HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-12 - Newport Balboa Press' ( 81'iclt bu't By T. N. ("BRICK") GAINES Aa a surf ftahennan. JunJor grade, I'm mad al the St&te of Callloml& in general and Its di~ Ion of parka and bcachea in pa.r- Ucular. Hett'• why: The other day I decided on an oarly-mornl.nJt" attack on the cor- b'na clan. Fishing wu supposed to be good near the Santa Ana rtvcr jetty and eo. remembering other spots a little more toward Jluntln~on DellCh which In other yeara produced n ice catche&, I headed toward Huntington Beach fOT a rttng: In the surf. But lh<'re wa.an't any nlng. our nice Stale had decreed that 1 t.-ouldn't go flahtng. A II thr way from tl'le river jetty to Huntington Beach Uncle ~late had done a fine a.nr1 ex- penalvf' f.!nc1ng job. l'l!ot, I'll ad- mit, as a J><'rsonal thru:-it at !IUrf ff.Bbennt'n. but to force pt'Ople wishin1= l o swim to pay parking fees. A couple or gates \Vere l ightly cln.Jt>d. and 80 thrrc wasn't a.ny activity around the former old fishing holC's. Before we became "civilized," (and I know I'm being old-fash- ioned and anti-progress) we could tli!L'.ih up the c0&3t, park our car beside lhe road, walk to thr surf l:\lld start fish.ifg. As simple a..<1. that. But nnt any more. N0~· w e n1u~t wait until Uncle Stat ... de- c ides t o npl'n the gale lock in the 1norn1ng 1lnd pay a fee befor-e Wt' can 11.'IC' t he "Free" beach of t~e lJt't~pu i. or course, the re arc rin"' ariru- 1nc nt.s for the elOJl:ed bt'ach . All L.he bl-er carts havL' bl·en !IW~L·t up and the bc-ach Is nic:e'n clean .. The re are res t rooms for anyone w~nlln i; t o rr!\t and paved plar:l'S fnr the payiniz Clll!llomers to !"ave their cart.. Plus. of courSI'. lifP- ,1.?"Uard~ I o , kc-c p th<' customers from i::rttini; tj<fc-rip~d. Th"r"'s a nl'C'rl . of cour.!'lc, fnr A plarr> for I hr ho rd<'s fron1 I ht' b jI:: rit v t o ~.., .!'l\\'1n·1n11nJ:" on holi- tlays. Rut I don t think there'" al'I Y n('("1\ for barbf'd-wirc <'n- tan;h·r.i""n: !\ t () kef'p out any tax- pe.v~·r who v.•an Ls to fi.'lh on an t•l\rly·mo:n•n i:: hi~ tld••. o r any oth1·r l tri(., The 0111.v reason r ca11 Ft r fo r th .. tr nee I~ to (allc,1 u p a slntc c<1n t'cs..'4ionA \rc who gets m o:o t or l h1· pa.rklng (t'e:5. It lnnks mighty str&.ngl'.'. too, lo 6f't' t e nts or vacationrrs pitched on beaches rurthcr no rth, ki~ play- In£ in lh" .!Hlrf ani.t older folk '4 fis hing, while the" "peepul's" lx'ach, bt-hlnd locked dOONI, ta ea empty as a taxpayer's pockl"t. "fhrnk nf the stink i( some un· happy "urf('r would br<'ak nut his wirt· cutte rs aome morning or night and cut an entrywa y to his favor<"CI ft!!hlng hole! Bet Uncle State wou ld send hlm up for llfl'! A SCRAT('ll OX Tiil.: N£C.;K While sp<>aking of 8portfishin$.:-. on!.' of our bigcesl lndu.!ltrl"-'s. I'u l•kc to pin an on::hld on J . B. Mc ~ ="ally, who, In my ()pinion, is do~ 1ni; mo re than al'ly one local man to pro1nott• the lntf're:;ts Ch tht busu1<'~ whtc-h br1ng:oi plt:"nty nf do llars 1n t1• IO<'al pocket:1. ?\tac. who knows the fishing siluatl()n upside down and back- \Vard:q , Is w orklng day and night tn bt't tf'r ou r local ,s1tuatlon, and hp."JI go out or ht,, way lo take part In any di8C4'8SJOn which m 1~ht br:ng somcthfig better for the angll"rs . R1i:;ht nov.·, we need a lot morr' McNally!:I in thl' l-larbor U1 ~tricl ! fl1':RJo.,':V T•tr:Rr.: I w1~h P11 lirt" Chit"( R . R . !To- rn at() Facl"l !iod~kin80n or City \ '-1ana~er J ohn Sailors woul dbui\d a n u ncl"rJ>&.'1;" at the city hall in- t•·rSC'( t ion, where lhey trh•d out that t raf£1c li j;ht. N ow . Y.rilh tht' I wn-~·.1y st up. traffic b!'Lks UIJ for t.loc k~ during blllly hc ur.s ... Di5t.'11l'l.o;t-f! polit1c.'I and thing!t with J im &rnPtt at Port Orange , ... Anyonr want a pretty and fuzz.v ' cat, fnr frl"\'? See this dept. 1'alk Y.'tth Kent Hitchcock, \.Vho'tl ra thf'r work on hl!t boat tha11 tak•· h l:q exct-llent pictures . . . f.\ob Th<lma.s. Asoo-clAted Prt>st.' br's t n1ov1 c tto ning hrrr . writ£'r . is vaca Couple Unhurt in Mo tel Blaze J()(' L. Palacio and his wlfP. 1 • nu; PU:SS A minor ot the moat nptaty devdoplnc are• ct tho CaJJtornJa South Coulial Empire I VOLUME Xll PHONE HARBOR 1616 . L'APACHE CREWMAN LOST; HONOLULU RACE GOES ON Boal! of the Trans·Pacirlc yscht rac<' rt"port<'d yutrrday tht> tragic news or a mlln overboard. Crf'wfnan Tl'd Slerks of L' A pee hr, 7Z root !tloop owned by Phyllis Brunsori or Hollyv."ood, whn I~ aklppcrlng the boat L'Aparh<' wa.s in second plaC'f' 1~ milt"s b<'tllnd Dick Rhttm"s Morning Star. which hu hl~ld the lcacl ever since the boate lctl Loe Angrtes harbor. V.'hile this was the fir!tt timr Sif'rks had bct'n In a Honolulu race. he hu particlpatl"d in tht" Ensenada races anrt Is a .skilled enthlL'll&!\m h1'3 be~n temP<'rcd by the a cc ldrnt. !rfQrJllni;( Star madl' 2-tO miles yrstcrday a.nd wu 46'1 from th<' fin~h line at noon today ' • SIRVJNG TH! !NTl,R! · ~IOI ARlA ' SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWPQRT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 Bloodmobile Here 'Next Thursday Give a git't ~tralg-ht from the heart. The Red Cross Bloodmo- bile will visit Newport Beach Thursday, Jttly 19. Center ror blood donors will be the Ameri- cari Legion ha.II. l~tb' and Bay Sta.. Newport Beach. Hours are Jrom 3 to 7 p. m. According to Lois Zarnloch. hosplt&.I record altps l'lave been rec,elved by the Red Crosa a.skins tor replacements for the followin' cttstticta: N c w p o r t Beach. 4.S plnt.!t : Col!:ta M~sa. ~·pi nts; Co- rona del Ma.r. 5 pints, and Balboa . 2 pinto. ' . •'' FOURTEEN PAGES • • FIVE CENTS ...... 1 .. I '.1'1111 nus A1mo 1G lie c1eu, ta1t llDd ltn pe.rt.laJ, and 111 .. to Neei'!e and ~talA populu ... ~"' NUMBER 20 • China Cove & Park Areas Are Benefits By a unanimous vote the Newport Beach City Council Monday night elected to place a $1 monthly charge on city water meters for a 10s month period to buy 14 was ter front lots on Chin~ Cove for a city-owned swimming area and to obtain funds for other park improvements. skipper and crewman. H e Is the !Thur:-;ctay ). Sht-expect.!I f'CIU&lly !'On of Alma Ov<'rholt, who -.Au ~nn<I ~alhng today ant,. h,aA hlgh ~1rector ot Catalina ll'lland pub· hor>c:ii of brt"a.k lng the record. The !icily bUN'RU for 30 y<'ars. and a.Id-sptnnakf'r wa.s takf'p qft lhL\ ed hi.'J m othf'r 1n publu:·lty work • n1 om 1ng, the ballooner 114-'t a.n<l •he as w r ll 83 be1n~ offlclal photo-Is ma.kin;:: a comfort.ableo 10 knot.!. graph<'r o f thf' re!Mrl. For flf'vr ral Sf>lll'I and 1,1.inda are mOd<'rate and Therefore, a total of 100 pint.a yrani he has st'rv<'d as island cor-all boa.L" rrpartlng &rt' malting la urgently n~ed lo be replaefll rrspondt'nt (or the Lns Angl'l<'M t;IYi<l tlmt'. Dragon a.nd Fair I tor blood that hu been U3ed for Times. \\"eather &r<' in good sha~. Sea. ~al people before a supply can According to City Manager John Sailors the water bill increase will go into effect on Sept. 1. The water meter t'I-" pBSSed first reading at tlie council meeting Monday. Air St-11.rrh W lch 11' doing well on Cor~tf"d aenl to the armed forces. tim e. Che rok@~ and Jada h•ve not Do )'Our a.hare now. visit. the An Rir-rcSCUt:" B-17 fro:n Hic k- man F'lrld wa.oi M'nl 1n1mci liatrly to aid Ln tn"' sc11.rch rnr Sterk ... reportt'<l to press tmte. T)-pet and A merican Legion hall next Wed- T f-ton are at prewnt tall endeni. nesd&y. and Ws:i In comn1unlcatlo n with ) -, -.-,.-,nc:?."'~~'"':"~~;- lh<' fh•ld thrnu~h I hr flfaLVln ~, t .. ~ ; s • •• •' -------------~ . ..,.,-. • -' ....... ,,,1 ~-" ,, 't ' .. . .... .. ··.: . -,··~ '-J-;, . ,; ":""' J .. ":::J -...:: ' l. ··.---· •• --·-----.l ---· ... ~~!:M -..i...... --..... --~---. Mayor Isbell indicated that part f the money < 40 per cent or lhe total raised by th<' water tax) might be used for park develop- ment Qr purchase of property near Balboa Island and in New. port Beach. frC'ightrr Hawaiian Psckt'r Se v- <'ral of thf' race yacht.a had bc~·n s tanrting by and were bt'll e ved to , hRvc mren Evenin!l Star o r San l Dieg o, Sky lark and Chlrique of I.n~ AnJ:"t:IE.>s. A 11 we re from 75 t o • ' ' .• SNJ PPISG Tll F. RIRBOS ~r'OM Balboa 81\'d., l\la~·or ~ 11'hrll (l"f'nl1•r) formaJl,l opened the htcb- "' .. l' in r t•rf>m onlt"l!' "'t'dfW"l'ida)·· On hand tor the M:IMorlng of thf" tape \\C"r(' (left to rlpt : Torn Sor- ton, Prf'"'lcif'n1 of 111,. ="""'port Harbor C'bambf>r of Commrr~; Councllln("n DallaH Blue and RoM GrM-lt·v. '.\fa.,·or J.,.h.·11. C'o11fK'llma.n Dale Ra.msey; C hamt>t"r of Comm1•rcr· Sttrctar)• Hay I~genJIPlm and Lonnlr \ lnl'f•nt, P"'""fd1·n1 or the Balboa lmpro,·1•n1<'nl A.~•K'lallon.. (Press Photo) The property involved would probably be in the area nt>Rr the Balboa Yacht club and the Pacific El('c tric property which bisects Newport Beach. -. ·. Valc.an<rl.lk.-119 m 'lr>11 of the place rro m y,·hcre :.. tht' accid ent, Cir.!!t in the <l 5 yesr!'I 1 · < of rac\nJi:: bctwC'e n tt"le maln lanJ and Honolulu. had occurred. Also 1• joining In the search a.re a.n t'scort .1 • earriPr and seven rie~troycrs of t the Hawaiian Sea FrontJer. Sierks is 40 years old and makes hi~ homl' In Avalo n 'w\'ith I his wife. Clare. RecPntly he ha.<1 bef'n t ea.mf'd with Ro m er Grt•y, 90n of lhP late Zanl' Grt'y, in Film· l ing trave logut" motion p1etur-es for televuilon. He is a Jrraduate of l AvaJon High schoOI and Sf'rvcd as J • , • ., Stanley to Run for Congress N. B. Groups Seek . · .~'. From New 28th 0. C. Distri~t . Qil Drilling Ban ~ ASt'!t"01blyn1an Earl W . Stanlt'y of 9 Rudder Road, Bcacon Bay, Tv.·o civic organizations, Th<' ' said tlXiay that hr i:itrnrls to campaig-n for election a..<1 Congrcs1in1a.n \\1on1rn·s Civic League of New- for the ne\\' 28th Co ngr<'SSi()nal District of Orange County and norlh-port Beach and the Corona deJ • Likc the faint rumbling of an almost extinct volC'ano. last min- ute China Cove speakers and re- ports blew off quite a blt or steam as the meeting was drawing to a close. In a supplemental majority re- port, four members of the Park. Beach and Recreation Commission en&Y.'CrC'd the post car-d baUot of its chalrman (foremost opponent of th~ water tax plan) Francis J . Horvath, accusing the commission of completely disregarding -the China Cove special committee's report on methods of a cquiring- ~ cm San Dlc~o County. 1'1ar Civic Association, added Thrf'c t1m eit C'lcctrd AMcmbl}·n1an fron1 the .IOUlh county'8 74lh thf'ir bac_lting to the protest al- A.ucmbly Ol~trict, Sta1_1lcy won ;,~~y1 r:;'~~~~r::nt t~sS:~:~io~e;::: corpora.I ln the ~arlne Atr corps, " 1 with duty in the Solith Pacific during World Wa.r U . R.&c4" Cnntlnu" • nomination.! of both major parties I B Ibo Blv" d que,.ting the prohibition or slant _, each time, and Wll.'I <'if'Cted in th~ a a dtilJin for Oil Under the Cit Of p~imarics , a record ~o oth<'r can-• Ncv.~rt Beach. y d1date In the county !t history had T -tt f m both th China Cove. , The supplemental majority re· port. la.belled as false H orvalh'A slat<'menl and staled that the commission hall discussed at some length the committee's report. The race is still on, though high ..... _____ ,n •• I " ' • ' be bl d F .LA" e rs ro eae organ-cn a e to 0 • II o 1U1.tions v.•cre read br fore the Citv Thf' n('Y.' 28lh C'on .cr1•s.<1iona.l orma y pen C?uncil et their mecti~g MondaY Distric t lnclud"l'i more than 32~.-ni,i;hl. Action on this request 000 P<'rsnn.!t In Lh <' two c:a>u nt1 l·S U>d by the. cnlorful, rythmical would requir<' lhc amendment of Its. boundariPs gt) to San Dl<'J:n. F.l T oro Marlne Corps band, a mo. the city ordinance ""·hich current· anrl lnclud<' a ff'W prf'c incts in lh<' torcade of promi{tent !\ewport Jy pt'rmtts such drilling west or north part o f thst c ity. Ikl'lC'h officlab and dignitaries and 53rd str~t. Stanlt'y 111 a Republican, and ie mcmbf'.rs or the Orange County ------- The report, over the signature of Lloyd G. Wood, vice-chairman of the commission sa.ld that: • I I I caucus !Padt>r In the Assrmbly Board of SupPrvisor11 took part In at Sscra.monlo, whf'rf' he Ls one of the cerl"monlce officially opening II SJ 1lAI beat-known legialators . Balboa Blvd. Wednesday. H e 18 chetrman of the commit-Highllght.8 o f the occaalon were Cee on municipal anfl county gov-th<' snipping of the rt'<I, whit(' anrl ., t'tnmt·nt, in which h<' lnlt'reste<I blue ribbon across th<' boulevartl Hoag Hospital Bidding Keen "The minority report was again mi.!lleadlng when it referred lo $27 ,O(X) being available for the ac· quisltion of unimproved proper- ties In China Cove. A ctually the City of Newport 8€ach does not have a cash cr edit with the State J:Jark Commission." .• I . ' l~'APACHE, boat f rom "'hk'b Tf'd SAerlm. promlnrnl A"'&lotl yaclttMn&n and pbotoCNPlter, bM btt-n ~ctf!'d ove.rboard 810 m1Jf'8 north~t nf H OftOlulu, 19 ahowa &bo\"f! at t.lte at.art of lb.ft Hoeo- lulu rM'f'. Air F'ortt pla.nt'll and N•'"Y shlJI'!' &rl'! aflll conductlns l~ _.rch which. up u.nUl 1 p. m. today bu pro\Td trultl~•· Slf'rk8 ",.."' rf'1)nrtf'd o•erboard Wt'dlt8day momlnJ. Re 18 t.he nrst po881.bl~ casualty in 45 ;fMU"!l of t~Pa.cltl c. nci•C· in the abo\-e photo. Slf'rb la thlnl from the ff"ft. (Photo by Beckner) STANLEY. TRACT REZONED TO C-1-H •1 hlmiu•\f while a ~<'¥.'port 8"ach by Mayor I,bcll and a ~re8enta­ c•ty counc!ln1an. ltc also srrveR l1on of a commPnrtatory plaflue comm\tt<'<'11 on fish arid gerni:-. to the Nt:.f.'PQrt Beach City Coun· ralJltary aff1tlrs. and ie VIC'C l'ha1r-cil . man of the cnn1m1ttf'e on f'I C'Ction.s Plaquf> Tt•xt and r<'apportlonn1cnt. Stanley Is a rcaltor, ma1ntrun- 1ng four offices In N'ewport Bcach a.nd ls 1"<'8ponsible (0 r 80111C O( the city's finest dr vclopmenls. Orang" county now t!J a part of tbe 22nd Congrr Mion&I Oi.'4trict, represented by John Philllµ.-t of Banning. His district will n1 nee· forth include R1ve rsldt.' and lm- pcrlaJ cou nties a.nd the eMtl·1n parllon of San Diego County. The plaque rea.d as follow~: "To \1:Ryor Lester ls bf>ll. Councihnan Dallas K . Rhtc. Councilman Bra-- i l"n Finch. Counr ilman Ro11s Gr<'C· :ey. Councilman Dale Ran1.sey." ··rn gratC'fUI recognit ion and ap- nrl·ciation of their capablt' anrl ('XprditioUs diacharge of the many '{r('at obligaUoru of lh<'ir orriccs : of their Just settl<'ment of th~ -..arit'd probl~ms bro ught b<'fo re :hem: or their Joya.I adherancr to their pledge.' to aJI our ciLiz<'ns 1n reduc ing operational costs 11f munlcipal governm<'nt: of their ene rgetic JJUpport of all im1mrlant projects for the dl'Vf"lopmcnt of lhi.s community and of their broad vision and clear thinking in ,ruld· Ing the de1Uny of the City or r-; cwport Be&cb." "ln.!ltcad. we have a ·matching land value· credit (in this a.mowitl Copies of the plans and sprci.fi -lrft over from the acquislLion of cations of the Hoe.g Memorial th<' n1ain State Beach at Corona Hospital Presbylf'rian, haVc be<'n del ?.far." requested by many representKliV<' Packagt> Deal Prolfoat contractors, according to H. C. The r<'p:&rt WC'nl on to op~ Chambers, w ell known architect lhe "package dear· nature of the or Los Angl'les, who haa prepared post card ballot mailed out by the plans for the institution at Horvath. It also inquirM ··rnct- N<'v..'porl Bea.ch. dentally who ls the Citizen's Com- 1Intc rest Jn the bidding i11 kC<'n mittee besidf's the signer?"' and Chambers expec~ a satisfac-1 Replying lo the supplf>mmta.l tory nun1ber of bids when th<'Y majority rt"port from the floor of arC' officially OJ>f'ned July 27th at th.: council chambt>rs.. Horvath, in the City Hall, 1''e"'·port Beach. an lmpaas!oned speech a cculied Ml!mbers of the Building Com-the park commission or b<>1ng die· mittee o r the hospital wiU be on tatf'd to by the city council. hRnll for the oprning or bh.13 at He said that the baJlots WPre 2 :30 on the 27th according to anonymous, so that the voter.a GeorJ:e G. Hoag-, acting chairman could be free in their expreMion in lhr abSt'nce or President J ohn o r oplnJon and cited the right of A . Murdy, Jr., now on a tour of voter& to a secret ba1lot. Europe. With hands shaking with emotion. CommlUft Members H orvath spoke out vehf.'mently Others' on lhe building commit· t<"c arc S~f'phen Grisel, Santa. AAa. "PreMnted al the occasion <Jf Clarf'nce Luah of Orange. Wm. F . the completion and ronnal op~n-Kilncs of Newport Beach and ing or Balboa Blvd. on \Vednt'3day, Chester Hawk, secretary of the July 11, 19~1 A .O ." board. Economy in construction again.st the watrr [4x and verbally IMhed lhc City Council for Lheic action. Small Hook S.U,.bt Ho rvath cloaed hl4 llca.dc wil.b a sort spoken plea tor a "ama.U book :"· one on Which lo hang his con.sciepce. Audrey, lJ0.'1 An~eles. escaped w ithout Injury at 3 :'49 a .m. Mon- day a.rt••r th~y woke up i.n tht"ir Approy1ng the rel"ommendalion of the city pJa.nnln1; commlaeion Monday night, the Newport Beach mo t""I n)(lnt at MOO C0611t J;:llgh -city council votro unanimously to rezonl" thr Stanley Tract In Newp<>rt. Beach from R.J retiidenUal to way. to find It In (la.mes, Newport C·l·H.commerclal. The property l!\ loca.tN:I from 23012 to 23018 Co.at H ighway, Newport Beach. pollc(' rr>portf'd t LHr!i Lavai;;nlno. 67 Balboa Co vt"s., spokesm&n ftor the group willhlng to retain the R-3 zone for the '"B}'. and ln behalf of. lhe or-cost.'> is anticipa.led becatJM: the fices and membc-rs of Balboa lm-building will be single slOry, the provemenl Auociallon. Balboa Is· location is well suit ed to easy con- land Bustneu ~latk>n. Corona Jitructlon. and lhe extreme ctLCe del Mar BuaineMmen's ~La-and detail With which the plans tion, llftd Newport !Jarbor Cha.m-and spcctfications have been pre- be.r of Commerce." pared. ma.king the t.aak convenient Palacio statro he and hi!! wife area 1'Ubmltt~ 30 Additional poit card~ br1nglrfl' 'the total nwn~r of post.al pro~et.A to '400 ot people ln v.·ert" awakened by lhe hcaL H e th<' a~Pa. The post card ballot ln·· ... ---------------... -------~------AddreMeB W<',.e made by Tom for the bllllder. • wu unabll' lo unlock the door dicate(1 that the f)"rson.s wt.shed \ and broke a window In the kitctu!on to retain the R-l zoning. atlonr were a nuiaancc to ~ l o escape. Hr rcportrd the fire lo retJldtrteefJ, • th,. manager, John Radaelli. who No Motorboat Reat&.I Stanley ~at th meeUng th.al bro ke down the door to releue Earl Stanley, prominent legt•· "t he pro~rty bu alwaya bM.n Mesan Jailed as Drunk Driver ·-• Norton , prea!dcnl or the Newport Materials required for the proJ- Harbor Cha.mbe:r ot Commerce, ect should not be dlfflcull to ob- Mayor LH lJ:bell and Lonnie Vin· taln, a ccord1ng t o Mr. Hoa.g. and cent, prulde't of the Balboa Im· no featureS' a.re Jncluded t.o make provement AuoclaUon.. coru1truction expensive. Mayo r Is~ •treMed the ta.ct Some of the more. Important In a disc::Wi.lion 8e&!Jion prior to the council's approval or the $1 waler tax: both F.dward 'J. Healy, 113 15th St., Newport Beach and Ralph Ma.skey. 371~ Channel PL, Nev.rport. Island, questioned the le- gality ot the water tax. '""'y qu~tloned the right of the coun.. ell lo UBe funds from a water lax ·i i for purpoaea not dirf'cUy connect-i ed with lhe maintenance &nd Im- provement of the water 9)'8tem. However, City Attorney HILrT)' BJRdgctt Jndlcated Ula t he be· Jl~'ed lba.t the procedure was le• Mrs. Palacio, police l'Xpl&ined. lator. wu pr".5e.nt at the meeting C-1 lr\ my opl.nJon. I leaaed It tn The damage consisted ot two and agrttd along wtlh his lrn&nl good tailh U bua.tneu property;• n1attresses deatroyed with several that with Ule c~l·H sonln.g a he continued, &8$u,....:l lhe C-1-H pieces or bed clothing and the bed launcblng ramp for arnall boats .aalng. damaged along wilh alight dam-would not be tnata.Ued and that no L&vagn.Jno 11*4 ul\ed for a con- age to lhe floor. outboard motorbo&t.a would be UJiuance ot the R-S rettcienllal Palacio said he would make res-rented from that area. aonlng on the ~ tb.at Sta.n- tilullon for the dan1age. Police Objectlon to the Cl-H z.onlng 1ey ten.a.AU WoUld not. ba &Uec:tftl stated Ibey believed th• fir• start· by IOC&J .-..idento ccnw..ct &round by the ruJlll&' ud bu the land C'.'d from • cJgattL the nu.isance alk&e.dly created by would u.lum..td7 M deft.loped u th t s 11:ratt ...u. mulUple ...ucienc., .... petty u bu S..i.t Trick ol !be Week e operators o tee IMelt fOft:lit!lm .._ the p>anolns The Steelcratt firm baa a lft1I>. _, Have yoca not.I.Ced the. new can-letle on ~ htet of water b'ontac'I oomm'"'llt>n. vas coven the police department tn' tbe u-. &Ups onr the atop a1gna at il2nd 'But Bunt, ton Cbannol PL. N-. -· ~ SL and Newport Blvd. around t ~ .. port i.... -at Ule _,.. JIGn ._ i.-MwatO)o- p. m. clally? ,Belpo prennt COQs lnS -~"Half ot"U>e pon--all pu1a al ... -...... t.ljslon amoo} Moton.to wllo atop ,...t Stoelenft -• -.--•••s 111'1 lllf at Ule O&U- 10. ... ev ... with a tratllc offlett baW to~-. .. ·---..._ .... ID llln wavtns t.bem Oii. < •••• ·--"-lbt UMlr wl;J' (I &. &) _. lq:t s .. I. . -'·- • ' Police JaUed Ira l!l.. Tr<al. az. of 1931 Anaheim St.. Ceola JVJla M~ on a dNnk drivln~ cbarg. a.tttt lllti car he. was drtri.ftt ran Into Ille ..... 0( auotlltt .....,., ... at _.,. and Blabop ai.-t.o 111 Santa All&. • I Drtvtt ot the otbet ~ wu 1"111 C. t'l>l\a. 40. of WO a; Pars tdft St.. -told la;z •c lie WM t 111-'t .ioutll .-..ay alMI llad ._..i Iii, car for tho -..----·~ m Obs ,.e-sd. • la ti.I·.:.,.. ---"'--... --. EARL S~ASU:Y ALBAOORJJ: RU!'ll'llNO Radio roporte t-l' ...... pt -. of pod al-tWllo&' ............. mllo to.nlc IUld ---df Catalla& blaad. trllll .. -. -0( to.mas --alld•lkr•~ aoeerdlac to Pon o r a n c e. ._.. mm t••• •••d••r ~,,...._ ... CNew-.. aesdE\J' ... n...e --.... i.ill'. ...... ~ l9 a tatal or ............. :N.,. .. Luiif.. ..., -· t• ' .... w,.,, ..,.. • :rw I T· .,...,.Iii ..... hw Ito I I *· --·~ -..-u. ' ' t hat there la atlll unflnlahed bual-materials reqW~ in ~Uty for neaa along boulevard pnprovcmenl the borpital building a,,re, five llnca from Mcf'ad.den Place to tbc thpu.sand aquare feet Of plywood, Co&lt HJR1'.way. 91X thou.sand seven hundred bar- Boult'Vard beautlficaUon plans rela of cement, lwen.ty-five toru received a boost tut night when of el.eel p ipe, -fifty ~tons of aoil membera ot Ule c:!ty'e Pack, Bea.ch pipe and lltt~ two' hundred and and Recre&tloia Oomm ... lon adopt-forty tone of relnforctnr steel and eel a ruo&uUoa s:ecomrnendin1 the one hundred •too. of •tee.I lo cltys -""' of tl:nda for the llhapeo and abffta. Tll<re will be acqWr!ns or ~ for the bells 1860 electrlo Olllle~ COllD~ ..,. (at the -<Dda ln the ceilter S0,000 feet of CdDduit. 1 O(. -JllWd.) I 8eftn hunclred IJctaW., flxtuiu The \-'1 would be ne<de4 for wW be ~and pllunbinl'fbts Z1 bells -wuui.t coat an eotts tuteo to tbe number or llO will be mated-· -for,U>e plants In U>e DUlln bulldln&'. wllldl. bu an' tns and Ian' •pins' or the c:en-lmposlllf 'frootase 0( a5o t.eet tra1 hl&bway <B•-ue llelnc overall ·fn>IJ> ~ to -t. WIUI ooltocted "1" ...,.i ..:I'll<: orpeba. a belgbt or loRY'sflt>e' feet fnim -• pvund-ieftl-,tG !1)0( ridp .. ..., ... -:t--............ • gal. • FollO'tri.ng the diacuaslon the council voted unantmou.aJy to ~t::·~~:a.;M:7 ~for Ille,... ..,_ .. llle.BUtoer -· mpi.. -J 1jp, ~ I __ 72 .. Pr'F 9; ,. • ....:-..9' -==· Al7 1 .--·· .. • Jfll7 a __ ,. a ·~·-71 .. ""·-•J 1J116 t i ._,. a ...... ,. ,., u _,. .. • • • • PAGE 2 -PART T -THURSDAY, JULY 12, i 951 :~~!:"fll£SS~ PubUSbed e\•ery ThurWay at Ne-w-port Bea.eh. Clll11omia. Otfloe and Printing Pl41ll al HJ t Balbof\ Blvd. Phone Harbor 1111 Entered a.a second·clftR"" matter June 18. 19'40, at the post office a.t Newport Beath, t:-aliforni&. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Ha. the lar.-t"~t l•l\hl rln:nlttti"n ht th~ Nf'"·pvrt Hartior Area Second l.a.ri:.-~t l-l nn1'" ('ommunJt1· 111 Orun~" Cowlty. ------ Mf':lllhf•r (';1.lifurnla ::\"•'"'."P"f"'r t•uhl •."h~M r\!MOC'iatfon al+·mtu>r :'\'atlonRl •AHtutlal ..\AA(K"latluo --~-------- B'EN ('I RF.UDlCK. Owner Rnli Puhllsher ROB P:RT ,.~ \Vll..Jn'\IES. BuJilne!.i; '.\tanager A. ALEXAl'\llF.R HA.MU.TON. Ail\'('l0lt."tlnlif Manager • ------------- ThC PreM ha.s btol'n 1i olj11•l~<'·I n. nt>WS}lt\pcr or Keneral ej.J'culaUon by d ee~ ot the S u~rlr·1· ( °1)11rt of C.lrange County and Is tfl:lly qualified to publish All }>1nd .... nf h·g-nl n('ltice )j ;_\nd a1l\·~rti.eements. -------- :o-;f 'l\S('ltfM'I Cl~ 1&,\Tt-:s: ~··:,,·:poJtT·f~.\1 .1\():\ 1>K•:.liii."'1i .. Yf"f')' Thnnwllly lu Onnp f 'ount.'., )O~.~I P'l-" ')'far: $!.00 ill~ tnont,h.s: (11.!.5 thrff monthJlll) (Al~o lnrl1111t"' th•· st:\\.'l'tlKT-IJA,l ..BO . .\ S-1:"'8-TIMES on Tttf>-...la ,\·) 011l.•id1· th~ rounty l.C.00 pf"r yf'ar. ::::::.:::::::::::::::...;:;.._ - ----=------ THE TRi TCE - A TEST Nothing cn11l<i bf-more ob\r\ous than that we must remain alert and militarily prepared even if truce nego- tiations are succ essful in Korea. Yet, it is equally obvious that it will be difficult to convince public opinion qf this necessity. · After Wor ld Wnr I we quickly dismantled our war machine and raced b~ck to peaceful pursuits. This action was understand3.hlr and excuseable at this time. But after \Vo rld W ar 11 we did the same thing even though there wa~ no ju;-;t1 fit:it1on for it. The lesson of World \Var I didn't hrlp u• a fter World War Tl. Will we make the same mi~tak c a third time? • UP.* ~ • lf.f.P. • ... " ES If' YOU ~ 1'0 INK$ Wl1l4 ~ -- . . ., I • ~ It isn't like\!·· u f c~urse. that we will completely dis· RP!'lt1tt1i o f Lh•· Ju1il·i·nlli·tl 11,." .. 1"" ur th" cnJLfomta State L<-gtAla· band our furc('~ ('lr halt the preparedness program entirely. turf' ,h0 ,,, thR.I c:j1rr•"t"'tl,··· l'fft1rt11 1tpplicd to unt>n1ployment in8ura.nr(' But peace i11 K11rea \voulcl certainly cre8.te great pressure bill• r•·11ultf'~I in 111\vln ~ !hf' 1111t•n1pl11yn1t•nt ln11111ouu·_. rNWrVP f11nd n< here (stimu late(! b\· communists and the well meaning I approxlmat<'IY Sl!i0.000.000. · I h ct · h·, " f th I ) t h I ' rt ·1 Th1~11tf' Bavinlif" "'l'rP ma1J.• ~1&"l1hle bv 8topplnll' all blll11 lntl"Qducf'd < upes \V o nn t t in .... or emse ves o s arp y cu a1 · · 1 . . lo .. llhf-.1 8\IZ•'" lh•· l ln<'n1pl1•\'ll1t"lll · ---- defense construct1{)n nnJ tra1n1ng. 1n11ur111i;··· 1\t·t und th ... pR.>t.<•f\~" 11f "Ary ,,.11 1tinl( period. ~ tund The end of th e Hhooting in Korea would by no m eans lhr-c1• b;ll:o dr,..1i.:n,·d In t l1'h'4'n 11p \,.1111 1.i ha\'i· bef'n df'plf>ted by about bring an end {1) the dangers which confro nt America. pr•·.!ll'nt "'"Ph01 ~ "' th!' 11~·1. $100.0('l('t.000. , . \vhlrh, ho,vr,•1•r, 11111,..t t11· ,..,~n•'ll hy 1\11ntho>r bill wouht have rai.:!wd • • • YOU -aiid . -- YOUR CONGRESS l~Rl:~t_Ye R;_m!~ ~ f!f1t0~~ ~obins ~ YOWi .. Republl ...... '°'"th• _ <U"'t.d p..,.. o.,,_,.:--t• N'l',OTES po.tmen, cam~ to tunch. _n.t:y ' .., W'ere. the advance ~. from Oowmor Ea.rt'\\'arren11.a about CUlfornla. on the way to the coii· ~ to •PPotnt Na ne\111" com- ventklft In Booton. Koult.on Phil· ml.ulon tD lnveatlgat., 9rpn1u<1 Upe. ff'Om IUverwlde, the 1taw crime tn ca!ifomla. pttlJ.dent. hee.ded the OelepUon, Warren diecloeed at a pren and from what l hear from Sen· conference tut week tb&t he ha.I w.,. news. both good and bad. •tor Nixon and Repreaentatlvt a Dat or •bout 12 men who might ta thro\l•lng aN'td tnto th" le-glala· HWlnp. both young ~publica.na be Qked to aerv" on hta new live ma<"hlnery. thMt1aelvea until age overtook commtulon. And he sakt he err· P'\nt.. Uicr'fl wu • move th t.hf lhf'm. Phillips did a grand job at taJnly would lilte to have W&l'J"en iJrttllnn o:t peace ln Korea rror:R lhe conventltm. Callfontla put Olney ill, chlt!-f cou.neet for the RUNla'• Malik. The:n c..me a full J.trs. Carol Art.h, tram Redland4 governor's first crime study, realla&Uon Of tbt 11ertousn81 or In &II eo-chah;m~k:.b 18 a real serve "ln some capacity" wtt1' the Stu&Uon In Ir.an. honor. ,. t t the new group. Both de9ir.loptnent.11 oceunff u \\'e we~ ~ to ~ tMm. and Olney fa qow teaching 'law a.t Con~, a.tte.r Juel fllx months of they brougtlt OOr courage up ~v; the Unlve.ndty· of ·ealifomta. War-- tc&nl aocomplWunent.. WM g"t· l"ral point.I. 4wben the )"OW\g ren u.k1 he had talked \o Olney unr .down to caiiee in tour related people will work for week• ju.st lo but "everythlng dependa on hie tleld• Inflation ronlt'oll. ta.xa· make money for 11uch a trip. or poeltJon &t tht> urf1verslty." lion, 1t..ppniJlrfaUnM ond fnrrl~ borrou.· on lnirorance pollch.•l!I, th.Preo ln contrast to lheo ffn1t commis- ls ho))t' for the RepuJJUc after aJl. aion, ~·arren indlcated the new aid. Incidentally, th°"e four luuea A~ you aee. from my telling you body would cooperate fUlly W1th wddenly bf>c&me both the mini· about thf> ··continuing Reaolutlon" the offlc, ... of tbe st.atf>. attorney munt a.nc1 maximum poulbtlltif'M lA3l We<'k, v.