HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-06 - Newport Balboa Press...... , I " , i - .. ' .. ,. . . -~ ;"litig :_2 I More Arrest$ of l.Ocal ·· ·yoliths UP. To'al to 9 Wltll o'De ~ of ·"puahins"· dope, two more •un>riM ~ ot IQdl ~ut11a'1n the current iDarijuana inv..tips tka by loc!&l 'palice were .Dade 1'fon4&Y afternoon and -rue.. daJ mpt. Tiu. brinp 'the total to nine minors and juvenlla an..t.riil here at.nee TbuNday night. 4 , ~Id Co.ta Meea "Shi Offlcer11 c~fld throurh th1 bacK .. .-a lr~ Koeday and booked dopr while oUl•l"I walked lnto the • r ... 1111 ol poalWion ot mart· front door to t\nd five of th• .-v9 -~ _... &Jae ju-Ue welfare ~ UM ldt.c:hen table "1th a ' .._. '-UWUoeal c:odt. She faced boll ot mart.Juana and brown ~ It pl'edltn~ hear1nc lbw morn. rette ,.pen on top. ni., had lac la JuyenlJe Court and la JodS· alreedy rolled 30 clftnU• WllJcb ed Ill. JuYenile Hall. Police aid were on the i.aw.,' oltlcerw aald. · lllle refUMd to ~ whether or not Arnone ·tM iMven arr9lted Thun- lihe 1moked marlJMO&. day wen David R. LaUM>m, ·11, of tlTSVENM 8001L1CD 800 W. WU.00 Bt., COila MeM. Second arrMt p.me Tlluday and 8am Kqlal. lt of Slult.a All&. aipt when Del. ICL v. I. McMU· The others~ tn -cu from 17 ls&J anti Officer l:d Lynch ar· to lbt 16-yeu-old rtrl ln frhMe re.ted John i:dWard SleveM, 18, ·NM111ment the raid 911>Curred. All at bl• home at 2111 20th St. Ster-are Newport Hamor youth• except ... la ch&l'Jred wlth poue11lon' and the Santa Ana 11-year-old boy. tunl.iahlnr marijuana. OfrlclJ'I llEAIUNO FIUDA l' -.Id he waa "hlrh" cm marijuana Lalbom and Ka1el will face pr. when arrdted-. Umlm1ry heartnr tomorrow 1n He wu a&rraiaued on both Newport Jl.loltlce. Court on chars• of poueaalon of ·marijuana. They eounta ye.terd&y ln Newport JUI· are both kl county JaJI In lieu ol Uce Cqurt and will appear tor pre-$6000 ball. • ·-\ I' . •Nr Ta& -JftJllBD " -. , l1mtnarJ br•fins Tutlday, Jan. 11 local ottlcera Mve had UM on both COWi ta. Be la hel4 tn coun· tv ~.11 on '"lO.OOO ball. crowd under .u:rveill&Dca tor '°me ' _.. • time aDd 1t.aked -GUl • UM IGth · Snen aUe&edlY tumlabed mar-St. apartment tcw J~ ._.Thur-. IJuana lo the 18-ye&r-old N~· day nlabt before pum.s the ratd. port Harbor rtrl who &Dtl'~ They li.t.ened to cooftl'l&Uon of took It to a crowd of 11even youlha the youth• t.hroul'b UM waJJa or Jut Thunday. nJrht at 104 26UI an adJolruDI' apa.rtmtnt -and It., police Mid. watched conWip and golnr• from NIOllT LU.D HELD acroee lhe 1lreet. - la a raid late' Ttwnlday ~t The arrMtl or Stevena and the l'rS IN TllD&-Otfioer FA Lynch. Newport Po- lice department, opellm the bureaU-drawer In tile~ nient of John F.dward Stevena, 18, to fincl a_.. ol ' martJuanL StiYeDa. riPt. 1oota · c>n. Be 1a cbarP4 wtu. a felony pc1111rlo~·and fumlabinc of marijuJI& ud·ad- mitted to otftcen the "stuff" WU hla and that M mok• ed it. Police said be WU "high" OD the weed •bell ..... .,. four Newport ~ ofticer. lf-)'elr-old girl cam• u a r•ult Md .Deputy llberitt Jun• Broad-ot undl.acloaed tntormaUon and Mlt., .... )'ou&.be • w•e ~ obllen'aUona by oftlcera. re9ted. -Stall Photo MeSI Hine MOU INDl$TM!NTS? · . _ A.a-4MMt 1.;_ .. 6rllld .hlf; Liquor ·Probe ""'R1-. ~ In Recess Tiii Jan. 17 T!!.!'!!! .. ,..... SANTA ANA (0CN8) -.' Th;""1de°ii~O;~;-Bhd~; ~rleld.t. an lncr~u.1 amonl' home purcbaeera Uquor llc•nae probllls 01'IUll'• euC'UUve leel'etary of • whole· In the Newport-Balboa Vtata FrM- Coy.nty ,rand Jury wlll convene aale beer end wine concem; J. B. dom HomH.tract hM 'tarted real· al 9:30 a.m. Jan. 17. to "conaldtr Shepard.an, ,park.Jnl' lot operator ....__ ,..._ .. ,,_, th tr head.a addJUonal lndlctmenta," Tbomu in Sao Bernardino; Leo Am&ndt, ...... t.1 ..... re 1er_.un1 e W . Martln. attomey'1 re.neral of-a partner of Cbarlea Buccbola. ott," a.ccor4in1' to tint·~ re- .fke chief ln•eatlgator ll&ld yeater-Ora.nee County bar owner, and J?OrU ,._Jnid by lbe N..,•PreN. day. J ohDIOn. ti.e trouble l-the7 are not Mart.In dl.cloaed "aeveral lm· DAIRY 8A.LD9MA.N nacUy clear' u to whoDl they. tortanl w1tne .... will be called." Oddly, John10n la a aalecman abould do thelr 110reainin1. lie declined to name the lndlvl· for a dairy. H.la callillf' In the liq· NOi' RUPONum.& ctuala wbo will be aubpena.ed. Mar-uor in~ lia.CCJed reporteni Pruident Bullen Kl'OIUlb of Re- UD •Id the hew ...ion mlsllt but Mart.In would give no tndlca-publlc Conat.rucUOD COmpany, Bn· conUnue through Jan. 11. Uon u to the reuon th• wttneaa erly Hilla; Gk>be J:ecrow Com· IUlll' lll:AM BEVJtS • waa 1ummoned. pany, Oc»t.a· Meaa, and county Tbe fr1ll)d Jury rece~ It• The Oranre County 'grand jury AUNIOr Hugh J . P lumb bave all probe or alleged liquor licentl Ir· la upecltd lo go Into other mat· denied reapon1lblllty In Ule matter. ~Uea at 1 p.m. ye1terday ter1· between now and J1111. 17. One rtalde~l 1n UM trac~ told .after hearlns from ieven wltneu-when It coovenH to 10 1nto liquor reporltta. "lt a a beautl.tUl meaa. -. Tbe lut to appear before the llcen.1e problem.a. The er-tea( objecUcm .. • dl.t· j\lron wu Warren John110n ot ferenct lo the 1ncr-. ~ 9an\a Mon.lea. a a&leaman. '40 Mies' Awar• rrorn 2b cent.I to us.oa..A ,....._. Appe&.rlnf before the grand Jury bor art>~d lbe comar trom me s ot )'Nlerday wu w. c. Shay. tax Dile Oii Wednesday a tew dollarl' boo•t. Mine ~ce~ ~ator of Oranre. San Ber-Awa.rd wlnnen ln the recent from Matf>O to 177 per month. aardlno and Riftnllde Counllei: "tO miles of Chrlatmu SmJJe1" Mra. Harold Mclntoell, Republic rrancea Ty10n. sect'etary In the conducted by the Oranse Co111tly ConttructJoa Co. tttrttary, report· Office of Dlatrtct Liquor Admlnl•· Cout ANOclaUon wlU rather at e<1 there are 1everaJ reaaone for trator. 'the Newpor• Harbor Yacht Club the Iner~ pay~ta. "The H. IL, MacKeru:le. San Bemar-j ocxt Wednuday noon. At that homea -re ~Med -.t-c:ttmTmt az.o: Eddie Young, oper,tor of tlme t.rophlta wlU be preaented all times. Acme had more lmpounda U. 8efta Thouaand Club on -Car· -.•lnnen. C09thlaied oa l'llC'fl J BONELLI LIKES . CUT . ON LIQUOR . GUARD FOi KIDS Mesi Co11cil Orden Sl75 - · cfossilc Lic~t . . Newport ~ Clty Owier WU raUned thJa morn, Ing with 1mantmoua approm-by the State Senate at Sacra- mento, Auemblyman Earl W. Stanley informed the New• Preea by telephone. · . The meuure, C.onctirrelit Reeolution No. 1, introducecl •rU~ Ulla week In the Stat.e Alt-ture, the charter will be Mnt lo· Mmbl7 by 8lanley, received unan-day to the Secretary or St.ate'• 11noi.a, approval of hi• fellow its· office for hla mu. Lllaton. ll then wu dda¥ed.-by With the announcement of ap· "en1T091ment," the ltudy of typo-proval of the charter, prt1ent IT*Phlcal or other •"!Ori In the City CouncU membera have vary- s Ing answera to whether they clOcwnent. tanley ea.Id, before would run for re-tl~tlon. ' belftl' introduced today by Sen. John A. Murd1 Jr., HunUDston llAYOB ·HILL Wo.,i. Ooeta M-CKy Council Jan. S Beach, In the aenate. • "Yea, l don't feel that I've fi.n· a~rlaed htr1nr of th• croeainr lshed my job... ll&ld Mayor Dora NO aEPEUNc-=S Hiii when aaked If abe would run f\&&rd at Harbor Blvd. and 19th s 1 u M rd tan ey, u -u · " y, IUC· rot re-election. "The city baa glv-IL WIW an '876 alpal with a puah 11.... ..., f ceeded· ln ret-mem.,.,r11 o en me a lot and now I feel that buttbq con lrol tan -be lnltlllled .... u b t th ... r ~ •• OU8tl O approve I mulll give back 110me." ahe con· th.ere. the bW without· refttencea to eluded. Th• council had been' delaytnc commiU. or prU!t. Prompt J>U-"rrUtDt plana are that I will purd1aa of th• alrnal. aW'aiUnr "'e ot the meaaure ~ nee•· run ror· re-elecUon to City Coun- a Jetter from the ea.ta M-Ele-aary. Stanley and Murdy told 11 .. n• I Rl<Sd h t Id mftit.ary School Board Dl1tr1cl of· their contrue1 to allow Newport c Geta~ :lcnnette~~d ~ y\t he ferlnr to balldle 60 per cent of-th• ch to ro ~eA!l.wlth.f)lua. for hi.II not decided. lndecl1lon wu 001t. Pollet Chief Art Rt'K • couns:llmanlc elecUon March 16. voiced by Col Andrew w. Smith. reported lie lut cont.acted th• 1n th.la tllecUon. llt!Vtn council atormy petrel of the council. "I achool dlalrlcl Dec.-22. At that candldalt1 will be norftlnaltd by really don't know," he aa.id when lime Bu•lne11 Manarer Harrlaon the dlatrlcta 1n which they tHldt. aalted lt he would run tor re-elec· Sanbo"' a id there waa no letter But llle clly electorate at large Uon. "l haven't made up my mind. \o_jJ\_11 ~!. . ------Will. elect the 1even' new council· /It lot dt'pcnd1 on the 11ltuaUbn City Manager George Coffey ob· men. The charter wu .. ddraed by when the Jut day arrlvea." he eervtd. "lf W,t COnt!Jlue hirlnl the l&ndallde VOl.et apprOVal at lut concluded. croaalng guard. we will aoon have June'• election. lt wu drafted for BROl:&L~G AWAY the 1taual paid for. 'l would re· the city by the 15-membtr Board Councilman Hana Br 0 er 1 n 1 comme11d that the city buy lh• of Freeholdt 111 elected for. the cou.ld not be reached at prea• 1lgnal and for1et ebout It." t.a1k. lime. He wu out of town attend· The council lnclUded In the ap-TO 8ECRSTA.aY In& the funeral or h11 rather tn • · Pnllmlauy ..umate of CMta oa th• n-elfmentary dlilrld ICboQJ a---a. C :=: now belns . planned are .. t at ........ aar . $496,Nl.IO. accordlnr to a report alsned Tuelday-nlshl by lb• New· Na'YJ T91 ii port Beach l:lemwary Jkhool 1J'1M1 louth Oou& Co. a.day WU Board ot Tnateea. · · awarded the lll-acUftUGa onrMu1 Approyal of the ullmaled co.ti on_ UM l\ll', rrL-111 •l·& ce1t of wu previoualy. given by John '4211, ecc«dtnS to UM .as. ol Btahl(&D head of the St.al• DM· \be lndUllU1al K&DACU' ta tM 1lon• oi 7 School Hol&lt' Plannlnfr Loll« Beach NaYal 8lil(pyard. Linton 8'mmonB. County Supertn· The local ftnn baa dclDe _.. tendent bf Schoola, waa upecLed to ltde.rable work, beCll ~ ... alp th~ N!port yesterday. • tn boat buUdlns l1nee ,_Ge 1fa97., STATE APPROVES The alate prevloualy app""'8d prellmll)&ry plane or the IChool Hnt to them by Archltec:ta Phil· mer Etllerbroek aml Frederick Hodrdon. It WU llTttd by the board to re·advertlae for bl<D on addlllona to Harbor 'lJ.ew and Horace En· •l(TI .C~la. Pl&n1 and apcel!lca· ljone lallen out by ~ractora alter the ortglnal adverllaement printed during the holldaya have not all been rrturned wtlh bids. DELAY OPENING BIDS Or111.nal lime for open111g bld.1 wu 1tt for next Tueaday, blrt the board •creed to put orf openlnr bid• until Tuellday. Jan. 2!), to «1v• contractor• more lime lo .bld. Ford ·~J Due to·· MoYe One of UM~.,_·,,.... Hr b\.lllla I bMn w1JI .... Into new quart.an ~ M~ ...... Ing In a floll"Uler n:a-•llOll ti 'n.. dore Robtna rons cleaJenalp. Accordtns to AoMu, UM ,._. &1t'ncy wUl lte ... t. .,_,.... bminUI lnDV'¢'1 IY ta --.... •Ice and pe.rta la Ullelr ..., _... Ins at s100 w. CoaA RJP1n1. • LICENSE, WOMAN QUOTES . DEVINE co•U.Md oa ....... e a With approval 6' Ole Lt111la· Puadena. · ·-I Costa Mesa Council Bans 16-lo.t Subdivision Plan Local Elks Nallled to State Position I AdverU1lng for movsble cue· work for the addltlona to both 1ehool1 wlll be made at th• aame -lime u re-advertl11nJ for con· 1truct1on blda, the board eatd. The deaienblp'a ~ ._- will be adjacent to tM ..., .w 11&.lesroom, HM'tee _, md ,..W department. RobllW' wUJ 'www &. stand openi.n. m ~near tutun at wldc:ll time the pua.llc will be w~ed LUITA •NA (OCNS) -The ..,.. ot Wllliam a: <Bll' Bill) a.MDI toda.J ~ acl'Ollll th• 9a,.tor Court room here •here Gard.a Oroft ~ oUidala Bar· f7 Llbmaa ..... Ctwuit1 &. (Red) ~.,.. •·trta1 on two~­ .,e,..q ... ta. w~~ mua Du~ ow:n: • ol ... ......., 1nn Bar in Tul- Ufa, ..... :UM oourt ~ndanl 0.- .... .... Mr •'"Mr. Willlald Q . .... *'-''-can how much ~ Al Ja44 •. ,., Uquor llcenaea .......... ,.u~ ... 191D l'O DODQIC other $1600 of the $10,000 alleg- ed payoff "wvit to tilgher 'tips." • LOCAL PAIR Dev1M and Lehman are acc;wsed ot conaptr1ns t.o l&.k• premium pr1Cel f~ 4') Weddtt11poon and Ro,.er Early of Nea1>0rl Beach In retum for oblallllng on·Mle ·liquor Hceneu for them and to commit &T&Jld theti --. Th• Dvp&ebt Jnalter wu brought In b7 the ptoMCUllon u a coUat· eral c.... Judre Thompeon Inform· ed t.b• Jury the tdtlmon¥ of Mn. Dupttbt wu,IJ! limited' value only. He aatd '1t would be uaed to ahow .cheme. plan, motive or In· Mr'IL QupH&a a tlempled to d~e tent of a c<>mmon detrlau. ..-tq U.. queatlon from Mn. Duplelx te.Ufl«t under a ,..._..tor O.WIUe Chatterton ha.LI of Objections by Defenee At· wbklb t."°'Wbt the an.ewer. Chat· tomey1 George <;hula and Jamu 'terton UlcH"ber where the $10.· Monroe. She wu the only wltnua too 9he ......t.edly · paid tor her thla morning. ewn on...aale .-.raI liquor hcenae .. She \ot•llfled abe cootected Leh· tNDL man.· wbo lnt.roduced her to 0... • ·,.,._ Dilflilit allf alae eon~ \1ne at the Sant.a Alla Labor trtlll l>lr'fllae ta Ml' t.a"f'tl'ft atter Temple. Accorcll.ns to \be tuU· elM••"" w ...ale lleenae No.v. mon7 lhla mornin •• that wu t.he ...__...._ lut. meettn• Kn. Ouplelx had "MaturaU7 1 wu eur1oue whe,. wtth Lehman. Cbula made lbal Ill• money weet.,.. Kra. Duplela cllU' for tM ncord. e-utled. "eo 1 uktd Mr. Devtne. . ..... IN OASR He aid BODe ot the moM.1 wot 1b• brunette wttnea ea.Id abe to tum. Sb• claimed Dnine told pva Denne $160 l.n caall "to l'9t w "I cUd It for .potiUca.I r~" Utt ball roUJac." Lettt, on Au•· .... MMrtH DeYine Mid the lt, 1NI, Ille a.Id 'mbe ~ Ptvln• --· JS!'l<lO more 111 cuh al a c~ffet' ahop acrQM -from the Santa Ana LAbor Temple. · · Sh.$-said ahe t08led a n ck of A propoHd lf-lot wbdivialon 11'\0flt'Y down on ttla coffee al'lop of W~d Bulldera. Inc. waa nt· t"ble and told Devine: "Here lake jected by Coat.a Mea City CouncU HAllOI WEATHER thl8. It glvta me the wllliea." She Jan. 3 b7 a 4·1 vote. The "tlegatlv• tri ld the court 1he didn't even vocal bi..tlot wu cut by Councll· have It. locaUon at that time. man ·Bert Smith. She Mid .be waa told by Dt'· TID'n pt~rty o_wnet'I In tM vine to aubmll ~ appU~llon with vtclnlty of IOUI • 8L aftd Waln\lt Herman PaU3t. Or&n« .. County JI. Place nur Tuatln A ... protuled quor chief. That · wu after 1he appro'Rl of 'a t.eAt.atln .map otter· auerttdly pal~ the fl0,000. Jed U.. council by Attonaey J . P. The wltne" tutltled ahe prevl-Ouertll. They wftt! IC. W . -Co1uptaa, 0U1ly wu 'tumed down at the I Ml I:. 20th St.; H. R. Pauley. 113 Board of Equa.liaallon office In E. 19th St .. and Theodor-. Jotmaon. Santa Ana when lhe tried to •P· 311 E. Walnut Place. ply for a UceoM-. . l la 1naktn.1 hi• p..-mtaUon. Gue- . P'ISOTEST, NO FEZ rln claimed lM ._,... or lbe propo .. Sll• told· Ult court a -protut ed tubdtvislOft w11 a aor.. puture aro~e ln Tu1Uo, and that Sam £.I and could be kept a hone puture Collln11 repreeented her. Sh• aald by refeclin1 U.. ft\ap. . 1he did not contact him and lie PaW.7 ollelned. •1 wu ralMcl never dlacuued a fN. ~ ._,.. aDd I WM_.._,.,· Co.nalderable cloudlnea1 with OC· c'81onal 1howera today abd to- ni&ht becomlns partly cloudy Fri· day with chance ot n1bt llhowen nur mo1111taina. HJrb tetnperil· t.Utt today near 6e. U.. temperalW'eJ ln Or~e County were· above 30 desreea lut ntpt. Ra1Afall trom the pl'Utot atorm ID Newport 8eaCh 1boW'ed .16 tncll- ea with .19 lncbea for Collt.a Meaa. Thia brlnp the lll:ewport &each total t.O 2.87 ror UM aeuon u ap!Ut 1.15 tut yur. Coetll M- bu JM lnche1 for the M&aoa OOlllparM with ... IUt year.' S&m .E. Colllna, hla tat.her aaai ~ 8l'llltll IMd; "'l'be L. Colline. Dntnt and Let.man u. ~ 11M -.. aA be '*'·" T liQ al... .. ... ...-• slated to go on tnaJ ~ MC!ada7 ... ..,..... U.. llUWt\'llllon M • ...._ -... , on three count. In coanectioa ll'Ut.d. ·na. 8IOtkia wu Iott for ~ IAw with th• Duple!A tnmadlon.. ... t ol • ~ ~ ...... -• a The tria.l Jll'Ob&b&J'· will be po9t· ...,. aMre N ..... dec*4 Ula b -,_, l--11 M ' poned u the OniM-lAlmaaa U1AI ~ ..... M •mil of ... ......,, ~ I -II M la upected t.o nae ~ eat ...,.. ~ti Ilia.-...""'--...._, .... I -• ti wttk. Jqe 'ft9mpeoD IUd It "I clD Mt .... lt ........ ,...,.. ......,, .... • _....... M U wbl&Jd be IW:Mlld ~ 1IOlr'80oa ... ......_, .. 1'11hp -flt • W' ••• , ..... _. U LO ~onday. ~ ....... tlle 9QS .a, .. ~ ft& , 1~ 19..,1 -II I .. ~ Several member1 of Newport Harbor ~lka 'Lodre No. 17fr7 were honored recently 1'Y appolntrnmtl to 11tste commJlteea of the Call· fornla Elka Aa:aoclallon. In addlUOI) t.o Tom .Norton. who hu been an.nounced .. ·vtce-ptelJ· dent .or the California South D~1- trlct. Frank UnntU w.a ap~t­ ed to adviaot on , the r1ttlfl1latk conupJttff. Bill r Abbott, on th• atate bowHn• committee. a.ors• !:VlrlOI), dlltnct c hairman of the Ital• lapaallon committee and Cliff Varn'er. membtt of the rlt· ualiallc committee. DellYery JiWCllltHCI ~ll•ery ol lbe Newport Harbor New1·Pr•11 la fUllr&l\te.d. All areu of the Community are rap- idly bet.na placed Oil ~er 4-- ll•er. Carrie-boya will deliver lhtlir papel'9 before I p.m. on Mon· day and Tbunday. U 7ow paper la not ,ckllvered by that hour pi.ue ca1J Hkrbor 1111uda1'P9' da.I route mu 11111 Immediately tMpOniS w1lb yl1V copy of 10Ur Newport Harbor Ntw•Prua. OCC ·sfaff Party A Christ.mu fete waa hoM.ed tor the cluelfll'd alatf of OCC laat Thunday afttmoon by the admlnl.atraUvl' 1tatr. The party ws11 held In the Student Ce.nter buildln1 of the colle,e. to the clty•1 JIWWNt. automoU" , beadquarten. Trapp laltJ ... A baby boy WU bonl ye.tercla)' to th•· Edward Trapp family flt 1$8 ~ 2llt SL, Coet.a M.... 11ae baby'wu'born In Hoas HoepUaL Bids Returnable. Feb.. 1 on lniprovement Dlstrld Sida on lhe Rodleller Bl lm· for 145 fl. bn either 9'de of 8uta pron•ent Dl1lrlcl are ~t11mabl• Ana Ave .. Patteraon aatd. for eo.t.a Me• City COuncU con· Htllnlni • pomplalned that Pat- aldera-Uon Feb. 7 rouowlnr a pub· teraoo·a utlmau ot M .IO per troat Uc h .. n.. held 111 Newport Ju1- 1 tool would "ooat me almo.t flOOO, lice Court Monday. • 1 but won't lmprov~ my, lateral Iii& No Wl'llten or oral prolt~l• •· th&t much .. . • .... ralnat UM' dllllrlct were made. but Mayor ClaJre Nt~ ..... Walt.tr O. Kennin&• of 17~ Santa HeMlnp. ud M,.._ l·wee C. Ana Aw. wantcd·~o know. "Wha allot of 1711 T\l9Ua A"' .... do we r•t tor oUT .• mopo· ~.. appeared to •~ ._t lllS ._.. City En1l.saet'r R. L. Patt.er110n ment would be: ''We'U ..ai. k • reporUd that for the overall HU· u equ.tt.a"bi. a ..... ' ~dY." mate of i22.ooo, re1ldent11 betwef'n Tb~ property ..._.. '"" 1ao Sant.a Ana and Tu.tun An . would formed "10t1'Al'-7 De. DuDs ret ,~. pavtn1. curb~. rutten, ... t.bat ......... ~ ....... tL11d removal ot a hoUH ~ t-, Uae OCMICU W'llen U.. aacl ... blocka one md of \he alr~ r w'ta W... eet • ·Ulla .._ ace would ai.o.ai. .... -. Oil ,.,...\~ ~ . ' ' ..... . .\ • ,. .· 8000 . EHtibl•, to. • Yo!* M.-.loadi -. . . . L:AOUMA D4Cll (OCNI) Approximately 8000 ~ ~ RObina, ArcllJe T. Pa~ and voter• -are eligible {o C&lt ta Cllar~ Miia paid !tlMI. Of HA 1n the Feb. 16 Colt& M•• !!lemen-r- tary School Dh1trlct $8'16,(IOt bond eaoll lut w.-.....1 fOtr' aoeec1.m. alec:uOn, it bu been eattmated lly U.. limlt • aMJoM. eu.tneu M~er Ra.rTUon ll&a· .U ....... of U.. Or.,... ONA- born. · tJ ..,_ Of NaUw loDI ot TIM The electlo• wtll dkermint Im-Qoldea WNt U.. trio had .pauD.d prove~ .. fo~ pre•ent M ... co ptO'IWI a tree MUolM cllnMr acboot. for the next aeveral' Jtan. ct UM ..-t eupter .....tiq. Oun• • -------·. . . • • • • • at The Clothes · Horse· ( e·alboa l~and J . . , CLEARANCE .:SAiE . . .. Exclusive Merchandise GREATLY REDUCED '• Reg¥t n.Uon. (or -jibe u.c:tlon> cc-•1....,..11'1· dtda't ~ They cloeed Dec. 13 wtui ..... ~n per-lltopped u..,....,... bJ coU.Ctlq 11<>na maktn~ themal'!&.11!,&l)lw, &lie II ....... UM three.,_.. owr Ula ~ da7, Saafiopi aid. &lie llalL ...... ____ ... ________ -._,_ ________________ .. POUO VICTIM .108.NNI' MUNOZ, ~ right, iB paid a vlait thia week by Co1~ Mesa Polle& Chief Art McKenzie, who )'ecovered J rom an attack of the .dread dlseue with ¥ar ch of Dimes .help .three and a half yea.ra. ago. McKenzie, chairman of the. Mesa 1----· -1. 11AFea-&I Dim• u mpaigll, wbicb got unde.DRY..1hia~ __Q_un!1!MeTrom"""'<ll"n\an -1----..... ..-il'll'lliti.,...ntt..--m-nir+-....-l"ll'th!ln"'-ttttM·'-:ftmm-,'i:.' • ....;"-Erm:rlded ;n McKenzie's ahn ae b e allows. Johnny his b'.adge ia Johnoy'a little broUier . Johnny wu 1tricken with \)Olio When he 'wu eight months old. The Coet a Mesa child still wears braces OQ both Sep but 19 recovering with March of Dim es help. -Staff Photo ' •. ---------------------~ . ·Mesa Chief Art McKenzie . Boosts March ~of Dimes "l'o IOok at tlM hurty buaklne.&11 •httr torture, ., pa.tntuJ et a.ta Meaa Police Chief Art cry." KcKensle, you'd be apt » ttiru~. SPEOIAL l:XERCl8E8 "'II•'• never ,been sick a day In Between the therapiata, apecl&l Illa We." ;yet Ju.It three and a .cJ1crcl11ea ming . l:all1. lbutfUng ball Je&n .. o. while on Ole rob· car~ and doln1 leaUler work, ln- IMJ'f 4ftatl ot th• Lo9 Allpln JX>-jecUona o! 1erum.a lncJu<Unr a ltce departmmt, McK.W. W&I 'make venom to relax muacJu and .ltl"lcllen wtt.h the d,1M&M known baUtln&' In a 94-degree twtn\mlnc 1 'Mi "polio.'' . pool, McKm zle reclined control Now •• u ~ of UM Meta. of"bla ·llmbe. . Ma rch of Dhnet, McKt!ft9ie le SUll he had·· to wear a abort .quk k lo \Ille hit own .C'Xpttlt ntl le( b~ for a 0 wbile f.nd continue U ll V1t·U11l of the terrible dlMUI home exerclllea · a,nd ~peat Y111ta to t1mpha11l1.e the lmport.a:>ee of at home. Retlred trom Ule Loe An· eaeh ten ct>nt p1t'cc contrlbut~ to cdu ~lice force, McKenme took the tund. tbe opportunity for GI 8Choollnc l'A \"8 1..0CA.L Vl8.JT In Mu .:ko City. C&me a tull ~- Bu11y with hi• 1cguhr police de· covery 0from the dre&sS dtseate partn1ent ctuUu, McKensle waa and appointment u Meu police nnl tou bu.ay to pay a v111l to cblef. 0 C•pl. Kelly on Australia Trip Johnny Munoz. a :l·yra.r-old polio 1'1 can't get over the qulckne111 SAN DIEGO (FHTNC) -Mar· in1ffettr, at 374 W1180n SL. C01!ta with which the M&rcb of Dlmell lne Capt. H"rculea R. Kelly, 1<>n Mesa. ye11t~nlay. Lillie Johnny, catne to our Lid," McKenzie con-of Mn . H . R . Kelly of S.nneat· • ~e ton of Mr. and Mra,JohD Mun· ndes. "Two hour. alter I enter-ville, C. C., and liul!hnnd of t he 0 1. came down with polio when he Pd the hot1pltal, lny wife received I former MIN J t>anDe Rldderhof or wu eight montt1J1 old. Today the a telt'gT&m rrQm the L. A. ~apter 2211 Ocean view Drive, Ncwpo1 t cblld muel still weAr braces on telling ht'r not to worry about ft.! Buch, dlaplays the AwlrnHan both legL · n11nc11u matter1. And when J fin· I boomerang he obtained while on a But ad\lf( OT child, the Mu ch ally returned home a ten-minute "recent good·w1U vu11t to Aust.nil&. of Dlmu offera everyon<' the lnterYlew determined how much of I CApL Kelty wrnt a1 a mcmbt•r or Ame help. "fl'• wonderf\.11 the lhe bill wP could financially han· a party accompanying Gen. Lem· 1 way they tak1> rare ot the JMlY· die. Flnnlly, we recelve<l a -paid· 11C'I C. Shepherd, Commandnnl oC menl1 the vlcUm t11.11not hl\ndle." In-full receipted bill from the hos-the Marine Corps. , M"l!ken~ie report11. "They t('ll you pita.I." .