HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-18 - Newport Balboa Press• • • • I ' f '· t I • ' fll'iC~ b"6t 1, 117 T; N. (-at"I ~ Tlllo Lln't ~ ,.. , ,ff ~In oolld'wlU. tM 'alpPao and pla)'p<ft oet, but I think 'It'» aboUt Ulne • ' A mirror of ,U.. moot npld!7 cleftloplJI&' -- al .th Clallrotnla llouUV eoUtal Empl<o · oom•tlllnc'• ~ &bout a olba-tkm wbk:h Ml pf'Oit 1fftly been,._ ______ _..._ ___ _. ~I' wor.e 1or _... . It concttm1 certain. actiftU,. on Halk>ween, that peflOd devoted to more or lea tnnocent chlldiah f\ln an4 eome not...o-tnnocent actlvt· ties on the part of oldlten. But we're not concerned with lb&t to- day. ' What we're worrieod a.bout ta "trick or treat," a once Innocent Activity which haa grown into a monater. Originally, kJda ln a nelg-hbor- hood would eood-naluredly call on adjoining hou.se:holdera on Hal- low~n and would accept a 1mall glft. such u an apple. and lhu.5 woUldn't play trtc.Q such u cart- bq off halt lhe lawn furnltU«. Thia went oa for yean, until a modern note, prob&bly generated by the Ch.k:ago ,ea.ng wan1, crept In. Today tbla childiah game bu become a dtt-9 thil1g for hundred• of home ownen. ,t·a changed from a nlght for bobblng apples into a ft.lgtlt when boUMbolden bob out from behind baniCadee to see what batch ol juvenile& Lm going · to deecend on 'em next. • Nowadays kida' from the diaper se:t up through t.bole cutting their lttth on JaJoPia make . like swarm• ot lucuata. They have en- Juged their a.cUvitlea trom • ~friendly neighborhood vtaltalion into a mayhem -packing eve- ning 11pread all over their own home town anti prob&bW over- lapping lnto the next. ll'• now a M!ach for Loot. rathe.r th&n a child- loh prank. I know o'r one..: pa.rt)f -one who'• calm Pven under stM:.h tire and kept track -wl\o counted TO viAlU of pa.cka (not lndivlduf.!a) JQt yea.I'. A \at-ge and eJlperudve 'atock or applea_ candy, nut.a, etc., enought to handle the crowds. And so there' were "tricks." too, trick.8 which dictb't do the lawn &nd Mrubbt-ry any good. Moel of thls. at cour&e, can't be blamed on the kida. Tbe-l:,1ka who let 'l'm do It are responsible. Some more than Others, !t might be pointed out. as Iota or parent.a have been eeen transporting' car- loads of :Cleta trom. neighborhood to nelghbdrhood tor their raids: In lheR caaea the darlings usually carry l&rge shopptn.r bags 'Or even gunny sa~ to collect the loot. • VPLUME XIl PHONE HARBOR 16111 Tlll8 W All WlUCCKAOE SCENE at Mo"411'U ""r.tlao H&llon. Balboa Blvcl. and C-t Ht1b,...7. !<_,,..rt, ~ aftenooon. alter· smubr.d Llnroln Hdan {tt11.ter) "'"* out Of ooe,trol· oa b.IP•1'J', cru.brd over curb and lato •tMlon, rl,,.,_ .... t.Uee ,.. • 111¥1NG YHr 1NT111 1 · HAllOI MIA , . , . SECOND ~GEST HOME OOMMllNiTY IN ORANGE tOUNTY > • ' ~ ' '" ... •· ' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THl)RSDAY, OCl'OBER 18, 1951 · . . •.FOURTEEN PAGJ!:!I , .• .. NUMBER 3:1 pampo -..... 111-15 '* lat.a -1 -loft, -i.tl<riD&' Fonl oodaa. In _k........,_ Ttuck, Font and pumpo Mere badl.Y .~~ bl ......rtlll&' -· !"'-J'hoto) . . I SUPERVISORS CITIZENS' COMMITTEE OKAY THREE NAMES .FACT~Fl~DERS ,~~~~~.~ TO ·1>ETERMINE -NEEDS . by the board of tupervtaora on Tueeday to proceed with three major hi&"hway proJecta . Top priOrtty wu gtvrn the ex- tentioo of BrlltoJ St. to connect with Pallaadea road at Newport Blvd., north of Coeta M:eaa, a.nd widening of Paltsad~ from New-port to MacArthur Blvd. Ea:Umat- ..i coot of th• project lo $181,000. Representative.· or Ne'4-port Beach civic and school otganizat!ona lut night voted to ap.,aint a five-man tact·finding committee to de. termine what new ell!'mentary school construction should be bullt to hOUH the city'• rapidly growing' grade ~hool popula.tion. Meeting in the board room of._ ____________ _ Horace Ensign School, approxi- mately 50 delegate• from Interest· ed local groupa heard reporU from achool otticlala and civic Ow~n Recovering leadere who are concerned with F A t c h The Brilltol e:xterulon has been r·om the mushrooming growth of . u 0 ras In th• planning •lag• tor oeveral school attendance. It lw! caused years. Deaigned to fUrnllh a new double sessions in 90ml'! echools in "" north-aouth artery from the west order that additional clus rooms Jamea Edward Owen, or 1712 aide o( Santa Ana to the beach may be made available. Ocean Front, Ba.lboa. is due hon1e communltle•. the 5.%-mile traffic· Fl N t hi thls woek end frorn Community ve ewpor arc tects were way wtII be conetructed with two to th fl din Hospital. Long Beach. where he named e tact-1p g com- 12·foot-wtde tralflc lane11 and two mllttee. They are f'aul Davia, has been confined !'!Ince last week eight-toot ahouldera. Plane pro-p h 11 m e r El.lerbroek, Frederick end when he was one or tour per· vlde for future wtdefting of the Hbdgdon, Gt¥>rge Und and Rich-aona inJU[ed in a spectacular auto paving a.a trafnc requirea. p Th u crash in the early morning fog. ard leger. e quintet wi meet Sprenger aaid $100,000 hu been a.a a committee. 00 Saturday in Two cllf's )"ere involved ln a appropriated tor the second-prior-minor head-on collit1ion .on the Plcgct"!I office to determine the tty project -improvement of Ka· ,..,.,.ct Highway, west of the Santa need or school ex:pa.nl'lon · aa re-'"""'""'JO'" teUa Rd. from LeJllngton Ave. In Ana J\i.ver bridge, Huntington fleeted by population growth; Lo• Alamltol to Huntington eJllating elementary 8Chool condi· Beach,· when Owen crashed int9 Beach Blvd. The 3 ~ -mile -long lions; the need tor more tacllitiei; the rear ot one of the previously roedway alao la ptarlned to in· damaged cars. The WTecked ca.ra , what a proposed. buUdlng pro· elude two 12-root la.nea and two caught tire' and the Owen car and gram would involve on a. square eight-toot •houlder!I. It bJ expeet-the Robert Mtlea Carbon auto footage cost ba.sls. ed the $100,000 appropriation wtll were serlouaiy damage<!. pay tor complellon or at leut the School Site CbMe.n Police· reports at Huntingtolt portion of the road from Lexlng-These factors wijl be applied lo Beach aha" that the oi-iginal col- ton to Hansen St. the proposed new elt"mentary li.Bion wa.s between a car driven Third priority wu given to a school project for Corona del Mar. by Ray J&ckao.n, tk>U G&.J'dens, .a.nd proposed Pomona • Superior Ave. At tt.8 la.at meeting, the &Chool occupied by Larry Meyera, 18, and e.xlenl!llon of Harbor Blvd. in Costa board voled to spend J27 ,491 for Albert Beck, 17, both Bell Gar- M.ea on' which Sprenger eaUmat: nea.rly 18 acres in an area bound-deru1 and tbe second car wa.s driv- ed eom.e $60,000 woUld be upend-ed by Carnation and Jumlne en by !Rol>ert Miles C&rlson, 33., ed. A vea .. Inland or the propoaed sta.te and odcupled br"" Mra. Sherman The Pomoaa,..8upe_rior link ia de--high.way, Elllott.j 26, and two otbera. all • Td like to see trick or treat gel back to where. It 9tarted, W1lh the young'na staying in their own neighborhood.I, where you know lhe)C aren't going to do too much dama,-e, treata or not. And I'd like to 8et' •em, "When they ,-et a .UW. older. get away tr"Om tbe ~.~OCClASHB ... ~peel to lte the et.art of the lone-A bond Luue wUl have•' to be Cotta e11& 'I)'&l,ler Park rellklen\a. pro~ plan -1.o ~d -adopted befo..e a .new JOCboOl can 'lilre. t · -"tL ~ ,_.....__. --,,,.. you, tu4 tac t.o ba.., th< balcll ot nltU~• on hand for the klda. but I hope. u years go on. the parents take heed and save me rrom buy- ing the gttu: b)t the bushel! After •talking about years ago in Newport wtlh Bert Mille the other day, '1te got to Wondering what'e happened to Shorty Gun- ther, and Bert finally recalled he's moved up near Riverside, or some such inland poinL Remember Shorty ! He had two lovea. Fishing and h.11 dogs. Pluto waa hia main dog', a St. Bernard just a little smaller than the city hall, and ht'! t90k great pride in · jahOWing orr that gtgantlc beast. He also took pride ln lfOlng out £n hla dory &nd brlngtng htlp'jew. fiah, or black aea baa, ashore, to be whacked up and sold or given away u the mood struck him. It's too bad Ulat he moved away. We could !!till use ·our former waterfront characters, even U' we're going modern more every day! Young G.O.P. Meet to Hear Sen. Knowland Mrs. Elva Wood.la.nd or Newport Heights announCed • today that Senator William F . Knowla.nd will speak in Santa Ana on TUe8day evening, Oct. 30 at Willard Junior High School auditorium. 1342 North Ross 8lr~t. comer of \Vaaktngton and Roa •trH:ta. The· Senior Senator from the Stale or Calftom.la In hll report to th«' peoptei wtU diacWM "Ameri- can Foreign Polky and lt'a [)cs...· mestlc lmpllcatiol\a.tt The mee'ting,, held under the &U!lplces O( the 10range County \' oung Republicans. w111 be held at 8 p. m. 'Ibe meeting ill open to the public a.nd t.bere wW be no admiuion charge. Robet't S. Ba.m8. ot Santa Azla, pttaJdent ot the. On.np COUnty Young Repobllcano hu ~ppolnted s~r Bro.wnlnr ot Santa Ana u gtneral chalrm&n for the evtn\'.' lllno. El.a W-l•nd ltU -named cba1rmaa ot· lhe Newpor:t area committee for~ Ule KDowtana _.__ ' ' m,,...... I . KcabOr Wealls1t ' .. • ~,}0-ti.a ----(-·-·. ""'~ • be,. buUL '· . ...!...-~-.:: · • CAUSE ·S20.000 ·DAtttAGES AS (ONE PERSON INJURED ·pOOR U. • CITY PiANNING . Loi Ange.lea aa It wu and now..--------------- 1 la, Southern California u It should be and ta not, wu toree- tully depicted by Richard Neutra. and South American countries where city planning and develop- ment brtnp rort.b gem• or beauty: 1-Jl -~.!l;~ .tJ>o main -At lut Jjljbt)I , mediruri-~ debto • Jep ,,._ . • -Into of OOtlla M-Norton. ·~enr •ot N~rt cUhed oenre body \mliMI ..,.i and bu tieeb. planned to . llnk up Harbor Cb&mber of commerce, chntll.!lo"' · with letb: St.. whlch wou1d carry ~t.ed to 'the ~member com· A .econdary collialon ~ the tra.tflcw&y to .Cout Hwy. mtttee that the elementary school when J . L. Blbeon, .20, of 412 wµ- OppoelUon from Newport Har-board wa.e equipped to undertake JoWbrook Ave., Oomptqn, stopped bor Hlch .:hool otticials to the the" fact-tlndln• study of achool to vte\f the nrat wreck and b18 ' use or 18th SL tor the tra.fflcway e:llpanaion need&;~ that It was the car waa craahed· into by another through the divided eehool cam-board's duty. The 11ugge11tJon wu driven by T. o. Walker of Loa AJt.. pus ha.a broufht objections to the not ta.ken aa those present felt geles. No one waa injured in thie' A · ,ervice station. three of tta••-------------- pump.s and three .,automobiles and a ~net truck wer't damaged in a spectacular col11.sio; and rtre Tues- day at the intetsection of Caul Highway and Balboa Blvd., New- port Beach. Only personal Injury wu a. skinned noee to one man . thrown Jnto the llatk>n, 53 yard! f!'Ut of lhf" impact , whet'e' the car sheart!'d oft three pump.. The three pumps a.nd RoBll' car caught It 11 the richest country ln the world and if we have not the money to do It he re, then that pl&~ mll!lt be on the other side ot the moon. planned route. the matter would have more com· colltslofi. ,... lndlcatlona ue that the 16th St. munlty aupport it Newport rest-• Damage to the MobUgas 11ta- tion, which WM the 9Cene or the ac tion and the vehicles, waa esti- mated by police at $20,00Q, ac· cordlns to Kenneth Markham, •la· tlon owner. It wu the worat tire and cruh he had &tth ln 13 years of aervlce station operation. N~rt Ofticera D. R. Burdsall and w. L. Ca.Mel reeon.t.ructed the crash and attendant ti.re tn thia sequence: A car driven by Dr. Karl F'red· erick Roaa. M)() Dlamond St.. La- guna Beach, going ea.st on Cout Highway's Inside lane wu thrown out or cont rol wh~n It.a left front fender was clipped by a Stal<' Fieh and Game sedan cr08J!ling over rrom the weatbound, lnald..: lane. The state car wa8 driven by Warden Fred Leland Venham. 6324 Almira St.., South Cate. fire, Igniting a pa.nel truck owned "One day when automobile• art' by William H . 0.rdntt, 74 7 North ers. no more used, a whirr or paollne extension will not be started un-dent.II probed_ the project and Jet til iruperv18ora decided d~ltely the 50-member committee report upon the route. / back to their organizations. Thia, Seward St Hollywood and a ~ Accept ing the challenge of will be uM'd tor a touch or scent dan owned.0by Donald D. Andrew!! qualities. "wood &nd brick with and a telephone pole w111 stand of 432 Ea.at l~lh St. Coeta Me8•· I eenUment ve~us steel · a.nd gla.u al the kitchen door tor senUment- 1 ' with Intellect.' Neulra gave a dis- Chamber to Choose 1951 Man of Year Thc,_, wildly ca.reenlng Rau ee-1ert&tlon which combinf!'d hum<>r al aaeoctationa. Al~ys m&.n ha& • hed • Inch pipe roof had an Interest In nature. He • \1an crua a 0 -w1l' acalhing crttlctsm Selection or a formula for de- rt M h I th' tatio '• · tattooee his face' and be tattoos 8Uppo · uc o e • n , " outbern CallfOf'T\la l• the root termln.ing the "Man ot the Year'' painted metal IW'face alao caught p.rden of the world.'' he said. "It the landacapc. ch&ncinC the nat· for the City of Newport Beach fire. la not poor u an many European (CoaUaMld oa J'aC9. I) who will recelYe the Chamber or Be<:aUH of prompt nre ftchttng ----------------------------Commerce deatgnatlon U to be acUon on the pa.rt of ~mce ,•la· CHEST WORKERS CELEBRATE 'COIDplled by dlttctora ot the lion attendant.I. City F)r• Entin• Chamber. Com p le t e confidence Co. 3 had very lltUe to do other . waa given the two previou. aelec· than f!'XtlnguJ.sh tlamca in the pan·· Uon•, Robert /L... Murphy for hi.a el truck. • B•DAY CAMPAIG. N .VICTORY many year• ot generou• and ar-M.Y-ter7 Car dent work on behalf or the city; "and Bob C&lll& for hi!. cont.tnued Cau8C or the lnltial colll&on, Warden Venham told lnveaUpt· 87 Rutb Hill Ing orncera, wu an unM!enllfied SuggeaUng that It be called a auto which oa.uaed him to rNem '1'banka&ivtn,c"'' Wtead ot "Vlc- at th~ Lnteraectton into RoN' tory" luncheon, Community Cam· car. The physJ:clan'a sedan era.ab· paign Cba.lrman Fta.nk Unnell f'd !JVf.'r a curb IJJto the station, I ded the theme tor the final 11mashing into a "r belng tilled aoutl . with ltU and tea.ring out the three gathe.rlng ot officers. maJon, cap- , community wbo Understood. what wa.a to be done and did it, he told the group who met at noon TUea- day at the Balboa Bay club. New· port Harbor'• response. to the American Way provea that &ollcl· talion tor the Commun1ty Cheat can be done with pride, he at&ted. work in boy. circles and Commu- nity Cheat. It wu detl!!'rmintd that a fonnilla should be developed to keep the ae.Iectlon on a hlg'h plane. It was stated, would lead to bet- ter public education on school needs. Next Meelln&' Oct. 29 "' A.Ji matter• stand, the tlve·man aichltect committee will gather" tact. concerning echool construe· lion needs &nd report back their findings to the 50 committeemen Monday, Oct. 29, at a aecond meeting ln Enilgn ecbool. Helen Caenar, prealdent of Newport Beach El e m e ntary School P .. T .A., opened lut night's 8e88J.on and introduced Mn. FA.Win C. Morgenroth, chairman of the Women's Civic League education and publicity 1committees, who acted a.a chairman. Mra. Morgenroth p r e JI! e n t e d (C.Unued oa Pa«e !) P9 pumpa wbJch were burled lG Out ol Cootrol I feet lnlo the truek which wu Out -of corrtroL Roa' aed&n wa.a be-lng M!rviced. talns and field workers who put the Cheat'a. drive over 1n eight days. Our thanks IO out to the enure Mrs. Harvey Somera, preald~nt of the Chdt. wt.o lnlroduced the m&Jor• ·•nnounced that each area had gooe over Ila · quot&: The Cheot. Including pledgn. hu $l8.217 In Ute bank. Additional pledge, whfch wire reported at the luncheon will pUt the percentage owr quota still. hlaber I.ban the 1151J. of quot.a antliounced a wtrek ··~· Mn. Somera told the work- era wbo corrt.tnue Ulla week their effort ~o rMeh au ru!denta - r<qUOAted ~tum ...U.. Thlo In· surea the Cheet'• stabUlty to deal with ""¥ •lllffl'"OC7 that mlpt arl>e. . .... • • ~°" W. JohnJon. Ptald<nt of tbe °""'11'• eowity r~ o( • Commuitl_ty ~ InC., --led tJial.IM lwl _.., t.o ill• ~ . ' ' t.o find !J>o oe.t·• ....._ romn•· la t.o ...... d ~ lbo -l7., Ott~ --"°"" b7 ~ ~~:4-- ... pr-led _caw., - ii"" -aad .JJl!lp Lia--,,...~·~ .... ._ p>ldplal.to! "-r.tliiln. ~ mojon -•P"'t-e - ---lbr a.. a.ea-: .. __, ..,.., . ..,._,...._;_ ~ --""*"'" ~. ~ Oil AJlorl. (>PPM I zp ..... 1'Ni1 W1TA11wwt.11t ... B. L....., ..... .... 81 * .-iar. i.n Ill-~ ~•: 'ptM, • I 4& "-. _. 1, 7 l.ar91 p'ss.-p Slit .. W .......... _. nm• •.-. -t '" • -(0 lt ....... ., , . , PLAYGROUND T ~250, FROM TREASUR DAYS CELEIRATIO~ The sum of $250 was donated . . . for use in Corona del Mar play· grounds by rep~~µ,vem ;'\ .... , _ _,_ Corona del Mar BuSln.881 ~ . ' tloo. Cl'lic Aa8dciation and Ute • Women's Civic Lea.cue at a meet, .. lng Monday nJght. The • group received a report that the recent, record-brea~ Treasure Days celebnition llhowed a $500 net profiL The re.preaen.- tatlves present decided hall tbe sum should go for the play~ ground!!. It. wUl be adminlatettd by a Joint commltlee. I ' ' • • ' • PAGl: 2 -PART T -THURSDAY, OCT. II, 1951 ~ ·;~!'.:iuss _-a · • .£N-t.OCA.£-UD ' ' . Publlohod Oftey Tbuniltl1 at N"ewpolt -Cb, ClaW'lln1la. Ofllce and, Prln~ Plant at 22ll Ba-B11'd.-Fbane Ji&""' 1111 Entered aa aecond"'(:laal matter June 11. 19'01 at the poet otftoe at Newport Buch, C&llfo"11a;~del' Ulo Act of.Kaldl S,.1&'19. • Jiu tloe JuCeot paJd ctft!91•-m lliio Nwpool -Ana Second Larceet Home (Jo• .,._,. la on......_~. BEN' 0 . REDDICK, OWMr and Publlahor ROBERT F . WU.JMWI• a 1 rlr Men• ... · ~ ALEbcANoER ~ ~ vn..- 81ililllJ91Pno?f lll.ft8: i.-i:wPOllT-a.\UMl,t. 'PBll88 . ""'7 n.,., 7 - -- . ' In 0,...11" <Joun.ty, $SJIO per ,_.; Ii.Gt • m I' I (ti.-- montb5) (8100 lncludeo tbe ~BT·BALllOA 1''EW8-TQD:S • Tueod&y) Oubklo the ......,.,. '4.00 per -,-. ' NEED MORE INDUSTRIAL PLANNING This is the time of year when some local merchants close up shop for a perioil of one month or more and de- part for mountain or desert climes. ' Partly the closing is caused by the owner's desire for a vacation after the busy summer months, partly it Is he- ca~ .he feels he won't miss much business during the winter period. • ~ . • ' • New Wool. -: · -. I R·se 't R . rk coau L,~ ,,_C.: 11 JOU •.. . · I .0 . ~fll3 ._ .! .. I •'",'"'"-..__...._ ... -.. ...,,,, -•an. ""'*'':.Di •1 = ...... .,_ r·-- '. «rt. ... I FF• Ced u.t. .... r A. dlivre u.raucta UM: 'rwal ...... • :i-""9"~::-:.'°.-.~ *':! YOUR ~.;:i:.=...~~ ~_!ES , =11.1 ~~ ~':: CONC-IESS ::=~pi:ni:n:i:= --"""" 11"'1 otrtNCI Ida ~ u u mluiy wnten llave called & mt111bor ot t1Je ell.I' Plaftr\lnll" ' Wulllngton :In Ille plUt monlha. m;;:;::;• ---'I'll• people are ·bappy~ilnil att l ·ICDubl'O<l< p.-ntecl m&pa · an4 eon..-·la ,deeply concerned at living well, although Ill.,., la no octol>or, 1~. 1111!1 • rraphs lllowtnr Ille city plannln&' the mom•nt about a. kind ot aecu· ""°t !oellng of penonal 1tnleftol I wlltt. the A-.tlae ,,,{ conl\llt.ant•a conception ot the r1ty that ·baa little 0~ ·not.hinC to ln th.I! ~in KOrea. un1ela a tam· Ottl~ Management bu wrY .. ft--~· "'""• populatJon ....,.u;. do with a.r-. Jly hu .Omeone tbere: th~ the"' bem•ntly •""""""ed the lmllr- 1.be ~Ual .....,. ln10 wbicb -ii real tnt:ereet. and qQ.eaUom, at.anding pt.ctice of t.be ahltatioa. 1 It will flow and ellrollnlent P'l'}.: ..:!!:..con~~=...~ n....... 111 p ""ijer-cu?T.,t or fool· In buslneu letten,, cJatmlDg. ~ }ectlou. Be polnt..I out'U..t o..., _.,,.., ·~ _..o:; "'"-..,.. lag ui.t .... _,14 Mt h&v• barn wben / you -te. "Dear "1'. SO.' the D1al&'D achoo! hu ~ liar -....,.., ---......, r-c 11-e Q:Jll'; ~ -,_&n pl,llcy ~ ~ 11 of whl,i> .,.. f~ Gl'l'jllaD ag.,,... I<> -"dll!Etent, &Fld W .... ~ And-So,"-YOU &r• Mt re&llJ Ill --w bqJ!t. An au<lltortu"° wj$bll<>ld -lnl~ ,,._ Ill• I<> ._,'and inbre ~-ad· with blm and tllettrore W. tMm • 1lllr'a'7 and ~· ;, bud n>CJ<lo 'ul!ll< If tbo7 _,..ch actlan "1ee ~ tllat wto~ Jnflu· of endearment la veey--wranc-It ...... Id. . liNr,1tey tor: Mtknll HCVitJ. eDOied tlie . .ataie De---....L...• In the seem.a like any a.uociGtl0-1 cf uy r----~ 't pe_rm:tta the ~\.l..LlllR~ eort •bould have ~d.1dng mote l!llebrwk polnted out that rec-.. ....:A t 6......a.:..""' to-de.le t.e t.bi8 tut few yea.rs. · vttal or lmportant'to d.!tcu.U sa a onlll 1lllow the thne elementary ~ 0 "" __ , P . __ authority to any ot bis \l.Dde!'Uup • u.:: com.mun.ilia ue .-rowin&'· convention. These same people -no ~ an aet .up for 1~ pu· maltlfor a potent!al .,.,,.., al pra.:'. Induatry la thriving. Tbe cropo are doubt crtUclaed th• goVemmetit pUi but &re aeWally IM>uaiJll" leA. llcally ... ry federal &G:""<Y em-planted an4 rtpen and att h&M1Ut,. •R""ncy that opent aeveral tbcJu8. The 1!~ •"~dally .:~i::; plo~. ed, ID cpite of the OPS, and ~ U)A:: d• of dollar• ot your monef re.. ance ...,._.., WM ·l up , 0onlJ'8l}Onal crlUci.sm wu fm· Hydra-he.ded qenc.iee of Wash--CtnUy determlnins-bow tut and ~H~ftr&l'e~t::!i ett.1-rnedtate and ttequenUy abarp. ' lngt.on government. 'rhe people how long & gopher'• teeth wtll . s.n. Briclctt tll>-OIUo) 111troduc· talk or talUoll. _Tbey are btgi/mlnr crow ,.iurtng II'• lifetime. Accor<I· :-led ~OOO ~ 1'bla ~': ed a bill (8. 2190) to re~ the to think Of. pnmibtt ~ Oil lng to Webater'•, Dear, does not ~ Witg. ~t. of tM executJve order. Be Mid tt I• cen-both party tick.eta, for 19'2. I say alway• mean endearment.· but !leeway and normal reolde!)Ual era!)¥ rOC<JCll)zed U.,t cemordilp -:.~.!.,oal!I ollC<! bofq<e, drlv-could mean high In prtcea: ...Uy • by the o.r....., Depull'""'t &Dd' !Jl!r. ,...,.._u -tlaern ~. ~ a or bljrhlY violued. Some ·or W. cniwtb-Al-le Enera Cornml,IO)og, "mUft ~ -'ecDl4r "'°"' ·tts1""1w salutation Vo doubt mlght be YerY N.,.· --·-be toler&t.ed In aplte · ot"ll>< 111, al>oolt the ~en.t ud I~ ad-apropos at' t1m.a. • • Actually, closing other than for annual vacatiolll! exercise a weakening effect on the community and point up the need for Newport 'Beach to have a well balanced economy, year-round population and the resulting steady business. Part, or thla population 1nc.-evllable &bu.la." He strongly al>-ml111aUa1Jc!n; "'tl .. r to ilhooe I • Through long uaage, oometlllnp will be aoJ.lled In tlle area around je>cted I<> gi¥1ng more tllan IO fed, r.-4 <WS)'• day Ill •. lbw _,U>ern aequlft a habit an<! c:Om.ct.i.-~ neow srwmmar ecbool 8Ue:, El-eral department. &nd 11fe11CW pap_erw., '1te would pf'Oba~7 be in.... regardlu. of wbether a group of lerbroek aid, ~ tllat ·-no. "the ....,. power to aupp.-In· Jl<l!lllcaled by the ll'l!l and peraona would mtnutaly find !lawo Irvine Comp&n,y bu lndlc&ted It formation." · ~ by the Intemal -"" In them. People do not alw&~ - wW .ai aubdJNion land'' u It la Rep. BU:ewdl tR-Mo.) declared: Bu.reau! . ~ lnean exactly ·what they ay. ' • • Newport is, from a business point of view, a cham- eleon-like city -· ruddily properous during the tourist sea- son and. a little on the anemic side when summer has gone. This need n.ot be characteristic always. COUNTY MUST ·RAISE ' HOSPITAL FUND ALGNE noeded. The new _,_ wpuld that .. ..a.cy la the ci...k or dlo· . Ky cryat&I ball ~ not t.dl me 'l;!tank roodn~ ! Wben th• waiter crMle a demand tor ~ honeety." ~· Talle (Jl..la.) Mks yet who the candld•ta will H . In sa9•. f'Than.k you-\" If yau gtve hlm ~ build.In,-around It. be COlllended. he t.bouaht Jf wu aJptflcant that Wa.abJDgton it ii ~ for gT&nl-· a 19c pp, he ·probably me&na. "You ll:nlltgn atated tll&t the new "the Ud of -""'Y is being clamp-td that Mr. Truman will run. In cheap\ ao ·.and· ao." ~ Alao I don't Presently, something can be done if local businessmen are willing to exert initiative and bring new plants here. The area can use the added l!"yrolls that new commerce Oran~ Cour.ty muat go tt alone, ill the word &oa\ ho Prancl9co ... u.. State Ho0pl tal Board decldtd at 1.. recent meellfts lo mall< at that time, no allocatlorui !or bOlpital a.kt tn l!lilJu:tlaenl c::alltor::Dia, outside. Loe Angelea County. would bring. . Particu.larly desirable now wou)d \,. the establishment of more lig'ht manufacturing industries doing sub-contract work for war work contractors. The area offers many good. relatively inexpensive sites which could be leased or pur- chased much more reaS01Jably than the same ground would cost in light manufacturing districts in, say Pasadena or South Pasadena. Both of these cities have a number of small defense production plants. They contribute .JDUch fi- nancially to the cities from the tax and payroll points of \riew. 8" now a nf'W campalgn !or ... --~---------­ flmdl to f'\lrni.lb and equip the N I •-IL Hoa·,.. Memorial Hoepltal at N~w·8U I a ..... port Be-ach ta MOounced by John • .,._ ~ A. Murdy, Jr .• president of th.-(('.....,.... ,,.... • -v l) hoepilal board. Murdy state:• that u.ral contlgurallon and all ll ,done the local board hu about a million wtth mNllinC'.' dollars to put Into thf!' 75 ~ hoe-lhidffw Uawtw pit.al buildlnC" no""· 'l''f"ll under wa.y, but will need the ht-lp or all blg'-"IL u.ed to ~ tbat man ~lect­ hnrtf'd citizens tn Orange County ed. bis locaUon in virstn fomrt but IU'ld otheni to ra.l~ the 1250,000 before build.Ing hi. bvt. ln cue rtmd to equJp tlW' h011ptt1al com-local demom mJ,sbt object. tbttt pletely. To ca.rry on tht.s apeclal cam· WM • rtblal to placate Uw .tphit&. palgn Murdy ha.a appotnted WU-Tbme people could be comidend !lam F . KimPs of Orange Cout lea -~. and wtett than \\·e These small plants didn't, like Topsy, "just grow." Their owners and ·operators were convinced by aound rea- soning. Suburban plants allow employees to work and live outside metropolitan manufacturing districts. They don't have t o fight downtown Los Angeles traffic. . Colll'ge. also a. director of the hOA-are. plW. to head the dri~. A •tart 'Today the a~ l&kel lM plaee of tbe demon.. The w~ dividtt 5elects hla location. plana 50-fool lot.a, cha.sea away any nat- ural ase"ts. the birds and \he bf'a~ts. He tears out the trees and turna ll 1nlo a desert. Then he plant• telephone poles and r i - plaeea Aatura.I growth wt.th a cri.cro.a ot wt..rH. It Jooka ter- rible. Decentralization of production sites is in line with de- fense planning. h8.ll M en made and the $250,000 budget hu been allocated ovoer the eounty In a way that will bring no burden cm IUlY community or in- c11vidual~. Many~"'" While no one living in Newport Beach wants it turned ''Wben we slop to count t.ll~ into a congested, smogy, traffic-ridden city. obviously the benefit> that will eomc with the addition of light manufactaring buainesaes would contri~ opening of thlo fine •-Ital," oa10 much to · the city's prosperity. The city planning com.mis-Kim~~ '"the "°'t will be small In- . d -·1 uld -·• t f " f'k I b . deed. To glve the campaJgn a s1on an city councJ wo 1·we OU 1rms I e Y to nng apeclal appnl, a. pla.n for "Living industrial blights on th'e area. ~f<'mori.a.lB" h&..5 been prepattd But it is up to Newport business and civic leaders to that ahoukl a.ttract everyone who . . . . . . h1 lnleref'led ln mt.'morialisin~ encourage light 1ndustnal development if the city is to see ll()me d<'a.r relativt" or friend. a normal, f(IOnthly flow of private enterprise <iolJars. "Living Memorials" l.8 lhc pres- ----• ent apJX'aJ, memor"lals that will hf>nent lhl!' living, bring · a l&rge meLWre of relief and comfor-t to th(' suffering. while at Lht> saml:' tlmt" paytng an ('ver-ju.!lt and liv- ing tribult" to others. BALBOA BLVD. WlDENING URGENT Residents of Newport, West Newport -and Balboa. should be constantly on the alert, and insistant that the City proceeds with the plan announced last council meeting for the widening and extending of Balboa Blvd., from 30th Street to the Coast Highway. For nearly a decade now that area has been sore on the vision of all passers by because of the row of vacant lots on the inland side of the road where the street was to have been widened. The job should be pushed with all speed. To aid in this "Living M emori- als" plRn the public relations com- mittee ot which Braden li"inch ls chairman, has lasu('(I a booklet which tf!.U& In \1rord a.nd pletu~ the story of the hoapJtal t nd lhia "Living M~otiala" plan. Th c booklf't p~ta lhe rappeal tn a wann and friendly 9ptrtt and should aaatst materially 1n bring- ing outatandlng auccea lo a n!