HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-26 - Newport Balboa Press'-· , ' ,A. n-llN<lquart.en tor tbe U. s . O>ut Guard {near the BaJboa Yacht club) eeemed cuta1n when the board ot eupervteora ap-prov· ed an agreement Monday between the llarbor eommJNlon ·and Archi- tect. Richard Pleger for the de- sign. Plegu, a reeldent of Coi-ona del Mar, eitlm&ted that the new bue would cost about $30,000. The flg- vre lne!ludea landeca;Utg and otller ground Improvement.a. The new b&ae wtU be on the ma.inland skle of the tumlnc buth instde the Balboa Jetty. It wUl be located on county property. The location wlU give Co&lt Guard craft a more c~venlent poelUon. One from which a direct run ca.n be made to the ocean. The Cout Guard dock ta now at the foot or N street on the Balboa penlnaul&. It le believed that pl&nS for the bue will also include headquar- ters for the Harbor 'Master. The current loca.tlon of the Harbor Maater'a office la overcrowded and there UI a lack of adequate lock tacll!tles. SLANT DRILLING BAN ILLEGAL SAYS BLODGETT ·-• ' • VOLUME XU PHONE HARBOR 1616 CRAIG TO SELL 2 COVE LOTS FOR S5790 SUM After a fln&J ·debate, stretchlng out to more than an hour and a halt. the Newport Beach Ctty Councll unanlmoualy voted Monday night to approve a Sl-monthly water charge, for a . ptertod of ten montha, to ral.ae fUnda for the a.cqulaltion of 14 China Cove loll and other purpoaea. Introduced bdore lhe body werl!' f It wu revealed that lhe Park the reaulta of & poet card ballot and Recreation committee I.I &Lio which h&d been malled out to rest· plannln~ to acquire the forml!'r dents of Newport Beacb by Fran· Hayward Lumber company prop-- W J . Horvath. erty on Balboa Blvd., betw~a 28th PMt Card Pou an<t 28th St.a. Part of lhta prop. erty wu recenUy 90ld to a Mr. According to Horvath. 8,8&0 Frank !:. Thibldo. The reported card• had been malled out to per· prtce ror to lob and the bulldlnp eons listed u havlnR' water con· at 28th st. wu $30,000. nl!'ctloM. Of the toW number Elaborattl Pisa• 1.303 carda had bttn returned Of the.Ml, 1.171 were ln favor of 11. fax Increase and 3a had been In favor or the waler &N1!':81lment, 99 ballot.a belng ln dlllpute or tnvalld. Councilman Dale R a m • e y la· belled the ballot u Stalln·llkl!', mentioning the fact that the b&l· lot only gave space for one cholce from the voter; that of being agairuit the water tax rise and In favor of a ral.se In city taxation. After much oppo&ltlon to the water tax rrom the•fioor, Mayor lllbe11 not~ that tho.ee attending the meeting were only a small fraction of tbe city'• 18,000 ru.1: dent.I. He added that he believed that lt waa the duty ot the coun· en to· decide what waa best ror all concerned. Elaborate plana have been dl•- cuued for acquiring &JI of the properly M.tween Balboa Blvd. and Newport Blvd., and between 28th St. a.nd 24th St. Thia ~reel would lnclude lhe r1«hl ot way of the Pacific Electrk RaJJway and tl\• former Water/ department ya.rd.I now owned by the Grirnth company. Elation over the pout· bllity or acquirl11.I' aucb a la.r~ parcel In the heart of the old town ha.a been expreued. The park In Newport ~ part ot an over all plan to not onJy clean up the blighted area of town Mil to provide adequate dry land park areas. Presently the rormer water yard property la vacant. the Mc· Clellan Rock yard now houses a conlractora atorag9 yard and the P. E. right of way la little uHd The majority o( speakers were and Uttered. The entire down not agatnat the acquisition or town P. E. property fs echedulcd Chlna Cove. but condemned the for acqulsltton 90 u to clean up u..e or a tu: on the. water rate u ~e 34 dead end ak'ttt.I It.a cauea. ~Mn of~ ... ·a· I .X... '.will~~;:~~ '•liiw j>i\!ceedlnaa wUI ~-.. der way to pu.rchMe two of ~ w!•nent and •11.fhtlr lw than China Cove lot.a from HarbormU-halt the ,a.mount wtll be avalt&blf!' ter Ruaa Craig. Tb.e two lot.a will for lmmedlate uaie ln the Newport be aold lo the city for a total of !park area lf the land cu be tied $6.790. up. P. E. GRANTS 31st ST. EASEMENT WAY Cl EAR FOR "CUT -Off" ROA • lllVIN5 THI INTIR . HOIOI AilA . . , ' ' ' , 1 ·t&. .... A.11119 lo ... -... fall ..... Im~ 11114 tllUI 1o.-.. --I _..,. oupport ' SECOND LARG£ST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE toumx ~-" . . ·-. --• SIXTi:EN PAGES Skipper Thrown Into ()cean by Gas Explosion .• John . Martindale, of Can- oga Park, alqpper of the 28 foot cabin cruiser, N l g h t Rider, la In extremely critical condition at . the Santa Ana Community hoepital today (Thlll'll.) &fter being blown ov!'rl>oard by a gasoline ex- plOBion on the vessel at 8:45 a. m. The boat was eight mllell out of Newport Harbor when the explosion occurred. ~ Seven ot.ber members or th• I~ puty, were &leo Injured ill the blut which Is believed to have been -cauaed by backflrtnr due to a faulty carburetor. E. D. Fryer. Beverly HUia, wq a.l9o burned aeverily, though· leas critically than Martindale. He 11 Undergolnc treatment at Com· munJty hoa:pita.l. ' All Barned Others aboard, who were all burned alightly and were releued from the hospll&l were : M.artln Walaeren and h18 brother, Avery, both of Loe Angeles: Joe Ever- aton, Henry Furer and Max Dworaky, a.IJ of Loa Angele• and Art Schleck of Pua.den&. llltllc-*•~~r. I-~ 11·~·~• , lz ~ ,.. ''1_ t int I , _.._ Marti.nd&le might have drowned after being blown overboard. but wu J>\<ked out ,ol tbe ocean. b7 !!!$'hr{" ·o£~ b.oa I , boopltal. {Pr@H Photo) Ha1 bot WeallNr ~ ••• Ille pul weellta$111eaan.rana: · mrh Low TbnndaJ', Joly It ....... n M FrldaJI, Jaq H .....•.... .118 88 -...,., lalT !l ..... 18 6$ 8uada.l', laq H .......... 18 ff lllo~, lulJ' H ......... 88 84 ~T• Juq H ........ 70 88 ,Wedlle1"-J", 11117 hi .... 70 84 ' Etenee! ... A. third boat. rtshlng nearby. the Nibbe II, aklppered by Ru. sell Jone.. who by coincidence ta &Po pa.rt owner of the boat whldt exploded, took •board all the In- jured men. The Night Rider oank In {3 minute& Tile Nibbe ll e&Jled the U. S. Coast Guard station In B&Jboa and an ambulance and doctor were at.anding by at the dock when the tnjured. men were brought in. The vtetlma w e r e ruahed to Community hospltaJ by Seal Ambulance. ~ Hoag ;Hospital · Permit Approved · Otftclal·approval of the application for a permit to build lbe Hoar ·Memor1a1 . ltooplta1. Preebylerian. bu IH!!.n recetwd by Ch .. ter a:. Hawk, 8"'1'tary to the hoispfl&l. Prompt ruponae ~ the requrat fOf' approval ll probably due to the ready cooperation ex~nded by Congruamon John Pbllllpe and by Senator Richard Nixon who lm· , , • • I l i.LP.• --• .. Publlslled n•r7 Tb\11'9day"at N'ewport Beach, Call(oml&. Otnce and ~tlng Plant .t;t 2211 BallJOa Bhtcl-Phone lt.arbor 1818 ' ~s~~~eek YOUtild·. ' 1~~~·~tR!11f~ t-.... °"''""' • lltl YOUR l)lope -telb l'Mll1,~ S..>t, t&l<N and ,...,kl&ctln con· . ate the good oome of U..-aipi.;. 1amlnatlon ma& llle 'llflJNl-' betkal --.,. 4"'nt' With • I ROOins NOTB 111 tho Clapltol lut week. '"OIGRESS = h::~iax~ ~t1. ~·..'.: Qov. 'Eu1 w.......,, neartl\g u.. .., bm ~ ap, a.w~ 1'!'W i. -~~byd~!ot'-lllplnn ogfb~ cul, llvilll'. ,.,,.., ... to a1~ •••· 1• ._. ~ _._ w~ ~ ~ WU. IMM'Na Entwed u eecond-c.tau mhtter Juae. 18, 19.CO. at the post ottl&e at , N•WJl'lll~ Beech, Callfomla, under the A<!t ot Maro!\ !, 1879. · Has the tarl"6t paUI t"lltt.llatlon ~.,. ihe Newp&l't fl'pbo·r ArM Sec:o11d La~t Hmftf\ Conunun.ltY In Onn•e OouaQ•. ,- MHnbl'-r CallfonJa ,_.,.W8P9JWlr P\&b&h.~rs AMOdatlon ~IPml>f'r Xational F...dltorlal AM()('latlon. ' r ler;blatutt, held a 1'tar1hg l!t Ida· A lnltmatlonal WPA.' and #oo lntla· I · olrlc>! Olld unounced al Ila con-Cllrlolu situation bu denlop· \lon.ary policy 0 ( the &dljllnlirttao Jul)'• 2S. l Ml tlualon he wilt .. etoe the Smith· ed In'°"""""'" ,..prdlnC mf!<llcal tlon, I wall~ you lei ~· 'that A oou,Ple o~ ,.-. qo L~ 8nnvn .aex crime bill. ,. car,e for ""'T vet.a'u&. you •re betptng r-..lse the ctiltllral tit mme driHn wl'IO · ~"Mt . W&.l"ttrt l&kl he ff'lt he would The o~e.r day a Senate Public levels of a lot of people; J.. Edentuid tr.:trlc alJft8 &r elae' bt 1-ta\lbtg "the public unprotected Welfare special cubcommlttee LI· arly of & lo~f bureaucrats who J10t heed tbem.. 'l1lle rwm-'ad -------~-------------f he .tp'ed the measure whtch J!Ued a 8G8.lhlng report, denoun~· couldn't get t much i if they ' ., tae fel.IOW named P&t. Wll9 weuJd h&w 1iYe11 eome .,. erim· lng the aietup ·ot: the Veterana worked for one elMt. • j . ~ drivlae hta: ear u.ts Ille BEN 0 . REDDICIC, Owfte'I" and Publlaber ROBERT Jo~. \VlLLME.s, Business ·Manas-er A. Al.6XA NDER HAMILTON. Advertising Aianapr The Prea has been adjudged a newspaper of cenertl.l clrculatlon by --of Ule SUP",_ Co.rt Of O.._• ao....i;y and la Mly q'*lltlecl ~ Jntbllsh. all ktadll of tecal notJoea &ad a.dvef'tl.9emeflla. • IM1s u.., ileUon of _..., AdmlnbotraUon medical procr-m Now'. take . NE!!CO to~ "": ltfPWllY -...., to maloof a ... ~eth~ t.Mey would submit to and makinc tecom~nckt'°'1.a fol" e.mple. United 'Nauan. IWucaUon--flell «:oP-nte car ~ !:Ulratlon or .erve ti. Ufe •entence cx»recttve ~. al Somelhiftl'~· ''.adeftURc ~ ioto the rear ead of Pat•1 In pt1-. Jr Uioy -U Ope!' Tioot p .......... It -'<I, pot<nU-and Cultural," I lblnk. fl!< ~ S .. r. wu damqod an.d -llJln. •tloa. Uiey w...W ha eone '-· ally \tittta 21.00ll.CIO -........ ani U.. C. Ia the ~ ~ ,_. "Why didn't you bold out ,...... • ' ra...-rrnos · RAn:s: , :00.'1!:\\'PORT·BAUIOA Plit:8.'< ..-.ry nu..-, • on-Voultly. SUt ,..r y-; •i::oo tllX -too; <•t.!5 tlntt -ta) (~Im ._,_ '"" Yl':•?JOllT-BAL90A l\'111''8.Jl'IMF.~ on ' ltlCht cr1mlnoloplta and PllY· """la about "'10.000.Q!IO a ,._.. alone we -llt"'i"' uib •lllft-hand." Ule Judre ulted PaL -giota. plus r.p..-U.U.-.et and tftvolv .. -·· -_. happy ......-UOJI: Sl't..8'1.111.'1 1 "W.U," he .,..;d tndip&llUy, "If "91e Sta: Att .... ey OeMral'll et-aUon or l~l "°"Pila!• wltll lll.-and l1lo ""°~ ~ -to la· he couldn.'t -my car, bow 1a lice a.ad Dlstrtct AttorneY• ,,,.,. btcll:. -~icate t.Nit it ~ 9(Mllt ~ 1total '1f ~lvn'• na.lhe ' could he eee "'¥ ~ '0Ctati6n., saJd Uley ...... t>re oppoeed nae subcommttt~ tnveld.igatton a.tx>ut $l~.eoo.ooo -.oe . ks et'M· hand,,,. ~\\\\'-'ii · t.o the bill. They dkln'l like a. sex I .i;tarted when pr__. Paul B. M.agnu-lion. This came mosUy from the l.;et's all be more ah!rt. When •\:~ !'tend lkcldlng wttetMr be should son, .prominent Chicago orthopedic u. S. taxpayera. You put in twice flrt¥tnl" and eee lf we can havre &;..,.~ N • J'O t't'eie ot' two lmprieon~ a.nd the I surgt"Otl, Wh "involuntarily eepa-u much u the rcat of .the na~. tewtt accidelllta. Be aure aa4 'l'lt~hiy ) OltfoiildP th4" .MHmty $4.00 prr ~· ==:::..=~-~-~ · !{~I I tocton .-id then-wu no a-rtaln ratt'd'" u VA tn<'dlca.J dlrt>etor. He The. Br1ttah pay on~t<hlh and j'wiae up" on .the new recutalionl proof that c'--tration would rid had refuM'd to resign afler club· call It a .. crackpot camiYal."' and io'J!;&' fnto effect ·OD Septembef PIECIS •• ..,, ~ p@tMI• ot abnonnal sex d.eolllit'f'ts. ing \vilh VA Administrator Car1 the Frencb, "':ho pey leas, grum· Ftrat. u rep.rd• to school bu.w&. 1'tt(_' Mil aa ~ by Auem· Cray over what authority the VA. b1e. \Ve at.rted it rolling by }>Ut• jlT&ffic officers or Judge Dodl"t' PLAY IN ,...._:~~I blYft\•ft H. Allen Smith, R., Olen· medical di~tor should have ting one Qf the leadln.g iooiallaU can enllgJ:llen you tree--ot-cha.r:p. 1 _ dah•, and Ralph Brown. o ., Mo· Tht> subcommittee found · tha (strongJ.:y suspected of communia-pf couriM! tp•re mtght be. a sl~ ~l!to. ortgtna.11y wa11 dt>•ignated \\'hilf' Dr. ~tagn~n was VA m<"di~ tlc leaningsl at.the head. Tbe re· fee , i.f you have to see Judge I "-~...,~ to mrl<' out up to lif(' 11entencE's eel di ....... tor "the tu 1 r th qunt. from our committee, for Dodge 'abou·t this mat.ter • ~~... • "' aa o E" next y•ar Is $8'< u1•~ ~ lilt! \late it him for M09l lllC-X criminal&. particular· pr('Mnt Admlnistrato to def • -m ...,n. ~ow e r on you 9ee I • -ly lhMe who mol'"•ted children gate the aulhorlt r · : · e· Jl.m I going to vo~e? Don't makt> on the invitation of a traffic SENIORITY PROBLEM Speek•t Sam L. Collino. R F'\ll· have onabled th y ~lhifchM~uld ""' laugh; my lip i• •till •'llttl• tJcket. Nestled against the river bank. between the two !.ifc-, tert· d d d h ·· . e t> .,...1cal t ender 1 This is your Friendly Ford , 0 Co d . po1 · . L ___ ·h-&.1--on, a r t e cutrat1on I Director to rontrol manage and Le ~ mofii.l Bridges in the h~ of W&Sbington, D. c. is the r~ge unty llll its 1tical """"' .......,.. at the amondment in the cloo!ft« day• o! operate the mrdlcai and h Ital t me. name you a r.w or the Dealer. Theodore Roblrul, uy- \Yater Gate "Theater.'' Uniqu~ in every l"Hpect. using state le\.-el are faced with grave ~nd it '8 our the ~giala.tiv'" ~&ion as • rt"Sult I syst('1n so ahnok confidence°;';' the w~-whale P~Jects for wh.I~ good·b}•e 'tlll next week. nature's air ooru.litioning, and the natural acoustic qua.lit•-belief that the County ft!: in danger of bebag let-do-.n. wt th of lhf' iWX--n 1ul"tk>r of ~trlcla Jean program that ft wa• threatt>ned rr°N~~oney 13 being spent· R:"lll Hull In Oolllnfl ' Orang"' County \\~ith completr dlsinlevration " G d has proposed • new of the surrounding shore, and carrying power of llOUDd over an awful thud by thOl!e who should haw ~ COll.lider'a-Dtotr1<t. • ·. •· · •r en or Eden on th• Amazon water for effect. the "Ylater Gate Theater". could ·-11 be tion for their constituents. Th" subcommlttl'e said th('rt> ri\·t>r, fN>rn ca.sh supplled largely ....... .,. Or. Stafford WarTen, 0ean 0~ sh~uld be a Jav.' rt>q uirlng the VA'! of course. by the U. s. taxpayers'. tran•planted t o our Newport Harbor area. We speak of course to the pnJblem of SENIORITY. thfo. UCLA School or MP.diclne u ul Chirf MPdlcal Offker to be ap-That n1 ay not bC' wch a. bad idea. The huge floatin_g s,\age is built, and completely self That. is the . \'ery tangible ~e~iog that la acqlli~ by the one or t"" nation's f<>ttn•o•t ex-pointed by the Preaidenl and giv· I riS<' to nominete •• the anake • oonta1rted on a barge tltat i.s pul.led from ~ ob••u-political office hokier only 10 dlt'eel ..._.._.,_...,...._ ti) hia a-.. ..... h pt"rts on aton1ic 1"'9di•tfon. waa th"' ing h im un~is.putect authority ov,.r charactc·r known as JOft. People -.r••~ ~ "'"" l"'"'t-""'-..__.... """'"6~• man vtho k-t •lip UM> n('Wa t.hat th(' agenC'ys n1{'11ical p ropani. would trawl fro1n al( OVPt the back water hiding place with tbe tum of ~ sea80ns, , or tenure in offtce. It is not purch..eable. It cannot be J-o;evada a.tomk:: ~ tut wtni.-r \\'hil~ th~ subcommitl<>e waain· world to tte-e a snake with 8 black bringing in the famous early evening twilight of Washing· I traded fqr. Re-election constantly. togKher wt.th innate dlstribut~ • ra<ttQacUve blankt't \'t"stigating VA. Lh(> House Vf'tf'r· n1w;lachE'. Only W1ly the A'rna· .ton. ability of the politician to ear..n respect and friende combiM "·h~ wu n"COl'df!tt O'W!t" Los An· a.ns AffairH con1mlttet> dM:idE"d, In zon '! \Vhy not the Whitewater • gelf.8, San F'n.ncillCO, 8a.ct'9.mento March, that factlitlf'S ror 16,000 rivf'r? There would be less ex· The st.age is made f~st to gia.bt bullards With great lo ~ake a senior, Assemblyman, Senior State Senator, and points q tor. distant e!l additional \.A hospital tK-ds !lhould pcnse making a Garden of Eden lines and its performancea ·a.re directed to the w i:rounding Sentor Congre.ssma.n or Senator a man of poWft'". Roc;heirtM"'. N. Y. and Clnclnnati. be built. ln the-2?nd Di!trtct : lea work to h d h red Belie 't t ·r 0 Co t • ...._--. a..1.-Ohio. I~ rook ~hat pMltlon despite thC' do. Bestcfe,s the people of my Dis· t ousan s gat e in the open air amp~itheater ninning ~'e ·1 or no · 1 range un Y. ~mVIJu.s.en \\'&rt't'n uki tM: amount of VA g t~st1mony that It did n ot trk:t know what to do wtlh Up the shore .side inland rrom the lUghway. ''DMJusande of ,are. permttted to proceed the way they ha\l'e planned for _,..dloaclhtity fMm the tesL~ wa~ neffi or \\'flnl the lx'd.<i and. In Rl'I;\' snake.,. None of that apple. bust· persons each evening gather at the "Water Gat'e ThMter'' lthear own perM>nAI ad\rancement and gtory--WE AS A not danj?f'T'OWJ but th•l ittt far· ('\'f'nl. C'OUld not Ust> thf'm due to n<'SS : just l!l good stout :1tickt or to. bear the fa. re of the. day: a _ service mens band frnm •ny COUNTY WILL POSSESS A JUNIOR. STAT& SENATOR. ~:'.'.! tdol":_ri,.~ttl~~. com• •• a s u,. shortag" of doctor.. nurses. •nd a rock. . ,--·· • r.....,. -... , .. .,, "~ ot~<'r per_ronnt:"I. The VA al!Ul UNESCO iA f!tudying national of several adjacent bases. High ~OC?i muaica.l aggiegations TWO .l~QR ASSEMBLYMEN, AND A JUNIOR (X)N.. 1bt> C'XP<'f1.• mactt> thE' 8tatemt>n1 pointrd out that th~iw: facilltif'~ cw;tofus. It \\'A;nbt ·to know wbv and occasionally the college bands from ~own , or I GRESSMAN-in Washington they are called ~men-! iturinl!' • m•otln" of th• •tat.. dis· would <0 "1 S335,000.000 • year to Enl!'li•hmen •arry umbrellu. The Virginia or Maryland. \ At preeent Clyde \Vfttson is a Senior ·Sena1ot within .......... round which prompt!)' np•·i:•••. British, In retaliation, auggeo< ll . ''Ole:" to ..-pend $4 .~.000 in l'ltat1 I W h<'fl the VA '-:-, ('Urrent ('On· f!nd o~t w"tty. Amen.cans e h-e ,,.,. • Professional talent also delights in th~ aplendors o( lbe Sta.le of Ca..lifomia reprceenting Ol"a.llp County, the ·~ ff'(tpral n1onf'y to auftlTlr nt th" iitl'i..i<'tlon progran1 iii completed, gum! ~t baa propou<1 taking" an the open air shOY\'S and in· the pilst ~vera.1 months many 1Tbirty41fth [Mtrict. Wat.son hu eerved for fou.rteec <"i,-u jtt"f ... n.'le pr~lln1 . in l9:l3 'Or 1 9~4~ it "'iii hav~ a :111tat<'ITI~• crttlcal of anY natt(lft r h Ii h 'N I Hi . 'ty . h Sc u ....... total of 131 .000 b<-ds Bnlpl!'. out of the wofid•s ICbie>olbOok.s. o t e g t oper~ cor:'paJ\~. frOm ew York. MiS:m.i , Balti-1 ~rs. . 9 eenaon 1n t e nate wi UC" a l'l'M-l loM. He T~'"''ll, 11.1.,,..:v" a l!IO('(' 1Nbjf"<'t V ~ ~Bys, t o tak<> ('O rC" of vf't.erans "Critics ·· is a broad wt>rci· w&I! more and Atlantic City have preeen.ted their sh.QWS in the l8 retinog. w •tli ov ... rbu~~n eJ JOhn Q . Ci ·. \\•ith S('n·il·t··rqnnr-ct rd dl~abllitle.s. Ki ng C'n-or e Ill a kindly soUi..wko surroundings of Washillgton'e beautiful outdoors 1 Sam Collins of Fullerton. Aseemblyman f-roni the 76th :=~~"~~~voff • contrn~~"Y8 b Dr. ?\ta,imuson oppo8t'<I havln.g lovc-d lhe .Amerioan oolo•iBts and I Se . . DI l . h _ __. I h Le . I I . a.MePurs, (' tetP ongrr~!'n1<'n iM·lrct VA . hospital rt>fU.Sf'd to tax them, and did Ste. p .• veral attempts in l'ecelnt years have been exterrded s net a.s 8e1 v~ n t e gts ature for 10 ~ ~ · Boftn:I or F.quall£atlon. and ind!· s cs. He ,,.8ntt>d nev.· hDApitals hen D"t"Cat'ur v18lt lhe n;p0u'° pl· to bring to Newport }!arbor the cultural advantages o f a 1941. His regard by hi& felk>w Leg"1atorw is ahown by t"PC'lly. thP gowmOf". n r lsrgC' cit1t>~ ratht>r than in rateJJ to contratulate t h e·m· on 't h 'C't--·i..· • th f t th t b . th· i--.-...1 Jn 1PtD, A. statute \\'Bs puscd "U h l at· Tu I tti ·1 I.. co~uni y tea. c er. £H&UJ has died ~ause of the great e 8.C a e again. 1.s year was ~~ Speaker of °Nhl"rf"bJ• •. s tete"1df' pro~rty tax · oc l <1ns as pe o. M.iss. e r C'OGp('rative metnod.e? t f th H A r · Ip pulation : J1 .5C7 ). horn(' to"'11 don't want to be-critical. .. ·expense o building and equipping a theater in keeping with ' e ouse. }>Osit1on of great importance. and ~r . ...quell1'•tlon Pt'OJ!1"1lm ""'°ld start or C'hstrn,an R.a r:kin (D' of th«> UNESCO ts T-eJM"r1.~ to tiav,e fl· the ttade necessiti(S and the California Law for safety in He plans to run for the Slate Senate. t~I!! )H'&r bf>t'A't>en thr public uttli· Hou~ .. Veterans Affairs Conimti-l flatiCed a hunt fot-ln<l&. tree.tture· b ·1,.:--,__ E I S l f N · ltf's, which a re lls.Msttd by tht> teC" and on f th I 1 't I \ d · • ' u.1 .,...... 06 ., to u.::-used for pu)Mic gatherings. · , ar tan ey o ewport Beach ha.e worked hard for Sta ll' Bqard or Equaliz.al.lon. an<l e o e s t es ' rf'COm· 8 Ml s u led the cnstdm of an PerhanA a model couJd be c1r~~ed from the "Wa•·r 1 nla city, county and State. He bu aetvtd u Qty "-~---oth~ nr.-vv.rt.tee. •'hich a-... __ mrn~f'd by that co~n'lttte<> !or a Anican tribe, which pulls out-'tlle r" 4.A." . u: '\,A.JVn r·-1~ '"' ..,, 200-o('d hospital. chn~·s front teeth, .eoltheY ·can The Lo• Ane•les n-w1n accept yotH cio•m.d ocf1 for J>ub.ficotion in out "IW'poper. Drop in al the r- ' ' of!ko. T!.ey'll beglod• accomrnodote yov. • d6 I Sll!WPORT-BALBOA PRESS ' ' , Gate Theater" v{ Washington, usi.ng a floating stage that cilman of' Newport Beach and WU a eoocl man there. ~ by ci ty and count y uses· Dr. MagnuM"ln \va.ntrd VA hos· pronounce word8 tn tJt<e n•tive dta· could serve the theater in the summer, a n.t11a--.i.nt at Easter He sUCCt!68fut)..y camflilligiled for the ~ u ~-801""9.. pitals closr to large citi<>" so they lect. It is studying thc-'Clliilies of DENTISTS 1-e--em. Bfon H~. R., El Oelatro. \\"OUld b~ nf'ar thr best ho.i;pilalA W1!1r. u: that . l"'ducatlon.i..I? Or I .---~~--------·· lime on the Bay and choristerB . on the bay at Christmas I blyman in 194.7 ana has ri~ cortAt.ab.tly kl sdt:t•m. Be .. ~t ta rept'tll t~ 1Mtli l•W at \ •nd medice.l rollegt"a. Ht" instltwt· <11tjentl:fic ! Or culitural ?1 lt sent I LESTER A. BECK:Ell. D. D. R DEN'nl!TRY f time. bead of the Republican Ca.ucua in the JAcWabare. He ~ bee& lut --'°'" ol the \eglslatuTe (.~ a pro,na.m. that drC''A' the ser· a delegation to Belgium ·to study One ideal loca t ·o ·s tl 'labl · \gained State and National Recogn.itioa for hiB dri 10 Uk he COl'\t~ it would \J('('S of emmpnt ntr<tical men lhe newspaper ,.-1tuatlon. •nd. re-. l n I pre&en Y R\'al e With ample~ . · ven lhWfT ~ for ut1l1tk-s and booiilt from such itl.'3t1tution.s to VA or. ported on thrc-e Q&pers in & cit parking areas for cars, ex.isting r oadwa)'S. and a eomewbat cducatt<>n program. H\ pl1tns t o run for Cortcn--en1 far t.he privatC" taxpayer. a part-tin1(' basis and ,e-ave VA a which says 1t ha.t6'1't. anY. -1~ ~ muddy water area for tbe floating stage. 'The •loping'' Oran«" County has been ably reprea0nted In the Con· R • 1-~ npt, but did'"°"""" val\Jabl• source of Intern• llsl!'d, in that report 0~· - banks of the hills of the ll'vine Ranch lying between the lgress of the United States by John Phillipe of Banning. :;' J'ttiftl'. a bill lhrougto whic h Th• S•nale •Ubcommltt~r called by name which thr Belgto,na '"sa; ~ 'O Id pol\pulle tM dtttllYe rt&t C' th(' result of Dr. J.fagnu80n's pro-1-Ul e name of a Joca.i Ian ti Upper Bay Road (running inland from the fish house. J oh.n Phillipe has been one of the very few R.e:pfteentatiW!B of the 19'41 lew fur r..·o more' gra.1n .. the best niedicaJ car(> as).-lun1. • a c being an extension o f Aia.rine Avenue) and the Upper Bay ;in the Capitol who 'has been ever at the dl.wp>Ml .of bi« Yl'&,.:; ava.ilable all.)'\\'h<'n> In the \vorld The nice part or couise ia that ' f'Wt', wellt ahffd wtlh thr n~w torr." and girls, out of your tax rnon.ey 1786 Newport, Blvd., Coat.a Mec;a Medical Bldg. Bee.con S'Tfi2 ~ E . Bay Ave .. BaJbol Harbor 3%7-J and inland fron1 the Coast Highway forms a natural amphi· Constituents. He ie an e xpert, and eo ~ by hia Boat'd of Equalt.u.tion, how-at any t ime in the v.•orld's his· the salaries paid these bright bo).8 theater. W e could perhaps borrow the technique used by compatriots in the Congress, on Farm. probl!.tn.' Water, procnm becau. \Va~ had noL Howrvf'r, thC' Hou~E" Vl'teran~ ate tn themselves tax·~ Uk' the builders or Talbert Stadium at H1µ1tington Beach and a nd ln~rior affairs. He bas practiced p>d buic Con· ~·ped lite Huloe bill, The f!oard Affair• Committee said th• 18,000 Mr. Trufna!!'•· saJ&ry : no ~ ~ l'i ,----...,--"------ gunite the hillside thus creating seats and aisles. The I stitutional Go\'ernment Policiet1 and bu endeawred to ~ it. ..., .,.,_,,.,,,,., r<n· l>Nl• should be odded becaUAe they pay taxeo,;,,, mine. eo "°' you. ~ Y ~ th~ aw~ or had bt"'ef1 eulhor;zl'd as Jong ago Utlftrd Nations employees -,i&· not. I amphitheater could be well included in the p~ of the ! fu rthe r econorn...iet!I of Administration. \.t ty .rttJnp ham aiQ ptt «nt of u 1948. People rrom oUJtt· natlonS 'ha Ml'nicipal Park and Recreation Commission and•tbeOJU»ly l ~e County has also~ Yet"y ~ :'jt:"t~:• p.;r:~l. J:~i-l Truman c an ~e Jle~ ;:'i.i~'v!