( hl1thllght o! t he vl11ll was "the It le not a girt, not a loan, but \yhtch expla.l.n.a why a busy po· uC'dlcallon ot a 11hrine al the site 1 thl' re1<ult u( the oonlributloru! Hee chld can find Ume to hantlle of the lit Miu lne Olvblon'11 camp YOU have mndc lo the &nnual I\ Mal'ch o' blmea drive and v111lt af~r th(' Ou11dalcat1aJ campaign, Ma.rd\ of Dime•." little J ohnny Muno• In C91la th;'lr!rst defensive action or World LO.NU a fiCO\'ERT Mell3. War JI. Capt. Kelly, who entered ·Where llllle J ohnny Muno& wu, the aer.•lce In 190 . look pnrl In In lht' Oranr e County Hn11p1t11I for Pa+ C II H that battle alon1t with thnse of eight daya after ldenllt1cat1on o r Oftne 0nte Munda, BougainvUle a.nd the Ph11lp- t he dl:teftM a nd I• stlU under lrUl · for H 1·c1ay v· . pine Jslands. ment, l'>k Krntlt' had lo mAk•• two 0 I ISlt ---------------------- ttaya In Los Angtlu hoapltals ' WHlia to Pri . and undergo a rrtlr,.mml Jl('rlod Pat Connell, ae~an first cl&611 1111 Son before ttp1n111g run u~ nf hill w1lh the u. s. Na vy ..... home on Mariiuana Count llmba. On J \tlY 8, 19~1. lhl" blr with hie parents. Mr. and Mns. pollctman entC'rt'fl t~ L. A. C:oun· 1 ' SANTA A-:-;A (OCNS) -Pro· t.1 Ho&pllal for the t litht-W.y Ch&1lo;l ConneU, 2230 Paclllc Ave .. billion Turs,lay wu dcnltd con· quarantine per1oo and w~ di•· I Cosl& Mesa. for .en n daya at the Vlcted. m11rlju"na po&."t'MQr Don· c bar,ed home tor rel't a.nd out· holl11ay time. a id E. W11lh1m11, 21. 162 Cecil Plac·e. paUent t"'almcnta Since his tu t visit home t.hr'ff Co1ta Mua, an• SupC"rlOr Court 'Th~n l mull have done too r month• a 0, Pat vt11ited. .r11p1n: J udge John Shea 11entf'nCl'd him to much loo early bfcau.11e I !'\ltrered K gd Al k 0 th USS Chino prl11on for the term prcl!<'r1b· .. orea 11n a11 & n c • ---~ular spum. McKf'nzle Pr<'ll. Jackson. He Is attach'd to ' ed by lnw. I ll&ld, and hnd lo enter the Ur-1 the &hip,· now docked at th• Ala· WllUams w&11 convicted by a • thopedlc HOl!pltru In Los Angeles t'd N 1 Al St ti Superior Court Jury hen. I for two months." m a •Vil • r a on. A1 a result t>f the .11pum. Mc· Kenzie loet the u11e of 111,. lert 111m Chadbourne Pro"" 1111d lt g. He wa.a tum ecl C"Vl.'r lo the physical therftpl11ta w ho v1111t· ed twice a d•Y lo rorce citt rcll'l' 'ot A rl '1 tortured ltmb11. "LooklnJ back In retrospect," McKenzie re«aJled. "lhe t hcra· l • pllll\ mun have had t he p11t1enc• of.J ob hlmN-11. The exerclllf'it were SANTA A N A, IOCNS) -Pro- bate of the wllJ of Blanche M. Ch&dboume of Balboa, who died Dt-e. 10. was a.sked In 8 uper1or Court Saturday by John A. Pru· colt of 11871 Newport Road. Santa Ana. · = Seafaring . Lodge Officers to Be ·Installed Saturday Nt.; ofn~n of S~arlng Lodse mutu; Olcar J:. WbJt• Jr., aen- 708. ~ and Acceptf'd J.luont. lor warden; Lester A. Smith, jun·. tor warden; Henry K. O•ister. w i ll i.e ln1tal(ed Saturday n lrht a t put muter, treuurer; Melwood /t o'clock in ceremonJe1 at Friday A. Bttry, aecrel&ry: Cttll :-:-;ar. Aftem oon Club qua r ters. It wu borollJ'h. chaplain: Max A. 0wl'n, ~ by HermllJI W. T~ll'r, 1enf•r deacon: J~h C. Antl•t.a, fttH1lll wol'9h,pt\JI mu ter. He junior dea.con; Ham' L. R llllard, will b4I l\tcceeded by Ra r mond man1h&l; o.c&r ~-Hullltrom. Min· Nl•IMn. lor .ttward; Ma n1)1aJJ S. )fCOulrt, The lnsta llaUon ll Opell to t.he junior 1teward: Carol M . 8ovde, publto ,.m aeverat hundred frlenct. orpnlat : ':Jam• ..K. Lockwood. _ ef MMODa an upectt!d. ANlatifll U1cr. ta.. ....._..._ etnoar u muter ot Invocation and benedlctlOil will CAl'wft ... WW .._ Edward I. b4I stven by Put Onuld Mut• lllooN. put ....._ o1 a.tartnr WUUa.m Holman. fonnerly of Mln· ~' ~ ..._. ._... u the ne10ta. lnlt&Ulnr o~t wtll be lode•'• dQt worahl,,_ ..._._. Kn. }I, E. s.&au and 80lol.at wW Th• roet... of th• .._.... ... IM ~ Oeorp ,.., ... OPENING SOON ANOTHER COSTA MESA - ... die 1tAllOI AllA LIDO D• GI "Oae of tbe Lido Sllqpe" -3~ l Via ~. Newport leac{7 . ·HARBOR DRUGS . . 3301 ~ Coast H ... way. C•lflCI ~ .._ BALBOA DRUGI .SPECIALS ~ THUu.. 1111.. SAT .. MN. 6, 7 _.. I 716 L lalboa llYcl, lalaoa . . - co·sME l/C SPEC/A S OGILYll SHAMPOO p .i.s val.;. ... '.... . ...... ········-········"·······-···-············-~1 Tl I . WOODIURY ~~--~-~--···--··-·sncW. 50f WOODIURY ~~-~ -~ -~~·...... .. spct.u. so~ WOODIURY ~~ 8!'!.4uec~·---·-·---·----· ·-· 69# WOODIUIY ·~: c,: . ··--..... ······-···· .. ·········-··-·-·-· . 69~ .. HOUllGANT Hand LotJoaa Sit. of l~rte . '1" . ........................ _ .............. . SOFSO Sl.2l value ···-···················-·········11.····--··········· 99# LUCIEN ULONG lndlK rf't ('c>IOJ M '1 H $-t.~ bottle .. • ·········-········SPECIAL IONNE IELLE Plutt SO Hormone ('n-.m R#1t. ~-00 . . 8PECIAL'26° SHASTA . Crf'am Kbampoo $1.U '"°" . 79' ············-······-·--···-·--····- DulARRY ll•IM1 and Rody .. ..otlon -$'?.00 value _ .. _ ......... U l:CIAL '1 M DulARIY f "!lundatloQ Lotion • '1 &t R#ir. tz.H . . . ........... ···--··· ....... SPECIAL. DERMmcs Trlpll't Sfot Sul"'r RIC'b C"'ama •216 t•.2~ u luf' · . . , .. SPECIAL JEiGINS LOTION \\1111 F'"' Df'ocldoran' fillll'k S l .5,0 nllHI • Ni ..... • ..,.. ... -II II Hllll'J ..... .. 'l!ft .............................. .... ~ ... / , ........... . - EXTRA SPECIAL! lies. fl.96 ud ap 'BEAD. ROPIS n.. 1a.&eet ('nu! Lars• 11hrt.1oa 1.00 ({) fa.ih1c"'; Queens of Fragrance A royal gift lndHd .. ~ dr"ted lfl ~ "'"'"'Hte•I Pr\19 reptico Mlttt.t of ~ l.efttMric (11icer tllon cologftel .•• Twe9d. Mlrode. St\~, Dork !rillioftc• oftd COftfettl. RutinJ/ein ~ .IWhlpped) Ha.d Crea~ Reg. $1.~5 Hell SPECIAL J for 1.oo· Honnon• Cream Hand Lotion .... $5.00 YCllie 3.50 Honnone Cream and 011 $6."00 va._ for 3.50 IOGR & GALLET ~~ ~-·················----·---·-······ 2 llVLON '1" ,_ A.-ari-.Lotioa •111 -ae •. "·" -··-··-·-·'·····--··----·-·..lll'SiOIAL llYLON Jla• ' kV Seta '111 ti.M ....... ····························--··----- CH ERA MY 8kla...... , '1" a.c. ,,... ··----··-······-·-···-····-··-.aPICOIAL tussrs ll&Dd c..-'1 .. ..... P.IO ······-·---··-··· -·····-;-····-.8PECIAL TUSSY'S · ::::.' pLo..:~·-·---·······, ·''.··-·····-···SPECIAL '1" EUZAION ARDEN'S :!~~::e -=--~~ -~~---··-···-·····-··-··-. •sot DOROTHY GIA Y ~~:':.!°.~o• . .. ···-·-··-·-'1 ... DOllOTHY GIA Y llUu!ltry ~·,..Uwr Lotlo• •1-n .oo vabie -. -· ·······-··-··· ·oOROTHY GIA Y Mpn y IJPocloraat SU 6 \~De . ··········---11~ DOROTHY GRAY HnrmoM° Rud CrMm '1" Rf'(. f UO APl'.CIAL SP£CIAl. llT·Slll IUI m a.. S4.00 .••• , ....... W.,Sl.7S .... 12.2s •••.••.••••• Wi'S 1.00 ClllOIDI llOlllOI£ CIUll ...._ u .oo ............ s.t. S2.50 [ll.1 1 1 ([1 TIN( <JrJ''r' How'a 'fOMl ~·o-year .,.._. to ... • .... fCllWCM Dorothy Gray hovty ,, .... -~t.d offlcera for 1"' -.eh• aa1":f: and refteattmenu wW M : Raymeond Nel'-. wwatilpf\&l fol..., Uon lerYtM. ·. t .. .......... 111111 ............................................................................. , . ' ~ . .. • t • - .. • • l ' /, , . J -I . . •t TEARING UP MISA CITY .HALL When the oonttactor m<>Ved..ni at Co.ta Kesa~ Hall ~y, bnaf=Mi went on u ua\W. Frank Biuell, oontractor, ~ved approval on a $300 bid for ahJfttna the city ball Mt-up around to lift the 1"jailding department, UDdeJ' A. J. Voll, 18 feet ot eoat.r-..,.ae. -8tatt Plloto -• ~ IYllY DAY IS AllOI DAY K-. City 111 Trees t~ be Planted by Mation 'Here to Visit •othen . Costa Mesa. Citizen's Council Jt'1 a rv.I tamUy reunion.~ Planttnc of another 100 trM• 1 Monday ntsht. Jack Lowe Bam-ln& more \hlA a week, for Kra.. . . . • O.Orge M&nlQve of Kana. City, In • pa.rkway1 on Co1ta M~ ~ NW"Mry •.Al Holllate.r, HolU.· Mo., who arrtved Tuud&y to Viatt ~ta la underway now. accos:d· tar a Nunery, Cal Dorch, Orance h11r brother, H. Fra'nll Pattenon • ~ LO Ule •eoeta M-, CIU&en'a Cout NurMcy, Bud. Heiden. Way-and wife, of 2~9a Crutvlew Drive, CouncJlq In chars• of arrange-Aide Nuraery and E. v. Frita of Balboa.Bay Shor-. 1t i. t.ba ttrat 1nenta. • Evercnen NW'11Uy adviMd the Ume the two han -n each other · An approprtaUon ot MOO· from committee on tree alecllon. In 6:> y a Uae ec.ta Meaa Parla Dlatrlct A llat of treea wttable to.r plant-l' rs. . . . lng ln Coeta Mesa lncludea carob, THe flrllt 1t nut week M..-. ~H tbe planUnc poslble, the 11111< oak Victorian box Brulllall Manlove w1U go to San Diego council aa.td. The procram calla' ' th 'Ila ,..__ where anotbu brolher R o Pat- fw lltrflet.a wtlh eurba to be plant-rippe:i; IOU eErn magno • ..._.v-lel'9Qll reald.. wtlom ~.· h~ not ed tor •l. lea.at one block on each ne erry, uropean 1ycamore, . • l&de wtth one kind ot tree.. Canary Jaland pine. evef'ITeen elm, -n tor ~ YMl'll. and a ·lh•~ red bay, nowerlr)g eu(:flplypW.. brother, W. A. Pattenon, whom FR.El: TKU8 olive, Japa.neM privet, pitto.wporum abe bu l4!eJl more recently. , Tree1, ferjJµa.r and Plarrttnl' mornbUoU&. Auatrallan t.ta tree Mr'L Manlove Ill the aunt of Mra. ""1Uabed fret to property ownen and cape chutnuL Paul Moore Wlleeler and both the wlilo promile they wtll ta.ke care _ Wbeeler Uld Patt.enon tamlUu for them atler pe..nted. At the wtU ro to Sa.II Dtero tor a blf ~;:~~= :,: "': = M~~A UPROAR _r•_un_•_on. ________ _ ·y,aan aco 11'aw gTOwln« on Mee• pacttwaya. Property ownera Inter-Coatlalllld from Ftra& Pace •ted \n the project can cont.act , . Mn. a.am. Lounfben"t a t Llbuly dependln&' 01\ lhe Ume of year ea-a-aou for turUler tn.fonnaUo.n. crow wu . cloaed. and the tract At a m..unr of the council waa ortglnaUy a111eued In the -• county an4 ·h&J now been annexed·, STIEET . IUAID :e:~~t~!u·~~ Meaa." Mra. . llbe addad that tax• cannot be o-tiatM!d ,.,._ .,,. .... aet by ~. bu1ldera, tbey can OIUy be ntlmat.ed. Tbe Benrly proTed motion a 1tat.ment of tAJUa HUia bnDdl of Baak ot 4nlenca. -tMt U.. ~'dbtrict W'DUkl IW-~-t.M trMt. ~alled out nn lta ...,...,.t to COftr ao per Ule tncreue "' ~ent notlcee efft• of tM ldpal -i. A copy of lut weelr b&Md on actual' tu bW. t.be 111otJoa wu ordered eent to 1e11t by t.ba jlPUllt)'. lh• 1 Jtool cts.tnet. Mrs. Mclnt:o.b · aald. "While we In ~r ......,_ drain&C• lm· r.c:etwd a numbeT ot compl&lnta provdnent ..-immdaUon. by at the otflce, there w-. no IU- Coffey al 1IUI at. and TUaUn A"-feellnJ toward ua. I'm certa!n. and Victoria It. and P omona An. Eftryc:me reallM!d we wne only werf' earned over until the next coins OG nUmateL" councll meeUDJ. Thu wu to rt" A home owner apo~ a- lhe dty time to wotll out the prob-g-reed: "We undenM.lld tJ>. taJtM lf'th ot lballow water Unee under hed to be eatlmated. But our con- t.be at.Neta with tlle water dlatrlct lenUon la the company•dldn't .. t and .ubmlt a total utlmate for up eQO~ll taua. Of courae, by the work. ~ tbe monthl,y paymtnta" u Alao the oounclJ: loW u JI09S{ble that way, It wu Adopted u ordinance tonnlq eaaler for t.be builder lo aell the Coat.a Mea Vehicle PartdnJ ot.. homea. It.;1 a be~Utul meu.'' tr1ct No. 1 alter aecond r89dlng. Talk ot formation of " <.'Om- Ord&ntd City Attomey Dem DYil· mJtt.ff of the home purch&Mra for 11m to confer ~ Ute Coeta Meaa an oUidal prolelll to tl\e AIW'l!l!Or'11 Bu• Company p d brtnr back a office In Sant.a Ana wu In pro- fta.nchlae pla.r. u requHted by the gru.~. but nothJng concrete ap- blta firm. OperaUn1 \mder a city peand to be undnway today. A bualneu l1cenae •l UM. preMnt 1pokurna.n 81.ld. "SomelhinJ &Iona Umr. t.hf" C'omp&ny hu bet>n In that line mJgbt come up.· We'n> bu.elntae owr one year. doln( A lot of t..alklng amonc o11r- 'Approvf'd 1 ~quest by Cotfey 11tlftl." t<> adwrtlM for blda cm a pickup Plumb rf'portC"d today. "Se\· .. r&J L.,1ck ror the irtnet department. ~pie from that tract l11n be4n Agrtt'd lo a d.111Cu-.ton meet-ln mdlvtduaUy durtng the lut few tn& w1th the City Planlllnl Com-daya, but they have &ll gone out m1U1on 11t 7:30 p.m. Jan. 31 Ill w ith the fllU k:nowl~ge that lhl• J"f'wporl J nl!tlce CourL Wall Wei-otflre hu nolhln« to do ~1th thlr mer. ch•1nnan of the planning lrt>'.Jbltp.'' commtaaion, requut~ the joint Plumb addee u1e home pu.rcbu- w.,ion to di.cuu "11bou~ 20 llrma ers 1n 'Fr<l'dom Home• 1t1Ja'bt Jwrt we've a c<"11mulat,.c1 tlur1nit tbe p11~t &s well qve thE'tr enerc M far u yrar .. 1 commlltM-acUon wu conONned. ~ccepted a plaanln1 commt•1on I ''The county aaaNIOr'• office la recommendatloa to tunl an &lley a pubUc omce and not tweyed or et the ~r et 2083 Wallau Av.-. 1n!luenr1'd by peUtlon1. Our rP- lnto a atreet runnlJIJ raraUel lo •co~ howev!'r, are o~n to th,. Placentia A"' I public and may be tuUy utam.ined." I anl'MllftOft SUGAI LOAF ••• 23' •. COSTA MESA 1'00 N~'JIOrt Bh·cl. OOKO!'IA DEL MAJl toS Cout R"-Y. AC'ORD't'I LAGUNA BEACH tu BroMwa,f l\AL.BOA lSL.A.''D lot ....... "'"' ~T.Wl'OllT BE.ACT 8%0 C-1 •W7· DORN'.1 WllllLY MIRAtLE Automatic WASHER ... •149 9~~ o-,. Dal~ " .. ' <"'11. •.. "cJlo-,a of ~t.o.£i• • '••••• .,/.)oHa • IJ '9 t 170.7 So. Main Kl 3.9434 SANTA ANA IYllY90DY . ' W~ T01 OICT TDD llA.ND IN TD . TOMATO SAUCE ·= 5:2~ .... ........................ lie.. . TODIDO HORMELSPAM. = u:3oc· TUNA DRY -BEANS ~~ t~ 12c 0!;!TID ~ CAT&DOGFOOD=:3'!:1·Jc =-I .. KLEENEX :£ii 2 ·:. 2 4111RS IAIY JOODS =.-::.. 6-49' SWltS IAIY MEATS ::::.4°' s ... 99' mOWKEJUICI ::.w: -6 :: 49' DA•Y141D MU '-poretecf. _..II' l-Prlcel - APPLI SAUCE :,=.AV 2 1::-21' '°° MEDAL SPA81ETTI long , ... IAc ,.._37c Type.,_.. 7 ,_.. ....... -1• '"'"· lweet, ....... wltll "1J.fep11l lkl ... ~61 YELLOW ONIONS 3 IL IOc PIPPIN APPLES eoi;,.,.. 4 "'2sc SLICED OIEESE Dwtdt Ml" AIMrt-.. ..... 27C ...... ,. ......... ,... Hw1111l11~ Miik .::: 21%' Lucerne. <Mode~. C'h-901., 41c.) ORANGE QllfON CAKE Lucn-"• pnca '" loool ...Uk nr1111 lelrM ~ .... ••••t 3 9' .,., llald...i,....._ ..... ...ty •tc. UllCIAl •ussels SprOlts Rnpbenies . --19c ...... ·:::: 2Sc CANTERIURY ILACK TEA Orono• and Orono• Pekoe. ~34' WOODIUIY SOAP ~~~ 4:i!36' · UQUID DETEICDIT WHITE ICING 12 ... _37c Cleaning WOftdet. Cmtsyh411C• Curtsy Or1nge (llJI ~1Sc ~1Sc Sk.lark ...... V.a.a Cmhed..., ..... ~23c J 100% =.... =1Jc ............... SilYer Pollsll ::S. ~ 79c ~ ..... ::,,. =~tc liqlW lllldl ::. ~ = "' DUST PANS lubMr.lip. 1 Ac ..., 9r Grwft. ... .. PORK ROASTS~;;-: ~3~ Wlt1l1 erfull Mff_, llt.,49c. PORK CHOPS ~8.'~ a.651 SLICEt. BACON_=~ .. 4. SPARERIBS ~3.:!?9 .. 45• CORNED BEEF IOfim Ill lllllClf Mlldcwe. .· .. 4,. U.1.0...IMf .................. ...... GROUND BEEF ......... ,__,. ...... ~···~J9c flllll OcUI Ptrcta~·· !.~J9c ..,.. •..tt'S naAWIQUY •••lll'C..tK~ ft!WITE! A. "Jvfte In Jonuory'' tteot. ~~-~38' .....,. ,,...... 23 S11AWlllllU ·= ' fl& IAIS tr 61116E1 SlllPS ~r-;=· 2 ~4fC •.. , ....... ,,_..,,, .... • f1CJT10'0 lr(.lfn - '"-'· ~ -1.4-... .. _ _._ /{i;.r~~ ~7NOWONUU ,. .. 3tc WHOLE APRICOTS ~~= ~ 27c VEGDABLE COCKTAIL.:.!. 11:11' ~~35' FANCY SWED PW tr ·~: 9' 1 - 7:15' UllY SAUERKRAUT 2 1!:-25' ~:19' Ill MADE MAYONNAISE ,,, ',u;~;, ~38• IEST FOODS MAYONNAISE~ ,...:38' EDWARDS INSTANT COFFEE ~~· 21!59' P • .., .. KE ANQ;lfilX su..,,,,. -.. •. 1ac.o....35c An\.A . WAMI. Ou•li'Y ~·· :z'.: N• ,. BUCKWHEAT IX S=A '°;;.it' ~35' SYRUP DRI~ TIAo:!~DfH 12=:19' ~33' Nm lftClM ,.,. ..... SAT .• um '· 1, .. 19SS, " SARWH Sl016 I • ~ (lllru S.,,dly in Slotet open Suridly) , ........ .,,, _.. ................ lolot ............. -...... "-'. STOii HOUIS Dally 9 L m. t.o 8 p.<m. (~J tlD 9 p. m.) SaadaJ 9 'L m. to 8 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLINTY OF PAl~IN6 ON LAIGI PAYED'LOT .. • . . 1. ... I .. ... , • • --'!> PAGE 4 • PART I ~ NEWPORT HARJOR NEwS-PRESS _ Tii\fRSQAY; J~NUARY._-4..._l9_5L__ . - I .. L -.':""Ii.------- Jlall Sou..116 ·15 --·-·-~~ -y ~ .... liaff eaa~· . . IAOllU'4 WlacUe , lltll, II. .... tod&1 ....... .ouPt "' ODllta .... poUce .. Ul• leadlq -..et -.. armed~ ot Pop'• Cate oe N ftlf)Mlrt amt. at VtrpU& .,.__ -- IE .SURE • INSURE rr= -.,--::-~~"""'t.;. ~=--=-=- ll&Ylllm ...... ., . ~--. '"' ....................... ...... " ,...., l'Oca .... , ........ "• Otft °"""' ...... 0... h.t NIU ... . Proprietor and victim .Joba W. 8'9W'&lt ldenWled Ball .. tb• Mid-up mp from a mq lbOt at ~·~cm .. ' . tae .toboe etatJon. Police CllW Art ~. N porUd. Tbe poliol de. partment ftled a 'oompl&Jat aptut Ball and Dlltrict AtlonMy'1 Gt· • ftCle ~ a wahant 'for tJie IUl- pect'I UTelt. Ball, a five-ten, lli0-1b. ll\fll with blue.,.. and bl-own llalr, po.._. a Ju•enlle record, poUce eald. lut known addtta wu 30t htb •t.. Newport Be&cb. ' . . " MISA _, UPHOLSTll•• u,, ......... ....., LDlrt1 ... ,.. ' . ' ... ~wp&. ........ o.'9 .... · JOHNSTONE'S The robt:wr apparent,ly llm~lated a run ln hl• pocket while boldlnr up Stewart the night ,of ~. IO I :: __ Allto WNClleri and t&kinr; '31. · · UMd & ... ·.u. ... &_..... ' r.nton ~ 'Caps • . 'nlett of two hub cap1 from hi• car parked ln Rk hard'1 market lot wu rt>ported to poUce ~r­ day by Muon Fenton of Onmre. He uld the rir;ht door of hl1 car 2075 PlacHtla An: OOIONO IN POIS A I.ANDINO -"Race yo1i to the parlclng meter," one .eagull acreama.to the.oqier u the ,..U .et takea over Newport Beaeb ocean fnmt for the winter aeuon. There'• plenty of parking 8pace for everyone. -Staff Photo8 by '~ J . Jacbon TH:t: WINI\~While an admiring ·audience watches the birds jockey for poaition, the white gull does a lut- mtnute, meaq maneuver to gain the sack-covered perch. BJt:da lie exempt from payipg puking fees, even SOUP'S ON-With a mad whirring of wings and much 'dJacW111ion1, the galla awarm to vie with' each· other for acrape of food thrown to them _by many people.. 1".l!O LDertJ 1-1111 a.. .... in the BUJDmer ruah eeaaon. - -lunch from their c&ra while watching the gull.I and girll - on the beaeh. . . -... llU allO dt'nled. PARENT~HlLD SERIES SET AT MESA SCHOOL Riiilaway Y HllCJStel' Rettned to Mother -Newport.. police picked up~a 16 ANYONE FOR FARMING 7 , CitJ. Has 93-acre Parcel . for 3-year Lease Term · • . Buy Your· t.1w· P~ilTIAC - . ' •·security, the Backbone of Mental Health.'' wlll be the 1ubjecl Of\& meellnij for par- ents ache<tuled Frid&¥ Jen. 14 at 9:00 am. In the Main School, Co11ta Mel!I. Thie will be the first ot a tour-meellng UTic11 on Parent· cblld relatlonshJps to be offer- ed to pattnta of the cornmunl· ty. Mr11. Alma O. Grttn, parent education ln1tructor at Onlnge Cout College, wlll 11ct u di•· cuMlon IN1de r. year old LoAI Angeles runaway boy New Year'• clay hltchhJklnr;. on Cout Highway al 170, Sl. Arthur Joeeph Albrecht told po- Uce he nin away from home lo hltchhJke to Michigan to llve with hla father.' Police llald the lad ducked 11181:> a telephone booth near lhe hlgbwa.y when he epotted t he patrol car, He was returned to hi• mother in Loa -'ngelea. Local W~n looked on lad Check Char«Je 'I)lat'e what Cly Man.acer John tar." Anyone for farmln.r;T 1alt.llough only two have bl4 80 . "':"9ailo'ra would like to know $y' Include JlJb Bua.hard, who while he 11 faced w1th receivtnr bld S1700 and George Oauml, who bid.I for the leulnr; ot the city'• pve 11$00 u b1a nm bid. Thal'• 93-acre parcel at .Wrt&bt SL ~ on a yMJ'ly baa!• for the parctl. Adame St. on city w~rlnc Blue hu ban paylnr; $1200 per land. year. The city want.e conJridenibly The land haa been under le&ae more than that, Sallora aalo. to Cuey Blue. It will expire next Be would like to 9ee City Coun· SANTA ANA. DEC. 23 (OCNSJ month. # cil lea.a the land Oll a crop lf'ue Twenty • 11Jx • year • old Newport . "We are accept.in&' blda At t.hJa but.I, .uch u uarnr tomatoea or Beach houaewtre, Mre. Victoria Urile for a futu re teue o., three other CUb crope. The blddlns 11 Loull1e 8carrone .• 1201 Cllft Drive, yeare with a three-year option," open on an auction hula, he •Id. from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 s. Coaat llYd. Latma leacll See Us Today roa HIGHEST TIADE:.IN VALUI Other mret1t1g•. to be held on aub11cquint Friday mom· lngs. will be on "Dh1clpUne," Jan. 21 ; "How and When to Glye lnform1Uon Concem.lnr; Sex," Jan. 28 •IU'ld "Leamlna' to Live Totelher In the Jram- Jl)t." F eb. •· arre~ted by Newport officer• SaJlont l&ld,.."We want a c:uh ren-Btda are belnJ received for the for Santa Ana poUce recently on tal. There a.re eeveral peoplt 'ln-next week at aeut, Sailor• n!port- cllar,...of luu1nr; ttc:t1Uou1 checke. terelited. Undoubtedly, we will ed., Mn. Bcarrone, reportedly admJtted ha"e 1!Jt or~Mven acttive blddent -----------------------~-'----------­ • Meellnga will be held In the MaJn School troJD 9 to l 1 a .m. Arrangement!Mlavc been made tor the care of p re-llChool children. \(> ~ta Ana officer• lllftl llad cashed bad cheek• totahnr f l600 <n Saitta Ana, Long Beach 111.J Los Angeles. She waa boOked at the Orange County jail on a felony warrant. Gibbs R-ecelYes Jall Term on AlltO Theft SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Jamea R. Gibbs. 20. 32961 ·Hennepu St., <'arden Orove, Friday wu Mnlenc- ed to 11 month.a ln the cowily jail alter 1upcrlor court judge J'rank. Un We11t dented blln prolMlUon on a grand theft. auto ceunL nCJll.E l'EA'DIEBED FJUEN))-Intereat in the fun- ny humans wane. when the foOd gives out. So it's off to greener fiel<hl. fiahier 1hores and fuller lunch pails. But juat ahow them the color of your sandwich and they will beat their way back. Glbba tlret pleaded not fUllt.y ANA iOCNS) -The 1 bec:auae of U1e rapid growth of and then 1Wltched to r;uilty. He rd or upc~eora Tuu-subdlVlslons. Flood watere bit a wu arreeled ll(ov. 28 by Lacuna day a! noo lhorizC'd the con-botUf'neck,once they 1.-ave the city Beal'.'h police atter blklnr the car suiting en eerlng firm of Har-llm11.8, he ,&id. ·• '.lll!.!1 lrta Ave., Corona del Mar. rl80n and Wooley t o mBke a ruivey Carl Thornton. Santa Ana ~lty Engineers to Survey-Possible .· West Delhi Qrainage Expansion and tum In a rtporl on p01u1lble manager. declared droJnage prolt- vcpan!llon or lha West Deihl Oralrt· lems are boldl.ng up 320 acru of Safeway-Milk Bureau Case age Channel to heolp atevlate high· irubdlvh1ion rle\'elopment. They LOOK FOR THE waler danger in the l!Outhweat wc;>n't file tht'1r f11111I map• until Sant.a An• 11rPe thty are sure of flood water con- Su~rvl1110r C. M. Fealherly pre· trot. S hod Ch n d llf'Y'lte<l the 11ltuallon to the 114per-Thornton and-Featherly lndlcat· ee. s Met s a enge Vl110r11. He pointed out Santa Ana ed It Is a problem for the flood · ha11 a 11rrtou11 drnlnage problem control dl11trlct to Iron out. HANFORD (CNB) _ Methoda lboroush •tucllea of bun-au work-I SA M Booked A T ,U-1 by.,l.M 1la.~e . .bUl'UU Of n\lllt lnr; »Jj>eMI of plant!' serving Kings an .Aft ·~~CeSSO~ift aken control In 11.e COil 1tudiee of tood county, bunau costa 11tudlu for Off D W M 1torea cam• under qu~1Uonlnr; "1' rrocery 1l<1ra and analysis of Drunk Rap After • • es.ck Car cently In King• county Superior milk plant monthly reporU to the SANTA ANA (0CNS) _ Ap· Court. . • bureau. He charr;ed be round many Auto Crash Here proximately $30 worth of acce1-William Goode. a partner ln a ' lrregulartllea in these documen~ p rivate accounUn& firm, tutify• and oml111lona_wblch made It Im· A 8a.nt.a..'Ana driver wa.a book· sorlt'11 were llitrlpped ort the car lnir &,( behatr of Safeway StorH. poulble for bureau repruentaUvu Mi for Intoxication New Year's ot Donald W. Me11eck, 3204 ~ Mar· Inc., M.ld he had audited bookJI lo ma.k~ prop«r cost atudles. A .... t .... h Tu ~• ~ D11y by Newnnrt nnllce after hP cus ve .. ·'e""·por oear . eauay Of 110me atorea which Indicated ln eat.abhMllJ\g mlnlmum prtl'e& , .. , ··-I d I_... nlJht whrn the <'•r stood 111 12880 the bureau had ueed Irregular pro-the bure.u la ~uired t o make d;>. WAI' invo "" In en auto ace .... nl cedurea ln arriving It COil tlr;uru unted c04!t atucUea ln each mlll'kd· at Irle A\•e. KO<I Cou l Highway 1 E. ~tanfnrd St .. S11nta Ann wblch It uaed In .eltlng minimum Ing area. Safe""'•Y is teetlng the Al!l<l booketl with SamuJ1o Ram-1 Sheriff's , 4f'.pullee M.ld • left retail prtcea or milk.. 1'.'0MUtuUonAllly or the 10t111e·11 lrez. 31, wa11 Jack McEtroy, L.11· side spolli$tht wu badly dama.ged Goode cited ·OM ll"lllt ance In milk price flltlnr; law. gun11 Boch. a pa&!leng-er In hts by the c_ulpnts who were unable I which the bUrMU h.ad credited the Oo<lde said bu reau au"'r.. con• ca r. to removf' IL I ~······· alort> with a ruU year'• ope!'Uon talned om111111ona. such u fal\.lng . 