HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-23 - Newport Balboa Press~,ff .. '• ... ., ... -- ( S'WJ . *1 I lb I .,... ~ .. CPEaJ• ..... • . ~ l.AAelST HoME ~ IN pa).NGE COUNTY ~ -; .. . -' • • , IO I came home ekuaked ~-......... lunlac bulir· ill&< ~ ot t'loh. llUalted deoplt• U... f!lct tllat cap·n Don Pattu- ---~...I>elPNI (and oometlm<e ~~mpllmentary) nmarlm, lb< iliokle., Xlteh and Olff, jaw -· ~ and """ Ille aapu-IrUb i.:•!bi~:...'iild~ alld Jlmll\}' tbe ..,.m'eer 6ilil' to bolp. • . ·AlMI to l tottq home. my heart wttll m--rdr anythlll&' rr WAS A 8AD BlJKDEN.'l'llA.T HABBOB'CIITIZEN8 eanted ltome w ........ ,. wllit;a deeCtred the -.,. . of Co,.,.... ••1'D II. a...-... aoa .or Mn, B0117 WelpM of llU II. 8-''•• Bllod.. Bal- i.. a waltJns --08-U to -Baits Mortuuy la Oo..,_ dot Mar. Cooponl U...-WM l<IDed la Kor. ...a le UM ftnt ._.., 901dlflr to ctve bts Ute la Ute Uittted Natlom' ~ Pletared left to nrtit abon, U. S. A""1 0.•rd of' Honor, Corp-1 !'UC<M'M• BorrT, LoJI .. ""'-Harry lE&tuo. Gue Tam,U. Md Leck* Ckpl&la BlU .._ .. ~. Mn. w...,._.., e11 ,...,,. ... ~ ()eeerl10'c Dale R.ars CJ, Tem N.orton. p~nt of the Clwn.IM!r o·f ~:Mr. Wetpa.d ... l...eWla Balta. Prl- vat.e miemortaJ IWT\icfs will be held Frlcay at I:~ p. m. at. :ll&lta ......tMJJ', Ooro .. de& Mar, with 0.pt='• William llMM~r of Ult! Ncwpori JkM'a. Mnerlm9 LcStoa .-M effW«tfeC'· l•tenwlt will • t f I i •"*'11&1unla1. ,And '° on , lt1"9 ,~t Harbor Fe, ~aa p QUt on a .j:llUWr. toUr wft.b Walt Hartman hll Cl&nnlL What bappena! mama of tbe ramuy totee baf!li.6 8IJt albacoM. I ~kl advvt..1-my rod for ._ Uir:ept tUi. I broke ll up for firewood, accident.ally, of coune. Alld -..... probably ....,·t be 11eeaMe IUI)' more, either, becaJUe I m.iltakenly bit It wtth an .ae. belaW-oomot..,.. • ' ~re can r ret golt lee.>n.1 ·UieQ! NeWJ>Ort to Los Angeles in .20 Minute5 is -Chamber, Speaker's Prophecy · G&lllOIU:S AND OJM>WL pr;rr: Tb&t city ball lnterweU.,.. ! Cnepi.,., •tart by start. 6"'n tbe· Lemac coffee mop toward the Xeml:>b. of Lhe Ne-wport Harbor Ch.amber of CocbmerCe ptbered fOll lunfbeon Wedne.tay at lhe Newport Hubor Y~t civ.b to tt..r I.be tutur. ·of air tranaportallon of the Soutbland deWled by Rol>ert H. Sommers of Loe Ange.le8. The Angeleno, member of the aYlattoG committee of the Loe Angeln Chamber, M.ld that LOe Angelel A;lTW&y• • ~ atop & few .. locka dlot, Allt. l bop. o•Uclns nJce. • nd .i..,. advlli.,. motO.th. they cou¥Ji't park between 3 and . 7. Pretp,;amabl'y to otter a double lane tor .twvd-bound autos. ;.. .... l*'<ed • ala]Hlab. In trtmt or I.be mayor'• own bumlnue atabltahment. Hope . it didn't belonf to. Rtnoper Lea! It didn't take 30. mlnutee lo get tbroul'h that boulevard atop, but It Memed like It! M'ebbe we'd better uk Gov. Wanen or Truman or 90mebody for an owrhead <=roalns there! WAllNJNO! THl8 18 ABOVT CATA . Despite mlde remarks trom eome of our staff members, I haven't aakt much lately about thla dept's. fellne proJecU. And 80 it's ttme t.o adverttae, sort ol ,.ently. about me mouae- munchen. I'm glad to offer a recommen• daUon. Alk Uncle earl Meyer, .icretary•m&nal'er or the ~ Caunty Bullder'• Aun. A.tter a had 9flt the pace tOT Hellocopte lJ'&QlpOrtaUon and thWI for tbe tu- ture of transportaUon of the eouthland. Be cited the fact that a1retldy many ""?Jl"UnlU.0 of the Stau ba.., provid<d 'llellpotto'· fm for pa.uenger wlndmllla. O.Boute Newport Beach, Sommers uld. ls on the propoeed route, U.ted u th~·~· .. ~IC>tthll _., ge~ tilght' 4~1oplheht: by 1 thtf ·u. An«Jea A.lhn.'ys com~J'-New• port BellCh wU 'Ute tint ct>m- munlty to actually provide a cen- tral Heliport. It wu provided by the Griffith Company at t.he rear of the City Hall and Rlch&rda £carket.. juat a few hun4_red feet from the powt ottJce. The--i..oe An· geJe1 bOol:ter R&led that aoon pueenpn would be able to rtdf the airmail route. becau.e of per· rnJU rranted tbe carrier by the CiYD Aeronaut.lca tf.oard. f,,.., veiled threat. be adopted two Development of the atr tra.rui- G&Jn~ cat.a. p&.rl Slameee and portation of the City of Loe An- pcrt paprlka and ianey. One la a ~lea wu detailed, u well aa the friendly, aakle-rubbl:n.c sort of problelftl encountered ln re&chinl_ aoul. the other'a atr&ldi()f hl8 own lbe 2500 acre Loe An·~ MunJe .shadow. So they've been named clp&I Airport.. Ridea tbrousti tr&f- Prp and Con. fie ·or two hollnt dUration by auto Anyway, Carl admlta that were cont.ruled to a 10 minute G&lnea cat.a a.re better than any trlp by beliocopter. . Fattl, too. oth the ~er A.id will 'be oompar-~ b · able or actually less than WI or Which rc!ftlnda me. It Juat hap-taxi trawl from the outlying com- pena that l'lonm,ce, ~r beat klt-muniUee to MwUctp&l AirJ>Qrt. teo • producer~haa other~ th~ Loe An,.elee. Sommers aald. LI bt:8l batch ol . ehe A ever l lmpa.tl,.ttly waiting lhe day wben had., Fully Utile haracten, mu• ... en .. ned planes wW be 11y. •horl tau.. broad, ed facee. ... •· They're fetpalw all, but that'• okay. r~malo are all rlaht In lbeir place. aren't tlle7! Anyone tnt.cr~led bad 'i bett.er speak up 80011, became the little gu.p are na.dy lo travel tn about a werek. and. !TOM th~ wtnc-Oap- plnc I hear. Qte fellne •lork's honrlng ap.tn ! tns lh• lnl<lt-<:1.11 wtndmlll rou1- and will' land on I.op the Paclfto Kutual Bulldlnf lit lhe heart of dow]ltown lo. Anpl .. ' commeitl· al diltrleL en be d, you boull rHlden-• 7 26 nilnuU. from downtown Loe Angel ea.' Presiding over the eu.lon of the chamber wu Tom Norton. prni· dent. wtlh Lea. Steffen.Kn acttns u loe.atmuter. Introduced to the p.therf!d bootrter body were Brad Hellla and Bill Spurgeon of th~ Irvin(' Compa.ny whom Hay Lan- genhl'im dem:ril>ed a.a largely re- aponaib~ for the culmination ot the dt'al whJcb ta providing the Harbor Chamber wit.h a •ubet.anll- al new office on the Cout High· "(•Y· Hmbor Weallaer ~peratu.rw. for Ute put week lo the ~r area. Hip Low Thuncla7, Au •• 11 ..... 14 It Friday, Aue. 11 .......... 13 M su.n.i.r, Au&. 'tt .......... 14 13 &tvnt.y, A .... 11 •.... 14' 13 Moada)'. Aus. io ....... 11 a TuMda7, Aug:. tl __ .... 14 IO Wed.....tay, Aus. u ... 70 llO A.Tl't;;!\'D WEDDING M n. ·Hubb&J'd Howe and <tabsti- ter Shella han returned trom San i'ranclado where they went la.st Wedneaday to atLencl the weddinl" of a triend who recent,.. ly aernd as but lfl&n . at th• weddin• of Ba.rd Bowe. f""'lll'O. NO&JI HAGEN -- • world' reiconl for benelf Tuee- ....,. ...-""" boated tlUO ao ....... al-wlllle flohlq fl'Oftl th Caatwalt oat of the l1U1 SL 1-llnS. Mn. 8- a member of the ?li~ewport Har- bor Lady Ans..,ro took the ..0. ord for ~ earsai alt.core caustst by • w~ "' ~ •ls taekle aw.,. from Fru. Piper, a fellow clult member. Tbe former recofts WM 18 ta "'Bait Tank" oa Sporta ...,-e. SIX'l'EEN P AG¥:8 NUMBER 26 Mmly- Jobn Kunty, Jr., pruident of \M boepital board returned Tuea-. "1 momln.g' from !lurope and pl>orAd lb< hoopltal bfflce Imm~ --= diately that he wa.s ready to get into hameu acaln. George Hoag, Jr .. vlce-presktent. hu been car· rylng on in lhe · a.baenC\I! of Kr. Murdy, and atates allocation of .supplie& to carry Oil work for sev- eral monlha hu already been given, No delay in conatnicUon I.A ·anticipated. "All Ounge county WW greet lhiA neW hospital project, IOOn to be a vital addition to hoaplt&l fa- cilities ln thia county," aays Wm. G. Klmea. chairman or a epeclal campaign group tO ra1oe tund.8 !or financing equtpment and fur- nt.ahlnge !or ~ hospital Klnlea la at work.planning a county.wide organization for thia t.ask and ex- pects to announce hUs program ehortly. ' NEW LIBRARY -FOR MESANS Cool& Mua'• county llbruy,._ ___________ _ ~··b baa ,.,.. ..w.:r ~ been R; . Bod ~ In . a mu. Un--thed ecover ~ . y buDdlng down an alley. will eoon ~.-. '.t miec powth of the community J:. '" l\'.., ff ~-t:~~~~ ~~m._~ea~ o 1W a 1 --·-:=-- and 1t11cco building .. ll"red F'lncb, Me-. pioneer who waa t.natrwnent&I. w1lh the late W. Carl Spencer ln clrculatlng pelle tk>na tor the park, la providing the property and bulldlnc. "'!hJch will come within i,he SIOO a month rent&1 apectned by the Supervia· ora. Hla: lnterett baa been ahl.red by Supervleor Helm: Ka.taer. who commended the property owner for • 1\ll public 1plrlt anti. gener· oelty. • N. CoUt. Gu.a.rd l?alrol boat re- cqvered. the body of Richard Allen Brown. ~. Hwitinglon Beach at l p. m . Tueed.a7 a mile offshore from the Newport Pier. Brown WM Iott at sea In an ac- cident wblch occurred July 30. H e had been employed a.s a deckhand on the live bait boat. Super Expreu . Brown was lost when he left lhe bait bOal in a dory to recover a fish which ha.d fallen overboard from the Super Express. The new building will be .started about lhe t'lnl or October. It will, fea.ture <& fr<>nt or brick and plate ctaaa. atudy, work and etorage rooma, real rooma and a patio fol"\ ShorUy a.ttcr Brown ,had ca11t children's 1tory houri. Plenty or otr. a wave caP'\zed the '<fory a.n~ auto p&rkinl' apace will be pro-threw him ~ the sea. It wu vkled. believ&l that· Brown wu knocked 7 Hurt· as Car (' Tums Over Senn youlha, all of whom Uve In Long Beach. were Injured when their car overturned on the curve of the Cout Highway near !MSth St. According to the cautorrtla HJghwsy Patrol. nceutve speed wu the cau11e of lbe accident. Drlver of the tthicle wu Jerry S . Uiid. Moel .erloualy tnjured of the aewn wu 16-yeu-old Jack Lewta who W8l&lned a fnlctured peltll and WU bMieYed to ha•e Internal IJIJurlM. . OU..,.. lnq'S-bl'tl>e ~dent,., ... ~4'1clle• • .18; Donald Groves. Jolln -· .Robert Jayna ~ RObett Wrlsbt: - AU -.e talaon t.o the Santa An& I eomm.un111 11oop1ta.L tac ln'&t· I -t. w~ ..,.. .......... atte< i ..-1 ...... ~-.... . • unconaclout by the dory u It over- turned. A search ln1tlpted at the tllne, failed to recover BtOW11'1 body. Mero bens ot the crew of the fishing t>arP Oeorg1a uw the floating bocly and notl.ned the Cout Guard who rttOJCred the corpse. Baltz Mortuary, Corona del ~. ia in charge of the tuncral 411- rangementa. WALLET STOLEN Jamea F. Corbett of Los An· gelea reported the theft of a wallet trom an open convertible Sunday attemoon. The wallet contained !><tween $70 and $80. ite is_ C~t. \ of Spokesrtlarl'' . I . According to w6rd ~f­ ed from B. T. Eastin, OiviB- ion Manager of the I:.oe An· Mesa .Marine Dies 'ii!· Craih r geles Ba•in diVision of Sllell Oil workman are now t&klng down the oil rig of Irvine Number 1 well located back of Lagune. Bea.ch. The dis· mantleing. should be complete b y ·Friday. • ' ' Tb.J.8 well, a.long Witb ..... the Shell U. s. ntth Air Force• head· Oil operaUon on t\Je iq.lne Ranch inland troin COrona <tel Mar ~ ben one-of the well that have • been the subject of a controver.y quarters, announced Monc»y lht death or Marqae M&jor Frank S. Hoeffeck:er, -2 5 2 8 WeebQ.inater Ave., COllta Meia. Accordlng, to the official 'report, Hoetfecker wu killed on Augu.t 12. w,ben hl!I plane crashed on a combat mis· aion in KoreL • . The ~y~ld pilot, who was Ute executive o~cer of a Panther .tet oquadron called the ':.Jet Cate," had ;"formerly been commanding officer of a Marine &Ir squadron in Akro~io, and had an Out- Htandlng Marine corpa record in Workl War ll. The rat:at craah occurred when Ma). Hoeffecker waa goh::~g I in for the third Stme to dump napalm (jellied poollne bombal JC1l1 I.be target. He. w.. in • low ~ to- ward \he Red hills wtJen one ol: "You're Oil fire!' rou're on ftn!!- lhe pilol. ab.outed lo Hoef!ecker over the rad.lo. There wa.t no answer. · Seconda later Hoeffecker's plan~ went lnto a. shallow dive and eJt- plO<led. Witnee~a said his plane m~ have been hlt by enemy ground fire. ' Maj. Hoeffecker ls survived by his wife, Marlon, and three chil- dren, who ltve al the CO!!it& Mesa address; and by hla parent.JI, Spar· rows Point. Md. Trailer Bums in Mesa Fire · Flames detlroyed a bouae tr&il- er, atorage atied and wuh room Monday mo ming in Costa ~Mesa. J. Shioy& ot 1613 Whittier St., Coet.a Mesa. said that be WU pump~g a guoUne stou in the tr&iler wheri Lbe tank bunt into rtame. ·It ii bell"ed that a burner on the stove cau:&ed the ga.a to cat.ch fire. , Two truek.8 trom the ,Costa Mesa fire station answe~ the call but were unable to prevent the ble.&e from making a t.ot..J 11ou of the trailer. N.o o'he W&f Jnjt.ired th the tire. , .. '' in tbta area. • Civic U~t Civic groups in Newport Beacb and in Corona del Mar h&ve car- ried the fight to the Orange County Board of Superviaors in an attempt to "prevent the sink· irtg of theee weUs. • Eaattn. in announcing uie newa of Ute tea.rtng down of the 11& near Laguna Beach aaid ~ the well ia not being abandoned. He ~d that testing wni con· tlnue in that area at stfa.Uower depths. The teat.a will be carried out by <I.I.ling a portable mast rtg . 18,000 Feet' . . . t'ain the u.me, • the et&tua of the well located luland from Corona del Mar haa not chan19CL ' County T,ax Down 'lbe county tax Jevy, whidt Jut year ro.e to a high of $5,137,915 will thil year take a drop of 3. 7 per cent, according to the budget adOpted by the .county supervi11- ora Wednelday for the year 1951· '62. Thie year It will be $4JHf,. 969. Tax rate tut year was $1.25 per $100 ot assessed valuation, thlo year It will be ... 15. · Operation ot the county gov-' emment tor the fi8'1l} year w.Ul coot · Slf,861(677 for the totAI budget. In It. the coUnt,y ha.a set up a bUildlng fund of $760,000 exclusively. fore county building&. Thia will So l'ri!ldpally tor ,., . . . modellnJ alld exJW.n.Sioll -Of t.tie county Ju•en.Ue hall. cootn.ct for which waa Jet UU. week, and (or t a start on the proJected Sant& Ana civic tenter. First wilt M the center wW be a health center bUilding. for which the county expect.A state and federal mone- tary aid. -. .... INDFAlENT, EXroSuRE William Ill Rogers, 36. i>r Btea W&o booked by.N.ewpoi't Beech p0o 1k:e on chargq of Indecent expoa• ure at lO:O:J p .. fti. Wednesday. C"-l'llll.t . • •• I -. . ....,._ .....,. Tllundoy at N_.t -· ... CC1lfonla. Otnoo -Prlnlln&" Plant at J'1l ~ --~ -1t1I .,,_ u -d-Cltu matter J.-ti, 1940, at u..•poat -al Newport -.11, CaUfom1a, <mder tbe Act of -S. 1871. --latptt p.i.i -·--N-rt-Ana M1e1at ,1arpd Home ~ la Oruce C11zQ". ._ .. , ClalUonla News1 rrir Pilb'FM Ann••• • , ~~ . . "'TOO BUSY'! ' -·&LP.• I • • ;:-/ f , .. • ·-• • • 7 / 1 mse· 10 Remark TIE 'Fiii Ir ••••. I PlC ,_ Tr .. I • a ... a .... ·, ::.:.:•.• p 11•1tg: (An outltaadlns "'*' w .. • 0 -..---.., .... -~ .......... ____ ... hlo_ ... ,......... -- Ult ~ •. ..,..._.to t.olll ~-...... ""'9 -... -• little -"' no ... ..--aall.Jr• AllaD ..... ---9IT a 111111& "' I ........ 110. DI ~ ot U.. loW& lt&te J'vm Bu· ............ 'n1o7" .... ,. a ~ 'Nafl-111, to belp -. ::--~~ ~111o~ _.,_ mciht~ --. • • • --_ .. .crop, U>o f'IV' end..,._.i.e of Ila uu-.ttuio, Ila -of-· 'nley .crute ~· I ?,. . .........,t lo .,.__ to coUect wao elocted !<atloul llMd of u;. Wltb 1--\ to law. An•..,,......le m '•a trem the. ~ lo ftlm.....,.. American -.r.deNtlon. -tor tbe oupport or a, aew 1 . • tram --.-m..io. and out ot Uti.· -_..ci oad er!mlnal &TOUP tn..our -latloa lo ~....-to, 1111. ' j: otloor _....,. 11.eML Tiie Den foft,..; ~--qrloullanl 11111. belllf c......iecL The ~~t tar L-t to-Hi. hlr ~-~ ,_ _._t ot, L&llor 101t 8P a P-. ,,.,.., llr. llllne 181 st~ twit•· law created by p"'°' ~ &'Id im ot -lp.klac ot Illa • ._.. IMJdmUm -pt UO. lo be :&..:i.:r-... tbe -.1w1e f'elated --lnmt&blJ Wiii ~ County J'alr U4 I .... -ed iJltO iilO ie•oM.c fUlld. ltf aad _,_ _, ,,._ -ta tile ~liop ol tbe ,_-,, -t It '"Wu .....,.. iii-19& ~ '11 ,... ....,..,, to farm-u "-wllareftr lnlU&l*I.) moral lltalnlna of oil F'uo;iea. , ~Y tbe now... -_., • era ..,tt.1n1r ~ aacl '7.llO lo • -mark.U --~ a11o tbe· wondertul eldlllllta ... . \ --.....,..llUtlQ workera al· Thlo i. a um. for dee• lldak-Uan'aro an lnmtallle "ZllllU'lll'" dlSpiay9 by -l'al of tho ._ • ...a4Y ca tllotr -lq. w,. muot <IOclde 11Qw nweb of or price miitroL ID u..t.,... of llOriM. -. Ar-..., Jn!""!"~ Ml.,M?lppl, .... ._reee -....., to -to -. lhlll can ..-a-'~ "* of ·Ti.en ""' or couno mAl!7 -Tuu •and Oalllanua te)b4 It 4ef--·~ ~-•k· t:;'"-valuable by-pl'Olluets, ~ I ~:r · •· .--•k tile Under""'"''•-. Kt --· ~--·• -·~·-· -·•~-~tor I ••k-, "' . den~. f)Ower .mow. but tba -~,.,.. -• forward "!I an -...-u raw .. ___ •-~e-tllat -m• to Im-.... tM ....,.... . wltll yow Repr;wntatjw fool' u 111e · 111,...t of .,... con-•'fin&" medlelni!L Al!lo ~;uie caae moot )• the c.omelll• .i.O; -• tllat the -. olloUld be -keel. etnun to blot. Of meat. eontrolo can -In r R8~o ~ ,with eo..-,90, It Above all, we )'lllat otrtve lo In' beellh ~. '!"" oiJ:'.~ ~t ~:::.i:1;;;m~U~;y~t ":;,. ~ bit tllat aliowlJ!6 • .,.... tll• pnldui!tfft abllfty '"111<-tllat bt,-k matJ<e, "'"'' C!Jvld!W no-,; .... and.tor the u..-\ . ' . tbe · -... ,. •--.,14 &J>Pl'Oldltl&tely 11&1....,ncelkd"-tollow"-.Ut&ri "~ le un-.iland• of Oomellia -., -.. got lie U Wloe u llMPinl'lllo aJ. 1N>Ot potont non-wupon." ~ _...-." +llJi"ugh I b&ve never wn It'• e ua.L -~ II"' 111lalmum at "": In eddlllori. a ma,1or aim i. to m•t prod\lctkJol lo Clll'N!IUT at a ,. ftother thl ... thet Im~ .tl>o . _ ~ ., /* , . .ta.rt. ad t.bAt he would recorn preMM ouP Ame~ 1yatem ot hlP level Uld can 'btt ~~ ~ltor I• the way tn wbich tbe ·Just the other day we received a telephone. call from WV'u. REST ~ mad •10 ll'nd '8 to tile a.....tery. Individual lnltl&Uve and rewa,d turtur, It not. roou1eted by \Ill· ,.mole town enten tntc tile "1fall': " · Se t' wif M William W Poore who 1 l\ave -oil ~ opace, lo bued on -..., ... ....,_ TIMM -Ille. oon'-"11' tlle _Un,.... ov•~ 111o .. teat11111• tlowera, lia a -&rule rgean s e, ra. · • ta.tit olloUt Oil lnolpltlcant .ltam two at1na.,. ta no -Y tneonolet-tloft Of prtca oelllnp ~ually µi;i;,lllDre wlndcnn and eyu-..a .:.lives at 223 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand. ~ .,,_ • IN Pf~'~S ·.••I· 1n tile clall)' lite or a eo..-an, •nt. _It i.· the Aln•rtcaa ·-.Will ea-meet to bf .~-1>1r~ lo lteld. . ·i , Mrs. Poore recently received a letter from her l!us-,..~ tor • rouon I tblnl< ~L eholeo" JY•lem tllat hu CTeatocl at ....,.1ar-meat counten. Tloo n-· · -• '- ' band, T"" ... , Poore, who IJI. now eerviJI• oveiw. ~ "<t.1. ~"~--~ ; WU M& CAltelili ~. 'l'lle .. d mi._u. lo ti.at llecretamo, "'I• p......_.t abUlty to. out·procluco oently annOllllCed ''""1, " pro-u.! .. ~-.'~ · ~...t,:!Ji. ,.,,.. • fie~" I 1 Coftp._..,., aad tlle folkt at ti.. net ot tu.world. """"to• beet lo & ~~to -~ ... a ' • , The Sergeant would like. jlllt once, to have aomeone ~ ·~.r· j• M9'W NANI> •••"~· home, C.,. undomMd the dltf•r-Tiie' value or tll• dolla• i. alao reclUCe tllo oupl'4( ot ·, ..:...1\19'•' -·~ .. wrn·and look •t ·llll' from the Harbor area request a tuoe to be play.cl 'for local · I I _.,4, .,... M\weon WI tNI 110, t>ut ot e<>ftCOm to every cltlNn. lier tleul&rly Jl'ala·f~ -· ~I!"'" hum1'1o .,...,_vora u -~ ~ 00 .. ••'-~3 __ ...,_ they cannot~ tlle dltf,,...,.,.. ea-the ••1,__.11o1et .. •f"lem psm •lto«Y llu ~!'"...-i ~Y ener. • · · r servicemen ·on the Music Muter!DJ Mall Man procram. · · -tu "1lllo!I """'•to bll· we Ila" come..., coil ''tbe llmeri· ~ feedtn to "'* mttje, 1o · 'l'bl.o· ~~ ~~!. Tol'd Addrella of the program is Home Town Mall Bae, APO-3, 11on. . . ' • eon w,.Y' dopo'1'18" for 1u -mariJot betaro tlley wm:f, .• .r,..iy, peai... ·~·· --,· ~· care of P09tmaster, San l"ranciaoo, Calltomia. ol ~ 5' D. Tb&t.i. Wiiy i!i,_'pub~o dobt, on 1111 oper11Wlp UP!"' the uoe · ot wltb tile l'Oflllt ·tbat~~~"'P-.ins aood~ 'till next'-~,;;. In bia letter. the Sergeant Ail!: , ti. _ -r/ ' ol. _ Au.-uat 111. wil UMMU3S,Ht.86. money. Ul!dlr tllli l)'otem, tbe ii>· plleo .,.. llelntr leergr--4 ..at P>• ' L(!~ . 0 he iwr: At U.. -..ry. momont WI w•"' dlvldu&I .. u. 1111 .-lo OJ' OOTVic:u -·of aTeductlon I~ ~Jqtal , " . "Whole towns are sendlnC In requeata to thla Anny ulltl... to Ill• u..-lte,.,tery, for 1110J1ey; he ~eeklet wllat lo do om...,.t qi ~ we will ~ fl!\" to ' , ... . • , ' ~ Sqseant who is the Music Mutarlnc Mail Man and has .u.,..t ie. 1961 tho Ho-w .. dtoc-1na-an ou· ~111 . the' m~•y ho r-1vea, and proc!uce. ll'UttllerNChllill!?il"ll)Pl'O' iDrom1nent Artists · ' . • r'"ewport Balboa ~u thortutioa foT \Ile Mutual aeeur-he know. that h• ~ expect to ductlon can be ex~, 1 bec&Ule _. • • : ' ::J.. .Ii the beat program in the Far East." 2211 Bolboa Blvd.; It¥ Act of lMI .. 'nll• ... -do bttur llldl•lduaUy \t he ltrivu •IJle. "roll-lioek" refU}t'iioN ,.tU to be Honore-g-. < '"I wish some of the newspapers and people fl-om the Newporl Beaell. c.ilfontla • name for tpe ECA (guuonteed to to. make hlo tflorla productk>• dlacouraa-e feeden from reftWnr · . , • ". Ne'IVPOrt Harbor area would get ·together an.d have som~ Glad to ... th• ,....mm•ndauon of Ill• Port., -h aM Recr .. , ro out ·of lKlllnMo thlo year! l than If h• does not. Koney and their teed Jou. ' A recepUon on Suirday. ~ and other tteN ot aid to 61 for· f'tff market prlce1 are key fae!ton ·Price and wace ceillqp wute trom e tb 9 o'c1ock--bil···tr'bU9 sonp played for us guys In this area." lion Commtalon thot dos• be lt<pt 011 beach.,. •Ip n&uoe.a Th• omount lo '7.· 1n ~ermlnlng the dlotrtbqUon of manpowf~. which lo ••• oc.,-cut ¥< O.Uery at the !IOOI. lit&JI.' "We are lone11<>me to hear from you pe0ple and" It 1'n)'O'U' ultln1 cnoll chlldJ'<n to the beech muot appftel&t..' ~ Ml,T6G.080. I eey without any goocla In • "free-choice" 1yotem. re10UJ'Ct. Millions ot man·h\"'rl . 31!% M&rine ovenue, ~· ~ · doesn't seem that anyone carea about U.8' u no onf!' in this •<"lion, .for the ch:lldrm dl.J'stng In the u.nd ti not tor lb.emMlftl. bnltaUon that not a m61.ber ot It we allow ln'"?l&Uon. to destroy mua:t be dJ_ve~ from pn>d~'Ye land. wW honor one.ot the~ ~ Dop ar@ all rl,Jht and ban thelr pla~. but beach loWJ!.I wttb 3Jt. the Com.mitt~ on Fort>ign Attain, tile value ot our· money, we Will ~ffort to the unproductive Job of try't foremo.t marine patnteft. . area: .baa. song. played for ua." and more, Ul.lrty toot lot.a acatt•ly have room fOr huma.na; and of Republ\can or Democrat, can give h&v,e to use ration coupo118 &nd 'the Writing regulatlomi and the lm· Duncan Ole.don. and the ~ +-'. ''[ would like to hear frOm the Balboa area. Or are courae anttary reuon• would naturally prohlttlt U.em wh~tt people an lntelllfenl a.na.Jy1Ui of the items decision• or CJOwrnment admtnla· poul:t-Je jpb of enforclnr Ulem. portr&tt artlat. Tbdma ~ • they too busy bavin• fun that· th"" have forgotten abo"ut In. th• bill. It ,... mrood..t In 0.. tratora to a..tom<ltle Wlltt to to The tuk not only roqu~ tlloU>-Hope. · • -., ' llt, •It tn4 play u at beach~ park.I, etc. 9t"Cn<:Y wttb which lhE' Mllit..,..y be produced and hdw it la to· bf> al\da of Government emplOJ'ff.4. It . Thia is a special ahow at the p1 .. ··us. l know we haven't forgotten about theltl."' The "compromlM" attitude of the , lea1h Wtll not a.ntwer the and State Department hide tbe diatributed-&uah a •yltem leaves &tao fcireea private em·pIOyeta to lery. Mr. Gleuon la best ~ Our beSt an~r to that questioii is that we've never sanltaf')· objfoction and many dog owner• will not comply with that Naml\I for apptOprtallona for tor· little frttdom. of aholce to tbe In· divert ~oueanda of m&n·bohra of tor hi9 marines and ~ )>eard ot the program here In the States and Mn. Poore'a l&w In town, much l•u at the beach. Then too oome ol uo think thal elm policy •<tlono. Membera ol dlvicluoL It r<4Uce1 1Ddl"1dual In· Jabor . tc lhe. unprod\leU~ effort tor-1111 p1eturee pf hlltoriNI o111pt. · twenty feet of rope la ~ot what ta meant tiy th• leuh law. Ute commll\M IU~lt cut. of a centlW:, promo\,ee the mlluae of of interprettng and. carrlf.n.C' out Be Will be ahowinl' a number of telephone call has been our first information on tltis sub-tMrd ot,. bllllon..or haU a billion : productive re80urc .... and reduee.o the multitude °.r rej!UlatiDllL hlo ~v.-. and a1oo prinla. Jln. -ject. Mrs. Poore's. and several other servicemen's wives No doubt the proper etty autborltlea will comply wtt.h the recom· '°"'"out.ltd• the comm.Jttee .... oflr ability to •produc,e goodl and Shortagee ln•vltabliy...,,oocur. Glenon wtU aceompany tter lnut-- are mending in musical requests for their servicemen. You mmdaUon. olher"W18e why have a Park, S..Ub and Ret"re.uon.l ... t • bllllon or two bUllon. In se:rvic4!:•. '"'8 .utS8ttt"tton of U· whenever price' conlf?lle1'8'8\lcdeed band. • -' - Cammi.ton. tll.at cloud of oonf\18'on we l"O to lion c:oupona and .PoliUcal 1 deela· tn depreuiJlg a price beWW .Ole Mra. Hope ls equally wen IPiOwn can do your part by requesting a number for Newport Wm. W .. ANDRJm'S the Floor thlo afl.mloon to •ot• Iona for the autoll)aJ.lc tunclionlng tree snark.et leyel, bee'l"!Hl "1• low· .. an artlet Gd "'''"' -Ifft. Harbor area servicemen from the Music Masterinc Mail Man. au 01'i'hl4 .\"· m.,,.,;'whlth will ptaco an.,,.,... of • IN• muket l!i•vltably )"Ove• er price •tlmul•~·· "d•f!'and and Vera Wulloma' pfeMllt.tioa ~ ----•• C«ol\& fel Mar, Calif. a.tk "ot mar. u.an uoo bn evepy lA the dittctlon• ol per Capita di.&-d!Acouragee J)r-oduction. Ta.ta IN.lb held In .the Utt.le gallery, ~ .tie-. ?'el' la· u.. 2""1 J>latrtct. trlbuUon' on tho pollt1cal ... ,. ·of to· rat.loning', and ·f_o'rc~ h~· comJnir iti<own'. .tO er{ toveri of .Uie CANINE COMMITTEE . l?'llllll1'l 'm-"' niaclt •Y you one-.............. . . ..rv .. to •tend •In hne fpr com-~-' •• U7 . . • . WllATuannrum TO THOSE Slllllll' nr , ......... .L...... -·-etW u...... .P.i.. '1!d ....... eontrolo are op modllU.. wbioh we lia~e \he abll· ln.ttaU.,,.. are belnir -t" -,. e have some recomm.enda~ons for committee appoint. • llMl"l.nW r.i ur uuu f ....,...,.at . • betw_.;-:j3 lneff•Ctbe. and. . .unwork.obla ...ap· lty lo produce 111d dlltrt~ In • tor the recOJ>Uon and iii.,;y ~ ments to make the City Man~r and to the Mayor and • . • o· • -~ ~\lie, dlt!....,... ,•. proo<ll to. the pr<>1>lem or ""'vent· m"l;ll better ~-. i.u and, trt-w111 ~ ' .• City Council. I...aat .week's council beard read demandll By Wllltenl I. ~I ae tblo moy _. lo ~ Conitt.i • • ,;,~·· ·, ~--~ • ..;: lcldJ lnir; infloUon-Tl<ey are a elllmoy In time, price eonJ:::.r ead lo . . . • " • , • ·, puee<1 ltet Beptembe• -Ill~ ,..,..llll>"r. .,_, .,_,. ,.... 