HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-01 - Newport Balboa Press• , • • • / no:~ &ielt but • 111 T. !'f· ("BIUCll"> ~ A, mlrrw • or Ute mOot . l\'1 1m11"1&1 fOT Ulla -dept. to rapldlJ ~ UU ca.jt la-tory ~ i-...i or Ille California South tll<j Callforal& hlll >lld Gome CoutaJ l!llllplre comm-, b!'t -·the time. l'------.r-----...l n.. r.., ~ -btedly • • • • ' • . • ., -~ I , ~~ • • • ---· lllVING "THI ltmll : . ''I HARIOI ARIA • ; l'Bl:ft-~ be....._ fair lln)iartlal. ud Utua I and • retain + oupport ha~ become bored °"" tM yean wttb Ute dllputee wttb' Ute na:n a.men. hom the bl&' bnu In Sa..;ramento· on down to the local l~,OND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY .. • l&W enforcera. The arpment.9 -against ocean angling' Uceuea. agalnat uoreatralned and ~eatruc-­ Uve acUY\,\1es of tbe pune 11eln~1 wiU1:-' the commi.uiqn looking on paternally &nd forgfvlogl,y. But now the comm1uJon bu done ·9Qmetbing' good, &nd rd lil!• to applaud t.be action. Up In the San Franctaco area the aard!ne eelnen had been ttap- ing 11. rich harveat for m~y ye&re. With the usual answer. The aar- dines have been dlsappe.arlng. So the comme.rcla.la asked per- mi.'81on to subetitutc anchovtea, herring "&nd other apeciea" for s&rdines ln flah reduction ptanta. That. kiddies. Isn't sardines or other speciea for food. It's flah for f"rtlllr.e r and dog-vittlea. moeUy. • Wisely, the commlaaion tUJ'ned down t he request. A news atory coromentlng on the act!on said that Rlc;banf Crok er and John JenMCn, chJet and autatant chief of the Bureau of Marine Flaheries oppoeed tbe commercials' petition on t be groun da that the supply or an- chovies and herring (not niimtion- ing the "other species") would not st.and the added strain or ti.eh reduction harvealing. Approva1, they added, would be the opening wedge In the depletion of the other 1pecles, u the sar- dine hu been depleted. Which, switching from the pat- on-th€'-b8ck depl. . to our uaua.l s tand. brings up a qu~tlon . Couldn't those fil!lheries experts, watc hing the virtual destruction of the sardine& in our ocean, have done somt.'thlng about It! You're doggone rigbt they coul.d. If they'd have wantftd to. But the "f'xpcrla" had been bµddy-buddy w ith the commercial lntereeta too Jong to tlo Anything like thaL It takes a cri8ls, with the a&rdinea up there v1rtua.Jly gone, to bring a showdown and eome definite ac- t ion. >fORI': MT"M"ERINGS ABOl"T SARDINES ln the meantimr, if they'd. though of it, they'd ha.Ve placj!d a 10-flah limit on the sardines for sport fisherme n, llke they have on most All other flab. allowing the posseuor of a commercial li- cen• to catch u many tona u hf' wanl3. while the sportsman's drutlcally llmlt.ed a.a to hla catch. It's the aame with moat other fish, 9o m ight aa well be with all of ·em. The COmr;T\iaaiOn said that, aft.¥, liate nlng to 11.x. :f'M.1"9 or com- plaJ n t.I of the aa.rdlne tndu.slry without being abla to do anything about them. the etale body I.a laking etcpa to regi.alate the aar· dine Industry. Who sayg they couldn't do any- lh.lng about the complaints and wlping out or the aan'.llnes ! They w er e pcrfecUy free to a c t on Con- trolling sportsmen, and force 'em to pay mllllo ne or dollan a year, .eo why couldn't they lake a swipe at the commercials '!' Don't an&Wer that quesliq,n? It might embarra.ss the Big Brasa! Anyway, It's nice to know, now that lhe aardinea have been de- pleted to a point whe re the com- merclalll can't make money at alaugblerlng 'em, th e Flsh'n Gamer• a.re golnl' to '"control" the •iluallon! OCTOBER SEES NEW BUILDING • RECORD HIGHS Seventy -two buildin&' permit• 1ssue<1 during Oct.bet by the ctty building inspector totaled n-02,090, brtn(ing Newport Beach buildlna' total valuations to ..fS,028,0lS IK> far thl• year-within eaay reach of 1948'e baJ'lner year which saw $8.041.608 worth ol permits. New single dwelllq units to.. taled 14.01.800 in 26 permit.a ls- l!lued, While two -famJJy u n I la amounted to $30,700. New com- mercial bulldlnl' toWtd 113,1115 in three perm.Ila, wbUe commer- ciaJ r e p a i r work amounted to 111,4.06. a Five private garages ac- C'Ount@d for $4700 worth of con- struction and ,a $4000 swimmfn1 pool permit helped the month'• total. Rep.a.in to dwelllap for worlt costlnjt more than 11000 TMcbed 128.600 tn 10 pe.rmJta. while r.- paira on work leaa than SJ.000 totaled $7010. - The October permit.I were lea than half of Sept.em.her'• thump. Ing S1 .712,t:t9 of which Hoa& Me- morial H o • p I t a 1 accounted tor 11,098,023. However. October atn- gle family Unit perm.tt.. wen eon· atderably more than September'• $3211.400. The _.... permlU to d. t •. $8.0?3-0IS. alrea<l7 .... VO onrt.ueo the .7.831.SU -blP )'Mt .....,r.r or 1147. RAJl80ll ...... . ........... '"""9dltJ, oet. .II -·--• A ....... Got. .. ----.. .. ~. 00&. " --· ... t1 ~. Od. • ---r·· 16 • • ..,.. OoLll --·-,, • Tw •• ?,.;Oct..----·-·-" • 1\'t 9 2 ¥, Oeti. 11 --• • •leWI: Gd.. 'M. AlJ 11 If • .. ' VOLUME XO . -PHONE NEWPO(tT BEACH, CA'.LJFORNIA; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1951 FOURTEEN PAGEA NUMBER 36 • BALBOA Bf LL PLA I Ti~G AND PARADE LIN P READ.IED FOR SATURDAY Pla.M tor Newport Beach'a big parade· and plan Ung of the beU. on• Ba.Ibo& Boulevard Saturday, Arbor Day, ha•e been ooll)pleted, Ted Hambrook , chairman of the event . announced today. 1 · More than 35 decorated can• .. -------------- have been entered ln the parade. Aaaembly point i.3 at the City HaJI at 1!):30 a . m . Saturday. and the parade will move out at 11 a . m .. proceeding down Balboa Blvd. to Main SL, BaJbo&. El Toro Marine Band will rurnish marching mwilc. The para.de will ~ led by Harry Welch, grand marshall,' and other clvic officials. 3 Costa Mesans lniorect i~ Crashes Mn. Adeline Around.ten, M9 W. Wilaon SL, eo.ta. )(ea&, WU s«· iOW1ly lnjurtd ln a four-car col· !il!lion lut "'eei. ebd on SoUth Ma.in St.. Santa Ana. She ,,.,.. taken to S&nta Ana Community H08p.lt.al. California Blrhway Patrolmen ' ' ' -' • • ~ , . , ,. . ~~ • .• • 'I ' $985,000 SAID NEEDED FO NEW ·coN T~UCTION ~mmJt;ltt studying Newport Beach elementary Legal action is now underway achool e Monday night recommen ed. accep~ce of Ila fact ... to re-establish · Newport Beach finding cpmmlttee's report which calls t r ·new 8fhool coru1truclion at Township court u a ClaM A ju.s-an esUm~ted cost of 19&,000-to be r&fed by a bond t.saue election. -t !ce court. The committee's recomrnenda-... -----------..--- Suit to ·force Dodge Court .Class A Rating Superior Judge K enneth E. Mor-tion wu: made at a meeting in Mrs. H . 0 . Boyvey &ncf Ed Mun1- rlaon lut •Friday granted an &J-Horace ~ign school following a eon terr.tlvl" writ or mandate whick report b Architect Philmer Eller-At a meetlng yesterday morn- ls returnable tomorrow al 2 p. m . broek 0 1 'the tact-finding group. Ing th H~ra<le Ensign school the Atty. ~roy Ande r80n ot Costa The reP,Ort. compiled. by five local •landing committee dt8cussed the architecta. I~ preaent faclliUea, bond llsue-p.-...,. ... 1 and • .lr-..i to Mesa filed suit for Martha Soud-size and growth of the elemeti:lary"' ·~ "''""~ ....... er in which he seeka t o compel School dl.at.rict, facilities to sattafy meet Monday at 10:30 a. m . in the Judge Donald J . Dodge to t.aae echool. Mn. Morgenroth and Mrs. future needs. coet e1timatea, ti-""--n•r we-named -ha'-en on the jurisdiction of a Claas A I th ....ee •"" ,,...,-... ... '" juatlce courL nanc ng me od8 for the new pro-of the comi:nlttee. A similar action we.a flled In gram. • At yesterday's meeting,. the Construction of 15SO,OOO worth s tanding committee recommende-d auperior court about two years f f lllU the 8 o new ac es on new 1 -to the l!JChool board that a special ago. with tl\e court f inding from acre !!Ille north of Corona del Mar bond tasuc electlop be ht-Id in the evidence presented that Newport Id •"" 18 •----wou enwui Cl&alH"oom1, two first !week of February. The com- At Main street, the band will about face, remaining In forma- t!on a.nd play until the rema.lnder of the parade passes. Ca.rs In the parade will turn lert at Maln. left again at Bay avenue, lett at Palm itreet and right on Balboa Boul€'vard where each car will proce4ed to its de•lgnated planting said her car ,.,., forced lnto on- com ing traffic by an unidentified auto. The Amundae.n nblcle col- lided head-on with anotber driven bv RtChard A. E;wert. 4%, or 942 River Lane, Sant.a AnL He la a jeweler and well-known amateur golfer. Ewert. wu ta.ken to the aame hoepltal ln crttkal condition. .. •. ' • .., Beach t ownship had a population kind t -• le · · erp.r erus, ca.1.e rt.a, aerv1~e mlttee reiterated th e citizena' I of more than 30,000. The ruling buildings and full ·equipment and Committee recomm endatio n to the wa.a upset. however, when the 1950 1 lahl th ted urn ngs, e report at& . school board regarding the ac-census showed there we re only 24 ,215 rcaldenla or the toWTU11hip. The fact-tlnders recommended ceptB;nce or the fact-finding com· .~ ,,. '/ .:.• • areas. A sW1tained blast Crom the flN' department whistle will be the slg· nal for all groups lo start plant- ing. Each plant will be placed In prepared Hole,, wlthoyt removing the contaJner. l.J9t at Parade111 Thl" parade committee releaeed the following 118t .showing order of appearance of cars and the groupa' respective planting area.a: Balbo& Improvement Aaaocla- lon and Native Daughters of th4" Golden Weal. No. l planUng area, Alvarado and Balboa 8\vd., BaJ- boa;' Jted Croas. No. 2 planting area, lsJ&nd Ave. and Bfflboa Blvd., Balboa; Penlru:Ula Auoclatlon, No. 3 planting area, Ialand Ave. and Bel-.-.., Bal-; Bal· -Isia9d --Aaoclatloo. No. 4 planting area, Sth Street In another accident, Elizabeth and Alexander Ville, both 46, of 343 -21st Street, Coata M'ea.. were Injured Salurday nl&ht. They were pauengen tn a car driven by Arthur H . WlndrlngJr, .f7, or Trabuco CJr&ks. Both werti taken to Fullerton ~neral Hotpll&l. The Wlndrlnger cat wu in- volved ln a oolllaton on J.lanchMter Blvd. and Western Ave., ~-of Anaheim. wttb another driven by Clarence R. Leavlnl, 4.7, Of Perrta. HOPI':. CAMERA TAJU:N Lou of a $20 anchor rope and a reflex camera trom hie car park· ed near a IOca.I bar wu repartee& utAlr<lall IW 11 P.JlO'cllk .. Ah bambrt reaidt'\IL He - Items had been &.&ken between Sunday and Tuelday. -• ' and Balboe Blvd .. Bal'-; BaltiOa Angling Club, No. 5 planJ,lnc area, 6th Street a nd Balboa Blvd .. Bal- boa. Corona del Mar Bu.!ineu Ms socia.tion. No. 6 planting area. 7th Street and Balboa Blvd .. Bal~; Ebell Club, No. 7 plantlng a rea, 7ttr S trttt and Balboa Blvd., Bal- boa: Newport Harbor Yacht Club • No. B planting area , 8th Street and Balboa Blvd., Balboa; Elkli Lodge, No. 9 planting area , 8th S~reet and Balboa Blvd., Balboa; B. &: P . W. NEWPORT FUN~RAISING COM Girl Named DRIVE FOR HOSPITAL q~~~ ~!. ~~edL~~ LAUNCHED AT LUNCHEON : .. ":u~ •• c~,:". 1~:1 -;;;; :,~ Mis. Evalyne MlUer , who wu on l!{ondayolght named Queen of the Homecoming Ball •t UnJvet'8lty of Club, No. 10 planting area, 9th Civic leaden ot Newport Harbor yesterday launched the CUnd-Streel and Balboa Blvd., Newport : Corona del Mar Clv1c A880Clallon. ra!alng drtve-fot Hoag Memorial HC"."P_lt.al, PTe.sbyterla.n, at a lunch- No. 11 planting atta. 9th Street eon meeuni: In Newport Harbor Yacht ~tub. - and Balboa Blvd .. B&lboa. Wlth CouncUn•an Braden Ftnch pre•ldlng, those p~t heard U. s. Power Squadron. No. 12 various &.sJ>f'Cla or thf' campeJgn praenled. Finch introduced William pla.nUng area, 10th s treet and Bal-F . KJmes. uei.ta.nl bualAeM .u- bo& Blvd., Newport; .. Optlmlal perlntendent of OJ"&nce Cout col- Club, No. 13 planting area.. 10th Iege. who outlined the prolerl- Street and BalbOa. Blvd., Newport: K lmea •aki. '"'I'Wb monlh1 ago Rotary Club, No. li planting area, we ran into our ftrlt dlfftculty.-o:. 11th Street and Balboa Blvd .. we were s2~.000 abort." He ex- Newport; Lady Angler., No. 15 plalned that the bmpltal bo&rd planting area. 11th Street and finally voted to P"°leed w1lh con· Balboa 'lvd.. Newport; Y. M. etructlon plans. bUJ tbat by· next C. A., No. 16 planting area. 12lh April fund.a will be depleted tt the Street and Ba.Ibo& Blvd .. Newport; $260.000 to be raised in orangr: Zonta Club, No. 17 plantlng area. county I• not to~ln&'-Kimes 12th Street and Balboa Blvd .. nld that two loan acencles had Newport. bHn a.pproached to see what their Newport Ha r b 0 r Community atUtude would be If tunda were Playe rs, No. 18 planting area. 13th needed. The answeJ. wu that both Street and Ba.Ibo& Blvd_, Newport : wlahed to see the hoaptt.al proj- Newport Harbor Board of ~al-ect.'a finat\'Clfll condition next tor•, No. 19 plantlnt' area, 13th April before betni committed to St.rff:t and Balboa. Blvd., Newport; P.-T. A. Elf'mentary acbool, No. 20 a definite statement. , planting area, 14th Street and ''W e an ftndt.n.c it dlfftcult In ~boa Blvd.. Newport: Chrtat 80ITle areu of the count7 to ra.Lae Church by the Sea, No. 21 pla.nUng money, but here ln Newpcirt ·Hu- area., ltth Street and Balboa Blvd., bor there 18 lot. of enlbuaum," (Coattnued OD l'ap I) Klmea a.Id. "'We fffl that Uring _____________ ..,..emortaJ plan la a good one. Re- • • ' 1PQUt to th.iii lll nothing abort of phenomenal." H e Coocloded, .. y- lnr· "ll ta up lo you to ee.U the public'\ on U\e lll08J>ltal proJ«:L Bdow MlaJmam Finch pointed out that qnder state a.nd federal at and a rd 8 Oranse county Is considerably be- low mlnJmum requirement.a for the number of hospital bed.a per thousand populaUon; that tbe. sit- uation will be crtUcal by 19~ If 200 &ddittonaJ beds havt not been added to hoopltala. Mayt>r L. L . IAbell told the (TOUP.: '1'!\e"" 18 no quntion tn my mind that we'll ralee our QUota. •• Dr. G. N. Peue, drive chairman announced he.Ada of five sutH:.om- mJltees: Wesley D. Smith. Balboa.; Dick Rlcbard, Newport; ll<>b Cal· II.a, Corona del Mar; Hadd Ring. lJJo Ille; MAurle Stanley, B&lboa • , (<JaaUaUed ........ J) . C&Jlfomla, Loll Angelea. · She wu choeen nrat am on I' 13 ftnaJ i•ls of a group ot 300. moat allt'act1vc co-eds on the UCLA .campus . M'-a Miller LI the dau&'hter of Mr. and Mrt. Randall V. Mille r, 1216 Cove strer:t. Corona del Mar. She la 20 year• of age, a junior at the unlverstty, a member of Pl Beta Phi and la mojOrlng In art. She ha.a the lead pa.rt in thf' Homecoming W et:k play, "Look the Other Way." Lut yea.r she aLllo had the-lea.d part In "Sun- shine to Bum." The ama.zlng thing le-that ahe hu nevl-r .stud- ied dramatic• a.nd went over for the try-outa Jut year "just for a lark." Culmlnatl~n of this week's Komecotnlng event.a at which MJss Miiier prealdea wUl be the . Coro- Qallon Ball tomorrbw night. H er parents and her grandmother. MN. EveJ)'l\, Thompeoo of Corona dd Mu, were proud spectators on Monday ni&,bl when ahe wu namf'd queen. Costa Mesa . Boy Hit by · Bus, 1 • ·~~q~!M~~ eo.ta · .x-ar&JD.11'8.r Jrt~ler, _,.., ......... hoJUr7 . ,..__ ~ wblla a Barbor HIP·- ;':"1~ ~~:!';' N~~ =le T-Gan1ooft. ..U °'-Mt. Md Mr&. Walt O&rrlOl. 17117 Ana- -A.ve., ea.ta 11~--· walk- --to -"I-It ..._ oa 1.hJe wa7 to a-.,._ Uie ...... ~-1'7 H. mic- _ ....... -~bl-... -u... ..-l. "' Dr. 1... 0. 1'11 Ni 0-C., ·-.-.... ,..,... -__ .. ,,. ... -_____ .. __ _ --., I 7 ... -Gnm• W If 711 .... WNP• 9CJll• -.... •. •'"' "" -..... -· ~ .. -1111 lillclll .. t -..,. • • Eatlm&tn spending $430,000 on additlbna to mlttce's report. Horace Ensign School which bu The origlnal cou.rt finding had room for 13 more claurooms. H II been based on estimate& from m Representativea of ·27 local or--a oweeners deliveries, utility aerv1ces, v()\er ganizatlons at the m eeting ap-. regiatration ahd o ther facton. proved the motion, ultlng the ele- Since lhf' 19~ census WU taJcen mentary school bond to endorse 'Qu' ·1ef,' Say the board of supervisors hu a.dd-the r eport and. lo call for a bond ed three voting precinct.a of Paul-election at Tue&day's board meela arino, Dtamond and G reenville to tng. It we.a emphasized tha.t thoae Loe I I Police Newport Beach tO\\.'nship, taking present at the meeting we'i-e not them from Santa Ana township. apeaklng for the organizatlon.s Dep. County Counsel George they represented, but each group I · will be ked to t d d "It WU a quiet Halloween," • Holden, who ls preparing Lo "de· u 8 U Y &n approve th t ti t Newport police reported todAy. fend" the suit, aaid the U. s. cen-e new cons rue on program a I I Quiet , considering pa.st years, that BWI bureau repor'ed 3103 popula-ta next m eet ng. _ ~ ii. H e re's a lis t of pranksters' lion tor the three new preclncl.8. Actual new additions for Horace E I h I In I ded Ix I deeds on the police log: Thus the oftlcial populatlon for ns gn ac oo c u s c a.ss- the enlat&"ed township .a.a ot April rooms, a 1hop addition, library, M~e. F . .J. Stevenson, 113 Con.I 1. 19~0. was only 27,3 18, l!ltlll near-auditorium to aerve tor cllUl:Sroom Ave.~ Balboa , lBland, ~potted ly 2700 ihort o! the 30,000 re-llee a.nd community eerVlce plus street barricades at South ·Bay quil'ed for the oOurt tO be Clu.s A. needed service . bulldtnp a ,n d ~~'t were remo~ and put in ·an ....-..... ~-Ult, V lana t•• equJpmenL ~ ~~ "23~ .~ • -vr:v Tiie report ueerta the u.eaed Ave. · rew>rted fire hydrant-.· run· It wUl be up to lbe petitioner to valuation of the 9Choo1 dlatrict ls n.1n.r1·m hla. district. Actually, 30 • pro.ve the popuJatlon figure ft.a.a $4:0,881.1~. giving the district a to 40 hydrants were turned on by been tncreued by 10 per cent in bonding capacity of $2,0.3,000. juveallea, police sa.id. the last year &nd a. halt. Current bonded indebtedne• 1.8 W. W. Sanford, Park and Ma- . The suit filed against Judge 1669,000, allowing a. bpndlng cap-rlne f., vea.., Balboa Iifa.nd, reported Dodge and· hia court aeta forth aclty of $1 ,3.74,000. ~ bond t,ssue )Jlgh.lchoolers. tore up Ule. parking that there hu been "a la.rge ln-amount aa asked would amount to between Marine &..-A..polena Ayes. creue in the number of r eal-about a·2 per cent of bonding Police removed the debris from dence1" In the township aince the capacity. the street. ceruius W&a taken. Th bo-'-Id •·bl e ·~ wou prou. Y carry Hot tar "(&s poured on the car It alleges that a suit by Martha 3 per cent lntereat over a 20-25 ot Mra:. J . E. Sheeley, 316 L& Souder against Frank F a.nd J ean year period. Tbe lasue requeeted Jolla: Ave., Newport ftelgh ta. C. Soole seek.8 $725 award and would amount tq rs centl per $100 Gmce .Jasper of Corona del Mar wu to have been tried next a.sse88ed valuation the fir.st year. reported ink thrown on he r front Wedneada.y In Oodg-e's court, but The report claimed that growth ot door while .John Kipper, 300 Ma- thal he refuses to auume jurlll-a.saeMed valuation, bonwi on bond rtne Ave .. Balboa l.Bland, reported dic tion of more than 1300 u pro-sales and a reduced interest rate boys1 , marring windoW'3 w i t h vtded for a Clase B justice court, due to high aasessed valuation pe C8.ndJea. F. M. Scott, 400 Sierra permitted ln to\A.'tlShip with popu-elementary pupU would reduce the Driv"', Corona Highlands, report- latton of lea than 30,000. tax rate. ed al flre hydrant turned on. Even tho ugh the superior court Valuation per elementary pupil •• 1 .. _weenen wer~ bl.ametl .. for mtrht ttnd the lower court to be In the dialrict is $21,MO u com-fUlJO ClaM A , the status will be effec-pa.red to ·a state-wide valuation ot the ~rea.klng of light.a and plwnlt- Uve only until Jan. 1, 1963, when a $11,687 and a county valuation of ing fixtures in two n .. w ho·is~ et court reorganl&a.Uon goea into ef-112,276. 71~ ..,.d 7h2 0 1 Mar1~erile An. d feet. At ·that time lbe Newport Accoflding to HO"ce Ensign, -.eanw e. po9ce set up a roa. court is acheduled to be dealgnat-1upertntendenl, a bond tMue can block at the Main .IJalboa. Island eel only U. a justice court, th e be !let tor an election by a "30-<iay brtd'e to check cars leaYing· the Cluae.8 A ahd B being eliminated. notice by the school board. lialacid a.ttet a.ix tel&pho:ie ~ceivera In 'a statement to the Preu, • Named a.a a atandlng committee w ere reported gone from hooks in Judge Dodge said advocates of the to !Unction ln the event the. boa.rd. pay'; ~e ttooth&. , Clau A .JU.9tice Court '-'tll show at calls the election were,_Mra. Helene Orie jo.venile WU bpoked for ex- lt!u t 32.000 populattoo. in this area Csenar, Ed Healy, 'Mn. ?.Jolly plocU.ttg Jlrecrackcni at 10 p. m. -bued on new Edison Co. a.nd Mol'l'eJU'9lh. Ralph Maakey, Mrs. •l P~rk and Maril:le Aves., Balboa water service tnsta.llatlons. Harry Fellinge, Ralph M:ukey, 11m,d. Another was booked an --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;:::;:;;;;;;;~;:;:::;iiiiiiiiiiiim~'iiiiiimmm;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:bou~ lath for curfew violation. • • • • I I 1 • l I · ' I " • . . l, 7 .PA6E 2 ::"."" ~!-RT l -THURSDAY, NOV. I, 1951 . .=;~1.1ss -a • Chr.is Now A ~ ... -llNr LOCAi. ..... ..,.... • ~ Marcban£ac &ft ..,..., .,...... • W '~ " , • • -P\lblllhod eveey Thur~ at N~ Beacll. -~ '• 11>&' -tor -., • In ::!.t.-...!:""" Nll \11. lo '"'"' om.. OJld PrU>tlng Plapt at :1211 BalbOa ~~·.-UM Ille tuUI -ual Pr.. ·,,._~ "" .,, rt a • Entered u llOCO!lj!.clus matter June 18. u.o, at the J*1 omce ~ =""' ---~: ... tbe rt booth t~ Iha Batbl>r-wtdo oidublt Newport-Bead" CalltOmla, under the Act of ~ i, 1819. ~ clD eo jy fl¥4• iM 7 m Womea'• Club, -.co0.~to Reta. IST~·or Bt1:coa u,oe..J, ~ llembel' cautomla Newa,.per Prt"i'!•a .a..oetaUoll Norton. ~ ~ Mota · G .~ Member National E<llt.rl&I ~ Alu. no event t.s to bo In l{lwmllM f The PrMI bu been adjudpd • n-pe!' ot. ·-elnl\llallon by ~ N~".";~~ ~ 11&1~ 'Clirlsfu• Tries deCne of tlle llUporior Qrul't'Of 0ranp Q>unt;y ud_.!S llally "*1lfled Evollya v..--. U.e •tllot 11a1r ..__ CltJ ff tia · ' to JNblllb all ldndl at ltpl n-ud ..w. ..... wnta. ot tile ~ mlel t-.. ,..u ..._. . ml --tha\ln~to-wbo 1 7 -o......-i-wc1t1 I t1oonlilt11eN..,.n••1 "'-. haft ........ --lft tM !WoU-tootll&llClliW ... _ jleo••d ~ -~1:r. ""?°""""' o-wi;. put, .... -.......... ......... el -C&IWS'•~ """ ... .. . , -~~ '!!" -ettt wltt; + .... ~ . .._ B!$ o. ftEt>OlCK, <>wner and J>ubllaher value In 'P"rtJdpa~n. "'" "'""" O..)" _,...,..,. and plUltlfts ot ROBERT F. WIU.MES, Bua!neaa ll&nqu --ex!dltlt -to t -major ·at• Balboa lltod.,''l&tlU'il'j. IPottod • • ~ od;.ber. 29, -1961 7 : .?'· I -p,_t al the Coot& 11-f al>liodll<.i. <iC · CoMmerce _ _. "'t'llel'SllJ~ ~I' lUit Wu .. r ·~Ille ~-r-11t. n ....u att.D.dOd and " .... In· nj.tlioc meetln&'. 'l>reotdelot -lilln <lid a wry· good Job j:&lllhlc &ttenUon to IM ·-· facilities of Oaota . ._ UC! -l>y ......... and Bo °"""'· .,... ly .-..