HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-04 - Newport Balboa Press-. nm .... ,. -ot u.o -· ' npldly . -IOplnS a..& ot the b.utoni1a sou Ooutal l:mplre r • ' . . I • • • • • • . ---- IVINe THI INTIR · · . UillOI Al~ . . SECOND LAll6ESt f,f()ME_,~ IN ;OllANSE coutlr'f !. . • ·; ' • -nn;, . ....... fair '. .... lmputlal. aD4 ·~ .,.-.. ~­"""'.~ -t • • • ' • Ji,-aa -~ matru • .June u, 1~. at the poet ottleo at \ Newport Be8eh, California, 1111der the Act of -S, 1879, • • • 8a tile......,., paid.-la tll9 Newpon -.,_ lleealld Largeet H°"'". c-.1'7 !-0-.. ~lil'· -i • • • • • ,;,.... <lalltorata New~s f•r P nae ... Ar·lll•*'- !I MEE) tr 1fetjope1 =m1JW: t I I~ 111iU. '• • 7 amf 0 . ~JCJC. Oner aWi ftM1 ¢If • ROllDT 7. wn.r.-, B I '•r.-.... N ALEXAlCDKR. JIAMIL'IOJlf &frirtltlllSl M•p 21• • -&., Preu bl} been adjudged' & 'n-opeper of Smeral cfreul4tson by decree of the Superior Court of-Oraara County and la flilly qualified to publish all kinds of JepJ notices and advert18emettta. SUB8CJUP1'10N U'IES: l'fEWPOBT-llAl.JIOA •PBESS eTOFT ~ ,. O..p Count,., '3-60 per ,....., U.00 lb: month: (It.la a- nionU.) (Aho --U... ln!lWl'OJIT-MLBOA NZW!l-TIMZS .. Tm967) Oldalile the ~ M.OI per_... ' . PUBUCITY BY SATURATION You hear a lot of talk about overlapping work of government bureaus these days. A newspaper editor fre- quently sees the overlap in the form of duplicated press re.leases. This past week we noted that Navy and Army Forces Public Information offices both llellt out duplicate relea&e8 regarding the sixth nationwide competitive examination to select 2000 young officer candidates for government· financed cd'llege educations. Without diseussing merits of the college trainillg plan, we · wonder how govern111ent ho'pes to save paper, cut down .annual post office deficits and reduce or even maintain at a constant level the labor coll\s involved if such dupli. cation is practiced. Obviously, it can't. Although armed forces offices are usually manned by service pers0nnel. were any declinaij.9n of duties followed tO reduce duplication of ..rtort, great savings would in- evitably result. But each government bureau is jealous of its prerogatives, duties and operational boundaries. Each likes to perpetuate itself, department heads and staff executms lilting their jobs. Yes; a duplication of one news releue aeems like a small 'lltraw in the governmental hayruck. ~ut multiply that free=mailed duplication. by hundreds QJ weekly an duly newspapers in this state. in the other •7 states. The anl!'lt'er is stacks of suppo!ledly "short" paper. hours of mimeographing, many bottles of ink, manpower and utility p0wer, and postal time-aU wasted. · · Jwrt one more duplication of government and more uncounted thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money gone. "BUTl'ERFL Y S'JlATISTICS" ' • TB E ,A M E R 1£~ IV -1. Caught 111 The Act .. P. 0. BOX tltO g ~~ · ~t. 11-capital la .'1...i.tl eodl .,_ I Rt . .. ~,, ...... to -.in ......,_t to Ille t-. se to U' • t: .. ••, -Minaai~ ho the ... _ ·' • ' t.eo, 10 .. ,. IMIWnt' or dtllft, ..,. ..._......_,..."hip ., ......... '" • ..... '. ·~ -'certam ~· .... ' • · , It. lo ~ oo-caUed. .. l\VO or Jwomt hr tile ~ ot tullrs TM llGle of ~•11'111 la 11111 rtoll eap11&1, ot ...,_, llliit lo the ~tllo ol4'f d~ .......... a -«a~t-coPtal ~ {do llO( lntetid totlloc-(). "' PllU-v ..-.-i --enlA!ipnw; the tMory ot ~ 1n ~ (Kr. -B. liir.aMT, ot IUcll &o tho ~ tllo ~ I 1ielleve tor 1trlctly' ~le Ptovtdence. .a. f. 18 a member mobile lncl\Nllr7. ta. alocraft In· reaoona, If nothln~ .'eiae, """ do I or one Of the IMdlng !&• ftrml dliotrJ-. and many othero, wb!Clt 1nqnd to dlac:uoo the oompl<ment- ot t'4t dty. He .. Ille Ollthor of ..... provided JObo • and good •'1 lheorles of 1'HpoNllblllty, now the raolutlon p.._ing a con-· .,... .. for·mllllona. ge ' erally under 'attuk, by i;euqn allt\Kloolal .....,..im-t llP>ltlq Suell mterprloa. hcn\'e-nr, are of pna.nt trenllo to .. ardo pater-. ' ~ -tO: of~ to tax In; ~-lllny of th':.tu and the "'I"-"· Which 11 amther D&Ji>e 'for """'"";rut be Im 1'111 owlq: ~ -lnllerita-.... sin.; ln..ator -Illa -t. If, lndplent dl~tatOC'Ohlp. • J ' "--Wt the lime wtll -'!'1I09 -llao -._,a 111 ,.-~ ..,. .. '"¥ the ·s-t bullr lo • the Papf1c COut .,.. • ~ • •mJ111 ot lta&e .._.,.&a..,. Of proata ~the enterpriae la 1 want . tapt. ~ thta .letter team ~ aa equal at•~ ~ •---.otleM.,. -iaM; ,._ ~ to !Mftt' ~~ _!~mat'J ~~~-lo· the !(atlcnal and ~ tlill •• ~ -· .--i. ~......,..._ , ,..._.. •• -e --r ~ ieaau ... 1 ean ,... 1masuse a.e 1n-• <ftia -ef mtldM -Iii . Tbe-.._ .lmftlcan prod .... malatala -~~and tenae ~tional rivalry OJMl 'intal --·blo n.:.n1; _,, -•·and -....,..., than the to _..taln .. w .... "'""'. 1.t -~ wtaner ot t11e Pa<!lllC -re tllt M••o J'b.:., can--<d MY oOer na'tlon be' 1• TM ~ la · t1ie r"'*" at> ~·~gue .w&1 to'play u.. ~ _...,.•till ,..,dln, tu ..._, -.e lie 11,-ed '117..a iJlrtlt m.. e&rnlag "'°"'1 ~ i:eeel•bl&' a nu ot U.. World SerleoT • veotmmt In plant. equipment and J)enalon. Stato., and ·federal laws ' Wha bu beconu! of the ~ In tbeae daye when ouj. vuy 6t1\er ~usel4!. .-or example, aided and, regu,latlona are re1trictlv~. of Sec tary of Staie Ae-... t nilltmee aa • tr-H people la wm1 by an iaft:Stment of $25,000 per The pen.aioner, for tvbonl .. 1.ome-The rudlonal TV hook...up tureJlf t_.._ I>)' Coq)mllJllot atUdt employee tn 0.e J'&llroad Industry. thlng to occupy lila time lo 'I men-pv• tlle people a cbanee to ~ (-wll-t. It to ~ ..... Import-an American '. railroad woJ:l<et t&I n .. euity, u welt aa 1"""1ne; and hear f~t themoelveo l\IA WI!# ~-f., Uo to mil;"'.;"~ that •arna and la peld wage• one bun· finds hlmoelf lnve.stlp~;-J-;.~e.i kll)d orla man be really If; TV di4 we are not dbtroyed by eom· dred ume. ~ pa.id a Chinest upon. and even. in one cue known for Acheson ·\\'hat radio did coc; " muniet ln.ltunce from wlthlll. coolie 91ho perfbrme the •&me ae_,... to me, finds .. the welfa,re agency Ji". D. R . I think TV will do ..;.: • One hundred l'•&FO ago Karl vtee without the aid of ._,. equl~ Involved actually l'Ompuliilg the lot ~ leUIDg the ~ II.an. publlabed hl8 Cammualat ment. Take trom the .A.mfortcaR time he epent doing free carpenter· of the•country kn.ow the trutb- Manlle.-tO attaeldq the capi\all> worker ~the .raUroed equipment ·work for ha daughter and 1tlgur.. about a lot of naUonal charM> Ue or Pfl\'atf! entnprtM .,mm and leave him With nothing but Ing what be1might" ha.ve been pa.Id tera and let us do our own wttll. It.I , rt•ht of prtftt. O'lll'Mr-hla bare hands, a.nd his high-wages for tt, and then Charglng it agatna;t judging. , \ -t· alltp. 1119 plan ol attack WM out· would dlsappea.r. .his · peru:Jon account~ Thia is your Friendly. Fotu ltMd ta a platform of, tn plllnka. In thf' Unite<l Stales 90'fr of the The obvio>.J& resuit la fol" the Dealer, Tbeodore Robina, A:Y_-:, two of which related to tuatk>n.. Wdrk today la done: by machinery. pensioner to' refuse work, or in Lng good-bye 'tll next wee~. ~y aft u foltowi: lt Is UU. machinery that baa made 80me cuu, to attempt to conceal · 1. ''A iwie.Yy prolftlllllYe or the hJgh wage.9 and high sealt of work. Neither ia good, economl- rreduatfd. lncome tu." llvlng pos.sil;lle. cally or morally.1 The serviceS of 2. .. Abotilkm of an riabt of ln· The Capital required to provide able and expertenced men and twrttanµ"-ln olhtt; word&. oa the machlneey and t.>qulpment that '.\·omen a.re lost, often when they 100~ lnhf'1'1tance tax. • have so greatly lmprovf'd the lot are needed. and the value ot work ·sy uu. means Mane klW" .that or the American worker come" to the individual is Jrone. Dear Mrs. Ba.rbre: .. ; be could ·dry 'up the .outtu ol from the aavinga of corporations I have introduced H .R. 5427, to A thouaand apologies forbotJ>er.. capital and ulUrnately Mtroy ,l.be. and i.ndividuabs. Only a sma11 per-amend thf' Social Security Act, inc you with my troublea -1" cepttaJi.tlc ayatem and, eltabH.sh centage ·of the people, probably so aa "to reduce the amount of discovered the write-up · in q\HllP'- com.munt.in In It. 1tead. not o..-er 10"+ · however, save deductiona which niay be made on tion tn an eal'ljff paper l.ba.n we Tbe tax.inc· pOwer, whlch u money tor investment in pr_oduc-a_ccount of outside. income ... " had 8Upposed! • aptly 1t.ated by Clll.ef Jutlce Mar-li..-c enterprise. The great bulk of The intent is to have only \a., desig-Our Pnsident, Mrs. Boyt, hu Santa BttrbA.ra, Calif. Septembff 29, 1911 -.MJJ "inYOI•~ ~ powtt to ~-tbe capita.I supplied by .lndtviduals nated part or the e;arned Income a.a.ked m, to thank you fOT itlrtnt' Mr. Ben Reddick. Publblher atroy," wu fOrftetly ~ com~ from tltiose havlng lh~ deducted: in my bill, one-third. us su~h woridertul treat.meat.· BM New}iort-Bal'boa PreSll ~1 Man aa Ute moet potenl we&p-largt"t' Incomes. Exce.utve ta.xa-The recipient of aid, or peru1i<>n, said It had occUIT'ed to her that on at bia difrpoeal to aceomplleb lion not ohly di.courages the in-would thus be e.nc;ouraged to worK · probably nobody had ever tbank- ba ollljecUn. Any tu U\at would vestment of capitaJ in industry, to h.is or he r own benefit, and U ed you for the reams of publlci'7 dry up the aovre'N of capital but it greatly reduc~ thHe sav· tht" income increased, it would you have given u.s over a pertod. would ln the end deetroy the ca~ lnp whk:b constitute the M>Urcr automatically reduce the coet to at several year&--ao hen it 1.- Dear Mr. Reddick : Encloud ta a check ror $f.00. to renew my mot.btt'• Mlbeerip- tk>n to the PRESS. In th~ name of Jra. Anita Sext.on, ..at the tLbo-\•e addttss. She uld to tell yoo th.at ahe had Juat &bout deckSed not to ren.ew. dt~ to the fac::t th• t she la no ~ 11Y1q at t:he beach. wbr.n a.he received the September 21th t....-. ta.l:nlnc your itaJlatk syM:ma. , of supply.. the g6vernment. THANK .you'! · · In oor pt"eHnt bod,.e~ aya-On rebnaary ~. 1961, Seentary_ This however is on)y part '?f the Yours, tem of tuatioa Uw tbl'ff ~et of th• Treaaury Snydt>r presented problt'm. When I was chairman Fem Frahm Wh'"ll.. thl -~=t .... . lo the House Wayt and Means t th • t a ent ea Ill Cl I torlal about the !"Jst St. cut-off. ., ..:,. rTe • ... -r--~ -..e . o e commtitee, a ~acram o, p a re e · We own a llttle house on 29th Street, Mtween the P . E.. tra'clr.t (1) the income tax. ti) t.M f'etaU Committee a ..-ery revealing st.Ate-to whic h aJ1 such legislation wu or du.lb. tax. and ta) the c:•pital ment eatlmatlng the distribution sent, we always noticed th~ dlffi-October 2, 1"1 d the So. Coast Con.8'tructlon Co. ,-rd. We had about deekied p.tn. \ax. ~ nrat of UteM. Ulil! In the calendar ;year 1951 of •eur-c ulty of gelling 'back on the ap-Editor, at nothlnl' cotdd ever be done lo lmproH lM pa.e., kM:ated u lt tn«Mne-tu, If ~ at .Wflcttttt tax net 'tnCorht', Which t. the net propriate roll. if the recipient of Newport Balboa !>r.-u · , \\'hen we heard about the City'.'I plarul for the old P . !!. rt.s:bt-ot-hip and bee .. Jy propeuh'e 0 ; income after deducting the per-relief or pension were to take a 1near Slr: way. Of course, we were pleaaed and hopelW that the plan• would fl"9C1Uated ratia. wiD rectue. OM 80Da.I -exemptions and crf'dlU for job and then loee it for any reason J gather from reading recent eo throo.ch. and that our "bli(hted area" would moa be u much an at the principal IOQl'Cea of capillil dependent.. From thUI it appean at all, including the fact that it tocaJ publications that the propo- a.sset to tM dty aa .,.me of the newer eeclkm.a. on wtak:.h. ~ and economic' that: might have been a temporary job. nenta of :·Change · the name to Thanks to _ your forthright stand. we atlll haw hopee. and P~ dej,e:nct.. ' 1· OUt <>f a total of StO billion or After struggling with red tape for Nf'WJ)Ort H.&tbor" are apta ae·· The death .tax and tbe capital 11urtax net income, $82 billion i" in several monlrut, the pensioner or tlve. Previous attempts to chanp would llll:e to asaur-r you of Ottr su pport for what It 11 worth. Motlwr "'•'·-tax ar• l•vle• on capita' and the brackel.!i of_ SlO:OOO anl.I undf'r ~ uw-.. _ . ~ciplent of aid usually decided it the name of our far-flung municl· .says that your tdltortal, alooe. ta v.•orth the 14-00 aub«:rtptlon! ?flcewi&e redute tl\e iuppty. 1$62 billion being in the bqi.~ll:et was easier. and safer, not to try pa.lity &lwaya ended in defeat...,. Sincertly your•. um:h."r $%,()()()), and only $8 billion to work! disgruntled tempers. Patriela Be.xton Cronli.e t. lndJ\id~ 1~ Te.x ls in thP bl'a,eket1 over SJ0,000. The third problem has to do Therefore. to make as many l Mrs.. carteton B. Cromte1 Let us look. ttnt Al the tax on 2. Thf' amount of the pre8<'nt Ith h kl d f k ff ~ Al 1~,. I laxf'• o•· '"a· '8 bUUon ot t'ncom' e w t e n o wor o e.'""'. citizens as happy u poM -· --------------:--~-----------i.ndivklua.I i.ncom~-Such taxes. .,. " ...,... • long as 36 years 'ago, 8.S" an em-wish to ofter a comprom.iar:. f under the pttsent law_. are gra.du-is S.f,500,000.000. ployer, I attempted to give work Change the name to N ewport.. Mr. Stanley High, who isn't a politician but merely a DA ·1. ~1~1c_ btlllllleM es,,. .... C"OhK""""'"f"b •ted from a r'te· Or, 20',Z-on in· 3, By conftsCa~ing the entire bal-to the "over 45" gr~up whicll WU calif. A city ' .. large aa oun ne"Wapaperman, had the la.at laugh •when P,resid.ent Truman a ill_~ ~ the ume ,wq_ a ~ com-,s.of .nQ.t pvt.r ..2000 to a hi&~ ance..c>f thl.8 '8 bllliOn of tncon;ie in then fom'ling. Quite often it-WU doesn't need the word "Beach .. or· , The Cf'O'l1.ftg a.rcum.:t'~':'~t of 91 Sf on i1'COme. ot over tiOO.] the brack~oveT Sl0,000, an.17 $S,· a rjueation not of' the work ~vail-"'H&tbor-'' aft.er lia name. a~cked a Reader's Digest expose on goVernment extrava-WASHI NGTON v.•h&t chUdren under are t• c::an ooo .. Aaa~e41y, i thne " rate-19 arei 600,ooo,oop:"!'o!lra be added to tbe able but of the work the a:ppltcant Any comments? gance aa ••a paek of Hes," ~litica).Jy inclined," and gen-heavfty ProgreutVe· aM. wtll of. goverrun~nt'• revenue. 'l'hts would. Could do. This problem ts being Slncerety, erally a Dles1I of ''butterlly etatlll:t.ics." ~:~a~an~~~ ~~tonT~~kl:; tbemsd~ •tt cont.ln:ued !Or a Ion.a pay tfte eapenaer ot ; ft"deral gOv-met by state·a:nd recterat ~c:tes W. StlJ;art Foote I enough per1~ !>'time, des&roy OU.I' t>m~nt tor oilJ,y 2 %: wet?-k~ if _~he:. but -it can be helped virough locai I Whetbf"r the name be oJM> or The article, based on the record that more \.&Xes .. have' W ASHINaI'ON, OCT. t -Note prWlee ta. CaJlfomla. I• replete system, ot ~·-~e~ eaterprist and proposed budget ~r S72 bUl1on ror offices, even throµgh community anothf'T or TellJCl.plpa ii of been Con~-~ by the F-~eral 0ov· ernment h•der "-. Tru-to Orange County: doJl't get exc::tt-¥.'Ith lnterpretatlon11 but the law ou American form of o-nvern the current year Is' adopted . , . ~"cu cu ......... mr 1 1 t aimed at mi.,..\Ory child labOr r . . , . , e--. · organizations. It iS the least lm-lltt.le Import. One tow.. one. ed if you see men n a r orce still le on the•· ::.c.... ment, and tol"C.e ue fJlto eome form Thi9 Jut gTCUp has in the . put, portant of the four problems I I D&mf', ODP ;..ood ......-+oftlc8 wttll man than by all previous Admb;listrations in the Nation's uniforme inan.ctln°" your air field. """"" -tam Tb'-nowe••r .. ~-i-•-'-' 1a pa~ r • ,..,.. r-6 of .oci.allam or com.mun · ... • "'""'' -..-=u a. rge l"l. 0 mention. lt!t ·substations, and a cleterm.la-history, including FDR's, charged that non-d,efense spend-It'• Ju•t part of an atr ·torce Esaence I.a no child under 18 process .,.l• ~tlj atceleratett by ttw capital needed to maintain The most important ta the effect ed popu,fai:W. to coa.ta•tlJ' bet-. ing has soared to the danger 1>9int. 8P,IR1111d1'•1•o mak01 1•0~W.rledalrent~dese":'o~ nlay .. work for hhlre In a Behool coupllng wllll>.lhetie.hlch ratl!.e on and expan~ in[dualry. The main-1 of pension plang on the employ-tn our qxnmunlty arowad. the • .. , diAtrict where ac ool is operating. tndivklual income• heavy taua on tenance Oil tb a 50Uf'Ce of capita menl of men and womeon over 15 Ha..rllor h •he DH.Cl B.R. Newspaperman High, who wrpte the article, then re-possible future expe.mkm, the con· He can work after achoo! hours. lhe lncomea ~ ·'°~rition.8. supply 1" "}. Vital lmport&ncf'. and perhaps over 40. If an indus-~· · • vealed that he hadn't consulted a single member of the tinentat air command told Rep. which won't rel Caltfbmla bum-1be p:roeen by whtch lb.la i• M:· MorE"OVer, 1 belleve, 8 moderate, try, or any cOrporatlon ~ving a ISLAND, OIRCLE MEETS opposition party-not a single Republican---in preparing J ohn Jarman. Fltth OietrlcL per crop In, or he ca.n work on compllahed I• aimple. . rate or tax on incom• wtlJ, in th!!' pension plan ha• to choose between One thl.ng Sen Mike Mortmev hi• tath-'• 0-·• ta-and let 1 8 Inc 1 lo ·-~ 1 ~ · a.__ Balboa la}and. Circle of WSCS, h. H · Dem -• ""' ...... ~ ..... . y ~u na art e~~·n· ong. run, ,.,"""uce more revenue a younge r n1an , Viho will contri-_JB article. e had talked only with ocrats! • meant to •Y and didn't I'•• a papa •-a1 with ... truant otft'cer indu ,._ hi...._ Christ Church by lhe Sea. met u·c un: · ly >alp rate tbe tax .. oft. iitry ...--n a &·· rate. bute to the pensloR fund, over a To Cap the ell.max Democratic Senator Byrd of Vtr' c'---cr to because of t.ime lln1lta~ 0--ret•~ of Labor Tobin told Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the bome , -,_.. ~ ~ .r &nd on lboee WIK> in~ capital in Tbe prlncipit.1 involved ls th'e long period of years, And an older ot M.re. Mayme Foote, 200 Sap-ginia had this to say of Mr. Truman's blast: "There pro~ tiona In debate on c uling down Sen, Mooroney there was no lndustry, the 1upply. of capital .for Mme aa that governing the Oper-applicant, whO will look to retire-phire avenue. • the 27 1'1: perc-ent oil and Pl d-.e-change and no ~ceptlon to the-lnd.uatry iA reduced. atJon ot a rucceasfUl bu&tne811 ment in a much s horter time, and ably could not be a more misleading method of reporting 1 uon t.JJ-ance tor lncom• t•• 1 .~ -~-~-~ -lk "'··• ' Pe ....... ~ ftW. ...,81" r 1'1'{.leT..::A or 0 aancu 2. Leee capi~J· for lnduatry namely that within certain limits th.Us without contributing equaJly the p~nt desperate Federal fiscal ~it-nation to the .Ameri-purposes -tor a re•t•ton. Rep. Vlc::tor Wick-me-8118 lea b~ and Lncldent-the ~test profits come from to the fund, it Is only human to can people." And he added that non-defense spending, "If ""' dfopletlo• allow-tt eta.ham comee up YVith an Inter-ally lea cUmand tor labc>f' and charging a low rather than a h;gh lean towards the younger man. 1-• l'Ut f'~perieHetl oil nlt!1I wiU pretatkm that tt the achool where lower wasee-Co(lUnuf'd reduction prk:~ tor •oode aold. A:a higtr Th@ industry loa.es the value• of mounting steadily since the war, would have mounted even ... 11 out "-Ir holdl!~ a..i --chUd 1 1 t h 1 • ,._.. --..---• l"ef\1 ar Y goes o SC oo -In Ole caplt&l au.pply leadit to buat-prku lessen th~ ablUty and in-experience. stability, maturity. higher if the Congress and the people bad accepted the ta..'C °" nP'taJ ••lM. n...a t.W and live ie c.Joaed, the chlltl may n.-.. 11t.aanatton and u1Umately to ~nttve to buy. so hi«h tax rat.-s The-individual loses incentive. and President's pleas for projects such as socialized medicine all Important •U Industry klM"8 work elsewhere. tba government'• 1upplytng lhc.o leuen th~ abl11ty and tn<:entive to courage, The ~ayers eventu- ' . It• IM'A with 'k•ow-hew·. A member at the committee capital. produce. ally race it 8.11 a practical problem. and the-Brannan Plan. '-r'nMh wW hn7 .. for U... whJch framed the Jaw Ute Jut s. tt the government wppUet Those ''butterfly statis~ics." it appears. aren't worrying amallrr .-am .. hirv~mHab. seaton •Y8 It will not permit the captta.L It eventu.a.Dy acquil'f'.t Art c B ldi els' people because they are Republicans, nor because they are , .... Ilk• -""' ...,..i.. loe•P• that. He .. ,. turther UH> law ownerahlp or control and we have enter. u·r ID I a·. Into oLI Orm• with tliMdJ' tea i1' aimed' at JU!rt Whal aome folk JOCiall.sm' or oommun.ism. Democrats--but because they are all taxp~yers! , ~ot •oUen 41ue tfll wp .,..,._ •~ tryt:ng to dO. That 11 operate Aecordtnrty. ll commallm or --· ......i --tu bnod<•ta ti••• the!J-9Clx»la but hire mllTl'IOry -11illml I• to be avoided, It Show Low ·Tot ·. l I of $250.678 ta.lu! to ptft.'