¥"t ~~ of. Orange for the developing of a park area in the Back 1 have a BE!ci>ttd Repreeentotive in the ' IJil! ~....,. ·J.'! . • : ~.;;:<:"~'tf.°t'V,~°' ~'!t.,:.: W:,J!\!'Z,t ~y·J::~ ~yin the futu re. he is Barry Sheppard of San Bemarditto ....., • bill ~or Hula r...,..._lo•.· '<JO,t~"l.U~ or . trelr own countne.. The Ml- .:;. ··;-~· __ __ ---8c:otmty la 1ltUi w fl!I R .. ~. · tho~izcd thf'm again-to t.he ex· artes_ average abo .. t UtN>e !times MottnClA...~ ~ .. ~ -• ~ .. tkJll pnor to u. U96cm of Many count}·· Ull ~MOt• bil th+' tent of $237,000.000 -last year ¥ih~t i.a pa.Id (Ol' the 6&8'.le ~otk. t John Plwt...,_ t>lllrid. ~ling -.·~n th~ new a1 cwwwuraits but V.f\. did nolhlng •bout them in IWropea.n countries. AJJ ~ 1 1 -;B;;a;l.!~IMZ;-;•;;;O;;a;;i;;;D;;;A;B;::T;-i ~ OM1. r.•w or •?rt announeoed. ~ Oowaty·119u. be-ca~ It had it.a own planned Alarii!6 •re paid in U . s . money. Pt.•...._ t. ..... tataelbld In 041r ~ A.wod&tkJl'll c:Mtaul ttl(' ronstructk>n progTam under w.Y. I quote a recent report. ft"em - ' Lad7 Attodaat Oonlnt all!d ~a home ~~nanuUtft)' r&~ -.,,utd ~e 'lhe H OUSE', actin& on the recortl· London, on UNESCO, when I add. 4l0 ~ .Rl«ltwv in eon.a del Mar. cial d\aol And would •rt m~ndalion or Its Vet<'rauJi Affalrg '"'J'hpy k eep book.a tn a 1Ulphaz.ard COKONA D.EL llAR We do 1'Qlt hel tllllat £it.her ~:operty tax~ from tht> .Comn1lttf'C'. reauthorized the 18,· manner." ·1 DAY AND NIGHT Autm~ fll ~ C»uftty ~~ .::!rtiftt to ~ C.rmer, 000 beds on June 20 of tbJs year. 'Most of thJs appeared In the Plwt9e flu1M.r U Is beln( entirely. COMiderate of • M&Mlf'M:tu""4", and The bUJ IH . R. 313) ha.a gone to papen recently but I was ·atratd 1 their db'll'4ct. We bel~ thev store qwn~. t.he Senate and is In , the .handa of you might have' mls:aed it I want own lMir con.tftttel\t:1 m&te coft. p The BoarO'a ~tlomey. D~Wt"ll the Pub,ie Welfare Coinmlttee. yoU to hai;·e all the enjo~ent po&- IJfdfl'e;tlon than tbey 1 have llhown. . le~e: ~lmed ~le Hul!K' btU Is Meanwhile, thp Nath>nal Doc· Bfble out o'f youl" own money l.'C"JGE. \t.-WA...~• We believe they are sacr1ficlng au Y a use l · e governor did tors' Commltt~ for Improved ' 1 • PSTCHOLOGift· Lhe beat lnt.ereala ot our com· ,·10t sl.,-n It In tlm<' and b~c•u.se FeclPral 1'1er1caJ Servfcea. an af· M --•· _,_,_ 111·~-"'-··-......:11i ...... t would nulllf th Utt g g ore WorKer.I suffer CJaabJing 1UT1 ""'unll'C"lo.aa"f> mun lty on the alt.a ol the.It d~ · Y_ e en I 4 fiUal.fo of the Citizens Committee injuries ~n ·tbe Job between lQand F.atn.lly Relatl8na tires= We ~we each ot th• JtRtvte rather lbal'I potltponc it for for the Hoover Report ton govmi. • 8exual Pro'Dtem:e A.wmblymea awe t.he.lr. dl.etrtcU .wo ycara. UWiUe. denied they'd ment reors-anJ.u.Uon) hu protest· 11 oclock ln the mominft and be· 1 ... ~~.81 'a9~HiaM:aA.a more. fet lower t.axea. ed tbC' 18,000-bed progTam. It l&kt tween 3 ancl 4 o'clock in the after-Pbon~ &1m.1tief.1:7 • lft,1 Or.nee OouBty lbould 9e&J'Ch :rtie govemor'a ofClceo replied it the program ''v.•ould ntedleaaly ln· :;o:t.e:U::y~turing any other, hOIU'» ,.., ____ .... ______ .;..,,.J out a youn.r mu DOt ovt.r /orty ad op!nlon.s from the attorney creue VA hospital construction." , J!\"8~ veara ot ap &ad e~t him to t'f'nE"ral and legjsl3.t lVt' counsel It not.d th.at t.llie Ch.a"mber of 1--------"'-->----1,,-----"':...-..._.._ ____ • Con&'ftS&. . .h•t the bill la .legal and .. effec· COmmeree lJb Charlotte, N. C .. ltbat ~ VA.Jtuectical "itiNetor be Old~ Dwat .... He ahould be a man ... able and :Jvely poatpolaet" the JK>W rate or wh~ a 500--bed hosptt.al woula be atvm ~ 'avtJtortiy to nm ·_ .A.Seney · determined lo Co to WUhln~on -l. l'lca«<I under tho pt'OflVll. ''hli die medical ·_.,._ ,,,... u.. .UI linff -- • and lll&y .., the Job, &lid wtW>' at ,,,. Board la now ... king a objected to th• pt opooed new VA !ltll committee, · wto1c11 """" t4 -• .. .,, ._ ~"" -"' 2Q yea,,, when ~e has ~otmal ruling .,_ tile Attorney bospltal bec&U&e ,;. one bu dem· .... 18,000 new ............ o:.m I aow...... ... p!aed Senlori1,Jr wm 9tlll be 1n """""" upon wlll<h v.·m hlng• OMtrate4 the need t,or It.:' 11a._ tft -'Pia .. H. a. 1._, 1• ~ewport-. -o.a- hla prtme aa4 not a dodderlnc old bo 'l""llJon ot wbeth.,. proJlerty The senate Public Welf&ro _,-_ ttll Ille y.A( medical .Ill:·~~=====·=·:~:·:::•:•::·::~ '¥"· , , -· taco hleher t.axee; u lM Committee la expected lo ...tloroo -~ -VA:~.all Tbe 1>owl7 enated Congre.. ....,,u.. 'Cl.Um. It. aub<ommltl.ee'• report. ursinl'. -.. ~ l · "'°"41 Dlmicl oclmpri"""' Ora.rip C.maty &Dd a ,....i ll>IA!y popu· late4 '~a ol 8u Diep Cc>Un!;y «m!a'"8 a coull!De wlllt comm.., problemf &114 al"fO. O.r lnl&N! --tioral .......... ~· .. 11' botll -<To ...... the &rOal' "'*!uat.eiy IA U>e yam lo "°""' .... --a °""'"-" Who wlD be &Ille. to ehab\ploft 0<1r c:a~ ..... ud •t forth ·~ Ainu --for the --rt<w _, -.AND WI!! .liROOLD KOi' uaurn::w Alf't Oii' THI: IDflalUn "11: BAVJ: mAJUID) Dr o(-. OllW Br BBl1'0 FAlrillNL Clllf· 8iftWWWfA .AJID I} AiftiiCJ· OUll All•lflli:Y• ii : :i·c:·..= ~:-:-... _,.. r?•--.... .... --11 a, .... . ' • ~PEEDY .,, HA'RV£Y <;"OMER( IN~ • • , .. 5• I I • ' GEOROE Bl:Ll.OWS• IWt811il u.\n..,..nrpo ff P t' .-w. lw re,~ M 99 91 ....... •h "e 81odel'9 pk-tu"""" In ....... nt of t:a.e Mu.Un at .La s-a... FNtl\'1. ~..., t i .. tlie 'PltClliMt ~nbc. a wlectlon,or tbrre altr.Jn&te fro~ r..._ all'\~ly •tll ~ &. (Pl'Ma Pilioto) Southland Artists and Students Exhibit at Laguna ·Art feStival Harbor artlsts are wfll repre-... ------------- sente<l In the Festrval or Arts, one or the Southland's top attrac- tions now nlftni.ng a.t Laetma Beach. Neetted in Irvine Bowl ts the natural amphitheatre In which ea.Mt ~ing a~ shown famou.s living pictures of the Pageant of the :Mastera and Oil the rround~ surrounding the bowl a.re ~!I and ,boolhll wtlkh dill- · play pic tures and handleraft. Lucille Delano of Corona del Mar not only has a panel but one tarce canvass was hung tn the oollecUon or u in La.cuna's ftnt Na.tk>na.l Contemporary Art gal- lery, all of which tell a story. In t ht" gallery's focal point of lnlf'reAt Is the $1000 first a.ward winning painting, Ladies ot the Evening, by Robert Philipp, rated by art critic Henry McBrtd~ among America's siX be5t paint- era. The third award t'nlry wag painll'd by an l'x-Navy man, r:. medt<'al C'Orpgn1an or \Vorld War i Il, Sl('phen Douglas Steere, a tal- ented unknov.rn, who's still st.rug- cling wilh the techniques of paint- ""' at the Los Angel<'s Art Cen- tre. Steer(''~ painting dt>picts a marine ca rr}•lng a wound('(] buddy f'tom the line> of fire. ln ~ond place h a n gs Willtaft't Gr a. n t Sherry's The Humble One. Sherry is a , Laguna artist, and the for- mer husband or fllrfl star Bette Davi'1. Ll\·lng Pittn"""' Several of the a.w6.rd winning paintings from tht> Art Exhibition are portrayed as ··Jiving pic ture!!" · during the Pageant of the Ma.c::- tl"rs, a t\111 t•vening dramatic apecUM:I~ ud piece <loll .reaiatance of tht' La~na F t•stival. tn thP Pageant, tilne is turned back and grt>at 1na!'lter-pl<'<'t's a re "brought t o life" as the aucl1{'ncc .stts living modC''3 po..'h'd a.'l In that final sec- ond of rulfUln1ent whf'n thC' artist matlr hil'I last ~trokc> on the caovas. Ground9 t>Xh1b1ts ar1· unusually artistic this year nnd inl·luclc La- ~tna art1.!lt" at work, phot~­ raphy, painting and nrt!.St ic hnnd- C£1lfl of n1any k inds, i;;uch a.a the ceramk' origtna.ls for whk h L..~­ g\mll is knov..rn throughm1l th .. '\'or kl. S(X'<'i:tl fe-aJ.urrs for th<' young-er S<.·t are the Junior Art Gail('ry, ft~-for-All F un ('IA~. an<I lht~ Oon oncl Ivy \\'ibton Pup- Harbor HJcti I c h 0 0 I 8nlden~ Charles Kepper, aeoond pr1.ze ; Cwynne Gloege. third; ~lrlee Berg-eron and unnamed palnter of Vive La N ouviilte Orieal'.HI, hon- orable mention. From Ensign 8Cbool fth ,-rade. Rick &I.lard, tlrat. and P.uul brentz.en, bonorable mentfon; 6th grade. Marie Manlha, honor- able mention.' NewpOrt l':le.men- tary, David Springer. firat. New- port K'1ndeTga:rten, Jt>tm Stacy, tJrtrd and eosta Mesa ldn~T­ te.n, Susan Markel, honorable' mentton. Rega~lle8s ,ot prius, out1tand- ing ptcture was "Queenie," .by Mary Dennis, thlrd crade Hunt- ington Beach student. The young arlU!t has lovingly portrayed a yellow dog, catching Ila poignant expression 'to the life and to aee it is worth p-rlce ot adml.sslon to the whole show. Ground~ are open at 10 a . m .. living pictures are at 8:31 p. m. nnd the Pag- ea nt 1~ open until Aug. 5. Nebraskans Visit at Wood Home A wrek end packed with pleas- ant activities cam<' to a cl08e ln tbP Harlan Wood home, 212 Flow- t"t street, Co~ta Mesa. with the departure oC Mrs. Wood's sister and ramil.r, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waltr-rs 8.Qd chi1dr('n, Gary and Leta or On1aha, Neb. Among thr thlngM done in a whirl were dlnin&' at Knot.l's Berry Farm. driving to Pasadena, Long Beach, T\Juana and San Diego. A1llO sharing the run W<'re Mrs. Georgia Graves. motqer o r Mrs. Wood and James \Vood, son of the household. Lt. Robert Holden Called to Service First Lt. Robert S . Holden, 705 Poppy a vmut>, Corona del Mar. ha..e recei V('d ocder• to report back aftC'r A ug. l in northem Ca.Ufo r- nla to the' Army .A.tr ~-Ht' saw servtc" overtt>M tn World \Va.r 11. His 'A'i!e, JatlflMc and tht'ir two chlldrt>n llve et lW Co- rons ctrl J.I ar aCklrrsa. Zen.ta Chairman • Aids . Playground's Thelma Paddock Hopf''• "quFc· kif' •. ·p0rt.rait.A &tt" ageln addJhg to £onta ch.1tfil projec&. fund, part of which l.s -<k>tltinN to-pro¥iM pt&J'CT'Ol.lnd equ(prnent ror city parl<'a arid part ,... & ech-lp whk!h the club wilJ est•bll.sh t.hla Y"'&r. Mra. Hope started painting the 1itU~ oil portratU tbill apring at Zoote.'1 big ben~ttt dtnn'r da:nc~ at Ba.I.boa Bay Club. Shf' now i. palntlnc" Lt.em h\ h.tt booth a.t tbt Ft'11ll"9J oC Art.a. Lqun& ~ and givtn« f~ !tOm. MCh plct)lre towanl the play(T'OUnd worl<, of which abe I.A commtttee cha lrma.n for Zonta. Some oC It will al.o go to..ta.rd a '.-:.bola.nhlp t o help an 0r&nio eo..t·collep girl oonUnue h~r education. -hh an onv!Jlble .......i ln projtct -1<, bav!ft&' gtv.n $2000 to Hoq ~ i-plt&I, con· t.rONqng to tM Natton.l Am~• -llCbolal'llltlp tllnd -pnnidlna many ~ttee fut' b6ye ln the tu~ular ward at ON ..... "°""'Y hoopital. J . .\St: ARTH11R. ronnrr lt>lM'h- f'r In tt\f' ('Otllta M1"1Ulo ~ta.Jn S<'hool, lrlt (hl11 "·-k for wr- '"""" \\11* UW> A ra)' In ()f>mt&l\.T· Stt.-•• ..,.,... l• tlilr r?<""'9- .... ....n~ i PreM AlMot 4.H Girts Home From ldyllwild pt·l Shov•. p A • LJ ·+ An)•1ng H'nrbor a rti;<;t~ lilhowing ro• mer1ca nt are Rt'X Brandt, Phil Oikt>, J oari t H T F ilJNl with hePP>' ml'mnrlrit nt lrving f ~ft·s. Brantlt. who hB!I cap-0 ear enney hiking. .'l"v.·1mn1ing a nd group l urrtJ a first av.·atd l: Burt Procte r, gantr 'I", Olt'mbers ot thf' Co8la MP- U.i "'. · ~ ,,. the .. ~ft ot Pro ~ · 1-~. ~..(!AA _P. .. •.. Ak-ne B. Ehr~•ll , chair-Ml Slttchy Sttfcb.t-ni have rft.u,m- Ho~ ~y n ·.~ will l ON FULLERTON A TI:Nlll: Mn. Ellllalletll W.-.n a( Roi· fr'OOd .... ended • vloit .. -~ ot Ml-. and VN. E. I. Moott of F\llliet'ton &\"Hlll~ Ne~ ff•lshto. ct>rami<'sr. no ar tnecl.lat Oil J"rtday but <!Ol\tingH o. or, t ..or-at Sfll6Mtiflt S1'"61f __ _. ~!"'&t on Friday evc~j!tate ~-, Mac ... ~~ Lynne ~r.1 1 A ltrac-t1ng n111t·h attentio n is the ator J ack Te nney w1 s?ea1r'lM lo~ • ~'ftinm~n . ·~~I ,,.. ' I I i ch1ldrcn·:i a 1·t exhibit and here p. m. ln Amerium Legion haH, Eether ~. Nonna Tltmop- again local names are prort1ineAt. 15Lb &JM:l WC'.U Bay, OA "America. san, SMrtey .l.Awtll. ~y .RI.AU.. In the list of prize y.•inners are,._~ __ '·-·------------J•_•ne __ P_•!.¥_"'.;.;• J";__•_tty.;__W_D4_;.· ___ _ --. --------'- • - I I • • DJIC*111or's Fabrics , * ~ """" lloUJI ONI: OF l'..AaOEsT 8TOC&li 1 • I oa-c Cou& · I. * Cl'llCIZ SHOP ,_ 9911 tlio. . eo..& BNd. Lat-1-1996 \ • • ,• • • • • • • • . . • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ~ . •• . -• •• . , , • • . ~ • . .... ~ • ! • l \ .. • • , . ,r PAGE "4 PART 'I .. ::.: .TH~RSDAY,'JULY 26; 195 1". Ruby Bldg.·Sold ' ~~;'i:a1ss -& I . Entrance ~ams . al 0. C. Coltege '"' · Pre-~ namtnatJ.oM _ . • I • Heilclan Faded Denims Heavy,v e lslll", Mltforhted denim "1Ut ftoe,Hendan tatlorlnr that a.uo"" rea1 nt. SLACKS ~n.;:t ·~ . . s 4e1J in rtntshed lengths,. 2.J lo 34. I n &eam1' ready lo wear. JACKET. 1tn1t-tr1n1 •5e~ action· back \Valkin• s31~ Short ... , That Conti nuous Stock Quotations and Late News Are Available at eur LAGUNA BEACH OfflCI Bank ol Lag una Besch Bld11:. Ph. 4-1156 Complete Brokerage faciliiioo Trans-Lwr Stock Ticker Siatlstical Llbruy and Rnding lloem Your order to buy or ICll ~ mxb, boodl or ccm- modicics will & ~ With ipeed aid ICClltlq over the ration-wide 1<25«1 privatl! witt system tllrl· occriog our 16 California offices and our New York office wirb principal Ea.stem trading cienttn. Statio- tia.1 facilities are mainWiied lot year eon~ DEANWITTER lkC:D. ..._ .. ,..New l'_.. -.ctl IAAe .. ew-..... n1 ., ,,... ,_ ,,...,_. .,... •• t 1• '-~.._. ...... LOI .uM"" UN PIANCllCO W Y- \. ·-.:• 1 ... , . . ' How lb mMs frientis t of your J-rfrltmi ~ lf yours is a put)'-linc, those who share it with you . will consider you a real friend if you : Talk only as long IS IS real)\• ncccs:sa.rv • \Vhen you have a series of 9Us to ma.kc ~llOw a fc~ minutes bcru·cen them • Rcpbcc rhe r;fciver eropcr~v after calling • If you have .~dial telephone, make sure the line is cl~ !>•fore you dial • Ask the children to be considerate. too. These easy pa1ntc.n mean still better telephone ~·ice for you. too. For if you make them a habit, you 'U tind'thry gi ve other people a bcrter chance w ca!l you. ' . '*1 be yours if )'00 aJWl}'1 give your dU to the opcntor by number .•• ndier than by name and addrcs That way, you see, you won't have to w.tt while she #nds out the i.number fram "bd.oanoDoo~ • Ding • in tbc t0Wn )'.<Ill N ~, • @ PICHlc. Ttltll~tll -Gata 1181 -·· of· ttce bn -Jaland -tile tn.n1ttt of _.p of Vol- "' 1 Bay'• Ruby 1M•D4'RI'· comer tt1 Clcffn and Palmo' -Bal· boa. It -oold to ~-aad Ml'L Edward Muon of Clear Lake, Calif., fqr tile trum of JU0,000. A ,c1<&r Lal<e reion. llOrtl\. pf s.n ,...,,ci.co, valued at $80,000 ""'" taken tn tnode. The JORph Allard home. J 14 TurquolM' aftnue, iBalboa llla.Dd, wu aold to Mn. Eat.lie f Dewey tor '30,000. Pomona property valued at $23.000 wu pcc,ptect' In . trade. Mra.. Bl&ncb.e Oatee rep- reaented both buyer ahd are.Iler. Church Barbecue at Huntington Aug .. 5 , • • .1· -. F'1n1l plan. have been made f or ihe barbecue sponaored by ~~ Simon anrl J ud•'a church of Hunt- 'ngton Beech. ·fbe time .et for thr r\'ent la Sunday, Aug. 6, whe n dinner will be 11erved from J2 p. m , until 6 p m. Th~ approprtat~ spot srlt"Cted for th111 outatandin1t •nnua.I affl!llr Is at Mu rrphy'a Barn, acros& from the Me•dowl&rk golf <:Ollt 8('. D r:TE.RlllNATIONS, 8Kl i...J.. &Dd (maybe) a lltt •' luck rHUlted ln th.IA team f rom Tuaa elu b betas over-4JI hll"b poln.t t.eain ln the I 1lf'r -C lub AlhlM:loni toa~a.t lMt week end. A.board Pau.J Boc'en' ~ \\"'el'e l..o Clallahan Ro.v l\f<t"a.lry, who BU\'ed u aa alteraate ; Paul hlnu.elf • and "'Cblle" .Jon.._ They are 9hown her • at tbe bl"Nkfa.llt atll'ved the ..... en by lhf' Bal· . . The tlckot committee hu an- nounc~ lh&t the ticket.a m ay be had from a.ny parlshoner or ob· alnffl at the rectory ; t he adult.JI will be cho.rgrd 11.:w:t and children 65 C'C'Rlll. boa Bay (')Ub prior t.o takl.nc Otf 'for Sunday'• 11!1 tlna-. (PhOto by 'Becknr r ) The public ta Invited to atttnd •.his yParly social event wn er" not only a dPl\cioua pit barbecued bc('f dlnne-r will be aervffi. but also An afternoon or n1n and f ro· lie mny ~ enjoyed by both adult.A :ind chlldren alik e, Visit in Missouri, Mesans See Flood M r. and 1'1rs. W , R. Hum' and laUE;htf'rs J anee, SW.le 'and }Cathy 1( Co.'it& Mesa have Jmt returned rron1 a months vacat ion ltJ t he mlddlt> west. They were marooned by floods for two days In De Witt. Mo , ht-fore finding a way out hroui;h wha t they de&crlbcd a11 11racllcally unueed road& ViAlling relative•. It waa-qulte 1 thrill lo see lhem.elvea and hf'ir h~ll!I in home movies t aken 1bout l~ years ago. An ea~lally l~J1ghtful surprt&e: wa.a a dinner ;f""" In their honor at the Indian flllA Country Club, K.anaas City, \{i&90Uri. • OsceQla Open for Boys of Area THTRTY·YIVE BOATS "'P~M'ntlnK M"\f'n Soothern O&llfornla Ancllftc Olp.ha made a a:pr-cta.eular •ll"ht u thf'y tnt>k ntr from tbr brJl.bl1oy In thP I nter~J9b Alt.cott Tournamen t tut "'ttk-end. \Vlth th"' Pacftlc Anrlr tA M hotltM for th1• f'Vrnl, lht'! rn·o da.}'8 of oom petltl\·e fi•hlng bP,can "1th & BUI Burt, Y's Men·a club pr"sl-l'IX o"('kM-k b"'9kf~t at lht· Balboa Bay f'lub on Saturday mornlag and ended wtt.h a pla cockta.11 lt·nt ha.a Mnounced t hat a Umll pa.rt)., •f!IO al •~ B. R. f'. S nnday 1•\'f'nlnJ. Announl'e'™'nt ,, ... made that th .. Catalina Tuna Club -.r 84 youlha from thl1J area can wa~ the lllsh 1"lm and rau1 ltoce r•8 l'aKlr-• "'a.!11 hll"h boat. <Photo by B;•cknf:'rl take advantace or-~ng l o CamP l------------------------------------------ "Okroll"""""thil""'?ear . e c~IO-t c. D. 1'1. 1<"'000 S AU:: calf'd In the &an Bernardino D . age Survey Church School Guild ot Corona mountains hu been a favorite rain dt>I A.tar IA holding a cooked food ""'"' or rnany youth.o who have I .s.a.le Friday from 1 to _. p. m . a t '\Vailed lhemselvC9 of Ila facilities 0 c c 11 • t 332 Mangold Ave. Mra. Katie In lhe put. a 0 ege Hunt is in cha.rge. 0,1.. for th• camp ar< Aug. , , 23-30. The age limit la nine to Cl.a.asifled aaa ce»t UtUe. do much. 12. Tht" Y's J.len'1 club pre•lde.pt The &)8.)-d at Tn1.!llt"e& o f -Be w ise-tel! people---adverttae~ ukPd that lhoee w ho wish more Orang" Cout college at tht"1r lut ., information or wish to make re• mef'tlng employed Robf'rt E ervalions call Gilbert Seal at Bea· Alf'&andrr, architect and Richard con 627-t . Pattt>non, enginttr or Newport ,. -------Beach. to make a drainage f!Urv~y 1and .. develop a muter dralnagt< plan for the entire t'Ampu1'. Balboans Hosts in Honolulu. "Our board dt>~m~ It necessary to have a reliable drainage plan u a part of Lht' con1plelt' rlevt>I· opm.enl of COU"t C'Ollt1tge can1pua." .stated D. D. U.wh.ead, board prf'&ldent. POWUED fOI fHl JOI GIFTS e ART and OF'f'IC E S l'PPLll':S GREETL"'iG C.o\RDS COSTA MESA ST . .o\.TIO::\T.RS er. 5!13-R.. 1788 S r"·port BIYd. awl.A.AMI CO MIU ST ION Plllm Oe:,ert soclallle, J.tlaa Edith Eddy Ward, currently 1taY:. ing at the Royal HawaUan In Honolulu, la being entert.&lned by Dr. and M ta. Le•ttr Lowt> of Bal· boa and Palm Leurt. Mias W ard -,nd her party a ttended Don the 'Jcachcomben, where they wm-e IOlnfd by M r. and Mna. J ames Ryan or L& Jolla. Stephen Royce and ?tt r. T ed Slerkl. The maAttr plan wilt nl&k t' rPC'· omm~ndatlons r~gardlng the-con- trol of aurfa.cr water. "':Ill lndlcalt' floor elevatlon.s of aJI buJldlngs, wll\.. give cr itical e l,tvalk>nA of all roada and walks and will propose drllinace f low llnN neednl. realer n:w swu:r l'Ol'A.TOl:S Annual Meeting Produftion of swfft potatoe• ts For B I Boosters expected to be the smallest tn • • • about two-th..lrds of a century. •C· ANlual mttt.lilg of Balboa Is- cording to the Burr11.u of Agrlcul· land improvement u.socia tton will tural Economics. The crop la a::.· ~ he ld Monday at 8 p, m. ln Con1· per cent below averap. r educed muntty churt:h, Agate Ave. Thr planting at'COUnUn g for the dru· meeting ha.a been called by J . A. tlcally ' curtailed p roducUon. The Beek , pr;ealdent. k>w acreage ta cauted by srowers ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::, llverttng their land to cotton, re- por~ A . H . Holland. [a rm a.dVt.llor 1f the A (TlculturaJ EX tentlon Ser· vice. ----- -People do · nad the. PnN adll. SOTJCI: OF ~ l.NJ'Z..'""TlON TO ENGAGE L"I' THE SA.LE Of' "A.LOOHOU.C lll!:V1.:RAOEll July 2:1, 19~1 TO WHOM lT MAY CONCERN: Notice i.. bettby given tbat nt· e~ daya alter the date• poated. 'he undentgnf!'d propoacs to aie.ll "\.lrohollc bfveragN a t t.Mte p~m­ sea.. deecrtbtil u tollowa:-• Sporlf',d¥n• boat "Ch&fln'I Clipper". · S.uport Landing. sh · s tale Hli'bway, Newport u .. ch. oranr• Count7. Purwant to IUch Intent.Ion. the Use Classified A·ds to .en your car ~ , . to find a.lluy•r f or your home lo rent your apl • ~o d. I s_p o-s e of f u r n iture and hoU11eh9kl goods you lio l o •11 e r . 1tecid. . ' • . to Qid • good jub. . I • , requJl'f'd, of all new shldimta ~ efttn..nce exama and ba l>ft-~· .,.trance to ~ CoUt CQlle~. w>U. a COIU18dor. 'Oolmw!. wW be stvm on A.upat, 8 and 2' qra lnterVtew1 ean be arftl!Pd and ISeptem)lor 1 and T at • a.m. any week · da.y _durtng I.be moaO. tn lbe Science building, Btudonta of AU&'USl from 8 :ll0 .a.m. to ~:ao , wllo dld not take. U.., Baglllh Uld p.m. tn the counoellng• office Jc>. the poycbolog1eol bamlt>al1M1 at patod In lb• odmlni.tn.t.lon ·build· one or the h igh '11<hooll -'lie-r"l:· muter, ahould p!An to be &t t,11• Applk:ante ro; the practical college f<W one ot the ICbedulfl nurotng couroel are required to testlht date& . 1. 8cheduJe lhelr pre-~glatratlon !X- Form&l n"gialra tlon on Se-ptem· aritlnaUona for either Augu'at S or be:r te c&nnot be completed until ~uguat 24. at 9 irn. in the aclnfce the new sttJdent bu 1 takett t)\e building. , • FINEST OCEAN FISH RETA.IL SHRIMP HAI.iBUT BARRACUDA: SEA BASS ALBACORE ~! We wlU Prepare Albacore for your locker .ABALONE , SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES . • 516 30th Newport Beach Ph. 1Har. 1507 , lvouAltlC PUBLIC GOL~ C:OURSE Vest ~th Strut at Rad io Towers "--=~-.SANTA ANA PH.Kl 3-8311 HURRY! HURRY! ONE WEEK LEFT $11 9-5 LABOR FOR CHEVROLfT VALVE GRIND. Save Money on Television Special Culbertson Motor Co. 1Nc %431 COAST IDGHWAY BEACOS 6"! , ~ :, . ' . . ~-. . '· ....... · . POWll..JIT CAJllUllTOl LONG LASTING llAl<U SONDIO II.AKI LININGS , .... 3000 •• t 'r J conomy , ••• t~ clo more work for your monfy • andenlcncd Ii applying to lh• State Board ot ZquaJlsatJon for :..1t1Ance on ortgina.l apell.caUon of "" aleobollc benrace -'°' ~@48 pnm.'-¥ ·folkJw"a: Dawtfltod A d we~:s "''" .....,,. •*"17 at ~~_.. ·1 lHlc at .... entfRae .... -lfl MOIMlllY f-~ .......... ~ ..... ..; ........... •· 0118&18-~ Any oce ~to~ tH luuance ot -" 111&7 ftJe , ttrlfl"fl p-Bt&ta -..i-or Eq(ioti•tioll at a. ..... mcllto, caiu..,.1a, at.altq I~ tor l<Dlal u .,...._ ~la•. 'Iba --.,. mt -no•cd ~ Ille .. .,__...._ CILUIDI.a.WAN> • llPOll'PWIDIO COl'll'ORATIOM No.7-tllilllJa J\lQ'_ .. i-. Use C lassifi e d Ads ~Hmbcw ~lllhllhMJCQ. • 2211 telbo. Blvd. Newport leech Ph. Herbor ll>lt ' , ~allei, "-..,,.. -·--.......... --tfiltl ........ . .......................... _ ...... .. .................. ;i., ............... _, , Toh"o Ip"-_., __ M,........t ... ••lf•••MI • ec111•r· S.. • .-1 ' ~ 2411 C11rt Ill' war , '. , I • I ( I . . • • ' • • \ 'UYtiGold \VES BUSH'S DUBU>ON, auxlllal"y ketch; ·ft!!Cefltly re111.r1HP!d-from a y•(• c.n.1.~ la Acapluoo I• pictured abo\'f'. The ketch, ttpill.lnted black, la DO\l' moored north or Harbor llflancL POWER SQUADRON HONORS FOR STODDARD For out-'!t~ndin.t:" achil'vement in Squadron work. James B. Stoddard of Corona tiel Mar. "''as honored la.st Thursday night by n1ore than l&O B'l-lboa Squadron n"1en1bcra and guests at the 1;roup'3 July djnner 1neeting at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Hay Longenhe1n1, local Comn1ander, read a leUf"r rron1 the United Sllite-tt Powf"r SquadroruJ Chalrn1an of the N&V1bat1ng course written to th·l "National V\ce-Con1n1ander, recounting Stodda.rd'a unique record 1n his two years in the Squadron. Cellini': attront1on of tht' USPS.