainl'.' But l1'e t!Unl' Unte ~ plilc. ..,': ~ all tbe 21.at day of J'une,. 1901, &t the Ctadioli. She carried. Pale pink CECIL H . HUTCHINS and We WIUl to point out to adVtttilen PHWODe ltftit!l or ~· boUr of T:10 p. •· In the CouncU fladtoli prtYYlded. an ct1ecllve con- FLORENCE E . SNEDIGAR is the fact lha1 She U-.ed ple.nty ot to the pr1lp0Wd ftC&t:Son Of aJd C2wnben of the· Ctty Hall. New-t.rut to the .pa.at~I green moire No. 71i-Ptaa ••hJlt apa«."--Ouette, Au~ port.Ian ot aid ltrfft: Ud. tM ,.,t: Be:M:h at ..-.icll Ume ad taffeta dfte9M worn by the brldea.- Publlah June 14. 1951. Kan.a.a. Aki Clt.J Coundl of t.i.e'aald Clt.J' J119ce any &nd.U pencma lntaut-m•lda MJnr• .Jean Thompeon, ---------------..,.------------of Hewpott 8eecb. at aJd time ed. may •.>Pear and be heard .Jou. Vu Doten Ad Ju.natne CoJ· ~--~~~ftd a.ad pJaoftl Wil ll-.r lM ·~ th~. la.rt. '11ae trocka were detilgned I otf....S ., .,. -1Dtero11t..i RAT T. COPELIN. Sec'y. .,.,., muc-Ilk• Ille bridal gown ClftUTB Ifft.·-In Ibo vacation ot -~ of N-rl Boach City "''Ul m-bodlCN and niu ~ ""fla9 a etld atrfft beretolOl'e deocribed. Planning COmmtulon. .,ictrtl. Tltelr tatreta .,.,,. ecboed )JI~~":!" =::s ~ ~J:ii!:~ .. 111$1, tit• <olon,of tbe pretty CftOtlon& ' l MATERIALS, COMPANY • i-t -la U.e Newpwt.Bod-' ~ ~ 1:;"'~ ~:;. ': ~ "-& MW ... por at.....,..ai etr-N°'-:IOS INVITING llQJ8 -,.. Uoben ·_,.. Tbollum F . SPECIFIC .. ·TION -,"' ~~~,....,..~~II' ... t , -,..,..1, ~bide wm .. '""""'---. "' the -: ~ .. &U~ • -_..,. --... .--IV'Od1"ytbeCl~Ooo..!letu.a .... ··-·-._·ICarl -... READY MIXED CONCRETE I ::°!'!'A~~~·-.... Cit;)' of lfWport Buell, l:.llf-,._ Tfoli•'-..._tt TaJlor. .. _ r--~ aet far .a ;,.. · ,..,_ u.e llOUr GC' ,T;a A_ ~ -•od the nup- t:B WH• wu...., t botw...n Newport. U. ~ ...._, tbe 1teadltg ol. llll Pl'-= o'eloclt P .K. • lUDe IMll. 1'(11 ti" eW t:,-were sreete<t In c..ta 11-_ -•• --._ , . ::.:.:. _.,,_, ... to °" 11a Ille ....., ... ,._ -Ptattac of It; .,.. 0oot._1 tbe .. i,.ai -..... to " ,.... _ ........ -•tz•• ,..---------------------------·---·------------..... -------.... __.__ ---·~ d ~ of --... ·-., , •• , ...... -...... ..vrm""w-..~••'-"WW¥•'4\&.-mW,j.i4iV.,._._w.-m"'"'-W ...... -'1'11;: ----. pa=e -a M WS,...lt -••• •- •' lutloa of IaU..U.. Mo. -. -..... --..-1•''4 -.. -· ..... fl I ••INlod ID U. ""1.Y I=& NC kr Miil-...,,.. la UM City ot Newport talM 1,r-w 1'lms IJr. ad.~ ., tae or .a ..... ai;, o1 -,_ u.. -.. ,_ ......., -..., • ....,. .... ,..... -·· ..,. Naw'°" -• .. Ullll *s l llljr 1.ot. 1--PO*I ..... ~ a. ----"',,...,-. "' .. ..,, ... ,,_ IOlli, .... -... --........ .-tF la 1>0 °111 .... --· ....,...! . . ·--..... !II ... l1Jl8 ...... .... jlnpl. c 7 = .-.-,.....11.. ... .,..., lj &•--·. ... as 111 •.-.-. .All --.llo -••RI • ~ -ea..,. -,.1 1 Ins NO.mi.·C • m:X-. -..W••m,-.~~---......... Mf :11 A• •rn "0 r:j_•;.=. :::tr .... ~·-.-a::I;.-: ;:;:;·.:-:":·~.:: = ••r: ua. • • ••• .... ~::.!'*":.~ .--::,• :':':'9,r*': C.lt.W, C.lt.