·f' need young men and general. The old crime group, aa ror congreselonal at'tlon ror thP wom'"n for bottlr, ns much a.a w e a matter of fact. spent 8Qme time rest o( thl.A eff.Sion. nr>ntt oh1 mrn for 1-dv1ce! This re· lnve.111Ug11ting members of the at&ff These uncertatntlP.111 a b r 0 ad n1inds n1r th ~ay that the votert of then Attorney General FN'd N . brought into sharp rocua the que•· of the Unitfld SlAtPA .aent us a top-How11t"r llnJ dic1 not call on How- Uon that httl'I troublf'd Congr<'M flight rrop of new RepreM!ntatlveti ser for any a.ssl8t.ance. for months : in lhP. lut f'lecllon. ma.ny of tht'm But lht' gov1•rnor said he would \\'lta.t llt'I' e.hf'ad "! , youngc·r thn.n tht• &Yt'r&g<'. inatruct. thr nel'-' cummlMlon to Shall \Yc-act't>pl. the phiJMOphy "'''"· nl~ Ilk(' thl' poetmAn·s "collaborRt" v.•it.h 9.Jtd use the or offlclaJ11 • of thf" State OE-part· vi.Mil. v.•e told th"m to go home and 11ervice.f! or .. Attorney GPner&I Ed· mt>nt and of the moblllullon pro-start l11lklnft. With thousa.nds o( mund G. 1Patl Brown. gram that no mattf'r what hap-publicity m<'.'n and women on the The ~OVl'mor h.a11 1100.000 to pen.1. we mUBt carry· on our pree· public payroll pouring out reams 11pentt in thC' nE'xl )'ear in his pur· C'nl moblllptlon for nt lr A....ict twn o f prop&~&nda dally. all intended suit of organlz.ed crim<>. But f"Ven more years? Lo truppurt the spending program, more Important i11 lhC' fact that Or lB lhl" •iluatlon clt~arlng up thr only antidote l.l!I lo carry the thp n l'V. cQmmis~ton ,,·ill be armf"d M> thst Wf• can slou• down our tn1th from mouth lo car. It has \l.'ith a Wt'Spon hi~ nld C'ommlsslon prt>pa.rcdnel'J.S t"f(ortl! 8 bit? '>'•or~f't.J bC'fnrC' Rnd it can v.·ork did not have n~unely the powPr ln teornil'! o( waicr and prlct' con· eg111n. t..> Aubp<'na t"f'iuctant w!tnesSf's 117 l'BWDOU: llOllDfll ~uly &, l!Nll ' ~ We muat prooeed with our pre- pved:neaa plan• jual aa tho u.ah then! was no chance ot a Korean ceue;-fll'e order in prospect or even tbourh the cha.nee af. peace t.heN-was poaible.. There will of coura be A gTe&l many who wl.JJ put up a hue a.nd cry to go back to a peace time schedule. If we do relax in the lea.st. we are just inviting r e a I serioua trouble. There ia no doubt that RUMia b going a.he.ad with her plans tn other· eectlona of lhe ">orld and we are. tn tOr a lot of trouble for many ye&.r8 to come, a.nd oiily our being ready and willing to ti(bt ,.ill prevent v.>orld v.•ar number three. Let 'e &JI be rea11alic and race the situation honestly. We know our danger a.nd let's not get 90N. and peace • happy and la~r be aorr)'. Better to be 80rT)' now th.at all this la necessary. Here a quelJitlon to debate. Are increulng taxes inflationary? Th.la ls your Friendly Ford Dealer, Theodore Robins, ask· ing you to conte in see us tor the beat dee.I In tov.rn on & new Ford or a good u.sed car. Until next week. Good-bye. trol!'l and othf'r Priiv!ii;lons or th" · \\'(• told thl' young p¥ople \Yt' and fotci· lh<'m tll produc(' their 04•ff'nll(' Production Al·t. th hi 11itu-• hope,1 they appreciated the good book11 and r ccord.s. ~tter to the Editor tttlon w&Jt partlcularly ~ule . tin1 e "'e \Vert• h&vlng In Washing· Th~ le~islatUN". someowhat re· The net explre<l thh~ \l.·ttk·t'nd. tun, on tht•lr mone-y , and their luctantly, gavE' \\'arrf"n subpena Mr. Ben O. Reddick I\~ tht' c1 ,..e.dltn,• 11.pproRcht'd, Con· cl:lldr('n·s monE'y. \\'e hoped they pow1•rJ11 for th.-nE'\\' commission Newport-Balboa PreM. \\'OUld uN-.{'!"\'t', .,.,.,. M !d. some or ! but de<'idcd Lhere \\•ould be no L'Tf'M \V011 l'boUt tu irlvC' up 11.ny ,-Dear Bfr.n: hopt• o( rnnltn~ to 8 114't'llllon b,,•. th1• 2:-i.000 Qr !'IO automobilf's, 7000 radio broadcasts or ll'lf'\ia10n of 1 have a ff'W minutys be~n for,.. inldnij(tll. Junf' 30. The re v.·a."' 01 thrlTl "·\th C"hauffeu~. to carry crinie con1n1issiQn hf'arlngs. wstche8 ffO 1 thought it a good talk In t'hf' Capitol co1·rldor11. that the bureaucrat.a to work in the Th(• ~O\'Prnor ~pPnl mo.-qt of the time to grind out &. line or Lwo a ahort !ltOp-gap l~Xtf'nslon nlli;rht mornlnl{ it.nd honie at night. lt ,,.,,~k wading through the moun-about a Aubjt>ct that has been on havf' to ~ (ldoptt'<I to p<'tniit th1> hasn't br t"n any lnni;:-er &.)rn tha.n tain of bill~ lt>ft him by tht' _lrgis· n1v mind for some time. lcarhilatlve mill trt irrin\I nut an lhp ti1n,. 1"ft. T'ruman took offlct>. lature. \\'hich a djomNl al n1id· ·Thill may surpri8e you but mine flni;;v.·{·r. \vhen \'t'ry f\•\v of the top lt•rmitPs night JunE' 23rd. is no gripe. on the C'Ontra.ry, I • Oovemor Dewey of New '\: ork aptl.' summed up the s1tt1-G<ivi·i"Tiilr Earl \Vf\rr•·n t•• 1~1·11nl•' urrnirloyinE>nt lnaursncf' bE'nef\U ation recent!\· \\·hen he said that the communist bid f o r 1·rf1•t·t1 v,· 1·h.-~1·v•·tnn1 ha.i; :~il ,, .,111 " n1nxlmum uf $25 11. W'f'e-k peace was a ~han~e o f strategy but not a c hange of inte nt. l day~ rroni Jun" 23 In '''hl··h tn :tct rn $-40 " "'ee-k. Th.lB bill, ha.d It Genuine Jleace is not likely as long as So•iet leaders · L1bi·rallzini:.. bill~ "··_-1 •· ~\lfl · bt•l!'n E"nMet~. woul1I have c08t th<' . . . . 1H.ir l11I, nu,.icll\·, b\' th;• Ca\1f••1n1ii fllnd 11n "RtlmRtl't.I $2~.000.000 8 f<1llow the1r present policies . But there 1s a good c hance ~tn t.· i-~ctlt'r~t11111 of lAbor 11\l-'nf \'<'ar of preventing anncd conflict if we rreate and maintain 1 I~' and AF' {If t. lobbby1t1tl'I .!'lr1·n· Anqth<·r bill '''•>tthl h&V<' 1ncluc1· the forces \\'llieh \\-ill make aggression UllJ)rofitable. 11011"1.r op~\l•.«i'd lh" tt•fn1·n1 111·.-'· Pd Oi>i l 1t·ultural workt>r" undt•r un - i:r:tnl. ··n1ploy1n1•nt lnaura.ncE'. although So -f or o n ce -let's not be tricked into a let down. I 'rht' bllll'l no": t>..·fori• Co,.,., n11r 1h1\• to _the n1i.prtory naturt• of \VArrPn ftir 111~n A tur1• 11r v"t11 nr• inost a.,-leultursl \vorkf'ni tn C811· I AlJ 2~? h h lr1 h f<1rn1a. adminlatraUVt' problf>nls Tht• &n~'f'r v.•ouhl ht\\'(' to com·· v.·1•r t-t'On~ldt-rc-d lntpOrtant enough \\'e:rt('ll signed l\\·o important want vou to know how much I t!lll rif thil!I n"\I: cll!C'm ma : Do!•l'! lo hf.\0 (' priv~tf' CRt8 to tAkE' them ml'R8Urtfl dUriOJi!' the \Yt>ek -a bill have ·appreciated r@Ceiving tbt' thl· .supt>rflclally brl~hl KnrPA..n In and out or the f.tOVernment "'hich \Viii ~'.Ve' ~chnols $13,400,000 Nev.:port-Balboe. Presa since my 8\tuation lndtcatt• that prf'11sure on "'O<>t/\\'nrk f'\'•·ry day. rxtrR in slati' monPy during the recall to active duty with the U.S. thf' N:'Onnnl~' v.•ill bv ri•laxe..l an•I \\'p tolli thr n1 ir l'JOm.:> of us fi!!cal yt'a.r \\'hich ends June 30, NII';)'. The paper ha.a been a faith· lhl'lt \'nnlroli;i (·1tn bo· Ylfttntd: \·ot1-d a~alnst spending a. new $6 1952. S chools will alrt"&dy get tul followPr e-ven to Korea and the But ••\•rn Mould that bf> the caar. hlll1on for alrba~ all around the mori' than $220.000,000 In budget· C'OME'Ctlng link be-twf>en IJlYeelf \\'Ill 1 rAn bt•ciimf' another Sarajevo \\'C'l1 ld. lllld for domestic tnstalla-~d e:n1ount.tl during the fiscal YE'llr. a.nd the happenlngs at home. It itntl pi'()(iU<'E' ft nf'w anti Immediate 1;onJ11 for all arms. not to parrot The otht'r bill or major Import· usually arrives about two weeka t•niet,l!!t'nc:v v.rh lt·h , mlf,:"ht rf'quirP th,• ~pt>nd(•r.5° propaganda and 1tn c1• s1g-n<'d into IS\\' by the gov· late, but. that 1g cert.atnly not your ninr(' fnntrvl~? • harJ(E' us \Vi th voting ··against e-rnot during tht• \Vf'<'k \\'fl11 one fault and to mt' tbe newa 1& l!tJll ';'\('\\' t~i:ites on both individual~ rlt'fen~r:· \\1t> just want to .knov.· C'ontin11ln~ child cl\r(' C('ntere for "hoL .. Evt-n \he clauitled a.da are An d f·nrl''H·ation~ anJ in tht· exciAr \Vhat heran1e or the billions W P t\\'O n1ore yt•ar:-i. Thf' bill provides t"E'&d over very thoroughly aa J am fiPlrl hn"•' just b<'••n apprnvl"d by i;ip~~nt fur n ~.inllar pur post' in $5.4M.8.l7 to orwralt> the centers aJ....,·a.y" on the lookout for old thl' Hnn•l· ThE'y total 17.2 billion \\:urlc1 \\·~r 11 Hnv.• aOOut th<' for 11t11• year.and next March lhr Co)(."g-uns that mlght be tOt" sale. Thnl I.Ii nr '~ not <'nough tn :i1rporll"l 1 I rc~·All on1· of thf'm c(1st lt'J(l."/At or~ \\'Iii h8\'<' t o V.'ork out one othf'r thing -J have cov· hRIRnC'l' thf' blldi;f'l , Rlt fflr QJll I~ \I.<: Sa0.00(),0001 nn nthf'r nations' Rn appropriatinn to E'Xten<l lh1•nt ll t"rt'd quite a b!.t of water in the lin<>\\·n l\<1\\', llC"prni11n~ nn your pl'n p .. rli•·l'!. on v.•hich we ar•' not until .:unt' 30, 1953. last )'t'8.r, but believe me there ia • Exchang .ttes Elect Officers '"· ····~-q:; ... ,'~ •.. ~c , ••. ~:::: ~ .. ::'.~. · "~°''1<1 .,.. t"m'"d"""' It ..... .,. by in•ll ,·lilual~ hRvo· b•-.·n c11lh·t'l· t1n1at<'<I that had lhi.ic bill bo.~e n ~ . ln.i.: M to t&I nf ~2 \\'•'<'II'( 11 y1•11 r1 ~11r1..'ell!.~fu l , farme-rA hlrinlC airrl- At lhf" rel!1tl~r n1~f't1n1t of thr Exchan,1t1• t lub nr ~ ...... ·po1·t Hai bn1 I l:nernplu,vnii•nt in~uranl'•' bf'nt>lit . .: rultural labor would have h111d tn hrld Thur:.tl3.\', July " al thf" Hurl1·y R1•ll rttf<' 1n Corona d"l 1-tar. 1tlthnu~h th•· ~f't lin11ts 11n•·1np\11y. ptty a. R p1·1r1•nt ll\X on their p11y'· thl' slat;• of nff!• • r.:; fn1· the l:tst half nf 19~1 ,,.1\:-i chnl'l•'ll. lll•'nt 111!:11 11'1\111'" b1 •n1•f1I,. lu ~ti rolls. H~ff.-ornon. \V•·•·k~ or .<•1x in•inths '('his hdl An11l h• r blll \\•ould hav" abol· puliit nr ,.1,.". no\\' J.>o •rn1illt•d t o land R plant', 1'he stat1•·op••ratt•d cr>nt<'rs care no other place that can compare l'rntr:i,·tf'd hl'Mrin}:"s nn th1.q 111ilitar.Y nr (·om1nrrr1el? fo1· <'hlldren of w n:·king-parents v.rilh our own Newport Harbor. Rt•·f'lectf'd pr1·.~1t!1·11L nf I ti_e 1·h1b v.·8~ 'fhnma~ F.. C'o1·ona del :'oli\1 ;1ttu1 "''\" an d the-®---v.·111d1\ r1·t1u1rt" thu.t b~·for•,, 11. •·la1n1· Mill 1·1111hJ 1·11ll1•1•t ll !4f•t._•11n\\ 1\IX n111nlh~· ht>n• 1rt cln th•· .:,11111• J••h h1· 111· !<h1 n1usl l'!d.rn th.,. niinlmun1 ; .. h1·c1 th1· "tn <'rlt rattng-" 'lystt>m f•"i t 1·n1pll•Y•·r11 . Thia S)"l'llem. which ,,., •• AN1!'1 ttn •·n1plnvt•r \\"ho hold,. tl -~tl·arty rnrt·e \I.1th th.~ 1,.ast turn· lll<'nsur i· bo•){Bn this ,,.t''--'k •n th,, . .'\tl' \\'t' to b" ··har,1.r"'t \\'ilh vol· \~hn Rre flnan ciel!.y unR~le. to pro-Sincerely, .s .. nutr F'inanct• Coniniillt>P. Ai , ·n~ t1.£Rin11t de(~n~e _ 1f \\·r ~on•t !' 'ute l:~rC' rQ.r thEl'1 r off~pr1nJr and ED RICHARDSON Olhet'~ l"IE'lt>•'tf"(I ,,.,., <' \'11·t>-Pre!l1· 1 N HHS A at• dent ~f1ltnn l l. l'1l«h;trd :-.:t\\"f'lo01'1 nnex ion !w!'lt f11u1l f'nnJi!•-"~"ll•nRI 8C'l1un · v.·1U11 '" ·"ri·n.J $:l·1, ,'\lkl tn build 11 Rtlll ~t rk --.-------- 1·1tn ll••l u .. 1·xp~t·t<'d tw(ur<' LaOOr ll'tut.p ... 1 ,~r·a.l1 n g :lOO "?J-lldi£>rs ? 'fhc1·,, ,,.as f:ooc1 nc,vs in the realtor. SE'c1·1:ta1y f';1t1I T Butler, Delayed 30 Days b3Jt:" Parnin(( rf'quirf'n1cnt. v.·h\ch Ne'lli•port c-E' n1 f' n l rontractor. L<11 $300. Treas1 1rel' Fre1lf't11k H odgdo n. Due to ttu-ptot.P.!l t voiced bv AB 171~ also I.! before tht' i::-o\•· nav · ·rhat's tht" a.rrny flgur¥. One of statt•tr,. n1ont•y depa..rt.menL. too. Thal ~ve9 ("onirreu a welcOll1f' iny frlends from Adventls~ hPad· Thl' Df>p11rtn1ent of Fina.nee re~ brt'athlng spell PPrhap8 Ln tht'lll' quarte~ at Takoma Park lt'llJ!; me ported that even if the governor 11,.xt l\\'i) rnonth~ it will t>N:arnr t hat 1uzf' anc1 ,type chapel v.·ould sign;<;. all nf tht> special 11ppropr1a· ~PROF E SS I ONAL~ ~. DIRECTORY r, Balboa t~!nn•! f\rrhi t,.<·1. o.nct Ser-the C'o~ta M •~i:ia Chambf-r Or , f'mor This biU \viii T'f'&trict lh•~ " c C'om1nerc1· th·· ;-.;,.,, ........ rt Bt"ac-h ~r()\Vln,I{ prat:.tlC'(' o r 1narrlf'd \\'I"· gpant-at .~rll l1< r. II Thlf']P. O· I ....... I t !ti ttl ' " tl\'t'r of worke rs, ie re1&rdfld ILi! a potent rorcfl in atabll.1%1..ng 'mploy· 1nf'nL The bill ai.o proposed to tu 1lll Pn1ploy1·r!l 3 7 per cml or thf'lr ptt ~·rol ls. ()thi-1· bills v.·h lc h \l.'Crt' defeated nppllrf'nt that lht> \'\llr:i• n( J.'lalik prnbsbly t'O.'lt h ll'I chun:h about tlon hills votf'd by tlte le.gUlature DENTISTS \\'f'nt arciuncl tht" ,,·c·rld nn the ~ t0.000. the l'l la~e still may \I/ind up with f .----------------·. · 1•1tv rounril \f11ndav night g-r anl · n1f'n vo un ar y qt11 nr.: I\ Jfl rona del :\·fa1 c•p' u 1a11 · · · t ( II · th h b ·' t cil a :lil-dJ.1\" ""IM \' in th.-niov<' to 11 1J 0\1. eir u ., anus <• sn· It "'B)o; annr111nt'•·d lhRt the 1n· 1 . · . N otht>r city and i.::oll ectlng unt•n1· t • ff . , ·1· ann,...x t ll,.. 1f'1.;:11·r" J11 1tc 0r e\,~1rt , !'tnllat1on flf I l,. r1·\\ n l(er" Vl • • r , plo)'lllenl IMU raoCt~ ~nef\ts. al· he h,.ld on th•· ,.y,•rttrlJ: of July Harbor l n1nn h1g:h l'lt'hool. . b.v th~ "r1:fom1·· forces would hftvr rt·1nriY(•d all disquallflcatiorui In lhr prt•Jlrnt a c t and opened lhe tloors fur raid~ on the fund which would . , , . I Coun•·ll men Braden F'in1..•h sa..itl lhOUJth tht·y arr not lhereaftf'r 111 19th at th1• r nt11n,1 t.• I !\fa r homi- 1 thE' labor ine:rkel 8 ~ inti·ncli'<i b~· have exhau11ted it in a. fpw month&. o r Earl ("hanlh• rlnin a n\Pmbt'r I that th,• tf'Q1l"s.t for delay had the ac t The a ct ·pruv id•·R thal DurinJ;:" 1949, a year or hJgh em· o f lhf' C-lub 'rh1:;; affair" \Vl ll ft"~· I hf't'n n1a1l1• bv th1' boarr1 of trwi· b!·ne(it'". should not bl• p1'1rt -vnl11n· p\n\·n11>nl. t~ .&late unemploympnt . ( .. II t"Cl'I of lh1• "rhool I 0 tUr(' a !'!tt"Ak d1nn··r n1 a mem· 0 . . 1 h f Lary "quits" unl~s lho•v quit "rnr fn l!Urant..'t' fund pa.Id ouL Sl 18,000,· her~ a.nd th1•1r \\'1\'•·s ri,:in1-1.I ,., t t' board 0 trus-·• • ~)() n1orr than It coUt'Clf"d in taxi'!!! . . · . t•·es hftd &.5kt>tl for annexation of I Jr00t.I cBtl8e. Th .. lack 11f ll tl<>f1n1· :\orn1an .~ f.1-1.1nhl,. \\al'! prf'· • n .. t lon of what cons titute!!! 11 ··,i.:0o•rl fr11n1 the t'nlplo}·ertt. h • th1· .~hooi Sil t' to :-.<rowport ot:'aCh I . n I 19•0 ·1 th' h sf'nted a b1nnz1• a~ tra:-co111· "f ( $SOOO t:H.Ul!il'.. ha.s nladC' pol'!Slbh• th'" ur ng .....,, unt1 11!1 yra..r l ,. . h tri f't \'Ct a ~i\\'ln~ 0 OY('f . .. ( hi h l . mt>mo ratln~ h1~ \\·1nn1n~ or t e f l ... . rRt"kPl end a df:'rinitton nf this yi·ar o g-r11t 1·mp oymE"nt 111 . • 1 1 1 a IY'f'·\°l'nr pt>1 f•u on 1nsuranc1 · · · C' 1 r 1•. h Club Gulf r nu rnnn1rnt ron(· U<t'( · 1 puint i.!J an arti1..·h· or 1111 r~nll'h"d 11 1 orn as lsto ry. the fund pale! a WE'f'k <'&rli .. r fl t th1' \\'illov.'ic k I ral.e.<t , • _ _ _ buJJinf'l!l!I that should bt• i·onipli·t <'ll riut in Unt"n1ployn1ent insuranc<' Country Club at ~~ntn AnA . at the nr>xt legi~latlvt• ~f'~sion b1•n1·flt11 $18,000,000 more than It Frederick Hnd}:'d nn. 1•ha.innan 1 "\Va.r ha...-. sho\\"tl u~ that thC'."'a:t' AB 676 also i.<t befort• lt"l•' ~0, •. r,•c1·htcd in ta.xre. rPported that hi:-; 1011\TUi ttPe ha.~ o f monopo ly encl u nr1•str1cted n erno r.' n1s blll ~I ves a rorn11·1 During lht' flrl!t 3 n1ont..t'tfl of completE'rl th,. I'~' p11;1t1nn of ~h" po\V•·r I~ a_ \vay that lea.d." to .<\t>· •·mployf.~ .\.lip has discharK(·<l 8.1' ~95 1 . "·Ith ··rull empl~iJand arf'a ror tho> \ 1111th ll('t'rf'fltton :oitruct1on. <li>.sQlat1on an•! df'A\h 1 ·'l 1, .. J t th Ind! 1ntluatry bt-ggjng for · 'the · I Th 1 • h .t rt nu v u.ua. Of cause or " • r •1 •• Ct>nter at thr P,alb"a l~lanll Coin· e on). pat lo pro.spPrt Y en viflual has voluntarily qtllt. a be\: fund · pRld ou~ ~,,.unrmploYliJent munity 1'1'•'thnd1..;1 , hurch. and I P.'ttt·•· t.'4 tht;> path of co;;per~t1nn ti·r t hane<• to protr~ t hl!'ll 1 t•m· 'lns11n1n(·r· bf>n("(fi.I! almost $43,000.· that th.· !'pnc.· u·•ll b1• ~urfaced l and hunian brothf'rhnN! \\. 1· plover·!!~ resen'l" a ccnunt bv bet· 1100. \\'lnl{:"I nf ~acr, nfid th(' tnx Joe<l \.'.fas it nt~C<'Nllary for th1• army a surplus for fiscal 1950-~1 of 1·an b·· Jightt'ned Or that the nil to buy 68.000,000 can opener~. (or about $5.000,000. of Iran has bc>t·ome lhr (ul'I for 11:.? n1illinn n1en? Or 4.636,000 T H . Mugford, Chief oi the \Vorli1 \\'ar 111 . and t1tlll ht'1:1vi1 •r \\'f'b tu•lts ?• Or 6 n1illions cans of Dlvi.!1on of Bttdgf't! and Account$, tax burdens. paint, in qu&rt.s an<I Ka.li ons. a full said that incrE'&.Sf'd consuml'r "'h1•n it comE's to appr0priatins; money frir v.•hal<'ver 1s ahead. Conj:'Tf'M could t11k(· an !'asy '\\·ay out. H('arin.'!'s are pr()(•pt'd lng on fl J60 bill\on n1Uilary appropriation . Final action may l:k> dl'llyt•d in Lhe hope that thr ne~ls or tht' future will bt.'cnme known. yt'a.r rt>qu lrt'mt'nts. snd then dE'· spending during the first six 1nand dt'livt>r-y in 60 <1ayt1? Or 11 .· n1onths of 1951 greatly lncrebrd 753.000 pairs of rnmbat boo~. In returns from sales end incomE> a n1i;ih? Or buy 1,917.000 pounds taxe,11 , nf black rt'PQt'r in nine months ? Warren's budget fin· thP fl.seal Or ''"a., it necf'&~ary for the Quar· yeHr ending June 30, 1902. also tt-rn1astcr to buy ~ n1illion poundis ia e balanc("d onP a.nd calls for no or oleo at 2[)1!?t" jU!'!t \Yhen the De· !"le\v lncrt>ases in stat<' taxes. parlmrnt or AgrlculturE' wius sell· The govE>mor asserted again \ Ing 5 1: n11lllon pounds of butter bt'lif'f that the moat important bill lo Italy for l:k ? '!"his is the \care-pas~ by the legislature was tht' lf.>Yi/>ll' wi~ whi<h flt<. adl"i'lJftf"-a~~lz~. ltO~ tho Fe~~,Ri= llonj~t• tht!pu~li~. ijf ~tiila P .t~ hic:h be .!.!Ledl ifltif dnutf~ . .intl~on , whiJl.18 .I~• I to-n 't>~''ff ~4vi '4rtn;i~ jump In' Prteeo "of thp boi'IU: )list a to ou state wat~r ~lah slnc!e mentiont'd. fronl S7.82 lo $16.00 1933 y,•hen the Central Valley a.~ a result of this e:bllurd buying. Project was authorized." If this iR \var, coultln'l we omll "It will be more important to L~TER A. BECKER, n. n. s. DENTISTRY 17& Newport Blvd., Costa Mua Medical Bldg. Beacon 67&2 ~:i E. Bay Ave .. Balboa Harbor 327 .J OPTOMETRISTS MORT I CIA.'11 wtthln a \veek It !"t •'XP•'Ct<>d thl" i\(A.('kt·nzi .. l{in).: t1•1.' nutlcf' and ~cvi·n days. en ort', Desp1t, lhf' K"OOd work clone dur- C°o?nter \l.'lll ht__· <l\'lllhtbl·· fnr U.sf> I . . . t1nll' In \Yh.ich to ril e a protest It in.'! tht' 19.61 lt'glslative J'4e8:81on, It b;y the ~·h1ldr<'n nr Ralboa r.s land T H I-. lll.()()IJ'.\l<lRll.Y. t :'\ IT would apply v.•hfl n tht> \\'Orkrr ha..~ lherrfore '·" apparent the JOb ha.s for :i:;u<'h ,J.":";u11··~ fl.'! badn11nton. \VIII tw· al tin· .~ri1•an . ''~on securf'<i a l!Ubf!t>qU c·nt JOb and bf'en I only begun. If tht' unemployment vullE'y bail and ~hllfflr boftt~I Ix'· ltall, l .,llt 11n1I Ray ~t"., '.\it"\\'J)Orl laid off, In whjC'h CllSt' the wnrkl'r lnsur11.nCC' fUntl ill to be protttlM fort! the r ntl (•f .July. j Bt>M·h nn July 19th. ~ tu i p. m. il'I f'ntltled to b<'n!!:(lt.s. If lht' rornl· for the honf'l!lt worke"' or Gall· But If the uncertainlic• con· t inue, Conp-rs.<11 coul<l simply ap· Pr'.>VI\ A.JI. Qr '°Jtl.t': parta~or th~ s~ bU:UOn ; t.hen tt .. e Lh.e -µefenft(f E~~IJs!!ment . c~ ·. l!lenche. t9 proceed. ffia.t would shift f~ CongTcss to th" mllllar}· leaden lhc re11ponalhillty for guessing 'vhat the nation will need on¥ )'t'ar hencP. Plane.!! and lank.!! and JCUn• can•t be tume<.t out over· night. temporarily I75 lunchwns for <or-lhE' California. or tile next decade I 9•• ':l'Z NOBTV•BY eign .etudf>nts. under thp State De-lhan the C\'P is to u.s now," Yt.'ar· .... .. partment·a educational exchange ren sa.Id . Lady A ttendant lrlfll'&l .... JI -., .. ..,.... t• M,.._ ~ Kearut. •I ....,_ /Jtl*tll at a t i Ma -•' M« ladd ,,,_, U11 S la 111&111 .. 8'J CW. Tw liJ ,_. at~ u.e. a.tll.l.f, at tftlleti 11.,.. ._.... ,.... 11i1A ehr • (Pl>oto by -1 ' I , program, at $8.75 a plate, to a --------------4-10 Coat Hlcbway JU8t thrf'e days aft'r 1.tahk took.to lht' a.tr. the Houaf' Foreign Affairs Committtt started con· aidf>ra.tion of Pruldenl Truman's ~quest for llJIOther $8.~ billion for military and economic aid In many pertl!I or tht.> world. total of $24 .875 -w hich item COROSA DEL MAR "'' ernploye r protests that h" fo mia who honeaUy a.re out of should not be charged ll portion I v.•ork through no fault of their or the workt>r's bE-n<"fit11 on h is rt'· \ 0':11, the fight n1wtt be carried on 3<'l'Vt' account and lhe df'p&rtmenl ~·1thout ceuatlon to curb chl.at'I· alone would t&.ke the income ta.."t DA y AND NIGHT paymente of 200 aver9.ge Ame,9'· Phone llarbor U can families? AKTffM, the employt'r'a reserve 8.C· 1ng-and racket&. count bl: not chargeU &.nd hi.!! mt·rlt - ------ rating which determln~!I the t11x M v h' I Here aga.ln, the queaUon was, ht• pays. is thereby prott"Cll!'d. ore e IC es,· ''\'\'h&t lo do?" Secrela.ry Acheson Many Pf"Oplt> do not knov.· that of lbe State Dep&rlm{'nt had a We told lhe-m a lot more t hings. and I haven't begun to run out of e:xamplea to 8.how why I think we simply can't afford to rontinut:- the presen t !!pending progrant. but I havf' run out of space! 1•mployen pay the entirP amount ready anawer. The thing to do, nf unentployment in81..lrante tax More Danger no matter what h.&ppen.1 in Korea. The callfomia Junior Museum. .. mploy('{'s paylng a tax only tor b to contlnu.e to help a.a many featuring oddities r8Jlging from tluutblllty in.sU ranc". counlrtrJ! u we: can. he said. 1 &n lnae<:t zoo to the skull of a AB 2!K>l. which would havE' Vacation.lats taklnc to the hip-Congreu Ls troubled. On Jun@ Isa T"f'-toothed tiger. wOI be a new r1Ll"ed the minimum ba&e earning\! ways l.hi.I summer wer. reminded 30, about all eome or the members ff'.at:Ure a.t the caJJ.tornia State nN..'f'uary for benefits from $300 toctay by Comm.laaloner Clifford could do ~ to muater a faint Fair, Au'g. 30 through Sept. 9. to $4:M>, was defeated m the u· E. Peter90J\ of the Hlpway Pa· amile and g:reet. ..-ch other wttb llt!mbly. Th• mlnimum ln the •latt.> trol. that they w1JI encounter a. laconJc: "Happy Flacal New or Wa.ehlngton I.I $600 and tttb bill 1nore traffic hazarda than ever Year." would have a.ccompllab~ a need· before. eJ reform withoUt hurting any "For one lhlnc.'' he declared. ~"Orke.r actually availa.bl' for "there will be more vehlcles on ""-Ork. lhe roe.4a. More Y9:b.lclu plua We need u9ed can. Stt di.splay aA1.. Sh&vn-Mot.on, Coeta Mesa. ' The complex machinery, now a. neceulty in phone oommun.ica.- tion.s. will be on dlsflay at the California S tate Fair. Aug. 30 through Sept. •· I . • A corollary blll. AB 3376, ap-mare mUe• driven add up to po- "plylng lo (fll&bUlty lMurance only, ential da.nrer. 1be .urut and wu enact..ed and al.sned by\ the be.st way to a\IOkl a.n acclde.t ll govemor. ll raiaed di.Ability bene· to drive u cautloualy on the nu. from &26 lo '30 a wttk and rural hlchwaya u on conl'MUd ~PE E 'OY ·:· HARVEY ~OMff<( IN~. al-• benetl\a lo be paid work-city .u-eeta.. r:rw on •trike. provided lhe dlabU- lty dot9 not •"-out of th@ •trike. ~.. apeed. lbe commta.- DNplte the faet I.bat the unem-.!loner po!nt..i out. la the ....... plopn<nt ~ t'Wld coU«:ted fP"Ulaol ..._ -_...,. -aim-u-.000.000 durtns Janu-and It -ta for the _,...tr ..,., ~ and Ma?d> or 11>1a "' raw - )'Mr and paid out !lllnoot $<3,Q\lO,, "Our ot&U.U.. -tllat lo be 000 In UD<Dlploymftll """......., true." "" ...... H. _ .. h<n<ftta -urin. Ill• poriod of •b-Of be"'C ldUooO ID • tnt- hlp.11t tmploymat In Calitor-llc oocl-t are tllno -...e. ~la"• hlatoryl labor lnUreot ooulbt half tlmu er-tor If the "'>11' Fl b1 lnlrodudq l>lllo la the ~ --... "'"'1 .... .,. ' tun t.o nkl tllo flmd ot an --"lllut M11J, --i-. -u eo.000.000 ., :rear. bald --...,. -• ,_. One 11111 -..... •llm-l<d tlcWul1 --Ill P' '• -llle --waltl•&"~ Du.-....... -,.,, •• .,. .. Ilk I ..... 1-. a total Of 1411,000 d alma po -i>io wOI .. -ID • e were .toed and if wti claimant-you a.rtnse•t, ~ •• z• -._1_ pay ror Ullo -thaa ..,. -J'IN --·· • I • I PSYCROL0018 T EUGE.'IE V. W ANLESS PSYCHOLOGJSX Ma.mace Coun.eellinl' Family Relations Sexual Problems l llOIY, N. B"""'-1'• 1i¥ta Aaa Pbone Klm~rly J.15U INStlBANOE. Old Esta.bllahed Irurunmce A&'O"cy All line• written. BOWABD. iw. GERR1811 1808 .Newport fllvd., COit& - PHONE REAOON 6161 I BE SURE-INSURE n~ARI.ft 1, .:..--..:: ""' ,~ ............. ,, . w. Stwt FoDte amo:R.\L IN~CZ ~bironlUlti<n& -71ttT "s0 1a MN. :N"""8 ~ ft.. ·-· It J:AR1, w. irr.ANLET I ... ._ I I I Nel•f P llr .... a1•uh llllh IM ...,,, ,, st • I I !~S~!!!"'L•Z~D~O~s .. s•s•~•s~s~s~~~·!••o~•~z~; ... 5•;~;~; ... ;•o•e•e~;~; ... u•c~o~s~;,.:•s~;~·~u,.c•s•o~u~c,.s•o•o~s~s ... u ~c•s~c•s•c,...u••••~•"':''••~s~o•o~;•f,...,,,.,~,•:,.,••••~•,...••TI"'••,...••••~•~•~-.~~-..,~,••,...,•,••~•••---:••~·~·~·"'"'!''~~~~.~-~··•~•~.:..~-·~••••~-·--·· ·--~c--'"''"'··~,.,.-r-~ ' . • ' • . I Bob Landfield ADDJTIO lU. Doesn't Li~ East 'Y;dil,•.-zch. Bob Landfie!d, oon of Mr. and ~llE\?N~ Mra. R. L. Landtteld, 2ll Ea.at Bay •ven ... and wllo la staUoned1 -W_,_o_rlc_S_t_a_rt_s_M_o_n_.-1 on a navy carso boat at Norfolk, Va.. le home on a 15 day leave before , •• -, •n • loledlt•rran-on New Unit ean crulse. Neither V1rginla., . f C M h h Washington D. c. or New York 0 D c urc have anythlng to offer a South- ern Californian, he opined to for- mer fellow employee• of Richard'!I market, and biggest thrill of be- ing home will be when he is at work there again this coming Salttrd:iy. We ne-ed u9ed cars. S ee dlspl11y ad. ShavPr ~fotors, Costa ~feso ~lfled ads are read by folks who are looking, to buy. AMAZING ' DISCOVERY. Eosy to Apply A n,ont t:11t C'OftY•"f l illt or- ditl:1ry rloih,, rlo~.-1 in1n " <"""' ''""'( ..,,;,,. C .. llA It lll X ,,. JUU ,.,..... "°'"· CEDAR-LUX , j, ,. con1poun1f 0 f cru.'l"-.1 -~·n· ti inc rtil ct·,Lu .. ,,.,.!, 1mp1t~.n uc-.1 I y .10 I\( ltr'1Y(' l'fllft"'" "i1h ~pt< 1.11 llll.H tlll f ,1,r fp rtll't "uh "'.111 11 f~,y rn l•ru,h 011 1•lc 1•;i•n1 1 ~1,ul• p10&>f' I Ht'l'fOot' I .a)! .,,,!,{iu11,ll' I l(1Ni.J,\l lt~A I' MOTHS HATF CEDAll ------------ McDONALD PAINT STORE 1872 Harbor Blvd. Crttted with cheen at Tue• day night's convegaUon.at dinner ot Corona del Jwtar church wu an4 nouncement that work would prabably start next Monday mom4 In g on the new t'ducational plant for the church. \''ork ls to be done on a pay-oa- you-go basis and money hU been raisf'd for the first step, founda- tion, floor and pipe, with $2000 lo apply to th<' second stt'p. trame- \vork and roof, a ccording to the pastor, P...ev. P aul Babbitt. J. Le!dle Steffensen acted as m.as.ter or cere.mnnieA at the din- ner and prescntC"d student!! of the Loelie stud!o 1n dance numbers, al.so IN in community singing. Pa stor and Group to be at Camp The Rev. Paul Babbitt of Co- rona del l\tar will teach n ·course at Pilgrim Pmt>s, the Junior high school camp at Oak Glen above Redlands. a nd 1s ll'aving Monday for n \VC'ek ut camp. \Vlth hin1 \\fill be a group rro111 the (,. D. Al. church, includLng Carolyn Calli!'!. Lourie Jlendrirk;i. Su7..anne BrO'o\"11 and L\·nn l'easC'. Bishop Fred Clark • at St. Jame s Church T ht> Rt. Rl'\' Frf'<I (,lark, billlhOp of Kootenay. (:'anal.la. wlll preat'h Sunrlay nt St. Ja.mf's EpiM:'opal churcti. ~ond or a series or ser· mon.s on the Angellcan commun- ion nnrl n1ission v.·ork as carrif'<.I out in l"anada. \Vorshlp hnur~ arl' M:Jo and 10 a. lll. Sunday Sermon at COM Church I The Re:\·. P aul Babbitt v.·ill I have a~ hl!i subject this coming Sun1lay al Coronll. del l\lar church I .. An10~. the l fnllcensed Prea<'her:· Thi!-! is one of A. ~cries oC sern1ons based on thl!-Old Tl'stament. Ser- \'i<'<'S are nt 9 :45 and l l 11. n1. • . . • . ~ I .. - u...-s TAl.LATtON OF OFFICERS a( "' • """"-..... ..; 11nJtM naupt.-"8 or °"" f'Ollff'dl"rary wu . 6ie.id .at •~ tnama • pknlc ln the patio at thf' hOIM' of t~ M'xM ~ ..r-Locdu ~lontsemtty, !11'2' Ba.lhoa Boulf'\"111rd. Left to ril'tt (llitlt.C) a,.: J • -'.'fl"'IJ.. ('Ian.. A. Dfroan, rtt0n1rr of t"mMN; Mn. MAMie ~,t·er, bl."torlan; ~f~ .. E.' I •. RoA"""'-t~wn ; M.l'L A-A. StlflM\ cMp- lll.ln. Standtnl[, (ll'rt In rl•hf ) &1'1': Mra. R. F.. Locnf', pl'f'tllldr.U: ' Ann Pollins to be August Bride I : ' • Mn.·-¥"11-~. ~ ·-pri;oldd>t: ~Jn. Ru~h F~K,reu­-· .....,_,.,..,a( &p: MN. -·It. Fow!er, blsti>riao . . . ' . . . . . ~; -M1'"1C°'!-Y• ~~ ·&ISd i-t P"""'· ~ ~ peura .... dkWoa; •n.. .lbhn Yous. cof'l"HPOllfia.1'18t'!Cft- tary1 l4rt.. W. II... Ba~ ~ rice prellldNLt .... Mn.. MU'pl"let F . .,,....._ ~ _,-,., Mro. 'I. D. S-n..tt., hhtorl&n . and Un. F.. B. ,,,_.. Pf'H. ,...ne-r, a" not pkhll'f'd. I Fred Medberys Open B. I. Home Barbara Farwell Honored at Tea Bldg. Permits Total Ten, Plus Church Addition M1u Ann Polli.o.I. lovely daugh-Mr. &nd Mrs . Fred Medbery of ter of Mr. and Mr~ Lvnn R. Brent.,,'OOd and dauehter Jean, Pollina ot 1320 Cliff Or., Newport who 111 •t UCc.A. ca.ane: 4own Hei rhta. ud lo"rttnklyn Hru.ui.., 1ton Tue.iay and opened tbeir 9Wllmer or Mrs.. c . c . Enc.II ot Ooat&I home at U7 Ruby a\1"8Due, Beiboa M ea wW ttpeal marrl&ge vowa blaa.d. Tbf: famUy WU f«OMirly COSTA MESA Phone Bea-con 5703 l\fon thly ruttlentlal building next monl.b i.n lhe Newport Har~ from C>ran.ce oow:at y. Mr. Med- ! ~tnr£> Church N'l'ws v:ll\ be fount! P"'rmitft for the month of July bor Lutheran ch urch. bery wa.s with the Cadill&c a&"fl<'Y fJn Pag" 3, Part 11 lota!led ten plus a permit tor thr The bride-elect was graduatM and helped orranlze Silver Oord Mias Barba.ra Farwell wa.s honor guest recenUy at a tea hos· teaed 1n Vlrrtnia Country club, Long Beach. by. her tutu r e mother-in-law, Mrs. R l c hard Winek.let ot Santa Ana. The dauchter of the Byron H. Fa.r· well or Balboa will repeat vows on Aug. 23 with R ichard Winek· jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•aliiii£ziiiil.