HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-27 - Newport Balboa Pressr I t • ' r ' ' I • • • • • • Orange County Asparagus Pack Helps Economy Orange counly'J a• pa r a g u • growera tog@lher with .othen · 1n the stale have lncre:&Rd Callfor- n1a'• agTlcultural lncome by about $1!W>,000,000 ln the put quarter century by thelr production of this nutrtUou. veget.&111e ror canning. The elate hu packed more than 5:5 000.000 cuec. of t.h1a "queen of ve(etablu" for the natiorfe dJet t.n the put ~ yean, according to Dr. H . E. Michl. economist f01" American can Con:lpa.ny, euppllers ot metal containen. '"Records ahoW that Califo"11a baa led the' nat.lor\ In the canning ot thie ftge- table for over a ha.l.f century," be aald. • ••0oopentlve ..-rch by grow- e.n, e&JU'le,.. and the can company ln perfeatln&' tutler varteUu and new .type. df cont&lnen to pre- al'ft ~ appea.ranee of th.la pn>- duct hu eontrtbut..s lmmeaautt- abty to the lllCll value Of th< pack." 0.. llk:hl ·aid. . Aa .,. uomple ot Income de- rittd. laol ,.... Ocornge county"• crowen ddl~ a_,,..t ~ tona ot pparacua to canner!..,, Tlll8 abl-t. whlcll .,__u.s •!>' p-im&tel,J t--"' &ii -~ -In the-~. had • toto1 -ot -l ~000. ........ '!·· .. , • 71 5 •••• .,. £.! .... ............ I • • ... i_. ftw t.r ....... ---··. M ~-..... IL.-" • .. ,,...,,..., .. ~ .. . ..,, ....... _ .,..,, . M s t,_,..,._ ' '-a 'f a f• ..... ••ft • . ••: ............. . 1 • • • fRi f NDSf{rf ·'" Wfftf I • • • ll~NG THI INTfll. ' H.+.a101 AIM . . · . • , , 2D ns ~ ilM .. _,,..._ -·~~- f(o ........ --' -•-........ _ ' "'9J'"r :"-"~ - SEcOND LARGEST. HOME COMMUNITY IN" ORANGE COUNTY '. • ~ ~· .. • J • • •• jl -···' \ • • • REDOICK "1BLASJS. GROU~ =~~~;E~wAY ,roMPANY FOR SHElYING t CUJ ·.Off· ' Loe Angeles, California Newport l!e11cb city 'council wu bluted M0nday night tw Dear Mr. Smith: · shelving the propoeed Jll•t stnet cut-<>tt plan and other atreet This is a letter o~ apology to you as president of the development projeeta wheo Ben Reddic~ tonguo-luhed lb• group f~r Pacific Electrfc Railway Ccimpany, and to you as a reaident ti. lndeclafon and Inaction. ' · Co d l M w b th t ·11 ReddJck. a mem~r of a thi:tt·matt ~ittee t.bt.t lncludes City of our city in rona e ar. _..-e ope a you WI Manager Jo!m S&ilora an4 City Engineer Bert Webb. charged the accept it in the spirit in which It is meant. While apolo-five councllmon with "vacllla~lon",._ ___________ _ g!zing for so~e things we will reaffirm other things that and ••eq uivocation"" among other owners, none ot ua could -haw we believe in Mid will stand for. failings. The COl1)Jlllttee hu work· the openlnc of the 31st street cut· Mr. Smith, many months ago when the so-called ed for two -years on the 'cut-oft oa coold IOlve the tratftc prob.~ project, removal .of downtown P. tern,"' Iabell aald. He added that -''Pacific Electric Committee" for the City of Newport E . trackage and alBUon Jl1d bou· he felt the council ahould name Beach called upo.n you seeking a right-Of-way for the build· levard wldenlnga. thrae new committeemen to Red• ing of 31st Street through the railrOad's property_, you dtclt'a committee to work with the P . E. on removal ot lta t.r&cka and made certain statements. The committee, composed of n.. City Coundl'• ~ ea-al&tlon and subeequent property City Manager John Sailors, City Engineer J . B. Webb .,....,eel oemml-to -with aoqulattlon for widening of N ..... . k . "th rdin rta" "'° P. E. ID ~ fOI" port and Balbo& BlvdS. . and the writer, too issue Wl . you re~a g ce in rt,lbWo.Of-way lavolved lo. •tree& '"Ibla little town wtU never~ statements, and we agreed to work' together on others. developmeat p&aa. wu to meet unw It's done," the Mayor said. The dl •• wreement was over yoUJ' of:atement that In tile city ball thla aft8raoon. Ramaey .. 1d , he believed fhe ~ 1a· tbf'I opllilon of ~ Md, • t ff had "t I lb ''The City of Newnnrt Beach had been the 80Ul'Ce of cu -<> eomew• ng n • over- . •• r"' dick. member of the OW. tlll~ all plani of the P . E ., that ~e great difficulty to Pacific Electric becauae the City had man eommtttoe, tho new poop rood would ""dump"' traffic on no plan, no definite spokesman, aod that any plan wlU .,...., to -who and their Balboa Blvd. line. He added to be rried to W"ft tbeJ ~ •-to that alnce the plan fyr a 58th pre&e11ted by ·the city could not expect ca .. 1< the P, E. tor and who will at.re<>t depot wu made the com- completlon." We challenged thls statement, we would 1-ck t,l>om up. pany had another plan. He ... like to do so again, but, we can't. You wen. right. eerted that the 3tat atreet cut-<>ff Ci f N rt ...,.a _ b plan could i;e used to get the P. Plans were prepared for the ty O ewpo ~c Reddick 11poke &fter the coun-E . to state wben they would do by qualified consultants, calling for, among other things, cu reeelvejl communication• from what on giving up the land. the road commonly known as the 31st .Street cut-off. Your the Newport Harbor Chamber of Cooncllman Braden Finch do-. . f Commerce and the West Newport clared ~th&t he would like tlte company objected to it because it represented a divl8lon ° Beach Improvement A.saoclaUon "'bole proposition explored t)lr- the Company property and a piece meal taking of the land. endorsing the 318t atreet cut-<>ff. tiler and addltlona be made to the h plWI lln lndJvidUal protest apinat committee Beca1111e the planning consultants had pnopanod t e 1 •. and a petition ot ~ clttaena · ' Addltloa&I ' Sbldl plan, because the city council nopeatedly ~afflnned the c&illng tor removal of ~he P. E . a>uncllman Roell Greeley a~ tut that the city needed the road, """' ready to build •lBtion and tracks In the central the P . E. rt)uat be ellmlnstt'd, taY· the --~. •nd BECAUSE THE CITY SAID IT' WOUW bualne .. di.atttot and widening ot Ing nothing-could be done untU . n.JaU -... Newport Blvd. from Finley Ave. t ed CONDEMN IF NECE3SARY to acqulno the right-Of-way to McFadden Place and Balboa !',~ ~~u~~ppaC:..":U:: ~ for the road the City Committee pertlisted la Its effdtts. Blvd. from McFadden Place to the Blue annou.n<:ed · hlo accord with ' · ....,. -·cu MORE eout ·Hlgohw~. The petttlonerw the othen YOUR. COMPANY FINALLY OFFER...., ,..., are against the 318t atreet cut-<>tf Then Wdlck rooe to-excoriate DIAN WE AS~. YOUR COMPANY OPIERED ~ on grounda t!ia~ It "."<>\lld cauae tbec ~P ~el-~ -...,,,..,..,._~n •nll'l'ft•.w4y ~~~ · ........ ol:l ,nm · ... _.. -...__,.._.....,. . ..-,,_.,.N-'-' -OF 1ac---"W"'.~ iin 'lh'~~1bey1iji'-· ~ it fltOftl ~ buatnea1 property valuatlona. bel~hll committee'• 'f«k. . NEWPORT BEACH REVERSED ~· THE OOUNCIL c-<11 OWtlpted He told the counc1~ "you should DECIDED THAT l. It does not now nor bas it ever known A1J a member ot the three·mau make up your mfn\18, It any, .~at (Ooattnued oa Pap I) committee, .. Reddick lubed the you want done in the _tu.tun. He ---------------:----~---,.--------council in aha.rp languag-e. added that he lbought the city Marine ·struck, . Robbed by Pair "ll"o r the ftr11t time in my life 1 manager aftd city enctneer had call five men vaclllatlng hypo-more courace than the couri:ll. crttea and ll&ra," he decl&red in Reddtck then read a letter of preface. -The cOWlcil sat quieUy li'eb. 23, 1~1. &om the committ&e as he proceeded to upbra.J.d them to the P, E., IJlvlng their plana to tor a.uerted indeciakin, procruU-spend gu tax money for acqul.li· nation and dilly-dallying on a tton ot the entire improvement. project he said they had gtven 'nlla epLltle, he Aid. wu "read tor th~tr word to support during paat you In executive ee&l!ilon and YoU executive eeuiona. . · aulbf:>rlzed l t be aenL" ~ polnl· The publlaher cbuged indirect· ed out that the city attorney had ly that the ctvtc body had made a been ln•tnleted to run down land ''deal" when three members of the Utles Involved ln the proJecL ~ , council -Mayor L. L .l1bell, 1'1nlahln1 hia statement to qu~ Rosa: GreeJey a.nd Dale Ramsey-applauae, the publisher announced lut week attended a hual\·hush he muet feeip from the commit· meeting in offices of Tom, Hender-tee tf the coyncil retused to make aon, at 30th 1treet and Newport up It.a mind to back Ila own com- Blvd. Othen present at the mttttt whoee put work they bad ck>eed--door 8CMion included Hen-approved at each step. dereon, R.. L.. PatletfOn, Jim MUI-"Your eompJete vscWat.lOn publ er, Bob Reed. Hany Eltua, Oflor~ you on a merry·g~round," he de- P ickering, Stu Entight and Lyle clued. Pope. They met Ln oppoeition to Bard -to Compete lhe propoaed. plan for tt.Uevlng Mayor Isbell replied: .. I deny traf:flc congestion in Central. !'few-,very mucb that we've gtvm up port by cte&tion of the cutroff the 31st 1t:reet cut off.'" He added road along the route of 31st .treet. that tt wu "very hard" J.o com.- Free &lpt-ot-Wa y , pete verb&lly , with & lawyer or It wu charged •that ·the Cl\y newspaJ>t:rman. Council tn October of 1950 had au-Then Councilman Finch spoke thon.&ed. the 'Paclfic Electric com-up. mtttee' to pay $12,:>00 for the Sl•t .. Neither name. por t.hre&ta ~ alrfft ro&d right -of -w,y. Tbe going to make the chance · •Y committee after much work, it mlnd," he .... kl. contending t.19m;t wu 11tated, aecured lhe' rlst;lt'"Of· bec&uH the counc.Jl H,.,.,,,ta more way ea.eement tor tree. The City Ume lo study, doesn't mean. we've had repeatedly communicated to given up the St.It ~t cut-off." the Pacific l!!lectric that the Street labell added that be ..... Juol ¥ wu urpntly needed., that n.mda Interested. u Reddick ln U'8 were available that work would project, that It took tbe. P . l'l. a proceed. ' Ions Ume lo make a declatorl: that After two ye.an the councll0 tfle.-coundl Mbo11k'n"t go off Wfi.alf. wu cbaratd W1Ul rupptng over to cocked.., · · ~ an oppootngo view. Reddick told Bob Beed, -• petition ......,., the c:ouncll tbe plan wu thelra. roee to tell the COWlcll: .• orfalnated by their paki p~ '.'I •PPreci&U very mucll 1'!!lf oonaultanta, dqfled Wider thflr lloldlDS II up." INtrUcUona by \he city eqtneer, ._..,. llwbJa r&llDOU!lC,ed that lie app~ bi Ille coUncil, •eiadi ....s, ~· att-.i the -priftto alee!JnS ' at eadl Ud eftry aad ... petition --dlll -wrant • the matter-NGled. .• ~ • • ..,. di ,.i ·· 'Tm aotn« to.nm an-edit.pal 1lbell ~ • ..-.U>e ---· 'nnlnday' to the Pacific 'n.etr!c: ~. "Tiie ell) eagineer -' that thla city Council ~·t -Ille Ua( otreer· cut-off v W"!f'.t wllat tt ,....i.. ...-.11 ~It tJtf h•dJe -.ii. "'° traffic, ~ l!N,t'!. wllat It _,,(.. -. • ~k It'& tlle ~1'\&'.,~ to pl Ille llat..S: "You _......, ;;.it cc11nmlf,.' P . ll, ODL 1"te 7~ lb be -t tee to ---oil aa 1111~ It !ID!•.'-~ look· to me·'~ - Joi>. pi1 """ljied Id 1,.,U. rn. ,....., •""""' Ip """ plan. "' • -... -~-line! ,. ...... ~ that ·~ nct•1etaan. 1a m1 w..~ lL . ut. 00tr • * IJM act ·~efenfte . -m n (D ie£: bf /,J 6ff1o"'1 -~ tlae c•1d•ca U. .,._.,llr'BS 21D lsi'-... r .,._ ......... jiiOiiod ._ ~ ·~ ....._ t.-.. Rilll'ell ... r far IM,.-t.ott'pric...1:0 ta.Ir-..... "l'la ......... lf;-4&4>1 {"' <-: .... --: .. .ira •setwa, ... :rm....-be ..,ts •• Sc;~ ~ ..... to ...... pll_,_..._ -r-•lats __ .., . ----llllDI• ,... ,,... " till'\ foN ,_ ~ -t ....... » Pl 12 ..... f° ,_. I 'p ..... ,......,...~ ....... mt:;GG' >'Ila ... [ ... t.o ilof ._.... ,., .. ~ ... .,,..... • tail pt.- c:t "T;f· .... ~:a::;: "~ui a\• Jiit --... I ·=-.. ~ .............. _ ..... ,.. .... . ~ 'C; .;t.a. 9f ;z;, i;J 11 .._ ! ~-=z'r. t".;'1 ( - • I r • • • -... 1ar,..t ,.Id di••-l!r ... N_rt_-,._ &Ml:1M IATJHt Home 0a I 'tJ Ja Oru .. OoaatJ'4 'JlmalM!r Oallfonla k"w t (II tf'rt'strra •111i:IA":n • • 'ha·Wlilt, When. do •• Co tram beret . Tllat qaeollon p....... - n\oallltn ot ~ .. ....,. - m-M ~ ot lncl'"?'• laxel &N ....,.,.t In ... ffforl lO lrtep - j wtti ,...... ....... ·•••dl· ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ i....... - Mender lfatSoml PAl:tlldll • 1 ... .._ ntf 0. ftS:DDICS. OW:kr ....... tf1r Wot lM .... of, the MEI• tt llOBSKT I'. WILQIE8, """' w ,,..._,. • . llolb«ri -Iii !Mt m&117 ot tllolt • ··-·-a H.UULTOlf ·-·--.. ___ -Wiii .... ...., --~~ ' -·---. --Ulat ~u•ila after ..,._ ""' The ~ has been •djudged a n-per a( ~ clrculatlcm by -..... of lbe Superior Court of ~ OOUDtT and hi tully qu&llfled to publlah all kind.a of Jepl 1"lOtJce8 and adve:rti.ementa. SUBSCBIPBOll' RA'l'ES: ' , NEWPOBT·JlALBoA Plll:88 f1Vff'/ '1'1'1!1-antA'·..,7 ht Orup Ooaaty, $UO per ~I S!.00 lllx _._I (Sl.Ja - ..,.tM) (Al"" llld-tlle !n:Wl'Olrr·BALllOA 1'1£W!PTDIEll • Tueada1) oatalde tlle ~ "'" .. ~· AN OPEN LETTER (Contlened from Pa«'fl t) -apill IW't monUL ' C!lalnnan -·· tl>oOa.) ot I.be 84-nate J"lnance OommJttee. Wbo h.u spent neuly 30 ot bla 11 yean In tbe ,s.n,ar.. ud ..,.lped wtlt<! many tax bllto. doubUr-t.llat reve- nue1 can be increu«l much mo~. t.t at all, by conve.ntlonat mtthoda . St>n.&tor Taft tR-Oblb), wl\o alU on the tax-wrlllnl' 'Fina.net" Com- mittee wtth George. •lfte•. DATWNE~ WASHINGTON WAaRINOTOI( -~ Ill pC8'~ after!• at.,..,,. ea tor I.be la liiadil•-Co -IM H!I;,. _,tel• .... • Iii! - pa 1"1"9 · -tax ~ Wltll ll-drill at.--~ -The ell\1W&ft<e. left &loM by Ula .....to flnanoe _,,,,,1u.., In Ito -"..,. .. bW, wt11 b&ve loUCb ~tn,.. i...t •••Ion '' came tb,.,...ll a ...,... eammltu.. by ................. t--. •••• &M •11'W ....... ............... , ,,, flillief.' O.v. A.Ii 91 •a s .... .. -...,.. "WITJloltlloMX .. p -to eotne _ t-. w·eh•n:rt• tar MOaif'J' .,.. • ciemmltw 'lllllr'IBbff .. ...,. .. Bf;,;:Ft• U. ,...,., 19.....,. ..._, Me .... , !I ~HJ a....U. altl.i liOW"N of tatatlOll," Oov. Ara ......... • • • • A:MEB.fCAN .F.f y · .. ' I I. Rise to Remark • • a,, .. (SCCECLI g,_ ..._ 1t.Cz1 ••¥11 ! x-.... ...... --... 0 11••· 1loa, .. ~ VJ. a. •• RfA>D. NOTES I, .r.au lie "tide Otmlll.-lloa, .... die .. _ fil tile Vlllted 8ta1e9 •ldalt ,ahall J•weora be •afe la h..._ .,.. .. thereof; ud. an ,~ Sept •. 1951 ...._ . or .wblcll .W ,_ CommW11ty a,,,.t?, made, under tba AiJtlihlttJ 'l'hla hi lbo time ucll ,.... -of· the UnlW S ... •-,. we uo att-u""'1 to .so our bit 1zr .. ..,.. I cozrtrlbut!nr to tbe local ~ Tb&J relatloMblp t>etwo"' lbe ally Choot. Surely. we mlllt aD OONUtuU.. -Uoe lawt ;,... a-t.llat lbla la tbe ._,r_ "'I llr tbe Oao!P-and ta. -economlcal way to lake ~ ol .' vial-o! !MU.. With GUier ,.._ our conunlllllty'a nttda u to 4o- ttono. h ... boO'n tbe bulo 1'or di.. nationa lO tbe · -ua1 ...-- .._.,,,. and for lm~t de-partk:tpa.ttnr. I ..-iember - olldoal:-over the yu.r. Pfrolilabty the con.tant aoUCilinC ot many_.. the moet lmJ>Ortant dec.iltcm. WOUld pnlaaUona here bdore we had be t.llat of J'uetloo. llcilmd 1n • chest. 1no, ln the ll.lailottrf n; R'ocianct Here's hoping it i'ON over heft .... avor llQsnUory Bird Trtety In a big way. We have a vt!rf of t•IS. 1t -ed .-,.. lO rood committee workln&' In tJlla be . Ill arnlea1Jle rel&Umuih:'l)I. •and drive e.nd there· is an_ alert and to cauae no. ~ _,,,, willing group or workero to llelD., unUJ v.ey neenUy; ~ and tbe drln ohould be a blr ....,. unt.ll, tho alptnr and tbe --cea. -t lntl!rptwt&tioftl, of the I find t.llat all kind• or people Olaiter of the U.nlttd 1::.ilklna. ... ad lbll colwnn. I hape tO TWo cllan&N, lnt<rna.11 · and have aomotblng ·or opectal lit• dotntwUc, Mve cal19ed. ~ Ju.tl· tereat next week. what it wanted. 2. It does not now norhas it ever known whether it wanted the 31at Street cut-off road for whicq your company has offered permanent eaaement. 3. It doe1 not know whether the cut-off road would provide any traffic relief in the area affected. The conventional method• ln- clude the peraOnal income lt.X. tbe" corporate Jncome ta.x and exceu proftU tu. and tht PX.Ct.I@ t.u:e.; 1uch u thoee on toMC<lo and liquor. '- CbaJrma.n 0eol'S"e put tit. mat- tPr to h18 Senate ~Ueaguea lhla way the other day; Now 1lf'f' ma tell you tlW ttfe or a Oiptllll ...,.,... II lo two IW'eOnM. s..... '• ~fte'J' and. oa aot •pt"C'U.Jal"'-la prt•t. •·e '"er.. told RoT I , ~. for- nwr p,-e.,...,. •f O•hh raa. wu a het ,.,'Ori\. fw Satlo•l Domoc.-Uc Cb&lrmaa. two .iar '*':er 1irp read. aJJ ahoot It ht ttw> Dally0- fled coneom. n., flrwt If tjt. Wid· Thi> la your. Friendly ll'ord1 .,.Ing of th• ttt&ty·mak~ .field. Dealer, 'Theodore Robins. oay-' ,.. There la~o .Uon bUt ~· tbe 1ng good-bye 'tU nen week. ~ treaU.a en lbe a..-,nta tbe Urilted a hU undortll<~n In • ''There have been frequtnt d.t.1- cuuiona of what the total tax 'ta.kt'' may be without doing Injury to ou.r economy. 8o aow ~'11 tt>U a pair of ...,....... Wiiiiam M. Boyle, Jr. w111 Jwo '"'"'°"NI u Natloaal C'balrmaa ~ thrn'• not MOtJl"h papPr at A..nlttksa Uthofold to N\"ftr all hi• tar •potL A.ad Ro7 run.er wUl •ot bf'thfoww~ tHe ~ nve or un ~ are ,Council Refers Treet unp~edenti!d In Amer!~ hla- tory, In lbe !Im HO Y'*"!I! of tbl• Zoning to Planners The City Council saJd It latended to !Pve the matter further study. (Its neg-oti&tlons through Its duly appolat· ed oommltttt bei:an two years ago) The city council sai<1 It would appoint art additional membershil!. to the committee to fathom ways and means of acquiring all -of the P. E. right-of-way and fadlltles easterly of 511th Stre<it. · This committee.· Mr. Smith, will rehash all that has ,;one before. It will make statementii tantamount 1o proml8e8, attested lo by the City CouncU namely:- !. That this ls the time h> llCt. Z. That the City now meaas bwtlne88. : . s. That_it Is DOW ru.dy h> procttd. _-; 4., That the city bu the toads to proceed. • • Mr. Smith, we mut admit that we bellev• you wlll , be HEtltled to take such statements "ith a J{l'&1zl of salt. •; There is no c;ombination of City Councilmen of the ·,City of Newport Beach whose word can be taken in thi• ' !J!atter. The City Council during the two years just put. ,•read and affirmed each and ~ery letter that paBSed be- • lween the Pacific Electric-and the tommittee. The City Council authorized each and ~ery action. The City Coun- Cil last Monday night abrogated iu position and em- barrall8ed its city employees and lone citir.en who had •worked with your company through much difflcult nego- tiation. • We reMt that th~ Pacific Electric Railway Company was put to the expense of Boards of Directon meetings. Trustee. meetings, and engiJleerlng studies. · .. Kt. Sn\lth we do believe.&b.U tbe oaly ealv"*'°'7. for '1"'htre la no ft.ed ltmtt; the limit LI tO be found only ~en the tax "takt>' deet.roy1 ~ ln~nUve of the people &nd when It leadl lA ewry concrh'able etrort .1 lo nade end to wutef\11 practlce• by lhe taxpayers thf""'lwa." A mome.nt eattter, Oeo"we had .. wt : • • •• Some congn.umen propose ex- lt"nlllon of rowrnment · lf'aae on pr1vate bulldin11 to eicbt year• undf'r a purc&aae agtteme.nt, wherf'by rentala wUJ ht appll~ on tVf'ntual purchUe prttt. not f'x· t'tt<llng 1~ per cent of appraJ&ed valuation a yf'ar. Ovt>r cups or cofft"e Rep. Tom StHd. Shawnee. Ok.IL, tlgur~ out a better deal for ua. on a damr napkln. ··1 am convinct"d that we already· have reached lhe point of dtmln· bhlng r•tums, ao far aa the ••- come tax ls concerned, and lhat any fUrther revenue to ~ ral.wd mu11t come trom an entirely nf'w form of ta.uUon. "l bf.lieve that a.ny fUrtber ln· Many to~ really nl'ed J>Ol!ll crf'IM" In tncome taxei wtll not orricf'IJ, many ff'dttaJ court bulld- only dlJlcour&.ce the taxpayer from•/ Inga are nttded. office 1pace in any f'ffort to produce turt.Jter tn-larKer cities iJ1 at premium with Cotne, lftUt Will aJao eftCO\l.Hl'f' bUll-fodPr-al &genc lea 8pread from hef't' neaM-1 to bec:ome extravagant. to thr re. "'a.Jllf'tu.1 and ineffklent." I Gov•rnment cannot 1Jtart one Then the Chairman sot to the bulldinr without building many. olher aide of the tax 8 tory-voting pork •lon« w1lh the 1tew 8'J"'ntltng. mn.t. Oovemmt.nl Kf't. It.a money ·-our cbJef ~." GtoorTe .. kt. /only from current laXf'1t or bor· "I• to u..e all of our t'fforu to re-row1 •&•ln•l future taxes. duce nonrlMW'ntlal federal Apend -So-Jet private capttal ert'Ct rn,-. •. ! butldlnp_ Le~ tbl'rh to gove.m~ He notf'd unhapplly th.at just u 1 ment for-20 ye•rs at an amortiud Collcreaa wu m&klnJr aome pro«-r("ntal. pltu maJnt<'nancf', plus lo- reu 1.n re<Suclnl' the Pno•ldt"nt·s cal t.axe•. plua 1. 5 per cent return J>'l"'OP<WW'd bud6et ror the cu.n-ent to builder•. f\eeaJ yM-r,' the Senate wt~ out The-buikllnp refna.i.n on local all rain. .. ,. d«ldlnC' to add about Wt rolll ror two d«:ad«. CU.todl· i2 blttl&r. more than tM P'r8Sdt1:nt ana do not ba~ to lte J>Ul . on r~UoNllted tOr military apendlng. cn!IW'de<I C\Ytl eet'Ylce roll8. In 20 Oeorre aJao noted the rinance yeart the l'OVenunent t.akt• uu •. Commltttt'• t•lim&tt" that thr Local tundl: ri>uJd be ra.iaed cuf1"'t'nt tlacal yt"ar w1U end nt"xt •uliy alnce tbe i..IUlt" la equlvaJt"nt Junl! 30 wflh the tedf'ral govern-to a .20 )'f"&r maturity bond. Th1> mt"nt S3.7 bmlon l.n the ttd for lhe return fa !•¥Orable but not f'X· Four Of.A Kind eut.bfr Oelay (OMICla11e• frwa Pap 1) ' T ou'U not nttd to move but two _._ You'll ,.t the land free." Anolhf'r re•ldeont, JOhA VQ1'e1. told the councll : "Wh<n the P. Ill. ~·to ready, It wems to mf' we will pay t.bt-lr price. Wf' won't aet .omelhlnl' fOT nothtnr:• He contended that ti the prcwnt atrHt (Newport ~lvd.) 1'i'eN wM:t.n«I. ll would be t'noufh for ai0 )'U'8. Mro. ,_ R. Marble, River· 1kk. wtto N.ld •he owned the la"fNl Jot on ll'le p~ cut.off. aaUI aJM had newr been · notltled by U.. Co<ui<u or tto plana; that •he wou.kl Hke lo know oftletally wllat WOUid h&pf><J\ to her 124-root front&p on Balbo9 BlYd. Clty l:nstneer Webb adri8ed he.r lh•t na. pl"Operty OWM,.. Md been adriMd offlclally by the City In tbe m1tl#r. lakU clo9ed the tti• cumton, .. ylng-that ahe would be peld for any property l04I. - The Mayor then namf'<\: Miller, HMdf'r80n and Patterson to the ex~ed committee to contact the P . E. and others Ln ordt'r that lhe program mlgbt go forward "lmin@al&tefy." · He v.>lced -the hope uiar Reddick •ould continue to •rYe on the commfttee on which ~ &ad put ln IO muc:b work. CoiJnf ry Club Fashion Parade Opens Season Harbor malron1 had an Impor- tant part In "Your Ji'uhton Por- trait," annual fuhlon ahow with whkb lanta .<na country club OJll'IM the tall IMmft. Stylised portrait framea, one in blue, the other In roa, were al one end of tM dinlnl' room and the loun... and here the model• po.ed before waJklna' amon• the table&. O&ll UUy and 8hlrley Stauffer: .....,..,.. art:Ut smock:• and beret.a. pueed out prosram.- and tlfty via&. of perfume. !ltylea, pt'e.Mflled by Ranltln'•, featured llae and color, form and balance, the functions.I and deco- rative, shadow and lm~natlon. and thf' focal point. Among mod- elA v.•ere Mme&. DeWitt Cheney, Robert Gardner. Don Harwood. Tom Hendereon and G e r a 1 d Ritchie. Tea table de-coration1 were gorl'eou• with bronze and yellow chryaanthamumJ11. ta.II candlea In allver candelabra and for back· gro~lnd, an artist's palette ll.nd naUon'1 Ufe., we entered btto 998 ttt&Un and alftenl~ta. Coms-re w. ft(1Tre with the pr'u.int •ver· aS"e ot about 100 per year aince lhf' end of World War lL 'nl1a lndqtea the ext~l lo whlcli the UftJled St.ate. engagea itself ln- temaUonally. • • Tllo uhzl'\D .. , ..... matte. - acwee:IDPOta hb at.o e~ 'l'bo lllm,.. Idea of •·hoot 'I h.,. rtt would ...it th<-"qukl ,... .-. " er a treety In. whlcll Mdt. .una ... ta 90hle •Pf"Clfto Mli!-- n• for wtl&t It "" .... ~ "°"' .eh"rd to t~ polat of ~ Jmate In~ to llnpro'"' aa Mt.th! IOClal ordf'r. The lnunf!... diatf' ~·· ln9.J ............. but t.IMt aattoM aettpt tlw-..... In thf'c 110,.. of ruture pod. If I ""'"' to l4_1it the in.tt. aad .., t~t. of """"'9t 1Mn. JOU woa}l:I t. .urprt-.t at tbt: •x- tPllt of ttw-M.bjeet -""" It ~ illllpot"t9llt to df'- tfrormlrw. n,.t, tti.., exaet ~ HollAlllp or thew treataP. to 01tr ComUtutkMI and ~. the t"l:- tf'nt to ••tlleh l"'T .,. tell-, lntp-flnr. DoN a tn.ty or •J1"1'11f"Tnf'Dt. automattcalty, l'1tlt- oui &l"tloA hy ~. ~Upt"t'· _.. th" Couttution ! \Ve have another iinportant chan.,e. Under the ConStitutk>n, "treat.i~" must be approv~ by the Senate. An "agreement" doe• not require this approvar.-In the past tw~nty yearW ·partlcuiarly, the executive branch of the eov· ernmf'nt bu e.ntered into ••a(r'ff-· ments" With foreign nationa, which; I aubmlt .. the wrlten Or 'the Constitution had every intentiOn I Rezonlnr of cert.a.in lots ln Trad. ;1028 wu delayed in Ole clty COIUl· ell's meetlnf Monday nlctJt when the body ~ferred the propol&l back ll) the city pl&nning commJ.a... alon for turther study and a re. port. The property lnvolved includes Iota 1 • 11 in the Corona del 1'a.r , area where aome re~i~enta report· edly' are getting deed reatrtctiona ·to preserve tbe view from the t.op of the bluff. Letter to the Editol' Septem~r ll, 1961 Mr. Ben Reddick, N t'Wport Pres11, N ewpot'l Beach Dear Ben: I dld not ~t to se-e you to thank YQU for the very tine publicity you gave me both before and an.er. ·1 undf'1'8tood the "befbre." all rtgbt, but I didn't think after hearing me you could gtv.-quite the n.ne "after." Thank anyway. Also. the article by Bruce Bar- ton. I made a typed copy for my filea before retum.lng the papt-r to you. Thanks for that. too. We were aorry to mia you Whf!-n we were down last week 'on our ho~sc·cleanin'g spree. I had hoped for a good visit at that time. I "'ant you to know, in addition to any and all ala.ma, that I do ap- preciate th1t work you are•dolag there ln N ewpor). and I believe that you are •ln<!•ffiy w&rking for a cle•ner and better towtl. Sincere yoo.r friend. !ID OOODl!lLL the Central Newport area of ov to•n1 lie& in the evacna: !Ion of your railroad from Its heart. We do believe that your rilllroad bas unneeessarily blighted our community. .We IQJow that all of your fl'eig-bt llllers would be better oerved by the location of your faclllty somewhere In the \i~lnlty of 58tb Strttt. We also belleve that the Pacific Electric hall sufficient l.ud aad rti:ht-<Jf.way in that year_ -horbl~L Mon@y come11 out of in- flationary channf'la. <J:o.vernment put.a In mflllon1 annuaUy inste•d of bllllolUI . CaN Burglars PdR to Gain Entrattc• . I bruahes. At each end were stlvq tea and coffee aervlcea. Card table1 bore mlaUer gold I pallettea with paint.s and brushes •hould be revitwed ·and approved ------------- The dlHmma lt c:k!ar tor Con- Kresa. .....,. at thiA time l-0 provide that faclllty. But, we ,ahlo Governm•nt spending h .. ,..ach· • . beUe,·e that you are entitled to compensation for the land l'd record levels !or puoetlme. and facility which the city would . need to take to ellml-'l'lie opendln&' ,..venue bill wtll brinir the third tax lncl'e.