~ I'S lf~Tar::"n ..... Ill • .. ~ ·~~=~~=~ P t'a ,,_. U. ll7L P t'a ..... lt, ll7L ii I BALBOA TRANSFER ;,CO. ' AODTS . .-' • l1•c0e • Local and Halioa-wid C.&.lle..~:--·A-awa - l'o.,;,,g •a. I ••••• • mv···car <. • l8st . longer'' ' %.· ·<UltENT EAlhlO . /11-/i.• I·· 1 • • ·-• • • ' .. ,, .. •• • • • • • • ' • • • • -. J • ,. I I • I r • I PAGE I -.PART 11 -THURSDAY, JUNE I .. , 1951 ~a·~~ll·E~ss Jl t . . ...... __ l , father's Day ·iS June 17 ' \ • . ' Riil llllill c.s -. •• • IL 0. • -.,,..,-..& pa;gy 8ClltJYLD 'MOTOR8 ;& ..... ~ ...... ... . .•. ' :~ '· . a uo 1AND ~y CLEANING' Geo. M.,Grul am . ·~-· "7 Opal f --fth•d. ' ' •• ,, a -ASSIS ST~1JUNI 11 and JULY 9 - H , ' •• ~ ....... _,. •1,1:ill,t ~n11•1L D1 .... •••• ......... ···~] ....... ···"'"""'··· ............. , ...... ......, ........ l'J .m II, 1 1 " !~~ ~ ••.•.. : ... ~··":, ·~::t :/·"· ·~~per -~·,.···~.~········· .. ao(ws,.. .... IN'DJN8JVIJ ~.~liege, J>re.lndOO. ~ anct~ ,--,-rfor high achoo! com· ~" ~,·;·!. \ We ~ve ~your altoe.a the new looll It you have the old parta. ' CUll'roll llEl'AUUNG C•URS000Uiii"q. ~Accounting. and Bullnesl Admh!!stratJon, I , Pl:llSONAL riPD(o, for I bo)'1I and girls, ages • aowning touch ID w1na dad's heart. Choose from our new selection-1om1 ' ill today. SWIM TRUNKS BEACH TOWELS and T SHIRTS PHOENIX HOSE ---"'-': ~ n.. "TOpt In Trousera-• , •. For Men ••• with Fashion saw, Widespread Arrow "Par'' ..................... ~wt. ....... ...,. ,.., ,,. ... ,.... owt - • '-Woa ..._ w. Ub oll """"- ..,... ..,_... II MltofO cwt for ,..... . hct •••• s-1 ......... ,, .. , s..p, .. -,_,,.An.-............ ..,. -........... -.._... $3.95 WE GIVE '6 .'H . GRE€n 5Tflm~5 F1rtM1'Bla< 11:5T AaLltlMaD 19 14 EWPOR OEPART~N.T STORE !2nd and OCEA..V FRONT NEWPORT BEA.Ch OPf;N SV'.\'DA \'S -10:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P . M. YOU CAN DO BEITER AT Daniger FURNITURE CO •. • We Buy end Sell New and Used Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY Balboa Wasbit 30 Min. Washing -Fluff Drying Blan ke t s Wool Shampooed and Dried 50 ¢ Am. Legion ·Auxiliary . Nominates Supper H~nors Mrs. Alma Swartz Officers, Etect & Install July 9 swc.0.~1~.~~~-:~.:id:~~t ~t! NomlnaUon ot new officers "fU ... ---~.---------I Meea Amcrlc·Ln LC'glon auxiliary lbe cbtef order of bualn68 at the 4~· Mr1t. Jo Payne entertained N a W me Motlday with an allractlnly ar-~gutar· busineN meeting of the 8WSp per 0 . n •anJrNI buffet supper lo ber home, S'ewpor\, Harbor Ame rican Le-to ~· Jeet at Races 228 Mat:nollu iLVf':flU(". RoaC'li from Tlon awc:Ut.ary ln Legion hall Mon-IVI the garden of the hoste&a wer e day night. June ll. u.ed throughout the appointment.a. Thole nomin.atied we~: Alma A day at the ra.cet &a guest. of On J.tr11. Payne'• guest l ;~t were Thornpeon for presld<'nt: Eileen the Hollywood Park management officert1 and committee chairmen lruuJ fqr flral vlce-prealdrnt: JiUI· ia on the •«rnda for member-a or wtw have ~rvt'fJ during the past dred