@lli ., t•etr i.Momf". child labor trom ~r .:>u.rcM. aboold be our otrje-ttiY'e \0 iacreue FJELDS TO CON'.QUER 'J'Wy ..,., loae ny mont -If Mlgranla uoually <lopend more on rather Uw> decuue the capital t~y wta... . tbcir children'• work than on aupply. •· , Doroth)• B-0e, aa As9oeiated: Press writer, points Se& Hu!Wrt e-._pJJrex. D.. thelr own. Jl' thi9 country It .bu been '"Bide tor the C01l9lructlon of a new Art Center-Building for ~ PROFESSIO!fA i ~ ~ OIRE(TORY ~ LESTER A. BECKER, D. 0. & DENTISTRY ·-17~ NeWport Blvd., Clolta ~­ Medical BldlJ. Beacon 1702 l506 E. Bay·Ave., .ea- Harbor 327 ·.1 out that In spite of aU tlle WOD.derful scleatiflc advance-Minn., aort of uk"4 for def"'I Monday there wlll be a confab -ht to·jUoUfy the gradatloa ot Orange Coast Colleee :were received -on September·28·" Dr. Basil H. Daents made ~heft are stm many everyday uaoyaaees nf ht. ...,.,....ndru.e.t cuttlt(I' de--on the subject. Texw have • l&JE nte. on tile potmc1 o1 t.M Petenon. CoUel'e president, announced today. Segregated bid.8 were MOllTICIA.N ) p~t... cm oil,. milM>.... a ad · pend.inc: a{De.Ddment • on Which abiHty Of the ta.Xpayer lo pq. submitted U folJowa: ! ., r;;:;~;;i;ij;;jM~i;Hiiia.;1 ~ iDOOD.\'enienees wlalcll the !Dotlt able braias have ml..._ H• put 1-an ie. the" la still cban"" to get aci.!on ''Tuatlcrl ·oceonllf>g to ablllt7 to G4nenll, Conllructlon ~ S. J, Santa Ano, ~.384; The toUll Jow U\.ft •oatUaa'I' not been able to lick. · p&bH la a alas I•""'°""'• this 9eallcn. whlcb would allow P'll'" Ill a pollUal a1opn, -not Oooll, co.ta Meo&..$178.000; W. J. bid amounted to $2l!0;678 'aa sub- Bere are some of the things needed to eUmiAate ... u.,. all Im -1-. I• a child who boo alt.ended Ills an --• lla'rins an1 -.. '-&' -c:ll, hiil.232; .J. R. milted by sOuth Cout Construc· 1 them; A ba&hina cap tlW will ""8Dy k-p a -••a hair eludlq Callfonla Md._, oU...r llChool tor Ito mlnlivtun lepJ ,... defllled !Im~ or llued -uy Ray, ~ deJ Mar, 1113,tee; lion Company, Roae Electf!cal " <v .. -~ ti ell .,_,. atai... w-qul.-..nmt. to go elanrloue for aclaltUlc ~ Cl&nW to lta w..., Bohr-er. Santa Ana; Company and Paclflc Plwnblng hom getting -Xed; soeks thtlt wouldn't have to be .....-t• _,... mlp& -~ work. Joc10o1 _...., It -......, '1ft,11.T; llcluth Cout Oonatruc. Company. AD bjddero gave bale danled; stockings that wouldn't run; lllppen that ,_ i..tter. Tiie ,.i.. at -s-up U.. NductlOn at an -&ftn uo..eo. Ne'O(JIO<'t BeMll, lt7Z,'39. 'Dido. , Ladt Atfeiwk•t '10 CGeo&~ CORONA DEL MAB DAY AND ~GBT I'll--· d ' • ' Rep. Toby ll(orrla. OkllillOma. f.-l l! J -a po•IL taa.o $o I.be w lenl-the ,...r -J:lecttle;"l""'I' · The college"lloard 'of TrWlteet woakla't stick; beauty eream that would aet-lly erue made a public ototmtmt llfdon>' ·Bod th ...-. ot w..n., .-. of tbe --7-wt1o -. $St..W; 8tatronl -~ will caftfully oo1iolder the bltlo n- wrlngles; halr-growlag ton.lea that wollld Pow .llalr tnir -~· !l'tum&n'I pn>pooal It •WI -... .,,_..,. ....,.. ·~ tha ..-t1an ot -N""1>ot't .Bae~. .:ai.m; Mcftr-co!wd ~~ their nl<dlllg next Mca· ~toad df flllDI); a emt for the co-eoW; a pt'e-th&l all Federal otncl&Ja make -.la -,,,.,.._ ~ · ral4ll. -U..,. -IC «. -mactrt< 8a1j> Ma. su,abo . .i.y. It they tWcld< to aecept the Old Ello-lnmroMe YeDtlve of tooth decay;· and, IDG8t lm""'l'taat of •" a publlc thtir peraorial "-'•from -'IW P»uuz114 -.m.,.., noc. .,... f-lu« Ula -He&llng. VentllaU.,.. MeellanJ. low bldo, It t.·"!'1idpa~ .that All ::n..,,_ ..... -all -· ™"" Illa--.-... _....._ eat A''Plwnblng-Blc--· -Ion wru .commel!ee Im· dollar tut would ·ahinlya be wortlt -a Aellar. "It wwld 'be It r-t -tit to Ito .._ -• .-. -."liolpt WI~ a errt•wtlJ ............ '-&' Bliell. ...-.-: J. 11. ~ medlatel:r With the bullcilng ocbed-e()WAJU) W. GERBl8R Wloever fittds the --rt• aay -of tllHe ,.00.. our~ gamo.llJ," the tonner -..... _.. -Wo .,,. ouJIPl1 ot...,...al fw ln•-•m '-AltplM. t&t;1911; Paclf)c uled tor •comptetl<>D next"'™· I .t808Nowportlllvd.,·Corta- •· ill Di.trl~t .Jwtae aid. "lt -_. .. .,,.,. ~ -p-.. ._.... '!"'' -Plwnbbtr do, -AM, .... -. I• .Tile ~rt Conter'Bulldlng .. ae-CON GUil "!'-" make millions of dollars &Del make mDDolls of tead to .-out offtdala with t11e rljM ta Ja!lllo\ w<fMol_.-caa lie· prt I tu• . rar _,a., 8am K!Utatl>or, N-t a .. cb, ~ .l~ Jl9UM the lnotrucUon&l l'-::::P:H;:O~Nl!li==llEk=. +=::i::=~::: people happier. So, put oa )'OW' thhlJdac eap -aay, ~-"le lneom•. --.. t-•• .,.._ uillarlt,r • r-f' -to'$1• -.,, ....... 1; ~ Plum bias. Pni'iam In dr'&wlns, et<:. •.' ,. _,.,to think of 1• Uaa&'s .ao~ .. .._ elll9 we 9eecl -a ~r falth'and o>nftl11too oo --... .,... -.. ~ BE .SlJRE-.INSURE ., -----& i:-J't of. tbl pto_plia. ao : I r ti: 3 .,., oilp that "~ ~ mab Jll!•ple tbllllll. OM of' tbOlo oldollpto wlalcb , Tllo' fJnL f.IOt •-.-. -· ---•---d<llSl>t the ... tore~ at the LO 9allrt Ill I» U. L .\IWIY' wU1 : • ,· I • ll&lim!l ,ft.unal' -.. oc<11tNCJ t11ta ...... i.. ,.._. ~,,.-. ----·--.~-m;nr_r . ' ... a-. FREEDOM TRAIN ' A new "Casey lonee" bu' made hlatoiy &ll!MI the ranr..d fraternity. He'• the Clieeh enginMr who 'tied clown tbe throttle ·as ..tbe 'train. ·~ the German border and made a ~ for ireedam. ~-four other ·penou on the ti:aJn wbo •were In'· on the '6Pt made 11'(1 one ~! the largest' 11UCC1, rut ID&S elrlta frOm the ~ curtain uea. on i:ecora. • ~ow. in .pile of all' the ·~· offend ~ Cummilnlem, the traffic ,...w&ttl II lncP**a"c ~ 'wt1o !mow about life In Ula dli.ocntic. couatriel, or lMar •II• it throagll the. Yariom 181a110llDll I ... era.' 1•1t ,.,.., el•, ~ to ]ll'Ofer -.11 .. •wt" Jn tbe W• to tile J1arioua fnedcw.m1aaf1cialld kr ll~u~. ' Well; people U'Jt ,..;,, ••. roll eall ~ ta1t .. -the -..... """ --.. "' -• ·-~ , --·. •• 1"' l"eVdU. bUL . ~tt ........... th lell"I ~ M.'* c14,,.r.r.ec1 ,.... 1 • ... **? .... ,..,. I I t .' ' I!~ un111dMellt to a-dm "to ~. tOla ~ ~ ""!pt up lo' 11 • .00 la Ull'!i._ ~ "--let -flllll ' .. ~. . Tiie -,,,_ ~ 0---If -Ir Ir/ -to rapla -MltJ er~ ... w·,4"'0--kll& trrs's·dil, Mll:r •s at:IN..,. &I' Plw '!'be ~ att.,t1• ta ----19 a. -\bO~UIO-----­.we. 9e& •••1rt & S$t', .. ..,,.... • ... 11 pa at U. ••• - - -.... -eta.1-•U.Anlll' ltoon "' -• o r,.. 111 u,1ro1 ..t .. -*"'-...... !fa.• o 1 'l:r .. ,s e• ....... • ... IM 11i1D1ati7 nc· __ .................. -i--1 .,... ----•*1 1 II .. , •• ,, a,., ..... ..-n. .. -.. ... •• c••• -0-Rf Is ,.. ...... 1H\P"lfd•lf ..... ___ .. -··•••'• .... ..--... .,., ................. 7 , ...... ... ... RI I -·-.. ftl Ap4tp L · pt 11' t' I he'C I --wJ• ...... • • . W! 11u&·, •• 119 . ·GBIOllRAL ~ ·~ltit'ot•~ ~·· IUT •t 11 8lili.-. _,,,. -ft, -. • • • • • • ' • • FIRE · BURNS . · OFTEN FATAL TO CHILDREN More~ chi~ ... tT-. bum1 tb&n aey· ---dentaf ~uae ucept automobile accident.a, lnauiance • t at l a t I c • ab~. Amen&' eJillclrftl -,....ror age. rtr. bu beeome the leedln&' cauae of accldmtal death.. . Warntng panmte •not to lean children unatttinded at home, the National Board ot Fire Und-. wrilen reporta that .moot of U.... deatha were tM ruult.. ol chlldftn be"'&' upt ln bumlng bulldlnp and uakble to ncl.pe. In many Ca.18 ~ ch1.14ryn Wl!!N! left aJone In tbe~. • D U., .. Hot Uqoid.s U.hl'Ma tbe ·~ of one and two· tt wq at.own. most of the fatal bul'U Were cau~ by chil- d~ _"Pk'Whg or falling Into bot JtqulCI& Aa tile children grow into the toddling stage, match.es lt>ft Witllin their t"f'&ch a.Rd oprn l\tts bficome a c.hiet danger. National Board Png1:nttrs point out that while science has lnade gtt9,t • progress In reducing the children'• death toll from. diaeaae, the • acctdenf· rate• la attll ltllh- Met7opolltan Life lnarartce Ill"' ure• ahow that wJleftu the claD- dretts death me h'om dJ.8eaMo fell 73 Per ~t c,>ver a r't_enl 14 year period, lhl" chlldrc n's deatlla trom ·~ di upped only 31 per cent. Rut~ for Safety Emphaalz.ln .. the need !or con- stant 8Uperviaioa of younpten, fire autltorftSes urpd ~nb to follow five ru1ee 1n protecting children from nre: . l. Have an adult or ruponalble sitter ln cltarg'e when you leave th.e house. 2. Kttp matchitl'I out of chU· dr en·s reach. Train younpten that to play with matches is d&n· gerous. 3. Krep chUdren out of the kit· chen or any roam In whlcb bolling liqujd" are likely to be ln reach. 4. Don't allo""· children to get too Cl08e to bontlrea. Have a metal i-creen in front ot a fireplace. 5. Don't dress children in hl1hly flammable clothes. ,.,,,,,. 1( .• .. '; ( • ! tltttt """-ff #If 1!!fll~....,,. . . ~~VII There'• pkntynbout a Greyhound you11 like ... neighborly pauen- pra ... courteous driven ... fre- quee.t service .•. .anic routes •.. air·conditioned Supel"-Coache•. It all adda up to mabGreybound ~ moat convenient ... the fri~nd­ liai way to travel F.t.stl Somtthlllf olaout tht Ltw Fores Chica&<> • • • • • • S4L66 Dom»t .••..•• 42.80 Wuhin!lton, D. C .. 47.45 Nw York ..•••• ct.80 x.n-Cit)' •••• i!3.BO MinneapoU. .••• ~ New Orlean•.-••• 88.80 A>lanta ..••••• -_....,_ ... t ... ma.:. ............. · 22 8'111 !dpUn ,_ I.IS lllD.fS t I 7 J ........ ,... ... -Mrs. c.1 ~ hc«wd. ' ... .&.re-& ........ 1 ........ ,_ - -~-. • Optimists Register for Oct. Confab Costa Mesa PT A Meets ·w.,cfnasday ~-llarp<r P T A wlll meet.Wednelday, Oil-10 al I p.ra. In 11<1/n oc-1 a"'1tortum. Mn. J:lft1d car.. ,...,,,.,,. cll&lrm .... wm pruent .. 91>eaker l:veretl Re.a., 1uperln~ent of echoola. New teacben will be introduced and a .toetal hot11' wtJJ rouow. n. executive boa.rd m.eettnc will meet on tbe ame day at 1 :SO p .m. Membership Drive - at. Mesa Sobool ' • • • I. • • • EROSION 118 . Inclan _lhtme. • Hard ·r.ma. ~· occ: Agriculturel SOU&HT By Bal~• Y oun~er s ef!nn·~~.~!. ':990!. Judging teams Birthday P.ty -... a i)..., ,,_ ~-Tab; Nne Awards . --·"'be -... ~,., -' SEAL BEACH -with ............ ,.. ~ .........,. bi o. ...... '""" Tbe o._ ~ wkp a.¢· a.round a tepee wt u6,.,.. WU .I*{ ot tbe-IM..Cn-dli8eu9-' :-"W tend a blrtllflo7 ..ai.; A .,. *l'br .io. r,.._ at the~-cultural~ IMrU, cmi_.i -' II i. !!!!"' any > • -~ !'!._!"".'"" -r..u-io a Jolal ~ ~!.._. ---o.~~~~ ·-17-.. .ur.cton o1 u.a 11ta._ 111a -1111n r -,. • -or t11e ~ aac1 . &uW-,.. ~-.. --·--~ 0ranp O>llnty Ooul A-tklo O<lellrut wu .i...., App. .... a17 • OW.. ~et Of c..ta M-: met at tlM l'I~ Bal'llor Yadlt the P"'V _, 11o14 In tlle Jl!ltld Ti-lllilllon ..,0 ~ with BµJ J'ktcher Of TlaltlJi: .W. Jolla CIUll !Mt WPll Mlta7 no6n aad of t11e' lld7 K.Mae -M -\410ftll&ltoa."""' wanl:ed l.o r'aiae ~of .Mahotm: took lllne •-"'-Pr&nJt -oil el -Penln.lula. Colon4. -Ille Price of them. Awc!uary mem-• • at the '-.AJl,..t .. ..,.,,._ ~. -..,.._ ...-~ °""""' aqrl 11&11-o -~rt aad ~ who -the dinner. 1,... ty falt--lut Satmdq, •lien lhaJ' a<U"" on the -........ pnil>-the two tablM ..,.. SIJ' wltll "°'" taaW. A llollar por ,.... enough, -=pe~~ wl~ .. ~'11 • trom ll1x k!lll In tllAt .-tty, . -.....,.. a.di olllld _,.. a they aid. 0 r .....,...r ......... -. He clttd the appeal made l.o UM fMl.btt -and Md; a run Rer11ert Tbomll«!n, i'!i.t vtce-The P'*llJ'J' Judc\llr "'°"' .....,,_ s-.vt..oro f.., _,,. IM>lp --u. fa¥6r. ,.....Jlkot. ,..., ~lbt.o or· the ~ or Miller and Ruftieaft eral montha a&'O and IUl'Jffl<d JffrJ' -Mabl?lilJ atfta eqftftdUGa beld ~teplber 11).13 Jucs,.d nve <1-Of poultry, that another ·ap~ bo l'AIMli wtt.ll and otben _,.. ·~ blm. A llmall •t S&n, ~'°. Ao ob&l,...an of 11\0 Loghom pullet.I, hera Uld m&IH. a reeommendat(on tor th• ap-tr1enc1. Bewrt7 ~tcbt. .,em.ben&hlj drlft. be ai.o an· Nrw Rampgwe MM and dl'•1it polntmtnL of a comm1u .. of coat-.,... ill aRCt COUlO DOt .. pt"Mmt, Jlc?Ullced l'O patd up membttll and meat blt<k. kch'. 1tu~.nta plact4 m•n to serve q a bo&.fd to etud;)' t>ut trnmedlalel7 an.ti:r tll~ p&t'lJ tin~ ftt'W on~ With MVe.ral · ·~ • cla.M pef'fect Ga.d placecl bllfl the problem wtth a cotnpe-tent Jt!fYY took her a Pleet ot caJte '1.lcatk>na atfll out. Next· WednC?.,.. on tn.m buts.. MU.l•r won tbe en.amttr. and aibmlt their find· and her teatbe:r hnddf'<!9 and day-Mleptes to counctJ win be coral.est and waa h.lgta l.ndlTidoal, 1nr• to the supel"Yi.an tn an et-run. •lected.. or first ·placf! wtn.nu, tn UM en· fort to secure aome Fedenl help. Pruent to mjoy the run_ w~ ~Wedn~7. Oc:t'Obe-T 24 ta dln-lire conte.at. Ruvaicava WU ttfth Op M:ayO.-Shtatett'• motk>n. Pfts14 SheJTtJI M.aytleld, SOJKlra ~ Aft' nl&'h~ -aplO, and a «ttiak din-hJgti lndtvklual. dent of Cout gl'Oup, H. F . !Conny Smll.b. Ja.y Bayne, David Butter-...,.,w!ll be s<rv«I" for $1. But-Tiit:'. 11,..lftock Judrtng team wu aalbort:ud to appoint the worth, Maurla.e &later, .. Junm.te "'no l"ellU\l'llllon, no ert!" · aay compo.W ot To~rn, Uhlmftyer, and .-mitt.. rllht away. Wllaon, S~ WlllbrWr ' ~ AUXlllary m<mben. Broce Judred four ~· Angwi Cail\aln Ed Metrlll uked If any Jen-y. Ovo,_lnl' af!alQ wen ...,.f holfen. Henofonl -bullo. ll'G"voo 6o Yoo~ . '. , -.- ' our . CLASSlflfD1 ··ADS . . . I , , • no wOftder Ule7 ,. __ ............. -...., llley '"* uouajl! !feed llelp't ••• -• ""'' ••• -·~ l.o ..nt ~ a Clae«t~ w tor IUlllVUnl . ' ' • • COMMERCIAL JOB PRINflNG . BUSINESS STATI()NE.RY CARDS -PROGRAMS - PHONE HARBOR 1616 The annual membership driw at Llndborgh-Huper achoo!, Coot& Mesa, began Oct. 1 a.,.s WW con- tinue through Oct. JS. llra. Ray- mond Rapp, memberftlp cha.lt· ma.n. announce9 that a S.S Pri• will be awarded the cla.u 1.n eacll achool whlcft signs up the largest number, of parenlll ud frtend.oi IA th" PTA. adlon had l>een'falt•n toward en-J.fmes. S.tte Smlth. _Loe-Stapp Sgt. Hari;v ,La.c:e Hampohlre •h .. p and Berk•hlre tottcment ~ot the blli'.-'1oerd ordtn· and Boot. KHne. . •rr. "" irA'lhe ... Town ·placed a .cl&a .per- INVITATIONS-WEooiNG ANNOUNCEMENTS OFRC~ f9~MS -MENUS ·....:.. BOOKLETS, ETC. . . . ) ' Student Beet Crop Sets Top Rating ..,. •. He polnt..d out the ln.creu· Opt,im. rsf $pe'ake~ fect and•w .. foOrth high lndlvld- lnf nwn~r ot non -'...-•ormln1 ·-· • u. al -""ln the-enUrf' cottteitt. 'Mie~ ~~u lUIJNO ~O ! ·• · · blllboarda alon&' tbe blch~• and • Ill[!. !"{arty ~~-11h""1>rlnl ••-te•m pla<>d tb;rd ln . the co'tlte«t. IU'&'ed the county ordinance bo •n· CloWnc lo be~ aent bi.Cbf\oli: -, ·AC lhe;·N.WP.,n :S..cli p<>llc• Tiie ~Jry 6Udglng waa doae \y ~reed, and that all non-conform· Chu~ by the S. l.o ·-ttut ~me~i;. wp ripoakrr at. the -Co4't atlfd<otlt, Bill Fi.ilc)\er'. ln&" struc lurts be done: away with. famll.,. In· botll Kore&· and .~.,.~ Y~day luocJtt'on of .lt)e Optlmbl who . lurbCd In 90ft'WI: gOOd ·ecora Sp cte....attl ay.p._ M&IQ'. Eepectall)' needed ~e-.CJ .c.t\lb,_ lie • wu pre.,nted by J lm Wtnncrs tor the varkm!t• dh'I· wa.n:n .·clotblDI'. gpod ~ and allagber, Sft'O«Ttm chAlmu•n. slona. w ete pn>sentr<t rtbbon9 at Mayor Read ot San cterM.nte ~din&'. Articlea i:ba1 ~ bro~'"' 'Ntum lhf' group nte\ at Norton•s the oufdoor theattt on thi fair· .aUggeAlf.'d It wu time to be&ln ~ th~ church Sunday ~Ot'nln•· Cjfr. groundlf. Oth<'r collt"gts ttpr"'"' atudle" of a road to by-pua the ThOM wlk> &re Untble ' tb btthl The ·Opt tmiS~ •i:ea convention 1enlcd were, Cal Poly_ at San Di- bu11neu district ot San Clemente clolhfna' may m.aU a cull' contr'l· be-hekl Oct. 20-21 at Del Mar mu, U.~uter. C."hlno, ( vetl'ran R..soft•bJe. Piices .. • · .. Prompt Sert~ . ~-: -P8llE .. E8tmATES · .... '~#~···' ,~~,_v<·~·~.PllSS .fl . . ·221 ,1 ·Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wlth t. 19.7 ton& per a.ere aver· age, the Or..nge Cout sugar beet crap ram -of th• beot In On.age eout1; reported local ex· perta to Richard Barrett. agrtcul- tutal bwtNct.or and ad'ftsor for farm project& whett so many deathl: have oc-lulkm. lo tie.rp pay COit.a .of ·ab~ t.O~ ·and ,r:Nf'rv&.tl~ should be I grchap ) )(t. Sf!t\ Antonio, F'uffqoton I cll.h"ed Jn tteent yeaN. The official Plnr. Dfade aa ,aoon •• poeaible. Palomtr a,nd ~Santa An&. . '--------.... ----------------.... -t had made 80l'ne atudlea and he - The coUege project reprP.aenU the ntat euch. venture on thr 8Chool farm. Tiie 13.42-acre plot prodUced 2tl toN of ha.nutlPd beet.a, or an &Yel"&p of 19.7 tons per acre.· Tblt yield gave a 18.4 per cmt tup.r <>ftr all average. 'The llUJU beet crop, u well •• all other erops, are raised by stu- de,ntJJ~ u clauroom projects." ala.tea: Barrett. "By thh. method the 1f'am by doing· philosophy can be put Into actual practice. School "Y" Work G~ts Under Way "Y" work at Newport Harbor Union Hla'h aciM>ol la swinrtnl' lnto ll.t tall pro~. A Fl"eshman club la beia.I' tonned In Corona deJ Mar. It will be led by Joan Kimea, asstated by an adult spon- sor. Other aewly orsa.nlzed eJuba in· elude the m-Y, Vr1lh Coaeh Jule• Gace u advt.or, Joe Lest.el', pt'es- l:dent, and Bob Bri•P· t:reuurer; the Senior Hl-Y wllh Mn. Jeanne Windsor, advSsor and Joan KJmu, preatdent; Sophomore Tn-Hl-Y. Velma Prtdham, advt..'.>T. At the ftnt rneetmr or the latter rroup, Sharon Yarnell re- ported on summer cAmplng activi- ties and.., Mili Chamberlain gave a report on the conference held nt Whittle r Saturday. Parents, Students and Teachers on t ue.sday Program • 'How Harbor Hlg"h school works will ~ explained to parents w hen the first meeting ot Newport Harbor Union High School PT A i8 held TUe&day. Oct. 9 ·at 7:30 p.m. in the J"PCr'eaUon room. Prtn- clpal Sidney H. Davidson will be moderator of a platform discus- alon. Miu Marjorie Adams and Goss Grable will "'present the tea.chers; Mrs. Edgar R. Hill 'and Stuart Innerat will present ques-- llon.8 which mlrht be a.sk ed by parent.e; and spokesman for the sludents will be Jeannie Talatra and Bob Eggert. Eleanor Ragan. wbo attended Gi.rla' St.ate and Boyis Stale dele· gate. Bob Eggert and Richard LU&k. will a.l8o be presented. Mlu Marte Hlebsch will provide a mu.· steal pro.cram by the La.rkeltes. J.ob's ·Dau9hters Initiate Members , ' Honor Official Namd of two membtra wete added to the roll 'of Job•s D<ough- ters, Costa Mesa Bethe\ 151, at a recent ~Ht.Ing with Honorm Queen OOnni. Gunn prutdlng. i!<Terly S..be and Barbara Bandy were Ule two -tea llllUat<d lnl.o the -er. r Yra. Grtce Swarts. deputy grand guardian Of tlle i!<thel. WU 11o1uJroi1 on Iler omelal 'rillt bere. She. ... pa st aated with a beaU-: Wiii llorlquet of wfi.lto eamat.loM and a Je'lfel •* with "' Eaat.ora Stu ..,.blem ............ In. the red- 1'004 -,._ ...... put PolllllbC tor- ... ...... ,.... ... ta for a --IA> bo ~ l.ortlpt I~ t) at UM :rrYay -clUI> -· Tldult.o ..-. at SUll eacb for - -71 -ta for -. ..,. ... ..-.a1... -. ....., .Joi>'• ,.., ....... 4. All tlMle •lf&lble .,.. le am e to ... tbe lldl eaem ... lllf7 .. -"" .. 1:19 , ..... l« tllerJwalb....,... TM ..... ot __ U_· ull:ed for help when aubmtttlng 9&1ne to the prope-r otficlala. Chairman Kenny agree-d that it was not loo r arly to atart the •tudln and h<" Point~ out Ulc work a11d time It hatl required lo get t~ State lo aeee-pt th~ Sepulveda pro}e<'t u a part of the officia l ata\e procram. The AaeodaUd CP\amben al8o ottered rooperatlon through Wal- ter Schmid. a member of the u.- ~lated roads committee. Therf' ~u a brief dlacuaion on a Chrtat· ma.." lightlng prop-am and BIU Galllene was appointed lo Hlect a jroup to work vrith bJm in plan· nlng the affair for \hf-romtnc holkt•y aeo•aon. .. SC"W)tntt Tonr All members ot lhe board Wl'rt urged lo join w ith the-Road11 to Romance group Whf'n it m~l9 at the Balboa Bay Club on Friday, Oct ober ~. at noon for a tour of Newport Bay, prelimlnary to a tour of Orange Co"!nly. Mayor Rtad o( San Clemente waa ap- pointed a committee ot one to atop at Laguna Beach on bJ.a re.tum and extend to the ottlctal!I or lhat Ci ty the best wiahea of the Coe•t Asaoct&tl on and all It.a members on the formal oPf'nlnr of the new City Hall there. It waa agrttd monthly meetings of the directors at luncheon should be continued 11nd Ralph Maskry wa11 appointed Chairman of th,• committee to ar- range for the joint Chriatmaa Party san1€' as carrlE'd on for lhe pa.st several years. Attending t he meetias were Mayor Shufelt, Al Leonard a.nd F . W . Rickman ot Seal Beach. L. A. Dan Patch of Sunae\, Beach. Hancock Bann.Ing ot Wllmlnaton. V. D. McOuffln ot t.on,. Beach. Wm. CaJllene of Hunllniton a.ch, Howard Irwin a'nd Harold Perler or Fullerton. Hany Han- ~n. Harry E. Bersh and W. D. Miller of Santa Ana, M.yfard Irvin<' and \V. B. He llls of The Irvine Ranch, E. A. curry and H. F . K•'!"Y of B•lboe. Ralph Mukey ofj NeW'f)Ort, J . T. Van Dyke of Corona Del Mar. ClpL Ed Merrill ot Sooth Laguna. R. L. Patterson or Newport Beach, and Harry \Velch, Secretary. W. D. Miller ma~ a brief r-eport an the cout and told pt the appropria- tion.a made by .