HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-11 - Newport Balboa Pressf i f I ! • I • ~. l r ' I .. &icltbdt • 117 T. N. ('lllUCC"l ~ At IUt Ulla dept. llM r..et...S ...,. clt.ri.Heation oe a lllU .._, our A Item~ J:arl 8C¥1eJ -Ille Into and. y-tllroUsl> tile otate lq1olatllft-n • . ~ -...... ..,_ A ...alnw of tile - npldly ... ,_, -- oC -~a aoUu. • C...lllal i:mptn . ' • lllYrNe 'Dll INTlll . . HMIOI .AlllA • .. nm.- Alma to .. -. - ud' ID!pUUal. -~ tllm to receive and retatn popular-~ -~ ftml palilk: pliln, ror wlllcl\ tolka 'don't ban to lluy J3 otate 11-. Earl pullhed the bill thf<ll!&ll i.t• In the IUJnmer tn Bacramento.. and It bfiea.me ettecUn: Sept. 22, WlU!i th• -U>at tola fbhln&' ' ·. ~ ' . S~D LARGE~T · HOME1 COMM.UNITY. ltii .PRfNGE CO.UNTY I , . VOLOllE Xll PHONE HARBOR 1616 P'OURTEqi PAGES NUJIBER 33 any publlc ocean pier d)dll't .,..,... to p&y their '3 tribute to t,l)e State Flah'n Gamers. However, a lot of quMUona aroee u to what wu. a pubbc pier and What wu OC'e&n waters. So. ye•Urday, Pat Brown. the ' lit.ate'• attorn.ey general. made a ruling concemtns the whole situ&· Uon. Pat. wt» vacaUoned do,..-n here • whti. back. knows 90me-> thlntr about our ·problenu, Incl-. den tall~ 1 • :1He ruled that wat.era ot ~nclpaied b&ya along the C&Ufom!a coeat are included. Thal klddlN. 1ne.M Newport Harbor. among othen. sr BOARD OIAYS ANNEXARON OF NHUHS -~3-ACRE PARCEL; NEXT MOVE UP TO COUNCIL. The Fiah'n game code,, u ~ TI8ed by AMemb.lyman Earl's ac· uon. aaid : "A 1port flahlr.g 1.k:enee la not required ... tn order tor a Anne~tlon of 4;3 acre. of Newport Harbor Union Hiett School's pereoc lo take t\ah for any pur-property by lhe City of Newport 'Beac:h wu reque.ted late Monday pme other than profit by meane by the &chool board in lta regular meeting. 1 of anaung ln the ocean •·atera of J\,ldge O. J. Dodge. chairman of the board, announced a unanl· the 1tate when such fJll"llng la mowi: vote, with Lea Stelft;nael\ abeent, requutlng that the ctty coun- done from any pub Uc pier·" cit take • neceaa.ry ate pa to tnclud .. ------'-· ------- The F1sh'n Gamers, wanting lo the acreage wt thin' the city boun- get every poaible dollar. oC coune, darles:• The boa.rd -a.cuon c1oe9 not wanted the clarllicat.MJn of the lnctude a 32-acre parcel north of law. And they Sol it! 18th itreet whicll th• 8Chool owu· NA VY 'FIRING . . Atty. Gen. Brown def\Ded • ba.t ls not now tu1ing, Dodge aid. pier h a .. projectJon into navig-No objection.a we" ralaed bJ the able Waterw, a landing place or a .public a.t Monday's meettn.g. breakwater to protect nr for.n a. Dodge ~id, to the annexation mo- hacbo.r." It al.lo included jetties tion. Previous meetinp ~ve pro· and promenades. duced much outtry on both aidea "A. pUbllc pie' la one v..·h1ch fi of the annexaUon propoaa..I. • PLAN ·UPSETS RACE COURSE . I ' • publicly owned or a privately Dodge pointed out lhA.t. Ir and QWMd pier to which the rt1rht of wh .. 1• II ad 1•· .. en • . .ul' c LY counc m ... uir Important new1 for sailors en-fl'ft acce.u bu been dedlc&ted to school property wllhln the c!ty the pUbUc ... h.1.8 opinion rudy' Prl· Umlt.s, the htrh school wUI atlll .terrd In the Newport Harbor vately owned 1¥dlnga. alltb Ml be operated by the achool board Yacht Club Sa.n Clemente race hotel pler1 to Which lhe public La Which is and will bf! lndepenttent was luued by NHYC thl.!I mom- Nlinttted at the ownf':r'1 pteaaure of tbe city council'• jurl.adictlon. Ing. Beeau1'e o,. Navy rirlng. the la oot a publk: pin, he added. ''There ~Ill be no difference CO#Ult Guard hu clDSro the are., 01Jll O~ wbaLeoever in lhe control or op-around San Clemente malttng lhe' CLA&Jll'll!ATION l!'l'&lion or the school," he deelar· original course 1t&tcd for the race OVER THI'! TOP IN .Cm:s'l-Dan~unlty ()Mot eompaip Dl""'tor Fraall; UnneU an.d ~nt Mn. Harvey Some,. aecept a1000 dteck from Mn.. Richard Wllllam.A of Vlnttnt'• Lido Dru.&s and Dick Rtellard •of akliaard·. MAI' ket. Check was from Udo Shope,,. I Preae Photo l NEWPORT, BALBOA WIDENING NAME STEWART PLAN APPROVED BY COUNCIL PASTOR OF Appl"Oval of the Newport-e4tboe Street Planning Commltt.<-e'3 ST• AN DREWS Therefore, a. we eee It, ycu can ed. ''The management will con-lmpoMible. Rat.her than cancel flah oV any o( the public plen all tiAUe under the board, not the the event entirely, race offlcLl.l• over the bay, u well u the blg'na city council. Pecple wbo have ob-at NHYC h.ave cha.nged t he In· at N___. UM1 BaJbua. wtlbout jected to lhlt annuaUon In the atructlorut to read that "the race the ,;;:.;; Game ileut.hJI aCC08ttnc pa.st juat haven't understood the ahali be aa.Jlcd around Sant& Cata-recommE"ndatlon8 on widening of; N ewport and Balboa Blvds .. was (Pl('tutt oa Pace 4, Pa.rt II) / )'OU and demandtnr" a lhoW of a r ... IODI'" Jina llland!" voled unanimously t.1onday night 'y U:.e City Council, Taking over the pa.gtorate of 13 U«nM. That appe.&n'to Include Benetlla accruing to the high Other lnatructlons remain the ! Spocl!lcally. the committee recommended widening of Balboa St. Andrf'W'IJ Pre.l!lbytertan church COMMUNIT:Y ORKERS LAUDED BY OfrFICIALS ' First again tn California to make lb! goal, the New~rt Harbor Community Chest went over the top Tu~y night. Campaign Chair- man Frank Llnnell and President Mn. H&rvey Somers, who announceJ that the drive had gone 15 per cent over It.& $18,000 quota. expressed gTatitudc to the majors and cap- tains and to each l~dlvldual who gave time and mon~y during the •peeded up eight-day campaign. C&JI backl!i to pick up gift.II prom- laed will be made 'during the nea:t few day1 by the 'many eollcitors who have made this city a winner In the county and stale for. the aecond yea.r l.n a row. First dl.IJtrict to raise Its quota was Miracle Mlle and Bay Shores, majored by Mrs. Harold Ayre1J . Single largeal gift, which help- ed put the drive -over the goal line in record time, was Sl,000 from the Lido Shop.s. !.lajors and captains have work- ed fUll 'speed ahead during the pa.st ~eek to 11park t.he house-to-house 80licltors. Lars Lavagnino, N ew- port Beach major. spoke at the Lido Isle Wo.ma.n's Cit.lb m eeti,i.g Tuesday. Lido Isle µi being cov- e-red by a group of 21 volunteer workers, about one-stxtb of the total nun1ber of workers involved in the drive. A victory luncheon is being planned for Tuesday noon. Oct . 16, at the Balboa Bay club, to which all Chest officers and JSOlicltor& ~11lly-Mill~ Win Contract for Alley Job . ..:-SubmltUn.g a low bid of ~.9 499.04 . the Sully-Mifler Coljlracl- lng Co. w~ aw;arded a cont.fact Monday night by the City Counell· 'for paving or alley11 in Corona det Ma:r Inland of the Coast ffighway between Dahlia and Poppy ave- nues. Next high bidder on the job waa the Griffith Co. with $37.• 102.05, while Hardy and Harper bid $38,646.86. Arter· 8ludytng the va.rlous bids,. City Engineer Bert W ebb recom- mended that the council accept the low bidder'5 figure. place. IUCh u are operated by Khool by virtue of belnc lnafde same. The racf' will start at 9 P· Blvd. from 30th 8lret't to the eo...t Highway and Newport Blvd. from on Oct. 28 will be the R ev. James Pete Mrret at Port Ora.np and Newport Beach city limit. Include m. off the eut ~nd of Udo I.111le. , Finley avenue to 30th street, Seth stewait or Beverly H\11.s. He Irv Oronak:J at the Balboa Pavtl-a lower fire insurance rate, bet-In caae of no Wlnd at the 11tart.. 1 To accompllah jLa recommc.nda-matcly $60.000 tn gu tax fund received the unanlmou8 vot<' of thr arc invit~ to make reservations. ion. ~ere a am.all admW.k>n fee ill ter pOJlce and ttft protection and t.he "'~ boata wil1' be towed. or 1 tlona, the commlltee requrst.ed thO' 1hould br available by next March congn>gation when he preached at required for hunCTY angten. better refuse dLspoeal, Dodge U· ma11y proceed under power) to the council authorized purchue of 30. An additional Sl0.000 will be the Nc\\·port Beach church on Oct. PA' RI MUJUE In another acceptance, the coun- cil approvl"d Webb's recommenda.- tion awarding a contract to Wor- thlngton Pump and Machinery Corp. on its bid of $1662. Jor two 1ewage pun:ips and mo~re.. They will be used In Connection with the propoaed. Corona det Ma.r beach sewer project. The' apparatus will be d1~:livered ln about slx montha, Webb aald. But. from the looke of lt. you ~~~~onm":~~n ap:c°1·~~ je y. Santa Catalina m•y be prof)('rty owned by Adams, Ward. ne«"ded for drainage features of 30. 'He fiUs lht> vaca.ncy left when can.not. pop over to the 8-lbn& Bay ~ raunded at either end, and the fin· and Marble tn order to complete the tmprovement . This wUI ap-the form<'r putor, the Rev: Thom-• ' • Club or the Newaort H.t.rbol' Joetph Beek, Hadd Rlns. Mre. lh J rem•lna u prevtoualy ached-the rtghl-of·way neceuary. The. pe.rently be l.aken from tbe gen-u M. Gibson. waa recalled to • , I . \ Yacht Chab and Uy to mas a Oun.ni.ng Butler &NI .Dad«•. ulea. f'Urther l.rultrucUons and councJl ordeted this done before~ era! rund. active service u U. S. Navy, •. E' ~ ttO&ker ~ltboUt aheUlnS au~ to Ute The tc.hool bOard 'for many pertinent fact.a wtll be poet.ed on March J, 1~2. Act.ually, the Mar· In contrut to a previous aea-Chaplain. 1 ' .c.a.te. And, of COWW.. Joe Dixon ,ree.n. hu -tbouPt t.be hip 11ehool U.e Club buUe.Un boal'd. ao It ble propeft1 ._ ta. ~oli:l.Y lloa wbeft. u.. eouncll 9CU~ for ¥"r. Stewart le a)fo a Navy sr...n.J ~:t"'to....,,._'r .• ~~-~.,,!~. !!"~~~ ,.~~~.~~~!.'~~=l!,~Dll&.h~ ~ -IO Ol.OP 111. an4 I.al<• -. OWMCI' 11,. lb•·citJ. ~ It. ~-·,..-.-jJJaYilla """"""~j.deutenant Com· ll · o · · -- Qa.I'-~ ...,.., ii ~ \Ill WRI .,....., a roolfbefor•Jeallbtne oft. Clly Jr:npneer Bert Webb ....., opmmt committee'• ,plan tor the ma.drRrft'lOitl itNo to"l946. Durt.ftg p N 1i LP ttom on.e of tbe pten, beca11• flre ~rate. , A9 of tht8 morn14g. nine boats lnltrueted to pttpare plans and 31.lt lttreet cut-off, Monday nJgbt'1 two toure of combat duty'ln 1the , u~l·i\1BbaJld ~iVes : · • t.ltat. tbeq~ )II for pront! Tbe boa.id &190 adopted a ,.... anlthmtered llnlalhlat ~ual cla.utedk:. llpf!Clflcations In accordance with act.Ion ra.n amoothly wllb. no OJ>-Pacllic u tl&'bter pilot on board . • Aleo, that tavorlte apart for tuUon urt.nr the ctt.y council arld w eevera • eou-1ea expec lhe committee recommendation. p<>Altk>n voiced. the U. S . E. Cabot a.nd U. S. S. The finst horse raclng:Wtlh .,..;.rl- many flahermen. the jetties al the the Board of Supervleon to lf'!l before tomorrow. The trophy pre-He wu ordE"red to t.ak.e stepa Councilman Braden Finch aaid Belleau Wood. he became one of mutuel betting ever io be held In t f h in t.ogelller on the black-topping of Rnlatlon ceremonJea wUI be an-needed for U\e improYemenl be-of the new plan : "It seems to me the Navy'1 leading a ce&, with ten Orang·e County Lii achedUled for ba.rhnr entrance, are rom t e • the county'• half or l"th s•·-t ooun ed t lat da'· J Ian d t ·• r tall te~to r th " ~ c a • er \C. rore July 1 of next year. It will go a Ion• way to elimlnate apaneM" P ~ ea roycu. Vessels Ranch Track near l,.c>r9 terpre on. open '"11 ry or 11 trom Irvine avenue eut. Dodg• I!: tr! al d ~-i __,, • • ·-Eq··· 'l ta•-·d· h'· I kid.a without ~n.le9. ' n es tea Y ·~•Vcu ~e . Money to finance Ute two pro· a bad J1ltuatlon. I think • IA a ......., Y ou ....... tng were ~ Alamitos Dec. 4 to 15, eccorqtng Therefore, b@fore cbunklq •out l&Jd It I.a a project on which city Moonbeam. Orin Thorklld.M.n, do jecla will be ra.ist-d fron:& gu tax good program to go a.lDng wtth." stude~t activities. H e ~aa gradu-to word from 'Frank V~le of dough r h •••ling a.nd county muat co-operate. lale YC; Flying Scotchman, Port.er revenue11 and t.he city's Penera.l Mayor L. L. tllbrll said, "I think alee:' 1n . 1940 from Un1ver11lty of Long Beach following !Mue· of a or your ona ore -' Another motion app--• the Sinclair Weat ~-•-Ye· -·enlnc e C If t • --A l... wu _ .. _L. ...... • in~ to iu•cu • ~" · ~· fUnd. Webb 11tated that approxl-it la mv-Jf, Braden." 8 1 ornta a ......,.,, nge • rvonnit by the California Horae ..........,..., on wuere you re .;o 6 &uthorizaUon or adverti.ement ror Sta.r, Gene Treple, San Diego YC; ,,-~ preaident of h ilJ fraternity, Beta ~ing Board. . ft.ah. and mebbe you'll be &bud '3, bida on two lalhft to be uaed in Teeyat, Howard LAWls, Lldo l•le Th t p · ed ta -. which tnlght make the nnruntalr. c AN DIES ea i : r;erv u represen -Nine races a d&y will W written, ftahermen unbappy, beclU&e rnoat tbe blgh school machine shop. YC: Tradt>wtnd, Don Buma, Bal· TURN IN RECORDS . HAPM ' . tlve-at-tarxe on the Student Coun-with up to 10 horses in each race. ot the ocean money goe~ la pop-ye~o""n •.A•Smulsndallcy•.d&thyeraJboalB ~d~• boa. YC ; Hilarl&., Kenny Schmidt. FQ·R 4......, RIVISION •, ell; \VU a member of Blue KeY>; 1l will be an all-Quarter Horse In th -. • Loe: Angele.s YC; Coronado, Bob VJn rn~·s honorary society, and wa.s program, the' first time in Callfor· P!;:.::';'""tf:0~ h t~t 1 to e next regular seaalon wu poet-Herrman. Coron.ado YC: Antigua, AT, RICHARD'S cliainnan df the Student Board oi nia that a majoi' race meeting ha.s 8 n e I' areae. poned until Nov. 19, a week later Hal R.all\8f:r. and Escapade. W&lt TRAFFIC •TOLL Religioui. Conference. been held for the sprint hor11e11. A UTl'LE MORI! than ill usual monthly mi!etln1. Elliott, Newport Ha.rbor YC. Ha''"' you an)' phono....-ph Entering the Preabyt.erlan Semi-Races will be su...,,rvlsed by Rae· ABOUT Yl8HING -·~------------·~--------------rtt:0nl!l of which you. ue tired! nary at San Anselmo In 1946, he ing Board peraon~;1 as l.n the cue JU8t to pro-.ve t.hat the albacore N I c ft h p Are tht"N!I a coup&e. of aJburm 3 FOR YEAR w~ g-raduated tn 1949 and wu or thoroughbred racing at major are 1tlll around •. th.la dept. went at•1ona ra sm·ans 1•p r1'zes that are In the wa,y, eld er new awarded the cOvet:M Preaching tracks. atlablng lut Sunday with Stormy . or .-Uy aocleat ! Jr so, yoo Prize. He then became aa1lstant V..aels is president or the Pa· Gordon, peddler of Bulcb tn San.· can do a ,......t Hrvlce for t.be Air Force Pfc. Charles Clayton pastor or tbe Beverly Vlata Com· clfic Cout. Quarter Horec Racing la Ana and major -ot the Aw· .ard· ed Four Loe' al Studen' ts boJ<• wttll your ........ la ,., otr Chapman, 21, IOll or M•. and Mre. mun~ty thurch, ~ .... y Hilt.., Aasoclallon. which has acheduled bowling center tn Coeta M~ Kon:!L . Ralph E. Chapman. 2518 Orange 1 serving wllh hls falber, Dr. J~ea one Quuter Horse race .a day at Thanks to lbe st.ron1 a11ft of tb1.. Local membt-n of the pareab Ave .. co.ta Mea., died Tue.day -K. St~a.rt. county fair11 throughout Callfomia •k>J>pcr of the crulaer "Stormy," Four Newport •tUdenta. Uiree or ... ---------·-----croup of tlMI 40tll Dl'\'Wpe (C&ll-nl&'ht at. March Air Force Bue.i' . ~e 33-year<00Jd pastor Is FM.r-durlng the paat two ~1?\D}en., and tJMre'• a.Iba.core an the editorial them now at Newport Harbor Jone•. LI now attendlnc 'Oran1e lol"llla 1"•*'°991 G-.rd) .... eecond victim of the apectacuiar rted to the former Rachel WU· a race a day ...at the thoroughbred table. M.y flail efttana:led 1tMtf In Union Hip Sc.bool yeeterday re-Coast College.. Ot'N'9eaa &rt! M!'eklll« pholM>-accident of lut Friday morning llanls of Puadena. She wu a fel· meeta at Bay Meadowa 1lnce 1949. one of the rudden., and tlnally celved lnduetrtal art 1 awards The wlnn:ng Newport project.a cnpb l'tll!IOrCh for dlspatch to on Newport ·boulevard at 29th St. low stud~t •l UCLA, where Me He anii.auncf!d that Quarter waa handllned in by the huaky ah.owtnc they won national prlzea were made la.at year •t the h.J&:h the bo,... Kia death ra1,ed lbe city traffic wu pres.tdent of her sorority, Horse owners have made reserva~ pilot. A 28-pounder, yet. The fl.th. ln a naUonwide conte11t aponaored eehool. Virgil Bryant, rad1o and Ar~nb have ,bee a toll to Utrtt. eo far this year. Kappa Ka.ppa Gamma. The coupl~ l ions for stabling from &1 tu ea.st of courae! b,-the Ford Motor Co. to furl.Mr e.lectrlcal Instructor. entered the madfoc wtt.h Rkbant'• Market. Chapman wu the atle~ driver have three chlkiren, Rachel Mary, u Florida and from all the Soutb- crattsmanablp abillUes of Youth. project.a In lhe conteat. t'hey were where6y • recepLaclf! wtD be of the car whl¢ went out or con-9: ~1:artha Louise, 6 &Dd-.Jamea S .. west State1J. Miss Bright Eyea. LA8T CHANCE FOB Th K Nil Do c first displayed at Z:Xpoaitlon Park, OPf'G there at all tl..r'nm for de-trol. rammed through the corner Jr .• 2. They are looking for a holde r of a new qua.rter -mile CAT uu11.1:aa ey are: en es, n~ amp--'t r -·-• ~ ho home he--o ~ bell, D~ck Sharman and Dick Loa Angetes. then eent to Chicqo ......-o ...-. ftCO~ u ca.a of a garage, clipped off parking '"" world'11 r ecord of 21 .8 seconda, .is There are eeveral of the cutut. Jones. Their wins tnctuded flTt" for judging. They' a rc now on ex-found ~re. No matt.er bow old. metera. algna a.nd a' powe r pole. expected from Albuquerque wlt.b fat·taced, tuuy-talled ·lltUe Per-prlaee in the weatem region of lhL' hlblt. at the Mu.Mum of Science w~r opera. C"l'Uld o.r bone,-A pa.asenger In the car, Jack WU-DOGS WILL llOMP her owner, c. L. Maddon. glan kitten. you ever IAW sit.Ung conteit, giving Nfwport See.ch and lndu11try, ChlCago. the bo.r• woold UM the ft't'onla lia.m Turley, Jr., 17, of 2331 Santa Nothing can be done, apparent· ;v-ouets will lncrea.ae alabllng around waitlnc for bomee at Utll third place among 29 cities in the A3 regional wlnnera, .i.~Jlea won ao loaaer aclt\'ftlJ la me at Ma Ave .. died a few momenta ly. to ket'p dop frorrt running on an(I tra.!nipg facilities, and will dcpt'e. feline · lnleated reckle.nce. itat.a..Ji One of lbe 1tude.nta. Dick fCollUaa:ted oa "-c:• l> • ._1_..,_r ____ • _________ a.ft.er the cruh. Ronnlr Louis the beach bclwe4>n 18th and 19th enlarge the grandAtand to 6 ,000 Uni~• aomeone speaka up rtpt Hlline•, 21, of 2!i72 Eldon Ave./ streets. Mayor L. L. Isbell told a seats. He ha.a held Quarter racing eoon. they're gotng to be put' out Coat.a Mesa, waa ta.ken to Santa woman complainlng about It Mon-without part-mutuel betllng for for adopt.ion by the count.l pound, Ana Oxnmunlty holIJltal but wu day 'night at City Co'lncU. several yeara. whk:h mlcht rcault dlliUtroual.)I later releued, having only a brok· for the kltUu! H. F. Wolcl1nla~g S1nices Toclaf: f\meral •rvlCI f(ft' Harold Woklenbul former --Balboa. were to be c:odduct.ed at lwee ,Kirk O' lbe Heather, Glen· d&le, t-y. at 2,ao p. m. Mr: Woldenborg died early ta tho week at Loo A11ft1eo -he WU &rnployed. Wolda)berg WU at OM · lilM .._,1&1..s wtth r . Roy a......iear. Sr.. la u.. O-ral OoDt,..,unc BaqlMM 1n .Newport P•c:lt Be lo wn!-S ~y ,llla widow, -L.. t-....... Carol, • --.-w-. Uld,a ... tar Mn. WUllam ca Ball, all of Loa.,Ait.p1-. " · ~------.. ~" ' . Ta 0 fal w .._ ... _.. ..... -,.,_..,., .. ' ..... ._. --.-. °"" ' ··-· ,~ " F»1tr. Od. I .--:...-M • .,, ....... Get.. • • I t1: OeL 11 T""9'i ..... ,. • r r '&• Gii. • .--•. ~ .. .,. OI&. • -,.--· .._. W1 k tir, Oii. II _,.. .. • en arm. Fir•t ~e:n to Communl~·hoo· pltaJ. Chapman WU traMf•l'l'ed !" the Alr Force ho9pttal. He had re- ceived two ~pound fracturee of ' e lee. compound fnct~ of the ptber le( and lntem&l lnju~ea. 1¥ DPft' , ~gained tu11 con.ectou.nesa. and ~y It WU reported gan- rr<JM bad .. t In. Hl• der.lb ls the lblnl tnftlc fatality In the Har- bor area thll 7ear. '· Chapman wu born In Orange COUJ\l,.. • aU.nded · 8 a n t a· Ana .. -anil wu .,...,_ted (rom Newpo<t Ba.bor Unlc>n B 1 g)l -tn lHf. Be eatered the ....lea ~ ialltt. He lo ...... -"" Illa -ta. l'lfO --8tolla A, -D!><il J-. o( ~--· hlo ,.-. t<atkr, Harw,-.e. a.a-BU· ta AA&. ,.. ,,.., ........... -11 wm "-~ ~·t Ip. 111. la BIWILCoionl- al ...... , -AIMi. - Wiil lie .. -OemeterJ. ....... .&l.m .. •18(lMH 1t111a..tnr111 tliM. ol .-rt..,._ u-.. .. 2 ••• , .. J9 -~ rlt1 ,...._ ___ , 2 rllllllt• - 0 ... 1\12& .... t.e.91 .. •1.·-~· Q 7 • ..... Iii' • lllllil ..... ............. r.--• 11111-. .............. _. • I • • Alf Center JOb to Low Bidders The Board of Truat.eea of Or- ange ,Coa1t College lrt their regu· lar meeting on Monday approved )Ow bida for the conatruction of a new Art Center Building. •we deem it Important to move for- ward' In our building program wh..lch the people approved at the polls two years ago," stated Dono- van 0. Lawhead, Board Presldenl The IDW bue bids of South Cout Conatructlon Company af Newj,ort Beach for general cOn- tract work, of Pacific Plumbing Company of Sant.a Ana for heat- ing, ventUatlng. mechanical and plumbing, and the low alternate bid involving overhead ~lectrlcal of Stafford Electric Company of Newport Beach. were approyed. The Art Center B'Unding will re. place five temporary wooden &J'fDJ' ~uildlnge now In use.at Co&&l Col- lege. Construction on· t.he projttl will ~mence Immediately w ith the butldlng ec.Ked.uled for comple- tion by June. 1952. The tot.a.J. 'coat will approximate $248.000. Preliminary pla1ll for the tt~ ' mode'llng ot O. C. C.'a adminlstra· tio"'-buildlng ·were alao approved by tile board. The edifice wlU be the fourth of nve to be remodeled · to meet at.ate at&ndardlt • • -· • - • I • Pu,,...._, nwry ~ at Nwputt 1!11eh, ca1lfonl1a. omco and Printing Plant al 1111 Bal"°' Bltd.-Plxma JlarbClr lm,I Elllerld aa oecond-c1aM matter June 11, lNO, at tba i-t. om.. ot Nrwport Boacb, Callfomla, -lbe Act of Kardl I, 11'711. Boa 1116 lar .... pUI olse ho_ la 1116 N-7' -~ 81!1~-.I ~·aw o -.IQ Ill ONqe Cloatl'· BEN 0. RltDD. ~and .~ ROBICRT P'. wn1,aa:s, --lll&napr .L ALEXANDER RUOJ,TON, ~ MaM .. Tbe _... bas ~ adjudged a· ••• _,,... of reneral Clttulatlon by decree of tM S11pertor Court of Oranp County ud la fWQ' qualtfted to pubu.h all kinda of legal -1ceo and lid~ StJJlllOlllPl'ION Mft81 NfJWPOKT-BALllOA PltEl!S eve1'7 Tll~ ID Onnp (lo .. ty, -per JMr; SI.to ab -Uio; (fl.Ill tllno monlba) (Alao IDdudes tte NEWPORT-BALllOA NEWS-TOD:ll • TUeoday) Out&lde lloo eoam,-~00 per 1-· mE COUNCIL AND SUBDIVIDERS . The ·plush, fat carcass of the Balboa Bay Club was again dragged across the council members of the City of Newport Beach Monday night when it was cited as a wrongful use of public land leased by the Municipality. Occasion fo.r the diecusl!ion WIU! the pasaage by the City Council of an orc!iilance regulating any future sub- division.a desiring to annex to the City. PJincipal opponent of the ordinance was Lloyd Loveland, representing the New· port Harbor Board of Realtors. He told the councilmen that the.Realtors had voted to oppose-the ordinance as unsound because. the planning commiBBion wa.a .given arbritrary and excessive powers. The ordinance gives the commission th'e right to require subdividers to set aside unspecified amount.a of land for recreation, park and public building purposes. No limit.a are placed on the commission demands and no time is specified for the holding of the property by the subdivider for such use before he could otherwise dispose .of bis lands. Loveland stated that the City of Newport Beach could not be relied upon to propertly administer the lands which it did acquire. He cited the Balboa Bay Club and its "fenc- ing for private UI!<' and commercial purposes" of the 11 acres intended for public beach. He also referred to the leasing to private clubs and organizations of other parce.ls. Although the City Council would require subdividers to 'pay tribute' with their land, the council by it.a past per- formance would in all likelihood either sell the land or lease it. This new ordinance (number 650, sections 9250.1 through 9259.1 of the Municipal Code) is one of a series of restrictive measures adopted by the council and en- deavoring to require private prsctice to do that which the City is unwilling to do. The Muncipality endeavors to make private owners reeerve large ~ fo park!Dg,; lll!d parka but the City has sold the former €ity Hall site and the former water yard bo~h in Newport Beach and which were badlt~eeded tor auto parking. and would have netted a nice profit over the years from such operation. FORMER EDITOR WATCHING NEWPORT W~lngton:"'October 8 M:r. Ben Reddick, Newport Balboa PrE"ss 2211 BaJboa Boulevard Newport Bea.ch, California. Dear Ben: My comph me.nts on your good. outspoken issue of T hur!'lday, September 27. 