__------------------------------ Governl~g [!011rd to lht' f11.ct fhat Sto'1t1:irrl In tho::" tv111 yeRrs had compll"lrd the Pilotin~ coU r~f'. Sea1i1Rn~hir. Advanced Pilotlni;:, Wl'atht•r. Eng1nl'' Meehan \<'~. Jun- Jnr NavlJ::"ator and NaviKator courses, At th!" san1C' l in1d he ha:; been teaching In P ilotlns course. lllgh Gradrs Power Squadron Hear$ Bush Wes i3uah, owner and skipper of the kelC'h, Dubloon, entertained Balboa Power Squadron mer'nbcrs at lhclr July m('("llng at N<'wport Harbor Yacht Club lut ThurMIRy night, with his colorOO slide~ a.nd a narration or his recently con1pleted cnllse from Newport to Acapulco. Of special interct1t to the J!),0 members and gue8t..a, wa." Bush's projection of chart& of hitherto uncharted lnlelll 11.nd hRrbor!!I along ,the c~.sl, showin&r the b<>ste----------------- anchoragce: and dcMrlblng the Im- portant phB.IM's of piloting «long the coast of Mr xico. Engine Maintenance ('OUr~ Wf'~f' pN"sentecl to Urban Deh, JN, Fred Cnrnl ck. AP, Rilv Donal'1. Lcon- Yrar Cn.ilAe ar4 Hostrtler AP, Jack Hughey, cup L'clo lllo Y-clUb ~ ~ loftl'lll for tllo Gold CVp. ·P•- pr!M ot _..· •t nc1n1 ..,., ........SN et>olla>pr H-IV. owned and driven by ..,.Ian Vlllel LlTC mom...... UYC .-..., tor U... oup \wO 7"n ...., In 0.. "l'U'n• botll rae!'f, held tn DetrolL VIMI wiU>drew afl•r i.-mc In· volWKI tn an ac;cldent with Guy Lornb&tdo•a Tempo V. KU1'"11rJtn11t l'iftCf! .tb'll t 1me ha.a ....., .-pletely rebuilt and cJoR. 'Y appf'OX.1malu In many ways Stan 8'YJ'N' 180-MPH world ,_. ord holder Slo-Mo-Shun IV. She had ~. ohak-. In private at Lake Mead and exCffded espec- latton. by toppln~ J&O mil .. per bour with conakter-able eaae. The big Alll8o:i-powerecl siwed- lll'r ..... u leave for Sc&tUe Satur-- day. Thlt la lhe r1rst time ln the hbtory of pc:nycr boat racing that a Cl)ntcet for the highly coveted Gold Cup h.1t 3 f'VCJ' been held WCBt of the Rockie.. Bearlhg sud'I famous ne.mea M Gar Wood. dean of power boat radnJt and Hora« Dodg" fMy Swttllt>l. the famoU5 cup wtll ~ rtlc('d for at Seattl,. on Au~in 4. . During lht> put 20 yl'nrs ovrr • dozen C.llfornlan~ have at.tMnpt- ed to brtng Jh,. prlae ' race to lhf"~ writ. All 80Uthem boatmen wlll rclllt'mbt-r·th,. hlstor1c challt-ngc or Dtck Loyne.1 ' Callfomlan, Art Bobri<'k '111 El Torbelllno. Lou Fa- Jte<>l'a So Lon1,:, Jim T•lbot's ...Ml&P Los AngaJes. anrt DRn Arena's M lM Golrlr"n Gall!. W ith the ex- ception or the Talbot boat &11 of theec chkll"ni::er:s were 8oe<'n In the pa.at on t he watt'rs or the north Lido chn.nnrl her!' al Newport. Bad luck rlo.:J:~I their every chal- l1:nKr RTU1 thr cup' lived for the mN' r ~r· In lhf' trophy room or lhr O+'lroit Y11.r ht r lub. In 1949 "vrrvnn" rrmen1ber8 lhr closeat !'1h8Vf' or the castemera • ever wh••n Robert Stanley Dollar, Jr. or Snn Franclaco took two heat.a of th1• bi~ raCf> with hla Sklp&l.ong "net failed only by a point or two of wlnnlns; the trophy. Stan Sayre" of Seattle-brought Barbara Bergeron to Repeat Vows . Mr. &11d Mr•. L. H . Bergeron. 101 -S8th St., Nrwporl Beach llr!!' 3nnounclng July 28 ne wedding date for their daughl€'r. Barbar• Junr. to Pvt. Oe:ra.ld Lee Tripp. 8on of V. A . fCUrly) Tripp. 31st St. The young couple will be marrll'd at 11 a. m . In Our Lady of Mount C&.rme:I church, w ith the r ecep- tion to foUovl at the homr of the bride'., parenla. Barbara wu graduated from Newport Harbor UnM>n H I g h 1ehool and her flance also was educat@d in Jocal 8Chool,,, Tht'Y wtll rulde In Oakland, where Mr. Tripp UI st.alloned. Marin er Leaders Entertained by Mrs. Ted Hambrook The Mariner Lcarlf'r.i ' Associa- tion of Soulhrrn California n1t"t for lt'a July mC<'tlng last Saturday at lhe honlE' of the preBldent, M1·s. Ted Hambrook In Balboa. Thirty- five. mPmiM'ra alt<>nded tht' all day aeulon. Luncht"On was served af- t er lhe morning's buslnes1' and thr afternoon wu given ove r lo swim- ming and sailing. Evt"ryone had load.a of f\Jn . 20 year1 or effort to a su~euful conclu11ton v.• h e n he literally bluletl a.II competition off the I:>elrolt river lut Augw:t to win the clip and bring th" ramowi raC'P • to ti\"' wce:t. The It11t of C'h&l- 1.,.ngPrs for thl8 year'• c1&8l!liC on the w11ters of' LAkr Washington \nt:lude-111 th.,. v('ry crt>an1 or molor- boatlng, lnrlurllng Guy L&m- bardo'111 Tempo VI, Jack Schaff.,.r'a Such Crust II, and the Gold'n Crust, the Oo.<u1ln brothen· MiA PCJ>I', Horace Dodhr's H ornet and M}' Sweetie. Scve1 al new boal!! ma.king Ulclr flrat appearance wUJ be Lee Schoenith'• Gale of De- troit, a Portlanrl, Oregon chal- lenger, tbe Qulck.1!lver and a third we1tem entry, a new outfit lrom ld&ho prepared ln 80me Sttrecy. • New TraWl .to'· . ' Eipkre Sea ' ~ ' ~ ,. -One-of Ure loul lmciwn p.....i- o(, the eartll. th~ colCI black mid· ~eptba 1 of tbe Pacific ...,.,...:-la Jiving up Ila aecreta to a nrr a<!· nUfic tool of revolut!ona.ey de· ->gn. • nae tool la • mldwalu trawl. • aptelal aort of -flahlng . neL ll WU designed a.nd corwtrucled ~l the UnlYefttt~ of Ca.llfomla'• Serlppa lnaUtuUon of Oee&nllg· -aphy, La Jol!L Bypervlolnir !ta 1evelopment baVe · been Dr. Carl '-Hubbs, John D. IPaca and LewU w. Kidd. • The trawl la bringing forth un- l"xpecled quanlltlea and k.lnda of weird deep-water marlnfi c~a· .. ..,,._ Probably lh'? most remarkable <tCblev~fne.nt of the trawl lo daU. Or_ Hubbs lndlciLled, hu been the collection of several specie• or deep watri fishes that have-been caught allnollt accidentally during Lhe coarse of sctcnllflC Investiga- tion In other oceans, but nf>ver In the Pacific. Some or them are specif's\.thRt arC' tprobably new to scientlt1c literature. Though still In developmental stage!}. lhe nl'\Y trawl has already been to,vf'd at a depth of 9,000 ft'Ct -almost two ml1c111 below the Surface of thp sea. F\Jture pl&.ru1 call for the constn1ct1on or largrr trawls. UsinJ: lhem, acientlt1lll hopz. cv,.n~ually to b.., able lo draw "l. fl!J I ptrture of llf<' In tM Pa- :ific. '''hich averages two miles in df'pth. \\.A.StrlKOTON Ot iESTS fiplatlvt•s fron1 Cle Elu1n. Wash., have bf>t>11 staying a.l the hOlTl-t' of t.1r. ant.I ltlr~. Meldf'n Potter. 226 Brat1·1cr ~lrt't.'t, Cw;t.a MeM. The visito rs \\·l'r<' t.1rs. Potter's par- <'nla and s is terH. lttr. Hnd. 1ttrs. Alex Bell, Elsie and Diane Bell. \\.ELl-'ARE Cl.U R 22f Social \Vf'lfare Club No. 221 v.·iil lllt'f't Wednesday, August l at I :30 p.m. in the horn(' of Mr8. Etta Tt>ad, 2674 \:ldt·n avenve. Costa Mesa. ' -. :!;ti DE TAll.-1 • .RIGB •• ' ll'rlday ;' 7~ a, m.i a.o I Jnly 27 :82 pl m. n llit.tanUy-8:11 1 IXL ."3-8 JUiy 21 8:25 ~in.' t.a Suni!ay 8 :11 .. Ill-3.6 .JUly 311 ' T:ll p, m: a.a . Monday 9 :37 L m. &T l ,. JuJY 30 . 7:61 Jim. a.T TuNda.l'. lQ:()O ... m. 3.8 July 31 8 :28 p. m. '5:9 Wedneaday 10:2( 8i-m, 3.9 Auguat' 1 9:00 .,, m; I ' 8.1 Tbunday ... 10;4e Lm. 4.0 ~up.st 2 9 :32 p. m. 6.1 . ' • • J @ Cf e • • r • • PHIST. FULL UST MSW .. QU&Rn:K KOON QU.t.RT•;& llOON ,. Aug. 10' Aug. 16 tug. 24 Aug. 2 • • HAROLD I . .JOHNSON P~l..:r .,,...,. Ooluml-111'11 Airooc;y Plooae Ra-an }Ve give your ahoea the ~ look lt you have lbe old ~ ' . CUSTOM REPADUNO -•' 1811 VUW Wa.r. N'""1pm1. S...1h Newport Shoe Repair. 'O!l · Z!nd Newport ...... U·DllVE CRUISERS -Rqw BOATS di'. e OUTBOARDS e I.I\~ ff.AfT e Ti\CKl.f: • Small Roaj Lllunchlnc El,.LIS BOAT Z80Z OoMt Wway Nelvport llkmch AT SOUTH END OF Bi\ YSHOUI: ... .. RENTA\ • I'll. llaiWr ii»• RRIDGI'!, +---------------_....--~--~------'"" .--- ••• • .. -··-:. . . ••• , ·• llC' also taught the \Vealher CounJC thft ye8r and thl' -Junior Navi~alor course and completed the Navigator course with a near- ly J>f'rfect gradr. He 'has been chairman of Advanced Grades this yenr. a po5it1on which he con- tinue' to hold. And no~· rates th1..• highest gradt" the Squadron gives. that of Navigator. Durin~ the year he also con\- pleted the Instructor Trainln~ cour-..,e, \Vhich is g1v('n by fellow member. Rt'X Brandt. After read· ing thr n3tlona l lt'ller or com· m endalion, Con1111and('r Lani;en- hehn praistd Stod\larll for h~ ac- compl'shn1ent and con11nendt•d him for his genrrolLl a nll rfft•ctivr> se~icc to thf• local squadrnn. Hr emphasized th<' fact that ~ood in- st ructio:i in cnurSf's. designed to hr lp sail and pov.·C'r boat skipper::: On the cruise. which took n~ar· John KlmblP. Ea.rt Kunklr. Ray ly a year, Bui:;h: hl!!I "''lfe and 11 -Mllle-r, AP, Dr. Salvatore Monaco, yf'ar-old son. took tln1e lo go Harry Plr-tcher, AP, Frf>d Pope, a.shore often and rt>ally sampled Jr., Corn1sh Roehm. R. ~sll,. the atn1ospht'rr and life of th(' I ~park11, Jllffif'.!11 B . Stoddsrrt. N . southern neighbor;os. a.nd Louis T\n1nlf"rn1w1 . Two \VO- SenaaUonaJ news eomea wtth the annouaccment th&t Stan Say- res.and hla raclnh tl'am of deaign- er Ted J ones. and builder Anchor Jenaf>n have j\J!t completed a new Slo-Mo-Shun V , Thi.a new speed-I stcr prepa.rcd aA her predPCuaor without fanfare, can1e u a com-~ ;>lete surprl&e and \vord from the nOrth s&ys. lha~ she. wu deatgnf'd to hlt lhe fabulous 200 mllet an hour on water. I WITH . THE DEAL or '"E YE.A& Jenrn to opcratr lhrir boats in a compf'tent n1annt'r, is the princi- pal purpoGc or lhc l in1ted Statei:: Pq\\.·cr ·squadron'" organizaUon. Summel' Bazaar on Balboa Island The annual summer ba.zaar of Balboa fsla.nd Conln1unlty church \V_ S. C. S. \\·ill tw held Thursday R.nd Fr1d11y. Aug-t1."t 2 and 3 in lh" pntio of Mrs. Atayrne Foot's hnn1f'. 22 Snpphlrr Ave. It will open at. 10 a. m. and luncheon will bf' served both clays. • -. Squ~ron me1nbers W('r{' inter· men PftMt'd the cour:-e a1"o. Thry c-slC""d In the gear and arranse · Y.'Prf' II'lrrl<'l Donald anrt Jant" mrn~ Bush had made. a!tr r much MIUC'r. Sanl Kaufrn1 11.n instru<'tffi 1t11dy. abcarct his bon.I : one ou'.-t)i,. co'ln;{', • ~ivf'n th i~ tip"i n~ al :t~nding fratUrf' being hlg cloublf' !ht> Lldu Ial,.. Yacht ~lub under the '-'p1nnP...ker r ;~ ror running h<'· ~fJUMd .. on piogre1n. r~re th-e ""inrt <lO"'n the coas t Trlbutr was pa id to the Jate f icturcs s howed lhiA rl& under \Vlllian1 Stntt, siiu:iclron n1embcr \Vay n safely factor against jib· v.:ho \Yns lost In ll pb1.n<' accident !~& _and da1nagtng . (ore a.nd a"!t 1 \n Afrlr a r<'Ct>nl ly. Harold Holtz n;.:-1;-n~ and an f'fflc1cnt rig unller announCL'd that a memorial 11- th_e <i•rcumHtances on the down brary of bookl'l In E'<'"onomicH will 'v1nd cruise. bP 1·stabll:;hrd at Po mona collf'ge Tn PubJJ»h Book t,, be known 8!'1 th{' William Stott I::t,itll plans to publish a book, ).kon'lmic-!I coll"'C tlon. Membera including his experiences. picturt"3 "'·Ill eontrlb~te to this memorial: and new charts. and plana aloo to give thf!' tll\,1!ilrated ta.Jk again. Squadron member. wtll heart.Sly ESTATE TO' Di\l'GHTI:R recommend the program to all E4tate of Archibald M.. Strong who lnteresled in boat.II and In ! or Balboa, who dll?rl July 14, will the Mexican tenain and prop!~. 1;0 tO hl.!1 datlghter. Marian S . Lt. Comm&nder Harold Holtz. Clark ot 320 Anade St .• Balboa, '''ho U, program cha.lrman of thf.' I unrler t enna of his will which hu. Balboa Squadron, intr()(lucet.I Bui-.h ~n fil4'd Cor probnte In nuperl.or nnd at lhe cl01Je of the ('V('nin~ coart. Valuc or thr l'atatf' was announced that the next mef'llng not discloacd other lhan that It will be the September barbl!CUf'. 1 l'Onslsts of real and JK'raona.I prop- Cert.trlcates for completing lht> 'erty y.rorth "in excess ot·$10,000." • • -· ---... -!:.... ...... -•• , H vt~1 should be able to defeat I thls l'1t or talent, Lido Isle Ya.cht c lub Will have the privilege or I naming thr Southern CaJlfornia course on which m!'Xl year's Cold Cup regatta will be conducted. The Gold Cup doee not go to own~ er of tlu: w1nnln& boa.t but to the c lub which challen1:esl and ao the Camowi: trophy would grace the trophy case •f LlYC for lhe com- ing year. The Cold CUp race ot lhtte he•la ot 30 mllea each ii but a small part of a week long pre>-- gTam of racing put on ln con- junction with Greater ~attle'1 annual Sea!atr. The llmlted In- board hydroplanes. racing out- board•. and utUllles will each have th .. lr day and mile tria.la for records will be conducted for all c lueea on Augu~t 3 &n!i August 7. A goodly pa.rt or th.e entry in all of these events will comf> from lhl:" large and •ctlft Southern Cal;fomta rnclng club&. From Newport will be Kent Hile~. one of the two re:fereea, and h.'8 .family. Mn. Hitchcock wlll be sup'!rvtoor or wcoring. Both were thert' la.al year l.n official capacity wht?n Sayres made his now famoua &ll-tlme tte0!"d or speed on water.· Hltcbcoc.k will a1Ao CO'W.r the race.a U corrupond· ent-photographe.r for M{'r&I nat- ·onal boatlng mag&rne1 and for the Nr.fPOrt-Balboa Prt.a Tbe7 wUl be, a lrlfie la•e on planned «.hroUlc. Suppo3ed to 1ea•e the Ul~ they are held up by the taet lhAl1 ro"t Sk:Jppe.r ta rftlna ln P11gbt of the Snowbird&. It'• a -"j boat and flnt built entirely of WOOd u ..quired by the ruleo -t.be1 abeal!M!d wtU. a thin layer Of fiaatle• Whlcb doq &~ wttb the I annual headache or Mndln.C out and ropa1nt1J11r. Expen. -w1ll ~ ratc!\Jns Wllll)ni.r-W. DOW experiment. wh ... •-1.oq ·.u. toe &QJ' -1btllty Of • leek. Job wu ilme b% HIQlt,Top- Corp., ol CDlta "-. • ·~ ,.,.,,.. nMtb ,,_ llol'e will bo "' J..._ --and -.. ;t Ibo -nd!>6 pnipollar tllat -~ to' Illa -d. rOlf ..,., ..... boat. .k+z' lltl .... ~a_... p;t;alar, .,,__t .. • ~:""· -•V'·'";C """'" .. ,... ...... .._ .. ,,. . • •.r P it ,.,. •• aaa a. 1. • • i.1o 1--~--~ !;?'. ,... ___ ti/_ ~~ ........ -. - ! . • • , ~I ~I ' . ~ !~~l ... . . . . ···.· . ~ • • ' ...... ... ·:~4 .. ~~· . ··~-- • ~ "f-<:I -,.,_ .. ~ 'f ·'". . .. ' . ACT NOW/. •• Fo,,./Jest c/Joice olmotle/.~nd coltv .. ("".--... --_, n.-•1aelll .... I•• the,._ Dodg• ~ Ridel UnbeJUiy<. ably -.i \ivel . . . .,.... NII. CICMlatan•• dmck boMw. . WT8Y 0 W1JT, ~ minu!e k;mprl Today you'll get our top ~ W We ve got the cu for you &nee figure on your pre.eiit ... today's big ey<>-&lling Dodge car. And for ooly a few dollan ttady and waiting. Come ill .and a w...k you can tllart dght Ii drive it awwyl ' enjoying an the many -·u.· You'll get Ille cleal of the year wntagea Dodge glvea you. ••• on the car 9f the year. ifhe · DWI Wair ~ ( 111 f - • growm~ty of this pal °"11" In Inda I Rememb«ri~ , ;:::.,... ~:d~1i:!~ ooul~ pay •J t.>'U,000 • , t tury. And,.., Want}""''!!·~ for a car~ .till~ ~.al., < ~ .......... a..-dc...... tnoursuC<J!S!"l'lialawbj'.-re . i::r.:tn ~t~~-:. misOloo Is Dodge Gyro-Mattel ' going all out'to lllab It~ !of, < • • -·1 ....._ • Yool P"f _las to enjoy shnpler, you to own ·t!W' big~ N '•the time to cnme.lll b-a •. e..lt« ckM!lg--tblf\bogl of your cbokie rip-· ~ deal Oii '~ .. 1 -•. I , --. -J. < .r.~ .. • ...... ft" Otlfe: d,ttl!_ 11· Tr•~tlt• ·~"'f!"'tr• .• . O~l 'IN TO~YI c. ~-~< ••••••··•• a .. , r • • ~ . Your •DODGI • PLYMOU'IH .. DIALll-1 . ,, , . Pllll l1ac1a 6f07 ' ' • • • I _ ... _________ _ .. " • i I I I ., t• ' • The Mighty Midget In Advertiaing • NEWS-TIMF.S -Every Tuesday NEWPORT B_,AY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS-Thtll'8days Ne .. •port Ba:J Poot ~ AdA -• -la tl>e Tlleodlo7 N.,....TlmM or tho l'llu.-,. Pro9 MINDIUM AD IS ' LIN1'!ll All Clall.in.a adA """'' bo paid fer OMla la 1111 ..... oe. pollllt-atlon. 4 Unes 1 Paper · $ .75 4 U.. 2 Papen I.Ml 4 Lllles s Papen 2.00 • n-e publlahers wtn not be 1 esponslble tot mure than one lneoTTttl lrutertJon Of sn adnrtiaement. resene the Tight to correctly cla&aity an1 and an ~ and to reject any ad•erUeement not conforming ti • rules and replaUom. Advertbementa and canoellatlooa ._.,;11 be; accepted up to G J>.m. on the d'' p~ing publlcaUon. Except deadtlne to-r News -Tlft'leA I• 11 a. m. Mondays Pboae RU:. Jltl. Mk for .. Ad Taker8 or RINI ad and rtmlttanee to Nl:WPORT HARBOR PUBUSHJN.(I CO. !!II Balboe lllvd, N'-rt -. Oallfonda. austfted Index 1• ftlnlM'M Gulde 1 t B1r1Jt1111s Matforial~ J ! Butldlnr · Sl'n1rH lthnonah 15 8tare Yonr Car 11 Tnieoportatl<>n 11 JtoollJoc Contraeto,. ti ~Aldo It Upllol<torl.nir .. e..n11 "'"" H Lost U4 Fnund COKPIZ.nt 800811 CLltANINO oemoe. Pllmltun and rup lhampooed. n..e utlma..._ ruJI)' tlUnlnd. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co .. --1111 72uo For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe., , . • • • I f I • • 1 • W Afn AD_ wUI cost Y~[ W #Jil'l'lllD -Ho--for IG da1S Willie ·,,_\lon!JIS at Udo tale. Prefer wOl'll&ll. white, around 50 and flood cook. I'll. . collect, -l!:utott l-1290. (9cSI. m~>o;,r automaue .,_ (try· .,. 2 yn. old, like ,,_ -- d loll. PrlcO ·--"-----.. "'116 • '. . P.A. PAL)(ER W3~~~·~- local pa. pe?· · · flllk oniy '2. en~ It w~IJ run in an 3 RELIABLE WOMAN' wantAd r ... - .........., ho ...... ork and chlJ!I GAS RANGES care. Live in.. Phone Harbor ~ -3 lll!lDROQM ... flu9......, {_. 4 =--~~~==;: 2069-J. 49dl1 w·~-eod ~ top --...nt• lines. -. Oil ready -Clall - -A Minimum ad ls · WANT tun um, bouool< .. ptt. llu..t Uke clliktttn. lJv• UL Lido !ale. Good -"'l'Y· !'bone Harbor 1963'. . '9J>G' WANT WOMAN or man u ltJt- chPn -tielper. OINGRAM RES- TAURANT, 1781 Newport Blvd .. Cp11la Mesa. ~2 EXPERrENCED wattreu wanted f1"M .. Sat. & sun. Colonlal Res- tau.rant, 1014 Cout Highway. Newport Beach. Me51 PERMANENT ' reaJdent wanted tor eooklng and gener&l house- \York. aa,. Shores hoo1e. Uve out. Muat have own trall8pOC'· talion. Phone Bea. 6844-W. 50c32 E-XPERJENCED ~tar:h inl.st. Pre- ci.!'lon ..-:ork. Al!j() experienced lathe and mill operators. Top pay. Steady, Newport Beach. Dea. O,ri45. or Bea, 6fH7-M. 50<32 NEED HELP? coNutt situation wanted acta or place a claJl!lllfled In the Newa· T lmeJt. P o11t and P1"eSS comblna· tion at $2 per week, nlln. Phone Harbor 1515. Pro .... rity ubl< l"f> ... ~ ........ U .00 Q<aelor, eo&TA -a&Af,. ~ :: •. & l'lt.h. Ooota -= I CADJJJ.A(:S , • .J _ PWM HcaLw 1616 . ashing machines . ~ J1'iO • ·c1r. -. 1t,,.,...,.., • .,.ot11ele!. Newport-Balboa N-Tbneil-Newp11t&z'1a Pt-·On Peninsula Point · ililty •• ti.,..t. o..r..t tJ, •· MaJit&Jr, perfect run. ordeT $39.90 -"' ... _ . 1 ~ WllW -or.....,i ' Newpfll't ~y ... CIS (81z1p1' «-> NICllLY FVRNUIDI> a... .. --I .......... ~ ABC Wrinll!'r ................... $3.~.oo ~============:=:::=:::=:::5==::=:::=::=:::=::;:~?j avallabl& lljly llitlt, ~ "" • -. · · • Eu . dlx. wring-. ................ 49.~ : " _ ~~~!~ ~ 1...,flll-. ~· No Ofl -'112" t cir, ...a.._ ~:-...-... vw • ..--l'UI. ~_, led Ben!nx &mf-Autn ................ S9 .9.~ ~}I~:~...... _j s~.~. ;1~.~l'z. .. Har. 0812-W, Har. -1...r. ·-~ 1~?M ·Flwt-t Chrys er ngmes A11 ..... 1 allow<d u >""' wy w1t11-.... DM<11 -,.-lldOM. llwd. · w "'-iallile Belrlx09At•ustoTme•Wt1<in·k···l·e .... H .... d ... w7e3 •. oo 1 E . RENT A l'IAN'O. " per ,,,__ CORONA .-_ llUft-Uarr:;·· -*· Mly -""""· • Used la l«'INI. DAN&.9CIOIJ'.OI', MO floora. ttr......,, dlnlq . / e .,...,._ _ No: Main. Santa ......_ Nice y&nl. °""""" l!ftlO. Oar-in 0ean C4DILl..A.CS a&e-Yearly .....W. ltef-, 180t N~rt 01v<1 . Coot& M.... Crowns _ Royals LOVICLY p1a1n oue bllAg.io. 'u O.Chl4, 0orona c1e111..-. eau OLDSMOBIIRS I pluto tn perfoct plo.ylng condl· ff~ %%33.fl or Harbor 1548. 1800 Ol4a Iii ch>b qoe. low ~. Phone &aeon 5222 See John Harvey -_ T...,.. '27.60 down and <F. c. Andl'UOOI. 50c5~ • '9.118 per mo. at SHAnJR•!I solD HOME and .. llfng entire contents. N o't h I n g l"rMrved. ' ' J\-lwo ladles h igh clus garmenl.!I. Sise 14-16. Many coats. 703 JU:mtnr. Corona df'l Mar. 47c~1 USED Servel gu r~frlc .. 5 cu. rt. ~t. si%e, vt>ry clPa n ..... $97 .~ K lnator rt>trtg. . . ....... S69.l'l-O 0 l'fe A: Merritt rsng" ... $75.00 K t-hn1or t> wuhe r ............... $39.f>O M"'1lng w~r ....... $29.60 NEW at Seacraft .:MUSIC co. (8-1907) '21 N. 11,.... ...... flanta Ana. JOm-. ly l-GITJ. . 6~ COAST HlOBW A Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 0771 94tfc HAVE YOU seen tht' nt'W 16 foot MA!f()OANY 01tAND PIANO hnns it desired l!hone lleo.C<Jn 7039-W . fl0c31 W lncratt fib~ gla.as cabln FINI!: PRACTICE upright plano l'n.liffer. Inboard or outboard• f()(' only U .15 down and $5.3."i I.at t'lt design. A beauty. A\9o per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC 12-14. 18 ft. pla.~tlc bait tankR. CO.' (Since 1907) (21 N. Syca- 102 E. 16th St., Costa Me.ea . more, Santa AnL 8'.I. 2...0S7Z. Bea. 65<12. llOc32 BALBOA ISLAND ffoa9'9' and Apt.a., ye1::rty or -.. oonlll. s..· Gall C&rnq, wm. NELDA GIBSON 111tAL ESTA ft: Siie Manne. -laL Bar. IOI '- 'I'll. above can 11&90 aD - thorovchlY cllecked Ulll Qa- 1.y fad.OTy """"""• We - lfOU 'to. ..._ ...... dri ... -· . NEWPORT ' , Auto· Sales 2IJC>t Newport Blvd.~ I Phone Harbor' 1407 - t4 Sc.boob. llUltructlon !8 Sltuatlou Wanted :19 H•lp WantNI SO ~. llbcellaftf'OWI H-A 8waP" . THE SHADE SHOP i .:.SO--Sa1e,:;.......;;=~Mlsoel=;;;;;1an=eo.;;;;ua'--­ Free estimates Ph. Har 884 GLOW MASTER -:Joe. h•ater, IS Apt gu rang~ w ith ovi'ft regulator .. ... . ........ 189 . .'SO 9.x12 congolf'Um rug8 --· ....... S 5.9:i FAST 18 ft. c:f'nter board sloop. ·ov<"rhault>d. rea94Jll!abl<'. s I I p available. N <' w pi rt Harbor Yacht Land.Ing, 49p."il KNABE SPINET PIANO, t..ow. XV, nearly new. Walnut fintlh. bre.utlfut tone. Har. oe&l.J. 50c!l2 SUMMER RENTAL ""' B<!'utttul 3 bdrm., 2% ba1h homo at beach in Corona del Mu, A~ from Aug. lllt -Sept. llllh ·by week or month. D&Uy maWi eet'Vie<>. 214 lrla A....._, Corona d.-1 llar. Call Har'bot 1037 or HariJo< lftO-Jt f<1f' "1>Pt-1 51o!IS HAVE you --Ule-l!lodehl rurn~f'd- ':Ill PACKARD. POO.; 'IS lluidt, . -· G. F. Ka-.nn, W It. lath St., 0>8t.& Mesa.. ~ ~· -4-R. stpl53 '51 PLY ''Be!Yedere" D8n· . . Olllltntor, new C8.5' ~ tA-D AppU...C.. 29th S N Be h ft. l\Bd~l•board, 7 ft. bamboo 514 • t. ewport ac •hade, hoy•' reclng bike, new Mlple dinett" tabl<' a.nd fowr SHA VER MOTORS IL. W• ... to Buy ft ...... lfuN for Safe ft.A Aattqwa •-t .. S.pplleo ........... -. II nep. (Jahl, l'Mil ...... 11.,., Rabbf11' n U\-uteek ' ts Spr:daa A1111o~t ... Ba.<tlnrM Opporiuntt1ftl 41 SIOFT'8 a .nd OfNtt!I 4! Wa.nteil ta Rrnt 43 A pa.rtmentM and HoWIM! 4S-A TraUrr Spatti « Rooni. ior Rf'nt 44-A RHt HornH 4.15 Rrnt. ~flM'f"llanro.1" 46 Room and Board 47 T~ks 4-8 Automobll""'-Tlr~ 49 AutM Wantf'd M» Auto 8'-n~ee 51 Trallef"I' 5~ Alrplant'8 So'\ Monf"y to Loe.a 58 Monry \Vantl'd 67 ftpaJ f!.~ta1,: w.......i Pastor and Wife Entertain Couple on Honeymoon 12-;J!t.!~lt ~ .. PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN lfJ -Bt, COiia U.. Bea. MS'l-M 1Mc9 · INTICRIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING U<;JINSED -INSURJCI> 1 Glenn Johnston I !01·31st st. Newport lteech Barbor 2297..J · 34«8 l>ON ·K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential--Commercial Remodeling l'bone. 'Beacon &t 06· W J1ttc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack or all trade&-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W I . 38c51 Among rerenl visitOF8 enter• I REPAIRING and talned at the home or Rt>v. and ""'· P . G. Neumann. 2619 Orange p AINTING avenue, CoAta. Mesa, were Mr. an1 Mrs. Marvin ToepJ~r of Detroit. Mich., wtto were on their honey- moon trip; Mr, and Mrs. H . \V. Hare of San Francisco and ~v. Rea.son able. Large or amall jobs. Freeeetlmates. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt, Beach. Har. 2581 -R Fred Hol.zimn1er. missionary •P. HAULING pointee lb Cameroon, Brltl.Sh W eir.. A kind t h ,. WALKER Africa. Mrs. Hare I~ a elster of. I ny08-!Sth' StruN or· 1 H 2581.r{ lttrs. N t"urn9.J\n. l .. t>wpor · · 87 Ma.I-GeA. Walter M. Robrirt ta. OMll..... bt~w Of O.• Drf- .ffaw do "'"' fifrt.f"Cl rat'tia· aelhity? Ymt cen"t hear, 9l'f', feet, 81Tlrll or ta.-.te radioactivity trd'l Its prelil'DCE CAN be deftnftefy d t>tectt'd with Oril't:r COUl\tttl and othf'r in."l'trumMtUr. You do not t\ave to know how to U!k> lh<"se instrun1en.t.s. Local radlo lo,ical dcfen~ team -a trained corp. of "meter react-- era" -wtU warn you of linger- ing radloacliYlty. 'J'hese team.a wlll ·~ tlft.. figbtf'rs and rt-SC'Ue Ct"l"W'I a~d othf'rs who may have to f'nt~r contamlftatf'd are83. Relnt!m~r. w ll e ft e •er yoa think ot rMtioectl'tfty th1Q; of the compari-. to .-Upt. whim • In modef'&L@ &ai.OWIU d-not """' at all, and tile fact that D~ABLE radl°"" acUvtty doea Mt w rlly m ea n DANGEROUS radio- actl'rlty. Yoe CAN llo a ,.-~ to l}l"Otlf!d. ~ tnMl f.llJ'IWLl'f: td Nd"-'Mty-"'-·-- • •Bour'tt: Survival tinder Atomic' Atu<lt, omOIAJ U. S. GoV't boottlet. • Many a big dee.I hu been m&cte t.11.ro a tmall Want Ad &Jllnllcolica All~ · Wnte P. 'O. llQX loo ' ... Ila laland. Calli. · l'tllma~S.t!JN LOST -Dark brown wallrt. Pa· JM!l"8 valuable to owner only. Vtclnlly of Blvd. Uquot SlOl'f'. 441 Newport BlvJ., Co.-rut J.ff'!R. Reward. 49p.'\t LOST · Box<'r, rnalf' .Jog, rawn, whit't' on ch~st -nntl fr·ont f(•et. Phone Sycamo r'-' 2-2650 <"oUect. altu . G p.m~ ~p."12 l.JOST -·Sfclila Nu fraternity" plo. PrJzed llC•ep •ke. Lost W~nes.. July 18th i~ Coron.a ~I Mar. 248 Orchfd. Corona. df'I Mar. Ph. ~T 22lll•J. llOpM • t , • steE>l rims and tires, $20. Euy Spin Dry Wublng MachJne and Eu:y Ironer. like: new, $75 each. 221 Pearl (rf:'9r ), Balboa Island. 