\.he St.Qte for In- vestigations In th(' Santa Monica bay art>a. Dental Auxiliary Plans Shows for School Children The Women's Auxiliary of Or- ange County Dental U80ClatJon inaugurated a novel and educa~ tional entertainment plan tor achoo! children when they held tbelr flrat fall dinner meeting Wednead&ly evening ln the. Elk.a clubhouee at A t\ ah e I m. Mn.. Howard Bilker of Balboll l>land. • president.. presided. Tbe lf"OllP ~ded tllat u cae of-. their projeet.I fot th• y. a r they W0\1ld put on a puppet abow for children. of the COWtl;f '.IChOola. ny<d to promot.o dental h,..,_..., Aaother project la provldlnr doll- tal care tor ~"(lltpl dlll- c1ren. ~ rleBtlat.I do tlM wol'lr anc1 ~,.,ma.., .,..,_ fUDdo. 'lb ...... !W--y;ui.y clldcled to ...u..t ud all acrap dontal amalp.m.. ' ' .Not meet!•&' will be 11 ,momlna .. bnoldt•w~.-.t• the ~ of Kn. Klltool IL An- -._ 1111 North Kain 111wt. -.Ana. Prr t+t ~ tM Hubor UM' -..... -. -a.'o. ~ ol c.ata --lb.. -~~of If ..... , JlelPta. --:::---...... . ,._., ..... .,~­ , •• , •• ftml: IJt I 1111 0 I 7 , .... Cu'Dl Tlas;sq •211&1 • dick ~ :a • :, I ··~ _._ lilCro-dt, a&I t • [1..IMIR; .. ..pt ft-WW • .... • .. Ill_. •••• .,, ' • i • • • • ., ' PROTECT YOUR. H·O,ME ARD --..fAMILY ~ . .~ . : -. : • I • .. ' ' .. • ,. " .. •• .. 1 , • .. . • •• •• ' , • • • ' . ' ' • ' • • , • • • • .PART ·1 THtlR~Y. Ocr08ER'4 •. 1~.' Peace Offkers' , P.RE-S S _g Ball Scheduled Miss -Omom,ri, Cafe Owners Host luftchton (Oncen Pianis· Tamara , Masloff esented in D M Musica1e Ir· B7M.l-& ' ~ ttosptt.&ble home -ot Dr. ud before. a large audience ln Argen- .. Alexander Renner In Oor-llna. oJii Bighlanda waa the .etttnc· for He~ ·program at the Renn.J!.r a 'bllarmlng Sunday afternoon mu-etud(o opened wllh lbe 1tupendoua ~e. About rtny of the musical Bach-Buaonl Toccata a.nd Fugue ' Beach and Santa· Ana werT prodlqus power &nd general tech· =of the Hubor area. Hun-ln D mlnor, whlch revealed he-r p eged t.o meet the gifted pl-nlcal perfection. The Brahma ln- ...... t. Tamara Maaloff, who pre-termeuo Opua 117 wu a gem of 5$jled an informal program of a.rtiaUc Interpretation. c.L.ert aumbera. The Albenla "Aaturlaa," the .,..... arUat. born in Shangha.l. Grand08 '"Lament.a, or the Malden 0 lte Rueita parentage, wu and the Nightingale," from the Goye&eu Sutte. and the ever popu- a._.,child prodigy whom the Ren· lar "Ritual Fire D&11ce of de Fal- nii:t had heard at the age of 8 ta" were excellent med.la for the p.Ning the Mozart Piano Con-display at the artlat'a teeling tor Chto wlth the Sb.angbaJ. Sym-the element&! breadth and sweep ~y orcheatra. Her parent.a. nf!W resident.a of LOI!! Angeles. are of the Spanish dance form.a. +rallzed American cltl.M:na. Ta-In C.__ksl-Mood iqlta.. recently arrived in lhia The Allegro from the Bttthoven ~try, J.1eo . expect.a to become Concerto No. Ill, with ortginal al JJneri~. pi&l\o lnterludea. wu a flne ex- ~er profeaalon u concert plan-ample of dignified cJ~lcal form. ' ti :hu ta.ken her to far places. A group of lighter aJ)fd more lyric s(e lived for a num~r of years numbera were: Th" Lark fGlln- 11), Italy, studying ~th the cele-ka-B&Jlklrev l: Berceuae {Cho- biiia}.ed composer and conductor. pinl and Claire de Lune (Oc- Affredo Cue.Ila. She appeared In bu811y). rlSJlan musical centers w ith varl-The Donizettl-L e 11 c h et l z sky om· symphony orcheatru. piece for ten hand alone brought r... -the program to a cl086' and lhe ._ ' SllCCeN ln 8p61A gu. eats haalened t o expre&1 the ir .. . ..,.she first went to Spain ln 1946, appreciation. ~re Bhe eatablished herself u Jt LI Tamara Mu.loft's wlah to qoremoet artiat. SLmUar succeu-become known to the Ame rican ee.. WMe hers In Portugal. South public and her local trlenda arc berica has also heard her pro-happy to recommend h e r M an · 11. Last June 16 11he playec1 arti11t of outstanding ability. &cal ·American Legion Auxiliary erogram Observes Music .Month ~observance of mualc month.$>--------------- ~"" s ho rt but enjoyable 1nusical 1 ..• J*>gram preceded the Septem~r Vytng for Americanism honors ajthtl meeting of the Newport were the ~ssay contest.II ilponsor · Harbor American Legion Auxtll-f"d In 822 schools "-1th <t l ,920 atu- ~ in Legion ball Monday night. dt"nta puti~Ung and the all-out ;:'t:he "Saldeab March .. 11.nd "Mer-drive to acquaint Americlln cltl- 1"1ao-rollnd Overture" were play-u ns w ith their r lght.s and their .... by Dennis Thomp80n on thr dangE"rs. Thr study of communism Mtordion and young accordion -a.nd how to combat 1t has played !!·Colleen Rupp pl&yf'd .. If" and an increasingly Important part IA • ocklngblrd H ill" tor the en-the o rganization the put yl!'ar ft.!ld t naiutlc ga thering. literature Js rapidly being made tJt.eporls by convention delegatra available lo the public wherever 1:4ihligbted the busine&& portion possible. ' Of-lhe mttling and ga.ve newt>r Of !'lpPclal Interest lo lhe local 111mben a comprehensive picture anxllia.ry-llP!'I I" th.e fact th.al ~· the lm.menee progn.m being Newport Harbor had the Meood Cfttled oo by the dllt:rict 1Lhd de-hiPest, 11\Qlber.h.lp increase ln ~ent branches of the Amerl-the dllltrlct and te nth for the de· Ci,6 Legion auxiliary. The five partment of California. ntajor program8 touched on by lhe Delt>gates giving the 11.bove re- rfJ!reltl"ntatJve.11 were chJJd Wf'I· ports were Mmes. Alma Thomp- tafe. poppy, rehabilitation. Amer!· sen. Helen Randel and Lucille dtliiam and membership, with lhe Gehres. t4Jlowing 11tatl.stlcs : Mrs. Adrain Joyner, chalr1,11an t" of lhe f ood sale scheduled for _, Child Welfare Saturday. Oct. 6 at Richard's mar-~rough the child welfare p,ro-ket. announced that she >A'IUI r e- gram, •direct aid waa given to ceiving fine cooperation from chlidren ln the state of members wanting to donate food. ornia (department) at a co&t A change in co-chairmen. a ccord- 12,958.98 from unit poppy lng to Mra. J oyner, Will tlnd pa.at . Other unit funds and con-President Dareen Upaon aaalatlng lion gave S7 .956.&4 worth of with sale-1'. i t.a.nee to 1.459 children. DI.A-Ceunty CeuncU 21. which coveni the local Rf'porta on the re<:ent county acounted for $8:;9.:>0 of the counc il meeting in Midway City 1.a&ier figure. and on the hoapila.I picnic held at ~e poppy program alone t..h.ls Legion hall Sept. 19 concluded the pi;A. year shows evidence of ma.n)t buslness of the evening. h.V.S of work and promotion, a c-RE"fr eshment.11 were .lff"rvf'd by ct'-ing lo report.JI, with too Uttle hostesses Julia Eggert and Ra.e !l}llllte for complete coverage. In Niemlrc during the soci&I hour. u.: fin&J analyai.R, however, the Th<>11e attending were : Mmes. rf'llta ahow lbat 1,:)73 veteraM LouJse E8tus. Gladys Mills, J o- ware paid 143,866.44 for maklng sephine Hudson, Jean A.llbaugh, tJJe: little red memorlaJ flowers. Gladys Thomp80n.. Geneva Bell. ,.,-. 21eL <Uetrict accounted tor Mildred Bonda, Adrain J oyner, SQi74 of that t otal and the un1ta Julia Thompaon, LucU1e Otihru, tJY:~ein realized $5,608.92 !rom the I Bernice Opel. Carrie Rupp, H elen of the popplea. Randel. Lydia Brlggs, J ean N:ark- ember being r-ehabUlta.Uon ham, Blanche Bens. Alma Tbomp. th, Chriatmaa ha.a. all bUt be-50n and lhe oo.teuea. c<ii{e !l)'D.OUytnOUS with lhat pro- g lDl., with $43,897.63 ape.nt for COUNTRY CLUB BRIDGE Ui(t: month ln the boapttala a.nd Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertaon of Corona t¥eeciy veterarui and their faml-1 del Mar and Kr&. R. 0 . Winckler li• During the remaln.Jng montha of Lemon Jietcbt. will be hoe:teN- sefing meets lhroubout the state el at the brtdse tea on Wedne•- plQduced 21,lM bospttal access-day, Oct.. to· at Santa Ana C.oun· o~ to meet and exceed alloted t ry Club. Thia la the month's q~. . gut;1t event. for Tomorrow A capedty &lldtence lo ~ to attend the 21th &Jln\IAl Peace Offlco.rs 11&11 whlcb wtll be lleld tomorrow night In tbe -- Ballroom. 8'11-.-.. to Police Cbler Mark A St.epb-. Anaheim. Oanc. mwitc WtU be provided l>Y Pttnk~ C&rl•"• Orcl>eotra. C&rl• '\aa been 1etUn new att~dance recon:ll at the Ambe•·•dor P:oter• Cot:oanut Gro•e. , Ticket.a to the annu.l ball a.re being IOkl by all Clr"&n&e County peace otncera. Proceeda. are for lh• belleflt ot lh• Orange County Peace Officers Auoclatton'11 wtd- ow1 and orphan• lnaarance tund. lt haa paid u:r.ooo to benettciartea ot aMOCialk>n me1nben who have died since the group·a lncepUon. Harbol'ites Hear Famous Authors When Mrs. H elen Gtrv\n. dJrec- tor of Booka and Authon.. 11\c., ope.ned hrr flrat me\lnC ot the ye&.!' at the Ambaaador Hotel Tuesday. October 2, ~aur book enthual&Jlll from the Harbor area were pre11enl for lhe luncheon. Mm.s. Harry F elllnge, Lee Barnes, Catherine Kleeler , and Borrouch.11 " Hllll"' • The roursome heard the pro- gram which presented. Dr. Edgar F . Magnln, author ot "How to Uve a Richer and Fuller Ufe". Marton Spits.er ThomP*Jn who wro~ "I Took It Lying Down", Alexander Swan, WTller of "God on Main Stl9Ct .. , Gordon Mc Don· nt"I, whOee book ''The Clocktower" Ls recelvtng nallonal attention. and Dr. Kurt Sprtnger. well known for hla book "The World"• Thlrty Greatest Women Splee'', "The Story of a Hypnotlat'', "'Kippy the Cow" and many otben. . 11o .... -Alberta -· .,..,. • ... ot --·ll(altlobop la Howp<>r:. .-the ~ Oct. 1 a.ad an an 'ftC&Uan toe two ,....u. But U..7 -t11e1 ...... mlollnr tl>olr CUltOmer9 -a,1.,.,,,.t u much u the euatomen -them. 8o tom)'. Thun- day, ·~ .... lavlted _1 .. ----------- to aa open bou.tll June._. &t their ehanntns bomO .on Wool °"""" P'rGllt. • TMa puttculu people who an alwa:r-ulr.Jna" ror potato aWI at Uoe Mennald • and not pttlllJ tt. found pJenty. oUter -.la.di u well Breada and che1eea. p.y red ctn~ namon appl-. coffee web u lh•Y an uood to iretlJn&', an4for other beverapa. A..ftd for amuement. the ball pme on TV. Next WMk we will sUU be mlA-tnr the M.IU•ra. Perhapa wf' should entertat.n them in the back ahop or over at Roblnt' abow· room .. Mother Visits Mrs. Mary Price M:ra. Sebudu Juatham ot Seat- tle. Wuh. la vtaltlnt' her dauch- ter. Mrs. Mary Prtce of Balboa and wtll •main until OcL • u. She i• flndlng Harbor life lnter- e1ttn,.-and 11 belnc feted by many trlenda. On Sunday ahe attended a birthday party ctven ln honor of Mary ~ the home ot Mr. and M ra. Vlctor P~k. ln Whittler. The Packe are former Balboa reat- denta. The week end llChtMie- inl' locluded taklnr. in the Ice Follie• at Pan-Paclnc auditorium. Beverly Hiiia. Hoeteaca \vho have entertaln- ed tor her lnclude : Mra. B ruce McBride, ••ho ll now bac k ln her Ocean boulevard home; Dr. Ethel N'eff at. Bl.JOO. l&land and Mrs. Sylvuter of Bay Shol"ea. Becauae Mr-a. JW1lham doean't want lo mt.a a th1nl'. the i. attendlnlf OranKe Cout dttma clua with her daurhter. ~ T. v. sm .FOR RENT T·DAY IDNDllJll • TIDE T. Y. Mii NEWPORT BLVD N-rt-llARBOB lOll China Cove ((Joa_, ....... _.) Property va1 ... P\lrM aUegea that hll property i1 worth $34,~9~ plua at0me $1000 ape<:lal damaget1 he ls entlUed too for work e•pended becauae of the city action. The city hu ottered only $9. 780 for the four rurw tot.I. Two-of the loll are seml- eubmerged and two are good bea!h home Iota. P'uree him.elf la a.n attorne y in Lo. Angele.. He La the legal advtaor to lhe Hoag: Foundation. donor of eome half mllllon dollan for the hOl'pltal now under con· st.ruction on the bluf(11 overlook· Ing tile city at N~rt 81.-d. and the A('Chea. The F'uf'Sel beat thf' city crews IDto lim e recently when they got a court order requiring the LNUtnc of a butldJng permit for a home on the.Ir lot.. F\IMtf' recltea many deliberate-a.nd unnec- euary d"aya en('ountered In thE" bulkitnc and e ngineering dewt· ment which brought hls court a c- tion. The ctty Or Nevrport Beach hu &eaaed maoy parcela ot property ( . . I . . WED. -SAT. OCI'. • U • Aa O.oto'aDdlq Oam"'7 Sltew "ANGELS ltt THE OUTRELD" Paul Dourtaa. Janet Lel&"h Keenan WJ'DA -Plus - .. Lt.TS GO NAVY ... Tom Neal, Leo Q,orcey SUN. -TUl!:S. our. 1-e "PICK-UP" -f'lua - Pat O'Brlera • .lane Wyatl "<JROIJN AL LA WYER COMJNG SOON DAVID~ BATUSIIBDA ~ • Mesa ... \/ (. ' ' • . ' ~ . 41 WED.-SAT. ocr. BJ.NG CROSBY J,Ar-'E WYMAN FRANCHOT TONE "HERE COMES THE GROOM" SUN .• .;rt1ES. CLIFTON" oo r. 7-9 WEBR "MR. BELVEDERE RINGS THE BELL" -Plu11 - 'HARD. FA ST~ BEAUTfFUL' Another group of friends in Balboa. l!I making up a pa.tty to ~0 In to the Beverly Hills Hotel bn.nch of Book• and Authors Tueaday. October 23 at which Ume several of theee aame authora wUl again speak on their booU. At f h llf lunchron Ric hard B rook.I. aulhor of '"The Producer", Dr. J . Morrlll March, who wrote "Fam- ous Slory-TeUer", and Lowell 8 . H111.wtey, author of best-eeller. "A Fe.w ButlonA Mlallnc'" will also appear. When her mother leaves. Mra. Price will aJao go on vacation. 1pendlng a few day• at Lu Vega.a with Mrs. Melba. McNamarn. Of Colltna laland. for exclwllve .use of certaln leseorE ••••••••••••• It l1 revealed by r-ecorded lea.11e11 Mary Steffensen Named to Board of--Choral Guild Mra. J . Lealle BtettenRn of Corona d~I Mar wu elected a di- rector of the Orange County Chor- al Conductor11 Guild when the group held a joint meeting Mon- riay evening with the Orang11t1 Gu lid. Attending the meetlnl'. held ln Santa Ana, were Mre. Steffensen, director of mW1lc and M1aa Mar- garet Scharte. organl8t of Corona del Mar Community church; Mra. Ralph Deaver , organl11t. Mr&. Kid· c1er, nPW muatc director. St. An· drew·11 Preabyterl.an church ; and M r. K ldd«"r ; abo Mra. A. J . Rut- ter. choir dlrector o r. Chrlat Church by the Sea. Padua Hills Resumes Fall Theatre Progr~m Mrs. Mollica Dies Making Chest Call ' Mn. Roee L . Mollica, 19~ Ful- lerton avenue, Colla M esa. had offered her Hrvtces 110l1eltln,c runde for tbe Community Cheat. She wu making her fir11l call on Monday, Oct. 1 when she died .-actctenly. She ,,,... born ln Mt-xico 62 years qo and had rukled ln Cali- fornia f~ 37 yean. She operated MolUca'e market nea.r the high .chool In Orange and provided noon lunches for 1(udenta. When U.'e school purchNed the market tor a band room, &he retired and cameo to Coe:~ Meaa to live. Survlwra Include thf'eft 9tatera. Mary · Btn.lght, Aurelia Soto and Allee Andrewa; three nephews, four niece. ~d . her brother-In- law, Frank MoUlca. He r huaband, Larry MoUle&. dJed 1everal yeart l go . • Rosary wu recited at 7 :30 p.m. Wedneaday lo Grauel Chapel and maae wa.e beld t oday at 9 Lm. In St. J oachlm cburch. Coat.a Mesa. Interment wu ln Holy Croa cemetery, Loa Angeles. Balboa tslanders Sail for Brazil Wil.h a fe1Uve tau program to On September 21 u th• 8 . 8. be announced 900n,· Padua Hilla Mormudawn waa about to sail Theatre bu resumed It.a regular from Loe A.ngdea Harbor to Rio schedule, followtng annual vaca-de JaneJro and Bueno. Alrm a tlone of the Mexican PlayeR. ve:ry merry UOWd of friends and "t. Bamba", lively comedy Or bUllnt-u ...od&tea 'Wre on deck a dance contest tn Veracrus, now to wl8b a happy bon voyace to la Ln tta final two week&. wtth the Unwood and lm.-nor Vkk of L&rgeet leaae. of course. la that of the Balboa Ba}· Club which en- clo-some 1100 fftt of choice Bay l"'ront beach on the Coaat Hll'hWa}·. Nominal Amount The Lido l11le Community Auo- clatlon leases for a nominlll amotml all the laland 11treet end•. several dozen In number. In order to re.trlct lhe iaJand lo the uae of land owner11 there. A huge chunk of beach and land at 16th Street and the Bay Front on the BaJboa PeninauJa la -•°"' Amert 1 the Legion hu extended atlpa which It rent.II a.nd here malnlalna IU club qua.rter11 and which for- merly houaed the Boy Scout hea.d- quartera. More than three bJocka of Bay frontace 11 fenced ln and restrict~ 8d to use by the Municipal Trailer Park on the Balboa Penln8Ula. I Recently lhe Cit}' Council lea.s- ect out under its muter lea.ae from the State the Corona del Mar big beac h. Leuor la oaM..rin Tate a.nd a.aaoclalu of BaJboa. Tale le the former operator of lhe Sklllo Quiz at Balboa. To date the city ha8 acquired only the lot.II in China Cove from lbe Ruaaell Cr&.lga. Craig 110ld hla lot. lo ~ city with a rider, It ls undentood, that If the pl8Jl.I for acquisition of China Cove property should fall through. that his prop- erty revert.a to him. Cr&..lg I.I the Harbor Muter jointly employed by City ~d County and aold hi.I Iota for a nomlnai fee which the elty had hopt'd to uae &11 a yard· ltJck for other acqulaltlon. Homemakers Study Clothing Questions Padua dlntng room now open Balboa laland. , Clothing Accea.>rles to Make every day but Monday. The friend.a went abo&td at ): lB the 'subject of the Homemakers A dlatlnct novelty of Ole play p.m. and viewed the boat and vtlllt· and Fa.rm H ome Depa.rbnent Lii an ortgtnal musk:aJ cornpo.t-ed wtth them until 8 :30 wben Ule meeUnp durtnl' October, uys tlon by the aon or Gregorio Vala-btg line.r beaded out to aiea. The 11.a.ri&n Pre.nu.a. home advi80f' of dea. lirat vtollnlot of lhe ordl... Vtcka .. poet to return around lhe Unlftl"Olty of Calllomla. tra.. The ...... UUed ''Coruon de Clu'l•tmM ·ume. Tlea. Ka.rt.a. collan. contoured Ml Ser"', WU written by JOl"I" n-wbo "ftril (o lhe -t be1ta, and bep. wltb p&U.emo ror Valo/les. :U, now .. rr1q jn lhe w.,.. Mr. and Mn. J'rank J...,.., -". will be dlaployed. 8eTeral U. S. Army, and Lt prnenl.ed u Mr. and Mra. Ts>bfN, Mr. and almple llnriD.I techniques wU1 be a aolo by Enrique Lerma. Mrs. c . B. ~ Mr. and Mra. t.&Uattt by project laden .trom Patrons are Invited by lhe ploy· WWtam O. Scbmldt. Kn. Belen eacJ\ .,....p. !lac~ woman athod- •ra to ttqU<iet ravortt• oonp or Ryan, Kr .and !"""r llarlt lllan· Lns wt11 brine bu fa'<Orl~ &p""1 dancu at lh• meriend&. or Indoor ley, Mr. and Mn. G. 11&71"""4 and a pattorn ror It to oh&re wtlh atur·lhutre pvty Jn lhe Me><tcan llmllh. Jlloo sutll w.:rarland and btt neJPbor. manner, Wtllcll rollowa all per· lllra. Neille Vici<. Tiie ff3nU7 Relattonabtp letter, rorrnanca or lhe ploy. T-™-wu wrttUn by "'14 Bambe" and lhe mlltloltda IDllL 11.f.UDll A. l'UllOIEJl Jin. Da>ld CNt ot Yorba Und& wtll be l\acOd W-7 1.bro11P and odlt.e<l 111 Mn. C. C. Brioco, aat...;i.y ...,;1np, Mid W-Funeral -few, Kn. Maucle .Gar:dm Gron Home l>eportmenL dq and __,. aru..-, A . P111mmer. et,_ OI 1111 ~ An:J'<)De lo welcome to attend throlltb Octol>er 11, at lhe _.c ""°"t 8"<L. Nnpo<t ~ _,.. ~ mMtlnp whlch 1-117 lut hlUtop pla;JJ-_, Clal<monL held ta lhe P Ir o t -"'°"' io·:oo a.m. unw 2:00 p.m. church. l"llllertOll. at 2:ll0 p. m. ; ,.._y, October i.z. lhe (]oato Cook's Comer W--,Y. Pr!Ya1Ao 08-ont -· Hcm.,,,altera 1'111 -at -.,.... la Loma V11ta MaU· lho co• ta Xe• a ,ClomJmml.17 ooloum. • Cllmdl. ll>1lls a °poper -111nch. )In. PIUmmer '!'Ml --Project leadoon wtll be lilrL Lou H411RB-O.OW a-o.ommir: ldllod by an a..-io "' .... 8lelalo and Mn. PouUae llltlloft. · Ort l (1 lb.) can ---and lier h•--d -..._," Then wtll be -.i .,.c'a1 -In • -~ la abaltow -Ill ... _ .....,,. ·m,itt. -11- ...... -; top -11 ~ Jritb Baolde lier-""" -lo,,.,,.. '~ t. tO:OO lo d:GO Mn. a ollce of -· -1 e.p cat.ap -117' --W of N"· a.tleo Dv•llle of lho Oranp and ~ eup Cilllfonola ~ lortoa. and Buold ol -Jol!l: ONuocy -~ will l>e at or Clantt Wlu; --all. two da..,.._, lfl'L Marpret Illa u..-...-. -of NOC'lll Bake, _GDCOftl'..,"tft ·~ ~ of Me 7 111 Cit' ... PUil ud NorJJa Plowec . &ulta bot °""" tm• •.l allJoQt to _.. -xn. t..-a ....... ot ... Dt!llo: 4n1.. to 1r =• q11111Uma ahout ui.. ~ -'-'11• lene --. Mn. X7rtlo H.. ,.._ Ute -- -o1 -Oft butte~ toeeted .._lwnlet OC BKt ,.,, Md 10 l"E 2 D n•-. .. ode' Ii' U. 10• to 2:00.~ a ''l CACTllS c A(. B'I' CECll HUT(HINS & MOM SNEOIGAR ...... --, CllllSllAIJ IUT l'Q(J/) ..... ~ Clotied Muoday • COM,lETE OINNEIS fT'Of'W Sl.JCI to $3 .• TROPICAL DRIN1i.8 C>l11• '• tfi• bchnS•• TAHITIAN SICYIOOM ,._, Parldq ...,...., '71 .,.., THE NEW HUT 09 -0.Ut &hn.i7, i.....- l'llolle •·-!or s-n.Uoao <JI-... 