~ •Inc~ Date t.be blight of ou.r town. the outbreak of the Korean \Var 1 . BUT, IN FAIRNESS TO THE p ACIFIC ELECTRIC, and tax rat<• w111 bo approximate- ~. WILL ENDEAVOR TO RAISE DETERMINATION ty boick ap w""re <My wer. f'lltgh-tir tn IOfnt! ca.e1) durins t.ftf, war. 1 AMONGST THE PEOPLE TO FORCE THE CITY COUN-Pt< .. nt conventional renn...,. ~ OF NEWPORT BEACH TO ACT IN A MATIER r&totng devlc., ore con>Jdered t o ""'•T IS PROPER FOR THEM TO ACT UPON. be about exhaust..i !or practkal ~n.n. pul'Jl08et:. n.. onJ7 new one that I • ' Again may we say that we are sorry to have been baa l>«n dlecu-.t 111 a ronera.t a-)larty to the farce of the City of Newport Beach that ..lteo WI, whlcb would be political· • ly unpopul&r tn eltttk>n year 19~2 . hBS caused so much work to be done in your office and The only aJtt"ma.ttve to reducing by-your men. We deeply regret that we were a dupe for expendltu,..1 or lntteulng taxe• II our City Council. · S-Overnmt"nt borrow Ing. That • wou.kl crNlf' new c~ll, lnCN'Uf' ' We consider it a shameful state of affairs for men tnfl&ttonary p'"8Ur<• and tend to charged with the administration of such a fine communlty fore, prices up-wlllcl\ I.loo would tQ practice such stupid vaciUation upon their employees, contribute to an unl!Mllby 1962 poHUcal cUmatt". 'constituents, and property ownent. Aa tbe 1961 tax bill 11 being do- • Respectfully, b&tl!<f. It appears that 1802 may ~ r~ the i.ue Of reducln« IOYttn· ~ ~l'('..4.4>.£ m•nt •pe_nd_ta_r. ____ _ ----•---- · FINISH THE ,JOB • • • If It'• .....,. of )'Mir bm.t.u, itarcan-t Tnanaa'• a• t • m • WUdrobe ia ba9"I 9t1.'WM!k llDd "bfUit f'Jf'lll ...,.... ....._t4!'\"Pf llaat i.. . • • • Ha\iltl ~ to 11,...i utr. noml~ bl.bl-. to r f.,..ral .. b.....-.d" tfWt eetl.,... tJm Wf"ek •tartf'd .....,. twe W.,,._ for f'\•t-ry dftllar Yotf'd., ..,_id91 -"'•J"• ta raMe tbe doactL Aa -Woe -· h>okior at pit-""'"""" with riolllaJ poatal •·ortc:en ......,,. fer natlo.al ('(Jlla\"f'tltion ••• 41 ... don't ll'&lt taavtas that ld....s •f -.t~ \\'t''lt "': ....... Hie ~." • • • Ruth Jarman, Oklahoma Ctty, Wt"nt to a Baltimore lea and heard a l•dy l&Y ..... Con.gtta I• m&Jc:· Ing orpnlzed cha.o. out of rest· ment~ conf\Ulion." MrA. J '1 hwi· band la a conrr.uman. • • • "Either drunk or unfamiliar and prizes ·were t iniest and· dain· \vith the-place" wa. opinion elven llest of miniature cup1 and rega.rdt.ng aomeone unknown who saucers in ~Royal Crest China . ti-fed to enter St.arck's cafe at Door' prizes were 'many 8-nd var· Ne\vport Tuewday 1\IChL ComU\I' ied •nd we.re donated by Harbor to work Wednt..Say roornina,· W. and Santa Ana mercha.nt1. 0 . Taylor. barkeep. found evi A group o.t younc Harbor rna- dence that eomeone had tried to trorul included Calla Haya. Nina enter the cate'a windows anCI Buck. Micky Bra<lford and Sue doora openinl' on the alley. Lagerlof. MrA. 0 . Z. 'Roberteon Two Wfftdow• were broken, but wu hoatess at a table V.'hlch tn- were , boarded up tnim ln1lde. eluded Mmes. -Manon Dodd, Lew The top .ctk>h of the center wtn-Pettit and Phllme.r Ellerb k. dow ti.ad ln It a larl'e v6ntJlattnc ..Mrs. Verne Snodgraaa had a fan and the marauder tried to table Mmes. Colin Brown. >lnonk pull 1t ouL He only aucceeded Linnell and Joseph Blancha in bending a blade. Only ·c:Jue to Pl&.cefltla. the man la an excellent aet of Among Barborltes r ~ A er ~ I n g heel print.a which he len In the Lablt.s were Mmes. Gaylord TOhlll. alley. Kenneth Nolder. Grohman, Robert Mll8. DOR.A AMBURGEY Mra. Dora LH Ambur.,ey. 43. died !Monday at her home, 1$98 MoftJ'OVi& 1ve\i0e, c.o.ta Mesa. She lived ln Mlnneeota befo~ movtnc to Cost.a Mea ti.-e months •ro- Sh~ la mrvlved\jby her husband. Henry; tlltec auchten. Mrs. Calli•. Wayne Harper, Harold Decker. Kountz, Gordon Findlay, Ralpb Ma.skey, Hadd Ring, L. L. Isbell. Sidney Blacltbeard, Obed Lucu. Prtncle. and Poole. Record Deer Toll Reported by State or diM.pproved by the Congr088. Not CN1ly Is the ConaUtutlon ln danger of being undermined by preunt-day lnt~rnatlonal 'com- mitments, but by the simple ..pro- ceu of calling the commitment an "agTeement" , instead of a "treaty" the representattvea of th<' peopif" are by·p~. It W'OUld • .,.,....., from l1>pl dtt:l81ons and opllllonA, th&t ttie.e awreements do actually ba\'f! the fflfttl and r/ff'Ct· of la"'A paMed by the Conl"f'M, aftd stand aho\,. at.ate lMn. A ConAttmtlooal protf'ctiot1 could t.,.., affected. Co~ mll'ltt pa.as a latH ta"" nnllfyinc t~ coenk:ttaK pro,i810ll9 Of the tftety or all'tt'ftM"nt. It 15 ob\1- 00...111 that ~ m1pt .... , ... 90IDf" rrldetaA«-to do thlA. ~x­ Of>pt · In ex~ ca8e'8. 11't" ,..f. I tf'r sbouJd be <'leattd u,: I have introduced House Joint ReeoluUon 329, proposing an amt"ndment to the Constitution of the United Stat.ea, on the subject of treaties and executive ap-ee- ments. , It says. simply, in Section 1: SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27-"No treat{y or execu.tlve agree- C&Jlfomla bunters acored a record ment shall be. made abrldCinc any ~ PROfES510HAL ~ ~ DIRECTORY ~ Ll!l8Tlm A. BECKER. D. D. 11. DENTISTRY 17811 Newport Blvd., eo.tA Me.a Medical Bldg, Beacon 87'52 1503 E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327 ·J llJORTICIAN a.ai.n •oaw:an Lady A~t 410 ~ Wctnn>F CORONA DEL llAt DAY. AND NIGHT Phone Hubor o Old E.stabllllhed Inourance Agency All llnes written. Residents of the West Newport area particularly, of Balboa Groc:er Weds in 'Frisco I Negro children outnumber w·hlte Auguetlne M.illen, Lola M:ae and C'hlklrerl by more Utan 2,000 In Miidred Ambur,ey; two 80n1. Dlatrtct of Cotumbl& 11eboob. Thf' Landla and Fred Amburge:,•: a put decatle ft_..IT'O popuJaUon h~tt at1te'1', Mn. UIJy Meadows; and ~--A-of -8-... _ .. t.ncttued .mon than IO per cent. her mother Mra. Rachael Banke,· annual harvie.st of deer in lhf" ot the rights and freedom11 recog-1808 Newport Blvd., "'Colla Ilea early ooutaJ ~n just ended. nized in this Const1lullon." I PHONE BEACON G.151 HOWARD W. GERBISB Central Newport Business area, of the Balboa Peninsula : and Lido area should mobilize at once to "lower the boom" : on the City Council. In great numbers the&e ttaident8 • should descend on the council and force the completion of • the job begun ten years a~ 'for the improvement of Balboa Blv~ .. between 30th Street and the Coast Highway. • Score.. of reasons have been dreluned up u to why UU. job has never bet!ll eompleted. None of them i. 110und or honfl!IL The ell)' has nmoved an but two Of the bouset1 whlclJ obstructed the ~prov-t. TIM cit)' hu acquired the ~foot eomer Iota thJoo«gbout ti.e length of the street, exeept for two. ACOORDING TO THE~ ENGINEER THESE TWO CAN BE AOQUIR- 'ED AT ANY TIME. The money is at hand There Is accumulatett sufficient . St&te Gasoline Tax Funchl for tile improve.meat. The project in principle ha.a been appi;oved by the S~te. It la -t:lal. 1 There are no reatrlcted materials neceaary to be uled bl I the widening and paving.' ' • ' Wlf!t completlolJ .t W. lq of the iaq11h1Md lm- v-t uitd rub~ et,_... .. JI''•-... -""-soth su-t· ........... "-, ...... ,... wow'd be nuassllq •eablit ,,.... Ila °""I Uta a& tM Oz•'*~~ 1o ltll ... la. ••1a. ~18 ot West NewPC111, have tolerated W. .W., 101W -•rJi. 'n>e Job can lie dGollt Tbe rtPt o1 _,.for the road is owned b)" the city. 'nle-fulidis 1119caa tland for tlle job. The .-... z wlac:•z bmDM -P' W 'vp _. _ ... lly, tile eity -tllltt tbe, job -VI I all •• ?" Jle done at -Tiiey llaft .... ""' -·· ( ' ' •• • • ~-• •7 •r ~ TlWt dlslble -wtll' vote too Pat:rk: .. p.Ye t.be eouple a roua-en bloc, U' the ....a p&ltttn .. fol~ two ~alf·bt'Othen, D. Lyklna and In& wad-<>lf ,_UT whor IMT )otnd. 'l'llat It Ille '1&11publlcleod J. Bank>; a nephew, De Witt flow lO lu ....... _ WlleN U..y ,.._ ..._ llllln' '1ft1' from M=..:J· aUvlce1 will be held at were maniod la Uie , l'lnt Cloft· lulme rU1o loll*U.. fM tbo rnp.l:lou.I Cbutth. . trtct. now ••h'>ttred tty -'c.,..""'.'-4 Qr•Uctl chapel eo.ta Me.a Friday WltM-• for tbe 111&n1&p •• ni'OM.I ccn•tttfta. ·a.ad ap--11$. 2 P. m. wfth the Rev. P . o . ...... Mr. aad -.. HI -,..,._ Neuman omctatlnc. Interment -of ()o!chM Mn. Whlllllll 0 0 0 will Ibo 1'! MW-Abbey. tOtk-ottln.l'!ec-. OM1:1al ,.. ....... LAttr. "' Rll)eh of 11a1-. Tami-h a -flft _. ,.... ... ,,..._ ""' malrlnt' lllillr bome at lNI 0... --.. -'°' .. ~ """ BanloL rtl ... ... 2 .. • ...... . .. 1'tfta ... ... ... , t .. ... ,. a. mst1sUJ• !Ji tt crvn. ._ ..... -.......... "' _j, -•r Iii 50 $ .m ~ Clllofa .... ,.._.. -...., Do OaoC ,,,....,,.. ... Ille a.u ~ eor,e of Mew· •111&.-a11'ss---port ~ lllillYW ... WP MMld ..... DI I ,$ $ ......... l, to '•11th1 • M 10•1 at ,. AW De G A till a -et· p,"" ta tk Cl(y Rall. 'flla .-JI _,. ..-, -... wl 1 "' fir... .. ... w-.-. ·:..= ·~ ........ -........ ltli cut n • Dll•W .. ~ ... WI a I -. -·-!Mt•) ---' . . . . . rzna. .,.._. .. _.JI nrl.,. -. ... lald•-ptJ .... ,. .. .. .. .... ... .... at ... ., •~ ..... 10 -:-.. a:ptil'f .. ,....., u. llltt:,.. -""-• "' ... 1111 ... a· c , .. a v. _... 2 .,, a t ?" ~ • • • ,_, 1 ...., • a L ca. -. w.,.. ...._ °''•''. cc ... ----------· ··-............. _ .... .., ... 7 1lls .... w1 n ..... t _. •-. • _, -.,... er .. ftlln:- .. 1111 a., •a as: D111zs 11 ...., DzRll IC p' , . •II,_ ... '1 'ts .,.; 0 -........ _ .. ==~; ... .... .. a?tz $ ... I ft ' fi 't[ ,.r at I .... -................. , --·--I Ma• M ......... --··· l •• ... '0 1117 ...... .... c,.. -·s Ml I .. .. . ~ t~ la indicated by deer tai-• re-St'cllon 2 provtdes that all ex· ':=====::::::::;:::;:::::~ turned to the Department of Fta.n ecutive agreeft'lenll, unleas ap-... , and Game. proved by the Congreser &hall ex-BE SURC INSURE More (bu 17.000 bucka WPre pire aiJ< montrur after the end of l'O • La.ken between Au,ust 7 and Sep-the term of the president making tember. 11. with late report.I 6 . them, except that the Consre- pected lhrolJChoul the· m•o nth. ltae.lf lh8y extend them. Flnal compUaUoD.1 are annoW\ced Section 3 requll"ea all IUCb In .J&Aua.ry. 1 • agreement.a lo be publlahed or, tt Incompleto Wlleli llhowed that eecrecy i. requlred, to be wbmlt· Mendocino COunty lleld lta place led to appioprlau commtSt-ot 'u tile top deer hunll.q aft. In tbe Congreu. • I lb• early -..... ~ tben llo.l . -' tac• reported a buo;lr lal<en there, Kany a big deal hU bl<:n .....,. , compared lO Z3ilo ID 19110. tl1nJ a mnall Went All • • -llLUlalS ll'l"AKUIY . I& 1 ••• o.11' -~1'1'111 .................... w. Stwl ..... GEimw. 'IN~URANCl!I ~·w""'""""' .,., ..... ...... N'"'"""'.,,..,..irt -1'1z. .... .. EARL W. ·STANLEY Raltor N••r Nie ' '--lTft -,,._ --JJ•--· • • • \ , I • • .. ' • -. ~ -' • " '*"'ii!<""''·'-·~ l RB O ti ·_ f$ p ••• PIRATES READY· TO TAKE .. ' . ON OREGON TECH, SATURDAY IN FIRST HOME GR1D GAME Orance Coast Coll~·Pirate griddere, now dubbed "denntt.e Ea.at· ern Conteftftoe UUe contendeh" after jQltlng fSM.-ta ~ tut week. 13-7. race • potatlally ...., ~ chlb l!&twt1ay al&tit .. u.ey ma.U the.Ir' flnt home._ eta.rt oC 1151 ..,..inJt OPeaon Tedi. at RunUftl'· ton Beadt.'• high school staditim. Jttdc:off ls ala.led for 8 p.Jh. The Klamalll lralla -1r.e---~~--------­ loaded with all~te pttplll.8* and the Smlttw haw drtve and from caDf'Omla., ~. Wuhing· maJaeuveniblllty on lh$ side. The Lon, Pennaylvania ahd Ohio ln ad· orrenstvP llAe ls fut to block and dltion to nve lettenneh starters punches bard enottP: to hold Ute gnp open. 1 back ttom last year'a cl® which Defensively, the Pirates may be bowed to Oran"°e COaet 25-20. The rated oven .atrorigef. than In llH! Owls \\111 have an addition.al ed~ ball-handling department. S t d on the local<1 In the tact that they Manning wu atl·Eutern Confer· are a four -year school and *>me ence end tut yea_r and Maurie ot their bo)is art" In thetr tbinl ~e wa. all-Sunset League year of college ball. ,. u a ~ a.t Ne-wport Harbor Even tho ugh tht-ir opponent l• two )'IM.re 'tlg'O. Bob Woodhow.e conslde-red as one or the toughest wu all·~e at Newport Har- or th~ smaller foul"-yMJ" achool•. bor last 'tall and the-olh<'r tackle, Cout will have to be hmtalled at I Don ~ett., ~hi.Ji lived up to hi• leut on eveh term11 with the In-ttputftion .. one of the fine.st vaders-·largely on Lbe bUl11 or t.acltlea tn DoWney H igh School their win over Santa RoRt In the history. Fred Owens played thret! north last Friday nipt. yffJ'I ot ~ ball. before com- Sa.mto ComMMtknl Ing to <lt-anp Coaat laat year and Pirate mentor Ray Rouo and t he t>xpe~ tells. Keellne LI a.ids John Owen:!, Hueston Harp-Rhifted from. tackle to guard on Pr and Roy Ward have elected to defeftae and~ Wle.!IJ ttis 230 pounda start the same offCQSiVe. oombl-to the befit advantage. He la nation as tbey did at;, Santa Rosa. roug:b to· handle and will •top Glt-nn Woodard wlll be at lef't end; many • su~ up the middle this Jim Keeltne. lert tackl-e ; Qick M"uon. Franc:ts. left guard: Jekn Mc H•r-0..t Oul\\'rlshM gue, center; Git Marth. right. Coae;t wtll be outwl!iS"hl'd, 1g~.3 guard; Bob WoodhouM>, right to 189.4 ·in the line' and Will have tackle; Jack Mee-ka, right. end; a slight fdge of 172.7 t o 171 .8 In Howard Miller, qua.rterba.clf; Je~ lhf' M'ckfle-ld. gp emlth, left halt; Harlow Rloh-. Otecon Tech runs out of lhe ardton, right half and Hal Srnifh, "T " with Qu.erino LeUt In the Cn - fullback. Only Rlchard3on .. and gineer·!I role for the. 2nd straigftt Hat. Srilith are doubtf'Ul becau~ o yf"ar. ~II made all-conference inJurie11. If thPy fall to tef!IJ'W) d . Ja.."t yl"ar and Is rated even ~al· Ne<I Parsons \viii tH-at ri,;ht half f"r thl~ year In early sea&on pres& and Bob Watts at tuJlb&ck." I releaACt. Lrlli h&s two first strtng Tbill otferu1lve combir<ation gives I let~nnen back with him. Jlm M e- the Pirates seven lettermen (K~-Jntosh i& rated the harde•l run- llnc .. Francls. McHar~e. MUler.1 ner on the liquad With 200 pcunds Smith, Richardson and Sraith) in lot bE-et undfon ht. suit at the fuJl- the starting wroup and leaves t'\llFO back elot. H4lfbaclt Don li'ot'eman other lettermen ( F rrd Owens and was a high score r last se&.1<>n. The Sid MannJngJ free to work on de-I fourth backfield poeitlon l.1 held fensc. The o ffen.11tve puncb of the by Harry Thomp.11JOn. te5pound all- locals has sper..d and punch in Ohio Vallt"y prepstf'r from Steu- both the Jin<' and be.ckfield. MU1er, b<>nvill<'. Ohio. Thomp.t<m ill the Richardson and the. lwo Smiths I fastest runnf"r ap thC' team and &rf' all sp rinter~ and Richardson an able pass receivf'r. Pirate Lineup for Saturday Stnrfla.( Offrn,.i\'f" J,f nf'·111"' Oran~ CoMt r 'nllrJtt> POlt. OnoA'Oft Tf'C'h Glenn \V~ard ( 180 ~ ·LER . Dick Flaningh.a.m (ti&) Jim l<eellne (2301 LTR Keith Hillstrom t-191 1 Dick Francis {180 ) LGR Kenny Martin (1901 John McHargue tlg4 1 C Carl Dudley f 21&1 Gil M arsh ! 1651 RGL Jim Whitbr I 196 I Bob Woodhouse 1t90f RTL. Orvid FleldJi f200J Jack Meek11 t 1871 R F.L C'ecU Spencer ( 191 1 Howard Miiier ( 1551 · . QB Querino Lelli i 157 1 Jesse Stnith I 1731 LHR Don Foreman f 1861 Harlow Richardson 1 liO -· RHL Harry Thompson ( 1661 Hal Smith (1g3 1 F' ...... J im Mcintosh 12001 Average Weight of L inc Coa~t 189.4 , Oregon 1g~,3 Average Weight of Bll.ekfi.:lc\ Coast li2.7 Oregon 1718 A vcragp Weight of Trarn Coa!'lt 181 .1-Oregon IRff.i "°'lartlni c·n8st ('nllt>JrP Dt•ff'n"'l\'f" Tt'nm I.F: Sid r..tanning 1170 1 l~T. Don B"lrrtelt ~197 1 l .. G F"rcd 0\vens t 182 ' J .. D John McHa rgue 110 4) RC J im Keeline 12301 _ RT Bob \Voodhouse (1901 RF: Maurie Longdale ! IR."i l L .B Hal Sn1 ltf'I 1194 1 Hn ~lei Smalley 1170 1 HB Ned Par90ns ! 1&61 ~ H ov:ard ?.f1ller t JM) LAWN BOWLING !Osten Sets New A method ot putting life inU> · the locality vtilhout marring its beat1ty. Greens OIArned and maintained by the City of Ne\\-port Beach for the benefit ot the public, and operated under the supervision or the Newp::irt Harbor Lawn Bowl- ing Auoclatlon, a non -profit Corporation . · Day~ ,or play: \Vednelday, F rf- 1tay, Saturday, Sunday and all holidays, to which the public is cordially Invited. Information may ;be obtained at lhe green on play- ing days or call 8CCretary at Harbor 1921-W or Harbor 0796-W. A clean, exettlng a.nd competi- t1ve ot1tdoor sport. -174'ow U Fly Cast Mark Competing in the National All Sklsh 1·ournament at Pomona, California. St>pt. 20 through 23, 1951 , Earl Osten. 501 Begonia 1\ve .. Corona dt>I l'ti'lar, s hattf'red h!s forml'r all-timt"' records in both lh<' splnnlng and Oylng dis- tance t•v<'nts. Jn the former, eastlng atnrte handf'd with a ate><:k spinning rod and reel inountt"'d w:ith 4 lb. te.t monofilament line and 3-8 oz. plug, Osten made an average of ~1 2-3 ft. fthre.e out of Ove cuts) and a long cast or 284 rt. to set a new national aU-Ume record. The for- mf'r tteorda ln thia event which he. set ln th• California State Taurna-•••••••m••••••l ment at Anaheim about a month ago, were 212 ft. llvf'rage and 215 Get That Swordflsll! THE BOYVEY HARPOON GUN !'BOYES ••. ACCURATE ••• SURE at your -dealeni or call • , Harbor 1974 · Everybody rudi tM clMotfltd ado. ---=" . rt. long c:asl. ln. ~e Sklsh cllstance fly ewnt 09ten'a new records are 152 2-S ft. average wtth a long cut II( tM ft. ( ronner averace record whJca he lield wu •14a n .l: tbe Jona cast record formerly beld by 1'\uJf Warner .waa 149 ft. Osten conc;I~ hla pertonnance by taking the all-dlolan«! Bldab CJ&mptonship and won a poalUcin on t.lle u_ s. CUtJll&' Teein. ·ae ....i· a matched oet ot u ... li.W .-. wblch "" c1ea1,,...s "' '""'1lq theee eJwnplobeblpa. • . ... -n: .. .... ~-. .. ,_..,, ~..c... h . ' . s.illhl An• Dais p.\M .,,..:.. ?Ait-1-'fl1Ul50Av, 5'Pf .. 2t, 1ft1 '-liir Nlf:Jf , .... _. • ...... S . a .. 'ti~ In lawl -~ &A ~ . ·-· :===:::::;:t::~!===·===·~-,\.;0o~·,=.-11·~-= !"-=-: ,, t . -*• ~''t.~=:'~~1: lO'Mt ....... _, ..... ao,.l.._tobt&!K lt l~o·-· (&'Ct .. I ... W ''WI · The ocm. ..., -........ rbls ' •t .. .. . ~~Cl~ qi~--~ IAYSIDI I MAIQT ' :...~~-"= ..... ,..~ o.o ....... . rt ae..,. -., n.Mtdll.-., u..,, E ' =:ih= =ei! 18-LQI 1 --· ______ :~ ___ : __ k 75c · )on., touellcloWn, • 7G-J'9!"1 -• 1 ';-·•" r •lay rrom quutor-Bob Bmlt.11 1 _~11~•~1~._~~=~-~-~··~·~~~-~11~s~w~·toa~-~1!·--~·~•~ot~t1~s~ lo .. d rruk ~7 Suta Aila ~ ll&d -ol ....... ~ d~ -;;;;;~;;;;;;;;i!;;;;;;;;;;;~t;;;;~;;-:;;;!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,} KEY TO "'I"' FORMAnON .... ·-Tat ,..,..... _, .... lllroup ...... of pl!m--ottt. l'la)'HI! .,... 8-lly Pululd. ..-,:k; Giron !'kk-, rlcbl 111111;, ~ Aan-ola, fUJll!Kk, and Re.• e.I~ IPtt. Mtt. 'naf>J wll1 ""' Mtnn tnmorm\1' nlirbt apla..•t lt1tfttt.10T lllah _..bool. I• Nrwpwt'11 ftr.t hGmf' pmtt of tW M&IQft. ( Pre..u Photo) ~ wltlllD UM lhlff prd line r. .. tbe ~ line -to ,._ to l.hroe Pl-Into th< cenur of tllo --ll'or I.he moot part the Dona emerpd frot:rl ~e ecrap With only a 'few minor brul&es and bums-. · Coolt ·will ·-with UM umo lineup he uaed a.ga.lnet Puadena With PaUJ Ealfnger and Chuck Sitton at the eftcta. Wayne Scbnak- T ARS POLISH UP PLAY~. Po~ona's Squad ~r~f~~ii!~i POINT. FOR EXCEl.S.IOR. ~, S~t !!nL~~~~~o~,~l-~fif~~;~~~~~ IN . TO· M_ OR--ROW·'S. G-AME .,. ... \-ot th~, •. ""' ,~k .• , ~ ~~to~t ~:'k:~~::.~· .. and _ Sp1Jt-T last w~k a.nd tht>y didn't ~ta Ana wm be_ wor~tnc . on like tt. Arr a.Jr-minded San Ber-& .!troa.ger· def'enBrP u th.la 8Cf!IJ19 . smaruni uMer 'tbe ~2-b wtlltewa.shin1 at t~e lJ.anda of I Rtvt'1"91df' na.rdino Vall<'y Colleg~ ll'am spill· to be Uaet.r main wee.JtneM. There hJgh 9Cbool lut week end, Newpot"t Union hl&h 11Chool'• Tar3 l~)' la litlle lntormatkm available polW\ed up thd:r otfeMtve and deren!dve tactic,, In preparatlon for ed th~ Hena 38·13 In the season a.bout the Inyokern team exet>pt tomorrow ntcht~8 pme wtUl Exc~tor hl~h Aehool. • OJMntt tor OOth t eams. TJ'ie lndl-that they play in a Aer'Y1ce league Slat.ed to ~Jin at !:IO p.m . at Davidson flt>ld, tornorrow night'•·~ «"Ored tour tlm~s on pa~~. wh~re competition Is n 1 w a Y l!!I oprt-lllD.C home pme wtll C{WI ta-.e • while the Pomona • Claremont rough. Tars thetr nm cbfftce lo lna.kt' a 1~2. RIVV11klt" 97. olewn dominated th<' ground Lawn lowl:...-Wi"n gt>Od local debut: A large crowd 111 "Our pl&)'tts who looked good game. ...-a ~ed. to attend lite opener. at R6ver8'de were Gene . Bot-rlft. 'ct>a.dt Fuzz M~rttt 'fll tn~ti-Santa Ana Games 'fhlle hJgh. school grldlters ran Lackie-: Bob Eggrrt, center : ft.f'x Ill thrbuch p)a_7a t~ wetk. a acout &oil and Glenn P ickeM:, halfbacks : en~ed Squad ts dlgg'lng tn lbl cle\U f'ralil kn ryed.U.. .ltxcea.Mot con-and Rally Pula!'1k1. quart~." thW \\'Hk ·for U>e Santa BarWa Un&ent,. Coach Al lrwin r«:ported. Irwin 111&id. • Geuc}tog wt.a WIU bring a st('Oni Fla&hlar back over the River-The coach Al'ld hL. c<rmrntor, llplit-T attack lo tfie ClarenWat alde psne. lhe local Mentw llad JulPs Gage, both hppe the Tars · this to •yi .. Rt¥M"ll4e Col around wtll "st:uon" tut enough to have Cldd th1a Saturday night. It WUI our en&ii. W e let down 1evcnl a 11ucceMful achedule. They an-~ the ~·• deWt tor the laa- tlmet1." Thr Nrwporters werP can-both pleUl'd. wilh the hl~h team La Bat"btlJoa t••m that la glve11 , a slderably outw<'lghed ln Uk-game spirit and wtlllngneu to work at• good ~a.Der at tbe""'CCAA crown whic h 'W'U pLayf'd In 86 df'grtt practice 11esa.lona. tl.Mi year. • heat. -----~---------"-'-= 'The Tar aqUad lhis yea.r., Irwin said, ave.rt&'E's a.bout 160 pounds In the &ckfield u compared t.o a l~-pound line. Add to that Ulto re.Jatlve ine"-J)eTtenco ot thJ• year'e ttam which const.st.a main- ly or sophomores and juniors &nd you ret the problf"m facing the tt·am this 9('880n. Of 23 M'nkM"R who •hould have returned tQ tile squad, one went lnt!s service., another ie working and S('Vtn returned .to .school but failed to come out for football. .. We are boping that our lnex ... perif'ncc ~t crop out too muc:h In the game aralntrl l!!xct-lalor a11 It did at Riverside," lrwin said. Statl.1llcally, ~ Tan beat Rlv- er!llde. but they failed to hehi up 'V.•ht>n lhe blue chlpe wet'<' down." Nf'Vl'J)Ort medf" 13 fi r1t downs a):"a\nst 6 for Rlver1id<'. Total yardagt'.' flgur<'s g-av~ ?"ewport Merchants to Play The-Newport H•rbor Lawn Bowling ~tion were recently gue.11ts of the Santa Ana Lawn Bowtlng Club to participate In t eam games on thP green in the city park. 1"'~ local 'club Bf'nt two I triple team11, the e.Jtotlfd number. The t ea.m of Al OK.land (Skip), Herbert Wbttlrt and· George WU- so.n. won .both of lhclr 12 end garp.eyt. The first cune waa.. won by 18 points lo onp and the-&l'C- ond by 17 to 6. The team com- posed of Dr. Rush (Skip), Joe Stamp and V..'. H. Robin.'°" won their nnt pm<' by 11 pOfnt.a to 6. losblg their a<'COhd by the score of 11 to 17. On Wcdn('sday, 19th of Sf'ptf'nl· ber. the Sout.nern caJl!orn!a Lawn Bewllng A.uoCtatlon he-Id a bowl- tnr tournament on t~ c ity rrecns m lftlh SL, 24 pl•J'Cf• parUclpat- lng. l>laylnl' COl'llltt~ci!d at l :SO a . .,. •. TMre ,wep ~ , ..-.. ot il't!lldS "'"" 11•~-1..... --~·· teetn ~Ung New- port •lnnllli: u.e nm pm~ b1 16- plua. Selma ~urc'a...team ~p­ rese.ntlhl' !:xpoettlon r..rtt L&"Wn Bowttng Club Woii seoond ptaoe by l~-p1us: Gladys \\'hef'ler of Nrw- port winning Utird· pl.&.<'f' by thrM" polntA. .. Uons Wiii teete OCC,'Owls Team Mary Star of Sea Lion clubbo .. or t.llc Orange Thf' Co..'lta Me-s.& MerchanlJI, Coast college will halt the com· with a rt"Conl of nfn~ wtn11 and bine<l force• of Orance Coast col· eight IM~s. ra ct' Mary Star of the legt: and Oregon Tech alt.er the S<'a Sunda}· a~f'm0on at 2 :1~ football pmc Saturday night at o'clock at Costa Meu park . The Hunllncton !k>aeh hlg!ti fehOOI localH scored a 16-l win ovrr ~tum . "n.e U ona are planning a Babe Valt"nela'tt ._i1 at.a~ la.at Sun-feed and othef' entertainment fol· day a.s Rudy Ca"illaa p1tehcd 4-hlt k>Wlng-the pme and wtll •how ball for f'ight lnni.np. and John the vlJllUnK Orepn elub a good Sewf'1'00 finished with no hit& Ume \upon their arrival hf'rC Sat· B-Ob Burdick . will catc h. elthf"r urday momln.g. Culllas or Rusty Ht"nlan will The Lion.a are ttelllng tlcketa. to pitch; Bud Long or Al Denise. will a reserved seetlon for $1.25. The be at fir9t; Norm Ridgeway or extra quarter will be used to help Darrn H01.l.!'e at second: Dtck IA.ne pay the expen.e bf brtnglng the at third, and &rt Moralf's at Owls 90Utll. Regular general 111.d- shortsll:lp. Clenn Lucke nbill, Ken· COACH .JULES OAGE <kn> ~ Tllrs 11"tm to He&d Cciach Al mtSsion Ucke.t11 will be avalalble. ny Uyesugt and House wttl prob-Irwin ••plain plaJ' t• bl-P~ bJ" N.M.lJ.H.S. team llidON at>tbe pte. Tile game ta alated ably start In th«" outfield. irame Friday nl&bt 11'11tb Exre.Wor lflcb 18c'.hool. (Preee Photo) for I ~m. -::::::::::=::::::;;::;::::,--.::;-----~-;::-:;:;;~,----,-~-~~--:,~;c::;::;:-A~:--;-:;;:--;;;_---:;-..,.~-~~''<~:;;;;~•~=:-jo;;:;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;~"""""'~;;g;;.<:;;;~;;;;~;;:;;.~~' ~roo·r· AL.Lt O~NGI ·~~ ST COILFGE . ' I OU • ~ ' . TECH SCIDtSTAlllUM. SAT .. SEPT. '1-8 P. M. ADtJL'i'S SUMI ~TIIDE.''Tll '°" Inc._,... Genera.I AdmlMlon tk-,.f'h on rash-at. ltldaard111 hl<to Mkt .. : S11tbtorfand'1S; C'orona dN Mar; Rdb•11 Spertlac GnftCh. C'At!'ta MP$l I 'nte MaR, cioAts MP.Illa ·e DtaWirig for-FREE -MERCHANDISE ~· at OUr . New Location! , sat., Sept. 29 - 5 p. m. SO PURCHASE l\'E<JE8l<ARY! (you need not be present to win I • COIM In to OW' Store for FIE£ COUPON! PRIZES SEAT COVERS-FOG LIGHTS MIRRORS-STOP LIGHTS, ETC. WEST AUTO SUPPLY 1842 N ..,,-port Blv COSTA MESA Bea. 5841.J FRESH U. S Gov't. lnsp. HORSE MEAT F•di119 DiAes C••lis • .. ·~··\'lair .. . : Colllliirs RF..D CEDAR DOG BEDDING 5 lb. liag $1 .