1951. -,. IL----r n_E_A_M_E_R_1 c_·~ -__ N -~~:... _r ·-Ji · Dwti:-~ P. E.7SCHEDIJLE I,.~-~'!:~:Ii ' VI, HERE CHANGED ~In w~ -::.=..-~ I a.nCI under OOll ... l:Nble • • •• . . ... -., ... _ lo Ille ....... .. 'CllMpo la ---........... C!l"Pl ln\O 'l"Yl """"" -·• n1wopopot9 belp ..._ -loclq 117 l'9dftc lotter-"Xy bill, B. JI. M2'!, llNp -on Ille --liledrlc on'-tlle ~~Now-•blch I wai tolklng, lo lnteb~ otnlgllt 'lieain 1&nder UgbC. that p<*t BMd>·Balboo and the Long to allow" the ftcijllent. O\ll ~ 0 to wt -1ellm• we Jump too ~~untlns\O!l •Park Uneo, ef· niloris to !<Hp. two-.tlllrd' !l_09U'll . qa!ckly. tectlve Monday, October lS.• knylhblg tbey may Mn>, to en I " Oc•·• Tolle thlo matter ot annUW.O D&IJ¥ ~ Balw'd&y ad Sun-covrap. Work. 1'hla may ~ ·ba ~ \Ober 8, l9$l ...,_ -ll80lf aim' tbe,... day, the -l'UI trip ,_ loutng been corrected In all paper!. bii~ No ~ to go' lb U.. -_t" .....,._ ltd oJ 1M1. ._ Balboo al 7:IO a. m. wtll leave it pullllcatlon. 1f -i lo d Oii\-'i'<><ky and lbe -• ......,, ..._ )'OM ....,. .-.., u. e-:te a.. . .m. ~ ~ lbnited &nd op.rate , • • • . 1 ; ,. lftW ya tffl Wee eom.e .ott of lbe wm .. !'pt-for --via Belmaot !plore lnalMd of Pa-It .. -,_ u. 0n ... .,."' Jllql~ .... lnMported -,com· ..-___ ...,.., 'f"f•CO!'· olfte Coillt 8lllitwa7. 1'lo lrlp --,,_ ._.... q "lf'l!ll. munl y many mlleo Inland aDd "'-~ ,,_ .,&te II ""'-what Ila~ 8la1 ~ at 1;1' a. •· _..,._ up to ..,. "H11I" :;-ma reaU , la giving ua lbe -- tt'.., all -ao<I IO -ex-WW --C)l'lgtnat. at~ •note lor uni menial trutmont, rlgltt h.,.. ·at bome. ::,.~u:!c=~~ ==~;1~=.i.~ :i~~~ =r:o~erH~:='::.!w!":: oC' .,...,.r•1-, J_. The f:P p. m. uprwm trip to lllte 1'e ~ ~ oaly Mve our own wonderful ~ Wl•:ut lh1os "".., rfPta Bal-will leave Loo Angilfa al not r•t recelV<d tlletn. I ulr, Rlloa:ilmoot of tile time, but.bet~' to take a . ..._, u-.~e• 41•1 4!48 p. m. and operate u a llmlb!d one ot tboee coiii1ng befOre· I 1 we get some of ~ w ...._ tlll Jtt .. a .-..... .... via facl.tlc ON.It m,p.way. 111~1u-, .. 1f •e· w ~ le~· too for a cb.ange.. . '" .,. -_.. --o. the Huntington Parit lo «I, u ~ expected ull to, ~u well, my ..... , Bdb. retUl'lled _.,.. o;'S • · --t.o.,. llMclo U... -th• i!'M L -m.. 1'18l lit. or OL the laleol; ~ .Sat~ nl(ht trom •bla _, al a-t .,. ~ -... )'. 'l'lllo trip will be, elltnlnaled and running ber 1.at,•woulci you bave "4ke4 tile Ford Men:bandlalng ~l In ta a -la .... • time 61 .-llCbodUI.. l>rtw..., Preatdent to .call . tilt Detto,!t,' Kid!, and speU!ng of Oil ...... wic n ~Wt HwllWll~~-~ ~d SoUI ~-Gate bAcll, .o. you <'DJlld haft ·UU.. weak'-A~er -he came through all tW1•a'5 ,.. ta aM ....-i .,. ---..... o ,m nu~ dlUonal moneY.!" 1 am ·stlll ft.Lt ""'"'.':-!of it on h1a return trip. in· '""''* .. ~ ... 111 .. 1 New time~ lhowtnc,thae lag for J "yee'" a.nawer! cludillg rain and a:now. pt a ... -., ... ..-tr and otbet' mlnot adJuatmeft.te are •' • • 1 TbS. la your Fl-lendly F o r d .... dll& _,. :M' 1a ' Olt,.b"t now a...U.ble. While we wilt for the De&lef, Theodore Robina, uk· .. If Ii. _.., la fll Mt we get bllls on the Floor eh lng Jou to come In and look • ft b .. -1 I ... -Dental Program like the namea on the Lord lg over r.ur •tock of new and fruh ~ ...._._ a IA sr ... ..... becutloner's liSt, '"never • ~ul Fbfd can. Owing to the popu- AAJ lllftllber' qaA. If hi aiftla ~ Interest Mothers be mlaed." Wt" call them 1'c tar dfmand of our can, we do ~ w1\llla elx -u...ot Iola"""· S and dogs." There is no telling not •ave any old models on .. ~:· ""'!'lblJ ~of of COM S~hool Whal wUI happen. A few dayo,acoj hand lat the old prtce. t i-est of lllo -,q ~ •U.· a bill on marketing wu 'llfOtlgilt Mo a yMI'. 'nlat'• tu.60 lftOltt)lly. Mothtr. J)l"'tl9eltt ~t the fint ol out. It ~ the Houae a year U be c.ba a•1i be OUl make lt 10 the Ko.free Klatcbes at Corona del ago without a dlWnting ~ but U • COUNCIL PASSES •olNANCE OPPoSED BY REALTY -BOARD .. -t ... lbat'• the ••ztmwn. Mar Elementary School lut W<ek tile Senate adjourned before act1 lldodmobile nit n. ~ w 1nw 11tad to brtft&' 4 he&ld the echool nurse, Mia Em-lng on it. This ~ac it waa lleD.tl f , . por -• ~ eompounde4. ma Kattlll de&crtbe the ochool'• back "' committoe 1s1 to 111. ><eil· H ()Cfalaer 18 Tile member Ma l6 Je7 "'to tile dental program.. The audience, wi.o •hould have been for It. got ftaDd. .aa ,_,.. to pt. M1 .retire-wttoee dUldrcn -are member8 of up and spoke against it. ud arru1 Th Amert Red ,.._, __ BJood .. met but 'D6 nr&U.r bdW lOa.I' 11e menta wb.lch ·should have been iI'i can ....... '- ta '8 ~ hi .0. not draw ::. ~~~1.!~thlr.tt;8~~ Ill favor, were uMd to defeat ll1 m°"'t~ntt ~~be 1;~ lh:mAm::'- reU..NrD-a. ~ Ulltll • ~-The next day we• had the annu•• can 1_ •• on · Y • tile .._. ot ts. U he _.... leU tbe plan.a and procedure tor the Reeolution from our Irish frte.n~ Slreew., Newport Beach on Thurs· Ul&.D m ~ arid 18 defe&led, yea.r from the teacher and wel'e on behalt of a free lrel&nd. and tt! day, ~tober I8tb trom 3 to 7 p. m. be CUl draw down Just ~t lie invited to ult queclton• during the was i"Ol even permitted to come 1be Regional Blood cent.et la , Bureaucratl~ administration v•r9WI property rtgttl9 took the spot- llght Monday nti'trt at Ctty Council ln cha.rtea made aplhat Ordlnance 60() by Lloyd Loveland. repreee.ntlng the Newport Harbor RH.It)' BoAro. The ordinance wu adoptrd b)' the council. more informal part of t.he program gin' all th -· c B-·cbes hae put In, plU. the 4 prr .cent In-which followed. to the Fioor; the ·Rule wa.a de1 ur r e ~ rosa ...... l.erf'lt. "fe•ted. It wa.a tn a commit:a lo lncreue their number of don- Whlit h@ 4rawa .. M. ...-.t Mrs. W. 8 · Freely and Mra. C. room at the time, atruggllng wt ors t9<> per c.ent u only one tenth ftl'lft'd out oa ae1m'&ltal ta.blM B. Barnett. Ul)der the general di-a half billion new money. for· th of thf .blood needed for our armed that~-te t•L ,.,. omt of rec-Uon of Mn. Art Salisbury, Atomlc Enero:rv Commtaton, tq fon:ea and local needs ia coming ln ' SP"aklng on ~half or tht Bo a rd -• legUlaUve committee. Loveland critlctud a aectlan of the ordinance which st.alee that the city plannlng commiMlon "may requtre" 19Ubdiyickra t.o •l &11lde land ill' propowd aubdlvtalon1 for public pla.rgrounda. etc. Loveland .ah!.. ''The Board fttls tbat a reatrtctlOn on properly right& would prevent· turlher de- vt>k>pment or lhf' city. Adopt k>n of that rh&M pull •too m u c h rower in A non...-leclffi body:· Contlnuin)?', h(' statC'd : " T h e planning commiBSio n was organ· lz('d to act u M umplN.". \\'e havt' IU\d are addlng, ov('r a period of tlmt. to lt.s dutle.s. Th<"rt' ls no rt'COrd Uaa~ the pla.nntng commla- elon ls gtftt'd wtlh M'Co nd atght." He. cited deveJoprrn:nt of s..n Cle- mente wbf!roe pa.rb bad to be .moftd wben city growth went counter to original plana. Spl'aklng of the phra&c. Love- land saJd, "I don't fc-el It ls rig-ht . Jt'e true it U5 our duty to protect thr consumer. but It la alao our duty to protect tht' product>r ." Ht' l\~l"d lhllt the wordin g t'Pad "May S~ge.ot."' At th.La potnt, Ray Copelin, ~p­ rewnUng the comml.M.lon rose to read a telegram from the-city planning roru:ultanl. ln eff~t. It said the city·~ objttt .wu no t to plE"a&e the rE"ally board; that sc.hool.8 need t ime to plan their site•: that• the Irvine Co. supports the ordinance; thtt put •Ubdlvtaion t'f'Corda show suf· flclent play art>aa WPre not' set a~lde In time. ,.,, Room Mother Codtdin.ator, were in a., j bis ..,.. .... t.. "'1 '*'-die spend for somethin.g 1 importantj at the present time. POLICE. RECOVER .. ._-.e1 •f ,_,.. lie .... eoa.trt· ptarg~ of arTang1n.g for the meet-the plans for which are not ye' In a recent broa.dca.at from int; &1111 the eoct&l Interval whJch , buted to the f\aacl. 'l'llM: .. quite followed. rully drawn. I repeat, it i8 time Korea, Gen. Ridgeway Bt&ted that allnttar to W1' eoc+qway ~ Mn. Saltabury ha• &nD.Q911Ced for the eongre.ss to go home. We 98 out of 100 wounded men are LOOT ARREST uremeat. ,.._ • effect. M'f'r olber room meettnp u fOUowa: are i!l a nice at&te of contu.ak>n. beln( aaved due to plum& and tile eMmf"J'. M w • • • whole blood. Pluma ill gtW:n for 'l'llea Uteft'• .-o&:ller .-lacon-Klnderprten aeaaiona. rs. e-Shortly art.er I write UWi week· shock at the ftont, while wbole f ...-.__ •~e ......... ed an M1i111e. vW, pct. 9 and Mn. Wt~er .• OcL lY I tt I aha.11 follow lhil advic• blood, ts u.eed in the bosplblla be-~ ..---r 12; Mn. Vaughn, Oct. 11 and Mrs. e er, .1 VILLA PARK MAN place. TM.& eonoel"Md a coa-l3arnett, Oct. 18, First Grades and take oft for Califomia. wl~ hlnd the lines. l'f'NIDl&lll'• wtfe ln tlllfl "'8Lt. tbr under Mn:. K1nu, Mra. Bachman. Mrs. Philllp.s. The work of thj Make a.a. i.ppoinlment now to be IMl'Dber dliN. 8hfl doeti not pt a.nd Miss Garnwn wtll meet Oct. Houae ill practically finb:hed. a bl~ donor by calling the loo&l .. _"'-the re(:l.nmret laeome ltie wodld. shall have worked almost contin~ Red Croaa ort~Harbor 1~. Recovery of 12~ worth of 11.Ml-.__ .. ...__ llv .. •-_._ n, ~i -•y 10. '5, and 30 reapecUvely. 1 f J th _ lng equipment stolen Sept. 30 rron" uau _. -..... _, _. ~then of chUdren In Mn. uou.s Y rom a.nuary · roufi•• I N Pl .... _, oe -put lrtto the Rlcl>ardson'• al>d Mro. Trln•'• ..... Septomber, much of. tile tlmt Ke#ne Opens L•w 8 ocke r at ewport er WU an-____ .. p1.. • .. _ ..... _. lallere&t. morning and afternoon in a com'l w nouncrd yealerday by Del. S(t. ,.._, ...., _. ond grade cl8.S8f'l!l will meet Oct. V. 1. McMa.nlg&l wtlh the arrest It ts a fact that many congTee-16 and Oct. 29, respectively. Sec-mittee room. and we tace th Q 'fj • N rt or Robert Samuel ThomJ>80n of alonal w1doWll are· ten W1th Vet"}· ond Gradel taught by Mra. Rich-neceulty of taking up the ne~ ice In . ewpo Villa Par k. little by' way. ot e1tite or income. ~ and MW Peters wtll invite budget in late December or lri. I So In --t th t th custom January I ~Ing I f offices for the gen-Book4fd on ,n.nd theft cha.rps, m:m'Y h,... '; e 1 al mothers on Nov. l and 8 re111pec-· · eral acttce of law wa.B announc- Th 2.1 I ,_1 ot grantblc t em an amoun equ Uvely ··For the time being I shall bav• ompaon. ' a pea con ... " to one ~· p&y of their huaband · ~T ed ay by Galvin R. Keene. at-eprayer, a.uertedly admitted ,i.,.k-. , ... ...,.. .·~·t · ,, Tblrd gre.de klatcbes will all be lo decl'ne speaking enpgemen lo .J t la Th M are at ... _ 1250 tbo&rd tor ~ -wvw • held t.bJa ·montm Ml• Judg'e. Oct. or a.nytllqlg whielf takes me m ,y·a -w. e 0 cea --. & ou mo , na Ori the '.ot.Be:r Mnd any man I. tathe~rdua .ached\ile. I ab&.U 28S3f Newport Blvd., Newport btr hip boot. ftlued at ·s1s and a. dre.wbi• a • .._ .. ,_ ~ i.nclud· 19; Mia Scb.leder, OcL 23, a.nt1 not" cancel the .twe prevloual~ Bea ' $22 box com~ 'Ibey were own· e ...... _ .... ,, -~ Mn. IA.ng, Oct. 26. The fourth ed b H Jd St d.g 218 Knox, Ing employea of U.e COug.-..--.·hU f!1lde .cheduJe ta: Mrs. cutler. made enga~meota.. befme 8l&te 1 A native of llicblcan,· Keene SL J'oeta -;ea.. ~ ep,ro--rty wu a poea:lble nUttmentbep~lA ~~Ir Oct. 24, atia Shield.a, Nov. 2: Mrs. Wide groups, one ln Sani P.ranct.co cam to C&lifomia two yea.rs agoth. · r-; will cau.e tncome to .,_..... .... ~ on the 25th, &nd one ln Coronado He ......... ived hl1 B. A. from e rttoveN'd at Thomn.nn a reai-AW!Un. N ov. :ii. The fifth grade t --. .-~--wtdowa.. But memben of coagrea on ~-tober 31st.'" No othe-pie... University , of Mic ... ;--in 19'0, den~e Central Lemon. Apart.menta cl&ue.a will mttt Oct. 17 and .31 lo.A: '"" •"6 ...... ' . ' cannot do that Rene e the other • unth 1 recharge my batleriea. we I hi• J..LB ln 19{~ from the •Wli-Vllla_ Park, McManJpJ aatd. Dep-..--tulty. · under ~ Babcock a.nd Ml11.11 tn -•t ut Sh i!f J ck Wblttl -d a•-Witt ·respectively. apent ore money this year thall ve1e.l y. ). er a n ... on an One oa~urnan aaid the plan " I think the taxpayers have to 1 ~..I.er being admitted to Ule Sheri fr·, Sgt. De.n RI~ aided in wu ~,by many members.-Juat · ~ lhe arreat. • ..__,,_ It wu e&aler to ha.ve Alp· ha Ph.IS to spend. and with war expeMet: Mi~ipn 'Bar, he practi~ in ... ,, vlded ll ltll ~ mounting, the next session may bt Sa-" .... w, Mich. for three ye.a.ra. "" neaae. pro po ce w . monthly deductt~-made '"-· •-' h -• ~· M l W d d even rougher than thla one. More recently Jle waa tngaged foe a ca r llce.nM Rwnber w kb aft.er to try t o ta.ke the mon~• oneself eeJ , e nes a.y ~~;:r.. ~~at~ e~~: and ... eoty buy a dllferent type ot R. 1'tes Held Monday !~to~~~r a~e a~:=~ia re:!:~ annu..i AU Alpha Phi• of Oran-coun-c .. ·•-g System Holl·-·~ gallon wu hampered eom~wh&-t., .. Aad JOU ma bll)· a ktt of a... uu ' ''"..,.,,..· McM'antgal ea.Id, In that Thomp-anft it . from -v ~ ty are in vi~ to attend a meet-for A. J. Zerbe A member of the.i C&lifornta ho k "J .. u J -v Lng of the Dewly formed Alpha. Bar, Keene, who is married. 1\u aon, w WU nown M on~ oompulJ' ·hr ltl..IO a mo'IU..., Phi Alumnae club, to be held generally, nad regillered hla tiU-.__ -..-~-ou• ••--A lor oome 1'.lneral 111ervices wer!! conduct1 been a Native resident for nearly rK" ,,.....,~ .. -.au Wednf'aday evenifll', Ott. 17 at 8 tomoblle to a fl~UUoua address. Of us waltlnt" nntU ap 8t to ~t 0~ in the home of Mrs. Frank Monday at St. Thomas CJl,urch:, a year. He aald that four juveniles are lt. le a lob& ttme. My 0 "'"' ldM M. Little, 119 CrysW Ave .. Bal-Lakewood Village. for* Art h u~ -------------r~pected to be &rftllled In COllDff-. hJ that lt'i: a •vlas-l.f I lhould boa I&lam:t. She may be called at James ~rbe, 7V ' father of• A. • I am sure th.Rt your newspaper empha.si8 on the -matter ot the Slst Street right-<>f-'A·a y and the dickering w ith the Pacific Electric wiU stttr th is ma tter back into the realm of active negotiation. From the ~lewpoin t of t his oongTesaional office. Wuhlngton ha8 cont inued to be just as a ct ive a place aa It was while you were here wit h Tom Gregory. But the windup of this seulon ot Congi-eas ought to come ~met1me on or ahortly prior to October 25. Copelin broUght -out also that subdivider. have two appeala rrom ordinance ~&lricUons : the Cit y Council and t\e rouru. • tton with the burs~-. ~omp90n set beat-end an,yoM MD-then• Harbor 2850 ror .reservaUon.a. 'Van' Zerbe of Balboa Ial'and. Th ~8 ~heduled to be a.n-aigned today rve pt a neAt en to clra"' Plans wUl be dJscussed for at-elder Zerbe preceded bill IOn , a.a ) 1n Nrwport Townahlp Just I c" down at a tlme "'hlen Ml DN!d tending the annual Alpha Phi-Weatem saleama.na.ger of the ~------------...,--Court. It. l"d bavtt It othen\'tee lf I Esta., to be held OcL 27 at 'the Western Printing and Li.thogt&phy "•'-eel It. thlA · JuM brlpi9 me by Ambesaador Hotel Embauy room. Co., of Racine, WiBconsln., Ke ~ DENTIST9 60-DAY SEWER takfns the money before t ~ It ls to be a Round-the-World resided for several years at 4444!> ;J PROFESSIONAL~ ~ DIRECTORY I'! Loveland count.~ the tele-11\1" check mont.1111'·"' , Cr\liaE' abo&rd the S . S. Alpha Ha.telbrook. Ave., L&keW0C?4. . (T&nl ._.,1th the statement that the Oo\w.mtat dON aot C'IOllbi-Phi. Audrea or Beverly HUia will ·Mr .. Zerbe I.a survived by hla pl~lng commluion worka w.ry IMrte ... ~ .. , •• to lM ret:ln!irnmt be faahion coordinator and atans widow, Stella Marlon Zerbe; their LEi!TEB A. BECKi:R, D. D. & DENTISTRY f'Uad, of'ftcllala who t.ee41e lt of radio, screen and televtslon will About that time I shall be heading back to Southern CallfomlL Both of the weekly edlUona arrive here regularly 00\\'. Ben. and I get considerable interest out of reading them. Thanks tor eee- lng that t hey get Into the mall. WL'll "on lhe local level" but th.al EXTENSION "---. 90n Arthur Levan Zerbe, Balboa 1 planning cone:ultant ~ mt I e • · lal&nd; two •isters Mn. Ma~ Cl t a.Id, *be oa1,y ualat -from !"od•I appo•el by famoU& dealrn-~-M G ~-j 17811 N~rt Blvd., Costa M-~way (Redwood ty) enda to Ule tact that olerleal work 18 en. . c..o:::rbe Cowl. and rs. race ucr -~ ...... get out or hand. GIVEN CITY done by I.be rqular etalb.. So Cooper, both or Los An~le• an Medical Bldg. Beacon e1~2 Mayo!' L. L. labell waa told that · • lhrtt grandchildren. '*"• Balboa Lov.land re presented the Board'• we'll ban to fllld ~ Letter to the Editor Mr. Zerbe was born In Clnci~ ~ E. Bay Ave., Sincerely, George Sh&ffer Ed'a Nolf": Gfoorre Shafter L• t~ former owaer·pobllshrr of tht1 Newport-Balboa PrHIS and la now aeeJ.ataat to Con- ~ ClydP Doyle nf Loag Beach In tM Nation'• Capi- tol. He la "!tally intf"n>Stf'od In the &lf&lnt or Nrwport Bf'ach and hu bPen helpful to all tllOfle from the a~a "'Ith a ta"k to perform In WMhln«tort. D. C.. majority opinion. The .Mayor said et. to kick 00~ abdut. Newport-Balboa Preas natl, Ohio and hi.a work ln life ha Harbor 327-.J that there appeared to be a very 'nl:e City ot Newport Bea.ch ha.a Newport Beach, C&Jil. taken htm to all points of th strong difference or opinion on the beert granted an ex:tenaion ot 80 AW dS ~OD D,e&r Sirs: world. HJa tnterest varied. from ordinance among real €"Sta.le folk. d1t.ys from tut Oct. 8 for the pur-... I would like to t ell you, that I the Iaw, to rpkha'tiical creation~ ~tr111. Florence Cooling told the pose of continulnt' ne,otlaUona (0ontlmoe4 tna e l) enjoyed the letter& :tlY Al F'orgtt and publllfl.ing. In the earlt council that when Westwood wu for contract renewal on the jolnt $10 for the 1den!llmtk>n board hf" wry much. twenµea he c~ to Ca.ll'omla afi laJd out, lnaufflc lent land was aet outfall eewer ot Oranp: County. m&de: NUu wv for a power Bow &))out eome more or them? aales m~ in the we.K for ~I aaldt-for public areu other thar1 The Clt.y Clerk 'of Santa An&, supply, both made tn tho !'&dkl. Your truly, Racine, Wta..! printing bouae. ·N~ schools. Conuquently, she said, repreaentlng,~e contn.cttng agent. . In lbe electric ollop projecta M. J . FRANKLIN, wu succeeded !I! lbat Job In lN the taxpayer& were put later to ao lnfonned uie City CouncU Mon· NOea won 110 ror maklq an elec-825 Vla ~Nord by hie.son. ~ r ~ I needleu expenRe acquiring prop-day nicht by corrupoodence. tno mot«, Campbell wan 110 for Tbe ~lcler Zer)ie.._..,.. * ot 'Uar SHY TAXPAYER ~RESS~ INDIGNATION Dear Mr. Reddick : MOBTIOIA.."i Ql.TZ KOBTVAB'I' ~7AltoDdaDC '10 Cou& BlsbWSJ OORONA DEL ll(Ag DAY AND mam Phone Barbor d erty. CQuncllman Braden Flncb told an eloclrle pencil .. did JOl\U. foun\leni o( lbe l'qie'u l.llank fit There ls an old phra.ae that says time l• money. All th.In.gs Fr&ncUt Horvath, ch&lrman of council memben lbat the an.it&· In. the aat&oul CQlltat, Shat"-I...&Uwood Vllla.h;-.~-....-JN811&&NCI:: bein.c relative the amount of Ume spent and who paya for It a~ the city park, bN.ch and recrea-uon committee ti pruenlly work-man ~ SID and .......... men-ln the founc;llng o( UMt-IJt:~ir:-''--------.-----, two different thing.. Uon eomnllMlon, spoke In favor of lntr out detalla fo• u...-of UO., tw ~ -llllop proj9ct. of Canter;bury d\wcb Of i-. &lit 1llllUllshed _....., A.I taxpayer8 the public. that'• you and l pay the wa~s ot the onttnenc-e, ctUn.r em:perfenceat the Mwer outfall coatn.ct.. The Jon• .._ ~-and Wrd prta 1'00d ot whJch 'lle")l'U ...,_ • Agwnc'y . police. ft~men and other· publk: offk:t&ls auch u the Jud~ of tbe ot ot.Jwr cities when ln.lulttcie"nt oouncll referred the matter to t.M whUe N1lee ... ~ wm $15 den. ... • ":-All Unea written.. City Court. Ha.ve you ever been la~ to Court and had a Ju~ play .pace WU allocated. &>m.mJttee. kdl a.a ~ mMlttoD !-t.aa. ~ " A ii-•• fix you with a baleful, Condemning 11tare! Well, tho reveroe h•p-DMplte Lcm!land'o lmpualoned Appllcatlon of Ropr A. l!:v&na .. t ... aJ -·far e1ec1ric all09 OA'IB ~WD, BOWARD W. GDRl!l!I penod to me. ploa tbat lbe ordlnance glfta the of Arlln(ton for an exempt --work Oath of ·ott1ee ol tvmiam 1808 NoWporl Blvd, OoQ W.. . tanning .....,.._ tho "rlgbt of n... ltcenoo lo •ll l!ll>lff aad G&nlion u a ~ ,.....S Wli• ii "radNE BlllA1CON Sllll Arrivinc at 9 :00 In the momtnc llharp, which ....... the hour conn.caUoe" wtUch bM not yet beallh ltteratW'e OD a . boua-to-~ .. " ..._...nC ID approftld v....,,1 ~ bj appointed. <I had cloeed my obop lG mlnut .. eulyt, I wu ....., eetal>llob<d u OoMtlbltioDal, bouae -. .,.. r.jocted by tile ct•Mirao .uitt. • ,a1;1 Cowf1L &maucl to hoar & conVV11&tloa Pac Oil With • ~ named Al . . • lbe cciuncU appm....S J!Je ....sln&nce coW>dl ._ to .,.... .. u.e - and the Judge, in loud .teatorian tonee aftlT'ed he would not Co u.n&nlm.fiMISly.. BalbO& lAn cate wu srant.ed • on this trip to Mexloo (Acapu.loo) _... UIUNd the accommodations Actuially. the ordlDaaoe ..... D be Rkbard -&Dd Kat.bertne DeeL t;'r.'EEDY HAR UE Y <;'OMER( l ftl<-•. for the W-Omen Were to. be ont ~ He a.Im a-rted that If he need ~onJ.f for 1 tuture .-..lldl..Wona ' "' w .. e satnc to spend Ul500c00 to "$1000.00 "' a trip be, ...... .,mi,-of wblcb --ti) are wn-MB& PEAJlL RUIA••IJM4Jf lo go flrat ftus. (and, all~ tlllle 1 .... qtiaktng 1n mr -tor~~ lmmedlate)J. • ' , ll(n. ~ &---. ..ue ,.., my fllle would be cmar u.e 10 loftely -I bad natJed 'la · or, --Jr. --JOOO 1111·pocket.. nii. can--ton and on -and on rar 9-l,tllO& MOUP AllS Newport 111..S.. -ata:IO p. m. -•--·~ ~--v wtll _,.. w~ . ..._...,. n.. cie--m1nu-or mon (by -doelt) aa ~·~ Inc. ~ 1a9oya1 Of ,._5 •·~ Ohio and•·-,__ ·-t atteat, while the --wllb more men •·--""' llb ----•~ --·---. ''"" -... • •--.-..--.......... efclJt -811-.... m,...at~ --... -,,;. ., ,. •t • "U, , ...... • • ••liAid .._ _. · Wllb a candMtlOllllC ·~ be &all1 .._ lq>_ U.0 ,__ -.,,,:;;;: ..... i.o. -; ;,m;T •ter, lln. -a.wu. ;N.,.,. t-to -BJ U.., llme l .... W11 CIDe J bad -llod wr1J nat'e -a. a·11 Ila· port B T"t Pr1n!4 ••-- IO llllDlllloa ud ""1 ... IMd aloe --..S IQ> lol' -tllllo pro; 1111 A•n ' 'le -u.e ba bold ~ el S p. m. 151 probably~ about• Ul••~ nf dlll&n •',.... ot '' ''7 ••' cat Ca ea a.t Mrnts1 J11Pt. Gruel;<>epM.· . Tllo polat Is r '1'11111 • -••.loot It'• nm•1 * et -'nlo "g I ''""' -eOart..i .;,;:;;;;:;;;;;-;;;;;;;.· llR,9' ..,.._ ~ elftddh ta.a Ga~ U.. tcw Wt s 1 0tat .. ttlllll JIMl tllle __...,,.Wft't COl."'lllp 81JWN ...... t110u11t bit t.n.wtec1 la pms.t.e Md w tn a OIUl'trooa,! t I •t led '7 0et. L ,Jin. ..... ft Mw et Prsadt, • ! -y_,, _., ttul)' ' Clli)' .. _ ,,_ '"°'"" ID· °'*"-... -uW'I S --' 111r-u.e .-1a u.e --...._-.-enu1ae1Wtout. P.a, Tto -pollol'-WUI µehbq ·..,. la)'lfta'tGr oM If~:::.. t::,:: :;:... ~ ~ :.-:::: ::-..:-.... ~..:.. ... Jlrilltad, ., If ""' ... ~ thlo lettot. julll itSp. --,... .-... to...-. .... "All tndlpant -~·· .. -- " ' • • BE SURE-INSURE, ..... 111&1Jma ftAJ0.8\' I Ip d: •11 o.tJ' I ftw P+k lTll ................ aa'Mrl W. Stt;Jt fa11e, amni:RAL INSVRANCll ~• lrl/wm.diM ·-J111 ..... -- ~ -... -. •.. , •.•.. , .--•fN • .... , I Zll'T. , • • • • I I ' l • I • • HAROLD I. JOHNSON - • Easiest • wheel you ever turned! Safest • ~ • wheel you .ever held! -...... Chry9ler thi1 year introduce• the fim power steering ever offered on an American pauenger car. Many owners tell us it is the greatest advance in car driving since the aelf-startert To a person who hasn't tried it, it is • actually impossible to describe what a diffMence it makes. Driving be-- comes a new and wonderful e.xperi .. · ence. At your touch on the wh& hydraulic power imtanNy provid~ lour·filtho ol the enetlY needed tc. . steer the car. Gone is all sense of tug, •strain, tension. In its place you ftnd a wonderful sense of absolute front wheel control with almost no effort on your part. Hydraguide is regular equipment on Crown Imperials,, op- tional at extra cost on other 8-cylinder models. Whatever car you're drivirlg now, we invite you to .