'IVeed&J"a ~~~ ~·VINCENT'S 'UdO Travel. Bureau • IU2ZAHIN1J UDO DRUG STOP: Hcabciir 1246 • l!'LANIJ e ~ e TM.IN, IQ!l8r:aVADON8 • ' lllUI Ti9lllt 1ICbt AP!CJ' • < --'-~ -~ ~ wtlll'------------11 AJQllAL --• .. -at u. -..._Hall Nm OLA•*"™ Kr. -lllie. ~ c-. -Mo..-.,,,_~ .. a. Na.......,.._otao;Ma di "FtMa-•M11?7cs tr~• ' a.it O.W llll ll<w a • ., I. -Ille A •lcw el ,,..._ 1- Mftos -II & l ......... ?'I z· Ii. 'lfoot 0t P• llrl!ls a. ---· ................. ....... -.. "I-. ..... -__ ... ~""· 11, ~ te ,,.., • ._.,?? CDN • .. ..... « •12?' I' -... Dl'J' aay' • ..... 1 t ....,. -. nil•t .. " a n 1 a .,. .,. -at 111e .._,, ftle s1' -P , 1 ,._. • ••• Bd. drespo .._ ~-.... ----* ,. ........ -·----,.. ....... _.... . ,.... .. _ . . • \f ' Oini119 It"°"' optft 11 :30 AM. IO I P.M. doily Closed Sundays and hol"adayo ""°"9": iam~" 12-2196 Loft .r Fite ,4KJNG. • FRI. !'.4! OCT. ,5 ~iw:: BALBOA PEACE OFFICERS ANNlfAL 'BALL ;os PIANO AND ' 111 5 ORCHESTRA ~- ,- . .. .. , ¥1''" AN Ai.~-·~rw"cA~\.t.to~s~CALltN.G~'~ · tlVVl --· ADMISSION 1.25 -TAX INCLUDED • NOW and SUNDAYS THE ARCHES , . I Cafe and Cocktail Lounge I • OPEN 10 A. M. TllBOU08 I A. "M. • • • • NEwroH BLVD. ON COAST moBWAY NE'1\'POBT m:Aql • (WE. ARE CU>SED ON THJJRSDAYSl • GENE'S RESTAURANT and llAU:BY I French and Italian Cuisine SA ·M --· 1181 •• Tt6 C-t Bl..S. ea ..... c1e1 11a< ·s ·-~E ·A .. 1F-o·oo. 1 ' A -.. t the s~ of the SWordtlah .. '· (. f COMPLl:TE _,. OOUll.BE, - LUNCHEONS DlNHllR8 f ,,. • r . -- ,. ' • ' ' .. :g. • • l . ~ ..-. • J ""- • • THE P,EORhE ·of· .NEWPORT: .KARBOR • • Publisher, staff and crew of yoq.r favorite. local newspapers join you ·ln the observ~ce of "Nation~! Newspaper Week." . . Throughout the United States the newspapers . 'this week · are made... more conscious of their obligation of stewardship of your freedoms. Def enders of the Freedom of Speech, .Your Freedom! Fighters for the Freedom of Worship, your freedom t~ worshrp in _chyrch, syna- gogue, temple. or under the stars. Purveyors of the, new · freedom, Freedom from-wa 1t;, your newspaper brings to you the news and advertise 11ents of the better things for a more abundant life! It takes a lot of typP,.-.a maze of machinery and a soon of hands, head8 and hearts to ...areh out the facts. gather the news, make the pictures, sell the advertising that goes to make your newspaper. , . \ t~ \ ·W . "'\ • -.. Larg011t llnecastlng machine built Is the Model C-4-4 lntertype which Aets tlljl type used in the we«kly Issues of your newsp~per. The companion 'mill' Is the Model B lntertype wied for setting ordinary run of the mill news stories. The Model B Wf8 the original typesetting fuachine purob--1 for installa- tion In the Pft88 Pblnt 10 yean ago. The C-4-4 hi a new 111Khlne with automatic saw and quadding devlee built In. • BEN REDDICK Pobllsller Largest and finest newspaper PJ:"ellll In tbe eathe Jla&'bor area ill the 8-page Duplex llelf-manlfollllng Pres8 ttiat print.. and folds 8 papa of your -paper all at one ! • U-automatleally._ The prw was laatalled three years ago in a bolldlng •perially ePeet.ed to holl9e It at tbe P,.. plut. ' . ,, .. ~ ,,.JoO).._ ... .,#-- • • ' . SAY .POST end SI IOPPING NEWS EVDY WJ:DNDIDAY I ... ' .. ~ .. ' \. t • CHAS. G. KRANZ, 11J. lnte.rtype OJ>f'rator WM. A. MOSES Editor HAROLD BRADLEY I.nwtype O~rator WlNJFRED BARBRE Soele.ty Editor ·-------, j . . .. ROBERT \.\"ILLMES Ad\·rrtlslng BuslnH-1 offibe i . I . , I J ' ' " F&A.i.VK 8BANX8 . lob Pria.lfac Do~ 01..ZNN W. sCHBOEDZ&~ Job ftlalfai ' r .... . ~ ~~~'Puss' .:· , . - EvraY 'l'lillWAY • PlllTEI All PUILlllEI (y • . ' , TIE "I NIT . llllOI PllLllHll8 CO. • . . • • ....... ··-.... • l '.I .. < "'" • ~-· I -~~..:.. ~ DEA..°" BERRY " 1 Compo~ltor 1 \ NEWS.l'DDS -EVery Taeeclay NEWPORT BAY POST-W ... ya NEWPORT-BALBOA PRFM-Tblll'lldaya New,.."t .. 7 Ptettf::'tW .&.II ... ,.. .. dl.t Tws'EJ' • H..,... •*ft•• Ins PtW llll'IDl1lJI AD • t UIJD AO a..""' ... w Ille .... ,_. 01M .... , .... 1f pet'ratM& 4 ,.._ 1 r.per ' .111 4 ~ t l'lfen LllO 4 U-I Papen l.IO Tiie publlaben wtll not be rupolllllble !ot more tllan -._t lDMrlJbn Of an adYertJRment., reeene lbe rtgbt to conecUy Clamlfy llU.1 and all ada and to reject any advertllement not conformJng tu ruJa and replatlons. AdTertiaem..nta and eaneellallola will t>o, accepted up to & PJ!l. on Ute dQ pa ecMdln• puWlc&Uon. Except dea.d.Jlne for New-1 .. 11.mn ft 11 a. m. Monday• Piie.,. 11.w. 111e. Mk for "Al Taker" or -..... ...it-I NEWPORT RAii-PUBJ.11~0 clO. ttll llAlboa lllY•. "-" -... ~ New Hamilton · and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 C0811l Hlway, Corona del Mar ' 10tlt VACUUM CLEANER!! Electrolux and others, $6.915 up. 100 to choose from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St., ·Santa Ana JOmbforly 3-2988 70tfr FISHER Drafting Service ' . . ·Sympson & Nollar PAINTING A DEOORA'llING ·. . "The ~t llaa.y Can Buy" 612 -a8Cll IL, Newport Beach PBOHPJ HAJIJIOJl lM04 Gltfc B & Y House Movers AND . General Contractors 816 Ji"trat St., Tustin Callt. Phon.. Kimberly 3-111!1 <Home Phonm. JA.llper &-ms or J>.aper 1·2117) 7Sc88 PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry tlUI ....... lNIUIOll -ax:JWWW PAINTING 'M 11-W -DUC:WWW Glenn Johnst0n Im· IUl llt. ............ ~_,_,?-..... l~Pe ......... Alcoholla ~, Write P . 0 . 8o'll tGll ~ bland. Olltf. P!lone K1mberlJ .._ ~S-:;,~utz. ~!'I-. . .. .. Superfluous Hair · Permanently removed from face, arma, lll'L Eye)?row• and ball'· line shaprd-No more twenlnf. Eu.EN I.. BRYANT R. Jll. 1'ueaday and Thursday only , Lldo'11 Salon ot Beauty Har. 2'578 79c93 Clustnfd a<11 cost utue, do m~ Refrigerato~ SERVEL 8 cu. rt. Excellent con- dition &: pt>rt<>ct running order. .......... . . ........ : ........ S99.95 KELVINATOR rtfl1gf'rator, 8 cu. ft. Excellent running ont•r. ~pletl"ly overhau1Pd. $31.50 CltOSLE'Y Shelvador, completely over haulPd, o cu. rt. ····-· $7~.oo Washing Machines EASY WASHER. deJuxe, with owr11ized wringer and pump. Good for Jou of aervtce .... W .60 EASY ..tandard wrlnger wUher In good running ordPr . $.25.00 APEX W&llhf'r ....................... $20.00 Kfl'nm orf' wuhtng marh __ .... Sll-~ Easy Terms to Suit ! STROOTS Te Winkle ·Hdwe 2:t-Lollt and Foand 1802 Newport Blvd., COlrta Meoo ~----.-------~~-1 LOST -Cocker span.tel, aolden. Phone ~aeo n !'!222 Answeni to name "Jeny." Blind ln one eye. Reward. Return toK --EN-,-,-0-R_E_O._l_wc_e __ •t_o_v-e,-gr-UI, 8100 W. C>cean Front, Newport wailt high broiler , large oven Beach. 19pll with ¥tindow. light, clock and Z3-Sltuatlont1 Waatlld tlmt'r. Good condition and price. Phone Harbor 3488-\V. 80c82 =-'==::......s. See John Barv,y at Seacraft • . RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS can 1Dc1na CN11 Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa -Hu. :rou a:lclH CHEAP winter rentar to right party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdtm. apt. 3706 Channel Place, Newport I.eland. No pd& Harbor Ul7-J . • 78ttc ATTRACTIVE 2-BDRM., 2 both home. Partly tum. Large rooms. $75 mo. yearly. 512 LarkspUr, corona del Kar. For appt. to .... ph. Har. 197&.Rfc Theodor:e R.obins . Your · Ford Dealer 534 COAST HIWAY . Bea-ee<M Newport Beach • • Boun: Week Daya I 'tu 15:30 Sundays &-Holidaya to 'til 4 8211 COAST RIOBWA~ HEW1'0ltT DA.CB PB. l!PJACOl'f ml FURNISHED e.xtra clean '4 rm. ga.rage apL LOta of ltfhl an\I before 10 a. n1. or after 8 sts""i aJr. Elec: rerrtr. UUI. pd. $4~ ------------ ST A TION WAGON -J;"ord. law '48 .. beouurut· obope. Only fams Uy uae. ~ U you ha"I' ~n trying to find a clean one: • you wo~·t be dlloppolnled. Prl• vate puty. M2 Fullert.On Ave .. Newport Beacll. 88lfo Mtta mo. to June Jeth. 301 E . Bay Ave., Balboa. Har"1>r ?969-J R.Mulu come hom conlt&nt • 79c81 Pract.icr! An ad replarl1 ln thta ------------ peptt Wilt prod\lee tt.U)ta for JOU. YEAR.LY larie stUdlO apL Fum. ar s-rtly furnlahed. Utilities paid. Beacon -J. 79p81 JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only fatto?'J' · opprowd llala ond l!erTlce Station In the New· port Harbor A"°a. South Coast Co. N""J>Orl Blvd. ol 21lr.1 SL ff•rboT HOO 53ttc LIDO ISLE Sparklln& l or 2 bedroom turnl8h- ed 1partme:nta. One bedroom ( twtn beds ) $Tl mo. 2 bedroom fl SlOO mo. All utllltleo paid. Prl· vate garages. P.A. PALMER ONE BDRM. hou.'le, 2--ear gan~. '49 FORD conv.ertlble club coupe, very cl~an, 1 bllL !tom ocean. radl&: heater, overdrive, nylon SM mo. yt>arly. Phone HarboT seat covers, origin.a.I owner 25:>2. IOtfc going ovf'rseu. Mecbanlcally BALBOA PENINSULA -Fum. excellent. Private party. Harbor 2 bdrm. home, ocean front. 3468-W. 81c83 ~frig., laundry, washer. m ,46 wtLLYS JEEP -~con- mo. to June 15th. ulil. lnclud. ditlon. 3900 Seashore Dr~. New· ALSO Balboa P<>nin--Furn. port Beach. 79c81 .single apt., $26 mo lo June l ~. utll. lnclud. Laundry avail. '48 ENCUSH '14!5' motorcycle, Adults. Ph. Har. 12~0-W. 80tfc New paint. pert. mech. cond.. Will take $130 rar quick aalf. BALBOA PENINSULA, 3 bednn. 1229 \V. Balboa Blvrt. Htl. 563..J. 1.,,1., thermo hHt, latllldry, n<w 7Qp81 Jy tum., pr. 175 mo wil11.er. 918 Cna.~ Highway. Harbor 4•3 Corona del Mar 72tlc 1815 S&nt& Ana AYe., coeta M~ Phcme Beacon DG04 FINE IRONlNO wltl ~ca.ll tor and deliver.-CUrtalna.. Phone Mn. WUJiama, Bea.con 5Ml~-W. 78cl0 ABC DELUXE model ironer, juat ------------INCORPORATED BEAU'J::D'11L 3-rm. apt .. lbenno INTkR.NAfIONAL '40 -l ~~ ton hea~ pvt. patio, pr., $80 mo. truck. 170 in. whe<>l base. 7xl2 . BONELLI LIST SHOWS EXEMPT PROPER-TY RISE Sacramento. Oct. 4-Californla property exempt from taxation exceeded tht('f'·fourth.s of a bil· lion doUara tn 1951 , accontlng to ffgure9 released today by William G. Bonelli, fourth dLstrict membtt ot the Stat::: Bolrd or Equalb.a- tk>n. The a&Maaed value ot exempt property this year reached $1M.- S39,122. an amount more than SJ 10.000,000 above tbe 1950 level Orange county had 15,&9.3 prop- t>rtl~ exempt trom taxation ha'J- 1ng a total &Mf'ued valut> of $18,· 510,980. The number and value of these cxemptioM by type ot prop· erty w ere u followa: church 232~ f2.4t9,990: college, 3-$215.380: \velfare, 28-1933,270; and vf'ter- a,,-. 15,430---412,931,340. Dunne the five.year period from 1H1 to 1"1, be pointed out, M~ u~*'. valuea tncteued ont,,'- 34 per cent while eaemptiorui in- c~ 86 per cent. or at a ratr 2~ tlmes.u fut aa. the a.Me.seed value of taxable property. Mo.st ot the ln~reue, Bonelli ~a.kl. teMJlted from a larger num- ber of vett'rana' exemptioru1. Al- most 700.000 veteran.a were re- li~vffi of paying taxes on prop- rrty having an a~a.!ed value of $&84,299,777 in 19~1 . Thi.s repre- .s@Dls over three-fourths of the total aueued Yalu(! of all exemp- tion.a. \Vhlle each Vf'terana la .Ptt"" mtttf'd a maximum nemptlon of $1000, the average value o( tbie d~uction from hia total uaeuect valuation wxaa ~ this year: an lncbeue ot $38 or 5 per cent over th~ 1950 aventge. Church property w1lh -arvuee,... ed n.luation of ,$82, 778,980 made up almoel J l pt'r cent of the total value ot exempt PfOJ>f'rtY 1n Ute atatt. The 8.329 churchea report- ed .by tounty aseeuors had u aft'nge exempllon or almoat $10,000. Property tax re.lief WU otita)ned by 333 mo"' chuniliec la 196J,. than ln th< pr.l:edlnir )'Ul'- an tncn!Ue ot,.f: per cenL Ntnety·aeven private collitl'" ea.empt from taxation bad an .... semed value of $42.394,000, up 13 IP«!? cent over €bat or 1~. • HAlJ,LING ANY KIND-Trash 118e87R or? Call Walker-1576 Plaoentia ~ ·Meu.-Beacon 6372-JK 74c76H DEPEND AB LE "' I d d I• •cod woman wol1ld like ateady poel- tk>n u companion hOUl!Mlkeeper. l«ferences. Har. 1%7. 79p81 W1LL CARlll for a OIJ'&ll chlldru up to 4 yra.., for worklnl molb· era who wt.nt J)f'rflOnaJ, hOme· Uke SUJM:tvialon. Corona · del 1tfar· area. Harbor 32~W 80p41 Build with Brick FRANK MOLL · 437 E. 18th St .. Costa Mt'sa • 'RE~l~BLE wo~an want.a baby Phonf" Beacon 5:>53.R I a1tt1ng or child carlf', days or 80c81 H f'Vt'ninKS. Own tran.9p0rtatk>n. _ ! rf'f<'rf'nce:11. Phone DH. 8910-W. PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN I 80p8t • ! nRST Clas• houee cleanlns and . ironing. Prf'ff'r Udo lale. $1 m ....... •t.. ca.ta x.. I hour. Phone Beacon 9903·W. -. 6fll7·M 9kt Alp83 • ~-Sale, ~aneot111 ENTIRE RF.ST AURANT EQUIPMENT of the Newport Cafe Must be sold this week 110 ~<:Fadden Place Newport Beach 80pAI Complete lruJtallallon, repair and I 12 PR BALBOA BLUE SLACKS .ervice of all l,.ll~r eqµlpment. I and peddle pushera., la. ei.au. ORANGE COAST U .35 ea. 2 rlYton unllonn" sises 20 & 4&. 17 ea. 1830 New-TR.AILER SUPPLY port Blvd .. next dOor to Co•l• Mesa Bank. 80cS2 1110 BARBOR BLVD. Cceta .,...._ Plioaa Beacon 8224-11 tTNFIN~SHED baby w•rclrobe, $17.llO, 2307 W. Balboa BIY<L. Newport Beach_ Phone Harbor 2313. 80c81 DLSRW ASHER, Portable G Pl, llke new. SJ60. Call Beacon l!I084·W. 71c81 ~~~~~~~~~~~- WEDGEWOOD RANOE-ll's th< t9fit morlf'I and hu ev1:rythlng, lamp and clock, griddle in the m•ddle and it• CP all automa- Uc. Allio bu outlt!t for touter, 1immer bunw!rw• arid that ptll broiler. You can have my @<IUlty tree It you ..Xe payme-nta of P. 77 or pay cash 1113.11 whk'h b balancc> on contracL Stt Mr. Baughn, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . at •<>< S-O . Spadra. ~~non. Ph. 2162. 80ttc 1DO-O FRtGIDAlR&--:;I ft., perfect concllt lon. 5155. M I x ma 11 t er. r arly model, perfect condition, 126. ca.u Harbor 1188, 9 t o 5:30 pm. llOpA2 Si-Wanted to 8~ -· . . . ....... WANT TO BUY -Ox9 ruir ln 1o«J condition .. Phone Harbor 1020\~ evt>nlngL 74l(c Ho • BENDIX 1 WASHER the 1151 de- lae automatic with the a .. tl.. tor and the water aver. Tou don't have to bolt-Jt down. Uaed only 2 montha and not a tenlt:h on It . Ba.lance due la S188.36. Pay me caah or take payment• of St t .99 per mo. See Mi:,. Reughn. 404 So. Spadra. Fuller· ton. 9 a. m. -8 p. m. or phone 21~2. • Hlfc MA YT AG wuher $7ft, di.Dini .. t 8-pc. complete $36. Wall tron ... Ing boar<! U .llO. Dbl. Bolt -I•&'• 13. Kloc. Item& JN C&brtllO 8t .• COllt& -Xlll!IL.. Be9i· con 6807-J. Tteal DOUBLl!J maple bed, llOX IJ>ftl>I. ond n10Uttoo, ffS. Phone lie&. 1M78.J. IOc82 RA Tl' AN CHAlJl $311. 2 7x9 La hula rraa nip $9 ea. Planter lalnp 18 F1ocw lamp $10. Tapa doth ie. tlt1J booktd me and pad M&. Kalloj. drop loal table $311. Doy bod $8. O.WOOr cloU.0 lounp s111. f ..uai.bt ch.alrw U each. Bowlln&' 1-11 ...... 110. nearly new; poktt table; Uonel -------'-------~. 0 pg•, tradt and UC9-I CU. FT. CROaLll:T f\'oot JI-. oriel. Phone Har. 1778-R. ter dffO frttR, holda UO ..., 71c83 Hite ..-.-Aloo dlnotte, llv, rm. O. I!. Vacuum U0. Br a a• --------------A ftreplaee _,. $H Oosfled ado caot UtU.. Clo,mlldL and pOrdl tum. SIJl&le be$I. _ leall>tr .-,, 2 stoolo, I bOok- euu. -walaut •M(d and noc tiultet u. 821 Orchid. co-a. dot Mar. 79p8l PIANO. upn1rht-M>e ftnlol!. .-atlin rw~ et<. All borplu condltloa. Price REA80N , JJ7 frty +.imu, 1752 IC, Oc<oll 832 W . 19th St. Ooota M-. ......at. ij.'j11oa, IOpU Beaeon 15127.w. nell 1-~..1•0.----------Aha. 8lZE .c.ove. 4 cu. ft. Servel retrls. Crane oink and eallln•t. • r.bHt ot drawers. Har. 1311-JK. - Walt's Trading Post USED MARINJll GEAR Nou llcal Dec:oratlof»-tro<d Net Wll: BllY SCJlAP Mrt AL!! NEAR IC E HOtr811: ON 30th Ph. Harbor 2-470. Newport Beach OPllN BUNDA YB 710'72H 11 if .1 Cli'iU'i dilAri' ~ boat. Chrya. Ace. A·J mech. eond. $1460 Fr@e alip rental tor bol.ta aftettd tor u~ up to 26 tt.. \Vizard A: Rowboats for Rent KM'I 8eott'1 Mobil M&rin@ DocJt . .Nut to Fen7 La.ndlnr, Balbo& Harbor 2720 9tfc • 22" BAILINO BOAT, 11\Ut and 17' Boom wtLh hdwe. Malle otter. Jonn 12321 Pine 8tf'fft. Garden Grow.. np&l SEA BOOKS A tlne ltock of books on all ,.acht· Ing wbjectll -plua all CUrrf'nt boolca. Lerullnir Ubrory. The Ialifnders 214 Mortae. Ballloa Is. Har. 11547 MOOIUNO for 20' boAt. Maln cl'a.an3e:l rw.ar ferry. Make ofter, ...n AX ~-2 or write D . Jephcott. aP Redondo Bhd., 1-AJlplN. llp83 14-M•lcal, Radio PRACTICE planoa, ~. In excel- lent playing conditloiri, Sl.23 per week. Term•. 2 year11 exchanr- ol full "f>Urchue price. D~­ SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main, Santa AnA. RDT f> PIANO for onl!' '6 per l?IOlltb. Jlentat applleo an tututt poqdlaa al lllLU'Ell'B MtJ. ilJ(l 00. (BIJ>Oe 1ll07) •ti No. ~ .... ta AnA. Klmbu- ., J.el1J. I '6 A MONTH rento a l""'1 piano. All reot ollowod when ,..,.. buy. DAm-SOHMlDT PIANO CO .. lllO NO.. Main, ..,..,,... SUI, Santo AA&. , 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 Newport Bei:ch, Calif. \\'INTER RATES, 3 rm." tum. apts On Collins Ii1land. Each. apt. has water frontage. ALSO Penthouse on leue. West end Park Ave., Balboa Ial&nd. P h. Harbor 2962-W. 76tfc Couple of Children ! Yard ! BAY BEACH! In Newport. Furn. 2 bdrm. apt., pr., utll. pd. Yrly. Jeue.,j.85 mo. or $75 mo. till July Ill. Coll Bea. 6487-M. ' 78tfc BALBOA P'ENIN8ULA -· At· tractJve-1y f\lmi8bed garage apt. Suitable couple. Anll. Oct. 15th, $55 winter, M6 yearly, util and pr. lneluded. Harbor 06157-R 78tfc FURNISHED nice clea.n large sleeping room, kilchf'nette, • trlg- idalre, bath. sun porch (2nd flr.l '45 mo. PhOne Harbor 691-W. 77trc BAY FRONT -Lovt>ly 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. F ir eplace, good hC'at , $120 mo tll June~ 15tb. ALSO 1 bdrm. bayfront, $75 mo. to June 15th. Phone Har. 2552 or Harbor 2914-M eve11. 77tfc THREE BEDROOM Furn. House. Large fence-cl In back Yard. Close lo school. Harbor 3l45. 76tfc BAlJJOA ISLAND -Attractive bachek>r apt. near So. Bay. Ulll. · paid. Garare $76 mo., yearly or $G0 mo, winter. Ph. Harbor 1671. 79llc LIDO J.SLE-A ttncu .. 1y turn. e. bdrm. home. TV-Cloee to bay. ~. polio. 125 Via l'!S'U· (owner on pn:ntla!.s J'rfilay) AXmlnlter 32318. ' 7fc8l YEARLY-Fumlabed 3 room lz.pt. with ranee. $60, (or without Ma> 1823 Weot Balboa BIYd. Newport Beai:b. 'ltpll "1.nter. toot heavy steeJ bed. 1621 Pla• ALSO studio &pl., view, thnmo etontia Ave., Costa Mesa. heot, pr .. ~ mo. winter. ·79p81 OR AVAILABLE Yl!:ARLY. 17831 -------7----~­ Plna Del Sur, Ka.rbor 2981-M. BRAND Ni:W 19~1 Cadillac con· week ends. 8tp83 verUble, fully ·equipped. Muat eell. Private owner. No duler& $:50 MO. YJCARLY rwntal-lrUrn. can Harbor Oll3f..M. 79na1 houoe, utll. pd. 81'\i W. 'Bal-" I ' i , •,' '. " Blvd. Call Harbor MM attn 1:80 p.m. 81c83 4 MONTH Rental, beginnln&' Oct. 11th. ownen a bdrm. home, ... Ml fT'mtege, prlnte beocb. Beautltully film.. TV, !!pln•l, fireplace, deep treese, auto washer, gar. Adulta only. Rea· sonable rent to richt party. 4010 River Ave., Newport Bch. Call Harbor 2062-M. 8lcl3 ATTRACTIVE Ocean Front upper JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER • NO Bkt'tER DEAL an_ys where . . . NOW is the time to buy. or trade for a new Studebaker ~ Opportunity to own the car yon will drive for the next few ·yeara ia here, 3 room apt. l extra tarae room•> and bath. Sleeps e. 180 mo. yearly or $60 mo. wtnler. Ph. A NOW fine selection to from . NOW. choose Beacon 6493--J. 80c82 4S·A-Traller Space TRAILER SP ACS Close to !hopping, ott the Hiway, $12 to $15 mo. Cabrillo Court, 140 Cabrlllo St., Costa Mesa. 44-Roo11111 for Rent PERM.ANENT w e e k I y rental sleeping rooni. Private entrance. Garage, $10 per week. Blue Top Motel, -4:01 Newport Blvd., New- port Beach. fitfc NEWL y Decorated R oomB, good beds - Tranalent double ............... .S 2.to Monlllly ................................ $30.00 • ALSO BARGAINS in good used cars. Every one a special! '4 2 BUICK Spec. sedan ......... $395 '41 OLDS 6 5-pa.ss. coupe ...... '450 '39 CHEVROLET sedan, very clean· ........................ ·-·--····-385 '36 DODGE coupe, runa tike a \\'Itch ........................... -95 WILL PAY BONUS ...t or good used can. • 3415 Newport Blvd. at Vta Udo. c By Lido Theet,re) Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 510 Eves. or Sun., Harbor 291:>-~ Dolly mold oervlce. 128 • 28th M-Mon~ to Loan Newport Beach. ~Phone Harbor, · • · • • • ~ OM9'W. ~llclt REAL ESTATE LOANS ' Interest Rate 5 ~. ' .BOARJ) and· ROOM For elderl7,peoplam 1arrre private home. Good meata \and care. Pl>Dne Lqutia 44SM. ~ i..oan. 'qulcklJ' made la lMI .Bay Area and t.SWLL Stn;lo or multip}e unJts. New or oici. Be wlle and ave by re--ttn1ertnc your pt'Uent loan. Mbllm111n-.x· 3 BDRM. Ulltumlabed -· .• r IUGBTLT VSm> llptnet lnPlono. Hwd. !loon. nttplaee. DUa1 .._Aldo 8ervb . . -No j:ha.rp_for, prellml-nary apPralMI. ~ Banja HaUonolly kmwa mote per· heot. leue tllO mo. ua l'lpwor feet condlll09. TtnllO. $47.l!CI SL, Costa, MdL·~ -* * * -and •11.os per 1110. at l29L eopa . • llllafor'o -llllnce l!IOT), 411 • Per1o·n11ll1ed Se-rv.!ree H. •-ro. Santo >.na. Kim· BloL\IL APT. tor two. -. 