&l- ly worthwhile cause. No appeal can bt> more al.nee.re than one wbich he.Ip• lhe living and ailtng- whilc paying luting honor to lhollle' gone before. Chest Meet (C...thwed from ....... I) Citizens, however. should be alert to see that funds, major, Mn. Harold Ayre.; eap-earmarked by, the council last meeting, actually get into taln, Mra. A . S.mAr<I de SoUA. Not only is the road badly needed for local traffic easement, but, when the State begins work on the Arches 'averpass, Balboa Blvd. will be an important route for sidetracking much of the traffic now 'riding the arches. The na!'l'ow, congested Balboa Blvd. in this ares has been uninviting. But with the widening program of 25 feet carried out it can be a welcome addition to our pattern of traffic. this project. Money is now on band to move the howiea Balbo& Ialand: major, Mn. Nelda blocking the improvement at 38th Street. Money is on Glbeon: captalno, Arthur Torrence and Kmn. C..thetine Kinter, hand for the purchase o f' the Marble property at 31st and Harry r.Wngo, l:uie1 H . Atkin- Balboa hlvd., and still enough money will remain to finish aon, Ka.therln• suu.on. 81llrley the project, the city engineer bas estimated. He ,bu aaid SporkuhL Col'On& d<I Mar: major. C. Lffter JOMO : captalne, A. K. that he needs no approval from the state to acquire the Phelpe and lllmM. A. o. Howald. property and move the bOUBel! with gaa tax money. Now T. D. Stewart. Jm• Major, John is the time to do it! Pool•. B&I Wela. J . T. Kedft, E. . H. Van J:l>rtonber&", • When this project is finisbed there will be time enough -.... ot lncfta-. In ..,P..... : to begin on Newport Blvd. from Finley Stzttt to 30th. lion .,...,. la& ,_;, aome areao •Since the cut-0ff road or\ 31.at ~ waa abandoned by ;:;,.. ""~ =:!. ~""'::; • the city council there i.I 110 point in hunying the Newport 111 cll&rs• ot ~ i... &nd ~­ •Blvd end of the improvement. Untll tbl'Ollgh trattlc ean IM<I • ~ ot 21 .....,.teen "' be . te h ed . ,_, 'and . ti conr W. MdJon ot Nowport m . re , ang • qwc .. y converuen y to Balboa Blvd, -. Kn. Harold Ayno took .Newport Blvd., is an nnipiportant by-way. o-u ....,.... for Ba7 -.. and • • ( -· Kiie. . ' ;'cITY FATHERS ON FLING · . 1 ' City' Councilmen of Ne1rport Beaeh, their wives, and Letter to · ~ Eclftol' •;hired henchman baye been enjoying neuly a week'• ·outlng :r~=\..J.. , •.at San· Francisc, largely at the taxpayers' ezptnM. 'Tia a ~-rt -b, Oalll'omJ&. tunny thing, but when the ~ tape of Citlel Dear Jib. 11-..,· ' , t:n-"-b•'-' d._. __ •"'"~'-T __ ""-We -I<> tlllmlt '°" -,_ ~--~·" ..... ~-......... -,_c11 --tlon ......... 'fw ,_ 1k!D4 ·--a ;09uple o( years ago, only the Qty lhupr and oie -1a ~ lo ~ ..,_..,., ~mcllman could find time to aftelad; ot ,_ "'"' , -,....t ~ .. But tim ... ,,,, _ __. .. .... •• ..__ 111111 9<1•'• 1111-. • • es ..-ve ....__ rOI\ ..-peet ••a:a. .....,... ,,_ ....,. •rr 1 r , •ta. wen ~ aamo organization'• --tlon U. bee!> lleld In 'tu ""'"" •••1' , •. --' ot citf San Francbco, .,._ __ -~-cnund'm " tbe ""' -.,., • ._ .. to ..,_ u.. ;z__ -· ----..-J----.--~ • ......-: "' ten .. a. .. ..,... "Tht"re-should be an lnt~rpre­ tatlon or landace.pe to individual Interior df!'algn. Ctvt1lzalion today brings a lot of impacts which do all kind.5 of thlngs, thro.ugh the out.aide, to human be.ings. Archi- tecture can do, &J)d it doe.a, & great deal of h&rm. The development of our t"nvironment and lta spottinese or progresa le appalling. W e hav(, got to g1!'t used not eo much to fac-ts u lo meanings. ''Fatigue t& a thing research ~·orker& have been interested in for the la.at ~O yea.ts, what hap- pens to the nerves and In muscle textures. Oor dcsigna have much to do with our habitation ; and even the belt df design, banded to you continually, produce.a f&· Ligl.IC. "I would not })ave the same models uaed continuously. But In all 1.he scene there s.houJd be & cert.a.in harmoniou.a re.laUon. a fltllns in.. But our parUal and quick development h.u spol'6d the pattern.. There are nl!w shapea. new color combln&Uolls. A tbt drive down t.be bouJeftl'd pioduou a ~al strain which makes one long tor green •l"'8&5 and blue •k1e .. ·· Colo....i S~-u...i Seoond pa.rt of the tec{ure wu accompanied by the showing of colored allde.. t.o. Ange.lea of 1~ yeara qo ahowed a town of tl&l rooted houeea, each with Its own courtya.rd. "And they crttlciae the modem tor It.a flat roofa." Aid Neutra. In Juxtaposition wu & modern L. A. street, "It's hor- rible." be aald flatzy and empha- obed the point with. a picture of • real e•late ottlce. houeed ln • bu.., bulldog' e!11S)'. vi .... or bl&' developmenta. 1aJd out at rtcht anclM. '° man.y to the block, ''In ud> yard. detacl>- e<I pnp. • lolepbone pole and a pi-bop can." ...,., -truted with bu.uutui. &ow-ooe.t p&aMtnc with po.ri<a. commll!llty W1ldJnp and -l oentued. with no dan- C'eroua croat.np for plld.ren. "lt Le th• f\mcUon Of t.be &reJU .. t.ect," Neutra .aid. "to eiteod the habft.able ..,._ ot t.be wwld &om tho .Anla(!:IC I<> the Qon'°'" Even Illa cleaert can lie giY91 be&uWUJ arcbltactuno It' id6u ue lilted tO 'a&t>lral oOclbnnatJon. ... ald.Hep .. c:r..utlo~ ,.,.. the a>all ..it~ - a.ad --It .... ,,._,... I!, o11t•tD tree~" aait _,... :ret' dee. .a ...... est....... Be OOllqllMd u.. tallt ..,, ~ ~------­~ ..... ,....el WI =I Md llJllt. C#•Y attorney, city clerk,~ ..ch Hr, ad dti -....-. -1a -1 '* tr-. Gd. ob yea, the city ~ • .ii ~ set ~· we .,. _.. = , lb -or Mlr arr T,rain ~ tationa wwe • 11iJ, tlle altJ'. "1, I ... -ti I .. -he t aw. Md ~ • ... -W = ~ ~ we'll. bet all paid ~ ,;. ot tbe ~ :,. ~';. ': ~=-;: :.11: ft ·-:i~~.1::-., - Ocheqner'. AJJd. of COUW, tMre --elllte IDd ,_-I I ..... ~ · ..,. __ a -• t11t .. - JllU and ent~ and car fw, and ao..,. llWIJ ._....;1!!.'!1111· • o1o-. Oil-•, --alb thin Farther the-----_..&I-~,.,,,._. ....... 'IJ'· n. • · er P. I -ae more~ meting. .R.tlt a.u, .._.. -la *lo•.W ..... •• 11 ..,_ • I: achoo! alte will be inalde Ille dty ed do.,. eveo u ~ l"l'l, In Wublngton. It 1ooka aa ll ~ that all the tadl.. In limlta when lt la annevd • committee• are sitt.i.na' .. e.harga; Cl'! be were already ruhDblc•r Aa of T'e:u.1", wbO ~ · you '"Bone~, .. hoped. Mn. Harwy 8omef'I uk-cornapUon ln the Tn.wian Admln'::. today, tt .look.I aa ti Smator .Taft mean you att a very .. sweet per- ed whether the 1¥4 lwl to be an· latratlon." ; would. be the Repullllcan candl--or the ,fiuld collected by H*d M:fore a bond 1-ue la voted Sen. Bebton CD-Conn.), normal-dale, tn. apite ol enel'g'eUO '1rorta bees from the flowep. to W>derwrlte coot or the achoo! ly an admlni~ _,_ur, on the part or the I>emQCr&ta lo t.11 Th~... f""r Frfendly Ford proj«L ICnaJp aaJd. "No.'', p._.. the appoilllm..,l I<> a the Repuhtlcano wtooJj> they, the Dealer, Tlleollore RQblna, uy- Some dilcuaaion cent• red h1ch _federal poa;t of a '""P,eoPie'a 'ad· Democrats. would like the Reputr lnC' Good-bye 'tit ne,rt week. around the bond lMUe Which vocate" to-fl&'lrt for tbe releue .. ot Ileana tct nomln&te. 1 CCNl4 add, · ? would be · neelted for the .Chool intonp&tiari to ~e publtc. 1n aplte .al90 ot peretatant propa:. con.atnactk>n. >.. eum in the neta".h-Sen. Mood.)' \15..llicb.J, &190 nor-IJ&nda. al8o of DemocraUC origin, borboOd or '500.000 ts believed mally a.n AdmtniatraUon supporter that 'Senator Ta.ft would. ~e an needed. according to unofficial and a former Wublngtdll corre-excellent Pre:aklent, but,. he just Hllmate1. En..tgn said a •pedal .spondent. 9ucgest.ed eelectJDg a OO'Uldn'l be elected f thi&, of a man elect)on mtgbt be actvtable for group of Waahingtdh Dt'\iimpaper who hu wor\ e.viry cam'"algn, the bOn~ u the matter might men lo help ~ Admlniltr&Uoii a,gainJlt u rough and &.1 tough OJr Norman Mi ler to Address Pro Amenca Ket lost ln a general elecUoa. Nest draft a aecurily eode. poslUon u any candidate ·bu had. @lectlon will be In April. Almost immediate.ly after the There a.re nwneroua "favorite Pro America will .meet Friday, However. be:tore a bond \Mue LI White Hou.-order wu ~ an .-ona." · One of tbeae could 11tep Oct. 26 at 10 a . m . lnrPilgrim Hall. undertaken. p-rellmtnary plan• Ot:tice Of ~ 8t.ablllz.aUc¥t otq-into the nom.inaUon tn. an lm-CoJ;On• del Mar. Norman Miller, and .pedftcat.JOD9 for new cdn-cial Jnued a direc:Uve torbiddlnJ .puae. Al t.be m~ theft a · no chairman or Young Republlca.na atructlon muat be drawn, ~ ,ap-rdeue ot any lnfonnatJon that lmpu.e. KY own mtrid, on the tor 7.fth dblt:rict, 'Will lfe speaker . proved by the focal school boOd, mlpt •·emt.rr-U." OPS. subject. is llWl open. ? hope that Hi.s subject, ·n.e HighlJghta of by the •at.ate and varto\111 ~ When wqrd of that reachcc! CY.i· Ute ent.hu.si.utic . noiDine.pickere Election L&wa. There will be a acenciet:. Bids-can be called.. for grea, the bombs· of cnfk'l1m r,f will 1remember one-l.bin.g:. 'the round table dllicussion ._rterw&f'Cls. on the project after mon•y is the Pree'tdential order really bepi; ~paigp wtll Wt about eight Mr. Mui.er wtll give suggestions available. Earliest date the pro-to burst. The \Vhlle Rou.s..! i4J.;ckJy weeka; the job Qf saving lhe Re-to help efforts timed to action on ~ new school could be com-rescinded tbe OPS directive. But publk: Will Jut Cor·eight yean. It the lova.l level. 'All women ln- pleted was estimated at Septcm-Congress already hld gotten a wtll be the . hardest job ·evec un-terested in protecting the A.mert- ber. ·l~S. · tut(> or th\ngs to t·ome u.,O<'t the dertaken in this nation. can way of life are urged to at- \.aluatton :nM"'9.8.-new Executive Order. It can be dorie Only by the •tend. • Nor were the CongtC?.1;.Sional . . · EhstPi told the meetin~ that Ill lllfled b .... ... . people. not by any nominee, of any the 9ch0ot"dbllric\'• a.ueaied vii~ er_ ~·~mo · y ~ ..... rumjlllS party. -Tbe--electten-ia ·-1~~ wW uaUcm hu Jumped from $9;2f2~000 announciment at"h~ n~ coater-'deterrftlrie, nat which patt_Y. wtJJ tn 1e38 to a. preunl $40: niWton. ""!.f the qUJer d•Y that Jld' woUld ha.ve a President in the rc!mOlle:lled Ill change the order If expmence White House, but wh•l ~nd of Tbe fact-ttnd1n1 .colJlll\illee w · "'arranled. . tn lt. hA · ~ .~·· determlne how much money ean He o.ttempled to justlfy the 0;. fOftl'n en ~ ve. . Dr. Von KleinSmid to :Acldress Mesa· B0oster Body be borrowed on a bond issue derby saylng It was needed to pre· The .Uni\ed States was founded aga.Jn&t lhe &•ssed '•aluation. elude publication of military sec-on an ldee. we accept cuually Dr. Rufus B. Von KletnSnUd, The &Uperlntendent a• s e rte d rets. But hi3 critlci were aware now, ·but which wu B"f&nge '&nd cbanceUor or the University of that aueued valuation figures that the State and Defense df:-new &t. the time ~ the .American Southern cautornia and moderstor bave ri§en with populallon gro\lrth partmenta and Atlimic Energy Revolutio~ and ~e French Revo-I of the teleform progTam. will be al the rate of about 'one million Commission alreagy ._po1Jse&JI un-~u~lon. It 111 the 1c:tea. that govern-guest ig>e.al<er at ~e annual Co8la dollan per year cturlng the past limited authority to protect the ment comes from lhe people, and Mesa. Chamber of Commerce d~. nation'!!! military &e<'n:,llS through ~ey reta.tn . 90Vettignty, y1eldtng membership dinner, Oct. 24: at 7 "I t we Increase Sl,000,000 a cen1<>rsl1ip.. nghls or dut1es lo tfle gove~ent. p.m. In the Frtd&y Afternoon club. year in a.seeued valuation, thls Sack or t he Congr~sional dU!-as the}· choo;?e. The legialative Se.l.lm F'r'anklin, preeident of ~e give.s m the possibility of invest-taste for the PrnldentJ&l order body. in ou~case, the Con~, loc&l booater body, annowices th&t ing '50.000 a year In aohools, En-were several important fac tor3: '-'"U the mouthpiece. of the people; the theme of the: occulon will be sign said. "\Ve're allowed to l . The abhorrence ln our Democ-U;te protector of these eOverelgn a ''Salute to Education." Dinner spend 5 per cent of 'the val'uation racy of any 90rl of ceMor.shJp of tights. ,_ muatc wilt be provided by Orange on capital outlay," inform.aUon for Lhe public ... xc"pt The previous theory of'g-overn· Cbut college. Thirty-five loc&I orgllniz:atlons where absolutely necesaary tor ment b&d been bued on ,the "dJ-AJ)t membere and guest., are were ttPre.aenlt'd at last night's reasoiU of military M'CUrtly. vine right of kings," and when urged to attend u an expretmlori meoetlng. All city groupa a.re 2. Awarenua that there Is no Louis •aid, "L'etat, c'eat moi!"-and ,recogiittion or Costa Mesa's urged l o &end repreaentati'tn to real conllecJ.ion between the act-the State. I am· the State, ·he wu growing importance u lbe educe.- the Oct. 20 n'\t-eling. Mre. Morgen-ions of the majority of federal voicing only the accepted theory tlOn center of Orange county, roth announced. Among groups agencies and national security In of government of bia day. It iB tm-Franklin a&Jd. repreanled lut night were: Wo-ita real sense. portant that we reall,ze thle. A ----~-------- men'a CtV1c League, P.-T. A., Co: 3. The celerity With which most government founded on ~uthorlty rona del Mar Ctric A..ocl6tion, federal agencies diacovcrcd, t ,or from a free people, is nQ! the ~e Young G. 0 . P .. t.onta Club. U-pl.U'p0.6e •of obtaining larger ap-as a government dJ~tatins-to the brary Board, Pro 'America. propriaUona, that their routlne op-people, regulating the people. It Hellenic Council, League of Civic e ratioas \\•ere "vital" lo national is not a paternalistic government, A uncM.liona, ltlooee. Elka, Ex· defense. · This breeds fear in Con-nor a welfare governmenL It la change, Klwania. Rotary and Op· gress that lh08e agencies, eapecl-not, in truth. the klnd of govern-1 LESTER & BECKl!lll, D. D. & QENTISTRY llmiat clubs, Chamber Of Oom-&Uy when encouraged by the new ment we have in Wa..shington to-~7~ Newport Blvd., Oostalifea. me.rce. Balboa linprovement A.a-Preaidentl&l order, would be ju.rt day. ' I I lb Bu I • p f l al Medical Bldg. Beaeon 97G2 »oe. at n, s ness • ro e.ss on ae eager to uee the preteJrt of their Just what fUndamental differ- Worrtfll, Elem~ntary •ch o o 1 a, importance to national defe.n.e to eoce is there between -Lo~ con-~ It Bay Ave., Baibo& E'Jbell Club, Central Newport A•· '4ilhhold lnformaUon which mlghl fldent in hie divine right. and u.y-Barbor 327.J eodatlon, S!)ore Clift Auodation, encounter adverse public reaction. ing lh&t a king could do no wrong. PI an n in C' Commialion, Park, There la a.Uio the fact that the nor his courtiers be cTlUelud, and :'-------'--------' .Beac:h and Rffreation Commb-PrestdenUal order highlights an-a Pruldenl who says, of men ac-llOBTICIAN lion and We•l Ne\\'])Ort Improve-othe:o of the dangen of tbe aort of cused of bnbtry, of aelling lnflu-1..-----~~-------. m ent AuoclaUon. • 'bl t" th ,,. BALTZ • 'ORTUARY · g governmen al ·-grown ence, of mink coat>, and bought m up in Waahin.glon during the 1.ut patronage, that these are all hon-Lady AttmclM.t uo·~-matnoa,., OORONA DEL lllAll. olOLL Y .JRS. DANCE 20 years. It.a growth bu found orable men and women, just that \ 'I'hlrty two Jolly Jun.ion, ·dance Congre1.e delegat.lnt more and "l.bey have done nothing Wegal." club of .U.:th. .even th and eJ.P.tb more aut.bority, via aoo.e.Jy written 'l'hb le the dedldon to be made I (T'lldaro, held thel~ October porty leg1alaUon, lo t b • ExocuUve in 19:;2. Mfl>Ope la that U.., wt.no ,.,_Y •""inc at Rqan'• re.-br&nch. wilt look· lo the ~bl yan, and taurant, COrona del Kar. I>eccri-Today ~ -a altua--Ollly to t2le ellllt weetu .. Uonl and fa.von were in BaJJo.. Uon when aupPnakJn of. mu.ch · --Information ...,,..... ~ ...... ot ... Dorotby 'o -pff d&Dce curtty may ·Plt•Ollt ~ It· tUtruouaa a.ad Ulen 1ff9N. ....,,,., aell, u well .,. tM 11•e"'1 pUbUc. D~ ~ then WU a iron> loamln&' oudly -UM Ex· tru1 or hone" op11i.. rn c11arp ecuu... _..,. an, uotng tbelr for u.a •-1111r wve -· llaiPl' -autborit,.. Dwt....,.. a,,.. Xinltmua. WU· -~---.-- ,_ l'ridllam, Nler Welpa -a_ --Opportwilt7 la lmodd•r .In ¥n. .._ ct.•u1ru:u ADS. - DAY AND NIGHT ..--u - • Old z.t1hltlbect 1MuraDce Apley . AD Hnu wrttteoi. -' HOWARD W. OEBBl!llll 1808 Newport Blt'd., Ooota - PHONE mtACON 6161 -- BE SURE ~JNSURE -' JIAUllD llTAJO..Sl' -Olll7 --·'"' .. .................. . , W • .Stuall FDlh <lllDRAL rlwsuR.uroll ~ h/otm_,.. 11'1 ..... ..... H ............ ft.W• .. ... . ft I .. . •»•• ' • . . .' ( • • ' • II \ I · • • • • Sunday Reception for Burt Procter. jigned by Cowie Art Galeries By Wloiln>d l!Mbre :eurt Ptocttr Corona .del Kara I vert.!eing agency for meveral yean. dow-apolten. ~ wOrJting utltt. Bat between tbe tMe be .... ii a buey ·man theee daya. AU ern.Dda and achlewd i.• •wn of .. about th~ atudJO are canvasse3 flee, be "got Itchy' feet and pucked which It la best to pick up by thelr oft to Arizona... 1 .. uere, 'he aaya. frames, for ~ paint le apt to be lwl "wottc_ed for 1lle ll>'f'erru\1enl at attll W'Ot. An ..,id!_ procO--~ -ldokecl "'°Wld o< u.em epjlean on the -1 In ~. P'ldally tile amlllUon the ~ter of "'e attn.ctJve llltlz hue btt me .-cl_ I 'Clllml '-'* and aide atudlo, for they are deetlne<I .,,._ tlle OCftoe.'' r .. tlwlt "'heaven of all good paint-tlla ear.er ..... lnteroperaed en," the Cowie Gallerte1 at the With varioua outdoor actlvtUea. BUtmo•e ll'otel, Loo ,Anll"leL ~tually he ''Wanted to be a bl( Southern Call!ornlans for quite shot and went to New York." aom" time ·have been conslatent Tbere ke had ~rioua eervtcee, buyers of Procter picturea. After ultlmalely becomlng · art director the tint or November they· will of the Lord, TbOR1-. and Logan get them rrom .f..he Cowie Gal-agency. lerlea. tor the ~•t has received Fed Up WlUt N. Y. we.II earned recdgnJUon. "'I finally Cot. fed up with of- Natu.re'a Scbool fice . work and leaked out, came Procter pa.lntJI, not in tradition back to start painting. I got of any ttchool, but from his own 1na.rried and went to llve on the love and deep undet-atanding ot desert, ldcked around, dragging nature. plus the •kill ot excellent my wtte w1th me. She didn't mind training and years of work. Ria It a bit. Then the war Ctme along pictures are good from a techni-and we moved to Corona de! Mar. cal standpoint, and pleastng to All through the war I wc..rked as the layman. ship carpenter at the ulcl Victory The sea and the desert are his yard. Since then, l have been torte and he peop1ea them as t hey pa111ting." · should bt?, with a lonely rider, a The Procters have one child, single fisherman. Once in a while Virginia, 7. She pa:nts, "'a.ll chil- wlth an lndlan ma{d or a pa ir ot dren do," say1 her tathet". "If she young lovers. One of hi.!! lovelieM wants to be an artist, I can't stop scenes has only sea gulls flying t.er: if she doesn't, l can't make over a broken expanse or rocky her." ma.mtes and quiet waters. He has In concluding, he says wist!ul- to his credit one noral, pale asters ly. "Ir I had been able, I would in a blue vase. He doesn't seem have thrown painting away and t o know quite why h e painted it, been a tramp." A tee ling that can but It would grace any wall. be echoed by alm0.111t anyone with Perhaps the rea.M>n Procter a. great love ot nature. canvasses have M> general an ap-On Sunday an.emoon and eve· peal can be fountJ in the artist 's ning or this week Procter will bWn life story. g-reet friends at an oµen house In A Glouees~r M&n the Vf'ra W1Uiama • Thelma Pad- dock Hope Patio Art Gallery, 313 ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. where his pictures are hung in what will be the last local show He was born in Gloucester, M&J:I.~ .. but the family soon moved to Chicago and there he studied at the Chicago Art Institute. It was 30 years ugo that Procter came to California. He had an idea he wanted to be a mininb engineer and (·ntr reJ Stanford university. ''It soon lla\l.·ned on me," he says, "that if I ever got to be an engi- nffr, I would be a punk one, so I started running erra.nda ro. a commercial artist tn l..o8 Ange.lea." He studied at Chouinard Art school evenlngB and 900n was do- ing con1n1erclal work. He ·had his own office and was a one man ad- New! VENETIAN BLINDS With Snap on Removab4e Slats Your C leaning Problems Solved • COMPLETE SELEC'TIOl'li FftEt; ESnMATES C'omf' In F"o r llt-murtstratlon' • COASRINE FLOOR COVERING 1791 S f'U'poTt Aw., Costa Mf".'lla Bf'acon 52~ I ...I Sqs: D UNCAN HINES k o Cream i.s matle in Orange County by Ask for It &t your De&ler ELECTRIC SUPPLIES U&"hUlig fb:turu 1..am .. --.ParL'I -Kepalra • HARRY M. WHETSEL 411 N.-wport Blvd. ~ta Mesa Phone Beacoa 11%9 Superlative Dry (llmn•nc for a long time. ------ Shower Honors Bride-Elect of !..Peal · Policeman Don.a Irene Dsvtdaon of Fuller- ton, wu honor gueat on Oct. 10 a t a pl"l'-nuptlat sho'f{er at the home ot Ann Delligatti, 616 Mar- guerite avenue, Corona del Mar. Ramona JaapeT" ot Corona dC'I 1.far Wll3 uststlng hoetcss. On Wedneaday, Oct. 29, Miss Davidson will repeat vows In St. John's Lutht=ran church, Orange, with Leroy J ohnson of the New- port Beach police department. Keyed to the bridal theme werf' dPCorations for the beautifully &p- polnted afta~r. Gift.a, each wn.p· ped to seem prettier than the last, were piled on a table underneath a frilly \Yhite parasol. Tiny p&ra- "'ols adorned the table edge. Appropriate games were playe<I, first Prize bf>ing wtin by Donna'• . ~antlm othcr, tcel Thom~n or Oceanside, w_hile second prlze went to Josephine Eller ot Balboa Is- land. The refreshment table waa ~en­ tered with a pa ir ~f ¥rhite bells and tall white tapen. Plaee mats were . or white lace and the ser- vice was or glcamlhg cry9t.al and silver. Guests included Lorraine T odd and Betty League, aunt or the honoree, Santa Ana : Toni Doane, Virginia Brown and Josephine El- ter, Balboa bland; Della.Ray, Al· ta Patterson and Priscilla BtelT., C08ta Mesa : Phyllis Hopper , Bon- nie Brady and Helen Maclejewkl, Corona d@l Mar; Audrt:y Cottlf', Newport Beach and the honoree. Oklahoma Family Has Reunion Here Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BurTOwa of •Oklahoma City arrived last week end lo make their home In the Harbor Area. They are guest! or Mrs. Burrow's stater. Mrs. Leon Fersuson ot Newport Heights. Onl)' three weeks ago a third sister. Mrs. Henry Head, her hus· band and two chlldren, came to California and are eatabllshlng in Santa Ana. A family reunlon waa held Sunday, the family group augmented by pre 1 enc e or a brother of the women, Pvt. Wally G. Kerr ot Camp Robert.. In- troduced tor the first time WU his brtde. Juat an1ved trom Hueo. Oklahoma. Tbe couple were guests tor the Wffk end of Mrs. Ferguson. Mo llie Fenelon is Hostess to Book Section Mrs. Eugene F-enelon wu ha.- teas when members of Ebell club first book aecUon ptbered on Oct. 11 at her homt, 1721 Miramar Dr., BalOOa. Serving u &Mlottn!J b ... LI Do teale9 were llmes. Harold Ah· rerult, Bl'Uc• McBride and T . Bcml CL&\NEBS Seeley. Mrs. 'Mabel Smith re'l'leWff .,.. Nowpon m..i. · capture 1n the R,ye and ~ OOS"rA IDlSA Slle<ly pve a abort resume o( -6-.J Tiie White Wan Retuma.. by Kellll.. W• ---OW11 ""'9t N-lllfftlna wlO be on No-.. I al '==========;=~! the "°'1Je of Jln. O>lla Btf*n. ; fll!YBboru._~~~~- PAINTINGS N&WfilCil W<Jn1 By Burt Proc:ter N••ro<t Bw"Jt wens will meet WIA lltfWS WT W . ~;,;, ~ ~~ ""'O:.: • llT "'I• lhallt. ~ 189 L & tor • .... 117<™'--•..-:·Jualilti ~·--·-.. ,..... ..... •t AOOll. 4Pl*U rr.a ....... .___·-'--------...11"9111--111 --.. -·. • • --------1 , ' I • I • • • • -. . . . . ·J . . . . . : .· ' . Women of -Moose PA6~ '3 ~ PARt ... -THUlSDAY, OCT. II, 1951 Plan, Christm,es . -!"P:::-:t.a.p•·._.s'-.,. 9 for Ct."lc:Jren · .~:~-: -... i'I ~ . - ~ ....... Jut , ............. ot u.o lt~ -Qoaptw ua, w-or u. ~held 1a tM Lodirt Hall et N-Bw:b ~..-qor~u,~ -.. -for Uie• -11&1 Ctl-u part,y (or tbo cllildNli ot llleoHllleart.· k:t ate Porter, Moo11~wt chairman. la~ of thle atf'elr at wblcb clothlD&' &nd • ....... u.-... ctn. .... _ .. ed by ----to be •••ped \ --1 to Mooooi--t belan: ~ .. • Of "PEBSUNAL. . - , iNtER~ST Ruel Heokltt.Ol'll, a new mem· ..... .... -appolilted -miaklnrcllainRaA. . Myrtle H""'J)llny, Argua, re- minded Ute ·co--workera that the Red 0..... Bloodmobile w1ll be In N..,pott ThU.-y, Oct. 18. , b:ptw:ta ui ·lllatillUca ten ,.. tMl Mal I * 1e4c'a In ~ He ...l'lllc °" ~ ten ,...... --nret Patton Of ~ loco! cMp• f<Nriba ·or u.e ~ m tllit ter Gt •• twim aar: .. • O.irty~ COml.try hl.•e mawd .ad. di I IMI d e&19e M· 1-. and & tnem+ BURT PROCTER, ~ •del Mar artlAt \\'Dfb o n one ot his famoaA W'fl9tenl pa.iat1.aP· m.u.ned for the l,-..,,,.lt> Oallt"riee at the Blltlnott lic>i&. Los A.a ceW& Prodtt bu betn Mp.eel by Co\\'ie •for;". <'lus,l,·r MilMt. <Press Photo) Will • H \\'llliamson suffered the ampu- I 1amson Ome talion or a leg •tte. a blood ctot Over Weekend !o•ml'd as a reoult at an Injury. Harry \VilEamson, former ,_fay-j He ls reported ln high splrll! and or or Newport Beach, retired Navy anxloua to be perrn&11.ently relea.s- man a.00 resident of Balboa, spent cd from t.h.e hospital where he gays the Ia.st week end at home In Bal-he rut.. had the ~t 'of care. boa after eight weeks ln the Long · The r011rter mayor ls a veteran Beach Naval Hospital of both World War l &nd ll. ARTIST VISITS HERE Rolf Armstrong,· famous New York artist who has been in Hawaii for a Year or n1ore. ha.a been gucet of P erce and Irma M&.rplea •in.cc his .return. Laat week he left ror New Yor~. Mrs. Marples ls aJ.ao planning to travel. will leave In N'ovc mber for a tour of Europe. NEn· MEM"BERS •t the N~rpon Barbet' Auxl&lwy ef the a.lldren'• R ome ~lety of ('allfomta. • Vl'M"e gk'eft "'"*" .. *' at a ln:9dleon ln Baaoa Bay cllab. ~. Jen t<> rt~ht. an-Mns.. \\' .. -'\. &rts. '\rttt'"-pretddent; Mre. Pawl llleore ~. Mn. ECwW'd Blrtta and Mn. Sel"'"Y" Graham. "*'"' m("m- bPn; and P1t9ldt>nt MrL ~. C. Martin. Not Mown hi Mn. R Payae Thayer, anotllrr •e,,· member. (Photo by L Mull) At the close of the meeUnr, Balle Porter, eoclal ch&lrman tor ·thQ ~g • .aerved retreahmenta. TM bowling te:ama: ot the Wo. men ot ttie Mooee, and Ule Mell'• Lodge, pla)"!d match gamm SWI· day ewnlnr. Qct. 7 at ... Van' a tn Costa M~sa, With the' reault that the men won two games nn<.1 the women on e ••me. La.st Tuesday evening Junior ~gent Clara Leach'• team won all four pmee against Rlehani'a Market te&m, and Gulde Nickie Edgert0n's te&m tied with tbe-ir opponent.a tt!e Ftehlng F1eet. Monday evening, Oct. 8 , the \Vilma Corbin, Flora Vaughn and .1uditlng committee, compoaed or Olive Miller, met at Recorder Vioia Cornecl's home to n1ake the regtlla.r querterly audit of the Chapter'• books. Sam Emmes Honor Guest at Sunday Dinner Comtng back hete to live was good news to the sailing fraternity from Sam Emmes, wh·o waa hon-' or gue!lt Sunday evening at a Sun- :lay night dinner at the Balboa Point home or Boots and Roy Keene. Sam, just back from a slx months trip to Tahiti, caught Isa- bell Belyea's Jada, just u it aalled from HonoluJu to Stockton. The boat was returning from the Trana-Pacific race and Is said to be .up tor aale. Emmes will be here this week, sailing back on the Lurline. When he returns Mrs. En1mes and the ch!ldren wtll be wit-b him, It i8 understood that he and Clyan Hall are plannlng to open a buainese --at leul ~ Sam -of Al --·lo llCtlw in It~ inay -... a -ti--·--. -... put O&I _..t Iott lie 11ao -'Uou Pr11U•t Of tloe Orange OOUnty one -bl be~ otll!,..... a.u.en Qrdoe\el"', and a fllrmer l'1 Uoe -CCJmlllunlty Itri --<It -own ~ or -....! -u.ctlng pl\omllln&' °"""""""· W!th all Wa, he atill --Ung. . -1· --1111 __ , -fO< alba- . From Ilia tint ebop 'tn IBalbOa_ ...... .aJld 11MUtin. Atoout U>e tlm• kJl'I '• bliimeite fiat grown! tO .... )Cu 1"fJ&d thl!I, k 'U be up m r..o)o. Cl9de a·-moi>·.t.'49:1 -<sOtb t&do tf1'inr to -t ~ K. In Street ~ ~~· ~ wblcb lloatbl' the family'• first elk of bu -ll<edquo?ton "'""" labll· t1>e• l''''". ilt)r, 1951, plu a wa~ in We; at l'!_ewport Ralbo& Federal port.a Mesa. 1'hls quall!iM Sam S.vinp and Loan are proud to • u a travelling man, witb three 'hb.ve handled . lhe finan~lnt: fo~ ahope and eight trucks now oper-r.;i.a.ny a house m \\'hich Ktn ~fRtben a.Ung. has inatalled the plUmbtng and Kin4father Plumbin<f''s business heating. We're also grat1_ful tor • th' t t nt ff'OfTI Barn.