HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-03 - Newport Balboa Press... ' , .. ( .. '• ' MESA .BOY. BARBOR· ... 'Delivery G..,...•t11d D.-llvtry ot the Nf'wp<>rt Harbor ="""~·l'r.-,." I• c11arant~ AU '""ll.t ('If lhl' c •. nrn111n1ty a re rap- l•ll\' bl"lllJ: pl11,·.-.1 <>n ""rr1.-r d.- 11\ "r Can h'r b.l\·11 y.·111 dt'llver I he ir pa1lt-J ~ 1i .. 1.11 «' 6 p 111 on M~' !nr -.nJ 1'h111 ~J·~" If your r·~r '" v rnt tlr•lwC'r<'J by lha.t hour pl"""I' ""ll ll•rb.Jr 1e1e and a •i-. 1·1al 'ro ull' man wttl \qlmf'dlatil1 r..-~p.,011 "'11 h ·your C'opy of yqur ·DROWNS · PRE.SS . . ) Phone Harbor lf\16 :-.: .. wpor t H arbor Nt'Wa·P~u ' NUMBER 66 Nt.:WPO~ ·BEA~ CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 195:> .. . ' FIVE CEN'M . . . -.. -1N BATH . Richard 'Norman'-r-. Rodinan~ .13." .DieS in H~me Tragedy I ~ ' " A 13-yea.r-old Costa Mesa ~y'drowned while taking a bath at the fatnilY home yesterday. Young ~ichard Norman Rodman' of 164 Merrill Place. Costa Mesa. was found lying face down in. the family bathtub some ten minutes after he told hia parents he Wiil\ going to take a bath yesterday mominJ;. Tbe b-0\ly Wtl$ tak• n to the The. boy'., fath<•r . \\'111i&1n H '·f'Rrk<'~·P.1111·}; Mortunry, Cn:-tR Rodman, told comer's 1l1<p11tu 11 the :'>fe1111 wl>Prt' ari 11utnp~y "1u P•·r· youth h11d not mad,. 11 "111111'1 wh•'n f11r1111 .1 !al" lt••l 1 '"l}l. A11t• rsy hi' Wt'nt UJl to tftkl' 11 httl-h .. He :<Urg1•0llR plf\C't'd lhe o·aUN> of d0·lllh •aid hf' :"'(On1rd ab<111t the )'t1110K· t•l tt!tphyll.1a due 10 ur11\1·111n~ Th~ • •ler. looked 1-1 the bathroom 111,1'1 11uri:rni;is rt>ported tht'y .. nut.I I 1:td • folln(I him !lnatlng on trot• <•f the "" blnPd do.ts to sh11w th~ huy water. ,. ' had fl\lnlt>ll or }>asi<r'<I out. Thr Richard'• l :'>·yea r-11ltl bro I hf'r •. lhr_1~nzed he Hull Callen Into 0ll\e William H. Jr .. 1 SPI\ 8<',,llt, Hf'· tut) fal'e otnwn nnd hnd bf'l'll. un· plied artlflcl•l, ri•11p1rr.t~1n u n\11 ahlo• tn f'l'f<'t ~111111!'• If. lhr pollc:e drp11rt n1rnt 1H11I " 11tM· Th" b•iY""P.~ nl:su ><~r\'1~.J b>' his , cu81tAtor an-ll'f'd on l ht l!<'t"l11' Tht·• motht•r . M~rial n nd'™'n or l l'le f'eNUI' offh-1al• ~·orkr1I un thl' <"011ta Me:111 sddr1·11:1.'r'unPrul 1f•'r· body lo• ruore j.han an hour ''""'"arr rwndmg, -...--- ~-. , ._GOD AND COUNTRY MEDAL PRESENTEQ Dials ·.for ·Harbor Slated Year rrs MISS 1955 . FOR HARBOR AREA lluag Hospital'• N l'w Year's baby wa. .. a ht tie lote l'Ollllnl!. not making her <kbut into t he world until 6 :3!1 p.m. Sut111 • day. rar··nts .,f lll<f_ ~ ·i:•• 1 are :'>Ir. 111)11, Mrs H enry Phl'j;'ley of 212 20th !'I. ~hone ·Co. Investment ·of . -..---....., $12.400.000 for C.ounty · '. Conversion of Orange County's/\ast manually-operated tcl<.'phone <.'Xchange. Newport &arll'R J-l arbor, tQ dial wtq . h-begin lat~ in Hl5f>. This wa& th~ statctnl'nl of J amea S. Cant- IOOM AHEAD? · 1 a<.'n, vlce-pr<.'i;iU.l 'aREl gesu.& Jnan!lgcr o( th~ Pacilio Tel .. C• a· ·1 .· phonf' and Tel<;~raJ>h Co: in Los Angeles. .. . 1ly UI ding C'aplta..i u11rro,· .. mrnt !4' 'an· "!~o .. x1~irria;1on pm)l'ram ln 'th• hlltor7 • 11d1<'llUlt•il for Garilo·n Grlwc Rhd., of lllf' ,.nmp1'"y In Soul.hem Call• IA Upsw1·n· g as Anahtlm w hll'h IHI' 1<orrly rrps,J,.c1 fo111la. B•'Omin,,:;·lnc:rellllf'I In 5!: , t~1 k~l"p f'Kf<' with bu'J'<'nn1ni:-pop· Ull\lwn Rn<I b1111ine11t throu"1 l D be E d ulntinmi tAnll busin6".• imd indit,;-tho ~u111hl11nd ts rNipon•lble or ecem r-n s tr111~rnwt.J1. ,•·i.i.:urt'.,. of .1ht! ph011•' ~:"1111111 .. r 11nrrnv~9lrnt~, CanUtll • · . r<1111P1111'' l\•'~'""u"' impr~i·, m .. ntll · A rm or thr '"'m an a crordl.nc Wrth 6!1 bu1lohni.: p.-rmH,. f1•r In <•rn ni.;t· ( •llllll\' al< Sl.l.ff\0 !1\i() • t ~ y, 11 l t Oe1'"''lb•·r L1l\11hni.: $[1:!6,0:17, No•\\'· for 1!1~~1 . $j·l.:1111 il(lo m 1!1~16; and 10 i I.I·' /'Xr''l'll~l\'~i •·I~ I' m na • port Bt'llfh 1 llll,t1·11o"t1,.11' 111 tl\~ly SI~ HHl 110() In U:•r.7. .an~· wu l "~ .11".11ll~ll rh any~· for l!l51 1o•a1tw1t $7,M>.l.:?711. 1•11i.-In t•tdir lo t !ll \'t'tt thr Unr·· ",'"""r"1~1Y~''1"rf' ",· ou ~m _, • I , . . l -, , . om 111. '" pan n l'Xpan ... oo ..,90 ROBERT RULE . BOO'KED .. . . . One of the ~.nors among Boy Scout awards was bestowed up6n Roland Bar ... cume, 17. son of Mrs. Ruth Barcume; 707 Heliotrope Ave., yesterday at the Newport . Beach First Church of Christ, Scientist. Roland received the covet~ God and Coun· try medal before a 1froup of hi!f family and friends. k ent King11ley, first reader in the church . is shown makt'Qg the presentation to Roland while his mother proudly lo0ks nn. t'rom left, Cecil Fife, Scout exfCULive for the Orange E mpire Council: Rolana. l\ing~Jcy, .Mn1. Barcume, Fabian Stolaroff, church counselor for Roland for the aw_a_rd ancT '1'\latt W'ai~elich, Scout ?-raster, Troop 81, to which Roland belongs. Roland is a HC'Oior at Principia School in St. Louis. H~ is the first member of the Newport Beach First Church of Christ, ~cientist Sunday School to ~eive the high honor. -StafL Photo ng \\ llhin $1.• :'\,1,l u( t 11•, I '.1.l l)nr ex 1·hani:<' to1 ol1al ll will ho' II 1 · I · rl • •-r <, • .,., , • • ,\\ I f'•'rllH ~11 f'p \'Inf: p v. ... ..a~n u -:-' 0112 ~--A. M ;-.:,,1""'· 111•1'i·i<sury t•• 1uld a· ... , u m.i Rl.rory tt.l' 'phun .. hn<'I\. ror 1111 lh<'Mi now on bu11,11ng J ll .. J'"l l<>1, aonuuno I'd l o· lht' ':'''"' 'nno·r· Ip amt · St•• .. 1 <"I'll· p.i rt v litll'll "'-·tu• del'n'l!i Individual fOR AlTAtK ON GIRL d11 y. trnl ..,ff.,. .. h~u . ni: at :11 1 !-:. Ht1l· lif'r\';l, N ro\'••mbf'r'l< 60 "\'r1111t ' Wl'll' ... Ill I \\' ...__ 1>11'"" •' .,,,a ,., • n •~•!'! '"111111 w:ii< :\1·" 1><•11 D<.'A<'h Improvement.. ln N·Ew LIQUOR' PR.·OBf $376.6 '•. show1n1: 8 rAlh•r :-hlUf) ('llnMrlll'l l'•I l 1111ntl11l 1t•n .. llll•I Un· Lh.i flur bur cxc~e c~ for tb• -:--_ I . I ~ifn--lo@,_J15, . ~aims . She Was Beaten ~I--Soldier Kirby W.omen Die BUtome . . • • •. llfl"\\l'• p wh11'll 11h!Ci'l\1 Ill IJ· Ir·\\' tlt>ri:;rounol f&bll' \'llUlll! \\t'tl',prv· e xpl'll•hlllre 11f S!l!I0,000. Thi. m· / , .. rluolo·M llw r r .. aUon of a ..con 'A 111 • nny into th1:1 ~"R I I \'1tl1•.t for R fn\J1 l:<t01°" C'Xl'ha1wf' -d• • '10STll Kltt:\1\1>0 \\S ancl ofl1r e hulltlrn,:. fluor on thr r-nt bulldln&' to. ,, • Ln~t n1t.nU17" brtr.~ilm\'rl hy I At't'Orthni: \11 1 ·antlen. h111 rom. pNr\'hl" 6:.!00 llQ. !L Of addlUoflal SLATED. WED~SDAY cah·$;"r t.'i< l'ht1w11.l'< ~mi:I•• f ... n,~y I ~n\' 11 rll "f't n.J ~:?2:1.0011000 m '"'"'r l'pa1·.-Prl'Mnt ICJltaUUn1 of I unit.s h• utlu•~ I h t lu•l \Ill h $,I Ii,• (.'11 hfoi nla "' rr the n~xt 2 1-m unth. lht! r&lllf'MY c11llit for bide to be :. -. 300 whit.. fllu r rww l'Ornmcrcu•I )krw•I. TI1r vxra11'<inn is a11nrd to -ipenf'c! un the buhdlnc alter June SANTA .(NA IOC'NSl -Ro· bert Rule, 2 1-yrar·alit •"ldtec .8'\n of N.WJlOf'~ctl mt11'l\iinl wu bnokf'd Friday on atturk by rorc:f' an<l VIOlf'nfC and Alll'hlJ111 v 1.ttlark. T hr •ll'ltl'd VICLlm 111 a ~e11r-olrt Anahrim (lrl. Rull' l"'"'t<'rt S:lc100 b11tl ILtld wa11 .rratp4"<1 t ins m orn· Ing In 'An1helm·f''ulkrton Jttuflll'i· . l<othr yn J<lrby. utranged I' or "}o•lrt'h -K~ ~e Cl'''l'land n11l~lr" &nd daughlf'T Mrs. F:hulwlh Plt\.lt1nc:k, wf'rt d('A•I In hNI to<IRy at thr ir :i-;o r,,.,.l 2:?n1t St.. C11st• _ uptl:! Dt\"unl•«I h•r Sl!ll .MJ_1r. 11r,. brini: phy .. !cal !Arillttt·~ or tht' j t with rompleUon 11et for •Ix twn-_<111111 Y 11"'~ Ch\.-11\lon_ rrarhc•'1 ut1htt up •'11ual lo-thl' pat~"rn month11 lherrl\flf'r. Dlal f'C!Ulpme.nt Seal I.a-ch· Poker •-o·n Seen u,5 .. •00. while 1 I r~tt·~. to honus or i.:tJowlh Of the stilt!'. t'Rnll»'n I t.o be 1m1tlllll'J at ,Newport Beach ----. -~ OHr SIOOO t:1lhNJ S·11·1l2·'-• Mid 1t1e 11r•u:r11m nf HD.OOQ,000 wlll bt> cro11ll·ba.r equlpmt'nt, ~r- A. I wa·tness ~urh·' r$•·1p1r'71~)M() to l7comm,l'rl'llll J>f'r month'la th .. bri;g~·st two-y~ar f mllllng nation-wide die.Jin(. pal CourL ~ M('1<n. Dl1trov~ry wtt~ made by Cl~•de S. M,.r.-1ll!ti of :lt 2 :J6lh. St . Whf'n hi> w~nt to dl'llYt'I' l<'e t.,.Jay at 11 :-10 " m . r 11hrr rt'portl'd. Cau~" 11( 1h•11 th \11 t>llll 11nllrr lrt- ~ Poss ble: Principal Ul)ll8 ... • I "" rt'p8 rtt to SANTA ANA !OCNS) ~The ctran~lipt., Robertaon wu ~lJlf E~~:/~~;rsr.~~~~;nJ1t~:;::'~~~: COPS NAB . 7 YO.A . THS Orllng:e County Grand J ury wlll lntervlewed by Crime Committee perrn lt• tallied $1047. . meet Wedhelday mornll\I'. Sub-~UMel Rudolpb Hldley. Halley ll Recap of the year'a building ac-• He w1ll tac~ pr•lunlnary hurfog - J l Lm .. Jill\. 10 l n the aame court. Ra -rtMIJ' admitted tJ\e cllaJ'f9, arcnrdlnic to DPputy F:. !If. rrouil ' p61&3 h'va bffn laaued for 1~ ~r:~~ ~ot;::·:J1~ '=~:?~: :1:! .:~~:t<'!7~ ·~~;~1.:;~··~ IN . DOP~'"':'." RAID RE Bodlu of th• women wue found 10 wlt.neu8, ChJet Aaaataat At:, Robert.oa ~eel "Tu ." ..,, hlJld I.he bulld.lDg para3e, w'blle 2t . .. ..... .... cSaucfl'"' ti\ t he ~ ~ a--1 ......... w....... t.o,.. ---1· new rnmmudal unit.I rtal:hl'd be<1room, thl' m othPr In lire rear. revealed to ()C!l;8 laal Th\11'9day • ,. nv,....... • th. m_,..__ -·•d ..._ ... _, .. to-· ·Hav• vou e had anv . bu.al· $943,2311. followed by 44 twq.fam-. 1 Vf'llllgaUon ' BOTH I~ Bt:o ll&l. R uuf'll Campb<IU, hrad of the Sheriff'• d11pArtmtnt, Juvenile dlvl111on, 1111ld M ra. C~rxe Rule of 4 2(1 MQm 1nr; C11nyon RoAd. brour;ht h«r "°" Into t he Orang~ County Jall for booklnr; ahortly after l It la bellevl'd they had been d.-d -~ ... .,.... .,. nc.u , " " u tt.' rmJta t •1:ie •M _,L ·-.L\.ur!I. AIM> rltnd wu com-alder..,,_ .n~nce" 111 the a.ttor n•u rltaHnr• w11.h Bonelll," Hallf'y Y un pe • • • • • ~o :J •-q 1 d kl BevPn three-family unit" ~•<'hl'd Local Teenagers C.MJht with M•iiuana in Pollce Round-up . manlon Or t h-t•"o thft do" ...... ,.._ n-y g-~--•·a probe of ~ .. un" •• u n&'. ~ " • ' ""' "'yr, ~ ~·~....., -.. ~. Robt'l"Unn 11 llald to ha\'e a.n-$1 i i .100; four IOW'·fam1ly units A itris h1>11ltr wu 1tt lll burning In liquor llcPl\lH! lrT'tgul&rlllea In -e~:\. "Wt'll, l'vl' loaned ,.omt wne Sl~9.000, two 10-ram1ly unit..~ I.hr ll\•1nic room. 01'11nge County . mon!'y to the maa ..• 1 rAlstd tal11e1I $1:?6 000; two • i!-rnnnly A C'o~ta MP~a rhy~11·mn hod been In has tn~rvlew wltb OCINS. c:amralgn m nnf'y for hrm " I un1l1< Wl'l'I' S~:'l-~I; tw1>-10ix farmly CAllrd F ridav t o pr<'11enbe for th,. from his Los Angel<'• liquor ln· Ha llry .. Wiil you tl'JI \hf' com· u nit!! wt'rP S, l.~CX~ ThP U.01lt>r>s ~ _ dau.:hlC'r, 11not nrl~hbo~11 w~r.-..al•I ve~llgatlon hudquartera. Mrut ln mitt"" l!bout tllllt ?.. Bsy t'lull 1! 4-;-.11n1t 11J illtw n \\R!'I Stn.kt'd out Ill a not-door a.part-1 top. The girl and Kalu wn• In "'"' PHOTOGRAPH I S.II RIF~'4 'M"An"'hllf', thl' 1~>-yf'Rr-ul<I AnA· 1 lo have ll<'<'n oo:t'urJtits of lhl' hinl.td the Inquiry may cvr;ne back I Ro hertl'On : "It wa" l!lrlctly for , carn<•d al $3:11,111, hui;llsl 11f its 1 m<'nl IU\J al va.nt11gt' pol11t11 out· lh~ l~ln!r room. hf'R{l 1t1rl ht' 111 arru!'lf'll of 1111u·k· hoUilf' a!tPr thAI. Into Ora.nite County "fulJ·11lnm " camrallfll contrlbutlnn1 and 1 for-1 cah-.:ory. 11hfr for t\\11 llll<I a h11tr hn~r I 0 a the "even would admit lnr; v.a.o talttn tn tht fh1•rur·1 l•I· I J)111m91: t he twt'nt1rll lhe K irbys It W1IJI undersmod the Loa Anitf'ltll i;<t. Th,.re Wll!I poiu1lblv $1~,000 or 1 OTllF.R UI\ 1!'\10:">~ :-;,." 1~11 t Bl'aTtlJ1tihr" 111vl a d•·r · j knowing how the mllr1juana 1ot •nllf11atlnn burr au fu r phnt1>-lh·•••I in 111'\'Cfl,\' fllllll and Mri< probt' Is at a temporary hall bt'· 1 U<'h ~-.. • In nthl'r llAl"l1fh:(lt1t1n~. JN\ 11•· 1· Into thf' hoUll!' or who b~ht It .. -~---rN11""1~-.,.ft-~--""1--+-...---..""0T'l'.n"W11~lD'l"~~TT17'7''1<7f'""'"'~~~~:.:.;.~~;.:.,~~~~:.:;~~;,~~;;~t.,;~~.t)~f;.:~~;j,;in,1tr,.!11;:;;_,t;· ::-;~~~~::4.• · .. , 11 . • 11., 111 ut Y ~t.,.rrlr rs 1!11 11 an o part mt>nt In. Ont' boy wrnt IO tar u to tell l>....: "' I n l11ter tr st1mony. Robr 11on ill .p~11 1 l o1 ul\I' lnl?'11 II\• r ~ ,1, • I , ........_ Juv~ntf.fo Half ru"ll>•I\'. hA•I n ( the Rrvdrl\ Jltlll' E.....,11 Club 11.•lthout a irrand jury. -'d t h I • -"' h am .. 111111·11 W $60:1.:.?:!ll. F nrt1-A:'t al IOI • .,th St. Th11r,,Jny n ight f>Ollll' he did not aee anyt.hln( on .. he <~ -~ _,..... ... o llVC' <' a.m.,u t e mnnry lift! table In fmnt of him -!li:t 1 '11mrh4>ll l'Rt•I• thf' irirl'i< " oiltlf' y.·1th Rule Thursday n 1.:hl. I Mnr11ni::e of Reily Ktrty to !liO <'O~t::"'T r11me from hotrl <'Onlrlb11tton11 to rrJ'·11 ~~ th rrommrn'uil unit" hit I 111'/H lllitlmglit nnlf llonkrit ""''rn . ,. • armA "hOWl'<I M"rRlthr~ !'lhP 111•0 Thi')' l1•(t lhl' \'ll'tim'11 home RIRlul Arci) n 11v111 IAll' l'tlitor ., thf' QuPrlt'd wh<'th .. r A pnndpAI wit· the Bonrlll ek'clioo fund. The St.I .I •••• JI) r wimmini:; 1"1"1" liillr•«I yout h~ "" lf111r1Jllalll\ 'ha rg1•s, I \)ne ( 08tl\ M I!& boy told pOllce h1ul A blll<'k l'VC' ""''" Ir""" tooth, 7:1r. rm \11th 11nolhrr N1upll'. HO'\'f'~I\· lllll~ l'1ttun Will! onr or ,np~~ bl'fore the nr w probe woultl ' pokl'r bllron re<:enllv lo.~t a llf'rlt"S S I'.! ;~tJ. 3ll 1llJ:ll!l ll"1UUlll<'tl , .. s::i.. ("hllri.;••d v.·11h \'1•1111\l••H to( lhP i l)lo> h<ly who t11'n lf'rt -Ing th• aro•ort1rnir to C-11mpbl'll lhP ~<'1111 t!Vl'nl11 or lht. llf'lll•On. be P oki>r Bllron \V. R. Roberl.llon o f ,.ourt &lt('mplll t~ fnrr .. 8 rrl)· 3o7 A trait. r 1•nrk r•·r 11111 llllUI· ho>allh 1111•1 I'll(, t \' 1•o•lr wr11• Slul) l<\VIP" l•·d rm11trljuanl\ on th• table I T l11·y f I hr h•llr t hA•I '1innrr tn t S al 8 h M ll . Id l I h' B I ell s 111(\tl , , . In front o 11m Wllll nn,. w ho WU H" may bf' relPai<rd o1n bAtl n\'rr a 11,.11,.,n ro ~t.iurnnt Jtntl thf'n pto· I.at er thr l<lrhy11 mOl'e.I tn Io • e ""<' . ar n "ou nC\ p<1•1t on on t " 8e11l each b111lot I • Kru~s. I!'. .. r S1<11L11 An" uod Im· I k 1 wtth I\ ti thr w rrk·f'ntl' l'11mpb"ll 111nd hr 1-i·rd• .t to1 :-><1rw.llk ll hrr~. lh~ Rr,.,11•h1111'. ('n~tn M,.,.... t.tl•ll l(11by, rnmmrnt. Ho a sk,.tl whet lnformfl · l hitl wnulol nllow him tn rl'Of\('n """'!4 lllVloh•f'il In ()IJlJilnln" f'<'r· 1 ""~ H l,,11q 1>1111, l'i, nf !1<10 \\' \\'11-11111 ini:-•'IJ:IH'l'l ''~ w en · ti 0(':'\:S h 1 f R .. _ t • hi f .. "Al Cl b" k mil • hrn111:ht tho 11tv I\ tolul cir • , l'"ll'"' hr11kf' In. • h•u1 c'hf'<'k"'' with Mum riplll ('uurt VI• I llll-. .. 11 1 fdi·nil IJ\'C~ Th•• ,.0111• as I he •lflll'lhter wn:c kn£'1wn. hnd I on • • I\• o n,,..,r son I Al'· II Rmt'., rport u fJO C'r _ • 11o;11 f'r , t 11~\a M1·1<a, 11!11111: "1\h -. . .. .. . II If R ' I t ol I Martin th y I ll I-d t d th $21i 'll!S 30 frum I 1°ntrn1·tor11. f . '. . I flf:"()\'t::-1 NAR('011c· an•I fnum1 I hf' bltl 1 nn Hui" l l't Ill ..,.,..,.1110 ,.011plr wa11 lrfl rn Nnrwnlk, J bt•tn l'OClety ~ht<'r of the Brvrrly v 1r11. • r or t'rll r r pa ac:!'. 11 un rrs oo e ex-1\ • Jl11 • n 1lrq 1 11.. JllV• ntlo "· n I $2!'>1\o Hulr, a!"'l',.1 te•ll.v lli;amst Uw ~Cltlr.r~, 11.11d bC'fllmr ll!O~lf'I Y WPre att,.mptin" to trl\r k dow11 a .Loll , AnKefes poll.-rma.n wlll sf'ek ~ . . . f'.:'"" :\o·Wp•:r r I lruh"r ,,,.,, 1,1 11 111" >:•rl 1111N1nr t'me1lly tol1I of· Thf' &ll•l!"f'tl vlrllm .. w.a• t11krn to t1m'1< w1~hr11, ilro\'e In II dt11'1 r nd (('ontln11l'd on Pac .. Ill rumored r1 port that Robert11on -io have a pro poai&kln next plartd [uARBOR WEATHER 1, ·\'l•nr·,.l•I l' rnl~l An• hn\' '11 nl.'r•I I 1• "" I tuH nn•·<' d11rln1t l ha eva- Or11n1• County H Ollf'ltlll ·fr>r r m• r-on l'l1t nl'l'r Bh"t , t.11~ Ani;'rll'M mlRht be r 11llrl1 as a "1tneu. Sf'· on th• April balloL • ~ in 11 ._,.,. f'f•fJu 1. lo a 1:1.,.,.,, ri.~1! 11111i.: nnP of t ho lxlya told Ula t., "'h .. 1 ,.. ,111 , ,. ca1111e nf 1ntPrt<t In in format Inn !CY:r. ROBF.RTSO~ ~ 1 1•1< ol .:art ....._ 'r"" d .. , hr h"Rl'• on" a nrt •ht rt'• itf"nry •<'llP1lf'nl. "' " 1"1'<11."" ,. ' H •1 Foll F r \ l tt1 • !'1111\nf',.'f'd •riju n ... .. ,.. h b ,1•1·c'HT 'f •ftl'I \G.. on ex· ourlh 0 1•trlrl Bol\rd l•f After OC='-"S t old Martfn ot thP Or11n"e C'nuntv -Partly rlo111tv L~Tt't• T\\ ,, l)"Cll'' "" '' • · ,. ' m" 11 a """ num<'ro11• 11rr111r <'ll. 1111,.r~ · • • ·• .... • 1 .... a1 ows I \, .. . ,.. • • ~ • • ' •• •· t I th b th kit. a nd a blark ry,. 111,. ,,,.1,m cllltmf'tl the l'Ullf'l'<'l I Eq1111 1ullon C'hlrf \ lll111m 0 . Bol)· lran .. crlpl h" M id. May~ we 11 tn<lay wi!h f .. w ~howt>r~ fikfl>" Simull.inr"'a.~lv ~CL ER• 1 ~!"n"· rum 1111' •·r e "'>llrh Y 9 ----· --------told hPr h•· fO\'<'d hrr find 'Wlll\lf'd elli Bonrlll h:u bPrn fonr; 11ougbt Sf'e M r. Jlobtrt11on. l c11nt c-om· B••<•ominJ: m.,.•h· t1n11ly with,,,... M •k Cll r,rr·r ~"ii liri ~"'''' Hll•I ~~;.~.111~•.1•1lo·.~~ ~~i~u:~~·~ty:';'k !~: to. rn11rn· bn \\'ht•n llht ""'11'1n t H bo R • I b\• thl' CO rang,. 11n1I Sand Olf'g•> menl nn It right now." . ca.-oinnnl I Pin t nn1i:ht nn•I TU"•· I 11 pl;!\' Sh• rd f .l.111o1·,. HrlTlldbdt t 1,.. 11.uU!oe. ~ dtnltd at •h• A. G. Eldred :011bm1l • th.. rnf.irmant !'111'1, th,: ar r. a1n County rll1lt1 J urtf'8 but "PUllf'S Tht rumnred •ppear&nC'e or Ro· day ;\'nt 11. II h r h An.:· tn tf'mr .. ra· f'nlo ro •I t h .. M'unt ol•••r •• r t i .. j:ll I~ • \ ,., Mlll>kNJ ll. .. u•rer t 111 rnC'k h"r \l 11 h ht• fi.I• hav~ ~n un11.ble to ~trve him with ~rtl!()n and thl' tf'newal ot th~ tu res "1th h1i::h t0<lny ncau 611. h"m", w halo• X• "I•,, l 111, ,, , 1, 1-;.1 \\hi!,. p•ihce we r t w tchlng Ula and fr•rN-d hf'r to ytf'hl to h is •ti· • subpene.. jury llellslonll wu •180 hinted a t 1 l'emllf'ralur'"' the p&.•\ -"""°II &a L}'OI h nnd 11.11 Ti; Ith 11 hr 1\ .. A ~hnrl b11r11t ••(. f'C'll·ILU ha.JI oc~s tohl Mulin that It had • by Grand Jury Jl'orem1n Evt'relt I U1e U1ubor area "f',.,.: "' I •\!ti• .. nf lhr yn ~ prtqr to e s • ''"""<'". '""m" tn :\t'\\J'Oll 1111'" fortnoon &.• lnln rt t f th Kr I ll R h t ld ~· Y.'edn .d•>wn l hr h.1• k •l••1r TI•,. ~·l\1t· r11~k1:.i: the r111tl Th niday nl~t. In Urprlse Th.-n Rulf' '1f'~v .. In an llnll(r u· sc P 0 • e auvrr .nve' • f"eM w 0 0 ..,_, • .., elldlly tllCll Low rn#nl w11~ 11n•lrr 1oh~,r,·atl n t•r -pied hn11~·· rrl 6:>7 t l,tnrnln Bh·d .. rs11nf111l f1~Jr<'• for Xrwport Har· gallons wherrtn Rnbfrt.!IOn ta rt'· l hll j ury wou ld ml't't ap tn Whl'n T ""-8 "'II •1 the IV\hra f••r Ahnut ~<'1< ll•• .1· I Ir• v "'"'' 1hry .o11 two ot th• ,.. hnr llhm1·t'ol .21 rnrhf'l'I nC ra.lnfllll portf'd to hAff admttlt'd contrrbut· contact w..-rada •1th "Ct"rfa ln ~ ~l'"llay, ""'"· ~ ., .. ,,.. ' 11<!•·;1 .'«.•> Q}l~ lQ a 11rkf'd ca r In l°) rrl'•ii Ar,.11.. i.n•I rark1-il nrar 11 In ~""'poet n rarh In lht' cUrrl'nt lnr; to u1 .. ramp11.lgn runlla or Bnn· pl'rtonallUei." "ed•~·~" O.•r. ~9 ...... M l!S """' f1 •tit ur lhr hni111r 11nlf•ll(hl a els· G •11 Pl irarati;:r. "'·"nr.hni: tn th!' \'1rt1m ,,.,.(k rntl .otom1 Md .41 tn Qltta Lelli. M11rtln said. ··Maybe Wf' hall Rtt-we1 quot·" u •• , .. -... Thunwta~. r,..<'. :tO .'t9 ~ l'nhrr-r•111nd fl\·r r.f ti , I>•\'~ aro·ll• UI Y.c ea !'hi' 'wm .. llht> nnr e 11~8tn \\AS """ ""' _,,m., ... Id I L ., ~n • . . !\4P•a. . . I bcltl'r look up tb•l rcpod .. 4 "»'* aae ,,,_..1 le ••lea lM necea· .. r ·~·. _>•~. " . . "'' •·• "'tllng 111 .. 1111>1 ~ 1 1h!• m th•· k t «tr1"i'r11 11,.,k th.-alx bny11 t G h<-1ttrn ll n<I !nrc:.C'<f to U.kt pllrt 111 8<'L'<(m 11 tot11L• fnr Newpnrt art Accordtnr to page riMi of tht sary conn@ctlon1." !4&turd•i· Jan. I . l\l !\O <'hf'n w ith 'iU~I'' ""'' "''" 1Ju 1011 Ornll1'" 1 '11unty J411I f'arly Friday ""· ·oini 1"'"r' nur ~ 2 72 1nr hP .. conlJ'"rf'd ¥.·1th 1.l:i ~unday • .Ian. ? . . ~tj 44 p l1tnt•. h ri.,-.·n 'IL:ttt••H<· JUlJwf4.C nr f' "'''ming nnd remoc~ lh,. ~r\ t.e SANTA A"NA JA~ ~ (()(':'\~ Th I t h I 1 ..... r i:1r '""'' ~ " a ter Wl\11 "*' ll\Jll \'t'll.r t 'tl'ltll Mt"ll. rc-crl\'l'rl 2 {lo Mne4ay, .Ian. S ............ ~i 60 30 hrti.\l, 11 ·"1-011>k••' 11rrnn>:"·r· .. n Juv<'nlle lf811 Arlhur l~rdon 'Y.ldr ... 1 ... n.1• • • • M subd· • . N Motlg-----"';· b lllf'd lhP mt>lll rn1n11n,.nt rC'nl .. ~. '"""'•I ,,, j!'rt nut .. f t hf• r1r Ill th!' In.hi" .. r rii1n lh•~ year cnm'rar!'d I Presaote. sts SlatlYecllSIO?ft . ew age _____ __...._ ___ _ tarr m11n 1n Orllnj!•' 1 · .. 11nty, tu· 11 oolln•wtl o n '"''" 3) with .fl•• I 1•l Y•·11r. 1 _ ~· Atond bcf(lre SUJlf'rtOr ('1111 11 --------- -=~·~~ .. :~.~~.:':w::~.~~:i: ::~1 .. ~~· .. ~·~.:. Longmoor Pred·1cts lncr''e• ased Stl'C'rl\J prnt!'el• ml\V bl' forth· Firm· Formed Thi' mul'h·in•li•'f<'(I r• 1111,.r Wll.!I romtng n~idnsl 11 J1rOJ'Ml"ll 16·lot •('h~.t11lrr1 fn go 11n t rrnl l1>•htl' on ' ' • " 11ubdw1~1011 All Cll~l l\ ~fe8a t111ring · D 1 p 1 h M . 1 \I C"' 11 Announcement. of a n l'w mort: ;~:.~~: ~.:u;~!0rL~111'.~ ·;:~·;,i;; eve opments. opu at·1on ~:~1onl'~~1i:1~t1 ~~t m~~tln;';:,11 ~~ loan brokerare bWll.nttia In ml\n111it•r. P:. A. Rl'rry. H ,.,wr\ ..r, In unil~l"'·sy At 7 ~il r m. in lhf' the Harbor au a wu made exc hr- 1 thr ruullln~ r nnft11tilm f,,lh•111111-· :'o.'ewporl Ju~tice r ourt. 1 I t th N p tod I th• "-mb h•ll rl•• 111A ~ \\',tit• r :'>I 1 .. ni:n1•'"r, • 1 • r" in ,,f,l t 11•11:.i ~•h""' h 11lt1tn• •. "vt >' 0 ~e l'Wll· rua 11Y iy ~ ,,., 11 ~ • .... ~ '11'" 11 ·•· r E. \.\·. Compton, "who own~ prop-F.a rl \\'. St nlf'v and FrMer:lc L. eontinu•·ll. •I 11 ... ~·\\l•'ll t'I\ l'o•n1>111 I '•• 1 ,r11t~l •"n nf l h1'< fll•I\ I• erly on F:.,lh,.r St nter the pro-EngC'll. · 1 El.Ind wn~ n1>l N hrdul·d t " ~" ('"'"n 'n "11" 1'r"" '"'"1 1'" 11 111 '' 1•11: i•t 11 hi.:h r '"1" th in I \-\' I d H 1tf l h Th,. busl "" wtll be k nown,.,. 'II n"I ,. I ,.'" r. t. !II\ t""k " '" k tlt.11 I l • Ii ., I .. , '"II' 1 I innini: ro~"' t'!'t 11.11 lll Pr~ ,... :!IU • on trrAJ,.l'n the foq p•n • t i~r 11rt1l rnf , ll1'' 11."""' '"•:t• !11tl.1•· In''" •1'1nt• ""'' ''" '"".'" urnd<> tlhi~ron. is tXl'f'<'l!'<I to APP"llT. l'!tAnff'V Mo "!:• ln\'f'l'lmrnt Co. n•'ll Wf'f k How1•\ r r, l•r n ...... ~I r •t II ~I I:. '"' 11• I .... .t I th· :\ o•\\,. II\' I • • Ill: ""' I~( tor I I II' • \" '1n1· I le 11rpr11.rr d hi' fore 'hf' t'll ,. Pl11n· he11<fq~Rrlcr• ~25 M11rlnf' A VI' I •.-rinu11 anti l't•Hr tnolln · "' I•' "'".. nlng \,'ommr•''""-1:1111 11·,. .. 11 tn Sll\nlev o ld the rtl'W bu1jpcA& will brnui:ht hRnlkllf!• ,h,i> k!lllJ( 111~ I'll • f_. /~·''"'I' ,..o.t 1'1 I. I" I •II Al lhr \JIOr rtlll' qu1•.-tlnn thf' llla:1111 ()f t h(' lt&fl • v.·11•1.-. from his \,lrnn)::r \.'11unl,\ lh,., ~· i: ,.~ l!t"d Ith o!•1 1 r lll.1 I II\\><• •!•\"l'l•ol m J!l:'l(I I I I b l 2 h 8 I\\' I bbet1•.t"n"~11a1r11ott~tfh':?m11:\1 h:•.::dalr .. ,,~!ltate ~l• '"·I lh• (I< f1ntlf' t:f'l rl I r ..... \tllltt: 1'111'1 l.ATIO" nra ... (' \\'('f'nt 111 ~ an< II . ~ ~ tn. .. "~ Jt\11 rtll to the r oun ru•"n a11' J'l11t I' on Tustin '"'''·Pr•. nl f,•r tho• H.ll h , llr• 1 • i 111• 1 n•' 111 · uin , f fr•," II\"• f!I' f:ni;cl11, who w ill act u m anai::er Elrl r••ll pll'l\dl'd JrUlll\' ''11 <•lllll,. l'rr .. 1 t•1 rlj• \•A~•( 1!'11> ~d\J' 11 (11 ,ni:r• 1'1 .rl\ 'i•Rll1'lllArl\ t h" ;\lf'nth<'r~ M f.hf' annrng c:om• of lhe &.us111u11, liltl•I th,. firm Y.111 on .. anti fl\'r, He lh•l nnt f'l"..J on Ri·R• h ha·. t he , h ,1,., 1,ll·I·•, "' i-:nr· 1 An.t l-rrr1111,. 110.,11,r lhll'I riu«.oi"n A•t\·t~r,1 C'n lf'l<>n lo 11111>-h11n<lle lnlluntnce, lh1t1t11t1on11J and thf' •'lhfr l'IX 1·011nl!' 'llnr1:f'd m a ,.,.,." nat 1 ,.~ .• 1. 11,111 un•I 1.., ,, ~ ''"I', 1,. I I• i. .. nnaz 'ii llrfinll,. In· 11111 his rn>ll'"I In i n llnir to thl' rrl\·ntf' lnara nn rfqdffll1al. In· thf Jtrl\nd jury lndll I 1111'11t t111n:tJ ' 111111111111~ ~la:.~ t•f ti " f,Ut•no·o• In th•· ilr\•r!Of'nlf'nl nf ;-,;e\\. r1\\' r f,.rk f'rlOr In na~hl I' COlln· N>mf' ,a n•I ('0"1mtrr111.I prOJ}f'I tlf'• 1·.,unt Ont' ('h11r1t•~ F.lilrrrt "1th h"""'• 11, ro, 1\1\i rl llfl l "•"''l''t I h\ p. rt llarbl•r a trA It 18 m\' rlln· •II nH'rlinj?'. lnd1rl\tlon 111 th11t "\\'c pllln lo 1!pt'c111h11e In thf' Har- forpn1r • lnllll ti~··· llA•1r::nn1rnl. nut "' t. \\ll 1 • 1\1r ·1111 I\\• I • olr''. di I' r n1r n th11t lhf' rAf{ nr' r nr1. C:omptnn msy ha\·~ ll n,.11 •ar OlhPr ~r art'I\," h••1111111, "a.rut 11.111 lllk,. onpnAlh· 11••uf't1 '" Mt• Ann~ H. U""'' (, r ,. 11 .ilh 11 l'"I '".. 1,11 • ·inrrr A•P \\,II hr !'Ill tnmr•I f'l'OleGL:l'Til.'1 a~tnsl the ~11 hd11·111· a thant11g,. of Mr Stlllllrv'f! m11ny )ILLu.._C'ount two. rh•H•• a ~11•1· Tn \:\)'<ITIOX ~T \1.t: Int ···~· "nl ,,nr" In roniP. ion. y ra1s nf "lt f'~ICrtC# here." lil t urr~ tillf'j:•J J>l l>ll\o •C· "~IO•e l!l48 X<'WJ'•'fl 11 ..... 11 haA 'I n lit~ ,,.,, t h11 t tl-t• ln!'rnt" ThP C"'ounr b (M!ppn!trol lo ('On· E ngrl.9 ju1<t ru lgntd .. branch c11rr<'1l To-~Ir. aoJ ~I r~ \\ ,J o11n lw"n in 11 1ttlll t> nr t1 1<n•1li.•n fl 111 nt r"111J.1r , 11 , 11n.t th•' •lt.>,·rl••J>· i "lt!Pr L1le tPnl t11·l-ml\p of 1h' l'Ub· mann~· r ••f thr Sen inty Mortg~,. 8<1111nff!' thP l•mpnr<try rr <l•ff'nl• t•I prl· 11•1 ·· 11 ~· • :;;: 1.:: ,•r.-11t r110\·1 dln:11nn tnnlit l JnvrJ1tt11\'nl Co. 1tr1 Corona d,.I All tn al d11tr 11 &nd Fl1hrd;. p1 0-ni m•·nt 1t•11111.-11t1<. ll I~ oh1•1111~ lhllt pr .. hl·.. It 11< f11rt1.nAll' thnt t h• Mar, a poeltlon which he htld ror I b11 th n ht11r1ni: wtrt C't\nt11111r.t 1111-t hr l'"l=<' m11j11rlt~· <of l'tl\1~ .. ln , •IY h.1• no , ~"llrnt 7• 1').JJJ< .. 1.1in-r--L---.a ft d a lmo1t a yur. Prlnr to c11mjng t o UI Jan. 14 "' t hl' rttult to tv 11.1\ '11 this Art'R "re now ocr11r1.,,\ lw )'f'RT llh/'e 11'r11l ~·i'fi':,lTvi·: ... n cu dlnnnrl' ~~ 'l\R e !'\~port 1Bc8t h, he operatli<l hr.9 •.-f\ln1'<>. F.lti1 •ii 11 <'llrf) nlly h· lnir 11ro·rnl1 or prrmnn rnt 1.11,,lrnt, . whtrh Alin11lti hr "''o><111at6 to m.-rt Thl'tl ot a Cl'ranWo ftl'nhor11t de· 1 nwn 1011.n bu11lnr111 In Pll.llftdl'nl!I for I hPhl w 11 h1,11t bllJI 1"'n1l1ng t h•' rr11-T h11t '·'i'' t t 1 ••n•1t1on 1" J'1'•1, n h\' 11n1I ~11r11 ••(1111,· 11• h•r 1 h"' l11nd 11•• , •rntion from I/he' Vllla Malin" thrt" yPar~ He ram" lo <'11hfnr-• bll'•'n hrArmi:: ,,. t t.r P •11lt ••' tl-r1•'" d "''""~' ir. thr !"I'll· 1•1 .. tdr11 •It t ,.,,. r .. 11 111n tn Al~. "'"-~ reopoitrl ~,pnll~e Saturrlay nla fro1n t..:Urn. N .. C "here h" h 1• r .. rnt "'11\ • r •• ,n "' • t '.rrr I 1• 11 · , • ' • n ,.( •• '''" 111.• wt' h1:i 1 h· • •• . n1 , r\)' ftlld UI" h,\' \Yl\OOy Hnl rr, m11.111.:rr. Ht h Ad to An\' ;\'t'tll IO 1 i.1w1 lf'nr.-tn Ir•~ c1•un1s vi t;1 .. nJ t hdt. pdi,h ,,.,1 r• l l,,, .... i.u11'", 11 ~·1 Jnn•"'""' 11" ,,.. ,.. .. ,,,... 