'prt-SlllCial' 10 day ottert I * Alla Klmberl:r s.-rr Of' write:" ARTliVR A. KAY Mortpp Lou Oon-*"t :two Calif. life Ina. Oo•o Hll -Main Santa. A• berlJ' t-oc11. Glltte vacy. Neu .i-A -.. TOOlfi 7 1 ILUQ(OND all electric cboTd or-Begonia (at '111 St.) COl"Ona Ciel • Bring this ad in LOANS For 'Hon1et y Mar.. -" 50 6~-JO yi'. Loua' ·~ ·~la~::.~ Sp~ NSW one. bdrm. opt.. ,,.,,,._, • -it's Worth .i OONlmlUCl'loN uturs ' OrJ*n. Tenn.. Come In -NO month. lllquln uo -IOtb on a; motor tune "P· at -%-... · llf ,.,,_, 1 Welfar~ organisation.a ~ 1,231 exempUon.s ha.Yins an u.- ae.ed value ot ~us.ooo. eom. p&NCI. With 1950, tbla "'preaented lne.rteae9 of 9 per cc.nt and 30 por «nt, rup<ctl~. 1nclufed tn l.be wettue exemptloftl ue 11 orpbanal'H .... aoed at $1.1811,lllO. COMPLETll: ROOK of rwttan fllr- nlturo, table, • cllalrw, 2 lowl&· IAS ch&ln, nNl oi tableo, -nd· a..i 'lamp. Won bracket with C-----2 plctUftO, lcalck-naclul, mPert-ALSO g1r1o• bleyde, socid condlUon. Pbon• Barbor Mil. llOc82 BLACK SJLVICR f'OX abort GAB HICATERS (S) a 1-Ulnn,. ~o ~ORGAN c;io. Mo or !lluldq. • llOca Joe Nlebrtlr, ~baket dlr. 'l'llutn' t>mm>B. plo,Jo. DANZ • BCIDllDT BIG St.. rear l!'riday p.m. llalurtla>' • 1 l Wll J1VY Mm~ jacket, .U.. 18. caJ1 Harbor 714 medium llM. and a 1orp d...,.., Ho. ~ Santa Ana. BALBOA _ Nice 2 room. .apt M1ll Newporl Bliil., at Via Udo aa BOB · UPRIGHT piano, JM, Trojan la· tllee blcyde, $30. fOll El Mo- dena. N'fl'ffJ>Ort Helghta. Beaccw. ma,.r. 81p b<>fore noon. · 7lloll lallnlf -ltt. '"--•ht. and • !<_...... lleOdl Harbof 610 1.,a ,...,_BLVD ·-----, KA.'OND'ICl:NT S1eetztc ~ Good --MW .Wve and ·-.-.• ,,_ ..........,.. ' • Ulre a-.~ 12'7-W. -"°F•l&F .. Die .nap. " retrtir. ""° -·· UUI. pold. * 1i * * ~~~at.~ • IVR COAT (-J.J-14) '36: roll- MtJIOA. ODl.cL& W9(J9 w -.Ute. -T, SU; Ice .-..., JCmma. Weatberfo.d --ob•-. -C( $15~ omall -'to Balboa Circle. o1 W.::S --_ hi!. 1'109 llq _.. on w...-7 at her -. 1M Dr, Bay llllori& Boocon 111118. Bay.......... 11"'3 UfililN TO .u:r.-W•i.r. a..._,. .., eamp Ice. -. • --. -,.;.. .J~ ...__ -.eke. -·~-·· ..... --.... ------~· Otllor -.. all For Better TV Reception lt"PI-10'JF •• ·-All-Wllll a -V-Oolle I $9.50 incl. Mast TV 811:8~CS'CAll3 llo.y .......... ' 11-Redlo ..a Teltclaaa 108 ........ ., o.ta l11 JI ._. retuta<d 14 tl>elr ----._ Ol81·X. ..... " ... Coleman obec\. Al-1 ~-~~~~~~~~·~IJdl~s .. ~I~~~~~~~~~~~ I • _JI. ..... _..., -lll'IGt, - • Ill -~ IM --•:rao11.:-:s °''1 1 n:r 11 ••a•• n1 •an .ta .... s If .. -..., ,... ......_ ._ • -Ol'I ,,......,. .... ;11t·n11 • ..,,_ .......... Jq. - I • • DL~A'l'Oft ' ~. I llupl9 of a lifetime. Termo. ~lO -, . Aw,,,-..,~ •· ·-Uf• -~ Kl WI. yrs. old. W-Jlotb' ._ '1 DAJIS.ICBllIDI' PIANO AND &Ji ; Jr. old. Mloc. __ ._ 4;lf ClftGA• l:lO, -Ho. lllalll, -· flll J'IJllH ........ opt. 1--!hr. 1!2:~ ~ea.-clOI ibr. ft. 1111. -AaL " ""-wtUt al •• .,.., • ..., Trailer Storage Ha..---II, -~ .t. ii:Ail1Km, b•1•pot... twlD -. Jdt'·tzL A II -Well Proteetel . c::HIMm ma-r!a . ri&. .lUH atw -t I rt -f$ 4 et.o.. -.. llatJ&. Ull • lnl It., ""'dllt IUld W-. '191. P11w -ta: It-I reeln • llttare ~ del-. ~ 11!!:!'. EL NIDO TR.'°!!!'8 P~_la_,. --1-11. ;c tu ot ~ lludllC -..-IUld -~ -•rw• --CO. f.,.1"'>, m • .,_ CD90l'IA im.'itU'-• p.eia ,.._,au-• ..,.. ......... --.... ... ... ..... ....., -1011 .... --• ' 1J.cflll .. ---.. pwai 1, '40 mo.. litlL pd..,..... ~DOLT.,__.,.,SfJt. ... 0 I' ;al&, -b?F J IJ'. Pit. Sar .• ..., .,. .• urr ...... -::~::!::! ..-1a,.,.,e1;e ..... MSW I-.,..,._ apt. Daaw'1rt. 'lal..Q CW... a '-1 ... IP d1t, ,41., - --... W Ull -w-.o.a-. ' • I. I I BL~cHE A: GA~. Re8.itor FRAN1' L. !IHtll'EL'1: ' J. MARTIN 311 Marbte Av~.; Balb;oa I81and Ph. Ha. 18'1t or 1172 • EYea. Harlior,. J.871. / BALBOA ISLAND A bMutlhlly tumbihed home. 4 1l4rm11;, 2 baU..., 2 firepl-, larce lllldaded patio, ,dollble pnce. Many features make this a truly delightful -house. ' .Identical Twins -2 houses to be ~ aa one. Each bu 3 · bdrma., 1 ~ bathll, fireplaces, com- pletely a: attractively fumiahed. A tdJ:i!ic Income. Priced for quick ll&!e. ExceDent terms. • LIDO ISLE • ' A lovely house on large Jot. 2 bdmul,, 1 bath. Fireplaee. fenced yard, ~ 1.arage. A-good value ' ~t $l3,750. ··COSTA MESA $3,500 dowl buys thia 3 bdrm house. Desirable neighborhood. Dual ~. llwd/floors, fenced lot 60><127, barbecue, nicely landscaped. May We Show You, BLANCHE A. GATES -1!-EALTOR • BAI .BOA ISLAND HOME 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. and maid's room A lovely warm home with large sbldlo-type muter bedroom and fireplace. Patlq. Near South Bay. $34,000, Terms F. P. WALDRON, Real Estate 3()8 Marine Ave." Balboa Island • Ranch • ' • • 20 acres I miles from Nt>wport 12 acre• in ptrmanent pasture. Equlpmftlt for }:'j.000 chickens. Three houses. g'OOd barn. Abun- dant cheap watt-r. Oonsideor part trade My arff.. Terms. BUYERS WAITING! Bay Front Income 8 rum. unit.a. 10-tt. frontage. This hi one ot the finest. propertie!. in the bay atta. Consider h<mlf' as part-peymf'nt. Prtce $87 .600. Full Price $7250 Clever 2 bftrm. be-ach cottase nr. ocean and Ny. Best value In &rea. $3"0 down. $32.50 mo. on balance. GREENLJl!AP • ASSOC. BUILDER -RUL'JOR 3Jl2 Newport Bl••I., lhrlior 2M2 COSTA MESA Owner has lrlt far good. F ine 3 bedroom noUM. Fenced large )ot, 2-car ga.rase. all appointnlf'nt.a. -If you have, property for sale- ' Bayboa Island Bay Shores Beacon Bay List it with pocking- Vick and start We will glady estimate of ket price. give you an today's mar- LINWOOD VICK REALTOR w. A . TOBIA~. Salesm&nagt"T' ,• - $1000down • c...p~17 tamll>bod 2 1'drm. home (2 yn. old) cloee to Blvd. &Od atoN.. 'l'ot&I pie Onl '$8200 y ~ J h)~T . Rig " m own · w.u ltllllt ~ bdrm. ~--Lugw oel"ltco poreb, lot 15lltl30. - of loelitlona $1980 with ......,.,. •bi<t -• G . .I. Resale .· 3 bdrnl. home •clc.e: to Bi'f'd. aod llhoppl"ll ceaw- $9950 DoWll Pll)111¥Dl $11MiO Mo. pe7mt& 984.70 lac. lax• lao. Inco~e Property Nlc. 2 bdrm. home and S rentals on large lot with room for mOJ'f!. WalkJn& Ailjtanct> to centt!T or town. ~tatfl sale. · Price $15,0pi} cash G. N ~ WELis; Rltr. & ,Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 If :f ou're ~hoosey And wa.nt 80lhethln1. better than a\.en.;e. see t.hi! tovel y near new farm .style home. Redwood with hPavy .shake roof. exposed beamed ceWngs. loada of tile and cupboard&. A -1 construe~ tloo. Idea.I for couple. with ltJI 1 master bdrm., attached gar. 8 ft. redwood 8t&ke fenC"f', brick patlo, Dlchondra l•"-'Tl-Qul<>t Eaat Si<k are.a wlth ~!t. v1f'w . Only f7'90fJ. tt-rm8. _,_ Cliff Haven Dt'luxe t~ 3 bdrm. homf'. Hwd tllf, thermo control rurnacr. Dbl. ga.r., 11-gston~ patio •net bertif'.cue. LoYety landacaplng . .......... • -· • • !!!!~--w·w·•--·....!-G!!;:::!!!•!!!gl.!J!!Jl!l!!!!!!,.,_._ .. ;.,_..,/~. G ~I'! ! f f ! -· -. ' . JU8t Like in a Brune VagamM A -~ portoot'tor a -.pie Tl>la l 1ldrm. -• Growing or Coing? ' mat lllal •f • di trl>lt--I~ brand ·-1 II the nnch·!n-with ,_ I • (OllcllJC, brick patio and -..-trJtlt imoJI fNlt t.-.· 8&nd7 lo4ni 11011 la ICM>d co.ta M-J<icUW. A youloollillgat! btt00.1-~~~~~~~~~~~--:!~--:~~~- ~1iw~·=.: ~ ~-~1'4.latet "' ' !I! !!!!!1!1)r-'" ':i ...... : f w..11 fiunt -tiad a ~ wy. snn. · Clean and r N'~wport Heights attnetlw I fbdml. llo-' rn. ftOort, -bk p.r&P. ""°' Pretty As A PictUre Ch&mllng S bdnn. -.. I yra. cld. Ila the ruotlc ranch· • -type aad hu flrep'-, llea.Y llllllal• rcof, Jarae plet\IN wlndoWI ond 11 boautl!WJy l&n,docapecl. One ot !M'looo- Uut bomea In Newport ~ '12;1110. BEACON HJIJ, ' t86 Newport Blvd. (above An:b .. I I'll. 8. ffU-or E.,.a. B. 11&112-W ahead~ Wlir1 ftiq? I -OP-EN JfOUSE SUnday 1-=-G'jt.'Bl. LOOK at LIDO JSI.S w•en . 23531 KiDp Road, Cliff Ha• th-b&ale •-ta caa bt Thia ungm14! 3 ~ llome bu jlJ8t ~ CiO!Jll· attamed: . • / : pleted a'.i!d ill ready ~or your~. . · Reatrlctiorw. . . j • ~ Jll&tnt type 11n..........,,..u It ia WMlo~y one of the beet~~ °""" neiptiora. In tllil ~ and tta..many featurea' will pleue ·the Pnney.. • most faatfdlous. Balbin&' !Mach ... ·~. , Tennis Oourta. The rooms are exceptionallly large-there are 2 P1a.J11ot11id& batJuiooms..<iinig room and ample breakfut area. Chun:hea. ' M1118ive flaptone f"irep!ace. lndireet ligbtmC and ::'!::C "center; • many other appointments. * * * * * * * * * 1t * * ·* * * , BAY AND BEACH SARGAINS OCEAN FRONT eon Two yean old ..i. Wide P>onl.aJe * * Tl-. ALL mal<e for T.aie aad contentment. We are DEVEL- OPEIUI of lovely LIDO ISLE wheft :> UtUe buya a 4'01'. '.We have Opened a Jlfl:'W' Metia I . . It is. priced ~ $19,0CiO and well worth every peru1y.._ ~o -see prior ·to ~,-call Fred Barll~r, Beaeon 5795 op Beacon 6939-J or call at our office, 15th . .. and Irvine, opposite 'the High School. '. . l • ·4 bed--.., prq-e $18,500, tei-m1 Near Bav Two bedroom• -FireptAee SIT&O. terma ' OPEN HOUSEs -Sun. 12 to 5 p~. 507 LIDO 80UD. rt.De older """*· ' bd1'ft'l.I.~ df.n, pif!!r, sandy beach and patio. M and BALBOA BLVDB. N.,. 3 bdrm .• 1'1 bnth•, M•d. floors. bffutlfUI liropl&<e, !creed air lleaL BAY AND BEACH REALTY 1450 Balboa B1"d. Harbor 1284 • where IOtne . very cbotce lofl can be bought at-r6ck botl.Ollll I ,.. priee8 ud t~. ALSO at this ttm·e we have for aale some BRAND NEW 2 and 3 bedroom home• that 11\0Uld be eHn. TES we are tbl head- quarten for UDO IS~. We HA VE wut you W AlCT. P. A. PALME& INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo Newp0rl Be•cll, Calif. Harbor l IWO 79ell * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Real Estate Is Your Best Investment BALBOA ISLAND VALUE! ON LITI'LE ISLAND - 3 bdrm. 2 hath modem. Only 4 yrs. old. Nicely fumiahed. Large patio. good location on quiet comer cl.-to beach. This won't last long at - Price $20,000, Terms \Vm . W. SANFORD, Realtor Pftrk A venue a t Marine Balboa l 8land -o - ' I G. I. Resale 3 bdrm. home, Jtv. na. dlnnette. tile in kit.. tub sbower .avn-. Priced $10,IOO. $3080 dn. Plly- mf'nt.s $82.57 iRc . t.axc-a & W . On Magnolia " -o - Harbor Blvd. Furnished 2 bdrm. l:lome. 71-n.. bu•tne.a frontage nee.r rnull:et A ~ood lnwat.ment. only •12.800. Tnm.1 • . ' I . ' .OP~HOUSE . (" . Saturday '&: Sµnday-'()ct. 6 & 7 1 Ito 5 p:ni. 206 Ariiethyst Ave., Balboa Tulanq For the di.sC;rimlnating buyer. Home and income- excellent modern 2 bedrin., 1 bath, plus ~ bedroom, 2 bath apartment. CHARMING HOME Balboa Island 2 bedroom, 2 patios, 150' from South Bay, $18,500 Beacon Bay Waterfronts furn. 3 bedrooma, 2 \4 baths, furn. .. .................. $52.500 3 bedrooms, gueet apt., patio & barbec~, furn. $40,000 . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coa.t Hlway Newport Beach 615 Coast H lway Corona del Mar 225 Marine .Ave. Balboa Island 15th IUld Irrlao Newport Ilea$ ' ' 3113 Newport Bl-..1. Newport Be&cl1 • • ' l I -' • ·; .. Redwood stake fenC"e. A rf"l\J ( -----~·----------------­-o- Older Home buy aL orUy $3,000 clown. B. A. NERESON 1~82 Nf'wpott Blvd., Coeta Maa Pbon" BPa<'on 6725 The Home Stretch- To help your choosing. see thetoe listings on Balboa Island. Two bdrm. home furnished, with two-car garage, close by bayfront, $11 ,250. A leo a special for income- 2 bdrm. home with separ- ate apt. over 2-car garage. The furniture ii! ' worth $1500. The total price iJ1 $16,750 Investigate Today! . ' J. A. BEEK Office • CLIFF HAVEN G. I. RESALE -LarJe combination FHA G. I. loan. Lovely 2 bdrm. and den home. Dining rm .• lge. kitchen, puUman bath, large brick nreplace. double garage. 400 ONLY $13,950 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd.. Costa ~esa Beacon 6698 BUY NOW! $2600 Down OPEN: HOUSE SUNDAY ffnml 12 Noonl Very lovely 2 bdrm. home. Only on,. yr. old. Completely and nlC"ely t"Urn lshed. Hwd., tUe, Jots MODEL HOME FURNISHED $19,850 or clo!K>t space, leather uphol- Alerf'd breakfut nook, larse lot. cowrt-d petkl, land.!tCaJW'd. run .. prlcf' ill ONLY $9500 (not Including f'umltwre) 432 Seville Ave., Balboa Peninaula FHA paym,.nll $31.12 per mo. CAUJl'ORNIA MODll:RN, archl= . 2 bdrm., lgc-. liv. rm. Tile In kit. Serv. porch. 11insl~ pr .• comer lot. One blk. to N .P . Blvd. Thl1t hOU9e i• ..... n eon.troeted. Priced $8000. 1) ca.~b -o - "Small Fry" 1 Wnn.. UY. nil .. Jtlt. /N'lth dinette area, Panel R4y heat. Ea.st Side. v~ lnexpen11lft. auoo. term•. -o- W e have olhf'r propertlel'I that may suJt J'f'JIUI' need&. la PERLE REALTY 1898 RaPboe Bl9d. Cost.a Mesa ~onf!I Beacon 7043. ~RAND NEW Ready to Inspect Three bdrm.-7' bath.s--overmed 2-C-81' aUacht'd garage. Located on trtt-UMd senU. Moping cor .. n('r lot. t~tu~ and color try outatandtnc ALSO $1000 Dn. authority. JUST COMPLE'rED Edward H. Fickel, archilf'Ct. T'wo bdrm. home w ith spaciou.s 2 For Busy People -.. If you lack ti1e time to do a lat of wnrk 81'.0Wld the house. this is fo.r you! A big frie11~ bdrm. home on Balboa Islanll. Ruatic shake elitterior which you never paint-a tree in the la.,ge bricked patio wh0&e leaves you rake only occuinno llv-A few ··-i.. , r --~ ~ '? planta, b....., .. Jaere and tbei'e. y~~ can ..,.. ter Ir· it d\iesn 't ram-.:The all gla.ed-in porcli and- lge. livblg room with ~ed ceiling, · bfK fire. place make . you fet!I coey and relaxed. Two la7ge bdrm&, dining room ..:. A home with plenty of space. Completely fui"niahed. Price $13,800. island realty co . Park at Agate Balboa Island Harbor 377-W Back Bay Area - -1/2 Acres! Country atmottpmre with peace and quiet-yet close to everything. On private street, among other nice homes, 132 ft. frontage. On Tustin Ave. (between ~nd & 23~d) Call Harbor 369 • • • Your Offer Con!lldered For Appointment to See- HORACE .S. MAZET 306 Karine Ave. 312 Marini' Ave .. Balboa laland H arbor 63 B.cilboo. Island Ferry New l bdrm. homr -Redwood nlC"e A:ppeartng. 2-car garage. ao.t-to M'W merk:et on Keat. S idf'. Paymt-nl approx. $50 J)<'r mo. Full Price Onl1 \Vm. Manker, color!I. ... bdrm. apt. over 2-car gacage Newport ~~r• Co. !Umiahlnp wllh view ol ........_ or write P 0 Box 35. Balboa Island . '. . ; Balboa Island Harbor 3028-J Phonf' Harbor 2042 59Uc ''Look for thc-CrtTn Lawn" LOT 4~xl50 at 19th 6: Orange in Coat& Mt>sa. Call oWMr. Long ----------- Buch ~883 . 8lp83 61-Real Estate Exchange Sell or Trade Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat. & Sun. 2-6 BeautifUI 1 acre Poultry Ranch 1n or by app't. l'h. Hal'. 1238-W San Fernando VaUey. Compl. Appr'Gldm&tely 2200 eq,. ft. 1 year equlpt. tor rai.taS tryen, ehade, old, 2 bdrma. Ir: bath down.stars, fruit. ben1ea, flowers, etc. 1 bdrm. a.nd Jge. den and bath Home and ltcome rental Price up.stairs. Suadeclt SO x 30, excel .. $12.500, will ·exchange $7,600 leDt Ykw. lAl'Je .llvlnl' room, equity Ir: uaume for sm. tum. tb'eplace, dln1nc room, rorgeou• bae or inCOl'ne in Newport. Ba)-k1tcbn A naoa:, oe.k ftoon., forc- boa. COM ~a. near water. ed air beat. utru plore-. COurteay to brokers. LAZY D • RANCH. 20128 Runnymede, C&nop Park. Superior S. nu. T9cAI Priced to lldl _ qllickly on very i"euonable terms. lmmediate poeaea1it>n. SPECIALS! ! ! ! NOT ON THE BAYFRONT! BUT CLORE? Tbls older ho m e hu beau. BAT view &n.d ta only 100 ft. or to to dandy awlmmlnC' beach. Lots ot room LARG:r living rn1., fireplace. One Lar&e and 2 :.mall bednna.. kltchfirt .&th brktat nook, eerv. $5750 $1800 Dn. • New 3 bdrm.. -~. lfwd. garage. Approx. 104.0 sq. ft. NI°' location .. Can you lmaa!M thf' run price 1a oruy $9250 .pc11. PLUS s rm. apt at· "'~'-New 3 Bdrm F .H I&. l'umlabed. a ~ value -a • "'1.--. &'OOd 11uy-'1~.ibo. $2750 Down OCEAN FRONT -FuratsMtl 2 atltry 4. B. R. home. Oolce 10- tauoa. Ju.it 8 abort block.a from aaJboa abopptna. and •uo.u 'the 1-t t'rom Bay honL Fite· place. barbecue. INCOME APT. over prap. Priced n14t at '11,000. • ' ' . Balboa Realty Co. WW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Large home w1th many extra ,.,.. tu:rea. Beautftul Jlv. na.. wtUt fireplace, 4tn~ atta, hardwood !loon. lot.a of Ulf, COTerM ,.u.., 4ouble canae:. extra wide lot. Fall Pl'lce Only '11,400 I I L. A. for BALBOA'. New 2 bdrm. home bait a block _-0-ley . J-phlno Wtbl> from Ocean 81..s. In 0.-. dol lJlll&a ~ Phil Sullivan Qeo.Everson lW Newi»uit BIN.. Costa-Mm It you •~ inte f'sted ln attlzLI the very LA tn d~l~ and BOTH HOUSES u e RANCH c:olor. See thl.s! STYLE with tUe bat.U, prbage {0.t Ba»>oa BJvd. to the diaposa.1._ large encloaed patios. PMiM'Ula-watell for arrow) oveniud paneled ftnplaces, decorator oo1or1's and wall pep- " ers, Separate laundry rooms. Harbor Investment Company ~ RnL'l'OllS ' 30tll ud NewpOrt Blod. Nowpcwt -Pb. Harbor Jft-00 BJ: Wl,Sll-ADVER TISI:. FOR VALUE Jn tine lge. ocean view 'home- llttes eo!IVenientJy located AD otllJtietl. Terma. Model ' ;.- 500 :. 502 Poinsettia Corona del-Mar i>hone--'Owner, Hart.or 1521 -~ or see JOU!' lwoktt. BALBOA ISLAND Attracttve well located 2 bdrm. home plua 3 rm. apt In rear. L&rp uaable pMlo. Wonder!UI rental reconl. $18J)OO l"rnlah· ed. Good temt&. STANLEY BADJ'll!l.D, Realtor 118 llarine .L ... Balboa hl&nd ~Harbor to ATTRACTIVE BALBOA ISLA!W 2 bdrm. welt' tum. house--: with Three Best Buys in Corona del Mar 1 bdrm. apt. over gan:ce. phis $UG60. New 2 Wrm.., plAla rumpus guest room & bath. Lots of tile, room. Furnace heat. flroploee. ·A .-.lluy at $26,500 - · ' '10,750. New 2 bdrm. home, fire· NELDA GIBSON i place, shake roof. IU:A.LTOR ~ • 1 -308 ~artme Ave, Boolbne d $14.J!OO. N ..... 2 bdrm.,hame, Igo._ -Harbor 502 • · ll~room With flrtploc•. Ex· · . I coll h•d. 11oo1-o, forced a1• .. . • "'91, ..,aotnrr frutt trtes. En. ~ear Ocean & B!1r O:~...::U:.w u;... 'are gone 2 bdrm. cottage, large-·pl;C'ure I Act' NOW'! •1'd<>*· Clever lnlfde pl&D.ter. a->. .. t. •tall shower •. llStllO Earl Chamberlain llowD, $32.50 mo en bUilce. ~ 1 .. Harbor= or-· :l9l'-M1-1181) OMtl BmL. Oorana clel MU 77tlc (Opp.I NewpCMt Harbor Bank) ·JUST COMPLETED rbone Harbor 2118 I I , '8c10 ID ExChrsiYe Shore Cltfta T" In TBRE1!l BED!UL. 1 11aiw, b-G. L Resale 4 % t. ·· on ~ 80xl18' lot 19110 oq. 2 bclrtn. llome. ...-~·rto~. · n. pita __ .,. cuqe -large fencM lot. prage. On. Trade equity In 2 \.i-yr.-ol~ West Hollywood 3 bedmr. and den tor dear reside.Me. ValLMt Al,090, klien $10.500 owner. 1ST4 Blil(ut Dtift, Los An1e1.. ... caJlt. Mar. Thia attl'8Ctlfe -bu 180 ..... , .... Bl'fG. a.... am I" ktho, patio. d.b~ pr and ts well built ot the -ma-Oc Fro t Tri 1 , .._ Beacon 711.1 (Ac.-from Cool& Me. Bank) trv.a. Ha. S167-W Bea. IKM-J Corona Highlands • At Lquna ~fe of Corona de1 Mar. AU at traet ~. -.---· -""-"" --to acboola -. J'oteod .tit fluueoc ~ In 'i..leiy *ewpor\ ~ POii-• • ol We. a.mpiew,. .1-d -...... NoY. 1.t. 11&700 loen.. Corona del Mar - THE . PRESS ·THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST ."-- Orange Colfnfy's Outstanding · Real Estate .Acl~ising' Medium • • ter1a1. Price ue,500, 1oot1 mma. ean n p _ex Why Pay Rent? ? ? l&ndocapecl. , •I ~ payallle JO. per mo. • • ~· $ZW> Bandies • Priced at m ,JSOO, % ~ Price ·$9360 • , a bdrm.., ._ llime. 14'e· -t Coll ~-...._ 'IHW lir: • &lt 1:1 KQdena. Ba. 63~ ' ~patio, ICx~·nelpb'bood. -at JU -IW'•lh;i-~ . 1tc8l: ' ' 'a..., -u-. I O ' J d'ftt9 • "•• ' .... ~ $8750 ~ Price mcw 1 .sou .. ao~~l ~ ' ~-I. Re11le ' "Lit_Ue · lal~' . Another Good Buy =:-.. ""~~ '~I~! . . COrona-.del Mar , ,, -al .,_, *"" la -. Sllll8, Tenm , °"'8 -. pa, a.a. • .~ home .la ucellmt Joca-COSTA ~A iaa·rcr -.-ao ~ flar. • • 1111• · ~l dbt -Pa1 oaJr , ...,.,, '•'$1d 1"'I oe17 -a -I "'*"'--,••-apt._ 0--S1SOO CUii -Mta-Ulla !fear boapltal. ea">' - -$87..,.. · a. I. R-JI -a -. -. .. -&B. IL .., 1 a. a. --It,,, r 'U es. ~ "9dwa · n:LJOd aa4 ...,,t, f;•,..... •• .. .-a(laL'LGtliOdtllt. UU .alusllwlot, ... IJI& .... __... fh='i.M f/IP'~--la-t ......; _. • ·~··· _. ... ,., ...... C:J. Otol:J ttt.•...,, _.,..-............ eN. ............... -· .,..... _ ...... -.. -· .A,-WW. I -... ~ "--~--· ~........ ~••• _., ••• ' • ..., • • .-i.-~ Olllla llo-. ..-.i r 121. ..._ wa -, -,_ ftlo la a_, a;;w; -.....,,_ Paw• -n.->tor "upEI::;;:;. • ...... a-&.""" Rfttllt • -'.:' C1a11 -tw l&W, - --. '11.Zll. ... ---~---.. a. IS&I ~.LI...._~.....!.'::'"'~--t-!r, wti F-.C ·c. Galm Denhlort •1ar • -... "...-.. _ ---.. a-.--...,~----::,;....--.. _ .. ......