HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-20 - Newport Balboa Press· ·81'iclt ~~t BJ' T, Hr' {"BRICK"> 0AJNa 1> .. r U!<lo° Bennie: . ~ to a -'cbaap bl my peroooaJ pl&M, llll• 1a roh>r to, i.. th• Jut "Brlckduat" column. At ftlll nl:88 ' • A.--· 0( -...... t rapkll:y ·~ area 0( tho California South • Co&ataJ Empire Je&tt, under my tu.mbllQ.c dlrec-'------------' tlon. I -i..moc tMlpt (~ da7l f.,. McAlte., ~ -re I'll be ~ edit.or ., -v a 11 e ,y ltVfBilla MOllllt.r, a ' mlchty 111co pQ!lclt'te• ..., a1- -........ 1 -11:r '...-tioa M Uae PftM.. VOLUME~ PHONE HARBOR 1616 ; It's been betler'D 10 yean •Ince the Presa lluted undtt Bill Max- well . and I aiar\ed olool( wlt!I It. Haven't 01.t.eed but' a couple ot weekll, e1u.,.r. except wben my good fnendo took "1"'< durtnr va- caUon \inl·e. We've aee.n aome •· · cltln« Umeo durtng -~ have had lot. of tun and MJmC pretty good battlea. And, deoplto the battles I feel I can ;co to. more fertile flelda, knOWIJir l'Te & tine batch of fr1enda hereabout.a. If you do9't ml9¢ rd lU;;e to" I.ha.Ilk •em ..U for lhe ban &Dd f'&MJes aacl eoopn:atloll we"ve Md tbroqll 6'o8e 7-...... 11 you can ever had a comm.alty wldl a finl'r butleb ef .foUui let Dtc know •nd PU tllf'tlle. there. c.1 bope my laTJ') ODf'IM or fo.-. etp corrdpo11d"4\f.s. hradir41 by Outdo Ga. the Orocua octopua man. kee-p en 'tt..od\n1 you· tbetf' cu1orful bi• ur lllferm:aUott. I alM" litepe 1'911 t~R ,..-t Mnteone t:0 C9rr)' .. the flgtat ap.Jut tlle .......,. G~ie.ra '"hdn they ~ Md •f battl.I. For your information, the pl-.ce I'm golng bl In the Rio Grande Valley of Texu. which ls known u the "Poor Ma.n's California." Ftne 'coUnt.Q', I'm told, with Iota of CJtnle. JrOWlng, )Qt.a of Tex&J\2' and lots 4f f&ahlng. It the Llood of protest. •g•Utet dlacooUnulng thls dept.. geta llO heavy you c,an't handle the mail, ju.t sencl It to me &t.. *' Valley Evening Monltlif at Mc.Al.Lan. J. Th..a.nka to y ou lll"d &II our flne folka fw the cooperation and for the tUn we've .had. C'mon down to Tex.u and aee ua. State Launches Inland freeway . Plans, Estimate tmmedl&te worlc: on the dratting ot engineering pl&na. e•Umatee and procurement of rlgbUI of way for Sepulveda P'TerW'ay thn>UCb Orange County juat Inland of Newport Bcaoh te scheduled by the State of Callfomla. Initial coet.I of the propoaed new roadway wtU be proylded out o( ••~000 In f\mda paid over to the State by the Federal Government for Bola Avenue. The State was peJd for the la. of Bola. Avenu.e througb the Seal Beach AmmunJUon DepoL Tbeae funds. by acr-ment betvteen the State Dtvtalon of Hi.Jbway. and Oran&e County.. will be URd In the lnltJal work on Sepulveda Blvd, The new freeway which le to eerve u a tntflc ~Jet artery. panallel to tlle Cout HJJll-:r ,will leave Long Beach on. e.lt.Mr SpriD( street or Garden G""'• Blvd. .\t ooe time the Sprlnf SU..,l rou~ G~ G••~m . -.. l&VQred -It 1a uns1·-~, · '& ....... ,. r ' thot.tlle~ -· ill"d-..:J""~ l lL.t'"''"!9~¥ "' ·~ -' la.,n~ ~ --wi -' ~~ .. ,.,.,_ • Either -1e would -"~ Ii~~-~~n . ~ tMa jl&r&l,lel to boUJ_ -.... """' ..... -Ana n-ay, Wt way betw,e.,i.l 1n1o-..n lntenectlon with Newport Blvd. and KoC.Vttntr Blvd., at their pnaent Juncture with Santo Ana Main Stnet. Beot plaruo ot preeent ovall&ble caJJ tor the new roadway lo ter• minate with ltl lntereecUon with MacArthur BJvd. However • con- tlnuallon on Sunflower St., and La.ne Ave., acrou lrvlne Rancb land.a to El. Toro and a juncture with Hi&'hway 101 bu been pro-I vkted on .orne of the plan.s. Thi.I Brlck at Work would permit thl"OU.lh tralfk: to by-pea both the Newport Harbor P. 8.: I Jmai called Rollo community a.nd Laguna Beach re- WrlShf at tbe Bank of America turning to t/le Cout HJshway at and wbeG Ile found out I wua•t Doheny Piirk. tr)'tq to borrow snoaey acaiD During the Jut eeaalon of the t""-re ,... a •oac lllleMe ud lqillature an . act wu pa.med of-t-• Uuod. !lie-;yooa'll better fl<ial17 deslpatln~ ud outbo<is-.....a Mnroee acrw tile •tree& ln.r Sepulveda Freeway trom the te -If U... poor P1'• -ted! San Fornando-Volley to Orl.l>P Ed's Note: The crent Gt.lnU. County. Orange County •l that co-carrier ot t.;.1e ;ian<lle of To-uzDe retume<I to <;:ounty Road ~­ma~J'ace hu occupied Vie fa-,.p..rtment control wfflclent mlle- mJJiar ldt hand column. of tbe ace of former Slate Hlghway Newport-Balboa Prdle •lnce lbl maintained roads to equal the ftrwt edition, M.&rcb 7, 19'0. croel county run of the new Free- Gainn 18 the oldest -...octate ex-way. cept one. Wm. A. ~u. found- er of ~ P""8. • Thom&1 Nelaon a.ma -It'• taken a Jong time tor u. to tlnd out what the 'T. N.' atood tor- Jeavu many aad frteads bt part- ing. Hia progeny left to moum him at Ult.a wrf'Ung. tnclude, eome 7.ljll cato, a coaple doaen i:blck- ..,_, and h is c100tt tamlly,' Mro. T . N. 'Stella' Gaines., ·daughters Gret· cben and Ke Uy, all ol the fam"1 home-at 131 -23f'd St:reet. o.ta Mesa. Son MJke ta Oft-l'N&I wtua tM. army at OklnaWL In addition to hl9 wr\Unp Gaines leaves the Prue ~ . readers one of the r..n.t collectlfiin of flah storlu. uncou.ntable cat.. acorea of cood Tedpel. and a nocta.lgic love tor the py. Ju-u.ual, Kn. Gables 1wl - loft the Important l".•" ~ ,dL_. Ing ol the ram11y ......... Md. • bait .., .... two l>ed.-n --various appurtena.nca at lfl :lard Street. CMta -. They b•.,•e ~ olllpped boo mama • ...., to Pt an Mrl1 '('lUl on raloi»g Texas funillM, St...a the Stame• .. away, and will • be .. tued ln T"""" by/tlle latter put ot Juiuary. NEW POSTAL LAWS TOLD BY • WM. H. ADAMS > ' ff • • ... ' • ' ' • ' . . ~ ·~:.':i JNnll--:; .OJ.MU _ , sECC>No. LAR"6E.si ~ ~ -co~~ITY ~~ o~ " • •• q r· 'DD: .... f:~.:--• Impartial, , pd - -" -. 'rel&l!I • 1 popalar •6Port • • • • .,. ' . NUMBER~ .. , • I • lttuaSDAY, ~ Jt. ttll ::Jl • omc. ... fthn. .. •P.. 771 . . , ( ' •-u •r:atdgn n.-·3-u, uet. u.,..~a.'"'.-• :M•Jl:M BI ell; °"!!""!!~• ~ tbo Aet of 1i'l9. -: ' • n ..cs .... .. -" ' t ... , ... .-...... ' • • --....... ""'1 dl!ll -la .... N-.... -.,_ • ... ""' i...Pot.-""'-......,, Ill Onqe . 01~ .• Bi!lN 0. fti:DDICK, 0......-....s,. Pub!l- ROBi:RT F. WII.UOllS, --~ • A. ALIOCANI>Ell HAMttlt'ON, Adftrti.llnf X- • ' • ' • ' I • • • .. • • . • ' ' .. • • ' , • • • I -- I t' < Io II • ' •CUii ..... • IAI I• CU.Ir -Wll • • •• •• • • •• I •• • ' • I .~ • ' • - , • • • • • CUI Noftntr I • • u.an 1totm.,.v ..,for Mother, .. , claupttt, slater · "OJ' a Otai-frltncL • • • • . ' • • To .Attepd Round ?c1,enge Club ~· pMfE ; -PAIT ·of Holiday .Parties Wrves • &unts J • THURSDAY,:DEC. 20, 1911 ' ~-..::-.• ~~ii: at C~hrlstm• F.!•"·1 ...... ~""':--_--:--t<"::"'-'-~~ 119¥ ......, ... BaJ-, will, ai-,. '!Wt 1r1.-Wll ,_ a. -~· ·a Ell-t b H i t. --"' --· ·-ben,ot o..· R ....... ,,, -r1 ~ 0 e OS :s ::" U: ;:;:1 80=:: ~ ~ '::: ,:.,.~ Mtiico''. et Lido'Theatre ......... at uie "~ ~ a1 uie n1111t at 'I',.., "'..,. • ... Ch'ld · •· p ,..h, -ol Gre\& M1p111m a,_. BeU cate•ln Caron& cle~Var: AftA!r amt°'.!--....... I r81\ S 0, • 7 • -Al'j!lllte<t; tbe -party dinner uie g-a wUI ~ due-land ~·_jt ~. i.rt at tlli -o1 -p1c1uro 1nc 1n t11e Plain dlnlilll ,_,., ww .. 1r1. ~~,_,, . o.. att.uDoon. t>oc. 11. "'-"->' ~~Butlarl tbe cato -a Ml t--la ... port. ~~ ·~?--· ~ :.::: "µ&) ~. tlle N~port ft.--U1e N-y..,. .... pecte<I • ~ .._ ___.... owr r Sib LGdp w1ll pr-· ~It tllo -ol Dr, -kra, ~ -· -~ ,_, ... ~-lnCI --J.! to opocl&l Clalt't.&1 -rr.. to 8-llllltt. llra. lllllo; le -colund olldoo ...i -M• .. ._ aty, · • • tile clilldftn of Ute,Rartlor •A.rel. Illy llatudl. cllll4 PQdliallllt-uol I>)' Dr. ~ HUI · oi x~ " 1'llq Jllll be ._ & ol It ~ ,.._....., Ullt Santa a.... a..thor ol'l'i'-!"811 In t>t•plm. ,a.,... dUllftC 1'lit __ tifp .t. ~~~UM wlllottlaen_WW_Ull~wll IDCI • 11.w b6ol$ to. be publ-tJae BlwallAD W• .. -a ~ -· ~ '!lllch 1i Kr. clllld wlU -v• a small bar of la 11(.rch ClllltJed. "One Little .,.,,. ODcJ tho M!.lf19 Jloot. Of IDCI ~ ~ticll; · eanjly. '. I ' Bot.• puUcular. lnt•t"t( wer\l U. ,..,.-• l'of ..,... ~ · of o11 Fw.rm 'coneumpUon Qt_ llqUdw ·-tall• ID tM BC!llt LaM.. '!"· ,.._. 1n t1ao ·YAIMd BtatH petroleum pa 1n ilM9 com• to Leonard Hargrave =~ .... =~":~ "* pl&aoio per 'J'M'I ' lbout Oftf a half billion pJlona, or 18 I • H G ~ ad4od to Ille ftJ01rn<llt of -.ao Uni .. iliat 'O! t11e root ot ta.. per ~nt or total u. s. ""."'"""P-IS . OnOr U8•T v~ . · +! 'ttWld. . tJan. on 80th Birthday club~i::~~"':.t°'1= ~:.,...;.... _., VIFFI ElnE...iCE' ·, ~ Horsnv•, 314 Gr1J1d will take pl&ce at tlle ~,.21 'ff -~ I ~ Lii\. r"'lll ;:1 ... -~~~:'::: m~Unr· •. · Ai f:i ttAlU M4KE • • Mr. Ind lllta. W""1• Hunter en-y f tid"" E · ts ,. ' · -· '• J ttft&lned M rueota •t • buffet u • v V4tn . -ii u '!\'.~ . . II . . • • • ~::: "' tllelr 11om •• 311 ~ at Lido Clul!>house ..;' ~ ~.. · Mr. Harcrave i. Hn1. Hunter's i:!:r=..~tl ... ·tA>~~ ··-Chl10t%nU formal. ror coUer --father and ~ occulon w.. In d hi""' --•--i ,_ f dbthlctlan. F,... ot tho h bcl>O< Of Illa IOU\ bltthdl)'. Beth ID e--)'OWi( peop,. O •-C ~ ~ ...._.r. -"--...__t • Udo Iale wlll be htld thle. com· ~ ~ ,... __ ..., ,.._ llfr, IDd Mn. Jlarsr~ve are act!... lnl' 8aturd1y Oftlllnl' at Lido Jill• at ·ltll A1!'iMt CaJe ,11io7 ' pd the fp.rmer, eight yean hiA Community cJub hoUle. The Roju day, there are .on.rt: ~ \ wife's ee.ri.lor, hu a logical refim• ~ Will play for d&nclns. For who w.re heft di ~ . ~of k .. Pl/'r youns. He h .. 1 ""'111 f.,ttve atm-here, Ute ma In hl,:.,, llrYl.;e 1~:!:'~11 ' t.a.nn at o:i.t.a Meu and goes -.-"rv~.-;er.... ,"' .. '" there a.Im• 4&fly puttinr In kJGne"e haa a 14 (oot ChriJltmu opidlfd ,for l::IUllbttl at · U.. &11d,two·stant-eocka &dont aanw loco_ ID 11C18. baUn of. work. . the fireplace. -l'Qhll'• ~of our • .. i • _ .._ ,..,... • _. Relatives and close frtenda from In UMI bay room. Wbere there ~ ..,.,_ IMI ]' r 0 -•-· ... -• ._.....-.•""-...., ~--Lo Bft8t. aJI over Southern California. pth-WU1 bed In th ~Ill 11 ha& Of ~t )'kl'. He n ~' MR& W ..._. ~~""""'"'""' ......_ ~ •Nd l<l wleb the celebrant many &nc 1" • • ng coy-~·i'l!<all '•··much >J., • ~ . I '. (Ollerman lllu4io) •red with OJ>4.tk11111' mowtllk-. · "'"' • ... • • .• .. • -· ~ more happy blrthdaya. Houra an from 9 to 12:30 p. m.. f'WP,\K't'• WIY blitorr , , lncluded were Mr. a.nd Mn. u.1 Mr. and Mn:. Wayne ... Murdock are &n70be todaY. Oaminr f L ·. • B .' t d w ' ley. Al d Horsnve of Pomona, their ty.oo Franeo Ill tlrM to'mll<e him ' • orl res •an· • or exan er clrlld"n aJ>d' thl'N crandcllJldm· In clla<p. I .natlw -· his fomllf. ~ ~ORN Vo.El.I,!} · " • Mr . and Mn .. 'l'lwn Harcran ond On a:.S.~ ~ =~ .. Will :!'lhl: ! ":'/.~: d,.... ..., him a t ,lmy thn• between op- R . v . . . c· h -. -c·h· h' -ol Lomlll, Kn. a-r. Dub, be open houae l'l'<lm 2 to 4 p, ·m. hbn, an4 he . ..,.atdie.l Uje IO' .. t enlnio how:,Dn< morning -clol-e, peat ows 2t' r•1st urc two children and two pandchil· Ba._tlna-the Ufa.Ir wW be lbe whl,te Jails ot ~re rigaers tack-ing tlm~ at 2 the followlpx morn• -·. J.\I . drrn, Boverly Hilla; Mr. &nd Mn. bo&Td of Cllftctors and wl• In· Inc lnl<l position to .U. alOnp!N Inc, ~t'1 ten to one they'll ~ him Hunter and their dou111ttr, the 1 ... ,.~. ~dent llld ~-.._C. B Ille pier flll'. unloelllng l!ufnbor. there, llW>a up to his mott~.J-t l&t ~ t hi!•-~•--c ~-.. · '~ ~ · ----•'-•-·-·-00.t to the Cout since 1 Apl"&y,a of yellow Uld w b I . lei-• wo c UJ ~1 U'IC ... ,. only Rudd; Mr. and Kl'm. Tom JQDM, .i. n•t was ~·u .'u."' Yar;9~&; Thett'9 juat one thing that ~themwna decorahd CIUilt wore a na.vy -blue allk mba.ntung ons •Nent. Mr. &nc1 Mn. Kulq duk. Mr. :!~ J~ a:.'!e!:~m') iwnber dn.ws hJrri. very rar a.way-the call !~==~~~g~~~===~=~==~===~~ Cl\W'Cb '1 tho Bea On>S&l!U!l&Y wit wt1h mat~hlnf occ.-rlff 111d • Li Ind IKra. Nelooa N•~. ~r. &:id than In the blr · northem npple ot ...nld d.ucks southbound. H1a •ftll.lnc:, Dec. 8• provtdin&' ")Ovely pale QrchJd coraaP\ Sh• wu Coc:nail Parties Mn. John Olewt11ut. Kr. and Mra. teaed to them on the doc" by the ·rottr-wbP.e!..drlve duck hun_ttng car • llnC -for the weddltis ot. Mill lftdu.At.cl from Newport Hartior ft A.' Palm.er, Mr. and Kn. w. R. IChociMr lkt~· l ts Jo.::,dcd wfth equipment at Mex1.·. ~ • e WE HAVE SUPPllS FOR ALL THE FAMILY MEN'S WOMEN'S uid CHD.DREN'S HOSE A complete IUISOrtment of Ken'•, Women's a.nd Children's Houae Slip-pers &A Nationally Adv rtl9ed Daniel Green, Blum, Hopalong ' Cassidy and others-- • From $1.95 to $5.95 BARBER'S BOOTERY 17911 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA llDA BEACON 5639-W OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS , Greetings to •our friends and our neighbors on this Happy Holiday. Let the bright spirit of the day. fill all your days with the light of cheer and. goo_d hearth. . , • ..... um. ............ . • STOil 'Gi ''Where W<)men t205 Coe.+ Highwey . . .... ...,. , ' • • I r:.atftlH Br'lj!l lnCI Worlq Ala· ~ lllch llChool -at-ed rrelude to Mlrllnl. • A oNJl.llOAI> 2'0lVl'I .. u In duolc ....on. re1dy !or,jJ 1nder. "n\e bride 11 the dluahter Qnq9 Cout colle... 8be Is Jobn CID alt doWn 'llld ejiat with trio . Into the low country - of Mn. Ftleda I. Brest, 21a 29th preaenuy employed at th• Bal1Soa Candy Cane Ball C II' B th )'OU lllout t11e ~ wlien '11! or our Sa~":';::-p':;,~ ~:::! ~i · atn.t. Newport Beach, and the brench of the Bank of America. a IS ro ers -...... "!' -one rc>ajd-from O\lr bett-lcnown buslneum<n, and brtdein>om ii the 8on or Mr. and Mr. Alexander .,... also sra~uated James and lUry Carroll of Udo H t t p rty Slant& Ana. A ti/l:i ac:T"01:5-t'18-san<f proud of_ this statement b)r Jol\n NH. Glll>ert Kellum, 380 18th fr= Harbor hlP achoo!. attend· Iale boated one of the pyell OS s a " ........ ~)Illa ~ioo;....u.:-ach abo!ll l'i'owport Balboa Federol. H~ Place. .co.ta M.-. ed Ora.nee Cout collep a.nd Unt~ cocktaU part.tu whtch preceded -· . or O\rer , We. wtth !J:c"Ull&: _,... lt bu ,.hti-ays been a plea.au,.. friends, WU litvu lb kMpln.( by He noW· •rvea with the r&nk of Ca.ndy C&ne ball, for among U.. were hotlta on Monday e'ftltiDS at ob\nper·to-~ trGf~ for i and. J..prall . ation, and t~ •• ~ Lori, U lhe I• known to har ventty of Southem CAJlfornla . the Junior Autat&nce IA&rue•a #Kt. and MN. Robert L. CafiJ.a t:r:ci·~ Oout -~ to ~$with our Savtnp her uncle, Pe~ Bniat, 1111 doub)e comport.I Ln the U. S . Air F~ cue.ta were Miu Loia Bird and Al a cocktail party, ~· i. a feA-mUe or more ti\ aU ~ cam~ tbt , nt part It ha.I "PN~ ... rin(°.rltea performed by tbe Rev . .ad ta statJon~ at March F\eld, 1'1.ffany, BaJbO& Bay club dlrfft.Qr, Uve dinner at the lfurtey.. Bell. · WSUI st. You ,would n:pQct auc:h ~~Harb growthunf~ our rw- 'nlomas Roy Peb.deU. SJae made ruventde. T hey wtll make the;ir whose enppment had been an· A.MUUng hoete were Mr. and 1'n. tratttc vohilne to lmurew:= -It ~ are c;::,~1:n invHtOr with a ~ picture In her white tulun home a.t ll<M: WellJl Balboa nottnced that day. · W. J, .ca.ma. O\lU1a WW!: «m· in the ~ a.teUon• · UI ~'t ~ drop in and let ua bridal gOwn. n waa f a.ahk>rMtcf boultta.rd, New;ort 8each.· • Alao present were Messrs. a.n4 p)oyee1 of the Oeneral Petrole\lm Qul~ the,~-M~U~'!~· wll1 ~ I.bout the hlgh •min& With ba,IJerlna lenrth aklrt of, net · Mmes, K. T. IW>dall. Jobn Cla>'k. --·· oaie. -ot -., unWll)ln~ t» pullpu 0( ,..._ rlte])'ocD''-,a.Otno hlw heftf ~II over 11liD, with 1pron a,,_.,...... , , • Coartll•Y Platt, Van 11111, Robert rwn., 111\l-. Iii WlllcJI ~ <lallll( tro!ftc llile "" ~ . Pl--tlfall 15 )'earl, -hlvt - aklrt ond Jc\DI' oloeva\I. • ....., nook· Hobday Cocl.t•ds -· --••••• --... .... -.. ~ .. ~~ ~ :="""" "'"* 3 PH"""t ft":: ..... ~ bp,dlc-..,.;ot .1"&YY !..,.. . She · Hanle M&n.lfteld, Jim Oohrly, .wt-. ._ ' , ,. .-.. . ,. · &..t11 tW..Jivol' -·· num..., "'= dlvldendl. ti. the eam.d a c.-.;. of white l!hr)'> al Pringle Home . ' Dave IKcClymon( and alao Mary From HM Q, P . tllltrlct -~ ·il;tanc11ater'tl*' ...... =.r:flll!Jl:...~-=~tp~ MnUlemwn.a a.nCI a •lib ca P • TopPer. ~ • at San Diego e&.r;nt R.. J . Blee, dfi.. spent many an td1e · "at~ Ot '1-0 000. You'JJ aJwi.yl tlfld lotl b~ ber ttncer tip nu. Sunday, Dec. 18 saw the home The Howard BryM, Jr.'s en-tr1ct manarer. and Mn. Bleet Al· rioon watcblng ~ by 'hun· ot. Wkina apace right at our~. t , Net &: ll'allle · • Of Mr and Mn Ralph Princle. terta.ined a smaller group at their •lat.ant Manapr Bal Porterfield dr~ whiz put JfP,: Pl WlllPll· and la wa{tlt welcome wattlnl tor W. Barb&ra Barnbouae, ma.Id ~J Road. ~boa. Aeck.cSJor home on Broadway, Coata Mesa. and Mra. Porterfield; Bob Clark, You may Judl:r.=-.. ~~ 0~ a you Inside. . of honor --wore a rreen net and and t t 46 Preaent wve Dr and Mra Hugh ~ and lira. Oark; HI Thonip. landmark 1be 'W 1 c t&fteta tame ~rtna le •c t.h =::' (or a f:!1~~~i.. Plum, MUl?'I. ~d Mm~. Ted son, dl.itrtct 1&1e1 eu.peTviaor, and = ~t one of 1t:t!\'~uae:;; MWPoU /MtMf. rown and earned a caytCade or Among out-of~OW'll rue-t. wue Thomu, Seldon Craddock and :Mrs. Tbompeon; Mr. and Kn. ·local sta~tead of town, ffM•&I ~.,, .. 1$ Y • 11 °"' chryllllftthemuma. MIM M and Mra. Robert BumO of LA Fr<eman Fllher. John llllere (fOM11rl7 district deoplte t11f fact that ewport ~~ OWi " Jo Y c • Humphrey&, brlctumaid, Jo~ia. Meun. and Mmes. Tom .Anotbtr 11'Ctmat.e and Jolly aale1 m~r, Sallue a. now with Beach ~ aeo grew and &~ 1'Z•t-cC4fttp.J: and c&rr1ed brqn.&e mumi. Unda StUkey , Brinkerhoff, t.... s . Marien-party wa.a at the home of A$-the Loe ~plff ol'nee)1 and ICir-put it. . J:· ~A.PA ... ••·::.., wore a alJnll&r C'OWD In yellow son a.nd RU&le.ll KctAtn ·of Santa aemblyman and Mrs. Earl Stanley. b7 Pnt-y, tn.atqtrnance tnan, with Of the tbo~da who J~e ":s,Uj~ ptnk net and tafte ta troc1L She • Questa were Mr and Mrs l:l R lbs. Perry , Ardles Cafe, most allo. o n "" Ste•ena, 7, wu flower girl ln a ~:~~.!:.