1MJd IL 1\'U ta.k trom tbe walL 'ame field. ,. I I .. -THE M1\JUNG~Susr'>ected m :t11JU:i11 :1, rJfllWll I •p11dtf' JiH J" r:. :ind :~o Jl08l-lible man· j uan a cigarettes lay heller i.kel.Lcr r1n th1· k111h•11 · 1:rlJlf· r1I Hn ::i1.;1'rt rn• nl flt 104 25th St. At approxi~tely 10:20 o'l'lu< k T lw r :-;d:"' nq.;hi . l'\l·Wt •'•t t J•l)lt<:c ancl 1t shecilf df'puty rair:led the Bpart.mcnt rif lhf' J.i•y1•;11-1.l1 l ;.'.Iii l!l\'Ul\'1•d j,, f ind ~lllnP Of the lis o\h<"r )'<1ulh11 ran~ing ~n 8g'f'~ frc1 m 1:; t n 1~. aiiJ1111u 1tly f'vll111;; the "~licks." -statt P bCJt" ' ~-· ..... ________ ........ ,,. ,I 1, ' ' - Barretts Announce BetrOthal. of Mary Joan -to Michael Blake Friends Learn News at . ..... ... Thursday Open House \ , • An11o •1•ol111i; :'\e\~ \'rat , r\c by· 2 4 hc.l.!r•. :>t r !lnrl Mrs Jamu -• S A1t 11 .. LI "n'"' l11.1nt'il bO gur11U at OJ" n h11UM' 1111 lhorl!tl&y In lhtlr l/1111e, 'JF 2 H1<)'•hure Urivr. On •rnvi.I t>11rh,j'Ut'~l r~.ct11vrd a tin hul"fl t1-r. "'llh IVll llhbnn ~ .• 11nd ''" thr· 11nt1n "'"'' prlnt+-d-t:hl' narru "Ma ry" "'•I ' \fl1$• • I "fh"• ... ,,.~ h: w lh}Y ~111 .. d 11( :-;, h•1••l and Sifrn•J Ht>ll'rt Acarlemy l h• 11 l;lit;<lltt'lll ••( :>1 1~» )f1t1 y ol 'Fhnt11dJt ... Like h .. r flt.nN• Nhu {: ...... l llt f!Pll )•1lll lo:"•t ti•: "' wtU tl'l'('l\'t! hH •ll·gree from SC.: \n 1 .. "" .,. , 1•111.1,., lo ,\11 '"I J n111ri. .ltJ't•:. She ss a Kappa Kapra lJllm· l11<kt "4Jn •II ~Ir a11 Mr· .111.Jn,.,, J1 .. 1 1~ mAJOrlng In 11111'1ology. On'! A 1:1 .. 1< .. "' 1$1111 '\;abrit'I "' lh•· uuls.tand1ng atudents o n the ~1 .. 1 )~o1.i.;11:t.:J her rl'tulhcr ui re· , ..r11pu11. 11he Is preald~nt of TroJ11rf <'~•" 1, 11~1 i.runell• Jovl'l1110 'WI ~. A'mnzl?n". j unior _· &-nlnr "crva·,. I anh'd O) ll<'I 1111 •hf;.~ \\I'll lhtl'rf h•m .. rary. has _Jone murh HPd ·I .. ,, .. ,·''"'' .111 I l1llt·I llHll.1 t! v.iJh' l'ro .. ,. '"'~k and'" p1esu1ent of ~ ah1i11l•l•r .. 1111'j,, 0 ll11 11:1111 r 1tr1.,. L'"ll•·i;i· L'.ounr1I. I'll \\ • 111..-... ot11y 111i;hl 11nt1 &la~ •·•I Xlr. ~lak•• waa g-raduated fn om tor lhc 1 .. 1l11l1ty. lt.ll•I lh.: l~tl Wl'IC ,\!11111nbra H1~h School. H e IS UIJl- l udt-.t• tl 11 • 1,.ui.paJ,!n•· H•·d t .t r· J• t inJ; lfl bus•nc~~ t-tnt.l 1s a ruemhr•r 11o.1r1 ... \\11 11 ,,1J\.r 1tn•I r\"I de·"' Kappa Sigma frtlrrnlty. Al · L• rat1• 11', \\'•'f<' • U'' fl Hh.,·11 the i,1 aJU3ll01l he Will Ct CCl\'e hlll l'Olll· r .. c.11' 111111,11111 111 tlh' l' S. :>:avy and will II~ 't \\11'1 ~ '11, .n alll\'" olut\· l•r twu VCBr~: Th, ln1tl1··1·l•.-t "·" 1.1.id.1.1" ol 1·1 •• 11,. ai.· b,,1;11( 111:1d.; f~r 1!1 f rom 1'<'Wf11•fl I lo11 IJU1 L 11h•11 l IV:h 1'111 ly ~ummer W<'llJ1ng. ,. .. LagtJna .Galie·ry Slate ~ snleraldi.:Thon1as Sho\\TS • • rn loh I'd b~· 'thr t~ .. t'~ r.1: h1'1t1 .. , h Ry rnc" t:U L IAC'KSOS t'u ••I C hh1<i;o: an1I lh<' 1•1 1.:111111~ """"· The L...:un-, Bud\ Art t:allrry nr thrsr w ill b<' 1.>n 1·i.h1ht1 Sht' 11 I -wu • lua.-J un ,:-.; .. .,.. \'r1.rs I'll) <If 'Ir .. Thf' ntw t'xh1t1111< opl'nl'•I ":1111 s. ~ 1u .. u1 T1w 1111111 1 .. 1,.., '"'Pl.I lht m onthly tea on Sund ay. J an kr,1"\'n l<> a 1J f MI• putrv1111 ¥' 2 winrmemt>rra of t he 1 ·omnwn11 y L'<in,.,.rl• A•« ia•ion 1 'lln" lllS his t "''"!):.--11111r1n··• 1u11I l~ln111•r'1 "1 ' " q "' ' ' " nnd ~lltl'lt'V h~1bur li<'l'llf'~ Ill• I ho11t• and hu•leA~f· Jr\. lehe t!'yrr gallrry • are,..two r xtr<'mt'ly P<>JlUlar. one. man eho~·· work11 oc_.)ofi.rla · Mr Th<•mu w111 I.lorn In n rn\!l'I Bt>rgt>r ~meral1ll and,-S";ymour and hu sll11t1rq with 111a·h wrll I Thoma•. both artist m r mh<"ra of known 11rt111ta a"-F'. T11ll"ll l'hi.111 • , i t he au oclatlon, "and their tint one b•·rlln. Bar>«• Mllll'r. Slanlry Rt•('k · 1 .. ,~ 11nd 11l:m al.>1 uad Whtr 0e•he 1111, man JlhOwa h ere. Marla Brrger Smcra ldl 11 onr Cllme m11<'h travcllni; and 11kl'tch 'ot the !amoua floral arl111l1 Q/ lhe mx. I art world. She had extena,ive &Judy , Having a degn.•• !r<>n1 Oregon I a1 a young girl a t the , St. Paul St11 le C<•llegt> u land11C'll pt ar('l\I· Art School 11nJ went t o New. \'o rk terl. Thomu tollowtd t h11t prof•••· where &he studlrd a t the Nau ona.i_ sion f or ·~~ YPIHll. {.al.•'!' h" Academy. New \'ork Leagu•, Coo-=\ wotkrd In thl' 11tu1llo11 ol"\M.U.M prr l'nton and other &l'hoola. bur ..... and 20th C'entury 1-'o~'( d t>1<11:nmg. Ing tha t llm \,lhe won·srveral a · srttmgs. Jn 19•~ he Je~tded to J~­ warda for her tntrr!or dtto rauon vote his lime to palntlQg .and a1n~ .. dtslgn11• -th11l time tias haJ many ont man In Ill!~ a/le atarted .workln!(° for shows and !)\l11b1t1:d th1 uughout John B. Smt'ralJ1, one of th,t tam-Callrotnla anJ also In lht <'l~l • j oua decor atora an~ mural artlsl!f' H e haa won 11w111 Js no.l uoly at o( Amerlct: and m 1928 th~y were lht' Lai:u:ia Gall1•1 y but m oth• r 1 rnarrled. ' maJOr exh1bll wn~ 11.. !1t•q111'1\I J\ ShP has betn •a constant rxh11>1-r..-lums to 1;1u11lei.tt•r to p1<1nl l ror in the Laguna Beach Art Gal· !lc<nu of the Athrnl1r L'rn<,.l, u"n~ 1 lt>r,y tor many year11, anct-t:ra Life · \\"ft·4,1"rr<\l•u-. t a,. .. 1n, ~<•tull'hP. 1 .. 111· Mrm ber. :)he hait won many a · Jl"ra . pt>n and mk •?Intl "a~h 1~1 h· ) l I \ " ~•May the pa9&$ of the New Year tell a sfo.ry of happiness and succen for you and your "f4mily . We have enjoyed our plea11nt HSO· ciati'oo wi,th you in 195'4 -. .and look forward to ieeing you and serving you tften ;.,, !'55. .... -. .. ,,... .cokf A1 MESA. BANK ·"YOUR FRIENDLY .INDEPENDENT BANK" l!Wj'J ~ .. wpot1 ~h·d. l .lhl'rt,• 11·841'7 I .. o .. u J(Ol'Al Of~Ojil INiOl f.lliCi-COV OIAl lON ADVERTl SIN G IS THE BEST MEDIUM -Ph Harbor 1616 wa r;,.ls at the ga llpr;., and also in mque.s. . 1 Olt\l'r exlrlbit1011s thrc)ug_hoUl Call:-1 -::;;;;;;:;;:i;;:;;;;;:;;:;;~;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;_..;....;;;::;, ___ ....;;:;..I.. ___ ..;.. _____ ...;:_ _____ ...;;;;;;;;;;:;;; -klrma. ~Vldltj Mrs. s .mtraldl &pee· Auxiliary Gets . , 1a11zu ln flo•·a1 p,1nung, hu por· Moth~r, Ba by ' ... ·-' " .. •, t-ra 1t11 ar.. alJ!U outsl1rnding. She 'B1·ggest' Card ' ' ) haa.re'cent1y h11.u fhreeof:her patnt· ,, . Care Co urse " 'lnjitl!, "Poppies." ''Latus I.and -Set at OCC . The AOll\r~an 1*,;1011· A11x.11'lary. • "' . / ., • 1 I _~_ta""'~-·1_0_'._'a_n_d_ ... ~_"_11_e_1·_t_c_a_c_t_u_•_·:_r_e· •:'\l'W }Jllll J-(1ubo1· l'.n1l 2111., rrce1v·, v ··11\lfesans See ,. ~1 Mo .. /1n1f brltjV l'1t1·e will b~ o•d 1t 6 by ·I II. grt•l'ttl1i; fl·vm the \ JU • olt~rt' p1 u~p1•f'!.1\'" J'ltrvnh 11 11d 111 ... 11.11\"I \'t'lr1lln:; uf Loni; .l.foalh I · ' ~nH:tl r~nt11 Ill {)r8n,.; .. t '1•.1.•L ""·I·· \"L'l.!'''."ns Alll111111sll:11l11~1~ ll~sp1tal l Lo d B }} t k).• ,1.,111111,; J .111 .! Al 7 :.11 I'm ,,,, Lh1 1~llllllb. It V>lll! h1111!l p1unt~1 .. • . . • I n on .a e ThP ro111,. .. will I)"" "1:'1-1111•1·1111..: • .J anJ "1~n,·il hy ~ome M t hl' \'Cle· ... Mi::;::; ~ARY· JOAN BARRETT• • Mr8; .:uward Mlrkovl~h and Mr.· al'r(t'l:j 1lr.·1i:n1 II to hrlp llllll rt• 1°111• 1•111" \\ h•i hoa\'~ lilft'lldt:J th(' -Ri chard. Seely Photo . : • 1.an!l~ra. J ohn McDonald and ~nrs 11nrl<'1~1n111J tht' •1t11" 11f the uaonthly h11"1'1l''dl l•11rt1"" pu(·un --------------------------·----1C!a ui; er,,6usan.,ot .t.:oal11. Me111 11lU.lt'.".~ e nd l!1r.1i\lr Ito-illli ~r 11h· 1,y ll1>· .\111«r11:.1n ~· ~1u11 .\uiuJJa1y. PAGE 2 • ~ART I ~ N EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ESS :.ptl'lt l Tut>~d\)' t\'cn111g in Lo~ lt>m., uf th.-\Iulo! fltlllll\" nnd, .. m. · ll hani:~ un l~\'<tll ••I the Ame1!' I . . I • 1 H 11 :-; ltl A , l>r MONDA y1 JANUARY· 31 1955 • .· ( , Angele11. at~nd1111(' the Lrlndon Ba • m11n11y ill•' lnd11d1 'on ,q.;iun 11 in • ew po •·n~c ltl ~!let ,JJ1n11er 111 town. \ Open lo th;:-...l'•lhl < \\ 1tho11t ~ I i'nieQlbcraor., n! \\hi.-h IC l'lie }Jl t•v1ous ~ven1n& th~ .M1rk1L· · !:h11r~l': l/1t; rla,.,, \\111 ht• ~h t h~ ,\ivullniy 1} \'o'IY pruud \ \'I• II f<tllllly w.il amung the "gUl'"t-. Mr ~-~~~~~ 1 • S, V · Aol!en1bll.'.i al the Bill i'\!ldy hum ... C'un•r 11u1,int: '"'!IU•l•I'. H"~li.· ~ev;:..\-.'.u's £vt '"Ut:al• 11.t the ~ E.\ POR T 'H A·,RBO R 2H CuliliMt...-Sl.tu gieet'Rol>frt trllttnn \\111 tokr plJr•• in th" 11r~l ~harll'a Dav!s hornt" (Jn Balboa I~· • -.-. I wni.;ht, tormer Harbor area teach· clus "tnCPlllll! tu l)t' hrM 111 th<' 1111.il 111dud1::'J )Ir. a11J Mr~ N u1-• e · Y · : e'r. whe--ip no"'(. an 811;wctate pru· Cla•~ruun1 ll11ll<l1ni.: 1111 th~~:· 111u11 F1L.t~..ln1ltJ, )I!.,. Jt'an L'hn· · ' • ' 'I. !elSllOr uf Tcmpr State t.:oll .. ge Un ('8111pU!!. / 1lcn nnil \\'1Jl.Jam T. Stratton. • .-o · c t O · • Saturda¥. R1cha 1J ~l .. .ko\"('11, Boti .Ebell to-P.' res' e' nt-.. . ' .. -~: .. ': -. tiil!e"o;~~~.~ ~~~~ov;;~n:~·t~~- . r , ,., MRS. WINIFRED B ARBRE. :socie.fy Edit'or ~ ~ :.~~ ~~~~~~~~·~;,~;;J;~,?~:~~~~{!':if.. NT;~ ~~CV A~~~i1~J Y«ll l ,,, ·!hf' 1liu11 l·,1~h.t.nu · tluo ·of ·"·111 be IUn<'heon 11pca kt!r, ref.Joh-! , J\1 1"' .J1ftllll~ ll,1y,., 1u.1111er bal1;•1· mg on the I'alm :-;prlngs cun,·cn~ 11111 0 1 th,. St1n Vrlln<'Ui<'o Ufh r a. ~lob.; ' . Uullt L· a11ol M 1"" .\1111 y, ~:hzal.lt•th :O.h:;ll H ay,,, '""·ho renl\'l"I It~ 1'111111•. 1 ,.u,·e1 l p11u11sl. They w il\ I m111ter of &rll deirr.ee !tum. Milli bt! 1•·11tu1° d 11fler lhe 12.a11 lune!)· c.:ci u.!ge, 11fvdlrd baJleL wuh Hal· ron a\ A 1t1t!l'1<·an Legion H111l lhl1 ,<11ch1nc F o k111e a nd Ch11st11 nsen, .' . "'· .' • ~pnnlsn' u11.11c111,i wltll C;i11!J11>Q aud A111<1JJ1tlslg c:tuUt1 t~day KS. ~1emJtcr or,..thl' l'l•!C ot St.. • Jsmes ~p1;£0J>AI °Church Is. ~he llevl'ftaJph PeaSf', w ho ,w 1U aerve aa • vicsr afte r · 1 t'&1gnat1on oC the Hev. I'pul MoQC{' \Vheeltr becomt1 ttffecllve oh Jan.•JJ. ~1r~f'~a .. 'ie h&IJ b~ Roae Bowl in P~adrr~. 'dregon Trip , .. M n1. H t!en Pt'1>kms ·and sons. Bobb)• °&JlCI Bill, ot 111a:, Anahr11\1 Sl., L'Qlbl . M~sa, ha\Ot returnru from a tr'lp tu Bedfou.I, Y,1 c., ttt1ei 1pcntlmg Chri~lmaa wLllffrlend1 .. Eder Walker Home Mr. Ejwar.t Walker, 116 '27th.- St.. ha 11 relurne\i home· t rom U11: 1 ho1p1taJ wht1 e h~ undi:1went • a.n mu•h'rn w ith Li111on. Holm and C..:t1th1rn1. She h1tii ti:1v41.11 ma:;ter cl~• and lnlure demol\8lraih11lS Ill va r 1owi u 111v .. 1 ><lies and ha:s ap- pe&rt!d as l!ulo a rt1st on numerous !1.:f\'llli as \'ICBr llt ."\01w,1lk. \\'rth h!S Wlfl' anti IOUr (')Ill• drt'n he m:tkei1 hill ~C>tllf'" at F uilutpn. He"""·,'11 oClUJ>Y ;he pulpit ut :$1. Jamt)\ until .. ul h lime 88 t he \~.t.lry, of which J\lr. Thon1M Huttc1 1!1 d 1a1r111an, .:f·lf.1 ts a n.•w r1 \.to1. I opt1'8l1un tor a tlrokt'n h lp, 11us· t11.med 111 a. fall on °"Thaft'ksg1ving 'd&y.• , a. I :lllS!:' Jt:AXSE llil\'S l"unt·• rl stagt·~. )l11<s l '.<ln" a)lfH"ars b<•lh 1t• ac· c<i111p1L111:.t irnd !'<Olot~t. \\'hit. rt .. .IJllt \\ hctll•r .. ti:O IH•rlh on F ... h lo "'"ll rclAll\'Cll rnJ on Feb~ ii M r . \\'h11 lt'r' take~ up 1 .. ~ wo1 I<. ii11 1 e< Id\\ of et.. t.:lemenl'i., H 111wl11lu, T. 41. Ctl\'11\g-mu»t of h•r musical C'c!U· Q HEA--R NOT ABL E SPEAKER c;illun in this country, Bhe has had T-----:-·-------------· +·...,.---aJvani.a.,;c vc' ac\.t:n1I s~na in \ .... ~~~~11:~~,s~u1'1:r~r~~~~h!~:;·~~·~~ Un 1· ted -~ht..1.rcl,1" .lXTomen 1"ru11<'h The two •vriformrrs 11an N .l 'l'l..._ JevelCJ1>e1J a wondt•rfully blllanced • • 11-o\ .... IUullOll u{. lalt'nls and a ce a to~nstaJ.l 'at M' esa·Chu·~~h 1lcl1ghl lu U1l'11-,...ll1rnre. ) J L-.... .1. ''<.: ::;o that. llll can lulvc Jn• ex.:el· 1'.·111tr•11' l'h11•t1 \\'11n11•11 of'Xl'w· l 'lans w;ll be C1irmul111l'<l for tlir pOtl HH1 hor will hnkl lhl'1r ann\~ul 1.0111111g ~ l'ar. , &rrltngctl-for the pertoi mrri<. \\·hu ntt'\•t1111o;, w ith t l••t:t 11111 'an.I ln~tal> U11Co"t 1>pt•a ker will be H. H. l111)l \'lew, c.:cnlral st.ai;llll>( hu11 bci:.n · I will nprear at l :i a p.m_. __ __ J1H1nn ur uflitell4!. •ln J<'l'lda~·-Jan l~v~nnL ,or l'al(ls \'erdt11. 1i.1lJOnal -----~\-7 a t 1~ :iu p. 111. In l'o11tl\ ~,,....,. l h1ilrltlan of \\ urlll L:ummunll)' Higgins F a mil·y _ I At -:J oy~r ·.Hr.me }l"t1to1~1st c.·1111rr h. A. hmd11'"f1 U.i.y. Mr11. Kod11n1 111 a charming ~ will 'bit llt'l"'Vt'd by w11111en (Jr that , ,l.ipunP~•' w .. man, /\at 1 o n a 11 y .... ... .. Ras Get · Together :>Ir. nml Ml:<. ·F ri'<! J u)llel. l:lO I hu1d1. • • • ltn .. \\11 nJPn~rr or lhe Epltll'•Jp!*I .!!Ith Sl., 1·n1 .. 11ain1'.! \til h u L'hn~t· 1 Jn.stalling offll'cr will ·1i~ )lr11 1·trni,tl'I a nd hi.~ b.!'<'11 hrnr<I h,.r,., Mr. 11nd )f1~ .Jnm'" ~h l.aui:h· lln lln•I d:lll)lhtrr:< 1 f l :1 Rill'~ l'li!IM Or,. Are ,:ul',..l • • ! ~I·• :\lo l..t11;.h- llll01! p111,.,.·,.. )f1 ;1;, ! :\11 • I' ~ ... H1i:i:in" lto;.n T i ,•in ,\\" 11 .. h d111nr·r fur ~lt'•.Hi<. anti )ltH• "· J11hn J ~1~1:1. 1•1 t•,1 I.in t•f t 'n•{• .. J prt•\')"'·~ly "hrn 1•1 est>nlt•d by J11hn lll )lu1 n~vn a nd sun~ t;Je11. 1·hu11.h \\f•n~n .,( S iilll6 Ana. \\Oll1f'll"OI :it .fame~ 1;1.11r~. H<>beit·J . 81 :,.:~J< "' t "slit ~Iii< l'hrstrr l-1~htr will p1 r,.1d,:, A ll \\• 1 .. 1·h Rte 111nted to be )lts,1. Alf1···l Jv~1w1. San:1t ·An1t. 119:.ru'f( ).' P'•tlll l•f lh<' JHl•t "ru llt•'!'• :if Thl• H1,..,..u1~ 1 11 1 ' 1 n'• r· .1111• •I will.· a. \ 'hri't" 1~ J ,1:•1° 1 nt th<' tr.t! \\ 1~1181'\l l"cs:-le1~ ot L\olllpl\lQ ·-• ----------------.,nJ A lex •,tr1rhnuk of l:ialho., BA) ~ 'jiiiiiiiio __ ..,::;..__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ________ ..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiliii-iiiiiiiiiiii .• 5%··6%1 Ret~.:.:i on Your. ~oDey! 1 WH·Y TAK.I LESS--? ,. ' . . . t 'J'h<'Sc BE'M'ER-TllAN-AVERAGE returns are available l~ from in. ~tm<.'nls in sud ( iMuido old c~mµa11ies as . . A~I ERIC'AN TE LEPHONE & 'J'!!Lgc;RAf>fi CO., GENERAL MOTORS COHP. and ,·artou_6 MUTUAL FL'NL>S. A.'1 our ·~·a~· of Jtt>ttln$'acquai~tffi and t.-llinK you more about th~ ~f!'aln Dl\'IDt~~US..that ~·our . ·~ ~ .. monf'y can f'am • • >- 1\'e are off.-ri.nit abttolutf'l;r ·FREE ,.. ·and with DQ, purduL'oe nf'~~sar~· nor any uhll~a­ tlon on ) our part •.. a beautiful ball point ptn •.. t-O~t"thu "1t_h & book;""UOW ·ro Pl'T \'Ol 'R • MONE\' 'tO WORK" It explaJnN ". haf to, do and how t& do It. -' ..,.... \ \'~ in,·ltP Yt?Ulo rome and ttt WI and pick up ~·our fr...-l(i1\~;our offlrH lo ~ht BIHTC:Ht;K Bt.l>G. · ~ . . . • • MO·RGAN & CO. . .25 J 5 ·.-:. cq.st HJghway ~; ~ Corona df'I Mar -llarhor S2G2 jusT .TVVO 'NORDS COMPLETE .. PICTUAE(. ' THIS ., .. i----hn1t1" nf :h•-.r ,.., 1., ~. \\, ll1i.;pn" 111 \\'h1!tl.'r • \\ 1• h :~ •' 1·'r· ~ nt t';t~t'I \\I • !n1 I 1 It•: ,\1 ,, El.-11• :'\rwlAnl !1 ::1: .1.1 .1 :-:· • 11111• ~hurt ~ -.!Ir_ ---·1 )11 a: .. J ~In., ll\t"'r'l et•J' W 1 lj •,, lll\hlia A~~ ... *' l.~Jm"d Uw •1111\.ol of'1..t, bo1IW ~IFI 11,l I tht'll l.111111 1~ rft< :2. ~h<' \\di! I>• In In ,. JT'S ...... . TRANSFER T$ltE .. ·- ft• tn .:'hn J '" ,_n. n•t v .11 t u1tua.1u.at •"' A .' ''""!: UCJ~pital. ..,. ,, Continuous \.,,isi0n ; • Glass'es N~w ;Replace Bifocals , I.--' Many people who h:l\"e . diftieu.Jty with the ltm1leti reading range tn bifocals find cu;-.;TJ:'l:t•-OL'~ \'ISION LEN~$ sol\·e t heir many needs 't tbe· intermediate range wbt<:h i11 between the rea(Ul'fg l'IT'ea .. - and distance'. .,. .. Reasonable · Prices-Conveni&nt T erm1 • o, .. .,, .\II It'\~' ~aturda~· ... Dr. Gordon -• C'l'Tll\fCTRJ!'T , t BETIER ORDER YOUa . . ~TORAGE . ·· . ·f1tES :Noiv! Tra ns fer your 19 54 records info 'in.eicpenai"-cardboard '1torage frie s. We h6ve them .. In' letter, le g al arid check"' aizes. ' . tc MU AL . $t0.RAGE FflES RENT , • Time sOv1n'1 ·Machines fo~ ,-~ ·~ICJ ,r' • "·J ·.~I -,· •· INCOME 'TAX C.nd l~YENTORY • Coinptom•t•ts .• Tyiwwrlten . . . -·~ -· • Adding· Machines • 'alculo~: (Friden1 or ' l\l"°ugh1 OuplHl kl 2-2365 ,. .. • • Go~~/ DM.Ue. a.SS TnJ., o 11111.1 /,.,J, . , ... an•I ., .. ,.·11 l••nr (.,, ,,,,.,_ tltJrn • 1 ... ,1.1 'll r ll. 11.,n:I llf' •R f1•firrl,,. '\lo ,. ~.li111c: , . j,,., •11•• .,.,. 11,1 r '• "f(,..,.lt.r t'• :!0~ •H•l•m,•l.11" ""'''"2 f,.r '"" r1cf1t Uh'-'"''• N•IU,. In antf u l. .. th,. ,.i. ... 1. ~"'I tlir '"''' h "''"•Ir to,. lran.J1t,.i lnt1• 1114l•n• 1 r l 1r1n .... ,.,. ltu"M r.-t-•\ ,.,~,, •lfl\ lrt&? n111ntrflf ,. .. n I#, lln" lull•·~"! t•• n .. 11 .. 11a-11.r "II•• L.rt'' "111t• '"'1 al•.ni:. Anrl f"'I hn"" rou11h rna•I• rr•1t1 ••tit 1n d11• rr•u•I ,,.,11f1o tat.lr of all Old•mrot.11,.... •"""if'""""''"'"" 1 1·~·l "l(;.l.,.t'', •1111'r,. ml .. 1111! v.m'lhinc: 1111111 ,.,,. In rt, .. fl ... !11111: •II lll'W ••u,.,.1r-,., .. ~": • 'nu·r~ "rf, •. ,,,,. I•• t•··I '' .•• .._,.,,,.__. f /ur'\ 'H•'ll "lllt to ,mal.r Lh1• ~·•1Jr )'at '"II" 1Jlr..,,tl •1th CJt.l•mul11I"! / C>L.'C>SIVIOa ·1 LE Sii YOU~ NIAallT OLDIMOlll.I DIALla MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West C0ast Highway . NEWPORT IEACH Phorie Liberty ~2261 DON'T Ml~S "NAUGMTY MAlllTTA"I ANcftHll OAL"A tO-MINUTI MUSICAL ON NIC·JY JAN. U ·-l ~ ~ . \ -"" . ·' ' . ' ·. .. '. -\ . EkLIS-KING.:IDUO WED. IN CHAPEL~·EREMONY' . . . . \ Now at Laguna After Mot1nt~in ·Honeymoon , MISS' JA1''E RUTH SODERBERG. -Photo by Maggie. ,. . Jan~ Soderberg E'ngaged tO -:-Whittier Man Local Friends ln(onned· . t ... J : • t" ) l' • M esan \\"erl ~ A:' "'ra.. 1 .... 4• " 1 .. ~ • , r D 1q. ,. • ' 1 " 1 • • • B".'' si . r.l, '" · ! l • nt' l\t ~''l .,.,,,~·I ,~,..., ·'"' f' '~ n • ' \\ r~ 't • r ' j • ~ q"',;r 1 ,, .. ,,.•('·,rt-C' lf I\ I •'1""'-JI I"" : .. -.--JI-,,.,,, Gi rl fo r I' in ;::~ \tr·~rf'1 \,•111(".,•1 J\•. t1 i1 \\",.~t \,Clrl :0.1 I (;; • "PO.ft, \\1-.l• C-ft•'r'• 1 H n•H f l l~t l I ,,,.,, ~l l'"I :0:~r1" I \t If r 1\ fir •l' ,~, "~ .. ,,.,.. ,.,.,.. tt' ,,"" ... : 'I tty the tiresid e s.,,t'.,. .:1 .. ; :~od. cc~. · r,;; ~ . ., ce ... l .. lJr· 1 r l .\i . t , )1 . \t .• • ~· . l H, t ,I . ~' 1 ... ~ 1 n11. l '·~, 1c~ ft' 1 1 "' •'t tr,,. :--S ,,,,,,,I "'•' "t...I',..,. \-.·I·" ,, .. r,.. ~t r. '"• 111 1111f•\\'•' I H••'1 I "I'I • .t~t \1111 -·--------------------------- I , FQR MEkCHANTS PRO'•ECTNE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA < CALL LEHIGjN 9-1634 \HllltHl H 1.t. t .io.t ONT • • • ST ATE MERCHANTS POLICE ! Uniformed Division of i STATE 'PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGEN~Y I, , ___ __.__ ----·---- ------------- Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER \ runt: AROl ;\ll T llf': RA \ i-t.;\'U.\\~ • /~ia11 0 !J,,Jfrtt clion . TERESA RE NNER ( Mr1. A. Renner) Coocerl Plaa.1.al ot TtlrM CoaWMIOb Grad MC. lhMklll Of Bela 8&l1ok J .JlJS ~rra Urh•e Pb. HM 20S9 l'or~a Ui~hlands -Corona del Mar .~ .............. _ ............. ;;....-.................. .....--~ ..... ...-;".1t;;;:;;;;;;N·.~~;;a;;::;;;. W • are pleased to announce the appointment of .. MORELAND L~ITHOLD 41 Resident Man•9•r of our Ne~~aeh oHic.e , SHEA'RSON, HAMMILL ~CO. r OL'-OUH "' ttn "•+•·'·· >,,,•3t«J l••"""-' ..... ,.,..,,,_/5'...A-'C:-0..t~ 3~3 1 \'la Udo, Xenport &a.rh Harhor -IR.';0 1..• ..J:lll. ... ' ................. t..01 .... (),~t • ' ., ........ lo\... .. -· ..... o, ... -. • ,,_,w vc •-. • c .. C•O:t • ·~"r-• .. O • ...... ,,.o •o C'•.. •• MOV•TO,... ......... fQ'lo 0 uo--~•C:•L •••LI 1w ,1r • ...... ~ Uattn l:\·f'ry !"U.daJ tn "8 hMr!IWD 1H.ammlll l'rhat~ \\'Ir,." Rad.lo K • .\-BC !1&<))--6:4."i I'· m . • .. • NEWPORT HAR!3oq NEWS PJ .f5S ~ r., r\ MONDA Y, .J.ANOAR'l J. 1 '1~' ,, ---------........ -----------.,,..----_Lo-. • \..._ • :\ l'EIUIA ~ E~ I' . Visiting N urs~ .~ss<'ku1·w~ \HT11 'Ht-: Association Aid ., ~1osT<t·•:1b1 .\s•:sT \ Oc.\TIO~ in Demand ·I Th• board oc dlrl'•toni or thP \"i!11 t1ni::. ;o\ur~('!I ASllC.)<"latlon •)f Clr.>- an);<' E"ounty nwt r ectnt·ty fl'!' 11 d ll1<'uulon or gTo"1ng ""'"1~ an·I bow to mH t U~tm. I Arrort:l11'lit to the p re:-1dt'nl. J lllm G1l~rt tht' pht'norrn•nal fr!!OW1h n! I Orr1n~e County comm11111u,.~ ha~ n11t-dlst&J1Ct'~ th" nosplt•I rar1h· I t It·~ .frf'lHln~ 11 grtattr dl'm11nd on • thr v . .:-.:.A .. whCl:;e ~t'rVh'('~ fill Ill!' • nf'efi for pmro~tonal nuri111)i:: sk lll I of n:g111tereJ nur~ ... Cur one crltl· 1 cally 11J 10 the pal91\·~ ow11 home 1 unrtrr the dlrt•ft!cu1 ,,( hi~ own , phrs1clan. -· 1 J'he \•1s1llng 11111.-" ul:t•• mt<trurta th\, Canuly m the ell.re or the ~1ck. 1 am :: I )'• 11r11 ••f ••t-• 11 •' • showing how to folluw I.ht' m€'dlclll jual b.-.., 11 •Jltl"I• 1 1'' ,\~~' • 1:. ~. d1rtrUon• of lho famlly phy,.1uan ~ll\nll1t"r i.:r , II n 1 h" 1 1:" 'I Cor the bedfast pauent Slw \\·1U 1 Mt>mi>t lnl Par\.. \\I' ti•• 1 n' 11150 leach LbC <'i.p1tCt8lll nl~l1!1c: IJ\tlOllS ~ ... .n:ng I ~·1 l\t :.t• •l 1 •' how to care for h€'rsd! 1rn.t pt' I"' e I C<>nn•dt l1f t.• ,.,111 , < ,1r •" . ,. 1 tor htr child, and help the M"; • · 1 • Gther l•·n.rn lo eare f<•r her b:iby. u,., 11111•·1~ la I" 16 1 1 ·•· • " t J u.:o ,, • ~., •' u: · .. ,·, l ,, .u.. I ~ w1u •b1 oui;h1 mtt thll! Uh"'' , • , 11 1 LI. ".1 11 • , • , ·' ( sc. 11:•:1 a1e a\·111lHbk t~• all re· lll ·• " A k ss ot ra C<!. ccl\Qr or CTt'cd .• ouuuu .. 1 ni; 111 •1,11 .1 • r. • • •. <I the (act that lhe \·.:\'.A. ts a l l!~ .. : . .1i...w1 :. '' 1 •· • I "' Red .1''ealh<'r a,&e-n~· 1J11s help1 J 1ll '1,nt ·•.I "It.;,:~· I· r •·I•··• ... i.; mtetlng t hest ntel1s T?n·t,ui:h th•' 1n l),1• ,, n'·. ••' tl 1 1 • • 1 ·~ Community Cht>:.t' It bt.-eoml's •I and "" ., 1:q ·,.v .. 'I"' • 1.: n· '·' community .ervlce, hUW•·\'t:r. tho:>e In clrur •. ,« I \ 1,.I\' 1 . .11 1 ·/ .1, who can, pay a non-p1'0!1t 1!"'· 1 •111x•tnll1.<'11l , r '' 'l' Ill ' "' .. Ai_1 ' I -. &11)," af!d•n•hlll, ) I ' : I ,I I I :-t , l1l T he first great g ift we CRll b~-1 Unit•••r 1:,1,1 stow cirr ot?era ii . (tO<Jll example r J 1, I .I , , 1~ :, .:11 I I -Sir Ch.irlt:':t :.1orcll SALE ~ .. .....-1/2 ~off .. ... . . CHRISTMAS . CARDS &Jlti ·.: CHRIST.MAS WRAPS Hyden'~ in !)Jlc111e"'l'J;. Balboa Island 2144 Mar.ine Avenue -· · ..... , __ ...... --- • la.ctric Alar"' Clocli k >'°"" f•-............. ,--•--'· _...___.ofSl,OOOec- .,.. ....... 0 loo.._~ ......_ IHllfe~ l •lt"et Mo"'' or &odor'el wtt-)'o. Of>-yovr ,. ••• .......__....._...,$.IOOcw - Iara ....... ~ ... ,, " -. • No., '°" _,..... ...... diedi:t ' ..... 0 ,_., 0.-.,._ ~ "o•d Cert1fico,. ScrM~ o\«Ollftl .. Morell Jl, ~ 30. le~ 30.. CMod, ...... b _, ~ ~20. .,_.~-~, .......... ~ ...... ...... fllot't ca MWh ot "°"" M~ .._. _.., -... ., ......... -~ pay • _. occoo.M It i...f9d to 110,000 by i+-e ~ ~,,;"9' o"<f l-i......-ce Co"'°'°"°" • ~ _,. -by "'°" ... -PO'f poe'lo91 bot+I _. • • ....._. ""' "'°"' po.booli 90'r"'9' °"°""' "' ~Vftded .. ..,,._~ ~oeolly edc»d tlO fOV' ~ I f9tfOf..., Mt~.~ M'V'<•' locolly -Nd .,,.o,,., locolly loone4 ~ po. ~' ()__. po. 14tt<Nftf ,...,... M'COUHft OftNIO In J~T 10tlil .... .. ~,. 31% INTEREST l I ,, 1. r I ., ' . ( ... " . r ) • , -. -< 'f{Jone'I f:xcep/~ Wlia l }t :Jqke'1 Prom :Jh~ P,opfe~~' PAGE i4. PART I NEWPORT ~ARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 31 THE BEST YEAR YETI BRUSH COUNTRY -.:G d -"' -------.,\=----.-------.-.------' o gr4fft us tbe serenity to eccept the t hings we conno t .chonge : t he couraqe t~ cli4nge the things we con and the JOURNAL . ' ., . wi~dom to know t he d i~ference." (A. ('non.) By HORACE PARKER .! Good .. Year For Har~br Seen public parking-a~d at no exiJense to himself? The op- •eration of the Newport Pier as .now constituted is un- (Ed. Not• -~ <"Ollana bJ H orace l"llf.ll_F "1.IJ dM.I wt~ tbe Uttk!-kDOWD bJatortcal tact• be .... dl"f'dsecl' up .. Ji~· -., L t r1pti lnto tbe llM'll countri .. ~.c -y~r..1 Muc)l of my bruah country wandering is done un ista•& There's a New Year underway am.I all indications fair: c9~f:!ti9n with those landings in the inland,~ity are that 195:5 will ~·a good year for ·Newport Harb~r. that have to provide parkin1t. pay ta~es on their land -and national foi·est and park lanliis: Ct>rtai~ rumblings ani nudible from the b~ush countr y Jwellen; ua regards theee lands, some good and some bad. But it wasn •t until I read "The Shocking Truth About Our National Parks," by Charlt-1 Stevenson in the Reader 's Digest for J anuary, 1955, that J began t o ~1\·e some &>rious thought to the subject. One of the things most pressing of solution in this com-and police their properties. munity 111 the establishment of a formula for develop-We believe that under a proper opera tion tbe New- ment ot recreational facilittet;. • ~ port Be~ch pier could oper!!_te a ·si,zeable return to l)le City of Newpor\ Beac]l Jor recr:~!ional purf>O*!"s. It Two prpblems confront taxpayers of th c·1ty in the . i s worth noting tbat the income ,f?(jn) the San Cle- plans for public recreation and park facilitief3 .. First-ment e Pier is approaching $20-,000 per year and in IMu·k 11( 1H1rnp.~w .. r• .. n1l. m 11on 1t' I fa11htlt>11 a rt' Rnuth1•r 1'&11l'<!r e11l• \'8.•1•:-. t'111•1 ~~ 1H1• ulhwnng san1· in..: Ill lht• hr allb a·n li }>eauty 11f l«I.\' fl11•1hllt'!I tu 1>4-l'Olll.c a h <'alth j111a ll'·f>\\'n•J p111k11. l 'hati:u tnr menat.. 111 ~·11111" cot thrst' 1trt'u d. l'Allll>inl( m fl St1<te l'~rk •h11uld Y11~.rn11\» 1t nol Yr llowst1int' are hehl bf' high t'no11i:h to P•Y the rnllre 'up 11t1 typw 11I bltt«k .,y.,:s 111 ou r <·o,tt u( OfHll'11tln~ s uc h a fdd hly .l\'allunal I '111 k •t'l lll'· liul \\'J~e 1 al'ftt-,,.t!Tt' 111\\"t"lll'\tat 1mttw1" rn a ..lhkl11n1!>1 uil "'"n•'Y ' 111 L.Hhlu1111a rea11n111tbl<' li·n~U1 o f lime with In• )U~t 1 r• \'lltly lllH1h! ,.v1u lt1bh• 111;a1q h ;re itl "" th.-11\Vl!'lllllll'nl. The m en·· (ul' :'l,1l1' 1'111 k8, "'.t' .,huUl•I K8 ;_pl)\\'l'r tor OflC'f8tlllj; ll JIKTk 11hould l'lllZcn~ ~·~lllllt' l ite phtJ<l,.uphy be lldt'')UalC' 1111d l'flt'rJtt'll<' who are the facilities to be for. local citizens. or-hordes of vlsitor8? ·Secondly._ how shall sl.lch facilities be -0c€'anside the a\'erage is better than $10.000 annually • prd'vided. by tax dollars levied against local citizens en· · tirely. or-b¥-Xciiwestme-nt of ru~~reated.b·y other Legislators to-' Work park facilitie7F , . . . Each of these 'prublemi; generates a multitude of . Orange county s ~hree ~prp;enlat1ves m the state ) othe'jl. The problem .of pro\'i'ding__recreat ion facilitft-s leg1trlature-:-Sena!or John A. Afurdy Jr., Assemblyman for inland residents is one tha t can ~ssumcd .LeRoy E. Lyon Jr. and A1:1semblyman Earl Stanley. left by the Orange County Harbor Ocvartmen~. The~ th18 wee~. e~d for s.acramento and the opening of the 11nJ ol>J•. th·,. or th .. srnit> ,.,., k 1 c·1.o!o(P:J> rs "'·rsT ER lllO\'\'ll11•11t M u\'h 11( v11r n-.l1onal ano.l 11t111• a water park and playground area Just iola12d <>f the l.q~ legislat ive session today. . Coast Highwa y and east of the Upper Bay is a begin· ~e'!IDJ>r Murdy ~ill begin his third year, in the ~p- STAT E l'AK)i 1't1Ul'lill"l.!"i f•lrt'8l u ea,s AT(' cloSt••I to-1.ht' rub· I hH \". n.1t ) ""ti l ht· 11l>J.,1llvt>s lie with the toXCUlll' tha t ll 111 a 11141 01 uur .Stfltt' 1'111 k><, but 1n 111)' hiuttril. llut evdi inth-<' ileod o( 10.,t11111.1,1<m. u nlJ'.t" p111 k 11houhl , w inter when-the ftr• }Vt.zar1I T. ''""""' '"' u1 •. 