%5 BOB'S SPORTING GOODS ' 17tb ud N.,,.,_. Bh'<L OOSTA MESA 8'a. llMl-R . NEW TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES COMING UP FRI "450'' SCRATCH TRIO Any Comblnatlon-a:45 P.M.--3 Games Starts Friday, October 5 . . 0. C. COWG! BOWL.ING CLUB Fri.--3 P.M. STARTS Fri., Oct. 5 • THURSDAY , LADIES AFJERNOON TRlO 2 P.M. Handicap ~-- H'flDICAP TOURNAMENT MEN'S 'Dbt.JBJ,ES & MtXED DOUBLES ' · llEN o/,,-i90 LADIES %-180 Fri., SOt. a8'I S... OCt. 5·6 and 7 , ·3 Gamel! Acl'Oll8 6 Alleys ·'-VAl'S BOWUIG ~-..row ...... 1708 Sapirler 4Yeo . . • " • • .- .. • • • ' • ,PAGE 4 ="'"" PART I -THURSQAY, SEPT. 27, 1961 ;,i~~uss-11 ., a ' LEO ROJO ENJOYS HIS WORK OR IS IT Pl.A Y ~ 1· TECH TOUGHEST TEAM SLATED fOR PIRATES Leo Rojo Playing at Balboa Inn Cafe Leo Rojo. ever popular with hUI "Xcellcnt piano playing and gra~ rioui. mannrr, Is appt>aring night· ly except Monday 1.t the Balboa Inn Cafe for the early fall sea.son. "The Inn" is famoua for ll.3 finE' food and pleuant atm08phere. By Rod !\l&C"'.ltllllan under the management of thE' Santa Rol'la' wanlt'~I lo defeat new owners, Dick and Kate Dent. otang!:' Coa.~t collf'2f' for niany Rojo's tall'nts seem Wt'li auite<I reasons Friday night. Mainly it Was b<-cHUSl' lhf'y hail hiJ,:h hof)<'S to the background of this popular o f landing a bi<! to th1• Little Rose di~n-e r hhousc. 1 . 1. h 1 b 0 ,_ MO;"o as appt•are< 1n n g t c u !" o<·i\YI and th1·y knrw that the . Ch" El p p 1 S t only way th"Y t:o~ld i;c•t a bid wa~ .in icago, IL~. am pr ngs to wa.x any Southern California along with Ho llywood. and num. · 1 th l 8 "t b erous other Important Amer1can r1va s l'Y n1ef' . ear u . · 11 . thumpers" J:tlV(' Coast c'ollrgc a c1tu:s ~ WE' a.a many !n Mexico. big sproad. thf'y made the game ' v .o is said to have a great gift IQok Important and it certainly if s1nc('rlty which pcrmcate11 hh1 wa.s. they reporte<I that the pj. ~nrk, pl~a the rarr talPnt of con· rates were on(' or the best in the ;:rylng his ~epths. of feeling to hill Southland. Th.ry forgot one thing, d.'llenrrs. His audiences feel them- thP score. ~elves a pa.rt Of hls performanc€', Ray Ronso tabs the Bears to :l t~ason for h is popularity con- go throu~h thf' ~a.'lon without 1nu 1n.g to grow. The Balboa Inn another deff.'at "Thf.'y have lots Caff' is happy to present thi.11 flnf' ~r n1at€'r1al and only two of th(' :n us1c1an. acording to M rs. Dent. starters Wl're undE'r 195 pounds. Tbeir line avcrag<'d OV('r 200 pounds," rrportf.'d Rns."«'l. "and they harl a. w€'aHh of backs." ~ TabM Ort•i on R os.'it1 further Rtalrol that OrC'· ~on ·rech may turn nut to b\· lht" toughest team on the Pirate slate. The experlcnce gainct.l 1n a four- year M:.hool can't. be overlooked ~ the Klamath FaJl,q crew ha.'! l'llch of the matPrial back Y.rhtch ~d the Pirates fits la.st year. ~ vets, tngPthrr with outstand- La( high S<'hool. "all .!!lartPrs." 1"1':-.V put th<' Oregon school on t~o map. t • Ea.01te m C'onff'"'ncp llot Frank Hamilton Showing Pictures at B. I. Gallery S'ill on exhibit in the Island a!·L gallery and Book Stall, Ma- rine avenue, are wat.ekolorl!J by F'rank Hamilton. The you ng artist's pictures were extremely JX1p11lar both this year a.nd last year at the Laguna Beach Fe1li- val of Arts. These scenes are or San FranciSCQ street3 wilh their unique cable cars; or New Orleans and or Kansas City. Another artist well liked Is the well known desert painter, John Hilton of 29 Palm11, whoae can- vasses are being eagerly purcha.s- rd. Dun<'an Gleagon'.a exce~lent r.1arlnes are still on exhibit. Glea- '1t looks as though this will be tft• toughest titlf' race in years fg.t> the Eastern Confer<'ncc bunt- 1.g. Bill Cook's Santa Ana Dons af-apparently ~oing to have to f fgtlt hard to hold lh€'1r .'::rip on t'( to p rung with ::iuc h challeng-~ as San Bernardino Fullerton son Is not only one of the 44 Chaffey in artdition' to Oranj::'f' :ountry's . foremost artists but ls QDJ.st all carrying possible title , an enthusiastic and skilled yachts· t11Wn:1. Rivl'rsidc is a drfinite dark ' n1an and is author of yachting ~aie a.nd can't be dlst·ounted with books. a.,; ""ailop1n~ 26-6 "·in ovf.'r Los ~eles C•ty <olle~e tast wrek. Delta Gamma ~San Antonio lo~t to Cahfor- ,Y.. Ramble" Saturday. 20-6. Benef•it Best Yet Ii Ramblers Is lhf' team m ore monly referred to as "Pappy's .. .. freeze"), San Bf>rdoo dcfea.t-Largest and beat ever. we~ omona. college 38-13 a.nd Ful-commenta regard Ing Delta n drubbed El Camino. 53·15. I Gamma's flfth annual fa.shlon ~e Charfey trippt>d Ea.1Jt Los show held recently at Baltx>-. Bay eles. Th(' only olhf.'r Ea.stern , club. She shop ot BaJOOa showed terence to drop the nod wu t~e styles and made a deelded hit a Ana which felt the horn.!! with frocks smart. practical and 'the ~ Bo\Ai'\ hoperuts from geared to a young houaewlfe's Pasadena City coll ege. 26-6. YI?~. b~dget . Greatly apprecla~ed also wi\.h the apparent end o f the \Aias the lack of confua1on and Santa Ana rule. 1t look!i as though smoothness of the presentation. Edtern C'onfer('nce fans are in • Proceris frQm the affair go lo for their bt".st year of football. If the Delta Gamn1a proj~t, the one tean1 J:'OPS through without a Sc~ool for VlsuaJy Handicapped defeat in l<'ug11(' play, lt ""ill sur-Ch.1ldren. priS(" ju~t about cvrry coach and -------• newspapPr writer in th(' league. Wednesday Trip RaUblrd Ran1bllng!' c~arlcy Black, who enrolled at for lsla'nd WSCS Orange Cout ~1 onday and report- ed for football. was one of the chief rea30ns why the CIF took the City all-stars in the recent Southern Ca.llforn1a All·Sl.ar game 'at San Dtf'gci ... R1ve rs1de Sport.II Ed1Wr Joe Wlmer reports that Bla•k waa one of the bE'st play- ers ~on the field. especially at de- fen~ve linebacker Y.'ht're he did a lot In ,;topping the vaunted city attck. \\r"inter reporl:t t..hat Black wu· the &ale rea90n y.•hy Palm Springs won thr-Riverside County Leagu.. Jut year. He rnn. p&SSed and kicked the unhrrah.lcd des- ert team lo the chanlpionshlp and then to. the ch&Inflon.ship game for the CIF tsn1all &cboola. Black was enrolled at Rive.rslde colJ~ge and reportedly alao •ltned up. at San Bernardlno but pulled up • •takes to move to Cout and jo~ his brother. John Black, who bq been playing for Uu! Pb:ata •lnii"e the flnt of the eeuon. Ari- zoda. Wa.lllngton, Santa Ana and eeV,ra.l olber achools were report- ed...ilot on Bl&clr'e trail Be Mow· ed "Up al Orange Cod\. lut ThW'll-daf" wblle all I.be c:oocbes and p1...,,. w:en on thdr wa7 up -to Santa !I.-and came ~ Monday to enter cl1v• B!¥k la al9o a flno -tball &lje -ball pla~. • Qn6 ...r. I.be banleot ...,..k...,. on tJlii Plriote oquad la lllll!beck lkl .. ....,,. 'Ille -Bat1lor bllh Balboa Island Co m m u n i t y Church W . S . C. s. wtll meet Wed- n~ay. Oct. 3 at the church . The noon lunchl!On will be .erved by Circle 2. Planned after luncheon ls a trip of the Goodwill Indu1- tries at Santa Ana. according to ).trs. Harold: Fink, pruident. ------ TRA \'!:L PICTURl:S Newport Beach 1"98idents who enjoy travel plctu.re~ are Invited to attend a meeting of Ebell club travel 9Ktlon at 7 :30 p. m. on Tueeday in Ebell club bouae. Mra. Constance Jayred. chalnna.n., wtll preaent pictures by the Standard OU company. ba.Jltiaek la a "going macliln•" and never Jet.a up . , • Coach~ la happy wttb tlle tmpronmeat abown by ~ XndeJI. TM fonns . er HunUng10n e..cb lllllbacl! la ahaplng fut "1\4 la ~ aounted on .... rill' f<r -i.11 ~ and_ .. _.,._ Ahbou&tr Pao! Cbafo _., - mucll actlnn, -la f10111o ca. him .. a ....-. Cbafo, Ms olllu tonDerc Ollor, -1M e&s Pertence ot eo'' ..... ball ... ..,..,., ... ....,,."to ___ .,_ ---,.... ... ...,, -moore .,.,.. -r lo -tq> ....... tllle"s 0 SUND'AV -TllESDA.V 1''tr9t Ku.n Be\•erly Micbuftl "P{CKUP" and Pat O'Brl~n "Criminal Lawyer" GREGORY PECK \"IRGIN"IA MA VO "CAPT. HORATIO HORNBLOWER" TEClfNIC'OLOR Sl 'SDA lt -Tl't:SOA y_ DASA 1\N"ORt:WR RICHARD \\'IDMARK "THE FROGMEN" -Plus - "4 IN A JEEP" I I l 11ROADWAY-·STATE ""al ·-. llANTA ANA NOW SHOWING NOW 8HOWINO "PICK UP" "llUL BELVEDU!:RE RINGS THE BELL" Beverly Mlcbaela. Do"b HayM -... A19o - "HARD. FAST and C.tllton Webb, Joanne Dru BEA lJTIFllL .. Cl&re Treavor ~ Robert Clark -Al90 - ••CAPT. HORATIO HORNRWWER" STARTS SUNDAY "PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINE" Denni• Morpsa. VlrJlnla Ma.yo -AIM - ore,.ory Peck. \'lrc-lnla Mayo "IN OLD AMARILLO" Roy Rorer-. Penny Ed,_·anl• PAULO DRIVE -IN THEATRE ST ARTS Tilt TRl!DA Y "UP IN ARM!\:". WIU. DANNY KA \"t; AIM BOB Horr; ln ''TH.EV OOT•ME COVERED" STARTS SU~'DAY DA.NE CLARK In , .. ~'"EVER TRUST . .\. (iAMRJ .. ER" ''TALL TARGET" ""'U& Dick l"owell and Paula Raymond U-DRIYE CRUISERS NOW OPEN- SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS ROW BOATS : ~~~s e TACKLE • Small Boat Launrt.lnc • ELL l·S ' I 0 AT RENTALS UOS 0-.t mwa1 Newport Beach Ph. Harbor !115 AT SOUTH END OF BAYSHORE BRIDGE • 1 HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN tJie ftiend~ Balboa Violinist on U.S.C. Staff way· '""""\ TbeTI1'• something about • Grey- hound that make• it Ule fri..ndly way to travel Eut! Fellow p&Hen- gen an mont neiahborly ... your driver Ui ~l. cou.:rteoul ... yoo enjoy friendly tervice all aloq the way. And lhoee low Greyhound W..o will .....U:r make you hoppy! Tiltrt Art .. , •• ., -. ftlm lUTI Chlcqo ••• 7 • • 138.86 I>etroit ••••• ~ • UJIO Wuhlllgton,D.C.. 47A5 New York .•• , •• 4UO IC&Doo• Cit)' •••• 211.'IO MiDAMpolio •••• --Or-.... &YO Atlaata • • • • • • • 40.JO --... ___ ........ __ _ ~..,""'WI'. ._LOS A ... D .. dz' 1 a•••'IWI t 11 Inn Mn. C. C:.. Silll:d't*14 . ~ • ,_ •••••• -l -QiMt.,., -· •• Q • . . • • Sa.sch& Jacobae.n, viollnl•l. bu jolned the sl&ff or the Unive.ratty ·of Soul.hem California School o! Mu~lc. It \Va.a announced today by Dean Raymond Kondall. Jacobam lives at 1~95 Ocean Blvd., Balo.&. He ata.rted atudytng tbe violin in Ru .. i& u a boy, 'knd when only elcht year• of &C'e he had &&J.ned re.cocnltlon and wu prepa.rin• to enter the Petrogra.d Conservatory. The revolutk>n lnlett'Upted hi• atudJea. however. and in 190'1 he came to the United Stat.ea and Joined the claa of Frans Knel.el at the Julllard School of Mualc. ln 1915. Je.cobeen made hi• debut ln New York.. Since then he hu toured the country Jivinr reclt.a.la. and hu appeared u 80lo- l•l »-"Ith the New York Symphony. New York Philharmonic. and the Philadelphia, St. Louie and Ba.ltl- mote orchestru. 1n 1928. he wu appolnled to succeed Knelael at the Jullllud School and taught there u.nUI 194G. ·He organized the Muidcal Art Quartet and hu appeared with that organl.zallon ln motl of lhfl principal cities in the United State. and Europe. ALL ELECTRIC YOU can play rich organ mu•ic at once. without learn· lng a single note. Come hear and play the Hammond Chord Organ. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co. 5%0 N. Ma!n Strfft • Clorner Ith e.nta An& Phone Klmberly %--61'0 • Mesa Man Heads County Cities Coast Roddtounds List Community ()raq• Cout lllnera.J and t..pldary 90Ciety elected new orh· cer. and U.lened lo a herpetotogtat when they met Monday tvenln« l.n Friday Aftemooa clu.b houM>. Coeta MeA.. The 9n&kej man wa11 Prof. Reddick, inltructo;: ln ber-- petology · at Po~lc ~hi b ochoi>I. Lon« Beach. H• not 11 .-..s lllt<oroot'lns colond of -rt llf• but dl8pl&Jed~ onal! ... mu. """ an. omc-named lndUded S..t ot Coot& ·-~t: Rn. C. I.•Aadnw9 ot -AMM!ln. Ylce )H'eoldGtt; Plo)'d ~f Oroap. t.-ru . ond J • 8llkwOod or Onn&-o. _... . Tile mera.berahlp tnclud.w '"tock- --fl'om 6aA Clement. On !be -u. to AQ&bdm, ... the nortll and the t..rll.ol'l' In • twe-. v.,....,P are 11111111 oa UM foutll)lo•l'ot--l . I DAUi .,,._ llCS • ---·-.. ---.-tlalo -·· D1 IC b s ...... Meupat 921-... .. ....,. ......... -u.01 -!CJ •o Jlle' a. 'Ill I.._ .. 'r .., •• • Concert Series SelecUon1 ol the CommunJty Concert artl.8U and datu have been announced by Fullerton. nown.y and Lagulla Bu.ch. Tbo8e who purd1ue membenhlpe tor ~ Newport Concert .. n.. are pm" Uepd to attend ITI09l of lheH pro-- 1<aml. 1'he foliowln&' la • coms plote 'lcbedule fot I.he tllfte clUea: . YUJlertoD- • Oct. ~. a.rou Gknn. .iollnllt -Jan. 11, The C&rolen ' Foll. 11. Marina Sfttlo\oa. • ballet • Kar, 211. Witt.more and Lowe, d\b.ptanteta. • Dowftq- Nov. 1. Menal>an P.-.,., p f9pW hla.).I. ~ 1'!U*, maia- ~ Wi¥ I ~-t."kh¥! ...... ~ , -' Lapna81 Cb •• -···· .... -.-,__ .. ,,..~ ........ -........ _ • ... "'9t Mii; 11 I ' , • -~?CAC TUS '>"'(. • . ' • t ' 'l 1 ( •.•• .. .... .,, ·.~1·1 ; • • 8 ... .,. ....... "% ' ClllSllMJ llUT l'OQ/) """ ~ Open EV<>ry ~1 COMrUTi DINNElS ffoll'I 11.50 to Sl.50 TRoPICAL DRINKS 01.. 111 the E1cluU•• • TAHITIAN SICYlOOM Free Parklnc H ... bor rf1 THE NEW HUT on CoMt Hlway, Lapna Phone 4-9006 for Re.ervatlons T. Y. SETS FOR RENT ?-DAY ML'aMUM TIDE T. Y. MEZZA1''1NE UDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 • PL.A..'-.!: e SHIP e TRAIN RESER\'A'J'IONS • Mutu al Theatre Ticket A11ncy Use Classified Ads to oell your ear to find a boyer for your htllllfl to rent your apt. ••• to dispose of furniture ud homehold goods you no loager seed. ' • • • to find • «00!1 Job Oii -A 4 ftra:J , ... .. .-...... .,, ........ ~ Use Classified Ada Newport HcOc:ir Nilh•lag Co. ' 221 I lelboe flvd. • 'Newport 'hech Ph. Herbor l618 • f -tM "-·"-...... .,._ a1sbt1 _.__Ualil QI·- ' DlCK 1 ~nd KA~ l>ENT N OWNPS Ballboalnn C If & Cuckt,,,! a i1e Lour.gc· Present Leo Rojo at the Piano Bar • ' Dinne1" Henr>•'s Famous Served From 5:80 p. m. Food • \ To ll :OO p. m. Every Evening OCEAN FRONT AT 'THE Pll!:R -BALBOA. CALCF. HOT ''TAKE- OUT" ORDERS CRABS 'SMOKED FISH SHRIMP .-.--·-·--.-_ ... _._ ... _ ... _ ... _ .. _ ... _-.... _ .. _ ... _ .. _ ... ____ .... _-.-... -----.·-·.---. FRESH LOBSTER SEASON OPENS MONDAY, OCT. 1st • • WATCH FOR OUR LOBSTER COOKER OUT FRONT PICK OUT YOUR LIVE WBSTER WE WILL COOK IT FOR YOU SEA FOOD VARIETIES :618 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH PHONE HARBOR 8%73 SAM'S SEA FOOD ."At the Sign ot the Swordfish" COMPLETE COURSE LUNCHEONS DINNERS Bea\Jtttul new Enla.rged COCKTAlL LOUNGE . OPEN E\'ERY DAY SURFSIDE PHONE: ~79 ) . THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • OPEN 10 A. M. THROUGH % A. M. • 1 NEWPORT BL\'D. ON COAST lDGH\VAY NEWPORT BEA.CB • • • (WE ARE CLOSED ON THURSDAYS) GENE"S RESTAURANT -·~y French and ltQlicin Caislne ~ Hartlor UOll • '705 C-t .....,. 'Oortma del ... . I FINESJ· OCEAN FISH WJ!:. CLEAN, . . , AIL . • HOURS: ll'ILET, CAN . I . -·OR CUSTOM WRAP YOUR nsB FOR YOUR F'n!m 8 :30 a. m. 4o 5:30 p. m. DAILY Except Wedn elldttys ..FC>qD~ 111 11111 lf4wpWrt C .n. 11ar. un IALnEs :f... ' ,. • j . I I • I' • l ' l l • • ' ,t • DONALD J. GARICH • Doctor of Optometry Announces th, openi119 of his professioMI offtcei • for the practice of Optometry in .-n ih bran.:hes -at- 204 COAST BOULEVARD . (OAt.1.&QllEB BUlLDlNO) • CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA • Prec:tiu limlted to e1amin•tion, analysis tnd rehabilitation of the Visual Fvndion1. VIMl&I Tralmlac for tbe Coneetloa of Defeeta. · • LeJWe9 Pl'ftertbed wllen Ell:am.ln.atio• t.dliatee tlM: N~ Children'• and General Prac:tiu BY APP01"'1'MENT· Harbor 1780 Office Hours: 9 to S Daily V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. OPTOMETRlST ANNOUNCEs THE MOVING OF HIS OFFICES TO 3016 NEWPORT BLVD. HOURS: 9 :30 TO 12 :30 -1:30 TO 5 :30 SAT. 9 :30 TO 12 :30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TEl.EPHONE HARBOR 2511 , St. ~me.s $roup · to Attend Meeting in Tor.ranee - Membenl of Tl>e Y-Churcll· men'• Leaaue of St. Jame.I' EP. oopel cllurch will a..tmbhi sunci.y al a p. m. at I.be cllurcb aad So to St. Andnw'a church,·TorrU ... wh6.re they will attand an • &tte.r- noon and evening Mulon of Ute Howse of Young ChurchmM of the L9nr Bea.ch Convocation. Attendlns wlll be MrL A.. Alex~ ander Hamilton. adViaor; th• rec.: tor. Rev. Paul Moore \Vheeler; Greg Wrl.cbt, preoldent; Nancy Mlllet.. Pat Allen and Bambi Hut- lon. Plana for the M&llOft were out:. lined Wedne.klay at & meeUnr ln the rector)' and at a prevtoua one at the horilc Of MrL Hamilton. Many new members. both of h11"b .cbool and college age are com- lng lnto the i..ea,ue and an active fall progn.m la planned. September Special! 250 Utility Envelopes Wltb your nam~ prl ntl'tl oa eornen or fla1'5 $2.30 • BLUE SAILS STATIONERS . ' CLA$;~I -~I~ .. p j; . The Miglily '.Mid~rt In Ad ve'rtisibg .: NEWS-T, -4 ·Ev'ei:y . Tµcsday NEWPORT ~AY ~~T'-\Vednesdays· NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Tbunda.7s · Newport 8a7 ..ro.t ~,._,fled Ad~ mui.t run t• llilir Tarr illl7 ... N~•1.1ma or the Thunda1 ~ llllHIMIJH AD 18 • LINES AIJ Olu8Uled ado m .. t be .... d ll>r CM~ In ady&ll-00 of ;..-- • 4 Unea I Paper $ .75 4 U-2 Papeno 1.50 4 Unee. S Papers !.00 . Oouaclrs board of dJ.tt.ato,.. met a. the bu.me.pf Mn. Ray.; m ond Kent Harvey, Ooroaa. del Mar wtt.b Dine membfon preM!Gt. Staadlnc (left to rt(bt) arr MmeA. flan·«"y. pn-slctent; l ohn Kee~r. M. A. Andenoa, Marlin MAnrold, Geor«e Guth.rte. SMtfd are Mmt"!I. ~UMnn Smith. Lean Willl&ma, Ha.r.y CMey aad Thoma& P . Fl'Oflt. (Press Photo) The publiahen wf.11 not l>e. rcaponslble rot mure lh11.n one"' lncorftet Insertion of an advertlMmcnt. reaervc the right to correctly cJ&Mlfy any and all ada and to reject any advertisement ·not confonnla( to rules and regulations. A.dverttscm<'nts and canccllatlona will bu accepted up to 5 p.m. on the <lay prl'Crd1ng publication. • Except deadline for News -Tin1cs Is 11 a. n1. Mooday• PltoDB liar •. 1816. uk for .. A.d Takt~r" ..,, '"'lld ad aDCI n"mlt~ to . NEWPORT HARR<>R l'l"J~l 1ISl llNG (:0. • JAS\IARY DAUOHTt:R Mr. and Mrs. Donald January 1M2 Newport boulevard, Coeta Mesa are parents or a dau~ter bom Sept. 2!i In Santa Ana Com· munlty ho~pllal She ~·elJ"hed slx pounds even . ----- . Hit Balbo9 Blvd .• Nt'\\"port ''€"8<'h, C"!allforn.ia. • Hearts and Flowers Ball Set ·for 10--Bm•I.._ Gulde l_~lluildini: Services F b 'l'l b Ch.Id I H s • -t co~.rm eous11: CU:ANJ.Nt; FISHER e . lL y I ren s ome oc1e y =~..::= .. "::. .. ,:';"' Drafting Servicc- Pln.ns for the thlr"d an n u a . --, J 916 Coa:.it Hlr,h\vay, Harbor 24:4.8 He:art_s and Floweni Ball, one ot t relationship 13 adoption. Mrs. Al S House & Rug Curune. Ucl Mar • ' the ~ighJlg~t: ot the Or and~~ 1 Boettcher Said, and eruphastzert I ()leanino Co 73tfc coun Y soc a. BC:a80n, were 18• the lawyers' lmportapt role in ad· ,., High Qualify Prinfing-Pli. Har. 1616 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 · . SOI Main 8a.lkia-ffar. 818 D1\\'Gnv:R FOR ~tESA!\"S Mr. and '"1 rs.. William ·R.acob& 1~12 South Ore.ha.rd Ori\'e, ~ M esa, are parent.1' ot a dauihter, born &pl. 2~ In $atita Ana Com· munlty hoitpltat She ,.•eig-hed 7 pounds. ~'I'! ounces. ------ cuosod Tuesday al the t lrst fall vlsln~ on lei;al agunclc•. ;nte<-i 514 • 29th St. Newport 13cach Sympso'n & Nollar :-.• mcetlng ~( the Newport Harbor preUng existing adoption ' laws I 8e&con 6111 7lltr1 A~llia.ry of the Children's Home and methods, and informing on PAINTING & DECORATINd Society 01 California. which spon-preaenl and pend;ng leg;•laUve For Venetian Blfn"ds . 90rs the i;a.la evenL measures. "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 -~8lh St., :\"cwport Beacb ' f • I • 2,000 ARD . . The Douglas Aircraft Co1Dpany will pay a reward of $2,000 for information leading to the arr.est and conviction of the person or persons unlawfully entering the premises of t,wo _ e~plo.x es of the Long Beach plant of this compa~yJ ~nd'fe10iiiously~·attac'Ring ·lhem · -- with intent to do great bodily harm on the night of September 21, 1951. Reports filed by the victims with the Sheriff's sub-station at Norwalk give the scene of one assault as 5354 Harvey Way, Lakfiwood Village, and the other assault at 9295 Lochinvar Drive, Rivera. Both crimes were apparently committed in an atte~pt to intimidate and terrorize other em· ployes and to prevent them from exercising their right to work on vitally needed military equipment 'for the United States Government. Anyone possessing evidepce necessary to the arrest and conviction of the. criminal or crimi· nals responsible for these outrages should communicate with the· District Attorney or Sheriff of Los Ang~les County, or with the • ~hief of Plant Protection ·at Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, or Director of lnvesti• gation, Douglas Home Office, Santa Mo~ca, California. ' Q • ' • .J.--A ..... , D01JGLAS ""AIR~·RAFT ~.M~AN1Y • • • ' Mrs. Lawrence Brown of Cliff Haven. ways and means commit· tee chalrmM. staled the Hearts and Flowers Ball will be held at lhe Balboa Bar otub on Feb. 22, 19~2. In addition, lhe Auxiliary will sponsor a spring tea o n April 30, M rs. Brown announ~d. Follow ing dLACU81!10n or proje<'lS, members heard Me9dames Clair Barnett, Kenneth Boettcher, and F . R Huber p~nt a panel dis· cuaion on the three major phaaes of adoption. LetraJ Polnlfll For the homeless child or chlld- len parent. the legal means of obtaining a parent·c hlld family Courtesy Officers Take Over Work Tru ly ~a.y a.nd dcllR"ht.!ul ...,.tu! OES Members' Night, when Cour· t.esy officers took ovl:'r on Tue11· day .evenlng. Rutb aod Henry Dellltcr. worthy matron llnd w or- thy patron, werf' given special es- cort u: w ere Etta M.Ae Coffman and Syl\ia Place, pa.st matrons and Arthur Flt...zmorrla, pa..!l pa- tron. Chapter mem~r8 rillf'd of·fic'es. Thf'y · 'A'f're: Erma Lachenmyer. worthy matron: _William Lachcn- myer , worthy patron: Lola Ander- son, asaqclate matron ; Milton Stellar, a.noclat.e patron: Harri- et Smith, ucreta.ry: Pauline Ju~ per, lrf'UUrer: Margaret Rabb, conductress: Margaret Trlael, as- sociate conduc trf'r;.a; Edith Holte. chaplai..n: Laura McClellan. mar- &hal; Past &tatron Edythe Kemp- t•r, organU:t. Star point.a were: Adah. Mar- cella Stellar; Ruth. Charlotte Mc - Na.tr; Esther, Evelyn Dav!&; Mar- tha, Merrilee Dungan: Elect.a, ltha Horne. E3lher J ohnson served as wanleT and M"elvln Berry wa11 sen· tlnel. Vlrgll Dean Smith wu flag bearf'r. Obl.lpt.lon Se n1~ Members observed their beauti- ful and lmpreMIVf' .ervice of again ta.king their obllgatlons. With or· !leers holding lighted candles in vllrioua colora, they gathered around the altar for the annual rtte. Before chapter adjourn~ Mrs. Deil!lter announcfli the df'puty grand ma.tron's recepUon, to be held Sept. 29 In Memortlll Hall, Orangl' and • Sixth, Hunltngton Beach. It la <an open &ffalr and 8hf' urgf'd me.mbera to attend and brine frlenda. Doda Ragan anuounced the ham 'dinner tor )Q.lon.1 a.oil E&at· ern St&N, tb be • .rtven OcL .f in P'riday Afternoon club bOU.R by Coat.a Mesa Bethel, Order of Job'• Da\ll'ble:f'L .A ttl!r dtnMr ~e g1rl8 wtn exempll()' lhetr work n. the.it gi.ae.U.. The ch.apter room wu cacon.t~ ed wttll i....., -•ta or dahllu and alrlnp of brl«ht gounia car· rted out the fleata motif. M mem- be.l'JI a.rri\f~ they We:f'e l:fven gay ooniageo. Tabl ... Rt ln'l>otll t.be dinlnf and loda:-e room. bore deco- 1 ratlona of Mexle&n p<>ttery. The birthday table lion four laJT• cal<ea and mem-.,bavlng natal anAlftrarle:a tn JUJy, A.u- pat and September were bonottd. They lnchaded: Charlott& x.Nair. Floruce AAdeJ'oon.· JlarpfOl Rabli, Vlrsil llmlth, By!Yla Placo. Mallde Wood, -1leMdlct. 1tlia Home, Al111ur _,_ ftutll Detoter, M'.....U.. . Daqail, Bell)9 f'lnl<, --IJ(em-. can- al<! Brace, Bett.e lln)ltll and Bat-1• Ue _,..,.., a runt fn>lll An:adla . I cMpl.er. • - .&ddlnc mDdl to the ..,-. were ·--0( u.. ottloers. 11oaf won II~ s•t ~ Mf9. brJllst ft.. ... aldrta -dow .... iii -...... An. "" rt z 111\1 0( .. "f.. ••tl•k••· .... ~ Cfl'dJ .we ~ ILwttrars ,_. ~ es .. ,...._ l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!~~~~~~~;;~;b~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!~ ......... TllM ~ Qoetolia lfc.. •-,,.mm-' Mrs. Barnett told or lhe "\•aliant fight ot doctor.s lo rlctern1ine and set aside in n1any cases the reR· sons for sterllit.y, llnd to aid the permanently chih'lless ns an ad- visor. He can tell them of 'the specialized licenS<'d a do p t Io n agency, and can ali::o send the unwed molher to organ1z.utions lebally set up tO care . for her. Shades arid Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP PJ·IONE HAROOR 240t . 52tfc Free estimates Ph. Har 88·1 B & Y House Movers New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan AND General Contractors 6[.U F 11·st St., T ustin Calif. Phoni-l-\lmberly 3-1885 11 lon1e l'IHJl!f'.'i JAi:per 9·2773 or f~lrst ('on'!.illrratlon WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Coast Hiway, Corona d t·I Mar J Asrw·r 9-2687) 73c86 Mrs. Huber pre~ntcd the points 70tfc to be considererl by and for adop· INTERIOR -EXTERlOR t ive parents. They 1nus~ examine VACUUM CLEANERH PAINTING their 0"'ll reasons for '-''<1.nl1ng a Ele<""trolux and oth('rs. $6 95 up LICENSED -INSUR.ED child and realize that a happy JOO to choose from. GJ J h secure home for each Child IS the enn Q n·ston first consideration. sh!! s:lld. HANK'S Vacuum Cl('ancr Cu. ~01 -31st St. Newport Beacb 901 S. Main St .. Sant.a Ana The meeting \l.l&S presided over Harbor 2297·J Mc.iA by Prel!lidt"nt Mrs. E. C. Martin I Klmberly 3·2968 -------_ of Ba.Jboa 151and, an<I "·a..11 held 70t'c EXl'EfilF.:-.'"CED CARPETERS 1 .JL. h Ba.Ibo '1 \Vant \Vork by Hour or Job. F"' al t e . 8 h~nic of M rs. Chai-1'fany a big deal has been mai:1r Call H arbor 116-t.:r..t len Landers. Co-ho,o;tc:-;:-ics were hru 8 small Want Ad M ra, Logan Hendrirk~or:. Mrs. ---:-----~,-----.-,--------7~l~lf:::c ~!.~.ndcrsen , and M r> Frederic MORE CLASSIFIED •ON PAGE 6 , .. --~--- NOW is the time . to ;traniTir:·.,~ your fu_nds to insured S·AV .ING·s CURRENT EARNINGS . ' SAYlll&S llOW lllSURID UP TO sto,••I MOIEY RECEIVED IY Tiii llTI ·' OF THE MOllTH URIS FROM THE ISTI . . . Come In •• , We wlll arr!nge ~'1e rrander Of yo_ur fund1 . witltovt •-•n,.nce or.,expense to you r • t \ .... '· 1 • -. . . ' r • • ................. ~~~.