-~~el~~-~ Btjnkerhotf and ·Mr. and M:ra. ·~ . Local ~ lM'lJlded Meara. VUelle. And If an)'One rtl to canied a basket of varicolored Boyd, Fred Wtnderm~re. Hadd Metzgar of Santa. Ana. a.nd Mr. and Mme1. Perry Hopkin.I. J oe Dowen. rune, Tom Hend,r'llOft ; Kn. Grace and Mrs. Ben Reddick. Among Preston, Ra).pb Myrebn, Jack -;:;::;:::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;j;;:;;;::::::::::;:::::::::::::;;;;::;1 Bob Watt• wu beat man and Wedekind and . Mra. Theo ~ othtrs enlerta1n.ln.g were Mr. and Crossman, ~bner. Ooodwin and r- uah•ra were James Ah!under. wa.lader and Mr and Mr-a Cta.lc Mrt1. Dean Bradford a.nd Mr. and Mr. Jamee McGUrity. brother of the bridel'f'OOl'll ; Ramon C -·d M · ~-•waJad' • 11 Mre. Wally Oerhudt. Cola and Dick Ft:rsu->n. •u....-a. er. rs. ..__... r Yule Dinner · M prelude to U'le aenmony daughter of .the Prihgle&. ~ Mrs. Delevan Frelt.g IMC A t Mrs. Gerald Bullen Of J'\llle , Dawnl.nl. and Beca\Ue. a.leo present with her hllllb&nd. The reception wu bf!ld ln Oood· 111 hlll,'decon.~ tor t!I• -H I'd D" with yiuo;.· tn'll'""blte Chl'Jlln• 0 I ay inner U>emuma. I LI • '"'1t1n1 the :r•uns..-. ....... ~9*,.lt;<l;:EM.e--"f"!Ot:R&'·_.. recelvlnt were Mrs. Btut. who c:ho• for her dau&'hter'a WeckU.n.a Kr: and Mn.. Leo Lee. 280 & ltr'eet length dresa ln purpl• Bro&dwa.y, Colt.a Mu.a, entertaJn. crepe with mauve acceaaortea aad eel S\lnday, Dec. 19, Witll thelr a& purple orcihd corsage; and,11.fn. nual Chrlltmu dln.fter party. Kellum, who wore beige gaba.r· There were holiday dec:or&Uona.. d ine wtth tout ac»euorla and lnclud.lltg a tree, and &ft.er th• orchid corsage. · luriley dinner, pmee wire play• 1t 811' 8-r ed. Pf'e.ent were Mr. U>d ""* For t he honeymoon at ·~ J{. OfUe at_ OJeadale and K~ Bear lake the naw Mn. Ala&nder and JO&n Stratbd:n. • Zonta Members Wrap Gifts for Children's Ward at Mancebo Home· 1'be frtend1y holiday spirit of the JUie .. ,Oil waa renected at a djlln .. -~. Doc. lS, Members ol lont1 Clull ot NeW• In ~ CoM M--ot Hr. port Harbor clewted their ovenfnt Ind Kn. ~ Kanoolio. Amid meeting ~. Doc. 1s to PT Cllrl•tm11 .,__en~ """'!>Pin&' to)'I lnCI l1fla whm lM7 ,.-. elljoJed the e-.,r. IA· met 1t the !!bore crur. _,, ot clllded -lllft. -Jin. - their prelldent, Helen Stockton. l'l.llr:' !*• Md Kn. l"rlllk Cotta 'lbe gitb wtll be ta.ken on Mon· and dau.chter Mu)" of c-ta MeM. d&y to the children'• tubercular lilrl. Dnn:a• Ped.in. ot BeruJower Wbl In ONnp Oowlty hOopllll and Tony -of Domin.- for Ute :lonll Cbrl.atnt .. party. -f« U.. •venln&' Weft M1ldred Stlnley and ltuth Gibb.. ' Cruise to Orient for Al Paynes Gills G1..,._! 'Original Weter Co'9tt .. .• Personeliztd 61fts · _... : Chrl1la•1 Cerd1 • Parker end · mnh•rp , .... • • • Cciolt Boob Scnip ••• fidle~ .. Ne• A,tfoa - -~·, •. _1,· " . merry; ... • I make it ' MOJUD ' "s1oe1c1,,1s. ,,,,, .~ • • li11Jwlt . · . -. •. • • • • • • • ' • • • , . .. PllCU 11· EFFECi · TO CHRISTMISI 'CLOSED ALL •u · ' CHlll~TllS. . PINEAPPCLE .. , ~··. FANCY, OVEN-READY! 4 . S'll. AVG. ROASTING · . ,,. C~PONE 11 ES •. DIRECT FR<;>t-1 THE GRAIN BB.TI PORK LOIN 49t. ROAST FUU LOIN, Rll OR . TENDERLOIN HALF . GENUINE LONG ISLAND . 65• DUCKLING R=i • ' LUER'S FIRS! QUALITY SLICED BACON BEST VAL GRADE I SLICED BACON · OYST~RS · '/rPJ~ 59'' e . . oUR OwN FAMOUS MAK~"" _' . • · COUNTRY STYLE . • · .. 3. f. PORK SAUSA~&.•· . . . . " LARGE SHRiMP 59:. .,, ' FRUITS and VEGETABLES lbs. CRISP, UTAH TYPE IEW CROP MEDIUI LARIE CE~ERY " NAVEL . · Large Stalk •.. ORANGES • COMSTOCl"S r>UMPKIN P MIX, NO, 2 2]/• CAN .• 'l! FRESH WONDERFOOD .· M-MALLOWS . · 2g.:25' &.gs - CHRISTMAS· TREES! LARGE ASSORTIEIT " . OF FRUl1' -CAKES! . . '.OWEST ·PRICES IN TOWN! , 10.0Z. PKG. PEAS PICTSWEET FORIHOOI 12-0Z. PKG. •. LIMAS DRISCOLL 12-0Z. PKG., SLICED STRAWBER'IES I IRIS.' NO. 2 CAiN PEFRUl't JUICE IRIS,· NO. 2 CAN ' · ' NDED JUICE Peas & c~~[~!.s 19' • VEGE!~~h~~G. 21' ASPA.11,!~~oz. 43' SUCCATA~~z. 23' .. • s Q u A ~l~Z. PKG. 17'. - DELICATESSEN FOODS CANDIED FRUIT FOR CAKES · HlillllYI , , • IT'S 10111 FISTI · . 'IRIS, URIE 'zi.GL .tiR ........ "" MINCEMEAT OCUISPUY STRAINED CRANBERRY . SAUCE 10 •. 1 TALI,. CAI . ' DOLE'S PllUPPLE JUI OR . I UllY~S TOllATO • c • K 'PURE SUGA .. CAIE . ' . WESTER I ~ILLS PURE APPLE 10LIVES I ·- T0°MAToES2 NO. 2.CAN ~ , . . . . r . PJCTSW.F.~r'f.i.td LI . PEAS NO~)i SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUlt~7 · • .. ,... . 10 It il-U. AYlU&E ~ • hill Fancy Colored ARG·ARINE ~ l·LB. CTN. , 11 \ " LIR&E •&-oz. CAIS . ' -. -. 25¢ ;I-LI, 45· 18-LI. 89• , BAii IAG R •1&-&ALLOI 4 9 .IUG ¢ .s· • • -. ·-. GlllT 73· IOI LGE. Pl&. r.-' ! I'. TU&ARDEI STRAWBERRY PRESERVES LARGE 39' 2G.OZ. JAR PURE! ~-ali¥1ra , IEACH WMlaJ aw. ,..tt...., 1 a 'MAI ...,,, .. ., I ........ , .. ,, a • • GOL~ MEDAL FLOUR (O.LB. BAG ,, 1, I ' '? - \Un de l<amps~ FINI ASSOITED CHOCOLATES 98< LB. 2 LB. 1.95 CALIFOINIA FIUIT CAii 11°' LI. (liflrl ., dorl.) 2 LB. 215 PFEFFllNUTS l DOZ. ·25< EN,LISH PLUM PUDDIN' 11/a LB, 149 , CONTINENTAL WINE FlllJ LOAF 2. LB,,..1~5 • ~.... 0.-' .,.-• Special Thurs .• Fri., S.t,, · Dec. 20, 21, 22 POULTIY I • Dll~SIN' 39< PKG. (II.,. 4Jc ~} ALMOND llOTLE COFFEE CAKE 39' EA. 111.,. 49c •·I 20c lroH N-alk I. Coraaa Doi Mar -\: HEMET SPICED PEACHES No.2! Can 19~ sYit1UP IZ~~JU• 24- CREAM-CHEESE 2 :~~. 25~ IOIE·SUCH COICEITUTED MINCE MEAT f·OL PKCi. • IRIS GOLDll YAMS IORDEl'S COTTA&l CHEES,E DEL IOITl llllTLETI ·/PEARS ,..~~ CAN NO. 21 CAN . 23~ • 25-- 39' -,.,.,~ I i " I • ' .• • •• "j ~ ..... '• . ~ . .. IN ·· . ALL AMERICA ~~ ~ • . l.19UOR DE IF "ll'S illll TO~ 01."W,.llSl liD ltll I • -' ' • , ALIUIY" ..:.. YdU'u F111 ·n~ PUFEOT 11n 110111w1 11nw 11u 1ciu1 , • ·SAVE 10°!. · _, ON ALL . WHISKEY BY THE ,· CASE liWJHARPER KAMCHATKA VODKA I STH 318 Try It witfl 7-U' l • Twist of llmol ·THE KING OF IONDID . WHISKIY IN IEAUTIFUL , CHRISTMAS DICANTD OILY , .,, • , ,, , , • A SMOOTH 4-YEAR OLD STRAIGHT .. BOURBON I ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD INCLUDE ALL I ; FEDERAL EXCISE TAXES l'OltT, SHERRY, TOKAY, MUSCATEL GUILD WINES 49' SKCW. tiET -'CQUAINTED PRICE ~ ST. CROIX t.. YEAR OLD RUM 14-PlOOF . YOUR CHOICE 05 CANADIAN WHISKEYS ~~~RS~~ S'' SEAGRAM'S V. 0. ... r ~ BOHEME l'INK OR WHITE CHAMPAGNE or · SPAUUNti • YOUl CHOICE ' BVIGllMDY . ' T ,- \.i1RAM WALKER'S t 31· s' 21! CREME· de MENTHE 'j . ,,_. .~ ••Mt f., a ct.I"~ ~ diftw •1•fe'I atJii ------------• • HtlAlll WAtli:EA'S OU> l. IOSTON ., .. 3. st _ OlllEdlUCIO · -RU _ ~i6Ji~ . ,, , , . 'f 94 '. 47 . .,;, TENTH • •. ~. ~ ' 'FUISHMAN'S PREFERRED G-1 ' ~. • • KM6EORSE • - SCOTQI WHISK~ '""' SCOlQj WMS&Ef I I !- I -. • . ' 0 I • , r < I • • , • • • -· I -" ·PA&E-6 -P-ART T /-,T,HUlSDAY, D£C..20, 1951' ': ··4~~~--' _, ---If'; ~ . ~ ' . •.' 0 cc STUDEMfS; F~TY I :">GIVE 100 .PINJS:·QF · BLOOD . • ---i-- ,,.. 11>e Bloodmob!JO un1t• pulled • • .• away h'om Orange Cout cou.rl direct clerical ~ ftCel'tlonlat ... Dec 11 It carrted with It 190 .-.;;. trom Ille Dfita club, col· pin~ oi whole blood voluntarlll Jtse orpntzatlon ,..,_ methber- c!Oll&t.ed by studenta and r.cultx llhlp 1il oomPoffd ot _...,.un memben: of the local tnstttutJon. ntb'Sel. moet Of wtleitn are cu"°' • ,._..._ Note· Thia compares with nonUy e-nrolled In the collep 1 • , -..,,. ' N--~ • • a total ot 1S1 ptnt9 donated by course tn Practical unung. • · · Use NUmated 20,000 restdenta of l'ffwpo<l llff.ch and Colt& ¥-OOT'fON ADAl'Tll ll•UL1' wben the Bloodmobile WU lut Cotton fabrtca can be warm or here In Octob...""l'. l cool. waterproof or at*wbdlt. f" • '-rbe ~ by the collese fllUneprvet or combultible. Under ~-• • conununlt.y to the ~ Craoa bll dlf-t typeo of conetructlon and .1.: wae ~ gn.tlfying," ttj)OIU. ~ cotton fabric• have Mrs. Martha Buu, ochool nU?M. lied. p.t-, t°" meet a1moot ... From the Ume ~'unit · wU 'every dDJnfftlc, tnduattlal and rMdy for operation unl.U It fqlded mllltary 0"1UU!d. it.a.. p.ar and moved on~ the.re WU . a steady line of VOiunteer doncri, _ oot'l'ON 81!1T report. tbOIM! In cbar,.. In fact, IO ·' A co~ 111ll c!f¥fll¢ 1')' Jeri generoua waa tllO raponae th&t H6tm .. ~ to be one ot the more people votunll!ered · thaa ~ pqpGJar !'!Id verwatlle -· could be accommodated and at 2 turnea of the ....ori.. The apron p.:m. when the mOb! ... unJt had' to· ttrci, fktrt &nd1 &pion di.cR:ey are move on, 18 peop)e were OQ. hand 4one kt ·a red aha white bouck walttng wilh their donatiohl. • cotton· tbeck. A narrow waim:l ' • 8e«>nd Vi.It . 'length~~ II d""1ped In white ~ ·an~ at' µ,., Jackot 1'>la · vUi1t by u.. Bloodtnoblk. ~et 18 •ori> ' n.,.,or In tho to tl'l e Orange .Cout campus la ,aint.·red &lJd Wltite tioucle cheek· the second ot It.a kind tn·.,t.wo ed &.tton. · years, the t lrst. coming In Decem~ . ··---·'-~--' ber of 1950. Both Year!I Ille uni\ . JiOMJI:' ~'.~l'!TAL Mt up temporary quarters in tbe~ ~ Ncwr:; COll.~iftC at: l\er home college home economics bUUdb1C. on E. 11th· St:, ec.ta k'eaa., la Thett. supervioed by spt!claU;y Kn. ~r J . .Wrf&ht, who bas trained peraonnel from the Loa been, hoepltali&ed' with a severe A.ngelee and Orange County. Red lllneas · ' Crou headquarten, '901untary · " "' blood donors we~ J't!Cei ved, Pre- < •·• Umlnary physical · exarnlnatlona TO ·sAN FllANOJ800 ,were g:tven t o' each potential don-R.ay and Stell ~U ot Bal- or. In cu e of minon1, perm.It boa ere leavtng .Sanday for San alipa from parent.a o r guardiarul ll"ranclBco when tbey will spend were required. . . Chrtat.ma.s day wt~ . hla brother This year the v1slUng unit had and family. ~ . . ' . " .. •• ',, ,. •• • . . .., ... • • , I • r . . , ..... • I ...... -.... !:t·· I An Ho110r No•~ 01 Vs Wants ~ •' • Mi.educating tile Public Concerning Controls Ill W!Utffd L Illar • 'h.blN In Newport Barbor Yacht Club were adorned with JoUy mow mt:n hurricane IAMJ>19 for the re-- cent luncheon meetinr of Ute ~ ...,. Countt Kappa Delta Alum· nu AMoctstton. l'ollowlng a 8hOrt -meeUn&. cooducted by ~dtnl llrtra. Jeu Powell ot Norwalk, an ucbanse ot gin. w .. held among the memben. , lll'ldp ...i Canaslf ..... 'PlBJ"d dUrin.g the r'8"l'dllnder df th@ l.fttt-t..i.-. ._ UUUl"I , , r , Take care to 'buy I>etenM 8av- t.a,. Bonda arid aome C!iay tbey will 'take care,of·yot.i. If he aets the oftlclal price below the level which the free muketa would eat&bliah, a shortage soon appears. The publk: ls irritated wk.never either of these attV:a· Uona arl.aea. f'urthc rmore, . the dft'ender of prtce regulation t. alwaya beln& patered by obnoxious !ilstory ad- • . . l!!.!~-:::!~!!~~!!!!!~L-•!!~B!!" UTTS:!!?loN!!.....---I ~~=~~illar . Lie. General Contractor PAINTING Ir D~ '.f'ING ae.ldential-Comibl?'Cial ''The· Best: MQlley· Buy" ~modetini 512 • aau. st. J:'l lldch Phone Beaccn 8406-W · PHONE H4JIBGR. ~Cit &2ttc 17tfc INTiliruoR -Ex;tiifUOR , PAINTING LICENSll:D -INIUAED Glenn Johnston l!e1 • 31.ot St. Newport Beaeh . Har)>or m1-1 . ~c38 B & Y Ho\18e Movers General Contractors 860 ,,,;,t it. Tustin, Calif Pbone KlmberJ7 ,3·l~ J Home 'Pllonee JAlper l-27'1S or JAspet-9·2"1l Htfc • OOHPLWl'I: HOUR CI&ANINO · ll'w'ftlture and rup ahanlpooed. J'ree eetlmatu -l'ullJ lnwred. ·Ars House & Rug Cleaning Co. ••OIXl till 72tfc HA,DLING ANY KIND-Trash or! .Paintibg Paperha,p GEO: BURKE 508 -31th st... Nl.lwJ""' Phone Barbor UIS' before ~ _-:___ 83ttc a ...... or ~a· f: p.'m. PA.PER · PING &t''t'ldnttng, Spray. ~aintlng UIJ.<~A~~f:~ · Phone Beacon · .,. : . llecSTH · thank J. Mhn F1replace8; Barbecu;r. Fences All:rthtng 1n block I brtck or ~tone, etJ:. OT E. 19th 8t. • cbata M- Phone Beacon ~-R 3ttc • GlvE BDl. • l Sna~~ I JOHN KIMBLE; Har.-11117o& I lTH lllr&mllr, ~ ~ 11, CLUBll, practlcall7 -· plete tet ladlee ~ 1ae sunw tnclUdlair putter beg. Phone ~r 'J.U.K. ' r8p.m. We cHmUAHUAB, ~· llf&• ria. papa. two .bl\b~' Buy -lor all. 2U C&brUlo, co.ta~ ~ 8 p. m. to 9 a: DI. «'all ,<lay Monday. l*tlS FOR SAl.F--<:lilld'o J)la7 booioO. il'lve ll!et by aeven Jeet, '~ !Phone Harbor 2951..J. aelli ' TilZVistON, 'PblJeo '12\l .... [table model. 15 months old. JClo. • cellent condition. Slob. °'11. "'"'bor 0282-R. 1Sptli S¥A,LL BOTS' blcyde, f.10; poit- able typewriter, $7.ro; ~ ,nan oil apace heater, $10. Philco bl model racllo-pbono, wtt.b changer. 125. se. 7118..J 8 to l :SO a. m. or ii -8 P• m. ' 1k1ll TABLE TENNIS SET. Complete lnc. table net and bats, llke pew. 827 11th St,. Huntington llff.ch. Phone LExlngton -· Are you worey:ng aerloualy about )"OUr pt'Gllj)ee.lift tuc. be- Inf l<>o low! If so, you may de- rive at -.at. • mJte of conaolalion from tllo report Of W. <l. Bryant appearlq In Ille Wall Street JOWD&I ot A-t 17, 1951. M:r. Beyant _,. that two ot YO\lr moe t outstandlnr WaohlhStoft employ· eta -Mr. 01a.rlee E. WU.On and Mr. Klchasl "'.· Dt Salle -are plannlnc to add 1K>me 60 mo~ "ex- pert.a" to their preae:nt eta.ft of eeveral hundred publklall, tbf' pu.._ belJI&' "to get the public 'bettor Informed' about Ille w!IY. and W'herefores of rearmament and con6-ols." cllcts or Individuals with Ion&' Call Walker-15,76 Placentia memories who keep bH.nctnl' up ~-"-Be 6372-J t.be fact th~t no amount of price '-""'4 M~-aeon flXl.ng by bureaucrata haa ever anywhere 9\ICcecd.~ 1n holdlrig do;wn. the price level ·at a lime when the nAllo n'a currency wu be.Ing seriously inflated. And fact.I are such atubborn thtnga! Retults oome troin ! constant Practice! An ad regulal'Jy ln th1a paper will produce result.I ror JOU Hc15 t4-r-na1s I · [Somebody Wants ·., Mr: wttiaa ,.,...u,, ........ . to a ~Of Ge Bouee ., .. ,.....tath'U tMt lie ........ net otal.J a 1taff at Wuhl:nrtoa to pre,..... apeecbeo aad printed -for dlatrlllatlon, IMJt aho .• nekl force to .. that auell l""P9 M W.._,.7 clube, lal!liw tmtons, and r:bamhtn of --throup-t.11e aatlon hf!S.I' Uout the btneno.t na- 1'1'11 ot. aoatrols. Kr. Wilsen polnted OUt .Jl*t. .,....,_ JOU have ..U t.he troUhm la.&d: oat. -&II the ....,.._" -)'Oil roalbe tlat ,..... Jan -ot let ao many tlkien·*' of peoptr play IM& and -wltll lllve• torlee, wlt.b tlleir -.i. od la- ctmtr;r. Yeu bve .to ._11«1 e<*· troll . 11htlJ JOU l't to that bpp;r point -JO& ban _fib__,_.,.,,..,,....., ...... •bMorlc -.. tllat It _ __,,. has beea a Ultl<o .. Jllsb &"4 ...... -- "" ~. 1-... ocill _.te-. ... ., Sadly enough, aleo, Mr. wu...n·s dltrlcult.les aeem to be a.Imo« u et-rioua 8.8 are th~e oonfrontln• Ilk. Di Salle. He ii: up aplnat the problem of convtnctng hia fellow .. capta.ina of tndu.tt.ry" that he ta in • better poelUon than thf'Y ue to know just-how much of each aca.rce material they really need, and what use ot t hat material will benefit the nation most tn tbe tong run. ~ Wo,.... •t111, eome carplq uttlc la llkely to point oat to blm that. If he woodd -J' t:alte tbe trouble to uoe.rtaln from e&Cll ot the COftCtll"ll8 baV• lat contract• t.o aupply OW' OoVemment wttb "the "alnewa of WM" jWlt IH>w much of each. ...... -It would ....... la flaCh tub.are month to enable tt to rwn11 Ute tenua of Its con- tNct, and It. he would -lp a f.:w eler~ te tabulate Uld re- oof'd -flcutto, he WOUid lie la • posttkllt to know approst- ..... tely ho# rnacb of Aaclli 8CaNe -terlal Ubde Sam would re- .,alre In -month ab-4. W(jla tals lnfon.atton av=hHr; ... < If 1 ~ W a •p1e ,matter) ~or ~=~~===.,........, H rs f "Iii> 1 I vati-Ame.-fl.l'D» for ,.... hbr Colltn>lled llaterlala Plan Jor ._ dell•-.., ~ of -of' rationing atee~ copper and alum!-u;. ~ ,. .. 0.Ne ...U..rlalo nwn. In ftlC!t. tb:ey not only faU to t. cover ... ..._, ._. ta' recoplU the neceaalty for lj.; they Mell monUa ·te·f, tt OMIM .U fi&jlt It. Anti, of -· Mr. DI --to ... _..... Salle .. finding --In ren.eral -Uie:r ......--Br - Juet as .-pproclallw ot Ulo out---. It -pro-- standln&' merlta of price control.a: oplim sho~ -pro.i-. ~and ts-oqually obllviolla t<rlhe ol _...., _, Its clef-. .., eairablllty of w a s e oontrola. ~ta •• aot exceed c:t.e Clearly a nation-wide -tlonal .-Ure capidt:r ot Ame.._ la· campaign II tmperatlvel ,._"7 to ....,. out ~ specl1lod Bot then 19 srave dooM that. -terlab. elt:INT tip-. Wilsoa or Mt. DI With llUCb a plan ot action· tn- &.lle "'•• 19ilT &a. _,..._ .ulled and put into operation, t1lde of t.e tMk. Mafl'1tdac tf.tet'e would ftm&in no reuon. for u.em.. T• ... -Hlf ,,..... lat.wferln6 wttb .,_petition aa fo......!o, the JM .. ' D r -Ille tores Sonrnlnc t.be dl.ltrlbsl· whlclt U., .,. tttr 1n..,. WU1 Uon .ot any tau:Nnt. of the mpec- p...-.i;, ._i.. Ille _,.._ of lift -wllJcla our - a wl>ole ...., of p-p-· &Dd ~ ml&l>t blnl out In -aot -tCJ a hw" S £ SM eM-tit. Oowrutentai Wds, and fw U.. piaups .. ..._ ·aa t• *"1 Kr. wu.on would 110 loqV have -UJial '° l"7t ·--..... U!1 OI' PEs far plaJlae ............ w.. bat W7' • w tr • tti ... l1iklfDa wttat .,,.,. oaitcera ---pUlle -... oapt.to lie -"'do. • eartll i. -- -el. • Ot eo•w. -CIBllr ple_.e Oe- _.ter i. .. elalillr, -tMt f-yet ad.....:0.S tar the -tlle .. _.. reot •f JM i.'u .. oll;J of crrs•ft>C ,Kr. Pl Salle's Job ftlallvel)r -. 11 u.at 11e 11ea -mployed to Ne "9'J' bQ Mt1 .. .. .. 4t.vt pat,11e attest• ftoaa Qo9. Fertilizer '$2.50 . yd. Delivered. Phone Beacon 8372,J 1<cTl»I ' PAINTING E,ARL ~HEFLIN 273 Palmer SL, Costa M:- Bea. IM&T·M'. 9<c9 ' ' . State Ph.nts Hire Record ·Number of FaCtory Workers . . . -r That used turnltUTe, brle4•brac, .Alcoholics Anonn:nous ~Unga, etc., now tsk1nc up Write P. O. Box 20a apia.oe ln your garage. Vtnd a &RU• sai-I.land, calif. er~.':'.tll a claaslfted ad In U. Phone Kititberly s:p:iea -N Tlmeo. Pelot, end -...,. blnatlon. Juat Phone ll&rbO&' tat. is-Beam Ald,a. • J , . J _ . · :;:,i, :Sl!--&Lle.~.::::~·~·::..!M~l~..,..~H~an::::::eo~us=..~~ Sµperl.lui?~'! ":airf I FIREWOOD· Coal and Chanx>al Perdnettt17 remqv~ ~m aco, . arma. 1op.' llly1obr0w.l and hair- -ahaped-No m9re tweesl!>C. . H. W. Wright Co. EIJ .EN 1. BRT AN'l1 R. E. Tuesday and Thuredljy ol117 Udo'• Balan of lijeauty Har. 2379 Phone Beacon 5665 • ' 17114 Newport Blvd , Co8ta M- . TWO CAN ARIES, male and fe- 23-Situ&Uons Wanted male, 2 cages, $15. Block A Callfomta manuta.cturtng plants tackle, rope; pa.tr hlp length emplOf"d 7~.0QO mot"e workers ln EXPERT.WASHING 'll~ Iroalna. fubber boot., SS: copper kettle, laat month th&n a ye~ ago, Paul Mn. Fulton. Brtnc to 1822 ,for bolllng lobster). Bed d!nn. 8charren0trc, director ot indut-V11aHe Place, Newport BeaclL lit McF'adden st., aanta Ana. trial Rel&tlOI)•, announeed today. Harbor 1%57-W. I 10p24 KI. !