1'0111. .. 11111d the Ra.mlrez car ap. even though the lltore burned to ebow figure• for rent and,I de· pa.rently CIUl'll out of 1r1.8 Ave. down In the middle of that year. prKlallon and failing to rfport going north and drove Into the He R&rtl the bure11u reported the wbel.her a store handled mllk. He path of a car operatrd by Alg1e .tore proprietor u rcceivlng a full told the court that the bure11 u l:J. l..in<lsl'y Jr . 21. or Loi Angell'a. l :year'11 aalary thoup;h the bu.11lnf'811 I made certrun al.lo'll•ancl'll ror a pro-LtndJ!<'Y ""'" he trlffi to avoid the Ope.J"llted but hall the yeer prtetor'a services wblch dlatorted accident but atrurk the left rear Ooode stated he ha.s made lbe vocer'a ooat of dolne b1AS1ne11.. ot t.be Ramirez car. Hh)llway Tax Fund Allocated Locally 8ACIU.MZNTO -Robert C. Kirkwood. 1tat• controller, today reported that Oranp County hllll ncet•ed 134.73t.e2 u 11.a •h&~ or the 16.3'8.071 In highway Wiers taa• available t or apportlonml!llt to counUee for the mooth t'nded November 30. 19114. ANNOUNCING • • • v Boyd's GUNSHOP Guns -Ammunlt lqn Expert g unsmithing . v THE FIXIT SHOP nie sn.eia.••• 111 Ule highway I oan taa tl.lnd.av&llable tor 11p- portJonment for NOYeCl'lber wu al· local~ u foUollr1: '6.MS.071 to counU•: '2.0ll,TN to It.ate tll1h- way f'ond for dU~ and 116,111.· 137 to· atate hip-.., tund for a - pendlture.1 on tupwaya. Th• 1um a ..U.ble tor appol"Uonment tor Nonmber wu J771,131 under the pnt1oUI ~UL • \'our new convenient headqua rters fos: all kinds of r epairing- FOAM IUllEI ..,.. ~-.. ·~· tm ' e,.ca.a: .... tU-etocJt. We wt at t.o ..,, .... ,_ boata, buDlt bide, tnU--. bome&. etc. • w._,.,._ ...,_ c.r.N_,.,. a..,._.,.... vueT A • lid:aA UllertJ Mt• Mey the ,,.ges of the New Y Hr ten • story of happineu end success for you •nd your fem ily. We have enjoyed our' plHs•nt esso- cietion with you in 195'4 -end loo~ forward to 1Min9 you •nd serving you often in 1955 • COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1811 Sewpert ....._ l.A.rt;J I-Mn 1.UMIU _,fDHAL Dl~Ollf INSUtAHCI COtl>Ol.t.nOH ... WHAT HAYE YOU?· WE'LL FIXIT \ January Clearance • ' SA VE o.n hundreds of sJ).eclally priced Items, Including - GIASS & ·\VOOD WARE BUILDERS·HABDWARE -TOOLS • TMah , .............. ...... ltectric Al-Ca.dt le ,_.. .... ............ ,..,-~ ............... "' ............ , .................. ....... 1..-.W...-.W t....._ ..... .. ,..,, ....... ye. .... ,_ .... ............ _..., .... ....... lWt ................. ............. ~M11el ........................... 4 ..... ,....,.. M,.... c..-... ......_. ,__...1 •• Mllfdl '4. ,_. .... ,, •• , .............. ,., ..... awww. 0... .. 11 20. I . ... __.-~ ......... ---,....,-..../ ..... ,,...,._.._,~_ ... ....,....,...,.1, ....... ,..,. ..... ---.. 1-911 .. ••o.ooo.., .. ...... S..W. ... &..-..,_ C1 ,., 1•1 • -.,....,_.., ...... -,.,,.-..i.....,.. .......... ,....~ ............. 11 I I Ir. -' aap, I "''al; ........ ,..-..-. . ,...._ .......... , .. ~ ...., --... _,....., "-'· ....... ,.... ,,. o.r-,.... ~ ~. ---· --... ,, .. ., .... _,_ RPWM • I ~ r • ., ' ... . -' .. . r=----===----NEW . -MILLION· DOLLAR-- MESA 1Rlrt~BARED ·SHOOTlll ·Cw)\ 1 I ,.._ Pint ~ ~ho ~ ahilable aocat ,oli~ ~f'ir-rt!iiiiit • a.rttW-• I ...... ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.P~ESS -PART I · PA&E S . THURSDAA', JANUARY 6, 1955 Tii Lille ·•· .. aC.a9"'itil .. left llftCJ Announces 105-llome s..diylslon In Or•ge Grove . ~ - P6Uoe MW they didn't kn-U the lbota, ...... Ito be miaQ cal• lt.r, eaine ti«tl Jffewpmt a.1 0r thts penlnaula. Al9o pr...-d 1M.o ·•nice to ald In U.. maa bwat were po.ta M- pollce, u ... r.ported. Poll~ immediately 8lUW ti. aeudl ol ncluMve Bay bland and boat• mdored ther.. All, ,..Oat • Another million dollar •U&a t~ of lO:S hom~ wu wer. warned oq the bay trontqe ., ..&. .. taclnc the i.J&nd. M:oet · 'Otftten ann~ced th.la week by Ben King, p"'8ideht of Meaa tsUUd· ere '""" w1lb rUIM 9lld other era.and Equipment Co. Work lJI expected to start on th.e •id=--men •• ~ Ween a.o Hoes randl-lltyle houea located on WU.On St. between Catalina H'091tal tor treatment. and Avocado St. withln the next two weeb. · . Cantu, t~ted tor l\i8 um and --.. ~ oe th bui. of 106 .... teaturu. Kln• · announc er woundt at the boeptlaf and • -.--. e I ... • af Kilmer for b1a buttock.I wound, balDee la the SIS,000 braoltet, Wllb rans• and oven, forced r ll&!d to be •-oocl Iba Dttfense, ProseC:uHon· Counsel 111 Fiery Action. Dwl11t Court SANTA ANA (~8) -on;( trial of O~ge County labor l.eaderl, Charle. E. (~) Devine 'ind Harry Lehman, Swun, through the cloo.ng boure of itk third day .Yaterday with t>1enty of action. Oepli!lY Dilltrlct Attorney O,Wltte Cba~terton ahouu.d lnte objectiona to qu.tioning. by d.-; t~ ~l and uked at leut by Monroe. . .ut.r thl couult. tw• that o\ttorney J~ C. lion. Moaroe ,...pbrued the quu-- ~ be clted for contempt. Uon to M)', .. "Did ecenu of UM Att.omey Gaera1'1 otftc. lntonn nat:woau ST AST you that Ui• commAlilion of cer- i'ACTORY or wlil~,.p.ce ,_ [t!' t In Co a )(ea. MAR CADT -cfiRP'.lri . . . --_.. ___ ,.. Mni..'··~ Mc.Dcnald W9f lut nla1l1 hlred u a nnt irMe teach· _.. __________ &-Beal 1Eatale er at the Mala ~ by tbe' Coa&.a 1,5: · Slian Y oar Car Mua Elemeotar)' aclloO& .W-AN-r-Rn5if;--Mo3 Era;;i. She repla~• MrL Ruth Centoa cor1'1H of Del Ma .. Ave., Coat• who re~ durias UM 'Cbrlsl· Meaa to Doualu Alrc"raft, Long ma1 bollday1. Bead!. Uavlnlt al 1:20 a .m. · IHlc98 Jn other action. the board...au.lo- ortaed uaie of the , Maia School a\ldltortum for a JOU°' procram of 19 Reap Wuted ' the loc~l Fouraquare dlurchu nPERlENCED • w I t c b boud Monday·ntrht. . o~rator. Apply Balboa Bay .Authority .wu g'lven to uk tor .Club, trol\t otllC<ll. 9Sc9~ ltldll returnable J'eb. 2 on approxl· _ -------- metely 10.000 iallo111 . a'{ 1a110llne · -, · · · • -- uaed by the dJ1tr1ct each year. 1'6--Ma.eel~ fCK 8Ue • NrCE 2 BDRM. ·b OUat', tile bath, hdwJ!. floors: Floor turna~. s-tlo gartaf' a fent"f'~IN. Br_owner. LI 8-:ws09.--..CH-·· -- . ..1 ... , I heaunr and sarlNa(e .tUapoe&l. Ln· were .. , I. pa. ~ ••u. ol the new Me• lraA:t baa &vldU&I cob' h,armony will be. ... Th~r were repo~ed In lllSb spJr- .-... Mt by ltln1 at U .3611,000 • .Jt lured ~ MJd w1lb a color llJl. , 'n.. tl~rtu blew up u Mon-taJn crtmu wQllld prevent a )>el'• roe crou-aamtned ~lat•'• wttn~ 10n from becomlnr a dtlaen?~ Albert W9C1denpoon of Ne?rt "They eertainly dld not," the Bu.ch. Monroe. attempted to ex· firlU.h-dlct(Oll speaJtlJls witn- 111 Mua IClloola were g1ven by (portablt' or table 1110.tel) that R.epol'U on cluaroom .•c\IYIUUlDO' YOU HAVE a recoro player Are ) .._......._. to be OM of Ula bis· eon..uit.nt on ~rt. The tract I• Cantu 1&14 he.wu -rldas oe .._ »-lnetl 1n price to date. localed In th•· middle ot JUI. oranse the Bay X.l&nd beach wbea th• --~ • 14 ahootlnr occu~. "Aa tar u I ·-property lnvo.lved ,.... r~t· ~ve. but 'but tnr will b4l JiandJecl uld "~·-.. h.t told i..-.itaJ t· ~ Jl'trehaMcl from Albert V. Kalt. ao Utlb orance and·a \l!OC&dO tNtH ro .... -;:, ,,.~. a .:::n.e ...._, obtaJnable 1111der will be left f.or the home purchu· tend~~LI, llOIMbOOy went ber· NA and VA wW have all mod· eri lo enjoy. · terlt. Kilmer, authorlUu report-• ed, .. td, "MJ ltuddy rot ahot and 1 wentt out J~kJni for him." Christmas in··KoreG lST.CAV. DIV., JAPAN -Pvt. Robert MannheUner. 2•. son ol Mr. an4, ¥r1. Morton Mannheimer. H 4 Pftlll Drive. l...aK'!na "Beach. la ·1ervlng with the lat Cavalry Dlvl· rlon In Japan. The 18t Cavalry Division haa aerved In the Far East since World War Il. Now In Japan, ijte "Flrat Team" dlv1alon wu one ot the..Lirat to land and engage with lbe enel'l)y after ·outbruk of ho•ttlltlea In the Korean War. MIUlnhltmer, llsalgned to the 99th Field ArtUlery Battalion'• Battery A. ~tered the Army la.st February and completed bll1!1c t.raJnlng at Dugw1y Proving Ground, Utah. lract tr.om the Auatrallan citl&er1 Mid. Mra. Paul111e O.Niner; fourth you would like to l{ive lo a grade.. )iarper 8cbool, • and Mt.a Tahitian younr man who la ·vl•· Information ' resardinr an arreat -DAY ON ttAND In Hoeolulu. Monroe intimated the former Newport Buch c~e operator htd been arruted on chars• ~rlout enou1b to prevent Mario!' P•-•. fifth gnde, l4aln fling In thl• coUAtry and w111 School 800n bf' goinit h•me ! eau Har· Wedderspoon spent alqloat Ole entire day on the atand. He wu preceded by Oranre County. U · him becctmlns a c1Uaen under lbe quor ChJet Herman Pau.te ~o Mc:Carr an-9.'alter ImmJratlon Act. .told about th• ge_e.rauona ot the "We hav• talked lhl• over ill liquor board a.nd dl.1euued lhi t t b h d tafked lt.h Wedd Three Coft~Meaa youth1 have chambers," Chatterton ahouled ac • a · w er-Joined the na-lhla month It was f lb U .. 1poon about the po .. lblllty ot a -~ rom • proeecu on bench. De-U 11 t hi d f t announCNt today by Chief TorpC'<lo-feruNI counKl b_u been admonlah-quor cenu or 1 now-e unc • Lido reataurant. WeddeT11poon aald man :a. K. Hiicklcr of tht Nav)I' ed as&Jnat Wa line ot quullon· he paid $1K>OO to a man riameil_ R.ecr;ultini Service tor Orange tng:-I uk the court cite Mr. Mon· ,. •-""'•t..,. with lndi led anlf County, ~nta Ana Po!Jt Office!. roe for contempt.'' ox, ~· ,.... . c NO CONTEMPT convtcted beer dlatrlbut.or Loul1 From the Harbor 1rea enll11tlng TraP!lJ\I, to' obt.atn the on-•le II· were Max D. McKinnon, Mon or Judge Raymond Thompaon, who cenae for hJa eatabllahment. • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon or 11 hearlnr lbe ,rand theft and -He told the coµrt Deyine had •~ Hamtllon St.;. Robert R. Coch · conspiracy cue, did not cite tbe offend to r•t the Ucenae for him ran, husband of Mary T. Oochr"n defense attorney but admonlahed fvr· $1l.OOO. of 191 Roche1htl' SL; Jerome F. him. on the · phrueology of bl• The l rtal continut1 lbll morn· LaCoMb. 110n of Mra. Lorett.a La queatlonlng. Comb of 2378 Norse Ave. Jnr. Detenae couneel predict& I.he Monroe Immediately launcbed a 1eulona will continue for at leut The n~ Navy men are now In new tack, alone the ume line, one more week. · t.raln!ng at Uoe . Naval Tr•inlng bor 1 o2o eve'.s. D&H · ' ~- 8%-.Fllntlture for SaJe CHROME DI:N!:f'!I'Ji: ael ,,rey. chatr•. table wlUi 2 leave11. l6U 311 Cry11tlll. Balboa llland, Mc9~ WlDOW J.tuST S ELL-32 ft. tl•h· lnJL' boat, all In i:t><>d condltlC1n WILL.TAKE Bl!:ST OFFF.R! 285 East Eathf'r, Costa J.fe11a. LJ 8·2311. 96c3 &8-Apta. & '!o_u.. ____ _ NEW UNFURN. 8 bNlrm., 1ar11ge. nt>ar High Scllool. Phone-Lfberty 8·1643. • Mel uklng "la It true, Mr. W edder· Center al San Dler o and enll•ted apoon tbat agwnlt of the .Allor-· under the Navy'• new pl1n to' let R.e9ulll come rrom CONtl.Ult ney Oe~eral'1 office vl1lte you, I· · 'Mann ·v arlance for "pall'' enlist to1ether known a'1 pracUcel All rd replarly In UU. formed you of the lmmlgrat 'n • !he "~dy ay1tem." · P"IN'' wtll l"rndu~ .....ult. r.r )'OU Act ahd the !act that you could il!..-Pf'M'l9 G--~-.1 ----..------------.....----------,,.----- not g~t American citizenship un. ~ -~ r1IR1'WU leas you cooper.led becau1e of a Harry MAAn of aM Buena Vlata FOR MRCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE law violation In Honolulu!" wu ,ranted a variance recent· The Irate proaei:utor jumped to ly by the Newport Beach Plan· IN NEWPORT HAllOR ARIA • o You v Up·fo--·· Date1 0. ,.. ..... ~ .... ,,...ni..1 STATf . fAlM MUTUAL ...... IO•o cellitioto CMe,.....-.41nt Iii tie tleW-.n,IMt.4 r.r tM! SMte fa~ MolhMI A~ I•...-. c-,.., le 1'll. ' .W. I. LANDIS .LE. _CA•NS 13.S fl 17th It. Coata"M ... Uberty 8-1011 ·t11trf'eft--Ml-.-'4lr, -"l--4em.and, I ning Coninil.ulon lo conarru;;'!c c-;aat+---:.:..:.. CALL RrGlr9-l IM •llOll.tll~~~'~~t'dl!9Jlll4u~r~U·i!i ~JE-Af~ar~Cl.Jt~JWD.J!l11't. , -·~--~ ._, • .._, ._.,c:c. • ..;u.;f.'+-"''....._..:..C.illll:a!le~·~~"'""~W• I >Ji~•U/o STATI F• . Gets S50 Pay Hike on Mesa . 'Cfle~Yon~"forcoDlenip"f of rear properfiltDetacins a 10· '-... • ---··--. MOTURc.CU:....UCOaT thla court." alley. Required Htback la fi feet MUTUAL IUT-lll •HHICIClm'MY Judge Tholl'lpllOn cautioned both from lbe rear property line. • · • • CON9RATVLATIONS are offered H. Payne ~·er, center, by Congresaman James B. Utt, ~gbt and John T. Bo.yd Jr .•. former Newport' Beach Postmaster, in connection wltb ayproval or Thaye! u acting poa~u­ ter . -Staff P.fiolo Thayer Acting Postmaster Now Two MelCI lrott.ers Arrestecl ly Store • I. H. Payne Theyer. Balboa. la Two ~sa brolhera were arrut· 1eheduled to take over as poet· Pd at 11 :30 a.m. today by Alpba . I master ot tht Newport Beach post Beta St."C\Jrily Officer Lyle D. Tttua :>trice 111>out Feb. 1. according to. on a charge of 1hopllrt1n1 $3 worth tn!ormallqn from Coogru1man 'of meat and buUer. Jamt1 B. Utt He t• C\lrrrntly act· Bookeu ln the Orange County tng po1tmaater. Jail were -Edwin Thelen HanlOll, Thayer wu 1ppolnted poi<tm111-27, oC 372 K 16th St .. Coal.Al Mlla. ter by Prealdent Ellienho•·er fol· They were arrestt<l by Titus at lowing the rect nt f'f'lllKft"1 1ron of lhe Alpha Beta store, 211 E. 17th lollia l' Boy.d...Jr. SL COURTS PRESENT? ·c. A. "Goody" Goodon, pound muter, haa neeived approval or a raise from S300 to Sl!'iO per month from • Coat.a Me.. City Council. The t.ouncU •tlpulated his pay lhould not ex~85 per cent of ltte rennue coll from dor; llct>naea In author City Man- ac•r George Cotfty lo enter lhe new contr.et. Jn recommendlnl the lncreaae, Coffey ortettd the foUowlna re· port on Goody'• acllvlUea for an t•lght-month period from May l to Dec . .11 : DOO C~TCHEA llEOORD Tripe to the Oranre County pound. 240; ~ed call, 840; calil at home, 1611; dor• dntroy· ed. 248; doge obta.lned homes for, 80: cow• and horwa lmpo1111ded. 1~; ~ruetty complalnl.I, lO; killed by dog1. 40 chicken• and 20 duck11 : d<Jg bltN, 1.a'. attorneys about the way the pro-Phllmer Ellerbroek. architect ceedlng1 have been 1olng, aaylng for .UI• job. told the comm1 .. 1oa "I think we have been off on an the aetback requuted would en· excuralon for 110mt time." He Uk· able the garare entrance to be ed both .attomey1 to •tep lo the bullt al an anrle to make eaeler bench to clarify the q1a.11t1onlng a cceu . ' .. STATE MERCHANTS POLICE ILOOMIHGTOH. ILUNOll Uniformed Division of NOTARY PUBUO ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY ---------------"' . •· ., an·k1n 1 ·.Pair Booked ·on ·D~pe Rap Here May Get Probatjon Other, actlvlUea Included 10 cat bttee; 30 looee hor~• and cow1 r9turned to ownera: 30 dogii dumped off by tranllent motor· t1t1; 20 dogs Injured and destroy. ed: 166 cat. talten to the county pound; 70 dead cal.I, 8 J>()t.11Um11 and 3 1kunk1; five \utie gf flah heads and rarbage rem0v.d from city .1treelll Dec. fi. fabulous ''Huaraza .,, fleece,-1100° ., s A=-TA A:\A !OC:\S) _ Two r h11nr" of ~rtUng 1tMllghl pro- bll tton " :nartJUtlna po1st"11l!ion 1uspecl11 got H1>wever. lhr JUJgc dhl not hand a Chrt•l111a,. prrtt'nt rrom Super· •lUl lht' prob1tllon. llt ordl'rl'<I :":tw· lor Court J wlgr Robert Gardner p>oll fl"ltct"' uml the shl"rltr'1 de· recently allho111th lhr Judge did not pat1J1wnt l•> cundu\·t a supplemen· lab<-1 1t as 1urh. 11ary probt-lo drtr rmlnr the t'X· Jamu F. c;all•way. 19. of North ten! or c uopr1 atton by the pair and , I wh11t ha•I b"• n "'!T'" In th,. w11y of HolJywoo-t &n•I Charin L« ,Cun· apprvht>n~lln~ .the plL'ihtr • ntngham. 20. 4!'111 C11t11tna St. 11lood Th~ Jlll.l![e rrl""IH'll Ca)lnway un· before th• Jud II" for a probetlon lll lh< rr port Is 11ubm1ttPd Jan. 7. beerln(. f'unntnirh-am "" rn•I\' wa11 tree bn Qardn"r frowntd -.., hi' rud the $Mlll he1 I · probation departmf'nt '1 r e Jl Cl rt Tht> two df"fendtml& Wt'rl> nrrul· Tbtn be nollc-rd thl' pair had co· f't1 by :\P"o·rort RMrh pc>htl' l':ov. operattd w ith C1tfl('er'!I In grtttng :zo. r 111 rollln~ off1 ct'r11 round th«' at I.lit mar1Ju•na puahtn. patr h11lt 1l11ztd In a r11r nesr lht ''Th« primary target of thel!e t ·orona del Mnr Jll ntn Brach. A rnattn11 lit thl' 11ellrr1." Judfft' I b111t nt m ilrlj1111na wn11 found In th" Q&rdner otiwrved. "If thelH' men beck eeRt. The 1u1pec\a plewed haft cooperated to the extent tht11 I l{\lt!tY to po1111e11slon of thl' narcot· report lnd.lcatu they •land a good lcs. Mesa School -District Gives · . ~ Breakdown on .. Bond Election MANY MILES Ooodon'1 mileage covered 12.· !'i80 mllu. ll•ued were 1766 dog llrensea for a total •mount o! $3880. Santa Ana in Third All-time High Year feak SANTA ANA, ~S)-R®Jrd­ rnll,' out the third aucce .. lve a ll· tlnle high bu111neM year, Sant11 Ana tennlnated 19~4 with a proa· f'C?r1ly record lntltc•lf<I In bank _ cle&rinc•. po11tal r~elpt!!. building and population lncrt&al' •ntl other Indices BA~K C'U:ARl"SGS The year's bank clearlnr• arc· 11lrudy 30me ten million dollar• above lut year'• all Ume high. \\"hen the lut week'• Chr11tmu ctearln11 are adde<t at the clott ot .bualnea1 thl.a week, the 12 rnontha tolaf ma y exceed 19113 b)' ~O mllllon dollar11. ac:cordln& to u tlm1te or Phil Brown of the S11nt.a .Ana Bualne&1,MPn'1 Auo- c11Uon. lAll year'• all-Ume"'h11h In bank cleart.np wu I l.143.290,046. To dllle, without t he Chrl.attnu wttk clearlns• computed, lhe 1'~4 total 111 already $1.163.392,11841. Tht11 Is An exact brHkdOWl\ of propo~ed l 3.' Purchtse JO a r rn In back b&y the third 1uccea1J\re year In which expendttur•et the Costa .,,, .. Ele-"Cf• between Pallsadu and 'Mesa clearing• have exceeded the bll· ment•ry School Dlstrlr t hopes to DrlVf'. Build a 12 room achoo!. I hon dollar mark. · •re&Jtae trom the Feb. J!) 1870.000 klnde1·garll'n, l mulllpurtH11e room P011lal recelplR are reachlnr an- bond elecUOft •·u tO<lay reltaMd 1 a.nd administrative an1I health other all time hl(h, wtth the yM1"1 t)y SupertnteridenJ Evtrf'tt A. Re1. I 11ntt. $499.~3 tolal uttmated at $1.0111.000, &n u tlw lloftd llll\lt la approv~ I •. At M•ln School: Bulld a ~l'n• lncreue of more than 10 per cent by the ntl"'~ iOOO ell(1ble vol· •tral kltC'hen and 2 klndtr~ct,.n11. abon tbe 1953 Sll18.~. acrord· ·en ntlllt .monlb, the· dt1trlcl will SI 70.078. . 1nr lo 'Po1lmuter Frank lfarwood bonoW H .2",000 from the •tetl' ~. At Mpnte Vlala School: Build POPULATIO~ OAIN They 'Wlll rtn. Vt-diatr1cl a tot.al 4 c)a.uroomr and a mulll·rurpoM . Steady population Jain la rt>· of fl,100,000 for tchool bulldll\gl room $149 040 • cnrded, wlUl Int' new October Un· and tll• purclla1e of additional · · · _... Sch 1. 8 lid 1111& counting 611.010. cltlun1 or ldlool .ite property. 8. At Llndbef',.,., 00 · u 8ant. Ana, compartd with tht bnnarked for purchue &rl' I multl-purpolle building anlt ~~~· faat oCtlclaJ cen11ue In lllC!2. re<"ord· tour new 1Cllool llteL 1 lttratlon and health unit, . . Ing 62.Mfi. The breakdown 11 H follows · 7. Purchaflle a 11te of 10 acre• Keeptnr par" tn 19~4 were l . Pbrchaee 10 acn-•. fOnlH ,, &t Baker 1n!1 Falrv1,.w. Bulld a l& bulldlnr acuvltll!s with corn-nt Wllilon and Plactntle. Build a 20 room KhC?OI, i · klnderprtf'n&. total of $16.7111414 lnued by the f'OOfft 119-hool. 2 klnderruten, multl· 1 mulll·purpou l"OClm and admlnl• c tty department by Wf'dnud•Y purpnee room and edmlnlitratton tratlve and he,alth unit, SM4,M3. noon. with another day to 10 be· and health unit, Si84.997. 8 Purchau a site nf 10 acre•. fore the official tota l 11 taJcen. 2. At I:. A Rea "4:-hool: 81111'1 10 nu1~ 12 das11Toom11. I klnder..-r· l.A•t )"elU't1 tiulldlng permit.a tot.al clas• l'O(llllll r Y. bullJlns:. an~ lt'Jl, 11olmint~traUve and ltfalth wu S 19,269.338 for the compl~t• mualc room, '32~.1146. ) unit, $l~.06l. 12" month.a oer1od. -. • • from the high And~s.· Huorozo• fleece, loomed by Einin.gE!r. toilo red by Molwin of <!:o li fornio into " coot of extreme lightwe igh t, superb wormth .... gently shoped tu,..edo with push-up sleeves . pink. white or sapphire blue, 6 to 16. coats, second floor •pronounced ••wah-rah·za" ... a ••. • . . e ~ ample • • · elree parkin9- e ~~. • •..... 1 • ...a ...... •• ra.nkin' s : ••••• • •• • a • • ?. .. . ' r • • . . • i-;.------_..,....:'5J.,,~,nmenf JJaJ __ n ::-m~~ .. 'A&E 6 • PART I I N~RT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS~ THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 .. "God gront-us the serenity to occept the things w. canno f chonge: the couroge to change the th'in91 we c.,_ •nd the. wisdom to know the d ifference.'' (A. Anon.) E:D IT 0 RI AL S Dope Arrests ·Plague Harbor Once again ci~ of the Newport Harbor ~ have been jolted ~th a glaring dope 8C&Ddal. On~ ap.tn. teen-apn o.(t.h1-community have become fo~ 1n the law of the land and their moral deterioration Wd bare before the public. Pollce ot the two cities of, th~ Newport Harbor area were ahoc&ed this week by the hardened,. llteely.eyed lyinf of U}Me youngltere who compounded fabricati~ in ·proteetlon of ,one· another. Every piece of·evidence wu garnered the ha.rd 1!-Y <in thia cue. · We are certain there is aomething ·amiaa ln our _..y ot·Ule ln thia community. We were terrifically jolt- ed bJ the parent.a of one of the youngaten, who called upon ua. ·They threw upon the waters for our editorial thtnkinr tbeee facta~ · . u0ur yowipter lied to u.. Ued to the police. 'So did who can help youth .find the right road. Somew'bfq la tliat mmeone who can inspire our younpten in their 8Choola, their churchee and; in their home&. We do not Intend to leave the thought that.all our younpUrw ue bad -in tad. molll ot tM__bOya involved .. ln tbla latellt 11C&Dda! bad already been kicked out of achool. SO the IChoola' are alert· to bad actora. ~ we must fllld the iDlplraUoll \o lend th~ proper gWdance to the.e young.ten of our America. Tb4t problem U.. not juat one of Newport Harbor -it ia Orange Coµnty, California and the whole United 'Stat.ea.' Perhape -we, however, can come forth with the moral rearma..Dent necesaey to' a more wholf.ome out· look on llf e for tbe11e youngatera' who, through ldleneu. have blown up their livea while pl&ying WitA dynamite• News-P.ress, ·ocNS Honored an of·tbe o~r young people." The ~yee of the father , We were happy to bear from Chief Ami.tut. State ad mother both were red-rimmed and their fac. were r Attorney Generat Thomae W. Martin yeeterilayltiy way weary. , of Orange Coqty "News Service -teletype that OCNS • ''Our younpt.er," they repeated, "wun't worried coverace of the county grand jury'• Uqqor license in· Let's.Stop Hobbling Him! -BRUSH. COUNTRY -. . JO:U~NAL f =~RACE PABUB (Si. .... -ftll ...... ~ ............. Wtll .... .... 4.,.., ........................................ ..., ............... ~ ...... ,.,..) : , tiy the reputation gained, our family name clouded." veatigationa ii ao good bi mu.at now reeort to .. hand- Tben the mother aaid, "You would think they would be out.a'' ... preu rel~ a.re kn<>Wn to newspapermen. Thp lnvesbnent Need .... . . . proud enough of this wonderful community and their ~ you will read on Page 3, Part m, )f:artin a.id 'r' • • • .T&UOK TRAIL along nqrth aide of Santa Roa Moua- tchoola to want'to clear up this horrid meu." heh~ received "formal complainta" from a Santa Ana-At the .amazing rate our population ~ growing. ta,!11lurea110m, motoat. . ·t" Horace Parker Photo ·A.ad therein liu the story. daily newapaper. The · publication charged him. with it'• estimated that the nation'• work force will increue ~ t have Jlllit. returned ope of ihe last unapo~ SosDewbere, you and I. parent& of Newport Har-being too friendly with Orange County. New• Service by 22 million betw~n now and 197:5. areas in the Southern ·a mountain.8. Surprialngly '°r younptera, have miued the laying of a neceagary report.era. Well, we can't aay he hu been unfriendly, That mean• a million new jobs a year.-&nce it takea eoough, lt 19 acceaaible tOJ the careful driver but is no trip eornentone. Somewhere we have missed creating the but we can aay the many ecoops OCNS newalJ\en have an average 6t $12,000 to .provide .a. job tor juat one for faint heart.a. It you will ta}le a road map of Southern t • IDij)tiitloD.. pneratini within our youapten the love hitd on the con~g county paa4..jja1&111'J'Ql"11-Atomn~d••u•~e~•·~.a.i.....+-J~u~~--~~IA..~mA~-"~~~~~~~~-~-""-,.._...., ... ~ie. ...... .&.~.mlMO\l:t.J;gmiD..~Jd.;d.lwiJd If honor, dipity, reputation and certainly of God, home torney general liquor liceDJle inv..tigationa have been to pay for new plant and equipment will be tremendoua. ... ... 1e>uth ot 8 t uid Uren ~---. --..a llChool. · d f ,_. · eme '-abr .. 1v~·. -... next •.top la a auu d t -1-rt ew bounds We must have, therefore, the kin o economy Jo "'·t •-.. _ .... w ~ ... ue O '""" n s · toJ w .,,_ .. ....own u ..... point where an 'old "burn" I• t>e-Tbe cornerstone we mentioned -wpen we were That'a why w~ are 'ltappy to hear OCNS hi being which will free, not impede, al\ ever-increasing amount "Palm• to P1nea • Htchway" to glnnlnit to heal and Jookllls ao~ll>• YO\lll( -WU ~d to be work. Our parent& told us all placed on "handout" bu.itl with the complaining news-of money for jnve&tment in ind~try, from the "earn· Palm Dewrt you will be on th• ward you cp .ee t.he Botteo V'il· thJnp Jn life, honor, dJgnlty, and determination and a paper. We, of OCNS, will worJt to cover the newa and inga and a&vinga of the American people -or we'll rtshl traa. &outb of tb• Paima ley, Clark"• Dry Lall:e. ns y our -~·' th ult f o k >--" -•:--. 1 ri tentiaJ to b.<-BJ1hwav you wW ... .: rtsht la Coyote Canyon, ln the -'" career were e re1 ° w r · the eomplainant will still exi8t on ""handout.a.'' It'• a. uu.& to re~ a g 0 oua po · · ......... 1 dlllabce•ta J'iah Mountain and oft We wen taught that work it.el!, regardJae of how tribute to <>CNS newsmen who time after time, not only mountain b7 th• name of Banta by ltMlt la Bupes·..uuoirMount"i,a 1M"ial, WU honorable. And we were taught that to sacrament 0 s 1• d et i• g h t R()M Mountain. It iol near lhe with Rock B onte Canyon and the d . h with liquor probM but many other fut-breakinl', top a--•· Roa lAdi&n r-rvauon and lk. e. It la a ·beauUM view. 8Uoceed we mu..t be able to work, IQQger an wit _.... ..a __ ,_. ..... __ ._., .,.., ... llf eounty news atoriee, have 8CO~ ~v• --· on i.. 1n the San BernardJJlo Na tional. BPRIN. a WATEa more directioa than our neighbor. We we.re taught e """'-.1-1te th t----.:..:. . in the larger, oppoeition Dewsp&pera. •IM9t --yo e _... • Foru t. The next atop we• __ ...._ •• ,. " wu a joyful conteet and that trophJea were won with ,........... _... raonnel __,. f mind that in many -~ papen "''..a more pe SACRAMENTO, (CN8) -ClU· 1lected lo obaerve al leul the ROAD TUR.~ OFt' ahort alde·trlp to ~Bulla Ru~ cmMelf with .IUCCea and ut:Waction and peace 0 • h dele ted -..IA1tf --· .... __ to f Uow OCNS Hftl of Callfomi& who .... v ex--t let ter Of th• .Alcoholic Bevera•e l ill • ave ga auU& o.._ repo, .._ • o -.. _,,, ..--. · • On aom• oC tbe mapa you w Sprlnc wbere tut)' aprt.ng watl'r Somewhere we believe that youngater1 of today ne--.... aro··-..a in frantic effort.I to keep up. Immediate reau.Jt.a from the nnr Control -Act, truofar u food la ... a road tumlnC' ott eoutherly • have io.t that direction. We do not know whether it ia ",,_..._ UU'-1 liquor Jaw entol'9mlenl ~ concerned. from the Palma to Pinu Hlcaway comu out oC the ~ounta.ln lhe The N~ Barbor New9-PreN is deli&hted to t.raUon. wbkh took ewer from the And lb.al apparenUy 1oea tor •·'-•-• yoll up 00 Sant& Ro-year/;:.nd One cu camp or pll'· '*:aaee 8Choola and teachera bave tended to decry com-.,. .. .,.... .. •• L . ~ -~ ot ···"--••-J ... vt&I •-th ABC ........ -. · see UU. publically ~wed accolade by a man ot Mar-a ... te _,.. eq_._...-anu-eYery o .... er pro on "' • Mountain. From the hi&bway tum-nJo trc. um-. are at-0ve1, tablu petition amoq youn,.ten u something to be avoided. tin'a atature In the atate Ud county. We· hope to con-ary l, are ln all prob&blllty doom· Act. For Col. IAltch u d Ham. otf It i. 12 m1Je1 of atu1le track, and toilet.. 1J\ a srove of huge We do Got know whether. it ia becaue J>t.1"9ntl In tt 'I ed to dlaappolnlmtDL have Worked out an over-au ad· rocky, d.lrt road to tile awnmtt ot plnu and .pruce .• h_,_ te · tinue to merit auch a tribute through tbe jo t e. orta 11.aloolm Harri., who ta act1.n1 mln1atratl0n pro&Tam wbkh con-Sant& Roaa. We puMd one car have bad too much money to give t cw-, younp n m of OCNS memben: the Full~rton News-Tribune, Orange thief of u,. new dep&rtmeni., e.x-template. a depvt.ment operated on I.be road, but wlt.b t.aklnc pie-The 1'0&d lllftl turn. to tM nortll the past 20 yean and too little time. N platned that lhe qenc)"• prtmaey on abeolute bon.ty a11d tnlesrfty; turu and t.akinJ our ttme It took aide ot Banta Ro• Mountain ""'' We d > believe that the advent of all of the reatric-Daily News, Anaheim Bullet.in, Garden Grove ew9, oJ>Jec:Uve would be enforcement of operation in the beet lnt"'91t.a ot ua nearly two boul'll to nerouate la a narrow track bung onto t '1• t.tve labor la-, .,. • .,.,cularly in the State. of Calltomi.a, Radio KWlZ and the staff of thla newapaper. the Alcobollc Bevera1e Control all the ·people ot Calitornla rather tbe irade. aide ·or I.be mowit&in, wit hou• .... .,.,.. .. 1' ln Act. Ulan any apeclal lntenet; whote-JU&td nlila and a be&uUtul vlr)" that m&ke It illegal for a · child to tun an electric cash The memben mentioned have written new pa.gea However, be admitted that the h•rled co-operaUon with loc&l I han &earned a few fac~ '.i: of I.be ImpertaJ Vallt'y thou~nd• --'-+• .. , an electrical adding machine or t)'pewriter. county newapaper hi.story, tablet& on which 1taffers of new deparl mtnl, even with (ak.101 JlfW enforoemenl otnctai. .and bl"\ah country drtvm1 t.brougliou or feet bfolow you. There wu •now .... _ _. th N n---d to h left their ma.rka over all of lh• en1or<:emenl ottl· cJCM co-operaUoo with the alco-the yeara, and, 1adly enouch, lbe at thl• Ume or year (Dect'J(lberl becauee they &re "paper-converting machine.e" makea e ew• .. ~ are prou ave ' ceni ot the e tate board or eqU&lJ· ~ollc beverace lndu.ttry to (fve hard way. Fl rat oft, rock• ~II cut and the road wa11 ratherl'lC.y. l It harder tor a child to find work. · usually with banner headlines over OCNS excluaivea. aaUon, doea not have auttlclent con.ilderallon lo tt.a problem.a, tltte IC htl at a f...,l apeed, 110me-had no chalNI on. and a. 1 Jl)()kf'li But 110mewbere in this community is the person Thabka again to Chief Aaat. Atty. Gen. M-rtin! penohnel to completely •nton:.e ne.da and dealru. • Umea ln such country .. \ha JI) down tnto the d .. plh1 of the d"""'t ___ .:_ _____________ ...:._ _______ -:-------------:------------the act. in aucb provtldoM_fO,l. U • ENFORCE LAWS · mllea per hour la rut. 1 take my below you. l prayed we wouliln'l AFFAIRS OF-STATE BJ llENBY C. llACA.BTlltJK 8.ACR.AlDCNTO (CNB)-fWver- benUON ot t.be hi.tone battle ~­ tweel) Ttctoriou1 Luther H. "A be" L1J1ooin ot O&kl&nd and H . .AJJen BIDlUa ot Loe Ancel• CountJ, tor the .pMkuWllp ol the auembly are am rollinc around th• State c..pttol and wW continue to roll epea.ker ot the boUM retalu ln ot- ttce I.be lnlelWltl aupported by th• 1953 11pea.ker, Jamee W. Sllllma.n ot S&Jlnu. It la anUclpeted that moat of l.be committee~- 1hlp will remain tn th• •toe ba.nda lht'Y were In durtn1 the 1063 .... eion. pr'Ob&bl): unW the 19~ lesf11laturto There I& howenr, a llUW!ltrtlon -* la over. tn the floor• 1.-.derahJp of the Uncoln'e elkllon wu predicted houae. In 1953 ll wu Auembl1· by "Alf~ of St&tc" more than m an Harold Ki LeverUlJ ot Santa two week.a aao and h\11 one-vote Mo.nlr11. Levertn1-wu •upplant.ed ~ly, (41 lo 38). mark.rd 8 ln lhl• poet by A.Memblyman )alUe not llffn 11lnce 193l. whf'n Richard H. McCow.tn of Marln JCdCV Levy, San Franc1aco attor· and Sonoma counuea. In 1963, No- ample, u the ma.tnt.ab1lq or·ru-"And fillally" aald Harr1a. ...,. tlme cotnc up and comtnc down. akld. You can -P alm Sprln1t,. at d.tco, the Ooor 1-derahlp and To the ICdttor: taurant 78'o'mt1u ln &JI utabUah· ahall eU1ctzy efttorc. alt appll· Secondly, lhe a vera1e car~. verr, the mouth of Palm Canyon, P11lm mo9t ot the «H91t joba. May 1 take. thla opportunJty to menta which dl9pel\M .,llquor. cable law., ruJM and re,W.Uort11 UtUe clearance betwee" the pan Derert and the black rlbbon of th,. CUrtoual,y -~ch. althouail the thank you on !>ehalt ot the New-.NO SA.LOONS to the beet ot our Jcnowledc• and and the road. • Palma to Plnt'll Hl1hway, and of nort.11 came out on lop, the que. port Harbor Youth Symphony A•· Orl(f.nally, the le(fmlllNI con· abllity." . oan·r; CAR.EFULLl' collrae Dttp Canyon. 8.heep 1tl11110-Uon of th• north·80Uth 11111\le wu eocl&Uoa t or the eplendld covera1e .A-•-•-"-U ... ,_ · ... templated that liquor woul4 be The new ........... ~. on, . ot T·'-e·a moment If neceuary to lain, A1be11tos Mountain and othrra not u ,.,-t ...... 1ear u wu ...,e your paper pvr Ult' on:butra on ...... .... quetlllon ot what JT'OUP ot UH.m· Ila tint concert tbia aeuon. aerved ln utln~ eet.abllahment. OOUrM. flnde lt.Mlt bandk:ap.,_. by atop and roH a fa.tr 8i&e rock out a.re at )'C'Ur fret. bl,ylnea would control th• lower only, and lhat the Aloon would .ome of the provt.aiona of the ABC ot UI• road rather than trying to tJOROEOl'8 \"IEW houee. L&bor wu heart.Uy tn fa. The )'Olll!J m\lllClana, Klu forever be abolished in Cailfoml&. act, whidl have been found over "atraddle" It. l have ruined two . VOi' ot Uncoln ud Smith, with Norma L. Perkin• their conductor, Tb.18 dale. back more I.ban 20 a period oC yeara by le(falattve pa.ii-._ on my car durln.g the patt We didn 't go ail the wey lo thn eupport from 1ntare1ta nol fnmd· and all ~ of ua ao vitally ln· yura wht'll the daya of prohJbi· commltteu JIOt to oeerate In Ute year t.rylnr to make a Jup out 1111mmlt bt'OllUae of the anow. hut 1J to la.bor, coaJ.d do lltUe to com· tereated ln th1-wonderful cultural lion were ended In thla at.ate a.nd beel tnt.erata of lhe people ot tbe of It. Alway• cnry a itood·•iH it lhc first "lum -aroun<I" we b&t th• tabor Jobbytlla. ouUet for our youth, a.re !"oel ap-naUon. at&te. 1 ~teen of water, l nevf'r move wtro 1trtttt'lf ·with anotller ~1tl)r1?e- A.Jld Uio, curtoual7 enough, San predaUve of your help tn publlcU-: Over th• years, 1eoru ot nt.ab-Thta lncludu the prov1alona re-now without a l'l·gallon Jet1p can ~ctao althoup It.a aaeembly· m1 the concerL It waa moat re· llahment. rr~w up for drlnklnc Jardln1 ~he l•uanoe and ti-ana(lr ot It, but a saJlon bottle or two 11 j ou1 view of the Boreco V11lh•y m.ia we~ •pUl Oil lll• •ubject. ap-wardlnr to the yowf( people and pUrpo9e• only . .ome of them even ot llcena.. Kania aaJd there "Ii INfflcl•nL A ahonl ta excellent ln-from a rrtand ot wlnd--'pt, 11t vnt• peared t.o have a1.m09t ·complete MlN Perk1n1, who d•roted eo lteeptns a •tack of rubber aand-no -Y ln which th• state can surance, even If It la a small Army ed pin"-. This Santa Ro1a Moun· prM9 wpport f or Smith, the many lon1 houra ln reMara&l, t o w1c.hee on the counter to meet the atop tile b~e price. pe.id In liquor one. And moat of &JI don't try to lain trip made with )fr. and Mr.11. IOUlbem Calltornia maa. Tht.a eee our Hl&'h School Auditorium food requirement.I of lhe law. Ucenae t.nuulfera. bul there la~ make a Jttp out of a p~nrer Karl ~nnts 18 on" of tht1 l l'ltl • .ltl!fnJTled from the l111U6 of a par-pracUc..Ul filled. Each penon ln Yet whJle Harrla, who la act.lng way to stop hue• new llcenae ear· It can'I be done. on two ex· a11el brtdJe ·rather Ulan & eouU:i· attendance, i ·m eurt'. ca.me away (or Col. Kennelh Leitch. the atate•a aalu, prlmartly by not '-uinc cuiona durtnf .the pail year J highlight• of my brush country em cra.lq, u UAcoln ha.a beell lt'fe&Uy eortched and eacer for Ute new liquor admlnlalrator, who la them, and poulbly revokinr thoee tried t( once bending a pan up a toul'll to uate a .upport.er ot the para1.le1 spui next concn L Ill, doea not expect to 10 out and not bl uae. LecUtatJon undobted-hol d-rt canyon milu from help Nl'xl llpnnic when I.bing" w,.,,.,, and San FnDd.llco •ant.a a aouth t, pen<mally. ahould Uke lo In one fell awoop •• that ·every ly wtU be 80~ht to correct tbia and another Ume I wu caugllt up. throw a rew 1lee,lng b11g• 1n cr<>mlnJ to .Um~te It.a tratna thank Bill Moees. Winifred Barbre., utabll.ahmenl which iervu liquor, u wrted denctency In the law, without water ln J ttp country the car. aome rrub llfd •~nrl a alt.at.ion. Bob Wlffmea. and Phyllle Ja.ckaon aleo aervea food, he dou Intend to wlth aatt.tactory protecUon to all With, an overheated engine. To the week,nd on U1e 1lopu of un11.,oll· WATER DrlEOl'ION tor their klndneu uid co-operaUoll tn!orce th1-phue of lh,e law "u lelillmate llccnau. old·Umn-1 youil're not cpnaldered ed Santa Ro11&. There an m•ny MJ. defeated Walter J. Wt.le. of Colllater 1uppot1.ed lhe io.lnJ aide Loe ~-. tor the aame Job, by and l'Wltched to the Uncoln fore .. on.l,y one vote. The 1core for Un-ea rly lhl• year. Levert.ng', however. eoln would look like a three·vote had had dil&Cl"MIR,Ola wttb lh• maJority, but H YOt.ea are needed Silliman gt'C>Up and .,.... one of lhe The matt#r o.t water alao wu to ,p&ace a apeakH In of free. more ardent w pporlen ot 8mtUl lnjeoted t.n lM llpeec:IMe. with the durin• t.he prelletlt h&Mle. cbarl'e made that Lincoln fa vor· In helplnit me rl'lay the lntonna-u poulblc." 'nlua. w b t I• admtALllraUn dartng, bul ratber jwlt a plain camplnll' irpot.a with fo,...t .crvle9 • lion ot the concert to th public. And With .1amea O. Reimel changes may not be tmmedl&te. damfool. wood atovu. m&11y of them ue RfJllpeettuily, lralned FBI man In charge of the they a.re at leut lmmln•t. Wit.II· Tb• road up Sant.a Roea Moun· "dry c&mpa" but Santa R'ou new liquor Ml·up entoQCement, In the year, the outlook 1.9 fOI' • ta.In can be made aafely in a paa-Sprtni ts an lde&l campelte. u ,.r• MM. RONALD BARLOW there appear to be 11d d&)'ll ahead Wholly new pro&'fam tn Uquor ad· Mt'Sl'I' car. Your tint atop of In, ii a chance to ll"t! nrlJl"e u ah• PubUclty Cb&lrman tor eatabllahment.I whfch have ne-mlnlalraUon. terut '-' the old Oantet Queen uwed to be, and before llhe ll ------------------------------""!'"'-------Kine, •hJdl woru eporadlCl&lly fat.ally pll'rced wllh a lllrh·l)"•r OQ NOT VOTING " ed compktloD of the .-eather RJv- OnlY a.11emblyman who fatled to Noam ON TOP er Project aga1ut conatrucllon ot cMt a ba11ot thU )'ffr waa Oa.n Thua, northern Calitonua came a north ba.rrieT 1n au F?wtclaco Creedon. ot Se.ii Mateo County. out on lop of the heap lnaolar u a..,, which tt t• claimed, would wtto a1M> lntormed "Atfaln of auembly p<19ta are concerned, 4.-J1Upply several limn Ure freah wa.- ·~ 80llle time aco that he 11plle Ute fad that the majority ler fOlf' t he bay area. Governor would not. ballot on the 1peaker-of tile auemblymen come from Goodwin J. Knipt, although he lblp. Orwdon rMlSN tua elected below the Tehachap ... The nortb· announced be would kHp 01~'of )lC..t U .Membl1JDIU\ lo ·becOme1 a h&ll the apeaker9t\lp, tJle ape&lcer the epea.ker npt, pve a lltron( ~ tor. liquor 1.ntettatl'. pro tf'm who i.. A9emblyman rccommendaUon for complelloa. ot 11ae ..S.C.Uon ~ Llnooln u Thomae Malone7 trom San Fran· the i'eatheT Ri•er J>TOJect In, hla _ ....... -. in&u.""'1 ~ ~ All ln au, ext.en.1lve pnal!U.N9 ~oRT~ HARBOR we~ broug'bt to bear on both •ldH I n.g"r ,,. of t.11• b&~ whlcb atarted enn U" ~ws p R cs s before the Nonmber elections and .I' ~ ~ ? 7 = . W It ta a.ln\oel certatn Ulen wlll be -!!!!!___.. .... many repercum:lona before the ..., Formerly lhe Nev.-port-Baiboa Nnn-"nmea and lbe Nnrport·Baiboa Prem • .. c.recs u Beoond-ciu. Malter at ua Poa~ce ta Newport Beach. Califonua unckr the Acl ot NarcJl I. 1178. PnM h• S'tWJ' ll.-M7 ... ftlla..., .. Newpen ...... C.W. ~ ._ NZl\TO&T llAAllO& POll1.18Rll'fG OOlll'ANY r '1111011-.... 111• Ilion u over. ' READERS . WRITE To the Edit.or, Better late thall never 1 I had not torsotten ! I wtlb to thal1lt )'OU for t.lle n1ee •-•ir Qallt.,. Nww :/I-er Pe%' m .u.ect1..,. ''Writ.-up" COiie.~ tbe old ....._ N.ae..I ~rilll A•1el9ll• New Tork mcrap of D8IW9p&pn' - _____ 11.timber ____ ot_O.US._:_;:_Ool_u __ tJ.;.__N•_w_• __ ...._ _____ ..;•:.. whlcb I had found la tlle old silt frame. You pubiU.lbed UM artlele Nov. 21, 1964. It wu appndal .. by a aamber ot peopla. &ftd JOG '"111 ~t -....wn,. N •u-.caarnol'C M TU1 'nwlb ..... I • ...,. 11anw "'-rr-. Twkle w~ nm H.-IMr1 Ill~. C-.t.)', ..... per,_,, ..... .as Moe.; ..... ...... ... . 81~. ~ .t Oraiise C...CJ' tTM ,_ ~ Kr& l.bfta D. o'rUnla ••• I 1'pc.e'J'O'l lmow t.bat wbe JO'l. joba Space Ranaera you'll be just a little frog ID a 1111 ~" ••• .. milWIJ poor quallt7 pnieta lo uae blpway. FlllE BL.Url'ED lkeletona remain OD 5uta -K09> taiD. -Horace Parker Photo .. . -. ' ' I •I I """ . -. . The Holidays . · Among West ~ ~ N.eWi>orters Kr ......... DaWd ~ Jt. ... fUDUJ, CUop ~II. mpat tM boltda,a WIUI •· utod Jin. D. ·W.~lr.,1WW111t~ 1'\'aaL Daftd ti .-.a ed.-. ia· ---•t Ouosa Pu1lt RIP ...... Kt .... .,,._ w. a. s...ur. 1• lltb ... '9blnled ,......, flolll a laac . ....U-trtp. 'l"IMJ Wt CluUltmU ..., wltll tMlr. -. ,...~~~.to 'Victoria, a.a. to Lake i.o.s. ... eomiar bola• b)' .,., a< LaJl• Tahoe. Kn. ~ All&ts cl Partier Dam t. ..,_. at UM II, O. Walbr ... 111 l'1Ul et., t.lpbas to care tor Mr i.u-. ,,_ a. ,.........., &om • brok• btp. Mn. ~· TonuC41, 11t ITth at. • ..,_t u.e boliday• wttll d&ap· we u. Loe Aaplee. Mr. and Mn. Baroid 'l'faCDJl!IOIL aot11 St., returned KODd&y trom • wee!tend trtp k> JCuenada. Ml'I. Mabel 8tallley, 1111 Welll 8-)bo& Blvd., ret\IJ'Md Saturday from Saa Diep trMA elM· '5*1t t.he holiday• w llb her -.OU.er and ht• family. · - Mr.· and Mra. ~ene MllhCJftey, 220 30th .8t., •.,.nt Maaday in Loll Aiirelu, comblninr buiitne•' wtt.h vlelitnr friend.I. Mra. ll:dna Balcer, 308 UUl St., returned home MODd&y trom LYD• wood where .a.. spent Ule boUd•Y• with her daurbter and famDy. Jamei Andenon, eerytce maa at Camp P~toa, returned ~ Friday momlnr after . ependinr a ten day leave wtt.h hie mother, 'lera. Lole Ander90n. .309 Stnd St. Mra. May Delosier, 200 s:ltb St., spent the holiday• wtUvber daurh· t.tt and tam ly In Altadena. -.· .. ta Promotion Daughter Born and Vacation W rd . ~ xuu.tt. io01. 'l\uttn Av., .. to Ed ·8 S tn "===1...... '° Cbklaco for • Ulne s th c 1· -,-....aia .dUoD. wt11 drlw a...., OU aro tna ISR.im.soN DAVGHl'ER TO WED-JoAnn Carlyale to walk to attar with David Sf.one on Feb. f. Israelsons Reveal Betrothal of J oAtin . . . Mr. and Mra. E&n Dneleon. Bl.ln'Ough• Hll'b Sdlool, Burbank. %211 Channel Road, Balboa, ~re Uld attended Oranre Coa.t Col· UU)OWlclnr the e.npsement. of le1e. J ohn wu ~uated from · Newport Harbor Union ' H I r h U(etr daU(hter, JoAnn Carlyle, .to School and a11o attended Cout Mr. David Max Stone, eon of Mra. Coll•(•. · · Sllle Ecrett. of Balbo&. and Mr. The weddlnj 18 •t for l'rtda:y, Johll Stone of Altadena. Feb. • at Chrlat Church by the car i.ome. D<4i ll"' w1Ul bla pu-Almo.t IMlt not ,uite • New .lt.e. Kr. a84f" Kn. 9llWU'd Ku. '!'Mr'• baby WU Ufoe CaHne em al u.. Ooeta MM& &ddnm, but M&r1a Ward, born Ofc. :n lD Daw Ml a-. ~ ~ tM com• Air P'orc. a.. HcJ.pltal t.o Kt. PD7 tor wlddl he wotlu. United aad Mn. ll:chral'd Ward ol 8ua• ·~ on-um and will.~ to ter, •• c. Mn. Ward a. UM ,..... t.-.......... to be doeer to lal8 Ki. J..n R41ed, da1.1p\1r of Mr-. IMIW otnce. Dneat 8&ttir of Udo. J,ak, fOI' -----------wbom tbl1 le Ul• tint ~Mid, In Rec ...... I TM baby arrtftd al ll:IO a.a. 1'4& and w~ T 1bL 7% os. J'HeDde' A NC*ll eye a i a S wu a recet~ newa of tM ewat la a memonble occuioft tw,UtU. BWy CluUt.ni ... N•w Y•t card ..,... ftcmD. .ax ~ old -«»f the Leo ally d,.lp~ to include C&Jime. RoYIM ot _. hd9ral .Ave. BallJ pl&7*f ltnste Beu. on' bi. J'dtu' · WIMMwr • eepanUoa le ...s. at the uaual pupU Ndtal ot tour bei-Uberty ud ~ t.acber. at the OanMnatol')' of aelt.he1', bl my ~ .. _,. .. Muaib in Ane"t!" _,,.,.Dtmulld _.. ~The Frances Norton Shops . ,. .. ' » , J A N'u ·A RY C·LEARAN.CE Our 011ee a ,.... nmt l Y oar opportaldty to eele l!t )'OV appenl a& Mi~ •vlap. • • AcAallJ a& ooet .... below! I ·Drastic RedllctloM of Ow· llltlre Stock of. Fal -.Willfer ...... .. D R I S;S· ·11 CMaal .... ..., ..,... 1a . w~ w}dJTeneya. Taffeta. 8Ub u4 ..,._. NIGHTINGALE DUO, Kra. Irvine Watcher and .. Kra. Joeeph Preininger (L 'and R), Mr. and Mns. R&Jptf Y(•l9on and 90n Wayne, 3304 ~eat Ocean Front, returned Sunday trom a f hrtt · week.e' trip'. Tbey ..,eot Chrt.t.ma. wltb , JI.fa .. Wayne'• mother in Blnnln11a&m. Ala., and Ylaited relatlvee lD Auatln. Texu. JoAnn wu 1raduated from John Sea. ,., aes. to .,,. QIS a.1 ... 1u1 1 MS NOW &.. NOW v-- eonrratulate eech other over good work well done. The two were honored by the Nightingale. Chapter Qt HQag H011Pital for. having completed 100 houra of in·eervice Miss N_orma Gentle Bride of Richard Norman Gray ~-to ":'ow 121$ -. ... ~w 14~ work at.the b~ital. ~ Staff Photo - Nightingal~ -~Chapter Honors Two, Gre·ets Seven New Members Provision·als Introduced, Lectrire ·series Planned Mra. Ralpb Tandoweky waa boate .. on TU4!11day •l her home, 801'> Via l.Jdo Soud, to membera of t.he Ntghtln1at. Chapter of Hoag Ho1- pltal AWtUlary. Aulatlnr hO.tcuu were Mmes. Donal<t ColegTOve. onnan ra.y •· Botb mothera uatmd in recetvtnc. Mn. Oen- Ue weutnc a b!oe velvet.al ault r ~ • ! ~ l ._. :=:· ~:C~. ~h~~ lh:n':;; :~.~:~in~dro:~daa:: ~rtsancl II_. Ya off . MIMi Norma Diann OenUe, dauJh-In a pink and White dl'Me with -- ---- MRS. WlNIFREJ? BARBRE. Soclety 'EdJtor • ter of Mr. and Mra. O . .P. GentJe. aimllar coraap. J2J Weal WI.lion St., Coata Meaa Both young people were edU· 3 5 s u IT I w.....a. ........... ,_ and RJchard Norman Gray, aon ol cated a t· Newport Harbor Hip ...._ Mr. and Mra. Norman Gray, 138 School. The ,Jartde(l'OOm 1a pru-ftOW 11'9 ancl Ill• on· Santa laabel St., alto Coeta w... ently aervlnl' with the U. 8. Air .,.. 