£iiuiiiiiiiiiiiii_m_zz_m~ I "rlLI I l inn tl: an Miu cat Iona.I sec-from N ewp(lrt Harbor 1 Jn ion H lgh Bl ~ Lod cc, F'. and A . M. ; aJ so Lion to St. Jamea EplJlcopal Aehool 1.nd Orance Const College. Santa Ana Co\uttry club and he <'hurt·h, Building l.n!'lpector A. M. Her fiance atudlerl at Laguna Is a c harter member of Balboa TUBEROUS BEGONIAS 1,50 In 3.00 \\'t-hJ\Y,. somr cholrr pl11ntio In 9" 1t0r" Lat,l(t" JlJooml4 In a.ti NJlorM . ··f"f'tt·" N'f'IMn repof"trd. Beach H lch echool and Orange Bar rlub. I R('!'litlent1al Jlt'mliU and t hf"tt' Coast college before hlA gradua· "fl t ln1atrcl cnsL~ lncludecl thol'ff' l~~ 1 l ion from Ca.JJrorn ia Polvt~·hn1c l \\'" nf'f'<l used earl'!. ${'(' diapkly su1·d t o Ro.o,s V. Dixon, 316 l rill colege, San Luis Ohi!'lpo. · ad. Shavt>r Motors, Costa Mesa. Av1~ .. S8000: H. J . Larison, 306 ler. • 1Ma.ny festivities are being ar- ranged b)' friends or the young couple v.·ith finaJ event lhe re- hearsal dlnner "'hich will be on board thf' Farw('IJ }·acht Denali. . I 3-, -l'ART I -THURSDAY, JUliY_ 12, 195 _.£~.-Sussa -• I La Nelle Gay Plei:ts r"'111\r-cm Perty H!>noring ' UI ~ J Anniversary of Folks Studied at OCC Kr. and Mn. Goorp "A. G&y of o-••o ..;._~ Balboa h!and, wllo an ttila 'week ·-~· Col Le•• Iii oboerving thelr 2&b weddlnt an-CW'ftntly oollocU.,.. lnfonn&tlon alvenary, were l>Onore4 wttll an to dolermlne Wklller or not tll- •een hoU88 on Saturday e.veaJnc Ui a need to tratn IDdtvtduala tn July 7 at their home, 208 ftt.iby the fteld of Ckocwy Mercb&ndllt-- Pt•nn · tll d•""" Ing. Training of tllla type bM avenue. ...,..,.,rnr e ....,.-ttul been ott«Nd la , __ Beach .... ~.-atf&ir was ·µtell' daughter, xi. .-,.... ... -~ La Nelle G~. home for thct aun-the tut three yean and hu beeD mer trom the Vn1ft1'8ity of Qr. very 1UCC '*1 ta ten:1a8 Of tbe -. number ot permcma tralned and 0 Bearlng silver rttt.o of all kinds, placed m jot& lne~tng diahes and candelabra. Several i4 the men wbo plo-- were 40 gueata frotn Beverly Hllla, neered th1a tn'9 of tratnin« &t· L<ltlr Beach, Los Anplea, Glen-teftded a -1Deetlng and a- d&Jo, Palm Spr!Dp. On!gon and p......S their vie,.. on Ille deslr- the Harbor area. ability ot SUCh a program at Coe.at Qiampagne aocbmparued the Colttge. Among Ille expert. pra- dellcloua buffet supper served 1n ent were Dr. WUlis Kenealy, the patio agalMt. a k>W:ly back· RegiDnal Coordinator ot Dl1trtbe'- ground ot swnmer noweni. L&ter t1vie Education for Ute state De::. ewryone went tnto the boute and p&rtmmt ot Bd¥caUoA; lc.r. Keith gathered around the pluo lor James, Loo.g Beac)l City Sc~_;. •inging, dancing aii.<J merriment Cootd.l.nator of D'8tr1.b:\ltJve Ed~· until the wee hours remlnded t'hem c:a.Uon; Mr. Ca.r1 J'ackaou. lnatruc- it wa."I time to depart. tOr In Grocery Merchand181Ag at Long Beach City College .'1'Jd lk. 0. W . "Dick" Richard of Richarcfs Udo Market. Uncle Sam Says &epresenta.tJve e1Ue9 In the Uat&ee !tlatn b..awe ta.ken tibe lJllU&tlwe Im de111outntln1 to CM ..U.. Wat t.lley ean do to help In tile uU.nal einerrency. In eouetilmee GaeM eltlcs are now t.he prolld poweMn et a brand. new U. 8. Defeme a.. nar. The1 found that 11elllq u. s. Defense Boncb Is the -.e Ullllr everyone can do. The1 t.duced mo-re than 80 per cent ot the com-. 111unlty'11 employers lo Install the Pa,.roll sa,·lnp Pl.-n. llerc'• a job e\'"er1one can ande rt.akr, u. s. ,,._,. o..-r .... 11 THE BLOODMOBILE UN IT -Before lll&Jcin& a reconunenda.4 Uon to the College Board or Trua~ ~. Dr. Ba.ml PeterBOD., Coe.at College President:. has requested tha.t additional data be obtained.. One n1ajor determ.lbant I.a 'the availability of a \\'ell-quallfled lJl. atructot in thia new. Any mer- chants or grocery empWyeee whe have a part.icWar int.ere.st i.D. tbJa: t;"'P<' or tratnln·g are tn'f'ited to send ih their com1nents to tbe Collf'g'e. Com.n:wnk:a.tion.a· sbouJ4 be addreued to Dr. Bill J . Prle!t. A 11 sis ta n t Superintendent in Charge of Vocational Education. Community Chest I Has New Leader J oseph G. Catanich, Executive S~retary oL ·the Orange County Federation of Community Cheat.a. has been appointed chairman lh charge of ··A." bo8.rd publicity by the Southern CaJ.ifomia Confer-- e.oce ot Community Che.ta "A " board publicity covera~ for commun!ty cheste at the tJnw ol their annU&l drive for f\m\111 • will include all city and counb' • ' areu. trom Santa Barbara to Sall Diego. Cooperating w I t h the chests in th1s project are oU com· pa.ny service AtatioruJ in tront of wh08(> places of buaineas the ··A•' bo&rds .at"e located.. SMALL "ANTS ;; pot~ I0\\0 RH Seedlinq Tuberous Be9onias Bleomln~ -in 6 lnf'h pots 1>-:11f"h Thr Rialto. $9600: F . C. Hubbard, W e need ~ C'&rs. S€'c display t09 Cnlun1bus Circle, $1 3.000: an<! .... Co " ad. Shavf"r 610tors, sta . rsa. r-.t r~. E. r.artliner. 2702 Circle Dr., Opporturuty Ui knockinC 1D CLASSJ\"IED ADS We nt-ed Wli'd cars. Sf'e display "ill bP at the A.Jrw.rtea.n Legioa ad. ShavPr 1.1:ot ors, Costa Ateaa. Hall, 13th aad Bay St&. N""POrl 1 Be9ch on .July 19th. S to 7 p. 1."- Last yea.r's publicity coverap with thia media lneluded Santa · . A..na and many other communilie& · throughout Orange county. SH600. Othrrs p<>rmitA went t o I. L. S•'rkini-, <141 Morning Canyon Rd .. $10.600: H .B. Sno~" 1216 Cliff nr. $1 6.000, Hul(h Half'y, Ba.yslrlf"' 5 & 10" Nursery 1(121 So. :Sel\·port Bl\'d. T1 .ST1X Cloud Tbur"'day Dr, t\\'n rc.ntal apartn1rnL1t. $22.· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~'. Ed\YB.rd C"hnp .. nlan, Ill, 6t0 ---------_ 1 C lllf l >r . $1 0,600: c B. F.<lwarcl:<>, 1:!7 OpRI AVf' ·• $17.000; nn1I \\' BALBOA TRANSFER COO . .\.OEX'fS FOR Beacon 6553 Storaqe l! .. lcll:t. 2682 Circlf' Dr. $1 8.000 Th" adrhUnn of ~unday school <·la ... ~rr)(lm!I and a n>clor's offh"t' l<1 ~t, Jun1··~ F.p\!'l1'opol "(:hllrl'h at r>OO \'1a ~1 ·1!a~a wa" l'ttll1·d for in a $27 UOll p•·rmil. !Mrs. W. A. Bertuleit Honors Matron J\ rf'rf"nt h oslf'l'l~ was Mr". \\'o I· Local and Nation-wide Moving ;. tPr B~rtul1·il ot JA:f South Bay C. E . 1'f<':\.1EL -1935 flARROR .BL\·o . ~ O. ~· flE="'XE'M' F'ront, B~l~a I~land. \Vho g&VI.' a SOUTH Co B C!T Crau,~r nr Corona d<'I Mar, u- ~ Aq sisl<<l Mr.. B<rluiell as co·hosteM. J\f rs. Taylor rl'.'Celved many bt>autl· MATERIALS COMP ANY ! f\JI If.ft. on the OO<:uion ~ SPECIFICATION 1 DEATH NOTICES ~J READY MIXED CONCRETE ~ Al.BF.RT l!l'GIJ \\~CKJ.J~JO: J\lbt•rt H. \\'lckllnf', 68, or 222 2'.?9 \\'est \\"l180n ( brh\'ttn XPTI'Pflrt nod H arbor B1\·d.) Oran)l'i· Ave.. C<>f!ta Mesa. dl<'d ('o~ta ~ff>M _ Phont> Bl-n<'on 5346 Monday 1.n the Orange county hos- pital nftl'r an i;-xtentled Wnt"t't.111. ......,.,..~-.~-..........~ A11·. V.'i<'t.;lint-WWI bom in Ar· Ii MR.2 BY4 Bl HO ME R ~ °'M•yb• We should build our own .,i-r SPECIAL • COMBINATION SCREEN DOOR (not standard) No. 585 Size 2 '8x6/S-$8.25 No. 385 siie 2/8x6/8--$5.00 Green Plastic Screen at Se per .q ft. ftloee: 11~-M11 ,,. .__ , HOl:ller llrlltt. .,_SA ;..,.. VIBE&!'~: . lAf'ma BHeb Santa Alla Nl«rtta IA -• -, • " ka.'"IM.."\ City', Kan., a.nd had bvW in Ca.Urom ia for the pa.st 36 ye-ar11. ln Co~ta Mesa the pa.at !O yearA. ~rr. \\'lckllne Wna a retired janitor for Nt'\VJ}Ort Harbor Union High tthool Surviving &N' bla wire, ,.f.n. Mary T. WicklJne. t"·o aiaten. Mrs. C. E . Calkina of Santa Ana n.nd Afrt. J . C. J..tOAler of J oplin, Mo .. one brother, Cwt 0 . Wlcklln~ ot Macomb, 111.. tb.reie at.eip-chil· dren. Mn. P. H . tinJ.ey, ca.ta Mesa, Mn. Emil Ott. 8a.cf'&mento, aud Linford Riley or Tf'rincton. N E'vada, three nlecet:, one nephew and m crend<lll!dron. R<»ary Wa& recited In the Gf'aurl chapel al 1:30 p . m. Wed- ne9(lay. K&M wu held tn St. JOM-hlm Rectory at 8 :00 a. m. Thul"9day. hther Tbomu J . Nev- ln otttcla.Unr. taunnent wu in 8ul,y Sepuldler cemetery. MRS. llLLEN PANNY llA1J8T MnL Ell°" li'aDllJ Kaul, 82, moth<r 'If M~ Albosto lllalrk. S.JbM lelend., Mra., J:Ollle Horton Of Santa Barbara and illnl. Ram- ah Emlq ot Sula AM. . - 'flloo.day In Pomona. 'l'Un.ftl· .. vleti .uJ be bekl ftld<oY at 3 p. m. U. tllO Cll~ftl: ot llM -. La Vame. Litt. -,as-"'111 otOdatA!. On- IA>-f wUI bo In R:>•rpeea Odloetuy, La Vtme. ' l• .. ,. . • , , , • ' • ljlre,pu~g a neY1 kind of GaS·myourtank ... ' 180 HOBSEP<>WE~ I'' "cotninC~ bde today, not • __ car. • • • . an AJnenc&n ~--eorer put "' ' . e Most powerful eniJil 3 n • ,... ' -"""ANES . ;;,.,,.· "M~1c·••M1~ V"•· ....... ·"The engine 01 tomo ..... nn&,.. -m.n pade ·--' on _..,.."'."-- pe toP~ I .... . ~ ' ' .-1 ' ~ • • ' • ••• • " I l ~··~f.Q" 1 IDT n•n lT JODI ~-m•mnw ... . . • •• • • • . . • • • . . • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • High Q~ality Print ing-Ph. Har. 1616. • • • • • • • • • IID® W®~ ~@W1 ' That Continuous Stock Quotatlona and Late News'Are Available at our. LAGUNA BEACH OFFICI Bank of L.'lguna Beach Bldg. Pb. 4-1156 Complete Brokerage Facilitioo Traos·Lux Stock Ticket StatlJtjcaJ Library and !leading !loom Your order ro buy or sell listed stocb, hoods • rom- modities will be executed with iipced and ICCUracy over the nation-wide 1CO$Cf private Witt systcm con- n<Cting our 16 California offices and our N.,... York office with principal Eastern trading cenrcn. Sratis- tial facilities are maintained for your coovenieDCR. DEANWITTER. lk Co. Me•ffr• N•w r.,.. ltecl I••"-.. e1:1... hoeN ., 1tfl4• ... , ... .m.. • .......... .. LOIAN .... lo• Alt1•N• Jfodr 1 • .,._._. &AH OUHCllCO This tH11fON•ICt'm1:11t h 1u-i1/Jer"" riHer to 1t~ll ,,,,, /1 Jofic1tilll10 11 u/ <111 ,,fl,r I•• /11Jy 11111 nJ 1/1cJe 1c-1 11r1/JIJ. 'fb• ud,·r111g 11 ,,1,,Jt· •lld) bf 1/ie Pr v1JW<l111 1\ssuci atcd Telephone Cun1pan y, Ltd. A C.tlifurni.t Curpt1r,1tion Cumulati ve P re fer red Stock $20 P.1r V;1luc, 5t ;. 19i7 Series Price S20 per Share N At.fl! ------- Au~•~~s ____ _. ___ _ LESTER&CO. 515 E. BALBOA Bl VD . • BALBOA • HARBOR 2061 lOS ANGf.lf.S CLAIEMONT H0llYW00D l lVfRSIDE PASA.OENA SANTA A.NA ·% CURRENT EARNINGS lONG BEACH SAN ,f.DRO NEED HOSE? . 5/8 PLASTIC l;t"~Ula.r P ritt 8.81} 5 Year Guarantee Sl'ECIAL 16. 95 ' BAY VIEW ·BUILDERS, SUPPLY Phone Braoo• W...5 100/o Discount on Any Purcha5e (EXCEPT ABALONE Md SHRDIP) Bring this ad to IA YSIDE FISH ,_.ARKET fresh Fish Doily frWI 0. 0wa loats! FRESH SALMON. WOK~ 8AUllUT • AND LOCAL WHITZ 8£& -All& BEIU!l: :BAIUU.OUDA -WHOLE, CL&AN&D . • i5e • n:u.owrAn. -woouc. HM·o orr <~> --·-A -=-~tte oa * llq 1'KWMJ: -• UI • • • • F"t 1TtfRE BRO\\'NTES e.Djoy~ tbetr ft'eeDt trip to the N~·por1 Jlarbor -La~ Beach Glrl Scoot. f'&mp In O"NPlll Park. Pictured '"llb the l'roup a rf!' Mn.. \\'allaf·r Burton, Corona dt"I It1ar and !\tr"- t:. F'. firay, l..&l'\lftft Bea.ch. ._.,_ _____________ _ Girl Scout Day Camp Completes Summer Session at O'Neill Park Rola nd Humes t o ns Ho no re d at Sun. Ope n House .IRncl 1H 1lll l-lun11·sl1 1n and her huiibsnd, J{o/nnd, w"re honurrd ,l::lJl'SL'I whf'n Mt's. J t·S..,lf' Hill l"n· l1·rta1nr(l al npun hHlUi<' Sunday A[l('moon. The J?::l.Y polio or her honie in Corona dcl Mnr Y.'Bli l hc sr ttlng ror lh(' reuni<.in or 30 or lh,~\r ("Oli('ge Cr iends. Cir! Seoul Oay Camp..1Ncwport4"-------------- J-larbor Rntl LR~una &ach com· h1n1·d troopsl wound up its lwo '''<'l k ~ or out·rlour run wllh an "Vl'"n "llj:" s1·s.~111n June 2'Jth from I lo H a t O'Nt'ill r•ark. Eac h unit 1r1j;1nall·d and pf'rform<•d 8 ~kit ~ftrr & ~1·ncral con1munily ~1nl{. Thr r 1r1· llJ::hlint-: C'1·rt•1n<1ny wa~ bt•- :un \Vllh the luv,·Jy M>OJ.:, "RISl' Up 0 F'l11111e" Junlr1r r·1111nc·1\ 1•lf'c•ted two Har· l)f)r i-;1 r l!l tn b,• rn•·mb"rs nf ttw' r 1r,• 11 ... ,·h "rn11p, R.117.»nn" ("tm· 111ng:h11111 nntl P:1f 1u· u llllj;H.11 '"O, r·caul1111t lt11 r1nc-r"' hy all pr··~1·nt ~·•~.'i th·• :-111i.: rnr lh1· flat.: loy,·,•rti"I:'; I i-.-r1 •111 .. 11v Jll."-'l prior to t h1• 11).:"h lin~ ,,f lh• 1111 • 1:,·f11rc• o!usk 1'/ll"h unit p;1rl1··q1 1t•·•I 111 uni· h•:-.l L"rtlfl pa.<o· ll.'11•' \'.1:h 111a•1y ,1.;11 J ; 1lnllll!' lhl' p••·lly 11 :11 1111nt111).: Suppt•t was t 111·11 :-,,., \'1 ti 1"h ~ y1 ·a : :-; 11,ty run1p 1.1.·as p1d;.:•d ! '({rtlll•·ly l>lll'l'Pl>:oi flll Y•1 lh •·1 .1v••",1t:•· ola1l y ultl~ndan•·•· from l'.""1·v.•p .. rl 1-l arbur 1tntl l .JlJ,:Una J :o•;p•h HI"• •IS or 1:'"1,""1 J.:lt]:i. 'J'tJ1rly .l •lul!-. :-.lip•·• V1.'~1·d th1· SI)( day ;'l('S• s.nn j1I 111 t1v1ly nl tt1" l~·ttul iful 11·1:·\i; T hc·r·· 1.1.·1·rc :s1•v1·n s taff 111• 1111J, r·!-, d111·t"lPr'l. nllr"<.' arvl t'.''ltllfHH• nt p•·r~•J"'n1·l 1111 duly at all t 1nt"!'i "f'h1 • 1·h··•·rful 1·!f1t:1•'nt hu..- ·"'''""·•· ht',td•·d b.v F.ddll' H,1111 v.•1th [ Il•ll l..ti1"•• and · \\'h ttf'y"' .i.:reatly :tt•h·fl 111,. pr11p,·1·t. I It \\"11 ~; J.!1 •111•111lly 11i,:r•·1·d that lht' 1 \\nll•l"tilll udv<1 ru·,, plt1nn1nr.: ttn<1 c·ar ~·fu l 1·n rl..-.1•l1•rJt l1<•11 uf A11 ~ (' I \':'·1y111 · ('1111~·1 , :'\\'Wport Rlld l\11~s t-.l1 1s f.t1x l•·' of IAJ::llllf\, rllrN:tor~ ;111•1 ~!1 ~. 1:.1l)t·rt T11rn1 r n1vl ~(r!I. t---:.1v..1nl t'hapnian. Jr t l.t1.~una u11 ·l '.\'"•·\\'l'••t l 1 rn:idl· ti:•· 1·\'f'lll onf' l 11 IA· lung T"l"Jll•·111b••rt·d by Hr0\\"11· i 1 1•·1< anlill r:1rl Rt"uUl."I ~·ho allrndt'd 1·~1;.:ht h ;..ra1h· a 11 d J\1a r1n r-r ~('0111:; v.·1·ro· t"'<•"cllr nt h,..lp to j t11111p l1 •u d1·r~. ~n that 1·1·rt;11n -11111th1·r.s 1•0111tt u c t Et.<i t rnnp lt·adt•rfl lht>tr nuri>t•ry ngP rhlldrcu were o:.·urt•d fur by lhf' uldf'r ~lrh~. On t.ht• hist lilly all the adulL-. got to-- gt'U1cr lo say that th<'y had rl'&lly had a ~ood lln11•. Mrs. Pr lt'r Hill , EstabllM Camp f'ha1r1~uu1 of No•wport l lartJ,1r Girl $1·out < 'uunc•tl announc•p1I t h a t 1·1;.:ht i-;lr ll'i fr11111 th1• l-)Rrtw1r ar1·1t h.iVl' 1nt1dl' rr~'I vat1uns for lt·n day In t",\'U V.'t•f'lt p<"rh.JC\1' during lhl' .su n1 1ncr al S('Vt·rnl Girl &out ri1nu11t.:.l 1n cantps. Aulea Trail"!' 1 lt1vcrfl1d f' r.. S Can1p1 . San An- 'nn1u t~anla Anal. J\1anz;inita 1;o;;i11ta :'lton1t·a1 ant.I S1111o:r11~ l'1nc·l'i t l'a .. ad1·na1 are thn:-to• our i.;1rlJo; ~ ·vi ii all••nd. l 'h11 t•'t'n M<1r1n1·r · 81.:out!'l hav1' .s1·11l 111 lh<'1r 1'(':"lrrva- l111nl'i tnr f'<ttal1na Mnr1nt'r Cainp \..,h1ch s lurts August 27th. I OX St"Rl'RJ:-Ot; \"ISIT Mr. and 1'1r1'. Crellin Gi-iff1lh I Mntl 1htughtcr Ellen ret urne-11 hon1P Tuc!:tday aJter (lying to Santa Cruz on July 4th tor a :;urpri.se 1 Vl8IJ. to relatives. ---- \\'t• n£'1'<I u~"d cars . St•c d l~l ay ad. Shavt>r ltfo tors. C~ta ~i esa . :o;o:'\ C1I•' ;\li.;S..\:'\S 1.ir. and ~ir~. IJH.lc K ~·rioh, 916 Sunset 11r1Y1', C11~t11 Pt.tt:sa, nrl par<'nls o r tt i;on born July l l u1 Sl. Jo~ph hospital. tie ~·eigh<''l : por.nds, 4 ounces. ; I . ./.,, . - ' 1 Janel's slsterit: Jackie and ?>tarilyn were a.sslstlng hosll'~S. . \ • SHO\\"S Dl'KING thf" fuhlon Mao"· at 1hr BaJ.boa B a y {'!uljllla.'l \\'f>d nf"§da.y \\"M this g 05-'Bmf'r r l"'Ntlon nw.lt' Of lmporft•tl flO \\•dt•; bluf' o r.-Rnd:V a nd llnf'n lar r o'rr a tu.~tllng tafft•la 1wt.l k'1:a t, ::t.n nrl(lnaJ <k',.lgn h,r "Olp."" Spanl!~h d<°'"fll-t'r o f C111•rna\Rra :ind Acapulco, ftl rxlt:o, (Photo by &~kncr_I • -tll(~Y -.t .. -., a MN -,,_:~lot -....... ,... U.t at tlie New,..t W ~ YMM ~ pla lttillt ea:...,, bwtlls UM Nd"ers ulll t2'l!WI of ttae R11 .... .._ ...._ A ........ , Fir ........ tw Cl,.W*4 iM ~ k w ..,.c:llJ', bat. the -..... --"'u.. -----..s "'"'"" """· -·· ..... ---·-..... a 11aie. fJI.. NCft' "I t pttemen," ulM:lfl'o*lac a •••••rr,.. OJI , 11et n.'lectaat t.e 6IWrit llle ..unclh'e •rJl•T· tpboto by lkc-) , -• • ' • • • • • • • • • • • I Joio. of lluii .. OOMlllNED 'llEf'O&r OF .,1_ OONDttlON I ., ' -• . -f . NEWPORT· HAUOIJ BANK • • ' . . .. ' , located at ~ - Ool'Olllll, del Har. Oalllontla, aa of tll! doff of ~ oa the IGlb day of Jaae, 19151. Aoo<t. 1. Calh. balances with other bank.a. and ca.ab It.ems In ()olltm('n:.lal procua or eouecu.n .......... -................................................ 320,287.39 2. U.S. Government obligat.ions, direct and fully guaranteed 890,7().).57 3. State, county, munlclpet and school dilltrict obligations .. 156,606.32 6. Loans and dlacbUnts (includes $834.86 overdrafts) ...... . ·521 ,216 08 8. B:;t.nk prcm·.i.ea, rurniture, (ixturcs and equ•pme nt ........ 22.855.36 11. Othe r aMe la ................................. : ........................ _................... Z3,68 • " T ota l ~ts ·-····--·-··--··-·······················-··················· ··--······ $1 ,911,695°:40 ~ . Ulllbllltler. l 2. ContmerchaJ dt>J103lt.G--demw1tl ....... ···-··---· ·······--················ $1 ,603,212.JO 13. Comn1crcla.I drpoait s-tlme . .... ..... ... ........... .................. 10.000.00 l 1. Sa vings ·'ilc·poalle ............... -.... .. ................. . ... . .. l6. U . S. Govc;m mt-nl and po,:tal bavin~~ Ueposils ............ . 17. State, t'fJU.n t y flnd m unicipal dt"1>0sltH ............ . "?O. R f'8C rves ror ta.x t>e, inle r<'sl, etc., accrut.:U but unpaid .. _ !I , Olhcr l;ablUll<'s ..•................... ........ . ., ... 3 1,102.02 135. ()()() .00 6.600.00 6,080 50 Totnl Liabilities ........ . $J ,79 I,Dll5.02 22. l3. l t. Capital Acoount. Commrrci.al Capilal paid ln : Con1n1un stock 700 shares, Par $100.00 ... -·-····--· ··········---$ <5.000.00 40.000.00 34,698.38 S urplu11 ...... . Unlllvldcll profits -net ....... . ..................... , .... ·. 1'ota l C11p•lul Accoynl.8 ................... $ 119.698.~8 Sa'i nc, 5 08.IJJ2.31 9~.319.M None 400,617.63 Nune None $ 60J,8D9.49 S 193,893.-ID $ 85,000.00 2 ':1.000.00 NU'l(.' ·None s 2:;.000.00 27. Total I ... ia1Jililil'8 and Cttµilpl A ccuu,,oL"' .............. $1,911,693 . .fO $ 603,8ll9 .49 ME 1'10R,\NOA : A~·ts l'letlgl•d lo Secure L iabililit·8 l . P l<'dJ:cd a AA(•t s (anti sccuril rL·i; ln:tnl'<l I I book valut• t: U . S. Govl·rn1nrnt oblii;:ations plcdgc<1 to .se<.·urc <lc~ils and other hab1htics ... S 2~16.21.1~.::;6 $ t1 ~1. 1 :.a .. UG STATE O F CALIFORN IA, County of Orange. s.'I, Combined $ 09.219.70 986,02.5.12 156,606.311 930.862.71 22,85.5.36 23.68 $2.515,59:? 89 $1.6-03.212.50 10.000.00 -193.899.40 31.102.02 220.000.00 6,600 60 6 ,080.50 t2,370,894 .51 s 70.000 00 40,000.00 34.698.38 $ 144,608.38 $2.tll 5.ijD2.89 ' s :!01, 129 ... 2 J. T . Va~ Dyke. Presidcnl: H. L. H <'lrtck , c";a."l'h :"r f)f th<' NE\Vl'Of:T 1J .. \nL~Ul1 C.i\l'\1(. U.·i ng duly ,\VOrn, l'UCh IO~ h (msl'lf. 83.)'S he has H pt·r~nal kno1 ... lc•l:;-f' of lhc nialt' rs l'nll{Ulll\"d Jn lhl' ft1fl'J;;:UIO(; ·cpr1rl tJ f cond1l1un and schl'dulr !li flt'rlain•nK lh t·r1 ·to and l hal 1:vr·1y allt i.;al1u11, stat('lt.t•n l. r'll.Jllt'r u.nd lhlng tht·rt'ln conta1nC'd is true to he· bt'sl of h is kn tJwlcrJ;~c and bcli<·f. S<·v<•ra.lly s ub3<.'rilx'd an'l sworn to befor<' n1C ')y both d r-1>0:icnt4, th's 9lh d:iy ot July, Ulf>l . J, T . VA'r\ DYJ<F;. l•1 ,·:-.11!c11t. 1SEALl SUSAN P . FOl,EY 1-1. L. HE.ll{ICJ..:. ·u1ary J>ublh· in a nti for :;;it.lf"I county or Orange-. 3tale uf Cn..hrurnia. • 1My Co1nn1U:>tSi11n Exp1 r1 s Au1:. 4, 19~2 . Nu. 732-Press. l>uulL."h July 1~. 1~1:,1 . co nnecting bus li.oe to; Crestline • Lake "Gregory • Pinecrest Twin Peaks • Blue Jay Camp • Lake Arrowhead • Skyfore1t Running Sprin gs • Big Beat Dam • Fawnskin Resoru • Big Bear City • Big Bear Lake Vilbge and Resorts. Take Paci6c Electric 10 Saq Bernardino and Mounuin Auto Linc to retorts. Trim lk.aut)"•I 1br word (or 1hi11 nrw }·or1I \ il'lrn-i a. 1-k-'aul)' \to it hin 1t11d l.K-auly wi1hou t. \l'indt.>¥1 11 1ha1 oprn aoJ ha'tC no f'U"I !Jrlltlffll. l r&.ol. a1tty or ,firM" CraflC'Onl 1.1111 111 ir1H·W. "ear l"inyl. l 'bc 111.(e:ty of all -around viei!Jilit y (nt0$1 window area iu lbc low·priue flf'ld). Tough Thct't'0 1 ronm fen-f'i,;hl or • hal f ton or fN""igli1 iu Furrl'11 ··eow11 ry Squi"' ... Ju1H foliJ i1ii ··~1owa¥1ay·• ~nlcr M:al i1110 1hc floor and you lia-.e mom than 9 feet of le-vel ,loadin,; t!paor. J1 ofrcn you your pM-k uf llO"·~r (\' 8 ur Sii:J. AnO you can clMKll!ot (n>1n 3 ~t drive!l: .~orJ0"1 a1ic., • Overdrive,• aod Coa•eo1.iuual. l ) ( • 1 Tbi1 11port~. ~f'w Forrl convtttihlc ..;ill ,~II new Te £ -Id· or dmm, pl·~~ r~ y~ ••• 1 , ...... lomily. rr1· i· c It r1d01 1J11k y Mmoolh •illt """' A11101uatM-Rtdc Cuntntl 11elf-.Jjutot ini: thr ride to tlw. n .. tl. Slope ~ cslra ult: and f'~~· ~il h IJouhle.&.I King· • Siu llraka . And dri\"u1g • ~ eavln,d"ul. too. tluU.. lo }'o.-d"e Aut.owatic i\tile.rge Atak.ci"'. c ... ill fer• "Test Drin" l".D ..... ,. , .. ,.,, .... . ..,. ...... ..... ' _, •• -· • • TBBODOBB YO. Ford Qealer Sm~• 1921 • 2116 ~.,,.... ·~ tt.wpOrt l•acll , I I I I • I ;:s: :: c sososocscst: :: Ji !JC sss sscsczcsssas sos sas,ssooooo;o aces a e c su;ssoo•••• • '''' • '·'''' ,, . ·r .... . . I ' -~-.... .---... - ; I •• I • • ·. 'J LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCJ: NO, 911'1 AN ORDIN ANCl'l OF TIU ('OTJNTY OF ORANOE REOIJ· LATINO UV!: BAIT R~EIV­ ER8 AND HANDLING A N D SALE OF UVE BAIT. Tb:ue la, e.t pr1tust. N> -ordl· 1 nance or other law re.pJ&Unl' or llcenatn• Uve ball rect.tven and the hanclllq and we af u.., i.tt wtlhln the unincorporated Umlta ot the 'nland wattor. or any harbor ln lbe County of Orange. To p~ ..crvc t he publ'c rn-aCf, health and, ,"lfety of t he cil.l&eru of Ort.n'e Cuunty, and In view or tho~ • .,. proac:h o f l hf' Olihlng IM!UOT\, with ts sUb!!ltantinlly lncrenacd use of Ii\'(' h:ilt , It Is t'f'(\U"red that Ulla Ord n1'ncc pasa &lld take effect mm~'fl iatrly. PAGE ~ --PAR'T I -THURSDAY, JULY f2; 1'951 . -----------~--- ADVl:tlTISQU!NT FOR 11108 Notice 1,. hereby given that the Board or Trual('C8 of ~ Otang1.· Coast J un'or College Dlatrlct of rt~~RESS ~ Oranse Count y, hl"relnafter refer-'Mle Boanl of S:upervi8on1, Coun- rcd to NI . lht" "Owneor," will re-'y of Ora1u;c, state of CaUfornla, C"t'ive up t o, but' not late r the.n 1o orda :n R!ll fol!o\vg: 1o·JO A. Af ., o f t he 23rd day of SF.CTIO N I .J.lvt1 Ball Retttv- July, 19""11, st'::Ued b td8 for the ""• Dcfinnt. A livo bait recelv('r a\va rcb or conltftc t l~) for paJnt-ia Rn obJrct. lhe "pu ~e of whic h in!! o( frumr b11 ildinp . Such b ids s l o ~on flnc live ba it lo be U!!oed &hall be t«'f'ivro in the office of ~or f i.<1h lng, a nd afloat wllhin the tht.' "(Nr1('t ," ln t hl' Adm lni:'llra· 'nla.nd w a tt>rs or 11.ny h lltbor In t h1' "l ion Iluildh1g:, Orani;:c coast Col· County. of Ora.nt;t' or t he Par·1r1c IP~t'. 199~1 ll:trbor B lvd., near "\cea:i, elth r r ffi{)Qrt"(] tu R p1rr, Santa Ana, Ornni::c County, Cal·f.. wharf, landinr. bu1khf'acJ or ll"a and shall b'.! OJlf'nPd ru11 J pu blicly \V:.tll, or 1nnor1•ll by ml'RrlS or an rr Rd aloud ut lht> 1'.PJove slatN1 tnchor (11' ot~rr >A•riJ:ht to lhc b~t­ l in1c in th.-. office of the "Owner" '01n or t hr P al·lrlr 0<'ran. in such bulldi.ni;:;. S~I ON 2. Ll\·r Ila.JI flt"M"I \·· . .\II \.l.·ork tn ht· cornplt.-lt>tl on or f'M', lt.Pt1uj rf'1nPnll'. All lrvp b..'\lt b•·fnrp AUJ_'"l..l:-;t 31, 1951 J">enff.Jly rt'l'l·ivcrs, tvh1 le beini;: op~·rtt~t'rl uf StC0.00 p.-1-day \vlll be asse~ed \V th in thr in land v.·att"rs ur tlnV for work not cnn1plt!letl. "la: ho!' in t ht• County or Ornn1.:1>, SEl"""TION 12 Thls Ordinance h~ll b<-publl~hrrl at Jf'ut once In th,.. N1•wport·Balboa Preu, A. ncwa- napt>r n( ~.-n1'r•I circula lio:i, prtnt· ··d. pllbllsherl QnJ c lrculA.ted !n thr t ·ouoty nr Oran~c. a nd ghaJI tX' In f·1rer: a.1111 t'ffr ct lmmrdiRlcly upon 1hr f111RI l'"·~gl' t hC'rror . fSEALl \VILLJS If. W ARNE R f"'h:&Jl /IUln ur the Board uf S uptr- \; sors of Orange County, Ca.11- (nrniR i\ TI'f':~T . : ll. J ~lM ITl l . ~t·h b1cl n1u·;t i.:onform and bP <ihall b0 providr d \vith scr•"<'n tray5 rt·~·pon.!liVt" to thi~ invitation, the in the bo~tnm lhcrec.r ::o a." to rr· pl:1n~. ~nrc 1r1 cal :o"1:oi, an'I all thf' _ain all df'ad ba.t within th~ re-,. h ' h · C'nunty C lr rk and ex-orflC"lu o· h,.r docum('nt::; romp:·1s ng lh1' ~ruve r, w IC ~aid tray can bl.' Cl •rk o( l hr UnKril or sur(-r· P"rti111•nt c-o n l r Jl c t docun1ent.s. ra1wd so a~ to dl."POSe of .sui•I rli·acl · · •~ ll 1· v.:-or!I 11( Orari~e County, Cal l· Copies ut lhr contract documC'nt1-1 1.-1t. A 1ve bait rf'<'.-'Vl·r~ w1th1n th C r 0 (ru nul ar(' now on f1ll' u.nd opl•n to public I! o unly o renj:ic shall a lso h 'ta1t• or rat1forn·a. insp~·\·t ion· in the said of(ic(•S of ave a ~rC'en or l'IOlld C'OVl'r o r lid Fr1doy July 13 Saturday July 14 Sunday July 13 itonclay July 16 Tue3tla y July 17 Wednesday J uly 18 Thursday July 19 ' • TIDE Hl4t•I ~:t.2 &:09 7 :21 6 :04 8 :24 6 :57 p.m. a.m. p. nt. a. n1. V· D'\. 0 :1:: a . nt. 7 :ft0 p. m. O:M a. m . 8 :40 p. m1 10:3:i H.. m. 9 :28 p. m. 11 :14 10 :16 a. n1. p. Ill, t'llt."4T f''l ll.I. l\JCKl:S July 18 QC l ARTt~fl Aug. 10 TABLE 2.3 6.6 30 6.1 3.3 6.0 3.6 i .O 1 l 7.!! 7.0 l .A:-i"J' ll11A ICT,•,Jt J ul y 2~ J.()\f 10 :03 n. m. O :~i a. m1 11 ::::: a.. nl. l :19 a. tn. 12 .22 p.nt. 2 .~o a . n1. l ::::4 p. lU- J :2J a. Ill, 2 ::!1 n. 1n. 1 :01 a.m. J :l t p. n1. 4 :<15 a. Ill. -i :05 p. nt. A u~. 2 ,!'I_, o.s 2.f ~-5 2.~ -1.1 2 .4 -I.$ 2.2 ~1 .1 2.1 -1.T l .U lhC' Ov.·nl·r. which sha!l fit clns1 ·ly tu the sa1fl County or O rant:'" 83. I B J S 'll TH C t r 1 k 90 BOATS ta Ute & ... -._.::.:.__ and 8! ln thf. Ocran C1aMP9 made-tb ... •u1y 4tb .... ~--on • of the B f · V ht Cl b c • h' w ' Bid.<1 v.·d\ he recf"tv•·d covcrini: bait r('eetvl•r, unlrs.q and cxc<'pt . · · " · 01111 Y "" er <1 '"'_,, ... " .,-~u. • :---t-aC U t t all pha. .. (>~ of lh(' work. Con1plt>l1on sa1<1 rccPivc r r-httll bl' con\plctt·ly an+I ex-urficio Cle rk of the &!!.rd· m nst 8\K'Cff.8tu.I thla M"S801L ShoYt'll hrre. th~ COfTI ,lOdnrt><t of rh .. t\f O 1'J)OOS.Ortng club'l taJk ft over or 1n ~an r1 er t im<' r"Qtl"!'ll f'd lo he SL't by bid-covcrt·d by a roof. nf Supf'rv1sur!I of Oran,::c Countv. at' 1111· runclu~lon u f thf' MrlN\. At 1.-ft, ('ommotlo rt> Harn· Rlotl,rtt, of fhfl Balbo:i Ya.:bt Club ancl Opens 29th Season Ucrs. A stal,.mt'nl uf flnanc·al con· S ECTION 3 J't•m1lt fn r Ru.It ralifurn\a, do ht•rt•by cer tify l hal al rl;-ht, ('omnuwlo r•• U. \\'. "\Valt" Elllntt of tht• St•\\'JlOrl llarOOr \'a cht Club. Thi> M"rlt '8 \\'il!4 Mall1'tl b H s tl1t10 11 an<! dl:'posit nf 10'"~ of t h£' Rt'Of'ivf'ri;i.. Nu p<'r~on shall install at I\ i('gUlar ffi('t'l1ng or t h1• Bosrd July .i. 1 ond" "Ith""" trophy pn"""nt~tlon at ?'Ii . l·I, V, (', !Photo by 8 <.'C knl·r l With Full Program to e ere ~t tutal btd by c~'rlific·d check or bid and th ereafter operate >A·1th •n lhl' or SupL·rv!snr.s hf'ld on the 3rd day 1 i.A • h nnd is rrquir• d \\'Ith each bid ; inland waters or any harbor ur thr nf July, 105.t , lhf' forrgolng Ordl· nalboa Island Vachl Cluh oprn· <-• • labor an<t nlat1•r1als bf'.nd and per· Coun ty of Orang" or thC' 1>ac 1f1c nane" contamlflg lWJ'\V<' (12) s1•c-MEXICAN CRUISE TALE· FOR Lido Park People ,.ti it1' 29'.h s1·::i.}·on on F ri·lay. J uly :'~.,,-~~~·t ···r:·'.>··· .. son .. a~t b o rd fu -m r.nc1• b.in d rt•q u 1r<'d o[ con-Ocl'an any bait rf.'C"IV"r <,r rrt't"'i v· I lion" v.·as l'0'1Sil!C'rf'rl 11CC't'on by l) at 7·30 p t t h c lub r ai 1 • t. '1 · ,l.pl:<it, cnri:iUuan an ers v.·ithoul fir!-!l obtatnir.•T a pcr-I 8Cl'llon, and that lht" said Ordl· v· R St t . . . In . 8 (' OOTilS '""'('!' of lht' <; a . i~ c1-opping hbi l :~~~ ~1~~c~~'~·ll b1· ma!le out on m1t ther<'for from lhl' 8:1tird o( I n:\!1 1'1' V.'il.'4 lh•'n PfL•SPd anrl arlnpl· BALBOA POWER' SQUADRON 1ew ace ar ;;;~.sorofl[~~e.f1·:;t:~ ';a':~htto~1~h ~~I h'"," "1ff 1::1!h•1::i. Ih:-lontl, thBis ~~- s · r h c o .. • a a \\'hr I by thl' [ Jlowln.. . 111·1 'l\' n 1 o:nt· a . ..; urc o uns~r u form to be obtained at the of· Upt'rv1sors o t e ounty or r· ,r_ !I '<' u ,. r-onnry r . l . .,;i,;,•v, v.·ril1·r nnll fQr bovs anil g1:l3 '1 tn 16 yea ... ~ t•f Ir ·1 .· r· 1 !-:.t t . 1 fil'l' of th•· Q\vn•·r 1n wh ;c~ th1· ange. Any appllcat1on for s1u·h a v;-it,.:: hc·r p11bhsh,.r hU!":band, liowartl. age. ·Officers eT't.': Commodor1., Lr"'~ _.:.,it · 1"P 0 si1-,--n co~es Contrnct T.>ocun1 .. nts are nn filt'. pc1n1it shall b~· accnmp.an1cd by an A Yf" .. <:;· ~UJ"K'rvi.04nrs llC'1n~ Kals£'r, tu'C nn\V rRlabl'shrd rnr the sun1-Benny Be nj1UTI1n or RaJboa: v1r1• ... ~. IHt. ,1::\ 1'.' l _1 );>-•k about yachtlnf. Each h,,1 shall bf' a cc:ompaniN1 approval by thC' Harbor J::;ng nccr c· J.f F1·alh<'rly. Ralph J , ft1t:· Balboa Pn.w(•r S'J.t1aJron's July mrrl tn& will be a d inni:r Ill tli·v.·. m('r in th1·i r dt>li~hlfu l t railC"t:, with C:imm odorc Noel Barlow of Bal· """'1 ; 1 ' 11 ' 's. by a C£'rtiflf'd or c:ashil'r'!.'I eht>ck of Oran,11:c County Harbor DI~! r1ct F"1trldf'n. \\'Illa rd Snlll h u n d ilnrt HArl'>or Y.'.lC'hl Club Thur"'11111y, July 19 at i :30 p . m ~1 ,.mbcrc gardl'n and pa tic nt Lido Pen in-boa lsland: Rear Commodore' 'fony r ~·'.ht·. l!