111 _ e o1ld ln,ftlcknt ou'beUtue for t.be ouboldlee, beclUM • 1...... , from' the Balboa Island Improv~ent Aaaociatlon that a Row did-you °""'1 out wltll months tner tile ·autbruk of th4 -'9ok ,Sii lllOlltlle Ullo -· automatic! tuncliellinl" ol a tre. Uvee "bee-noceuary· ~ cet ; . law be puaed that all dop ~ Nied frorrl the ~ch w,bether l,llooe-llllP!I you ~ l'b Ute aver-Korean ....... -1 •peeitk ect t4 mot, l"'!k lllo ~Qy. 1114 U.. a.::.; economy .. Tiiey e&llftot pi>.u1~y ne<ded prciducUon. SUbaJlllH in· on lea.sh or accom~nled bv . "· 0 r ': ;:-y e outhome U..· XoHtlme Cb111mlo. -~.tile .1 la ~~;,,,1 pruent tnn.~i!ln.~..t>,ceuee they JJ......,,_ Oaftmm•nt "°""' In · a '.;.· fR!i • i;---=; • • · 10 ..._ • UI OI•''"'' _,_, ___ ...,.._:a~·b>e ·~ptoina Of UK ,e.tool ..... Ue~~et ·i. °" \i Pfi 0H~~:UNf.L ~ ~ :..1r.l~IOr:1 r' ' • '-'21» , -. to , to , tile -8t.-....,. tT per ... .: of llv:ir orl&"ll)al c..tj fl I "'1 Uttlo lllA -·la pt, pl'O~leifi and not at Ila reot ea.J..1. a!Peady tnflited. Su~ldllf aqra· to the .bOw-wbwa. It WU .as ""lc;ome aCf'OllS the council a o ship, ~ 10un like Foolloh ton ol th• ln..t mO!fern ot Y""' ~ I<> the pooplo. It .. ._.. ~-a matter of feet, If a govern· vote lnllaUon by lrjcreulng the wwwn&u ' • • • board u the well uaeif tiiee at a garden party · Groan.a Qu.e11fien N'u,.bu not. 11ut la tt ! remainln& abJpa., Now, an that lnl Ufd. u l Mw ottf:n told·you, ment Wl!re to decide to deliberate· Government deCiclL . . • ~ • . You and your teiiow·. tax:pay..en you ha Ye ten.. out at lbe m&IJllf1C· to 11Upport aovemmenta wh~ for ly create ~ tnnation, it would Carrle<t to their logtc~l co'!.clu-· Wfaf'! he.a.rd from the back Of _the roo~ and sey~~ council· have employed an ~7' to do ent merch&Q.t neet wbkh YQU the most pa.rt, ~ Ute kJeU on want tf:rat to put .On price COl)trols ion, price and w~ge. controll, rat· LE&Tl'!& A..·~ D. 0 . & men could be seen to shake like our Dachshund suffering )'O'Ur 1blp "'tmylog tot" 'you. lt 14 owned tn lffl la a moUey cou~ .. wtlilrh thle nttlon · wu fou"49d~ so u io'•concet.1 ftom. the ~P.le, toning, and subsidleS would mean I DENTISTRY hom a bad dream. "W!ai ··not agairi," said the Mayor, commonly refePNd to u the Uon of ob9qt.ete Uberty ahlpa and a.ltd work-~ \IL India took u Ion( &3 poatble •. the fact ti;,at tbfo complete abandonlJleD~ -of ow ., . ,, • United state. Maritlme Oommia· 90me of the CMJt,mOd~ veaaela ~· srtJ.n musJST and mobtllaed her the. valur or lhelr money W81J being preaeat economic e~tem, The eX· l"irst they want fences. and he looked around the room, oloa . It lo ownlnal17 dfrected by r<quloltlnned vncl<+ the P"'uu~ army aplaa Paltllt&a, wbJ<:h bu deetroyed. . teJU1ton of the po~r "to1 control 1'~d then they w~t leashes, soon it will ,be a. bot dog the United Statea Consru-. of war. Ooe91l't th.ta le.ave you tJ\ been ~ently ov friend. By e~tlng cOnfuelon, dlsnipt· price• and wages witb therattend· ind a bun " •· A few YMn aso, ln order t.o wln fine condJUon to tranlport. your (ll Very r--~ know what ing" normal bualnea procedure• ant authorltiea whicbrere>-part of a · • . vlcto.ry In you..r World Wk n, your troopi1 and suppUea ta e.iroae and '8 Mini' dOM by the UnJ~ ltatu. and relationshtpe, celling rerula· s,..tem into wbleh lheee·pcJW~ tall 1 Froni way lD the back of the council room someone Martlime Commiaaon built for Alla 1(" and wb~ Ruua entera the Th&. i. lmprowd ree111tly, ~Ute ~on.t m'1ce the job ot g-ettin·g pro--threaten• the tound&t'aon,ot Amert.. aC'd 11Better yet put the complainant.a on a lea.ah." A you at your ekpeue mOre ttta.n preeent tray! · relnll of eo111ment1 on. thU 'Potnt. d,uct1on YMtly more dlUlcuJt. This ell'• 111cceaa. bolh·U a ;n&Uoq .&nd chuckle ran through the room and a little old codcer aaid five thoUMQd .ahlpo welchln&" on It will oloo lnto,...t you lo know by Oanp-11tuallon grow1 steadily wo,,,. ... f>OITI the 1t.andpolnt.of.oppo~\l!\lty ••Wb . Sam Hill 'tted t k . hts the aver"&p .of neuly 10,000 ton.a that S3 of your 1hil)IJ weR eold on (I} )i(.Qllt tmport&nt.... ~ reported lhe number or regti.Jatlo"-' multl· of the lndJvkluat ci«Un. ere lD are you pernu 0 eep any ng • f'ach. Tt\e totel COi\ of \he ahlpa a amall down p&.frr'lent to NalioD· Illa conaldertd n:pl&na.tlon for Ute pUM. Each new order lne~ta.bly • dog or otherwise... , whlch we.re th\&I bourhl-ror Y.OU h\. albt ptn•. ~ve.n of lbeee, wtien acllftatirledced ~ of \)le creates new problems and thereby • If · So the Mayor allo:wed as how he sbo~ld appoint a the y..,. 1tu to JJ•~ tnOIUllvo 1n Brttl.ol\ wat..-.. w•re ol&lmed u s:..~n .. ll...,. to JOlll 1n mill· forcu the d ... lopment of further Socia l. We _are . ' . .· . wu aNrty Sll btllto.n.a, or, Oft Urie prtsea by the Cblneee. It.eds. The tar)' · aftd f!CCIODMic 1'sau wbich regulaUona f"d ltll1 turther probo comrmttee, a corpnuttee that 18, to report back to the COUD• .... roe•. \l'Ol"O thOJ< '300 !or every Br1lioh. INteod of ""urning 111... we ~lr"eonoldor lo be for l•ma. f:oeb •lep do.wn tillo road In· Picn rc Announced . c:l1 and to the Balboa lafan<t Improvement Auociatloil. tunU7 la tb• notlorl. · lblpa to lll• mortp ... holder-th• their baneflt. more ti.an OW"9, H• .,...... Government eont.olo ov.r Whereopoo Councilman Dale Ramsey who Uvea on the Throug'bout the W..-ld Wor. Unit~ State. Maritime Commu.. said tile •v......, Europetn expecu th• acllon1 of the lndlvlduol and The Orange~e<iunty pi..J;·~1 tit• • , " • 1 your ehipa played their parta weU, alon -aUowtd lb• R.edl to con.. the United Statea to collapR ln br1np u11 cloeer lo the complete California lnatitute of 8oclal Ml· Island. B&Jd 'Mayor, old boy, he said, 'You of course will euTYin• men and aupplJee or all fiacatai them.. lo now t.bffe eewn not ~ver "20 yeara., due to our to~ regimentation of our entll"e econ· fa.re will be held at Lu PalomN 1786 Newporl Blvd., Coot& llloa Medical BldJ. Beacon mt ' . ~ E. Bay Ave., Balboa · Harbo!' S2T .J V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. Jil-. OPTOMETRIST ~ -7 Appota-t UH W, N~ BITIL ~ewport lle&ell -r !$11 1 carry the committee's find.inp to the laland." And .the kind& to nriou. pa.rta or the of you-r mhlpe are akltnc your elm poUdM and a waatetulnea, omy. 'It haa been uUm&t.ed that park, north of Anahfilm ,on tiept. NOJtTJ~ )layor witft jaundiced eye askew looked at the .Wanders .... r1c1. llGme of your mlpa w.,.. •nemleo. ., With mont)', wbleb tho European tbere are 9,000,000 different price• 6. Thia lo to be • bullet hpjcb ~~!· .. ~ .. "t. ·••·"I': • ,, , . }• eold or .J'l•en tb our allle.: IOf'l'l:e And U1J9 ta JtOt.iL &enator WU· Mmply cannot under at a ad. in our economy: The complez na~ ffall;. thole lte din tO t.be. • v--and 1.8.ld But, that 8 you Rampy, live an the laland. . Were tunllt, but. whea the ~rmarui llama unccwered eome really Whether or not you •f?'tt, lhta turr or muket prices, part.Jcularly :round lt:30 ~ :. 4e.re :~ tt! So as all controversial matten, fooliah, capricloUB and J..-neee wrrinderect, you at financial dMla 61.tered in· ta etartlln&'· in agriculture, ls Uluatl'Rted by the muatc and tun for an, with a pair 1 '10 Coaat mp..., and alimbo are aaaigned the communcation drop.ped on City KIU hek1 titli to a goodly number lo on r Mhalf b7 your apnu. Now I give you t,4e nrst of the fact that there are over 400 recog. of young entt:rtalnera who Will 0080NA DEL Kil . • . Of u..e nueta. Two la 'tPtff MJltt for you al et&Ulllcs.l ta bl 1 mt.aed, U•· nlsed otl'lctal quallUM Qf raw cot.-la Um aqcordi n airis and dance PA y AND NIGHT Manager John Sa1IOl'8 desk. And Sailora, prevtoualy comz ... pou 0 ... all too wou oware. the tlllebem •tMI oblpp.rde In I lt3I th .. ....!"' th . t ""'· eoch ol whk:b .. ,.....nu • p y .-lb 0 ' . Pboll• Rarllor. il ' fortable in sport shirt and unharaaaed, turned white and tb• smoke of botll• had _,.,.1y lHO ~· a coot lo ,.0.. ot SUH-*. ~Uon~ 1n" th• · na~.::":f dlfl•renl combination ol end• n.:..;: i. t! :.:"th~: l!.!ti:'i !'..------..,...----..-•• a.aid 'IJ.le you mean me, Mayor!" cleued away In &utope when It In l I. t.M7' were '90ld lo ~· £urqpe ta l42'H: Be.IJium, 111: and ataple. In addJUon, different in Oran(e oount:y at which Geozlge JNSmi.A.NCE • _ , became olwk>u.e that war with Amer South African Linet, l>ti1m 'k, 111. Fran 126 . Greece lota i:tf cotton eonailtl .... of ldentl· Mc.Laln wUJ .peak. 'Dle·'pubUc 11 J r-----------7 And answer from the politl~ }>rop&&'aodiat on the -m1r~t b-1< out at any Inc. 1..-UT.GOO Ndl. And. tocley. u.a· ~Y 140. Lw<~.;.~g 119. cal combtnaUono or Jrade .., cordl&Uy ln"1ted to i.tiend. ,,,.,. . Old Eotabllahed ~ ; public payroll who now has electric device. to do what uni--111 >low of Ulle fut. y0u the oi;,.t>on ot tbeee lblpo lo bez Neu....i.nd., i58 Na""8y, • 161 ; Ollaple. niay VATY a1trntricanUy In will lit 0 tpeclal l>uo' ~C' Ille Arency little work was left, pointed to the wire rerorder· and aaid had • dlllt lo upect tbat JYUr In( .. --l>y tbe Vatted Grett Britain, 12T. value becaU.. of differ......, In Mela tllel...., ot 10.:16 1 ..ahali>· 1 All Unu written. "It heard hi .. ...nt. tbe Maritime CommiMlon. Stat .. ~OoYemn>ent -of ......... The bulc orirument lor Marz llUCb flM:tor• u l<IUllle otren.-u;. .. ... lo 75 cenu pef l"OUJ\'I trip. 'ROW ABD w "EBR1811 m. and ttie Dlrector, U.e United at you Upm99! •hall Plu. aid wu to ttrinl the uniformity, v;a.rtety, mollture eon· TboM wlabinl tra.mporta~.-con· • ,.. We have a recommendation. Slateo Cori.-rut. WO\lld -to \t Rtlll mon bllan<!. I! poulbl•, lo ~uetlv......; ot \MM aatloou tent, maturity, ....r ftl>er dluneur. tact Dorotby Hiatt. llea<oli llOll·J I 1llOI Newport Blvd., Clo.ta_ All aergeant at arma of the committee we would auc-tbat rou• .llllp. ••re oil -opt ta the ot lllne ot :rour llhlpo back lo • pre-war normal. It i. an o-• lm-11>1Uty tor or at 62' w .. t lPlll Streff. Coote . PHONE BEACON n111 tha Ci . ·. llOQd Jrtm to eerw :rou wllon JOU wlllclr ~ u.t.•1.m Juet • any IJ'O\IP fll men lo fbt 1,000,000. x-before Ausuat 11 r i,r ;:::::r;===:=::;:::;::::::=, ce&t t the t1 l!Jngmer'a Bour "" nuned to the com, Mat fOlllld It -rsury to meet few on ~ Y ... r ~ti .,.. ' ~t pr1CU 4110f keep t1MNn In ' . ' '"" "" "" "" "i "" " mittee: u chairman of the board Braden Finch'' YorUhln: Ulo attack or anQUMr aoemy. au! Ht>Ort 1o have oold 'tli-thlpo 1 Hor-bor St or. a ;l'"'P<• rallt~tp , 1o o&ch uomcu , ...... -· · BE · $URE. NSURE and-of counie to take the part of the Mayor hla Cocker 18 tbat -raolly l\appen.od · to the N1cholloo-1Ja1......i -, ·s· th...I p rty otller, -It tb• °""'illllUato'" · * .·-• , -• -~ lnado at tbe ,,_,,,In· ohlp puy ot Demllt 1w o"""' tr qt!ly t!1 ftH 11111art '•'-P t0 ~o Mr. and ~ W~or r.eyeutt I llpanlel: then to annoy everyone we would name that ~u.aio ot tile clolnp oc the total '308.IU. A1ICI now 111e • ' _. ~Jle Jiet•i•• '° .,.4. tllotr t.W. -a and 1 11.&t1JllJC ft~ character of our bouaehojd, "Baron von Bitllhlemer," he. ~ "-Corpora, OODt,...., --. Ha.-.U. chapter, o . IE. a.. maay prtcee, LMY. -*' c;!lanp Don or Tellur1de. CloL · orriY'Od 1 • ' ~-~ of dlatincuJabed lineap and a 9tJllle of l!\ullor· IU!d to -ioc1 -toi; Jolla J. WIU!t"" trom . ~ -or~ ....,to attar -. dOll< for -1 t11e1r NCl'latloeo tut """"'° to bere 11aturc1ay "!Id haw -m-, 111 ._,A Ba• 1 • ., • . . .• " • -Of Dolt""'9. lo lllqollrw lalo' the -the -a.I a aa c • -._ "1li -* oa ,........, ...., up with ~ .,._le luai ,,,........ ,_ -=t•tt,... -1 be aure that order wu apt wa. wowa set "Mlll:e," that wJttlo -v... o( 11pw ...-11 your .=....., u. aocurltJ ot ....-,; 41'C· • --~ -1 eondltlou. 4 ,_ ~ dglo lhlJ -11. Mr .. -.. . t.I tile . mlchty mutodon of. Vince ~o. And wjiere would a,.tr "'" ~ _,., atter tbMo *""'a ,.._ ot .... ""'' "'-• .,..111 ~ 8lld W. ll'-•·--.;-"""llF·. :-ot Mn.· & B. w • nth · · · all meet. In aome .tockade where we are av. the ,,_ ,.... .......... lb~ -.. ~. ! Bow -~ cllol tblo ....... ,. palnlJa. J .. _OlitUt --0.tla•Md prioo '"'"" -..... ~ and • --... ..,..,. otl w. Stv ' , .... . . . . -·~ti..-'"--•II T Toa.~_ .... le-Harold l'lll1L il 'nit ........ CO••••'! ntlfr•"'' .. -~ ......... ~ ~ .lln ~1 .Clll:NBlto\L ~ wouJ4 wm with lrlndn-of! heart. t111~ clepjlld-· Bo --u.o MufUm• 1e1~ Americatt. -~ -14 ,...,.,...,. u.o ....._ ., ..... •,,.,,.,.,,rat~··~ -· . f 1 I 1 ~/flfohiotiotl ability, rell&bility, and det.ertlllnatlon, aDd a PMf'<l"''-atian ~!•!!<It ... ...t Mt. It -not u. ...,.,..,,..., too <lit· ' , : -• ~ •• • · ">i • ~ · • ..., 1· •• __. of what baa been milmamed the "¥lilt f 8 Klndli " Mr>' "'bop ..., .,.,...., •-(lc:'!I'-' n.,,... Gilt; • ..-..,-l ·" -.-• . . o WIWI -, B•lt..• ot U. ..... Of...,.. .... tw ,.... All all, &t11dlo .. to Bw11.. ~=Jf= .. s'"':"=-~--==== ... :z:=·==··="=~ • • ~ • • MC .... , .. , a& ...... WU· Si= tllte ............. ,.... -' -----~-------~-------=--.--!*-" •;101-.. u. .... ~ ..... -·•··· ...... JM&. ..,....,, D.n. l •mb BooL IC 0 .. ' H. ' ~ ,, "...,,.,.= ••1' at~ °'" •i-=1• ::t at EAm.; w. STANLEY .. " · • • m. om• Ter -...--11111•ir,,.. ,..,.., ~ 1n .... • t -• "' • _ · o · Th' W _1' D ..1 Mada~..,,--., 1.-., ,_. ....... -, · ut rs •• oetQr ana ldcle Ill<! .._ ....... • 1 •• •::'" ....,., -. ..... !"::......,. .. , J N•'f N •c • ta\a -Nollllllled lj 17•---~ to ·-~ of ... .,.._ --• .._.\, ... , -1111 MQ .. ft-.... > '--P' . Y •-,..--....---.. I _,,... """' -_.,.., U ..... fll Jm. ...,. In 11l9 -1'llllr ' ............ U1ll , .... -~--lll~earflt•..le ..... '-a&IM!r-..... ._,_ 0-•lillll• ....... 41 8'1'"•-aiia 'I • : ; :. ~~~tra=-= =-.. C:---:...=,;, i =' ... i.-. .. --=-.. , ...., ....... ..,._ ' ~-:::-r . ... ..... = -; .. Grat-.,_, 7 .-......... '\)Ma. VlrSlnl& '-II "' a.. ........ -.... --" t' ... ..... .. .. · • •t•1 • .. 6 llC 5 I -*"ltt=lll=?~~ ... fte' tw. ll&ft Jo<ot -I -•I •ll•r Ir,_. ft "I~ -·--... -• ._ ,,...,... ..... m..,...,.. . 511"i>olw ot --..... 1"' I ti._. .... a ~· E A• rto•r tNll _. -... l l 11t • ... lllla.lt-i;. • • laotUie -oa t111t o..rt« w. Elra., •a111 u• - --... ~-Col' ..... -....... • a plntlloa• -·•I-. :1lla Ida~ IPl 1trsllll w; ... . ~· --=r tbt7 I oot et S'"la • llrl' • ..... loitilri ;._.,., ..... -tmlr, ............. • .... --· ,,,. ... ~ ;,lliiioit11 ._ •• , ... -. • nr. .--.... ,. ...... .-&·~· • I • • - , • • gvtN A ~llOUN-~ ooiild -dlin -,..,. P T -MiM °"'- ~ Banlooa, 'ol ..._ hlaad. and Jimmie Kalla. ot C--dd _, Jllat'. llAcl at the festl,ft luu ·held at tbi 'Balboa lllaJ' cillb ""'* ftunda7. ci.-to HOO plly e..tumed m....i,.,.. aad cw-to at- tn<!Od U.. pla am.Ir. (Photo by Beckner) Dukes of Dixie Band to Play Friday Evening at Tar Pit Dance Sponaor•d by Zonta club, of Newport Harbor the popular Dukes of Dixie will play at the Tar Pit for three consecutive Fri- day evenings. On Aug'Wlt 24, 31 and Sept~mber 7. Teen •C"en of the area a.re invited to attend. Following the theory that it takes a live band to make a Tar P,it party a success the Zont.u are providUiJ' one of tbe I.iv~ in the county. Re.freehmenta will be served by the club. Community Players Already Active in Fall Program This year's dlrecton of th Newport Hilrbor Community Play- ers .teem to be> ma.klnc good on their ptoml!le to have an active and interesting· seuon for ·1901 ·52. They 1tarted it with a hlgbly aucceat'UJ and entertatn.Jng eoclal affair at the borne ot Dirrct.or Patti Witte in.Corona de.1 M.'t.,r juat .....,,uy. ~TO ___ ucl guests who ~re preaent enjoyed a comedy aketc.h presented by VJ.r.. glnla Wen., Betty Jarvta and Marthell& RandalL A ne,.r -to - be • forgotten extemporaneou. de- ecrtpUon of event.I leading up to the sketch wae gtven by PatU Witte. The Dukes of Dixie are a well known loca.l group of boys from Ora.nee Coast college, enthusiutlc expone•ts of Dtxleland music. Tll""'~~~--.,.. ...... !!"'~ or-ganization y...,. •eo at t11e 'eor- ona ~ Mar Lobel.er Bake. In Ncr vember they played at the Zonta Club CamJvaJ at the Balboa Bay club wllere they rrally put pep in the party. Alter playing other enppmenll ln th.ii ate• a.nd livening many & college dance and football game they went out to wtn the Junior College Champion-Later everyone amused and en- ship at Southern California. Fol-tutaJned themaelve..s and each Jowtng this eueoe.a · they were other by ta.king part in a Panto- guest perform.era on George Bare'\ mime Quiz whic;h. lt not on par Jay'• Are You From Dlxie radJo with the TV program aner wh.lch show and Peter Potter's televiaion lt wU patternPd, rated very high show. Followed a short eng.lge-with the contestant.a and the au-dience. ment at the Beverly Caverns ln Hollywood. 'They were packing them in at Stans Ganpla.nk but senalUve ean of the neighbors put an end t o that happy time. Leas than a year tog-ether aild these boys have really moftd along. The Zonta club members !eel that .J.hey are. juat the· ORe8 to bring new life le tb'9 Tar Plt and:· m&ke,. tt the SJcceq that th.ta beautilul club llhould be. A by-product of theae project- ed pa.rtlea and one which plea.es the Club membtra ju.at aa much aa trying to h•lp tlu! Tar"Plt la the fact that they wt11 be provtcl- ing opportunlliea !or the musi- c ian& Meet of the boya are work- inr their way through college so the Zontlana ted that they are k!ll,ing two birds with one stone. In 'prOvldlnl' tun tor the. youth of the atta they are al8o giving a hard workinc croup of young col- lege mua:l_ctana an auUt. It I• upeeted that It th ... three parUea are a aucceas the club will follow a similar program througll ~ echool year Ullng other musical group.a from the col- ff-ge u w~ u the Duk~- Hoots' for ll!e flnt party will be pruldent 'ot the Zonta club, Mn. Helen Stockton and her huaband. Dr. Albert Stockton, Mr. and Mn. Earl Stanley aa4 X..: JITed 'Hope. (Tl\elma .Padllocik Hope) Admlolioa will bo fifty centa pbia tax. The ........ will be In- formal. AU ._ -ra ot Ula ~ u -n u ~er vlaltora are lnvllA!cl IO atUnd. Tile Zonta club h-that" ta ~ -1• will enjoy tll-~ It la ~ lbat all .,_ w1u eoml!IY with Tar Pit rules ••• CoOd bella'O!Or. ------ Director Sydney Morrb gave a brlet revlew of elghl plays being coruildered by the Playreading eommltte. Four are t o be choaen to be preeented during the ensuing months. AU pre!lent agree that it was a llne P~¥.. ~~.,;.jX!!e !""t home with the-.utlra.nce !Kat &ndtt!er wu belng Pta.Jined tor the near Mure. Pregtdent R a n d a I 1 announced that caattng for the flnt play wtll pl"Ob&bly 'take place the early or middle part ot Sept.ember, to co- incide 'aa clooely u posilble with evening aeuJona at Orange Coast college which st.art September 17. Memberahip renewa.La and ap-- pllcatioru can ht eent to Jo Wll· der, memberahip chairman, at 261 Evening Canyon Road, Corona del Mar. New Color Film of Passion Play to Be Shown Here Newport B e a c h Community Ke:t.bodtst church announcea theJ' will show the new color feature tUm ''Obtramm.-rpu -and it& world·famaus Puaion P lay" on Bunda)". Ausuat 28th at 8 p. " Thi. be&utitul new IOUD.d . rum In koclachrome color portray. Im- portant ace.nee from the world- famoua Paaalon Play In Bavu!f.. In tableau llyle; alto llhowa mM1J m•plflcent 8Ceftea of the Obe:f'.. amme:rpu envtroM, lta people an4 countr,..ide. paloCH, Ut treu- une, Ba....W._AJpo,ete. end U.. cut ol tile PUiion Play >In - B 11.:. I l•nd tuma It la lm-">le. ot eoane. a uoa s .. to in.;-111• ..,t1 .. p1a,., - Metkodisf Church :,ea,..::.~.!: =-~ <::: • llibu:ltee), _. U. • •• ftll e his I rt&7 at~ 1r111 ctn • ~ .. r• ,.a. Tdsstll1C11r•2 ... cll'Dr.Baz.T7 ot~b 'eptq,llSaznils• W¥la ,,m .-U. • -rhe-Ooldc OMt., 8tsn £) _. cwl• '' 18 Co¥." or._ Pol>lir w1lJ &bis. --la-= -•• --• FJ I .... ..,-..+a .... n..__ p1o1e --_. 11 ; u;z '7:~':' :9 ~Yo 11111111 1a Diel' s4 - s e ,,.iii I ( • az 7 Q b • 4 t *' ... Ml , •di' hal. ... Ca al ftlm nuunt •II•'#• . . Mra. ....... ''9 r~ M1 N. 9a.J' ... 1tr' J1 'E WllJ '1Jia. 9tt \ 'lrAr• In •, !!szt:• u. • • ft• c• ..... -f/6 W .... I •--· flft ._ It tllo ... -... ..... .o-... ••• • ..,. ...... to -.. "1 1 , »: . .,... ... aw r••s•. • GU.>m FORD, OEN!: TDlL'iET "Secnt Of Con•lct . Lair•" llAlllOAJUl:T O'DIUEN "Her · First •omance" •SUNDAY, '.l'tESDAY 'StralMJers· Oii a Train' AVA GARDNER. a. M1TCHUM "Forbidden. Pcast" , . Mesa,.\/ • SATIJi&D4y LAsT DAY 'Straagin on a Traill' OHINA OO!t&Uft, ION HAU !!llJNDA1'-TUUDAY .n:ANNY.: CRAIN "Take Ccn of My Uttt. Girt" Doubl~ Tecbnlcolor Hill .. C.4. Tl'LI: DRl'VE" JOf'I Mt'Crar, Dfoan 8 tMk\\'l'll -Plus - 'MARK OF THE RENEGADE' Rieardo Montalban, Cyd Chart ... COMING SOON Bin• Crmal>Jl'H N"e'" Ptetuft't 'HERE OOMES Tll!l GROOM' 5't/R.I=',.,: ll\.b 1044 BmiTINGTO!!I BEACIH NOW-TBJlU 8Aru11DAY -~·-- - -Ulltlf ... LOA·~-... 111 "'Ul /1111,· 2ozzu. -Al'ID-.. ···········~ ------. .. = ml• • llio -- • •• • bADWAY-, . A I Oool ...... °""''·-=.Now 60¢ i:1 NOW !IROWJNO "•ON MAN" I t Cbaart.... Ew!ya K.,.H -Ahlo-, "IJAbV A.ND TUE BANDIT" I IAula~, Patrkla M..U... ! STARTS 8UM>A V , "WARP~Tt4" Ed """ O'ftrWo. ~ J•srr -,At.o.-... · · --~'J:B 'RU T ~ , 'A ·oavat.Ell" ·•,Kathi O'Don..U ,PAULO -o.o .. Ops 1111 :o ilEY~s sEAFdOP ;:· · • ,.. •• 7 J _.,: •• , __ .• ,,. · Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lunch or _Dine _ By )lie Bay . cheons 1.00 • Seafood ·Cocktails YISlf THE NEW HUT ... o.ut n1 ... ,, La&w'a ,,._ 4-9006 for -- , SOW OPEN · ' ~HRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX ' ' f!uck " Cocktall Bar oft tM Plf'r 1Athmtt9 CAT~A ISLAND IOSSl'S FlNt:. ITi\LIAN DINNERS Also . . Steaks -Prime Ribs Cc:>c.ktails' ,J6ll Coast Blvd. • irihfl'S ~. 1.25 up • Seafood-. Salads 11-.-.iiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiims• ill'llDB -l!'J8B-AL!IACOiu: ·-WIL~CUDA Har~r 1180 Corolla del Mar • FOOD TO TAKE our -· • 1 35 C~st ·Hiway -Next to Port OralMJ• • Newport -&aeon ksc· . SAM ·s ' • SEA FOO.D "At the. Sip Of the Sword!lsh" COMPLETE COURSE LUNCHE;ONS • DINNERS •;~W;.'~~~ • m?.r:iAY s u R F s I D·E 8!4~111)i:i:.,. -.. --t -... arid 6"!'~! ~ OPEN EVERY DA'Y! • Klddleil Day ~ W""-lay • 11 N-to • p. ftL • FREE BALLOONS ' . Coacea&lou 5¢ • Rides 6¢ BATii HOUSE FACD.ITIEll FOR lllllN AND ll'OlllEN < . TV ANTENNAS • • Call us · for initellatlon or Sf!rvi;ing of yollr enfenne • • P;ompt '1•rviee· by expert teehniciens • Low prices TIDE TV -- ··:1 CACTUS CAt. PY rf: 11 MCTC·ll~.c & MCM <;NE:(l •r -~R "Now ya 901 him, Y<Mr • , , •. . • : • Ir . ' . '. ' .. • .._. k •• r Top& is:i · Food ·:•* . .. . . . T4pJ i!' · Ehterhtinment * *· Cocktails f'iom I 0 a. m. * Dinner ' from 4 p. m .. MEET YOU :AT "THE INN" . l:tenrY,1 Famo'ut Foo,1.-.. •. ' . '-· . .. ' ~)lo--•" .J • .j !": •i ' r I JAJ:X· l\UIUIBU. .AT Tl3E PIANO BAI\ 'NIGHTLY OCIU\N 1'110N'I', Al'). THE PnIB -Bill.BOA, CAUF. ~our hci8ts, 'DICK and KATE PENT·· • ,. \ . • , .. . .. Dml"9 lll>Om opon ~ . ~ '\; . ·.:·. 11:30 A.M. lo 8 P.M. da~y -~ '+ O.~. Sundays ond holidays Pi.On.: "1mbJr 2-2196 loft cif l'i!EE· PARKING. • Cit .~ i : . . . . • • • • • • " ., ' ... • I • • j, ' . . • • . , • ": l • r • . • • , ·4 -PART I -lHURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1951 ~ J ·~RESS-fi .. . _. . -.:coming Rites for Gloria Diamond· 'Inspire Rouna ·of Sh9wer Events __ ..:.... __________ .... Important · l.n early September , . SNAl·l.S· ARE.UEEDIN&NOW! •• ':7ime1o rid ~r garden With · BUG·GErA Pellets FLOWER SHOP GARDEN SHOP 131 3 . Coast Highway ~orona del Mar Phon·e Harbor 590 · wedding& la tbat of Mine Gloria Diamond to Lawrence Guild, eon of Dr. and Mr•. Lawrence Guild, Sr .• of Los Angelea. Several pre- nuptial events. both here and in ., the city, have been (iven In honor or the attractive lnd ~ daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jack Oia.mond of San Marino and Bal· boa. "In J uly Gloria'• silllter, Joyce, hon1e from Honolulu, whert1 shi waa making ma.ny new friends io help with arrangement.a and assist tn tumtahing t he new homto in Alhambra, for that la where lhe young couple will live. Since then lt ha., been a round of planning, ahopplng and being enlertalned.. Mrs. Warren A. Scott a nd her siater, Mrs. Leo De PuncJan were co-hostes.ses at a chl.mpagne cock· I tail party and buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Scott, 11217 Eaat Bay Ave., Aug. lO. DE>eora.tiona were while gladioli, with a miniature bridal party u manUc decoration. lt wu com- plete w ith entourage, even lo tlny altar, m inister and fiower girl. reprcsentlng little Ann Scott I real flower girl), who dlatrlbuted the gifts. On the table were white gladioli with story book doll, bride and bridesmaida, and the decorat- ed wedding ca1c:c in replica, wlttl name!! of the principals. A Sur~ Thi.s was a aurpriS<? shower for the honoree, and her c08lume was an· informal sun dreM or green, JUSt as she onme rrom the beach. Mrs. Scott wore a .strapless green and white floral c hintz aun drc&& and Mrs. De Puncian wa.s In a straples.s navy blue ta!CC'la tunic dress. Mrs. Diamond, mother of the br1de-clccl, wore a becoming off the shoulder !rock in white. Other g].lests included: Mmea. \Villiam Tritt, Arthur Gant. Earl Gray, Albert King, J erry BUiman, Bruce Handy, Herbert Baetz, Roy King.~ SPymour Gr&ff, Leo Ccr- rf'tto and Harry Leddell or San Atarino; J oseph Kirkland, Chet Hrndricke. Alhambra ; Peter Lyrr a.nd William Merge.JI of Laguna Beach. Alao Mmes. Arthur ~e1tt, John Con1bs, Thomas Peters; Newton House, California Curci, John Curet. Jay Frubllnger (Weal Loi I Angeles) and Lawrence OuUd, Sr., Los Angeles, mother of the bride· --------------groom-to-be. Nelda Schumacher, who wilh Joyce Dtalhond. will serve aa a bri~esmalda, ...... presen t. A.lao Miuea Elaine Schume.cher, and Katherine Haney. MR. AND MB8. DONALD SOMA.BAL {Photo by Btckner) Jean Miller and Donald Sorsabal Repeat Vows in St. James Church Lovf'ly In her bridal robe of·,._ ____________ _ Whitt' satin and lace W&!I ?ttis.s Jean I MIM Loi" Ann Jonr.~ or Santa Allllcr when she repealed vow11 Ana ang "'Oh Prrr,•ct Love," and with Donald K. SorsabeJ in St. '1"hc Lord's Pray"r" and the Jame.a Episcopal church on Sal-l...oh('ngrln weciding march cli1nax- urday, ~ugu.