· "Your growth s~aka for the qu&l1t; uf 1s s a eme · bis work-·iuu:J · this is duJ!' t" thr cooperation and ·attention to de- men Who do the wot'k. His !ll?nk>r t.11.il QVer at Newport Balt .... F e<l· employee bu been With blm ri.f-1 el"&! helps • k>t tn cornp1<'tmg a teen ye&ra three others tmve a job on 8Chec:1tale. Our busineslll with t1W'lve.yea:;_ recOf'd wtt.t, \ha ffrm. yOu h&a •lwa.yt ~ a~ly ha.adled a'9d the w..t man hired Will soon t·-~cmething we .~pprecmte And al· comp&e'be h¥ ~th year, !bey like v."11.yr;: remember. to work (or.~-' When ht. l!Ulrineas day .lo done, NEWl'Ol!T BAI.BOA S&n1 lltlll 'tindtrtlme I<> be a leader f ( 0 [RA l SAVI NG S in club activities. Com~~ A.NO LOAN ASSOOATION ber, he'll step in ~orshtp_tul ,. ~ ,.,Ulf,_ ,..._ Muter of the HarbOr'a Set.taring JJJI Viii UM ...,._ l500 Lodge, one of the ta.steal growing NCW~T e&ACH, c~l"OttH•~ ·~ • later on. Beautiful color pictures 1 11~ ~t~~~~j of Tahiti were •hown by Emmes at Balboa Yacht Club. Dinner guests lnctuded Entmes anct Vivian W .. bert., who came tn Saturday on the Nordlce ; Mari(; I Kimball, Carol Miller, Mr. ~d Mrs. Galvin Keene and Mr. and Mn. RUBtel Bangert. Other came afterward for movies, cocktails and buffet sup- per. lnclud~ were Mr. and Mrs • Owen Ryburn, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Beckner, ~die Eader, Mias Lee Stapp. A.s.Rft'lbl lng in the MHnptll roOJn. ttie gTOUp made. a gay pic- ture ~n thefto aioha 8'1trts and a- T"Onp. N-ea.I al'ld Sam played their ufuletes and eome ot the gir~ danced. Sam's Tahitian picture11 were h ighlight.a ot the eV'ftllng. Pennies for Baby Shower for Mama One youngster who ha.,-a piggy bank f\lll ot pennies although he (ot ahe} hu not yet arrived on the scene, is Baby Finley. The pennies were finea collected when Ba.by'a molher, Mrs. Lyle Finley (Ruth Herahey) WA.3 honorl gueat at a atork shower hostesaed on Monday, Oct. 8 by Mrs. Hub NOW! SPECIAL PRICE TILL ocr: %8 $37.50 VALUE GENUINE SWISS MAKE WRIST WA~ $24.50 Fed. Tax Inc. 17 JEWELS-SHOOK PRoOF • WA.TER PROOF N on-l:fagnetio-Sweep seoon• HaR•. IArmlbom IMa.I Ted W. Brown. Jeweler JEWELERS SINCE 19;1 1'197 NEWPOflT A. VE. "\ cOSTA. MESA. WE GIVE L-. /'./. GRE€n STAmPS P owe,.. at 'he• home, 210 Collins p L JI. NT I U L 8 $ H 0 tu I• A_ve .. Balboa Island. Sharing boa-Ill ftl ~d~~~~:::.~:no~=~~hw;: ~~--~~--~::::::::::::::: ~ Gu .. ta we,.. given bibs whlcb nJ1'P8 · ~ DOUBLE DAFllODll.S they wore all evening. On jthf' NA.8C18StJS • DUTCll 11118 -nEICSIA8 bibs we ... ,babrea' pet names and SPBING OU)KY, O~ ANEMONES each was auppoacd to be co.lled by llOLLA.ND BUI.BS that name. Violation ot the rulr. brought about the r•n•. · , 11., ,a,•· 1,·L n · . · ~.,. .. DecoraUons wer e unusually If''---IWi8 ytill'laA ... · lovely. The flounced buainettti '••••_,..I' • o-ptete NlltN!ll'Y 8toelt which held the beautltUlly wrap-OP.EN MJNDAY 0081.'A. llES& • • • ' • ped gtft.t wu guarded by two tall storks carrying garlande of flow-,1~~B~ea~,.~-~89'1i~~~~~~~~~~~~J&IO~~N~-~pw~rt~~llhr'-~~~ era. From the baaalnette satin' strea.men carried up to an angel doll t.n d&lnty frock and pinafore.. A.dor'lllnc the rooma wtte white c:bryeanthomuma. . 1 Cake, served with Ice cream. in boot.le mold, punch and cottee, provided the deuert coune. , · Preeent rcrr the event were: Kra: rnn1ey and her mother, Mra. Anton Henbey; 'Mmes. Pete Beall, Richard ~man. Mary Plock, Warren Crane, Walter Cole, John <l<oigor, Celote Stuckee, Kinnie J'oote, Jl&ny lllldor, Jay ,~. William Scott. 'Gwen BroWn, Bar- oid Holts, -..t ·Baley. BU'b ~ Rol&Dd Jeneen, Lln4,Jr .1-Jolin~ -Parle, 1l'raAlt .-intey, 't.oN.n ft!!eY, L. P. Pclneroy, Loollo C..wfcwd. J-Wedie, Br.~ Dtlu, 1- llo -·11orr. Jim ........... -st 1Qcram. Jolm Jlo7d-M I 118 Jw_ Bia, Ph 1'y. AM t.octut e;c.wen,. Sr;. ~~:.t: at.rt. l:j'lnwtJl RoJ.,.;., lkylor; ~ Kale lllcCUn die-I _:_ ___ _ t'Oa&JfnAJfCmOO Mr. Md Kn. ":?"'-I\ Ed? -I , .. - -8&,.,. 01ll1..._ A.ft.. ODEIM .. Mlif. -. -• 1as' ea .... ..,,_,;.: ._.112 nt••••''ef aa 1tl:t .... ~ .... _ .. ...,. • .., .. ._...,,tin Nl!IW A.ND ~AL P.&rn:&N8 I .. · 191D 11111 Fl.AllEL I'• -we. P.UAIL\A,-. • • N'O'W 8"P••JCJ111.&A~L 1 -, at_,,... ·ua1am'S CAUCO·SllOP "" •-. ~ ----. • lfor.· 1'N .. ' • ' • • ' I j • • I ~A~E 4 7 PA~ ' ... -TH~~~AY, :!·_-''· '.951 .U~LA.;Oregon ~~~iu:ss4 Clash Set · p LD .GRIBBS, the Vtlllan (.laek \\'Ucox) \'elltl his l pitP on prt>Ct). mt"4'•k' Apf>M (.%.nn Ritte r) In the Playf'tw Wor~Qop prc:Mlurtlon of Th .. l>runkard, playln& l'Oov. !~S, i -8 &n<I 18-1 i In th,. &rnboo IWom at Balboa. (Photo by Ccrhanlt 1 l':.X<>T1t' l>A "l;f'E I.OJ o DP colorful 8Cf'ru> from "U&\'ld and Hath- sht'ba." OO\\' road ttho"·lng at Udo Ttk>&t.er. fo'llnt t;t&r"I <•re gory Pl'C·k &nll SUJtH.R Hay \\'IM'd. Indian Dancing Slated for "Y" Friday, Saturday \ Panhellenic Hears About Hospital Fall dahlias adorneJ P1lgr1111 Ha.II, Corona de! ?>.1u.r "'hen 32 for · Saturday ' . UCLA. and Oregon, a couple ot football tea.ma whklb may be much better than their aeuon rec::orda l.J;ldlcate, club ln their annual ·Pa.- ctftc Coast Conterence battle ln the Lo9 Angeles CoUaeum tht. Sat- urday at 2 p. m. Both teama go Into Saturday'• conl eet' with untmpraeive 1-3 won !OM record.I. Coach Len eua- nova 's W ebtoot1 defeated Arlzona wbUe loatng to Stanford. College of Paelfk: and Wuhin(lon.. 'J'bf' Ducka are a young team which ngures to snap back wtth a good game against tht! Bruba &ftl!'T re· celpting fol" a 63-8 defeat hung on them by the powerful Wa.ahington Hu8k 1ea laat week. MISS II.Al: VA.'( ETrl8CH. ta!- . eated )'OUft& M\\'oorDrr to local product.to·~ wilt ha.\·e th" mt.- or Gtu,v. daushtu ot lhe col- lf>I" p~•t. In "Goodbye My P'aacy," t,be Ha.rbnr Commu- nity P1aye.ra' rlrwt. of the aeuon. OCC Student Sings "in Players Comedy Coach Red Sanden' Bruin• r~­ turn to their h ome field after 1<>'1- ing lhelr firat game to Stanford 9ince SandC'rs came to Wt!atwood In 19-49. Sand<'ra had no exculff'l't for hil't t eam's 21· 7 ticking from a fine Stanford team. which th• 'Goodbye My Fancy' Bruin hradman rates a.a the be-st l lndian C'lf>ven he'a seen since he MIS8 Rae \'an Etliach brlt1.g11 cam£> West. t•XcC'pllpnal talent and cxpcrl Pncc UCLA lf'Bdl!I lhf' vliitlng Orr· to the role of Ginny In "Goodbye ~onians by lht' JJllm margin of 11 My Fancy." the Ha rbor Commu· victories to I 0 In th la series which nity Players' thr«'·&c t comedy 5la rtM in 1926. , \ d1 ama d U<' on th£> stage at Or· R l<lrl ll."d. by injurit!a lo key play· I ang~ Coast CollrJ:f' Nov. 7th, 8lh f"l"S lhf' past two games, the Brntn~ and gth. She is an Orangl' Coa..~t s hould bt> In much sound~r phy11I -11tudent this year. likrs classr <1 1·~tl condition Saturday. Ted Nar· vt•ry much, anc1 lists among her h·skt. N_ew Jerlll'y·s gin lo UCLA I pn::'vlous clramntlc training lWf1 whn mls.M?d the Stanford gam€" ycat8 at UCLA e.s a theatrf' art.!! because o r a fracturt"<i tOf', ahoul<! major end ai x monlhs' coaehing-at l'>f' rrady to help Pa1:1l Cameron. 20th Century Fox Stur1ios. Hrr fhf' hntt1•sl sophomore halfback o n homf" ts al 1609 Bays1dt" Drive, Co- tht· 1-'a cific Coast, with offensive rona cll'I Mar. Juttcs from th£> tailback fl'03t. "I like n1lU1ical comf"dy rolt>S," Stntll(tlc·WiM" after .four glUTlP:oi. 11ays Ra<'. "and r1•ally preft'r thcnl ("11.111r ron lP !lf'tltnJir a hot pace. Ht• to anythln~ t>IS<' I hav(' dOn£> on l•·ttds the Bruin~ in SC(Jrlng with the .stai;:c." She hait i!Uni:;: 80prano :!• po·nt:o1, including on e T D rnlC'l!I In srvrral pro<tul·t1on~ in th(' :t;::aln~t Stanford, llnd has a.IMO Loa Angcl<'.8 al"t'a, ttnd \.\'itl {'lrOb· pas.oit•d fo r five touchdowl\.l!I. He's ably have a.nolh<'r onr h<'r<' v.•hf'n r\ver oi;:tng -1 .6 yards on 68 carriP.s thr local Play<'r.s prndur'•· a ntuai· .a.net ha.q com plf'tcd 29 out of M cal com~y lalf'r 1n the year. pa~:t•1' for a Rnlld 57.6 percentage. 1 Vnd+'r dir l'c tlon of Mr~. Mar· F.:rnle Stockert, UCLA"s superb Jori<' \\'llllamson of the Laguna I O'.l~~-catr hlni;: f'nd, •didn't far,. so I Brach Player11. the locl\I produc· Wt•ll aR;n1nst Stanford, snagging tlon l!'I rapidly takin)! shape with a nnly onf' arrhal lo bring hla season achrdulc of rf"hearssls weekly. tolM.I to 16 catches fo r 198 y&J"Cl.g __ _ tntl three touchdown11. 1.ooi. ror Donn Moomaw. Bruin Amalia Millan Al\-,\merir A.n llnebacklng candl· dut.-.. tu sparkle against Oregon \flf•r bf'in~ slowed down by mul· t 1plc inJurie8 the pa.st two games. SKYRAIDER DEFEAT AID TO SQUAD to Present Dances at Padua Hills Playt•rp. (iguraliv<'ly "''ill ht' tak- rn (ln an al1-inclu~uve lo ur nf Ml'X•cAn t:le1'llls v.•)lh . the oJW'nlnJ,: flTI \V<'dTif>l'lcfRy of tf" • Ml'xican l'laye1"M' . annual prOdu("tion . of "F'<'stiva!('s," a panorama of song8 tlnrl dance• of Mexico, at the E>adua Hilla Thfftre, F.v,.ry section of Mrxico Is rep· • r('sPnl•"Ct (ln the lY"O elaboralf' an'1 Stan \Villiamson. heacl mentor enl1rt•ly 5"pnrate programs Intro- '' lhr Navy'!'! Skyraider rlevt"n duc("(I by lh<' players and a ~U("~l hat u.•ill rPpre•nl lhe 1'."avy in arth1t esch 'A·t'ek at the SCC'OIC in· hr annual Navy·Marlne Bowl door plAyhou.11e near Cl11rrmonl. <tt nlP to br pla,·W in the Rosr 1 Among stat.Cos represcntf"d by .. WHERE TO '~DINE : • WHERE TO GO ( . ..· ' . QlllSI ... lllf ~o-~ <Jl..,..i Moaclay COW"-.Uf 01 ... HW "'-11.$1 .. $3.$1: TROPICAL DRJN1l8 01.,. '"' tk bdtirt.I,,. · IAHITIAM SIYIOON ..rf!e hrkinl' .H•"-171 VISIT THE NEW HUT Oft CoMt Hlwri.y, i..cuna Phon• 4.9006 for Reaerva\10118 <~lolN'd on Tut!lMlays Phone Harbor 1616 t oday and as)r lllld ask for the ad-taker. THE HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ALI. ELECTRIC Ynu t"an pl».)' r1l·h Organ n1ul'lc 11 l one<', u.·1th()llJ, a 8ln~I<' IC&SOn; l ry onP 111 your own hon1e all hy your,.t•1f. •"()R ... REf:: TRIAi .. l'll«>l"E Kl. %-~140 Danz-Schmidt • Piano Co. l!i'.?O N. Oo m e1r 6th Main Street t"Janla Ana I l ' •ENTERT~· THEATRES ROAD SHOW PRICES Adult. $1.00 plus tax Stud~Dl1' 6k plUJll ll\:1: ChUdrrn 4Zc plu1' ta.,; SaL Matin~ I :4~ "Young Daniel Boone" plus 3 Mria.IA 14c s t :.N . TO Tl'ESDA l' "The l?ay the ~arth Stood StiU" -pJUA- Willie Pep-Saddler t 'lght ... um Nt";XT "Darling, How Could You?" SAT. LAST DAY Rf;TI"\" GRABLE IN "Meet Me After the Show" Ttt.hnlr.olor -pltU- "The ~n From Planet X" S l lN. TO TL"ESDAY Cary Grant., .Jeannr {:riiln "People Witt Talk" -plU8- "The Secrets of Monte Carlo" ' l\~T "His Kind of Woman" · BROADWAY-:::=. Now 60~ ;!;: STARTS TllUJfSDAY, l8UI "HEIW" Wltb ,Joh.a Derek Alllo -"MAGIC CARPE'r' l\-itb. Lodlle 8&11 WEDNESDAY, Uth "COME F1LL MY CUP'' wltJI ,..,,.. Cagney .U-'"l'OMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" with Buth Boman WALKER~~L ST A,Rn! WED . ." 11UI "PEOPLE \\1LL Jl'ALK" with C.ry Ota11t AIM -•-rA.1..L TARGET'' \\'llb Dick Po"-e.ll ST ARTS WED., 2ttl< "ANGELS L'I; THE 9£TT•'IELD" "1(h Paul Douglas -Al80 - 'NO HIGm\'AY IS THt~ S K\"' "''lt.b .lames StPwart CHILDREN under FREE with ParenU. at 1~uulo U y,._ and Broadway Th eat""" PAULO DRiVE-IN THEATRE Pboae 8TARTS THURS., OCT. 18th --rE.XAS CARNl\'AL" "itb Esther \Ylllhun• Also -"PICK UP'' with Beverly Michaela Doot9 Open 7:15 Show Stai-ta g,oo S TA.HTS TIR.RS .• OC"'T. 2.:>tb "'THE DA\" THF. t :ARTll STOOD STILL" wllh Micha.el Rrrmle and Patricla S oo.I A.tao -'*HAPPY GO LI 'CK, ... wttb lhl\1d ~i\·<'n ENJOY POST -SEASO EVENINGS , DINE AT • t ENRY'S -FAMOUS FOOD • Leo Rojo to Entertain You at the Piano Bar Nitely Except Monday DINNER NITELY -5:30 to 11:00 P.M. A1nr r1can I nct1~n v•a.r danc:es by mC'mbers of Harbo1· £>.inhell<'nu· g,JWI Sunday. Oct. 28_ feehi lut aulhentu: ronl{s &nd da.ncf's and \\'ynen1a Archa.nlbault will be fca· 1;atheretl for bridge and 1·anasta .5aturdl\y'l'll 27_ 1 loss to Tay I rt>g1onal Cf)l'!tumt·s art> Yuclll&n, turC'd at the Y. W . C . A. All-Na-Mrs. Raymond K. Har·vcy. chair· Brnwn's NTC squad can be a hel Oaxaca, Chiw.pal!. Gurrr<'ro. Jal!• t1 ons i-~r~t1val to be held Friday man, appointed ~t rs. G C! or g e . P co, Sonora. S1naloo.. M1choacan, and Snturda.\' Rt th<' Y. \V. C.' A ., Moore to repreSf:'nt the <>ruun at to hi!'! prl.'VIOUsly unde feal<'d Aquad. Tlaxcola San I uifil P otosi and '• · · • • .·v,.. ~,('·:0.•• •, •'V)•v«;.;,:•//';'·· ,• . • • • , ,.,. ,..,.;.«~~:· ... ,v .... ;.-.,· .. , • ~ 1• .. Tht•re·,. too much preMure in · . ~ 1411 ~orth Broadway. Santa Ana. last night's meeting on the grallt" th t" undt>feat<XI column &nd !hill Verac ruz, 1n add1t1on t o SpanLSh \\"yne n1a. Art:harnbault ha.a lhree school que~tion. •.vay we can dl,11; in with a lor l)f r ~~lonlaJ. J.fayan and A%tcc num· tllT"!f'~ won Lhf' l·h~mplon~hip , in Members voted to ~ronsor a tea wotk before m£•etlng tht-J\.fa rlnes '-"'.:rl!I. danc1nr: at th+> Indian PoWWO'f"S honoring high school :-1en ior:s and n th,, Rose Bowl," th" form<'r Senorita Amalia Mtllan, Wf'll 1n Oklahon1a and l6 well known their mothers, giving thcn1 1nfnr· All-American from USC told San known ~lcxlcan folklorist. will a c· fnr her outstanding grace and mat ion regarding nallon ~tl sorort-con1pany hqself with hci-own in· a I t I. t a · 1 d · a n Dit•go sport.s writers Tuuelay. gi t Y n por r ying n • tiet'I. Thia "'·ill be an annual u..f-ThC' Skyrs!de re will renla ln idle •trUmt!nlA In regional songs, garb· dances. Ht!r grandfather ls the fair. ~ In her own costumeJJ, for the olde-st living chief of the Pawnee M•s. Wln1·r-• Bacon . p11•chas-lhis week t'nd while tht>lr oppon· r· t th rl r h • 'c..• ' "nt.s in the bowl clash. tht> Marine ire · ree pe ormances 0 t e tr1bt' and the only living &eout. J Ing agent for Hoag Memorial ho>i-week. lncludln.g Wednellday and The Indian dance \1:111 be given pltal was tntrod\iced b\' pi·ojert Corps k ecruit Dfopot of San Diego. Thuraday evenlnp:, and Wedne.a· both F day d S tu da lgh~-· ¥ ~111 take on Pomona Co llege. r1 an a r Y n ~ chairman Mrs. John K eeler and With both teama loadt'd w ith day matlntts, beginnlng Oct. 24. at 7:30 o'clock. taJked on alms of the hospital and In addition to augmenting ~n· Exhibits of the 21 nations wtll It.a new and interesting phyalcal "?,llPgiate and profeulonal t.alPnl. orlla Millan'• aong111 a.nd dia:Wt· be di111played during the a!tl!rooon a.apecta. Mn.' Bacon will bt."ComP P u.i.; many outstanding local high •Iona with authentic groOp dances and evening. and food prepared ~y a regular mem-aer o. Panhellenlc M"hool atars, th(' game la toulrd for theec presentatio ns. the M ex.I· n.!'t1nnallty grou~ Wiii be ava.tl· Ne•t meetm" g was set for No••. ll.!11 the out.standing serv1ct" battlt' Pl& . led ··-"I ~ • of the sea~n. can yen!, unaas1.11 ~ -• I pre-- ab I<' from 5 :00 lo 7:30 o'cloc.'k each 14. 8 p. m. in Pilgrim halt Th<' Navy rOfltt'r wilt Cftrry tht" sent an .entirely different repcr- n1ght. •--------------totre or aongs and d&ncC':oi o n f'ri. names o.f Re<'\'f'S Bay1dnger , for-day and Saturday evenln&-s. and mer Na\al Academy <fU"rlcrbark for Saturday Matinee.a ,..tanuel Aja a.nd Mark Marklche· 1 Following the ope~lnJ:, "Feati· vlC"h, both formPt Arizona Stall' vales" will be stagW Wt°'dneHday gr!ddrrs e.nd two of the top Los I through Saturday C'Venings and I ~ngr les h•,i.:h M:hool pla.yere In the \Vt"dnesday and Saturday ~fler· Navy, Jtnl Halry of Fremont high J noono. a.1 oullhU"d abov<'. through Mchool .and Paul H emaildez of Gar. Nov. 2t wilh 8 ml'rienda rt _ d£>na high. · . or a er Th ,1 . tt\ealre party. Devinney Returns With U.S. S. Boxer t' "' 11r1nf's will be countin1t ~euv1ly on two formrr tJSC llnC'· men, Watt A.!Jh craft, and Volne)' Pett"nt plw the backfield eervices 'lf Sanford Cleck~r who join~ the ~farlnee. fresh from • 11t.arttng bt"rlh an the Southern Melhodb1t squad. After upernting nlorc than i;ix I n1ontrui in Korean waters, Rolanll T. V. SETS FOR RENT 1·DA Y MINIMUM TIDE T. V. 3011 l\"'f;\\'PORT BLVD N°C\\·port &acb. HARBOR t08 ('r\ CACTUS CA(. SY CECll HUTCHINS & MOM SNEOIGAR } "I thou9ht you w1r9 covering my , •• ,r· - As m lbe past, the game will be w . ~Vlnney, airman, USN, of 1 frtt to the gt!neral pubUc with 211 El.at S.lboo Blvd .. Ba.Ibo&, re· -----------~-~ Uc k" u being d Ultrl buted by al 1 -:_;;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;,;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;,;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;~ local Navy a.nci Marlnt! recruiting ce.ntlyJ a.rrived In the United Statea statlona. •boa.rd the ain:ra.ft carrl.tr USS 'h~~t0~811~a~r ~hde ft~~~cv.:n:;: eo;,~~e arrtvtng In the Far Eut 'Nho wUI ~rtonn in pregame a.nd In M.areh~x•r's air-group. halftime ceremonlee before the whlcb c..'O • a.ven equ&dron.s h.ave made ore than 7.000 f!O~ fans expected for the con· s trlkea __ , __ N th K •·-. -o-..·o~ or orl"&ll .... -le . t re•· Jack Reed Named Yell Leader at Redlands 'Univ. '·-REDLANDS, Ocl 18 -Ja ck Rttd.. IOft of Mr. 1 and Kn. Ralph K. ~ of 211t 8"rranO A .... Balboa. bu be<a elected to be yell 1 .. dtt o.t llle Unlvvolty or Redlands tor the en•••nc Kbobl )'Mr. The aquadrqn. which 'lnclude Compoolte Squadrons 3. 61, 33 and 11. and l!'jgbtleg Squlld"'ns 721, 8791, and 884, and Attack Squad- ron 702. are all former "Wedi.- end Warrior•" ~~ ~ aetlve duty at lbe oulbruk of bqeWJU.. In Korea. In addition lo 11y!ng &Ir strikes 1lpWl the COoununlot. 90 JM!< cent ot the ~· crew ooatrfb. .. 1a11 1o tho Annsd rorcu whole- -clrtn, before "lbe lblp left KOfM4 Walen. • Rffd WU lt'lected I°"" two otlter ta.nu ot upl:ruta at a. ral-P. <J. Dlmiu: Obs telM l,y held o.t tlle R:etlf¥do campuo. • Tbo P. 0. din.Der 111&1.ed tot Oc;t. ~. and hlJI t.Mmm&teo, baw IO at Ba-Yaclll" Clul> 11u "'9 the honor or ieedtli. the Ua.lwnlty CIR oeDfd ........ of ...,.a~ or R~-rootm f« Ille 111111· ..._ 1'llo affair w1B lie '1• 1~....-. ~ W.aadu~lai.tw Jaclt ... & fr<eoli-o.t tbo Un~ f\IPaft. Tiie --~ lllo nnt\y •• He-la ""llO<tal .. ---·elt Rqalta .. ~ tJoo and la plitnnlq lo -and •"""7- • SAM'S • NOW OPE" SA ?,URDA YS and SUNDAYS -. , SEA _ FOO.D "At tbo ~ of tho lhia;dflolb" • COMPrZ1'f L~B DIM'IW Bo atlral -........... wcs~..,n,·LOCJJIQll -rs:..· SUIFSIDE ...... •••••• .. . t • ' • '-o·. R · 1n1n9 oom open • 11 :30 AM. to 8 P.M. da ily Closed Sundays end holidor- Phono: Klmb.rly 2-2196 Lots of FREE PARKING. • THE ARCHES • Cafe and Cocktail Lounge • OPEN 10 A. M. rnROUGH Z A. &L • NE\'VPORT BLVD. ON COAST HIGID\"A\" NEWPORT BEACH • (WE ARE CLOSED ON THURBDAYSI GENE'S RESTAURANT ' • l aad llAJU!BY ' ".ft11cih )wl ~-Culslee . ----~-.,.... .. !.~ ,. " , .. -----· . - .. TllU!I! --~-~ ·--'II Q·; .... 71,, .. ,1'_ ..... ..., • OYD ,.,,II CQKlUl.A'l'ION" a !llE Al'CSWJa ft I• 9 ilH Jiii h" f ............ tl fV • • I • I , • • BYC AWARDS · 'PRESfHTED • AT BANQUET Members o( Ba1boa Yacht Club laBt Saturday night attended thf' annual awar~ banquet at th~ clu b whe~ winners of the yea.r's race.!! and trophies were an .. nouneetl. Makin~ preeentatlon of awards: Wert" Vice Commodore C. V. Wurdem:tnn and Race Chairman P :!l er F ick er. Commod.oi-e, 'Harry Blodget t presided at the banquet sess ion. Young Milce Burke, resident of Eayshor t's and Montebello High School s tudent, carried arm loads of trophies off for hla first year of racing. Th(' son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burke, he t ook &lJ. comen ln a.n old boat with ragged ails. The Balboa Y&eht Club Per- petual Sporlllma.n.sh ip trophy wu awarded to Mr. a.nd Mrs. Chuck J ami8on for their outst.&nding work d uring the seaaon In aubt- in~ the race committee. W inners. of perpetual trophies fo llow : Trophl4"?t and ":lnnen Ljndsay Perpetual, to the high point boat in t he Snipe Cla.sa In all series M d regatta.a conducted b}' the BYC Dic k Dea ver . H ea ly P erpetua l, to the high po:nt BYC bnat In the Rhode• CltuJs in all Sf'r ies and Regattas conrfuc ted by BYC-C. V. Wurde- mann. Richard Ff'nton Perpetual, t o tht> h i~h point boat in the lnter- nat1nnal 1-1 Cl&.88 an the Ea11ta, :vl:l·morial Day and La bor Day R e-- ~attas conductro by BYC -Nancy Nic holson. Fo unders' P erpetual, to the high point boat in the P-14 Class in all lif'r if's nn•I Rei;at tas con ducted by B YC~l.(•c Ham brook. Bars•_. i1'f ill er P erpcl uaJ, to the h lj!h p'lint boat in the Viking 1 Cla~ in a ll ser ie.s o..nd Regattv.1 ~o~du rterl by B YC Andy Gram\ Mark ff,.a )y P laqur, presented to thr w innC"r of t·hc Rhodes Clas.s in th,. BYC Labor Day R egatta- Tom ~fycrs. i':C\\'po rt H arbor Cha mber of C 1n1 m crc~ P e rpetual, present"1 to the wonn,r r of the Int e rnational 14 C la:-;s du\-lng tbe se ries In which they h:.1 ct the gTe&teat t,urnout- l'anr y N':cholBOn. Far\\·ell Per~t ual. pre11ented t o lhr win nC'r of lhe P ·l4 Cl&.'S8 dur· in£: t hf' BYC Labor Day Regatt.&- J a<"k Ner ll rum , again. T. G. Myers Per petual, present.· f'rl tn tht> IA'l"lner of the Rhodes Class race to Catalina and return -Gt>orgl' Mott. Rhorles-P. C. TJ'&m Ract;. P er- petual, doh a tf'd by Rhodes Fleet to winner of tean1 race between tour R hOll<'s and four P. C.'s-P . C. t eam : F red Smales, Dr.·Sueu and :f.t ike Burke. George Strom Perpelua.l , pre· rcntC'd to the winner of the P . C. CI B.SB Race to Avalon and return- Frt"l l S males, aga in. ' Clay Campbell P erpetual, pre- r.e ntNI to the win ner of lhe P-14 "R ound Robin Regatta.'' Every part1c1pant sails each boat but hill O\\'n -Le{' Ham brook. ,\fac Short Memorial, to the \\-..n nt•r of t he Inter national 14 Class in th(' Christn1as Regatta- J ohn l<~er riC'r. Theodore R l>08Cvd l M emorial, to the winner of the Class with the largest number of entries in Thcodorf-Roosevelt M e m o r i a I Sl'r1 l>~-Not sailed as yet . Ruth ~tye rs P er petu al, to the v.inne1 of Rhodes Clau in Euler Regatta conducted by BYC-J ohn P ier cy . Healy Memorial, to the winner o f the Lehman Di nghy Crass in lhe Winter Serles-Chick Rollins . LADIES \\'ER.E IN THE BACKGROUND la the ansnpmmt. for the aeactnd u•MJ LMdial Knl,pta Charity Ba!l of the Orance County Elb' Lods-at the Balboa Bay Club >~rt.day. Plctu.nod abo,·e are. the lf'&dlnc K.nlrbt!ll ln th~ to~front wttb their bc!tter portions J>N.kln« o\·er thrlr ·shoo.Ide" at the Ball \vhlcb "·u tmlnrntly succeMtuJ. Lett to rf«ht, Mr. a.nd M..,., Rob B1,1ebfolm or Oranp; Mr. and. Mn. 1'ferJe. Boyle of sant.a Ana; Mr. and Mra. Robert A. Ea"tman, N~-port Harbor; Mr. and Mn. Harold Clark. i.a,una BMch. and Mr. and 1'1.n.. Al Raymond or ·Anahelm. t Photo by Beckner) PAID HIGH TRIBl"TE by Elk!f or Oran1r County ,,.M Ben W. Olstf'nn&n ot El Toro, ~rho jl11'l rf'Utt•d 'M prn;it.lf'Dt of thP C'aJlforula !"ta.le Elk!Ol A.!f.8ot·la- tlon. Tb,1 ~lf'l'TJUUUI altf"nd_.d the U:·at11n1 Knights Ball at the Ray Club Frida}·· Th(' n'tlrln~ prt'sklf"nt I~ a natl,·~ son or N't"wporl Bt-et·h. {Beckner P hot ol W lse people do read the ada. Kappa Gamma Opens Season with !Laguna Luncheon I Thf" Kappa Kappa Ga.m ma A lun1nac · Assoc1alion of Soul hf'rn Ora nge County m et on Ocl. 11 for I their first mt-eting, a t t he hon1<' of M n . J . T homaa Swanson 1n Emr r· aid Bay, Laguna Bt>ac h. While I only 1 ~ form t'r mcmbt.•rs RJtd two nl"W nn~.s a tt ended, m e"lb"r" W<'r(' J glad to have reprt>.!l•·nta : '''('.~ fron1 I San Clrm<'nll", Dana Pn!nt, I~­ ' guna Beach, Coro nR dt•I Mar . 3..1\- boa, Nrwport Beac h, Santa Ana and F"ullf'rtc.n . TURN COINS . IN FOR PAPER SS, BANK REQUESTS T hi• nat l'"ln -wid" .11hortage of coins, first ohACrv~ aftC'r the out· br 1·ak of hostl ltllr~ in Korea la.st yeRr, is b~mlng increu1ngly a r utc in thin arC'a, th C' F ederal !V·scrvr_o J.Atnk of San F ranclliC'o annollnC'f'd today. Vl h iJ,. it ha.A no t bet>n nrceMary to r1•?":t1rt to fo r nu1.I rat ion in~. tht• 1»t nl1 l!'I ftnrllng It difficult to nlf"C'l ! hr prt"~eh t C'Xlrt·mely bf'avy de· The pl:i n11 fnr l hhc Y"llr lnr ludf' l h<' ll~11al Junc heun n1e1•tll1 h:; on th t· :::cconrl Thur.,dny nf ea i·h n11lnll. purtir ular ly fl1r p('nnlea an<1 1 m onth al t hr hon1r~ o f n11·111 ~·r~ I ha lf-dol1Rt 8, r vcn though commer· SomP of t hl' mt"<'tln ~s will b{' l c·1t\ m('n1bt"r .bn nks havr C~pt'~&t· social nr w it h p rogr a n1s, but mof!.t t•d hy urrlrr111g only thetr m1nl- intr rC'BtinJ:: projrcl f(lr M 0 \'1•rftl mum rrqu1rl'nle11l1'. years, h.a!'I IJ<'1·n a C"haritab\e nne, Thf' pr 1nc lp:ll shnrlo.,;e problem that of provid ing toys, c luttun.c. thrnui;:hnu t lhr country Is that of play equipment , and otht"r tt.r t1c l r.~. l'hl' ln"•Jy penny. Even though the suc h a.s \\'hM'ICha.Jr!', for th1· t·hd-min~ hK\'i' op.·rated on u hi~h Ra drcn 's ward at the Or11.ni;::r ('oun ty a 60-hour \vork Wf'f'k , t hC"y have hrn;p1taL La.st yea r Ulr ~-rou p a lso bo',.n une blt> ln rf'HrVC' tht> situa· I gavf' a polio "walk<'r" t u th<' pnho t lon. A reduct ion tn the supply or w a rd. copp1·r allo l rd by thC' Natio nal Arte r a brief b us\neM-'4 1n+•C't1ng Produr t1nn Aut hor ity anrt delays a dl'hght ful tea '-''IL~ lil'rv1•tl by thr 1n dC'llV('rir!il or lht• metal due to new officers or the Assoc1atlnn : rccr-nt stri){C'S have l>N>n contribut- t.tr~. C , C'a rson Rum us M•n, San lng fa<'tor!I . j Clem ent e, p rf'~lldf"nt ; Mi s \Villtam Oth,.r rt'8Rnn!'I rnr l ht· penny E. C~c hl'ste r , Ba/boH. Bayshort's , i::horta gr, outsidr uf the g l'nf'raJ cf · vice president ; Mrs .. \.Valtl'r G. reel of grea t ly expanded busincM Hat ch. Ncwe?.rt Bt·ac h. SC"t'rf'tary: act ivity. arr the prevalence of odd- Mr:ii. 'G&>fge ;"'\'t.'" f!h'Wf, -a.Kuna CC'nt pricing. !'la le.s t&..,es. parking Bea ch , t rrasurer ; 1'o1 r~. B Lloyd n1t'tl'rs Rnd Vf'nd init me.ch1nrs . Not G<'or~c. F'ullerton and Jl,f rs. J . to ht' ii:nort•d , l'boVt' all, are t he I Thon1as Swan.?'IVn, I .AJi;Una 6"ach . rqo k J<' JRrs, piJ,?g y banks and other board me m ber~. hnuRr hn lrl containers. whci h ho le! Kappas in this vicinity a rt' C"Or -1n u1·h of lhf' morC' t han 17 billio n j d lally Invited t o Jol.n the As80C h•· onC-C'rnt ptt•rt•s "''hich ar e out· t lon, a.nd ma y conta c t any u f the s tan1hnJ!. 1 officers a bout the n t•Xt m('('t1ng. ~frl!I. Nf'Jl lf' TaylO<' Ro!l.1, director nf thf' m int, r('cently i~u,.d an ap- Pastors Sons Observe· Birthda ys Two youni:;: sons n f loca l pas- ! lor!I art> observ ing f1rl'Lt nutal an· nlve rsarics t h:s week. At the ho n1e of Rev . and ?.·l rs. Tom Pen- . de ll the ba by's g randmothr r will I be present for a Su nday ft>~tlvlty whi le to m orrow J effer y P a u I Wheele r, son of Rev. and r.trl\. Paul Moore Wheeler . will ' lnvltl' friend.a or the b ib 'n bottle IM'l to hi• Bay Shores hom e. pr.al ror e&<'h Ame rica n family to rf'lurn tn circ ulation jus t ten of lhf'sr onr-cent pi('«S. If thi~ were don1·, ~hi· po1nt{'d out, nea rly 388 m11\1on pennies would come out of hiding, a nun1ber that would take lhP mint fl v~ months of 60-hour work WC',.k!li to produc-e , using up l 260 tn n11 of aca rce copp<'r. Viking Championship Perpetual, I l n the winner o f the Vik ing Cla.M Cha mpionship Se r ie&-Andy Gra m . I t~~~~~~~~~ l:IYC SporUn1an.ship P erpetual, I awardl'd by the Race Committ~ T hP F e<lr rRI Reser ve Bank of San F rknC'lsco. joln ing in th is ap- peal, urg"s the public to coope r- ate fully in relea.ainR C"oin• ot all denomina tions which have been accu mu lated In home containers. The coin3 will bE' accepted elthf"r for d ('po81t or for exc hange into paper c urf'nC'y hy any bank or Lh<"y ma.v b(' used ror m aklng ordi- nary purchasrs. Prompt and wid e- s prei d ac t ion In th~ regard wUJ help ~rC'atly In m<'('t tnl{ th<' peak dE'manda of the approat;hing holl-Chairman to a member o f BYC I."'"""':".'' ,~·ho has cons istently dis pla)'Cd o utstanding sportsm ans hip during thc 8€'8.J:ion -Ch uck and Janice JaMison. Thi· H1i.:gins H andicap P er pet u· al. prt:8"ntf'd to the w in nf'r of P. C. Clas." rac l.ng having stagger ed s tRrl8 bast'd oh a rb itrary t imf' ha ndicap. depending upon a rclay i*rformancc of each sk ipper dur- ing the seMon-Fred Smales. Hilln1an Perpetual, presented to the w lnn rr o f the P . C. Cla."ls Race rrom Balboa lo San Pedro-Mike Uurkf'. l''rt"Ci B. S maies Perpetual, pre- SPntt>d to thP winne r of t he P . C Clas.'! s ingle-handed race --Mtkf' Burke. \\·. M. Oa\.