·50<2. . Ucl5· · Kanutacturinl' employment to- taled 898,800 w-and salary FlNlC IRONING, Curtatna, etA>. FOUR B. R. HOU8EJ..42111!o de- workel"ll In November whleh ls 9 pjck up and delivt:r. Help wit.bf;· per cent above November of 1860 dinner partiea. Mrs. IWUUama. REE B R. HOU8£-tl900 d9-\ and hlgber than any November Beacon 5591'W. t•plG vered (both 200 ft. ~the.ck). level since 19<<. ODD JQBS-WW h anythlnc 0 B. R . Hou .. , 0 . K. code. All the increase since a year paint, carpenter, cem t, prd· ~ delivered. . Owner j)bone a.go was due to ga.l.nB tn plults enlng, etc. e rates. ~naheim 6104'. \ Uc.1!; manutacturtng durable roo<U. Phone Beacon IM57-~ 13pl& ;;:c;plete blat&llatl\)11. rep91r -with a.1.rcra.ft alone contrlbut.lng · _,...... L 82 per cent of the rlae. CARPENTER ~oe GI all OwJl•r cqulpm• . Record employment hlghB, most Al•-. 11..., •. an. d ·_~-.. J, g.~ of Which were 1UbltanUally above r• ~ -~.piialm, ...,,..,f9<:0l'de4-1!1 ·~~.Ii ,• ~ •. I· . 1110 BiJ!sciR '. November ln the following manu-, facturtnc bldustrtea -. prtnilq ~ Oaista Kea. Phone ~-,.,.. U24·R and publlshtng, chemicals and • ODD JOB;:;: Ti:LEVIBION Ndlo p-o comb, electrical equipment. nry and all '!!Jlda or bulldlnf, 1r• limed oa1<, certified, · like Employment in automobiles, ap-patlQ. and fence wwk expertly new, .,.ea tty n!dueed, term&. p&rel &Dd tumiture manufacture uad reasonably done. H..,-bor Baby crib, girls' bicycle, tri• continued to remaln be~ 1ftl'-2S44·W. lfcl6 cycle, wagon, clothlng, m..1K. ago leftla. . !Pb. Beacon 63<. .. ~ 14cl6 Employment In m&DllfM>turlng W ANTED-A-1 flnlah ~r, f:_.:..: • industries u • whole l.lecltned aea-familiar with pre-cu uaembly O~ltR MOVING -Sell medium eonally between October and No-work. .Only top men apply •t bdrm f'Urnlt:\lre. kit.Cbeq n.lnber as fntit a.nd vegetable No. tf BoWn.r, Traller wan, lampe, dlahea; etc. Bendis C&llnlnr passed rta aut11111n j>\O&k., Park, Newpor:t after :00 p. m . w~. $80. &·burner ~- Seuonal conttact.IJ)n tn canning . UnJveraal range. $86. War 90U- waa p&rtla117 -t by plM In .., Bel W•ted lvenlrw and rare collecUon of • OOer Indus~ aotably. alrttatt, ~ , P , + . . . . foreign made minl•tutt soldier. bringing the total down to 898.· , W •-' t and ahlpa Fri. and sat.. 1 to 5 800 In November from 02<:W0 In an...,,_. a . lp.m., 759 Via Lido Sovel, Lido oeteber. . . TOP KA~ ble.. · Ue16 ~ manutactuttrs reC«d· p · t J WllDGJ:WOOD RANOJC -ltlll "' m<><W wit.II all. automatic eook· eC an lncreue of more -1•-e1'n&Dell I 080 -J<en In N-ber, -· Apply at In&' ...........-1uxe own wlU. Inc UM end Of .. -rk """'-"'• Co" .... eo' I .,_ ~-... In the Indus._ coupled Wsth COD-""1Uth ...... , " lamp and --~ ~ -· _, pill broiler. Used ~ m..._ ..,. Untied hiring tq.. moot aircraft Newport BJVd. at St. baYO for NI. of coMraet, SJ.211.IS ,_...., • , ltfc &&¥• paymenu ot """ per Tb& number of work<ra Ill, tlle Bee at -Bo. ap.iln\. run- fallrloated meta1a In~ wae a.-JNSURANCll ottlce """-t a.m. to • p.m. or ~ aot balow October • a ..alt 06 five clap. -1,.,0 _ • • UUo met1r11J. abortape _. • M'E1 ,,, wru. a. ~ J•ed r-- drop In tin can ~. State~.,._ .~ nuiw of men aDd: won• eJsarect.,, ......_ anc1 c1et1aop. la the oil _.,. ,_ I !Q k4 -.._ t. ........ tm ernmedtaJ OtM4Jll#i9C ... ~ -Mtl of· ~ I ... .. 11Ultln,g laftaUon. am. fMlailol' • _ .. ,...., __ ,,. -~·.....---1&,000) Iii 40 --...... 'In 1'11; ..... i. • 1Slalll, Ml..... deficit .................... - • ·--Of JM ..... - -In tloo .... """' "-....... 211 ......... 211 --..1or-t.11Ar-"'11111t 11 ... t11Uie Mell It..,. • 11.•••• -to...,. -Udl fzrtte • 1ti1 ..,,.. ... ,. ·---·--~ ... Wiil ,., .... "' ..... u · I mt I • Jionlo -DGt a men =a_d or lbPu_., ,.._ llP, l>I 8111n --.i -pr 1q• tmil9Ulle co oat IO " 1 + Ge srrts , .. ha' a• .;t fdso s SNI, U..., Al -~ tloo111 ollla_lli_., • .. · -._ .. n .. r.11-•~-• --· ==:Lt-:. .... t:;:::: =-~ 7. !'.:-='•t• -·LP !.!!~""9111 q I 11 '9 .. _ ...... :.: .,. "'9 c &WI Is -.............. ..., ...... , ........ .,.,_ .. I $1 a• •. .. :::: .............. ,....ams>• .. - • • ' • , t i t ( • • • • • • • ' J ·a -. !If .,!!!!'J c:a -•• •• °""' tabloo. [)Ur-an met&J ·······-·······--..;,....---f .95 Univerll&I Ootteomauc P"I? colator, 2 -onlJ-to doee . out ······-········~=-··;--··-.,.$24.95 Murray •Pl otove ·-··-·---"'89.IO 11\i cu. tt. Victor -... demo, 5-JT. guaranU.. .• .it95.00 Phenix air tio.t rocl<er ........ $69.:50 ' ' X.ple dlDetle Mio ··---179.:50 up 'lJMd Chror&e table and two cha!ra' ................................. 129.l!O Dale's Furniture 1874 Hut>or m..i. Cost.a Maa Beacon 8637..J Want to.Buy Used Furniture Will buy l piece or a carload. CRIST FURNlTURE 1887 Orange, eo.t.a Mesa. B. 7323 7p21 ===-::-=:--:=:-~--,~ BEDROOM SET, ma ti o g any veneer, 2 dreaen, nlcbt stand, mirro. and pooter dbl: IMd, boo< aprlnp and inllerSprtng ipat· t.reu. ~ertect condition, ('US. -Ph. Bvllor ~J. 1Scl5 PHILCO RlllJ'RIGl!RA TOR 1931 model, 11 cu.. tt. deluxe .. Hu M Jbp CJ"OelJ top h"eeaer cbe1t. BJc meat chWer tray, all at.eel UllBD Bptnet piano. ,.,,,_ muc, ID ptt'tlct CCllldltlon. 'r.rrM, Sllf.U -.ADI! -per, DIG. at SILU'D'B KUBIC 00, · (lblce 110'1) tn N"o. Sycamore, Ban~ Au. XI.' 2.-J. RAW:. aa old .Plano JOU """ -111111&>? Trade It ta. ffft It& top ·cub value on a Padtard·S.D . 'hlnlllon. Ccmnnlmt ......,. a dJ belance at llHAi'EJl'I Jltliae 00. (9-tto'fJ, OJ N ·-· Boat& AM. Kl 2--0ln • • : . •. • • • ' ., • • ' CHJU8Tli(.AS llALI: -BdutlWI Grand pl&M, uoed. Lovely t-, now only Mtll, term&. Otber Grando $416 to .-oo. WurUtaer, ' Stolnwq, Kimi.I,. ClllckUlll(, Beh rm •11. w...,,..., PetrOI, Story It Qarlc' -Dl&Dy otban. DANZ • IClDODT PI A If 0 STORE. &20 · lfo. Kain, Saal& ADA. corner fth Street. ~.•e! '!~' uc1 Bo~~ ACCORDtON-Uood, 1'1111120 -· Will Meritk:e for SN. Torma OU.en - u 1120, •tt5. DANZ- SCHMlDT, 5111 No. Main, - 6th. Cbrl.IOnu llal•, Sant& Ana. • ;yearly Lease on wat.rtront l'Uml&bed ye•r..old -.. ,,,... bdma., 1% ......... Mady btaeh. rtatticted area.. Bay & Beach Realty H91) llalbb& BJ..i. Harbor 12M SPINET PIANO slightly d.m..,..t BAU!OA PENIM'SULA-ll'lunlah- ln ohJpment. A berpln. DANZ-ed 11a1i. apt U& "'°' (-terl. SCHMIDT BlG PIANO STOil!:, AUK> 2 bdrm. -· lrfgtdaW, Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln, co-r-la.uDct,,. ~ •• I06 mo. "''" ner IUa.. O.er 100 pla.nol a.twa7L clac:IJ.n.I uw. to June 15. Barbor 1271>-W. • 5lle YOU CAN have a, piano in your -----------home at Cllrlstmk tor on1y ~ • ' • ... m·o. S-ua a botit our fine rmt. al..-prorram. Rental appUe. m ruture purchue •t SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1807), 421 No. Sycamott, Santa An&. JO. Collins Is~d Welt e>d ot Plutt An.. IWboa Ialand. s .... eolt&p •pl.a.. weeily or m.lhly rat• Call Barlror 218s.W. ahel•u and ttls crilrper for ftl'• BALBOA PllNlNStn.A -J'urn. · e t.able•. U8M 2 IDOL, like new. mnsle apL $20 mo. to June l!U.h. 2-0e72. Can have tor contract balance Jmt llke 'lle'W, famoa.111 make, UUl. tncL I•JNtry A: wuh m .... of •-• or take payment. lluutll'al -., ~ tono. . dllne •nDal>I<. Ph. Har. 1270.W ot $12.31 per month. See. at 404 Sa•e over '100. Tenna. DANZ.. J3ttc Se. Spadra, Fullerton. ~ a.m. to SCHMIDT BIG Pl.A.NO STOR&, 8 p.m. or phone 2152. 14ttc Santa Ana. 320 No. Main Street CLU'f"' H.A VSM-Ua.f\lmt.ahed 2· corner 8th. bedroom new home with flre-T ABLE TOP STOVE, $30. Good ------------pla~. Harbor 987. working condltJon. BREAKFAST srr-Chrome, red, $30. Good coradiUon.. Harbor 3038-J. 1814 Paclflc Dr.. Co- rona del Mar. SEA BOOKS iO--Businees 2fP!>rtwlltle9 • Men's Clothing Store 112 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa Stock about 1 1l'. old. Stock ant fill:turu l:n"entory about. $13,000. Phone Beacon ~M. 4t!c ATTllACTIVE turn. apt. on water, patio, pr. Adult.a. Wltl MaM> If dealrecL Clc.e t.o bus. Richard• Mkt. and theat~. 617 -38th St .. Newport Beaeh. Har. &91·W 77ttC' A fine stock of bOoks on all Yacht· LINEN SH 0 P lng subject.I -plua all current ·Only one in Newport Harbor area. YE.ARLY-Newly decorated. Ex- cepUonalJy nJH. Untum. 2 bf!!d... room duplex. Many extra ft"&· turu. Near both school.a. Rea- eonable. 2265 Clay St., Cll!t Haven. 83ttc books. Lendlnc library. New nock. Forced to sell due The Islanders to 111ness. '15-00 will hand:. 214 Marlne, BaJboa Ls.. Har. lMT stock and flXturea. Phone L09 ------------ One of· the Harbor's Finest 56 ·ft. schooner, sleeps 9 Over ~.000 for new a&ll&. cuab- lona, gear and cohiplete outtlt- Ung thU; yeaT--ready for cruia.- lng anyvrhet'e. WUl conalder R. E . or power boe.t tn trade. Call Harbor 3484.. 8c9H Sc9H Angeles, CLev.land 6-11681. 43-A-Traller s-14cl8 _______ ..--____ _ -----------Ho1111e Tl'allenl for rent STORE' ROOM, 2:1i rt. on Newport Blvd., near city hall and suit· able .tor TV, medical, wdR .• etc. Reuonabte rent. S. A . Meyer, toe Mentone, Udo !ale. Al.SO larp Joto with la.,,,. and ~U... f'Jttra clean rest room• and 1a..-y. Thia la • fine place to· mile your borne. Lil~rty Trailer Park 15182 Har-Bhd. Saata Ana KL 2·M79 5pl8 Ph. Har. 18'8-J. 14pl3 -Be wise-tell peop1e---adveruse! ------------ S4-Muslcl!1. Jladlo • TWO bdnn. unrurn. houoe, 1 blk. CABLE GRAND PIANO. very from ocean. By year only, 175 TELEVISION NIGHTLY good tone. "Excellent condition. month. 44-8-for Rent Will ...nifi<:e tor $300. Phone LIDO ISLE-~ bdrm. turn. home, MAXIC THIS your home away Barbor 299q-J. 13cl5 $115 mo. by year only. from bOme. Cozy room• and Ph. Harbor 2M2 or Har. 291+-M llngte apt. By day, week or • .. .. ·Jim aKd Sal/y newlitt i .. C:AL ESTATE WITH ' !J OHN 0. BURNHAM . -50? r:. BALBOA SL.VD •• BALBO,,A • . LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager EDNA CRAIG, Rental Dept. Extend Heutiest Cbrlatmas Greetings . and Best Wiabea for a PEACEFUL and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 812 M~ Ave., Balboa laland. Ph. Harbor 2042 If You Need Another Bdrm. SEE TBl8 EXTRA NICE 3 bdrm. home. Could be made • bdrm.a. Only 1 \.i yrs. old and still loou brand new. (Owner haa no children). Hwd. floora, . . large floor furnace. Near high school. Nice lawn, lot. 80 ft. wide, garage. I G. I. Resale offers usual good terms. . C . GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E . JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newpqrt Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 (Ev<!nlngs Beacon 6747-J ) OUTSTANDING Bay Front Home and Apartment on the exclusive EAST BAY F.RONT of LITrLE ' ISLAND. No expense bu been apued to make thia an inCtUDparable home. Large enough for graceful entertaining and Blllall ebough for 1er- vantless living. The pier and float will pleue the deep water yiu;htsnian. ' SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT STANLEY HADFJEI.D, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd, Harbor 20 ·SANTA'S BE.<!IT PRESENT VIA WESTERN UNlON, NORTH POLI!, U . S. A. "JU5t r('turn~ from quick trtp to Newpon Harbor to check on boys and g1rJa. Tht:y were tine but found parenta near ~xhau.st.Jon STOPI T'bat two •tory S-IMlrm. home with apt .• fireplace, dbl pr. on-BaJboa lsJand tor $15,730 la ve.ry good value STOP Hope I cu. lea•e it with some-lucky famUy STOP WW be back Xma. ~· Kindest Rt'gard!- (SlgnNI), 8.ANTA CLAUS SANTA'S RIGHT WANTED -PT.ANO TO RENT st!c month. oR STORE PHONE HARBOR OCEAN FRONT HOTEL ·ISLAND REALTY CO., Realtors ieu-w. i<tp1e RENTAL .I Y 2306 W. Ocean P'r<>nt. Har. 987 PARK AVENUIC AT AGATJi See us today and ~ the proud owner on Xmu day. SPINET 1Planoo, new and u .. d. SP~CIALISTS 11c12H One Block from "l'eny L&ndlnr Baby Spinet $295. Chrtatma..c: p t • kl BaJboa laland . Phone Harbor 8TT·W ule on all Spinets. Over 100 Call Edna Cr-ale ROOMS -ermanen , wee 1 -----------..,-------......: ____ _ ptanoo to chooso rrom. DANZ-Linwood Vick, Rltor. .-taL Large 91Hpblr room. SCHMIDT PIANO and Org&n Balboa laland Har. 2042 32cS4 PriYOle entrance. prage, $10 56--Money Wanted Co., 520 No. Main, corner 8th, week. THE BLUE TOP, fOl Santa Ana. • BALBOA PENINSULA -.At· Nuiport Blvd., Newport Sch. Tr t De ds f Sal tracUvely fUmlabed 2 lodrm. d\J. (Juat above the ArcMo). 9tlc US e Or e Real Estate Is Your Best 1 -~'f.estment ELECTRlC Organs, new and used. plex with 'orw1deck. Wlntu or ------------NIL"l' YIELll a~ to 10% It MORB DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano and Or-yearly. Reuonable. Bar. $019-R BALBOA lSLANl>--Stnrle room, "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS A Spacloua 3 Bdrm. ~ gan Co., 520 N. M~tn. cor. &th, 83ttc Jcltcltenefte, bath. Prlvat. m· IN GOOD TRUST Dl:EDS"' Sa..nta AnL : ------------I lraftce. Very comtort&blt!. Elec.. Every loan title in.sured. -o- LIDO ISLE Nfr1c. $8 •••• to .JUn• 16th HAMMOND ORGANS! Tbe great or U0 mo. year'e teue. Util '3,381-ht T . D. paye $40 JtlO. Hammond Chord Orp.n. It you Clever l or 2 bedroom tU"rnahed pd. Harbor Mlf-J. 12Uc '"· all due 1958.. don't know a note, you C&Jl play P.6&$-i.t ~:. D ..... ya .$f0 mo. thla! The Hammond Splnet Or· apart.menta. All utitittea ar e ... . e%, $S60 CUtc41Ft. .... ~-·U!ul paid. PriYOIAI pros .. and nice 48-Automobllell, TlftA . gan. World'• m o • t ..-...... ..patio. Reasonable renu. $&.~lat T. D. pay• $80 mo. 79' tones. E a a y terms. DANZ-Ffte coll~Uon aenice. SCHMIDT Plano and Organ Co., P . A. P A L M E R LOOK ! LOOK! sa..nta Ana, 520 No. Main, comer BOB 8AT11..ER.. lfl5-Cout Bhd IN CORPORA TED '51 Hlllman convert. demo. COrona Ciel Kar Harbor 1077-J 8th Street. 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1!!00 W W. • BIG. llAVINGB! Rep. POIRIER MPRTGAGl!J CO. JUlN'l' A PIANO-Let the kiddies Newport Beach, Qallf. •51 ~ 2-<tr. -.,_ W W X.tro Ute ID& "Fundo ·Kl S-llW learn, $5 per mo. Full term rent SA VIC $900! allowed on any •piano In our Balboa Island atOck DANZ -SCBKIDT Btg Plano Store, ~20 N . Main; Santa All•. • • • • • ' • • •• : . tMc'-1·:;;·~-·( l --~..._~-~-~-~--· , . ' VSJlNfl 8 HQW,AJP . ~1'1'11 -. 'BuJ, SCHUS'l!A -Lido Isle $15;500 •u eouc J11atnra1 We baYe JUll ccmple!ed aa •ttnc-car.. dol Illar U•e 2 bdrm. -wlU. maa7 ' ' " .. • tile r .. c....., _,.,,.,_.._~· . . ::: ·::i-· ::::1 ~ 80~ Di!NNmoN •• beamed ~ In llY. rm. ~ «11 0out fflPwal' be boul!it wlU. low 4owD f oi-dol Mar ment or Sf 7ll0. Boot nllle oe . \ NEIL CAXBRON lllllf ...... t- N .. Purt- Lido t.lo. GR.l:ENLE>..P It A880C. BUILDER -RllALTOR 1112 Newport Blvd:, Hubot. l!&2 au., ' I YOU ASK FOR; rf WE HAVE IT DESIRABLE lots in cti&ice · Jocationa. LIDO ISLE waterfront Iota for single homes or incollie purpoeee. A. L S.O croea street lots at prices well IDlder value and terms to euit you. ' • .. .. . • • • . ... . • .. ... 1¥' • •r•· • •I• ....... •1 .... .... ~ ... ·• . • .. ~ • .. •1 .. • • . . ., . .. . . . . .. ~· ........ **"'***** , ... _..""-... I * *. .• * * * * ***** ' • • • • , . ; , RDIEVBER wo are the DE-FRED BAKF;R VELOPER8 ot lo vely LIDO ;,/ ISLE. Here you can aleo BUT 16th and Irvin NORM WILSON Bayt'-de "at Cout Bwy. CARL THOW Bayside at Coast Bwy. 1 homea at moat any price you Ne"JllD"t Beach dutre. NOW )l'e ibave .aom" Newport Beach Newport lleaeb splendid 2 • 3 -or 4 bedroom home11 that cannot be described. You MUST SEE lheee. Our u.ti~l'I are EXCLUSIVE with us. It will profit you to come to our otttces. Here a little buys • UY!'. * * * * *" * -· Holiday Greetin;., * * * Bay & Beach Bargains ; Thiee ·of Our ~t ' Join in Extending Happy Holiday Greetings . . and Best Wishes for a Prosi>erous New Year All of Us at . CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES . "f lsh all of y~u . · a very Merry Chfi8tmas • ' • and ·~-appy =e Year . 1 , HELEN and ROB 'J:..LYNN • • . NO ---~ '.... C-.~ •• CORONA . D~L MA&f PRbPERTIFi . Rentals -Income Properties -Trades -Salea, 411 Coast mvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 1037 . Priced Jtight! Oood 2 bedroom year rOurid home with ·2 floor rumaceo,I hdwd. noor1. Garsee and ~Uo in chotee location -nttr W.7. We don't thiJlk you can beat thht tor '12,600. DUPL~ •allOO CASH, Full PRlCEf huya • small· duplex in bWIJneaa • aone, cloee tn Balboa. ' 1 , ...... With $2500 Casq You can move into this 2 bdrm home. Built 3 yn. no. l~ re- decorated. Dbl. pr., excellent Joeation. Hu 4% G. I .Joan.•Bal- anoe lea than rent. : • Corona del Mar Ocean View, new 3 bdrm. 2 beth home. W to W carpeting and drapes lnduded. Hwd. tJoon, dual tlr. tuma·ce, fenced, patio, eprinkleno tront It rear, 80' lot. Only $18,500, owner tra.naterred. n !(ey In our: ot!lce. .-' I , .. ·; J w: £: 'Fisher' · Bulliter -~ , t • ' : . ! • '.las P.os.das' • at. ~-.dlcla Hill~ lady Anglers Christmas Parties . • .. ·f. In keeptq wttlo a cuotom of ~·for Ibo Net(pGrt Bar- ,_., tJM M-a l'lil)ooro .... bor i..f7 ~ .,._ the ...... ......,.;;ua, Uie tndl~ . Y':!I"' mtnatlon of -ot .e(f<>ri an tlol -, ... 7 'lan&1 In °"" f01tt In part o( -11mi i., .-plete ~ WHERE ~·TD· .. DINE ·• -WHERE. r • • -• _.. . ~ . . ' . . ' ~.. ' . . -~ witJ; tbe .,.._tat.loD bolldaJ' _ ..... •• . ' of ~ P-·.• llll:lr !IOth an· Dee. t1ll • poup of OU>. Lad1 nual. dNma .Of• Cln1otmAe In O~ AJoa"len 111<1t lh tbe llome of ~ KU:tco, at \be Padua Jlllls Tl>"":' Kalaer. lt1 Virginia l!I, COiia tre: · . ' ,. Kesa to wrap Christ.mu ~kag .. '~ell e-tnr )lfttU· .Cbrtatmu, for handlCopped chlldttn of llar)· atartln& at 1 :$0 o'Clock. • player ta Ana. Plano were com pie fed .at . ......,.. .;, tmN-of "Joeeph and W. meeui.ir ror • specie.I Chrl.st· a oOnortta cariitnir one of Mal'J' mu parlJ', gt""" tile followlng ..uf· Poat-to the enbarice of the week,. Th.-.y att.moon. Doc. ~ .-n, aaldng admlulon In 18th when glfta were ,iven to rbftorical .ong. -uppf:r aad ~er clauea · ot . the DANCING ., ENTERTAINMENT..