-41 111 i:~ '5•n., , hnf the• 1m1ost t d · ( h "'oil R I I Warn•r I I f · ( I h h • T f Balbo I I d S tte l1\t> :-;111 nr" t: • .u t"'ril a I or· pu.yahl,. to thi>. Owner. or sattsfac· as IJ ~·s1b"n o any sue r(•f'1•1v1·r ~· ' · " · : anr ~11 .. ·•·s nrr ( 1;r-or f\n f'Vf'nLng o unusual ntcrcst, v.· l'TI t e~· !>Ula pa1k .. Lal'jt WN!K lhcy saw orrence o a s an : <'C~f'~ , . 1111·y B.d :;onr:' 1r. 1avor of thl' Ho....,·ever, a pl·rmit shall b" np-1 NC>ES Superv·sor!', Nn nc. hcnr \V 1 ~ Dui--h clMcrib(• his crul~ of mnny monLtis do~·n thl' Coast t he start or thr Honolulu race as tarv, Carol Eyn1an of Bu!bo1 · ll!H v.·ati·r:-:. 1 .,. ha)'i lnng been m- o,,·nrr. ex• culf'tl by the biddl'r a.ci pr()VE.'d and issued by th(' Board u( ,\ llSF:NT · Sup •1 Vl!inr!'l. N•lll" ·r M .• A ul"" .,,,esta of J\lr. and Mrs. Oot:i Ber <>· I l · d ~ ~ ~rul':nr in th I 't•\.•lrr Squadro, I V N'F. \V 'l~R•"C., ,. 1 i ... 111) !I') cap ,..... ,.,-,.. san · . ('!~.'"!''.;, n :-;.~f'I.'!° cn1~1 n1o dore In P;-u1c-ipnln nd a r;at i~factorysurety 5upc rv1sors to every person "'P•· I!\' \"IT · .SS .-i· •• )r'. 1 F'rir !ht! rirM' tinu• Bu·;h v.:d\.I Th 1 f d ,1 . 1 rna n,whoar ... Uv in):!onbo:ird lhcir Afullsc hC'dulcof \\.'Cl'klvrvr:i.~ ~ ti ,. "h y htCI b cnn1p<1ny fl'! :;ur,.ty. in an amount rati..'1" and rna1nta1n1ni::-a l'l'C'' •Vl'r hD\' · h .. r,·i:'l t<"l s•·t in v h'lntl nn•I $\f· • · • c-rr H.: oun a "r.xican pf'na S.~ foot crU1S<'r Thund<'rl•r, a l t he has bc<'n I 'rn:-thC" • u!l 1·1 ·i ~ • JrLn, :.i:i ac u · '" · 11 I ti rr·· I ·, r lh I' I :-hiiv.· ht.~ ('o!nrt"ll pu:l urt•s and tell I f'O\nnv v.rilh rr1sunt'r!t and lhc1r pro~i·s,ulUllc• in I J·: h1·; .. 1 v:n~d and sallf'd not lf'ss-tha n te n p1•r c,·n t of thr or r1·1·f'1vcrs st thf' time or th•' 1 l<i·•. 1" 1l 11·11.1 ~f";• " ". "11 r• 11 r 11., 1.1•111 .;;;·. \Vhit'h slurl<.,1 oul ;: ' ·h , • • • 11 P1·ninsula anc hora~r. <'iJ!'ht ,.,..C'C'k ~ra..c:on as roUn-.,·.-: ' h I r ,. ,,. r r> 9 • r , tv I :u Wtvr~ \l u 1n y gu ntnrq.: A. th1· hn'.: 1"1" 11f 1:! :.::111 hoal~ and hirl. Th•· ·h~·c k nr t11tl bnn<\ sh:ill pa. .. S3J-!'L' o t 1~ nrcl1nan1·1· pruvu · In, .... upi· 1:;or~ o r ng• 0 in · h 1 1 r 11 · _. ·' .. • ' fl1 r.;:. Brnrm-so n is lhe foi-n1c r ~lo;-i<ta.v. 10 :30 a . n1 .. pad llt• board , ··• -· r• 1 r 1 " 1 d r J 1' , llJ •' 11 r•,iurp v am Y <'n.Hs(' Rn•1 work1n« ]>·00·1! I ' ., .. ,.m., t"hat m •n" ·o···-,,.,,. ],,, .. • .. ·1.·.•.1. ·,·;, •o•.ra. ,., "7 foot be ,•!'\.'"" a." a •'uar"'hl•o· th at th" f'd i::uch ]lCrsnn within thirt'-· 1301 n 11rn 1a, t ll:.i .. 1~ · lO' 11 u y, · · • ,.. '· · '" ... .. ... ·• G1,an n• Hairs of Sont.n Ana and 2 ° h. I · " • • .• ... ... • ·' t ,,_ 1 t11r11 •'<l ou t to b•• nnt' o( f'Xtrl'Jne , r lh '· • . 1 . 1• 1 • r (l.C'('S; p. n1 ., ·~nov.' •ri a"".11 • 1 , . b'd'l'•r woll o•x•·•·o1t• th" CoJ•.ot o·•ct days after tJ1c rassa"c of lh1 s orrll-1n .• 1 i (',..,(" pr ... o .itr~. w l• n re• &sci. th I t ti t I I d'o••hy ra o·,·s·. T uo·•.··,Ja •IO·.JO •·. r.r .• :nti· t n »d 1'r l'l1:1:,.1!J1 l f.a1l .nO\V. ~· • .. "' • I , • • l\'a lu 1· 111 <.ill nn Vl[!Rl nrs v.·ho roly \V n·t 1., .. lh • 1 1 1 1 r· ·h r-c0Uf)<'Br•'!'I nn ancxrntr< ,.. ,, ), n 1., 1 1 ''.nc'• s hall n'a l•c ni>plo•·at1·.,n 1~'1·,J\l .1 f! J S~1 11 11 . -n ·~\r • i'l ~nt u.n< •11-" • h · · · '"''!K-1111. >" H\'•.)'""1 l 1on a. if 1t be uwa rd··d to htm on cnn-' . ~ , ·~ "h ,.. t r r lh •1 ,.,. t nn,.ymnnn . Fc>r t hr-crul~c they S\\'•n1m1n .... f"81t '('s a nrl cJ1\·1n ·• 1·11·1-. th"rcfoc to th· Roarol of Super· Ir,,,,,,, 1• ('l•·rl·. ,, •. ,,t c•·orr·,, •. ,. r1 ~r>o ,. " " ·~ " ,~ "'"·' 'n..1 ('na.s whr1 Iii.,, ""11,; ~111 ni.-;h V.'l.·11, talkr d "' " '"l1·1it ·11 ·· 1 t ' • ·1•1tor 1 on<.' f forn11\y v.•rt h th" ('.nnlrar t Docu· ~ ·· , ' , ': ' ' J'uhh-.h•~.t infnrn1alion on C"nflst· 11 . . ( lh , \\'l'rt· hoc:;:~ tn a larg-~· ~rnup of t Pst: \.Ve·l n<'sd a y, lO ::;o :'.\. r1.. re\\'-"' ' 1 ~ 1 '· .,, ' • Ii u mC'nts ··nd will 11 rovi<.lf' thr 1'Urety v1.so r.!'I and provKlcd rurthr r that 111 lh•· t .u'1.rrl •1f S11perv1s1•rs of p 1 It . 1 1 \Yi 1 llldll) 11 '"1 "Ul'~l~. ,,n tr 1·1a11i ir1,.. t h1·n1 al rO<"k -· Ev · th T 1 1-'"1 1 ' 1 1· 1 '' '" '"l niarin" paint-. ... · . 0 • C . Wl M' t 11t.11;: in • PX!c~n wa rrs I ft r lun o ·rrl]> ,.. "' 1ng rH.C'('S. r ry o 1·r UCfit "'V 11l 1 , h bu.,d:.; nr ll:i,d a3 ... pel'if•C'd the rC'l n !:Hl'h eppl1cat1on bC' at:l'On1panu·d I' rani.;" <~•JU11ty, ahfur111a . ] i ,1 ..... 11 .. . 1 bl •·r ,. ta·l.t; and J11nr h1 ·on in thf' \\'ill on 6:30 p. m . th,·r~ is to be a pii.:n c.- 1 I: :,·i. ' 1 1 ·' 11 ·: '•"l'!'l av<-hUn(;' v.·rthtn frv1· d ,1\':-1 ut lo·r unt1f1caltun v11th approva as to d r-stg:n or rf'· u J 1" 11 Y -· .,.., · 19r.n 1 t . ti • ·. 1 . ' • • hout,J T"rl'<ll"_• r.oon1 nft1·r slu1·t at th~ l'IUbhousc>. ·,. 1 1 · .·i,; , 1 :.I ·'a:; 1°1 ·~ -.._ I I I' I] h J I 1? 1n<1 Ill n I.It a vat a r '" O.f' I Th1• Ooublon;i 1-:ta rll"d II• r rt• ''! 1•1u 111 l l 'Lant th 0 -y of lhC' 11,v,. 1 ..-t .uf th£' contral't tn l'!•1vrr o r rf'C<-'lVC'r!:l by lh1· lf11rbo1·.No_ i '..l:'l N1·\.\·porl-Balboa l'r1·s1> I '1 n.,~"'.1•1 MO."l 1'1"0 cro1 y "rvts•~ tuin lrip ri onl Al l·:tpult•cJ J.i·bru-uf thr· race. All hil l l H l " ;·I 11 ·1 l!l\ 0 .11 inunn. ·£'ha.<>; .. ~ r:ni:inl'er of the Oran,..e C'ountv 111 ·'"' u..; '·" li ' ~r·· 0 nl a · a ry !J. l~J! aJ1d a.rr1v1·U in F.n:-f'· c rren nf tlc arJur ··•l'"'.l lh1 :·~1: 11 · ~-hu:t Sp\lccs with ti•" b d1h•r. ,.. . ('t",l'Tll·"l('.\T~. (lt' Rl "".1'.·r-.·.·•. 1• r•H J fu1· ~lt1J'P•·rs \.\'h 'th h; pub-' .... ,la oro t orooo• I' "ro·•t th . ~n"•" 110"01 l "I ' t 'fll KS ;i r1 • inv1~rd to j(}.ln . Uuf's or(• ti0" I . I k h '!'hi· Ov.·rv ·r rt'~•·rv<'s thP µrivi· l la r bor Distric t. All applicat1on:1 ' ""' ., ·" .,., !t.'4!1r•rl in our c·n·i!.l Piiot · "" ' " ' ' .-•. ,._. 1 ·" ' ·' ' ... a ~·a.sun, lhr 1nont·y 1--:01n;..: to·.va r•\ ~!-11 '·''·:. al' 1 i.ii·:t :;; f'lc C.'\. lrr: .. of l'"I• t'lui.: a 11 y anti all bid'! fo r pt'rmlts provided ftir ht•rt'tn l·'ltTITl<>l'S l·'JR~I SA~1 t~ '· ' na.d;:1 Ill\"" :-.Ktpp• r·~. nu_..h ttn·I hll'I ~II'_ And ,_1 r~-J.,out:-; Abrd.l11s of lht• purchase of tru lh V whtC'h ,..,1 1 ~ 1 :~hur; :·~·It•.·~ h:ts tnost of iL" ..,hall'· accompa n •<'<I by a ft ·" uf l"H'" U"DF.l'<IGNED do h •ro ·-\':tltut.l)lr lttt. •• l. fan·1lv :\r+' now ltv1n;.: abo:i.rd th•· Hc1nu l11lu, ""hn C'ftffif' over tu Sr(' 1 t 1 T h Id. A 30 1 :~tn1 · h :l "<I llj1"1 !()(•RI \\'atcrs, or tu \\·a1vp any 1rrt'gular1t1t•s ur ~ ,,.... ... r:.. l~ •-•· ...., h ( 1 h 1 r "1 t • l 1 r th 1. ~ 1. 1 '" preflrn l'f urs ay, ug. , 1 1 1nfor1nahlh.'I in any bid or in the Ten nnnar· . ., 1$10.00) by Cl'rlrfy that they a r(' conduct-..,u:-; ,, l t ,. net'< " n.,, ini.:-n '-"Ja: n1os " ,. nnr at • ... ala ina. t h1•1 r Lady J o nff in t,h!-Trons-. n I th Balbo Ya h l lub [:i11 : "y ii.,. t'"n"• r11'{I with local buldlng. SECTION 4 . Ra l t Rr i•i•i\'l'r". Ill.I! a ~l'neral bullt!in~cuntrR i.:l inc his, ~i h1• bri;:;an tak111~ /'lllUnrl1ni:s. f tp l!'l a rnf'l!tbrr nf th1· Voya,1;1·r:;1 Pacif1c rac•·, d:vtdrd thc•i r tin1c j ' 1 l c a c C'•' ,,·.-n ~• :ll''h ;1:. the vario1ts for· l"Ur,{llRfll to lh(• T..abor Coclc• or ~·,,n • t•onformlnit. Rt-mn ,al of. l.H•~111 ,,~~ nt 277 23rd Strt•l'l , 1 ni>t1ni.: 1 haractrri.stic~ nf IL~hts Yaeht 1 lub M.ntl the pru:cll"S.'i tre1:1.t '-'"hilt• her.-tl'll ~u··~ll'I ur Mr. 11nd , -.--, !1 ~·11 .tu1:1tn1;..: l'.':p• 1ltt11•ns to the t!i•· State nf ('::ilifornia. the l"aitl Sto:agf' o f b<tit and rl'l'C IV• rs not Cust1t Mc:>a, Orani;t· County, Call· ;-ind t11d." to nav1~at1 un. rt·l'ord1ng In store ror the Balboa P u"'cr f .l\.frs Ro,y Kc1·n1..• a nd 1'-tr. anft 1of rfi . Newport Circle r.:d:ip 1;..:u ... uud the H1i1:i'llulu race. r.o-,.rrt of ·r : u ... t£'<'!> has 3-"l'•·rlaini·d l'onformt ng to the rPq tHrl'mt•nllt of rorru.t. onch r thr firtiliuus firm 1·nnd1l nns nf thr bottor.11 1tntl of j $qllad ron llll•nlbL•rs IH Jue l o t h<· S~l'V · R i,vcr of lJalboa P1·11 1ns ula !1I·1ny or "S1·otty" Robl'rtson's th" ~f'H"r:.il pri-vailtng rate' or pl'r S l'.'ct ton 2 of this or.finance at all nuinf• of 1-I ERStl & JOl·INSON d••lt•rn11nlni.: th·· saf,.st entronn>tt plannin~ 11( H 81 Holtz. Lt. Con1-I R1 iyt.~l' IR · manager of bolh H unt~ Works for Bazaar ;n 11 l s. ~·u! Jr's nnd 1Jtustratio?\3 dirnl W<1 ~i·:-1 f'lr r-ach craft or typr tunes after thirly iJOl day!! from and that Mid f:rm Is: compuM:d uf tn harbo,.:. anti 1nl1·ts All this. n1andt·r and progran1 t·ha1r1na.n of inj:!ton hnl('\, l'asat.lena ancJ t hr l.;i\·1 ,;l ;1 ;:r;·.J 1·1 )';:lt'ht;ng, Sea. or y,·orl;;nian nci•dt·d to exl·cutc lhl· th,.. date of pas...ag" therl«lf 18 p ro-l hi• fu!liiv.qn~ who~<" v.·1th valuub\ .. r1·1·ord1ni;::s of bf'ar· the liquadr11n aru.l a fc llov.r Voy· Ro-"·11! Hawaiian, Honolulu a nd Th!' palio nr Afmi-:-:. \arol Cur-o.n:d 1?11;11-J~1.al!!l·~ n1a.;;azincs. I pcrsonit, 111" and rr"n••r:•I data wo·rc han•Jo·•I :l"i'r Yachl club nl"'m""-r wo""th ''1rs Rov·c· ,., sk"oppcr "1ng t h 'o· II II <on:rflct.s tvh1 l"h \V iii ht· av.·ardl·d 11b1led and, afl1·r nut1c,· tu tb\• 11a1n,•s and addrt·!i:1ci1 ar1• a.-. rol-" ,.. "" • I.I\.' • • l ' · c r tis and Mnrg-nrrt Clari< in I:t I ' '"'1 b ' 111 r:unsl ~·r Crrely'~ I •V•'r t o t ile U. S. J-lydror-raph1c 1 Bush. Coaster in the race I • o the slu•c.::i·s.~ful hHlder::;; and thC'S£' o'vnc!:; ther.-nf. s uch rt 'l.l'IVl'I' 11r !11\\'.~. tn·~·tl : "" J · · N1d'I T r:i.il1·r 11ar k v.'a.c:; ::;1·tlini: fn· :1·111< ,,•;;p, :io1 :\i:1in · Avr., &1-0l'oo · I rr1 •\'oil1ng-ral('!l art• c.::onta1n.·d in r••ecivt'r"' may b" l'l'l11oved b_v th'· Arll:ur ffl'nry J fl·r~h. 2:11.) , 1h1• 1a ·cl"t 1ncet inc of N('\Vpur: iro.~ l.·l., .,J, th i. 8a t111 day, J uly 11 N1 "' r1t•1t111c 1ns lr1trt1nn:-1 frr>rn I f 'l.ld !J'•'ciri('lllinn;; adoptPd by the ~l arbot-E ng1nl'1•r <\IHI :;1o rPd al the J·:l<lt•n Avt•nu1-, ('u::;ta Jl.lt'!h l, I C1;·l·lr, \V. S . C . S. Mrs. J A. IJod· •"!\',•• 11 t 11l' iu•ttr" of I an,J •Ip. 111. Go 11-d. ruir1 tht•::e rrt'Va1 l•ng rat(·~ £"Xpf'n,"lf' (•f l ht• uwni·r thl'lt'nf. ral1fo rn1a 'It•• 11 :-.; l l yrt·n~rahph lL' Off!rl' lTil'ln q <:rd J\.<; ::;uhjr("'t f11r !h•vq!i11n !', ;itiil !i'T.--1 :1• I'! r•t••il !\1r. CrC'cly's in- U(t' e,,ntu1n,.tl in sa td :-:pe<.·ifica-8ECTICJN ~1. ( omn1Prriul ll.:l.11 1'hr11n·1!-I l' J1>hn!'11n. 277 . 2:1rd 1-\JIJ 1111'111 Pflr Hti• r.u:•h's rindini;:;~ "1\r1·0 ·•1in g-lo You r l"ail h.'' JI.ti·:;. v.t;i t111,1 his u:ily nppcarance a t an 1111 ~:; allnpl('d by th(' Board, and I~at.~. All boats \Vhos•· bu~1n,.:-:l" it 8trr·,.t, Cost.a -M,.81!1, Cull-•n •I l'ltiirol~ a nd :;kipp,.r.,; will tint\ ·( 1'tnn11p l-l :1vit·1·. r llalrn1 rn 11r wav,1.1 <IUll•,:.i--;•pb i~1~ a._-;:~1u.1, b--cause he c.rr· Jl!'i fnl1<1ws : 1.3 to catch and furn1~h \lvi· bait, fnr111a ·:r•·Ult•r ~ afl·ly anJ pll·a.<;ur e along ant.J r.'!cans. r('rortr-d a sill< !~11;1, I I l!O\\''> ,hat 111· \\'•JI b e· able lo meet .-\Pl'RENTIC£-:s JI.fay bi· rm· s h·1!1, at RJI l1n1es, hav•· aOOllr!I u \\'ITNfo:.:;s 1111 r hantls this l :itl1 hi· 1;na:-;tl cnrnp't""t!•d nntl :•cv··r::.1 tm7.~:'r T!ll1'1/ 111 111.; nit.I _yac ~ling friends p!11v1•d 1n co11 rurnuty \Vlth 8£'ction rov1'rf'd c·an, box o r other l'"L'l'pr· day .. 1 .11111", 1!"1.'",1 In\\ It !'ll:t rli·•I -· ' .. 1rt1 rlr.1, a!Ro annou11·•rJ :ht-~r)111p \\''"' ·" tuur~.i i; have not croS'K.-d 1777 j of thl' talifurnia L<tbur ab!,. 1n wh·ch shall bt' plart:i l a.II /1 1{1"1 fl 'f{ J-l l•:i':I~\-l ll':ltSlt 1 /lh.,Ar1l lh• Ou11hlo11n. 1Ju1'h \l."Olllrl \Vork 1nda.v nl th1• !1111111 \i'ilh 111., 11,r :-.11U1l• tlnll'. ('ndr. ·dC'ad bait as uflt•n as 1s prat"lll I ·r11n~1 ,,H c· Jnl INS r)N 111" \\'1ft• anti 1·!1·v··n-y<·a r·r1lfl :-oon . !\ '1, P.fr-'7". P.lla Guclllncr an I 1\11.-.." J...aborl'nt, Grner!ti or \ubl". ror ult imatl• fllsposal Bait S'fAT~ l)i<' CAI.IJ.-011.N IA,, '"'' off lh1·1 r lnng rlrr·arnrd of Elsie ?'\('V.'land. I Tii i : i;J~f>t)IJ.\IOBILE l ' NIT L<P.• r;onstruct1on $1 75 tank.!! on ~uch cnn1 n1t·r1·1a l bail <'()\f:'.'\TY OJ<~ On1\r\GF; ! i-;.q •·rlll:.i· 1nl11 i;o11l h1•rn 1vat1•rs. But Thr circle will bf' J1 ~:-tr:~;1:1 a l .11 I R I B Ibo t h ' b h ] O h • J lo I th \' I fl f t h h I n·• »' ut th·· t\mt'ricao •'J::'ll ar rush y.>111nt r r 2.1!'> as w t·n t·0ntau11n i:;-ail s a I n I l"I l ~lh day nr unr, AL), •1r• " · 11r '' 1~ 8• -Chri.-;l Church by l hl' 8 •·:i d11,.1•1 ·~ , rt.-u!'h Pa1ntr r Sw1n,E: Sta~C' 2.~0 b:.o cuvc>rr d at llll t11n1·s. >A'lu·n s~ttd 1u;,1. bPr nrP thr u11ch·r1'!1gn•·•I, n \" 11'U••'. th•·\ ~ ll>·nt thrc.-n111nth~ ( .<\ug-o~t and plans '"""t' d1 .. :...u ·:;i·.I , ll;ill, l j lh a nti li.:ly S t 1., :\-"f!"'port Glazier and Cuttl'r 2.16 L>uats ar~· w1tl11n the tn lantl wall'r:; :-.:ut.ar.v Publu· 111 and lor ~tt11 \ llv111•; 11 l11 •• 11tl -.l11p l'rllll!Hl J.: ttrr1unrl ,\ lcttrr \\'ll"i rr>arl f:-on1 !\t rs. l\. S 1 1 I~ '"11 ·Ji 1111 J uJ_,. 19th, 3 tu 7 p. m . In-charE:"l' m<'n of !l or n1nrr or any harbor of tht· ("11un ly of ('nunty a nd SlRlr, prrsunully np-l h•· l~h11Hi.!< nt lh1 • SH.nta. Carbara ,. t n crirr.rn of .Nt·wport UJl ~nd, \Vl1u · J ournryn1rn 1:. 2.r}(: add1tlonal OrKngc. by a .<-1·r"1 n cove r 01· o~h•·r pr:lrt•rl Arthur llPnry H•·r.-ch und t'h,i11111 I 1 'h fr in Ju:lf'. She and hr r hu:11Ja:i,! I ' pt·r hour nil>rc thJll the Jour· cov••r Wh 'l'h Rhall fit t:los .. ly (1vvr 'fhun1t\)I (' J ohn311 n, knnwn tu '°'" 1'h ... r rn ·•all"d f·n1• 1«1uipr11 1·nt. I ,1·e travl'hn; lhrnu~h T,.nnc-s·u·<'.' HAROLD I. JOHNSON 11 1·yn1an ralt'. lhf' to;> of all uf said hait t.1nk~ lilt· undcr ~1 ~nl"d to bt• the p1·rsonM l1·a ~n°· l lh,.ir bnnl tt-uroul!hl_v. ;ind Vlrg 'n1a, will t;top in \\'ashn.i·~tn" ~ • In-c hari;;r rnan o r 4 or ll's~ 1 xcept H.t su.·h t11111•s a~ ba it 1s b1•· \Vlru .... f" n 1un1·~ ur1· ~Ub."ll·r1bt·d tu !lll"I• r a pr••p;11-ultnn for a sac,. ·:o north lhro\lt:h !hr Nt•\v I~n).;· ! ..-.-I II . ' ~ ProJ)Cllrr Re-1- J11 urn~·y n 1 an 1:. 12 ':!C' flC'r hour ing actu:;ill.v tra11<;r('rrf'tl rron1 tht• lh•• o.1.·1 lh111 l nst runtcnt. and a c-1u 1d C'o111fo>1 tnhl .. and 111d('f1n1te J 1 -ianrl i;tatP.s into Cii .. 'la.tla. 1 <.;olunltbn Alencf uiorr· than the• J uurneyn1an ~.a1ll tank to olhl'r tank:t ur '""" t 111n y,•!i·d,~;· ''' nu· thnt tht'y 1·x-11111111 ... , n: 111<1 nth '4 ubt,arrl Bush A rranj:'P n1ents Wl'.'l'P (.111:c u . ..._,,., .. J l'hon., 1:1.arbor IJI l'Ht~·. r:e1vPr.<1. •·1 •ul•·d th,. ~nit•. :i nd "w"'"I -:n111!1 boats l\ll h is fo r the rum m age sale t u l1t.• l:('ltl 1 1 'llS!l \'lll•·\\'ay, Nel"'port ~ f1vt•rt11 11c ... hRll bt• paid fnr \.\'urk S t-;l."f ION 6 R.'llf, l)l-.1><1-.ul of. 1;-.; \Vl'fNl':.S8 Wff EJlEOF, ltf" hut. \\'Ith the Doubloon hy Newport a nd Balboa cin•Jt•!< i11 J'•'"'f(11'11H·tl \11 l'X('l'!-1,.'i ur thP rt'J:;U· N11 p<>r!-lnl! !>hull Jllll, µIHl'1• 11r Ill· h IV1• 1 .. rl'Ullln ~H'l 111y hanU ruttl wh 1"h ·~· !:II\~' ~,.d ur Ill H1trbnr lhc Hclrn F.sl Us bui1d1~r,. :.::!:1 ! II far day·/'i 1ir 1\'f•Pk'l'I \\'Ork und nl Ju1v tn lie pul to!' plact•d 1n lh•• un-,1fr xr•I Ill) nff1t·1 ul :.eal tht• t111y 1~1·11 1.r II• '' r>t t·d his 1 ~.t1hoa hou~·~ street and l~ii l bna b'llllrvu rd 1111 -------=~----_-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::~-::-::, l'11• rul1· f1Jr ovrrtinu· of th~ cruf•_ l'Onftned 1n l:•r1d ,~·n t1·rs ur 1111y har-.1'H I :i1(·a r in th!!> i.:1·rt1f1eatto r1r~;t ;1n•1 1a1d '\\f,.'11 ,...,.t. you ~'11\1t·t lm1•" dalf"io of J1:l.r 26. 27 Blltl 28. I j;ivulvt•d . l><>r in lhf' \'u11 :1ty <if ()ra11:;::•· l!v.-. hov.-\'.'rllt"r: 11nd o rt I!"'~' ~1h•rl fron1 San Art<'r t hf' Sl'!':Sio n 11usl• ,.:::1 :- \',·e hive your 5hocs the new look 1! you have the old part&. l -l !1l1f la_v!; <'~ herr1 n rt•fi·rrt'd to !Ja1t, r xt·1·pt \\'h1·n lhl' s;inu• 1:-. h ·• !I.I A.\: HllRWITZ r 111 "11 r1or r.:,·x t'o S"plt'nlbj•r tj, sr1ved 1·rfrt>shn1rnls to 1-1 hll";;';; Fhnll b{' dt·e inf'd t11 b<'-:--J1,w Yrar·~ 1 n~ aC'tually u:o-11'{1 for th1· p'l rpu~" ;-:otary l-'ubl1r 1n enrt 111~.Q I !'\r:{t n1c1·t111.i:: \\'111 Ix: AHb 7 at 1 CL:STOl\l ltEl'AIRJ:SG Day, l )1:corat1o 11 [lay. Jn1h-'J>1'nt.l-of (i:.;h1ng , an1! at no t1n11·, f.,r ;01y fnr ~aul Cuunly and 1 '''" 1 !.' J'l•·n1b·r tu th .. 1r arri-" th e homt· of l\1rs. Cd\1J1n ~[Jur t-' r>ncr [)Ry, Labor Dny, Arniisl it·,. JIUrpose, shall a ny [h 't ~o11 put d•;1•I Sldtt'. !V;"I ;1t ,,. •pule .. 111 !\'ov0·111U.·r. th" v.·eiler, 12J Spark~ Avr., Cu:-.J·l I Newport Shoe Repair O;,y, T hank!--1,i.:tvini;: Day, an ti hail t•r an y purt11111 tht'I f'of in lhl' , , t;:~. l'1···~:.'"I · l ~u. II rd.1111lv Wt'l"l' 1 xp:or tnt; evt·ry J McM. Ml':,. Gt'ort~ Arl'Y will 1x: l et~. :!:!nil ~ ... ,,:port Bca.ib Chr1slma..". rr any nr lhi' abovt' inland v.•alC'r~ or a11y harbt1r 111 lht l'1i\Jl:,h"d Junr :!1 -::!:8, July ~-12 J I lrt I ~· I .11 IA.1:-1.111d 11\ll·L co-hostess. holiday!'I fall nn Sunday, tht• l\fnn-County nf Oran,.;•·. unl•·st. th" 1-u111• l.i1:1 ... l nf,.m-iR'lon -------- !}(> altat•hPd t11 ~ h1 .. 1k ur huukL '''I Sf)TI<"•~ l ,'O\"ITlS(I Hll)~ •• 1 1ns·urance Man Pas ses Cigars clay follo\v1n~: shall b" i.:on!l<d ('red .. -~ , ll!'l 1 t111111d t11 ·1 1nnny J:ap .; in a lt·~aJ hnl•rlay. lhr ~ct ."f f_1~~1ni.: . :'\ot1rt• 1!-; hcr1'bY j.;'Vl'.'11 thl\t lhl" •ti t· 111 1•1r11111t1o 11 publish••fl nnd It .<;hall be mnnrJatory upon thi• SEC"l IOi" 1. IJ.ail, T m n.,f•·r. l'-o:r• J;otlrd nf l'1·u.sli'es u f lht• Oran ~1· l hi·r1 rnr. und ~rtllc~k lo i:;-alhcr thi· \ontr11 ctor tn wh11 n1 a contract 1.~ pcr!l:on shall transfPr II\'(' bait frn1n <•rit1 .. -=l Jun1nr Coll1•i::l' D:str1ct nf n ov.· \'Jlu1iblc· information hr is ll\vardC'd. anll upon all sub-contra<'· one vc~s('i lo annlh('r vrs..:;c l \\'Ith-l)rM.nJ.!•' <:ounly, Calif., will rr · lr,.v.ol~· lo pt"~•·nt. Siner thr f"J Y<lro- tors: und1•r h1 n1, to pay not h•g.s In t he i1m ~ts Of _lht• lnlant1 wateT':i•t'l'l\.t• btdl>I Up to lhr hu11r Vf 10:00 ;:raph ,. Offu·r r1rst ft'arnNI nf hL'I than &e.1d ~cnrral prcva1 l1ng rates or an.v harhor 1n lh" C.'oaunly uf 1 A , i\f . vn th1• 2:1te1 day or .July . \\•n·k that ,1fflc·e hi\..'> bt'c~'C'h>S£'lj' uf pf'r t]11·n1 V..'R).:t'l-I lo all workn1r-n Oran~('. t'Xt-.·p t Wh••n all Vl'.<l~t·ls lll -1 l!l.">1 , <t.l the offl\:C or ~flHI l-IC'hoo l •n (<IUl'h v.·1th hi1n ftnd 1t wi(J df"· t·111µlny1 ·d lit lhl.' t·XPCUlion or the volvi·•I arf' n1u•1r1·ll t r1 a wharf, Jl ll'r d•str11·t. loeat ,•d al t:IH:'ll '"'"''I. v,.l•ip that Rush has r rady & con· L'lllllrnt'l , 11 r land1nr. and a rt• ...... :hin lht' p11•r· r1arb·1r r.tvrl., Cu~i.a 1'-1f'~ll . l ':-t l•f I t1·1bul11Jrt of t-:ri•nt imrortanc". Sn No LHrld,.r 111".'=' \V1lhd1':1y,· hl ·1 bid IH':i •I ll_n•· a.'I 1 ·~t.1b!l~h,,d by th<' 1 at .,.,-h 11·h t11nt· ~;1.\id !J,tln ~·1 11 b" 1 ni11ny boat:-1 have bet·n wri·c kr d f(•r a p<"r101 l uf :.:o d>ty.s afll'r lhr TJ. ~ \\ ar D"p11rt r111 nt. Un<I Px:r ·• pt I f'ULhl·l_v Pjl\:n~d fn r the fu r11 1~hln~: ,1Jnno: th:it rf\a sL. tlull' :o;•·t fnr th•' open 1n~ nr bids. h 11 in:: H p~·r rnd .,, adv1·rs1· 1v1'i1th1·r 111f lh1• ful\nw;n;.::. f'1pi· and 1·r11 ·~. ·r h ~ Hd·lition nJ, \nfn .. mation BOJ\fil > OF TRt lSTJ<:ES 1·nnd1t1nns cuu~1ni.: !-!t1 rlt tran.sfrr p1an1s and shrubs. T h,e sattl Boar<! y,·hi "h \\',II h" r11btir:l~i·<I 1nav r!°("'· Oran,ce-('111t!-lt Junior Col11·ge f1ntH off ... h111·1· r1·c1·1vers l •i bf' i l•I l'ru~lt'l'!.'I shall bf-th,,. :-;ult· JUilJ:;t vent flllliir' '\.l.'r·~·k.,. ll iL"h will .pub- I.> • .striL·t, Oru.ngc County, C"alt· hazardous. but lhi n only ~"lh thr 11( lhC' m1.•r1Ls wid qunltf1t•n t•ons uf 1i:.h It. ho'11< ~"t h his ftn •llni;~ and fnmia . ap~r.!1v~J '~! thr f-t.1r b<1r Enr;::1 nt·1·r I lh<· 1.•quiprncnt offcrrd, a11d re· rN'•)nJ3 arill with his p1cturf'.'5 of 5 1i::n··t1 : BAS IL 1--1. PI:..-r::nsON • SEC'I I01J 8. :">a l'· or 1,1,., Ball. :•C'r\'e~ th<.• r1i.;ht to rl'jt'('l ull bid~ th,. l\'rx:11 an harbon-. Nu i29 PrcM. ~o p1.•r.->on ~hall sell ltl r••tatl l•vr 'H.nd to we.1vc any informal1ly in Cu:-:h >A'l ll <lt.1u:r1bf-th" fabulous l "ubhsh J uly 5 • 12, 195 1. bait frorn a Vl'St-t'i .w1th1n thC' [any b1tl. Tri·s M a r•~ Jsht nfl8, 'o''hich )h· lP.l --- ---limits of th£' inland W<.ilL'f'<i u r auy ADV.: J u ly 5 • 12, in::..1 1n1lce lt(.1Uth ur C&Pf' San LUCa.'11. !';u. A-20'!&1 harbv r 1n the C'1t11L ly or Orani,:e 10rf·n111:; Dalt>: July 23, }{)jl, th<• lower tlr o( Low •r Calofor<'"1a. SOTIC'E TO ('Rt-:OITORS SEL'TION D. l>f'rmlt~. S u.,p;-n· 1 IO 00 A. !\f . .. ' Es tate o r CHARLES 1-1. RORA-~I on or R,.,·or all11n. All p••rm't" Sign{'d! Ba:.il H. P<'l£'rson l\'OTl('E l:S\"ITISG BIDS B ACK. Der-e asetL i:::ran tf'd undr r auth11r1 }' uf SPl'· S<'c. Board of T rustl'CS. r-;"OTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN lion 3 shall bl· (or an 1ndl•1 t•rm1-... o. 7:?8 -Prcs:t. Notice iA h('rcby giw-n tha t th,. Ooard o f Truslec-8 of the Oranst- Cuast Jun lQr Collest"e 0 '111.rict o f to the creditors of a n<! all per· nat<' pl'rio<t. A v.c1!at1nn or th<• f>ubhsh J uly ~ -12. 1 9~1 . sons ha\·ing claims a~ai nst the provis101U1 o f St'cl lon 2 ur any said deceden t or said e::ita~ lo nt her appll('ablc SC('t1on hcrt.'Of by Ole thcn1 w ith the nceessarx '\ny pt>rnuttee shall be gruunt.li; for vouchers In the office of the 'he suspcnBion or revocat ion of Clerk ot the Superior Court of 1uch pe1·m ;t or (l{'rml'l'I. t he County of Or a nge. Sta te o S ECTIO N 10. Pmalty. Any per- Callfornla. or to pre~n l the son, rtrm or corpor a tion v.olating Mme. w ith th~ necessary vouch· 1.ny provision of thili: Ordin11.nce era. to the undersigned a t his or •thnll b(' cJeem{'d guilt y of a mis- ......htr_ place of bustneM. to-wit: demeanor. and upon ·convict ion Elsie K . Rora.back, e /o Harry the reof, ahall be punl.ah.able by a A aht on. Attomey at Law, 408 E. tine of not to P:itceed F1ve Hundred Balboa 8 1\>d... BaJboa. ·California. Oollan ($500.00) or by impriaon- within si.""< .. months aner lhe flnt mrnl in the CounLy Jail for a ~T- publicatioft of thl.a noc;ace. 'od of not lo u:Cttd •lx (I) Dated May 31. 1961. moot.ha, or b)' both llUcl'I floe and EI.SIE K. RORABACK. lmprlaonmenL Administr&lrlx. of the Estate of SECnON 11. 'nl.i.11 ordll\ance. ls said -..L h""'by --to ""'1 an •mus• tl.ARRY ASHTON e.ney measure nece-ry for tM •08 E. Bol-Blvd. lmmecllate ~ of lh• Ba1-CO.lftomta. public -bnllh and oaf~. • Attorney for Admlnlotrsbix. and ollalJ tall• .Uoct Immediately. tio. m -PreoL The f~ .. a -toment of Ille Pub. .JWIAI 111, July 6-U•U , 111111. ft.eta ~ Ile -y: NOTlf'E l.N \'ITING BJDS Orang<' County, Cell! .. will r e<::e ivt> T ht• Board of Scho:>I T ru!:tccs of bids u p to the hour of 11 130 A. )f. tht' Newport Beach • School Dis· on lhr 23rd day of July. 19$1. a t t.rlcl , Orange County v.·ill receive the o(f}c(' or, mid School District, b ids a t the busln~as office, t•OO loc.tl f'ti at J99jJ S. Harbor Blvd .. Cliff 'Drive up to 8 :00 p. m, Au-C.0:-ta MeN. eaur., a t which time ~l 7, 1951 for two-hund r ed and ~Id bids w UJ bf> publicly openOO fifty (250) folillng chalrs. !ll(!Af ror lhe ru r.iltihlnJ.r of the Collow· hl"nvy plywood const.rucl1on. A bo. tng ~ Kemiko or equal 8la in lng pt twenty.five (25) Uniwraa.I ldu 6 t ennis coUrl8 and repainting of clas!lroom du.ka. Speclfk:alk>ns playlJlg lloes. The 88id lkwtrd o! on tu,. ln bualnelJIJ offk'e at J 400 T rustc-"" M.a.U be lM BOie judge Clift Drive, N e w port Beach. of t he m ertb and quaJlfk:atlona ol. Samples requealed. tM equipment. offrrrd, and re-- T!le Board ot 8chool Tntat.en aerwe t.be right 'to reject all bids. of tho Newport ~ 8chool DI.>-..,,d to waive any lnfonnallly \In trlct r<Oonu °"' rtaht lo ...,..t .,,,. bid. -. an,y or all bldo or walft any Jn· ADV.: Jul;y 5 • .U. l<IGI. totmat•cy In a bid. , Open'q Dato: Jul)r 23, Ull!L OOl\DON, & l!'lNDLAT. Clerk Jt::IO A. ll. I . Newport Beach Elementary SlcMcl: BABIL IL P!mCIUiON, ....... DlitrkL , II«. -of Truat.ai · No. m-~ No. TIM>-"'-. Prriilliili Jui1 ·lM&-», 1'61. · Publfab J"uly I • 12, 1961. .. ' 1··1.\'I NG THE Bl'RGEE of the ~""l>Ort Rarhor \'a t'h t Club in t hr Honolulu Rarr l!t H rnr)' R. Grandln'M 6i ·fo~t ketl·h, Ora.goon, \Vhh·h I!\. o l <'OUrst', ratrd In ClaM "'.<\" nnrl \V.as. nn July 10. runnlnc third In hf'r l'lil.'o!!I on <"u rr;·rt~·d tim<', anti sixth 011 •i:ap·.1·d tlm•'. tPhO!o by B('("knrrl ' . J • ' . , ' • • WATER HEATERS : 2'1 .l ":\IBISO .-\ulhorlzt•d IH...aler Uay &: Slr ht lteaterw lUMS !O'Y. Down 011 •II Htft'1'1 l'llu11c llarbor 2M2·W 'i"'l:t•!>i' ti,;a!'s \vh lcli \\'iliiti111 .l. 1"nut.C', Newport in.suranl'C tnan. 1:l."I Ll••t•n sav·nr; for <JUite !'>on1•· 1n1c. h:.ivt• now bc{·n paSlM.'U t\UL l t \V<Js a girl, born t v t hr 1"01.tl'" \Vho live al .i::;2 Jr•:in-· e.vr nll" 11, J uly l :l iu Sl. J "~·t'f'h hu:;pitnl. -~~t· j \''t.•i~h,..J 0 pounds, l ounL ·s. I ---------------·' t-----·_..,_,. ______ _ I U-DRIVE Cf{UISERS 8 Ot'Tli.O.\l:l>S e Ll\'t.: 1;,\J'f e TA<'KJ.I~ • Srnall J;o:tt l..a UDt:lti n;; I iwl eo .. 1 111 .... ~ L L l"~•!rt c;>...,~. T . R r~h-~J,! ~~ ·l AT SOUTIS t;ND OF 8 ,\\'S llOl"'J:: Bl:IDGE ----------- _ FOR RF.AL 8ATl8FAC'DON : LV SMALL BOAT & MOTOR& FINEST-OCE:AN rlSH RETAIL SHRIMP HAI.IBUT - BARRACUDA , ....._ SEK BASS f-'-11//"'i.J ALBACORE · ._; •• • We Feature ABALONE ST~KS • SEA -FOOD SPECIALTIES SUI llltla .. N~ ,.._.. . fir. Bar. W1 , l • - '. • P.AGE 6 -PART T -THURSDAY, JULY ·12. 19s r D~~REss -B CLASSIFIED The Mighty Midget In Advertisin'J' ' - NEWS-TIMES -Every Tuesday NE\VPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PJ1,ESS -Thursdays Nr,,·port ~by P001t ~11.q;lfird Ad~ mu-"t run In th~ TLR"fW'l•J Xt<\Vll-Tlrne9 or the Thursday Pr("q !\oONOtt;M AD IS .I LL"E~ Aar•clft.••lnrd ad~ mu"'t hr ,,..l.ld for C»h In ad\"4nc,. or puWJmtlon. 4 Lines l Paper $ . 75 4 Line.• 2 Papers J.f>O 4 Lines • 3 Papers 2.00 The publl!heni '''ill not be respon~bte fo1 mur e than one Incorrect Insertion of 3n artvertlsttmcnt, rt'SE'r\'e the right to correctly cta.utry a.ny and all ads and lQ rejrct any adverti<iemt'nl not conJonnlng I•• rules and reguk1.rion'I:_ Advertl~L'ment.s :i.r:d cancellations \\·ill b< accepted up to 5 p.m. on thP day precf'd1ng publication. f'h. Har. l&ilfj PbofW't lla.r. 1616. B'k for ·• . .\t\ Takf\r'' or &rntJ ad an1I n-n1lltan('(' Jao SK\\t'J>OJt'r HARBOR Pl~RJ .. 1Stf1XO ro. Standard St&tio119, lrfc. • Has a few openings • ' FOR MEN Who are looking for pe.nn&Mnt Mlployment with excellent op· portunity ·tor advancement. 21 to 40 prefttTed. P a I d . while tralnJng-. Approx. 1271 -60 monlh to atart. Liberal laundry allow· Me's. H igh 1e:hool mtnlmum df'11Itf'd. Sff Supt. at the STANDARD STATIONS Oa.hlla A: Coast Hlgh-. .. y ~ Co.rnna dtl Mar s, t'''C'('" 8;30 and 12 evf'ry Friday 43d8 W AXT EXPER.I!:NCED w h i t e i...·oman -cook and downstaJ r• '''Ork. Live In If pnaa.ibl<'. RC'Sl- 11t•nL" Lido !!'!It•. Harbor Z88!>-W. 4 21"'<14 ----------- 22 11 Rsilhoa Rf,·d ., ?\"f'\\'port Bt-a<·h. <~auromiL . \\.AN'r ~fAN prrferably ovl"r -4~. -------------------------~I t11 \'l\rT"!ish paint nntl l'iran. 0l"l1• ----------------L°"TE.l'?lOR F:XTF..RJOR t rnl va<'fil n11t!nlf'll llllt'4' f 11•rma- n1·nt. • po .. -1iti,~n . \\'1 ltc l~llX t.-2 lh l~ r»"l)"I' ·13µ-t!i • I . 1 WANT AD will cost you only $2 end it will run in 'ell 3 / ' I locel pepers. I A Mi'1imu'!' ed is 4 lines. , Phone Harbor 1616 Newport-&n-, News-'l'llhetl -Newport-Balboa Pres9 Newport &y Post (Shopping News) Sl-W&J!ted to Bur WANT TO buy 12-ft. paddlebnard. Ph. H•r. CaWln.a 24U. 44<:'\6 . ....... . ALL ELllCl'RIC ORGAN. F0< bome or ehurdl. Sllglltl,y cue damaged In elllpm ... t. Big AV• Ing. DANZ-aCIDIJDT , PI.ANO AND ORGAN 00., 1120 No. KaJn eor. 8th, isanta Ana. LOVELY plain cu. bunplow pl&rio fn perfect playing condi· Uon. Te.rm.a IZ7.50 down and $9.86 per mo. at SHAFER"S MU81C CO. (Sine. 1907) 421 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Klmtx-r- ly 2.0072. FINE PRACTICE upright ptano for only $9.8.5 down and $5.35 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. ISi.nee 1907)1 421 N. Syca- morC', Sant.a A.na. Kl. 2-0672. RENT A. PlANO_ $~ ptt month. All re nt allowed if you buy with- in t erms. DANZ-SCHMlDT, 520 fl.'o. Main. Santa Ana. fO-Buslness Opportunities - Business Opportunities Y..'ANT TO BUY -good used :o.all or sn owbird. Call Harbor 2:\1 or <'VC':!I . 1-Iarbor 2173-M. Ideal for Couple -Malt and short order shop. S3-Boat:!'! !l.!.1'-'P~Pc;;lle!i=. ----best of locations. Chrysler Engines Gift shop, good center. s hopping r . ) -.,. . . .W+w'fii. Tifttl ~ . ~••1•e., n. ·, · ·: · ·-·· ·:rt>E'mcKERTZ • '8TlJDEBAKER D~ IMPORT~ M'F'$AGE "Now is ~ ti!21e tcj buy-You'll never do better TRADE .Now -IN JULY . I want a record Volume July and will pay to get it. See me f~laat or any time but do come in and drive the most economical, the most popular new car on the market ,today. ;Studebaker Champion or Studebaker · Commander V-'8. The last word in fine engineering L '' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' AI.SQ CERTIFIED USED CARS Our warranty on these certified used cars is like a new car warranty. Ch'eck with any of our happy owners -Don't Gamble when you buy. Hurry for these -they are Splendid Values. '50 STUDEBAKER Champion Rgl. Dix. ~. Sed. Every possible extra, can't tell It from new. Only 9000 m.ila ··--·····---·-······'··-···-··--···--·-···-·······----·-····----.