~l 18. The Rev. Paul l"d the orJ.;an preludr. Moore Wheeler perform«! tht' G Uf'llfl' R(·c·••l' "ti double--ring service which unltM Gladioli. da.hh11.s Rnd amarylli.- the daughter of Mra. Walter Long-In the sa.me soft ~hatJr"' or pinlt moor or Corona del Mar and lhe and white adornt"<I th" par!sh son of M.r. and Mra. Andrew Sor-house wh!'r(' the 1·oung coup!(' re· sabal or Fullerton. J crl ved ft'"llcitatlnn11. AN11stinx lh!'m J ean wa.s escorted down th(' w~re the two mo l her 8. Ml'11 pink-carpeted center aia,le, mark-Long moor c h o tt c r or her ed by tall candelabra .. nn which daughter's Wf'dding a dinner· veen fern waa held wllh satin lenJ:th drf'!'S or navy blue 11.attri bows. by her atep-falhe.c. Mr. and lact•, ft.ccenl('<J with a l1lllt f...oltcmoor. ~~· fff.8· hat or mauve veihnl{ and tnauve lon.t4_ en:...~1.1\e_, was topped ,-tth .aa::eNOrkoL On her Alm evealn& a Jttttd ~ of' 'CbyUJt7 J&ce. •• ~ plnnN dendrob tum or· wftli' 'long-pointed aJcevea and chld11 . Afrs Soru.blLI chnse beige Peter l?an coUar. At her neck wa.s cr!'Pf" and lac-c with ham:ionlzing a &Ingle strand of pearla, gifts brown velvet acceuones and of the br1d~groom. Her quaint pe· brov•n ft'atht'r haL Her corsagP rlod bonnet of lace held the finger-wa.s of :11uv1J orchids from Ha- tlp veU &nd she carrtf'd a cor· wa.i\. sage of butterfly orchid• and A t·t>re<l '-''Pd.din~ cskP iced atephanotia on a wh.lt~ Sibll', with hearts and topped with wed· The bride's twin aU.ter, Mi.88 ding bell& \A'U cir<"lt'd with fcr-ne J oan MUJer, wa.e maid of honor. and pln.k gladioli. Tall white Her gown of pa.le blue nylon mar-tapers were In crystal C'andela- qulaett.e wu bound wtth a while bra and punch was ~rved from aatln sat1h and ahe canied whllr allvl'.'r bowl~ by the Miucs Jo f\lji mums, her Mad band being Shanahan and J eanne Sahm. Mn:. of almUar rlowere. Blue marqul-Charlee Sparkuhl, daughlPr of Mr. sette wa.a aleo·wom by the> brldea· Lon~oor, waa In charge of the ma.Ida, Mrs. Andrew SorsabaJ. Jr .. gueat book. a nd l.{i!e Coh.nl~ Williams, but When the young couple lt>ft nn th~ir nowere were lavender fujl lhetr wedding trip to the Grand mums. Canyon the new f.lrs, So~ba.J Old Tl.me F rieoda Anolh<'r mtsceUaneoua shower was given Aug. 17 at the home or Mn. Walter Hild, 1407 North De- troit, LQs Angele.JI:. Champagae cocktail.s and a buffet supper were aerve"d to a group or Gloria'• friends. nearly all of whom had kno"'·n her since childhood daya. In lovely contraat to t he blue wore a suit of powder blue wool gown.e of the bride'a attendant.a with black velvet acceuoriea and were floral deeoN.tlona of the her orchid coraage. She wu church, altar vuee and chancel graduated from li'Ullerton Union boa.ea being filled with a. profu-high Khool and junior college. slon of flowera. gladioli l.n' bluah afterward allt:nding Whittler col- plnk and white mlngllng with lege and Coltey college in Nevada. aht".11 pink a nd white da.bllu and Mo. The bridegroom wu al8o plnlt &marylliJJ. gnduauct from Fullerton hlgb Beat man dutie"S were In charge achoo! and college and from Whlt- ot Andrew Sorsaba..1. Jr.. and tJer college. Thi.a fall he WU.I teach gueala were seated by twin broth· ln Yuma, where the you~g couple ers, Ronald and Donald Bryan. wlU m&kt: their home. 23c ll7c ,.., ,. of 6 ANGIL FOOD · 79Cu.. flit."'-> . :io.w Von de Kon1ps > Uf.~f:.'t', rf-:a Gloria wore a lovely yellcrv.• cot- ton print off lht' shoulder dre.811 in Spani.!lh fashion, wblle her hos- tess was in a silk prlnt cocktail dress. lVhJte gladioli and blue delphinium were uaed for decorat- ing thp hom(' and the buffet. table was centered with lh• miniature brid•I party of story book dollir stepping from a picture frame of rufflM pink net. Gifts were under a pink paruol rovereid witb blue .._Un ribbona in which were tied little bunchet o[ rorget-n1e-nots, and Wh.lch dripped to th(" floor in a lovely "shower of rain." Guf'ata included Mlss Diamond and her mother, Mra. Jack Dia- mond: Mme.a. J ohn Stepbtna. B. McCall, Frank Fiedler. Jamea Bertino. Alben BerUno. J ohn Sul· ltvan, Mary Bracly. H oward Wea. vu, Claire Engwer1 J"I~ SJlver. G@ra.ld Dalton, Harry Rogen. Loo De Pw\c;tan. Seymour Graff, Ed- ward IUrneU. Leo Cerret to. !:cl- win Porget.. P eltt Dyn-, Warren Scott. -8al11D011•. Roy Belrd· neau, Hermau Bematein, Miit J<>yce Dtamonct and Mn. Lfwr-ence Guild, Sr. , OU..r at!<iW•re are 111auMc1 ·111 £be n-flobut. On Aue. a& lln. 008TA ~· '*J>ll.Akenett. <16 North~ ·1,_ Newport BmL .._WW Bl.,, a "cGupie" ..... ., • ~ fol' trleada of the J'OUDS peaple ,. ()()fW A OEIJ llAJl ...i "" J.uc. a 11111 br'-4 z•h!e , Ill ~ HI~ • will -{or 0-Ill -LAGlm& ISAOll-• , MarlQo. t:om~ U.. ,_ vi 11i ,.,.",_ -·will ...... -.... ... .,. ISLA1lD lileual -·-.... ----·-Will-at lllelr-c.~--'!""i~"'I'"""'!"'· .. ·-~"_,, In -~ • , • , ' .. .. • • • " -1 .. Oup~efe Bridge · Harbor Teachers C:..J f..,...S W ·· Winners at Balboa Attend Workshop I llGl 1m ,,ff1 Mr. __ Mh. A. w. 111mme1 Two ....tdetlia o1 N••J>On Beech Ton:ni.+'s· .:A.WA D~;:.-w..., wtnnerw eut-wtot an4 l!'red ·Mn. ·Mt.)'lftle K <m.., 23W Snug I 1 l\llfl ~ JUJi'r PCll"UQrG vom.an am ~Y Taylor ..... H&>bor 119e4 and-"'tw. Cart c.. 8 _,_ ._ .._ ~ • -•• · lllp '!00""? ~ ta !,be !'Prlnger. 1421. 11. x cutt ..Drive, who ~ ~ 'ionlpt lli at. 1.t!¥ •and Mta. WIJJlam tJNJwD or iupu...t. ~game bel<l _l\> BaJ. '"' &ttend1na-u.. Wprlishcp tn Jam .. cJrurdi wllll ll"llert W,IJ!i:l<· """¥ Bnc~· • . -·o-;,; • boa "!': l'rtda,y ••mU... . Rea4lng l>e!Og held at WbltUer 1.,. her _.'xi. AlJaii. ti"'!'' Omtplettng the rotllld '-oC~ Rwlno,....up ... t•wdt were Mra. ::Ollege durlnc the two-week per-r.:.-U aucf ~ .Jtlarcl&. r;rweU WU I.be !'Ol>eanal --Oii 'Rob.rt Ro. and Mra. BOIU')r Eg· lod of Auguot 13 ·~ .. a feature were hooi..el lut . week ,\at ;a Wtdne8day ev.i.lncwhen Mr..&a<I cert: Kn. Amy Kennedy and ~ :>f the att0nd aeulon ot summer luneheon tn N.wport KUbof. Mn. P'aiY<el..l aod their aoa, let· Catherine. Smith; Lt. and Mra. -:cbool Dr. Paul A. Witty, pro-Y .. bt c!Ub. . ·• 1 ~Y. wen, lloalo on -...t-tiietr George Thayer ; Mnt. Catherin.~ reuor ot edUc&Uon at Northweit-G l't4 tn luded Ba ban.'1 t ya.cht De.nail· 1 Cole and Mn. Helen Thayer; Al-em Unlve·relty la conducUitg the ten~ta an~ thC: m:Z,.y f~c.:i; \\':lb the ·"°be&raal . eel at . '1 1 leae Cauaby and Mre. A. W. Workahlp. h b ·don b t-~-• pm It waa ah_..,._ after that .... • W th ... ..__ u r---t---.. flrat de w o ave e 80 muc en -....... n.. · ·• v•Ll.Y · ;,.• r e uby. ....-.. ~.~ icaw-•eti era tn fD h in lb.e at k I p DenaU left U,e harbor ~ a py ~ne,...up rtorth-aout.b weno ~t Con:»na deJ Mar ecbool in New-cJ"m; ~ tunchC: i:e'; cith:r: crowd on board. cru~g dbwn tbe \lrs. Eltelle LaVlne a nd Mn. B. port Beach. Mra. Sprtaiv ~achM ed t the Fuw 0 b in BaJbo& cout., many of the younger folk ", Wu.on : Perry McAdoO and second gt't\de at eo.ta M'ML t a kta'ls le vt ome the ~ got ,., aome · aq~planlng · whU• Jeorce Mitchell; Mra. Edna Mac· Two other · Newport Beath el~ or ~ to 'd 0lre :; ·~love-othera .watched from the deck.. \l..ten and Mn. Donna Bailey : menta.ry lea.chen., !tin. Oladya seau a m e Included ln the group were Mr Mrs. MeM'fll and A. W. Wetherby; Scbust.ei-•and Kr&.: Ollft 0 . Bill· ly ahower gittl. and Mra Winckler Mr and ~ Mn. Ge.raid M~mber and· Mrs. tnp. both of CoSta Xu:a.. are alllo Preeeot were Miu Fa.rwe~. and .P'ellx F~rwell and' FrinJc Trane, .C. T. Mt Manua. enrolled. her stater , ?{ancy Farwell , Cur-!la nce -of their daughter A.ll&n. ..... In the pme played on Moo-ley; J ean Davia and ClariM& .AJl .. Jean (lbeir wedding ia 'set for lay eut·WMl wtnnera we re ~ New Son for deraon of Santa. Ana; A.ml C1&J'k early ·September); Rev. a.nd Mra. J' ~ T. Mc kanua and M.ra. Arnold of San Diego: Marilyn ~e of Paul Moore Wheeler, Mr. and Kn. Jll.Ner. North-south Winners weno N ' M"ll San . Bema.rdtnp and Donna Ole--Bert Bttwer, Mr. and Mn.. Conley, M"ra. Edna MacMute.n and Blil Ofmart I erS Weller ot Corona del Mar, ~ of Mr. a.nd M~. Grahaljl, Mr. and 1Ubcrt tylna wtlh Mrs. Robert Mr. and M.ra. Norman Miller whom, together With the hoat eu-Mr8. Leonard Swales. grandpar- arown and Doyle Gilber t. a.re the P•renla of a third chlld, ea, wUl be membera of the bridal enta of the bride-elect: also mem " Runner•up eut-we~t were Mn:. a son, Daniel Richard, who wlJI party. be.re of t he b ridal . party and lba OeorC"e Merriman and Mrs. Ethel 800n join h!s two alstel""8, Mere· Olhcr11 P.re.&ent weri J,fmea. Hor· host.a. BtShop ; Mra. Robert Roes and dtlh and J o)rce at the funtly hom e, 1.ce Stevena., Tustin; Wiibur Barr, Mr .. Gcor gto Carroll; );(r11. A. W. 121 Marine avenue, Balboa Leland. Fred Forgy, Jack Evana. Galea 'l\im.mel and Mra. Mildred Lytle: 1t·u be 'Da.n'I in the Lioness den' Burrougha, Arold .Norton. Kfnp- Don Steven.a Md "Andy M.abley; according to rat her Norman who lay Tuttle. Taaker Forbes, Felix Lt. and Mra. Of'orge Tha yer. wu proUdly paaalng out clgara to Farwell, George K. Coffin, .Lynn Vl8 1TIN<J KIWANIANS At the home of Mr. &nd Mra. Runners-up north-south were all weU wtshers. )he latest Miller Smith, Frink MCKenna; alao Mra. Mra. Peggy Johnson and Mra. Jvar:" a rrived Monday, Aug. 20 al~ a . m. Lyma n H. ParwelL rriolher at the Hooker; M rs. Frank Reed and M rs. Miller, V irginia to her honoree and M rs. Richard Winek· lifn:. l:a:~lle L&Vlne : Mn . B. M. neighbors, l.s dolng nicely at St . ler of Lemon Height.a, mother of Wll80n and Mrs. Donna Bal!l:'y; J osephs hospital, Orange, and will the brldegroom-~be. 1Jnable lo Mr. and Mra. Ger&ld McComber. be home Saturday. be preeent were Mrs. La.wren Con - Edgar R Hill on Sunday. wu the annual summer party for Angeles Mesa Klwanians host ed by Mr. Hill, past president of the ae.rvice club. The 150 guest.a en- joyed a luncheon prepared by nst.a.urateur Ted Owens and hla chef. . ~ . I • • ' • • Come·· Ce ebrate the Opening of Our Enlarged Offices . p. SATURDAY AUGU$T 25th · -· Again , we had to expand. Yo.u good people forced us to do it and now we want you to come and see the result of the confidence you 've expressed in us. . Come and cckbrate the opening of our cnluged offices. •• From a single, small room in 1937 with a staff of l employee and with resources 1 of $22,000 we have soundly .grown ·until today we occupy quarters 7 times the size, suffed by 10 employees, and our resources total over $6,000,000. • n..__ __ Through these lS years we have loa!)cd a total of $12,804,406.49 c-0 2090 borrow-, crs . All this money has 8one its part to ma·kc the Harbor Area the great and . . . prosperous community it 1s. And sinu our start we have p.Ud 19 co1tS1c:11li111 semi-a111111Jtl divid111ds al 1/n 4nn1111J ra11 of 11111" • kss tbdn ;.. • . . • 1 • • • • • f .. ' We are proud o( 9ur ac~oQ>p_ljsh~~ts. W~ want to share our joys wi!h you 1,t our Opening. . . ~. . •• ... ' •• . I IOa m ·to 5 p .m G ·IFTS •• I \ ·• ... (;. for EVERY GUEST ' - .. For CVcrf visitor we have a ddigbtful surprise · Gift, absolutely Free, also . A beautiful 3. pc. Pen, Pencil and Ball Point Pen set in a handsome case. for everyone --' who opens an ac;count totaling~'~ or m?re. •• Or a unique Timer which rerords exa fly 3-minuces, so y,ou C.lll accurately check your long· . ~ distance calls, fyr those who in~cst $100or m.ore. . ' Besides, etery pest will have the opportu- nity !O W~ the ~~-· 0--!"· ~· , .... , ...... Bt Jklr 10 o6""11 " 1jthl. . . ' ,. . . - • Co•1 : ; ··7•• •111 b1 1b1 . l11~ltJ p1r111 .. • • (.. •. ~ .. ·. . . .. ... ·' .~ j • • ' • • ........ llLICTO•I fft.e ~,, ... ~"-" .. are easy to achieve with ·SELECTONE ~~COLORI • Drop ID and.let ua show you ••• color harmopy for tho 1Kmio, adtlng. dramatic. and perfect enoligb to IOlilfy eYell a deantor' I crillcill oy<1. • Colan ID -U &nfoba. 8at, -1-t:i- and h!gh-Jdoa .•• .n barmoolmcl ' as never "6efcxe. Dilcowr the SELECTONE Color Plan. It'• prdectly limple •.• and limply perfect. ~ ' I t 1, • ' ' ~ < I A QUll:T llJllNllTE dtlrbts U.0 ~ -of U.., -ual -lllay du!> I-la .. joyed by Mn. Rulb IC>Gft ud Mn. Staart n.lrd, ·of 11;o1i.o.; ud Mr: and M..,. )\arold Ca~, of Udo hie. (Photo by Beckner) Relatives Honor Dr. V. M. Pinkley Hospital Supt. New Management for Nursery School Mr.. Ja.n M . Hayden of Clncl- natU, Ohio. hu now taken over Bakersfield Girl Honor Guest at Pre-Nuptial Event The Greenbrlqr restaurant In the •upcr-v'slon ot Bal Isle Nut'9Cry Set tor Satur:1ay. Sept. 1 tn Garden Grove turnhlhed the back-.chool, 317 Marine Ave., B&ltK>a Corona dt>I lofar Community ground for a recent family dinner laland. tormCrly managed by Mm., c hurch arP riles '\V'h\c h will unit<' honoring Dr. V. M. Pink.Jey, fa· R\lth White MIUer. 1'{1.a& Caroline May Booth, daugh• • ther ot Alvin L. Plnkley of Costa Mrs. Hayden ha.a had exlf"nsivo ter of Mr. an<t "frs. James A. Just as nature protects California's This· car-saving protection is,youn · .t· Big Trees from injury by insects no extra cosl when you get Richfield ' Meaa and Virgil Pinkley, Arcadia. experlMC:e in child ca.re. having Booth of Bakersfield and 306 So. Tl9: veteran superintendent of the successfully operated her own Bay Front, Balboa lllland. and San Bernard.lno county boapttal echool., the Hayden Haven for Ut-Jack \Veldon Bell. son or Mr. and wt.U retire September 1. leaving Ue Fol)( in Cincinnati for the put Mr1. Albert Bell of Costa Mesa. soon the~ e.tUt on extended tra-ten yean. ' Many · Bakerafleld frienda pre-:.::::::::::::=:=::::=:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=, vela east w1th hi.s wife. She wlll be bappy to wclcom" aented gifts to the bride-elect In the ,gathering of kinsfolk the l ittle folk or greater Newport When sh~ IE'n BakPrsflf'.'ld early in wett Mr. and Mr-8. A . L . Pinkley Harbor and has a program &r· the summ{'r b1,1t others showered and children, Lucy and VlrgU or ranted to keep the yoUJ1;gater• her with miM:ellancous presents 183 Broadway; Mr. and Mrs. Vl r · J busy a..nd happy throughout lhe when thl' brl<!r.smald.s, lttlss Ann 1U Pinkley and daughter, Audrey coming monlh.8. Flnlayson and Miss Stephne Fed· ot Arca.dia ; Mrs. Hope Sharp or AA enrollment Is Umlled, she erhart enlt"rtaincd at the Finlay· San Diego. sister of Dr. Pinkley: suggest. you repted your young-son home, 117 Gam('t avrnue. The and disease, so Riehricld Rust-Clomplete Car Care, the years-ahead way Proof Gasoline safeguards your car to keep your car running better today la 1' . I BAL-ISLE NURSERY SCHOOL ~- SERVING OREATl.;R NEWPORT HARBOR LIMI'fED ENROLLMENT FOR FALL NOW Bt:Jl"O AOCEPT!:D • FEATUKING INSTRUCTION SONGS. RHYTHMS, SIMPLE llAND WORK IMld GROUP P/.A Y for UM PRE-SCHOOL TOT AGES % :-1 TJIRU 6 YEARS HOURS: 8 :SG • II 'SO A. M. 317 Marine Ave. BALBOA .ISLAND Under New Supe.rvtll.lon of JOAN M. BAYDt::N, Dlrectreee against the dan1age of rust a11d corrosion. it will serve you bctter.tomouow. Rust and corrosion ... caused by mois--Besides Rust-ProOf Gasoline, Com- turc that condenses in every car's fuel plete Car Care safeguards your car witl}- Mr. and Mrs. Jess Camp~ll, Dr. stE-r u aeon u poulblt'. glrlti were assisted In hostess du- anrl Mrs. Pinkley. lit>& by lh<'ir nlothers. Mrs. Frank Directors of the San Bernardino New C.ar for Mesa Finlayson and Mrs. L . H . Feder· Chamber of Commer~ and other WI hart, 202 Opal avenue. syslem.'. attack your car's gasoline tank, RICHLUBE HEAVY DtJTY MOTOR OIL, the fuel line, fuel pump and carburelpr. They new type of oil than recoinmcndcd by steal mileage and performance .. :cause ex-many car manufacturers ... RICHFIELD pensive rcpairs ... shortcn rour car's life. PROTECTIVE LUBR ICATION, scientific ap- ln all the West, only Richfield Rust-plicalion of 1augh, Rust-Proof lubricants clvtc leadera of that city uaembl-V.ac.at•ion·ing Fam·ily Present v.•ere the ho noree and ed la.mt week to pay bomace to WI w her molh<'r, Mrs. Bell: ~tme11. Jack Dr. Pinkley. Among guest. for Filled with enjoyable experi-Mandigo, Fred Gutcher. Carter Proof Gasoline protects your car against ... RICHFIELD SAFETY SERVICE, your rust and corrosion. It contains an Richfield Dealer's personal attention that exclusive Richfield ingredient that makes keeps your car running longer, safer, moisture harmless-stops rust and more economically. corrosion and keeps them stopped! See your Richfield Dealer today! the occasion were Vlrgil M . Pink-ences wa.s the recently completed Brue.sing, Gerald Hay, S. L . Park- Jey, editor and •ubllaher or the lrtp taken by Mr. and Mra. Phil er, Oouglu Oavie11, David Harrt- Los Angele1 Mirror and A. L. Sulllvan and daughter Jo Anne ot aon. Gordon Palmer, Jameti Booth Ptnkle"y, Costa Mea. pha.nnaclJ!IL 453 w . Victoria St., Costa Mesa... (grandmother of the bridt>l L. H. A feature of the prornun was the Traveling eut by tl'aln the famlly Federhart, Flndlayson a.nd th£' :~::::::::::::::::~;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:· ptt1entatlon of & plaqut;_ to Dr. picked up a. new car In Detroit, Mlsse:a A.nn Booth, Donna Gutcher, Plnkley, who hu made a.n out· motoring to Philadelphia. Wuh-Joan Hay, Joyce Parker, Sandra atandln• record administering the In D C N y k Palmer and the hostesses. a gton. . ., ew or and then E:ic;tra life for your car at no extra cost FINEST OCEAN FISH RETAlL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA Sl!:ll.'. BASS ALBACORE ABALONE FISHEBMENI We will Prepare AlbOl!tte-for ,.. your Joeller • SEA FOOD SPECIAL TIES ' 516 30th Newport Beach Ph..Jlu, 1007 ~ MR.l sv 4 "'HO"E' ill ' SPECIAL • OOMBINATION SCREEN DOOR (oot standard) No. 585 Size 2/8x6/&,-$8.25 No. 386 size 2/8x6/8-$5.00 Green Plutic Screen at 8c per aq fL fttoa&: Be 1Mn 14 n Bomer Mellott. M1n•rv OTHER YARDS: Laguna Beach Sant.& A'na Fullerton lA Habra Brea BALBOA TRANSF-ER CO. AGENTS FOB Beacon 6553 (~ Storage Local and Nation-wide MoYing C. Z.-lldOZL ltS6 HARBOR RI.vu'. -0. 0. llZNNEIT affalra of the S&n Bernardino ln-on to C'J\lcago. Their hOll')E'W&rd Mr. and Mrs. Booth will cntcr- 1tltutlon for nearly 20 year1. trip wu through the Black Hlllai taln members of the bridal party· s. o., Monta.na (where the local with a dinner following the wed· rna.n had .succesa!Ul trout fi.ehing ding rehearsal on Auguitt 31 . Canasta Party for Island Y ' 1 • .. Mr .. Ronald tow eate:rtalned a congenL&I grou.p of trlenda wtth a CIUWlt& party at. ber .home, 232 Agate avenue, B&lboa bland. H igh llCOl'U were totaled by Dproth)' And!"e' and Jo Gordon. while Myrtle Strother WU COMOltd. Gueall Included. a group •um- merlng here from Glendale, Mn. Andre', Robert& Jooea, Mn. Gor-· don, Mr•. Strother and Enid Roa. Vacationing here from Long Beach were Eleanor SmJth and Mary Hoertlg, while Mrs. Clayton Lowe and Roberta Guthrie are Island reatdent.s. Patio · Luncheon for L. A. Friends Mra. Sylvia Place entertained wilh a patio lwicheon at her We.st Ocean Front home for a group of former Loa An•elea neighbora. Preeent were Mn. Fred Ma.set. Mr. and Mra. A. B. CUbb&ge. Mrs. Olga Cowper. Mrs. Ede.I Mu.nnecke, Mlu Tille Thomp· aon. Mr•. Haselelt, Mrs. Flore.nee Duprd. Swimming wu followed by Ule pot tuck teaat, a bov.nteoua affair featuring many delectable Danish dlahea. Gue~+ Arriva ls at W. B. Tritt Home ltlr. and Mrs. W. "n. Ttttt of Bay avenue. were host.. to Los" Angelea friend.a at the Balboa Bay club luau Auguat 16 and lo Mr. and Mn. E. J . Sadler of Glendale tor the week end. the latter on thelt way home from a flying trip to Mexk:o City. Mra. Tritt and Nancy are .spendinl' a fflW daya in Loa Aftgelee tn order to attend pe.rformancee of the Ballet Ru.ue aM Rubinstein at tl:le Hollywood' Bowl. DEATH NOTICES forays), Salt I.Ake City, the Grand · ·-- Canyon. Bryce Canyon. Zion Nat· Claaallled ada cost little, do much. lontJ Park and Lu Veau. , a. wiMt;--t.&11 ~ple-a.d.Yertiae! • lBO_Horsepoyver! ' ' ' ..J \ " •• .. •i"' ,,. • ·> Until you I drive it < you'll never know what ,I ' I • does for you! r . I • TOU'VI B1A1D THI TALK about Chrysler's American car ensine actually put• lo trork maro ol TOU'tL UKI ·~HllTSLEJl'S POWD llalllNQ. rnO!utlonm)' ,.. V-8 fPlr~ eqino ••• with tho sttorb' coni.lned Ill the fuel than otheT en~ · TOO •••. smoother, ••tier, niifter 1topo at _, llO llO lionepowor, iii amuiDs .~ and . . . speed thAn >""I've eve< 1cnown. At the touc:11 c( . ' , a<Dleratlon • • • • b , HDl'S U:Clll'INO PDl'ODL\Np!· ••• l'lltJlOD-)'Oltt ~ 'pawer from the •ensine IJelpo put oa tbe NOW COWi DmVI U.llol'i fer all tJrio ai""-aocel.,.tlon, smooth•-· which no ot1'.r ~ali~ , ... reduca foot p<eaure .l>T u ...-• -i-m. Hon.IS tllet':';!. rnolu~y edv.-.s*oearr car e'_nafne built.Ill this country can eiiuaJ ·-I ·' • • ha . 'tb PireP ... ..... ,. ' .. 11i AaMriaul -.,. . -.. m l7 yeanl ... -Y· And you can "" tt W1 awe< -• , ~ • . , • • • • OD non-premium .,_ pjoli.... • m RTDIACnnD• ••• THI· NIW mm -llDl'I 1IO RQUIPQWla • • • •.full lO -., . • • . • . • aoPat It Ima• drivlnc • car ~ -- ' • -.-tW o1 11ie -'!'ool ,.,_flll ann Tm &ARTY or ro~ _ -:;;'*'-At ,_ touch oa the wheel, 11Pc1i..,., I: I • I ~··~;t-• . . . crutar thiaa you've ....... ~ ~t Yoar, M•n+v.d ~~ fout--A!U., P! tbe 8teenac ... .,. am or-111CJB COlilnlP'ON"... --bilb la. the lmlanr_,_.,.; •• 111 -• x ..... at a .....,mn. you..., imn, a.. ........ • -81 o ··• nlMI Como"-'• CMmlW }n a ii die .-Y I I ... ol ~ Oil todp,:0 hiclaw.,11 ,_ ~ -<IDS finprl A -t aof9l;J f•tw;. • , • • • ' . • ' • • 1 • • • • '· • • • • . .. • , . . . J ~ SOUTH COAST . -MATERIALS COMPANY ... ... ' -··~ ' ~ ... · .. ~ . . toan oun.sr .... O~L~ A '!!!! cu •.O'f.TOV wiu.~;ONS.T ~ CBITIL~ OJVUI •• ·.-~ .1 ' • No .-'ob Too L.r"9•: Ko Job Too Small ' ' I • • • I. I • • I • ' • • . J .. ' --· • •• . . ' "AGE ' ..... PART T -THURSDAY, AU&. 23, ·19sf~ ~! :·•nnr !!! .. • ... : •• · .. ·A~.~::wr~ • . Ci'APPT~ ;_"''°CE SATE BW'a FUmlture _:_~~rpv:~'-...;, PllESS ~ ~,~ WeBu:y,S;ellorTra4e .o.-' .- -· . · REF'RIGERATORS tllOll "I'• .. .,. Bl'ld., Plla9o. CARS l'Olt l·lllS . lMO CAftrtb•Ctl, ~· II' • 11~1. ..... W.W • ·•-.. It ...... _. • --ea ... ~ ...... ~ --·-·w ..... I ~--II. 64pll , Bbelftdol-, I rt., ltd CAOll.U.C .. -~ w. 'IV. hll)" ..... v..., ----. ----· • CLA'SSIF IED· ....,...Uy ovttbouled ..,__. 74.60 fll'r!,ct<ia'U. d<luxe, a It. molot wall i.,pe, perfect oond!UOQ ·-.. ·-·---.$110.00 'l"8 CADIL&AO U, 4-<lr. oodo . W, W, ' . hllJ' oqufpt._ "'il:J' -·---~-----.. ·-·---" ltil OUUJJ,•O -. 4,'.4r. oe4an, ~-Wk. pablt $10IO 1941 CADll.L.\O 12~ -wrtllll.. -~p ........ . . The Miqhiy Midqe+ In Adverlisinn 1 It. ~ .,. w .. ttn"'°""". cu . • palnL N.,. ~ll:xcln'L ftl.~ ,..-......... Jiot& 1960 PONTrAC I , aUper deliJ¥ CotallnL "W. W ,. , __________ .... ...., __ .... _________ CoOd "'nninlr order _ ....... 99.IMI OJT!Cll AP ACI: SUltable for bull· -or prot-..n. x-.... llk!c. ......._ .... t. c:<nter ot --. -loll or CDM. Harbor 2161. H . t. R. 1 .....,er, Very lo li\Deop. UkJ now •• .Wiii 1941 MlmcURY eol>ftt!J Coupe.. W, W., H. " R. . ~ BOUllll CLIL&JCDIO -hrnlture uol ..... . ~ook 1'f-Mf1-.• l'ollJ-- zt-_,_l_'lll_ . ._t _u_lld_l'ba..r ______ 1 Coklspot delwta 9 cu. It., vOUND-IAdleo' Wtlot watch on Xln't. •hape ..... _, ___ .... , 99.l!O aalboa lol&ltd. IclenUfj qmo Servd I. cu. tt., deluxe, aM ~ for ad. Pllone Harbor Xln'L COlldltJon ....... -....... J139.Dft 1!!6-V. 81cl~ • • • VDT liLIGH'l'L T U&liD ..U fllll w1tb ooll lcJt and car top <:U'ritt. l--IN-'-COft--O-N_A_D_SL--KAR--,.--- A -uty . .lbo\y• eScellent caro ..... ____ .. ___ ........ Hilt! 1941 CHEVROLICT Clolux~ clu• ooupe • .'Thlo popu-' Jar moilel at oely .. --.. --;;.~ .. -....__ ___ .. $ 59~ 1940 PLYMOUTH~ (4-pUa.1, &"ood OOl'ldltjon, .' - Al's House & Rug LOST -oreen paddleboarc1, ... r CJAA .. ; .. g Co. Balboa Covea. Reward. Ph. Har. GAS RANGES BROWN LEATHER DAVEN· POllT ~ cltalr. A·~ COl!dltlon. 229 Via Lido Soud, Udo ~ Barbo~ 2176-M. 92pet 1-ted In N-port. ~ •o In price. ll'or lrlf..,natlon, eall ool' A.ttraetlYe store U X • new , .. .-~-·~ellent location oppo-lect. Rlv."'!'de l>llfl. .......,. ' Ille A.ll·Amerlca.n Jlarl<el. J7~ Special ...................... -..... :::-...... : ...... '. ..... _ ........... $ 376 ltd °"40, Ii Ion i:lck·Up --~ . .., ........... .:: .............. $ 77~ CGU.UI 31'71:·W, 12C4M )i(l)Ol"e'a Cal-let.oil deluxe m...U., One:.third down, 18 months. Bank terms · 514 -29th St. Newpo::t Beach .,-,-----------1 pa ..., .. , table top with EAL ~~ W9RTHT lS It. ""!>-Ins boat w1tb Joll_., II. llp. out- -molor. ~tor than OOd eo...utson. RHdy to~ -.i- n...: :us o.....ct Canal. .•- .1a1anc1. Harbor '781-R. ~ . • I W. E. Fisher, Realtor J:RHill' PIITH, AmociaU . . ' . a ... ccm. i'.111 1ltfc adjuatabte. ~ r o 11 e r, ln . NEWPO,RT AUTO SALES For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. good •hape ........................ 1541.9~ Roper JU ranre. whlt.e tlbte top, excellent con- dition at .. -............ -........ $ 74.llO LIKE N~-Kenmore automatic woaber. 'Belp IOfa. UnblOaehed mullJn dnpeo with 11·1\. tr&· veroe rod. Call Beacon 11193-W. Ill Oout Ill><!. • Harbor 2443 Corona de! Mar 2!!04 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Ploone -· H<l7 ' THE SHADE SHOP Free eatlmates Ph • .Har 884 '"'· :.=:=!~======, ~~ Ail Ooportun1tv · WASHERS 4&4 Santa Ana Av~ .• N ewport. TWO H t'lghta. 82C63 a EXCEP'nONAL BOATS! U-W .. t.ed to ~t Fa.Leon and a Mercury 1---.;......;._,;~...._~---- PRICED TO SELL. WANT NICE PLACE for vocation ~~i>!-~.,.!'~ .BA:Y FRONT A-1 Used Cars · A-1 l~.J!llll~L ~~ .. DON K. BUM'S Lie. General Contracior Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phon~ Bea.con &408--W lTUc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 • 31th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 :5::ltfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN ' 171 Palmet St., Cnot& - -6457.J( -- l:NTl!:RIOR -l!Xtl:RtOI\ • PAINTING UC!:NSED -INSURJll> Glenn Johnston not • Slit St. Newport Beach Barbor 2297.J S4c48 WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all tradee-maintenance work. Bave tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon ~1-W &7cMH REP AIRING and PAINTING . Reuonable. Lars< .. small jobo. P):ee eat•matea. Walket, J.08 J4tll Bt., Nwpt. B••ch. Jhr. 258t'-1t HAULING Any kind, trash or? W Al.KER, }()8...18th st .. Newport. H. 2Ml-R PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1'51:5 Santa Ana Ave., Costa. Mesa Phone Beacon :5~0t '5&c87H C.L.KIRCHNER General Contractor New Residential It Commerclal Remodeling Ii: RepaJ..rlng New homes open for iruipecUon. Call Harbor 1164.