• . . J'rom within, other phlyen wW Carl Haney ocllool at the Jolin anower the entruty for ohelter MUlr OCbooL Slngtnir of Clu1otmu In oonr· of the -.l!Uonal litany, caroi. and dlotrlbullon ot ctn.. by ~r admlulon unw Chrlot· Banta Claus hlghllshted the P""' ·mu JCve. When th~ eouple wW be pm. Mn. Lucia ~ wu admitted With ..,..U rejok:lng. 8-nta Clauo. A 1lmUar pal'tJ' wu • Thia century-old cuatom, 'Y'Pl!Y· hekt al the Franklin ICbool and i,.. the wandertng1 or the Holy Joined by a group rrom the 010!'0 l"amiJy 9ffklnl' ahe.lter beCore the Martin echooJ. Mn . Nina Billy blrth ot Chrtat. la part Ot the was Santa Claus. The Newport Chrt.ltma'a celebration ln every Harbor Lady Anglers have made Mextcah villare today. the handlc•pped chl1dren their •"lAa ~dy." whlch ha.a a. major phll&nlh.ropy project. Lut • clamoroua hottday ftuta for a spring the Anglers trealeod 175 of flnele, wiU be staged Wedne8day these youngaters with a beach lhf'OUlh Saturday ev('nlnp, and party, given al Bayahores. New- Wedneaday and Saturday after-port Beach. VAUX i'if'uGH BOLTON, CUb Scoutrn&9te1 ot Pack lit. pnseah Dk.k ... Rlchant with rOM buHh on hthalf or h.18 L'Ub paek 1n appttclatlon ~of aid liven' the l'l'OUP by Rlcbard. {Presa Photo) noons, through Jan. 5, 1952, al the M onday night the members at- ece.nlc btdool" playhouae near tended their own Chrlatmas party. ClaNJ)nont. held In ~II W oman's ClUbhouae, lido Physician Plaris .Medical Bldg. . D1 . and M.ra. A. E. Naegeli, for- merly of &t .. Pf.ul, Mlnn., a re new ra.klen~ at t3o Vla Udo Soud, Udo lak!. ~y .re no atrangers. for the late H . A. Naf'&:elJ, father ol the doctor, wu a Prcu sub- ecriber for ye.an and sent the paper lo bll l!IOl'I. Dr. Naegeli pla!'s lo "build o. new medlcal bulktlng nf'o.r lhe LldQ aection. Nf'wpdrt Bea.ch. A clever Santa Claua made of red yarn, by Clara Kecler, wu pinned to each me,m- ber. After a abort buaineu aea- sk>n the pa.rty got under W&l\,. with A gift e.xchang<> game. Mra. Rua.- sell (Ruatyl Johneon wu Santa Claua. Rerrcahmenta or punch and tropical fruit cake wu served. Made by our own Fr•ncea Pul.aakt. rerrcahment chairman, it would ple&Ae the most cr1liCJll epicure. New Year 's Dance at Harbor Y. C . Cola Oy.'.nE;lrs New Residents 'fhere will be mf'rrymaking on t,.1 'chard's Market Emp~oyees Hold ~~;~~~~·~~:::~~7~;~0·~:.i f.\ Mr. and Mn. Oeorgr E . Sllv1•r, blg1teat formal event of lh<' win· Ch·.· r·1stmas Party at Leg'1on . Hall ownors of Party·Pak R c . Cola, tor, the t<adltlon&I dinner d&nc<. have movt'd here from Covina and Hor11 d'ocuvru at 7 :30, dinn<'r at are new resident.a at ~9 Via Udo 9 and dancing from 9 lo :i a . m. SoU<i. They have purcha.eed l.hc l will be the ac:hedule. Mu.ic will :'8lltinl" down lo a buffet supPf'·,.------------Udo I.le property. be by U\e tny&te orchestra. qi 'baked ham, turkry a.nrl all ~hf Ro')(". J udv Watkinti. Kalhcrtne l =:::::;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::;::;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "1m.mings in American Lcgto;i Burd8all, Eleanor Clancy, Roxie ~ Monday cvcnin~ wrrt• 160 Ooclhcl, F'lorenct> Copa&. W ilbur men, Women and <"hilrlrf'n, rm-c .1j)o.'lS, Gertrude Lorenz. Larry glOyeea of Rlchard'~ L!do Markl't l..!·vc ring, Mr.s. Joc Rogera, Ade· at.Id their famllLes. J;t 1rl,... .PortPr , Gertrude Andrews, ~Welcome wa:t i;1vcn by Bob Svlvia Cantrell, Mark Mcl>ermolt. ijpe:th. managl-r. who introtluce<I Audrey Cottle, and Carol Van Mr. Rlch·•rd. the hitter ~iv'ni,!' '\ Ni('("e. The grand prtze, a set of aiMnt speech. Ch a:·lr~ J-lr~rr.~ lhf'n :>ilve r fo rsix, romplt'le w ith chc•l. teo'k ovirr the n1iC rQphrint> a.s rnag-wrnl lo Ad ele &<ldomc. &er of c"rt'1nonir5. \V lth Floyi.J Mr. R1ch11.rd was pre.Rnlcd wllh ~r Il l the plann. hl' led in. a Rhip'a b&romete' gift of the *rrfit~ Christmas carol!4 ll!J each r-m"ployl"e3. while Mr. Speth re· ~ ll&hled a. Uny candle set tn ceivcd a merchandiAe order on ~ lee ctta.m s nowb,11. A pretty Vrtndermast's. Children then sat.A· ~l. with other Jlbhts tn the hall I c:-f'd around the fireplace where ~ oil. Santa C1al1.! f Mr. Bpeth hurried _ Trophies were preMcntr d J ack off,· some aWlplcloned lo Je~ lntu Bmlth, R C. Crane. Don Cantrell, Santa'i. c08tume) found them Oil tftd Buck Bean. rt"pr esentat1ve!I of arrival and 1tave each a gttt, balla. tJte Richard atorc team. winner ot gamf"!!I Md dlshcs, ea.ch • penonal the firal rounct-and the first chmi-selection for the recipient. .. tJon match in the Laguna Beach A Jrnlb bag•provkled run for all. Oty baaketb&JI league. and a!tc~rd there wu d&11ctnc Prtz.eff "-'on to music by the Mooae orcbutra. • Numbers• were drawn and prizc-s R csporuiible for auccees of the were won by Audr<"y Bca<:h, P t-nny evcninK were.committee memben Speth, Wayne R u <'g r r. 8 111 Cy Wheele r, chairman; Florence ~lll'n ldl, R. C. Cro.n e, Carol Den· Copas. Hugh Mynf'lte, Buck Bean LQn. )lni. Jonathan Ro8f', Flora and Vr n ila Higgins. " MGM Artists Nite at Christian's Hut ULATION8 at • OMody 0Uoe llall Fri- day ....wor -Al,.._ ~ Tlfraa7, BAI-8-y Club director, and .... ~lflet. Mia .. Lola Bird. Tbe ~at bad ~ .. anaouced tut momt.nr by Mia B~nl'• pareata, Dr. a.ad Mr11.. G. Andrew Btn1 •f 8aUtoa Bayllhore&. She le a Delta Gamma, WU v&duated from Hlil. Bantow'a School · at Ku-., City and from ti.. UalvenollJ' of Waoblnrton. Mr. TU-y, who -118 ta 0orona dal Mar. la aon ot .tlooe late Mr. and &lre. Sam Tttlaa,r of La n- \U. A ,....,,. _, lo plan_,, (Pbotb by Beckner) Costa Mesa Matron Honor Guest ~t Surprise Event Thoroughly enjoyable for all. but eapcctal)y tor the honoree wu the surprise layette ahower re · ~nUy hoeteSMd by Mrs. Chisholm Brown and Mrs. Hugh Davis In comrtllment to Mra. Robert Luck· banll or Coeta Meu. .. Plana for the affair. staged in Mra. Brown's Costa Mesa home, were laid with such ~recy that when Mr& Luckhardt found her· NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS . -' ·c•tstlMI IUf RJ()#-(f.f()6 aoOod MCIOl<la.J COMl'lfTI DIHNElS Ft-&I .SO to U.50 TROPICAL DIUN1LS ct.. 111 ~ kl• .... fAHtnA.H SKYlOOM F-hlldq H.n--171 .. it th• local point of lntoreot llhe THE NVEWIS(l HUT wu completely taken off guard. Arrangemen.ta or pink, while and .on c.oMt HJ..-y, IAg..- ·y•lkrtv nowen adorn~ the rooma PbOlt8 t 8IOI tor &eeervaUGA. and a tell atprk stood ~rd overt QOMJd OA ~ya ao .art'tl3 ot gayly .berlbbooed fl , _ _,,_...,...., ________ , pe.ck&gu:. ~· . Ouest.s participated tn a p~ .~---..... ----------, .-ram of appropriate &&nla Wllh llret· pri-award«! ·to Mra. Chariie. ConYe.Nil!', Mra. J08epb W . Mc81l.ahe a.nd M'ra:. Malcolm Reid. Re.fresbmcnta featured Ice: cream molded I" the form ot baulneta, ! fruit cake and colfee. I Sharing the occulon wert> Mmu. Paula Sanborn. Berlneace J'lox, France.a Tlmberlake, Vaughn Bradlf'y, Leonard Logsdon. Robert Haines, Raid, McShane, Convene, Maude Davie, Clem Shotwell and H. B. McMurlrf, mot.her o f lhe honoree. Unable lo attend but MndJnc •ltt. Wl!'!re Mmea. lJlanche Mutlc, Justine SU:llon and Royce OUbert. Fuchsia Society to t-fear ·Specialist • on . Gardening Th<I Coot& ..... • Bay cl\jeO branch of tb• Ca.Ufornia ~ BPclety wUJ meet Jan. the 8, 1~ ( Pleue note lht! mee-Ung date hal -cllanpd to the oeoond TUM-d"Y tJW month c11J<! to the rep• lar data talllnir on Ja.nuary l .J Time la 7 :20 p. m. ~t Amertca.n Hall, W . 18th BL. Coata ... . . "'{ . • ~ w 111 feature Joe I • LIUJefleld, w.U k a o w n p.(d.en COUUJtut., wbo wUI a p •a k Oii 'Pruning aad Bare -PlanU.C.' Kally wbo' Hate to Itta 'rv - p:am flV"'1 ,8Uaday an.KT7V, O,.•MI u . at 2 ·1': m:, WW .DOt wut ta -thla d>&ace ta ~ ~ ~ ~.:••rl'°D& '1!11 puloUc -to att.-ct ••d'"P ud to blciome -n..m-. Alf!eooip -9L .......... " ........... tM .... .. .... .. _ .. llD ... ~tl 1'1rta _. flt•l1111& ""'1!.' . ~ YINC~T'S Udo Travel Bureau IO:ZzANINll LIDQ BBUO STORl!J Harbor. 1246 • l'LANJ: e 8Blf e TRAIN llDUCBVATIONll .. • RMOlt. c:ome trom conetant PfacUoe! A.n ad rectJ.larly ha Ulla -wtU Prodllce' raulta tor JOO I < "t • ' Tii• W'Orld' 1 finest . ·-,: ChOice Bourbon~ G&r)' <J\>Oper "TASK FORCE A N D PREVIEW ON MARTIN & LEWIS NEW err , Starta Dee. - Bob Rope ... '!MY FAVORITE SPY" -AllO-. "SKIP ALONG ROSJ!:NBLOOlll" AOULTS .•. Uc, tu hoc. Chll,dren t Tnder 12 FR~ Sta.ta Dec. Htll Eddkl Cantor ID '':SHOW BUSINESS .. -Aloo - Pat O'Brit:a la .. IRON MA.10~" Starta Dec. IOth I Huurpbfty Bog-ari In "CHAINED LIGHTNING" Two Abbott and Cootello Hila "PARDON ·MY SABONG" . . ....i si'an. Dec. nr« orePrY .Pkk t' '"THE OUN FIGH'l1flK .. "IUIRE COMES TIR"·COED" Starla HA. lad "CAPTAIN FROM CASTD..E" ''1th TJ'rone Power -AlfO- "St+'ITERYS BtllUUc.ca;• -Also '-" I "LETDB TO ·s wiyxs" . DOORs OPEN 8:1-HOW STARTS 8:46 J '811\rt!I Dec. Z(tb 8tarts Dec. iD "S'rAR LIFT' Robert Mlt-<!hurn In • "THE KACKET" -Abo-I "THE WHd> HAND" With AU Star Cut -Alao -Raody Scott ln "MAN IN THE SADDLE" StariA Dec. Sl•t "FIXt:D BAYONET . -Abo-. Tymne 'Pftwer ln "I.LL NE\'ER FORGET YOU" THE . AR<: BES Cocktail Lounge • OPEN 10 ·A. M. THROUGH l A. M. • NEWPORT LVD. ON OOAST WGBWAY WPORT encu --. • I (WE ARE LOSED ON THURSDAYS) GENE'S RESTAURANT I and FTench and BAKERY ltallcln Cuisiiie Ploo .. llMt>or /llOI ,. I ·.. ':' 706 eo..t Bl ... fJorinra del Mu KARAM'~ CASINO CAFE ' COMPLET.E 202 • DINNERS and COCKTIAILS MAIN ST. HARBOR -• I 937 • • Harbor 2070 Wniaths ............ ~.I -. Door Knockel'!I .. Cenur Pieces .... Polnjttla Plants .. { $ l .SO Azaioju ..... . .... . Cyclamen .............. • ·FLOW RS BY · MORRI 509 E. • boa BIY~., .Balboa • ~ w ·1M1.s • • ,., .. REOor-~ITE DOMESTIC and . . . IMPC1RTEO .. ' Tluwol' •. tM -....,. wllL -... MUQ' ,,_..__Ills' • -• WU'Ntl ., ••ta. Tiiie Bu:f f. 7 ·- TD -UQ -I hi~~',!' "'"" -_.,. --rrn' 1l 11111*._ ,_. .._...._ nw-...... ! 81fr a '' l t ftllll& -I .\8 '9 F 1t tmlllatllie -· l .. i PIRATE RIFLE CLUB COMPETING - IN INTER-CLUB SHOOTING MATCH .-.,.. 30 OCC men tile -popu-.-~----------...._I tar area on ib.e Oranp Co&lt caznpua during December and Ju.uary ta the rifle r.'.np behJnd the qytcultur&I meebanlca buUd- ing. Here aix ~man te&m.1 an competing in an lnter-c:::lub aboot- ing match under aupervlsion of faculty sponaor Wesley Mole. According to.Lee Pre&ley, presi- dent ot the Rifle cldb, the pu_r.. poae behind these matches la two. fold: to help an lndJvlduaJ im- prove hla aklll in gun-handling and to help him learn accuracy in shooting. The range la a 100-yard regulation range constructed to meet requirement.a of the Nation- al RlOe Aaaociat!on. By Jan. 30, the individual wbo scorea the highest number of polnl.o5 wiJJ receive a trophy and members of the hlgh point team wtll receive lndf'Vidual medals. Prealey allo announces that the current .shooUng contest la but the first of two lntt-r-club rtne matches, the second to be held In the late spring. Pa lm Springs Net Tourney to Draw Fil m Fol k Players • The Second Annual Blue Ribbon lnvttatk>nal Tennla Tourn&ment wtIJ be held at the Racquet cl\.lb, Palm Springs. California.. on P'eb. 9 and 10. Eight mixed doubles t eams and 16 men's doubles team11 wtU play ln the evenL · Gilbert Roland a.nd Solly Salano ~re last year'11 winners of the men's doubles. Bernice Korabak and Thomu Cook were wtnnen ot lut year's mixed doublPS. Among those entered la•t year were Oilbe-rt Ro1-nd. Solly Baiano. Sy Bartlett. Chari~ Farrell. Thomas Cook. Din.ah Shore MOnt· gomery, Marjorie Hall, Mn. WiJ- liam Powell. Virginl& Field. WU· lard Puker. Dean .Jagger, Sidney Adelstein. Susanne Huber. Mt. and Mn.. Clark Cornell, Vincent P'ottt, Bernice Korshak. Donald Straiem. Dr. Omar Fatffd. Dr. Lewis Morrill, Mort Ballagh, Van .Jotmaon. Jane Wyman, and Cor- nel Wilde . All are expected to compete again thia year. Basketba ll Clin ic ' Draws .200 Youths Boye' Club acUTittes bave been keeping an average Df 200 bo)'1! a day buay ao far this wee.le. It wu announced today. The ba.sketbaJJ clinic at Orange Coa.at College drew a large number u did the weekly bowling Monday a.tternoon. S~ial arts and craft cluae• which stress Chrialma.a gift mak- trtg and Chri,slmu ca.rd making ar:e also drawing large numbe" ot partlclp&nta. Plana t6r the rest of the Wffk include a cann¥1 tood drive Friday, bowling .Monday, baaketb&Jl Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week and the usual art& and cratta claaltu: in· eluding v.•oodshop work, plaater of paria molding, and copper dally from 3 :30 to 5 p. m, and 7 :30 to 9 :00 p. m. Pirates Play S. M. in Game Wednesday Or•nge Coast College returrui to the hardwoods la the Sam Berry Tournament at Glendale Wednellday at 4 :1~ p. m. againat Santa Monie&. Coach MUee Eaton haa aJated a practice for Monday momlnx prior to tourney play. The Pirates wilJ be Jn doubtful t.h.ape wtth se~ral pla.yer11 work- ing and others away on vacation& About the onJy egg that lm· provea with age i. a neat egg ot Deten11e Savini• Bonds. LAWN BOWLING A method of putting life into the lcx:&Uty 'witboUl ~ It. beauty. Green.8 owned and maintained 1by Uie City of Newport Beach for the benefit of the public, and orerated under the aupervtclon ot the Newport Harbor 1.&W'll Bowl- In&' Asoodatlon. a non -pn>llt CorponUon. .. 0.,. ot pl4y: Weda:s±7. rrt• cl&~ Batul'clay, SW>"-1,Uld ~ boll~ 'lo' wblcla ll>e JIOlbllc la cordla1IT ta¥tted. • lntormatlQn rnQ •be obtained at tbe ._,,on pl&J· In&' d&ya or call _..,. at Harbor 111'%1-W or Harbor O'IDll-W. • A clun. excltlq &D4 -pol..L u ... outdoor _.t. • H.AiRCUTS s-mao .. ••U: iu:ww .,.._ -lll_&lfW •qr ·;· . • 56 GRIDDERS SEE ACTION IN . UCLA SEASON P"ltty ... lx UCLA tootball play· era aaw action during the nlne- pme 1951 Bruin aeaaon. topped by 2&t mtnut.es of playtng time compiled by Gayle Pace, senior center , and including aeveraJ fru.hma.n griddera who got ln briefly at the tatJend of aeveral pm.ea tor a half a minute. lronman Pace, the lateet ln a l•ng line or great UCL.A centera .. aaw l.C more minutes of act'9n thap hi.I cloaeet teammate, Julie Wei.satetn, atandout genior quar- terback who posted 2M minutes of playing time. Both Pace and W eisateln p 1 a y e d practically every eeeond that the Bruins were on otten.se In all ntne gamea. They didn't play deCen.atvely. Pace played 30 or more minute• in five of the n ine games, topped by 38 'Ii minutea agal~ both Ore- gon State and Washington. The next two Bruin• 'in the mln- utea·played department were cl<>ee together. Senior Luther Keyes, who starred at both otfenaive tull- back and defensive haJf, wu third with 245 % mtnutea. Right behlnd in fourth 11pot came lanky Ern1e Stockhert.. p&.'W!l-catching j u n Io r end, who poated 242 minutes. Six other Bruiru1 to• play more than 200 mlnutea lnciuded junior guard Ed Flynn with 2361,. mln· utes, 3CJ!ior tack.le Chuck Ftily- chlneaud with 234, sophomore tull and defensive halt Bill Stits with n=5: junior wingback &nd u.fety- man Joe Sabol with 221 ; junior tackle Jim Thoma.a with 2'20; and freshman defensive guard J im Salsbury witb 209. . Klasing the "200" cl;cle by a mere 60 second was PauJ C.mer- on. UCLA '11 AJl·Coaat sophomore tailback who po11ted 199 minutea. all on offense. Captain Hal Mit· c hell, aenlor tackle. who'll perform for the \V eat in the Shrine Clasalc at San Franct.co on Dec. 28, and Donn Moomaw, great junior lln~ backer, played 171 ,and 1~71h minutes. reapecUvely. OnJy ln· juriea kept them trom be.inc in u.e 200 mlDute categvr;y. - Statlatlca ,..veal that UCLA 9ellior (liddeNt competed in 4.C.9st of the playinc-time a.a compared to 24.3 ';; for the juniors. 22.9 % tor the aophomorea and 7 .9<Ai for the freshmen. GUESTS •"ROM POMONA Recent vWtora at the Costa Me&a home ot Mr. and Mrs. Claue Backes were their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Backes and son Robert or Pomona. • Btuins, Demer · Play Two Tiffs ~ :~, at UCLA Gym . _ eo.dl ,_)'. lfoci\ton·•-:rouns bUt tut UC&.\ .. ollet1>&11 tMm --.... of tile t.,...-_...,... Olllt&tlveo or tblo lllt7116e Ooaf..-e:nce tomorrow and 8 a t u r d a y nfabt. wben Uat-lf ot Dever -. tu Dilly Pod!lc °'*It eon- -toe or tile •-• • . SAt. SUN. The clMtl.. ..,..... tbe f I r • t I ;·r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j IMetlnS ot u.. two Plf<!N1laJ car-• ~ :"P~• '::°2~:: Cl:.EA~ING~"'SO ....,.rd, trimmed USF and Welll' THIS AD · 1. • Texu State, M~ and M...S7 re-L. 9PKUveJy, in home contests la.at Miller Jewelry Co. la of ering this b:!C mon~y aavlng value weekend. u a special gCt.acqualn ed deal. An~ replar watch from While w~ ltlll aought wti&-t T jewetA up -to 21 jewe , wtll be'-lh~roug~ cleaned ,md he conatdered a •tldactoey atak. oiled. for J2.50. with a f I.I, one year vtntten ruarantee ... lng comblnaUon. Mike Hibler, the •nVSlt LET YOUA ·PALM.' TOIJCB 'Ill& BAUJ'-8o70 el ~. ?'!.-port B ..... r ..... • .. .... st-llrwt -..,_. ...... -Ulall ud tile ,,,__.tale Of the pltw/ •t the lint '""""" Huber An. BoJ'li' ·aub 8-ket.ball CU.le W.. v.eek. Georp Yudley, fonner N ::WfJOr t. 'la b.,r HlP mMbla .tar; wbo went on to AU Americaa bOllOnl at 8taaferd, Lt p~tunod polDUnc out the teclurlqu. of ("()rred .,.wnl' to &k:hard Steek. WatMl.q, left to rt.pt •"' CbarlrtJ &1.Jrkrl. Larry Trick and i'.lbarles Mc:Curry. (Boy·11 Club Photo) TaMke •.dvanMtqlll~ OEf tRhlJI monc•Yo"":i~VE&luwe atEODCLRO.Y 'Jlx~t t-acven center from North Jio· conUnued to lMd ·w """ 1 parede wttb ~7 potnu 1n t 7tf Sou~ 111a1a st-• · Ill t-lut slx pmee. · .. ' Next to·Seara la the: ew Att&de 81!.ope, ~ANT.& AN.& Ronnie Bane. of Alhambra. and Don Bra,n. San P'ranct8CO, two freshman forward• moved t n to oontentk>n wtth H and 43-polnt totals re•pectlve1y. BJLne started at forw&rd Saturday night .after a 19.polnt effort Friday against USF and Draa'«' opened both con· teats ap.Wt the Dona and the Texans to come up with a 23- • • • • • YARDLEY MODEST TEACHER. . CLINIC STUDENTS DISCOVER Balboa hland1a George Ya""ley.