1., 111 h1~l11ri.-al, 11•'1.'ll·: OVl.'I' 1 he "lock ed i:iifl.'" brr fllrl'~l Iii• 011•! 11.cllJllll llll<'l't':<L f'l\Jl•·1·t 1 rou.J,. 111 !hr rult' rallwr then the Liie \o,l11t11t1 .. llwn·111. a nd pruvttll' I •'Xl'q 1llon. In · bner, thr publlc ae fur th•• t'llJ•>~ llll·tl l ••f \'1:<1lu1 s 11~ A wl\t1lt' '"nut w11nted in the forN\I. h•ni: "" ·11 I• 111"'" th~ An•a 1111·1111-L·rr t h111 I>< bf<'lllll!}"' a t11r·k 11( j•llll l'tl l1•r lho• ~11Jny111o•nl 111 C11ture 1 i.up t'r\'h•ory nuin w f'r tht n w• i.:··11°•1.<111111;. A 111J 11 i<hv114'l pr ... \·1oh• 1!4hu lll•I 111c1-..as.i o u forest aerv1re 111<"1•;111 minr-ttn "1'1"'!1.Unily t u r ... I po•t 1mnn1·I. Olh••r blOll! lhal 111•• l11x 1111.J tw1I• 111pl111. the b<·:l11l1t'l' dn,.1n,1; murh o C our t or1'"l to the ning. All of Orange County IM included in t he Harbor' µe r house of the legislature, has ~ a member of five District and, therefore. llll will pay for s uch a program. standing committees and was vice chairman of the. Socia.l Welfare com.mittee. We ha\'e the same prublein In our beach develop- ments. There anf tho.ic,' for, the most uon-'taxpayors, who would like to sei: ela borate developments on the beach for the bt-nefit of all and !iU{!J ry from en ·r ywh"rc. Thlf• may bf' we ll 1f we <'an affMd it. · Al:lsemblyman ~tanley will ~in his fifth ~rm in the lower houl:lt', hai; been a membe~· of four standihg and interim committees and Y(as vice ·chairman of th'e Industrial Relationa committee: MURDY REPORTS • • • By SEN . .JOHN A. Ml4RD\". JB. Wl' have for exampll• :,uch a prugr am un the;ptC'r~ of th<; City of Newport Reach. These piers han not e ven pt11d for their uwn lighting. 11r fu r the liability m311rance w hich the 1·1tr uumt eflrry let alone return llfl.f'th~~~-i'.bQU>MVlilil 11f dollars of 111\'est cd cap1· tal. f or 111litfl rll'l' the l'tty rN:t•t\·ecJ un a\'crage of $2600 per year rental for operation of the liv~ bait boats and 'barge ~eotal· m -an cxcll!sive k>ai;e fur five years, Also crcd1tc t-0 the Newport Pier i~ a Sl200 per year fre fr<tm th rcsumrant conccsMron. This operation is ridic- ulous. N where el:>t' in t he city can an exclush·e fran- chise be harl by one ~perator for suGtt a paltry figure: Assemblyman Stanely. will begin his fifth te rm in the lower hou:-;e, ha s been a member of four sta nding"' and 1pknm cumr,1ttccs and was chairman of the Muni- 1:1paJ anJ Count ) (jovcrnmcnt commitlh·. _...._.., Janua ry t , 19:1:1 6 1;.:W t hat woultt llll\kt• ll manJu-ur n.1t111l' 111 "" ll•'dl' natun.l :.111·' p11blll' 111 thr ran11l1<•at1ons of t he torv !or 1111,. •ruu "ho lac"" 1, 1u11n•h11,:, "" l'""Ml>h .. Ta)1or Cnu ing Act " anJ am11l11r In lhe11• dll)'B o f hUJ:I!' na tlonal · · u g 1 ii 1 f P I If "P, " )\Ith ,\I 1 l:>t""""""11 111 l1·i.: 111l11l1on. w hr 1 e fnr a 11mall allp· cldleits, when practM,,ally •~h1ng n;ea~urr1~11 ie ;a 0 '11 apprn\-h1:-111111 I•• thKt p11n•1J11~ mv1k1n-t>ncl th" cnttlruu:m l'llll lease \'&Ill ·~~ .... ~-j)4l./J,U !1~u~~£.t1~-r~')~'!l!JJ.~. 2~.hta 1_1111&1.._.t-·"flll(fl~"""ffl-•·~ • ..,.,. nr "fllT1''><~-tlm{t-at'"'~~ 'l'he legislators face whal Capitol observers 1:1ay will be um: uf the .,nos~ cont ro\'ersial scsi;1011s in many years. The ·qucstion\of cull111g costs of st.1itc govcrnm~nt tJI' adding new taxes will bl' before th~ legislature this Sl'Sl:liun. One tacl1u11 claim s the large l:ltate deficit may bt· met by cutting the propoi;ed billion dollar budget to meet the income, while another faction prescribes a new t ax 'bn cigarettes, lrquvr and horse-race betting. I t.:nempl0yme1)t 1mmram:e, la~r lt'gisla tion, high- way <.'unstml't1on. additional hospital and prison faci- l1t 11:i{ antl oth er \'ttul irnbJects pomt to the introduct ion of a rccon.1 num.bc r of bil k; Ul the opening days of the l prr1111ntl' t h!'re 1s ""thing 11lu1 t-appropr11111on oT-rii'Oiiev. 10 111 ..... ,. • • 1, , \Int.;' a bout the !:ital' 111!\ng $82 po111te 1nto the p1;'l"""'I uie j/o;tll-l" .inr-iii l'1"•lltut'.ni.: lh•-,.,.,_ ~"""'"''" l hr p11bl11'. B u t m 1lllon of 1111 reservtoe per 1i11m1111' melhv1l by whirh lh<' lllonev 111 tu ,.,., ·' '°1~11''~"1'11Y 01."' ~l&U•·•·"''tkd by llir " ntr t llkt>n hi!' _and h i, 111 01dl'r to mf>t'l 1111 obhg11ll(111s. be <lenv,.;1.• The•'!' ld a tu;11·h ur pliil< :'>l•l "111Y 111" suo h 11"'11111"8 fnrnd11 l'lln 11~e th111 la11d In many Aft..r all. Ca htornla le .still pa.v· irony Cvr the pruple lo glthll· 1'""11 '"I" 11~1\'" "1111 Ill tllll'oul.., tf<'.:lud· il11~.l't111,'''" fl'1r a privai<' h11nt1ni: I t i · Ina. till' 11111111 tcl ll<:tclll v u l IJt<' Ill .:a, p1 f'.•Prvt•. Ing Its it gOl'l!, a lthough U1e t ime m,ore ano I lh11'1011e_ t"l<!•l ty m1:1~.;1!r"s. l>ut 1111 \' 'huuld he 1..ri. In tRt· hlln<lo l'Ol'l'L.\TIO.S St:t:DS '-" 1s gruw lng 11hort whton 1l will C(in· p ace n e ....,g fl I\ ure v•C 1e· · 1 · J tin11e lo l'.lo llO on preunt taxes. spo11s1blltt1· for l'lll•lng the ll1'<'!i •nc l'll\'Ah• i11p11111 •m p11v11t•·ly 8outhl'm C"ah fom ut with It• In- for the r eset \•ea 11le a bout gone. to cove1 ihe co .. t of thOl'<' rnl'a11· v\\ 11"'1 IJ 1111 F"r tnstani•e one nf I l'rPL~,. in population n!'f'd11 lo te k f' urra lln ll t hen }>la me the "puhu-nur "l14l•• llhl k" m So11th .. rn l 'Rll· 1111\'lln tagr nC the hf'althful at - l'ndoubtl'dly, le 1nc'lnw (1(1111 clanll .. for lllith , (08l nC ll"''••ru· ffllnllt 1,. "'"'"'""')' c·unt .. 111plat1ng 1 mo~phl'11· found In our still!' an•I presen t taxes fo r 19:i:i-:16 w tll be mf'nl. 111•t11llrnc i.n t'lubu1at.: ""1111m1111: n1111 .. m11 l"ll k~ and forl'llt" It we $100 1111111011 short or thr bu<lgt>l :\t:\).'. 'IA.US/ fl'"'I, wh11 h no ohrnht will ro~t in n•·•·ol 111"'" ~uprrv1snry p•rlllOnnl'l re q111rem<'nl of SI 12 billio n. whwh J ust how t hl' budgt'~ "111 bl' I lh• 11• 1i;hb11r h11••1l ul a quart I' I of w_. hA•I b1·11l provide it rlllh f'r th11n will he the larj;l'Sl budgtol In the mt'l ror l!l:l:i-os 111 cplltt' unl'ertain ~ 1111111 .. 11 ot••ll·••o • •lt~s1p1ttmi.: llnlll<>d rund ll In blllll'.I· We bchl•ve that 1f these franch1sl's were throwl1 01wn tu pulJhc bit! and public advertisement fur offers thl:\t much bette r offers couJJ be had. For inst uncc. w here else can a boat op('ralor be in better proxim•ly tu the opc11 sea? Where ('lse ca he be better situated for · • s<'s.sion. 'Nearly ti,000 mea surel:l wer·e intrC>duced at the I . / . h istory of l hl" ,')tale. a nd th e laq;:· et thlll 111111, Un e lhWi: 111 t>t'rtiu n I l<CllUU,:\11 T~'1'A\t:K •r!' •·c .. n .. y J1tlanda," purrhl\llcnJC l'Sl fll'r capita of any Stat!' in the _-..,,,llrn t t<OlllTt'll or ll'\'~;;11e"<<'rll·I r ... 1~ u p1t1v111t•1· ut m e 11ltttl' to more ··<1u1«'<l ar<'a~" for poj\tt'i:ity, l!mteJ Sta tea. WlUI lh1~ «vn· · ,, " m -.. t f I t I I prcJba bly lul'k $!()Ii lolllhon pr• rll '"'' vr 1 l•IH ••'~_n:~.!'..:11111. 1i.c:1· n nrt J>i.·r<"ing uur prim itive 8rt'A8 rug,u ar session two years ai:o .. <lll1on existing, you can be nssure<l y ear ot lllt••t 1n" th•• i·"p"n""s \hl11·11 ior R (.,w of its c1t1 u-n11 a t 1wllf1 ""f1"11111ve imrfar ,.<I roa<la. that money problems will h old an " 1 h xi •n 1C th t t •• o d SCENE AT THE CAPITOL Already thel'e a re about tJ'lree 1111• 1· " 1• ''" • e en 1rl• :sta e . 11r m11unt111n. """n . a nd be Ach lmrwrtant pl11ce In !h t' th1nk111g of · 111 f r 111 1 111 l 1 1 1 1 b h ti fert-nl 11chu<>l8 or U1uughl 1fe\·.,J .. p. · " " " 1'. "11 a " 8 e·IJWnt·t ano A t1W11•'d Y t e r bile <'01111'.1 the .·lcgi8Jatora d uring lht! 195:1 In" ltntl ht'lll" VVll't'<l 8 10111111 lht' h< otl h, I• 111'\IM l'ullrll! Wt're hllllt. (111 lll111'h Ill 11llev111te t he 1'r(IWiJl'1l llt'l<lllfllt. At Lhl' p1 eaent t111w !u11r .. " 11 J 1 h 11 1 d off1c1•• 111 the Capitol Annex T ht' 111 '"' ''' " • or a sw1111111111~ l'unl l\1"n" roun tn publtl'·t1Upf"•t t· c 3tego 11u o f State A id, nllmt'ly: et'OllOl11.V uunth·•I llU,\', ":-\!Ill'\\ I pool I w1111"1 MIY that ~·e -1wr· ll\d m1•ntal fJU1tH11t1ona o! t h r llf'O· HARBOR HI L,ITES S1'C:RA~tE:-;To 1C:-O:S1 Ac· olht'r cla.:is..-~ or p.-nplt>, 111 " big lly Jl·u1t: :-01,ct:t•t;K t K>11 bv th•• S11 n Fr.in•'"'-¥ board guullon. Bui. from_.a-tl mdirationa. Alie• gom1: carohni; De<".:.. ~a. t>C ··du1·11t111n in banning 11.:hoov Ult' people themaelvf'a.f1n •I n (1 ub-, liub UuJrulRD had ~ OJ>•!O h uu"" lr1u hera ''"tn lakin..: un 11ct1ve jl'elll•rf lo· th is c••n l r1thuliu n o C 111 l'usta M e,.:<.,Tllk1ng 11dv11ntiil/.<' P"rt In polltlciil ""rnp .. 1~ns ,·ould p<o\\"f•r, 11r th .. ma1orily, would hllVt' ••I 11 .. 11,111• 1111{ •'UI ini.: ltnd nH111.ui1: h11ve ,..11111' 11·pt·i.11,,,11m!' on a ~tilt" 1u1, .. 1 tliat t h e schools .•hn.ild be "'"'''· l'all1t' <'lt>llh 111'1' a111I Uub Jo\1,,1 1( the l'11h101n111 Jr1:1:11ill111 e p rll\'hh•J b.\' '"th •' lrii:i111at ure and l:11ll1nrn. Frl11111 Hl'll1nn a ml Tum a nd .. 1h .. 1 hoo ld~ uf t'•lu1•11l1Hn n11t lll1v11i;h 1tw \\hlniM\' o( t h•• l~•11i:1 . C~lu11a 1rnfl lilr n l'h kt'll.<. th110ll);hl1Ut th~ "l8t,e.,g <1t l))t' J.:l'll· C"11ht"m111 T~11r'1~18 )\~;.o.l'IHLHJn, Kay B111111l111111l llncl llBll So·oll")' eritl 111••8 lhlll politico I lll'll\'11\• \IO I.ATE RHatT!'(~ t:1111tl H11rn•e1 untl Hoh \\'l'IZl'I. c o111ct lw h1tllf"<I by l<Ul'h IH'lwn (Jn the "th,..r hanrl, ll would lift· Ou;ty .11111 J ac•k \\'l':ll, Ha1ba111 Th""' 111 " h""I'"'''· ""'"e 111n· P<"•• that th1 1mposittvn ,,, e H11ye:. a ud Hill 1-:l'ller anrl :>.lory cl&111•·n111\ 4""''"'"~ v.hh h .. 11u11hl · b11n · u11 t h•· t~l\lhei:.. o r 1111 any Ann H11~s a nd Au;.lln !'m1lh b" 1-"·"n • •·1t1•vnable 1un:.1dl'ra11on other ""lo:llll'nl uC the pvpu\atiun. LJ,..,. 23, 11 IUn<'ht'••n wa:-h<'IJ hl'f1111· 11·1~ ""itm<'nl nC !lw popula-p1<1h 1b11111.: them h um taking part fur th•· Oyloi;" by J u.tic ~l•·t'f11't lion "'' I •I I \\ hnt 11 1 11n •lo anti in pollth '\I .. a111paii:ns. or mllking nt h1·1 1\11111" in l"111onl\ dt>I Mor wh11t IL '11nn •1! do known t1~11 1tlr11... and tw>hd:1. linni:tn)o! < "h1 •~turn-. g1!111 anol .. w,, nu; 1-· \( "TUJt ""'"hl bu1 olt>r on a v1ula U11n of t ht' uf fo"'' '"' a n""•l) l11m1ly v. • 1 • <In II •J.111• \\ hlo• ll'\'l'l, thr C11h· \otnlllll11tl•on~ or thl' >tat;> """ !hi' l'alllt' I '11•111.·111·•·. 'l"8Jll T rol11ll fr11n11\ To·onh"'" A:s"<o"IRll'ln i~ the L:111tt'1I Stal<".!', both 11f Whllh J:lllll· 11. 111 1; .. , 1-. l:11th l •wll• \, ~f• l111of11 111P•t I'"""' ll•I 1111 11•1 in polclh'll 11n1 .. r1 11 N"lom ,,( t<pC•'• ll Ldlhlolol, L) 1111 B11~1t·;'. 11 .. 111"' l • no11 ••111v , n11 h11l .1L h,1, ~on•· Tho• 1111"" ··1. thrr• r'lff'. would :-:1lv¥. C.:Kll Fr<th1u, J•nt H11rh11., urtoi 1 ••nil HI\ '" tlw '" 111111 10f th\' ~l11t1• nM ,,., 111 \" 111\'olve 11 •1ircl'l pro· H111tl11t" l:>• hm1olt l•1.••ll\l11r1• t h• 111•·11tbt'1" 11( "huh h1n11111n ••n th<' ••m:<tilulio•nul ' :-;11ow 111\'l!l ••d 111i,1111t1u11~ 1111 In "'' lh· ol•ol•· '"l '""'"ntllll\'t'~ ••f 11i;hti-••f tr11•h1t•. R>Hh••r. l\ "11\'C· (1111•n pun•! P'"''"ol" P•·ll •q "I· l ie" j• I • !ho Ju..,1\1•• hy "1'1'"111· IW• tlf'lll11111111 (lf lltilll"ih!l r uhll· 1111,1; lo lllKkt• lht J'ol•I \\••o•f. Ill 1111. I • ,,.. I'' ·1 •· f 001 11-l•ht 111nJtl ('.ti ao (j\'ll \' 01t1JJ1I I><• ad .. pt' d, lx1l h H11-Ii• d I .1 t •• ho loll• : •Ill• ~ "'"' All• P • n• • 1 ~· h• .. i,. 11flP1 ll,•111g 1111 fl •h•lr11 t """ ~13lP lrn•I. Anti 111. I'·"'''~. h1k1111. 1tn•I "klH1111: ttu 1 '•I •I "'' 1 t', ~ . .._1 .. flttur• in•IJ\·i•h:.tl:iio \\ho ,.,.,lnl• !\'H h .t ht\,~ ''' 1t Jan• ~trt~n •. .i\nn Sl· "·••: lo '1lu1,a.: 'h•• a •:d.t 11n1tl AnA 1''''"'"111t,•I And ,:1,nu~,,·•I an th•• l'rtl\V H.• llta1• t H\\~ ,. B• ··k. ~\31~ f 11f\1' '~'\ p•t1\li" 11 rt, .. lRlt• an tt'J,.:lllar 1u•l•r 1t( ft•int1e rall•' .,:ov· J .11w .\1 11 .. ll h,._ H nntt• t;,,,,.._.1 e f!••ol fo " 1111'11 I'• 11 t .,•n 11fi•'lllllhl1t Jt11tfl f•liH•~ .'ol •II ll J!h l 'K1 t ht•tr u'•'" ••1 1• ... •1nt11 \ ,\nd ,.. ~11,h a tl•lituti•·n 1( un\nnP f'\•f l!1·.r1• . .JH•ll• :---11 •;·1 . ,.,,, .. l '•l•t Jn,.r1,.: ''lh1 1 'h1n,;· tti. 1,,u1 t11'1~ ~tl""M1 nun\tl1.•ton~trf11inRa1 ,·uuld l h· p1tt'1 ut.•l11 u •11 l11u1tt••h A '411111c1.tt•1•11 ''••"'»h • t••Ht1"'rrq1IJ..,.:h pruhllllt 1tw l:1t•· 11( J>l&blH ltopt)rly Y••Un.: :-i11t~1llll•~ dr•'"''il 1n \.\}ptt l ho" 11111.t11tiuo h~ •II· ''"''''" .. r ,1not l'llbll• ""''' 1., runhoi tht> $(10\\1t.• 11 .. 11k•ol llw •'\'\'nl .. r th• r "t•t 111n .. \fl \ll,. ,.,.,.1., :0-t hwito: ,,~, lh•~Hlt _, 111 l+l•·a~ 11f ,,.9, lh Ill, ur' f tl ""l Hf\lliH\.l l lt t1u~.U\tt.• BaU u~c "'"'Ii th· I" .,rl· Ill•' ' •I ,,,.., 11ru· ulh1 r i.;to\'1'rnl11••l1\ .. mpl11)1't':< :.!'< ''o·ld •I ll tll~ \\Jlli ol111n• 1 i<n•I Thu, 1111 • ni: l"f,t .. , 111 " i.;lrllt Hut " rt.11nly. n•• vnP 1a 11 1·01n•lolo·1 d.11 .. 11;: 11 1·!1.' !:'h.,111 .. th Slllll'I(<. ff'1<1 ol •'""•Iii. th•' \\ 11J • t tkf' lhkt lw• 811«· Rn 1ndn 1d1111I I• .. n .in•I ~l.11 I• 11 L>11'" ~· "' n•'" :--11,,, Cith(111n1a T. •• h· '' \ .. "''' n .1 puhht' flD.\lull. th" lll'h\C•IUHI 1' 1111°1 Hut..:• r zo1 .. 11>o'11-;\.1111' h H .. "" n h•il' '·I "I I " •I• \••I f l ullhll• I 1111111 1.1k1n1. 1•111• 1ll 1·.,11,it.1• II ·ind\\ die ''" l\r, .1 .... 1111 JlOl1tu 1tl Jil·l• \\ I • tn 'I· i ' • 1,11 tr1• U\ U\ llH"!' tr -.:u\'• '"""ht .. ,. J :"lilh ... .,,, Jt"M t( :-\n11lh • ;1. 1 lft J'<>\\1•11UI lul>h\ ·""~'" "l'l 0111, ,,, th•· oh-1'\~un~ "hlch 0111 ... l bi• 1, ,1, h· l 'lib\•111111 1nJ ·1n m 1-·ru,l. J11rl<11• Ulnlf' \Ill\ •• t I C'•I hy llll' lllllJ"rll\• tu Jn•llf\' tht• \\,1tk "' ..... 1 Go·Ol t.:•' !'rh111t t anol \\'hl'lho I 1: l' :i h• olt l,\ ,I IA , 1 11llnlll\(IOl1 <•f 11 olo 11o1 ! Atll ~"\'• ,'f"llJll r 11l11ll RnJ {I0\'1' t111u tu ttOl•i .?lo•, UatHh J•· ,,1r-n •1nru.•nl It "t•u1 .... lh~tt •pult! n f•\\' H.•r· l he l1.11nJt of""'' l'"ll1•t1l111 u1111p .\11\A~T.\tit:TAKt::-.-b0111I•~ ~ta1 l•·ol th~ :->t•w \"o 11r otr or '"'urlo·. ''h111\ '"" "1"''''••11111 A1l11Ally whAl 11i·1w111 ~ 1n ht> h~· •·hhrnt1n1o: 11l " p11rty i.:1v"n ch11lll"111;1• II• '"n•1ol<•1 h i t1n·hn1.11 hRf'P""llll' Is thHl 1M111e tPRl h1·1 ,, hy C>lr•11R <..'hal'<llMl 111 B1tlbn11 o( tVl18lll\ll11I Rlllht•nty, il11tl • •· \\ho 1118)' C.-1.'I blMt.l,.d wl'th P•'""t f'el"llllly A ~l lltlf' \\'hlrh dl"ll\'t ~ II~ ft,, lht' r"~ull Of llllll'I'~~('.~ n( t h ••ll" IJ\'Jril{ f1 m11 1.;ol\'o'1'fllllt nl, 11lu11.; •1ffll'·Wldt' R~sn('18l!1•n, lllA\' bl' "'llh ('fl 11110 .. 11111l11n11•ntl' <11•111rol lo l1<k111,1; 1111\'IU'lle~I' or the public. ~<•rlllt'rl.• lh<' -"••"J•ult•Uo1llN1< :o-;e"s·T lm"8 ·' lllld the ~ewporl·&lboa f're~• Dependable ~ lutltutlo• for Onr t'orty ,._,, Entr~d u ~nd-Cl•H Matter a t Ule P 011totr1ce Ill S r wrort Beacb, ~om1a un•l..r t.he Act of Me.rd i 3. 18ill. Publlllllr4 Enri M o•day anc1· lltunidaJ' a& :\cwport Bt'ncb, C•.Uf, tty U.. ~E\\ •-OK r tLUUtoK l'l BUSHL"O COMZ'AXl' ~~ ~ I I . I '. c- . . ' I ., I· .. ~·~ .. .. ' ,, .. ' ~ I sr houl!I. eoual w~ICarl'. roacla a nd th r 1 taxe11• lr t tilt' Htult' 011 .. 181.,, ieg· f '' lltni; I' ""'' •• 111x pnyer • r11lic 1·n11ually nf our high "fW"•'tl, Sunic ""'"d th .. rc weir: C11rol Kine ).!)41J.tuttons, coil Lbe Sta t r $1 bll-la tere;.t warranla If tt runa ul or "'"n1•y -. "l•>ol• m t'1v1h1l1cin. Lt't 11 r n1uy und l't'le Schulberg. Donna Small lion, U OO m llllon. mont'y:• A nothf'r ~roup •d 'O<"Btet I T uu 111any htgl1· .. p"',.J roaJa IJl lhNn now &ll lh«.y ahould bf' I'll• 1tnd Chtp Hegan; Shirley °"HCla>c(on Rl'l><lf:T t'R07.t::S hmill!'d new la'Ces, "hll'h coupled a ~1.1 1 t• park 111 a 11ublle roi,. th11t Jnvt•rl. n•th~r thAn pr,.11 .. rv1nl{ unol .J ..... lo11111 ,. :-.1.111· l•v1\h lllld Sc\'l"nty per cPnl 11c thl' S tate with pre&t-nt rt'l<Pl\'<·s. \\"IJUlrl k•'"fl o;-<tn" .. "" '""" nf nal111al tx>auty.'thl'm Cor !'()me l'""C\d II\ l hC' •llm Owk Ovt'tlJY. Cl!.1)'11 t:~1rt•r nnd bullgrt ll' (rnr.t'n into lht' Con,.lftU· the State itrnng fnr a 1111111,-..1 nu111· t:x• '"'"" 11 .. 11~1ni; and ,,1rnpin,; i1nd t1111·eo1t11111 f11t11r1 (;t.,.n Thuma~. Kl•yla llu1 i.l l\lld \\on by d1ro•r t \'O\t' of tbe peoplto, btr of ye1H11. A 1h1r1t l)l'hllfl ,,dv11· J"1 ry t:iuM:<, Emnca All!•1• ,111<1 E:.!· or flxt'<I II\' r•mt1n111ng la"'' The rat t11 no 1 hallf:t' 1111111 11bi101u1el\ c.:1e r un numn, ;'l;a111 Y ~«11npl>"'I Ler1~1a~u1 c h111< no ..J'l'Wl'r to nrt'l'll1<a1y, Hnrt thrn Ymrk 111·rr ""' AF·FAIRS OF STA'fE nnoJ W)'h•\ K• 1•h·r, J u11n11 l:iul'l'.S ch~ngr Ja ws pa1<1wrl b~· thl' peo· entire tn.\ al rut t11rr A ll 1hr1·•• 11nd l:lrui·c Kntpp pie T ht'y do have thr rt s ponsl: i<lrll!I 11e<-n1 It> h111·e 110111,. lllt'rlt 111111 Shuley St31t1111! nnJ J c.hn Swam, blht1· <'f311P111pting tn fln11 Ao11rr t l! 1 hope \t. 110 1ntn lht'm a 111i1r Ot'bae Cnlrman Rn•! H1J\\1trd ~llt·1 o f re\·tnue to prc1thlc e t hl' nP('(' ... more fully llt'\l Wl'l'k IJy Ht:~R\' C. MACART1tl'R 1hr ll,Ju..tyC01 .. n111nan1IT11mCh1l·188'1\· nwn"' A• foR'e...member oC JOH X A. Ml'R ll\". JR I ··•. Jaime Gn:i>n and ,Jim Taylo1. the. LPgi!!lalllrt', J woultl wrkoml! ·rn&lor. JMh l>lJllll<'l :-;,\t'HA~IE:-O:Tll 1c:-.:s1 Al· 'l -'1011 t 1are t o hr quo1 .. o1 n n ~l1tr111n Kc" 1no1 unol JJ\ k Snulh. -I' 11 .. 11i:h IU• • d "1fh l'l<>Hoiily r>e· lh11t ' AnllR Palm anll 8 111 \Vf'lz,el. Lyn l'"l"hnr r111o1ll111• "'" in the trn' Thr haltll' w ill <"01111> rrom ·h•.1:- Slahlo•r hntl Hill H111i.;. l'at K111tpp s s i.11111• '• /11 )..• • lhf' slRIP •ll'pA 1I· ,,.1,.1 .. ..,. \\'hn Ari' anx1nu11 to I'•• .lll<I l ltlk ~·ll\lfo:, 1·;.sol C:nun anri a cram en t 0 1' de 11· g ht m,.1•1 "I o-.lllJTlll"n lu•5 tft'I hl~•I \1thh•h allll" <hllP~l'l' In lh<'lr nwn ,\I \\.hill' \l:lork I, l'kll\' Hilo•\· and 111111 11 '"II 111'1 R:lk fnr ,;n,1 nl'W ... 1111111111111• .. nr RHlt~ '"' lhi<l .. rt. lloib l)whl E l111nl' n, ~.;1 l 11nri f'hd ' l'nll•·J.:"' rr .. 111 lh• l• 1o:i.1 .. 1urr lh1• ,,, 111111111<1 lllllllllll1nn. .. will t\{' I 1,,,.. l!rrJwn••ll.. T"11y 11;1111.,11.;hi< 11nJ Y""1 , h111 "111 '!'""~"' 1n't• 1"l I\ j ,.r l•• )111111,. !tJl'I ,.., lhA~ 1t1'•· ,,,....._ 1"•11.1• lt•·i:..r1, A nolv ~dlllllJ<'llt anrt ' .S A <.:RAM r~:->TO, il'="Si -T he l'IOr E a rl \.\"1wrc11. wlll be swnrn m.,n.111 .. 11th ln111°1111g .111 .. i.;1~111 t" pl•• 111 1111'"1.' R1••1•~ will hR\I• nppnr- s .. n~· C 1lf'l'''' 19!'>!'.> rri;:ular til'l',.wn cit the 11tatl"J 1.n .\.0 become <.:a hCor11la'11 C'h11'f nold tu th" J••"••·nt f1111ht11•"\ 11uul \' l11r h11thl'r t'•!11 .. 11tl .. nAI f11· l •11111r J,.~, ,, 11:1.1 1 ·1,1111:" Bt?ll y, lt!;l~latlllt tlflfll~ h••re lndll ~', thto Px~11tlve In his own 11ght. 1rn•l I In· II> ht1•ti:"t 1• 1111,.1. Iii•• ii••· • 111\11 ~. \.11t,..1n• 1·111111..: .on•I <·h1lt'k K111· t ,1 f h f S \ll'flllt,.vrr 1lr11l11 he rnarfr \\Jllt \\'11r· p11 itm••nr i.r•• I" $.!7 1111011011 'h,, r111.. lt>fip~IA1•7r\ A11,.rmhlyman :r11t ·' 1mllav " t r r I " 1r-J<t un~.. ·h h • · · ' \'I''" J 11o1,· Bn~"r 11n<1 ~Ilk•• u11 r- 1 .r .. n " en l • IRllf'r left ( ,1hlnrn1" , 11 1 olitl .,11tl.i\' 111 tic• I• n t'J.i.i>tlnt.: C';irl""' Br" •·C l ll<ywar•I will m ake I• ti 1'.it l'lullh ,1(1.t U• ti :lhlurn tl;n· O( rwlrl ·"l,lmh~rt'<I Y"&rs, aiti tn l>t'c-oml' l.'h1rC Ju~tlfl' ur !hi', .. 11111 , ull•·i:··~ ~:~1·an~1un pl1tn' II nPW IOllll" 1 rtll"R•• fnr lh«llrT"a !lfl•I Glu11•1 .,1101 Jiu k '"'"'" ,\~ rv• nls of monwn11111s oCC'llllJOn Are l'nlle<I Stl\ll'I'. t·11n hf' rallt>•1 0•1l· "" 1111,i. r "'1v I• r H umh<•l•ll th" llllhJ•'" ••t hl~ llr•t blll. h" a1ud RI""~·, th·•• l\•I• t h•· •tai..~ a n1l s rhrolul"•l tn h" t1ol1itt1'1I In the m0<lt·•I , ---s1 .. 1" 1 "ll•S:• m A1<a\:o S11n hPr" JN rn~'. H1oli .luhr. ... 11 T·mv Hn1I H1< h l'1.1h· h1<llio 11r the ~llllC tl'nale And u -l l v.111 be a g1f"..t day fo r th .. LI« I!" ~lR•• 1,,,,.: 1i .... .-i1 SIRl•. :'ll\l<-:;:..nalolr Hua llullM', nf 1111- 1 .. 11 •, n ... 1 zw .. twl .I• lrn 1-:S:>-:l'rl \ Rt'pllblir•n11. wh11 wer" trium phant An•I r.. .. ~ A 111.1 I• • :''"I•. I'"' 1" 11l11r· 1-r 111d c ·,, .. ,, ly. hill! """" 111:1t•l111c Hiid\ \l,11 1111~1., 1;11ry l,1•1k••I 1: .. nr semhly 111 !ht' :-\11\'elllho>r,.2 f'ler t1nns ti••· I\' 111 t.,.,. J\11£•1•-"h•f" twr1 "'" l t•oi 11 1"11,.1:•' In """th"811lrrn C l\ll• \\111.;:••""' .fnhr1'' l•r111~ ~1 1kto The !11 rrnrr oC 111,. lna11g11rat1on ~rite th11 han<hcRp of a gr,.111.,1 l .011·• hot\r ll1•·n 1q •p11•\•ol ,r .. r11 111 f .. r ""\"r11.l l•·.1n11lal >v4 ..... \'111 I• .,,., h H1 I)..>'· ~ .. 1111\ I '1111 n• n f " l;to\ r11101 1ind the ll" Pnnng tn l>f"mo< rnl I!' reg1~tra l ion In ( '" h· K t:1.i.1lc,c, ( A~l 1' I s "''1'' t ••·nn.' ~ 1t1p •t1 'k " . .:;h11 ... 1 H•o-or the rr-<-lo•r\f'rl st11l~ orf1rer .... 811 l11r1111< \\"tth n ll 8ll<t(· offl•'l&b 111 1ttf•ht11m. th"'" >A.'111 I><> r"- lc1•1u... p,.,, I lo·n•l"' '"n, 1rnd Bill Rer u1,111·an, rx• ept A troni•·v C• 11, Tt.i• "'I''" 1111' ~l thu• ) "·'' 1111"'· 'I"'''• '"' ~l>it•· r11ll•·g e11 from I he llfl111lo . ''I'" ""'''I th• m wo ll Rll lit .. O• f'l\S1011 nC 11wi.11nn~ eral ~1tmu11<I l; 13r•lWl1. an:1 ~•th I',,.,, it•k~ l ••tly 1 .. 1 111t•· .i,.,.,.1,., .. s .. 11l .. H"llll ar•'8 i,in'I s l11r, in lit• In 1·.-1, ~1 .. :-u ;in •llwr ="""' 1n nll of the 111eml11•111 or the lrg· m aJOrtll"ll In lht' lllll!•'rnbly and ~c 1wnt 111I.·••1\11i;:0·l·~. 1111h ttl•· H•· l':in ,lo114•jllln V8llt'Y flO'\lllbty tn :'\:o·w \'o•11 r :+1 ~:1 "•I• 1 rr I' w 11~ ll"lng 1slatu1 c. a Jflh wh1o h 111 llcone on a tht J!l.a It' l!l'na te, t hi' GUP l'Ont In· 1 111·" "'" 1 hnl? I '"I:'~"' 1" ' '111" 1 h· n .. 11 h~r n Rt •'ll In lhe "'' cnll Y nn Thr>-1111,• 11 w.~. 111 I •1Rna -'·holeo~all' hll"' u.•iuilly h\· t he g .. n1 will , nnlr nl rhe fl'•ltt• al •I•·•· I '"1'' •I ,_,,.,.,.~,., A ro4 h1na l111n 'OC ll1.• I 11111 .• hon ... \\'ho'I• J11n t 11: 11nrJ rhft'( ju~t1r "'the llllprt'lllt' 1••1ur1.j 11nte' "' Caltfl)flllll f<•r ,;ure r .. .-K\ Aold•I•"'" ''"·" ~·\-II "• .ti• ro-1 .. i;: ~l>il nr ~ In th.. w ftJrlv Al'flllr• t•tt ·'Uit"'n·~ \\t•J ,• •'"J'•\•' ln h!R1'\ Anfi\h•~r t\\u '"'·~·~a~ f"Ht k~ •10• ... \• 1 ,.,, , •• 11u,,tt1 tn: r-.•A~• ... 1. Rl••t Ht•H"' t•1Ut•J he-a poi.-nt f11r. I 1. ona 11n •f l •1or1111l ~!111111, ~l .1ni111 \\ill mark lh" '•P"111111t rfnr....,r the l lri;11IRt111n g .i1, e 111l tr•r Cn1fr '""'~ h-1.• "" •I.I 1. ti• hol, .. ,.., ·1·.111 -'"' 111·111 I• 1<!0l 1<ll•rting lh" w·hef'l• lni.11111111~ .. 11 11n<1 r"'"'r ~hi\ tcn••7. ,!0('.'1>-1011, on \\ htclt llltl1· If nn.\: It g· In lhP eX«Ull\'e lh!mln11tlr11·1~11 l•f I 1·11~ • I I •1111 I I . l'uly l•. ...... , .... ''"'' 1111: '"' n• ... ···II".:"~ ~·r en 1:01W••n Alld ~111rk .\11 n1•1 Ill/Ill. 1Sl8ll\'f' Wolk Wiil bt' tot romphl'hed. • 1' 1111• • ( lt1• I• 11• '" ol • J<f•l111'11th• f fl~t\HTTt:t': ~Tl 'I>\' slat~ JtO\'••mmrnt l'tnH I lt1~h·' .. 1111 llu>-:*'I f,• ull" I ti:'\ U.llT l.S JUl;JIT loH' r n• t ~" ~ • t '"" 11 ,..,..1 .. puhl". ~tr.in" hil•• llw IPJitil'IAt11rf! I• (;\'11>'11 r•.\;.;11 I M CI F r1<11k ~py1 •" Go1·rmor (;onr1wln J. Kl'ug ht. T ht' fanfRff". ~· nu 1\11" ,.,, I •"''' c •'I 1• ' )11 lhr I•• ('I"\. lll\.f<ll •lllZ H t•·potl from 8 re-a\u<ly :->1111ty c:n11ty 1•nol ll1u1•·n t;.r1,(C, \1hfl for more than a ,\'Pll.r hlll h ill' <'Orl1fl8rl'ol t'l thr1prnbl .. nu1 "' nrM1t <•I ~ •• 111• '''"" 1lw• n .. t 111•·1111 r11rnrn11"''"" "" hll?h"r .. 71~1cellon. f)omn11 Hamilton11n1l 1)11rrrll .lllr k · A1te<l 11~ Ji:f1\'t'lll"T more llf lell!\ 811 n1wt•r11111<•11t. a n•I tllr prtibl,.1nM to( lhitl <lllo"I Ill• •'.•I· d•1• .. l11o•lll wh11h Wltl' i;1vrn $112011{] ror •n ~•·n. I thr unrf••1 ·1H•1dy <1( f11r1111•r Llo\'er· ••I 1111111 ", 1•1 11 · ,t.1!•• I•>· •111 t11 \""'lti:11ll•·11 to( Ill" htgh••r fll1U• l'l'"gro·s~. lhnl 1t111fr<111l llu• lo•j;: .. 1\11" \\Ill i;r;wt lh""' • HIJl•hul f "'''" ,.r llH· "t"I". Pre· ~ ... , I 1·~ . I i~ I .. --' U ' l - l11t 111r •l11r1n1ot 111111 I P!\~ Jtt>•.•1011 I .1.1 1 1 1 11 1 , 1 1 111111111u ,\· 111•1t1 Ht'""'"· Cr•;lll 1ht """ --------·--I 1• P·'~"' 11',"I····· .• ,.,,,. .fUl.l.10.S 1>01.l~AR Kl fH,t.T 11\, ril 11 1 du""'" 1 .. h 1.J I 11i• th" f'••rl~ '""ko111: 111~ llfll•IV irultt'lll ft F trl't. the 1~i•~ltt\Utt ~llH'l •nn-i.1; • "''f t1 ""v tul•t .,,,1,11u11.n111i, U\•• P '\lCit\ t.A 1lt t•'''"'l\'"'""'t n" nl"Of""-s-·· I I •l"l" 1 "11"1>:"• l••r a t l'""t ten r I rf{! I I Lt:.. sl1l1'r way11 e l}<I mei.ns to ll>11t111u,. 111•!• i ,,1 sp11·1<• :ni: 11111 tu "'. I . / " u11111•lttt• •1\1 I• nt.. 111 "l•lr1 ,\'"'" i; II""'' .. r. U\" rr1 n r 111 not . the Qpt'rllt1'1n ,,, ll gm·r1nml'nl l Al•"" • r lh • •lkl•• IH~ Ilk• I\' l•> .... Y•·l wnu .. n &nil thr • X(W'T't• "'hlCh COlllll lhl' taxpll)t'lll OPJllUX· '1111~·· " 111")"1 l~ltll' Ill llot' '"f.!l>t• "")' 1t "'II I:'• ICJ Lh!! lq(l11131UI• I I 11111 10 ... 1h-l~•r f'3rl •• r J11n11ary, ll)'la tely 11 b1lho11 an•J a h111f <tnllar• • •I ''" I •" "'"" ... f Al t1>r "l'I P•\hl ••f ". •C11t1mlllc. 11 t'll'h )eer. Tlte figure. 11• uu\1111 .. ol '1\11''0-' ~f'EAt\!" (r,.111 1111• t11,111d uf r .. g .. nl" of the -ll thto 1tale buc1~tl. m ay nm t'Vtn I fir It") J-. ~11111..-'•"· MRI• ~11· 1·ni\• l>il}' 1.r 1 •llfnrr.111. wn d &M 1 ,~ghrr ths n th At nt'lll yeRr f••·rlr.l• 11ol111t ,.f f1llhlll' 111•t I 11' 11.,n>t ~I Al•• t'"" rtl 1,( "•IUt n1tr111 J _ 1HJ11111•·1111) , .. not 11~ )'l 1• 1 .. sy trJ Thtr• ·~ ('1·1·1y 1111tll .. I•"" lhl.t ' Thh Cll(llllng lltUl l bl' <lcin•• llll ''"'' 11.J tit• 1111111 tut ~h..r1 ),.. wi..s h11tlo "~1•111.,.11.11 J'llll(rlUO• lto1 (lrl'A• It e 1181' uf It r"'"'1111" ~111•11llmi I 1t•k•••l 11 h•· I• It thhl t\11' •'Xf'Rll· "n f.11 1l1t11•" a.l\•J hlJJl<tl nlo( pro • w 1rh \11'111 nut . mrf't the "'l'!'J\· •• 11 f•ll•J:llllj• 1,.111,,1 11,.,.1 8 """ f(riin ~ 1,,1 11, . .,.. , ,,f1,.I(,.": h<0Wt\'f'f, dlt1lri>s o r j+!llVl'I nnll'lll. I '1111•"· • llt·i.:· J•I "J.:11111< "'11Ulol "" ... ,, .. will frnd 11 ... lo(••lnJt f(llljth ·~ t.h• quetit~', tho·re ar!' unty I"'' 11n· ri•\111" l•• flll~ l••r l h• • •l 11111 '""' lo i: •l 1t•111• llu-4 y• 1tr, -th•r1 I•, ---u-······ ··· · • Tdt'~oe Harbor lllf I 'lueJlll«t t e hMhil Uc-' .SotlCH &nd Adnr11.,.mHta of AU K.lJlde 111 ,,_.,_ of UM Superior Colll1 o f Oraaae t:o. ua A cUoa .So. A·U 7tl ~·t'r•. ,.1th~r tn< rt'A,.f' taxP• 0, rl\• ,,, 11: y11tJUK pt·•,.,, ~-,,,, .. , '!4h •• : 1 '''"~· "'"·11y11 th,. rn'•ney an• u~e ur reatt"\fl!I to ftnan"' ltl• ;,, 1111.1111 ~ltllr c•1ll•g .... rq 1: .. 