-M 62tfc Wise people do read the ad&. 14-Personals AlcohoUcs Anonymoa Write P . <>. Box 205 Balboa laland, Calif. Phone Klinberly ~ 18-Beauty Aids Dottie Ellen's Beauty Salon Back-to-School SPECIAL Machineless Permanents . $5.95 114 E. 19th, Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 624 7 -W 81p&3 28-Sltuations Wanted FINE IRONING will call for and deliver. CUrtaina. Help with dinner parties. Phone Mrs. WUJiam.s, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a .m. or. alter 6 p.m.. ~9pM Jl!XPERIKNCED l o c a l bua&new • Couple desire to man&&'e apt. or court,, Palm SJ>r!ngo area. ' Reterencesi. For lnteniew write Bo>: T ·2, tllia paper. 118tfe REUABLE WOMAN, 23 7een, wanta permanent child care S11S , weelt. Own transportation. Uwe out. pln Harbor 1416-W. t3p UNIVE1!SAL BUILDING I MAJNTZNA.NCB ,J'loor W&Kln&". WlDdow Clffnlq WallW ..... q l " tor . bufk11-ltoreo. oftl<eo " -~Ba.-lll • ff)>t8 NEED A Mm. familiar with fn· tem&I or eoclal organl.Uttons, to man.,. club and 1oo.e facllJll,. ot a local group. 11t1a la on Ideal IJ)Ot for a retl.red man who lk- aires feJJowahlp. Llmlted .salary and duties. Hours mostly In lht' eftnl.np.. :5 days a week. Ag~ no barrier, non-.tttarian. Reply held confidentlal. Wrtte Box 02 thla P\P"r. 53trc f:'LERKS (fem&Je) for work on tax roll. Previowi experience on office machlnea ._ typewriter de- sirable. Good Wary and oppor- tunity for permanence. Apply lmmedlate1y to OrB.h.l'e County PeHOnnel Dept., 844 No. Broad- way, Sant& Ana, Calif. 82c64 FOUR MEN or women to work out all tuition in exchange for oourwe tn beauty culture. Sant& Ana Univ. of Beauty, 409 ~ No. Main. Ph. Kl. 2.-1. 59pM WANT TO Hllt.E-Three experl- enceod carpentf'ra Cor remodeling work, under 65. Write full par- t.lcul&rs. P . 0 . Box 151, Balboa laland. 81cl3 WANT ASSIST ANT to bookkeep· er (female). Private club. Write Box S.2, this pa~r. 58c&l' EXPERIENCED D I n I n g Room Wa.itrea -Dwight'• Drive -In, Cout Highway and 39th., Hunt· lngtoft Beach. 82cl< WANTED -I...ady for work by hour t.n aelf-serrice laundry. AP"" ply In ~non. Balboa Wuhlt, 1~ Palm, BaJbo!l. 82c83 COKPTOllWl'J:R OPERATORS (female) nffdtd -lmm.ctiat..ly -..._... -Tn>lft6 .. strable. Opportunity • for per- manence. .Apply to Orange County Personnel ~pt .. 64-l. N. Broadway, Santa Ana. C&llI. 82dl4 COOK • HQUSEKEEPER-WhlU mJddle· aged, drive. Newport lill Oct. l.st, then cit y. Private room Ir bath. S150 mo. Phone Harbor 414 . 62c&4 WANT MAN for light factory work. Steady employment. Ap- ply in person. NUCLEAR PRODUCTS CO. 2150 New- port Blvd .. Coat.a Mesa. 62ct3 WANT MOTHER'S HELPER.- Full lime, 6ave two little gtrl•. Inquire at 83 ~boa Cove•. Harbor 3'401-W. 62dM -People do reed the want •*· LADIES I. Miner dhoea. Brown and JJ,lack. 7%AAAA. Practical- ly new. Call Har. 1474-J eves. 43tfc IRONRITE Ironer, small paint sprayer, platform rock~r. lar_ze new garbage can. Mi.c. tool.a. Paint, screws and household ar· ticlea. 514 E. ~ean Front, Apt. I , Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 80.74 USED BABY CARRIAGE &nd play pen, $10 each. Phone Harbor 2291-RK ~ Complete inst&llaUon, rep&lr and .nrvlce of all trailer equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER . SUPPLY lt~O HAttB0R BLVD. Coota ~ Pllone Be...., 8224-R MODEL 70 Wlneheoter 270 eal. K2.~ eco-pe. Redt:leld mount. Sling, nco!l pad, never U8ed. Ernie Sm.Ith. B&rbor 2443 (eve&. Hor. 0379-RJ ' 82- .. ABC wnncor 'YP< .............. • 315.oo Euy wrlnre} l.YP<, ' Xln't . condtUon ............. 1 49.60 Euy Spin Drier, good running Ofder .................... S 49.SO STROOT'S TeWinkle Hdwe. 1802 Newport Blvd. Colt& Meea Phone Be1con ~212 For a terrlfc saving on an 18 \.12 en. ft. freeur, phone Beacon 6695-J. CR 0 SL E Y REFRIGERATOR 1951 9 cu. n. model. Baa au the feature~ lb. treezer cbest on top. Meat keeper and 2 · vere-- table cri1pen. Abo hh tht' butter keePfr. YES, it.a the She.Jvador and only w:ed It 3 months. Would like to have an older refrtcerator or atave for my equity. Pak1 over $S90 for It. No down payment and t.ak~ over payment of 119.98 per mo. Stt at 404 So. Spad~. Fuller- ton, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ph. 21ri2. 59Ut J:vuybody read.I the c>•••lned ada. . O'XEEFE " MERRlTl' Nn(<, 1161 modd, de.luu, CP all au- tomat.k: and tt bu •nryt.hlnc. griddle ln 't.M middle, almmer · burnert and the grill broUe:r, l awe onl,J $12t.13 and po)' me eaab. or &Ake ~q o( e1 . .a per montl'I. t uaeo tt ooty three months. Ju.t like new. SU at sto..-age, 404 So. Spadra. Fuller- ton. 9 a.m . to 8 p.m. Ph. 21::,2. 82tfc DINING room ~t. table, chaira and butre-L Call Harbor lf67-R evenings. 82dl4 WANT TO BUY a ~d h.:Od portable typewriter. H a r b or 1146-W eves. 82tfc Tour ad oppeerinc roc- ularly In th'Me cotumna will brinC >""' many new cu.tomua. Hu1>or u.. tollr.I are Jn lhf' babtt al ''look:tnr tn the clUill~ tied" when they need th ... ...-vlc:a. PRll.CO Ret'Hrer•tor -It. th• bl~ 9 cu. ft. mode.I with the- cro,.a top freeser Chest, mea.L ):tee~r and cr1.aptt for v~. Used Jt f montM and It 1tlll })a.a U.e guarantee on tL Bal. due on contract la sitM.12. Pay cuh or take payment• ot $10.111 per mo. SH at atorage, 404 So. Sp&dra, Fullerton, 9 a.m . to 8 p.m. Phone 2162. 62ttc Se:pt. 8th to 15th, compl. tum. Balboa Marina tor 4 adult., 2 children. i.tand Lido ·i.1e ba.y rront unlt.-70 n . privat ~ ·beach. Sept. 15--Jun~ )6. · 1 bdrm,,. 146 mo. 2 bdrm. 2 boll>. 1110 mo. Available by year lillghtly l\il'"her, 'i9 LINCOLN Spoct • Se· 2802 Cout HJway, N.wport Bch. (Nr. Bay Shoret) Ph.'Har. 07"71 81"'3 28 FT. POWER CRUISER, •leep '4 . C.-ry 133 hp. N ew 88 RadJo. or mainland, near bay, or LA· guna at beach. Wiii ... yo\, Wedneeday, Aug. 29th if you write Jocatlon and prlce to Roi· land. Box W ·2 UU. paJ><r. e~ Ha.rbor 2M2, cYea ... Barbor 291-t-M 82lrc dan. R It H , 1.nd O'O ; perfect in every way 162.5 '11-0 CUSTOM Club Coupe, H I< O'b. only .............. $11115 '50 FORD V-8 deluxe Se- Exc,poJl~nt condlUon, ISOOO or CAN US!t unfUml.Bhed l ·or 2 bed· 1~------------ w1ll trade u down poym•nt on room houae, Sf!>l. l•t o«uponcy. RENT AL { dan, only ........................ 14.45 'ti BUICK Sedanette, R &: Palm Springs or Orange Coun..ty. Phone. M.ary Wescott, HarboT ....,..,,,. property. Hu. S01l·RK. elplS -3131, between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. SPECIALISTS H. Be •ure to see this wonderful car. only ...... 1395 ' 2 COMPLETE BEDRM.. SETS-- Blonde fln.lAh, blonde dinette set, oompJete Uvtn,-rm. !u.rnl- ture, rop. Wlll eeU very rea. onably u leaving tor active 9UY'lae Immediately. 708 Fern- Jeat, Corona del Mal", Harbor 1438· W. 62c83 BAIT NET, like nrw, $-400. CAI.I ~aeon ~l<t-J. 8lc63 12 FT. BOAT and trailer with 7% hp. outboard motor, 11.'nli. IS33 . Laite!! St., Huntlnrton Beach. 81pl3 SMALL sau Boat In "'°" condl· tion. REAL BARGAIN! -1900 Balbol. Ave.. "Little" Balboa Jala.nd. Harbor 664-W. 09p&f or Harbor 7116-W. 82cl4 can -ClnlC WANT 2 or 3 bedroom home for SepL l•t occupancy by resgon· aible adulU. Will pay up to $160 pe.r month for well fumiahed plaee in good location. Winter rental. Phone Beacon 5222 dur- ing bulinesa hours. 63p6~ TEACRER and family want a 2 or 3 bdrm. tum. house for oc- cupancy on or be.fore Sept. lat. Phone Klmber1y 2-1782. 63c66 Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-r.tond. Bar. too - WINTER RENTALS ~ENIN­ SULA. Fw-nfohed 2 and s bdrm. apt.a .• close to school. Refrlge.r· ator. UUI. tncl. Available In Sept. 17th, $15 and $20 wk. Ph. Harbor 1270-W. 6ltfc · '49 FORD Sedan, R .......... 12'60 '48 FORD Sup. Dix. Se- dan ; brand new paint job; Immaculate, onl7 1045 '47 PONTIAC Sedan, R " w, perfect in every way --·········-···-··-····-.. ·• 99S '46 DODGE Sedan, R t. H, extra nice ······--·-·········:. 93l5i '48 FORD Tlldor, newly palntrd, only .... -...... --795 '42 OLDS 6 club sedan, R KENMORE automatle WUhlng macblne. Coldaii>ot rettt.-entor, O'K"fe Ii: Merritt gu range, large mlrror, end table, rtoor lamp. Comb plyv.'OOd cabinet. ~17 Carnation, Coron.a del Mm:r.1.S_4 __ M_nslcal, _ _.-...Radlo ______ --::;;;;;;;~----=--- 6~ •ntiMn WINTER RENT AL -Oct. lot.- June lat. 2 bdrm. turnlshed house, S75 mo., plua uUUtla See owner, 110 Opal St., Bal· boa lllland. Mc68 & H, Hydramotfc ........ 875 '41 MERCURY Selan, R " H , new paint, only ........ MIS '41 CHEV. Sedan, extra ANTIQUE :oRGAN. d• .. nport. SUAseLdE ••-Lle-"m'7 electric fan, chain, Victrola vD radio, dLahe•, high c.halr, ~. On Peninsula Point nice, only ........ -.. -........... MG 41 FORD Coupe, motor overhauled, only ·········-a.t5 '39 FORD Tulor .................. 195 many bargalno. Phone Laguna Accordions 4~96 or 22-446 Laguna Canyon ll<>ad. Laguna. 81pl3 120 bass Galanti . . ................ $ 7ti 120 baaa Supertone ............... $ 75 80 ba.u Hohner . . .................. $ 75 8%-A-Antl~llll 80 but Sopranl .................... $ 7~ ·-• .. .. .. -• t 80 bau Gra.ndevox ................ $ 99 GOING ON BUYING TRIP. 121> bua Wurutur ................ $11& R<!duced prices on all stock 1~ bUs Bo~ .............. Sl.1115 thru August. Examples : Smt.11 mahogany tea cart $12.50 Plne Bonnet Box {A.Me u 1n "Dear Brat") ... . .. ..'87.00 Pine Pie cupboard ..... $18.&I Pine drop tear tabl", 4 cHalra, lealb~r throne ~all'! .... S~J)() AnUqu.e 2-part abow cue, a.nd • _.cujj ... ,....r, ... b -... -..... $20.00 (..."'halra, lampa., picture.a, di.shes. Ethel Richard's Antiqnea 475 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Me~ Muir's Antiques Pine Table . . ' .$22.60 Plne Dreuer ....... . 27 .00 Empire Chemt ··-···· n .IJ.O 88 pc. aet Orient.al "tree ot Ult" Ch.Illa ......... : .......................... $7& Cut 11a.u, brtc-a-brac, co~r and braaa-· We buy, IM!U a.nd trade 2208 N9°wport 8Jvd.., Coit& Me:aa Beacon 8221-WK Chrysler Engines Used• • as low u $10 down and $:1 a -month Shafer's 421 N. Sycamore St. Phone KJ. 2-0872 SANTA ANA titre REPOSSES$D! Beautiful Eloc- trtc Orp.n. Famou• ma.ke. For church or home.. Pay out be.J. a.nee. Bi&" aa.virlg. Like new. DANZ· SCHMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana, G20 ... No. Main. comer 8th. RENT A PIANO, $5 per mo. .'JI term rent alloW'ed when you bu,y. DANZ· SCll!CDT, SaJlta Ana., &20 N .11-'llln. RENT A PIAN~ ror· only '5 per month. Rental appllea on tuture purcba.le at SH.u'ER'S MU· SIC 00. (Blnee 1907) 421 J:Jo. s~.-Bonta ,,\JI&. Kimber· 17 2--0972- • !3-A~ts and~ Ho119M LIDO ISLE SmuUy tuml.ahed 1 and 2 bed- room apartments with garage. , S•pt: l& to June 15lh. 1 bedroom (tWln beds) $7& mo .. 2 bedrms. $100 mo. All utllitlea paJd. ldeaJ tor echool teacher• or profe ... aion&l people., NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdrma. available July 15th, yearly or monthly. Brokers Ii.at. 1M2 Miramar, Balboa. owner. Phone Har. 0612·W, Har, 200l•J. 19tfc YEARLY RENT AL-A'ttractive 2 bd.rm. untu.m. house, Newport Island. Ba th &: shower. Fenced in back ya.rd. Garag11. $75 mo. Beacon 5-Ml·J. 59tfc MANY MORB: TO CHOOSE FROM Tenn.a if Desii-ed lJi down, 18 months to pay NO REA.SONABLE OFFER RJ=FUSED ON A.NY CJ.R ON OUR LOT Theodore Robins NEW 3 B.R. home, comp. rum., TV TOUR FORD DEALER deep treeze, patio, reneed yard. 534 COAST filGHWAY . double go.rage, 1 year leue. P. A. PALMER 23581 Pirate Rd., Cliff Hann, Beacon e8IM N..,_t Betld> INCORPORATED Newport Beech, Beacon 8861-J. Houn: Week Days 8 'tit 1 ma Via Lido H&rlF 1600 l--''--------',;",--60clli--• ~d!'Y• "'; Ho~a)nl, 10 'Ul. 4 ~l 'N-rt •Beach, Cal.If. ·I 1 • --118tfc TWO. APT8. open Aug. 27 and ·•41 FORD Super. Deluxe-.-dr. ae. SepL 1. ALSO room and bath by dan, is:;o. AI.so brand new • BALBOA ISLAND We have aP&Ttmenta and bouse.s- Avalla.ble !or winter season or yearly lease. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine Balboa h:land Harbor 2462 09tfc WHAT ,ft. STEAL! WL~TER REl\TT AL -Furnlshetl 2 -bdrm. apt. betw. Balboa and Newport. G&ra.ge a.nd utU. Incl. A vallBble SepL 9th, 173 mo. or $86 mo. yrly. Bea. 6!87-M. 59tfc 1 BEDRM. API'.-2 adults Utll. pd. -Frlgtdaire day or perma.nent. 5lf E. Ocean 7.60 x 18 8-ply tr1Sck tire with Front., ApL 1, Balboa. Pbone flap. $80. 86 Balboa Covea. J1b. Harbor 3238P 68c74 Harbor 708 otter 5:30 p.m. *le rtJRNl5HED Rearly new 2 bdrm. home in BA YSHORES. Auto wa•her. Sf:pL 15th LO June 15. ~ 2812• CrC11tvJew D~. 6lpl3 Yciru.Y-2 bedroom dUplox. WI· furnishect .. Ga.rage. Near l>Oth : sc.hools. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. For ln!ormatlon Phone Harbor 1297-R. 6lt!c WINTER RENTAL-2 bdrm. furn. house. double garage. Util! pd. $65 mo. Available Sept. 10. 122 41•< SL. Newport Beacll. 61p86 19!50 CHEVROLET 2 door. In per· feet condition, SlM:S. ~12 • !8th St., Newport Beach. Pbon.e Har· bor 2404. . Mtt• UH7 STUDEBAKER Champion Starlight coupe. ALSO lll:!O Stu· deba.ker Champion .f-dr. sedan. Prlvate party, Harbor 301. Slffc '46 CHEVROLET convertible.- Good mechanical cond.Jtlon. ra • dto, beater, only SMO. Bea.con 5115. 82p1S , • _,_ . '48 DE SOTO' Club, 36,200 mu ... BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHLU \.3.. ·-·Very clean. Radio. Heater. bedroom houte, 2 baths. Televt.s-$1400. Beacon 5747-W alter rs.. 1:e.....noue~1c1 Goods , ,C,-owna -Royala , ------------I· See John eJ.vey COME ll'i, l!EA!t and PLAY new Simmond Chord <>rpn. No mu..tc le&IOlla ~-Any· ODO ·-pa:y'' tJdo Instrument. DANZ -SCHMlDT ,PIA1'10 and ORGAN co.. Salda Ana, &20 Nd. Ma.Jn, comer tth. • $4.!5 mo. or wtll lease. · . .' No peta -617 -Seth St. NewPort Beaeh1 Ph. Har. 691-W 62c64 Ion, on waterfront NewpOrt with ~821>&4 pier and tloa.t fqr boat to 38 ft. Wtn ieue Sept. 1 to June L. $100 monthly. Har. 3-021-RK. 61p63 51-TJanen _________ _ Refrigerators USED 5 tu. tt. Weat.lni"houae ...... $ 87.ft() 6 cu. ft. We•Un.cbouee ...... 1 $9.60 1 cu. n . Coltlapot ........ .. ·' 97 .11-0 3CkSay Guarantee 7 cu. ft. Serv~I Electrolux 1110.00 5 cu. n... Servel Electrolux S 91.50 6 cu. tt. Gaffe r-Sattler ...... $ 59 .~ 30--day Guarant".e NEW 7 1_, cu. ft. Int"-rnational Harve•ter. Redttced tram $219.11-0 .................. -...... -.. $1119.11-0 8.7 lnte...,.Uonal ~.60 --'219.11-0 8 cu. tt. Monitor S:UV.11-0 .... $189.llO 4 % General $199.60 ............ U49.ll0 Apt. gb ranee .... -............. $ 89.l!O Deep ~ 9 cu. tt. V I c t o r reduced rrom '383.00 to ... _.-....... $275.00 7 cu. tt. Vlclo< '325.00 to $2411.00 Dale's Furniture Harbor Bl..S. Beacon ~ ..J at Seacraft 012!1 'COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PB. m:ACON &771 SMALL STUDIO upright piano in pfrfect condition. 'te.nna: $29.M down and Sl0.67 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 4.21 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2·0872. 69lfe IHUc GR.AND Pl.ANOS. Bfi Summer ~--..,-------.,--17 Fl'. NATIONAL, good c9ndJ-Bale now on Steinway, .Muon Uon, $400 including .. 111ng 1 .. -" Hamlin, Knabe, Cblckertnc, ""11'1· Alao IOJld dolly ovall&ble. Chuo. wurlltur, Bohmer, Ftah· 21 f Onyx, Balboa hknd. 69pM er and many others. some new, 90me UBed. Prices start at $395 DANZ·9Cl,D(IDT PIANO CO. a21l No. :Main, Santa Ana. $4,250 27 Ff. CUSTOM mahogany cru· t.aer, twln Gray Phantoru, Bea· SPINET PIANO, Pa.y. out' b&lanee YEARLY RE1''T AL, Corona del Ma1'. F\Jml.Ahed stngle apt. A vall. Aug. 26th. Har. 2373·J. Glc63 CLIENT NEEDS CASH. Wiii ,..,nt l bdrm. rurn_ houae. Re.frig. Fenced. Near grammar school. Cub., 1400 for 10 month.a rent In advance. B&rbor 14'18 or Har· bor 110. 81plS MOqlmN> ATTRACTIVE FURN. houae, 2 badroomo and go.rage. Very re&aon&ble rent to reliable couple for winter months.I t..o-. coted "" ehann•~ au . Mtb SL, New.port Beaclr. llp63 P ARTlALL Y or turn. modem 3 bdrm. 2 bath Jtouse. Dtshwa.sh· er. Dlapoea.l, auto. washer. Fl.r~ place, J>&tio, pier, noat. $1~ mo. to June 15th. 3916 Channel Pl., Newport Beach. 6lp63 WINTER RENTA.L -::-PENIN· Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRAil..ER PARK and Sales 1640 Newport Blvd.., Colt& Me&, Beaoon 5329-M. l!OelilH83 SULA -l"urnlahed •Ingle apt., . • f. ava11a111e 1n sept. p ~ ..... uut Trailer Storage 1ncl. Adwto .,..,,.. PllOn• 11a ... , -t4 per Month. l19r 1270-W. 81tre '!' ---------,,---·IProtec:ted by I-foot (once. TRAIL- ONE BDRM. APr. J'umjobed. ~ l!:RTO_W1', 327 W. Wilaon. cost& .P<~ mo. Utilities "'1il. -·, M-. Pb. 6ff. ll-016-K (•PllfO'f· Would oonold~r '7ear)Jf at JM. ed b7 Auto Club .r. AAAJ Apply Saturday or Sunday. 215 • 59cf2 Onyx, Balboa laland. 82<63 dlx contl'Olled.· S. 8. rsdlo. SUp $2811. Another Spine~ $387 No. 2, Kon NUN. Vill& )(annji. Kimbal mode Splllet. USS. See <lr .. Balboa Iol&nd Brld... Hal-our lllt of retlll'Md w. and PENT HOUSE and a rm. cottacea. CORONA DEL MAR -A.ttroe. ~ for Bent bc:r 1115. ts9cl4 repo•••llona. D~ Oil Oolllna taland 2 B. R. home, unf'\Jm., l&l'ge !1v. + BIG PIANO STORllO 100 bar-llocll opL bu .,..ter fnlntogo. rm.. W • .to W. e&ri>et. -. bllnda 18 Fr. CHRIS CRAFl' -" booL plM. l52G N. lla!n. Santa Ana. A.-. •· W..t end'Pvltojll-tile batb. Feneod yd, "r;rl7. rent· SLEEP.ING room. i>rtva.te e:n· • -end bath. By month, $35: 139 N. Bay ll'ront, Balboa Ialond. CJa'>'o. Aee. A·l metfl.-. JHll-0 comer ltb lltreeL ~ 1'land. Harbor 29112-W. al, $8IS mo. liicL utll. IPh. Hor. ftie .Up rental for -lo off~ • · llOcl9 :iae.J. -12<:14 ' toj-ooJe up to 2t It. . OOOD PRACTJCBl PIANOS, US, • · , •ii>M Wla&rd .r. RowboOla for Rent. ..-r. lU and up. Let tbe Jdd. 0~ ,..... I. : FlJRNllJHED HOUSS. Newport. es-~ !~ ud Bawea ' Bcott's Mo'bil ~ Dodi 4lu· 1...,._ ~y but '6 per mo. 1 "'ll' Beul>-4 bdnna., 2 boU.., Jsa. =: · = • · • to ~ Lanillnc. ~ I fr· exclwlp at fllll ' nJua. One bodromn apartment: Uvlog rm.. C.roce. ~ 0819-W. BALBOA lllLA.ND -Furn.. bome, Harbor 2720 attic DARZ-llCIDIIPT BIG PIANO . ' 'Two bedroom apubnont -i b&tlu. A...U. SepL 8th. AduJta. VARJQUS PilOCE8 suitable (Cl' • SALE NOW Off. Banta Au. ,_ ---11 ........ ble lo rlrJ!t patty. Bee: p.rty -deeoroUve ltema, SEE. of 189 hp Seri""" QI! No. ----. Ith. SCHOOL TEA.CBBR&.ilADtn.TS J'rl. • IJllt. n1 A.po._ Bal· 90Dle rare.. Old prln~ etc., an-r..-. ( . ,._._ ~ •-·--.,._. 1am -and _.iqe Nec"'hi and "'dle· r c11ttct' drive. 1111e COGCb-u .r!De __ w 1n coo-de a exce11ent,-ter ....,_.... -~<1. -~!'::... _:.~ -· ·--" " A --... --.. -~ BUNGALOW uprlpt piano Iii per-~ .. All on yearly 1-. South Ba7. Inquire ~ c-i. --... .:...._" •y ~·'" ....... ~· ~~ w™ ~.......,.. ~ -r · Ceet _._. Tenna U'UIO -laland. Ucl4 wu•~v~ ~• • ,_ - tr!»o<L -014 atau. _,. Sewing Machines UTH QO"-C!T cd -...._ ... '° per mo. at Fi•-· Realt C ·· ' ...,,..,,.. ~ -...,,. - ftemoloo numel'OWI to )lOt. -· AT oO;.;:J • ~·11 KU8lC oo: (BJaOe w.au0rl'J8 ~-'CORONA. om,. KAR-llWnlolled a -. s baU.. flNplaee, ,..,. ... ~old equip.. Coleman. ~p .... DDnR ..... ., ..... 'GE 'Newport --at ZSl'd Bar. -ucm Ul No. 9-moN -~ -_... • 1 -opt. BloepO j';. Rel&ai· paUo. TearJ1 -· Har. ma.w stove, etc. Private part)' mov-.~~ • .......,,. I · • 118tfo _,... 'KIRI.....,, :MNl71 • .:._ lllltfc '11 00..C -. Corona c1e1 Kar alJle. A.ftflal>le -!'J' WMk, or • -.. Inc. J"or Jalo. t.'eppta. "'°"l«nd 1315 :&. Jn.Ii ~ Ooeto K-1=:::= · · I; ~"1' -Jfartlor 21152 ' . ~-ll07 ReUot._i (ID 11Rk • on1J .,-e _, 181W. ,_ 12' ~t<T llllltty· all --JlAll()QANY lllii•be eat -., -• -of coo •'i llllt) -KWW&.Y 8Ul&.T I '1111111 - 12ca 1------------arv .,_ -..... ....... wtt11 -· siao. &.r. ..,, -.. 2 ...._ nr '"'"' --~---------MODll:RN a-pc. -Ollar-, ---· llliL u.I ~ Ollf..S. Gcf' ...,,I Ort 0.... .. -· TWO PAIR BKia. aoth ror no. ._ p1ut1c -•••• ..... Jliot"~ .... BALBOAJSLAND Ym ..._ "1•.-r• - Coble b'""lnp llJ!d -.,._ • ID ~ ..,...S o r-. f7a. llmt ... "7 ,..__, "'-~ ~ 8 k -o&,a.. ,...., _. -'j"·i~ .. ~l~l~l~a~-~-~-~IL~f~ll~H laeladed. Bullo< Ut&-W ..,.._ BuW 1'1111-W. a.-on-_ -~ '-.... -. -Gd OW-, -eel pUjo, -7N--. ________ \_, ___ Jl4JIOOAJB _..;,,. 1a P14 ~Udo-. ue-. ~ • •i. AU•er, NELDA GIBSON "-.ciao-*'~ -":!:tcr;_-:;'!' ~ii: .Houaocc•J>&:R-upt -· ••'M. MO; DM. .... .,...... -....-. "• ~w. -SE!\ ROOD ;-g:•!l;,:,;r-;::. "":,~•nm, ..... 111. ... • _.. -·• -:a.i't.. -= -..,,, oaNN TROMl'ST-lJOeid ...q a ---dllWI• ·--· j "'f '-1a (IOI• • pa ~ · ••••. 'DT.&Ta QOllOH.&. pij•.oiiii -0 1 r• • .._ .&..a. -·, ~forlorJ~, Good 17. Gaal -·ea. llT ClOld'µln .... Jm> ....... A11ik...._9t ...... ,1 I II ait.lf .,j.: · NftJ. Z '* ~ ....... • ~ ~ u.:\,.~' WMte = ~~ '°': ~ • ~ ~ :::.;' i::t:,* ..=..-:: :::: ~ -,.:-.;.':,=. '"•+t 'l'c!J';. ii J ·.; 'ftlD_:;-!'~ ~ -::.-: ..., .. , = Ill' WJ P I I ~ llo1 :' 1'-"=.::--,::1!':Z. . a , .... -~ amcm a•'!"B'>O ~ Clklr --no-.,.""*-. '1'; · .,..,_ .... •xa.,.... o.a1......,~.a...... 1.-a 1-1 • ll•w-1 Ali Ml •C I • II... 1 ....... t ol f, ~ SIM TUia -..... -_. 'l'be JelaNkse. ...... 'Ja a illll a., Oilla ' t . '11111lti •w: '9 ~ ..... d "1$111 I 7• W ,_ c.11 --ll'N.I. ..,.. taM9. --lTOK. -IH liJmll' ••11 J& ... JlilT -. 1 ..,. Info,~~ I I <Ill W., • • • • • • • • . . ~ OPEN HOUSE Saturday .nd Sunday ~from 12 Noon) ' . . MODEL HOME FURNISHED 428 Seville Ave., Balboa .Peninsula CALIFORNIA MODERN -arehitectiu'e and color by outatan<µnc a.uthority. Edward H. Fickett, a.rchitect Wm. M1nlrer, colors Newport Furniture Co., Furnishings. If YoU a.nt interested in seeing the very LA TEST in deeigm a.nd color, See tlli•! J (Out Balboa Blvd. _to the P_eniiiaula, -~tch for arrow) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO: REALTOltS sotlt and Newpolt Blvd. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1800 Bay F-ront Income Here 18 ho"}e plue r-ood income right OJI the water. .'nlr.ee . .2 bdrm. and 2 bath unile. and 3 l bdrm. Top Jacatton. 4 yean. old, completely turnl&hed, prtce '87,llOO. C<>mlder part trade. Bay Front Triplex On beautttul Udo late. Two 3 bdrm.. apU. and one · 1 bdrm. excelleat ·lacome. Price M.7..500, excellent term•. NEW 3 B.R.; 2 Bath H~ on Udo Isle. t ile features, forced air heat, FP patio, Jou of atOr&ge •pace, $22,500. , ALSO Excellent Income If you want one ot the belt ln· come proputie1 ln the I.rt'&, we have 6 un1ta c1oae to everythlnc'. Well fum.11'hed and in ceod con- d~tlon. Alwaya rented. Showii good tricome. O\fner In vlnJ •re&.. Prlcf:d right at $29,:iiOO. ExcJuaive. Owner Moving Must se.IJ alm01t new, ruuy tum· lahed. 2 bedroom peninsula home. Well bUllt. Flrt'plue, pa.nelray e.,nd electric hut. ru11 b&th with s~U ahower. Dl.lpouJ. Lota of tile. Laree 2·car 1arage. Re· duced to $12, 700. Cheaper to Own Ttia.n. J!:eDt a 1ummer home. Tl"lbr • • . ......... "'G~ I. Resale" 3 bdrm.. lrwd. floon, fireplace, dbl. ........ nice lawn. Mo. pymta. le2-ll, down pym_t. 0300, Total prlco ft0.630. "Bldg. Lots" (five) But ot locotlon cl-to Blvd. bat Side. ONLY 14000. , "Income & Home" Two horn.ea on one lot w1lb 2 bdnna. ea~h prtce $8250. "$1300 Down" Will buy a neat two bdrm. oldrr home and garage on comer Jot, total price $6200. "Real Nice'' . Two bdrm. hom'e. garage &: work •hop approx. 2 yrs. old. 17600. down paymrnt 18100. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. :5181 G. I. RESALES All below properties 'are lo- cated on the best Eaat Side aection of Costa Meaa $5950 NEW 2 BDRM:. at $<950 doWJ'. Prlc~l5,7:SO. G~AF & ASSOC. BUlLDCR -R~TOR 3112 Newport mvd., Barbor 2:>112 116~ dn. and $32 per mo. Ex. small 2 bdrm stucco on NxSSO ft. lot. 81"ell place tor lhe kid1 hOrlif'. $9450 · thr~ bedroom houae la we.II lo- caWd and would be an l.deaJ win· · ter r.&nt.a J. u weu u •u.mmer home. Close to bay, ocean, .echool. churches, transportation. Good buy at $10..500. tl&oo dn. and '51 pe.r mo. Roomy 2 bdrm. •tucco, hw.d. noor., lots of tile, dbl. pr&l'e. fM1ct'd wide lot. Only 3 yr.. old. EXCHANG:ts LOT 143 x 380 -N~ 2 bdnu. bouae. I.And plotted for addt· lion.al born~ fOT income. Loea· ted. in Fontana. borne of Ka.ilf'r Steel and tutest growlnl' in· duatri&J. center ln ·Southern cat. SUBMIT INCOME or vacant . zoned for lnestme. On Peninsula Year old thrMJ bedroom home. Onr block. \o good av.rimming beach. Hardwood floor' fireplace-, noor f'Umace, Iota ot tile in kttch("n and bath. Large two-car ga- rlg'e. Very nt"&t. Good financ- ing. Bay View Older thf'ff bf'droom house on two Jota with view of the bay. House I.II exeellent condition. ApproXl- rnately 2000 eq. ft. A · real fam-Large Income Units lly llcme, a good buy, 119,llOO. -o..nge eounty. 1.vm · OOn.ider . Duplex Near Bay . Ba)' O<. 0coaa i'rOALi.im. ~ ~ bediofolia" -"two~ • _ '60.000 'equtt::.__ · down. Mldltlori'!:i' bedroom uad Eleven ~ll plu owner~-ln~ome bath. attached to carap:. 'Ex- •ioo k W t hou.ee c:ellent renter•. View or bay. " wee • &n • • Dellghtf'Ul home u well &.1 ln· Ed L. Sedelmeier • 'Realtor 1523 ~ R lgh-y- C.Orona. del Mar Ph. Har. 2766 HciH VIEW HOME • OlfE BL.IC. abovo lunaet Blv4 .. W . Hollywood. 1 1tory mod. French Prov., l Br. • !kn; 2\0 yrs. old, 3000 aq; ft., llo& ft. front level lot. Trade for older Hyshore re•. or inc. wtlh pier. Owner, 1314 Beltut Dr .. L. A. •e. DU . 7-63H, CR. e.te!H. 53p66 "LET'S TRADE" HA VE IU,000 equity tn 2 tunf. hoUOH (good nittala) Balboa Boulevard. corne. J Bay & Beach Realty HllO Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 Ethel Shirle-y Golden Fay J. M'. Miller DicJ4' hy ' - TWO BEST BUYS Newport Heights 3 bdrm. home, new a.nd beauUtul. I bile:•. to · achoola. n.s9f.one tlreplac•, hwd. larse plate sLNs facing patio. Ill.HO. 13100dn. . - $1800 now-n 3 bdrm. 0 . I. Reule. Coat.a. Meaa. ~aa hwd. tloon: prbage dlsp., ta clean u a pln. Built in 1950. Fl.Ill price '9160. Pymu. &r< ~ ln<lu. !Uta A lnour. $9750 I t 800 dn. and SM Jkr mo. Real barl'ain, 1 yr. old. 3bdrm. home, hwd., tile, din. rm., prb. dl.Sp,. dbl. gar .. near h1 ~boot • $10,950 Reu. dn. and "48 per mo. Jmmac- ulate~y beautiful 3 bdrm., hwd . tile. t'\lll din. rm., dbt gar , aer. pc~. Near ttarper school. Won. derllll buy. $12,750 New Shake Root 3 bdrm. home. Farm style beauty, tirplace. tile. dbl. gar. Only 12TM. down and $6.f per mo. Drfve by 490 C08l& Meu. St, Then af'C! u. tor a rea.I buy. B.A.NERESON 198% Newport Slvd., Coot& Phone Beaeon ma Balboa Peninsula INCOME EzceptlonaUy nice f. unttl -2 stQry stucco. only 11" yn. old. 4-car p.rage. "nlree l bdrm. units furnished. One 2 bdrm. unit unturnlahed. Close to bay and ocean sw1mml.ng. Excellent income. $36,500 I · BALBOA !ISLAND Cba.rmlng 2 bdrm, home, large patio and lanai. Escel. l~tio1t, clole to tine beach & publl~ pier.