$1 760 '49 STUDEBAKER Champion Dix., Bus. Coupe. Has Overdrive. Hill Hotder, Sun Shade-Orig. finish with not a mar attywhcre. A real buy . ···-..... $1350 '47 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster Sport 4-dr. Sedan. Lots of extra:s, ;almost new tires. Orig. finish, a car you will be proud to own. Special ........... _ , : .$ 96:S Remember .they are "Certified? .. 3415 NewpOrt Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 510 fB:i.• 1,..ido Theatre) COHPLEfB HOUSE CLEANI~·r_; eervtce. Furniture and rugfoi PJ\INTING WANTBD Used Crowns -Royals See J ohn Harvey l'l"('am and frozen Go od Volume foods. 43-Apartment§ and Hou..,,. 48-.olut.omobiles, Ti""' ahe.mJ>O()f"d i''rr-e ,..,.ll rnatts F"Ully lni.un-d. Al's House & Rug Cl eanin g Co. &-.con 8111 72t!(' For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Dropery Hdwc. THE SHADF. SHOP F ree estimates Ph. Ha r 884 514 ·29th St. Newport Beach -P eople do read the \Vllnl arts_ Classified Index 10 Bu~ln""'"' (i11id1• 11 KlllHllRK '.'l ulrrlal"I I '! Ruth.Jin( :"'1•r\ 11·1· .. 14 Jl,.r-..1na I" I .) "'ihar1• \"our ('ar IG Trun.:;;1M1rl ttll••l1 Ii ltoo(ing (uni r.1, f1•r IK Ht•aul.' :\itJ ., 19 1'phul .. r1·rlng 2Q ll••all h . .\id.; 2:! l..41 .. t an1 I l 'nund 24 St-hooJ ... fn.;f nu·tlnn t8 ~lluatinn " \\ anl1•d ~9 lfr l1> \\'anl1•1I go salf•, \tl .. <'•·llsn1·u11 .. 30-.-\ .... \\ ar"' 30-R .-\11pli:tnc·f>"' 3 1 \\'ant1 .. 1 1 .. lht\' ~-! l•'11mltur1• rur ... :1!1• ~'<!-.·\ . .\nli11u•· .. :l:l ll•1al". !'Ou111•llf'"" :\I \111..,ic·n l, f(u1\lo 3.'\ lro,i:-... t 11;1 ... 1•.-1"' 36 l'•111 ltry, Kuhhit..i ~ "l)Prhtl \nn1111n1·•·t111·nt to l~n ... inr· ...... ''l'r-<1rf11niti••., 41 ~l ur1· .. 1tncl ()fflc·1•..., .t'! \\ ll.ntPil In 1: .. n1 •~ Apurt111f·111 .. nnd 111111~•'-l 43-:\ Tr11il1•r '-1•:1c·f' 44 l:onnl'i fur l~>'nl .t-'-,\. 1: .... 1 ltn:rh· .. 45 l!l'nl. \fl-.f'1•ll:1nro11"' 46 H:nolll u.ntl H11tltt1 4K . ..\11t •1111ohih·""· Tltl' .. 4!) . ..\11 f1ro \\"nnti·d .",() \u1u !'01 'r\ Ji·,. .ii Tralli"r,;i 52 . .\ir11lan•'' 5...) )J11n1·y tn Lo:1n iiG '.'l nnPy \\':1111 "<1 S7 Rral t:•o1at1· \\unlrc\ 50 R&11rh,.,., . .\r-rra,t;r•· fill lnronlf' l'r111tt·rt\· 61 llPal E. .. tatt' t-:t"l'h.an-'"" G2 fir al P:~l 11l1· 1 Moftiproof Now Experts Adv ise • LICENSF.D INSUR S:O GI J h t ~fal P :111d r1•lrl:\Jt• 8pJ)il('M.nlll ftlT enn Q flS On 111i•d11·:ll r.n.I 1·nn1n\C•r1'1 0I pn"1'-Used Appliances • Ce ramics and gift shop Hiway J,ocation 5 01 ~31l!ll St. Ne'A'part C!&C'h l loon ... n1 1w o\'a_1lnblr• 111 ('1J ·t11 H arbor 2~7 -J 3 ,c-1~ .'.t··~a llthl 11nrbo1r Ar•·&. F.l •'<"t rnlux ga'l r<'frig .. nrt. !'llz.,. ~1 l'U , ft $9; at Seacraft Dress shop, good location. DON K. BUTTS I Medical-Commercial Lie. General Contractor Agency R•lj~t Apt Ian~·· lJ l\t•t>fe-,\f1•rt1lt tnbh• lf\p, nut•• ica..<11 rang<' run S •• '" s1:i. $7!'. !'.I~ 625 COAST HlC H\VA Y 1'""E\VPORT BEACH PH. BJ;:,\CO~ 5771 Ed Lady co uld handle. Sedelmeier, Rltr. ResicJentia J -Commrrf'ial i f. .... 11rn1r1 ly ~ 111.·r 1il··d Aj:"f'ne\' I K• lvlnnti•r r 1•frl~··r a t11r l\,·nninr,. \\'nsh••r 9·ttrc RemO(J elin~ Phnnc> Gl"'at·nn 6100-\V 17trc WILL DO that wor k you '.\'at1t d11ne -J ack t>f all tracles-n1 nintrnnnce \vrirk. J-J3\·e t o1 )I~ :1n1I mi xrr~ for an)· jr~b. C:i/I GILL Bcarnn G451-W 3Sc51 Sympson & Nollar PAll\'TING & DF:CORAT!NC "Tht· BC'sl ~f 1)nr \: ("an r::u )"' ;·.i:! _ :1-"ith ~, :"\i'\\·~·rt 1:.·nf h I l'llll:'\"f·: lf.·\1:1--:C i l: '.!I OI ( I :l ~ f I PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmtr St .. Costa Mesa Bea. M~7-~t 9-ir-9 P.EPAIRING and PAINTING r. ·a<>nnriblf'. Lar;.:,. n r !"Olflll Jnb.,._ 1··1 ,,,,I"·': rn :l!f"'~ \\'.1 I k"C'r 111"1 I ~111 ~· ·: .. 1•f 1:.-.:i,h II.a :· ::r,1..1-!: H.l\ULTNG ,\n\' \;,in•\. lr:l>ih o r~ )11 '-.-1 'ith St ~· \\ 1·11rt \V 1\ LKF:R, 1-t 2:i8 1-I! .L\nt Exterminator Service ~18 Spur~eon Bldg. USED FURNTTURF: KintlY'rly :J-8211 SA!\"1'!\ ANA 41 C'-t2f-I Dinf'ttr tnbl1• and ' $29.~ \\'A '.'\TED :; 111f'n o\',•r :1:""1 to rx- Jil!tln rrrllrr:l ll j.:"d burial phtn chai r~ • l nn•·r !'ipr1 n::' n1ut1 r1 ·R"t'~ 1 · .. .,d \\·ardrnh•" sin 11r ., 1-:.xpl•t 1•·n1 ·•· nnt n •' ··•'~:'In r v T .. a.-h111i: ,,,. c.111• h in~ ··xp··ri•·nl'" Dale 's ~ttrniture h··t prul f\tu:-.t havl· <'~r. ., .. ull IR7 I J-l nrbo•i Blvd t1111 .. pt•rm an• r1t pn:-1t .11n r .1n1· · f'n<i.ta ;\ti·:-t:i Dt'nc11n ii637·J 1111~<1.11111"! p:i11I 1\\'ll•' 11111nthly :-:.1 }'<d11•itln).:" nlli1\\'1•.t 1 .. ·nd.: (I 1.;:1o:F:F"E & ~l .. "".ltRITr RA".'\f;E 1ui-nl"'1•'il datl\' ~F:F: .\l it HARD\."F.l .L 111 ttnl v f\l on thru F'rldnv j -'"!."• N• \\'!)<•rt 01\d ·"· 11-,11,, t ,~t·H· h I l:!1·<t1Hl'l ~l~....:~a_!i:.2r_;~2~_n..!'?'-'~---I SALE I 1 ·r. nll ;"tut11n11.t"·· hn:s lomp anct 1 J,"' k Thn t pr•·tt,\" chrtHn•• }!rid· di·· 111 1111· n 111hll•· :.in out lf't for 111;1~t· r R11 I \h,· 1·hrom" _grill \i; •il·-r-I ... h1 .~n uso•tJ n11ly 21 :: 1nunth<1 ur~d I c1nl~· o\\'l" $1>!9 ~13 1111 lh, 1ontrn1 t \',1u rnn ha\1t' 111y r <p11 Ly fr·~· 1f you tak,. pay· '"' 111;o1 n f !S ~;.:-t pr r mn. Sf't' at 1111 Sn Spaifr:l.. F"11llt•rtnn fl n n1 • lS p 111 Ph 21!'1~ _.fl<'t2 Rattan Furniture GAS TI ~!\NGES ·1 ~r:idr 1n the r~h111ir1n('s and • 1 In our 0\\'11 1vork shop~. 0 1.;: •.• r « '.\f 1·rr1! r 11ri1 ~i7•' ~.i.'l 1<1 I \\'ide cho1c~ or fabr1C!'I . H ril!\ 11r1 "ii"· :":fl f1,.., Lnrg .. l'lt cH.!!pllly In So. ra11r . \\", •. 1 v.·i•n·I 1 ~1 ,1 .. 1 ,,~, :J!1!l·,1 R rfinl~hlng nnd fl<'uph<Jl!\tcring 2··'"'I HOUSE & CARDEN 611 Coast llv."y .. Nwpt .• ~a-5277 !'1" ••• r1\\' t;it.1,, l"P PAIR R. & I •. Flng~hip 00 h. p 'l"nglnf'!'I \vi th rf'cill<'. gf'ar. S7fl0 Factory apprt:1vrt1 J ohn:11nn Out- board. SAl.F.S & SF:RV1f'E South Coast Co. Jlarbor ~600 '.'\t•\\"r)()rl Bea<'h 31 tr(' 16 Pf KA YAK. l1k1' nr\\' S:J~1. Phon•• Hu rbnr Jfi26-\\' 4.1r-15 Will Trade for Trust Deed Alm"8t n('\V TrllSC'Otl Spnrt F'll'lh t'r u:-.1?\J l1'fl." than 50 hflUr!'l. C"hry~­ J:i23 ('O:\~t Rlvfl. rurnna dt~I ;\fnr l·larbor 2i66 41 ~<;tores a.nil Offic•s ---A1J'RAl""T1VI~ \A.'<'11 Jorat"d Bal- boa office fnr Ja\\')'t"r, aC<'Ollnt- ant, insuranr<'. bu ih.ler, arch i- tec t. etr . ."10i E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 1-farbor 1607. 43p4!""· ST(JRE. at 91 t C'nasl Blvrl., Corona d <'l ~far. $7:i mo. Phone H ar- bor 2998-R. 40c 1 ~ J,..r Cro\l.'TI, c;allcy, S3!l!'1 11 SmalJ •OFF'ICE BLDG, AVAJLABl~F. :i i down pay1n. nt. Bank nf Amrr-18th and F'ull<'rton. Inquire 1-\6 lea l<'rl"ns 81'<' boat at 1301 F.. J8lh, C'ul'lta ~1r1ta. Phone B1•A- COa!'ll H1 \vAy O\\'nC'r, \\'ol111an, rnn :1792. 42ci7 gr~ \\'lhth1r~· Bl\•J, B<'verly Boat ownerR and mechan ics I ~· Jeentihq 42p"6 ~ Fon YottR ~ Problem sN,~.r;~1~ •. :J1~1~Ls 93 ';t\11; 1 i ,, 1:11 P.!1rAn1ar. Balbl)a H Hl"hnr JflR'i' -R 43-A partmrnti. and RoofW!! 98c9flh BALBOA ISLAND. by year, T\\O SLtl ·~ fur pleasure. boats. small apt. 1 pl'rson o r <'mployed up to :1!"1 tt. J\'o\\• available' at 1 t•ouplf'. $42 ;io p<'r mo. nn lf'8St>. :1J0l) \'1a L ido. 4!lC'47 Ut11. pd. \\'ashin g Mach1nC's -- --l\l'<O lar~er apt, ~Jc.-.p~ 8 !-mn1mrr I --BUA'f S LII .. a1·a!lablt> """' at July, s7:1 \\'l<, Aug, $100 wk. A'.\"l'TQ~·r. DF:<JR r.J.-\~ C H E~· 1 Balboa rt11·1·.!' Phonr H arOOr /C'ry nu•r 1 .. bll<. to so. Bay. A J~c· \\"r1'l~•·1 F:a..;:\ .tl, \'. r1n~··r ()f.'"" ()f{;\ \\'F:n~ 111 111nhnj:anv 2Q79-.'.I 4 i c-16 Har. ZJ.28-;\f. 31c45 s1:; oo r•rt. T \\'l'.\" BED .:i.1 P.r~''~ F'r1'.111""' I -_ ----------- "fl, l'R f'l'STO~I BL'JLT f< .. JRF:SJDF. , . ''' -•• t "" •P""" ""'' "'''" .. "' I SEA BOOKS BALBOA ISLAND "· .I'"> \\'l:"l1 f '!IAJRS. ~\ .rtnt lltock of honk ::; on ell )RCht-!Jou~~ and AptR. yrarl_y or S<'8· ' •.· ·,, l'nt•I···'· --:.· .. "· '"-~•. X.i Fu''I; -E c~oRGIA"'-1ng subjt'<'L! -plus all curr1 nt " ' Pl 1·:i•ll' 1\11ln'l,~1 !11 ,:,nn ('l'!'TO~t ~fAD r. ... . sonnl. See Gail C.'.l.l'n1·y, \\'It! • . ..:. ,., 1 .. 1 P·•ts anti ('hilJrPn I ~<)F,\, f nr\'•· 1 fraJnC' in 1.1:alnut. bl>1·k~. l.t nd1nj! hbrnry. 'NELDA GIBSON 1 r·n·, r:11n1 ••ntr-c.1 :1 1uo:o·· d•1\\·n r111 .. d ru!<hll'n!\ The Isl an de rs rr .,. f:!'tll11:1t·-"I H..irl)l1r 0:'".89-.1 Extra Spec ial I -t38 G It I <1p-1r, '1 1\·fltt• party, · •0 f t>n r(ll 21 t ~ta rinC'. Balboa l!'f. Har-. 1:""147 306 1\\' , Corona d~·I ~lnr 4 ~lr4.:', ______ ~ ___ _ ---t ;1 h~11n r-:1r•rt111· f:.an,:-1' rl1·lt1 x1· _ ____ __ _ 12 F'T. SAILBOAT and AAllg in P..Er\ L EST ATF. Af::i n n\', Balboa IsL Har. :502 69tfc l':\'•·r\'1J0°J;· lt .. 1 1/~ th1• <·li:t~"ll fJrd 1t•1" J ! , \"• n.4 nil nutOJ!ltrt!i•. o:ll••ht l\' ,.. · ralr 111nJ1t.on. $1:'">0. 5:18 Full<'r· ------11 \o d I JI!'\\' $.~1µ)\ I I I 11-l'rrsonaL• ---------~-------------Alcoholics Anonymous \'v"ril<' P. 0 . Enx 205 &.!boa ls lonJ, L'allr. Phone f\:ln1 bcrly ~-.j393 -----\f'TF.R JllL\" l:! lil:'i l , I y,·~11 n<•I ht' r•·spnn~1hll· f11r anv ,1 .. ht-1 oil~ .. ,. than n1y (l\\"Tl ~1~n1••I .\Ir." f·-r.1r1·n!'r Ann ton, .\."~v.-p11rt H l'fl(hts. l'hone !".?7:; ~1ust sacrifi ce Ct1m iturc -B1·nC'nn .-.77fl-\\'., -4 4c·ICi I _ It you want a rrntal on love !)' I 11 rms .• period & modern! 1-.A \\'S<)'.'\ C)llTBo'_A_n_D ___ M_<)-TOR J.JDO ISLE Sf"'(' \IS. S<'Vc>rnl good LIDO ISLE •'.L1·~,,t'0 TeW1·11kl~ 1111"'• 1 1 p • p 1 n •°'I ~· ~ '-" • I See rll!tp ny a( ngr :. a r 2 ': h p nir 1·o<ilc>d. ·1 ryrl F inr hon1es a11aUub1e. Also apart- ! ~t\'.? X1•\\'fl•lrt Blvd ' f'11~tn 1'ft'!'i:l r ... 1-t . Duncan Ph _ Har. 2340 tn:.l1 1ng n1oto r $65 Ph Harhor nlt'nls by V.'f't'k or n1onth. Phan<' 8f'aC'on 5222 ------~ --LA D JF:S I ~1 il16r & L811'"\I St~hober Sh<)f'l't. Bi-own. hlne & black 7'~AAA & 7'J.l\AAA Pra<'t1 cal- l y n<'\\" ~II H n.r 117 1-J ~ \"•'!'! ,3, (1· 1'\\'0 Bt:R'.'\ER £8.fl M urphy unit, t>lectric re(rlJ!f'ratot, ~ink , flltorajtt' rablnt·l. N<'\'<'r u.~N . J450 \\'tilf' bnx 12 thl.CJ pap<'r 44ptfi JOG t -\\". >12pl1 -· t!>' DEn<ED rrB Slnop. T'!l k('« (IUtboanl, Sf\~ ~loorl ng $31"). 201 ~. BalbHa 81\'rl , Ralhoa. Phonl' Harbo r 323. 15p P. A . P .AJL ·M ER l>{CtDRl'OiLVr£D-• • • '' 3333 Vin Lido J-larbor 1500 16trc Sun a ir , bru~h int;". Jaunil .. ~in:?. ARMY T F!l\.'T A x t2. \\-a'rdrnbf' dry C"iran1nj.!" and prf's~1nt;" arr nl i ~~I~_! an(I F'ound tr\1nk. l::adt.-:-i tap ,.h.,<s ~l"!.r 8, S EVEN FOOT DIV A~ "'ilh inner "'f>riTIJ:"I' nnri fou:-(OOt nttoman. Al .. 11 mn-;• J!:r3.'n curp•·t !-Ix 9 ft. ('Jll J-l artx•r 21 0:: -t-t c lfi t:on.!Jull situatio n wanted ada or place a cJaa-.ifletl in the News- T imes, Post and P1~a• combina- t ion at :2 ~r .).·eek, min. Phone Harbor 1616. FOR LF.ASE 2 bdrm. nC'arly nt>\\' unfurnishf'd homc--r x-tra bdrm. and bath availabl<'. Furniture may be purcha8ed if dt'sirf'll. !' 1·ar L•do Shops. 501 · 34 lh St. COMlt'r uf 1'"1n l"Y· H ar. 2529-W. ---- rnf'n1IC':<i of th1· r \r .t hf''i niv~h. J),.. I.O.ST f\f .&.SOSf(' HlXr. RF.· I niak1• .,ff('r nr v.111 t rail•· tot for(' putting yo111-\';oolen<:i &\\"ay \\'A RD l '\t'il..,,. phnn" rat nr ln\\"11 n111\\"1•r-Hr r1r-1 pine-..... ·r· "fl for thf' 'i\H11n11·r. h~tn~ th0•n1in th"! Dta.n. g,,0,.1111 ;,'11~, !IC'lil ;,~1 f:·tld•·:1I. i '.l 1"n•t .J••I .\f3r i:;unshin" nnll br11 ~h thornu~hl\-, 1 ·1,·1~1 t~O l .1) rtilnr da\'rnport int·lu. 2 f,.a lhcr p1llov.•s , F.alflf' n1r1 ti•rlal (!rlO(I ('ondlt11111. not f1)rg•·lt1nK i:;t:\ntc; :-ind pnrk,,t.... • , I f sodf'd, J.:111n<11·1· th1<n1. or havi 12-J.-Sc hool -lnstr11ct1on Cr1n1rl<'l1"' 1 n.~tallatl1,n. r1'pa1r nnd thi'm dt'y 'lr·:tnNI 1!' lhcy art"' nu:.. -----f;e rv1c1• .,r n a t1t11l1-1' 1>tp111-l'n1l'n t w~~~.~~· l';rnUR• '""''' .""'"'""I l ENROL!:, NO\V nn•< ORANGE COAST A l ,:->{) 4 post•'r !'lolill mahoi:t. p inr- t'lflP lt• t\v1n b·"-l. :!'fl:i:? ("llfr Dr .. ;-.; .. \,fln rl R"a' h. 4~pl5 t':ln tuk.• n frw 111nr.-pu1nn S PPL"-' in Oranl(e 1·nunty f••r thr lr!i\'•IR-a (·rnr•l.on .,tuih·nl'i lo be,t:1n l !>-t. TRA·JLER U I. lty Of (';i.llfnrnla A).:'.tL4 nltural Ex-\\'f'Pk in 1\ui;u~t f~nrull h<•f,)r1· l!\10 J-IARBOn CL\"O. Jack's Furniture 'vVe Buy, Sell or Trade tf'n!'lion ~l'l'Vl t'f', "arn;: th.it "\'l·n JU/}" l!Jt•1. A<\•n r11/un r1rrn1 ... fli'(I l_'u<;l& 1\1 .. ~n. PhiJJlP DtJ\("UO C22t-n with tht~ rar•· n1nlh~ n1a ;r ~ ·t 111t1i j tr•,. tq prai·{!.·r a t h,1m,•. _ lhf' wool.•n.<:i if Lh· ,. ar\~ 0·•l Jlrf"lpL·r-f>O RI~ V JfAJ.f, r;o 1:-:G t-\htl'I:'\';? I-Ir r .. >''' 2 ly Rtorei.I. 1'h+'\' s hi>Ul•I f)I• ~\'r9.p-1 217 t':.ihilll••. t"1 1,.t a :\1•'1~ P..-n 1; t r·nh·!Ltt111-l••\·1·-. \\h1c·h \\'t•rr lli~ West Bnlho.i. Ill\'d, Phonr _ 1-11\r~r 2:W2~ <1'4l'46 J>('CJ and ~1 ·al1•d im1nrdu1t1 ly nftPr !i \:;J.\\". -4 3i•i", 11..;, •I .,nly l\\'<, \\"• 1-ks ttur 21~2 l'leaning. Pul th•· 1·lt·an \\'t>nl <44c-46 BEr.:orx \\'ASHER. tt's t hat 19,")f auto1nflt1r ..-.·uhr r 3Jlc.I I u!W'd It thrrr month.!. TMr«-':11 artlcl'"s In t1~htl~· .!tl 'Bil·d papt'r. beg1' or box1'l'J, <."h(':st.~. trunk."!, gla~s jars_ or tin boxel'I IC n1oths h1t\'r twm a proble m. take further pr<<'8Ut1nn~ avd Ulol" para<til'hloro-b<·n1rn•· nr napthlr"nf' f!akt>s or 111uth ball." '''hE"n .!l:toring w oolens. Thi'~"' 1.•aVl• nn odor. AA woolens must be a irNI thoruu~hly lu>fore utc1n,1? lhrm a~.3!n. ln~te.ad of lhC'!lc l'hl"miC'als. an 1n~N"t lliprny or t'vcn OD'I' C'nn h" O[)pllt"CI gcn- f'ro\llly with no 1\rlt1M1 or 11.amogC' t o lhe artil"lrs_ All th.(' C'h('mi<'tll<t ,rivr" off ~!'I: h they evaporatr arwl e-IThrr kUI or r?JM'l the moth!! d epPndinp; U(l9 on lhe amount uSM'I . Te8ts !<M"'-that a pound nt flakes or bnlh balbt 1s rtqulrffi for each JOO cubic fN>t of aorag-eo spa~. Mn. Prcntise ~f!"lcnd9 about a h&Jr pound ot nakes or b&Us for a chest or trunk with a UJ[bt lkl. Slnoe the rum.. go «townwa.rds. put ftakn ln a clot.h 9ck. and ptaco it on lhe upper ·llhclf or, top or chest or hA.ng" tt b.(lh In the cJOR·t. Kttp the stor· •e apace c~ as much u poa .. llJ»Jit. ' f • 2&-Situations Wanted FINE JROJ'\.,:":C wtll <'Dll r(lr an•I dt>livcr. 1 Xo housc<'lran1n~ 1. H t>l p \Vlth thnn1·r partu·<i l'hn n(' ~'lrs. \\'ill inn1 ~. J-larbo1r \:'1!.l:-1 lM•- fOrC' 10 3.nl. or after 6 p in, 4'4c46 2 BEDROOM fran'P houst-ror r.ot & scratch on It. You don't ac~ax-r . S!X>O dt>11Vf'N'd 20x31 havt' to bolt It dO\vn. Balance I 11tur-fo bus1n~as blJg. or gatn.J(r. n'A't' on It Is $1<t9.47. Jt'a a v.·nn- $';85 •lt·llVL'r"'-1. ';2:f \\'. La Pal· J('rft1l wa..<tbf'r nn<I you ran h&vr nt:t. An&h1""1m: fl-l p n1 PtumP It for-caah or to.k~ p&yinmu nr Anah,.in1 640--t. <15cl7 ,s.'l..:t1 JX't mo. SM:.· i t at 40 i Sottth -Spadra. Fullt>rton. 9 a. m. - 8 STE.AJl.1ER TRUNK .t: l\jg ward-P-m . Phone 21:'>2. 40c42 rubt-trunk. p.a.lntlngs, etr 1:?7 __ • tli'l VERSAI .. BUfLOING 38th St .. Ne\vport Brach 4~J) SIX pra<'li<'A.lly n r>w cnrome bar MAlNTENA.VCF. ---------11lool8. rN:I plaBtlt' t.op, coat J20 F"loor \V u:octnr,-, \Vindo\\' ,c·1rnn111,g 30-B--Applianoefil t'&., 9f'll ro.-110 each. Ken.mott \\'all \\~a~hing \lo'llllhlnK n\M'h1nf', good n1nnlng tor PHILCO REFP.JC£RATOR 195 1 "-·undlUon. S1:'t Crey fHu.r chA.J.r bullding:tt. s'tor~. (1.fflt'.'r" & homr~ inodt'l _ that big 9 cu. tt. 11"'11Ui(kJ a.nd ottoman with zebra base, 1\:le>phone R1t-tbor 116 and hu lM crou top frttHr $35. \Vhtte metal and corrupt- • 43'(>4~ uheitt-nlc~ ke!epe-r tor meat and ed flaM b011ltt.1 cart. IJO. Lawn r -crlaper for ~tablff. A bu.U r mowt"r. $$. 713 BroAd St.. New- WANT CARPE.l\IRY anti Cab1ne\ kt JM"r and olber tnlu~&. Bal-port Rdgbl.& 4-k46 work. Ph<lnt' ffa.tbor 7.C&.\V, •• -43~1) \U\Oe L """ ... ll lo °"'T $lta~ot t &X'l'ENslOllf DINlNO TABLE, __________ ...:._,.._ or t&l<e po.- ODD JOBS-Pracllc:ally anything $10.M por mo. 1117 oqu1t)-,_ and 8 dlalrL Ph. Ru. l(l97. by hour or clay o r ,....,k. ~ Seo at 40! So. ~ Fl1llert0n. ,. 4Sot f bar OJ2Jl.J. • 44pt~ 9 L m. • 8 p. 11\. Pb. 216!!. 40c<t SlULL -~ _,_ I $M. rce. -JlaU r9Clr, '10-WOKAN wanta gu...-al -8 CU. l'T. Sl!:RVEL fttrilr• per-otbtt ....... 21•0 W . 1711> et.. 11•ork -78:1 W. 18th St.. COOi& f<et -$1'G, Co-Sant& AJ1L tllp4T -~ &L Cl2le-W be-I !Ille lp&lU'-JOU .... &ot..fmm rare ll a.m. or f1ttt •:ao p.m. iM -..,. "" lhla retri ... tor. ~ON!l .... :"""' lilt io .,.... '6i;ilf W RW>7. Ba-Jaland. <Mc!e l'OUf ...i-_,..... ' ---·--------- 34-~(usical, Radio RE..l\'T A PL\NO for only $5 per mnnlh. Rf•n tal R.ppl (C3 on futur(' purchL"(> at SHAFER'S MU- SIC c·o. I Sin(',• lflOi' 421 No. Sycamort', Ranta Ana. Klmrn-r- ly 2-06i2. -. ---------- STOREY and CL.Ant< upright pl.!lno. REASONABLE Jla1bor 1299-W 44p46 COl.iE JN llnll play lhf' \V01'"'DER- F1JL NE\\' HAti.l.AiONO CHORD ORGAN. If you don't know a note you can play brautitul mu- a!<" in lt'n mlnut.ee. OANZ- SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. ~20 ·N. I.lain. Santa. Ana.. USED 120 baas Wurlitzer acco,.. dlon. St~I f"'eds, $7.'~-Call Har. 1146-\V nlght.oe. Har 257.f-M days ' J.5l( BEAUTIFUL. walnut cue bunga- , low uprtght pln..no In perf<'Ct eon- dlUon. Tenn•. $34.7$ down anO 111.!K> per mo. at SBAFCR'S ·~fUSlC CO. (Slnc:e 1907 l 421 N. s~. SaJ!ta AnL Klm1>or- 1y 2..0S72. , 43c4!'i ------------Choice Yrly. Rental Available Now AT J t l Emrra.ld, Balboa I sland UNF'URNJSHED, lh ~e bedroom.s, 11"2 bA.lhJI, fin.>plact>, two fur· nacC's, d 11'.1 po s a I, diahwash('r. Largr pat io. Chvntr 130 So. Bay Front, Balboa l¥lant..1. HRrbor 2155. 43pf5 Summer Reservations Udo l .sJe Bay Front unita. 1 and 2 bdTTru!i., $59.lW> wk. up. Barbor ~2. evea. Har. 291.f·M. 17ttc FURNISHED bachrJor apt. Prt- vate entra.nce md bath. Yearly or summer. ·INQUIRE at 41~ Poinsettla, Corona del Mar. . 44C48 NEWPORT ISLAND Unfurnished Z bedrm.-2 car garage. En- cloeed patio. Yearly rental. '412 • 39th St. Har. 10!5-M. .- YEARLY LEASE-2 bodnn. well turn. bome $75 mo. SUMMER RENTALll: Atliac. waterlrollt bo""' •:iac mo. to ama.U famllv. ii bednn. ocean front home a.r bay IW'lllUlllq $IO wMll:, }"ft-haroor .&-til~ OC' "ota Bat"· ~ 20D-W. ac4'i l't~W Ml. u~ "l'ICD "'f'l\JOreo • rm. -OOUrt ,...i1u..-1a- dutl<d. Bot-· ...trlpnitor, QTJIO mo. lfj~ --.._.. ,._.~T-1,~ • -· I LI DO BALBOA NEWPORT R E N T A L s Yearly Specials 1 Bf'dronm furn. Apt .. $4!i OlO. 2 B<'droom rurn. Apt. $68 mo. 2 &-droom fum . house ... $75 mo Brand nf'\\. unfurnishf"d 2 bedroom, to\\'Cr dupl('X on Balboa P C'ninsula .. Sll!i n10. JIM & SALLY NEWLIN \V-ith JOHN D. BURNHAM ~07 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa H a rbor 64~. E-.-1.'s. Harbor 2278-\\' YF..ARL"\"-2 bPdtoon1 hon1e, un- furn. on N('wport Is land. Fir1•· .place:, bath tuh & Rhowe r , gar. P'rh<iti -yd<-$70 ·mg, ·B.<a . .:;561-J . , -1 JOtcf .· .. -... ' O~'E BDR.Af. UNIT in court, tile, USED CAR SALE During next 10 days in order t o reduce our stock and make room for more cars coming in we will sell many of our cars to you at wholesale prices. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY '50 FORD V-8 Drluxe Scdlfil, Only .•.. .. . ...................... $147ei '17 PON1'IAC Si'clan; R..&H ; P<'rfe('t in l'Vf'ry way .... $1045 '<18 CHEV. Sedan ; R&B; im· mac. """ .. paint only .... $ 995 '47 H UDSON Com. Sedan, immaculate, only ....... $ 765 ·~e FORD Sup. Dix. Cpe .... -$795 '49 FORD V-8 Cust. Tudor. J.J. and OD. . .... $12911 ·1 1 CHEV. St~ .. f'X lra nice, Only ..... ..... . . ·--·-··· $ 571S ·:;~ F'ORD Coupt> ...... ,. ____ ... $ 75 EX~1\ ALLOWANCES allowf'd if your tradt'-in is a clean '4\ or '12 model. '-fANY }.fORE TO CHOOSE FROM NO REASONABLE OFFER P.EFtjSED ON ANY CAR ON OUR LOT Theodore Robins \'OUR..-;. FOP~D DEALER 534 Coast Highway BPa.con 660.t Newport Beach Hours : \\'f'£'k Days 8 'til 7 Sundays and Holidays 10 •ti! 4 19-46 FORD station wagon-Wood i~ ro1uplf'tely rl'finishf'd. Excel· lent <'(Jndi t ion. Phone Harbor 22H7-J a ftC'r ~ p .m. 4.fc46 1938 BUICK 4 door sedan. Qutck sa!P. S:-r vicC'man .• 607 Narc~­ sus, Coron3. d<'"l 1.far or call Harbor 2824-J. 43?'5 ·so FORD COl<VERTIBLE Perff'c t rond. Salt' by orig. Pri- vatt' party. $J71~. Call Harbor 62-\\7_ <f4p45 1.fUST SELL immt"diately new 1950 Stylelin" dlx. C hevrolet. Radio, heater. Only driven 10 m ile.a. $1600. W ill take tradf". Call Beacon 6861-J or Beft.C'On . &A6J.·R ....+ Mt.E.'t'" 8·•P· -m. Har~ bor 1332-J. 44c48 stove and refrigerator. Garagt"'., Close in. Inquire 455 \Vestn1in-4S·A-Trailer Space stcr. Costa }.fe.sa. Bea. 7035-W . !-'-;;...;"--'-.;...-...o'-'.""''----- ,--------'3_048 TRAILER SPACE L ARGE 2 bedroom apL, furnish· Close lo shopping, off the Hiway, f'(.). J\'iC'I" fmced pa.tto. Yf'&rly $12 to $1 5 mo. Cabrilkt Court.. rf'ntal. 604 ""!.! Na.rcl88\l!'I, Corona-140 Cabrillo St., Costa M~sa. del 1-tar. J-tarbor 2909-J. 44 c46 44<'4511 YEARLY _,__ 3 bedroom J>8r tia11y furnlS:hE>d holL'>e on Balboa oct>an front . $80 n10. Ph. Harbor 328. 4.ftfc UNFlJRNISHEO -Corona del Mar. 2 beautfful· new apts. Near 'NatcT, garbage di•posals, vene- tian blinds, water pd. Yearly lea.sf'. ':!)bdrm, $100 per month. l bdm1, $75 per month. Harbor 1671. 44c57 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottagea. On Collins laland Each apt. ha.a water frontage. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave., B&lboa 1$nd. Harbor 2962-W . •OpM On Peninsula Point NICELY FURNlSHED 3 bdnns. available July 115th, ,yearly or monthly. Brokers tlAL 1532 Miramar, Balboa. owner. P.hone Har. 0612-W, Bai;. 2001-l. 19tlc • 44-Rooins for Rent CHEERFUL ROOM, private bath. Twin beds. Ocean view-Use of den and sun\teck. New home on • Balboa P eninsula. Kitchen. privi· lc>gt'!!I. Adu1t.s only. Ph. Hubert 1238-W. 44oi5 FURNISHED ROOM-Private ena tr&ncc and bath. Convenient lo- cation. 508 ~ Marigold Ave.. Corona dcl Mar. Harbor 285SaR. ,43ct5 UNFURNISHED COTTAGE -2 bOOrooms, almost neW. Water and gardener tum18hed. 508 Marigold Ave ., "'Corona del liar. Harbor 2&'i3--P... 4~ COMFORTABLE fllrniahed ·room. Private entrance and bath. Ul ~ Poppy, Oorona del Mar. Phone Harbor "4.0-M. -4"°" NEWLY Decorated Room., coo4 --~·t double -···-·-' 2.JSO Monthly ····-•··-----'30.00 O.ily maid .....ice. 123 211.h Newport Betu:h. Pb<llM! ~ Oltf.W. llOcJo • • •••••••• ••••••••••••• ············-.... -... -----------i.-----------------... -•.................................................................................... ~~ ....................... ~ .......... !"".' ............. "".~~-~-----~----~~~~~~~~~--:--:~-:"."-:"'~~-,.,...-.7·~·.-·-·-·-·-·-·~·;-:::--:~~---~-------,,.. .................... ,. ............................... --.. --:-_----------, • • 1 I l 1· I REAL ESTATt .. --- LIDO ISLE HOME One of the bider, more comfortable island homea • The locaUon 18 just % block ttom Lido Club Hou.e, club beach, tl!Jlllla and badminton courts. A ddtt.u: ' 200 Via San Remo. • The lot la 10 tttt wtde, s~ttt to atree&. with patto, bar-b-que and garden. • The hom" baa three bedrooms, two baths (one i'Ull Ule shower). The upetaln den and bedroom comblnatlon haa bay-view and operu1 to largf' sun-deck. There t• a tuU elze dining room, fireplace. wood floors throug hout. doublf' garagE" ~·ith lnsldf' N.thers' shower. • The tun price-S22,500, and terms can be art'lUlged. This is a sound buy · in comfortable year 'round Lido living at the best island location. See it now. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 30th and Newport Blvd., Ne'il-port. Beach Phone Harbor 1600 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor L. C. JONES J. :MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or '1672 Eves. Harbor 746-M B.o\LBOA ISLAND $5,500 down buys this charming 2 B. R . home. Lge. Patio, BBQ, plus small a(rt. Both nicely furnished. 2 B. R. Furn. House, lge. fenced yard, quiet st reet. Plenty of room to bu ild another unit. $12.500. REDWOOD COITAGE -furnisPled 2 bedrooms. Parquet fl oors in living room. Double garage. :nns IS A BUY at $1_0,750. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR Little Beauty on Little Island Really one of the most charming small homes in t he area . Lovely patio and "lots of class." Com- pletely furnished and ready to move right in - $16,500, liberal terms \\." A. T OBIAS Sales E D;'o;A C ltAlr. P.enfnl::i LINWOOD VICK. Realtor 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 2042 61-Real Estate Exchange New Lido Listing -"'!- J ust ('Om plt•ting 2 bdrm h'lJTl e. Ever Think of Exchanging Your Real Estate TIMES CHANGE. and what was I perfect for your needs a.. tev.• years ago ma.v now be inade· quate. Perhaps ynu haV(' a ci t y Still tin1 e to choo."IP your o"·n colo r~. 21 · Jiv rn1 .. frplt> .. till' f'O'atnr~.s. har-tvp<' kitr hen. p ti· v11l• pall•' P ru·•·d b•\l<'\I/ th1• 1nark('t at $10.7:'IO. Easy terma. CREE:-;J .EAF & . .\SSOC. 13t.:ILDEH. RE.4.LTOR 3112 ;..·,,,\·pnrt Bl v<l , H a rbor 2552 home and now want a beach Open House 1-5 p.m. house -or you have acreage and want business proprrty Saturday & Sunday Or you ntt1l a bigger home . . 1 or a •mau-. nn•. 1 211 Heliotrope Ave. The logical thmg to cio Is tn '"I Corona de! Mar change-with son1 ... one \l.'hn has What you want and net'd.11 v.·hat you havt>. It 's simpler and its mo re r-con omicaJ \\.£' ha v C' quite a 11..!!t of propertlf'!I to flC· Ject from. F'inf'st location. a fe,11 steps from ocean bluff Brand ncv.•. two bdrn1, two baths, har<{°Wood floor!!, flrl'plact>. 2·car ga'ta ge, 61· frontage_ C'ome .!£'<' it o r phone J ohn ~l ottram . SEE US TODA l '. \V1· v.·ant _your I 11sung. P .A. PALMER Island Realty Co. d 1:-:coRPORATEo Multiple Listing Realtors 3333 Via Litlo. :-.;Pwport Beach ' '3u.ainC'~ BroXE'rs, . . &rbor~500 Eve~. Harbor 2480-R -'~ Park a t A~e ' • \. " 4 • - Bafb8 I~cl ' Han. -M°')° \\' 52 FT COR:\9ER LOT Lido Nord a . . . ' Lido Isle. Ba thin~ beach and EXCHANGE pier-across strf'('t. $6.000. Har· bor 1634 or \l.'rlte box 12 thls Fully fUrnlshed house. flrt>place. 44p46 SleE"p11 10, a ll utll. pavf'd road. I papi>r. blk and cl uh hou~f'. to 11tore * * OPEN 1 - 5 * * ArrowhE>ad. $3500. . . Submit home or incomr. Br autltully f\Jrni..!lht>d year round Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 4 bdrm. 3 ba. h ome. Practically new MODERN, with enc los~ 1 ~23 Cout Blvd., Corona dc-1 Mar patio, 2-car gar. Ready for com. Harbor 2766 plete living _ 1711 Ocean Blvd . WANT TRAIL.ER Balboa. Harbor 24 ~1-M. 12trc I Will trade my equity in ne'A· 2 bf'd· room, partially f\Jrnl.shed hou~ -People do r ead the PtP:S8 ad.111. 1n Costa M esa tor lat• model trailer. 252 S anta lsa~I. Costa "Mesa. 43p45 Use LONG BEACH 2 houses, home and income. C'IPar. \Viii trade fo r Classified equaJ value, Harbor a r t'a. Phone' Harbor 0363-W. 44 p5i Ads ' Ill-Trailers t.o sell your .,..,. 19 FT. HOUSE TRAILER. 1948 . . . model. Excln't . concl. $790. Ph. . . . to find a boyer Beacon 8293-W. 46c47 for your home . . . to rent your apt. C<X>D 22-tt.. ho\1..9e trailer, sleeps . . . to dispose of • -hu e.lec. refrig & apL fnrnltare and aiz!' stOVf':, 2 CIM1"l!:, $15tl-O. Phone hoosehold good• H arbor 310 days. 45c47 ---you no loni;er ~Money t.o Loan need. to find • good -----. . . I ·LOANS For Homes job 6'7t--20 YT -· Regular Loe.n• a....i11e<1 " d ,"! rtts:tas CONSTRUCTION LOANS reca """"1h quk>kly aad • t :1-41 ~ II> (14 yn.I at tow Mel • WE BUY AND SELL Use TRUST DlllEDS SEE BOB SA'M"LER Classified Ads 1415 COAST BLVD. I Oorona del ..... Barbor 1077.J Newport Hcabor Rep. PO.IJUER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite lnL ~ Kl wue P11Mhlllmg Co. J.()AJ<.9 TO Bl111.D, DIPROV.. 22 f I Balboa 81¥4. BUY, MOD~RNID, OR R&ll'Uf ANCS . Newport Beach Wo ~ Tnllt ~ . PWl'ORT BALBOA rlCDll:R.U. Ph. Harl»or 1611 ' llA VDIOS 6 LOLN ASS!t. ' Udo Pb. Bar. UOI I Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth Light Industrial Lot M·l AU ut!ltUu an.Uablt . Appru.. ~ acre. Only $1200 tr you want a. beautltul home In Cliff Haven We can ahoy,• you one lha.t w e thtnk is extra apecla.I. Price $16,000 2 Bdrm Home Partly t\J rnb hed. Price $66QQ - $1850 (10"'"· Large 2 Bdrm Home Bath and 1,., -Approx!. 4 yf'aMI uhJ. Nt'ar high 11Chool. Price $7500 G. N . WELLS, Rltr. & Al!sociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa . Ph. Bea. 5181 LIDO BALBOA NEWPORT Hundreds of Listings APT S. HOUSES INCOME PROJ;>ERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS Consult Us ' about your Realty problems JIM & SALLY NEWLIN ''"I th JOHN 0 . BllRNHAM 507 E . Balb<ia Blvd., Balboa Harbor 64.5, F.vt•s . Harbor 2278-W P eninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat & Sun, 2-6 or by app't. ph. Har. 1238-W • ApproximatPly 2200 sq, ft. l year old, 2 bdrm1' Ir beth downslaln, 1 bdrm and lge. den and bath up.stai rs. Sundeck 30x30, excel- IE>nt view . Lttrge living room, tlreplac<". din ing room. gorgeoua kitch"n & nook, oa.k floors, fore· Pd alr heat, extras galore. Con· tractor's home. Priced to sell quickly Wm. E. Angold, Rltr. jJ~ F:. Baltx:ia Blvd. Balboa PhonP H arbor 123&-W Waterfront Home 3 bdrm.