Qond• for ~nd vlcf"•Pn!'li-the CaJlfornta Auocl&Uon of PreY year with P..tra. SwarU. Inclurled '1<'nt·; Bernice Opel for secretary; Wom~ Saturday, June J&. l.Amch-were Mines. LucillC Dodd, Grace Blanc~ 0 ---• •d Lydia s~g.,.,. eon will ~ eervrd In the clubhou11e '"' u.:.u. .... , '' eo~ Thompson, Billie J-Jill, Mildred tor trcuurer; Lucille Ochres tor with Vivian WlUcl.!'I of lnJlewood Jo'is.her, Allrnde Day, Florence sergeant at arma: Adrain Joyner hosteaa lo the many new8paper-Davey, Edith Dula.n t>y, Cora Bom- for maraha.l; Helen Randel. tor women from the atate who have boy, BPrlneace 1'..,ox &nd Hue) Ch.plain. "·rJon N-1 for his made ttaervatlons to attend lhle ·--. ~~~ tortan; and Jean Markham, Gen· June event. Carr!fe Lou Sutherland ------ eva Bell and Mona Hayden for ex-of Anaheim la the new Callfomla ecutlve committeewomt'n. P"urther pre1ident . nominations will be held July g Attending from Newport Beach followed by election and truila.lla-will be Winifred Barbre . Uon . An announcement was made by presiding offlct>r Alma Thompaon ot the forth-comlAg Lrgion break- fut, whic h will be held Junt" 30 ln front or RJch.ard'a Lldo Market thb year. Ticket.a will go on sale In a few daya. Mni. Thompson, stated as she ca.lied for volunl~rs. to help malnt&ln a booth al the market. H06plt.al chalnnan M I I d r "d Bonda, reported on lhe Leg·ton par- ty held at Long Beach Vt>teran·l'I h011pltaJ' June 10, whlcti waa at- tended by aix memtwra n-om th,. local unit , who look sevl'nLI doun cookie. with them for their con- lrlbutloO lo the ~trc•hmenta. Ritual T...,.. Busy Reporting on the recent actlvl· li<'1 o ( the ritual U>am. S~retary Bernice Opel told o ( triJN:I to Loe Alamltoo &nd to Cua Blanca . whleh h1 ln R !vt'nld e county, ror the Initiation of members of a bra.nd new unit. At lht> latte r eV('nt, a nuntber of df'p&rtment or- flceM!I &l)d pa.at preald enta were on hand to inatall the new offlcerJll, M'ni. Opel diaclolK"d . J\ buty future ~('med immln<'nl tor members of the locaJ group as plana were made for helping with lht' ~fast, playing-hoaleBS of the Jul.f meeting of the Orang<' county council and pre"parallon for lndetermlnate dUtlea Ute pre-con- vention tauc u.a whJch will have Its headquarters ln the Newport Legion hall lhla, year ln August. At the cl~ of the meeUnK, re- frf'sb.ment.a of aandwlches:,Nld cof· fee Were aerved by hoate&Me1 Lydia Briggs-and Viana ButdJc k. Thoae preeent were: MmM. Blanche Benz, Jeutca Schole.11, c;..neva Bell, Mfrion N~I. Gloria "&fcKln.J\ley, Mildred Bonda. Mona Hayden: Lucille Oehrea. Hele.n Randell, Jean Allbaugh, Atma Thonrp.on, Eileen Inna. Adrian Joyner, Jean M.arkhaln, \VUma Murri.on, &mice OpeJ. &nd the hosteuee. Gut:8T FROM ANAHEIM Mr. and Jia(rw. Heins l<a!Nr or 147 Vlrlinla Pl., Coeta Mesa. en· lertalned Mra. Ann _Huter of Anaheim at d inner 1.ut week. Later the trio attended a met>llng of lht> C08la Meaa-BAy CltiNI Fuchsia Society when Mlrandy wu guest epea.ker. · AT SANTA BARBARA