-.,..--·-~-~--·-•-•-••••--••-••r••••••••·~••• . .c''-'''~~ -.. • • ' I ' . - • • -' . ' PAGE 6· ;:._ PARt. T -THUltSOAY, slPT. 27, ·19sf ' ••• 7. 7 _ .. ---, ""_....._ ---··· .~ !!.ii.H9.M~.-~P -~~!!!fENTS ~~--~-q '.]t~;0¢:~1lES.S.-il ~frlgeratOrf '-'&&&",_-•1'7 rrti ..._.! sl 1 !.• M ·, ·J Quality· Yearly KJILWM.t.TOR ~tw •• COL Uled W.l!n' TO Niil ............. : 'OI· L I 0 .. Furnilihed Rentals • IL -"""'"" order. Crowns Ro-1• clDlty of lTtll It, Kw ... i • t Mt.BOA.~,_: tJllOb-MORE ~IF'I ED ON •PAGE 5 -~. -uW. '8'AO -1 -::."· .a.p1. 7• 1:* w ... ~ii;; 11tJU<toer1>ay -. aw ... ..-.. --------------.,..-------cow8Par. 1 ""·!rt.,. tell lland • Bee il!'n .~ / ·B A 'L B 0 A 1 i.u.. -···-··-··'. .. $n~--. ' -· l'erftcl e1inditloll • ..J1t.lll • TWO WOIUCDIG' o<IOllLI, no dill· • • , BALBOK PJ:NIKBULA -Kew ! 18 JI.a.. Wubd . ' at SeaCraft -. .. .,.... --i ... +...,, W p ORT bedroom bonie ........... A12I mo. ·~ * • .,..:.xo.,..f" " * '\ • ' .. CR08I&Y Jlllelftdor! eomplltttly • ...,.,.... ftamlllled &partmfllt J.'I .C.. flA.LBoA <>BAY. FRONT taeaf' EXPJ:RIZNCED Ml chars• -k--s.-. G eu. IL -Oii -()()Aft RWaWA'I ,rltb....,.,, -tr°"""'* dot: y.&t club, s bdrnia.·.~ mo. ~~~ keept.--Nlor)'. WrJte expert. SIR.,_.,.:.. -· 4 ... n . --. NMWPOiU UA.CB Mat. -.... ....umo.. 781JT8 ' LIDO 18Lll:-3 bdnnJL. • l>a"• s.: fence and CS.tells to Box "0" ·-""' -..~ l'li.. .. _.. w• th& poptr. 7:itlc rect eandltfclft. v...., -,.,,,. .A..,.,., mt HundredS of ...................................... $!00 mo. out ....... : .............. -.. --.. •• !!: , ~ ~! f !Jl ,a'!' ~•.• w ' · • ~eed real eatate brok-w .. M001tJMO ~1 ~ conA. •MW.A -·-w1ua List;"gs Evanered !~~!_rl8 er to 1rork in an estab-Wll.ahtng )lacbjnee '"""'' ........ -L loMlt -"ldtotouu.e .• l'tt..U '" """ J~ A.t 1\1 .... P' iJ I . -"'6il· tlO wk., ulil. 408 E. ; Bllbof.. Bl>d., Ban-liahed offfoe. Write Box H, EAllT WAllKllB, -· -""'· -.,_ -. ' a. ... --. thla paper. 73c78 o-•-...,.,.._ and ........ II Irr. CA.lllJf llOAT, ta ptJ'IL tD Ip.,._ Tfp'tl U-Balldln• !lervlcM Good ,.,. lotll of -.......... -· -· Ui. i...-....... . . . =....::==J:?.<>.=.==:::-.;.___ ___ WANTED-Reliable gtrl, 17-10, to Utll llL. ~ 8M, ~ ~ alee de&a IUse REMODEL and REPAffi bobJ sit 2 ors um .. weekly In EAST 1111'"'"nl ~ -hae. • T:'Pfl ... ,,,.,...-..·111•rNMU.. tnir· I 1n Cood l'WllllnS ...s.r ... .-.oe 1c1o1ro, ~ _. -· n 1 "·-'den•• or Comm6 -i'al ate attc:-_rnoon or eovenlng. Will .t _ -l -r. """' -~ ~-brtnc home. 104 -25th st .• APlli'X "'""""' ........................ uo.oo Boat owbb. .. UICI ftW'han.,. '4G ino. ""°"" Harilor lli-W . R . L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. N•wport S.arh. 7ec7s Ke11mott -Inc m1c11 ....... !TAO l'OR TOUI\ I · 7Tllc General Building Contractor GIRL TO JQ(CH,\NGE room and ROT ART ................................ 15.0ll SN AP.ON TOOLS' 1138 IJ'ullorton, Newport S..cb bo&i'd and anlal! ll&lary ror part C.ll romr Kll(BLllJ I Jl"ter Estimates Beacon 5770.-W Ume help with cb lldren. Phone-Easy Terms to SUit ! lf44 Mtn.ma1', Balboa llA T l!'llONT -Loft!)' I bdrm. I l>aU. opt. f'lttplaeo, a-1 heat, 11111 lno ti) JttM 15th. 73p87 Beaoon 871'1-W. 77c79 · Harbor 1087 ·R STROOTS TeWinkle Hdwe ' At.80 1 bdrm. Mytront, 175 mo. HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or? Call Walker~Hi76 Placentia Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK 74c7~H WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 64111-W ~7c15.8H , DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Residentlal-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 8-4 ()8... W 17tfc PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting . Kenneth Quarry AT'l'RAC'TtVE youns glrl for re- ce.,Uonlet • .r11tna-and othtt du· ttea. Dee'• Beauty Salon. CDM. Harbor 2187. 78c WANTED ___: Part tlmt" gardener. approximately 4-fl hra. pPr wk. 1802 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mf"11& Phone Beacon 5222 77c79 Ph. Harbor 1~7-J. 78c80 ------------ THOR automatic Oladlron, prac- tically new , S69. 113 -21th St., Nf'wport Bl"ach. Phont-Harbor 0839-R. 77p79 . BOY OR. MAN to 8Wt'ep patio Ir: water gardu each Friday. S7 .~ per mo. 316 Goral, Balboa 111- land. Saturday art. 10 a .m. 78< SO-Sale, Jllloreellaneom STORE rtxtutta. prac. new, wall q.seg, counten1. m.lac. All have 8.dju.atable Melve•. Bargain. Call owner, Beacon 6990. 64tfc CHILD'S ELECTRIC JEEP. 6 volt battery charger and t>attery. Orig. coat $175. Now s~. Ph. Harbor 2384-W. 76p78 USED CaffeNI & SatUtt rangf' ...... SMl.50 Cold.spot ~frtg-erator ......... 189.&0 Dinette sf't, table A 4 chalra 119.~ Knee Holp desk ...... . ........ $20.00 Univt>rnl WMher, like new ~9.60 NEW Ne99h to June 16th. Phone Har. 2652 ------------or Harbor 2914-M. eve•. ?7tfc JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory. approved Sale• and Service StaUon in the N~· port Harbor Area. ·South Coast Co. Nrwport Blvd. ot 23rd St Harbor 2800 53tfc 18 FT. CHRIS CRAl'"r spoed boat Cbrys. Ace. A-1 mech. cond. $1460 FN>e 11Up renl.1.1 for boa.U . offered tor sale up to 26 rt. Wlsard • RowboaU for Rent Ken Scott'• Mobll Marlne Dotk Next to F~rry Landlng, Balboa Ha.rbor 2120 59trc SEA BOOKS A fine stock ot books on all yacht· 1n1 8ubjectl -plue all cutTtnl book.a. Lending library. The Islanders 214 Marlnt', Balboa la . Har. 1647 P'URNISHED houae, Balboa r.. land. S bdrma., 2 batha, garage. Yearly leue, Illa per mo. Owner at 213 Ruby, alter Oct. 1. 77p79 FtmJ..'lBH'ED I and 2 bdrm. mod· e-rn apt.I. \Vinler and yearly, $40 to $6."; mo. All utll. pd. Har. 04119-M. 77p79 LIDO ISLE Spatl<lJng 1 or 2 bedroom fumiah- ed apartment.. Onr: bedroom 1twtn bt'ds) 175 mo. 2 bedroom11 Sl.()() mo. All utilltle.t1 paid. Prl- valr gan.g<'a. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3S33 Via Lido Harbor 1500 Ne-wport Beach, Calif. 3 RM. FURN. APT. Water p8.id. .. $5.95 ------------ Ne\l:port Bea.ch. For lnforma- t ion phone KI 3·2070 a fter 5 . APTS, ' HOUSES INCOME PROPERTY • MANAGEMENT RENTALS Consult Us • about your Realty problems JIM & SAL!,. Y NEWLIN • with I J OHN D. BURNHAM TWO or 3 rm.· apta., part1&14' f'llmlabed, In Newpdrt B<lcb. Very re-iii• ,..,CJ reat Phone -· H82·W.' 1 7'1i>78 FURNISJ!ED Mod. l bdnn. Apt. ALSO 2 bdrm. upper &Jtl. Winter $45 mo., utu. pd. or reu. YTly. AUlO • bdrm. rum llome, $80 mo. winter rental Mrs. Conrad, 312 Alvarado Pl., Balboa. R . 2"9&-J. 77c711 Couple of Children! Yard! BAY BEACH! In NewporL F\lm. 2 bdnn. apt., IC"T., Utll pd. Yrty. lease 116 nio. or $75 mo. t ill July l•t. cat! Bel. 6487-ll. 78tfc YEARLY RENTAL -1 bdrm. ruml.ohed duplex.,-'76 mo. tncl. utU. 601 Larkapur, ./"Coron& deJ Mar. 71cSO BALBOA Pi;:NINSULA -At· tractlvely tumlshed pn.ge apt. Suitable cou~. A.nil. Oct. 15th, f56, wtnter, M5 )'Urly, utll end gar. Included. Harhor 2001 ·J. 78tfc TRAILER SPACE Close to shopping, off the Hlway, 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa 112 to S15 mo. CabriDo Court, 140 Cabrlllo St., COllta Mesa. Harbor 64!'i. Ev""· Harbor 2278·W ------------ 44-Rooms for Rent 1615 Santa Ana Ave., O:>sta Mesa Phone Beacon M04 Mcllm TWO NEW Hollywood ~ fram e• $15. Cupet 8' x 3'4", S7. Built· In Ironing board S.'S. OverhC'ad garage hlngea, $.I\. Phone Kl m- borly 2·2935. 78p78 ConRolPum Ru~ Maple dining !let ... A pt. gu ran gt" $79.r;-0 . '89.00 Walt's Tradine: Post USED MARINE GEAR Nautical ~ratlons-Ueed Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS NEAR ICE HOUSE ON 30th Ph. Harbor 2470, Newport Beach OPEN SUNDAYS i1c72H 76p78 ------------ CHEAP wlnt£tr r8tal to ~ht l PERMA.NBNT we e·k I y rf'nta.l PAINTING · EARL SHEFLIN ITll Palmer St., Ooota "'- Bea. 5'57-M .- CERAMIC KILN -10 cublc tt., good cond. Large m etal Plood . Shelvea &-at.lll.8. Sac rlfic.-$1 75. Harbor 2990-J. 78p78 Dale's Furniture \874 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mf'sa Beacon 6837-J \VIN'fER RATES, 3 rm. turn. apl.8 On Collin.a laland. Each. apt. has water frontage. ALSO Pen lhouJW> on le&M'. \Vest end Park Ave.. Balboa Island. Ph. Harbor 2962-\Y. 70tfc party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdrtn. apt. sleepb'lg room. Private entrance. 3706 Channel Place, .Newpott Garqe, $10 .per Week. Blue Top Ulland. No petA. Harbor 12lf..J. J.fo\,el. 401 Newport BJvd., New. 11tfc port Beld1. 69ttc -----------~ Want to Move? We have an excellent selectjon NJCE ROOM, kitchen prlv., gar- age. Rea&onable. 1512 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 0245-R. 77c79 lloc'91u ndWllild ud Piii Two -and -t·· --Flaptooe and wood -. Two 7-old. In rove or -BeauUllil vi.., ot Lii<! ....i- llllla -ln excluslv..'! lleCtkm -I: "mlleo• &om ocean. In ~ .U.. l'OWldlnp. $25,000. Good tetaia.· 1981 Irvine Ave., Costa -x- Ph_one Beacon 5293-WnW... Open House -1-4·p. • Rsdy to move In -3 B.R., bwd. n:ra... beautltw. patio. BBQ. Nr. 6cbooll .I: 8hops. $3500 doWL \ Euy FHA terms, 488 Abbey Way, Costa M.e"8, oft Ir'llile AVt>. btwn. 17th and 18th. OWa· er, Harbor ~M. 78c • Yearly Lease or Sale Featured In Home &: Cardena. Spacloua uJ'ra modern 2 bdrm. ~ 25·ft. plate glaM overlooking ocean, dbl. gar., sundeck, e.Jec. dlAh-....sher, dlspoeal, ~. refrig., deep freeze. Bendix, etc. COM. Harbor 1275-R 78p80 BALBQA ISLAND AttracUvt:' well located 2 bdrm. hom~ plue 3 ·rm. apt i.n !"dr. Large usable patio. Wonderf'u.l - rentaJ l't'Cord. $18,600 fllmlsh .. Pd. Good term.a. • STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 1.iartne Ave., Balboa I.Aland Phone Harbor 20 . I Capistrano Beach Palisades New 2 bedroom home. 11'repla.ce. Oak Ooors. Lot.s of windows. \'lew of ocean and hills. see this at $8,500. One thiJ"d down . Bal. arr. Cash talk8. 34:161 Cat..a- lina St. Ph. Dana Point 6787. 77c79 COSTA MESA -FOR SALE OR RENT -New 1 bdrm. home, comp. turn. 2048 P omona., CoAt& Mrsa.. C&JI Owrtf'r, Har. 3237-R. 14-Personals PIANO. Uprtght. '60, Corona. portable typewriter S.0. Bed- couch $17.~. 13%7 W . Bay Ave .• Newport Bch. Phone dnys Har. 2268 (After 6, Har.190:i-J I 76p78 FIVE PlEC..'E d ining u t. In per· fttt condition. RE-uonable. 442 El Modena. N("~'POrt H<'lrhu. 73c87 FISHING BOAT, 24 ft., 3 ton.ti mackerel. Gray 8-71. le-RS than 100 hrs. Owne;r leaving. Will 11acrlncf' or trade for Jot or pick- up truck. Call Beacon ~218-J att~r 7 p. m. 77c79 BALBOA ISLAND-Very attrac- tlw 2 bdrm., plus garage. An.ti· abl<' Oct. 1 to Jun<' l. ~ per mo. Kf'y al 20!'i Diamond Ave. , Apt. and ho08e8Nlrn' ____ L_Y_Deco--'ra-ted--Roo~m-.,-g-ood' ------------ Furnished and unfurnished bedl _ 67tfc , ' . . Alcoholics ADOJIYIDOll8 Write P. O. Box 205 ! Complete lnsta.llallon, r<'pair and ~i:-~~~ ~3 I o'i~~~l~oA'.~;nL u '•tllllllF...,. ·\TRAILER SUPPLY 19i0 HARBOR BLVD. LOST near Sapphire and Balboa ~ Costa Mesa, Phone ~aeon 6224 -R Ave. Khoo! b\1.8 stop. Balboa 1 ------------ bland, Hom Rim Glaaaes with 1 FOR SALE -F ine piano-Story tip of one bow broken oft. Re-dt Clark, 1109. Servel rf'frig., $6~ •ard. Call Harbor 2763. 76p78 212 Cabrlllo St., Costa Mesa. LOST-Lady's "'Tl.st watch Se-pt. 19, Lido l.'tle or Bay Club. Ub- t'ral reward. Har. 0322-W. 77p711 77p79 WALNUT DESK 33" x 80", glass top. 3 cJ1,aln.. Phone eveninge;. HartMtr 1238-W or !W!'e at 516 1t. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 77c711 _~ ___ 1t_u_a_t1_o_ns..__w_a_o_ted=._ __ · SIDEWALK BIKE. w1tjl remov· EXPERJENCED bookkttper-ac- countant. Can handle-sevt:ral more accounts. Call Mr. Mees.- mer. Har. 0634-R. 75p80 COST ACCOUNTANT·bookkeep- er-typiat experienced In ge.neral offlcr routine. ~ay ~·eek. can Mias Cochran. Harbor 3079-J. 77p711 YOlTJG WOMAN will baby sit a ny day Or nl(ht or will took able :11t.&rter wheels. aaddlie Mp. gun, etc., prac. ne\v. Acme cow- boy ~ta. ll 1·s,'nt'ar new. so·· rollaway ~ & pad. Foot lock- er 30" x 14'" det'p. 703 Golden- rod Ave., Corona del Mar. 77p78 Dl8H\V ASHER, Portable G E , nearly new: poker table: Llonf"I traJn, 0 gage. track and attN· ories. Phone Ha r. 1778-R. 78c83 alter Invalid lady. Ph. Harbor Sl-Wuted to Ba7 2140-R. 77p711 . • • • -••• PART TIME TYPING ILnd book· )lee·ping in my home. Phone Beacon 6753-W. 77c1'9 FINE IRON'INO W"fll call for and deliver. Curtains. Phone Mrs. WUJ!ama. Beacon M9J-W. 78el0 JUNIOR CUSTODIAN, Orulp Oout Collep. Hours: S:30 p. m. Lo -lftL Rale : fll0.00 plua $25.00 coat of living bonus. Apply In per.90n Buaineu Office • atetween hour• 8:00 L m.-5:00 p. m. Pe~ 51 yean or mon . aeed. not apply. 71c78 WANT cnw for 40--Coot boat. All ~Ulptd. 435 Apte Rt., lAf'*DA Beach. Phone •-<328. T8p78 WANT TO BUY -'5x9 rug In IQOd condition. Phone Harbor 102().W evenings.. 74tfc WANT TRJCYC'bl: tor a 3 year old cJUld. Call Harbor 21M-J. 78< . O'KEEFE .l MERRITr RANGR- that le!Sl deluxe C. P . all auto· matic range with lamp, •talnleu st.9'1 crlddle and that cbrom~ grill broiler. Full :11lae onn and •lmmer burners. Balan« due on my contract i. 1139.83. My equity fne lf you lake pe.ynt@nla ot $7.48 per mo. Ueed It Oflly I mont.M. Se-e NT. Baughn. 404 So. Spadra, Fu1ltttott. I a. m.. to I p. m .or phone 2152. .1'4lfc KENMORE Dfoluxe stove, grill. wa.Jat blgh broiler, L&r1e oven wtth M.ndow, Jlcht. clock and timer. Good condlt.Jaft and prtee. Phone Barbor 3488-\V. 71c79 1 WANT AD will cost you • .~nly $2 •_nd it will run . in aft 3 lo~I paP_en. \ A MwMW •Ill It · 4 11.ei. -..... " , ••• 1616 ------ • • BENDI{C \VASHER thf' 19151 df'- luxe automauc with thf' aglta· tor and Lhe watf'r saver. You don't have to bolt lt down. Used only 2 months and not a scn.t-eh on It. Balance due ts $1a&.S6. PQ me CUh. CM". lake pa,,-mmu of $11 .99 per mo. See Mr. Baui;:-hn. 4<M. So. Spadra. FUJ1er- ton, 9 a. m. -8 p. m. or phone 21~2. 7<&tfc 8ERVEL REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft. good condition. insured. $1~. 9xl 2 gn.y rree-n rug and pad $37.~. 719 Pol naettla Ave., Corona del Mar. Har. 0829-R 7~78 BED DAVENPORT, ex c e 11 en l condition ~28\.s Onyx, Balboa Island. 76c78 CUSTOM BUILT 3-plece eectlon- at. cha rttf'USf' pla.atlc and petJ.. blf'\\'t>ave, LIKE NE\V. $~ va). Sell S60. Harbor 1~03-W. 78c78 MODERN blonde finish dinette Mt •• oblong tablf', 4 chairs. up- holatered seat•. $50. 1004 \V. Ocean Front, Newport Beach 76p71 F'R.IOIDAIRE. Tappan ra.n1e. ma- hopny bedrm. dlnlng and liv- ing rm., furn.. like new. Bar· gain prices. 621 Orchid, Corona del Mar, after 4 p. m. 76p78 Bill 's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade lSOO \V t9l Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor uot-R 74c76H DEARBORN HEATER, $2'1. 2 chrome,. be.r stoola:, SS.~ t'ach. ltnd tablt'11. mln-or. 1amp3, mJac. ltenut. Pbone H•rbor 0019-M. 77c79 PERll"'EC!' ror maab rental or beach cottace ~ 4 burner apt. mu ,.... .....,.f, crv~n control. Breakfut ·table and 4 cha.Jra, on• twtn ~ and chair. Harbor 01.t'l·lll. 77cTII WICKER dinette 9el, table, fin ~ md 1&111', writing dNk. Hieb .,,... SU Ille""· AU ,..._ -i.a.. ~· -R. 77p711 coMPLll!'l'll -ca or 6 rm. bur>plow!D ... loL 608 AYO- cado .A.ft., Corona del Kar. Pk. ~ IOl·llllt. 77c711 w ALNllT twin --oprtnp. and ln~ clll1ferobe, dra- -· night stand, knell. uoo. JllOS Paclllc Dr., Oonina de! Mar, Barbor 308f-111. 78cto , • • 18'...SAILBOAT. needs new <"anvas deck. Price $125. Ph. Harbor 1438-W. T8c78 HAMMOND all electrtc chord or- gan. You can play tn tton mtn- ute8. Hammond Grt"at Spinet . Organ. Terma. Com e In &nd pllly. DANZ . SCHMIDT BIG PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. ~:Ill No. Main, Santa ~·- MAGNIFICENT Eltttr1c Orpn. Repoae8M'd. Big aavinp.. A harp.In of a lifetime. Term.a. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO .. 520 Nn. Main. cor. 6th, Santa Ana. ----- SLIGHTLY USED Splnrt Piano. Nationally known ma.tee in per· fN"t condition. Terms. $47..50 down and 117.02 per mo. at Shafer'• Mualc (Since 1907), 4.21 N. Syca.mon-, Santa Ana. Kim· berly 2-0812. tletft' TRADE your old piano on Electric Organ. P lano or Telt'"Viaion. Big· gut cub allowance.. DANZ- SCHMlDT PIANO CO .. 520 N . Main, Sant& AnL STUDENTS slide trombone, .$60. 314 Coral, Balboa Is- land. 77c79 GREAT SALE bf Summer ret\lm· ed Spinet planoe. Save from $100 to $200. Like new. Full ruara.ntee. RM1tat t•rma. DA.NZ- • llCkM1DT BIO PIA NO !!TORE. 520 N . Ma.In, cor.'8lb, Santa Ana. 115 .t. lilOllTll -..... ,...: .A.II -•• •Ill ,,_ ,.. •· DAD e5'•1or P1.A1tO ~ IWRG....__..,.,..,. A.a. . 78p78 UDO ISLE-Attrac tively furnish· NI 2 bdrm. homf'. TV ·-Close LO bay, large patio. Ph. AXminstPr 3-2310. 76p78 Winter or yearly Tnnalent double ................. 2.i!O Call me today -. · ~~1~aid .. ~~~!~;: 123"·.";s: Ed L. Sedelmeier Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 04H9·W. 30cH Realtor THREE BEDROOM Furn. Hou8<'. I 1523 CoaRt La.rge frncrd 111 back ya.rd. Cl()$(' Corona del Mer Highway Ph. Har. 2766 74eTe Afft~ful,.,...ftbtlve. lo school. H11.rbor 324 5. 7fttlc RENTALS- 1.2-3 bdrm. houses Winter & Ye~r Round PAUL C. JONES Rental Agency 2307 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2313 Balboa Island 7-ttfc We have aevPral attractive aptl. and t'louae8 tor winter rental alerting at 145 mo. and a few yearly rentals 1Jlartlng at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Mal'ine, Balboa lsl. Har. ~2 &atfc WINTER RENTALS PENIN· SULA. Fum. 2 bdrm.. apts., ocean front. R.efrtg. Reaaonable t o June 15th. UtU. inclu. Ph. Harbor 1270.-W. '5ltf~ TWO BDRM. Furn. House and bachelor apt. Ye arty. J 11 &. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 7Sp78 • • BALBOA ISLAND Furn. I bdrm. NPW. Year I~ or willler rent· al. Reasonable" lo right party. Call L. A. OL. IOI&. 7Sp7eH BALBOA ISLAND ·we have apartments and houaes- Anilable tor winter eeasan or yearly lea..ec. ' Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Park A vC". at Wartne Balboa Island Harbor 2462 -59ttc WINTER RENTAL PENIN· SULA -FurnUrhed .tngle apt., till June 15th. $8 week. Util. tncl. Adulla only. Phone Har· 1 bor 1270-W. 61tfc FURNISHED -2 bdrm1., at~p 6. SpacioUs e.nch,sed patio, rea.I home, Udo Isle. Oonaider ye&rb' leaM, $125 per mo. Write Box "E .. this paper. 73p81 SML. FURNISHED gueet -· 135 mo. lncJ. uttl. Newport SH.ch. Pb. Har . 310-JK.. 77cT9 • SEASIDE APTS, nicely turnlshed, 1 br., utUltJe:s lncloded. Yea~ rate!I. 1628 W. Ocean Fr., New· ' port Beach. Ha:rbor 239!5, 72p84. • WE TRADE FOR THE B~T! '37 PtY. Sedan ................. -... $ 145 '41 PONT. CllJb .................... $ 666 '.fl PLY. Club ........................ $ 595 '47 PL)". Sedan .................... $ 995 '49 PLY. Suburban ................ $!~~ '51 PLY. St'danette --····:·· -~---11825 (Some new DodgC"s a.nd Plymouth~ len al the o\r1 prlcf') .. It C09tl llothil]C to lnveat.Jgate! SHAVER MOTORS Your l>odge-P!ymouth Dealer 1680 Newport Blvd., Colla Meu Phone Beacon 1907 BTATION WAGON -Ford. late "48, beautltUI shape. Only1 fam- ily use. Extras. If you ha Vf' been trying to tlnd a clean one, you won't be diaap)Kll..oted. Prl· n.te party. M2 ll'ullerton A•e .. Newport Beach.· 68ttc In Corona de! Mar Bcautin.11 new home one·half blk. ·. from Ocean Blvd. 2 -~rms. 13'4 baths. riwd. floors, dbl. garagr, patio. everything tdr eomfor ta· blc Jiv inJ;. Pricl' $19,MO. Fitzmorrii> Realty Co. Realtors and Business Brokera 111 3 Coast Blvd., Corona. tlel Mar Phone Harbor 2152 77c79 TWO BEJ;>ROOM home, hdwd. floors, flreplac~. seFVice porch. S9,800, S2SOO--down. See at 717 4rkspur Av<'. See: owne r at 721 Larkspur. Corona dt:'I Mar. Courtesy to brokers. . 77p79 61-Real Estate Exchange TRADE INCOME PROPERTY in Monrovia for bay front property. Sandy's T1·ai1<'1-Park, 636 Coaat Hwy .. N<'wport Beach" Beacon t>044 -W," ask for No. 16.-77p79 57-Real Estate Wa.nted \VANTED-H OUsE or INCOME. 35' sailboat as down. paymeii.t. Value $.3.950. call Mi-I. Abrene:. Harbor 2451 -M. 12tfc DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY .•• for an ad In the lively claaat- tlect' secUon of the 55-Mooey to Loan LOANS For Homes 67o-20 yr. Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~1>% (H JTS.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS . SEE BOB SA TI'LER lf.16 COAST BLVD. • Corona de! Mar ff.,_ 10'77-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE 00. · Mein> Lire Ina. Fw>da Kl Wta. LOANS TO BUILD, IKPllOVll. BUT, MODICRNIZt. OR . lll:FINANCll w. Bu)' . Truot 0.- tmWPORT BALBOA tllDaAI, 8A VINOS A LO/..N A.llllM. llSI Via Udo PIL Bar. !.IOI , , • I t • I , • • • • Real• te Ia Your aest Investment • -o-• Ruatic Redwd Home -------------------'-'·....,. ....._. UT. rm., nttplace, lmotl:Jr pine, l!Wd. n., panal lloat. I , CORONA DEL llAR FIRST TIME OJTERED-2. bedrm. lllU~ ~:· newly decotated, hdwd.. floon. flreplate, lovely encloeed patio. Ocean side of !Ugh'ny. Walking dbrtan~ w lltora. Room for additional unit. Priced at only $12.500. • . STOP LOOKING- for that hard to find 3 hedrm. home! Here,lt 18. Newly decorated. Hdwd. floora. Lota of tile in kitchen a.nd bath. Excellent location. The price? You will be ·surprloed! · ~ be purchased fur- nished or unfurnished .. CLIFF HAVEN ' Three bdrm. and den ranch type home. Heavy shake rollf, forced air heat. 2 baths, Iota ·of \ile. lge. dbl gar., patio. Just completed on large view . . lot. $28.500. "ferma. See 2352 -15th St. Open Daily • Listings Wanted-Rentals and SAies . . W. E, ·FISHER, Builder-Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Realtor·Associate 916 Co&11t Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona liel Mar BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor FRANK L. SHUFELT J . MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Islaqa Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 1871 BALBOA ISLAND A charm. two-story colonial bay front : Beautiful furniture, bricked patio, garb. ·diaposal and many other feature• make thia a real home. Excel. terms. $29,500 A 2 bdrm. cottage with bachelor apt. Both ·well furnl•hed. A small down pay't will make it yours. An unusually attractive house. 4 bd11J18 , 2 baths, dining room. two fireplaces, plus extra large one bdrm. apt. Unfurnished. -"ii eXce~ional buy. BLANCHE A. GATES-· REA~TOR Gems Are a Luxury! . A GEM is what we have to offer-thi.o newly completed 2 bedrm. home with its 2 big ·1\'indows . in the living and dining rooms, the ,Isltchen ·with ita sparkling knotty pine cupboard•, the bathroom with !ta glaM partitioris. and its big" wartlrobe I " . c oseta . . . . .. .. ~· . .; • • Don't wait, call now! Only $~3,900 ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2766 BALBOA ISLAND Choice South Bayfraht Income_ EX€ELLENT DUPLE.X -P rime location-Superb view Fine &ach. Each un.it ha..! spacious living room. f ire- place , 2 bdm1 .. 2 baths, private ga.ra«e. plus many un- u:tual feat ures. Well built with nearly 3000 ~· fL tota l nrea (Ac.h!tf.ct's plane and speclticatlont'l avaUable for Inspection ) Exceptlon a11y good value! SPECIAL Price, Terms \Vm . W. SANFORD, Realtor Pa r k A \'en ue at Ma.J•ine Harbor 24-62 Balboa Island . ' lldnn. l Ip, \lie In tlt.cMn, ot- taclled pr. parlly tollffd. Nr HI ocllool. Youn for $11,,!50. --down. -o - Good Investment for Preaent or Future runi-2 txlrm. bomo-71 ft. bUlln-tronta«e onl H&rbo,. BIYd. 112.IQO Ml pric<!, terma, -·-. Attractive · 2 bdrm. -· hWd. n.. l\ ~ ..... ' Tile In k:ltcMn. dlnette and b~aktut area. A.ttachf'd P,r. 11.'IO oq. rt. lmmedlJ\t• _..... "lno, J>ric4.'d "260, tfrmll. .. -·-'Furnished' . One bdrm. home, 'FHA approved. neiit and clean, t>on't bverlook this nnr if you nff'd a hom,.. 11000 ca"'1. Full pric.. $Mtl0. -·-Santa Ana Heights Choice 1 ~ acrll': -S1850 -o - Lnll'I RellMlnabl{' &: Unrf"uonableo. -·-La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbo< Blvd. CO.ta MHA 4 Bdrm. Home 2-car garage atta chPd, only (IV(' yrw. old. Cl~ to tran.!!I ., mar- )Cet and achoo!. Th.U ts a fot'Cf'C1 sale. Ea111t Sidt', good dltltrlct. Pr~ to aelL tor only $860I'>. U 'ft'rms < $1350 Down Comp lf"tt'ly f\lrn _ lovely la rge 1 bdrm. hcwne, 4 y.-.. o ld. Qulf't Eut Side location nea r 11tore. Lot11o or tUe, ca rpf'ted wood flra. Only ~7&0 a t $50 ~r month. $1000 Down l...gP. 1 bdrm . home on F1ow rr S(. F1rt'pl&c4!', th<'rmo eontro llt>d fur. I garap , lath houae, niC"f'ly land-( .c.apKI a nd bf-at of all hu & Ip. ruU brrar tnR an>c:sdo trtt '"al mar. than pays taxes. Onlr S.-.950, at SM per n1onth. .$1860 Down Alomu n f'W 2 bdrm. and p ra1 1•. Loads Of tile, l'IWd, thM.1 -0Ul. Thc rrno controllf'•l h('t;t, land· ~p4M'.1. Eut S icft.. Truly und~r· p rlct'd at only s~oo. City Acre ~ultlple zoned lot . cloae ln. \Von- dl'rfUI !'or rtil\ta'ls. Near park. 126' wide by ovrr 300' d<"Cp, Lf.Vf"I and clPan. Only $3000 w ith l<'rtn!', B. A. NERESON 1982 Nl"wport Blvd .. Coeta M~u Phon~ Beacon ~22~ TWO LOTS IN BALBOA On 11lde lltret"t , 12 blk. to lhe bay !no 5l rt'f'lJJ Cb ('fOS.'t). IDEAL FOR Ri:NTALS or home for ramlly with small chlld re-n. ZonNI R·2. $6,000 Balboa Realty Co. BUY NOW! $1000 Dn. -Or .. ley , J-p~lnt We)lll Bay Front Income uu1an McAdoo 6 Unil..9 completely fu!"L, 70-ft. 100 lj:. 8al-. Bl>d. Har. 327'1 Bay Frontag.. 3 2 bdrm., 2balll1 -----~----­ New 1 bdnn. home -Redwood n lCt" a ppearin g. 2-c ar garage. Close-to new ma rke t on Ea.st.; Side. Paym•nt approx. l50 per n10, Full Price Only $5750 $1800 Dn. New 3 bdrm. -F lreplacf', hwd. garage. Approx. 1040 sq. ft. NICf' location. can y ou Imagine t he f\J ll price la only $9250 New 3 Bdrm. F.H.A. $2~ Down LOW MONTI<LY PAYMENTS Large home wtth man'y extra fea- turea. Beautiful li v. rm. wllb fireplace, dlnlns arM, hardwood floora, Iota Of tUe, covend patio. t(ouble gar••e. extra Wide Jo.t . Fun Prier Only $11,300 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 186'1 Newport BIT<! .. Colla Mesa apts and 3 1 bdnn. apt.. Ji"lnut location In Bay area. Sha....•• good Income. Prk:e 187 .~. Con· lklf'r part trade. Bayshores-.- View Home New 3 bdrrn. 