-. lol-af.,credlt ,.,.. maj<lne. tlie ~bi for the m fnC, ticket Belllng &lid a d@. lidoua d.ianer. · Ar ALEXANDER JLUULTON, Adverti.tni; Manqer tr&ctlon for UM &ttalr -~ch &loo ca .C' , -~ tilttd'::llL Q I p"'aente a name bu4 anu a r--,...W_el!l' ot -_... • • , ~.,'LJ, . . ton ~· · ... ttoq; II\ , .. bW'la • ..-A.Woet"•I f.11! .. ---eoa~, 16 puMWrlet"S of Orailce -'ouaQ-•-'•w 1t111ers .. ~ ~t . 8UBS<llLIPTION &ATES: Mule Bird, well-know!I tublon ~ .. - -p*t... llE& ...... 9t 111 r -F • ..__ -... S-of the pubjlm-.. a <lll1111't --~·Illa Tile apcaker of the •V'elllnt' wU Dt. Von IQt>tnSmkl. CbanceBQr ol Unl....-.tty of Southern c.uiomli Dr. Von KldnSmld did a.grut.;lob of bringlni; out the trem.,,..... importance of our echool Qttan NJ:WPORr-BALllOA PllE88 -IT 'l'hmod&J' expert, bu aocopted the ..._,, -a.mo CllM +. ..... " -,.,..>I>.,.,._ ot th., -13' at ·Willard 1un1 .. "Hlgll ~ --.... i.tt to lD ()nap Count;y, SU0 per 7ear; ~00 olx 11MMLtha; (~U..... slblllty for the .,...,.. of the --r11,r11l&ll jaoM?jS' "l'llta•ll, ._.,.._lollll B.-1:""J, reneral-Pr'!ftbe (!nlaN-Pft'~ moaU.) (Al8o btcludes the h"EWPORT-BALBOA NJ:W8...i o• fjunuhcltonlon ~th tothe.boex!:!:uolnn. '""'a·.-•·t::. 7-lll *-"="!I ',.ar, "=',; . ... • t o UFZJ ... aan .• ... stde•t ·o(, the Ora1tp Qoe9l&Y Po'btt*n~ 8d &er llno~ -ODD-~) OutStde Ille eoUJlty -':90 per 19"'· w• • • -p • .... nnw t -a.-HollM, --·.of U.. CNPA. Ini 'lll~ f°"'lll'>WMI .ri, '!'.A. , will be auloted by Mn. VlrJ'lnla '1-tile Ml•~ ......... -0 .. ·--. ... lll)'foN -of Tit tilt. I Pb in promottn;g OW' way Of ure: Jt wu very much lmpreued," notl' - SANITATION STALEMATE (A 0.-t Editorial by Edgi(r F. Elfstrom, Publisher of tlft! Fullerton News-Tribune) Ca.tie, widely known local lectur· cblb to Ille ptfu4 Wlll1'e t.n.,•••> -• 1 (PrelS oto) 'r on charm and an authority on ~ ... to dt1 .c:iftk!tl,Ja .bf Rft . . • "" LI OF , . • r ~~~~~T~~~~~s;rJat; APPEASEMEnT , REDS Hallow.een ·FLn . ~dvteory Board oonalat.lnf of the tlto · O&utw. . · · · ' · • The county-Wide sanitation program is again stale: tour put ceneral ch&lrmen and 'IElw •" WQI ,.111•~ -u . WIED BY KNOWlAND p ,: ided 'b mated in its progress to get construction started On the three traJn .. a for fUlpn prevtewl. ~ ,,...,..,in.at':Mtt-at ' : . . . -rov. • • . y Put chairmen ara ~. :\(orrla, tlto ~~ -Tiiltht -project ta! to the health and growth of the county. Dorothy Sutherland, Ktldred u.1:ao.fJE\. M•~.\ln.o--• only with his great knowledge of education, but ai.. his anA!yoll of poll\lc&l event. of today: llJa witty refent:ice to some of t,o.. day'B happenings WU good <n- tertalnmenl, but &lu, ..n loo true. This ta your Friendly Ford ' Oe&1er, Theodore-Robina, aay- lng Good-bye •ttl next week. The P~l.l alemate ill cauaed by the refW!al of District Stanley :and Betty .J....ia. with apl-wll lie SI"* '.n --._ ID tlto 1'1....,. ot warfare have aoldltr• of one nation been R ,. p rt• 11 (Huntirigto11' Beach) to ..,; along with all the other dis· Ruby Stoveneon, S&lly Newlin and -llia'l9 -part bi! tlto -botl ... od -ctli&ry belillld u lmoCiaarY bollllda,.Y Wiien ~ were 0 ary a tes i . . Q~ th A.gne1 Blomqulat ntltnr out the ..... to ,... .. 'bft' *9d., aad ·~ tree to _JJQl'ne-°'!t ~ ~f ~~ther, to' iD~eterm.tnate ltmita. tricts m &1lR1:9vtng th<l long,range sewerage J:>lan ra er boerd. Thue women met with 1>oa11t1f1 llw -. nae WU tile -ol U. 8 :• Th.!re were no forgotten ghosts than the shorter-range modified plani Chairman of Disttict !:'"~::"'"::..1!:;..!':"'~~ Tu... Cos. t• M.esa Stor·e or i!t>b11ns in Newport Harbor COSTA MESA PLANT Gm FOUNDRY OKAY 1 1 1's Willis H. Warner, chairman of the Countv. Board of ~-:lt ::AK Du Y ----~ ~-wu .. th. ~-·-Th Ro Cl b tbt: speda1 suest. . ol dle Oruge is ~,.,,ween. e ta.ry u Supervi..ors. effe~ 0 e • or: Cowtty Ne.._ ~-at Bandit· Gets $100 saw-. to that. The two grammar Request to~. permit to oel 111> Attempts have been made to iron out the differences Newport 'O&I • ~i .. ~~. o-~ .. · ... _A}n__~~t. el i'n Armed· Holdup sehoola in the district· were the a small foundry tn a Coat.a Keaa and cdme \o a workable agreement. But apparently dis-ua.obOa ~ -.---~ IW-~ ..... -.. .9Cene of the largest roundup of metal -working plant was &p- cussions held by representatives of other districts with Newport Beach, CallfomJa Sena.tOr Knowtand ch9crlbed as "l have a gun. lady. Let's spooks yet witnessed ln the 10 proved Satur«ay by the Otange Dear Editor: ~ and untcnablie ·the rul· yean Rotarians have arranged · County planning commluion. ' .. District 11 have failed so far to reach a soluCion. ..--.. a ce~-·-ma~et ,.__, 1,_ ~ ~ --mwrt me tM.t pOota ot Ute Uldted Na-have )'OUT blC' billa." ·~ these Halloween events. The Newport Supply Co.'• .,,_ Ever _,......, .......... l• ~ .... -· -,,. __ r--"Are you kidding!" Ethel HaU Observers believe that the latest impasse will end Beach a.rea & ttfw -ars .-.. 1 haw. Utti wa that ...._. .,... _....... U.O.. IJrcratt an: wttle to pur-. Prizes by the dozens were hand-plicaUon to estaDUah the foundry · th do Th · bel' f · baaed r... •-IQe., blMt. aad. bomb the cr&f't Rica.rd, ma.rk~t ope~tor at 2106 ed out to beat colrtumed boys and which ca.sta &mall part.a ~r with the t&il wagging e g. . . e1r ie 18 on lhtnr n.mny abOut It -tunny, perulMr. llDt ~ a. Ila.. Mo mat~ ~ and ~ at Ute holltll~ Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa asked girls in each grade ot the New-govemment&J. c 0 n tract 9 wu past shenanigans in the sanitation pro~. which has been ter how often J go there to ahop-whetnw the tL&ae ot da.Y--1 be--commun\lt8 beJ'UDd Utt: Y&IL Thie the young man ~:ho approached port and c(rrona del Mar schools. gruted providing the firm ln- a series of squabbles and deadlocks during the four years oome pl--.nt1y •W11.tt of biting &mot\I & l"'OQ ot well•~ • not a palioe· •ction.. tt 1-,..., her midnight ~~day in the mar-Tramps and clowns won right stall of!-titreet par.king and abide ,__ ll h h th 1 ad ch~11J clti:r.ena. ·-•--A•~--•.a, •-vot-'-d •~,ooo ket. I along "With dragons and tigers at by the COWlty &ir pollution ordin-sin~ its inception. Q..,.,rvers reca t at w en e e er: w-~ -"' • ... -With that the 2• year old , ......,. The genial m~a&'l"-r of thl• market lletl'n8 to· be a' jtlek ot tJJ Amertcana who aft. de.fending With . ' -· ' the !prees which featured game8, ance. The latter applies only to ship of District 11 was dominating three other districts, trades and appears now u buaboy, .,.. u c&lbMr &ad a.p.m. u u.eq. liYM U!re po~ princlplee. med~um hei~ht y:th p"::1uct:! ~ candy bars. ice cream. and punch. orcha.rd. heaters. creating an even split of four districts against four during stock clerk or whtlt haw you. E...-y pea ire_...,... &a om .tiore. IMUefs iand ~ of lbe United ~~~ ~ R~key~ ~~et :n ~·wtl ~In~~ up ~~~~ musi· ------ the long deadlock over type of administrative organization trom the remarkab>e m.ana,pr dOW9 to tMH' ••Ill_. ;s c• Na.uona. Ut at tS · months As Mrs ca c &t.r8', repor wyer, Hostess Duo for and who should do the engineering, it was the other side b\ta-boy aeema to rtve off wtth a at Gf alPC ..:. d.t :llili••t. ~Ml'll bi Oftly w..tTen:der Ri~rr: had been ca.shing a num~ who ""'ith Jack Cole. Dean Brad- the -tire .atmft•~h of th ~o-..,. ~ -• -a '' ' • u.e lnRaDment. ....... Know '---r ot' •h-k· sun•• ... '"e Jost ford. and Bob 01frdner decorated Canasta Party Whl.cb ·~elded 1'n the interest of saving the program from '" -~ ere • •• •• ~--·-~ --,...._ · · ~ ' -• ..., ~· d ed th rt t corona · ;y• Every time I pay them a vhlt t ~ a~ WliUl a ~ IMd .lltat.M to tbe p\lbliaben ln only about $100 in cash to the a.n mana~ e pe. Y • complete break-down. t h ban 11 rtght wtth the_......,. aft• a».. -...__ ='="'• *'9c11btnt the week--knttd f'ofttgn bandit. He fled into a waiting <ljadl :'-ar, -~t the •. bestD partG wNa.s Mn. Emma Hubbard a.nd Mrs. . eellng t a ---. ... _,,. ...-.--ii-_ .... _ W ,_ d . , b .......-J" _... u ging cu.:> .. umes. r. . . Since then the other three districts allied with District that i.s -not funny ha ha. .,._..,,. .,-. o.s..:: • otAI • pa.test car nven Y an acco ... rice, n.ue p d o., T p •• 11 .....__ Oonst&r!ce Ja}'l'ed shared hoeteu • ~ He ~ .~. .d ease an n..o;\. om etlU"a • ~".... 'b'" 11 have fallen from that leadership. In the present dis-stac.'ll1 • .__. ... ..... ...,, however. that ™ · helped judg-e, decide that kinder-f'e9POMl Uities when they enter· l . a· . 1 2 3 5 6 Kell Rtl& au ·t .._ W "pibllcly ~eed Secretary gartener Chris \taile, dressed ~ taiUed 1\leaday at Mn. Hubbard's agreement over sewerage p ans SlX 1stricts. , . . , . -•---~ n ....:. •• ot .-... . Dean A-tor h ia fund Drr"ve A ~· Balhoe Bayaborea home. Enjoy- d 7 h I d 1 D . t . t P . S. Three cu-• .. to the -ot -~ ,..._ a Uger wa. wlllMr. n~,er '"d ta Mm H an , agree on t e ong-range program, an on y l8 nc "''Ith R _ u tn RJeha.rdL Mnd1Jiic at the S&n Frwtcblco member ot the youngest fll&sque-Moe canu were es. enry • 11 favors the modified plan. District 8. Laguna Beach. is • t.a\y ~Iona with u. .. lap-(C..llaued from .,. ... 1) raden< to win was Duk._, Baltz Kendall. D. W. Shotwell, Aleda ed · h h t t t h . ' ~ Wlma be aid, the American leland. Terming th(>m "'the team:-who pla.~·ed hobo a.JI evening. ll.cL&ughlln, V · A. Arbuckle, Carl not now concern wit t e coun y program excep o s are Bo Sc R · A ards -.~ff--.·~ r·~ --In m•-y, Dr P . Don H 1 h lld~. Frank Perew, · "·-f • ' • t -.-~ •-'"""" u-. wn~ -· • eue said umme , w o Over at Newport school, George ~&J .some administrative cost. y OU s ece1ve w a ..., ,...... couJd •Y Uteir re.pre• WU abaent, would be a "line-Holst:ein.· Roland Lagerlot. Mor-Whet.ael; Quentin Matzen, w. o. als h b. fl · th ·ta · HaJdy, Constance Jayred, Huold The stalemate reve t e 1g aw in e sanJ t1on : , .,..t&t:fve9 liliAd matched. bettered backer," and that Harry Welch ga.n !Noble, Dr. Lester Vierli.J;lg.. Tracy and the hosteues. set-up. This flaw i8 found in the tact that any one district M d N h c 1 f HonO' aa4 "'-'Uen the RWll'la'M at their .,.ould ·be •·coech" of the drive. Doc Stafford-and .Vince Jorgen-, ' on ay •1g t ourt 0 r own game. ' . He edded th)l.t It has taken him !On ~ept things happening-. "We r" bolds veto power over all the others, at least in this case.· . , The 'publlohen were ilso host 69 years to realize that there Is l!Uspended pumpkins 'wilh pennies r:uropean Scenes where unanimous agreement on a sewerage plan is required to eon,numan ·and Mrs. JOhn more sattsfa.ctton and happiness !'luck kl Slots in the rind, put •before the .$8,308,000 in bonds voted nearly three y~ars f Fir.Ht CObollrt o( honor of the ye& Pl>lll~. 'Who are 'JU.t home tiom ID life from giving tlian recel\7\ng, teams of four youngsters on a Tuesday Night • Of' ar r Dtstricl Boy Scouta Dl. p d w·~---A bl ::-i.:_ .. that this thought should keynote pumpkin. and let them pick out ago can he sold. · was held on Mondey, Oct. 29, Jn. WWOJI ClfO-e . ~~lstanie';."':u;"rv:.r::::; the drive. pennies with their t ... th." ex-1 at Ebell .Club . Although District 11 bad the least stake in the sewer-the Newport Grammar echool aw-ldra. Heii1; Ktiser,~ and M:ytord Richard spoke briefly, saying plained Roland Wright .. president age program _ its $46(),()()() bond issue is smallest of &ll-dltorlttm ,-In of'd@I' to g1ve recor;-(Oma.Md fNm rar 1) Irvine of the lt"Yine R.nch Coin--that each · local organiJ&tion re'p· .of Rotary, who saw-to it that th<: Tbomaa H . Glenn ot the World d . ,_~ f d . f nltion lo tboee boya advancing ln Ntwport; QentNl Newport Beach A ,...~-resentative should retum to his pennit:s were a11 new shiny and Travel Bureau will present the an the least immediate n~ or it. tha t istnct can orce scouting. Th" to11owtng awarda Community AIM>otat1on, No. 22 pany, T. _, un:eory.·pneldent of group preaching "Hoaf Memor-unused. John Porter. ha It girl program on Tuesday evening, Nov. all the other districts to come into line with it, if it chooses were ptt91tnted: P&ranttns area. 16th Strett and the Long Beach Federal S&vtngs taJ HospiW." He said each organi-and half boy. won fil'!f. for his 8, under sponaorsblp of Ebell club t stand t Ob red' t th t d ' t f th Sf.rvtee pln 1 year· troop 6 -BaJboa Blvd., Newpor"... and .Loan Aaocl&tioll. Jehn B. ·zstlon couJd •weU make a 'Project gTade .. Litt-le . Gretchen Cole, play-travel section. The public ta m-o pa · servers P IC a ITec ors 0 e Fred w-~:-th, Ro. ~rt Allen. '--. •eneral man••er of the t f d "-rvt Co de! vuu-..... U"<:" Ameriot.n ~n Awdllary No. ~.. • ~ ou o on&ui•g a room or se ce ine; tile coin game at r.ona voled to see thi• record ot 15 days• other districts will finally pocket their hope of .getting the Robert 08.rdnet, Rob@rt Haworth, 211. No. 23 plantJnc U'ta., lllh Callloinia N'ewapape.r Publiahers to the hospital. He announced that Mar, did pretty well. S!.te picked flytllg over Europe. Mrs. Con· plan they· think is the most adequate and most economical Ward Prl~ Michael Woodland, s treet and Balboa Bltd. .. N.-port; AIBOClaUon. a.nd 'his atatf mem-he intended lo giv~ a hosptta.I <>ut. eleven pennies. stance Jayred, section chairman, in the long run and, in the public interests. will bow to the JNohn 1 BeetTy, Bniee Nott. Robert American LegtOll Pon No, 291, bera, Richard Miller and Ray Gle&· room during the next two or three In iatldition to the school attatrs will be ln charge. cw and roop 17 .._ Tom Baum, No. 24 P'&ntUrc area, 18th Strfft ton. years. numerOue private parties provided veto if they see that D~trict 11 ·intends to rule or ruin. Walter Howaid, Dick Wella, Qor-Pre 1 w. elch spoke last, emphasizing ~ 1Cfean tun. A party in Lid:o . . and Balboa BlYd., N~rt: Wo-stdlng o\•er the sess on was 1 It IS hoped that DIBtrict ll Wlll decide to abide by don Dixon. men'• Civic Le..,ae'., No. 26 plant-Ben Redd!ck, preaidt;nl of'the Or-that the campaign would ts.ke Park Offered a hilarious e~g. majority decision. Why should this djstrict want to block Servtcc ping, 2 yean; troop~ -lng a.re&. lttb Street 1'r: Bal.boa ance county publishers. During "blood, ~west and t ears"· before of carving pumpkins. stunts and Co Herbert. Perry, Robert On.ham. Blvd., Newport: Girl Scout. of the business aeuion following the the f\lnds needed are ra.ised. He games. and a supervised parade such vitally needed sa.nJ••tion pro~m 7 t'.1.ld it he that • . Poll rd. 0-••1 H --~ t ·~ ''Th 7 -ani d th k b 2• -•t hes ~ b ~-· -.-rry a '"vu e e ....... ~ America, No. 26 pta.nt.f:n&' I.ft&., meeting with tht: politicos, Frank •a~"'· ere are enoul!>._. org · aroun e par Y ~ -· c t Warn.er is playing politics at the expen.se of the county's Troop 80 -Charif'• Frel, Charle.a 17th Stl'fft a.ad Balboa Blvd .. Roepaw or P1acenlia and Cla.reftce zatlONI in this a.r~ to.,give a room and (ho~ts. C&lls were made at ~ PP.Off5510Nhl ~ ~. OIRE[TORY ~ future health and growth? Mari<e U. G. Emest Minney. Jack Newport: Boy Scout. of America. Hi Jl r Banta An led th ea.ch to the hospttal. Welch de-each trailer ln the park where Wbite. Pat G&t!ey, Ronnie New-Troop No. r., No. 27 plantln.g area., 0 es 0 • otrt prue.n ~ Cla.red. t.h&t if Newport raise.a its owne1"'9 were prepared with treats .---------'----~ ----• Un, Georgt!·Hood. Troop 17 -John 17th .Strttt and Balboa BIYd., nomlnattoJ'll: ot cers tor :e-quota first, lht\ remainder of the wh.icl;i ranged from popcorn ballJI WINNIE WINS Bnmning, Mike Drtakel. Rod Newport. county Ul!IOCl&tlon for the com g county will be stimulated to pro-to slices of fresh cocoanut. C&J6erhe-ad, Dick_ lPleger, Jlm Boy Scout.a of America., Troop year. Named for nominatlong wer: mating its e]l.are. . The victory of Winston Churchill at the polls last Lindgren. Darrell G<llna, Bob CUn· N 11 N 28 1ant••# 18th Frod Allen. eoet.a. Meaa Globe-• The sum or $2,1115,000.000 vrorth LESTER A. llECKEJI, D. D. l!L DEN'nll'l'RY • 0 • ' 0 • P ....... are&, Herald, pre-•-nt ·, Dale Kroe>en: do Id d h 1 . h ning-ham. Street and Balboa Blvd., Newport·, »»uc X $1~ United States Defense of U. S. Defense Bon were ao I week-an it was as muc a persona tnump as a party c -1 ~--r •·-and w1 h th , 1 · 1-. N-"' m-•· · ~---Service pina, 3 ~troop 17 -Mooae Lodg"e, No. 29 pla.nUng area. yprea zw1 erp, .. e, "'"'"" e ....... J , Bond hekl 20 y~ars 11 be worth during the fi~t eig t tnon s • •au ...... .,._.. vu:, '-AQ~ triumph-changed Britain's leadership but not Britain's Wylle KPeler. Bob C&lllo, Dick tl!th srreet and Balboa Blvd .. P'rank Kneble or Garden Grove. '133,33: 1m11. I Medical Bldg. ~ 61ll2 problems. Craig, Bob, Diehl. • Newport; Newport Beach Fire-~1~~ to the 0state Association I ~ E. Bay Ave., Bal~ The problems are still there. It remains to be seen Service pin. 8 years: troop 17 -men'• Club, No. SO planting area. AdvlllUTy, Counc· . Don Steffen~ 19th Stl"eet and Balbo& Blvd., Publl8hera &ltending the meet-j Ha.tbor 327..J what the Conservatives can do toward solving them. At Merit badgoes; troop ~ -Hero Newport; Newport BH<:h Ftre-Ing were Tom WUey, Huntington best, they can't do. much overnight. but it is a healthier Pony, Vlke Woodland.~ 8 -men's Auxiliary, No. 31 plantlnfl Beach Nowa; Ed Eltstrom, FUller: condition to have the reins p&88 into hands not bent on Ronald Ouo. ,.,_ 80 -Ol&&rlea are.; lttll Street and Balboa ton New.,.Trlblllle: Frank Knebel, 7 • • Markel, 0eotwe -~ 17 -BIY<t., Newport; Wei&l Newport Garden Grove NewJJ; Frank Ro&: making Britain into more of a 90Clalistic st.ate than bu Robert VJUoct-. MDoe DrUk... lmprowmen\ Aaoc!&tlon, No.-S2 paw, Placenll& Courier: Val Lu- a.lrelldy been done. Bob~-,1>lant!ng' ....,.., IQth Street Uld caa, Yorba Unda Star: David The return of OiurcltlU to the driver's eeat aJao eo-Ind duo a...-: '-,!__ Balboa Bl~ .. Newpor;t. · Hart. Onnge Dally Newo: Dale . " . . . . . . J""Y Ben,: Dawt Ollf-• .,,.,,, Newport 11aJi1ur Chamber Of X.O-n, Cyprae 1!'.alerpriBe; Clar-ha.noes the Britain pomtiot'.l. and prestige ID intttnational 1 -Duaae _,_, · -To.y-Clmlmerce. No. 33 plaattna' -eace HOU.., Banta Ana Regtater: circles and will probably ._.tt in an improvement of the lor, Dove lilll--Tt-. 11 -20th Street and BatbO& Bhd., Aano Heape. Corona de! Jllar En- somewhat frayed Brit:il!h·American relations. More llkilJ-Robert vinacr--Ho-Newport; DouptOl'fl or the Arn.,._ :::i-c11 f!:t. Joha Weld. Le.guna r I """""-· f Bri•-•-• "'--..,-· th "'ddle ..,,~~ · wal4. lldifolil 111:-, ,,_ hri;en· lean Revolution, No. 84 planUDg u • ............, o ~a .,,,......., m e .., _,,, 18 -GonlGil Dillen. . uea, Kcl'addea ud 8'lllo& -.. also to be expected under tloe new regime. lot -·-t,_ 80 -Newport; NeWpo<t ~ IDwan· llAllONI IN 1!lABT Altho• ..... the shift from Labor1.o <Jomoervative wu not -•-· ~ 1' -llobert 111 Club. >rlll l&av .. No. llli ~ In A. trio ot Ma-•. ~ Smith. .... ~ ...... ~ Dlclt ,,_,_ _ __ .._ and ~ .. ~ ._ .. In 11$ It. 1~ St.. Mil---0(' drutic in that the ~ gave the Tories· only a modelt ""r;' .-.i;r--~ 111 ..-.--~ -~ rM<rV•.: -Dr. 0oota -. and Cllle!l majority in Partiament, yet the Churchill victory may n ... •ta-• ~ •-el IElar or F h , S _,. Tyrftll of Van Nl&7a. Joun>qed tG ~ maril: a vttal re--1 in the socialistic trend llOt oaly Hfe II """"' 2"" f)ll :'~ ~IY· !:IC Sia, oaety Qlnton, la.. .-Uy. ObjeettM oC in Britain but in the worid. 'lbere will be no Wltoi-te "";...~,'=.,·.-~?Jack to lnmtll Tues.. ~ :'"U: ~·:;".!!:~ junlrin.g 'Of the welfare stQe with the ChUll!e bl leadenblp W»te. ,....... I <..., Mm 11117. Tom • ' • • ' ......._ • , -. tile ~tive11 ftre not elect-ed to do that: . Bllt tt ~~"'::....~' u... ~ = or c:;:a ~ ·1:-:._c;:i = -"'i pomible t&a.t to llOID9 extent Churcblll can convmee i-. wm-T• or. ito.. t,'.C'l'::.O COW1trymen tb&t Jooaq to the ltate to llOlve all tbeir 'l1le IP"tlal a---. -P. m. lft -Li!lhiil 11&11. · probl!m• from the cr1ldle to the grave ill not the mean• by -• ltJ' ~_,,,.. _. Gradt W• 1l1lo 8t.. b.la lliiaa. Kn. ,_.,_... Bri . -'--" . ...__ .. __ . In Howal4. ---ti& -...... v-r --o.,, "' a,_,, w"""' tain ..._. regain .....-meoitk V1gOI'. IUld .tier-tOC' far·-......... _,lo&& -... -ptvtldee ltlo!lll'llls national ~ . ~ ._ b)' ta. ReY. n. 1 .....,.. am n tntMi m --n.ocnr • tar lfr CliurcbiQ. Us miracle up hill lleeve. But u One Kllll..i --t -1'S' Ille ~" • ·of tile dcw!a•nt ::J: of the modenl era bill ~retum to ::;:.,. """-.-Bowarll 'l'W'I !°' .!:t a..,111.., "'::;.:: kladenllip ill ~ to "the w-.m ·'Woc1d. He if at "' ilttt, rn .. ~ a..,. ----. -• ti .... hia•.._ Ill a erilia. Bil W la nu1hd -• «'• Di" ctt•" ... ,._ llS'' ~ ..,._ '"'" ...,. Ila _. • , • ' r ---~II. ._..-"' --· \1° ' a..am..tertlla-.. Dr.' ····-·-will J,.A.......... • ,_..,. ............... " wtll ............. ... • "Free enterpt\l!j llu 1ta oWj,_.._ to the i*blic:. U!l • IUf ~ -: • [ it mnat be pOllced by fi'ee madleta ti-i, real eompe-Mr. wt lln. IPDi1Ml hull 'If ''-~ -u.. ...., .,._ ·-, :n.m morport mlil., Qaojla-. ---,..., ¢&1• .. A ___ _ • tftion. An~ eM!n~-~ pdc6-& Uringtio•Mta ii jo,.i .• ...... ~·-btp ·~---OU .. -el1 IS: •A:J · , • 1-end"'to°' ~ ente fQrrp.,C~ -~~to~~ r-i.1s11 -•:., '• ~-wt --c~u , I ,.. tis tr n z I• ~1 t:1111:1 -..-. ..... ~ui , ~ .1..-.;llD' Jll& ..._ Giii.-(~. •' Aw ·clt*a'"*' Ami. .. • Jiiarlieta:"-Clarence B. JtaodsD • , PauD). ' -Pt•T• • ~ o.. --, ' • • • • t;'PEElJY -HAT<lJ£Y t;'OME!?( 11.-c ' MORTICIAN BALTZ MORTUARY 1 L&tJ' At:' iJMt '4l~01MC•p ... 7 COllONA DBL MAB bAY >:ND NicHT Ph-.-bor u . INSilBANcr; ~E SlJRe-INSURE -11&~ .... .._ . ., p'·· o.iitr' ....._...,sMeittl ............ , ...... , 2 .. 'W• SNMI ,,,,. ~ JlllilU!'·-- . ~ J#i;4 !( .,. .... ~ll.tt ··-.... '••la ••120 am.. ~··· •wn. ..... , nm . ...... J • • • • I. • 1 • I • • •• ' . . , •• • WHILE THEY l AST! , CHINTZES• GUWIENS "• C8lTOIS &9c • 19c . ·ggc VALUES UP TO 4.51 PEI YI. Short yardages and dis~oll'tinued .Stock . will make lovely gifts for . C~ristmas · Aprons, Skirts. Pillows. Draperies CHINTZ SHOP 995 So. Coast Blvd., La9una HARBOR DAIRY 181/2c Qt.' MILK 181/x Qt. P .4.STEIJRJZED • BA.W • HOMOQENDED CASH and CARRY * SA VE lk GAL COMPLETE l.11''1: OF DAIRY PllOIHJC'l'& mlO HARBOR Ill.VD. BAMBOO SHADES • • SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING· CO. 182il So. MWa St. SANTA A.."IA HOLDING CHRISTMAS 'rOY8 ue: (I to r) Chrhltle Smith, AOA or Mr. and Mn. Wint.on SmJtb; Katlty Callclu, dMu&htA"r of .... and &Ira. Wet14'i toll Calklm1'-: .ad .,,._,,. Barrett, 900 of Mr. ltiU(I Mn. ht.er 8arN"tt, all of Hubo~ ah-a. Thl-tOy1 al"f' to bt-Mid· al 'tb" AMl&t.anee Ll'apP Bt-n ... flt, NOv. 9 al Balbo't Bay f'lub. lPhot~ ~· Sheely) 1:~:_ ... ,..A-MAP_U:_SHOl'_,99 _-_~-~.:.::__T 'Aid for Some, Fun for All' ~logari i EBWOOD'S 1 Theme for league Bazaar & Dinner Job's Daughters Reac~ Ma [ority I j' I Apparently it la dlftk:ult to I FOR SALE Bea•tif-1 established .ilfts I .sLst the Idea of contriblltlng tu • 1 · , I -.., ... I charity and bavln~ run at the V10 et Hartwig store. A,;e and iU bealth ....., ... qulek di!!.: 1 Rarne tln1e; tor the colllt'-e&rly-• B 'd f l>OS31. Ideal for ambitious "-· $19,000 I •t•y·l&te benefit alllted by the IS r1 e o' Ma.jority J1•grees v.