\ Price $16,500 . W. W_. SANFORD, Real.tor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa Ialand Harbor 2462 • 250 Acres, near Apple VaUey, in heai:t of the gueat ranch country. Lovely 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. Guest bouae, swimming pool, trout lake. Abundant water now developed. Exchange for cruiser and/or home. EVERETT MORRIS & Associates 408 E. BALBOA BL V,D .. BALBOA Phone Harbor 3265 BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM.. -2 bat.ha -ovt>r•lzed 2·car attached garace. Located on tree lined rentle aloplng corner lot. ALSO JUST COMPLE;TED TWO BEDRM. with spacious 2 bdrm. apt. over 2·car ga.rage with vtew of oce8Jl. BOTH HOUSES •re RANCH STYLE wi th tile baths prba,-41 dl1posaJa, large enclosed paUos. overJ11I Ad pan~ eled flrtpla.ce11, deoorator colors and wall papers. Sepa· rate laundry rooma. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Phone Owll:er. Harbor 1021·) or tee yaur broker. llectl l'tnt t!me ottered nearly new 4 bed.room, 2 batll home. Tbl.9 lo an. Ideal home tor chlldren u tt hu 2 Ip. bedrooma ""d 2 oma1I beclrooma. AU the !&tell and fln..t teaturu and onl:y a few etept from lovol:y pn.r.ta -.;11. Jmag!ne thla ~t ONLY $19.llOO -Hurry on lhta. .u.so . on LIDO ISLE a charming, unique and imprealve 6 bdrm., 3 1-th one atory NORTH BAY- FRONT home. Here La a lovely site with pier an~ •lip and home has NO ST AI.RS to climb. This home Is tuml8hed and priced to sell quickly. ALSO a. few choice building lots on LIDO ISLE at rock bottom prlces. PRIVATE BEACHES, tennll court.a.. clubhouae and many other advantagu make lheee Iota \'ery deatn.ble. We are the DEVEU>PERS of LIDO ISLE where a little buya a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED. 3333 Via LkSo Newport Beach, Callf. Harbor lGOO Costa Mesa Realty We invite. your i.Mpectlon ot the following properties. Drive by them and If they look tntere.t· Ing to you, call at our office~ 1 ""e have tbe keys- • • • 2000 WESTMINSTER A VE 11,lllO A very nice modem t"•o bedroom home With redwood sidln~ and 11hake root. Near the country club on a good corner Jot 60x 135. Maulve fireplace separe.tes Jivinl" room and kltchen-beun- ed celllnp--targe dbl. ga.rae~ I • •••BAate .. • p • • .. ... • * .. • ••I"'• -. • r I , • Home and Income on Balboa !eland.; $15,000 I ' Near Sooth Bay~place-Two bedroonu and l>l*>k room. Small ~°l't on rear. Onl:y I ,,....._ old. Clooe to obopplnf dl.otjiet. ' . 40 . THIS IS A GOOD BUY· at $16,500 , Two bedroom house and 1 bedroom •P~nt-ht U· cellent location. CorpparaUvely new. \ .- • ' BEACON BAY, HARBOR ISLAND and BALBOA ISLAND • For theae and BAYFRONTS $38,500 up other Newport HarbQr Call Harbor 1776. . . r, area properties EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hlway Newport Beach 81~ eout Hiway Corona del Mar 225 Marine Ave. Balboa lalan<I 15tb and Irvine Newport Beac;b 3113 Newport.. Blvd. .Newport Beach ' • _. Will Sell>or Trade I Low Down 2 bdrm. 0 . I, ~°:mci. Large living :3 bdrm. 'ti. I. Reaale-Tiiis ls the room, noor rum., hwd. floors. bargaiit you have bt-t"n W&itlng "'nters on side street.~ off------------------------ terms. tile ln kilchM, dbl. gar .. near tor -1 YT· old, hwd. n oors, lots Newport H~fs-ht.a. Priced 113$0. ot Ulf'. dlninr room, plenty or S2"MJ dn. $63 a mo. Party need!! ctOsets, extra large lot on clrcu· 3 bdrm. home In COllta Mesa. lsr drive. 2 blks. trom. H. &. Home in the Country AttracUve living room, 2 bdrma .. bar-type kitchen., birch and knotty pine , tnt.tior. Lot 70 x. 1.DO. l"'tutt treu. !"riced MIW)(), Some tenna. Tiny Tot 1'1 acre with small houae. 1 bdrm .. Some Chicken equipment. Priced $3000. UllOO dn. Unimproved Resldrntlal and Industrial lot. and a.er-tap. Ia Your Prope-rty tor Sale 1' We Have Buyera. La PERLE REALTY 1891 Harbor Blvd. Orui:ta Mesa Phone Beacon 704.3. GOOD BUYS Full Price $971!0 With $1800 Down 4-nd 1'nonlhly paymenta ot $56 which Iner. taxe11 and tnsuranef'. How Cm I You U...t. Tlllet G. I. Resale Nevyport Heights A lovely 3 bdrm. home on Reef .. land.a ave. Leu than 1 year old. F'lrrplace. h\lo•d. noon, dinette, • l&r~ kitchen with b~aktul area and laundry, •arbac-e dt.p., dbl. garage, nicely l&nd.9C9.ped. patio and many nice features. Down pymt. $2700. Full Price $12,500 Monthly pytl. of JM Include tu.f's and ln9Ur&nC'f'. Country Club Special NEWPORT -Cozy 2 bdrm. atuc-Appraise This co cottace a.djacut to oce..n • • • 303 FLOWER ST ................ 110,llOO This large three bdrm. home re· flect.8 pride in home owner->tlp- n iee covered patio.porch alons rear or house. ya.rd I.a well kept and pJanted. Hwd. Ooora' and nice tile work. Submit re&1JOn· abJe down payment. -~ .. • . . 834 8AN BBIRN ADINo-'.- NEWPORT H¥1GH'1'8 $12.llOO Notice the utreme care ahown in th~ finl.ab Wark on this beautttul &hake root modem . A two bdrm. home with best O( bwd. fioors. copper hOOd over raitge, pull- m&a bath, nice ttxtti.rea arid top workman1'hlp throughout. never occupied. • • • 185 E. 19th ST ..................... 111,000 A moat convenient location ev.._ dence or pre·war quality con- struction are obvtou. ln this 2 bdrm. and den home. Oak fk>ora throushout, fireplace, large din· lng area, nice ahrub9 ahd tTeea. Thia price ai.o lnc1ud .. carpet· ing, prape11 v-bllnda: and B~­ dix. ... .. .. front and good Mac)\. FumiAh· Home haa approx.. 1280 sq, tt. ed ......... ·-·--·············-·· ......... h .600 3 bdrma., one a muter, large CALL AT TH!! OP'P'ICE AND living room, ~pa.rate dining SEE THESE! SEASHORE DRIVE -Large and room. large kJtchen with din-Clean 3 bdrm. atucco wbtch le G.L •tlncltlve l B. R. apt. over dbl. elle •pa.oe. Bath room la com-finan«d.. It has a good f'ltt· p.rt.fe • bwlk room. Rrdwood. pletf'ly Wed with a pUUman. place and bwd. noon, and a HOME AND INCOME 2 bdrm. home in choice BALJ}OA ISLAND tion. Fireplace, hwd. floora, nice patio. loca- PL.US a 3-rm apt. In rear. • $18;~0 Furnished .. •. STA1¢.EYifrADP'JE[)), ~to~ . 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 DON'T FAIL to see Coeta Meaa'1 be8t buy in Boulevard frontage 630 n. frontage x 184 depth on Newport BJVd., localed betwftn llst: Uld Und .U-..t. Oii. ~ aide of . Blvd. Thie ia 8ll &bac>Jute •teal at "° per ifopt ~foot wtth %; clown and th< bal~ at &% • MUST HA Vlj: 4cnoN BEJ!'ORi; SIWI'. 1 llicbt Co~der Trsde fo.r Down Payment. ACT ON THIS TODAY ·BEACON 6698 ' Newp<>rt Heights Today's Best Buy ' NEW three bedroom home with fl replace, tu r n. a c e, hardwood tloors, prt..p dllpQeaJ. double rarace- CLIFFHAVEN- Home -Large Lot _: Unobstruct- ed Harbor view-2 bdnns., hwd. noora. P'laptOne-ttreplace, en- cklGed barbecue. Large living - dining room facing Barbor. Fur- nau heat, dbL pr. Only '"·\>O!! -- • W iU trade tor 3 lldnn. home, Har- bor area. Will u.suna. Phone Harbor 20M-M OftrUaP. llOp64 Beacon Hill Realty W•ll conatnscted Ulroug'bout. Fireplace wtth a heal&lor. Ba.ck nice y.ard for the cbUdren. The Balboa Older Home Room tor additional UlllL A ,..,. yard la completely brick«! -very beat ot tenne. Montllly $11,000 (ull price Corona del Mar. • WILL TRADE 2 bedroom houM. good IN&tlon. Corooa clol Mar for 2 bedroom hoUH and double garare ln Cliff Haven or New. port HeJ.cbt. or wtU con.elder deatrable lot in aame area .. pert paymen.t. OWJ\er, Har. 17J8-M. 46f Newport Blvd (&have Arch8) Ph. B. ~713·R or Eves. B. M32·W Very nice 4 bsfrm. .• 2: baU.,l la.rge feet from ~ front -.. Sll,760 roaUnr owner a Sl.000. Garage paymenta ot $62.88 incl. taxu llvinv room with tlreplace. Ac-BAIJ!OA PICNINB'" • POINT-which abo ha& a quarter bath. Int. and lrulur. FUii price 110,llOO tr bstru ,_, Vi·-Home • "'-Ce-ment driveway. barb-q and a • • • '"'no c ... ~ .... .,., cross the alrttt from the bay Attn.ctlve 2 B. R.. bome. FrpJ. and w&Jklnl dlotance to Bal-wau..i lo, nlco patio. • Y"'· old. 2 B. R. Muter B. R. Ux20 JUST COMPLETED and ehopplng area.o. pat many nice tff-Owner lo luvlnc tor achoo! and Ov.rlool<lng UI• upper Ba~ &114 J ~ large playroom In Exclualve Shoni Cll!fa t"""' ----··-·-·--·······--·.f1',000 must make a ~ ln>medlately. eltuated among other tine prop. and ahop. S ear prqe, New 3 bdrm. Cape Cod, forced olr heatlnir, l&r&• living room. fireplace, double garage. Demr-- a.~e location, immediate ~ 11lon. $14.,500, uceL te.rma. -· 0 l $15 000 t ertie1 11 this sprcwUnr r&nc'k _..:: will. dl · THREE llEDRM.. 2 bath home n y ' urn. Balboa Realty Co. Tbe tun pr1ce .. only home: 'Hu over two U.ouund ""''000 ban e on larp &Oltlll' lot ll50 oq. . Roos O~ley J-silllne Webb $12,500 oq. tt.-411 electric and tnclud,. . I ft. plUa ~ -· with Lillian M<.Adoo built-In •lee. ovon, table-top Ralph P. Maa~ey WILL TJ\ADE .,. De Soto Club radio COnlr'!lr<d' door, hardwood Coast Properties Co. 708 E . Balboa Bl¥<!. Bar. 1277 eloc. •love and. dlah . wuher. MU Ne~rt Blvd., N-' ....... u down pa:rmtat.., small home tlooro. Forcecj air turnao;e. Loll 301 E. Balboa Blvd. Balbo& Phil Sullivan . Very lartr• rooma and ....u Plat>• r~ ·~.-· • In Hartior Me&. Beiu:on 6747-W or tile. CQmpletoly fencod and Phone Harbor MM n<d. 4m&11ncly -price "' • J!!lo"" Harbor '°' aner 6. &2J>M landoeQed. Today's Best Buy C. Galen DenisOn ••&.500. with t•rmo 1t neec1e<1.1 _______ ...__118_ttc u-G. I. Rf;SAL-2 bdrm. llucco, dbL P,..1 &-2 lot. Pymt.: 'only $55 per mo., tnclud. tu.No 4 % • • Int. and Jnaur. 'Wby pay ,-t.! ~ Ulla, It ..ton't taat At · only ,10.:500. - • WELL p• • ·~o Newly deco-Ptloed at fJ7,MO, " down CORONA D..,.... MAR c G "' Everson . -Othon wltb omall ...... ---w. E. Fisher, Realtor • rated ~~ut 6 rm. home. Call owner HUbor ~l.J' ... -..,,..., in orona del Mar . . .... ·-'.'':'" SOMETHING NICE ERNIE SMITH, Aaocl4te .. All tile bath. R-2 IOlle. l.ua'o ~ at lM ShorecUUa llood. Charming 3 bedroom homo. r.rtra • HO Nowpcwt Blvd. Coot& re-Jl3.llOO vp. • 118 Coaat Bird, Harbor :Uta Jot. room to build. Value 111.oool _________ e_ru_c large Uvtnr room. 16 x ... wflll See 714 Marigold Ave .. Pb. ---or Bea. MM-J COSTA MESA ., IN A LOT • • Corona dtl'K&r • North IQJlew-. be&J\!<d celling and tine !Ire-• H.ari>ft,8157-W · R1"AT ·TY o,. Little-Bal-Ialaod, We ]b&VO • WUI u-ade tor boWIO llimllar else, TODAYS DEST BTTV. pl&c:o. 'l'Jlfd work---kl--2 bdrm. bonlo-ro....i air ~ ~ " nice corner lot, we ... Move w 0 n de r ·f u l Harbor ana or t..gw1L Phone ~ u .1,, Outol<le lmtranee 14 ll&IJ -· fire~ hlb' --J1911o, • too E . 11111 IH. • • Beacon eats ·~--•· -n-~•-,,.,,,,.!;; A ' Axmlnller l-441NI. ~ct7 ! bdnn. eotlqe, -IL ~ era. OV.Mllae 2-<:ar pnse. Al-Lota Of tile..., ... tnei.. H1od. COSTA MESA Barney .._ -~ ~""'a;p;;I" to BAY VIEW H0ME ch&Mel, oomer, ~ U260, tncUtt work -n-....... ,..... ~-~~l •-.~~ o.n..r must lell .her fine S bdrm. Fred cro.Jtt -W. C. °"''"Pd bu04 W .-II. Fin&neliW_ j!OUJd TID_.. aaieoo~s, 1-ti -,,. ... ' 1511 .. ·--term. Of '19211 down &nd ..., Jn&, TotaJ 1420 OQ. foatace, .\ --. ~~ ~-. ~....... ~jA& be pd. -A -.,. __, :-Z to~ -mp. N. II. C. IU!:.U/l"Y, ll2nd • -1 buy at '$16,llOO; 01117 f7llOll bom• ~L 'tlllC for ..,ad. --&IftD · !up 11vlq """'!'. dbl. ~ Newport Bild,. Newpwt Beacll. -.., 1 .... larp lot, 2-ear pr. all -1Dt· CORONA DEL MAR · ' -flrt place. N.niaee Ilea!. pr-LOANS For HOIJleB u.-. • menc.. • We ll&n • )leutlNl ~ '9 ft. be,fe. d-...i. 1>ea11tlflll ,._ · Bl'-IO yr, 1-Da ror Ulla and otbtt out.ot&ndtnc ' • Tour Qllter OOUlderod Don't Say: . . --by 146 ft. ~. wttk -.......S -. .Comer location. roNsTRUC'nON LO~I , ONLY -~~N.W 2 bdrm......... -.alueo, c:atl John Mottnn. Bar-Ear} Chamberlain For Appoln-t to-See-'1 Wllh rd 11.ffO 'l'llo!e ..._.. -7 piio.ted flOl'I :.PVWlll#.' Price-'26.-. Te,.,,._•~, at &--5~1' (H yn.) llW<I. llooro, ...... "'11lpua l'lll. bo1' taOO : lnp, ~ 800 o.it Bl'fd.. Olrona clei Ma HORACE II-1iA.zrr '10,TllO --On1J f3'00 -_ Ono .... fi _, ~ '-' Mil ..,......,, Dr!ye .. ~- WE BUT AND ·-. ....... tloor ~ AA Ideal 2111).R. (0,,. i"r••jlQllt .. ''•:BINI I . -~-~--·-• ........, •• ~ ~----· .... ed. Oii ......... -ot ,11"'1-' . '1~ -' hMI~ for a OOllPia. ,...,,._, SID "'""'...,_ --~ ,..._ • -,.•UWli •--.•" I ' ~ -NM, ~ tD lk ----------~~ ... -C:-ueo~. !'~a · 11111 a.&mMl&la, aoo oout Blvd. P. A. PAI.MER -t • 11a111aa laluRl 89"°' ~ ~~-,...s. ... ,. .. ~!!'-1 llllll tMI, °""4 *'Ii-·~ f WANT TQ 11tAD11:f'.' : . 11i'a oo,.;r' BLVD. Corona del Jbt. Har: ,.._ ' INCORPOltA'J'ED 1 llDIUI. -MW pallll..... 'l"N' --· -..-.... _.. . ea flea&; -I oWtt• """""'" to' ;.o 'or ~ ca r • dol Mw H&rW ion-1 • • ~ a1,s vta u.o -.... L ~. ~ ~ Home and uo,9r50 _ llett<T ~ _.._2 J ·A. BEEK .,.....ce ' ~ ,_ l'"'P· tar • -~ ~ l'OllUl:a 'lllOftTG.A.Clll CQ. ONB aa>ROOJC .BOUBE, ~ na. · pr, p-Wl - -_ "'::! bdnn • ......_ Oeeaa\ -.,_ Id-• u~ Ill ...,._ .u.., u -~ - · -... ur. -""* KI wua ::U-':. 1:i ~ ~ N••":.!:":;. c.ur. :o;r ~ w1 ~..;;i Bu•inna for J.eaee ~ 1: ':. ~~ Bar. .. _ ~·~ ··~ ~ =. J..'= ~-.: .= llllil . -•· ~ twl~i.t•-wyi•"'~ p.t1oW111r~Jf.---. ~~t --•••a. 1 .... ., -.,, .. _..:----.--,..-.,---~-.-I.~ . fl2ClO 11111 ...... aid ... f1l1 ""* f(w oft'°8 !IC' pre-........ ...,__ . JI_...._ . ,_........ =-.:: ::--·:~= e4.-.-._ Jota fl( 111L A . FQll Prlee t 11 ..... man. Lot• of :'l'O)( P-AtNE S4Y l • .ta•• 1 Me -A 11 Ir=_., ~~=.,,•:=~ :::, ":':.t.":.':::..': ~ ~~ar'!"r·,1~ ... ,·. ~:•;71:;.:. .. -:~ra -• 1111 • .,. .. ~ '1•0-.••z·cw-..... · r."i' 'fi~al':',"' ~ •• , • "' .. 1i .._,~~ - _ -·-__ = ... -. 11t1aa..o.u .. u .. ' -tar mt.,.. aiio--.•ui b ....,. .. •..-.... ---Ill...,. ,,._ tr .. a P ·a a 1W ta• UJ•to. .. •1; ~ ... ..., l , .... JW It --I -r• .. ,;,~ •• -· Sf·1'1Ua&...... . G. L Belak .. . ...-. ~:.& =-en .\~1,;"; wu11v. .. a.r. '1111os1r_.11 • .-1ir·•• .. .. qt I ..... • 01 --..... Qle?J... ... =~.::;:.JS u '-.. ._ - ->11• • I w csi 1 ' 11 , sr s • • • ••-. 'Oi; ............. .u --I ~ mAW WWW.t.D9 I~ ..... . ' • • ' ' • • . • , • • • • " ............. Illa S•arte•lag . CRISCO • SPRY SNOWDRIFT (America's Favorites) POUND CAN c ;MiiGAiiNE MIRACLE ·SUDS TIDE 1·LI. Piii. LAIGI PKIJ, • .. 21c 25c · .. ' . . • VELVEETA , KIAFT ·2 Po1ICI 79C CHEESE FOOD Loaf .... ~ .... .. ... PllSH DAILY'I ·~i~ fRUITS & VEGETABLES .w .. t-Nort FINES'T IN TOWNI ·. . u. s. N,o .. 1--&,arge Smoot~~hite Rose ... ' . ' " . ..... -. . . '• CIGARETTES • f ,.. . . . • . . . 10 LBS. .ALL POPUL.Aa llANOS • c No • . ~ .. . I . . / · Y°" ~n't make 1 a bad ~p oF • COFFEE All rinds-1-lb. can '. i '/BING CROSBY 'S FAVORITT TUNA REOPEI ;_ ~ ,,. fre.e! r. '""• "'"'" ""'' ·4 ~ · • star-Klet • ~, (~ ~::::titi T u •A iiouici C•••k Style • HEART'S DELIGHT FANCY CLING PEJ\CHES Lar .. 39c n, . HO. 21/2 CAN DIXIE ~UIE PIESllVES S'RA WBERRY ~f:- ' c *OLIVES* 1890 '--•"· FIENCH 21c DIWING Ho111et Lart• llpa .,. LartoGraaa llpa I· ' , ' ,. • . r AIMOUI 1111.TSYIL~ IS.10 II. Ayt.I · ,,. "JUNIOR" TURKEYS FIYi~!~~L, .. OSCAI MAYll, llST VAL 1·POUND 49' SLICED BACON ~::~~.~~ ........ ,.... • , . . . .._.. __ ............. __ ....... ~ FINISt:.NOITHllN · 45• . SDtacl Caclitall 45' HALll\IT ·STEAKS · ·· • SHRIMP ·.. • MAYONNAISE lS··.59. • • ,• sun· SAi.Er Co~-'ER 1-lb. ,.., •. 7.Sc: I a . • wye Cltee5... ,. rar.fee I . ... i.t 23 -ce ,Cream 2·"'-. ~ • ' 1 29c I . -. . *PICKLES* ' . . \ WHPLI. • 2ee :wHOLf ' 19 • • . N0.1 25c TALL CAN •••••••• . ~,. --.. ,; Cl.H CANE SUGAR C rcus Peanuts ILUHILL 24-, ,/w l'ILVHILL 2....,. J..,. SWOTS ....... -z-' DI.I.µ ••••• ,.... '' :' . . ·;iill~PLE ~~i~ J1~ · --~ YllGINIA" ' a.oz. ·29c CAN lrawa ott Powdlrad 1·LI •• ,,OC IOI ••• '· • u " ANGEL -FOOD 7tc •. ...... ,.., ...... Von dr Kon1ps ~~ f'f.••" I i f\i . ' . Sa ... Marl.,_,,•, 1 JaN Ca• I • w SPAGHETTI}"'" Sa•c•. li>Htr-HI!· .1 Pltlllc.l~·· . ' • .......,.;;;;;;;;_.,,...,_....,. __ ...._._e...t ~K-•nna~· ·-·""'-r~,u~:~~··~-~·~~-1 ~-~·~~u+-::Gr..,....'--'~~~-'~··~·.a~n~s·_._........,.,~·~·...:·, ' • BEL-AIR . Ce1tt~roma · Sala~.·Dressing ..... hftl• · ·: · -~ 3 7 . . . 1Gq0 lslan~ Dressing H.elf ""': ...... '• • .......... • . • t . · llWCD , French Toasted Croutons &ar11c a. c•••.. , ea. . $.ea. ............... . I ·SA·C:.11· . • Pickle & Prinlento . ., LOAF ·· .. . • L I j r ' I Taft favored in · Sa rita ·Aria Go~ - DdendlJll: Champion Wally, Taft , who a week ago 9el the }Vlllowlck Golf course artre wtth a record abatterlng-tu, bu _., inotalted the" favorite to de.f•ml hbt Utle u the' S&nta An& Clt:y Oolt Cb&mp- lonal>lp ltt<l-j>ff Saturd&J<. ~ dinner for team capt&llUI ot the -llns team. In tbo SuYI.., Club i....sue. la «bmuled for Mon- day, Aus. 27 a.t 7 p. m. at Norton"• Ba7 B~ ~o. Rulea Md b:y· law• to the -upcomina' winter teagui ~ c~rpotltton wW be tbe IUbject at lbe mMt~. Tbt< leque la ecbedllled to otart knoclclnl' clewn !'ilUI Beptem.,.,. 10 at v ... ·• Bowling In Coot& Mi-. f . Tbe tourney's qua.lltylng rounds Will lut unttt. Aucuat 30 a t the Weal rulb Street Llnka In Santo Ana w tth the match play for the top brackets carded tor the Lo.bar Day week-end Sept. 1 through 3. Taft, the Cocta Mesa expert, will be tightinJt' a flve Y.C&r old jlnk.iii ln the tourney that has yet to aee a champton repeat. Liut y ear the 1940 King, Tom J otuuson ol San Diego, breezed lnto the final.a but could not break the "one year only"' jinb and lost to Taft in the ,finals. The aponaoring Junior Chamber of Commerce stresaed ~t the handicap ~ht ot the annual City Tourney would be played only one round a week alt.boOgh the quali- fying would be the same dales u the top bracket.a. 1 Aug. 19 through Aug. 30. ------ FROM NEW MEXIOO Mrs. Curtis Allm!Ul and g-rand- da:ughter, Edith Rote of Rosswell, N, M ., are welcome visitor• In the bome of ?otn. Allman's daugh- ter, Mrs. Venita Higgin.a, 4.03 Flower street. CQlta Mesa. ON COLORADO TRIP ·orange avenue'• "t .; a. v e 11 n g grandmother," Mrs. Mary Ander· son, left la.st week with her 10n· in·law and" daughter, Mr: and Mrs. Green, on a trip to visit friends and relaUve1 ln Colorado. . . I ' C&ptalno ot lb• ten B<mco Club Leku• teamo are ursed to cont.act eU ber St.an Ackervian at Harbor 897-M or Don Butt. at Be•con 6408-W tor reM:rvaUona. African Violet Expert Coining • to Santa Ana Mre. Carolyn Rector, author of "How to Grow AJrlcan Violeta," will tnalte a peraonal rue.at appear- ance in Butf\lm•' Book Depart- ment, Santa Ana, on We-dnead&y, August 29. Mn. Rector's book and her own display of aeedllnp wW be avail- able to au vulitora who wUh to obtain garden.Ing ttpa from Soutb- em €allfomia's moet prominent violet enthuaiut. Everyone la welcome to attend. WAR TAKES LO't8 OF FUEL For e very 50-ealtber macbine- gun ' bullet tired at the enemy Korea by the· U. S. Air Force, tb4 oU lnduatry has had to aupply almost two gaJJona of ruel. The AU Force corurumed more lhUJ IM million gallON of fuel from. the start or the conlllct to April, 1951. Henclan Faded Denims SLACKS %9 ... " •4tc1 wala& • ._ •• In llAlabed ... .ui-. !8 to S4 •.. cuttod and -.1.Y lo ...., Walld.Dc s395 8bort . , •. -· ., I FALL TERM ··-~~ • Opens Sept~ 10-17 • • at lruplire '•bolll IJoae ~'"* COIU"Hal • s-..1 .. hlc • leellheplftl ~. "9nfar Aec1_ ....... • lilecvtlw Seaalu;lul • C111.ln•n•t 41, •N.·ffleher5 ~1111111 • I 11 •• • •• J1'1t1&ll• ,. '"° S... -IQ S.17U ......: llUUZl'IN °" •••• , ----~" -·-.. --···-It • .,. ""~,.,.,. toMC ·~·· ... • --,, .. ,. ,,. TtaJ.lt .... ~..... 1....V• .--lm.111111111 -· - --.llAJL TODA"(-- - ......... _w.-• -·· ., . ( ·-1 . 0 5 7 -.... ( <• 0 --~ 1 - • -rf'···········································1·· ..... . .............................................. . ~ ....•.•.•..•.•••.• ·- BAIT TANK • . . The boya, who took an .eul7 va· cation on the put albacore' runa. certatnl:y mlM<d tbe -t. out of .tale ang1"n &re really enjo;rlnf ftablng at tu boot. Bait flahermen are making mOney, but th ru.Jght Jib boo.to are atarvtng to death. Even ailed anchovies and tro&en bait are working better th&n the old favorite feather. TOIOIY rR08'r ee-*atif..nl • la the -kowblnl Oeet' are not ~.. ~ Be. f1aeec1 Ralph Scbtaalrr. Urir Corona dcl Mar reUred mUcb.&nt and E . b . LeetCr. the ti.ckle expert, haw perfected a system. Leave at. five and are back In and on the Job by t e n o'clock. Ten big albacore, the mut.er a ~ poqrider, la juat an ordinary mornlzlC• chore. tint apla :. the Gold "II" ....... IMt week, -...,..., tnrm ldt: Wtaatoa nrtlu, third ~ ka.Q¥ BeaJam.ln.;, JM!ICOad: Tom Froa ftnt: aad Commodore •· A. beek_ apotl§Or or the r~·ent. The lt>ophJn wen pmieatcd at a dlaoer be.kl at the Newport.Harbor Yacht olub '\ut Frlda,y. World fteao·~, · Horse Parks Pay Thr0ugh the Nose Horse: racing p&rl-mutue l fee1 bnfught 114.765.180 Into th€? statr treasury dur ing the fl9ca.I year ended rJune 30, 19~1 .. State Controller Thomaa H. Kuchel reported today. Thia wu $-4.82.MS more than the total for the precfldinr ~ar. Kuchel said that Hollywood ParlJc: wu t he largrat contributor with a t otal of &a.117,247. The._ ____ ._ _______ _ I other tracks were 11.!sted a.a fol· loW!I : Sa.nla Anita, M..ZM.778; &,) Meadows, $2,608,318 ; Del Mar, St.· 040,902: Golden Oate Ftekls, 183, • 130; varloua a.uoctattona4 stale, county and dJatrict falrs, 1760,· 807. I Of the monJes collect ed, $11.· 290,888 wu depoiNted In the fair and expo.Ilion fund and the re· m&Jnlng 13.471,292 wu lr&ru1fer· ~ lo the general fund. The gen- e ral fund alao received '29Q,27l f-rom unclaimed. p&rl·mO.tuel lie· keta. Allocation from the fair &nd expaaiUon tund during the flacal year were u follow11 : ell~ fruit fairs, ~27,1 4.6 : agrlcultUf'91 fain, $4 ,217.180: C&Jifornla Polytechnic coJlege. $1,551,244 ; University of C&llfornla, 12.0t7,&t2; a.nd for the construction. Improvements and land at state. county and dlatricl falra. $2.806.090. In addition to lhe revenues r e· ported above, Controller Kuchel aaJd that the Californl.a 111tal<' faJr received $~2.12 1 from part mutuel poola during the 1950 r.ir and $84 1,730 tn breakage waa drposl· ted In lhr •late college fund dur· lng the 1950-51 fiscal year. I S171,768 Prize Money at L.A. Fair E:xhlbltora of agriculture! product.., llveatock . w omen's "'Ork , flnE' arts and crartl and Junior fa..lr product.a at the 24lh annual Les An· geJes county fair ln fomona, Sept. I4 through Sept. 30. ,,,.IJI receive a record .total of 117.1,181 In ca.sh awarda,. Thia was &nnounced by Pttsldt'nt -Ma.nger C. B. Afflerbaugh following a lul m1nute check or some 6000 competitive contata · to be ataged Jn t.he 20 major di· -eparate contest. pre11ded o~ver by visions ot thr C'X'p04ltk>n. 100 judge.I\ to pick winner111 tn the The llon"s share of· -the prize ~rious department. In the llW!· money will go to exhlbltora tn the 1Jlock dlvls.ion moat monry will be &lfl'lcu1tural aecUon which Includes awarded lo dairy fatllc. They will lbe floricUJture and apiary divl· st:t 12:2.115. Awant. Cor beel cal· •-:::-:: 11-..... l;Ol&l-•t----11 .. Wfth tjj.fl&. .wtne will Mcb. l'el b.~n 17,- Womcn will collect $1106 for their obo and '8.000. Thr l"!!malnder 111 prlu rrforta with the needle and divided among dual pur-po&c' cat. ln the kitchen. , tie. goats. dall'y producta, wool Fine art.I and arts and cMlfts &11d ca_rca31 displays. w 111 di'5tr1bute approximately 14000. Aa an incefttlve to Ute boys and girls, and especiall1 lh0&e or the Future Farmer and 4-H clubs. $~.9:)8 haa bern urmarkf"d for dillributlon. Tht prt.nctple ln~re~ Ln money i8 in the junior fa.Ir de- partment . Poultry, plg("(ln• and rabbit.I will NCelve ~. 6000 Oolote..IA It will be rt'QUlre 1tOme 6000 Baseball Out Football In With the atrenuou. baaeb&ll echedulo of t.he Harbor area Boy•' dub concluding, the third annua.1 football pentathlon got underway ·Monday. For nine day1 Boya· clqtt memben ln all •l'e group.a from 8 to 18 will each pvttctpale In hi• own age group ln ·•uch a cUvlttea u punting, pa.salng for dlatance. and accuracy_.. place: klckln_g and brokf'n field ru.nntnr. Adequate: ln.atructlon will pr@- cede the evcnta. "There wtll be no body coqtact In any of the event.a. Boy•' club doff not play tacklr. football but U8d flap at· tachPd to the belt to atpify a tackle. It .,. a . very apffdy pm~ lnaUIUng high ac:auracy a..n<l ooor· dlnatlon," club te.den aay. ' Ninety club members and au· pe_rvt.ora attended lb.e LOI Angela Rama and Wublnstnn Redal<lnB football ·came a1 a benefit game for the Loa Anc-~e• l"tmCll Boy•' club. Bea:tdea the Harbor Boya' club bua, tranaportalloG was f\Jr'nlohed by ll)e followtns club -and rrtends: M...,.,,, Bert Smith. Al. Irwin. Lur:y Ountlnrm, Don" Hud· dleoton, Harold 8\ftk. Bui PUik· ley, W Wl&m Ta:ylor, Joe Roi>-.._ W. H. Springer and J'red Grant. ____ ,,__., OUF.8'TS OT BALPIOA!f a-to for ilM> ~ week Oor<>tby !Au-ot Dorothy'• Dre. Shop.' Bal-_,.. ,.... bc'olher,.Paul J....-., hJo daop- lan, Paula Md Patty J.....i-; Bubo.ra McOM, NarttU& Ab&\Ca:y, rra-JU&rd and Jedi Matllu, au ot vui "'-------UlfP>~ a lJli,QSar -........ ~---~ ............. ... lllt ftw Kn. A .. £( at 1-'cw port RartMir Ltd' -* 14_ ~ a. J.'11.,.~41111 T's· 1' 't .......,. Alf 3 Lil I t - -.. JI' .. T l Ol;r. ... ~. =ikiiiio 'ftil I Mfl .. 2 FL Ill tw .. , ..... °' &a"rldlo .... In the ag-rtcultural Oiv111lon large.at amount wtll ~o to ff'aturc enlrlf's whE're producl.9 or various counliea and communities In the slate will be enshrlned ln clabo· rJ.le and unique Rltlng•. Prlu 'T"nnera ln these 14111 r«:f"IVE' $31,· ~7. Entrlt>ll In lhr floral dt'p&rl· "1f"pl will d raw down St:;,130, Re- tfla.lnder of the alfTicultur&J money WJU go to wines, apiary eotriee. aitru1 fruits and other agTicul· UJral and horticultural product&. Judcin.c ln the wtn'e a.nd domea· tic art. dtvtsk>na wtll be done be- dore the openln.g of the fair. Jud(· 1hg lrr pract&cally an other divi· ~ton1 vrtU at.art on tbe o pening day and flnlab a• quickly u posalble If that spe-ctalora may know lhf" Jrlz.e WUmera., (Photo by Beckner) Youngsters Win BIYC Awards -It took lhe beat charter boat \ ln the bay, but tt finally happened. 1 Wall Hartman and hla boat, lhe I "Clarwall," t ook the lady anglers out Mondl.)'