•• Come TllY Chr.,aler H~e ••• Fi~er 1t811!rin1 ev~ o~ on an American pasaen1M car I Come TllY Cbryoler FlrePow•r •• , 18~epowllf', 6nnt and mo1t ~ erful pesaen1er car ea1ine on America'• hi1hway1 today 1 Come TllY Chry9ler Power Braldnq .•• Pow7from the enain• belpe, epply the braku . , . cut1 foot preuura required L u much •• two-third1 I Come try it y-0ursel£ • • • ... -· new Hydraguide Power Steering! NEW ll!IEI ?Jo more whirllnt or twirlin&. tu&~n& and 1tni.J>. in1. Tha 1ittle1t lady you know can actually park the biu"t Chrysler with her thumb end one 6n1er on the wheel • • • drive ell day with new free- dom from arm-end-ahouldar fatiiiuel JfEW COtml.OLI Hydra(Uida 1lve1 your haAd1 on the wheal • new ffflin1 of complete com- mand at any 1peed. In city traffu: . , . on awkward driv.- way1 ••. in mu1-fittin& 1•ra&• antrancn , .. you never felt eucb steerin1 control io any car before I lfEW IA1E1'T I E"° oft the road onto • 10ft ~MT. Hy- dratuicM halpe kNp your car 1tudy and true with almott no affon •.• tak9a the jolt uu:f 1train out of drivin1 in ruts, 1now, or •nd , , . mak• lteer- in1 lNlny tim" -1« thu ~ver beforel HARVEY SOMERS INC. I ' CBBYSLEB ·PLYMOUTH· INTERNATIONAL TBUCKS 2491 CoaJI Highway HARVE't Phone Beacon 6515 L"'IC. .. ' ______________________ __,..( t I I I ·: /,.~ 1 ·' ~ _A/e(,(tl//. ·l , I • ''lltlht Condltlea" Y"W kitchen wim li&hdqg •!>kb will rt»1t;ti me cime JOO ip<lld chelt mote plaP°' aod comiocttblc. You11 find chac mal pttp1111tioo aod ,....,;.,.a'p ue mach lae work when me li&l>t ii rlJbt. Wich no glue or abodaw ,.. _.. . .,.. smio aod focip. it'•~ 111 reod recipes.'lllf uwe ~ ud M • inco dnwm aod C11pboe.lds. Good liab<hlc bell"-tiiOD IDd ~ Wich modttn bmptaod 6nutts.oci<nomn,~ foupe :16c putpccs, JOU CIA '1ip coodicioa" fOUC Jcitd>m fot dkic""J and oon~miaa. • iprina likit ... will ... ro.,.... of 1,... ... won. .t pnrride • cboery, 11:trl"ina c:1<aa ._...,,. c1m 'lrill bo. p1rs ..... Ill"°"' ia. ' . • Wbatntt~siat-Wpeol ck \itchet, ...... -.... Jt .. amo&<d.,..., •le• 1tieol dOoJer ... ....,. .. baa ... ~ rllk- m. 1\er116t ,_ badter.-., ,. ,_ ..... 80!'- I I I. I I I ~ I I I. I J I I I I 1 I . SOUJHIRN CALlfORNIA IDllON COJIPANY I ~ --. ------.-------------·----..... --·-·----~----------~~~~--• • • • . Boots & Saddle Club Pastimes A ~.and --ride fU.rtaJllMd a b.1 eftlllnl"• ·ptet••e recenUy ror 21 ·-.i>en ot the ll--and ll&ddlei and Loo c.m_.... Clllbl. n.. outlns wu uranpdlllh<illorot~wllo lied worked In the Chucb W- dudns the Oran&• County J'&lr. Tbe ride ended al the a .... Pftn- man home on Oranp A;w., OOlta w-. 'Wl>ere b&mb\lrcen, cotree and pu.och w~re served to the con· genial cOD,lpa.ny ot equMtrla.na. Costa Mesa WCTU Robe;ts Family Observes UN Week on Trip East Socn to leave on a driving trip eut are «apt. and Mn. Noah {Bob) Roberta and daUl'hler Pat of Well& Pl., Coata Meu.. While away they will be entertained u (Uella Of Col. and J.tn. Donald 8 . Bush and eons Donald, Jr. and Billy, in Aleundrla., Va., whoae Costa Meaa home ls at 192 Wella Pl. Col. Bu.t:h , who aaw 11 montN' utk>n in Korea, wu recently tranaferred to Waa.hlncton, D. C., aervjJtg with the dJvi•lon of ii.vi&· tlon. The ea.ta Mesa WCTU la tak· lng an acLive interest ln tbe cele- braUon of United NaUona Week, OcL 21·27. ~I" in with the ob- servance will be the regular meet- lng of the WCTU Friday, Oct. 12, at 2 p . m., ln lhe Newport Helrh&.a home of lhf' M.lasu Sarah, Edith a.nd-Lyda Con&nl, :)06 Clift Dr. Members are u.keJ to brlng to lhe seulon Informative p.rtlcles pertaining lo the a.chlevemenu of the Unlt.ed Nations Orpnlu.tlon among do\\o:ntrodden peoples of the world. ) The Me1a temperance group wu brought logt!lher rf'cently b,r Mni. MyrU ~ King, 418. 17th St., Cc6ta Mesa.. Dcrolhy Klng asslsted her mother. Mrs. Velma Compton told of lhe CTbO.l work dune for tt6 yea~ ln Chino m1~lerui by an Oroville, Cat.lit .. resident known u "M.otl'IPr Brewster." Mra. Compton later added $6 to lbe tl'Nlf'Jry O( the locaJ Union. thr µrocee<.la fr("m a Stanley product talk In her home . ExcerpU rrom the adllrCJ11s ,or Mrt. Colvin, natlonaJ president, delivered before the NuUonal WCTU c:onv~ot!on In Boston, Maaa .. last April, were read by Kr._ Callie Kirk.a. Mn. Colvin ~a.lled many womH1 who Md a part in atart\ng the WCTU ln 187•. Arter a •pouuck luncheon Mrs. Grace Speth spoke on the needs ~~-t.hc Community Cheat. Amcug ahhouncementa mack wu the stite \VCTU convention slated r~ Oct. 16-18 at Pomona. ~w Son for Eugene Ouarrys Mr. and Mra. Eu.-ene Quarry of 713 Ace.de St .. Cbrona del Mar~ are recelvLne telicllatlona on the arrival or a !llon. Peter Duncan Quarry. The lad welrhed In at i pounds at St. Joeeph h~lt.al. Maternal gt'&.ndparertt. are Mr. and Mn . Wendell Ba.Ur ot C.Orona del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth • Quarry of Costa Mesa are p&tem- al gn.ndpa.renu... P r o u d great (T"alldmother la Mra. Mary L. Wil- liama ot COllta MH&. Mrs . Hal Will SR1ith is Reviewer for Book Section Flrat 8 o o k Review aectJoa which met today, at 1 p. m., at the home or Mn. Eugene Fenelon, t 721 Miramar Dr., Balboa. Mn. Hal WUI Smith, pve the review, •n<:I <new book.a available In the city library were announced by a atatr member. Second ·Son Born to Jerry W cods Now receiving gu~ lo Brad Kent Wood, new aon or Mr. and Mn. Je.rT)' Wood or Santa Ana. Tlllo lo th• -ioncl bo7 for the WOoda... wlto are tonn.er 'reatdmtl ot. Corona de.J Mar. Mate.rnal ,crandparenU are Mr. and Kn. Mttrll A. Wood, 2H Larkapur aYenue. Stops at Plttaburih. Phll&del· phia and lndlana, Pa., will be made by the vaeationiat.a before returning home\\:a.n;. • Fall Bazaar Plans Occupy Npt. Height Circle Activities tor the new seuon were outlined at a recent meeting ot the Newport Heights circle ot C hrist Church ·by the Sea WSCS held at the home of .Mn. John Taylor. 1104 Clif f Dr. Mrs. Wll- llam H . Tru.sty, preaJdent, wu ln charce. Work tor the December ba.r.aar was· dlscuued. Mrs. Edna Jones wu we.lcomed u a new member. Next meetl.ng will be. October !3 Bl 7:30 p. m. with Mre. L. H . Ferguson. '4153 Snnta Ana Avenue. Mrs. John West is Bridge H9stess Dahli::is a.nd zinnia!: lent an au- tumnal note to the Co.u. Mesa home ot Mra. John Weal wheo ahe entertained a few days ago wtlh a brtdge h.tnclleon. Guut.a w e r e members of a. card club. M_ra. rnest McClellan scored high and Mrs. Kenneth Stewart won aecond and travl'I awards. Olherw preeent were Mmea.. Max Sc~hner, Claude Anderson, J . N. Mc:Clella.n, Richard Dittmar and Homer Mel- lott. Island Couple Observe Anniv. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Kramer, 1-403 North Bay, Balboa. lal&nd, ob8erved their twentieth wedd1n1: anniversary saturd&y e v e n Ing. W ith congenial friend.a, M.r. and Mn. Ray Bridges and Atr. and !llra. Ji".,dw&rd Smith of Lo.a An· geli?s and Balboa. laland, they dined a.t El Adobe, Sa.n Juan Cap- liat.ra.."'lo. AT NAVAL HOSPITAL Lee Attridge, aon • ot Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Attridge of Oceanvtew, former Co.ta Meaans, ta at the Naval hospital In Lone: Beach tor observation before being dla· chllrlfed. Bt.t0re coming lo the local hoapit.&1 Lee had been In a Denver hospital for aome months. Ria wile live• in S&nta An&. . EBELL ART 811XJTION The Art aectlon meeta each Wtdneeclay at 9 L m., wtth loca- Uona to be announced at each. eea-- mon. l"urther lntorm&Uon may be obt&lned from Kn. Horace Park· er\ chairmah. Harbor 418. er Mrs. C. M. DealtlM, Barbor H4. MAD MOOBFs-. CASH , CARRY BAillO•llL~~!rll&.ft. NURSERY ~ .... ..-~~"'~e~w~rv.s~11T~~!11£~•~<111~~~~~::_.:..:::.:_:.::_::.:_:_:_ _. o.tlaDmrftAN'l'!I • PHILODENDRONS -··--·-········-···-···· ® 25; POTHOS ...:_--~--·'-------·..'. .. @ 21;· PEPEROMIAS -·---·--=--. _@ * IViES -··--·---....:_--·---·-@ 25; .&a. wo•n·•a. llWNT411. .. ma. l"lft01flA8, • wr&NJ1•,,,..yr......., mwwwaaa . I:~~~~:~·~=~.:.~~ J OPEN SUNDAYS \ To find a Barbor Ar.a ,...ldent who bu coutrlbUted more . Ulan his llhare to the IOUlld IJ'OWlh and &"oocl pl4nning ot our towu. look up "'Lea" Iabell, clvic leader. mayor ot our cit7, city councU. man--e.nd dealer ln building and "°""trucUng auppllea. Lea will eoon complete I thirty yeara in JocaJ bu:t::.: ten dt them u a clty counO He'I hun•t kept track of 'the total houfl gtve.n to oommJttee meeU.ng:s on city project.a, but If he added them.. to- retber and applied them to a vaca- tion, he'd have about a year to hunt and flab at that too-aeldom· vlait.ed cabln al hia in Utah. Comlng here in 1922, be look charge ot the Newport Beach Lumber Co. Soon he became a leader In forming the flr1t Cham· ber of Commerce, was an orl&intLl dlrector, and pre.aident in 1831. The mayor bu always practised sound planning for any project, parUcu.la.rly for the city. It was th!a kind or approach thJ.t won him a seat on the council ln 1~2. and election as mayor in 19W. Hts first year u our first citizen brought a gratifying conclusion to some projects tor which he has called many a meeting to order- lhe one-and-a-third milea or Bal- W isconsin Guests at Chung Home Dr. and Mn. J ohn K . Chung and ramUy, 211 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa., are extending hospitality to Mr. and Mrs. Darroll Brunner ·ot Madison, Will. Mn. Brunner is a coualn ot M.ra. Chung. Tripe: to Saii Diego, San Juan Caplttra.no. T lju&n.a and dinner at Koott'e Berry Farm have been !IOme of the pleasures arranged for the visit· or.s. MATTRESSES! " Excellent Quality Excellent Values $139 Value Mutt~ Sftft(M) Box Mpringv., wt tor .... TY P9Bo~lll;-ri~~r~~-·-··"·· 56!5° $8~~a~;ri!';~~········ '5950 JMJBo~n;';r1~;tt~~·-· ..... '4t5° Fint'I Couch Bed •4860 Sp<"Cloily prlood at ..... 7 •• CARLYLE'S Beacon fl1S9 1990 Harbor Blvd..· eo.ta MeM Of PERSONAL INTEREST boa Blvd. widened for the .__.,., trattlc loeda; a $107,UOO corpora- UOll yard, ralatng efflclency of tbe city's many aervlcu; and replace- 'm.ent of mo-re than 5 mile• ot wood stave major water 11De1. (la ie sUll pulliD.g redwood apllntera out ot hto fln&"ers rro1n tbat one. 1 In that year, money wu set uide fOJ;; a new wtn,g on our City Llbraiy• And ln the line of pia,min.c, a new muter plan baa been developed under Ule Park, Beach and Rec- reation Commlaalon, and you'll aee re6U1ta from It soon. When we report about our mayor and our city'• growth and promlae, we are led to say, ''You can't attord no~ to live ln the Har· bor are«!" And we take pride in the atatement or Mayor 11bell: "ltvtty -crow~ city need.a a rood S.vlng• and Loan Aasocia· Uon, anJ we are proud of our JocaUy owned, locally managed and cooperaUve NEWPORT BAL- BOA FEDERAL.'" 1./EWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVIN-GS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION JJJJ Vis (.Wil H.,..., 1500 ... n .. oRT ·~H. CALlf"ORNlA LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS . FlcUtioua F irm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certl.ty that they are conduc- ting a Restaurant buainea a.t m Martne A venue, Balboa I.sJ:and, cautomia., under the !icUtk>ua t irm name or Ted 0w@n Ba.lboa.. and that u.id flrm ls oompoaed or the following peraons, who• e names in tull and places or resl· dence . as u fol Iowa, to-wit: LEWIS A. FULLINGIM . 24.4.1 Crestview Drive, Balboa Bay Shores. KATHARINA FULLINODI - · 2"1 er...t'liew Drive, Balboa Bay Shores. WITN&:sS our hands this third da y or Octo~r. 1931 LEWIS A. FULLINGIM KATHARINA R FULLINGIM ST All'E OF CALIFORNIA ) ea. COUNTY .OF ORANGE J ON THIS 3rd day ot October, A. D. ·1~1. before me, H. M . Holker, a Notaey Public in and tor the aa.td County and State. residing therein, duty ~om,miuiOn-' ed. and sworn, pereonaUy appeared LEWIS , A . FULLINGIM and KATHARINA FULLIN,S:;IM known to me to be the persons whose names e.re aubecribed to the with· in inatrument. and acknowledged to me th.at they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and atttxed my ofticiaJ aeaJ the day and year ln this Certificate first abOve wrttlen. H. M. HOLKER. My Comml• Ilion Expltu March 8, 1963. No. 763-Newport·Ba.Jboa. Pn!l!!l8 Publish Oct. 4·11·18-~ . • ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STATEMENT OF THE OWNl:RSmP, MANAGEMENT, CIJICtJLA. TION. ETC, REQ1JDU!ID BY TH& Acr OF CONGRE88 OJI' AUGUST U. 1911, All AMENDED BY TH& ACl'll OF MAJt0H S, llU, AND .JU LY I. 19" (Title S9, Un.lted 8tatM <Jock, RecUon !Sil 01 !iewport-Balboa Pre.a. published weekly at Newport Beach, California, for October l , 1951. 1. That ~e names and addresses or the pµbliaber, editor, man· aging edft.or, and busine81!1 !'1an&gers &re: Publtahei', ·Ben O, ReddJck, 2211 Balboa Boulevard, Jlewport Beacn. Call!. - . EditOr, Ben 0 . Reddick, 2211 Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, call! . Managinc edltor--(none). Bu.!ine:u manager, Robert WlllmM, 22G Marine Av~ ... Balboa IsJa.nd, Calif. . 2. That tbe owner ta : (It owned by a corpotatlon, Ill name and addreu must-J>e .stated and t.180 lmmedi&tely thereunder the n&me• and ad-of llo!;lcboldeno OWJllns or holding one percent or more or total amount of . U not owned by a corporaUoa. tbe namea and &ddreNa ot the lndJvtdu&l OWllel'8 must be (iven.. If owned by a putaenhip, or othe unincorporated ft.rm, ita name &ad addreu. u well u . tbat ot. each viduaJ member, must be gins.)~ Ben "'O. lledd)ck; :nu' Blvd., N•wport lleactt; C&llf, 3. Tb&t..the JcDown ~or* mortpceeo. an4 otller -l>' holden ownla&' <r· ..,lcllq l t or _,. or total amount ot bond.a, mortpcee, or otha;. UN an:t lU there -... none. at etate.l ". . • I Jennie !!. Clvtcller J'ounda on, Inc.. llOT Cout jllvd., -CO- • drl ...... caire.1 I· . ' . -4. Pal'OlJNlllll 2 ·and •,1 Ind Ill C4IM where tbe otnckbolillt" or aecurlty _,..a_.-., cpm boob 'Of the oomp&J>y u - or In any other ~ relation, ·......., of ~ . .,.,,_,or eptj)OHl- UO.. for whom oudl ~.. i aloe tbe -enu ta !he - -"' -IJ>e .......... n.11 lu>o'!'le4o -. belief 41 to Im -..... -~ whlcb ~ u4 -lltU;J bolden.: ilo not -"""" ~Of I.be -.. -tnaot ... ---Ina otberlllutllatofabcma- . . . . • • 'A\ldience' Plan. <Ba~s ·for Choosing Concert Ar.fists ~ ~What artlstil wUJ pe_rform a.nd ~~ ll\IUlY concerta will be given are l'wo qu.UOna frequently uked by proapecUve memben of the Oemmuntty OMcert Serles. 'nle al1A'tt to both quefilona depends on the number of memberships aold. Thus., no one perBOn h&a to ~derwrite the artllta. Thia la llO calle.d "or:ganized-aud i- epce" plan of preaenting concertsJ before lhe artiat.s are ~aged. Community Concert.a: uae this sa.m~ plan succ~rully t.hrOughout the United Sta.tea. An enjoyable ft.nd lnspfrtng eve- ning la auuttd lho3e who pur- ch* membenhlpa. u only the flnul profea'ona1 concert mual- cia.t\a ai:e employed by the Com- munity Coucert A 1111 o c i at Ion. Whethe-r thrtt or four concerts are given wtll depend on our com- munity's interest and support. . The m embership drive npens October 22 and will continue for one week. Theater Schedules Three-Serial Bill A new Idea In Saturday after- noon kiddie shows is being inaugu- rated next Saturday at the Lido Th~ater. Three serials w tU be shown In pl.ace of the usual single 15eri8:1-·• Peril8 ot the Darkest Jungle," an Afncan adventure etOry, ·"Flying Disc Man from Ma.rs." and advtonture fant&sy. a.nd ··n e.speradoe8 of the West,'" make up the serial parkagt'. Burt Procter Featured Artist at Island Gallery ' Paio~lnp by Burt Prool•r ""'. being featured the lut twa weekl ·of October 1n Vera WUU&n'la' Patio Art Gallery and Gln. Shop. Marine avenue, Balboa Bland. Burt l8 one of lhe finest painl· era of weatern. landacapea "Wut ot the Pecoe" •Y hla fellow ut- llbl:. He paJnta the weal.em de.- ert, mountains and ranch coun· try both with aJ\d without cow- boye, bonq and lndlana. He a1ilo paint.a the weatem ocean ·with Ila b&thers and tlllhermen, pell· cans, aea gulls and boat.a. ~e gift 1bop teaturc11 a dlffer- £>nl artist every two week•. \Vhen the two w ttks In Ute gift shop att over the paintings are s till ln thf s hop but are moved back to the gallery. The gitt shof" exhibits th(' paintings undt>r conditions which approximate the home lnter1or There, of course: they arc seen tO best advantage. In the gallery they are hun~ "chee~ lo jowl'" but If anyon< missed sl.""lng t he fine ca nv&88C~ by Duncan GIC'a.son when they were hung in the gift 11hop, lhcy may still be set•n in the gallf'ry. One cllnvas In particular of OCt>an racing, full of the excitement ol that sport has drawn a stead)' s tream of s&Jlors and yacht.Jlmen to see it, , It shows the man at the wh"t'I stru~gling sailors and a !Jot ot tumbling ocean. Jt Is an authen tic picture or one or the boatJJ in the Newport·Ensenada race. Other a.rtisl.8 whose work ma~ b(' seen in the gallery arc Rex Brandt, Joan Irving Brandt, Frank Hamilton, Loulae Eve rett Nimmo J ohn Hilton. Thf'ln1a Paddock Hope and Edgard f'aync. r J ORIGINAL MllSICAL SELECl'IO:SS are th~ forte to 'Pon)·' Shc-rrtll plrturcd tt.l'MJ\•e '''ho 11' rnlf"r: ... :n:111t 1.:,rhtly at \'aux' Ralhoa "'Ith hrr 11lJl1 . .-r. (lnu'f'. Th' Shrrrlll lllalf'rs wrrr fratuff'(I In th" N'l"f'nt Eltrl Carroll l!.iA'riNi In Jlnll.)'l\'ood and are bookrd on •n lndrflntle f'nira~mrnt at Balboa'• smart nlrht apoL Girl Scout Leaders Discuss fall Activity Program, Aid to Hospital Girls' acll\'itles were dlst·usseC:..,_ _____________ _ when the Girl 8 t'Oul Lea1lers C'lub. mAn 11la rolfic rs, anrl &Cnior i:-iil ro r the Nt>wport Harbor nrca. n1cl i«:ouls help in the nu;itery. when TucsdH.y mom1n~. at 9 ,3(1 a. ill. nf 1·01npletM. the Girl Scout house. < 'ofref' and ~11nutes nf the Junf' n1eetlni; 1onuls v.•erc served before the v.·('rc rrnfl by the M"Crctnr~•. M iMl!I bus1ncs~ Qlt'('I int:. whirh \VliS c-a ll -PR! SC'hin11J('r. ' • WHERE TO DINE • WHERE .0 GO • .. DANCiNG • ENrERTAINMENr . • j ATRES IAllU:8 8Tt:W ABT llAJU.ENI: DIETRICH "NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY" • S l TN . ·TUES. ERltOL FLYNN M'ICllEl..INE PRELLE "ADVENTURES OF . CAPT. FABIAN" -l'llti'I '-:-' "THE SEA HORNET" ROD C:\Mr:kON ·,\T. l..AST DA:'\' Dt:AN MARTL" Jt.:Rl?Y Lt;\\'IS , "THAT'S MY BOY" .. -Plu1' - JMI" l'~lit"'· Binni,. Barnt-a "t·t·,;1T1\·1-; L.Aov·· ''FI VE'' • Sl'nullnnal Sla.rlllng! l'lus 2nd "1.J\.101' l"t.:.J\TliRI; _ -~ _ CAcr11s C At. ' . ' ~·. . .. .. •.• ... . . '' ' . "Somebody rvstfod my other oner· . . . ' QlllStlMS H.Ut ' • .. I BROAOWAYL < NOW 8BO'IVINO "TllUNDlllll ON THE Hlu." Wltlt Claudetce' Colhet:t -ALSO- "llEllA Vl!l YOUB8ELF" W!Ut 8beU7 Wlftte'" S88da7.~rU ..GOLDEN HORDt:"! stantns Alla ilQ'1h -AND- "PISTOL llA.JtVEST'' Wltll nm Bott WALKER ftO Baolo. 8L Sallla Ana ----NOW SHO~'INO "RJCH YOUNG and PRETTY" , Starring' Jane Powell -ALSO - "FROG MEN" With Richard Widmark Wedneaday, Oct. 17 "PEOPLE WILL TALK" With Cary Grant -AND - ''TALL TARGET" With D ick Powell CHILDREN :':~~ FREE :!~ Parent.a at PauJo ayTbea&ru PAULO DRIVE -IN T • Pb one Ill. s-.5S80 Doon '1 :15 ."t~AXCl8 GOt;S TO THE RACES .. With Donald O'Connf"r Al.0 -"STRIC'l'L Y Dl8HON'ORABLE" . Wltlt En.I~ Plnu. ~ . ·~so Sunday, October 14th HIGHWAY IN THE SI{\''" With lame& Stewart -Aho - "HERE OOMES THE GROOM" With Bing Crosby ' RE A technlcolor Roy Rogrrs West - e rn titled, "Gay R:inchPro."' Is the feature film. Doors open at 1: 15 p. m. and the movie will ftnish &t 3 :-15 p. m . Coming kiddie s""1tw fPatures .,., "Young Daniel Boone:· <><:t. I Symphony Leader 20th ; "The Yearling,'" In Tf'c hni· Ni to orrler by 1'-trS. \\'ayne Crowl, ~frtt. ('ro\1,·I rt-1\rl a poen1 "The preslc1ent. RrulJ:"f' l~111lrler,'0 as the thought'!;:;.;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;:: Mr!!. C'rov.•I .!ilre"5e1.1 lhr insplra-fflr thP> r1ay. I Clo»f"..d Monda.v COMl>t.£1E DINNE:IS fro.., Sl.50 to SJ.50 NOW OP .EN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS •olor ... oct. 27th and "Huckl eberry Clinton Sarvin Finn. N ov. 3rd . Can Now Sit Down 11on o r the ~iris upon the IP1tdrr New F.Ongl'I wrrf' lntrodnrt"rl lo Sh{' Nttr1 that ll <"IO:fOT Wf'h Of tht" L<-a<it"t~ rlub h.}' M rs. Jo-;<i the1 I etl\•anre pla nning should be merle. C"hnrman. ThPy wcrt'; "\Vhen with the ,lt'itls uppermost In tht'lr F.rt' Yon AfstkC' a eron1lse."' and I n11nds. With ever y avallable point "\\1h1lf' r ornl &-1\s.'' Penelope Paris Center of Interest at Ba lboa Home Arthur Sterling Paris, Jr., and his sister , Ahce Sa.brine h.av(' a brand new inlert'st st their home at 1726 Miraniar Drive, Balboa, th13 week. Shf' Is Pt>n.elopt" Iona, neweat arrival in thr family who wu bom on Monday, Oct. 1 al st. J'oeeph's ·hosplta.l, Ol'a.nge. Ml"9. Part!! arrlYed • hmne thle week with the nt-w baby and I"' busy settll.ng the father, Dr. A . Sterling Paris down to the rou- t ine of other worric8. Nancy Andrews · in College Play . Nancy Andrew!I, daughter of l-fr. and Mr1'. K, S. A1oritz., 2446 Eldon Ave., hll.e bet>n awarded a part ln San Diego Stale College·s first dramatic production of the year. She .will play the part of Ellt n In "The Far Ott Hills." Nancy. a transfer from Orange Coast College, will be remE'mbered for her °"'·ork In dramatics there. RETURNS TO HOME IN NORTH MrB. Grace MendenhaJl, who had spent three months wlih her mother. Mi9. Sarah Lane and her ~unt, Mr8. JJeUe Davidson of 117 23rd atreet, left lut Friday for her hon1e at Placerville. Calif. Cllnlon Sawin l..r\°t going tfl nf p1-og-ramlng. Ruch SA c&mlJin~. l"1 r~l Alt! r11L'-~li\ w ill br helti In I h&Vf' to stand up any more whe n rlanrtng, 90n_gs. field tnJ>:'. part1t'11. th .. nC"Ut future 111 lht> i;lrl &-tiut he directs the Orange County rraft~. \nveslitures. ( 1 yin g "11· j h•)u~. HJI tho"<' lntl!r('Mte<l In thla Symphony orche1'llra durlng prat·· h.u.rlgc \vork &nr1 «i"OO<I Rll Rrounll 1·our~ 11rl' a.<fkP>rl to contact Mn. 1 tict' hours . The high 8chool band SC'OUting. thi11 can he •<"ron1pllHhM.I I KrrfX'n, nt Red Cross Headquar- and orchestra lea der was pre»t'nt· ~fr1'. Sutherland. Hutton. prn-ter:oi. 1 l!d with a condU('tor 'i:; stool by lhr ~ram c ha1rmH.n , ~pokt> nn lhf' I Si ncP all troops \\'ill be t•ktng ~ymphony, whic h rehear8t"s f'Rrh romm11 n1ty proj<'cl for the vt·~I" rart 1n the a nnual C'a lendar sale Tuesday evening at the h igh Th u~ ~·Ill be do nll.tinn14 tn l lont: In Nnvcn1bt-r. the leader-a were st:hOOI. Thr stool is tall. has a l'l1emor1<t.l fi nspltal. wh lrh Wiii hf> a ... kr<I to tum In their orders u back and Gt'orge Gibbs. manager made 1n ~rout and Brnwnic crnft cnrly as po&.slbtre to their neigh- of the Mymphony, carved 11..8 name work. A va.riely of ideas .:tuch u horhQQd chalrnuw. 1 on the eea.t. ,,. .ceram.lcs. frog-a, plante.r-11. tr11r.y The -111eeUng wu concluded by Thl8 lllOol la lateM addition to IAl'Dllll"I, raY<Wa fQr hollda.ya,, ~pkln the 11howlntf of a movie, ~"Pro~: property owned by the orchestra. tiOlderH, aertal atortt's complete In Pla nning." lt includel! C('r tain tnstn1mcnt.8 and muaic rackJi. ~d la va1ued at about $1 000. Muslcia.n!J 1 are needed. partlcul· arl.Y in the-atring M'ct iona. "'Anrl we are alwa ys shy a bassoonl~t:· says Gib~. Events Calendared at Bay C lub There will be n ew music to- night for diners at Balboa Bay club. fo r it will be opening-pro- gram tor the Bob Mo reau trio, organ and voc.allst:J. . Tomorrow (Friday) lt8 the big Charity Ball of thr combined Elks clubs. with tic ket.a available from any Elk or at the clvb. Frida y of next week (Oct. 19l, la October's apeclal event to which everyone b looking forward, the Mexican Fiesta. Cub Scout Pack 181 Welcomes New Bobcats in Candlelight Ceremony Small blue shirtNI c he~ts pufff:'d1•-------------- out In pridt' Friday nl~hl u par- ents pinned Bo~t emblf'ms on 11 new C'U bs (If Cub Sc-nut Pac-k t81 in Ill" rc~1lar thP Tar Pit. pro~r&m . monthly meetlnJ{ al first or the y<'&rly Balboa Bridge · Sunday Winners \\"lnnC'rs of liofa.sl<'r PoinLA in the' Thi" was lhf" largest s111.