•Pre rr-cf'lved by 16 girls of' Job's Oaughtrr.s, Custa. A.ks.it &>~I 151, ln cere- moniPs <¥-Inducted by Honored Qu~n Con.rue Gunn at a mectlng ln the Friday ArternoOr;: Club. The honorary tnembership certl-1 ncates were presented to J oanna Shaler Lingo, Marilyn Ham Borg- I No\.\' showing hundreds of glerious Xmas Asa!Btance Leagut! for Frtda.Y L I items starting at $1.00 Don't wait too late. I Nov. 9 at Balboa Bay club, .~ OS Ange es "'Man J --....... j mtttlne-with eathusfaatlc &cdo:pt- 1 407 t:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa nar. 0186-.1 I ance If one la to Judge by tho 1 l reservat1ons JM>Urlng In lhlA wtek. z ______ .,___ ------The evening party, which is, of . ---------+ ••• FOR HOME DECORATllG F~BRICS • -0 , ...... ,,..,.. ... , .... "' ,...., _,,_, ... , ...... -_______ ., tlll,.. .............. ,.. ~--· ....... . ,_ ....... ..,...,.. .............. ... •f111_,...,,.. ........ . CORNER OF 4th AND MAIN, SANTA ANA Slore Hours: Dally Uatn l:st -la~•tD l:Se Olhf'r Stof'f'tl In Loa u,-.. Pl•Mm .. and ~ a...da courHe, f'or hwiba.nds too, and 1.n- clutlcs cocktails at five, buffet dinner and music and enter~ln­ n1ent by the Bay club orchestra, is proving P8peclally popular. 1'heln1a Paddock Hope. lalentcd local artt1t now asal8Ung with a nt·w art gallery at 313'1.i Marine avenue, Balboa i.tand, will be there throushout the evening to patnt cha.rmlns quick ~ketch.ea ot you ln olla (lhe'll do your por- trait in water colons durtng the day). \Villard. Klllk>n of' Lido Isle hu been selected head auctlonee-r and E<l P.tilk-tt u emcee w ill tie up the wholot affair Into a gay t'Vl"nlng. Dreu for the evening party will be lntortnal DIM er reservatloru. rqay be made through Afra. Au.attn Sturtevant ot Balboa, Mra. • Wal· ter Frans of Udo 'lsle or through lhe Bay -club. Dinner ticket.a are procured at the Bay club. At 1!11......, _ Mr8. Marloe Othmer. cha.lrman, report. th.ta week thal the bene- fit ba.U.ar opentnr at 11 a.m. w111 feature item• of unusual interest from tar·awa.y landa. :P.f l'9, Edward Boudinot. honorary ltfe member now restdlq tn F..seex. England, hu contrlbu.ttd articlea of Ve.ne· ttan eiue. Mr•. ct.rl• Wagner has prom'9ed objets d'art from Portugal. Mn. Chad. Twichell,, who joined bel' Navy htuband In AJ.as4. ka, but retained her active mehl· be-rabtp here, haa aent tbe m04lt lntereetlng hand W"Oven place mat.I froin Adak and from Honolulu com.ea a.n exoUc on::lilid plant Oown In by Charin SuJUvan. The lnlerlm between be•aa• and "COt'klaib will be f1lled wttl\ lunch· eon at 12 and a card party. Member• of the .Aalltance 1 League ud the JunJor .. auxti•ry during the put 11 monUut !lave contributed more than 9000 houn to tbelr new dental cllllic, the ob- ject ot th• comlnC benetlt, to \Ile Tbrltt Sbop, to w<ltaN work utd to aervtc:o In tbe conlni '7 u a whole. • . DOES YOUa CHll:D NEED A COAT? WE · CAN SAYE YOU ss.'bo oa MOIE IN tHls • STOCK aRDUCTION S SOX fOr CHI.DUN • • , • &•utifW ln Ill ad.mpHclty wa. man. Betty Cody Cue. Jeanne the quiet servicf' held at 18 White Truaty, Anll Pollina Hrvza, o'ck>ck i& the rnomiftg--Oft Satur-Barbara Hand. Sheila. Howe. Su- day, Nov. 27 at Christ Church san Fow1t>r, Arlene Ragan Gibbs, by the Sea when Violet Hartwig Barb a r a H ardiman Wbltelaw, ot Balboa al!d Edward A. Gard-1.t&ry Gnrley Manley, Palricla ner of Loa Angeles stood before Rumsey Miller. Annette Shirley, Ute Rev. Thoma.a Pendell and re-caroJyn Schmidt, Joan Baud4U'I peated weGding vows. and J ean L. Rttd. Initiated Into the beth.el mem· ber:shJp were Barbara Bandy and Beverly• Beebe. A \veek end at Lake Arrowhead rumi!!lhed pleasure for a CTOUJ> of members and trienda:. Included bei~ and a corsage (Tf ye I Io w were Judy Tucker .Joanne Merrill s pl de r ch.,·sa.nthemuma. Mn. Sandra Schmidt.· Jane Stetson: Herbert M. Rolker, matron or Judy Slffper, Ruth Dudley. J&n· honor, wore a Wack coat dresa lcr \Vhite. Pa.t Nelson, J ohn Hirth, For th• double r1-g ceremony Mrs. Hartwtr wore a. dreu or bronze taffeta coin dott~ l.n gold &111d aCl!'ented with copper aatln trtm; a small hat of brov.-n a.nd wllh bull acces90rlea and con.age S --D' C L ue .. ovmu. l&Zle ra.nr, yn or brown chrysanthemums. Scha.c.M p t ·N-"--......_ __ M H·"·-• ed .. __ • er. a ..,.,_,._ ~na r . vt.acu ~rv u ~ man. Peteraon.. Nancy Owen Pat ICat- Bruce Hartwts &Ad John Gud-terich. Lorna J ohnso'n Connie ner, 13 year old aons of the prln-Gunn. Kenna J hnso ' p t t 1 cipala, were present but there Smith. Sondrah S~ith . ~Inda ~tel· were no gue.ta. ler. O&perones were Mra. Dean The nf!w Mr. a.nd Mn. Gardner Smith: lfr. and Atrs. Fred Swartz, left after the ceremoll.)' r or •j Mrs. V&J\ Ro .. ,___ M · d M ah t b ,_ San ... _ _ IH.llaUn. r. a.n rs. or oneymoon u.1 ta D&r· A. w . Gunn·a.nd Mr. and Mr11.. Ken- bara. They wtll rhake their home nelh J ohn.eon In Bal-. • .... _____ · ______ _ • • • -Joyce Stewart PAGE 3 -' fART I ..;.., THURSDAY, NOV. I; lffl ~1~.:Puss-8 aodD.tliJDl•l•G PD'S tQ s.y Vows ,_ -with Mich1el Balch . Pl-1118\\11 epeUlgbted la U.. rmnwne ..,. la the annoiu*'9- -..., .... lhla WMl< b1 Kt. Ud Kn. -..U. Hormel Jl--ort...a a 1 i.a:r, eoota ~ ot •u -ot -1'laJo< 1n-• tbe.enocr11tr• of their attractive dUltrial ~ allould daughtor, 11111 Joyce ll:Uen Stew: hand '°"""'° bluopriaU tol-· -..... I ..,.__ a new plaal' .and uk 7~ to a • ., tooe -... ~• Balch, "°" dewlop W p•~--fdr. .a'-C--'. of Dr. -Mn, Harry Balch of -"""I °'>'e••, fonner Costa Mesa l"Ml· mUnlty ot 8,000 ~ w~ ...., -th•:r llllieoid lo build - , The poplllllr younc couple will It, you'd be alNo \o c•f - nct·ap 'ft>W& at a nuptial ma. mtc~ty ~ plennln& ~­~the Cbria"'1aa .boHdaya In Ylce -ttoin Walter.~ 9l. Joachim's dlUJ'Ch. Both ·~ Of NeWport BMclL J _ J gn.duatea ot Newport Harbor Waku· Ja. BGW" fa. ftM: U-HIJrh s.-i, later atud)'lnl' t-th llN< u cllalnnan dt . at On.nae Cout college. The pro-our Clt7 Plo.oulln&' ~ apeclln llridegroom l8 currently Ron. WiU.. our ~doe atathmed at Keuler Air Force paulllr · U.~ t.bla 'Y~· Bue, M~ where he 1.9 at-beUly lhree timm th.r lNO . teadlng ElfftroaXs· Fundamental total, Ud ~ of that acbool. cr<>wth· achlevod durlnc bla term. 11\ o~. he"• had more WAI.Bil LONGMOOR Zonta Chairman Receives Gift Plannlnc prol>lema than you a11d • ._ ___________ _ will encounter ln a lltet.in),. \(aa:y ot our Important! cities .. jut f'NW/' bu.~ 1D hlatory tt'I the planned cll!Q that IUzp&l8 A be&uUtul "'Bruler" was pre· lb~ neighbors. Durlns Walter's sen.ted to President Helen Stock-term,· the Ne\vport Beach comml.8- tm for ti.. pe.\io of her new home alon bu developed a muter _plan at 288 E'Yeahtf Canyon Rr., Shore that covera every phaae bt city Cliff a, Col'OD& del >.far, b~ mem-developlllmt. Out of it ca.me a bera ot the Zoo.ta club ot New-new ~r.ioRiftg ordinance and a 'Mib-. port Hubor at U.Clr r vening meet-division ordfuance. Seve~ fea- ins Tllunday, Oct.. 25 ln tht homt> turea of , Its m.aster trattic plan Of Dr. S.'8 Robertaon, 333 East I are already tn uae. liilaJ Froat, Balt.oo. laland. Walter ha~ a Jong record of labors Mn. SlocJf\oa and Mr.s. Mildred, for love on projects of this kind. St.aAl.ey . reported on the Zonta ~ he.a served severa l terms AB a f&ll coaterence held tn Sacra.. d1rcctor ot the Aasocftlted Cham- D)f'ft\O, Ott. 12 to 14. Year books bera of Commerce or Orang«' wtre QW.ribllted a.nd appreciation ~nty ~here many of lbe coun- giYen to Pes Baa.pa, chairman and ty a roa.10r plana have beeu dc- het" committee for~ a good job. velo~. H 6 was presklent ot tae. ~-lt'n l• a ,_1 A sMOC.atOO Obamb!ra in 1946, and ~ . g p na re ~ ng com-'---b<>e . . P"ltled far the Zonta Carnival din-• ...., n chairman of the finance ner oa Frida.y, Nov. 18 at the Bal-committee since retiring from ~~ boa Bay cNb, Nt-rt Beach. presidency. He i.s alao put prem· wpo dent of the Newport Harbor ' · -------Chamber. Dinner Dance for 0ne or th• t1neot post-war d•· h velopments in our community-Exc ange Club o ......... eoast Coll•.,.,_" .1so on• . The~ w'.ll·be no meeting ot the Ex.change e:tw. Of Newport Har- bor this week. lnatead of the re&"- ula.r Thurllday ~nlng session at the Hurle-7 Bell Care, the mem- bers a.a lb•lr wives will travel to the Marine Room of the Wil· ton Hotel in Loall" Beach on Sat- urday n ight to attend a dinner dance. Th.e Exchange club of I..Ocg Beach will act 83 the host organi- zaUon and alJ Exchange clubs in this district a.re participating. A number of tlle officers of the California State Exch.ange club of Walter's favorite projects. A~ a member of the College Board of Trustees, he gi,es It first call on his services. These are extra chores he car- ries On wbi.le handling full. duties as a partner in Western Canners Company, a major Harbor In- dustry which he helped Uj> found 1n 1938. During the busy six-. month sea.son every year, its products leave by truck and trail- er rrom the head of L&fayette Street tor dest!natlona through· out the Mid-West and South. . Alalnly through bla efforts, alba- core caught by aportfishermf'n on local boa.ta can now be canned commerci.al' style for home con· sumptton. During the 1951 sea· son. some 700 sportfl.shermen vilitlng here from most of the 48 states brou&}lt b1 their albacol-e. and took h om e S.f ,000 cana ready for USE": Ir you h«ve 111 problem !n that line, you mtghtl just drop W olter a hint -33 years in the buaineaa makes hln1 junior ..to fev.• nl<'n in the canning indu.atr:y. Walter can1e from Long Bearh to round his business in the sanle year WP foundOO Newport Balboa. Federal. He soys: "\Ve havi? t1St>r1 the f:icililiee an.d servie!s of our 'ocal sav·ngs and Joan aas9Cia- tJ.,:i 1egularly durlns the past fif· teen yc>ars. It would be l1ard Ln rneasur" ll1c>l.r aprvice to Us and lo the community during that Ulnf'. We have bl·e n gratPt'Ul for it in many waye." Yes, service is our aim an1l wl"'d Jike to .M'rVI" you. Wt>'tl Ike ln eJtplain to you our high dividend rat~ on savings so you can n1ake your money eam more for you. Or discuss making a loan so that you CllLll buy, build or remodel your home>. Why not stop In and see u.s? We're convenient to every section of the Harbor dIBtrict. NfWl'O«T BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION " ~ '''-'"" ,.,, ... JJJJ Vill'li. ~:.Nttot IS.."O N£Vl .. Dl:!T 9E.AC:1, CALl~·otrt NI A wtU be tn attendance. YOU CAN DO BETIER. AT SALE! Aeisher's Baby Yam SPECIAL 65f m. Da-~iger FURNITURE CO. • We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture • • BIZ· llART KNIT SHOPPE 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa t,iesa Be. 5656 113 E. BaJ ... lll\•d. Har. 0'7'Jt ANNUAL SALE ~ zo % OH on Everything la Stock NOV. In TO NOV. IJ tit <Jlie ..famplu;Jd Sliop IM'7 ClOAST BIGJIWAT, COIU>NA DID. Ill.AK o TEL. BA"8C)R IJ•S·K . -YOU'RE INYl~D. TO Al IEND A DEMON·STBATION ' . ' SHOWING THE Proper Wrapping & ·Packing of . Meat • FOR COLD LO~KERS AT AT 11 a. m. • • - ·- • ' • •' • • • ' • . ' . . . " ••• •• • ~ .. •• , OETrlNG READY FOR .Y day lll Hollywood Bowl are Actreee Piper Laurie and Richard u&g,anl. Hollywood YMCA member. Newport Harbor "·Ill !!W"nd .too boys and Jlr111 to ~·· prol'nuo In Bolvl. The~I alao 8M' Rndn-8eM footba.IJ 11lfflf' Saturday aft.t:moon follo"·lng-&,,.I program. (»-------------- 400 Boys, Girls of . Newport Area Set for "Y" Trip A caravan lf'rl by l-"'aul Delp. general s<>erelary of Orang<' Coa.sl YMCA. Miss Jeanne-W i n<il(Qp, girl's work dtrcctor, and Coach Jule Gage. lt'&de r of Harbor Hi-Y. will leav" Harbor High Saturday morning for Y -Day in Hollywood. the b '.ggeAt !\lnglt> YMC A ('Vent in the world. The 400 local boys and girls will be part of 10,000 boys, 'l girla and part'nls, from all over California and Arizona who i.~rill be in Hollywood for YMCA Day. They arl" especially looking for· w11.rd lo s«lng lhr bi1: Variety show in the Hollywood Bowl with Art Llnkletter, Ed~e Cantor. P per Laurie, Bob Cr08by, Dc11I J\rnez. Ronald Reagan. Doris Day. Alan Young. Joan Crawford, -J&lle Russell, Jack BB.llt>y and Boh Waterfield. , The SoM of the Pioncf'r~. the Sportsmrn's QtH•rPt, and the United Stalf'l'I Marine Corp3 b8.nd will &lsO entertain. Valuable prizes will he gfvt'n away during the variety e,how and a box lunch will ht-served at noon. The hig UCLA-CRl iforn1a foot- ball ganlf' w·ll be ult£>nded during !he aftC'rnOon. \ Thro Orange Coast YMCA group will sit together during the gRmc and will have cheer leaders ualgn- ed to them. Th<> UCLA , rooting .st-ct!on will honor the "Y" at half- time with several card stunl3. ---- Estimate Californians Are to Pay 40% More Federal Taxes in '52 Califor11ians will con l r I but e•8------------ nearly $.ti billloo 1n £ederal tnx£>s durlng lhe li:v-lll yt•ar 1952 when the total fpderai tax yield of the nation wlll rc8ch an estlmated $6:5 billion, accortl1ng to the Cali- tomill State Chamber of Con1- merce. '"ThU! rt"prcl'lent.s a forty per- cent lncrea.se over the $3,558.227 ,- 340 Californians paid in fedt'ral taxes In 1950-~d :· said Lloyd l'lnkelsp1el, San "Francisco, chair- man of the State ~hamber'~ state- wide commitlE'i' on taxation. He said the total of 1952 fed- eral tax collections might evt>n eurpase the $65 billion mark due to incrcued ve locity of defense production. According to the chamber's study of the nE'w ta.x legislation recently passed by Con- gress, the total lax increa,.,e will approach $6 b11ion in 19~. Thi!' new bill c&Jl!J for $23 bil- lion more in colections than the war-time pea.k o( $4.7.7 billion. Nationally the lax bile on Income will almost equal that of thE" worst year fo r ta.xpayi:'rs. That WM in 1944-4~ when 31 .l percent of in- come payments 1n ind1v1duals went toward tax('-". Thi.111 yrar, ac. cordlng to the Slate Chamber, at lea.at 30 p€'rcent of such income payment.15 will go lo federal ta.xea. Sl"BDl\'ISJOS OKAV Approval of s new Costa Mesa subdi'vis1on \\'flS granted Saturday by the county planning commis- .111lon. It ls a 5-acre parcel be- twttn Meyer Place and Map\.t> Ave. at the north end of Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mt>sa. The tract \vi ii be divided Into· 20 r esidential lots by Dike & Colgro'vc of Newport Beach. The larg<'sf.. artesian v.•ell in the world is r-eported by the Na· tk>nal Aulomobil(' club to be lo- catt'd at Ro8w<'IJ in New Mexico. The V.'E-11 poura forth thirteen mll4 lion gaUoM of water per day. SPAM 12-oz. can STATE DRIVER TRAINING TOP FOR NATION SACRAMENTO. Nov. 1.-Call- fornia leads the na~.on 1ri training Its hlgh school students lo be We dri~rs. the Governor's Highway Safely Conference waa; told here today as the Hl&te recoived IU third Supenor A ward in as many years In the National High School Driver Education Award Program sponsored by the Association of Cuualty and Surety Companie.!. Newport HarDor lfnlon High school ts one or many school.Ill sponaoring driving cl&MeS. The state's lhlrd bronze plaque · from the Auoclation waa rttelved in behalf or Gov. Wa.rren by Eu- gene MWlhllts, d irector of 9e'COn- rlary education ln the California Department or Education. It wu presented by MMland K. Straa&er, Western field repfeaenlative of the a.s&onelatlon, wblch ha.a spon- sored driver training progTama ·in the nation's high achoollt for more than l~ yean. The presentation ceremony was a feature of the mttting of 'the Education SecUon or the Governor'• Hlghwa.y Sa.lety Confcrencf' . The 110~ atudE>nta enrolled In driver training courM:a during the 1950-51 term In California wu the large11t stale group or high achoo! trainees In the nation, Straaaer pointed out. Thia army ot boya and girls learning lo be aate d.riv- ers when they take the wheel of the family car or their own auto- mobile excttded by nearly a·iooo the next highest slate total of 79,· 000 trainees ln high ecboola ln llllnola. · Strauer aald. I GIA.PBFIUlT JUlCI BAIT 'S 11J . .-ff, 07. G/\H CIAlllllT SA UCB l~ft,~lle ' T a M A T a J u l c B Ez11 ·a ·~· 11 J A r r L 1 Ju 1 c 1 w1LL111i1 TELL ·~L &6 App LI Jul c E t.ticaMBEIS a~3Se APPLESAUCE DATLDID NO. JOJ <:»< 1 D d I ll. 1 OZ. PI A! S PACIFIC GOLD ""· ·~ CAN "I e' 1 ll. IJ OZ. fl r 1 A c n 8 s 1EA1T ar cAL1r~~!!! 3SJ PBACBBS APILlCOTS LAUllEL I ll. 13 Ol. NO. 30J CAN lll.101. BIT . PAllAD £ z;r3S 6 .~; .. ~ ..... l ~d fl l I !I A fl fl L !IVITA PJIE CBDJCE N0.1 "3 I r II r r II SLICED IAWAJJAI '.\!:'·fl e a A 1 s 11 s raaD cLua '~· ls d PUMPEll LIBBT 'S lBe A-PP ·LB c1n111LLEr·s GB.APB JILLY WDllLD DV£1 ,',~3BJ Jltto PIUJT•VIDETABLE °'COTTAGE CIEISB ;;;:1s1 COME IN • ' •• • r • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • ~-• • • -r • • ~ • --• • • • • • --• • r a • .-.,-• • •'"'.. __."' "' -..-• _. , IAIPSllU 1f0Z£1 0 I A I G E l Ir I C E c~.~ .. ,. • TOP FIOST FIOZEI B I Ir S S E L S P I 0 Ir· T S ·~~ TOP FIOST FIOZEI " °'· .. c. ,, s J S·L·ICBD STIAWBBlllllS fl • • I • CATSUP TOP FIOST FIOZEI ,, s ' FOllDIDDE LIMA BJAIB ·~~, fl 8 ' 0ps ':0:4r;•z;~ 1 s 1 S 0 I J CL PltC. . SBA SPIAT T 0 ·MA T 0 Es LllBT 'B SOLID PACE • a 11o.303 2 s I , ....... -<2 e-. ... 5 CBlCEEI OF SEA TU I A ·11:~~:~ cucu1.1ssn. cnirs 1v1,·s 2 ~~a Sci . XDSIEI DILL PlCXLESQl~~~\T ~ 5S J -,. SAID.WlCI SPIBAD ra~~li!~!!.-3.9J MAISIMALLDWS wa!~~~an lQ d Cllt C US P EA 'I U TS ~~· 33 a _GIABAM CIACEEILSP~EI!!c 2S J SODA CILACEEILSs~ic~ifsr~ lS & s T I u p VllMDI!.~!~~ ~3 i ·~~ 23 I PAICAEE r L Du a ,:~rJ, ~~:.SS GDL~MEDAL FLDUI ~~ BB · CllCI CAEE Mii -~11Q , PKG-. 33 MA I G.A I J l ·E t~~J!!!D~.18 1&, ~·w ES SD I D l L -.3l l·ou··;, 59 1 ~ ·T ! 11 D "::.' 48' ":1 lS J ~ . . • • IALEI TAI CILLECTEI 01 TllllLE ITE•I • 8Tf IRIT!-Bml . 1 :_. t: ' • 1 • m aaansT an a mn . · ·· · s alimlc Un .· • • • , ·. ' '· • HARRY i:. sn::oFRD:o, n ..... of• Mr. and l\f~ H . D. Bmapll- rey. %006 !.1: Cottrt A\;e~ New- port: &-.ch, bas completed MA .... ba s I c a.lnnf'a lndoetrtnatlaa ,• oounc at 1~11ckle.Dd Air Force Ba.w. 8a.11 1\.ntonio, TM .. _ TbM pn-pa~ blm tor t'-nt-ra.noe iato Air F'tJn'p l1'f'bntcaJ tNLinllll' aad a-"Slg"Dntt•nt lo sp«:tal.J.ttd , work. Two ·Bound Over to . Superior Court .by Dodge \Villia1n Tallln an Davis, Jr. 18, vrst rrday \Va 3 bounfJ ovPr to Su-I "}('r ;or Cou:·I by :-."e\V}lOtt Town- dllp J ui:;ticr u. J. Dodge when Davis W:l iv. ti pr1·rn11nary hearing on a Gland the-ft, auto charge. H e Y.•as hl'ld to answer to Super- or Cci urt tomc.-roYl on motion or Dcp. Dist. Attr. J . Par ley Smith. Bail wn..<o Hr! e t $1000. Davis, 9089 Slrt'Cl. Spring" VallL·y, will have a '1 ear1 n~ ton101 row in Superior Court on eh :1rj:;~::; that be took t 2-door :->ccl:'ln o·.vn1·d by Mrs. E . Katnik, 219 C"oa~t H ig-hway, Cor- ona df'i ~f nr, from a sparking spot on P oin:.c-lt'a a v<'nUr. He W8.8 ar- pr>St('d r1J:,:"ht minut'.·s later by Sheriff's off1c~r5 in Laguna. Beach. Also f:l.l'ing H hcarin.~ tomorrow in Super 1or Court will be Cecil Tt•r:.relt. \\'hu \VH .~ bound over by Judg" Dodr-:~ on tht-c<'.' counts, 2 nvolving i;;..ruin~ bank checks 'Nith lntPnt t·1 t.lt'fraud, one a pet- !y thl'ft .... ·1th 1.1 pr1nr convictio n. f r r rctt, ~6. f•( 660 \V. 18th street, ..\.'ft.5 arrri:;lt.'ll Ja=t n1onlh by Del. )gtl'· J Qhn l !p""on nnd Vincent '1rM·1.,lial un r<Jn111l:iint of W . .<\..Wilgus, Jr., 1722 E. 16th street. Los An,sclcs. ' Meat-Wrapping Exhib ition Set Saturday, N('xl Saturda:r. a factory lrain- 'd f'XJX'rt in mcat·wrapping and 1nckagin.c:-fron1 Tustin Food ·~ckC'r Pinnt, will put on a dem· 1nstration of the proper methods, '>a rticuJn.rly the ery-o·vac proce.as, Nhich vacuum packs and hcnnetl· :::ally seals tl1c n1cat In.a special bag made just for that purpose. The d('n1onstrations will be ,lfiv- "n at l 1 a. m., 3 p. 1n. and 7:30 p . TI. In lht• Arpliance D<-p.artment ot Sears Roebuck at Sanla .A,na. rhis de,monstr~tion is conducted •or Tustin Food LockCrs wbn have been appointC'd hC'adquartcr11 for Sears Roebuck business in frozen foods and meats fo r the Santa Ana area. Tu. .. lin Foo1 Lockers specialize ;n h lb h quality turJle.)'~. chicken.a, -:hoicf• aged n1raL-. and sugar cured "llck 1>ry sn1okC'd hams and bacon. Ja ck Abiaham and Charlie Wim- mer. both W<'ll known to the prop le of Newport and Balboa, 'lave spent many years specializ- ing Jn meat "'rapping and pack- ing for cold Joclters. Ed Collinge 9t Newport, \Vho h8.3 spent thP. last 30 ycar3 In the catUt! raiel.nK" l .n<i tronHporlnt!on Industry, U)'B the Tustin plant han recently been 1oub!cd in :;:Ilk' to provide am·pJe ·PlCl• tot" 01e increasing volume of business, OCC Co-Eds Will Attend Conclave Ou Saturday a groUp of Orange Coast ct>-Cd3 .rr presenting two campu~ or&'an.1%&tlona -Aaaod-; atcd Woo1en Student.a and tbe \Voman'» AthJe't~ ASSOClation- wfU 1 u.tlend an AV/S-WAA Con- fercnc._ at El <;:amlno Collq'°'. lngle.WJJod, lo participate tn a worksbo1) aet up lo evaluate me.th· -· ~ ruid orgaztnatlon or tho ~woo wbmen'o ori;ilnlzat/OM. Eac~ colle&c partlctpallng la al· .. 'oy.'Ctl Jl:lJ m~1y~ u 40 ttp1"CHll.ta- tvH. 1 li"ro1n Coast will £'0 JOan PrUmwonst, Vtrginia Ravell8Cf0ft. Beverly Thoml"'<ln. Margaret Koe- ~~ Mary Ann Maloney; Sad ...,.,.-,. ' Margie Pulfltor, MarJlyYI Rbdal\~ E<!wW.. Baku, ll&rilyn Pel-. Eva l'~ olld C&rol Rowob~ .Mra.. Mai1e )low ... ~ JJf Mb!en, and lllsa ~1 ~. iUpen!aor of ·-·· allaletlco; wjlJ --Ille "::ii.w~. . de ......... N'"~1~-:.:=: bol' ....,.. _ _._, -tlnp. toplo t.o ... •a .!,..... ' --°'Mm .... ., . .... ···-., . ..._... . • I . • ' ·- • • Wiil <J1Vli CROW1'1 llTAKPll BER~ --..,......._ KocSeL"8'0e -~-=i-·-··--.fl.Mt 1 cu. tt -.. --··-.. 80 t.......,e '!!!!·~------iJ'J1alcWn ___ : -·-.. ·-· • .... CIMf -...... _ __,;tftM Ueff tr telirril6oa c IE I Die , I -''.-AJo•n Aa04mam ~·-0·-­""' I laland, cant. ~ Dnber!y • 7 I m-1 -.. ----.......... --..... .fTt.80 Maple dlaette -_,,_._,__..,_ ,• ~~!•t Aids . • D-!:,~ ~re eoota M-Beacon 1137..J Superfluous Hair Pennan..aJy 11221•1d trom fW. ILJGJITLY USED J'UJIJlf'frVD Jt e.ma, ltp. ll)•owo and b&1l'o I-Bol!J'wood . twin llMti , - Jlne -.,.t--No ,_. twHsJn&. oprlnp laaenprlnl' ·llllotbo•""• F V ti Blinds EJ,I,P I. BRYANT R. E. ateel tnma. or ene an , Tue-,r _ ~ on1y CoMi>kt• --w11A1. """"" $h1dea and Drapery Bdwe. Lido'• -., ~ Har. 1578 bed. """ """""· ~ matU.... """llY otool an.t CJ.lot: THE SHADE SHOP .... T ~ __ .. E'-1 12all -""'· , FMe estimates Ph. Bar 884 .. -~""" .,._ rr Mil nmnor. -LO=-ST-'~=-,o. .. ;;;;;;k;;...;;.Chrla;;,,;;;;;;t;;;apha ___ med-~ taJ2 1"lbe> nlC· . al -to "JoM, Xmu MO -rue. New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan 1950" on ..... 1*'"'· l.JBl:R· c.n be 9een Nov. 3 t.o Nov. 1 at AL llSWAllD .... N . Bay h, 2121 Oc...., Blvd.,,8&100.. ft. Balbo& laluid. Bu. Jno-M:. Har. 1238-W. 92cta • WALLACE CALOERHEAD 811 COUt Hfway, Corona del Kar 70tfc • VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and othera, $6.96 ap.' 100 to ch008e from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa Ana Klmberly 3-2968 70tfc Landscape Gardening New lawns-Maintenance Free Estimates Bea. 6639-M 2p3B H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair ServU:e Maintained Phone: Harbor 141&-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac:b JOBBING CARPENTER -No job' too smalJ. 