. The young lady not only broke the world's three-aix record, but did it the bard way. F iM.lng w ith a g-roup of ladlea having a field day and not help· Al the mel'ling Friday night. Ing he ~Ls a na.I test. Most rec· AUKUs l 17, first place ribbons of ords are on a boat w ith a skipper Balboa Island Yac ht 1;Itlb contCJJls o r husband for a coach. F or a were awarded the followtng: In lady who ha.s a hU8b&Jld in the diving. to Carol WUli&mA, Tod boat buaineu, her remark a.a 11he \Vhlte, Gatl White, Donna Hart· left the boat proved that she 111 a man. Betty Beck, Bruce P ittman. ·good sport. "It'a the finest boat I t.Uke VaUc, Sonny Coanc, Eleanor ;have ever fllbed from!" Congratu· Gulhri(' anrt Tom J ones. \ lallona, Mrt:. Hagen.. In awtmmlnga lo Bobbi" Mc · \ Twenty Oien from T&flt flew Keru::ie, Donna Hartman, Hank down Sunday for a. day out of Ky le Pat Dyer Tod \Vhi.le Betty Port Orange. The skipper brought Ek-ck·, and Bob, Ibbotson. Rowing hi~ wife along for a companion, and paddlebOard results "'ere im· thinking maybe he would be lone· complete. some. The lady hooked an albacore and promptly, and In no uncertain In the Snowbird c)&."l.S the first race was won by Paul Livaderry and .lk!cond by Tom Frost. Both Balboa dinghy races were won by Ro.rer Boyvey. Next event 14•!1! be the annual around·thE'·lsland rowmg rac<-', startini;t at 10:30 am. from Beek's pier. Double oarctl rowboats will be Wied . T o Elt'C't Offlc<"~ Thl.11 F'rlday night at thr regu· Jar DI YC mf>eling the annual C'lf'C· Uon of o!ficC'rs will be hf>kt. On !fonday, A ugust 27, lhe champion· Ahip comodort> seriea \l.'ill be sa.il· f'd1 Thia comJ>('tilion Is for the Miriam Kirk Mt'morlal Snowbird trophy and the Burl J ohnson Memorial IJalboa Dinghy trophy. On TuetkiaL August 28. the ot ..... _.. w1ll held al &:SO p.m . and on Thur. day, August 30 the a nnual trophy prf'aentation will be held at 8 p.m. at the Balboa Yrt.C"ht club. J . A. 8ef>k w111 addreQ the :roung yacht.amen snd CommOOore Bc.>nny Benjamin wilt present the troph· !es. terms, told the boys to reel ln their llnes tW ghe had her flah on deck. Ask Ben Johneln or Reggie Hudson abOut .chartering another boat out of Newport. Grl hep. boys, and stop your crew f ishing and maybe bualneu will pick up next year. If you are lucky enough to find room, you are a cinch to hoop up wllh a flab that mc&ru1 t o stay alive. Get a day off and let's go fishing. ,§mall - I hope you read the article about saving small baas. as the fish and game commission says' that they are getllng scarce. Write in and tell them lo lel the kelp beds grow and th'e amall flab wlll ....!:i:il~.: .i:.:·;;;;;: In rlJ{ht on top of the kelp bed.8, but that ta how the ba.sa, sheep· head and other amall flah Ioal their protecUon. . Pier fiahermen are gelllng a real sun tau a.nd a few halibut. Skit ha.a been good. A few yellow- fin croaker are hitting and plen· Annual 1\q!i.aAMttc ty or klng fish . • or special Interest to BJYC par· Surf report.a are very confualng. cnta will bf-the 3('C'Ond annual Chet Standage got the heal ca t.ch Aquanastlc to be hf'l<I Saturday, of hlH short life this werk. Top August 25 at fWt>k 's pier. 2 p.n1. fish W&il a China croaker weighing Rowing. paddleboardlng, swim-7 11>8. San Onofre see1118 to be the mlnR and dlvinR are o n the agen· 1 bet1l spot. YeUoWf\n are hitting da. The re will be a cttuge or St falr along the Newport front. Ba.it for entry In each f'venl or a b&r· Is scarce, especta.1.ly &and crabs. gain price or all fo ur e vr>nta for Musles have proved the beat bait 11 . All proce-t'ds will go to the .so fa.r · BIYC trea.aury. fNo life jackets See you next week . or swtrn flna will be &llowf"d.) COATS STOLEN ' "Dad, I'm in love v..-ilh a girl." I J . C. Perry, Long Beach reporl· .. You ro~dn't .. bave made a bet· ed the theft of two girl.I' coat.I tf'r choice, 90n, from hia car which wu parked at the Balboa Parkina-lot between 8:30 p. m. a.nd 12 :20 a . m . Satur- day. One coal waa v&lued at IIO: Ute other at $3~. CAMERA STOLEN Evelyn Miller, Compton, report· td ·lo Newport Beach pollee that her car parked al "A" St., Bal· boa wu enteted at about 8 p. m. Sunday. Thlevea took a cament, three rolls of film, &nd a clg&retle lighter. BRllJ\llS LEG Falling down four steps at 2314 West Ocean Fr'onl Wedneed&y at 9 :17 p. m., Mn. Beatrke Bruher, N46 So. Atlafttlc Ave... Loa An· grlea. suat.alned a broken leg. She was taken to SL Joeepll hospital by Seal ambU.lance. • IN 11.1VEB81DE · Mr. and Mn. Norman Nelaon. 516 Polnoetl!a. Corona del Mar, left Sunday. for a two week'• 9ta:y In :Uventde. Their bomo will be occupied b:y Mr. Neleon'• d&u&h· ter, Mre. Donald Pebkctf and her b-of ll'feono. • GDU.11 Ar CAMP c&rolln. WOodwortll ot New· port Be8cll and Bulilra Hupa' of Ba11>9a an attendlJ>s .a lletl\- od!A Y outlo Inotftuu tlilo ....U at Camp eear oi.n. Jillian. T. Y. srrs · . FOil ':iENT· TIDE t. Y. · . • • ' . PA6£ I -:-PART 11 -THUlSDAY, AUG •. 23, 1951~ ;-:~~~'laEss-S • >:0C5 . • ' SQUIDDING LINES l & ., • .· . GLASS. RODS • BIG STOCK OF PENN REELS All the Geai from · CAPS to BOOTS and PLUGS to BOATS NEWPORT TACKLE STORE I 05 McFadden Piece Newport' Beec h lo O P EN t A. M. 'TIL MIDNIGHT JlAILY " LINOL ,EUM Is Only· as Good as its Installation FOR FL00RS YACHTS DRAINBOARDS VENETIAN & WINDOW BLINDS SHAO ES FORMICA JOPS . . :Jou~fe'J, ·~ LINOLEUM ' , 2901 NEWPORT BlVD. N'WP0RT BEACH BORf·'ii~~,.·- I FOURTH & BROADWAY • SANTA ANA CHECK PRICES AT P"-INGLE_S TOASTMASTER I Automatic Toaliter LABOF,ST SELLIN"G TOA.STER ReJ. •ZS-60 Va.lue • 518'5 General Electri ~ MIXER & JUICER' Only G. E. gtve11 you Ute peT· feet bM.tera. New juicel' makes juicing-euler and rae1.er. at Prln&"klll ' s34's WATCH FOR BIG "BACK' TO SCHOOLr. nLE NEXT WEES( at PRINGLE'S " • I 'e;• ·---··'• " :;,., •11 *J• :z• • ... !1611 M&WIWI a't'D .... .••..• 1 .---~·-·-.~m-• .......... -:----41 • , • . ' • • • • • • ' • PA6E I -PAAT :., .. ~ TH~AV, ).U&. 21, 1'51 ;~1#~:aESS~ ., . . ' .Friday ~.\Usual 24. ~hmlaJ' A...,at2S Sunday AufWll 28 •• Monday Apsust, 27 TuHday< A~t28 WednHday Aucuat 29 Tbunday Auguat 30 3:21 R· m. 4 :1SO p. m. · 8 :33 L jtt. 6:01 p. m . 8 :-t~ ~ m. 6:M p.m. 9:0I! ,,_ m. 7 :36 p. m. 9 :22 a. m. 8:11 p. m. 9 :39 a. m. 8:44 p. m. Jl'IRS'll FULL QUARTER MOON Sept. 8 Sept. 16 U-DRIVE CRUISERS . . . 4.8 4.1 -S.6 4.9 '3,8 5.2 4.0 5.5 4.2 6.8 '·' 6.9 (f t.A8T Ql7ABT- Aug. ~4 ROW JOATS : ~= ~I =~ciu:.& • --·-- 0 :07 Lin. ·-·-··-····- 1.0'7 L Ill, µ:es p.n\. l :4S L m. 1:04 p. m. 2.2l L m. 1:44 p.1n. 2:50 Lm. 2:17 p. m. 3 :1G a. m. 2:47 p. m. 9 ' NEW MOON Sept. 1 I ·~ Launchlnc : .zBOZ eoa.t Rhva~ L L l~~ ~~ T R !.. ~ ~~ I ' AT soi:m .:so OF BAYSHOIU!: BRIDGE • • YOU · CAN DO BETIER AT Dan-iger FURNITURE ·co. • We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture • • • 1Bl2 Newport. Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 56S6 LAST · WEEK FOR C H. E V R ·O L E T .. MOTOR ·.j.OVERHAUL ' CONSISTS OF RINGS -PINS -VALVE GRIND GASKETS and MOTOR 01~ ' Special for . the $4950 Month of AUCJUSt • • • PAINT SPECIAL First Class Paint Job s49ts · and up · Any Color Culbertson Motor · Co. 2481 Coast Highway • Newport Beach Beacon 6442 • THE ,AMERIC ·rs .;cu~:.~.CENTENNfA[ A HISTORY A D: .:i .-'CElfBRATION. :·. -. .. . . . . ~ , ~ -. For exactly one hundred y rs, the AmeilcA.'s Cup-<>ldest and moet .fameu&-trophy in international sports -has notl!i world, au~acy in the . designing,. bl!il1ling and naviga~n of a:ailing craft. More money,' it iB;S&Jd. has been apept in the pUt .century to win thla Holy Grail of yach · ' than· it coat · to ,defeat the Spaniah Armada. And, thru· out this hundred years• war, famed Cl!P· hu ·remained in American hands. Three dayw or &&iling •re on I , tap at the Nevtport Harbor Yacbt Yf!!ll"· bui. the principal , term waa and put on dLlplay. club, Auguat 2( throucti 28 to 'ltfler. d~pdte4 :' th•t "the vegaell 'Famed u a pciz.f. trophy commemorate the centennial an-&elected to. ~Pele tor •thb Cup throughout the '~r1d tor virtually nlvenary o! the America CUp. mUst proc~ UJlder sail on their ._ century, the.Cup lf melted down NHYC Race W eek for 19~1 prom-ovrn bottoms to the ' part whert' Into bullion woukt 'at no time have bes to be the bl.-reel and be•t ttib contett 1a to take -place." In btoucht. more lhA1l $100. Perhaps yet Jud1"ln• rrorn the nuinber of other words. any foreign boat It y,•u this rea.Ua.tlon . that entrlee &lret1dy In the hand.a or w.ich wla!)ed to com~e ~tor the prompted ottlc~ra ot the.. club to the commltltt. cup tnuat Mii Any lnteivenlng wa-airanie for ·it .to be placed on Th.LI summer, the Brit.Llh are ter'u the Aintttca ·ha.d In' 1851 . permanent dt.p1ay. •e'ltln• their nrat &oak at what Ualuaky ~ Sir Thomu Upton, who made From 1818 on, a .. Na of tries five unaucceu!\1.1 &ttempt.. to win fol-the CUp were rrlade--all Uh· 'Curtoualy e~OUfh; the-Anierica'e It. affectionately called "the bat-~\Iy. ·Of 'the many who Cup ... ll'ke Boltom's dream,, "Hath tet'NI ould mug." Early In April, alt-empted · it. nbRe we11 u wtoll no bottom" bellllg o.,M at both the America's Cup croued the known u Sit n-.mo9 Upton. who er&. Thus · le wu rMdUy pout ... AUantlc on the Queen i:llzabeth dla.Uea&f'd .tint iln• 1189 with bie to run a bolt ..t.broueh llte.. cup to blgh.Jlght an exhlblUon of apart· Shamrock I. ln 1901 with Sh&m-IU\d into t}le ,heavteat pf oak: la- ing tropbiu at London'• Hutchln-n>Fk Il, ·In '!'903. W1t.la : Shamrock blea. The tlttl Which holdi ';lle ,bolt .an Hall aa part of the Featival Ill, In I9i'O. wtUl Shamrock IV, in place ta· t1elow the surl'ace ot ot Britain. But this 111 atrlctly a and, ttn.alJy Ln 193$) Ju.at a yeoar the-top, ~tiffing &n eXtttmely loan. At the conclusion or the be.fore hl1 .d~tl\ .at the_ age of 81 tricky• a.nd · sPecraUy designed F f!stlval ln the auturrfn. the price--wi,th Shamrock V. 'llff'.'t'ftfh· to ·looeen it. ·IJ'he-"'WT'mCh leas cup will be retumed to it.II ~mertca 'w(U ~ z-emember11 Bir la klptr lo .the yecht cJub'a sale. oaken table ln the New York Thomu' tiv~ thrUJt.i1, etteri\pt.t to and ther-e la U'ju. ittUe like!ihood High Q,olify '.1'1U.Hot-,ll. . ' ' ' -'\. -~ ... OYIUlll~·' PO•DOMATIC• f I ' Yac ht club. r~apture the Amertca""s Cup from of It.a ·ever beinr moved from Its P.D.A.P' ... Cup ,....._ ...... _ th~ hands , of .the '·cre•~~t of present poaltioit bY .the unauthor-, ~·-0 A1"orti:an sklppera. Hta pcloWI-i&<'d. 1 T B -E .o D 0 R ·'B The •tory ot the A.mertc&'• CUp nSs and und:atinted spirit }n the The ~P la o! •'Iver: and weight _ beJ&n In the summer <It llSl WbeA. fai:e P( ~tA!d.;d ~t,_u:i4eUOl~ app~lm.aldy I.at, punoea.~ It ii "' . • COMI ic. !'C!' A 1'liD °"" r' ··o-• i ·---~~ !rt • • ,, f abt ~ ~ bead tnk.rtbed bJe n&mt u .-.. -tmbot e:yUnddcal., wllh,.a ~.cen• .. ,_.Yo. N'd 1MaM SMce -1921 \ " - • I by COminodore John c . 8teftlll orl soOd ispOr,t.smanahip and en-t.re ornamented wtlh· c1x. ,oval and ineludlnir Joun .. A Hamilton, ·+-him , tor an time in th• shield.I. lta ~ .. lght la 27 Inell., dr-''116 Newport Blvd.' New-rt.''"" the .-on of AJ~r-HamUton, hmrts of mWioaa. cumterence ot the body 36 Inches i -" vr-Ph.· Harbor 21 a.a.iled the Atlantic ln the acbooner-So great was the admiration of and of the bue 24 Inches. 1 -------'-------------~.~--.~------------,----'-- Amertca to ch&ll~ British Americana •tot' ~the 'genial Scots-It waa. made by R . and S. Ger· yachtamen. m'-n Whom WU1 Rbgers hailed u ant, of. Panton Street. 'tpodon, to Commodore Stev-ena otfertd' to ··Po-1bly tl).e wwld's Wonit ya.cht order of the Royal Yacht Squad- match hill echooner against any bullder,~but abeotu1.ely thie world'• ron 11-nd bears the ma)ct:n' namt Britbh ves.wl and for any Brit-n19at,chett'ful1109eT," that. follow-and hall mar.k. On It.a , central lah 1takea trom one to ten thou· lnJ hb fifth and nn&J defeat in ehleld b an lnacrtpUon · to thf' aand guinM.8-with no taken. 1930. & fund waa etlabllahed with America. On the other shields and Finally, the America got her which to purchaae a a.ip "bigger a.round the ba.se. ar-e inecrtbed rec- chance. The Royal Yacht Squa.d-th&n the one be would have got orda of the various r-acea sailed ron wu hoktihg a race, "open to If he had W'Oll." tor-the trophy. . all natk>n•"-tor a hundr-ed guinea Gt:tld Otp Ol)e curlot15 feature of the in- cup. At the ttme, an ounce ot Rll· !within • ten d&ya, 1lxteen thou-~rlpfion recording the ori&'fhal ver coet about thre-e doUare. eo aapd unaoUcited dollars had com e race is that It does not name the that a hundred gi.dneou f about in 1 and a trophy of eighteen carat Aurora, which flniahed 1econd. $~10.) represented a handllome iold wu .ubsequenUy presented ma.king It literally tr-ue, for this trophy. • tol Sir Thom .. at titting crten:ion-record at 1eut, ·that on that lni- !\'"o Second Ieit in the akle.rmanie chamber-of Ual occasion "the-re wu no sec- Cl~y Hall, Mayor-Jame.& J . \\'&Iker 1 ond." . • JU.St a century ago, on August presldlng. Jn the word8 of one re-What names wtll follow thoae of 22. 19Sl, fifteen ya.chta began Porter-, "It WU a great, a Ver)' the Ranger. which won tour-thelr r-ace at Cowes on the Isle g?1•t occasion.• ' straight racH: trom the challeng- of Wight. &nd the Amertca led all ll"'be A.rne.r:tca'• Cup remained lng Endeavor-II o' Newport, R. J., : the ' way. M 11he pa.ssed Quttn ' Victoria'• yacht, the Quren uked ~e ln the vault. of Tiffany I& between J1.tly 31.at and Aucuat 3th, who wu second. Her majesty' a ot-~pa.JI)" ucept durtns aubllf'-lMT, la an tn~8tin.&' li!p«U}a- !leers, peering through darkenlng dt.lptay lA Tltfa.ny'a w1nd0\\'. Mel.bwhlle. t.be America'• Clip--. qi~c NCM wtten It WU lion. weather, reported that ther-e wu ked by the American yacllt a tymbol of auprema.ey In t.M de- no aecond. Later ln the day, the @ and burpe of tbe N~ lipiftl'. bUUdlnl' and navtptioll of tourop.;: d:...!~~-~~u~:!!1~ Y~rk Taebt du~. Occulonally, aalllftc cran.-wtll rem&ln tn the --r t.o;-«.t a ..,.... d1naer or aome American handa t.o wtaJcb. lt wa.s U:teae gallant ettc;>rta. when the •*1al ll'ftnt at tbe yacht elu~ -a>mmltt.ed by It.a ortctDal winner& Atnertca croued the llne lt WU th~' CUp wu. talt.~,ll fl"Om' the •vaul.l a centu-'1 acO. twenty-four mlnutea ahead ot thi! _ _ Aurora. whUe the next boat did not arrive for-another hour. Home wtth the yachtamen came the trophy-WhJcb immediately became known u ''The America'B cup." For .. time It gnced y.I! drawing room ot tbe comm<Jd4>re'• houae on WUllingtoa SqutlN. 'Iii. men W'bo had fln&nofd the voyw.p or tbe 1..t..melca oft.en pthe.red lhere and often di8eu.aed the d1-- ~Uon ot the troph)'. J.. tew wer. ln ravor of melttn.r tt down and ~hi« It Into .olx mle&illll=-~ one tor ~ menher of the .to: tarioue ayadfaate. · ~tel,y, bowewr;that lde6 wu ~ Tile COllUllOdol'e eV<11lual17 t1r<d et abowtng th• c:up to eacll ot 1111 celkro Pd recounting '!MW e9cll ~ the llory ot the ...,,. Mid be 8llQ'!ll<d 'tl!.at U.. otl\en of the frOUP take It to tbelr homa and It tlnally dime to root ID t11e -ot Nathanlol llloodpod. ',.....,,)ti 2\tFSJlirfJ: m. -· Kiio Marla ·--.-. la cndlt..s With --..- -...... 'loliod tNpllf -........ apO•ot ...... laU..~ Ubrvy. --. bnportaPt, -•••;, la u.. toct u..t. to w __ .......... -,.. Amedc&'e Olp kzc I I a .. I -_.._ b""" la ---~UIC: • ,,,_ .. ___ ,_ .. lllf. t1111 a ans a ••Pwww rtl U.....,.. wt 1 a I '*I 1111 '••b'aa.to .. -T ... T-...... lllljll s! S. la -1 detd,U,._., __ _ u..cu, ___ _ ,-._., ____ _ t1 Fiii Ud e1t1t .. ttll aN Dai • , • • ,... pUp£ FUJI JltlD ~-~· J41D~~~·tlp~T.Af'IG • •• IUSI~ • ' - • • ' • ·Newport Harbor Lutheran Church • • llE . Assembly of God Gu~st Speaker Mro. David ~&jlador, the f9"ft"r Dona IJIUinc• of Coata If..., will bo l'llffl OfPlllot ·1un- 4ay momtnr at Cllrlat Cllurcll by tlMt .... Ball>oo Blvd., at Hlll St. Numbero to -. pl&yfld .., tbe llld- mwtdo M~ri.I orl1U) by J.!n. u _ u Cadwallader lnelll4e "Toeeatoe on ~v. -· c. Cronic, putor Of·tl>e Aaembly of Ood cllurcll.. Coot. Deo Orotlao" by 81110. "Th• u... ,. •-• l'altlltul "'-rd.• by Bandel. _.,.. -o.t-~ll!C U.. Oolle"1 ''Medltatlarl" "" Oul>olo and "Fan-C®ncU of the Auembly Of God v1 Charchn ..belnc held 1n Atlanta, rare M....,.. ... by retton. Ga. &. will rotum Aus. Jt. Our· Dof.~lhy IDJlo, JJUftt ooloi.t, will in&' flia. am.nee ,;.t.or&t work for •inl' He &h&J:l Give HY Angeb !he eonsreptlon la in charce of Charge" by lcctt. The pulpit will Rev. ftoee &hearer. Gue•t speak· be occupied by the putor, Rev. er at Ute morning and evenlq aer-Thomu Roy Pendell, wbo h.u , M!· vices Sunday, .-,.Ug-. 2f5, wtU be Rt v. lect.ed ''Filled Wella" u bla M?r- J . Smith 'ot Garden Grove. mon therhe. ----- Long Beach Pastor Speaks Sunday Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. MMe SehedDJM at, Baptist Church Sunday, 4:3-0, 8, 10 a.nd 11:IO. Rev. A: C. Downinl' of Long Week d&Yllt 8 a... mi CootC!lllllifnt. Beach wlll be the speaker at both iaturday, 4 to 5 :&0, 7:SO to 8:80. Hrvices Sund-.y in the First Bap-Sunday, before each mU8. BaJboe. U.t church of Newport Beach, 10-Island, Sunday, 8 and 10. Sataq-.. cated at 19th and Court 11treet.a. day, 8 a. m. Confeasiona, ume u Ha. topic at 11 o'clock wUl be, above. . "A Great Conventon" and at 7:30 . Battlo Pntpama • It Will be "God Hath Called Ua/' Dally, except Sunday, Roary The church achoo.I meeta at 9 :4:) hour, Kll'WB (980) 7:3(> p. m . and a mid-week service ls held on For peace. Wedn09da¥ at '[;l!O. Sundayw Lut week Mrs. George H . Weid-Holy Mau, 9 :06 a. m., KL.AC man nv• A very tnteceatijl1 and (570) 11 a. m.. Catholic Hoqr, PT Informative t.olk •-t -Ol\al'Y (MOl 0:411-,. ,,._ '.S<l~J 1noi Baur work on the ialand ot HO!Ulhu, tell.. o! St. l"rancia CUdSnp ' ot.ben. in&' 9Q1Delhing or the people, their custom•· and of conditions t1ie ... Christian Science u d~bed by her hUlband Chaplain (Capt .) George H . Weld-Sunday Topic: 'Mind' m&11, who i. atta.clled to th& 40th divtaion of the National Guard now stationed In Japan. True brotherhood and lle&llb. &re to be · g&111ed • by ""knowledtlnr • a.nd obeytng the one iatbUte Mh)d, Community Church which WU...., In Chrlat JIOUO, ac- th d• • cordinl' to tba Sunday Bible Lel-M e 0 1st Services -on "Mind" In oJJ CbrUtl&n Science churcl\e9. at Costa Mesa Thl8 declaration of Paul rrom lI Timothy U :T) Cftll>tltiiteo tho '.lfem.be.,t: of tbe Ftahermen'1 Golden Text: '"God Mtb not ....... ' club of the Cotta -Commu-"" "" !he opb1t ..t f414<; llut ol nlty Molhodlrt cbun:h and their power, and ot laH, liild of a oound wives will hold a brea.ktut meet-mind." Inf SUJUl&y at I a. m. In the polio "Mcordlnf lo •Chliotlao 11<1- of th• H. B. KcMurtry home. • eoce. tbe only n:aJ .-..ea of sun E . 2oth St., u prelude to church are spJritual, emanating trom dt· service. Vine; Kln4," .. ya Nary Baker Sermon top!c chosen by Rev. Eddy in "Sclence and Health \flth J011e ph w. Mcshane for the-11 Key to the Scripturea." ApJn a. m. ~or8hlp service ts "You May .he" Mys, ''The e~ aen.sea Live Longer Than You 'nltnk ... CM take no cognizance of spiritual Munben ot the hlgb school and reality and lmmDIUlity ... Mind college ag e youth fellow1hJp alone poueues all ta.cilltles. per~ groups, equipped with aack lunch-ception, and comprehension" (pp. t:a. wW leave the church follow-2.8-f, fa&). Ing the morning services to see ----- some of the points of reltg1owi St A d CL h interest at For .. t Lawn Memorfal • n reWS flUrC 1 Park, G1o11da1e. Rev. charl•s F . Presbyten·an Hand, mlni•ter of visltatlob, and formerly uaoci&ted with Forut Lawn, will aceompa.ny the young The Rev. Jolm Wuton. a.u1a. people and act u their guide on tant pastor of Flrat Preabyterlan the trip. chur<;h.. Sa.nta Monica, will be The young folka jou.meytng to &'Uest preacher Sunda7 at St. An· Fore1t Lawn Will not· be back tor drew'• Prubyteria.n cbwdJ,. Wor- the evl!Jling 9er'Vices at the church ship hour ls at 10 L m. and ~ but a service under the. dift(':Uon aermon subject will be ''The S..C-. ot the pPlor ta planned ror 8 :30 rament ot Beauty." Text b trom p. m. f~ Uio.:e gr<>Up. remaining. Paalms 90:18-17. Monthly famtly_ntgbt of the ----- cllurch will. be oboerved Wedn..,_ PRO){ PAJAl BPllUIGS · day, Aus. 211, 1n the Fellowohlp From Palm sprlnp, for a brlet hall; begtnn.ln.g With & potluck ncatt.on 1n Balboa. were John and d.lnner af S:SO p. b. a.nd coatlnu-Eleanor Unlde. Droppln6 In to - lag with • program ln honor of old frtendl trom tbetr deeert bome.. Rev. cbarlel :F. Hand, who will toWn on a Saturday nlfbt. the UirmiAate hia dutlel u u~te IJJi)dea were guesta of Georce and putor the end of the month. bav-ZUle1 strobe at the Balboa Doll lq. terved In th la capeclty for th• , -. .lo!lnl»g them for - put four years. aad d&ndJic. ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOP.l.L • I • (.ll' ... ~<$ JO UDO !JILWl . ' .. SUNDAY -sERYICIS ' • nmsDAYS llOllY COtGMIOll -lt A.M -• 5 • • • • I • .- Grange Jui<e 2 1!;:· 19" 'lhesweet, noturol poclt.146-oi. con, 21 c) Graile Jui<e ~-:· 200 ~4;i:· 37c Wold>'• New York c-.,1. Salad Dressing ~ ~ 38• tH011-p1n1 ior, 22c; quoTJ•r, 63cl Pink Salmon pt: i '"'::· 33c From Aloslto. I 16-oz. ~· 61cl Spaghetti Gol!I Medal. liono 1.a.. 21 c ;i;.;4r; "'· Niblets vacuum p.,;ked _...... · 17• ( 7 ·oz. can, 1 Cle) 1r ..... .1o;... RDl<bufy I .... ta.. -~ ,c.,,,""1) .1 ,.. ,- Creme De Menthe t',.; ':,' 19- Swedish Miqls i:=rv ~-29° MARSHMALLOWS Fluf-i-eot brand. • • ·, ~ .. "'\..,.. ---- -. Safeway Chuck Roa~t is heavy with good eating meat. The choicer parts are not trimmed away lo be sold at a higher price. This means more good eating meat fot your money in a Safeway Chuck Roast. All Safeway meata are trimmed according to rigid specifications, as· •. s. •CllOIQ IUl,1-• CAITERBURY TU IN BAGS SllOlliDER;.IWI CllS . . ~ ,• i•. ' ... ' Bladt. Deljci~u• iced! ·::. .. 44• ( CPleri>UI)' Bbek or C,,,... 16-be& pq., 16c) suring you greati:st value and enjoyment Buy your meat '•: froiq Safeway an4 sec the difference proper trimming IL.· , mabs! (SHOULDEI, AIM CUTS, lb. 69c) U , Black t11 ~:,-54• v •• .,_ 2 .. ,.,_ Conterbyry brand. I 1 ~ ·••., 11 c; I -lb., 1.071 Airway CoHee ~:~! ;;:,· 77° Gr ind ct sto.e. U·I>. boo. 2.25> lob Nill Coffee ~ ~:· 79- ln economy bog: 12-lb. bog, 1.'ll INSTAIT COFFEE a.-•s...~ ~ bra'nl!. For a quick,·: 78• .briolc beverage. ill' . . 8fJY Pl{NTY II 1 THESE SP!CIAl VALUES lol..-I large or~ "'lfl.. P;ece or 1 R~~ Fiiiet Of Sole t:•:: Pon . ' •. , .. · 53c •• ' Special reduced price! ::' 27• . -~.~· .... kbil 0 -,-.. ·s·· .; · ·. a·g -E _ .• ~a.a.-•L g;: .87° lb.73° Ocean Pardi t;llet HeUbul Steaks ~ •-39" •. 69" Snow Star Ice Creaq1 .::::. 1 Sc Vonlflo or chocolate. 12 ~Inn 35cl Buf'tEB Dairy Olen Biaad. Grade A. l1nt Quallly. Jn Quarlera I C Porty Pride ,int 24c <e ream CATERING ...... Vanilla, Strawberry, or Peppermint Stick. Extto rich extra smooth . 12 pinn 47c) . . Pll'ly Pride Sherbet 1.:!.. 15c • .fr;tir;d'··,;:n1 ~=cl:: 2Qc ' Mrs. Wr19ht's, white or wl>eot, diced. 1Mtl WHOLE ar· ead ... 2"" WAI WHEAT . -loof v- CUE . sow c . - For the sea 's finest in fruits and hies at low, low priqes, shop Safeway today, and aave! Cine\ Brad. Clioice of Whit•·. 32 Go~n. Spice or De...U Fudqe. 17-u. 0 JWll Add Water anij )ake pk• . rin, Graaulatecl 1N..990 5~ 45• . PurelMt ... .. . . 11111.1 = ·2 ~23•' .. zgo -WELCH'S P'=~~~·- J El L l·E S & PRESERVES CBIPD Th~~~~ .. ,z ... ·17° -Wide variety of -deliciou• spreade. &nplltllJ.• 10-. 20-&r.,. ... ______ ,, ____ ,__ .. r . IPPLES Narthmn.Gtcnens!elnw Fer PS.« b Saace ·COii SOD OrllllS • YOll ' ~·-C.-VarielT rJ .. , J.ocall1 GwWD • .... SAFEill . :=1,~ .......... 1°1:' 25• ~;!~5._ .. 1°:" 25• ' 51•••••"1· ..... .. .... , ..... ,,. ... 10--. 3·,.. llmf•11rr P1•1rv•--i-v- • . '• un.:.:"9 ldeo) for Quick .,........ Meol1. Delicious •. 29" n...i.u · '-""9 •dcind · -63• ··· UWIUl ftlS Grode/\, f.;,. •• ' .. . CHICKEN PARTS · s-n Bronct;-solea Y'l"' 1avor1r. ~ at Your nearby Safeway today . Chicken Breasts ~~· .. 1.19 Ch1<1e.. leas ~;t .: 1.0t Chfctft Jlliglts =t ... 1.ot '· .... •• COl€1.TUTED FR'H MIUl . The triple-strength fresh male. three times richer than' re9ii1Gr Lucenie 111illc. ~ cwailable ill lhe new con-: iealent a11e•thl~d q11art size. Makes .a hill quart of mill by i=Jy nplacing the ·I s-1 . . 111 ~''' ii n. ...,. 54c _, .. -: -·· I ~· "l• . ' , l'lallllOP' Mil. t *'I_ ft ~ 11 l~ifo f .. • v • • • -. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . - • • • ... ' . ' • • " ' !· i 'I I • ' .. I • •• •• • I .. • • • • • • • • • • • '. • ., " I . ' • I I I I 'I I at P.olly Apparel ;. _:swEATERS-Big Selection SKIRTS I l • Hedy Knit, 100 '70 imported, la mb's wool, short sleeve Pullover ..................................... $5.95 Long sleeve lamb's wool Pull· over, 5 colors .. , ......... $6.95 Lamb's wool Cardigan $(.95 Rayon, black or navy ...... $3.95 Wool and Rayon .......... $7.95 · Bl&ck er Navy All Wool Flannel ............... $8.95 in Navy . BLOUSES Quality White Br-oadcloth Sorrel aad Pa.lmdale'• $2.95 -$3.50 j . White Dickey& .. .... $1 .29 ' . • • . ' GIRL'S LOOMCRAFT and BETtl' BATES DRESSES Unconditiona lly guaranteed ... . . . .............. . ............... $2.29 up KINDE RGARTEN COTTON SWEATERS · Red and Yellow, sizes 1 to 6 .... ..... . . ......... $1.69 -$1 .95 TEE SHIRTS BOBBY SOX POLLY APPAREL 1888 Newport Ave. Costa M esa 1~ ~iiiiiiii~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii • ' • ' • • ' ' ' ' I I • We Are Headquarters For Da n Riv e r School Dresse s -$1 .98--$~.98 Blue Jea n-8 oz. Denim-$1 .98 Wra nglers, 11 oz.-$2.79 I "ftl SHIRTS -He $1 ~M 'I.Ong land Short Sleeves-all sizes • Boys & G irls Sox • l I • •• Hop&long, Plaida, Stripes, or Plain-AJl Sizes loys & Girls Undies BALBOA 5 & 10 300 Main, Balboa Don't Be Late f{)r School! Special! Wat erproof, Shockp_roof 17 Jewel Wrist Watch $22.80 (Tax laeluded) Men & W o me n's W a tches H11miltons fro m $6 3 to $700 Men 's Wittn•uer Aut omatic-$65 e Longines -Elgins • WILSON'S JEWELRY 205 Ma in, Ba lboa • Harbor 126 1 . ' Boys' Gua ranteed Socks • . . . . 4 pr. for $1 .00 Boys ' .. Striped Tee Sh.irts • . . . . • . . • Flanne l Shirts , sizes 8 to 16 • • • . . . . • • Jeans -Doub le Knee and Zipper . . . • • Boys ' Gy~ Trunks 1.1 9 1.98 1.98 WE HAYE LEVIS -mes 26 TO 36-REDUCID PRICES . • JUST AIRIYID .. Another 175 Pairs of Men '.s Nylon · · $ab4rdine Slacks~uarMteed-one year $9.95 • "'·:.T ·BB ·-llAN , . 