Mra. Sam D. Crawford ot 215 Magnolia avenue, Coat.a M esa. lutJI returned from a vl•il In Santa &rb&ra with Mr;. und Mra. Ernet1t Rombaugh and daughter, Janet. N~ YORIC1!R N!Wl'ORT Mesa Park Picnic for Welfare Club Socia.I \Veltare club No. 102, together wilh a nf>w social welf&rt' poup just organtzrd in Co!Jta Ml'S&, w ill 8.M<'mbl<' Monda y, Jun(' 18, In the Coata MCAa Park for a c hick en dlnnr r a t noon. Thr chargE" le 50 cenl-' a pt'rson. Mem- bt>re and friends are Invited. Those planning to attend a re tu bring their own tabJe &e rvic<'. VISIT IS Rt:;[)(lo'"DO Thrt'c Costa Mesans, Mrs. C. ltt. Buneh, M~. n. D . H1·ath and Mrs. Gt'orgt' V. F ox 8J>e nl 1'-riday In Redondo Beaeh v lHlling Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Rowe. Newport Slioe Repair 100-H nd N-n -.... • . z• llrM1r Eme:r,eaey UI E-17'11 • PlumblDI' • l•peln Alt.ref~• Co"'ract Wor~ C.11 hecOft 6ZIJ.W Lido Plumblnr Coot& M-1 -Cla.ut.flcd 80 a.re read by folios who are looking to buy. 10 .to 11. · I . , APPROVED FOR ~$ · E.tob~'-l 25 Yn r -.;;:_--;;..bl,-;;:..:;;-_ ..P...h.a --1 ( ., ........... J',N 1 • ! ( )KJsldleltflel I c-o.o .. llo&ll> I NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : •••••••••• ., ADD&l:l!ll • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••• CllTI' •••••••••• "I" • • • • • •••••••••• ; • ftl()NJ} •••••••••• I • I I ----- ·r 1fi I '" Pacific Electnc l>us or traUl to Southland beaches and· mountain resorts. • ' Skip traffic hazards ~d play safe ..• • • .\ • •• -· 103 Palm -BAUOA Harbor ·2724 • • Mesa Rebekahs ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elect .Officers. - ,,__: •11N9 MTT • Let 118 asalat yoa Ill your plau. We w 111 gladly 011tlmat.e .,..ta ot materials, ftCOlllmud a contractor or help yoa obtabl a TWe l ·loU '°' new conatrudloa or re-• modellog. • • l ........ v • o•••• w•••• ~..-_ ..... --., La ... •ia • • It'1 always interntin1 to hear about futur&- lookin& uperimenU with new ouper engineo . to nm on.,.... ouper-octane fueb ... oomeday. . But it'• -more ittterestllla; to hear toc1a(1 re"1 life, on-the-hil/Jway talk about -Oiryoler'1....., --performing FltePower encb-FirePowv taket any resuJar grade cu , :rou .,..,, to buy ••• and adds its own llO lldlllPOWD -· .... -8 t ' ' • C1 l pw OnW tMt"a the o I ~el Cla;Jm ftucl's-. ID..,, •a·a 1tla • I , .. ., ................ _ • ... ..,,. I ...,__, ___ _ ____ ...,,. • •. llew ~ oct&nN to the power· living oCta.... of the' P.,line it.elf. The result ia 180 bopepower performance ouch U DO other Pl--Clir builf in the U.S. today .... equal. • 4 ' If you li!iwo't drivel!' Chrysler FirePower yet, your <;:hryoler ~er invites you to do _ oo now. lt'a the mott ~olutioaary ensino in 27 years._ It olfen highway •tmac:tion and aafel;\1, ouch u • you've never known. !ti ., ,. And Ct'I a 00~ ~ne other -~ tJaaD any otller on ·Ilia rMd. l tsi n''''" ""ii" ' ' ~po .it , alm.-i eon!tpletely cadJon,,free. It is mnon'h and quiet ••. bUt a1oo ruaed • • > I •