50p52 ----------- LADIF.S l . Miller &: Lllrd Schober ShOf"~. Brown, blue &: blac k. 7 '-:.AAA & 71 1'AAAA. PracUcal- 1)"' nrw. Call Har. }-!74-J evea. 43lfc FISRlNG EQIDPMENT-2 hoxu of nt"W l'IWordnsh ro~ A sword-( flah plank. Phonr Harbor 808 day11 or Bracon 803.~-J aftt>r 9 p. m. 4tcf>l ' New Sewing Machine Round bobbin -!K'Ws forward It backward. F'ully guara.nlN'd. Special $49_95 HARBOR YARDAGE 1:\!'t I"!. 17th St., em.ta MMI& Phor.r &aeon fS695-J 49c51 Complrte lnstallntlon, tepa.ir and servlct' of all trailer equipment ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 KARBOR BLVD. Costa. M <"sa. Phone Bf>Rcon 6224-R t halnr _, .. -· . -··· . $89.!'W> StP,dio couch ..... . ... $49.50 Ml.ltrt'MCa. box sprlnJ:~. roll away bf.ds. t>lc . Dale's Furniture 1814 H a r bor Blvd. C08ta Mesa Beacon 6637-J PHILCO CONSOLE TV. 1951 mod<'I, all mahogany fln~h. Its tht" big 17" bl•ck tube and its 1bePn uM'd onty S months. I paid $389 tor It and w111 let It go for my bakncP dllt' of $279.63. The man I bought it t'rom will ln- staJI It for you f~ with the ou t11lt\e aerial. I altte.dy pa.ii i the exclac tax. Pay me ca.ah or l w f! paymf'nt.ot of $1&.70 pPr month. ALSO my 1951 ABC auton1atlc wuher that hu thf' agitator and hPads the "CON'SUMERS GtTIDE." It's jUAt llkf' n<"W. BaJance due \11 $258.26. Ca.ah or tak" paymenl.8 nf $1-t .r1 1 JM'r mo. Paid over $320 for i t ne\Y. S~<' at 40.t So. S11adra, Fullrrl1Jn. Phone 21 h2. 4 9<'~1 SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines I COME IN and play th• WONDER- SNOWB!RD and .all, e.xcell•nt, l"UL NEW HAMMOND GHORD Chris -Dean Apts.? c lean condJtloo, ~ady to go. ORGAN. Ir you don't know a ~ Lido Nord, Lido IRie. Phonf'> note you can play beautiful mu-SJeepe 4. Intrbductory rates for Ju.ly, $65 per week . All uttUUee paid. Adjtl!U'd rates per year. l!i!".JO 11-firamar, Balboa Penlnaula Harbor 640. 49p."il sic In tm minutes. DANZ- SNOWBIRD No. 274. Bxccllent hull. ready to Mil, $l!Ml. 14 rt. pJywood 'skiff, a~.iaJ built, a beauty, $140. 204 Sapphlr<', Balboa 18land. Har . 1458. 50c51 SEAKINO, 3 •; hp. <>athoaNI. 8 bp. Mercury Outboard. li-tAKE OFFER -13 n . paddleOO.rd, 120. 221 P Parl A•e-. (N'ar), Bal- boa l~land. 50pS2 PAlR R . 4: L. J:"lagshlp 90 h. p. engines with rt>duc. gear, $750. Factory approved Johnson Out· board. SALES I< SERVICE South Coast Co. Harbor 2600 Newport Bead\ 3ltrc BOAT BARGAINS All in e1<ceUent condition 22 rt. 111 mahogany sloop. 24 n. aux. sloop. 20 rt. sloop with ~ hp outbol.rd. Bc>autltul «tar boe(. ALSO MANY <>mERS EIJC'<'n B. R lcherdAOn Richardson Yacht Anchorage SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 N. Main: Santa Ana. Phone Harbor 1491-W t3e57 ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. For ------------ home or church . Slightly ca.qe COll-f;F'LETELY FURNISHED l d&maged in shipment. Big sav-bedroom apt. Util incl. Sum- tng. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO n1cr or yea.rly rental. Contact ANO ORGAN CO., S20 No. Ma1n ov.'ner nt 9()0 E . ~an Front, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. Balboa. HarOOr 2137. 46{:51 REl'li'"T A PIANO for only $5 per montb.. Rental appliea on fut\Jl'"P purchaae at SHAFER'S MU- SlC CO. (Sine<' 1907} 421 Nu. Sycamore, Sant.a Ana. Klmb<'r- ly 2-0672. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Spinet s. used. from $267. Spinet, nrw, $!95. Uprig'hts from $!5!l. Uftlf'd Grand. Sohmer, $895. OthPr.il $4&\, $5e!"i, $68.'\. TractP in your old piano. Highest ca8h 1 allowance. Eally terms, repos- seMPd Spinet. save $300. DAN Z- SCHMlDT PIANO CO. Ove r JOO planQJ! tron1 which to c hoose. 520 No. Main, cor. Olh, Santa. AnL 40-Bmriness Opportunities Choice Yrly. Rental Available Now AT J 11 EmeraJd, Balboa ?!land UNFUR?l.'ISHED, three bedroom&, 11'2 bathl'i, firt'place, two fur· na.c<'A, di s p • s a I, dishwasher. La.rge patio. Owner 130 So. Bay Front , Balboa ISiand. Harbor 21 55. 49plil NE\Y ONE BDRM. unt urn. unit ,ln court, tile, stove and ref-riger! ator. GaragC'. Close tn. lnq\lire <t 3.5 \\'estminst<'r, Costa Mesa. Beacon 7035·W. 50c52 YEARLY-2 bedroom duplex, un- furnished. Garage. Near botfi sr.hools. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. For Information Phone Harbor J29i-R. 49c51 DOPGE-PL YM:OU'!'H Dealer leBO Newport Blvd., COllta ){eea NEW 1951 STUDEBAKERS CHAMPIONS and COMMANDERS Delivery at once~ H.URR Y ! The opportunity to OW'n lhe gt'ea.t- e¥. automo bile value in Ure ~rid is yours today. You will n•ve r do better-A.NY.WHERE! ANYTIME! -than right now. P'eraonaUzed eervic(' with a unllc before and after buying from u.s -, 'an important factor.' When longer ' term• are granted by government regul1-tion, de al s made now wUI be changed if d es! l"f'd. JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker I>ea.J:er 3415 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. 1041 FORD Sedan, aeU or tre.de. See at J:Mll Orange Ave., Coeta Me.a. ,?)tpM AT HARBOR YARDAGE ' Bayside Drivc> Karbor 319 13~ E. 17 th St .. Costa Men • ~52 Certified Values ~fALT SHOP-E8lablished over '47 OLDS 78 -t. dr. sedan. Prime COlldlUon. Hydra .. radio. t\Mt-er, 2 new tires. Owner 146 Cliff .• Drive, N ewport Heights. ae.- con 6662. 6°"'" R UC and u pholstf'ry <'lf"anlng cqulpmf'nt. r "uonablf'. Bearon ~11 ·\\'. llWa. 6M()..W t"Vf'".I 5l c!>3 ~9c6..1 ------------10 years--\vay above average. UNFURNISHED nearly n<'w 2 bcdrn1., yearly rental, near Lido s hops. Carpets and fUrnlture for l'la le. 501 -31th St., cornf'r F inlt"y. Phone Harbor 2529-\\'. '49 WJLLYS ''Jeepster" with over- drive, htr., etc. PERFECTAIRE wall type elecl.rlc bathroom heater. Branrl Of'W, Westinghouse Refrigerator F.L NIDO TRA1LER CoURT 1840 f'.:('wport Blvd .. Cn!!ta 11fesa Wp52 Ready to tnJ11tall . Phone Beacon LARGE · RUG 11 x JO "'Ith felt 6709-JK. ~Jc5.3 pad. good ooftdltJon. ALSO 8- --plect" 1-fo nlPttY dtntng room 8<'t, ONE ~'HE£L TRAfL&:ff. and and otht"r pieees Including Roper ca.mptng .outflt, 12 x 12 umbrel-gas range and wa...'lhing machinr. la t<>rt . pl\&& extra 1 2x J2 room. Phan<-Harbor 229tM. 49p5t ~ d ~ '4 m~t,.,.._• ~•nj _ , '(' 't1 ~P ;:.v~!ZJ/:"'~~ Rattan F.urniture trade for boat. Ht P~arl Ave. Ml.doe ln ttte Phllllptnes And (rear), 'Balboa hla.nrl. . MpS2 bi oar own work ahops . -------------W... -... at fabric.. S'l'ORE nxtu .... , pnc. now, Willi LaJ'IMl dlllplq tn So. Callt . c•ff•. counten. rnilc. All h4-.e ~ an« Ke.upholatertna adju.table ... , ..... Barpln. can HOUSE & GARDEN own~r. ~con ctrtO. 47cQ: Somebody Wants nu.t IUIOd lllnll"'"-l>ric-a-bnc, palntlop, etc.. now te_.QI' up •Pli~ In your garage. f1nd a llU.y· tr with a claultled •d ln tlM' NPw~~T1me&. Post. and PreM COM· 81.1 <lout Hwy, N'wpt.. Bea. 3271 :--=:~..,--.,---....,.----­ff<>FFMAN lt" Con~ t c levl.slon, 2 elect.rte Irons. deep trecze.. & mtac. houahakl articles. 417 E . Balboa Blvd.. 8'llboa. J.•h. Harbor 1230 a/tfl:r F'rl<lfty noon. "°"°' btnaUon. Ju.!t Phone Harbor Jl18, I '==::-:=,..--=c-~-F'L"'lE FURi.V I'tUR.E for living rm, . ..... bar and •tool.a, dinette set. Wlclte r eel.. Pictur es, Ml.ac. p1ec.._ pnva~ party. 1752 E . Ocean Front, Balboa. Hubor 1~72-W. !ll>p52 ' 29' COM~ERCJAL n,:;HING Prime loca. $-4500 °will handle. BOAT, equip~ for albacore. CAMERA SHOP Well e.stab. In Al.SO '47 \\'Ulys Stat. Wagon. macker<'l. swordfh1h . Chryslf'r best Jocation All modem stock OD .. radio and htr. Recent tlres. engine, SlZOO. Call Kimberly ready for rigl'\t buyer. 2-4llll6. !IOp0.'1-OFF SALE LIQUOR STORE -· ------------- 49c51 Takl' your c hoice. $995. OUTBOARD MOTOR 7 t~ h. p. Scott Atwater CUM'ent 1961 . Oear st'l ifi model. ac~euory ~ gal. auto.-feed gas tank. Spe.re propellor. Anchor & 100 ff!et rope.. 305 -33rd \st., Ne"t!fport l;lllrbOr 3257-Y(. 50pli2 s .. ·- STAR BOAT -~ condition, $350. ALSO South Bay mn<?ring off Bal· boa l11land., $1 M . Ph.. Har. 2807. 46<4-0 Boat owners and mechanics · FOR YOUR _'-:i; SN AP-ON TOOI...S\ eau JOHN KIMBLE tlighway, location !Drive-in ) RENTAL { · SHAVER MOTORS Lo"&" establl•he<1 nnd <loing SPECIALISTS l)()DGE-PLYM:OUTH Dealer good \•olunle. 1 • 1680 Newport Blvd., Costa Mea& PRESSING and C LE AN ING Call Edna CralJr ~~~.h-~ 1!~.f.••y~~~;,;ft1~2i'f,_:LV~!~f·\~6t;.,' . --·~~~, dolJ>&' good voJu'I"'· ~ > . • 1 I . ~ ~ ~ 2 e ' "f'l i'URi\fiSMEI> ·Or oit.OJni.!ltled ' -Ind · , clg.. · t e fOlf' money maker.s see l bdrm deluxe,· drapea lnclu. equal value: Harbor area: Phone HARBOR INVESTMENT laundry rm. c1oae in. Ge.rage. Hs.rbor 0363-W. 44pft7 COMPANY patio, adu1l3. 2381,k Rocheste r, Co-sta Mess.. !l0clli2 "LET'S TRADE" , P.EALTORS 30th and Ne\vport Blvd. NF.\VPORT BEACH Ph. Harbor 1600 U~"FURNlSHED -Corona dcl HAVE .$14 ,000 t'qUlty in -2 tum. Afar. 2 bcautltut new aptiri, Near houaea lgood rent.ala) Balboa Boulevard. wn t.c>r, garbage disposals. vene • W h U bl. do t pd Y«1.rly ill trade for 3 bdrm. OD'le, Har. CONCESSION in Fun Zone. Rea.I &n m • wa fl' · ~ area. \\'ill a.uume. Phone Phon .. Harbor 3110. !l0c!'i2 l bdrtn. $75 per month. Harbor ~ · ----·---------1671. • 44"57 money mak~r. Id"a.l for coupl~. Jcue. 2 bdrm, llOO per .i_nonth. l Ha!rbor 2064-M evenlnga ~ !----~~~-----al-Trailers 9llc99h 41.,..Stores and Oflioes UNFURN\SHED house, t bdrm __ ._.....__.. ___ ~--- and llleeplng poTCh, $56 mo. yr(y. 19 F'1'-. HOUSE ~ IHI·- U72 Placentia. Cost.a i.i-. Be. flJOdel, -·t C<llld. J7115. Pm. 41712.)(. • ~ldl3 . Be&con 529!-W. I t5ttc 1744 Miramar. Balboa ff.arbor 1087-R NEW 16 n . 11 in. bO&t with tl'9.iltt N~w JO hp. John.on _outboard. B&rgaln. 1:51!S Santa Ana Ave., COllta Meaa. B<>acon 6504. 80c51 • • • OFFICJ!: SPA.CE. '12K20, down· .r.&in locatiOft,. £Gt rw -et Palm • ll. Balboa Blvd.. Bal--Pt>. a.-. 2821. fltll: EXTRA ORDUfARY . ...new .S bdn:a tum. apt. 1 blk Lido •"'118 and be9cb. Only SM wk. A/'OJlabl<! July 30th. Jtt ll2nd St., Newport Har1><>T 23t4'-W. 1itp , • I , . . Trailer . Storage' · $5 .Month EL NIDO TRAlLER PARK and Sales JltO ·Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 6S2l--Jrl.. • 60d!UIBJ ' I. " I , • , • • • • • • BLANCHE A. GATF.S, Realtor L. C. JONF.S J. KARTJN . 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 746-M . . BALBOA ISLAND . --We · Recommend HOME and INCOVE -Charm. 4 bdrm, 3 bath · home · with l"""ly eocloeed patio & BBQ, plus spacioul! 1 bdrm apt. Dbl. garage. This is one of our ftl'Y best bu YI' and is a stone's throw from Bay a'nd nice sandy beach. ' LITTLE ISLAND -A truly lovely and spacious ho~e completely furnished. ;5 large bedrooms, 3 baths, dining room, dbl. garage. Priced to aell ! Will con.iider Santa Ana or L. A. Incom:e. $5,000 DOWN buys this beautiful 2 bdrm home. Patio, garage. PLUS charm. studio apt. Both units furn. About 9 YT"· old and in new condi· tion. This is a honey. What A View! Cliff Haven NOT A Leasehold! F.NJOY LIFE. in this gorgeous 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Large den, dining Toom, Lanai, patio. L:mdecaped grounds, gars. PRICED TO SELL. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTINGS NEWPORT-, Owner wants offer -$2000 down 'two bPdroom bear h home cl1.'8n, clo~e to be~t h<'&C'h anrl stort>s _$7 .ROO ON 28th STREET .......................... $10,000 A nice !-lrtory hom<>. 2 bedroom9 and bunk room. Easy t o convert to in~ome . OCEAN FRONT LOT ............................... $3500 ExC'r\k-nt rornf'r ·lOCftt ion. LIDO ISLE- ouR BEST VALUE ... . .. $22.500 Al\ oklcr but ver}•,comfort.sbk> 3 bedroom hom,. on 70 n . lol Prime location. Just 1':.! blOC'k tn club anc.1 hfi•<'h. P riced for quick sal<'. BAY VIEW -Comer location $29,500 Lo'·rly 1-!tt.ory ho1ne l bedroonts--hu..it aroun~I lll eutmy patio-charming and colorful. NEW 2 Bedroom Home . ..... . ... . $17,400 All th!' ni('(' lhinp, colorful·livlng room. morl1rn kiteh1·n with formlca drainboard. garbagr d isposal & rll!ih,VR~hrr. ~ignf>d fot good living. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS :10th a nd Newport Blvd., Newport ee..c-h Phone Hal'bor 1600 Rustic Ran ch Type - $7,950 7hiil 1·h:trn1ini: 2 bt""<l.room horn(' is 1 yeer ok1 and pr,•'-lY D l'I a p !<'tllrf•. H~~ ma!<0 iYC' i'),·j('k firrplatt. Lar·~·· win· d•l\VS, !"17 x 12!\ lot In ~f''>vprw1. Ht>i~htA ar.~a. Low rJown paymMlt This pn<'t" C A K'T BE BEAT! Rust ic Ranch Type -Newport Height s Desirable and attractive 2 bdrn1 home, ncnr high ~hOOI. Choice location a moag: nire ho mes. Beat buy In R rnHtlc t)'l)e hon1e 1n the Hei«ht~. $19.950 1/2 Acr e Ra nch -Back Bay! W 1·ll built 2 !M><!room hnn1,~ (1941). Has lowly patio room \\·Ith be.1bc'C'ul:' firPplacl:' 19 fruit trcPs and bui:iht>ls or n o,vers and vf>gf'ta bl<'!i. \'ou can have fun growing part o r your meRl!i hrr<'. !Lei a beaut)·. $12,500. BEACON HILL REALTY • ~u}lding Lot . .-tn : ~. only 11050: $1lll -· ' . ·- ™111 ONC ~ CLEAJONG &hcl plonty )'&nl -INt le .t. barpln. rg• I lldrlii, nloo ilttplace, larf• lot. · Price $5500 one lhtrd ltown 5 yrs. old VERY N1CE % bdrm ltomfo, wall to W9..b carprt In 11•-rm. w,.11 kept lawn, nk:e ohnrbo, fruit t~ and plenty of prden, f'tc . $7,-500, terms We ll Built J bdrm Home fireplace. dining room, larr kitchen aad brNkfUt room. dbl. pr., tl.!"l'r-11eparate wortt •hop. Large lhade trees, tn1lt treN, ~ acre .all fenced. Price Only $13,500 Good ltrma G. N. WELLS, Rltr. le As8oclates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesll. Ph. Bea. 5181 YOU WON'T BE GUILTY Ir .f"tl st'l'"al one of th"e 7 b<'Ru tifu1 nf'"" dwf'lllngs. A II th('Soe h onl('S h8V!;' t'XC('ll<'nt OC<"•n vte\va, prtvate bc>ach rl~t•. l~i-g<': spacious Jots. :t._ 2 Bedrooms, $12 75.fj l 000 plu_q ~q. tt . ' • • • $3 .~00 down 3 8('drooms. t 11 balhs. tOSo 8 . r. • • • 2 BNlrooms. 1000 plu~ ~. n. • • • 2 Bcdroooms: 1000 plus sq_ ft. . . . ' 2 Bt>droom!'. 1000 plu..~ !'Q . fl . • • • 3 Beel rooms. 1 1 i: bath"', 1 ~oo s r. ••• 2 Brorooma. 1000 plU!t -.. fl. ~ .. $13,950 $3.000 down $13,950 $~.900 doVt'TI $12,850 S3.f.00 down $12,950 SJ,r,oo down . $1-i ,950 $t.300 down $12,750 $3,fl()(} down Will G. I . All tbf>!'f> homl"'!t he VP hard- 1,1:ood noor!il, tl\erm<>11t.alk:9.l - Jy controllNJ hf'&l, Jou o r tile, doublr garagl"'!i, natural fire· f\IM:'f'S, rte. EAC H PRICED FAR BELOW MARKET AU ate Of)('n f<M" inapcctJon. t,.•t us show thtm to )"O'I. ISLAND Realty CO. R€'altors -Multiple U.stJngs Park at AgatE', Balboa latand Harbor 377-W <f66 Ne"'J'IOrt Blvd. tubove .'\rc hesl , P h. a 0713·R or f:\·es. B. 683!·W ~¥ETHINQ NICE lft .~ .~o~. -.-.... ,. \\·ith pt;vate Mach. a ,·ery mt)(tcm. 2 bdrm home, t 1; bath111. Jots of talc in k itrhen , nk'e patto, l:lf'I'! 2-car gnrngr. ONT.Y $13,750 .. IN CORONA DEL MAR Rnm<' wll h !l:\l,'<-'of"fling vie''' of huts . oct>:in· a nd ro:L"lt. R11 ill on leV'<'I 60x120 lot. 3 bt:h-m111., fh~lnce, !·ca r car. Con1plL•fely. nnrl n ittly rurntshecl and lnndscnl'led. Oood k:tcatlon. P rice -$22.50(), \\' A . T6RJAS EO~A ~Al(} Sl!llea • RenU.ls ' \Ve have a bMutif\11 MtP, 621' rt. "'idr by 140 rt. drep. wilh tree• ll.lr-Mdy J)(ante<I and growing. Ont> ~Ide & rear rrdwood fr nc - t>d. On a qui<"l , pavL'd .!ttrrtt o r lovelJ· R t'W ~mlt'fli, nt'er to thr high srh nol. C'n ... IA Alt•AA . rrlc· f'd Slt>-00. tl"'rnt1o1. , On l.Atllf'·Balboa. IslanU, "'l' have a nirf" corn1•r lot, we believe thi" only onf' ovallable today. A 11u let. ..pot. Coo.kl •PJK"&l • tf') bl1ikt arwl rrsf'll . Flnant'lng C'0\1ld be arrnnged. J. A. BEEK Office • ' ' • . .. ···-··· ' BUY OF THE WEEK • $1800 DOWN . Vf!rf ab I bdrm !i,_ 01117 1 yr. otd, 0 ~ floon. tile bbl& llink. Ga?tlqe dlspoul, .... and shower, dlnil\r i'oom, Iara-wardrolN! clouba, pr.: ap. ll:xcellent localicm , near hlch IJChool Pay· menta are oo!Y $56 mo. lncludiog1altea.a.ad lnllur, Why rent-:-Oon't for,et JOU?' taxes and lnteftllt are deductible fl'OID 1our Ii.come . tu.. l'\JD price .$9160 • • $2000DOWN Brand -Cine lledr-oolil -with ll 2-car pr- ap. Y01t must -thil for the 111011ey. Neu mh· ~ .. Full price hi only - ' $MOO PHIL SULLIVAN . . C. G~EN DENISON G. T.EVERSON 490 Newport ~lvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6698 or Beacon 5458-J • REDUcED FOR QIBCK SALE $10,500 3 BDRM beach house, centrally kJcatE"d Mar tran!'lport&r lion and RI Ore. One--bk>rk to My and OONtn . Newly dt'COrat~<!. f11rn illhed. P ANORAMlC VIEW Of boy and ocean f rom hilltop home beaut tf\llly bullt. Bee.med ceilings •. hwd. Ooors. dlAh..,.....er, dlllf>OMI. beA11- ti'r111 patk>. Two bdrms. 3 bath11, rumpu" roon1 with l:mlh. A1 1ght ronidttrr sn1Rntr house u port. NEAR BAY on 2 romttr Jot!'I. Not nttw, but attractl\'ely remodeled. Largtt patio and room f or additional building. HoWI(' tlu 2 bedrooms abd addfthmat fhlptontt flnipla~. NI""" ltuy nnrl good nne..clng ~t $11.llOO. BAY AND BEACH REALTY ET HEL SHIRLl!:T "J . M ."MILl.Jl:R GL06EN J;°AY 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor J2M A VOCAOOS and FLOWERS TWO AND ON€-.1'11TRD ACRl;.S .and fll'll&ll home at Encinlta..,, Calif .. 25 avocado t~1 and family orchard, drep rich !'Otl s:uit3ble_ for raising C"Ut Oowf'rs while trrts Art" grn"•ing. One .. 'half m De h'om IGJ llwy. Good challte' ror coup.le to m'1'r their ""'1 lhiag al ltomf', 'PriC"e' f;&&OO ,..,Ith f.3000 down or 1t\.'ill ex change c k>ar for Nl"wport prop· <'rly, prf'ff'r rtuplt>x. Submit your offers. LIDO ISLE HOME .Sl&.r,00 buy!i nrRt , furnl.!!hrd home n<'Rr north bca r h . G1lO<I flna..ncine-• BEACH CO'IT AGE, $5500 ~molt hom<', 1 '~ block8 to· Mech. Som<' tlme pa}'Tnl"nt.~. N . B. C. REALTY CO. 3bHt and Nrwport Bl vd. Nf''Wpftrt ~ A TREASURE I I You will a.l~ays be proud of t.h:ie low\y homt. l..arc-t" ltvilll' rm. "·ilh flTt'pl. overloob roomy patk>. Din. rm. Kit. \\1th dl!lhme11ter. Guti. d'-f>. Brtcfirt. bar . Dreri· bedt"m . Bath on KNM&nd door'. TWO .~ackJus M>drooma on ~ n oor· opm to (ront bal· cony. L(l-. dec1' a l rear m .. aed ror e dd. bednn. Cholcp of lntPl'i<M' wood.a. colors. ..,..., paptt hb made thte homt> truly diMJ.nctfft. R dwd. f'ks.. lltruou.t wlth uphalt tile In den and bathe. ~ bathrm. fiKt.uN'a. CholCf' location oo P oint "cloeit to bay and good brach . Mnkf> you r appotntnltnt NO\\' to M"e thl11 tSl-auttrial homt'~ $%1.000 BALBOA REALTY CO. Rcl8l!I G,,.f'le}' JowpbW \Vf'bb U IUatn M cAdno 700 I:. Biibo• Blvd., BoU>oa' Harbor 3277 • VPry attrH"tlvf' badt patio -'th krbecue, 40 n.. lot. • Al80 many ot.M-r GOOD BUYS rlghl naw. See TOM PAYNE, Realtor 110 <'.\'>ut Htgltway, C.X-dd Mer • I In Corona del Mar In Corona del Mar New 3 bdrM. homf, Forced •tr h<'&l, dbl garage. F.xc:ellent lo- c1 tton, $14,aoG. ' ' . --LIDO ISl.E V~ L ~ ~ CID LIDO Ula a . • lliUe _,, "' • "'-"-,,... place·~ Bu 2 ~ llDd 2 batbiL Ideal --tJr :vev al'<>Oild.opot. Only SiT;ilii. 2. LIDO lSLE 1nnc1· ·N!'lll S bod· room home on Choice lot. i.rgre oh..m.I "'°""· , unit ••a brMkfallf' bar, <lell&htlltl l<lt- dlon apd a XUl!T lllllE home &t <M11J fu, Tl!O. Tonna. a. BNlld ne... • bodroom 'I baUI home. MANY DELUXE lea· ·-~ aa CUbaee d1-I • unit hMt. I wa1A!r ._...... wt.... Jor •leetl'lc ....... a .... .......... tarce Jl&Uo ""' ....,, ..,...,, daallnc ---llgbta.'" All for onty tt9.&oe. -t. 04r latest and newt"1t on UDO ISLE. On 2 IOtA-60 fett With that extra Wit patio you lile'ft wan'*I -all big, light. .._,.. tul room•. Home. hu I bed· "°"""• % bath>. unit #bMt, bl.-di..S gum doorll, cn- elm tree, walled In space for boat ·.n.orage and place com .. plet.Ny iattd~ped. This ls a BEAUTY at $32,000. !\. On KO. BA YFRO NT of LIDO ISLE a c harming and imp.TC'S· l!llW 5 bedroom, 3 bath. on~ story home that c,nnol be du- plka.tt'd. NICY-lot With pier an.41 N.ip and partially fUmiahed at ONLY $60,000. . ' 6. On BALBOA PENrNSULA. an extra ftne BA Yli"RONT bomr With pier and rloat on a 1arg~ lot w ith "f)lehll"l:fd Ww. R u 4 bedt'OOm!l, m a idA t'OOm, "'81M uniq11r playroom. SeparaU> dln• ing room, extra lal"l'f' rooma., carprls throughmlt and com - nlOdioua cto.eet l!lpace. At $75,· 000 this ts a QUALITY hom c- for QUALITY EUYF~S. ALSO So~ vtory dr!!ir&b1~ tot1t fot Al.~ on LI DO ISLE. Chotct" watt",.... ' front Iota for ltlcome units or cr089 atl"E'M. k>t3 at prtcef! well und« velue. ALWAYS RE· MEMBER \Ve arf' the OF.· VELOPERS OF LIDO IS i.El. Herc a little buye a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPolU '!'ED 3333 Via Udo N C'wport B<"ach, Calif, Harbor I MO J RENTALS-BAI.BOA ISLAND ' I We a.re now t&klnf' l'Mf!l'fttklift.11 for wtnm-rentaI.L Come tn and see Etna E ml(h, our ~n\at spectall.st.. or call Harbor 1776. • • • qivic. Center Distrret; Special Buy Cozy; weil oonat.rurited, small home, all nicely furnlsb· , od fol' -late °"""pan<y. I.ht llO><J:l8. Enc-yard; -p&tto, dbl prqe. -·~Id. A J'O&l .BUY at ·SA.M&. For turtht!t' 111.ronnation, _ call Mra. • Dlcksoll at Harbor 1013. .... ''\ HOME & INCOME 2 ahanntng, 1 bdrm hoM!tS ud dbl. garage-wilh pos.sl .. bllity· of extra 11leeping room. Good constn1ctlon. Handy location. $11,300, fUJ"'llshed. Call Har. 1013 or 2092-W tor an appointment to .ee. Boat Owners Attention 'MODBllN WAftRFRO~ HOME. 3 bdrm, 1% baths, fta.glltOM ftreplace, pati&. bar~t.e, view, PIER • Fl.OA. T , corner k>ca. Only 2 yrs. old. Price $2•. 750. Sho"1l t!y app~ oaly. Call Mrs. Dickson al Harbor 1813 or (eYMl Harber. 2092·"'· . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1'11:1' anc1·eout Hi'V'fl Y N.,.,.....f Beef'h ' Ooftiftft. ·~ Mar 22."j· Marine Av~. "11all>oa 'uland 1Mh &nlll I~ • N.wpc\rt lleal:h 3113 Newport B!td. N....pori ~ -.... • • • I _, • , ... : . • I coMFORTABLs 3 bdrm 11ous •• 3 C.OUntry Estate, Tustin-Lemon Hgts. Area yrs. old.. f;t0,000. &2700 chrwn. ' , • ',; interest. A pnl<t -· SbowplJiee of Orange county, New ranch styte <71 E. 19 St., -coot .. Mesa. Clll home ii!, 6 acre lieltlqg of oranges and avocados. 3 Beacon 5014·W for appt . l8ea. · . -. r'850-W .,,..., st css bdmaa. end rwnpUa' room. Every conceivable mod- em -~. Oompletely enclosed beautifully .1 landscaped yard with ""'*ate room' for barbecae $1350 DOWN Immaculat<> larae l bdrm, 3 yrs. old. F.ut side location, amai. 1ot. p1ne fl oors. lot.e of tile . .Nicx- lawnA, only S.'i7W at 5» pe-r mo. Trailer Wanted W onderf'Ul buy, 3 mo old. 2 bdrm, ioa.<19 of 1-ile, h•d. themao hat. Lge. dinette. Ownf'r wtD taJte good house traner or e&r. Only $8500. $1860 d n. $67.50 per mo. Broadway Resale Almoat n ew 3 bdrm hwd. We. p l"t.gl!' dL~posal. A·l condllklft, ft"nced. $10,500 \\tfth $2400 dn. $54 p<>r mo. A real buy. Bay View Steal GPElN EVRNINCS MRA 6. Npt. h art.or Multiple Listing R"ttattor 198~ N°Pwport Blvd., Co8t.a Mesa f""honfo &aeon 5226 Beautiful Bay Shores 15 rm bungal9w, just fin lA1'c<J. 2 bdrm year-round home. GU-bage ctt~l. diah.ma.ster. S tationary tubs. F'Urnacc heat, glua e~I08· ed over tub. Complctely fenced, patio. dbl. garagf'. Price $13,750, terms &ad all the requkements for outdoor lh•il\g. StaNe for horses, a perfect count ry estate well wortb the ~~ ..Siring price. Owner will oonsldel" do chBJll'e for Santa Ana, beach or monntsilt prop- erty as part payment. ,.. Shown by appoint ment onl y JOHN A. SIEGEL, Ma.ltor . 250 D St., 1'uatin Kimberl,y 2-7608 evenll!gg-Klmberly 2-0012, Klmbrely 2-9886. Balboa. Island's M08t Outstanding , . BAYFRONT VALUE ! ! ! IT IS NOW DCPOsSisi:.E t o clupllcate thla luxurious bome-<t. bdrm.a, 3-richly t lted b&the, 11e~ls quarters, two. spacloua patios, 6-C&f garage. Finest con11t:ructioa Oii choice corner wtth 60 n.. on the bay. Ftne bench. ~urpa•""" view. frirtl• :iii..-and •~ rt. sllp n"lt. Price 468.llOO, temu. I • OO~'T ~ THIS, ... Un.\ess You're Prepared to Buy ONE of the ~T· medium p riced homes .on Bai· boa fl!lod,. Clwoi to bay on a fine street. Beautl-• fulb' ae.ic-i· &nd; well built:. POAit ively one of otlr ftnest.buya. See it toCta y ! ' • ' ' . • STANLEY HADlfIElD, Realtor 218 MARINE, B~~A IS LAND \ 1'AMOR 20 • ' ' ' • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor H_ar. C:t __ BaJ_1>o& __ 1_11&n_d_F_•_rTY_ l\~CE 2 BORR S'MJ'CCO. V~ · AUractlvc 2 bdnn cottage wilh llwd . noon., Cittpla.ce. g&rb'lgc• dlltf>osa.l. many cupboo.rda. Ii:•'· ""'«le i:vact. '" ...,_,,.,,., A.ding su,900. Phonf' Hearon 5713-J , owner. .BACK BAY ESTATES ' 60o52 ' . 312 Ma rine Ave .. Balboa Island Harllo~ 204 2 ' . Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar VIE1.V H OME on '45 fL lot. Cnm· ple tel,y fencl'<t. Modern design. 11 . .,. baU.. b&rbfocu(" an<f patio. Flrepl&CI!:. 