'Wm. Davidson, 428 Goldenrod, Corona del ~· Call Harbor 3001-J. 92c93H EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Want Work by Hour or Job. Call Harbor 1184-M 7lt!c COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rup shampooed. Free estimates-Fully inaured. Al's Houae & Rug ' Cleaning Co. Bea.con e111 T2tfc PAINTING COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Free Estlmat.ea R. Andresen Harbor 3205-R -Sympson & Nollar P AlNTrNG "It .DECO RA TING .· "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 • 38th SL, Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR U04 112Uc DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contnctor Residentia!.-:..COmmercial Remodeling Pbone Beacon MQ8..W tlp93 LOST -~ 6: •111.te eat, t~ male (ctdJd'• pft), about ~ moa. old Lut seen Oct. 2t IMllr MUt SL, Newport. -Pl>. Har . 237G-M. 9Sp EXPERT WAllBIKO llDd lranlq. Mn. Fulton. Brias to 1&22 Vllelle Pt,.ce, Newpot"t Beach. Harbor 1211.w. 9lp9' EXPERJEMCZD .._,.. allter avail- able. AL9Q wU1 can for chi ld fn my h~e day1. Harbor 3470-W. 91dl3 EXPERIEN'CZD Carpenter want.I work .. ,. boaT or job. Free estJ- mates. No ot.UpUon. Ph. Har- bor 0274-R. 91pll! PART TIME WORK WANTED- Baby llltUns. ~lerklng-, off1ce, houseworll, rest.11tanl etc., by gir~ hom SO. CALIF. BIBLE COLLl:GE. Ph. .KI. ~ • .,.. tenaioa 1,1 . ~NH 29-H<:f! W-led EXPERIENCED _.. machln< opera.ton. Pbone Harbor 364~. for &ppotal.ment. llclt RELI.A.BL2 LADY to care for 9 yr. okl strl before and a!tf.'r 8Cbool. Mon.. lh.n.t Fri. Apply after 2:30 p. m. Sat\Blday. 15-49 Miramar Dr., Balboa. 92c93 WANT A·l upbollterer, able to recover, re--d7le or build new rurniture. 1 Give addreu a.nd phone no. Write Box Q, thia paper. 92c93 RAVE OPENING ror e:11:perlenced aale.sman OT broker in active real estate office, 918 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. Phonti Harbor 24..f.3.. -92c94 For Better TV Reception Replace )'OQ.r weatl'Ml"ed Antenna Willa a new V-Ome $9.50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CALLS Da1 or Enntnc Mesa Radio aild Television 1 109 Broad-y Costa MelUI 90ct2 17ttc Complete lnalallalkla, ,.,.tr and ------------service •f au traQn equipment. FISHER I ORANGE COAST Drafting Service TRAII .ER SUPPLY 918 Coast Highway. Harbor U43 1)110 ~ BLVD. Coron.a del Mar Cost.a M"Ma; ~ 'Beaton &zM.ft 72tfc Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT G08 -31st St., Newport Bea.ch Phone Harbor 241 &-W before 8 a. m . or after 4 :30 p. m. 83tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., ea.ta W... Bea. M.57 ·M 94dl IN'n:RIOR -Jl:X'J1lll10R PAINTING LICENSED -INSURl:D Glenn Johnston llG1 • Slat SL K<WJ>Ort a..dl Harbor %297~ S4c48 B & Y House Movers General Contractors SIG Flnt St., Tuatln, Calif. Phone Klmberly 3·1885 (Home Phonet JM'per 9-2113 or JAoper 9-2687) HU. ~~-~~~~~~~~~ HAULING See "The Dninkard" at the BambQo Room Balboa Nov. 2-3, 9-10, 16-17 Curtain 8:15-Tlckeu $1.50 Including Refl'eshments 91c92H MOTOROLA T e'"'8Jon, nne con· dltlon. 10" ex·panded Kreen. $7a. A I.SO Corm Alto axaphcme, $80. 80-I Clltt Dr., Newport Hel&1>ta. Beacon Dzas.J. 93c9:l S0-8-Appllan.,.,. O'KEEFJ: It KERRITI' range. . It. the latut 1951 CP a.ll-auto-- maUc that bu everything - Griddle for tryin& everything - llimme:r buraen a.ad that grill broiler. Ueed It I mont.ha, bUt lt'a clean, like new. l owe ,188.Sf. My equity all J'ftEE If you take paymenta of f7.U ~r mo. See Mr. Baupn. . 404 So. llpadn, ~. I Liil. to 8 p.m.. Ph. 2161.. -12tfc • • Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or ~rade IM)O West Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor :1:14n-R 74c71!H • SACRIJ"J:CE -Palr mahog. twin -· tall opool ot7le and pair French pear wood, pbilr. marble lope. 3 drawer ccm.moda.. as BaJ'°9 Coves. '1pl'I THREE·Pan.el .U foot ha.J:ld carv- ed WOOd ""'""· s:zo. Sofa, brok-en tprinp, $10. Hlgb oven ran..-e. oven control, SJO. Old ptctu~s. lOc. 30. E . Ocean Pr., Balboa. DAYS ONLY. 91c113 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE lhn!e cuahioft tapestry sofa' and two upbolstered chairs, pair modern table lamps and noor lamp. 3 pair lined draperies. Pb.. Bea- con 6310~W after 6 p. m . 92c94 MOVING-Will .-rlflce lllahoc- an7 dining rm. ir:nd"""'bdrm. tarn. C..ll Sunday between 'O a. m. &. 4 p. m. 219 Orchtd, Corona del Mar . ~ YOUTH'S bed. blonde maple bud- wood, reuonab\e. Phone Bea. • 8206-K. - TAPPAN range, c lock control $61, Hotpoint eJec. range $30; IMIW red chrome breakfut set, $60; whJte dbl. bed, dressing 'table, bench and chest, 140; davenport $M ; boy•' bicycle, $20; lined peach aatln drape•, 1 pr. dbl., 1 pr. sgl., w ith valances Ir: match- ing" apread, $45; floor lamp, mirror•, bn.ided rugs. etc. Shown Monday, 10 a. m. -7 p. m. 519 El Modena, Newport H~, Phone Beacon 631 5-J. 83c FRJGIDAIRE. Wnyrn H o 11 y apartment st o v e. thermador heat€'r. all cfor 1100. 3312 Mattu.a Ave .. Nev/port Beach. 92c94 OE.ARBOURN!: Gu Heale.r. Good as new. Re&IOnable. Geor("e D. J ones. 204 So. Bay Front. Be.I· boa laland. Pb. H.ar. 147,,..J. 9tc93 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 8~ COAST BIOBW A Y NEWPORT BEA.CB PH. BI!!ACON &Tit GOING CRUlSIN ! Rare oppor· tuntty to buy a palr of Kgypt~ , an cloth, linen .sewn, profeulon· al made crulalng aptnnallen with poles. if del!lir~. Two mnl. atorm sails, al80 battuy portable radio, broadcut and boat bandm. near new With .pare betterte.. Call Beacon 5147-RK. llp83 40-IT. COMMERCIAL apt. flaber. Reg. ror 20 ~n. New Chryaler Orown mot.of ln Aus. AJoo s-s-radio. sip.. 2. Built 1.942. rebuilt t 9'48. Can be bought on terma. $MOO. See Bob Enafgn, South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2800 tttfe Walt's Trading Post I USED MARINE Gli.A.R Nautical Decor&Uorw-Ullied Net WE BUY SCRAP llETALll N&A.R ICE HOUSE ON 30th Pb. Harbor 2470, Newport Baacb OPl!N 8UNDA.Y8 nc72B ' SEA BOOKS , A mie otoclt of llooko "" an ~ Ing aub.f<clAI-plljll an "'"""' -_.. Leadlns U1Jrar7. • ANY KIND-Tra.ah or! --------. The Islanders ,Calf Walker-1576 Placentia • ~•Marine, B&JW ta. Bar 1tu1 c:o.i..Me.a-Beacon 11372-JK ~Dt W41HER -Il'1 tllat , • ?tc'llill latejit 1961 tbat -an ~ BIZ THiil NllW ( ~.~-~ia~::; Johnson PAPER HANGING .. --.-.•" ...-~ "25" Outboard ~~~~~~~~~~~- FOR THE RUl!PU8 ROOM - >JI elodrlc .&mph!o pta;rer piano In perfect Pia.fin& -.llU-. Temuo, SSO clown, ud ft,78 ~· mo al ~FER'S MUSIC CO. 91ntt 1.9117), "21 No. Syc+mote. Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0612 . GET THB TOP DOLLAR fD< )'OU' old pl~. Trade ft bl tor its tall c&ah ue on a Packard Bell t elevlai at SHAFER'& MUStC CO. (Slnce J907), 421 l"Co. Syc&· more, Sant& Ana. JO. 2..o8'72. RDlT A PIANO. Let the KldclJn learn, S!5 per-mo. F\all term rent allowed on any piuo tn our •tock. DANZ· SCHXIDT Big Plano Store, ~20 No. MaJn St., Sula Ana. l!W BUYS a good used piano. Oth- en for 188. $78, etc. DANZ.. 9CHMIDT PIANO CO., Santa • Ana, 620 No. Main, cor. 6th St. TELEVISION! Trade your old piano on beautiful t elevl.slon. Big allowance. Famoua makea In televia!on. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 1)2() No. Mala, cor. 8th lit., Baal& Ana. 8UOHTL Y µn:o Spinet pl&Do, like MW. Bi .. ••lnp. Con-.enl- ent term.a at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. fSinte 1907). 421 No. Syca- mOH, Santa Ana.. Kl. 2-0872. BALDWIN ACIW90Nic .sPINET Used. Save 1200. Term.a_ Sub- ject to pr I o r sale. DANZ· sCHKJDT Bii' Ptano Store, 520 No. M.&la, COl' .• 8lh, Santa Ana. 40-B119h!~ ~tlll8 Plating P\ant Well eat&bliabed bu9tneaa beinc profitably operated. E:11ceU.nt opportunJty for defen.ee worti:. Own.er anxtoua to aeU at book \n.IUH, $0600. See ua for other rroven bualneu opportunlUea. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Resltors 30th and Newport BJyd. N<WJ>Orl 8-h Ph. Bar. 1&00 41--Sto""' aad OftlCfJS Modern .Offices JJUitabte for a doctor, den- tist. accountant or insur- ance, etc. Off Street Parking Priced Right t o desirable tenanu Balboa Palms Bldg. 900 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa block W eat ol Newport Harbor Yacht Chlb Phon& Harbor 34.84' ' J'()ft IQIMT-BmaD·-Pa - lnWrm centw. WW t.roni "to oulL ~ ·of ......... 1Nll Mcaputt Blod. llaL -..... ... m.,..-3. - It Painting Sp Pain~ tt. 'l1>e -I t Pl It'"'-• • ' ray wW -,_ It r«,.... tr ,.... pay at U-Wded tie 11m* · · • Kenneth Quarrv me .-. am..se "" ta111t pay-South ~· ~~-~~-~~;-;:;;;;: • ~ -AD& ....._ 00111a '\liia ~IA! el ... per mo. Yoo ..., "'*"6<t m:.i, at • -Jf4NT TO -' * ••I 11• -.~ PbaDe 8'1 :• 5I06 •w all m.7 equltJ .nu. 8ee llt1c _lilome. ftlnllllied. 11uttor ~ • ·;. --~ Kr • ......,,., tot 8o. Bpo.lra. I'll!--_.... pr{ee. Coll -. -· ' '""°"-t a.m. to a,..., .-0 ,,.OOJUNO. oalt&blo 'tqr pl'qm .Rot••,_... ..... ml. · . ' • Build WI.th n...:-t. ' Ila --1 ap l;o. IL. c-. -P M+Nwl'I' ... --"' ·, · u..-.a;a ... .,..,..Inbad ...._a. )it.,.. .,.. ___ ,.al' __ ..., ,';">4 '£'Oft .A .. TU 'UFO"'-,.. l'VJ,LY m«•MWl81\, -_. ~..,, W ..._ ..... .... -I llilt9. .... • fUL !t ~~,.A ~ ·~ tro' I,..,._ ~ •: ...., .._. Pt tr 1fli•jPllt • .... . 6IT & 11111 a. Ctola -tie -•IL*a, IT; c111Wa -7"0fl a+r• U ft. .. -. 0 t t dll llltr, IM9 • ;; 7 I •,,,.. ..._. 9111W 1111 R . pm. '1· SJ.2 ..........,, OIMW Jfeedl MW eaana 4ee.k. '10I. 1+M ... = .......... , ..... 8 .. 11ar. Har. ~""· --BN1>ori lUl-'IV. -.n.a ' ' I -. • • -• LIDO ,. BALBOA • • <' N:EWPORT • :~ > t -R ·' w E. y · • E • • • SI'-IJ'1[. or ~Jal -IW.J l'9le i -'flam.' +pt; laundry rm:. f<need' P"'1 yard fw chl7dr1!n. W'&&8. UtlL , j>cl. T-, BLUll TOP, 401 .N,ewpoot, m.d.u 11711~ TBRlllll ltJI, ....... ~ UY . ,.., bdrm, ~Ulo __ ....__ JS)'~ ...... -~.­IJT llekba,e. ~ 111 • I N T E R ·N .T A_ L S, A R L - • ffst"'bo,e, Corona del ~t~ Pb.. -29119-W., ,_Jato iaA y li'ftOHT -~· .....:. . 2 bath apt. Flr'el'Taee, cOOO! heaL $125 mo tn .rune '15Ul ;• . I • . "Hillryt•n Minx · i::>ea!er+• NEWPORT AUTO SALES y ALSO 1 bdrm. :!>!'~. •7'c "!"'-to June 10\h. 1'11{>11; Bar. 2662 or Harbor 28H·M c-. 11lfc 280f W. Newpyn Blvd. Newport Be.eh J>?imie Harllor ~407 ' SPECIALS' Win~r 2 Bednn. nm-...... _.$ 65 mo. 1 Bedroom iloaM --$ 10 mo. 2 Bedrm. bouae ...... 100 mo. Oc:ean froitt -·········· 125 mo. Yearly 2 B. R. Ocean . Front 125 mo. JIM Ii SALLY NEWLIN • wtlh JOHN D. BURNHAM 607 E . Balbo~ Blvd., Balboa H&rbor 1607 (Evu. Har. 2278-W) ATMlACTIVI: Sln1le f'llnlaMd apt. El«. ret'ric. SWta't* for one or employed couple.. 719 W . Balboa Blvd., B&lboa. IJpOS ' ruRM. A.Pr. on water, s-~ p.- rqe. A.dUlta, $75 mo. or will leue. el '1 -S6th St., Newport ' NEWPORT ·-2 nn. Mtap, partly tuml.obed. 1 b1k. to l!Ucll-•*· UtU. IUra'Jif 1 ~ Yeart, '30 mo. Inq. 0W11er. tG I:. 11th, eo.ta Mea.. .. I. ~ YEARLY -ExcepUonally nice Unfllm. 2 -dllpla. Many extra features. Near both . achoola.. Reuonable. net Clay at., Cliff Haven. ettc B4LBOA IllLIJ<D. llllfllnl. 2 bed· room apt. Lt&'.l>t and llp9Cious, 181 mo. yeatly. 219 Jlulae Ave.1 Barbor 181 .... R. 916! NEW MODERN turn. atudio apt. Put.el ray heat, carpeted. Util. pd. Yrly or winter. 411 Hello- ~. Corona del Mar. H...- 0291-R. 91dlS FURN. AP!'. I% dupP.,.), S48 mo. UUI. pd. f except elec.) Servel. _ WMh. mach. Odldren &: peta 0 . K. 2103 Qrange Aft., Costa Mesa.. tnc94 OCEAN VU!W-Attraetlve 2 bed- room upper studio duplex. Un- ruru. Gu A: wa~r pa.Id. 710 A YOC&do. Corona del Har. Har- bor 282~R · 92c94 • IN CORONA DEL MAR -Tvilo bdr;m. tum. 1\R. 2 blkl from , oce.lll:I. Sgle. gar. $&5 mo. yrly. Children 0 .K. Call Harbor 21 52. 92.,.. LOOK!!! CLlIB CPE'S ! · '40 CHEV. <Hunter economy more! "Spec. Green) modeL DbJ." club "P-opular Why ,, pay '$395 . '40 PONT. '"6" club (J"rench grey) A. good look1nc abvve average car. $395 •41 BmCK "'liaper" club 1Allantlc grena) 8?Roothne&11 and power plua! Wlt.h all Buick Xtru. $495 • \ '41 PONT ... 8" club (sunburn ta.n) ~ceptior\al interior -fully eq\liped. The J..dtes dreanl car for onJy- $-.95 '46 KZRC. elub (Lido Oreea) with m~ and .,.PPJ interior. Powerful, deslrabl~! $995 '.f6 M.ERC. club (Balbok Blue) A finety kept "l.Jdo t.le car wtth recent motor. Top Yalur for only- $995 ' - WE TRADE FOR THE BUT! OPEN NITES TO 8 P .M. JOE NICKERTZ ~.RBAKER DEALER -Certified Used Can New Car Warrantee UGO !ltude)>aker Commandor ata.rliab.t 5 pua. eotipe. BeauUtul · tullp eream . Auto tn.na.. radio. etc. TODAY ONLY ............ U8911 1960 S t u debaker Champion Regal deluxe. 4 dr. ae-- dan. Aapen grey--Orig· "1la.l finish, like new, Overdrive, Heater, fog lights, undersea!. Seat covers, etc. TODAY ONLY ...................... ~ ....... U591 1949 St u deba.ker Champion Re&a.J deluxe 4 dr. 8@- dan. Overdrive, radio, healer, fog lights. seat eonr•. Origillal RodeO Tan. A SU' buy, only SJ:lllll 1939 De Soto 4 dr. ~---­ overdrive, radio, a cvod val\le ................ :-...............• $ 215 A few new can at old prices still available S415 Newport Blvd. at Vlil Udo (By Lido Tbetltnl NewPort Beach Ph. Barbar 510 EftS. or Suu., Harbor m'W A-1 Used Cars A-1 • Be.ach. Barbor 111.w . nuc 1 FURN. EXTRA ct...EAN 4 room, gan.-e apt. Lot. ot light a.nd Y'OR RENT -P"urn. atnsle apt. air. Elec. refrtg. Utll pd. '45 Wlnlar oir 1early. Phone Har. month. 0427-MK. 1 tlp8S ALSO 3 rm. apt., elec. · refrig., YEAR LEASE -Balboa Ialand. $fO mq. to June 15, 301 E . Bay A•e., Balboa. Har. 1969-J. 91c93 SHA VER .MOTORS '&O FORD Dix. H&OD -··-·liH75 Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. '&O FORD V-8 Dix. Seel. ..... ll9CI 1680 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa '4? DOOOJ: Dlx. 2-dr. M.H 110~ Phone Beacon -Q07 . '47 f'ONTIAC Sedan, N'C!'W untum. 7 bdrm. home wiU:s fireplace, nice patio, ~· Call Harbor ts (S.tk Off\cc). tl<IS OCEAN VIEW 3 rm.. tum.. apt.a., lge. JI•. rm., In a door bed, tw~o beda 1n bedroom, niee kl tchen. $.fO mo. to '60 mG. winter, utU. WINTER RATES, 3 rm. fUllL ajMI pd. Holld+y Apt.., 1007 E . Bal- On Colline llla.nd. Eacb.. apt. boa BJvd., Balboa. Har. 1371. hu water tront.aae. 91c93 ALSO Pl!lltbouae m. )nae. WM ------------ end Park Ave., Balboa twM WATERFRONT 2 bedroom tum.. Pb. Barbor 2M2~W. 'J'lttc ..Apt. $4~ mo. to July laL No peta. 3708 Channel P1ace, New· BALBOA Pll:KINllULA -......,_ port Uland. 78c99 lahed afn&lt apt.a. P6 and P6 mo. to June lrSth. Prisid&Jn. 8XALL F'Urn. apt. New atove I: Laundry avaJlable. UtU. tDcl retrtc. Tly .. utll. pd. 202 -7th H.anor l270-W. Utfc St., at E . Balboa Blvd, Balboa.. Jnq. 511 -36th St., Newport. BALBOA PZNINSULA -At-91p93 tnc:tlve}y fUrnlabed 2 Mrm. du-IN CORONA DEL llAR-2 bdrm. pies wt.th sundeck. Winter or f ... __ -u '--u.m. u.aoc., a&•e. pr., 1..,... bl .... yearly. Rff;8onable.. Bar. 3019-fl from oc:ean. $125 mo. yrly. Olli· 83ttc dren O.K. Alao on same prop- RENTAL . t' SPF..CIALISTS can -OOll Linwood Vick, Rltor. ·--Rat. 20i2 - Jl'UR.NlSHED l bdrn.. apt. -. Grand Canal. Balboa llland er. South Bay. Wlnt&r er yearly. A.rulta only. Phone Har. M.8-M. 119tfe erty-J bdrm. ham. apt., MO mo. yrly. Gor both call Barbor 2132. 12c94 BAt .BOA PENINSUL.A--Cb&itn- in& ocean vtew apt., IJUital>le for covplr. Winl.t.r $4.5 monthly, util.. • p.rage included. Ph. Ha.:rbor 1011-R, t2tfc OCE..&.N VIEW -Attractive two bdrm. upper studio dloplex, Wl· tum. 0.. Ir water pd. 710 Avo- cado, Corona de-I Mar. Harbor -R. 92c94 '39 DODGE Sedan--4. d'oor. O.er- hauled motOI'. Good tra.nmporta- tion. Prl. party. $225. Phone i...cuna f-3571 etenlllp. '.f9 DODGE f-dr. O:>ronet. all eJC- tru, like new, low nUln.ce. Pri- vate party, to clOae eM.ate, Pb. Beacon ~7~, (eves. Bea. llGt-Jl ·-PACKARD, l&M Super 8 delux.e 4-dr. Beautiful. law I1lll-ce· car eqwpt with R & H, O'D, defr ., air cond. Electric dutch, puah button wlndawo, wlnd- ahield wuh!!rs, signal lil'bls, badt·•p lle;bta. spot Upt. n ... nylon covers. OWner lmlat aelL 118~ -36th St., Newport Beach. 92pH 19~1 BUICK Riviera Super Coupe. DynaflOW', radio, tteateor, apot- lis-ht, windehiekl wubera, QQod.- year dbl Eagle white Walls with lltesuar<I tubes. Original OW110!'. Perfect condition. Harbor 2117. 92c98 N&W UNrt1R.NlSllKD u.ppe.r flat 1----------~--­ Wllh lug• --..... -ins BALBOA ISLAND 2 ,bdrm. 43-A-TraDer s ~Ll"..!:': ~ ~ furnished apt. 204 .Garnet, • • ~ .. Hc1wc1. t1oon. "• th1ldrea or Barbor 877-R , 92c94 Winter rates $10 mo. p<U. AftJL NOY. lat, UlCI""" Nl:WPORT HEIGHT$-3 bednn. Children· welcome 1009 W . Bay An., Newport b fU •-'-• ••• U n--• -~--•-~ ome, "'""'~• -mo. ( n-• .._ trailer ~-rage $5 mo. ~. rn. ~-• _,,, daya. fU tahod I ) la ~ sot ,._, ""' (Har. -M evu.) 88tfc m ... · ll\ln• at Little Bay Trailer P&Fk Result.a come from conatanl PracUce! An ·ad re.plarly in thia pepet" wUI produce ~t. for you. BALBOA -)lodenl • 2 bedroom nJcely tumlab.ed apt. SM mo., yearly. UtU. pd. Phone Harbor 27111-J. 83ttc Palm, Balboa. HarbOr ~R. 92c!M 7204 Coast Highway, 3_9_1_a_s_&i_A-'SH'--o-R_e:_,_N_ewport ___ S._acl>_. Newport Beach 3 bedroom, 2 l>ath ocean front 9C5effH tumtabed. month to moatll rent- al, f80 per mo. Pb. Bar. SUll-W . 92p97 ~~~~~~~~~- TRAii.ER SPACE Cloae to ahopplng, off tk Hiway, U2 to US mo. <:abrillo Ooart, HO Cabrillo St., Caot& II-. R & H, ~rfect ........•........ $ 8911 '41 MERCURY Sed. R&H .... $ 5911 '41 FORD Coupe, new paint $ 496 ''9 DeSOl'O Sedan, R&H-.... $ 4115 '3t roR.D Dix. 2-dr. sharp S 346 •39 FORD: Tudor ................... $ 110o '38 PLYMOUTH 2-dr ............ 110 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer 534 COAST HIWAY Beaoon 8604 Newport Beach Heura: Week daya 8 ·w 8 :30 Sudaya cl Holiday• 10' 'W 4: > 'ff CHEV. ~ ton jikk·up or '41 FORD % ton pick -up. Must tell one, both good condition. Prln.te party. Beacon 550t ...J or H&rbor 754-M. 91p9S '51 CHBVY all metal Panel De- liftry tnJck, like new. Never been ll9ed commerclally. Saczi.. _ flee for SlfOO. Will take ·older pickup truck u part payment. Pbone H&rbor 896-M. 88tfc· "For the Best Deal" a new Chrysler or Plymouth or a fine used car See Dick Ward HARVEY SOMERS, INC. 2411 Coul Hiway, Newport ~ Phone lteacon S:.15 9Sp6 -People do read the W&Jlt ad!... 51-Trallen Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and Salea llM-0 Newport Blvd., Co.u. M-. 8-con 531t-M. nc7m ' FURNI BHKD STUDIO APT.- Ideal for couple; near st.area" BALBOA ISL.\J'ID -At.tnctlw and tranapoo1.atlom, fG.80 mo. 55-Money to Loan l>achclor apl. our Bo. Bay. UUL lncl utn. Key at 517 i...rkopur. «-Booms for Rellt ' paid. Gara&• •?a mo., :aaJly Coi'ona del Mar. -LOANS TO suu..d, IMPROVS, or $00 mo, winter. Ph. Hirbor pEft.KANENT or weekl7 Antal-• '1JY, MODJCR.NlZI:, O& 1111. 711ttc UNFORNUIHED i bdrm. -· Sleeping room, pny. ·-· 1 · ftP'lH4HCll Colla M-''3'.80 q>0<, ut11, pd. . pnp, •10 w1<. ~ TOP, Wa .., 1'rUlt ~ LIDO ISI.E 8-lllln& 1 ... 2 --· ad aputnncta. ~o.. ...... !twl8 "8<11> m -I JI 1 lro '100 --...... --p.ld. Pd· •IA!- AL80 bouoe Srailor. P'l'.80 mo. (juot &boYe U.. ~), 401 UWPORT JlAI.J!OA..J• =u. 17U ~. 0>ot& K-. Ba. Newport BmL. Newl'l*t Boadl. 11A\!IJfQ8 a LOl.N 'AWllL 11fT.J. , -· f ntfc -J1a ~ ft. Sar. -- ooRoN:A DllL ¥4'a -Wlfllin_ · . , - 2 bdmt.-. 11111. -· 44-A ~ R1m,hl • • · ~ ESTA.1,'E ~ ..._ -:ran!. _,. -~iA.nuA'J'ii tnJ11U \;Ji -for • • lltteretlt Rate !!,. ' •• 10. -'f't· -.'cat O.IL eldiily~.-.lllllor<!'"'·""-· Lo0na .. -ly made >lli -lla7 P. A, PAL);( ER 4..U. Doc. 1. 8--W.-B••. able, ~ all ...,_ .1--l.q\111&. ..._ cw • JKcqRPOll4Tll> .. --., -. 8p+... -..,city .n..w,i. -N:-... ~ • asslVlllLMe --l'UftHJUmD~dl>lllelbr rof•1ti ... ft.·~·-.._ --~.::f - Mcapwt • '6, ~ -t';or 2. aw ta •¥ii-• . ' "', ·~ :.."'JIG 1 -... -.. k"':" OOllla .... NI - -.... V4<:4JICr RI" :\ I I -.... MlCSLY ~_can 111 ..._ p 1 • It• .t. • ... -.II I · W7 4;r1iet .._ tw two .-po Olll at IM · --~-. ., ..... .Aa n torl7 a.4U'1 .., -: _,, o.tllll-. nc11 OOllOHA. 0-.. JUa~-.. t pl _ '< ... E,I ... Akl&Olt A. KAY =::::: =: =:;,: -11!1' .... s I 71_ .. 111 'I• laa Oiu ; IF I See "The Drunkard". at u. Be..bpo a- l • .,. ... N.t.10,-lT 0z·• l·U ,-t1:1 .. $1..S 1 ... t • • ...,. !• ta ....... ~ .. -. -A-J 11 • -or_., .-tlmJlz ill llor '!'loo OlllL Ullo JM. ,Qll'a a&-. Bhd.. C.-doJI ,.a;, :_~~at•": iru. --.. -._ --. n Bn'Z' h 00110MA D11L IWl -r. .:_ + 1 • •• 7 _. !• • I::;:;:•;:::::: •••am ...... Pl I i •-· •· •~-,.,;: • W !\.!!!:_! - -••••• iw n o. CICll90lt1Qla ... _. _., *"'lit :..,-;.:;"i .. -,....,., ..... 1lllL )'IL tw ....,. 'It<••· ..... ..... -CllMf 11110-. - _._ .....-. -- -lla&I-Ot11s ...... '!II"\ 11p s'-& -r-" Nl,11111 • • l I I I I " • ' , • I 'l. • I • • • J ' • . BLANCHE A.' GA~. Realtor Fl\ANK L. SHUFELT J, 11.ARTIN 311 Marine '.Ave., ·Balboa Island Ph. Har, 1671 or 1672 Evee. Harbor 1671 • ' . ACT NOW TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LAT~ · FOR This unusual offer in the heart of Marinen Mlle on Coast Highway. 50' frontage, 290' depth. $250. monthly income, can be increased. Room to build. Price $1 '7,500 -One-b&lf cash. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR "Santa Cl~us ·has come to town eatly!" 1n t.hb roomy 2·story BALBOA ISLAND home near the North Bay, you have the beach hovae you've ~alwaya wantf'd. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living and dining area, rurnll'lhed. There 11' also s. nice turn. apt. over dbl. gangp, Jde&J for income or week end gueats. • Only $15, 750--Terms to suit ExceptlonaJ vie""' lot-Corona Highland8 ....... ···:"4.000 island realty Balboa Island Pa~k at Agate co. Harbor 377rW OPEN HOUSE 1113 West Bay Ave. Sunday, 12 to 5 P. M. Attractive modern in soft pleasing colors. La.rge win- dows with plantings, sunny patio, partly covered. Large livlng room a.nd bar-type kitchen, forced air heat, dble. gara.ge. stres3ed tor second tloor. Den with bath on low- er floor. t'NO bdrms. and bath on !leCOnd floor. Unust- ally MWral flnancing. BAY & BEACH REALTY. 1«>0 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 128< BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, plus new 2 bdrm. apartment, plus extra guest room and bath. This property is clean, conveniently located and has proven inco&.e rerord ! Now leased on yearly basis at $280. per month. PRICE $29,500,-TERMS • W. · W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 CORONA DEL MAR* $23,500 will buy a beautiful new 2 bdrm. home with view overlooking the Harbor. Has separate guest room and bath. Full 2-car garage. Close to beach and very desirable. Inspect today! _ ANDRESEN CO. 602 CoaBt Blvd., Corona del Mar •p_ S.-We have a 'STEAL' in a 2 bdrm. cottage all tumlshed -on R-2 lot -OcellD side ot hi(hway - $9600 full .price. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-Level lot 50ltl27!h. near schools. SI~. Phone Harbor 2639-M. 90c95 NEW l BDRM. HO~fE, g rey stucco fini.,h, $3975. 