~. 2 baths, pier and float • 2 yrs. old lnC"IUdea GE dlabwuher Dl,.po."81, patlo f\.lrnlture. $24,750 Ph. Owner, Harbor 1027.J. . 32c41 LOT $95 DOWN. $995 11111 pr1co Victoria St. •• Colkl'• Ave. CoAta Mesa. Ph. Beacon D291--W SPECIAL SALE . Six New 2-Bedroom Homes fticed from $7450 to $7950 $1950 0owil . I Mo. Pym.ts. -$M to $60 • LO'I'S 7'1'100 -Spacious ~. -Large living room -Big ldtclten, nice tile draldboard -Plenty cupboarda & cl<>11et&-Near Schools and Churehes Shopping. See These Fine Values From 1 to 5 Daily at 21st St. & Orange Ave., Costa Mesa COSTA MESA I R;EALTY Barney Francque -Fred Crosier -W. C. Gabbard 400 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa -Beacon 6818 "COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE" CHARAflr-..'G AND WELL BU1LT 2 bdrm. home on 12 acre .OOve the Bsck Bay in good loca tion. H as very lov,Jy patio room ~¥1th har·b·cue tlrC'pla('e, 19 fruit tret>8. tlowt'tiit~ Yt'p:etabl('S, f'tC . You can havf' fun g-rowing part ot your ffif'als hf'rt'. ..\ beautiful buy, $12.f>OO. $1950 DN., G. I. RESALE ·NEAT AS A. PIN'. This 2 bedroom home !!Ill o nly eight months old and hn.s hard\\·ood floor!. L' tenc"' anrl land· scapt'd. In nrv.· Costa ~fegg subdi\"l!:flon. Psyments of S~t .61 lnc lullt> tax<'s and insuranct'. Jti;1 nlcf'. $89~. BEACON HILL REALTY t66 Newport Blvd. fnf'ar Arc hr~I. Ph. Bf'&. . .5713-R or E veA. B . l",632-'\\" 2 3 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: A modern 3 txln11 home In n fine llnlbna Js lan•I location? Extra income ? An lnnation-proof inve!'ltment? If you are, you'll like this 3 year olrt dupJpx on I~ill.le I~lanrl "'1 th 3 bdrm11. 11,. balh!I 1n EACH unit. Con1· plete-ly furnl~hed including traversc draperies. indirect lighting, panel ray heat. garbagto di11posnls. Extra cln~t ~pace and 2 30-gRJlon \\'&t.t"r heatC'ts. All for on!\' - $23.~00. gflnf'rous lf'rm!'I STANLEY HADFIELD, Real tot 216 ~fARINE. B ALBOA ISL.AND Harbor 20 ------------ BALBOA BARGAIN 5 bedroom beach home, 1 blk. from Bay, close to •hopping, furniRhed. A real buy at . . . $13,5()() BALBOA ISLAND 3 be:lroom home on corner loc ation. Owner sell and means it. Make offer. says HAL HOUSER-Sales GAIL CARNEY-Rentals NELDA GIBSON,· Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 502 G. I. RESALES Balboo Peninsula 3 bedroon1s on Magnolia. Cast a Only $13,000 MrM -$10 ... 50. $2750 down 3 bedrooms $12,500. Nr\l.·port Hr>ig hLot_ $35oo down • 3 bedrooms. Cliff Haven. $4500 down s 13. 75() 4 '(,. 'tow mon(hly payn1PnL~ mrans gT't'at Mvin~!I on thf'IM" homt'• • F or full J C'talls ca.JI - Mr. Kempton· Harbor 1500 P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via t.ldo Newport Beach Phone Harbor l 000 BAY SHORE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. be&uWul fandacaplnc by Norman'• Nur· aery, wall to wall carpeting, colored bath fixtures , mercury wall 8Witches. plantr r box, lge. muter bdnn.. r l.-ct. kitcht>n, nice patio. ALSO % bath and gueat TOOm ready to be finished. $3800 DOWN. 2 bdrms. furnished I homP-Panelf'd Hvln~ rm. t ire· plaC'P. bat kltchf'n, BBQ and <>n· C')Os('il patio_ • Price Only $6,500 ?\"it.:e beach howte In R-3 zone. Rrion1 l l"I build In come uniL Only $8850 2 hdrm home on Balboa Blvd . N'IC't~ tx-ach houaC' Flrrplare partly furnl$1 hC'd. This Is Choice! S21 .000 -3 bdnn!, 2 bath, unfur . home, lge. enc.lo&ed paUC>--<'Om- pletely elec. kitchen. 11tove, ref. dish wu:her and gur. disposal, 2·car ga.rage, landscaped. SEE US FOR choice aumm er rf'nt- a.18. All stz.-s and prices. Coast Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balb..1a Phone Harbor 2M8 See us for good summer rentals. ' r • '. ·" IMPORTAN'l' CHOOSJNG a homeplace ia IMPORT ANT . bUlin4!11L _.:.__ ____ . _;_-------, ----- ::;,;;e~: r ro :?r ~!; OPEN FOR INSPEdTION· your home, your family l to 5 p . .m. _ Sa. tllrday & ·Sun~y , .and your investment. Insist , . . ' . on fully protective reetric-23612 St. Andrews Road -Cliff Haven tiona, complete improve-r . ments, community p-"-. Brand new s bodroom home. dlnln&" room, ftnplace, &.:;a~~ Pullm&n. lavatory. Lot• of tile, oak noon, w.ardl"obe Here on LIDO ISLE you clo..U, dbl pr. Larp lot partially fenced. PRICED have all of this together BELOW replacement at $11,880. ONLY $3,&aq dOwn, with privacy and quiet, balance easy term.a. This place ca.n•t be beat in t.hi8 areL where you can still buy at sensible prices. LIDO ISLE has much to offer ... for it meets the D E M A N D FOR THE VERY BEST at 1the m ost ·reasonable prices. LOOK at these SPECIAL EXCLUSIVES: I . ~rand npw 3 tw<J room . 2 bath home on choice lot. L~e. cheer- fUI room11. unJt heat. breaktut bar, lovt>ly kitche'n. specious walled in patio arc a few of many oat.st.a nding features. Thls is a trrriflc E;UY a t only $24 ,750. 2, "CHOICE SPOT" on the BAT· FRO?\! of LIDO ISLE a nearly new 4 b<>droom and 2 bath homt> that If' a "honry." This il'I not an "olrt beach house .. bu\, i!I a nearly ne"'· cl('ver year around homf'. Large rooms. unit heat. garbag-e disposal, hotpoint dish· "·ashf't. 2 !'!tin drck.<1, }o\•ely vh•'v and many othC'r smart fl'atures. Thls i.<1 a qtw:ility BUY. Prlc<'d right. ALSO A few C'hoir(' building sit<-!'< for salt> on LIDO ISLE at p ri ces you can arford. Thesr lots are ~ell· Ing f::t!'lt . Thf' la"' of supply and d•~rnand mn~t C'rrtainly incrf'ase thPir \'aiuP. SPf' u~ as we arr thr DEVELOPERS of WOO J~LE \\.h<'rc a littlr buy" a LOT. P.A. PALMER J~CORPORATED 3333 \lla Lido '.\'ev.·pnrt Bl'ach. rat1t. Hattmr 1.-.on 2 B. R. Beauty C':lose in En~t Side location T'''O bdrms. full size dining rm. p•J ll man tu,. bath. pl('nty of (•abinets in kitc hC'n. SC'le<:ted h\l.·d. flnnrs. ~ravi ty flo\\• hf'at· 1ng-systrm. Top location and only a couplt-blc>cks from Al- pha Beta's 0 ('\\' start>. F"trcplacC'. Jn<li\·i1in!lllY bntlt. F()r n t6p qutilit~· ho1n1•, !l•'t ' this anJ th(' prlt·e IS I ig-ht. 3 B. R. Nwpt. Hgts. In <'XC<'llent condition. W e are proud to off<'r this beautiful home. SC'parate dining room. Recently r <'d<'coratcd with ex- cellent tastP. Two car garage . Back yard completely fenced, patio, Bar-B·Q. StrC"ct assess· mcnts art> paid. A large G . I . Loan that can be assumed by t anybody PaymPnls arc only $67 per mo 1ncludlng taxC'ti and insurance. Thi~ is a top buy. Full price only - $12,500 -. Combat Inflation COSTA MESA STEAL 2 bedroom home. Living room. kJtchen. small break· fa.st area. laundry tn garage. Lot all fenced, aome fruit trees.. Walking dlitanee to new ·Alpha Beta. Market. Price includes ~etietn blinds and drapes, uvtnC room rug and a feJV pieces of turniture. ALL THIS . FOR - $8,300. ONLY $1 ,400 down,. Bf'tter hUMj" on this One. Call Beacon 079:5 ANOTHER COSTA MESA SPECIAL A r eally be!lutiful 3 bedroom home 'vith . large llvthg room. plus a 10 x 20 den paneled ln pleasing woods. Thennosla.tlc contro lled heat, garbage di..llposal. Tile bath wtth stall shoy,•er. Spacious kitchen v.rlth TO<?my dlnlng are~ has a.nlple cupboar:d and storage space. Oak noora Double garage with additional "·ark shop or storage room. This place is a.s clean a..s a hounds toolh and ia located on corner lot in best pa.rt of Costa MeBa. Not only ts this home surrounded by \veil k;ept love!~ bome.s.. but is oul~tanrllng among them. a Place you can be well proud to o~-n. It is price!'d far beJoy,• replacement at SI2,500 and takes a minimum of $3000 down. F or furtl}er information r egarding the above three prof>' PrtiP" call Fred Barker 11.t Beacon 5795, evenings Bea. 6939-J. Ea.tl W . Sta.nle:v, Rea.Jtor. l5Lh & Ir.·ine. Opposite High School. Ne"'flOt't. Beach. BOAT OWNER'S SPECIAL ALMOST NE\V v.•atPrfront mocll'rn 3 bedroom, 2 bath horn<' with fireplace. Garbage disposal, dish\\·ashrr. Patio \l.'ith barbecue. PiPr & float. Car. Jor". PRICED RJGHT! -Cell ~fa r:y Dic k!'.on. H arbor 1013 or F.vrs. ("Jar. 2092-W EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coast Hi,,·ny J\"t'WpOrt Beech 6 1~ Coast H i\l.·ey Corona rlPl M11.r 225 1.farin(' Av~. Balboa Js l3n\l l!ith and Irvine ~t'\1.-pc>rt Besch 311 3 Nt>wport Blvd. l'\C'v.•port Beach 8-rm Country Home, Tustin Area IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTTNG of orange trees and away from the fog is this stately '2-story older home on an acre of ground. The house has 8 rooms with 3 bdrms, wall to wall carpeting and is in ex- cellent condition throughout. Outside is a 20'x40' · rumpus_ room, barbecuet a large paved area for parking and entertaining and there is plenty of room on the acre to have horses. At the price of $17,500. this property represents an exceptional value. Pbone or write us for an appointment. JOHN A. SIEGEL, Realtor 250 D. Street, Tustin Klmberly 2-7606-Eves. Kl. 2-0012 or KI. 2-9886 BALBOA PENINSULA Nearly n<'w , rompletel~· furnished 2 bdrm hon1e, o""'er must sell. prict' rerlucC'd to $13.200. Good f inancing. ON BAY AVENUE Furnished two bdrm home. Large patio. OW?Jer ·would Beautiful rive plus acres ot level f • -•· , · N.nsider v.nc""~ ~· ,.,..._paymont, m1~mit o rera. ~, , .J*OductiVP land &nd a ftice two . ""ii:"t. t, T f' ~ a:_r:"-l!' , ~11 • 1. , • ·~1 t>drm home. Large garage, ga· l '~.· >; ... ~ '-.·.,\4 •~ ;_,,.:mt ·rftics •t:3',m>et.''' ' · ~ -' ~ lore of fruit trers. ~cellt>n"t ro'· ' .,. • J ·.,__..., t I '. · I ' . 1 ' .. "' ca lion, chicken t>quipment and rabbit hutchE>s . Private Well. Owner now selling water which covers all rxpense o f operating. Prop<'rty undrrprieed at least $3500. You'll agree thh! is a goot.I buy at only- $11,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Bea. 6698 or Bra. ~58-J ONE BEDROOM HOUSE. 2 yrs. old. $3,975. l 81 J.fetrill Place, NEWPORT Small attractive' waterfront bC'a ch home. $16,500 Pie r and float. BAY & . .BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay 1450 Balboa Blvd. COSTA MESA WANTED Buyers v.•alting for low priced home In nice section a.Lw for 3 bdrm modern home which $3000 down will handle. LIDO ISLE H arbor 1264 ATTENTION Doctors & Dentists Costa J.fes.a. Ph_ Bea . 5606-M.. Lovely 2 bdrm, fUmlshed home Hero IA o. close-in location., on a 75·fL frontage th.at would make a wondC"r ful home and office. Lov£>ly 2 bdrm with bWd., tile, fireplact>. db1. gar., patio, b&r- bc>cut>, walled and beauti!Ully landscaped. Sec thb now. OnJy $13;100, tema. · 4.5c47 plw. bunk room at.ta.ched to ------------garage, enclosed patio. S~lal · buy, only $17,500. Bayfront Duplex $800 dn. Complet ely fenced. For aale by owner. $14 ,500. Bea. 6824-W. 4llc47 F or sale In CDM : 3 bdrm tum. bausc on lot 105.xllll feet. Dbl. I Pier and OO&L $16,850. l7,85C!, dn . gar JOftly ga.rdw. At lped.a1 An excellent buy. $40,000 Investment HAVE ONE LEFT -Nice 1% bdrm with extra apt. large lot near town. 4 yra. old. $68»-- E2 terms. Income Property One of Newport Beach'• flneat bayfront properties. Six unll&- 1 and 2 bdrnu completely f\Jm. An oui.t.andfng buy. Mu.at ~ 110ld at once_ Excluaive U.ttlng. c;;;-prls• mucll below "'p)ace-GREENLEAF & ASSOC. mmt. BUILDER -REALTOR Fitzmorris Realty Co 813 Coast B)vd .. Coro;na . de1 Mar Har. 2152 3112 Newpon Blvd., Harbor 2.652 \ Attractive Duplex bu11ine11 buildings leased. J>AY- 1.ng 11;..; per cent net. , N. B . C . REALTY CO. 32nd and Newport Blvd. Newport Beach ,_ B. A. NER~N · OPl!:N EVENINGS MRA I< Npt. ~­Multiple Lislfnl' 11'.ealtor GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR l BDRM. each unit. 3 yn. olO, Ilk• new. 1 blk. to bua. dlst. 3 ga· NEW S Bl)RM born• In Newport ragea, Stucco I< redwood cq_n.rt. OPBN -488 ABBEY WA 'lj. COSTA MESA'S BEST BUY! !982 NeW]Xrt Blvd., Ooota Kea Phone Bea.con tli.m -7 3112 N~rt Blvd.. Barbor 2552 Helgllt. -Jlu ocean vk!W'~ 114,000. <>vm.er, us Park Lane t % bath.I, fl.replace and pr· Dr .. Cost.a M~ 42c47 3 bedroom&. hdwd. fioor11, 2 fur-• 2% ACRJJ:S will> blq. 150 x 20, can bo llftd In, '5,800. 2llOO Tuatin nttr 17th, ea.ta M Pilon• S..con 5293-W. For Sale or Rent BARBOR BLVD. BUSINESS LOCATION UXOS-ncw.....Su- ROBT. H. :MOM'ET ----..J it...-.-.iST 1100.--. Ol),'1'.A. XE!IA bage d1-J. Wlll comtctn low .,..... All 11.ee\ kitcllen. 2 >""-COST A · MESA Real Values! ! c10Wn pa)'Tnent. Owner will fl-Sal Tr d old. ·Fenced pauo anc1 be.rbeetl•· '3000 oowN .:: 'N&AR BAY-Attrac. older cot-nance. -. 5713-R (eveo. Bea. For e or a e ':::-.. "!~ ~ = = PINEST B<.ld<ntlal OtreeL N ..... up. 2 bdrmL. olttpln( pon:ll, 61M2-WK. ..__ INDIO'S largest and finest Harborl~-V 'or Hubor 2f22,. ly nni 3 B. R. 1iome, l \i bollla, Ip. ldtcbeD w It b bfto.ktut MOST COMPLETELY PER-38 unit Motel with Cale. dttc lart'• llv. rm., 1ln!plaee. 2-ear . ;:1'-ptw Dia~ Orm.~ F'rel' 3 bedim. home ID Triple "A" appl'Oftd. Located = ~ 1o~:,.: TOOi °"'' ,10.-. "'--.t. Hta. Wider .... ooo ·~ mpwa,. eo-z~·00·v~ $6950 FULL PRIC'rif. uo ~ e M•DT , "'-~r ·-v ._. ,._ .,..,.,., .. ~u· ~• Bath HoUae Ii' . RA . .., oew•N J'llONT ~Oooy ~~ Shown .by appt. only. .rm-•••-· .. ot 1>ea1u.. .,-'3IMI M&rin• Aw. l!)' l1Mi -A ...n -tlon • WrtUt U·W Hwy. No. tt, 1 blocl< to -ocean beach. Balboa h1and Barllor -..J Jd. _, TUe 1t .. 1o r ... '8,560. Call Mn. ~. B. 8108-J 'Indio; ca11t, . f4J>Ct !.,.. ~u;...::,~ t ., ., - Balboa Rea}~Co ~ Wlil. &. A.N<JOLb, -0 ACRE8 COlrl'A 'Ml:BA. SW1:-.,.-otety Ii doft. 0000 LiOr In ~ --w .J -a._.. J wobb Ga &. n:-~ --1mt blcir. lot&. •11,000. -ta ~ :_tBBOC. •Y• )'3,1500. -......:, ~· ' · Aaa A>re. bet'lr-20tb ., 21.t. mm,,.. -L"'°"" a..w., Ave., Belbla J'Wlh • •.•• ,...,'[Ill • -Butior 256.l t ...... 700 ll. -Bl..S. Bat. un -lie wlle-tOl1 J*lll• odNi-r s ...... ~293-W. ~!-11u N.-part -·-i · ,_, , ' • ' ) • • ) ) I • ' ••• • • • • ' I . ' .; . I . · • • • : ' ·All American's . Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. 11iii..11'S ''SALADS FOR HEAL TH'' July 12•13•14 ¥ MILA·~ • ____ ..:.:.:::..::.:..:~~~~::;--;;:i --FR-ES-:H LARGE. CRISP '1890' 25C: PINTS ~l!AlTS ~~~cH 01Ess110 ~-·=..... JEWEL OIL Sw!ft·· ;:>:.·~:i.t ~!· ~z· ROQUEFORT 49c MAYONNAISE ~~:: ........ 39• 69° SPREAD MILANl'S 1000 ISLA.ND DRESSING 4 2·0L lo,ttle TOMATOES ROSY RED "HAND PICKED" : ...•••••• 1·9C: c NO. 2 1/JCAN .... • · · · .. · · .•..• I RADE 'A' MEDIUM 57c: . 0 c FRESHECEGGS INg~::~N I ~)-: fROZEN FOODS LllBY'S Libby's Orange Jee~~-=~ 1a· GRAPE JUICE Mi,xed Veg. 1 ~k":: 19· 2 ~:~·.29c F rdh Ok Lima• 25• 0 0 12-·01. Pk. ._ __ __,Broccoli ~~~:~kg. 24· HUNT "FClr the Best" SALE! HUNT'S 2 No. 1 Tall 15 HUNT'S NEW POTATOES Cans C Pork & HUNT'S 2 No ll 35c CH ILI IEANS . I..... "" Beans HUNT'S 2 8-01. 11 fOMATO SAUCE .... cans C 2 ~:~~1 29c . . -~.-:\(Ill\\~; MARGARINE :~~. 23· ~> 'aoLUDENTSTTATEEFIR•ST 9uALITY POUND 77c 1~ ,,,, \l, ,. )II ., ~ CHICKEN OF THE SU. GIHN LAllL NO. l/J 26c: TUNA FLAT CAN Cinnamon ROLLS 39~ (ho. 41, Joz.) 6 IO< 20c APPLES.AUCE WINDSOR 2Ne:!:19c: cuT GREEM BEAMS •LA;~.~ ~~~TE 15c: IRIS CORI GO~~~~E CREAM 2 No .101 25c CaH LUNCHEON MEAT UTH1S 12.0L CAN 2 No. JOJ 19C: Caal As SUNNY SMILE 2 -Layer GREEM PE TEN_DEI GREIN Coco nut CAKE 89~ · · • PIN APPLE JUICE SMILEX, 2 No.2 19C: Cau . , .... $1.05 °"" 4 5, "°" Norwalk & Corona (k1 'ita.r OttlX LETT.UCE FRESH CRISP~SMALL SEED Cukes for SWEET JUICY;,_ELBERTA Freestone Peaches lbs Direct Shipment from Iowa c ea. c POFRK ROAST 49lli. Rib or Tenderloin End 13 1/2-4 '/2 lb. AYg. Brome Local Fresll Drusu TURKEYS '1:0:~~1L, 79~ Wo.te-Free Pon-Reody lb. Erhort's Famous Turkey Fryen. 41;,.7 Ho. Aw9. Genuine Long Island OCOMA llAND -;· ;. DUCKLINGS 0Ye• Ready-4 to 5 lb. AY•r•t• Kingan "s Indiana Sli~ed iACON FULL SLICES .. FlANCO•AMERICAN 2 No.1 25C HEINZ TOMATO HEINZ STRAINED fall SPAGHETTI Ca111 KETCHUP LARGE IOTILE RA TH'S From tho Laod of Cora FRANKS !ALL MEATI 57 ALL PUIPOSE CHWE ~~:~ c CHEDDAR 45~ SWIFT'S PREMIUM-FULL POUND KEil Fruit Jars 99c Doz. 9ts-wit• Caps SLICED BOLOGNA SWIFTS PllMIUM !NO SlllM-HO IONl-HO WASTl-9·11 lb. A\'or•1• . CANNED HAMS COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTERS f Soon in .Rivera • DOWNEY ~ NEWPORT-BEACH 1351 EAST FllESTONI ILYD. l.t hl••I · l20 COASJ Hl•HWAY let Tntt.l ' H•••,: Deity 'tll Mlollll',.. Heu S! h!ly t e.u. 'tll 11 pe • . . • NORWALK • CORONA DEL MAR · 11750 IAST RllSTONI ILYD. l.t PleMff) 913 COAST HICOHWAY let~ r hrJ ---..-.=--·~-. HIHI: hlly 'tll MWllltld .-----Heu11 D<!llY 'tll ......... ~ , , • BABY FOOD IATH'S OLD FASHIONED -SOUSE mm t•• Laiid of Corn 39:. r 49c . ;ir~-YJ -. ~\NE S & L IQ U ORS -!Ab:J· 8 YearOld , 3 STRAIGHT · $ 9 9 , BOURBON AM ICE COLD IEEl-"TOPS IN ANY TOWN" §.£1jM!!?.!.·.~ ............ 99c SMllNOFF-"lt Leave1 Yew lreat•let1" VODKA . s3•2 • ' I IO PIOOF-FIFTH ••••••••••••.•...•.• · •• , t • .... 89~ . • • f . . • • • • • • • PLAYGROUND PET PARADE SCHEDULED ·FOR · WEDNESDAY. ' . . . ; 1'!>" children ~ tllat the Pet 8Mw ond ~ 0., ate tho two be.It clay• "" the llWllllltt l!<b<dUle of tlla -'""'' .... opoMONd by tlle city of Newport -II. ~ efemontary lldloola. and the N-- port Beoch Elementary llcllo\>la Pafent· Teec?>•• .u-:~. So, ~ you can &n"&D&e td be at the Horace En.sip licboot football _field next Wedn...Say momln&' at 10 o'~lock wben tbe Pot Show tiakeo place -· ae<:<>rdlng to c.llfo"'la you'll wttn... a well orp.nJaed Stat& t..w, Mr. Burdick ta oaklnll diaplay of big and small; tllln and -ta to cooperate tn ·getting fat, abort and tall. p,..Uy ana peta to the Horace Enolcn IChooL funn~~i.tlpllned and unruly Bltln& and snappinl' jl>OU muat be tllor6u • _,.9 by \>"'edl"ll· cagt<). and really vlcioUa antmala otllen by beart. are ruled out tor Mfety re&IOISS. But It will be Q>e unorpniaed Anta and rleu (ID or out of cir· dllplaya that you will ~member, C\18U) won't be welcome. but out· moet llkitly, out of the day'• skle of the'ee Ut.e children are eventa: the doy• that ret'Ule to urged to besfn (f'OOl'lllng their budge from the fapilly car, the· pet.a for the blue ribbon day. cat that chaaca the rat. the toad Calico Cat that suddenly hopa away. Bluo RI- There will be the aerioue mo- menl6 when tall8 a.re measured. coat.a lnaPt"Cted and Judged, · &zea compared, and ttnally the rtbboM brought torth. Mr. William Bur- dick, ln charge ot the aummer playground program and auper· visor of actlvttiea at the Hora« Ensign ac.hool, proml.sea that there wll1 be f"1t· odond, tllltd llnd fourth pla.Ce ribbons tor each event. Newport and Corona del Mar school playgrounds wtt1 be c1oeed Wedneaday ao that children rrom theMe playgrounds n;iay join .tn ttie Pet Show. Because antmala may not be transported on school At the pet &how lut &wnmer, • attended by more than four bun· dred children and adults, the con- tertt for the moet unu.sual pet at- tracted a lot of attenlon, and It la expected to produce special ln- terest... again hla year. Eleven· year-old Patty Parker, whot1e father la well known veterinarian Horace Parker, may appear with some very unU8U&l animaJ, or ahe may bring a usual anlm&l In a comJcaJ 1 get-up. Somebody la wre to bring a pet turtle. 11nd 90m~ body elM a hamater. Who knows, maybe the gingham dog and t.M c&Uco cat will be there. And when lhe Pet Show la over, there'• still Play Day ln August to look forward to. ~Woo- ~ -Mufti , aou- ; OUW:••*"c • Aolt ,.,... N~ MUFrt. LTD. CUSTOM TAI.OU ... ' . -N_,.n 111mL I • I -ID aa.4111111111 I ....... Nartlt af ll&llta AM Coaalr)' ~ ' MAD MOORE'S CASH & CARRY THE 36 HOLE TEE PARTY STARTS TODAY AT SACC . Y AKETY·YU -....... ea,,...1""Jor Plllllip 0. 0.Long, left, a bombing mltlolon laot Ma7 f1vm t11e U. 8. 8. -u, a Upt B~A BLVD. AT !hL ST. NURSE RY N"f:WPORT· BEACH TORENA for shade -banded 10• -ea. 301 Orddd A-, CJorona dol Mar, <lallf. and first Lt. Harold aircraft carrier, whee Ille)'~ Jumped by four Oommwalat Ya..._ Dairb.. 11441 Bldf-r A"""' Paramouat, OaUr. we.re e.cb fi-edlt.N In the bdef ecrap the twe pilots emt all four dowa .. narr.e. near with downln.c t.we dletny Yaks ID tbe Ont prop--1,flK' aU\a.I do'· Cltlaaampo, Nortll Kane.. no. picture wu JuM. rea.-d.,by au· flJht for Mu1ae Cora.In ln t~ Kon!Ui CampaJp. Mrmbcrit of tbortlle9 a.ad both pilot. are now 1fatloned la tbe UaKed. 8tatM MIMULUS -for shade -banded, ea. 15' VER.ENA -pink or red, banded ea. 10• TWINK PETUNIAS -bancled • ea . 10• RUFFLED PETUNIAS.-in cans · • ea • 25' • the fllltW"d ~lie Chf'Ckf"rboard Squadron the two pl.Iota Wflre oe ba\·lnr been ret11'Ded under the Marine eo,,._ rot:aUon ay.tem.. '(Story oa Pase $. Part u, ( U. S. Marine Corp! Photo) One of the large11t tee partle11• __ __:------------------------~--------------------------·I ~~~~~~~ ~r:. ~~,GI BILL DEADLINE Salvation Army ·· Car Insurance Lady Anglers ~.·~1::·~8 :F., ~~:;,Iv!~:;;· 1N TWO WEEKS Needs Your -Help Rates to Zoom Ou.tfish Men? medal play lnvttaUonal lourna-The deadline tor st&rtlng GI Throuhout lhe JArg-e SalvaUon ment. It is planned to make the · Bill training for most World War Army M>Cial servlcc center eerv-event an annual feature. ll veteran• la about two weeks ing thi.s lower Southern Callforrtia • Ott the tee in founomea every away, on July 2!5, Veterans Ad· area approximatr.,,_ 100 person" seven minutea by the clock lbc ministration today reminded vet· can be st>t·n busily "reclaiming" lady club swingers will start ham-erana. all kinds of dincarded turniture, mering the pel~t at 8 :30 a.m. The July 2a date applies to the cloth ing. shoes and other houJM>- A atlff lncre&M In lrulurance rall"ll for Callfornl& auto owners was announcf'd beginning June 25. The National Bureau of Casu- alty Underwrllet"s -a naUonal rale-maklng organlutlon -aakJ private car owners will be charged 23.t per cC'nt more tor property damage liability coverage. ~dy Angle,. again 1howed the men how to flab when a party of 20 went out Monday to the Coro- nado I.ala.nds. It was not a good fishing day, but the women caught lh.rer yellowtail and the men one barracudL Not 90 bad on a per- [~~~:H~I~~ ~nd ~~~~.~~~ ~;G~~~~ I l Yea. tha:t early). Half the field wW itart from vast majority of World War 11 hold articles . Salvag('(I material. vetera..D..I -these dlach&r(ed t.-however, i14 not the main business the flrat tee: the other on the tore July 26, 1947, V-A 11&.Jcl of the utablishmcnt. back nine. Friday, the order will Veterans discharged anerward "Wc'rt" in tho bU3lnC'M of .sal· be reversed. may begin their GI training w1th-vagin.K lives." Brig. Ranson O. Ruth McCullah of Riveria. in tour years from lhe time they Gifrord. center n1a.n&ger. polnL, BOUlhf'rn QL!ifomla women ama-left the aervlce. · out. "\.\'t• 1n the Salvation Anny tl'ur champion, Is among the en-A veteran tctually must be In are reclaiming the broker\ livea ot lrants. Hef"-starting time l.a 10 :~2 training by the cut-off dale .11 he men through a well-dcalgned work a.m., and she11 be in a formkS-wanta to continue his sfudle11, V-A lherapv program, the cftoru the able fourBOme wlth Mrs. Wllllam ' ..; emphulaed. A mere application handicapped men put In on rcpalr-Mlller of Loa Angele.a, MiA Mar-t tiled bet th 1 ... ..ta1. --" g&ret BUifi.ird-of T -----• ~eh or training. ore e eut ing -1Y&gf"".JOA---. .s ... -n to ua. . :.. --& .... • off date, wtll not do. Of sM:ondary but almoat equal and Mrs. Robert Heffernan of V-A, however, con.sideni a vet-lmport..a.nce, of course, Gifford La Jolla. eran lo ?te ln training, evt:n Mlf'I. Prl.' lhC> thOUl&J'l(\s of "4.'rvict"- A former state champion. Mrs. though he hu temporarily inter-ablf' nbjPcts created from lhe pile-& McCUll&h ia the Only woman rupted his course tor reason• be-of d1~arlls brought to the center scratch player in llOllthem Cali-yond h\a control. The summer va-by a fl et·t of twelve truc kll. fomla •Ince Beverly Hanson turn-A cation ls one such rea!IOn. n -"The men come to us alc k, ed. professional. Olher "name" players enrolled other would be the CaM of a vet-honit•h'MS, brokf' and rttscouraged," eran who had once started a Gifrord says. "We send thE'm out are Mra. John Lowe of Lakeside, course and now e&.nnot resume hf'&lthy. cheerful. •e lf-reliant and the former Ruby Kttler of 1l&ge h k 1 It beeau.ee e is b&c on act ve rt'ady for Jobs In com,....•rclal In-and film fame; Mra. Eldon Edes. . .... M military duty. cluatry. We ca.n not do anything cadowlark and Laguna c ham-V-A outlined lhe conditions without h('lp, though," he declar-plon, and Mrs. Ray ( Icey) WU- 1 veteran8 mu.at meet ror post-cut-('(!. "\.\'f' must have a alcady flow I ams, a low handicapper. Allogetber 18 different 90Ulh· ott date training: They will b(' nf mRlcruil to •alvagt"." Thou- ern California golf clubs U'e to expected to pursue their training .sanf'ls of housf'holdera halve m&J\y be· rf'preeented in lhe two-day in-. continuously until completion. ex-ltrm," Buch as clothing, shoe•. fur- vltatlonal. cept for conditions which nor-nltut"f', dlllhf's, Atoves, beddlng. Directing the tournament are mally would cause interrupUon bric-a-brac stored In ga.rages or Mrs. T. Weston J&y a.nd Mrs. Eve-for any student. The Y may other storo,i;;e placee which could rett Morris, cha.Lrworhen: Mra. change their education&! objective tM>: utilized by the SalvaUon Army R. C. Boiles a.nd Mrs. John Drury, only while in training, and then In Ila pl"Ogram of IOCL&.I 'rehablll- prfzes; Mra. Ray Couch, refresh-tor rea.aona aaU.stactory: to V-A. tatlon. menU!; Mra . ...M•raha.ll Nledecker, And once lbey complete or dla-Those having .uch !terms are entertainment: Mra. Jack Parke, continue their training' progT&m asked to call H&J'bor 0768 tor an finances a.nd Ml"I. Tom He.ndereon, after the cut-off da1'. they may appointment for one, or our Red publicity . not start another· Sh.ield truck.a to pick It up. istrikes & Sparesr Metropolitan Art July ••th " ~· ... t clay -Exhibit Held in ;:~~~.:~!~r~F.:E~~ L A c·1ty Hall and by the f'nd of the week ahould • • • be over $200. Nice bit of ch&nge Held over by popular demand. to ahool ror. · · the flrat large uhtbttton of tam- Lf'ading in Uie Mixed Doubles oua pa.lntinp from the Metropoll· Mr. and Mh. Arnette, 1216 total ton Mu.eum or Art, N~ York. to to make sure or lbeir &econd· apot be 9ttn on lbe Wnt Cout wtnl Bento and Bento came back laat on vtew June.26 ln the Tower Gal- wttk with a 1201 and a $10 pay lf:ry, Lo. Ancelea City Hall. oft, In 3rd spot Val Toualey and The collectton of 29 muter- Gr-e Forr ~th 1138. pieces of American painUng val- In the m en's doubles Willis ued at $200,000 wu lent to the Fields and Hi Gentoei etUl on top Loe Angeles Department of Mu.. with 1330; M'Cond, Lowell O'Gara ntctp&I Art (M Ile initial sboWing and Ht Gentoa:I. 1311 total; third ln the International Sa.Jon at the spot, Sug Y a.naml and Bruce Vin-recent Home abow. Due to thfl ton. 1278. Umlted encasement at the HomP Jim Villntine. neW m.anq-u of ehow a11d the many request.a that Van'11 1JI1ack bar, placed 4lb In the the exhibit be bekl over, an exten- Vtrglnia Derby held tn Lons eion on the loan wu obtatned lhJ.e Beach. Jim's total fOI' flvt: samea week from lhe·Metropolttan. JCU&e. WU 1313 With hcdp. PLectns 4th um of Art. among Southern C&llfoc:nJa ~Jead. ~ collection. one of the m09l ing bowlers. Nice IObta: J~. dilltlnpillhed of it.a kind contahui The wide diversity of Calltor- nla's agricultural product.a w111 be dli!played l.n the eUtblta or morf:: than ~ cowttlea: at the Calltornia Stale Fair-, Aug. ~ lhru Sept. 8. SpeedboalS will race again over the huhe aquauc COUrM during thl" C11.lifomla St&te Fair, Aue. 80 through 6epL 9. Wedneoda>'; .6 :4~. Mixed Foura llUCh famoua wwko u William League ba ... a red bot eon tut So-Cbue'• "Portal( ot WbiaU..." Ing r ... nrat place. In Ulelr c:Joolns Whlltlef'• "'Pottalt of the Go~ two weeka. ~unt.era Ou HOIUM tn Girl" and WinaloW Homtt'a • flrat place wtlll a two game leedt ••Ma.J..ne Oout." 18 wtna. WhUe four te&ma flchl· A..riterica"• --. pop11'•• art.lat Ing for oecond place Wtth H wlna <Jniit Wood lo ftpr._IMI 11y blta oare the Slcyllgllt.eno. 'lile ru.ir ,._ -~ Ride of PaW B'L Wbo'o ·Up and tile Clletry ·-.e, • -the fcninoot .llgure Ptcktno. Inf~ tllll 'lo ot.111 ...,. p.lntw n.....u ""lrf• lo -WT• win sl-all --an _.., b1 llliO mutorplece "811r- l'WIJ\JJig uneamfortably cloae--. aom .. er Ana" and tile - yk th. HWllfta Quo-T....,. lond palnt:or of cblldreD, -r I Tumc1a7 nlall.ta ,....... ~ C-tt le NIK II I ltted ..,. a • ...,... 8:45 liq>. l>M 'Newport n.ldns tnJt ar a T-a1rt.• • J1Mt wtUa ID wtfl9 ln tint pie.ct. 'be -t.'Ht Wiil er ..... hi tM""" Wllllo F.leJde llrl'! w•b1htod A Toww ~ -&..-iltll, qew -tor spilt. In Ullu l&lo-'..,.. _.,.._.._ --'tpr!nt~--~-. -. .· ·--------We -'"¥!.:%' ... Sr S lcr ft II I All .. I • I atr la - 1111, --Golla ....... ,... ... lllPI IS T .. ,_ I • I ALL St.'T -Joanne W•U. and Marlene Andenon poi&e wtlh iu.c He.M(. one of four .. high •eloclt7" oetrkhm to perlonn In unlla11&J and thrtJllnC" o st r I c b race. Ml:heduled daily for 186 l Oran.Ke county F&lr, Al.lK. J~l9, at fa.Ir ~nd.s loca~ on former Sant.a Ana Anny Air Bue.. EMPIA'lY1'1E~T GAINS T otal civll!an employmrnt ad· vanc<'d in May, the Department of EmploymC'nt rrporll!:, conllnulng the cxpan11lon Mgun in April. Seaaonal rl•e In agrlcultural em - ployment contributed the major portion of the gain in ~otal em~ ployment which made the May levt.'