'l"lli9 b very nlct>! ~t:uft.ipl<> J~llft.IJ\~ No. J9S8 SEE E arl Chamberlain MIO <:'out Blvd .. Corona df'I M ar (0pJ>. Newport Harb8r Rank) Phon"' Hat'bot 2288 21!, ACRES w1U. bldg. 50 x 20. • CG bo H-In. 13,$ s.'!00 G. 'l'uotin -.. 17Ul, Coot& Maa. Ph. ~ 1193-W. t~ I $3700 -CASH PLUS $32.50 per month buy11 th\1' attractive •l!W' hea<*i homr, I~ catcd one block from lhe be9t ocean "front beach. Two bd"""' c-lever living room with liUWe planter..-large w a rd r o b e 1 and extza lilorage. Stan lfhawer, car port. A six W'f.!lf'lul •mrner l"ental should make the TEAJt.S paymentR. Alao an e:Rtilent property for tncome or apecula- uon. Full prlc:<> $89'!0. ' $4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 --2 1 n. tlvioos room with nroptace. bar-~ ~-"'·'·....,.,.-. ..i In tab. ]>1'1nte jietJo, ...... Z-<;ior canr•-l'Ull !*"'8 $111,1» - ' " * OPEN 1 -5 • • Bf-auUfUlly tumiahf'd year round 4 bdrm. S bA. home. PracUoalJy f\eW 1-fOOER..~, wilh encloaed 1'&Uo. 2--e&r gar. Rudy (or com· plf't,(-lfYil'lg. 1711 0cn.n Blvd, BaJboa. Harbor 2451-M. l21fc Bay View Lot Largo lot 40 ft. frootal!". Clltf a. ... .n. (not 1-"ol<ll. PRIC&D TO .SELL DUPLEX • tlan ttlinds and d~ lnclud· Pd. Paymehta only SD6. pt>r mo .• lncludJng <t"k Int.. taaes aad huurance-. Pr1Cfll for quick ult" at U0,500. ' Nl:WLY <leeG1"8.tH <Mptex, 1 bdrm bl ._.., clM. pragf'. Nteely land&caped. Hendy to •hoJ>A. Prlc~ $J 3.MQ, term.a. ' I -I Business Lease ' • , ' • • '· t • . . • • CAlll(llG . SUPPUES HEADQUARTERS L . jAR LIDS , 11c: Dae1 11 Pkt··.... . . . KEH I .. JAR CAPS25c: Dael 11 Pkt..... . 11•11 99c:. Fruit Jars . DI. 9ta. wltll • .,, · · ALL POPULAR ' IRANDS-1~1b. Can . Fol ..... -tlllla lrea.-.le1-H•,.......J.l-irl1 S a W-M•llW•tl Ho•-treellfaat Club, C•aM Ir Seobon • Grapefruit Juice ANAGOLD 46aa. Cao Gold11 State 1 at Cj)liellty • ......,..__--4 BUTTER . . . ~~~~~~~~ • J I { , ' -. . ' . ~' , • 1 · FUSH·DIBSID C.!IJ UP-PAN llADY 1 ; A • FRYltiG RAB8:1T$ • 59~. 1 • . ~ 6~. 1. 49 1°LI. · C CILLO - PIG. 1 . lb, Hlll~ala'HeHSllcea ·· 23 .Scott-1000 S ... t aoll PINl!APPLE "• ·2 c .... · c: TOILET TISSUE PECTIN '10c: 10 ,·'.",· 95c:. . ce...,...tri 2 1.n 23c: DlaMoiMl-125 Ft. ••II ,,_,rec ... ••--'°.,.. .. ..., .. _.. .. ..,. .. _____ ..,.· ___ :Veg. Soup_....... HM WAXED PAPER f fROZEN FOODS ., . ~ NOZIN CHINUI ~~,..J POODS Mln'-12 .... Pll9. 21 C: • Vegetables · RHED RICE ~ Ell ra9 .yau11a "ll~. Llltlty'• Teodor 21 C: t"V • _ PEAS 12 ....... ,. PORI CHOP SUEY LlllY'S u ~..,.. 111•· -----0RANGE -~UICE · 43:. . 'c: 1 ac: , ~;::1..: ,;; ~~... 49c . ..... . llEAl>ID . . IARGARllE 111•u1 c .... .i 23c: MEX'""RI .NllLITs .~1·~ 2 · 12 .... 35c: 1.aa.. ,., .•.•.•. ~...... IW · ,. .. U c... - • • . . LAa61 IYI AGED J • ~ 1SWISS CHEESE .49:. ;~~ .-~ \ N E S & L IQ U o R s ~1!- '' ANOTHO scobrt I IOYAL •UAID _. s2· 59 -DRY GIN : PIPTK ' . ' FRANKS . 590. 10 TO.A POUND-A llAL VALUll LUER'S LIVl:RWURST . ~. PULL POUND •••• ·-·". . • . r ' • I ' • • • ! •• 'JAJlU"QOT STYLE ol ll&llln~ Is d.....,...t..ted by of Corona. At the tUWr, nsdy for s.llchtettt chance dJl't"<'l ifln l.!t \\'alt.for Bolce, Ra.Ibo&. Looks llke tun. ,. .?' ,,..--'_/ . iiUND."-Y, JULY J:9, 1951, wLD 9re Ute n:eult. of preparatknt~ Auch a._" lhf"Ae pay off ID the FHctat of the Saowbtnb ra.ae. H~r'9 busy sklppe-n ma~ lk • moAt of tbdr lut few mOIJM'nta prlor lo raa-tlmf'. • - • ~ • • ' , ...--:-,-, • • ' ~ . " .. . .., • ,. -• • , . . • . • • ' -~·~ • . l , Tiie 19th annual Fllllht ot the Snowblnle will be held at Greater . " Newport HarbOr, on Sunday aft.moon. July 29th, 19111. The •tartlns sun la ocheduled for 1 :ilO sharp. ' I E&ch year the spectacular Fll!!11t of the Snowb(rda race attracts 'more t.han 160 younthf'Ul~entne., who hail from all part.a of Southern C&llfomta. to make lt the larg'8t and m<Nlt. colorful yacht race In 1 il11' country. It J1 k:n~ throughopt the world u the cluaic of ~erfcar: amalJ. boat •lllng event.II. . All boys and g1.rla trom age one to one hundred and one a.re in· vJted to enll'r the race. {There Is no entry fee.) ltntry blank.a and course charts may be secured by writing to the NeWport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. They mwtt be returned prior to 10 a...m . July 29. No awards will ~ g-Jven if entry blank.a ar~ not file<\ prior· lo the race. . The alar( will ~ from a line off thf' Ua.Jboa Pavtllon.· The r&ef' will traver11e lht. entire length of thf' ma.In channel of •the Harbor and f(>lurn to the 11larling point. A distance of approxlmate1y slx miles . .. ln a.JI, over '20 b<>a.utlful award11 will be pre.ented to the younr sklppeni. Besides t~ awarda for flret. eedond and third pl.ace win- ners, 11peclal trophle11 will be given to the younge.et. girl and youngest boy B&lling alone and completing the course, the first girl to finlah and the oldest •kipper. , The Snowbird la a BmaU single sail Marconi rig twelve foot cat- boat &nd IS one of lhe most popular claq sailing boa.ta in Southern Call(omla. They were originslly de-"lgned u the Olympic monotype clua for the 10th Olympiad which 'A'A.8 held in Los Angelf'8 harbor. The Flight of the Snowbird• wu or:ginated' by lhp Newport Harbor Chamber of CommerC'e and the first race was held In 1936 Wtth 48 b9&l.t en- tered; it has g r own 11tl'&dl1y until it is now coruddered the outatand- lng small boat race in the country . • .. I ' ' v..iton p~ to·.., y the col~ nent elloold plan to reUb a nn~e point .. early i"t -lb!•. l1">" 1'ace may be watcllod ~ ~ b&jr -~ of Balboa, h.m the 110U al'dp ot Lid~ :i.land and r.om, Bal1-hland. err I • . ST&uNo OUT ID the " .. ten of Ne\\-port 8..7, 'snowbird aldppen and Cte'WI kick up a bUAk)' bo"' \vave la the annual Snowblrd . I regatta. The Fflcbt of the SnoWblnls attract. hundreds or 3·0UDc l• heart ..Uon to the N~·port Harbo!' area. • • • ' . / • ' ' PA6E '2 -PART If~ THURSDAY, JU ~Y,26; 195 1 i_1d2!!:illESS~ ' -. WE H~VE ' AT THE PRESENT TIME GOOD BUYS IN EXTERIOR{ AND INTERIOR'. RR .PLYWOOD IN ALL SIZES EXAl•LI y," Exterior 4"8 -J-Z.. ft. -Jntmor 1.1~ ft. \~" E:xtnior ,4x8--!'7~ fL-lnt erior ~ ft. :y," Exterior 4"8 -S3e ft. -Interior lie ft. -Tbe&e and many mott Quality Buys - -U you don't -what you want-A•k for It- . -PLYWOODS- FJR -PJNE -IDRCH-OAK-llAPLE-ASH MARINE -WATER·?ftOOJ' -EXTERIOR -DOOIS- sLABS -PANZL -DUTCH -FRENCH SASH-FRAMES--SLIDING DOOR FRAMES .. * * \BAY PLYWOOD Co. • :,30 W. 17th St. C~ M11a • ·111t11hNI vu•,. Bowllllll AJI!!>') Pit. Ilea.••'-' PLENTY OF ROOM TO DRIVE RIG:trr ·IN • • I • l 'l'tlbiJllHii . .... ...... & "' lt(W .......... f9d'1 UAllf.leal ., .. -...... __ ...,,..,...,._ _ __ __: ___________ ...,,.. ____ Mii' Wtidi.--"'- """ N-Illa-at Ille .....,;..., .0 In' ~ .J'O'I -111\pU>enl obould lie lot a ;;;.,, plaJ1nr a "'tir4-i.:ui ~ 11_.., eoui:i 8rillp Appr~ ~ llel'-.Jitl\e Park ~ .... pl&Do. ~ ot. IWp. ~ ... -·obly ~ ... ..-pt of. lb I olo IU'GUIJd to U.. -l<I, l llQW riv< -"""' ont repcrt on Ille oppllau1t ~ tlle you an~· ..,.....UM. wlllch ,,;.., onalle In -of Ille ...,..;. &tale ~ of Ctlmlnol. Jn9on- moy "". ma7 aot <OI 1 OOpond W'lth, lo probMly --ot' tbe -lal-tlfl<ot.ion. · LI•• ortll:loJ text. lotl< ...,._. In lh 1!11Ate· Do:-of . oow FllM' • ~meal and ot11u .,...-of · The '°ld ho..,.. with lll• wtnp thlo, Oonr-t. Jt ..ay be .,.... are ayMbol.Jc ot °"''way our &Old bollc of llle UIWd c)t 1,ta OI the ltouae of Repre9tntatlvea ttaeNe la Qyilll' out ot tlt:ls cotm· QenNlll., W1llklrl ..,. tar.a: ""the.eel'· Tbui'9day, June 14. 1951 ....,.. 81nee the lut qtllitltJ' repon pent ...._ _,, _,,.. t•> ~ HOM. JOHN PHJLLIP!I of c.ilfOl'ftla ' ol 1949, to and •-• U.. l'ltot ""l' olllor -.# -tlin - ----~ Mr. PhlWpe. Mr. Speaker, the-quarter. o( OW )"di. thia t»pl of oa to ·tell ...,. Ute ..a. pas ~ Memorial Brldp. a.crou the Pot1r gold totaled $2,Pel . ..S00.000 which ed t.M ~ people to ... ,.,.,. Oit 9\ac, la one of Wuhlngton'• beau-we .old to tft dltfef.ent natiON, 1,aw,_ ~ .._... •en rilM aW to :iful brkfaea. Sem from Uie Vlr-rrom a.boot aee and on.r--hall bll· dix U s nttw • ~ U.7 a1ftla aide, *'•Ille &Jon• th• rtftr 110111 to -Ottst. BriUln, down to knrw WM .... of .W lAk•••t approach, tt ls kJw. ~uil. fm .. twf'nt y.tlft n1tlllen to swedt.n.. to theb' sreel <1era.fOl"l. Jut .. prHAlve. Other natlnN may b\iy gotJS: cttJ .. the 1na.JM 1M1'lllrd. aid .. jollt &I -People 00 read ~ Pren a.di ·SomPthln&. new b.h bffn added :ien.s of tbe United &ta1.ea may not. \hf' Coll•alite ete ~ lo-• t. A barKe p\lllf'd up a.Jonpkle thr 'I am f!OgaM'ed al the mQment tn d.y, ~ OW" pttanl toret~ rlVtt ban.)( f"l!'tttftUy and QJ]loattfod Ondtng out what the other naUona poUcy. fOU!' monnoua crat•. frora Jtaty. used for mone-y, \n buying' our The &ortolill', .,,,...,.. _,.ncq UM 11tey conta.irled acvlpt•res. the ~old ; did they uSt oar mo..-ey too! imakf', ill ,..._ .,..,,,~ ecotptun, 19' eu.lLng of wbieh WM a silt l o The ""~r.ttzed nprn are 1ym~ Jl)'1TtboUc of ~ 9Pftd •tth •~ America from the IL&llaa peoJHc. bolk ~t OW! lnflaUonuy trends bure&tJCrae1 doe8 aa)'llllal" w1'tkh Two,are by J.E. Frater and we.re preien~y bt>inl' encounpcf ~)( OW an)' cit-.., depnMllns Oii ·bla own t ut In Rome aftd N•plf!'8. The)· admin!rtration, and lta ~· to efforta te make • ll"Ytrrr. wodld are t'allt'd Aapiratlon and Liter&-apply orthodox. · cMtroJs, which havr to de in a "9y. ture and Harvnt and Musk. They woulrl mNt the lMUf! .. Instead or Onf' r~pre W drawtnl{ • bow'. st.and' DR the aplft'O&cJI tnrouah poJlt Lc•l ~ratrol.9, W"IC'h ex~rl-which hue no arrow. Thi• aym- whlch the road leada down, along t>ncf' stkou.kl alrehdy1 have wMrwn. U" boll.u1 lbP mlllioM of .dollaJ'• . 1 l h f' Oietrtct aide of the rtvt'r. The arl' le• apt lO ~c~ worth of Wat' ~terlal Ow Statr other two are by LM> P'rledlander I 88¥ f,t UM ; ~partm~n:t -~we f\1"'l9hfod Ute and are called $acf'tfice and Valor~ , One male, n~r,.~:ia · Carryb-g • CoverNMnl of Cid-. ud w~h They st.mid al the adjolntng bridg-t book. Thia.I•~ p t the:. d<'bt8 we ha..-e Jllllt dliKoTt'RCI, u.roap 1 tntrake M;ar . the Lrncofu Mr· on our book•~ ~ \ Oltier r\a-the Sent1le Marlqs. "'-&<com· morla.I. I Utlnk ,., •• , tuml:lal\ed UK-tlon.s ~ncfe' th~ fn~ of WOl"ld War pan lf'd by no am11nu•Jtlon. 1 bronse and· the gold, and the cut-.11. Ttieae ' total ,'$f2i:fgJ,ooo.oeo Thf' harTnt. ftstre curt.. • I ln_J ~u don(' in lta.ly. 'I'l}t' latter for f°""lgn· •kl.'-lf'We include oftly !"hear of vain a.nd a sk~. ~ ... , two statues were cut 1.t Flor ence Jtlfls. qr.lid.itc. &Jld kwlll'i but ~e symbolisf>• Utr 9'• m«>fttlra ctfoleJ ond Mllall. JI .,.. o ~ •••-• LoW I N8 «9';!?MO lf •• Odd and d<!bat. onr loanlnir """"' tu re ol trtenc:blltp Oft the put of lend-W~ e~pa c.ac.iJed . since money to"'lndla to bQy patn. when our Italian frMlldlJ. and l ha•e-no ttwi f'IJd "' Ulr ..,., Tbl8 aflqws it we Md k>a.Md t.km, or pven doubt that Ute proper cenmon~• t the· n•tton. a crlf'tll,( tor 'eome II.-them. tbe ""'" amount of money I wUI be •ntnlftl to t'Xpie•• OUT' 1 ooo.oo&.OOO 111 ttfttN Jtrtd.leaet or to put lnto euSly made 11teel apprerlatton. Tb e •t•tuea a r e ottw-r ctt"dtb -Msl tJll!i accoonll. poln18 for t.JHiolr woodetl plows. and 1trtJ1U.1 addltton. to tfte •ltrac:-TM book la •leo ~bofk of tlw taupt tkm to hanre.i · )l'lth tlona of Wuhtngtot1. I rl!.gultJRlf nattonal dirbt on Om' own llOftlf'thlna t>Plif'r tJlan. a 11.c:kte, we ......,. MMI boofr•. wble.tt. u ot·Jmw n totaled would h••e curf'd the famtne 1"he tlprn att Of twrolc 11.U. $"4.•0l.2'2'.Tn. Tbe8t lf!'IMTOWI. lhnat. That would al~ have J)rf'· Foor honw1t, twe> wtth wtn ... end 1 gtfta can h tta:aNd bt the Twf'nly-vmttd CTOMln,-the 8.t'klr with a eight adOlt ftprta, two mt'n aecond ~9lrkt • ., ~ tNt you Mmmtt. moa11t~. OM! cattytl'llg • c hi.kl, an1r1 N •e tnc:ti~ ~ a contrtbu-c·,...._...._ U\f> otlW't ffi«tlttt bHkte lbr hcrwa, tion of about ~NOf>: fl!.: ·say, an Tbt' child In t ht' men'111 arml'J 11' The mn took ltke-t.M boyJt aroun\J SVt"Tap of aa;aeo·. t..mty. aymbolk Of thf' htBtmlc compaa- ·' .. ' . 'TY' Call ~~· foi. tn!'ul·, ... se i:v~•l\9 o'f your lint•!'n4 • .PrOflitpt service by ' expert techniciens • 111i 1'ew,,;..·-· 1 Low price.a , t f \ D I TY i . _;.. ~: . ' • • • riuck is_ - r c ~ ~ver ... .. c· ' ,- 1 Sa.n&.a Monka w1'e> sptlkl lhf'lr °""" Of tfte rt...,..1 i9 playtag-a Mon ... 1 frtf'ntlttnt"u and g~rOA­ ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ltvN Jtnht1 wf'iglliU •nd flftxinJ harp. nn. le wymbollc Of the lty ot the American people. r .. thrtr 1"1*1n. laf:I 1 rlM to rl!lnArk , mytholepcaJ l.aftlet w1'J& .at on ward t-vtTYonf', but p:artkularly that [ nfln. W~ Wfwrf' 9C'Ulp-' l.M NM!" µii lift ~ aad .pla)'f'd t&Ward £'h•kfrm and peoplf' in . ton, OT'IM" the-Cf'TftUrlH, set the tltf-tr hajp3 ,0 t1ltk'e ,,....,.u..r. t o trouble. I ettpJ"09(' my frlf'nd, m<>Mb for th bvr. mu«lrboun<I c~truccoa. t(Ow-It ta t.ltfo feDow-KalhariM St. Ororv, ttw.-Vf'r;.' gentWmnt u.ey chip into A1.0M. travt>lf'r• Wik> a,... entJdlte u8 to a.tM CoRgreuwo~n from N.f'W Deflate your haufi~i cnh:....1ulntantiellyl Get a ,...,.. lined, sturdy Stvdellaker truck. The whole struduN of a Sluct.ba ... r Is rvtlM with solitl '"mu1cle''-no burdensome excess ''fat''-no ' SPECIAL • COllBINATION SCKEEN DOOR (not wtandardl No. 585 I . Siu 2/8x&/8 '3-26 , No. 381> llze 2, 8x6/~00 "f eR Ihm to slop, l•dy. rm not do,..• yetr• Green Plutic Screen at lie )II!!' !Ml f t. ~:-6471 flomf'P Mdl9«, .._ger <Tl' 11E11 1' AllJl8: La,una Beach Santa Ana >'UneJton La Habra Brea MAD MOORE'S CA-SH & CARRY • RAl~A RL\'D. AT fl& wr. NURSERY st;Wl'OllT ID:ACll FUCHSIAS. In •loam ..,. • PO'l'l'I 25r q.n CiuM "S r . ~Jt Ne9 ~ TUBEROUS BEGONIAS m q..rt :::: 75¢ lo Pob 1.00 ap OPEN SUNDAYS MATERIALS COMPANY · SPECIACATION READY MIXED CONCRETE w ... w-( ........ -""" --Ill ... ) C..U Mna -ftliw • NII Ult .BALBOA TRAMSFER CO. ' lhl111 Thf'y arf' Wf"O w otth &ef"ln1 . 'Thr oer OOoni. M.tns 90kl OW adrnin· York. wt11 hw1et that the t lKUt et' nf'xt thing W1JJ bf> fm-tht' Park latraOon the kNa tMt It can blP ol t,.. womn wan.w..-by tbf' Sf"rric" to pot out • booklf't de-9Ut'C"natul Poutkally by aprndlnc ttor..n, wfllJle Uwo ' mf"n ride, 111 itcrlbins lhf'm. a.nd f'xpl•lnln• thr u11 inta bllftkruptey at homf", and IJYmbotk of lhf' nttd for PaMaK" !lymbotlem le the det•lla. The 11upportin• abn:tad • "1M:>lt> family \ ot Mr f'qtJlll · t1Kbl9 ·tor -wo mm st.atuefl a re wtrt•t lhf' F'rt>nch call o f frlf'nc.fly -0tr otlttrwiH -n.-rf'MfutLon ' hronu-dotf""-bronZf' wuhf'.d wtth tionJ11, wfloeip ~ •.re bo~ lf yov want an ""Plan•tk>n of Jl'Old. Vt'ry •lrlktng in thf' l'UTI · with le• <k'bt ·1Mn1du.lly than 1 •ny othn symbol9 In WMhtnJ(ton , li~ht. f'ltpl"cla:lly lhf" wlntct'd ho rM-t1, our J>"op~. I think tht'. flrure 1 jWlt writ" yoor c on.-rt-Mman. I 1't .t.f ·~-~\!iP 18 fllCIWO' -PlAdl!:IJ · A'fi:w I V ITS JUllllL& -.,, ,,_ me.e Ill ... lit• a I I l'Ut.. 8for- \•tc., .... ,. ... ""'9 ll(I WWW ...... ,. ftlo .... -...... ' In...., • Lee 'Pvt(! R I r• a.d Sl'9ep t lilll' f'~ • U EM t .. ll!11 1lll Jll .. 1W•tllip ..... lac,.. tJlp. hi 11a i. 'l'llel!!ttal• j aw:y wa ftte I Jrei Of a ... 1 pl~-.. ~--1•*",,,. a..-,_ ..... Upo of Qlllf_.o na.I Dlo- trtet. ....,.._ u.. ....... •• • 8-tll:r .............. , ........ .....,. ........... , At tfH. J,ft -A~PIRATIO?'f .4 ~ D l..ll'EaATl'RE. A ~ D RARt't:.'IT A.'i'D :..nnc ... ..... ,,, .. fJf ......... 11tatwuy ,,_ die Mt1ftrMfral Rn.ts, aa.M u.r r.,.__,.. .,.,. np..... .,.. of .....,.._ !!lk• ... ef O.W.. u -. ,,.. ....... )lo....,. ... •• • flpfft!t Wtt• t'91 .. ....._.. ... •••I wM1' 1.W. A,.._. l •r ta. twe f91J "'° ..... ntf'llM W'99 '· F.. f"N 'W1'. ,..... ~ •tt,. ........ "---... 1'•,.. ...... -'-" .. ,,, ,..,. r.....,.. ., """' •• '"" l 'allftf MlalM . ' • 'l • -' . ~ • , . . catlly ....,.nderlng of .,soline. What'• moN, St<Hle..,.ker's wear-re1istil)ll truck ciqfts. ntOMllip 1..-iy roi;!vc" expenditures for l'Op!lin. Tali• a tip fro.m. America's hundNdt of thoutands of StucleMker truck· ownert. Economize for, keeps with a n-Studebaker, truck. · JOE NICKERTZ. Locbl haler : Ne wport Blvd~-By lid~ The•J,.: Ha •. 5 Io~ N~ Beach J-415 w . • .. ' • --------'- 1 ·o ~w is the ·time . . to transfer your. funds '· to .. i~sure~d?~,. "'"'~·'·"'"<-_, :· r·111;r~~~.~-= · -:~ CURRENT EARNl~S ( . ~ . -" • ·I • .. ' • • • ·,. ·- • • . .. ~ I • ~ . ... .... '""'"-. . THE PACJnC ANGLERS la an attempt Ip lmprovo tl>elr laek, .-aU1 ...... Ille •ltloe of "Clll9t>- ~" to thetr ftMd:f'r of of'ftdalA. Wayne Hurtt.on. lrtt, ... thr. ""* r.,lder of ~ U~ Md rtew h• "ottlelal" llq, (di•play<d II.ere) for the lint Ume la Ille laf<'M>'lub ~ ~I · lut Wffk..,nd. Ualerlwlafdy, 11 didn't bdp tho Padllc Anf!en, alt ....... u -for the n ... t, Ibey dal-o..tr poor .....,nl ,... Ille JMdlt of i-pnall&J nt..., ti.a. .,... l .. IL 1..i..i.. Mr. HantMn • ., at U.. aDsltt'• bttaktut, beld boti. mol'lllJlp at Ille ,...._ Ila)' Clldl>, ......, Bmee l!fUll&na, of Bay- sllorea; Mrrl<> Affl<>rbauJll, of Nrwport H .. gllb, •ad G""rt:e Grlfftlil,< .... of N ..... l't 118,ftlU. (Photo by S..knnl • HARBOR SOCIAL ·EVENTS 1 MRS. "N.INIFRED liARBRE1 ·Society Editor "Y""""' ........... -..--.~· .. ~-.. .. ~.,.,,,,,,. ....... ld<:.¥~ .... ..,,.~....,. ........ ~ ···Costa Mesa Matrons Join Forces ih Entertaining Many friends Comblnlng their famed host.ei!M------------- i•J t&lenu Mra. Heinz Kaiser and lira. Sam Kin1falher of ca.ta ~ and ,..... Ida Naylor ot Bal- bQI. Ialand scored agtJo with two dlaUnctive affair!! ot the summer seuon. For the flrnt hosplt..alJty tbe·y oba.e the Ca&ta Mesa. F?"iclay Aft- ernoon club's smorgasbord-card Ritchie, O. Z. Roberlaon, C. B. Rudd, .John Sa.dlelr, Hub Powen, Hany 1-{. Welah, Tbcreea Wallace, Lou Seager, Oliver C'ampbell, Fred C.Uln, Harry Welch. H . F. Wold· t>nberg, 0 . W. Richsrd and Mlu J{ate McCa.nn. 8ef\ond Lun~heon paty aa an excellent "1ode ot .en-A aecond luncheon duplicatlna t'lrtalnlng a large ooplpany of l~lhe ch.arm of thr-earllt>r !Unction f'!'.ends. non-membel'9 of the l~ took pl•ce Frtd•y in lhe apacious Cal club. Bridge and canaeta. were Uo of Mrs. Kai~r's home, t•7 the a!termath of . the delectable Virginia Pl. There Mrs. KJnsta- menu, a visual as well a.s gqtro-the r and Mrs. Naylor joined Mn. nornJc Joy . Kaiser In hoateu frtendline• when Lending co)ortul drcorative de-they presided at luncheon and ca- ta.u. to the quartet tables w~re nasta.. Cuesta on t.h1a OCCu.iQn .place favors 90nslating of jd.rs were Friday Afternoon club mern· Ot jams and jell.tee, wrapped ln hers. A yellow and fl'"n bam· crUp cellophane in such complc--boo mot if wu reflected in the mentary tonee u red, orchid, unusual and artistic appolntmcnu. green and yellow. Prtzes wer.e won Rewarded With prizea at the by Mm es. H enry Eggert, Eugme close or lbe afternoon were M.mee. 1'eoelon, Anton Herabey, 1 New· Paul V. Parkea, :Mabel Andrew&. port Beach; Ja.y Hardiman, SheT-E . I. Moore and P . A. Chamber· man Oaka; Lest er L. labell, Bal-lain, COBta Mesa. They played in boa; Jobn W. Mc~dor, Corona deJ competition w tlh M.mea. Chari~ Mar; Lew Pettit, Balboa :' C. F . F . Hand, Ql.Ua Vlel4 Berth.a TU· W.tta, Inglewood. lotion, Cos ta Meaa; A,n.n Halter, Gueeta ·sbaring U\e anernoon Phll Head, An11:he.lm : Fred Hauck, ilM.'Juded Mme1. Frank Hardlman, Santa Ana: William t.chenmyer, Jay Hardiman, Shern1an Oa k.9; C. Harris Cot Ue, 0. W. Rlchard, S yl - F. Walt.a, Eleanor M.clolull~n. ,ria Place, Frank Sawye r, New· I~glewood : Vir ginia Slom e r, Eliz-port Bench ; :P.tiss £11,zabeth Head, a.beth Hot, Glendale; Ma~I Costa J.(l'~. Mabel Thomas, Long &ach ; H ltaa ------ Varnum, Tujunga; Dorothy sOw - ma.n., Santa Ana: At innle Garrel l, W€'Rtmlilster. And from the Harbor area werr Mml'L Sidney Blackbeard, Lt'irtrr FAC Smorgasbord Delightful Event L. libe.ll, Jol'ln W. Meador, L(ow A tremendous succt>as both 90- P ettllt, H erbert B. Baetz, C ordon cinlly and financially wu th(' B. Ff.ddlay, J . A. Gant. Henry 18morgasbord anti card party July B:ggert, Eugene Fenelon, Anton j 1s at.aged by the ·Cost.a Meaa Frl- ,r_aMy, K. V. Dilt:M, Art.bur day Alte.rn9Qn. club. ~Af' a.t.teDd.r , :t!l'!pq;, "!'~· •. Ii-. ···~. ". . .. .. Plain or Sugared DOUGHNUTS 4~ lllOfJ. 53c cloaJ 6 lw 22c e. a1llDC en th& ~~l:ftlb-. Complln1ent.a were flytnl' ror the variety of choice dellcaclet (all bonie made) ; tor the reneroa1ty ot mt-nibers donating the 21 a.t- tractlve door prtsea; fc:ft' the pt"e.l- ty aprons niade by the art.a and craft lectlon u table awarda; for the striking decorative enect.s &.nd tor the overall •imosphere of t'rleondly ho«pltallty. Aiding in t he kitchen weft M'mes. Mary Cha.mbcrltin, Su. Horvath, Marie Ka.Lier. C&lla Viele, . Dorothy Suman. Sellna Libby, Ruby Cheney, Bertha TU· &ot.eon, .Io Payne, Mn. Mabel An-- drew• and Kn. lJUlan • Butler were reaponalble fQf table ar-- rancemeni.. Mro. Roberta Delan· •Y had charge or aervlnl'-Girt SCout.. uof.IUng lnclude4 N0ncy Cbambwlaln, Troop I~: Nancy Long, Bue Tbomu, Lynne Schach· •••• Carolyn Ropa, Troop u . Te.Wea Were made by Mn. Chu. Mc:A.lary and decor•Uon.s were th8 work of Mn. Mabel Scbachner. lotn. Alma Swarts bad .eharge of Ucketa. Mrs. Calla Veile Entertains Wrth Gay Patio P-atty Wesleyan Guild Enjoys Potluck in Mesa Park Mn. Emma ·Stevena &nd Mrs. Vltgtnla Beal were ·boeteaea to tM Wealeya.n Oulld of the Costa Mu& community church Thuni· da)' evening, J"1y 19. Wbtn the (1'0u'p met In th• Ceola M ... park for a pot luck aupper. Prealdent Gnce Bllllnp called the meet ing to order wttb the mem be.rs re· apondtllg to roll call wtt.11 a Bible ......... The OuJld voted Lo change Ila m~ttag ntg'ht from lfie third 'nlund.ay or t>ach month to thlfl nnt Tb\IHClay. ,,....., w lU be no A~-mael.Ulr. On B•pt. I lira. Alva Kipp wtU eatartaln I.II• CTOUP ln her homo at 1 Teo Wblttler 8t. Kn. Ma\lde Pf'arce pve • veey lnlerNtln1 and'1"1ll"uttlve talk on LAlbi Amnic& pretaclng the a tudy of Dr. Clears• P. Howud'a book, "We 4meric&M, North and Bouth." l:nJoylar ti>• •venlnr wore IOnea. Stevena, 8e&J. BlUinp. P .. rce, NeWe llowa.rd. Martha Dickey, ft.utll Barnell, J e.nnle T\lrner, Helen Pohlman. Elva Kipp, E<\lb•r Dodf•· llaude Davia, F'lo~ Jrlah•rt¥. Gertrude l!ldlck and Rev. ancl Mn. J-pb Iii:· 81\&M and ~trtldrt'n, BllU~. Ruth and Carat. 8UKPRI E VISIT Mra. J'ohn Chung and har moth- er, Mrs. Minnie RichtPr i-njoyM a wrpriJle v!Jit la~ w~k n'Ofn a Jong t ime o-icnd, Mrs. CharlH: Meunt of Waunu, Wla., who p~ a numblar ot dnya at the honie ot Or. Olld Mn Chung, 211 E. 18th atte1'l. Coflta Ml·~. • • • Y'1 Men'1 Group a+ Oran99 Perl · ' ·' . ' YEUOW MAIGAlllE SuMybank. Foil wrcpped quarters. Be\·efly br1nd (24-oi. jar, 57c) 111.33• CHOPPED OUVES s.u·, Ri.,... Fino for s1ndwiche!, 2 4!.-114 CANNED MILK Doirrland Ev1poraled 2 :::. 23• • . LICllll ClllCllllA19 • "'"1 ,...;.di.... ·2 21° la "'wpad &=+ .. : ... Jfordlera -a. ~ 2· ·25· o ' !nADlnl lo eat cw lo...... ... . Pr1.W, ,.»ad.~ ttrAer. crloop. 'I'-...... .. ,. .:90 =·17~ Tldaolda....t. ........ •ca1la1Hva .. a Vllot ._,.. : . &• .. ftlefr ~I •a ,, . ' .. PAiil ·1 -.'P.Uf ft • '· ' ,; .. . "' VICDIT'S ·~"·· ~DllUGMOU Help• 124' • > I I .• • nluE' • 8JllP • TUDf I -.JIJ:llSllV~Nll . : . llrtal 1111"'9 Met A.-y I , -I • •• • •• • • • • • -• • •• , .. - • • ' ' • • • • • 'y • ...... • • • . .. ._., •• ._, • . • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ~ •. ' • A • • • ' • • • • • ) -• • • .. " • • -" . . ' • - • r , • PA E 4:..... PART II .... THURSOAY,JULYl6, 19'i · ;~~... '· Jk7i~i7.-:: PRESS ~· ommunity Players lect Officers, Ian Productions . ! ~ Newpqrt Harbor eenunU· )ity Players. havl9ff flnlthed up a ~ccesaful year tor 1950-51, are I under "''l&:Y with gttat. p~ ~ corn.tng seaBOn . The board of directors recently ected their new officers who are: tlident. MartheUa Randall; vice J restdcnt, Jo · WUder: recording •crctary, Agnes Blomquist: 00\"• eesponding secretary, Patti Wttte: ,.re_lt.surcr. Mel Berry'. The ot!'er four directors appointed were: joduction n1anager, Nath a 11 e chau'-1: booking con1mittee, Sid- y Morris: hoUSe committee, tt.v Jarvig and public relationa, W . ·'D!ck" Richard. Plans include four major pro- Ctions to bt-.staged at Oran~" a.st coll!!gc and affiliatl':d with Adult Education progl'&m re: an act1ve worshQp and sev- sncisl cvenLci; N<>mething for •rybolly, according to Pr~ld('nt · ndall. Apphcat1ons for ml·mbcrship be srnt lo Jo Wildrr. n1em- ' hip l·ha1rman. al 261 Evening yon R1>a1H Corona del Mar. ~ Noon Dinner f ~r Loyal. Workers 'the Loyal \Vorkf'rs Sunday schvol l'i~Hs of tht> Costa lo'lf'sa (.;1Jft11J1un1ly ehur<'h met Tuesday ncxin. July 17. 