1. if\• I ata te during thr ntoxt fl"r al y .. ,, 1 t ·~1nir 11p 1 f'llPr\'e11 •lr.1< 1 n11lt\O,~ hut f1"11tpone the lne\'1l11hl" fw ; "\"tont ually l 8Jlt'I mu~l bf' rtu .. ~I H the lt\•tl of go \'et11m .. n t •"rvlr' 111 to be oonUnued, and 1t 111 the Jl;tlnflr l\.l M Ql,lol\UI \hat thll'I lt\'l'I 1 r s.nn1;t be d roppe•t thruugh ero- n oml<'a enr1 cartful coru111'1nat1on \ ... Memller c.Ht•nata.:1,.,•paiwr •'ublbl\t'~ Auoclallo• MNDber ~•HoDal t;Jllorlal AuoclaUOll Mrm~r uf UI '"'' ~:Dunly Nrwe SN '\ ICI BE.:-\ REDl.Jll.;K. l'tibltl!Mr Wll..l.1.A~\l A. )IUS,.;:;, E<lllor OR.\lUS li t:. KOL' :-.O"T1U:1-:. A.I\ r1 tt.tin1t Otr<-ctu r Sl"BSC'JUl~IO:\ KATY.:i: I ~"" por1 Har&r :\I'" •·I''"""· r""" \\ .... 1.1.' I• Onu11,. Lnunt~. M .IHI I"'' ~ ,.., . >!I IHI .. 1 01u • I' I,,,,, !hr.-.. '!!.'!! ., ,..,,....,. of Or.n1" .. 011111~ J>l 1111 I"'' , ... , . \';1 all l h<' Christmas Cards tu<lay Ii 11 ~ lrt ll.e wu1dows Ul .. the envelo~ · I flf f1n11nfl-~g tn • •t1ff1c1,nl a mount to rr.•1nt.a1n te.x .. a t Ule1r current • • • levl'I Farmer McCabe Writes ••• all r ig ht.A 1P11 .. r1,.l1 L'ncler the circumsta nn>11 J don't zackly aec the new ConKcess .stad <l'tl up a11 a "~ubb<-r S tamp" fer Ike'• next year'H program ... fa1·t:; ts. frCJm the size of lh• hu<iachc-s that's stac·krn ·up I'd Ray thAl Bromn-Selucr m1gh1. have t c> put on a n1gl\t shift to k~p up with it'• · bu'11meR11 demanrt11. / • -r-· • It • ( •' EARLY CHRIST~AS ·PRESENT FOR NORTON ljonorl'd as \'ic<'-presidcnt of South Coast District, Cali- forni; State. Ell<R Association. Tom Norton, Past Ex- alted Ruler of Newport Harbor. Lodge_ of El'ks', second from left. receiv£>s lodge gift from Robert Mohrbacker, president of state association and guest of lodge recent- ly. At left is ExaliM Ruler Elwood Shell while Bruce Marsh, vfoe-president of association's South Central Dist:rict, is at r ight. -Staff Photo. . ~ . . . ,. --------.. ---·---. CHIL~ PULLS WHEEL. AUT9 CRACKS INTO PARKED CA~ , 1 N~VJe,ORT HARBOR N~WS-PRESS .:_ PART I • PAGE ~ \ MONDAY, ~ANUARY 3, 1955 I 1.,1 1 ... 1/~·n: ••f Rll '·nrtf1 ,:;111." 111' I'• l•'°ll<•d 111 l\•'•J \\'<"re 1~11\•lll· 11\• "' •'l't1hn$: t.,-l.}1 !"a• Ii l.11l .\11 l <111l'll11,('l\1h Min•~r :c1·1 ~·nt w 11>1 '"ll"•'" thtiy' thl•' n •ornlr\$" \_\hen • amall boy 11ohn ::; ll..' tt l"'''"'n".-r m 1•n• 11! 1 ht' u 1r" tl)\11>lvrJ op· parf'nlly pulh•..t l h<" .,.\l't'lmi: \\h1•1 I. Ii · Comrllu a Tyll'r of' S11n~1.;.;,;;~1 i..11·1 Ii• \\,1>,>:•·~"' ,_,;11th t•n C oaxt H1~hwuy wh1•11 t./11· ,b •y p11lk 1I th· \\ tw,•l. t' u~111.: 111~ 8 1110 to hit a µa1 k•"I 1·i r n ·_i:1,1.-r .. •I tu ,\t1 .~. \'1ri:111t11 \\'BL'l••ll ot 311 Colll•·nrod A \'C'. Tht• 8 <'\ I ltnt 0('{'111r1•t.l m rron t u! 3337 E. Cou t Highway. T e•\'CICJ• Gang Fight \ Cciu~1 lloody Nose · . 1 JlJ \h <' }.;not! H "' 4 111 I.a l '.111" l..a~t' tt•l•I J"•h1·<' ;,;:i 1111 .1,. ,. 111~ r 11 J:r<fl!P of 12 or II\ 1.-.•n.ii;•• I""' JlllllJ>l'CI h1lll ftrl•I .. 1 ~· 111111 \\ h• II ho• t •r11" .. ut rn•m tlw t.1.i .. , ., ... t 1 e Po hr<' /''' d '»uni;-1'n••t l ~ur · frrl'd a blrulJy n"•I' . I YEGG REPEAT? LEGAL NOTICE SOTU'J: nt· l!\Tt:~OF.I> ?':\l.E :-JCITIC'f. 1~ H EREH\' 1:1,\IF.l'\· That )"ftt·:n F ~:1.u:-; \'. 11\IM . Jail Beverley· Thief Admits For One Month SA:"\TA A!'\A (()t ':-;:')-Cli\.t~" w11y :-\•'"'l"'rt 1;,.,.• I'll \'"'"·'· House 'Entry llf'V<•r lt•y, ~ u( H><lbna Fri.Joy" llq in llw t ·11y nl :-.;. \\poor! ~. ~d•. '<'ntl'nr rJ tu un<' 111onth In JBtl <'<>unty 111 11rnni:•-. :-;:111 • .. r l '.111-• I f.1rnl11. ml~n·l · 111 •rll I n ~TA:-\· • -anll put or. t h1 1·e )'•DI'S pru lmll(ln L EY i;P.OHr ;~: 1:1?1)';,Hl~ '""' Next Door• ach''.:k ht·r c11nvlt'l1n11 on a '"' i;NI JOI!~ lll~l~Bl~ \', 11.i,., ,, """"" N ol M.U!lfl('ll With S(l':-tlini: a de · puly shl'rtff11 car, bur i;lury·:>ll->· pt'C\ Raym~n 1-:11wanJI L:regory, :n. o! lb69 Tu.st1n Av,-, h11>< 11l!<r. conftssed to b11rg la riz1ng tl.1: homo ot his nt"xl-1lu11r "'''!thh111 rn Coslll l\lt'B8, l'Ohl·c l"h•"' A rt :li e Kenzlt' r c vt ttleil / " C"n1l1ll :<(•nwnl. 111•trlr•'$-" 1.~ ~.0 111 Alha111hra Av•'""" ~llpM1or C-11u 1 t ..J1111,:1• R il\ 11111nd 1,.,5 Ani:rl• ~ ~:1. 1n 1 h1• t '11,v "' l.11,. Thon1r '•'rl p,1,;u•J seut• nrr. 11•' I'•'· .Ani:rh·~. Vnunly .. 1 Lo ... ,\11 ~e:1·~. rn11rk(;J: ~1 think l'lllllt sort 11f nn 1 ~tato> nf I ".1llfut n . 1, thf' r .. 11 .. w.ni: Pxnmpl•• Is du e m l h•~ ra~t'. 1>111 j •l•"""rlh• •I l'•'r'• ·nrll pror"r t \· , ,,. l 'm J!":ni: 1., be <'XI 11·nw l\· rnn.l'°· 1 wit r'atP " · All ,..1Lll k lh t ra1h '1 1x tur1·~. , ' I ··r1111p111<·1 t 11111 I i.:•• "' "'Ill. 1 he Jll.!1:>' ~la\'".!• X• • ut 1un f.JI' A I l I h I I I \,·,.:• k :to 1h,.. f!:f,1n1l .. nl r •• n ,~ ,01• •a!'>•' • H\tt• ... u ''"Ji!' .tri• pll'll' R bu~ln.-l's l JOnlioll r t ICln . !'h•· 1111P10'' 11·: ll1' . of 11 , ,•1 rn.11 hto1< l "1uul bu~111<·s.~. \\'fl~ fo1111•I J:l~1lty <111 lht> <'hR:J:•' h~· k nown 11~ ELL.I:-; BOAT tt~:"T· .. ·lfOME ~OANS QUICK 24 HOU R SERVICE Gregory wa11 boukt"d on a chart;" C>f burgla ry ):>y l \>Sltl !\lt'»ll pul11:1: 1'ul's!111y artrr r••Jiortr11ly 1·u1.rrss· lni; th,•ft <>f a 111\otgun, r111t• a nd car fro 111 Th1 e" HrV•'l ll. T hr 4J l«•dan t:i k en lly C rri::nry IJ, lung;:d t o 0 1•puty :'iltt·1·1CC Mah'o m111 Hrkh· ~f Vis1:1 h1t. The .shut.l!Ull 11.nil -nrle M'rr·e t aken trom "the home of 11 SUJH:>n•Jr < nurt jury in N<H'1•111·· 1 . 1 1 1 . t "YC\2 , · t b A .!". Snl •H nl··-ft _ • .., ""O>l!ot ci. l-11,:hw&)'. m lht• 1·11y 111 ="""l"'rt L o w B•':ll'h f'ount y uf Oran i;e. S tet t> ~ H1td)1·c1ck '11 u.nd... . At 2: I j p.111. T h ursd1<)'. M<"-<:t._P11: 11<'1' • n·~1·1v\"tl " n •1mrt f1 nm <.;rnrJ:e L G1l1n11n Jr .. of t66i Tustin Ave Martin Hearing on Drunk Driving Slated Tomorr!)w of c::.tHnn u a, a n1I that;,._...;"_..~...,·•,,.,l_t>.'-l,__ __ .,._~G~'""N-'-'f\RE9UCING" tran~frr a nct &."-•1Knm•'r1 11 "' tNTERES T RATES S!\lllt' will he 1111 .. h·, an.I tho· 1• .. n- EASY MONTHLY PAYMEN!S • • th a t h ts hom e h.11J bt>• n bu1 i;ltt1 • R Yb t 1utl u bnut D e<". 18 . .\11~•1111: W<'IP o s1d r r11111m thl'trf••f" w ill IHL-tXH·I-· at JO 00 o'<:lr..-k ,, 111. on I hf' l-'11· tHnlh dav <•I ,hnuMy, 1\1~!'>. Rt th;• t'~rr o;.,. 1l<'pttrtnll:nt •Jf _!lAY ESCH0 \\' C'(). I :-\('., al ~:'115 I·:. Cuiu.l H 11:h" t1y. 111 th<' ('tty oC Cor11n11 ol1>l ~1a r, <'uunty of Orl\ll,l:t',' Stat• or 1'11l1fc•1 n111 FJlIEJf DL Y' ltlird Straight Defeat Puts MRS. DONICA· NEW • · • CLERK OF COURl . Sunset Loop Champs on Skids :".~~~~~t ~~:t·i./ C'~t e .• ·:~ nut1 •· • d f 1N ay lht• uppu,. • !'111,1111,,11111 ll i~h ~1·h11••I d11111pl'd S•'"11~ was 80P""11101'e fvrward • 111en l IJt( Mt :i. Car h\ 0 11111ca ui;' • . E·ld,. • '11p1 11 ll li " pomt . I k I 'h tlrl(hly {1111111•• ,j :'\1•\\ I'"''-11111•·1 1(1\".ll "'"'" Wl'rl' ~ohn U >\'t'tl'P<' '··r ul t It' • ••q :. s "",.;."· I nJ&•·~s ~1 rs l..;·o Fullt't -... M~e H1~h !111-F "' lh<' 'I 11· •~•I •l"lo.!d _w 1t h Ii un•l Jami Ad am"''" \\llh r1•!<1i;n11t ion w1111 a r1·t'Jll t1I Dtc. l111'1l tl1111I o1 .. 1. I( Ill I\ llW J), .. II f'Ollll~. F 111lnw1ni::-t hl'lll W("lt' 3 1. ft·nd1u·.~ . ..;."''' l L· d ,i.:.Hi • lhllU JIHHl!'\ lhrt•tl ''lh••r :-• 0tt~t ~ \\'Uu i;i·•11 f'rl 0. ~ ~nt • Tht'j' wt>rt ~la1trn t h• I :.r' 11 1 • ' "' I '" 1Y lu••.,.•nirr~ l'a ul\', R11b i'ht•l t•e and Paul G m!· 111• II , hnur•. 1 .. r 1t t'"'f'• 111, by th o 11 h·n 1• ... ,.1 , l.\'o•l)·• •h,.-...11:r.:• rn th" lMl thlt i.: i•l•t•ni:"·\... Thr Tar~ w r 1e ~<'ll1'<1Ult<1 t n plAY l'111 11111 .. t111t Jilli•(" J llllll the k lHJ (~ml; ll<>U1'l1'\\'1ISOn ht'l"e thl~ ttltt>r· ,.,. .. h 1ri t h•1 .::1u111 .,n•I nu•n"~··d n .. • n Th·· J1·n.,.'Tlt'\ ,. • .-l St•n (•rwns Jan. I" •1•rl \ oil 1un ll .,l 1t th"r•ll.l!h· J l.Wllh llun llll!(llJll f:SPllf'h ttl :'\~W· 1••11 In lh•· 111•' 1'"11"•1 th1°)' tu•1k rmrt H '"II b" th•' ><!Ar t of A l•·n· nu f'll\ \\llol l•11•\'tl ··n tho' T.11• i:a111c h1>111 .. an<1 hurnf'lt'3.1!U('S('h('tl· ;\lr11. OVnlL-11. ha, h(•(n with the u rnr t Cur B ~· .1r a n·f 11 11 unlhl'I 11'1 <ll"puly t'l'°1k. ~Ir.~ .\lar_v Jgnk1n~. r o r 111 t r..\..L 11 l'lo'rk·l\'Pllll 111 lh1• ll .. rk OCfll'C, \\11.:1 p1.111ug t•'•J to 11 .. p111y d er k.' J 11111:._. Lll><lge M ltl th•'rl' Atl' twu \'an u 1r1es m the 01!11 I' lur .,. It!•, .• 11nt1111l•·tl "'"''' "lhllli! nnol 111" • • ... u. ,f -.. I' .. l i\"t' 1•1o111t lt·.1 I T tw ·r11 .. J ,. J;Hlllt' Wllh r a1nmuunt FOWL$ FOUND fU,l Jhlao1l :-titl• 111 ll·f• .t pp.••~tll· \\'RS "'•ii•by 1h~ Tar!', 39·37. h · );1<1 .. 1nr T111 :0 111 .. ui:h 11! t1 M a r • ~" lh:il l h<')' 11rn nni:1"l 10 1'11'1< 111' rn H 111 h<•r R"st Mem orial C1•mt· :J pu1nl~ ,.fl th1•u 1 l'l"•n1·n1~ 111 th•• •11y ,,.,.,,n.t c1uu1tr1 tt•~l th•· #• •·· Kl l hf' ··ntl 1•t '""!>'•"I" f'<"llPt l rind -~..( 11<\IU.t.s 111\!\~C)S 26·2. 111 l'11"rn"11nt" 111vur. I F'une1.1l 11"11lr ''" 'ror C)1111 h 11 • HUOll l'('O lU;\c; H1111 ... n11 !!6. nt 1!16'1 Oranjl;'.e Ave, Erra11t Birds TrackflDown By Mesa Cops T h•• thll•I 1111"1 1• I \\'II" thr hlll;'.h· ('o"l" Mf'llll, WC'I " h"ltl tO<tny In ,.., """'"'I: qullt l"r .,, t hr g '"'"-' l'.11 k.-11 l~l•llC'y .\11.1 t uu.1 y. T hf' Rr v H• •Ii 1• ·""" ).;•,' tlw 1 1t1i.;• 11n 1 Jull• t~h \\' ~I• Sh1tm'. pA~l11r uf R ecnvery Qf 16 uf ~O pig1·11n11 l'l•J•f'•'<l p111nti. Ill t i1o:l\t 11nol Id! i I '11111m u111ty MMhotlll'l Churt•h, O(· J'llfe rt'<I OVt'r I\ period or Wl'•'kll Th<I 1111111 ~11 11 rni: ill th~ p<1h~l 1 tl\lll tuL from ,Alva ('Rrl J'O\\'C'rl' or 388 w . Oy Urs One typt>w11tr1-, {'llllW lll •. 38 n•volv~r I and ~Onll' Ul11UHH11l l01l· 1)((11'Pr~ f'Ut l WO 111lll (WO lO· i;• ther a nd 1h•r1<h •I (;J' g 1o1 y h1ul to Take Offlc~ as Clµb Hee1d · 111'<'r . UOAIU> ~IE~IBt:llS pullflJ an.,lh• r llu1i.:l:11y h"•"t»m lrtl\'11 11.l!flllOll or I h•' 11\ISfJl'C'l Jn Ora n~·· t'uunty J xtl Jr.-w th" 8•1· ct1ll11n•ll ,.unfr:.11ion f111111 G t• ..:ury, ~!• 1'r-nz1e !In 111 ·nn. :'<111X )'opt'. L'hBI •'!< ... lf'~t. A l Ill'~ · 1 ~11 s. Ht•}'~:I t11lll dt'pUtll'll !<hf St••<'kt11n 11n•I HPrb ·n 11 h111<,, rurrM atlC"g<'dly-bell!. THmu lty rn ccJ tu \he Hult' <"Ar an11 a t · _ I lnto u111 11ni.r touime11s "1th a brok1·n l'lnl ltn111n 11C the l"t'rMao nir'I w ill r ntJ of·• q uart botlle lino! slAi.hril t.t'mpt<'~ t n j.!l'I tht' llr~nff nuinl>f'r. Ill' lfr1b Kenny, r~•l heul!·nnnt b f L ( "6 c.: ISho 8SS('l'l1•tl Hule 11 \f'll lo bll<'k '" l'X·Wl e ucy u ~~ ent ral hi h I ~ov1•rn11r or J")lvl.!llon ~-A . S A Th 1 11 car over er an• took o fJ 11\ I \C' Anta na ".ht ar k t>C· .a hl)(h ~~i~d. cm 1r1I ut Mil!. Torri'~ hnuw l'n· KIRBY WOMEN 1 11«·~A1I J••alnu•)'WA~the 11pp.11 1·nt Thl'jl pernte Rule's <.:1111·1 . 1 1~tl ve / ) .. f~ShorR Stur.,, 3 1 10 Vra L ido.I C'nnllnur d rrom t•tri t P11reo D1tl••tl U•·l-. :JI. )t1M. FRF.:l> F. El.LIS • SYMPATHETIC' SEltV1CE \'l!h1lor STA:'\t.EY ct::c mr.r. Tint!';tH:-J \'t'tidl'P W! I VY TlUST ~S - ON WELL LOCATIO HoMlS JOllN BRISfllN \'ende1:.1·------- le 11! ( 'alllo~mu FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION . . 222 Oceen Annve LAGUNA BEACH I ~,..HY 4.1177 Rei-tr. • Malnteaaneo. • ln.taJlatlone STAFFORD & ION "NEL.S a nd DOC"' E.U:CTRICAL <.'OSTllACTORS • 1-'bone Uberty 1-1469 11 0 Rh·eralde A\'C'DUe ~r"rc>r1 1\1-IM'b •• ,., 11; lur t•n1111u .. 11nl 11n<1 \II r"r .\11. H11n,.nn dll'•~ln hi• home Bil)' St . \"n!<(I\ M"~ll. Wll'I rrpnrt· ~ .. ~ "'"H•r 'f t lw Globe H• r a lJ !'ih" !hr T ar • T h" ·;I I' •ml• r"n1h1nr•I .. ndy F'r ••lay m1~n •'hr "" ~ •·d ~uriwh1y by p .. IJ, c Chll'C At l lt1ll'.f 11111 t1••'1 ~hl'nnnn l '11d<t1 •1 k "0 311 I" r ' .... 1 .. 1 Ow "'I 11ni; for ,, t'ill'•I 11lnt':<I' n.-.wa~ a nallVe of~·· th t"" ,.11tt••· "'"'"' l',1rt1111g•-, T ex , 1nd hvefl In CAh· SKI t>. \. t:rrgir o n1I OCJ 1r.•r nnw of thl' ~ .. ,. ('uf\:<l :-;r \\t1 l11K ... th• n 1•1h t11r "' t'hl' L~lolw Hu u!IJ \\'iln thf ,., .. 1,.11,.,11,1 L•>'llllfll: l111n1tt l!'> y1·ar• Kn•I tt·n. years in H~1 .. 1o1 Arn1rld t rncfd lht f'rTlllll The l1>o \\•'I"•' Int• r oll\•ll<nl. DICK -ACKIR'S )'Ar:1nu11rn• 11.:l!i, 11 .. 'f,,,,.. .111.lll· t.11•" u•1111nun1ty. "" w1111 "' ~tl rNl 10 " I:< t11 t hrt>t> ~1· ~a yyung,,tet.i.. r.11lr .. K•l m an w •·rk1 ni;: fnr ~ant" two or lh1·m 14 yrnr1< 11( a Jti:. the !\E\\'S \\'IUTt:R a.:"·''" takr a :!·r "in\ tJ•lal '1 11111111: 1 I .. FP, T r>.11!< 11nrl J'nr1fH· RArlwAy f.nr ,11Jhc-r onf' 12. T hi· P"Y" llR1d t hr y .\11•,s J,"lrb~· ,,.0t r.n11,41 \\'Jii in "", lr u tl 111 t h r ttnul • 1n t11 u \ VII lU• ,.. of th• 11 ... 11111111, 1'.t1 iu nr•u'nt "'""" ~·6 , ... Rt $" wantl'~ to Mart ral~1ni:-their own h••o·om lni; C't1ol R l\l•••a ri•ri ('•ro1nol· 6 P""' "thl• 'l'"" ro•r • 11~ wAs a men ber of the Ma-hlrcl.•.. 'nt for tho l:lob'° Hrn~ld, :--;1•\\J•11rt·' •on1i· !.•Hiii" 111 OJd f'l'llfl"i T ht r utlurn11l r1geon• ore a ll U&lboo.i 1.'1 1',.~. ~'"'"'''(. BMlb•m 1111.11 ro1ST \lf:S 1t wtge 1n 1""""" f n•I memJ>t•r of Jrlt•· bird~. '"""1..i1r.i.: to P <m·H ,. :-\l'Wll·T rm .... 1,,ni.: lk •H h l'r.•1-11 1 N"" I'"' I 1"" 1,.11 ·~ ""'ll [)'°nn1• ,.,,~~ .\ft>i<ll f'11m mu Mf'lhn.1-1 1~h". \'alue<I th1·~1. fn1111 .~:'> l o ~I~ T· lt•i:rum nnil ~lltllll Ana H,.~1~trr. F •tzpntrrrk wns nuhtRntl•ni.: .. r. 1~t .' miri h ' I o"".~s ~11111 th1~ are Red < ar· She 11,..,1 h<>•·n In 111 hea lth fllr 1.,n.,,.,. 11\Jn ••t r111 thr Titr:o. \\'Ith-l'11n1v111·~ Rrt' a n. Dav11t F. l nt au Th• rf'r'11Y1'rol pl1:,.on11 h11w• •om" ~lll\t'. :llrs .. Kirb , i urrrrrrl ,.,,1 111, 1 ~ pullll • tht S111h•rt H11 n~11n, < rrrona th•I M ar and 11 I""' n rulntd for 11huwln1t. he l'llld k r · ) f \\Oltloln l hAV• h•·<'ll Ill th f' (1 11\ ol11111:htt't. ~lri< \\'1lh am I'. StPW• hef !IU!lt' the b<ly haJ <.Ut .the blUIUI II hl;.thrlJ ," t\'P ~""1 '19 AJ.:ll. 1 (IOI Th•· T11r ~ :.l lH 11:11nnl PAu l :-\rli· "'' "r ("r·~tll Mt"!\. fr\'(' it rand-r n1C t h1·m . "' " ,.; 1" ;rrbov~r~ • 0 "bi::•• nit rx~ l'l\1ld 1 rn ttntl !!even °rtllt 0 r11nrl· I trt'l1I. '( r . rr )' 1 11 not ·~~n tH•Ahri m1<nn 111•11 "'"' h1ir.:h in lh" -0·111· .. .. rnm ur "'v e1u \l'Ar11 anu a l Ill tni:-1lo•p1trlm •'nl "1th 10 p111nt• 'hihlr• n. lnter,.m~nt "'l!-11 In Har-GaraCJ• lools GOH t ml' w:1<o wantr•i bv t hl' uw rn- (lth•·r · ~" r,:r, (nr th" Tar s wf'Tt' hetr ltr•t ~l•·mnn"\ !'a rk crmt'I<'~._, • • ) • • •. I: . ) Theft of rlun• • ..an·'•r a nd an m l'nt fl'r "".-rt <1 ln1nme tn x Ha· l 'a11I IAH• ntr.r n Anol • l"lll<'r l.11rr,· ~ u. HurC'r With i r ••llll • nrtt<'P ,\It-" '.\II'-"'· !'ICIK~l,.\S <'. llll.I. l'lt•I '"'' dt 111 f rom ht.• i:ar11gt" 11umf•· :oton. ISt"i\:ST lllLL ... uni ... 111 ll1r• (\ll•l 2•, monl hi'I WO ~t ··~ IClrby IS hflltVl'd lo h l\\'C DEATH NOTICE H .. ty R"""' > "rlt b<· reel~ tn-ifrurtl'd l" rollce by r~naJd f". 1 8 l>l•l r r Irving 111 S nn 1Jtr'i:11 11n.J a nii;h l Ill f'a rkr• ..... KtJh ,. ~IQltllR I Y Ba rl••w <•f 2:12 A i:atr Av~ :« n Ill l'nn F 111n 1~1·•1 F' n• 1 "' .:rr vu·r !'ti •it J '---.." ~Ui)? r n F'1 r I I, ~·1nr• ,. l:!P T• t ·•Z ,\ "" \\•ho 1hr il ~· .. f ••r1 \.,~· tr: ht""I h•1lH1 l '!Hk·~·Hflll"\ ~l111l\l:\1y .~ Ill d 1111 i:r .. r 111 111n., .. 11 ... n t" T in r • t t h, '•n·~Al v11' I • ~1nn un •• ! 1·h11pll•I rur ~I r• !1;11rn111n ('Hill, 11 "nd h<'r lnfnnl ~rir. Tnnrmy .. r ::? 16:' f)J angt' A>, I '11•t 11 M11te. ~I•·~ I!. Ill I>· <'l'fPb1 a l<'•I tumor n•\\', •• ut1 ~· Jnj••hinl st t•athhl1t nntr• 11 Tll .. J\. \ Th• '11A• J :->M'lll \\Jtl r1(f1<11d!' :ltr r< 11 111 .1 .. I T hur• l,;y 111 flr 1n.:" • '1•11111 \' 11 ·p tel Al'<'r t h", hlr th 11f hr r "''' T h" haby 111. •I ,li,ortl\• f1f l1 r h11 t h ~hl' '14'11 > A n A• 111<°11 \Rll ~flK\f \~ Kf-111 \I \~ 'tt\1• ,;, ~p11n~tld.l Ark. a nct hi.ii J-'unt•ll•I ~""'''' , •• 1,.1 fit,h lll•I h\'1·d "'!hi' i"0 1111rrn111~1 y th" pa!Ol R •·lmnn, tJ 1r.i l\lor11ll l 'lAI " <11!!! \t"IH' • , l\I 11 """1 1tl l' k I ~11r>·h "r" 11rr hf'r hll,.b&nJ, Nor-< .. ~111 "-""· "'' 1" m 111 '•· m.rn 1· 11111. f<'ur i<uns. \VIU1am Rr•ll•'\' M urtuen. """0""'1~Y· 2 m th!' 1· s; Atr l"o rcr. E ni:l"nd: I'm Tilt•. Re\'. l>< 11·11" H l ""k". nnol l'At Hanv &nd -C'~rle" of t rm~·n \.l<l\'I' ~IPt hu-1111 <.'hurt!. 1.,,.,1n :Ill'~"· th;r'° <11t-u1thte~. ~hr\' l'l11n I 11").;110 w ill •·rth in tr I Alli <' Kat h .,1111C" and J ost>phme c:r 11!• dtrd l11tr ~·pct rrdA~·1ftti-mo«n t h.-h"'"" ... tctrt'i~-th.rte lll!-l i'r.•. 1 H ._ 1i< ,c11n·1vNl b~· hh purentM I Mr~ ( · B .1 .. 11ri1 11nrl Mrs. Tbnm,11\ M r !ind ~1 rio \\'1llmm II h cMlrl\l\ll () R •llk 1• • ( r. 'IA• Am i ~11 ~ \\"11- a n.J " hrothPr \\'1lhnm 11 n .-><1m1rn hn•, 1 'nnr"r ;,f ('h1'!lJtC'. four J r hr" J'1<trrn11t 11t11n1lm11lh l'r. Mr• 1 br.ithN ll, t 'harlr11 O R ourkr, ~nrth MrnnrP l'hrlstrn. 11! M111 m l nnil h1~ l ·,.1,.11n11 , f'Blrll k 11( Tc•xll.JI; Thnm - m11t,.rn11l ~r~ndnwlh1•r, l\lr-' Alm 11 8,. u Urr 11-'l\'ll"t" tn J11.ran 11.1111 Srhrnk n( An &hl'tm . I W lllt 1m tn tht •• n ·lt " In F.n1tl11nt1 He WI\!' borl\ In :"'t'Wf'I rt H rlttht11 and • ll?hl IHllnd<"hlldrl'n. l ntu-1 •n•I 11 ttrnMd t he <'f'ntP11l Bib.I~ I mtnt 1\111 b<' rn H oly Srnul<'h r,. Sunday SC"hool. lntrrmenl will bl' Cemett'I')'. SOUTH ~ORST conSTRUCTIDD [0. RESIOENTIAL-INO~STRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL . ~ SOth St., 'N~a·port ~acb .... l ~ • .... t Harbor 2.W Announcing • • • • ... New Dealer to Serve You Elliott's Union s ·ervice 3811 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach \ UNION OIL PRODUCTS &. ' Tirt$fOnt TIRES • IA TTERIES LUBRICATION ,. ...... Ell~ • WASHING Harbor 3823 FIRST ·. . --Affln•aan:~_ «S FREE RUBBER PADDING WITH ALL iORDERS ·DURING · THI! CARPET SALE. Viscose RAYON CARPET Re~. 9.4'5 yd. Value Sale Price SJ70 . sq. yard FRE·E TraveRe rods with all drapery orders during this January Sale. R~. $2.75 yd. 45'~ Caseme1't Material in 18 decorariv.e colon. Sale Pr~e . SIMILAR REDUCTIONS DRAPERY MATERIALS. AU ON ~LL OTHER 20°/o OFF ON PLUSH COTTON CARPET Special! all uphol8f~~ faltf't-tfur- ln~ thl'I .Januar~· ~al1•. Re9. 1.95 ValuP-c~ ... • HEAVY WOOL-BROADLOOM 1·eCJ. 12.45 Value ....... -.... si\t •. E PRJ<.ff~ ,.d.~ 3 ~PIEC! CURVED SECTIONAL S PASS. R~. $650.00 Reduced to • GORGEOUS Lout.GE cHA)lt • • Many, many otbf'r Broadloom \•aluf'tt at IM!\'tre f'f'()uc- tlon8. l'M-we dug up .-ome remnants for yQu on our Annlnrury. AU «W'p('ti. OD th.IA uJe 1'ill tnclode nu:t.: AND OTIOMA'N. Reg. $220.00 . Hea \')' Rubber Pad.~ CLEARANCE PRICE . S169SO Dick Macker • DRAPERDES : • CARPETS 3420 Via Udo FltEE ESTIMATES -NO OIUGATION ·-, . t ·. N1tW'f*'t I ch ~ Harbor 4321 ' • . .. .1 '\ \ ' ' '· ... ,_ I / / •. :. /- • '• ...... .--- I ' ' "the biggest, .most-wmplete Jan~ary Scile. ·we hav.e ever stagedl whit, needs, f~shions, men's· and children's wearl . .. SJORE FOR 'MEN $.55 to $6.5 Men's fine wool s 0 uits, now . , . · 39.9S 16.9.5 Casual jackets. Exceptional value .... 8.88 ltegularly 27:50 Slacks reduced to . . ..... 19.99 $1 Knit briefs by famous maker. Waist 30-40 69c $1 Ribbed u-shirt. Extro ~gth, S.M.l.Xl. .. 69c $1' Cotton argyle sdcks. 10~-13, now 59c, 2 pr. $1 13.!.5 Men's shoes. ~lctck or ton calfskin, two eye- let tie ond -&lipan gores. famous maker. Limited sizeri-6~ to 12. 1.5% off. . . . . . . . . . . . 11.86 &uffum•' Stora for ~en, long Seoch ond Santo Ano,, Street Floor IOYS' SHOP 14.9.5 Nylon jackets. Completely woshobl~ nr;ivy, brown, red, sizes 6 to 20. Now priced at just 9.99 2.95 Gaucho shirt~. 'washable. 6 to 14. Now 1.59 3.50 Texos-niode jepns. Guaranteed. 4 to 14 2 .39 &oyi' Shop, long hocll, 'Second Floo•; Santo Ano1 Street Floor GIRLS' SHOP I .5,98 CordurO)I ployall. Zippered front. WoshobJe. Red, green, blue. Sizes 7-14. now 2.99 1.98 to 5.98 Cotton T-shirts. Various $tyles, some ,, jeweled. Sizes 7 to 14. Now ... 1.39 ·and 3.89 Girll' W.ar, long &eoch, Second Floor; Santo Ano, Street Floor · CHILDREN'S SHOES 7.9.5 to 9.9.5 Growing e.irls' leotKer •stro~ shoes. Famous makers. Sizes ~mited. &,~pearly 3.99 7.95-8.95 Boys' leather o1f.for¥ limited sizes 3.99 Children'• Shoe•. long &eqit.h. Second Floor; --Santo Ana, Strffl Floor ~CC!ESSORIES .5.9.5 Vicora and Ny Ion Cardigans, ten lovely colon. Easy to wash. 34 to 40. nQw .. : , . 3. 99 3.98 Vicara and Nylon slipon, cardigan . . . 2.99 3.98 Rhoda lee cotton blouses, sf\ort and three· quarter leogth sleeve. Sizes 32 to 38. . 2.99 2.98 to l.98 Cowhide belts, contour, gaucho, nov- elty. 24 to 30 waist. Sev~n colors 1.99 Accenorie{. Long Beoc~ond Sonto Ano, Streel Floor CO~METICS $7 Elizabeth Arden Story Boo\<. Three simple steps to beauty: Firmo lift lotion, Solon Treatment oil, Perfedion Cream . . . . . . . . . $5 $5 Helena Rubinstein Estrogenic Hormone oeom and hand lotion . 3.so• $6 Helena Rubinatein Estrogenic Hormone cream and oil . . . . . . . ' 3.5C) • 6.50 Helena Rubinstein Estrogenic Hormone creotn and make~p (Silk Tone) . 3.50" $2 Dorothy Gray Winter lotions. Choice of Estro- genic Hormone lotion, Blustery Weather lotion or Ory Skin lotion. Each S 1 • 2.2.5 Dorothy Gray Special Dry Slcin Mi11ture. 2·oz s1 · ... I (Cosmetics, Conti) • ' ( $19 Ccue of fluffy facial type toilet tissue. Wbite, blue, yellow, peach and green. 500 2-ply sheets to roll, 100 rolls to case, now.. . . . . . . . . . . $12 29c Box fluffy cleansing -tissues: colors to match toilet tissue. 8">.9", 300 3-ply sheets · . . 5 box~s for $1 49c Buff ums' Bubble Bath. 12 envelopes to box, · 4 boxes $1 * 1.45 .Buffums', Sanitary Napkins. StQ,,dard, full size, full weight. Fine mesh surgical gauze. cotton wrapped. Box of 48 now .............. 1.29 •p/us fed. toll • ' Co•metics, long &eoch and Sonto Ano, Strfft Floor suns AND COATS 1. 29.95 Short coots in frost tweeds and lomoi fleece. Beautiful sherbet pastels to' wear now and into Spring. Sizes 8 ro' 16, now ............ 19.90 Suits and 'ooh, long &each, Third Floor; ~nto Ano, Street Floor YOUN~t'IFORNIAN 'SPORTSWEAR 7.95 Skirts, dim styles, 100% wool ....... 4.49 Voung Californian Sp6rhweor, Long S.Och, Second Floor1 Santo Ano, Street Floor SUN CHARM SPORTSWEAR 14.'95 to 17.95 Skirts, worsteds, tweeds, flannels. 20% cashmere blends. lovely colors. 10-18 9 .88 Sun Chorm Sport)weor, Long Beach, Second Floor; Sonto Ano, Street Floor BUDGET DRESSES 14.95 to 17.95 Dresses, wool, crepes in prints and solid colors. Sizes 10 to 20, 14~'2 to 22~, now $13 Budget Oreues, long S.Och, Second Floor; Santo Ana, Street Floor CPTTON SHOP 5.95 and 6.9.5 Special purchase cotton dresses in tissue gingham. chambrays and seersuckers. Sizes 10 to 20, 14V2 to ~2Y2 ............ 4.49 Cotton Shop, long Beach, Second Floor; Santo Ana. Street Floor -FOUNDATIONS 1.50'-Worner cotton broadcloth bro. Famous petal cup. White only. A cup 32-36, 8 cup 32-i2 1. 15 $.5 and 7.50 Silfskin girdles ond ponty gi~dles. Very slight imperfections. Rayon and nylon. White only, S, M. l . . ............. 3.50 1.75 Moidenform cotton bra, famous "Overture" style, A cup 32-36, B. C cups 32-38 . 1.33 $15 Worner Le Gant girdle. 2-inch' stay-up top, boned rayon front. Satin lostex bock. side zip- per. Medium length, woist 26-32. long '-ngth, waist 27 to 34 . . . . . . . 11.95 12.50 Worner le Gant girdle, 3-rnch stay up top, firm rayon front and bock. White. Med. ~~gth, waist 26-3"'. long length waist 26-36 . 1 .95 $3 Worner nylon bro. Famous petal cup style elos· tic side gores or added comfort. A cup 32-36, B and C cups 32-38. white . . . 1.95 foundot1oni, long &eoch, Third Floor; 6onto Ano, Street Floor " ································••e••······· Lanamere Sweaters by Renart • Regularly 4.95 to 5.95. Here is you; chance to save on really beautiful sweat- < eh . Shor1 sleeve slipons and novelti~. Slightly irregular. Also regular 7.95 lonomere cordigo,,-,weaten by Renart, slightly lrregufar, now 4 .49 Young Colilornion Sporhweor. long 8eoch, Second Floor; Sonia A'no, Street Floor ... U Dorothy Gray Special Dry Skin Mixture, "'ret. • 1.1s· $5 Dorothy Gray Cellogel\ Hormone Cream. Now • 2 .so· $10 Velo Dermo lotio~. Seven drops to beauty. Now . . . . . . . . • $6• $2 Prince Motc habelli Potpourri ·colbgne., Q.oz. flask bottle of spice floral fragrance ... ~1 . 25 • 2.50 Mory Chess Cream Body Massage. An nual special! 8-oz bottle of White l ilac. Tapestry, Strott-gy. Yram. Gardenia or Carnation fra- grances for your allover body lotion. Ea. 1 .so• $2 Tussy Wind and Weather l otion S 1 • $ t Tussy Wind a nd Weather lotion, now Soc• 1.75 Tussy Cream 5hompoo S'l S2 Revlon Aquamarine lotion. 1 O·oz. bottle 1 . 2 S • 4.50 Lucien ~elong lndiscret _,Col,~ne. Fomous hob n~il pe bottl e. Priced ot 1 (9S • $5 Morie Ear e Peach Satin Throat Cream 2 .50• 2 .25 Du 8or Foundation lotion 1.so• $2 Du Barry and and .Body lotion, now . $1 • • llNGE1UE 14.95 Nylon dressmaker po j a mla s, ~y .f~'!l.!lUS maker. Full over blouse liig1'Tigntet:f 'by hond- smocking. Chantilly lace trim, 34 to 40 8.99 5.98 Nylon petticoats, 2 ~tyles. ·one hos tiered border formed by wide bond~ of nylon chontilly lace. Other is charming "bee print". Slim 4-gore sk irt, ~cpllo~d hemlin~ wit~,French pip ing. Both havtt elastic woi\tbcmd\ S, M. l . 3.99 1.65 Nylon briefs by famous maker. Encased elas- tic waistband. Assorted colors. Sizes 5, 6, 7 $1 6.95 Nylon slip. Nylon tr im embroidery, white. 9 to 15, ~ow . . 1 3.99 6.95-Nylon petticoat. Elastic waistband. White. 9 to 15 ·• 2.99 1.65 and 2.25 Nylon briefs. nylon embroidery trim or tailored style. Sizes 9 to 15. White . . 1.49 3.98 Cotton plisse slip. Shadow panel. Nylon sheer. Deep matching ruffle. 22-40, wh ite . . . . 2.99 lingerie, long hoch, Third Fi<>OfJ 11 Santo Ano, Str~,tt.floor · . ,, I .. j .~ ···' i • , ••••• ·"--~· .• ....... . I . I . .· .. ' ' I fresh,,. wanted Items at~· sensational savings for everyqne \ ,. . ·, buy now and· save In the me»St looked for: sale of the yearl .