__ -............. _ -. ----' * u ,, .. - - -,.,,,. .. Proflertl11 Co.. ·-' ..... -... .._ '" .. -... . A. Jl • I•• • -... • & ... , ...,,.. IJ ... P .... ., ~ ': ~ I'll U' l:ft_ ": _. •r II LI • ._. ..=: n •1·1 ..... 1t9lll&,&llplit r--~· aaa121 lllf•u.r.Aai . , . , · • ....... ....-; F'Lt .. n .... -....... --.... .,. . . . ' . 'WUf I I 'ta al ....... , Pllone Harbor f14-J I - . - • • • • • • • • • • • • - ' I I • I , ~ I l I I • • • .. ' . • • ' , , . --------~ --' . -~ ~,,..__, .STliREWIDE FDllD SAl.E These· outBtanding "Treasure Huitt" specials effective Thilrs., • • • . . MAYONNAISE ,. .. 39· 9f. ,~. . Jw. Jer. ~ U.UllA ~UDDH'S ' ' ' Peanut 1=- 8utter 34c 'Golden State .First Quality · ~'-BUTTER . ' America's ------- Quality Meats . sPAii'i1issa. 39:. PORK11 .. LiVER 35'- Favorite Short'ning 3·lb. Can 89c KricHui"I· 2oc • Prench I ~J· Norilt. SfHb A9;. Salad or Cocktall 391i. ., . HAL•lllT 7'"-. . SHRIMP · · Betty Crocker's . BIS(i)UIC.K ~:;~ ........ 39,c SALTID-Yll61NIA I OL CAM. CIRCUS 'PEANUTS 1 Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS ~::· 26~ llRAINID BABY FOODS 3 .. ~. 23c IUTill IOI.LS 33•o1a. la.. at.-.>•• 1r1 GOLDIN STATI "PAl·TH" I.CE CREAM , ' -• • ( . -... -- . : WHEN YOU SAY. ••• ,, .·_c :e ·f ·F·E E • J • • • • .. I • . Say, FOLGER'S • .c " ' DOLi SLICED -No. 2 Can :.-."' ··P.i ·n ea·p pJe "BUY NOW & Save!" ~· $ l ' • " , c • ' Good taste fW. ky Scouts lX,'fU FANC'(-U.IGl·stZE-WASHINGTON STATl -' ~· • u4alltoacl Sc•llh.'l•!ck aM•MJ h ,,.,.,. -1 .. .... 1.""" Gn TOUllS TODA Tl APPLES . 3 ,~2s~ lartlott Larto Lake Cou..., 2 2· 5' PEARS . .!~ · . ~ Ne. 2 'I• C.• hat t;>uallty-U. $. No. 1 · 19c s'PiiDi••M . ~Q'~ 39c . ~ . -. I • -• 1'" MISSION INN. si.1ciD 01 tiALYIS-TILLOW CLING 23 ' PEAC'H ES -· NO.zv.cAN .. ~ JElL•Q. z 17C & J•\\•O 10.0Z. CAN PuClclinCJ5. . ' . JOLLY TIMI POPCORN SAii-WAX . ' "FELSO" INSTANT.SUDS ~ , U.IGI PK&: : 6,, 7-.' · . . . -.... • • _t. 125 FT. 21C. IOLL ' ' . . . I i/_'f ~ \ N E S & L I Q U 0 R S ~A - • I • l • I J'l I ' • . j ' • ·../' ! • \ , Ir• • • • ••• ORANGE · COAST INVADES. fUlLERlON .-SATURDAY : · IN CONFERENCE OPENER Orange Oout coQege footballen invade Fullerton Junior college Saturday n.lght for the Eastern Conference opener and the pme which 1<>me aay will determine the eventual lea'gue wtnner. Kickoff la elated for 3 .p.m. at the stadium on the combined Fullerton college and high achool campus. ' · While· m.a.ctt Orang, county observers feel that Saturd8.y night's p.me wtU tell the tale u to ~e pouJb)e champlonahJp team, few will pick elth« of the teams over the other. It look& a.a though break.I a.nd the mental atUtude of the teama will determine the winner. velop Into two of the finest tackles u the eeuon procreSBeB. eout·s offensive llne·up out- welgha Fullerton'• offensive line- up .. -181.1 to ~79 .9. Tj)e Plratea have the bulge of nearl.l,_ thrtt pound.a lft: the line, 18U.4 to 18&.8, while the Hometa ttave a a)Jghl edge in the backfield, 173 lo 171.5. • • • . .. \ ·.· • • I • . -~ ... Leagu1 $:,~.'I~~ ... -uas 'l1lla put ~ .... - bad o:i lllllla. loWll ...S our .,.. .. ta, · bore'• me for Ule .,._ tt. ~-'"°''"" rollln& ID the I.ad... y Scn.t.dt 1-pt _._ pie ___ .. 1150 eacjo for a tliO tolal. Bow consiltUt can one be? Ia 't1* -· league -find the -Sllop oil top by total pins aaly for Balboa Mlct. la right on tllelt laJJ will' lbe ame num~ ol wtna. ~ and a loot. amc.- Buuty (s11<>p walked awa.y wit.II both l\IP ae-i20t and h!Sh game, 1M. rtsht nice boWllDC ghla. A new Opc>OlllOr la ln the Un~ up of I.lie ''900" Scratch ~ H...,ey Somero Chryoler·Plym- out.11, w~-I.lie way la nm place te&m. W& would al.lo like to welcom( _ anolhet new apo.mot, Harbor jPtw;nblns, wboae team.. 11 ridlDC th,e rou,th epot. Blgha for the w~: ~\eerie.a, Wdpn<t. Mlct.. 26~0 ; e, S. A. Bowl· Ing center, 9 . l5liO ..rue: Ir. Bettla, CU; 1! VaJentlDe, 593 : D. Pendlsrou, 1589: T. Ruasell. Ma; P . Van Staterie. &,:i.8; D. Gentoe~ :IM: P. C.Ueroo, M2: k Arnn~ liO. The Pirates should be ripe to return to their "Santa Roaa" form alter bogging down apirult Ore· gon Tech'a tough.le.. laat Saturday night while Fullerton may be ready to roll u they did two weeke ago In 9ocking El Ca.mlno Jaycee 53-13. Coac.h Ray Rouo baa bffn tinkering with the Pi- rate offense during the put w.eek In an effort to rind the combina· tlon lh.at clicks and lo flnd the quarterback to make the macbl.ne roll. Santa Ana Dons Set for Vikings in Home Game 8215 &'&tell Leaguo: first place Coota Mesa Bank. 9 ;wtna, 3 loot: ITS THE 8T,un' !HAT OOUN'l8 -0-p Clout oolJep u-no. stnw atarttq Maarte ~--w--. F...i 0.-, d u si.n_ 11m &0.U.0.. Boa .... -.md place: Walsh Ho.rdwo.re. 8 Long .. Beach City College, Na-.. tb.ey prep&te for tM lmportaat l'Mtmn Vanference opeiaier at Fallerto• Satar-nett &ad 81d Man••as. la • baoklleld (left to rtpt) It'• Ned -~ Hal won., • fo8t. . Quarterb9ek "'ork tional J . C. Cbamplorui, will give day ntpt. la Mfwlve Ion ttoa Ute Pl,.U. ~ (left to ript) lo tt&e llne: . Sm.JU., Howard · MiDf'r and Mel Sma.Uey. Men'• Commet'Qal Le ague Santa Ana their laat trial by fin Thunday, 9 p.m.-Wanda Cle&n- Paul Chafe and Benny Arre-In the Sant& Ana Municipal Bowl era a.nd. Sea ll'oodli Varletiea an dondo have both received concen· tomorrow night before the Qon• SCRIBE 'BOARDS' PIRATES Merchanfs Pot"nf . Bl':R.E'8 PlR4T!: LJNE--UP tied to .. nrst. l!jach won 10 and troted attenUon at the QB epot engage Rlnrside In the Ea.stem · Startin~ Offenolve Une-ups for Satunlay: lut 2. Hieb team Mieo for 13>& and How&rd Miller. regular at.art-Conference opener in Santa Ana. for Tenth Win Ora.nee eo..t . POS Fullerton week Ben WbJtrn&n Realtor. 278f er, ha.a been getting addlUon&l OeCtohabelkr .12. th i . FOR. POOR TECH SHOW' .ING Glenn Wood~td 11801 ................ LERR .................... John Cypei:len (IM) Vw~~.h .. lgh98te7amw/hgamd. e. Sea. Food. work on "ruaty" apota which mg up e r first win of .,.,,_., aeemed apparent in the Oregon the Beuon hut week over the Coeta Mesa Merchants baaeb&ll-Jim Keellne (230) ························ LTR ............................ Don Wood (208) Servic:e Club League Monday Tech game, The Pirate headman Navy team from Inyokern. Coach t"rs shoot tor their t enth w:tn In Dick Francia (180) .................... LGR .................. : ..... Dick :Brown (17&> BPOJ:: Spi~ tn nrat, 9 wins and said e-41'ly ln the week that he Bill C<x>k's boys will be out to Jt would hardly be fair to judge Orange C6ut college's rootbAll their last eleven start.a Sunday John McHargue ll94J ................ C .................... -....... Lea Doyle (20G) 3 toat. BPOE Homa, second pl.llce. would waJt until after the final pin their Sf'COnd victory over a abilities on the outcome ot lhe Oregon Tech game. Granted, they artefnoon u they take on High-Gil Ma.nh (166) ; ....................... RGL .......................... Roa Lewt1 (180) B&lboa•Uoo,a, third place. Htp_. practice of the week before de-•trong .. Viking" team. With the looked sloppy, but anyone that judgea them a.a 8 result or watchlng land Park in a return ga.me at Bob Woodhoume ( 190) .......... ·-·;·RTL ....................... Herb Tanner (195). team aene. for the ~ek BPOE cidl.ng on the atarting QB. Hal •drawing attraction of a NationaJ them agaln11l the OWis la tn tor• big aurpriae. Costa Meea park. The game ~ Jack Meeka (187l ............... ·-······REL ..... : .................. Dick Welfea (l80) pikes HIS w/hd. ~lgh team Smith should be back to see ac-Champlonahlp team, Long Beach Although -nerally re--'ed &et for 2 :15 p.m. Howard Miller 1167) ............. _ ... Q ...................... _ Pa~ll Durtb (l6S) game, st: Joachim, 933 w/hd. tion at tullback aft.er aittlng out ahould be fortified with a h011t 9 '-..... "" The Merchant.a wilt field their 1Adie1 TUeeday a ·t:> pm Han tur week with a hip joint. J eaae of new talent to supplement the one of OCC's t.op tu.ma, the 1961 Few lkte ~y •lrongUt team of the aeaaon with Jesse Smith <173) ...................... LHR ....... -............. Keith Gaines .(l8&) dlc&p Leacue Sat~y ·N~ 4-01- 8 t I I f I . k Uk th Bob 13urdl k t h.ln R d New Par.on• (116) ......... ~ .......... RHL -.............. Charles Balloway (169) ..__1 •1 ... 11· .. "--. 1 lost. Homa: mllh bas recovered from the nu re urn ng ve craru5 o a.st year ll outfit loo ed o e pooreat team As the Eastern Conference Hfllt c ca c g ; u y Hal Sm U&"• ., --. wlllA whM:h kept him out of the Owl team. ever to play for the Plrat.ea. Block-lta tk:I this wttk end. there •~ C..IU.. a.nd Ruaty Hem&n, pitch-Ith {193) ....... " .................. F ................. _._. Jewell Owe.na (180) ter'• Nivaery, aecond place, 8 wina game. Harlow Rlchardaon. ta •Ull Last year the ~!kings handed Jng. tackling, ball handling and rew persons wtlllng lo put ha.rd lng ; Al Deniz, firet bue' along. StarUn• Ora.Gp Coaat Defenalve and _. 1oet.. She Shop tted wttti nunlng an injured knee and may the Dona their only 1083, a 20-7 play calling we-re 80 tar below cub on their ability to fo~ecut with manager Bud Long; Norm Team NOW JS THE TDIE Holli8ter'a. High team gamea or may not aee action. Jlrn ijagey, setback in the opening game play-college expectatl.ona that one the outcome of league pla.y. There I R.idgewa~. 1'eCOnd base: Dtck LE Sid Manning (170} To real your taome .or apt.-w/bd. Stroote "feWtnkle 902; .Jo former Downey ball carrier, w:iU ed in the newly dedic;:ated Veteran would wonder who ..,... playing. &re lboae who aay the wl.nner of L&ne, lh1.rd hue; Bert Moralf'A. LT Ph. HARBOR llJI and place JO'lf' Lee Sport.I Shop, 800; Coastal Mo-r see hill first acUon of the year Memorial Stadium., The Vlk.ings It only goea to prove the fact Coaat·Fullerton ,;:a.me wtll go all ahortstop. Glenn Lukenblll, Ken-~~ :,::!t(l(~:) Waat ad toda1'! top, Ml: Jt.allan Cott.ace. 84.8. agalnat Fullerton after reeuper-then went on to de.feat BoiR, Ida-that you can't w tn pmea on put the way and there are those who ney Uyeuu&ia and Daren Houac LG aliJW from a dl8localed elbow. ho tor the National crown. Return-re1iults: you can't win gamM say that San Bernardino hU tm-In the outfield. . RG Jim Keellne (230) Everybody read.I the clualfled &di. -People' do read the Pre» &da. The re•t ot the lineup will be Ing letterman George Van Zant, without hard work.; you can't win proved enough rrom the 'Ea.at to Ridgeway ha.an t played locally RT Bob Woodhoutte ( l90l.- ' about the same. Glenn Woodard ls expected to carry the brunt pmes without duire. It la said wtn the locaJ conference and tnakt' since last fall when he wu with RE Maurie Langdale (lS6) and Jack Meeka will be at ends; ot the Long Beach att.ack rrom by many lhat It la not the vtc-a better tha.n average showing in the OptomLsl team. He play~ two Bob Woodhowie and Jim Keellne hia tullback posltlon. t.ory that counU , tt'a t.be battle: both the other major jayaee loopt1 yean at Or&nge Coast and pla1t11 LB Charlie Black (100) at tackles; GU Ma.rah and Oickj The Dons, who have never been It's a180 S&Jd that a ltam need not in Southern Calltomla. There! 18 lo go to UCLA In February. Mor-LB John McHargue {194) Francis will be guards with John defeated by Long Beach 1n the fttl hwuUlated when leavtna" lhe a third ll'OUP wbJch atrtnp aloft& alee ill au ClF from Montebello HB Mel Smalley (170> HOLLAND ·ayus TUUP BULBS. Top alee • 75~ Mcffusae ~ter:. . .. _ . &ujljP._ ~ will d•.J>O•~ oq Bob Jleld ..._, · ..J'.~"!14'! '8-.~PloD Santa ..._ hip oehool and a •tud•nt ot ..HB :Had ~ (le6) · Charil• iliick~ Wf>O loo'ktii! goood 81!rrod Qdll'le~ IUid -the tiame • -pi.:.:. . &"'1 • fourth crystal ball Caul &u"ll". -Denis 'I. at oCC •""""-..rkiller · ---"'··~ i; . '7"' -··-· ... -.-?tr:z-:. ~J. ,j ~ ' ',... o( • .. -aJAci_ucm BULBS; r._ --. · --i~zs on defense, ta alated for heavter I ing to aupply the otfen.si~e punch Orange Cout p&.ay.n tin~ humlt-reveal& lhoee on Nate DeFrancs-from YN!ka,. call!. Aute Thieme 8 ...-n.~ (151) acUon thi! week with spella of along with the running of halt-lated aa they left lht flrld at co'a River-tide bandwagon. One ii 1lated to jotn the team next '7 tiolon ···-'·······-······-·········-····-·····-~·-·-·-····-·····--··-per~ offense work slated to co along b&cka Bob Umpbresa and Floyd Huntington Beach. Their defeat thlng secnui apparent, the~ never wefk. PIRA.TE 8C1(EDULE with an uslgnJ111.ent of Uneback-1 Sl~n plus the pOwer delivered of Santa Rosa the prevtoua week hu been auch prom!~ of auch a Sat., Ocl. &----at FUilerton CROCUS BULBS , ' 65 ' • Ml.Ied .......................................................................... -···· per dot.. Ing. Black wu ln on nine tack.lea by fullback Mllton Wikert. rilled them with confidence. They aplrlted race bffore. From thla FAMILY 8.EtJNION Sat., Oct. 13-at Mt. San Ant. We have a lot of ~ bUlbe prt.oed to MD during hla short period of play Improved blocking and line play forgot that you muat block, comer we see Orange Coa.at, Fu.I-.Mn. Neille Howard and her Thurs., ~t. 18-San Bernardino 1&5t Saturday night • .a.nd carried paved the way In the Doru defeat tackle &nd work h.ard to play th& lerton, San Bemudlno. Riverside. mother, Mr-a. Fannie Arm of E. the ball twice for gains on of-of the Inyokem team last week game right. True, a few lndivtd-Santa Ana, Chaffey and Mt. San 18th SL., Coat.a MMA, apent Sun- 5& 10' Nursery fen.se. a.nd figured in the long runs piled uaJa gave their all, but 80 rew th.at A.ntonlo rolling ln at the end In d•>' ln Pico enjoying a famllY ~ Hard RwutlnS Team up by the Santa Ana backfield. It had lltUe beartng on the out · that order. W e reel that the Pl-union at the home of Mr. and Mra. at HuntlJlgton Beach Frl., OcL 26--at Ri.,.eralde Hin So. Newpon lll>d. TU8'l'IN Fullerton's Tex Oliver has a hard running team and a hefty line with good wln.gmen to catch the pu.M:s of letterman halfback Chuck Halloway, which only spe:lla trouble for the locals. Jewell Ow'ens, freshman from Fullerton's hJgh's CJF ftnallst team lut year, Ls making good ln a b.lg way 'n jay11ee b&).l_ OwMe ~red three t lmea agllinst El Camino and waa Ju.st aa good agatnat Loa Angele• CJty collece Saturday nJstlt. Oliver hu another bard runner in 185· pound ha.ltb&ek Keith OaJnf'e. Halloy,ray ta a runner a.a well u a puser and a eon.at.ant threat when on the field. P'Ul.lerion'a lrulert'nn ot ends John Cyperten ( l&a l and Dick Wella (180); tacklea Her "[anner (195) . and Don Wood !:roll): l'l"'rdo Dtclt 8"'wn (175) and Rou Lewta ( 180): a.nd center Lu Doyle {205) agaln8t Coeet'o de· fenafve llne-up of end.a Sid .M&n- nln&' (170) and Maurie 1.A.n.gdale (lMI; tacklee Bob WoodhOU8P t 190) ~d Jtm Keellne f 2301 ; and guarda Fred Owen.e (182) and Don Barrett (197): gt ... lh• Pl· ratn a five-pound welrht &dvan- te,ge. Tannft. ls rated u one of the out.alandinl' jayHe linemen in lhe . aoulhland a1 a t'c8Ult of hi.a play ag&Jnal El Camino and Loe Ancele•-Ray Roar> believea that Barnett a.nd Woodhouae will ~- YELL SONG LEADERS AT OCC NAMED Umphrea led the attack with two come or the game. ratee MU bounce back to take C.rl Noll. It waa also a. blrlh- touchdowna and an av('rage of Cb Fullerton Saturday 1iigbl and lb.al day dinner in honor of Carl's 21 yarda per carry ln nine triea. · Nr.wsmea'• otce they will then go on lo the cham-mother. Mn. Caro Noll of Loa An- Wikert alllO scort?<t two touch-Perhaps It la good for the lo-pton.thlp. We aleo feel that the (ties. Mr. and Mn. Earl Arm of downs on short plunges into the c•ls to drop one before opening wtnnlnr team will receive a eel Long Beach were al8o gueat.s. Mrs. center of the lint>. he carried the lhelr league pJay. They ehoukl ba.ck. ActuaJly Jillie i. known of Noll ac:compa.nled Mra. Howard be.II eight times ror an &Vt!rage certainty know J\OW that they -~ Bernardino except that tbt'y home to enjoy a few days In the of 9 yarcb per carry, while Strain must work, work and work more. have Imported a .,oo atock of Mesa. re.eked up 7.4 yards per carry. They should know that to bt pick-materla.J from Pe.nn•y1vanla.. The Cook a.nd line coach John Wart! ed u the nuznl)er onf!' ch<»ce or lndi.l..na could be the team lo beat used pra.cllcally the entire squad newspapermen to eop the Ea.Item but patt.la.llty causes u. lo string ln an effort to give the rracrve Conference ch&mplonahlp mea.na wit.I\ the Pirates. players n1ore experience a..nd lo that those wrlten make their test them under game conditions. choice on the &UWPptlon that the Tomorrow'• pn{e w1ll be a real boya will play the game a11 it LI test tor the Dons potenlialiliC'l!I ln supposf'd to be ~ed. lhe conference race u thi11 year's The leason le&rneCI. in defeat by teams appear to be more evenly Oregon Tech ~)' mean a hJ(h matched than in any scuon po.&IUon \n the ta.tern Conference prevloualy. standinga at the f\nlah et the -------season. Only lline wjJl tell and BQrs CLUB SEES GAME even then any aucw .. couldn't be 04,ME TICK.!:TS ON SAU: Reee~ ••la to lhe Orange Ooaat.PP'ulJerton J unior coUegit game may be purcha.9ed at th" 0.r&nge Cout. college bualnt!la of- fice tt wu announced today. Tbe ttcketa, w'blch do away wtt.h wait· l:ng In llne and rtae"e a deftnlte aeat.. may be l>rocul"ed at the bualneu ofttce at Oranre Coaat co!Jere for Sl..26. THE Man • Orange Coast college'! game traced to an early RaaOn .ett.ck. with Oregon Tech Saturday night Olbleta -ltftft tbour~ Oranp wu vtewed by a lltUe more than Cout tootb&Jknl Jlad an .. otf'" 300 fane. lncluding 38 boys from nlg/lt. lt muat • M 1aid t.1'•t the the Harbor Are& Boys· club at opposition wu tou1h and made Costa Mesa who wtrP admitted to th'"m 1001:< tbat mU'Ch more .. ott."" the bleacher l!l<"Ction as • group. The Owt defenee haJ:I lhe ptrate• "nae boys, although disappointed 1tumped JTl08l of lhe nighl The with the loup had a good lime locala weren't .ure. w .. lch way to and hope to get to see some of go and eoMeqUenUy looJted that Plane to broadcaat the game are underway a.t KVOE lri S&nt.a Ana and a definite announcement will be made later ln the Wffk.. Rnulta ·come from con.st.ant Practice! An ad reruJ.arly In lhi.9 paper will produce rewlta tor you. CORDIALLY INVIT ES YOU TO AITEND THE FORMAL OPENING. OF OUR NEW AND LARGER STORE FRIDA Y, OCTOB.ER Stn ANE> SATURDAY , OCTOBER 6th.:._ 9:30. . ' . the other CoNt coUese ga.mea. mucb "deader ." A.M. to 9:30 P.M. et 183 1.HEWPORT A~E., COSTA MESA ' \ GRAND OPENING SPECIALS ' Me n's Al i Wool Gabardine Slacks .... Men 's Gabardine Shirts, Ail Col~ : . Men's Flannel Shirts, • . • . • . • . . Men's Pe99er Cords • • • . . . • • . Boy's Lined Jackets • • • . • • • • . Boy's Long Sleeve Hawaiian-~h!ns .; ~ Men'-s Gabardine Jacket$ ••• · .T2~'5 ' ReraJo.r sPECllµ. . 1 6.95 -~ -$12'95 ·, ·!..!. . 4.95. J~y5 . 4.~ 41 tt9s • 7.95 ~,s· :: 4 CJ&• ', If.ZS • 3.4t:" ~it & t l.'6 10 • • 'MANY OTHQ SPICIAi 5 " . . II .-• ,. ~ . ·..,...,_,,,.,:.. __ ..._...., ..... ;;;;,... ..... ~~~~-. • ' Childre n's Wellet FREE with • PurcheM of eech +wo Peira of "Billy the Kfcl". g~rentff'CI knee Jeens. ' re.g.'2.95 ••· Sptc. 2'-pn. $5.50 with W ellet for • • • " • ' ' ' .TIEMM. • • ' ' I · • • :~· 6E 2 -f AlT 11' -TMURSDAY;OCTOlll,, l tlt ·.~~~r:IPsl .a ' • • Friday ·' Oct.OM 5 : latuday Tl'DE -0 :03 L m. TAtLI 3.4' ~ a LOW ! 'f:l1 ........ ,. 1:m p. .... • O.J 4:,U L m. u ' . • ( ,, . -October e : 1!mut&7 10:69' a. m. l !64 a. m. 11 :lljl. a . m. u ·' ' ·~ p.111. 0.1 .... -···-···· 0.t • 1 <><¢ow 1 ' llllonday ! -oCtotter 8 • I Tuuda7 f j _October 8 • WednNda:r October 10 ~ ')iounday · October 11 • •• • 1:2'0 p. m. 6 :39 "m. 3 :04 p. m . 8 :04 a. m. '4 :31 p, m, 8 :31 a. m. 5 :38 a. m. 8 :64 t\. m. 6 :31 p. m. l"llU!'JI QUUD:B Oct. 7 FULL 8fOON Oct. H 11.3 3.7 15',2 . ... u ... 0.4 5.0 5.ll (f l~ QU~ Oct. 2' .,., p. m. -T:tH LB). .,,, lO:M p.m. -4.1 , IO;lll a. Ill. ... ll:'8 p. m. -jl,t ll::&S •• m.. s.t ····-··------ O:jt LDl. -4.J lS:U p.m. '·' • • .. llloc;Hf OcL 30 Cub Scouts Aid Co~mu~tY ~t · t);jve With Work an~·'.Donafion lria Hfgtie, Communlty Che.st .... --------------- Didn't ~· Utlnk It' -- sary Jlnd rood! Tbe ..-le -the ci...t. Didn't u..y .,,...t It any more! Suddenly Bob left" off counting an<t reached dffp Into hla pocket.a:, u deep .u stae l 0 pockeU go .. He pulled out two pennies. lec:tetary. llllt"ned l o the 90unds on ~ stain lead-Ing up to the Chest'• headquart.