--------------- m•y be the veatcat amateur bas· kelba.JJ player 1n the world u pro- claJmed by sportswriter.. all over the country an.er J.ut )'Mf''a AU tournament at Deaver and sub- stantiated by hia nomlnaUon for the Helms Award given annually t.o the outetandJng amateur ath· lete In the United Statea. He wu nominated for buketba.11 while nine otber peraorui from other •port.I fields are ln contention for top honor11. Yes. the former Newport Har· bor Hlgh ache.vi athlete. ma}' be the natton•a greate1t, but he lA not the one to tell about IL Yard· ley held 83 boys ~llbound aa he dlsclalmf"d all talk or hi• great· ness with the 11tatement that he learned more tn the past year about bukelba.11 than ever before and that he tell he Waa atilt far from being a player who knows everything lheretla about the hard· Wood •port. Yardley was IJ\ Immediate hit with the boys who were partici- pating In the first annual Ha.rbor Area Boys' Buketball Clinic which wa• bddrMonday. TUe9day and Wednesday at Orange Coaat College. The clin ic wu deaJgned to teach buketbell akilla and run- damentals to the boys of the Har- bor Are&. Coe.ch Mlle9 Eaton oC otenK• ~ loleo 0..,. ot Newjio..rila'r'biif-&ii!l "Tltdfey collaborated with clllb athletic di· rector Rod Mac.Millian in the three-day session. llack1!"-' Coa"'°I Ml in ball handling. drlbbllnf Mid footwork drill• In his opening statement, Yardley said, "'Svery p..,,er that l have ever lfff-n re&ch rame In baakelball baa done ao through hard work The gnateat basketball players are lboM who are willing to aacrtnce permonal comfort.a to put In e.xtn. boura of practice. The i"ree.t ball player la out firat to p.-.,cttce. He · never loafs. he la a team man. be learM a 'variety of ahots and 1kllla and i• willing lo give up aelf clory for 'the uke or lhe team." Eaton 111trea&ed the three point. which count moAt in• making a succeuful team to TUQda.y·a. pth· ertng. "Successful teams are com· posed of boy• who know, nnt. their fundamentals; second. how to kt'<'P In condition; third, tht> value or tt"am work," a ccording to t.he Orange Gout mentor. "Win- ning gamea," continued Eaton, "is not t.he measure or team auc- cesa. A tel!UTI ca.n win every gamr- and 11till not have a thoroughly satisfied ft-eling If l.hey don't meet the three be.ate requirement.a of knov.'ing fundamentala, condition· tng a.nd ' tellmwork . A learn may have a loatng sea.son a.nd aUU feel kUcce.t'ul providing th.ey have fUl- ed thoec requirement.I." _...,._a.,~~r- Eaton told w·edneaday'a gTOUp of the vartou.a mearu which make an offense click, It hJ tmpera.Uve that the defense be atudied and that the player learn . the w~ak­ nesses ot hia opponent. The art of dribbling and faking Is also im- portant In a good offense. A good man wiea his body, t>yes, head and feel lo get an opponent to open o. hole tor a point producing &hot. 11tated Eaton. at the high !cbool, b~OUJ;hl out thf' "'lost art or a ,;ood d("Ccnse man,': to Tueeday·l! J;TOllfJ &;id df"mon- •rated several dcfl"nM styles and WT.akne&IC8 apparent In many or today's player11. "The team which controla the balJ lnvarfably wina lhe ball game," atat.ed Gage. "Bac kboard cOntrol Lt an art wh.icb many coachet have tu.rned lnto the key to champlonahip club&," continued the Harbor Cee &nd Dee coa.ch. "Ball handling and puslng may m&lc:e or break a tum," he added. "Whqe fundamentals and !kills •~ Important," concluded Gage, ··mental attitude I• 00 or more per cent of the game. A player muat be thinking au the tlme, he must ht" conscloY! of what la happening all about him. A player who lets h.la mind go back to a previous miatake or· who goea down the court thinking about the apecta- cunt.r !!lhot he juat roade and for- geta lo watch his man ls worthleM to a team. The aame la true ot thf' boy who gets fouled and pout.s about It while the oppoeltlon takes advantage of hie mental letdown to ICOre or put the re1t of hls team under pre.uure. Offlcia.la make mistakes u well u pla~rs and worrying about it lan't going l o help. Jnst n1ake· up your mind not to make the same ml11take again." Duck HuntinCJ Good on Colorado River . ' point weekend. Probable at.art.ere aPtmt t h e.. Pk>neera thla Weekend .ire : Bane • aiid Bi:a.gg, forwards; Hibler, cen- let; .,id Don John.son fl.lld Gene Lo ....... guanle. Hoyt Brawner"• Denver clan boa.at.a a quartet of slx·toot·'mx centeni. eeve.n forward• over 8-2 and a host of short, a p e e d y guards. The Visitors expect to battle all comera for the 1952 con- ference title. Top man on the amooth-working Denver squad , I• 6-6 center Dale Tott. a 2o:i-pound redhead from Grand Island. Neb.. who racked up 420 polnll m 30 gamea la.at winter. He's a &enior and one. or eight Jettermen returning to the team. Only lou trom the entire squad w&a Captain Ronnie Jotuuon, No. 2 aoorer during the 19M--51 eeuon. Tall on the front line and '\mder the offenalve board are forward• John 'Gritt\n and Bob l(plc~rehm, who at.and 6.S and 6-3 rel)>Ktive· Jy. Grlffin h.u an accurate hook shot to go with every other point· gathering facility at hi• disposal. Probable 11tarttn1 guards are Dick Gray. 5·10, anCl, Fred Ho~U. 5-11, two R'1lor11 who make the I famed Denver feat-break go. UCLA'11 newly-n~med Brucub11, wlnnera of three out of their tlrst five atarts, take on Santa Mqnlca Cit>' eouece and Gle11dale ettr I . Q>l._.~­ tnary tilt& :v....,. ~­ at 8 :SO p. m ., prellrns. at 8:30. > ' ' , • MERRY XMAS I KARAM'S r. . • CASINO · 1 BALBOA .. ...... ;:Ntli\l<>6&14blt"ln~r· 111ic'b ancf gteSf' wtll find the top hunting of lht! St'UOn now along the Color- ado rtvie-r between NC'edJ" and Yuma., the Automobile Club or The U. S. with eeven per cent ot . . ' .• . - . R~ S . -• Ute world'• population enjoy• 42 H " n ,-·I ~.uthern C~omla reported Dec. per cent of th• world'• Income and ig "(Ua. ity" 1rinting--.Ph.·. #ar .. 1616 Th I producea 52 per cent ot the world's H h Q / ~ .. ,u.'.i ~~g·~~.[11~~~.0~..!~·..;.~i::, crud• on. ig ua ity ·i'inting-Ph: Har. 1616 a spokesman said. -;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~:;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;;+:;:z,:;;;;:;::;::;::;::;;;;:;;;:;::;;;;:;::;::;::;::;;;;:;::, M&rkamen continued to bag : !.ti Even In demon..tratlng vartou11 shoUI, Yardley quoted various well known players u authorltie11 rather than staUng "thla ts the way I do it.'' Yardley conducted the opening day aeulon with em- pbuta on apeclallaed lhootlng and backboard control. He alao work-Jult>s Gage, lightweight :~~~ ,;.~·~~rb·~·;,,"".t"t':i~ ,:~~~ ~ NEWPORT JEW .. ELER. S~co·sTA MESA coach • end of the Salton Sea. -~ ~ ~ -~ • • • • • I t 1702~ Newport Blvd.-:-itacon 6083 • "THE COMP \;.ETE ,JEWELRY STORE " AU Popular Makes of Watches Parker and Everaharp Pen and Pencil Sets '\ () ... ~~ ~ ::, ,~· . ' ·' ' :APPLIANCES Sun beam -General Electric and Hamilton Beach ·Shick .. · Sun Beam-and Remington 'SliaVl!!'ll . · 1 . . . .......... . o,.,. Wiil4 ' ·•·"'·-~ . -~-iT -• J 9 p. m. and all day $undar, Dec: 2S . J:, . '.f s • SEE. oq~, SPEC ~Lsr ·~ • • I . • • • ' • • • • • - '.,Ae& .t -'~· It -1HUISDAY;DIC. 20. 191H ' . • • -· J'rldo:7 DecemllOl' 21 8atlmlay ~n llunday I>eee...-2(, Mondil1 ~H TllMdaJI' Dooembor 26 ,,,_~ December 21 'l'bundiy • 1T~~·· TAILI • S:D a.-. • ''" 1'm. S!J7 -...m.. f :i t ·p.m. . ,. ....... l :fl p. m. l :ll .... • ,. p. m. 6:11 a.m. 7:00 p. m. . u . u · f.7 8.0 11.2 3.1 ss-8 .... t:Ua.a l :fl p.m. Jl:Ql L m. t:M p.m. ll:U o..m. 10:11 p. m. i.i :u •· m. 11:1a p. m . 1 :II p. m. --·--------.•. :al .. n:a. 8 :f0 p. m. 7:2115 .. Ill.. 9:t'7 p. In. !•·1 u t.J S.f l.ll s.e 7.0 S.7 ~ • l)ecember 21 ;:;:· ~-@ (f 0:01 a.m. 2:10 p. m. 0 :51 a.m.. 1 :54 p. m. ' .... • • .. ~ • ' .. • • ' t • I ·£ • • ' • • • , ' • , , • ' ' ' ' • t ' l • • e • • • : • • • i ! i a • _, ; f -P1lLL I.Aft qv.&&a:a MOOK qv•w 2 Jan. 3 .Jan. 11 n.c. 11 -~ The, Ideal Christmas Gift :..- A Year's _Stibscription to t3.50 anywhere in Orange County. Elsewhere $4.00 / • All the Newa of the Harbor &ea Twioe lacli W.U • • -• VAU.E!S ' !-. 11 1>&&.m vw.n -: ~.u.x.rr )a. ·YAU.ST P'fta.. J.-COACKD I 4 VALLKT I'• T-IMJ'Z.IUL VJ.U.SY r.uu J-~OPAll ·J-. • 'm-' <>COClll"".""m"' 1--.cainrm ... 11-llDT PA.U: 11-&X1'1XiiiON PAH ., ·~ w...u.n;iva • ..... WllU7Am.P _,. .. 11----Zl.Y'IUH·•AU=... , ..... --.wlU. ~;··· ..... w:-••ac?~ .......... , •• , -» ..... ,,. UGEJtLY TllLLING SANTA'S llELPEB et V•-U.. ~ what lhey ~ for~ are' 1bnm1o Shipman. 8.W. Eum.. (-). Urry S•llM •, Bollllle Sid--Mal1lye - . • , (~Photo) -. ~ Since " ~ ~t ah~ .. ~ ~ ~ '. ot you the 1~to giYe JOU our. wlshe9 )'~ want take opport1Ullt)' to our h that this Chi:ia~ and the eomtii1 He. Year bl\ one of joy ~ poda1 • • for eacb and every 1one of yoa- o_ur frl 1nds and <pa~. ' .~. ~ :· . . .. . ' . .. . ~ ' . ' ' , . . . l I D-0 M l R IC I :' t . , • ' 1 • Via Udo . t .~--' Newport..llfJMll •. MER Y CHRlSTMAS . I AND A HAPRY NEW YEAR ro AL · , fR L OF You .. ~MALL OF US VA s· BAiii . · .J7Q3 SUpgJUo Vlflfid +; ·-·- .· • • • .. , . -. • ' l • • • • • ' ' r I I •' I ' ·~ LAST CHANCE TO WIN YOUI llCYCLll BOYS' UJ.d GIBl.S' ~Olft'BIT . CLOSES 1 P. M... DEC. 24 PllZIS AWARDER.AT EACH ~ToRE 7 P.M., NON. DEC. 24 Sale Thun., Fri., sat . ..:.. December 20°21°21 SANTA CLAUS VISITS VINCENTS LIOO DRUGS ·. 6 to 9 p. lit. Wfflt Days - 2 to 5, ucl 6 to t ·p. ·~.: &'SU.· . TIEI ORNAMENTS GIFT WRAP PAPEi ' ,. ALUMINUll FOO. 1re~ight Re¥-s . He _ ........... -·----·--·-··· 231- TREIUGHTS • SET OP EIOJft' • ""~· CHI# '1.H ·······-···--- CllBISTllAll ICICLES 23' M i . 1 : ·~23c ~tk ;:'k FRUIT COCK T All JELL WELL PUDUINC. Choi'"8 of 11• choliclouo fla von. ""· 6' •• • I ' :l : . , ':6tc • • • • • • • . , • • • • • tz ... 13«. ·'*" . \ t2 ... ,,. •• . « • • • • , • ,. • .. •• > • :.~ , 3-uoROt!OHLl' TRAINEb a "-FAGl'ORY QUAUYlED 'JP;LECTRONIL'S EXPERTS FJ.Jf,J ,Y EQt11PPED to SERVE . YOllR TV ""d RADIO " • SERVICE NEEDS -... Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations ' . U. S. Government Licensed T echniclan$ Call us now to:. service TELEl'llO:<OE BEA<JON 6783 COAST ELECTRONICS CO.' , 915 Coast Hkjhway . Newporf Beach The Salvation Army 1s 1n 11 rcent n11tu uf your d1scar1lcd clothjng, itiltt>e~. fOr- niture. appliances. rttit'3, paper, magazines, and any olhcr hoUBe- hol<I com1nodity. PllONE DEACON 7 2 7 2 and a Red Shield truck ..,..111 call a t your door. ~llARt: \\'111\T l 'O'I <'A:\' :o;l"ARt~ . ; WATER HEATHS Salos,, S.nlce and Rep&ln Joe BecMJJ PLUMBING AothortV'd De.alf'r Day ~ Night lleatera fEIMS 10~ Dow11 o• 1U H11t1rJ Phou. Harbor 2542-\V B •. &~P. W. Nained to H~ Haii>or March of Dimes I The Buolneu and Prof ......... Women 'Will 9PGM0r Newport.Jhr: bar's phaM of tbe Oran1e cou.oty March of Dlmea campataa ac.bed- uled tor the month of January. · The B. A P . W , WW work In canjuncllon with Man•• Grider oL 308-*,i M&rlne Aw,. Balboa Ia1and. who hu bem1 appointed chairman. ot the cit¥'• drlve by Mark A. Soden and Richard H.. TU:n.nlclltt co-cll.afrmen of the oranre county campaign. Mra. Grider-ha.s lnvl~ all •or-- ganiza.Uona ln the Harbor area to join with the Bualneu and Professional Women In .the drive to help the county chapter ot the Jllat!onal FQundalion tor Infantile Pa.raljtai1 cope with the crlpplln& di.seue -a dlseaae whJ~b only recently bit a Costa Mesa family a triple b)ow, at.riklng the fathet and hla two young mona. and which akµck two Santa An& children la.&t week: These altacQ brought the tota.J number of polio caaea in Orange county ror thi.a year to 61, llix more than the hru~ for the en· Ure year ot 19GO. · Buil O'ConnQr, pruldent of the national foundation, ~ dt!8Cribed the poUa situation. tod'1 u the mofit aerloua a,n8 moet alarming tn the nation's history. The nwnber ot polio paUenta ntcdlng continuing help from the March ot Dlmea haa reached new . record pcaka. he 6atd, and In f\11- filling l~ obtlp.tlona the natlOJUl.I foundatioo ha.a ended each ot the lut four ye.an ln debt. During thl! put four year11, more p!Taona have been stricken with the disease Lhan during the entire 10-year period prior' tq . 19i8. t Since 1938, the national found•· Uon and It.I chapter. have •pent more than $120,000,()()f> In c,r.rinl( for. polio vtctlma., &Ad al.moat two- thlrd1 of that amount wu con~ aumed during lhe -put tour yea.rs PICTURED \VJ'ftl TOYS and aalmaJa. aome of Ule ma.A)' J\ft..~ M"fll to orpba.n.9 for Chri.tmaa by RtudPnt:a at StephenA ColleS4" In Columbia Mo .. a.r(\ from left to rt(f'lt, Mia Norma Cutle of Bal- boa. and Mbls Ba.rbua Kane of North "ollywood. TIM!: orphan adoption pror-m W beld at the collf"Ce anaually wtth rach stud~at *"adopllas"' a cbUd to whom .t.e aelKh • sift. 1'1\M c:aatlr, tbe dallchltt of l'fnL \llr(tnla H . C.-tlft, 106 FAN Bay &\·rnur, "1JI hr honte for ttw C.'hriatl'nas holiftaya whJch brcln at Slf'phf•n.,~• Dec. 19 and end' Jan, 6. I Sharon Elser Pholo ) Party Tonight for Cub Scouts occ· TO OPEN WINTER CLASSES . . . FOR ADULTS BEGINNING -JAN. 7 A ChriabnN · part.y for Pack • of Corona del Mar 180 wU held tonlgbt•ln the Col'> MU.. Uie advent •ol a new yea.r, . .---:-,-------:--- ona deJ Kar Commu.nity·chunh at Orange •. Cout .. f;lcenldg CC'll<"(f" 7:30. Cha.Ir.man Jerrold Randall announcf's the begtnotng or lhc tulfllled hia J{romlle to all Pack winter term of the A dult Educa- 180 CUbs and famillca of a won-tlon progrft.m . ClUMs begin Jan. derful time. · 7. Pre-rrgistration will take place OCC French Class Holds Xmas Party Members of the Orange Coast The monthly. Pack m«ting of J &n. 2. 3 and ·t from 10 am. to Pack 180 was held on Friday, '1 p.m . Thr re will also be rf'gistra-college eVC'nlng claM in conversa- Dec. 1 in the auditortum of the lion In lhr <'vcnlng from 6 :30 to tional French had the C'ontincnta1 Corona del Mar ecbool The colors 10 p.m. beginning Jan. 7. wer e preaented by Den 8. Th~ A to tal of 46 r luses arc bcinJ' spirit last Monday nig ht when group was the n led Ln alngtng by offered during the w1nter tem1 they gatht·rro for a Christmas Warren Fletcher. New Bobcata, wlth several new additions to the party al lhe home of their in- :'_~==~=======~ James Erwin. Cha.rlea Hermann curriculum. Tht"re is a aew course struc lor, ~1 rs. H ilda Everelt, In ~ &nd William Spencer were pre-ln the "Enrichment of Living" Santa Ana. sented to CUbmaster-Bill Tobltt taught by Paul Delp which aims French d~llcacies were served and the Pack by Asaistan l CUb-lo help the ~tudenL clarify his buffet slyle.'.~i f~ were excbang- maste t· Jay Stoddard. thlnklng as to how lo live the ed and Fre.n~lstmas carols ELECl'RJC Sl'PPLIES l.Jghtlng Fixtures Lamps -Shatles brtK -JWpaJrw • HARRY M. WHETSEL 477 Nr"1>0rt lllvd. Co~ta Mr~ Phone Beacon 71!9 -HILLMAN MINX , •lf9:9 tkuvered ben1 plus tax and Uct'n&e TOur Har.bor Arca DMJer ' NEWPORT ,AUTO SALES 2804 \\i'. N ewport Blvd. N e\vport: Beach ltarOOr 140'1 Awarda were made to William good Ille; a \Jas.ic eh::mentary were 1ung by the group. C&rpent.u, Wolt badge; Richa.nt theory cours<' it1 ete<:troniC8 taught Student.a In this class are. for Butterworth, Wolf badge; J ohn by Ray Mick~lson' will also be the' most part, beginnent, but the)· Smith, Wolf Gold Arrow; Lorren preM'ntcd: Mrs. -Kenneth (Flor-are lea.rntnx to speak the langu- Fletcher, Wolf badge and Gold cnce) Cnollng will present her age unde r pracUcal clrcumatancea. Arrow: Rlcha.rd Hoffman, W ntr popular "Parliantcntary Practice" Recently th<'y dined in a French badge and Gold Arrow: Tim No-coUrsc in Corona del ?.far lhla restaurant In Loa Angele&. F\C'ture aclt, Wolf Gold Arrow: Mike ternt. Miss Gwl'n Brock1nan, well· plarui tor the group includ<' at- Smith. Wolf badge; CraJg Balley. known rashiolJ deelgner, will con-~nd.ing a French movie and the Wolf badge; J on Wheeler, Wolf duct two cot1rses. One ln sewing prOM"ntatlon of a French play dUI'"· badge : Tad Tobltt. Bear Gold Ar-a.nd one in t.a.ilortng. • lng the winter-semester, whlth be- row; Peter Stoddard, 2 Bear 8'1-It Is Interesting to note that gina Jan. 7. In all caaea the group ver AT.rOwa: Steven Hughes, U on 33 c l&8S<'8 are being off~ oft speaka Fl"cneb when Ila n1embei-a badge; J im ..McKee, Lion badge; the Orange COEU\t campO.S "(hlle con~egatc. and Douglu Reddick: Lion badge. eome 14 ai:e being ottered In 'the Anyone tnlerealed In joining the Six service atara ftre alao pre-Orang! CoUt area thb "\erm. clua may do ~ free of charge, sented. ., Frro Huber, vlce-prlnclpal or by contacting the evt"nlng college Den 3 won the aklt flag with a the Evening coUcge, r<'porta that .office al the college. '_rhe cl&M skit entitled "Eight Little Boya" "registration in lhe Evening col-me('t11 twice a week on Monday in which lhey Wied p~pp<'ta made lege 11!1 well over 1800 at the pre.a-and Wedneeday evt:ninga from 1 M their den project. l;>e.n 3 al.so ent Ume and Jt Is expected thal lo 9. · lo,or th08(! so dealring, two won the honor tlag tor ~h~ n1onth. by the end of th<' .spring term, the units of college credi may be Coordlnator Flo Stoddard an-SOOO mark will OC-reached. ca.med. nounced the projecta for all dens ' ''The Orange Coa8t communltle5 ------ tor December and Jan~ry. , have given tremendous suppor.t to The new comrqJttee. chatrn1an, our Adult E<tucaUon program. COUNTY BUYS $196,918 IN ' , H&TVey P e&&e, outlined eome of We hope that \Ve can continue tn the events planned for the coming aa.Uaty their needs," Huber aald. month.a. The term of office of C. 8tbedule or cla.s.sea may J>e ~ Le•ter Jon~ expi~ lhla month tatned ~y calling. at the Evening and Mr. PeW wW carry on his CoUege ci(fice in the Admlnlstra .. good work. ttoft Butfdlng . • Ef ENSE BOND~ New Members Sale• of an s.r1 .. u. s . o..- E t rt • B p W fenae Bonda i1J Orange. county ... n e a\n during No""IT)btt, 1951. lolAled ' at Hol.1d.ay" Party S1116,9\&H, occonllng to a report luued today by Harry L. HallllM.. CUlmil!atmg a fOJ'tnl&bl of )loll· cbalrman of the Orange COUl\IY day preparatlona the 0.valler cl\lb "11le Old Lady \VbO UV<d lq a dot._ bond oommlttee. : of SL .Joacblm'a JSart8b will be Shoe .. , wu the theme of a biJar-Serlru E ·bond sa.lce wni.e: l1T3,• boat& at a Chrlstmao ~t-e.., loU9 •dt p......,ted by the . new 949.14, '(Ith P altd G bond t>W" l*TlY• io -· m..,,bitii ot -'ll membenl of tbe --an<\ ~,..,. c.b .... amounting to '32,111111. The Orange c:ounl.J' C&thollo , 7<J'lllll l-laol&I Women'• Club &Vtheli reporllni period lncl"4ed N-- J>!!Ople'1 clllba ""'.111.....,_. l!WI· annual Christmu palocy belll at btt 5 to November 30, the -day, Dec: '3 Ill ,!bi "'1llli MU< the ,1!4111o& Yacllt Club on 1'1111,.._ UI')' "'llUftlffr otatocl.. • , CelebraAI& wlU ,.....t Ill .U.. clay, Dec. 1!. 