2 bath home with fin e view of Bay. Best construe· l ion. Fireplace, forced a ir heat, attractively deconled. loU of tlle featureit, larl'e room•. Thi .. la one of lhr ouutandlng floor plans in the art"a , ~rtce $22,500. $4,950Down N'e~ 2 bdrm. home on Lido lale.. Private paUo, fir eplace, turnace: heat. bar-type kitchen, glua enclosed tub. Full price f15,700. ALSO 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Excdlellt n-pl&n. OutstandU\g colme tJtN.. out. Forced air beat. fl.replace and patio. Loada of stora.-e space &nd bullt-lna. Prtce '22,IOO. OIU!!ENLEA.F It AUOC. etm:.DER -REALTOR 8U2 N.owport Blvd., Harbor 2M% . Phone Beacon TlZS . ---.---=-,-. ------ OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY ffrom 12 Noon) MODEL HOME FURNISHED $19,850 l not including f\lrnlture) 482 Seville Ave., Balboa Peninsula CAUFORNIA MODERN, atthl· t ttture and color by oulllt&ndlng authorit y. ec:tw.rd H . rtckt t. &Rhlted. . Wm. Manker, colon. Newport FUmlture Co. tumtahtftiP u you are lnteret!il~ ln we.Ins Ure very LATEST ln deiitgllt!I and color. See thd! (Out Bal-m..i. to th•. hnlnnla-watch for arrow) Harbor Inve8tment Company im.wroaa 80tll and N-rt.Bl>d. H.wport -ch Ph. Harbor 11100 • ' • • • r I • • • • • • OU'Htr ANDING BARGAIN I • ~ALBbA PENINSULA POINT -I ~ • I .. • ,#/ 2 bdrm., llY!nr room, 41nlnr area, bath, ltltcben, lalllldry, IJ9t1o, bwd. floan, avtomatlc panel beat, . garage. HOUie on Ol!,e lot with vacant adjoln1pg lot tor ~ or tnc:ome. Entire property la com- pletely teneed. I BUY NOW. Wint.er or yearly rental guaranteed by rint pald In advance for full term of leue up to 2, years If wanted. • I Sacrifice Price $12,500 JIM & SALLY NEWLIN WITH , John D. Burnham 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 Eve11 Haroor 2278-W Two 'Bedroom ~ountry Home . Opposite the Santa Ana Country Club Golf Course on 'Meaa Drive. Unoi.truetecl view of the fairwaya and mountalna. Ample privacy on this 83'x234' lot. The master bdrm, la 14'xl8' the other bdrm. ie 12':r14'; Uvil!g rm. 18'x71' with fireplace ; kitchen 10'x18' with plenty of cabinet&; a large bath with pullman aink: double garage with plutered walls & ceiling : ld ry. rm.; storage rm. & extra 1,, bath. Total fl oor area oller 1600 aq. ft.• It will be a pleasure to 1how you thi.I reatful home today. PRICED RIGHT at $16.000. One-third down Owner anxioua to '!"u· due to ill he~ G. N. WELLS, Broker & Assoc. l 790 NeWpOrt m11d. Coeta Mesa Phone Beacon 5181 Eve11 Beacon 5617-R OPEN HOUSE 507 Lido Soud, Lido Isle B&yfront ' Sunday, 12 to 5 p.m. Thh1 111 an ld•aJ family home, 4 bdrm.11. and df'n, large l,lvln1 room, large pt.tio, .andy ~ach, pjer and slip. l-1Wl t be sokl to Htt1e f'Statt. 8ff th.ii befatt buyln~. ON THE OCEAN FRONT Fo r a bMtch hou.lf', thh1 111 ld81. .Laree llvlng room with flrrpla<'•. 2 bdrm1., rear pi9tlo, C('nlnl Jocatlnn. C OOfl huy. $11,000 BAY and BEACH REAL TY iJ.4~ Balboa Blvd. H•rbor 1264 Ethel Shlrl•y Gloden Fay J . M. Miller Dick Fay , ' HURRY! Pretty as a Picture . HURRY! HURRY! No. BAY FRONT 3 bd.rma. and m&ida, A.LAO I-car garage wit.ta apt. over. Bot h have I••· flreplacea. Bathen eh.owerw aDd 'dttuln1 room.. 1 blk. from Marine A"". Should sell q,uickly tor $37,500 • LINWOOD VICK REAJIOR W , A. TOBIAS. Aasoclate <!harmtnr 3-bdrm_ home, 2 yrs. old. lta the ntsttc ranch typt> &nd na. fireplace. heavy ehingle root, tarp picture w1ndowa a nd la bNutitully landacaped. On• of the lovelle&t home• In .Nev.·- port ffplghla, 112.760, Small Home, % .Acre Ptnrat sandy loam aoll , 100 fl. fl-ontage x 300 ft. def'p ; 1'lou&t- a.nd dbl. pr. a re 5 yrs. old. Ooad loc&Uon, etat !kk'. 17 ,995. ' Very Reasonable Buy in Newport Heights · Bay Front Home Wllh pier and no.t. ...... lot. spe,cloue .. patio 'and g&.l"dea. • bccbooma, a 11auw. -bey tront val\le Ill dto ...... Jl7,l500. GREENLEAP .. AlllOC. BUILDER -UALTOft • 3U2 Newport Blvd. lfarl>ar :IM2 Newport Beach 71Uc YOU ASK FOR IT ' WE }lAVEJT DESIRABLE lots In cboic- locatloni. LIDO ISLE waterfront Iota for single home• or income purpoeea. ALSO cross St. Iota at prices well under 11alue and terms to lltlit you. REMEMBER we are DEVELOP- ERS of Jovely LIDO ISL.JC. Here you can aim BUT hom11 at moat any price you want. NOW we have aome splendid 2 -3 or • bedroom ho mes that ~pr description. Yo\t MUST .. 90 theae. Our li1tlnp are EX- CLUSIVE will! uo. It· will profit you to ~ome to_ our office. Here a little buy11 a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Cali(. Harbor lM>O Balboa Peninsula Wf'll built .f bedroom homf', one rult and two % baths, 2·ar garage. la rge hobby home on very l•r&e lot . Hwd. tloora. Partly turn., plenty of storage. Many extras. All eleclrtc kit• · cht>n. Nice patio and attrvtive land.<ieap lng. 18,500 On boa Peninsula THRE yea.rs old. Unturn""\_1.~ bdrm. home, a ~. tlrepeaee. $12,500 full price_ Good Terma. Will CONidt"r all offers. COSTA MES.A: G. I , Resale -3 bdrm. home, on a a rge corner lot, only 3 yn. old . Hwd. flbort!I, all concr•te block re-need. Patto wltb barbe· cue. Sl 1,990, $2600 down. Coast Properties Co. 301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 • The Home Stretch- To help your choosinr. aee these liatlngs on Balboa Island. Uss-8 . a .•., ....... ' • . -' . • Balboa . Bayshores Bayview Hotne-, ~ ·,Open Ho~, -28 1 Bayshore DriYe .. &Iboa ysho,res Friday ·-Saturoay S~day ·~ Monday :· ptlVileps: Priced ~ with ~% financing. • New S-bdrm. 1 '14. 'bath OJ?le. Lots of extru. pe;-. · luxe features, 1nc1Jdllig?;f' o.te beach and mooriJ\g · Call Carl 'Ibomas at Bar. ~ ; for co~plete \hformatlo~: • ' I BALBOA ISLAND BUYS • I ' BAYFRONTS and BUSINESS INOOME PROP· PERTIES. We have o. good eelectlon. . ~ .. ' ; . ' A DUPLEX' 'TO SUIT YOUR Bt!DGJIT-Clean 2 bdrm. home ·with small income unit--$16,500. Others $17,500 to $23,500 . VIEW PROPERTIES -OCEAN AND BAY. We have a few that are not on the beach but have viewil "OUT OF THIS WORLD." For Information on abo11e properties call Ha. 1775. CORONA DEL MAR • Open Houses· Sunday -Noon to 5 p.m. 307 ffilS - 3 bdrm. home. Smart and· modem. Wall to wall carpeting .. Drapes, double furna~ A-1 construction and like new. Close to beach. Price $19,000. Attractive Terms. 239 HELIOTROPE - 2 bdrm. home. 2 full baths. 1 'le years old. 1 blk. to ocean. Hwd. floors, fire- place, disposal. Extra large double garage and enclosed yard. Price $14,750. For further informaijon caU Harbor 2474. ~L W. S'FANLEY, Realtor • 17th and Coast Hlway 15th and Irvine Newport ·Beach N ~wport Bea.ch 81~ Coaat Rlway Corona del Mar 2~ Marine Ave. Balboa I.Bland 3113 Newport m'fd. . N MYp<>rt Beach SPECIAL THIS WEEK (Owner Leaving) . ' 3 BEDROOM G. I. RESALE Costa Mesa . - $1500 WILL HANDLE A iovely home tin a corner in a good diatrict. Nicely landocaped, with chain link fencing. A ' wonderful place for children. See this today ! 4 '.7'· :Loan, $55 per mo; inc. taxes & ins. HENRY C. VAUGHN, Broker 1626 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5845-J (Eve. Harbor 1070-J) • .. • Two bdrm. home furnished, with two-ear g;arare, close by bayfront, Sll,2ll0. Alao a special for income-Two----------------~----- bdrm . home with eeparate :NEWPORT HEI{;HTS • apt. over two-car gmge. Lge. 2 bdrm. home (1180 sq. ft.) dining room, lge. . The furniture I• worth ldt. wttb breakfast nook, fireplace. Heat in every $1500. 'Fhe total price is room, large bath with staU ohower, hdwd. flrs. $16, 750 Double garage. Only $12,600 Terms. Inve11tigate before these are gone. J. A. BEEK, Office HI! rbor 83 Bal-Ialal\d Ferry COSTA MESA -New. 3 bdrm. home• Dual Turn., fireplace, hdwd. firs. Gar. t,.arge lot. Only $9250. Excellent terms. ; / FOR VALUE C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor . , : A. E. J'OHNSON, Bro'ker 490 Newport' Bllld., Coata Meaa BeaC9n 6698 In fi»e lge. ocean view home- . sites c0nvenient1y loeated. Corona del Mar 'Buy' Today's Best Buy • 312 Mam.. Ave., Balboa Ialand PboM Har-2042 . "t.ooll for the Green' lAwn"' '1'7<79 a.... Ind ottr.ctln I beclt oom home, 3 ~ yr-.. old. Hdwd. Ort. ~ Dbl pr., only $8,!IOO •• Newport Heights Beacon Hill Realty All utilities. 1erms. Model $2500 Down homes to show. · Only '8750 full price! 3 bdrm. home. cosy, attndlve, _In --nelghborllood. Brick· 'ftllad pat!". Wiiy pa7 rent!! in S}JORECLIFFS , Corona Highlands Today's Best Buy •" ~ i!;:.; ~ ~ NEW! ~ bec1room bome w1lh -----~----At Lapna edge of corona ~. furnace. llard,....r del Mir. AU at tract office. flotjlw. ~ ....,.,1. -* Peninsula Point ·· , . · -·• ' · 4llUleiitlc Cape CQc1 ' ' P™-Barbqr 414-J 1 Ac,_ rrom eoata M-Bl!nkl .. ·.. $l2 ~ Near Ocean & ~ay 'Eves. J{L 31~1-W BeL 54M'J ,vyv ----------·--.,,.~•••MA a ;.., . .....,. _, ,_· a ~ ..,..,... 1arp plctUn! s_E:,dOO ~ p~e /1 .2121 OqJan Bl\fd.. • u~ View Home OPEN Sat. "Sqn '2-6 . -· ""9tr -P-· CLIFF HA VEN . bil\JOO, 2 :rra. o1c1. ~uo. ,_ Oood llMt. ot.ia _ _,. • .-1 ._._ ... _ a. s. Hdo • or.,, app't. n. Bar. 123B-W . • . sa.aoo -.;. 11tt~ lllt.. <>ww -. PUG mo oa ._,,, __ Lovely yu---. OU t18t &. ~-.. -~ So"'lor au .. a... feu.111 - ·~ ......... ,, . ... ;(,,' f -.,..... A"' I ,_, -... ft. i ,_. 1:u-ge .-L ~ ~ '.l""'""' · · .. 18 • nttc -""' .. -"' 111111. ..,, --• •«, ....au ba:::Lne 'if.. s111n1rz a balk ...,., • ., ... Wiii ..... l -·---'ts'" IZLll1dc IOalO....._. s.e uu.. • Newport Heigbta. C:ill Jobi ll'ottrem, HarW JJIOO P.A. PALME-I~ JNCOlUIOll,\ftl) -Via Lido , ~,._-t • ,., °""' , ' • "-·-~ .... ·-.. :::;~"·:... "'"':i ·-~ "m=t .,.._ ." ......... •r"f -1. TMI .......... i.. .... .. $1000 DOWN Ralpll P. Na11u!y . ._ -· ..._ .-. - i ....._ .._. ,.-a, 1111 7 , ... ICU = 2;.,-::-:·~ -:::,•::a :.:l ~·p.: Clslla ...... ,.............. • .. ~ ..... -a. .... ..-. _. 1da • I 'SPF ._, · Plk .. to .a.!:' ls~ m a C '9.\LTY 0... -::.: II • ... .... 17 • I Ta')' RF-Ill-..... .,, ...... -Sill .... IM!& 5 1q1r .. tllll lm...,...a•• IOJIHHtlm • .,.,. ........ V IF It 0£i...r----· --., r I • • ; • I • • • • • " • ' • , j I I' • • • I ' ·. ' • ' • ' -. FRISH DRESSED-CUT·UP ROASTING RABBITS ';~~TE~ ~RN GUIN FED-l'ICNIC STYLE . PORK ROAST !!:~!~· LIAN-IEST CUTS. PORK STEAKS COUNTRY STYL~UIE-Our ow• FaMo .. Make PORK SAUSAGE OSCAR MAYER--EASTEIN-1·LI. CELLO PllG. .SLICED BACON - • 39~ 39~. 59~ 49~ 49~ Direct fro111 tu laats Swordfish Steaks I . 59• L9 -Frylo9 1lu 69' .. SHRIMP .. · nse+s-·tl. S. No.1 ·Large Smooth ' ..... ., SPUDS .10•bs39c COFFEE 1.\.1. 75c CAN -. - TUNA SALE'· . . ' -- Star Kist '.,,•• Tuna..;.. ';c ~>>~ St<17Kist ~Tund - Star-Kist ~·· ~a ... , C~••k 1tyl• 26C No. If• Fl. ca• Star-Kist 11· Label Sold Pock 29C No. 'JJ Fl. ca• NIB LETS llAJllO WHOLE KERNEL CiORN 12-0L ca• !lot-$1.0S ... , C5c ...., ~~.~~J~mps if H•nrabi • ~ ... Mar O•IJ SNOWDRIFT • 3 lb. Can SALE! iUT?&il· · 75c • GOLDEN STATI •OLDEN STATE ~t~t 25c • IATM " .... 34c Evaporated KUFT"S CASINO FRENCH DRESSING 16c PURE GRAflULATED SOAP Lor9• Pkt. Giaot 2~:.25c WHITE KING 27c 55c . . • l . ~ ' ~ • -- AMERICAN CHEESE ~~:~J-~~~.-.. ~ ... ::. 75c - -,..... 23~ ILUHILL,CO!.ORED-1·LI. PKG. MARGARINE AllMAIL NIW PACK · '17C --tOMATOES -·"°i:~---~ ·· . htty, Croc~r's DevD's '°94 er.'-" C•t . 29C: CAKE ·MIX .. ~:t , .. -. 1ofo -~o SHllT ' C IOLL J I SCOTT TOllE·T TISSUE Salad• ..... Fl• Caekl•t 9UART 57.c PINT . 29c Rath's Pure ~ LUNC EON ME~T 1~:~·,39c • I BLU~ILL . I PICKLES:.-.· . ·~· . ---- -., SIALTIST JUICE OF , _ ~ T ANGER.INE ~ DINNllON'S FAMOUS PORK &. BEANS ' • -BUY ' -FAMOUS · BRAIDS! _ , ~ a• a Favorlff la L•ac~el ' -591i. 1'1NI AITS . ..,, • • ' • . $289 __. GIN A CANADA.DIY . ' PIOOUCT -llFTH ••••••••••• • •••• ~ • I • '°°z. 19c C~N I• ~~-~ \ N E S & L IQ U o R S ' \ Lt11rs --. . ORANGE -JUICE UNDER s3oo SALE! ' ot1VE-P111E110 LOAF ~·~K .. . .. c;·a:DTiio'NzE L FIFTH s299 SWIFTS Pll.MIUM 57 • lciu9un-11N1 CALll'OINIA . $ 99 FRANK~ . _ •. ~RANDY -~:*, '"™ 2 11"'°u£0 C::ti'Ese .59•-. ~ OLDM•:IOSTOMWH•Sm-llF!H I·_ S4t" ~lyDollclod .. s.i.tDntll"······· : ROCKING CH~IR .1. ' ' All·P•,,,_ Mll<I CHEDD~R CHllSE -43~ ~ 11 . . --r . . ~ • I . I • ' -~ • • <· " . I J I I • ·• 1. • • I , J . ' . ' ' • • • • .. National One Design sailing craft start a race and you can bet your b9ttom dollar that more thah one skipper hos wife along for 'crew.' Here, sailing is a family sport. • ! ' . I • J f.' .• j........t '. I ' ' ' ' • I • Dad can't handle boat alone so kids help. L. to r. are Letitia, Johnny and Jack Reid. (Mother stayed home to bake a cake.) ' i .. ' •' ' • ' , • "',.. I • '.\'"'-. • • • ' • • • ' • \ .4· l , • ' . • \ • • • 0 u t for • bit of c r u i s i n g is th i s sail- ing family. Sid, Ann and Patti Exley are in the National; Jane and Sue in Sabot. • J I • , ~ J . • • • ' T • • • • ) . • I • . . , . .-. .. . . ' • ... . • : ~ . • • I • • I White sails set and sleek-hulled boats speeding before the wind-sailing is a thrilling hobby ', for thOR who love tha.. ~t~lbe ·outclbor;life. Aild ~chan~.e~11r)1 ·_-_-• · · .d. ! slipper guides his . craft wi¥Jf t.ilelse thro'ugh thick "traffic ... of a 'holly run r.Ri;"-tfiere ( • : ' wife, sori ·or daughter sitting in as "crew," doing a whale of a go.od job in e. secondary role. Saning is a family sport! Oh, "Dad" is usually the bos5-of the o.,+f°rt, that's true. He. is the guiding spirit in polishing hulls, rigging sails, loading and unloading, getting boats in and .out of the' water-but he isn't always the best sailor in the fa mi I y and often has to depend upon other members of the family for the help that's always so·loyally and faithfully given to his triumph in a Sunday racing session. Nowhere is this family type of sailing more evi- dent than at the local yatc~ clubs · where sailing is 1i year-around sport. Take the Merrill family group above for instance.: Left to right (back row) are Paul Merri 11 .Sr., F. H. Merrill, Paul's fath1Jr who began it all by teaching Paul to sail; Mrs. Emily Kennedy, maternal great- grandmother of Baby Bonnie Kober in the ~oat in foreground (M11crill is the paternal great- grandfather); Adra t.1errill Kober, grallQdaughter of F. H. Merrill; Chuck Kob!!r, her husband: kneeling on float are Merrill' a grendsons,1 Charles and Paul Merrill Jr. In the Sabot with Baby Bonnie is Mrs. Paul Merrill. All are sailors except great-grandfather, great-griinpmother, grandmother-who ere sailin9 enthusiasts jbut n_o longe·r sail--.tnd Bonnie, who seems anx: · ious to get started. Paul and Paul Jr. sail,a National One Design together. Charles is the .1950-51 international Sabot champion. Adra and Chuck sail a Penguin .• Among classes of boats seen in action in this family activity are Nationals, Penguins, Sabots, Snipes, Rainbows, Lehman dinghies and Skimmers • • r.n;-----k ,i ~ 'Jf , •' f • ... J' • . . 'i ' . .. • -t• ~ I···-I ,. ••• . .. • ' . •. . ' . < , • . • , J . - • . I ' 1 • ' I 1. • • • • .. . .. • , • ~~ 2 :-~ART rt -THURSDAY1 SEPT. 27,·T9WT. C.1111•11 Mllll11g County +H Club . : .•. ~~'JllES. S-9 1• ~ ~ 1-n •. :::1o~·.=--~~ "':7-..... ·• l.\ • • _ ~ -o1 &ct-Raton! L. t.nded uie Da~ ,_ Loader e '~ · --, n..u-,.,.• t eo-a dot Kar Oontor•nc<, WU! IAlll Oran.-..,..,,. sat_, -• otmtt ty 4-H club ...-. and junior •-"- : , '* 1¢ ft& ,::r 1¢ ldf dl9 ... lel llfl'm .... lAe I Starence at -i--'-. • SLOGAN . AND THE~. FACTS =:k~ ~=-::r.:·.":o a~;s:n:,,,~~ :;;-~ · '. · . , . . dwf. ~ _,.L Oct. Mi !:"1~ p. m;, "Your Newspaper Light. the ,W.y. of ~"J th~ ~111,:'.;;;e • .,W:. ':a. '::"..i: Npmt.o...,. Wlll'd, +-Bclub'bome ~ > slogan f<!r National Newspaper \!eelt< to be obeer.• thl9 , __ of n u;;,,.-. -~. Tufllda1 ' , ~ from qctober t to ~· .Bat slOgan~ ~ thenuseJVea mean . ..-..-. --of .... »-;._.. --con.otont Octo...,. S little-Ull1"8 related to fact.: Jn, tlua inllbnee howe9er ...,... .. ,., • ... • JcsllWI ~ Aa • e 'I •v ,_ thla w--.,, l t wltt.* J )JCf• ••• ., .. I.... ii y WJ ,• the slogan and the fact. are llJDOBYJllOUlt. ot .Jtzp• A•. ., 1 ·.,. . .._. wlR ,.-. -tor you. <>ctobe• I We don't have to look far to> .,e what h4lppeftll t& free-.... , eoi,t.. Jiu .. »-. .J: :,; TbUHCloy dom when newspapers lll'8 wppre111 ed. ,.lndMtt, tllow wllo :"' --~ '!_•. le fO.aOU) ,L. JOHNSON Oewber • lust for po-r llnd, tllat doellblli:tiOn of the ll'ff Pfelll ia lllt - - -• 1 •• -.... . ..... .,. ..... ..... -.... • •1::1,11 L'llt. _,, __ .. n .... 1 .... p."" t :tJ' ...... 16::111 P:• fl•·· ..,. "' ... i.::n.-.... --·-·- essentilll to ~II" fulfi.llMent <>I tlleh' aimlt. i'-in AP1ft-All .-. ,._,., -11-,..,. iii!' 5 r , ~ ... • .. .. u . fl• • • o:a y I.I ... ' 6.0 u · •i ,. •. •> r S:ta 11=a ·2 :11 L m. ~ ...... a:a ...... f:t• ...... l :Ol"LEll. J.:1111 p:on. J.'111 ... ., ...... s:n .. '"' t:~p.oa. :hi • -1 ·1:• 00 -.. ,_ IHI I.ill MWIJ IJ&U'* .... .~. ,_ ............. ~_ J . hlS p-. ,, . f;t El e a lle,.in tina. for example, found it "n_,y" t<> CT'UBh La,,,_ .............. -,.,...,...... n ....... no And now that this courageous voic" baa been stilled tM-!:'.....:: ~ ':..,. ~-:! Ml ......... 1'iots,.n - dictator moves ah•ad tD con80lidat!e his llotd o~er t&e people. ,,, 7 • ••. , 2 ••• <kt. 1 nu. .. , OM. w ··w· •·11·• (!lot.. NIWS·,_..., THI . •••ss .. ~,..,. •• M!WISiti ~.. 48 -~ -· In Am"rica we ar" fae~ Wl'th no 111ch condit'ion. T"t t.be ,American preiis must "v"r be alert to tlle subtle at- County 0... of J4 Showi.19 Ta Drop tempts to gag it. Efforts ar.. constantly bring made to ~ .....;., lit -of u 111 prevent the full reporting .of facts, as when cerbrin gov• Callfomla .. --• -..r emment or military officials seek to with·hold information proper<y r.,. iPllfe' a.. ~a D1111 f I 1·t · I d •h · f " ...... tot llCIO-h, -· -•f1 -or pel'SOna or po s oca reasons un er , e g111ee o secuntJ' for ,..., ... i P...,....• l!or tin. two restrictiontt." No honest newspaper man want.: to pll&llBll· )'eon ... -.)Nlftd, caRfotllla a story which wot1ld ~ndanger national def..nee. Bllt at T~n' --· r<po;rttd ,t he sa'l!I" time he has an obliption to the · ~lie •to ~ '~ • .,,..,1 -Nte or n .r.'I out an« print the truth on . everytl\ing else ,of intereist ·to 1•n• .. f -· llNlt-61; la 10 the peopl" regardless of w.her.,· the chipe fall jn'th" p. roeeu cent. lcwer tMtt Ole 11.:111 tate per ' . . ... · $100 Ot ~ ntUe fer 1~i. Your newspaper 1s more than ·a ~"P of printed Tiie ,.. ~ coUftlle• .-. pages which are publish..d at regular intervai.: .. It'll' q><).... Ins k>-r -rai:.. for le&S-42 than. an offic" and a printiijg plant. It's an "ip~gral "Pfrt ~ lb• 1-lneluole .-..-_ f th 't · f ts · --'·-. I A'.lpl'I". kma-. 11\Jtte. C011tra o e comm um y -a mirror o eve11 . an · m • .,.. ~ent or Coota. D<f Nori... m J>orodo ,__ civic betterment. a voiee of·the,people. Truly it '1ights the no, rmperlb. """"' Kltop, LU..... way of freedom" -your 'fre..dom. ~ .ltnpze., --· ..,._,no. NEWPORT BEAOi GEts B. A. Af'IER 43 .. YfAR QUEST FOR COUffi ·DEE . ' • > ' A 43-~!" quf'st for s BaeheJ_,r of A-yta college degrtii! waw com- PIE'ted at Ot;e t.fnlver.rity Of SouO'lern C&ilfOTni& Monday by ci.~hef' 8. Williama, 81 -ycar-oJrl ~tired n&\"al rto~f'Ve captain. N~rt ••ch ~f' 9larted h l'I stu111e!! at the Untv•ntty ot M lnnf'IK>Ca lrf Jll08, bol rat". Qut ot money "r.d had to quit school b<-fo~ finishing hJ.s ~hm•n yr&t. · Not untt\ he wtl.'I di8charge<i ... ------------- trom the Navy In J946 aftrr W orld War II, did Williams find tjmt" to go back to college. Tb('n he en- tolled in the SC School ot lnter- Jlie navipt.HI a t)yiing boat ov_er Watling's izland in tl\e -C•rib~&l"I whe~ Columbus landed. •aUonal Relationi;a under the GI r~·"'tf'tf ~at :Bill o f Rlghtz. and fl nlzhed ·the Inventor of cqWpment to com- iequiremrnta for the baeheJor o( pen1ate airplane compuMI, WH- art.!I degree. • ltame' adjUJ1ted theee in19trumenta • Going to school is 80 n1uch a for 'noted pflot.'I In Los Anpln part or his lif<' no\\' that \11ltt1tS'ms In ·the ·3~ and laid out navip- is staying on af SC to lifl2'l a Ol(l8-t ion courSC"s !or Bendix !'Al.Ce. w1r\- l er of Arts dt>grt"e in lnll'mll-tidll.-nera. . . 1 •1 r elatlona. G~ b . ~Qng -"·'-~qpt.9 · ..wue~rt (Ul compl'tluon;-*e ms•t"urne 'Ou G-Oebe1, the. 1'11f '~~na !'.a't"-J".1, lor the Trojan debatr-~uad.. . . Harty. Rfchm-.n and·. Otdc. · M'errlll. VM'if.d C'aN"f'P ,Paul Mantz. Jl"ll Eakt"r. La.ura Jn. In the '3s yl'ars hr \.,.·as tr)'i.ng g&tls; . RO!K'IX' Tumer; Jacqu~nm• to go back to c::oll("g"e. \Vlllla.11n11• CC\(-bra.n. hnJ\"• Ha&eltp, Doux ·as a newspaperman.' Ja.Wy.er,· ·D!f.~S._ and · H,rokl ,Bromle~. a t>rial naviga'tur. tf'acht·r. i.nsur-~bartM he n;iade-tor· Mtu Earhart a nc(' man. real el!tate Milto.Snian.-M e tn 1.ht• srn;tl,sontan· Lnstl(t,t-. ~hi<'( mate in ttw-n1cl'('ba.~t ·ma-lion .in \Va~h.in ~on, D . C. t;inf". anll a naval officer 10 boCh 111 19'40.-\VilHams ~ '\'tlll~ recal}f'd worlrt wa-rs. Just bf-fort' Worl<t by l~e ·Na·vy to f\eAd · \ht!' navilP- War I ht" "'as graJuatt>d from· a tion dt>J)arl1nt>nt at th" naV&J re- lllw sch ool in Minncal)Qlls, was ad-ft'rve'a 8<.'hool for "midaftipmen at Dlittt>d to t he bar and pra'Cticrd N ortHWestt•m U nlvei'sit y. Then.t\e thrt>e years in CPntt•r City. ~{inn.· wa:oi a.. convoy commander In t1'e ; A naval resl'rvi~t. ht• \VRe cal!ed" Pacific. ilnd flnalfy waiford'c:rtd'to Lo duty in \Vorlrl War I and eon-c."Omn1and the Navy's larg:rat noat- YQYed the flrgt An1eri<'&n t roo?-" ing drydock. {\, France. Hr \\'t'nt ·.in.to' tt\r mer· H e t"till can'{ get away from the rJia,n t m ar1n~ In 1919 as chief seal. He and hiB" wife li'le on t he 111•te, a nd hi!-! freighter touc-ht'd at 'oct'an front ar ~1.04' Senho~ Kuelva, Spain. th• port f~ QriVf'. \fhich Colunlbus sallt•d. Years later. \\.1l han1s pil·kN \Ip Columbus' trail l'l,lli'lln. This t1ml' • Opportunity ls tnocldhg ld CLASSil!'ll!:D ADS ~reed. Na-,.. <>n.1'p. Ptumu. Ktvetslde, h:n 8f'nurrdtno-. 8u Diep, Saft Ji'lluM:llRo· city .. d counC)I. !linl -· _,. etal'O. aanr. en.s. 91>-81erro. 11<>- lano-, Sbil-. -· 'Prl1U.,,, TulWE', Hd-~M. E4fl\(ttftl cOUtttfto...-eh<Wr h1f}\f'r tax ~ tor t'h.hl yea-r ct\mpet"eq with Wit yew. l'IM!y iMIUde: C al- &Vf"He, ColU., 01\t.M, R\lmbolcft, Inyo< ~l<!. -· -· Hono, N'evada, PJlaffr. l'Ml Bentte. .Saft I ~ ... ~ Tf'JUlft\1t, Ven- (Ul'O, Yolo -Tulle. '"Pbblk! o~tm. M\d lntf'n'•tf'tt cltiRd.f'y, C.. p~ and' cMc Jl1'0U~ di nttd I'<> -k tortllor alt OW-flme 11 fllJtH _... to bf. ron- !l'llll..,.'' °"' .,..,.,,.,...... a.ocla- tloft ...... -. ''Tllo ~ .,... t'.ak~ fteM'f rrom °"' Sf Calttomla rountlelr wt\e.re Pf'OPe-l't'y r.ax nitn went dOllPn Ollll Yfft. 1'1\oy prowd I It can be dOft~tmc rate• t'an come dbwft." CMc L..•gw H.ars. Commwiity NHds Com111un:!t'y P11<1et .. ' flrwt. per. forma90e'. Goodbye My Fancy. wlll be 1poneored on at leaat Ofte ev.,tnc. It 1''U decided recl!'ntly by membera ot n'te W0Jnt!ft'1 Civtc leal'\Je. when the 0 llll'&.'tBli0n wu 1 • ~~in7 !t• o~'S::.:· I e~~ u ~ · :. 1 t\J'O&der community weU'are pro- gram. Ottwlr matter• up 'tor d\acuulon u.·eroe need of expaj;ded 1teJ\ooJ ta. clllCleL nv. #as two"-"t oue i9' a talk· by Horace Ena.Ip. 111)er- U.Cendent of ett\ools. \\the~ he stated af'Udtrd( en:rolh1'ewt hh lft'- cre.aRd 128 percent In a alx year I petlod'. fte gave 11. romprehe narve re}JOrt OW l1'e 9ftllatlon. I l!'.n,lcn aleo ~tate<t that AChool mone1 ahou1d' noc be u1'ed' tmy IOftpl" tor the Mtn\mer recreaot Ion ,rocran1 and that the entire com- rtu11'tfy Ml!CMJ!Cf h~tp phln tot' tr. He e:11preued hope lhe.t Ut over all coordinator of recreation be a ppolbl'ed to eerve Ou~ efttlre ctty., CO..mcllm&l'l DaJe Ramsey ataled that tbe new parks &n~ recreation com.Mlu\on expected to •t asRfe Sl~ for 1ummer recreation• This ii! leea than half the coat of the p?OFam. l'fe o:too -ed puf. tlftl' a 10' cent puk tax on the next c1ty ballot. ftle would main- taift' parks bU:t llfOUJd' M< pro91de: beautJllicatfd a.JM'. u P' k e e p of beacM& He hoped' ciVI<! clul'.M would uftlllertake a patt of tt\e J7l'Ol1'~ and ltNlted aiJ IJ\tere1ted per80ft• to attend" meetln•• of the commltllfOft.. he.kt on tbe 9ff0ftd \Vedn.-y of tlie montll at 7 :30 p. m . 1.ft Ute ctty halt. fte meJl\ben· IBd' pe1C1 of tft4 Newport lhr""" bic"""se cJo4l we.re entertabled at todrly'e meet- ing by • _..,. of Ole - tum • .,.__,,, ..... -~· 111111 mO)'le -· tli. hltlMPU ot UM atlCcadUl Jwct 9' 7 ELA of tM Loe An.,.ie. -. ptbtuotolla{ foot---At --I<'• -... ot tlle clbb Die ~ of • -,__ c1a1 po0ey ... .,... 9Ced.. romt· .. .,. -----,~a­" llt ..,.,_., fop ........ mMI ct ,,_ .,_._ Otto6tr · 1, ... ~-..-. e 1 •i:Hd to pay ~ dae ........... t. foJt-Mei lltooe< -· ...---........... -~ ... --... ' The thud "of the paper on fJre front pwdt, totMd there by the bright eyed I.cl on the bie, ~ ;ts derivery by mail , starts ~opfe re.ding for the facts of life al ewer town. &«think of a fh.t way? ~·s the f7eat Ameri- un ......wt, ftlis N9«' reac:hi;t9 for fhe truth, fhil ,....,.,. to btow what's going on , nery- wh11• and wiftiwt the tlightest delay at all ff'i •good habit, too, for .here is the foun- dation ~ the freedoms we cherish so deeply.· 1 , In lnowincJ , wh.t' s qoing on Ms our upadty I for the maf6n9 of choices, which is the Vef'f eMIHU of ow incfMdwf liberty. • ff ts af this pMt fhet our favorite ne~ fNper b"4HMt t0 importaM to ow way of 5fe! For in its pa9ft •• presented fJJe> bieido- scopic ~h.nges oc:cwring const~ly-the truth of ,whaf'.s 9oincJ on in ft,. world-the facts fr°'J' wficJ, we, as ~a k, .determine . lor ·ourwh-ff how we d vote, whom we will patronize, whaf we wirf fhink, and wha.f we wiff do. • " > ' I .. .. . . wlilllelt we-ltve,. .,.,. '"'•etlaic the week of Oetefler Jst to Stir p Fl leo .tA ;a•I n en ;,, yom favodte ISl!W&fCPCr, -1&-.He YOEll ..w ftalkn. te •ak..,e •II &la• fer •llkd1•1•tt tld-.1••.,.,..,r •ne 1• ' • ~ata .. IP'l•.1tllllMK--dier' W .4Mtrlel9 l'ft~ 5 :. ' I 1 • ' ' I ' I .. il .. •• . . -,, I ' Ill-.......... aftt .. .... • .... ... ...... a.c: • ...... ,, 7 • ., .... -· cs ..... &cut ,..,• n 1 a ., ...... -., ......... ...... SS • t ~sMJl1' r. Jlaioe.. s;.. ;aata? 5 • ..._ Im wm fta '' I •a 'p al ._ .._. ......... Wi .. ~ ........... .. ••8'6!r Of u.t ..,._ & J·•r• -6 ... ••-. • aea t nt Ill~_... -,..t .... -nl ll'llt ~ Al~ Do .., ~ .. -pit ----~N ... pw~wM&llia•......... . • . (I-Plsoto) .. • ..... ,.. ....... _ _.,_ ___ __ eeJd I ........... , .. -.. 11111, (I .... , • • 1111 aMM& m.yt. " • I • • ' • • r • --• State President PTA LookAhud to' Fall Wort · A JJ,.