[t lf' t t h Id 5 d ournamen c on un ay after · 1trnup rlf Boh<'ats rN"1'ived by lhr ['>R<'k In It~ short hi.st o ry. Thi• n oon In Costa 1.tesa were Mr, and rlJ:h t yf'ar olds Wl'rr induct<'d Into Mr8. A. W . Tummcl and Mrs. B. tht> Scout ranka in an 1mprcsslvt' M. WUson and Arnold GaJiSt'r. candlrllJ::"h t 1·eremony conducted playing In Section B. Section A by C ubma.st<'1· Hugh G . Bolt on. WU1ners and runners-up were Los Parrnts. by prcm.-ntlnjt the ranl~ Angt'I~ and Long Beach playera. pin~ to thei r sons. sign1f1ed their Runners-up north-south Section pledge of rooperation In lht' Cub B v.•ere Mrs. Edna MacMa.ster and ac hie vem ent program. M rt1. Peggy J ohn90n ; Perry Mac · New Cub9 Brf": J immy Adams. Adoo '1td George Mitche ll : Mrs. SAVE ss.oo Mic hael Bolton. David Butler. John DeVlco and Mra. J ean Park- BUly Fnlehlini;:-, Stephan Oarlock. f>r ; M ra. Robert Brown and A . D. Ralph Harrigan, J ohn Porter, J ohn \Vethrrby; Mr. and Mrs. E . Kn-- R ichard. Robert Ru.stf'nbach , Vin· if"~'· Runners-up cut.west were cent Sweetser &nd AUcn Will\am11. At rs. Thomu Krnn~ry and Mra. [)(>n :'l oprnf'rl thC' Sf'88inn by Cnrri<' SR.undPr8: M rs. Aline 1.fer- \ THIS ·WEEK . CH EV·ROLET' (from '36 Throu9h '48) BRAKE RELINE -MATERIAL and LABOR TOTAL . 514'5 •• Culbertson Motor Co. . . ,. 2481 Coast HlcJllwoy I •••i:• leerl1ng In the fl&K SRIUtE". rill anrl Mrs. C.11 rl B<>neon; Mr. and Df'n ~1 othe r!'I and Assfstant Den Mr!i. t~. K . El!sb('rry: M rs. Calh· Mothers W<"r(' arlmln!J.1tcrf"ll t h1> ,.rin,. Smith anrl Mt8. M. Nutting; Cub l"'lrrtge and 1...&w or lh<' Pack. Mr. 111nd ?.1"" Glenn Rust. They \Vt"'tr : lifts. Ruthe L . Day.s. In Friday f'Ven.ings game 'h eJd in D<'rt l\1olher, No. I : Mr!'!. Lora1n° Balboa. ea.at·Wf'llt \1.rinncr11: were \Vllliam!'I, n t'n l\1olhl'r and l\1 rs. A. A1 tt'. Robt-rt Lu.sk and Mrs. Fred G . Slandag:fl', assistant. Den 3: Rousville and nor!Jl-80uttl high Mrs. Thelma E . P('try, Oen Mother !'Corcni were Mt"IJ. Prggy JohIUfOn of Nn, 2 ; tttrs. Geralrtine Mr N t>ll, a nd Mr11. B. M . Wilaon. OC'n Mothrr anrt Mrs. Helen H . F.A:1 l-wrst. runners-up wc rt> l\fr. Bolton. assistant . Den 4. and M nt. Glenn Rust; Mrs. E, T . Mr8. ,\udrry J t"BSe. Den Mothe r McManu8 • and 1-trs. Margaret of No. ~; M rA. fkornadene Sweet-, Holmes; Mrs. Mildred Lytle IUld M:r , Den Mother ilJld Mris. C. H . Robert Bro'Wll : Mrs.· Lou Doea- Ru.etenbach. usigtant, Den 8: M rs. burjr 11.nd Mrs. Robert Ross; Mrs. Virginia A. FruehJ·ng. Oen Mother Arnold daaaer and M.ra. Mabel and Mrs. Betty Llndeke, autstant. Boardman, Den 7. Cube returning t o lht' North· aouth tunner• -up were pack w'r" inlTodut:ro &n1 ualcnffi. M m. [lobert Brown a.nd Robt'rl. to thelr Den Mothers. ' 't Lw:k: Mrs. Cathertne Smith and Nf'w Commltkie A. D. \Ve U'ler by; Mn:. Louiae Ltt The Pack . commtllee &nd tn and Mra. M. Mutenon: L. V . slltu~ for the Yt'&J' were lntro-Drown and ·r:. It. Broce: Be.tty duced. MembeT"& are: Robert -.Je ... Duncan a'J Fred Morri8on. ett. chalrman: R . C. Daum. H. ~· Winners In Monday attemoob Perry, c. !:.. McNeJl, H . F .,awul-gama were MrL Arnold Guaer aer and 0 : S . Fruehling, «!Ommlt-an~ ~ra. Frahk ~ playing lO<Oj<:l. repr-..ttng all 0.0.. no<lll-J.h An<! Mra. 1'""'1 Rouruo· AJso A. o Jitaqdqe, A•••tant v~lic and Mn. JilUd.re4 L~1e ptky- CUbma.ster: Kn. Donna N . Cock. tnsr: eelll-~ •• co-ord.!na.tor: t n.. Eltba.L. Swan-Rann.en-up\ riorth • eou;t.b were eon. ttt:uurer: L. !:. Cock, In-llr. and Mn. Robfft l.Au!k; Mn . .Utute repre-aentaUve and 0 . W. Laura Berry and Mra. Roy Strota; !Dick) Rlchar<I. "I!""'"'· Mr. and KrB. C. H. ,f-; Mn. ,,,._ for Ille coming IOODJ.h tr.&a KacJCail.ei-and lltn. & T . will be "'Puppe.ta.'" .. The tittle McXamul: Mn. Robert .Blo+tn end nlarioMtte. wtll be ot&rUd In Uw AndT -y. dmo, completed at -.e and dfa. .zut.ftlt runnen-ap wuo Mf1 pr.ye<! al I.he next Paclt meelb>g Robert ~ and Kn. Henry Ille· ot Nov. II. Al I.hat um. 1--deluJ prt; Mn. r.,.e lldWeler - wtll ctn. a Alt will> .!Mir "Ct-M.,_ ~ ~~ MR. a.al-- db. .... Uwy .... -th..... • lotU --....... ~. n. J>11ck piano to "tau to I.ho -.,: Kra. Mi..1o R~ -M blJfa" cm Baturdal', Oct. 20 fo l C. Iii. l"hdi-: llrs--A. O. ~ monWy oullaf. All --aa4 lcra. c_ S.1"1n. • ...... ot tile' f&mJJy ... -to • ~ ,..,... wUI --1 •pt...,....inted" pot Jiiek ~ .trrldv ••as at T:IO at n aatecl bJ Ille l)a 1'0lllc3 . ICpt Cle-. ......... ~ . • ' THE HAMMOND CllORO ORGAN i\1.1, tOl.F.CTRIC YQU can play rich Organ rqu!lic at once. w1lhout a single lesson ; try ont In your own home all by yourself. f'"()R t "REt; TRI AL 1'110~ Kl. !-5140 Danz-Schmidt Piano Co. ~ 6?0 ~. MaJn Street Cornrr 6th ,:)tUJla Ana - HILLMAN MINX 11400 dellftftd Mre plm ta:1 and Ucenae l ,.ou..r Harbor Area Ot!aJer NmVl"OKT AUro SALM U04 w. Newport Blvd. N-rt-d! --.u01 . ' • _......,__ ... ..., • I l • • TROPICAL DlllNKS 0111• 111 ft!• (:o(ho .. ~• TAH ITl.t.N SKYIOOtr.4 Yrt-r Parking .... ,bot 17 1 THE NEW HUT on Cout I-II\\:.)-, Laguna Phonfl 4-9006 lor Rf"~r\•aAJom Cl~ on Tt1eMlay1111 -------. --. U-DRIVE CRU.IS 1 · · · · -. r ROW BOATS T. V. SETS __ . ~ ELL s e OtJTDOA Rl'tS e LIVE BArr e TACKLE & SmaU Piqat · Laonc.lllac • s BO~l RENTALS FOR RENT ~ U02 Cout Rlwa7 Newport fk!ach Ph. Harbor UJ6 ~, TIDE T. V. I SOil NEWPORT BLVD l l~~~N-~-'-~""-80_rt_"_11ea_=_.08_cb ____ ,--+\ HI, FOLKS! Pfeifer'~ Scrumptious TURKEYS ..... Ready VISITORS WELCOME 881 E. Zotb SL, COST A MESA Beacon "54·-W Superlative Dry Cl,.nlnr LIDO CLEANERS 4M Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ilea. G'lfllhl '"'~' . ' ~ ~ •. YINCINT'S Lido .Travel Bureau ~~ LIDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 •· ' PLANE e 1!B1P e llESEBV ATIO • II ¥1111 lkall11icllet _, ; RWWIWI • ' · AT SOUTH. E1'(D OF Bi\'YSHOKE BRJDQE THE -.ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • OPEN 10 A. M. THROUGH 2 A. M. • 1'"EWPORT BLVD. ON OOA8T HIGHWAY 1'"E'l\'l"ORT BEACH • (WE ARE CLOSE~ ON THURSDAYS) ' GENE'S RESTAURANT and BAllERY French md Italian Cuisine Pboae • Harbor 110t • • 705 C.-t Blvd. S·AM'S Corona deJ Mar SEA FOOD ,. .. "' "At the Slgn of the Swordftah" COMPLETE COURSE LUNCHEONS DINNERs Beautiful new Enla.fa-ed COCKTAIL LOUNGil . •· E~r::,AY s u I F s l.D E 11%4,~~,. Between .8eal II<-" and _, _..., • '4~ ' • • • • " . ' I PINEllT QUALITI' -IATTAI FURNITURE !tAUAN l>ltAPES -"l Made te onler ta Oftr owa .a.op. ~ wldU.. Aa7 IOafUL AJq ealor. Ctmplete wlU. ooraJce bo:xea u -.. "'- ~ . • BAMBOO SHADES -MATcR STICK OIJTSIDE . and INSIDE P EEL BAM1100 IN WIDE RANGE OF SIZES. . . SANT A ANA TENT & AWNING C..O. 18%9 So. Main SL ' SANrA· A N A LUMB.ER .. SAT. 8 to 5 sPr.crAL THJ8 WEEK SUN. 9 to 1 CEMENT -90t Sack Ot-tokr 11 to October 11 al ..• A.BC LUMBER ; 140 E. 17tlli SL COSTA M'MA Nlcbt•-Harllor nt4-J THIS WEEKS SPECIAL I Gal. M llMS . I Gal. CARISSA ....... . 1 DoL Yf'llfow or Blue VIOLAS ............... - I DoL PRIMROSES ... 49c 49c Z4t• Xo. I Kl1"Cl ALFRED DAFFODILS .......... . each IOo SUB-TROPICAL LANDSCAPE NURSt:Rf j 18 Coa.!tt ll•ch\\•ay Corona dtl Mar Ph. l larbor l ?l~I: READY MIXED· CONC.RETE SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY No Job Too La rge; No Job Too Sma ll 2:!9 \\'ett·t ""lh•on, bet\veen S ewport and Harbor Bl\'dA. COSTA MF.SA -P H ONE BEACON 5348 YOU CAN DO BETTER AT • Daniger FURNITURE CO. • We Buy and Sell New and Used Fu rni ture • :1812'lr.wport livd.;· C:osta Mesa Be~656 ELECTRIC SUPPllES Lighting Fixtures Lamps -,Shades---: Parts Repairs • BABBJf' M. 'WBB'l'SB£ NEW LOCATIO N 47 7 Newport Blvd . COSTA MESA , P H ONE BEACON 71!1 ~ MR.2 BY4 BY HOMER l1J i • Let WI ll8Slst you In your phins. We w 111 gladly estimate C08ts of materials, n>C0111111e•d a contractor or ..Jaelp you obtain a n~ 1 .._ fo r ... new coutn>ctlon or n- mocWIBg. ••••• • • ... r c• 01••• 'l"AWs -la AM hllortm La -- "High Qualffy Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 HJgb Quollfy l'rintJn9-·,1t-. Hor. 1616 • I ' ( I ta:l'IUCK, tniua.ftr ff/ the Corona del &tu Bmlnf'ss AMOelatlon. ha.ndA th• key to Elli• ~trnd~ &o ~ the Treuuni Chl!et aft('r the lonr: but 5UCCieMful itearCb for lhf' burtrd chest dw1nc the illlrd MUUm 'J're&Mlre Dayti; anti Lobstf'r Bak(' ~lt"bratlOG tut "'H'k-end Ln Comna d cl !'t ar. Th.-two buy!i sltUn1 on r&ch 8ld" or t~ chnt "'f'r(' thr lock\' t~"' M."l'ki-n, ElllA at tilt> l,.rt and IWnald Rayntr at thf" r1cht. both of ~>ron& df"I Mar. In thr chfflt, \\'hlrh lhf')· hunWd rrom "'"" In thr mornlnc·_pn 's..turda)' untll f0t1r In the aftHnnon. "'''""" • $%5 df'ren._¥ bond tor t>M'h boy and a $1 O «ht't·k. 'rhlA t,.,..,.11rr cbrat hunt U. oDP or th~ fNll~ of ttw· annu;a) f"\·ent &p0Dl'IOrnl by UM- (:orona drl Mar Bualnns ~latlon. ('tiff l.JonbarJtf'r, L~!M)('latlon p~ldf'nt and ro-chalrman for lht· t'\"MI, IL&ftotJDC't'd that this yt'ar 1..600 ml"al" \\"f"F<' ~r,..,..I durinJl'1 the tl,"0-day lohiJtf'r bakr. ( Pho'-9 by F oleoom ) • . -_. ... ..__-....JL • SE\\'EST SER\'ICE •::"°"TERPRISI; In tht>"S r ,,·p 1rt lfarbor .llr!'a 11 t he Coast Elerlrodl<'s ('o., 91-6 ('oMl Hlich"·•y . _s,.,,·port Bf"a.<'h.. PrOp rif'ton are Glf'an &1'd tHsn Salmans. both vr~ran" o f many y~ari of elfl'trlc ~ radk> \'fork . au1d tralntn!f. G lf'e.D Sabnan5 "-a" for J"Nr8 "·Ith fhf' Kansa.a Po"·· " a~ Ll.{tlt c'hmp.ln:r and la a. rttf'nt N--11.trl\-a.I In CaU'f'brnla. Dt>an Salmans Is both a ~nulua~ PltttroilJ~ sh.kleBt ;.Del Marlnf' C'.orp" ,·rtrrua o f \\1orkt War O lh \\•hlrh hf' handJffi all the latnt 't'l~ctronle df'\•h.'efl .laCorporatf"d Into lrlf"vhUon, radio rerelvrn, tran-.mll t<'r. and dlN'<'fllo n ftnd1•rs. Travel in Eu ro pe for Ebell Section A lravelogur on Europe will highlight the Nov. 6 meeting nr the Trlive l section, al lhr club· house. according lo M rs. C. \V. Jayrffi. Me-1nbcrs arc urJ:;ffi to bring their husbands to these ev!'· ning progTams. ). ,., ' • • Kiw M1 ia ns He a r Weld; Nominat ions Made · 1 MPmbf'r9 of Ne\vport Harbor K0lwani11 Club la.st Thu rsday hr&.td J ohn v.·f'ld. pubJLSh('t of the La· ~una Bear h ' P ost, 83 a JrUe.st !'lpcakcr [or Nt•\.\·port \Vf'rk . Wt>lrl '11 topic was "F'te"edom or thr PrcM.'. Nomlnr1·" fo r ·rJub pre:\1dcnt art' Mont'" Grimf>.!t. James V..n Dyke and Al E . Stockton. ''If$ ' ·. · Book Secti0rr 2: -· """~ ~:--<·~AR!· rt..J;. THURSD~Y. oct:· 11, 1951,_ Open to Member.s .. "C'i· -1~. ··~--·.. SS a -.c.&-p>etl>ePf'!>". ·--~ -. ' -. ~-~----. . ·-. -Uoa nact 0c:t. 10, tor 'a U ;IO o'<lock. lladc luncbeon al tlle ll:bell clubbouoe, Kn. II'. L. J\allbltt, leader, praldlq. Tile oec:t'on otlll la open to.new me.m~na., abe IJWd. Bunster Creely 1 Section 3 Speaker Friday October u ." S.lw-day October 18 Sundfty October ~· Monday October l~ Tueoday • October 16 Wedneeday T.·I D 1E llJnH 7 :;2 ~.in. 7 :23 p. -n, .7 :4T,a . m: . " 8 :08 p. m. -p :14 a.!"· s:s2 p. m. 8 :39 a. m. ~:M_p.m. 9 :06, A. m. 10:20 p. in. TABLE ' G.O (.9 6.1 ••• 6.1 • l .l)W 1:03 L m, 1:25 p. m. 1 :3.5 .... m. 2 :08 p. m. 2 :0. a. m. 2 :f6 p. m. 2 :30 a. m. 3:2~ p. rn. 2 :.SS a. m. ,4.:04 p.m. I a:1v a. m. ~ &:/ o.e .o.z 9.T -0~ J,l -0.J • lA ~ ·s:o "Squ:Jrrela" wu Ute topic ot Bwlller Cnely'e talk at the Ocl. 9 meeting of the Tlllrd . Book Re- view .cuoii, tri the home ot Mra. John Preadei'gut. 2111 Topu Ave .• ~ bland. A 12:30 o'clock MCk IW1cheon· preceded t he aea· •lon at wblcb Mtm. M. M. Mbrphy preoldecl. • October 17 Thureday 9 :33 a. m. 11 :09 p. m. 10:01 a. m. f ,O 6.0 3.6 5.7 4 :f4 p. m. 3:41 a. rn. . 0 :31 p. m. • -0.1 • "2.t October 18 , alinthe· For rh• palt y•ar, automotive wrlter1, onglnoor1 and own ers hav• b••n . . raving about a n•w kind •f automatic ch1vlng· • • • /~'::.;;:~~ ·and hor•'• why y-a•t It only In Pord Cor11 . ' All tho power you noerl wlton you niorl ltl '&-~-.,,.. n.. outefllatic drt¥e ·-cak oflf.r you It o • I t«.,.._....,effer wf\ktt l!Wltlpll•• tot~e with- °"'th. wseof gean. lh od•a,,Joci• It a 1moottl. ftow of pow•r. th dltod..,antog• i. a Mnol•r N:lft9e of torque multiplkotiort ~ r•~it" -. power fronl the eftClifte and on """°"' PIOfttkol 01de rotio whM:tl lnueoMt cotta. ~~kM1'M- Other Utf'I off..-on 04.ltOfftocilic drW. :S:, we1 ~ olltoftlotk ci•on (01 Ulu.trot•d in ,J.iiplifted forM ot ricihfl Nt•od of a torque c,.,••rf•r. llM od"f'ol1fo9e ""'" iii ll'IOre "90," -•con· !rol Oftcl gr-t•r economy. The disadvantage Is that· !tilt 1ytf•"I is not o• IJnOOth, "°' a• i•ril·fi-ee 01 a torque -rt•r . It gives you instant "GO"f It practically rlrivos lfA!lfl ~~ Aos 6tJl/I Yes. fordoitiotic ha1 t1 .... totque c.on...ertH plus outoMotk g•on.. tt brings you oriy tt.. odvontog91 of boril dm.t.. Unlik• con wirh onty a totqu19 conv•rter {whidl #art ond avM oil tn Clfte dri•• gea r), fordo- motic "art• foil ond ~ ilt lnl•nnedlol• Gear then lhifh it1•lf into Ori•• Gear. D •1 • S.. .. , HlectfH ef -UllD CARI ' . . TB.EODORE RO ·BINS . Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 116 Newport Blvd. Ph. Harbor 28 ' ' Newport 81•cli -~ . , • • ••• time to buy .a • • , ' • I , NEW AUTOMATfC GAS 'ANGE Visit any dealer now. A1k for your fr•• copy of Old Stov• a...,nd-Up bookl9' •f Wfttwl\ ... 1,.1 from Sun1•t Cook loolu. , ' • .. • I ' UITRll lllhlU Ill c1um • • . ... . . . 'a.anr .....J ~pi .;...,; .. ~ u thil ~new ' ., • I • ~Kllfl a. Ml~tn ' ··--· CP ..... OdMn ,.,.:u ..... I ,, Caloric.._..,.. a: Sartin; Hudwkk. Malk Qef. lC.rn.; per, T.,.... W'r41wl1( Y 1 •Ho&IJ-,. • l1i\ _ ...... _J(•--·· \Yt .. _,,.._._, I Jj8ca• -. ~ , ~-~ • • • • j I • ' I ' ' • • ' • PAGE 6 -PART T.·-THURSDAY,.OCT. If, l95f !9-.llelp ~aated i • •. II P •1•''d G11k · !!. ,W e!r•l,Dr«r • ! !!!!!! ! !'i !!!1 ip · ', --11-~ LAllOf Y4CUT .......,_ ...... :ruu. SDI& JllOIU'lf'4T 8m), aaAJQ) PLUfOI: ·..., ~ YJllJILT CDtt'OD. I ..... .,C.. •-·_ . j?--IJ•-·""pmrl--.::· PRE ss-B-. to ftnploy middle 8'ed laan for llpocl•I • -aAllQADf. • .. I Iii lid, ..... ,..._, .4loo wlllt .... "'-""-wat. 'r-main .... .,.. -9" isr-tl' fll Bellotropo, Oot.a .i Kii' act rt a11w """ -. -1'· ~· N•r 81 ••· ... - bcl -Oood talaly. -pPe ...-Cllll-11. ..... a>I$ ..... ,,_ A. .. -"'· -Bl'fd. -Un OD propti'ty. Ooltqt tor 1 ---,....------~-+~ • CMit, --•• ..rti., ~ llT'I ,. -~M. MUI> 'CL·ASSIF IED JNA. UOI ~ lllcliway. News .. -N ...... -ll"OR -~ ........... ,_ two ""'-BALBOA KAil· Bill'• Furniture' c·b DI ... DAJG. Se . . -... __.., . ...,.., .. dad .. ...., ....,.. port Beach. Uc14 We Buy, 11 or Trade <a...._ 100 ,.,_ 11• bf -111 Oiuplo P..,.,•""· WANT REClilPTIONJST for doc· UIOll Wm Bo-Bl'fd. ft1L ~ ill<j\alrt 111 , Ard Iii., Kow .... 't The Mighty Midget In Advertising tor'• office, Coron• clel Mar. •l'dloM HAu1lor --It 1'cnff llllAUTlrtlL &lectric Orp.n. Ra· Bwll. . ' -- W rite. 1taUng a.re and quelltt· pc-.i !9all. Now only ..,._ B'1r eallonA to Bolt M c/o t.llla pepot'. RUO, 1.1x11 -'*· Cll-. '."" l'OWlll loila. ~ _,- . 82pM n~ I ~ .,;olal t.,, Id~ bAHS • llClflllbT ll'lAJ'IO ud NEWS-TIMF.S -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PRF.SS -ThU1'8days --;;.-;;;;;;-;w.;;;;;;;;;-w;:;v..-;;;-::;;;:::;: tab&a. ••' ....... ftone ...... WANT WBl'l'E WOMAN,_.-!· -Uft.11f, ..... OllOAN 00., .... I& ANI, lltO N. <need with achoo] opd chlldNn, 'Main. <Gn>er 8Ui. u boueekeeper ·cook. Prlnte ~. UTl'Lat-Jllo '61 ILlOBl'LY UBJJ:D 8p!DA plallo, room and balll. RdmODCH ,... C. P. oll:"'t'~lle ......,. wllli UM -· ~ anlllp. con...,i. qlllr<d. Oood lllaly. --top, ~p alld dodt -..t ~ Ill llHAJ'SP'I KUllC Newport Ba1 Pmt ~ed Adi -i .,. bl tbe ~1 , N ows-Tlm8 or UM Tlnlrodo.7 ,._ • band. Ph. Hubor·Wl·R. -srtddJo IA ~ ..... T-, llflo 00. (II,_ tll0'1 ), 4h No. I]!<&· !Mt sr1J1 -Mr. Biiiiot i .,._ moro, Banta Ana. KL ~ II hit.IS -oua llaft ..,.ity at!c MINIMUM AD 18 t U!fD AD Claalltfted ,.. mmt be paid ror OMb lB adt'Ulle or pahllcwt:loo. 4 Unes l Paper ' .75 · 4 U-Z Papen LGO 4 Unes S Papen !.00 The publlahen will not be respoufble for IDOl"e than one' Incorrect insertion of an advertlM'mcnt. ruerve the rti'bt to correcUy clualtj e..n y and all adl and to r eject any advertleement not conforming tv rules and regulatioM. AdverUaemt.nt.a a.nd canceJJaUona wtll bt! accepted. up to 6 p.m. on the day preceding publlca.Uon. Except deadline for News -Timee la 11 L m. Mondaya Pbone Bar. 1818. uk for .. Ad Taker" or aeod ad aod remtttanae lo NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISIDNO 00, ttl 1 BaJboe Blvd.. Nm.vpon &.eta. oantomJa. . "' ,Sympson & Nollar P AJNTING & DECO RA TING ''The Best Money Can Buy" 012 •. 38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 52tfc REMODEL and REPAffi l~uslness Gnlde Residence or Commercial For Venetian Blinds ~· L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. ' General Bulldina-Contractor Shades and Drapery Hdwe. 1138 Fullerton, Newport Beach THE SHADE SHOP Free Estimates Beacon 57:;;~~ Free estima tea Ph. Har 884 For Better · TV Reception Replace )'GUr w'*t.llencl Ant7 1 Wttb a new V~e $9.50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CA.LLB Day or EveAIQs Mesa Radio and Television 109 Broadway Costa Mesa 81c8e E MER SON Radio Reeord Player ; Kiddie Koop crib; two maple bedstead.I: fire screen : % bed with sprltlga. Ha.rbor l W-W . 82p84 16 INCH BANDSAW -H eavy duty Walker Turn"r. l hp., mer tor, all in excellent condition. 1200. See Joe \'al1derMolen, Lido Trailer Pa.rk. Phone Har· bor 091.i after e p. m . 8!p&4 "TROLLER-ART'', all round tllh · lng b o a t . W t t h equipment. Speedy and strong. 100 hp .. May exchange !or! A. L. Marki, 509 29lh St., Newport Beach .• 82p84 Complete Installation, repair and service of all tra lltr equ ipment. New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDER.HEAD 817 Coast H iway, Corona deJ Mar 70tfc DON K. BUTTS ORANGE COAST • Lie. General Contractor TRAILER SUPPLY VAC UUM C LEANERS Electrolux and others, $6.95 up. 100 to Ch008e from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St .. Santa Ana Klmberly 3-2968 70tfc 12-Bulldillg Services FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coa.!:t Highway, fll.rbor 2443 Corona del Alar 72tfc EXPERJENCED CARPENTERS Want Work by Hour or J ob. Call liarbor 1164-?.t 7ltfc B & Y H ouse Movers AND Ge ner a l Contractors 650 F irst St., Tustin Calif. Phonp Kimberly 3-1885 I Home Phones JAsper 9-2773 or J As per 9-2687) 73c86 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 713 Palmer St., Costa Kea Bea. 54~7-M 94c9 INTERJOR -B:XTEIUOR ·,PAINTING UCENSED -INSURl:D Glenn Johnston C!Ol -31st St. Newport Beacb H ubor 2297-J Mc48 -Result.a come from co;,_stant Pra.cUce ~n ad regularly tn thitl pape-r will produce re!'!lults for you. Residential-Commercial 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Remodeling I Costa &in.a, Phone Beacon 8224-R Phone Beacon &408-W - 11u, A ITENTION . . I G IRLS: Thia 111 a chalice of a li fe Painting and I l•mf. I'm forced to ••II my bea- p h · tlful Ru.utan Red F ox BtroUer. aper ang1n g S~t' to appreciate. P'trtt offer GEO. BURKHARDT takes. Be. ~789·W. 22115 c~~ 508 -31.st St., Newport Bt>ach Phone Ha r bor 2418-\.\' before 8 a. m. or a.fler 4 :30 p. m. 83tfc COMPLIJ:CIC HOUBlD CLEANING llMce. 11'1rn11"" aad rup ab&mpooed. i'reo Mtlmatea-- h117 tuund. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Be•con 1111 Titfc 14-Personals Alcoholics Anonymona Write P . o. Box 306 Balboa Island, Caut. Phone K1m ber1y S-5393 IS-Beauty A.ids Superfluous Hair Permanen Uy remov~ from fflCf!, anns. lees. Eyebrows and hair- line .thaped-No more twttzl.ng. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. Tuesday and Thursday only Lido's Salon of Beauty Har. 2.576 79<93 22=-Lost and Fo111Jd LOST-K odak camera in IPa lhl'"r cue. Pony 135. REWARD. ft21 Poinset tia, Corona del Mar. 82c84 FOUND-P ARAKEET at En8lgn school. Phone 828-W or Harbor 33. Horace Harbor IUc KENMORE automatic waaher. likf' new.J $175. ~-piece crome set, 175, S inger eewtng ma.ch., $25. Baby bed, $20. Magtc Ctlef apt, range, $75. Bicycle,. $20. 24 ~3 Santa Ana Ave., CoatA A-feu . 83p8f GENUINE No. Minne90ta mmk- ral ladles fur coat in A ·l cond. A ppr aist'd by Olive Duling at S.00. WUI sell for $300. 233 1'"' Ea.at Bay Front, Balboa Island. 83cM -------------- H ouse to be Moved Frame and stucco. hwd. noor1. Mo ving µerm1t assured to COAta. Mesa area . $2000 tull price. ln· qui.rt' Lyle Finley. Market SpoL Balboa Island. 83c~ Y OUr\'GSTOWS double slnk top 166"1, S20; Ships 7-in. compau, $25; Thor Gladlron, $20. 2107 Orange Av~ .. Costa Me11a~ 84p86 SO-B-Appllances Specials! Specials! . Refrigerators PHILCO 1949 modtl . dhc.. T .O cu. ft., like new ...................... $149.95 SERVEL 6 cu. !t. Excellent 'con~ dltion k perfect t'Unnlng order. ................. (99.95 KELVTN ATOR refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. ExcelJent run.nine-order. completely o\'t'rhauled ~-$79.9t!I -If JOU talc. .,.,.,._ "" 11.U par mantis. • AUIO '1111 -.-ltol Phlloo U cu. r.. ~tw tll&t -116 Ill. -top -cMot. 411 otftl . --""' Ullaper lor ~ a-••nce on tbs. a. JlltM. AlaO equity l'ftW:I: If ycu talca PIJillanto ot JU.II per mo. Bee Mr. Baurtm. t L m. to I p. m. at 404 So. Bpadta,, F\'1· lut4ft. Ph. 310,,. ' ' 113\t. Muat Sell by Saturday - I.ea)' 1-.i dlni.._ table, • MO. 141>1e Uvfn&' room Nmlf.un, upholoterad .oft., mllc. 1u.j.a. Reuonable, phone Har. 1194:...J. IUc SOME A NTIQU ES' -Drop leaf kitchen table, m .60. Antique rock er. $10. Lined d rape.a. $2 pr. Table top r&ll&e. JM. Ser- vel. $1~. ei1 T C.rn•tlon, CoJ'Olla del Mar. UcM ILUOIOND ORO.ANS! Tllo s-t Hammond Cllonl Olpa. u )'OU clon't know • nota, ii1d cu plq llllal Tba llammond lptnet• Or- pn. World'• mo.I. bH.utttul UlneL I: a • y te.nna. DA.NZ.- BCIDODT Plano A. Orpn Oo, Baal& Ana, 520 No. Main, Oor. tlll ...... t .. TllLlCVJ.BIONl,..T r a• e , y-old piano on ~auUflll televlllon. Blc allowance. Famoua lll&keo In Ulevla!on. DA.NZ-llCHJCDT, ll20 No, Main, COi'. Ith St., Bani& Ana. LOVELY bungalow upr~t planrj in perfect pl&,-tn11 condiUon. Tem11, $32.00 down a.od Sl 1.16 pe-r mo. al SHAFE.R'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. 8yca- mort, Santa An.a. Kl. 2-b672. 83tfc MAPLE . BED divan aofa, aceni< 1.M---. ___ po_..e.z=._Ca"--t&,..;..,P_e_ts_, _______ _ print. fOOd condJUon. $60. 2611 Bay Shore Drive, Bayllhorea. Beacon 8480-W. 83c~ SS ll-OOI~, San!'!?. .. . _ . Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft -()()AST moHW AT NEWPORT HACH PH.o Btuct>N 6711 IHttc 18 FT. CHRlS ·CR.A PT ape<>d boat, Chrya. Ace. A-1mech.'cond.11450 Free slip rent.a.I for bollU ottered tor a.le up to 28 rt. Wl.u.rd It Rowboat. tor ~nt l<en Scott"• Mobil Marine Dock Next to Ferry Landin g, Bal~ Harbor 2120 59ttc JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only fa ctory -a pproved Sale• and Service Station in the New- port Harbor A ~•. ' South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 2Srd St. H arbor MOO • !IStlc BEDUNCTON Terrier (male°) excellent weteh deg-It pet. A&.o yellow penlan cat. Reuon&.bte. 11112 ReJrenl Dr., S&nl& Apa. Off Smeltser Blvd., 1 blk. from Harbor Blvd. 84 pM ~~ualn-~l'tl!11iti!J! •• DO -YOU WANT TO MAKE $600 to $700 per mo. by working 3 daya per week? Do you have llt,000 ? -or a 3- bedroom hou.e to trade ! He?e*l.9 a bonaflde bu.ainHa oppor- tunlty-atabJlahed 15 yun - &nd rl(ll1t here In 0.....,. Co. SEE US RIGHT AWAY ! RARBOR INVESTMENT CO . Realtors 30th &nd Newport Blvd. Newport. Beach Ph. Har. 1800 ' KIDDIE lUDES AT PLAY RARBOR FOR SALE, Coe.st Hlshway at Bay Shore bridge. Good location for same can be h ad In t hl.t a rea. Sacri· !Ice to cJou eat.ate. P hone liar· bor 135'. . 82c84 COCKTAILS, Dinnen, Ucenae, flxluree, equipment. San Ber. na.rd.Jno county. Small down or trade~ Har. 32M-J . 82c87 41-Storea and Offices A'M'RACTlVE OFPiCE on New· port Blvd., near . the new hos- pita l. Excellent location wtlh parking. Al.lo perfect for flor· AC APULCO BOUND. Cl"ew mem· Jsl shop or btht!r small bWlin&8& her needed to share gu and $.45 mo. 468 Newport 81"1!1., Coe· food expenses on 37 tt. crui.aing ta Meu. Beacon 5713·R. 82tfc a.llboat. Prefer knov.•Jedge of 1------------- Mexfcan waters and Spaniah. C&ll Harbor 2825-J or writ e John 0.,rke, Gen. Delivery. San Diego. 