1':. In the double-rtl\I' vow exch&np rorce at Mountain Home, Idaho, Nonna wu 11ven ln .keeplnr by where he will be Jolned by bi. : • I '. j NEWPORT ~~~:~~A ~~:r:~:y-/~;~·1: PA&E 1 ::::=:.:~:-.: '~:~ ~ ;:g~~:~, ::;M..,,. ·[COATS=~=·'"'~.% eff ------------:-----------natlona. Her attendant, Helen Mr. and Mn. J erry LocMck. _ . - -· - Poet Laureate •tty Wcimen. Jan. is at I p.m. ln Blehm, wore a rray drae wttb J7U Kut Cout ~tnvay, COl'OU tbe EbeU Club Houae at Banta •hat• carnation conare. Frank L.· del Mar. are parent.--ot • ~ F ' ' N. Sb ""J Ana 0.rdon W Norrta. Poet Lau• Hanaen stood with the brtdeCTOOm (trl, bom l)ec, 28 and W~ -ranees· orton ops Howard 1.110, lrvlog Watcher. Ouaert was Hrved, with Mra. Orv111e t Add reat~ of Callto,.;,Ja, trill read from u bellt rna11. Stewart and Mo. Harry Ca&ey pouring. 0 ress hie volume ot elate poetry "Gol-The reception WU held at the r._lba_. ---------~ono~ tor having compl.,ted man, la In charge and Mrs. Hal den Empire.'~ Thia wu publlabed -' • • Hail Glr' l TWO L004TION9 IN IA.MT.A AHA JOO ln-eervlce hour• at the hoe-Dl.ke hu ticket.. Mra. Charlea A A u women ln celebrallon of Callfoml.a'• Ural and the rich and blatorlcal Span· Highns pltal wt>re Mra. Joe E. Prelnlnger L&mb will handle publicity. • • • centennial year•. He •Ill precede Uh Callfomia hi• ~ple knew. He Lt. and Mn .. Wiiliam James Hlr· 118 NORTH 880ADWAY -Va'fat .. ,..... d Mra Watcher Granted full At the t eneral program meet-hi.I readb)11 by an extraordinarily la a de<-eodant of covered waron Un. _Corona del Mar, became ~ NEW ABC,ADE BLDG. -Nat to s-i. :'embenhlp In the ~hapter, having Balboa Islanders Ing or Santa Ana Branch ot the lnterutlng and authentic talk on pioneer•· hi• gTandPfenu havln1 rnta of a daughter bom Jan 2 at rau PAJLIUNO ·com~~~~r~~~~~~~ • C. Am~~nA~oclM~~~·~~~~~m~~~~~-~c~eM~lnl~~U w~·;a~N;~~al~H;o~~~l~ta~~~~~ro~n~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were Mmes. J ack ~' Congdon. a Vlng On fUlSe r J uk O•maus. Charin A. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reevu, 1410 Ralph M. Tandawaky. Howard S. Bayfront, Balbo& bland, are !Awls. J ud.won Sutherland. John 11slhng on Saturday, Jan. 8. aboard Webster. the S. S. Alcoa CUpper'on a Cat'lb· :-Jew provisional• Introduced were bean crulllc f~om New Orleana. Mmca. John 'Quint, Francie Daw-Thia l&-day cruJae wUI extend to eon. Nadene ~Coplenr C. Douglu l!('Vel'llt colorful Lalanda, u well I Ferry, John Knapp. Madt>llne aa the northern cout. of South Bowe and John C. Swartz. America. The Itinerary lncludu Dl9Cu111lon centered on the com· JamaJca, the Dutch bland of cur- ing Edna S&earna Dayton serle.11. acoa. Trlntd11d, and Caracu. ~ w hich begins Feb. 24. Mr1. Doaatd Cualra, Puerto Cabello, and Guan- Ool(rove. way1 a11d mean1 chair· ta. all II) Vennuel.a. LET'I'ER FOR BABY FROM FIRST LADY "Welcome, Meliua Lawler, to this wonderful world. The President joins me in sending congrat· ulati~pa to your parents. My very best wishes to you always!" Signature to the message was a fam- ota one, "Mamie Doud Eise.nhower,'' and on both paper and envelope were the golden insigni&; "White Hou.e. Wuhlngton.'' The letter arrived among Christmas mail at tbe MichUl R. Lawler home; 702 Fem leaf Ave., and wu ad~ to fint daughter of the couple. aix-week..old Meli.a. There ia a aon, Michael, a year old, who received the apecial welcome given a first Child. But l(eU.. wu dilferept. She wu first girl born in four generation. of the Lawler family. · whkh bout.a uncla and cousins galore, and that wu why her mother eent an. announcement to the White Howie.' She ill indeed l•Welcome !'' 8'cJinning New Term Febr..-y 1st thre'Wll lte.some YCICClllCles lft the primary a11d 1l1me11tary ....... of St. JaMes Day Schooe .• I A,..,._ wtD .. l'eftlhed at ....., elMlnll 8elaool Offtee ................ s.-1!1 &. ... BNdm..W ·-5'· ~··· Day School -El'IMX)PAI. .. •• NEWPOlt't BEACH I Starts Thursday' January 6th . , ' Jan~ary Clearilnee Sale! . LADllS IH01·1 STREET and DRESS STYUS IN CALF and SUEDE FLAT and MEDIUM HEELS, some HI HHls Sizes 4 to I 0 AAA to a. Not en styles eveilebt. in every size FOOT FLAIRS $8. 95 to $11. 95 Yatues PENALJO •6.90 DEBS BRIEFS • CASUALS By y $7.45 ~ ·$9.95 Values APTITUDE DEB •490· FOOT FLAIR BEAU MOC • MOTHER ·and DAUGHTER FLATS j By CAPEZIO Child 1i1M - N MW B'/J to 4 Lediee sizll - N M 4 to 9 ALL SALES FINAL eineu •490 OPEN Fii. 'TIL t P.M. Pia. u 1-2778 r , . I and MORE SALE STARTS JANUARY 7tft IWIM WIAR for WOMEN -MEN9 -CHILDREN RIDUCED ·W 0 M E N ' S M E N ' S Sun Dreues Blouses Sweaters T-Shirh Suedecloth Pull-overs Wool & Cotton Pedal Sport Shirts T. Shirts Denim Pull-overs •Sailcloth Sleeks •Sajlcloth Pull-overs •Wool Sweaters Pushers Play Shoes -and More Group Hawaiian Shirts I { FOR-GI.LS Cl8CI IOYS . •SHOR): •SLACKS •SHIRTS -KNIT SNOW GLOVES ( Ceramic. Odeh & lllch REDUCD ONl·HALF PRICES 'REDUCED UP TO 25°/o 9"· FLANNEL-UNID JACl<m cad CO'A1'S- For \VOMEN enq CHILDREN Maay AclclltloMI ltw Reclllcecl lO°lo ~ 25 °/0 • NOl'E -IUIOil.E!ll 8IZEA A..''D ()()I OP . 4 V AJLABLi; DON'T MIU OUR . SOt SPICIALS I 2701 W. ~ Hwy. Ub1rty a.SJU (Two Modia ...... of TM Al'dlea -0. 11...t.er'a Idle) I . . .... ' . ' / .. _ _., ~·- ... I ... ..... PA6E 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, J~NUARY 6, 1955 . "' John8011 and Mn. )lf'rl• McCDmb-'H e.y-Y.o u·· Squares' Balboa Bridge :;,..::..A:: ~:=i1 i.:~r ":. . Cl b-Pl lltttee-Kqleraaa. • . U ily . &ut·WMt wmnera tn ibe Moo· ~ ote Anniversary -Resumes FritlaY. ~~~=~~:~= A• orpntaen ud C)QfltlJuaJns 1 ~ At ta.. a.itat111u pal'\J two TM ..ao,. Dup,Ue&ll,J. ~ wer. Mra. B. B. Morrt. and Jaclc ~-ot UM Hey·You s.uu-. ol U.. ~ IMID._..,.,.. ml.Nlac Chab.wW re._. p&a7 • rrtdq Powell.. . , .... Blfll for U.. Plet7~ ud lift. ~· nenms ol 'Ull9 """ ati.r a three I -RWU11n-up eut·w,eat wer. Mta. U:mrtember t.--_ap . .Hanor There wen IO at U.. N-Year'• WMka adjoul'IUDeat durtnS th• 1a.,qrre d.rroll and Mn. Henry .8Q\l&re dance pvup, Kr. and Mn. m.. putJ u wen. the houra boUda7 ....,.. TM pm• ~l be Jla'rert. Mra. P'red Jolu\806 .lll'.'d J. Melvta Kl~cla or IOU Monro~• beiftS ~ oa ~t ~llon M14 at •H m..t Ocean ~t. tn ,...._ Pauline S.)'1"1. ~r•. 1:1.0or A•e., eo.ta K-. were pl'eMllt.d tio 1 a.a. . B&J60a and wtll wt.art at T~IO Newcomer and ·Mn. Cul Beaaob· a beauutul plaque of appreci&Uon TM Ntw .. Year'• k7&nd nlpl o'cloclL · . • IRu.nneu-up north·llOUth wen. Mra. 1 by ,tbe rroup at ~•Ir ~..r..ry pt1Mr1D1 wu dealpat.a "Mel'• W&naera of x..te'r Pol.Ill.I 1n Ole rranJc Reed anli Mra. A. H. Mac- party recently. A i.rp_~ Day" lll, appad~ for the (re&l 811.nda.J pme "" Mr. and Mra. DoDAld tyln&' with Mn. I:. J . 1arace llU beea built &a' the 1'981' amount of time, -money ud dfort A W TunuMI playins eut-wffl Wlc1cman and Eldon tk>nd: Mu. ot their new home by tile Kite.ha Mr. Kt~ !lad ext.-414 on thla ~ Robert Luall , and Arnold ou-Harry 8chllllnJ and Mra. Lou Ryel. to •rv• u headquuten for th• ptojecL A Jars~ tiox of ataUonery ... ID borth·llOUtb potttton: R\an· Inter.led brlq• player• are ~­ club, Which WU ors~ 19llow-w&a purcbued •by UM poup ant! nen-up eaat-wut.,,.re Mn. J'nnk vtted to join the rroup either on . ~ -. • tns the cloM ot achool l&at J\Ul&. eM:h member "wl"Q~ '-~~. l\eed alid 'romPlT Holm ... Mr. and Mond&y •ftemoon or J'rtday ..-n· . Durlar the hbllday .-ca.lion ~-no$8 ot appr~Uon. A abower /Mra. Robert· Dt.cbDer, lira. 1WttY tnr and lnfoanation re~ar41n'} t.he. lod a virtuaUy conUnuoua open ot caAdy aceompant~ tbe preeen· Crawley'ud Paul Taylor. auanera-pmea may b4 obtatned bJ pbonlna· bol.aae hu been m&lntatned at lbe talion. The ftnale of Pl• 'holiday up north-eout.h ,,. ... Mn. PelP Harbor si,ss-w. Kitch· home, With at leut. three actt'fltlu wu a potluck .upper • -: lmpromptu.J>'rtiN betn& lleld ea~ 1aad equ&n danej l&at 811nday, :California Artists Will : ' . . ' Compete at Orange Sho:w· Modern and· conMrvatlve Call-palnUnr (modem or coBMrvatlve) tomla artJata will be (I.en the and one aculpture. Entrlea wb- opportunlty to compete for lllOO milted muat be orlrtna.1 produc- ln ca.ah awarda at the· All-Call-tiona ud ahould be checked "mod- Piano ~lru~lio~ TERESA RENNER (.Mri. ~. Renner) o--t ......... n.. o.-• (i~ .............. ...... -8emt Dm• -. . ..... Bu.,.. -0o,..,. Hl«talwl9 -~ .... Illar fornia Art Exhibition to be held em" or "coUervaUve" u the 4---LATEST HAIR ST.YLING In conjunction with tbe 1965 edi-alpaUon tor t.he aectlon l.n which tlon of the National Orange Show the er.trtH are to be judred. FOR HOM. E In. San Bernardino March 17 There wlU be five purchue through March 27~ award• totalllftl Sl&oo cuh. Purw' · Hudryida of brochure• llatlnr chue prlsea are:...otla. Sf-00--ln ccm-PERMANENTS varloua detail• of the competltln aerv11Uva and S.00 modem: .water art exhibition han been malled color, $200 ln 'coneervatln and D A N 1 S to artlat., ~aeuma and art ral· S200 modern and '300 ·in !!CUI~ · · lerlea throl,!«hout the 1tate, . ac· ture. Worlca awarded t~ .purchUe jAllD SHOP cordl.nr to Mra. Theo~ Wood, noted prtaea wtU -become the property San Bernardino artlat and chair· of t.he NaUonal <>ranre 8bow and BALBOA ~ aLDO. man..of the NaUonal Oranra 8)19w added to th• 'permanent collec· Art ZXhlblt C<iinmtl\ee. · tlon. Entry. blanlca 'mu.t be ...-0,.. ~ Uln 8MVda7 NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB wu· pity deco-- rai.t for New Year's Eve with -hundreds <ot ballc?o,ns which were released to the gay throng o'n the stroke of midnight. Favon, noiM!-maken ana cqlorful hats add- ed-to the festive air of the-occasion and everyone en- joyed dancing to the rhythm of the Elliott Brothers' M. G. M. recording orchestra. -Beckner Eboto ln prevtoua yeara ~trlu In the turned to•the Art ,!:xhlblt Commit-' ii••••••••••••i••·~·····.:~ noted art exb\blllon were limited to tee. Nat1011,1.l o...,.ge Show, San llvlnr artlats In Southem C,11· S.mardtno. OJ;l or before Feb. 2t. (omla, but' the demand of artlata A JW"Y of aelectlon and awuda and aculptou -Ulrougbout the state· will be compoaed .of tile lntema- for the right to ,aubmlt their ~orka Uonally known artlata. . .January · Clearance. -S·ale THE COMMODORE'S TABLE at the Newport Harbor Y.acht Club'a gala New Year's Eve party lnchsded (L to R) Capt. Robert De Wolfe, Mrs. Elon Brown, Vice-Com- modore Harold Pca&cy1 Mrs. Harry Mann, Commodore Mann, Mra. Pearcy, Mr. -~orge Kubrts, Mni. De Wolfe, Fleet Captain Elon Brown and Mrs. Kuhits. -Beck- ner Photo Mrs.-Ralph flerr is Named President of Mermaids In.etallal.IQll o! new offlceni for i twice a· year a bir dinner la c~k­ the year and welcome or a new ed and eerved to the counrrotn· .L cers of tire MuonJc lodge and HV· rnembt•r wcni uie mAln order or -~, th r·r-• h b t enu o er a .... ra llVt een s ag• bualness a l the \Vedn!'ll<lay <>ve-ed. 'rhe year was cllma.xe<I by a n lng meeting of the Mem1aJcW, 1 huge C}lrlstmu party lut week at Muonlc wives rlub, at lhe Girl Uu.• clubhouae. Scout House in Costa Mci<B. New A new committee crial.nnan for officers of the rlub a re ~ra. this yu.r. Mra. Bernice Knlea, who • l.oi SUlll!hlne chalnnan. Mra. °'Yd• 1 Ralph Herr. prdldenl: Mrs. Cllf· Johnaon will &erve anotJier year INewport P-TA I beca.rne ao fTe&l that the National Cooperating wtt)I Mra. Wood on O...nce Shew director• decided to th,. committee ~= Ken w.. Dyal, make the exhibit ' 1llte\Vlde. The vice chairman; Jeaa Murray, _aec· tint one waa held durlnr the 19M, retary; Patricia Putnam. lrta Mac- cltrua expoattton. Kown, William F. Mellln, Robert i to Discuss Health -Safety "Health and 8&fety" wW be fee· tund aubject at Ule January mutln&' of Newport Elementary P·TA Jan. 10. 2 p.m. In the achool ConuquenUy all living arUab Hall. Hiida Mohle, Ha.,rold Wieman. In California are Invited to wb-John Bury, li'lorence Neablt, mlt one oil palnttnr (modem or Dou,lu E. McClellan, Richard s. conaervalive;) one water cotor Beaman and Norman Oauerke. . . Rector to Address Woman's ;Auxiliary Holidays With Hebert Family Warren ){endenl\all, uatat&llt I auditorium. superintendent o1 Orange Oounty Mr. and Mra, Oeot,e Perrtru of schools, wUl 11pellk and ahow mm AuaUn, Tuu, left for home Thur.a· on his subject for th• day, "S,.rcll da y. They arrived th!! week before 'Iii. ReY. Paul Moore Wh .. ler, reUrtq ...ct.or of It. Jam•· l:pta. copal Church, wW a~ the Woman'a Auxlll'lary of the church at a hulcheon meeunr on Wed· nffday, Jan. 12, 12:30 p.m. Mn. J. H . RIJ,.• will p~de at thll open1D1 -ion .ot the year. tor Happloe1111." Men~nball la IA Chrlatmu to vtalt her Alter and charge or child guidance and '1pec· huab&nd,. Mr. and Mn. DavW He· la.l t1ervict'll of Orange County. bert, Newport Helrhta. 1'lr· Hebert • accompanied them to Sacramento Followl.ng the apea.ker there will where they llllited the Keith Per- be a dil!cW111ion or child problem• rlu family, retumlnr lrere Mon-a week with her .dau1btt'r and For Girls OP .DRAWER T..M Glrl1 .... loy• 2 2 1 6 M A 11 ~-J A V I N U I IALIOA ISLAND, ·For • Dress Shirts • Shoes •. Ore5s,s Boys • Renn•I Shirts • Jeckets • Skirts • Blouses • S.throbes • Accessories • Sport S~irts to show how achoola and pa.rent. d~. I family. Mr. and Mn. Geor1• . are helping to-deal with and eolve Ourln1 the trip north Mra .. He-Krowie. Mra. Kri>UM brlnrlnr her lho qlie11Uons ~d troublu of to-r~rt~~w~e~nt~t~o~P~h~oe~n~lx~~to~a~p~en~d~i~b~o~me~on~~M~o~n~da~y~. ==~==~~~§§§§§:§§§§§§§§§§~=-~§§§§~ day'11 youth. · Hostuses for lhe afternoon will be _fourth g~ade room mothera. Accident• kill u many children Crom one to fourteen yeara of a('e as the ·seveft moat Important non- accident C'auses or death corpblned llccordlng-to l,ha National Auto- rnobil11 Clu b. I \ ' .. .,.; .. . .. •'. ,. . .... , .. .. '. ~ ,. ' 1 .. " f ord Lewll., '\<icc·pruldent: :Sin.~ u pm. chairman. 'Wiiiiam Nichole, 11ecrt!l4ry. The _.:._--------------------------:-----------new mem~r ~Mn.~na Nlcho~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan. 6th. ' \ The committee for the evenlng ' Willi Mn!-Bt'mke Knie!!, M111. Ra- u l K . J'nf'l ~n'1 r.trl'. \\'llllnm R . Nlchol5 . .A ppr~ClaU<1D w .i• • "-jlt'CSl!eJ f the untiring eHora and many ec- compliebments of the out-golng prealde.nl, Mrs. Harry HllllMd, who hu fUlde<I the club 1'ince Its foundlnr ·Feb. 11. 19IH by put wo(thy matron. Mrs. R11y NIPl11en of h arbor Star, OES. At 1..-t $~ ~ b<'en rn1sed by the 39 memben of the club alnce that lime &11d donated to- ,....nl the new Jituon1c Temple, now Ulll1er construction In Nf'w· port Height~. A acrln of 11idlv1d- ual Jl8:rllet wu featur~d la&l fall .. ·REDUCE BIO STAtrFT.R <'O:"nEST W~n A UUttnie WeiCJht Control Plan Tbla May Be \'our JI.ii' Opportv~~ . • • For Fall ~tali. Drop la Oar Salo• _ or Pllo-r.-. ~Mtratton 'T ....... t ~&r Coro•• .a Mar an z. ~t Bh11 Har. nu .\ January Sale OF QUALITY ·ruRs • Now Greatly Reduced! Complete Se1ection of Fine Furs In All Popular Styles and Colors Our label is your guoronlff of quality Fvf1 ottd Expert Worltrnansh,ip BUY NOW .. ......... #W.('> On Our . Convenient lay-Away Plan. A small o9Posit reserv• your Nledlon. .. OLIVE M. DULING FUIJS lroalwoy Kl J·1223 .. Santa Ana ...... ,.., ,.,,. IESTYUD NOW ....... 1111 ..... -. • CaJuaf '2:JreJJ€J. YJ lo Y2 o// Cocklaif :lJreJJeJ 1/3 lo Y2 o// SeparaleJ Y3 lo · 1/2 ol/ AcceJJo~i!J · 1/2 off 20 °/o Jur,it~'} .. Starts Thursday, Jan. 6 M12 VIA UDO · NIWPOIT leac• HARIOI 3677 •41 i • - .. .. ~ ...... ·.,-;·. ' • H ,. - . ; , I . ; '• '·• . I Police Feted at Open House NEWPORT"HARIO~ NEWS.PRESS -PART I I -PAGE J THURSDAY, JANUA~Y 6, 1955 . . th~~~..:O::~~ Martm Baby Divorce µked _, mant and lllOtber ot CapL Barry It .wlJI a firl for Mr. and Kra. nted Dec. H tn O~ Oounl,1 t.ca. pve her. aanual N.-Tear'• Clarence Martin 509 Narcluu•. Courthouat wu appllc.aHon tor di• ~· open boUM P'ridq nla'ht at An .. bom Dec. io ,In 8t. Joeepll vorce by Phyllla M.. O~o.n, ver- Mir !lame tor mUl)beN of Ule po-Ho.plt.al. She ti_pped tha ·ecalee at. wa Ralph J . Outo.n ot N"'J!Ort A TOAST TO 1~ waa in order at the Balboat Yacht Club lut Friday nigbt~when a larp sroup of membera and 111eeta celebrated the occasion with a gala New Years Eve dinner-dance in tlie bayaide clubhouse. The teative party shown here includee: -(I.;-to R) Vice-Commodore' Frank. WOOd Jr., Mra, 'Ea.fl Hukell and Mr. H~ell, Mn. WiWam Brown and Mr. Brown, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Joe' Kaltenbach and Mt. Kalten· bach. -Beckner J>hoto VOCATIONAL ' NURs£s IN ~Two of tlle ' vocational DW'lelf now takint part ~ pre-cliniC;al train• lag at Orange Cout College are Janet ~~-Santa Ana; and Nancy Schloeeeer, Co.ta M--. A new "clue for vocational nunee wW .tart &t the college in Febr• ·uary. ·Rec{stratlo,s for the clau will start !rJonday. ~ New Two-nian Show Opens With Sun. 1'ea By 08WELL JACll80N '~ l 11oe d~t. • · a Iba., a~ oa. Hetpt.. · . ...... . GOL.DIN TERRl:FIC. VAi.UiS , One of the largut att.ndancu ln',months wu preMDt at the Monthly.._•· t JbAL..t.he ••11•na Be•ch Art. Q•Ueey.-1'.bL~Qts::n:::::::-· fro-. 20tyo_ to ~ocyo OFF _,, • and ho1t.euea were member1 of the Comm1.n11ty COncerta AllOClation W)der the chaJnnanlblp of Mr1. l'Ndertck H. Weaftf. ll:&tl Couch • decorated U.. beautiful tea table wttb ~-l'J-Tta.r mout ln wblle and · lllver. Tboae pourtnc were MH· --~--• j dame• Georre B. Hibbard, Jlome.. --pmIKU\&' marine or harbor I 1 1 Couch, H \fbert .Yo~. Floyd Cue. acenea and haa a maltery of many 1 and w. s. ThomplOn. me&um1. tranaparent watercolo~-. --. · Th<>11e aailtinl' In •rYlnc wert1 gouache and ~m. He and Mn. j ' ' ..... _ -· . Mud&mN Lawrence Bad\ll, Edna Thomaa •n plannlll( an extenalve j . · Lopes Doria Ftuer Orvil Cbllt.on trip by boat to New Or1ean1, Flor- --~lebratlng 50 . Yess of Service ~ -... Famlll" of CallfOrnta. \ , Shoes for every member of t~e family · ONE OF THE MANY gay pUuea which celebrated New Year's Eve at the Newport. w. H. R-s: Cl~ Berry, i:ari Ida and the eutern cout, where! Harbo....._ Vacht Club is shown here. L to R. around the table &re Mra. Paul Rogers Creuman, R. L. I. Smith, Ruth he upecta to do .,me •ketchlnr. • ~ . , · ' Woodward, Mluu Blanche Nlxon. They will return 1.n the late •Prtnc-1712 N•Wport Ave. Next to _Safeway, comi-...._ Mr. J. C. Axelson, Mn. Barney Stauffer, Rear-Commodore E . A. Crary, Mrs .. Axel-Jean At.Jct.neon. E. Leonora Ballard ~~~~~~=~~;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~ BOD, Mr. Rogers, Mra. Crary and Mr. Stauffer. -Beckner Photo and Harrtet McDonald. Everyone --------------------------· -----.......--'---pronounced lt one of th• nlcut event. of tha M&IOll. AB.Tl8TS HONOB&D JUST INSTALLED · New Member~ ..Mn. Karia Buser lmeraldl. N Off. T k 0 For Blue Birds !:'::.~r::san:U::: ~-ew . } cers a e yer The newl~ orran1'ed Newport :~ ~;;:;, :-!,:c;,::n::· . T ' G Helghla &'J'QUP ot Blue Blrda met are 1uprame IA thelr flel<M, Mrs. Ues at Harbor range Wednesday afternoon w1th Ulelr Smen.ldi ll a muter ot Doral • -leade.r. Mrs. Belly L&urtn. to wel· paill~. whether It be workinc ln ' ~ come a new member. Ml1111 Terrie oU, ~tei:color or gouache. M.aJ\1 Newport Harbor G1 a11g" No. 776 1 ot her ,..., .. un.,... ha been repro-w1ll hold Ill! first meeUnr of thei -.. --.. ~· , ' ' Rodet. dau&,hter of Mr. I.lid Mra. . ,,_.. ... -ve From Kans!l·S Paul Rodet of 1.,., E:. Bay, Balboa. duced In Jar&• color prjnta, one )'ear on Tuesday. Jan. 11 at the ~ .., of them winnlnr the tll"ll a ward A merican l..q'lon Hut. Meeting I Mr. and Mr1. Arch Newi.nd of The gil'la explained to Teme printing !or the Gou Lltho- w lll •tan prompUy at 7:30 p.m. 1 Ya&.u Center, Kan., are vialllni that they had choeen "Cholen.a." rraphto Company of Cblcago at Officers l'lected for the current rl'latlve11 on the cout. Including meaning bird. aa the Ind.Jan name the print llhow 18.llt year. yr11r p11rth::IP.fllt'<I in JOlnt tn11talla· 11 daughter In Wilmington and one for lhl'lr group, lhUI Cf.frying out A.T WHITE HOUSE tton .-erl'mo.nles of all Orange In San Diego. They were gut1sta the Camp Fire Girls' Indian theme. Mn. Smeraldl 11 very proud of County Gr11n. gel! hell! in Garden I Monday o! hJa cowsl.n3, P. L. lilg· ChO.l!en to relp a month wu a a ~tt.er from Amerlca'11 Fin& O rvn on Dei.:. 30, and wtU take 1(1.ra or Costa Mesa f.l'ld •M.lu Elate chief who wtll help the leader wttb IA.dy. She Mllt her a print of tier· th<'1r st.a,.Uon• for ·the nnt time Newland ot 33.rd....SL the girls. a wampum chlef wbo "Lotu.a LaM .. .J4a&1c," w~ on l:weroay. wlll collect the Wl'e>kly due1 and a dhlblUon, for her birthday, . and Muter of ..Newport Ha.rbor Deal D~ughter medlrtne m&11. to lclld the gtrlll In reoelved a charming peraonal Jet- O ran"e I• "Jim " Martin, well *°n"s and game1. t.er ln return. Mrs. Smera.ldi'a known 111 harbor tllhlng clrclu Jt wu a 'f lb. 4 o&. 11~ter The nine Blue Bird!! al:ao di• buati.nd. tbe late Jobn 8men.Jdl a n<.l former owner o r the bdat whlc.h Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0-.1 ot cu:ssl'd pla.ns for craft work lo be was one ot the decorators or the "Llldy Lou." Put Muter Paul Con· 330 AvocMto Ave .. Collla .JM&. carried out at. followins: meetlngii White House. nor 1~ overHer, and Ma.rauerlte welcomed on ~-27. e.nd 11 propo11ed valenllne party. Seymour Thomu l9 equall.y at Connor and .wu_yam Campbell, ~ eecrrtary and lre.uurer re1pectlvt'- l)'. wtll rttrume their oUlcea !or another yf'nr. Mrs. K11rl McDou- p U Is lectu1'r. All mtm~u are Invited to 11t· t.end u the· program for the yur wm be out lt.nt d 11nd cr.mmltttes lelec led. Newport Circle Plans Hostess· Work at Church I !l;ewport 8eadl Circle or Christ Olurch by the SM met Tue8day I at the home ot Mrs. John U'Rv\, I 1612 Wrtt OcMn J'ront. ·Plana WMe made for thl1 month's work ot the circle members l!ervme All • a-oat.eSM• al the church. lnclud~ I wUI be the \\i8C8 lun<'henn next Tu~y. Mrw. Blla Goeldner preatded 1t Uie bu.mua lllfar1ru and Mra. Joe· j eph Bodman 1ave devoUona, her topic keyed to tM new year. Mrs. 11.oy C&rlloll rttt•w ed one ot lht ! 1ae-. rtud.y book 1t. Chrlstl&11lty &nd w ... 1th. · Me-CM were rea.d fl'Onl rormer 1 memben. M!JlH. William M11Wl'l0n ot Olney, Tuu: R.a.y Buet. Mtm-1 phi•, TeDa. ud ManUe Gray. Se- pulveda. Oreetlri,-a also ca.me fmm former pu«>ra and their w1ve!!, ~. ud Mn. E . D . Goo<lt>U of Lo11 ........, Mid 6e•. and Mn. Thom· 9i. ~ ot Ian Dlega. , TM bcMteM later eerved tea to ll........,.. and two suuta. Bethel Mothers Set Night .Meet NC mMUill ot lbe MoU>er1' Club of Job'• Da~t.era, OOllu ,._ &.t.MI., wW lie on Wednes- day, Jan.. u 'at 1:ao p.m. ln the 1 bom• of Mrs. Oleftll D)'Ml1., •OO fted.la11&1 Ave. Co-boet-. wtll be Mmu. Wlllh1 Sullt'('r and John M~Kllltt. I.n tM tutu,. all. mMtlnp wtll • be held on the NeQnd Wednesday even.llllL A.t thll ont, pll.n1 will be made for th• Vak-nt.lne Tt'a. I • • 40•h ----an nu GI January Sale! RE/NERT'S e •. e on the Ocean Front OPQ StJSDA.V 11 TO I We haven't had time to ticket ·all the item5 yet. But come in anyway before the stock i1 picked over and tell us what you ere interested in and we . will ticket it while you are here . • • SOME VERY UNUSUAL IARGAINS WILL IE O,,_ED. -.. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 10 TO 5 . , ·-··-... ... I .. DOIDE llPLE SHIPS lllUIL I -• --These Early American pieces, designed to compJi~nt LIVING ROOMS. any interior, are 1la1bed .,ow to clear for new atock arriving daily. Shop early while aelectiona· q1• completel -· SlftClll Wint ladt 0.lr •• Qualfty ............... . ~-=.; ........... $6,.. lntllth Leu,.. Chair. Sturdy w beeutffuL ,..... ,.,..., .... sacro .... $124..JO NOW ....... : .. c.r.e Lrle s-t. SIMrt 4'ec1ratw ...., ..... ==~·-·········· s10400 Wint a.ti W.. IJch green cover. A geM ~.';.: ............ $13900 2~ Wing Secthtnal. luxurteua, warm ltNwn 516900 cever. .... $229. NOW ......... . SM.per Sofa. Smart deel1n. '-"' rubber =:is=.:·.. .. . . .. .. .. . s 1 acro Love Seat C'onverta lecl. Deconltlv1 and practlc.I. ~ 1'Paiiii{1••· ·' · · · -rr-:a:.. lU~.00 NOW . ~ $79.00 M" Hutch, .... $119.00 NOW . $19.00 I ,c. Maple flloltlc Dinette Set ...... $12'.00 NOW .................... $99.SO 14" leuntl D1l Tabte Re. $97.SO New ................... · $67.SO 5-Pc. Maple Set JOx40xW , .... $tt.00 NOW " .................... $69.00 ,We. SMoll D'.l Set .... $".QO NOW .... ·•·· · .... · · · · ·· ··· $69.00 BED ROOM SUITES .. We. 5loepy Hollow set, .... '$a1t.OO NOW • .... · .... -· .... • .. · $279.00 tlgh ....... -....... ..... .... $14.SO. NOW .···················· $64.00 Twfn Sim lex S..,t"t Mel"•-• .... $It.JO Mt NOW .. · · · · $49.00 M 1be lex 5'ri"I Melts-.... $79.0G_ Mt NOW ••••••• ~9.00 .. End Tables Pfctu'" -Stools ~1:, ~~-~~~-~~-. -~~, .. ~~ $1695 ~~KT~.·~-~~~-·-·~:-~'-~-~~-$14f5 . :o~s~~s. -~~-. ~~~:~~ ..... s19s- ~:~: :~·~-~~-~~· .. Sf95 LAMPS .=.,-:.,.~ s149S( Woaderfal •vlao-Bec· $11~. NO)V . . . . . • " ,. . S.. Our Comple~ Line o/ Mnpl" F11mitu,.. u71a,e C..,_ o/ y..,_,.ror -T~ 5,,,.,,~ oJ-Today" .{ .. ARCADE ~MAPLE SHOP 1750 S. MAIN IN THI ~ -NIXT TO SIAIS Kl ~54 -) • .. .. ' • P~6E •.PART 11 -Ne'.'.'FO:tT t-jAlllClR NEWS-PRESS I • • THURSDAV, J~~UAlY 6, !'955 • / -. Latest · lliillor Area Club Meeting .·Times Presented . . . . .. . . Wlul • __,;_.,D .. tl9 tM l'IUDAY ~OOH CLUB Barttor .,.., !¥ JJ ... • .,_ IUlCJOll IU 'l'BOJf8 -MNJ-> a.t today .,,_ta U.. la*8lt. ~ elllbbow. ....._t, Mrw. lAoD· U1rtb1S of C1ldl9 la ~ X-a.rd lAlpdte. ~. Mn. aac1 ·aome of~ ... R...,.t l.Allle Mcl'Mldea. LI 1-lOU. s-cih memben. The lilt fdloln: t·B C'LUBS-V..ariou. meet.taP at .uo:IUCAN LllOION '°9'l' "6-' dmtlWlt ttm,._ . A~. Mn. nrat· and third '1'1111nd&7, i.. -~ ~Jlor.~ MO'tt. . Pon Ball! Qom•a llder, 'MJllalD t-B -J'UU BLOW-.. -(bo;ye) 8ulll.,., LI ·l.-40llt. • 8eoand · T\aeaday nenlns. 1• . 008TA ~ LmJON AUXILJ· CabrU.lo: AdVtaor, Paul DUnlap. OLDDJT CDT-Even tho\l,b m&.,. show a thriving diy with 11 ltreeta on "imperial Highway betw~ Yor- be Lbida and Brea.. it jWlt isn't lb. The City of Carlton bu been oil map. lince the late 1800'• but tt only ex- , :lllttd a few yeara before dying -alter aubdlvide1'8 could find .no wateJ.:. If Carlton had 1ived; it wouJd1 be one • of the oldeat cities in t he county~ Only a few. ebacke are left o! the ghost town thllt pnce was made up mostly of two-story brick bomea ancJ businea houses. -OCNS Photo GHOST_TOWN -· CARLTON REMAINS ,ON ~. MAP BUT ·NOBODY'S HOME Bay Club Au.to Show s1ii~d for Jan. 15-16 Lack of Weiter Kiiis Town in . horftl'll 6Jld 11torea bulll betwttn 1880 and-1896. D e to the urly ahowlng of the A.RT l1cO"d Pd tourth Mon-Ll1Mirty 1-ltOCI. · .,.. 1A&1on Halt Pnlddeot, 008TA KJlaA (lRANom-a.concs o.raldfM Com\ .. , tfec~tary, and fourth '11lund&ya, aran,.. ....... _....... ~ · · · e.u. Muter »® et..,... ieo- A.MlllUCAN RED CROSS -No -retary, Robe~• RaP19r. t.D.rt, acheduled mee,Unp. Plwident, M TH . . Mark. Soder, ll&CNtary, Mrs. ~A KUA ORA.NOil HOIB Cul Zamlocll. Har. 1111. llOONOKIC8 CLUB-rtrat and .BOYS CLvB Gr AJIJIUCA -;-·tbJrd 'Ib~a. hall Cbalnnan. 8ec:ocid \\'----y. clllbbouN· .tllc. Fox. LI 8..-.:J. . Dtrector, ~ Spencer. LlbertJ COSTA MDA GIRL 8COtr,nl - 1-MJl. V'1iou9 • IDMUAp at plft•rent BOY ,.COUTa-M~ varioua Um ... Preeldent, Mra. Fraacla Um• uid placM. Scoutmuter. Cbllde, aecretary, Carl.a Donlea. Harry Hall. l.J 8-llli. ~rty 8-Jaal .. BOOTS AND B.il>DLI: CLUB --GIRLS CLUB -Wffkly •ch~ulea Fourth Monday of monUl al ~ted at· c1ubboua,, 1911 Har· . dubhou.M.• Prealdent, Forreal t»r Blvd. PruldMt, Mr11. Cllf· Paull. LI 1-2608. ford Lewla. 1.1 8·711H. CA.KP J'IRE GDU.8 -Meet{np HOMEMAKERS-2nd Frldl\.v. al vartoua Umu· at bomea. J.dYi6-bomea. Pruldf'nt. Gloria TUftL • or, J.lnc .. Howar~ J?awaon. LJ Sec~&l')'. M,... Gary .Frt'drlk- 8·32711. een Liberty 8·340tl. 'CHAMBER OF OOIOIERCi: -HOL:· ~AME SOCIETY -..,on- Seeond Thutllday, Gingham Re> day an.er ffCOnd Suncfty mooth- taurant. PrHldent, Donald Ht1d· ly a t Bl. Joachim"• Churcl1. dlu't.on. LI 8-M42. Prealdent, Major E. 8 . Maloney, JUNIOR CKAMBJIJR OF COM· aecrttary, John Klu1elawlcs. LI MERCE-Flr1l and third Tuea· 1-6813. • • '· day1. Preal<lent. John Ollennan, JOB'S DAUGHTERS. BETHEL aecrelary, . J im StamphlJl.. LI · 1:)T-'1nt and third Thurlday11, 8-t885. . F'dday Afternoon Clubhouae: C:ITIZEN"6 COUNCU~-Flnil and Honored Queen, J anice White, thlrd Monday•, Main. School llazWiaJ; Beverley 'Beebe. Ll Prealdl'nl, Harrtton Sanborn. 1-1129. l.Iberty 8·2848. COSTA MESA KIWANIS-Tue .. COMM UNlTY CHICST -No dell· day, U :tl), American ~&1on nits meeting achedufe. Chair-Hall. Prealdenl, Tom DeFott'lll. man, Or. Bull ~terwon, Ona.nge HC.retary. Herb Ward. LI 8-82'3 Cout 'College. LADIES OUILD (Bl. Jo&chlma)- COSTA MESA HOME Finl 'Mlunday, Pariah Hall MA\' RISE AGAIN -'-~:l:t:mo:a!tr.imt!"'Eln?li~'Bl,-,::nr~ JiUAJll:.~ t Pal e . NOW-SHOMN• Wbl~ am.tmu. .... ft1m ..... two-.. 1'\111 rrtdla7 alllat at Po.I'\ Tbeat,N, atan ltlnc Cnleby, rtcht. wttll ~ .__ and "-muy Cloobey, .abon. V-.. SU.. Mt.cl ....,.., ai., la ••~ Tba Imns Serita 8bOw 1a ~tecl ~ v lat.a v ia1gA. .. TJ:R8.-l'l1'9t Wectne.da:r, bOa• Pre8'den\, Mn . Ralph HerT. LI 8-&3t 8. MOnlERS CLUB (St. Joachim.a School)-Prealdent, MMJ. 'Walter J . MllJer. LI 8-1783. · ODD FELLOWS -Friday nlchta. JOOF Hall. 1'oble -Orand, Ar- thur Dixon. 1.1 8·132~. P-TA MAii) School-Mra. Frank Chap- man, 1.1 8-e992. , Harper School -Mr1: WIWtm O'Brien, 1.1 8-.t &M. • Llndber&h SCbool-Mra: Arthur Kl tu, LI ll·teM'. RI*, aec:nt&ry, ... Jea.-.-u a..we. V. J'. W.-8econd and UUrd nt• day•. Leaton Ball. eom., .. .._, J . H ohl, qua.rtermut.er, Jelm Steel tmlth. Ll 1-1974.. V. F. W. AUXILlARY-.1'\nt and thJrd Fr1day1, ......... Jla1L Prealda~ Eula PattM'9oll. bl 8·D072. WESl.mY AN 8&RWCJl Ouu..r>.,.. Fourth MOAday, varloua plao.. Prealdent, D. Brewer, pubUaltJ, Oertnlde rdick, Ll l ·DIO. WOMENS MI8810l'('Al\T IOCI· • STY (Bibi• COUe11) -Thlrd n\ure4a1 , homea. Pre9'dlat. Monte Vl1ta Scbool-Mra. PauJ Mra. J ay Beatmley. LI 1-ll&L MarUn, KI 2-178t. lherttt Rea School-Mn. colm Reid, 1.1 l·MllO. ' YOUNO RJ:J>VBLICANB -Third Xal-Wedn..s&y, i....,lon •Hall. Prwl• dent, ron.t A.lliader, ...._. pl'ffldent, Doo Roberta. Ubelt1 8-4909 .. . . .... ' 1896 shacks, Transiellh Left would bave to do would be drill more wena as their aupply became laqer. But ghost town or not. the are! appeara t o be ll1'I ldul 11pot. ror a 1mall tQ.wn ne1tl.-d In tl)e hills and whc-n water Is made avaUable In lhe area, Carlton will probably be ad•Jed to the hal of rnpldly-grow- lng Orangti County tommunl\le11. Auto Show haa been moved up from ffebruary to Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 15 a nd 16. ll wa11 announced thl5 week by Harvey Hiers, c:'halnnan Of thla ye&r'I an· n"ual e'tleft l. In'& Chalnna.n, llOl\. l.I s-4732. Klli ~~~~~~~~~~~~~f*P~~~Wiffltt~~~~·~-~~~;:~~ ....... ~ .... COSTA MESA D PruJdent, Mra. \ ' .by Ju FULLERTON (0CN8) -With dllea all °"" UM county r.port· ms rec?l'd-amaahlns 1~wth Yefr 1'y year. aad With aome dOubllill UJdr lliM wU.h a etft&'l.e houaiDI dnelopmat. It. la ha.rd to beUeve &bat an Oran,c. county city actu· ally died c0mplelely llOOll alter lt ... founded. C&rltoa ~te WU p1&nAed to bt •tarted with 260 bomea ti.ck ln l lU but only 21 bulld~11 were COIUllrucled before c:&lamlty alnlck . But•the .eeond, third, lll'ld fourth weli. (ame in with "'b!ackil!h waler," according t o · the old re· cord., and 1ubeequent wel111 prov· ed dry. '· A• It became apparent Utat no waler wu available, new realdenlll began leaving and bultdlngs fell Into a It.ale of ruin. <>wr the yt'al'a 1110me of the buJldlng1 were moved, but moil of the material wu carried away ' N'EAR YOaaA UNDA t or oonatructlon work In other Of ~· 21 bul_ldin11, •Ix Wtr• aearby cltll"a. buan ... houae1 &¥ the rut were Later, the city of Yorba 1:.Jlldtl bo~--. nke •tak. !or a beautltuJ was formed when water 11eemed UtUe communtiy In lhe foothill• to b(l pl«'nllCul. ott Imperial Highway between OON"T LlkE CARLTON what 1~ now Yorba Linda and Br•. Only elgbt year• arter lhe land wu subdivided and filed, It be- came appa~nt t.hal the town wu doomed by the only lhlng that can kill ~velopmenu In the South· Yorba L.lnda resident& a re taken a little aback when the city ot Carlton ta .mentioned. It 1E'im1 that alJ rounty maps show Qlrl- ton even when tbey neglect to llsl Yorba Unda. MOilll lnap1 show the city with It.a 13 1treets aJI drawn land lack of water. Some feel. thl' aru wa• 110me an ev"n thougb m-oat or them were 80rt of r.-aJ ut&le promoUon, but ne-ver buHt. • . the hlatory of lhe unfortunate t Maps .and uh&rts of the old c:'lty city 1ndJcate11 otherw11M'. The city have long aince dt.appeared but ...med to be located Ideally be-the tn~ makers atJIJ draw In the twMn buce oU developm""nt.a atarl-13 gho~t. ilreet11. ed t o the nonh and Wt'llt. It wu Maps llhow:I:;Oa Acrt,geln, P\l· alluated In the heart of the newly· cirk. Orange, Brookly'1, Walnut. forming cJtrua and avocado belt. Chicago C estnut. Waba11h and Tbe Southern Pac:lflc hact alrudy Flr1t t 1UI Sts., but tli<'Y at&rted ext t n d l n .r It• track• a.re J throu11h the city 1trl'tch ln1t from l 11 Anaheim to Chino. bp a few w1nd111'g dlrl roads. OSI: WELL DJULLEU cactu11 and ~autlCul rolling l\11111. Orlg'lnaUy. 11ubdlvldere drllll'<l 1 Only a f<'W tumblc-Clown 11hacfu one weU to atart con«tructlon of !"i'nl&in to hou~ · tran~l<'nl farm ..---~. na~..,.~U>I'}' brick buttUlnl('ll In 1 wor1!l•n . Ott! Tl'l!tdenU nf Yorba Ule city and had a 1uccca11ful Linda aay l'Ome •of thl' board" In water supply. 'Ibey felt all thry lhe 11hack_. ('3J'lle from the origins.I Building Inspector Post Given Kyte by Trustees -DEATH NOTICE HARBOK bEAl.E R!of Slx Harbor area dealer• tvUI dla· play their cua In Ute llhow: O'- UR. f "Rf:D J. AJ,Lf.:.S Brien· Motor11, Dodge-J>lymoulh Dr. Fred J . Allen. 78, taLl}er or and Jack Hauaken MO, both ol Fred F'. Allen, former Newport Co.t1ta Meaa; Cobton Oort, Volke· Harbor Dl!wapupuma.n and now wagen ; John90o and Son, Llncoln- cdltor of Garden Orove Ncwfl., pa!lll· Mercury; Lou Reed and A11.11oclatt'll, ed on ea rly yuterJ11y at h111 lite-Chrysler-PJymoulh; and• Tlleodore long • h~. Chelllllllng, Mich. He had bcrn Ill for llc:'Vrrnl monllu1. Robins, F ord, · •u of Newport Hl1 110n wiu to leave ·by plane ~ch. Other dealers from Banta ye11tPrday tor 1111rvlcn which' art Ana an<j Laguna Beacli wfU round set Saturd11y artemoon at Chesant out the roster of agencies rep~· Ing. Dr. Allen waa a ntnlve of Che:· ented. 1&nlng and pl'flcllrf"!1 there as a The.show. to be helJ al the club uentl.st durln~ hla adult yeara. gro1111{1A from 10 &.m. until 4 pm,. Survlvor1 Include hlll widow. Mno d1uly. wall ·gave South ("~.11t 101· Lola 0 . Allc-n ot the home add!"i'SA: de11l3 IUl opponun1ty to a1>e and la11 llOn. t-0rl'd, four d.lluithtera and compare tho> l•te11l rorelgn and a twn.'J.>1 . David Allrn of Chesan· domesUc:' mod .. I•. Some or the cars, lni;. aJ.o a denl111t. .schednled for tlae f1r11t naUonaJ The ~nior Allcn1 were Co.11t.n 1howtn'1 1n late J anuary, will be Ml'N vlalton last wanter whl'n '"previewe<t·: by Ora.ngc County they spent thrt•e month• al the motor111u at the Club. hom" ur their """· ~GI I!: 20th St.1 AdJed atlracllon 'Include lhe ap-1 Allen pbms to return to Co1ta pearance or Pal Btlke, "Ml11 J.\O Mesa anJ CardPn Grove next :Mon· o( 1956." who will · atltl 11pecial day or Tue~ay. glamour to the proceeding•. MARGARET HA~IL1'0S snow VOM.~EE Services ror Marl('aret Ra.mn- ton. 7~, or 100 F.. 811.y 'A,;,._, who died Wednc1'dlly night. were> held Sslurduy Ill 11 R.m. In B11lt:z: Mor· tusry. Costa MeM (;hspel, with lhe Rev. Roy C.rl.l!IOft offlcltltin1t Interment w1111 private. A 'hflllve u! Clugow. Scotland. fl.he had hv1·1I here the pa.11t threc- year• and In Calltom la the last (our yeM11. She leavea a 110n, Al&n S. Ha.mllton, NeWJY.l.rl Beach ; two grandchlli'lren. .. Bielefeldts Now Serving with Hlera on the auto !!how committee lhl.11 yl'ar are CJy~e J ohnaon ot Newpprt Bt>&<'.h and Jack Fogel or Santa An&. Tbe 11.how l!I spon:sorrd by the clob lnd Its automobile dcaler-membera.. Free Uck"t• to the llhow will be ll\•&llable a t all parUclp11llng '1eal· era beiz1nnlng Jan. 10 the home or Mr. and Mrs. Roy H Keene of 1~76 F:. D<'l'•n. lhl.t Wt'ek, r c-cuperdtlng from two w~k• apenl In a lUverlide ho1pllal. Cba.rlu Ky\e wu approved T1le• 4'°7 nla1il by the NewJ>Or1. Beach Elementary· Dl8trlel Boal'd J Trua- • • RecoverillCJ -from Carat Or•CJ•nals Accident lniuries nte 8 1e1ereldta were returning to their hc>n1e al 77i0 Wiiiow Ave .. RJwr111d1!, After mltlng the Keen· u here two wttka ago when lhe acc1d1>nt occurr~ Within thl't'e blocks or the ))olJlle, 11notfter a uto Am&.liht'd Into thrlr vehicle. de- molillhUllit 1t. Bolh wen• thrown rrom the car onto the pavement. t ... 12: ad u building· ln1pector for lM addltton. to Harbor }llew and Ho,..ce l:n.alp Schools. Promotes De Maio Mr. :nt1 Mr11. Theodore Biel<-- The retllrnauon of Fred Wal· toll. bua driver. wu accepted by t.be board. Floyd C. Kranu Wtll be eniployed to replace him pending bl.a obt.alnJng an adeq11ste drlvf"r'11 ·11cen11e. J ohn Stolarck Sr. wRa employed u cuatodlan lo replan J ohn P rice who rellgned Dec. 10. Edward C. Gfl'apach waa a pproved by the board to be<:ome tiead cuatodlan a t Corona dt'l Mar School while Barry Treba.y wu employ@d u C\18todian at Ocwooa de! Mar and .Jwhaa-. Chn.t.t.aneen · aa cuRtodla.n at Nl'WJ'Ort Beach School. ln Una with lhe nrm·s poUcy or promotion from W1lhln the ranlui. lAn Robblna. • proprletor of Carat Orlgtnal.e ... Cool Clothu for Carnru• Cata" ot Santa Ana.. an- nounced advancement of Arthur Ue Ma.lo to the poi1JUon of 11tore ma.nager. Or Maio ca.me to Cartll an 19ti2 s~ ., lralnte and 11tartc.I up the l!iolder-to llUCCe.l<!I. Jn l 963 he re· c>e1ved an 11ward for outatandlng p~rformance from lh" 3 u1ld ror orlglllallly and 11lyllng 1J1 nien'11 ro1h1on11. ln the lattf'r "t.rt or '62 he Look hlmeelf a wtfe, Mary Lee. and now ruldee ~1th hi.s r1'11"1U)'" nl 112:1 Osk St., Santa An&. HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Perheps we hev• th. ·•l'\•wer Because we do everything here casa pu·ra feldt. form"r 8&.lb<Mln1, han rt'· covt"rf'd from major Injuries .11uf· feretl In an f.Uto acciJeot I>«. 18 lotrs. Blelf'feltlt will be vb1tlng Ill 81elt>feldt,; wac uncooer1oua tor three daya, Mrs, Keene np0rl~. a.nd Mn<. Blel,.ft>ldl sulfer.-d a broken back and brain concu.H1on. Bruce Martin FOR AU. Y00 UR IJl!SURANCE NEED.$ Auto-Truck FiN-Ufe AGE!'\"T ~-OUlcl l..Jberty 8-00GS liberty 8-MM rt Ave .. eo.&a llem cr~u~ -Wedn~y evenlnp, ney. attretary. Mra. Joe ~.. 21119 Meaa DT'ln, Colt.a MNL 17th and Pla(entla. Preadent, chenea. U 8-t884. TOASTMASTER _ Tueaday dln· Mra. Wooc19oe autte_red allsbt ln· Dale Bott. 1.1 8·H&3. l.IONS CLUB-'l'u-.daJ evenJllP, ...,... Pnafdellt, Dave Gardner. h DeMOLA Y-Firat and lhJrd Mon 1..e&'lon Hall. Pte.tcknt. _Walt Jurie• wMll her uaband'• car day11, Muonlc Temple. Adviaor. •Miller, ~t.ary, Forre.t P'09--Liberty 1-1277· r&lllrn-4 lnt.o a suard ...U at Bui- Carl ,.homu, LI 8·~25; Kuter ter. U 8·f01:i. TOABTMJ8TR&SS -8ecoad a.nd Uvu and E<lln.-r Bta., Bulla Ana. Councillor, Ruaaell Bortie. LI LIONJ!:TI"ES -:-Tblrd 1buraday, tourth Monda~. Bo.pltaµty She wu tttal~ e.t Baftt.a Ana 8-5002. Glrl Scout HoUM. rr.1ldent. -H_ou.ee_. Ba.lt>Qtr., Prealdent.. Huel Community Ho1plt.al. DoMOLA Y MOTHER'S CLUB -Merilee Dungan. 1.1 8-4to9. l"ourth ~ednelday, membl'ra' LION TAMICRS -Jrtrat Monday, homu. Prul<lent; Mra. Jame• .homea. Prellldl'nt, Mra l)go ~- Newkirk. LI 8-3818. tenon. 11eeretary, Mra. ~Ila OOMINI CLlJB-Flrst and third Lovejoy. 1.1 l-22te. Monday a, home a. Pruident, LUTHERAN LA\' MICN'S LEA· Georre .SmJth, ,ecretary, Mary GUE -Fourth Friday, homea. Whltmord. LI 8·6786. Prel!l~nt, R9y Bparl'tr. l.Iberty EASTERN STAR -8ecODd and 8-3607. fourth -ru.day, Coet.a Kee& .MltftKAIDS -l'lr1t Wedh~CS&y. 8'hk Bldg, Prealdenl, Mn. A r• Olrl Scout Hou11e. Pruldent. thur Flt1morria, Har. 2152. Dorothy Qerr. 1.1 8-&48. EXCHAN<lE CLUB-WednMday MASONS, F 4 A M-Wednead.ay, IOft WATEK VAVUUlll:D ...... ... ~a-- evening•, Kenned)''• Rntaurant. Callla Mee.a Bank Bide. W. }llreaf~nt. Cl&nnc. Roea, aecre-Mull't, Ray Nlel.len. LI 8...W. lary. W. B. Cullen. LI 8·7290. METHODIST ME:>;'S CLUB - LUlttCAnOM -CAI POUSHU .. AC..'&01'8 ntOM MEA.ll8 8AHTA. A.NA FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB -Mc>nday e•ellln.ft. Community Third Friday at clubhoUM. MethodLlt Church. Prealdeftt, Prealdent . ..)tra. Reu~n Day. L1 I Malcolm Reid. 1.1 1-6300. .1-1230. IMOTHICR.8 CLUB. JOB'S DAUOH· • • .. Asll Any lslCllMler TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPECIALS F4)R JAN. ~ 7, ~ Don'• Meats_ • sWi5s STEAK ~._. 8fc . "ClPde ll" L 'le BACON ............. _. __ ...... v.i-,, ._.~, ' 5• · PORK .CHOPS ........ A 11- Grocery D ......... ent 81~7• F'ro&ea Cir. GREEN IEANS -pq. ltc UM>y'a fllt'JT FOR SALAD ::.!:.' 1o1t0.i ... ,. •• TOMATOES _ ....... . . Teua11 GRAPF..YRl,'JT JUICE ............ . I.Abby'• • SAUERKRAUT !!:: <Mn ....... PORK & BEANS . DICK'S ....... Gro1erles ....... leed CARROTS 2 '-•M '15c: 1..c.' ....... AVOCADOS 2ror 25c le• 8Weft TANGERINES 2k 35c: SpeclalbdlMJ '. 111 9-'lty ProdllCe / Y• Select .• • • .· Clnnomon SUGAa LOAI ••• D ... ... 11•-> •. THm-~·MARKET SPOT--------"Jl&&Vkm Wl'D IL't llOl1U -W1llm1f NJ:SDCr - COllPLE'm IAUNDDIWI Md CLUNEU IU&llp"8 MIU M&W ... RACJa RESfDENTIAL-fNDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO 8MAU. •-. ... " .. ,........ ~ •zt. ma IAUOA · 1s~N~ ________________ _, 11111-~------~-... -----.----.... ------.... ·. • MAllNI AVINUI I -.C:-> I • /' .. - ' f , I . ·. • .J I \ ... . . --- fFC Wt. C•llls• NEWPcilT HARIOl.NEWs.PRESS -PART 11-PA&E 5 $ la .G . THURSD,\Y, JANUARY . 6. ,9$5 I l1rtor _I loo, llJ•i~ sw •• ,. ·lrleli• 41:.fl .,,.. ••••• , • t • • 17. L ~ GalUln' - A,.,. Pia. RolNrt It. ~. 900 ot Mr. ' and Mn. A.mold C. -MJm;n' ........ • ~· ... JJroadwa31. Ooeta M .... TIN Ntwpol't ..,... ... ....... rtceDUy puticlpated 'lla the .,,.. ket...U teun def•ted An.M Hilb Iat&ntry Dl.u&on'a TUI 11eld Ar- acllOoa oa UMlr court la tbe ftnt UDery Batt&lloa an-1 ettldency ~ of tbe Jexcelalor Bee bU-t..i la O.rm&11)., ketMll toura&mlDt 7 • • t •rd • Y Men of Pfc. CUbb~·a unit, the ~·::. ~~0~2-.! tiattaUon'a beadqµartera bat~~ Mal -.i alld Mft ao far po.st· were t.48\ed for Ulelr ln<\lvtdual ,, .. ~fair noord. • ability in th• ~ ot art1Uery t 'la tllle tin& ,.,, miDatea ot play weapoN aatl, Ulelr knqwled,re ot ... "Xalfp cllopped ia 8 qulck tacUcal mwatlona. »*&&. paw-'1'.amura and Roy Cubbl_,, r. cl•rk-typtat in th• bulel ~ a ,... polDLa of their balt~ry -~red lM Arm, In hp- ..,_ aid U. _.. n&d U..f ln \ember' llNJ3 and a.rrfnd overMU · 'llutlol:'a fla'YOI' wlUa but tb• fJnl 1n July, 19~t .-ner played. .--~--------~----~-- ~Tan KOl'9d 1 ... la Ule -,C· total read 8 poln~. Luie Kemper, cmcl «Juat'ter than tbey did. la the Knipp played a fine ~fen1ive periljd U CoSCh Jin!" Killer'• pme u well .. a fine orten11lv91 eecond itrlnlf playe.n had theft pin• .. Vollowlnr Knipp came Roy' ~ to play. Dr.ulel and Mike Ville v.r.fl t ... ·CHANGING COSTA MESA CITY HALL '!be tblrd qu&rtlr 'wu Arteala'1 polnt•· acored aplede. Dave Ta- chance .to pt back ln "the 1ame mura and Bob-K&rtill Kored 4 u Utey acol'9d ll point. lb com-polnta apiece and Jim Scboaea parlajon to UM Tar• 5 polnla. Thll dropped ht S po1Jtt1. Rounding out •plUJ'I• of pobata aave Uie Pion-the total WU Bud Tbomp90n with I eera a 7-polnt plclc up.on the lead. la 81nrle free throw acored. Inventory! No, aimply Wedne.d&y'a interior at Coat.a Meaa City Hall u Contractor Frank Biallell starts work on alteratio~•. City Council approved the work upon recomm~datlon of City Manager George Coffey. Bis- •llwaa :&warded bid on the .chore for $300. The altera- Tribute Paid tcr Retiring ·o. A, Jimmy D'Err.i.Co~ lreaks Knee .in . • K ore than :Z:>o cou.nty official.I, Si.• A · • d I co-workera and frfeoda ThuNldaY, a1 · CCI en _ artenioon paid t ribute to rturtnar ' • dlatrlct attorney J1mea L, _..D.a>Q~, I Jimmy D'Errfc0, 12 30n of Mr. . a.t a p&rty al the COWl\Y court and Mr•. James D'Errlco of 41t l\QUM. • D. Sola Terrace 11 recovering Iii Davi. wu preHnted a plaque by HQ&S KNpltal from a fractured the Elk• Club In recognition of hie .__ d d b t 1 aerv.Jt.u. He -a1ao wu giNen a aet .... ee r.n up gu 0 a eg. of cutf.11iiiU'1liY~y;-.""'Yctpiiiitl1'rie1r· "'1'rrlrrrrt!M!f'1ff The lad wrrered the Injury Sun-of hi• •tatf. P revlovaty, Davia bad ~-ck11..1,Y wbUe akilng on Reb<'I Rldce. been presented a bronze deak A.n ~•pert akler tor his yeara. lamp by employee• 1n ""tttl! D.A.' 1 .llmmy'a IU<la hit a burled rock of!lce, and a wrial watcb by the While he wu coming d9WD a slope. l>eace Oftlcer'1 A111od at1on. j Ttie famJly 11pcnl C°l1riAltmH week Davi.. was to apend hla tut d•y I a t Btr Bear. They ru1hed Jimmy aa Orange Courity Dtatrlct Altor- ln an ambulance to Hoag Hoapllal ney Fl-lday. He hu been ln office ~ night. He la • aeventh 12 years. He will be 1ucceeded by •nde atudent at Horacp Ensign Robert Kneeland. • kbool.--. '·Local Gas Meter ' lmtallcstfons Up Southern CounUea Ou Co. ln- er.....d the number of acUve me-' tera In Newport Buch by 111 per I cent In the lut IO year1. aocord· j lll( to Ju1lln J.1 . Ken11edy, naan· .. er of th!' C'ompany·a Ontnge I ' County Division. A.I of Nov. 1 9~4. Ultn• were 1246 active mc-ters in aer:vlcr In ,Newport Uotach, he Mid. Thi• eo,mpared with 8.'jij Jor 1954 and '1888 for l 0:,2. Claus lniured in 6-Car · Accident Cl&rencl' Cl8UI, 120 E . Cecil Place. Co.'lta Me~ wu one of five 1 drlvtn whose cart were prowed into Sunoay night by a rar drtven by Thomu E. Dufty. 22 . .: o< Seal Beach.. Clau.11 wee slightly Injured I The acc:ldcnt occurreJ on Cotiat Hl1hway near Seel Beach. Dotty wu rhaaf'll by Oranre County Sheriff's deputlee at 8.'i J mllu p#r hour. Ot>pu111·1 1111ld tht' del endanl'• cl\r brushl'd Into the Clau.e car a.nd ca11!'4'1i a mulUple acclde.nt. loard Okays Zonin9 ChafMJ• Near Mesa IANTA ANA tOCNSI -The County Board of Supervl10t1 Tue.- day apprqved a zoning cha.nee north o.t C.:oeta l.fua a.nd ordered County Cou~I Joel O&le to draw I v.p the necnsary ordinance. Cen.aln portion• of land north I of PaularUM> Ave. belwMD Bn.tol I 8t.