\ of employment exceed that of any p~v1oUA )>lay by a con- •lderab1e margin. Unemployment -on a decllnc since F e bruary -dropl?f'd to an estimated 174,000 ln May. Thia number wa. 22.000 fewer than In April. aftd 151,000 below l.be le<vel Of May, 19:;-0. THE BLOOOMOBtU; U N IT wtll be at the ~rteaa Leston HalL 13th aad &y sto. Newport 8ekh on luly 11th. J to '7 p. ta. Cornmercial car _ rate11 remain unchanged C'XCf>pt for one cla.uiri- catlon. Rates we re hiked $2.:-,0 to $8.~ per :r ear -depending on lhe locality of operation-for e lectrl- cla.na. plumber•. painters, carpen- ters and ''elmila.r risks." The bureau blamed intl&Uon Which It declared "ls now beln.g ~ aJarmlncly. in the auto- mobile llabllll;y loss aU over the country." Tht' lasl general change in Cali- fornia auto iruru.rance rates was a dccreue in May, 1949. The bureau said the young driv- er remained the prime problem with driver& under 25 re•rpon- siblf' for onf'-fourlb of tfe nation's aut.o acc!denlf, HORSELESS CARRIAGE Gov. Earl Warren hu 11\gned In· lo law a blll providing for Wuance or special ''HofseleM Curiage"· license plate.a tor motor vehicles J:> year• or more old. The b!ll lllnlte wie of the ve- hicles on tbe highways prlmarlty to hlatorlcal e"hlbJtlon or similar pUf1>08e*. Under the bill. honteleu carri- age owntta wouJd be required tO pay a fee for the plat.ea, preecrtbed by the Department of Motor Ve- hlcdles. tn addition to regular reg- latratlon fees. CALIFOR1'"1A SOCll!:TY Callfomla State Society will have their regular annual picnic In Bixby Park Jbly 11>. Food con- cealoOll on the ground&. Band concert will be at l p.m., . . program reaturlng ''Mir&ndl" or Band In I Company, "Compton CuUn" maaque.radln.g u women.. alao • Marian Darllngtor;i &11.d Don PratL f OPEN SUNDAYS c~ntage buis however, there be-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing a ra.Uo ot three women to one man. Thelma Bradford had "high score" with 12 pounds, 10 ounces: Stell Marahall was second wtth 11 pound•. 8 ouncu and a amaller one wu caug~.t by Clara Keelfr. AnoUier groUp went out on the Sarda Barda with Nancy Weal taking lhe Jackpot wtth a plWI 10 pound yellowtall Off Dana Point~ One whlt.e ~ _baa wu oe11pt and ovor S8 barracuda. The Solano went out Tue9day wllh Mary Belle Tobiu laking the J . P. with 24 fish. On Wedne8day Lily Call or Bal- boa look the club'a flrat albacore 15 n1ile11 off the ea.at end of Cata- lina Island. Thi• 12 pounder (plus 8 ounte•) will bring the club a trophy. Calaba.saa, localed In Los An· gt'le11 county, Us reported by the Nallonal Automobile club to have been named for the calabasaa, Spanish for "gourd.a," that gTew there so abundanUy in the early days. ' T he Newport-Balboa Press News-Times Nevrport Bay .Post-·and Shopping News * Orange County's Greatest Advertising Buy ' ~ •. We Need Used Canl • • f WE WILL MAKE THOSE TELEVISION BOYS ON FIGUEROA STREET LOOK LIKE PIKERS ON NEW CAR T.RADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON. YOUR CAR. •• IBAVEB . DODGE •• • -. 1680 NEWP~T -BLVD .. COSTA -M~~ ·• ~M J_ • : ' . r ·n1s 1s --.·.1~!, , I . wHY•~"~Hr ~!WH .. -'YOU ~CAN ~I , • .... ·-AT HOMI -•T· A SA~? ... > ~ ( .. . , I • • • • 1 I I' ' ' An Autograph Party Saturday, I to 4 p. m. ·to introduce Stewart Robertson • ·Stewart Robertson ~uthor, illustrator, yachtsman-whose tales and . illustrations have appeared in "Seo," "Yachting" and "R dd " . · u er. You are invited to come and meet this famous author, ~ho will sign copies of his book, "Short Splices," a collection of salty yarns. BUNSTER CHEELY BOOKSHOP • Martin & Yon Hemert's CHINTZ SHOP At 99a So. Couat Hool.Ward, J..aguna Bea.eh·· offers a . SALE embracing every fabric in our TREMENDOUS STOCK DIRECT FROM THE MILL! $ome Values Up to $4.00 at ~~'yd. Other splendid reductions. I 0°/0 -50"/0 Off Also in furniture. Stop in and realize that here ill Laguna our Selections and values ARE NOT EQUALLED IN LOS ANGELES OR ELSEWHERE! ~~~ w ..... ,...,.., n•ei' 10.,.,: : SMinleu sfffl coni,is '"''°'* ~ i....y ...,.,._. ... -"' ~===· ~~·~~' • .. • I !Dinner Meeting I of Stagettes Club I Ma" F~lkt"'r op(~nt"d her C08t.a , MP&t h<Knt"' cec<'ntly tn the Stacc·t- t..,a club Wht•n a chlck('n dinner bco- ~n the hospltallty. Pr1•sldent fff'(("n Clark h:id l'hftr~P O( lbf' bUl!llnt-... lnt('rim. Janlct~ ChandlPr l <'ndf'red hf'r ri-itlpatlon at'I tr1·0.!'l- Urtt and Clara BadaJ{e "-'U namf'd to nu th(' o!r1('e. Tht> door prlP.f' • v.·o.l'I \\'On bv Loui1tit• Cret'n. F'ra.nrr~ CarM>n ~f Co8"ta )fMMt. daui-htrr or th" ho"1- I l t'M, \VB.! a g\.lt"l!lt. )f<'n1b,~rti1 en- JoyiuJ{ lh<" affair Inc luded Afnu·1' Matk-1 S1nlth, Hf'lf'n Clark. Lo111~1· Gt'H'n, Or-ace Kiln<', C larn Badag.:-. Mars:,. Brockrtt, Co~ta ~t~ ~a 0.~y Sullivan and Emnla P nu part, Nf'wporl Beach ; Janie:·,· Chu.ndlt•r , Anah<'lrn. Birthday Fe.te for Father and Son AILho\igh aeparaLed by a g.p or , !K>mt' few year1 the birthdays of Rlchah.I Jones and 90n \Vayne. ~ occur on the 158.me date. nae,. 1 "4hArc<I honor1 8t a tt«nt ce.k-- bratlon arranged by Mn. Jonu ln U\e Coela Mesa Park where a '!icnic waa enjoyed, On hand w~rt l Mr. and Mn. Burt C. Grow and d au I ttt er VlckL Kr. and Mn!. Wlldi.m Peanon &Ad <:.hlktren Wade. Steven and G'&le : and Ch.r1c Jonrs, tourth mrm~r or the local ~,,. Wbo re1Jdo •l 312 Ne\V• port Bl¥d. I Chicago Folk Enjoy Visit Her~ When 111'.r. and Mn. Paul Pooo--· ua and daucb~r Bette Joan and Charle& P'unrt or Cl!JcalO lA!mll· 1 nated a Costa M<jl& .,Joun> re-_,lb' UleJ took .with them· ~ llC'ltftll -In O( pio&tU?'ff ar-1 -...i , ... -by w:r, 'and Kn. -~ ol ITS '/I. lSUI SL 1 111'.otor trtpo to poblta ot Int_.., .... piano~ for tlle tntut&Jn. -ot \lot """'1 'City -ta. Ill'..,._ P-.ra b ~r of Mn. -&Jld Jolr, P'orrall la ,the loeal I lll&l.ron. •• ..._ • ....__' ~--· • ~ S1JNDAY rAJrn "' 0.... --""' )(-_., -Jo Au N-Paul n; t•'*·rdara...udn.r t. I -11 ... catlldiae - ..._, m °"""' -at.. "" ., .. a I£ I ., I •• ,, I • J • • ' . • .... -. Epio<Dpal -· ... -. --·-. l'.9: ~ ,... tllo ........... of. ~ ooratlJ,Y' S.-Wato-lo John 4Jlea WliJa.oe 'U.. ttMRIX'Y .... r...s bJ" the &v. Willi.tr. ·-Curftr.. • . IOI. W~ la da ..... ter Ol Joctr ud.il .... Harry Clay: w ..... .,....,01M.,_......aac1°""'"" dOJ Kar; \oliO. ---at ..... >option folloWlnr Ille -..,. , st I.bow 8an • .Malt no . l>Olne, -2100 lll'.ORlet9Ji r<*L ....... -i.IJ\. lo~:il~ ...,... In ew ':>l'IMN •nd tile ty ol • • • Klatellppl. .,.,. 'Tl-obe1~.-ll -Of 111'.NL lletcy LwclQiC w.u-. 8an 'Fren· dk'O. Hla fatber WU lbe late l>eoll~ A 1181 Willia~. Tbe ;roung hu•band iotudled at COll•lfe ot u,. Plldflc and Ualvenity ol . Orel'>•· ' After a 1'ofteynW>On u.t Lake ·,rroWbea~ the oouplo will be nt home at 1900 · lkoch St.., San Fl-a.Act.co. • I -.... -Rela~ation: •Mass.age •Reducing· . . .·· F~QIA·us . ' . . . . 13 Yeam Experiende-~xc:elle~t Y/ork By ·M~ CJ{tut.. Qf "~everly Hiiis _· NEWLY DECOMTEP SALON . ' ' BESl':BYi£' TOUB . . TIMEI • I • B~lboa 1 ln.n A·rcade ., . Phone Harbor 203 ..,. . .. • ·· ·or · arbor 817 Harbor )Headquarters I • SWIM WEAR • PLAYTOGS · •·1 DRESSES'. . * . su11s · • ·Tihe Childrens S~op • EVERYT~G ~~ • IN BOYS and GffiLS • APPAREL iit.'I Coast Blvd. Corona de! Mar ---- YOU CAN DO BETIER· AT ' D • . an,ger FURNITURE CO. · • We Buy and Sell New .snd Used Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., Co~ ~sa Be ._ 5656 . .. . - Clearance and . " • ~ . NIGHTS ~ARB~RS aoptERY ~ewport iAvtt. Costa Mesa . . l 1795 HOME SOLD...:... One_ of the Newer Balboa (Peni.,,ula) Bay ·fro~ H,111es ,, 11 ·ROOMS OF FURNITURE TO BE S~CRIFICEO! • ' • I , . . I .·... . 6 Rooms o~ Bedroom Furniture, both Period and Modern-AJs-o $un ~09m, Utjlity Ro,om · .. Snaclc, 1er and. Kitche_~~ Also ~each FurnihJre l . .. ... -~ P91CBD. 'I'~ SILL QP!CB • • 7 .5 % L~~~~ LIB~ DW ·:-<::<~. • ' • ." IACH AITIC•E HAS ~ SACRIACE PRICE TAG . -. ' •o.b~ C••• -tll9 P£1in .. • e. 12I1• ,, .. ,,.d t ... d J111r. w. ..... ~ .......................... "' ..... ,. ' ' ,• • • ' •• \ ' • • ' • . Ntm.a nf 1.4; (tt-~urit.t.a Christian ,s~e~' , , . . ,,. '' . Sunday Toplc: God . ' Rev. Dwight Kinman Balboa Island End~ Pastc;>rate . Methodist Church of Bible Church S~ay subj~ Of Dr. Hany Rev. Dwight Kinman has ~d~ his pastorate at the Central Bible church of Costa MeM atter five years of ,&ervitt. Rev. Klnman'a WbJte. 1~ng at 11 o•c.tock at Balboa ht1111d Community Metbo- dhi:l chu.rcb, I• "'8lrffky People." There wm -.111o be epecla1 muatc. new usignment wu not dlacloeed. l d f M C I S.fore 888Umlng new ministerial . a y 0 t. arme dutleo, the pastor and his wife '1441 B lb A phln to take ao extended vacation a oa ve. S1mday, f :30: !f, '10 and 11 :30. trip. M~beni of the congrega- tion held & farewell event for Rev and Mrl!I. ·Kinman. before lhet~ departure. St. Andrew's Sun. Ser(ice Changed W eek da.)'3°, 8 a.m. Confea.siona, Saturday, 4 to 5:30. 7:30 to 8 :30. Sunday, belore each ma.at!. BaJboe. J Island, Sunday, 8 and IO. ~Satur­ ~day, 8 a.m . Confessions, same aa I above. R.adlo Prosrams Hour of Sunday servtces 11.t St. I Daily, except Sunday. Rosary Andr'ew'a Prest)yterian c hurch has house, KFWB 1980) 7 :30 p.n1 . F or ~undays been changed rrom 9 :30 a .ni. to peace. 10 a .m. fQT both church and H oly Mass, 9:06 a .m.. KLAC (570) 11 a.m. Catholic H our. KFI 16401 6 :4~ p.m. KGFJ (710) H our of St. Francis Clidlngs 4 others. church M:.b.ooL• following d~ialon at the. congregational meeting la.st Sunday. It was also decided that primary a.nd junior depart- ments of the school will !lee a mo- tion picture <"ac h Sunday through- out the · s ummer . , Tt'xt or Dr. Middlemass for thla coming Sunday w ill be "\Vhen W onder &comes Worship." Tht' Rev. Thomas M . Gibson , r aJl('(I to active service v.•ith the Navy, ha.s 1·equeslcd that his pas- toral relationship be dissolvt:'d as he ft'ei.q the nrw cht1rch whic h he eatabli.sht'd he rt" needs the leader- ship or an in.stalled pulor. Adventists to Hear D. C. Delegate t<,> Loma Linda Confab Elder v.·arrc n Vi'ittenbcrg. who .several year~ ago was t he Home Missionary SC'crclary of South- eastC'm Confrrl"ncc. will be guest sp('akf'r during morning worship hour this Saturday at t he Seventh Day Adv('ntist church. ·Elder Wittenberg Ls now con- nected with the .American Temp- erance Society in WMhington, D. C. At pr<'!K'n t he is serving u delc~te to the annual session of Institute or Scientific Studies for the Prevention of Alcoholism. This se~ion is being conducted at l..oma Linda, California from July 9 lh to the 20th a.nd will include a Forun1 'on "The R esponsibility of the Church in a National Pro- gram of Prevent ion." Sermon by Pastor of Christ Church Wins National Note A S<'rmon and sermon t ext pr e- sented e t Christ Church by the Sea this past spring are listed by Pulpit, a national P rotestant preachers magazine. in their cur- rent issue as one of the nine most effective of the month. The topic anfl tf"xt were "Does R ighteou.s- ness Pay?" "Thou h~t duped me. 0 Lord, and 1 let myself be duped. Thou ha.'I ~("n too strong for me, anrt hast prevailed_ 1 have be- come a laughing-stock all day long. Ev('ryone mocks me." .. H arps Hung l}p in Babylon" ha5 bt-en announced as the sermon subject for the coming ·sunday at Christ Church by the Sea. Music by the Sanctuary Choir wtll in- c lude "Hark, Hark My Soul" by Shelley. Soprano M>loa will be by Mrs. WtlUii Fit'lds and Mrs. Dela· van Freitag. Mesa Methodists Honor Departing Pastor.and Family More than 200 members of the CMta Mes.e. Community Methodi3t church and thf>lr families nttend- ed a farewell dinner honorin~ Rev. and Mrs. Jost>ph H. Thompson. Rf>v. Thompson. wbo has served the local church as pa.ator for th<- p1U!l rour succeMful years. has becn transt~red to FirAt Church, Brawley. Rev. Charles Hand. MSOCiate pastor, acted u toastma."ter. Mrs. J . Malcolm Reid read an original poem as ahe presented a pur&e. on behalf of th" congrf>ga· tlon . to the popular pastor. M rft. Thompson. who has been in charge or the intermediates of thr MYF, recelvt>d an orchid corsagP from that youth g;roup. Paying tribute to the Thompaonl'I ""·u a number by the choir, the verse composed by Roger Axworthy, choir lell'de r, to a famillar eong. Speakers included GUbert Seal, on bt>half o f the buildinb project; Raymond K . Eastman. Sunday school: Joe Jone.I', F\shermen':s club ; Mrs. H . B. McMurtry, Women'11 Society of Chri8tlan Ser- vice: Elton Barne-tt. Sunergou~ g roup. an'd Millicent Chamberlain, intermediates. Mrs. Everett ~a was general program chairman. ---- 1st Baptist Church of Costa Mesa On Sunday at First Bapti.!lt chu rch of Costa M E'&a. Rev. P. G. Neumann will occupy the pulpit at the 11 o'clock and 7 :30 worship services. Sunday sch ool will convene at 9:45 a . m . and a nursery is pro- vided. A t 6::30 p. m. lhe Baptist Training Union for seven groups will mee t. Thursday evening at 7:30 R\'V. Neumann will conduct the prayl"t , praise and Bible 11tudy. Friday evening al 6 :30 in the Costa Mesa Park, the Young Adult Bible clllS8 is lnvitt•d t o a Pot Luck dinnt>r. Thit1 Ls open to the famlUes of membera; of the class. A social hour will. follow witti gam('A. At La.ke Hum.,. A large g roup from th,. t.!e!la church lii expected to attend the L&ke Hume Conference from July 28th to August 4th. Rf'v. Neu- mann. together with o lher promi- nent j('adere will be the apeaJcera. Young -folka In the Harbor areR who would like to attend this con-' ference are uked to contact Bruce J ohnston, Bearon 669:5 -J and reglster. THE BLOODMOBILE U N IT wtl1 Mo at the Amf'rican IA~on Hall, 115tb and Bay Sta., Newport &acb on .luly 19th. 3 to 7 p. m. We need used can. See display ad. Shaver Motors, Co:!lta Mesa . Tl\<t 8un&oy Blblol i..-Oil "God" la all CllrlJltlon• Science • I cb"rcba •mp!IU-tl>&t He lo .NP~ and eYtt at h&&d to •n and to heal. The Qotdeft Tut ttom J Bun.i ue.1 (2:2) ..-rte: ""nlere q nonf' holy u the Lord: ror there la none btlftde thee: neither le there any rock Uke our Oocl. .. • tn a Blblfl leuon penace rrom I Klnp !8:67. 118. llO ) Solomon decl-•: "The Lon! O\lr acid bo with WI. a.a he wu w1lb our fa. then: Mt him leave ~ nor for· sakP ua. And let °'""' my worda. be nlg-hl unto t.-ie Lord our GOO and n.tght. ,That alJ the people or the earth may know that the Lord bl Cod. and that there b none el»e." "We are prone to. bellere elthe·r In more t.ban one 11up~me ruler or in some power lea tha.n God," writea Mary Baker Eddy In "Scl- Pnce and Hlcalh wtlh Key to the Scriptures." Apln she aay11. ''The God-principle ta omnlpruent a.nd omnlPQtent. Cod Is everywhere, and nothing apart rrom Hirn ta pre8enl or h~ power." New Membe~s in Methodist Fold New members recently joining the Costa Mesa Con1m untty ltteth .. odiat \church were Mn. Dorothy Dallu and son Terry, 428 OIJ County Road: Mrs. Robert Ogrten and daughter J o Anne, 133 West Wilson St.; ~alha Welchel, 2~3 Santa Ana Avt'.; Marjorie Grable and Dean Grable, Cabrillo Ave.; BUly Hart, 1912 Church St.; Bev- erly Beebe, 328 F1owe r St.; Eve· lyn Taylor. 2257 Pacific Ave.: Mr:o1. Frank Stark. 311 Carnation Ave., Corona dPI Mar: Robert Sankey, 19 16 Harbor Blvd. Ice Cream Social Set for Friday Top~ on the co~ing t'Vt'nt cn.1- r n•la.r at lh(' Costa Mcu. Comm~ nity Me lhodlJlt churc h ts '" lcf' t'rC'&m !'Oelal Fl'lday. July 13, to take place In the nrw iKM:laJ hall between 7 :30 a.nd 9 :30 p. m . Spon- sort'd by the lntermt'dlates.. plans p<"rfec tf'd for the felt> indicate tun for all. Ice cream and cake (nom- inally prlct>d at 25 c('nla) will pro- vidt• rt>fre11 hment for young and old. Proc~ rrom the benefit will ht' rlcvotE'd to lht' Intermediates' camp t\lnd. Mesa Methodist Sermon Topic "Yours la the Choice" w \U be th" 11ermon topic of Re v. JOMph W , Mcshan,., paRtor or thf' Coela Ml"8& Community M et h od i At ehurl'h, tot th(' Sunday n1ornln;: worl'lhlp M"rvlct• at 1o :r'6 o'C'lock. The Su.nday school hour ta 9 :45' a. m. Th(' Hli:;h School Youth t"e llow· 8.hip will rtavp charge or devolions at the evening worship whic.h stnrts at 6 :30 o'c.lock. Al 7 p. m. tht-y01.1th groupl! mttt in thE'lr dr· partmental roomt1 tor Aludy and diacu-ion. . . . ' ·A new featurc"or·it\to' irumnit"r- t!mr chu r~h program 1.8 the Bible Study Hour for high achoo! and coll ege •ge grouP8 on T hur&ilay f'vf'nlngs at 7:30 with Rev. Mc- Sha.ne as ln5tn.1ctor, VlSIT S. D. ZOO Mr. and Mrs. Neal Corson ILlld chlldren. Thelma. U!roy a n d Charlcll of F1ower St .. Coeta Meu.. had a lot or tun Wednc-&dft.y view- ing the zoo at San Diego. FUU!T CHURCH OF <Jll&JllT, SCUlNTIST A ilw•M;"' •' n.. ......_., Cl1111rch n.. Slttt Cl'!urclil e-f Oitltt. kl•llfflt, I• .O......, M•U9Cl'luwtt .. saos VIII Udo, Newport - Mr1d•, kt.o.1 __ -·-~-• ts •· "'· S.•dlt• 5.,.....c• _ _..:. 11 *-a. 111'1. WedPl•ld•• E-..i-. -•~"9 -l:tO D-M. l ... dl, ·-lowt.d et 111 P9'fl' StrMtJ l•I"'-. • • ...,... d.U, ,,_ 11 .... t. ' •· "'-•u.•rtt StHtd•n •M lliolld"" ... t'-alty ..... ,....,. ~ #llbllc It cotdl•ltr l•'tlfff .. ett... •ti. d11wcll .vricfl •JllCi .. tM ....,,1 .. ...... ST. JAMES CHURCH ' Cinnamon ROW 39"- ltog. 41cdu.) 89"- OOlrl'A M"8A • i1* .l!l••l'Vtt - OOllONA DEi. KAIS ... Ceu\ RIPW10' tLAOllNA llEACJH • !M6 F-.4..-e • 1 , ' . . .BALBOA DL4ND • ... _ ... _ ' • EPISCOPAL (AT TIU: ENTRANCE"l'O LIDO ISLE) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. ~ 10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THUllSDAYS , HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. \. • I .....:.-d.-~ ) Cost~ ~e~ W.SC.S · in LuncHeorr M'et ~ . I . .. ·t t. v .. sm • • • t • F,OR RENT . ~ T·DAY HINIMUJI • I TIDE T. v. 8011 ll•EWPORT .RLVD. Newport. Beaeh llAJIBOR :11111 Finl lwldl-to bo lie¥ In the new IrellohlJ!p ~ .Qf ~ Coeta Meaa Commun It y ~et.bodl.t cburcb took p~ at the genual WSCS m..tlng' ..;....uy. 'Mem· bda of the execull-t boUd acted . aa hoeteuea. DevoUona ,,ere led by Mrs. Florence H~n. Kra. Viola Beckett p~ted an ~n· spil'&tlon&I mt.sstooary Jne..ai;e. The bu&inesa aeaion was conduct· ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @d by Mta:. Clara McMurtry. J; prealdenL l\fA'ITRES~ES ,. Two one-act plays. ·~ World God Loves" and "Givers or Truth" Boat&-Oomes-Tralle.n - proVided program -}nterest under 1 lrreetilar Sbapet. the direction of MarJorte Barnett. BE..1'.COS 5061 Members ta.king part lnci\Jded Cost:a Bleea Atattre. Co. J11.ne Reid, Dor Is LUckhardt. I 21GO NC\"P"rt Blvd. Frances Timberlake, Jcny Dayb ·_,,,,,.,,,.,,;;;;;;;;=======aa: and Helen Brown. The program 1 · wu arranged by Mrs. Regna Rea. Keo Fi.sher played piano numbers. Fine British Cars MORR•s M. 0 • A\\1ARO for Loya.I 8wWleu ~iatloa 14 p18ented to Joe Ntckerti: (left) by \t. R. l>o~'n.le, dlstrlet managrr, Paclflc 01,·ls!on of the Studebaker Oorporatlon. Nickertz started wtth the Stuctt>bekf'T C.•rporatloo is yt::arw aio In Los A D&'t•les and bars ~n a dealer tor r1,·e YftM'11i ln l'\ew:. :::)~h.. J oe ll\'M at !OI Via Or\•lrta., Udo ble "'IUI hla lo\-ely \Vile and three children. (maybe four . (Press Photo) • We need uAed cars. See d\splay ad. Shaver Motors, Costa Mesa. We need used cars. Sc~ dU!:play ad. Shaver Motors. Costa Mesa. RILE:Y on dJsplay .. t SCHUYLER M(Y,l'ORS 1009 So. Coast Blvd. Laguna 4-6495 . • • 16-K . 11111 ·w111 1111• t•IUEll Cranberry Sauce <•• <>c.on 5'wcv. sfro1Ntd °' .,...f,ole. Unde Ben's Rice ...... .... long Groin, COl"l-ttt'<f. 19" Com Bread Mix •·•· 21., .... Cinch bfond. Eoiy to make. •LMJICE. CREAM- Porty Pride, CATERING grade. Vanilla, Strawberry. ~~ ...... . . . . • • l '. ' . ~ 1· . ~,=· •· ~~ ... Chocol ate, or l..tmon Cuttard. .!!:.. 24c (2 pints 47c) tllt6 T•UE NI.Ill .Freslt Bfeld -:::f 1~ '='JO" "Mri. Wi~!'°t.,''lk"'8· ...mit•"" ~Ok • ' Sandwidl Spread Le:" =:-39" 18-01:. lar, 2.)c; QUOrt jar. 66c.I Mlrgarine s..~r.::;~ •. 35• Soda Cra..a.ers eu.., • ·•· 28• \a Boker .... In "MrYing .ice" pock, 17-oz. i*g.,, 16cl Cllewint 61111 M:h :rn" ,,. Certo fruit Pedl1 .::.:· i2• ...--MAYONNAISE-· • Nu Mede brand. flavor whipped. '•;' 37c (quart jar 69c) (half.pint 27c) ftiial ROOll> UP Of 6000 RUDIN& IN THE BIG JUI. Y ISSUE Of 'AMJ!!;.z<!~ ~ \ Treat your family to a sumptuous meal of golden brown fried chicken. Served hot at dinner or cold for a picnic lunch, fried chicken is a taste tempt· ing.d~liciou• delight. You can have fried chicken ofteql at Safeway's money-saving low prices. MdOR HOUSE BRAND flavor-perf~cl ch ic k~n­ Gov'l Grade A, Eviscer· stcd, cut-up, pan ready. . ' SPECIAL LOW PRICE! lb. .C CHICKEN PARTS Selcd your fovoti1e today n;,~s lb. 1.19 Legs · lb. 1.19 Wi119s 11'. S9c Breasu lb. 1.27 locks ..:'-. 111. llc liYtn '~:~· •1c Heam Ill. SSc Giuards lb. SSc II.ICE• l•tO/f Swift's Premium ..... 63., ...... ShouldM. Blacio Cut. BOAST BOD.DIG BDF COBJlt.u BEEF B•:t:r U. S. CHOICE and GOOD beef Plate M-Cul. U.S. CHOICE cmd GOOD beef ---llrlaket. Miid Care. s.r.. Hol0<Cold. lb.69° lb.35° lb.&9° GBOUD Rath Black Hawk ~.:;•· 33., Cudahy Puritan ~•'!: 57., BEEl'FreoblTMado.Packed 65. 0 ID VWdnq ea.me;, lb. BEEF LIVER s.i.ct.cl -beef. wllll .... u.. rtqhl CllllOUlll ol lat to lllGke lulMlaYond palllM or meat 1oczy.._ • SLICED. E•ttllenl ~ned "'ith bacon or with onions. lb. 79c SPIBt.•ms Sll!ll 111 THtSl Sl'lClllL LOW PRICES! ,. i , . .:\'w can '1"\•niie~'I'~ .i~.~ pricJi\,a.:Veir ilJjl,i . ~ :l r section al y'our nearby s!iew•Y· Just look atlthex "•1uet! I . . - BDJ.S COFFEE. ~hc:..su.d SDGU fln~~ t!~ 45° GBATED 1"0111 FllltY 'tURA ISPWGUS GOLDER COD POD &·BEDS Hll>lft~ Vacuum Padr: In tom<ito ........ (30-os. can. 19cl Von Camp·• Grade A. Finl QuaHly. Querten . 1-i.. - lo-Ill. ... ..... - 7 .. L - IHL - - ' '" . . -~ . _J ' l 7. lb.39° t!,~;!~2~!.~!~ c,'.( I pudding._ p,lus );~.non ot Obcb4nt1t 1. Cr.am Pte Fillings, 'aJJ ·p·ricCd low! .; 2 ..... 15° • '-'OR DRIN Coot oft these hot summer days with Cragmont beverages. Your choice of Root Beer, Strawberry Soda., Cream Soda,. ,Orange Soda. Sno 'Cola, Merry Mix or Ginger Ale. Priced low. 2:w; 29°. .,_lfl O.lftO H Nltfes. . Pepsi Cola YoQR NP...U . SARWAY. STOil 110UIS • • • • • • • • , ' . -·PART If-THURSOAY,JllLY 12, 195 1 Spectacular Festival of the Arts Opens July 21 at Laguna ~ach • One ot the moat beaulltul and unique ·event.a lit. the oountry, the annual Festival ot Arta. operia lta t t tb 1euon · on ~Saturday, Jtlly 21 a.ftd through 18 afternoons and evenlnp: pruent.a an exttava- pna of palotlnr. photocraphy, ffl'&mleo, aeulptu1" and ou-art.t, CtllmlnaUn&' each ev@.ning In the famoua ~t or the Mast.era. New this year l!I the-nattonal art exhfblt with p&lnUnp from M of the country's foremo!ll artists who are competing tor a tola.J of $3000 In awanb1. The perfected "living pictures" -"R Mt aplnst a background of ra.ro n1usical beauty which IncJ1wle11 lhe Julian Brodetsky En· Mmble, the Festival choir. an•l El Toro Marin• Corps band. For reservations phone Lagunll 4·J147. PROORA.1\f -A 3uly !I • u. !1 ·SD. Aur. I • 5 PROLOGUE ' Splrit of '18 and Rat.la&' of t~ ~ oa. lwo .llrna 1. Blue Boy ..... _ . . ..... . .................................. Thon1a.a Galnaborourh 2., Muaic Boa: ·············-·············-········-···· .. ·····-·············-·---WUllam Hogarth 3. Plumlle~ in a I...ady's Bondoi~ ....................... 'Worman Ro<-kw<"ll 4. P«r.!M!n~ j Seu I pt ure I ....... -·-·-······················· ............. Benvent1to Celli11 I ~-ThP Dortor ...... . ............................................ Sir Ulk«.> Fllde!I 6. The Angel11!' .............................. Jean Frnncois Millet 7. Sa.cred and Profa n~ L<>ve .................. ~ ................................... Titian 8. African Sentinel . . ..................................................... Elihu Vedder 9. Chlne1'e Ivorie~ .. . . .. . ............... ... Ch'len Lung Perl<><I 1n. Lactie$1 or the F.vening .............................................. Robert Phl~lip 11 . Venus de Miio 1&11lpt11re) .................................. Gree'k, 400 B. C. 12. Lw:ly nt a Splnot -······· .............................................. Jan Vermeer 13. Rest on the Fllght to Eg-;•pt ·······--··--·························-Gerard Daviil 14. The Swing ................................................... Jt-an HonOre Fragonard 16. Madame Sul'gia ........................................................ Augllstus John 16. Dcmp!'l'.y-Flrpo . -······ ................................................. George Bellow~ J7. The Humble Onr ...................................... William Crant Sherry • • • ' • ••••• ro ·•o . -b l {.1~h/~/1r-~· .... -.. .-r-• •, w~'"~.. '"~ .. . 'i''•·'' j,.,,.1 .... , .. . . . _, .... ·RO~DWAY -Nf 60• ,: . t:::.:: NOW WDlll ''Two of a l(Jncl" EUZABJ:T" a00rr a tci>lllOND O'll&JICN FRIDAY, Y Jllh • ::~e o~':.~w~! ~ ~·~ "F~lher tak'ts-tM Air" RAYMOND WALBURN . . . WF.DNF.!'IDAY, .ruLY IBlh "Comil'.ICJ Round1 the Mountain" ABRO'M' and1 C08TEJ..LO -t ·~i.omc.Alb~" BARllARA. HALI'!, RICHARD QllJ:r.NE 18. lnatn&ctlona to a Patrol. ............................................ .Donald Dick!Kln •!ll"•i·'!'! • 19 , Forey~ PWnting and Borevor Yolmr -(ScuJpture) .... Al)an Clark m • I IN .<'< 20. T hf' Last Supper .. .. ............... ,... ........... Leonardo dR Vlilrl • Fi: PROGRAM ll -,luly !I. !5. !8. SI, Ancu•• s ··~ tJ'•h rnor.oot'F. Poo .. OjHon I 'ilt,ow II-l Clo~ -/ n-~: i.:,~k~:ci 8i~ i~~;;1; ;;~~1~~ s;;d~;;;·· . 8.1~r~~;n:,:"';";;.:=: ,,,a '~S/~·:~5owl &lfO!VINl:OAol~~:.. c. UllO 3. Mercury -<Sculpturel ........... ·····-············· ... Olovann.t da Bologna efs -r WIU 4. Madonna of the Harple:-i . . ................. ······-----Andna del Sarto .rr.FP (]ff Ll!lt.J EVELYN KEVU ?ii. Back to School ................................. Norman Rockwell _ AIM _ ft. Mndan1e CharpcntiPr nnd Chil<irf"n ........ Pierre Auguste Rtnolr ''A y • I 7. High Valier ......... ··········-·-···················-George Bel1ow• I ouna as y OU Fee ,_, 8. Uberty Leading lhe Prople ..................... EIJ&'"De Delacroix ll:AN PE'IT.Jlil, J>ONALD WAYNl: 9. La Ga votte /Sculpture) . . ... Malvin~ Hofflnan 10. Lo.die~ of the Evening ... .. . ........................ Robert Philipp S ll NDAY, jlULY 11Sth ] I. V f'nllS de Afilo (Sculptur«.>) ············ ....... Greek, 400 B. c . ''Alon91 the G, real Divide'' 12. f.~n1 pre1u1 Euren le Rnil fA<llt>g of Her Court .. F . X. "-'interhaltt>r KlRK DOt•QLAS, !VIRGINIA MAYO 13. The Musie LcM~n .................... Julea-Alexls Muenier , ..__ -A--14 . Battrr Up ............ .. ... .... .James Chapin 1~. Kotchina Doll ............................... Nicolai Fechin ''Dear Brat'' J8. Marcellus a.nJ lhf' Prlneeas .................................. nea.n· Cornwell MOX:\ FRF.F.MA"S", £0\\'ARn ARXOJ.D 17. Grl'aler Love Than Thi:i ·-···-·· ...... Stephen Dauria.a Steerr JR. The Vigil . __ ..... , ................... John Pettie \VF.DXElilDAY. Sl!l~Y 18th JD. Dnncer a.nit Ca7:cll<'!'!'. l S<'ulpture 1 .......................... Paul Ma nship ''Besf of the ladman'' 20. T hf' r.:ts t Suppt>r ... -· ········-······ .......... Leonardo rta Vinc i ROOT. RYAN, CLAIR TRl:\'OR 1~nO<ill !\~I (' -July :is -2-8 -!9, Aup11t 1 -.. -AIM - rRoIA><Hl'f: "Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison" 1. Song of the Lark _ ·······---~ 4. .. . ........................ Jules Brenton STE\"F. CX>CHRAN, DAVID 8 -Rir A.,~ 2. The Thinker ISculpturP I ....... Pierre Auguste Rodin 3. Woman Peeling Apples ................ Pieter de Hooch CHILDREN ~:~:: FREE U~b-~~1;.~!;11 4_ The Gleaners ... . ...... Jean Fn..ncol• Millet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 5. When Did Yon Last See Your Father. William Frederick Yeame1 6. Music Lessoq ... . ... .. . .... t .••• Gabriel Metau 7. The Cardinal's Portrait ..... T oby Roaenthal 8. Our Heritage Norman Rockwell 9. Pair of FiKt1rinc~ tSc11lpt11rtl • 18th Century, French l 0. Ladiei'I of the Evening ........ Robert Philipp 11 . Vcnu.e de Milo I Sculpture I ...... Greek:, 400 B. C. 12. Oh. You're Jt"alo11l'I -·-· ............... Paul G&urutn 13. Too 1.tany. Too CIOHe, Too Long .......... Dorlald Dlcbon 14 . -Siiitine Mtt.donna 15. Thi:! Syndics 16 . \\·ooden Horses l 7. \Vo~an of BamariR 18. Dance at Bougi\'Sl 19. The Fann (8culpturel 20. The Last Supper Ol;T TffE HABIT! We nt'ed Uar nnt 1lnwt"' and "'" ....... --,.,,..t...! ....., RN! c ...... -IUllt -a.. a1 th. A.nliMtiaaa ....,._. MA. l$th ud Boy St., Newport -..,...,_,,, -Jal:r 19 0-Ste 1 p. m. --1-for you appotabmllt! CHARLEY'S L I D 0 ·;--;;,. :' · . ...,.,_ ..... , "s.iret Of C911Ylct i..u" o-F•NI ·a-'Tie_,. . f!IW .....,_,. Al>DEP "Crulie Ship" . -. • lloa.. Tue-. . °""' ........ """· ,,_ .... AlfNd HJUll<ofll'• ~IUIDroau> ' 'Strancjen , ona Tralil" Parley .O ... r••t; ·Rut-llom ... ALl;O Jlup..ttl..~n In "Her First Romance" -. . . lilt art•. WcwL ·-TttllRllU'Olor lfaBI' Cy-ntp· In - :"Tak, Care of My IJttfe .Girl" AJMO I 1'~-akoler ·'Wiie. tfte Redsl&IM Rode" . . S.t!Way t.ut Day J.o""la Your. lowph Cotton "Half AAgel" ALllO "llci•• lulk" I Mr.I P'f'rftr Sun.