39~ Vic- t oria St. (near College A\'e. I, Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5606-M. 78tfc 61-Real Estate Exchange WILL TRADE OR SELL m y ne\v 3 B~ R . Lakewood Plaza, corner home. C. I. 47--$56 mo. ·in- Cludes taxes. Fireplace, i 1'9 baths, 2 car garage. Brk!st. nook. lawn. fruit trees. rdwd. fence. WOULD like Balboa Island-Ph. Harbor 2639-M. 90c9~ TRADE-Owner w ill trade 3 bed- room home, No. Hollywood, vaJ. $11.llOO. for Newport area. Ph. SU 3-9560. 93c95 56-Moaey Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NlCT YIELD 6 '1 .. to 10.µ. & MORE "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRU ST DEEDS" Every loan title insured. S9.Ma-l1t T. D. Pays SlOO mo. at 6!H. $1350 down G. I. Resale H ere 11 a good buy ln a 3 bdrm. home. Only 1 1~ yrs. old. Hwd. floors, tile kitchen and bath. Garbage dlspOflal, &'•rage, p&r- tiflly fenced, wide lot. The pay- ments are only $58 per mo., in- cluding tax.ea & lnll. F\.111 price only - $9500 Outstanding Here is a clean cut one 1xlrm home which is Ont' of the tlneat ln the area. It bae evuytbing- large Uving room, large kitchen, large bedroom. Tiie kttdlen and bath. A beau.tiru.J noor plan. Many feautree too numen:>\111 to mention. One halt acre ot ground with lots or rruit trees. Thia home L8 only 2 years old. It you are interested In the beat buy-let ui. show J.OU lhb1 BAR- GA IN. Full price ls only $8250 Back Bay Acreage Located on a corner with 391 ft. ~ntage and 300 ft. ln depth. WUJ )cut up into 8 or 9 beauti- ful Iota. SACRlFICING THIS PARCEL at I • ......... 3 Bedroom, Home ' PLUS t.V. lorft 1'\JMPM ,_,,, wltll ftnploiio. -'iota! ,_. -- -. 1lfl0 ... It.. Dl>I. ..,...... n;,<M ,.,..s. sn.ooo. i-a. 2 Bedrooll) Home AND 2 lln&lt' Can& .. on lO ICft. Total Fke 'only $5750. ~r able term.a. GI Re-Sale THREE bedroom, dbl. P,. hneed yard, $9, 750. ~ payment U2:1-0. Mo, paymonto. $lll. lnco~ Property WELL BUlL T 2 bedroom home, plua 3 rentai unite (all tuml•h· ed) · on lot 87 Jl 173 with room for more unit.I. Good location right Ln town. Mo. income ap-- prox. SlfO. Eetate aale price $1~,000 cuh. . G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Asaociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. 5181 Real Estate Is Your Best Investment -o- investment Security Thia business property wlll g[ve you aecurit)'. A good 2 bdrm. furn. home. 71 tt. Harbor Blvd. frontage. Plac.e for additional bulldlng!I. Parking area In rear. -o- Quality Built New 2 bdrm. home. NLce Llv. rm .. b.wd. On: .. dinette-, tlle In kit. Bath tub and ahower. Stucco and redwood exterior . Onl~ $91 00. $2!>00 down. nOn 1 Your Moneys Worth 2 bJnn. home, liv, rm., kit. and bath, large lot, Mx225. Your• for $5650. $2250 dn. Mo. Pyt..I. or $50. -Or Lots and Acreage A vl11able -o - Let us bel.p ycN wtttt your Real Estate Needa. -o..>. H. B. Clark, Brol!er "-'c. -o- La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa P~one Beacon 7043. • New Lido Listing U you ue looking t or a reuon- •bb priced OOme oo. lJdo Isle, SEk THIS! 2 bdrm• .. walled paUo, U•lnr rm. hu ""8.med eelllng a.ad comer tire-place. Lots of tile tn kitchen and bath. Gla48 encloeed tub. Attractive modem colo111 and. papen, Will consider as low u $4500 dn. Exclu•lw lb1tlng- Lido Building Sites 30 ft. bay front income. $1 J..500. 45 ft. street to 1treet ........ $ 4~ 54 ft. -................... _ ........ 00 Stock, Chicken Ranch IO &cf'8, 12 aCtta permUent pu- ture. 3 hOll'l9eS. Mm. .taWH, completely Jrriptod. ~t cheap water. Equtlmetat "for U,000 cblclterul. Pme, 140,000. Tenna, ~ • GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2M2 Everybody Wants • Two Units • • • • NO CROWDING ' . . . at Corona Highlands ' , • f • • No A••741•••*1*1'tll . • Private Beacb ftlPla • From~. teum. Stop at ttact office for eoinplete lllfonll&Uoll. I Coast Highway at Seaward Rd.. or call HaJilor Uf..J " . COSTA ~A I Bnnd new S bdrm. home -I llollll, lofa .,-uio, ..... tln!plaee. Touch plate lJfhUa&'. ·1>ua1 l'lllllaco, bwd. !Ira. Dble. pr. l.ocat•d near Hi lclbool ....... Ute otblr Dl'W homes you CILD 't , beat th.1.9 tor . Ollly '11.IOO. terms. Brand n .. 3 bdml. -.. 2 l&lbo, ft .... -. -h- du&l f'U.nmce. u.enno.tal ocatnlhd. GXilflUDT sllJr w.U built. Guagf, !tMr !NI • """'*' oat:r N9ll0, . . NEWPORT 'HEIGHTS Brand new I bdrm. hla'ne. I bathe. 0 nrep1a.o1,-bwd. noons, toro6d IJ.r beat ill every "'°"'-lote d. We. l:Jrtra large garage. Thi• l.1 really nice. 490 Only $14,250 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Btaoon 6698 BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT WELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home plus 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and float. Good double garage. Full price completely f11J'llisbed. $47,500, terms I STANLEY HADF'JE:LD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Haroor 20 OPEN FOR INSPECTION 1 to 5 Dally 4 NEW 2·BEDROOM MODEL HOMES fJ'Om $3595 to $6975 Low .Down Payment -Ea.ey Tenna 1977 -91 Maple St. Costa Mesa One Block West of Harbor Blvd., North of 19th MR. INVESTOR: If you are interested in investing 1n a good sound income property in the Harbor area, drop in and let us tell you about a building which should appeal to any conservative investor. EVERE1'r MORRIS, Realtor 408 East Balboa Blvd., BalboL Hsrbor 3265 REAL BUYS! Newport Heights $2,000 down • BA r,~ • llUllllQIUI Dl8TIUCT -older ~ I -lower, 1 a.tra• .,..... Bu great pomtidtuw ,.. ' 1' tr loca· Uoa, MliOO ~PRICE -bun um! Attractive 2 bdrm. home with bwd. fioora. dble. pr. Ex~U . loca_tlon. It. • n!&l value. $&500. BAY A VE.-Attractl'fe I 8 . R., 2 bath home, fW'l'Wlbed. J'treplace, paUo, B. B. Q., aw.lry, dbl. garage (3rd bedrootn and bath adj. ga-e). f!&.:s-00. BAY VIEW AND DANDY SWIM- MING BEACH! Tha older home la only 100 tt. or .a back from the b&y. Large Uvtttc rm. wttb ttr.p ...... 3 --and s rm. &pt. \It rear. Need. .Ome palntin' and tlXln'! Ita fllr1lllll· ed and & barpln al fl2,$00. OCEAN J'ftONT-4 bdrm. home and ~ apt. tor tncome. AU tum1lhecl. Flreplacr. P a t I o. Barbecue. 2-car p.race. Cboice ---· 0.-to """"' pine and tnuuiportatJon: frid Ranch Type Home Newport Helghta. Cb&nnJ.ng new , 3 bdnn. home with tire.pl.ace, best hwd. noon, many C109et.a and bulltslna:. Bea.utitu.l work- manah.lp thru--out. $12,250. $3200 down, _._ . Outstanding Ocean View Lot 45xUll. Newport -.Betpla. An un· ---_ __. ..... __ .,. tlle --- n. tao -~le. -.Jot ta tlle --· J'TllO. 8e&COll Hill Realty • M'upwt-. <-...,_) PL It ft1S.a w -& --W • I • • -• ' . THURSDAY;NOv .. r,.1tir . ···~· . HOW TOBUYAHOME • Seleot. yollr ._!:Ion. , . ,..__ ~"""""' yol7l' Real lllet.ate J•!:::!!!!!! o o o !!c :!!!! • 0 t•h " 0 -,-,. I f ~ •• BroUr ... urefuJly .. ~· , • ' -· t . j --~ )'OUr Doctor or ~.B.usinesa'Ineome -Ne:wport Beaclf Lawyer. . I GOOD ~TION !.. 2 bulldlDp, '4100 Ilg. '.ft. floor &re..· LEA.Sm RUN ro JJ.fAlUE and ~U­ GUST; 1111JS:· Ez.Jllenf rends qp' ln't•~t. who bu the beat \'aluea and \jet!Dp in tbe - ' . One who urangea financing and. PROTECTS your lnr , ter elta through .crow. 'l'hea TRUST him Wltil ,you have found your home. , The _BEST BUYS on LIDO ISJB are m a d e t:hrollgb lhla, off'oce, r • At th'-Ume we haft •me exttt opociaJ .-... ,.. bl BltA.ND NEW ho!•-any --an:r price. We JJave ,mat JOU wut 1n. either watertfoht bocMll or --that ..... tJie ._,.. of LIDO I8l,E. . A.1*> LO'l'S-bere apbl >""' can BUY from tlJe DEVELOPER of lovely UDO Il!U:: W&tA<rr front lot&, 1naide ktt... income lot.-9-ell at betow rr...arket priee1 W1t.h generous term&. .Doft"t M TOO i-A Tm. Tbeoe Iota wm't lut fore"Nr. JUlt LOOK at . LIDO ISLE ,..d -""'"1'1 p ine on-and then SEK Ull. P.A. P ·ALMER INOORPORA TED 3S33 Via Udo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1 i'.:~ THE LAST OF THE BEST- LIDO ISLE bay front lot _.,_ situ· ated in the very best location on Via Lido Nord, 52%: n.. - bulkh~ded- $35,000 • Just Listed- roR THE FIRST TIME-in BaJr bo& Cove1--a. lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, designed la excellent taste- $29,500 "Kephart Built" THREE B. R , l 'll bllhs. Farm· h<JU.Se tyPt' (new) $15,500. Ocean Front (Where you can brea.the the Wt a ir ), DUPLEX, jutit completed, Ideal beach home, with income. $12,:SOO. Harbor Investment _ Company REALTORS 3oth and Newport Blvd. Newport Be&ch Ph. Harbor 1800 -Cla.ulfleci saa ue read by follcl who ·are looking to buy. Bay Shores • New 3 bdrm. home, 2 bathl, lge. living rm., rlreplace, foreed air heat, garbage disposal. patio, fenced yard, db1e. g-arage. Only $14,500, terms Have opening tor experlen~ salesman or broker, Listings Wanted Rentals le Sales W. E. Fisher Bu lld{'r -R ealtor Ernie Smith Realtor -AIS>Ciate 916 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 2 B. R . Home Only ! 1" yeal"8 old. Modem, small stucco, att. gar., nr. country club, 150x160 Jot. Zoned tor chic~~. r•bbits, etc. Only $&41~. E-Z tenra. 3 B. R. on 1h Acre • Nice home tn excellent )ocatlm. Gu. ~ l&Wldry. A~ w.-..p.d. Only -.i7llll0, s.z ........... G. f. Resale , I . - Priee $24.!500, te.-If de.tred, Mult. No. -2058 • Call Mary Dickao~ a! Harbor 1013 or evening& Harbor 2092.w, Lido Isle -Excellent Home Site A-1 locatio~ 45z88 street to 11treet, Partial view lot. Full pri~ $li,2M. Call Harbor 1013 for fwther details. Beacon Bay Water Front Home ' ' Beautiful .3 bedroom home. Large living room, din- ing rooni with picture windows. Completely furn- .ialred. Patio with barbecue. Guest apartment. Full price ~.ooo: Call Harbor 1775 a:nd make an ap- pointment to eee tbil! lovely home. ' Balboa Island Are you looking for a neat little retreat plus 1 bedroom unit to make your payments? Furnished. Room on 1ot for f11rture expansion. At a price to surprise you. Call Harbor 1775. AL.so Marine Street Business Properties -Sev- eral show good income. Call Harbor 1775 for fur- ther information. > j , EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and C6ut H!way Newport Beach 815 Coaot Hlway Corona del Mar 22:i Manne .Ave. Balboa bland 15th and IrTlne Newport .Be&cb 3113 Newport Blyd. Newport Beach You've Got to See the Inside of This luxurieus new 3 bdrm. Balboa home to appreciate Its tine quaJity and many unJqu~ features. Elm panelled 32 ft. living room witl\ lot.a ot glua, la · eep&l"lltff from kitchen by commOdions birch bar t.oP,ped with toldlnC plutfc dOors. R ich oa.k parquet tloorlnc. All kttchen cabinet.a are Custom built on . birch with gteamm.g natural fllllJh. Comer cablnet revolver tor ea..ay uten.sil storare. vent'.tlat.Iar fan on.r ranee apace ·\ff'blch J1 plaatle llned. Conduit m tor eJect.rtc range and electric clothes d'ryl!r-AJ.IO plumbtnc ln tor dish washer. Hu garbace disposal and •bundance of electric outlet.a:, "-bath ott 11:ttchen. upetaics bath .hu tub .,.00 atall shower. Sepan.te cloeet compartmeat, beautiful birch dressing table. Muter bedroom !JI 1U20 ..,tth roomy sun- deck and plate C"l&u windows k>okln.r out on ,.correoua permanent ocean vtew. All decorated ln Iutest color toDM. &ad wall paJ>U (libme hand-painted). Large con- crete patio, deooratlw Norman brick plantera. $28,600. 20!>1 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY or call owner at Harbor 208. 92$ Coachella Valley-80 Acres rich soil, Suitable for extra early table grapes, premium- priced crops, grapefruit or tangerines. Partly levelled. Abundant cliesp canal water. Two at- tractive, modem desertrranpho homes with wide view of Salton Sea & Mta. . Sun deckli, small pool, . elect. phone. $20,000 do~. 4:. ~Y terms ~ bal-. ance. Will conaider taking in on TRADE.' modem, 2rbedroom home in best area nr. beach, bay & swimming. ' See Phillips, Nov. 3 or 4 ONLY, Lido Isle Trailer Park, OR write STROUT REALTY' Route 1, Box 30, Indio, Calif. ---..---------------·- Would You Trade? Your non...protlt beach bomfi tor a bet.ring profitable avocado g1'0Ve and tW'O bedroom llowte ! Tllil ....,_t --doann, en<* a'"• ,......._ 11111&.t. lge. --~ flfl -. -Ur "'1 ........ -,.u......,~ pies' -... fair W.,. ~One ot iu\elltlll llwas11 ill U. vea and,._ 11CM- I . . LO\\' PRICE -BIG VALUE! 2 tklrm., G. I. Reaa.1e; large lot. good district. close In. 9NLY' $1200 down. Full prle< re.eoo. -' NEWPORT HEIGHTS, 2rbedroom borne, Ule Jdtdlell. -"'ce Porch, hwd. noora, ya.rd well lu4-ped and plllllted, 2 .... rvace. paved slley, choice loca-' tion. Tenna. $8,700. • BUSINESS FRONTAGJ!:! 120 ft. in tint block off Newport BmL on fut.<Je~loplng l!lut lftb, d<pth 300 ft. &llawlnc ample ' $3.381 -l•t T. D. Pays $-40 mo. &t 69'. All due lBM. $3,600-lst T. D. Pays $40 mo. at 6-;;.. Will discounL ' $5350 Phil Sullivan .Geo. Everson We have them here on Bal- boa Island, Starting price& furnished, $15, 750. $16, 750 $18,500 and you might just u well be on THE ISLAND.-'.$:5650 N~ -S bcll'ID.---Balboa Realty Co. ~Uln<T ... -hr -ftmll7 . lt7le. ~ w.. -.-; Ul.SOO. A dlop&ea-al SJUO'. 0.. .... oom on eadl -·~ fta''rted. CllM. and Caol I ii lWL , Wlllnlle !1911 -·..., '!-... t.aet --..... ··roo off ~-t -kine; """" --In&' lmprovementa Incl~ on. .. $3,91 0-Ist rr. D. Paya $<10 mo. at S'l. $ 925-2nd T . D. Pays $.fO per mo. at 8?t. F'ree collecllon service. BOB SA Tl'LER, 1415 0out Blvd. 0..-.. de! Mar ~ 1017-.1 IU>p. POIRIER MORTGAGE 00. Kell'o Ufe 1na. Fund& Kl Ullll 8MALL loool _... -to cactor the.Ir reoe:lw.blea on 80 day tte--bull. No credit losses in~ two yean ot busi- neu.. Wrtte llolt "Po' 1 Ulla paper. OlpN • MONEY WAN't!:o -St'l&O - Wiii ctve lot tl'UOt deed cm bide· and equlpment --· $H,OOI, Top lnterelt. Ar~ -m....-. Write Box , R, lhll _... - -aa.•1n••••.,. -·~· - \ -Gtt!eley ..Jmopldae 'If..... a n.,. "hl<t .,-Ooo1a -able. CV"-·--_. JJ)llan McAdoo tkJa:. °'1Y ·$r1M ct.wn. . ' This $15,750 two.unit place • bdrm.. hOUle. I -'111-.1 llotlllp-an not tak& at ~ but IOlected for out.- ~IQc value -U they -'t ftt, I•• have many otllen - 1866 Newport BM!., COit& Xeoa Phone Beflcon 1123 (Across fl'om COit& Meeo Bank! Eves. Ha. 3157rW Beil. MISl-J iB bard td beilt for tlie ' money. Too II. Ba•--. a.. am llBlO down • B. A. NERESON -·-'1ot a F -._ flat .-. 1JiMt. ... ~ 13-1 JRf*ea. e --. _ _,,._,Kewpcwt 11it•N"""l>C'rt 91ft., Oafta - • wa•, ... on~· . ftMme 9!1 ><*.,. '-· »nos -~ 1!9tlC ··-... -.-.... tillp. It lit ·~ SE ZS t· J. A. BEEK Office Canal Front Ren~ Pitt ..i noat, ... t t -~ Slts mo. JWZ 1"\ « ...,,, I lliina. to , I -t. -HarD U Balboa blaad .__ • ......._ ~ 01 ~·· -UlJOO DOWN bQYo a cute 2 bdrm. .... , QOST'"' ~A • ' ••••• bome bl rue. lo<atloru Balance .n. ~ llOlt-•· C. CO.. Corona del Mar ~Ulte ftnL Move rtcbt tn. hD. _ TWO l Ir••• • " .&. .... =:-i-••2;1 t ..._, = price "·9:50· • "od _.__., __ .. ...__ • ~ reawoou a.ou .-.%11fta~ •••a a • • a Ill. • KEW t --; 2 bath -· ,.,,., bdlnL ud 01n.&t•1 ~ l'w&ll * -I t I ' -.N'BlVPORT BEJOBTS w .It b naptllft6:i.•Dd '"*' noon. Two a sat 041' t• • It .. .,, ... vucw. Xlllt loi:au.... "'---~ -.,. = - tey tbem OIL • • ' -- ,Balboa Island Bav _ &: Be.eh Realty Co8ta lleslf Realty ~ ~ II. 17th St al ~ W.Gllld, YOll Ulre 8'1r1st'5I ,.,... ...: -.-Jiit · Bfteon MU 'l"llllt Wiil Pay Jl'or II 1tf! I 1 I -...... I F . .,_, b.J n.-.: -., SI & • -· .... Of:' .-ae y VWU!Cr A=:-i ..:C • .~ =;'•'::::a.a "":9 = =-= T." -..... , P i 7 r;E~ ti I B•llldod • ..... -. Coll al\ ---c " M& ..._ & °"'911 -. ..... .&-1-lwe lJlle reL "911 Bt1attftll ........ al ttlie • ~ .._, Isl D• M W. St .. I L ;;;;''13180 HUR.llY .., tM1 111119 n .. ---n I n 711 -' -! • . "'°"" do..=. ta ........ ToK PAYNE, Rltr. ~:::. T,-c: ;_ P. ~~*9':~··· W -... a. -INl!J' ll(llt.1-.llR. I Pl a. - lllli&I.& Qslit I , ... P 12 , Pf" -. • 7 594, .a ~,r,•• -• II --.............. ,. ·• : ... ·.~~~el -1 ,-=. ;:;.:. iEmJ~ uo PMlt m..,y, CIW'Oll& t1e1 Mar l'bolle Be-aw-w -WI._ ........... ~_..,. 1 -*art••' Giii. • • ' ' -~ ' • • ··-;31:-·tit.; -:!::Sir"'" ........ • • • • ' • -• ' • PAGE 8 -PART I ·-THURSDAY, NOV. I, .1951 ;~;;e~';uss--B Gyorgy SaQ<lor Plays Thul'Sday Concert Here Not ThUl111day, Nov. Bi. wtll be ~ning night of the Community Concert Jicuon when Cyorgy San-- dor will be present~ at 8 p. m. In Newport Harbor HJgh achool audJtQ.ttum. A ' reception and cot· fee hoilr will be held afterward in the new recreation room al the &chool. Sandor Is well known tor his Columb'a recordings of 8\lch great compoaers _ 83 Ba.ctl. Schunann, Liut e.p.d Rachmaninoff. Among the great Of"Cheatras which have chosen him to record wilh thenl are lhc New York Philharmonic· Symphony and the Philadelphia On;:he•tra. Th~ Harbor U80Cialton fef:!ls proud to be able to otter this fine l\tlist for iUI initial concert. He a.l3o opans the Hollywood sea· son on 'Nov. :lo. Other artist.a of the series have been t;elected but concert datea have not yet been confirmed. Tick· eta are still available from 8.ny membf.r of the a.saocialion Or' at th,. J. A. Bttk office. Thoee who have ticket.a have the following nC'arby concert..!! avail- •' If": Nov. 6. Bldu Sayao at Moft- rovla: Nov. 9, Leonard Rose, cell· let, at Laguna ~ach. Nov. 11 Auditions for the Messiah Auditions for the solo roles in the third annual M"Mta.h produc- tion of th<' Harbor Area will be held on Sunday afternoon. Nov. lllh at 2 :30 p. m . in the Orange Coa~t Colleg(' Auditorium. Theae try-outs are open to any qualified 1inxcr of Orange County. Thi11 year's Harbor Area Me&- •iah preM"ntatlon will be given on Ot'cembfor 9th In the College Au- ditorium at 3 :00 p. m. It tf"pre- Bents the combined efforts of the church choirs of this area and thf" Orange Coa.at Colleg.p c h o Ir. Through the efforts of the collegf' mu.sic df"partment Lh1.s Chrlstmu Oratorio has ?K-com<' an annual affair for the mu&Jc lovers of the d l.,tr:ct. All slni;::crs are invited to part1c1patr though thC'y may not at present be singing with a ~hurch choir. ThC'r1~ will be two ma."'8ed tC'- hearsaL~ for this rvt•nt: Sunday af- ternoon. Orct"n1bt!r 2. at 2 o'clock and \\'edo('i.day evening, Df!'cem- ber ~.at 7:30. Copies of the muAlc arf" available at the colege music '1cparlmcnt. All lnt!'rcstecl aoloists are urged to apprar b<•fore the auditioning committ{'C on Nov. 11th, Soloists !fl>IPCtcd (1Jr la•t y~ar's perfonn- ancc are not l'ligible for thi.3 year's auditions. Ebell Juniors Vote Sponsorship of Benefit Projects Junior Ebrll s.>ctlon helct it.ti r1rsl gen\"ral lllf't•ling at a lunch- eon at Balboa Bay club last Thursday. Mrtt.. Burr W'hlte, pre- 1ided: M rs. C. R . Staaf. tint vlce- president, introduced M isB Erick- 1on from Franklin school, Santa Ana. The latll'r showed a lihort moving plctu:-(' or the hard Qf hearing children and spoke of Orange county df"af children anrl th~ hard of hearing Who attend Frankhn public school. Member!! voted lo 1pon80r this school by giving home parties through the yl"ar. Plan11 wcrt' also dlscu~d tor other act1v1tit's. At the Novem- ber mttting Mrs. W ini!red Bacon will spt>ak on lhe Hoag hoepltaJ. The spring bent>fit to be held at the Newport Harbor Yacht club on February 28 will be a Hoag hospital benerit. • The Chri.,t1n88 children's party will be celebrated thLa ·year with a puppet show. Mrs. Kenneth Lentz is Shower Honoree Neighbors o r Mra. Lentz, 2535 \'VestminAter, Coat& J.tesa. surpr16f'd her wJlh a baby 1iho¥.·er at her home Tueaday, Oc.L 23. Gamf's were played' before the honoree opt>ncd her pre.enU ~!ch were brought ln a gilt ba&- alnet. Cake 11nd coffee brought by the neighbors was served. Oueet.a tn- cludt>d Mrs. F . J . 8oa, t.tra. Ralph Sun1an. Mrs. Gtorge Moua.kb. Mrs. flarold Taylor, Mn. Don Schmidt. Mr:11. C. S, Armstrong, 1.-trs. John Bull, M iu Ruth Norrid. Mrs. Owen E. Smith, Mn. Cy Perkins, Kra. Tom Cox. Kn. Glenn Morency, ..,.-;_ RoWt Jones. Mrs.. Bruce Colton and Mn. Don McCartin. Caoasta Luncheon ~t Wood Home ·; Kn. Po.rt Wood u~ a poup ot --trl-.....,.,. at btt bonie ob lliml..,.o ·- Balboot-EhJo11ns u.. --and atternooo. ot ce•eC. were Jl!nea. Loina Griffen. l'nllk J'v. -la'. a-.,. Parmea"ta'; ftUlc Karvest Party · · Enfoyed by Conchita Perlori On Thunday, OcL 25, Coru:hlla Parlor· No. 294, N. D. O. W., b~d & Harvat Card Part.y In the Fri- day Artemoon club houae. Al· though. this affair W'al primarily a eoctat tor the member&. their huaband.s and gueata, lt a.l8o serv- ed a.a lbe .. annual barvnl" of home canned foode and •laplea from members for Conchita's wel- rare buketa ror the coming holl- daya. The party waa a big aucce.u wtth every table belng flUed. TM high spot of tt.be evening wu the door priu drawing for a turk•Y~ Thia was won by Mrs. Nellte Spencer. wbo wu given a round ot applawte ·by the entire group when 111\e very gl'neroualy donat- ed ht'r prize turkey back to the parlor lo be used Ln a welfare basket. Fall harvest and · Halloween decorations werf! U&efl In keeping with the object Or the Jiirty. At the end ot the evening a de.wert counte: of apple pie wtth cheese .and pumpkin pie with whipped cream wa.a st'rved by the h03leu- es. Mn. Thoma.a J esko, Mrs. At-- thur Gant. Mrs. Ray Hermes Mrs. Joe Wheeler. \\.lLLIAM LESLQ; SMITH William Le8Ue Srrtlth. ~. rcai- dent of 23~ Harbor Blvd., Coeta Me.sa.. died Oct. 30. He wu a na- tive of Gr~ntleld, Mo. and ts sur- vived by hie wife Ma~ May of the home addreu: three daugh- ters, Mrs. H. w. Eldridge of BolAe, Idaho; Mn: J . F . Clark of Coeta Mesa and Atrs. W . A . Ht.Inter or Seattle: one son. W . B. Smith of Grant'l'I Pa.'J3, Oregon and aix grandchildren. Services will bf. h~ld Friday 11t 2 p. m. In Grauel chapel with the R ev. Charif'& Hand o ff\clatlng. In- terment wlU be in Wcstmln.stcr Memorial park. R-1 ZONE \-'10l.ATl<>S N.-wport pollcl" and the city building department yest('rday filed a complaint against F . E . Birtch('r, 226 Poin.!W'ttla Avf'., Co- rona Ori Mai-. for allegl.'.'d violation of an R-1 zone. Hf" ls acr:u_,ed of having two rrsidential unit11 an an R -1 zone proprrty, a ccorlllni;,: tn lhl?' con1plaint filed In the City Court. Hoffard-Norton Vows Repeated at Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Cannl"l Catholic church wu aeUlng on Saturday, Oct. 27 for a weddlng which unitf"d Miss Jane Norton, 1 daughter or Mr. and Mra. Thomas Norton, 2704 Cout Highway and Ivan Hoffa.rd, son of Floyd Hoff- ard, 2:>0 Magnolia A vr., Coata Metil. The double ring rite wu performed at 1 p. m . by Fathe r Meckler. The bridf" was given in kel'ping by her father. She wor"' a beige 8ult with brown hat and acces· sorfes, complementlng the coetumE' with an orchid corsagl'. Mias Bet- ty Norton, serving u her slater's attendant, chose a bl'Own suit with beige aceeaaorle11 and a coraage of baby orchida. Charlea Hoftard gave beat man usiat.a.nce to hi.a brother. Clyde Ridge wu at the organ ronaoJ~ tor the mualcaJ preludf' and brk1a.1 marches, -while Bob Mareau wu eolot.t. Wea.ring a knit drcsa of royal blue a.nd corsage of baby ore.hid•. Mrs. Norton, moth('r of the brldf' usbted the young couple lo re· ceiving frlend1 at the receptio n. held in Balboa Bay club. Mu11lc wu by Bob Mareau. • Both Mr. and Mr~. Hoffard were graduated from Newport Harbor Union Hlgb school. After a honey- moon at Blg Bear Lake they wtll be at home at 250 Magnall&. Avf" ... Coala Mesa. · :rwttcMU. Grace wei., J'raalL ..,_ -Wal-ta Walla. ' ' HONEST 91LL DOWTON .... trouble on his h&ado Wllb ..,_ t"bria.tl!'ll Edward. Mkld.letn" wlll"" poor Mn. MkkfJet.on rertatfon t<rrlblo .,,.,n1n.,,.1ot1 In n.. D.