1 SI-the flnlL of tbe ,_, M,• ocbbol "*""" lit t :ao p.m. to ~ "'rlle ~umes In Uia olclt -4T5,622 ra. b&I bee.n In_. Jn le.ve al T to olng ~ ..,. nry clnuly -ranging t'run It, P' and 0 bonds by Onnce - ala IJli'oUsll the ~ ... tbo,cllaper otqe to that of tr ·--1&, -.. , ..... tllrninc to U.. ........ loall ti;. oc\opDarian. Elal... Walker u -o( 11or1tto S. ~ &Iii! a o.. dan<:lng, --W &11<1 Sant& ~ gave oUl prwnl& to ftDM bcmdo in 8col.them Oo!ltvnja ... ....,.. et • sift& a. .i. ·an an ot Ille memben.. diet -.rhldl tol&kd ... oa.ua.Tll dluliiir Ille ~ _.,. to ~ a llO urt sift. -~i. _,.. -•""-• month oL . N-llo:r. J.ISl. ot ~ wrapped. -• I tot .,_.., lfal-. u cllalrman for 'l'Jlldl M.aaT,Oll.73 "'"9 ~ Ille _ _, ___ uu.-. Ula e• lq waa -ed bJ •_. ... ..,_.It,~ to Morll r1 IJ' ~ ..... 01mrntltee or<n''N ol UN•fol· "HIMOil -• dYll(..: lllo, ea::.~· -~ --... ---· .... ta ·no.. -a.-• nr-7 " .. "°' •n• -....... -• .-wnpc....,...,_ -•111o-ot11 i.•- 1W<J••I J la:: II, t1 t., ~-"'· ft11118 tibwo w~tlw 'pDe ::1·, 1;', l~t ;;;• .:.,~;; --:sc:.. aMI •at p~ .... =.· ~ ...:;:..· 19 !4, I •'21'1~ ._-' tp ' 1 ta t1 t C ._. tr arr b I C(' .. 11Ml4 .. 1111 ~ ~ .. -. ~ ;'!-.. -·~ ..... I ....... -lllo -MU pl eel ... ,._, El .... 11; ~ -. .., -. ..-..... ... • !i' 111 WD ••' p ....... 1at11t I ., .. °"'·~·If ·• • ... • ...., ""111 ........ ,,. • • • ~FREE · G,IFT ·wRAPPiNG AT -PR NGL S • • •• . --.. • --.1- • •om.TON • MPIO t:_L'fSll.""' a.a.._ --f 75 t1iHr ~m llt1Llla. ... v..... -7• COASiTER .WAGON 1L11v.... .... · , .. _.................... 7- d-IMCll ..._ lWllBEll -T!QJI, ,. ~.... 595 llOlt' or u. XIU8 'ti"'"' ,,_ Sfc , TRl~YCLE ..... : ....................... ~..... . . ~~~~!.Sv . ......................... . OLUIT •IN<l,i: ~. WHID. UD. wmrz 4ts · FOIL ICYCLES : ................ 2f•r15c , PANDA 8.E.AR uo vo1................. oaonm <Ja8...,.., 1e \'olae I 2 5 ~ •PmOE. ua \'AU!Jl -• 98 LIGHT ·BULBS . · · ' _.w c WIND-UP TRAIN · c "NOii.i, 00-.&iiDJCNT .. z:·;oo,; JiiHT ' -'LL"ll&T.U. uo VALliE 0 --lloldr BUBBLE LIGH -SETS toe v..... 398 ~2~~~DH~!!~!~-'. .......... l'' COTTON il*mN<r..:j: 2.;.4tc BLACKBOARD 189 BlllHOP .. L& BOlli : .L.:' 239 . .. ............ :........... ASSORTED CHDCOLAil'ES ;Q08L iAi.:E ~~ -Value 1~ BOX 01' .. CllBlllTMA9 ~llAPPED •·, ... 19 ' .......................... 7·-ROI-TAN c1G+1ts '""""""""' 2 . T Q.Gstmaster' AUTOMATIC ' ' TOASTER ,. Re9. $23.00 ' . " 1711 - ' Dormeyer MIXER, JULCER ' and FOOD CHOPPER Reg. $46.50 35so G .... ral Electric Automatic TOASTER Reci. $22.50 1711 Sunbeam Shavemaster . ELEC. RAZOR R99. $26.50 2150 ' ' • , I • - Sunbeam Dormeyer MIXMASTER AND JUICER Reg. $46.50 " • 3550 ._ . Unlvenal -- Coffeematic • AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR R99. $29. 95 2495 • , ' - . W-estiii"'°"l!t , ~U1~i1oTIOlet • SUN LAMP R99. $8.50 759 Reminl)ton MOd. 60 ELECTRiC SHAVER Reci. $27.50 . ' ' . ' FRI-: WELL Reg. ·$29.95 2495 . ' . ' Model G H~·hach El:ECTRiC MIXER Reg. $39.50 • 3295 I ' G~~~CTRJ .STEA'M · IRON R99. $18.95 . ' 1695 , 'Wohl ELE~fillC ·HAIR CLIP.PER R9CJ·-~·9.75 I I I 22 50 ·97$ · 1 • ' · MERRY CHRISTMl/lS • ·' , • and . ' Hlf PPY . NEW _YEAR ' To AU 011t Frkndi of S•nt• An• •nJ AU of Or•ni'. Coun17 • • ' I ~ick20 ELl;CTRIC S~IAVER R~. $24.50 ' 2150 ea -K~p-Monarch .. AU OMATIC :w~e lro~ ReCJ.-$14.95 199S . ' I R99. ~8.50 17'5 ELECTRIC BiJANKETS - ~~ ~ ~--4495 . Doub .. bed me 4"95 Reg. $'{.95----~ I Dulll c'onuol-. Doubi ' bed-slse 5995 Beg. t' .95--, ' ' ~~, ' , GIVE A Gift YOU' . Lov11 O GETI ' • -(-' ' . I • • • • , ' • . ' ' • • • , ' • Balboa Island . Chrishn.-Sunday Newpon 81~ ~ ... -:!: ::;.. ~·~!'.-. PA'&E"I ~ .t fho..I: ,..L.-h ""--t-1. ,..L ___ L Chil...L.-.;.t 11!1 • 1""' ._. t 'S t• - , DEC. 20, ltll, ·, Me 11;11sl ""1WC ~ ""9"DT ~ UJllllff I HO•tm ..,., .. w. a' oa:-:U::. " .U ll&i1'o& leJeM ~~ ,....., M!i<eo wlll -airtet• anG Christmas Flm :':7 .... ':; !..'.?t•f'a .... ,et ~~~;~=~=~;~~~~~~~~~~~!;~~~ M~ dljurda on .._, aiu--11 "'7 at o.n.t Cllurcb "1 , • ' • -. ~ 1 a : l1IOl'1llQs tir. H&n:7 Wiiie. wm UM -"At tJM ~ n o'c:loclt "" '"1 ao&tm&o ~ • ·90vawwi1 CJU!S· ---._.. "I' ~ -. ID IM Air," -u.. annual ~ --stn _,,.. allltt, l'rldof', at ... -lo pl I • .. Ruth DkrltnS -.... , tbe cu-=-=":":.:.~-= ~~=a;,,~ .. ~-_~; ~?F al ... 8 .. H .... 0 . : . P • '-L Wo• Id 'Lacfy·' ' f• • 1t C ' , . ':: :_..~°i,! ~~ -•~ U..by Cllllftlllao.an-by U.. ...,... ltth -t at 7:lll f'otDda ' !"111' w .,. l\C"1' ·.• of iM--• p • al.ace~or r o M • arme • .... --.....,_ · __ -·-·-·-·-.•. ··~·-.• _,, o1c1--.. ..:;.~ , ... ~ .• -=. 1na. ~. "1'lr ~--.... • • Is Radi _Jc·st· . . . Kathryn QrlrWolcL Mn., Ottowold __ , --w-~ -.... ~-CD -........ ~~-lo ~ -· lie .._.., a .. T · • · 1 A111 8 lb A wtu .i.o . ..., u • WiUn ooio. Mrr. A.. 3 'Ruttor •eu.s o --.. -. .........,,, " " ' ---~·•5" --. ., QplC -w:;r ~ . Oa• Ve._ . c itm .. J e n!pt <Bolun l. ..,. .. by T.,u,., ·..,d ''01-In llx· It ril -, Put oil • by Ula' chit· a!>l• to ~ • cW. "f! bl!"' -• · '• • . ''CllriaUan Sclen6c: The Pena-• .....,. ~' l)t ihe • .,..,,Qll rt 8 o'clock uie cUdo I>eo" by t:arJk. Solo' J>AtY dttn of tlle• ~ -for ~ :::i: ~ ~"t,; ~ ... Ol'D "l'IL • eea ~or World U""'-t" will 'be Ute Sunda,y at A 10 and U :SO. SuDd&y ~ wlQ '-'!9 lbclr will be -by Mr. ud Mn. De.i--.u. 'DeJ&ll""" Uld f"""'1a, un-nam .. 'n P'-•I wM . CLOSING AT O: eubjoot of a lectuN to be rrdto-\Y~k d&yw, 8 a. m. Cont-..,,. p"'ITUJ. Tiiey wDI 1 11\ltoduce It ....,, l"Noltas. dor the ~ ,al Mn.. B ..... h • · -• , f • , " ~ ' . CHt over Strtlon KFWB <'8o kc) Saturday, 4'1o ~:30, 7:30 to 8:30. by p.-nuns·. OlrlOtl&n-nae. '1'11• Glory ot Cllriolmu" wlU c.JJ~ ~ ... -.•P<!'ll>tend· " . " 'l"j;": ... Sunday anemobn, Dec. J3 at 3 Sunday, before each mw. Balboa to Ute cllurell, lo maid> U..lr nr· bl ,tbe llel'UIOll oubJtct of Ute -ont. 1 . , \' -' ' Flll8T ~~~'A', •• E G Ji'()~ •IJ! o'clOck rrom Ftrat Cllri ;,, !eland. Sund~y. 8 and 10. Satur-tlonal flag. !-ftu the progT&lll tor._ Thomu Roy PenddL There 'wlll""De _.,.. ...,.ttallona, A ........ ., n. _.. d"~ ... ,.... •• OLE F y Ii! ~~~t~~·~~renS:lr Mid':'::: :~~ a. m. Cont<Alono, rame u :!::' .:,' ~ =:;,.~ ~~: c..C~ 7~':':::.. =-~~ ~~ :=. ~ ~~~ "".l.~ • .t~-·• ~i,-. '" •• COST. A MESA ITZP. A Rl.CK's· •:JE CSB, of Loo Anl'elea. le a member lladlo Pro.,..,.. ed. of Mrs. May O.lo&lor la ,putUnl' b\>X-. of cendy, for -c1llld, -Via U-. New .... ·~ •• •• or the Chrt.tlan Science Boe.rd Daily, except Sunday, Rosary on tb annual Chrlatmu pageant. Provided by ooe;ot t.be. ctiurc-. la-L-:::" Sclaool ';'' •· ~ "Ml'iMI. II of Locturuhlp. hour. KFWB (980) 7:30 p, m. Community Ch.urc:h Th• pro,inm will be beld In Oood· ,dlta -packeir bl( ~ -...... ~~ ..;ou;;..·~·= :::: ~,.. ' . For •pe&ct. ell ball. rdlllt """p et tbelr rqulu . bl· .R ....... ·R-........ •• Iii f'olm •• Ulll NEWPO BLVD. ~A M£sA . SllDUyw c del Mar . monl.hly m .. ttng. .. ~ .... ,,....:: :t-~;T' " •.• ' ASK FOR s. H. GREEN isTAMPS , ·1 While U. S. population wu In· 1 R oly Mua, ~06 a. "'' KLAC OrQna 8Unda,y n._,,t Uie Jalee (:lttjot• -· .Jo.:u,. ~-, ...i "'°'jWWWWWWWMW www................... W creutng 16 .,., cen~ IH0-1950, co70) 11 a. m. Catholic Hour, Kl'! Three Cllrlltmu ~will .,. y ... .,,per 5 .. rvi"c:'e mu • rum. "Holy .z>11g11t: ·-1 cath-.~'.~"':.,~ ---~",,,u., _!"~~ ./'" "!Ill ·i!'i~ilF"-~i!'i~~i:i'-:9i~ll': ~l9';l9';;Y,ll';/r.. ·i::'i~ per capltr uae of oil Jumped li6 tMO) 9 :46 p.m.K GFJ (Tl O) Hour ....,,, " edre1 Plcturu \rill lle .. Obown by,._, ,-;o.,;;;:•-• ---'-llifY.Y.Y.JJ.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y. Y.:..lf.lf.lf.lf.lf.J'-11! I!:... per cent. ·of BL P'r'ancl.a CUdJnp t otben, he.Id oh Sunday, Dec. 23 ,tn Ute t t C d f M Wiil'•-ll•o 11fio.., , Jr.. ind t.bett ,.. · • ~ •• • •• • • •• •• .. • • • • • • • • ·, ·: • • • • • • "1 '· :_· ·' •• ·' .:. • • • • Community Chutch' of Corona de) a orona· . e ar wltl '-; more Cllt'latmu carola. r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~· ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ Mar. At 9:4$.a.m. and at 11 a.m. Jr. . "ty Ch . h Thia film ta' l&ld. lo be one of the ' , • ' C J URCH·· E. S *-. }',' '-. 'l:L~~ ,,,,_.. .......... ~~/- tb• R<v. PMi1 E<1wan1 Babbttt \JOmmun1 urc beot .,.11,. .... ptcturer Y•~ •••ry· NEWPORT 0 HARBDR COUNCI OF H WUl use as ht& eermoa topic. "'God one is co rd!• Uy invited to. eee tt. • Gave Hie Son " 1i.e char»I a•d A1J la their tradlUon. the cholra 119-0.. '°" . ' . T -Dr. Ivan Ellla. the pUt.or. Will hri chancel cholnl., under the d l.rec-of Oorona del Mar Comm unity . s lion of Mary Batten Steffensen. chun:b will praen t Cbrl.at.m.d pttac h a t 11 a.m. to the queatJon, . • ~ • , _ "la There Room In Odr Ltvea for . ~ wtll slng tn· both eervt«.tt '"The C&ndlellght Ve.sper• ln t he a.nc- Shepber'd S tory" by Dtok lnaon and tuary at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23 the Chrt.st Child ! .. Sunday achool "Lo -What A Beauteou.I Ro." Highlight... of t he program will at 9:45 will have spectal Chriat- b 0P' t I Th PU tm ho! be 90loial.B l damae Kelly ain•lng maa features, as wtlJ the Youth Y ra.e or ua. e IT c r ·-e ll'ellowshlp at 6 :30 p.m . will ~tng "J esu Bambi.no" by Yon Bral!me "Holy Night." Marv B. At 5 p.m. all three ch<>lra wlll Ste!rensen pruentlng the N'egro comblne to present a .ca.ndlellght Splrtt ual '!Sweet LltUe J eaun Vt'8per eervice, under lhe.dlrecUon Boy," &nd C. G. Welputt In the of Mary Bs.tten Steff~°i\ ulat· eve r popular "O, Holy N IJ(hl." ed by Mi..s.8. Margaret Scharle, OI'-The chanciel and c hapel choirs ganlst. • ' combine to offer the following a.n- Adventist Churc:h Coming Events · Christmas Notices for St. James St. Jame. Epllcop&l church wiU observe the R..On of Chrlatma• uila year wtlh the t raditional Chriat rnaa Eve and Chriatma.s day ..ervlce•. Christmu Eve aervtce.s will be: lhrtt: • THE C~URCHES OF THE llARBOI AREA lllVITE YOU TO WO~HIP DURlllG ~HIS HOLY SfASOll · ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN-15th St. and Tustin, Newpqrt Heights SUnday,.Dec. 23rd · \1 :30 A. J.'4. Christmill Service 11 :00 A. M. Christmas Service ' · Monday, Dec. 24th 7:30 P. M. Candleligljt"lesper Service . NEWl!ORT HARBOB LUTllERAN-1027 Cliff Dmve, Newpor~ Heights ' Sunday, Dec. 23rd 11 :00 A. ~-Chrilitmai! Service . · • , YOU'LL FIND A WIDE SELECTION -OF LAST MINUTE GIFTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN . AT "-tr. H olll3 L. Anderson. of the Se ve nth·Day Adventlat chprc:h will preach on lhe subjec:t, "Growll\g up .ln Christ," on Satu rday, Dec 22, 1·1 a. m . The obJe'.ct or the- Christian Ille If trult-becrtng- lhe-r«'p roducUon of Chri•t's char- acter, that it may be ttproduced in othe rs.. thenu: ''The A.n1tell' Song" fT.ch- eanokov), "Lo What A Bea uteous R.ote. '' I Practorlua), ''Chri.ltmu Bells" COillette). "And lhe Treea Do Moan" f ArrangNI by Gaul), "Thie Chr11tmu Symbol" (Christ· lan8Cn ) anti "The Shepherds' The churcti achool beginners and primary d~pts. will hold their services at 4. p m . tn the church. The Cbr latmae music wtll ~ pro- vided by the Che rub choir who Wiil sing severa1 anthcrna. FollO¥.'· Inc the Mrvlce.. the children w ill adjourn to the perlah house to M e the 18 mm colored Caihedral rttm, ''The Holy Chlld." Th~ teachen will be ln charge of the ch1Jdretl'• annual Chrlltmaa par- ty following the servt~. Monday, Dec. 24th COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, bee. 23rd 7 :30 P. M. Children's Festival Service 7 :30 P. M. Candlelight 'Service . I I I (Congreptlonal)-Heliotrope at Coast Hwy., C. D: M. Story" ( Dicklnaon l . The Pilgrim choir of children will !!Ing "Jeau Mamblno" by P!et ro Yo nand '"This Night'' by Kon lg -Ch rt.tlansen. Chotra are under the Jirectlon of Mary Batten Steffen~n. MaT- ga_~t L. Seba.rte at t he organ. The public la cordially invttN to share ln th I• ChrUrtmu rhea· ear;e. · On Friday, De~ 21, 7:30 the combined Mlaalona.ry Volunteer Soclel l('S of Orange county w11l mttt at lJ\e P\tlle.rton church whett ad lmpreatve Chriatmu service wtll be held. Sunday, Dec. 2,, the children'• Pat hfinder Club,' under the dlrec- ~~i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;., I l io n of Mrs. Lucille Parham. wt.II r sing Chrl~lm~ carob to the pall· enta l1l ule Orange county holpltal and the SeoJor Dorcu eoclety With Mr-1. Ame.Ila Vt.U~t aa lead- er . Will ~ve dolb and boob t o the chlldre?' paUents. .LADIES' and MEN'S APPAREL Lutheran Church , Special Services Chrialmu will be observed at spec::ial servtcea tK-gln.nlng Utis Sunday. At the 11 o'clock worth.Ip acrvlce, Pa.stor Roth will preach on tbc theme : ''Be Born ln Us Today" The t('xt for the sermon wUJ be Ttlua 2 :11-J.4 . A b&al eolo entitled "The Blind Ploug-hma.n" will be aun.-by Pfc .. Charlea Kauftma.n or Ca.mp P endleton.. Beca UAe of the g:n>wth or the con~gatk>n of St. Jamel!I, It ha..s been found neccu&ry td Institute an additional c&ndlellgbt com-. munlon servtc~. Therefore, there wUt be a Ca ndleligh t Choral ccle· bratlon of · Holy Communion a t 1 :30 p.m ., wt th music by the youth choir and, Flowers • _!, A g;fl .. , """-pleo-. · • beavtiNI -!o °'""'""' WTClppingS • • • d.f".....,.c:f OftJ• where. Yow pet'IClf'IOI 9'"""' CfCiCOMPOnfe• 'f04K Mi.ciM. Oo orffr eariy. OUR PLANT SUGGESTIONS From $1 .75 to $10.00 . POINSETIIAi, AZALEAS, CYCLAMEN and • AFRICAN VIOLETS Christmas Arrangements of Cut Flowers , Red Roses', Carnations ... from $5.00 up Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces Phone Harbor 590 -We deliver f4-St.,. 1313 Coast Hkjhway Corona del Mar UVLVO ROOM DINING &OOM NlCK NACCKS - BEDROOM LAMP SHAD~ WALL SHELVES Lag11a Awaiilg &·Maple Shop. '196 8. OOAST BLVD. • LAGUNA BEACU-43529 • -IOHOS • COMMODITllS , UteaWlfTINGS Chf~tmas Party f orpt... Andrews . Y oun9 People Chrtatmaa party or St. Andrrw'a Youth F eik>W8hlp WU held Sat· urday , Dec. 1$ a t the home of Mr. a.nd Mr's. R ichard Pled1er , Co- rona del Mar. The re wu an ex· change of Chrittmu gifta, the n I dancing. and to com plete the gay evr-nl ng-, refrcahment.a. P re8f'nt were: Patty Smith, Marla Pleger, Ann Whitlock, Di- 11ne BarUeU, Sally S t ewart, Con- nie Mangold, Judy Stewart. Bar· ba.ra Llnglt', Barbara Earl, Bar· bara Start'~, Barbara Bandy, IA Netta Rlt b.ardaon. Ann Bradford. Nancy Deaver, Susie Ki.me, Dlck Kime, Gary Roger1'1, Burt Coi-llOn, Don Lingle, ~rge Gann. Jim· mle Ever80n, Mike Doyle, J ohn J<:e pper, Duane Gatterdam, Tom Weba:ter,• P e te Graham, P et e Mor- rts and Re•. and Mr11. Jarne11 Stew. The. ddlcbea 'a-Christmu ;p ro- gram will be prc&ented Sunday evening at 7 :30 p.m . Each pupil or the <'hurch &::hoot will have Candlelight Choral Holy Com· munkm a t 11 :30 p.m ., mu.sic by the eenlor. choir. Cbrl3tmae d-.r t here wtll be a crlcbratJon • of Holy CommunJon at 10"80 a..m. • , Mem ben ot t.he: congregation ..... rtm!nd.11 I.hat "'"annuarp..;. 1ah mcetlng will be he ld J an. 13, 1962. part In lhe program. Chrlatmu • ••lh•m• """ be •ung by both the Christma~ Services cherub a,nd junior choirs. After -, th• program, the chUdren .wilt re-at . St Andrews . oelve a "su rprtse vi !!lt' from I • Santa C laua with pr~nl for all. Begtnnlng Sunday, Dec. 23 and The tr&dl l lonal Chr1alma.s C&n· co.nttnui.ng aa l he regular ached· delllght Worl!lhip will be held on ule. there will be two morniJ\g Chrlatme.a E.ve a t 7 :30. Beloved service• at St. Andrew's Preaby- ChrWtmu caflob are a a~l&l fia· teria.n church. Al 9:SO a.. m. tu re of / thl.3 won:hip. Puto r Roth there will be momini worship w11: prca<'nt & Christ.mu reading aervloe and Sunday school; at wh ch has bt'come a l!lpeclal at· 11 a . m. morning worship. t~ctlon at Christ.mu Eve wor-The Rev. Ja.me.t s. Stewart will ah1p. The church choir will \sing thl• comtn.i Sunday continue hia ··Je1J1.t Bambino" and .. Gloria Ir\ serle.8 on Incarnation. The choir Excf'lais." G c n e Roth. eoprano sololst. will al.ng "O Holy Night." wilt elng u an ant hem. Glory t o ,. The public l.s cordially Invited to g:ve~:: ~~I'•• (Bonar ) and attend au our aervicce. • On Monday at 7 :30 p. m, there art, Mro. Dan Col'80n, Jr., !elder, Assistance League I and Mr. and Mra. Pleger. wUJ be a candlellrht ae rvtce wtth I the pa.stor readinc Henry Van Dyke'• story of The Other Wiee Man. Mualc will Include He Shall Feed H ta Flock (Handel I; Angela We Have Heard on H llh, and It Fell Upon the Midnight Clear. . Gives for Christmas, 'SCBC ~resent at.on Greets Provisionals . of Messiah Wins Acclaim Jn , tune with the Chriatmu &plrll, memben of the As18tanCP Leacue. meeting Tueeday at SL Chr1•tJ:nu pottJon and excerpt a J amea pariah howte, were espe- from part.a two a.nd three of Han-clally lnt.erated in the repart ot Christiall Sc:ienc:e Sunday Text . Atomic: Forc:e deJ'~ "Mealab" were preaented by Mr& Robert W alk er, wel!atr On the Southern CaJUomla Ojblo Col-chalrnian. on their progrun ot Iese oratorio cholr Tueaday nlfht Cbn.tm.u gtvb)g both htte a.nd "·1'nd lhe )Yord wu made flesh,' at the Newport hJCb ecbool audl· abroad: Apln th.la yea.r the IM(Ue and dwelt among us. (and we be-- lorium. ll cooperatln• with other -organl· held hia g:loty, t!Ce &'k>ry u of th~ Directed by Gaylord !:. Atwell. ationa (n t~ a..rca to. prov'4e only begotten or the Father,) tull the entire cbolr •of 120' voice• buketa at food a.nd gt.rt. for needy of en.cc and truth.'' 'Ill.ii telec- ang the re•poft8ee to the t'eelta~ famUlea. ltfr. Robert za.t.m.&n la lion trom the Goepel ot J obn f lives and arlu tro'm the •r•a t coordlnattn• thde aerricea eo n:tf) ln the KJnr Jame1 Verwton work.... that ,.U W411 be remembffed u of UM Bible will be read U a part Helen ZeklDd, orpnlrt, and ""'!"~.~=-lo-2~\ -alk-. 