~ Mon."-Tt&H. Abbott 4t' Cost.Ho "Meet the Invisible Man" Ill.SO G""nn Ford Jo "Ryint Mll5He" Stol')' of SavAI ROt'kf't" dPVf>lnpmAnt Rtart111 \\'f'JdnMMlaJ' Biil llaudlln'• "Up Front" Al.'!O Alan a...dd "Ap~intment With Danter" Mesa. .. \/ ' .. . ~ . . . J..aAt Timf' S.ltlnJa)• "Go For Broke" m E-NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN • :rou can play rtdl orpo mule at -. wtUiout leam· "" a omste · llOte. Come -. -play lll• lf&m-Chord Orpil. - ,.._U•' 1J NH• . ..... ~ ... And ___ .. •Mt1ae1 sDrt .1""1-~­Mlloeal ....... .... .,...~_.. ••:• , ,.. ... , ... ......... , ...... ... • , •• ,. lthl , • ... ,-§-- ......... • SIDIDI Cllll1I Iii llAUY ·CUY STARTS SUNDAY -In TfflmlcoloF - ''The Prince Wl!o Was a Thief" Tony Curti.JJ' Piper Laurie -P.lus -.. . 2!\'D MA30R FEATURE ' FOO/) I N/I (JK()f1 <>pt"o' E\•ery Day COMPLETE DINNEIS Ft•no SL.!-0 to Sl.WI TROPICAi. II RI:\ 'HS, Oi11• 111 th• &chuiYt TAHITIAP'I SKYIOOM Frrf' Parkins fllll trbor 111 VISIT THE NEW HUT nn <'out m,, .. y, Lapna (Clo1td T~«l•y1) rhon,. 4..9006 for ~rvaHon~ SOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX Snut'k £! Cocktail Bar nn tlN'I Pier J"lhmua CATAUXA ISLAND ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN D INNERS Also Steaks -Prime Ribs Cocktails !Gil Coast Blvd. Harbor 1180 Corona del &Jar :..u.. CAcTtlS e At. R' (t(.ll HlJli..HIN'> & MOM ~NtU1Gf.f( MEET YOU AT "THE .INN " .. • DON'T ·Dlne "iust anywhere" • Enjoy The Best • HENRY'S FAMOUS FOOD • . BALBOA · INN CAFE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ocean Front at" the Pier, Balboa, Calif. ··-• Jeck RuJsell's Dinn~r Mus ic Your Hosts,, DICK e nd KATE DENT THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAII¥LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a. m. Tllr<>ugh 2 a. m. • Newport Blvd. on Coo.st Highway NEWPORT WE MllJI CLOSED ON TllUllSDAYS DIN'E TOYIGHT AT THE CAPE COD HOUSE . . FEATURING STEAKS and CHICKEN ON BALBOA JSLA!\11> AT SJl ~'i MA.RJNE AVE. PHO~ HARBOR 2891 (UoWPd Thuts.) .. Dining Room Open I I ~~·-. ~1:30~~.Jo,jl P.>.( do ily · · · ·.. Clo1td Suoid•Y• and hol idays k.,,A ..... -... ·......,··""-,._..,.' ~ ' '11uppose yow got it atr~9M frorn t+te hone's mouthr l'!lono: Kimborly 2-2190 Loll ef FREE PARKING. ' ' , ·, . . J Tops in',n;j'J Tops in · J Entert•lnm nt * 1 -·* · · Dinner •• · f rom 4 p. m. . I . ~W .. L311io:~~B .. &UN~ It ~II, le 4 Y.K · F"twlng the "6uad•laj.r• Boys'; • ' • • ' • I , ' I • , I Mesa CotAple· · .. ~-=~~ Marry in Nevad• ...... .., • -... ·-i.. ... -. •• ...,. _,,... wtlll tlle . . Br idga Lu.nch.e.011 at Dittmar Home" ;lfr. wl 111.N. 'Jalla O. -tot,ll .~117 DhWon In J-Bndae wu lhe ~ at a -. at .._.. to UMtl" b1ndl at teclaJ W'&I promoUd. to tu pade MCM'll i..mt1Ga pl'M'dsll Dftr by •11 1'fnpo11. -.. u Co''"" °' "°*"NI In 40ll> 81J:Dai _,.,. Wn. -..s Dltlnl«r or tloota TNller o.un. c.ta 111-ott... ..,.. · w..a i ..... ..,.,, c1ui.. -H E ' · 't ~i at -.,."' "" & ....... "'\tlle. former .... :.-. KenMtio ~ . ome conom ts s -~ ,.._ ..... , L&Jce _...... Collf~ Nalloaal 1.-. w t, -It ~ec·-·~-M p k -,,.. -c..;; )I~ ..... -· QuUd Dlylllon. he la part ot a .,.,_ -e 1 Edi --· to eet in OF \ ,_ntlJ at Lu Vopa N•Y Kt& ,curllJI {on:e tor Japan's main i... ::!,Wlea.!.,.~t""::: ~~; . . , ' .j ~u•-~~ ;,_ ,;,, ___ land or Horuohu. -~~-"--M~mbero or UI• e....., .,.._,.,_ R-~ WU '~"m~ -~ .• ,_u~ . lie Completed, bulc • trtJnlnf SpuJler. )lro; ........ -~~ I.co Club ot Ille ~ta -ri:.":.:: opk!no. lb ""°*""' llls;h, Mn. Weal took _,. ~ ----wl the tOth at Catnp Cool .. , oad , M will meet Tueoday, J u17 1t, t.O, a "'11.Y -MllY ' Clallt., and arti .. d "' Japan In a..u!"!!. -:.....~ JMeph c-noon luncheon In the Colla Keoa a.nail aa,_ William MlaecJ\ Apri/. Park. The local p'ou~·WIU '!"l aa .-u... patriotic dalAt or Jilly The toth, tlrat s;uard dlvlolon to .AT l!IAN LVl8 OlllSPo hol£eaa to the Twotln fJEC at tile 4 tor bla birth to Mr. and loin. :;" '::"t 0 .. ~ ~~ar Mr. and Mra. Reary Efgert and pU..rini:. 'I WOiiam Mlleck (M&riann Rock) ..;,... ~ tnJnlllC • ..:,..!: son 1orut..and Mr. and Mn. oua.1 -~-----,--~---l...__ bt CW... Ci ty, Uppln• the ~ 1 ~ "11!1 Oldaboma'~ t&tb In· ja.Y sn.rt ot 0......, rebarned f ll'" ________ .,1 ....... at .Oooil llamarltan a-i1a.1 •t tui.7 DlvWon it 1a part or t.be ,.,._.,. trcm .a •• week -•t sap.;mttn' olc1lt --P.roud maternal XVl ,,,,_ ' San t.ui. Ob1-wtwe Bonnie .......,_t.o ... M:r. and Ila. ~.-(~rt) and Douir Seti off at-n ., !JI"";' C1am1ee Rocle or 191 8 M•yer Pl., tendtnc .Umm.,.-. '· uo· 0 <lo«& 111..... w. D<ed -· c.... See dlaplay ad. llbaV.. Moton, Coot& M...a. mg llLOODlf0 9lUJ UNIT ~ wDI lloi a&. IM ... _,_ J.ec10n 4111 N....,....._Bav4. Hall: 15QI ....... , 8 .... Newport 008T4 llUA • ~ !PAlODlllOlllLE U N I T GJFl'8 e ABT ... OFFJCB 8U!'PLllt8 Gii"?~ CAllD8 • • • • .._ M ••IJ INll, I , te l ~ m. r U.S. 5~- w, need U8ed1 oau, 'S ee db'play We operat:e OUI' owa · ~t ad. ShaV•r -... Coot&.l( .... 008TA llll:SA. HATJONEllA Be.lltlS-L n •Nec ........ . . . ' . ~ TllE 'JfAWAUAN PARTY &fven ,lut .Saturday by , .. N ........ rt -· V~-t Ch!b b•orl•ir ...... Jlonololu fla"f" part lei pi.at~ 'ftim,·ldfod a pJa oooa!lklR for Mha J N n Rf'fld to ~ ... t~ htt blrthdal' • H r r pM!tA "''....,., from lf>f t: Mh8 Barbara Cundlff,.ef ~; Rud Kbatttt "8fl ~ W9'4 of ~ F nuw.Wo: l\f.IM Ttnlla ~b.ntt. of BaJboa 'f•Iantl ; ftob Chrl9lf'mw•n, of Balboa Mtd '~tlM RW. · • (Photo by IJNknerl· Legion Auxiliary Installed Officers Monday Night Weekend ·warrior Tral~ing Pays Off in Korea Conflict · MARINE COll:PS AJP.. STATION. EL TOR O, Calif. -DlvkJentt'I Alma TbrunP90n wu chtlM'n lo on a wee-k end invcstmrnt ar<' beinJ; returned a bUndred-t~Id in thr tH:•ad lt\r Newport Harbor unit of Korean "''nr acrordlng to combat reports from tbe1 tr. s . S. Bataan·. OIC' AmPrlcart Legion. Awclltary a t • . . th.<' cll'C\lon or ofn«r• held at The B.."l..taan, a light .11ircraft C'llrr1C'r which !\f'rVrd >" the Far Ea~l lht'ir t('std&r bualnem mfftlng in until rt'cently, wu ho01e lo th~ , . I ~on Hall Monday nljitht, July MartnP Corps' ramr·d ··c hecker-Ch<'CkPrboard O\l ltlt which went o. lnst:illALiun follnwrd lnln\f"lli· hfJerd Squal'ln1n." ~iany ot the-into aetton la.<tl SeptHnbf>r and ' ately, 11ilot" l.n th'.11 organization W('r(' flt·\V frotn alr(lt'lds in Sl'oul, \Van-Complt">tlnsr thf-Uneo-up wlll bf' from the Wet'kPnd \\.'arrior Re-l'Ulll, Yonpo and iii. Japan. Bofu. ~1f>Mlame8 EilN'n Inn•. tlr~ viC'e ~crvr groups cal1rd to active duty Besidea PMIJey, thf'te \VC'.'rf' lsl. prt'aldent: Mlldrt•d Bonda, .. wOond ):Ult Altf{UJ111t and rushMI into thf' U . Harold DaiS"h of 184.f9 South vlce pre~idenl: Oarttn UpfW'lf'I, I..:orPnn ca.rnpaign. Bixler i.venue, Paramount: Ftrst junior pa.qt pr""idt•nl: 8'>mlct" \\'qrld \\'ar 11 Af't' Lt. Sht'lby ?.l. F orr"f'st or Upland: 0p,.1, St'<'rt•tary; Blanct\(' Bens. Capt. Etnf'sl E . Southf'rlantl of lTC'll.!IUrcr: H elt'n Randf'l. C'haf'- Long 8Pach: F\rt1t Lt. Herold Jain: ~farion Not>I , hlstOrjan: Lu- Hint.% ot Elmwood Park, Ill.; an<1 c il~ Cehrrs. M-rgeant-at-amu: formerly of Los Angrk'a; Capt. Adra'n Joyner. mnr,.hal, and Of"'- Bcrt.ram L. PPrkiru of Ca.nQ&"• neva Bt>Il, Mona H11ytlt•n and Jt"an Park; Capt. Ar<'hir Afae:Lachlan ~tarkham a3 ex('('ut 1Vl' rommltlH- of North HolJyv.·ooc.I; lrlrst Lt. wnmt'n. • C<1rnn1&.ndinK the squadron hu t>e..~n Maj. F'rank Ii. PrC'11ltoy of !'121G Campanlk-Drivr. San Oirgo. A · W o1l1! \\rar II, nrf' wllh xtx pl&n"'~ to his !'TPdit , hC' was a mt'n1bt·c of thr J.-1)8 Alamitos Ma· tine A ir fie!4<'n'\• lll Ul~· t ln1e of iU activation. Nine pllot.'I from lh{' Lon Al&mltos group "'"rr ln the Lrwla J. \Vallon of T orranc-e and F or h<'r final pre"kHng meeUnc. C\VO n..,y B. Slt'w&rt or San retlrtng Pl'e&klt-nl Darrl'n Upson DI~. v.·ound up lh<' businf'A."1 of lhe <'On· OSTRICHES AND HORSES ' AT ORANGE COUNTY FAIR c•lucllng yrar, and ~C'arc1 an lm- rrPsaivc outline o f thr y P11r'11 work. [ V•-arly Rrpor t• F or Am€"rlC"aniam, the unit par· tle:lpaled 1n the Armlltic£> Day paradP In Fullt•rton and aponsor'Nt Amertcanil!lm €"MOY cont.eat.a ln Sen11:atlonal Ol'ltrleh ract-s and lM nation&I ho~ show al"f' shap-th~ Corona del Mar and HoracP ing up ..to takf" tht'! 9P0tiigbt u top t>ntc>rtalnment attraction" for t hP "En.sign school.8. 195\ Orange Cquny Fair, A11g. 15-19, incluN.vt>, at the fair grounds on The bulk al. Commuility S<'rvlce site o f fot mt"r sa.n~a Ana Army A ir Ba_qe. hOUre thia yeat wu <'ompiled ln Th" four racing mtrlches; tho!tfo ~rkln1t1t for and wi~ thP ~ . . I , . . .... ,OM. v.·u n>port'<". eounu.ul' htJge birds ..-.·Ith lh<' high PDQ ta..111.t year 8 NCOr~I entry h!t of l.fO Motor Corp IM'rvlct', 8k)O(lmoblk> and )O\v JQ, \\·ill p<>rform in th t". anunals in the hghl horse dlvlaion I visita, and the making of kit bap ff'ff arena .ahow on opening nigh( and 203 animals in the!' hor11e ahow _,.0 In. all. . to h<> t"XCt-eded ror the 1951 event. and dally tht'rt"aftrr In conn<'Ct1on '-lany Or&.n~t!'.County and eouth-ChJktrf'n In thtt~ f1mllle11 wrre with Pich afternoon and t'\'t•n1og land 80C'if'ty Jeadf'n and celebrl-aided through tb<" Child Wf>lfa rt"" horse sho\\·. tM's are expPct ed t o attand the program, chi<'Oy du r In I' I.ht' The Orang<' county ra1r·s na-Ostrich Derbys and horl<' •ho\v ChrlJ11tma.s hollda}"'. \vith -food. tlo l h h I In clolhlog and JC"ift.a. na ors<' !I O\V 11 attract g E'n· evtnl!I. According to Bob Fullen- ! r th " rl tn addition to adopting mo<Wl tr es ron1 n1any or e wes. s n-wider, manager or the Orange <"at stablt-!1 and. in v!l'.'w of th.e county ralr. 550 r<.'1K"rvt'd~ rlng· chanrP8 In unit by-law•. an<I add- wkli' intrrrst and keen competi-side box seats have recently been lng amen.lmf'n U: ror local use•, lion t>x.p,•c ted. the ent\r(' arena constructed to take care ot the oopif'a were provided all memben.. ring ha.q been re-surfaced and anticipat ed crowds. This will g1vr One of the "firsts" for the 7eer many . other lmpro~emcnU .added, s total of more than 6000 Mating con.allJt~ of active-participation In including bt'ltf'r lighting in thf' capacity to the art>na grandstand. the Girla' State program by apon· ham arPa o.nd tht' erection or 3~ n....lrlch 1..__ .. 80rlng Aflu Eleanor Ragan, local box stall~ for horses. Vl!I ~r.y high school student, to Olrla' 8tatA! 1 ·"'al,J<bq· i,ol'S!" . Botfi. afternoon and rveni.r&g. ad-~~· . i91~ :'Inn~.-. a~. l"Jlhitjft diVl!!I h, It 1 'llf"l: -·~­ b\h Mar!"t>ll of Garden Croyt,. aec-lo\\"1:-~te~r ee.u, 4r&c: n-ad· "'tio.Y--.it· th• lfor'!ll! · Shaw."4ou •tilllnab:'TI :"llllntoM!rvid'rtllg· "~sa Top)X'r" regietrred Palo-•ide box cha.!rs. Sl.60 each. En· 1nlno' owned by Mr. and Mre. Har-tire box~a. containtnr four or old Dakan of &-tlnowq. First eight chain. may also be re.!ter'Ved. hor!k' show enlrit"s were two Ten· I Advance box st>at.B will go on a.le ~(" \l."alking hor!eS, "Major ~menclng-Augi.ui:t l at the Ootxlnesa Sakf's" and ··Caldwell's Orange county fair ortice, 20391 Go Boy:' ownf'd by Col'. H. J . 1 Ne\\'])(>rt Blvd., COBta Meaa, Calif., Cl.lclw<'ll &: Son of Ontarlo. Phone Kimberly 3-8215. Reaer- Hon1" "how manager Harry vaUons may be made ~lth~r by Marn-II of Gardf'n Grove expt"Cls 1 mall or pbonf". in SaCTa.1n<'nlo. Credltro with th• hlglleat nuln· ~~ owr 800 houra spenf &Jr 9t'Ufftea, a.tstlng-·pat~nt. ""Wlth g1ft ~ectlons and wrapping for the "Daddy Gitt" program, at- tf'ftdlnl' and helping spcmmr bc»- plta1 • p.!rlies: a ad perfonntoa- weekly <'llCOrl aervtet' tn a pe.n.- ple&1c w~rd at Long Be•cb. Vttft'- ana' hoaplt.111. In the LeJPal&Uvc branch. the unit took an active part In 9UP- porting Unl.,.,na.l Miiitary Train· Ing, anct tht> bill to outlaw Com· L. A. fair Entry Deadlines Announced 1 ;x~~~i~~:i.z:.r::\J-~ For tr.e bPneflt of thf' thousands of people throughout the count ry Team, wbtch p&rtlcip.tf'd In a who wiAh to toxhlb!t In one ot the many departme:nta of Loa Angele. total of el&"ht ceremOIUe&, .,_ County FaJJ, the officials haye announced tbe deadline date11 on whlcn being Lnltla tkln a...rvicft for Uw!ll' efttry bfan.ks must be fllf>d. Because of t.be rreat number of entrlee.. own &nd othtt UCllta in UM 21M It ls nec6S&fy that thl!I Inform&· Di..trlct.. Off:lt'fo 8f!at tion. be In hand ~ven.J daya be-lrie. wUI be a.cceptt"d uritu ~P--,.. ~ fore the OPf"nlnl' date, 8epternbPr tember 1, except tn t he feature Followtng reports came elf!cUon 14. 1'be expoaltlon continue. for booth cla•sea whicb cloe AuPat and lnalallatlon ot offlcera.. "Mto 17 days throllgh Sunday, Septem· 28 and c&rcaa11 cl1.a which ba\<e llnptta.lve cettmon.y W'&e C<lllduct· ~ oA • a--· d eel by paal prelldenl.t or Ule ,._ ~r .no. a l lU&J ate eet a t September 7. In the agricultural and hortJ.. Junior f&lr uhlblt. muat be port Ht.rbor Un.Jt, in cha.r&1 ot cultUJ'tl d«'partments t~ final re9dy for ahowfh&' by 9 a.m. Sep-Mn. Kl.Id.red Stanley. BetUns for tla.tc for rntrit'e is Septembt:r 11 t~bff 14. except for poultry. Fat the, rite wu • lace CO •eted bl.a· and exhibits must be ln pla.ce l.nd ~ a re e~ted to be ready quit table with & ta.re'• nor.,1 ceft• ready for judgins by 9 a.m. Se_po. (Qt' lnapect ioo a t a a .m. opening t.e rplcce flanked with llc;htff cu.· tem-bf'r l<f. Closing day for Uve-day and bteedbts &tock by 9 Lhl. dletl. ·ca.n-ytnl' out a ....... Wld.C. stock entr.._, rabblU and p tge-Sept.em.Hr n. R ome economlce and bl\le c.olot schem e. A91rt.lng ona la September 7 and animal.I art!.: ... frw '"lllblt by t·H dub Kn. Stanley ·were M-.. muat be In plac• by 8 a.m. 6<p-mamllen can. IN! milled or e1e11.. Mo.tie llolllD&', -Pol.Im, JullA wmbor 14. Entr!e1 ln the po<iltry -to Ule catr bejrlqftq 8eptem· J:rro~ Mary Chamlllrtola - -will be accepted until Sei>" llor ), but can-lie -pted after Mona ,....,. • tc?rnber 12 and muat be .. tn the Septem~ •-A.a ...,. oftlcen wee r11&M. ........ A .. -1 .. ...., la •~ d ,... --Mrs. ,,...pl'CM\ WU pl'!lll ... tlM -w room by 9 a.m. September . -.-.. -Al M ·-lam -retldna-Pr••-Da· :I;'-• · • arta """ cratt. •tn11ta -au -. ,a )I.,. (Im i>tocml -. .... do~.:.'.,~ be~ U: ~m~":i."'.ittloe..::::. --·• Put Prul'wl .- ,,,_ u _.w. with tho final j!q>temflor 1 Iii the -dQ tor ~to ~~'II-· • (la1e eet at ~her s. A.rtlds ::_:~~ -::W:: -.a APct..,.: Md ,....,,.'.!':,;. '°" lillOWlng "' lllil di-m• -or _._. -_._.,_ kra 1'oel. A lift will .. ,. c 1 hd lie In the -ot tbe fair om-and tllelr -;;;;-;;. lie ~-a& a.._ -to....,,... •••o-= ':w ~=--1i =' ~ .,.ii .,,, t .. i. • ...,. CPn bcr Tllo ,, .. -.. ~ --r--..-iiid:-jjfi;Mi.iiiiis' •Hiike la.._ Ill - -t<-tt and l'dd7 for lnlpec-1lllli ni CJIMill. ._. u. : 2 ,_ -. tJm '-F t a..m. Sept<mw lt . ..,_ -.., ·-..._ -.. a. ...,._ a .::; ~ i'le I -trt --ftlr ~ llu•a -.;y--'-" lllaa ti , m-be ill by lleplomber 13 aa4 = -~ ~ W I -al .&t "9 dli ef'U. I! 'I j .... ... ~~enlrJlllonllabyllap-.... .., -~ II .. 1ir ... .....,ber 1. -We ... _._-~ -Ptm'oc Cltolc .... » = la ... i-lalc .dtllul•, .. .... • '" ~ ......... ~ • . •' I I · '' , : '. ' •• ' • ' , i Put your • dolldrs where " th ey work horder fo r you. Invest them w he re you know they ore r sofe. Deposi t them whe re ·you co n w ithdrow them ot o rly time. Regordless of your gool - ·. lrovel -ed ucolion -bell.er living -future · • security. start sovin"Q syst emotico lly lodoy:i Yo.u'll· be • omozed how fost your money grows with .compounded inleresl.* . As little OS $5 opens ctn acco unt ! Coll in;person or mOil. thtf co~po~ .below. • ~I • '· I SOU"D M411AG'EltENT MAK-E·S P .0 .55181.E THIS GRATIFYl·NG ~SEMl·ANNUAL STATEMENT . I t '• • ' "AS ,OF.JUNE -30,' 195 1 AFTER PAYMENT> OF DIVIDENDS . . . Alll'I LIA•ILlll .. S (What Members ·oWn) (What We Owe Others ond Our Reservft) ' ' FIRST LIENS ON REAL ESTATE •.••• , ............ $5,~7;f~7,ll SAV INGS-ACCOUNTS •.••••••••• , ·: .........• $4,265;011 .00 CASH ON HAND .AND IN .IANKS ••••••••••••••• • . Cd ii -~ in ..... -~ --'*' of "' City •ftrlll ., , .. Ho"-. ) . FURNITURE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT •••••••••• n ;. ~ .. i• 'Hw" .o<-lt ~ .... tit-.1.J.., ... ;:o....,. . 2,650:00 ' 'l 74,~27.33 . 13,063.16 This 11prt11nh lht MrYiftt!I, tht i11vt tl't't11h1 911d tM tf lff't'f funds o( M!di•id\ICll1, corporotio1u. crtdil unions, 1n1v1onc1 COlllfMlnl11. frolt rnal or9011f1otiotu ond tf\ttf ·fonds . . ADVANCES FROM FED.ERAL HOME LOAN BANK .••• Mi.c.IJoMO\tl it.,.t thof "'ill bl pa.id .... 111 d.,,t, 1.C, ..... O«CWlllJ0 ditcffl'lt " '-ofts p~ecl ol'ld oct...ofttt po'(Nt nfl lt7 botrowtn. SPECIFIC RESERVES ...... : ••.•..•.•••••...• : 1....,..., f0t •ncet,Mcied itirtrttt occr11d mon1hlr, end c9'1tctt d ""';.. owu~olly 011 me;ght •ortoo9• looM. GENERAL RESERVES •••••••••••••••••••.•• , • lftwvn ••intoin.d· in occordOnce wirh the 1.,,111 ond Je9vlo1ion1 IOf inwt0~•' ol octoVflts on·4 generol Tt 1ior;.e1 101 con1ing1ncit 1. I I -•..j DfFERUD CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS :.::._. ••• _ __.:l:.:;;9:.::20::.58:::: UNALLOCATED RESERVES .•••••••••.•••••. •••• TOtAL ........... -........... I ••••••••• 614,750.00' lf,775.14 370,000.00. -122,72'.41 U,980,iOl.18 S.S.980,ioe.1 1 ' TOTAL f\; ............. : ..... , .... , , .. . NEWRDRI ·1at&OA FEla1 ·RAL -. • • • } . ' , SA,flNGS.anil .·Laall ASSOCIAllDN ~ ' ~ . • • • . ... . , ... -l f { • ~ • ~ 33a3 via· l:ID.O ~· lllWPOliT. ·•·IACH, ~ALIF.ORNI.~. / T E l E P H 0 N E i HA R 8 0 R 15 00 .... , .••.. .... -. .... ,, .. ...... , '· •• we.•su t ' I .......... • I ••••c .. 11 • ... .......... NlslOENr •• • . .. a.-····· Tll*AllJIEI All? •llllDF $Ea£Tllr •:I' Ill •ltll Ii• l &OW I ...arMINr'"Offl,.,~""',. ,...,. l'T•l AllSJAHT SKllTArr • . ' .•\ J •' • • .... .. ... '· . . , '. .. ..__ ... • ·I I • • I • l . . . . u •n ~ FAC L-t.... Kt. ud Kn. D. 'W. RottbJ" """'"""' • JM .OU.wwouo ~ l:.ido lslers Hotn e ...... ___ . ::"..:C-.... ~' ="~lr -~atives Ga/her • ..... mited .tJ>e1r """'' ~ 1511' Plan Social Ni..&J. .. WHI 0can J'ront -WIU -4 ~II . to Boll)l!INld..,. •:t --wller9 tllq W.. .... tortalned el Portland, Ore.. ~ t6 Olilt& t till.. Ho .. ,_ for • ~ Mi ... ~ tbtlr '"" nite me .. aunt. -lllr8. catllertne IC.. wtntam• ,,. , ; · -·costa Mesa Gjr J Scouts. Complete _Day Camp,/ Plan O'Neill Park Stay Girl Scout. and Brownl.. of Costa Meaa laat week completed a very succeeatul "Camp-Out,'' , thf' flrst ever to be held locally. Cle· llto Ltndo wu the name chosen for the camp which wu situated on the back bay bluffa on lrvtne Comyany property, graciously loaned for the t'X~itlon . One hundnd and lhlrtf'cn girls attend- ed the camp which wu held ,dur- ing the day hours. Mra. Grace S~th, day camp di- rector wu uslsled by Mr!t. Sybil 'Norm&n, al!llli.atant director, !even program aide!ll, 22 leade~. and a tralned nunte. M~. Raymond Ludi assisted by· her 8<'nior 5C'OUls conducted a nursery at the scout hou!le for children of leaders al the camp. Theae ranged rrom seven and a half months to four years. The ~iris learned to make ~rlous articles used In scouting auch a.s : buddle burners, tin can stoves. reflttlor ovens. corn pop- pers from coffee c&ruJ and can pots. The cooking a.rt.a k>amed stick cookery, foil cook('ry, on~ pot meals. walking aala.d, ginger bread and corn bread. AU tbe meals werr prepared on the stoves and ~nector ovens. • Craft.a leameod by lhe girla were blue print.a. spatlt'r print.a. bird coloring. knat cyiJlg, bug hotel maktn1. lashed c o a t tl.angen. hanging buketa. tying and dying ot acarta and "sit-upona" wown. trom newapapen. ot.be.r acttvttlu were bikini'. nature ·~· and nature-snoo1>11. The only cuuaJly wu ooe ecout falling on 90ftle cacl\&8 whJ.ch proved to be-ay minor lnjury. On Friday night lhe lntermedlalf' scout.a camped out alJ night on the aile after enjoying a moonlight hlke. Following the hike a "council tire" completed a week of thr-ilJin~ ex~Mences for the glrls. Corn was popped ov('r the fltt tn the hand made poppen. A community sing ended a happy time. Robe-rt Speth presented the scout.a with a O&g pole whJch he had fuhlon('d t.rom a atralght limb and flag Ceremonies started and ended each day. The r.gular troop camping IK'!l- aion will be held al Camp O'Neill in Trabuco canyon from July 16 through 20. Mn. Ed. F.<iick i. camp * cbaJrman. Mrs. S pet h wtahes to thank all lhb8e club8, bwdn... people and lndtvlduala wbo Mlped mUe the tint ''Ca.mp- Out" .uch an outat.anding sue-.,..,._ ' Korea Veteran Lists Needs of Servicemen on fighting fron t Do )'OU have. a bWlband. son, brother or friend eervlng ln Ko'rea and don't know what to send him? Marine 1st Lt. Jeremtah A. O"Leu'y. public lntonnalion offlc;:er with the First Marine Dtv18'on in' KOft'&. bas come up with a few suggestions ror the home folk.a. Send him candy, lots of candy._ ___________ _ O'Leary •a ya. Plain chocolate ban and fruit drops are given free to front-line trooPA but lbe sameneaa quickly pa1l9 a.nd the · division PX. only occa.sionally 11tock other varteUes or the nlckle- ca.ndy b&r type. The boys really era ve SWef!U, 'in the absence of bars and druxstores, and thP fancH!-r the candy the better they like )l. Send cakPa and cookiea but packaftt> tht>m aturdily or mail tht>m In tin. A piece or paatry takel'l an • awfu) maullnK in the mails and 11.n Indifferently wrap- ped item will often arrive as crumbA. Send books 1UK! m&jit8.Zines. A "new" national ntaga.zinP often ~ulates a never·endlng wait- in«" Ust. Send him socks. A front llne trooper can rieVt>r g:et enou~. \Voolen 1'0Cks, white or brown to mt-et unlform regulations. St>nd •-,lm "Bed-Check Charlie" is Chec.ked O~ by . Costa Mesa Ma rine Thanks to the perseverence of Marine Capt. Edwin B. Long, 29, ot 38 Broadway St .. Costa Mesa, an enemy "bee-check Cha.rite,·· no longer keeps UN troops awake on nl1thUy nu~nee raid& C{lpt. Long, in del!ltroying the enl'my plane, lllSO became the flrat ~rine flier to cI&im a. "night- time" kill or an enemy aircraft In Korea. Long, flying an F'TF Grun1man Tigercat with the Marine-Flying Nightm&rl'a IHJUadron. was offlci· ally credilf'd with !!hooting down an antiquated black -painted bi- plane over Unit('d NatioM terri- tory northwext ot Sroul l!lhortly aftfi'r 1 a. m . July I, Korean time. The plane was epotted by Long·~ radar Opt'rator, \\'arrant Officer Roben C. BuckinG"ham, 29, of .Se- lf he ha9 1a '~Ctlml'r&. S('nd hln1 &ttlc, Wash. film for It. Or, bc-ttt!r still. twnd On hil firl'lt PUii al the enemy. him . a camera. A good many Long owrshot his tar~t Ix-cause troops already carry cameru of ~f the slow &J>t"ed of lhl' ancient all conceivable types and there biplane. On two 11ubsequf'nt p&..'\M8, doesn·t se('m to be any objection however, he scorl'd several 2om'm. on the part of the commanding cannon hits -officer!. Both idg and Buckingham re- He can use a flash light too. ported t~ were flrt>d upon by a unle88 actually committf'd to a burp guh from the rear cockpit front !inf" po81Uon and f'ven the of the comn1unlst marauder. After combat ~Idlers go into re$Crve lhe Marines peeled off from their from time to time. third pau. Buckingham saw an Send him face soap and lau.ndry explosion on the ground. flakes. Remf"mber. the American The Marine Nightmares .tquad- rtghtlng ma.n In Korf'a does hl8 ron have bet>n engaged primarily own laundry In a creek or ration In attack1ng Red supply routes a.nd i. can. Tbe standard joke of lhe pe· carrying our close support mi.II· ninsula Is, "Why LI It, in a coun~ •ions for UN ground forces. try so lousy with Chinamen. I Long's · wife, Verna. resides at have ta do m~ own laundry?" the Costa ·Me.ea addr('88, Ir ht> smokes. send ·him cigars or a pipe once in a while. Clgar- f'ltee are plent1ru1 and free in the divisions. When the weather turns cold, h" will have gehulne use for a pat€'nterl hand warmer -somt'- thlng like a palm-sized cigaT-ette lighter that glowe warmth from Inside a m(lal cover. It is Ideal for pre-heaUng sleeping ba~s. the universal bed-chamber ot the in- fantryn\&n in Korea summer and winter . · Local PUot Saved After 'Chute Jump Maj . Wilbur F . Eva.n.s, 799 Mar- guerlate avenue, Corona del Mar, wa.s rescued by helicopter July :'1 about 20 minute• after he bailed out of his burning Con1air plane west of Chorwon. Korea, accord- lng to a rPport received from Ma- rine Fighter Squadron 323. 'The report said that Maj. E?&ns led a squadron flight from the air- cratt canter USS Sicily ln attack- ing · Red gun emplacomenlil. He knocked out two artillery pif'C<.'~ and &n automaUc weapons poeltlon beforr hls plane wp hit. llMo -.mer al II"'-loy ~ On ll<pt. 1 11\eY will 10 to Seattle lo 'flolt !Mir -Ket\lleth, and hlo famlly .• ------' OAKLAlW 0 IJ1:llT A. C. Hutu of OaldUld bu concluded a •t..Y ot two week.I .., ttouae &'\lt'ft of Mr. and KN. Ken- neth Stewart and daughte:n Joyce and Mary Lou, 268 Broadway. Mr. Hettt-r 11 ._Int. Stewart'• brot.ber. ' r Your l<oeea serviceman also will appre-ciate almOl'lt any kind of canned or packaged food that hf' doesn't present get In the drab G.I. diet. Some men go atroQgly for smoked oy11ten. fancy canned fowl or mt>&ta, whl1e 0Uler11 de- velop a great taste for &ny var- lf'ly of soup beside the ubiquitous chlckt>n noddle provided by lhf' •upply services, Evana recenUy was, clled in 1 prua dispatch.es when he led the "Death Ratllere" equadron ln at· tacka on Communiat poeltlona near Maeu1 Korea. A good eerviceable watch or sun-gl&Mes a.l8o make a nice gift. U he la: your sweetheart or hus- band, aend hlm pictures of your.- 11elt. The men can't get enoup photographs of their girl& tr~nda or of their wives and children. But above all. aend him worda. Wrt~ blm u o1t.en aa you can. whether there Lt any ne.wa or ' not. •MalJ call lo .WI the high point of 1U1Y mUl'a floY In KOttAi. AJld be lnttaitely pre.ten your h!tten to • JOUI' i-JcagH. • Texas Scu lptress Visits Mother Her e Hn. ZaUee CUrfJa. who bu been vblltlng her mother. Mn: Vera Wltltama at the Patio D&ok Stall and art gallery, Marine ave-- ·~ a.I-IAland, lofl TU._y ror her home In Amarillo, ,._ MtL CIU1IAt lo a oculpt,_ and bu l&IMt work. • lite -lll&1Ue ol 8t. AndnW" w:Ul be 1111nUed at IN II. A-R08Plril St, Andrew'• Epi.:op.J c\'un:ll In Vtck ~ of tho -Amulllo on fter rewm. Tnller, HomH lo ~ to UM WIU. llft-CUrtl& were Iler t11rH But. ·AM Community Hoorpttal __ and a frlolld,· BW Mann, Ollffttlllf hOrA lajlitteo ---bu -·~ -wttll In a -au-aeclde11t., lira. WOlloma 'dlldr>' 1111 •lalr· • no.Ima. Paddoel< ~. •who '" ON &ANBAll ~ W1UY Ille art. plloey, painted ltn. Marj Guntl ottlleBi-• portnlt of lira. OWtlo ~ -TTatlor H-ao NeW-....... lv:ft -llolll -ILDd U.. port -· -... -*'" ...... ~ i.-ot Ille Col:-' ~ "'-In Kan-. -'!"I Mar lrtlot. " Tiie Junior X.trona aoctlon of the Coot& M-Friday Arte._, Club' wtll ptber for a ~ meet- !ns Wedneadoy •llht. JUiy im. ID Ui<> clublloUN. It lo announct(I by DolorS lrwln. prue cb.atrm.an of the ecction. All mem.bent an urged lo attend. • Tbe recent •~•k b&ke IJ't'&nl.Ms by the group for me:mbt-ra and th•lr huobandl prov.cl Ul enjoy- abl• -.immert.tme event.. 1unclleon· and c&nuta In .tile home ot Kn. Mouri.. Moyet. Tiie local IJ1'l)UP Included _._, 0-M_ Bar· i!J.~llcllachnv, Alma Bjork, P . II Ht.rrll. HOW....S Trlo- oel or t& .ic ... and Cll&rl<a ll. Melooe or Newport Helgbta. Kn. Mel<M>c capt,unod tlr11t prize ancf Mrp. P. D. H...-n. waa ~warded ...... Id. ol 8'1li Ooeta' -Ill ~ two A1 PlbttlnJ 1>£1 th<! clu' 8.l"de claugllten, lllllrfq -J~ ..,. foi' !' happy Jul;y Fourl:h u the tllJ'D<d wttll tbem Ulla ~~ the homf of Dr. &nd Mro. Harry Clrlo having -l a• lorjcor Ume Wlllte, ~ !81and. From Whit.- In the Southland. . "![' tJei: ,...., Mr. 'and Mn. ~ • · . • S. .'White and two SOllll; iluli BREAU T.IK':I I Butl)ank, Mr. and Hrs. w ....... We need wted care.. See display We need UM'd can. Sd: display ad. Shaver Motora, Cocta MN(l.. ~ Shaver Mot.On. Colt.a : Kea&. Mrs. Palricla Gn.biln of the, Wlilte and two d&Ugh~ &boo B'°"'\"'oor I Trailer H~... 2060 Mr. and Mrs. • N-.J srU«> and' Newport 111Vd. Coot& Meoa, •Uf-jd·a·u g ht er Diana; whlle •from Ce red a broken fhl.cer in a ~t H~Olulu waa Mrs.· H9race W. B. mS8hap. wtten lhe Cell 1lrom her iWblte, called ·to the ma.tnlanci by motor ~ooter. the death of her inolhe(. . • • YES, THAT'S WHIT .EIEaYOIE IS SAYING ABOUT OUR FRUITS 111 JEGETIBLES . ~°"'" "9"'4 fJ"'9 7i£ 1'~ 'But ~~t IEPT FAIM FIESH WHEI IOI SHOP ·IT 1011 ALPHA BETA IOID'S CU IE CH I PS ~~~.,'7~.~ 22~ C 11 E·R V 11E81 R .~~~'.!~0~~!~. ~ 43 ~ TOMATO SOUP ~~~HOTOISH" ~ 11 ; llBLET'S MEXICORI ~~r.~~!:~~19 ~ R~. •iiim .'./~/ ••AIAITEEI rtans r10111rrs ./ lb. P EI C H HA L V E S yru!!·~~~~"s ... ~;;~. 25 ~~--- p 11 EI PPL E !~';!,~~2!<n/ ... ~~. 25 ~ CUT RITE WIX PIPER 1<ur u,.,;f/,Mf/ Pl<"-24 ~ DISH D 0 8 F 0 0 D autd-/ctc-~o/ ~~ 16~ WHITE -1118 SOAP :rf16{,1-11kdr, ~~.31 ~ 1110-POWDER BLEICH :;..'=--:..::.:·:~-.:.~ 39~ SLICED S B.EIRIES Bt)lut_1"'~~~-"35~ ·CHICIEI fl .; ;1IWQ :a~~~~ J '.J;~&'-.sil , SU CC 0 TISH a DJiduWrvJ 0o_ Jw& 11~!... 29~ , . PllOES EFFECTllE _Jlll•Fll •UT .i11r 12 .. 1a .. 1c ' pe,t;u/;;$u;M-eu • ,. P.EA[,ff ES "ELIEITA ' FIEESTOIES ~ • 'lbs.