-u•J<anl, o.,..U.1 at tho.· Bamboo Room. Balboa, t ·rt-..y nJpt, No,-l'mber %. 'The Drunkard' Olio to Feature Many-Professional Performers Th(" good old day. Whf'.n \.he villain sncert'd and the audlcn('e PlaywrtghL~' Wotk~hop production hil'-'4<-d and ~ will be back of Ic1• &unrl. Lr•liP Stcrf{'n~"'" I.I Agan thla Friday &nd Saturday. also w.-11 known tor his appcar- Oct. 2 and 3, Whe.n lhe Play-1.11c-rs in local community theatre. wright's Work•hop Opte'n-' IOI pre--The etudf'ntA uf Dorothy Jo "'C'ntation of the old orlKinal tl"m-Swanl'W)n ·11 adult ballet anrt tap perancc drama, "'Th(' Drunkard.'' clllA'M's 11rc bu&ly rchl.'.'ar•lng a In lht· role of the villain will be Ploradora CnM!mble and a Can Can J.11.ck Y.'llco:1 supported by Jacl( which are l'Xpeclt"<i to makr a ttf"· Phillips. Shlrlf"y Zle(l('r, Ra Y 'mcndot1J11 hn. Dorothy Jo ls Wl'll Z\eJ(IPT. Ann Ritter, Stanton Fox., known locally. She danct"tl profC's- Ed Hall, Fr&nk Shanks, Hau•! Du· atonally In Ch•CllJ:O 11.nd 1~ a m!'n1- 1nont a.nd Harold Swa.n.t0n. brr of lhC' National A.'J&Oelatlon lmmcdialely followln' th(' play of Dance and Afrit!at('d Arts wrl/ be a Grand Extravagan7.a Hariolrl Swan.:JOn, who rt'Ccntly and Olvl'rl!Menlent pr<'IM!nJ.Mt by plsy("(I thr rloctor In lee Bound, lhc n1embc-ni of lhl' company and will al.s<i dAne~ fn th •. o110. othcoi. The audience will bt" Ot her~ 1n the dan<.·c numbers trf"aled to a ha.lt hour at old time l\rl" J o Walin, who hu dancrd in 80nJCll and dance.a. motion plclllrt>s. and w}1o conducts Tll.e VaJencl& F our of the San· h('r own dancing l!chool in La la Ana chaplf'r of thf' Soclr t.y tor I Habra; Mae <Jhu.e di Santa Ana. the Preservation and EncouraJ(e-former <Jancl'r and the member11 ment of Barber Shop Quartet of the Ortlnkard cast. Slnglng ln America will 1lng •"v-The Drunkard wlU run for lhree eral numbforw. wt"ttk cnd11, Friday and Saturday And the Playwrights' W ork&hop rveninp only, tbe 2, 3 ; 9, 10 and ii proud to announce that Howard 16 , 17 or Novl"mbf>r. Ticket• may P"olsom, baritone 80lollt of Corona be purcha.scd at the door, or by ~el Ma.r will be among the> many contactin1:: the members of lht• talrntf'd headllnen. M.r. P'olaom l.11 I cut. Thrr.-'°''Ill be no reserved a student of Willard Baaectt of seal.II. Santa Ana, and a member or th,. Ballad~ra. a profeMional ma.l e oc- tette. Hf' ls also ao1ol3L at the SpuTreon Methodist church ln Santa. Ana. Guy Haas Awarded Hollywood Honor Other" who will appear u 110lcr Four-yrar-old Guy Hau. 1Wn or lsl.A ~re Fred Cart-t>r, ba.njolilt; Jay MM'. l15abf:olla Ha.a.s. 1610 Firat Ja.niga, da.ne~; Lee Baugert. avenuf', Corona del 1'tar, r1.-ce.at- hula dancer; Zoe Barlow. singer ly rt.-cf'ived a certifh."ale of high- of old time -anga; and Lcell" Ster-est award fo r a St>ple1t1bcr ap- tcn&en, who w1tl' •ing old tlm('ra pt"•ranC't' on lhf' stage at Holly- a.nd bf'ad a community sing. and wood ·bowl. The award enUtle.s Stanton Fox, gullarlat and ballad !him to be host at the All-Amcrl- •lnger. can Doy!! conte1:1t to be> held next Fred Carter hu a vaudeville year ln Chicago. Guy b a mem- background and h&ll played re-, brr cir Screen Chlldren·s Guild and cently ln \.be Blue Room and at appeared In the plcluN!'. "Bed- Vaux'. He enjoyed a 1ucceaful tlm(' for Bonzo." He W'&.11 one ot run st the HunUngton Inn. Bee 1200 chlldr.-n j udged at tbe Bowl Jay Jantp la a student of Theo- dort" Koslofr, teacher ln Sa.nta Ana. and during' the war toured ln Y. ~f. C. A. army and navy camp 8how21. Lee &usert recf'rltly ap- pe!tred In the Long Beach Of- rtcenf Club ShQW. Zoe Barlow I.I WC'll known to local audiences for her cUrectlon of Oh The Pity of It, PT A Mot.her- alngers Bhow Jut year. She ls a formf'r chlld movie act.tell• and playf"d a Character role . ln the ON THE MEXD Atrs. \\'Uham Van H~ml:>kertk 111 convalescing at her home. 171 E . 18th St., Costa M esa aftor be- ing confined to St. Joseph_ Hoe- pltaJ for a week tallowing 11urg- ery. Mr. and Mrs.. Van Heem· skf"rck and ~lldren. Robe r l Ma.tie a.nrt Mlc'ha.et have juat re- cently e11tabU.ahed re.afdence in lbe 18th St. home. They formerly Jived at 986 W. l7t.b. St. WHERE TO DINE "• WHERE 0 GO ' y --...::::::::::::::::::::;..:..:· ~ Moaday COMnm. DINHft$ ,....,. St $1 te p .st TROPICAL DRINllS DI .. "'-. bdW..,. TAHITIAN sn1:00M Fnie Parklne H•tMt 111 ' on Cout Hl"-...Y• Lacuna Pboae t...eoot for ReeernUopa Clo9ed on Tu~ayw s.,., DUNCAN HINES Ice Cream la made in • Orange County by ASk for It at your Dealer Sup.rlaUve Dry CleaDJnr LIDO CLEANEUS 4M Sr"•port Bl,·d. COSTA )KESA . Bea. S'1'08-.I Opt'rate onr o"'n plant HILLMAN MINX $1490 lltll,•r.rrd here plus tax ».nd JIOf'llM' ltour Harbor Af'f'a Dealer XEWPORT AUTO SALES :004 \V! Nf'.lwport Blvd. Newport Br.a.ch llarbor 140'7 You1J find man)· nlCf! bomM and apt& ad~·ertlAed for fJ'!.llt.- yf'arly ur \\·l.ntcr-ln the c1,a,. alfied aectlon today! THE HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ALL ELECTRIC You can play rich Organ music al onC(', Without a single le$80n: try one In your~ home all by yourself. FOR FRU: TRIAL PHONE tu, %-111'0 Danz-Schinidt Piano Co. ' lllON. lllaln 8~ 0o ....... 1tb D&DtaAM , I l ''· ' ' • ENTERTJubIMENT • ~EA™rS 8AT. LAST DAY . 'obn Derek. Donald &eel Jn the muell d!ffnned 'SATURDAY'S HERO' AIAO "PE'l't: SMITH" ud Dlaae7 Cartoob KIDDIE SHOW SAT. I '°" "HUf;KLEBERRY FINN" ' SUN. -MON. ·TUES. FrNt Ma<"Murr4ly 11.11d ~leanor Parker 111 the year'• out.twidlag Comedy. "MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTI'.'' • COM.ING SOOS: "STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE" Mesa .. \{ t:t ~., .• SAT. LAST DAY Ray MIUand, .Ian Sterling "RHUBARB" -Abo - Oa,·kt Nri,·en and \'rrn t.:llt·n 'HAPPY ~O LUCKY' Ttthnlcolor Sli !lli". -MON. -Tt "ES. F'IRST Rt1S ' Lu<'llle Ball, John A.gnr . "MAGIC CARPET" Tf'CbnlC'olor and Rod C'ameron in "SEA HORNET" STARTS "'t.:;O. Flnt Run Jamr-"' c·agnt-y In "COME FILL MY CUP" r,--, CACTtfS C,tlft. BT t(Cll HiJTCHNS .;. MOM SNf.OIGAR T. V. SETS FOR RENT 1-DAY MU.'IMVM TIDE T. V. 1011 la:lVPOBT BL \'D Newport llNcb "HARBOR !81 - • NOW OP£N • • SA1'UID4YS -4. SUNDAYS 1 I 1 • I l BROADW~Y­ ~~= Now 60~ .!: . Staztr ,!\'ed.. OcL. Sl .,LAW A.I\'D Tl~ IA.Dr" ""lh Grttr Garwon aad lt'li.icila«>; 9t'Uding -Jt.blo - THURS., NOV. I "THE IJOB" Broderick Cni.wford and Bolt)>-· -Aloo-. .. ADVfJNTURES ot· CAP'r. "SON OF DR. ll!:Kl'LL" \\·tth Louls 0a1"'ard Md , Judy LawrMee Starb Tue8dl.y, Nov. 8 "YOU NEVER CAN TELL .. WfUa -Olck Po'"U and Pere Dow -AJ90 - "LAl)Y FROM TEXAS'" "'Ith Mona Freeqia.n and Howard Duft FARIAS" with ti:rrol F1)•nn and .Mlrheline Pn-lte St!trts CVPd., :"<iov. '7 "Tt:XAS CARSIVAL" \Vllh Eslhf'r \Vtllhun!f and H°"·ard Keel -Also - "-t'LOST OONTl~EXT" with r:.esar Rnmrro and Hillary Brooke CHILDREN ;i:~,: FREE ::;:~ :.:,.~~::,. ~"~~;: PAULO DRIVE-IN THEAt'RE Phone KL WS80 Doon Open '7:15 WED .. OCT. St "FORCE OF ARMS" "·Ith \\rtlliam Holden and Nancy Obton Starts !Sun .• No''· 4 "1-'L\'ING l,t_;.~THER.~EC'KS" \\'llh John \\'ayne and Robert Ragan -Also - •·BERA VE YOURSEl.Y" ''·tt.h Sb~llry Wlnt.en and Farley Granger -Alwo - "Rl-ll:RAl'-D" J\'ltb Kay Millu.nd and .Ian Sterlin,( HENRY'S FAMOUS' -FOOD SERVED NITELY 5:30 TO 11:00 P.M. Jlo CLOSED 1 TUESDAYS < LEO ROJO AT THE PIANO BAR GENE'S RESTAURANT • and BAKERY Fn.,ch 'and Italian Cuisine Phoqe Harbor llOZ • '76.5 Cout 81,·d. Corona del Mar SAM'S SEA FOOD • • "At the Sign of the Sword.Ii.sh" COMPLETE COURSE LUNCHEONS" DINNERS Beautiful Rew Enlarged COCKTAIL LOUNGE .Dininc; Room 01>9n 11 :30 AM. lo B P.M. doay Closed Sundays ·ond holidoy: ~o: Kimberly 2-2196 I Lots ef FREE PARKING. • Cll" ~ ! ..l I ,• • • ., ' • • • r. •• • • . - . . • • ••• CANNAMELA _EXONERATED FOR OLSZEWSKI TACKLE 8 7 Rod llfacMllllan "Oh Dad, I failed them JU8t that Y"" have to . hit J~bnny O wne.n they n~d me m011t!" hard to atop him. Pat Canname&a. Those worda came off the ttpa SC 1\nebacker, hit Tohnny bud ot a aobbing Johnny Ollzewtkl rol-and clean wltll terrlftc force to lowing ca.Ji!omla'• footb&ll lou to injure him. C&l'• hlsh!Y emoUonal USC two weelta ago. The All rooten · promptly yelled "dirty" Amer.can Johhny 0 made no Instead" ot praialng both playe.ra cla.im• of "U1ey were out to get f« the.tr tlvrtonslra.tlon ot foot- me" or "1 faJled when I bad my balJ. Jl'Uma taCer proved tt wu a grralNt chance to prove that I clean atop by a hard hlttl.Dg ~ am truly All American''. The ror-jan de~rmlned to It.op the man mer Long Beach St. Anthony's wtth the ball. • athlete eaid nothing untU hJa dad It 111 not our purpoee to con· came lllto the dreasing room and vince readen wbelber or not the>n he br"Oke down In hi!: tathua there wu dirty work Involved-- arm• and expre>Med his f&Uure to it ls our purpose to te.11 you that come through for the team. football ls a man'• same. One of Luf ~· le•cu.• · champion 8anl;a Aha COiiege l"ill t'.rav..I to 8an Bemardlbo tomclrrow to meet u,.e· lll~lalul . who remain the only ~feat<d lam In. the llulenl Conference J . C. leque. · Oo.ch Bill Oook will -bill oquad out to try to put • halt to 1 the rampaginJ Ind.lane. who have i:oll.clA!d the llC&lpo of the rive challenpra they have faced th.la -,ear while racll:lr.ig up 215 point.I to lbel.r opponent. a.a. Eas~ ·~bLege aama Lo bater Abalone Swordfish RETAIL • WE GIVE SPEJCIAL DISCOUNT TO .LOCKER TRADE ' ·sEA FO·oo SP~CIALTIES 516 SOtb Newport_ Beach Ph. Bar. 1507 Johnny 0, as he ha.s become> the few te1ta of true compettUon known all over the naUon, is t.n.le-left. When ~ed rll(hl, football ly an All Amerlu.n. Hia team la a great game. When you 1ef' sp!rit is symbolic of American two team11 like Cal and 1SC fight sporu a.s they should be. A1l a It out M tb.ey did you are eeeing prepster here In tbla &rea. Oleuaki Amerte& at work. Cout College never did anything to diecredJt and San Bernardino put on the himaelf or his t eam. He ran_ha.rd, 8&.ITie 1tyle of a game the prevloWI be btoCked hard and he tackled Thursday and the Cout fan.a left hard -but he neve r played dirty the game with no Ill feellnp to- footb&.IJ. As a college .sta.r at wards the vtctorioua invaders. California, O.LszekJ&ki ha.a carried Football when played with thl! that same burning spirit with him. idea of winning through playing PIRATE'S .IE88& SMITH plowo ~ for yarda .. plD In lut w .. k'o pme aplDo& Rh..,nldo wbkb °""''" c-t Ooll<p cridat..,. woe by I._ 14 -.... C-&'o 011 -· (5S), rlsbl s-nl. Is ,.,,...,.n La oellte-r Of pa.y. Plra~ Wfl u.pected to take ClaatfPy '· c. into harbor ln tonlfht'a rune at lluatlncton Beach ll1a"h School a&adlwn.. (Hond& Photo) Each team hu had a two-week rfft ruuJUng from bye datea ~ their echedules 1ut week. ·Tbe Dona from Santa An& needed the re1t to regroup their football tor· ce.a while trying to replace aonte of the many injured playera. Mar· vin Kravitz, Jim M:atlunaga and Sam Palmer. outsta.nding linemen, will deflnl~ly be oUt of action ~ first string tackle° Mayne Schnak· ~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~ • enberg la still on the doubtful llat with l>eJ1.ny Sarnpc90n and Dalhan Burns. Wearing their new white jef"9ey8 for the firlft. time. the Dons Wiii open with Frank Freeee: and team captain Chuck Sitton at the end positiona with LeRoy Elacnbraun and Dean McCord at the tackles, Ira Garey and Bob Crumley guard• and Tom Moore at center. ln the backfield wilt be Bob Smith in the quarterback slot, Floyd Strain and Bob Umpress at the halfback spot.a and Milton Wlk.ert at fullback. r I ---------- THIS COUPON AND 79~ El!o'TD'LEB YOU TO ' -1 I - OCC FAVORED TONIGHT OVER . CHAFFEY AT H. B. BRUINS, BEARS . . PLAY SATURDAY AT COLISEUM I I I 1 qt. CLAM qHOWDER EITHER BOSTON (CREAM) or CONEY 18LA1''D (TOMATO) 8TYLE-THUR8., FRL, BAT. OAd SUN. _.,..... .. SEA FOOD VARlmES I I I He hu done nolhln.g to diacredlt the game rtght la run -lf foot- Cal and never ha.I tom down tbe. ball l¥1ayed with the Idea of win• oppo8ition with unfounded re· ning •· all coet.11, lt ceuee to be mark.it to the preaa.. Olazewaki fun an<! become. work. the worat runs hard, he blocks hard and he kind of brutal work which la a.ny- tackles hard when on defen&e.. He thing but run. We salute 1uch hll1' been known to run lhrougn playen u Johnny 0 , Pat C&nna- and over would be tacklers. Tele-mela, WUlle Mims. Perry Jeter, vision watchers have aeen him John a'nd Charley 81.ack, Bob carry as many &8 four men sev-Woodhou8e and Ed Mayer (Coast eral yards, they have seen bigger tack.Jes who m1de 23 1top11 agalnat ml'n than he knocked clear out of the Indiana}. \Ve, too. aalule such the field of play by his power coaches as Pappy Waldorf and driVC3 and crunching blocks. Jeu HUI and Cout's Ray R.0880 Hie. 'Em Hard whose football philoaophy la re- Oran,:::e Coast collece brlngl'IA--------------- the grid wara to lt.8 home ten-I-hot In Bob Woodhou.se'a t.ackh.• tory tonight tThur8d11y) by play-slot, wlll get lhc otrensive call Ing host to Chaffey college at A• well a.• the defcnl!llVe a88i~­ Huntlngton 8"ach high school m<'nt at right tackle. Either Gil .stadium al 8 p.m. Stern or John McHargue will get LOS ANGELES. Nov. 1.-MePt- lng for lht> 22nd time since 1933, UCLA 'a battling Bruins ,play-host to the mlgh\y Oolck>n B9ar5 In their 2:ilh Homecoming l;:rldfest Saturday aft<'rnoon In the Coll· <1Pum. A crowd of upward8 of 60.000 I• CXJ>f'Clt'd to be on hand for the kickoff al 2 p. m . All eyea will be on th.is battle al! the Indians of San Berdoo wlll wage their Apeedy backfield at- tack behind a hard charging llnf' In their quest for the "Little Rose Bowl" bid. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 I flected lhrougb the hard, but So it is not a mistake to say I cle&lli,. play of their boy•. TARS DETERMINED TO BEAT SAINTS TOMORROW AT S. A. Thf' second place Pirates will the nOO at cenl<'r whlle the rC"St l)E' solid ra.vorttea t o dump Don of the lineup will be u follows: Kraemer's: crllar dwellers al-left end, Glenn Woodard; left tnoug'h the Panthcr11 were raleci taCkll', Ed Mayer ; lf'fl guard. Fred as a le&Jnic ronlender at the .tart I Owens: right guarrt. GU Marsh: of th<' sea.son when thPy belted ' left half, Jeuc Smith; fullback, East Los A ngelce C1ty college Hal Smith. right out or the atadtum. Ray ln addition to John Black, Roa- ROASO 's Cout C'IUb baa shown Im-so will lniM?rt Charley Black into prove-d offeMive work each time the game early at 11.n offen11ivr QUt and lht>ir dt-fenae hu lw-<'n fullback Rpot and Howard Mlllt-r A determined Tar vanity today l!llrong enough to Cope wtlh the will probably gt'l equal billlng prepared for totnorrow night's invaders. with Ch&!e at quarterback. game with the Santa Ana Salnl.l!I ROASO will field & t eam which Chafft"y hu a Uithl but fut at Santa Ana High school at 7 :30 outweighs the Panthers by lO tl'am with a coupll' of former M&Jll· ~ ! o'clock. pounrlJ! ['('r man (even \lo'llhout the sllon, 0 ., boys carrying the brunt i Nol downcut. by la.st week's de-232-pound Jlnl K eeline), The of the attack. Fred Close operates feat, <tl·O, by the FUiierton lndl· C<>Asl club WC'igh.s an average of the '"T'' a.nd hu a favorite p&M ans, Newport Harbor High'• club 17 5·9 pound.!S J>i!r man whrte Chaf· rec~ver In a formt'r prt'p .team ups week practiced offenalve fey's b&Jl t\andlenJ weigh l~.3 mate. Al Murry. Dave George and plays baaed on the '"T" and the , pt'r n1an . Coast defensive team l8 Marton Sanchez, Kraemer's half- short punt formation. the lat~r heavlt'r with KceUnP ln the mid-bac ks are both track.men and arc ..t.aa; wmo u-.Jut dll' of lht U-{le ~d 187-pound J~-~-Uu:eat&. They a.re uec1..for Of t:l\e· Salntlll, eo.·cf\ Al lntln aftka at'9ft ....... fi!'if"'oon pg. pu. n!Celvtng lh addlUon to saJd: ''They've R"Ol a good team. ton. quick shot.II through the line. The La.at week they beat Orange by e. Tbt" ~t:W Look Panthers lead Rlveraidc In their score of 20-13 whlclt by comp&rl-The Pirates wlU go forth with Laat league game but were edged sons make11 them thr~ touch· tht> new offensive look uncovered out 26-21 in the la.st minute of 1 downs better than us. But com· at Rlvf'rL'l"ide Frtday night. Paul play. In previous clashe.J!. CaUfomia hu come off 14'1lh 14 victories. UCLA alx, and one game l"nded in a tie. The Bruins haven't beaten their Bf'rkE>l<'y brclh<'rn since 1946 PC Fleet Skippers Invited to Make Gold Cup Series when an undefcat<'ft Rose Bowl· Members of the Newport-Ba.1- dutint"d club earned a hard-rought boa PC Oeet have been invited to 13-6 triumph. compete In the Newport Harbor Lynn fPappyl \\'aldorr. rotund Yacht club Gold Cup Serles race!! Bear mentor. hs111 had thr Indian whic h wilt be held Saturday and sign on t.hc t:CLN! in th(' ~t Sunday. five yl'~rs that he has tx>en at the Mike Burk(', fleet secretary, Ca.I helm. Henry lRed) Sanders. said that 111x or more entries are UCLA coach, has met the Wal-required In each clft.88 , with daily dorf-coaQhe-rl grldders twice 11lnce firstand second place awards to coming wc11t from Vanderbilt in be given for nine or more entries 19-4.9 and loat by n1arglns o( 35·21 and dally tlrl!lt.s for eight entries CUI ..... a:..o c~u. ~~~~kl.Dr..Jll;~;a...i-ll-k-fll- The BM.Jin• bout a 11Cuon rec-ed be.tore noon, Saturday. ord of two wins &nd three defeats, but It la cxpectt'd that the two- w~ek layoff since their 41--0 a.n- nihllatlon or Oregon will enable them to rest their multiple in- ~ paritive 9e0res mean nothing." Chafe will engineer the ''T" and ' I He added that despite the Ned Pat1'IOl\s will start In John score. he was well-pleaaed with Black's halfback 1pot. Actually Sl:andlnp jurt~s and come up to lhC'ir peak W L Pta.. 0 of physical &lM'ngth since lhe In the recent Balboa Yacht Club Rooseve1t Serlea, Jack Toon. PC 37, and Dr. 0. G. Suen, PC 10, lied for first, with P'red Smales, PC 30, a quarter point behind. Toon ~ awarded first on total ela.paed time. Smalea took first place la.st Sunday In the Lo.! An· geles Yacht club's Santa Marta trophy race. Hilliard Brown wu .!lecond and Kenny Watl.l!I third. P· ·opening Texu A 6: M Ult. the NHUS showing aga11\8t thf' Back Is be.Ing saved for critic.a.I San Bernardino Indians. ''The boys never gave momenl.9 when hi• burst.A of •peed Orange Cout up." he said, adding that the Ta.rs can be turned Into point.II. Chafe Rlvf"ri.edc were the firat team lhlll year to threw 15 pa.seea at Rlvenide and Sant.a Ana make any kind of ground yardage completed. !K'Ven of thf'm, lnclud-Fullerton against Fullerton. ing lhrt'e to Don Paxton, one for Mt. Sa.n Antonio I Although Don Aarvold. back-a TO. J erry Bodine, who looked Cha.trey 2 O 69 6 That mea..M lhat· the Bruins will 3 1 79 <t9 have Joe Sabol, veteran wingback 2 l 48 <t6 and safety .ace, and Joe Marvin 1 1 31 14 and Ike Jone.II, defi'nslve haJf. 1 2 .f2 46 backs. In a.II probability, All- 1 2 33 69 I American llnebac:klng c&ndldate 0 3 36 160 Donn ?tfoomaw and tackle Captain Boys Club Squads Lead H. B •. League 1 field ace, i•, still out with a ---- sprained ankle, Rex Bell, who re· celved an eye injury In the Fu.lier· DEE ZIRKLE Carnegie Hero Medal· Given Ex -Costa Mesan Dee Zirkle. 18-year-old former Costa Mes.an who rescued two penions from alm08t certain drowning here la.st April I , will be honored with award& and medale from the Carnegie Hero Fund. At the time, Zirkle a student at. Harbor High. re3Cued J o Ann Pat- terson, 18, Puente and Earl E. Hicks. 23-ycar-old Air Force in- structor of San Bernardino. both of whom were caught ln a riptide oft 19th strtel. Newport Beach. Now employed in Topeka, Kan .. by a book company, Zlrkle's ell•· t ton Tea<ls: "Hlck11 sufff'red ll cramp and was swept Into dffp water ~ fe~t rrom shore. Swimming to- w11.rd tlicks, his riancee. Mila Pa.tt~rson. became tired in water 8 feet deep. 300 feet from lhore and called for help. Zirkle waded fron1 l!lhore and swam to Miu Pat- teraon through high breakertl. "Towing her 25 fttl parallel to tht> shore to get out of the area of 11trong current, he turned shore- ward tlnd 11wa.m. supporting he.r. He gained footlDg 200 feet from •hore and aasiated her from~ the water. "Zirkle, aeeln.g Hick.a bob brief· ton game, Is ready lo go. Other- wYe, the aquad Ui free of injuries. TCU 'Spread' • Sant& An.a hu been working of- tenalwly from a alngle wing with an u.nb&J&nl!ed line to the right. but hi now '!Sing the TCU "spread" l!luch u wu employed by the Te.xa.na a.galnst the SC Trojan!'! last Sa.turd~y. Thia pualng or- fe.nse., lf""\'lfn sa.Jd, will rely on the aeri&J artbltry of Bob Swltser, ace pu.ser. On the receiving end prob- ably will be Dick Bennett, the Sainta' be.at pa.sa receiver and run- ner. The Saints are all good-•lzed boys. the Coach reported, u.ylng one of their powerhouse• lJI Frank Torres. tackle. who captaln.s the team. Torree, a 220-pounder, ls the key to ·their orfeneive and de· tensive play. Not overly low &>ecau.se of the Fullerton 1088, the Tari are in ''good aplrtta" and are .,fl~ up" for tomorlow nlg'hl'a game with the Satnu. Irwin reported. Actu- ally, the Saints h.ave won only one game thls year. They bave been playing big school• 1uch u Monte- bello. lrwtn predicted It '"will be an eve.n ball game." He aald, "lf we get a break early ln the game, Y{e'U go all the way." Of courft. be sa.id, It will be \Ip to tbe Tan to "make" their I""" b~ The fact that local student. are really aupportlnr the tttm ag&lnat Santa. Ana wu borne out by ex· tensive aoapln& of Balboa 11.l&nd merchants' plate ,..._ wtndowa H~ Tho,,_ In print and acrlpl wU; "~t the 8&1nta.'' l,y to the aurtiu:e. again ~ntered Q UAIL HVNTJNO J;tATES the water. Be .warn to where nae tint ot foa:r qv.(11 bunttna Hlcka bod ..,,.,.....,. 3l!O feet ,,._ ""°"' and o-..ed the · iatttt .. _ In Callfomla llo(lne Bot. drtfllng o...t ,._ l>elow the ..,,... Uro.J' In Hlllnlloldt aad Doi - r ..... Zlrllle took bold of blm but .-nU.. aad tlla,~ Ill Ilea; wu imoble to -blm from the --IUICI -· _... water " -t10t -o( HlPWQ 101. . . ·~-~~ QMll --ID -uw Orobblag,.,Hlclm )>y -~. -·-Jt. --. Ula :-:~ .::'"'1.!:..%"'°1o tho,..":;; dall1' ..... ~ p •• 1-llml\ • can--bt to -In. Ba ... <•_> ______ _ ;::: .. w ~ J:=Utxl ••n .-:ooLS 1-clL Att.r U. -.Zlrlde lat.,)f ... "1._. .._. .ba _, "1-GD't --........ but 1 llo&., -· l~-. --aou.· . ~-.:D .t-J;C. So. Orange Coa•t 60 Glenn Woodard ( 182 ) .. 5.t, Ed Mayer (198) ...•.. 31 Fred Owen• (182) .. 28 Gil Stern (18f) ...... . 