· JEWELRY $1 to $2.5 Values! Necklaces, bracelets, pins and earrings .. Sparkling rhinestones, pearls, colored stones and metols In gold or silver ...... Iii OFF $2 to $4 Simulated pearls by Wm. Rand. Gradu- ated, uniform and fancies. l to 5 row .... 97c· $2 Ropes, colored beads, pearls, combina't!onl 97c prices plus led. fox · ~ Jewelry, long Beach and Sonio Arla, Street Floor HANOBAGS --... 10.95 to 13.95 P.otent pnd coif handbags, a really ·beautiful collection including fop handles, pouch- es, boxes and shoulder straps. Now ...... 7 .95 12. 95 to 18.50 lewis handbag·s, high f9shion styles in patent, faille, Bowvinelle and Swiss spun 9 .85 prices plus led. fox • Handbags, Lorig Beach and Sonto And, Street Floor GLOVES $4 to $5 Fabric gloves, double hand woven cotton and double woven nylon. Handsown and P.K. ' Shorties to 6 button length ............. 2.59 $.5 to 7 . .50 Value'-Glace or doeskin, 5hortle to 8 button fength, handsewn and full P.I<. Tailored and fancy types. Si:zes 6 to 7~ .......... 3.59 Glovn, lort11 &eodt and Santa Alto, StrMt Floor HOSIERY $1 Ankleh 0 by Rocke, lanamere type. White, lwi-e.ls and dorks. Sizes 9 to 11. Slightly irregul~;.r R~ · duced to 55c per polr or 4 pairs for 1.79 1.50 'lonette Hosiery, proportioned lengths, sizes 8 to 11, short, medium and long, now ... -~ Hosiery. Long lleoch and Santo Alto, Street flOOf . • WOMEN'S SHO,ES 10.95 to 12.95 Red Cross, British Brevlthond Sbicca shoes, in dress and street styles ..... , .. 7. 90 8.95 to 93' Joyce and Sbieca Aots, coif and suede, bloc~, brown, blue and grey ............ 6.90 Women'• Shoet, lonf41 &,och and Santo Ano, Strfft Floor FABRICS 59c yard 80 square percale, 36" wKfe ...... 44c 1.69 Printed Vanetta corduroy. Washable .. 1.19 89c yord Comal check gingham. ~,, or %" check, combed, so.nforized. 45" wide ........... 75c 1.29 yard Hong kong rayon and co.,on ~ngee. Small pattern prints. Machine washable .. 1.09 fobrict, long ISeoch, Fourth Flo«1 Santo Ana, lower le11el ART NEEDLEWORK AND YARN 2.49 Pair pequot stamped pillow cows. 140 count pequot tubi,,g. hemstitched for crocheting. 1':77 7.9.5 Hassocks, plastic covered. 15" square. Wood frame, steel banded. No-sag springs .... 5.99 Ari Needlework and Yorn, long &eo(h, fourth f l001; Santo A ... o. lower Level TABLE LINENS Custom~mode aluminum fable pads, 36"x36" 6 .95 Rt-gularly 8.95. Insulated, heat and liquid resistcnit table pods. Blond or mahogany leatherette with matching felt bocking. Additional size range: Regularly 11.95 pod. 36"x.48", now , . . . . . ...!_.95 Regularly 16.60 pad, .40"x60'', now ...... 12.95 Regularly $20 pad, 45"•64". now .... , , .. 14.95 Regul9rly 23.95 pad, 4'8"x72", now ...... 16.95. Any width up to 78" long, now just ..•..... 19.95 Over 78" long, add 2.5c per inch. leaves up to 12" wide ........... • •..... 2. 95 Over 12" wide, odd 25c per inch.. • Flour sack dish towels. Bleached, hemmed, 4 for $1 Hedwin plastic mah. Wanted colors. . . . . . 29c Nylon 3-piece v a n it y sets. nylon-embroidered. White, pink, green, maize, blue ... 1 •• $1 Dresser scarves, 14"x34" and l 4'.'x42" each fl Tobie Linen•. long Seoch,'Four!I, Floor; Santa Ano, lower level NOTIONS . 1.39 Clear plastic drltSs bog, zipper closure 97c 1.39 Plastic blanket bog, standard sizt: 97c 2.98 Quilted plastic shoe bog. 12 pockets 1.91 S 1 Clear plastic sweater bogs, 3 in set . . 6.9c 1.98 Quilted plastic Blanket bag in 5 colors 1.19 J.'98 Jumbo garme:rit bog, holds 12 to 16 garments 2.59 $1 Cott~n o~ nylon brassieres, ':"hite 2 for 1.6, . $1 Pio"'' suit bogs, clear plbst1c, now .... _ 79( : NotioM, l o11g hoch, Street Flo~i Sonto Ano, lower ltvel DINNERWARE 79.95 and 89.95 China dinnerwar.e set; of 96, 100 . and 10 2 piece1. Service for 12 ......... 49.95 Dinnerware, Long &each and Santa Ano, low.r leirel I TIME SHOP Sp~ially priced lmport~d 17 jewel ,•ports watches. Water and shock resiitont. One year guarantee. _ liberal trade in for your old wotCh \ ..... 19.95 p/111 '"'· k1• .. . • SILVERWARE 19.32 Four-piece plate setting. Sterling flatware .b)· one of America's finest silversmiths. Canter- bury Bell or Evening Rose patterns . . . . . 11.59 154.55 Service for eight in c~est . . . . . . . . 92.72 plus fed. tox Silverware, Time Shop, l9ng &eoch a nd _ _ · So17to Aho, Str"t Floor • STATIONERY Regularly 1.2.5 Plastic card tqble cover, now .. $ 1 lOO yds. 7 /8" rayon lotin ribbon, red or green 1.34 Montag's open stock paper. Airmail and velum fin- ish, 2 for $1. Matching envelopes, 2 for 50c Stat:onery, LOA; S.Och and Sonto Ano, Street Floor ' BEDQJN.G Mohawk 111 muslin sheets n "x ro8" Regularly 2.49 each. The fdmous' Stevens Mohawk. sheets 130 count q uality musl iri. Regularly 2.69 sheets. 81x108", now 2.09 Reg. 59c pillow coses, 42x36", now 48c leddi'1g, lo.,g leoch Fourth Floor, Santo Ano, lowtt Le'Yel • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 140 count Utica mu slin sheets: i.: • 2.79 Sheet, 72"x108", or twin fitted 2.38 · 2.99 Sheet, 81 "x108", or double fittJ!!d ... 2 58 • 69c Pillow case. 42''x36", now S8c Type 180 Mohawk bleached white percale sheets: 2.99 Sheet, 72"x108", or tw in fitted 2.58 3.29 Sheet, 81 "x108", or double fitted .. 2 78 3.59 Sheet, 90"x108", now . 2.98 79c Pillow case, .42"x38t',", now . . . . . . . . 68c ,,..-. . Ty,-180 Mohawk colored percale sheets. Rose, pink, blue., green, yellow and lilac: 3.69 Sheet, 72"x108", or twin fitted 2.98 3.99 Sheet, 81"x108", or doubl~ fitted .... 3.21 89c Pillow. case,· 42"x3817", now 71c 8.95 lawtex chenille spreads with ~9unded corrfen. Twin and double sizes 6.97 16. 95 T.win-size Kenwood Berkeley blanket. All wool. Wonted colors · ._.. 12.95 18.95 Double-size Kenwood·woot-blon.keJ l•.95 BATH SHOP Connon cotton towels with new border treotm~nt. 1.59 Both towel . 98c 39c Wash cloth 2'>c 89c Hondtowel 59c Bedding ond Soth Shop, long Seoch. Fourlh Floor: Sonto Ano, lower level DRAPERl£S, CURTAINS 15.95 pair, l ido boucle casement draperies. "'7"x 8"'"· Good color selection 9.95 29.95 to 39.95 pair, ready-made droperie~. Plain brocades and tone-on-ton~ colors. Sateen lin- ings, French pleat tops . .48" to 50" wide, 8"'" long, pair . . . . . . . , . 13.99· Oroperlil, Curtains, Upholltery Fobnc\, long Seoth, Fourth Floor; Santo Ana. lower level UNBLEACHED MUSLIN CURTAINS Pri1cilla1: , Regulady 2.95 pair, 36" long, now , ...... 2.SO Regulo.rly 3.35 pair, 45" long. now .....•.. 2.95 Regularly 3.95 pair, .54" long, now ........ 3.25 Rt-gulorly .4.35 pair, 63" long, now ........ 3.50 ,.. Regularly .4.9.5 pair,. 81" long. now ........ 3.95 J Regularly 8.95 double width, pair ....... 6·.~~ Regularly 14.95 triple width, pair ...•. , .. 11.95 Dutch: Regularly 2. 15 pair, 24" long, now ..•. , , . , 1.25 Regularly 2.35 pair, 30'' long, now ...• , , .. 1.45 Regularly 2.50 pair, 36'' long, now ...... 1.65 Regularly 59C' yard matching valance . . 1• 49c Draperies, Curtain,, Upholstery Fobriu , Long Beoch. " Fourth Floor1 So"to Ano. lower level GIFT SHOP • 16.~ Bross lamps by Westwood. Three favorite . styles . . . . . .............. 9.99 ~ StHI card ta.bl; and four matching choirs. Reg - ularly 27.90. Strong channel steel <onstruction, • Folds 90\ily fOf storage .............. 19 .87 Gift Sh()f>, long -.Och and Santo Att0, lower lnel HOUSEWARES 10.95 Blnnister with four comportrnentt. The o~e­ plec:e canister Jet that holds four Items of your choice. Sits on cabinet or hangs on wall .. 8.99 ~"'"· lonv a.odt ond Santo Ana, lower leirel • ' • ... aoth st~~i-opP 9:30 to 5:30i' fridays ·12 noon to 9-roll Free phones-Long leach ~9j41, ~E 9841; Santa Ana Kl-2-6262, ZE 2626 . -.-r. • • ' ·' ... / .. • ,.. ... • .. ' ATTRACT~G MA..~~ oh·.r and ah's and conside~'lbic applause at Rose Tournament was this Helms Bakeries float with ita "P.ianeyland'' theme. Designed by Ney.i· .. . ·~ .. -.. • .. ,· port Harbor's Lewis Stanley, float carried Phyllis Yar- wood. Costa Mesa's ¥aid of Call!ornia, who is waving in castle backgrowid. Float.won ~udges· Special Award. .-- . . .LE~IS . ST AN~~ FLOATS. WIN AGAIN AT PARADE . . Newport Harbor'• Lewia •stanley, ~eteran of .M years' experience as a de- signer of fl~ral loat.B !or the r colort ul Pasadena To ament or Roses. has brought ho more honors with Sat- un;ay's sixtY.·sixth annual parade. As usual, Stanley, who i n many years piu;t hai; had the able ass1stun c·e \Jf Harbor a rea rdat1on11. crcateo the Glendale. ~aR Diego and Helms Baker· ies floats . .t:ach arew its share of a p- plause anct each won a priu. It's a family cu11tom with the Stan· l~ya for Lewttt-'.·-brother, url and his family, to -top 111 where the lloatt> are being finah:ied to see· 1f more help :s needed. 'This year Lewis :Stanley's workshop all!() drew the attentJOn uf Chief Jus tice and Mrs. Earl Warren, Sacramento-friends when Stanley was a legislature s~rgcant-at-arms. . ~ "~ ALWAVS A PLEAS~''T eye-full. Pasadena's Queen of Rose Tournament. ~tarilyn Smuin and her .court of prmcesS('s drew much applause as they tra\·eled the at-times . miJity parade ro~t~ New Year's Day. · .. ; ... \ ' f -. ·. . ·- I"' ( ( ~· ~k .... i · 4-~~...... ~ ....... "' ,. U<O~I Lt;SH ··wtt.\I. 'l'lli~ost;, l'vsla ~k::.a·s 11hylhs \'arwuod wan•s to hundreds' oC.thousands ·who lined parade route of P.1sadrna Tournament of RoSt>s. She rode H elms BakcriC"S' Disneyland float which won j udges' Srwc1al Award. pro\'iJcd camer· men and televisi_on crews with photo;;:raph1c field day. Flun t dt-s1gner. Lewis Stanley . chose Pbyll~s for this .honor. . LOOKINO O\'EK t 'l.O\\'Dts \lst'd t 11 make· San D11·~o·s no.at -a florally covered. new· model jet aircraft -which had the· thc•mc. :·on Gun rd." are no:it'11 Je11ignfr. Lewis Stank•J, Jeft nnd hiH brother, AHH·mblyman Earl \\', ~limit'\', bot,11 Newport Harbur, This entry won Ch1~14 A-16. ''nmb1ncd r1l v and. r<1un l v flna t~ -. .. ~ . ~· .. ._ C~F IUSTI~ AND MRS. Ear; ~~ ... .f~·ttrwr~t'.itl~Tit'or C&Jilomia, ride in open-air phaeton reeer\'ed tor him a8 O~d MUfihal. The chlef jufltice ''isited Lewis Stanley, Newport Hart>or'a muter float designer, 'in buildin~ where he ,was putting final toucheti to his winning float.a. They appeared t ogether on tele\'i11iori broadcasts. 1 Stanley had known Warren whl'n the form<'r go\·erl'lor ·was in .'acra?l\('ntn and he was Mr&e&nl·&l·anna !or lt&le legislature. · I ,. A~OTll f:K J.t:"1S STA~LE\' .de1Hghed float w:i11 this beaultful entry l)f the City of Glendale w1tb 1Ls th• m,. ,.. "~a~· It With FlowC'r1o;." Float wo n first of Clua A-7, ( r,.,. ( aliforn1a c1t1cs between 00,00() and 200,000. t' I .- ' > <,J .. .,._~-· -·.1 RUM CAKES VOTED TOPS .Pelic•cy of Baba 111 .Rhli~ Winr Favor of_ Discri~nating I ' By CAMILLE CAMBON • R. Oof!t1ltl H•ll Construction Compt1ny Ut:Sf.KAL t'O:\TKAC'Tt)K~ Utf.D W. C'out il""Y· Seo"por1 &.oarb t 'allf. "ntft~ --~""", .. --- RO·BERT FORBES Ot t,he many thin&"• wr had w flllt a t· Chnatmu. our unanlmoua y0te &M• to.BABA At.: RHL'M; D1uolvt' one YU •l cake In ont·halt cup lukewarm water. Beat two ecg1 until very light, add one·half te .. poon ot 0M lt and 1(1r Into-the ytaat. Meaaure one and one-half 1 c:ue• of eltted nour and add one extra tablupoon ot flour.' Add thl• lullder .. . ...... . PLANNED INT,EIUOR DEOORATING -Used brick C<?m er fireplace furnishes part 'Of the text~re for the. decor of the -living roo~ ot the Lloyd ~ward model home. Wallpaper of Chinese hand-made straw t:loth plus the uae of nubby material for draperiea and couch ia furthef texture. The couch of turquoise to accent· the color of the bay aeen from th' front window is formed by •ix sections which curye~trom the fireplace -to the doorway between the living and !amity rooms. The l ML· vertine Ital.fan marble free-form cocl<tail table follows the curve bf the couch. -Staff Photo t • f • NEW PtJ R T HA R 8 0 R . . • . > .HOME anti:.GARDEN : PAGE 2 • P~RT l_I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1955 SIMPUCITY -Of . ·DESIGN, HARMONY OF COLORS MARK -HOWARD HOME Us•' of Te~ in Decorating Ouhtancllng 'in Hiiitop Model ~1ntplli:ity and harmony of planned interior decorallng added t u cull\'t'nll·nt floqr plans, make the Lloyd Howard m od"'I h 111111: al l l :W King1:1 Road one of quiet beauty. cor. Gray·ireen· 1taln -,;in lhe bat and board front echo1 aray·grecn foba.i;e·or land1cap1ng. The g1 ound I.a terrac:e<l_ wllh goli..ll'n l"olo1·cll 1uc.k11 1rnd cru!lhcd bn.in&e 1ock U!M'd ~ :itratr&1ca.lly for 1·mphae111 &nJ a natural quality. Wu.. IUIJ y~now v1u1 .. , bknd with blu(" 8k) &nJ golJtn aonl!hlneo. Hal Lat')'..J.ies1gnc!1 the home built-by Howa_i:d and Jim Gardener'i Check List Brcx.ly creatcJ the interior of the cohtemporary modern. -· ~ , The mo•l•1 n tnfh1t•n(1· Is ftalur· I . In pluUn& your H111·t11"4r 1 l h h l lh b Cl h I lnl{ r;lu~ i.lburs opt'n 011lo 11 1mall &~den for Uua comln1 ~11rln1. ~· z oui; ou "~ rau u11 , pat1v \loork ll uut on papo·r 11,.,.1. ,,,.,. •••• \"ll•h •11nl1ul l11eh: "'"l· f~t ttA·ttt;u LJlollT • IJu Dul tor1rt artkhul.t·'· "'" 11\,., ttn•I the new <.11 .. p 1v:1o1. · i>at•l"UI anJ rhllbarb. I"" ¥U1.i>l 1wm la a111plf Wlt/l z. N'l out tb .. ,... ""'"·rln" 1il.n1 .. Tt::\Tt 'Kr:~ t :o-t:u «••11r1e1~ l'loselll a_nd c.thei cvnven-.r i.loC'ka, .aapi.lra1011J>. 1 .. n .. I•·~. I"" 111" u df'i.nr 11 '111 I ha,.1z!'d ltlll • :! uolh b• throoms f~aturt , 10 ia_,., f·alrndu~. l>llbl &irlm· 111 "'',, 1 , 11 Plllh r b.\ "dllpa· 1nfrn·ll'<l Jz.:hta in lh.: i.~1hng for ro...-it and all prteunl:il,. Ji•I •••Ii"'• 1 (ul11 11. ''"11111 h JO" ~un l.;.n'1 1nl{ They a 1e ~-'Tr) 1•La11tln1: lltr•"' 1r1111 trr·• .. In 11 .. l.\.n~ 1 , .. ,.11• ''"111,,,1,, 1 1111p<'l1ll '" 111.tlth fh .. 11 1n111 v1Jual 10 one hull': l'hhi '''""''"<'" Ii' 1 lnr• ., 1.111 l·1111t.Se t-l1aw cluth \•allpaptr., .. .-. ... and r•n · C:lll\·n!I t hr "h11 h lot• 1, .• , • h lh• "all·to·11 ~U Th<' ma n1J1cent ,.,~w ,.r lht fndllnc M'&M>a. • • l ""'" , ... 1 , · 1,~ u•rtl .throu.:hou~, Harbor which the llv111g rwm 4. Bulbtt and root• fur vl..intin..: "'" h"' , I ·1, , '""nubby boud1: I l'umma.nt.lt 1e not Joel t.o thi' house now ladutlr lily of thl' \all«"~. I. ~hu~t , nu,....rlra ha\l" a full .... 1 .. t•ll11n of t•rr root ro-, 111 thlit tlm•-. lnrludlnc tbe D t'\\" All Amt-rk-"'IDDf' ... , Tiff an), ~u•·t'n Ellubi.•th and .llmlny <:rlC'krl, Specialists In KN IT BLOCKING \n •~~n•·'tlnac ~·n·fr,. 1 .. r.\ uur I lrw .\pparrl "The l'lm11 hl•nll'• t·1n .... 1 S im-., 19111" :!18 ~larlllr, &Ilk.a hl•n•I to the e11 and yeut, and bett w1th ,------------- • epoon, and then but aome mort 'Local luilden .... u <l then .ome more, to (1vt tht batter a cood body. Thi• 11 Im·· File Incorporation portant. SACRAMEl':TO IC!':Sl° -Art· Beat another ecc ll&ht and mix ldu of Incorporation for Weet ' it In. Cover and let rl•• for an Wind BulMtra. In<'. have bffn rlled 1 - bour, or until ,the batter b very with Secretary of Slate Frank M . . bubb}y and ll1bt. Jordan. No~, ~at ln tlv• tea1poon1 of The real eat.ate firm wu allow- SU&ar and •lx table~poona of melt· ,..f'd 2:'>00 ihuu of no par 1tock. DI· ed, but cooled butter. Don't ad<t It I rrcton art J oarph P. ~d Gilberta while hot! Let the batu·i:,.sise Gu~nn. 390:'> Channel Place end for anothu hour, or until very Eet.hrr M. :S1ckrrao11, 1'8 Santa bubbly ar a{n, keeping 1t covered la&brl St.,. Coeta Meaa. dur1n( a u lheae 1'1elng11. ------ BAIUNU TlP!i .. ' Or1U. cuetard cup• 11n<l fill with batter not more ·than one;tJilrd full. Covti; arid let rtee until the battr r &lrno.1t fllle the cupa. Bake 1:'>·1'& mlnutu in a 400 J egll'e oven. Tak" 0""8 out and remove Iron\' the cup. ll ehould be vety brown 11nJ 11hiny on the bo ttom. rr not put 1t back·' ln It• cup and return lt to the OVID. sER\'t.: wnic tiAt'<'t.: · When all arc b&J<td to\ pcrfrc· • Uon, 10oaen them from the cup• wtth a spalulr lllld turu them up· eld1 down In a pan. Pour over them lh&4 84uce, and apoon It ovtr them until lhe sauce 1a cold i.nd the babu have 'baorbtd u much u 11 tiiry will; one 1mall ca11 of aprl· cot.a put through a Jueve, ju1c~ anJ all A dJ -one-half tup. of 1ugar and tour tablupoone of car11mdiztlJ 1ugai' .du1aolved 1n one·hatt cup 01 w11ter. Let lh11 m1xlurr boil tor five or six minute•. Take from the hut anJ a~u the JUIC" 01.~ Hmall I lemon and one-half cup ot~m. • jo'or-holilJily decoration put a ' ro1ctt.e~ o! wl11ppe9 cr~an1 &nd a I cry•tall1zed cbe1 ry .on lop u! riH'h, Twu·lh1r'1s ol 1111 tn1lt'J ~latel! malca o\·er 13 .}'\'iou of .. .,,. 111<' KEITH'S CC8TOM l'll.Tl.K~' t 'KAMl-'0 -d A KT !;l't'PUE~ • MJKKUlU6 &l~ l9U1 St. \ew...,rt ~ lt&r~r ,U 11.I Ready Mixed Conl]rele J 11v..,rs: accu1<.11ng to the Nt.thmal In 1111t.., ul lhe u-m..,nt S hvrl.1'11" Automvb1l1: Club. I "" "'" Maklni En~ry l'i-lblr ------·--.....;;.----! 't.:tforl tu,s1&u .. ry tbe ~ei:d• of .Our tirm~;u11 <:ummwalty. , I t •or _!.Alocre&e -·<J&U Ua.• WEt..CH'S ~READY MIXED CO NCR EH l~ ('ununerclal Wa1 <:O!ST A ~u::sA . LI ~-Mitt PHOSt: HAMOR SIM JAMii D. General Contractor & Pu.ilder .l>HOSt.: llAKftOtt •76:'1' REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CO~TRACTORS IUlilDl':STlAL --11\'l>USTKIAI~ CAµ lLUUWH Ul.)~ t ·oK t;~Tl.MAn:, \\ITU( 'l t tl,-\tlt.t: 1111 t: H.U .AOA BL \'I> ftAl.t"IA _., . . CINICKARIAS Lota of t.oo<I l '.lanh• lvr. lh•I •luMJ) •Pul In yuur tNM·k ~ ard. l'LA:\T!'\ ')~ ~l"At<T ('A,,li •• ', 15( · •1·'0 ~IC't! •IU to M'I OUI rat·b Jnt•n \ l'LA!liT!'I IS' t "l.A l ':o. 50 / "'°'prratt1 ( 'olor• 11r ,\1111.rd . . ....... ;;.. ..... . Jot. . ' 5 -~ 101' NURSERr -i=f-4 fhu,-.da~·· ARCH.IT EC TS Mem~ of American Institute of Archltectr J_. M•r~q 8.rqwnell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Rkhard . F'feger ( ~utac,. ~ """}' s»,IA HunllnKIOD Deb . l·"'· e-41 )II . ' ---~--~~~--------"--~~----'--...----....} ~ 1-f igh Quality Printing-P~. Har. 1616" - ; , t p / I - .. ./ / -,, .. , MAK.I JHIS ~YOUR OF THE ,, •I " 1,.,.•. 1 1 h • haimoruze \\llh Wile In the k itchen. A pua·I amar)llh• hy brids, hardy ••ut- IJ..iA·l"ol• 1 ' \~ Zt I motltm lhlollgh ~lV.t'en k1tchtn an.J <.Im· r~d~oo~r~ll~U;r•~·..:&n:d:::uo:na:~r:U1:•~t-~.~~~,fo~·~11~·~St~•·~'~V~u~l"~·~~l~·l~A~r1a~~ dub 'ha11, "' , "11 low corner tnl( room looks lo .... ·ard the har· F111 1!1t1 1· \t111 c 1-1 ini1,, tuct'd by I bur throuch ls:rae plc..ture w111- l \\11 1r .. 1•·11 11" llfthan n1111blE cor-1Juw1 In the dining room. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTM EARN FROM THE FIRST 1 .. ,. lahlt» , n• 1 un11 nn•I 1he othrr The kitchen 111 narrow for con· tr•• I rr11 1 .. ~, or lll,. l olll<'~ rl'· ven1cnce of rcachtng all f111:1l1t1u 1 • ,. tlh' l•t ,_ 1:illu1•nu• • 1tnd bu1lt·1n O\"tn 111111 1lo1•t from I \\Ill\ ~ttOO\I :--,i. ,.1.... .. l-\ J ,. • ._,,, u,", 11,· .. in,. r''" 11 :1 ~ th• :a : 1Jy t'-on1 \\hilh I'• I ft ,hlf~ I'' H ••:\tnl• a C\'ntral pl vol polJlt. lt I' Joni for extra room, featuring ,a brtak· r11~t ba.r at one eond. t:XTi:lllUK 81.,t:.'.'1 Ut..11 DRAPEH.U::S -. l.l'UUU»Tt:lU.,U -SLIP CO\'ERS \\ALL PAPEK -CAJU'ETDiO ·c:o~u;n; l;\TERIOK Ut:<:URATl~O LAMP UGHT SHOP • 2"3 l.. t.uul ""'" loruoa !lei ~lar Harbor 6239 • . -· .-·· f nt l'Xtl " ,_,,. • 1.,.,11,, ~u1ur mg oull11i.le the house 1e aa .,..,,.. __ ---. __ 1-_~·""'1,~J1;:..np:p.·~t..-'. ·'.!.l.Ul..-1.•IUWJ"!.1 b••;,,.E!a.nned tor efLt'ct aa lntc 1or dt· t w1rn t \\v """'" 1trcl.t1 li•lu>-· lhc l I Al's Carpet Ir RuCJ . Work" Are EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY AGENT for l(htm to ,,, .. ,)( ofC l ..... 1 1111.1~ '''I HARTLEIN FLOWERS tt·h' 1001n • •r th•" 11n\a, ~ vt t,u,~ts. 11'111 .n,,; ti• ••'lit 1 1iort1cm .... a h.<ll· "J' '" • Ill"• t 1t.r l111n,i: room \\l1 Jl ht Utolt"' Hoth flto(JJ S un .. 1thl'r l'l•lr • C tht' (11IJrni; p.u11l1on lr11 I 111• .. 1h1 lw1lr1•um hlld"•"" 11n 1 b11lh . 1 ".olt1r 1 Inn l•>r the 111a ~1c1 I.Jed· r ... •111· 1~ lfth1•n from antique 1111l· 1n • lr111-. .s "hit h ha \"C an ecru liar kp uun1I 11 1lh cocoa a nd ;\ew· I : l t.luc punt. :S ewport blue In ' 11n •1que ~Alln IS Uttd (Or lht bed· 1; :• 1J "1111t· , nr chair · ta covrr- ., I in l~(' 1lr111 rry material. Slid· uus t:.. t:oaet ""'· C.orona del Mar HAKBOK 607 l l'any Kentah "Telecraph Oellury i:tu\ Ice" MESA UPHOLSTERING l"pllol8t.ertac A Drapery U~rty 1-''111 U~ Ni.']>L Bh·ll., -Cwta 11- HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 1 WARDROBE CRISIS 1 P..erhap1 we have th·e answer Because we do everything here casa'-.pur~ "SER~'ll 'E nnm..'t not:~ -\\'ID:.'4 !\-i:au:.o" COMl'LET E LAO'DERERS Uld CLEA."O:RS ,, llAAlX'rR'S MlLE •. l't-iWPOa T BEACH I • . ' .. ft!.~~~O=-~ ... ~:~p~:.._ ~~~~ 10, cleaalog wail ·t.o wall ~tin~~ th;J.ome or office. ulng new ~ery and metb~ .. De\·eloped by Bige- low, the m011t famou• name Lo carpeting, after yean of ttttearch, la oow anlJab~ to Harborttea. AJ'• Qarpet. Ras \\'ork1 .... -•• 1'1 S.. ....,. ...... I• 0. .......... .. c.•fttM.dle1t 1 • 1 t tr. • ,. , ....,., l'Vf ctM11t.,t •'" °'-c. ..... ""• ~··· .,.., ..... .... pt.,.' -..... •dd•-HI-. .... 11 ... ...,,, z..- .. o. ..... ·~ Capable, expenencl!(I workm'n b&Ck· ~ by the iilnrere dulre to • .. rve you ara your gueranttt or aat11f1cat1on l'.pholstered rurmture cleaning le • large pa;t of our bu11neu,. We tea· lure the finest In m11 ~ fiJ ,$} chlnl's an•t maannl• ~for l 11 "Ork l'lck·l"p lil D.-11\'tr)" Srnkr of Coune A11d Don't Forpt Our S~ialty Is CARPO LAYING Ir REPAIRING Call Today! • , Al's Carpet . I RUg ·Works . 293 S. Mal11 St., Orante· 0ra..e 1470 Kl. 2-6400 • r I ' .... JUST NORTH •' POST OFFICE '\ . . I Offic~ Mours: Mond•y l hrough ·Thur1d1y 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. II Friday 9:30 a.m. -8:00 p.m. • \ __ ,,_ • . ' •• L.. . ' ~ . {, ;:> .. ,. .~. ·, -'. " LEGAL ~OTICE LEGAL NOTICE • .\O\T.RTISl:MI:~ F'OR BJO~ • :\<•lir p "' l':H Pby glVrn Utlll the Bnanl ot T ru&teu or th<' '.\"~wrri t • BPa•h !'· ho(Jl [l, •trtCl ,, t ht Clly or Xewpr.:&t. 8N1ch h<'l'l'lr.111vr If'· fl'1.rr•1 11° a~ the. Owrll'r will ft<"Pt\·e up to but no t J111a than 8 nn P ~I th" 11th of J nrrnary, 10~. se11let1 btd11 fn r 11'1• aw11rll Of rnntl8rt t .. r U-.,. <Or1strucll"n r f n.ovable CU .f W'lrl< !o r the Harbrlr \'1tw Schon!. eon fjrlr .. nr<irl A\f'nllf', C'"!onll c1"! ~t11r. Such btt11' \I.Ill ~ Tt'l'l'l\'Pil tn th ..... ~t1 ,." 111 ''"r1 r 14nr, c::ff nn", C'11~· of :---ewrort Be&l h 0 1· angr Cn•m:,. , . " f rn1a. 11r I a.ha11 ~ Of"'ned a i:d l!IJb lldy 1 "1•1 atouti al t Ile ""'>"1' ~!.ii·~ : .me in tl)e of!:<'" of th,. O\\"lld I~ ~.w1 bu1lrl1ng . u;~~P(~ m•.~t ronfOIJ'l and IJ" rPrf,o('n~!v,. to t hlA Jn\'\U llOn, !ht plan,. 1r11r:nn• ano1 a ll the ot hl'~ ~nc-11:r.1'nl!' r rom rr1•1n11 1t1e p<>rl· lntnt ('f,nl rJ<• l •1"' :w•'"nl • C"11ptt'.J1 r1r th t Ct1nt 111• t Cor1111.• nt ~ arr n""' 1'11'1 ... ,. llt:d ••;.>«0 ''"> j'Uhltt' tr .. •f''• I!• n ll': I I-I' ."ltl•l 'lJflrf'.~ r( lh" 0 11·nPf, 1 nr1 • f !..nd & Pit 1."I'. .A:rrl 'tP• I• lr•r"" ,1 a( :!'II ~ \p.i1>t ll!Eh\\11}'. Cn- , LEGAL NOTICE . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE L!GAJ. NOTICE NEWPORT HAR BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 PAGE 3 MONDAY. JANUARY 3, I Q55 ,111 ~et1 t in:t In th" o!tlc:-• ot tt.t Owner in aa111 bulld1J11. All work penonnr~ le . e1<rPf11o· of ei~ht hnun rtr •11ty fr>r for I,, 14,1 1 Earh b1-t n:ull rontorm and be re•pon•h~ t o this ln\r!latlon. the hours ptr "tt>k or on Holi by~ 11n.1 Sunda i 1, ,11;.iy be paid r .. r 111 tl.,, In• Service -ff-GlaK- ..,lan.•, Sf•l'C'l!1t· 1t1eir1s. anrl all l~• olht'r doc11mr n11 compr1.in1 the pt'rU· rate of ov,.rtcmt o! th,. rr~t in1·.,ln<1 • • Ol'nl co:.:1act t:oc111nt'nl11:.Cop1ea_ o! the Contra ct Oocument• are now I -H nhda\'11 811 herein rtft'rtt'•I Jo 11h11ll be dl't'.nt'•I to be :\PW \'l'OI ~ at occ Announced •ll fit .. ard · l "n tn pubhr 1ntpec11on 1n tfit a111d .o!Ck u o f the Owne r. • n 1 L t1 & Pl A h 1 Ni 2~1~ C H I h Da), i"coratlon Day. l ndeecndt nce Day. L11hor ['lsv . .Arml~IH"P f)11\• \n 10.,,,11.r,·r rouiu flir rdl' ~r.· nt in "~tr. :c Lttcts, ocat at OHL g way, Thank t~1V1ng DR\'. 11nll Chrlatm1111 It An\' Qf fhl' hu\'t holh11l\'• !Ill. .'., · ; •ror.i ""' ~l1r, C"11lltnrn111 . anlt mey be obtalntd at th e la tttr plact 1 ~ ., 1 ~ th •1 .. f t1 .. 11 .. : 'I · 1 · · 11• 'n 1"1·b•tict11n•, 11'11'\'l•h'n <Ju. · .. c .,1 n•1ay, e """"a'· 01 ov.~1n ~"' "''· r nn>i !1·1'-11 a 1·1:111 li"lhl·1, 1, n n \' .. f" ·t r .. ~: ·' 11 l '>r l'lf h '''·Thi• dtro•lt v.·111 ht rf'funded If the ll h 11 h 11 • _ ·i; _ • · · l r"r h" 11 1. "'"'" •H r~n):• ,., '>I -l't "' •· • ., •·~ \1'!1l'fV.'V0nt'Umt'nU ~hvtrtd ate r •lllrnt l1 th ood con· ~ a t :r.an .stC'1·y u " { nnlr1l'tnr in w hom " t'nntrll<' l "• l.f"r" J 11n ~ ( ,,, t d l.n & • 'I' aw4r1td 11nt1 1.pon all 11Ub• pnt1 n·t ,r~ 11r:t1rr h •" tn I"''' n il! 1 .... J1t. .. n ".thin· I\• 11avo. 11 ll'r l!}t b1 open i · · Tne ~0111M w ill in• l11J" 11-1• "' w f• h 1 h 11 be d ~ b _.. h at than u 1d gtrt'nll J'Tt\·a1hng rates, f rn <I.I'm "•!:"'>to A11 "'ii<:•" n .at hi ~ 11 ma t out on a ionu-h :ruc o ta Ut.ru ,at t it er, •mrloyetf in 1 ht' f'Xtcutfon of the not i ih 1 n( C'lr r t rC1n1n. tunttamPnt al~ a, "r· the ':'td 01!1· ~a in·v.h1ch Lhe Contrlict . .Documt nta are on flit.. -!l:o bM1df'r mav \\'lthdraw' his b!d f'>t' ,. rrr1<1ol or :;o ,:"'i-1ft, t th'e f'll"'I ,,, t&l .. vif.lvn. mrludtnl(' 1 "" f., h t <! •"'II h4I &l'•"<1mpan1ed by a ctrtltltd or car.hl~r • Chtfl< I,. 1 l f lh · ( b.. • •'•1«1· nf rlrr111l1<. 11hjo.'nl""'ll' nn•I u8 e ~P ( r P Ope nlnj;' n IHS.' pdyaole to l t:C' Own,.r. or Nllaf11,etory hlr1 bontt In fl\VOr ot t.Af <>v.;ner, Amirt1 01 Tt u~t•'"' ' I t1,•'t1hl•'·~h· nun~ • -.;P~nt,.<1 hy thf' b1rldrr a a PrlnCIDRJ and 11atll!MC'1ory 1111rt1y com. pany , ,:~ H1 ~1•11111tnn f"r t h•" 11111•nn t•r. ~ · :\'ewpon Be111 h 1'1 l!c>(ll 1•1.t11. t 1 \ TTi> F"'l.s nnal._.. lluuir,-I r Mll•·T• lrrra,:ul:" 'hHp.-·• I 1l1t'1 t• ' I 'I ; I '""t'u ,1Jt ,,,.,.,, '1.111 ti -.-. 'u, '!'I .'\fl '\ "" 1;1,rl llh .t \\_\I t .H Ill.\ I tf .., ~4lJ~ '' N \ lfl......a•·•• t0 t'' ·Jct · tlech tel(/ l'l l '1111, 1. Tt RM.., '<; r1 "' , I .._I n11'4 ~ r••~H,.. I ~•"''" \ '·'"· -~i; ~·..1·i>1r. 111 1cn a n1nunt not l~s than f1\·~ per rent or the bid. Thr "I 1~" will nl' .. u r :1• 7't' fl n· "11, r nr.11 rt•·I ·'la:. C:8l1fr,rnta, and n'''' hi'' b)i11n(.1 "' th~ lat:·:· pilhe ' h kn; l rl t)onrl ~hall~ g1v ~ -~ ll g a rant &4 that the bidder will :\°Pwport Rr.1r11. 