82]>84 Boat owners and mechanics FOR YOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS can JOHN KIMBLE 1 1'144 Mlra.rrtar, -&!boa Harbor 1087-R Walt's Trading Post FOR LEASE -Store room oh Blvd. In center of Corona del Ma r. Call Harbor 3266, Evere tt Morris &: Aa90C., 408 E . Balboa, Balboa. / 83<15 20 x 40 Store or office. Fine vl.81- bUlty. J3alboa Blvd. Call Sat. or Sunday. H&rbor 1400. M p88 U-Wanted to Bat }VANT TO RENT a prace for •tor-ace In Balboa laland, Corona del Mar, Newport Beach or Coa- t& Meaa. Harbor l t74·J eve- ning&. 82c84 am~ -ttt ....,1&1 to rlilft party. J'llnL 1 or I bdrm. apt. 370I Clwulel P11ee. Hewpatt Ioland. No pet.. Hartlor 1117..J. . 7Sttc 84°1,B().\ UIL4N1> -A.tlrlctl•e bachelor apt. a.ur ao. Bay. uut. paid. Gui~ 176 mo., yurty or '50 mo, winter. Ph. Harbor 1171. Tlltfc LIDO ISLE Spjll'ldlnl 1 or 2 bedaoom fllrnlllh· ed ~... Oo• bedroom · ltWln bedl) ITS mo. 2 bedrooma • ftllO mo. All uuuu .. p&Jd. Pi'I· ••te prasea. / ' P. ,A. PALMER. INCORPORATED 33!3 Via U do Ha.rRot\ 1500 Nowport Beach, ~. \ WINTER RA TES, 3 rm. turn. apt.I On Colllna Island. Each. apt. ha.a water front.Age. ALSO P enthouse on Jeue. West end P atk Ave., Balboa laland. Ph. Harbor 2962-W . 78tlc FURNISHED AP'r. yearly rent, uUUtfea pald. Ttle Jc'tcben and bath, lot.a ot cupboard apace-- if you want llbmethlnr nJ.ce &Dd. clean, ·call at S09 Sfth St .• Newport Beach. 82p8.f RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS can -cnia Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa band. Har. 200 - ONE BDRM., turn. Re&J" a pt., ~ mo. yearly. No uUl1tlea. Cororia de! Mar. Call Har. 1976. 82pl4 YEARLY '46 month, Newport Hele"hla. Unfum. l bdrm: house. Gara.ce. F enced yard. Adult.. A va U. Oct. 20th. Bea. 5881-M. ' . 13cl4 DUPLEX APT. -Yearly rental, large four roonu furnished. Ga· rag'N. fl'" P olnaetUa. Inquire a.t 408 Poln8etU... Corona d.el Mar. Harbor 1289-M. UcSG A ISLA.ND. $50 month yearly, including utllittea. P'Urn- 1.ahed duplex . Inquire 120 Sap- phire. Harbor 1S74·R . 83p85 V E R Y A 'M'RACTIVE 3 bdnn. Jower duplex. Glused~in living rm. Lovely g a.rden. Util. patd. $100. 12:5 Jade, Litt le Balboa Island. 83p8S F'uRNISHED Mod. 1 bdnn. Apt. ALSO 2 bdrm. upper a pt. Winter $4 5 mo., utll. pd. or rea.a. yrly, ALSO 4 bdrtll. furn. home, $80 mo . winter rental. Mrs. Conrad, 312 Alvarado Pl., Balboa. H . 2498-J . 1Sc85 B ALBOA PENINSULA -Fum· i15hed 1ingle apta. J 215 a.nd fM mo. to June 115th. Frlgidalre. Laundry a vailable. Ulll. incl. Harbor 1270-W . Utfc LARG E S room cottace trailer, prtvate laundry a nd bath, tu.m- lahed, hot water, private yard. 200 E . 18th St.., Coat.a Mea. 13pM BALBOA -Modem 2 bedroom nicely turnlabed apt. SM mo., yearly. Utll. pd. Phone Harbor 27Vl -J . ISttc ' ' • LJDO ; 1 BALBOA • ,. NEWPO.RT • • I . R l w I N T E R E N i A L s .. y I E A R L y SPECIALS Winter ' 1 Bedroom Apt ....... ~ mo. 2 Bedroom Apt......... 68 mo. • 2 ~m Howie.... 75 mo. 2 Bedroom HoUBe ..... 100 mo. Yearly 2 Bedroom house Livingroom, bath Kitchen · .............. $70 mo. JIM &: SALL y ' NEWL.IN With J OH N D. BURNH.UI'. 60'7 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 (Evea. Har. 2278-W ) A'ITRACTIVE practlcaDy new borne · reuonable to dutrable couple or 3 people. 112 Garnet, 81.lboo. l8land an.er Friday noon. Phone Exb~k 4-TS70. S3c8e SMALL H OUSE, bdrm., dining rm .• shower, etc. No. cooking. $30 win ter, W Jade Ave .• UtUe Island. Har~r 2652. 13p85 CS-A-Trailer SJ!!11!. _ • TRAILER SP ACE Close to shoppinJ", ott the Hlway, $12 to $115 mo. cabrlllo <Court, lf-0 Cabrfllo St., Coeta .Meea. Winter rates $10 mo. Children welcome Alao trailer storage '5 mo. Little Bay Trailer Park 7204 Coast Highway, Newport Beach 't~H «-Rooms for Rent PmRMANENT w e e k l y rental aleeping room. Prlvate entrance. Garage, $10 per week. Blue·Top Motel, 401 Newport Blvd,. New· port Beach. 89tfc GUEST HOUSE (no cooking). Priva te bath. 1 blk. from beach and shopping center, Corona del Mar. $10 week. Pbone Harbor 1621·R. llc84 J • 1 ... • N~yq>ort l\eighta IArJo 2 bdrm. home, ladWd. nooa., ;llttpl&ce. Thermo OOlltrolled turiw;a. 27 ti. living am., dbllns ..... Plctme w!J>dowa. ni. pull- mu )*th, NU .ataower. eleetric b•telt· Kltcben hU Iota Of We work space, G. E. dlal!wUber. '-le 2<ar prap. COnr'ad patio alao brick peYed open potJo. En· 1 ci-4 back yard, fully land,. ocapecl. 6H Cal&llna .(,,...,..,, N<Wpuat lh\s~U>. Beaeon 5-8-J. - NEW .2-bdnft. b.ome, Ooroaa c1e1 Kar, com;plete iD every det&ll. Kdwd. floo.ra. Forced air auto. • ·-t. ll'lreplace. E!lclooed patio. Quap. N lee I y Jm<llcaped. llearln&' trult tttea. WW l&lte late model t railer u part 11&7· menL Owner, Bar. 198S. 82Uc Moder!t tedwood and glaall Two bdrm'. and aervant 'a i:iu.a.rten. i'llptone &ad wood floors. Two yein old.. In crove of trees. Beaulltut vtew of the western hllla -in excluslv-t leCUon -2 mu.. trom ocean In quiet sur- J:VllJldlnsa. $211,000., Good ·tenna. 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 529a-W · llltta Newport Heights Atll'actlve 2 bdrm. home, 4 yra. old., Hwd. noore, dbl. garage. Very good location. All bonds are paid . '8500. , Phone Beaeon 846f-R or Beacon M3%-W. 83e8fi 61-Beal &tat.. Exchange WANT Small clear home or J.a.rge trailer, and ca.ah, for down pay .. ment on large modern 8 room view home, NEWPORT HOTS. Furnaces, fireplace, dbl. gar. oo 2 Iota. .Ph. Bea. 52'16-J. l3cM 57-Real F.state Wanted RESPONSIBLE buj.er hu $!500 ca.ah to pay down on a 3 bdrm. bouae, 2-car garage. Not over Slt,oOO. Want CDM or New· port Heights. Call Tom Payn.t·. Har. 2774. (Eves Har. 2883·W) • 83clm WILL PAY ALL CASH up to $8,000 for 1 or 2 bdrm. home · near Newport prer~ f rom owner. Phone Beacon 8108-J. 83Cl8t: Somebody Wants That uaed turnJture, br1c·a·brac, palnUnp, etc., now• taking up •pace In your garage. Find a buy· er with a clotdtted ad ln the tjew•~n. Pott, aDd Preu com. bination. Jun ~hone Barbor 1111. A&tive. f8-Antomoblles, Tires JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER • NO BE'lTER DEAL any- wh ere . . . NOW is the t time t o buy or trad#l fQJ' a new Studebaker! Opportunity to own the car you will drive for the next few · years is' here, NOW fine selection to from NOW. chooae 2 LARGE bdrnu:. with private bath In nicely tutn. oce&Jt. front home. Ideal tor people 1n bust· A ney or service. Board if re- quired. 1104 W . Ocean Front, Newport Beacb... Harbor 299$.J. ALSO BARGAINS in gOO<j used cars. Every one a 13p85 BACHELOR apt. tor man or buslneu wonian. 228 llnd St., 2 blka. City Hall. Hu. :itW. Sip&e special! GENERAL CARP ENTRY. 28--Sltuatlons Wanted CROSLEY Shelvador, completely over hauled, 5 cu. ft •...... $7~.00 USED MARINE GEAR Nauueat DecoraUo~U~ Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS NEAR ICE HOUSE ON 30th P h. Harbor 2470, Newport Beach OPEN S UNDAYS 71c72H THREE or 4 bedroom•, tumlahed, neal' f>,ay. Rea8ona.ble r ent. Can fumlah refenncea. Box R -1 thl.9 pepor. 8Scl5 'llO STUDEBAKER Champion Sedan, on!~ 10,000 mllea. Every poUlble extra -BALBOA B&yaboreo. Attruuve 2 r------------ ~C!C~-4~-::;8'~~-!!!.,~B~l!!!E~l!•---i._:. Uke new, only $llllO down EXPERIENCED. REASONABLE. }larbor 745-W 82c84 Build with Brick FRANK MOLL 437 E. 16th St., Co.!la Mesa Pho ne Beacon ~~-R 80cll1H WILL DO that work you want don~ -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixel'B !or any job. QUI BILL Beacon 6451-W G7d58H HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or! Call. Walker-1576 Placentia Co.ta Mesa-Beacon 63'72s.JK • 74c1~ ,,.. - EXPERIENCED Muter of ~ail or motor available to master or crew boat to Acapulco. Capt. ·-M': G. Tancrel, Hotel Southern, San ,P edro. TErminat 4-96: 2 3PM WOM AN with 5-ye:ar-old daughter desire• Po09Jtio,.housekttper or caretaker, home and garden. Live In. Relerena:.. Ph. 8€>a- con S939·J . 83c~ P ART Tl}(E WORK WANTED-- Baby afttin1". clerking. office. houaework., restaurant, etc., by glrlo from BO. CAU F . BIBLE COLLEGE. Ph. IQ. S-8281, ex- tension 1.1. 9:k96H EXPERT w AS!tINo and Ironing. Bring to 1112 VUe.Ue Place, Newport Beach. Ha.r. 1~7-W. 82pM • Washing Machines EASY WASHER. deluxe, w1th ove rslzed · wringer and pump. Good for lot.I of service .... ,49.50 SEA BOOKS A tl.ne atock of booka on all yacht· Ing aubJecto -plua all CIU'fent boou Lendtnc library. The Islanders 214 IUrlll<, B&Jboa Ia. Har. 154 7 .EASY sta.nda.rd Wringer wuher ----"--------- in good running order .... $2ti.OO S& Mw"'al, Radio APEX wuher ······-·······-·······'20.00 Easy Terma to Suit! • ~A~fi!~ Bo~ BALBOA PJCNIN8ULA -Al· tracUwly Nmlabed prore apt. Sutt.able couple. An.U. Oct. 15th, JM wtnt<r, tell YMriJ', uUI and pr. lnctuded. HU'bof 3019-lt , Title FURNJSREI> Dice ci...n lar&< aleepln6 room, ldtdlenalte, tr\s· ldaltt, bat.II. """ pon:h (:Ind ,!Ir.I I'S mo. PIM>De HarlM>r 811t0W. 71tfc bdrm. home. FU:rniahed. An.U· able from now unW June 15.. SlOO per month. Ea.rt . W. Stan· ley, RJtr., 226 M&rlne Ave., B&Jboa ·1a1anc1. Phone Harbor 1776. 14c CORONA DEL MAR--0Cean olde or Hl(ll1way. Furn. 1 bdrm. bou.e w;111 u ... pia.;e. a-to llhopplna-dl.etriet.. 185 mo. Jl'lY Phone Har. 107'7..J ~ or Har. Sl~l..J ...... - 84LllO.\ PENJNllULA. -..f.f,. tradlw1 fllmlallad a Wrm. du· plu wllll IWMleck. Winter or yearly. Rn..,..l>lo. Har. 301 .. R Attc J'URNl8Hl:D u 2 """"· opt. i.c-. ..-.. Bay .-. Wlatar SllO mo .• "w. pd. oc will -t ~. (Inquire loWu _.. qt,) H06 W. Bay .A.'.ft,., Newpcwt •••• . . ... -'41 lll>tnCK 8poe. eedan _ ...... '3915 -BOARD .Uld ROOM • . .. CB!i:VROLET -. Ver:\' For elderly people ln 11.rp private cl¥Ji ···································· 385 home. Good meala and ·care. '39 DE SOTO lledan ............... 295 Phone Lquna uau._ 79plf ' REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5'!1> WILL PAY BONUS for good uaed can. • • Jlll50 PONTIAC lluper oa~ Rua and Cream. """eptlally 'Ci.;.<> ~ 8""' 11677·R l2pll ·o *"'7DlllB.\Kl:lt . c II & mp I 0 A c..i~ 17.000 anlloe. .&II ~ esb• A. a.e.utltUI ear. .,..... bOrn..R. • ._.. ' • • - • · I J I I • I I I I I • ~ I I ~ • • • • Coat.a .,_ 't T6e 8-t Town bD Earth Small Ho~~ t. RJn~i ••=~-;.....,.~.'~·~·~~V'-'-'~-·-·-~·-·~,~~~~---:,~~~~·-.,r--·_..:_.~ N~~~;.wt!'~ '::;::! • • • • MOOG. Dow1I p&~ J~. BI.iANCHE A. GA Tm, B.ealtor -iao"" mo. OWn•r wt1t ~),.. "SHUFEU' J. MARTIN .accept ...,. u part ot u.. doWn .r ~ • p&YlfteAL "" -:.~·Marine Ave., Balboa Island · Ph; Har. 16'4· or 1672 . Eves. Harbor 1671 I BALBOA ISLAND , A lowly bayfroDt home, pier & float, extra lari!! lot, 3 bdrms.-, 2 batba, al8o 1 bdrq). apt. This will please the moat discriminating. For the large family -We offer this attractive bowie OD two lots. 5 bdrms., 5 baths, & a large paUo that offers complete seclusion. A beautiful · 2 bdrm. cottlge with 8D unusually large, attractive and livable patio. $16,500. OCEAN FRONT . Ttuly a house of distinction. -t bdrms., 3 baths. Unusual dining room with artistically planted patio adjOining. This is a buy & a home to be proud of. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALToR ' · Income SI)ecial t .. 11.a pllD *lo~ roorna t.nd prapa with room tor expan- 1ton on lot 100x22t. Good toca .. '""'· ci-to Blw. and muk-s unlta equipped with alov• and refrigerator. Monthly lncome approa. $1211. Total price Loi-;: $20,000, terms Blvd. Frontage 10 fl. on Newport Blvd,. 110 ft. dttp. BuStneu section, eloae in. $2700 with 'h ~uh. ALSO Sood buJldlng lot.a prlCed Ill $1 o:w> and up. ALSO aevero.J 2 and 3 bdrm. 0 .1 . Reale.a. -·- $1300 Down 2 bdrm. ho1ne oa comer lot, 62x.l00 Priet '6200, balance o.t SM per. month. • I • . • ., • • • • !!_~·~._:_..!:_· ,!G!:;:!B~tt!'!..1'!9t!!!•!!•L.----l •· Beal ~ . . . J t . r -AN Oll'HER • . , :OUTST~ING BARGAIN ~ Balboa Ndinsula Point , . 'nlla houae i. <>114' 2~ yra, old. Bechooma, 2 ~th&, Llvlllgroom with fireplace, Panel heat, kitchen, fenced patio yard. ~arage. Full Price $12,500 0PENH0USES SAT. & SUN. 12 to 5 P.M. BRAND NEW PRICED TO SELL ..Balboa Peninsula Point Conler of L Street ud P?ua del Norte ' This howoe reats on a spacious !)Omer lot near Real" Estabt Is 'Your Best Investment -o-. ' Income Property 5 fl&rnllbe4 units. .. uni~ wtlla - 1'da1n._...lunlt2bdnn&OD .. ft. l>uoln•oo ,...tap la celt- ler pf Coot& ·--.$111.· !MIO!' termL Grou tncome, SM-1 a month. _.-0_ , Newport Heights G. I. RESAl.11'. l'l'ioe ~ la. choice JocaUon. Llv. rm. and dlaett.e_ --ted. Fplce., 2 bdrm and a.... -.i yu<1, With attractive Dt.rbecue,. ParUy en· c:la.ed. Perfect tw out 4oor .., .. ,UrtalDlllf. Diil pr., laU11d1'7 room. Prlcecl S1'.ll00. U000 ,dB., $73,25 a mo., talWI A !Ao.(tnc. -o-' Attractive '• Nearly new 2 bdrm.. home. Ntce LIV. rm.. hwd. f1oorw, dlri«te. tile in kiL Bath tub and 1hower. Stucco utd ftdwood exL A gopd deal al $9100. P600 dn. Mon. pyte. '67.40. -o- CoUI1try Living 2 bdrm. home--Liv. rm., ba.r- type kit. Neat and clean. Lot 70xl~ all for $6500. terms. -o- ' a .ii ... •!!t!!at~•--.....;-' . .. ' f • ~+ ..... ., • i ' Open House ;..... Saturdar 8i ~unqay t ... • ' Octobe~ 13 :~µ 14 . i:ao to 4:30 1 . . ' 2()6 4meUlYst t~venue, J3a1boa Island . Fo~ the discrithina~ b!lyer. Home and Tncome ...-ceJJent modenl 2 • bdrm., l ·bath, plus 3 bdrm.,· ' I 2-bath apartment. J I BAI.BOA ISLAND ' . 2 bdnn. home, Coa!Plet.ely furnlshed In maple and wall to wall ~-2 patios. Just off South Bay -Price $18,500-TennB For full ·infonnatioft OD the above propertiea Call Harbor 1776 BEACON BAJ' WATERFRONTS S bdnns., 2Y., baths, completely fµrDished with de- lightfUl . gust quarters off patiQ. Pier and 40' ftoat. Price $57,500' -Terms. • • • I . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & A.osociatee . "Small Fry" · 1 bdrm., llv. rm., kit. wtth dinette area. Panel Ray heat. East Side. Very Inexpensive. $3800, terms. Beautiful 3 bdrm. home. Large living room, dining room with picture windows. Completely f11J11ished . Patio with barbecue. Guest apartment. fµll price- • • BAY & BEACH BARCAINS 4 '}'r Fina,ncing oa th1s 2 year old, three bedroom bouae on th~ penl.Rsula. Modern with pod heat. 1 % baths. $12,650. • • Spectacular View Charmine-home overtboking ent1re area. Two bedrooms, 1 84 ta.the. Well built, nicely arranged. Good financing. $19,750. OPEN HOUSES Suoaay, 12 to ·5 p.,m. 507 LODO SOUD, Lido Isle. 5 B.R. older type. Pier. Cor. M and Balboa Blvd., Newport. New 3 bdrm. BAY & BEACH REALTY l~t BALBOA BLVD. * * * * * * * * HARBOR * * * * * * ·" Special Offering in Corona de! Mar · HERE IT IS! Newly decorated 3 bdrm. home in excellent location. Hwd. ·floors, fireplace. Lots of tile in kitcheD and bath. Priced at only $12,500 for quick sale! Listings Wanted -Rentals & Sales W. E. FISHER BUILDER-REALTOR ERNIE SMITH REALTOR-ASSOCIATE 916 Coast Blvd. Coroha del Mar Phooe Harbor 2«3 BALBOA PENINSULA BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dutch Colonial. F1agstone front. "' Private patio, forced air heaL Fireplace. Garbage d i .s po a a I. READ CLOSELY You can't find a better BUY. Brand new homes on lov~ly LIDO ISLE. Weather str~ppt>d. Large sun 1. For those tools.inc f~r an extra deck. This l.S an outstanding , large lot a.nd paUo hftt la a value and a flne home. be«uty. Home has 3 spac.loua Price $21,500 bedrooms and0 2 baths. Every- thfpg about t.h1a home 111 big, light and cfleertul. Place 1 all f'U.lly planted with lawn, shruOI and flowers together wtth walled ln apace for boat stor- age. Bleached gum doon. unit heat. tlle stall· ahowen, dia-- posal. dlabwuher are a few ot the DELUXE features. Tb.ta home ta CLASS and all for ONLY S32,GOO -By lall meane S~ THIS. Consider small home as patt trade. LIDO ISLE $'4 ,750 down. New 2 bedroom home near best beach. Full tile roor. Patio. f'urnaoe heat. Firepl.a.ce. Bar type kitchen. Glass en- closed tub. See-this before you buy. Price $15,750 Ranch . . 2. Clever 2 bedttiom home that hu just been completed. Fc>tt:- 20 acres 6 miles f~ Newport ed. .air heat, step savlns kitchen, 12 acra in permanent pasture large garage, neat patio and all Equipment for 15,000 chiclcens.. \ modern •PPointmenU.. Tb.ta la Three houses, tood bam. Abun-a ateal at ONLY $15,000-Ap- dant cheap water. Con.!lde.r part prox. $4~ handles. trade bay area. Terms. GREENr.EAF & ASSOC. BillLDICR -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2562 OPEN HOUSE ' SUNDAY (from 12 Noon) MODEL HOME FURNISHED $19,850 , (not includlnf furniture) 432 Seville Ave., Balboa Peninsula CALIFORNIA MODERN, t.n:hl· teclure and color by outstandtng authority._ EdWard H. Ficke~ archltecL . Wm. Manker, colors.. ALSO We have jU3t opened a Nli:W Rec- tlon where•some very cholce loU can be bought. from tM!: DE- VELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Het'e bl a chance to eel a LOT at rock bottom prt.Cff and U!nn1. Come to the headquarters of LIDO ISLE where a UtUe buy1 a LOT. • P. ·A. PAL·MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, c.111. Ht.rbor 115-00 JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cllf.fa 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 BEST BUY? SEE THJS new home in Newport l:lelghts. 'l'bf'n you wUI be the-judgf'. Check these reature• with anythlnl near lht' prlct>- .,t Quality Contf"t.ICllon ~/ Thl"ef' Bt°-dl'OlbnU t' 2 sep. bath. ~ 2 shower. 1 tub l t' Hwd. floors. Inside planter ( 2 Floor Fumal.!c• y' Lge. fple-. with gaa ll&'hter ocean aDd bay lb a qlllet location facing land- . scaped city park. 2 ~rooml, large liviDg- room with diDlng area aod fireplace. Kitchen, utility room, bath. 2 car garage, outside shower and feAood patio Price $15,950 The adjoining new house with same plan ls e.l8o for 11ale . . Pr.ice $15,450 . r' Garbage di.epoaAl, lots of til@ y' 50 ft. lol, paved St. &-alley J •' ~ear 1tehool.a &: shop. center l antJ jPrict>-tl at- Both How.!S Open Sat. & Sun: -12 to 5 p.m. . Corner of L. Street and Plaza del Norte Only $13.750 $2750 Dn. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR W. A . TOBIAS, SaJuman44"r 312 . Marine Ave., Balboa I111and Phone Harbor 2042 "Look i<W the Green Lawn" Confidentially Now is a good time to buy that BALBOA ISLAND HOME. You might just as well de- cide now, , for your family. Here, bay living is definite- ly a mighty fine choice. We can help you . Home and income is popular and we have a choice of low priced two-unit proper- ties that are paying well. JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1007 Ewe. Harbor 2278-W OPEN HOU~E Sunday 1-5 p.m. 23531 Kings. Road, Cliff Haven This unusual 3 bdrm. home has just been com- pleted and ilt .-dy for your inspection. It ls undoubtedly orie of the best arranged homes ID thls area and lb! many ftttures will please the most fastidious. ' The rooms are exceptioDallly large--there are 2 bathrooma-<lining room and ample breakfast area. · Massive flagstoDe fireplace. Indirect lighting and many other appointments. OD the Bayfront we can , show a very SPECIAL moneymaker. It's a home and separate apt., terms. It is priced at $19,UCiO and well worth every peony. .To eee prior. to openinr, c&u FreJ 13ark'er, Beacon 571l5 or BeacoD 8939-J. 1 . EARL STANLEY, Realtor . <tall at our office, 15th & Irvine, oppo. High School J . A. BEEK Office Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry Real Values Costa Mesa 2 B. R . Home 2--<"ar garage., lot stse 120xJ50. Eut Side, lhis la a real buy. Full price-- Only $6000, Terms 2 B. R. Older Home With 1 bdnn. renjal. Lt.rg• pr. on 1 aett, Eut Side, close to everything. Apwox. ISO fruit trees. ehlcken bou.ae &: tool rm. Full price Ollly--• . $7950, EZ Terms Balboa Peninsula (wftere lb• bay meet. th aurf)- one .iory, I bedroom and den, lateat ,1n design and ,color (new), $19.800. "Kephart Built" 3 B. R., l % bat.ha. Farmho\lde type (new) Jl6,l500. Liao Isle . (Dignified lllftnl' at It.a but) "Chum" dMCrlbe1 tht. 1 story, 2 bedroom home. all the nice 1 Udnp. lncJW:l1nC complete rum- lahlnp, $20,000. CORNJ:R LOT-1-lto onto bt.y, A adjacint to ..,.1mm1ng beech, 6211'' x a·. Street on 3 &idea. Prime value at $6:260. $1900 Down 3 bdrm. 0 . I. Rea&le. Very nice home t.n beet Eut Side IU'M. Hwd, noora. brk, nook, large lot. dbl . ....,.~ on paved alley. Full Price $11,250 $35.12 per month New-3 Bdrm. F .H .A. $2750 Down WW MONTHLY . PA YM!:NTS Large home with many extra fea- tw'e&. Beauhru.J ltv. rm. wtth r1re~ cllnlng ...... barchnl!ld ~ kKa of tile, covered paUo, double p.rage, extra wide lot. 'Full Price Only $11,400 Lovely FHA 2 B. R. Ocean Front • FlOME. ·Leas than a year old. -o- Lots and Acreage A vaJlable -o - Let Wt help you with your Rea.J ii.state need.I . La PERLE REALTY 18'98 Harbor Blvd. P!";one Beacon 704.3: RUSTIC. SHAKE ROOF, RANCH TYPE -This little jewel was built with ca.re. Ju.st rite for a coupl<!. Many extras and built- lns. Completely t~nced with red- wood «J1i.pe.stake11. In a ntce lo- cation and sandy loam solL Nicely land9C&pe<I . Wf!ll worth $7900, terms. 3 BDRM. FAMILY HOME - East Side Coal& Mesa. Hwd, floors. dining room, nice blr; kitchen wilh Ion& tile drain- board, service porch, spacious bdrms., dual furnace, nice cov- e"'d back porch you could con- vert to play room, dbl. pr~. landscaped and fenced. OWner Is asking $10,500 and $2000 dn. will handle. call wi rtght now: NEWPORT HElOHTS-t BDRM. HOMS A OUEBT ROOM on GARAGE. Also ha.s 2-car gar. plus work shop. Near high school tn city limits. Sewers a all utilities in, paved st~ts and alleys. The house haa hwd. firs., nice dln. room and spacloua liv. rm. See this nice aolid home to appreciate. Price $12,000. TermR available. 2\0 ACREs IN THE BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY ~REA. Highly rie- strkted to slng1e famlly rest- dence. Price $6500. Costa .Mesa Realty 400 E. 17th St. at Tustin Ave. Oosta Mesa -Beacon .6818 Three Best Buya in Corona del Mar Sl0.750. New 2 bdrm. home, fire· place, 1hake roof. $14,500. New 2 bdrm. home. lge. living room with fireplace. EX- cellent hwd. flooi-s, forced air heat. Bea.ring !ruit treee. En- closed palio. Don't wait untU these are gone ACT NOW! Earl Chamberlain 000 Cout ~vd., Corona del-Mar (Opp. Newport Ht.rbor Bank) Ph-Harbor 2288 68c70 Corona del Mar $11,000, EZ Terms AltracUn 3 bdrm. home well heatftl t.n each room. l"lrepla.ce, plen~y of tile t.n<l.._cuplloudo. Nice fenced p&Uo. cloee· to netv poet offtce. 8EE "Tom Payne, Realtor 310 cout Hlway, Corona dd Kar 8acM -$40,000 - Call Harbor 1775 and uiake an appointmeDt to see these two lo\.e?y waterfront homes. OPEN HOUSE -SUNDAY -12 to 5 307 IRIS -CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm. home, smart and modem. Wall to wall car- peting, drapes, double fumaeea. A-1 construction, like Dew, ?arge Jot. 1 blk. to ocean. Price $19,000. Attractive TennB. Call Harbor 2474 for informa- t.ioD on this excelleot buy. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hlway Newport Beach 15th and Irvine Newport Beach 81G C.OUt Hlway Corona del Mar · 23b Marine Ave. Balboa !eland 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach . . BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Designed for enjoyable year 'roliDd living, well located 'on a double width lot, richly furnished throughout, the quiet charm and distinction o( this luxurious home will Instantly appeal to the dis- criminating taste! 4. ·bedrooms, 2 baths, maid's . l'(><im & ~th, pl~. extra bun,i ~ & bath, large living room, dining room, fully Wed kitchen, beautiful lanai opelling on spacious patio, 3-car ,garage, many· extras. By appointment. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor . . Exclusive Agent Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2{62 Balboa Island . . Speculators, ATTENTION NEWPORT BLVD. Sacrifice. Out of to>A'll owner says "SELL." 60 x 100 ft. lot So. of 17th St. Only $2700, this won't lut. Terms. $1000 DOWN buys a nearly new, completely turnished 2 bdnn. home & . garage. East Side. good k>eatlon. -$1950 DOWN on a brand new 2 bdrm. home and garage. Total price Only $7t&O. C. GALEN DENISON, Rea~tor rtl(;f : .A,l'lj}} 'J'OaNSON,''Broker', ' ''I ' '· '490 ' Newilo!-fi lJ5*d.~·-'eo..ta: .Mesa ." Beacon .6698 B~LBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT TWO BEDROOM HOME and 2 bed~m apartment-both ... with fine view. 