53 Gil Marsh (164) ........... . •~ Jerry Bodine (1961 47 Don Paxton\ ( 167) 40 Paul Cha.!e f 160) l3 Ned Parson. (166} 16 Jeue Smith C173J 61 Hal Smith (193) .. P oa. Chaffey .LER ...... Al Murray (1801 . . LTR. Harold Johneon (1601 . ... LGR ....... Oeorp Roblnaon ( 166) . .. C ...... Jerry Miller (JOO I . ... RGL........ ..... Bruce Bell (200J .. RTL .. Jerry M&rt.ln (183) .. REL. Ted Miich (180) QB . . ...... Fred Clow (160J RHL. .... Dave George ('J.66 ) . LHR Marton Sane.he& ( 1 ~) FB ... WIJlle RJchardaon (160J c ..... 1 LE LT LG RG RT RE LB LB HB HB s 8--man defu.e (6-%-%-1) Sid Mann.Jn& ( 170J C.oaat 6-man defeme ( W-i:-t ) LE Sid Manning ( 170) • Ed Mayer (.193) Fred Owe.na ( 182 1 Jlm Kcellne l2321 Jerry Bodlne ( 196 > Jack MeekB t 187 1 Don Wagoner (1861 Ch~rles Black (lOOt Mel Smalley ( 170 l Ned Pareou (16:5l Howard Mlllor t L'l7) ' LT Ed Mayer I 193) MG Jim KeeUne (232) RT Jerry Bodine (198) RE Jack Meeka (187l LB Don Wagoner, ( 186 l LB Charlea Black t190) LB Hal Smith {1931 HB Mel Smalley ( 170 > HB Ned Pol'Oona (IM' 11 Howard Killer UDT> • • • Hal Mitchell wiO be healthier than they have been In almoat a month.. Moomaw has been suffering from No. a cheat and lt'g lnjury; Mltche.11, M ankle and knee. B o y a' C I u b flag too~~llers grabbed the lead in two of 'Hunt- lngton Beach's recreation league• lut Saturday. Don Seal ecored to points to lead the class ''G" 5t'erm to a 61-6 win over the Hunt- ington Beach Eagles. Lawrence Caatro acored three timee to pace the cla..sa "E-F" Bulls to a 2()..9 win 36 In Paul Camecon, 180-pound 47 sophomore ~llback and the PCC's l§9 leadlng total offense yardage- 67 maker. Sanders hu the key to the 38 attack tha't might unseat the 26 Bean, thrice·Ro6e Bowl particip- ants in aa many year•. C&liforniA, over Buera Park. The game wa.s 27 de1pite a recent 21-14 los.a to spa.rked by the defe.nalve play of 31 Southern California, Is •lilt a Dave Tamura. Cutro and Stan il solid point-ecoring machine. Schone•. Bruce Knipp'• Bean took 40 The Bears, 11pcarheaded by a a loM in a practice game wtth the palr of erstwhile Long Beach-....pro-Warrlore. l<t-7. The winner• are ducts. Quarterback Mill Mais and In the "C·D" league while the Johnny Olszewski, All-American BoY1J' Club six is In the "E-r' Fullback hope, have exceptional league'. depth. Olaewaki, Injured in the Bob Wetzel lopped all bowlera SC game, la a poealble •tarter, if of the Boy•' Club Monday atter- hla ailing ankle haa healed. noon a.a h~ rolled 181. The boys Bob Karpe and Ralph Krueger, go bowling each Monday at Van'• the Cout'.s top offensive tackle at special ratu of l:k:· per line and duo. and center Charlie Huri.!1 8.hoee are rumta.hed. b('ad a beefy C&Jlfomla line, with A science club ta being spQn· Lea Richter, 230-pound All·A.meri-sored by the Booster club and Will can linebacker, provldlnc, the de-have Ila ftr•t meeting thta Friday ten1lve t.n.un,nce. · aftem_oon· at • :15 p. m . All mem-~ ben of lbe Bop' club will be wel- comed to the meeting which will streu aeW.ra.I fteldt of acience. Casillas Pitches No Hiiier as C.M. WIM 3·2 Rud' calomu pltclled no-hit boll to 1-1 the coot. w.. Mqcl\apto to • 3-2 ... llall wtn """" SOuth Gate Sundq at co.ta Ke .. '• i..toaa l'leld. .,,,. Mttct..nto p~ e.cb8~atlp.m. AdmlAlon .. tr-eie. °'"llae wallltd. oaly ,..., and -out 11 u. Illa ....... ..., •• , Plt<bin& MO>•'lntlon. He rot lhtq bot -... the ... o( lbe .... 111 -.. lilt ff -- --..... -l to tlllrd -.._ Bw•sltti •-· TM..., --..... flyto-0...--I•' flllll n.t pat- ._ ---Ill .-S-1. • """" .... Ille -...... Ill Ula -.......... .. qooc. .... , .. - -la ·---teloataio .... ·--. -......... •• 0 ~ "" 112• "" ... E t 'J'M ......... 111.d Ill a. a' ":. -.. -• Gia. --...... -. • • • That Continuo111 Stock Quotatl- and Late News Are Available at eur LAc;uNA HACH OfflCI Bank of Laguna Beech Bldg. · Ph. 4-1156 Complete·Btobraie l'acilitieo T...,.Lm: S&od< Tlcbr lootlotlal LlblV)' UMI leadlWI a- Yout on1tt tQ buy or .. U limd nocb, bcmdl • - 11plklla·#if WJuCi::aeecl ·w~ .,12J tsf,114.w 9 ..e.. om: die nation-wide leued pd,ate trite .,_ - nectinJ fl!11' 16 California offices and OUl Nnr Yock o&e with principt.1 Eastern tndi"f oencm. Scadl- tbl fedlicia are maiaraincd fer your ---- DEAN WITTER. It Co. .. ..... ,.,. ... Y"-* ..... I t p S I •• ~ "' ,,..,,. '""'" ..................... s ..... ,. a.. ................ . IM UllZ" IAM fllAllCltDO TV, OWllBBSI, POOR TY RECEPTl.ON? LET US CHECK! Inferior vi• reception is not neeessarffy eausecl by poor location. Improper fft ad- justwnellt or IM nffd for a simple added appliance. may do wonden to ~mprov• SOlllld and pie twit Cf11Glity. Cal n now for Mf!Ylce. TELEPHONE llEAOON 6791 THOROUGH £. Y TRAINED and FACTORf QUALIFIED ElECTRO~IC EXPERTS FOLi:. Y EOUl~~ED to. S~RYE· Your _ .·_TV. ~~d ~DI~ ~-lVl.fE .~EEDS . CQ .. li1e Mmlit1 .... ~ 4liillcl .... 11ia.. t I ~ •. S. •• ,e..1ii1t Llc••••d Tech1k:blm • • .. ' . 1 I I • N<n'ICE OF SALE OF STOCK IN 11ULI< 'l'O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: : THIS NOTICE ot intention to ~ll a stock of goods in bulk, · · Witneueth that notice la beretzy J I v e n that the un4_~niped C:EOROB: ~SS and STEVE f APP f.ll ~d to oen an that certain ltock. of metthancliae con· aist!n« &W1erally ot •tock. fixtures, fqutp~ent, lease of that certain 6uatnMe. k now n u UNIQUE CA.FE localed at 4...10 -32nd Street., Newport Beach, Califomta belong- (/lg to l&ld GEORGE CANDOSS lnd STEVE PAPPAS and located iit 410 -12nd Street, Newport Beach. Californ.la., and lbat a transfer and aseignment of the iame will be made, and the Pur- •hue prlc.. tl\eroof, will be paid, 6n MONDAY, the ll'IFTH day of !-IOYDBB:R, 19'1, at BAY ES- CROW CO., INC., 1415 Cout H tchway, Corona del Mar, C&llfor- ~ at 10:00 o'clock A. M. That U>e addreu ot aaJd vendor la 21.11 II. Hoover, Loe Angeles, Loe ..An-tieJea C..uncy, California. and tho ~-' iald •...aee la 410 -32nd e N-port Beach, Orange • Calft'Gn\la. 26 October, 1951 . • • • • • • ' GEORGE CANDOSS, STE~. Vendors JtUTH BAllFELS, EDITH BROUGHAN, Vendeee ita.te of~f«nia. ~oa.nty of Orance. aa. : <>a October 29, 11&1 before m e, the undersigned, a Notary Public tn and for sa..td County and State, pe..-ally ap~ Georc• CaA-dou. Ru.th Bartel&, Steve Pappis and EcHth Broughan, known to me to be the penon.a wh09e namn ue avbacribed to the wtthln lnatru· !nent and acknowledged that they executed the same. .. WITNESS my hand a11d otttcial lleal (Seal) VIOLET TR<>RICN .' Notary Public In and tor S&id ' County and Stalf'. No. 758-l'?'ea. ~bliah November 1, l,9S1 . . • • m.&CllUO 81JJ'ft.ID LIPtl"S~ I· 0 -·tee ' Para-"• h • .... IDD. ••021• .... --· ftzs •1n1zm TUI • • • Boston is Home of Xmas Cards The tint American Cbrlotmu carde were pubU.bed ln 187S by a Booton lit1>ocnpbtt. Louis Prang. NOW' ta tbe time to aee the beav- tltul peraonalized Chrlat.lruy carda by Bonnell ond 8-mpton at the Newport lkrbor PubllshlJ>« Co., 2211 Balboa Blvd. N•wport-BHcb. Clyan Sall and Jack Greene reeently purchued the building at 900 W . Balboa Blvd., Balbo&., from Dr. \f. T . Mooney. They have named It the "Balboa PaJms Bltlc-" and have been keeplnl' paint.era. decorators, a n d land- ac&pe prdenen buay. The new oft-street park:inc lot in lbe rear hu been black topped and encloMd wtlh redwood tenctng. Clyan Hall, well kliown locally tor h.la artlaUc ability with wood hu d,.tgned and executed t h e attractive new •lln- R. J _ Greene, Realtor will open a new real eatate otnce ln thl1 building' to be c a 1 I e d Balboa Palma Realty . , HAiytlET DOPYERA Well Known Hair Stylist ha~ joined llTH'S BEAU~Y SHOP .EllPEU lll&AUTY CABE FOil )l'Otlll ILUll VIRGINIA REED • HARRIET DOPYERA 338 Poinsettia, Coron. def ~r . PHONE llAJlBOB :ltO'I -. 10o/o Disca1mt .on Any Pmdta11e (DCEPT •••WJllllJ ..I -'MP} ........... , ...... IA '(SIDE RSH MAiU'T FN~ Fish D11fr froin _OS OWll taala! ABALONE __________ . ___ _.. 75c ......... a , .... . I . BUI.ls iyow IS THE -...... -F~ .a-. . _: We 8ttll llMlll t 0... 9 Uili . R&NUNCUWS ......................... ~ l• fw $1.M ... ' . ~ - TULll'8,. :Top 8llle '---'--•··~·••••-"••••u••••u•••-••-·•• .. DUTCH DUS. -·····-··-·-.. ·-----······-·"···---.. ·-.. --.... .._ ... • Milady's ha.tr wW be sprayed to match her l'OWD and blonde hair will be in t.ona of akyllebt blue, dusty silver, bl.lie aliver and to- pu, ~"'" Balboa be&utlclan Mary Price wbo a ttended-the hair convention at the A.mb&aa· dor boW B~ and Monday. KING ALFRED D~Oll.8 ------------·-----·· .. UI ... • 5&10# tla••rr u u1 So. :Ne.....,t .. .._ WWW .,a_,., .,.,. .. ,.,_,6 Let Us Help !You withY our Ne~t Order • • -- ' ,_ • . , • ~·· • • LETTERHEADS _STATEMENTS ENVELOPES offla ·FORMS BUSINESS .. CARDS • LAIRS The impression you "1•~ in yo~r ' indired· cont•c\ wltll custodten or wholesale 1'ou1es .U~rt41 *ftt'Y on · the eppearanc:'e o your · 4t tiOnery and bUtiness ~.,. •. :. • ' IW .. allly 106 Calf. ' ' I . - -I': • ,• I , // ... ,, • ' • , , I • j ' , I ' • , • UJP.efi. •,ilEl\\V~ • I • ' • ~Paul's Proqram' s.,. 1110.n . Theme for Lutherans • • • • .• • "Pall!'• rror-r... ~ Mem_.. 'will .be \be -at the .....,.,n tllle Bunda!'. ,._ -Dr. Ivan Ellis Accepts Pastorate of NeWpOrt first Baptist Church • Herbert C. Roth will p.-cll "!' the tnt trorn TM Lottu ID U.. Co-1 :t·H-1"" Sac,.......l ol Holy OonunuDlon la celeblll!Ald on the flrat SundAy of n'el'Y month. LUt Wedneod&y evening tocic~~~~~;;:;i;;::;ai~~ congngatlon of the Newport Bap- ~t Mw.rch extendf'd a unan.Jmoua call to the Rev. Ivan Cheever Elli&. Tb. D ., to become their pu:tor and his acceptance waa announced at the Sunday morning ~rvice. Dr. Ellis had 11upplicd lhe pulpit tor lht> previoWI four Sundays. ' He wa~ formerly pastor of lhc West Side Baptbt church. SeatUe, \Vaah., the Atwater Park Baptlll church. Los A ngelcs, and A&alat-.. BW>~ echool meeta al 9:30 a. rn. wt th d•eee for. all 'ai• Tie Adult Billie ...,up. taugbt by UM' -tor -at ll!l.s hou<, wW lFe&1n to ltudy the Book ot Ac:ta. httl>U are invited to brine thek dlllclMn and attend the Bible St.udy Cius. Ft'ff bu. aervtce i. provided. • Schedule tor the week l8 M tol- lowa: Tbu....s.y .. ulng, a p. m.: Womrn'• MJ.a1onary Bociet.Y meet- ing at lh• church. J"rlday after- noon, l p. m.: Wotld Community Day Service at our church lpoll· BOred by the Council .of Church Women. Saturday momlng, 10 IL m .. :' Catfchlam c1-tor cbl!.U.,,. In,. gradee T and 8. Saturd&y .... nine, 5 p. m,: Annual Jl'lah Fry for the benefit of . the . churcb ant Putor of the First BaPtiat · church, Glend&IE', catlf., over a per iod of 12 years. 'He eerved three and a half years with the Los Angeles Bapt'st Church Mis- sion Society tlS &M.lsta.nt to two execuUve secretarlefl, Or. James B. F ox, and Or. Ralph L. May- berry. During Work1 War ll he had over three years of a ctive duly u a chaplain in the United Stat.ea Navy. F ollowing his duty·l.n the Navy Dr. EllU! completed a cour&e . building tund to be held at the Coata Meaa Legion IUJJ, The pub- lic ta invited to attend. Monday evening, 7:SO p. m,: BJbJe atudy hour. Monday evening. 8~30 p. m .: or graduate study leading to the degree ot Doctor of Theology in Church History at the Northern Ba pt t • l Theok>gical Seminary, Chicago, Ill., a.nd taught there a total of three years, first a.a in- structor ·and then as A&."M>Ciate ProfeM<>r ot Church History and Missions. In further preparation tor a teaching mln~try. he hu been working at the Univer•ity of Southern California tor a Ph. D. in Unitrd States History. u the nece.esary background tor a con- tribution Lo American Church HL!- tory. Dr. and Mrs. Ellill wilt continue \o reside rn th1'ir hOn1 .. at Lake- wood Village, 45:>2 Lomlna Ave. Dr. Ellis will continue to teach at U. s . c . and to pu raue researc h for his dissertation &t the Hunt- ington Library, San Marino. At 11 L m. Sunday Dr. Ellis will preach on "Two Implications ot Com1nunion" before the month- ly communion service. The con- gregation has voted to hold the evening Sf'rv1c(' at 1 :30 p. m., in order to start a Youth Fellowship at 6:30, beginning thia Sunday. The evening sern1on topic will be "Clay on God's Wheel." OIL IV AX C. ELLIS Altar Gu~ds Plan Joint Meeting The Altar Gulld8 or Our Lady or Mt. carmel and St. John Vl&nney churches will hold a joint mcetlng on Tue8day, Nov. 8, at 12:30 p. m . al the new Parish Jiall adjoining the Rectory. 1441 West Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach. The highlight ot the meeting will be the guel!lt 11peaker, Mn. )oaeph J . Schlarb. newly ele<:ted president or the Archdloceaan Council ot Catholic Women. In addition. thle wU.I be lhe tint opportunity to lnspecJ the new hall which -haa been remodeled trom the. old church bulldlng. 'Th.e kitchen is said to have only the finest equipment and to be plan- ned to accomodate many large partit'a planned for the ruture. At this meeting plans will bf completed tor a ham dinner to be given early in December. All ladlea ot the Pariah are ln· vited to attend becauae at tut there will be plenty or room for everyone. Community C~urch 'Punishment' Corona del Mar Science Theme ' --- Uslng Abra.ham. "who went out, not kno"';'.ing wher~ he wu going" ae1 an ex.ample tht.' Rev. PalJI Ed- ward Babb!tt. mlniA:ter ot the Community church ot Corona del Mar will preach next Sunday on the aubje<:l, "How Do You Meet Crises!" This is th,f' third in a aeries of sermons to help people meet the pre&t!Urc ot these days. The chapel choir will .!Ing. "0 Morn of Beauty" by Sibelill..!I in the 9 :f5 a.m. service and the chancel choir will sing "Built on a Rock" by Christ ia.naen ln the 1 l a.m. service. Both choir.! are directed by Mary Bat~en Steffen- sen.• Church school mcl'.'ts a t 9:4:> a .m. with H. A. Harwood as super- intendent. The Senior High Youth F eUow: ..JJ.hlp mttls at 1 'J>.m . in PUgrlm fla.11 with Paul S . Delp a.a coun- sellor. Many a big deal hu been' maae lhru a am&ll Wa.nt Ad -People do read the want &<b. Race Track CoH.. CAKE ••••• 23c •. ct.1111111 ..... ANGIL POODM·-............ ~!'!~1f Oll9rA -· ..,1 .. _Ms,.,._ ~'\~,r::: I , LMlmlA •·m . ... .... , ' Th08e who turn to God and fol- low in right path.a shall be u.vf'<I from the etfe<:ta ot evil, a ccord- ing to the Sunday lesaon-M:nnon on "Everlasting PUnlahment" to be read Ln aJI Christian Sc1ence churches . The Golden Text Is from Lamentation: "Wher efore doth a living man compl&lf'\, a man t or the puniahmcnt ot his sins? Let U8 aea.rch. a.nd try our ways and turn again to the Lord." Mary Baker Eddy says In "Sci- ence and Health with. K&y to thl' Scripture.!:" "The moral law, wh.lc h hu the right to acquit or condemn, always demand.a re1tl· tutlon before morlale can 'go up higher .' Broken law brings pena.1· ty in order to complete thla pro- gTelS8." Dedication Rit~ - at Christ Church- Dedication of lhe new land9cap· ing at ChrlMt Church by the Sea will follow next Sunday'• 11 a. m. service aa the. congregation ad- journs to the lovely new lawn i.n front of their bu:ldlng. The pro- ject which ran into the tho UAnda ot dollara, wu recently complet· ed. Sermori topic at the morning service will be. "Behold, I Make All Things New." .. Praise the Lord, 0 J eru.saJem" will be sung by the sanctuary choir under the dJrectlon of Aira. A. J . Rutter. ··Nacua.kJ Four Years Alter," a. fim atrip, wtU be .Uiown at the 7:30 ~our.~ Balboa Island Methodist Church Dr. Harry Wb.J.te will have U bb: wrmon 9Ubject "The C&ll for Flgh\o?S-• The .. mce ls at 11 :1.m. Gene Roth. wife ot lhe pu- t.or at Newport Harbor Luthe.ran oburcll, wlU be .,!ol.st.. Tb• church -1a1 h&ll. now beln&' completed with lnatalllnc of ' ui.. floor. will be ...,.i .. mlel· 'ng ptoq, fQ!". Boy Scout. Troop '1 """ ' beinl' <><ganlaed with ::...,.. ~ u ecoubnuhr. It la tlo.ilis 'POWlfod•by ...... Har· bor Op~ club. San Diego· Pastor to Be Here for Preaching Mission : llltt ...... Wood a( tllo -... B'IDI MOUit Si· A:adl al -DlolD .. -_ ..... u.. .... Iii!• ... ..,.. .. • • Ille . I• Mat \I IC' o1i "i ~ ... -...-=. ......... ,~ .. ..... . -.... •2 ass W ctr & · • Senior Choir re:hea.nal. TUeeday e-venlng, 8 'p. m.: Sunday lcllooJ teacher'• meeting. . The church is open daily tram 9 a . m . to 8 p. m. for private de- votion. Putor'a office houn aN" from 9 a. m. to J2 noon for prl· vale cou.neellng at the: pa.r&onace next to lhP church at 1027 CUff Drive, Newport Height.a. Lo.ndon ' Pastor to Pr.each Sun . at Mesa Church The' Rev. T . Francl8 Glal'la<>n, M , A., D . 0 ., pa.tor of the Rich- mond ~fethodiat church and Col· lege cha~I in auburban Londt>n. England. wtll preach at the JO :M> a . m. service Sunday at the Coo!ta Mesa Corrununlty M e t h od I s t church. Dr. Gla.sson ls the holder or one ot but fitly Doctq r of Dtvlnlty de· gre-ea conferred by the Unlvl'rslty ot London. Lea.vine England a month ago, he pl&rul to apend a year in thbt eountry 11tudylng American church lill' and method.A. M a /oUow -up ot the recent Loyalty Sunday at the Me• chureh, an Every Member Canvau wlll be~cOJlducll'd next Sunday at- t~moon, (N ov . 4 ), and continue t hroughout the week. If ncccasary. Chairman of the canvaN 111 Ray· mond K. Eutman. AMi.ating him will be approxlrnately :5() vl.sllo rs who will compt1.ee teams ol two eac h to make the calls nec~uary to comple te the canv&M. Lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. --.. Sunday at 8, 10 and 1 J :30. We-ek dayw; 8 a. m . Conteaalon& s&turday, 4 to 5 :30, 7:30 to 8:30. Sunday, befo re each ma.ae. Balboa l•la.nd. Stmday, 8 and 10. Satur- day, 8 a. m. Conteulona, Mme u above. Rad.lo Procrams Dally, except Sunday, Roaary hour, KFWB (980} 7:30 p, m. For peace, 8unda.r• Holy M&88, 9 :06 a. m .. KLAC (~70) 11 a . m. Catholic Hour. KFI (840' 8 :'416 p. m . KOFJ (710) Hour ot St. Francie Clidlnp 4 olhera. Methodist Board Meets Monday MontbJy meeting or OW-Sunday achool boan::I ot the · Coeta Mee& Community Methodlat thurcb wtU be heJd Monday, Nov, 6, at 7 :30 p. m. In the t!ha.pe.1. Planned for turlher dlacusaioo l1 a .ertea ot Leadership Training . claue1, the fint or which la 8ated. for Nov. 19 at 7:30 p. m . Accepting an lnvilation extend .. <'d by Rev. and M.ra. Joeeph .Mc- S ha ne to meet at the panonage ror tbeir November meeUn1. mem- ber• of the offlc&al church boe.rd will convene Tu.eaday, NOY. 81 at T :30 p. m. "W. 4o bope lbal the turnou\· will be 100 per cent.• •Y the llc8hant!9. , Sunday Service at St. Andrew's ' ' I~ IJll .. . -' 1 -r J Mrs. teon F"'gusori s.+. Qectlia Is Guild Is Circle H9stess . ' Meets Tuesday .. ::, lllra. Karlan s.e:,, oPued lb St. C«WI\) GuUd oi u.. w- Oct~r meeUng of Ne W port a~·a A.wc8i'&'Y of st. Jaines ~ · Hejpt.o Circle of Chrlat Cllurcbl b)'I c:opal cbuifb, will meet t!" a ,-Ir the f Sea wben JG tnembe?8 Mel lwteh at 12 noon T\JeacJ&Y._ New. • Thu'-y night. Oct. -2ll jn tfie at the home of Mra. l'f, w'.-Beetoll, i\pme of Kl'll. Leon ..........,., (£53 27Zl Bay.lhore Drive, ll&lbq!l' BA7· ~nta Ana avenue 8be U8ed al •horca.. Mn. Frank ~ -r-. · will • &Miat Mn. Benton. llln. her devoti~nal topic, · .. A. It & r Jo&epb Rtgp. chairman ·0t ~ PrayerUme.. guild. wiU pro.Ide u members dJe. - The •tudy book., "We Amert-CUN tht-gulld project for Ql.rUt. can.a. North and Soutl\" wa. re. mu. ' vle)Ved by Mra. Hugb M<llLDan- Fln&l plans were made Cot tbe $6 Dolla.r banquet aecorai..ioo and ,for the Cir'Cle'a baz.u.r booth. 4 November is the 01onth when th~ Clrcle wUJ . be church ooat,. cue. and membera voJwiteel'«I tor duties ln t he nursery, for the re- ception committee a.nd dolnl" flor- Flll8T CutlBCll Oii' CllUft,- . SOIENTIST A b,.~ of The Mot.Mr O.at'CL T1Jt l'~lrtit Q1i1 1c.h ol Ckri•t. Sd.etMt. til 8-tOll., Mii .... c:h•Htl•. • SSOS Via 'Lido, Newport - S•nd•y ~ ·--······-·-.. ·--t : IS a . -.. Svinday ~rvlc.e "-•········-•····11 ;Of a. -.1 Wedrtee.day Evenlq mtttths 1 :00 p . •· 008T1JME PRll"I: W1NNtlts "' Newpen-ifaroor Yacllit club'• .. Olde 8allor'a Ball" "'er& Mr. and aJ decorations in the sancutan'. E llt • · Mra. Homer Hargrove, 1827 R-din1 rRoom loc.ted at 111 ....... Strttt, a.a,o., i• open dally 1,.. II -" to S p. m. aacept Sunday• aM hol'day• nabon&lly ohlie,...MI. ~ Mn. Slrat nit~ of Udo' ble. pte7 reprMented a Ugbt familiar to sallon -a red and a blaek · TuJ:tin avenue, Costa Mes&, wiJJ bou;r -complete wfttt approprlat.r.ly colored llchta and bella. Tbe1 a.re abown ltere a.t left. with be hoeteaa at the November 27 Th• public i• co1ct'ally invited to attend th" church ..-Jvlce• and "" th R .. dins Room. Kn. Paul Plat and ta. Mlll'"f'a)' du.rlq" tae belsbt of the feetfvltlea. (Photo by Beckner) meeting. > ~~~~~~-~:-~~~~~~--=-~~~~~~~_.:.~~~~,.---~~~~ -SAFEWAY Ulll~t•IUI Mrs. Wrlthfs Brud ::.r 20- s1ac1 • ...hit• or wheot. CSmoll loof, I Set Raisin Brud ~~-':: 23• Slkecl Cheese ~ ... -:t;· 33• - lima '9ns ~ 1::-14• Hominy 1~· 1Z. 19;::-15• Bonjo btond, ..tlite 0t ytlJow '<'Ol"i.ty, Cinnamon &:.:; ~ 14• Foney qyolitv~ ~. C-4-01. con. 2.5cl Rik Rik Cleilser 2 1::: 23• 5of,1ti1"-deodor;u. °'It c:Monl. • • do111'le neecl ••• • clovl>le Ji /t SUPPOll TOUI COMMUIITT CllEST ,.. _________ _ ---· \ KROB CUfT ROla ! 't! 51• 1:!' 99• 1 See page 101 in November i•ue of I ranUly Circle: for details on how lo I Nve I t.A)() on pair of r Kleeftcut ' . ' I I I I ' I I I 2 I : Spring Tension Shean. • I ~--------------------J I • MORR•:t.J.•s PRIDE SHORT SHANK ••• sMAll , Sllf ••• PACKED 111 YISKDt6 Jusl look at the ex!ra low price on Smoked Picnics ••• the meat o{ many uses. Serve baked for dinner. sliced cold for sandwiches. fried wi:h egg• for breakfast, cooked en casserole, or U!if: for seasoning beano and o:her food•. Gi•e your budget a Ii{:. set\'e this econ· omy me&! this week! And at Safeway'• low pricn you can really A>el Come in :cxlay. ge! your smoked picnic during c Safeway'• Big Sale! i PER POUND . ' -------------------------------t .. .i~1P4•l~t•zP~·;~z·.z·~_.•~1·~··t·'1111~•2,...,•t•1J""~~lll·----------------- 1Hlll 1#1S Excelknt to t.fl"Vtl with boit«f p icnics. SLICED BACON r;u ,~52°. -Gnzde A. In hecll-podr. s.r.e wlilt.. -for brealdaot. GrAAll Peas e.1-0;, u .... 21c ~8n Frnh Frozen ,.l9. Baby Uma Beans ~~-·.~;--z3c Uma Beans .~ 1:._;--22c Strawberries t!:.:' •,:.;-· 31 • POii BOIST ~~nm~ ... 39° . BlrO"'cl• ol r, Ina l)lnlla W pmk. CBlll! lrall of ahould.,. 11r. 53c1 le-a• ...la S.1-ow '·••· 11 • RIVA9UV Concentrated c•• POii Llft:B SPEC/Al V/llfJE! OH FOOD$ AT SAFEWAY At your nearbY Safeway you can bet.Utt. of·low prices •.. on ~try 1~lf ..• e\'~ry dar. kc~ are a few or lhis "eek's srecial buys. . ' SUGU n!~ ~· 45° ':: 89° Far coolr!_rq. lor nmnlnq, ar IQ( table uae. SPECIAL •PRICEI CBISCO v~~:Dinq !!32" ~ LONliBOBN · CHEF.SE. Erc.llnai -· F« IJllDllwlclrM m coo!dnq. llPtCIAJ. VAJ.UEI TOMATO JUICE -= 3 11!.-23~ Far looMliiawl -ubb:r T-~cam. lie) lOW PRICES ON FINE t:OFFEES -' -' I --- MARGARINE - . Stmnybonl< Yell ow, foil wn'p-pM; • E•cellent ,,~d. • '2fte Uoe in tGol<ing. too. .. ----- · la ti.. Pleeo or Sliced. tx .. JJaat Wllh OnioDL •. '5• "'' 75• . lm Meat p~~c!