01111 i:e C<:t1nt\. IJ1h:1•1111a . •.lhll ·4 In' I Mm ; of th" T<'•'hn,11"11" ---------------. r: .. l'h hid ~l'.~.1 hP m11 r!P 011t •n,.. t •r'l'!l tn ''" 11h1~1n•"l 111 l'ith"r nf ' "' 11 ' . ~ a u .. E \': HAR VEY fl PEA.:'E C'l0 1k l h i i Th 1 II t l'i BE SUR E INSU RE th· : ,;<1 ':11crs tr. wtnrh th1 <'Jnt•1rr Oo<-11n{,.nt.• Are •n Ille" ',x .. r11te lt·,t C"tlntf'lllCl If ~t hf'lla wa rdtdd 1.0 .. him U\ cobonfonnd ltybowlt: l,.he l ~n. M8, t:'-T 20 ~7. I"~~. J.in. :i. Jll"I'> :\'l'\\'•-~·1 --• ,.,::~.~1~;d T;11~:::,~·1 f1;~~~11.~·;,: • F.i1r 't bi~ !'hll 1 h•· arr"t~"rcn:'., I'\ :; ,,.,llti••J or C'l•hcr 6 , h PC'k 11n1ract ~10r•1ml'n 11·an .. w1 pro\'t e o..ut' llurety n or n s a s \\Ith hi ' l>it 1 ( f t: 0 '>r..:1.flf,,Jth.i,.1r w1lh1nf1veda ysa!ternot1f1cat1onot the awardof p .~· 111 1:'1'"' ..:.... . 'l \1 1\1<1 'l\'tl \• p >.\t t t ,:n-'•\\lf-·,rr'-,'•:o-.&tt• \' J• .iOOt t; 3\ rn t t \\nrr ,,hecunrr.u~~lnt?lt-.bu.h.1-.r 'f'Jd ih,t lf•l '., .... .:1 !oo Hd 1,;il J't ,, fn"Ur:ut£.t:Clol\ ex rc 1r •• l1>1u .• t.:!o~11.l ':1n •• 111ll\nr!a!.nt;.;"r' .. 1-y311H l~·<'"'np1n\' ,.. -h. 1 d 11 da ' I C~RTlf'IC".\TEOf'-Bt'~ISt:!i\S 111. t1o·111 ,,,t,.,t!.• ""''""".t'''I DEB.T .. a1 ~ur•1.v. er 11n "' ur.• n .... II·~ 11\,. I"! , ... rr 'f th• 111 i h:, Th" i''\r•r rf'~l'n'<'ll t "pnv:ti:~ of rtJ~C'tlng any an a b1 or f'1i·t1t1011:< Ftrm <amt ''"lhl•. :r tho.• l '.ll• ,ft•, t'1.1t· • . .,, .. ,,''""''" 11 .• 11 ... 1 1::11 ' · 10 ''""'' :1n ,· 11 )'"·u.l111 ltlt'1t or 1nformaht1t!' in.an_,. b1t1 or In tile b1ddm•. THE t'~OF'R~IG~.,...,,.. h " -···' · ·"'"" \\ • ., 11"11'"·' h i.inti r t I< •' • of I· r '°I ~h"IJ Ii• j;I\• ! •-' ~11q1 ,-•,., . t "' '"" ~1.t h•1 will P 11ri-11..tnt in ~ht Labt)r Codt' o! Ylt. ~le ot Ca h fom 1a., lht lla~d • • • . r.·v uOP~ ht>rr ,. n: t•" :'111 •" I • u: t r ~ :1. :'' '"~ CQLI rl!.llAT'.JONS "'".'('I' !)-1> l ',<'11r.1rt If II h .. :l".11 ~ .. I I" r n, en rnnf•lll.1 " \\'llh lhl' l"l'rtlf~', t hlll Ill). •f COll<1lJCllfli. a Ill l .lt.1 .. i: ,_, 111 .LI.!' luJ •II" l ~ ("· n' ni r 1 , 'Irr· r 1, ,,,Joi "di rr• , c1, thl' ~ ll • 1 ,. Ill 11,1 1 r h•in•t~ -'!' Bn:i1 d l'f rru~l•l'S ha11 a~certa1ntd lht g l'ntrnl prev111hng ratt per dit m \Yarm·AJr H~ll.!Jng. Vt>ntt~. 1'1 11111.v 11( 1 Ir.mi:•. ••t ~~ffr•·t. .. nt • ~'"""l.J.nh _ '.\ot•·~ _ < halln• .,1 • ,,,, 't•I 0 1 \\.t ..:t'~ 1" r 1rh r111ft rr tYr" (If workm1on ntt•(,.d to exeeute the ron · Air C"onclll1ontn1ot anrl Slw<'t ~<'lal •hr ·~.ma•. \\.cth lhP 1 C"<'ll',ll\' • ""' l•lntJ ·uf ct .. ht-.·all\\\h••rr tn "f,, (1til t "l:• .n v.!it .. n I '"·' 1 A'" 1 1 •1'cf1 u t1rn" • 1 r1 P , ... I '11 •13 31 l St • · · !rAd s whJCI• will be llW8rd<'<1 rh" J<Utlel'~ful b1dder11, a nti these pre· vll~ n!'lll• 8t ... , 5_ • r~ .... ""111lw1 •, t • t he 11n'1<1~1.11nr.i ul Am,.rh'h, '''.\o roll••l'llonii·-'.\o fh• '"nrr.i.-t rn-+h,... '°'1~ \'Atllni: r.it•'~ ttre 1onta1ned In sa1n i<ptc1f1cat1ona adoptt d by lhl' board, l'<'w pon BNllh, ('Rhfnrnia, undl'r l h' • r hrr pin!<',• 1 n11•.11·~•. 111· ,re ... " ""' a d,·a nN-:aY ro•ta. , Th,, O"n•r ro "r\:;.~ 111,. pin I•.:.~ uf t 'Jll< tutg 11n · .ind 1111 hl!I~ pr the flrt1t1011:0 tirm r.11me of A. R "11 • I · ('"t'.orr 8 l"R"''·•t 0i..: • ' tnt1 are ns tr-llnwt.. n c.n r lll \\Al\'" 11n1· tr~,.g 1,l:ir1t1•"• ,,. 111f, llJ'l·d1t11·~ tn anv b;d.i:1t ,IJ),)he,}',;ilrl111_ir C" 1:fEATING, VT.::'TlLAT~i;1G Ii ' l '.\11'.rrin•' 't 'nnk Pnw<·r ~. :t6tl \\1·~ii·rn OriuiKt' C'nunty ' " P11r•u1n1 '" 111 .. I.Al n r ,~, .i .. ,.,. r ~•· :': c:•· • r c tii.r, 11., .. thP FRiii C'l,..\to':OOIFU'ATIO~ •• ·• SHf~F.:T :O.IF:T1\L ( 0 :0.IPA:'\\ anti :-;, "1 .. 111 Hiid :-,; , "p 11 r.l. furml'rh t rrilll Uun·llll ,.f Bn~1.i n• T r.1····· /'1• ....... ,r .. II d II·' 1(1 J:t tU 'fi11>\'ll lil•,1; ,,,,.(If prr F'Ol'tr:;\t.\:\' All l•lll'llH'n nnt her~in !tpnrat,ly C'laseiCltt1 tha ll bf! th~I 1'<.11.S 111111 I•'"'"'""~"" nr th• Hr111h I .clif• rn111 ~·11pur'1 ll··ac·h. i .iti:unu ·n .. :ll'h dlPni \\ , ~,,,.. fr-i , 1 h , Tltl. 1 r r 'I, .[ '. , 1 ~.n ,ftJ nu, t• d 1, , '"\Ill« the r~ trf l'"I I• ,, I h 't n the pr!'\'ll lllns; 1 l1 ll' follt o\\'.ng J'l<'r:<nn,., whos,,. n ;1mel' 111 \\ 11 h ll1 ,,,x llh•lll ~.,. Ill' ~r t '.f' l <1 ,,1 . 1&1111 ( '11,la ~lf'•a. , ... ' . Bf!INC THEM IN FORREPAI~ ',,, I~; ,....,. N EWPORT ~~ SHOE REPAIR tnntra C't,, \':I iC', ":tl r. ''"ut J. 1 1 • ., .,., , ,~ .. 1 11 bl•l•h 1,., ,in.I t!:Pl>f' APPP.F.XTJI "~~~ :O.t11v h,. cmplnyt>rl In "ontorm1ly \\'tth Section full iu1d plni·.,,. ul ies:illen,,; a1 e p11h!l•·1111 .. 11 ... 1': .• J , 11 ,. 'W ·& Hhn .. i.t .. A \;1' .. t•.o '"'' ll!!li IO'J '.!..!mf .~Ttct'.F.T thf' 1 1::: ~ M tJ;. r ah!< rn1a,.;.--oor Code a, fvllll\\~ '''"''1' .J ''·•'••I 11 ..... IJ,.;" :• 1•1•.i '.\t:\\l'UHT tlt .. \t'll. l ' \I.II . ·· prt\'ll lllr.& :n" ~ :.1e '"Ill !1'1•' I 11, '•· ! ·r<• l1··:c• "'"' ll•lnpto>f\ h\' C I• T JO"'' R "T p Q(" Rus~C'll '\\' ~a.JlJ:•'ll l.\T H L·f<f.'-;E l ")l)L' l 't)\' •.·I .. "'.' ~::;::;:;:;;;::.=;=:.=~-==-=·=-==::~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bnnrrl, Itnd an. u :c.llo'' ~· LA~:-. 'IC ..\ ,, · A E Ell H R 2116 .Mirnmai llr'I,., "" -"' r ,,, : .A h It · d e 22~ i-:x ... 1111,, •: 1!11 E•:'I·., d f"l..\~•\JF'JC,\Tlfl ' "I " i.1 .... r an iron r .· ....... ,, ................ -................... lfalt>nr;, C"alltornia :-i;d •l••"•hr,t Fnfn::.n::'> \'1 ~ ·n ~n t"·l\"r"1n ~I .:.;: •• ·, da:».l:c.f .It.di h" H11\l:l.•; ... 1i. ............. ,, .. -..... _ ............ _,_ ....................... 3 ~0 -\.\'IT:>:E~~·n1y hind this :?2n~_clay 'Ht1 n.11z .11.1 l111rw 111 I ' t1 n1•t I• ·!> ti an SI lu) f'' d '\ m• ,, ,. th •n 1 hi· '" ".,, vma11 Bnc~1enc1l'r . .. ...... : .......... _ ....... -........... ,.. ..... -............ 2 . .fO f'f [•<'li>mht'r, l!t~<I 21i 11 :-.;, "I" : I B l\'lt 1 •l• i •r tM .::.1!l ll'''"" ""Jf<'nltr'.>, JOUrnl'ymtn ...................... -............. -... ·-·-.. 22i'1Z. I> Rl'S!'EiLL \\'. Bi\'.'\GERT :-;,....,!'"It Ho-id.1 i al,ie>Jntll APPP.b";\' rl• £:". ,\!I\' '" \'ll J "')l'•I 1:1 ( 11!'1:1.ll\' \\ •• '1 !'· 11r•n 1·erllnl ;1111: .. n . . ........................ _ .. _ ..................... 2.70 SUit• ''1 C'.chfnrrtf.I AllPll•'''·" 1i' 1-;,,,, 1111...,...~. .. ---' • l ' ('11 I' r !ft I ~ .. ,,I. (''•Ill El!'•tl lll&n~. .. ........................................................... -....... 3:20 Cnovni~· o rlSl.)rur.ige !Ill. ="" !1 ttl :'\~\\"·f'I\'"' ...__-, • • • • • • •" • w "'" ' 1-· TH :!:.nd nay of Vt"<'ll\• ~"' \ r!.t\SMI It'.\ T IU.'\ f;.\ 1 t:: l 't.H llO t•tt f'lr•Ot layer-' ......... .> .............................. , .. .'~ ... -........................... 2 97.5 h~t . ~ U. 111;11, lwfMt:_ 'mc>, f\OB· ; :? J:J-::ih::: it ~ C.'1 f",qrp•·rtr1J 1.,n~\'l t•"I · '.!77\ I GlaZlt'l~ ........ r ...................................................... __ ..... ,_ .... 2.~& ERT" F \\'ILLM ES, " :'\llJllry ----- 1 ... 1. ,,,, ,,, '1nv ,.,..., l••lrl't'! '!1'17", Jron \\<ll'kPt'!l, 1't'r11rt11r11 I ....... ....... ............. ... .1 10 Publl<' Ill uud t<lr lhl o!'dld C<1u111y 09d•n. Booked Here 1 .ir:·. 1 1. ,.1 ., • • frnn• wnrk.,r• 11•infl'rt'tn~ ............... ...... ...... ....... 2 80 °1lntl s1at1 , r~>111tn.: tht>i-.·1.1, 4!uly r ~ ;,~ . I 1 ... 1t.rr~. ml'lal ........... -· ......... _ ........... 3 • .f3i5 ('l)m n11~:-1on,d ""'',.worn. Jl('ll"•nat· on Dr unk Driving T:' 1,,.,,., !1 ·,, .'. ! , 1 1 01 1,, , c:r "',. 1~ -.;, 1,1,.ru. I 1,..bnr .. 1 ~. h1.1!c1ins: llnt1 un~k1lled .......... -... -....... _ ............. 2.07.'I ly &JlfH"tl<'•I ltl'SSE~L \\'. BA:--"t;. )( .. I I• . "• '' '" ' -. '1111. ·' Latt:,.r11. nell r n .................................... 3 315 ERT, knnw'Tl tu,,.\1.• lO ht> lh" P•T· ,, ... j i; ,n.1 11.-·1 :-•' '.r·h 1•J 1 \d1hn..: P U""'). 111· huutlv 5'ln ''·· "'' 1 nr.t"' l!t :-utosrri~t"d 1n ""Ii:•··, Ll~stilute a rtar~1 Lin•'·1!m and &n(t tile IBYt'I:-301 thP ''1'hi11 ,1·,.u un.1·n: dll•I It•· Op•rat .. r and ll'ndtr o r pneum,.hc a nd electric toola. 1<.i1k 11 1 u·~ ·t, .r1-. '•'f l/81,,·IO th•,,,._. t)•at wn1kn •n 311' ('r:1 -=~~~-:-~--~=-~~~~_,.,,_,,.,,_ ____ _..,µwu~l·.:!lb.' l t ... 11 .. 1•1:11 1,. .;\(l1Ut> ~1,.., ,.1 , .... n in ,. ., , •• '. 1 ,,11 , i;..w...i' •r ., "C11«; •Lit m~,\fU&.I'~ ;-lJ-ill. bl' 1 ''1bra11n~ m ach r.rs an f'lm ar mt'C' an <'II' oo 1. e<I ll•e _.,.,011' J~ \\'lr:-;.i::s:s I l .. 1 1 1 h _......,._.~ .... 1.,,.,.,..-.,~ ...... --n'!if{r-f'"lpr'iis"'j~IR~t .. awt,·i:r clanlft~ ttfl'f'tn .. •. . . ... ~~~ WHE1<f:o~ 1 1 .. 1., 1v•rtuni.u ~rr ... n • ,,. '" 111 11 ••t "II I'' l • pr• ,.Ju "'.-•J.:~:> 11r111 !>I tu,, .. ,... .. .. 1 f'11n1,.r•,.n111~h , ... ... .... ...... . ... 2 7.\ m' 1 ... 11d .11 .. t' .elf"'''' n:v n:l1• 1111 'ltHl ths ;J:.:r1,b"1 ... · I •tt!_.."-•".i ,irr; .. , u1 .. n1 ·b···ir!'~'tfl ••1g 0 h l lb t hl1U r,. . • . \\•1 •·~ hil' " 1.,. •, • u ht l 8 ~ ''Utl , 1 ,11 1 a Plltnl~1~. "P1''Y ............................................ 2 08 !Wal '1 J,. •Lo\' 111111 '" llr In lh111 l 'l'I • . "t •. ,. ·:n\ , , lo \ · ','' . .11: • '·''"~ .: \l , 14J .• 11 1.-(\\•'"n 7 ,\. "o;J 1111 J..,\ 'f' \I '11.j 11>1 •'11111" I\ rl~\'" \\'tlrl'( 111 ~11 ,tll.!hl I f•fn"'ll'l'L'~ ·::"~ .................. ., ... ,,,._,,,.,,, .1 4;jj5 tJfll"tl• fll•l,•lh<t('o \\lltl',ll. }'l.lst1·r .. r tPllllt>1~ .. ~ ...................... ~ ..... _ ................................. :l 18i:J ·' H/)Kt-:llT I-\\'ILL:O.U:!' 'tn • 4 ~· • • • • \II 1· , .. 1":' ·:'I 11 '' "~ ,,1 t1 0h('ho;;;.&ptrdtl)'<•rfnr1y oln 1 i ht·htl\' r"l' '.\ • k rr .,n H~!I~-\~ ti' t :--1lnr!:J~'f, ~h '11 i,, 1:'ii1 I tnr •' thr T'!umb<r.. • ....................... -... ~ ........................ 3 2TJ .\ly l',;m111t.•.' "/l r::-<l'tti'"' X••>•lll· .... , "' r c·qu1pmC'nt Qpt:ratnr~ bn 16 . l~• ·!1 ;-.;.,, 5;,U :0-:t·\•. • ·t'r.-~:s ""'' :• 1 • \• t •, .• '-1 t:., ... r ,:z .n\uJ\,·,! ... ~,... ., ~: .-\tr ,·c.snrrr,.~·•ra ................... 2 ;J7 JI .111a1l' ,,,. h•t•.n.;.' ""ft .r.:111 bt r'~•llltd to he Xew Year.. Tr3rtn~,. '''Ith atlAC'hmt nts . .._ ....... _ ... _.,_.,_ 2tl8 ~,,, 1'.. ' r. 1' ,.,. J~ •/ :,, li ;,,. 1111\'. l..a r>or D.iy: .Af11i~1 rt [Jr1~·. ,_P.nnfn -·· .......................... ----2 ':'~ f hH•" ... ,.n.: I I\: .1n"1 I ~ 1•'1, '•· I• 11nv .: L! I ,ai~ffi lr<lll~ll ro111 .. -. :"!.td m n .11 W0tk"r5 ....................... ____ ,_., ......... --··· .... -3~ 'n s •.• 1 •• 1. ,,, :.1.,,_,j\' ,,, ri1 '·= .1 .. 11 l•I)' n,.1l,'1<!!.:• i.11: .. 1 t:ol,.,:1\' ··-T•trnzz .. »l'l'r .................... _ ........... _ ............... 2 ·l ~ I• ,.. ,11 h· 11.'l1~1l1 1' • t• nth• 1· 1 ti "• • .. r tti "Jl4n1 "*'' Optrart ~·· Tf'•razzo ,,..11,.1 htlp,.r ..................................... -................. 2.4.'I ' . ' " '. .-T I •t lf I • ., M \\\lll 1~d .m•I '•f n ~I , •l• 1111I•1• ·~ 111, 1• r htf1 'to plty noit II'"~ thai) I' ~c "· ................ _ ............. -....... _ ... ·' ""'I ,,.,,,;c1f'I•'11).;¢~ 'd.'' •t p•r•rtt .. ni "·•!!'.f'S tu 1111 11·0.kmtn ••m· T 1!• ~<ltfr~ htlp11s .. .. ....... -......... --....... __ .... _ ........ 22~ c>lm, 1 ,i. • h'I ·( »•'< 11111m , : 11 , , . 11 ~. , T ruck rlnvtr ... unrtPr 6 ll'n5 .......... -.................. -........ -... ·-· 2.18 :0-:11 h• J•l· r ,, I\' \\ 1' h II II\ II I " I r •• I 'i lll'1 r: :\II c1il \\ Ill ter I hr True k rlrf\'t'I R. 6 lfl 10 I nnl> ........... -........ -.:: .................... -... 2 z l 1,,, ,. 1 ·;r.nn~ , "'·' Trucl< 11l 1\·P1~. 10 to 1r1 t<n11 .............. -.... ..,. ...................... _ 2211 • • 111 •1 I -: Ti uH·, 'l.• Trut k 1!1 rverf, J{:I to 20 tons -....... _.: ................................ _ ~ 34 ' .., '\~\i·r , , H•·11, h J::l•'n:Pntary ~(hool~ Truck unvrr ~. 20 tons and more ........ .. ........ -...... -.. -.... ·.-· 2 56 · , '' ,(1 ,. h•, 11 urur.>:P Count)' C'elito rntl\ Trucl< drn·rrs. tr.in.sit m11< unde r 3 yd s ........ - ..... -....... 2 ~2 II\ II \l:\'F\' fl f'F:.\~F'.. l trrk Trurk dn vPr•. tr.in•tl mix. 3 yds. and m orP .. 2 ~6 :-;,.. .. .,,...f'\('r .!I• :!i I ''·"~ Jan.; 1 ... -. .•. ;:--, .\•·Pn •:e \\'r lder11 shall rMt1ve rate rrtscnbt'd for craJt per· l «rmlllg operation to wht<:'h welding 11 1nctdcn1a1 \\'l.ndow c1 .. an"r1t . .. \H\'t,K l l,..t,\tt:'.\T .. OR BID~ , 2 22:0. :'\ •1 •• ,. u. 1 t, i,1·. 11 tt.,. •hr H• 11•! •. r T iu:.t<'• s c.r the :0-:<"\\port Th,, ratt'P M prr '11flm \\'Ilg!'~ ror each of tht U1nous dt1u1Ucatlons 1·~ .. 1-•t•·•I l u•I, I':'"' 1'\ J •l ="•"1'"'' Uea cr1, hr11•1naf\er rt·)( \\•lk 1'hl\)I b~ !hr hf'rf'lnht'fore !<el forth prevaUin& ratts or hour~y 1'1 • 1 t• ~ tt, lJ\, 11• • •oi 1 • "' 1.p lf• Im.I. n••t 11111'1 1han 8 00 w11i;t>1 111111111 .1 ... 1 hv •1,1:ht ti'). E ti:ht 1 &i houra r.holl l Onst1t..ute a day's 1· \I,• ... , 'l f h •I .l 1n1d\'. i :• ..... •..ikd iu ......... !ur !Ill' 11\\ 111111 con · wo11<: 1l bt1n1< un1!1•r11t<>0d thot 1n the evf'nl lhat w orkmen are tm· 1., 1 r r rt'•·, r•'tH• 11 n : 1 I 1,. ,., ,.nd 111t· 1 1t 1un,. t o> ll1•r1HI' l::n· 1p1oyt>rl lt>•A tnM t 1i;hl !81 houra per day, Iha' per d1l'm ware11 ehall b4! I!! 2; .'II. I .H11·l;" 4. ----.,------- ·'" .\-:!1989 ·'0 11< t. TO CR l:.l>ITOR~ r HAHLES .A CUUJ~. SH , 8l"• k n••'·' :c "" t.'llARLE!=; A. COOK ,.i,..,, kr.>1\11 11~ ESTATE u~ C'llAP.Lt;.:O. ,\LBC:RT CO().,; ~H. a.1.~u kneo\\ II di. I ',HARLES AL· BEHT 1'()(11'\, 1'£1..'EASED_- :-.;QTH'E JS HeRE~Y t;IVE::'\ l1' th• 1r•1lltor11 nt ~II a.JI f't ,r· l l'IO!l ha\'lhg l'1111m~ Against lhP "-.-t"'-""t•1J1J•• •I ,1t ,·.,1-.:.1i •l11 ~· 1f"l· 1,,~,,,,:), \\i't' 1',1Jh,1 1 n.,·i1 \\ ~ I ! I' t ,, 'o 1 ,, f , \\ ' I \ .I.... f ltt' 1 I hi> <'ti .: l'.\Ht\t..!"\ KIULE\. ~(OKTl' AH\' --=-, t orm .. r l,\ hi<.\ l i;I FHA •·t:L 1 11) lhu.tJ\,,., -Lo~l.t ~ ...... 1.11..-rt \ 11·~·~:$:$ and' 1:1-:U )'I I . .. ... . II'( 4 rt J..'c~JVll.''d1,~ YOU SAVE 10% nn \our PRESCRIPTION at Pring I es ~tic I. fjrn.11h\ a~ • "'unla \n3 ··~ ~· • 'I t 11 111 \ ltr : !•1 \• ,, WI'• rt 8 0 ll<h ,Ul•I 11:1 hl1011A t1t'l•I 1f'l'mrd lo bf' that fraction Of the ~r diem \\agu h,trt ln tSl8bh~hl't1 • 11• 1• t ti •llr1 \," l'•' 41111 1:n1o1.•n• 111 AH•n·1r (',.tun11 .!ti that th• numbt>r nf houri-of •mptoym'ent bea1~ tn t ight 181 hours S tart Sai·in!! ~ l(;r/ar ' .~·/a rt -.. BALTZ MORTUARI ES i74t Suwnr11 • t.:Ohl :1 ~l''"U Phnno •.lh"ll" A ,·enut' l"alll CHAPEL HY THI-: SE A :!Miii E: C-ntU<l Iii \'(1 Cntir. . Cornno r1o•I ~ldl f'h1111E> l\11 rhcii 4:? the Richard Beeson Co.mpany · Landscape Design and Co11stru.c:tlon .. . CORU'.\A Dt:L ~l.\R "l'HO~"l:·ftARBOR IMI S P A G· H E T·T I by ROSSI th e with all t he G ourmet Accompaniments ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ltOSSI CAFE (CLOl'EU Tl'E:-.11.\.\ L_ .\cu > rar Ri!!.ht-.. '1 11 1" 3'••1 in ~a.d '.i.•'IH' :-:11rh 111 ls \\Ill I• ire~ 1n t he nU1cc I \\'hnt> a ~mgl~ ~hlft 1.4 w orktrl, tight 181 1on~cutlvt hours be· , • 11. •l\'I ~. ·~1\111-, '! (11,\• ( I\ ,,1 ='•·'I ·~ B1acJ1, <•r11r.gr Cnunl\. 1 twf'tli1 A M . 11nd ~ P .• t Niall cunsttlule a. day'a work al alral&hl l 'lh' r , • 1 • 'I Ir 1 .•. , I 11· t pui.1,, 1\ I• 8·1 ulnuJ at· the abo\'t' llmt . Rosan Employees Have Yule Party A FREE GIFT TO . YOU 1Suttk of Amt.rim .. .I .. 1: ,,, NATIONAL Z!~5t,..'GX ASSOCIATION I n· '' 1\ • , Li .. t t • ·di t.."' • 11 •• l,n1it!tmul Stalemml of Co11ditio11 Deumhc'll-31, 19'4 from SANTA ANA SAVING~ .... -...... _ 1 I,,,•• •• 1h1 , .. ~r· J~I t '"t 1 •·111 1~ f'~I'\ I"'"'."' "''''I•• 1111•1 ... h,,t '"' .. ··' .• , , t u:·~: JI r:f hr '' tf '. I r\'I I t I• r fJ\ I ... \. ~·'".•·' ... .ii• .,, I • "' ..... 'I "' I ' ·"r •.. !•111<1 •Ir ... • t ,.1 • • ••• 1•, 1 I I '• .·· •. 1•.' f 11 fl ~ !tl•IH+.:j I•' t '•' \ f t t \111•11r.rn t-10.c··~ 1nl ., "'I\ r•1 ,·Ca~1 11 h1H..tl ,,,. .. ;q,• •I 1 t,:-.u·l'~r.~·n.,.,..J ,.. 1 •~,· •• d1\ I'' J;.h,nYl •'I r: " •. 1 I ., . I' ~' •11 ... • ~ • n1 t \ 1 I \ h i ' " n• t.•nt H!i• i.' tt · t r .... • ,, h•· "' tot:-..... I• ' . '\. t T'''"tr \\'r :'lT'f ~ • .,,-C •"' t .,. th. kin,, "' , n'·n1y ... "'" t \1 , • I l •n i-1..nn" ho" t" " r • 1 I PROUDLY PRESENTS for Second Week 'tr ,' • 1.,. 11:\ I\ 1. I ;1 I; I I\'- \llh ilt' Cha1st111,1s -:·:·:: y ISTAVISIO~: -:::.. ·- • • -Bf\r.---.. Tl\\\'\' .J • t HO~BY · l\\)E /\n~[\l\Rl' \ff.\- 1 ( 1.00\EY · f.1.1.f'~ .... lU,\ ~ ::.-~ ~~~ ..... __ ... " - . '. ~ ,, .- . . .. (ftttt,,t/fl (>,.,..,...., ,,,....,..,, •'• ., e/ l}#<r•&r 14. l O'ld l, ''"' ,,.•r\ G'"'"t, ... "',.nt Stcunt1,., a~d Secur;t1M A I ., ( ' C"t ··~ r,r ... """''TlMf • ~,. •,,. Ac;t:r" v <fl'(..,•• rs • ..-~ t•,. u"I~\, ",.." l\lu.n,c•r-•• .5.t-f.tJ"''t-' . C+,.,,. • I 11nl1,) l l-t""' C.t;1t•ll""'"'"'d ""' ln\U''•j t'-\' • ~ U,. 1t~ • ,•r· , , ,.,,..,.,...,.. • or 1t~ A'i,.,",. .~., C·1 f ' "" .,. .11·1 r -u"'' Ciir• r•(.-r •" ... It'\ (1'1ff" L t •, "Lrnr, r' C"·A • ,.~r ,.. '4 "'•· ,. • " TOT AL lllSOUltClS . \:_ .... t r .... !• ·-.. t' ,n,. ... -~ ~ i' L I" l DlPOSlTS I ,, ~ T ~"'" . ' \ (I'', t' .. ( t , ., • T.,.c ~IC TOT Al l1A81LiT1(S LIABILITllS ,$ "r~100 • 'f\ MO ":'Ii) 00 . t fJ SOt 688 32 !41 ,~·: .l\\·~,7 ~~ l 4 ~;e :11.4jJ ~.?\ J ..... ~91 92~ fll 167 123 060 2'l .565 '-39 4 ' 38 I 2' 637 026 86 1 nn 573 393 •o :'812738751 23 ]A A21 80725 21 ~.8)8 505 00 ' Rl'S 9 •5 SJ St, 16l.US.11t 4t S •11t.'911M!,81 •• 6~618 •~fl 13 R no c3, 1s1 14 278.~~ .. 052 21 8'1 051 ,339 6Q S9, I 6J,iSS,JH.'9 ,11 ,,. II~·,,, "' tht l14n R,.,.,, ( '''" 11f C.J•fonw1 SAN FRANCISCO• LOS ANGILIS Jj • .,.,,.,, 1/..0.,,b,,,,, r .J1/n<•u · n, •.. ,., ,_ . ., •. ,.,, '""·"'•· '°'"""•· 7,,1,,,, l'oi""""""· J:o•r. nu••· S..~ioi, G..., .. t • lank of America 11 ............. 11 l4-• Ofllce-Ne• THti, N. T, A .. ~·ll•-ev ... 4 •"'u41••'1 (,,,.tdn1 wl fit11t (,,,t11t oj u,..,4;110,, Deu ,,,IJ,r .31, 1?•t a11ou•c11 uaa1Ln111, "'""I~ Sirw--:t.-.• L""' ,.~ """'' ., • • SlOOOOO:>COO .. c•·' t 'ol C' •"O .<II•• ,. :·--.... ·~ ~ • r1 ~l , ~::; : -t' T.)T Al (A"Tl•l • J~:li . , , Ii~"" p.,...:.J. ,.,.... l-..-. ·' ,,.,,),5•: ,? '99 6.4 1 >& ~ •• Ii. : 7 46.JH •SI 6J -tt:....-.. ' h· ~-t••t" o' ~ ~ lo~ ~;., ~I C1.:.i I . .;~. : ~ ,,_ • r•.-• ' AC....t~ ,r"t~''' •"-• .;t!'oet Q~·(ti ••••• TOTAL •1aouu :u ... . •• ,.._,.. IQ• 1~10•°'1, h~ti. etc. TOTlll llAl lLITIU , • , COMll~ID RESOURCIS OVllt $9,300,000,000 ,$111A0t..JM.N Open a New Savin9s Account of $100 or mo~ and receive your ch~ics o! To1n Co i1i Ban k Thrift tbe TOM TBIJf T coii. B~NI Is CRYSTAL .CWR-. sff what you .ave -doy-by-<lay. TOM THNn SAYS: ~uild o lorlun• with yo\IJ ape.a chonq&." dnly 2St-o doy nmounh to olmoal SIOO 1n on'!y on• nae. G.c yow Ba~ today OR Men1orq11clt11"' W<~llcl * Each account insured u.p to $10.000.00 * Accounts opened by Jon. 10 eom interest from Jon ... f' * Current Ro~9 of ln tere~ 3 112°0 per Annum SANT1\ AN ~\ SAVINf~S ·and l~oa11 1416 N. Main Street \ . . " ~~01·1a~ 1tl11 Phone Kimberly 2-8806 10 0 Ample pa rk ing space ot rear-of build ing. Entrance to parking lot on N Syc omc.re Street ..... '•• · .... I 11 I I • I ' r _.,...·~I I • (.'tl£K~'t. .,\.1 ~ ~. :o\, '('. lFHT~t: I • -\:tanne T S~l. Jamr!l .;..brta~ M>n nt ~fr. anct )1r11. J1t111i<1( A br ... 111 er Utnl1, a n.t h111<bn1Hi or the Cqrmer t.~~8 S t'\ ••rly .!\fr )o'o>lt u~ toata NE\\TO T HARBOR 'E\\'S-PRES . • very Monday a nd Tht 11day COASTA·~ SHOfPE&-\\'ednesdays ... ·~ "4 Llnr1i 1 ..Papt'r ~ S • ;;:; • 4 Une5 \ 2 Papt>rM l .fiO . 4· Lines 8 Pa1wl'li 2.00 -('oa11tal Shoppo•r C'Luslfli-ct Ad• mu111 nm In th•• ~londlly I · ' or Th111'!1d&y l'uhllt·1atlun •• .. • lUSL\H':\t_ AD IS .. ust:"' . .til Oa'•ltll'<(l,Ad•·mu•t bt• pal~ for (;Mh In ad\'lan<'I' of publication. Th~ pubHshth Will not be r;;;;i;;~ible f-;;; nHH·~ .. than 11ne 1;nor1·ect lnl!l!rtlon or an a•i. Y.eserv1• the l"tg.ht to rnr tt'i:lh' J'htS'l.1fy u11y It.nil 1111 a~ and to 1'CJC4.<l 8.ny ad not l'Onformrn~ to 1111;·~ 1w10J r1'1;ulallon1. DEADLINES fo r pl11.:1ng ol' C'un1 o'lllllg 11d11 11r1·: Jo'o r .!\toncJay l 'ublwatwn -.!\l•1111h1y II 6 111, For \\'ednesdoy l'ubhcallun -Tv··i;otny :! p.m. For Thurltdity Pubhcat1on -\\'r1lnv>«t11y l p nt. St:~POHT llAKHOK 1·1·nust1L~C:. ( (). '?211 Balboa Bh·d., ~"port u ... w•h, ('allfurnla. Classified Index -J t'unf'ral·S otkn .. % Qlrd of Thank.a • Fu,ual Dlrrcl or. 10 8ujinH8 Gulde , 36, l'oull ry :n Lh .. •io.·k -------- :1)4 Spo-dal t\nnni1ncement 89 Auto• \\antf'd .. 0 Alllull for :--alt' .&II-.\ T lrt'it ll l'art 4 t •. -.Mes•. w1t11 i:r1t1kiatl'd fhnn the !:SI.lift :\<U1·Comm111io1nm•d 01 · fleer .1.AHt11rrshrp s, hvul at the U .8 , Miu 1nr <.:tll p1.1 Arr Sla· lion h~'" :'\ov :w Thr 'four · """'k 1.'Qllfl<~. con1tUClt'•I by 8 atarr f rom th» 2nd .!\Ianni· Atr· c r1ttl \\'1n11. t1111ghl lh<' t ech- nique of lt•11Ckrsh1p. Infantry t11c t1f 8. map reA•llng, ~mall a rm• and 11lhrr 1H1bJects which htlp <levelnp q11nltt l~11 of i:ot•d lrad1•rsh1 r• I t BuJkH11~ ~at~rtals 12 BuUdlnit s.-n ·kn I" PPnonala I~ ~bar" \·our Car 16 Tran,.portatl~ 11 Koofln& Ill lkauty A.ld11 w ..... uh A.id,. '!'! Lo~t and t'uund '?" Scboula, lmitruC'tliln :zg, Sltwatlon• \\ antt•d ·ls llt'lp \\'antt-d :SO Mh•<'ellaneu111t SO·A MW•P" - :f,0·8 ~\1111llunct-• SI Wan'4'd lo Ruy 32 t"urnllure for Sale :S'!·A AqUqun 41 Auto i-o•n ·k .. •'t Tralkr" 0 Alrpla11M1 / 4 7 \\ antNf to Rf'ol # -&II Aph. 4: Hou1W>1 td~ent 4~.\-..\ph. for l<l'Of 411'k--ltuu.,•·• for R1·nl •11«-Tra.llt>r !){fatt 411 f(o"m" lot M1·nt '"!l·A l<o·~t llonw .. 411-n ""'i" Iii Hoard 60 f(ent, 1\11,.r. ~:S ~tort' Iii Offll'~" 6S·A Uu k1en ltt'nll1f11 ~<& Uu..in ''"' Qsl111.rt unit lf'll 61> M um• ' In Lollll Mi M um1 \\ anh-o l -.-ltcci1liA1··Move Into New Home SS Bqehl, Supplh'a - 34 Muliica l, K&dlo, TV S.'> Ooc-11. ('at•, Pela Spec~ Notlcea .!\I 1 1tnd Mr,., ('. \\' .!\11 C:a.1hn, (1110ll'rly or L..011 A11~tll'~ •• Wiii Mutual Fuqd;s Explained m .. ,·e Into lhf'lr new home t1l 126 Dl"t'l"'er now just how mutual .n lto·lll t:italr \\ a ntt'd 61) lnc·om1· l'rul'f'rl)' 61 ",.,., t:litale' t;.u-hanre 8i ftt'MJ t;~lall' Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E . 1767 :H1h St, N••wpor l Be11ch. early 1n fun .. J1h8 tes c-aJI be USNI in your 1 .!\fro·t• ,,,.n· Th111~•hw 8 p111 J an'Uftr\' The mo\'t' wa11 planm•d j nwn finanl'tal ph1nnlng. F or tr Pe \'la Opu r t;, · (."nt ;'lll Av•" to 1·mn1•111.-wrlh .!\lr11 Mfl'a.'h",. b voklet. WTllt' liox J 21)_ lhta :-.;..,. f>lll l Brach n •tircnu•nt lrom lhl' (;t'n• rdl I'!" I PBJ><'r. lli'pl H ~:l\\ .... .i l'\ho•ll. f:'(Altr•I l~lll\'r l n1l1·uru t•nr r 4lf11lH•n \\h1h .. ,·c ur------------------''~----------- r.••I Jnn I • l~BuUdiJIR St'n·~--12--Bulldlng Sen 1ce. WEST COAST BUILOERS .!\lr,. .!\1,1-.""1111 "i·"' 1~·" li····nr · With lhP I''"'""-">' 1<1n1 ,. 11•:11, h•Hl I h..-1•1 tile pu•I uf rPt1ul 1 r•·olll m11n 1•'1 th• 11.arkllllll! •h-rn1l111t lll rHlll'C' \\ .. rltl \\Mr II Shr •• lh,. GEl'JERAL CONTRACTORS o nly "·uuu•t1 1n ';ennt'ill !'t'ln->l"Ulll I <•r 1·~ 1d1iln·•·" .... 111pa n~~ "".i Garages, 18 x 20 ollf' "' rlu· I•'' 111 th" 1111 1n11U•· 1 tr·y t" h .. 1o1 1h111 1·11~1 111111 , 1 ST UCCO OR SIDING -CO~I PLF:TE i--tw "'"' '"'11'""1Y tt'l•·•t 1~rivr l $695 ("1ncJud"1ng. sfabf tu lh·T r' t II t•t111 ht ·' n1111'" "' ,,111111111° 11111°· :-.J ~' • SPECIALISTS an room add1t1u n s J\tr• . .!\hVo ... lrn r• lll• -4 unllo•r t :1 n· and remodeling for o,·~r yrs. ~1111 '" u .. 1,•11111,i A n1111~·' l 'l11n - wh11·h 011t<'.'I hiH·k ln •~11~ _ FHA Terms -No Down Payment I Llbe.rty 8-5763 -K-lmberly 3·i274 g7p1H 21 Volunteer Ciwil ------· ---"-.··,,.,.~~--------- Defense Men Sought I 12-BailtJlng sen-iCt':t I E=.8olldlng 8e"1<iN i ,,~t• ~'' ... a 11wn tn'• •· .... ,ti 1n p in . D . . f1lrn1: an "I f'lr• /Ott• n I I h· •Ill• .. 11·· a ting, ecoratmg COSTRAC:T .. of :n \l•lnntt·•• , .... 1 .. ,. •I th• PaperHaogmg-FINISH WORK C1vtl Pef•n•" II••· lr wok "'" 8•l' GEO. BURKHARDT n<•w nrrni.. .. 1i:lrt. 1 1\\ ~t '" 'L' r COR~ON & ~t t;~Tl-::AN c~ .. , 1-r • ·, r 11' 1111n° 11111 • .1 W <..:ENsEu c..:u:-.TRAL.'TuH CON:::iTRt..:CTION CO. ,\ppl1111t11•n • , 1t11 h,. 111 .. 1 "'th ~11 301.h SL.·Newpurt Beach • H;ir. 2418-W or u. 8·6632 (re C'a,;:-.1-:1t1W. F11• 1·111.r \lh••1' 111: h•11 111 l-1rr IJtwrty ·"1 1:1 .'.A,>~TRACTOHS Llb~rty &·'7.,~:I lhrt.93 • 1"1Pvr0111111 fllll• • r 1lal1 h 1 ... , n ... 21 -111nn .r.w ~.1o •• 1 .. 1 11o1i.1 1 pA TNTING- ti<o lt\'lllt1<hll' t•• "'rhl IHl~·\\h,.... thl' • ~'" C1\1I nrr""'' 111: "'"~ h• • 1.1 .. , ... 1 Painting & Paper Hang10g 1n 1·a,,.,.. nf on "'""'Iii:' nr,• 1\ ~p· l"'" h•I t1H1m ni: r•1u1.<1• writ hr l'"''1d· .,,, hv tht" ~tn1r ,•ov•'tin.: ''f"'Ht 1nn or the "'l"'l'ntrnl. ('•'"'''' •ntll • "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar FOR RENT Skrll Ss'r'. ~;In J 1r1ll1'. I 'ol1.5hrrs. "ll l ''f"'.S 01 :-:11111!• 1 '. \\'hPelbar· r~'\''"' . , t. • BOYD:S HOWE. .. DEATH NOTICE ;,ii :!8th S< .. Nt>wrorl DNH'h 1'110 :'\E HARBUH :HUI Zll.ltr \\ «'(L\ST 111 1;11 \\,\Y trc Llb••rty g.;1 1:1:, •• 'l;c"'-pvr l Dch 2t!t!c· -........ ------------ JOH~ H SHARP PAII"TINt.; CONTHAC..."TOR • l-'UU• t >t I ... , I\ 1, , • ._ 111• ~;,int I-.' F:t.. L1i •'Jl:-.t d suut Insur('~! nt••r J .. lm$in. ~1. 718 Frrnh·~C Av·· 1 1 l CLAS:::i 1.>aperJ\a~n rmu w ill Ii<' hrlJ \\ f'oln•'~•!A\ Ill .lU R 111. S (' i; ~ a t lh11 \\," K ir k uf 11;,. llrnthrr; by ll I' L L'l'Al' • 30 ~rs. • xp••r. F c•r-t 1.1"n 1·rrmt1tu•n ,, II Col· S1ttl11l111 lt1•ll Lluar. 1::~1 1111111•11 r l r e 11•" Ll t\·2687, Ll ·~!J I Ho I.Ill ·I :,;1111 .11\' ntt11 ntn1o. 11l hi~ lll l re 1 h•Hllt' Ht WI\& ~ r"~ldt>nt of ' t'ht. -'-------------- H11rbn1 1<rra fnr lb• pa11t ntnf' m•inl h8. Mr ,l11hnsc o 1~ •llrvl\'l'•t b) h111 '4 11<'. >.11 ~ Strll11 J 1•hn ... •n I Cir lhl' ltnmt' A11'11 fM• .-ind A lbf'rl Jlnl>nr t " 11~1 tu•\\ • : tlw llAI t>l'r arr, ftl.A" llt. 1.0I f"t: IHKKt:H F11nrr"I l'l'n 11 , • ., t"r ~Ir,_ HI 1n· PAINTING t:'\TLIUUH -lo:X'J !:JUOR Lll'l::="St::D -li':St:RED Glenn Johnston ~l • 3ll't ·$L :-O:~wpor\ tlach Harbor 31 i6 13Uc ch• 1 .. 1111•r Ballktr, ~.\, Ill 2:'1\ C A R P E N T E R t:f'inJ !'nn.11. wtll' ht'ld loK!ay in H"ll' ~101t11n1~. l'111 .. n11 11r1 .!\tnr Repair \Vork th•· RI'\' f'nnAl.t S11p1• ,.f B1t lho11 Dou \"tur Home ='ceo Kepalnna , 1.:11n 1 1·om11111nlly .!\lrlhf'<h•t ' or Rem0tlehng? '-l 'hl111 h 1•ff1o·tt•l•'1I lnlt>MnPnt \< 11~ I Call F rank, Ubfrty 8·69~4 1n 11111 ti. , lfr·l .!