-rs office on Balboa lsland. It didn't sound like the Judge t Llnnell t. or Bob t eallb), or Sally 1Sopiers), ~ &re in and ?U t or the -ornce all day lonl'. The fOQtstt"p!'l, l ri,. !'l001l dls- cdfe1~ bf.k>ngf'd to a woJf and ,a .btt.r. The w olf '''!'I CUb Scout t Stevi.p Dt-lt and th,. bear wu CUb l Scout Bob Lieb, Theae two boys '"It isn't much," he told Iria. ...-...f• ~ ..._, "but if you e.dd It to tN-real, it' ~1 ';;.. •e; •(. ~ • ,,... he lp v.·on 't it :· • . ·~':'. I' • _' '-;;. . ~t ~.(.\i'.'l. ,,.,,,.~ • • ~· lwho live on· Balboa Island and Ix-long-to Pack I 10 had an idea •that maybe lht!y cou kl help wtth lthP Community Chest campaign. Yes, Bobt 1t will help. Even ln I , l · · · ~n.,. , -P"' a milliona.ires town. it wUI hPlp ·' '~ ,.~, .. ' . & lot. Bt-ca~ you gave it In the , -~ ~; + . · l'~C::::d. It t.Urn<'<I out that they Iri8 Bf'$ them to work' counting out buttons .and !'!tickers ror ~ Red Feather kits. An<\ while they 1 wwkN they IUl.tene<t-as children tdo-to the grownups talk. From •wbat be heard. Bobby wun't ., !sure that all was well with Com- trnunlty Chest. It ACt>med that tome •folks weren't going to give any- :th.ing and aom(' Wt>re kind ot , wait.inc to JK>e what some-body f'lee- •waa going to give-a.nd still othtt 1><'oplE' had aald lhf'y had alrfady Utivt>n in an_othf'r town. American Wa)·. You gave It with \ ".1 ~>::-:-... your heart and / you gave It the ~· m06t that you had to glv<'. We'rp &Lad thaL we didn't have to make up thi.9 !'ltory. 'A'f''re glad you and your ftiends came by. B. I. Cub Scouts Hold first fa ll Pack Meeting Balboa l slarul Cub Scout Pack 1 ij'lll§' . Stt>vle, who's in thf' 4th gradt> !at Corona de! Mar. didn\ undE't'· No. 110 gol ofr to a rousing start I :11tand aome of the t hings h<' over-with their fiNt m~tinc at the :heard, like •·voluntary giving," Corona <tel l\ola r school on F'rid.ay tan<I "not charity but a serviu," evenln&" Sept. 21 . Co· ordinator ot clUzen11hlp." He Shrugged hi& 1-frs. Mort Porteous of BeaCOfl shou)dera a.nd knl'W only that It Bay weloomed CUba new and okJ 'waa n 1.9~~~· Ud thei:r parents, a.nd !nU'Oduc.d lteatller p ,u.· 01'"COU?st-~Knew' C'Ubmast.er Neleon Pri11&Je of Ba.I · ·jabout"IK>w tile Che•l-gave .ma.M")' boa laland. Mr. Pr-tape ~rtb- to ~'acout club and he \V&.! hap-~· 80 glowingly the progra.m ~y a.bJ>Ut helplng the Chest a lit-planned for CUbl lhia year, that 'tie. he was literally swamped with en- 1 About that timf' J im Hostetler .thustasttc "'·ould be Den Molhera. climbed the st{"ps looking {or hie On Fl"id&}". Sept. 28, Mrs. Por- paUi and was J1Ul to v.·ork too. on t~us held a meeting or Der\ 4ttw-kit.a, the convt"ri;;at1on had got· Afo~rs at her home. at whidl • j ,. •. f ' . . . ,, . ' ... • • • ~ .. • '. ' • • ./ . -··· • • j. •ton &ro\lnd Lo how the Ne,o1rport time Mr Portoous was announced SKIPl'ERS SAJLIN'O THE ""•n li""1W"ftlf' bland '1lCP Dl'Xt "~ )Harbi:>r had bf>en fir~t in the coun-&fl Pack Treaaurer. Mr. Pringle wt:lt be 1tbeotl•C at mark ,..-. by Kra J)a\i~' bland CllpP'f'r Collf.'~ :ty--bette.r than t hat. nr.st In the gave belpCui advice on orpnlaa· ln INt. Rae... hflclA-• ()(-t. 1~ at. 6 ~ t"tate. to make the goal tut year. lion. and Dena were aaatped as I . "' . _ _ I ;~~t ~:J::~:~:: ::~\,."!;, ::;: .. ~r~.io~.p~~:I NEWPOR T HARBOR YACHT CLUB ~:.~:~°E: ~~~:~:~~:= :r :~s:~·s~2·\r~;; PLAN. NING SAN CLEMENTE RACE' 1 11t"=krra 'With Jim and Bobby. , Ftt..zgeraJd and Mn. John C. . 1• • But Bobby wasn't eo 11\lrt'. He Knapp, Den 4, Mrs. J . W. Vene-J , twas 10, a wtaole yeaT older lh&n lnfl.D and Mra. John Gouvion. Den Ry .IM"qu,.11• ftlo<'kaier 1Stevie, and h{" got "to thinking • 5. Mn. I!!. 0 . Martin and MT~-R. One or the mott popular of off·l'lhore sailing contesU, the N()lN- Balboa.Pair. to Aid .------Oxy ··HOmeco,rH~g ~~d~s~s J.{r. an'1 :Mra. :· Ralph Deavei-. C2vlltlnu parce'fa CO!' memben 117 ApOLeba 1.A:Vtnue Ba.ttlqa.; 'Will of tbe a.rtned forces overaeu ~rvt> u chairmen f~ tads area lhould be malled between Octpber fn the annual celebr&tlon ot Home-J& and November U, the Depart· corning Day at Oecldent.a.l College ment of Defense h8.s announced . SaturdaY. October 13. according Par<iels ror delivery in Japan, to Robert L. Shafer director ot Kqru and the-PacJflc lalands alumal a.ct.lvttte&. ' sllould be ma.ile.tl not Liter , UUU1. Eventa of the day will Include Novcm~r 1. Puc{"Js for military Rn informal t~ty reeept.Wt . in p<>rsonne1 serving In m ore remote Orr Gardena, ~6 :1!'i p.m.., dinner in area.a Mould be malled prior to Frttman Union (by ~servation) October 16. . 8 :30 P,.m .. •1th. a mualcal program Boxn dutined !Of"· oveneu by thf' Ocddental Combined: Glee n:iuat be ot Mr<mg wood, metal, or CWbl under lht" dirccUof'I of fiberboard. Each box ahouJd be Howard swan.: pre-game activities securely tied with strong cord, and lncludtnr t.be ooronatk>n of the loose fifps llbould be &E'aled with Tiger Prtncitat, 7 :45 p.m.: football gummed tape. Unleu completely g&m~. 1 :16 p.m. on Patt.enon packed and lightly riUed, boxes F\<>ld with Whittier Collegp· open are lU<ely to be cruAhed. bouae in fratemU.lea and ~i-In additioq to the usual articlee ! t i~•. 10 p.m.: and a dan ce in oormaUy prohibited in the m&ila, Alumal Oymnaatum. J0:30 p.m. m_atc.h~ ot alJ kind& and lighter lnvtt.&tiona to a ttend have been fluid are bann~ from all parcel•. aeftl to alumnJ 81\d friend a Of ClS"aret tes -and other , tobacco Occ:idf'nlaJ f.n tftJa. area by H enry product.a abio a.re not m•UabJe 8'tencrton, ch&lhnaa of the day. lo ~y mUkary potl t>tf~cea. ..,..._ J • Chriatm,,.·~cte c&rry&p£" tint· 'clW' pi>'Bta·~···~~u!«. ·11e .. tnailed I Reaut~ come from con.et.ant prior to November 15 and tJioee. Pract lcf'. An ad regularly in this wiUt air-mail poata&e ptiOt' to : paper wW produce rrsultJ!I for you. Df'Cember 1. I * ' ' 1x8 KNO.l i Y ,PINE Regµiai' $1BO.OO Special $89.00 CEMENT ... 90f Sack+ LO~NS * - BorrtN' up to IUOO 11nJM11iM1'r'9-<'SJt be" uil'd fer pl_.hklJ fl\'.~Ul't"!I, Pftlntlng. roonril{. f'lltt-trif'al ftt.:tarff • ..U. .Any remnd#fl11'". ~ • Hours: 7: 30 a. m. to 5: 30 p. m. Daily Sunday -9 1a. m. t o · I p. m. Tflf"8f' r~ Good at Timr ot SaU ,, .. ,b tlaJi ,..... ' OCT. f TO OCT. 11 leacon 5681 LUMBER CO. lfO E. I7tlt St. COSTA KF.S~'S Cl08'l'A .lfE84 .. . .~ ' unDl£R 00. ' YOU SAVE $132.28 ON A PLYllOUTB; $186.03 ON C~YSLBR · WINDIOB; • :wboS, 'y l"&r hanitt. Wllat if Ut.ere A. BlaJr, Den 6· M.l"J. Bovee anc1 port Harbor Yacht club's annual San Clement# lal9nd race, will be wun't any more scOUtinK or aay Mt& Oulley. ~.,. Pit where he'd had such good The ftrst Den mtttlngs of the aalh'<1 thi8 year O\'tt lht' CklObPr 12 wttk end. Noted tor otterta1 1 0time.1! Maybe there wouldn't }"ear "·ere announced tor Tuesday, a.hnost any kind of weathf'.r. W.,annua!..!.!" evel!~J>i:?:MSes ~ .. e~tl-$254.82 on Iba lllPBBIJIL DWPOBT 1even ee a fire Uepartment or any Oct. 2. 1 lf'nge for any and all of the qunllfytng boll.ta • · -~men ln Ne wport Beach. -Encompueing a ppr o xlmately , I Wasn't the Co171munity Che.st kind • \"nn'IJ find many nl.M ho~ 1-10 mil(!', of heads-up s&Uing this I cn-w and Join the gang off the 1 klf lJkp the fi .oe d{"partment. at lllKI apt' ad\'f'rfhw-d fnr n-nr-race haa been known to be evt>ry· Balboe. pier on Friday, Oc::t. *! rwork alt year and ready to help yf'atly or "1ntf'r-tn thf' r lRA- 1 th· f d it 1 h k ll y9"'° boat ian't quite the a 'peoplt"-all people r1C'h or poor? •lfhod llfftlon today! utg rom a r t ng mate , la . ln hicb 'd Uk to sa.l : · · Ing the l'ntirf' week ead, tq, a 00 ~ bl~~u water: cor:: on 00~ CONCRETE BLOCKS1 • Kl 2-0754 Pt•MI-BWK COMPA.!\-Y-!3!0 S. Main Flt., Sallta Ana Pl'MJCE -C'l"DER A!H> C'O!\'CRETE BLOCKS REIXFORC'~NG STEEL and SUPPLIES scrf'Amlng test of ability and en· 00 · the pte.r and t'~ the bdvw durance complelPd tn less than 20 on~ --r- hoU'r8. Ken Davi•' laland Clipper. ---·---------'"- Conejo, set up thla time in 1949. and it will be a bard rkord to beat. Laat ytar'a race wu one of the atorementtoned light weather malclleo, wtpi the jloata drlltln,. LEGAL NOTICE l . I • CERTIFICATE OF BUSI~ Flctitioua F1rm Name I ~.---------------------------' Jln all day Monday, alter two d•y• ,~-----~------~------------~~•nd two night.a· ot seeking any THE UNDERSIGNED do b¢.· by certify that they are cond~c­ tlbg a Restaurant busineu a t f21 Martne A venue. Balboa hlabd, California.. \,lnder the fie~ nrm name or Ted Owen Ba.I .... and that aid firm 11 compo~ of the follo"1n• penon.a. w h ~a e rt&l"Qe9 In tu1J and placu of ..-.. ~nee &t N fol'°"*' t.o-..it : I • • • ' ; • , ' litUe zephyr to pp.ah them on thf'ir Wt.y, I Thia year'• race. aceord.lnl" to the invitation eent out by NHYC, will •tart at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 ort tb.e Balboa pier. Thia la a change from U.e former e.vent. which atarttd 'o• S&tUl'day morn· In&' -..! 11 lo ltoptd the addlUoft&l 12 houn ot aalllng will enable all ~ta to ftnlah bet6~ SUnday nlirht. With ~. fluky wlnda. I the aklppen are prayin• for one of thole bHutltUt and extttm~ly helpf\1.1 nlrbt breeue to get tb.em well on thelr way before d&Wll SUuda:r. It lo pOMllltbod to rcny>d the (e. laM In olther' dlnctlon aad the "IC• ¥o Ileen ~ .,. 1-on tu alrlppu'a sue-work oft thl.9 Im-. ~ • PQ!DL no. ._i "all)>!" 11111oa ii «hec.tihW to take 'pltcf' at NHYC Sunday n!Pl, whlcb wlU gt.. the lllllpn & c......,e to dofeod lllldr ,,.._ ~ ol vi.., -tac._ the .... and C1>l\I of W1ty UW7 .... -111<7 did -~ did ii. Jacbt ~ bopbJ<oa .... •.....ioct lllr - -cowN,r the amt -.-.. -. u.e -to ODllill, tlllt .....,_. Clipper Clo-. ~TTi:x:.= '}:;* 1;· :=: ~ CIMI. et,' •lit' ...... ll'fflrl _.,.•a••• tsnre tO ~ -.-.............. n. entr]r lillt I llL•·lt' ... ~ 7 t•-.... 11••--. mt Wbaaa ,..,,..-...,. aa4 )'oar ' Ll!lWIB Ju FULLINODl 2441 Crestview Drtve, KA~l' ~Gllli 2tf l ere.tvtew Drtve.. BallfOa Blo:r -• ~ourbandathls day or Odobor, llllll ,. LEWIS A. FULLINGJM ""-~"-R. Ft1l;LIN "1°ATZ OF ~Iiµ ) OOUN'l'r OJI' ~ ) ON THIS Srd day of Oc\I"'°" A.. D. 1911l, beforo Vl<• IL Holller, a Notary Public· tn for tl>e al Oollllj;y and S-. ruidlaf I-In. d"1J' c:onunlOoioa- ed .... -por.wiy ••pooirod J,EWIB A.. FUJ.UNl)Jl( aad KATllAJUN.t.. nn..t.DrODI DG'aa to -..... u. ....... ..-... -.... ~tou..-. 111-t. --... j to __ ..,. __ _ w. tK WffHWWW WB&kiOf', tllon1W_81l...,.._ • ., ~ ...., """""' -' u. ...,,. --.. -OertUICOlta """ --L a 111. HOUal:ll.. JC:r o II• -::•;::Iii; ' ... llt.W1;ua .. 1 9'w Pul>IJob OcL ._n • .1.1-a • . IB•·W:011DE11PUL·uw·1ao BP v.a PRPOWBB DIPE••AL ll&WPOllT. MOST MODELS AT THE OLD PRICES ARE ·. . ' ., ... . , I .. • . ' NOW AVAILJl.LE.[ . • . I I • • WI: HAVE ONLY B••IBD 'I'll& •IUCU ON C&•I ·IBIP.PD TO UI Arl'llB ISPT.171~ TO Tllli IXc::itl!!•IED PUCU ADT8081SE9 BYTD on • • - . I' ' . ·~! I ·...t • . I ' .,, • .. I ,. • ' • - 1 • • ' • • • · Child Psychologist to Speak at Mesa Dr. Zelda Wolpe, dlplomate. I Am•rtcan Bo&nl of Poycllology. wm ~ on tile •ubject, "Denl- opment ot Er:not..km&l Problema ln Childhood.'" at the put · meettng ot the A.woclaUon for ChUdbood l!'.ducaUon. October 9 at the Maln echool In Coot& 'M-. DT. Wolpe la on lk• at.alt ot the While Memortal bmptt.&l ciln - tc-She ai.o conduct. a private practice where 9he specla.li&ee ln puent.l C<>UM<Ung and pl&y therapy. 1 Anyone interetlted ln the prob- lenw of children ta cordlaJly ln- vited to attend and hear Ull• dy- namic a peak.er. Teachers will be granted lnnttute Tft'dlt. ". 0018 BIRD (IPtt) fuhlon"1 a C"Ofltume ror llterwlf of ,.._ lea\>-.. and troptc&J nowen found on the mytbJeal Ula.nd. wMJe Al TUI.an)' (right) m\l9l ha''e lugged a 111&Ck of Idaho apud9 ubore to pt material for hl.!1 garb. The two were at Balboa Bay dub'• Shipwreck dlnMr d.ancf'. photo by Beckner. Slides of Japan Viewed by Mesa Wesleyan Guild Mn. Georgia R.-Obert.Aon wu guea\ ipff.ker td lhe W~ley&n SAFEWAY NOW OBSERVING :~:~~~f~t ~ ITS SILVER ANNIVERSARY . . ~::£ :-:Et.E:rcbM~,th ~~ Mr1. Robert.eon. recently from • safe w a y stores throughout,._-~---------Japan, abowed &llde1 ta.lc:en at a Southern California are this week ' girt.' 8Chool Kultu.ka., Japan and of communitie• throughout South-1 C•leb-t;•g their 2~lh anniversary. at the echoo where Mn1. Robert-... •• u• e.r n ca.Jrfornta more than 21 mil-"'" It.-· here in the southland in .an had taught. •ahe accomp&njed ..._ lion dollars. 19-that a half.-doun exn.:orienced 1 Sou h the ahowlng of the plctuf'l!ll with ~ ,. I"~ Proving 11Ji faith n t em Id u h l roce-·joined tn formlng a chain C • e g ta of her •tay In Japan. •• alifomla, it.a birthplace, the com· Th Of •lighUy more than one hundred · e lounge war decorated with pany In 19~ and 19~1 ha.a lnveat-storu, Which they called. Safe-a hu1e bouquet of d.ahlJu and a w•y. . ed. in this area, more than thirty potted tuch.lia. Mra. Gra.ce Biil-million dollars in land, equipment, Ta.k1..... the slogan "OfStribu-lnp preakled pVer a abort bual--o.e new store buildinp and plant.I. t i ..... Wllhoul WB.:!lte" they set out 2 neee meeting. Mt11. Dort. Wood ...... Celebrating its :i years of pro-to eell (l"OCeriea cuh . and carry gress Safeway i.8 saying "Thank gave an lntereating talk on thre. througll convenient neighborhood y . i t b h ldl mlaalonartes 1poruored by the ou' to UI cus omen y o ng storca without trills and at the Guild. It wu deckled to eha.nge an unusual weet-long a.nnlve,...ry !owe.at nn..a. Ible prices. The con-In od "E d the date of meeting from lbe r.--sale start g t ay. very e-aumera liked the Idea and public in thlrd Thurectay to the fourth Mon-partment ot our 312 •~res day of eacli month. Mn. BUltnp =r~=t~j;-~~~:e~s~';'~ Southern Ca;l!fotnJa wW otter u>e"" of Fullerton avenUe will be hoet- clal values, Heller declared. e to the Gulld t t•-October inoving from the ea.at weatward. ''We're celebrating, we Invite old .. tin • ·~ S&feway grow to the north and t d t t mee I· c':1s omera an new cua omers o The boateaeea Hrved rrult aal-eut. within 25 years, taking a V1Sll our stores during our Silver d d k t ~ n-~rt Western Idea north t o Canada a.nd . . a an crac en o ,...mea.' •\oUuoi:: -u far eutward 8.8 New York. Anniversary celebration. It• open 900, Bllllnp, Wood, J eUie But- . house week at Safeway. All our t ~-rite Co ~-~-Today Safeway·s direct line of 1 wtll 1 .. on, -..rl'\)e nnor, -.....rvu cmp oyes . we come you. Joneo, o-•ie e•··d, Vlr-'•ia Sle• dlatribuUon Ls fa.m ihar to house-o-... __,, e .. ~ - wtvea in 24 s tates and five pro-Emma · Stevena:. Nellie HOWV'd , vtncea of Canada. . County Art·ists Martlta Dickey. Jennie Turner. · In 25 years Safeway ha. be-Martha Moore, Eother Dodre. ~e the second largest food chain He.ten Poblma.n., Florence Fla.her- IJJ America, o~ratlng 2,123 stores H E ty, Elva. Kipp. Ruth Barnett. Amy &l)d 90pplying approximately 12 to ear xpert McShane. Gertrude Edlcl< ond million. Americans with n1ore than .MU.1 .Mahce Taylor. & blil!«t deflara worth or food a year. . ·With' Ila growth Safeway has been ·c0ntrlbutlhs more and more _ to tbe economic life or Southern Callfo~ Laat year, according t6 M. P. ~eller, general manag~r ol Safe1n,Y ln Southern caJl!or- nta. Safeway bought nearly one bundred million dolJar9' worth of Soa4U&nd-protluced merchandi.se - treeh, frozen ~ canned-for sale ber:e and throughout the ~ountry ap.d pakl It.a employeii in hundred!!! on Frame Making Legion Auxiliary The oronge eouoty Art >-.... Cooked Food Sale ciatlon will meet on October 11, second Thur8d&y, In the lttture room of the Ji'\Jlerton library. The regular meeting i1 ached- uled for 8 p.m., but there will be a workshop on picture frame mak- ing from 7 to 8. Charlea C. Clar- of Claremont. who makea hand A cooked food Mle will be held ll)la coming Satuni.y In Richard'• Udo Market by m•mberl ot tbe American Legion Aus.liary. _Mn. Adraln Joiner ii cbal.rm.an and la being a.ulated by Dareen Upeon. ------------carved and specially fin.lahed Luncheon Opens Season for Capilla Circle !let-"' 4o&.) 'lw 17• frame1 fQr many well known art- ists. will ~veal hbl methods, showing tools, materta.la and dolng aome carving, EVeryone interested In frame• or lheir ma.king 1s invited to the work.ah.op and alao to the meeting which follo)VI. At 8 p.m. Emereon Lewb will 11peak to the club and demonstrate some phuea of palntin•. Lewia.. who has rfft"Olly moved to La· guna Beach: ha.a had a long anct dilltingul'1Jed art career. H.b ex- perience &a artlst and teacher should make thi.s an oulat.a?d-lnl program .. Lewie Elthlbl• A de.11-btful hmcbeon wtth catty decora.ted table• hlghMghted I Captll& ctrcle'a nnt meeting of the fall .....,n .... l Wedneaday In PUg-rim hall ot tbe Corona del Mar Community cllureh. Tho luncheon wu HTVed by &1'0UP one with M.n. Meta Nd.Ion .. Chairman. DevoUom p-.il' tho luneh· eon were held tn t.be aancut.ary The October exhibit ln the II· and ~ led by Mn.. Oeorte E. brary's lecture room will be of Le.wta· who loo)( .... tmptraUon , Emereon Lewi.m' palJlttnp. por-trom ''T'be Manhood ot the MN- tralta, l&ndacepeo and martnoo. It tar" b7 H&f17 -._lclc . .. open to the public every day. ro0ow1n, tho hmc:lloon, Mn. 0 . extttp SUnda.y, for tbe month Of M. eampbeU. ~·, rttta chalr- Oetober. . md expl.elnrd t.b.e three project. IA.wt& received hla tln1t art lea· for t.be 7eu ud pruen\ed a abort aons from hla father, Edward 8911-.candlellg!M: ~ c.ettmoey tn connec- ry Lewie and •IJldled at t.ho Sor-!Ion wtth.-tllla worf<. bonne In France, tlte Cbll:qo Art Mlm PaulU.. Babbitt pve a Institute and under Alexander ney • ~ talk and &bowed Rob-and . N.ath&nlel .All<lo. •ltdeo ta .... ~ .... wltll the llW· Ho al8o atudfed fn Ro!ne. PaN, dent -...,,,.. cua-. Ml!&A and FloWICO. Udo~ --took tbo HS. palatlnp are on exhibit, at ~ J!OOPie Into Ariaona llDd the Lelpde K118eWD, New ot· New lllOXlco Ollll Into tbo trult i..n.: S.,O•ix Art.a. Parilo; Ama:I-country.,of !)alltornla -t11q can Prorutlonal ~ 1-: w-oo • ....,,,, mlpQt la•t1•a. ../ 'Palace of, Lerb> Cit ,aanor; 1-, Kn. I . 1--·- • Angeleo Oo;Uat.y _Ku.eum> him· two a-Mn, •A1, A1. A1," aa . -a ....... . 8.... . .,.....,1a ~-.. ,. "' ll'lne Art; "'--. ,.., .,.. --. ~· _. .,.. .. , • and ID 1tW1Y otben. Clllldra Pn,J,~ llJ' ~ r-. ·. -"''~ t II 4k .. ~ ~:.= == ~-=.;:: :!;~":!z:C,;...s; ·w_ 'J ~ tLi...·11('-·-8ocletj>; .i.e.~ Art • ..._. Tllo~ .. ,. -....... 'J ~ ~l'llll cJ&tJoa; callfamla 11tater.1r: ... Kn...a-p o.- • ·,9All&lll . J'raDdoco ...-'Oakland Art...._ 'Ka W-Bert. p1 Ill SC :.!!!"lrll.' llll:llA dallono; Bulla -Art ~ @ 11'1 .t Ille • 1 I • ' • ,_ ~,.n..... .. & .... ~ ....... .Clkllp Mn....,.,_ --.• ..,. ·~ \o.oi..t DSL tLU ' Art J""ltnte and Polc'ed """"' Oii ~ -WM.I t'!"flt .t-.. •«WlllPwllJ' alanal _ .... !lb ·-,_ ---....... , , lor U 1JIU'9 ~ wW contbiue IA ltor"tl• ""3•• _. ,11•1i Ill' , LAGWIA __...' _._., ~ u ...U , u IIlo briclll -.. I •1&1 -a ........... ·-palalillf of. porian., 1'-··· s-t ... .,-,_..,.,.. ... ~.·""'-~~-. --..,~~~'"';tmid ...... f .. i .... • ih>l -.. • Prices Effectl\'e nre111h Wedneadar Ocl•ber 10 •t•G•B••E Yellow. Qu.ne...i. .. rtoned. Dllewood .. 19• ~ .. 29• AllsWeet .. 21· TOlllTO SAUCE Tu•~ Ttll~ br1nd. 3 a-, Ute 1n cookinll· CNS 14·~-. ---------------. /. RAPJACI Mii Alb.r'• brand. For 2~4. 29• w .... m bre.Uuta. ... ---------------/. TAl'I SOUP ' Vermont Maid. ~ 45• Cane ond M•ple. _,,. I -------------- / PllEAPPLI JUICI I Libby bt'ond. la.-11· . For b,..~fut. - • -------------couu1m Swill ·br•nd. · Ser.. hot "' eold. ·:: 39• BUiit=• CIDt:il • .-:. -I t s toss 4 • ...... a ,. ~ a . UDO • PA~ J -P'ART II ..... .... llG MONIEY·SAVING IVIENT Values, ValW... Valuco ... A terrific a .. aortm«tt of good buys for our big Anniver- oarr celebration. Come in today and stock up on your favorite foods at money-oaving l~w prices. llplloq lfoao. Pint Qwdltr Otz.,.ed.C-aed lJaioD Bnmd. na. GnmWalocl. SUliD PBIPPLE LOCI MEIT TOMATO JOICt: Far C<Wd~ C-""9. Table u- -·"-..._ ........ Vo.cuump..S. ' 1.! 77" AIRWAY 1.!· 70-IOB Hll ~ 72• 11 -lb. boo. 1 .0lJ 12-•."""' l.4JI, ~ .. . -i . . . , i . ' . -1HURSD Y, OCTOBER 4 lt51 .· , a.lcken of the Sea · ·TUNA lillh!--Ille Siu. ........... O...nl..i. .~·29•. ··~-27• . '-"•• GUTll Tiil IUIA S.Kid Te<pedo ......... ltood . ·~-27• 5::•1 • . .. SAIDWKH SPIEAI . lunch lo• btan<L t' 29• $poclol low Pricel : .\ 4. ' ~· .. ~ .. ~- · r I . ' -. RIZUHI# Or11ge Jake ~~-...... 11• SAFEWAY CtJAllANTElD CO OD·EAllNC MEATS • --1-.1... S.i:or• UAllV 9UV Concentroted Be-1-oir Foney &reel Pm Str1wllerries ~~· ••• ~=-11• 11 ..... 