-0s,;.:.i .. •s• B11f Hearls ' SUc8' Beel liYer To Bake O< Sttw 11i1iW Stub ·= •-59- . ,,,.. .. t#/jll#·NWTI . leis 11litU Bmsls AU •eody fo. the-· t Fa-.odrite ' 15 .......... --... 0o'!'...~:. .. 1.15 -Flovorlul 1 'l light,""'• •. ·' • -.,._o\•n11'.19 ":,~ idea& for o~doosforJbOlile OF' 1><00\fa ... • • • If ' _,_ • • • MnQ -· ....... "'°""'9o1 "'*'"' and -·ahotl 1 - . ....-.ft'lber ~ 0 .,... •• ··~· yc1R~ fANlfL · 5c • •·•· ~t Safeway ..-y Now on~ , v-sa .,,.,~-.,,.,, llKenlt Milk ~~·· .::: 21 c Hofi .. 11s:.cf. pasteunftd. 'h-P1llon. Uc Price IYbjact to Stot .. lootd regulottonl. C .. lfed Milk ~ 19'. ~T, .... ri<h. to-t. ~<I Mt1·2-m of we;., for tol>Lo -&r• ermrs . .: i!-JJ•, Pirates• Gold. '" '~inQ slz• .. podl: I ' • • - • • • • • • • ' . . - \. . • • •• • . -• •+ • • ~ . .. , .. •• < , ,. • • • • < • . I • . • • ... • . . .. • ., • . . ' • ' . • • • • • • •• ' • • • • • • • • , • • SPEctALS fOR nns· .ml . . tlwu Suncl'ciy, NC!Y. · 4 ' 81ntiftll Chrysa•••••1111 ,: ... -.......... I CJal. 55¢ , ~ Hlllfsc:~. 11 Y91etfes_' -··-··-I gel. SS• Hanlfr hclcl1d hchilr1 --···---........ 1 gal. 4Sf RoCJ911 Giant Pansies .............. ! .............. I dox. 35# , We have· e complete line of mete'riels on hand for installation and mainten•nce of sprinkler systems -'es low as $5.7 5 per sprinkler head. They are e 1 specialty with us. SUB· TROPICAL LANDSCAPE NURSERY . 716 Coast Blvd. • CORONA DEL llfAR ' Har. UU.B I READY .MIXED CONCRETE • SOUTH COAST . ' MATERIALS C'OMPANY No Job Too l.Arge: No Job Too SmaN H9 \l' ... -...:.-N-n ..... -·---oqi¥rA !llE.!IA -PHONE BEACO\f U. - LUMBER •• SAT. 8 to 5 SUN. 9to1 SPJ:OIAL Tlll'8 WEEK-No9. % tA> Nov. 8 CEMENT -(Special) PEB SACK 99e ' at . , . ABCl LUMBER; 140 E. 17ih S&.; c.ta lllMa ' • - • N~tlM-J FOR COMPLETE BARJl()R NEWS COVERAGE -TWICE A wm- It's m'ore "con,.ail.ol aad >depeod.bte i to use only one railroad, and only the YUt iwwork of Santa Fe rail linet 1iok California · with Chicago, Colorado, Tau and odlet • important poioq in the Great Southwest. Salta Fe's giaat lcet fit CniSM di<iotls and mod- etll can of all typco. CClmbined widl Ge bow- bow o( skilled freiaJ>t people ....,_ "1ippen of smoodocr bandli ... ood "on-time~ pe.rformance.. '. S&ntal'•'•pat.jofift...,tramc1zd 1••!11 inias-N,.., Sufu Cbiel; Tho QM( El Capi,_ The ,Gruel ~ wl-* c.l,ifotala Umiiecl paoWle' • ......, --.-~ odidom to ... ;,.... ~ ... ~·· ~-1 b• .. •t. ... u a1,...,.. , .. l're4 HarreJ food. • • • --·· ---. •w' r-....... W.,a Cnwl Aa~....;~by 11 prl9 IK Pe=Jda'a l\anCb • ()C.. i.. ltlJ!. ._ -• _,. n.. la-· ... ,.,. plua. -u.. ..t .. .,, ... ftW, 0. time • 'l'lle pla.,. di...,. -poupe to ww-.: t6ward va.tious k'OUt awarda. Tbo8e attending were : Vicky c.enar, Pegc Hat.tie:ld, Llnda F'ft:mton. Marci& Stewart, Terey Coopu, Dtane l\lley, OaiJ Hut- toa, Patty Parker, Tulel Beall. 8UMn Dario, Linda Morrta, Gail White, Betsy Cole, Karcella K el· te~. Marp.rtt SW&Jn. Nancy Gria- hom and Sharon WaJdeJlc:b . T'nop No. t 8th Grad~ Girl Rf'OU~ Leadt-r: Mn. Ru bit-rt Maapn Mede Mnaday1 A flrat experience in a cook-out wa.a enjqyed by Troop No. e on ~ beach a t lhe peninsula lut Thur8day. Mra. Ro~rt Mangan, thetr teadei, wu uaistad by Mrs. Fred Wooctvrortb, neighborhood chalrraaa. By making their own 11alad at home and cooking the bal- ance of the meal on the beach, the gtri. achieved their cookblg award and are now worlting on bad~ .. rel~le-d Lo lhe honte and outd<>Qra. On S&t.U.rday the girl• will rldJ!: tn ~ Albor day parade in Mr•. l:&rnt:lt Satt11'1 car. for which they made the decorations. Mrs. R. A Scbroeder and J.1n. Leo EftD• an ueUtant leaders. ~ l'f• M 4.a. Qnde llftwaiN ,,__, -a.l>ort '.\lanc'aA -n,nduo7• . Wl.UL Kn. Robert SmJtll u as- alatant leader, all theae ettht Brotmla in Troop No. 84 are t:na)dns a c:ommu'nity lnterea·t notebook recordlng their lmpretl-: lllom-by-word and picture of sncb llA.aBOR, AREA place• aa the city hail, poil<e -q.. '··t ' p ' 'I ,_ -tin departmeAt ~ ot:d.N -tlley have recently vUite<I. 1-Tl!unday tlley !napected • • • • • \ NO'l"ICEABl.E (J'OU eouldn~ mt. 'em) at Balboa Bay Club'• ,,.,.. al&'.IU W.n' Mr. and Mn. M.. lit. Mee.llen of BunUnrt<>G -h. · . I Beckner Pho\o) Alpha Gamma Sigma· Initiates at Orange Coast Fourteen Ot'ange Cout 1tudents were lniUat~ lnto Alpha Gamma Sigma, CaJJ!ornta honorary achol-• -aatic fraternity, la.st we-e k when tlw organlutron held lts first gen- eral meeting of lhe current school year. To ~ eligible for temporary membership a student must have earned a mlnlmwn of 12 college unit.a reprettenting . at least 30 l'rade po!Jlts or a B average. Per- manent m8mberahlp in the honor- ary eociety occurs when a stu- dC'nl P'la.s maintained a constBtent ·B ave~ or better tor thr"ff se- mHttTS and hlMI rttf!iVt"d no D gra.de on bilS ·record. StUdenta recel•ed] lnto the Al- pha Kappa chapter ot Alpha Cam- ~ Sfgmc are-U fol.Iowa: Walter Kreut:z, · Rbtnn Fred Rawaon and Harold Smith of Laguna Beach; Chari" COD\f>lon. a.tty nory, Altce Fox and Robert McC1eJ. land of Coat.a_, Mesa; Robert 8teftfl9 and l'Tlillo Tozier of Newport Beach ; Mra. Ftedah Bat.es ot Santa Ana; Virginia Ravenscroft of Huntington Beach; Carl Hon<fa of Oceanview; Robert Meeha.A and Polly Neiger of Orange. Preceding the lnJ:tiaUon ce~- 4 OCC Teachers at Y osernite Meet Orange C o a • t collgee waa represented at the annua.l Callfor· nla Junior College Asaoclation J conference by Dr. Ja.mea W. • Thornton, Jr .. vke·preaident; Charles Lewi.9, chairman, division or Natural. Science and mathema- tic•: Vemon Patterson, chair- man, division of Languages and Literature; and Dr. Bull H . Pet- er90n, college prestde.nt. 'Ole mfftlng In the Awahnee hotel, Yosemite National Park, begun yesterday, ends tomorrow. The meeting was to be ·highlighted by the addreaa Of Cali!Grnia state Senator N.elson S. Dilworth of Hemet . Senator Dilworth will speak on probiema of rmancing junior college education. · Dr. Thornton will participate in the program as a "1ember of the atate committee studying general education in the junior college. Dr. Peterson as ch~lrman of the state association committee on re- lations with, other school will also preaent a report. Halloween Fete for Brownie ·Girls mon,,y DIW Dlefll'ber-a and pests The 3rd Grade "Brownies" Hal-rrqm the Coe.al faculty were en- tertained at a muaical tea In the loween Party wa. held Oct. 28· at 'aCdlty"<Hnfnl room in the campus the Newport Beach Glrl Scout Qteteri&. Ji08ll Biettf Sue Jonea, HoWJe . 80lotat, tras accompanied al the The group Included Troop 18 of ptano by Miss Luanna. Alton. Corona del Mar with Jane Thomp- 'AT iiw , ; SJ>ftidiD~ a ,_ clajo at Doi Monte, l.A>dp, Pebl>ie, ~II, are Mr. and Mra. J _ S. i(udson ~f Balboa . • Let "" 8111118t you· la yoar plaas. We · w 111 gladly estimate 008ts of materlals, ~lld ... 0011trador or help you • oMalll a Title l loan for ,,_ eonstroetloo or ...,. l'boDfl: Jreacon Mn A• Tbe ~ ' Bomer -u. ...._ Ol'llEB YAbs: ....... .,... L&Jl1ll& Beach Santa Ana FW!ertoll i.. Babqo - MAD MOORE'S CASH & CARRY BALIM>A BLvn AT U9L ST. NURSERY NEWPOltT BEACH SOME WINTER FLOWERS PANSIES, .Jumbo ................................................ 50c doz. VIOLAS, blue &lld yellows -............................. 40c doz. TETRA SNAPDKAOONS, mixed ...................... 'll5t;iloa. GIANT STOCKS ..................................... : ....... ·-S5c doz. · BEDDING BEGONIAS .................................... -;-· 50e4oz. PRIMULAS for sba.tle .... : ......... : ........... 45e aJOd 50c cl<lz. ~ 'u.e !tewport Balboa Pr... and ,,.,,..,. plan next to worl< bn a project for t.be Hoag Memorlial ho8pital. Sam BaSll, president; Marlene son u lead~r and Margaret Her-1 i;;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ J•obeen, vtce--preaklent;\and Mias rlngton, co.leader. Troop 14 of It Beth Cosner, faculty advlaor, Newport Height.a with Pat -Schind-N -0 S d f ' th H TBOOP No. U WHe priJlclp&l tl.,....0 In the can-ler as leader and Arna Mitchell, ! OW . pe~ ;n· ay qr 9 O"!eOWner Snl GrUe ...,......,. Troop Ne. 11 • dl•llghtlng eeN!moey. Dr. B. H. co.leader. Troop 8 of Nrwport CONC E BLOCKS • IRICK Lealle.r; Kre. Don Pete,..n fdl llnMlle 8"wnln Pet.enon, college prNldent, llpoke Beacb·wtth Nadine Neleon aa lead~ -, Tray ra'!"'"o 'pla<e -i.. '°" ._, Mn. B ... Tney lnforzwdly 19 tlle .croup, declaring er and Francea ColU<Cl. co-leader. FLAGSTONE • D • GRAVEL lra.)'9' for Ute H09C" .....,rial Meet. ~ ··You bav~ J>nlft<\ younelvea real ~p 7 of s&lb with Mickty Hospital are the project. tor U.. All about )l-fa tlle tlleme leadera 1ft <ICbolanhlp. Carry that Hoyt leader and Clea& Williams, CE!'lllNT comtnr -Oil "'-IS. '!lie ft>r tlle year In Troop l'fo. 31. Wltll leadenhlp Into a world which co-leader. SKIP LOA.DEB J'OB '.ljlKALfl.J!;JR 10 sfrle uve ls.ad tllrw _,_. Mn. Vlrg!nla Tohill a.utaung, an needO well-trained, thinking. men All troopo joined In aquare danc-K E , ,.., u, I. ...1., L L I N S plua a momlnc' of t\a at tbe ttJQrteen 8rowniea are dreuing ~d women." lng and Halloween gamee. The . I ' r:1 "' l!'OOk-out beld at Do--,. Stat. llolJlt t.a. Xestc&n cmtume ud girls made their own decoratlou ..... 1 Park on O<tober 20. Thia ope<laJ ll:Moc t........i _,._..,•viol\ tA> --...i by follt> Utd were llen'ed doughnut.a and %124 Newport llh'd. 11,;0H&'lllesa Ra.rller '7015 ... at -ob&M by .._.Jib. 11, aa ~m~~IM~l~o~n·:_:~--------_:_-~~~~~~~g~~~boor'!:· _ _._ __ ~•~p~p~Ie:_c~ld~e~r~-=======~=~=~~==~=i=~~========;:;;;=::::::::::'::.' under Mn. Loonard Grav. ~ : •• Mr. Qravea and Mr. Pwtd•n were alone: to help the O:tw .._, ltart.d ...,0, lm:akfut a 1111 -. -°'"I. ol botll ~ _.. ...,.. to go &pin. A -blned llalJowffn party lo idated tar rr.-a,y. O<tA> .. r SO. r TROOP, No. It -~­........ , ............ a. ... The n111e ~ 1n "'°"" • ..... acoomplblied much ta. 1Wf r- ~ ._,..,.,. • d • WNl'w and tooled -.. keY -for ~ Phi&'· Mft. Ora-.. ' autlt4cl lly' -........... ........ Mdl -u.. -tllal all M• a ·cbanice to ll•o• _...,. ~ 'Iba Cltlo ~ Ill • u.. -"-0..l at c··· atata ___ ,,,_~ ....... "M;Dtw4 ~ & 91 zsa...._~ bane puq • pt+n1t .,. ~ -•• •s: Oat••• ........ __ ,._ .. ''s-_...._ .. ......_ ' I • . • • • • I • ' • .. &UIW&I I ft•ta 811111 'tlriiGnw Jn~plw .... ,. BB400N Mil ~-Meilr •0.. 11.IO NewpW1 ..... mm~-.u.No ilDDYDNO AT RW:UoNAm;iii PIUCES . ' NeWport SllDe .. fl' lDt·~. N-rt !'-"II WATER HEATERS llaiel, 'Sent<. .......... /<» BecldolJ PL~O ·--Dq a NIP• _._ ..... .es. o.w. -.u .......,.. Ptiiaee Rut.or u.a-.w XMAS CARDS PERSON AL AND BUSINESS Select Now From Our HAl.LMAlK ASSORTMENT AND 18 onn:& BOOKS AND RACll DISPLAYS COSTA MESA STATIONERS &a. 111~R nu Neiit-111..._ Voota 111..., (Jallf. ~\ll~ ~VINCENT'S Lido Travel Bureau MEZZ"''JDIJ': . LIDO DllUO 8TOllJI! Halfaor 1246 •· P l.A.VE e SHIP e TRAIN u:sERVATIONS • . . . HARJWR· ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 1-. auxiliary ,."oleomed neW m~bers recent~ at a tea la die home or Mn. "'lllbm Civic BEAUTY 'Bad:: to School' Han·ey. 2565 Vhia Drt~ BaJMa 9's , 11-. Lift ......... ( ...... ) att .,.,. \\'.,... Broe .... "Jin. LI tu I "SFJC: • 0 Mn.. "'IWw altter, .Mn. SbelAM 0. fl1 i*. w ............. ""M'n& (-.. n,bl) .... J . P ... " .... pa II o4 ;lleo. V. It. e....u.. OMlf7 0..-... cl.alrw ..a lln. Aftliur G1ltrw,. I, 1911 \ . A-NNpUNCINii THl ~OPI • • ; I ,- -.. _.. . .. ~OP~ BRITISH ·1M0,'£0 . -. * * . ~ , * * 1209 COAST tmffWAY * • •• * r ~TURIJ; THE ~~ ,N~~: T.O. SE-RIES * Ml ET I 1~~1 w.,t '1 mod ..... IS ' -sports car * •. : . * * * Oae ef ,.,. werffl'• fa1teof l"'•lf•cff-can THE wo•LD'S ~. SMALL CU • LUXURY AT ITS -RNEST DISTRllU'!ORS FOR 0.0,.GE COUNTY · Is Main School • TROPHY AWARD P.,TA. Program '=M==utuaf==T~e==m==Tlcll==et A==l'ICf==' NEXT SPRING Plw =~:=z:. .. ,:r;-be~= == ~ ta.. Ou>ciy OUlo llllll -b .,;u lie lleld at --Bay Club on '()eeember 14:. S_.ice. Parts and Acceswies [YJ SUCKING INSIC1S1 .A.PHIS, THIJPS, Meoly1Mi91, White 'lie1, l .. fheftP•~. lo<•bug , Sp ittle lf.r.t•, Torni11'ic i Plonl 8119 ... [!J SOIL INSICTS1 Wir1w0f'..;, See4-Cor11 Mog90f, t>tot..-01i<o lorvoe ••• PU.NT OISUSU1 Powdery Mildew, &lock Spot or C..ol Spot;t1111 ••• SO SIMPLll BOT ANO Jr'"-"' is ready..co- use -no aw-:isuring, no milr.iatt. no fuss. Simply point the dusc-sun pac~age and pump. Giw }'Our pr<k-n lh11 mosl mod•nt pint prottttion ! Ge1 BOT ANO Jr '"·"'• . • Available in rt61! sian. ~RTH~ --·-'~· ~~·· ·r.t ,.. ~).· t•'• OlTHO, IOJ~ ... U. .s. ,.._ dll. NORMAN'S FLOWER SHOP GARDEN SHOP • • 13 I 3 Coeat Hipw•y eo.-........ Pho ............ ,90 • • • Stanley E. Ridderhof, president or the Associated Chambcn of Commerce or Orange County an- nounced today that a tropb)' will be awarded ag&in UU. year to the community in Orange County that maltes the best contrtbullon to- ward "Civic Bc.a.uUiicatlon." Th.la award wilJ be m&de at a dinner rneetlng ln the Spring 8'pON()t"ed by the planning and development committee of the U80Cia.llon. The civic beautification cc:rmmtt- tee, a sub-committee of the pl&n- •ing and development dlvilrian, wiU conduct Ule countryalde con- test tor lhiB trophy. nit. commit- tee met In Sa.at.a An& l&at week a.nd formed the rules tor the con- test. The chairman, Mn. Robert S . Barnes of Newport Beach. stated that there has already been a great deal of interest ln tbe con- test, and It ia hoped that every community will have an entry. Rules tor the contest will be sent to the Chambers oJ Com- merce, the garden cluba, and other lnter e.!ted grouPfl. Further information conoeming We pro- gram can be received from the local Chamber or Commerce or by \\'Tiling to Mrs. Robert S. Ba.mes, 253_2 Circle Drtve, Newport Beach. College Folk Join Jaysee Alofi.a Luau NUJe members of the Orange eoa. Council or Auoei&t.ed Ken SlUdenta -Auoeiated Womftl Stu- dents a tl6'ded an Aloha . Luau 11pOD>Ored by Eo..t Loo Ancdea .Junior College at P epper Tree Lane in Griffith P&.fk, Loo An· geles last Saturday. The event was planned to brlng toeetber repreaentat1ves from many junior colleges in the Southern Califor- nia area . ' The Coast gro~p. appearing in levb, aloha ahtrta and gr..,, hate, included Allee Fox. B e v e r I y Tbompi5on, Mary AD:n Maloney, Margaret M:c:Dougall. Polly Nei- ger, Barden._ Gt'MnJe&f, Gftte Reu- ger, Ray Walker and Ronald A.nil· strong. Each visiting croup pNpared one ltMDt or act ot enlertalnJn8'1. to pl"e.Rnt to the entire asaembt~ age. Cout repre.9!"1t..U-otaged t4elr vel'lllort ot the curren~ pop• Illar draJtlatlc .alt . ••UJ NelL''. Youth Fellowship Has . Buffet · Supper at Corson Home I t wu a py. poQp, memben ol tile Y ou!h FelloWJhlp • ot St. A.Ddrew'a P reobytuiN( dlard\. Wblcb •'°'9d & buffet supper psz Say en n.lng at the Udo t.le 1'orne ot IM,ir a-. Kro. Dao C--. Jr. . ~1 rmt were u.. w,.... Uil Illa wtre. tM a... Uil -. ,_ lltawut;-._ ON , ---~ ........... .. ~ Dens, -HID, ........ . ta ~:an. -., .• ,., .. aaata -••• 1N I n· ' , ~ I , .. 419 'Sf ..... a., O...'tt ·-..... -... Parenta of co.ta Mesa Main school children w:ill have an op· portuntty to go "Biick to School" on TUMCtay, Nov. IS. School will be&'in with a goo· e ral ..,.._mbly fn the aoi:!ltorlum promptly at 8 p. m . Gtrl Scouts Harbor Residents at Trade IMt. from troop Nd. 25 will form a Ph<X'nlx, Ariz. -CSpee'-!J color guard a..nd lead the pledgf' J ohn M. A.lien or 50 Ketch Road, of allegiance. Beacon Bay, a.nd Lowell Barmg- Mrs. Virginia Kidd('lr, PTA mu- sic chairman, Will lead the gj.oup to• of Balboa tala.nd, en.rbUed u in two .90ngs. members or the Jwte, 19$1 d&u · J ereome Edwa.rd.s, p~clpa.1 of of the American Instit ute for-Y'or- Coeta Mesa Mala ac1'ool Will ad-eJp Tnde at Tbonde<tllrd Field. drea the a.ue·mbly and direct the Phoenix. Artz. pa...,,t. to \..their clau · rooms. Sp«lal.l&Q>I" In South Amet1e&. ClU8 room 8eelriOn.s will lake up ADt"!n la t.all1ng" the school'• Jn- prompUy at 8:15 p.tn. Tbe ktn-teulve tratfting-coutw m prep&ra- dergartm, filth and sixth grade• tlon tor a career in .American will reinain ln the home roomt: for tftm1ne81 or government abroad. the entire. "study'' pttiod. The He a tl&ndedt the Unlvenlty ot seventh and ~ghth ~ clauiel will go trom room to room, follow-Ca.lltomla &t Loe M eek& Allen ing the BChedule ol the children.. ta a member ot Kappa Pat., na.- Mr. Edward! poiatcd. ow. lbat tiona.l t:ratemlty of pharmacy. t he teachers will have •peclal Specl~U . .r.mg ln Spa.in, Bcrrtcg- exhJbita or the work being donf' ton I.a ta.king the echool'a lnte.n- ln each cl.u.s and he urges the sJve training course ln preparation pa.Nnta to take apeelal note of. tor • career ln Americ&n bUll- the8e diaplay!. The t eacbera have nesa or government abroad. planned an interat.ing di8cuukm B&n1,naton la a graduate of t.be or the ·work outlined tor each Unlveri1ty of Wisconsin, wberr he grade and Will be glad to answer recetved hta Bachelor ot Atta de-- queBtlons tor any parent. ,rrec in Forelcn Trade. He t. the Refreshments will be .erved •ulhor of aeveral plays and haa a. promptly at 9 p.m. a.nd scbool •ill novel in PJ'OCl"fl9L Du.ring tlle war, dismiss at 9:.30 p.m.-prompUy. Barrington served with the 1lg- Tbe refreshments are being plan~ nal corpe. ned · by t..be room mothera who Hi.9 wtle 4.s: with hfm a t 'n!llft· will assist the teachet9 with re-derbird where Pe bu the oppor. celving the pa.rient.s. • tunJty to Je&m tbe ~ and Master Point Open Tournament Slated The Balboa Duplicate Bridge club will hold lUI regular month .. IY muter point ~n tournament On Sunday a.tt.unoon at the Pri- d&y Atte.rnoon club house in ea. .. ta Mesa with play tU.rtlng &t ..,. o'clock. cust.oma of the country tn 'Wtdcb her b.-piano to work. The COW"Re of 1tudy at the ln· .Ut.t.e ooncent:ratea ~ ot mtematJon&J bwdrleu edlnlD.iatra- tton, fo reign lanuagee and char- aeteriltlm ot foMgn cocartrte.. LEGAL NOTICE Mn. R. B. LaJlig and Mrs. Bet· Ctai'trUl.&DI: CW BIJ8INE88 ty Gou.id were winners u.at-weal FktilioUI J"lrm Name and Mrs. A.mold Gauer and Mra. THIJ UNDERSJGND> do here~ ll"rank Reed lied w1tll Joe Wilcox by certlly that I am conducUDg a and A. D. Wetherby playing Real Estate t-•1tr • a t 900 ~ north...aulh ln Friday evening boa Blvd., Newport Beach. cau- pme. tn Balboa. • to~ uder tbe f'lcttt1oua ft.rm R uan.W9-Up eut-w• wef'I! Mn. na.ii\a .at a.Ibo& Pallllle J\ea.I Ee- A. D . Wether~ &n4 lllra. Joe tale and -· -'firm " com- Wllcox; Mra. Tllomu Gill and Poled of tbe following - Kl;s. Eleanc.ir _Newcomer; ,.:n. wbOH namea tn tu.11 and. p1MP• tberlne Bmltll --came ol re<idence ...... ~ to-wit: Saandeni; Mr. u4 Mn. Iii:. J. )Quo. " ROBERT J . GREl:ltl: oil: Mr ....... Mn. ~ J etter. 300 ----Drfw. Rw1lten-up -·llCNlh Wl!R . llnerly lllllo, caJltoml& Mn. A. W. Twnmd and • Kra. or Cll&rl .. --.an; Mtw. P eUY 3_ Rudder Road, BeacGa 8q J omi-and -L.uok; Ralpll Newport S.<11, Callt-Ora~e8 and Perry ltf"'Adoo; Ma WlTNE88 my.Miid oa -- A. G. ~ Md lllra. Robert day ol Octoloor, UIL ~ ROBERT J. GR!Zla! lllra. -Amold Gu111 -Mn. STAT!: OF~ -1• Cb&rlN -......, o-COUNTT or L04 ANOW" J • wt-' In lite P4• ~ ca ON TBJ8 ~,...,.at Oddl9. ~ -. -ner14P .&.. D .• .uGl, wr.;., -, J.. 4 ...... ._ ~ -v!IM ODd lllra. a Notary Publlc la -fw .. , Roy l\lrOla; Mrw. 'llett,y Gould and Cowtt;p ..... -. .,...: lllra. 1L B. L&b>tr: Mr. -J(n. 1116 tlloHllt, ....,. • :1;-c. H. Jobpon; krL Azq K•s r 17" .. _. ....... ,. '17A and. Mn. Jolin lf.mll; M'n. 0..-ROml J . W --ID lott.¥125 MlllMia&J • .._.. .. ._.._.._, •• ,. •n•a- eet. .. 0 ........... , .. . ....,.,.. llllli ... -__ ,_.. -.a. .... I 2 11&t % ' .. - llOS ...... la Oelo•• '-_._ ':" lie ...... -81 ------·& '.. . aw. 1 .... 'flllo:Jh.1'•.t•oua,lll&M-... -._._._ - a :, +IL WC JQs -... ddl' w1 W .... 1111 1a llMlflGilPMF -...... ~ -·"~~ \:> ~ •pr 4 aarnre 7 .,. l'1i d · * •• 'IJ'I I ..... i~~= ... .,.... ___ .... ,l c • -· r 90% ·for! 10% .Against . ' I 1.a11r-d -ken are repr-fttatl lry 23 it.nclard ""Ions. ly~ .. ree111ant, "20 of these vlllons-t- p1191n9 about 1,200,000 -n, or ••re 111ian ~--• . . wotlt-... ........... ~and ndas •• aad to by them..., die rallraad1. ~ lei •ws of three -aw-with oftly ' . ~130,000-a.wleutlMai~ 01•rwtu..,wfle1 more than a · Y•• ef neeotlaflons, to accept slmllar ' favorable than the terms rec-ended by the Eniw- ·D ~· end rulat ~gre~llH. 1hue -even ~· .s' gency lamtl Clflitalllleclrby the President. t . I •• ' e ... .,..., It-I lalj.aal&d .... 0 Ir a•1at llhN ....... Jea .. n ef ... tlirea s1leS111ep ... .. •alarlaw ._.._-:-.. •Ir••••••·•• ... l••••n el ........... ~. et-&a11~ati•a ......... . ...... , •"••ti el L•••••ll1a I&•••• -41&"21-, i::atl .... ~·•rel l•llwwr Ceatlwt9n •1allzs1.~1uls110. ~·~-~lfaca• llSSll eftllly..,~tl .. ,..~ ~f '8 ~··~· te •• • I i- i . • ' . I I • 3 CARLOADS! - FAICY \ IED DELICIOUS -.u, S. Ne. 1 Latte ' ' . VEAL · I YOUI CHOICI Veal Sko•khr Ckop1I v .. 1skaw.r1 ... +1 Veal IHH·loH laastl KOHl'S IEST·VAL EASTERN SLICED BACO U 1-111. Heat • ft Sealed l'li9. CLUI LINK SAUSAGE 59~ Our Ow• Famous Make!. ......•..••.•. LAIGE-FIYING SIU SHRIMP 69~ LUEl'J PUIE LARD 21c 1·LI. CARTON •••••••••••••..•••••••• NESTLE'S Siie-iii• l•1..t SPUDS ~bs ' . LAUIA SCQDDll'S PURE IAYOllAISE Full (i)uart IDIC S" 0 W. 1 E 01 EcTANsPEAS 2;;; 35c lfM.I Percolator or Coffee Pot $149 Drip or Sile• lrond._2.111. Cai .••••••• ID IC Edra Fine Petite Pols ·~. 23C: tflllll PEAS Na. 3~3 Ca• •••.• ::: ID I. Ora ..... Grapefrolt 2N·l21 c ,. iREEi>--<BEANS 19" RMI !~•.~d Juice ~= 23• IDIC Nla.l3DoycE••yDaBrkEReAd us 2;:2· 7c 11111 Orange Juice 10 ' 1111!1 ft ft Peeled Grapefnilt 19C: lottl IDIC SECTIONS 303 Ca• llll·T61AJO CATSUP 19C lfMI No. 21/z Cao, Aristocrat 31c .. Co le~f FOOcfs o~· (°"ed ·~oliday . ieo . Snoi..~ ·6 ,..,..~.,., •llll1i 3.• c .. ,. S6a.i..,., • on · ..... . --.... • • •••••• CJ4ALLENGE Wlilte Ki,19 Graa•latff SOAP ht 9UALITY BUTTER POWDER 79• GIANT 55c: PKG., ,, DUFF'S ~ DEVIL'S FOOD ~CAKE llX c • . ArlloiGrapefrult ' 2';-'19C IDIC PEACHES ......... . JUICE or flMI No. 303 CaH, East.re 2;;,35c No. 2 ca..... ' Apple Sauce ~ LarcJe n9 ...••.••.••.••• ~~ ----------.-. Snowflake Crispy Socia CRACKERS COCOA 1-LI. 26C IOX HEART'S DELIGHT TOMATOES NO. 21/2 19C CAN . -~'4oas · •' t 1-LI. 45c CAN .. 14--~,S..~Oltfl-Ge• .. ,,,.-iRIS ~N-(that IDIC No. 21/z Ca•, Elberta 41c ~ GLASSW4JlE ..._3 lfMI PEACHES · · · · · · · · · · NllLETTS $398 3.-:~ IDIC No. 21/J Ca•, Sliced 29 MEXICORN {!~ ... ~. ..:4~::!.. Uf6I PINEAPPLE c . 1 Z·OZ. CAN LAUIA SCUDDEl'S P-Nut Butter Lge. 14-oL Gd. 21·n. Jar Jar pk gs · Nev, Low p • Swn .. eart Tollot. SOAP ' 4 •9t!;..23c 4 1at~!1n 33c . DELICATESSEN FOODS PlflEAPPi'Er1cJ~:, Dole's 4'.oz. CAN ••••• ~ tilt:E • ••••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 23~ ~MIA1 '1 s1~. :\R!\lOIJR~ :\H!\JOIJH~ ' • '· . MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE ALL-PURPOSE-FOi TAIU 01 COOKINGI , • 8 c1rrctu1 EE ft . A,H EAsrr1H II' wr ffl AT A 4 l'f.411 Ot , STl!IN 'llCI/ 29 •