·cnport Memoria l. p re- ~n trd to the BYC Sn ow bi r d Skipper '.''inning the a u mm e r Sl'rtes-J ohn Kenat"y. J ohn Polls Pe~tuaJ L ightn- ing Champlon&hlp-Elmer P oirif'r, F.arl Young Pe~tu&l, Ughln· Ing I ~ Point Boat-R. C. Ha.rbi· ron. JD5l Ractnc ~ 1. Eventa of Special Import.&nc:e 1n wh.k:h BYC participated: rt l -Four major Repltu: Eu. t e r, lfemortil Day, TbeodoN> Rooscn.Jt 1Wd Armll:Ucc bay Re- gat t a~ (2 )-HMl Club tor 8 . C. Y. A. Sum~r Regatta and Mercury n .. t R<ptt.. 43>-P'lve In'ritaUonaJ SertH: Wlnl•r. Sp~. W<dn .... y, July and... August Series. 141-TWo Joint R<catt&a wtth NHYC: one jo!nP.. aertee wtlh NHYC. n. Entriea 1n th• oclleduied event.a, exclmWe of 99Uila co- &JIOnee>red or wbere lbe.J' ...w~ Boot aw._ amow:t.d to f'6. llL Tropbl-Total of 1te pre- _,ted,-plU. Je perpetualll. .. > ' I • ( ' I day sea.son. LEGAL NOTICE :SOTlCf; ()f' INTEXDED MORTGA<JE NOTICE IS JtEREBY GIVEN! Tha t H. SliANLEY. HENLIN~ a nd El..OIS E HENLINE, husband a nd wife, Mor t~ago:-a, WhOS(' ad· dre88 18 309 PALM AVENUE. Balboa, in Lhe Cit y o f Newport Beach , County of Orange, Stak of Califo rnia. intf'.'nda to mortpge to E . Nl. J OH NSON and DOROTHY P . JOH NSON, Mortga~. whNC addr<>u: ta P . 0 . Box T48: Balbo~. In the City of Nt"wp0rt Beach. County of Orange. State or ca.u- fornla. A.ft rlxtures and equlp- ment or a cert..aln retail clethtng bwlineu known •• "PIPER.- J OHNSON" and localed a t 710 Eut S.lboo Boulevard, Balboa, ln the Cily of Newport Beach. CounLy or Or•nge, Stale !Jf Cali· rornla, and that an executed mort- gage ot the eame will be deli~ and the ronslckr&tlon therefor paid at 10:00 o'clock a. m . on the 29th pY of Ocl.ober, 1951, at tha fl9Cf'OW ~partnltnt of the BANK OV AJU:JUCA NATIONAL TRUST and SAVJNCS ASSOQlA· TION at Ila Balboa 'e..ndl Na. H )II tha 'City of Newport" S..Cb. Oowlt;y Of Or&nee, Slola o Olli· l'Qrnla. Dated Octoo.r llltb. .19111 : ~ STA.NLEl' ~ J:LOl'nE Hlllf!LINll, . -~ II, II. JOHN801f, ' •anc-. -i DOROTHY P. JOJD81QN. .--. . - • • • FLEISCHMANN Kills : HiMsELF - ' Mas C. ""'l•clunaan, 14. fcn\><r Newport i•klent ud y~tGD.an -of the fUu'°"' Balda, ebot ' ' ' and killed hlru<I! TDe.i&.Y al bl> ll wa. announced today b~ ~ homo _, ll&Dto Boi1>ara mortly Chief Fran,k Clvck•r, that . the &tttt pll)'81cl&N told hJm ho llUI· obeenan.. of Fire Pftventloo tared from an ,lncu:rabte dt.eue. Week was • great aucceae due So ended the llle-ot lhe one-Ume to the Co-operation of Ule New-h~ of a ,-_,t anct sin empire, a porl Hari>or Chamber ot Com· lUe that •w hlni e.mue a fortune me.rce and Local Suvlce Clube re<:kOl)od In miwona. and nouae hold•no who tn.pectod 'SU.ta 8'rbar& Coroner John .their own bomea to ellmlnate fire &. Mid Flelkbmann mot him· b&<arda. eelf throuc:h the .mouth with • pl> Tbe acUvtlke conducted by the tol and died lMtanU,.. Fire Prevention Committee wett 'P'lolkhmaM had ...,.. to hla .. foUoiNe: • home near Carpenlf!rta about a Progr&ms ID' the Llona. Rotary, month ago from bt. Nevada rest-Kiwa.nia, Exchange and Optlmiall de.nee to underso an operation. C2ubs, Sea scouta and Boy Scout.a. SborUy be.to~ he killed hlmllelf, outlining progreu In the Fire De- hie nurse, Deli. ..Layiene. had been tense and ..bettermenta to the Flrr summoned Into the hall by the at-,Department, with atreu laid on tendlng phyaiclan. They beard th~ fire prevention in the home; 4000 1hot, found Fleiac.hmann dead. folder s titled Fire Safety for The muJtl-mlllionalre went to "Peace.tor War" were malled to Santa Barbara In 1930 a year aft-reside.nu. in the City. ' Friday October 19 Satunla.y October 20 SUnday October 21 Monday ~her 22 Tueod&y October 23 W<c1n...i&y October 24 Tbureday October 25 .) 12:04 p. m. l :W p. m. 6:69 L m. 3:26 p. m. 6:08 a. m. ~·· 4,n p. m. 6 :21 a. m. .5 ,30 p.m. -FIBST. QU&BTEB Nov. 5 FOLL MOON N~. 13 Beach WSCS Tours G oodwill Plant er Selling h1s yeast factories to Full page ada stressing Flre J . P. Morl'an tw about S20 ml1-Prevention in the h ome w e re car- Jlon worth of Standard Branda rled for two weeke In our city alack . Five years le.ter he buUt a.n papers with a total circulation of lmpoelng residence on the Nevada 12.500;· 15,000 feet pf sticker tape shore of LaJie Tahoe. with Fire Prevention message wu The tour ot Goodwlll Industrie~ N e w po rt residents r etall used by all markets In the Harbor a t Santa Ana was Octo ber pro- F'lelachmann built a home O,i the Area : 100 large post ers were di'a-gram tor Newport Beach w . s peninsula 90me 20 >:ears ago. Hla played in s tore windows. c. s., Christ Church by the Sea. Hal4a ls a fam iliar sight to Harbor An exhibit of ancient fire <'quip-There was a short business meet- re•l<tenta. belng moored here a ment waa made a t TrC"asure Days ing wilh ea ch circle instruct ed to good deal of the time . Celebration in Corona de! Mar m ake Its ov.'ll pla.ns for the Week with uniformed fir em en diatribut-of Self Denial, Oct . ~. 31 . P la.ns Ing folde r~ and g iving fire pre-"'ere aleo made for t he Fi\·e vcntio:i informa t ion . It Is fe lt that Dollar banque t. set for Wedneti- thrse aclivitlC's and ('ffor l! will, da y, Nov. 7 wllh Rabb i E rnest thr ou gh the par ticipation of the T rattner as speaker. Date of the resid<'nt s during the yea r, have fall ba.za.ar was set for Dec. 5. a very favorable effect on t he re-There will be an evangelislic cam- duction or fi re losses in this cit y, paign Nov. ll to 18 with the f ive FORD PIC:\"IC' For e m ployees of T heo Robins. F ord dealer , S unday was a perfeC't d•y when they gat hered "''Ith their fa.millea for a picn ic at Ir- vine park. There w ere deleetahle barbecued steak• with all the 3.3 . 8.3 3.1 4.9 4.2 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.4 I.AST QUAllTO:I\ Oct . 22 LOW 3 :58 L tn. 8 :28 p. m. 4:03 a. m. 7 :t4 P..m. 9 :06 p. m. 10:14 p. m. 10:42 a. m. 11 :01 p. m. 11:30 a.m. 11 :36 p. m. 12:06 p. m. NEW MOON'\_ Oct. 30 • • u °'' i.t ... • .... ••• µ . '·' u o.e u the Good"''il l building, with the hosl e8', Mrs. Renfro t e 11 I J><W' human interest stories ot Ute Good"'·ill Industries. She cond'4· ted a tour ot the plant, and Mnt· ffi the group ice cream a.nd ooUa. Jlr>frs. J ohn Pfischner led in deVo.. lions and M iss Mary Allee Balter sang I T hank God, With "Mn. Homer Gould at the piano. R esult! come rrom constanl Practice! An ad regi11arly ln this paper will produce result.I tor )"Oll HAROLD I. JOHNSON Propelfrr Res-IN Columbialn APIM'J Crocker sa id. trlmmlngs and games. Including circles taking t um serving eve- 1 eoft b&.11, for everyone . Said Rob-n ing meal to the ""·orkers. Ins. still a m11.u<i. "And there were -Classified aas are read by folU Members had their sack lunch- ~ Phone Barbor al VIit.. \Vay, Newport BeM::ll :811 no Olea, none at all!" : who are looking to buy. j eon at the upstairs dining roon1of 1 '------------.,.-'--' • ome ·rive the brilliant new 180 horsepower aratoqa Performance unequaled at any price! • ruePower Eiiiiae ••• 1251/z-Inct. WUelh1e ••• ' nw-Matic DriYe ••• Come drive it today I . . • I A new atandard of modern motor car value is set by this brand new, lower-prjced member of the C~ler FirePo,.er family I 180 Bonepower •••. • Come /eel it perform I ... Most power per pound of weight . ' • greatest ratio of power·in·reserve . : ' ever offered in an American J111Ssenger car. And FirePow.er'• built·in "mechanical octanes' let you we non·ptenuum trade ilM. Power lrdiat .•. OriOow Skock Ahorllen ••• Smoother, quicker, safer stops with as little as 1/3 the utual foot pressure! Steadiness even on ~~best roads that means new riding comfort aod drivmg safety I , • ByaapWe Pewer Steeria1 •• ; Wonderful new ·steering ease, safety and front-wheel control ••• with hydraulic power doing four-fiftha of the work at your touch on the wheel! ' Cluyder DUl-Tor .. e Drive •• • Teamed with the Chrysler FirePower 180 honepower V -8 engine, the new Fluid· Torque drive gives Saratoga faster acceleration to cruising speeds, and more ftex- ibl.e "change of pace," than any other car on the road! (Available at extra cost on all new Saratogas.) · 4 Sleek New Iffy Styles • ; • 6 Passenger Sedan, 8 Passenger Sedan, Club Coupe, Town & Country Wagon. cu.Hrs .. ; - the encineerin1 reuon wily. no other American pe .. njtr car eocine today can mAtdi YirePower perfOf'JDl!nce., .. . ' . ., - Come Drl•• It .•. Only A Ride Can Show tciu ·-What Only A Cluplor Ol•N 'UBVEY· SOMERS INC. ~ ~ I • • .... I • caatstzB -'PL1' .. 00tB-1NfBRK&TIONA0BUC:D ; • • ' ; r' r \ 1491 Coast Blghwa., PllOll• ·Beacon 6515 f l .. f , , • • • I I 1. I 1· f • • • • • ' , ,. The Mighty Midget In Advertising NEWS-TIMES -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays 1''EWPORT-BAI.BOA PRESS -Th111'8days N"f'Wport Bay Post .:."l&MJned Adil; IDllf• ,,.,. la tile na-.ta7 New•1'1mes or the Tlsa:nftaJ' PftlM MINIMUM. AD 18 t LINl:8 All <.."'la.nlnect Mb mu.st be paid ror ca.~ In ..S\'9.DOe of pallitkatton. 4 Lllles 1 Paper $ .75 4 Unes 2 Papen 1.50 4' Llne!i S Papen 2.00 • The publishen will not be responstble tor mDTe than one Incorrect insertJon oC an advertl~mcnt, reserve the r1gbt to correctly clasalfy any and all ad!I and to rejiect any advertlaement not conforming ll•' ruJes a.nd regulations. Advertlsernf"nta and cancellatlon11 will bo· accepted up to 5 p.m . on the day precP.ding pubUcaUon. Except deadllne t or News. 'l"Unee ls 11 a. rn. Monday. Pflone ll&r. 1616. Uk for .. Ad Taker" or aend ad a.id ft'mlttanoe to NEWPORT RARllQB PUBLISHING CO. !!11 BaJbom Blvd..,. Newpon Beacb. O&Ufontla. Controls. NPA to Saddle Uo S. Indefinitely Walter 8 . Mellott, president or the South Coast Construction Company and. retiring president of the Callforn1a State Builders Ex- e h a n g e. returned to Newport Bea.ch this v.•eek ""'ilh gruve fears lhul Building Controls and the N . P. A. \VIII be With us for a long t1n\e. Classified Index 10 Bblnet18 Gulde 11 Bn:l1dlul' Matf"rtals 1 ! Bulldlns Sen·tcts •• Penon&ls 15 Shani Your car 18 Tn.uportatlon • 1 '1 Rooflns Conln'-'torw 18 -ty Alda 19 Upbohl~rtns- to Health Aid.I %! l...oltt a.nd Found !.a School~. ln!!tructlon !8 SltoaUoftlll Waat.-cl Z9 Help \Vantf'd SO Sale, Mlscf'lla.arom :SO-A S"'IM' SO-B Jtpp1lancf"!!I Sl Wa.ntt-d to Buy REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. Oenenl BuUcllng Contraefo< 6S8 nillerton, Newport Beach • I •' in etl 3 locel peper1. ll"tee &ttm.at.ea i&eacon am-w Rl!lLLU!U!: '.I'-Karlnl!-wa'nt1 part 1-"""'Jc .-hip or w-endo. Writ<! 8oJc N, th1o peper, MpS7 A Minimum ed· is 4 lines. 78pl'! DON K., BUTl'S Lie. General Contractor Re>1identlal-Qinunen:lal Remodeling Phone Be&.C!on 8405-W Painting and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 17Uc 608 -3 1st St .. Newport &>•ch Phone Harbor 2-filS..W before 8 a. 1n . OT after 4 ;30 p. m . 83tfc COMPLETE HOUSE C LEANING • fo~rnlture Wld ru1s •hampooed. F"re~ t-Stlmates Fully lnlUred. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. &e.con Glll nttc PAINTING COMMERCIAL -U<DUSTRlAL RR'SlDENTIAL F rf'e Eatlmates ll. Andresen Harbor 32M-R Mc99 Build with Brick FRANK MOLL • • ' PAIIT TD01 WO!IK WANTSD- Baby oltllfc, ~. oftlce bw:ww... l'@lt.aurant, etc., by Pio 1.-90. Ct.LU'. BIBLE COu..llGE. Ph. KI. S-. et· t-Ion 11. 9'cMH ,,..,,,. .... Meaoftl 1 -~.-t•t11...._ Nut It 91) M (7 . 1•' I Ncwaf . YOUNG man w..-job with ho- tel or mote:I. Hu bad hotel maftACem~t trat:nm.. e yeara f'xperieRtt. N•Uonal Hml Jib- chine. Write W. G. Kinney, Gen. Del,, 8e<J Beacll. 88p88 A.K'ICJUCAN DP -Navy vet wit."1 , ' • ;:~a::t •~P~::::. ;:k~"!_ l.99~,~-~B!;:,~!-~~Pf!~~!!!!I!,!~~!!~.--~=·--~~ ..... , l~!!'.::::!1'4!.!D&!!!!tll.!!, ~S!!!:J!!!f.!'!!!J!' !!---···---- 102<-W. 88p87 I: MIDDLE AGED wotnan In Coats Specials! Specials! Chrysler Engines Meaa, wan to baby slttlnr eve-U aed nS!I at your borne. Ph. Beacon Refrigerators "' MIM-WK. 8tlp88 Crowns -Royals \\'ANT TO CARE tor Small ch.ii-SERVEL 6 cu. ft. Excellent con- dren ln my homo!, Corona del d1t1'n A: pe.rfett nmnlng o~r. See lohn Harvey ~:,r.H=.":Rx_~....,=~·7 ......... · · .. · ·--""~ at Seacraft KELVJNATOR retrtge.ratbr, 8 cu, 29-Rdp Wuted ..... .. ... Standard Stations. Inc. ft. Excellent running order. completely overhauled .... $79.9ft cROSLEY She.lvador, completely over nauled, 5 cu. n . -·-·----1~.00 • Washing Ma~hines MONTGOMERY WARD with pump. new m oto r a.nd comp. overhaul .. . .............. $42.5-0 8~ COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 071'1 94t!c 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT speed boat, Chrya. A~. A·l mech. cand. S14M ~ alii' renta.J tor boata offered tor ttale up to 26 ft. Wlurd & Rowboat.I for Rent Ken Scotl'11 Mobil Marine Dock . ' -!! !!·~~ ... lll!:DUNGTON ,....._ (-1e) ._, -l>oll dog A pet. Alao ~ """""" cat. Reuona~le. 11112 Regmt Or.. saita Ana . Off Smelt:uT' B1vd., 1 tint. from Ha.-Blvd. 84p8e ~ Opportwalties DO l'OU WANT TO MAKE $600 to $700 per mo. by working 3 days per Wl!!lk • Do you have f.14.,000! -or a 3- bedtoom ~ to .-t.radie? HMe le • bona\ftde bt•atne• oppor'· tW\lty-.-al>lioMd l& yean - aad rlcht here In Or&nce Clo. SEE us RlOHT AWAT! RARBOR INVESTllElN'r 00. Realtors 30th and Newport Blvd. Newport BNcb Ph. Har. l«lO COCKTAILS, Dlairten, Lioebee, .fixtures. ~t. San Ile<· nardino county. S~l down or trade. Har, 3.2114-J. 82()87 ' LIDO ISLE Sparkll~ 1 pr 2 bedl'®lll l\lmlill- ed •p..rbnenta. One bedtoolD !tWln bedol S70 tno. 2 bec1to0111a SlOO .,o, All utruu .. paia. Prl: , vau pragoa. P.A. PALMER INCORPoftATED 8333 Via Udo ii&r-1500 Newport Beach, cant. WINTER RA TES, 3 rm. rum. 11,pta On Colllno Lsl&nd. Each. opt. has water front.ace . ALSO Penthou.e on Male. Wdt end Park Ave., Balboa Ialand. Ph. Harbor 2962-W . -7ttlc BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn· !abed •lnrle apts. {25 and $&'! mo, to June .l.5lh. Frirld.&in. Laundry avaUa.ble. Util. incl. Harbor 1270..W. Atfc TWO BDRM., It duplex, clean, 2 block.a bay. Children 0 . K. Lge. Y•rd. See Tuei1. to Ft-I. mom. Owner 1402 Seavtew, Col'ona. dcl Mac. ~ BALBOA .PENINSULA -At· tractlvely tumished 2 bdrm. du- plex with sundeck. Winter or yearly. Reasonable. Har. 301&.R 83ttc FURNISHED .. 2 bdrm. apL Lge. s. Bay vtew. Winter $60 uttl. pd. or will rent yearly. ulre lower rear apt.) 1495 . Bay Ave., Newport Beaeh. 83pS8 YEARLY -Exceptionally nlce. :l'ttellott atten~ed the Builders Exchange convention Mt F"resno where leadtts of the industry from the entire nation spoke. S! ••urnlture tor Sa.I~ S2-A AnlkfUe. ·1:17 E . tGth St .. Co!!ta Mesa Pho ne Beacon 6503-R 80c81H Has a few openings FOR MEN A.BC In good running order $35.00 KENMORE wMht'r, xlnt. running Ne~t to Ferry Landing, Balboa 'l--8t>etn Uld Oflloes Hai:bor 2720 51!trc 1----"'°'...;,..;.;.;.-'i==~---; UnfUrn. 2 bdrm_ duplex. Many extra featurea. Near both schools. Reasonable. 2265 Clay St., Cliff Haven. · 83trc Principal Sp€!aker at the-Con· vention was Henry M Heymann of \\'as.hington. D. C. divl&on counsel tor the oongtructlon con· trols and industrial expansion di- vi.111on of the National Production Authority. He told the 1.\0 dele-1 gates attending that he expected control!! to be "as they are rot the next year or more." He pledged however that control~ would be relaxed as materials permit. Continuation of NPA controls ""ith pre~nt rig11lity, the 1w ash· ington official predicted, will mean substantially no recrea tional constrUC'lion during the next year. 33 Boat., Supplles 34 ?\lulilcal. Radio 35 Bop. C&U. Pets 18 Poaltry, Rabbit• 17 U\'fft.ock S8 Specl&I ~BOUDl!flDf'__ftt 40 Bu9111HR OpportunltlH 41 StottA and orna-s 4! Waated to Ke.at f:S Aparlmenta and ffnmP!lll tS-A T'ralWr Spaee « Roolll!I for Rf'nt 44-A RNt Uon:tiM 45 Rfont, Ml8Cellan.eoua 48 Room a.ad Board 47 Tnl<"~ "'8 Aatomobi"' Tffffl -49 Autoa Wantt'd · ' WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trade&-maintenance work. Ha\'e tools and mixen for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 57cl58H FISHER Drafting Service 916 Co&At Hlghwa.,y, Hallbor 2443 Corona <kl Mar 72tfc F.XPF.Rl.ENCED CARPENTERS \Vant W ork by Hour or J ob. C.:all Ro.rbor lJfM.ftt Who arc looking for permanent employment With exc""Jlent op-• portunll.y for advance.mt>nt. 21 lo 40 pl"e!~ Pa Id whllt' .. lralnlng. Apprwt. $277 .:w> month to alart. Uberal laundry allow· anct"•. High echool mlnln1um dealn!d. See "Supt. at the STA!'ffiARD STATIONS Dahlia A Coast Hlgh'way C0T1>na dt>l Mar' 8€lWf'f':n 9 a.nd 11 t'V•'tY Friday 85c90 order -~ .... $35.00 EASY 1tandard wringer washer In good running order ... $2.5.00 KPnmore wuhlng ma.ch ...... $17 .50 Stoves OKEEFE A< MERRITT table top range, auto pilot. oven heat control, wry clean $69.50 ROPER table top rangt>-Excep- t lon&J condition -$89.9~ Easy Terms to Suit! ATTMCTIVE OFFICE on New-Resulu come -from constant port Blvd., near t.be ~ n.eiw hos- PracUce! An ad regularly tn th~ pit.el. Ekcelierit Jooatl!On wtth paper will produce re.11ults for you. parking, AJBo perlect tor flor- JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory -approved Sa.lea a.nd Service Station in tile New· port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. ~ewport BWd. at 23rd SL Harbor 2600 53tfe tat shop °" otller small bwdneu. $4 0 mo. <e6 Newport lljvd., Cos- ta Mee.a. Beacon 5713-R. 82tfc • MACffINE SHOP SPACE. Low renta.1 to reepon.sible party with one °" more machines. 920 Co&st l;llw:y., Newport Beedl. 86p88 "It }\"Ill 1nean a rurther cut in' 10--BuslnMs Gulde housing starlit to about 850.000 In 7ttfc SALESMAN Tr a ve I Ariz .. STROOTS TeWinkle Hdwe 36 F'T. HIGGINS CRAFT equipped for jig fishing. Small bait tank CMC diesel. Good CCV!\litk>n. Price &2100. Phone FLeetwood 6-.2626 or LYcomlng 2-8493. Af- ter 8 p. m . • MpOO LEASE BY OWNER -LargP bldg. on Newport Blvd., bear City H&U. 51-ft. frontage, 2 store rooms. Ample eq.·f"oote.gc- in 'l"eal', ll'lllt.a.ble for lllfg. or o th er puf'p08e8. Electrically , equlpt. with adoeqv&tJe ff,P . c,e- ment floor, alley on· Bide, toarl- i11g t.ene in back. V•callt tot ad--Ing ........ ~ .... -i-T U9el!!I if desired. Would, OOll•Oer a)e entire P~-A.vaBll.tlle .J&n 1, 1852. Rent --or part, Ad- ,,,_ Box o. this pape.. l&p87 1902. rornpare<t to l ,Q0(),000 in F V "t" Bl' d 1901 anJ 1.400.000 foe 1900." Hey-Or en'° Ian Jn S, man su11.J. ··rt ":ill also ntean few- er neY.: Office buildings. shopping cen ters and hotels. Shades and Drapery Hdwc. THE SHADE SHOP '"lt can further be inte1·preted Free. estimates Ph. Har 884 that the great supply of construc- tion materials will go into mili· tary construction. construction for and lndustria.I buildings dire-ctlr the Aton1ic Enerin• Commission. related to the defense programs." Rl;:ld C•ntroh1 '.S°f"f'dffi New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Cout Hiwa y, Coronn. del Ma.r 70tfc VACUlJ}..{ CLEANERS Electrolux and othere, $6.~ up. 100 to ChOORC from. HANK'S Vacuum CJPan('r Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa. Ana Klmberly 3·2968. PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 2i3 Palmer 8L, ea.ta Me.a Bu. ll<!IT·M Hc9 INTERIOR -ICXTEIUOft PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 · 31A"l St. Newport Beach R&rbor 2297-J 34c48 14-Persooals Alcoholics A.n:mymollll Write P. 0 . Box 2~ Balboa Lsland, C&ll!, Phone Kimberly 3-6303 Heyman told the buih.lers gath- ered in convention that the rigid controls on buildings are neees- sar~' now because the p resent pro- duction cap!lcity ot the nation's steel mills is not adequate to meet the over-a.II demand for steel demand ror steel for 1n1llt.Ary pro· duct1on. industrial expansion re- lated to the defense effort. and for not"n1a/ civilJR.n constrwction. 70trc !_118~~~~-!".t~y~Ahls~-~--..,., ---- The Wa.'\hington orrtclal revea!- e<l thut demand for strucltu·s.J 1tcel 1s more than 200 per cent of the supply He estimated the gov- ernment's vast progi-an1 of plant e..xpa.ns1on would increase the an- nual output or steel h.r 18.000,000 tons beginnin g in 1952. Heyman said he hoped the exp&nsion pro- gram would be c-ompleted next 12-Building Servi""" HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or • Call Walker-1576 Placentia Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK 74 c75H ye~l that point." he said, "w• PAPER HANGING anticipate thn.t artM" the conttn u· & Painting, Spray Painting Superfluous Hair Pl'm1anently removed from tacs;. arm!4, legs. Eyebrows and hair· line shaped-No more tweezing. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E . T ue.!dny and Thur9t.1.11.y only Udo'ii Salon. of" Beauty Har. 2ft76 79c9J 22-Lost and Found New M ex. \Vt'll t-alab. major gift line. Furnllih llvlng and lli.1- p lay trailer to right part)f. Ap- ply 11 t o 12 a .m ., 2092 So. Coast Blvd., Laguna. 87p89 \\1 ANTED --M an or woman t o help part tlnlt' w ith care of nty lnvalld husbaild. Room, boa.nJ and small 88.lary. Phone Harbor :-j35·Af. 86c87 1802 1Newport Bl-.d., Collla MH& Phone .~acon 5222 ST~WART-WARNER dual temp. ~rrigerator, 8elf.detrostlng. 35 lb. freez.e.r, $9'5 . Harbor 1640.W. 88p88 WANT Man °to rook, drive and care for house.. Two adults. Uve In. Private room with TV. See Ray R. Reeves, ltlO S. Bay Front. Balboa Lsland. Hae. 2168 S2-Boosebold Gooch ·86c88 , EXPERIENC ED power machine operat:ora. Phone Harbor 354~. for appointment. 86c99 PHONE Harbor 1818 to place your w~t ad on thta page. For Better TV Reception Replace }'our weathered Antenna. With a new V-cone $9.50 incl. Mast · TV SKRVICE •CALLS O.y or Evening Mesa Radi<> and. Television 109 Broadway Costa Mesa 11We give Crown Stamps" USED Easy Iron er _ ......... _.$35.00 Maple dinette sel .... · ......... ~9.00 Te levl.skm. 10" screen ... ..$S9.50 NEW Congole1lm n.igs -. . . .. $ 5.95 Sa.lem maple dlnPtte set. ta- ble and 4 chair~ _,79.50 f Dale's Furaiture 1874 Harbor Blvd. - Costa Meu Beacon EMS37.J BLACK MR. .It MRS. CHEST, with mirror I ailver fox finish}. Beautiful modern cwrtom made aofa. Ph. Harbor 0681-R. Mc.87 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - Now available. Har. 2979-M 85p90 Walt's Trading Post USED MARINE GEAR Nautical DecoraUons-Used Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS NEAR [CE HOUSE ON 30th Ph. Harbor 2<f70, Newport Beach OPEN SUND.<vs 71c72H SEA BOOKS A nne stock or books on all yacht- ing subjects -plus all current books. Lending JJbrary. The Islanders 214 Ma!'i.m, Balboa 18. Har. 1547 • FOR SALE-Mooring No. D-381 15th a.nd Bay Avenue, $125..00. Phone LO: 5·8271 or LU 28116. 81c9l ' RENT A PIANO, Let the Kkldlea leant, $:i per mo. F'UH term f'el\t allowed on any piano in OUT" •tock. DANZ -sat.MIDT Big Plano Store, ~ No. Ma.tn SL, S&nta Ah•. THRD: er 4 ~OORU, ltambhed, Harbor A-. -....,,...... rent Can turrrfm. 1dete-nces.. Call Mr. or Mrs. Retmier, Harbor· 2751. 84tfc WANT TO LEASE unfurnished hou.~e. year round, $75 mo. Ex- cellent tenants. Adult couple only. Older 0 . K. Prefer near water. Everett Morris & Assoc. 408 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboo. 85c87 WANT to rent or lease with option to buy. Unfurn. bouse, dbl. gar. ln Harbor area. Must be in good neighborhood. Ph. Har, 0195-W. e 87c89 4S-~ts~~ SM.A.LL 3 room apL, fumllhed. Ye&riy rental. Adult.a. KI. 3...z'ft70 Key 1:!61> • Und St., Newport Beach. ,. ~87 lng defense and defen3C support· LOST Oolid St. Christ opher med- lng neects are sati:jfied. the bal· Kenneth Quarry al inscribed to ··J ohn. Xmu s7cS9 a.nee or c-onsl1"11ct1on n1ate1ials '1515 Santa Ann Ave., Cmita Me.sa J9SO" pn Balboa talanc.J . LIBER- Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade BALDWIN ACROSONTC SPonn' Ueed. Save $200. Terma. 8Yb- jecl to p T" lo r eale. DA.NZ· SCHMIDT Bl-g Piano Store, 520 No. Main, CC?r· 8th. S&nta Ana. BALBOA. -M:od:el't'I. 2 bedroom -nicely tumtahed apt. "5 mo., ;yeatiy. I.JUI. pd. Pllone Harl>oc 2791-J. 88t!c Should Ix.> R\·a1lab~e for the civilian Phone Beacon G5<K. AL RE\VARD. 903 N . B&y Fr .. SOLAR ENLARGER-2% x 3 \4. a bal"g&tn. e-;j=°'=~=~=R=Y=S=L=E=R==l=N=T=R=O==D=U=C=E=S:=S:=A ~=R ~=;=T=O=;=~=~='"=~=n~=D=E=L=S=:;M-p8_7l :·EL~;~~~ ~l:~~~~~ Complete lrultall•llon. ~ and a.rriC<! of all trau..r equlpmenL l!Km We.It Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502-R 74c715H SZ-HoUMbold Goods NORGE WASHER -Ito the 1~01 latest all automa.tic waahl!r. Ha.a agitator and C"OUI nuah to the wall, h&e overflow rt.nae and lpln drie• clothea. can put cloth.. In the top. and forget about them. Balance due on GR.A.ND PIANOS: Baby Grand. tepowwd, $495. ~. Alao others new and ued. Steinway. ctdckertnc, WurUt.zer, A . B. KNO'ITY pine bachelor apt., near """· Breakfut bu.· UtlL .pd. $05 mo. yearly. 1512 W . Ocean Frt. Pbone Harbor 1677-.J. 86p88 ' 3 bdrm. completely ~ed -· boanl gen~ .... ~ • mof\tb rental s-roorJi trailer, pr!. In dry. A t.tb, $40. 200 E. 18th St..'C... M-. l8p88 It a aw ...a lkta ... ......_, .... , 12 _a ......... a ...... _ ... ..._,.... ... a ,., ................. •SI t d .. as a ,, ............ ., ... , ............. _ ...... 1 .... -. • ORANGE COAsT TRAILER SUPPLY ltlO BAIUIOft BLVD. <>neta Me-.. Pbcae Btacon 1224-R !!! • • O'Km'll A llll;RftfM' ranee - nR luloot 1111 CP all autGcna· Uc wlU. lamp Ud • .....,wns, __ er-..._..._ _ nww lbnJ'lltt 'bGtbela le chrome srW bll"olkr. a.••nee I owe om --• $Ul.U. cu ... ""'1t1 nm 1t ,,.,.. take ...,......"'-o1 "'·"' -mo. u..a It 2 _ ... • Mt JOU can't tell It. -Xr. • "'"'· ... So. 8pa<b, .hJlor. """ I LIL .. I p.a. I'll. lbU. - • Cb&le, Knabe, Raworth. Lund· etrum. F T" o m $585. DA.NZ- SCIDIJDT, "520 No. Main, OM". 8th, Sonta Ana. 100 planbO al· wayo. . contract l• only $238.JIG and I llUOHTL BED ~-•• over $297 !or ll. .,_ -u1•-y U Spinet piano, ,_ • .., -· ., mr. -· BIS •Ylnp. 0onwn1-FRE& It you take paymonbl cl ,.t tenno at SHAJ'l:R'B MUllIC NEWPORT BEIGllTll -~- 1 bdrm. bebee. ·546 mo ... ~rl7. Garag<, hnced yard, ..iulto. 426 All8o Ave., Be1omi. W..M. -n $12.85 per mo. See Ml'. B&uehJI 00. (Since 19117), •n No. Syca,. fOl So. 8padra, Fullerton, 9 more, ll&Dta Ana. Kl. 2-0872. ONE BEDROOM: apt. ~ tum., a.m. to g p.m. Phon<! 21". 83tfc 11lilltleo pel4, on\y $46. :!'7tJ c.-at 88tfc Rtwy .. Newport B!I cti ~ KAPLl!l---~D-ININ--G-T-AB--LE--an-d-4 ~mm ORGANS! The -· WINTER RBNTAL _: Nice 2 JUST 'Bl ·-°"""1 Orpn. ii JOU ~-, -•• ,,J+ri' Uc -·· chain and maple rocker. · -'t---·· ~. -.u·ou 1.• ~ l:9V -.-LIKB NEW. It-bk. 301 ·-& note, ,.~ -~. '56 100: to .JOiy tot. !Mo ..._ IMI! ri.. Har ... Spinet or-129 lM lit., N~ • • Larkspur (-tt apt.) Ool<ln& -· W-1 --l tlNI • I 91t91 del Kar. !llcA .... &aa)' -D.US. I -----~---"'-t __ _ llTUDIO OOUCR. dl>I -A .. MH'I' .._ A <J1SM 0L. ~ --,. ~. I '*-· -· ball~ mull ta ....... --.... •J.fo. ...... CJw, ..... I ... }(Gt ·__., ltllft ;a- pe --i.n. -lbhltloa .... -. ' ~ ··--~ -· alee. Tdi'tl" ud .toft. ldll ' 0-k 4 I Ell 80 ..... ~ sLs•---.. B ::C•:;: LO'i'm.r • IO ' SS Jpl~..... ._ _.._. llc87· ~. --~••oart .. ,.,._ ,....._ rsMLw ., _,. .,,_ ,, . .._. _ _. ll!M! aroYN•a-!Waaa '"" ......... -~ •w: 4 q , ........... 1 .. 1 •, !!-!:!-:':!'l!S! ·.. ' • • A>rl'IQWI ...,. ~•uod 'r1ewio· --.mp---·-11 •• 'rt1~11d .. ,... .... 1• Pt?\iM ...... hl'L ... 00.Q' n-),dl.No..,_. l0'·•1 lllwsi-. =• ..._ ----lli.~ ..... -........ ..... ~ ,........ ••• -J._ .... • l •• WF¢C ,... --· 1,... a111. -r-rr. AlfTIQOli • a•t II'• alt.,~ ...... ,.... D!l&a ~ ........... .... -llllJ. • .,. • • .. • ' •• RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS can -cnia Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Iai&nd. Bar. :IOU Sidi' BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively turnl.&bed garage apL Sultfble couple. A van. OcL 15th, $55 wtnter, $85 yearly, utll and gar. Included. H&'i"'r 3019-R 78Uc FURNISHED nice clean large alee.ping rool'h, kitchanette, tri.g- Jdalre, bath, sun porch (%nd fir. I $45 mo. Phone Harbor 89l·W. 77Uc BAY FRONT -Lowly 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace, good heat, $125 mo til June 15th. ALSO 1 bdrm. ba.yfront, $75 mo. to June 15th. Phone Bar. 2552 or Harbor 291t·M e.vea. 7"1ltc TWO BDRM. Fumished Houoe. Ulit. pd. Children 0 . K. Ava!l- able Oct. 21st. Inquire lower rear apt. 1405 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. 