\ll'llli1111ll f'.11 k I All Work -Guara.ntet'd i 1..,rc ~1 1 .• ll11kk• r .tr•"l F n.tn\' nt~hl ___ ...._ _________ _ fn 11"111-: lf•.1'r1tal . .Shr was 0 bnrn in HOLLISTER BRO~. 'Km•'( 1',111nh-. Ill. 1111.i lrvrol tn lh" :\CRSl::RY H 1uhN "'''". r .. r 10 Y•'"'~ ~ew lawn, f't'a!'onabl<.' ~ht I• •Ill \'l\'Nt h) l \\1' J;?lllnd· PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 27:1 l\d ni.r :-It, 1·u~t11 M!~ l'lwnr. LJb,•rty X·:l!':!'I ti7tfc HI{ L'~H Ok S PRAY E. F. BARTLETT ;>;O:'l:·l':"IU:'\ W <.:E;'\S E D l~tij Jr"me. Costa Mesa Llh1•1ty [o.-1;1111 71•r ~H COMPLETE P AIJlo,"Tl]\;G 8' Paper Haopng Sen ·1<:e E t;c;E:-OE O. S At;XDl::RS 600 :S lsl Str~t. 1'ewpor~ Beach HIHbl't 2976-J. 4 lc~ General Contracting Rf.['1\ IRS, I rm<lrirlin" 11nl1 allrra· lll'O "'' rk. R1 !-l•lrnl1:il 11nrl C'o>m· mrr r1nl bu,ld1n,:• (,/11nll1 ,. \\'nr( 1 :11n1 antri"I 11111 :tt'•I ol.l\• /t11r. :?l!l0-.1 1 "• "11 ,, !·~ll CARPENTRY ~fl:'\OR REPAIH WORK '" 11 1H T"I' !'-;\tt\l,l. 11. l.l \1,1 ,., - ~Mll<'ell•MoH_!!i:_~ J 52-Funaltu~ _rnr_ ~-l ~O-_A~_!!!~ _ Tratlt1 Firewooef For Sale JA."n:ARY \\'AREHOL'SE Cl.EA.Rl~C Ol:T I . FREE DELIVERY 19~ O'K .. rfe • Mt'1r1tt r"ngt w· WRIGHT co. -Pd'.dn. to $!98 i 8 s a,•e you 5 1 ~~ I Rt>ad the Fine Print~ Happy New Year 1i8• Ne\\'port Blvd,, C~ta Mt'-]9~4 Crosley Fren~r.; 13'•, rn ti .• -. W~rt,y k·2!>00 '7Uc P~.;.., dn. to S2:18 '" Srt'ta yuu ~llldt'4-t!r good t ransrortatro n OINl:>;G ROOM table. burret, ruf . urhol .. trrfd chair,. porch fuml· turt Comb. coneolt radio and n•C'ord plft)'l'r 1"1sh1ng poll'I, 1' tt. nia~l with 11a1l I 17 E. Bay l:'°ton t'. Bt1llx1a Jsland. Harbor Jilll!\·W. 9•c99 $....v. 18 l'11p1card. t t!r 11lan1ly lft,h ... 1~4 H otpotnl Automatic-Wuht>T. ' ot I Pd d n. to $148 96. Saves yo u 'f 8 Buu·k , 4 I.Ir.· I 2·lon..-i:rt>en I $l20 I·•~ n" S11tn t pe. l You'll llkt' I ti 19~~ 1 Norg" All\<'matlr W uhn. '49 H u1l1111n 4 1!r 1H"t earl ,. I I Pr dn. to $1t7 84. s a,·u you ·~1 CHJ0 4 •Ir. 1P1•rll'f'l r1m1htiOf\ Sl 1:1. ·:12 Plymouth 4 dr 1 f'a~11ly C'ar 1953 Norgt> Refrr~ralur. 8 11 c-u. ':'13 'l'ly1110uth C.-pe. tldt>al 2nd ca rt. PJ. <ltr.'t o $1~8.88. Sa"'"" you 'M l'lyrn~<'I'"· 1llkl' new, tn•nw r l n· Sl70. ' 1 .,.dollli! trunkl 8. 19:H J:1otpo111t .Refnger1&tor. 1 0'~ ·~• De S oto ' <Jr. (Flredome V· cu. fl. Pd. dn. to $218 66. Sayl'l'J 1111clerpn <'ell I ,.,. yo u $160. -• ':)4 <;:hrJ'•' New Y(lrkcr I hnniac U• 195-t A11miral Rf'trlge111tc.r. 9 C'll. late !'onll1l11•nl 1 ft. Pel. 1tn. to $1 17 8·1. S11vt'11 )'\Ill t ; '$13t'. • , Small Type . Large \'a lue 1956 Phlk-;, TV 21'\ PoJ. dn to d s 16• liti. · Lou Ree & Assoc Iii . te'.H \\ edgewood ntng<' t'P 1rntn· . · , ..... mal11.', 40". 1'<1. <Jn. "to $22!17i. 4323 \\ · C'oaet H") • 1'pt. Br1tr h :> Saves you $160. I 94r 9 Freezer, l ntern11.r1onal Ha rvt''" SAC.:HJFICJ.: _ ':>4 Pi,:-;;111th BP l· lr r. lli'i 1·14. ft. Vd. dn. to \'1•1lt'11· •·nm·erllblt>: Hi . drlv $288 112 . .ti8\'4'>1 you $21S:l. ! Lr~ht hlu .. , 111n..top. RclH, wkl 19~-l <.;1ol!iey Jt,.fr~j:i\fat(>t, 12 i·u 1 Sldt'Wall~. lllm blJ;tfa l•, bat"k U f'. t-e p t Cboiee Wint.er Rent.alt on Balbna bland A Lido l11le Small • c1~y or la rr• • d•~Wl• $~) 10 $300 month VOGEL co~ 208 Marine ~", Balboa Jalanil Ph. Harbor "' or •Harbor 1 1111. Ru. Har. 178e·RK OI' 1.1 a-:129T ••tto BOHM': front dUlJlf'X -Nl~ly turn, lkr.n •Id" of Hwy. C\OI• to tnln~put:tal Ion A at\OJJ&. Yrly i"t'nlal 11\li Femlraf, Coron&,df'l Mar~ ' llUo UDO ISLE 3 bdrma. rurnhhed, TV Avart.· Df.c, h t. N M r oh.lit.. Coast Properties ~7 I:. B1tlboa Blvd.,. Balboa Harbor 4800 Tlllo NEW EXTRA .N ICll ~turn. I t>t-<tnn. duplex. , l NQU.IRIIJ 1~3 O ranr• A'I' ... ~ Me•. IOUo ft, Wllh \\•8lt'r \h:ipl'nllt'r ~'d. Jn hghll! AlllO Wlll•lShleld wUnl.' r >-ON BALBOA ISLAND .-BD UI Cor ,_,.lT U4 ...-al NDtUL L(JST -P rei<c-ription 1o:l11lllll'ft rn browh lt'AthPr cnse..., In Balbna .Rf'Wll 111. L( 8-292•1. 94c9&" 2-l-&hools./J.n.stnictlon Real . '" Estate School Santa Ana ...,. · MEN &' WQ M£N prepare In spare ~~!JlP f11r unl11n1tcd opporlunittcs tit'· Re.Ill Estate. · J\"'tw classes \~1..~kly: A·l Tyler m structlng. At- trn<I firi!~ evening free a.nd learJ> I about this gr l'lll field. Call-or write now for tnformat109.~Hu111· neoss l nstltu\P, 41 5'~ N,. S~·cit· more. Kl 3·li53. <' 7Hfc ~nilie Brae ,/~PRESCHOOL Lici-nst><L Enclo11ed yard, small g-roup, 't ransro<!._atrvn. Music A: art crafts. 1~15 ~kl\la A na Ave., Costa M-. LI 8-6215. · 71Slfc China Painting Day and Evening ClUifes WEAL XMAS GIFT Ut·dcra Taken Now Phone ~berty 8-~648 94Uc FREEZER. lnternall•'rlll Hllryea~ ll'r. 1612 1•u . f t. H¥' all color 1nll'riur. 3 ba.11k..-t.Y.11tgna l light, · h<'Ms·6~ lb11. '~· ll'1 new, but pd. dn. to,..-(2tS8.U'l from S~iO. 1..'a:111 or pi.y 0 1.J1e pymt.s. o! $13.22 111011,Vt". St'<· .fl1tui;hn:t. A & S War1·house •aJ.•;;, :.!211 S11. Main 51., Santa An11. 6 blu1 k11 south of 4th. OpPn dally 111 II, Sun. 11 ·!'1. Kl 3· 7:.!01 \\' A::;Hl.;tt A UTOMA Tit; AliC. 1t lv11tJs f1 om the toll\ Jt net'da 'no lJolllng .town. Jo-ull_\ autom•llr. I 11><'•1 It only lour rnontli1. You 1 an have rt for the balanee due 1111 1l. S lillS.(l!I. 'f.:v cash net!dtlti J11'1. puy bunk S8.51 per roonlh. 'My .. qully fr 1 e l:il'e 1U1yt1me . oht1ly VI <.'\'l.'nmg:;: $Undays lOO. 11 11 \\', Ch111•rnlln-Av.,_, Orange. l'hunc KEllui;i; t!·~lil 7 0 ·1<1-: .. !FE & .!\lERRtTT tdble lop Ill lo $29~ 82 Stt\'Pll you $:.!4~• • 4 mos. olol, -t<IOO nulo \\' 196~ li.ifrers & Sattlrr r&n~e. CP llC'Cl'l'l.~e. ~ake offt'r. Ha Pd. dn. to $139 84 Saws you 1303-.!\t ':'9tr v c $63 Stt BaURhns A & S Wan houM SALE OR TRADE Sales. 2:!u . So . .!\111111 St . S1t11tit Ana, 6 bl<i(·ks J<lllllh .,,...th. l>l'"n da1ly t1,I 9. Sun. I l-!I. Kl 3·7201 SS-Boat~ Supplles ' · ~~;c~ -;;~3-e;i;e wrth re,·er11e gear. d Y to. lt<l i;uoct condrtwn. $22:'1 U b1·rt~· 8-11 26. • !l:k9tl . t' ="""' ·~·I l'ly. lit'l\'<>•lt·re con\'., H1 J..>rt\'t', loade1!. $22~~. Wiil acCPp snrall fwrt'tg.n ,<'J!r or cl~11r h 1n San111 An11 .,r· Har~r a rea 1 lrllJo': H ar. 1JU3·M 93c4 1t n H C Al>r(LAC--=-l..J!le ~)262 aeda n. Hydranll•l.11·. . pow.·1 &ll'trmg z win.tu~· llfts, tH <llO di hll .· E 1·y.. i:ln.~~. 2!1.000 1111les. A· 1 r .. NEWPORT CHANN-E.:-=-linel . t•u11«.J1t 111n ljy uw1w1 . Harbo 11o<'k ai; .. ror It.fly in"" pow.., boa1 ~ 2:1:sT-1t. 92c-!l Phone H'arbo1· ,121i·J. ll2rfc '1 9~QHU \'ll:'l'OHIA lJUI\ I 84-Muslcal, Radio, & T V OUH. GREAT JA~lJARY 11uh'. l i<p'1li., nttlro, h•· .. t r r. KX1"t>lll'h '1111d1lt1•t1, f l llOU. Ht1r. :!61!0, bt (111 <' 11 "·"'· or Art Pr 8 J> nr. • .. 931'!18 $38i buys lovdy Sp111t't. Sl1tn· I NELDA GIBSON, Re&lt« oe Manne A..... ll&rtler llOI 3 BALBOA ISLAND Ttto CORONA D!;L MAI\, -l:ztJ'a choice tum. duplex, UU Apnl 1. 112:\ mo. Har. 1011.J. Hot& RENTAL r'J SPECIALISTS a au lt~a q,-.Jr Blanche Gates,· Rltr. B 2 31 1 Marin• Ave. a l\)Oa Island, Har. 1871 • Ullo CORONA DE:l.. MAR ~18-flHi.., •1!14~ Avocado bJr~n. un(um. houee. Stove ~ re!rlg. tum. F ireplace, 1ar b&1• dlspo1111I, 1ara(ll. BeautUUl p&llo $100 mo. dard m11ke. Mtn nr •type Sp11wt :,o H t: ll"K S11•'o:tttl lm11enttl white only $2:S~. 8111.twin Acrmrnntl' I I ·dr l:.iH·dl••nt IJyntt !luw t•n.:mt· only Si81!. T'1 i.,•11c..-p1&nu& !!llm I t ow n11lo•a.i~. i gvutJ t1r<'11. H.<J10 Newly. de~Jaled 1 $89 up. Baby Gran11:\ from SUI:> f '-h,.,..l .. ,.,.~l-\T't;;·'f·~1&~:tib~.,,,.,,...+--1W1.1 ...... ~L.\.ll..-...uu.l.l-...3olldll..._ Dozens o( ulh,.1 i<. ThrS<' 111,..ll'U· I 1111.-1h1tl\>ly, u\\·m•r• l rane.trrrl!tJ to (.iarb. duip., Ul II. 1111·nt:1 a1e lrlloh•·rns an1I rl'nt.tl· 'J t1pli n ll11u1npa1abl,. wah1o•. s .. «' bdnn. 'furn. a pt.. return• .!\1 .. ny Jll>ll lik1• tr<'"'' rt. Jn\' ... 1l tull">" J..'1t:sh or t.-rms. ratt d Iv 1tull t.-nant. rum.,-sa.r., ~uull!ul o•k1 trun11• nr~a.n ~Rve :'111 1 J\h•u, ~ewport H.-1i;hl:o LI duip. Or"an "1"w. $8& mo. War • $2:.o. DA="Z·SCH.!\tln\ Hri:' "'· J!-Ul.~ !l.o!l.'!H 4:111!· or l!VU. Har. H r>3 84lto ano & Oq :an Stort. ~:w :-O:o I -~111rn. Sant.< An11• l!l t,11 l'IH:VHOLET F lettrnastrr Corona del Mar i;.i... 1ang11 . .:••1tl'"C'Onditron, $10. SEE THr.: NE:\\' .!\l1n5h111l 1·hup1 1 luh , l'u~. llafllo 6: ht'Blet , M 111utu1, llo \\ J'!tllll, nt"' !Sf Ill \ iJVt'I ». Jo1t111 r'ul>tlt'r c:ush1un• J•rrf<'l'l ,.md1t1u11. $31:1:>. l'r"ate J'Brly L.I &·:J!l!>4. 93c:9lS' 2 RF:OflM a pL turn., nfwly Jer • O~l\tl'<I. 1'rar OCl'an. 190. mornh ll'lt&t .•• -- Llh••r ly !l·tilJ~i 94<:96 .,rgan. An) une can 1,•a1 n tu pl«)'' G E 6 t'lJ. )>T . REFRIGERATOR, \ ~• \' i:•m:1 o·onct1 t1un, $:>11, 430 !>nu.: H11 1 hur Rel., Cliff Haven. 1~111\'rty l'l·!'l ltib, !14dl6 l'ltll..L'O REFRIG~RATOR. 19M. 11. $&95 'f1!r Ill~ 11~ l"ll\'o•n.ILnl ai1 1 $9:• 8:1 t!orwn 1tnd S31 64 I" 1• 11111 _ a t 'l. S HAl>'LH.'S MU51l." <.:o. \Slnl'e 1110;) 41-Auto ·tit:n •ice -4.21-•23 N. Syt·1tmo re. Sunta An&'-------------- f'hone Kimberly 2-06i2 Motor Overhaul Studl<> a pt. t urn .• ·····•-$6:'1. mo. .... I bedrrn. apt., furn. ·-· $110. nln. 2 b('(lrm. house unfurn. Flrtrl. g11111i:e. .. . ............... $80 mo. BEACON BAY largt: crvt111 ·lop fr'eez1lr mod~I. HAM .. \10ND OHGA.:-.::o;-. All 111od· 2~~atiOD8 \V~t~-Jt h81l separat e meat storage -I'll! On1' only-11111;1111.v, 1111~·<1, ,.1. C'"n1p11rln1ant 8~1nlP•• •leAI OIOlll like nt>W Thi!! IS ll SIH'('l>l.l NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 3 ~dnn•, furn. houH. Ffnceo1 pauu. 11:1!'1. mo. \\'anted -Spray pnlnting, ,.. ~ • -" ' o•xterlo• or tnlrrtor @helve.( Us1•1l l rr.. monU1s, OA NZ • ~CHM IDT Hammond lt'a vln<> the •tale ~ "OU can H P1tdquartf'rs for Oran"e Coon· AltlO Brui.h COllllng. "' " • ~ ~. ., RateA rl'R!lonabh'. havr It for th..-balance J o-· ty, 52h No. Main, S a11tll .;\ha. 6 Cyl8. -·-·---$48.88 8 eyLa. _ $58.88 W. E. FISHER Harbur '10:1'l·W, Mr. G1b11on. the ben~. $167.~ or ....Y!ll! c~n S 8 I .. 9r>p96h lak1· OVl:'r lh<' payment'I or ee a dwin Piano ____ ..;_~---->~---$9.18 JWT month. No ca.ah lncla'Uu. ooth labOr anu varu. N"'w rrn.:a. wru.t pins, .. aJ\'e gr ino, lltlrni• or m&Ul ll..tld rod bcaru1.:11. l::livcrt O\Otor twie up. llU·<lay or 4,VIJO 111tlc guar11nle1" (NU MUN£\' UU\\1..._ i _ &f)IJ A ~SOCJATES . :tO:i4 E. Co .. t Jtllhway Corona·'ttf'I Mu Harbor 2U3 LAJ'IDSCAPrnG n.rt•d('d, my equity fret'. Ste & Organ Display Gard!'ntng, lrghl hauhng and .anyt111if' daily and evenings, WOODWUHTH PIANO CO. 8\lctl-t ~en.-ral clea!l' up work R~A~On· S11J\llays tu" ~ 10. \\' Ch1tpm11~ l 3lS c oast BlvtJ. CorvnA del M;u able. !rC'e ut1ma11•11. E acl Con· A Vf'. Or11ni;<'. I h. KEiiog,:; ~-581 • (Thsden l nttrlor RltJg 1 lll::AL pr1\'ao.:y for nml -$!'16 - in C'o.wla Mf'll&. l bdnn., aw nd p roof, private, unfum. new dU· pltx Separate every way. 1...1 (I. 2932, t'Vell, j l ll 4 nurs. llAr. 2il'l·J . 92pll4 I • 'Har. 3382 -Y 66 lfc Landscape gardening · Washing Machine IBF.:Al'TJFIJL 1-:i.·1 11 on1. 01s;11n REHUlLT ENGINE::> -t;I• lu l:> MONTHS ru l 'A \' - Hu1lt In uur uwn ta.itory by akrijed mac-n1n111ta. lion t' t,'Ofllend with lhe nnddlo: men. Buy direct. Frt'e E st1111J1lf'S \\'rn. B. Ferguson Call JJ;u bor • .\ 196 · 8lcl MAl' A: \\'().!'.1.A.1'11 will do &enera.l houscworli, floor wa1ung. wm. dow cleaning. Fast workera. white, 191 E . 20th Sl., Coet& Mc110.. Lt 8-2683 Htfc 29-Help W~Ud ___ _ MAN C LERK-Mnnrh1y nri:;hlJI, 12 lo 8 a .m. Must hiwl' rerercn1•e,.. Apply 81\lbOI\ Bay Club. ~31'!1!1 Draftsman (Male) F'••r work in bl'111 ti area With 3 yr~ I" 81 I II .. 1 Pl(~1··n1 I' In n1t'« h olra (trnK entJ T')'~. c11l· l•·1-e 01r equ1\·al1•nt. \\'rrtc f'. 0 H•·Jt 111.11 Alharnbr'I. ('ahC, tn· •I ,,..,ng l18111rl" 01 "'u1 k 8~1t(C HOL :-.F.KE,El'ER. 1htld 1.&1\, rvorn p1l\Jl1' hath, :aa l1tr). 1·1111 Wt'\k 1id)b, ... <u to ~ r n. Kl 2·624L I t:x!. b\'.o b I lfC ;\1AKF. F.:-..TRA MO=\E\'. Atldre111. .!\ta 11 po•t. Mil!! f.pare lime e\'ery • \\• .. k me ·u. 143 l:frlmonl. Hrl· mun1. ;lla~11. 86p!H ClRLS- WANTED \\'t' hswe oprn.ngs nl our ::i•'W· poll llt.'ach 11tl1to!. 3 11 E. Uat· boa Blv1l. for Telephone Operators -Apply - .!\lund&y lhrCJugh F'rrday !l OU n m. lo ~ OtJ p 111. 5H 1 _ No . .Mam St., Rm. 211 Santa A1111 PACIFIC TELEl'HO:\'E 67Uc SO-Mis<-ellaneoutt for SaJfJ Zenith Hearing Aid ='i:W TRA.'\SJTOR.. <.:1ome ln !or f ree trta.l, O~r11tts ror l)c pt>r monlh GUNDERSON DRUG Ma1n ~t. Bl 8a1Ma Bivd. Balboa We g h·e S 6 H gn,,n •tamp11 8•uo FIREWOOD SER VICE blonde c81<'>. a lnrn .. L new. Mu~t "3('r1!1ce on .. unly 8 111: ~ll\'1111., ·DA:'\Z·SCH.!\11l t'r Gr1·1tl Snll' . ri20 :'\o .!\l11 1n. S11nt11 Ann l·yeu gunrantee on JOba done and on Ulled wu'htr11. 2•88'• 1 r..-arJ Ne\\])Ort B l., Coeta Mesa. Llb<>rt1 8·4503 or LJ~rty 8·43:.n. 64Ue J9;,4 0'1't:Ef'E 4t .MERR11T 111nl(t>, ls trftt l'P all t1utomat1c-. lift t .. p. ,i:rttlllll' tn m11ttlle, 'im· mi:r burrwrio & nu·e i:nll bro1~r. l 0MPd nnly 2 we• ks I'd. dn. lo $1 2!l 17. ;-; <> 1 & .. h needt•d, JU St pity the py111t1<. or $7,89 ~ mo. ~"•' 811u1othns A .tr S \"1urhnu8l' Salri1, ·ZW ,S<l. Main St., Sant& Ana, 6 hlO<'ki!of1oulh ot 4th. 0pen daily ttl !l, Sun. 11.:,, Kl 3-7201 Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8·2237 Speciahzmg io Aulomatica AUTOMATIC Washer Enterphses sl-\\anted to Bur :" 83tfc \\'/.?\:TEO by prh·ate puty, com· plf te • by ~ Spttd Uraph1c Camc111 uutfrl. .M u~t ~ a bar• 1:1(.n. \\'nlt' Hux Y 17b, Sewport ·ll11rh11r :-.rws-f•res11. 68Lrc REBUILT and INSTALLED 1 S HUHT BLOCK $:> PER MO lt'ntl! ~1101t rrM.lH'" io"Ul-UJ .• ___ .$1iO.l'lO pJano. All 1f'nT1 '""' a llvwo•1t lf'L'li£VHOL.£'f ..... -·----f H U.:.u . y~buy la t.r. DAl'\Z·8CHMlnT l 'L\'M A UOOt;E ... -·--·-.. $15:> 8 11( Prano Sale. !'120 :O:n M111n I CH.HY ::S A lJI:: SUTO ___ .$1 70 GreAt J11n1111ry l'IAM SAi• STlJIJt:UAKl::H ··-··-·-.. $l i'U T\\'O O:-.L..Y-Sm11lle1t 11111.llo \Ip· I (.)LJJ::, 6 !'UNTIA<.: e ----·$liU right "pianna 1n flnl' con,h11on HUll..:K ... ·-.. ----·-·-·--···f J 7j $31.1[> u ch. Tem1s S40 12 d<1wn I, H l,;O~ON .. -... -.. -·--.. -·-··-···$Ii~ SI I 10 p~r month llL-Loan C11r Free T owing SHAFER'S Mu111c L'u. tSrnre 190; 1 I S EV. CAH G ARANTEE '21·•23 N. Syc11.more. Santa Ana Bloc!' rnu11t nwct our atan<.111rd1 Phone Kimberly 2·06•2 f'lua liute~. ~8.l<krl• anll 011 ()pen s11ntJay 10 11.m. to 2 pm. 60 t:S ED p1ano11 wanlf'd tor nur rPnl!\I 8Pn •1<'c. 'l'radt in y11ur old )rnulO on new piano or •'ltc-tru111 organ Hiji:h c-11sh apowancl" ,DA1'Z • SCH..\>flOT Grtlll J11n11· a.ry P iano Sl\IO. ~.20 :'\ 0 !\1 !lln. Sa:-;tA Anl4 Hammond O rgan, l...t1lrt ~J"'akl'r FOR RENT BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS O~n 0 11.11" l!I to i State Bond~d NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA.....;TA A:-iA FOR HOLIDAY occ-n•1on" part1ea. l 2-Traikn Wf'1tHngs t ic. ll hflm". <>fflc-e. -----~--------­ ehun h. with or "''llhuul nq~an· 1 T\\'Q.\\'Hl-:F:L TRAILF:R. r 4 x 111 1•l . lnclutl1ng m ove In " uut. :->r&rtrl•"' ~ll·"I 11~1 .. 111vl tnnRU" Liberty 8·1208. ~HfC ~11'1 El .!\1t"l"n•<. :""r1q••rt ll!:o -c -I attn Ii p 111 S..'ltf BEA liT,Fl'L Splllt"l pia no. blorn•I' JUSl llkr n,.w ~nn 1200 MA· I hog11ny Rp111 .. 1 1<hJ?htly o111m11.i1•ll 47-\\'anlt'd to Rent tn.Ah1pmt nl, $4 7 Gonol pr1t1 l u t I ---------- p1anouront $~P. t !11. s 12:.. $Ii~·. Rentals w·anted UNFURNISHED 141 3 WNtl Bay AVf'. NEW 2 be~lrru. fln•place. ll"rhAI:\ • d1~p. <:tlraRl', lallnolry roc.1111 Hsr 3~1C'•·M 112tf• 48A-Apt.a. for Rent BACHELUH apt, turn , ulll r•ld s:J(J yrly. 1 b<lnn. furn. llJ!l , Ut II pJ, SHI unul June l11 L :Jl l lit l11n<l A vo•, 811lh<1a. Har. :,ii l/:ll'll· ...:i • ATTENTION EASTERNEltl:I . - :'\'l'wly del•oratl"i1 latl(f' furn. I 1>'1nn Apt . Newport B..-111 h I 'anel h,11t , Rllraga. Ttn(lnl °pay1 .. 1 .. 1 trlclly, $60 mont h. Ut,,.rty 8·1 10~. U3lfo L'UZY I BllRM. tum. •r t .• d .. y. ",.,.k or noun! h. 1t1uhnr 4!1:11-i -711 1., f'r•1nl•1tf A"'', C lJ M. lllr ff& F URNISHEO LJDO HOM~ l'l'A('IOt;s HUMfo~ ~·rth ~ ~·lrrn .. , $I :.n m o. to June t~. or U M> mu. )f'AI Jy LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATE." I.1rlo P.eaJly A880<'1atrs :li •l!I \'la Lilli), tf11r. 4114 94rflf\ .'.'ll'F:LY F'l.'ll:-1, 0!11pl,.x 11pt.. Nnr "tot•" c\ bu" Hl'1t•on ahl" rrnl C'••lll•lr pr,.fr1 r,.,I l..111.-rly a.·21\f;I .. r1 ,., ~. 82lfc TOP OOL.i....A.R PAID tor SHOTGUNS aod RIFLES -l'ASH on H&tTelJlead - WAH :SUP.PLUS STORE "lUtJI llem1 You Can't Uee" Corner of Ntwport A l:lar~r :-;~,. thr•r 111 t11" G1,.»t rlAN7.· We n•'<-0 11111. an11 ht>UM's 111 aJI • (I( If~( l:'\ A 01':1. MA fl -J\to4em :'l<'HMlllT 1'11rn" ~All' Tho• hrit 1~ttnn" for 1»1lh winter anCI Slnre 1'120 N11 MalJl. R11nt" ~nR )'l'ar·• IPMC fo'urn. or unrurn. 100 r111.nn~. We h8Vf' nn br11nr h U you ht1\'e ll \'8 C&n C'y, J lor1s. phone l~day Ph. l..Jbrrty 8·42H COit.a Mu a tto _s.>-oo_~,.. c_at.s, P~t_,. __ ft 20 1 The Vogel Co. --------------,, \\ LM .. HW)., Stwp..irl B<'h 32-•·umiturt-fot Sale .!\II< .ti .\IHS. l'AIR oC m atchlnf "'slnrrl w11rdrubf'11, c~dar IJoed l'i11rf11t i>ll on a.II 111dea. Could niskt parll1 ron. P h. Hy 4 ·298i bpf,)rt II "m. or HY •·3823 .. 113c9!'> T\\'1.'.' h1•1111, like ntw, $i). G E ' T\', 11 ', S:rO. 11 cir fL We.oil· 1n~hnu.1w rt !t lg., $22:1. Ma~lc A OOftA 81.F.: Fr•·nl'h p<>i,.llr p11pp~· bl~. ~l1tnil11r.I m al,. 111 111 k~ old l>!Nl nf thr lrllH C"hl\m· pron11h1p blo>Otl lrnr. Hu. 3r,l\J·J 114<'ff5 W-Autott and TnK'ka · ~~~~~---------------F O RD ':>• V·8 4·dr . R ... H. (lw r. • dn,•e. whitl' "alls blu" '4 llh while top. '18{1~ Ow11f'r 1t1111.i: O•'er11ru Hllr 068:i·M 113pt•:• P111111~ l..Jbt'r ly 8-:1481 208 Mar111t', BA lbOa lal&nd Phone llarbor Ht 13UI C9ut H1111·11y, Corona de! Mar Phone l:larbo; 17 41 100 Maµt St , Baltio. Pho n& kartv>,. ·1':> 28llc '"' n 11rt 1111 I 111 II 17:'> yrly. or S•JU '11 11 J11nr" A'\«>TH J.:n ~11111111'1' •UllAhle f11r ''"" ,,r "'"•rt.. s:.o ••nrl". 11.10 dhl )'""' Ao!llll•. f,lrL'IH~; Al'r.<.;. I '"""'"'n nr. l'•'llVll'W, H.,.11 .. 1· 11111} 17r l J./' t 'A ST l'Tll:-. •l111ll'l •rt., fl"· J'IM~,\ \'l'W 6171, Pr1ppy, ('11• f<•n• d .. I M•H L.t 8·21!17 tl!'llfa CLIFF HAVEN FI;)( N a pl "11 h g11r1111,. Balb<•ll < 'hrt sin''" '' 2 ~o Breu Cut ~rl, S8!'1. ~fJ7 R1verl!ldt, Newport '4!l FOR D \'·& · t·u11t11m r1.nv\o. l•h11,,1 •~:. mer. ytly. H llth<1r R It H, l'lC' l.u•trmu• rrf'ftnl fin· TWO liEL1ROOM •rt Bl••\'C a nd 2r1 •-n llJ<!•fl 1sh. Very d"~lrnhlr mo<f,.l tn ''" 1 r-fng 11111\• <:111 hAI!" •lu•ptll'lll ___ _ ·"-v• avAPaon •ond. • -t • ·r•"n, 1 ':'rv.· A 1'l1>11:t1rui' $1111 n1!l. yrly )o'l'R'" 2 ll'lr111 llf'l :-.f'wlv d~•1· ~1-P(' ~HOME rttnlllle aet. $25. ......, • -,... ~ "-' ...,. ~v , 6"'1"""Haml.)ton, CMta Meu Har. 2344-\\" 1111 !Ill Mlll'IS. 1•nv11t .. "Til~nt<e, Aero-a -0:-.1::: liP:llf!l)(J.!\1 n•ar •th!Y>I h« h ''""' ="""'l•"rl r·11y Ha ll r';ior. ____________ 11_2_c_ll4 19:\4 TRlt:MPH TR-2, 11000 m il"" • bll \, $'o~. m", 1n1 I. 11t1hlir• I 11111 1 ... r l'll!'l·M 114rlll\ 111-.1 ~ORUE Automatic Wuher. never rAt'NI. S11ve l ',O<i. t to 17 -.-, 7 ;: ' Tlof' ,.,.ry hcst one. lilf 11 lb. tub, C.tAhn& Dr, :'l:f'wp•ort Hf'll(hl"l J M MILLER CO I \ t.AIU.\ hf.:-; I Al... l.f(e. 2 bd1 111 ll••li;tht '· U ' 8·3869. I 93pfl) 111:.iAtor. n f,ly apm lid • that ali.er 8 p .m. \14pll6 • ' . • I furr llJ•'. Kn111ty_J•ln.-, l 70 n1••. l>r~· wounl. 16 • :H l••nKlh II -~2:> \\' H11lh•J11 HI. :-.; .. ·,..·1111rt B< h I \\Ill• r J><l 1 'h1lllr,.n 111:hrw1I 111:<> 1 .ti B R S'{AGti 1 umrlllll(\:l d)&l. lt'a .only been ".ORfl "~. V-8. Two door .e;111n., l111r •OtJ I · t;,.,.,. 1,1 ll·:l:S':'ll •1k 11:::, W. Ut1lt)f)a lilv·,, .. ~"'". "l",..,"· b~t pd . dn. t.o '218.:n :-. f t 1 ... 1 PL._.,.T.... ,.. 7 • l'hun" l-!:Jl ll'x•r 11•14 t S:l lff. =" • ear new . per,., n •out. •tw c.., • OF' n t Y.Y. l'AHK1 ~1; r><•rt Hn111. 9.,1111., 1,,,~1 ·n • J!nr"'"-..... 1 n1 .. ~ r"1" · · • 0 ('Allh nttded. JU~t m1l9&41e, $16:>0. Prl¥ate ownM. 111\lfr ------------ -+"HF.I': llF.1,1\.f:HY • _'_· _j; __ __. ..... ..__''_1_ .. ___ ._"_' I r11Y lhl' ry~1tll. or Sl l 12 mo Ha.rbnr l'4fl:l-1'l. 112(1,4 1 ......--1-::0..Tl\A 1·1.,.:AS • nn furn. i •u- f(,·,.uJ t• n>mr rrom con.lAnl ~ .... R.11uKhn.o A • S \\'ar.,l'll:>u•t-fol.'R.-.;. I l)olrm llltlln 81t lt11hlP r"r 111:" 11p1 1<:1 .. 1 rttn 1 l'•nf!l•~v n ... 1~1 l.l'I• ~ti~ .HIAno h" 1· P 111'1r · PO IT Y(ll'P.~Fl.F'. \\"F. Tll.l. tr K•t ~I •1 lln !~lt • II•\~•\ 1' •• r.r.\P~: \'tll"H :'FF!• .\;\I' .Tll.\l I •' l'.o~ :-;•rtnt-.• Hll•I (1\1 I lt(ll I. l '"~I: ()1 It \,''II' 1:1e1tl ~lhnt.,llr •n. ,,:-.;, 1: -, LI l:•:•: l•IJ'' l.I ~ tu.,) I • '11 \lvd 1 ..& S11 lr• ZZ•• !!•• :o.i .. rn St . ~11nf11 1~:;1 •"HE\' Flf'lla~n!, ll'l(ld '""K'"I' I '"'ll'l''. H .l rno Rt11r •,1141 '""' I 111t pHM 1ri11 month 1<> r••«,,. An •'1 r~g\llarly tn l.hl• A " 6 .... 11. ~···rlh r l 4lh (.lJl"'"l ;-.; .. \\ l!r .... 'M11k•:off~·2 11\ <>r-Urar.gc: Av~ ... .:-.e .... 1-or l H ••j!htJO I J1mll 1,:1t1\. 31JI ,.: IJay "''. b.lll~ I pa~~r ~,~ i>!odu,c. ruuJi.. !Clr you. di.ii) ul \I, l:iWl. ll·~. K1 3·7201 v1ett1, Har. 3 1l3. 811tll• , ll~dH ~boa Hu. lHf...,, lltc;ll6 -.. . . ' t -. ' . C ..;RONA DEL MAk VOGEL V ALLIES 1 _ ;. a..bt\l~m. 2 bat h home. J.~trrrlace Ocean Front Completely charming 2 bdrm. cottage. ocean side of Hwy. Fireplace. carefully decorated, drapes throughout. Af11ple closets, haf!dY 1citcben-, bre}l~· fut nook... Tile sink. garage & laundry. Room to -~ build apt. on rear of lut. P rice $10,850. $2000 down, easy mo. pymts. .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS • THF. BEST BUY OF 1954" Beautiful HOO sq. ft. 3 bdrm .. I =!" beth home with ~w /W carpet, drapes. Bireh throughout, lot~ of tile,· large fireplact-, '!'ill'Ty,' ~i_nice features . 75' lot, • 4-car gara~c. ~alle1~ yard,, choice location. Only St 9.!l50, b<'t11t of terms. .I THE VOGEL CO. ( 261>7 E. Coai;t Hwy., Corona llel Mar Ha. 1741 ija. 1477 j LIDO ISLE a smart address NQRTH RA \"FRONT honw . '6 b<lrms .. 3:11 bath.i. plus b<-autiful 2 bdrm .. 2 b;ilh apt. This is a lovely home nnd has 111 h<' 0 S&·n tv \be appreciated. $'79.500.- Pru\·int·rjil 4 bcfrm .. 2 ba/h. panel£t<i & papeved. L~rge t1le<:l kit chen. fireplac~ in · °'3.ster bdrm. · 30 by 30 patio, 300 fret t o prwate beach . -r Perfccl concl1tion. S2 ,500. · COME TO H l::AlJl/\...'ARITll~ A doublr _.-caragt !'\tAr ne'1:.:._ But ft/. aw1rnmln1r sncl fl1lrrnr : Only 118.000. lern11. Business Income Property. l"RACTJCALLY bay front. 0\'<'r 3~'; retlij'l\ .. on 1 nve1lme11t nr 18000. Mui'\ hurry on lh\e. Attractive 2 Bedroom H~me Double gara ge. 1 block from brad 1. Only $87.')0, '3000 down. Duplex 2 bt!\lrma and )' b~dnn. Double ganq;I'. • 'Cump1etcly t\1rnl1<1led. :'\e111 oe,...un. only $13.~100.pi;>G trrnH~ J. M. Miller Co. I 202 • \\' Bal'loa Al . :>:~wp..rt Bt h. Hai 40!11 -~:"' LI 8 :1:r.1< l'f.l·::'\T\' u~· FJn :t-: 1',\HKl:"C !·------------- ":· Costa. Mesa );}-;.\ l{L Y :\'E\\' i 111\11 llll Hine 1•1 "flP\ t,v ... ~·u11y IUI n1~1w.i .. Jn •X<"••ll•lll luc.1 11un ... 1•111-2 h.t11!1 1111'1'11 ,ht d. h ulltl' 1111' u\\n· . \ ' . - 62-R4'al F.~tat" · 62-Rnl E1tate ____ _. ____ ~ ·~~---~..._~ "-,_ -De Luxe Home · "'o n Exclusive Baysh.ore Drive Close to Private Beach . (First Time Offered) This top quality home with ita gorgeous .bay view .. was designed for the present own4;r-by J . Hetber.t. Htownell and entallB' all':6r the d ner features and s uperb planning that make this a t"11Y outstandinM home. It: has two large bedrooms upst airs with· a<lj'Oining dressirtg rooms and two large bathrooms. Each ~: room is planned to provide nn outstarrrling bay view. .; The first floor has a S[WLCiOUS li\'ing room with beautifully designed fire place. It a.lso provides a half bath and powdi>r room for. g~ests, a din- ing room and a most plc~sing kitchen with an abun- dance of cfJpboards, tile and time-saving appointm~nts. T)le extra lar~e gara~c has a two bedroom and bath guest: unil upstairs. 'This is separated from the m3in house by a fully enclosed pntio which pro\'ides a built-in barh<-cu.e all designed for the - ' ut1iiost pll'asure 1Tt"o1Jtdoor living. .. r riC'ed at. only s:1s.ooo with excellent terms. Call us not\• for appointment. FRANK ·JAMES & .LINWOOD VICK · I REALTO~S C. 13. Russ -Wm. C . ~chmidt . AsSClciates 312 ~la rtn<'. Balboa l!;Jand Hli. 2042, eves. LI 8-7204 pevclo pC'rs of Lido Isle Since 1935. ~•. IJR:-1la1;"1on .. fll'l'Jl!llr" -•..,.J..I wall tu 1\1111 <'•llfh't r1111 1o11r'e,1 I~, y $<1::i.ooo wuh exc' llc·nt tC'l f"'· GZ-~al Esta~ ----- OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN 1955! Peninsula Homes! O,\:\'DY ::'1'~ BEnnoo~t. 1 •• balh home. Furni~hecl. ~l('I' p11t\o. An MCt't'J'llonal value at I 1 ;.,~()0, HF:RE'S A~>THEH. 2 b111h mim11. P'urnlshrd. Sturro, e Y•'AI 8 olcl. ~atlo. Only Sl~O Bayshores H me ! :! BEDROOMS. u hfd. t..argl'. -lot , rnum for all lt1C1n1:1l hutlJlng. lnten1111n11 reaturtl!, ~14.1100. · Bay Front Home !' PE~l:'\SllLA LOCATIO~ ~·~ bedroon1s, 3 1~ l)al h11. Terrific \'ll'W. V1·1 y g•iod r1111d1l11lll f'1.,r nJ.d.t:-. \"1<r 11nt. lllOl'e 11ght m. .i I 7 :'tllO' • Special! Special! T\\'U BEllRUOM, T\\'0 BATH H()'.\t£. H"""'"•l llli'•!, n111dt1 nu:.- f't} J.'urmsh .. tl, ,11><1. R ·:J lt>l ~part fur :? mort.> unit,.., Sh1111hl ,,,.;! l hll w~ek al ti 2.000, t1'rlllll. Balboa: Realty Co.~ I Uppo~llr Htmk ii( A mrrtrn I . Ml'mber.-. :\lulttple Ll:.:llni; Roljs ';n•elPy Ed Lee J arll Pinkham J osrphlll" \\'ebb .. NEWPORT HARBOR N~WS:P~ESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I MONDAY, JANUA~Y'), 1955 LIDO RE-AL TY ., ASSOCIATES 3400 Via· Lidd · Harb9r #14 (ACROSS .FROU--;ttl~ARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) For . a Lido New Y e~r $6900 down and 1.27.50 month Iv mo\'rs \'OU inti) thii; brand n'e w· 3 bedroom. two b~th I:idn. f-fomr '. T hr youn~ owners just mo\·ed in h11J nddt'd many loHly featureJ. They 11et out beautiful IRn1h~rnpinf!. rt<'., 1md now the ownt>r inform!! us hi:od~rm h 1ls pr11mol· ~him to their San Francisco office 11n1l they must leave real soon. Full price $25.900. Thi~ finf' Lit1n h~me won'{ be available for lon!! .. A n>al oppQrtunity to &!.'!Ure yeur f1U'1lily of A Hnppy N"w Yrar~ / ..........._ Want Lid.o Income 1 - 'l)vo· 40 x 118 R-3 lots. They urc i;idt' by i-;idc nnd run street t.o street. Full price for mw (111 l\ C1'ntrnl Strada corner is S16,000 and thr i11boarJ one i• S15,000. Am(lng the \'Cry ff'w R-3 lots 11.'fl on Lido. Big! Br~nd New! Nie~! /> See this 4 bc-droom\ :! bath .