--es Dist • .... ODe OI A Mill .... -wtll ADwrn • afalA • u.. '"'•"•aMJ> _.., of tb:e cmtonila· Omcfta of Pu-Pf A Meet• e.nts and Teachera ror 191.J-ll. , , , ,IM 'lflls wu 1m1ouac:.cl at the - II ~ day 1t1 .. tillg-ot U.. Doud' oC '"Chlldnon"atW come flrst. tb:.&t'• Ma11agen ln' San Fr-anct.co. ICn. -,my We are here.'' aa.ld Mrs. EA-. Edwarct-T. Wa.lkar or Los ... A.ft9e"*' WUd T .Walker. prealdent of the presi.ded over the eea1lon.s. Qof• Calromia Congress of Puent.a At et"llOi WarTen proclaJmed tht Teachen at the 4UI' dlatrtct meet-week or October 7-14 as P . 'r. A. tng which wu held Thursday In membtirshlp enrollment week. A.nahetm park. Shift Ulen poilltd Durin~ the entrre month tlllt oet that through tbe es~rlencw M:U-ly 2700 local PTA'• wUI lie 'W'r hav~' u a groll'p fparent-. mm.lling a concerted effort to •· teachers. and chl.ldrwtl we. rind li."t tJM support or at 1eUI ~ taa needs or our clikSren. numon dads. mothers and le!M$-- They are the gulMinc prlct,lee en in ~e interest or th~ two to ~ u a ladder k> cHa·ltt (() Wlillie.n tiiovs and girl• ot C"'1'.- hlgrler idcall. The purpNe Of the Ria. "Only when we ha~ U. c•nfert'nce, to help fnd thi& an-com.binet1 strength or parent.a a8d l!Wtra ... P oople who know nothing te::ichers can we do an adeqUl&e about the aehoola ftlten criti.slze I job of JMeUnC lhtf affd.I ol otll' llem, but the PT A mu.st be lhe boys nn<I gtrla ln their ho~ iriterpreting grotap." loin. Walker school and community" coma•Dt· eJ:plained. . ed. Mrs. Leslie Wil90n, member- After • mart ba:smcs aesston ab.Ip ~lml&D- wtt.Jt. M'nt. Chtttde Crolby, presf-The Catlfo·rnia Toutb· Ct>mmittee dl!ftt of the .+Ut dbrtrtet PT A, pre· was requested to lnatttute a stlMC.Y aiding, Llntoe 't. stlnaom. coUl'I'-of the <!en.t.41 health ne~• of Cali~ ty mpt!rinte1Kftft4 of sehoolia. pve fon'-'a clllldnn a.ad youth. Thb a br~f talk ift·"W~ .. u,,....00 .tudy wu dfem.ec.I ~sury be- refn?t tMt U. cloeMe waioRs ia eaue ot reeent 11t1rvey511 by dls- .ac-.ooi. ue ueo.ee,ry, 1rirt pchtted trict chalrmen lhroug-hout the out that tJtero a:re -.etter Iha& St.t.11 ud from mtatl.IUca gleaned nv~·ro~ ciMllroo.,3. rrwn th• Midaammer W h l t • N~ Trsfll• law l:lotMe Cortference on chUdren and Slumtorm Mio ex,..twd UMt new yenlb Md the Governor's Cm- tra(tiir: . law eon~Ptti.r.£' scltool ferenee. bi.&&. When tlile bus hu Hopped "Mt. partlNlar problems rcroM· to Joa<f or <11$Charg"e Children anJ n.MAd('tl fnr Htatfy att I. lhe rc&a- tJ:le red light Is rla.sh.lng. aJl Vl'hl-t1on of dental heallh to nutrition. Cle!! must corwe t o a cOR1piete stop %. the beneficial and harmful ••- and must not· procet.'d until the red pect:o: of school lunche11. 3 . lhe Jight 1~ off. reLati.onship or hnproved orthe- Mnt. Fl1dgf', stat<' ho~ltaltty I donti.a. to menta l health and cb.alrman, outllned , brieny the du-perso•a.lity adjuMtn1ent anti -4. lAf> Ueii. o r the hoaplt.ality, courtesy n uorldation of water !f-S o.n oa- nnd clus · representative chair-1 swer to the problen' of denlaJ m~n. ca.rin. The recommendation wu AJter a pot luck luncheon there j pr<'Siented by Mr~. Waldron H:yatt., were confeTenees for ~arlous Sa1noa, chairma.n ot the healta chairmf'n. Mrs. Wnlk<'r had charge> I stn~y con1mittee. ot the unit president's c-onferencf'. I SL~lcen scholarships fo~ $.60.00 Those attending the 4.th district each were allocated nt this board meeting tram Newport Harbor n1eeting for inservlee trafft-i1tC at Hig-h. School Pan-nt-Teacher As-I Lo.ii Angele• Colla1e Ln tM fMtl1J !IOC'iation were: Mm ea. Roy Roush, , of i;peci.al ir:ducation for the 1962 ~nt ; Paul Huffman, 1-. H. I spring M!mesler. Mn.. EUC'f'M &rgeron . Harry Hilliard, ~"<' Baker or Norwalk reporte(l that ~ewart . Harold Knipp. A. L . Hay-Ln the five year period from 1945 W1lrd, Byron Fcnl.•y and Thomas to 1950 n total or 117~.000 luu B. Frost. been allocated ror teacher educa- Members present rrom Newport tion schOlarshlpa. Theae acholar- Beach (')ementary Mhool PT_.\ &hips carry a commitment ol OM wer(' MmM. P . F . Bain('8, J ohn year's tea.china-service in the Shields, C. E, McNeil, Harvey publ!c elen1entary schools of Call- Pease, Maris N€'wland antl Louis rorn1a and to date a total of 150 Csenar~ rears o( servic-e has bttn reallud. Self-Realization Adult Classes Aim of OCC Class at High School Arc you interest('d in <.1evelop1n.r Begin Nexf Week the poise and dc>n1eanor whlch wi ll . prepar:e you to realize your full II Several evening Adult t'ducation potential as a perron who con-classes are schedu1f:d to bccin at tributt'!I to h im~lf. t o his as.soci-Ne ort Harbor Rip School neJCt ates, and to soc1Pty 1 Sounds like ~ Dall' Carnt'gie "st.urr" -as a mat-wee · . 1 1 . t · ( ( . . o mmerc1a e &ISf'S 1.n ypuis, ter o act. 1t ls In the same ~em. shorthand and bookktt ln , will On Tueada.y and Tht.lrsday n1les, p r: Vernon Potterson, chairman of staN. nex.t Monday "•e:nme-11'1 lh! The Division of Languages and comm('rC1al ~· Mr. Lcoaerd Literature or Orangr C08.5t col-Thbmp~~ \.\'ill be thr lrultruc\or, Jege l~ orfcrlng a. t\.\'o·untt course and hC' will handle both N111rtn11tg wh.ich. Ul "ntit~d Public S~aking classes, and brush up coursei for but 13 slrtMing Sf"if·rf"alization. a~vanc-etl studt-nls. The cl&Me• Th.ls class meets in the Costa \\'111 mct-t from 7 to 9 p. n1 . ~fon- 7 :30 _ 9 :00 p. m . lf you a rc look· Jays and \Vednesdays. Ing for a class that will mak(' a Woodshop wtll be taugf!t .,y Mesa Community t·hurch fronl Jchn ~1«Gowan who has suCCf'S8- r••nl contribution to you as 8 P"I·-fully dircctcJ the c-18.S..'t for M'VPral eon your search is over. Regi~tra· y~ar~ .. All typ€'S of wood worl: lion may be accomplished at the~ \\'~II be 1nclud('d ln this cla.s~ whh::h Ev('nlng cnllegr offiC(' or at the 1,.\•111 ~e held Mondays and ThUt9- cla.'ls. days in the shop trom 6 :30 to 9 :30. __ _ _ _ I Lane(' 1.'fc[)onald la a&a.io givin& Consult situation wanted ads or an interesting coUrae ln Ceranllta. place a clBMifled in the News-This claa" Is held In Room 181 Times, Post and Pre!JR combina-fr om 9 lo 12, Wedn<"aday n1orn- tion at $2 per week, mln. Phont ings. &ginners are w"lcomC'. Harbor 1616. Rugmaking \vtll bf' taul'h.l by -Opportunity l.!1 knocking ln CLASSIFIED ADS. ~1frs. Blak('ly In the Homl·mcli<ing ' bungalo'v on TburMlay forming& from 9 a. m. to 12. Thls will be a continuation or thll ru11nak.lnC class whiC'h y.•as such a succeu last 9t>ason.- Band and Orche•tra work wilt be directf'd by Clint Sawin, fuea- day evc-nini;:;s in the Band Room. All musiciaru: are Invited to a ttend this group in~truction. A sewinl" class wlU tM> held ThurMay tram 8 :30 to 9:30 p. m. , l~ith Mrs.. Jim M.UWr L'i t.-a c-h('r. • • ' • • TRIPLE-SIZE BAMI EDIFICE UNDERWAY . • • - cw ..... u.., ........ t bread>, Md will .... ~·!1*D tor t\lt"1'e n,sr nltiq .... ~ continued pow\11 or ---w.ll:J ...,.i ... k-cordllls to l!Ol&nd , >.: wri.,.i. ., • .,, ot tbe br&AclL.-rJJ • '•IWllC ..W bl.w a 90-fclot front- ... oa Via Udo, IDdUl!!nl' a llofe- ,_ -will be i-d llllW _ .. lllture -. •• ~ pmnl8e -' ..,.. """' -t.or • ppeae!or\ la necdeC. Tile build· :nodun new -lnl' •lnlo~ •' iq'• dopU. will bo UO ftt;l-Di- .be -...,.., ol Via U<lo toc\IJ at ll>e r<ar llllll be a ...,_ lJld N--BoufOHrcl, ~h 1MJa pawcl parkJn&' azoa, from -" tM aew -of N"!P'rl -b -........ wllf bl.vc, Olrfft -..._ • ., llonk el A-.. -to tl>e bank lo~b7'1.brougb Tk 9eau~ bu.IW:l•s wWil pn-U.. b\e:Jlds.nC'• rMr ~. ·.J -Ulne •-Mio _.., -Coot ol laA4. 1t!Jlld!n1. uut park-~~~~==================: ~I.Ila lot will •xceed 12211,000, -Wifchl ..i.1. H•bor High PTA Board Guesh of Home Ee. Clau · • • ' ' • -' ' • , r The Newport Harbor Union Wah .:"°°' M' A boud waa eo- tuta.J.Md ~Y the i.ozne ecoaomlc& elua oa Jtood&y with a noon l\Jn(l\t<m i.t Ute horMmak:lnJ' cot· ~ Mrs. fta¥1 Owen'• ca. ot rtrbt eir:rve<I the reput., Tt\P regtd.a.r bc>ard mHitns fol-' towed and new chi.lrmtn were ln- ~rodUced by the pre.Pd ht. Mn. Roy ftoiaah. ln l'f"adtnc the cor- ;t'irpondenoe, men1btina Were plru- "1 by a l•U•r r ..... o . W . (Dick) Rk'hard in whlcl\ he comn•endld the P1:A. for tlw!V flno w .. k. and lncludfod a <.'tlftk tor S roo to t.... u.wd tor, wcltan \M'Wk . Tllo public lollby ol bMa.UM \ernZIO will conla1n 1800 eq .. &N Ccel ol a~e. u comp~ with ~ Cte.t bi. lbe p~•n1 branch. Tbtrc wiJI be J.I lcl.ler "1tnOoW•. u compared-wilt: the prtlW!nt nv~. IC:q>analo• ol atber f&cllJ.tLts. ln· cl\JdJ.41' ...re depost.t boxa a.Ad blMlths,. conftrertiff room.a, and elC""° f'ktµUn. an ln proportion. Celflnp will ~ ot acouaucal ma· terl&l wTl.lch will absorb sound ~ provide a plf'&aing qul<"tn~aS. UJhtin1r will be sHmllne ttuorp•· cent. T1le building wtll ~ air con· dltlont'd throughoot. AtCfll'TBC'r8 CONCEPTION s~s f"X tf'rtor Of llf"W Baak of Al1W'rlca bra•t h offlee lt0\\1-un.df'r enptruetion at V1a Udo aad Thr mf!rttberahlp drive will be OcL 1 to " l:t. M 1.'f'Tlta each. All who are lntett:!lf'tf at'f' aaked '° loin. and -y "1fln by atW>dlag lhf' Oet. 9 rf'p.laJ> IDHlial', 7:.30 In the r~UOD. c:oom. Th1I ls"'mt lmJ>C".rtant aeesion and all pa.re~ dli>uld be pre...,._ Date. of. \k .acs.l two Fou.l'tb Oitltrlct PI'A me<!tlnga were ~­ oounced. One la'at Laguna Beath on Oct. l' U.C o\ker on N ov. 14 at N t'~rt HartN>r high scbool. Mr&. EdtJar HW. paat prt'~f'ftt, was pn>sented the pa11l prr~idcn\'a pin by Mrs:. Roush. The Wa)'!' and meartM commit- tee announcNi that t'lielr money ntakln1~wooldboa.­ •fmllar lo tbat of 1.8.!lt yrar. Da Wll b&v~ be.a Sf't for Marf h 13, 1-i.. and 15. ' • Gas Appliance Stove Roundup With lbe theme ''lt'a_Round-i-p Ttmf> Again" Orange County area &8.8 ' appllanir:e., dee.Jets Launched locally t>vt 195'1 edition or tht an- nual na.trOnwkie pa lndwilfy -.Ms Campaign, the "Old Stove Round- U'p," at a dl.Jlncr meetll\j' lBllt Fri- day st ~ Oreenbrler aeataura.nt In Carden Grove. Leadtnf otf the dealcnf tntre- ductWn lo tbe gig&11.tle Ales c.a.m· paten. slated t o nm in thla area trom Octobl>r 1 throu1b Novem· her. 1~. wa..11 R. T .. Denton. Oran~ b>UAtJ Diyblon Sales Supervbtrir sOuthf'rn Counties Ca~ Com pany who stttUf'd thf"' ne"d (pr an atl- out salfos effort at lh1.!1 timl'. Gor- don C. Boyle al O'Keele A Mer - ritt gave lhe local appliance deal- ers and the-tr salesmen a.n up-to- _µ...111~ .... ,.. ol C\trftAl supply condltlo~ Crom th(' man•- raeturenf 11tandpolnt. Summing up the m('ctlng. aad accentuating the Importance .or complete support ot this ytar's "RounO·Up" WU Burt Larson. su- pervtaor reAidenllal sal<'~ 11tatf, Southern Counties Oaa Co. Whisnant Wins Honor at Fair Re<:op.ltlon came to Newport at Loe Angele.a county fair thl.s week when w1nnt'r8 wf're aa- Qbunced in the varloWl mibdivt-non. ot the: 6000 cont('.&t.8 featur- ing tl\ll year's program. Among tJloH w9'o received honort1 for their ~ntrles Wu Ronnie \Vh&.- nant wt.o pplaced RE'Cond with cot- ton bonty, f'Xtraetro. ' Satlr ""' P11s '!:· 1 .. FOACY, ~ lwtra fi .. flo¥or. 6raPehlf Jttce.r= ~=·· 23• SweetOr..riotuotqf. ll8-o2.con, llcl .ftnlito Juice ~ ~;: .. 2 .. ~ tostino! 118-ot. cOf'I, I lei -tlrway Coffee ~~ '.!· 77• Grmdtoorde-r. ~l·lb. bog, 2.251 . · M .liilt·Ceffee ~ .. · t!· 7,. ··--b&o. 12.'lb. t.oo. 1.5'7' Wine ... '!, "...; 53c .':!;. 1.2' PQf't, MuscoteJ ~ S>ltrry. Wi.rw. it a1o10Uoble ~r in lie......, Safew0'(1. Toxts ore odcftt"""°l AMERICA'S GHATIST MAGAZINE VALUE ! FAMILY .alf(LE 1'9.1 7~0<tobot issue, now on tole. ANO THE JllllCE IS ONLY Mrs. W.Ws•1 .. Vecbd-. ,,_ I l1r:•1 .. Mn. Wrtihf"s. tNced. 1 1m-:: ..... ~ ' CHECK THESE SPltlM VAlUE$ ! LOIN ROAST cl:n 55c Bill Elld or I.Om F.nd Romta cmd a,. Cat r-, J.:ola ot Emtem Grain Fed Por~ Priced 'war Lowl lb. CHOpsor PORK . aO&ST 8~ .. 5·. Cl Cealor Cut Loin 111. ' PORK POik SAUSAGE 1-IL 49• roll P.. -r.. ~ -....s -PQdted ill Vlaldnq ro!L PORK ROAST .~:crew.& lb.39° Sliocllder,J11,Enl1 • • h lod pmk. (lull -. llo. '9cl SPIRElllS . . . . '· Bz!ect I · la Jorie 31oS.lb.A•el09,9 .·,~.39" • i:.a. r.N••ae ""'Perl.. I.Im HtlM In Sulk. •• St' •. 29" MUnr Fine W ith Bamn Pm llllrls .!:. •. 37• ...... Sii• ~Ol~E •. a2c 1•11 s.,.es w~ •· 29" c...., 1.. "sr~ •. ss· 111 heat _.., pac:katft. Grode A. .... _an Sho,.tder chuck. U.S. CHOICE. Blade cul. (A rm cvt. lb. 73c) .. aec BOILING Bit• Plate meat from · ~ U.S. CHOICE httl. Speciolly p<i«d. .. 29° , .... "' Qt , .... ay .. r&ICI llO'f Jll, aATIN n ... .-31c) l·IL -,,_ ... 83• ijmlllde Or•11.luke ·170 Green Pus Concen. rroted Conct n·. troted Firw Flawr faft<y, Sliced '.-:· 11• '.:-18c ·:: nc -,.11 · • Straftenies '--.. """'"'Win 20 GOLD 12-. ]le .... MEDALS - .. lei l.l11a. Cts&IJ hlr " I Tbog--.-ntf .. q•ality .,;1k- ..,.. a l LA. Ceonty Fai<! T• be..,.., of "geld medal" qulity milk. i.., l.oct11e! ' Uin de Kamp~ 1 Oth<'r cl&Mes will be forn1ed ia th(' near future d~ng upon the request.a of the community. All instruction Is free, an:d regUt. tratlon may be made when tint o.ttf'ndlng th(' clas.'4ea. Further bl· I Cormalion rt•gardlng the evenl•& cln53cs n1ay be obtained by pbon- ing &-aeon 5323. HiPJIJ'bt.Lng t he fair ffeheduk' u the aanual exposition moved into Ile eecond week Is the gl- patic txtravagan..sa of mwilt. coraedy and drama, "Cavalca?c of Stan ot '51 ." which is a.h'llillwing ft4&11Uy ln the grandstand. "'-At- tendance-ftgures for lht nnt W'ttk lnc:Hcate then! will be a recont- brealdng crowd or more than 1,· 250.000 vl.ctlton before lhf' ro.lr clOllt's lU ptP9 SuMay. LIQIR lllSll mK :. . = 21 c ::;. 42c '.' 6/1~ ·~. 27, 28, 29 Palm LeafWI COIPlf CAKE 23• ... i-.,.. _) 2-layw ChD .... e HUN CA1<1 age ... . .. fl.IS oaJ 4Sc .. u.~ .. ~~.~pS ~ ClOftA """ I* N"'l!GR ..... COllONA DKL 111.t.a --~~ --cJ.asslfled ads are reed by follta I who are looking to buy. L. A. T.imes Writer to Speak Oct. 3 at OCC ·forum on · "free Press" Orange . Coaat Evenlnl' collel'e ... ------------- launchea ill: 3rd ~annual ,leJiea of tal lo ~ everyday need.I of t.be fall forum. lecturea by ptt&e:nUns lndlvtdual. ''lt la dltneult tor • on October 3 Robert E. G. Har-to Jel'ftln," ..,_. Mr. B:u-. ria, dllotlngulahed Loe AnPJN ''Ula Import ot 10<tJ ... Qde.1 K• Tim.. and Dally Neww editorial thtllee .. tba ,. • .,.,... we reed, -··· and _.,,.,.... • Ille the -plmJre --· ... Gl'aduate School ot 3ownall8m at radio we llatea to, or onn tba Oillven!ty ot calltomla al Loe t-•lkflPI thO wa --allOut u. AArelea. H&rria' topic lo "Wbat • 3oot i.o.r Important -- Ill tho practical tlmctlon oC the azo 1n Ilda ''Qua and OAdp\'° froe pruo hi a clwl(lq -'<I?" .,. Will lie tlJe Jol>.of t¥ _.. Thia opmlq lecllll'O lo Uae !Int ... la Ulla ........ 'Ibey wftl at- lrl a -ot ''!"" -llWlt ~ te p111ce -.,._ f/I on the the.me -comm s' tU 11 • ~ z e ',,Uon tn tbe:lr proper ne variQQ9 ,.,.,., s 1 • ., ,.i?pbCesL ................... '* ..... .-. Tllo h 11 .. will tU. p-• l ll1ylaiol0, -... -• er, •• --... p.m. ..... ..,, <• ..... 10 &treed lbw .... Wa '? I •.,•11• ... ' 1 ....... S'I &•a.-. 1Mr':ia:~rr ··--~--·-­----.----. ...~ TM<k ~T•Mb. . . .. z- ' "' ... -... -. ........ COflc:IH· II•· doz -~­~ ......... -..... ~ • • W..wlll.lla R ii·-~· •aotllda CCJlll~ -... • t•. sic p=J c 0 1cwuwe Weta• Ibo~ eoa,,.. out ~\111 .. 1nso.t.auc1 .....,16- tlLrt Ilda -at loctmaa Ill °"' ... Clot. :tf, Tllore u no ...._ l~-- of" ~L JI II " II ,..._ -,. OfiBoa. ' ' J . ' • -· -- • • • • ' . -. !'"AGE 4 -PART 11 ~THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1951 . -~~-~~RESS Al • !;!SUMMER CLEARANCE! 21°/o Off I . ~ I , • t. Friday • Saturday Only -All Sales Final ' ' • :Top Cotton Skirts -Coordinates Brand Swim Suits-Blouses-Tee JO -LEE SPORT SHOP Shirts 1855 Newport Av;. OOSTA MESA C. M. Boy Weds Santa Ana · Girl • Husbands Can JQin Guys and Gadgets • Eb<ll Garden -Uoo held Ito first m .. tlng Wedn.-Y e.t the Trtnlty Lutheran church, Banta club house wtt.b Mr.' Blanding of An.a wu aetUng tor the marriap Blanding'• nunuy, Santa Ana. of M1a Nancy Eliaabelb Hagan. •peaking on tall gardening. p&rtl- dauchter of Mr. 11.M M .n . Qeorse 1 1 cularly ot bulb pl&nUng. A ques- L. Hagen of t2•t Birch St .• and lion and amwer period followed. 1$f=========--=--=_._,..,.""'""'""'""'"""'"_._._._.. Wllliam P"redt!rlck Ka"1feld. .Jr., Men are a1m garden enthuaJ-900 of Mr. and Mr•. William Jr. MU. and Orange counllan.I a.re to Kauffeld of 121 Cecl1 Pl., Coeta have their own club. Orp.nlsed by Me-. Rev. W. L .Duet'!' wu t.be Gordon Baker Uoyd, writer and ortlclating clergym"an. lbe club la caJled, will hold It. • I - ;: N1111NAL SwEATEft WEEK , I" I ' 51P11M1a 24•29 • "I.DOii 8ETT£11 IN A llWEATEll" ' . ·we Carry CATALINA -HELEN HARPER , .... ELLSON -DON MOOR Flrf PAJRICI( EWPOR DEPARTMEN'r STORE %2nd and OCE.o\N l-~01''T NEWPORT BEA.Cit Phone Harbor 1 M E.corted by her father down lecturer, the Guya and GMigeta. u the white co'vered alale, the bride rtrst rileetlng In Oc:tober. A sim- wore ll gown of white nylon net Iler club hU proven very popular and Venetian lace, atyled with a In Loe AngeleL Any men tntereat- bodice and peplum of lace In an cd may call Blandin• for informa- ort .... houldf>r effect. Her flngcrtlp 'tlon. veil of Illusion waa caught lo a crown of lace and a.he wore a strand of pearl.a, a gtfl from the bridegroom. Her bouquet WU Of white carnations and st cphanolla. A pink taffE'ta gown with off· shouldrr n<-c k1fne wu wo rn by Mi.&11 Dorothy Wood, maid of hon· or. Her bouquet waa of pink glad· loll. Mrs. James Kovatch. sister of the br~de, wore o:ue t.affrt& in a slmllar style and car-rled a bou· qut>t. or pink gladioli. tmmt"d1atrly following the r l'· ceptlon. which wu held In the 'Slept With Skunk' Charges Traveler ._ _________________________ _. church hllll, the couple left for a M_r11 . H . C. Loun11bury of Costa Mesa 11lept with a akunk the ot.OCr niJthl. At le-a•t tbat's wh.at he r hu11band and hrr daughter. Nell ~furbarger, 11ald. In explanation. thr three Wf'f'f' camping out at Window Rock, Flag11t.aff. A light aleeper, Nell swore she uw a 1kunk come out from her mother's 1lttpln1[ bag. but if 80. he marle hl1 gt'taway. CIC'm verified the story. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 HI PS reduced .. . • • • ... ... ... .... ... .... 1 ... , '>. . . -••• ~ -. ( ' • • 1n size An Amazing New Way In Your Own Home Marie "Tho Sody' McDonald •110 DllTI • 110-WlleHT•LOll .110 v11aa11011 •110 HIAT N•WI •If you want & prettier llgure-do u ' man..)' famous movie 1tar1 do. MARii McDONALD "The Body" say1: "No wonder your !Waxacizor ha1 taken Hollywood by 1torm-lt'1 the eaaleat way I know of to get and keep & prettier llrure." "" an.uAc1zoa .actually tighten• In ex· . ceoa inches from hi!>". waist. thighs ~d abdomen (moat para of the body) .•• almoat like MAGIC ! Does It while you reat. No elrort. You RELAX-It RE- DUCES &ize of hip•. waist. thlfh• and tummy ! Many women actually SLEEP- while the Relaxaci.zor trim.a, tone.a and reduceL .. . ~: Reduce Size of Hips, Tummy, Thlglu, ';JYaist, etc., While You Relax-Even Sleep! TIOKTINI, ftlMS ••• really makes these areu tighter, trimmer and, thua often helps you look yea.rs younger! Does NOT cause e.e.gging llke severe diets may. Now-AT LAST-an. easie r, Jll.O?e pleaaa.nt way to firm, tighten and trim these ftguni areaa WH1LE YOU REST AT BOMB! . HAlllD by n.aUonal magazine• like VOOUI. MADIMOtl~ •Ml GLAMOUR. Recommended by fa· mous beauty edlton in Amer- ica'• largelt newspapers. Fea· tured on Network Radio and Televilion. One ot America.'•· most famous ta.sh.Ion maguinu: aay1 : "vi014d.ef'/wl ... vilittle GIOGV UC.II (JlCAefl Vl~fle )f0" re1oJ!u HIALTMRIL-SA.Jl •.. thJa la Ole EASY, quJcker, ICP'FORTLESS way. No d:ruga, no dJet, no heat. no vibraUon. CONVENIENT- u.se at home in apare time! a.- duce aiu thla iltMibt. SAP'lC way. We show you how to ION tnchea AT HOME ... AT NO COST ... NO OBLIGATION .• , NO EMBARRASSMENT! A&& 3 ••••I Limited offerl Telephone today fora . 1: RU beautifully lllu11ta1..i ltooli:i.t. 2. no,...,. °"*1y"" ,i. no 11 wlwlD"' (w""" fS.00), 1- 1 ---.FREE-MAIL TODAY -• - - IW.AxAClZOll. ,,..._ IE D1 Eaet PHtlt. 5'.... Leas.._.., c..ur. I I I ,_ D I ....... l8M no. ..... tfff.taut ~ ,._,. .... ,,. .....auat. I ..._..ta.II dillt ......._ i. -e_..._.. •Wiaal:Ma. D ,,__ ..... FaD Plew.re 9-lt.llit '"' a.a. s.. .. t. ~ SlD._ OF HJPS,. .t'". Ne c-L N. ...,...U... S... .. ........ . " ... '---"------------·-----~~~ 5•••'~----------:__ _ _... _______ _ ---------------' I I I I I -' hont?ymoon 1n lhe San Bfo-rn&.rdlnt> mountaina. They have alnce eatab· lll1hed their home at 457·C We.st· mlnatcr St.. COllla MC'8&. (O IRL. 8()01.T BOARD ~tc1nb<-ra of the Girl Scout board arl' ~rm inded or tht• mf'ct· lng lo bP hrlrl Ti.1cltday, Oct. 2 from 10 lo 12 1n thl' Girl Scout Hou.'4t·. Tht> trio are now In Arizona and will cont inue on to New ~{<"Xico, then go down Into Old ~1exlco. Mt&e Murbargt>r ls collecting ma· lrrlal tor he r m&J{Uine articles or the we111t . Jn Mexico. Mrs. Lounsbury will obtain 11hl"ll.s for lhr shrll work tt.t which she ts so skillful. Shipwrecked Folk Dine and Dance Tonight at BaJboa Bay Club , V.'hilc many a marlnrr ma~------------­ worry about a 111hlp""'Tl'Ck when with 16 ~ursl.Jf ttnd ~f rs. hf''l'l fnr out al !ff'I\, t here'll be no. Sn1ilh or Udo I1dt• with 10 Morr ii-; worrif'S at the Balboa Bay Club's fi rst annual Shlpwrl'<'k party to· n1,1.:"ht ISPpl. 271 whf'n lhe guests a rf' "rC'scurd" {mm peril by Cap· ta1n Kr nnclh K rnd&ll. club prf'sl· d.rnt. with tht' kind of a rlinn,.r 1·a.stlt\\'8.Y8 dr<"ar1 about. And all for $1 .00 ~ All k A-irls of cC»1tu1nf's fron1 fluwf'r('d hdand outfits such BP: caatBM1ay11 rescul'd by natives of tJ:te South Bua woU\d be wearlnK lo 11uch p1ecf'a of whlmay a.s old barrels. undt-rwear, r11h net, tropical leavt•s and a few Qld bur- lap .!Ut<'kll v.;11 br worn to the Shipwreck party which l>f"gtns with the QOCklall hour at 6 o'c lock. A nlong the many hosts at lhe colorful affair will be Harold L. Ayres. of Bay Shorea with 10 guests : S. P , Riley of Newport with 12; Wallace G. Smith or Newport wilh .12, R . L. Allen of Balboa with 8 ; Mra. Ruth S. Jones or Balboa with 10: C. D. CUnnlngham of Coron& del Ma.r Hoste&M"ll inclu<h· M r.i. W C Cory or Newport. Mni. Joseph Thompllon of N('wport. 1'-fr!'I. MAr· ~arl"t M&cDonrlJ of f"orona df'I ltfar. Mr!'!, Alene Baldwin Ehrt·~­ mitn of Nev.•port. ,_11sll Margaret Brown SC'f.I)' of Balboa I sland. and Mltlfl Elsie Niersbach of Co· rona. di>I Mar. Aninng the many ho~lN tn larizt" parl1ca of guesLs wtll be W. Y.'. Malh~Wll. George Harmon, l.A.rry o·G.w.nt. a.nd M. H . Schach.ner of C08t& fl.teA&; the Rev. Paul Moore Whf.'eler or Bay Shores, Marcus G. Carlton, W . B. Tritl, Jr., Coui:t- nt>y Platt. or Newport &nd Sydne)' Locke or Newport; S. G. FrC"ema.n or Balboa.. Also George E. Minney. G<'orgc Holateln 111, J . w. Cammack. Harold H . Harvry, Floyd E . Burll. Ben Redd!~. Wilbur Buck, John Vitallch. Daniel V. Hayes, C. W . Rochs. D. W. Campbell, Robert Allen and James Lllhgow, all or the Harbor area. Gh,ristmas Preriew Plans Occupy ·, OrchiC:I Grower ' WiD Show Film B & P. W. Members TIH!lr .m..t lmporte.nt proJec't. Ille Chriltmu l'NvkW. occupied e.tl"'1t:lon e.t tho rquJar meeth\c of the Bualnao and Pn>l'...ioeal Woment'a Club WtlJdt WU held at White'• Park Avenue C&f'e on Tbunday evenln.s', SepL 20, Doroa th7 8UtheTland reported that the leue had been llgned tor the Renduvoua Ballroom for tl)e nttb annual Preview to ~ he.Id No- vember 30 and December 1. Ma· bcl FtWnorrla reported on the meeUng ahe attended In Laruna Beach on re • dll'lrlbuttng the Southern Dlatrlct. Alter the &hort buslneu meet· lng Arthur Knight of Fullerton spoke on the Penona11tlea of the Palm and f'Xplainl"d the character· tatlca and ltne1 or ha.nda &nd mc-&n· tng. H e alao ~ve a demonstra· tion of the art ot relaxation and iw1f hypnoals. Knight took gradu· ate work on the pensonality or the palm and charectrr ana.ly11ia. had 10 y<>ar1 f'XJM'rie nc<' In profession· al reading in p!'nal institution.a. Durl.ng lhc war he held the rank of Major, work ing with lntellli· gence In the U . ~· Army. ( Championship Play of Bridge Group Mr. and bfrs . ~1urJ,,"lln Hov.'nn1 of Lo!'! Angeif'.!! Wf'1·e winner" In lhe Ora.nji?<' County Oprn Pllifl'I Championsh ip i;t&m(' held Sundlly afll."rnoon and ev('n\ng in Co!llla "1e88. I Bob DiM:hnt>r and Harry Spring· mryer of Santa Anl\ placf'<l st'C· ond. Mrs. Thomu Gill a.nd h-1rs. Margaret HolmC'R of Santa Ana wf're third : fo llowed by J oe Schlt'pcr and Al Ja.C'obs of Long Brach; Ilrtly ,Coomb:'! and D. G. Spellman nf 1.....Jn~ Brarh : ~1r. and Mrs A. W. Tumnl('( of C(lst.a M<'sa. Jn F'r1day rvrn1n~~ came in Bal· boa Mrs . H . P.1 . \.\'all in~ford arid t.lrl'I. Robt>rt Dl~~:hnrr V.'C'rt• v.•in- n1'r!I l.'V.t-V.'Plll nnd fl.1rs . Frt'<l Rfluns,·illc ftnd ~I r!'. Roy Strolz 'w1 •rr h1i;h scor1·rs nnrth·sout9. R11nn•·r~-11p rH.:o;l-wri;-t Wl"r<' ~lrs . .J . ll. Bi~J,:rr anrl t.frs 1'11nna Hor· lf•I. ~Ir~. Robrrt Lu11k And E E . Rruc-1• ~lrM (' f--: lrv.rin anrl M r111 f"~flrJ:I' ('3rro!I : MrM .• ThomaR Krnnt•dy and Mrs. Pi11nn N'uttinJ,!: Mrs. ('arri" Sflunrlt'rs and fl.trs . Cnthcrin"' Sn11th. llunners·Up north-~uth w r r r ~Ir~. E . ·r. t.1 r li1anus and MrR Edna Mac MMtl'rs : Mr:-. ArAol'rt G ii-l. ... 1'r 11nd P.1rs . l'egs:-y Jyhnson ; t.tr!'I .. R M . \\'ilMln and Prrry Ml'I C• Arion; P.lrs Charlr..; Boardman arid A .. w . Tru1nn1l"I ; Mr. and P.1rs. Joe Wilcox. Guests Hosted at Horvath Home Thf' Wf'll'Olllt' rnl't wos sprrad al the homf' of Mr. and Pi1r1:1. Al Hor· VJtlh. 