-«hd ="ewport Ave. ind on lbe • .., .. l •Ide or ~r1stol St. between Baker Ave and t>t lentllnr almoat_ to Newport Aw• will be changed from A·t. aeneral agriculture. to M -1. light manuracturtnc. with JOO tt. front.Aitr 1rn•I :rn ()(\0 •q <t mlnl- muma. The plannlnj; 1 11mm1u1v11 sant the pncl11e pl1.n lo the 1upem•· or• with approvRI recommended. Stanford Alums Set lreakfast Sunday <>Qnse County Stanford Unl- 'nnfty alumni wlll hold a break· fut Sunday al 8:~0 r..m. In Rou- more Hotel, Santa Ana, l wu ar.· MUnctd" today by Robert S, Bame1, Bay Shore11. prnldtnt of ~ county alumni chaptfr Wamn BraJ.ford. Ptacent11. a dis· clOMd Coa<'h Chuqk Taylor nf Blanford'• foot0.11 team and all llllh .cbool r.nd JWllor coll<'ge ~ have bttn Invite~. Power Set•*-to Acllwlt New MeR1ta1rs . New mem~W be lnducttd Sato lb• Balboa Power Squadron a\. Ule Jan. 20 dlnner m•Una eel for Newport Harbor Yacht {;lub, accordtq lo Command« Curt. DoetL Cert.a.flcate1 will be prlffnl· eel UloM whOM wortl In aquadron eounMA enabled them to J>U1 u - amlnaUOna. . An mter1alnlnK rmJTam h u bffn arnan•f'd for th• evenlnr ... ion, It "'•• dbcloffd. •' .•. ,, ... , .. ,. ·~··· .... , ....... 'Tve beecr taking t he bu1 ~from my home in Pasadena to my offi~ in Los Angele1 since 19•'2;' says Le..,is 8 . ' Duke,.public accountant. 'This is a ral·rronomy for me, compared wirh driving aod parking cosu. More thnn that, I prri'er the bus. bec;a\Uf I'd rather have the Metro driver deal wirh the traffic than fight it. myttlf. Al.Jo. Mtrto-gtr.s me ro work right on rime:· "n •• 1r .. lo •• ,,., 1 c•• keep •Y NC•r• celloctloa ........... .Mary Roggi9L whole job is .Merchandise Record Coo· trol in a downtown depett· ment StOtt. ~Metro bwa regularly be~ Los An· ~In and Nonnlk. Sile says. "I buy a lo« of dU1ical and tdioas. uul figun that Mttro per• for all of diPm. My ""'ffkly bus fa.res total $6, and dri•i.ng a car would more than doeble my expcpses. The Metro driven ire friotndly, aod r.bc ""ice it good:· F Mnr•tr1rrl i#fONIMliOll, uJJ HArbor 4 MITUPOLITAll! COACH Ll•ll ...,...,. 1u-.. "••· .. L.-~-~·~ ri::..=.- ; tiorui will fumt.h Building Official A. J: Volz' depart- m~nt with 16 feet of couti~r space. Foreground, Vols discus.sea the re-organization with Mrs,. Thomu Mur- ray, aecretary to Coffey. -= Staff Photo Jn the final pe7.2od, e Tara .cored For the Pioneer1 lt \fa1 Don 16 polnta to '• 7.~ Anderson with 7 pofnta M top " Toe •conor tq the tourname11t man. ' fame WU Je1T7 Kemper who ecor· The Tare w1ll play Lonr Buch ed 11 polnla. Knipp came off .ec-Poly -next on the loumr.mmt ond belt In th• .:ortnr u hi• schedule. ' ' COM.PARE -· • • •- -WE .INVITE COMPLETE • Yes, complete in every detail. Local News. well written end reported fairly and im- partially by ~ur editorial staff., all residents of·this c-ommunity. . THE FINEST PIC.TURE CO~ERAGE Pa~ replete with interesting pictur•• of local heppenings; (whether it be en ·occi- de,,t or a wedding, or perhaps a Feature page of the local. ba I club in action. .· ·REPRESENT ATIV.E ADVERTISING • The coluPnns of the "News· Presa" carry the advertising mes1a9e of representative merchants throughout the area, both in ~lauified end di~pltiy. You will want to check these adv~rtisemenh for values on ell comm6dities. · EDITORIALS Every idutt of the Newport Harbor News. Press carriH an Editorial page which deals with both'_locel and National !!sues. Editorials exprdl1in9 hopfts for the future, com- menting upon the problems of the present. and endeavoring to offer a solution. y ES-W ·E. D~O ; INVITE . . COMPARISON-~ BECAUSE ••• After JOll dlecll page by page with ALL other newspapers clrculatlllCJ In tlle area, Y• w• wawt to lllbscrlbe promptly to the complete newspap«, t11e BEST newspaper In the entire area. · · JfBWPORT ~ HARBOR xew.$6 P.Ress Publlshecl MORDA Y and THURSDAY of each wee• $6~pays for. one year's subscription -which brings both papers · ( Mon~ay &. Thursday) to you by mail. I· YOU and YOURS • 'I ' '"' ••• ,,_... l>o..t" ..-., __ •··· -,-. ·-Desene the Safety Insur~ by_ a FEDER·Al SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION CHAITlllD & SUPQVISID n · THI UNfTID STATD 4M>YDNMINT STATEMENT OF CONDITION DICIMID 11, 1 t54 AS SE T·S Fir1t Mort9a9e Lo1n1 ................ ~·······-·····$11,012,11 t .49 Lo .. 1 Oft l"'pro.-..! lte~I bl1l-prlMlp1lly ho"'" ;,. 0L19ufte .... 1. 11\d viclftity, .... Loins on Stvin_gs AccO\lnh ............................... J6,J77.5 I T • .,..porory lo1n1 for th• cOl\Y••l•••• _. •11• ah•r• holderJ. Properti11 Sold on Contract ·······-·····-····----1,960.27 Rul Esflte Owned 111d In Jud9m1nt -·-····-····-2,019.9% lt1v u tmenh ind Securities .. . ············-···· ... ]90,C>09.00 Co•1;,1;n9 ol Go.-er~"'•otf to...lt 1...I '•d1r1l Ho1111 Loo" h•~ Stoel C•ah.. on Hand •nd in l1nk1 ·····---····· ......... 2,491,729.U Wor\i"g uplhl o" ken.I. 4e,.elt•4 l• i. ... h. Office 8uildin9 e11d Eqvipment, 111d Perking lot, Leu Deprecietion ·---·-·······-··"-·-·---112.064.20 Deferred Char9H end Other Au eh ·········-·-··-·'• 931 .U TOTAL ASSETS ····-··-··-·-········-·············$,2 I .244,972.H LIABILITIES Savin91 Accounts ·······~-············ · ....... $17,192,474.~ Tltlt I\'"• .... ouftl ; ....... "' Y,tlt WI .. ., ,.,.,. '"'" HOO iftdi•iclvel1, tr11d•" 11\cl corpor1tl-. Lo•na in Proceu ---.7 .. -... ····-···· .......... 2, 170, 966.47 Other liabilitiH --·-----.. ·--··-····--·~·······45,56).15 PleaM .ter my aub8crtpdoa to the NEWPORT JIAUOS Nm. PJlE8I Specific RuervH ---····-·-····-····-·-··-··--7.496.56 ,.,. .. loi 011e • I ·uaaentuwl I •Mii Neelve botb lloeda7 ... n.na, Gener•I Re11rve1 --·---·-··I ,416, 156.2 J IMuea for 01lly $6.00 per 7eu. ----· -----1--1-+..:!:Sur lu1 ·--··-·-·····--··········142.) 15.44 Gener.I R111rve1 •"' Surplu .... :=·--····· ' 21,471.17 TOT Al LIABILITIES -------.. -----U 1,244,972.H NAME . ADDRF.88 LAG·UNA F.EDERAL · SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIATION , . . , "ANDKW S. HALL, President mOCUMAft. PHONI HY 4-1177 ' ~·. .. r I , ~ ' \ ~~~ •I e e MA.I I. f . WITH .SALLIE · .. • We aay the D&r,lle proudly · . aDd take off our bat.a to three • brothen Arnold, MoDte and Don . • • Arnold. the cowbOy of the bunch, bu clwp of · the ·ranch and hanaa up bi.a bat 1D Lido lale ••• "\lonte, 1D Charse of ...,... and lel'Vice, will De beie nut Friday and Saturday to amnrer all your qlllMicM'• u )'OQ taste O&· ture'• moet perfect food • • • Doll ••• ~ the other two 4on't do be doee ••• ...... ~....e1aw. Ille .... t.o 'roddll ... • • • Yoa'll Mio ftlld It m -.u to IQ otber a..IPr ~ ""' llarketa ·taaroap-.. Onqe 'Veuty M of 1lle fin& of&!~ ••• ne,. ... tosetheJ' to f ... tllle Market-... OomfM1 ••• Wla)'f 'to·· · ~ Joa. oar peopee, to ta.. atmoe& of oar abWtJ ••• to malataaa • ...ut, .... prioe ••• to ........ )'OG of dallJ: fnMnee1 la UM mUk Hpjly JOU , tote Mme Mt leed 1-r ......, ... W\lY did we cboole Todda ! · -We lute ·to do bus*=-with win.Den • • • The Ora.np County and State Health De- partmentl have only juat re- cently ICOred Todda Plant and R&Dcil ~ 98% • . . Our own Edward Lee Ru.uell, Health Officer tor Orange County •Y• Todda plant ia the moet modern· in the at.ate • . . At the 19M Loe Angele. County Fair all three aamplel 1ubmit.. ted by Todda, namely .l!atra Rich lluiti Vitaaun milk, rec· u1ar bomogonized milk and CS0-60 were given blue ribbona ••• Take a Jaunt up to Todd'• plant right there wher~ Main ~t.reet and Newport Blvd. in· terilect •.• near the Holly Su· pr Plant .•. Go in and have a look around .•• Call up Don at Kimberly 3.9336 ana make an appointment to take your Brownie, Girl Seoul, Boy Scout or cl&laroom tbrou.gh either the pl.&nt or the ranch ••• Don'U give 'em all free ice I c:r..m i.t you do ! • 'rodd'• ·~ t.;niam. latro-411Ced here lut llarcb wttll OU OW1l Ricbard'• 1Abel, ... ae.d.U,y &l'OWJl la popu· . lutt)' • . . Eaeb moaUl yoa , aloe people are .U.C aboat , 11% more ieie UMm U... JOU did la the aame moetaa ' · , a.at year • • • Tiie b · Creul'• 1o;od ••• you like It • • • )'OU tell )'OV frte.da about It • • • Yoa'U like 'rodd'a milk t.oo ••• We do .•• · • We bel>eve la It .... . ~e~ bee• two yean mak· I ... • tllia 1wttcb • • o • ud . we've.done it for you ••• U J'O'l. lllle )'OV mUll deUveftld , . to your door. • • • ·rodcl•a doe9 a.bat too ••• Tbe ~ , ml aamber to C!aU ••• IUm- berty I-NM ••• -our New ~ear'a re90lution • • . to make our atore the world'' ruceet place to' abop "In •.• You'll eee a complete overhaul job done here during the next few moot.ha to be · oompaet.ed by our •venth an- aivenary in March .•• We're lltal'tiDI with t.be doors • • • p-etty aoon you'll be able to ftoat 1D • . • They'll Opell by theDllleJvee and aay "Hi" u JOU approach • • • open and eq JOOCl·by ~ you leave ••• we·,. colac to n-1..u.r ov ant here at IUebard'• Udo Harke&. oae of UM U- do 8boi-at the eatruK\e to Udo··, \ -./ l . . • • I • 1HURsoAY, JANUARY '1 1911 ' ·'. -• ' ' . . Ill~ O.&Jrl'O!f-a.&NCll ftl'.:llll LARGE U E--·--·~4~ .. ' • ·. --- I ••••• 1·n · ........ .............. l"ftllla .. --.... FreM QmltJ Foocla wUI aid ftl'WJ,' ~utte- iDeat ud a ....,... •• beglaalag for yoa ucl yoar famDy la lW. • '. ...... ..,.. QUALl'IT OONl'SOUZD · • MAYOllAISE ____ ·--~----·.-r' 49c There's ·none fresher/ •• DOLS PllEAPP.LE ·JUICE--...-..· ~·25c LlllBT'• FllOIEaN CREME CORI . ( n&NOO .AllialOAN 2 -. . " SPAGHETI'I ...... ·-·-···--·-=-·--····~ . .11~.... ,. 2Jc BLU. 8&1' ,. · TOMATOES······-···---·-········--·---~ .. ·~ 1 Jc aos•arr.&. raoz&N 57 ME~l.CAN DINNER .. -...... -.. -.-... -.. -: c ,a.JOllA&D'8 8HW:R•l!)T or ICE C:REAM .: ... ---· CLIMAX! To a Y__.s Sttldy of M•t 1'0DD'8 CUAllY BICB DA.IKY PllODUCl'S, produced 1a <Wlforma'a lllCl9t modera dalr)' plaat. AQ NOW AVAh.ABl.J; . il BICB- ... Y, .... 1'f ABD-s. Prime wt.u.la& proclada mm a prise .... a1ag Dab'y aad 8aacJa DQW pee& J6a M you Mop for bWtb. Aaotber l&ep towarda oar c-i of ofls- lag aaperlor products produced. by ~ve, mod· ena-mhectect baelae11mea, Heb u tbe Todd's of <>raale County. We lavlte yoiu. to la.apect tbe1r d.la- play of ~ Ul4 awatda. try their wbualag milk ud to pu& Todd'1 Freell Dairy Prodacta freeh OD your Ult of 1965 J"elOlutlou. ti#··· ..... Start Fresh '-with Choice Quality/ • •TM ao.et WUA • a.al rla~ 7-lli0NE .ROAST lb. 39c ·o:ao.E ROAST:b. 5gc ,. -' 'nan/fr Jl'lfr' lllcMrd'• u. 8. CWce ~SHORT RIBS "'WU. net ...... ,.,__,. hjft'a Pl alw , ... 1b. l9c lb. -SLICED · BACON lb. 65c r ~ fueJ, Sweet. Jledl~ Navel > 25c Iba. .·ORAN§ES I PiTATOES. 10 1&1. 39c . ~ • LwP,Swee&,~Ami.a GRAPEFRUIT 4 19c ... for - Serve some·thing tliHerent tonitel .,.._.._ ... !Ada • CHEDDAR CHEESE _ .. 2_ .. ~ .. 59c Fw Du r~ VW. -er · a• IRANDY CAkES 11oL ._..___.._ Mt RED . CAllAGE_ ..... • MioNn cH••SE 19'· JI-* s.-. p..,_.._ ..,._, 49• c...... . y ·--~It ea. Youac'• 8...- CHAJIJ>AUl'llt'E 33•. Krallt ·····--····· .. ····to-. Pea • QuW -Double st,...ncU• Roquefort 55f' Dressing ............. , oL Fresh BalteJ .--Here! 8bop ellCla week for oa.r day to day Baku)' deUghta. Adel eometb•1 clWenat to eacJa meal and .. ve at the wune time. Look wlaat we Mve ~ Thanday, Friday ud Satl&l'd.ay ! THUR~DAY iSCU1ff ·-· ·----···--·---.. ··~=~ 19c .QijMfil100KIES -.--.A~-18c ,.KIUAY CORtr iiEAD~.: _______ ·---·-·-··-· ...... ., 23c iOYSf iifliY PIE -·--·---~ 52c 5 o.&. ...... ·.BEAR CLAlYS ______ 3 1or 25c 1.-p r ._,.,. 0.1111111 ...... • FUDGE CAKE ------·· -~-~ .. 97c > • ' • • > 'lllle IUeeha~'ected-.. )· .. .._ . ,. . • I '' I I / -' • .,. :,,_..._............. ~ . .... \ r .,.. ' ... .. ''IAtio~ 'PRm:-wtRRIR-.OW-tlGRTING. Gordon Aputmmta. M w. ~ iuva. won ~ pme hi the ~iDmerdal d1viaion in Balboa_tor~Unr decoratJoli conte.t~red by the N~rt Harbor Ch&dlber of Co~erce. -Beclme~ Photo . *"ft W'E, llO&-Retlrlnr Dial Atty. limes I>&-* -Nd, SOM OYer penal cC>de with lncominr Dlat. • · At;q. ~ Kneeland. Tbe 'latter took over otfldally J-. a. All Gplll bocm WM held fn the D~'• oft.ice Jut weet la IMmor' of Davia. who baa MrVecl u Diatriet At· torDeJ of tJu. ~ty 12 yean. --OCNS Photo. ' ASK ·MURDY~TO PUSH . . FLOOD . CONTROL BILL Stcmley Opposes Deletion of .Two-tltlrcls loncl Vote C...._ DON'T Miii OU• . .... P•.•·inwentory lale Coats • Sldrts • Dresses • ••• • lobes --' your progress and our progress goto"th•r ,_ .... ~M.D.' .......... .. W, A, Olre._lw ~ .... ~ , INDINCtM' fnNrMI On Savi~· ~eld D"C'. J '· •t!l4 •• . . SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Of"necl on Of ~ore Hie l 0th ""' ...;.,... from the '" • ~V! IY MAIL we pay· the pot~ Accumul.flnt S.vi"91. achieving the securif'f of debt-he HOIM Owner- ship are two of ·the ways in which you get ehMd. Our bus~nass is to Nip you clo bofft. This flnanci.I st~ ~ the progress we · Mive med. .in 1954. STA1'EMENT OF CONDITION Oecamber 31, 1954 ASSlTS Co1h In lonkl loona on leal f1tote 8ond1 ond Oth.r S.curltl" Other An•t• TOT.Al LIABILITIES $ 4t,174.S1 at,696.Jt 10,000.00 _ 11711.H $502,M4.21 Sootini• Accounft fa 11,202.05 -t.1'...,...,.n,p.t1...-1m.i,...------:--;;.--16,ll0.4f ~Vln Other llabllltl" ~ 1t,I06.50 Copltol and Surp.1~ .J 12,MS-!! TOTAL $502,ICM.25 11188101 SAV.INGS .. L111 A111vi1ii11 - 112 West 5th StrNt SGnta Ana, Culfomla ICl"'*ly 7.3170 ·11 County Seeks · 900 Acres of . . Oil ·nc1e1ands • PIRATE IASKETIALL HOPIFULS _ Coach )rf UH Eaton wiJJ lead hia Oranp Cout College .hardwood. artWt. iato Eutsa Conference competition Friday. The Pirate.• will host Mt. San Antonio ill a contest to •tart a\ 8 p.m. A mildly 1ucceuf ul practice meuon t. behind. the Bue. •. '!'hey pur- ticipated in both the Sam Barry and Chaffey tournament., wlnninc cont.ta In .eh. Left•to right: are: Coach Miles Eaton, Ted Martines, Gayle Herbel. Al Santini. ltOll Winterburn, Gordon Sut.erti~ld, Bill Inloes, Neil Denhart, Jerry Riee, Binr-stuT. Dalie Pitta. F1"t!d Stew~ and Bob Wetzel, manager. -Photo by N~ Mu't1n ' I • 'THI FINBT AND LOWEST .. ICED . FArtJ Amerleu . M 'APLE FURNITURE ····4!',uJ.. .. 0,-Fridays ... ' CAlll'-Lll9 . 3 9 COOKING SET "'I• .... H01V • DOLL E SHOPPERr.c.IM NOW .369 TALi<ING DOLL ,.. UO-~OW 239 TOLE· ART TRAYS,.. UINOW 119 VACUUM CLEANERS"1o':' 198 HAUIET HVBBA&D 469 A YER DO.LL n-1• iue._. __ sAUB IOYS cmc1 GIRLS SIDEWALK llKES ~· J'M;_______ sui2,91 TRIKES ~. ua .-.NOW 3•9 . SnJfflD DOGS ftf· uo._.Jow 298 SO~o off WOOD PULL TQYS .DISNEY PAINT SETS SCULPTIX PAINT SETS CttOCOLA TE SETS METAL JAP TOY~ ·' * 3ocyo off NYUNT EARTH MOVINI EQUIPMENT GRADDS • HAULEIS • LOADBS I< HOPPERS • IOCKDS Chemistry Sets 30~o off Phono Recorch Re9.' 1.29 ---·~~ 79¢ Comet Models Reg. SOI ......... Now 1 Sf Reg . 25¢ ......... Now 1 Or Reg. IO• .......... _No¥/ 2r MARX ELECTRIC TRAINS 400/o off GERMAN STEAM SHOVELS !.. Reg. -4.50 ................. Now 279 HOl'llllCl11 Doi ·& War.-. s.ts Reg. 8.50 .· ...... : ........ ~ .... Now 449 MANY EXCELLENT PLASTIC· MODELS 30~o off 3442 Via Uclo ,. ,.__ -" -4;;-• I 2!!" ,. Ltoo 101/~nd Mcnly OtMr "Speclak" .Too N,......ot11 to SUUCT TO STOCK ON HAND In the U~ ShopplllCJ Center ..... · 2954 • / \ 1 I . .. ,. "" PA&E 2 .• PART 111-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS THURSD~ Y, JANUARY 6: ms ' ......... ., . M·ATHENY'S .MEANDERINGS .. .-. Oll-:H ion IEIA -IMS' AJ-CltJ· Re(efJes ~~ ~'!:' .. 11101, 11ilEi-ALL ,. -· S6217 In Tixes ~::~~=~~~ llen'n.d •lo. Qomta v-I.JM.a. Cbab will • la Janu•rv, It fu Me.ft~ t"-· .....,. ~ IAcaAKmn"O COia> • -fto. -., hold tMAI' J& ~ dblDlr meetaDi GI& ·tJae <>f'.IQP bert o. ltltlrwood. MaC.. .... troUer. Ttle cla• wlU be ~Id ~ ,.. _ _.. "-''--_ ___.. ot •-_....._ W~y troin 7:10"1'$:80 p.a. · "-t.....;u..a-· 1~ --.i. •-"--of t .,_,... ' ~ --.• CIUDpul U •-.._ ~· ~t tocla.1 a~ .apportlONDtllt of In room ti of Ole library. BullJld . w CUt tbe _,_ -• 10" ... ,_ a ~.,...._. •~:-tbt hDlrtoD • OOC .Wball PIM foDowinc U. ·:!,~;.000 u.: .. -~ ~C:.:,= matter to bt covered will tnolude J!l&Jbe yqu'U find ·tt .IM&PfUI to u.t ~ f~ to a ~ ~ · . ctu_. and'·OO\IDUM. IOU an4 90&1 pl'Oblema. plants .anr.::•:-----..;;..._.:.J la OM of tbt Harbor u.•a maDJ. tine natauruU. DiDDw for tbe MrYice club membera wW bl ot \he U.t02.ooo dw.trOMatecl to P'&nUnr. watertli1 &!Id 1rrll• ,..,_what w<uve J8tnecl from .wro. ... ~,. lel'ftd bi the StUdent Center • at e:30 p.p. ~r-dtl ... ~ewport lleaeh ne.tY9d .... =o:~mS:n~ !n'7:r:C:lf! U.W. tJat. IOUth coutal apot w bl..ed wtth n....-ou& •· talnWM!'t 1fU1 be proYidect &, the muaic Cl!parbpeslt 21 T, at tile rat• o( aboUt a& ceau msn. · per <*Pita. oelellt lpOt.t tw procurtns and ... . . • ' • under :the ~ ot Kennetb ~r and the A Ilk• anaount weft\ .to cieuaUta. WtnaeUnr lb• c1U1i1 wUI · • Jo1IN tut)' tld~ta. and enjOJ· •• ~.·-La-•• ___ ... drama. cte--~ d.lrected by J. Robert Ken. The ~-... lAnl. landalape able po~ · .. ; • ...... __ .. _ _, ~ ~ -· ot wtalcb Onap Cou.t,y pt SU.· arcbJt.eC:t from l.at'una ... CL ' . ~ think IDOCJMr• won't be c·---~.-& · ....& oc·c ~ pme will, be played In the college 1)'111• 277, or about f7 oenll ... capita. ·I.ADI' boWe a Callfom .. ~ u • rla4 'to llJp ... ,. for-an evenlnr .... ....... .... nulUlll ~ at 8:00 p.m., Approximately e5 111• cliatrlbuUOll' WU tOI' the ,.r. a ludK&pe arcliii.ct afld ba.1 1. out • A' clue la UM~ i....-.. Llau Qub memben Nld ,Ueet.t are expl9ded to be ~r.!°!/.'::. 1 thro~ Nov. so. ~ ::'!!:ta th• tt•lcl fof ~ BJ u.. ""11¥. bow about .,nte wU1 ap.Ul be otter.cl u a part « ~ for .the meeUnc and game. Kirkwood aaid th• ''IQ lieu". tax ..--,- ,.... aowT Mope, there bl not .a UM ·a4\ali ed11e4tlon t•rosna at-------------------------111 leYled1t Ui• rat• flf fl per •100 ~ Jetter t11 Qllable• 1n· that <>nap OoUt ecsn.te 1tart1nr Ju. r ' or market ftlut Of each Yehtcle. pr1ntec1•quta1 'nie,.·ta complJmea-e. · . . Tir· ltilte' 1a. lllUU' bofl aa 1t wilMI-ln ..Ch The tu wu formerly colJtcted bf .. .., food awalUnl' ~ at ·• TIM c ... wtll be open to·'&ll . M . H'tllt. Awarda wUl be "'"" for clU• 91\d caunuu .. penonal ~1'90A BOVA ill Costa JiC.-a adU}ta wtth9Ut cbarre. ll will meet . _ : •1 1 _ the flr.l lQplacu ln each .contm. properl.y tu-.-~t aow 11 c;ollect- com• next Monl!a.y eve at the one night per 'Week, T11uf'.clay1 to P1rt1c1p1te Awards will •ho be .iveo lo ea~l\ ed by ua ..... tatfl .. part of Ole ve-• ~ ot 5, troll) 7 to t p.m. In room S of the team and to the hlgh_est JO In an hicle Uct.nM fte. Tout boet for J.b11 buffet dinner Bullne11 Education "bulldln1. Th• •. • eobteat1. ------------ arrAllirwanB - ·"MISS SADll THOWSON'' la new"°"""' .. John Majurl. 'n\Ja tnatructor la Mn. Ludm11&,Savo-II field Day PLANNEn Ja hi.a way of h&'finl' an oPllortun· nov. Mn. Savonov al.a teaehea. Refres hments will be ~rv•<f to Minor AlltO Crash lty to pt acquainted with many Russian In the Pasadena echool • all partlclpant11 In th.e Studeot · 1AGW ON HIS SHOUtDllS . ro11owtn,. nUrement cel'9monl .. Mld reeaUy at Jm1Toro Karin• - • Cori,• Alr Station, Col. Le:o 8 . Maddy hu bl1 .Uver earlea pin· • ned on bl1 llhouldera by ht. wife Annallaa. MaddJ'• two aona. Scott,. 3, and Craig, 4, are In Ole forerround. Col. Maddy, who ...._ been Hroloc:r officer at lbt Alr 8taUon atnce Mal'Ch, retired from Ole Martne Co"Pf after 28 yeara of aerrice. '!be Maddy tunlly r...Sctea at JOO Helm~ood Drive. Newport'·Beech. of you chow-houndl and rourmeta. ay1tem. The clas1 wlll be a con• A Ir I cu It u i: e st11dent1 from Center l>ctwcen 4 :00 Md ~:OO·p.m. In &ddlUon to the nice display of tlnuatlon of one 1tarted In Sep· througTlout Orang-e County Will Hl,rt 'setlool prtnclpala and 1grt· euJlnary acco~plllhmenta ready tember. converr• on Or&n1e·Qoa.lt'Collegt culture lnltructora h4v• aJeo.bee11 tor eatiJlg' John ha.a. arranred• for .Frld1y, Jan. 1' tor Uie first an· invited to attend . m:.ialc and entertainment. POSTA hu re-opened after a nual Oranle Coalt ColJeee Future Those reaponllible for p~ing Majurt ill well known to a grut holiday vacation, Francia explain· F•rmers J'ltld Day. All vocational Ule fl,!ld day are Elgin Baa and rnan,y IOC&W who i:iave enjoyed hl11 ed hl1 family and hi1 LA POSTA agricultural claatu from Newport Richard Barrett. agriculture In- • Minor •ccldeat occurnict Batur· day on Newport BJTd. at llchd• · tlt<n Place belwl'en cara drlvt>n by HartoA Bennett Smith of 217 211t St~ and Allan Ray Wood of' Bant,a Alla, police 11ld. • ---------------------'-----food preparaUon11 'liown ln Laguna start enjo31ed a grand Chr11tmae Harbor union Hieb S~hool will at~ 1tructore at Orange Coallt Collegl'. ADYENTll.RE TO. SPLENDOR .Beacll~ Frqm ·what our •eouta tell and New Year1 an~ all are. prep-tend, ·Robert. Penin, , Instructor, Other high achoo!• wblcth-wlll -A ua HARBOR HOUSE will con· ped and ready tor resumption of aald. · . aend 1tuden't.1 are Ji"Ullerton, Ana· Unue Ila policy 11t Saturday danc· Ute pleuant. talk of aerving "real Betweeil 150 and 260 atudenta helm. Garden Grove, Tllltln. Va- color Films\ Of Northwest, 1n1 and "Pete" Hector will 1tand· Mexican food" to. thtir legl~n or rrom eight hlJh achooll and Uiree l~ncla, Brea-Olinda ' and Orange. by,. u1i.unc John, In aeeln,g that friendl and patrona throurhout junior collegell -will participate. Students also "\Ul rome ~ Ful- patrona receive the beat In food, ,Orance County. Look for1 LA The event will atart at 2:00 p. m. lerton College and Santa -Ana Col· tnlertalnment and 114!rvlce. POSTA out Newport Blvd ., near with contest• to be held In five lege. R . · p d f be Sho Maltre d' Marahall down at Art the country club. . different fields -------------. ose . ara e 0 wn . La Shelle'• CHRISTIAN HUT D'y& know of anyone who ,en-. MHler Soft Arrives ~ . • · 1&14 Ulat he wu the bu•le•t and joy• people· more than the ROS· Judging contuta will be h.eld In .. . · .. ·· ~ . }l~ppleat of a1J the happy and busy SIS 1 It alway• ~ema that "Ma· bfff, eheep and utlllty hen•. Con-Mr. and Mra. Robert Miller of Northwe9t Adventure, a color;-I Columbia ud by boat throurh pe()ple crowding the popular Bay-ma" and "Pappa" Ro•\I ret a. teata will a.ho be h_eld tn teed 1043 l.Jnden Place, Ooet.a w.-. ntm lh~Wlng the "£\oergreen Em· the San Juan Ialanda, the Ro,Ut fl"Ol\t spa dowp In B&lboa. Accord-bl kick out of .seeinr people en· Identification and plant ldenUfle&* welcomed • baby lfoy at ~ pirt" l)l Oreson. WUhlnrton· and River lnd up ~e Chelan. ~ to M. h• waa the 0 1 tllemulvee. T ou can find a. lion. Each 11ehool may · ent•r u Ho.pit.al Dec. 21. BrtUah Oolumbla will be lhown UNUSUAL SCENES rreeter" _for all the lovellea who ot of people who'll testify they ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;!!!~;;;;;::;;;:;e;:;;;;;;~~ by th• fireside superlative· food, cocktails ~rvice amid old en&lisn charm. HURLEY BELL -Ai..- fXilieJ ~ llATUIWAY ...... 8ru.de "~ -0-"DBllJEE" ''THIS IS YOUR ARMY'' . ·-· at Newport Harbor UnJon Hl(h MJdrley'1 fllm1 Include. fl«A .. ~e ~ A!'n!_~d "'l> ·~ ~4! HUT.:. jJway.1 etjgy the ItaJl•.!lJ~ and ~....._~Bdtool""'...:.·..,.-.~uc11mtoi-.rt11i!""WdirtMW'r.'on .. day"_ Rm-nlir . ...,'rh~t+o111tlll·mard-n-tymzi111'tta11ce.-::-lil!"it,td~·om-m.rf.eent-1'9~mllltmf-t. ~~rah:=::al::-tli-w'Ean:::t.~~oT,u~to:::-:::kn~o::;w~t:::ll.::l•t;..r,t:::-fl~e,..:•~t:::m:::oa~h~erreO::.a:::-t..:R::.:;::O:.S:.S;:;...l'::;.S..:0¥:..;.;:e;.:..r+ll----•-1 .. HI!