80C88 CORONA DEL MAR-Attra·cttve 1 bedroorq nicely tum. rea.T" apt. Picture window. Newly decon.t- ed and clean. $65 mo. by year. Util. pd. Harboc 03811-J. 85p81 FURNISHED NEW 2 Bdrm. home In Costa Men. Dbl. gar., adult.a, no pets. See Mrs. LaPerle, 1898 Harber Blvd., Costa Mesa.. Bea. 1041 ll8c8'l TWO BEDfUt. FURN. or unfttrn houae, fenced in be.ck yard., year JeaM OT will ex.change for-bol*!!I in Che-rry Point, No. Carolin.a. 610 Larkspur, Corona del Mu. Ph. Har. 1&19-J. 88c88 DOWNTOWN BALBOA. Several apt.a. on 2nd floor With balcouy or view of bay. C1ean, good beds. relrtg. $25 -$40 mo., winter. See Mn. Sullivan, 3061$ Main St., Balboa.. &7c89 FURNISHED studio apt. and CV·· '60 mo., utlJ. pd. Available till ,July 1. Suitable tor couple or woman and one child. 307 Helio- trope, Cot-ona del Kar. 87p89 • $2~ 1WK. or special monthly rate. - 2 bdrm. turn. apL La.undry nn., tenc~ play yard for clilldren. garage. UtU. ,pd. The BLUl!l TOP, •Ol Newport Blvd. 87ttc UNFURN. HOUSE. ~· U'tblg room, dining room, one bdnL, bath. lcttchen, prqe. BeautU\11 _garden. Near C. D. K. ~ $70, year leue. No pet& Jbr., bor 1638-W. S'lcll Tots and Pets Weie- 3 rm., 1 bdrm., fUmlabod lit "llbia. Newport. ~ rro1IBds. 1 lllJc. from ocean and bay. '*' mo. -· 987. ..,.., LIKB Nl:W -UlllUml-l '11811~ .-n duplex. Nice -.in&. W111klnc ~ to ·c1t1 __., .......lt.. -............. -Meu. . • -. ~ con_ fllrnlabocl ......... ._ Uv. "'°"' with ........ .a, N~ b&tlt UMl kMrt"be Y17 tli reatai. r" rellle' 7,11 Msrfpl1 A.ft., enr.. del -· ....... -'W. . ,... J"()JtNmDI) Ull ii& ,... ..... • l&lle. ~I h!4fl I"+ ... rtP,TV.S-..~'Glt ar ._ .... ALI !Wiii .. • 9t?f • • •• ••• r ...-. n , I • l ,· I , • • .. • ' ' • 'REAL ESTATE • • - Real F.at&te Is Your * * * ~ * ** * * * * * * * ~ * * Best Investbient . l3A Y & .BEACH BARGAINS -o~ • DUPLD 1 lldrm.. eadl. lle'km,. breakfut bu, atall ""' ..... a10017 fllnllobod. ow.. -........ ---• lnc0me Property ---------'-----.-----------Is ....u. -<>no· tum•ibM 2 uni!. tloo. fUl.IOO. Kip( --·---• -. BLANCHE ·A. .QA TES, Realtor FRANK L. SHUFELT J. llARTIN ' 311 Marine Ave:, Balboa Island Pb. Har. i671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 1671 BALBOA ISLAND • A beautiful 2 bdrm. )lome with an unusually large, attraCtive; and livable patio. $16,500 .• , ON LITTLE ISLAND -For the large family we · offer this attractive 4 bdrm., 3 bath borne with 2 living rooms. This is a· home to be proud of and very reasonably priced. CAPE COD 2 BDRM. BOME, patio, plus amall apt. Both charmingly furnished. -Pri!!ed right and requires small down payment. TRULY A: HOUSE OF ,pISTINCTION, just com- pleted;-Extra large living rm., 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, . all bea\l.tlfully decorated-modern kit. bu garb. dillp. and dish washer, Very al.tractive walled patio and beau. landscaped. '1'riced right. Xlnt financing. . . BLANCHE A . GATES-REALTOR • -OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-5 p.m. 23531 Kings Road, Cliff aa_ven Thill unusual 3 bdrm. home has ju.st been com- . pleted and is ready for yo ur inspection. 'I ' It is undoubted!)' one of the .best lrranged homea iri this area and its many features will please the most fastidious. The roo ms are exceptiOnaJJJy large-there are 2 bathroomlh-<lining room and ample breakfast areL Massive flagstone fireplace. Indirect lighting and many other appointments. It is priced at $19,950 and well worth every penny. To see prior to opening, call Fred Ba'l-ker, Beacon 5795 or Beacon 6939-J. , EARL STANLEY, Realtor Call at our office, 15th & Irvine, oppo, High School 48--Apartments and Holl!le8 6Z-Real Estate • Balboa IsJand We have several ati,acttve apts. a nd house..s for ~ter ren taJ starting at S45_ mo~d a few yearly rental8 starting t 16,5,. TWO B. R. ~araae apt., putJy furnished. 1 ~ bath. alao 2 nna. down. $8.950. Owner, 114 Mari- gold Ave .. Corona del Kar. Nelda Gibso tr. 306 Marine, Balboa Isl. Har. 502 -. 69t(c FURNISHED HOUSE-Nice liv- ing rm. wilh nreplace. Largt." bJrm .. kitchen with Servel, etc., S.'>O mo. to June 15. Call at Bal- boa Motel. next tO Phone Co. . ~81 S35 MO='l'TH . clean Cumlshed apt. Child 0 . K . Yearly lease if de- sire'1. Mrs. Howland, 320 Al- varado Place, Balboa. &,-;c87 87p89 Resufts come rrom conat.ant P ractice l An ad regular~ ln t.hla paper will produoe rem.Illa for'you. 48--Aotomoblles, TlrM JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER ...... bdrm . .ell. 1 unit 2 .i ...... 'l::attllent \ocaUon in ea.ta Mesa near bwd.nNI dt.-rtct. OW'ner WILL TR.AD.II felt nlce 8 lodrm. home In NewpOirt Hgta. - or Collta a..; u part paymt. Thie 'property ~ a lar1• lot wtth roorb for lhore unlta. Prteed $11.&00 . -o- B & B Bargains ON PENINSULA Two bdrm. -IMlllt about lOll, J'9tl"' "I"· Oood loca. and In JOOd oondl. A buy at fl,J,Dl)Q, BAY & llEACH R~ALTY 1460 Balboe Blvd. J:thel llhlrley Jaelt, )(tller Barbor JJN ' olodon ra., Dick Fay Newport a~ights * * * * * * ... 1* * * * * * .• * * * o . I. RJCSALl!l. Nice home In .~. i-uan. Liv, rm. aad dinette cerpeted. Fplee., 2 - and den. BMuUt\11 yal'1I ~th attf9.CtJve barbecue. Partly erf. cloeed. Perteet !or out door en· • tertalnJng. Dbl. gar,, laundry room. Priced $14,!500. MOOO dn., 173.~!5 a mo., taxes Ir: tna. Inc. -o- Attractive Nearly new 2' bdrm. horne. Ntct> ltv. rm., hwd. n oors. dinette. Ule rn kit. Bath tub and shower. Stucco &nd redwood ext. A good deal al $9100. S%5oo dn. Mon pyt.!1. $61.00. • -·-' Country Living 2 bdnn. home-Liv. rm., bnr- type k it. Neat and clean. Lot 70x150. a.U tor $6600. t erm.11, -o- "Small Fry" 1 bdrm., Uv. rm .. kit. With dinette area, Panel Ray heat. Eut Side. Very 1nexpenaive. $3800, term•. -o- LoU and A:.crUge Ava.Liable -o- Lat ua help YQU with your Rt'o.I £.tat.t-needa. La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Blvd. Costa Me•o P!-.one Beacon 7().13. BALBOA P -ENINSULA . BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2 baU1 Dutch Colonial. Flagstone front. Private patio forced aJr Jieat . F ireplace. Ga,rbage d I •po s a 1.1 \.\"eather strlppffi. Largf' .run ( deck. This is an outJtland '.n~ value and a fin(' home. Price $21,500 Con~lder small home a.s part trade. LIDO ISLE $4,750 down. New 2 bedroom horn,_. near best beach. Full tile 'roof. Patio. Furnace heat. Flreplace. Bar type kltch('n. Glau en- cio.td tub. Sf.e this betor l' you buy. Price $15,750 Ranch 20 acres 6 miles from Newport 12 acre. in JWrmanent puture Equipment for 15,000 chlckena. Three hoUSd, good barn. Abun- dant cheap water Con.sider put trade ~y area. Terma. , $13,900 '!'bu Balboa Illand home, Uk• -.ie peopl~. makH , nienda. Whether lt'1 becau• of tbtL cheerin!r of the rooma an a dull day or the fllckertn.r li&'ht of the open fire on wlntery Digilio, the cuual vloltor •Y., ''Thi• Lo Nl&lly home." A Aajutlc towertn~ ll'M libadff the en'closed patio. Two bedrooma a.nd eluPlnl' room for that guest you want. The l&J"C'e ltvinC" room and dlnlnr room • kept tor tboee quiet evenlnp a\ home wllh tM famtl~ • and friend.I. The home la furnished. econornlcally heated and arranged tor comfort. island ·realty co. Pork at · Apte Avenue, Balboa t.lAnd Harbor 371-W Looking for an Investment --- and a perfect hedge against inflation? We offer 130 acres of rich Imperial V&lley Farm Land Now l.ued for 6 .;,...r1 a t S7000 per year, payable an- nually CASH iN ·ADVANCE. Tenant p&Y11 all ooet.11 ex· oept t.axn whtch are•k>w. Total price of thla farm ls only se&.000, re!rulting In a eecure 10% net return on tnveat- ment. In addition, we expect lhl• land to double ln value durins-the term of the Jeue. For fur1..her informa- tion call - STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 ~ORONA DEL MAR INCOME. Don't fail to ..,., this most attractive 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in choice location. Separate guest room and bath adjoining garage. Excellent income reco rd. Now rented at $115 per mo. It will sell QUICKLY AT- Price -$11:,500 -Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agefl! Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Island LUXURY needs NO APOLOGY Balboa Peninsula (wher e the be.y meets the aurl)- one atory, 2 bedroom and den, lntHt In design and color (new J, $19.8"0. Luxurious living is a natural ambition. Those who aspire to comforts a n d refine- ments can fulfill their moat cherished wishes in one of these H 0 M E S at LIDO ISLE. "Kephart Built" S 8 . R ., 1 ~ bat.M. Fa.rmhoUSI" type (new) $1 ~.:)00. Lido Isle IDlgnlfted Jtvtric at Ila best) F URNISHED APT. -< <0om• .. NO BETTER DEAL any-OREENL.EAF & ASSOC. I A 2 bt>droom home that Is DE· .LUXE In every detaJl. Thl..8 "beauty" I" beyond "det'ICription . If you want exqulsfto coloring. lov~ly plantl'd paUo, 'Unit heat, hardwood noon. larce roomii and r verythinC' spic A apa.n. then SEE this. Priced at ,20,· 000 and worth every cenL "Chann"' ducrlbea thia 1 atory, 2 bOOroom home, a11 the nice tl}lnp, lncludlng complete rum· Wllnp, $20,000. shower. adults only. $35 mo./ where ... NOW is the BUJLDER -REALTOR water paid. Can be seen week time to buy or trade for 31 12 Newport Blvc.L, Harbor ~2 ends, 105 · 32nd St., :-.-e.,,,.port Beach. 8'lp87 a new Studebaker! 4!J·A-Tnller s~ Winter rates $10 mo. Children welcom e Also trailer storage $5 m0:. Little Bay Trailer Park 7204 Coas t Highway, Newport Beach 95c96H TRAILER SPACE C108e to shopping, of( the Hiway, S12 to St6 mo. Cabrillo Court, ltO Cabrtllo St., COflta Mesa. 44-Rooms for Rent T\VO LOVELY bdrms upstair1t wilh porch, out•ide entrance. Balboa 111land. Harbor 1429-J. ' 116p88 BE WlSE-ADVERTISE. Save up to $130 on some models that are &till available at the old price. • A fine selection to chooee from NOW. ALSO BARGAINS In good used cars. Every one a 8 . pecial ' '50 STUDEBAKER ChampWm Sedan, only 10,000 ntl)M. EYery podible extra. - l.Jke nflw. only MOO down ''42 BlnCK Spec. sedan ....... $39!§ '39 ckEVRoLET sedan, nry c~an .................................... SM '38 DE SOTO Sedan _ .. . 2tO I WILL PAY BONUS for cood used cara. 3"41!J N ewport Blvd. at Via Udo (By Udo The&tre) Newport Beach Ph.. Harbor 510 E-ves. or SUn.., Hatbor Jt7~J _5!>-__ H_on_e.-y~to_Loan______ MUST SELL-'50 Ii16rd Cl>nvert - LOANS For. Homes radio, heater, overdrlw. Private , party. Ph. Bea. Sl\12-R. ~pl7 .. &'7--20 yr. Lomu CONSTRUCTION LOANS'~ at ~\0'7• C 14 yn.) WE BUY AND SEIL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER' 141D COAST BLVD.' Corona dcl Kar Ba.rbor 1011.J • Rep. POIRIER !lORTGAGll CO. Metro Ufe lna. Funcb Kl WiU LOA1'S TO BUlLD, DdP'&OVlil, I BUY, MODERNIZE,' Olt . . R&Flfi,UICll - Wa 8"1 .'1'\-ust . ~ Nl!lWPORT BALBOA n:D-.U. BA VtNQS 6 l.DLH t.811N. ' IS.U Vta Udo Pb. REAL~A LO lntueal Rate-'ti~· I - i.;..,. quldlly made In tbO' -0Aft& and Lq\IDL SIA&le br multiple UDlta. H-'.., old. Bi wt.. uad • .,. '7 n-ftM+-'DI' your pc• t , mu. Mln•mum. ~ .. -Nodl&rpllwpr- nary appn.lo&I. ,_ - AA& n=trrlJ' s...-rr • wrtta: AllTBUR 'A_ KAY ~ Koi:tPP a... ODllL4 wwt-t- ~ Clallf. uee 111& on 1616_._ _ ... • • ·n PLY. EX. CON. Overhauled ·motor. Good Urea. upbol&ery. new p&illt, radio, beater. 811 El Modena, Newport BolJl>t.I. 'loc81 19li0 CBZVROLl:T Dlz. '-door Sedan, ti.Ile. new. Lota ot utru. Will b'sde for lot In CDM. PIL Barbor 2288. - 1918 M:QI)E. A ,ickllp. -Uont motor, new ..-i. -1 bed, &'004 .... -r. $115. Ph. Bar. 11111 • .J. 11• 1.Nl ·.oftl> <lOUn .... -·•-ao1nu....-u...-. 41' Bel V• 1-. -•ft. ···=--......... .,.., Pretty As A Picture 1 bdrm. hon1e. perfect for a couple. Uke out of a home m&..-,lne . JU the ran.ch type with redwood fenelng, bric k patio and nJce • prdcn. Satidy loam .oU In &'ood Coat.a Meaa location. A w~ll­ buill hOtn<-e.nd a wcndforful buy at $7995. Newport Heights .s bdrm. home with hwd. noon. na1stone flJ'eplace, large plate g1au wlndow:a faclng the paUo. lta brand new and a lovely home. ComP&:!"e thl.s price with all olhen -t11 ,9~. 3 bdrms., 1 3/. baths Brand ..,,f'W -Newport Helgbta home wilh oc-ean vlew, J l haa everylhlng, fireplace., .hwd. flra.. p..rbag~ dlspoaa.I. low down pay· menL $13,150, Beacon Hill Realty ff8 Newport Blvd. (above Archet) Ph. B. &7 lS-R or Evee. B. 613.2-W $1500 down s bedroorna. oak n-.. nr..p1a«: dlnlnl' roo~ bre&k:fut nook. -· 1a'CO lot. Ylew "' ...,...,, Newport Heigh.._ fU.GGO. N. B. C. RE.ALTY CO., &2nd 6 New- port Bhd. - * * * * THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIM8S · THe POS.T - Orange County's Outstandi•g /teal Eda,#• - AdYetfiUf M•dill• --* • • • 2. Nearly nC'A' 4 ~room, 2 bath home. ldHI for <':hl.klnn u It ha.s 2 large bedrooms and 2 an11tll bt'df'OC>r'l\8. Only .few 11leps from lovely PRIVATE BEACH . Imagine thb a t O'NLY $19,MO -Excellent terms. 3. Our latest EXC LUSIVE llJlting. BA TF'RONT home lrl one-of the beat locaUona on LIDO l.SLE. This home wu built ln 1950 Nld hu thl!' tine.st and belt of fea· turca 1uch u 3 lar~ bedroom.I, 2 balhl. apa.cioUli Uvi.n1r room. dream of a kitchen. untt heat and a pier and .Up t....,.t la on~ or ~ beet on UDO l.SLE. Ypu just have lo .8ff' tbbl borne. Prtc.."t'd to .tell. ALSO f'or tb09(' wbo want to build- 90me very declnble lot.a a.re for ll&le etlhe:r waterfront tdte. for income \UJ IU or crou street Iota at bargain prlcu. Any atze or price. REMDIBER we art the DE1'ELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Here a Htlle bu)"I • LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33&3 VI& Udo Newport Beacll, call!. Barbor 1600 EXceptional Value CORNER LOT -Look!! onto bay & adjacent lo .wirnmJng ~h. 621~ • x 88'. St re-et on 3 sides. Prime value at $6250. Ocean Front (wh~re .you can breathe the salt al rt. OUPL~, just completed, lde•I beach home, with income. $1 2,500. SEVEN B. R . HOME-Spa.ciou.s, excelJent location. t..ri"e giau· ed In con.eervatory. TUed bl.thJ:. Orowln1< old lfl'S<'t\JUy. $31,600. Harbor Investment Company REALTORS SO lh and Newpcwt Bl°"t NewpCft Beach Ph. Hatbot' 1&00 $3000 DOWN New 3 bdrm., 2 ~th home. 50-fL lot-na •kw. Very easy pay- ment.a. Full Price $13,750 ff WT)' On "ntla One! $11,250 Ve.ry ftl"Y cute. t bdrm. Brick ce.. m ... t.. fenced, patio. tub and stall ahower, lota of Ute. Fire-- place, dbl. prqe. beauUfully LIN!orape4. This is one of the · best in CDM f • • ,, P~6E 7. -PAil T -THURSDAY, OCT. II, 'f.951' $1500DOWN ' vers '°"v a Wma. o .i. a••1.r TMa -.. a.I)> 2 -Gld. ! ... abMI '"·rm..~ ~-1---.~--~--~------~~~--~~--~ • I'll! ~. dlnln1 •U. eb-· 81 RN' Ill III• ·a a.I l!Wate flll ldfcbea with Iota ol tile. ColOoNI bath wtth We 6 feet over blb, J&rre bade-. - onto .., .. red patio, -~ pr., with ample otorap ~· 80 fL wide loL 1-11\0Blhly pay· menta Jnc1uc1e -lnwr., and • " 11nt.r.et. • !Price '$,12,162 How ID the world can ;you loae. on a deal like thi.? • $1900DOWN 0 . I. RE8A.L11: -S bdrm.. S lO yn. old. Tbp condltlclll, hwd. n--, tile, lal'(W dbL prap. Bat E . Side. Price $11,250 $36.12 Per Mo. Is the amazing payment.A on thl.a very attractive 1 yr. old. 2 bdrm home. Hwd.. noora, tile, lovely kitchen ~th breakfut nook, Laree ~ood covered patio . flowert and ahrube. Best neigh- borhood. Priced to sell •• $8950 with S2600 down. Th111 is an FHA 4 \4 <;{dee!. • Subdivided Lots Streeta -Curbs -Utllltle. ' l . -BALBOA ISLAND • I . ~ . 2 ~ Jiome,,'completely f~ in niip,1e and vM1 to wllll carpe~g. 2 patio&. JWit off Sooth Bay • -Pricie $18,500-Terms ' • I For full info~on on this property C.U Harbor 1771> BE~CON BAY WATERFRONT . ·Beautiful S bdrm. home. Large Uy!ng room, dining room with picture win(\ows. Completely furnJshed. Patio with barbecue. Guest apartment. Full price- -$40,000 - Call Harbor .1775 and make an appointment to see , NEWPORT BUYS INDUSTRIAL ZONE -Small furnished home, garage, work bench and storage. Lot space to expand in front. Full Price $5250, small down payment! -' Top location among $10,000 -1.o • $15,000 homea. 13 Jot.a at $1350. CHARMING 2 bedroom and den home. Located close In on two beautifully Jandacaped lots. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 18Gfl Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ·Phone Beacon '112!1 ( Acroee from Coeta Meaa Bank) Eves. Ha. 31~7!'w Bea. 5458-J Costa Mesa • The Best Town on Earth Corner Lot 54x130 One bdrm. home o nly $55-00, On. paymt. $1800. Balance at $.56 per mo. Int¥ lnclud. 4 i,t ';{-. $895 Down "NEW" two bdrm. home, small but nice, tolal price $6895. Bal- anct" '68. per month. 3 Bdrm. G.I. Resale Double g&rage, fenced yard, near Blvd., reuonable down payml. Mo~ pymts S53 lnclud. tax a.nd insur. Total pricf" $9950. Income Property 2 bdnn. home and 3 units on lot 87x173, room for expant1h>11, nr. Cf"nter of town. Estate s.aJe price s1 ~.ooo. SPACIOUS LIVING -ROOM with beamed ceiling, fireplace, outside guest room, garage. Bar.liecue. Fenced yard. Outstanding value at $12,500 For this and other rood buys call Harbor 1013. ( Eveni11g11 Harbor 2092· W ) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1 Tlh and Coast Ht way Newp<rt Beach %2:1. Martne Ave. 15th and Irvine Newport Beach 81G Coast Hlway Balboa bland 3113 N~ Blvd. Cerona del Mar . Newport Beach CLIFF HA VEN-Only $13,950 G. I. RESALE -Large combination FHA G. I. · loan . Lovely 2 bdrm. and den home. Dining ' rm ., lge. kitchen, pullman bath ,, large~ brU,k fireplace, double gar11ge. - I COSTA MESA-Only $10,500 Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace, hw<t. floors, lots of tile. Large rms., dbl. gar., lge. Jot. EZ terms. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor Lots -Acreage A. 13. JOHNSON, Broker Lot 63x200 ........................... $ IOO-O 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 Lot 72xl50 .......................... $ 1275 1-------_. -------------- Lot 60x300 ........................... $ 1000 M·l F ive Acres .................. S 7000 Re.idenUal 5 acres .............. Sl0,000 G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Anociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. ·Bea. 5181 Notice - to Trailer Owners Chi.:ner wilt take $2000 or good trlr. a.s down payment on thll. very nice 2 bdrm. home. Full price 18000. 1,.. blk. to ocean, com. tum., includ. Bendix Wash· e r. If you are interested In lhl..8 or any ot..her home, pay us a call. there is n o obligation and we ml~l have juat -what you are looking for. Paul C . Jones, Rltr. 2307 W. Balboa ' Btvd., Newport Phone Harbor 2313 86<:88 Two /outstanding' Homes in Costa Mesa 2 bdrm., large lot, unobstructed vtcw. Only $7000-SlDOO down. 3 bdrm. mi ,,. acre oomer. F'tN:· plac<, double pr&ll". feooed. Cl-In. Only $1S,!500--S3000 dn We WTlte all. H.nea of Insurance¥ R. W. BARTINE, Broker W,V.PA'lTON,Aal!PCiate UIO'I Newport -Blvd.. Coat& K- P'tmne Beacon 5320' ' . . Balboa Island Special SPECIALS "Little Island" I BAY VIl!:W AND DANDY SWIM• The home of your dretlm iB wail· ing for you. So completely fUr· nlahed you oniy need a tooth· brw&h. 3 B . R . up, 1 B . R. down. Hwd. floors, Bendbc. wuher. dbl. prage &nd patio. Bath.a up A down. 'Ibis is a very livable and exceptionally well turntahed home. Price is right. terma ~ right. · MJNG BEACH! This older home ls only 100 tt. or 80 back from the bay. IArc-e UVlnC' rm. wlth fireplace, 3 bedrooms -and 3 rm. apt. in rear. Need! some painUn'. and fixin'! Its tuml.ih-- ed and a bargain at $12,500. OCEAN FRONT-I. bdrm. home and carage apt. for income. All tumlahed. Fireplace. Pat Io. Bazbecue. ~ garage. Choice •Ralph P •. Maskey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor 402 •• 1 Dalbo& JocaUon. 1 Ckt8e to• diOJ>"' ping and tra.nsport.&tion. Prtcc $16,500. 06ttc Reside1;1tial Income . NINE UNITS-Well located near tnmsportatton 6 shopping. Me- dium prtced rent.ala wtth excel- lent four-year record ot occu· pancy. Six. unlt.. ate tumlalled and three are unturniehed. $467 per mo. income, Price $~7 ,WO. Term.a l9 needed. Costa Mesa Realty 400 ·E. 17th at Tu.still Ave. Costa. Mesa Be~on 8818 . ' Newport Heights $2750 down Balance 'UJte Ren\- N ew 3 B.R. Home ExtepUoaallF well bullL Bu _.., View, 1 !ti b&UUI, tarp flttplac.e, cv'-Ce dl!lpolal, bwcl.1 ti-.. 2-car prage, larp -. leyel lot, Iola ot Ule, pon:b, clininl A: bl I Wzkat, TGU ahauld -It .todiof prk:e $13,7fi0 Linwood Vi RJIA I ll'!)I( 1 I ~ • W, A. TOBIAS,.. • l'Clate '. 3U K..C-X.e, ~ lto!•Qd -----~JOU, Fdr Sale 17, Ow,ner .. 2f65 Marmo Dr., Bay Shoree ' ,_ ............ -+v ....... r ,....._ -'S IS WllSW. ·-oar•• M car a....._.....,. ...... -,...~-· I I Hf,._, ... 17 ... ........ -. .... -' • • PENINSULA POINT -Adorablt 1 bdrm. home. Lge. Uv. rm. wtth flrepl&oe. Dinette, kitchen and bath. Large outdoor patio, llv· ma area. Barbecue. Rear patio, 2-car garage. $13,600. BALBOA COVES-Beau. 2 bdrm- 2 bath waterfront home. , Lse. liv. rm., frpt, din. rm., roomy kJf. Breakfaat. bar. Ample room upe:tairs for 2 addiUOnal bdrms. Th .. prop. ls truly dlatinc~tve. Phone now for appt. to aee. sa~.ooo, Balboa ~ealty Co. Roa Gredey Jo0epblne Webb J .1111an McAdoo • 100 II:. Balboa Blvd. Bar. 1211 . < • • • • ' ,. • I , • I • • -~ fR\llTS & VEGETABLES ~­• • GENUINE IDAHO RUSSET-FINE FOR GINlllAL USEl lbs UTRA FANCY-CRISP SNAPPY-WASHINGTON JONATHAN .. · • lbs . . . ' . UICIMS fOl TNUU.. P11;.s&T., Alll9 "*-= •·, ocnnw u.ttazt FANCY COLO"llD FRYING M.J.B., 1-LB. CAN ' ' -. ' ARMOUR'S STAR . ... \ -. Be.st Foods' Ho~ciy COFFEE • Margarine .- c I I \ \ \ \ '\ '~ "-. "-. '-'--=--~ 1-lb. PkfJ. -. Colored CANNED VEGETABLES! . Pichweet Little Sweet PEAS . 17-oL 15c C•a oiiiiKe iEil"s 2 ~.! 25 c ioiiiois" N~a2~1• 19c . Nll>lett's MEXICO RN Ya11 Camp's PORK & BEANS 12-0L Cao No. 21/• c •• CANNED FRUITS Dole'• Sliced PINEAPPLE. H••t'• Faocy Cli•t PEACHES Orego•'• Fi•e1t PURPL.E PLUMS Pacific Gold lerllott PEARS S•pre•a 11..i Sour Pitted CHERRIES No. 2 Cao No. 21/• Cea No. 21/J Cai No. 21/• c •• No. 2 Cao 2-lbs. · · $1.49 . WE UDE.Ell >U.&. ,COa"OS!I TOOi 25 c FROZEN FOODS . LlllrS-4-0L 2;:37c ORANGE JUICE LlllY'S-12.0Z PIG. . 23c PINEAPPLE M. C. P. 2;:21c LEMONADE 21 c PICTSWEET 2;:33c PEAS 12.0Z. • PICTSWEET FOltDHOOI White King Soap Powder Glaot Packatel LIMAS 12.0L 23C PIG;. ALL·AMERICAN SMALL FRESH GRADE·A ECCS DOL I• Carton Old Sootli JUICE Grapefnit 3 . No.2 25c c ••• Santa Morla TAMALES No. 21/2 Cao c Keno's Tomoto CATSUP Lart• lottlo La•ro Sclld .. er's P•re z Mayonnaise . :·~"J· -. .. . 1 rt. 37c 9t.67c I '1iY "SN HOSTESS 'ET __ ...,,..., 35~ ~-? · MILK 2 T•" 25c · ::..-:.::.:..~.. ' 2 for . ca•• OLD DUTCHI 23C Gol4att State Goh!•• St.tt ... ~.::!!:...-\ COTIAGE PAR-TEE ·. CHEESE ICE CREAM . . -· -• • l . ' t • I • ~-~ ~ Oct. 18. 19, 20 Plain or 5u9C1red ' DOUGHNUTS 43c.., !Jot. Sk .... ) ' ... 2Z& " . -.,,. ... ,. .. ~n~e l<amps 'll . aAKlllll · vi!E t Gol .. FLOUR 10-111. 99c Medal lat . -s~::~: ... PEANUT SNOWDRIFT ~~~ 24c 2 Plott 33~ Jell-0 •· • BUTIER r.::::----- 1!: 34c 2J.o&. Jar 49c Dirff't. C•ocol ... Devil's Fto4 Coo WESSON Olli. Pt. 30~4j)t.stc Ant Jt.UH Paoc .. t. FLOUR 3oc L9 ,4Cl-upllg PUlll YIGETAILI . SHORTElllG GOLDIN STATI 3-lb. JI IST 9UALITY IUTIER . • , .. ,6 DeHcious ' c . -~ n,. -. " , ea. .• Flavors ' -· -; I _. ' • ' -. . --~ · BETIY 'CROCKER'S ' . ·BIS.QUICK: , LARGE PKG. - DELICATESSEN -.-•~: 8rancts Y °" -K .. ow! ~~. · Cllolce . .r-, I ~!ft'• Prelftl•• Pl~IEMTO 1 . • • LOAF c · -oR-ea. JOLOGNA lotli are Sliced 11 1-oL Pkt~· ~~~:ON CHEDDAR 45~ LUEl'S ALL MEAT F_.NKS ....;.oR- ·Braun• . hi • ·_ :sc ,weager , , tSIHlly •"4 T~I , I ' ~ ' • HOLtDA YS AHEAD! . JEAT SHOR'l'AGES AND THI · NEW TAX l""IR IUY NOWI '"""""'cpw-i"i iirizi s299 .: FIFTH .................. . "OLD .. LIOSTON"L· -, ' • • • Rocki~ Chair $418'· , A llolllied ~ . .ct· • ·. • FIFTlt ...... ... • • • • •• • • • •• ~ .. ·. • A ' • $ • • I • •••• . ' • ' I ~ t I ' PIRATES WHET CUTLASSE~ FOR tNDIAN ~&AME TONIGHT, . : AT HU.NJlijGlf ON BEACH l • . - Orange Cout eou"«" and San•llemardlno eoui.p' tancle tonlglll (Th11111day) at Hun~ Beacb In ti>• footblJI ,pm. .. 1tto11 manY' foncul w1ll det•rmlne the cham)>lonOtp of the J:utem Coatueiftce Klcko!f ~l tile Huntlngton llea<;b Hlgb Bcbool ~ wtU be at 8 p. m. Both tea.ma ltave racked up tm-... ------'-~-----­ pre.alve ~ tn conteltl thus fat. Coach Clyde WUllama lndlane of San Betdoo ~ve taken four • •traJcht whUe Ra_y Roao'a Pirates have won three of tour atarta. San Bc!rnardino bu ta.km Po-. mOlla, 13~: San Otego, 41-14: Black .et a new. all time Cout otfenelve record Lut week u hf' plcked up 238 ya.rdm on the ground· end 34 Jardl In the air. Miller and the two SmJtha alt retumffl trom Jut year'• nrat atrtng eo...-t clu". San Bernardino has the! edge In tile u,,.. by 189.9 to 111.9. Cout Jo a Httle ah...S In -kfleld iirelgbl." 171.3 to lei. Voll!•-8tudtap ' Chaffey, M.& and Cal Poly, 65-0. ·Orange fl:oaat hu belted Sula n-. u-1: Fullerton, 20-1 """ MU Sac. 34-1.t while' loslnt to Oregon Tech, a four-year co1Jegr, 14-0. The game looms u an offenatve W L Pta Opp ba\~ "wtth Orange Cout'a com· Orangr Coul 2 0 l>f 21 btne ot qdarterba.ck How-a.rd MU-San BerNU'dlno ... 1 O 50 O' l~r, ha.l{back.8 John Black and RJvenkie .................. l 0 8 9 lea SmltJl and Mlback Hal Smith B'ullertoo ····-······-··-·· 1 1 42 38 pltt..<I against San Berdoo'a high-Santa An• ·-..... ··-0 l e 8 tlCOrlng club anchored by Perul9yl-Mt. San >,.ntonio .... 0 1 14 34 vanla ace Don Meyer •t· the QB Ch&tfey ······-··\'········ 0 2 13 90 slot and tnathe1' .P.nn Prepeter Ga.mes thla week: Tburaday, San Walt Gaffney at MIMck and an Bem.ardlno at On.nre Cout; Ftf. .. all-Ohio piepster, Terry Jeter at day, Mt .. San Ant.onto at Sa..nt& halfb&ck with hometowner Jack Ana; hHe~ at Pasadena (TV); Gray. •· \ Saturday~ Rtventde at Chaffey. STARTING LINE·UPS No. ORA.r.."\"OE COA ST P08 8u Benaardllae No. a.:5 Glenn W~ 11821 ........ l...ER..:.: .. .-..... (183} John Ruahlng-79 54 Ed Mayer (193) .................. LTR ·········-··-' (192) Rudy Kaplan 93 31 Fred Owen• (182> ........ LGR ......... ----· (1981 Leich BoUa 88 60 John McHargtle (1941 ... C .............. (1&9l Ed &ettahoover 77 63 Gil Mar-ah ( 1&4 J ................ ROL ................ (200) LYna Eager It~ 33 Bob Woodhou.e 11901 ........ RTL ................ (2101 Gonion King tis 47 Don Paxton (107t ................ REL ............. (1781 Willie Mlma 82 10 Howard Miller (167> ... ... Q ................ (1531 ..Don Meyer 88 18. Jeas Smlth ( 173 J _, ............ LH .................. ( 188 I Jack Gray 70 '38 John Black ( 183l ............. RH ................ ( 1801 T1m Vanlfl 42 81 Hal Smith (193J ............. F ···-······ (1861 W&lt Qalfney 72 Coat Slx Man De.feue Cout F1\·e M .. Uae Defeue LE Sid Manning 1170) LE Sid Mannine (170) LT Ed Mayer (193 1 LT Ed Mayer (lN) LG Fred Owena (182) LG Jim Keeline (2321 RG Jim Keellne (~2) RT Bob Woodh&uae f 190) RT Bob Woodhouse (190) RE Jack Meeka (187) RE Jaek M_eeks Ll87J LB Hal Smith (193) LB Don Wagoner (186) LB Don Wqour (186) LB Ch&rlea Black (190) LB Charles Black (190) HB Mel Smalley (1701 HB Mei Smalley (170t HB N~ Pal"80ns (JM) HB Ned Parson. (186) S Howard Miller (167J & Howard Miller (157) WAOONCR ~ -Hard·n••nJac becb 1lk6 C>oD Wapatt ll&ve sf''ea Onu1p..C...t Ooll~ wbat ....... ohwrven tM .., lbdr bMt off~ve tMl1I b ltbtol'J'. ..,......._,.,, Mow. drlWac f•r IMC. e-xtra yard wh.leb netted the wtaalaJ totlClildowa ap.lnst 8-ta R._ wlll be In ecUoa lo• 0-~t tGldcfat o,p!Mt IA><lted 89.a' 8emard1ao aJo.,a with MICll otbtt Plrale ball carrlen u tlomt Black, \\'ho Mil a new.'.· OOC ru.sb.lnr record tut weNc \\ith Ill yards pl.bed fn)ID .crlmaf'e; le-N and Hal Smith, who &JT a""~C bfot-ter than "''e yarcb prr carry In the four pmea °""- c. M., L. A. Nines TAR~. TAKE ON ORANGE Dons Rate Low Scheduled for PANTHERS TOMORROW in Game Against ~~~~~;~~R~£~~~ IN 'CONFERENCE OPENER ~:~~~ u~!.~~~or lhc be honored at a "Bud' Long" day Fresh fro~ lheir Victory over Lynwood Hlgh'a Knight.JI, Nev.•port tlrst time ln many sea.son!!, Santa at Llons F ield Sunday a.ttemoon Harbor High School'• varsity rootball squad wiU ~et'k their first con-Ana College's Dona will n1eet the u the Costa. MeM. Merchants race forencc win tontorrow nlchJ. ~·hen they lake on Orange high achoo!. Mt. San Antonio MounUca on the the tough Soulh~at >il'tc.hanta or Lns Angclt"s. The game will be play~ at Orange high 8Chool stadium. starling at home field Friday night, Oct. 19. Long will be g\ven g-lft.J. donsted 7 :30 p.m . The Dons will be out to gain by local mt"rchant.s aucJ will ~ The Orangemen oonstllute a formld3ble opportent for the battling their first conference victory af. paid tribute by thoee fol!J "·erl' ot Ta.r11. according lo Coach At Ir-ler lo.qing a cl03c decision 8-6 in SCRIBE GIVES PIRATES NOD ~,::-i;:~.