'Ibis late model w-ell built property hu hardwood noon, furnace heat. Fenced yard and psUo. Laundry room and euily a.cceuible double garage. Ex- cellent rental record. Completely tum.. only $10,000 down. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor i 216 Marine Ave. ~boa Ialand Harbor 20 \ Back Bay Area - -1h ~cres ! " Country atmosphere wifh peace and" quiet-yet close to everything. OD private street, among other Dice homes, 132 ft. froDta~. On Tustin Ave. (~tween 22nd & 23rd) · · . -.. . Call Harbor .3~9 4' or write P 0 Box 35, Balboa Island 8<e us for yaur needa In Flame (wbere you can tirealhe the salt Hwd., t11e, eovered p&tlo, !up A TTRAC'l'IVE IDcomea A BusiD ... Property. air), DUPLll:X. Juat oocnpl•ted. lot, eacdlollt locaUon ....... Balboa Ialanci Special ·. . B'"''boa Perun· sula ldeo.I '*<h home, Willi-·· new homos. BAI.BOA ISLAND m ' I Newport Furniture Co. nimish.inp I it you a.re interested in seeing the very LATEST in dealgba and color. See this! THREl!l Bm>Rll., 2 bl.th 11o ... on tarp 80xll8' lot 1660 "'1- rt. plu• nuuonry """"' with radio controlled door, ht.a'clwoocl fiool:a. Farced" air -Lob of w... comp~~ fenced" aru1 lanclact.ped. B. A. NEREsoN '11,GOO. • $8950 2 bdrm. well fllno. -· , with "Little Island'~ . Att..di.... rodwciOd, brick '¥ 1982 N""POrt Blvd., Coot& Me.. -' ' l )>dnn, apt. onr prq-e, pllle • . lllln(ie "-with 3 ~ • , Phone Be""°n li225 8lllVl:N. B. R. H~ JU'9t ~A bl.th. Lota of t11o, 'n>e.-.ct 1"111' -~ Iii-w.lt-tloor;fllmace, large living rooei, . I Out Bt.lboa Bfvd. to the Pminsula.-Wa.tcb for arr0w) t Harbor. Investment Company -· ' REA.M'Ol!8 SOiia.and Newport.8"rd. " N..wport -.li Pb. ~ 1100 • ...., eaetollont location tarp ...,.. Phil Sullivan tlreplaee. A 11-1 Wy •t 128,300 1ng .for yOu. So -~ fUr: ~to p&uo. Double pnp, ----------e.i in -"""· Tiied •111&. NELDA GIBSON nllbed you only n..a ,.1 --. only ~l3.9CIO, t.ehno. Q-'·-old .......ruJ1y '8' 60d. Geo Ev bnJm. S B. R. up, 1 B.~ down. _ • • , h ~ •v•---;-·• eraon R&ALTOR • · • awtL -..-~dbl r ' . . Ct.11 -r Barbor »il..J "" -In Corona del MU -' 1• Newport Jlhd;. ca.ta 11--lfarlae .A~E t•!Mf ...... and ~ s.tM Ill! • l'IVlll RENTAL UNlT8 ... -' 11<>-at iu ---• I ' Harbor lnYeatment· \ Pb-Beam 7123" . • -4ilOit ' ...,,... Tll1a .. a""' --r 3 to bt.y, It Jots. qooO ~· ' •Ttllo New.I bdrm. bomo, II· blocJ< -• · ~-1ti ---. Seo -for an .,, ..... · · Conmanv (Ac--ca.ta II~ _, • • ~ . ::::.:; Prk; j. ......,. ~ . men ot U7Jlilll. lam.I. .• • FOR BALI: BY OWNER-Tawor ~ Blw. Ycrr ~.. ~ ...... llM·W\ BIL IMaJ tiOUlft . ' ..... • ....... . .. ·r., -..ioo .~. 0...... dol . -11' batm.~ll"Uo. dlll. pr. _,.,.,. • .. ..,, BL~ Realty Cc Ku, s ilclr._ s llauia. I.,._. Well, buOt of -mat•I le • l8tll -Nwpaa-..i. .. 1 '*'1uP1.a. w pier• lurcll,• la-v .. ~a. p i.r;.alMV , • • • • Pri""4 at m.GOO.~~ - -.. ~ v.w • .a. ..,. 1"tlee. u•.aoo ~ i-a. ... ~ -I'll: 9 .. 1e1111 ·Near Ocean & Bay · -·-~ month p111a ---~~ · • ~-~, -1 •· ... "• ._ --J.11.& -• , · • ""-~l all of ._ Olld pt MU Kew .. & -.. "6w,od , ........ ,. , · ~ m.YD. ftlllllft' ... •ft., ... I-. --lua-.................... , I 1t'Oloii-..,_a~ -&Be$" -.C: ... lln• -Be -tall ! MSW l -M. ..... .... FibJDOrria J,le&l.._ Co. )1 I' hi'··; I elf -...... ;qa2 ':.:... Qllld1a -. ll'B!J; or -. ........ -.._ .. • < n. -;;;,;;;;;;;;ml:i';;;::--;;-;;;--;::;: . u.e 11w1 -· n.... .. _ flllalo. -. -~ , B!. ..~ . . ,..... .,.. " ~ r ......, --· - -... ...,.. ,.. -.... •wwww &ftl,. •A a.. 1 P0.t PNI -·--._ a. ,_ a.• .. .t.~ ....... ...,!..'"~ ,2 ~-3 Aar a -11,:••·.toott ,..._._ .... -• h'nu --CoM. tr.B.C.t 5 'I-·4•1& w .... n sl•t 111111,;.,.·•i. a. 11aa,... -IJJMI • ' ~ -.._ .._ ·uu 11. --..·--. .......--.= •..,...; ......, n a• ..-111r • ._._ _, n oo~ ... ,. ••>wt 8lwd. • •n• Aa ..i •c e •·•·-.,.. Ml Miwt 11... 'Dllllis • <'llJUoe •. ~ ftoee8-llll . ,,.... __ . ftUo. x-,...c•1.. ..,_.,. .. ,.,,.,,..,._.,.._ -ft.•n-,......., ..... I ' • • -----··-----------·· -. ' . -,.. , ' I I -' . . . • ~ . . . I NOW-& FOREVER-. ~ WE WILL IOT BE UNDERSOLO:..... • Our Mass Buying Means Greater Savings! • , 3-LB. TIN Swiftning , SpeciOI Sale Price BREAKFAST CLUB -·.COFFEE 1-lb. ' Can BACOI & EGG SALE! ""cacHyONPortSiie .. OvR••' sR011ou1dAS•• T' §9~ SLICED BACON · 48~ All America• Grode A 52c . SMALL EGGS Don• CHOPSE OR RoAST 59~ -$-1 FANCY VEAL . ' ' ' BOTH FOR • • • . CLUB STEAKS 69· FINEST NOllTHEllN • r1·1cASSEEdyFOWL 49~ HALIBUT STEAKS 49· o·u·cLi't·1·1osr·•·d 59 '~ sf:tcifMP 45~ TIDE : ·. . .. . ' · LIPTOl'S TEA Pk9. of 19c 16 la91 If•·'•· 29c Pk9. IEST FOODS IOIDEN'S conAGI CHEEs·e . POUND 24C CAllTON DENNISON'S PORK AND BEANS 2 ,':!:.19c DUFF'S HOT ROLL ' MIX LARGE 25C PKG. Chien• of tlle SH .. . . ' .. • . ~ .. ·. HOLLY . ' HEMET . SLICID 01 HALYB SUGAR ·. . ' CUNG PEACHES • 10..lb. Bag ""'"""'""'1 .,.... '"" . NO. 21/z CAN · ~ ft HoUIJ " ~r c . ' . ' . ~if \\\\llTS & VEGETABLES " . • • • • • . lbs FANCY~THlllN IAllTLm P .. EA·R·s u; S. No. 1 Large Smootll WHITE 11051 SP·UDS lbs SOLID PACK .Tomatoes , : ) .HO. JV~~-. •' . . . . .. . · ... .... ~. ·'-\. .......... ·-·~ ··~· :.. ... .. ,_...,, ... , ...... ' Giant Box 73c Mayonn·aise . Pint 39c c . . FIRST WITH LOWIST PllCU Or ht 25% More I• IA40 Foll 9tiar+L Oaly.. .... Buy A Case;;. • • 'f • • • IEA T HOLIDAY SHORTAGES & NEW TAXES BETTER BUY IOW! . . It's an Eastern leer .. . SCHllDT'S CITY CLUB BEER · . • Piofs-weef . . . ,~!!EN P£is•~ -,..... ror ~ • • • • • 11 L. ,.:icrs~~~~ -/ ____ _ . "'A BEA·Ns ' Pie~:::~ .. -, . . 'z-oz. 23 . . I Orange , • I l'lf11, C • t1U1Ce . ~ . . . . . I . JfF I Kold .. Kist Delk:· .. I - - -. I .. BEEF s' .pl!!'woU' 1 ,,1c':::c~c::-·1 In 12-oz. 16c . .• -~ . . -.118 /, ··~uo~d I . CANS ·.::: · . . • '·l'l:>u._0 3 9 . . .... .., HADE · / FULL . 2·fic . .""•~. . . . c . II '. Z '~3· 11.c I 9UART ~ · :' ·i7.,, '.. ' , · · . \. -----~--' COMPLETE . SHOP!ING CENTERS [ ~ ... RJvtro. I • •\ 1 , • i • ~ -' I __)' ' • ' . I l I . I . - • • I I , , HAJlD AOBOffittn AND GASPING FOR AJB wa a Rex Bell. Barbor hip halfback whl-:n he vrent dowa. after a l~yud pin wtU.. the plpklll_nnnry' Ille.Id. Gle\'N Lowe (18) I.a already \\'alklna back for the huddle and tho next play. Bonita edd. II. Butterbauch (HJ ht. rwmtnc up """'Y to pllo oa II needed. The big-b 1Cbool &ridden fumbbed a tun event.a1'• excitement and hard play for their thousandtt of aupportial' fana. (Preaa PhotoJ • ••• rootball they have produced thla seuon, he dc<::la.red. OOA8rll .Bl.ACK 8001lES -jA 1oe,.. 1>1o<k by bck1e Bob Wood-(HI opened Jllo door for Oraal'fl Cout'• thlrd t~ aac1 IMtlJ'ed tltern of ,tJMi:l.r nnt 1931 Eutua Collfermoe wlD u John Black rambled -U ,.,:.S. lo ...,.din. Blad< la holnc chuod by two Fullerton pla)-en Leonard Wea\'ef and KelU. Ge.IMs. • (Hopda Photo) ' BRUINS READY PIRATES SET TO CLIMB · TARS TANGLE TOMORROW . . • 01'1U1~ Next, Wttk Whereaa Lynwood ~s an "out..st..andlng" paaatng and run· nlng comblnation, the Tara arc gaining strength each gf.Jll~. "Our end play Is starting to pick up again," the Coach 1&ld . ~ ·-· ••• ··-•.•.. Wi~HB~ll~EFORD MOUNTAINEERS . IN TILT ~!~,~.~~,~~!f;~ir:C01~:gu';~~~~ LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11 -.SATURDAY AT Mt. SAC a wef"k hence agalnet Orange High UCLA's underdog football team ., School. g~ north tomorrow to open It.It Orange Cout college Pirltea footballers, now solid conte.ders WITH HOT LYNWOODERS The battling Tans will press for their aecond win of the sea.son Aside from a few minor lnjurlea. Pacific Cout Confe'1ence cam· for the Eaatern Conference champlonahip, invade ML San A.nlonio now happily cleared up, tht' Tan tomorrow night when Newport Un.ion High School's blue-grey war· arc In Kood physical condition , lr· palgnlng Satunta.y agaiMt an un· Junk>r college Saturday night for their BeCOnd game of the 1951 ~· riors will tangle with Lynwood High's purple and gold clad football win stated. d~featcd ~ta.nford eleven. which son. withlri the league, The Pirates will enter u favorites to ea,.se squad. Set for 7:30 p. m., the game will be pl&yed at Davidson F ield ga.lnPd nationwide recognltton lut put Mt SAC and s<'t up the game with San Bernardino ai Hunting-• week by walloping onee mighty · . . where a fut-breaking game is ex-331620 Deer Shot Michigan. ton Bea.ch high next Thursday night as the probable title teller. peeled to ht-witnessed by MVeral able on Lynwood pJayere, they BE>ing underdogs to the Indlan.11 Game time 18 slated for 8 p .m . thousand s pectators. "look like pretty falr-1dzed boys. Through Oct, l Is nothing n('w for Coach Red !an-at the Mt. San Antonlq. st&dl~m . Fresh from their la.at week's but . they C&l'I be bandied," the d('r8 &.nd the BrulnB. They've been It can be reached by going Coach reported. In lhc same predicament the pa.at through Brea Canyon a.nd taking EASTERN OONFERENCE ST-':SDINGS triumph, the Tan are "all raring Gam6 captaln8 San Francisco .. Oct. 11 -Th£' two years and on bot~ occa.elons the first cut-off to the left after lo go," according to Coach Al Ir· Dt•partmcnt or Fm:ih and G~n1e re-UCLA h8JiJ conic out on the long leaving the canyon. The cut-oft W L San Dernardino ......... 1 0 Orange Coast ...................... 1 0 "Ain , who saw Lynwood in· action Game capt&ln.'1 for the Lynwood vcalC"d today that Ciihforn1a deer end of lhe score. 14 _7 In 1949 and Is about 9 mtles out or Brea City IMt wee k. fracas will be Bruce Baird, right htlnlent had taken a total of 33,-121 _7 la.st sea.son. . ai;d lc&d.3 to the campus. Ml. San Antonio ................... 0 0 tackle, and Bill Hopkins. right 620 deer by the first or Octobt'r-In handing Sant.a Clara It.a Ray RoMo, Pirate coach , ts The Lynwooders, he said, U8C a halfback . Baird w\11 take charge t 11 p 1 "~ d f opping 8 rt'v o ... rccor 5 . or wor11t gridiron defeat in 23 yca.ni. 11kepllca.J or hi.'1 team's chances in Santa Ana ···-· .................... O 0 RiveN!ldr-. ....... ........ .< .... 0 0 flanker T-formalion style, adding during offense, Hopkins during de· tQ.c t enth day or the late hul'l.t1ng 44 _17, last week , the Bruins tum-the be.ck yard of the MounlainP-ers .. feJJ.se period•. Starting line -up -uon that they pouess a very, ver-y ~ · eel looee dnc nr the most brilliant who fn..<it t o the tough California Fullerton ....... ' ...................... O 1 Chaff~y ........................ 0 1 • lt k .. 'T"lo.•-will be the same 8.8 la.st .wt"ek. .,._ d h t al d " ,-good pa.53ing a ac · .1.·u"" \'fU ovw an arrow un ers r JJ(' offenlllVt" halfbacks since the daya Frrahman at Berkf'ley 20-8 and to quite evident to lr:w1n when he ''It the boys play like .they did their e.nnual bag lo 28 decr-11 of UCLA's Inimitable Kenny, previously unacored-on Ventura, nw Lynwood trounce St. Monica, Jut Friday night against the or which wt•re• reported taken in Wa.nhl.ngton. , . Z9·I3, tut week. The two Josse& a Catholic league team, 28-0 Jut Bonita Bearcata, we can win," the early sea.aon. All the ClgUrea Pilch.1.nJ" Paul Cameron la Ute. were sandwiched wtth a ~-20 win Thut'"8day n.itbt .tLSt.l!.,lf.. ~pnk:L lnvln predicted. "But we can't are baaed art t.41»Ul~ ~dee-"'1 nupt-Jtyear-oJd Brp .op~ tall· over Pierce .. ROMO t. primarly .At that. the Lynwooden .had two pi.,y a.a We-"lMd against Riv~." lng tags-retM1~'ie'1lfe~~ back who catapulted hlmMlf to ah-aid of ht. boys lookCng oveT touchdowns called back. The team obviously is ··up" ment by 11ucceufuJ hunten. the lop rank ot the natlon'a the Mountl.~ to-San Berdoo next Having also an excellent run· since last FTlda.y night's victory. A Department spokC'sman urged ground-~inlng stara by having a' week. "It we atop thinking foot- NHUHS Produces t Keroee1>1ayetr · ning attac~ the inland team "It 'helped to win one," lrwin hunters to mall theft tags .early, hand In 'atx or the neven touch· baU tot" one instant, wc"rc loat," promises to be a tough roe, Irwin laughed. .'IO that gan1e managers may as-dOWll& UCLA scored agaJnat the reported Roaao. Newport Harbor High Coach Al Irwin ha.s produced several key players for Ora.nge Coast college. Several former Tars are seelng h<-avy action for the P irates, in- cluding three .starting memben of the offense te&m &nd five mem- beill of the .starting defense team. stated. They are unbeaten thls He pla.m to stick to the T-ror.; seas the results or the 1951.-hunt-Broncoa. On the ba..sla of their showing 2eason and whipped Chino a week mation the Tan have been using mg seasons in time .to n1ake rec-Cameron ran for two of the ta.I-again.st Fullerton, Rosso will ago by a conYlncing 38-6. this aeuon. Defin1lely, however, ornmendalion.s (or next year's sea· liea for one a.nd five yanla and elarl Howard Miller at quarter· Although no we....:tgb;_ta_-_•_r_e_av_all_·.c._lhe __ T_an __ wlll __ ha_v_e_t_o_p_Ia_y_lh_e_be_•~t '-"°-"" __ an_d_ba_g_ll_ml~u,. _____ then hit receivers w1tn Lr,MPs of ~k. JeM Smith and John Blatk oo~,-oaop ~ Smtu.,.....,, ..... """' ..... _,..,. .. , ror OrM.,. ~. -, ; -It .......... l'Ullerlo. -y lllpt. .»l!>k ...._,(HJ .-... .... -.. B ....... ,-.a ... Bn"n to .. "'1 -1 r .. TD wtllcb Pll& \be Ptnlft In ftont 11-7. 0-~ J-Mtp I*' (•); 011 ._., (NI. di( dia ll'llMq) • ZO, :>o, 11 and 30 yard8 for four at halfbacks • and H&l Smith at more score• and & new Bruin fullback. Black racked up 8.4 echool record ror TD toNeS. The yards gained per carry average old mark of three touchdo wn against Fullrrlon in 14 runs and pa.sacs wu SE"t by Bob Waterfield Jese Smith avC"rage 7.2 yard..'I in in the 19-42 Idaho game. J7 trieiS while Hal Smith went at The Burbank whiz also tied a 5.2 clip in l I stabs. Watertield'.'I one-game total of· l}t0B80 indicated that he would renae record of 30fJ yards Rt In start the same offeruilve line the ,.me Idaho contest. Cameron whlcb. got the call against Full· ·piled up a total ot 114 net yarda erton. Don Paxton will start at In all. there are 12 Newport Harbor gradua~s in the Plrale roster. Jack Meeks slarts at ,of- feru1 ive right end along with right tackle Bob Woodhoilse and lett tackle Ed Mayer. Maurie Lang- dale hokls down an end position on the defenatve· unit and Mel Smal- ley Ls a nuhlber -one defensive halfback. tn 19 carrlee and compleUd 10 t?'lt le(t end; F.d Mayer, left tackle: Mayer. Woodhouse Md Mt>eks ot 18 pa.sees for 192 ya.rrta. Fttd OWns, left guard; John Mc-al.'IO play defell8e. Smalley doe111 The Bro~ tlgure to be near top H&rgue, center: GU Macah, right m08t or the conversion kicking strength for the Indiana. All~ guard; Bob Wogfihouse. right and ,all the punting and shares Arnerica.n line-backing candidate tackle: Jack Mee.ks, right end. kickoff duties wtth Langdale. Har-DoM Moomaw ahould be recover-ed b e ttrne 1 m & ulled ~e defensive unitll wi.ll remain low Rlch&rdeon lettered la.st year Y gam ro P the same with tht-exception of a..a a rr-gular but ha.e been hamp- muacle ln the ch~•t he fl.:WJlalned Ed Ma wh will be at. le.ft ered by t,njurles most of this .'lea-tn the Santa Clara gam~. Cap-yer 0 ta1n Ha.II Mltchelt top. tackle, tack1e ln plac.-of Don Barnett 11.nd son. shouJd be a"eady to >;t> &gain a.fter Ha.I Smith who will back up the Bob \\'alts. &ll·Sunsct league aitUng out lhe entl.re Bronco con-line ln a six·ma.n defense In place here at Harbor in 1949, t.. the teat with a foot injuf-y. of McHarguc. fa.stelit ma.n on the team and !lees The lJCLA l'IQUact. backed by lte&\'k-r Une Sf>t action at ofrens1ve ha.lfback &nd aonle 3500 NOTth-bound rc..olrn, Mt. SAC Coaeh Archie Nisbet fullback. Other Tars out for the leaves tomorrow at 6 p. m. via wUJ stan a heavie'r line lh&n team include end Lincoln Clark, United Airline& They'll atay at Orange Coast and W1ll also have tackles Jack Clark and Roger San Joee's Saint Claire Bo~I. the edge In Utf back field. His Pfist.e.r and guard Keith Burch. llne· of Henn Van Vuren. (190), B .L I a let&. end; BUI Ca.ah (l9Q), left as~etbal League ,, W:kle; Ronald Gr>en (170), left d guard; Bill HuklH (160), center; Being Organize. Merrill Evan. 0001. right guard: f Bob Newton <220), right taekle: or L~guna Play and Orin Allen (lM), right end, - . avera.ge1 186.4 compe.red to Orga:nl&aUon ~t . a ~etbaU Cout'a offensive line average ot leque o! 11JC to eight, tee.ma. •lated '182.4. Nlabet's bacld'leld ol Dar· PIRATE SCHEDULE Sal., Oct. 13-at l.tt. San Ant. Thurs., Oct. 1&---San Bernardino at Huntington Beach Fri., Oct. 26-a.t R1ve1'8lde Thura., Nov. 1-&l Chafte)' , SaL. Noy. 10-t Santa. Ana SaL. Nov. 17.....:at BoiM, Idaho ThunL. Nov. 22--f.t H&rbor J . C. to play tn Lagllna Hlgb School rew Weema illl:I), quarterback: ' gym wu announcrd today by Tai Dick Foul.JI (180), left halfback: LAWN BOWLING Wirlteson. Lea-play will begtn Norm Nypi.rd (190), ri(ht ball-· · Oct. 30 and continue t.brouCh Feb-l>ack and MUI Mann (ll!O). ,fldl· A inethocl of puttlnc life Into rua.ry. , 1 back, ·avecagea 173 T comt>ue<t to th• locality without marrt.n.s lta Baaketball pl&yeq or teams c.o,..t average of 171.:). Ml. SAC beauty. ram Newport &t&Cb, Balboa~ u a UJ\lt averages 180.1 to Coaat Orem• owned and mlllntatned B&lbo& laland lnt.ereatecl in pla • 176.9. by I.fie Ci,ly of Newport Beach I Ing In the l..q>!na llUch-Four Jctf.wnen aro tn the for U!e benofi~ <>! the public, and •re tnvltll)d to let ln totlch wU.b Mounty's start.lng Une-u.p. Tackle perated under the aupervtaton of Whlt.gon at the p<m and malce Bob N•wt.on .,.. a power tn . Jut the Newport Harbo'r Lo.wn Bowl· arrangement. to jol.1> tHn>a or &•l JMr'a..JOeCOnd. place dub and (Jo. b\g AaMldattoa,~ a noa ·profit tcama plo<:ed on U>e lllL Caplalna Pbul.&' and Nygaard oaw CorporaUon. ' ' Games will be Of two l!!l,.. hff"J' action ,.. balfbacka Jut Daya of play: lllodn-y, Fri· with lzOplliea belnc stvm tor ea1! you. ~ tou.rtb ktterman, quar-day, Satwdvr Sunday and all llalt • .Ga..-will be ployod 1on te.-lt' w....,., pl&~ed hallbaek boll~' lo ''wliicll Ille public la TUeed&Jw. Jrom 7 to 10 p. m. 1aot ~. coach Nlobot rata e1ld oonllally tn.it.oc1. w~ may P.-oUy, lhckCJID lo _. I.., Ortn Allen .. ..,. of the ti-be obtab>;ed-a~ .. C-on play· ~ fO< plia-"!'8 to -~ --™lcb<n lie bu -.:bod at lag da)'W br ~ .........,. al up fot ~ ~· ,. I kt... s.AC and n.t.s tacJde Bill Hart>or 1921-'IV or i!arlJor OTM-W. J-Caah nn .,.__.,. par wtlll IMW· A de&a, -~ and -.,pot1. ...... ~ Wf P-¥1E man .N~. Un OU~ ~ • ' . . , . , FALL : BOWLING PtROGRAM ' . . AFTIRNOONS Thursday -Housewives lnsfructio.n Leogue Orange Coast College . Bowling ·Club Soturday -~.u.nior 'Bowling Leogue AOES 10 lo 18 1% NOON 'TILL ! P. M. OP.EN · BOWLING AND INSTRUCTION . . every Afternoon -and \ Saturday and SuQday .; l VAN'S BOWltNG ALLEY PHONE: BEACON MS!! 1703 Superior Ave • COSTA MESA ~ ~ pasaengers do travel ''under it.a...'' Along our liiim in the \\\lot many of the nation'• -!811t aoenic 1tz tractiona are to be found. Giant picture windo,,. in great new trains put the Weat on display for you. It's like riding in a traveling showcase. J , • ' ~--"--Chair Can on Southern Pacific'• modem •w.,..........• have 1-1 built With your comfort thefuwl comideration. Dust-free, draft..free air-conditioning. No-slare Bu~l lightilt(. Sort-aa-a-cloud f0&111-rubber -i.. Lota of leg room and m""""""'11 room. Enra-larp windowa. Feather· touch doora. Spacious waabrooma. 'lbat'• why Chair ~ on ljoutbem Pacific atnamlinen are the -lumrious ront. bf all low-.:oet tranaporiation. • • .. .. • • i 1 ~ . ' • • • • - ~ •• •• /. € • .. •• .. "'-"' 2 '--PART 11". - THURSDAY, OCT. I h 1951 r -~ -. -:c--:::-==-;:..;::__ -----------~- . - A Man· and bis Docror ... TAKING THE ltUGS OUT Of LIVING • i : I • Tile propTld o-r k new ev~­ body in town •nd •II dae Iowa•• · ro!:tlenu. From beht&d bU n1111crio u1 prnn-lplion :.-• C'OllDler lie f rfl(UC'Dlly dJ.. pen.H4 1ym.,.., •nd u.ndn-- •t...Uns .a... irith his pills '·a...1 pollqn .. • ' • • ' • • A ~DY DIU OF STIJDY e LiM h• 1J>6edtd up • . . be- come ia<;reatil\gly con1pkx 1ince • theec e-t-ping days. The plurm- ~ of to4ay, ualil:e bit fo~ nuiner : .. who mu11lly lle1rn"'1 the drt1( bueinea·a1 an apprentice , • , m\Uf. !'!Meet some mi&btJ rigid ttquirementa Mfore he iii ~r- mitted to .fill one !lingH pre- .cripti&n. First of all, he muat ha,.e four years of inten1i1.:e tfain- 1111 ~n Pharmacy . . • Chenri~ry • , , lilateria lifedica ••• Toxi- coloa •.. Physiology ••• loolo- TARS A..'ffi ~PAJIS OF THI!: ~WPOtl'I' HA.RMB lilQR ,.,..., ff't ttl af'tH FrNlay nlg'ht'• l'•tCCMf;_ c-. ~ ~ .. ~ · a. free dalMW" and fl'\'enln,c nf pleum,e la one *t the -.cltOof JYIM. Patron• of thr party were tile memberw or tbfl mp &bo91 Par-- ent-Tr&<-h4'r AS80ClaUon. A thrtt-plett orch~tra \\'IM provldNI SPORTSLOGGER LAUDS OCC . . ' ' (Preas Pho lo) DOG F1l!lLoD T&A.ILS SET "nte ttrui annual Mooting dog field t.ra.11 ot the Salinas Valley Sport.Ing DoJ A.ssoclatJon wlll be ~-WiOll'I' ~ ""' Lqlma Beach , .. _ :H<>w-t BMcb Or;y OoW>ellmen by mall Kcmdq nlpt -tho *-' =· puUolpMIM ..... s,z,..., Gt" L&cuu'8 MW dt7 llllU. Tile ec:mmno!cettae ... ,..cec1.~. - . .. .. PONY AND GRACE S~1ER·RILL APPEARING NITELY Witlr ·· , '· . . I . PHIL MOODY AND . BOB BIELEFELDT AT THE PIANO AND DRUMS K'I ••• Pha.rmacognol'1 ... &.t.. ny . • . Biolegy . . . Bactff~ • . , Pharniaeoln'1 ... ~licro­ KOPJ • . • and l'harmaceutical Juri.lpntdence. Ne.11 he mwit Kine a year"• intem1hip ondeor a re&iatered pbarmaci•L Con- pletift8 that, he muat take • State Board e:1am in11ion-a tbtff- ~y WTitH:n and .,praC'tical" tetit. If be llbcceed. in puain~ thc.n SQUAD'S PERFORMANCE Dons Will Host. Riverside Squad ... hl'ld Oct. 1 S and 14 at the Blanoo ---------·Interesting and . Unusual Foursome---- • • • • • •. ' .. • I ' • • ' • • • • •• • • • • \ • • • • ... • • -and then only-does be rttt:iYe hit &late liot:nsc. YOU'RE ON Tn E ~M. TOOi e Y oar pharnuieMI'• Ji-It 19 • eoacecf-...,.t 'P""'"-'6ie ~ e__...flshtma, p... k •N a medldna r oar dodM' N<I! men4•. He M • "'ilal .... .I t.he lealm i• d.e oevft"-C1Hli.c tonta t aa:da!it ~-8 11 1 bear I.a .Hnd J1b~ nKJ _. the Numller Qfte p~er -6e learn.. y..,. ~wn .,Gd b-.kh and w•..fw:ins rnu~t tK-P., wltb ltOOT Yoa alone am ~atd. f e r Na.tare'• d...- •lpal. &ha1 tt!ll you some .... of yeur bod:r n~• •H-tioa. T•ke every prrc:aution to pro- tect your n...,n he•lth , OFFER FRO)I PllYSIClANS OF PR ANGE COUNTY e If you lo.now of anyoH «;Wng witbotit • phy,iciau's c•re iDlt+, because lie It.inks he can"t afford it, pie~ C'all our P.ledical A.sci•· ti•• offke inu~diat~ly. Tht m.ecli- cal profesrion of Ora•8'! Cou•tt, whoee memba. place the -& r ..... o( their pal~nt• abo\oe all other cor111ider111ion!. acct"pta ill rcspon•ibilily for the proYi!ion of needed mf:'dical care for any· o .. without ~pl"i\in,::: h.is fantilr of the 01Mr ba«iC' 11~C'991tin of life. The c."bargini: of kn whirot\ appear 10 be vi:rr!!ll!i\e shauld be rerorted to d1e ~IC'rlical l1.!S«ia· t'na.. nnu \'OU ARE ... ELL e The dM tor'• ( tt actually rep..-.t• ~·e __,,, .. ,. ef tke tol•I e:.penae oI 1oe.rlou iltneM. Arn111e. whne ,.... are wen, •• m eet ........ ,..... throqh • "'olunt.11rr h eallb in- •unntt plan o·r Y••r OWll choosinc. Se,·eoly·one mllliem Am erican• •l r~ad1 have done "'" I N AN EMERGENCY e If JOG need a doctor and are unUle lo rcoticb Jo•r pn-..1 pbp.lc'-M, ••~lance will be ,U,.t• t._,.q.h the HUal (acililies of tbe On.,. Cou.ntr i1eJical A-.ri• tioo. wJtK:b maintain• • ~ p•hlic .e~ice !or i•st ..ah ,._,.. ........ OWOE coa11n ..a ASSICJA1111 , ...... , J.a.9 He.,Jq .. rt.rs Oflice -Otis 11c1<J SANTA ANA Kimberly 2-i827 By Rod :ll M"Mllllan A.a: predictE'd by thJ• departmt-nl Wt. u most of you readers. art la.st week. Ora.nge Coasl college naturally partial to tbe Pirate.. took Fullerton in their Eutt>m The league looks tou«h with no Conferencf' op~nt>r . WC' pi<'kt'd the ont> learn really oulllanding (un- Pirates on thE' bC"lirf that if tht"y I leu It is lltlle known San &ir- pl&fed football the way .ll "''as dool . :P.1't. San Anlonlo and Chaf- euppc>lsed to bf' played, 1f they ft>)' are gt>ntraUy rt>garded aa block ed and tackled M lnstructt>d ... out of thf' plcturt'," but Rivenlde, they were and are RB good 8.A any Full<'rtOJ}. Santa Ana are all given team in the leaguE'. w,. RIM r f'la t -P..n rven chance along \•:ith Coast ed lbat If the locall5 let up at any ror th~ c.hamplon8hlp. time they a.re an~ wW be as poor \Vlth such knoWleclge, why nol u any team in lbe ,eague. pick your team tt you have faith Football, aa ll \e pl4yed toda.y. In them T u you .ff.fll ~ tlliey ta large)y a ea.me ot hustle. ThE're can play ball on an~n .,., wttW la more mefltal conditioning and the olhl'ra. why admit defeat by demands than ever before. Thf' ricking th~ olhf're over your club. te&m that is rf'edy mf'nta.Jly will In our tnlnd. our ·Pirate t«'am is ~ the tt-am on top m°"~ of thf' bc'tter than tht> olhf'r8 unlil prov· -time. E'd dlffen'nt on the football field. Take a look Rt the PiratC"s on tr the playE"rs make up their t!te two miec-eoding-SaturdayH. mln<b to ma.kt> any one earn a One week, apinl'l Or!'gon T eeh, vlC'tory be.fort> gtvng up, tht-y will they failf'd to bk><'k, lacklf' or f'Vl'n ~ nE'ar the top at lhe ~nd of Ule think. "\\"hen Uwy WC"r<' knocked Sf'8"<ln. lt they all down and reat down t.hey 8'11.yffi down. Af{ainst on thC'ir laurtb or 1tart lookln~ Fullt>rto~. they carrit'd through ahE'&d to a tuture game, they "''ill with their blocks. thf'y tac;:klt>d u make this department and lht>m- t'h.ey WC'rC' 11:u-ppost>d to tacklf' and ~1ve8 look ,pretly silly. they got tip wtif'n lhPy were block· ed and wt"nt a.tt~r the ball ('arrler. Conse,ut'nUy, lht"y outc..la&"N'I· f\11. lertcm. lt only ~Of>!'l to prov<' that the game of football ls \\'on on the field, not by papt>T' chpplnj?s or not by paJft laurel.a. \\'e hopt> that the PiratPI f('am<'d that through Or~on Toch and \\ill not nt.>ed another lf'l!!!lon.' There Is room for improv<'ment. their play t lmini; '''SS not as per- fect ·u It C"Otild haw beC'n and raned blocking drf'W four l 5-yA.rd penalties. One thing il! for sure. the Pirates are on tht' uphill climb and l!hQUtd reach a peak for lhP San Bernardino game a "''e<'k from tonight-next Tbur8day at Hunllngton Beach High. Saa Bl'mardino 8a,a Navy=Mafine Bowl Clash on Oct. 28 After an absence of one year lhc annual Navy-Marine Bowl ti.It bf-twl't'n tht' two top service teams or lhe Navy on th(' west cout will be re-vived al the Ro8fo Bowl, ac- c-o rding. to M flyor Al110fl E . Abfor- nt"thy o( Pasadf'na. who rttenUy N'turnOO from a trip \.o tM San D1efro &rt'& Naval Baee1J. The lf'lln:l.B plc'k<'d for this year'• con- test to be staged Oct. 28 a.re the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot or San Diego and the Navy's power- ful AlrPac eleven.. Wit.b bot.h team11 ~ating top collegiate and profeulonal talenL Sant& Aaa will hoot tile jtlv.r- aide Tigen tomorrow l't.igbl al tbe MWllca.p&l Bowl to Gpe.n lbe Eul· em Conference J, C. toolb&ll ac:heduJe. Gettln« otr to a a.low at.aN., the Do11.1 dropped three out ot their four pre-conference pm.ea to such potent roea u the El Toro Ma- rlnea, Paaadena C. C. and lut year's National Champion.a, Long Beach Clly College. Coa~a BUI Cook and John Ward exPict the team to be in better abape to me-et t~ conference competition than wtien they raced the noo-Jeque teams. . ... The Santa. Ana team's .-..main "-·eaJcnesa so far has been 1ti lack of depth In both the llne and back- field. Using one or the fa.steal backfield combtnationa he has ever had, Cook Ls dependtng on their speed to carry the Dona attack. The line welgh.9-ln with a.n aWr- age of 199 pound& and the back- flC"ld lips lhe ac&Jes w1lh &n aver- lllgt> ot 181, the tt>am averaie be· ing 190. Bob Smith !JI lhe m&lnatay al the quarterback position with Flo:rd Strain and Bob Umpreu, the team·1 number one .corer, at the ha.lfback . spot.a and .M:Uton Kikert hand.Ung t h e t'UJlb&ck chorea. On lhe line, team captain Chuck Sitton and Frank Fyeze are at the vid poeitlon with LeRoy El.aenbraun and Wayne Schnak.ftl- berg, tackleti. M•rvin Kravlt.s and Bob Crwn.ley Guarda. and Tom Moore at center. Dathan Bums, • •~t on de· renae, played part or Lat week'11 game and la exptt:ted to eee more action aplnst Riventde, be ls re- coverinl' tr-om an ankle sprain re- ceived In the EI Toro game. Denny Sampton and Wayne Schnaken- berg are expected to be bacJ:i; in the lineup after mlsaing la.at ~k·1 game because of lnju:rlee. . Riverside lut week d.di:ated Mu:tr 18-8 to end th~ir .. pre-Con- ference achedu le ln a winning way. Fullback Joe Hendry ~d hal"fback Btlly Thomaaon will be the two Tigers Santa ~ will try to ·hold. Young De11~wls to Meet Od. 20 , There arr many storiM of tht" p 1 U"I ouUtanding veterans of sudden matriculation or so many coaching staff call~ tJ.ck into_ '"Ea.8tern" bo~ to thf' campUJ\ or active duty fr'om the reaerw1. the San Beman:lino. The j'eDt'ral be-names on both team rostera wUJ lief nf)w la that lht Plratc-San ring with tarnUlarlty. Na.mes like Berdoo g&mP w ill havC' a.n lmpor-Stan WWlam3on, head mentor of tant ~~ on the champlonahip the Air Pac sqµad and 8 former ho~ of both schools. CoMt UiJ All-American from USC; llffvea tn • si)ot or supposedly hitting a Baystngu, recent aig11.al caller for ''Wea.k" cNb th.13 SatUrday and the Naval Academy team well re- could r ceeWe a ·setback by looking meMbettd by Army, who CM>&Chea O'lllfrl' lbe K L Sac game to the tu.-and playa tor the sailors. The me with th~ "Joade<f' .\ndfana who Martnce will have Private Volney The flNt Fall meet.inc ot the bave racked up three Jopaided wtll3 Peter• and Corpora.I Walt A.ab· the Orange County Young: Demo-- I over J4ni9r .coJlep cippotition and cratt. freah from USC"a roeter. crata Oub wW be beld on Sa.tur- one four-year college. Early sea.-, Both t-ea.ma bad ouutandlng day, Ocl 20, 1951 at e :30 p. 'to. son dopest.en: gave San Bercloo rec;ordl tut aeuon. · at the home ot Julia and Ke11 UtUe recognition ·bec&uee of the So tar lhla· eeuon the aa.llora I..ong, lSlll South Deod&r stttet. ft.et that they knew lttUe of the have t.een able to rematn Wldeteat· Santa An.a. cantomia. ' -rooter. c-b Clyde Wll-ed wltll two Marine ecalpo already Thlo will be a -iai m .. unc llama aieema to have come up .wttb Ued to their belta. They dropped with a wiener rout an d'Ulf: food m-than Ille dopeotera figured tho Qy\Dg IMU>rmec:b of El Toro wm be tllrnlolled by Ille commit• I.Rd could make It a bunUng run-ln the eeaaon opener, M-1. and tee. The pcopoam wlll. coiud.lt. of away. Ulen edg.d by Ille Comp Pendle-danelnl( • ....Uey i.11. - OGO P1okM F1nt too KarlMa, :18-27. plq -. -'""'1> olnCfDC will Our prediction In tut weelt'• Tiie Marin .. ot Ban Dl•go loot be~ by Via& KM ~er. !l"P'I' --IJ tllat t11e ·P1ratee wollld their .....,n cur\aui nlRr to Jar )'OWllJ UC<>mloni.t ot Mnta -.S UJ> ln·f!nt place -.. be.oed Arimna State, 28-13, lllMI' then Ana. oft twe11nc ratl>er than pure raet. bou...led beclt. I.ti laDobut t11e a1r-Y-c Democnu b<lm San . . ...... ot Mo!rett ll!'leld to u.. IUJI• ~ and 1-AllJO!a O>Wttla ------:-------------------lo1 101.o. I bave -tavttecl to -m~ . FINIST OCEAN FISH •ztan ~b~ Qezz · L,.., . .. , •. lstuMs' .SIA ..... ' • • WSOZVI: 819(11&1 • Dlilmmn '° \ 11~ by ~ C11,J ot P-· All 0tmocrata --1IM! .,.. dona and a 8YMV i.n...... --of 18 ond fO -QbrdWbo llmttd teirt, -tal<lfo W1li ... lldmlt.ted -~ ma:i .... -~ but muot cot tlCl<eta from ...ith ~Vu. Ta-. II& •111 .. '9 ER I' la nnt JIQ1d 111 _.. ..... - PTo t 1 _.a. ts: a ~~-8'Jwl, . ...._ AM. ·--... 111~ a , .. I -,.~ .. -. 0 •• --- .._. ____ _ i-•,-11 'Wut A4 w I, , c~ ot t he Sallnu River bot- tom. ·Entries wUI be accepted by E. C. Pler80n, aeeret.a.ry, Hotel Callfomta, Sallnaa. ftenlt. eotne rrom co.nstant Practice! An •d Tq'Ultl'ly tn UU. COMPLETE DINNER UNnL MIDNITE BALBOA .·VAUX~S BALBOA ' paper wtll produce TUUJU for you l '----------------------------'------------~ ' • --- • I llOW 1111 IOl:-:1'."."E-. -9RtflOW••M'mll • n.e .... Ori6>w> ... -m &om die Mm.MN ol. a .ew '""'b"'-lic _ _.._, lo c-lriaM -.,...,.._ spr·i na=-· sioa aad bal· -.~. v ... .,.. ............ ' ioains 11JOWS o.w ,..,. ......... • '· \ I -, • ' , • I • • f ' • ' ·. , ' L ) • ' ' Mothers and Teachers· Meetings at Elementary Schoo~ Poi>ular The lllfhly ......-Ui - meetlnp at wbk:b t.eacllen and l!'lnt Grode rMn . Schwl~rl mothen become acquaintod and Mni. w: H. Cbarltan and Mra. C. the mothers are tntonnea on var--N. Wvner:1 Second Grade (Miu toua phuea of tbe echool propam. Robinaon() Mn. R. J . Walla~ and are ~Inf conducted acaln lbla Mra. H. D. Breyu: llec~d Grade year under the sponaonhip ot t.he · c N ia Ruttman) Mrs. M. E. New- Newport Beach EI em en tar Y land and Mra. J . M. Robinson; Schoob PTA. Second Grade (Mn.. Slonn) Mra. Due to the luger enrollment at H. Vf. Utman and Mn. Or.In the Newport Grammar ICIK>ol, ThorkllUen ; Second Grade (Mn. Mrs. Kenneth Farnsworth, room Wardl Mn. N . O Archey a.nd Mn. mother . ch.airman, report. that &d Rlc.hardaon; 1 Second Gndr, theae get-togethers &.re belngt fMi.u Wolti!) Mrs. J . S. Beat.tie planned by grade& but that the and Mn. L. c . Nott; Third Grade group will break up into eecUons IMra. ~ntoill Mrs. Oqulai and at the cl~ Q/ the program to Mra. G. c. Stevena: Third Grade mttt more intimately with respcc-fMls!I Kuhlndtt) Mra. Mf A. Berry tive cluaroom t ea chers. over a cup and Mts. R. u . Gathman; of coffee. Third Grade (Mlai Schmidt) !ht" expla(latlon of the eemest-Mns. H. l . Perry and 1.t:ra.. c . R . E"r 9 work a.nd goal& by the teacher Ruatenbac b ; Third Grade (Mrs. and the diacuuJon period wh.ich Blakey) Mra. G . S . Froehllng and follows w iU give a verr good idea M R A G I . Fourth Gradtl 0~ what i__, expected of the child in 1 ~ ft..il> r,;;:_erOa.nn and Mn. h 111 school work .a nd t.he cooper-L.. A . Smith; Fourth Grade tMlas Mlve part the parE"nt can play _In Beh) Mrs. Nat Seal and Mrs .. H . the home -school telatJonship. H T F th G d 1 M · h · . racy; our ra e rs. Plam arc al.so mad" at t ese m-Lyall) Mra. Yoakum ·and Mrs. fo rmal mretlnp for the spt>elal William Louden: Fourth <!Ira.de partloe held in each room at .Hs;I-(Mias Bonnell Mn. c. F . Schlnd- Jowt'cn, Christmas, Valcntme s, 1 d .,_ Cl -· Fifth d t b I er an .in.11J. arence nupp; Ea.ste~ and the l&st ay 0 ~ 00 • Grade (Miu Craig) Mrs. Pugh Durlng the general .seuton ~qt d M E J p tt r . Flfth these mf'etings, popularly called an n . " · a e ADn · Ka!fee K latches, Mi.as Emma Mat-grade (Mrs. Lar&on) Mni. Li E. till. .sc hool dlstrict nurse, will ex-Cock and Mra. Wilder : li'Uth plain her work and Mi&a N&dine Grade I Mrs. Handy) Mrs. R~dy H ermanson will describe th ~ Weigand and Mrs. Ziegler; Fifth spef'Ch l'duca.t lon progTant of Grade (Mrs. Gerhardt> Mrs. W. A . which she i! in charge. Corbin a.nd M.rs. Rylette. Mrs. Famsworth announces the October 8chffiulf" following list of room mothers: Mrs. J ohn Shield!, Newport Room Motbrn1 .school co-ordinato r, and Mrs. K lndergarl('n, (Miss B o w 1 es) Far nsworth announce the schedule Mrs. Norma n HutchinK!I and Mrs. for the meet ing of teachers and w . H. Coleman; KJndergarten. mothers at the Newport school u 1 Mrs. ChrlslC'nSf"n ) Mrs. G. E . follows : J ohnson and Mrs. P. H . Bassett; First gT&de, Oct. 8, a t 2:00 p. First Grade. (Miss Billings) Mra. rTI.: Second pade, OcL 15, at 2:00 E . B. Neff and Mr!J. D. W . Canip-p. nt.; Thirtt grade, Oct. 10, at 2:30 bell; F irs t Grade f Mrs. Escobar) p. m .; Foui-tb grade, Oct. 22, al A1:T"S. B. J . Aladlson and Mrs. R. A . 2 :30 p. m . Oliphant; First Grade fMla.s Will· The kindergarten class teachers sey) Mrs. Clarence McCulloch and and mother9 met OcL 3 anc:J Sept. Mrs. Hugh Bolton: First Grade 28. The fifth grade tea<'h ers have fMi.ss Morris) Mrs. W . R. Ritter also 'met with the mothers of chU· and Mrs. Atunro. dren ln thelr rooms. Business and Professional Women Get Year Books, Hear of Preview A n. n o u "n c 'm e n t of Preview,._ ________ • ____ _ chairmen and preaentation of year books waa of interest when mem- bers or Business and Professional Women's club held their wruaJ meeting on Thursda}', Oct. t at White's Park Avenue cate. When opened. the year books revealed not only a moet compre- hen11lve ~c hedule of' local and dis- trict meetings, presidents and ch airmen, but a group picture of the local officers. The picture was through courtesy of Ben Reddick or Newport Harbor Publi8hlng Co. a nd H ilda Briscoe received praise man for the evening. who intro-- duced the gueat speaker, Virginia Castle. As a woman with varied club and stage experiences, Mrs. Ca s- tle's t.alk ·on ''Poi.ae" received tht" utrn08t attention from all. She gave interesting pointers OfL con· versatlon, makeup and controt of the body in at.anding, walkttlg and sitting. Past presidenla wlll ,,be bonor- ed at the meeting of Oct. 18 ahd Emma Hughes Holt .,.Ul be chair- man. • • ·1 • Student ReF>orts Feature Hi School PT A MeetiniJ · "Commlilllt 7 Coo~ 111 tho rfllP 8<llool 1>lltrlcl.. '*"" lb• oubjeot of lbe panel cllac:ualoft al the Newport Harbor Union Hip School P.. T. A-nieetlq, TueadaJ event.n.r, October 9th. OVer 1&0 weN lft attendance. . -.;... Gall lo Order waa by Mro. Roy Ro'!Oh. prellldent., and th• In11p•ratlonal was rtven by Mn Edp.r Hlll. character education c:halrrna.n. Prorram c h a l r m a n Mr& Harold Boyvey then pre.ent- ed the Larkett.ea. d1-t.ed b7 lob• .Marie Hteblch. accompu.lt!d b,Y Mrs. Ralph Deaver, and bea.rt.IQ' applauded by the audJMCO. Richard Luak and Bob Enul reported on Boys' Sta111, ,~Ttn& Inside lnfor'm#Uan on theb tJt:• pertencu wht~ ln · Sacn.niento. The ac:Klience a.laio enjoyed Eleanor Ragan'a report on Glrl'1 State. M iss Ragan stated that It wu an experleneii ahe would remember all of her life, and that Jt wu remarkable how much could be: accomplished in so abort a pertod of time and yet with eo much fun. Followin g lntroductJOn of the n~"· teachers by Prtnclpal Sidney H. Davidson~ wu tne panel dla- cuslon of Community Ooopera.tlon, with Mla.s Marjorie Adams. Mrs . Grable, Mr-a. Edgar H ill. Mr . Stuart Innerst. Junnle Talstra and Bob Eggert a cting as part!· pants. After singinJt ''The More We Get Togelher, Tlle H8ppler We'll Be" the meetini;-adjourned for the social hour. Mrs. H. P . McVay, hospitality chairman w a 11 ln rharge. She wa.s R.SSisted by . Mra. Garrett. Mrs. P ier80n. M r!'. 1tfa.!JOn and Mrs. McClellan, S e n Io r mothers. Passkey Burql~rs Hunted by Police PBJ1Bkey burglars were !OUJ(ht today by Ne-wport police tollowln Jt. a rrport by Clarence Specht that the garage to thf' J ohn At:acLeod homt', 20 Beacon Bay, was brokt'n into Tuesda y night. Approxlmat<'ly $1 00 worth or steaks. albacore and cannC'd food etores was taken. 1'1rs. Margaret Specht. a maid told police she had ,;u r9r;!4<'d a "tall. thin" man lurl{ing In lhf' patio next to lhe v;aragc Tuesday night. She locked the gs.rage door1 alter he lt!ft . Moments later s~ .s&\V two or three men g('t into a black sedan which had a pproa che<l without l!ghl.!!, the.n spt'd away with lights on. Yesterday morning she dis· covered the ~arage doors had been unlocked and the Cood had been taken. Can be World's Garden Spot, Says Authority for the year book. Ruby Stevenson, a member of The Har!xir area hu the pu- the a dvisory board of the Christ-Newport Circle tcnti&llttcs of cvC'rythini; that mas Preview, announcl'd the fol-Honolulu has. and \\'tth proper lowing committee c h airmen: Meets With planting ca.n tx> th" garrtcn 11rot booth, Helen Norton and Eve lyn of the world, satd C harlt•s Gibbs Varne r : publicity, June Quarles; Mesa Hostess Adam11, nationally kno""'" la.nd· tick E"l sales. Carolyn \Veber : door sca?t' art.Jal. speakin~ Tut'sday to prize, Uabelle Bowiles: prize booth, Newport Circle members of over 60 members of' Lido Isl~ Helen Rinderknecht; ticket booths, Chriat. Church by the Sea \V. S. Women's club. Alda Gorton: programs, Peg i:ge. c. s. held a brie f nlcmorlal for Adams shov.tcd colort:d l'lliflt•s of and check stand, Helen Spica. the late Mrs. Louis Plummer. ci r-homes a·nd ga.rdrns 811 ovt•r the Qther chairmen will be announced cle member, when t hey met Oct. United States. but ~RS mo.!'lt <'n· al the next meet ing. ! 2 With Mn. J eanne tte Beddorne thualutic about this section. Sally Nt>wlln asked. on b(half 231 Broadway, Coats Mesa. ' 1 lt wa.s an inspiring talk for of the Balboa Improvemt'nl As-Miss Elsie l'i'ew:and presldf"d I mem bt>rs of the gardC'n section. socla tion, for usistance to help and Mrs. o. w . Holtby led In d<'-who l&lf'r got togt'ther with thf'tr decorate cars for the Arbor Day votionB. Her subject wa.s "The Re-1 chairman. Mrs. Stanley Cham~r:> Parade, Nov. 3. 19{11. ward of Faith and Works." Mns. and plan!V"d their initial n1eetlng Evt'lyn Varner, vice-president May Delozier, calling committee I f'or November. They w1JI have and program coordjnator for the chalrman. reported of work a'rong various spt"akf'rs on g11rLl~n.s and club, turned the meeting over to home members. • planting. Ed)·the Barnes. program chair-On Thursday, Oct . "· the-wo-Mrs. Haviland R oJtrrs, vice men met for an all d ay sew ing pre11ldt>nt. pr~.sided In the ab11t>nce se.saion at the home of Mrll. Ella of Mrs. Ne lson Neic~. now vacat· Goeldner. 217 . 33rd atrttt. Work 1oning in ttte east. Hoste58ea wer• Mme~. James Bea.lti(', Kenneth Brook8. Kay Cadwalladt'r and Manlt'y Clark. wa.s on artlclea for the fall bar.aar. At the social hour the hosteu was &Misted by her daughter, Ade:Je Beddome, in aervtng re· freahment.s to th I"' following : Mmes. Ella Goeldnt'r, J . H. Mills. May Delozier. Mamie Havice, P . L. Higgins, John U'Ren, Arte Arey, John Ptlschner. D. W . Holt- by, Ray Baker, MIM Kate Rob- ln&on and Mias Nt>wland. Next meeting hu been set for- ward one week and will be held on Oct. 30 at the home of Mn. Edwin DaetweUer. 237 Sparka Ave., COl'l- ta Mee.a. Mra. Arte Arey wtll be &11S1atlng hoetel!lll. Third Thursday Bridge Luncheon Balboa Circle Meets With Pres. Mr.s. StE"phen Weatherford once n1ore presided a..~ chalrn1an when Ba1boa Circle of '\VSC6, Chrlt1t Church by the Sea, met W8'1nt>11- day. Oct. 3 at her home. 12.fi Bay avenue. Ten membc.rs were pres- cnL Mr11. John K. Elllott had u her devotional topic. "Four Powerful Word&" Mla. Mabel Slanliry gave an excellent analyala of Mlaalon to America by 't'rumab Dougt.aa.. The KTOUP planned ror l.he t&ll ba.z.aar and also to join ln the 1 Eben club'• t'bird Thursday \VSCS Tueaday t.rtp to Goodwill bridge get& in.lo lt. fall progran1 lmluatrles, Santa A n• on Thu.rwct.y, Oct. 18 with a pre-Al the eocial hour tea wu 11minary lu.ncbeon. RuervaUon• Mrved. with • btrthda.Y ca.ke u must be in by Tueaday. Oct. 16. 8Urprtae for Mlw Stanley. reque1ta the ch&lml&n. They in~. Next meeting will be NOT. 17, be made with ICmee. Ahrendt. 2 p ni., wilh Mn. J(Jn.a lvt"a. 31& Harbor 487: H. B. Condon, Har-. Anade. bor 1011-J, chairman or L. a. Allbough, Harbor 2M6-J'. There wlll be table prlaes for bolb brt<lg< and cimut.a. Orchid Cu ltu're Udo Specialist to lectufel · in Chicago ~iiiCiialfiiitVei1&ild . • •• ~ Socs!sa;·_ ~~tr~= .14 ~AJB W · &ttoa Double Knlr 1 • . !~.0.,~!!.t or <Hrl'~---·····-····1 3 . ~.ft ORA.'1011: COAST OOLLEGJ') batota twtrlen In "·bi te .,._ten aad '-n -rte otrut UMir ohltt cfurtn1 pra.cUt.-e. Euatace Roja. band leader , recentl7 appolated P olly Neipr, Wendy W0rth&D. aad Gloria Lohman u t.be band'• new majorettes. B Y BOAT T<l 'AVAl,ON Mrs. Earl Stanley look three of her grandchildren on a trip to Cata.Una latand •on Sunday. The ... pattlcular treat being that they went on the &tea.mer. Mrs. Earlyn Albright, mother of the children, also went along. I N S A N FRANCISOO BRAT -~OP 1809 Newport Av•. '"1"'coSTA -MESA ... SAFEWA Mr. a.nd Mr1. H arvey Somers; Ea.st Bay avenue, were ln Sad Franclaco over the \A.'eek end. Cinch brand. ju~t add v.·ate r, rn ix and h.::ke. Cho ice of spice, golden, v.·hitc, or devil fudge. Speciall y priced a l Safeway! Checking food ads is a 1ood way to learn about low prices. But the eds can't tell the whole story. A t best they include only a few of t he items on your entire shopping list. So savings made on "specials" can easily be wiped 'out unless your other purchases are made at the ri~ht prices. That's why Sa.f~ay's pricinc policy says that every item mmt be pric~ low. This means Uvings to you ri&ht down the line .. , not just on our advertised specials. but on everything. So start today lo save at Safeway, whe~ all price& are alwey~ low. ' MEXICORN ' Nlblets brand. 1;pec:ial low price I FLEET MIX Unucelled for bl8eul1L Priced low. SCOT TISSUE Soft abaorbenl Special ·price. SILK TISSUE Hiqh quality at a llpec:ial low price. llUI ~ l'll•N fresll Bread w~~i·. . ~ 20• 2!.~~19c ,~39c 2 rolls 19~ 2 ralb JJC )~ . , .. ,.. . i ,,,.~...... 0 ( ~:::::-~~,.,.,. FRESH ~" - Br-kfast Gem brand. Carefull y .. 1ec1ed eggs. candled and packed one dozen to the =~ :v:Lr:&gg gu2~ MEDIUMS ~ White DI' wheot, sliced, ISmoll loof, 15cl Crack~ Wheal Bread. ·;:," 17• Ttl he ~Uft" ur lit::">l \JIUC!> ill mt"aU ... lvw r•rices 011top1uali1y cui.3 ... "hfJp d.l) nu r 11earli~ Safeway. M~. Wright'~ freihly hoked, s~•C•d. 100% :::~~ Bread \:r 20• M". WriQtlt's. Frnhly bok~ct. sllc.ed Kem &rape Jelly 1~~­ Kem Preserves c;._ 1~!1' I Apricot cw PRch, 2·1b. jor, 39c I --------------- YEUOW MAR6ARlllE ... 29• Sunnybank hrand. f oi l wra1'1~d quarte~. -----------------CHUNK TUNA Rrea&l O'Chick~n. }'or tuty salad:t. ·~--27• ------------------ BLACK PEPPER Crown Colonv brand. (l·ol., 23c ; ~01.1 77.cl --------------11•11 ,,t.,ll 6rould CiaulllOll ' 2 : 1 •· ~~bfondj.c4.;.o.r.. can, 3kl Silacl Dressing ~ -: 37• tHolf.p;nt tar. Zic; quort Jot, 6Jcl ~11111 Oill~,;=£ •:;:--· Ja- Monie W.W'• ,,. ....~ .......... .... .... e.a..:s ,, ..,..._...._ Wino II of'-d bnly In ~ l-IO..fttt.T-oddlt1cnol. 'THIS IS CALIFORNIA WlNl WUIC. fJIM&l1i11~~=-•s· 1 15•2'-~~ 141:: 100.-• -.-..111c:uo::-. ..... -lk• I . ' CHUCK· ROAST Tender. jui<:y, ffavo rful roast ~. cut fron1 shoulde r of U. S. Co\'ernmenl gr•ded ~I CE Beef. Blad• 5na Arm Cut lb. '1 -Cut ; Plate Meat U.S.CHO!CI lb.29° BOILDIG BEEF BIB .BOUT From Flrll 6 Rlb1. 0 Slcmdlnq 7" Cul, 82 . of U.S. CHOICI Boof, lb. (BEEF m STEAKS U.S. CHOICE 1~. 82c) w•t:rt•:as Somonet Brand. Sklnleu. No. I Quality, jn O.Uo fryiRI Chiclens ~": •. 6Sc Evitcerot.:f, c.ut-up GcV't Grode A, Porll Ulk Siuage ~ •• .,ssc Port Siuage :.:"~ ~ .... ,,. Grom Beef ~~~"' •. 6S• ConiM Beef ~ •. 65• S.-. hot ~ cold Fine w1t+i cobb<J99. Slic9' '9ef UYer .. 1,. ,Beef Hearts ~ ~ •. (J• Morrel Pr1R ll<o11 •· SJ-' 0t 'Cudohr l>utiton Gtode A. d"td. Swift Pr•lal 11<11 •. 63• Fi..R -loy. ---NOi pock. ....... Sllrl ni ~·;t:·fS• ............. _ .. fotdoopfot&yl>la • • ' 111.59° ·2 ~c ILK ·· tall CGllS , ' ,... • 3-111. 8 • -'\ -Stt diJplay a r ~on how ro get 12 Dutch Iris bulbS' for o nly 25c. AIRWAY COFFEE Mild and mellow. Hll. 75• (3-lb. ha•. 2.191 "-i r;..., qf.~ Hill C~~ .. , •. f2-lhm~5N) wn - ':: ... . ~ ... 2:25 . See display 'a l st~re for details on hig new conlf"5t : 1 2.000 fi rsl pri~e. ~II FRESH Mill H omoge~iud. ...... 21 ¢ Puteurized. cmtell (Hall-gallon carton. 42c) Price 1Jbjec1 10' Slate Board re1ulatiou. Con<:<nlrat<d. : .... llllril-19• Triple rich. ....., wrtM (Quart carton 54c) ~aves time, i.aves money, J Wil replace waler to make relt'Jl•r Grade A milk. . Ill. ''' lllllll HIU Orange Juice~·F:.~.:d ': 11'" lemonade Cont•n"ored 6-n. 11'" II' Make.$ I quort c•" Green Deas e.c.11.nt u..... 21 • t F1av0f' ,1r.,, . Biby Lima Beans •:.-:; 23• For•hQfn Uma Beans ~;-· 22• S1ra~es Sliced 11 .... .a. ··i -··· Witt.S-. .... 'r : • • • , ·• ( ' ' I j • •I' •• ' ' •• • I ' ~· ~ < \' ' • a• _,. • ~ ~ . .. .. l'ASE ('.._ PART lr -THURSDAY. OCT. I I, 19SJ -. .l :i ·~· ·~ . ~rc;:,_~PllES~ ~ . Community -C~ureh Newport H.rbor · Corona del. Mar ~J Lvthef.an Church .. . . .. -.. . "Whll God ExR<Cta Of You," wW W µie "'bJe<:t of the Re•. l'llul , j3abbltt'a oe""°' I n y la both t)Je 9:U L m. and 1.1:00 a .. m ..... f'YICa of r>tvtn.e orShip in the corona del Mar, mmunlty Churcll. T b • Chapel choir will sing "My God and I. +t a Latvtan Spiritual In th~ • 9 :40 -•; and thl! Chancel cllolr :will llnr Shaw's "Willi • Vol~ ot stngtna"' f" the 11 o'clOck wrvke. ~'l"l'llE88Ell ••• Rom._'l'ralle.,.. ~...