1 "Th• Harbor. Area '• most complete afore for 17tt Nel&'fDlt 11w4. ., l1•c1• Wl.J men '' • -IBIVll ••• •• -1111 C11I• M11p • • Scholars HOLLER For Our Art & School Supplies • Blue Sails 306 Main, Balboa Harbor 678 • I 4a~l.1o11 IS THE DUAL SILHOUETTE • lt'w Fed --Ille~ ... , ... -..,;... •·1- t -111at.lld9'-r 11loioce,.... ean llo.trtm<--·.;,. ,_,,._ r!pt -tO ,..... ~r.---u.e Slid -.tlll ... ·10 lt.yleo." TboT 1811 botb. ~In faet. m .mantha "'° lhO,. deWmtned' the 'llaolMl 'to lie~ .. Jin arrow f6' _.e llllrta &114 , ........ ~~ fllll to atrom~ . '' . ] bouffant for oUMra.. ll'all ru1110111 lay, l\llve come around i.; tile eooo'. ·bear out '!heir Predlctlona of lh• aild comfort. of cUuaJ Uvlng .. oluope 9' llllhouettu to come. originated In CallfO!'llla .and that Nut tmporb.ht news are the bol<b true .tor nlctt:t-.a well u dorl)' ,fabria you'll be beeiing day. •, .• much a.bout. Topping the Hat le In the cue of IUJta. wbere the "poodle cloth" and any reaem., double allhoue~t.e la m08t noted • bl&nce to canl.M ch&ractera la the tuller .. •kbted sulta have 11hort- pure.ly coipcldental-ther. are at er, titted Jacket.a. bUt the truly leut three dltt~rent kl_~•_.l ___ the l&llored, &llhOtlgb . relieved tn le· CUl'led. t.be uncurled Ol' anaggy and verity by many Intricate eireu-. knitted. 1'rom the very elep.nt maker detaUa, h&Ye Songer jacket.a . -p-plle woojen v&tlety In poodle· Odlor -· like colors. ( gny and brewn. moet-CoJora aeem to follow the dual )y) to the lntereetlng cotton or silhouette pattern. tor brtght rayon type dyed to vtvid purple. shadea are eeen te&minl' up with bright yellow or burnt oran«e, It the rriuch-talk.t ot b&lice m<e looka &1 lf this dog wt11 ha ve Ill tT&Y. brown and. black. ,Not many day. California designers Ule the com- After poodles come the ribbed bl.nation of two or all three basic•, and textured tabrtca-wide.rlbbfd :r-uch u ha.a been done e!Hwher&- ottoman, faille, oocduroy and rt'P· rather they feel that the duller Tweeda have 11urtace lnterest ln tone11 11hould be relieved with ttlelr nubby textures, while a moat bright accenla of gold, burnt popul&.r 1uede cloth which ta ny-orange, organdy re<Y and purples. Jon-backed eo that it.can't Al' or The lut color-purple-i-appean ahrink, haa the look of leather and again ln 1trength for the third Bel.- eon amoothnc&11 which · quaHfle1 J<>n. It lJI uaually pa'red off wtu, It for ·aportswcar u well u dress+ lighter tones of mauve or lilac, ler occuiona. and lhere'11 more blue in It than hbrte Blend• before. Cinnamon brown, which ts A good many synlhetlca or California t. )ua~ a ahade away blends ln fabrics are being used from ruet or tile, looks new and tor 1ulte and dreuea a.nd 11port.J!I-tntere11.t..lng with navy. Bl&ck, of wear-all have'. been finlehed to course. lM always high. on the list look and feel like wool, which of acceptable colors, tor It always pro"ye11 one polnt-that the purt" look!! right, d&y or nighttime, and fibers such u wool, 11tlk. linen an can be a foll tor unu11Ual jewery. atlll ravortte11 tor the tope ln de· colorful scarvca, flowers and other 11tgn and hl .. h fuhlon. accessories. Length ot skirt remains a.bout Coa\:9 &re lieeomtng le&11 bulky the same-If any change can be for daytime; the newest look hi noted, lt'a toward 11hortenlng, but fitted, although a good ma.ny de- onJy by an• Inch or leas. F or after signers say that the full coat must dark, the ahort formal and evP-always be included on the faahlon nln.g 1eparatea still hold thelr scene:--but they have cut It con- cla.im to popularity: the ball gown. 11iderably from the former ... pyra- the Important occ&&ion evenJng mid". lines. Some. in fact, pare it drees, la wrually to the noor, but from top to bottom at an angle no one designer will admit that that give11; more width around the the shorter length l9 de.finitely 11houldcr11 and considerably IC:M at out. T oo many women today, they the knees. • ' SKIR.TS $6.5~$12.95 I SWEATEAS . SS-$19.95 CASHMERES. LAMB"S WOOL IN • SLIP OVERS, CARDIGANS, ~19.911 I . School Blouses· 3 Styles-$2. 9>,-$3. 95 Variety lobby Sox · ANGORAS, ~ Ii SHERBET OOWRS JO·•·EE· SPOBT SHOP Women 's Appa rel SUMMER COTION Reg. $19.911 now SlS.95 -Reg. $16.95 now $11.95 Reg. $10.95 only $7.95 -Reg. $14.95 Sale $10.95 • ' , CLAN LASSJES oa. OI' off the campus lo\"e to don t.be Dan Oert&- man of Callfornla Bib All ln pun! wool tartan plaid: tlw "·esldt nt. trim at the ~t wttla 11ltde buckln-fDd la matched wtUI popu· lar pated eklrt by Gert.9maa. ApproXlmate retail pr~ Wmklt. un""r $8: Skirt, ....-ti&. BACK ·yo SCHOOL BARGAINS . ' ' at ' -·~~ Dresse s - Blouses -Sk irt,s -Sweaters . "Lovable" Cotto11 Bras..,... H01iery lalb•!i • ...... l ' ..... •. l-.. c··. ··o -... _ . I A complete stock of Childrens School Shoes in the Nationally Advertised Red Goose and Little Yankee Shoes. New Fall colors in Burgundy, Brown and Rea. Mocc., cap and plain toe. Summer Cotton ............ Reg. $5 .95 on sale only 3.95 SKIRTS ' SUMMER VALUES SHOES . . . TO $8.95 NOW ONLY 495 See Our EXtre Spocial • I . Ba"'lJe in Table!! New Fall Merc.bmdi8e N-Arriving' · C.•bihere Swptera by Bernard Al~ -Jade ID Alilltria • A1llo New Stock ~ Sbe Dreleee , I • •• • . In A, B, C, D, E. widths. Correctly fitted. Ex-Ray • fitting if desired. ' ' Popular prices Barber's Bootery ' 1821 Newport Ave. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 5839-W .. ' . ' • OODLES OF POODLES-But nol like tblS 9Dei. dealped by iOfllJ. Robert . ., of California. Fublon's newest fal>lic ftnd '8 the to:tured poodle cloth. "hown In man,v dlfferent typee. tine It is In white la a boxy Mort coat, witll an eucserated Peter Pan collar &ad bolcJ.u..bl'M8 bu.aton&. Tilh poodle la u.e cw1cd variety and • corning' campus fa\•orlte. Al>Jlroxlma!e ~-tall price. $SO. • --·t-.. 4'9 -fiee, Kids ' -.. -.. - -· I sure do like those C ommended by Parents Magazine Consumer Service ... ~.s Po lly De bs rof s Girl$ ,.,,, ()fl ~------. Advertised • In LIF E EWPOR DEPART ME NT STORE Hod and OCE.AJioi FRO~'T NEWPORT BEACH ' DON'T Mf&ll ~G Our Large: Aaeortme11t of _ Zipper ea-.. Note Boob. ~ ea:. -COSTA ·MES-A 'STATIONERS PHONE B&AOON Ula-ft 1'188 N ewpon llh'lt. C-. .._ • ' • ~tloJl l>a)'ll Bua Scbedale September 5 and 6 1951 . .. • Qol!T4 MM ~ < _ _ _ i.-w -----. .... --~~-::_.1:30 1Mll a ..._.ua -"-r-·----..-.1:11 Viet.a 6 , ---..l:H v-. a.-..:... ,__..a:tO Victoria fl .()ldt-ta ~ II.a. • ..'..-..a:U N•WJIOrt Bbd., • aou. It. ·---...... --+.&:41 " N~ B1"4. ... Bh'd.' _____ Jl:IO IRWPORT mCR -8UJIOA. • . I Ba\-Bl,.S. • Miramar :-·-···~-----"'" • &&at Newport• ·----' -----------·-;.~-.. .l:tJ' 16th • --Blvd. _ .......... _ ... ::, ... :. .. , ...... .!. . ..1:49 Ji'otd aa,.... '---·------.l.··-·--··~---····-···-·-·--•l,O .1 30th • a.•-· m..i. ..... r' ---................. _ ........ ~ .... ,ai \ UdO 6 N-rt Blvd.'. ..... ~ .... -.......................... 1:03 . . <pRONA DEL MAR -,.BAL80~ l;llLAND- 1 • D>&ot HIJl>-Y 4 Jo(usuertte ............. ~ ........... ~ .. 8 :40 hclttc: • l!'omleol .. _ ................ -.. -..................... .11 :42 • Dnl!r 81ot'e, Bal-Ioi&nd ........... c ...... -............... 8 :46 COST A MESA C l!lut) Me.a Drive A Banta Ana <Ave. ···-·····-·······-·······8:.-0 Acacia 6' Pali.-<* .-................... _ ......................... 8 :43 Mua Drln and Oranre Ave •..... ···········-·----······•=~ Broadway 6' °'"""" ............................................... l :llO 18th Ir Santa ~ A•e. ___ .. : ............................... --1 ·1'2 1JF THOSE W.HO KNOW .... lJ:W llill U :P lJ:tO u , .. U :ff U;llO .12!'8 U :t7 12:49- 12:1\() .. 12:62 l 12:113 12:40 12:42 • 12;46 1 12:40 U :U 12:46 12 :!50 12 :62 ' • ' • ~'BARGAIN·s ' at .FUN FASHl©NS -J ' " f . 'l 1' l ·~ • . ... •• I ~ For Gym . . . Full air.es -· Spiclal on ScJMOl Sllirh $5.tS I! ~aVY, • • • G~bs. • • ' j ~ '· C.loslnt Out Crepe. Soled Shoes, 1Some Saddles .$$.95 ~ Sa.idals $,5.0q • . • Also Fm.1 lhct Drastic Recluctiolis In FUN CLOTHES BATHING stnTS PEASANT SKIRTS! BLOUSES! TEE.SHIRTS COSTUME JEWELRY CAPS DRESsES 'I FUN FAS .HIONS 1305 Coast Blvd. Corona clel Mar Mar. 2322 I LEVIS -SHIRTS -SLACKS KHAKIS SPORT COATS-SUEDE JACKETS .. l· . I . R ·E ·DUCED New Stock of La test Style Cashmere and Wool Blend SW.eaters Sle eveless e nd Lo ng Sleeves HEN LIN E.'S • Men's a nd Boy's W ea r 305 Palm Ave. Har. 1638..J BALBOA .. I ~/~ • PRICES . JUST IN TIME' FOR SCHOOL SHOES• BOOTS ~ SANDJU.1 . BALBOA ·BLUES And a 1Contplete Une of • JEANS· & JUMPERS . \ ., NEWPORT TACKLE STORE [---------I 05 Mc Fadden Pla c e Newport Beach-. OPEN • A. M. 'TIL MJO~'JGHT DAILY ... SWEATER GIRLS I~"'~'"'~'"'~'"'~"'~~"""~'"'~'"'~""~""~"'~=~~~=~~""~~~~~~~~~~ The Sweater which had il..8 be· I I ~ ginning u a football player's ~ jersey around 1891· has developed. l., into considerable promtu. The ~ I Sweate r ts now h :gh tuhlon in ~ most any eha~ or form. Children !J wear sweaters. dogs wear sweat-fl ers ... men, women, pollliclans. iii Oh, everybod)"' wears sweaters! ' .l The ~n-ager gains a great deal ~ of presti y owning 15 or · ao $tai ls ·niursday, · AuCJ. 23 ':30 a. m; }llnpleu Sun Dresses reg. lZ.95 to 15.95 Now 9.95 • Summer BIOllsM (Some SieeveleM) 1/3 Off Women'8 Cat&llna Catalina Balhing Suits 1/2 Price Women's Tee -Shirts reir;. Z.95 Now 1.98 • Hand Painted Skirts reg. 10.95 Now 7.49 1704 Newport Blvd. Men'8 AD Wool Slacks Reg. 16.95 DOW 12.98 Jarman's Shoes reg. 11.95 .Now 9.98 reg. 17.95 Now 1•.98 . Sull ShOtts Denim..; Je~ Cottona l /3 Off Women'• Cot Ion Skirts reg. 5.95 3.98 -Men.-s Swim Suiti Catalina, Gantner reg. Z.95 to 6.50 1/3 Off Men's Tee-Shirts reg. 1.95 Now 1.39 • Short Sleeve Summer Shirts Cottono, Rayons Seers~Rers re~. S.l!O to 6.95 1/3 Off Cata.U na Cable TH-Shirts Ofucbo Collar reg. •.95 Now 3.69 Rayon Plaid Sport Jacket . .... 12.95 Now· 8.98 Phone Beacon 6544 FoRM rt LY RICKY. BODMAN'S • -·. ,.,,. ""'7 ..... taiJt!lg -miserably In math. Then of course, there are people In cold climates )Who wear sweat(>rs to keep warm. Now the sweat.er shape, t exture and detail.I are be-- Ing lncerporaled into new faU dresses. Knee lrngth pullovers are even switched Into eleep-awea.t.e.r-a. Ribbed, aweater knit lrimm~ is being applied to grey flannel and r-ayon ga.rmenls. Yea, the sweater is soci&lly a gttat success and can be seen at formal u well a.a on all casual occasions. Turtle-neck, cardig&IUI, pullovers . . . in a t re- mendous variety of stYles and col- ors, are being sold at the rate of around 90 million a year ~ Small and ·Nea t In both dresses and suits. akirta receive the most attention; aep- 1lr&te panels detract from the slratghlneu ot an olherwt.ae slen- der aklrt; panel pleat. graduate 1 In eiz.e !rom narrow at the waist wider at the hemllne. Although here and there a aleeve provides a fuhlon newa note, It is 1t1fl not a general trend. The width at the hemline bi: being t>xaggerated by the use ot crtnollnea. taffeta petti- coats a.nd ruffled hal!-11lip11-a.ll from a waist that must be amall and neat. AB to ahoulderUnea-lhe padded va. unpadded-here again lt de· pend& on the auit or dreN. A t&U-· ored suit with fine detailing and altm li nes rely on aome should.er padding to give It a pleasing and clean-cut outline. However, a good many or the BOtter suits and par- ticularly the afternoon and late- day dresses and sepuatea, reveal a fondnea of dea:lgner-1 for the arched look at the shoulder. No padding, or ju.Bt a mere. lndlca-1 Uon. if enough to achieve t.be ttutd l line. • Putting a label on f&ll faahkma ls a.lm08t lmpoulble-"the cuned look .. or the "arrow-n&rTOW" line are both rlghL lt'a a hoppy and .mutual understanding by Calt.f~ nta designer• or -the fa.ct that wO. men are not all alike, and thep.- tor-e each lni!lvlduality can bre ex- 1 preued in ti. moo becom1nc man· ner. No wonder American .wonien are but-<!reaed. • . 1~111111111 ~111111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 ~. . . 1 ;~CJUS~ 23 ta September 7 ' DRESS S~OP .. !. . ·-' . • .: . •• ~ " ,. ~ ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. L ' We Are Closing Out All Present Stock to ! Make Room for New fall Merchandise -~ a I • ,_ _____ , -. ' FALL f &ig. SALE DRESSES ,; 6.~5 SHOES . . . . . . 1.00 EVENING ~ 3.95 Cbilc;lrens BLOUSE . .75 · and f coc'KWL ' _ 11.95 Ba,ck to School SKIRTS 5.75 3 95 :!. reg. 9. . • 17.95 BATHING SUITS ... 5.00 sttSOOog ~: 25.00 SWEA T_ERS . . , 3.50 to 5.00 :t and ,f 2.95 T-SHIRTS . . . . . . 1.99 $500 :'· 15.00 HATS . .· . . . . . 3.00 '------~ l"'"I"-----. 3.95 MEX HATS . . . . . uO ( Back to School · • Corduroy DRESS . and Matchillg 11:95 BLOUSES . . . Z.00 to·, ·coAT 49.95 Linenli &: Prints '7.00 to 11.1~~1 17.95'J>LAYCLOTHES S.00 to 1 . $399 ~ ' .._ ____ .. 12.95 TERRY ROBES. LOO to '7 ' ... ... ' '76.00 COA 'l'S , , . . . . • .. 16.00 to •Mt . ' 1•.95 ·to 46.00 JACiqlTS • . . • • 5'00 ~ ~6.1!1 . . " • \ • . ' • I • • -. P. • • • • W. art pltaud to 'tmnounet the opming of CORONA DEL MAR loom S, llrtcher ll~g. 141 S Coost Highway -l'hone Harbor 3262 WILLIAM L. O'IRYON - MORGAN& Co. M."'ltoar1 l~1 A11g•l•1 Stoc:• bchofl .. Head office' 634 So. 5prfnt St., LM Angelos 14 • ~W®Wllm©~ That Continuous Stock au.totions and Late News Are Available of eur LAGUNA llACH OfflCI Bank of Laguna Beach Bldg. Ph. 4-11116 Complete llrokoraae Fadlld• T....,..Lm: Smck Ticka- 'S~ Library a.ad ll.W., ._ Your onkt ro b11,Y 0t .Mil l.istcd stoeb, bclads w C9m- ll)Cldidn will be eucuted with IJ>ced and -er oTtt the nation-wide leased privatt witt system eon- nccting out 16 California ollim and our N.,. Yock ·office with principal Faurm trading crnten. .Statia- tical faciliri<s are maintaintd f0t your ((lftwnirea- ' ,..,,.. DEAN WITTER .. Co. LOI tMR• LM Alt,.,., , .... bet msf• ..._ •• RU 8 U S.T REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• • $6 • S. C. Cotm1 Meets Sept~ 14. • • ••eii-. Spear. 8outhun Ca»- fornla RqloeaJ v--...t ., tlle c.!l!omla Btat.e Cbambor Of C«runorce, announced today tut • 111.eunr ot u.. Boulllem cantor· lila Coundl. will be hold .. 1'rldol1. 8eptembu H, at the t... Anp"'9 Biltmore Hotel. ' lQ 111a1<Jnr tlllo 11111ounotm'11t. s_.-oald many Important .... jecta will lie CONildoftd durlnf lllf mornlnr --Wlllcll wm .,.,_ pr<>blmuo of lnlA!l'fft In u,,. ~ ot Ar;rlcult~atural lluotlrcM RJghWaya, vel ,and Recrat.Jait. Industrial oe and~· Followtnc , e mornlnl' commit· ta._ aeutnna,. Qle Southern calJfor .. n.ta Council wiµ convene tor lUJlCb. eon and to b~ljl' report. and recom· mendatl<ina dt t b e committee chalrm•n. I ' Adrien l . Ftlk1 Prealdenl or tlle State Clwnbtr, wUl be the lunch· eon spe&kar. • Many Vlsitors Enjoy Service~ at the Church by the Sea This paat summer hu brought many vl.tton to the se.rvlcee •of The Lltlle Church by the See~ Comer ot Legion and Throul'h slrHta, and the m6Tibe1'9 a.od friends have (T•cioualy made their acquaintance and made them ftt.I welcome at the va.rlowi ae.rvtcu. • " PAt!LA <'ASTLE. •·bo wlll walk to lM altar Satmmy att•ra-!'! 8" I,_ .-. ..- b ...... SUHt "'""" Miao LMJta VIDcent, --a ml11e.ii..., .. .-tt "l -·Jl"ll'o of Ille .- nl• \'lll<ftt -...... BU L •fn!et, BalboL P""lf stn.. ,..,... piled under Ille PllT -"'4 ~la wltb )·oung friNds ptlwred a.rob.nd to watdt \Vll.Ue tbfoy U'f' opened. Slie.W. Wt to rl.Ptr are: Mn.. lllellard C-r, llflM Bartars Oal••rt, Miu Katl\y Rabbitt, MIM I-,__ IQoo W.Jorle -Pritt and Ml .. ,,...,, Orotb; acandlJlc' (lrtl to rlpt) • .,., M1M Nonu caaO.., IUM•lulla N-..p, thr honortt. Ml,_. hu.&a CUtle and ttw-hoatf'M, MIMl IARlta Vincent.. ' . ' • • ~~i~~f~~~~b[~~ ~EWPORT .·BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ,ASS'N. ~;E~f~t~°; G8~: HAS BIRTHDAY; CAKE FOR EARL y BIRDS met Tbunday evening with the Newport Bal~ Federal 8av!ng1 Ud ~ A¥ocJation report.a throul"h Pruident P. A, Palmer, the pr8ldent. Mn. Verna Muon, p~· ~ M M aiding. ~. w:. z.t,., ltUdy chaJr-,torma.I open!Jtg of their re-modeled offtcea on Saturday, AuKUSt 25. 19 1 from 10:00 A. . to ~5:00 P. . man, brought the teuon, with i.tn. ~krd how the Auoclallon decided to remodel Presldtnt PaJ.mrr said : W. TaJbot brlnJin• the devotloiu. "One day la~ In May the A..oclatlon's Secr.?tary, I.UM Agnes Blomqul.at, aul'ge1!1ted that pe.rhap1!1 El«tloo of otticera for the next ~rafnc now wtthln our office bulldlnl' might be improv'ed it one entrance door were closed otf and a new year waa held. They will be in-entrance door cut ln one of Ult • st&llW al the ftf llt regular month-rxilttng private offices. fr0m the tack of e~terior •rchltec- ly meeting. • The effect ,of thla simple cha.nae tura.l attractlverlttit due fo Ute Puadena, L. A. and envtront. .. • I • • liwfl• You to the Ct ti.AND · . .. ·-·· • --. ' . ' ti'~... \ :, • Oomtp5*te, ~~=· ' .Ji'n!P ~ 41'Jl.lll&llllUBPeaeat 1 Bl9lle. am-. . . rsaw.-Eleetno ·wor11 :-F.aatiie Tlliseo!l'P: ALL WOQ'GU~ llll .a m.m of u I ~ • 1 • Ttfo ~i•t lf#dl111b . Complet.e rart. for J{j! 1.-~ . Frazer Body lllcl r.t llllep • CJompw. 8ervlee SlaUczli LubriC&tioa -Car Wash and .Polish Tires -Batteey'Work -Radiator -Accessorl"" FRIENDLY OOURTF.OUS SERVICE At the Morning Worah.lp Ser-would have been to divert tratnc building having been remodeled vice: Sunday morning. 11 :00 L m ., 1two ways to different departmenta three tlnwa. Exterior .colon on Rev. Frank L. Dowell wlll bring or the orgaitiutl.on. wood and stucco are gtten and an Inspiring meuage on the sub--I In & m&nner that ca now bt-yeUow. All are lnvtted to come and aee tbla ma.te.rplece ot dealp and in~ pauity that resulted &om a sint· pie ausC"estion from our aecretar}• BIG TBBEE - ject. ··Do You Know God'a Will 11ond our under9l.&ndinl', th i • Each pt the two entfanoee has for Your l.Jfe!" -Hear thla cha.1-almplc ll'UQNlk>n led lo a COQt.· • reYOl'"°g tan tl\&nl" over tM le11g1.ng meuace f'rora God'1 Word. plete remocHlllnl' of Ute e.n.Ure 01· doorway out.aide. Thia obvialell Sunday .chool convene• at 9:•15 1fl ct' facllltlea and the ac1i4JtloQ .~f the need for .creen dOOl'll to keep a. m. with cleue1 for aU agea. 10me 900 acru-re feet to the total out n1ea which eometlm~ tnfll· Mra. B. Crabaugh, Sunday acbool floor area. trate the area from Alhambra, supt., extendA a special lnvlt.atton The Job wu ea:tJmate<I to be to all who are not attendlnc et.e-rompleted ln two weeks. ao of where to come and enjoy the ln-course we were del!Cbted to ~ aplratkmel teaehlng and objective flnlllhed in .even WMka. planning of tht staff of the Sun-We •1n 1tlll blithe >nd py at day echool. thla point u we )lad an ortgtnal Junior church meet. at 11 :00 cost eatlm.&te whlch wu accept.> a.. m. In the Junfor chun::h bu ild-able and have not. aa yet, n!Celved Ing. Special flaruteJrraph object the final bill. • lea.on and ml.Nionary story will lnte(ior ttn' h ta ,prt.n_clpa.11)' slW:n•rst... ..,,....., ....... lrdl ~ ... ~ work project. 'ntey lnTlte your coat. ot ftlJer two eoe.ta lot boy and girl to come and enjoy lacquer and rubbed with one ap- Lh l11 1Jtudy especially planned for plication ot wax. the children. Your child nHda Ught,, throu.hout, cz.ceptlng at tJPiritual guidance. We urp you the office enf4'ance, are Sunbeam to give them thr opportunity af-concentric .ring fixtures. The lobby forded them In this Cbriauan entrance has a nuore9Ce.nt fl.xtUtt.. tralnlng couree. that belnc the only nuoreecent In Singapiration bel'ina at 7:30 p. lhf' office . m. Sunday evening. Come and Counter topa are tonnlca ln o. bring your friends and enjoy Ute simulated wood Onlah. 10- alnging of your favorite Goepel A new heaUnr and air e1.1rcui.t- aong11. The choice of 90np la Ing •Y•te:m wu added and llu youn, Md the Slngsptratlon rroup prowd very eft~ctlve the Jut will enlhUf!lutlcaUy join' in. Rev. week or two wbeil ~body atµp- 1 W. A. Dowell will bring-a meauc• ped u1 some out-of-town weather . I on the subject, "You Ce.Mot Hide Floors arc upbalt We laid on From God." cement alab. To lhe small coffee room foT the girls'_ uoe1 hU been t.d!IO<! a patio encloeed ln a grape 1ta.1Ee fence supplemented by a ~ wire top. AU our PLI are ~­ tremely ettracUve, thu.t thla Prr- cautlon. Adequate pat.lo turnJ.Wtt and tlfct.r1c ooanecUons .t.ar uac of pe:rcW~tor, elc., were also In- stalled In the paUo. • Ceutnp tllroucbout tbe office 4re white &nid a liJht rrttn color ta used on those walll and cabl· net.I that a.re not btrch."'" t • • - -. • that • new door be added. The ~latlon will atao cele-Nflff9 • :n-, f'!H llboppl•1 Nen and tls8-~ brat. it.a lMb Birthday on S&tu.r-• clay, nut. All visitors that clay OVD S!,llllO OlllOUU'DON 11 ·TJlll ANSW. ER will receive cUta and be invited f . to u.mple the birthday cake .. P"'-Rartzor 1411, toclaT Uld Ml{ for the.ad-faker. long u 111jpplles lut. I lb=.;.;.,....,""'""""'"""'-!~ ... ---... .,;,=...,--====o0J • • •• • 75 An addltk>nal NCR machine was nJched under the new counter in the cuat.omary fuhJo.n. switch to ••• PONTIAC 6· PARTS AND LABOR ·1 • . . ALSO BIG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES The i'realdmt's offlc.e 1.9 aJao panelled in birch, the &'Men.I thought being to create an omce • that 'Would .. lmpre.q tbe pu.bUc. Tiie job hu been ao nicely d<lne that It has even succeeded tn b_. preutnc the Pre.sk1eQL Eatnlor planUng hao been ca.reNuy t..boUght out with the u.te ~f t;ypea of planting auch 14 In 1 stately row a10-. tM t or tho bulJdln&' and colortul IJooll.er -dealpod to dlstreet u. .,. Siii witli • .... C. r1N•ll••. • • _..~When ,.,,, midi to 'DWM ";T~&d.r: lzucb, )'OU _.t ftaMioiS perfC11 .. nce with top econom,--made ~by pow .. r..r oeci=• -billi ccmtitw • O"l ratioet For a.ample, Dodp 18 POINT OVERHAUL • 1. Complete Valve Grind 2. ct .... Carbon S. Replaee Platoa.Rlnp 4. Replace PlatOll Pins 5. llKpud PlatA>u 8. Beplacle CGluaecthlg Rod, lnMrt Bearings • '1. Adjust Coewtbag Rods • . ~&Bolek Missouri . Picnic -I Suii. at Long a..~h Former rea!denta or the -~ Xe" -., Kl-rl, wlll ltold tllelr t4tll .\m>ual Pienl<l a.t Bbtbp Pljrti next Sunday, Aue. 2t. Jamea j!- Seaton. Lon&' Beach cJty ~ man 'and preoldent. or UM t°"" • .. "J~ u-. "" """ 1-IM! Pok· ape, pa-m ud -p.. ,_ -· bicb8r 7.0 io 1 comp 1 'on. rado. ·· Siii ....... ., ..... , ..... St.tWed ownin asr-tbU: _,.. 100 buy • Dodp "J•-...,.. )'OU ptyeanaad~af--bz lisoJ, YOU -.joy tba ill 11111'_,,.,. ...... 8. ~ Ctianeeting Rods • -· '9. Bead and Paa Oulreb --lloc:lel.)'. ext4lli4a ... b!vltaUon to all M-.... '!114 thelt -lo at ....... the all-<lq picnic. 25,000 ..... ozpoefH. .... t.raUon for the llf -u. wlll be maJntalaed -· 111e ..,.. 1 • tae@I: ot f-iins pi ;t-.. wida • pla"4 top~~ ............ ... I a 1 -JJluf -,.. .. ca;awf ipil,' tioD ud ........ s-t. 2 ••• , • , 12 M,OtfTHS T-0 PAY 111d No -...,._. Tbe procram ' • at J p. ;j. with & 11*1'' 00.-rt ol w --"1 u.. ~--...... '" pat ......... -.. •a:-" .._., • •·:T _,,. ..... --1 .... .. ... ~_,.,-.... , -...#. ~ Ails ..,_, tr1M ::lei'''••• ...... ... ~!': :;:: ..: :' ..... 1 ••112.... -. -~ ................... I 411 .... , .. _, .......... y--. ... Sit 11ij .. .. -Cpl_ ........ ... . ' . . .... I. ........... jiM.., _.Mick'....,.,..,, Ji'.: •• ' • • I • ' I · I I - I v . • • I , • AJL -._.. I sh ...,.,:p9dl EIPIOl.ITEI 1 Awards Si-<en at Orange County Fair ar c:bllni.-11t, v-L. n : s ._ 1-C-8111 ~ lat .. ,.,., a>-• .,. Oolta JI-. , 9ldftt ,. PTT ~ Mn. W'a. tat.)-• .., ? .. "' ........... --- PAeE 7 -PAIJ Tr -·THURSDAY, AU&. 2J, 19'1 ·-c:.:r-hl, ~ .-. roca 1-PmtW B'l:T l"OaA8 LOW&8 _ Tomato -lot. lllqdor.Ooola-··-Ill to 1,eoo •-tot. lilt'L W. Jr: MC00117, Ooet& ~ Plooo, ... 1~1'1ed-llld, --. lf .. pmt J8P; Newpwt a.ctl U... HIP-sstsDL -MUKanl Plctloo :lad, Mn. Mn. Della l. COOlr, Calta -. llld, 'Dim-.r..-. lfowport· B...-~rj:-;:._u:;_ M: H. VeOoll.Y. Ooola MOM-• Table RuaMr, ---· IPrd llor ,lllp. . s99 M:cCo"-, Ooota -n. W . Pldclecl A~ -. lllnl. or..,. -Ill, Ooota -Jewy, -•loo onlJ', breedlll&' .., H. M:"""'lw. Ooet& Ir-. -~-... ~ JllL 1111!-··· ~-.,,, F .• A. --, _ _,,, • .._ ___, •--Plckkd 11p-lrd. Mn. Della J. COOlr, Ooota -: 2ad, ,_ ToutlJlr, -la m~-Heavy ~t rabbit-. N-P1oher, Ooola x-.· Mn. L. McMlli.n, Coeta X-' ut, 11oy· 8tettllrd, Oeeta M-. Aa Low aa' ~to por week f5...yeu J11aranke OD work .._ pldr;-up .. Doll\~ tlll9 coupon NOW. A aout'- -r will ..U al --.... Ill bllDdttdo •• pie fabrlce to dte11e fl'Om. (to., MMfte, _______ ~ , .. $ $' Vahles $ $ Genuinely Fine Quality BOX SPRINGS and MATTRESS -DBL -KJng Sl%f' Hilt to your 11pttlft•tkm9. C<impa"' Quality, Pri<e an• Saft at t ~ ~ CARLYLE'S Jlalpla' la Flalab<od Barbor Blvd, Costa Mea Zealand while, lllnrle &nd tur Plckltd P•--tnd. Mn. W Chair ~ 0..... ~ anlmel&-$enlor Buct Kale, Over R McColly OaOta -llnd, Caela -· l 8 moolha -3rd,-Lewla Abbott. 0 Plcltled .:..r..-tat. Mn.' w. H Rus.' h-~. IAal& K. Newport llHA:h. • llcColly, CO.ta M-. A~ Oeeta II-. • .Llghtwel~ht Call!onilan •ln&'I• Zucchini lltt&4 ana Bulter Pick CbD4P ..., -* .,,.,.. N::r. 3Dd fur &Dlmal.t-Senlor Doe, Fe· 1-111, llft. W. )(cCOlly, CO~ • "-rlH (~) :nale Over IS montha-l•t Clyde Mel&. . " · ..,. ____ 1 Frantel, Newport Beach. Januo -Strawherry-2nd, .........._ lnfuta -lst, v.,.. Heavy welght Rabblb--Callfor· John V. Nell. Newport Beach. a:,:;:ta~~d, Vm n1an -~"' a...i rur animal• -eoyaenberey-tet. -Rull' a.....,,. c.ote M-. I ~peclal Doe, Comal<!, • to I mco. man Cool& M'.,,.. o.e-, lnt&ita-tot, Vera ~ lot, Bunny Motel Rallbltry, Ooet& a.:... (I lo&f, llPP""" I .._, Hqo. Coot& M:-; Ind, v .... L. Kesa. -Blh. Bwmy llolotet Rab-Wblte Bread-tat, Kn. Rusi>. Coot& -l !:>ttry. eo.t& Kua. FttMr, Qmta lfrM.. Jtompeora. tnta.nu -new mat.et .. Junior Buck, under 8 month&-La~r Cake, V(hitfl layer--Std al-Ind, Botta.la Sutrrnan.. CGota !st, Bunny Motel Rabbttry. Costa Mrs. J. H. caae. Coota 11-. -·· , I Mesa. 2nd, Bubny Motel Rabbilry, Spon•e or Loal Cake -A.ftp Bw-tttua. tntant..-srd, Vera L. Coats Mesa. Food Cake, white-2nd, Kn. J . R Huro. Coot& Meoa. j ~~~1:-1~·n!nn;1'iro~d~~ ~'ceJ~c!e~t. choc:olat ~w~rtlfC Afpa.N!I I bitry. Coat& Ilea. Isl, "-llol. Bbnpooo, Colll& )( 0.