~~ 'i';: ~:· p::.~~.:~: wt;,,·y··· won .ti> ... gam .. and Boys Club w·ins ~~~.~~·1~~.;;:i::ut~·1.~~~1:' w~~~~ startrd for Mcurtng 11~ unlrorma Jost one."' Irwin ald. The Tart pied by injurlea to several key · f:Jr ~ht" team lo open 1u .suc:th have W()1\ two a.nd loet two. playen. Coach BUI Cook's .squad • • • IF THEY PLAY ALERT , BALL .. = :~~t~ .. ~.~= ., ti>• Uni;.~ w~~: ~11~'=· ~~:h 2 of 5 Ga· mes ~~~ng';;:~ i~:t~.,~~ ;~ ~~".;~".~ __..._. hlg:h a.choio4QtJa in 1~-~-~lft-achool by a thumplng 47 to O. up of halfback Floyd Slratn and '7 -MMHIDlaa · ---~ -> ocf1o !1\o p_.ilt 11fld'WM94T. A • 6PMlfte *' Of Ule ·~ -A B lineman Deaey Sam..1»<>n may_ be one Um(' hla brolher•. Dick arul Panther& la their half back . Lanny ·1n . .-P" lay of vaJua6~·-'herp-to" the Ooni M Orange COB.It college takes th·e neld 1ont1ht a-1nat San Ber--•--• Mt Sa '"_. &.<ttncy played with h.irp ln the tn-Carter. a apHd burne-r who placed agauuM. · C. nardino Valley oollep. ~ are 5Ure of one thlng. Ray Roseo will have field and the re«t of the t~m wu third Ln state 440-yard track com· · CoaChea Archie Nf"sbit and It kno..,.·n on hi& club that the team which playa the beet ball wtll win. 1 .... rwUtl I In ·~ J hn A Ibid ( Mt oadec.J with the same h.igh caliber ,..~ on. rw . reporr.cu. Harbor Arell. Boys Club Flaiir o ny rran e o . San An- They well know that moat observers rate the two clubs on a.n even player11 from all O\:.er ,tbC county. or the Panther team, he stated. F tonlo will r elay on All-Conference I Th Footba!lcrfi opened the sea.son w ith Pane. FNLnk Hamilton pitched parls of " ey are • big (.(!-am : I don't fullback Dick Fouts a.nd halfback R08SO will have them know that the team which Jet. up flr•t will two s('a~ns here ant! V..itltty Bur-know how fast they arc but they two willl!I In five games Saturday Norman Nypard tO carry the be the one on the abort f"nd of the lr.n W.Jt.M un outsta.ndlng hurler fo r have loll'! of •plrlt."' The Tare' morning at Huntington Beach. ~tountalneer'e ·attack behind the 8core: lhe team which i.9 hamper-his llneb&cklng 1ipoL Charle-wall three yrars, gaining a pro'l'rMlon· llCOUls saw the Pa.ntheni play lut Billy Hay(!.s scored four times to line play of Bob Newton. Ronald ~ Jty players who worry about 1 ht behind b th J hn Y th Al contract lllrgely on hlA playing week, but CQUld not obtain team IC'&d the-"G" team to a 43_12 win Green and end Orlin Allen. mlalakes ot themaelve1 ~ others ~I carrying ::erae;e ;epar~en~ I hC'rt-and w1.th tha Newport Harbor weight averagea. over Huntington Beach. Still on the DoM doubtful list after they are m~e wlll be loal. wtlh a mark or 15_87 ya.rct.s ln lhr'ff J1111lor Legton. Eddie Brown and Fact that Orange-will be "'up"' Other me mbers of the team are Injured linemen Sam Palmer The team that h&a players who rune. Johh averaged. 11 _7 in 19_ Charley Brown are two more play· for , l.he Tar game may be ~e-n wt're Buddy Thompilon. Don Seal. and Wayne fli::hnackenberg, who let up on blocking and ta.ckllng era who helped Coeta Mea become from Jut year'a acore when the Mike Hay<>s. J&ekie Hayl's. J..,-y tiolh missed Jut week 's game. for only one play ls done. In ~~ Panons and Mel Smalley one of th.-power lee.ma In South-Newporteni edged the Panthera Hilliard 'anr1 J ohn lfcCluakey. Jerry Olckeitson alao ia on the ca.e- short, the Pirate& are ln for a reaJ an hungty for tackle.a after the ern California aemi-pro ranks. out In Ul e lut 90 aeconda of pla)'. Stan Schonea, Dave Tamura, Roy ually list and may not see actton ball ga.me--a game •to tell which •teller line play ot the Ptratea at Bolh playf(I lhortatop. Kenny Thoe Tan recovered a tumble and Daniel. Bob McClmkey. Sandy Friday nlpit. team 1a beet and mental attitude 111 Tb Mo&U caught. ee-;::: tea.eon. for won the came 7~. • Davt8 and Jlm Muldt• combined "'Coach Cook wu impressed with .L SAC. e tlne and ttneback-• ........ p th ~ and alerlne&f will probably· be the er. mad~· all but eeven ot the Lon&' and played un a few week• ~ •1e an era run • •vm a T for· to form the "E-P-' team which de-the running of f\lllbaek Bob Grif· determining factor: tacklea and lboee tnre on pa..uel •10 When he went bMk to UCLA.. matlon offe.nalvely much the aa.me feall'd Huntington Bea.ch'l!I number flth and the tine play of Jim Ma.t- in put yeab the Pirat.ea haw and one run. Only one running Of the old ru&.td. only Loni' u the Tan. one team 19-18 tn &. real thriller. aunaga along with tbe regullll' bffn 11trong tn thiM department play went fOf' any distance. th.at and cente-r fielder Ken Uyeaug1 Scout report.a ot O\e Pant.her•' Bruce-Knipp quarterbacked the atandout performer& Marvin Krav- and ahould. In our opln1on, cOm• wu • 29-yarder by Dick Fout.a. remain. Uyesug1 hu galn!d a apot la11t game coukln't break the Soya· Club number two "E-F"' vilz, Le.Roy E~nbraun and Chuck throl!gh with a ''heady" game to-Another went 1 ~ and all the rut with Long in the Coela Mesa "hall Ora.n~e te-an1 play down too crltl-team which IO«t l&-l4. Bill Lamb, Sitton. Lloyd Kirby, filling in for night. Even in their poorest aea-went two or three. The average of (&me" for his ate.Ue:r pla1 and Cally. Irwin u..ld, u the Orange~ Ma.nhall Steller, Biii Brush and the Injured Strain made a good son lait fall. the Piratel!I played Mt. SAC run advanced the ball expert showma-?J-hfl'. The t cam nlen ()Utcluaed Bellflower 90 bad-Butch Holloway completed the showing and ls slated to Sf>e plenty head•-UP ball moat of the time. only 1.8 yarda. which Lon~ n~ ia fleldlng has ly. st.artlng tea.m. or action in thf" Don backfield Occa.sional mental lapeea coet won 10 of lt.!1 tut 1i ouUnga with "Wboeve-r get.a lhe breaks will Danny sands took lhe ball on along with rt"gulars Bob Smith them. but they al.10 profited by Foot.aJ..len or TomorrOW Bob Burdick -c"-1-ch~r. Ruaty Hr4 win ... Irwin p~lcted, .saying Ulal an l"nd around for & TD but the and Bob tJmpreu. heady ba.11 playing tn many "itua-u you are ever around the Hun-man and Rudy ~ll&a pitching. '"the first two ml.nutes will decide number two "G'' team loal 19.J.f. Both teama will be out to gain llona. tlncton Beach hlg!\ acbool back· Long at flrst-baae With Al Denla the-game..." Ml of yesterday the S~ds teamed w!th Frank Rivera, thC'ir win -In Conference play a.a Alrllity to Play f-tteld on Saturday morn.lng, etop and Allie Thie-me In ~serve Norm Tar squad waa free of injurie-a. Richard Schlichenmayer, Jimmy Mt. San Antonio dropped their This yea.r, the loca.1.8 have dem· onalratl!'d an ability to play ball the way it should be played-and they have had me-nlal lapeea u ag•lftllt Oregon Tech, a very ftne elevPn. Last w~~ Cout had men- tal letdowns a.a they aeemlngly were coasttflg to an euy win. Mental l~tdowna Ln tonight's game could well mean defeat and a poe- tn.. and watch the gTid 8 tara of to-Ridgeway and Daren ff~ al The k>U.I squall la anticipating Schnttw('ia& and Steve and Stan· game: to Onnge Coast College morrow ln action. Te.am& from aecond. But Mora.lea at ahortatop, the Orange cl.Uh. Irwin dttlared, ley Tudor. Jut week. The two teams a.re Huntington Beach .nd Harbor Dick Lane at Ulird, Olenn Lucken· malnt&lnlnr that the Tar• "an! Charley Berry, Larry Chapman, evenly matchM with both sides Atta Boy.' club at Costa Mesa bill. Uycsugt and either H o\ae, or fited up·· for the game. George Schultt, Bill Rou!!.h, Jim showing sigru ot becoming strong- tangle there each week fl"om 9 Cu1llu in the-outfield. JeaMOn and John Hopkl.ns 108t to e.r u the seuon _goes along. a.m. tll noon. ln Norm Worthy'•' ~fosl of lht• playera are atudenll'I HOME FROM KOREA Huntington Beach in an open di- recreation department league. at Orange CO&Jlt College, or the Fonner Harbor High student vlalon game in the last 40 secondl!I, Competition la •pi.rited in those newcomen, Morale:& is rated aa Jame.a W , Conrad, firema.n first 20.19. The t.eanut return this Sat- tl&g foot.ball ~ea whJch are • rf"al con1er. His double ln the claa on the deatroyer John R. urda)". played with all \tle aeat of a jay-eighth la~l week pulled the local.a Craig, I.a home from al.x month.a In aee pme. fron\ b<'hind 7-S lo tie the 11eort Kor-ea. Hi.a mother and Mn. Leon sible champlonah.lp. Aa we have said before, there i11 no humiliation 1n defeat it you make the ot.1'er team wtn, but If there bt mental lardineu. no aPtr- ll, no d1!::8lre and no nght, defeat BOWLING INTERESTS IOYS CLUB MEMBERS la certainly hwniliatJng. Bowttn.r may aoon be a top eport Around and .AbcMlt among Boy.' Club memben If th~ ~ntbuaium abown Monday u the Ftve Orange Cout playtts Booeter Club &JTang-ed ~Jing banded . togelher to play on \he ee:alon at.arted a r~cular Mond1i.y Harbor Atiea Boya c-Jub /&oftball afternoon ached.We. Tiie Booater team la.st summer. M.aw16 lAnJ-Club of the Soya' Club la spouor- dale caught and played oUtft.eld; In b tumlahln in tt -~ Howard Miller and John BSack g ( )lo &' p • era ...... l\IJ)f'rria6on) an attemoon ot boW:l - aJterna led bf'tween aborUt.op and la.& each Monday for an boya who pitchlng; Bob Woodb.0\1.le · pllyed are membera of the Barbor Area Jett field and Ed Mayer beld down Boy•• Club. 11nl bue. Preatdent Bob Wctael and Bowl- Langdale, Miller. Sid Manning, lng chalrman Joel Leanard bave. Benny Arrendondo and D&Je Bliek· ·~ for-speolai ratea for uie man played wv at Camp Cook bon In OddJ&a t.o IMtr<lcllon and for t.,.., weello durfJIC tM IUm· ...,. of aboeo. Bill Klota, v .... mu u tl>ey took par( In lraWD&' -ling man ... •. lo ~ will> tile •97tl> Anndt.d l'leld M• wllll Ille -ta the project. tU1tty Battollon. Of Use 11111 .A.z. A turnout o( J3 bo)'O nport.c1 - a.nd the wttk betore he triplerl Ferguaon me-t him at the dock. with the ba3C8 loe.ded. Game. time He wu home for the week end. Sunday ls 2 p. m . but ia not on furlough. M()red Rew• •• lM'll9k&. • M d _.. tJ-... Jl'r..s 0Ww I.Siii Jim ltMllN ~yO)' .••"' ~ '-•-..-~ U:• . spell trouble rO.. M7 ..,. "1IDa' ~ ..,.l W'Oik. • _ Cout middle Uno -' • ' 111\. nun 8CREUuU: SAC 1'&11 Into otclcl-1! 'Qw.,. ' m Um•• ta u.. flrJlt quarter ud 1llea lltlftecl tbelr attaclt ta U.. ...... -Iller .... mt.. AJl-Oilc>. fe.rMCe eel $4,. Mgaij,I" • Wllo made -tac,,_ 0.--,o tadti. dUriiis u.. --~ -ms q,e ""' ta u.. -..,ur. Charley -----• 11sun... Oct.' 11 e·a BerDAnllno ~ • • -a\,Blmtlncla - l'tt,. OcL -Rberalde -.-.1~~ !lot., N.,.,, SO-. -A.a aac.: Mew. lT--. - 'llloaa. N"'!, :a.-._t'11utooir I.~ • Yoa11 ftnd naa.ny 11Jee homf!I and apt& advert19ed for rent- ye.arl7 or winter--ln the clu-- altif!d t«tlon. today? San Vicente Lake Awaitinfj Ducks San Vicente Lake will be open for duck hunUng on Wednelldaya. Saturdays, Sundaya and bo!tdaye \.hroughout t..hl8 yeait"a 60..clay duck &e-8.80n. Duck aeuon atarts Friday, Oct. 26, at 12 ri.oon and end.a Monday, Dec. 24 .. nae lake wUl be open on the fJnit and Jut day of the aea· eon in additJon to regular days. Hunting wtll •ta.rt one bouc be· tore &Unriae and end at noon each hunUng day. Flllhlng W\11 not be allowed dur- ing bunting bows, but wlli Illar! at U o'Clock noon each Wed.Dea.- day,.· Saturd&y, Sunday and boll .. da.J. ' AU .the lake'• •rvlcea and fa.dll· Uem, lDclud.lnl' 230 .... boat.a . wtll be ava.Ua.ble to hunt.us. ~ San Vleonte Lako lo regulated by tile San Diogo Cll7 Waler Oe- partmonL ll lo IQf:&Ud, 9t mU.. llOQtb 0( ~ and bU ... eatt- -20 mlko of -.. .. PAGE I .... ·PART 1i ·_-THVRSD~Y. oct: ia, 1951 ~-~~~~·I ·~a · . ,~ :{"= ~~Ess~ U-DRIYE CIUISllS ROW BOATS e OUTBOAJIDS e UVE BAIT • TAOIU.IC I - ·-~ ._~l - E L LIS I 0 A·T R E~ T A LS !!-"' ~ .... Ha .... 1116 ENp OP BA•SHORI: BBIDGE . . I FINEST 9CEAN FISH Eastern RETAIL WE GIVE 2¥8tery SPECIAL ~':!.sCrab Legs DISCOUNT Lo~ter T9 Abalone ,'{j;! LOCKER Swordf~h TRADE SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 518 SOth · Newport Beach Ph. Har. 1507 ''McGregor Sportswear' That Continuous Stock Quotations and Late News Are Available at - • LAGUNA IEACH OfflCI Bank of Laguna Beach Bldg. Ph. 4--1156 ~--. '"Oliilplfte~l-.- T ....... Lu Stodi:-Tlcbr Statinlal Libruy and l.ndin& "- I • Your order to buy or sell limd stoeb, bonds cc ccm· modities will be es:ecu~ with mpeed and accunq over the nation-wide leased private wire system cca- necting our 16 California otlices and our New Yock ·offia. with principal Eastern trading centers. Sutis- tial facilities are maintained for your amvenirnoe. DEAN WITTER. .. Co. M••••n N.w Yert: ,,_. ...... .. ....... 8-N -' ,,.,. • ... ........ ..... ... •• .... All .. NI llwft In ... .. liM .Ul12" IAM PUHCllCO WY .. SAVE ss.oo THIS WEEK 'CHEVROLET -<mm '36 Th;OUCJh '48J BRAKE · R·f LINE -. ' ' I MATER,At. ~LABOR TOlAL t-a4" · . .• • . l , • r Culbert5dn · M9f or Co .. . . '_ 1411 b...t "'".., . I ~ ~ • I ... _,,,, l11ill . l11c11 ~I • • l - ' • -. •• • • PART CHEST. ·PLAYS IN ~GIRL SCOUT WORK IS TOLD !' " .,. llntb Hill ----.-~~-------- • (Sixth 1n • •e.Y.· of art1e1 .. about ,...J~-111a Wc.-· ~.. Red Feather Agenclea ol , ~ your Community Cbeotl SUbfect of ORC '" Woodrow Wiisen was Pre91dont ll'&" ti $-..&r _ ~~hen Girl Scouting WU flnt• mee _ng ,........en ~ eetabliahed in the Newport Ha.t' . . • bor area, and the Scout enrollment · · hu been ateadily on the increase : l\•er since. ~ By 19", nneen yea.rs ~ner Miu . Germaine organized the first troop ,' at Newport Beach. there were two • ,;troops of Intermediate Scouts {5th ... through 8th gn.de). In 1&4!5, when the pre.sent a.ssociation waa ·tor-med, there were four troop11. . two of wltlch .were Brown.Jes and ' two Intermediate. There ha. bttn nothing unlucky about number 13 for the Harbor aiea Girl Scou.U. OJ}. January 13, ... ilM8, the )Qt. at 1700 West Cen· t.ral ~•e., Newport Beach were leased from the cit;-. A month later, and again on the 13th. con- •tructiGn of the Scout Hawte be- gan. On the firet anniversary of groundbreaking the Scout House was dedlc:ated at a ceremony wit- nessed by 300 Girl Scouts enrolled jn 23 troops and sponsored by 100 adults who had become actively interested In the scouting pro- fT"Dl. The building of the house b&d ,been directed by the Lione Club .e.nd materials aitd labor were "f'Urni!lhf'd by 1'1icat merchants. ·Girl :Scouting W'h ~Ying the com- .munity's wb~lehearted suppof\. · Today there are 25 troopm. tun '.organl&ed, and 10 more awaitlng Jeaderehlp. • The Newport Harbor Girl Scout )>rogr&m supplemenl.3 the school program according to Mn. Wll- ,Jiam. Tritt. public relatlona chai»- man for the Harbor Girl Scout 'councU. "This ;·ear," she said. . "the Council ls stresl!llng out~- · door activitiee which is In line . with the present day youth traln- ing prornun alt over the country. Camp akilla and safety meuuru Will be high pointed so that gir~ in the Harbo[' area will be quali- fied to take part In inte['national campinl' if they so desirf'.'' SP\\' Senior Prol'f'1lDl A new Senior Scout p rogram for high 3Cbool girls Us being directed t oward service to the local com· 'munity. A Hospital Aid• training program is being ottered, and . nearby hoapitals, inc luding Hoag ' Memorial, Jnformed of the plan, have already submitted liate to' •Scout headQuo.rtC'ni i n d I cat i n g ; What kind of help thf'se younger , Scouts can supply. • . The scope of the-local troop.5 ; hu been gfeatly enlarged by the , representatives of NPwport Senior • troops who meet with other Or- ' ange County rPprPsentativea to ; w ork out co1nmun1ty probk'ms and , plans. The Mariner Scouts are part of ·, t~e program, and man~ of the&e • girls attended the )lanner Sum- • m e r Camp on Catalina I the only ·such camp in the United Stat.ea) ; during th.18 Se-ptember to work on • raUr.g•. The l\ta~iner Ship Naiad • ls an unusually a c tive group ot : high school girls w.ho placed third . in the Southern California. ye-arly • Game last Ma}'. O\•rrnliht Cam~ Thf' Scout's camping program Is quit e extt>ns1vc. During thf' : school year ovPr 100 girls can bE' e xpected to attend troop ca.mp11 overnight. During the summer. 137 Newport girls attended a two- week day camp held 1n conjunction with Laguna council and p&.rtlci· pated In a 8ChE'dule of outdoor cooking. handcrv.ft, dancing and ,; games. Officers of the N e~"])Or t Harbor Girl Scout Council are Mrs. Ever- .' e tt Nunan, ·presidE'nt; Mrs. Ted Hambrook, frlst vice·presidcnt; : Mrs. L. J. Csena.r, ·second vice- : president; Mrs. Raymond Harvey. recording l!lecretary; 1'.trs. 1Ray • Middaugh, corresponding secre- ' tary and Mrs. Robert Allen, trea.s- : urer. These "'on1en, a.nd other The organll:.atton of defeftl:I~ meuures aplnat infill.ration and cuerillu, f'mphasizing 11.Jt U8e tn Korea t~, Y.•Ul ·be the-aubject of a two--hour illuatrated lectllre for mem~rs of the Organized ~­ serw Corps In Orange C.Ounty on Wedneeday. Oct. 24 . at ORC fietU.\- quarters, 10J2 !'J. l!ain St., Santa Ana. Leadl.ng lhf' discu.~icn \Vt11 be Lieut. G. A. Dav1ea and Lieut. W. R. Wykoff. They comprise onP r f 12 officer-team• preeently tour- ing th.? elgt.t states or the Sixth Army area. with.. tl~e mlaaion. of bringlng members of the OJtC up- to~te on the Anhy'a latiat tac- tics. weapon~. tPChnique1 and f'li\tipmoo.t. The greater part or the prograrn will be devoted to 4i&ctUSlon of actual operations or the United Nationa trooph 1n Korea who, ailu:·e the inltiaJ Commu11Uit attack in Jun", 1950, have been forced to protect themselves agalnlt Cpm- muru,t infiltration and b&nda of roVing •guerrillu Opt'r&llng behind United Nation.a line•. In addition ·to the actual ope- ration.a, the officera will diacUAS the h_illtory of giuerrtlla warfare, organisation of urut..& that Work behind the linet and the VW:rious types of missions suitable for guerilla operations. Lleut. G. A . Daviea hu recent- ly returned from Korea where be served l en months with tht' 25th Infantry Di~on. Lleu\.. W. R.. Wykoff ls a veteran of World 'Var ll, during which time he 5J)ent two )'ff.Ml in the ChJna·Burma-Indla Theater . SEPTEMBER EMPLOYMENT SHOWS DROP lfanufacturing employment In Septembf'r d<'creaaed from Aug1.U!t as a result of seasonal contraction Jn canning a.nd a labor-manage- ment dispute In the aln;:raft in- dwitry, Paul Scharrenberg. direc- tor of industrial relations, an· nounced today. Wage and salary workerl!I In California manufacturing plant11 totaled 923,800 in September. down 10.000 ftom the postwar high establisht'd in AugW!t. Sep- tember manufacturing • f'mploy- ment, h,o\\·ever. topped ttvcry other p08t'-''Br n1onth except August and WILi'! 80,500 higher than a year a go. lncreMes in factories manufac- turlng dura.blP goods. which in- cludet1 the defenM' industrie&. ac~ counted for mo.st of the gain over t he year. P rincipal tncrea.ses in durable goods lines occurred In a I re raft. machiner v, electrical equipmf'nt and prlmar)• mt>ta.I pio- d\lcU . A aeaaonat reduction or 7,600 \1.'&ge and !'8.larv workers In fruit and V('g('table -canning wa.a pri- marily r t'l!lponslbJe for t he de- crellS(' in non-d urable good.a &s a whole from 392.300 in August to 386.100 ln September. ReOecUng a later &-&Mn in canning, eoft goods employment this Sf'ptember is about 10.000 abo,,·e a year ago. New all-time 001ployment high.! were rf'aChf'd iJ1 September ln chemicals a.nd electrical equip· ment. PaP<'r and alll<'d products. printing and publll!l bing and ~len­ tlfic instrumenl-8 ·were at approxi- mately thr all-time record levels cstabllshffl euUer thLB year. ln contr&3t to the t re nd in other lndWltrle~. employment In apparl'I and automobile manufacturing wa~ sub8tanthtlly lqwer than a year ago. .... adult members of the Council a.re NO DEEB. GOot) TIME • also working a.s Community Chest Mr. and Mre. W . J . Neville of However, becau.ee many peoplE" are tempted by the flnanci&l gains of black muket placement and bec&UR of th" ~pe-nSH accruing from the many service. rendered to both ch.ildren IU'ld pa.rent•. the licen11ed agenclet1 &rt' unable to supply the majortty of children adopted. AU licensed agenclea a.re ehlld centered In the ir approach and KiVe COUIUlel and aid to nat· Oral par?n\a who may fln&lly tM able to keep a child they had plan- ned to place, aa well u boarding and pro~ldlng medical, &ufglcal. • Helpless Vets Entitled to New Pension Rate Must file by Mail Helpless wU-ra.as who may be .. ------------- :;:,t!t~e:~t oofthl~:~~~"::S~d ,,::~ Horse Sh·ow w·,11 thf'y nttd the regular aid and at- tC'ndance of another· ..person will have to apply by letter to rttt!'lve c , ~~a~~terans Adn1lnlsttatlon saJd ont1nue at • There Will be no a.utomatlc re- view or caaes now on the pen.1ion p p 'f • tolls to detennlnf' whether they an ac1 IC qu1tHfy for the l ncre~ from thf' pru.ent ratce of $60 and $72 p<'r Having cau1ht on With amulnc month. YA Mid. rapidity, the first annu&I Los An· The n<'w rate rtsults from Pub- Jic Lew 1•9. 82nd CongT"est. 'and becomes effe<:tive Nov. 1, 19.51 for claim• ftlf'd pr1or to that date. Wher e clatm 18 t11ed altf'r that date, the award becomes effec::- tlve u of the date of filing., P'nslon ts payable to war vet· e-rans, subjttt to certain limlta.- tlon.a, who become permanently and tot.a.lly dlaabled from cau.eea not due to servfce. The bulc rate lli $60, which i.11 tncreued to S72 a.ne.r ten years of contlnuoua re· celpt or when the vct Ej_ra.n reaches agl! 65. , \ The new $120 rate 111 not ap- plicable during periods whl:ll the vete ran ie be:mg h<*pita.lized or furnillhfl4 domiclliary care by VA. gele~ International Horse Show Is Kheduled to continue through Sunda}· at Pa.n-Pa.clffc Auditorium. Single perfonnance1 are · billed 9n wttkdaya al 8 :1& p. m.,' witJJ ! matJnees carded al 2 :1G ln addt· Uon to the re(Ular eveninl' ahow on Saturday mld Sunday. L&rsut event of tU kind ever beld in the wHl. the Hone ShoW haa been ea.lhu.tlutle&lly recel~ by the fans of Southern Ca.lifor- nJa.. Crowds have been excellent and figure to Improve u the ahow nears Ill climax. More than $30,· 000 ln priaea will have been di• trlb uted by the time the lhow clo.es on Sunday n.IJ'hl. : voluD.teers to meet the Harbor 232 E . 19th street a.rid Mr. and ..,.Chest's $16,000 quota. of which Mrs. Gle.pn CToft, 180 Broadw•.f· : $3,860. la budgel.-d ro, Girl Scouts. Costa M-. have ..eturned from.a Rank Ahead of Pay two-week deer hunting expedtUon : You11 find many nlee b-in northern caJtrornla. Althou(b Says Fred Hope One of the bil' ,hits ~ been Mexlco'a PhtlidenU&J J u m p I n I' Team. The Mexicana won the Olympic Qamee eqUMtrtan champ- k>Dab.Jp ta lNI at l.4'Wldoft. a fact that l.a · obriou9 after wa.tchJn« them So ovv tbe b&rrlen at the llUp Pan ....... • and apt&. ad\·ertlllfd for rent-ururucce.11atut in bagging any deer, • yearly or wtnt.rir-ln the clas-the friends report a wonder:ful Ft-ed Hope of OQrona de1 Mat, ! slfleid aeetlon today! time. now an ~ at Leaden:' ' r,;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;j j School. Ft. Bel~olr, Va., bu juat ; been made utlng' corporal. be • WTlt,q J'lill mother, Thelma Pad· ·' ' • • • .• • ' I ' • • • • • • • • .. • • -r-:-----...----..----... ni. c..-Wartll. TowaN ...._ or ~ I •200 Al ·lri1, fh S1tcn I I iifl ----"' ' '-Ml' m • I ~ ~. . .... --w.Ai,it-H'Aiiwm-:-_. 184-i Newport Blvd. COSTA MlSA ' Phone ... COil 6603 • • • clock Hope. Beca-baa 1W1 DOl -Ill -a Ions enoucn -· to be ....... Ml CO<pO<&I. "" otlll draws a pr1vate'1 pay; and be ·ii 1q1nr to n""" out ,111.t -.. blo pay la 1J01nr to catdl \IP with ldo ranlc. Anotl>er Illar la Cllly FeiAdt, tbo -.iww. -German ctr! who rtdee the Uptmn bor-. • , • • HILLMAN MINX •t411 delJveft!lll bere plm tu. and llee:DH Your liarbor Area Dealer NEWPORT AUTO SALES !184 W. Newport Blvd. Newport BM.elli Illa .................. - .-.w' .. ~ ........... .,,,. ,,, 0,-.11 i... ....................... ..... ' ' . . .. .. • . ' Gt I I '1-~lelbbrr 11 1 r I • . ' 'llSTAlf --••• . • C·. fl&P .I E&W&Y'&T ,: ,. ftlllCll Of Tom -. T•lil or.fr:a. ... erelNillCli ' ta~lagly 1•oothl Orlvf"f II ........ , ...... ,.,... de1o ............ ,.et--· & I S5 -saoo111, OU1ET v .. P0•1 &llTOMA.nc 111U&• ••m ' S&YlllS "' ICion • J. . with "FDRDO . DRIVE Port of faF~1•atllk'1 I .;..- tueall cmt ........ ut ....... pc • .,,,..... tw, .. f1m1• mdV .......... • automatic of them all I ""1llf llM"' N• --•nc You can pay_,. •ut you can't •uy Ntt•I ' P.D.AJ. • THEODO -BE ' ' Yow Ford Dealer Slncie1 1921 WY-AClllK, llSTAllT STOPl'lll, lml.MIA& llllC AD IUDS ' A liftle broke pMel f'N_,. toes .... woy Mc:D' .. """"• brakes tMIA .. otr'1 ..,. .. ...... _ .......... • • lb:==Ra==""'=r='=*=7==:d.i 1 :!116 Newport Blvd. Ph. Harbor 28 i Newport leach • • • •• { NATIONAL Oil ( PIOGIESs' WEEK .. OCTOIEI 14·20. \ • Here in lhe Wost, oil is IS0,000 people. "nieir job bro b£ urtfu.t to 11ou.. " First, they try to find oil Th;n, If th•J find it, they move It Thon Ibey make lt ln\O something you want -gasoline, for example. Th.en they move the 1asollne ( ' to places near you (s0 you can aet it q uickly and easily). In fact, they move this psoline to about 40,000 pljoces near you here In the WHt. At these Sel'Vlce Stati-Ons, a whole now army of p!ople takes over- ownen, operators and attendants: courteous almost to a ~· experta In how to set there. where to e.l:;r how far ·~ ls to the next town , I These friendly SeTVice Station people complete the job of the 150,000 who found ' the crude oil, ~ the gasoline and moved it to Jllaces always near JOU. ' ,_ .. 'l1l1s is what we mean when we say, "Yo~ use 150,000 m&nPower gasoline." U you hadn't thought of it ~uite ~ this, ~ore. we ,espectl\.uy Invite you to do ao now. Make no mistake, the people In.oil are eood people. OU !.'people. Oil Is a good lnd11&tr7, so ~~ Rl<:A~ld ... hen .a"llittll ,.lw uie·1>e11w• ...... e 1>eUnrth&t "'"" uo,ooo -ad -of Ille W e1t'1 Z/j(J(J oil eompcntl•I, IO(lt.IA.,. will> IM 914"11 -· ~-•f ~it& rite Wff(1 4tl,OOO S....... Srarlou, dD JMic of O"NI Miu ro ;.i. a..i lo Ille 'Wal. • · r- ~ •. °" '"" -of Na~ Oil l'roflr•lf """·Oct~,. 14-%0, ,.. ,. .ido .i.wroa _.,, nvic "'I"'~•• •IM cl.bl P4,..... I ~. • -~ ...... n. IOhidtlf--.,..,,.,,""'"""""'-.... '11 , " ' I .-plo.111 ad Molers of all lllN>il ..... ,.,. ... ~I rM 'lli"al. 1 ?:· ' • .• • • • ' , ,f 1' • J t • • ' . .. . ·Mesa :CJub W~n Open-Se~son . :with ·Excellent. -Musical Program • • .. ""· ~ . i . roe,.,._-· (3 uest of Honor Blows Out C(J.D.dlel(o)i 'Bcffth:cJ-ay··COke I.. ..... • · l "" . PAGE .3 -' PA~T . I I'.-,l,1:1\! , QAY. OCT. 11, 1951 ' 'AclJviUcii or--: the ~ Kaa Friday Afternoon clUb'a ~e:w eea· ·eon are ¢nlng momentum and point toward ·a buay and su~ceM­ fUI year µnder the guklanU of ?.{rs: Kenneth Stewart, president, who presided for the first t \me ai"nce her ·election tn Julie-, when the lna ugural luncheon meeUng was held. • -Arrangements of colorful h ibis- cus lnterspereed with '\l'oodwardia fern and bright fall leaves graced the luncheon tables. The decor&· tk>n etfe4::ls were the work of Hrs. Claude Andenson and her commit- tee. New me:mbera were introduc· cd by Mrs. Andrew J . Lupton, membership chairman. )trsl J. C. l'ayne led the pledge of allegiance as prelude to the .bWJiness session. A talk on the development of Orange county cities was given. by Mrs. Tlnta Small, history a nd landmarks chairman. Elizabeth ' Hoyt. t o.·Address FAC Cl\lb Women "°*ntaJ Treasure Cheat" la the topic of tl!e protram to bf' presented by Ellaabeth B oyt when t he Friday Afternoon club gather• in regular !leuion Friday, Oct. 19. Luncheon will be senrc<J. at 12 :30 p.m . Mra. Hoyt llved ln the 0Tlent ror 25 yean and had many ex.ell· ing adventures ln homemaking in her atrapge houses on the oth('r 1'11d~ of the world. P'rom. these far 'twa~ homeA ahe hu selected a rew of be.; most cherllftecJ possessions to share with her audiences. Among obj ects d'art to be di11play· r.<J are silver and cloissone enamels. lacquer and porC:ellllna made cen· turtes a go, potn-. de ven.lse lacf', Philippine embrolderiee. Mrs. Hoyt who beCarne a student of OrienW art.s and· a.rtcrafta of both ancient and modern times, will tell of the pa.rt the treasures played in her lire, describe their technique and tabrleation, the countries they came rrom and t he people who made them. Tustin Speaker Addresses FAC. Book Section ,QvJScout N~ ~I A ro1ltt akaung party for all reg\aterod Girl Scout. 