329 Aliso SL. Nrwport Ht-lght.s. when a number or out of town rr1<"nds and relatives 1:njoy- ed lhe H orvaths' hospitality. Sunday vl&itors wer<' ~tr. and M rs. William Bodford or Los An ~l'les. 0th.er h0\18<' gtll'Sl.s includ Mns. PhylJis 1'tac A1lan1s and da.ughtt>rs L inda and .Sh<'ryl of Hollywood a.nrt Mr. and fl.frs. Ron· aid Mathern of Studio C1ly. tC> fuchsia SQCiety no.outt o,-. Wit• ot capt. We.Jlu ~ ot Newpor\ -.it pollce ~f ll.lld e. membel" of c..ta )(-Be.)' Cltlel - of cantomla P'UC!lala ooclecy, will be ~ · wllon the iloc:!ety meeta Thud&)', October 2 at 7 :30 p..m. tn Cotta Kea American Le- gion hall. Wut 18th 1treet. J(ra. Dyaon, well known throughout southe'm C.llfornla and wtnner ot numeroue blue rib-- bona, will &Lio preeent a gorgeous color film from the library of the American OrcJJJd eoclety, which I no one will want to mtu. Gueata are alway11 l.nvtted 19 attend tbe metotlnga and on that evening aomeone will wtn a.n orchid. cor· sage. Membera are reminded that the nomlna.Ung committee LI to pre· sent ita •late of 0 prospectlve offt~ cers. Nomlr?atlona wtll alao be la.k· en from the fioor. EJectlon w1U be Mid at tbe cloee ot the pro· gTam. There will be t door prize, la· ble of plants for sale and re.fresh· menta wtJI be aerved. . Tremendous S Furniture Values S 5 PCE. MAPLE LIVING ROOM SETS BED DIVAN and CHAffi SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS DROP LEAF TABLES • QliALIT\. MA.Tl'RESSES • CARLYLE'S Beacon 8739 -corrotli QUILTED ROBES . -U.·20 1 NOW $6.95 -$7.95 1209 Cout Blvd. Coron& df!I Mar Phone Harbor 1308 • Speeial This Week Only! $2 .00 CREDIT ON. ANY LAWNMOWER With This AD I -. WALSH HARDWARE 18~4 Newport Blvd. COST A MESA Phone Beacon 6603 Not -Just a few pla nts-95°/0 of our stock is on sale An U.nasaal Sale Discounts up to 50°/o Limited NORMAN'S I st Sale in 15 years We are eliminating all trees and many s hrubs from our large stock -Its your • • opportumty t o get trees and plants for your garden at .remarkable savings Discounts up to 50°/o quantities in some varieties-they will go fast Example Tree Roses Reg. 3.95 Now Z.45 Bbugainvilleas ,...,.,,. Reg. 1.25 now 95¢ ·Corona del Mar the gentle laundry bleach \ Y2 GALLON ' I • GAIWON. • .. , I . -•· , I f • • •• .. • • " •I I • . . •\ Sermo·n Theme at St. Andrew's Sunday speaker at St. Andrew 's Presbyterian church, Newport Heights, wtll be the Rev. James Stewart. pastor _of Beverly VI.at.a Community church. His subject will be "Anchors of the Soul." Both morning worship &nd Sun· day school b at 10 a .m . Since the Rev. Thomas Gibson was recalled to active service u a Navy chaplain the congreia- tion has been hf'&ring guest pn:-ache rr. &nd will shortly an- nounce seh.•<·tion of a new pastor. Churches to Unite in Observance of Thanksgiving Harbor churches will reStabllah the custom of holdlng a United lbanka:giving service, accordlnl' to a vote taken when N~rt Harbor Councu of Church.ea held its first fall meeting Tueaday a t Chriat Church by the Sea. The Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt., new prea:ident, preaki~ at hUi flnt session. He Is pa.star of Corona del Mar Community church. Con- gregational. Another combined event "'1U tH> a Reformation Day service to ~ held Sunday, ~tober 28 at New~ port Harbor LCl.hcran church. M '~ Elsie Newland. prcBldent be held as of the United ~bouncll of Church Sunday services will . Women announced that World Newport Beach First Baptist mual 1.n the• Newport First 88.p-· F 11 w 'h. D will be obeiervcrl ti~t churc ~ with a gu~st spcoakcr ~ ;h s r:;at ;~lday or November. b?lh mo1_·n1ng anfl cv<'ntng. ~h urch ~his ~s 8 World-wide observance servicr i.s at 9:45, w~rsh1p ser-and women or local churches will v ces al 11 a m, and 7 .30 p.m. . Mld-werk Sf'rvice ls at 7:30 p.m. pa~~1 ~;:· M. C. Cronic rep<>rted on WrdnC'N<lay. Tuesday. October · 2 y,·ilJ Ix' lh<' Women's Milt8ionary on Prate.s lant Welfare work a.n~ 1nr-t•Llng at t :~O. Therr "A·1 ll bC' re-~e Rev. 11'ti:1°m~n~ell r~!:°~ ports from the Santa Ana Valley on rC' gioua a on c . Associalinn of th<' Women's meet-bf"lng held for fourth and ftfth · h Id · 0 n•e ~es or Newport •rd Coat(' 1ng f' lil ra " . M h I esa sc oo s. Eighteen mcm~r~ were pree- rnt a.nd wrre scrvt>d luncheon by Balboa Circle of Christ Churt:h wscs. NOW IS TUE TI>IE To rent your home or apt.- Ph .. HARBOR 1818 and place your W1µ1t IMI today! STOCKS • BONDS • COMMODITIES UNDERWRITINGS DE AN WITTER le Co. MEM&EIS NEW TOn::: STOCK U:CHANG! Ch icogo loard of Tro9• • • . Son frontiKO Sto<.k b t han;• Loi An99le1 Stock &chan911 LEASED PllVA.Tf WllfS Bank of Laguna ~a(';h Bldg., ~ Bea.di Ph. 4.-llMI San fronci1ca • Lot Ang•leJ • N-w Yo.-k • Seattt. ' 'Redeem the Time' ' . ' Is Sermon Theme , for Adventists · °'RedeemJn&' qi. Tl&ne" ia the toplo of Ille oermon to be proocbed by Holllo L. Andt,_ ot I.be Sn· U1tll-D&y Adwntlat. Cbureh on S&tuM&y, llepL 211, 11 a. di. Tim .. or · pe,.Piextty ..,. iupon UI-• Tlie watt• Of the eea are roaring; men'• heart.I a.re fallln&' them for rea.r and upectaUoo of tboee thinp which are eomlni; upon the earth; but tho.e Who believe on t.J\e Son of God wiJJ hear Ria voice, aayln.-: "It la I: be. not atratd," and they will red...,. the Ume that remaina anCl w1l1 overcome the world which Ues ln wickedneu and apo1t.uy. A apeclal 13th Sabbatll offe ring will be ta.ken to f\lrther the medi- cal and education.a.I work.in Korea. • , I I • • ! . THURSDAY; §PT. 27, lf&J•, ' llE s $ :.il .. -Central Bible Presby. Women · \Lady of Mt.-Oairnel ~AGE s Co~a ~·se · to Hear Speaker 1441 Ba1tiCN Ave. -.. "D&n11 ..... ,.,., ... 1a 111e on Near East ._ •• >' • ' Aitl!U:• putor. tw UM' u L m. 1T'llilL ,,.ClllleD'• ~ ol St. Wed da.78. I .. m. OanlrWm• topic -by --Al~ ' .._,, at .. 10 -ll:JO. -.nee and i •au ff••••s Aadn•'• ~ el11Hdl will llalunlliJ, • to a:ao, T:ao to a:ao. Cltrilt" for the tnnplltllc W• beu-a( condlt.lcimi Ill the N-8qday, before -,,_· a.I- -rice at 7:80 p. m. 1 • - -theT m..,b 9f~. blond, ..._,, 8 and 10. &al:w- 8\DIClq &:Mot ....,,,...._ at ~ I at 1:11 Ji'""'. In the "-Y, I L Jli, cont-. -~ . ltadlo Proaaw P:<Mi a. m. 'trit.h cl1121a tor all clnarcll tounse. Hollter~ will be above. ..,..L At the 8:15 p. m. auuuua lCn. O&Nnce , McCullock, New· Endeavor pro,,.,,, wlD lllcl-port HelJblo; M,...[Tbad Samuela. Daily, ex«pt .Sunday, -.Y hour, KFWB ·1eao1 7:80 p. m. younr folkll from Ille tint ~ Cool& Mo&: and llro. Glen Whlt- th"""h bl&'baoch.ooL • ' lock, Newport *· • Bpeakv will be 1 Oeorp 8cb•r· R II D • t er, ,_tly Ntuljned from Le· a y ay a .......... many ... _, Christ Church ::-"s::::i: ~v~~ °t.! tlono. l1'0I' peace. ' 11-,.. Baty Maa, t:/ie a. m., KLAC (0701 U a. •m. C&tllollc HOW', KFI (MO! 1:40 p. m. KGB'J (710) Hour of SL rranci. Clldlnp 4 otllen. Fl.K8T CHUBCB OF CHBl8T, lKllENTJ8T A bnftc.h of TIM Motll..r O.•rdi. The t-'lr•t Chu rc.. of a..rt1t. Sc'-ntMt. ln Bo.ton. Ma1 .. cJi.u.,.tta_ SIOI Vla Udo, Newport Beac:h I . . ST. JA~ES CHURC.H EPI SC01'AL (AT nu: ll:l\l!l'BJ\NOE 'l'O LIDO ISLE) ,• r J .: SUNDAY SERVICES ~ 8:30 A. M. -9:30 A. M. -11 A. t-,fi. , . CHlJRCH S<E:HOOL -9:30 ).°. M. • THURSD-AYS • HOt.:Y COMMUNION -I 0:00 A. M. • - • I I l I I ' l l i • : • ' • I Mra. ~ulda Crooks, wife of the late Dl'. Samuel Crooks or Loma Unda will be guest speaker at t he MISlrlonary Volunteer mef'tlTIJt on Friday, Stpt. 28, 1='0 p. m .. H i:r topic will be "Futurt'." !!unday will be rally day and promotion l!lundaJ' at c b n • t by the Sea u bo711 and (irll of the church ICbool are promoted to thFlr new claaaea. A abort pro- gram will be (iffn by the Sunda)" school In GoodeU Hall durtng Utet.r morning hour. At the morning worabJp aenice or the church, the new chu.rtt\ "Choo! t('aChent and atatf "'"01 be Install~ ln their varloua offlcee by the pa.stor, Thomaa Roy P endill. The R'llY Day aermon theme will be, .. or Such Are the Ktn.-· dom .•. " Mwi1c by the aanctua.ry choir . will include the a.nlhem: ''Bul1d Th~ More Stately Marui- lon•" by Mark Andrewa, and the cherub choir will sing fo r the tint time lhia fall. Mro. Edgar HU~ pr'Hklult, la maktng an appeal for clean. leJlai. ble.' warm clothlnr for men, wo- men aod children. A.a.a aoft hata. ca.pa. l'WQ.tl\era a.nd b1&nlc:eta ln Sood condJUon. The clothing ta needed de.perately by the peop!e of Korea. and Mould be brought or KOt to \.t.e church, ao It 4:':an be .ent off lmmcdlalely by the F'dlowohlp. Sund•y Sclu:.ool ·-······"·······-··-· 9:1S a .m . Sund.my Servke .•. -· .... 11 :00 •. m . Wed-.O.y Ev•nlna..meetlns 1:00 p . m. R'.e.dina Room ICIC.9ted at 111 P•lm Strer.t.--silba., 1-open dilly frorn 1 Z noon to S p . ni. e•ceRl Sundey• •nd 1lolid1y1 n•tlonmolly ab~rved. ~==.============~-~======.===================='.::==~! High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 161.6 : Local Lutherans Attending Institute A Church School Teachcr'l5 TraJnlng In1tltute wlll be held on Monday evenmga al 7 :30 from Sept. 24th to Oct. 22nd at St. Peler'!I Lutht'ran church tn Santa Ana.. The Institute is being apon· "<>red by the Board of Lutheran Mesa Methodist Parish Education for Orange County. Teachers and their families who ThC' purpose of the Institute will 11.re new lo Coata Mesa School•. ~ to provide traJnlnR a.nd tnJ!truc-will be guests or honor al a pot- •tort' for Sunday school L('achPr11. luC'k dinner In the new Church All coutsel!I are fully accredited Fellowship Hall. The a.ffalr will with the Board of Parl.8h Educa-begin at 6:30 P. m . and w1U be tlon, or the American Lutheran followed by a program of fe.llow- Church. Crf'dlta recelvt'd at each ship and flln. 1nstlt.ute M"rve to qualify a te&chf.'r The Fiaherman·a CJub will fl<\lrl ror a Sundsy school tPach('r'11 err-Its regultt.t mnnU1ly brcakfa.'fl In tlficate. lt will be r('quirf'f1 that lhe chi1rch Sunday at 8 a . m. r.ach teacher ln our local Nt•wport I Nrtl~unrtay ls being observed Harbor Lutheran church 11chool ns Loyalty Sunday. the object be· bf>come.11 qualified for 11Uch a I Ins: to have every member at .ea c hlng Cf.'rlifh:at.f.'. Church tor the 11 a.. m. worahip I T eachers from the local church hour. who 11re attending lhr lnatltult" The Offlcht.l ~arrt of the ''r(': MMI E. \V. Schultz. M ni K . I rhurch ,~·111 mttl In the lounre 1 Ouctro. 1'1ra. R. McCardle. M"in Tue•IM.y at 7 :30 p . m. M3ry Jl"an K<'.!il'I. MIAS Bf-tty A benefit dinner wlll be M:rved Klatt. Mre. 0 . Truk. ~1 11J11 J ot'y bv the larlle.'1 of the Woman'& I Laur1f', Mrs. C. Trusty, H . Harber, Socll'ty of Christian Service next Mr. K. L. Quarry and Jt.{r E. Wednt'9day between the hour• of Schultz. Pastor Roth will tt>acb 6 30 p. m. The following day, ~ eour~ at tht' ln~tilutt entltlPd: member!I or the executive board "Teaching th" H igh School AgP of the Society will meet ln aesalon Student.'' j at 9 a. m . In the lounge:. RelUlU come from conat.ant Pn.cUce! An ad regularly In llil.s paper wlll produce rewlta for you. The pMbUc: &. cord~a.lly lnvit-1 to •tlend the cli.u rc:h Mrvlc-and UM the Raidlna Room. High Quality Printing-.Ph. Har. 1616 : A really EASY way to cook ••• o; coltrse- it's electric! SOUTHERN ~ CALIFORNIA EDISON Easy ? Say -there should-be A new word invented lo sing the praises of carefree, effortless cooking on a modern electric range! Millions who have tried it say it's even easier than easy. -~ • ' -A modern electric range is completely automatic and absolutely depend.able. Electrical controls are accurate-so you just prepare the Coods, turn 'em ~ver to ths : ' range and go on about your Other activities • When you're r~ady lo serve the food ls cooked, and cooked right. Yes, easy does it and dt>es it right, with a • modem electric range. It's the cooking method you've been wanting-so .see your electrical appli'ance dealer now. • COMPANY ;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ I Community Church, ' First Ba pti st Now Ope'n Sunday for the Homeowner Corona del Mar Costa Mesa \ CONCRETE BLOCKS • BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES · SKIP LOADER FOR TRAILER LOADING I 21U Ne'!!r~ !,~ B 0Co: ~;LI ~bo; 7015 PLANT BULBS NOW! King Alfred Daffodils, dbl. nose doz. 85¢ Ranunculus, giant size .... -~·-······· .. doz. 40¢ Tulips· Twink Double Daffodils· Narcissus Dut~h Iris. Freesia·s. Spring Glory Daffodils Anemones WAYSIDE GARDENS LA.!\D~APl~{.i -COMPu:TE ·~'"liltti~Rl' STOCK COSTA MESA ' %040 :S e"1JOrt Bt,·d. Open Sunda1 SHINGLES IJexagon TbJck Butt ... Reg. SPEC • .... $6.39 '5-84 8.08 1.U ROOFING Kee . SPEC. 93 lb. ~ lb. --·-······ ... ···--.. --·~ 3.31 %.DJ .... 2.~ !~Z .. lb. ........ . .... 2.43 %.14 45 lb .... . ······ 2.08 1.84 PLYWOOD 8"&'. 8PF.C. -'s8-•, ... --·-·················· ft.38 4.%8 -'!118--"• .. ·······--·······-···· 6.93. 5..60 ts3-~Z" ...................... 8. 78 '1.la ' hll-\1" ...................... 10.24 8.!0 418--l.~ •• ·-····················11.70 l.60, ' *LOANS * Borrow Up to $2600 W\ltttUftd. CAn be Used for pl~I' fl'r.lW'ff.t palatlnc, roofing, elf!f::trtcal th.tuns. 1&tc. All,J' rMJodcllnS· .. Hours; 7:30 a. m. ·to :5:30 p. m.· Daily Sunday - 9 a. m. to I p. m. ~ Prices Good at "l."lme of s.M wUlli .,_.. A.d SEPT. :a 'l'O oar. 6 , • 17th St. OQ8TA - • ,"18 Your Re11Ki()U8 ExpPrie nce Rl"aJ ?" w ill be the subject oC the Re v. Paul Edwat(I ~bbltt'a aer- mon to hiA coagnpl lon In the At thr 11 A. m · won1hip service Sunday Rev. P. G. Neumann wilt occupy the pul:ptt. having .. ht. topic. ''The: Flamlng Bplrft. .. Spe~ clal Mus!c will be rendered by lh~ Community Church of Corona del choir. Mar next Sunday, Sept. 30. There At th(' 7 :30 Evangellltlc ~r- 11..re two duplicate sr.rvice1i eac h vice R i>v. Nrumann·11 topic will be- SundlLY · At the 9 :45 a . m. 11~rv~ce I .. A Drama of Life .. w1lh &]>(!clal the Cha~I choir wlll sing D1ck•n-mu!llc by the male chorua. 10n'8 ··A Song In PralSt> of tht" Sunday school convene5 at 9 :-t~ Lord" a.nd in the 11 :00 a . m . •er-!Graduation Day for many) with vice lhe ~~eel Choir wlll aln~ claue11 for all ages. BapUat Tra.J.n- WIJI James Almighty God of Ou1 in11r Union meet.a &t 5:30. Fathers:· The choir11 are under Thursday night the pralae pra.y- the direction of M a..ry Batten Stet-er and Bible Study wlll be held feMe~. Mi~ Marga.re~. Scharl~: at 7 :30 under the leaderablp of .org1u11at. wtll play Prelude, Rev. Neumann. "Andante... "Meditation.. and :::;::."::~;.~ .. all by Dub<>lB, in Church of Nazarene Church 9Chool. with M. A. Har- wood u superintendent, wlU meet at 9 :4~ a. m. The 7th a.nd 8th grades wilt m eet al 10 :40 a. m . In the Blake Houae. The Senior High Pilgrim F el· lowshlp. Paul S. Delp. Couneelor, meet.a at at 7:00 p. m. In Pllgrlm Ha.JI. The Fa.II mt'eling ot the Church Council will meet In PllgTlm Ha.JI on Mo,nday evening at 8 :00 p. m. The Council In made up of all Plectcd o(flcers, Deacons and Trustees and representatlvea or the several organlzatlons in the church. Lutheran Church . Coming Services Becau&c or lhe switch b&ck1 to Pacltlc stanrlard time. aervlcea at the Na.zarene Church h&ve been !Joel up I:i minute• earlJer than usual. Sunday School will meet at 9:30 a. m. Rev. Clive Williama:, putor. la e<:heduled to leave Thurs. mom- lnl" tor ForMt Home where aJJ mlnlatere or the Southern Callfor· nla d!Jllrlct will attend a mtrdl- terr:;' retreAt Sept. 2i-28-29. Dr. Hardy Powera. general 11Upertn- tendent of U\e Nazarene Church, w ill be prtn4:':lpal speaker at the meeL Westminster Club Plans Programs · for Coming Season "A New Way ot Life .. wl1J be the &ermon lheme at lhf' 11 o'clock worship aervlce tbi8 Sunday. Pu-Weatml.nater Fellowahtp, young tor Herbert c. Roth wlJ.I UM' lhf' pedple or St. Andrew's Preabyter- Letter to Ute Epheelan.s. chapter lan chu.rch, began llnlnC up pro- 4 :22·28 u the text o! the aermon. gram.a for the year when they Vlaitors are cordlally invited to ~thettd Sunday evening U'OWK\ attend worahlp aeh'ice•. the fire In the cbureb lottnce. They Rally Day wlU be celebrated at rsumed m.eetlnp thl8 month the Sunday school which meet.I &t attu a aummrr vacation wt.lb 9 :30 a . ...m. wtth clauet tor a.U new otficen la charge. •SU. Tbe Adult Bible £la. will Heading th~ gl"OUp &re Burt meet u \1.IUaJ to atudy the 27th Conoo. prMident; Anne Bradford. chapter of the Goepel or SL .Matt-vtce-preaJclent; Jlmmle ~ hiw tb!a Sunday. Frtt: bua U'l..u-.ecret.ary treuurer; B a'f bar a. portaUon may be arnn&ed. by Ungle:, publicity chalnnan. )(ra.; calling Beacon f56o6..w . Daniel Coraon. Jr., i. advt.tor. Rq- Blb)e Study Bour la held each ular mf'dlnp are held" each SWl- Wedneeday evenl.nc' from 7 ~30 p. day,• 8:30 p.m. In tbe chureh m . to 8 :30. At present the pastor loon~. Putlet: and .pecial d.W- la lei.ding the group ln a atudy of c:wmlon ..,OUPI are held -1n the the Letter ~ lbe .Rom~. Chap-varioua bomea. ter 4 will ~l>o di.ocqued next Wed-IP'lnt .....,. · ••• Finl party of the -..on w.u n~ay. . -~ -~-~-a:ao t.o 8 30 w~..a Ute pot 1,ac11 wppet -..---·n.=.;;;. ~ pu'r,;r P;.';;j ';:a.i ':; heeled by Gvy , Hosea at 1111 / Informal d!.:_.on on chw'eb doc· '-'•· Ul Via 'Lido .Noni. Not trtn.. entitled. '"WUt Luthenr,i\a only -°"'7 boot. be Md taketl Beliew." All are lnni.t to atU!id the marlin blmotlf .., II Nblas ooo or bo{b ot ~ lect-~ at Saa 'Dltso ille .......,. C&l«lsn a.. f« bOya and do,y -end, 8-~ ctrll. sn.deo-... and e!Pt will llaaliol 0.-. Jr, .OUj m .. t at io a. m. &atwda.)',morn· la ...-... -~ .llle lnp. -·... affair ID - --~ la beld ltopn patio, ' • ftft7 ...... ,. at T:» p. m.. Pli M : t .... QtarbU'a B fJ', . n.. ~la -dall7 f.-• -Bladfuld. .ff...,. Doewr • .. .. .-1o • " "'· tor prtrate ---DaJle. ... 11111, --... U... ud. ~ Paltor'o of· lla<I;" -r1p-. T y -. ao. ..__..,._ta.;-. e..u >,,_,. •..-.. r.1aw =aw. w rw ,..,...._ ow: sa•• at 'aq 'Cl 111111' ..... Pl••· ~ Ult*' r .. 111-'11---°"-..,.,.. .. ••• llMi..trll.-•I u.e dlaam at lUT Clft nm.;-Diii,,_, IWunf •s s, Dl*- Ntwport .... ti. ~ -OU,........ , , • • • , . OPll HOOSI, SA TVIDAY, SfPTUllU 2' We hope everyooe who can spare Lhe time will come aee our new plant in action. We're holding Open Houae on Satwday, Sep. I.ember 29-1:00 lo 4:30 P. M. Tiie addreea ia 110 East Sepulveda Blvd .. WilminJlon. California. I ' ' · x·~1<;"$>,.JI' f,· ~:~.., "·-~· ~: ~ ~"J.if A big new reason why Cali·fornia's ' . . - market is everybo~y!. II'• only -.,..,, for a good Catifor. nian 1o bout or bia State'• product. or the .,il and .._ Aa sooc1 Califor- nian&, "" at American Can Company, bra1 about them, too. · And, be<:a... ma king contail>en COi thme producta ill OtD' m..rren, we'd liii you lo know about our -Harbor plant in· Wilminctoo- built by Califomianl. operated by c.lffiJmlanl and ~ted lo tbe • pvwtb .nil prooperity al U.. region In wlDcli. it • located. wual1n1ton lo the neweot of . ()ancq'o '.flisbt CaUfomla C8JMrialri ... plant.. W.le!I whore cnp PllW m 6ob Ma~ It. tns. t-atifull.y ~.and -will be incndibl1 ""°' I . . .. ,,. plant will _.. it-pcwib!e . ,. for rlab.,.,.nneni all along the 1o ..... ~ u well p cannmo now bein1 oervic:ed by our Loa Angel.. plant. lo benefit alike. through fast. OD·' tllwpot oervioo. • · 'The purpmo or tile plant, natu- rally, ii to tum out cana-by the mil- 00... 1'hMe can1.-provide a con\.'eD- ient,, modem and economical ·way for Califamiana to aeU I.heir produ& to food ~·ever,.wbere m the 1 tJ. s. A. aiJd the rest or the 'l\'Ol'ld-1 • 'Oley 'te1aocope liiatance. eliminate -whet tbe appetite or milliono for Souu.n C.lifomia fooda, t n.u.. in • ._, true -South- -Calilomia'• ....&et. .today, • BVERYBODY I And • G&lilarDJa ...,._ ---.. ....;.-.. and ... ..,... """" 1c,,1t .. -• -~ • • American Can Company :9 1IO ... lgplh1~z ...... m lzllrz,C *•nil ' , . ' ' . ~('1£R.S-1okp ~-/;elfr .. • . . r aend their cropo and catcbee to m..:. bt. these foodstuff• briuJ beck to the people of our St.ate a --end- inr now or dollars. That is why, in opening our new 1 plant, in W~gton. we like lo feel ' thal we are making an important contrjbution lo the p.ro"""8 and eco- noll)i~ health or tM azea in which we all ~'\" and work together. , • I • • -~· ,.a:-1 .. l•l~f ,. •·• e' I --. .__ . .. ''~·~··=-~ M I I • •• t , • ' I ' \ ' ' _;. ,,-;f ·11 I l ' r ' . ._ ,· ; • ' . . .,. .. . . -~ . -. • Moving to .· New location ' • • COME IN ~I • FREE REMMANTS! ' lNLAID LINOLEUM : Bathroom size Roll Ends S1J>9 sq. yd: • , Rolled Goods sq. yd. $1.69 Regular • • • Si;eciel Patterns ·. • • • • • sq. yd. 2.09 Asphalt Tile .. · •. • • • Sit per square Roll Ends , ,Caliwool • • • • ... sq. yd. 2.95 Window Shades ..• • • . Venetian Blinds All Types of Carpeting Coastline Floor Cove~ing 1791 Newport Awe. Costa Mesa Bea. 5251--'. 5TROOTJ TwoNames •.• itwiVpay )Oil tD ruiulw • Honestly manufactured and truthfully so ld . FINE OLD COLONY PAINTS linked w ith DEALER SERVICE, assures your pa_inting satisfa ct ion. LET t "S REC'OMME~'D A RJ:L l . .\BLI: P . .\l~'TER I TIO! IOLLY. IUNIORS 11re a poop of Horace E u lp IC!bool •tudralA wbo d&neift MCb: ~tb at Jt. pa'A i• Cot"OM dr l Mar. Roth dancr lnstn1ctton and a ,J'ood tlm~ .,... rratun-d. tPhoto by L in Sh~ly) Jolly Juniors New Dance Group The Jolly Juniora Is a new M>· cial C'lub fot"med . b!• mother~ or chlldrea In Horace Ensign school. A dance club, it Is lin1iletl to 32 11tudenl-3 and d..1lnc~s _have. been set tor the third Tu~ay nl1bt or each month. They ore held at Raga.n's restaurant, Corona de! Mar. The tir11t period is g iven over to instructioo by the Dorothy Jo dance studio and there '111.'ill 00 1~ial basketball and football dances. Last week's initial rfance ses..qion was !ollowed by l\ bnrbe· cue In the patio. Mothers "'ho are on lhe plan- ning board lnclude: Mmes. Fay- ette E . Blrtc hf'r, Jo hn H. Ragan, R(>bert L. Calla&, Ralph EmcrBOn, Ru.ford Brand~ Rupert M. Hen~ dr1ck3 ond HArole1 J . Swan.son. Assistance League to Adopt Foreign Child, Move Thrift Shop Adoption or a fnniign ehlld- whose life ha.<1 lx."'" serlrJusly dL"I-IT rtrptl"d by lhc la.!t World War, 0 "'·as tnthu~iast1cally aC'CC'ptNI 8."I a Spt><'ial projeC't by lhl' m1•1nbcrship Attend Bis hop 's Dinn er of tht• Aylsta.nct• Le8J:U(' at their fir~t rf'gul:ir nieetlng or the year heltl Tue~day, 8 f'pt. 18 Ill St. Jamf's Porish. Thf' adoption \\'111 b<' m11.d<' lJ\rouih the F ost('r ParC'nt Plan which run<:'lion$ undt'r the Advi1'· ory Commlll1·r on Voluntf'er F'Or· r 1gn Aid or lhl' St11te Department and enables the adoptiv(' pa.rf'nt-" The Rt"v. Paul ?.1oore Whef'le-r, MlRalona1y ~an of the Long Beach convocation, and Mrs. Whf"l'ler wtll attf'nd a dinne-r-at Los Angele11 Country club on Fri· day <'V<'ning, given in hoiwr o! Bis hop F". Eric Bloy and Sutfra· tran Bishop Donald J. Campt.en. to provide thl'1r fort_·i~n char~e. ~l·:,\Sll ORJo;. G IRl1 Jo'F.TF.D \y.ht>lhcr tH.-bt-In Grl'."eC", i'rancf', ~liss M1.tx.l.ne Dug-gan, 6009 Sea- llaly, Germany, Belgium. Holl&nd, shore Driv~. was honor 11ieat at a or Enct&nd wt.th lhe neceuttles of I farewell illJlfter ~esaed it>y M.iu lire. me!Jical corC' and S<"hool !ng. P atricia. NeV1.·kirk, 166 23rd street . 'Ebell Club Opens I CIO&f!' C'ontact i3 k•pl with th" Miss Duggan Is leaving for Dallas. (·hlld. his prup1·ss Hn::l nl'f'ds r f"· Texas for an extended 11tay. I portN.I and as A rl'SUlt o. '.''arm I r1•lat1on!!hlp i~ nft1·:i f'n~rn•ler1''1 -Clas.slrled acls •re read by t olk• across the Sl"&s. s~ r\·ing lht' r<:tl whn are look.Ing to buy. Sea~on Thursday purpose of the Fo~l•'r Parent Plan i · F init m('etlng or Ebcll CluO will -"Th11t our c-hi lflrl·n n1ay l:Y•' LEGA.L NOTICE be held O<·t. 4lh at An1erlcan Le-\\"1th thf'lr chil\\rf n .. · glon Hall'. 15th a.n, d Bay Ave T u typify th£' !'.Ort of child \\·ho 1------------- Lunchcon is nt 12: .. D p. m. r:.~s--comrg to thf" attt'ntk>n or thr SOTIC'E rs\·m sG 8108 erval!ons mU6t b<.' n1odt' by th\' I FostC'r Parent Plan, Mrs. \."1rginia The Board or School Trustees of prec-c~ing Tuesday \\•Ith Mrs. P . jc'a.stle rcftd the 11tory of llltl!! the N<'wport Beach School Dis- J . Wilson, Harbor 1729-W, or Mn. Elena of Grt'ece whose father \\'811 trict. Orang(' County will recetvt!' E . R . Richards, Harbor 0870.R. killed in an al r r&ld aDd "''hv."•' bid~ at th<' Superintendent's ofrlce, • - ~dw~Matfon Entert.ift5 Friends A--·-nilect.4 111 lb<: cr-nlklna ·-)ly Join, P. DuMll · ~ 110 Bnl6dway, c..a ·-..... -. .,.._ ...,. a ""'1•s-tu.ncheon lut week . • • • YOU. cAN qo IEllER '.ArJ.: ·IJaDigerf : au .... ....., m•""""' of a lotal' -club lnc!Ud,.S -v • ..,,.. Br,1tµ.. K&X , SCluldUJ<r,' O. 'M. ll&rrif, Howant ™-1, Jack on--. flllatl .. II. MeloN! &n<ll c, k. IW'beru, Sr. ~ wont to Mn. Herbert.. : "~~RE CO. We Buy and J 1 n New end Used Furniture : • ' l' . I ~ . 1812 Ne~ l!Wd., C11toMllcl la. 5'5' Mgt.; Kn. &cha~ :leCOndi,.e.M' Kn. C. 'M. H~m., conoola Uon. -'. ' ' ~.d111:1irr.,..,_.._..,~._;,.._~...J ' NEWSTDDI . ' . CHAMPION One el th 4 lowe1t price largest selling canl lig visibility one-piece windshield •.• Brales lltat elute.off· c.olly adjust themselves ... Vo•ieble ratio "extra-i.v.;,.oge•• steering .•. nght-gripping rotary door latches ••• Soft~low "black light" instrument panel dtcls ... Jlliutentot:k: dloJfe · ..• Automatic sporit and hKt corrtrC,,s ••• "Heat-dam" p isbtt. 2 f t(: 6 rJ.'<' /}~ pez //t<lt1'1! :'t1i :. In Ille 'SI MoMlga• Ice.._ ltun; Ille Studebaker ttlcilri- ,._,,s •ffual gas milNle• wa1 2!-2 to 6 milH per ..,Uon ...,... lltan lllat af the e~H af Ille tlrree olller largest iell- ing low priced can. ... ,, .... _., .... __. ctcdrcc...__,1111M. OPES EVE1',NGS A1''D SUSl>AVS BV APPOTh'TMENT JOE NICKERTZ, Local Dealer /' 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har.' 510 Nwpt Beech Progrant. beginning at 2 p , m .. moth-f"r rcturneJ from a Oern1an 1400 Chff Driv(', Newport Hclgh ta, ~;;:;;:;;:;::;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~===========~I Is a Lat.in Review reaturing gul-prleon ca.mp after the war witb up to 8 :00 p. m. October 2, l~l tar, moi-11nba and dancing. broken hea.lth. From BCraps or bids tor lhc furnls.hln& and inst&I· S\'.'l'l ion cb.alrnlf'l'l will announce I wood nnd tin with lher OWl'li t irt>d lation of draperi<'8 in : (1) thP. "'I'm 9onn• be• lum&et ;.td whea l9towupr PbolHI: Beaeoa 64'11 • Let 11!1 IL'IAl!lt lyou In your -plans. We w 111 i::ladly estlma te costs of• materlal!O, ~mend a contnctor or llelp you obtain a Title 1 loan for new conMtruction or ff'- modelillg. Homer Mellott, --Ol'llEa 1' ARDS: Lairu-Beach Banta Aaa Fullerten La Habra Brea ·READY MIXm CONCRETE SOUTH ,COAST • MATERIALS COMPANY No Job T ~· lar.ge; No Job Too ~mall m Wn& W-. W:w ••New ....... lladtll' ....... (lOSTA Mg11A -PllQ.'llD ••OON - • tm1r progra.ma tor October at hands she somcho\t asaemblell~ Cafeteria Horace Ensign School. this meeting. !shack for Elena Md hcrsclr and 121 al50, in th<' Auditorium or lhe The firs t N~wst"llt> \VIII be pub-here. they manage to ex!J:t. But NMvport Be•c"h School u per lishccl In Octob<>r. Elena haJt no warm clothes thi"' speclfk'atlona and aamplt'B on nle ·Dorcas Group A s's· Aid for Flood Victims . Mr11. An1Plia Vaught, lt:aJcr of the &nior Dorcu !lOClety, sends out an ap~al for the people ~lrirkcn in lhe Kan~ nood. Hun- dreds of homes were either ~h· eel a"•ay or we re filled with silt and n1any pcopl(' have lo.."lt all their poMf'Ssion~. Sfie<'ts, tnwelll, pillow l'Uf"~. blankl'ts and c loth- ing and undt't'\\'f!ar for adults anrl cJtJl dren are dC'speratety l\f'fllf'd. PlettSf" call Beacon 8419.J If yQu hR\'fl a contributtnn, wlntrr. Elena has no doll. in lhr Sllf>C'rinll'nd<'nl's j office. IA<>el "1ork Projl'CtA one l I) and ro (2) "'hould be birl !W>pa.ratl'ly. ' Help at home continlled as us-Bids ithall be! accompanr: by a ual during the swp_mcr. month..