-. Sb9poo Bun.day, 9;30 a. nr., Sunday ICbooL Adult Bible Study; llat- t.bnc 27 28. For tree bua eer\fice cAli ...:Co..: Mf\1-W. u ,oq L .m .. Dtvi..ne• Wort.Mp. ,8ermon1 "A Pro- ITl'D of Sputtuat ReannarMnt." T~ Epll .. luia 1<10.17. ._,.., T:30. p. m. llonlor cllolr rebeanal. Sunday acboel. teacben -•tut•. , W-y. ?:30 p. m., Bible Sh!dY Hour; Romana 8, 7. 8 ;30 p. m., :•wmt LMt.buano. U,U.ve About Sin," Ftff lecture. Salwday, 170;11Q a. m., · C.~ clllom tor pupUa In CMMI .. 7 6 8. I ,ti:ACON -1 dtuich I.I open da!J¥ &om I L m . to 9 p. m. PtUtor'a oftlce bour1 from '9 a. m. to 12 noon at pa.non-eo.1a 111 ... Mattnm ·eo. I . %lll9 lfewpawt illlv., ' " -·. Tbe Women'• M1alona.ry So+ . We '1" yo~ ah~~ the new look lf you have the old part& Cl1'J!lllOM UP MltINQ clety Will hold a Benefit Rummare and Baked Food.a Sale thte coming Saturday from 10 a. m . to 4 p. rq. at 1716 Newport Blvd .. Coola lleal •nf!St to tft Gingham Jlt..U.u- rant). The sa.le ta sponaored by the ladiea of Circle W ; however. a.U are 118k.N to bring arUcle.3 for the sale to the store on the Ftiday Newport ·Shoe Repair Ulll • nn4 N-pert - even.mi-preceding !lo that they may be Mr•. Gary Fred-WA IER. HEA.'JERS ricl~,of,, the c a1nn&n In charp. WM8 Vftl.tfeCI. S-. Sffvlee IUl4 ~pain The unual Convention ot Ure . IJ;.,.. Be,.f!o! ! Ufornia DLst.nct, Women'• Ki. -I~ ,,,,,,H~ '1«-a Society of the A:merlcan PLUH10NO Luth an Church WI.a held at Aou..n.ed Dealer Sloe , CaJttomia on October~ Day a . NIJbt _,_ 9th and 18tll. ot thl1 w .. k. At. TUMS tenc.Uns u _ dalegates from tbe- '"'-0-ow •II H•.._, Newport Barbor Lutheran Church ._ __ r_b_••_IJe_Harbo __ •_!M! __ -_w __ ,, a.re Mn. corrlnne Quarry, pre•~ ------------dent of the· Jocar group a.nd Mrs. !llildredTru.ty. Sermon Theme at St. Andrew·~ ~ Dr. WiUlam Mldd1em.MI wl11 preach Sunday &t St. Andrew'• Presbyterian chu.i'ch. Ilia aubj@ct ,will be "UJc:e St.ara ln the Dark . " Bbth worahtp Mrvtce and churc h sc.beol are &t 10 Lm. ST. JAM.ES CHURCH -EPISCOPAL (AT THE ENTRANCE 70 LIDO 18U:) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -9:30,A.M. -11 'A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 A. M. Young Chucbmen 7:SO p. m. THURSDAYS HOl Y COMMUNION -I 0: 30 A. M. NEW CANCER DEFENSE . 3 Year CANCER POLICY ENTIRE FAMILY Only I $25.00 . . SCHEDULE OF IENERrS • 1 HOSPJTAL CA.RE 6 ·DRUGS and MEDICL"lilE t MEDICAL CAii.i: 6 ~ULANCE SERVICE 3 :>ll'RSIXG C'ARE 7 BJ,OOD TRANSFUSIONS • SUIWICA.L CA&E S X-RAY-RADlllK PA VS TMESiJ llXPltNSES UP TO S!000.00 FO~ EACH KEMBER OF THE FAMILY lLL wua CANCER "li'OR RA.ell '9' MlND" "lNSl'RE IS TIME WDB QRltEl.EY & GRIME~" 3fi Mahl --., CalU. CALl.--.o&IOM • . • WARNIN,6- Every time Y"" aeM-a bag of bo1111ebold dis-,.., . .. canis to Goodwill lnduatzie!i 'of 01...,. c..nty, ,.._ p .. v1• ~ lo waga for -••mtte• vetuaa or ph)'illea9y baHlcapped ....... ,.. of Oued•lll.. ' ' ·tJllfertun~. n,o otllft 11:1 rta ...,.. _...,. • ' f . ..... . .__ sal\lap are ms•lng • pftl!Mo9 - p • • I • _.., IMm<Jlcl for Goodwa M . I Is II •tlneit. *klJ . . clahn ' to "'P~Dt e.c.lwll llJMblea.. ~ Tb11..,fore, to -•e 9W'O. diet ,,_ •a =•· P. _.a.en; '•h111h., yoca·•-* .,_ . .._ ..... ' ' . • .... "' . • •. t ·' 5 Adi ~ o... • '•1¥• ....... l1 a . ., -1. • • • • fora;l1tlllh,·fM.· • · • ' . • -• ' .. • TD UV. ,:&u sm mw .. of a.:.~ '111119. ., ... ._,, callid &5 --l•>r of 8t. -W'a ~rlul .i....i,. H e Wiii Ufj{Ullf' his duties 00 Oct.~ SO. CSt.t:Y Oft hp 1, hi't J) • • • - Dr.&.n• to· ,.,.ch far j ~.lewport B~ts ~-1---...--., tlle pollflt la ... ..... .... Ill a.aq al 11.Ua fDd CG!llU .... Nc•port 81' h. Ria. ms .. at ll :80 o'dock WUl be • •"tJa• WWtied1 ~." at 7 :00 ll1I '°I>: IA. Will bit !J8tt•~-ud \J.,:• --,. ...... , -... at't :41k -t11e -..,~ ... • T:UI ....... ~ ...... mo,.,• -"" ........ . . 'he Wometa'-W7 11 • ) Se- det)" W1D wt ill ta.. •• =•-aJ ,,. ....... ~;o.t. ..... 1*311 tor Wbtte o-• t a.. an cart i. _..... ... tD 11•1•te us" ectlc:W tw Utit Ou1 ca 0 ftq· «i .. -• I 1'Nr. liack" JUllcll at ----, .. by ltJild;y ot the ••tck ...... U.· .... '"l!ho llpklt 'nm" ., John P.oclund ... IUt. ,,_ -.. -. the le-..i.ip Of Kn. 11ors Wiedman. au upeclal.ly interest· lft.1" and lnfQ.nnatlve regudlng the cwtoma and bel>ito ot Ibo, prlml- Uve peopte'ln Burma, ~m and" th~ Conro. · Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. Mw Sdeda'· Sunday at 8, IO and 11 :30. Week daya, 8 a . m . Confes.stona. klunlay, • to 5:30, 7 ;30 to 8 ;31. 8wld&y, before each m.au.. Balbca t.land, Sunday,. 8 and IO. Satut· day, a L m. Conteuk>na, aame as &be¥•. "6dlo Proa» I, ms Dally, except Swtday. Rosary bour, KFWB tll80) 7;30 p. 111. · For -peace. 8 Ftp H0Jy M.&m, 9:08 a . m ., KLAC (070) 11 L in. catlw>Uc Hour, KPI (84.0) 8:t0 p. m. KGl'.1 (710) Hour of St. F't'a.cla Clld.lnp 4. others. Sunday Sermon at Christ Church , . • • • • ' PRIZE GOLD MEDAL HIG'.Hf:.ST AWARD SANTA lltl · Off.ICE 1088 EAST 4th ST. KhDberly Z-4751 '- • JI I • J:1Hfmla.llllta 001.D lnnMi. r ........... er...u-... • GOl.J>. !llEDAL . H 11• 1r=h .. Yl'-'-' D MID GOU> llEDAUI K.tt A Half tS0-50) GOLD JIU:D4J, c'P"! • ~MEDM. Fie._ F,..lli v-:u. k• en .. ' • P'IM!t-r'-4 ~-Ua• Mm. GOLD MED&IS He-1wtd_.. V:t&9l• D M l k GOLD MEDAL Pr•..m. CoW See.l"MJk GOLO MEDAL Creun GOLD MEDAIS Halt-A H..U. (IO..SO). • • ING --:· I ... ...... . --5 I •Ir (Sacram~1bl) GOLD lllEDAUl na.~or P'nJlo 9trww~ k• er .... OOLD MEDAJ.. Ca.twt-. c-...,.. Lr:• c~.,. GOLD MEDAL . C.twbt1 !p.elal Ice Cre- GOLD JIEl)A.L Fla•w lli"ni•h E•1lf1lli Tqff•• ke c;:,..,... /'. 5 f- .. hlr (Pa•111) . G9LI> lllEDAL Cwt:U&.4 Miiii 001.D MEDALS Fl._.F,... V•.W. Ice Cr--(Pacliap) GO.LD MEDAL c.tw-ta, V-.itaa lae CN.. GOLD MEDAL Cat.er:•• Ot.a.cat"e le• C:..,.. Wiii& BUtH omct ' 235 OCEAN A 't'.E. Laguna. Beaeh 4260C I ' FA~US FOR GENERATIONS . FOR PRIZE I WINNIN6 OU'ALl_T'. . . ' Christian Science Lesson Declares Health . Real Classes Prepare for Confirmation "Are We Lla.ra ? " la the question IO be uked &t Chrt.t Church by the Sea., Sunday morning, by the paator, ThomlJJ R oy • PendeD. Special muaic by the Sanctuary Choir wtll include .. How Lovety Are Thy Dwellings". by Arthur Fagg, wtth the soprano obtlgato ·~=====~===========~=====;r=====~===+~=~ sung by Phyllis Flek13. 'f ·' 1 , • The Sunday Leason • Sermon In all Christian Sl·ien("t• churches will coMidl!r thP question, "Are Sin, Of.~ue and Death Real?" The Goklm T ex,t. from Psalms (U8:1•. t 7) r eaWJ, ""rhe Lord la my st.ttn~h anc..I AOl'lg, and t.s becom e my salvation ... , 1 sha.Jl not die, but live, aotl t.let:lart the work.!1 or lbt" Lord." llluslraling the power O( dod lO rc>sl orc-health. Luke's Gospel tells or thE' t1·n lt>pt•rs .who appealet.I to J .:-11ua for healing. "'H e sa.Jd unto lhf'm. Co shev.· yourselves unto the prl~llL". Antl il ca.me to p&slll, that. as t.hey went. they v.·('re cleanst'd. And one of them, when h e saw that· he was heah.'ll, turned back . and ¥:ith a . k>U<l voice glorified God''. (17sl..f , J!i). Jn the Chr1-"lian Science text· bo<ik. '"Scll·ncc and H l'allh v.•lth Kt>v to the Scripture&," Mary Baker Eddy says <pp. 729, 9-4 J. "Jt Is the transgression of a be- lier of n1o rtal mind, not of a Jaw or matter n~ of divine Mind, whjch causes the belil'f o r sick · neu. The ren1edy la Truth, n.ol matter. -the truth that dlseue la unreal." "C>r the t en leper• wmff: J~• healed, but on~ r e· tunie4 to give God thank.!!, -that 19, lo acknowledge tbc divine Prln· clple which had heaftd him." Novel' Program for .Mesa Church The Rt-·v . Paul M oore Wheeler, Rttlor of St. James Church, ans nounC"e~ that Canfirmatk>n. In· st ruC"l ion ror young people &nd adults 1s nov.• in session. O'laMe• Church School Guild. Capilta Circle May Merge meet J.fondnys rronl October thru Diacuaston or .... a mercer with J-.nuary, w1lh ConflrmapJon the C&pJlla ctr~ .. occupled attn.Uon last Sunday of January, whm UM of the Ctmrch School -Oud4-at Rt. Rev. Donald J . campbeU will Corona del lllar ' Community be h~te. . church whet'\ M members met Clas.."l'B rur Church School pu.. Monday evening at the home or pll.H will be hr>ld In the P•riah Mrs. Merle H . VerBurg, 600 Pop· Houae at 4 p. n1. Thf' Adult C1au py av~nue. will mt"e t In lhe Church at 8 p. m. A vole Wilt be taken al tbe next untU th(' first or November. when rn.Nting u to wh•ther or npt to they '"r1l1 m eet in the new Eldi'C'a--merse with the Orcle. It was felt lion.a.I BuUding. the a ction would be or benefit to Am In the pyt. people wl)o ~ lk>th grou.pe. In cue the groupa intt>rest cd In knowing about the joined. lhe Guild would become EpifllCOJ>&I Church ar(' cordially ln· one of the Mparat.e groups of vited to attC"nd lht'Sf' c1&88e8. ne captua Circle, which now hu &eV· evening cla~ e~pe<:ially Is open t o era.I . the public. ~ · Mr!I. N orman Frahm reviewed 'Voice of Prophecy' Increases Stations the Book or Esther from "Wos tllen ot the BUble" and Mrs. Dell 9 cbwtllzer 11ho"'1ed motion plo· turu of South America. Mrs. Slus an Diehl preaJded . Next meeting wtU be on No•. 12. 7:30 p.m . at the home of Mn. Kennetb Bunt, 120 Larkspur aves nue: Pre.feet far Ute Guild Is lo ra.iae meney to he.Ip complete the new educational addU.lon to the church and m~mberS will be glad to &e· cept monetary ~n. from mem· bera: or ftie.nda who a.re not a.ble to attend meetlnp. , .C!'A_ .. Y. / . ri· -,-... . .. ~·~1 Q . 1 ... Y./ vl/6 · W • ·. c//IMJe, w·~ ~"'!-·.W • · AM•RICA .. ·THRfFTl•St 'HIGJ•POWl!RED ~.caa = .......... $$ ........... &...._ ............. Far advanced new type , of V-1 ent.inel li9ht11ing.fa1t pick up! Terrific zip on hills! No p2'9mium fuel needed I- I i'J1Dl'l':lll'l'P••IQ!D ----~" .. • ' • • \ • • I . ' • • • • ' • ' • I • NQWI SpeciU ! · : .. · , •. ·o.r ,.,,..,.~ .. ' • ---THIS. SET LAST SOLD . . ·fOR $50 . ' . . , . ' < ' . . ) .. 4 VOLUME A WEEK TILL SET IS COMpiJETE! . Yes,' ~y •. . This Set wa~ last" seld for . $50 • .'The binding, c;otor plates and paper -used in this set . are equ~ to the o!'es used . in sets selling . for ·~~~~:~5(}.~Don•t miss tb_is,.._~utstanding opportunity! Read :tbe simple instructiqns! See •how easy 1.!Je_lt' get your set, DOW!'. ' ~ I ' *·4G~OOO S-jeots! * 3,580 : ~llutrations! *·Mgs in °'I.Or! A: . . . ETE HOME EDiJCAf ftJN in 16 Handslle V .·.es • • • ' I The Encyclopeclla Your family Drean1ed Oii . • •• • • • • 1111 ... MI 16 ~fuuy Nlin~· .. o1umes, each richly bound indeep~eceloraad daen.,.tdtically lettered l~llhirnmering ,.WI ............ fO pne.tical, lta luxurious .finish will ~ ·aew II c1uty llO )'llW' bolpel ~l (or tile entire family I 'It'• 1;250,000 wonlal 40,000 1~ jectal s,-ilhiatrational'Mapti iq_.colort And numerowi t.rue- to-ljfe eoler-plata-a j:Omple1.e education in the~&el•eal ' A w~th o! _knowledge Cor: buiineu'. ~l, ~rd•)' ll•ing t '.· , • -• l' , . \ • • ATOMIC Et(ERGY ·•. S~NCE • IU$llJIE$S ' I I • GEOGRAPHY . • FINI ARTS • NATUM '. ' ... ••• • 111 eMJ'! • 1·. Pay tbe .......... . ••tale,__ tlleftntvolanieof·Uiis 'rz""8 -._, •l•i .,..ci11pedla that hu ~ .. ~· • --.... f• .. tlaaD. SllO! ~ WW ,.. -pt ANOl'llD ~UIR,-.tmta • let .. cciinpWe. Ola St ZS ii ' , •• ... -·&r' ..... .. aftlr Iii l\l!l E • •tlela of 19f!1 -Ct .,.an mp _. tli wta -fdrlt ,.... ••• t;t zrc+O::~ gma' • ... .t -TEJllZfeW. -Waft-1·. ~ e AND HUMDiEDS OF OftlU 'SUIJICrst · ' ·' • , 11onai-in-a-lil.tin1e .I '' ···~· fi,_•~~.~ ;E~~·~.101 n.e ~~~t'!' s=-.,~lo .... '• ~ ......... 11•1•,"1-; . I·~ Fa• .ton•• ,.at ' DJ • liieme Mia- . · . eatJ-· ;'.,,;...,~~: ulii)· . Q•"'"9.I" "1'11e ..,.ivJ4oiM'll' a eoM•• I" . . . • • • • • # .. • • • • • • ' ' • - ·- • • • . ,. • • • • • • • • ' . , • • • .. . • ' • P'wAtJ&IC·~--.... Arbor Day Plans r~ ~ :! ~ a.c:1lves . s . 1-•Of her to & -.,. ... ' • -lllLU'U ;FIU>ll 11.t . 1111&lchor lllPl wy re-Ted JUm-. -Of U. Fronl<lbt WI-, -of.~ Jomeo 11.--1· C>mp ua•IANE 'I CY • ;1.&E 6 -PART II -THURSOAY;OCT. II, IH I • ··.re;&::.=.~·· . - :rL ri#'Jl4=.-=· P:RE SS-8· Two Clas$ PreSidents .-Named ·· W5•55~of $1'2 H.. Approved .at Meet ~ ........ C:: ~ s-r:' ~ Slllne•d1cl Terna r.&.llllOJQ:D ro vo~ FM.Tuna pori.c1 to police by Mn. Fred NOvember J, Artior o,y pcl>srem 1i.u.a plnol lb&l will -ie. UM ......._ Martne, ~Y wu w ; . · • POWley, 2dl ~re Drtva. ab• wUc:omed 1 ao 1 npna11nt&tJ.vee of Blvd.,: opi 11 tM hope tbat acntalcecl to JO de.1'. ~ded 1.__* __ N_ ..... °""-:-ol....;Jh_ .. .,;•:.,;.' __ ...;LA;;.;;;O~,;;·A;,· ___ ~"";,;;;ame::;_•~i;.;;;;•.:.1 aid lbo pune ""P't.oilM!d •U ~d Hut-Ana cluln and oomoo ..,..-111 a. mutor•plan will be tor <lfte 7ffl'· In Ct~ Court w11e .... 1 · ~ tdantltlcatton po111"' CfOllPI at a mocUna II) lbO City ,formulated wbenlb1 •YUY • 4 ... be appoffed b<Jore Jlldge l!'rllllk , Whll' wal~tng to tC triOltd'• Hall. •Wodnoodl.Y •lcht.' w...,. nuo . &nd atroot ill lbe Harbor Iii. LlnnCll ob a charce or hlt·run .. home, Jl(rlL • Pow!p 'liald obe W&I ruw pl..... for the ealebrallon .,_ will bave lreol and flower& properly dam&&"•· • accoo14d by three men ill a dlJ'k wero approved. . 'nlo Dal-Blvd. be&UUfl ... Uon Pol~ oatd that a rrnted car . . . by occ . -.frosh . -Now Open Sundoy, for he Homeownor · --r. Ill tron(.6f ~,; MarkoL Lod by a band. a car.aye of p~ wu ortslJl,t.led 'b>' lb• Hoclmq WV dFlvlns earb' y<1ter· • When ee refUliod ·ihelr otfef of dooorat.od can &om ofdl elub' Bal-lmpro..ement ~itonldl\Y crubed Into· lb-parking COHCRDE ILOCK •.IRICK · 1 F&AGSTONE 1 • SAN • GR.(~EL. 8&m Buali of Calta M,... a nd . . a f\de, & nWi In Die nu -t le(t will otarl the ee~~ ~'!i aDd' lbO KJ.....U Club:' , metero at 811, Cci&.i: ..Qlghway. tbo car, grabbed! bu Jl'lfOO &nd Harry Welob· ao Grand M~I • Hoclmey had Iii.lien uleop al the jumped beck In tJi. \,ehlcle Which Of lbe p&r&de. lills!llllhl Of tbo ' -· rw~eel, he Hkl, U bad ocver&l drove ore. 'Tile oar c&r'rted .,. oocu1on will be •Ult J>l&nUllg of VISITS IN EA8T Marine paali.,"lleno. ' · · I out. of it.Oto US--lbe bells ot lhe nowt; lmproVed Mra. ~· lnmaa of , Oll)1< · • -. BUI F'eldner of HunUngton Beach COsfci .Mesa Boy b!c&me .ophomor~ and {l'ea~an ~ ~~ • clw preoklent. reopec:Uvely, when Erner~ ;Sf0c•fOll · . · ~EM"1 • 11r::~ES , SKIP !pAJ>JIJB -FOR LOADING ·KEITH· B. t LLfNS . Orange Coast College held Ito flrot f T ..I. aemester clua elecUona lut Fri· Cont.s · OVfS'I Bal-Bl•d. • . avenue, Balboa Doland, bu been I NOW 18 fllB TIME -eome rrom ' ~01uita•t ll wu explalned by LonnM vllllUng In lhe eut for tho pull -To ,...1 1""' -•or op\..- Proctlcel ·All.ad ~rl1 1n· t111a Vincent, Preoldant of lhe jt&l-lhnoe weelui &nd will be home I'll. llAJUIOR lilt -~ xour paper wW proctua..ruuJU fe< 1""· Improvement .umclatlon. that. about the tut of October. I Want ad t.daJ'! I . -n I • • 2124 Ni!Wport Blvd. Costa llfesa Barbor 7016 day. Glenn Tbdmu. eon of Mr. &nd To complete lbe clua, ~ Of M.ta. Car1 Thomaa, 21~1 ll'Ytne Qffl~n. the aopnomore group avenue, CC.ta Kua. hu won the ekcted Dan Garcia ot 1Qoet& Kea.. dlstlnction to compete for the vM:e-preaident; Marilyn McO~ State We1tern Champion Boy. Be WU ·Choet.n rec::enUy during ellml- of , Westmlneter, corresponding natioD.a held tn Weetmlnater for eeeretary; J~la Lwnm ol Runt-Arca 12 of the California SU.le lngton Beach, recording aecretary; Horsemen's Associa tion which tn• and Uncoln Clark of Balboa, eludes IJI of Orange county and • ._..... Covina. •: ... ~urer .. Aaalstlng Feldner in the . fruh-Glenn c&me out with the highest perc~ntage of &II th£' juniors com- m&o c lue leaderahlp will be Ned peting In this art>a. HC! will at- Paraons of Orange, vice-president: tend the state convention to be Beth Muhbum of Huntington held In Stockton today through Beach, &eeretary, and D&vkt P eter-Sunday. At recent horse shows 90n of Newport, U:easurer . • held at Escondido, Valley Center, . During the same election period Portuguese Bend and Anaheim he the school voted tn two repreaenta-won trophlea and rlbboM In !tock tives-at-larce to iterve on the Stu-hone. trail hot11e and horseman· dent CounclL ~ winning con-sb.Jp c~a. Although Glenn 1" teat.ant.a ln thla category were only 14 year. of age, he will bf' Kenneth Cruml~y of Balboa Island competing against junion1 to 18 and Pete sm 1th_•f_N_•_r..__'L ____ Y_•an_._•_f_•_g_•_· -------. COMUNITY CHEST PART ·IN TAR PIT RflA TED . (This la fourth lu a series of artlclea about the Red F eather Agenclee ~ ot the Newport Harbor Cheet). By R uth Hill Have you ever wondered why the trim little bulldlng at 18th and West Balboa Blvd., Newport., is called the Tar Pit'! The building wu dedicated to the teenagers at Newport Beach Harbor Union High achool when it wu built six years ago. And these high echool 1tu- denl.8 did the actual labor on the building under t he guidance o! Buddy Gordon, contract or, with materials tum~hcd free by merchanta of the Harbor areL When the bu.Udlng wa.s complet- ed. the Newport Harbor Unfon Hil'h school Sailors (Tars)· used Lt u ·a meetlng place {P it), for dances. and atte.r-the·game par· tiea. It waa natural to call It the Ta.r Pit even though It was offlci· ally ~heo Teen Canteen, Inc., and . . . had a board of directors consisting ot seveu. adulU and two h.igh 8Chool student.a. Mrs. Arliene Spangler of Lido hle, autborlzed. by the Blgb &c!hool PTA, formed the a¢'boey board consisting of S. fl· DaVtdson; the high 'IK:hooJ principal: Rowland Hodgklnaon, chief of police; Judg e IJ.obert Ca.rdner, Mfs. Don M c- Collum, building chairman, and Richard Pleger. The board, ad- vi.sed by Councilman 0 . Z. Robe.rt· aon and u.sisled by Robert Allen, Robert Reed, Muon Siler and Les hbell, chose the site for the build- ing. Al Irwin Dlrectfil iS off, the l.ig-hl.! out, and lhe place clean~ up at the cl08e of the evening. No fee la charged these g-rOupe. The building is well equipped for almoet any klnd of social event. Gltta of chairs have been made by the Ebell Club and the American Legion. There l.s a juke box which wa.s provided at a gen· eroua discount by the Hammond Phonognph Service of Santa Ana. which keeps it well aupplled with current l'tt.ordinga.. An upright piano was loaned by the h igh achool ·eocial club and a pool table by the local . Fire Department. Then:! ta a coke machine ln the building and · kitchenette with a formica bar which maku it cuy to plan and serve refreshmenl,1J. The two malt machines wct"C gtvcn by the J ohn 0. Johnson11 of Bal- boa.. ln memory of their son, Joh.n. Jr., who was a member at the tln't6 of his death two yeara ago. The c~t to the Community Cheat for n ine montha of 1951 ha~ been $360. The anticipated coat fo r 1952, which hu b\>t>n budgcud by your Community Chest for the Tar Pit, l.s $450. The succe!UJ of I~ earliM' yean waa due to lhll director11hip of Al Irwin, the h igh 8Chool coach. Mem- berships at 75 cent.11 each were taken q_ut by high achoo1° Students who ha.cl exclusive use of.the build- ing. After It was organized and a going thing Coach Irwin didn't A k T k· have enough t ime left over from c erman a es his hlg.h school respon•lbllltles to I :'.".'1::.":ci:-i.~:u:~. ~~·~:1~~~ Polyglot Helm ::~i~7r~~~n;1:~ ~ :!~:: im'practlc•l. Witm.i(.,a coordinat-F.dw&rd Ackerm.an, • natural- or it lacked the apar~ to draw the med American clttun wbo former· bobbyaoxer•. · ly lived and studied 1n Oerm8ny. The 'I'een cant~n board mem-WU elected presld~t of Polyglot.a. hers, the City Council. and lhe Incorporated. fore I g n larlguage Community Cheat got together on club of Orange Cout College, the situation. Although t he origi-when the organlz.atlon held it.a in- nal gift.a of land from the city, 1tial dinner m£'eUng of the cur rent tfulldlng mate-rial from 1oCa.1 mer-academic year tut Thurlday eve- chante, and rurnishings from com· nlng at La Pesta restaurant in munity conaciOW1 ctti&en.s had all I C08t& Mesa, Ackerman is apecl- bttn given '1n the name of the &IWng In tne German language a.t high KChool teenage-rs. solely, each Coast under the 'direc:tlon of Elmo of these group• was quite willing Shaver, ln.strtlctor In French, lO see. the Tar P it opened up to all Spanish and Germp and eponeor organized youth group11 In the of F'elyglot1, Incorporated. ' area. The Lmmcdlate financing In-Other' officers elected by the Volved a problem th.al was met club are Bill Lolbrldge, a first when the ci ty provided a part· year Fnnch student. vlce-pre•I· time janitor service for lhe buUd· dent, and Paul Lee, formerly of Ing and the Cq.mmunity Che•t saw Hawaii, now majoring ln French flt to appropriate Chest money for at Cbu~. secretary. . paying op<'raling expenses on the A.moll_);' new members of U.e building. club were J&JWA Keretturl, re~ -Late tn 1950 the extended pro-cent arrival from Huncary, who LI gram was begun and the building &lread.y some'lhing of a true poly- t. now being u.-ed nve nlgblll a glot tnumuch .. be 11peaka or un- week, three to four aftemoona, de~\anda aeveN.l languages and Ud ae'veral mominp. The Scoull yet _coattnues bis studies In the Wle the building almost every eve:-same field at Cout. A gueat of ntng t>Xcept Sunday and th'l'ee to gpecial Interest waa Ruth Dietrich, tour attem oona a week. The Red n~wly ar!"!'ftd on campus from Croes held Flnt Aki clauea mom-Stuttgart; Germany. She Is al- btp during the spring and sum· tending C.OUt &a part of her pro-, mtr. The Zonta Club.conducted tram to ptt,(ect ~·E:nglWl . • •rtea of Friday night de.Dea .Jack 'fl.ICoa, Cout aJumnua tilt.a summer tumlahlng-a dance tram. Ba.I.boa lll.and and put vtce- . i;...t com~ ·of local boy& Th• Pl'Mic!<nl of lhe Polyg.lota, W&I lontu provided rdreohm•nto and a19o ~t. c:bopero1>11. . ACC(/rdlng to Sbaver, "Thirty -for AD ardent llnculsto and llni;wato-to ... • l be attended'" the meet.lnc.'" So the Tar Pit.,-µ.. mftl• ~:i,~~~ IUIGLAIS GO IEa, ..... and ~ men and • Cl-OfHING IN-ENTRY ..,,,., Ol'pnll<d PouP. .wtUt ~ •. • ' .. pen1o1 ... tl-c11apem.1 ~ llUratan al bl.II -. •• i313 -lbo' l"llMIDI: llllnpl)i 117 a~ "Qlft ...!.~"". Newport Holcbto. Ill( tin> wNb lft &dYaDee to Uio -··~ aijtl WU """*"" ptfiml •dlalrmaA at lbo boen1. t.o "91tlilirt PDllc9 bJ Lou Btoehy. -~ or to J°""\T.-ll:aUy -~ Uiroucll a -ltetlls, youUt ............ ~ ~ • .... • ...-.. 1 aa • <i>e • 'tMI..,,.. --.. 10 -··---~----w-t'~ tm. ~ ,,. ,.__..,..,.. 1 24~r b't"M;J ,_ ~'I all l lf. JI ~ teil all. a lbo ...--ot lbo..,... .... a.. .... "" .... , - - _ .... ,_.. -, ~~a.. "" an,,_ • tlll IO. • • • • ... )" f. • • • .. \ MILA1'i •s . 1880 FR.BNC,. DRESSING ,Jr.t Ll•tea to .. Foods for Tboutbt" · ) ... • •. , < .. ''' "••r ,. PEA ll•zrr ,, & CA11ors /'l oz IS ,,,,_. "'"• I c • 'Kills L0~6 Tl/£ TA9T£~· oF LETttJCB APllCOf-PllEDPlE •,201.,,..._. t'Rt:E 1 .auMBO BEAD t ol • 1'Lf 'A SALAo IOE""• IElfES 25~ wlth eaeh qaar d,~: lbP~lllT ·-stcrrus NO. '2 . . SALAD oat:SSIN4i . •0111.v ™"'°BW . ,,. . .,.c:_-: 22 4 F~OD cLtJB . TllA c11n1i "bo9 <:i.11~" . --=-=----~:------------' ··~ . All Fl.IES' ~!.· 27~ IL PH I BET A • I IC I 0 Ry· IM 0 IE I · 59 S A I E ~ W•E1<1e Q11• -:i.~.... ' DEBRASHA HAms ~~~ir IL. •••A• r1• 1 !• Jf.s. ~~;1GA: PoiiiTia1il'a·a1iii 59L ·a:1Pttcffl• TOlll'S FOIT 1o•tE•.?tift'.9°A'.a.cU.' ,. r;J,i~E ;1a1E IT IOE 0,1_" SLICED IAEOD ·~-~5.3t. 5~~~ e1a1101 · ALPHA BETA •EISTERI 1 , ,· -=-=:-·E~-:--... -,E -..,.-,, ""-... -........ -•• -a a can · s 11011 a Es "IC\'OR't c · PEACH HALVES :.-::.:. ·::::::.· 30 4 I LP Ii I I~ TI •IE I It I I 5"'0~"1> ll. f,w;:ttr :~~:~. 29 f FRESH liRDUDD BEEF li5l SOLID Pi°H CATOMATOES 14f TOP ~ltST' FiOZEI POlll ···~i &B' c v7KL~~y~~" FllET OF SOLE .· ~ U!. . IS~~~1 u~!!,!_;: 23 ~ TOP f IOSt FllZEI P'Jlll Pi1.4· 7r: F•••E•·s •••1•r •·x ~~41~ FILE.~.DF -~c~an ,,.11 . II. - •• ,... "Ir~ ?"tul *-' ·~ . llUIFiST UISpl 8~42 ~ uur•t U" r4 ~~ ••El , lEEF 011 ~'!f 41 ~ . lfTftU CIAIM 1~" ~ _..... • : •XEI .PAPEI '"'::;r7 .22 i IRI · ;.., ..i-r ~~ Lii-Ci Atl ~~ 10~ au 'J(ti/J .... ...,,,.,..:.:'-l· · .. ••••1c1 1a11 :; 11 < · Me~ wee& ,. · -.a.CANlllU •. -~"'--s •-<--.... ··-~ •..-.,·a ....:.• ~ , . . DELICATESSEN • • • ' I • 1 .. ' •