'Wlll take plAce todoly (Oct. 18) lrom 0:80 to 8 :30 p.m. tn the Harbor Rolltt rlnk. It waa announced by Mn. Raymond Ludl, program cl>alrman of the Costa Mesa Glrl Scout Lcadeq' AnoclatJon. Mn. LucU request.a that all troops prcp&re for Clrl Scout week which wUJ open Oct. ZI and conUnue lhrough Nov. a. Beginning with Girl Scout Sanday, each day of the week wlU be set asid tor a special -.'1'Vice. Mt!mbere of Coeta Mf'8& Girl Scout Troop 2 conducted their Ja:t rau meeting and lmme<Jlatcly went lnto action on their prognm fQr the coming year. Thl8 troop ht composed of cli;t:hth grade gtrla who have coropl~ted their flrsi cltw1 rank and are eligible for the curved bar. T hey choae "BuslneA \Votncn" a.a their field and· arc looking forward to a year .of ln· tereeting activities under t he lead· er8hip of Mrs. Harry Hilliard. Nata ~ Anniversa ry . Observed by Costa Mesa Girl Mt&. Bertha Tillotson, first. vice· president and progTam chairman. cl.rranged a m0$ical program of variety and appeal ror this impor· tant opening day. Headlined Was lo~ly Vt"ra J ean Va.ry, soprano, prominent operatic, concert and television arllst. Fof"mer winncf" of the AtY,>&ter·K.C'Tlt auditions, the brilliant young vocali.'!t delighted her listeners with a repertoire of opera, opere tta and classical selec- tions. Her mother. Mrs. Ch.arle5 Vary. played the piano accompani· nients. Misa Vary·s musicianship, charmin~ appearance and winning personality combined lo ntake lhe program an outstanding one. 0Hostcss~s were membe f th "Experience• from Cz<"Choslo- hospitallt;· committee: M;;e; M~, vakia". was thC' subject. o: the ln- Schachne r , chairman: llelnz Kais-formative and enterta1n1ng talk ('r , Charles F'. Hand, Paul Creigb-Prest;nted by Mr8. John . Chuml of t on and w. H . Hubbard. T11st1n at. a rect;nt mC'et1ng of the Th..-seventeenth birthday of Nil· dine Matlwwt11. daughtf'r of 1.1r. Md Mrs. Vernon Matliewit, 59i \V. 19th street, Costa Mesa. was given happy· recognition Saturday wilen hrr parents hoell"d a dinne r at -the Gingham restaurant. A decorated birthday cake was Cli- maxing feature, Sunday Playday for Mesa Riders A home play dB)' is 11Jatcd by the "Boots and Saddle club for Sunday, Oct: 21 in the Orange county fair grounds arC"na. EV<'nts will Sta.r t at 11 :30 a.m. A high point trophy V."111 be ~iven for the day and rib~ bons awarded to fourth place in all events. Breakfast.at the chu<"k wagon will be served from 8 until 10 a..1n . to ~ followed by a trail ride. Members and gue5l8 arc urg1•d lo atlf'nd. . M.rs. Norman Hagen. il l with pnPumonia at her home, 101 Via Dejon. l.s reported on the mend. book section of the Friday After- noon club. A former teacher in Czechoslovakia, Mrs. Chuml gave an authoritative picture ot the life of lhe people after the (irst World \Var a.nd the years or strict rationing during World War JI. The speaker r elated the Com- munist overthrow of the Czech government in FE'bruary, 1948. citing the ensuing changea that Sharing th(' occaalon were Sonia Mathewa, sistc-r of the ccl<'bra.nt: Mrs. Little BC'&Udt·ttc, F..dward BPaudeltl', Norman Shaw. Mr. and A\J'S. CJcn Van Al<<'n and sons. Wayn~ and Lynn. Skating with fri ends at lhr Har· bor Roller R ink \\'a~ f'njuyt•d h1t C'r " ln tht~ evening by the loca.l Girl. ------ FAC Jun iors Hear Beauty Hint s were enforced on the school start . ~tembcr!I of the Junior st'Ction of and pupils at the un:vers;ty where the Costa Mesa Friday ,Aftf'rnoon she taught. Mrs. Chuml spent 3 club heard Mrs. Anabel Theimer year11 in the United States during speak on "Beauty in Fashion" at World War 11 . as an exchange their lat<'Sl 1nt-et111~. Th!'.' impor- teacher en<I met h<'r future hUH-lance or good po~turr llnd good band at that time. Married in h('r groon1111g wa..o; strt·s.<1t'CI. homeland in 1919. a paasport to Mrs. Robert ~))('th tollJ or tht• this country was dlffic-ult t o ob· neCf l ror a.,sista.nce In Girl Scout.. ... t~in. she said. e~en although mar-wurk. 11.'frs. Dadt•rberi; gave an in· r1cd lo an American. I t"rc•Rting lliscus.o;inn on t•arthworm Mrs. Virginia• Logsdon, section c-u llt1r<' and its place In the s.ar- chairman, had charge or the bus!-den. ness session. Books Wl"r~ solrl at Ho~t1·s."r~ fnr the f'V('n1n~ \lr,'t'I"•' Vivian Hinest.v. C»or~1a J (Jn<'s and Dolnrf's ln\•lr1. N1'Xt n1c1 ·l1ng \lro'ill be 1n lh<' form .of a lunC'heon Nov. 28 at 12 :30 p.m. 1n lht· t lllb house. ThC' l'ipt'Skt'r \lro'lll bt.· Edgflr H11rri· !'on \·\'tlfotnan rron1 Barkt·r Bro~. who \\'111 l:IPt'ak on Home Dtcor11t- lng. the book nlart a.nd tf'& wa.11 St'rVt'd at the afternoon's cloac. Laura de los. ~i o s Is C lub Hostess An enchilada supper wa.s srrvrd ~n de Kii'!'P~~ ~~ 'l Kamaaina Klub 1ncmbers whf'n thf'y W<'rf' rntcrtaincd on the cvt'· nirlg ot Oct. 10 at the ho1n<> of Laura de los Rios. 364 Flower St .. Costa Mesa. ELKS RULER Oct. 18, 19, 20 Plain or Sugar9cl DOUGHNUTS 43c.._ !lot. "' 4n.) ' ... l2c Ila,. 9Sc -.) ...... Va~.~~-~mps 1:f COSTA MESA UOO Newport Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR 903 Coallt Highway LAG°"A BEACH 2'75 Forest A ve11Ui9 Cecelia Boyd wa.s ~uest of the ho:;itcss, Amma ·Dare Hamic of Anaheim brought Mary Kirk. Ab- SC'nt because of illnPss werr Hazel Sowder of Hollywood. Ttft>lma Ricketts of Balboa and Rita Myers of Costa Mesa. A Thank.11giv1ng basket for the c-lub's •·adopted family" wa." di1- ::u..'Qled. Next meeting date wu l'et for Nov. 1 at the horn(' of Florence Chan1berlain, 3!)8 F10W· er str~et. Present were: Florence Cham· berlain. Laura de los Rios. Shirlee Noel, Boots Kef'nc. Jeannie Clay· bourne, Amma Dare Hamic, Mart" Kimball, Val Moore. Triancla Van- dercook, Ginnie Hoffard, Lylyu Pangborn and Dorothy Bell Birthday Dinner for Lido Youth A surpri.se birthday Ji.nner WfU! planned on Friday, Oct. 12 by )fr. and Mrs. Hadd Ring of Lido llllc for their 90n Bill. Invited to help him celebrate. hi8 14th anniversary were Steve Walser, Bennie Ren· derson, Herb Pe!Ty and Loren Holmwood. After dinner every- one went to the football game. Also sharing the event were Bill'• 8ister Dona and a aorority ai!iter, Marian J ensen. who came down from Los Angeles. ~ \V&nl Ca.w)· • Members · ot Ne"-~r.J Ha.rbor Lodge of Elka will ~or their District Deputy Grand Exalte<i Ruler Thursday night when he makes his offi ci al visit. Ward ca._'K'y ot Brawley is the Deputy and he \\"Ill examlne the condltiQn ot the Lodge. ttJJ book!! and offl· cers in his regular routine tor re· part to the Grand Lodge. In charge of the ceremonlea will be Exalted Ruler Tom Norton who has readied a claa of 13 tor inltiaUOn lnlo the order. .Dinner will be served in the clubrooms followed by the Lodge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-eo_p~l_•_do~rea--a~th_•_Pr_ ... __ e&1 __ ._.M_ee_t_1_ng~·--------~~ MINUTE CAR WASH $ 25 ' Soft Water· Yacuun1ed • White Side Walls Clea11ed l • SPECIALISTS IN LUBRICAnON and POUSHING ,.· • • • YOU SAYE AT . ' MAIN . STREET AUJO 1.AUN0R¥ . -~ . '"'"''~ . ..,....·~ . ACROSS~"°" SIAIS. SANTA ANA ., i . Cj .. ~ ' ... ' ~r~j~~~Pil\lss.~ .. • "{ I' • .. Bir;t,hday ·Event . • !Cil ie· Leag~e -· Ho~~l'.s e: _f. ~irf ·: " l~:i~~ct .in Dec. Judy Woodward of Balboa le· '~h elect'ons slated tor De- land w.u aurprl.aed tu'.>no-ree .;t a .cfl!'"P"• a. nominating comrnJtlee bir thday party T'bundq ie-renin&> :was Jl:ppoin~ whe'n Tr. membera Oct. 11 when Ruth WUlma enter.; Of N~wport B ar~r ~omen'a Civic lalned a group of congenial friends lie&gpe m<'t Tucaday momlnc at at canuta. · · BaJbOa Bay (;Jub. • At the refre.sbmeot h0u~ • birth· . ~rs. Paul Da.Vis ~reakled. he&r· day cak,e, -baked by Mildred Stan-~rcpo:ts of comm ittee. acUVltia Jey told reason of the event and and outlines a! future pl&na. Nam· m~y pretty ifts were· bro ght ed to the nominating committee out to be ope:ed by Judy. ~u&+ were,: !times. Jack Moorebead. lng much amusement W"8 the Ha.rey Campbell Jack Florer , Karl number of candJea on the cake a Axt.ater an~ Cha.r1_cs Seboffst&ll. tun ' A cla.M tn parliamentary pro-. box of them, far t oo many for ct>dure ts being conducted by Jin. the number of years Judy ttaa at-Fl Cool' ta f ·~ tained ortnce 1ng, sccre ry or "''' · IC'ague. ss a part of OCX: "'adult BLOWING OuT OAJ\'DIZS .. the llirtbclaJ' cake Is IUdJ' Woodward, .honor suMt at a tlUlplUe e,v'"'t , _.._ I>)' Rutll W-Left to rtpt "'"" Evel,yn v..,..r, Hilda Brtscoe, J ean Steigerwalt. I- F~ Buth WIH•ee, Dof'otll7 Red.di~"-. B elen ~ ort.on, 8UDJt3° ~tman, and Judy. Not preeent ls Mlldftd Stanley, wbo bakNI ..S bi-ous:ht. la. the c.ak~ • (Press Photo) Present to wish her many "Hap· educal!on rrogrnm and is proving PY .R eturns" w ere: Hilda Briscoe. vC'ry p 1 rul:ir, SQn1e even attend· Eve lyn Varner, Helen Norton, ing ,fron1 Hunlin&"ton Beach. Tbe J e a n n e t t e Steigerwalt, Janet class is tu,ld each Monday a t 9 :30 Francis, I?orothy Reddick and the a.m. in Community church, Corona hostess. dC'J ).tar. It is free and registra· Results come from constant Practice! A n a d regulariy in t his paper will ,produce Teaults tor you. lions arC' taken at the chu.rch. -Clsssified ad!I a r e read by t olltl who I are looktni: to buy. Mirgarine ~r::"' n.--se ""'"' "''" UIA ~icon Black Tea "!l:' U• •. 29- 2·•· ,,.. .... "·"'ta· .. .. Cantef'buty I 11• -lb. pt.,g , 29c. I Grapefruit Juice ~ 4::-· 23• Notutal or sweet 118-oz. con, 1 lcl Ba•er's' in t ~ iz;:.· 2t • (,.,.,. ... tti Gold Medal .,,,..Ila f 2 -lb. plr.g '4 1 c I ,_ .. 21• .... •.-::-,2. Port Sillsage R .... Siar Kist Tau ~'-;;.:-·~-· 29- • Breakfast takes the spotlight this week at Safeway! We've cor- raled the biggest herd of breakfast bargains you've seen in many a day ... breakfast ideas, too, to help you add new interest and variety to the morning meal Come rope in your share of the savings these "wake-up" values offer. AIRWAY COFFEE Mild. mellow, Ravory . . world'~ (avorile blend. I ~ 72C .... , ~ 13-lb. boe 2.13) IOI HILL • COFFEE Quality a nd 8avor u ~ually round onl y in .-acuum tiM. ~ 74c . (2-lb. bog, 1.47 ) EDWARDS COFFEE Rich. full-bodied. fragrant .• ,,. Drip or regular. (2-.lb. can, L47) ':; 79c ' EDWARDS INSTANT r~h Ravor of real coffee in.stonJ.ly. FBESB EGGS '''~.!~"!! 59° -: 70° ~ 35° For a ;m1NjJ. tasty hl••••1e1 Mrft bacon and ~ Priced lowl ~ PlllCAKF. M11°:.!n~: ~ 29° F« cz lnaly 900d bNClldcDt. C20--. pkq. Uc; 3\la-lb. 1>a9. 3Scl ILBEBS OATS ~ 16° ~ 35° Homoaenizecl Mil• .~'::!· 21 c Lucerrc, posteuriud. I Half-gallon, .Uc) , c;~~;~sl4i1k"'·~: .. tt" Lucerne. lQuort carton. 64oe) fresh Bread ~~· ':::;. 20" ' ISofid Pock TUN». 'l-oz con. J Jcl A ..m --~· 11o1 bo•mb4 w1. Pdoed 1-. tool l -···.ie ~-·'· •-· t t• 'Mrs. W right's. sUced, !Stnoll loo( I Sci' ... '. .tm~Bread :::-20-IG'llfVltCIU Froz.,-i .,... Ornoe Juice t!~: •::· ti• Lima leans .~k •:.;;· 22• Slra~ ~~:: •:;:: 29" Green Peas Bel-air Frozen u .... 2t• .... nr.t1' m re;.::::-~ 39° Ex.:elletd le< maldnq Dulcb Apple Cab. too. Noi. low prlc._ TOMATO mCE ~ 3 u!.-23°. Sat the cbT all rlqbt with Libbr T-Juice. ll>awi.ama. l9cl OUllG£ JUKE Sut~r·1 Gold. *4L 21• California. ~ SLICED BACON WICHEOI MEAT 1!:45• ' Watt UJ• luy apve1ites with a breakfut of crisp. flavorful. siuling hot bacon and fresh eggs. . M"'-Wright's, sliced. Freshly boked. Rlisil Bread S:~~"' ·::." 23• WHlfies ~-:: t 6" Mlff11 Mi1 ~ :t:· 15" PllUl-e Mil n~'~i" 1:.;:· 25• Wesson Oil , ,. .. 33• ..... 65• Pare HOiey Ho<Ve>t .. ..., • ••• 26• , , 12 -lb.1ar, 49c.I ..,. Tole Syrup · ~~ :.!;.:· lJ• Fine on hotcake$. t24 -az. bottle, '45C1 Pick Train Syrup !!;:· 27• C>8NG·ES , I . • . -&30 Monell Pride« 53• Pnml-.. Cudahy Pur!tma .. ll8aMJeal . ~.Pode • ' • • • I - ' ' • • -· -· , • • • • .. - I .. -. .. ~ .- ' I ~ I • • • ' Sermon Theme · at Christ Church St~ ·Andrews Sertnon Tkeme "'When Our Heart's on l'ir.e." Dr.: William MJddlemu. Will • ~ wUl be Sunday'• topic a~ the Ne-w-apea..f -Sunday at the 10 o'dock port Community Me.thodiet church.. hour -et St. 4.Adrnt'• PreMl)'trri&n The Sacntuary C!'lolr will .sing "O dN.rch. HJ.s .ubject wilt be "In Lord Moat Holy" by Franck. 11.ev. 'l'wcb With t:be lntlAll.e." Chur<h T.bomu Roy Pendell will occupy achool I.I at the aame Ume. the .Pulpit. ------- Balboa Island ; : Gommunity Meth. Newport Beach Baptist Church . At the N,ewport Flr1t Baptist church, Dr. lr&l'I Eiits will .be apealdng on lhe ...hject, "On Fltt tor God" M the 11 o'c.lock eervtc:e. Hla top'.c: at 7 o'clock wUJ be . . . ' 1 • • Dr. Harry White speaks SUnday ' • bk. "Joyous Paith" at Balboa It-:• land Ccmmuo.14' Methodist • : c!')urch. Soloist '6i.ll be Vera Wtl- ' nams. '. · • •Next week acousUcal plutu • '\'1.ll be iruitalled ln all room11 hav- 1'9g proved very successrul In the eanctuar}-. ''Ol'&C4.'' Sunday achool meeta at 9:45 and the ·mrd-week service of prayer 'lnd. Bible at.udy wiU be ut 7:15 on W..me.day. Community Church •ries That Bind' : Corona del Mar Sunday Theme at . • :·How Do Y® M¢e:t_ CrieetJJ!" • 'nl~ .is the tubject or the Rev. .• lili.ul Ec.lward Babbitt's eermon for Lutheran Church "The Tie8 Tbat BtnQ'" wtlJ be Ulie sermon tlleme at the 11 o'clock w,orahJp aervice thill Sunday. Pu-next Swwlay. Oct. 21 at the Com- rmunlty Cburcll ol. Coro.la dd Mat. "?he church U1de two eetTk:les oi tor He:rbert C. Rotb will uae u \Torshlp each Su.oday roomlng'-the telCt tor bJ.s ~ Phllllpi- at. 9 :<t~ a.pd at tl o'dGr.k Tbe&e ans 1:3-11. October baa been dee- are dup11&ue tterYieee. ~·Chapel ip.a.J.ed as O.urch Loyalty Month choir slngs GoUllod's •·Lovd.)" Ap--ali are encouraged to attend pear,"' at 9 :•5 a.nd u.e Cbancel churc'-. dlolr sings Rhea·s "Hail, Our Re-SUnda)' School met""ts a.t g:30 •· deemer" at 11 o'clock. M.re. Mary m. with cl&Me1 for e.11 a.gu. Pa.-- 1'atten Steffenaen directs both ente are u..rged to bring their chil- dloirs. dren and remain for lhe Adult Bible Btvdy Group which Is taught Church 9Chool fOT all a.gea me-et by the pu:tor. Free bua tra.nspor- at 9 :4-6 a. m . with M . A. Har-t&tlon may i..-......... ....,..ed by -"~• wood, MJn.riDt.mdellt. · U"IC ... '...... ~ .. r-Beacon 6056-W. 'Moral Insanity' is Subject at Adventist Church · Pastor Holl.ta L. Anderson of the . .Newport Heights Seventh -Day . A.dv entUt Church wU1 spe~k on -:Moral Inanity" at the 11 a. m . • aervice, Oct. 20. His sermon will be based oo Luke lfl:l7. It ill .. ~eped that many '"When they .come -,\er lhem»etws"" •nd find they haft , ta.ken the ~ wronc road, Ulrotlgtl • tolJowing the dictates of their own ,• tnclination , will seek t.o find t.beJ.r ¥.·ay back to God. ' Prayer me-eting every Wednes- aay, 1:30. Toptc: ··Le.et Day Events." M~slonary Volunteer meetlnp • every Friday, 7 :30. The following 1.s our weekly scbedule of church activities: Monday, 7:30 p. m ., Sunday School Teacher's InaUt.ute-at St. Peter's Lutheran church, Santa Ana. Mon.day, 7:30 p. m ., Senior Cboir rehe-a.rsal Wednesday, 7 :30 p. m., B ibi.- Study Hour. Dlscu.s.alon of "The Letter to the Romans,•· Chapter 8 ud 9. All l.nvited. .. Wedne8da.y, S:SO p. m ., Lectur(': .. What Lutt.era.n11 Believe About tbe Savior." For a.ll interc.sted In cl¥Jrch teachings. Saturday, 10:00 a. m .. Catech- lsm class for 7th and 8lb rrade pupilo. • The Church ia open daUy from 8 a. m , to 9 p. m . for priva.t.e de- ¥0tiona. Pastor·a office hours are fTom 9 a . m. to 12 noon for per- ...al counseling at the parsonage dJrecUy across from I.be ehurcll ·at 1027 Ctiff Drive, Newport Height&. A new Pal.Minder Club is bring organized and any boy or girl may Join tt.nd eajey the hikes and the bGbbie. nnder euperviaed ie.der- ahip. Ce.JI Beecon 7062-J tor de- tails and timC. Las Amigas to Aid at Church Banquet • Atonement' Theme Their part In ... 1.tlng with the Sc co~ Five Dollar banquet at at ience Church Chriot Churcn by the Sea waa .... • cUMed when 15 membere of La1 "lf any ~ be in Christ, Ae U Amicu Circle, WSCS. met Tues- • nt,:w . creature: old tb.in&"s are day evening at the home ot Jean passed away; behold, all tblDp McDoll8Jd, 1536 E. Ocean, Balboa. are becoDle new." TN. eeleetioll Ca.rol Pendell &ed In devotlona. trom I CoriLlbian& (5 :17) is the .A. work day wu planned ror the Goklcn Text or the Sunday Lesson-baz1ar, with the group meeting Sermon on "Doctrine of Atop,.-~ od. 'id' al the 'home ot ·Mnt. Earl inent" in all ChristWLn Sc-ience Stoneback. churche11. ------- Poin~ out the i.mportan~ of COOKED FOOD SALE living ti. obedience to God, Mi&cah Ays. "Wherewilh s.h&U I ca.me be- fore the Lord. and bow ,.,..elf be- f ore ~ high God ? •hall I come before hin1 with b11r'!lt otterinp., with catv.ea ot a year <Md! ... He hath showed thee, 0 man. what ts sood; and wllat doth the' Loni re- quire of thee, but to do ju8tly. and to IOV(> metty, and to walk hu.rn- bly with thy God?" 11 :6,l.j 1-tary Baker Eddy wrttes ln .. Scie nce and H ealth with Key to the ScrlpturN::" •Atonement ts the cxempijflcetion of man's unity with Oed, whe reby man retlecta 4ivt.ne Truth. Ute..., ud Low: ... '"'The scientltlc writy wtUch. exiilta ~tweea God and man ~-·be ,wrought out in Uf~practtce, and God'• will mut be unlvenally done." t Pp. 18, 202.) The Corona del Mar Church .idaool Guild wttl hold a food -.le Friday. October 26th at Tommy'• &top 1111 Corona del Mar. Chairman ot the GuUd, :P.Irs. Kenneth Hunt announces they will feature plea, cake., eueerote di.thiel, jams. Jellies and homemadr candy. • Purpose of the u.lie 1-to raise fUl't:ber money tor tac Corona del Mar Church BuiJdtn.¥ Fund . ' BARBOB DAIRY 181/2C 9f. MILK 181/2C 9f. PAJl'IZURlZED • a.AW • • • ~ CASH ud CARRI' * SAU lJe GAL COHPU:U: LJN& OF D~l' PllODUC'l'll 1 =ee ll.t.ll80S aw. -YOU CAN DO BEi l~fl ,AT , r .Da•g FURNIJURE co, • • • • • • W• Buy and Sell N9w ...., U.ed F.ndtwe • • . t .1112 N1..,1rt•ucL. C11~ U111I~ 1611 ' RA.STA LA FIESTA .ay. Dlw 6anw. or B&y_.en1 and her Qt'O ....U iourd bearen. ..,.,..... a. a.utbeatlc eostume ol Old MexlL'O Olaltr poseA ,.,. a pm~ of the n.ta to be held F......,. Dl&bt &I U.. Balboa &y Cl¥11 L Mull photo St: James Church Coming Events Rapti..m.. ~ 8acraroent of Holy Bap- t'-m will be admlnu.tered at lhf' 11 a.m. st>rvice Sunday, Oct. 21 at 8t. James churcb.. Thia will be NaUoJW Youth Sunday ln the Elpl.oopa.J ctJurch, at wtli.dt young peop&e will conduct U!.e aervlce. A la.rge claa bu been rocmed and will be prtwen.ted tor baptllm to- g('lher with several infa.nU. Conttrm.tlon So. Calif. Ministers to be ln5talled as Top Executives 'IWo fol'Wler Southern C&llfomia. Preabyterian mhliaten "1U bt l«- ma.lly installed In tM two kJgl:liMt exectlUVe positions or the Pre!lby- terian Chw-1.tl in the U . S. 4 . at a Joint wrvioe of inat&.U&tloa 11<.-bedukd ~ the Flrst Ptt11by- teria.n ChW"Ch of Philadelpb.La on the nlgtit ol October 13 . Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. --Smwlaf. at 8. 10 and 11:30. Week da7•, 8 a. m. Confeu!ona. Saturday, 4 to ~:.IO. 7:30 to 1 :30. Bunday, before eadl fllUI. Balboa loland. Sunday, 8 &IMI 10. Satur· day, 8 a. m . Confeulona, same u abovt'. a..llo Prol1'1'ftl9 Dally, except Sunday, Rosary hour, K.PWB (980) 7 :30 p. m. For peace. Holy Mau, 9:.86 a . m ., KLAC (570) 11 a.. nt. Catholic Hour. KFI HMOI &:•6 p. m . KGFJ 1710) Hour or Bl. Francia Clidinp ' othen. Opportualt)' la lu>ocklnf tn CLABSilllID ADS " ' ,, ~tit.I ~me .f ff'OJr. -eonstant PrtM:tlcel All ad resularfy In lhll papei' wdl prodUce ruulU for you READY Mm i • !'>-> .· • '~· • !>:< ' . We.,._ ~our owilobk Apply of mdGh o.nd ot1fu critM::aJ mahriaU by ~ry tMOM ~ ccan tlali ... MORE STRENGTH FOR OUR NATION How we're saVing the materials our country needs for defense ConflrmatiOl'.1 wUI tM-Jan. 27. 1952. Cla..'\Ses art' now m eeUng for ln.struction. Church AChool pupils nt<'t>t Mondays at 3 :30 p .n1 . Adult cla..u meets '-fonda.y a t 8 p.m . The adult class I.:!! always open to thOfte who care for a refresher course, ar otllera inttte.etcd in tb.e te&dl- 11'\gB ot the Epl.llCOpal cllurcll. AU a.re welcomed to thl.\i t'la.u. Hlgh schOOI pupils may nltcnd ellhe.r th..· .. church schoot c1a38 or adult cl&N. They are Dr. Eugeoe CUllOn Bia.kc, fo r.-.er pastor of the Pasa- dena Pre.bytttla.n. Church, who last May wu f"locled St.at.ed Clerk or the General Assembly, and Dr. Glenn \Varner l.1oore. tormb' ex- ecutlv., 9eere.ta.ry ot the Synod or California, Southern At'e9, wGo at the l'.&.mC tinar was f'lected l'!ecrl'- tary of Ule General Council. I Aa iitat:J>d Clerk. Dr. Blake will ~·=============:I arrange th'" .annual meeting of t.he Qell('ral AMCmbly, suprf:rae gov- eCnJ.nc' body ot the denGD'll.na.Uon. v•hich Is lhe hl.&h ,,.alnl ol tbe chW'Ch )'Mr, u well u serving u IL'f principal adviaer and upedltcr of Ila bualne.u. ·H e al90 repruenta tbe church in lnterdenoml.naUOD&l at'taJn, and Le It. official apoku- man In matters ot policy, etc. 1. Copper for cables and wires ... rubbt-r for insula- rion ... aluminum for dials-che relepbone system re- quires vas( amounts of the materials which are also. badly l)tt<led by other defense: produas. Narunlly, since the; telephone is iUCh an imporrant milicuy and production rool, .wc get a quoca of these nurerials. But ro keep building a suong communiarions sys- tem, we .muse conserve in every way we can. 2. Scientists are at work on this ta.sic •.. in telephone laborarories and manufacruring plants. By subsriruting other materials for critical ones. by discovering ways to use smaller amounts of the shortage items, they"ve come u,.,,..ir_h some amazing savings. Ir's estimated that, in 19'1, the Bell Srsrem ..:ill save 2,700,000 poundi of rubber, 3,2 ~o.ooo pounds of cQppcr, 210,000 pounds of aluminum 7 ro name just three. Hallo"'e.PG Part)' The 8.1\nUaJ Halloween party ror beglnner11 &nd prbn&ry depart- m ents win tM-held in thf' parish houN-, Oct. 27 from 3 to ~ p.m . Children are a.kod to wear COB· ...... ...,. MA'ITREllSM ao.~ ,Hom--Trallen · &re."*' st 7 re• MAOOW -· eo.ta Me.A ....._...,_ Co. !168 Newport Bl~ .E.X.PF..&T @HOE REBUILDING AND DYEING AT REA!IONAJllZ I'll.ICES Newport Sii ae Repair . 1.A18 • %111d Newport - 3. Efl'ident telephone service, the lcind t:hJ.c can pirch in t.nd help all the nation in rimes of n«'Cl, is the: ....We of just sudi little chings as using stttl in· stead of alwninwn U::i. a tdcphone dial. Jr's the result, also, of keeping me telephode sysrem 6nancia.Ily strong. Over the yon, •uch financal stm>gtb ha.i bcco the foundacioo of our ability ro serve. Ir has en- abled ua ro produce telephone service· that's better than ever, produ.ce: morr of it than ever, and Sl'll ic at, prices which have gone up far Jess than ocher chings . . @ Pacific Telephone • Your telephone Is one of today's ".:' best bar1ains ,... __ 1111 '""-'" .... _ . .,. . ....., ..... _" ......... ........., • .-... a1 ........ 111dllqll. f•,-l,._.,_ _....._ .... .... Tbe v~ry popula.r Fi&h Fry spon- .!iored by the Church JJchoo1 Guild ~ year will be ~ted th.I.a :veu on Friday evening, Nov. 30. Tom Norton and Hetu Kaiaer haw kindJy couented to once more be c hefs. Save the date. More information lat.et'. Aa aec.reta.ry ot. the General Council. Dr. Moore wiU 9e tt- aponalble for the co-ordination ot the activtuea ot t:b.a.t body, whidl ia the .plrtw&l. tlll&nclal, and pnr mclt.ional co-ordinating body ot the cburcll. It 11· his function to de- velop long.,,...nce atl'ategy for ta.e I'--------------' church. ------------------------------------------------------ ,-....,._ Bu!Wlq The nt>w pa.ti.sh educational build- ing v.1 11 ~ dedicated on Sunda)r, N<>v. 11 w'ith BiHop Rebert Good- en orflclatinc. Thia will be a gala day In pariah Ute. The vestry la planning a buffet luncheon to be served after the service during the OJ>f'n house whe n people a.re Ytvtted to in.pect the new build- ing-. St-a Scout Troop St. Jame3 church will sponsor Sea Scout Sh.Ip No. 9. Appointed to a.erve on the committee are: Tbomas Rutter, James Webster with three nW>re yet to be choeen. LE~AL NOTICE !o!OTICE OF INTENDED MORTGAGE N<YMCE IS HEREBY GIVEN o ~ That l:i. Stanley He.nllne and EloUe Ben.llnc, buet.nd and wife, lilortcacor. wbose addrem W 309 Palm Ave., Balboa. ln the City ol Newport Beach, County or Or- ¥"' Slate ot C&UtonU&, intends to mortgage to BANK OF AMER- ICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SA VIN GS ASSOCIATION, Mort- Lutheran Women Plan fish ~y A buay acbcdule confront.a the' Women·., Missionary Sod:ety of thE> Newport Harbor Lutheran Fhurch. Saturday, Nov. 1 ta the date 8't't for the annu&J fiah try and ~u.aar to be •tar<d In °" America.a Le(ion h&il. 9Nta Me.a. A card p&rty will be bcld duria,J tbe evening. Sponsored by the Harbor Coun- cil of CbW"Ch Women, Worid Com- munity day will be obaerv«I at the Luthen.n church Nov. 2. At the next meeting memben ,,,.e to brine rtfta' to be 111!.ftt tn Chrletmu packq• to the Lwlll-,...,, orpl>an•""' and OU! .. _ homeai. Mra. K•nneth Quarry, pres!· deat· or· the locaJ ST•P &Dd Kn. Char1ea Trv:sty, attended the an- nuel con"'9fttkla ot the CaUfomia diatriot, w-·• llll&B~ ._ cloty ot IM American Lutllenn churdl, ~ at 8loclcton. .__ gagee, whole ad~ la 117 E . c ·11 • c· I Bal-BllllL. &1-. 1n· t1>e city ap1 a ire e "' Newport Beach. County°' Or· Meets Wednesd ... y .,.., Sl&te ol Cali!omla. all ltx· u turu and equlpmen_t of a cert&in <:'apl'le Orde ot ~tel._ man cloUdna bu81aw known u Plper-.J-n and located " 710 CommWllly .-urch Will -t w-. --Blvd., Bal-In the netjlq, Oct. tt In NpllD .... QtJ' ool,N.-jiort Beach, County ot MIM Ma~~ .,._,, w1ll W ~ -. ot Ollllomla, -lllA> de"°tlcma and .Kn. -Wai. ---Ud mort..,. of ---lftllW'lill-to AmW>-Jai.. ~ ,.,.,..... DouJ')n Kn!. :.;:..be .=.:::iii: Johft ·--be P*'ddrt "*' •'elodr a. m. • ~ t:tUl 41ay Boetss 11 wit ... V-M. o. M. "' -Oc:klllor. Ulll. " uie -cam,...a. 1fiilll ,._,, lie- , 1 -t est"'-tM 8Mk ot .AJMr. Loft.&Dd' .JMa 11?1t. loaJla-.1~· ......... --loa •. ,.,. 8'Udl. 1191. lfaQ' ..... -.... -- -lallloCla,J'o«Newpo.-t•'cll, ~ •'-" W-.U 0 I 'J' ol Ora IL, ~ ot c.u. l7~~=~~i;;i;i~i::\ -. 11 .. & Dated ~ u. 1111. B.ft&JIUn'~ --· J:l.ODll JUINUJQL ,.,. ....... Na, 111 PllU ' • ill ilffD'liJ l!Allf /Jill Ill" ' 11111 '• • • j .. .. ' • ' • • • • , • ' • • • • ' Mrs.. Betty J.arv. is ~ . .:E:::~,-'ind ~ a;x ,·11 ere· age" ~"' 11 ••111111,111 FUI "'' ?' • .-.. _ u --'t'lees. ... -. -... New Hostess for •.en~~ u; •• • u:.•pool~: on Decline Ju =..~J" :£~7.'l'? ~ • • She waa edUcato4 In, IClloola di -,_ ... .me. ef ...., .-&aAL NOTICI. • ~-~ • ~Inna.- TU tJXDmlU.QIUD do bore- 1'1 ~ !Mt tbq ... -Usa a~_,,, r-,< tr·tz• at,,. JCutilo A,--, ... 1 .... -J•wt, ·w~• .. ome · W~ .. n· ~~ .. ~:-~:·a:i:.:: Or C · ty ::-.:;:; ...... - - -.. n. 1n molkm plctui-eo ·~ tM Luky ange OllR u. ..... ,..,..,_.,_ .o:.. .studio, one ~ ~ ln 4• tum .,o w'8i -_.. 11p io dllt Vn. &tty ~la of .ns VI& Wblcb teatured'Jnu·ilordonl. The next '5ecade will ... 1-er caplal 11.m -' om.ro. Newport' Beach. retvmA!d After 'her ma.i:rl&r\ Mn. Jania acnoage clnoted to arricullural ~ ... iwol lit -RaJ· home· recenUY from Loe Ange)ea. made her home in bl Jou&. caut .• production and more iJ.&nd taken bur.. tile .,.. tar,11~ 111Mla1'1r ~--­ftmt -or Tod ow... ~ . &nd U.t lakl nnn is 'com~ of the 'followlq< pw-w"b>0 • e n•m•.lll hll 1114 plaeM of :relll-• ~ ....... r.>1-.. to-Wit: 1'lllWlll A.. l'ULLINQIM' .·1ui cNot:rio'<t Drive, · later went to Glendale. Sbe wu up bv ~A'.-1 .. 1 and _ ..... ivt.ton from"-"-• la.._... ecut:r --~~·-°' ·--- --~--inlltrucUon n,..,..nl' her to rep~ on the bo£rd of the ll:'Jnday Al· tract.I. Popul&Uon. pre11ura hut· ,_ ecra. ftt' _,. .. w w u temoon clvb aftd w-.. ~rm.an ol eM4 by tbe dewlopment of the u C!OWff·>' OU. ~' sent e •ion. Inc., phllanthJ"Ophy. ·• She wu abo .: Santa A.a.a 1'tt:eW&v ..... d other 8tt eti7, _._. ........ Jll Ml • bostesa thla olty~ ~ _. ... ~ -•1 -Wei me Wagon Se.rvkle wu boa.rd member ~ the OU:mont ~ artette. in.to o...n,.e Cowl-7dl' -.. • z ra ort(lna eel In 1928 by Tbomu w. Lea rue tor three yee.ra. aerv!nc t7 wUI malttl&llY change the rarm lllt. -.. 11'1 -la • -. Brlgp, & newspaper man of Mem· as decont.JoM and phlla.ntrop~ picture.. cb&lr. Bia ._. ...._ Biie a ,._. phis, Tenn., who 'adapted a cUltom cb&trm&ft. lJI Ille latter capacity This ooUock wu wbol.antlated -err ..... I .. (M a lo& -· ...... put on the btc Gold Gulch ln p,_.,,tatlon ot -·--t ,._, lli I A let et el'tr•ww 8ft of plonttr ~ to present day -..,. .... .....