<.t Bid ··Bonc1, cl"'rtlfird or uhieni with 22 home cl.Us reporll"'ll check payn.blr to the ewport which r<'sulted In grocery on.lcr~. Be:t.ch Elf"mcntnry Schoob to the a pa'r of gla..llSC8, medical dr<"f'h'I· cx.tl'nt of riv<' pC'r C<'nl i lolal Inga, poyment.IJ on rent &nd food amount bid. , bllb U 1Well as a quart of milk a Th" Boo.rd or School T~ceA.of day for 5Jx months provided for ft the N<'wport ~ch Sch Di8- wtdow with four children. on(' of trict re!W'rvC's the right to rC'ject whom is convaJeJ1telng trw!nl n any or &II bids or walvt' 7'ny ln- ~rioua illnU& rorm11llty ln a bid. J.,ctt<'rs or appreciation wer<' . GORDON B. FINOJ..tAY, read fron1 Cf"nf' Crain, a. f r"shman Clerk of tht. Nt'Wport Beoc:h at Pomorfa Coll<'ge, for his LeagltC School District. !c"olarshlp and rrom the Girl No. 7<t9-PreM. - Scout AMOCl&tlon (or a $100 g~ "Publish St'pl. 13-20-27, \Otil . to th<'fT "Campership Fund." Mrs. "owland H o d g k i n son, NOTICE OF ISTENDED S ALE chalrrri'an, (('porting on the prog· L C l'f • re.<18 of the Dental Clinic, vo(ct"d NOTICE IS H"li:REBY GIVEN: eaves a I Of nta tho app•<elaOon or lhe Leaguo That H . N. WASHBURN and f F. t T" -for the ftne equipment recently DAISY M. WASHBURN, Vendor, O f lf S lme 1 1 donated to the C1lnJc which to-Yihole addrcu i8 Sot .Main Street. ' lher with th<' coopers.lion of 10. Balboa, ·IA the City ot Newport Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Abl"fllfl o' cal dcnt'8ta, the 3f!l"Vices or Dr. Beach. County of Orance, state of Sea.shol"l'.Drl.vc flrt" ~avlp,g Oct. l f Frank R. WIUcln.sal will enable caMrom!a, lnt.f>:nds to aeU to bn the SUJ!t!TChl<>.f. Tb.cy wOI visit the 'cttnk to bf in oPerntion with· J AMES KARAM, Vendtt, w-.e In Chicago and Dr-troit, where they ln a fMV month&. addrea is ~ Mahl Street, BaJ. will takf" dclMry of a new Cadtl~ boa, In the City of Newpert Beacb, lae aad ck'lw'I( borne. This wUI be Thrift S hop. 0P"nln&' County o! Oran go. atatAI of Cell· the ttrst t ime Mrs. Ahttu: ha.a lntere.stlng plans tor the open-fornla. Ute followiJ:Jg deecl'ibed ,,.,_ In •pit'i of today'• infl.cl.ted pria•,·"Yoir !fl.ephonetrOaaJ.".a o.J.~f tlte lowe•~·CO•t itel7U in tfte famUy budget. .t ..... FRIENDLY .HELPER.·To . ~AMILY BUDGETS ' Your telephone dollars go farther today than they did in 1940 ti- ever been out or C.IUomla and Ing ot lhc Thrltt Sllop In tfle new -1 propony, to-wit: l. The way prices have ~__:. "°" most• z. Y, b-U'f tmp.booe sffvlce ~ ;,,.. ooe tbing- ahe la lookJng rorward to t be trip. 'League bullding on Malaga street AH. atoek In trade. f.brtvres. -.yi-~ · 1- wero dlocwiaed. and lhe date of equlp..,.,.t and Sood wW of acer-ittms.you buy to run your b"':"•• yoG ~t ~ DD hay~ I. ~ic;'< way to keep in DDUCh with ~"' t!Mt 0 Anl,\u.l llaaaa• Ml for Fri-taln taol<le and ~& ~ your ttlepbonc ntes would nave pe aJoog,"DDO. ~ple.,:ro<lay,1nmostpla=,youancaJJaboutW ... ~J'.--. "9, a t the Ballioa Bay bualn-known u TRADJ:ll llor, just &S-JOut coot1 ha-e soaoed oo thingf iou' -um,il'y ttlS>~.without .r ~ll·ch~u i~ 19'40. :;'rr'!. ~u";;!;a:f '!::"ec1 ~ ::· :.""-ao:~ &;~::::: · &mily needs, so t.ve our O?D ofprovidilig,ttle-Wh~youcompa•1ustthatonegmtmmucmv.Jue •tarttnc wtlh lh• opening of the ,...t lle9cll, OMonty ot oranae, J>i!oneservice-~taxesandm11nials.Yet,de.P.ite withtheunall~io.~lepbooc~,youan­ Baur at u -ta the rnomin. fol· State o6 c.nro..--tbat· a this'., the iacnues in ttkpbooc -·do noi CYtll )'OU= Jes. for Sft\'l<e ooday-1n t'.ttlDI of whit· Honolulu Guests Feted at Luaus lowed by IVacll..., •t 12:30, carda,_ oalo, _,.,. a..d wlpm..._t -Of CX!"ft' our inaaocd ..... C01t1 aJoiie. -\ me an dO fot 1"'1- 'ID Callforal& for 1UU. lftOn!.lnl, cocktalla ... d thla 1M7 the added tile aamo -wW IN -· ad U.. noon ilhd rui llt baw beer\. a • .unction-of a buffet ouppor. 0< 11•-...U-theNlor will be pllkl 3. Yoa luft mon ~ ..,..itt-1Dd ~ eel la tMtr honor. '!'be couple ar-The ·pul1)0M of. tile .Ba•aa• wlU at Jt:OCf"1>'dod1 ivm, • the llUt telepbooe lbtitt-today tboa ...,,_ And tbe ,:.iae r!WCI 1aat -llJld on ......., 1'e wpport for the ~a ex-4-1 o6 October, 1861. at the you'ie geaia&' tor roui: teleplioDc doll.<;, diie. ba-~ f=:..:i_. andot llr&~ = =::.. ~~ =TC~~~~·~ OF , -~,IOj1m<>Mtbing.0ta!»,.-your~- Me& • need at home ~ a war ~ Am> "4~08 AllllOCTATJON. -..,em bu bad the 6amdaf......,. .'° am<t me • . Ont of tile tlnt ..... ts au.ct-claDd ~ ocean.. t ~ at lta ~ Branch,Mo. n. la~ iavmoa• .1DODil1 nm1Jea ... Mild .,.,ipaw. - od by the BMolulu matMll waa Lonclleon --al~· CltJ of k.a~t llthh. ClountJ ot c!ftelop .... .,...... lbtd ID a...., t41ic>eilc M, v c v.. tel"~•• ls• tf •• .,. •• ,. ·~ Nit.... . --..-- tbe K&maalna IOub _, at -tinr were: KrL Edward ~ -o6 Ctolllomla. . ·-~...,;.., ...... • .... ~ .L ..... _ ... ---.~-------'!""----"""'!""~!'""------·1 1 >='11111.,.Wlliett tM Hilt• at Broolm,_ •re.: ~ret:t Oudiner. n.t.d8ept.2t,J.llJ. nnu-.-~a,..DCM.,~a; '!'* ...... -.~ ' ..... ' . tallle ... -la.._ luau~ -llilpr Bill -Mn. o. w. a N . WAl"BVRN, coo <HWUllO ... ,,_ ........ wf. "' .. . CON«;~ aoclS 112-0154 Xn...Loo de --.. •• lfam••m Bkbu~ v-,... ..... aD die -- ---·--. ~6---IL --........._ 6 _ -lier, -k·~-d a -· DAlft: 11. }VA-IJUf, o _ ~u-.._ ~-.-_.. ...., --tut luau aad tlM ~ Y .... - - -' 77 ' V-@ ' - pmoq:"'7CINllD.&l'lb-0011asn•nm• ~wi~~~--.,-_:--_ j:r" ·-----H .. o.'=' ~ · ··-rz-;•aclft•, •Ct~--Ai e -iR1Pft.la ! , • ._ ~ -.._ --y -• •• ---t •~ ri _r will So to Me&sco OtJ".. lfflM 1•dt1m' .....,. PQbUm 17, 1151. .... , • , , • • 1- 1 • • ' • ' • • • • -·tlNOtEUM Is Only as Good•• its rn .. talfaHon . . FOR FLOOR,S YACHTS DRAl'NIOARDS AsmAlT Tit' • VENETiAN & w· fNOOW . ILINOS . . SHADES FORMICA TOPS :lou.3fe'J ~ LIN.OLEUM 2901 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH HARWR· 552..J , svB-TROPJCAL TJIJS IS .. Jtl.L PIA~ a Fl:llrnUIQ)'I(} -· A'1D Jll!RF. ARF. oi • s.P'tf'r ..... ~I! f'Oia'RJBfl •••• TO Yll'f'R 1' -,tt!'<D Ht>M f:: FUCHSIAS ........................... : ........ I gal. cp Jtl' SEVERAL HIBISCUS ......... I "gal. can. 49~ MARGUf:RITES ................................ r gal. can 291' LANl.tt~A. 5 Varieties ............... I gal. can 39 ¢ SNAPDRAGONS. 7 H • I doz..19f SlOCKS ········ HT • •• •• • • •• I den. 191' ' . • ~ ~A:lffffP t5~ Dl8€&f~N'P ON AU.. m rR8r.&V ~'YOCK -.-_1 ,-·. F.FFEC'TO'F. THRl ~fJ~Y. OC'r. 1 .. NGI 'Jf•£ftQt Hl\\"R)' ~~A M!I. JIRA.II ..... 1!4.S..R """""".~="" ....... ., ....... . • • • . . • \ . itx..i _,..,.. ; ltent ········-······················' t.Ttllltiea "". .... ~···············-·-·· Na&nal J')IRs ···-······ ... ·5.00 160.00 5.00 • f7&.00 ~II& pzte.,.~: "'t::.::.1on : .. · ... t C\>ll,pHft .... 11•<! Ua6Ultt ········-········· Non--OWJ\enhtp A<--···············-Floater (Slide Film Projector l ... .. . ...... . Sanitation Tax . .... ... . Annual Fire lnR. .•. _ . 25.00 24.28 25.!115 4.00 17.M 166.68 "of •. ·~ ~ f ~~~~ Z-.,;o" PUBLIC HEARING ... =-::~::;:~~~ A..&.-Day by. Petition oi 3~ Coeta !.l•oa ,..,!-('tT FOR· WATER . (Soa,. •l'o.) .......... _M .00 26-t .01 40.00 ~ • drnla, urwi• .. dC" a.11rat:Ution •ef J.L S lG0.00 . . t·IJ . Council ~=!. :!.~::Z.~ rNC~SE RATES ~JK~:~~··~-:~ I by the Clty Counen. 'rro0p 0.P"lzatlon .... , Saturda.y, iq:0 ve.inbt:'r 3, was of-On D"lotlOI\ of. BHrtm l"'ln.ch. th" ~ put>Oc MDrlng on the a.ppll· Prognm tlnclUdf's our 20.00 30.0Q so.o0 I 100.00 , flc tally ""'81pate<l u Arbor Day p1•tlllnn W11"' pla<'M on filr:_ bf t~C' cation or th~ Southf"ra Callfornia bulletin, film rf•ntels, for the year l'Ml by tl\e City co1tn<'1 I,. • Wallor Co., for authOrity to in-prevlf'W pJ.ans, library Council Monday night. Orlginateq rttt:'lh> watrr ratr>.11 in Its Runt-training . . . .......... . by the Bat&oa tmptowment AJJ-inrton Beach distr1ct will open1 spcia,lon and tht" Kiwanta club 'to at the Huntington Be&ch City I 300.00 I $ 480.00 I l~ ln~rt>st In t~ bfowtffl-Hall, 11 e..m . Monday, before !:•· c.Cfinft ot ~ ff'ln!tktt-a.rea. t:lle a.miner Manlc,v Edwards or t:l!.e 'l'o!al .......................... $3,86'1.0l "'*""I wm be gtven 9'f>Clal, sftJ?lln~ Two zonlft(J a,:titHcatlbfta were-CaHfomia Public. Utilities Com- cMtce· by o.e peirtj(:IJ)lrtion ot CM (JT'aftted ud-tit:!"~ ~re &.fdedi at miulon. Tht> hrar1ng he11 ~f'n M>l R eaulUI come ftom constant , 7 '- I SEMSA1IONAL OFFER! ,. . ' ·' J ., Now yo11 cj!tn buy the World Famous, NotionaRy AdYertised Seaty Mattress :· ;::h ;:::!n~d~:~,:~.i~~-=···s5995f. B&tll Pieces for ONLY·-······················· s59•s TWIN and FULL SIZE :SO"' JN STOCK ...-INCLUDING THE PAMOt:S SF.Af.1' OftTHOPJ:Dlf' I ' • • .. s I . . • -. romm11J11tfy lftl the ltnl' pltmtift« Monday night'• 'nwet1q ot me for t\li'o days. Prat:~! An ad regularly In thiA ..of Ute ieeft(.er J11fri, aftd• 33 Ml• City Counell The C4'\tnctr uptWkl l:vldcnc~ ""·ill be ta ken on the P*l"'r \1'11\· pl'Otf\Jee rt'SUlt.11 (Of you. I:=""'""'"""""'======""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"""""'""'~ of -~ fR!irtt. r@CoMml"ndations or t.W. clt)J pran-eornpa.ny's rf'quest for permls.slon I;::==·=::::::::=======-, . .,, T REE Pt.n.. l'bl'ft beeft dYawn md do-l'\lng commlaftu\ Oft eac)t a,>pllc• to 1ncr <'aBe rates bued on an ap-i1 BIG U -natec11 t;y Paul' ffowartt, Wen tlon 1 plication rll1'tl with thr Comnlls-MMITRE.~SEI" l'fe'tf!ll -T~ Pn!llt SfR)pping Nelft and tftei P'ft9s kftO#n· landlle• etthltect. I'tal\ 1"I R~BOlutl:ona apJ)POVed lnclu<k-d slon by th,. utility nn Augrntt 22. Boats--HomN--Trallera * 1\ OF.POSIT \VILL HOLD YQ(TR SF.A.LY AT THIS IA>"' PRIC't: DANl8EI FURNITURE CO. . .-rm ... ,.,,...... -... 'lllE ·~ flJtto treee tlletl will eventually 8"'anfing permlaton to £0i.•l It. 1950· ll'lllfftilW ShapiH OYER 21,500 OIRC~~•-"'!'t' m;:,· ANiYWER re&ieh a ~lpt of If& ft'e t werf' P"rttly for • 30-inch onl'Uft«' on In it!'! applic-ation , the utility BEACO!t Wl BEACON . . ' . .. COSTA MESA -Phone Harbor 1616 today aud ask for lite .._taker. given by-P'ral'tlf1'1'1 Wilcox a.nd the *cond floor M Sl.f Coral Ave., declar<'s that its r&tPs of rt"tu.m Costa ~ MattreM ~ l!;;;==-=-==='-=======""'==---""''""0:'=...!l I plants, ptJ\t hibtseu11, purple Ia n-8alboa· hand, and nte applfcatlon in thP Huntington 8 C'ach district: tana and a combf\'lation of rost>. of .J, At. McP'adden for a vmance Wl!l'e 3 .~9 "'. in 1919, nn f'.rtimated !'l5lt Newpott Bl'fd..· 1812 Newport •vd. ~~~-:--=.-::::-:-====~-=-------_ - • • ,, • ' .. __ ''11&1'' .IQC'V• J"'lll' ~ . ' Freiglat hafo1mitioa Ila 0 ' ,.., 1-flftl ",,..,,,,,..,,a ...... 1 ... , ,,,,...,, .,..,,,.,.,,., Yout Sama fe freig.lu rei>•~se•Miff is a professiooa.J "answer rnft," wiDll ready access to the colledi-u ialoc- tion; knowled~ and "know·how~ .el Sfllta Fe's entire oigaaizatioa oi U'8U' portatlon si;>ecialisis. - He is either in yonr lllY#ft, « bu year town assi§Md to him. Eidler Wf11, lile is no further away than your .iefepboae. . Call o« him &eery for upen !lffjce' on your shipping PtOb14!aA lin4 oat -why ii ~s Jo sh.if' -;_,,JllJI ,. _ _,,. • • R. s. lllllSCJI Frdpt "'-····-...... , ... Loa ~ ... c;allfenli& • r --ZL'llElt B. JOllNS?N, ~ .,,.,.. S 71 • . SU. FJedlloD t. C Wk: II • , $/tip y,. ............. ,. pink aJtd white Pvy gf'raniums permitting exferUrion ot a pro-1.89 .. 1'-of 19:'10 and lC'l'ls than 1 .. r(- "''ere the gift or the Aldt'n Con· po.."lf'<I addition to t he reaT prop· of l"l-\\.ilh the reque11ted ratf!' structkm. company. erty Jin(' at I O.~ l!::l'g't.th Stref'l, lncreue, the col'llpany·s rC'lUm Domltioft• o# 1ftterelt(ed cltlzens Balboa. 1 •ould' bP about 6 '~. the applica ... at a reernt dl'1nf'r spon#or'~ by Rcqoe1t[A deni~d· wel't> °'e applto-t!lon •Id. t'Jw Improvement M80Clatlbn a t cation o f Ted Rue.sell for • reair WaUr ia delivf'rcd by the comk Ute Newport BM"IM>r Yet.ch .club yaM vul&nce ot 5' l'eet at l:lll .,. '*'Y from flvc wf!Ua in the Hwit- .. ~cbed tttc ~m of '800, 1 'J'.!he A:vc., Coron• del Mar: a,plicatton trrgton Bea'"Ch dt.strlc!.t and there tund11 are to be ORd In atiy way or Marjorie P . CP\.Jmtey to dW'Me sre approximately · 2000 corunun· deemed necessary in Ute ~autl-a lot at 1soo Paciffc f>t-ivl!, Corona ers. Thf' company proposes to fi cation program. del M'Br. into two-bU1ldi1'g l.Itea; char~e $1 50 pf"r m<"ler per mdnth A gt>ncral Mf'etirtg of all bust· rf'QUcst of A . .J. LarLson tor a 20. for 600 cubic feet or less of W'll-- O('S!I, civic and social orpnl.zl'l-inch oyjlrllang 00 the front roof ·or t,.r un a quantity charge buls tions ha.." been called" for Ot'lobel' B' hou~ at 306 The Rialto. with 21 cen!s JX"I" nlonlh addltlon- 3 by Tf"d Hanlt:lrook, chflirman of .. a l pt>r 100 cubic feet for the next ___ _,___ ed thr Arbor Day pro~ 1400 cubic f~t. Th(' propos ---Du,k Csllerf lrl'l'it•d rat•• would ostablbh a c ha.go or Council Approves- Business Liaise One business licmM •1'P~eat1on was approvt'd and anothe:r WM re- ftrted to city ~Ike rot tnvc11tlga,.. tion by the Cit) Council MondflY nlllftt. ?he· council app'l"Ov~ a'Pplica- tion or Antho ny Semonella for a Wti:olt"se:le: business uceme to ope- rate P&clri~ W'hoteaale. Produce. Inc:. at S32 .Cout ftig-hway , Ne"''- port Beach, subject to appron1 or lhe health dcpal"tment. Application of Mn. Dorothy Wllcoqon for a liceMt> to sollcn. home portral lUTt> on a house to bou~ bu:is wa:s r('ff'rrC'd to the police -department fnr IJ'W('Stlga· tlon and report. i Council ~eceiwe:s New Punip Bids Bld5 from thf.eC pul'l'lp manu- factufi>rs were received at Mon· day rug.At·• _Oily CotiR~I~ m~t.i,11 ... 'Fl\ey we~ called f()r fo be uted' Cn •'new aewet. di8trict at Corona del Mar State Beach Park.1 B I dhf' r' 1 Lnchlded :PairbanJit:. Mone A Co., w&irh ukM 1183·.74 Mch. for tta ttt boraepower pumpl' bd' moton; Washington Pump a Machinery CO., $881 each' for 10 boiaepower equlpt:nent; Peer&e. Put>p A Mllclllft•ry Co., J9l!O e::c~ tor ~ Mrscpowt:r pum.ps 8J'I d rnc>- , t.on. -The CftUftCit: ln~ted City l!i\- gln'C<r Bert \Teb& to take !he bldll under ad""8entent anct · report bia rooommcndatlen.s-at the ntJt,l eooncu aeasien. Cos• Mesa• IAacf.s Mal.-s la .. l .. d Lo C ~-50 p<'r meter pf'r n1onth as a ·to uisi.ana onte$t mlntmun1 charge . ror a r"""··x~" meter and Si_.00 per metC'r per Calllng all duck callera! month for 8 ~·· melf'r. \Vith high· If you fancy ·yoor:itetf a-duck er charge!! bn~d on largt"T meter caller and hne time lo attend tJlie In -... SiZl'S." te. uattonat rtii;f' P'estlvat on Oc:t . ~at Cl"Owlt"y. La., you,hlN&.tlP fh.ancc lo win pr~s raaging from S2~ to SlOOO. • The lntPrnellOftal duck calJer'a contest will b~ l'feld' lh crow-r,y on that da((>, ftC()f'"ding to '\'!t. J . Newport Officials to Jain· Dedication of L.quna City Half Cleveland, cont~t c runmte.n . The Jferl,bers of N<'\vport'11 City Crowley area, known as U.e ·•Jtic:e Council &nd other c-ity officials Center of .Nnlerlca, .. hi .noted' r()r tonight will join Laguna Beach Its du<:k hunting ff'fr1tory. Jt'it~ offitiaJdom a.nd the pultllc irt..dedl• forms can be obtained' troni cation or that city's new $300.000 Clevelan<l by writing him In Crow-city hall. Th<'y will be guests or ley, La. • the Laguna Bcacll City Council. . 0 cc Schedutei ' firefighting • on Cwrtcillum In ttapoMe 'le request.a for Mott than 10 membera,,.gf pafd and vol- unteer departmente ()f the county, Orang• Cout ~ntn• ~ la ofrerlng a 4 7-weelt course ln es.t-- mentary tlrefl«b.tift'C~ A te-ril!S or lectures ·and dembnat.ratiOhs ~· duced by Aeadin• aulhoritlee in the t~ld bave beett achedllled. R.e~rvations for 165 persoft"tt ha.ve IJecn made for a dinner meet- ing of the Orange County L«"ague or CtUe" at the JJai.el Laguna. Fol· towing the dinner, 15 Newpol't city ofne:La1s and others wUJ b<-t&kt'n to the Laguna City Hall for dedl- aatOry ritea. ThJs wil1 . inctude acceptance () the new M.rPet nghting S)"8U!fn, foltowed by a pageant depicting IAguna's people and dE'dicating the new building to the commu- nfty. Open house wtsl be held in the City Halt from 9 to 11 p. in . today and all Ctsy tomorro\v'. lagoon Project Gets. Asso.ciation Bacling ffoweftl', tbe pnctical a..spe&. At the regular September m~~ · at firerighttng are riot overlooked Ing' or tbe Central Newport. Beach u dcmomtrated by the 1aci tha( Community As8octaUon, be.let W ed- •tx ot; the 17 claSI m'MCinp n~ JtMda.l_, tbe 19th, the oceanfront .sttate the 'WM:rlnc or .i....,.,..,~tagoon project wu presented antl and >t:artdllnr of vartom ~ or explaln.ed to thoae present by A . apparatua:. B. West and George Carrell, put Worktnc clceely wiL"i tJM co'F-and preat>nt .preskl~nt.s or t.ht" Jere on the cnattoft 11'1111:2 ~ Oceanfront Protective Aaocta- tion or ~ c,l&M> Sa an ~ tlon. Under rekular order of buat-. · commit,.. com1"*d ot Joe -. aeu the Centru A>ooclatlou •• man. •tale' r~; Ray 8-dOHed the algnlng or a petition by county·n~ -~Phil Ha,.,,, \lie meml>orahlp requ@ctlftg tit• ifewport Beadl .,.... lie~) Cl~y Oouacll to make a BUrvey lllld A OalCa Jllet*I. M.aj. Cllarloa capcain.; Da~ Sirilth. ._nt coat of the -project. JI[. K--~ led Marine OW-clli.J,. of th~ -Aa& clefart· Tlie fJllKW efocuon WU hel<I l&lra In a .,..., atrill<! eplMt, moi\; -,,.,. BlalN or u.. with'Bldw. T. Healy. ~ .. COmmnnlllt wppl)> bUltdlnn -<>ranre Fire er.,.-. ~t; lrto,.i T. Kaitin &.<! ¥ic:e- troop e.nampmente oft i:ONfl."• Amonr authodUai w.Zt 'id ta pt tt_lllM And .Jenn BenMU. re-- Mrtllwell1 coa-. • oppear -_. .-, •• elected -.tar)' • ~· Tbe ~-x.ii.. ot (k -JM!> It-&l'e C. R. VMI MUter ol Ullo tr-Pi MIJeot -~Od to flil loci blo ......... ---l' Oii °"" ~ ...... of -'"-_..,,Oil -bol.rd ay ... .., ___ QMI,_. Ge .... ~ o.,.ntlm: ~t, F • tit 1111 8--· -W. L. l>por ol Ille -0..; -, -l•M:ue Na,,,. earfler plan .. openlllAf on Ill'-.J. L. ... 7 .... --afwd w T Ille Ko ...... -lr<ibt ....... CT<dlt-alruatl .... !Ir.: • w ,_ Lorlllr o( -- .. '7 A.ra7 0•1szwwww,.. -.. ftwoh .. tM. )loftszz! ...... Oil Joywd a , •• 't ... cm ~ tM .... ~ M • lllttJ' 11 of .... -Us' w1• W: C!i1+•· l•nd 11-little atrl la aieee ""' u.. war.• It waa _.ud. ' w-. "1*Ulloo ""'*" ~ u., l(n. .J--· tit Apolne "-la~Mt tei CI' -I, I CJ~ _..._.. ~-~-·'"'*' -.i-ta ._are..._, sow;m~....... . --· ---. ---·----· ----·----.. COME IN AID Ill 1JlfS MOiff-siw. SIOIY • lef•,.. Y•• buy any tr~ck to- day, let WI give you the comple~ story o( l!nteinational. Truck dura- bility. It will be worth money to you. specialized for the job and heavy- duty engineered for extra stamina. It will be worth money to you to learu how International Truck SerOce is set up to keep Internatiollllll Trucks operatiJig at peak efficiem:y. • • . • .. ' ' I • . : •• • . ' • .. wilt ... worth money to you $o know why a million International Tmclia ire lJOW on the road ... why . more than haif of all t&e lnternation- elB t!V~ lmit .aw still on the job! · That's tho kind'-of durability,·· · specialization, stamina &lid seivice : : I ~ . • f you need in the truck Y'?U buy ~ay. • .• It will IM werth money to you , to see how International Trucks are See us for a model that will do a : better job fdr you -for a fonger time. • I HARVEY SOMERS INC •. 7 • ~ 2'111 Q).QI' .mGBWAY , , • . Bl!MOON 85U • • • . . NEWJioll' IEAC:H; CALJFoOlfill• • . • · 1i1Q111,10111L·• •uc1s :_~, ; ".as•...., ol.,,,. Hlf/1_1 .., ,.. •• • • • • oU1or ourior ,to• ~ C111t l"luk Cl-. N"'jldit -'llO --.._ -.,._ -•• ,.,. •• .....,._ -.-._ .. .,. .... .Qlll. ..,.,s _ _. _ _.,_":liiiiiiiilim:iiliii ..... ..r~ . ftWUlli ft# tr. A I MBA ' .......... f •: • • • • .) • • • • ' • .. ' I • • • ' • , THURSDAY, SEPT. 2i:19sl A. E. ·sewing Closs .. :::..i"' :c =-. Ru~ Claises. · l~".!:w=·.=.:· ~ M . B . 7 Th d pilllllc -.... -11 W"l'r'-D.-..-:.-y oda~J . llii4 la\areot • lllslL All u.o. ... . : ~ ~~·· ·:a eg1ns .ur5 ay :!:~":~ .. ~.,:::,.wa.i: _.,., ~~=-~== ~ ... -PRESS -n. Adllll. u_.1oa . 1SeW1ns are .~°"~ "'~ -... "7 at High SC ool. · -~ 1n u.e ... __ ---. . . ca. wUI bOifn '1'1wndo.7, llept. --tloa to, tbe ~t'a • . 'boblnd UM pm nu..i11'111P"t· ::---~-----;--.::::::::::::::'::::· =========la1ate:aop ..... 1nt11e~rpom pub& bifonnotloe. Gtnce, --....,. AdUlt sa-u.;.. •-ta Ru 11\S-Tbere 1a no e,.....um.at fee, • , •t .Newport Bari/Or UnJoil Bish 11 .. nc11ns, 8an ,.,..,,_, , Book .... .W besb>. at Ille It-putt tli-.... .,. belllfi troe to tbo I h B t Buy(" en or fine beef, Alpha ,Beta (., tcllool. Tbo·.-will be for both ·~ ' Union Blah odlool Tb~'" <>i:t-publlc N llley llrO -....a by P a e a .) years haa b!d for t.llo cont-Win: begllU!!l>s alld &<IV&nced ,tudmto. . gg11, ABT <{LAia f !?om t :OO a_ m. tO U -' tho AdUlt ~ ocllool O}Sltm. nora at the vartouo fain IP Sollt.h' It W!!i" tnclude 1Ucll tlllnga u pat· El>el! art clue WW otart Mon· Kn. Jolln!o Mae BtakelJ, wllo • Eh , ·st e-rn California. They a.re exceed.. tern aetectJon, cutttn&. r1tun1 and day, Oet. 1 wtth m.emberw ptber• inltructed l)ere Jaat yeu, wtu 000.. , OOIJNCJL NAME8 lleOANW amplon eer tngly prdUd of thlai yt4lr"s winner nnishJng a gartncnt, aJgo uae or ln&' at lbe clubhouae. Joan ·Intn1 duct. lbe.M claua. A new pro,gram ApPotnt:inent of KIU ~te Mc- which may be dreued out at the the. eewt.n·c m.achtne· and lta at· Brandt wtll a.pin be teacher. Both of tnterelt. to &dva.nced. studenta Cann. Balboa Ji.land, to the Civil ;.; fl••it ffeora ·tt•tf llnol•-1 OLD INGLl'SH ·WAX: r, 11 ' 15' 2. 119' AT 'YOUR , • . .: . . lbs. • . . . ._._Demon:i;-ting l~e1~1 :rcsBei: · . tt'ndcd'be.Core Jn&y enter. procreu. Mra. Blakely repom by tbe City Council Monday night. · • · .>. . ll. · In · t t Huntington Beach packing bI;. tachmentl.-• twg'lnnt'n aJ:td t.bote who have at. u we-U u bea1nfte,. will be In &crvtce CommlulM wu approved Rh qu ty ce ' p f.A C B "d $ t Re.ult.a come trom constant 1 th&l ae:w:ral of the at.udenta re-She fills a vacancy oo the commie-f .,... ·i~h:arke~. c~:;;, ':: ~=s:; . . r1 ge e \ • P..-cU«1! An ad M!lfUl&rly In lhl• -Cluotfled &di ......... "' follu quooted ltleoe more convenient •ion cauaed by r~lgnallon SepL H1"gh Qua· /1'ty ,p,· '1nt'1'ng-Ph Har 161~ • -gt'IUlA 1 P ty ratr t M t Friday paper will produce re.Wt.a ror you. ho an Jooll:Jnc to bu:y. houn tor boJdJ.lt& the clua. 11 of c . F. Denniaon, Balboe.. j . • • Q ........., nge es coun • 0 ee . . " . . -The owner or the champlon wu ---- m.-Yt'llr-<lld Gloria Ward ot the The Coeta Mesa Friday A!Wr-- \'-ard Ranch at Arcadia. The , 11 wtsltc-fac{'(J Herc!ord weighed noon club wW have it a mon 'f d§o pounds. Bridge party Friday, Sept. · -.F eeling that Gloria 's neighbors It will be at 12 :30 in the cl1b 1"l1 want lo SC'e the beauutul a.ni-house. ' vaai Jx>fort: 1t i8 slaughtered, the Canuta party and progreB8i ~ · eo1npiUly has arranged to display bridge wui be playt'd. 1 fl\'pl at thc-:r s ton-No. 18, locat4 • ed at Llw Oak and Tyler avenu('s Nt>w-rulps will ht-voted upon.· Mt South ,\rt:adia on f"riday R.nd All men1beri!I please con1e and takt' lfj.turda.v. S<-·pt. 28 and ~. Inter-part in the voting. +--ted peopll' wi.lt be cortl1ally w el-Reservations are to be n1ade come. with Mrs. ChM. McAlnry st B<>a- 'L )n Wl effort lo encourage gro\lri'-con 5700-W. so. s rno 27C . I JK.IUnd · RED SALMON . :'io. v. 55c . . <'an TOMATO JUICE ... ~~·h.2 z':!. 13c Experience says: · ----·----·-··-·-............ IQ:"'' ...... -.... su ... o .. &:B I ~ 10-LB. BAG 14-oz. Bottle ~ HllN% ·-{t0- lVJ · r~ c • Heinz Spaghettj ........ . ··:.:..~ .. 14¢ Heinz Oven Baked Beans ':! .. 16' Heinz Ciur Vinegar ..... · ... ,tnta 14' Heinz, Cider Vinegar .......... ._,,. 22' . Heinz Vegetable Soup_ .. _ .. '.:.: .. 13; ·Hejnz Baby Food _____ .. 3 .. :. .... 26i Heinz· Junior Foods...:.. 2-:..t>&.21 • .. ILPll IETA'S OWi COTIAQE CHEESE r We invite gou • • • TO COMPARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICU. RIGARDLISI OF WHITHER IT 11 THE FIRST OR LAST OF THI WIEK -ALPHA BITA'S llSUYIRS ARI COllTlllUALLY IT•IYING TO BRING DOWll TH• COIT OF UYlllG FOR Y~U vlirougli coli'i'tent 'a'!f!!-!1'· ~,'11fij~0 m cn1sfJarc/~~ . '· ( PllcitftG-1101/S!l. ~,. ALPil IETA p. llll.11'1 STAI 57 / H A M S 'Jllc./uv>n~ft/ " vv~ ';"';,;J SllA>llf. ~ 1l>. ;11111 c'iio Ps ~,,£ ILIU.I. HTI U,•IEi'(M&.l.s· 9 -t,, · ·· · 'P 'O~n ·I ;tlti;i ~ t · "· ~~~~~--..--~;.__~~=-;;;;;.,.11• 111011'1 llllfl USTEll SLICED. BAClOI 47 ( ILPll IETl'S FlllT llllE 4 IE IE R s c~~'"' ~-IM MU.1' D~PT-•"1 &llfo.k.. . WI COLLICT IALll TAX OM TAXAILI ITIMI llPOITEI FIOM IEIMlll '.2 \2 89 DAllSH HAFlllA. HAM c~~· • • . llPOITEI FIOM IEIMlll PRlt::ES EFFEt::TIVE TB1JBS. FRI. S&T. SEPT. 27"'281A 29tlt. .. • , · 5i'111U1 "FOR rHE cHILDllEN·s LuNcHEs.. 28c OATMIAL COOKIES .~·n~~· . 5.titiitDl9 wll•aT ·:.~z. 20c OIUTlll Oa PUDDlllO ROY_., DESSERTS A" WI "A PURE WHOLESOME DRINK " APPLE CIDER GAUON GOLD MIDAL POUND ,CEUO PKG. EGG NOODLES WHOU GOWEN' KERNELS NIBLET CORN DB llOllTI "RICHLY SEASONED" CATS UP • 1i -oz. IOTTLE • ... ac PKG. 20c A TREMENDOUS SAVINGI AEROWAX OIJAITS 59c A TIME SAVER OLD DUTCH CLEANSER NO RINSE -DETERGENT SURF • iAtGE 28.r IOX .... - • 'ITS GOOO-/rS !Ii-----.. , MAYONN~1Slors.69c PIN•37c MADI A 'J?,,_J BUTTER ·~:;.c;,t;/ "CONTAINS PIENTY OF VITAMINS " ORANGE JUICE POUND 75c CAI JON ••oz. 2Sc CAN "JUST CHIU ANO SERVE" 35c FRUIT CO KTAIL ~~i1i; ~~ . . •