-, lmltted-lol, JOSS. A. Heavy weict>t Rabbits -Chln· Clllffoil Calle. All .ark Welland. Coot& llol-; hd, Dorla :hill Gian• Am r1 s•··l It w. Pa..,~. Coot& M:-: lrd. Ju-~ a '° e can-..... e 2nd, Keo Fiaher, eo.t.a K ea. lie A... Wehand., Costa. M:na. !Ur animals -let. B\lony Motel Loaf Calce, any type-3rd, Play Bult. women-3rd, Mr&. r. Rabbltry. Costa llole&&. ra1 ... Partin, Coot& llol-. hoe. Senior. Doe, tema.le, over 8 moa. Spong-e Cake, yel.1aw-1st. Oaj J . ~=:'·!:!·a. wornt':n1t or ch.0· lnd, Bunny Motel Rabbltry, Coeta brle:lla Ramos, Ceata Meea. dttn'•. kntt.t.ecl-%nd, Keo F'lilher, Mesa. Glh.-Bunny Motel RabtHtry, Oookles (I dos.) ea.ta Meaa. Costa Mesa.. FF A Swtn.- Junior Buck, male, unde.r I Drop' Cookf~s. untro.ted -2nd Feeder Ptp, 81 to 120 lbe.- :nonlhs. 1st Bunny Motel Rabbit-Mn. John V, Nett. N~wport Bue~ ut cholce, Roy SWtord, Newport ry, Coat& Mesa, 2nd, Bunny Motel Rolled CooJdet, untroat~2n1 Be&ch: Ind choice, top good. Roy Rabbit.Ty, Costa Mun. Row M. Slmp•nt. Colt.a M~ Stafford, Newport Beach. Junior Doe, female, under 8 All Other Cookiu-Znd, W. ~ .lanlGr 0.-pt.. FMtal"fo !:xhlblta months-lat, Bunny Motel Rab-McColly, Costa Mua. ' Ch&pt booU....W bitry, Costa Mea. Pin and Pwttry (I pito;, I pMt11f'll~ t:i·ln~· ~· Ulemeera..th. N~ Senior Buck, male, over 8 mos.. Fruit Piea, 2 cnut-Srd, Keo Harbor FUture Fanner1, Newport 1st, Bunny Motel Rabbitry, Cost• ~~·, ~ Meaat. •rd Keo Ba.ch. Mesa.. r '""' .-11a11, c rus -" ' Horwi Show Senior Doe. female, over 8 moa. F\sher, Colt.a Mesa. l Trail Honet1 (children) -lat, lat, SylYia F. Guthrie, Costa Ont' 0-U.t, without meringue----Glenn Thomas, Coeta Mesa. M--2nd Bunn "ot J Ra... tit. Sorenia Huffman, Coat& Me..:. =--. Y m. e u--Ronemanahlp, wNtem EQ~ bl-· ~-ta M--4th Bunny Ont> Croat. with meringue-3rd, ..... .r. -....ue ~ -• ment--tth, Hayden Ru.ell, Me~ Rabbitry, Coe(& Meea. ' Vera L. Hugo, Coata ~teaa. Meaa. Special Buck, m&Je, 6 to 8 mo.. Conlrctloa. (I pound) Pleature H 091f!• CchlJdren under 1st. Zelma Saunders, eo.ta MeSL P\ldge.-2nd, Florence Tbomp-13), Danlsb system -~st. Glen 2nd, Bunny .,.~otel Rabbltry, ~ta eon, eo.ta Me•; 3rd, EJlnor Fair, ~omu. Coal.a )(eaa. Meaa. 5th, uelma Sauuden. """"9ta Corona del Ma.r. Musical Hata (childtt.n' not oveT, Meu.. Hard Ca.ndtea-11t. Elinor Fair, 18l -1.11., Glenn Thoma.a, Coa-ta Heavy Weicht Rabbit. -New Corona del Mar. M.e1a. Zealand White-Slngl~ and fur All Olhf'r ConfecttOM-lst, Ell-Stock Horse• (children not ovtr anlm&ls-SpeciaJ Doe. fema.Je, 8 nor Fair, Corona del Mar. 16) -~th. Glen Tbomu. ca.ta to I mont~2nd, Bunny Mietel Bf>tty CrockPr CbJffon Cakfl M!"&a. Rabbitry, eo.t.a Mesa. 3rd Bunny Chiffon Cake, any variety-2nd, WA Bttf CattW. Motel Rabbltry, Costa Mesa. Keo Fl.sher. Coata MPIL Ht!nford, female., breeding anl- Junior Buck, male, under I Mf'droom F\lro!Ahl.ap (Tntt&H) mala, rertatered-• mOA.., 2nd. Zelma Saundeni, Coat• Pillow Slip. top or oover-3rd. Junior Yearllng -lit, George Mea.. ' Mra. E . R. Stll~s. Coat.a ~tesa. Baker, Newport Harbor Rtc'b: 2tad, Junior Doe. female, under • Quilt, patchwork -3rd, 'Edith Don Trapp, Newport Har1>or H\ch- monthl -let. Sylvia_ Guthrie. Smith, Costa Mesa. Fat animals by purebred atre, Co.st.a Mesa. Light Weicht Rabbit.A-fur anJ. NO'nCE INV1Tl1'"G BIDS mal&--Normal, whlte--2nd, Sylvia r.."'otice i.s he~by given that the Board of Truattt. of the Newport F . Guthrle, Co~ta Me•. .f.th. Beach Schoel District or Orange county, berf'ln after referred to u Bunny Motel Rabbitry, Costa the "Ownt"r," wlU receive up to, but not later than 8:00 o'eloc)\ P . M., --~ Me-.. 8th, Zelma Saunden, Costa of the 4th day of ·september. 1951 . Kaleel bids for the award of cou-~ -M~ I tn•-tract tor the convf'rslon or ex.tiling ahop to two c aurooma , '"6ft'" VINCENT 'S Ucht Weicht Rabbits-Litters Newport Be&.ch School, Balboa Blvd. at 1•th atreet, City of Newport • Q;r · and Perur-Doe, with litter, any Beach., k>cated In •Jd school dl..ltrlct. Such bid.a lhaU be recelved In ap-3nl Bunny Motel R.abbltry, the office of the "Owner" at l•OO Clift Drive, Newport Beach, Oran~ Udo Travel Bureau . CosJ:'atM~ to con.mt ol not lea County, Califbrnia ud 1hall be opened and publicly read aloud at the above stated time In the office or the ··Owner." than 3 rabbits or trytt •Jae and the a---<l ~ to 6 lba. l-lat. 8...,...,-h;r..r.ach btd must conform and'ltebe ~Ye to thJI invitation., • •-o, speQl!lcaUooo. and. all' OUiir -ciocumenta """'~ Ult • Motet Rabb4try, Ool!llt& Mesa. 2nd, pert.lni!'\'lt contract docwne.ntM. doplea of the ContT&Ct Document.. ue Zelma Saunden, qo.ta Meu. now on ftle and open to public tMpec:Uon In tlM' aid offlCH of the Harbor 1246 • PLANE e SHIP e TRAN RESERVATIONS • · 1 atual Tbe1tn Tlcktt Al•llCJ Licht Wel(bt Rabbit.Ill -Pre· Owner. and of Ltnd and Plegtt, Architrc:tM, located at 1415 Cout junior New Zealand whlte-stncle Blvd .. Corona del Mar, In ea.Id County and State and may be obtalned and fur animala -Pre -Jun.iO«" Buck. ma.le, 3 month• or under-at lhe latter pla~ by depoeltlnJ' $10.00 tor each aet. Thill deposit will be ret"Unded If the Bet or sets or Contract Document. detlwred att l llt, Zelma Saunden, c:io.ta Kna. 2nd. Zelma Saunders, Costa Ate!&. retumf'(t 1n good condition within five days after the bid opening. Ea.ch. bid ah.all ~ madp out on a form to be obtained at either of Pre-Junior Doe, female, 3 mos. \he said offlett 1n which the Contract Document.a are on file. or under-let, Bunny Motel Rat>. E9ch bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cuhter'a C'httk bitry, Ca.ta Meea.. 2nd, Sylvia ~yable to the Owner, or Aella ractory Bid Bond In fervor of the Owner, Guthrie, Costa Mesa. LE&AL NOTICI -Cli&JtnC4n: cw lltl1llHl:88 --l'b..t-. THE UNDERSIGNED do bere- by cert,1fY lhat tlley are 'condllct-• ~·-and'l'el--. &lld ___ &l91l!OoNt . Rlpway,, NeTt}j Beacll cOllfo,.. ala, -tile fie l:loua firm oame Of Clout Elect!oGlca, and lhal Mid nrm ta coml>C*d or u.e rof. lowlag .,.....,., w-namu In tuD and placee of restdence are u fOI-.. to-wl(: G. B. llalm&ns, 1309 W. 12tll 8lroet, Saot& Ana . R. D. 1Ja1mana, 117\i J><>Wy l!IZMt. Corona del Mar W1TNE8S our banda tllls 25th day or July, 111111. ~ a. e. SALllANS R. D. SALMANS 8l&to ot C&llfomla, County ot Orange, •· ON TH18 . 9jll day of August. A, D. lhl, be'tore me, Robert F. Willmea. a Notary Public In and tor the u.Jd County and 6tate, re· aiding theretn, duly commiuloned and 1wom. pcnonall)r appeared G. B. Salm&na and R. D. Salmans: known to me to be the penona whoee namca are aub8cribed to the wtlhin ln.tltrum.ent, and acknowl· edged to me that U'ley eucuted the aame. IN WITNESS WHERE- OF, l have hereunto aet my hand and affixed by ot(iclal aeal the day and year ln this ~rtificate first above written. ROBERT F . WILLMES, (SEAL) ()(,y COlhmiulori Explft• 11/19/lll) No. 740-Ptt:u. Publloll Aug. 9·19·22·30, 1951. NOTICE OF ll'iTENTION TO SELL NOTlCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the proviliona of Sec· lion 3440 Or the Civil Code of the State of caJltornla, that Charle• F. Thompean, Vendor, of 322 Alva· ra.do Pia~. Ba.Ibo.. C&Utomia, ln- tmcll to eell to John T . Keeler, V~. ot 22' Jumlne Sttttl, Co- rona del Mar, Calllomla, all that certaln peT90nal pro~rty conatst- lng generally of all stock ln trade, flxturea. equipment and good wlU of a certain Retail' Gasoline Ser- vice Station bwllneu known u Cbarlee F . Thomp.-on Un.loil Ser· •>~-Located at MO W . Balboa Strttt, In the f!lty of Newport Beach, California, and that the plll"Ch&ae price thereof wtU be pa.Jd at JO o'ck>ck a . m . on the Slit day ot Auguat, 1951 at Thomu·Elliaon Eilc.rv'A ... 17ll AUa.AUo Ave...,..J.n the cnr .., t.anc Beech, OoUnlT or Lo8 An~l&, State ot C&llfomta. De.tPd Auguat te. 1951 . CHARLES F. THOMPSON THOMAS-ELLISON Ekrow No. 1022 1711 AU&ntie Ave., Loni' Beach, Calif. Np. 70-Preu . PUbllsh Augwi;t 23, 19~1 . Vendor .. ln •piU of fMM ~ fi.tnu, ,.okr ~ bri1V1 '°"man! J.ml uaJM for your MOM)' tot!JJ1 than ft>O", HERE'S AN EXCEPlfotW. BABIN ·-··-·--·-·--r· . . .. • • Your ·telcp?o~e dollar.buys morc ·tcle~~o~e setfcc than in 1940 -. 1. The ""llf prices on mootitems you buy have shot up , ill diese inBatiooary times, you might apea rbat your telephooe rues would have gone along, too. For, just u the things you oeed ro ruo your borne have climbed, so have our cosrs of providing telepborie service-wages. wees, maccrial cosa. But actually; chc ioaeues in talephopC rares do not even cover our inaeued wage costs alone. 3. Yoo have more tdq>hone service-and better telephone scrvicc-tocl1y than .ever .• Aad the value you're getting for your tdtj>hone dollar is 3uc, basic- ally, ro just one thiog. Over the y .... your telephone .,....,. '-'*'doe 6-.;isl...,.. lo_ the ia· vesro<I' mooey oeeded 10 build the ""!uipmcnt ana develop telephone service to • mighty effici<ot 1.,..1. And with a fioaocially srrong system, the telephone ao continue to grow io value and usefulness. io you and to all the nation. @Pacific Telephone , 2. You buy telephone service for just one thiog- to have a 1quick ind bandy way to keep in touch with omer,pOople. Today you cao call about rwice as maoy felepli.ones u you could io 1940. And wben you com· pare jusc ~ac one cremmdous illcreas.e in value with the S'JJlall increase io telephone ratt"S, you OU\ see that what )'Ov,pay for service bas acrually dropped consid- en.bly-in terms of.what the telephone an do for you. . Your telephone is one of today's best bargains ~rlatl'\'e Dry Cleaalnc . Hoawi ~e» exect1trd by the bidder u Principal and a •tl8tactory surety company Pickles It kelllhe.__ a. surety. in an a.mOW\t not Jeq tha.n five J)f'r cent ot the bid. The cheek or bid bond shaJl ~ given u a guarantee that the bidder wU1 Sweet PlckJea-l•t, Llnda Deer-uecute the Contract it It be awarded to htm In confonnll}' with the lng. Coata MNa. · Cookle9--0rop Coo~•. unfnlM· Contract DocumenlJI and will provide the irurety bond or bond.a at. ed-2nd. Helen Blehm, Costa Meaa. specified lheretn within five days after notlflcatloo ot the award of Cookies _ IAt, Flo-Lou Thomp!. the contract to the bidder . &.. "'~ ... .rn. ~ ... &n. lime •.•. wh'IS fin AUTOMATIC GM . . LIDO CLEANERS 456 Newport ~ OOSTA MESA -0791h1 eon, Coal& Meaa: Znd, Alayne 1be Owner ruervea the prlvf.k'ge of rejeettn,. any and all btdl or Compton. O:>eta ~sa.. lo waive any irTegularltlee or lnforrn.a..lltlea,ln any bld or In the bidd.lng. Pies and Putry-Purauant to the Labor Code of the State of C&lltomla. the uJd Apple Pfe, two CT'Ull-1st, Helen Boa.rd ot Trmt~ bu a.scertain¢ the genera.I prevaJllng rate of per Blehm, Costa Meea. diem __,.ew for each ~raft o r type ot workman needed to execute tbe One~. me.ran.gve -2nd Un-eontracta which will be awarded the succeuf\.11 bidders: and t1'e9e \Ve operate our own plant da Deering. Coata Mesa.. previlllng rates are contaJned In said ~lfical.lona adopted by the ~============~! Flrtt Pbut-(Danlall System) Board, and are a.a follows: fmeBritishCars ·MORRIS M. o. o• dkplli.y at Rll.EY SCHUYLER MOTORS 1009 So. Cout BJvd ~ &-11416 Clothlar a TPxtlles , ClMARcatloa: Head«.arf, cotton or MUilin. FOREMEN-AU foremen not herein separately claulfied, •hall J>I.in or Printed F~ Sack _2nd., be paid not ieSa than the prenJJiar rate. F1o-Fou Thompaon, Coeta Meea. APPRE!'>o'TICES-M•y be etnployed in conformity with 8ecl.km Orea, cap Sleeve, on• or two 17i7.~ of the Caurornta. Labor Code. piece -2nd, F1o-Lou Thompson, Co.ta Meaa. Ra.te Ptt Bour Al.r Tool OJ)f'rator .. ················-·········· .... ···········-······ 2.05 Ca~nl<"n, J oumeynirn ................................................ ~ ..... 2.36 Cement Finll!lhera ·-... , ............................................... 2.38 ElectrtcaJ Foreman . . -··· ................ . ........................ 3.00 Ftnt Pbue. Clothing 1.nd Tex· tiles tO&niab Syatem)-Drea, cap sl•w. one or two-piece-3rd, B el-~============:: I en Blehm, Costa Me•; Nonna ~ Thompaon, Costa ?.lea; 4th, June Elecfrictana ............. , ............................................... 2.75 Floor Layera ....................................................................... 2.55 aLUTRESSES l!loll.b Homt1 Trallera lrftP)ar Sbllpea BEACON llOl1 Costa M-Mattftee Co. 1150 Newport Blvd, -()pporturuty • 19 knocking ln CLASSIFIED ADS. CHINTZ SHOP L'ITEJUOR DEOOllATORS • FABRICS 'Dre...,._ TI'S~ ... fJu~t CUrta.IM llllp o...n * WALLPAPERS l'1T&NJWIUC IPLOOll OOVElllNGS I.AMPS . * -.. ~ .... • Payne, Ccct& Mesa: Unda. Deer- ing-, Costa Meea. Covered ba:ngv, machine stttch- ed--lat, Joyce Vltt.e, Costa MeM... Dickey or collar A: cutt Mt- 4lh, June Payne, o.ta Me•. 8klrt Ir: blome or aJc:lrt Ir: jacket, cotton. Mil-in aleeva--3rd. Lynne Coopor. Oosla W-. 'ntrd -, botlllas and TMIU.. (De•"" 8,...) Blowe, n.y... .. Cotton !quJct metbod)-4tll, Alayne Comp-. Cotta KH&; Joyce Vltte, ca.ta Meaa. Skirt. rayon or cotton quk:ll: metbod) -tst. Marian Kouner, Coal&"' .... Di-. cct!Aln, ..,. or two piece ~ ALl,yne Compton, Coot& Kf!M; .. 6tb. Sftlyn Tayfor, Colt.a x-. Ploy cloU..., ootton--ard, Karl- an Koerner. eo.ta KML .... Zc 7 ••ta ...._,. Ciuloed l'tU!ll, Apricots (- or -1-)-lst, lllra. W. H. llole- ~. Colla: -; IDcl, Vera HO- P. Oollla· -Cllefriff-lnd, v~ra L. a....,, Oeeta -: int, Vera L. RllP> Coot&- -.. ut, v ... L. ....... 0.-ta._; 2Dd. Mn. w. u: »OttJ. eo.ta- °""Md. "* -tat. fta..ne .......,._ M'•wpcwt B 1 cit C.•D"d v....-. Ullla --ant, Jin, W. H. W<OoQr; Ooota -.. ..._ A.R'l'w-aw ._ °'"' '•· lllra. l. H. c.-, Colta - Glaziers ···-·--····-·-········-...... 1 ................................... -... 2.18 l..Aborers, building and unsk led ....... -............................. 1.76 l..alh~rs. metal ..................... -...... ········-··············-·············· 3.125 Lathers, n.&il on ··--····-····· .. ····-···-···············-··-····················· $.126 Linoleum and Soft Tile t.ytta ........... -.......... ···········-······ zM Painters, 'btulllh .. ............. . .. _ .... -.......................... -···········-·· 2.15 Painters. spray ......... ... ,_ ···················-· .... -..................... -. 1:.40 Pluterors .................. -·-··········-.. ····-·-·············-············· S.ltft P-.rer Tenders ........ -····--·-·····"-··-···-·-·············-······· 2.8'/6 Plumber Forema.n ·-···· ....... --·=-.-............ __ ............ -...... 3.00 Plu:mbe.ra ................ ·-············ .. -·-·············-.. ···················-·· l.75 Power equipment Ol)*rators: Air Com.pt'E'll8Qra .. ··-·····t .. ·-·········· .. ·-· .. ·····-·-----· 2.05 Rooter Fol"f'man ···················--··--·····-···-······-·· .. --··--····· 2.TD =r Dri~~~--~d;··a··1~~--~· .:~==-~-·--=.-:-:~:-.:.:.::::::::·::: . Tnlck DrMrw. 8 lo 10 !<ma ·-··-·-·-······-··-······-··· I.Ill Window Cleane:rs ---··-·-··-·· ---·------·---·· 1..90 Ex~pt &a noted' In tho wage the rateo of per 411.m - for oedl or tile -'""" cllafllditloaa,-work ~ be the benbl· before set forth pre'r&lllq ,..._ ,bf ~1 -... 111llltlplle<t by et&M (I), EIRt !I) lloun lllell · tule a claY'• worti: It beJna-under- ltood that In the .,_,t ti.at are -ployod -t11aa e1P1 (I) boura per dl,y, the per -*"11 be ~ lo be Ul&t -of the per diem ••SN.,.,_ ,that the mamller or,.....,.. of 00\ploymeat beato. lo .i.ht Cll ' Oftrt.1-eall be paid for work porrorlnet! In -of -...,..ar dl.J"• or week'• -at the ,..t, l'br Oftrtime of lbe craft ln'"°1wd. • Rc!lldaJll u -~ re.r......i ~ be -lo lie If-Y-• o.r. ~Uon Day, Day, L&llot Da7. Armtitt* Day, ft&n••··· 0.,-, -If ..,. Of Ille -BoRdrQw ftll • 8 t s7, Ur.a 11--., tel •tac '"' ~-'dtNll a ltipl h i hJ'. D .... ~=·lf...,._ ~to .... a : IMt• ••=' ,_..,.... --. .. ,., __ _ -.~_....-of --.-1o.a xw? •- plus .... tlile .... 1 ... -.. "!'"~Id<: Ko --wttt ' -lit. r.. a porioll 111 It ..,.. after U.. -• r ... -., llllnlf or -. i:=:.:.,: Ti w-J ·1 II; I I 1sl DMtM Ct Zif "'It '1 CllcoD-"'""'"'-. -Ko. Ttl Pl II NJl l AofS.' ClllNiOlr a R1191L\T. Giiii. 1181. • , , CLOTHES DRYER • • • • I NST.ALL an automatic aa1 cloc.hes dryer and nnet han1 docha OUC· side ... in. The d~t does • bentt job th.an nanare ... is rudy to Work fcK Y" any ti.me, day ot ni&ht, rain or thine It driadotha-cvm hn"Y mm lOWCb -SufFr·9C>h and linc-(rtt Jn a maner o( minaco.bu:aua ps it • mud. futt1". Your work consisu onlr o( roain• ift wet clothes. itttin1 * coau'Ol aod l'ft00Yin5 the clothes • " • • • n•a •• utr••r mrr Cl•&Jfl••••• in pah r ironina condition. You're entirely . £tee of all the drudpry o( old·(uhioned cloches d.ryin .. Vis.it ·a dealu with clM' .U~atic ps dodMs dryer ditplay andt_,1tt an actual demONUUion. Learn all that an aatematic Pl c.Lothes dl')"tt will do for you.. The imralled price is lower rhan du.c o( oc:Mt-aatomatic dry~n. The operacing cotr iA al&o lower -only 2f to 3f prr drytt·fuJI. '10..C......,.. • , er 1a.. .. II lift, HBFFIK _,21 •M' ~ ............... ... Ml 0 .. "- ' . • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • ·-• ' • • • .. .. ~ !I ,,. • ~ . '· ' • • ' \ , • ' j 1 I • • I I. • • • • •• • • 'P-MH 8 -PART 11 -THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 195 ~ . ·~~L~~~REss-fi · Margaret Nelson Repeats Vows With Charles Albert Converse By Betty Kirby' , Raya or the late afternoon sun rutered through the stained glus wfu.dowa of the Coeta ?riUsa Com- munity church adding tb lhe ~ of weddlng rites Auguat 11 which united Misa Margaret Ennis l'C.elaon. daughter of Mr. utd Mrs. clalre M. Nelaon. 4:wl Bernard tt,reet, Costa M esa and Charle• Albert Converae, United States Navy, of Valdosta, Ga. The bridc- gToom b the son or ~tre. R. C. Boyles of Wa."lhlngton, 0 . C. and tlie late Charll'a A. Convl'rSC, Sr. • A while carpeted center aisle. defined by white satin ribbon... led to the altar flanked by quantllit>s •f gladioli, dahlias and delphini- um, all white, Intermingled with fel'n. The popular young couplt:' exchanged vows and rings at four . o't;Iock with R<'v. Chat·les F'. Hl\Od offici ating at the impreMive scr· ........ ~ptlon A..~IAt&DCP Aiding with varibus dutic.5 \Vere Estella Dady of Santa Ana, COWi· ln of the bride. who had ch&rjte ot ~e guest book; Mrs. R. L. Luckhardt. who M-rved the deco-- rated wedding cake, Mrs. Joseph Urtu.auastegul, Mrs. Emil ~1yrehn and Mary Anderson, who was in chllrge of girts. Leaving for a short hont•ymoon In San Diego. the new Mrs. Con· verse chan,ged Lo a frock or orchid organdy with white acccssor1cs and white jackrl, usinJ{ as accrnt ('olor the cors&f.!1'.' oC y ello\\' ro&C'S from hl'r bridal bouquet. Shower Event for Me sa Ma tron fl.lrs. Ross \\'1lk1nson uf R l·d- da Ave., wu honor ,.ue•t whe-11 A.a pesbr wct-e seated by U.hers M'ra. Charl~s McAlary and h<'r Thobum ThompM>n. Jack Stoltz daughlC'r ML~ Jan(' McAlar.v of of Stanford and Wtlllam King, a 536 San Berna1·dinn Ave .. l\"ew- aoft organ background was played port Hcighls. sharl'<l hoatl~s~ duth·s by MJ's. David Cadwallader. last.. We<'k at a· layt'tle sho\\·1•r of Chosen for their sentiment were ' attractive detail.,. Arran,1.:cmrnt..; two vocal M>los by ldus Harper of o! Thon1as Ech Min d ahlias WC'rl' Downey, '"l Love You Truly." and u'scd to art1st:c udvantJibC' nOOut "4'.t Dawning," 'lfhich-had previ· thf' room.s.. • • • • Ola.UIOllAl'fl Y181r Appr ft Aftft ""-"1 -1'1.·tlle .Now-and Let.. ... u.. ,_ a...ta • ftltt~ '1'1111 MAM ..OV.. · Mr .• ..,., Jin. J. 1>. Wrwy ud r pert~ O<>. ._n.«1 a t•v-A...~:~~~--· Don't*""" away -~-,.... uan P,.._ a • daupttt !Caacy, oc De.¥1a. Olila· v .t. orable -tloD tor a pn>-Aleo -ft11t two ....ita, lJW Jl'OUldn't be CMiM • In. ..,_ -~ run...,,._ _.., boma, ll&ft,...... vteltln~ (D ui. ;w•IGHCll ~ -to be moved on ..,.. co,uoiderwtlon of, the applk• .. By tlae time-clolJdntr ~ 1"11Jch '0(-Ille. put flq )' .... - 11...-.,_ tor the ,put two n:,.,.·~--...:.. Ille propaty ••»Santa Ana Ave. ~ ot ~~-B. K-11 for a per· Of/llecled. by t11e st. V~de .,..., localed at 1799 New..,.. ween Tboy bavo a1"p been gueota .'l°. _,. hllaadea llA>ed. t to p_.. &n lllumlnaUd olgn Paul I Salnp ~ . u ~. Cciota lill-w1JI. -ID of lillr. Wh.Y'• ~ Ella '" lved "'°"'mo-tkvio from ..,. An-~ to Ille oppllance re-on the property, of lb< Nowpart Japal\ and ·other po•ttly cke1l lar&\fr and more mooeni ~ &lemotftel and tamll,y at Lone ~nge Cow>ty Planninc ComJnlo>. pair ~ of tha De.via-Brown 0.. llA<bor mat.el on .Newpott • Blvd. a~ ab:o><I, .It m"7 be . !'Old· thrtt doora oorlh of !ta pnuat Boacl>; X.... P-1 Oalca OC . WU· "" !or appra~ ol t1>•1r appllca· "" -· 811'<1. nl&r iOtll SL. aloa near 'W..unluter AH. ·In Ooeta th..., that Ille •Id ooat ~ft give. locaUon. ' • llltnston , and M •a,, W.Taaret &Qnet for •u;ance pamt~_, lb.la nc:e:lvod the bod of Ute planners .. Mesa. . • cari keep aomeone fro~ . belng The n.ew quarters .were fonner1y Brt<lp an<I tam!l¥ or T°"""""'. k. lllb.IC!Cl to .. 11on "' Ille Th•'-n oontlnued Willi caui:t>t dead -frozen. A I L Vin· occublcd by the -otlieO whldl Wh<ft tbe Wray· family *""" rd of Ill~ ' nut l'rld3y Ulo appUcatlon of U..ptlsed l»t Friday ewn!ng at cent de PaUJ '"J"lt will ;<all at hu .....,,Uy been rem~ t.!11.s week lhey will be, ... accompanl-A tact.My for production Of pre. Geotp. OawnL tkott Rwpt.ncr Nr\l(pOft llarbor Lutbe~ church your dOor lf )'OU pton.d Long 1°'eatUJ"e or lht: l'ICW store will be td .._. tor ,u San Franc::S.CO by brtn.ted tumltllre iB pro~tl!d 1 and Heil Bro~ for pennlmJon lo ,wil.s Bette Lou, lnla.nt daughter Bc&ch 1-2330. ' a cGnsiderably c.nl~ depart.· Mn. Hematr.et and Mia Jud·y Y Gtorge R. Taylor, to be located 1·bou.a.e agrlcullurnl woritera ln two \ ot Mr. and )tis. L. COme1lue. 3t9 ment~ to serve bofa in Si&ee., m: Anh Hcmat.reet of Newport. 1 . SU.~rlor A•a. .. n~a.r A.nabeim barracka bulld.1np located al 1'3tb Magnolia avenue, Cost.a Meaa. E\fcrybody reads 4'e claMl ed ads. to 1&. • I 22 LB •. LUG- TlEESWEET • ORAD.liE JUIEE 25~ FOOD 2f. TIE IETTEI SIOITEllll SDOWDRIFT THQEE POUND {'([J(, . 19~ o~ly bttn }5Un~ at the wedding The. rnother. daughter duo plan- of the brides parent!. During the ned a Sf"ril's or K30l('!5 ba:.t:il on thC' cel't!mony Mi."!S Donna Nelson. sis· baby mo tif. Capturing prrt.1•s we1·1· 1 ' te[. of the brtdc, sa.n·g "The Lord'a Mrs. Ralph "fyrrhn, M r.<1_ J ohn ~yer:• Accompanln1 ents 1,1.•e re by McMillan anti ~lr:s. Anne Fa.hlbcrg. Mra. Cadwalladl'r ( Dorig 81llings). Jn k eeping, too. wi th the thrm,. Period Go\\"ll was a "Corsag('" n1ac!(' up of a teething rlng, tiny brush and comb, ea.fety pin!I anti o thr-r ap· , propriatc items prc!!Pnlcd tu U\C' honoree by 1-frs. fl.fcA lary, ~~Given tn keeping by her falh€'r, ,the bride was lovely in an exqui- ftte gown or white organza and CbantJUy lace remlnbcent of the Victorian era, fitted as: to bod!Ce i.nd tallblg lntb a lqng train. At the oft shoulder line ot the high l.ecked yoke wu a ruffle of lace While a long lace-edpd veil of bridal illuaion net billowed from a.. lace cap. Completing the beau· tltbl picture was a cascade bou· cµet of while gladioli centered ' +ftlh a dPtachable corsage ot yel· low ros~s. ' Ch.let inler('!5t or the CV(•ning centered. on lhe 1,1.·1de variety ot glfla showered on M rs. \.\'1lklnson. Rounding out the af fair was a des- sert course featurinp: ice cream and cake iced In pale bluC' and tlecorated with miniature ist ork.s, tea and cof!et>. Included among thQ&(?o enjoying th!! gatht"ring wert" Mmes. Cox of Sa.nta Ana. J ohn McMillan. Earl Hall, Annt' Fahlberg. \V1llis Fields, MJnnie Small, Ralph Myrchn, John Upson and Ross \Vllkinson. . -~.~-·--· Free Fiber Flower Making Class es : For the "something old" or tr&· d itlon Margaret wore an embroid· Ued underskirt worn by her ma· t.ernal grandmother nearly 69 Yt •rs ago and u "801llethlng bor- rowed,"· the pearl11 belonging to ~r mother, girt of Mr. Nelson on thetr wedding day. • Lending pretty cont ra.et Waa the Fifty yea"' ag<>, {;rnndma v.·a.s t911ow organdy frock. in which making from wood, fl owers for bonna J o Nelson appeared a.a hon· her hair and .for her corsage:t. Thr er maid, her cap styled to that old faahioned ftbcr flov.·ers have 6t the bride's, Orchid gladioli com· arisen again in all of thl'ir newer priaed her floral caacade. colors, nf'W ldeu, so that anyon(', \.-can 1make them. Ydlo'" Gladl&U : Alecne of Rosemead h&Js pk>- • f .Cucadea of yellow gladiqJJ &c· neer~ in thl~ lrultruction work, eented the orchid iorgandy -t:O&-and ta oPefllng her ftrsl branch tutnea chosen by the brlde•maid8, (class this Thursday. Friday &nd Mrs. Walter Foppiano (Norma· ·Saturday, August 23. 24 and 25. lean Albers) of Heraldburs; Mi.Ba During lhe opening daya you wW ~rlotte Best and Mn. Jack H. k'e ceplerplec~ all kinds of nor· · Bt'Olta from Stanford. Robert L. al arrang~ment.a made with fiber liuckba.rdt auumed . be.It man and !rub Clowe r1, created by atu- iutlea. · '4 denll! all over lhe f!OUtbwest . ~ !J"'wo-year.-old S~llen Pr)'or of The cla.Mroom wtll be open eve-- ~tt.ler, took the role ol flower ninp on the open'ng daya. Young. ~ clre35ed tn yellow orpndy ~ personable Aleene will be on hand aitined almila.rly tO ·the enaemblCl!I to dcm<>Mtrale and to answer ~ the brideama.ld.a. A miniature questlOM in any type of corsage ijep'lJca of tbe white twcedot of the and fioral de.sign creation. >ilfn Ill .the enl;ounp wu wom Cluaf• will be held day and ll'J<, thtt<>-yeU-old Howard CalT o! evenlngo, !~ lo anyooe lnlA!,...t- 1n>ttt1er, wbo ..,..ed u rlngbear· ed. Tbe duo room located at ill'~ 1269 8. Main In Santa Ana, Iii ., )be yellow and orcflld color mo-cool. light. • wJth big win-• and Cit wao repeated Ill the cburch baa around It pletlty of -kl~ · i.a.t&• where a ....,.ptl'oo followed ._.. Tiie Main ltrfft buo Ito~ tl\f , ..,... eacllange.. For b« rtpt at Ille co...,.,. <!auPler'a WeddlJI¥ Jolra.• NCel!o.-l 'ile<t.ed-a ...,...i two-piece ~uoty AT ~ .t.AJU: OAKS ... eruiemble with b~ ftlftt San -and '1ar1oua b-1... and blacJ< a-A plac .. la llOl'tMm ~omla bocll· • _........., of lllu. delplllnlum wu a on«! Kr. and lillra. t.Q. A. I.ft at lil!lty coonpleMentaey .·d,,o ta IL 2111 Boar<lwa,y, Coata-~'on a llrotMr of. tbe br...._...., a-lo-dlot ,,_u.n jaunt. Tiiey -t _ ~to be ,._.,, _ a !nr daJ9 at Clear lab OU. · t. lace C.-cloth -117 _., Jin. Lee's IM'otheNll..iaw .. -·a p>l!m.i ..---...... • -Jin. E. x. 8 .. od--tUle. • Y-. · •• ' • • I e I ' 0