-..... --r condttlol\I. A.a the COftred wagon.a party. one ·of the eocLaJ seuon'• trenda by Fa.rm AdvllU:f Harold 1:. fomd tlaet out. ., -•'-'Bay ·-~ ' ~A 1'ULLINpD1 . -~ M41 ~ Drtve, .., •• ~ 8horea. •• WlTHSllll Our -this tblrd <l&Y or ootol>er. 19111 ,LEWIS >.. J'ULUNGDl KA'l'!llJU:NA R. FULi.INGDI sTATE of.' q.LIFOl\NlA J oC o! the pioneer. rolled towa..rd the top a.nnu_. event.a. . Wahlbttg at the Southern CaU-~ltol hill here )'VU frontier, hometiteadeni from scat.o The Jania family found the fomla Fa.r.;m Bureau tol'lftttnee rind Sam bu more P9Wer tertd settlements along the way Harbor good .anchorqe for their held at a61den Grove, Saturday. than rently him ·by Mlr\I' met them ln ··Welcome wagons" 41 foot ketch: Blue Jack.et, latu Slgntnc&nt chan«& brle a.I-8~ the Houae ot Repre-•PAUL W, ftAVI8 . •• COtmi:Y OF ORANGBI ) dN 1'liis lr4. day of OC!Oher. with food and water to refresh moved to & home on Udo lsle. ready taken place ln recent yean eent&UVN. lt'a a pereonal appeal th4' tra1re1e .. •l lb• end or their Betty bu th .... children. Polly. and wrn bocom• more -1 .............. ._ that 1n1ang1111e-W•tch. fo' r Russ·i·n lone journey. ' Sam and Prtlly, all In Newport pop\llaUOn and t<OnOlllle -l'ft yet tanrlbl...,_tl>lnr ~ r~ .. . , .. n..t gracious ~traditlon lives on schools. She u. a member of .B. A develop further. And fw a ruY who anon.a al ... ~Qve' 1n Near C'.-sf W W P. W., was cha.Jrm&J\ of their C.ompa.rbon of crop ... rearea in very ment ion of the word oratory, 1V1 CG today 1n elcome · aeon. Daily -• in more than 1300 towns and cit.left Chri&tmu PrevieW' 1ut year; la a Orange Cowlty 25 )'Mn a.so and S&Jn. le about tht MOit penu.ulve $ '"':'~ D ' f T • Wek<lone Wagon hOotea... will member of Udo Ille WomeA'• club, -y were 'P"-nted by Will, one-man lalker wllo evor to>mere<1 a J• f' aU faVtS. • caA-y the good \ti.shes ot civic and on the board ot N.-wpart i Harbor berg. Crape that have lhn&illk ln a Col:irre~ y et he fa lhe nnt ·PU! ..,~vfa. world trawler, Community ·.Playtta, la chairman the nod 16 -·-inCl"•-lemona and moat artJeulale line of ck!-'<"' ""' bu.lne. organizat..!ona to neaflY a ,..._.. -1-· -Illa photoctaPbe.r, who recently mUUqn fa.mlllea;" to mothers oC new ct the eeventh and etpth &rade from 9~ aer:ea to 6,000 acres; whm \be peroptlvea of ~ rtiYZ"Md ~ e.atemlve tra~t.nr bablea; boys and gtr_la on thelr group of Junk>r OoUWon, hu &en"· wallluu. t'J'Ohl 17,000 acree to 1,200 an thl'Mtened .by etUler tbe ex-ln tbe Nur Eat. al.ate• peoplt= atxteenth birthday; newly e ngaged ed In both ~ Girt &nd Cub Scout acttl":; blackeye bean• ftom l0,000 .cut.Ive or j\KbelaJ br;tiach .. o.f tbett ~t St.alln \.o move into g1rie; famiJiea moving from one work u troop &Baiatanl. acres to 6,800 acre:•: peppera f'rom govemmenL • the Near E&lt tor QI.I. On his Mrs. Jarvta may be reached by 6,300 acrea t o 1,900 ac:-i·. au-.. He ab.oWed aome Of that in 1941 home to anotht>r 'o'Qthin the com· •... --\...-.-1 8 :..-. travela he 'C'~ Japan, the Ori· phoning Harbor 1728-J. beets t.com 19,000 ac-to z.100 •·~ •th Peer &TUUr but four munlty a.nd n<!wcomers to the -,.-. --• nd ,. .. _ ..... ent.. ltal.J, , .larae.J. Jor<lan, Cl .ty.. acres. ~e &r ftlOllwut a...,.y, &Ulll peraon-.._._ .. I .~ ••· H ·• le 'k t ,~• ov _ .. _ Ai:w.&I ' _.,. many ouu::r aree.s.· e W W IN PHOENIX ~p acroav .. ••-t "'•um ..... -P u ep ~ec e M .. ..--.;e on •-•--.#.~-" • _._ The elcome agoo, holte88 ""''u e ,.._ -·~ ~ ~t:U. 1 pope _-Phla, A.,...,tra.J knowa her t own and whe re ver ahe Mrs. 'J . H . Milla of Balboa Cove. panded l.n the put" flu.&r\.er of • U.e books by a majoritJ of one m Dedc:er, far ~ cominander ot goe., M e carries a word JC its has been ln Phoenix u suea:t of centUl')' lnclu.de Valnw:lu 17..500 a 203 ::W 202 count. H1a parllamen· U . s. NaYal fore&, the-prime mln- outetanding fe&ture.--ita libraries. her aon·ln·laW &nd d&Ul'bler, M.r. acre.a. to Ml,000 acrea; 11.ma beana ~-•t th ktbpltll •, motiommll>llto .~ liter of r .. et. Kinr. Abdullah of · 25.000 acrea to 27.MK> acres; avo-....,., .... u • o co ft on .,. r .. > churches, newspapen. park.!. mu-. and Mn. L. A. f\obnteOO. d 200 00 the table. Jordan, and m Other-., ~t A fY --.-----------·---cp oe• &c:res to 2,4 a.ere•: aJ •. Or the llmea when be L--ed Weal be ~ ebl.plaJu to raJ,fa 1,000 a cr ea l-0 5,000 ure.9; g&,f.'' ~relldell 1 "pt.rt at s Or. c. c. Emerson Dr .. Giles Brown lomatoea 1.200 acre• to 3,900 ;edhe ~y00:.!"rY• ~allRIS~ a: -. . r un-acree; Wgeta.bla 8,869 acre. to ~ ~ Oomlnl' to Newport" to conduct Tells Nava~·o Story is Speaker fbr 17·000 acres; d&lry OOWI 2.500 WliltD<>y, and Illa oountaparta • World 'Outlook COnterence, he COW• to n .ooo cow• a.nd poullry from Boston. Phlladelphl& .and wt'll -.peak Sunday and Monday to OCC ection Costa Mesa Lions rrom uo.eoo blrdo 10 e>q.ooo a.J<aco, •hen a.m puohecl n1"'"' at Cbrul Cliurcl> by tbe blrdl. througt:a retomu: Ln uUHty holding SU and •Mw colored ptct.uree of 1'1e plight of the Navajo Indians Dr, Giles T. Brown, head o r in aouthern Utah was presented by Social S cience Dtvialon at OrangE' Dr. Clinton C. Emerson ot Corona Coa.st · Colleae. was the guest del MM· Jut week when be spoke speaker al Coet& Mea Uona, oo lo t he Huntlnlflon Beach aec:tloa the evening of October 18th. ot the International Tren<h courae It WU buatnessmerl'a ni1ht at sponsored by Oran,.e Cout Eve--the club. E&cb member brousht a ntng coue.-e. bustnesa a.uoclat.e or frleDd lo By ualng colored .slides to rein-hear tl!ie collep profeuor ape&k fOf"~ h1a pertonal ~rntlons, on "lntern&tlonal Tension Point.I Dr. Emerson poirlted. up the.prob-with Specific: Reference to Bual· lema !acing thf Jndtan ln remote ne.ss." More than 100 perw>na were Moaument Valley. Tbe beauty of present. aurrounding acenee a p p e & r e d '1ntematlonal l t-n a Ion• can 90D'lt"thlng of an antithflia to the . make living either a 11erln of criata miH.rabl~. sordid lives or the al· or an adVenture," 9l&.ted Dr. mas( forgotten Red Man. Brown. ''Far-aJ(bted au.1neu men Ftom time to time Dr. tmenon reali%e that cold wan. peace ru· and 80me of hl.9 friends have vol-mor.1, lntl&Uon .-pfrala. and de· untartly donated their services to presslon jttten a.re di a part ot a the peopl~ of the area. In order pattern that ha.I extated ln human to demonatrate to the clus some relations for centurlea. By learn- ot the medical attentk>n . given, the tng to obeerve world eVt:nU with visiting physician sho-.-red a aho:rt humor, objecUvity, and respect movie .9trip deplrtlng 90me ot t:ht-for tbe oplnJona of olber9, a pH-- work actually In prove•. 90n ca.n actually enjoy the tenatoo. The c I a• 8 in lntern&tkma.l of lite." V&Jenc la acreage ln Oranp c:ompa.nlee and eecurttle. manipu· tbe l"fear Ea.8t. Hia Holy Land County hU actually decreased ln latlom. That wu agalmt the beat flhanc:ed, beat quarterbel:ked. .lQ:t>-pkturea Inc lude Nazareth. Jorda.n. lhe put decade, he pointed out, J ·• C I Oll t t h b)'lll&' Con,-re• evtr eaw. enu-..em, a vary, ve , e frOm 86,000 acru to ~9.000 acrea. Je~-Ro-• ••-o--• a-0 -· ot But Sam would like rl"'""'t now • "'-""' .. au, wac ~ """""-~ IC preaent retunu for fruit con-&" Ga.IJ.ltt, Bethle hem, and many tiftue stue to heavy naUonaJ aup-to l"el the Oklahoma Higb.way olher ICenea of htetor\c&I and bib- plJe., It i. -ible that ~veral Commlaaion in a small room on hi.I tum and tell them about a mad Ucal tnlert>Sl. thouand &cre9 of ma.r...t .... i pros Th bll 1 I v!ted d hil .... _.. be ...... a._ they should bul.ld out of e pu c • n • an c · dUctnc orcbarda wUl be replacfld -.u~ ,.__ ...... ,l ,, d. 11 hted wi'th the the Red River count..v oo farm ...._.,.... wu_ ~ e g by aJt.ma~ crope or aubdlvtalona. • J how1Jl folk couJd get to Durant In mudd7 • P _· ------ STATE HARVEST ro· REACH PEAK THIS WEEK weather. 1 Not tq vgt.e tor hlm--&lt.bouP t here's an old Kory about how Texas fourth dLIU1c:t and Okla- homa's third IW&P voten In fair OCC Students to Visit Hospital weather-but becauae be lived on To provide pre-nun:lng aludenta the Tex.aa aide and Jmows what an opportunlly to obeerve a hoe- lhe muddy roads mean. pltaJ ln OJ>l'ratlon. Mrs. ?.tart.ha Same way with automobDee. Buu and M.rs. Queule Ander'ton, Don't tell Sam that tanners spend 8taff nureu at Orange Coast Col· too much money for can today. Jege, art escorting membere of SACRAMENTO, Oct. 18-Peak He'll . .tdp you a.bruptly and RY the Delta Club. campus organiza· of harvest ope.rationa in CalifornJa eomediing llke lh18 . . . tion for would·be nu~es, to lhC '* upect•d to be reached thi• "'Whee rm a& bome la Boll-Hunttn(t6n Memorial HospltaL Wttk when the farm labor de-ham oa Sal•rday -d ltNt farm-Puadena, ThurMlay attemoon of ma.nd may total 8165,000 work.en, en parked ell a.roiail tmi ttita week. A. D. 1961, before me, H. Ms Ho11ter, .a NotarY Publlo In a11d !Of' tp&. Aid 9ouJ>ly and Stale, NllldiDC' therein, duly commlulon- ~-and oworri. peraonally appeued Ll?WlS -A. FULLlNGIK a n d K'ATHARiNA FULLINGJK known to .me to.._ be the per.Ona whoee .......... oubacrtbed le tJle wlt,l>s Ill lllltnlb>eGt. andc acknowledJed to u;ae thU they executed the Mme. IN .'JVITNESS WHEREOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and afflxed my official ae.at the day· and ~ear in this Certificate first •l><>V• Wrltt.&n. . It )(. HOLKER. My Commls- sto.n Explre.i March s . 1963.. No. 708-Newport·Balboa Presa Pu bllah Del. ., ll s llls 2a ~~' -~ YINCENJ'S lido Trav•I Bureau llEZZANINE LD>O DBUG 8TORE Harbor 1246 • , .~- • PI.As-e 8lllP e 'l'RAIN • RFQ'RVATIONS • II utul nem Ttcliet A&HCJ • WATER HEATERS -.· g,, ...... and Bepaln /a. BeCJ.toM PLUlllllNG Aothorfq I 11· DeaJef °"' .. ~~Beaten tts. ~1 .. lf~I HNhn j --.-wl Trench meeta every Wednesday In Dr. Brown wa.a lnlroduc:ed by the HOl'pllaltty ifowle ln Huntlng-Dr. Baatl H . Peter80ll. pruldent, ton Beach, at 7:30 p. m. ll la open Ora.nge Cout Collese. and vice- Edward F . Hayee. chi~ ot the aqua.re. wtaue tbeU wom8lfo&k Cout student. wtlJ have tbe op- C&Jtfomta Dtpa.rtme n-. of Employ-wlDdow Uop or ...-p .._ "\M portunltf of discualng va.riou.8 ment's farm placement eec:Uon. •dewalk. rm Jtad to eee-It proble~ with student nurses afld !'·-----------"--..: told the State Board or Agrlc:ul-e\'etl Ir Ule7 lrlaven•t pt a d.."' faculty repreM"nt.8.Uves of the ha&- tu:re Monday. Maava the ttme when I wM ptt.a.l. As a climax to the educ&· to the public without cha.rge. president. COit& Me.a Uona. • ·---------------------------. Actual Cann employment may a kid out la the coutry, .. ttt.c" tlonal experience m embers of the be nearer 520,000 wtth an over-all Mi a ff'tllr'f\ I wlMtd to Oed h1>1t hoepltal staff bave invited GENERAL. ELECTRIC Refrigerators • Deep Freezers • Auto- matic Was hers • Dryers • Dishwashers Disposalls • Ranges • Toasters • Irons Grills • Mixers • Waffle Bakers • Roast· ers • Heating Pads • Blankets. ,. abort.a.re of 36.000 worke.n:, Hayu 80l'DCOOe would oome bJ' "'Oil a the atude.nt group &nd all int.erat- ukl. Total emplo)'Jflent la expect· ho,_ or in • ban;J to J'tlileft ed Orange Coast facully members ed to be about 28.000 v eater than "'" Joeellw. ~ loONOme to a t ea tr-om 3 to 5 p. m., .ln the It wu for the 1950 peak. ln the Will kW people bi Umfl. r.. .acl&.I 'parlo rs of the nursea' quart· main, the larger tota.1 wu reach-1lad to eee peoph-Uw ean <n. ed through lncreued UH of Meld· Md me •IJllL• can N &tlon&la . this year. About S... llkM alao to ttmlaUee J!S,000 Mexican N'aUonala are about "'hen be came up here la worklnr on Calltomla farma· now, 1111. fftleb out of t.be T~ compared to about 7,800 a year klcW&ta:ft wllen lie waa a aro. 11M11D11ier ·u !4 a.ad spea1ctt a& ''The higher labor demand and II, Hke . • . ' • • ' . ·:f. ' ··: Bomer Mellott, ••••cu , ODIEB YARDS: Ban~ Alla Fullerton ' •• • I go UST lay .GIEYllOUID Ne•-It's tk FlllULY ••Y ie tnvll Greyhound aivea you the mott tor the lmtr on yow"trip Eut _ ... and that lnclude1 plenty of • Le. Habr& friendly eervice ud a wide choice of routeL <<.; ----------,,1 22 Dttlly Trips WT fNm LOS ANGELES itclu6g 9"Dlnct·~Ezpras lluMs Chicaro : '4L66-1-x.-1aty '88.eo De . "°" M"• ...... 1 tro1t ••• .._.,. l JNM•..-'• 392> Wubingtm 47.46 NewOil-38.90 New Yorlt . 49.so' Atlonta . , . 40.90 ,...~.n.. '-M Tril 2"* LESS •••• 1.#U-Tril TkMr • .. - • . ., 1 ~ ' i Mrs. C. C. Swafford, A cent Phone Beacon 6Ut fin .0-t Hy. Newport - • • • ' ' , -. • • • employment thl.1 y1:ar are due pri-''Tbtte wer-e three men from matily to an 84 per cent llac:rea.. Oklf.,bo~ hert then.'" he ay1 re- in tht-cotton to' be picked and a flectlvely, "two of them. Joe 1~ per cent lncreaae ln the toma-Tllomp.on &net Bill Murray were: toe• to be harveated.," Hayea toid • bom not dOor ln Gray.on ~ty the board. "'High pTOducUon ln the other, Claude! Weenr, w~ l"•Pf'•, walnut.a. cltrna, rice and born tn Cooke county. next on the other curn.nt crops la ..._, con-ten. Jae and Claude are dead t.Mbutlng to the higher 1961 labor now and only Bill and I are Jen. L::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::'.:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ I figures." How is BUI anyway! .. Pea.k employment ln tomatoea Sam t.aUu about fa.nnttw Uke 1 occurttd betwffn September 24 they were the people they are. and October 8. when approxlmate· .not u .. KnipUy Tillen of the ly 4~.000 workers ,.·ere engaged Soil" or eome ~r b&Jderduh. ln the l\a.rveat. Although aJl needs Be knows lntncldea of farm pro- for belp were not '!'et at th• t time duction control problem.a but bet picking by available workers H:-know. aJ.ao how to ftp.t Jobnaon 10°/o Discount on Any Purchase (EXCEPJ; AllALO-and SHJIDO') Bring tltls ad to u· op e hanAn ·-. ar ! • er BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Ffsll Daily from O• Own Boats! ABALONE _ ... --.. __ .. .. ......... ~ 75c NEWPORT Barbor 116 ' TH.IS 'WEEKS SPECIAL 1 Gal. MUMS -····-······················-····\----·-.··-················-···················•&c 1 Gal. CAlllss.A" -·····---·········-·································-·····················•te 1 l>oL SNA.PS ·······-······-····-···-···-········-·~·-·····································lie 1 Dos.. STOCKS ............... -.. --............ -... -................ -.. -.... -.. --......... 19o So. 1 KtNQ A1..YR.ED DAFFODILS ·····-···················-··Keb 18e s u a.TR 0 p,1·c A L LANDSCAPE NURSERY . • o..-<lol Illar FINEST QUALrn R'ATT 11 FUlllTllE RATTAN DUPES .......... .'9: .......... Mt-... ~ r,!,!7"'"'8:!f!'''' C at 1-. Witt! ~ IAMIOO SHADES . " MATOt Snc:K ~ ... _._.., ................... # ..... .... SANTA ANA llNT & Awt•t• CO. · 1-' lie. -II&; Ulft'A'. .UU SIL I •ir Al&O LAGUNA llAf'Lm ----•1• t•I .i eulted ln record dell':"ertea to the era-tn a cotton,patch. ca.nnerle1 wblch were hard prru-He came to Faruitn county When ed to •upply enough field boz:ea be waa five, the etgh.'11 In a tam· , and to handle the heavy tonnasem Uy of 11 children. He wu born being delivered. Ton1ato pJcltl.n.I on banQ of the Cllnc.b. river, in wtl1 continue to be heavy until Roane county, Ten.neaaee.. That N.ovember , unlesa . c:urtalled by wu oom country and when h1I froet damage. dad bought to acre. on Red riv· . The grape h.arve.at ta still ua· er, atter he l&ld ~ye to Na- 1ng more than 40,000 worken aJ. than Bedford FornM. alter the thou~h pa.st the peak, which oc-war-lbe Raybu.m.I had a toUCh CUrred i.n m.kl-Septe.mber \Vith top Urn~ maklng a fO Of tQtlon. e.mpioyment at 64..000. No mo.re u..a :AD;JODe elae Cotten plc:killc lt>cttued rapid-Sam _.. lb tliaa eh JA"6 ly durinr la~ September and cot&oa la ... ,.;..~ ~~~hecl~oberooo. bEmthploymm.t had It: ta aalw t • ...._ i.e nrtst.· ··-~ y e week end-..i Fla& ... _. -M ...-, Ing October 81 even with machines .a io EM* Tea. cellfCe of pk king approxlmoitdy a third ot o.m--eu-la lilo podl- the cotton rtnned dwinr that u .. pt u :Ai £ u.a. week. U good wea\ber and crop He taapt ecbool ud tb8 condlt..,_ prevail durlnc the com-......,_. ea a ..., 9:1r ,._ tnc -there wUI be • hie 11eo -loll 1 """" '!loo " • gei longeat of tlie lot Chevrolet look• longest. Cllevrolet Ir lonsost • • • a swank aod 1weepin& 197~ lndocs overs&IJ that tops any Oilier car In the Jowsprice field. Size up Chevrolet's .,eater kllatb. an<1 yoo'U lind it ~to Mttle for i..s. • Mott lloo6-Huffln1 'witight ol.a you m-·road,huplna. ~& weisht • , • a lld!)' 3140 pOt!Dds I ia tho Jl10Cicl illllltnlt<d that oo com- p.,-.J>le car In the Geld can ""'sob Oet the feel of tllll bi& ear, and you won't oenJe for lei&. (tSbippiq weJabL) . ~ . . Ww.t '""" Ill Its Reid . . manl d ,ror tlw!dton and machine out-! .. • • r oher ,... tor a Ja.w pu o ..,.. • Gin eapaclt7 ~ -.r --·· ..,. been tnereued cona1duabl)' to .... •sas'ss .,. 1IU • ~= lacomlnc procluctkm. -.., ... '" .. °"'' u .... -the ••din• ol die lft e •--be.rvMt le attracuar fflll7 •ftES'rs ... a., 7., • ~~ inbel:J-~~ ·m•·-ta .. m favorabl6 nwn-.o..w;11 « ._.. .-. ...... ..1~ ..,....._ --~· ~ W\ the dem&nd 111 riUC Sam ,,_ a ,,._ ~-~ ,._,.,"= ~ ol nu wll 1111 ODco ,... .... miir. 7:. .,. --~ ' bowa IM' better madl'bilitY ~y than UWI , tul'P!Y, b0cau9o ho 0 --'II' o1. U.. 11oo.-, • oC QeV.olet'a ,,Ider trw!. -...... __ -& •••• , • -WOlllda'l -,. .... ii-lqlnawdota!owv ·~ ...,.. -·-la-...-... ..., M 'f ._. t1Csm ..- - -ldm lar a --W .. ----~--~ a ; ... IUd, a._.. a 11s1e-• otl ' I Cllr la --..a't ~ ..... la .. rs:· 9alt ClACftJll' "-'ft ... , .,,; ::,._r~s.;r.;~:•;,:-~:--.... 1 'IMolw-a 11 • ol-.. -amr:t>cvl 11 -Man1· ~ tllO -er • aiiar-. m _..'",. ,.a...,,,__.. ...... =-~=la.=-'»=~~"'~ ... ""l'lt -• ._ ,_.. rll -f.' It' 7 ' , ...... I ,.._ lllllt 0... I\ I, laat • \Ir. :... a:'...... 8 "_..,,s-, ' • • .· • • • ' . ,_.,.rw 21' • • • .......... las N••C.I • ... ~, Rne.i . .. .,... · · Ce•felf Pwtuua1 , -l.Mlnlry ol .. i.y .Pi<lir ' ••• ctJ«rMffl -al. •4i•r4 Knee r Actioa • • f WDM OMtlol of ~JI• .... . , - •• I . • I. -• • ' • ,, ..... ' ' • · · ...... ••'~:w -_ . w., Al\Hil w1111 -: ~-Pil...j .. ~ .. , Volve·l11-H .. cl • ,. liJ;; po .. erflll JinllOfl)nam -ne~.to~~ .. bnt• _..., ill .die ~ · Cllem>lec'1 ball ii fgc''_.ty 40 r llddl u. tbo_.. ---,...., Oet opartHaa pert'..,.. • • -..,-.iac:r11• I;:·•'°"•• _,., aa4 re.fcMrOd eciow 'If~.. .. .~ ... -.. ~·-~· ::. ·. .. , ••• " SS. 9 • : 811 tic I • .-..i· .................. i lj 111. I • ~ la*it' ... ~..., • ..,c=-.... crra'<¥ :• --61r91!111fa-1lllll•r 1·•11 ;tDI .; -c. · P' n 4tllf M Atr de t 1't a 'a _.,.,.,,. .. ·• ...... 1 ''-~llriilr-.... ---... . .. ... ...... a : ; ~ ... r A • • . ... ,,,,_,. . ' • • r • ' • 1951 ' Girt la~d ltf ~~~= °""' Zonte Delegates Student ' Mm. ,, C.. hi Acclcl1al :.:=-::.::~Attend Confer•rice in 9verseas· Shows . Llltlo K•-• ~•· tl•ii and i>e< II wu authclt'!W! to ~ta Tbe l:mta Club of N =<t Bar· • --•-• -· •--~ ·-_, ~.... • car !Uld enttt I\ ID tbt findo! -,. """~ ~--~ -~ ---m .. llalf·YMN>ld daqllltt at xn: plann<d for Uial <IA1· -.,i of •bor met l0t: llldr 'l'lflllU 1""""-I junior u\i.t. ol °""'I• county J..,. j:AomJI, 215 Sapphire An, Dl*lonJ of U... Cbalnbor mfttln.r-m..,t111c a\. noon Tbunoday, Ocl. Jl -o.ork ,lo belnc -l .,,._ .. \. ·llal"°"· Jaland, n""t tlme wilt at the C&J>e Cod H~ llal.,... In Nort<in'o Cafe on Coaat Hi""· 11J1t,~~111~1'!Lnauonaf. thtnlo twice -.e roller okallng .,. """" --~ • _.. _ lnto'tlle ol:ntL It .. taO d._ W&nd ..... lnf<\D!>ed Mondo¥ U16L wa,y. ' ' · ' John IA.M of Harl>or High la Wilt~ ·p~g "..,._ bor _. the car of Tom Nonon, p1 .. kknl, Mro. H•1m·s1-ton, p-1. one or-u lllgtl cbobl students . Tunday, Naney akaled out trom Would be available. pt"ellided ow:r a abort bust~ Ha--whOee work 11 betna: ee.nt to Zag· behlhd-a parked ,oar at :u+ Sap-•Ion !><fore &lie &ad Mra. llf'ldttd rc:b, Yugoetavta. The Yugoslav pblN ,Ave. and w,. at.rµcJt \.y a BU&OhARY aDOBTED Stanley Jett t.o att.ena the Zonto. st.ode.nu ylill ln twn eelld an ex· car dr1VM bT AM.. Moma. ·tOOT Thon·· of • matclll.Dg auJleaM ~ Confmnce In Sacnuneoto, hiblt to Orange 'cOW>ty.," , Nortll say Front. Ball>oo. lsland. IJld 'o~&t. bag c:ohtalnil>c Oct. 12, 13 and 14. , . Anotller Oxhlblt w a a re<:enUy Alter lb<> drtY<r ~ aid, traluable papera -, rtJ>Orted The evonlng m~llng oo Oct. 25 ..,,t to Jap.n and .,.._to be ""°""' Nancy .. ..,., .t.alcen by" aGal'a am· TU:Hday .to ~ by Jin. W .• E . wlLt be held tn the home ot Dr. th1a wttk at a tea.chen' WO'rkibop bulan<:e to St. Jooopb'o boopltil, a..,, 8eOe w• Ocean f°!""'l., H•lftl R. Robertl!On at 333 E. Bay Iii Toyama pretectw:i In this Orange, wbc"' llM WN ~Mltd• 1...-Jlal-8be told olllett& Ul• ltana Front. Bal-laluJd, ' group wore ·plcturea ' b,-IA.urle . a broken thJih and pc81ble be~ were taken from her.~ wldai • -Criaell o/ Barbor Wg'b and Elea- 1"Jurlce. • .Pl 1-ve been tell \U)109ked. Comult at.tua\Jon tva.nled· ace or nor Guthrie of Horace Ensign -------· 1 , p1-ce a cl .. ified I~ the Newa--acbool. Reaulh come trom Co.natant ::.aopportµ.nll7 18 kn?CkJD.I tia Tinlff, Poat and Pre• comblna- ' ' Nolf Open• Sundey for the Hopieowner . CONCRETE BLOCK$ • BR,ICIC FLAGSTONE ~ SAND • GRAVEL ' . CEMENT • SUPPLIES , SKIP LoADEB FOR TRAILER WADING ~EITH' 8. COLL-INS · PtacUC.! An ad re&'llarly ID lhbo I Cl.A8alJ'Il:D AD8. ~···at '2 per week. min rbone -o-tlled ad.a ..... read by foll<> pepcr will ptoduce"" result. for you, ,~ Nfb 't.ne etrstfted ada.' Harbor 1118. wbo a.re k>oklnc 1to buy. ZIZ4 Newport Blvd. C..Sta Mesa Harbor 7015 LOC.µ FLYING U:ATHERNEClt-Mutao Major Pbllltp C. 0.- Lona. 604 See\vard ft.09d. Corona dtl MM, fo...-.erly of tM-Cbrek- rrboanl Squadron", Ftnt Ma.rlne WI.as!" aorM. ™• \\'ttk "''&" a.'Udraed Lo lbe' U,rbtt>r Tban Air B&w. Santa Aaa. Hr IWw 129 mlS!toioft.!I ID Korea. returned beri-ln loly .. (DepL o! Defense Photo) COM MARINE PILOT RECOUNTS . POOR COMMUNIST AIR l ACTICS Major Philip C. DeLong, fint Marine nghter ptlat to bag a Rerl plane Ul serial combat over K orea, eaid today at lhc a.Iarine Corp.a Air Statton, El Tnro. that although' the enemy plane~ ar(' well con· structcd, th(' Communist pllo l.8 at their c-onlrub1 a re wo rse t han thl" most roult-d-up JApRneRf Ainnan or W orld \Var II. MnJor D<-Long ls a ff'tiidC'nt or Corona del Mar. H C' t.<1 able t o ~peak with author-.,_ __________ _ ity in co:i1p:ir ing lhe l\li.'O faction.a 1 El R d R'd of Cnl·m y pilot s. During the Ja-. 0 eo I ers pane.SC conflic t, a.~ a fighte r pilot 1Jl t\vo tr.pa to the South P\cific. M&JOT Dt·Long accounted for 11 anti l /6_.:•nC'my alrcralt. • ).taj 1Jr Dt·Long c1tcd1h b own rt:- Plan Benefit for Casa Colina cent h L<itory-mak ing arguement u F trty alumni nf Cosa Colina w ill example of ROO pilot inferiority: be the •peclal gue!'lta a t lhe fir!'lt HC' .... :a..~ l<'ading t wo foar-plane annual tM-nrfit ho rse !!how &nd M"<'lions of Corsair fighl('rs on a barbecue aponsor ed jointly by thr reconnais.nnce mission to Chin-A880Cia tc'd Riding cluhll of Orangt> nan1po \Vhh.::h i!I IOC'ated a few County and the-Fullerton Optl- mi.lcs southwr st or t he North Ko-Mrs. Club on Sunday, Oc t_ 28, ·rf'an ca pita l o f Pyongyang. on the ground of t he El Rodeo One of l hC' planes. flown by 1st. club in Placentia . Lt" \V1!ha:11 C odbey, dcVt>loped en-ThC' e.vent is tkoing given for g !nl' troublr and was forced t o the ~nefi t of Casa CbHna . eon- lanU o n th._· west coast of North vaJescent homo for crtppl<'tl '-'h1J - Kor ea . A ft1 •r an flllt'rgency re11cue. dren near Chino. Alun1 nl who procl'dUrl' "''l\l-1 ~t ln n1otion whic h would llke lo attt>n•I are requc8tcd tnvolvrd n call for helicopter aid, to get in touch with the horn(' as 1-t ajo r Del.o nj:;' and h i:. 'A"ingman. 800n a.s po&siblt', 11 ccordin1-t to l.st L t. Haroltl Da igh. proceed'ed at France-a El"&nor SmtUt. cxt>c ut1ve low alt 1tudc to the Chlnnampo vlC'r-pre11ldent. .., art>a . ThC> remainder of lhf'ir Several hundred ho rst>n1011 arc fl ight slayf'J a~ a ir cover for the expt><:ted lo pa.rttc1pate in the downed pilot. horse 11how anH rodeo t'Vt>nl.8. A Bec&U:>t• of their heavy load of barbecue dinner wilJ be JM"rVt-d a t bomb::J. rtx:kl·l~ a nd addit ional noon . f ut•!, tllt• pair were slow in reach· Tickets for the event may be ing thr m18S1on a rea . A few miles secured at Casa Cotlna u r from from t h<' cn\'nl y-hcld town four anyont' of the spon.oioring g roup11. Ya k fighte r planl's, cl011e ly rt>-Children under twelve will be ad· sembling t h<.• ai r rorce F -51 Mus· mlttcd It they bring with t hem tang s, roadcd do"''" to at ta ck Ma.-two can.s of food. which will also jor DE'Long. His plane wa.s a few be donated to the home fo r crlp- thousand re('t ahead of Lt. Daigh pied chltdrert. whom the R ed had apparently The first event of ils k ind to overlookt"d. , be !llponaored for Cua CohnK , the Lt. Dwig ht yelled quickly to his ~ing Auociation hopes to make f1i~ht leader, "Bog<'ys high at ten Jt an annual event, aa1d Mr.i. o'clock." as t he. el'lt>my quartette Smith. roncentratt"'d t h£'fr firepow er on 1------------ Major Dt•Long. Some of' the bul- lt>ls knocked out his radio equip· mcnt . A s the Yaks returned fo r LEGAL NOTICE another pass, tbf' t wo Marines jeot-NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE (l1'ont'd their load and a circling NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: dogfight began which resulted ln 1b&t E . M. JOHNSON and three dt>(inite kills-two by Major DOROTHY P . JOHNSON. hu.s-- De.Long and one by Lt. Daigh. The band anc;t wife, Vendors, whose. ad- fourth e nt>my fighter which Jen dttaa ia P . 0 . Bax 718, Balboa. in the arena ·smoklng, waa diacov-the ctt'y of Newport Beach, ·Coun- ered later cra.ahed in shallow ty of Orange, State ol California, cbutal water ne&r lbe 1Cene of lh.e inUnda to aell to ~H. STANLEY air battla~ HEN1..INE and ELOISE BEN'· ' When they returned to thelr UN!l, bUlb&nd and wife, Vendees. hon1e ha.st-. they teamed that Lt. whose aCldreU la 305 Palm Av~· Godbey had been rescued and wu nue, Balbo.l. in the City ot New- uninJured. • ' port Beach. ·County ot Orange. For his part in end.!Qg the, ca-State ot· OIJl!omia, the Coflowlng tters of the Ya k pilolll, Major de&eribed -pel'90nal propecty, t<r DeLong received ·the suWr Star wtt: m·edaJ. His decorations include T All atock in lr.&de, ftxtures. Distlugui.shed F1yttig Crones, two equipment and good wtU ol a cer· Of which he received tor other bain rf:laU clot.h.ing atore buainee& &erial achjevcmcnU in Korea ~d known 1.1J "PIPER ;. J()HN'SON'' 17 air meda.bi. While overaeu, he and located al 7JO •Ea.at .. ..,,ed wtlb VMF-312, ,. ·unit at: Boul!"'Ud, Balboa,.ln the aty of taebed "lo the 1st Marine Afr Newport .11each. ()ounly Of OT· • W.tng. ange, Blall or C8llfomla, and ~t A native ot Jacl«lon, Mkh., a· aale, tJ.an.rer and ~tnf of Major· DeLong bOW restdem with the aame wUJ be made. and th• 1J1s wife, Katherjne, at ll4M Sea· eonald<lratiaa tbenfor wtD be paid wird Drive, Corona del Mar. n,ey at 10:00 o'ck\c)t,.a, m .. on the 29th bUe two children; ~d e, ...d day ot ·o.to-. · 19'11, at tbo 'f!\JAn t ye.,. 01<1: : -deP'!ltm<nt of ~ or ' ' AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST I • and 8A VJNas ASSOCIAnON al • , LOOAL.s<J&AP DlllYJC f Balboa ~.No.. IT, UI tbo CIQ' R. L. Oallll wa,,' appoUltO(d JfoD. of Newport ~ Ooun()' of, ·o.; • , diJ !<> •pe""'""" a .... ap drift ance, B1a1a· of CalUond&. llDOer.\)ie &U8pjcee.of ~ Dac..i ~ l6tb; 11151. • Hazt>ot-a>&mbe~ ol ·~ Ill. II. ,JOHNSON,• • :n>e project wlll!be-(0,":0"~ Iron' VON!or ·-8loiel ~-llCrilf tor, Ul!i' DOllOI""-' P JOB!illON ,..t iOn •• • • plJe. • ,. .-... ~ • .. · • ve..is..: ~ --~~·-• -...:.. ' ....J..... • WiUW ·~· " ...a. .. fted ... .-..... _,,liilb No.11K-• -~ ... lnokl• Pl..,.~ .., . , l'Plla Oct; ..... • ' af . \ . . now FERTURE 'D AT • • UICE •All LIMAS I 'l. 02. Pl<Q, p ·CAJl!'S oaK BEANS M EDFFEE . Pllll IAI ~ • a, ..... 111 1 ... IELl.11 COii POPS"~~ LOI Hiii SYllP IEL lllTE CATSIP 14oz. born.I< llLI IEIAL ~;:if MACAROll ~ 15~ SmOHED SAUSlliE ... ~~:.~r:nLE ~-49~ WJT.!#IJJ .............. 9 .. _ ... -NOW ON SALE . ·• -· . . . . BLADE PDT ROAD ALP11·11r1 , , • U.t. QOOD .,. C Olt CHOICI"' ·' HER TURHEVS 'ama 1n1 .11111 a: , 5'' · •VllClltA Tl D ,,. . ~ OYEM -fUiAOY "'° · • ftdWiflll .. FmT tNUl'f· -' I TIUEITDnlll --rll.Rll . . -:-:-•c• '*'•ilctl'ta Ta1Jas: liaL UT.· t r ,e(,"I'. ,J8t.le•9• .. •• , . , ; • • . . I . \ ' • > \ ,