1n lhc-Costa Mesa pa-d< for a po,t luck d1nnrr with 1'lre:. Ah<'t' f..:a~lman and Mrs. 1\J1~r Nirl'O!.JPr~ ns hnste:ises. Fol-lo~1g thC' dinner, Mrs. Ettsllna.h p1·et>1llrd over a fhort 'blIBiness n1~t ing. Birthday grrt'ting were i:;Lu\i! .to ~lrs. C.all i~ Kirks. 'Who"e t•njo.vin1; the afternoon \\'ith th(' host~SS<'S \V('tC Mines. 1'i0<s, Flon·nce Hatri80n, Sally Hinelt·sy. Edith F..dgar, Sadie- Bland, Blru1che Anderson. Katie H it,1J('r, Edna Zinn. Edna Nlck("JI, Florence Shcarl'I', Elberta J ohn- sonc Dai.sy Bt>nnett, Gertrude Edrtk. P.l1s..~ Laura Smith. R ev. and 1''1 rs. George Plu1nstelld and Rev. tlnd 1-frs. JoSt·ph Mt.:Shane • ~ ehll<frt·1:1. Dille, Ruth and •Carol. ;:. "fhe c lass vott'd Jo not meet in ,Augu3t. Un St'pt_ 18 f\lrs. Harri· 1t!un and f\·1rs. John.son \Viii bt> host· I fiss('s in the home of the former 1<n1 \\'(~t \V1lsun stret•l. " -------,. \Pchange Club . ~ \ . ' j"'1stalls Officers . 11J UUJtailcd at last werk's meetJng 1 ~ the Exchange Club of Newport 'lilarbor were the officE'rs reeE>nllv lt.*1osen to lei:ld the organtza.tlo~ i"'r tht• ist.:cond half of 1951 . In 'tiharge uf the proJ;:Ta1n \\'8.8 \.\·cs :Ful11ns, who 1ndul·tf>d the follow- 1ng ortict·r~: Prl's1dt'nt. Tho1na8 E. •H rrrcrnan: vict' prt•s1d<'nl, Milton .. r•lchard: sel·retary, Paul Butler: trea....~urf'r. J.~rt•dPrick H odgdon, and Serge-ant-nt-arms, E. H. ThiC'le. P'd.u.l Bullt'r reportt>d that the t·outh Rl'C reation Center in the Bf1boa. 1:.land 1-tethodist church hf.If been surfact'.'d and that· this pttiJl!<'t w ill bf' con1ple ted soon bv th'Ot installing· of athletic equ1P- n"9'1t anlJ the nlarking of the area t~_.· such gaJTIC'M as badmtuton. vol- l · a.II, basketball and shuffle llrd. • ' I FREE DELf\'ERY ti> St. Jo~pb and (OOJ:niuqity .U08pltaJs Har. !Ol'O 009 E. Balboa 81,·d. Balboa "'"THE NE\\' HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN • ALL ELEc'l'BIC I I • lllJSS MARJORIE Mll:R, !8'3 Vista Drl•·e, hM lrlcloded a vt.ll to KauaJ whlle \'&Cationini" ln tbt_0 Ha"'a.IJ.an hlands. It ls kn(•"'ll as t~ Ganim Island of t.hf'i group bP<>.au8e of 113 luxur, iant tropical foliage. .. Some- bo\v it etttJM>"t; clOM."81 to my l".lC- fM'<'l&ttom or '\\'hat Ha'\\'all \\'OUkl bf" llkr .. ' l\tJM Mlf'r • i.t.ated. Kauai's attnu'tlomt in- clude Luma.hat t•y. lb" cua."t..- llnl'I ff":'lfn(lttf'd ,,.Ith l".Xotk' kopl, ral follac1•. !\f b.M 1'llt*r r W» photolr&l>hl'd in I he Jeardcn-s ut Kauai Inn. ,,.~... llhe wu a (Ut"St whlk-on tJu-bliutd. Patio Fiesta Party Fun for B. & P. W. The B~int.'113 and Profe-ssional Won1en, of Nt•wport Harbor forgot businf'~ for an evening and thor· oughly <'njoycd lht>Jl\8("1V('S at a Firsta party beld In the patio of lh(' Nc-wport Hclghts ho1ne ot F.vclyn Varner on Th4rsday. July 19. Everyone lnclucJ{n; guc!!lfl, canic dressed as Mexicans or tourists or what have you! . To add to the fiesta atm~~herr was Mexican m03ic. Mr. Cisnet'l'.NI played I he-guillt.r and Ernesto Lima, a very young Caballt·ro. sang. Afr. Rodriguez, the Span· ish tt-achl.'r at Santa Ana Hi~h schQ(t) was kjnd rnough to i:;c-t the cnjo:rable 1nusician~ . A dt'lit·iuUs Mt.>xlcan dinn,•r wru call'red by Richards and scrvt>tl by thl' NCmbrrB of the club. There was an c-xcellent atll"nd- ancP of 73 at the party. Th<' ,2'Uf"..als were Naoma Cll.'Pry, Carly Robl>rdeau, ?\t a r y ChaJnberlaln. MlCkey t.{ooney. Zuc Hall, Joyce Hun1phrcys, Lorrain Brest, . J ean Matbewe, Ju.qe Burft. Etna. AD\)' . Bea Love, Phyllls Gas.loo, Marion Pottf'r, RolK'rta l\.torxan, EJttv-1 Shirley. Kathcrtne Young, Let• Stoddard. J.sabellf' Parkf!'r. Phylln; l\.1cAdama and Elaine Walker . Costa Mesa Family Home From Ohio Mr. and ~lrs. 0. R . Mithoff and childrPn. Shirley anrl Richard. of 398 .E. FlO"'"r stret:·t. Costn Mt·sa, have just c,..ncluded a n1onth's va- cation trip to Columbus. 0 .• their former hon\(', where they enjoyt'd visiting many frienda a.n<l rela· lives. Barbara (Mrs. San1l Laff('rty. 1 daughter of the Mltboff.H, w ent back cast with her fan1\ly aflt>J' having spent 10 days 1n Costn Mesa with then1. En route the tra- V('ler~ made s lops Jn Tucson. Ariz. and Cincinnati, 0., beinK t>nter· taincd in those cities by Atr. AfiU14 off's brothers. On the return journey thC' local famUy visited rrlatlve:s in Longrnont.h, Colo., and Salt Lake City. Journey East for Anniversary For the express purpose of mak· Ing a two-we-ek5 long celebration of their Wf'ddlng annivel"8ary, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor. 2267 Pa· cific avt•nuP. Costa Mcaa. took to the highways on a wonderful va- cation jaunt. First df'sti.natlon wa.s Blackroot, Idaho, where they werfO c.ntertalned by the local ~an·s brother and family. 1'-tr. and Mrs. Eln1('r Taylor. Relatives of Mrs. Taylor were paid a visit tn 'West Yellowstone and also tn M.issoula, )font., her former home. Again the lotesans wire greeted tiy friend& and kinsfolk in Richland, Wuh., Walsc;inville Md Solvang,• C:ili!. Jalopies Roar in. H"ntingfolJ E'wry Friday nlgbt Will be de- voted ~XcJuatveJY to colodu.l j:a .. lopy nclng at Talbert S,tadlwn in Huntington u..cll. • • The gallopln' wrecka with the powerfUJ molQl'S, unpiedictabi., -tlout and lhtlll-paclood for action. will comi)ele qallt with SOU!Mm Califo ..... 'lo -,,0 leadtoot., ob Ille tbrotth ' YOU can play ricll prgan mualc at once, Without leant'-tnr: a illl&l• note. Come &&I' ~ the ,Bainmond Chord "Tbe ~ Duh _.a com, pell~ ~:JI p ...... 411tbe1eadlllg Danz.Schmidt · 1a.•li1>Y A-1aa o:aaut-~ b:e lill 11.qjl. PianO eo.--Scbendley. ih. ~· Oowlty ~•"!rlt.. -out Duft7 Uf )'(........ ~ Letaer ud lid· v.. lllrll - C.-M · _ _._ ----11111.d -..... • ~ llJ8llo"7 WHO · IJf ot. ;rt....,. -fW tbe ...., ___________ ... -............ ~ .... oq. • , • • ,, •• ,,. • NOW SHOWING TE<JJINIOOLOR "Passage West" .lohn Payne, A.rlMn \Vhealen -Ahlo- "fhe Scarf'' SUN., '&ION., TUES. .loM>ph Cotten. Corrine Oal\'l'lt "Pelling Express" -Al!Mt - TrcbnJoolor Expedition to lbe Amuon Jungle Head Hunters STARTS WED:ilf;sDAY ."The Frog Men" Bob llnJ"' la 'The Lemon Drop-Kid' ~ AltMJ - BrlllJ' Donlt:\·y "Fighting Coast Guard" Sl'N'., l\lt)N .. TlfES. .Joan Cm"·fortf. Robt:r1 \'uunc "Goodbye My Fancy" -Moo-• "Smugglers Gold" \VED. ONE DAY ONLY Big Cartoon Festival -f>hll'li - Ann Blyth In "Katie Did It" Mesa~\/ BE ACJ" ~;, l l 'l)'ll "''! ..... " SAT. LAST Ot\ Y Danny Kaye In "On The Riviera" -AL~- "Bowery Battalion" SUN .. MON .. Tl:ES. l .. l.r5t. Hun: "TRIO" ~One of thf> Out.1tlandlng- Pl(•turf"l" <if thr l't"a r. NOW SHOWING • . 1'1Rrlo l..&nUt. Ann Blyth .. GREAT CARl'SO" -l'lua - Roddy l\l<'Do"'·eD "BIG Tl~IDER'" - STARTS st·xoA ,. Bud Abbott, t.ou Cotltf-Uo "COMLN ROVN'D THE MOUNTAIN .. -· Plu11 - Steve Cot'hran 6.: Da\·ld Brian ln-"IS81DE TllE \VALLS OF t"OLSOM t~ft.llSO?\~' 5'UR;C c'.// LEX.6·3044 HUi."rtNUTON REACH NOW TllRU SATURDAY , ... ,. illll'WU ....111 ...... .., • ' • o ao ••• rtliai' l'O _oo • r•c ••••O• ••• • • BROADWAY-. DBIVJ!: IN KLl-6a80 8TAJIT8 .1ULY lllltb • Doors Opet> Show 8-· 1:16 8:16 "Moonli9ht Boy" STARTS THUBSDA Y "Excuse My Dust" Red Skrtton, Sally Fo......,I .;. and ...... "Ap:ache Drums" "Hurricane Island" S('TNDA Y. JULY 28th 'Strangers on a Train' and • TUESOA\' • .IULV 3lat "Sirocco" "The Scarf'' \\.F.ONESDAY. AUO. Isl. , "Two-of a Kind" and , and "Texas Rangers" "Flying Missile" CHILDREN ~~~ FREE "'Ith PMrenta at Paulo . and Broad\4·ay Thf'atnoe DL'a TONIGHT AT THE ' 1 ' CAPE COD HOUSE .. FEATUIUNG • STEAKS .and CHICKEN ON BAl~A ISLAND AT 311 'J ft.l.AR INE AVE. PUONE llARBOR 2891 ((~loffd Thurs.) ' Oini1t9 Room open 11 :30 -;...M. to 8 P.M. do ily Cloted Sund oys 6nd holidoys Phone: Kimberly 2-2196 Lots of FREE PARKING. ' . ' BIO 'J'lllll:llJ -. • ~ OP.EN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every WedDetlday • . JIN-to . ,. ... • • ··~ • l'B-EE , 'llW.ooNS • Otllknslau .5, • Bid11 i!.4 . ' ' ~·'I'll 11, P9!J& lllM•1'1 IN--· fire a • av.-JI.II• ClllOOl.ADO!I • 'DI& ...... ' . ~ . ' -••: "•"•' Hll 111 r• ••a. .... , • l • VfSIT THE NEW HUT on Cout. lll"•ay, Laguna Phone •-9006 for Rc8en-atlon8 NOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX ·Sack 4" CocktaU Bar on the P M!.r Isthmus CATALINA IS LAND ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Also Steaks -Pt'itne Ribs Cocktails 1611 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1180 <;orona .del Hat .'.ll._ CAcrus CAt. BY CEC1l HUTCHINS & MOM SNEDlGAR • • • l ... p f • • ! . . YOU 'CAN'~ .AFFORD ' TO E~T Air HOME AT THIS PRICE Coaaple'e ~inner $100 YOBBO OB ROAST BEEF SUNDAYS DINNER SERVED ALL DAY 12 NOON . 'TIL 9 P. M. TURNE~.DRUG 900 Coast Highway Newport Beach , ' ' (ACROSS FROM ALL-AMERICAN MARKET>, Tops in Food * Tops in Entertainment * • * Cocktails from I Oa. m. * Dinner fro.m 4 P• m. 415 E~ Balboa Jlvd. Harbor 279.2 , . 'THE A~C.HES Cafe and Cockiail Lounge __,_ . OPEN JO A. 1'L TlffiOl"GH 2 A. 1'L •• 1''E\VPORT BL\'D, ON COAST HlGln'l'AY ' NEWPOll;r BEACH ••• (\\'E ARE CLOSED ON TIJURSDA\"S) •• , GENE'S an~~,!~URANT French and . Italian Cuisine Rand I Phone · lhfrbor llOZ • 706 Coaot Bh·d, Decorated Wedd.Inc or Blrtbda7 cat< .. Corqna del' A-Jar -,- ME_ET ~OU AT "'THE I N" • . ; .. the'"' .. ~. foOd 'bi ' B .. IJla • •• J ' • ' -. • • r • • • • I • •1 ERW~D'S AMAZING LAMP S-ALE . . . I • • Any la~F; in ·the store _ono half price - ~any below cost, such as $I 0.00 modern table lamp~·· $3.95. All must go regardless , of cost -except the one lamp I keep always, for "THE LAMP OF HUMAN HOPE BECOMES A STAR" • 40'! ll. Bal-Blvd. BALBOA 100/o Discount on Any Purchase (EXCEPT AB ... LOSE and SIDUMP) Bring thi• ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET I Fr~h Fish Dai(y· from · Our Own Boats! Abalone lb. 75¢ Barracuda whol•. el•anNI lb. 35 ¢ FRESH SWORDFISH, ALBACORE and SALMON "J l' SPECIAL PRJCF. ON AB,\COHE FOR C1\...'liiNl~O !.800 t.arayette oa the Bay NEWPORT llarbor 114 • • • 12 ROLLS OF ' BROADLOOM CARPET 1AT CLOSE· OUT PRICES AS MUCH AS 1.l . OFF REGULAR "/ 3 ~RICES It wiU !J<: our policy in the future to .ell from samples only Take 1uh'aotai;o of thrse exceptional values \\'llllX TKt;Y LAST! Tt;RMS IF DESIRED. Laguna Beach Furniture LAGUNA BEACH 260 Forest Avenue Phone 4· 1071 • • There Are MANY AD~VANTAGES for You in Using : : ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES NEWPORT BAY POST and SHOPPING NEWS NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS • WClllt Ads Are---: ' . .. ·ou1CK. ACT[NG . FAR. REACHING EVfR. TIMELY . ECONOMICAL " . EAGERLY .LOOKED FOR NEED FILLING · PROFtr ABLE . To Place• Ad • •. • "'-: -· HAllOR 161, t , \ • j Mese Nazarenes Hods et Annual SS .-.._a . C~p Meetjng . ~ Tbe loc:al Coot& Moa t:itwdll-..;,.-..:.._~~~~-.,...,:;:.:~...:.:;:..::;;,~~..:.._~~.;:__:~,;.... ot the Nuarene.~ ooe ot_ the new~ -of tbe ~7 chum-com~c tile southern . C&llf0r1lla D"!b1<1 of tbe Church of tlle Nuanne. haa, been bast to the 31th annual camp meellag th.la week. 'Servtcq have been held dally • I • .at .io:ao .. m. • .2:30 P· m, IU)<l 7 :ao p,,. m.. on the c,ampua ot ~South­ ""' Calltor~la B!ble COJlep. ~1 S, W. Newport Boulevard, and wllJ conth.u. lhrourli lb" Bwid&T, • 'd ·-· MR. Al\"D MRS. Wl'l8 BU B (aea&or), ...,..117 "'1u from aa ... tended foot ketch. Doobloon., ptteeated an eaterta.t.nlq aA:s lnto,,.uve p1'01ftD" or p!ctw'M tak~n alonl" the coat or Baja Callfomla and Ml}Xtc!o to the mnn hen .and 1Uf!9f• of the-JJaltto. Power Squadron dinner mtt'Un~ bdd at 1&.be Nnrport HarJN>r YM'.'ht Club on Thund.,-. ·JUI.)' 19, At left I• Lt.. Com- mandrr Hal Holtz.and a\ rtpt_ C4Knmander lb./ l.&bgenbelm of the f'o\l·er Squadron. ... (Photo by Beckner) ureh. lllE~'A~V~ August Vacation Bible School at Lutheran Church Va(·fltio.-. nlbl~ l:k·hool will I)(> :1rlil Al !h\' Nt'\V\)()rt 1-lnrbor Lu- l h1•rnn ch11rt•h PVt>r)· Tuewh•y anti Th ur:;.itay rron1 9:30 a . 111. t o 12 n1,.Jn rlur1n~ lhc n1onlh of Auguet. Cla1'1tcs \V'll bf'J,!ln on Thur!!lrlay, ;\us;u...t 2nd. Pupila should be r n- rollf'll a,,. 1'1Q1lll a:1 f)(a.'Slf•ble bt.•forl' ~he !"l'honl'i. oi• .. n1ng s1nt'1• l'llroll- m+•nt rn\11't be hmltcd llnd mAy bl.• rlllf'rl by thKt dat('. Bus t.ran-s· portat;on Wtll bt> ru rTI L!!lhOO For f u r l h t> r lnf(lrn1at lon call lhe churrh orfi<'t' al Deacon 6056-\V . All t hildren from 4 to 12 yeara of 11 ~£' ere l'liglblt' to attend Va- cat11)11 li:blt• He-hoot. The couriM: l o Ix-laUJ:tht i.n all d<>pM.rtn1enlA of thl' !:Chool is baned u~n ''The Lor~!'~ P rayer" \vh1eh Is non-tle- n111n lnationnl nnd non -~l'Ctarlan ·rht" courSC' Is tleslcnt'<f n1.>t only lo ~c!lch lhl." ch1Itlrt•n lht' 1ot.·anlng or Sermon Theme' at SL Andrews Ot. Wllllom MI d d I em a 8 s. prt•tu:hb1g at 10 a.. n1. at St. An- drt•w's ['r e:sbytf•rla.n church, will have a" hilt s ubj<'cl ··A Fll.ith to Live By ." Guest Spea~er for Adventists 1'1r. H1·rtx-rl \\.ilt"s, s<'Crelary lo the Conference Publlshins Co. w ill be i;:"Uf'St Rpf'ft ker at the Seventh- Oay 1\dv<'nt itilt Church o f Newport Heigh~ on Saturday, July 28, at ll :00 a. nt. Or. Van Ausdale Preaches Sunday at Island Church t?Js ,Lorct.J f~~ ~LllP~1Q .help ., Dr. Van AuOOal". pastor of Cal- t&em learn to pr8)'U1trntrn11y Vil.TY BAJ>tlMt C'hur-ch 1.n San Ber- and mcan1ni;:fUlly. nar"ll•nf•, wlll prt•a1•h Sunday at the Th(' tollawinl{ hav<' bf·t>n nan1et·I 11 o'rlock twrvice In BaJboa 111- ,a d"pfl.rt1nf'ntal 81.ip.-rtntendente: l3 nd CommUl'llly M<'thodist church K·nd<'rs:;-a.rtcn 1age21 ... ~1 : Mre. E . Iii~ ~uhjPct I<• ht> '"Tht" Goepel anti W . St_.huftz. Prtu1ary [)('pl. t ag1•s Ri•el I.If('." Or Van AU5daJe wu 8-i ~: ~{! s. C F.. I..oucks: J unior cla!'an1alf' nt Redlands university Dt>pt. 1n~('IS 8--91 : )1ri;i. G . P('tll-of \Varr<'n Whitf', M>n of Dr. Harry John: Intcrn1rdiat,. Drpt. I "l::''~ While, pa."llor of the island church. 10-l 1 J : Atrs. C. Trusty and &n-fo~nr .spe-cifl.I rnuslc lhcr~ will be lor Dept. !agt· 12, over!: 1,~tor a durt by Orner Poirier and War- Roth . Rf'cr1.·at1on d1r1.-ctor is Mr~. rt'n Wh1 ll', Love Divin(', by Stain- Gary F't•"fl r iks,•n, Mrs. 0 . Tnuk er . 1s ~chvol s.·t'r<'lary. P astnr Roth • \\"i ll :«'rvc as the princlpal and Mr. P.. W , Sl'hullz Is st•hool tiUpl"rin- to•ndcrlt. All teac hcrJI, a sst1:1tant111 and helpers wiJl meet a t the 1·hurcb on Tl1f'.sday, Jul)' Jtat tor fln;.I a rra.J1g'-'ments and lnst r\1£~ Lions. Christian Science Sun. Theme 'Truth' Tht> spiritual sign lflcancl' of thP C'tlv (ouraquare ••hose 'gate~ "sl:all not be shut lit all by day : fnr lhl'rP "11hall ht! no night there" IR"V. 21 :251 iB cons·dercd in lhe Suncluy Bible le&JOn" on .. Truth" In all Christian Science churc h~. The Golden Text ls from IA.· !ah t26: I, 21: "We huvf' a ttlrong city: HBlvatlon \VIII God RpµOb1t ror waJI" and bulwarks 011en ye th" JtAtes, that the rlghteoua na- tion which kttpelh the truth may · enter fn ." Kenneth Carlson Speaks Sunday Eve. at Christ Ch~rch J<~nneth Carlson, pop u I a r spl'nker and entertainer through- out t h(' 11l8t£>, will feature the: 4th ··sun1mer Sunday Evening at Christ Ch~rch by lbc Sea" this corn ing Sunday ev{"nlng. Joining 1n the pn•gram will be the Sanc- tt111ry chtt.lr of Newport Beach sln1:lng Jonrs' "Ahnlghty God of Our Fatheni." Old P. E. Bell Now Rings for Chur£h Old frelJ:hl loc ·omollv<' No. 1606 Is lx-lnj::: c.lisrnantlcd 11fll•r ~rvln~ lndU!ilrlrn aloni;: the Southe rn CH.llforni~ CO~'!.l for 40 YPBr&, but Ult" rugg<'d b<<tl that warnf'd stray animals a.Joni;: lhl· NC'wport linf' a.l111J)t(t sinrP th<" r1r~t t rac kS were laid Wiii not be sllllrtl. Parishioner~ of the rebuilt Catholic churc h In Colun1a Juart•7., R l'llll&ll l'<"lm1nunlty JU!'ll north o! Huntinl:"ton lk·nch. \viii h<'arkt·n lu IL, l ullint: on holy dayx. Falht•r R. W . J\lcAvoy, pastor of St. S1n1f'un's and St. Jude';;i chu1t:h In lluntlnJ:ton Bf'ach, lold T., J . I r'ari.:nc.Jon, l'at•tflc El<'rlrlc a~r~nt. of the n<'1.·1I fo r a bell. ThC" \Vnrd v.·a s (lU..~"l"d alr.1ng t o T . J . \Va~c>llbaC"h. ~rnrral 11 1ana~r r o r the tranitportal iof) con1pany, "''ho H.ppro•ed lhf' J;:lrt or th(• bt·ll Jt.Jld mad(' I h<' prrS<"nlaUon to Futhcr Ml'Avoy today. Tht> little t·hurch's hlt.lO[Y i8 e ven n1nr1• colorful lhun ttiat Q~ 'ht> ltk.·Qn1ut1V\' b::-11 thul \vtll adorn 1t . Built 1n 1873, two n11le:i north 1( Its prrsrnt ,..ltf', 1t IJec·Rnle :'.l lt•mrorary ochoolhou/X' after tlH• 1933 c-nrlhqua lt~ lalt>r a Ja- pancSt' Christian c hurch. t t v.:a!" n1ovcd lo \Veal111in"t c r 1n 19 12 by the Colurnbian fo .. athcrs Rnd lo.8t April \VUS THOl'l"ll oi:u!n, thi~ {111\f' lo C'o lonu1. Juart'l.. \li'ht>rr Falht'r Mc Avoy Is parl-llnu· paHlor. A8 aU old <'nt:i11<'s mu<1t, No. 1606 ii;i t;olt1i.; lo the scr 11..p pile. l o bt> r'C'plac<'d lly A n1on-('ff1cleut tl1.ttt'!. but its lK'li rtni;s on. Bishop Fred Clark Preaches Sunday at St. James Chutch Bffihop F'rcd Cl3rk of KQOlena~ Cwl:lda. will prcllch hls final S('r- n1011 at the 10 .o'clock t>ervicf' lhhl aomlng Sunda)' nt Sl. Jan1\•g F.pi~­ cOpal church. Thl' .rllc of 1-loly Con1n1union \vi'I b e celebrHtecl both nt ,ll1is t1rn c and ut the usual 8:30 a. m . .!J('rvlce. A coffee l1our in the p3ri.~h hou~ \li't\I fo!lo\v the st'rv1c", Yl'hcn lhf'ir n1anv new fl'1f'n<ts \\'11\ bid fareWt:IJ t~ the c •·,rlc:1, \':hci are l('av1r:~ 1-tonday lt1r Cana.dl\. Th!' R.ov. Paul ~l()")rc \Vhl'C ll•r, rector o r U1e churt.·h. \vi ii return from Jt''uKerton and \li'1ll prellch the fol- lo"':'ing SundRy. Morning .Service at Christ Church July 29th. . Dr. RWJOcll V. DeLong hu been tbe featured 11pc&ker. He i. Uie radio voice for the Church of the Nuarcne'• "Showen of Blue- lng*' broadcast. now heard over 100 at.tlOIUI and on abort wad 9.J"OUnd the world. The ·~vangellet for the camp meeting ta Rev . C. WUllain l'llher, ~ nationally known and recently r'e"" turned rrom a tour of 17 foreign countries ' where he spent aeveral weeks conducting meeting•. Theo evangeliSt la aleo a fine muatclan and will at one acrvice play the tromOOn'-' on which he won fll'llt prlze in the sta.}e of Oklahoma and , second prize ln all at.ates. · The local church ·w ill continue ' scril!s or services with the nal- fona lly · known Evangelle:t, Rev. Whttcomb Harding, A141"Ust let through August 10th, tn their newly completed church· at 1885 Anaheim slrttt. Sunday Services . at Lutheran Church Sunday Worahlp Service begln1' at 11 a. m , at :tJc-wport Ha.rbo,· Lutheran church . Putor Herbert C. Roth wOI use a.s the text ot his sermon lhe Go8pcl IC8son for the 10th Sunda y l.n Trinity which is tak('fl from Luke 19 :41~48. The lhcmc or the sermon will be : "The Savior's Crl'at Sorrow," a.a the t ext de~rlbes the Savior's sorrow becauS(> of man's unbelit>f : aorrew tx-cause of man's disloyalty and 30rro\li.· because of man's hostility. Visit or! are cordfRlly tnvtted lo attend all 8('rvic<'S. The church Is operr dally from 9 a , m . lo 8 p. m . ror privat<' n1cditation a.nd devo- tion. Pastor Ro th is available for personal counS<.'llng evt'ry morning fro1n 9 a. m . l o 12 noon. Sunday ~hool m<'t-l.8 at 9 :30 a. m. with clas:'Cs for all agt'8. The Adult Bible C::laK.<1, taught by P a.s- •or Roth, al!<:o n1c1•l.Jli al this hour. Thc Bible study for th's Sunday \vilJ be chapt~·r s 20 and 2J or lhe Gospel a ccording to St. )fatlhcw QUt'sl lons ond the di&eusalon of religious problcnts are always wel- comed. Free bu~ t1 ansportallon is providcd for Sunday school pu- pils. Fo:-bu!'I schedule call lht chul'ch 'o ffice at Beacon 6056-W. l'VtS'f t.:HtllU..:H CJF SCIENTIST 4 tw•nc.h gf ""• l.40019" Cllwdl. Tllt I o;,.,t DVl'ch of Chrltf. Sciefttld. Hi lfit- Mtu.ch11Mff1. .UWI VI.a Lldo, N~·port Beach MHidt' ktlool _ _. '"IS t . m. Sun:je, S., .. i<;W ___ 11:00 t . ""· Wed11t1d11y E•111tl"O ,,,.ttlnq _ IM p. m. l•tdinq loom loctl•d ti I 11 '''"" Sh• ... Ltlbot. 11 open delly m-11 -to 5 o. "'-t•<.•Di Sllfld•Y• tftd llolldty1 Mtl.o• t llr CJbietY•d. Mo.ry 84ker Eddy any& In "Scl- r nct.• andJif'alth with Kl·y to thP Scrlptul"'l!6:'" '"Tb.11!1 mlntatry or l~ruth, fht. nlessage tron1 divln .. Love. Carried' J ohn away In aplrlt. lt exalted him till he became con~ "ICioll.5 of the spiritual fact.I of being and the 'New · Jeru.salcm, coming down. r,om, Cod, out of h•ven.'..:...lhe spiritual outpouring ol bll.sa and Jlory, Which he de- ocrlJ>t-a a.. lht' c.lty which 'Uelb roursqWU"e. ·· Many rcsldcnl3 of th" N ewport Harbor area v.•ill r ('mt>mber Mr. Cnrl.son aa lhe p;peaker at the 1948 Five Dollar BanqueL • fie la mu"lt In den1and ror · school Ni· ""rhbllts 111'1d serv~ce club an4' civic act.rvill<"S, havd1g been one l')f the l!'pca.kera at the 1950 Kl- wA.nls state convention. He il!I a pastor or . tht' First Methodist Church of Santa J.tonica wbiclt ii currently engRgt>d in -. large ex- pansion pro«'°arn. l "Th(' M'oM on th" Quc.kct" ls the noolalf;:'iC title of Sunday's sermon at Christ C?\urch by lhc Sea, BaJ- bo'l Blvd. r.t 14th s treet. Rev. ThOlnB.S Roy Pl'ndell, "pastor, w ill ~<'upy the pulpit. • B.aptist Pastor Recalled to Active Duty With _~avy He haa announceid &8 hla topic, ··Making Your Vlalon Splendid! .. Tbc proJ;ram 18' at 8 :00 o'clock. ------- Holy · Communion at Costa· Mesa Methodist Church Th.e' ort~lna'I sennon announced tor lhia Sunday }lws been post· poned unUI later In lhe b-Umn1er. . ----~-- 1st Baptist Church in Costa Mesa At 1-1 o'clock wot'9hip . .e-rviCf' Sunday In First BaptiHt'church at The ncnment of Holy" Com-Colt.a kea Rev. P. -.G. Newhann munlon will be obKrved Sw1dV at will have U' h1-subject, ''Trea.s- the: 11 a:m . .ervtce ln the Costa-u.i"ca ln lleave:n." ~t lhe 7;80 p.m. -· COmm)lltlly l(\flhoGllil ~nilce Illa sub)kl will i;. "Be- dturch. Senuon topic choRa bt ware o.C. ImltaUoM." Special mu. Rev. J._b Mc:Shane la "1be II<; will loe~Ue~. Sun~ llChOQI WorJd.'• Greatest n.tt-rMcliQn.."' A ror all agea wilt convene a~ ,:45. •n,,, pastor . ot th• Newp!>rt Well planned PO'ofP"'lll' oC *'!r11blp At 9:30 p.n • the llapt!at ln.inlng S..eb Flnt S.plial chun:h, who and devotlona,will be held al·tbe ~ wlil mttL ll. l:onllal lnvtt:a- holdo .a !~tenant·~ -=lloloa !n """"Ing wor.blp •lartl'llr at &:30. tlon la e><tended to d. Cd\1'8 and Ille S. Naval Reoiern, hu bel!n The dAU1 -Uon dtun:b llrlDC. your Bible.' • ·' recoli!or. to aetlYe dUty wllh onleni >ebool • open.I Ronday, July 30, On Mon<lay night .t 7:to thett lo ~In &.. Jlieg<>Oh Au,r. 4tA. cont In~ ...... momlntf li'om 9 ...m be a Jlrayl!r m~lln&' for the ' ' Mr. ~ •• now -...:atJon.. ~1 un\11,noon with UM. ..._uon llldl8. 'Al the ~· lac>'!' ~ '!'•• IAI with Ilia Camlly In ICM•• wUL or S&\W'daY w SUN1a7 tll.roU¥b Wiii llaV. a }>ran meet;JDg, whltl! ret!U'lt In 11-to oecun U.: J>UI· Auaust 10. Tbe•acbool, ""'1er tile i.t11 bt"followed b)' lhe•male"Cl>or· pl at boU. ·l.h<: ll <(clock ud 7:30 cllttctlon Of. -Dori,. ""h.xlo<, "" relltt--1'. , • ; oorvi«8 on S1111da7. la tor al('~ -.,_ Qli ~ n\jjllt at, 1,30, Ibo The ~ ac-will --erprtm ,_... ~ llisll ari. uual pno'lt, •Ptll)'er in<I. Bible . . . ' . -I• Jlec . ..._.. Close out 'Price $2. 90 .. I . ,. I . " . .. ·" ... ' BOB'S SPORTING GOODS ·. -~~. YOU CAN DO BETIER .Ar ::;~:f ' . ' .~~ D~····1 9er~~ FURNITURE co. "S' ST. JAMtS CHURCH ~Pl SC OPAL (AT nm'ENTBAlfCE To LIDO ISLE) . SUNDAY SERVICES ' . • • 8:30. A.M. -10:00.A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M • THURSDAYS , , ' HOLf COMMUNION ~ 10 A.M. • , ' Yes. the s+g is to V...e'tl Moll of An•nlca\ hi ............. cors 01• now ~.J 'r v.e ... i-.... ,... ' ·, lyp• of ongiM ,,.,,., b"" "buRd'"' lorooi~ y.anl Ford .... - MOr• v.a'f ...,,.ol 1 other maken co111Wnt:tL 1 ,. ' . ' . .. • • • i . ' ' • • 1 at 9 :4~. Kein• o~ tbe dwrch -Tlae -wJll -. llUllJ'. la lldledull>cL • aad Ille l1Wl1 -al Ml'. aad -ol-ltlad7 • ......u.o -cnft_ Tllo Lal<e illllll• _,_ ...m llno. IAlll-.,u1 -la a wwk. A lll!llOD tee of ---...,__,., Jal)' :111 .,fu Autuat-t. ra...-n -.... -u. -di ... a "-l' Wiii ... -·r' ....._ ICJDd11' '<Dllbtf:t. Mr. Sl'l!n o-w-,., JalJ ID: • ~ .... '"" llie ........ -.. -,.......... Jt Uiere .,.. ' l'.BBOD .Oa•. Tiie eYtnlq wm .._... wttll a ,,.... ...-a.: wpw 1 I•_ qi U7 aYm•hW~ ~ la )eOr'....,.., pot--Nck --at·--lfed Jin. Joo __ Jin. ... , .... -... .. -.. Ule ~ b7......UO.W..,.amc1a1-.. lllowa. Uo& 1 • • • ( I • • \ I. • • , ·pi:.~~ ~·l'ART"rr-:-l'HuRSD~Y. JUL¥n,:1911f ' , BUDG&'J ...... ......e ••L••P-• ' , ~ ,, .. ,... •IM 11.i. ...... llt II Ill Ill ti -.... ... " 15, IUla __. -'------.W•tt "' ..a DR': k ...... ._ l'-.... ll'Rt .. 