0 of lM r......,::,s.rmon In all Cllrla-Martl&b Matblaen and Poul Cope, ~-. ~ ~ ~ Uan S<te-CllUreheo Sunday. pta.nr.ta. at.JMtent• at the. co»ep Cllrtam.u box baa betn m&Ued The wl>Jeic:t. wUJ be "la lhe Uni· -."' a.ccom pen'eta. Oft'I R M -to the lllUe Oreek p.rl ~. lnclud'q Kan. Evolved by Solo vo1..,, lloud ,..... Nonnr.n w hom the leagUe ldoptod Uu<>u,I'~ Atomic ron,. f"' The Golden Te><t' N•1-, J-ph PJubMlla, ChryotAol the 1l'catq Pareat PIM. -lrln· from I Corlnlltll1l8 dedar... 'To <;:Jark, and J1:t1eM Bit-'. Eu-Ins Ute reJll)atlon U poo-of ur lb.,.. la but one Ood, I.be bant.... f1Ytns trom Oakland tor ~ -. """"""-· • doll and rau.er. at w11om are au lhlnp, the performance, wu delayed by \llllld wool artlde8 (the duty on and we In hJ.m : and one •Lord fog at the Ban Frtutci-airport. -wool la lowerl ~ ,. blan· J eaua Cllrllt, by •bom r re all but N&Che4 Ute Newport tqb lteta. coatr. _,, u '-U u lltlnp. UICI we by blnl" (l:eJ. ochoot In time for bht -ro1o. foc>I •trplor. ' A ~laUve ..._ Mlec.Uon Ton.I Rollottema. orpnlal wlU. Mrr. ~ HW In~ --''Sdenee and Health wUll the Loa ~ Phlll>Umonlc, -k:Oaled r1a n-pra•laalala: X.y lo llie 8crlpt..,..• ~ 1111..-y rubOUtuted l\t tbe I a a l morint Ibo. Jolln T . &yd. Jr. Udo -= Bali.,. 'l:4d:Y roada. • J__. ..,irit>t- ror J:\ibub and ...,., ~ KN. W, o. Buck. IMO Ielc: llra. aJ or1l!D ud undlnltarid"ilr et!· od Utt difficult ·-aria, "But 0-Se Moatt, Ba)'lllone; Mn. 0 . eblod blla lo --IM tllcla Who 11Ca.Y Abide Ute Day ot Bia OaJla au-Bal-J;rlaad: Mrr. ol llolllll,-lo -lrnftlt,llbly Coming?" • T. 0. W-. 'Udo 1*; UICI llra. bow es>lrtboal Tru\J! -"11 ma- Nclni.an NelOon. Loa ~ rr.aJc R. WUJc._ °""""' dt1 Urial """"• '-Iii' *tnru. aad aJncv tor YO<llb for Clutat ralJIM Mat. • ' Cl••-clMU.. n. di~.-. on tho Wu& -wu llnt -Tiie -....... '*'k'lnl on oeptloa' ol 1-polulted lo lbla lrt rlillltll "<lottlfl>rt Ja" ;.,,. -M1lrp a_..., Wiii ",:!_•:: ~-.-S -""' an ~ .... -. . Clu7wlel au.1-_ • ...........,. s wo _,,,_ ..,__ u.. at ..-tlo9" <p. am. t'raa 1--lo .. u.o alto "'1tlg la -.. al tllo -. _,. -ar • •-1 -1eo -• u.. ~·" o.1r1 'tr-CAii f'D SU1;s db-u.o 'l'V ~ ~ Cllala. --tm•edlatel)' aft.· ~ -~ fw -. • .. &lie!' ,,. -•ir1r"""' • •Nd ... ~ 7. . ......, ~ ol -... -,,.,.,... ·Red __.... '*IM Bl (rmll JilS lM FtqR• Of D11 ... , ... ... ..... ....... Ule Ila ... -""'ce-1 ---lie I 1 ' .. ____ _ c.. __ .,_ o 0 o .... I ~ ... o .. a' ht, .. _ .... b -\a. -lo --oftlll -....... a.• I Isa ... • r• I • alllll ~ 11t11 .. 1•\Ji Me . ; tr.,, tn 11M fir ... ee-.,.... -. •z 1 a t ClfU.. WillD ,_AJI,.. _. ..,_ • a.•> t 11< , .,. t ...,.: n 7 _. 1 "*' ass, .._.. -.,. -............................. ..,. •• :;~· ·"" --... --v. ...... ltnr1&¥11&, 'C .... OUt: '""' ....... -... -11111111 • ··-cww ....... ..... 7 1111' -·.'I ..... _.., ............ 1111. -....... . ·- 9 :45 A. M. Cbrilltmali Service • 11 :00 A . M. Chrilltm&lf Service ' 5 :00 P. M. Vespera,~Musical Sef\!icc ST • .JAMES EPISCOPAL-Via Lido at Lido Isle' B.Ji. e, Newport. Beach Sunday, Dec. 23rd Fourth Sunday In Adven Regular Services Monday, Dec. 24th Christmas Eve .I> • 4 :00 P . M. Children's Service-Cherub Choir Film "H oly Child" 1 :30 P. M. Choral Candlelight Holy 'Communion-. Youth Choir . I 11 :30 .P. M. Choral C&ndlelight Holy Communion- Senior Clloir Tuesday, Dec. ~th' Christmas Day · 10 :30 A. M. Holy Communion METHODIST CHU~HES- • Christ Church by the Sea, 1420 W: Balboa Blvd., Newjiort Beach Sunday, Dec. 2a_rd .. 11 :00 A . M. Christm¥ Service 1 • . 7 :30 P. _M. Chr1stt1188 Pageant · Oommoalty Ch_,..,, 420 W. 19th St., Costa keea . ·1· St,mday, Dec. ·23rd ' 10:50 A. M. ·ChristmJi Servl~e 7:30 P. M, Cbristznar Pageant Balboa l~land Community Church, 103 Agate, Balboa Island Sunday, Dec. 23rd 11 :00 A. M. Christmas Service 5 :00 r. M. Cbristma8 PB.gesnt ASSEMBLY Oli; GOD-157 • 22nd St., Cost;i Mesa Sunday, Dec. 23rd 7 :30 p , M. Christmas F estival Service • . . , e·· ·THE NEWPORT RBOR ·COUNCIL OF· f ~ . ~ CHURCHES COMM EN S 1THESE SERVICES ' . . • ·ro THE PEOPLE OF THE ·NE·WPORT ' HARBOR . AREA * L • -~t. iJ·u·wrs I , • .. , <t!IJu.~~11 ' PROTESTANT• EPISCOPAL The Rev'. Paul llliore ·Wlleeier, Rector • S!OO Via Udo · Newport Beacli ' . • Ctl,R,ISTMAS SE .Y.IC.EJS ,' .< . 4:00 p;'M. CHURCH SCHOO , CARCJ!-fSERVICE Carols and Anthems ,by the Cherub Choir .. -. Cathedral Film ".THE" H LY CHILD" 7:30 P. M. CANDL1:LIGHT .CH RAL -f. ~ Holy Communion, A~thems b the Yout~ Choir 11:30 P. M. CANDLELIGHT C ORAL J "' ' : • · , An..,.ms by.the .Sern r Gho1r· . ~ .. ,. ' · HO~ Y C<;>MMUNlp~. •. cl'·SER~i .. , , 1 CHllSTMAS DAY. . . J ', • . " . . .,, ,,. -,. , 10:30 A. M'._:;::':f?lY C t.1UNl©N~·· 0 VIM'l'OU AlfD -'111 ,.,_,,-A 1SJ C1R111C11 ~TJON ARI! OOSDt•ri.J lMt•W SY Tm~ OI' ll'l';Mlttfl TO WOIUJIQP wn• t111 ON ftlll opznvAlKS or ,_ OF 'I'll& VJollll' or TJ1E , .... . . ~ , .. ·-~ • ' • ' . . • ' • • • ' ;';ii;;;;;;;;;;;;._;;;;;P;;ia;i~~··W=';;';;';;1;;1 ;;1 5•_,i;; ... ;;u;;;¥;;&il•lii.;;;;;iiiii0iii;;•lii~;jl f-•9y·•11• wM •••etal 0 zfw PR•w ... •k I c3p• ..._ 19 ...... D Uhl- --~· IWl;e. / -tllllko \'Ill ~ ·~~~llllloii""""'io!-"""' ...... • • • • • • • • ' ' , I • t • • . . • I I I • I I I I • • • .. • • ... .c 7 • . • .. • • • • • • • - uss~· Joy •.. loff ... _. ... lheM are U.. woed& tbal 911ide ua In our ~ of the Chtlot- maa and New Yeoz Seaaon. °"' wloh -tbal ..... all lleep Clidllmaa with ua In 1J1ir11. I.be wbole yeoz lluovgh. A Happy Hollday lo you all! MANDEX CLEANERS A. L. DILLON. • • ... • ' . ,, . ~.{l,INO cpaoµND ~ VOl'A~ YACHT OJ.VB at • s I.•-of otn-. .,... Clay , ~(IMU. ,e11r1q eo-..... 1oa·1 .. ..,.. &o-., ~ 1'1• a.i...t •eowtn. -=·., .. o1er1. .. ·-• .itlclalo ·~·i.:t-. ll:'ft &o rtpt) .... Cllarioo -, ... ..-... -~ w~ floe ........ _..e. -. (lilt &o rlpl) .,.. -8orszni. -: Allan Olmp-.. , boll, ~r: H'at HOits; .....-i ·Paal V-plft. fteot -.pt•: -LMW, dll'ec&or: J!lu, .-Ollam.,..,;. · ....,.., . o.o,.... w~ • ...,.. ... JW1p ad-woo --nt. ' , (Plao\o ,by Bury Pletcher) I McGWIRE NAMED HEAD . OF VOYAGER ... YACHT CLUB J. J. Schnitker, Fonner Mayor,· Passes in L. A. 'At a nJa dtniltt and de.nee ai~-:-.---------­ VtV!an Laird's ln Long Beach on tbe .ewninl' of' Dec. 7, the Voy- aprs Yacht cl\lb held their f'lnlil mcft.hl& ot the year and elected • new gro~p of otflcers. The new flag officers for 1963 are: Robert McGuire, commodore; Robert W oodward:, vlce-eomm°'"" do.re; Charles A. Rook, rear com- modore. ' AIJ 1U1. entertainment feature tar 100 membe.n, wives &nd cunt. Voyager Wes Bush ahowed pkt· turea of a. cruise of ·a yea.r'a d\lh:- tton taken down the Weat Cout of Mexico with bl.e wife and .on ln hiA ••-n. ketcQ. DUbloon a.Ad a stay at Acapu.ko durlng 1100- 61. A sparkling commentary ac- compa.nted the Showing ,o f the pk:tures that held the Interest of all. Other -officers electtd lnclude: Callis Couple to Take on 'Clemente Fishinq Boat Firm John Jc:.e.pl'l Schnitker, mayQr of Newport Beach from 1922-2.4 and a cJty councilman here from 1817-2•. died Tuetday morning at hi• home tn t..o. A.ngeld. Services Mr. &nd Mn. Robert L. capi.. were held today (Tburaday) at 718 Jumine Ave., Corona del Mar, 10:30 a.hl . in SL Joeepb'a church, will, after the first of the year, Banta Ana, Interment followed become owneni QI t.be San Cle-under dtrec:tlon of Utter-McK in- mente ~Ill Boat.I, lac., lt wu ley, 3718 Weat Slau.aon avenue, anno.unced Wdl.7. The con.oern Loe An1e1H.. where Rosary wu operate. from the Saa Clemente Nclled lut ntg'ht at a o'clock. pier under trancbloc t'rod> U.. d\y, Schnitker had been Ill oince &Ad ff'&DCU membera have ap-Dec. 13 when he •uttered a atroke. proV.S. tM qle. He wa. ma.k1"g his home with hi• Owners of the nnn &re Jolln aoa-in-law and dau(h.te.r, Mr. a.ad Norek o.f. Udo penin.IWa a.nd Mn. Barry G. Wheaton, LoS An- Woody Poyn• or 8aA ewn.ni.. l"IU. He I.I aurvlYed aloo by bl.I Throup the aa.le, Jir. and Mn. l!lter, Mra. Carrie A. Hlll of Up- CaJJLe WW t&.ke O'YU a ~ land. '-We wiah we could aend a special Holiday G;reeting to ea ch friend we've made this year. Instead. we take. this m eans to _,Oah yClll ,ciU ~­ Happy Holidai·and' Fnil1lu1 Eugene Chambe.·rt:. MC.f'9tary; W lf- bur Sargeant, t.reuurer:. Oeorp Woode. jud~-advocate ; Paul Van- degrift, neet captain; Hal Holts. Port captain: Ana.n Campbell, di· reetor: fUc.haro Leater, .director; s ., atoy c.m_pl!Oll. at&n corluru>- fleet of two dtY ~u. the Se.n Born in Covington, Ky., April Mateo and San Clemente; a char-28, 188', he ca.me to I..os Angelea ter boat, lbe Reau..., atLd two ln 1888 when he became a pharm- ba1t bo&1' th• Dollu. Patricia &cl.al. Later h e moved to River-- and Tin ea.n~ UrJdtr additional ldde where he wu aaaoclated with fre.aoAIM an qve or mx eba.rt.er th• Heath and Morrl80n Pharm- boat. operated b)' Newport own-acy. , • -• 0 • 'New Year. MERMAID MALT SHOP , 22nd and. Balboa· ~vard NEwroRT BEA.CH ®"'-dl:re<tor. SWISHY COTTOX A crisp new ever,.tize cotton with tbe swish of W!eta makea a charmlng all·purpose dru.a In a deeign by M&rcy Lee of Dallu. Tb.le "l.hlrtroc:k') hh a wtde9p~&d coll&:r, atlort aleeves1 and a wide &klrt. .A. row of minute cryatal buttollJI got:• trom collar lo belt. A8 wuhable as uy a>tlon. thll ''tatfadot" come. bl &ttracUve • ~ or a4ua. • pilrple bright •.::~:::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:::=:;:::;::::::::::::::::::::; c:opp~~:navy and.~allarOoal. tl .,\' 1" :I:~..-.--. ~ : CONCRETE BLoeKS . Kl .2.0754 · rroa: =~ ~..; . new • • 1 • BalbO~.r.w.t reelckfti; ti4fN Bet· PUMl-BWK COMPANY~UO 8. lllaln !I&., -Aaa ty Arthur, lt3\lo Dl&lnOlld o.venue. P UMJcE -CINDER AND OONCJU:TE ~ Anoth•r new laluclU la ~- REINFORCINO STEEL aad 8UPP L1E8 ' M. L. Batchtlder, fl5 .A:balonc, rormerly oC RJvenfdi. ~ • era. , 1n 1907 he moved wli. hLI tam- ' O.W.. la ._ dlltrl-for tile. Uy to Newport S.Och where le General P9troleum Co. with of-eata111!ahed • the Newport Beaoh flcu at 131 Commerelal Way, Pbann.acy. Thla he owned un~l I Co.ta Meaa. He la a.180 &lf;OCiated 1927 when he retired. During hiA W1lh hb brother, W. J . Call:a, ln l'fe he re he wa.s quite active in MobUename, Inc. ti elvtc o.f!atr9. Balboa lfridge Club Baked Ham to Entertain with Featured for Christmas Party 1 Holiday Dinners The Balbo& Du_pllcate Bridl'e ' Tbat champion.• of champlona, Ctub wu1 pi.y host. to &If Orante baked ham, lo the answer lo boll· County aupUcate bridge player8 day ente'rtainlng. If the boulebold on Friday evenl.nr &t tM Zbell tr&tfic bid.a fair to be heavy, buy Club Houee lll Balboa. A buffet a whole ham. It can be .served au,pper wUI be aerved at 9:30 and u the cott of a wonderful new wtlt be followed by· ca.rd.I. Mem-meal and do valiant duty after- bera of the Bal*' Club will pre-wardll !pr quick luncheona or din- pa.re &nd serve ~Uie •Upper. ner&, or for mid-night •nack raJdA Winners ~f the pme pl&yed on on the re.frlgerator. f'rlday even.in• we.re Perry Mc-Place your· ham on a sballow '-;;::;;;;;;:::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:;;:;;:::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:;:;:::;;;::;;;;::;i:::;;;::;;;;;;:::;;;:;;;:;::=::;:;;;:;;:;:;;;:;::;;:;::;;;= 4 lAdoo a.nd Georce· J(ltchell play-rac)( with fat a.Ide up. Insert meat .fr ,. lDg narth-aoulh and Mn. Am)· thermometer well into thJclc:est • ' . . ... ~.Noi.":""~ .~!l 14!?-.,.~, E...~~; ~"1-·JltM \\nrt~-P!ll'I.··-- • • • l r.: • • ' r • I • • • . ; • ~ . MY BOSS,' ttARVEY ·SAYS: . SOMERS, Inc. WANTS ME .TO WISH • EVERYONE A MERRY XMAS t ~ U:wm. ate oven. tfl5r t:'Jllll ermoma Runnera-up norlh-.IOUth were j eter te,urters 14.0• F . for a ball Mrs. Betty Dun.can a.nd Fred Mor-J gr whole smoked ham. Remove rilon; Mra. Robert Browa. and tram oven, akin. To glaze, make Harry Springmeyer; Mra. Amofd a pute wtUr 4 tablespoons pre- a...er and Mn. PerCY JohMon; pand mu.eta.rd, l cup brown su- Mn. cam. S&un~ero and A, D. -· 2 tobleapoona !100., and Wtthorby; Mr. and Mn. Everett enough ot 1 cup ginger ale ·to Tawney. lll&ke mlxture amoolh. bu not Runnera up eut~weat were Mr. nmny. (Pineapple: juice or other end Mn. Jomea Job•-: Mr. and fr\alt juice may be uwl In glue Mn. Gerald McComber; Mn. lnltffd of ginger o.Je, ii 'deall'ed'). Chorieo Juter•OJ>d ~Cari fltn• Rub pMU We.I! into llWf-· or oon; Mn. Robert "-and l(rs. lwn. Score rat aurfo.ce In aq11att11, Mlldnd I.ytle;'Mre. Henry JCgeert otuddlnir tach .Quon.with o wboJe and Mn. Cbarlea Boordm&a. • clove .. Pour remahllnt ginpr ale Overall wtnners ID. lb• game over a..m . Return io oven and played cm Monday were Mra. S. T. btJ:le .until dial on .thermometer KcMaal!O and Kn. OeroJd )(c-rqloten lro" J'. ' Oomllot: And,J ll&bley end Kn. 8\Qn! in ~~ until oerv· Roy Btr<>ta; Mn.-h7e llellluet•r 1q Ume. Thell prnlab. • oervlns onc1 Kn. cai.tn Lombert; Kn. &. I ~ wtt.Jf candled diem.. and J , Murett aad Kr!-RoM:rt Browa: ..,...PPJe •Ucee •hick. ban . Meo Mn. A. O. ~ and Mn. I lm>wMd In hem. llq\lor ODd ...,._ Klldred ~;'Mn. Amy Woleott ~ alloUt 18 mbi-per~ and Kn. eea,.... Ol.m>IL ' 1..-bo"IAS • ....,t so m1nuteo' for n.e-ll~ .n--cJub 't"lll ddeatag and ocorln&'. • . • '"""l>@nue lta -tlnp during n ~-and will -t oPla Oii Sl'l'l'DT&IN MD • J..,._ 7 ai 1 o•~ Jolnlag tn yuletide l~p. ..,au "'II.,..... . =-:::: = ~ ~ Kt. -Mn. ~ llmlCP .._ ptlMred Doe. 11 In U.. CJol. 1.,.._--. J•m.._ IMTJ, llldl· -cllL Mar _, "' KJo: -...._, JeM ud kaW1• ot a 11th J11n. A1vtn Orw?'. :HI v n6hs et. oo.ta-. 14Ct .tbl9"""" ~ ~ Dr toe-' u..!r ui-'1 w-. ..._ ..... t"7 -.;:... . . ... U. aw.ct-M 'tsP, r-v• . ~~~~~~ • • • ' • .. • ' -. • , And the·beaveoe ded them to the · place where they Coubd our. Saviour, •· . I . who bis, thr9ugb·1 e ages, spread his· shining light and feeling or lirother· hood throughout ·e world. On this anniversary oCBi, irth, we 1dsh you I -, J • AT THIS .WONDERFUL H0DIPAY. ~SQ~. WHEN • . . . . ' PEOP~ FIND THEIR GREATEST :CONTMl l' IN! KING OTHER • 7 • f()l.J{S;. ~p Y, WE HOPE THAT THE VE 16ES ,OF THIS . . . S,,.RIT REM IN WlTH US ALWA;. S. -<. • • • • • - . - , • ' •. • • . • , • • , • • • • • • • -· ' MACKJE'S . SMO.KE·y: ' S.NOW MAM -. Ceramic Snowaan . . . ·Hurricane Li.ght from candle shows thru " button-holes enll face, 8-inch sbe ...... $2.95 Smeller end Jumbo Sizes ' Many Gifts ltell\&, Cards, Wrappings, Etc. OPllN ll!VENINOS · ' Mackie' s Pottery & Gift Shop _, ... 26th Year wit11 Califonllo Gsd•• -MAD MQORE'S NURSERY I BA~~~~·:.:: BT. CASH & CARRY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DOOK llNOCKfJR8 from .......................... .80e to' S. '111 . uo DOO& CllABJl8 from .............................. Sl.50 to WREATHS from ........ ...... ......... ... . . . .. . .. .. . .. 1.50 to 2!.llO ' 8.liO CENTERPIECES from ............................ l.Oll to Abo Made to Order ~ CHRISTMAS TREES GREENS; CONES, GARLANDS, SMOKE TREE ...__ ' ,, TREl8 and BOUGHS SNOWED TO ORDER OPEN SUNDAYS ' "I dOft't care if a WIJ yow fV.st love r· • Let ••• , .. JO• In ) J'OU ~!'-'" . We w 111 gl~ •'It ..... _.. ol ' m11e&•111 nere r•• ·• • con&rac&or or lielp ,.. , obt•hi • Title 1 ° lou fer new eollll&rUtltlon or re-. mocJenng. At~- Ramer MeDott. Ma-..- ~ Ol'Hl!B y AB.D8: Lacuna Beach • Santa Ana Fullerton i:.. Habra - CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS CAM ELLIAS lob °' -te ...... 75# fNDL Pricfwll fNm ··-···-·····-·-8p DISH GARDENS :~ i:ive.,:.~u~ 95# •P Ru-R ·TREES opllt loal-~1-....., aed !Oto of otller •OUM!I plut. at our repJar low prlOH. · 5 & 10' Nunery t•lll So.. Newport Blvd. TVSilN <111 .. n.. I 1 READY MIXED . CONtRETE SOVTH . COAST MATERIALS COMPANY. No Job Too l.erge; No Job T 90 Small IH W-~ t>Mwwww Newport a..t -- po8TA 1111:8A -PBONJ: u:AOON 194'1 • • • • • •• ' • • • _... ~Hllio -JllOI• CO. .... ....... •-... " ..... • ----110-u•• tllo-... ,..,,._.of tile If-~ '"'' ..... .. part -.,.;,. l*tik:t 1or ... ~~I .. S II •-L• . · pr+1h-e-•,800 pDana ol flf9t, ,.._ ._ _.... 1 I ---.-,p ........ tlle Jlol!oli.--lie "'t ....... period Jumry 1, U02 to -· ,, :--,, • -·--~.-... I bor )1. J,llOI. tlllil ,.. ff('• WI flee -a~ -~ .-,.~ -to 1:00 -la --OOl!ft>nii•.J ·~.';".",;:_;; r-;;;i .t•u.o n.. ~tel::::e'..;::a ~ ~'. ~~·--at ·~ -A..._ and CUtt I>r!tt, Kft.. 11J Tiie • l'adfl4 T..._,_ ujd port B~to. ~ OJoopaoJ'. . Tiie -of -Tlwt.. t-..,..., ......,, .... ot U.., Nt?'POrt -.is lld-1 Di. M•••pr T. K . Ilana-. tn<t-,_.,,.. Ille J'IPl ·to reject an anllable for tile ~ ... 11·~ -~· -~-In< of _,,,.. ----any or --or ·~·• -pi.cln ••·•-,,..., dlolaru:• fonn&Uty .... bid. ·--Ir ~ -.. • . • OOllDON B. "1fDl.AY, ~ P..U'ic cior• of tile Newport 8Gme 126 _.ioro ot -......, Dlotriet. Telopbooe Will be on duty,fllD ~ No. 1111-P.-. durinc the holldll}'o u nine P,,blllh Dee 111-IO 111111. pbone centen proYlded llJ tlje · ' compa11JI' at lkJulhland military 't INTEN'l'IO catiooa. . N0l70IC OF N The ciimpaa1 aotldpateo the · TO SELL --llolkl&1 -n telepllooe NOTJCI: IS B1CREBY ClIVSN tn.ttlc of ...:ent yean and baa punu&nl to \lie proYlalano of Bee-~ \o 8outhom Callfomlalul Uoo 3«0 of U.. CIYll CodO of llle '° pjace their Cbrlotmu Ion( dl9" State of Callfomla. Uoal JACK taneo -alTlie earu .. t -Ible Bft,&ATON AND .LOlJlD JI(. Umo, partl<ularly l>etore Chrlat· lllt&ATQN. Vendor, of 21118 N..,· maa -. · ~ Jloal..,•nl. Ooola Joi..._ Call· ___ _ tonla •i.o to aeU to JOHN C. -!'Mph do ....ci ti>• want Miii DllNllKORB AND VIOi.A 8. , DENSMORE. Vendee, et 111 E. --'----------- MOllle. Viola Slrfft, Coeta :M.U, ~GAL NOTICE catJft>mla, au tbal certala per· ------------~ proputy con&loUn( ..,.erei- l;f at au atodt 1n tnde. -NO'fWE OP -'-l aad good will of a -· ' INTEHT!Ol'f TO ll&LL . '., taln GrOc:ery buBln... ,._,, aa NOTICE IS HEREBY· GIVEN .. CAOm GROCltRY... Loc:&ted at purwant to the provlalooa of Bee· 11118 NeWJ>Ort Boulevard In OOOta tloo SffO of tl>e Clvtl Code of the MN&. C&lttornla. ud thet Ule State or CaJttornla; that AL- purd>&M prtco theftOI will be p&ld VIERO BI9CJNI, Vendor, of doe at 10:00 o'tk>ck a. m. on the 3.1st CO..t Kl1t)way, C\ty or·Nevrport day ot llectmbar. 