2"-..... v-. 11 ..... 29-... .. flf{J/1 AND VECETABll VAltllS , ... • J Pap Air ' ... ~ .... ~ • , -· ! • ' J I • ' " . , ' I • ' • "' • • • . . • • , •• • • . t 'P.!t&E :t--· PART Tf -.THUUDAY, OCTOIEJl 4, i951 ,_:lz~2 i2.f:"la1ss-11 • ... .. . . . :. . . .:-: Newporters-Sail Miss-Lucy Pinkley· :;:for Honolulu Pledged to : : • 0 Mr. and Mn1. WUl!am •B. Tritt, ·:zet,4 Ta. u Alpha • - . .. 11 Bay a•enue. Newport Bo&ch. Mil\· : e<l October 1 on lhe Lurline tor Pre.lldent ot her p1edp cl&u, • • Honolulu for thref' WPeks of de-ItUc1 't'lftldey", -dadptu ot Mr, : • Us:hltul vacation. Mr. and Mrs. arut ib-a. A. L.. Pmldey -of Coeta • _.. J . W . cammsck entertained with MeeAi wu pr.et.Attd at \lie Zeta ; : a dtn_hl'r party tor thf'm u did Tau Alpha .,rorlty hoUM at lh11 -Mr. and Mrs. \Va.rren Scott and UD.lnrait)' of Southern eaj.1romt-:, '"' Mr. and AlrA. A . B. King. Monda.y nJghL , ... The Trltl'i and Mr. and Mrs. De.Jilgnated "Pre8erlt Nirbt" on' ' . ' r ~ Edward Peer of Glf'ndalc attend-the Row, opm boo.-wu held by ed the "ShlpWrttk" party ThuH-al! ot the n&UDO&I 110tor1ttea of <lay at lh,f' Balboa Bay club. the univenrlt.y whrn new pled_.ew were p_reaen.ted to their parents -People do -read the want W. and public at lllr(e. :I'll• pi>pulat M-girl LI a ooph·' 81 A 'l:l'lt~!IE..~ Boata-Bocn• as Trallfon ............ 8lul .... BEAOON llCMll ~ta M'Na Math'Mlll Oo. ZIGO NPwpo(t Wvd. omore at Ul!C, majoring Ill _,,. ta.rial admtnlAtatlolb. On hand tor the oce!Ulon we.re her p&rent1 and her brother, V\rrU, a eophomore dental student at USC. He 11 at- rmatell with Ac•.cla Ind Delta S!gma Dolt.a riat~ltl•~· SociaLClub Entertained by Mesa Matron Games, conversat1on and a des- sert coUrse were combined to make an enjoyable evening re- =::::==:=:::;:=::::==:;;;:~ cently v.11.Ht Grace Kline of W f"fll 18th St., Colt& Mee.a, e-ntcrtalned lhe Staggetle1 club. In the ab- sence of Pre.11ident Helen Clark, the busints.OJ Interim was In chargf' 'Of Clara Badage. Door prizc wa1111 won by Daisy Sullivan. Susit' Kline assi3ted h~r m olh<'r with party plans. - TllE ROBERT i_ llOTi>S,:llt. of ?< .. rt JWs~t;. ..... Ill• I . ~ Royd11 of l:Mta M..-"''""' In thfo mood aad cm.turrM for tlW" ;==::::=========:; At another autumn gathering the club dinod at Knoll's Berry Farm. Membera Included Mme11. Mae F'elker, Clara Be.dagf', DaL"\y Sullivan, Lo1.1lse Green. Marjo rie Brockett, Helen Clark, :P.fAble Smith and tmma. Poupart. Shipwrecks ·can be fun "When Refugees Land at Bay Club We give your Moes the new loo~ It you have tbe old part& Cl"STOM RF.PAJlllNO Newport Shoe Repair Lebpard tikinfl. fish net.A, bath towel11, f Johnnie Boyd grabbt-rl S h I · h• f on•I and what th('y might havt c 0 ars 1p ~r hnd on wh<n the !dl;p wont down N · rt VO th wa~ wom by Harbortte• and Aft· WATER HEATERS ewpo ' u ,.1.no• who attended Ba11>oa Bay I club'11 dinner <lance. One cute S&IM. Sfion·I~ and Repaln William A. Wittm11.n, Jt., Nf'w· trl<'k came in white curl ribbons, lfta l'J __ /_ '-I __I port Sf"ach, hM been a\l."l.rdC'd onC' <'h ln 11trap and a•long red nannel ..,.... Declf,40.14. or the alumni tour-year scholar-nlghtgov.•n. When Ahe turned shipe at Pomona collep, accord· Pl4UMBINO lng to PrC'sidef\t JC. W ilBon Lyon. around, it 'A'll..1 Cecelia Boyd. A.uthor1ud P,.alt"r Th'coll~gc hu given more than Another <on e ot the prize wln- Day & Nlk""t Hrat.f"ni $M 000 in scholarships. grant•·ln-ne".4) had Wn given a sallorlr' TEIMS aid.and priJ:Ps ror the 5ehool year while blouse to top her long pink IO"f. Dow" on •II Heeten """'rdle • Women of Moose Hold Bazaar, Initiate Members PhoM tlarbor !M!·W I951·5t Individual scholarl"lhlpa 1&' • .. -------------· run 89 hi h Sl 000 · Katie Gardner, one or the Har-________________ ..:g:__ .. _._. _.____ bor area's prettle!'l tlUlhlon n1od- Ne¥.1>0rt Beac" Chapter 11 ~ . \\'omen of the Mooet", prepared a lftl'•t many artlelta tor the b&Zaar which was h('ld Sunday. ~pt. 30, a~ nn addNI attr-action along w1th lht> regular monthly F is h Fr-j. Fi· nal preparation.a for thle aftair were mlde at a SE"pt. 25 special nieetln• held at the M"oo~ Lodge Wlnlftf'd Randel. ' AT LAST! 'WHAT THE HARBOR AREA • HAS LONG NEEDED SUNFASY FABRICS FOR DRAPERIES ... SLIP COVERS .•• UPHOLSTERIN0 . PRO\'IXf'l . .\t ... ~. MODEB!ll!! on l!Outil!I • • BF • .\l'TIFl"I. C'OIAJR!I AND PATl'F.RNA AT ll-ftl(.'F.~ VOl' \VOST IU1''"0 PAYl:N'(f • I A FEART OF BE-AUTY Al'ID fAJ.l'E l!I ' . PR'loPAliED' FOR VOU HERE -TRF. YARDAGE Ill WAITING. 01t BRING VOT'R M>OASt'RE-~>n'S A'.''D WT. WU.I, TF.1.1, vor THF. C.O:lfl'LETE COST OF YOlm JOB. • 4&5 EA!fhi~'fl ~·!Ln ~A. MSG EXCELLENCE IN UPHOLSTER)' Draperies Accordion Folding Doors • C'I" wa'!I in somC'thlng-a blt dlf· ·rercnt high heeled block pumps and her httsbo.nd (Lt. Commdr. • Judge Bob'11 I navy uniform coat. Ver-y amart 8he looked. too. The judg-es &CTff<I, ror Mc took a p.U. .. One couple looked a bit chilly in unnclorned. long while tmder- wesr. They . left befo~ their nan1es were called for a prise. They were the Wtntt'rboltom•. Two new mf'mbers were formal· l,y lnlUaled Sept. 27 at the rcaul&r meeting hf'ld at the MOM Lodge RaU Olt lhf' OcC'an Front, Newport &-&ch. 1'1E>se new members are Esatc Rodricun. sponsored by Cu.ate Droestf', &.nd Hu:el Heck•· thom, spon90red by Wlln1a Corbln. MyrtlC' · Tlpplnl'. M<>asehaven commlttC't-chairmen. and her com- mltlC'f', Alice Young . g\sle K ing, Too. Tn-0 A"·rul Oottk> Carter. Oara Leach &.nd Van Zf'rbze, w ith anchor·bashC"d Birdif' Ostrande r, hf'lped serve the head, blood dripping rrom nec-k dinner Saturday f'Vl'nlng, Sept. 29. and nostr1ls. wa.1 too hof'rible to The Sept. 27 meeting waa Pub- be plttured. but he got a prize. llcity Chalrmaw Aid& Gorton's So did Dr. 'E. T . W a.l11h. whoRe ChApter Night, and M}Tt.le Rum· coatume was a cane, a sun helmet phrey, hoJltea, S('rved Jello, cofttt .. und monocle. 8f'cai1se-he· added and a la t~ s1)ttt cake ~arlng the a bit of burlap where necessary, wonb "\Velcon1c, Nf'w Mt'mbehl" he was allowed before lhe camera. on lhe Icing. t>orotn.y Holbrook, When Fred Beck added to hta a110 a hMtesa ror this evening. chill K. T. Kendall's ~ ~·h l1ker11. could not attend. he pepped 1up his costume until ll Recnrder Viola Comee), and could have been in com~titlon Me m b " r Ah I p Chairman \Vilma for prius. , But he v.•as most Corbin, rt'prescnt~ the Nt'wport likely one of the Judie• ror he &-sch Chapter at the Star ft.e<::ord· and · his charming wife were at I ers mC'E'ting, Women of the Moose, the ta.ble with Mr. and Mn. K. held ln !kota Ana. T . U1e latter looltlng very-"'prrtly Oradu&te Rdaeat Allee Andenon. lndeeq._ · -d Senl.lnel Myrtle Humpbtty. Mu. Howard Burrell of Loi Ha.pita! CUild Committee mem· Ancelet1 w.a..s "·eariRg a reaJ a'd.· bers. t\lmed In an excellent report tlon, draped ri!lh net on which of .their Ylalt to the tint annuaJ she had !tt>A-n a myrtad of 11ea-meettn( of Utt ~ge County ,shellA. Among others down from Society for Crrppled. ChUdnen and Los Angeles were tl'le Wllltam H. Adult.a. which ,..... held l.n the fUchlrdoonl. W!lllam B>Yant. and Y.W.C.A. blllldlng, Santa Au. ln \Jtp samuel Rlttf!'r Browna . of behalf or the co-wor-ken.of New· S.l Air ~fayed over tor a tew port 8eacb Olapltr, they ottered dAya and Browtt rea.lly rot wreck· .ervtce1 ot the chapter to lh1I ed.· althoufh ll wu &her the moot wortllWlllQ orpnls&Uon. . - Children's . Home dance. In some manner he rot tmportant bon'es out of place but was all right alter a aeaal.on of two wt lb the club ma..eur .._. The Li.---------------------1 ll!'OW111 Were gueoq GI 871Yk Soard to ·fete ' Nitw Members • . • • .. , • • • 2 •' • •• •• ' :· • -• • . • •• • ""~ • ' • • • ·:· ~ - ®® W®® DJ@W That Cofttfnuout Stock' ·auotat'lena · - and Late NtlWI In AvallaW• .. eur · . . . LACIUNA 11.ACH oma BUit "of La&uu a.ell BWg. l'll. 4-1156 O I C-pi.et,.,.,... hcilidoo T-1-e-k 'tla.t lcadotlcol ~1...U..le1 s • Y out J)lder to bu? or.lell: iilud ._;kt; • t 1s '!' - modiries wW be mcamt .wilh ..-cl 11114 ~ - o.-er the llltioa-wide leeri pcifttie • .,_ CICID- IWriQ& out 16 califoniia ~ IDll., ~;Ycdt ollice with principal ,!t••ro, ,,.;atq I ?FM I ;,... tb1 &olkia Me ezfrq>ljl tw,.. ......... ; #' JI d ,al'--·.,,_ .__..,.~,,I -•••?F••s _Ma Id a tt • Weat,et, twbo .,,.. •pla)'lnc rou- lette w'hen the ahlp went dawn") u were ruhlon writer Jo ,A.hem and her e9COrt, Ottaw Kalaer ana youra truly. Next party T Ft-lday, oet. 11. Coetumer. eombreroa., ~ &ltd hunches.. ll'• Mex.k:ar\ FlestA. ' Chri~as ·Dance. Planned by Bib-'n-Tucker Club • • • ewaat '41len tfif"y jolnf!ld tle ff'Atlvttin of ~Ibo& Bay club's dtlp- trtec'.ked. \·01a~rs la.11t week. phOto by Beckner. . KATIE oAllbmft of Corona del Mar and Van Hayf"S of Udo l~lf-cllM"WM UH-trtah·. and tribulations ot1JJre oa a ~~ hie .. <1ut111i-tbfl n,.moa Bay 4!1uh'• Shlpll'fffk Ball tut wf'dt. photo by BecknJr Seattle Man Visits Old Time Friends . Morri Holho Teaches Art to So. Calif. Florists l I ONLY » ~~~ . .. ·-,- x8WpQit~rurili1ara co. 822 · State· Highway , Bea<:on 5431 NEWPORT BEACH • suB-TROPJCAL LANDSCAPE NURSERY FINAL CLOSING DAY'4 OF OUf! FALL SALE! OlTR SPECIALS ALL FROM -ftF.llULAR !\TOCK ARE: FUCHSIAS ... ... . .. .... ,. . : I gal. can J9¢. HIBISCUS REVEBAL ''A~IETlf I ga~ ~a~, 4!¢. MARSUEJUTES ····-··· ........... , ...... 1 gllll cen-29¢ LANTANA, 5 Varieties --····-···········I 9111. can 39# SNAPDRAGONS .... _ ···--··· . I doz. )9f STOCKS ... . ....... .................. .. .. I doz. 19f AL~ GtJA..ftA;,~ED WF.F.D FHF.F. MA!\"'l lRE ,1 49< !<ACK Plu" A llTRAIGBT IO% DISCOl~"T ON A.l,L Xl"RRF.RV STOCK EFFEC'r£VF. TilRIJ !Sl'SD . .\.V, OC!T. 7, 19.!il TH eo..1·m-y CORONA DEL MAB Har:·tt43zR . · .. ···- - - • • • l I STROOTJ lwo'fl11111s ..•• it will pay you tD ruie11w Honestly manufactured and truthfully sold. FINE OLD COLONY PAINTS linked with DEAIER SERVICE, assures your painting sati•fac~ioa. LET 1·s Rt:C'OMMF.SO A RELIABLE l'All\"TEll° • Let us a.'1.•l•t you ha We will ~!Y e11tilnate Miits of materials, ftOOmme•d a co11tractot or · help you obtain a 11tle 1 1-for new coruitructlon or re- modellag. .. Udy, c~'t you waft to •range ..,.1ur...,..r ........... Tl lfomer MeDott_ M-m;Cer OIHER l'AJIDSr S...taAna - . l.qllM- SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY • • No Jo6 Too L.r~: No ,,_1.0 S1Ulf Jn WMt 111"-~-N~-.. ,.,. _ coe"A--,,_. TtoOH ... • Elder JefferSon I Guest Speake.-at Adventi5t Church Christ ChW.ch Joins in Communion • Wo rld·wide Communion wtll be observed Sunday at Chrtst Ch.arch by the See a., tl3e loce..I ~ep· tlon Joins ChrltUana arOWld . the world in tbe obeervuce Of S--..K sacritl~. ··i..et 'Mly Holy Pr.eaence" by Tocheonokolf will 0. 9'1ng b)' the qncluary dlotr. Mn. Phyl11a Fletdt will brlag UM oommunloD so to. '"The Sign _of the Crosa" wJll bo Mr. P•ftdell'• commwaJMt 111edlt&· t1on. • • • • Dally, escept Sunday, RMal'Y bour, KFWB (NO) 7 :30 p. m. For peace. l!..-Y, Holy Maas, e :oe a. m., K4C (570) 11 a. m. Ca~ Hour, KPJ (840) 8 :45 p. m . KGi'J (710) )Jour Of. St. ~ .. Olldl-' -· FaOK UN8A8 ai"i · Mr. and • Kn. .\. Ala&JMler Hamilton of Eut Bay Av11.. U.ve a,, house gutiata )(..r. an.fl Mrw. Charles E . Z«'-rrna.n ot K•N'' Q~. They arrlved Moaday and wtU remaln tor a week or more. ' • • • Monday Meet for · CDM Qhurch G~if d eo.-a del Kar CllW'dl !ldiOol OUHd WIU meet Moaday, Oct. I at tkir aau&1 Ume at the bome of l(n. Merle VerBUTg,805 Poppy ayenue. Ttu~re WUl be an lnterest· tior motion picture program on South Amt-rica. pre~ted by Kra. Schweitzer and Mrs. Norm&Jt Fn.hm will g1ve a book review. ' ... • , • • • ·~·- ST. JA~~S CIHURCH_ . E'PtSC-OP~L (AT TRI! ENTBANC!l TO ~ 181.EJ SU~OAY S~YICES 8:30 A.M.·-.::;~:30 A.~. -11 A.M . • . CHURCH SCHOOL -9: 30 A. M. Y~·Cln~~en 'l':So p. m . THURSDAYiS HOLY COMMl:lNION ....-10:30 A.M. •, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES . Lighting Fixtpres Lamps ...... Shades -Parts Repairs ' •• BJIBBJl M. WBJ:f'SB£ ' :'l.T.W l.OCA110S . 477 Newport Blvd : COSTA MESA . NOW· . . is the time to transfer . yo~r funds ta insured: -SAVI NG·S ' . . ,, . • CURRENT EAININCWS . ' ' ' ; I •. ·.c • ..,. '" ••• w. will.,,. .... -~ .... ,,., ~. ,.~ . . .,,...., lne1..v•• .... -.,, ...... ,..., ~- • • • J • • , • • ' ' ,. ~ I • ' ' • • •• ,< -· ' • ' • ' , • i&:6E 6 :.... PART 11 :.... jH_UR,SDAY. oeroae·R 4, 1951 Home Accid9nts ·; ~ :.:O.i~ ~ ~':..~~ Balboa Island Man :Z.:='i!' ~~ "t: ·~ :d~·· ~ . . -C • 'I Chif..L "'~ 1a. u.. .. 11•• "' .,. R II d1b USAF ttjct -a_ .. ,., ... , cll'I-.: ~.,. . --a-• . ' 0 npp • I Ql'.en • denta -attatkll te -"'! eca e y • -etr..t.L ·ti ~&.:i' PRE SS~ "8enllm, ~ ....i ~ ::.~ ":. ~ "'.::~ • ~ Kenwbi ~. uB.u pr~id~.f::;. ~r:;:fn: . , • ••. d(Up' cannot pteftI\l bome ac· am-t .-p1o1e -enodlcatk>f> OI .,.,,_ .-ice Ba-hJ•nd, _,. ~ In Laq -, . cldeftta to clllldren, . but, pannta dlphthoria, can Ill<-do• mud w • -recalled to actlft dill)> Bo•cll.; dllt. 'l')lo funll7 -. lo ·aDF 1s··PART . ,.· u.. :se..,.,.; Bar"°' azea t11e fine .,...,. to ttduce tile loll ,,/ Ulla cn-t and ..iped to ~central Aire at UT..__ a-u..oa -~'.It.lo'~· .A.nd one of tbe I><. A.H. hrntalee ,vice-p.:..0-m..,_, .. I><. Parmalee --P""'1l1'0menl Dlltricl of Dotrolt, !Oland.•lltl.-Raaftty end' their -yoll .,. dolnc tl to ~Cb dent, Amenean Pedlalrtc Boclety, Accld<:nto of thlll kind, be '!aid. Mith., · u Chief· of the Precure-.W.,bt.n,' 1'1'ui and carol, lia .. I OF . COMMUNIT'Y CHEsT QUOTA Commilnlty Chfft. >:•elerday --lllla btlld kin and pcrmenently cripple roo~ Dlt111l lMpect.or1 Off1ce. TllJa office Joined him ID Dettoit where llley ' Q he endol'Md dforl3 ot local younpten than any fin.cle dllitMe. le • pvt ot the Office of the I(!· will take up tbelr residence 1 at l .J,.s' t~·r Point Open chlld bealtb anlt welfare """'I>" and more than the next •Ix ·--.,pector Gener.I. Major H&rerty 171t Motton OvtftUlll ID Ann Arbor. Mu In canytng on tbe curttnt "Child 1n1 cau.ea comblned. ,., wlll aJao aerve a. A¥tatant to tr:!.. • $ h d I d llafety campalp which endo lbl.I , Ille lllopecl.G1' General. Ccalnlij lltuatlon ..,.ttid ..,. or Qame C 8 U 8 week. NOW 18 THE TOIE" 8.1.1 p...-t -lpment la not plaoe a -eel• In lllo'N ... Sponsored by the Children'• T9 rMi 7•r ltome or •ft..-new to M"1or 11.aprty. Dwihl TlmM. POl't &nd Prme· combln~- The. Balboa Duplicate Brldce 1llid. Note: Thi.I la Ille t.blrd Jn • Club Will llold Ito monthly Muter • ile((a -of arUclea about the ~ Point Open Toumamen( on Sun- ,._ther ~clu 1n your Com· day &ttemoon at the J"riday After· tbanlty CbMt). · noon Club HOUM ln Coeta Mesa.. ay Ratb BJU Play wtll at.art at one o'clock. :; Frl~y evenlnr wlnnera north· Roopltal, Ill• campalp Lo deolkn· Ph. ~ 1111 lllMI p(ace JOW' World Wor n be ae"ed wllll Ille lion at S2 per WMk. min Pboito ' ed to enlighten parent.a u to bomr Wan&· ad ~? Central Procurement Dlatrict in Ha.rtior 1119. ' , • 1 · " . ' YOU CAN .. OQ BETIER AT , . .'D'•·Di •r ' FulNITU~ ·co. •. ~ ; • 1, . o• I ~We Buy 19nd Sell New •1d· Used Furniture • • •• 1112 Newpoi\tmvcl., Costa M-.a le. 5656 The United De:feme F\lnd, • Red 90Uth •Wtte M'.n. Edna Ml:Maater hither agency, ls uklng \be and Mn. Ruth H&rbeaon and hJ.l'h N:ewport Harbor Community Ch:e.t •corer a ea.at-weal we r e Mrs. to ·raiae eight thouaandtN of one Geo~ Carroll and A. W . Tummet per ~t of It.a naUonal budget Runnel"S-Up 'north-eouth were qaota. }'hat meen1. 008% of '18.-Kn. ~rt ·Brown and Horry 511.Mf. Or&nl'e County; on the Sprihgmeyer: Mr. and Mra. Joe ·re·&nd • &hare • alike buia. hair Am old G._er: Hn. Arnold Gu. pledged eleven hundreds per cent eer and Everett Tawney; Mnr. of. ·the national quot.a. Chari~ Boardman and Mr11. Roy ~J 1 .llllt IUI ff LEI llCE . sitiii'11iiisslii&~6~ · 'tou can figure It out In term.s Stro~. . pf .1ractloN1 Of' you can ftgure tt Rwiner•up eut-west were Mra. oi.at ln terma of efficiency, econ-E. T.' McMa.nua and Bob Brown; Ollj,y and wta:e pla.nnlng ln the fl· Mrs. A. W. Tummel and Mrs. Rob- nUclng of wlunta.ry naUon.al ert Rou: Mn. Fred Rou.aville and health and welfare progratna made Mrs. Marga.rel Holme•: M..., and ~ry by the defense effort. Mn:. Edwin Sylvester; Mra. Cath- Elther way It add.a up. • erina Smith and Mr1. Carrie Saun- . The United Defen.ae Fund wu den. °'S&"ized on the recom.mend&tion Ov~U wtnnen In the game of Com,mUrOty tcbeat lead.era be· played on Monday afternoon were '*Ue they ~ted a united fUnd Mr& Fred Rounsville and Mr:\. rather than Rparate appea.la. for t.ura. Berry. Runnertt-up wrr~ .. dd''-'Ule ae'rTtcu. IA.It year the Mns. Faye Schlueter and Mr9. Jrr(ciwport Harbor che•t bud~ted Calvtn• Lambert: Mn. Robert eeparately for the USO, National Brown and Harry Springmeyer: 1Tave.lers Aki, and International Mn. A. W. Twnmel &nd Mrs. S&Tvlee. This year theee agencies George Carroll tying with Mn:. · ah come under the UDF and in· C)iarlea Boardman and Mrs. C. E. eludes thoae services euenUa.I to Irwin and Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. H. tit• welfare of our country in a Job.aaon. p;rtod of defense mobllta&Uon .. The Playen receiving the most UDF serves three major groupa: rating point.a in the month of s,?p- tl) The Armed Force.a (USO, tember in the Friday evening "'1'terlctln Social Hygiene Auocl&-pme were Mn. George Carroll ; Uun. and National Recreation ~-Arnold Ga.uer. Mra. Edna Ma.c· eoclatlonl: (2) Tbe United Com-Muter; Mn. Frank Reed; Mrs..H. muntty JJefense (civilian grouP8 ?d. Walltnlord. Those receiving the acutely affected by defeMe mobil· g'tealest number ot polntJI In the i-tion ): (3) American Re.lief for anemoon game played on. Mon- ltorea.. daya are Mra. Robert Brown : :nere are many Newport H&C Doyle GUberl; Mra. Fred Rouna- ber men and women among the ville; Mn. Amy Wolcott; Mrs. tllree million people iri the Armed Peggy Johnson. l"orcea of the U. 8 . Who &re fa- 9Mllar wilb the homelike club.a. the friendly lounges at travel points, ur;e camp shows a.nd mobile untt.a wblch the USO la equipped to provide. The USO receives 73 per cent of the UDF budget. Ten per cent of the UDF goes to. civilian services. Banded to-- gether, these already eat\)>lished national he&lth, welfare And rec- ft&llon agencies will bring to local Q'.lmmunltle1 particularly affected by the de.re.nae effort, the know· hew and· experience of tra.lned ataJta in their particular field.a of aervtce. They will uslat commu- nJUet!ll to meet the problems which item from a suddenly expanded populatloh. the employme.nt of mpthera in defenae plant., the moving of families into new loca~ llttes, and olher tam.Uy a.nd com- munJty dislocatlorui. .A. little over two per cent of the quota will provide tor the Aqierl- can peqpte'1 de•lre , to dQ, ,,,.Omo-·• ' . . .. . thing for the Korean pe(>ple. In Red Cross Map of Interest at Treasure Days Fril"l'\da of American Rt'd Cr"08S should stop for a few mlnutl'lf to atudy the m&p ln the ROO CrOH8 Booth • at the Tl-eaaure Days Featlval in Corona Del Ma.r, Oct. atb and litb. It will •how by dots lh<\'f: who have contributed to the Blood pro· gram, taken a F irst Aid Course or any of the training servicca otfe.rred by Red Crou. Thia wtU give food tor thought tor lhoee who Ignore civic dut~!I and are indltferent to plana ror u..fety durlng any emergency which may arise. ARE YOU ON THE HONOR ROLL! . Red Cro8& needs your l\elp. the form ot clothing, aboea. bed· '\. ding, yarn, and eewtns material, PA..VHELI..ENIC Ml:ETINO whJcb must .be mrted, proce.seed, Harbor Pa.nhellenlc wtll held Its packaged and delivered. to ahlp-next niee<lnc on Wedneaday, Oct. aJde, you, through your Commu-10 e.t. 8 p.m. in PUgrim hall. Cor- ntty Chest can help al1evjate the ona del Mar. Deasert will be eerv- Mfertng and need ln KoreL ed promptly at eight o'clock. with You are making and ke,pinl' bualneu &nd carda afterward. TOP FROST ~Ut.. SICCITISI '1:!: '2f/ .. . . ' . - itll IUll-•fl~W PICi '~ 18' IOml DES ''tA~0·· ~ • IEHlll •EW. 3 25' POTATOES ~~w:ii 'l:· ~ THll II THI TIMI OF THI llASON WHIN PORK ·11 AT IT'I PRIME, AND MUIT GO TO MARKET• '"' •••••T •ow •• I OYI•· fLOW••• WITH .... IAITIUIM co•• flD PO•• • ,. •• ADYANTAOI CN TODAY'S 0.W PalCll .roa AM ICNOMICAL lllAL • "A RIAL •OOIT TO YOUR •UDGIT" . etlllA•D!ILll '-""' lltlll .UfCILlTE AIMOUl'S UUEI IEEf llll ·1 lllliltPI • llZtLI llL ··~ 16t .. . ' ' ' , .. ' . i •