1,-. lf, AfWOlllOW .t.JID ~ USS ---.. ..... .. .... 1--·-~·---~~ ••••.• -~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ ~ -lf,111°' • n.111a1 a· · 11aa1U. H Id ~:!iil1i~9if 3.l'/.'l'l'I irtrn ~ =~~~=::--.:~~ ~::r: "'!''~ IRIC .nnn;w11. e a.A .. r&1•~YA1~all=t:.·":.=~111t::kt) ~~~.~.~~~-~ ~~ te;Olt.•• ' -...r.Q A,n-Important • etep toward arn..,.i tor preeonlatlon an<1 10.1-61. &4lot _.,_._ ...... _ _,.:.tOTD L U:OINNl~~<lll, o;:;t~*:'*" ACOQ17J!! -1 for Newport Beach Aaclf\-Ula~ I.hey bad ot..rted out rtpt, • 1111UQW:f • • CUil In Banl< ,. 1 ' r ....,. League°• dental clinic, now Tboy muot. bOWl!'fer, ..., to It N""'C~ 'l!wloa mp *-...... of °'II-~. Oollf. llndor COIUltrucUon at Via Malo.-that allJlterature given onl com.. •Iv.a;-* Dlotrid.!fa-llle1!JJMll&,. ,...... "Oporatt.nc" calh ·····---·-· .. ····]-'ftl-14 · p near Llilo I.Ila bridge, ,... lalt-trori: tile dentllta. · • 'fo .,e dertvtd by lft7 .,. 1118" -rail ·:e-rvo c:Mll -·-······ .•. : .................. ··• all :; ~~~t':'n.':::'': Named::::::'!. U,., re>· ~:;:!~~ ,_;,ptlon: : Q. Dis: . ..::::::::::::::=:::::.:.= .. ·:===:=::::::::::::: t::t;: dety, repreeent&Uvea of Ule erat COMnCU were: !Jn. How·-lnt~rHt and Slaking· oat rla a,,_ ... " .:boollwtandth thPal'enl t. T•acl>tner~~ Baku, F..-...t D. Moodie, R. -o: ' . A•-l . T_!~~ ---:_ --·····-················-···· .. -... ~ ~ to coo,.;tna~:": work~ =._ . '-.:: ~· 0 VlerllDI:', t...~ OC:ali:..\A:d UL ~l., ;mr··;ro-Q..::WUCS~.,... ~m. All hav. be•n ln''l'el''A In es '-Spar I'll. • . sue.a. . ,._ l''lll ~... .-..~co~ .... , .. •·-· ~ -Robert A.ndt<WI ljl4 C...Jua Paul, Bond lnteroat and principal ~ta ......... 1 1'114 I -·• '" •v•-~ -~ .•.........•..•..•...• ,., --• ~ntal and hoallh welt°" ot chll· prooldcnt of <>CD!!, ex officio;. B--OeneraJ Pu,,,_. ,,._, f , IV. a;J'll!iNDl'l'Vll ' 4r<n but have been none too fa-rrom the l<hoola, tlotaoo ll;nllgft 1. General .................................... -•• -.. Zn.flH,'1'/ .. FOOD BERVlCE ,,.mar with caob other's P<OCT&DU-lrop.....,,ted by Roy Anderaonl ~-Tot.al (Bl to 4 Incl.) ........... ~.--.:~ ... IHJ.m aa.-RcJUlar Moalf, Tllo dental ooclety ltroogly •d· lllvorott Ilea. Mrs. Fay Harbbon, C-CeneraJ Pllrpoo<o amounta .xrmpt ftOllt IU Nle ll•11t, 8alortr1 •... :............................................. TMt8 voeatea aeveral• yean of dental Mlsa Emma MaUll, Mn. Norma.n 1. General: J"oocl ···-···············-· ····························-··· lai:ITIA'f hntene education hr school. be· Myoro, Mlu 14rgattt Freeman Dtltr!ct contrtbuUon lo cmplo~ ~ R<!palnJ an<! Repla<(omcnl tJj<l/or P.. f'ot>e the ~bllshing of a cUnlo ..00, Mre. Marjorie Rom'ersl mant unck1· St...~ EmployH. ltfl')Nmll\t prcclatlon ... -....... " ................... -.......... . .Q.Dd It did not know until NCent-From the Parent·Teacher as.> Syi1t.em fQov. Code. Sec. 2*t; por.lot 9.l) t • T,000 le--OUwir l'ood Senkle ..................... . ly that the Autata.nce league bu claUon, Mrs. Louis C.ae.nar, New-. 7. Total (C.1 to IS tncl.) .-.y··--··-··-··-r---.. ·-' T,000 • .0112 Total --·--·······-·-··--·-··-·······-·········· b' a number ot yea~. been CU· port Beach PTA; Mn. Clarence D-f'..encral Pu.rpo9el rern&J.nder subjl'<lt i tu rate U~tt TOTAL OVIU\ZNT JD(PENI& ······•• tac for ne«ly cues thi'QUA local Dodd, Harbor .high IChool; M,... General eJU:ludlns c. I, 2, ~and t V. PllbiO ILAlAXCI: dotltlaU. Ro,y Trautwein, Coota MHa, alao Spoc:lal Accumulltlv• BuUdlr:g • Calh Id Bank Ed...UOo St..-.1 !(rs. Jum.,. Sullluland and Mro. JB.~ minus C.71 .............................•.....•........ $326,877 .75 .75 .. OpcroUng .. call); .......... . ..........•.......... The d;entaJ group had offered Jack Harri:li: from in,tereatl'd cltl-I. STATUORY WMIT. The rate authorjled for lhla echool d.b:trlct "ReRrvr" c&."fh . ··········-.......................... . tq. place their rour polnt dental aena, Mn, ~ Penney, Myfont by Education Code S~Uon 6361, Ml~Uop. b. Total ....................................................... . pnigram, now In -In 10 achooll lrrh\e, Dr. PhUlp Bauett. Judr , NO'l'ICl:ll OF ADOPJ'ION A.NQ Til.ANSMl'ITAL Net ........................ : .................... : ...•... 3,992.97 3$.lO 4 ,~31.07 4J)31.07 Qf Orange county, in the New-llobert Gantner and Supervtaor All a.c:Uona shall be talc.en oa this bwt1Pt du.rbtr regulal' or VJ. TOTAi._ EXPENDITrTRE~ PLJT8 NET port ecboob. It la baaed on a 8Ur-Heinz Kalaer. F,rom. the leacu~. authortaeQ ipf'clal tneetias of the eoverfttn.. board. ENDING BALANCE .. ···-······················· 3f,SS7.98 fty, a reward l)'Btem torchlldren Mrs. Rowland Hodcklnaon. Mrs. To the Coun.ty Superintendent ot Schoof.I!' " .~ follow ln•t-••tl~· ~.-. es. •.,.tin st u rte v a 0 t, Mrs. u .. v No. 736-Newport·Ba.lbO& Prrss. Publish July 29, 19al. ,... • .., ............. r;• ..... <'" ·~ 1. TENTATIVE BUDGm'. Thia budget I• bereby fi&ed by the govern• tabl111hlng of a cftnlc for thot11e Langenheim, Mn. Wende.II C&J... Ing board or the school dlttrle:t. not able lo afford care a.nd fnost. kins, Mra. Morgan Noble {junior Date of! meet.t'l\g' June 11, J961. Slpfd, Ulllan W . BuUe-r, Clerk. BUJ>G-ET • ~ .. 11,Jll.Q! ~ ....... ll,00800 • • 2,1148.00 st,031.00 lm90rtant, an educational p~ Aul.M.a.nce league) and Mra. Hill, 2. PUBLICATION' BUDGET. The goyemln.g boa.rd, haying made on . ' gram which Includes teachen, ieague president, u otrldo. July l7, Jll5l, euth revisions, addJUona. and ~ u lt dff~ Orup Coaat .Jualor Colk>ge Se.boot Olstrtet •t o,... Ooaat)•, chlldren and parenU. Named to the dent.I\ "•tffrinl"' d@alrable~r neccua.ry, pendl.ng ppbllca~n, publk hearing ud ttnal Ol.llloru!a tor the ~I l'ear Bestao1v IJllT l. lNI, The seeming apathy or unwlll-committee we.re; Dn. Paul, Baker. adoption, hereby.returrui lbe budret: ud: Dldlfts June 18, 1N1 lngneu Of parent.a to coopers.le Moodie, Vl~rllng, Sparkuhl. SUNS The public hearln&' on this budget wt be held at Newport Harbor I. GRADE g\iAN' o}• W1'A -lamod both by the dent.a.ta and Aodn!wa; Mr::. Hndgktnoon. Union Hlch Sohool on August 6. 1951 at 1 00 o'clac1< p. m. DISTRICT I Ki 1 12· 3 I 4 15 16 117 8 1 and 11ehool author1tiea tor rail-Mrs. Jilli, Mrs. Ca I k In a, Mi-t. st ed • •• • •·• .. w BUT' ~0 Cl k II" ~ • .....,,~ tr 19 -51 •ctuat Maintaln••d I I I I I I ute to establish the system here. Mra. Noble and Mr. 'enncy. On ....1 .. _. wl ~ • 6 , Dr. R. D. T emplf', under whoae the !IChOQl conuntt.tee are: Supt.a. Pan OIM--OEN-:-~ r -.i..,..., 1951-.52 Budget Plin I 1-1 ! I J l I I ,...ll{!>e lhe dental coundl bePn .J\O. Roy Ancluson, Dean Fay (Ed-tloa Code Soot'f"-l !. AVERAO>: DAJl.V ATTENUA.SCE IU. .survey anfl pl'f'ventive work, Ra.rbllon, MiAI Mat.?11, Mn. Myf'ra, L BF.A'JlSNTNO BALA.NCI!, .rTTt.Y 1 Col Call gTDdf'a in the schools of lhf> dlstricl) <k>sct'tbhi lbe lf>"cture sertet Wblcb Mlsa' Freeman, Mra. Rmneral. 19*~• 1i:!:-~ l950-!)l Actual, lor esllmate) .... 1009.77 ia _!~ted In schoola provided Kr.. CHnar, Mn. Cit.Pence Dodd. Ac•··-• Bud-t 1951-52 Budget e.stimatc ............ 9~. teao1er attendance and an ade-Mrs. Trautwein and Mt.. Lan•-...,.... a -~-h tn Co t T ·-·ry ••7 ••7 9• <76 893 00 S1unmary or <'urrrnt D~trt1·t. TD,; R_,uin-rrwnt1 for 1951-5! quate rf pr ese nta.tlon ot PTA enhelm, tH.gue repre.entaUve. \,,.-un Y re-.. . ..... ·' ........ uv ,<o>-J ·.., • • ., mernbe'f9. for~ pa.rents) can be __ Emergency CUh Fund (F..d. Codf' Sf.c:-To be dt>rlvcd. by levy on the secured roll · guariu:l<ed. St , . ::'I tlona ~01·5905) . 150.00 150.00 FllND AND PlTRPOSE 'llte 'Aeriel con.18ts O( four 2-1 • on Total Cl.l.rn'nl AW-t.8 . . ... -. 807,l'Al7.93 477.(H.3.00 0-G<'nf'rDI P1111l0.~~ r1•Jl1!llntlcr Rubjf'"Cl lot.ax ta.le limit ~°"r 1'1:"""8, oubjttl matter ~· lhrl..a.6 W«dl N<t &ginning-Balan"" .. . .... 607.J>07 .93 477,Q.IS.OO >.mount Tax being "highly technical a.nd con-•r ,.., n. INQOME . or Taxea Rate tall}ln&" all dentistry h.u to otter" Fede r1.l -State Vocation Education ap-. • ' Required Limit Comp. concerning dehtal hyJiene and u.u-Appolnt.ment ot a eeven.-mem-portlonmenta .................. :........ ... ... ......... 2,038.76 2,000.00 General excluding C. 1. 2. :1 and 4 Speclal tritlon, aU later "undermined by lter state commlSIJon of P'Ulbrlght State School Fund Appdrtionmenla and Allow&ncea : . Ac('umulatlve Building lB.5 minus C.7) .... $782,991.00 S.M $.84 food habits lnherttPd from aevera.J ICbolanhlps to recommend Call-ApporUonmenta on A.D..A. !Buie State. l . STATlIT'ORY LJMlT. ThC' rate authorised .for thia 11cbool dlstrict generaUon.s back ." Local school toralrni&N for aelftttJonhanunderota feclt • Aid a.nd State &Qualls&tJon Aldi 94,990.00 97,4%0.00 by Edu('allon Code Section 6867. 1ublecUon ........ ; autborltiea telt tb•y could not -ive e program or exc C"EI 1 u-Allowancea for exceu upense the desJred guarantee of pa~nt dent& w1th roretgn counlrlt's bu . I Exceptional M.inon) ............... 800.00 ~OO.OO or 2. VOTED LJDJT. The rate authortz.ed by an election held May 20. bffn announc d b Oo E I 1949 as provldt--d by Education Code BecUon 8851 (or 4965.l) participation"" and , the plan waa Warren e Y wrnor. ar AOowancea for tr&Mportallon 3,9-49 .06 3.600.00 whereby th" ma.ximu.m rate was increucd trom $.35 to S.84 t"' dropped. Co · he Apportionment for cu.rrf'nt Gro\vth 2·880·00 provhle monPy for thr pUMV>.a.a of buUdlng pn~eo, atter&tiona or 0 _b mpoalng t committee art>: County AJd : . ,........ -i--~ ool Prognun J. W. Mali.lard, Jr., San Fran-T Sol Credi additions: 111uppli<'~. furniture or neceuary apparatWJ, improve- Tbe schoo.IA have, however . an cl8co merchant., chairman: Moni.8 Ot~~ ~~comevcnt ts -··· 4 .::::~ 5.~:: n1ent of grounds for the year or years 194-9 • :9~o 1966 -19:56 . excellent health and dental hy· Sll'wart, uaociate dean or the DI.strict Tuea ~~--U~urf'd Roll ASAl.YSIS <;"F GENERAL Flf'ND T.."LIU.B giene program in8tituted by gra.duate dlvl11lon. Unlver11lty of Amount rec:elvf"d 19~~1 .................. 100.735.04 teachf>"rs and school nurses and California at Berkeley; Loul11 R. AJlloUnt eatlmated tor 1951·.'>2 (a• tollowal this wu explained by lndtvidu.ala \J tncentl, f'aaa.dena attorney; UnHCurOO Roll, 1901-62 4,944 ,440.00 In charge. Materials used, It was Jamea Muuattl. San Francisco, Not more than llYfr fot •lt.ab led, are booklet.a a.n-&nl'ed by genc~'.:!1-mof~mr.!: .• ~~-l1dt.aR.te .Dellnque.ncy ..... ~············-· 4,449,996.00 e American Dental A.uoclatlqn , ....... .oro:'"l ~·~ ...... .---,.-.. ae eraJ Pu Tax Rat 1n50 51 73 ( di!' "cKinnon. San Franc•-alto'"'-" rpoee c 1 •· · .or e rent age grouna and this -.· ...... v ·-Pr! y • DI trt t on..-01ot> •i• 10 materf.a.J Je al-80 buis ~ the den-nry; Mrs. John P . Buwa.lda. Pua-1'~~ ~-'!me 8ot~er 't-;.e; eu·rrcn•t .. Di~~ ..... ·""'-'· tiats' county program. . dena civic leader: pd Mra. Henry 1 Outlines of their pi:esent com. Potter RtL"8ell, Burllngttmt', nlem-trlcl Taxes on t1ecured roll ............... 23 ,3 15 .13 preh.enslvf' work were given by ber of the U. S. corrlmltteC" for Current District Taxea on SeeurOO Roll 3 70 M UNESCO. Amount received 190.0-61 ... ... . .. ... ..... 28,4 .36 nuraes i.ss Emma MaUll. Mrs. AMOUNT RF.QUJRED TO BALANCE ~~orman Myers, Miu Margaret BUDO ~ ET 19~1·52 ..... . 37.083.00 27.888.00 176.521 00 332.377 .00 man and by ltfn. K.t.rJorie.. 0 C Attendance Up Total Income. texcluslv~ or I Be· Romero. dietitian tor Newport • • 7•• "' •AO 898 00 ~hoots cafeteria s.J,tem. It wu Despite lhe to.ct 0\.\1 70 Orange ginning Bala.nee) ··· ······ ·· ·····--.... M3. ..... 4. vvo, , f~lt however. that a survey fh all Coaat coUege at\lden\a wtllutrew Ill. TOTAL, NET BF.()INNlNO RA.J.ANC'E PLUS TOTAL INOOME schools undrr ditt-ction of thf' from· school during the 19:!IO -51 l I t>IUM II: must equo..I VI) .•. ... 1.171,293.M 986,lMl.OO drntaJ society a.nd 'A'lth local df'n· y<>ar to t1ntttr the ~fore.ea. 1·v. EXJ'"t:NOITt"ll~S AND 'i'RAXRFERf' lists a.skN! to participate WIUI tht> total aversge daily attendancf' I ADMINlSTRATlON grf'atly n<'«le<l. It Is ln any C-tl.M for t.hf' yeor e»cec<led lha( or Salar-lf's arul Wagrs .. a h•vy lood on the tear1i.ef3 and l9.t9·50. Other ExpenlU> a dlall-.rte11IPC' ane a ccording to During 19~0-50, the crvl'rage Total I .•. 19.470.00 610.00 20.0lkl.OO F.XF.i\fPT 1-'JlO:\f ;;tTATt'TORY TAX RATE LIMITS S nt IC'M-or Aclopt Ion and T~ttal All actions !'hall hf' taken on 'this budget during rt>fUl&r or au- thorized special 1neetlng of lhe· governing board. • To the County Snpc-rlntPndent or Sch90la: I . TENTATIVE BUDC-~. This budget ia hereby flied by the rov- e ming boord or the 111ehool dlatrlct. Datr of mN-tlng J une 11, 1951 . Signed, Walter M. Longmoor, Clerk 2. PUBLICATCON BUDGET. The governing board, having made on July 9. 1951 . such tC'vi11lona. additions. and changes aa It deeml' desirable or necessary. ~nding publication, public hearing and r!nal &doptlon. h""rC'by Tf'tuma the budget . The p11blic hearing on thla bude-et wtll be held at Oranp Coast CoUrgr, Boa.N'.I Room. on Aurust l , 1901 at 7 :00 o'clock p. m . Signed, HORACE PARKER, Cle rk. Part OIW"--OE.SERAL FITND I Etluratlon (.:ode Se<-tlon &OOS) I. BEGr.fxJ:\'G flAl.A!'i'<'F., Jl1LV l Col I 1960·01 I a-,.lf.\JN'nllf.utell ~ ICllOOI, Pt..UIT . iw.ri .. *"" w...., ,..;__, ~ Dij * I --oJ.. - Total ' " . t' ..,_..,........,.:_ .. ~. ~ctr•ll09I . {1) ~let om.tr-to_...,._ --...-lllale -~ ~ .,._ °""· OodO..,. u.. '*'I--... :'1111 ~""'-• 1, Plft I) ··---..l...-,--··"1--·~ (8) Alt otlitt rmd ~ ._ ... .:l!, __ _ 1..:~Ai=r<>Ml0i1-PPn.S-· ' '- 1;11i .. ....... . ...... .. , .. . • ...... ·tl!tK• a:.aeo , Qthtr ~ . .,,_1 .. ~ .. -l-..----·--~-.,_ .. -..,~ 8aJarlN and w._ ··-a·· -· .. -t ,OT0.00 iib.i~i"ib~';(:''-·u;; n.11µ1 i:i.140.1111 ••... ' -<~Pl"""l:le lo un11r ...,._. calcu· • • ' latkino) (torwv<t t;l.page 8) ·~-··--:m.ona M7.t141.oo • ..,,_ cllstrlct IO -a )iiemMr 01 the Count)' Ubrary 11yotem. Tatai Cl!rrur i!:lqJcn9e ot l!lducaUon · ,_ • • I • (brought forward l'roti> page ~) ...... ,. Stt,O!l.IJS lllT,180.Qll '8-P'OOQ YRVlCIC . I I • • <21 ou..r FOod a.me.I ........... -...... •.oaa.o Sa1ar1ea and w~ ........ ·-···-···· 11.•eo..oo Other EX)>euae -···--.................... S00.00 • Tot.al --····-·-.. ··--·--............. t,03ll.U a. 780.00 !f-COM:MUNl'IT 91CRVtCES Salaries -.nd w.,-ea ····-·-··--········--- Tot.al ~---····~·-··--~---· ..... -·-········::.:' I 1oe:S1 10-CAPlTAL Otr.I'LAYj lt. l'mprovement of qf91l'.ndt --··r ....... .. c. · BU:Jdlnp ····-·-·-·"-··--·----··•·········· · d. Equiplttent ·-'·-···-··--·---····-·····-·· Total ................ .L: ................. ,..,,.... 529.Sl>8.IO 'T-TR.AN8i'ERS (n!>l claaolfiod .. eXpenclllurn) (2) All Otho< TNll.lf .............................. . Total 'Dranllor ................... L ....... . UNDIJlll"RIBUTED Rll&IERVil ........... . · .. otll ExJ>el!clltureo and Tranaf.,.. • l~OM.491.03 V. lCNDl!llO llAIANCZ, ol'1JNE M Cub In COUnty Treuury ..........•....... ..:. 383,987.78 Cuh In Banlt I School Fann Al'«JUl!t only) ........................................ ! ......... . ~~~cy~~~~1;·~~~-!.i~···u: Income) .. , ... ·-··----···· .. ··········-·········· QENE!UL RBSERV!il JUNE 80, 1962, for 1952--63 -·•········-···-···-·········· 5,717.61 600.00 70.0 Total CUrrent A.nets -···················· 390,949.81 Lea: current LiabiliUea <':nf!ludec\ ln VI. i:xpendfturee) ............................•........... 02,8~.83 Ne t Ending Bala.nee ··-····-·················· 338,124.18 VJ. T 0 TA L, ~ENl>ITUllES AN D TRA.Nsn!BS PL178 NET IENDJNO BALANCE (IV ..... V; -t .. 11&1 ID) .....................• ~ ....................•.......... 1,SN,11.UI Part Se~AFETIERIA ACCOUNT (Education ()ode l!eetlo• 1111411 to 19SlS) L llEOINNINO BAJ.ANOE, roLV 1 Ca.ah In Costa Mesa Bank ' ''Operating" caah ···············-··················· "R..c-llerve" ca...h ···-·····-····························· Cuh Collections awaJtlng depoalt ......... . Accounts RecelvaJ>le ...................... , .......... . Total ·······················-························· Lesa : Cun-ent LlabiUtle• ............................... . Net ...................................................... . U. INOOME C..felerla Sales .......................................... . Oth<'r Incom~ ............................................ . Total ........................................ -............. . JU. TOTAL. . NET BSOOINNJNG IUL- ~CE PLUS TOTAL lNOOIKE ....... .. IV, EXPENDITURIES 8-FOOD SERVICES Sa-Regular Meals Sala.rles ······················--·········-······-··· Food ................................................... . • Sc-Other Foot! Service ................... . Tota.1 ........ : .................... ·-········ ·····-·· TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE•···-····· V. ENDING BALANCE Callh In Costa Mesa Bank: .. ·operating'' cash ....... ~ ........................... . "Reserve" cash ...................................... . Ca.s:h Collectlon.11 awaiting deJ>031t ....... . .Accounts Receivable ·····················-··········· Total ·······································--·-········ ~u: pun""ent Liabilities ·············-··-···· .. ····· Net ······"···········-········-·······-··········· VI. T 0 T >. L, EXPENUITIJlll':S PLUS NET ENDING B4LAJllCE .............. . ~o. ~7 --Pre&"t. PubliAh July 26, 19.':iJ. 644.32 45.00 100.78 SH.ts 1,1Q.l.2S 1.tfH.2S 13.604 .78 20.12 13,52<.90 U,8%9.IS 13M<.42 13,Mt.42 •a5.78 116.00 10.00 '7.60 87<.71 1.393.07 311.36 1,0T4 .71 . 500 00 1511Cl.OO Ha.Ha.oil 604.408.00 92.487.00 7*6,080.00 1,080.00 1.000.oe 76,tM.ee l,S78.lfH .oo 500.00 li-0,000.00 60.500.00 t,UU4&AI " •15.Tll '8-00 l0.00 HAO 814.n 1.393.0T 8)1.14 1,0T4.71 U ,800.00 12.eeo.oo IS.8J4.'1 92t.71 IS.874.71 • stitement ot Dr. • Temple that daily att<"nc4&.nce wa1 988 and for 2 lNSTRVCTION • "of'llit dtaeue is prorrea1!nc 11 t9~6l it totalled 1.008. "The tn-2a -Certificated &1.t.rles of ln.structlon ·177.110.28 t~ pe.t.ltt today than rour\ .!re.a.Ml," expi4!ned coUeg-e pf'Hl..-2 ~er Bal.&riU of InstrucUon ... -· 220.1500.00 •.850.00 Ca.ah In County Treasury .................. .. Cub In Eank t School Farm Account only) . . .................................. . Emrrg<'ncy C:ish Fund I Ed. Code° S<"C· Actual 294,204.6:) 1,218.82 Col. 2 1951-52 Bud.&"et 383,088.00 LEGAL NOTICE ful money or the UnJU!d State1 of -------------'/ iA.mertca, on the toth day of' Au- 15,117.00 NOTICE 0}"_ SAi.E OF REAL igust, 19151 at the hour or eleven o'clock a. m . or aaJd day at the m""1power can oon-ect. and · we dent. Ba.au H . Petcl'90ll, ·"18 dlte Jc-Other bp:ue or InltrucUon ........ 30,"457.SO ca.a't hope to increase our rnan-primarlly t.o a . much larger at-Other Expenae ···-·······--··-..... .. ~-lliii ~t:~! In adult and •wnJnc 3-=i;~J!~~~. · m .... • 207 .087.~ • , L \. ~ryuoo.Y rrod.~ the ciuaalfled ad..'t. 1 Other ExpcnM _. -:·:.··;1-··:· ·:.;~.,,.-.. , alll an W t"' Tola.I ...... ·-··· . . . .. . ....... ··-.... .. 6,738.82 can't got the parenll out. And un-G OTI,.E <-OPERATION OF SCHOOL Pl.ANT leM preventive education a.nu--· LI AL N '-Sala.rlcs a'nd Wagf>"e .. ··-............ . datl'a the rt'storation program It Other ExpeMt' .. -........ . b likl' pourtng u.nd in a ral hol e." P-fJ.tl Total . .... .. .. ........ .. .... 55.-tO:S 00 Dr. Ca.ssius Paul, president of OERTmCATE OF 1lllSJzr..'DS 5--MAINTENANCE OF' SCHOOi .. PLANT the Orange County Dent.al soc.I· Snlarie• and Wagea ... . . . .... . ..... . .... . ety~ 8-Clmltted 'Ute group ~new FlatJtloUM Firm Name Other Ex1Wntie ................ . ............. , ... . notlllng .abal.lt the leaxue'e dental THE UNDICR8lGNED do hen,.. Tot.al .......................... ··-·· ..... .. .. .... 20,l&Dlit cli.Akl uptil he "read it in the pap-by cerUty that they· are eoudUct· &-FIXED CHAROICS f'ra;" to which Goorl"e Pennf>"y, the Ing & Marlnf' Engine Rflpalr bual-~ J) Oistrlct ContrtbuUon to Emplo)'Tff if'aJUa'1 legal council, slyly rr-nea &L 001 Pacific Coa1tt High-ftL"ti.p'mPnl under Stall" Emplo)"MS tortt"t'I "Il'• no 11ttr('t, lt'11 bf-en way, Newport Beach, C&lifornfa, Retirement ..Syste n1 tOov, Code 1 he N> five ye.t.n." undflr the fleUlloUI! twm name of Section 20032..,...aec Special Jn11lruc · , Soelal S..n·lffl HARBOR MARINE EN 0 C N fl Uon l, pege ,) .................... , ..... , ...... . Sald M Ed Ht , SERVICE ~ that said flrm bi f3l All other Ftxcd ChargCIJ ............. . n . gar I.., league composed ot Uie tolJowtns per-president, ··w e wt.eh the com.mil-• T()t.al ··-.-·········· ,, ....... ·· ···· .... ..., ...... .-....... · teo tprevlOW!lly named) to go p~a -::':ld=~r!nu n:!:u:: '7-T~~SPORTAWTION O~ PUPILS ahead on bro.t.d policies with the s~•e• and ages ......................... -.. . •.418.81 •• 020.42 10,4S7.!3 league setup lo be fl"OJT\ the eo-to-~ i. i.teama, &33 WHt. Othe.r Ex~nsee ······ ···················-··· .. ······ ~albesc~~ -::l~b~7~ w:! g:~:-m~~t. Cofrta Meaa. ~:1 Q;~t-.. b~~~ .. ~·;· .. ~~~ 22,82t.M we had In mind In aetttn11 up the William H. Pritclu:tt. !:IS (applicable lo unJ~ UJH!ll80 caJaUa.. advlaory ~•p lo ill•• CQ111mltt"" N n .. -b tlonl (forwanl lo page 8) -----·······-11311.848.39 0° -21th BtJ'eet. ewporl. ~ • • , J'a~ Ou OL'111:RAL F(lND within lb@ committee tO' direct • cauromLL 1-CAPiT.<L OUTLA y acreenlng Pl'Ofl'&ll\ tor the cllnlc." WITN£88 our ha.nda thJA 17th Dr. Paul •creed a omaJJ poop day of July. J9.'IJ. ·~ b. lmj>"1vemeut of Oroundo ............... . WU needed lo Iron out technical THO.MAS E.. MEARNS, c. Bulldlnp ·············-············· .. ·········•····· • ••-t.a. He also queotloned "Are W1LLlAK !f. PRJTCHE'M' d. Equipment ...................................... .. ~~ ~U!yo~e C:~Tt~= State of California. T. ~sF£RS ... f~--~~ii~·;--·~;!:l.2I or;" to wblcb Pancy ,..~.._ "W• COUnty of Orange, u. , nl AU Other Truster1 ................ -· cap 11'1"11-ta100 per Cftlt." ON THIS 17th day o( Ju\J, A. Tot.al -rr,.nat .... -·-----.. ········-~ HID t.boD pve their ..,... D. 19.'ll, bofora me. 1'1aabolh H. ._ UNDlllTRIJIUTED RBll1:RV1t ..... .... . ,,., 'Qf a.,..,. cowity -HMl1lltra, a NotarJ' Plablle In Ud Total !bPt1141turn aqd Trqafm ... TIH,JGO.&t ~ ~ 160 c:uee (home) for U.. aaJd County and Stal., ,... V. bt>JNO ur,ucs, l1!1'IE • al'I" 1"ltll .. a~• or 2~ c1111-lldlq tllero1n. duly comm-Cub' ta County TMutrry ._ . ..-:.c.1 .. 41'.llUO ti'?' ..... -""' ~ :di• felt ..... _,,..,., pereonall)' llJI~ -......,.,,. CUI> l"und --·-·-,..+-· )l!0.00 Ille !fM:a1 cllale eue •d """1d 'l'bOn>aa &. Mearna and William Oll:NICRAL RBllSRVB n1NE 30, '1in, lie ~ U:e oounty one. A. Coota H. Prtld>elt, -n to .... to i. tor 11U-6t. ~--·----..-- ){-. ocbool DIJrao added tl:!lt -ll:e -W-.. ,.._ U. 1111>-Total Cl:m-ml -·--·~·~ fTT,ot2JIO ot fll6 cblldreh JNryeyod. ITT ._.~ ocrllaocl \Q. ._ 1"1\llla ~ Net ........ , Jlekl'I ... !:...,.,.. 417,MUCI 28.<75.00 ~.126.00 • T.-100.00 1.300.00 8,700.00 4.8.450.00 18.860.00 87.310.00 18,000.00 r>,000.00 21.000.00 7.000.00 •.Q00.00 13,000.00 18.900.00 7.876.00 2<.~75.00 41S.490.00 tions :i.901 -l'i90.."'I) ....................... . 500.00 Accounts Receiva ble t reportM. on Fonn No. J-43-A) ... -···· ....... ··-···· ·············-·. 2,104.41 Total Current Aaset:s . ... .. . .. ..... .. ·29810!1';88 ;- LPu: CurrC'nt Llabllltles frepotlC"d on , 1 •.. ~ _Fqnn Ng. J ;43J. :· ,_ ... ~: ;-·; -~;-~·.A 21~~i·'7 :! Nl't Bt~~lnn:ng !Jo13.ncc . .. ......... 270,u lO.Ol 600.00 • 112,826.08 ~.12t.oo l'llOl'BBTV llY TRUllTO South front door of us. Onlsp UNDER .. EED OF TRUST County Court Souse tn the City , TRti.sr )<o. u1; ' _, . of Santa ~ Callfornl&. all of • '\ ' • ' ' · -· I 1$he bitert-A conveyeG to It b)' MJd , • : .R.. • ~8 ;J>eed J ot 'f'ruet In and \o all th&' ~~ -· ..... . '-lo s•l.t':'~ rta!n ,j>ropcrty situated '.4'-.tl;>t -•....-.·~Y •-~:'P'.._.r.,~,..,., ltt l;t·~ewppi't P.,.11. Coup(y of datod February 18111. ljH.4, record-oran,e, St.ala of Call(Of111-. d .. Q . F~COora:lfl·SEtot• Vocati°"al ~-t llo ~ A-farch 22nd. }944. tn Book 1371, scribed u foUowa,, lo-wlt: ·~ , "-' uca n op-pace St of OU!qlal Raoo!"d• of Lot Thirteen In BIQck Tlllr-O~;;io;:;~!~ subventlo~ ··-.::::.:::.:.·.:: 2!·~~-~ '2~·=·: Orange County, C&lltornlA, did ty or "First A.ddltlon to'New-, · • · gre.nt and convey the prpperty J>Qrl He!ght•;• u ahown ori a Stale School Fund Apportionment..s and A1lowav.ces: therein and bl'relqafter CS..Cribedt map record~ ln Boole. f, P8"' ApporUonmente on >....D.A. I Buie to the Oran.re powtty Tttle Corri-SN ot Mime~ Ma&;., State Ald a.nd State Equallulion pa.ny, aa Truatee; to IM!CUre, amOD.1' reoorda of Oranp COUni:)'. Ald) •.. ... ........................ ........•........ 83,010.00 84,llj)0.00 other obllgaµono, !IJe p~ent ot ~Oral&. • . County Aid; one 110te 401M J'el:ntijY 19th, ... -80• m11<:h ot aald -"r "4 Junior COlll'gr Tuition Tax . ........... 96,164.71 140,570.00 1948. payable to O. :r. Rhhde!I and ahall be necessary t.orh7;,ict to Transt~ra fro.in Olh<'r District.a or Fund~ '472.00 600.00 Ellen E . Rbod-., -~band an4 piovt~e 'a ~ INl'flclent to pay Other Income ................ -···-·-······· .. 12,107.21 12,600.00 wt!e, as joint l.epanta, ~ ,mer, t.b.c-tQta1 amount HCured by aa14 Dtolrlct Tllxcs on Unoccu~ Roll foj the pr<nclpol aum· of seopo.oO; Deed of Tnu:i. Amount rec:etved 1950-~1 .................... 77,~14.10 _dqe ~Ive years after d&.t'·~ }"1th tn· Datett July 2eth, lB~L Amount utln1at~ ror 1951-52 fu tef'M(. a..t the rate of 8% per &n• (Cc>rporat.e Seal) followol ....... ....... ............•.... ............. .... ,7,701 .00 nwn payablo unuaUy: a1111 ORANGJC COUNTY Unsecured Roll, 19:i1·52 .. 5,198,745 WHEREAS, default hu oc· .. TITLE COMPANY Not mort' tb,an 10~ for curred in U)at the principal eum 8)1'.~. A. PARKER, Delinquency ........................ a,soa.•10 due upon l!Old note on hbruarT PHoldent General Purp<l6e Tax Rate 19th, 1961 waa l)Ot paid when due, ey c. w, JIA)CTER, 1915-0 -51 ............................... .84 !l'l4 haa not •Inca beOu I p.i4 In • • • .lecrellfl'. Prior YMrl' Dlltrlct Tue1 .................. il.OU.Q 17,1 ... 00 Wl:ole or In part~ iand · lllt J'fllbll..U. 1Qly '11"-1961. Total lncome other than CUrront Di.-WHEREAS, 0 • .J. RIMdee lUl4 :Ind f'l!1illc:atloe All(JV"t 2nd 1961 trlcl Tu., on oecu:"ed roll ------'-· 319.688.•8 317,4811.00 Ellen E . Rbode9, owners Ond hold-. Srd Publleat.lon A~·~ lJIC!l _ • CUrTent I>l&trfct Ta.xee on Secured ~1 • era of aald ~. heretofore de-No. 135-Preal. . · 4~·=·:::: Amoun~ rec•lved 1~61 ..................... 803,618.72 ~ded that aald Trulitee aell 1-..,..---~---~--- ae:.oi:oo AMOUNT REQUJRIID • TO BAL' . . -property and. on +t 25.lh. r NOTJCil UJVl'fDf'I . ~ tie 401 OO • ANCE BUDGET 111:51-52 ······-·······-71lU91.00 11!1!1 duly recordod In UM!1?fllce of . The. Board Ot ScbooJ"TnloteN ot • • ~Total lncome I exclu1ive ot l Be-. I.he Oow:ty Reeordor Of "'!'4 E!''ll!-uio N~ ....,h School Dllo UOOJOl ginning Balance) :--·--··-··· .. c-\.12!.106.20 • 1,090.480.00 , In Book %180, pap M.1 <ii OI-.tnct, Orange Ooljnly will .-\ft ·ooo.ee Im. TO'RA1;I ~ BMJNNDIO llA1' a.Jal ~ lberoot~• or blda at ·~ -... offl<e. "'lfllt 211,ooo,oo .utCJ: n.us Tm'AL INOOKS .. 1.m,1111,11......, 1,UIM'-~ det~ M4 ot • -= Clltt Dr!"' .,, "' a:oo p ... AD- "8M,7'1'°8 "":-diob1".t main:':!: ~~ ~ ~ ll!c• lu.i,d In plltl "= -r=~~ 111.'9 11111!1o T. ;-.1 tor t-.llimd...i ... ' I !M.00 • ""°"' .~ 1tnee the ~lion tlft1' <llOll to•llDJ dlai-.., Mat _ IVj~~~ 'l'llA!llmtu • . ;t lllld noµc._ Tbe IWll<>I! ~Oi =J:"':'-~ A~ 150,oo<l:oo 11&1ar1eo 'and w._ .. ~ .. ··----~..,.. .. ~~ ~~:"'= ·-·~ Speclnn.._ OU.... ~ .. ..'. .. _.-.... ,..._, ',IOM lltlt. OWIDJ U!I ~ f • -.,. f9' I!" ...... ~ at Uot Tot.al ------.. --..... _ 41,8'4.ll •·-·•~and tlien 11 o1o\> www.;t '1 attt I>me, Newport II•~ I 00,1110.00 Z-INSTRUCTJdN • ..., Deed.., n-Mt t11e~ has~,,.. w . . lladl)' i. ·-ot clontal .....,. ui4 ~ to-th&t.lbn VL 10'l'AL, ll:lJPll!ll Dl'JU&JCS ~ ""· Paul t1Mn 111'14 lhe °*"!# -Ille -e. IN W1'l'NE88 "n&ANIPDll PLllll lmT lll'lllimO • • ~ wOQjd ....,.itt tllat -tpr WlU:RSJOll'. f llal'e (¥nwlto eel .. AµJl(lll (IV "pllll V; -,.ua1 Jit) ~n.-U ..Jtll,Hl.00 -..c..rt1t1cat«i~q1lJpltt1lctlon ·m,1u.at ,..,_., t•and-or*leMtfniate:I Tiie ~"" ~ T1z•1• • 11>-0tha ~ ot Jnatruc:tlop ., -.-llO. ~ ..,,.IMO ~ ~.oo tocioU-w'w.. av et Illa JI'"~ -Mi:ol Vie, k--OtJ1u ~Of Illl~ -111,tll.11 .... Jl&ld ... ~ ltf U. btlt lm&ZN IJll flPt fAI ~ -aJ4 lie ••111'••4 Won t11q illy ba'l'I wl eft!Mil, •1 ~ ..... Tu• .... GI@• A'1t'IU"ll "'1'D t -Mrmn. --PMHJ' -IM1 Ille dayand ;Jd.r la lll1a Cler-L wonruro MLAllm lllLT l ..,..... \........ • T,'111.U UM' 1toud. of Ge!tal '*Umlnen tlftcate ~ aboft wrilta. U. DICO B .... .,.. Jll'O'l10&( wtth ,.a .... ·•••CJ•)(..............., =·· .! .. .., ... £ ---..,..-=~ = .. .:· .. ~:: .. tt.= ' = ~~..=. u: ~=-~ ...::" llall 'T·: eJtmae &ddrwi all rallUJUllll·• QeMw I• ~;mt 1111 ld ~ • 8121 .. .,.. ....... --.. ......... tM (M•t.' •• . , ....... 1 11111 11.1•.a. ' ....... ..._ ......... Jl'JCI •U. ~ CV Od!P'.!! J ol• ~ ~ ••,il'!tJ'' ~ .. lo:lt .. 111• ..... ·--no.TM···-· . Wt&• - .. -..... 1111m. _ ......... ••• 11117 .... N, 1111. 'l'IUI ~· Llbnry ---• ' '• J.1•• •• on Iii -..,.. •;: i$ aiu; "!.. .. *' or ...... ..-.., ~ ~ ' ·---· 90.lfUt • tile ........ " • 1A$ ....... . T'otal -----'·--· ~ ....... ol ...... d IMil'lV • Oiill0<1ll ... N!'-A'I!', ,a.ff 1-A~T 8ZR.VICS&.. a. mnrna1t 1'122; z~ • ._ • 1 ~ ... ~---·-,--~--1 ........ lfOW llllal ._?It . ~ _.....::'.:::-=::;::--· 11,19.QI ,,:::: =-~:01•., •a. .... J-Ol'SRA'ft01' OJ' ICBOCXo PLAJIT • .... fll .... 1£' ~-_.., ~ • 111• 117 ... -~--~-.ma -~-• -I , • • • • • • j 1 • • • ' ----------------- let Us Pay Your Funeral Bills Our. WHrrE: CROSS PLAN Ill , the sate. eenJtble method or eltmi- 1 • natlng · ttmeral ex~J'taft and . ~ t lievtng your family of ruture wor- ries and audden financial burden•. . Any penon from l to 80 year• ot ag-e la eHlflble I-• apply, ' For only a few cents & da.y the wurn: CROSS PLAN, through an admitted legal ttH.l'Ve inlunr, paya all n.ineraJ. bills. No matter bow little he.JI bffn p&Jd In, aer- v1~ are c011duct~ euctly as spttif_!ed at no rurther coat, no matter where you will be at timt' or net!d anywhere in the U'nlted States or Canada. CLIP, ll'lLL OL'T AND MAIL THIS HANDT COUPON TODAY. Pieue send me f\111 information ab0t1t the WHITE CROSS PLAN y:lthout oblile'ation. Naml" Strff't or .. n.oot~ City .. MAIL TODAY TO' I ' • ~Study in Mexi:o City · BDl .~ --bl& .,.,., J_,i,lnt, 211 II:. Balboa Blvd., 1lalbool, are la Melll<o City lhll ownm..-wlu:re µ~ la at· t~ M~•lco CltY con.ire. Ill• only lnotltutlon of hllh.,. leam· q ii\ Latlll Amer!e& lhU' followl lhe .ame ~~tt system aa unl- -.enlllea Ill lhe United Statoa. • Uewellyn oays lh&t ope of Ille "' adva.nlal'U of atudying at lhe <Olltp la -~ ot belllf In the ._..opo11tan ~ lnternatlonal en· vironmcnt of the CQunt.ry'a capital ci~. Many of the at.udent.t live tn Mtxkan homea where they not oaly b«ome prof~lenl lft SpanU.h but alao are able to ~rvt' al ll.nt Mntl the ramtty tlte and c-m- torn.a of the country. •• Tt,e exchange ralt' of 8.65 pnoe .lor S 1 makes It pc:MIPb)ilt for .atu-- d~ta with 11moll tncomt>a to tak<! ln jlll alat gamN, bulltlghb and other cntc-rtolnment11 typi,cal of the cOuntry. Aztec ruins, old Spanfllh pa.latta. and world·fam- tJUs reaorU arr ..all \fll~n t~Y reach of the aludcat, both gro- gniphkally and f inancially. ' Ba~z~~~!~ry .Strikes&Spares l ~~1~1~ 5ooll 4,000 Officers Harbor 42 Lady kecrler-8 attentk>n ! ~n Indications are that nearty 200 Sought by WAF Ut>wellyn previoualy attended F\illf'rton Jun'or C"Olk'g~ and was in the U. S . .Cout Guard for four }'ear•. A S'panll'h major. he-aay!t he IB learning" Ult> language with n1uch mcwe rapidity than hp bad' an- tlclpatf'd' ain« what he lt>&?T\9 tn ltl<' cla1mroom h(' can practicf'. ln hb! daily life. Co "' youths wlll attPnd the ba9t'ball rona del Mar open meeting fM all lady bowlerl'I try-out school betnsr conducteort tu' ---of Orange ~nty is to be hf'kl at lh Founded tl'n yf'an ago lo full- fU a defin'tf' nf"f"d for an Amerl· can llMral artJI college ln Latln America, Mf'x.ico City rollegf' ho..,. ' -------------·Ith F <· Chicago Cubs and the l...ati An-The U. S , Air ""'--• p•---to e riday Afternoon Club, Cm\A · · .. "'" .-.nB u~ Fr gf'lcs · An«~.s at -lAl'l Angll"ltt:' commlulon more ._ __ 4,000 young A"u::oA, \day cvmlng August 3rt1 \V I ~ • .>OL~ THE GERRISH SWIM CLUB CI.A.SSE~ ':XO\\' IS Swimmi119, Divinq Water Safety -pt~ - Sl!PEll\'l"ED RECRE ATION SPORTS A-H AXDIC R . .\FT Dll"'l"<'tinn Dr. PRU( G,..rrl"h· tor11Wrl y ln~trurtor RalhoJl Hl•y ('hrb • t 7 30 r lh rig "'Y F ill"l<l, July 30, 31 and bu.sin ... ond prof--'-""al women a : p. m. or e pur~ or A ~· . . . ugust 1. with •olle•o de~•. u-•-r an ••-organlZ.lJlg the Ladlt>8' Fa l I .. a e· • • ......... leagues. alN> tn d!M:U.u the merit~ Thl11 lnforma.Uon was glraned panck>tl Womf'n'!I Air FOi"« pro.- of a ls.d~!'I ~ratth lt>ague thJa rail. rrom thi"" mail that hu he<'n rf'-g-ram. The W . 1. B. c . orrllcaJ.cJ wtll ~ cr\vNI by t."Ublll-Angt>lit !lroMt,., j OlmmbMion31 calling for lm- prf"lllf'nt to help on all problf'n1~ Arnold ··Jinf'r'' Statz anti Jstck mNllstt' active duty ar<' being of· that n1ay arise. Th.111 18 thi"" tlnii• Ft>urnie-r, Ang('l PrC"Ri<l('nl Don I rot'C'd In ll'lt• grade or MC•nd. lie\!.· for you Jadi~ to &peak up M tfW-St('wart SAld J'f'!flf'l'day. tenant to QUalitled women in the f'ver hold your ~ce. Thf' lry~t camp ls open to 24-27 agr 'gl"'OUp. Commltei<MU u The following progr11.m . 111 on boy1 who have gyaduated from first )i~utenant11 are auth~ tap tor thr M'<'n and Mixed F•ll hl&"h school and up to the &gf" of for wom<'n 28 through 31 year• ~ Leagues. Shcrl<I are now posted 21 years. Hov.'ner , boy11 who are Are. A bachelor's dq-ree aJ9d thrtt on the bulM>tin boar<l at van·!' stJn playtng Junior Atn~rtca.""1; years of allJM'l'Tisory b'ltfrtntM, Pf"&' Y.'aiting for you to sicn up. Lf&ton baft ud wtloSP PllJ.,"ibllity fe:N1tonal or public contact experi- ?.fonday. 6 :30 -Men'a 10 _ trDm hu not bef"n com~le.1 cannot at-eft<'e &rr normally rf'Quirtd, a.J.- Cnmmercial League, hcdp. tmd. though OUtAtandlng •Pf)lLcM\ll Monday, 8 :4~Men·• 9 " rv 1 c r The oppertunity offered by try-with ICM cxperll'n~ may bt> ap- grown to lntrrflnatlonal Import· DftCf'' through Ill unlqu(' rc>le: in th(' \Vc.st#rn hf'mi"Phere. Each quart<'r nun1f'rou11 unlvenilif'it in thl' U. S . f.ncludln~ Georg('lown Schoof or Foreign Scrvlct>, Olrio Stat(' Un ivrr!Uty and olht>n1, send fTOUPll to th<' collrge for 111pttiaJ !tludy. . .. One or our most import.ant ob-- jcetlv<>s," nys Or. H enry L. CaJn, pr<'side r\l of th(' C'Ollegc, "18 to de- velop a ~te.r wtderstandlng ht-- tween pt>oplea. 1A'e bt'l\ive we a.re taldng a · 1trp ahead In bnnrtn& all nations more clo8cly tognher." Ctug Lea&'lJe, hC'dp. oat tWhOol wu pointed out bY" polntetl. Prior military ~e hi WedneMtay, &:30-MiJlffl Foor· SU: ta in that he hi.rnll.elC WM not requlred. j ;:============= ~omt League, l2 teams bckp stgned by the New York Giant.A Information tt'garding a com-R UG AND UPROU!TER'F Wedn<"3day, 8:-4 5-82~ Sc;atch i• a. try-oot ec)lool. JURt a frw mialon ln the United Sta\e9 Air League, eight teams. 1 of U'.e many current CUb3 a.nd Force may be obtatned at the U . Thursday, 8 :4:5 Me.n's Conl· AAsets who pluckf'd contract11 S. Army and U. S. Air Force ~- m<'rC"lat Hcdp., eight team.!. from try.out ecl'lools •re Ang'l crulting Station at 202"" W C'st Friday. 8 :30 -oraftge County ikipper Stan Hack, Dee Fondy, Third atrHt, San.ta A n•. CLEANING Geo. M. Gr11llC1111 UA&llOR IN-R 900 Scratch, eight team&.• 8 W Moiillan, Leon Brinkopf, Bob Wednt>sday, 2 :00 p .. m.-H ouae Talbot and M u We•\ of t Plr An· MORE GREE:S BE.i\N8 Wives Afternoon Hcclp, Le•gue. gela and Roy smal~y. Cal McLl.8h Rt.-porU by tht> But'f'au of Agrl-1 ~============' Ladles Leagues on 'l'\Jt.lday and ~ 11-t lckey Owen or tM Cubit. cultural &onomlc9 'I.how t hat pt'O· tS7 O~i Balboa l•land Thunday wtl1 be publielMd after Stab: and P'oumter. who will be ccssora opt>rating In California .MATl'RE881"4' there meeting" on A upwt 3at. A..U ~, dtHct cbarCf'. said that all M-will handle 'grttn Uma bNM ffon• Boat~H•Dt6--Tralif!n lady bowl.era are urged to attend. lptranb mu.at brlnr tticir own uni· about. 24 ,000 acre• tn. 1951. Thls rrresu111r Sh•PH Due to demaod for another tvrm. glove and ~. at1d pay la about 20 per cent more acreage REA.CON &86I , ' • ' • )It make your car last long' er - llCH .f I ELD COMPLETE, CAR ClARE •, ' . . . ~· • ..... -. . ' . . .. . .. • " ' ' '. ... ' . ' ' '. " ' " ~ VfJ'd may Pnrc111 hy day, wf"rk or mmtth -Lo\\' Ff'f'K. T rtt•"Pf•rlatlon inl'ludPd f"A J,L BF.Af'OX 6'?86-\\' or RJ: . .\.(10'.\" 84;~-\\' mixed league and for tboae who tbetr own tra'ftDing t'XJH'Mf'· Free tha.n wu haTYffled In 1950 and 18 !~-• 1-·h will be ~ b ,, Co!tta 1'1~ MattTPM Co • ....... it mor~ conYf'ntenl to bowl on ~ sen .. --u t>&c 1:1&J, a new California. l'C"C'ord for lhla -k-~~~~d6:~~~~~---~--~P~-----~------~===~=·~==N=m=~=rt=~="=d=.==~-----~~~---~--~~------~~-~===~~=======~= there will bf> 8 11.iixf'd Foursome· datn and any boy& vrho are signed League or rigJrt teanu. hedp. to protesstonal contractil will h&V<' Saturday, 12 noon a league Will their traVf'ling expf'Tae rerubdro. ' RICCIARDl'S SHOE S HOP ho tonned tor Junior Bowlen ot I The opening .... 1on win bogln S lliooM l&.pttln"tl JuniM hlg-h and hi'gh x.bool. 1 •l 9 a . m . on \he fint day. \\1Ule \'n-tt \\'ult .A The 1Wd H"11d Pin Toumam.nt • Alter•t1.,,,_11•-d•:i11q is well under W•Y and wtU run ttl RFALTOR MO\T,;.q C..-•f':•ic>•n I OrthoP9'tlk wor• August 5th. Sta.nc.Jinc-e to datl!" • A ftf'W offlcP buikii.n~ at 918 CXSI WOTlO· Nont.i114 '"'"onlbf• · ar(' as foUows : ~ft>n's Doubl~: 111t , ,Coeat Highway, nt"ar the All :?80! ~rwpnrt R1,·fl. Leo PPtrocchi a1uJ Blwk Leng I Ametkan Ma.rkf"t in r~ron:i ul"I NF.,\'T'OP..T f;F.AC~I ~Q ; 2nd. LPo P1•tr<N'chi and L Mar WD.~ rc.·,.ntly •'.lp'll<'ol by \V. -----_ ~ C>'Gara, 588; :irU, BnM•e Vl'nton ·E. Flah1•r. fme Britisll Cars ~IO l~RIS M . G. oa di.play "' RILE\' a11.i· I~. O'Gara, !'68. Ji'l!'tlwr l'I A r<"'ftllnr (Uld bullflf'~ Mixed noublf·•: 1 .... Jonf'll and F . Of hom<'R in Sho"" C!itf11, Corona Gr1rmf'f, =:.11: ~Ill.I. v . TouaJey and <kl Mar, Bay Shotr8 a.nd Cliff I B. Flett=hcr. se.&. In ~ Men's HI Haven. (11 hi9 rtt"'W offk:e be will St>ries: Lt>o Mayea"i., 3l3. L&clk!a f'onduct a contracting and' real Hi Serif's: v . T~. 277. ettat~ bo9tnt'u. Erne Smllb. realtor. baa cloeed SCHUYLER MOTORS 1009 Sn. Co11.o1t Rl\'tL T -:.--, . h.1a orricC at_ 12_ O<l_ • CoaJrt Hlgh.,,.y , ' ·----------'l ""fu"ltfd,i;~ Wk ' :>!". • f'9"' ' J..as:iUla 4-6·l9."i ww:~. j --------of N efJ Hate alts.· ..... ,...,,. -d s .. .,..;,~,j.; ~ ' af~ U.Jlclllto ro.r JJ , · _ _ ll,. g.....,..., l!(ho ~<A f. pry Clf"&aln.C that in Oftf' ont or evrry e • u.lesmu for Sn1itli ~ill continue tr..affic . accident. the dri~ or in th~ same capacily In the new LIDO pt>destrtan h:<I bttn drinklnw. oftlu. CLEANERS 4Mi :"'if'\\'port Rl\'d. COSTA MESA 8"a. 6198-J' \Ve opPntle et•r own plant WATER HEATERS !i4a""' s,.~,,~ lUld fu>pal,,. Joe Beclito/J Pl.t~ING Aulll.erlwcl Dfoali!:r Day &: !\.,.l l(h1 Beaten Tl.IMS 101, Dew• Oii .it H••t.r. r hone Harltor lJU.. \V T. Y. SETS FOR RENT 7-DA Y MJS!Ml'M TIDE T. V. 3011 l.-tlWl!O&T BL VD. S e\._t -It ~'°' Wl9o to C-..ct·hr ClriDefa•1eW.tc A.,. r11t•mt el. Mewpwt ...... ...... , .. , ............ ... f'ffP..'""1ai elril tW I ~ .....-.-.Id ee11taet Neapwt ~ a~o l;Jf'ti'a e DlfteW ...._Rs'' r ......._At ts• • • -pa recieer, OU1 !ft 24 M tile ~ ..... ---.,, .. ... _a....,... ....... -..... - • t • • , • . How much of ''TOMOftR~W'' would you like / 180 HORSEPOWER ••• i.er. •· no1. ~~..,.;... tiJMI" °"191er F'trel'ower ownera ioMy b....e the -.,owedul -ell!" -put m .. ~ ,,.,.., car •. '· ..,.., .,.)o, ~W. ,..,,,,.,,_."" ,......;,an111m ,,.a.. fad bu141al • BYD~ POWER~-~ . .' -,_the &rat lilM in aD7 Americaon P!IH•nl• cart AIM fc .,.. re pow• -si.U ~ ..... ' _,... ..a cor -"-' •• b .U coadtMnr w:li M ,.. ' -felt h •"-t • • ••••• ,· . • • t • 3 , • • •• POWER BBAKIRG ••• not "in IJ>e laboratoiy11afe" but under ,.;... loe richt now!' R...,.a.r equipment on o!I . · Chtyaler Net. Yorl<era, Im/lerialo, a8d iedia-wheelbue Wind.or modela. Power brU:inf ~ amootber, aafer brelDnc. . ' -' 4 • • . ' • ... ' . " ' .. .. ... " . • • • ' I -. • ; ... • • ' • • • I • II - In . a • colortUl and lmpreastve ~.~the new otfk:en of.the Me.a fttbekah lodge No. 402 we.re eeated Tueaday evening, July 17 by lnatallinR officer Ma.e Man.!- &rger of WeetnµTiat.er, dlatrtct deputy preeldent ot dl~trtct ~. The IOOF ball, Coat& MN&, WU decorated wttb huge bouquets or dahllu and gl&dloll banked with Sf'eencry, Mn. Manaberger and her m.,.- ahal. Verna Flab.. wore frocks of 2'lt green chifton nylon. the de,.- uty ,gn.nd officers were in white lace and the 12 escort.I we"' gown- ed ln pe.etel colora or taffeta &nd all canted aUver atara. Virginia pee>rge or Huntington Beach wL'! eolotat for the occisto:n. · Patricia ChurchllJ, who wu ln-' stalled &a noble grand wore a ..,hJte lace gown and the vlcf'- JT&nd. Colleet\ Slaten, a po~·der blue satlo . Balboa Duplicate Winners Announced Mra. Edna MacMaste,.. and Mn:. A. 0 . Wetherby tied '(or tint place with Mra. Peirgy Johhson aod Paul Wayte in the duplicate b~idge game held in BalboB on Friday eVenlng. playing north· south. East-west wlnne~ were Mr. and Mrs. Georg'i Magruder. Runners· up north -IM>Ulh wer'" Perry MacAdoo and George Mit- chell; Mrs. Robert Brown and Phil Warner: Mrs. B. M. Wilson &nd \Varren McCarty: Robert Brown a.nd Arnold yasser. Runners-up eul-weat Wf.'rc Mrs. I -' . . Mrs. Bertha Wt.tson, junior past ~oble grand w.11.:1 presented with a put.1 noble ~rand& jewel and a money gln from the lodge, with the presentation made ,by Mrs. '1.orence Switzer. Grace Freeman and Mrs. Cather- ine Smith; Mrs. Margan>t Holmf'11 and Tommy Holme:i1 tying with Mr. and Mrs. Chari~ Jester: Mr&. Robert Roes .&nd Mrs. Mildred Lytle tying with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wallingford. • ,.. ..... °'""" Other officers installed were Mary F . Taylor, recording secre· ta.ry: Effie ·Slaten, financial acc- ttlary; Flor~ncc Conner, trt:N· urer; Ethel Smith. Nina Lolmaugh and Helen cawthon. truatea. Ap- polrittve officM's a.re Gertrude WUlcut, warrten; Daiay Ginger, conductor: Lillian Smalley, c hap- lain; Ada Paull, musician: Gladys Bird. color beart>r: Nina Lol- maugh, right supporter to the no- ble grand: Lota Stewart. left sup- porte r: F1orence Switzer. right llUpporter to the vice-grand; !ind Pauline Raina. left supporter: Ha- Zf"I Dumont, inaide guardian: Marian J ean Rooc. outllde guard· dlan: right altar and left altar !)foarers. E1nn1a EtPYcrui and Gerl· rude Watkin.a: Clall.f Ba.ekes, drill muter: Pearl Backt!s aud Alma Bh1.cli, banner b<'arcrs trJ thl' paMt noble 5::t&nd : Marie Doughty and Jean Smith, battner bearer lo the chaplain. Officers pro-tern are Tlnta Small, Ethel Smith. Amanda Sorenebn and Mar~aret K illey. Committee• are, visiting, n oblf' ,-rand. vjce-grand and all • men1- bt-rs: exluninil\g, Bfrtha Wat.son, Tlnta Email and FlorenCt' Switz- er: ftna.n ct_•, Ethel Smith, Da.virl Beckeft and Gertrude Watkins; reaolutioM, Anna Watkins. G. G. Smalley ant1 I va Coe; fl uWC'rs 'an<! gifts. Nina Lolmaus;h. &-rtha Watson and Hali•n Cawthon; dt"'<.'O· raUons, Emma Stevens, l"lorC'ncc> Conner and Carnt·t 1.tcCullough; cards, Tinla Small. Lillian 0 . Gouin and GwPn Smale: rttep- tion, Lola Stewart and Viola Beck- ett: press, Gertrude Edick and Gladys Bird: good!ellowHhlp chair- man, Mayme GrH>nlear; Ught•. Gladys Bird Jlnd Paullnc Rains; ml8tre88 of robe•, Amanda Soren- aon: way8 and mCa.na, Colleen Slaten. Hazel Dumont and Marian Jean Rqee .. . SpeelaJ Guests Dtstingu!shed guPets ot the eve- ning were Ruby Pawling and Al- bf.rta Owen, committee .members of the Rf'be kah A&M>mbly and ~ Belle Tlnaleoy, goodfello~·•hlp ch.airman of district 30, Daisy Gingt'r, Alma Black, J'lora J-farrls and Gla.dyA Blrrl were the reh"eshment committee when sand"'·ichea anlt coffee were Ketved 1n the banquet hall. Mifa. Harris' i;-ardC'n pruvid:ed the hy- 4r°&ngea blosoomH for decorating the tablf's, A brC'akfut open to the public Will ht-served by the Odd Fel- lows and Rebekah• on July 29 at 7 :JO a.m. in the IOOJ' hall.. Dr. Edwin Starr to Host Party • Driving from Santa Barbara for a week end at Balboa la Mr. Ed- W'ln Graham Storr, a J'Nldent of \Vestwood, who ls spending the aeaaoo at his borne ln Summer· ~d-During the week end, Mr. Storr will boat a Ailing party aboard hU! ket<:h. ·Among ~ In the party will be Mrs. w _YI. Prlel Of Weotwood, Kr. and Mn. Alvin B. Anderaon or Van Nuym, ·and Mlal l"lci~ce Allen Of BeVerly Hilla. All wtll be' Mr. Storr'• dinner SU•tlo at th• Balboa Doll H..,.. Salunlay, July :llllL : ------. • Blondell .Family Visits Old Friends • -Due to the Sectional Tourna.- ment being held In Long Bea.ch the comln~ w eek-end. the group will ltleet next In Balboa on Friday evt:>nln~. Augilst 3rd. Play will .start at 7 :30. Mrs. Robert Brown and Doyl«" Gilbert Wf"te overall winners in the duplicate bridge game held on Monday afternoon ln Balboa. 'Runnt"r&-Up were Mrs. Paula Gas.wt and Mrs. Gerald McCom- ber; Mrs. Thomas Gill and Mrs. E . T . McManul!I ; Mn. Fred"Roun.e~ villt" and M~. Perry Johnaon ; Mn. C. E. Irvin &nd Mrs. Iv11.n Hooker; C. H. Johnson and Gerald Mc· Comber. The group will mttl nut on Monday afternoon. July 30th with play 11lartlng a.L 1 :00 o'clock. ------- Patio Shower for Mesa Bride-Elect One of two pre-nuptial 11howers 11cht>duled' ,&11 courtesy to M iss Ka\herln" Anna K('Uer wa.a hos- lf'Mf'd We(tnesday, July 18 by. her slst~r • tn t Jaw1.. Anita ( Mra. Paul K.) Keller ln lhe patio of the lat· ter'a honic, 178 Magnolia Aw .. Costa Mesa.. M i& KelJer is dtt.ughtt"t of Mr. a.nd Mr11. Paul W . Kellt"r, 1711 Fullf'rton Ave., Costa ll-1esa and her marriage to Thoma.~ Fra.m:i1' Duri(·a Is scht'dulcd ror thla com- ing S!tturday. Guest3 brought 1nany p!'etty and u:wful mJ.scellaneou!I glftti when they gathcrf'd early in the evening. Bridal game~ Wt"re pltt1- ed and conversation sped lhf' lalcr hours. Pre&ent were lh(' honoree, Ml.as Keller, and her motht'r, Mrs. Pa.ul Keller; the Mlsse11 Jqa.n a.nd Mar- ga.rel Keller and Mrs. Betty Kel- ler. Co.ala Mesa; Mn1. H . H. Hol· brook, Miu Joan Holbrook', Mn. Gordon HOMie, Miu Patricia \ Hoeaie, Mrs. Robert P. Hale, Mni. W. C. ~clu.11 &nd Agnes Ludwig, Newport &ach, and the hoet.eaa. On FTida1 the Ml.l!.6e8 Joan a.nd Marga.rf't Holbrook wlJJ honor Ml.sit Kf'ller with a pereonal show- er at their home, 212 -33rd St. Hawkeye~ to Hold Biggest Picnic Announcing the i6lh annual Iowa 8Un1mer picnic at Recrea· lion park here all day Saturday, August 11, committeemen we're preparing for 50.000 former Hawk@ypa_ According lo Joseph W . Knox, preaident of the Iowa &.890Clatlon ot Long Beach, thla la the big- gest picnJc or any klnd held in California. La.~t yeaT• attendance reached lhe-M,000 mark. Honof"Cd gueats will be Go~r­ nor WllUam S. Beard.l!lley of Iowa.. who ha.a already accepted the-in- vitation ,and Governor Earl War- ren ot California, whoee appear. ance h .. not yet been con.firmed. The program will ltegln at .J. p.m. with muaic by the f&med Long Beach M.unlctpal band, com. munlty singing and other enter- tainmenL David 01.maled. H· lpwa.n, who le public relation.a director for the City of Long Beach, will bet muter ot ctre- mon1eL · • RegiJltraUon by counllu and collegu wlD be ma.l.ntalnecl for t.bfl pUl'J)Olle Of loca.tfnC" fril'.nda. A.Jt former Iowa tesldenta and tbelr triendl are invited. . ' O hio State Soc iety ~nnua l Picnic ' - Mll.Atll'S 1890 ~ · · • ,,RINCH DRl ... NG ~~" 27~ .::.0£=F:.:IO;::.:::YA:,:.1l:.,OE.,:.E;.=:::Cl.::::;;;J:=f.:;.;;.,,~\fA!it"~. F'--_..;;;;;;.40....._,~ ' S•A!HITTI DINNER fROSTEE' 9'illlf' ~ • ~ ol-· 33 ~ SMALL lllRIMP ~ Pound Package -~.fl:' YH1Ta·•• -......... .. -111111 VE&ETl.IES ' 'I . ' .. . ~!nnesote Guests Eni~Y South~and · THE FllEST IEEF ~I .AIEllCI IS .UISED ON ALPHA BETA'S OWN UllE,iAN D PROCESSED 1 'IN THEIR OWN PACKING HOUSE, ' ~ TAKE 1T To THE UllE o~ THE. I FINEST COOK IN AMERICA-YOI. ~ ~ ho-milAtio tt.tBut/i.,-.m -"--·····~-• -.. ~-'-=--::.---.. --·· ·---w-·-·-----· --=--·-~- GOLD MEDAL NlWl OM\. • SALAD MACARONI ILPll .. ETI l.S. llllE IHI RIB STEAR ILPll IETI l.S. OllE 1101' IHUIH . ROlllT l.S. llUE 1tll H C .. ICE Rll l,HllS 59i IOllELL'l PlllE, flDl Ql~LiTY . SLllED . BllEGD . "IEJt"WIL .. EU.t,£11 I . ' SLllED BAIO 49! ~-Stktt l')q, e!et'tu# PElllM : ......... ~\~~~ ........ 21or1415i PIElllll .. "'" ~-~\.f ~\.\.O~...... ... ¢ PAI-TEE ICE ••Mt\>\~.·· ··f 1"' n~ · PAl ... JEE llEmT: .... ~~"(?.. .. 1o~ll¢ TOWI 'lllE T"P.111 . ~0~ , . I • ' ' .I •