111111 at BANN A BMc.b. County of Oranp, SW.le ICSCJ\OW COMPANY, l&ea Now-of C&ll1omta. lnlenda lo .. n lo D. port Aw., Coeta M-. County of (R. Bl a LEY' and JWTll Ii:. ar.nc-. State ot California. WGU:y. huabaad a n d wt fr, Dated Deceml>er 19. llMU. v-: of 809\i J:ul Spruee St.. JACK BREATON City ot Rawllna, Wyomln(. O>un· LOUJBE M. BREATON, iY of C&rbon, Stele of WfOnl~, Vendor 9.11 u.at ceruta penonal property JOHN C. DEN8)l()RE eoJIOIOtlnc generolly of all lilock VIOL.A S. DENSMORE In trade, ftxturu, "'!ulpment a.ad Vendetl good will ot a certain ceramlca No. 719-Prus . PubUah Dec. 20, 1951. buoloua Imo-u "Dl PALMA CERAMICS" and I-lad at 1208 CO&ot Blcl>-J'. Cit¥ ot NOWJ!Ort IN '{HE 8tlPEIUOll OOUllT OF Buell, Oounl7 of Orup, Stale THE ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA of Calif om la. and that tlle pur· lN AND FOR THE OOUNTY c11aM price lbvaof wQI bo paid OP ORANGtl. at 10:00 o'cloclr a.m. • .., tbe 2nd • . · er~ and, tltlu, ha -a • 6pe. So.aey! Ute ~-A ia spstt time AT HOWlf. NoditU .ar~~· loss. It's a cldipful . ol "tooinl ... and how it Ttl jl 12( .. ..., __ ML•Ml t• LONG · HA.CR '05-· Let us • .u ,.,.. ALL about I ••.18'!1, __ .... · -•·"1 . it Oil ~Telephone. -......... llS •. Ll Cl--~ ..... 1 ............. ~,. ·ap.1 UAOZ<Jia. D~. 11: DI ~t Flfda 51.. · · LOltO KACH. CAUP. c:J Pill.I HO•I T~Tlll•T-t would llM your ~}Mr con.Mi~ '9 •M lie aitr.e holl'lll tJ•m+rt• •lthOvt oWlgaUon. 1 0 .... PICTURI M!OK~-"'°'°"' FME -thlt ttle 1M he!~ ~ 9JU of HCPs! ud Mw to Nin • 1M19 JOVthful tooldng ngart. "° coat Of oOBptlcln, Sent In PLAIN enwelope. • . ' I I. ' , Ad4t I .c1t1 I I ·············'"'······ I i lllAllllOJ ADI •MPVIST lad< 8. 8ml" dPt. -ol Mr. ud _Mn., 811''tsa L ...._U. el 111 iA.tk •treet. S~wporl """' recehe. __,_ &.lld 'lolo ........... for prtnte ftnt c-,,.._ ~ ..... L ~oit 7 • iturtns • ,....,....... btli EM'el beW l"Ml8lUJ . a$ U1e Loi Al9mit.-Na"'&I: Air Station Pfe. Smltb waa a mean- .... o1 -_. nm (nduatt.r -· ,.. ..... a.. ..w - lie ~ te a -"">' field ID -ol IM V9'a1q ~ No. A·:t051t d&J of JaoU&1'7, 19112 at Orango N-of HMrlnc PollU-f .. County n11e Company, City of .----------1----...... ,---.------• a..... OINetlnc Clo••OJ •tt af llaata All&. C..11a17 of o..nge, FOR OOllPLETE B.,.RJI08 NEWS OOVEJIAOE HARBOR HI · LITES - lute of Callfontla. · • 8-1 Pro!l"rly !!old oa Coatnct Dated December 3"1, lt!ll -TWICE A W~ - Mia Hilliard. Harbor'a jounla). ..,. Ott:«leo&. ALVIl:RO BlllClNI I , I lam &/Id typl,,. t .. cher. uJd, .. r11 Ia the Matter of the -ate of Vandor NEWS • TIM~and THE PRESS stay 'home and cat ch up on the LA WREN CE L.. MmNNU, aJ.eo D . R. HIQL&'T, work I haven't done durlnc the known u L. L. lilENNll&, RUTH E. JDOLJEY e~.so pe year .&.I... Both school ~r." Deceued. Vend.ee ~ ..,.- "My fe wlD probably mal!e Notice la hereby given lllat the No. 77S-j>,_ i NEWPORT R UBLISHING 00. m e do tbe Orl.atmu lhopplng but peUUon. of {taymond H . Mm.nu, Publlabed 11/JO/&l l 'U enjOy·mY.e11 MUnl' the tur--S:ui:utor ot the Eat&~ or IAw--------~..,--------------,­ ke7.' confuee• Mr. ,Harryman, rence L Menne.1, aieo known u who teadle• phyalology, pU1cl L. i.. Menne1, dtteutd. ror an and blolocY. orc1or authorising and dlHCUna Mr. Sidney Davld9o~ prlnctpal the utd Exeeutor Of tbe Dtate of ot Harblr Hlch. piano on etal'inl:. -dec-t to ...,. .. Y u.. prop: borne and enjoylag hla t..,..Qy "'1lo .V berelnatter deoer!bod to B. H . W\ll be 'borne trom achool tor the l'.llltman and Be-mil.a H. Eut- holk!ays. . man. Huaband a_.qd Wife ln com- "I am pla.nnin1 to paint my pll&nce wtt.b the terma ot the bou.&-a.ny .bel1> would be :ippre--.recment ot sale-and pun:h.ue elated," aid Mr. J oseph Hamb-entered lnto by deoedmt ta hi• let. vice--prlncip&J at Harbor Rlcb. lifeUme, u 1eller, baa been .. t for Bots aad Dubee bearing in Department No. 1 ot Mary Stewart a.nd Chuck Bab-lhe above entitled court on tlle bltt haw been aering-a lot of ea.ob UUl day of December, 1951, at other. l wonder what thb could 10:00 o'clock A. M. mf'a.n ! Tbe real property to be convey- But repnla and congratuJa -ed 11 de.MTibed u follow.: tlona to Phy&, Be&rd.sley &nd Ted ·That cerutn real propt:l'ty ~ Polmen. "'Itel! tn UM County of Oranf", lJtUe Dona Sedinger bu hid 8tal6 of Ca.Utonlla, more par-. aJJ ol her Ume taken up for qui~ Ucu.LulJ ·deacribed u follOW9 ; 301ne time by Gary Smith "'ho la The North " of the followinl": '"olnc to Clt.remont. That portion o1 Lot loot of Wot"d came that Darlene Ori!-Newport Meaa Tl"act, ()aunty of flth and Yvonne Howard, the ln-On.nge, State of California aa aeparables, are golnl' steady with per map recorded in Book '5 at twQ. ttllu from Bre~llrld&. page l of the Mieeellaneou What does Gary Jlodc'era waJ)l Mape and Recorda: of u..ld Of'<' fOT Chrtatmu ! My gueu la that a.nc-. County, described u fol· be wante Dewn P . or Barbara 8 . loW9: BectnniAf at the Soutb Meny Cbrlrunaa. Guy! But Corner ot nid Lot loot; The neW'8t steadies &re Marcia tMace WNterly along the SouUI Taylor and George Bak~r. line thereof 1.SG feet ; Ut.en.ce Merry Ctlriatmaa and a YHY Northerly parallel to tll;e J:ut Happy New YM.r to you all. line of aid lot, 82.!S feet; thence . ' CMful,,,.....,,. -f .......... ~ 11Gf«y c:odu,,,.... "'4>/lpnc ~"' Taxable Propea ly in Orange County Averages $2015 BuUrly parallel lo the 9out1l line ot aatd Jot, 136 feet to a ·point. Oii lbe Ea.at line of aid lot; then.., Southerly &Ion( - mut line, 82.5 fttl to the pollll of lleglnnlll(. Doted: December µ, 1951. HOW IElEPHONE DRIVERS G'ARD Y .UR SAfn1 ~e ~~,is ~ important . ~f ~ jo~ · · j • • B . J . SMITH COUnty Clerk and Clerk Ot . aid Superior Court. By B. )(. HEAD, DeputJ. t111tt11111 •·er t1•1.P ........ ... ....... , i • • • ' ' • r I· • I . ' . . I lie M•ll• l•ll ND• "I.Ar o•111>r JIQl.m I County f i..".;.J. A..!.!-~ out of ""'7 --l"VT ~-Aid to C1•111tloll dnd -'" -a llUtfet ....,. H•s Xm•s Pronr-per ......... IL ii ,,.., lo --.. )"' ,. -·I A. tomporvy --Ille doooli't .... tile ~ of a . SOW&-_.... t.1118· w· Shopo . • Olfbl ... u., --plfS .... f : -'!\ " •-,..... • ~ ... -• ....,. t COM t..:.!..._ cllabc la. ...... .... pod:I u • 4' ~ , _ quattj>• toj1poi1 - -_. Rio lf<IKlo rt-to NII••"' _,_ dinner put)'. Nln<t1-nlM out ot The °"':"Ir• OOUDty Art "----------------==----------s-Uon OD ~ 'l'elo,nph eftl')' lllllldnd mm llate a bu.lf<;l daUon llold Ito rqul&r meelln&' an road and l'l•re>c• a.... • wu supper bec&UM thoJ an forced lo l?<c-11 In the \l'Ullerloni 1!""'7 ow Oqlllpm-.t a( ~ ~ 1. I MG .... Gr . llllr!l j llllllCJll -... --I -·dW>a. i.p. balll, did> w1tia, '-0C4' M OU.J> per 1ctnt bdo'\I' -&II-" I d. and ...,, ~"' l'Jlflq pdpt-. ~-Ill Ille -.-rtar la ta~ ftlcome 117 thla Wade: E. Fal>chlld' ..,..._ bf. .l , .-rc!.'DC W 'l'IPllliula 0. opo11«11 Dec. I., i-. A.ulAla\oblle Jucflle a p1ata a-yon u..1r lecmrw • • • Cl,llb or Sou~ c.utornla ,.. '-· . ,_..,_ sportsman. ' • ,tile. -In;: of Jl!a """' D\eD'• Bone fOUrtll .si.trfd. -""• of porta. N-C<>mN a Dt\W froduct lo ' The ~ for tile """'1ng WU Tiie. road, .,_er ll•klc• Blvd., wtn male cueote &.-.s lo lllc -~ Robttt. Nupnt. ext•-eut rrom the lnlerwecllo!> Id .. or buffet wppen. The new J'rom lb& Loe AnJ•I .. ~ty Mu- of Oarlleld and Gage • ..,. ... to pds•t. -.lied a ''1-p caddy," lo aeum. wb<!re ahe clV .. le<lurco Twe<dJ IA.no and Paramount a gre«t hclp In oolvlnc the p--aiul • pllery to lka on_ art. Slit Blvd.. midway between F!orence lem oC •ting a butret mee.t on the &bOW!!d • collecUon of alldce of ~....,,.. and Anllllclm T•l•JN9h tap. crcat paJnlln~ 111~1 ''Tile road. The "Lap C.ddy" lo a 1lrlp of Chrlabnu Tberne In \Art." THu lt detouta around the site of roltoo dt:n.lm that spreads acrc.m collect.Jt>n wu formed by Dr. Aloia & bridge whlcb wu waahed out the knee. Tbe denim stri ha.I Sch.artt of Aust.rt.a; The pe.!nUnp A clover firm lo Incl""• w1UI a llab!:rdlllbery .a( 1200 .eoiult Jllsll-. Ille I ~late Bo&rd of IDllD•ll•Jcm Chrlotmao fltl to Ille cotra: bu way, Corona dd MaJ, Mjr. l"al,.. 'I'lllo ./WW be Ille flftll .... c lllift iua made Ila appearan'ce. caJled cllUd -tor tht post ii1' Y0¥9 op>· In whlcll u.e. -a( ' ••golfer'• cryinl' towel,'' tb• rated a men's Mop at ~CfJM stu-~ ~na bu ea 11~111 &mllllnC Pl' ·towel la lllllllraled dlo, CUlwr City. Mr. ~.rchlld $3, ,000,000. . . ' , wttll ~ aqd •. _... why~ hla wife, diadys G. ld,1 -~+---------- 19'UU1 don.ti break-IO. Made of h&vc recently completed ulld!ng ..-• • abeorbent cotton toweling In sreen a new homir at 216 Fernle&f, Co-• on while, It may be uaed u a rona del Mar. The F*.lrchlldl S . ii.. ' towel, bib, or apron. plun on moving bero ...In from N .Cjl q ' In 1838. P are from many countrlem &nd.-from , pocket. In ... h end for a knife, about 1000 A.D. 1o 1700. Tiley An)r goiter Who U. m(¥ed a Cheviot Hillll. The new j'Corona ..4ol.1,_(·rt J put, dubbed a drfv., cir llj>Cllt two def Mar ahotf' b ~ Wade Ill' h<>Urs In 'a IUldtrap la sure lo ap· E . Fairchild's. • CAI.If ..... llMf - -Opportunity lo lmocklnJ In lark, -napkin. rt-. cigar-allow • irnat variety of ...... CJ..A8SIFIED A.OS. I eta. and matcbea. blMd on the Chr1atmu story. P~1at, the -humoroua .. crytng ••·W• • • r 111 t towel.. Everybody reada the ed ada. , NEWLY APPO~'"TED TO STAFF Of !Utb lldaatry Reslmeat. ('amp Haqen, lo pen, ( 40th In!. Div.) i. ~laj. Lor<a P. Luk•M, 1 ~11 known. Corona dt!I Mar resAdmt. · ('lOth Inf. Div. Photo) MAJOR LUKENS, CDM RESIDENT, HAS NE POST IN JAPAN WITH 224th IN ANTRY REGIMENT HACHINOH E. J apan. -?o.tnjor·.,_-------. ----- Loren P . Lukens. 621 Poppy St., $ t d p rt Corona dcl Mor. h .. twcn anpoinl· d Ur ay d Y eel to the staff of lhc • 224lh In-C M fontry R egiment al Camp lfaugen. at OSfa eSa Japan. I Before his r.;"ational Guard un it for Riding c ub wu recalled, Lukens was employ- ed by the Los Angeles County As- sessor's office as a bu1lcll ng ap- praiser. His wife". Kathrine. and two chjJdren. Loren E., 7; and G il, 3, live at the Corona del Mar adrtreu. The 'forml'r 3rll Dattnlion CX· ecuUve officer ~ut·Cf'C<ls Maj. ~arl<'s S. Devt>r. 11 l 1'-f nnll'rcy Rd, Orange, as r1·~ional Ofll'I·· attons and training-orf1cC'r . Dl'· ver hu &Mourned con1r.1and of the 3rd battalion. Lukens joined tho 224 th in April. 19-Q. shortiy aftcr its or- ganizaLion joined lli5 part of the •Olh Infantry Division. H e began h.la current term or active· duty when the division was r('call<'d t o federal M!rvice from National Guard status in Seplcmbcr. 19~. He rejoined h is unit overseas in June of th!s year after attending an Army school in the United Statce. Main c l<~m.•nt..g or lhc 224th &nd oth.-1r •t Oth uni.ts had landed in Japan three n1onths earlier. Lukens scr\',C"d more than fi'V~ years in tht' Arn1y dur1n~ and fol· lowing W orltl \Var IJ. 1-1 1• wa.s a mlUtary s;:ovcrnment officer in Korea afte r the J 11panese sur1·cnrl- er. Prcv(oUflly he-had b~·f'n at- tached to the 6th Marine Division t=ng the Okina""·a campaign and served w ith a n n.n t1-ni rc raft 111lit in the ['anama Canal Zone. -. Mitchell Returns f'tome From Korea !"Lt. (j f:'.l Charlrs M. Mitchell. 'ySN, of •lI8 Ea.st Ot·t•an Dnvc. )a.tboa. a rrivl-<l 1n L.ong Beach 8alurda)', Dec. 8 Aboard lht• h<'BY)' 'ffu18er USS H(•l<'na. after morc- Jhan eight ninnth!t of action against th<' cnn1munists 1n l<orea. Upon RTrival in Kurra. the Selena rrli<'v1•d fronLllnc prrssurc '" our troop8 hy blnstlnJ: railroad lr1dges and roal'I junctjons and tbfllcting heavy damagrs and cas- a.lliee on f'ncmy troops ut Koa- ong. At Wonsan Harbor the Hc l-•na ~Iv('() one direct hit in a !lei)' duel with cnt'my shore bat- «j'tes. Only four men received ,rwior wounds. ln August thr ship .,.oved in to w\Lh!n 20 1nilce; of UJ.e Ruasian bort.ll·r Lo sup(JOrt alr ~· .. AJlbough z iJ:ugs;:in g and man. W.IYKlng at high spt:"l'da, thle Hel- )na WL!J hit with a Nl.Jvo at Hung- .ir,.m during a heavy dut•lmg SCS+ slOn with enemy shore balterles. :A.4er _alJencing the enemy guns, '?'• ahip head\'d "home." , ·: ~Tl"!' CRUISE DRESS ' • From California d~lgner Addle M.a.1ters come• a crul.e dreu wtlb 1, gay. festive air. Her deairn la a >Wfo-piece cnMmbl.e. conatsllng of • ii.avy Kbcatb in Enc. co\,ton t.op-•Jl<d by an ovcn:tn.. In .lively al· · --mont.1 white dot prlnt on a na.vy .round-· Tbe ov~rd:ress tea ~ a~ v.·a lat deep alash.ed arm· ooi...al>IOld<dm~.andacao­ cadlq lklrt "1tl> a brilliant "'!I to .add a oplaah of color. ' .. ; ''l'O llaOIL ·ll'llo:o;N MDl'8 Wlllle Mae ilot!•ni, dintctor, '1come EcoaOtll'~ 0eea-t. Gay holiday e vent for mcmbcrs of the BooL'I and Saddle Riding Club will be thcir Cbrl.stmu party Saturday, Dec. 22. l'llartlng at 8 p.m . al the clubhouse on the Orange County Fair grounds. Among the features of the evt>- ning v.·111 be a gift exc hange, chicken-in-box 50l"ial. delightful entertainment and refr<'Shments. according to Virginia B,aker, pub- licity chairman. • At the regular meeting of the club held Dec. 10, epeclal sue11lll W C I'(' Mr. and Mrs.. Walters. mis· stonaries from Monument Valley, Ariz., on the Navajo lndl&n reser- vation. (>r. C. E mmerson and Or. Paul Butch.er s howed motion pic- tures of the ·distribution of c loth- ing and other Items to the 1ndla.na lhE>re. Mr. Walters gave a 11hort talk on t he Navajos, telling about their life and neecb. Mr. and Mrs. Waltc>rs have worked wtlh this !)articular tribe fo r 12 years: Other visitors Introduced were Mr. and Mrs. D . J . Carlton. son· in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Beck. Pere Fuller invited all club m e mbers to attend the potluck dinner at El Rodeo. Jaguar Produdion Increased; U. S. . . Gets 85 per cent Factory production of thr Brlt- L-.h Jaguar, and In particular pro- ductiOn of the dlstlngulshed Mark VU. ha.s be-en etepped up in the past six montru. and approximate- ly S."J per cc"nt of the output Is now coming t o the U.S. market. Frllnk W L"lhon. local J agi.1a.r d"al<'r, said hrrc today. In .5plte ot the heavy demand for lhe.sc di~tinctlve ca ra., Wi~hon ff'rl~ that dC'hvcrie" of t.he 1'-t:Rrk VII Sedan will be good throughout lhf' Chrlstma.s sea.son. The new. and ultra-.smart XK- 120 Sport."J Coupf', a hard·top ver- sion of the famC'd XK-120 which hold.11 nUmerou.s speed · and per- formance record.11, haa ere.led a ~real deal of inlere«t here and orde rs arc being t&ken, with flrmt deliveriea 8Cheduled for F ebruary or March . British Moton1. IncotpOt"aled. at 1209 Coast Highway, La the local • , authorized dealer for Jaguar. They carry a large laventory of factory parts for all mode)a. and have factory tnat.rlicted service men l.i\ thelr coinptele oervlce department. , HJGHWAV LC\"'K OPEN The first 1ia1c of the teloc&twn of U. S. 395 north of Temecula wu ope~cd to· motorletl Dee. 8 it wu •ui~ced by Ule Automo- btle Club o( Southern C&lltomla. The new atrtp of hJOlway nms from one mDe north of Temecula lo tho IAter.ecUon of AJllelope road. r ... , lnltes -ot Murrieta. dmlnl Cotpontion, .. d-that. 'la brolllilg ,.,,. .. Ile.Jc. ... chope. -~~toe tow..,.t from lllOYJC 'l'O l'lmlNliJLA · ;a;, lu 11'•1' lU!it to pnmnt Ult lfr. ane-....._ Ha11t 0-- Mt --bUrnlq .. Illa ...... -1-ly ol eor-. ... -· 1w lid •It lo C<Jalplelel,y b&ft'2!0ftd lo UN CM-1 aa.G, ........_. • BotlbOe. T""'::.. ~ ' .. . ~ ·- • •• -E .. . SEllE TIE FllEST. CLEAIEST TlllEY TIAT •••Er. CAI llY. ' •••• L. I. IE' a I A S A S P EC I A L 11 Y t I T I 11 E Y I A 11 t I A L L T I E T I I I I I I'S .Tit~ 10 YOll ClllSTIAS SIOPPlll EllLY Ill It YOll Fttl SIOPPlll EISIEI IT YOll '!ft'~~~ 34JI IUMIHIMI HI HO CRACKIRS ·POUND IOX PACIFIC c•AC•••• POUND IDX THIN PLAKIS 29J •ATH'I 1• oz:cAN """" CORN.ID BllF HASH :-~·~43J OCIAM IPliAY POUND CAN CRANBIRRY SAUCi ca•n••U•Y 21 OI. JAR MINCIMIAT ~"'"' 'f"I dl. -ait:E.~/ PAR·Tll SHERBET TWO "'"'' 7 OI. CAN TOP·IT A J)6t..tCIOU S Wl-l-'1-'~D TOHl"H6- LllaY'I 1"4 1ls'.:us.. NO. 21\CAN FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY'S N0.2'>CAN PUMPKIN tLB• 13 ot.S,. PUMl"I<.'"' 1'ffF 17 I ..,, ... i...,..,/ c • I LI. 12 0%. IOX -r N-<!1€ MO.•Nt•'J CREAM of WHIAT "-="'? 31 DIL MOMTI N0.2 CAN / UJ... .. o••• ASPARAGUS ~.,,.IJ. ·t~/ 46 HUMT'I Ml•GIT ·SWllT PICKLES I OZ. JAlt 27 LIMDIAY'I lllDIUll PITTID 7iOLo CAN RIPE OUYES .?'k·· Ju-d ::Jrw(/ WILL APO I MT 10" OI .CA" OYSTIRS ~01111 •MALL 10 0%. PKO. aROCCOLI .,,.,.,u'"' I 21 ' c.4.Lad t. sa.u.e '. c 2"-POUND PKO. · 'j!,,,j_ • STERLING PEAS. ~;3"tt 59~ 12 OI . PKO. 'J.,,_c,,&.,a-d_ I/~~/ 1 MIXED YEGITAaLEI 21 c 12 OI. rKO. a.'8~?0!<~ .PEAS -x~/ ~fG~S MIDIUM' 1~ M! ~ v ••A•• A•w;-r YOU'LL PIMD LOTI Of • CMallTMAI CANDiii ~ AT YOUa ALPHA DITA. ~ • = c RIS c 0 'TH~EPOll~ CAI 89~ . I C 0 FF EE~. CH SE & sal1011 79ci , I BEi lll · . _____________ ,. ' p 0 u. D C· A. I .. . ALPHA BETA -.HER·Rt£· . MEL ·O·$WEET 3 91 CIOCOLAT~ COIEIEI · POU•~.BOX -' CORN llBLETS , YACUUM AC• . Ill OZ. C M QUALITY MIATS·l._"'=- 0 11te_C1' FROM OUR: ~Q(.11(.IMG-\.\OUSE GRADE· A . I ,.. 0 • • TURKEYS 41.l~/ ( O'VEN READY BROAD BltE~ST~D '}~;~ EXTRA FANCY · ' ~Ill 29 J fOlll CELLO Ill HA M s SllllEI 1L1ft.r't{ c ·-=-=-·~•T..:;:..E=-...;:::..i::.::.IN::..=..::G:;;----.:.~ . . I . IEllY TO El1 · 76. I UllE PACIAIE , 29~ IEllll SIZE "'CA""' GROUND BEEF c' LAtlE ••c1a1E 29! Ptlll CELLI ••• ,..... 7 o""' . I 7.4 I ...;::c;;_;;:_;:;;;....;;::Eo...=E~'-------" C · Llllf PIClllE 21~ CAPE COi c LlllE ELERY ~. ~ I ........ u .... ....... ...... . . I -~~~ L • .l:RC WE tGO 1NT0 T~ LA$T rn ' NO ONE W IL~ HAVE. WHAT W[ CALL •JtH( ' I • 'K.." lotAN All YOU WANT TO FOa CHRIST· DAY": • ..... ~s : s•1 ova r111 Tar VVALlTT c LICTIGl or IBTMAB 'Tllll POR SAUSI E ·1: ti · I -:· ,; ntEM·s $Tlf L _A LOT ~F' L~ST MINUTE • WE ' R£ 00 I H I T TOih. IUT J WJ.Nf TO J." •• - ST•A MINUTE ,..15" YOU AU. A TR!A"I' . ' t1..''"'"I '"·111:1 .... - . • 1 T •• r M ..... Te!!Jl, . . ..... ~·· aa : MAYMllAI.. .\ OUA1T1.9e P•T.1 o -r11e ,.,,.,""' le•& >' , . '• _;_ 1lA..-•1• a ... ••oz .10Tn1tl~ ...ca. ~5hdtd... II O& ..... 19 11oz . .ia1 l94' • • . , Ill Hori M.~ lHt JOYS OF CH IS:rMAS wU K You.ts nttS YUR. " ff.CTIYI ... .,.., ...... __ II' •• .,._ • ' • - I • )