~11me o n ll large street to.4 strect Jot. ~fodern int<'rior. mas:-;i\'r Htone fire· plac~. wohd<'rft1l ·kilC'hen. carpr tinJ!. landscaping Md ·walled. An out'standing on t.:Trl1or showplace. Full Jll'IC'C S33.500, with $10.0()0 down. 9·ie96 ·P. A: PAL.MER Incorpo rated Ole Hanson Co. Sale_s Mgmt. 33:53 \'ia Lido -Harbor 1500 . . . Recommended Harbor Views ' Panorama 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Blilboa t'hone H11rbor J2i7. . CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST 6i-R..al t:st.atp \hnt~11 -57-lteal t:state Wanted -----------·--------~-------------------------· -LOTS AND ACREAGE OWNERS . • ·onA~Cr~ COL'NT\"::i Jar i,:t>r bu1ltkr is pur·"has1ng Inti\ & arrc::iJ;c. H 1ghcsl pt lt't.'S p.'ud to CUl>J.H . .'r:tlt\'(' OWflcrs. e MESA BLDRS. & EQUlPMENT CO., INC. 812 \\'. lVlh, Custa Mt.::.a Llbc1ty b·3till (E n ·s. ur Weekend!! 11h. Okk 1'aylor ,.Harbur 417~) New.port He~hts 3 BOHM., bath a11jJ '• Rant·h irtyle hOntl' built 111 Lilflgt>, d1~posal. u s .:ioo full p r1cP with ont~ $aJ,rn>-1luwn. B~y & Beach Realty I 1.1i'_'•l :\' .. wrort Boul~vsrd ' ...... ~" ''· c ah!oro1a l ~ b· 11 .. il ·~:\n L.llwrty 8·31!;8 "Lett:~ .LOCAJE for You·· T huus1U1tl1 ot rd t11 ble r• r• .. ~•·111- . Choi<'e bf two finest ._ 1. 1'ew 4 bt!droom. 3 ba.t.hroom extra large living roo~1. every r ooni with u m!:lgn1ficcnt view V.·1th · either plate glass windows 11r sJlding ilrn•rs. :l fireplaces, walf to \WLU J.:arpl:\:;. Ut·apt!s. Hl'am ceilings. \'iew ' thermador k1tthc:n . 2. 4 bedroom. 2 bathrovm s. ~ll·ctric controlled fur- nac('S. L af'gc h\'111g room with uncxN~llable "iew. Expcus1ve concrete fou11tlatiom1. Expert cng•· ,. neerihg. 'Mahogany & oak floors. Both hoCl).Cs priced to sell, clt'ar. owners will acct·pt an): reasonable tc'rnlJI. Call J ohn Macnab Harbor :.t!!/7 or 53:>9. hnytimc. 1 l\ll\\' 1J1 "k~1.s to 1.rn .. vuu 1n all 4XA-A)Jt11. ~O!_~~t ~~~~~~~ ~o~ Reot ____ .l1 lo•a dlni; utt't-1·ur ('a1\C. K qt lj:O~ EARL w STANLEY Realtor Ji'.L'R.'1 18H~lJ tlupkll ,1pl , l111lbo11 3 Ul::l.JRM u n1u1n. ~atbdl!:I! dlap. The LOCATOH. o f Calif. 1 '! ' " ·-. Unly $.\!1 1110 \u .Jun .. Jal Ne; gttrn&•·· i ;:i 1110. ur $till :>O .:-0 ' "''E .Al.SU 2 hd1111 hou.~". S 1:, rnu, l'h. ••II lea,,•·· :-;u p<li. J 69 £. Walnut I 'H lltrll'fl (Jll11•t, HJ~I Jid1 bor Blv<.I. TH.1;; ·BAYSIDE FF h .. • H11 r, 11:1~0-\\' "' LI 8-:l::Vi I l'l , ('o3ta Jll~~a .. Llb••Jly IJ':J lblJ. t.:.u~l it. M ~su, l'honu Ll 11·1661. ll:!~!J I 1 64 u c _•_~:_1'"-"...,.·-"-·_1 _z_.(_111_5J1 ____ s_-i_rt_1-0 Baysjde Drive and Coast Higl~way ----~--------LOTS ,.~()H :-iA Ll-: .. .JIVE :-IF.:\\' 2 beolrnl. hoU~l' with 1:u1a~e.1 2 nt::AC rtF\'L LOTS, tint> 6:1 fl. ·-L • • • t t :nfurn. fo'en<.:e.t .>1111) ffr311on· nn L'hfC LJrlVt', :-.:twport Heti;ht~ Where you play 11b1.: )'l'f!d)' 1:i61J Tu~llll A\'t'. Unt• au rt. lot un l ltJvn, L1110 1 .:X'-'"l•vl l ll••!(hl~ Li ll·ltl!Sb 1 ... 1. t;all ownei, Hllr ·ornt 0 Outdoor Patios I \l:lc:IH w11t1· M11' Ahrrn11. 422 l,,.Mk· BRA :S U 111·~ a1ia1 llul'nta. nur \\'ILL HE:-;T b1 and new 3 bed rm. ')•llr, ' l > t-t. {l\c 6 llarour, "'-l'IWI,., .,nopptng 111•· 2 bath, lll'lflili(l. humc In l RVl:'\t; L I D O t n l t, IJUlt'\ pln11&nt a ncl eactJ · TERJtAt:E' $200. per monlh I •I\.,, 1;11.ru.q;~ \lll•a>u•al, launu1y with I yr lriur ('1111 Hubor ' &11•1 atu1 Ill(•' 1 uun1a, gar..ig•· Jllll 4 H a fo r t urth• r deU\119. 68lfc ?" 1r·" 2 Ix.I rm. hClllll' 2 )'Q~ nJ.I REALTORS • f rotn Balboa, Balboa Island, . . Corona .del Mar, Costa. M~sa ana u1" ~lun\l'lly or }early. ~/ lot, Is:<'. m ini; 1win. 1h.'lh· ~· S re ~li:r. !;)Id l h1\f'll l'l•I\•, <'1111 ;\'f)\\'l'Ul:T JIJ::tt:HT:>-;1 bdrm I ""'~·· r. "· A tiu•I, (~(14 lgc - a.nd Newport Beach Ht1H11 11r I h .. n,. LJ~r ty 1:1-Ji~:J h 101!f': ,,;)·Jrate d1p;ng room. t l olk So M HI ~choult LJ.n \\1th 11r0 pl.11r. Jlllrtly ruin· JUU C •~hed. Frm.ed yarJ. 1..1 &·•2:11 !!:Jc!.18 BA(,'lli::l.CIH.' -• tiALS' S1mcl<' 11111 .. "I' "'" ,.J• 1 I. 11111 l'""I l•tl AltMl :->1: !lunny · l b"ll111Qm :'\• 1r :'\1 "I n 11.1\' "'"" h 111 111111 huWit' :"•1uth ur highway. 111" dill Ll .11111< \•.Jl(, l"\1111 " 11° I ~lar llar ~'i~I l:lllttc 1n :UHJ\l n1•l<J~1 n 11pt 11 llh l:o\r· 111;1· H1>1111.,n11/JI<' ()11:•. Jlilh SI. !:\'•·" f'<ll I ln'lllll e 1,111 .It.Hit 111 01 1 .-:llitl1 Har. U ll ·H ~'Jt!• Ne~port Beach -'..! 111..>h~! i.·uin. home .. 11n•l l b<ltm b1H'h1•lor .A pt. garag~. S21,750 Bay & Beach Realty \11 a L.1do' Bndg,r Ofl1•. I J u:il 'to tl1c rii:ht ,,f 1.1•1 , 111 1di;I' 3112 LRf">•·t1 1•, ;-.;''"l"'rt .B1•31~ -· Harbor 360 II~• tl'l ·LIDO ISLE 2 Ub:µHM furn l.IJ'l. un Bny lo'runl. C'l l '.~ltLE::l K HART: Jl1.1~ .• l.128 M • T d I \\'u1l1·r ur )•""'" ll'tltll l. !IU'I ~(J I :1 1-IJ \\. Ualbon IJhtl , :'\rnporl ove an 0 ay. B11y F'ronl, llalboll Isla nd. ll»t. 1$1'a~h. Belle W~;LL 'Ut:ILT. ('un\plctely tu.m- •ZZ. 06 tic I u•h1 d :J bdrm •• 2 ba th home on ="i£\\' 3 bdrm . hvuv , l~O., watn l&rf!e lot <.:Ork floora In hall &: nA \' 1-H1 1:-;1 r L· 1 11 · t • • I" r I l'l't "!H on!" I'"~ ll a m11&ter bdrm. Lovely C&rpt'IPd \ {l-.11 A r1 ... r. 1 .. ~tit.,\!~-'•· CL1nton hvrn& room w ith 111rge fireplace. 7-:1:•11 • c.·ll•" I 92c9 4 Pretty k ttc ht•n. szcs,:,oo ...rurniah· 1' ~\\I' ,,,.,"I fl'"" ~ I 1111 )•II n art, ft•" l.1·1" I• • J l fi11 I »1 mt11Hll \ otll lto1~• A I .I'• r pt'l$. H11r I 215k "~' !•:1 -lX«-1'railer SpM)e f'l'R:-> 2 iw.1,.rft' O n •llnRI ·""~/Jr. ,.. _____________ _ q111r l ~ii R h 1t .. 1 •• ~lk' 11n I Beautiful ti11• A.dull• :'\u I •:-$7:• m~ L t:J<1rbor w11J-R 617 36tll ~1m1 S-nadeland Park •<I. ~o.}UO down . .t:asy payrnenu <'n b"fance. C all Har. 28i0 lo au. 81lk Lot, Ocean Front 60-ft. rronta .:e -betWl'en 2 Of tha mo11l 1>uut11111 huml'a on the I 't'ntnsula. ntar I.. St. 0-. nr r ~ 111 ________ _... __ 11_9_c9_• t.ARGf: ::"ICE t"OR:\ER ltcr3t1<1n. \\Ith ("C'llnr ltll' r1wat ) (J\\n ba th • s n ! l"ll<'t L.-·1~ nf 11hru~11 11nd la" n Only $3!1 mun th. 17 H Po· mnna. Cu~tll Mt 53, 9t c96 ST\ lJIU u nfum . 12 " l l..ari<1- kt1 1 lien. bath. \\'alk m cloUlo 1 I• ••·t. p.n•I w .tll h• attr. ~tw I? • r-9nge anJ K th1n1!11r. No i.:" H:S· 1 'tml'nt rark1ni e r c.i aacrlflct . LI 8·1J I:. !lfMtG NE\\', 3 bedroom, w, w carpeting 20ill P rtaldtnt P l , <..:. :'it. $100 dnwn, no 1mpoi.thda, S6•. month pr an•! mt. CJr 2-431!> a fll'f 6 • • • I h lldrrn or r .. t~ Your 0 \\ n . 5S·A-Bu.IOt'89 . ~nta.ls 11·11 m1-ttrs Ktnl '60 mo on, hi"' k to bua & ah6ppinJ:. ~13 1-;,.1.ttnrod, Corona dtrM"r. H111 . 06611· R. , tr.lc9!'i A TTHAC'TIVE rum .• unfur;:-1 and 2 bdrm. a pla. Cange. tcnl'· r u oack yard. O arb11cc dlap 3lu Mont• \'lala, Co1111 MelA. LI 11-:16H . lllltc: J'l'H:'li bacbelo.>r a pt., $•:> m,,.. 719 \\,.st Bitlboa Bh d. F or kPl'I and a rorm atton • !ee 1111 v • B<'a ch Rf'alt 1-, 14:\0 \\'. R~lt»:a Bh·d. f'h. H11.r: J284 $:'tire MAHINE AVE .. Balboa l&land, 2 t>drm .•1H·tng rm, w1lh tlrtplact . E ncl.-Jtd patio. Alao 1·oom ·ror ufflce or 1ma!I bu~lnus. Sl~mo F'RA.:-;K JAMES -µNwooo VICK. 312 M8r1ne . .,Har. 20'42 • ' b8cs ~1-Bul'ln!,"~· Op~rtwlltl" GAS STATION, GARAGE 0:\rwpo1 t lil'a ch 1nvl'ntory Ab<Jut U 7:,0 Phon .. HiLfbol', 16;,J. a&c99 p m. lngltwOOd. 94pl<J ' ---CORUl'<"'A WCH.1...A..ND~TS - "' Cholct Sttta Avallable Cllll Harbor 2320 48llc F OR RAL.E, by owner-3 bedrm. hou,.e f'IJtplact, choice helithr burhooo, 41199:J. Coala Men t;all W berty IH83•. • 92c94 BY Q \\ :"EH -CnAta-J.fe~a.,. =- 2 l>tlnn. hoUl!e. m e• d184ru:t. nothing dow n. Full price $~~00 G t ii. Elha, Har. HZ~. 113<"-'l!I ··-Extend Ol)r heartiest thanks to vou ~ . . . for the privilege or ser\'lngtyou iu 195-l · .. aM-our aim in l !J;)5 is to continur to. merit your cpnf1Jenre ! Newport Harbor lmard of Realtors 410 · 32nd St., 1\cwport &a~ OPEN HOUSE · 2 0 E\·cning C:inyon Rd. Shore Cliffs This is an outstandrng homcl in one of the finei:t Coai<tal sub<liv1s10ns of Calrfornia.. 2 large bdrms., a den with an OCl•an 'rcw and a fireplace. It bas a lirrge, high beamed N·thng and a huge fireplace in t he h\'lng roq!f!. This hi1me is priced to sell and mu~l be sold :-:<'c 1t SL"l\DA Y or call us. ,.. P. A. PALMER Incorporated OLE HANSON CO. Sales Mgmt. 1700 v~·. Coast Hwy., N ewport Beach LI. 8-5573 Here are buys BALBOA I o.ur best] Excellent Income on _ on East . Bay Ave. ISLAND 12 bdrm. house "' e ,.Ingle (l(rn u nit,, on 2 Jou . Exc:ellen1 \'l<'W BA YF'RONT h ome with plH 11.mJ of bsy. Old,.r but in gooll f"n· (lo11L -• bdJ m11. 11n1J tlt'ri · dt11on. Within w11lk lng, d1,.tsr11 e $42 ~011, 1 ~·rm11 nr downl"'""" shr,ppuig a r .. a $10.1100 down. OLDER • btlrm. BA YF'RONT H'lll!W'. Pr\v.ite f'ter & Fina l VOGEL CO. BALBOA PENJJo,JSULA 2 ~ta -$12,000 Corona--del Mar 2 Ul1ll~l!5. -Sm:i.11 I.ml llrnllle! F11 ~ph11.,, !;tll 9!;~. thl't'lil0Sl8l 11>,ol , ~llutl l-odlltl>JI. fl!:JIJ\J IUll Jll I•• I· 111><ll• 111~ U,\ ..iilalil<' 2 8 Utt;.1. LJl::Lt: Xt:, -.1-'or.:ed a ir heot, \\,di to ~all d•rpN a.nd <11 .. l'elf. l'lll', g1u l).1i;e t.lll!JX•:.&I, l"\•'l•'•I ""Liu. 111~.:; Jt.:n-..:J 1<11d l1tnt.l:sc,11~d. T vlitl prtl.'e - u :,1-.1.1 TR.ll'LEX ubote China Cu\'w, two 1 t IJ,.,11,011111~ aml a I v.-.irm uo1t. J~cdw1,. .. 1 a11<I :.h .. ku. f;x, d ll'nl JM\•':-llm·nt , :.: )Ill v~l 3 t:Jr 1.11H1:•· Ji'ull pnreo t.:.!7.~,oo Good Income Property C nru11a ucl J\1 :.11·. Su. of Hwy . 2 JIOU8F.S ON ·, LOT , 2 brd1 Ill~. & 1 '" d 1 Ill. t 1111 p1 .. ,• .. ,, 1•1 •l l ll .. · 11lly fully r11rn1,.hrcl. u1n1t~r11Jl<'d. $;!'1()11 will hanJl1• • "1-llll p1 ICU $17.~.l)IJ W. E. Fisher, Realtor an<l ASSOCIATES 303• Eut CoHt Highway L'mona del Mar • Phone Hatbot 244:1 REAL 1955 BUYS 2 B. R. HOME, choke COi ntr lot. G l .. lrawil MllSl l'f'I! 1111111. po~!t. I 'u \ lll''lllll I•-· I han It Ill A baq; 1111 at ~;-:.•~• <>nly $J'.!110 •If• &, $:•" HU,lrl h !'> !.F,;)'EL 1H HI::!' '.I U It h11m•o, ln J•aularrnu d1 .. l1 In. LJ(• p '4't'll lot "·11lli1ill.t\11~· :: l·lk• '" :-.:.,1. Hll .t :o\ra r n••w h1i; h1J11111111: &. h 11~1 n ".s,. 'tlt \'t'IC'pnwnt 11~11 t ml~H the l;t>11l un th1~ 1111•,.:clm. \\hl'r" IRn•I vsi11r-. ar<' 11,.ln,i:. Ac t tp1k k 1.v. t.'>•tOll wlll hand II'. Jlt-1-Hi:AKT o .. · Mrt: nrnTR Xl nt l•1• al1 .. n for i.mall m<i:. ur 11hop, 0w1 lh 6 yr. olct well blllll 2 II r. h<•m,. on l' ~l<lc 11f hH 102 x 14!'1. $31\1'10 dnwn. C·2 H L'Sf;\'f:SS COkSER 2G 1111n sq. Ct . w1U1 r ronl111:t nn :l "Ito•<'!! F.~• I l11r 11111•n fc•r f 111\l'·ln , R1I~ Hltli;r u!fh I'S nr 1 min~ "1th plent \' p1Lrk 1nl{ 11 rr11. A l•lp ln\·~ctm,.nt. S:<i nno Llh• r11I l,.1m • . HOUSTON REALTY L I '-·'>!Ill C1t4'~ • ~\Pfl" E \ l' 11-u :l:!l'R· \I ll4c98 f'e31tful,an•J Happy Jfl:,!'>. . J ... A. BEEK,. Realtor u ;\LROA JSl.A~O Harbnr 63 Nice Family Home :"-EAP. :"1-wp• 1 t I Harbor Yacht 4MB-HoU11d fot ~llt ------------/ UJA.i.""d TU B liU-1.>. L\lPROVE 16:1 ':i BEL>R 00:'>1$ T"o n "w 8 UY, MUUER..'llZIE, OR 208 :\tanne A• 1·, Balbi.la 161.ind Har. 4H I Evu. Ll 8-1)297 I Hu. 2151 -Har. 1-;s~-R 8llt!c Coast Properties ~07 £ Ralb .. Blvd., Bs lbl.li\ 1 , <;!~:1l',1,,,.t I • o c.. .• t .1 n ... n t w tth per· beth" Thermo h u t ::'\r" I\' REFL'IA.Nl;E rurm •hf'd. Ava1l1ble Ii) June l!I. We Huy Tru1l Ondt 11'1!<. 30th J3t . :'\t\\ Jl(lrt UtAC"h NEWPURT BALBOA l:!A vµios Ptr96 A l...U~"'i ASSul-iA TION 3366 \'1a Lido. rn. liar. 42CJO 453 ~tagnoha. Costa )tcsa 3 bdrm h•n.~. G •I I.Ill)' at $11.:.00 ~ U :"\ITS-Older proputy C:t.nlnl· teormJO BALBOA INCOME P hone Harbor 4600 &JH' m .ir;• r • t•l•Y \ 1, ,1 SJ~ down. Trade or Sell Coast Properties Jy I« .• 111 bib . to hurt ot S.1· 1 • ML t.:tir. m1 J UAt rMured to Reduced A~am Ml ·~T ~1-:u. COSTA MESA u~1·u.:x -All'(I 3•>1 !-. l ~"ll'"d (!ll'•I Ila!~~ II 11 l•"r 26~ • l-lt11 './Mli .. 83ttc B~Y s HOR ES llo $23 ~ for qtuek llAlt. s::iOl)Q t1n. ":. uru1 In• •Ill~ ("I •• h· ..rt I r J\.ol-" u• \\' J bdrm .• '"" • ...J Ownn-Harbor 1398. ;~ue ...,..11, •. _.1 :if'I.•. Jn,,· •I 11 r t :"F"l' :'\1:;11t:u 1mnia.u111.tt ,,., • \\ ... :.t l..t•, l1<r1l 1·1 1 r rcircrty, any- 2 b.11 Iii h ,,,, . il 1••11 Kit 1J1111ng ' lOANS for Homes WhHe v't WIU lAke tra1!N, ~!If F:MF:HALl • R.A Y-Ju1l Su. "' Ill· r•>o •ll. !1 r.i .. 1111 ht.>l\ F'r<ont & -' 161-ReaJ f'Ata~~!!'~J~~ Claire Van Horn 11r 7 • wa~. With ~UY I CCl'll lo buch. ,,.111 t t :lh 111 r n t iii• \'.cu lv 1,.11~,. 04JI, 20 ) r. Lou.a \\'l l.I .. L ., h l.Jelli:ht!ul fam1 houli41. only 2 l l l C t t• L ~ I ~ """""8" 11~11na u l'll• LIHl'.:Hr\' 11·1:'7; \\'t' 11 1.90 r an •lo rtmf>dr)11·g In ra.•., yr!!. nld 2 bt>drms , 2 b.th~. 2 11,.~' i'~.\I ,1;1n.:1u·;~;1 ·;.~.1 t~n.ant. ons rue '1on oans huUAt', on .. l<•t.8 (Blurbirrl l"8n·t 273t w .. ~t ('na•t Hwy, :"1t B1h I )'l•U nred work dcir.t. \\e h&l'C fllt(1l111•·•. lgeo llVllll'( rm , ll•'p. . 1'~ t SEE 8 (.)8 S ATTLEK ~ y»n• $24.!'>011, 111: tr ... P11-ll•ll' 11:1!11 tilt' t ... 1111 11r.J kr\oi\\' /10\\ -Flt· <lining 1111 flA RCA1~ . I i I 261!1 £AST COAST HLVO \\'1\:'\T 11\(""'I'. U111L• o~ . ,---I l h\'r 1&nd "'m l i•nm "' pi o!c••· 1'1111 r t1Kl• \'t:ltH!:'\l.JE:lt Wl l •l1\\ \\di .. i.JH1· l. ,. '" "1t h Co1ona a.1, Mar Haio .. r 11&88 Phone HY11ll 4·2111''!. hrfure {l B F ] •11.111~1 n .. :chiu11cs 3•1J l'oln . ..,.l l 1n . t·1,rona d• I Mar ''"fl If II•' l ••l •f«il•ll K illl'• nr Hrp. POll'HER ,\--f(Jf,!Tt.,;A{;E L"() ll lfl e1r H\'11ll 4-:li'..!.}. ll:lo!IHI ay ront Income I"'• bulltl -.•.• l rfll!e vr Ael! or l>IH. 426:1. f<'lf6 1111r::lt~~W•1 11 .. "1.: >1.ti I• r: .• ::(t l'l~y. :"1'w -1 Metro Ute Ins. F\mdt 'Kl. 3.:.1 :.I----, \111rk I• r yt•IJ by th11 hour. lJeal • • • • 1'1 ' 11• •1 " I.I i. h'"''' 11Zpl'i 45Uc -Good println~ a.ht.a to your I l,;nJr-2 A -' bedrvoma, runt· <atrect -no mlrfolle man. J uH COP.0 :'\A LJf_J~ MAH -Nli e \'lt'W -r ---b he<i. Pier rlot,t &r1d 1.mv1l« h tt • 1 m rt JI f'\.lrn .'•h" 1 2 b<lrm. 1 '• ba th :.; \I \I.I ll\ 11 !<,, '11111.•11 ... 1 II I :'4 \\I •I I.I I l;I<~ l o b'I\' IH IH'll :11'\lt OIJA!n"AA ll'""11lle. T h• Prtllll ,Jou I ~&Cb looO E .l::l&Jbvll l'SIVd. ~-I~~t'l. u ~ II n .. I' m • :~ t 1( 11 !Tl• r,1\ 1ni.r 1111 •hr11nir r•n . :-1 • .• ~··ti· I I \\·~·' ' " Tnt:<t l >1tUS. Call llilr. :.!.i~tl •'k.·•t .t hlll l f'I .. 'It RI !Alt B&Jb\Ja Crt~t \'lt'W 1MH6. ~our· ----1 k .:. h .. n. 'a""'· Har. 2~··~·\\', 11r:t1, llul.lwl J;UllJ, 1/..4!.l l tlHh fllll "a Hu., Hr\rl)llr 1011:1 °1.ndj l•)' to brolrua. UtJc t:.hf)W'1) rt•U• Clu..1!.·l.I Ada tllt!c: I ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Alt rncli\:e 3 bedroom & P 1 ba I h Newport. Heigh ta hnmt>. Built in J9~3. N .. :i r 1lchools. It h11s white oak f11111n;, bri~ht sunshtny~kikh1:n with brc:\kf:l$l nrcl\, du!. -ga rl!~c·. A good \'i lue. $1 !'i.!°)C\tl. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOTS 3 lots -all le-Vd -1•:1C'l1 GOx l '.?7 fed Pml's s:;~uo. ~ S 1000. -S'13!j0. ·Se~ us ft>r the bt'l'lt :::elcrt1on of lot!l & acreage•. M-1 ZONED LOTS 1 • a rr l·s and liCn·s -S3500. and $'6!'i00. BACK BAY LO'rS Jll.'re's the best b1,1y in the back bay. New aub-dM· •· 111011 bl.'mg opcnNt -10 lot s· left. $3250 to $4000. · All new streets 'and ublit ics. Protect ivc re~lr1cti0na insure a high quQht~· of homrs. Sec .tl~rHc nvw. ELTON . BARN En · f\,ealtor 466 N . Newpdtt Blvd. ( 1 blo<.:k ubu\'c Hoag Hospital) Liberty 8-2772 or e,·ening~ Liberty 8-7156 BAY AND BEACH · BARGAINS EXCLUSIVE! ·BALBOA PENINSULA F1\'e ~droom homt'. 2:11 baths. Kit chen recently modernized. House IR old but hn:,i r harm. }'""ull T'ri<'t" - • ~1~.500. ~fu~t be i-old t11 ~l'tllc <"HI Hl C'. $1000 do..yn. balance like rent, buys vc1y altrac· tt\'e, nearly new two bedroom homl·. Furced air hen t. nice kitchen. Large lancl:i<'llJWd lot. O~IY' l 0 mmutes from t he b~ach. Nict-m_•ig-hborhuod, Back Bay Ar<'a. This is not n trart h oust>. Pnct>, $10,950. . . BAY & BEACH REALTY l 150 W. Balboa Blvct Ncwpnrt Beach, Callf. . Harbor 1264 E,·rnm~~ HRrbor 1856 CORONA DEL MAR Open House Dail y 9 to 5 41 8 Marguerite A ttr:ict1\'e 3 bJrm. h• .me 6.'. 1 bdrm. apt . o\·er ex. large :!-car garage & dark room. Gar. apt. nC<'d• 11ome finishing. Home ball 14x22 living room, flrc- Jilace . dvor tu J:?x15 t•ndc•S<:d pat111. W \V <"arpet, drapes. Handy kitchen. \\ 1rrd fur l'ltr. i-l<Jve. Hot· pomt si.nk & cabinets. F ull bath. large bedroom11. Ya rd 1s we.lied. trop1('al plantings. J•riccJ right. St~.500. low down raymrnt. ld•·al for home and l.llcomc or n. J::"'JU!.l ~1l{'culnti11n buy. THE VOGEL CO;· 2667 E . Coast Hwy .. ~·1.rona dr·l ~tar Jlnr. 174 !·1177 CORONA DEL MAR 1'ot often can we offer a hum<: on U1t· Sr1ut h Side of the Boulevard with a 60 x 11 k fo1Jt Int. (Jnly one Md a half blocks from Occ-an. Fine n•--1i,:hhi irhrm<l. Two bdrms., large lh'lllg ro11m. firq1l1111·. h w.J firs., ' t ile kitchen, &er\'ke 1111r(·h. Mature fru1l t11·c"~ landscapt>d. IJbl. garage. sn !°1'>11. co. --..... MQD~L HOME OPEN DAILY 1 ~ 8 $795 down $795 - t 0 • 21st & r:ingc:-/\ \ l'. 3 bcdrms. 1 '.: baths, br('akl a~ d111in~ area•. Full 9r1cc $1 0.700 F urnished by Dan1gcr, Costa Mesa " ART ADAI.i.. Re.al.tor 16f,6 New port Blvd., Custa M<:!!a, Ll~rty 8-3792 or 8-6686 • .. .... / . f • . .. l .. PAG E 6 · PARl 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1955 • .. . .. -. I . I . ,,,. ELDRED NOT QNLY FAST MAN WITH BUCK, HE'S SPEE.DY, lOO Aaaertedly a fast man ~1th a but'k, fom'lrr S&nta Ana ~11ltor Arihur Gonion E ldred apparently ia pretty swift wtth lht IWlO, too . Thi uu.:h his attorney Arnold .J!!)vJ!lt. Eldrrd paid a lye> Apc>N!lng tlckE>l In' ::)ant.a Ana-Orange Mu.niclplU Court Friday. Eldred wu lnd111posP<L He 111 In cou~ty jail awaiting ptoballon li'earln'j!;, a~ler hill cunvlctlori on thrte grand theft 't'ounta. E h.Jred alllO was to go on trial thlll morning on a burglary charg11. 1 The.ex-real <'l>l ll.l<' titan waa arrested on Newwrt Blvd., 0,cc. 7, while ~hind the wht>el of a car regl.!llered to a Santa Arta automoti;le ~~aler. Encjstrom HearifHJ D. ~· DH Probation S t i Sa. ta.. A Denied by Gardner e n , n na SANTA AN .t\ "'(OC!':Sl -Pro· Prellminar/ 0hearlJlg for Jamt:8' batton wu denlt>d 0o·nald C. Ore, S. Eng11lrum. 36. ot 30e 20th $t., 20, • lr&l!_aierit, alter hla gu ilty Co11ta ~~. has l>t't'n set for .fan. plea Dec:. 24 on a J01U1d theft, auto 4 In Santa Ana Munl{'lpaJ cburl. charge beto.re Superior Court Jk wa.' arram&t'<1 la.st week on a J udge Robut Gardner. , bugUl chtt'k charge. ' J udge Gard.ner dealt rm lJ ·mQnlh Alresl~ by Santa Ana 1>9llce on •ent~nce on x:>'..!~~-end&llt lpe<:lflc chargu or pusing $l4 admit.~d aleaTmg a pi~kup trud< and $10.91 check• I.fl Santa Ana on Ina Ave. Nov. 28. He »'&IM:. markets, Engstrom ksscrtedJy ad· rest!!(] m Laguna Be11ch while the milled puu1ng out l61t worth of ~~hJcle 8•11ll waa in ~· J>08U11i11on. bad checks. Police Chief Art Mc· ~ letter from Ott a p~ator wu Kenzie reported Eng~rom had Introduced to the Judg... fht .Mm- paasl'd checks for 120 and 1~8.70 Isler lntorm.t"d--Pee a JOb Is wall· In Costa Mesa markets. • Ing 1~r lllm ln Denv~r when ht u •I , .. • .. GETTING SET FOR iARRIERS · Discussinj _problems of 'taking their horsrs over the jumps are, from left, Donna Zubi, ?.!ariiyn Hill arui I?asha ~fllJ.a,,{1.11 C<Wllla der Mar. Tile girls. are all s\ml,ents.. at the 1ocal stables and participated m Sunday's hon;e show ht>re. -Staff Photo. • • 8en1ce -· l&e•tU • 8&k!e . Call DAN'S TV . Uberty 1-2228 . FOAM R.UBBER FROM 1 •" to • 1," Tf!IC'K Speclltl· MAtln>M ato<'j( We t'U\ It ~ any 111te tor ~IA, bunk ,bfod«. tru1lcra, homu. etc. War Surplui S~• Cor. Ne!' por& a Harbor Bt\•da. • • C'OE6T A ' Mt;!i.o\ -Ubt-rt)' Mtf\ '• ':· )'==~===== Engstrom waa held in h.u of released. $1000 bail. ~-;-------~---::--------~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..,~~~__::____::::=:=:==:::._~--------.. ' . . ---.. ~-.-·· : ,._.. __ _,, ~·:>-,. ./--· ... • . . r a~ Ccife ·Owner on Drunk Driving Celebration w1U1 employees of hie tt'cenl purchase ,of Vaux' in Uulbua. ll•·C. :.lb l'UU!k!tl urre:.l of , ,, ' ) .. ISN'T THIS THE CAT'S MEOW? Whe.n·Steve Scherer, Coastal Shopper _9elivery boy, be· friended a tiny white kitten. recently he had his hands full. Steve f pund the little waif n~r his home and whenl qpbody clai-~ it, he saitl he would try and find it..a home. First. he had to deli~·er his "Shoppers," though, with kitty perched on top of t he' full bag of papers. - Staff Photo · » ·· Newport . Harbor Bees, Down . Torrance For Fourth Win Newport Harbol''1 up and co'm· Inf Bee t>aaktlball lt&m ddelltt<J Torrance H -36' On· their uwn floor, Tueeday 81 th~ Tara 1ac~ed. llp their fourth 'i\'tn of the l!ra11on. Led by Bruce Knlpp'11 l~ points the Tara ran r rll·mcll over thtir up· ponenta In the Ctrat half. STUT t'A~T scored l S polnta f or high-point man honors. Al80 high In scoring wa11 Roy 08i11el who 11corcd 10 ' points. Daniel l'Opped second high· est acorln~ h onor11 for the T~ra wllh has J>o.lnlil. Thr rest of Har· bnr'11 11coring Cllme from the com· blned etforlll of Oa ve Tamura 6. Bob M•rf.ln .6. Stan i cl11lnu • 4. Jerry Kempcr 4 and PPle Wilcox 2 pomlll~ CYrHE R SIDE The Sa1lor1t elarled 1ut aml dropped m 12 polnlll In the flnl quarter a11 compared to Turranc:e'• 6.' S-~ In Uul 1tecond quBrlt>r For the othn s ide o r the scor• com favorably with lh1tl of Ing tally Mike Bertolel and Jerry the f1r11t. Thi' acere wa11 con11sl· Thrall were top men. They 8COr· enlly the same throul(hout the rd 9 and 8 j>olnts re11J>4!Cl1vely. The pti IOJ. H11r1><1r 'r1111n11gpd to kccp rest or lh1'1r scorm.I{ wa1< ti<·attere'1 the 11Corrb<•aul rl~k 11 record of among the remaining mrmbera of the po1nlll l XllC:Uy double lhal or lhl' tram. • lhrlr opponent..•. Th<' t o111l M'l:Ont.l The Tai a' ne:irl game 1s Thur•· penod acorln& v..u Harbor 10 a.nd day aflem oon at Para.mount. The T orrance 6. L1k••w1&e the hair time I J(&me ahouJd start .at 3 o'clock a l ecore read 22·11 m ravor or the Paramou.nl's gymnu1um. Tare. The th1rJ <1ua1 C .. r rend o ltllle cliffen>ntly than 1lld the J1rsl two tor ll waa m th1ll quartn that T orrance wu able tu wr .. 11lle a 11eorlng lead from the Ta r11. l:tolh teama played" Wt>ll 111 the ov,.raU p lctuni but Torrancr pulled ofr a 13·10 11.dvantqe. Thi' fuurth 11u1trl· Yenator Cj.raduates from Flight School l'ENSACOL.A, 1'"1..A. I FHT;>;Cl Gra.Juated from the U.S. =-:aval PrE'·l-"llJrhl School here was NavRI Ayialhm Cal.let Lui J . \'enator oC 8 Jlt'ac:on Bay. He 11tt.endeJ the Univer11ly of C11,htornlll before entt>rmi:; the =-:11Val A\•lolion CaJ el p1 11grn111 -er wu all Tnrran,,~ th•' t1rl!t p•rt and •II Harbor the arcond part. The Tara ml\.n1111ed t o takt> 11 thrt•t> point lrad In the Af\()1 tnl( for that quartf'r H thl' fourlh period pul nl tota l• rr1t!1 16·1:! In '"'">r of the through lht' V.S . .Nava_! Air Siil· TarL ltrm t101 Ala.m1toa. Htt 111 now aa· l-.1imed to the \\nll1ni;r F lt>ld t;.s. , K~IPI' lllGll l'\a11al Auxlli11ry Air Stallon. M,tl· ayp1oncl A. Naylor Jr., H2l W. Bay Ave., new owni!r, who wa11 bookesJ on drunk dri~~gu by police. He wu IUl'tlilCJ at lhe 10th St. beal·h after Ot!1cera Wtl· lfam H. ~undcr11 and Ken Thl>mp· S<>n <7bs~rved tum repdrtedly driv- ing trom aid' l o 11ide un }lay Ave .. Jlon1<1ng hi• horn and proceedmg in trrwc (uhlon. _ H' cxpl&Uled he had been cele· braung w11'ti ll1l open houu party when he wu unable to pa&a a po· lice aqbrlt'ly te1t. H is n r wu' im· pounded. A NEW IU.'i8 0, ORGA.111 l'OlJ OAN PL,\l')li\T OSCE the Woaderfal DeW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN The Wbole tam.1.17 CU , Play lt WIU.OIR a..e..-.1 • Now! No Need to Take l..HeoDI Come In and Prove ' -~ It to Y ot1rself We alao lavtte 7oa to COllM. la aDd t.ry th• new H&mmol.d 8 plae& Orcai>-!liow &val.lable DANZ· SCHMIDT 81U PIA'O &: ORGA.S STORE HNMsprt.ent for All Modttl~ Ha.mmond Or1tan• KJ . t -5140 6~11 Xn. ~aJn io.anta Ana . ~ Out1l.amh11K n(Cf'n~"'' player for I tnn. Fla., for p rimary lfll1thl Ira.in· , \he Tars wu Bru('r l<n1rp &ll he lnj!. . ~~---:=--=~-==-' • You Saaca. Pt NJ>NMntati•e ii no f anher ~ away than your telephone. Call him today for upcn adnc:e oo yow tnmpona~ problftns. · C. D. UNDSEY, T. P. A. !'anta f"I' 04-pot. IO:tll t:. ~th ~t. 1-'hnn.-~ Kl ll-.\M' & Kl t -Ul\4 l"..\'.'\'T."' A~A. C'.\1.!l-. ., l.'A• 8111C ae•11 ILOMOUllT aALPH P. litAIKIY JAMUIL A. MIYla It.~· PALMll WALTla I. IPICla c. w. , ••••• u ' \ '· .. ' . Yoor savings are safe at Newport Balboa Savings-'the association that has recorded an amazing 75.17% increase in ASSETS during 1954. Two factors are responsible for this big gain. (1) Our 18 year long repu- tation for sound bu~iness management, with regular dividends. (2) Our new home-a building so studded with features of tomorrow that vis~ tors from far arid wide come to marvel at its efficiency-:-the' step~ and energy it saves, the faster •. more accurate work it provides and the ~uicker customer servrce we can give in a friendly pleasant atmosphere. I I • • - The net result is Business Eroilomy with greater ~ming ~ for your savings: Start savint with safety at Newport Balboa Savings. Come In and open an account. To open the door,· merely touch it and the ''Spirit of Welcome" opens it automatically. . . As little as. $5 opens an account for you. Savings ~eceived by January l Oth ·eam from the First, at the current annual rate of-3~%, paid quarterly on March 31st, Juoe 30th, -5eptember 30th. December 20th (in time foLChristmas). If you cannot vi sit us in p~rson, do as people from practically eve.ry . State and many f9reig~tries are doing- OPIN AN ACCOUNT ~AND SAVI 8Y MAIL ACC~NTI U' TO • 10,000 .INIUUD aY AN AGINCY Of THI flauAL eovllNMun ... • O•flCllla ••ADY TO ll•YI YOUa P ... PALMla, ''fSIOfNT •••Dl••C• e. caoxo•, . SAVINGS IJt'AIJMINJ WALTla I . IPJCla, ASSISI.ANT IOAN OlllC(I lOAN Df'41JMINT LYLA IAUell, vier .,,rslO!NT AS~ISTANT srCt(TAIY ~CltOW Df,Alf MfNT IAMUIL A. MUia. ROllRT a. llllLD, INJUIANCI ~OfNCY U(ASUIU C"OMfTIOUU SAFI 01,osn VAUlT Ae•H ILOMOUllT, JLOll•Ci IAaL, ~A" D11t0srr couJtON 1obrHJ fttOJTIVf S("ET AIY lSCIOW Ol'fCfl MONIY C>aDllS IPAu.te I. IAI~, • W. ITIPltl• IMnM, TIAVIUIJ CHIQ&nS VICE rtlSIOCNT I IOAN Olf ff AmAISft AN() INSlfCTc:if OOVl•NMINT IONDS ........ I F-EDEHL HOME lOAN BAN,; SYSTEM FEDEIA.l SAVINGS ' LOAN INSUtANCE COHOtATION • ,tr • • ·.