---A RlC H--·1 · · • Qi•)' w be open In Corona de ar. cllnr etn~tol'J'apher &Cid pro· .equencei will abow · Tlmbertlne acept Nonday1. How doe11 the Idea of a eood 135 Coast Hwy. Te[ Vl6 CORONA .bu fW •· -·· ....... •, ducef" of the film will narrate. Lodre. Victoria, "Seattle, ·0ie ftOM HICNRT'8, over on,Cout Htrh· movie appdl to you at this time 1 Mldl'lt)' travelled by_ bteycle and Fe1Uval Jn Po~d. the Or•Son way, remlnda ua that they arc The local lmpreaaarloa have. done fllroecl tile ONron c~t. Columbia Skyline Ro.d, Mill Crffk Falla dolnc a b1rrer and better bl~ on well to achedule eome well·pub· Gori•• Crater Lake and Vancouv· and Mt. Rainier National _Park. He thelr home-made tamalea. HEN· llclzcd cinema producllon11 tor u Ial&Dd. On foot he filmed \he &ll!O filmed the anowy Fourth of RY wlU prepare tl)em tor you to your peru1~. To wit: a t the LIDO, OlymplCll and Oaacad~. Mt. Hood Jul)' 011 Mt. Baker. lhe Heather lake home and enjoy In cue the "A Star 1JI Born"; at the PORT, and llt. ftalnler. By l\,Ulo he went CUp Ski Tournament, Ski Ju,mp· U.r9d old body doesn't qult• feel Jn Corona ael Jlfar, "While Chrllt· to the Orand Coulee 1.nd ·Brttl1h Ing and tbe OoJd OUp ~·· Ui• up to going out. Just buu'em and mu(' which 11 followed by "~p world'• futest •J>ffC! boatl. the hot tamalee will be ready for ln My Heart" Saturday; at th• TOtlaNAMENT Ol' llOSES you to pick-up. 'However, you Ju•t MESA, "Tbe Violent "Men" 111d at Cafe _and Cockta_il Lounge OPEN IO A. M. TRJCOVOB t A. II. . ' N.ewpon lthJIL o• 0-& · W.11~. .Nl:WPOIH' Bl:ACH • ToWJllle.y Eftten Innocent PIM A1 an added attraction, Mldrl•Y mlrbt dttlde to ltlck around an<\ the BALBOA, "Sadie Tbompeon." wllJ ahow ln color Ult entire 1965 enjoy the tun that au th• "can1" 1'11111 I• only the listh day of ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii~ Tournament.of RoMe in PuadenL bu when they .enter the porta.11 1956, you .tlU hav. 369 da>'• to An Snllocent plea to a drunlc 'neath the ~mbrero atop HJ:N-keep your re901uUo~ to drive.., .. dr1vlJal' charre wu entered in New-Pu~eft in Kor--RY'S. , ly and keep alive. Don't 11ve up; port Juatlce Court by Raymond '°" ._ JrrancJa .Reyn.oldl repon.. LA live It up! · R: Townllley, 44, of 118 Jeth SL, Marine Sgt. Harold IJ. Puckett. Dec. 11. He r.qut 11ted a jury trial lhuaband of :Mra. Joan Puckett of set tor 10 a.m. Feb. 21.-Laguna Beach ll aervUis In KoTea Cotta MelU\ police arr.,ted with Marine Air Willi 33. a unit 'J:ownalty recmtly at Superior and or the lat Marine Alrcratt Wtnr. Anaheim Aves. They aald h• wu Group 33 baa provided cloae air •nt:i::!!a!: dnvillr on Nwwport Blvd. ln an 1upport_ for combat' operatlona and trratJc m~. TOWjlley i. fret m.aneuven of"the lit Karine Dlyt· on U60 bell. , 1lon 'lalnce September, 1960. Santa Ana loan Association Shows Confidence in County Bttting u .tu r oal ah usocta~ Uon In t>xceu or ~ mllllon In Ole not-too·dl~lant futurr, th• Santa Ana Saving and Loan Maocj1Uon .... demonstt_!ted Ill conficlenee ln the tabulou1 growth and pro.pert· t1 or Ora.niie Count):. Sta~CI complied by th• county durtnc lt&4 hive provided atlded backln.r for _that conf1denc~, 8.tartin1 with an lnveatcd r•pl· tal of 11 ".000 tome 32 year1 a10. . the Banta A.Ila UllO<'latlon totalled . a.eta of 117 m1Ulon 1n l 9M. Pre· llldent 0 . R . lt&rr "port. the ~ 110ClaUon·1 poU<'y C'~Ul:ll to be Clfle ol ptoYldtn( all poutlile aer· "1ce \e.Jt.L.lftftetOl"I IUld borrow• .... .,. Th• U90Cl&boa l\u aided ln Ule' con•trucUon, purchue or reflJlanc- lnr of 10,000 homea a.nd comm .. r· cla1 properllu. Our1n1 th• tut 10 yw.r1, the total loan volume hu beat In •1'Cffe ot $40 million. Fin'!\ board or dl~tor1, · oftlcer1 and personnel a.re encouraged to parO· clpat. ln local actlvltlee and Mr- Yice or1antaUona. t{>ORT9'.~,,.'(,- • . -.... ., ' ... , • ,. 1,li STARTS SATURDAY 4 JAN. 8 for ONE WEEK rec:orda Niow that 20,000 lnvcat- llMnt and saving• account. ·have •• GHATIST AllAY OF ·* been luued eln<'r 1h,. foundlnK • -;, TALINT IN ALL .. -~ ·year ot 1923, ' .• " l'tCTUllDOMI i · . With a.n lnvutmrnt In ltlnd, * 1_-. +,. · • bulldln11. and fu1'1Ullhtnr1 totallng IU0,000. the &MoclaUon occupied I r Ill new loca tion at 1418 N. Main '•: ~ 8t., Santa Ana. in 1953. To keep 1 pece with lht accelerated 1rowt.h 1 • uC the county, the Auoclatlon'• M!_-ail~r1.'::'1 Miiler of ' * 20 TOt;:W....; ITU~I i~ 108 7th SL, .welcomed an addition I IONO MITSI lllCTAG.11 of a 10n Into their family Uil1 morning at iloac HoepltaJ. 1 • .,, ROlll with all the Go·urmet Aecom animenh WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Ch to .. ROSSI CAFE COl'OINI .. W. 2S!6 E. Coast Rwy. ar. 1111 ( NOR.TH WEST ADYENTU~ E A Color-Fllm Travelo,ue -Stan Midgley, Narrator o,...-. W...a.tactoa -..I llrttlllh · Col-Ma-. Orero• cout, · Col-W. 0o'I' CiraW Lmko aacl \'anl'Ouvu J.l!and ,,__ Ute OIJ'lllples aad Cueadea -Oralld COlllee, llrttlab Columbia, Saa . . .iuan b~, ekl. . Pl• ltsl PASADENA ROSE l'ARADE -Complete In eeolor NEWPORT BJOK SCHOOL AtiDITORftiM Moa. Ian. 10 11:!0 Tic•• -.. 'LI• r ................ VI• U4e, UM Sl\o~pl .. c. .... . .. .... Office .itM .. ,.,,.,,.._.. Price ••.. M, ·"· US. I !O RIAL MEXICAN FOOD 8teak9 for TlloM Wbo l>Htre U yoa prefer to atay at hoq19 to eee your favorite &elevlalon program try oar boxed Medea dl!'nen or apedal ~ to take oat. They'n i'e8dJ to se"e. PRIVATE run &oull £<>• LA.AGE PilTIES J&l8 N_,,ort lllYd. CQS1A MESA I Bloc.le 8oaG of ~it.a Aai9 _C.U&r, Clu • For Rftervatloaa Pltone u 8-'2403 "Spperb FooJ" • • .: HlllRY'I -lllAD IT • -MUST - -Spa11lsll Food at Its lest~. U:NOA LOUD AT TlllJ Pl.AHO COCKTAILS ~:'~'t:9r:: LUNCllJl:ONI AND DINN'EU NOCHE be. RONDA ... AJQIUI ocor&U -&LL l'OU CAN EAT (IH'MW ftma80.& 1' -I kl It P. II.) afar s11s special s•clay IMlfht « 3 p. •· ... ...., Is "ct.ell .. , ... •ltM ALL Y'OU CAN ICAT SUO OPEN ALL DAY EXCEPT ~'EONESDAY DINING ROOM OPENS · AT 8 P. M. ' "showplace of ttle coast" JUST, SOUTH or LAClUJfA BEACH .rust ~ GET• AOQ'CA~'TED New ·owner JOHN MAJURI ># .. invites you to a FREE BUFFET DINNER MOl'lo'l>Al' t;\'IEN~O. l~Xt.AIU' 'IOt11 S:OO t•. M1 -OX '!' l Jarbor · . · lou.s~.1.tb. { R•to .,..,J GMI. . eeo.'lad .e~. 2260 Har.Lor Boulevard • Cott.a Me1&, Calif om~ Special llltertai11ment IAlNEY LAwri & HIS MUSIC Rft~~~!~G - Mow OPEN '7 DAYS A WEEK ..... ,411 ....... ,., .................. ~.,8mall Ha!ls• .-.c1. • Wlsoll. ·u'*'Y a.ss4J • ........ -~ ·--OOJllED "ALWAYS A 911DF <(oatlnuo• 8-. ·From ! :II PLl:.NTY PAKIUNO Now ShowlliCJ -Ends Tues. ~·6 .000 .000 AN D 2 /. YEA RS TO MAKE IT ~ "It Js impossible to review 'A Star ·is ·Born' as other films are reviewed . It ts more than 'super-colossal' and all other stupendous adjectives!" -lOUIUA PMIONI JUDY GARLAND ""'° JAMES MASOI WANC" •..oe. I ,_.,,," .. C:.111 ..... .. I T:CHH~ 1 r~;~; CHARLES BICKFOR ~ TOM NOONAN . ~'HART SIDNEY WfT GEORGE CUKOR =~ a TIWdCX)M f~T[JltlRtS[S NJOO, WARNER 8ROS M:Nio¥ru..-tu Gc..-. Adulta 11.00 -.laalon ,., -c~ IGf. ·.· • I . . I ..... -- ..... " • ., ... , .. . rYPlcA OP 'l'llE UNCH bMuty of ·the CUtf May ''Mapslne Cover Homes"' ia thia fbuabed .model. Veterana can ptlJ"cllue the. popular homee ID ~-Meea fot no down payment and with immediate mov~ln. Located on Pomona St. Jut ott· of • Newport Blvd. in Costa Kea. buyel'9 are invited to eee the few Mlec!t bqmes Sttur- day and Sunday. Alrhomeil have fenoed·yatiO.-Yoi'ced air htat. fireplace and .many other luxury .a¢vantag~ __ .......;·;____ _____ _ .. -&. OIM 1iw7. o.-... ..., ...... ..,. ~~ ........ .. ___ ._..___._ ow lliltablte.d IW'IS.." ~-All 11M8·'"1it-. BOWA&O W. OW'- .llOI Newport IDft.. 0.C.· .._ l'WOHll ............. u .... ............... ·aHDAN'STY Cliff ~ay Cover HomeS on ~isplay .m..-t ranc)l type honM. are lo- cauct '°Oil .-Omona St. ta ea.ta ~;;::=;:===;;:=:;:=:;;;;;;~ )le• Jiut ott Newport Bl~ a.ad brtnr bu,erw cJoee to the bMcJl ud 11ptown eo.ta Me.a lbopp(ar areu. LOCAL FIRMS INCORPORATE The home1 eold out &Imo« Im· mediately ud only a fell' ranala. the buUder •Id, but a l&lf'-- NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS·PRESS MOSTS BROWNIES ON TOUR BACRA.Mmn"O (CNS)' - Artlcl• ot lncorporaUon' for Rau.ken Koton,· Inc.-. and M&r'Y Plutenpr Inc., both Orup County tlrna, ha• '*-tW With• &tcretary of at&te rrarik )(. JO]dan. W111 be at -the alt• thta week-t'ftd ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ to a.ill.t buyen In Mlectlon. ) Veteran• who act thl• week·tnd The Maca»n• Cover HOIM9 ··s.n Reddick, publlaber of the' Newport •lfUbor Newtl-· PiW explal.na to Harbor Browniee bow _the big preu printa their loc.al new.paper· The ~ toured the f.D• . tire plut.ot tM Newa • Prw watCblnr the.tatf.pUaer and print the newa of Newport Hirbor ...:. Staff PbOto ~ ot the flnna wu al- fow.A · l500 at\area of no par' may atlll buy one·ot the popular have forced air be~ nn~ . \lap.st.ae Cover Home1 In Costa f\l1l ~elll.Q&....w11MIOD.cl!!!!!.@!~_, Kua, '-tt-wu revealed today by kltcbeba wt th lndlrect bPUar, o.orre M. Holstein and Sona, natur~tcben c;abln•ta. and._,, bulldera. , other Juxurr t•turw. The bomM . ,. ltOclL • l>tnCt.on of th• automobile LA Driver 1oo11ec1 LIQUOR CZAR HERMAN PAUSE jSEEN E"m;~s·~; dttenft at no down payment, the were deal~ by CUtt May aad Incorporate iii of May'• natlonallJ NIWPOIT ffW D""* Drlvint t.al Aft. and Robert A. $113,351 Tax Gr11ted C0111ty ~':'~=~~~i;:~~ := DUE -BEFORE GRA-ND JURV DA.NE. L ac~W,::!;.41~-~ Lee •oor. ot Loe An1elea In New-I r company are David J. an port Jua&. Court. He poeted I~ ,. rlne Vermilya. 171 Roch..ter 8ACR.UIENTO (CNS) -Or- lll&U a.and: SANTA ANA «>CNS) -A new man PauM. Paiae la curnnUy a-he did not b&Ye any Idea why be It .. Cotta Me. and B. C. anie county received l lU,361 o: N.iwport poll~ arruted him probe of the acUvlUea ot Uquor watt1n1 trial on a crand Jury In· wu called. "l'm not connected hier1e11. '10 Riwraide Dnn. the IH.813,000 In htrhway UHra j\INd&y 1n9rnJnr wh«l they l&ld ' chJda H. c. KacKen&Je and Her-dlelrnent lawed earlJe.r. with.the liquor bou'Cl la any way," taxea diltr1buted for November, UMF-oMll'Tf!d h!m drive hla car Damon aid he WU hked by he ~cl. . loat Heatw T k State Control~r Robet't C. Kirk· OYW the' Balboa laJaad btld1e. Of· man .Paiae WU -n.. J'UUrday U Martin lf he bad 8U(ldled to Loult Tnpaal. 90ll ot the owner Q .. wood announced today. f1cen .&id UM ur nearly bit the the r.a~t of ruewa.Ja of· the Or-Pauae that .,. "look around" tor of the Bohemian Dlatrlbutlnr Oom· Tbett of an electric beater from Of the November hlfhwsy ,...., farnoua "ouWoor U.tnr" t•t:au. wtth planaled pat.lo, ...rice Jard and oUMr modern f~ -sHOI .. All ......... wt BALTZ MORTUARIES - COST.( MDA ~ 17'1 Supertor Afta.ue Coata ...... Calif. Pbolw Ublrt1 1-llll CllAPllL 111' TD DA ll20 .. Oout ..... Ool"Ollla er.a Mar, cam. JIMM.Bubor u C011c:rete abutment. • anie county rrand jury'• probe 11utabl• •ltH to utabUlh bara and J>UI>', wu lndJcted by the . San bl• sara1e wu reporUd 'to police nue. Kirkwood reported. ~.sea.-..,.,. • " ' 1; -• 1 1 R M ol allel'ed liquor Ile-~rularl-cocktail lounr• In the county. Dlero and ~· Conuty Orand Wednellday by Howard Riiey ot 11071 Wf'nt to counuu, 12,088,7111 to IT AF F 0. D L S 0 aa ------------Uu. The Jurora went ~to aeulon Contacted by OCNS, Pauee Aid lur1ea u the ruult of the IJquor 210~ South Bay Front. He l&ld cltlea. and $111.108.837 to the 1tate -II DEA TH ... NOTICI at 11 :IJO a.m. ,eeterday and Chi~ he had met with. Damon Hvera.I probe. Be la_cunatl,7 Mrvlnf Mn· I It belonged to the boat TiPtt o! highway con1tructlon f\Jnd. · "'N'ICL8 ud DOCr. Aul~n\!~~:•1 Oener;:.Tb:~ tlmea. "I kept ·a record of wut tence at San Quentin u the rel'Ull wlllch he la •kipper. Police Aid The aum 1v1lll1blj' for •pportlon-ll:LliCral~~~ ~ • OftDOWI wu talked about In my lltlle black of betna found ~7 of the San Ute ranee wu apparently enter· ment wu 1778,000 under the pre-UI &lftftlde &.-,...,.. _.. f"UD UNWOOD PlllNNET •beQlutely no Information wlll be book," he •Id. The "little black ntero. cbatge& ' ecl~~thro~u~p~Jn~~un~.l:oc~k~ed~d~oo~r::_. _ _:.~vl~o~u1~m~o~n~lh'.:.. -------~-_.:~.;_ __ _:=======:!=====:!~!!::~~ revaled to the pnaa'J other than book" haa earlier been called the - Oraveaide •rvl~u for ll'red Lln· the fact that )'eater4ay'a meeUn' baeta pf the llquor probe tnveetlta· woad Plllnney, 83, of 129 Tope.a would be a "half da.Y" MMion. t&pn ln Oranie County. Alao lull', Aw., were·held yuterday In Roae Martin Mid be ~ ln..-teeelpt ~ befo,.. the j111")"11MJ1 wu HUia ~m~tery In Whlttlu. The ot formal complainta from a Santa rraDcl• Ty110n, executlw aec_ retary I Rev. Cvltoa C. Buch. put.or of the Ana n~r 1fhJcll charted ha to cllatrict IJquor chlef H. JD. M.ao-nnt Chrl~ Church of Jl'uJler· WU !Moine too frte.ndl,Y With ,._ Kmsle. Macel<Asle aJ.10 .. awai~ ton oUlclated.. port.en from ~,.. County New• lnl t.da1 u uae ~t of a Mr. P'Jaianey died 8u.dlt,y ..._... 8erYloe. Th• complaint cba'CH, Jury lndictmehl Luued Hrller. at Me boftle alter an llblew of a he 8Ul. 1atonn&t1on wu· IM-tnc territory lnclude1 Oranp, Ban Int ..,._ lie wa1 a naU'N .r Mid· gi•en to OCN8 under more fnor· JHmardlon and River.Ide counu-. dleboro, Mau. and lived In thJ1 able clrcmnatoncea than other A man ldentlfled u "a mulU· community the put 18 yean. He '.'1edla. "Hereafter," Martln Aid. mlllloneln ." J. B. Shepperd-. wu a buUdu by trade. 'We will luue atmultaneou1 praa ,_.10 te.Un~d. WalUnc appee.ranoe Survtvoni. are hi• wlff'. Mrt. rf'ltuee ~.o all newsmen aft.er the before the Juroni WH I.a. Alamltoe Allee Phinney of the home eddrua; hearinCL . Howner, the ntw1 nlg'ht club owner l:d Younr. Younr one -· Curtla Phlnnf'y of COllta blackout Oil the (TIUld Jury probe llad appeand before Ute Uquor Mea: oee dau&hter, Mn. Hennan wu lifted by .. ,..,,.i wltn-• robateni when th• wutona first Anderaoa ol ruuerton: one broth-who ttvealed the apparent tack of ~ ~ •r, P . M. Ptllalley ot ~11 &11d one the new llquor tn-...upuon. •-· un---1 · 1rand9on. Parkee-Rldlf'y Mortuary F1r•t wltne• to be called before Aho waltlnr to appe&r WU & ln ea.ta Meea ,... In charce ot the grand jury u the Uquor probe man known ooly u "B~. J'l~lda." arranpment& began wu 1..-eo Dam~. MJN m~-rlelda, of 1-Aqelu, to~ OCJ;J• 1ger or tJ\e Bohemian Dlatrlbutlng -jiiiiiiijijf Co. of Loa AncelY. Damon spent appro:dmately one hour with the hia&wiJ OLU7EL Oil.APEL lll ·~ -o.ta ·-UWQ a.Nia .......... Jurymen. · After heca.me out of the Jul'J' chambers, he told OCNS he had bef'n queslloned reprdlnr a mMt· lnr "threeot tour yea,. -.o" wtth 0ran,. County Uquo-: Chief Her- UP EASY ·t1RMS FREE DILIYERY • ()pea DallJ' ...... to • , ... M-.Al'rl._'tllp.a.. 2030 .. So. Main . . • ·s.ntaAna .. • • 6 a..~ ........... " ..................... hlpo ' ~ can with the ....... chee. .... el .............. ..,,., ............. ,,.,. ,.. ... ....... ,.. .. ~ .. ... You can have the new 162-h.p. VI-« YOll cu• your pick ol IWo new aweet.nmaiac 6"a. Then there'• Super-smooth Powea111de. w 0... driw ( ext.ra-<:Clt optioal) and a ~and &.. lyDo ~Mesh tranpnieicwL exciting new ways to go ! Came ill and -how much fun It ie to driw the Motoramic Chnrolet of your chaice. • :·································:··································:··················~··············i . . NIW "TUllO-NI VI" wmt STANDAID TIANSMISSION . .. . . N1W ~U VI" WtTH OVllDllVI HIW ''TUllO-MI VI" WITM N>WllOUDI . . . . . . . . . . : .......................... , ...... : .................................. : ................................. : . . . . • . NIW ''11.Uf-PlAMI ltl" WITH ST ANDAID TIANSMISSION . .. NIW "llUlf.lll.AMI 121" WITH OYllDllVI NIW "aua.fllAMI 116" , wmt N>WllOUDI . . ···················~·········································· . . ... Everythi '1 new In tlul M otoramic Ckevroltt. JJtfore tlian a new car ... a new conc@t of low-cost f!ZOtortng J ·MILLER . CHEVROLET· co~ 1• W• Cwt Hl .. way .NIWPOIT llACH . . . I . . . . . . ·; , \ ..... : •I .. . I .. . ' -" . " ~ .. .. • " -,... ·.. f ·W · :. .. . ,,. ... J· Siii DAYS! THU~T ... JAN. 6-7.( . • -. •' .... -.. . . ; . . -• ,, . I . ' .• ~..:=:_ .-I. • • • .>· I ' ... ' ... • l • . ~ .. • J ' ........ di 1111111 11vn .. mu, .. ,.~. STllllll - DeltCate.rsen .. QUALITY A~ LUER'S ALL-MEAT llACDllST -.·-1111~-. FRANKS · I-LI.PK&. LUER'S SLICED · YOll . 80.LOGNA . ~:. OIOlll , .... ,..,~REY -*. MV" I~ 6ENUINE KOSHER JACI CHEESE -. DILL PICKLES llSCUJ15 IN A JIFfY P.UFFllS ~%~~R~~ 3. g·. ~!:E 2 g~ • PURPOSE CHEESE! . . 2 PK&~ 27' , .. _____ ..... UOUORS ALJ..AMERteAN'S OWN lAaa 19 H------~ _GIN . Yl-&AL JU& •. .... -".:'Pini QUALIJY AISOLUTELY · &UARANTEEDI CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 2·. 45' = r.: .... . '· BURGUNDY FULL· $ 25 llLLOI . 6LE~COE 1>-YR. OLD BOURBON . '"'"!3il ... .,, ' . ---~-. . .. . POI.· : ... . . ~~-. . . . . . . . . ~. . ~!.•• '" .. 49' ' lUfl8T .. um Jae · ._.. 1 aun 23« PEICI , ... ..,. 7 -.....,.'.__..u. ~"'·,,,_· --~- .. ' ' ,, ' . ~ LOG CAllN SYRUP ·.I~ 29· l-MINUTi POP ·COii • • l 'fg:· 35-' . . . ' . -. . , ·- , . '· . . .. .. ~ <. .. . . ' .. FULL QUART SWIFT'S ~ l~OZ. JAR CilEER -~~. 65' TUIA· ~w . 2r ·$. MIL.·K· .:-~=~·27/· ~PEAS. J:~~ 17" ~· · ~_M~ . -101 CAN . ~c~11~s::·:: 2e-· PEAilAR::.·~ ·25-· . . TOMiiOES NO.~ -17' PEACHES0 R :l:~ 25'- \. . PiiWS::JM 25' BiAiSUMA . 2 c:s29- • ,,,, PURE YS. ~-• CRACKERS i.u. .. ~ . . '! SHOlTENIN6 ...... , ' ·~~!~-~ CHOPPED ciEEf 33' . .-.: . ~ •• ~ .. JUICE.-cAN "'. •DOWNEY COlNU FfHSTONI I oolAN De~ 'ti MW"Jte· ....... 10~ S-. •# llllEI llOIE. _, &AltDIN &ltOVI IL VD , ........ ~ OAILY.t:qc> A.M. TO INO fl.M. ~ • IEWPOIT .IElCI 2600 COAST H~#AY AT N$TIN OfllN t:OO A.M. TO 9i00 P.M. DAILY ~N P'AtDAV & tATUlltDAV 'TIL tt •.& . . . •NORWALK COINY AUSTONf a "°""' OfllN DAil Y 'Tll MIDN1Tlf ~ •mtOllAIEllil ·~ *' cpAST HISHWAY AT JASMINr :-.:::::::: DAlt.Y NO A.M. TO IHO ,.M. ~ ~ . ~Ill CLE•ITf ~ . .. a CAat•tO IML · :::::: · NI .;_ NI '.M. lidlf t .. I P.M: ..... FRESH, LEAN ~~ ": LAMB ~, ..... ' MOCHA CAICI 7"-. .... ........ . ·a.-- ... ,.1.0# ...... LUEl.'S ARST ~AUTY SUCB> . ...#' ~ . # '· 1-l.I. HEAT • SEALED PK6 • .· ... ""_, OUR OWN MAKE -COUNTRY-STYLE PURE PORK ·~~~~· N.w .......... 6'o¥., .....,.,. .... c.w °" Mar .' '\ ·~ . ,, .. J . . .. . I• • • • · . • • I • ... ,. 4. .. . ' - • HAllOI :,~.'-~·· • J COUNtY ttOISIMIN TO llDI SUN.DAV 'IN IOUND IOll.N DAY' I Becoi.d ~ ftotlln Pa.y o.y ot uie 111M-61 --.. wtll" be held at tbe Trl·C\tJ Wran&kn Club pounde ln W..t- • mtnater eUDday, Ju. i ~at t ilO Lm. TM·Trt-Otty V(ruri.n lllDd U.. o..r.tt.. Rider• ot A... ~em& w,jlJ "~ta tor UM day. Tllla •ftD\ la qpea to all.-• lers Of Uae .U.OCl&t.d IUdla .. ClUbl Of Oran1e CouatJ. Tbe pr'Ofl'di will tnelud• Ju.nior and Mnlor tra1J "- and stock hone, tQUI bo;.. and horeemaa.Mlp c..._ tor ~ dne 11,,..,. and under,,...,,.~ .. rtq .. ~iad llllmer• • ---otMr fftntL 'nMft wtU be • rrand•atry at l ••• LuDcll wtll be •rftd la UM club boU89 alJ clay. The ;ubUc la c:or'cll&U; ln.tted #ttboUt admlMAon ~ NEUMMIN LEADS HARIOI , . -. flT4Nlatlla ..... .. 11111\)' TorT&Dce n .. IT·JI lut ''"911 .. ceflter JUch Palafm ,...... la It '"'t• to ·pace UM wtu ... 'ttM tam• alerted. at an ..-,._ .. ilret ToM'ance and tMa a.,.. • lllor would drop In a •oc. Tbe 9COl'lac wa• doee and at UM -4 Of \hit ttrat quarter the laiklft. · a..Jd° a ahaky i.ad Of t..a. !J')le .... ond waa. a dlffeNnt matter. IMJW'. ewr, ' u the little Tara doubted .UM .core 'Of their o~pone11ta. the 800l'9 rudias • Ha.,rbor, • Tor- _ruwe. • llCOa~ AT HALF The balt-flme llCOte or lT·ll didn't rtve either aide too much o< an adva11tap or dlMdvantaa• tiut It pn an lndlcatloft or th• ~ probable eourae the rut of the waafi>lD•. Tbe ULird quartn wu •li Raf'- lllor u potat a.tter po6nt ..., rulr· Tars Sink· Wllsoti -Hiah Hoopsters in ~52 · Tiit · eel up. Tornnce'• lone tally wu put up by Tak HirolnO&o. Tbe fiourUI quarter WU a ..... U~ B)' 1110&.&Y ~ULL ecored .10 pol.nll t.o ..,all .-.4 With PauI Neum&n11 to .. ulde hlrheet ecortn .. honon. n-two •• them, Newport Harbor Tara roll· p)4yen ecortd N per oent ol ~ bons' total polnll. -· • • ad over a touch Lon .. Beach Wll· A.noUwr ftD• b&akalball pjayei IACI fO,I ' LAY• lN eon five U-02 ¥ond&y afternoon. wu 80phomore J:ddle Pope. Pope • · •-Tara bad t.ba advantap of a acored 11 polllta ln the pane an4 000 aR.AJU"8R~yle Herbel. fl.ully forward oa the partlllan crowd an4 their own IY'I'· played eacen.nt ~mat.e' llullet• Orua• Ooul eou.19 bukelball t•m. seta the ru1e for a bu·· UM Mm• 'u the tint quarter w.., • ID re1p&ct to po6nt1 acored. TM · • , tot.ala J>Ollled by , the tW9 ~ wve a . .,otnta, ror each ~.._ P.ALAJl'EU UIOm' 1Uch ~Wi WU \be O\l\Mand- ln .. polnt·maker ot UM ..... u be racked "ti 11 potnla. B• plaJ· ed u ceU.nl def""'" lluketb&U Tbla wln may pron to have the ball u well. Be la•• ot ~· ut·duriq the OCO w . Barbor conteet. Tbt Plrat .. met Harbor ae6on of a tonic on t.be previoualy mo.\ p~ buk•""11 P'Q· J.C: TU&8d&y nip~ la u-elr Clnal ~tllte tut·of t he.year. Kar· falt.rinJ' nra. It broke a three· ere. Another tlne defeulft player bor prnalled .. ~ In a conte1t that_ wa• cloee all the way. pm~ io.ln&' 8treak acqu1red over l• J'rank Navarro. NaY&rrO played -Photo by l'ath UM Chrt.tmu bolidaJ•· well u uaual and •UC> llCOnd a1Jt ---------:--------------------Tbe ftre\ quarter wu cloee wtth poOrt.. · · both teamai hUtln&' the tar .. et wtth The balance or the ecortnc' wu hy s---With equal accuracy., The acore wu dlatrlt!Uled belwMn Paul Lorent-~· doee all tlle ·way and at the end ll&ft, BlU Wetael and L&rT7 Ha..,. Minor uurts In of UM J>erti;'d lbe ,,core read 14·14. They KOCed • polnta. I polnte and n _ Torrance Takes Tin by 47-44 . •• well ae. offenelve durtn.a th• enUre .. ame. AUC> blJh on the ecortq w .. Johll ..Henrotill' who ICOl'9d 9 Poln\I. Uke Palaferl M played ex~U•l balJ both off&D· alvel¥ and defaulnl)'. 11M reet- of the Tan acortn1 wu u tol• Iowa: ·am Hay .. •. Doe ._. a. Due Pettll a and MiM 11&1• l. TZN BIOH-Ten feet So off U. floor in this ~on ICeDe from. On.a~ Co.llt va.. Harbor JC buketbell pme at OCC Tuelday night. li&rbor ahaded the Pintea M- eo for their eecond practice victory of the yegr ov.er Cout. The Pirat.ee have a· prac- -4ice record of four wtm aad •ix defeat.I 1oing into their fll'9t league I~ on their own floor Friday niJht ... Playen JOiDJ for the ball, above, are Bill lnl<>flll (27), Fred Stewart (32), Jack Newnan (.,.), and Ron Winterburn (25). Fifth p~yer ia oblcur· .ed. -Photo by Fath . PIRATE HOOP SQUAD MEETS MT. SAC FRIDAY .IN. DEBUT '!IDS CBANOIJS 2 pc>lnta re1pecUvely. Hu. Bun c---L Tbe NCODd 'quart.er .aw a c!Wlse WILSON ICOUNO IT-ft J1iDl'I ) lA tbe tlde of ecorinf. Tb• Tan WU8011'• ecorin .. WU well die-A H-year-old boy e_,ed with • •1 aUCJU:Y HA8&ELL w.at oe a RID.,... and rui up a trtbUled amonc t.be ftn etana'a. minor lnjurle1 wh.,n an unldenU-~•plte Paul Neumann·a efforta. lead ot .UC poblta. Top poeUon wu fU)ed by lftr-ed .Ulo •truck hie motot ICOOUt tl\e Tan • dropped a cloM one lo Tbe '9ad 8"IDed to melt away -. and 'Wellll wtth 11 point.a eecll. at a:so p. m. recently on Newport To~ lul Tuemay, 47-H at ..,_. WU-.' ULird quarter b&r-lll(tlt polnll -re ncUd uf by Btvd Ooeta M- f Wl•-__ ..., u--bo •••• ::..n to a ....._to· r for •w•-ln•· Torrance u 1-8cbool. a,. o econa. --..,... r .-ch of t.be folkJWtnc pl&yen: ·-~ ...,.. _., • ...,.u were boUl WOddq Mrd tor &DY Cambell. Guricb &ll!l Smith. Tbe lion by hie father, Marvin K. Tnnd Ul~l th• entire pe>Utte UMy c:ouJd 1et but WU.-pm• MW 116 pol.Db racked up Loft&', no Flower St., wae Oousw' sam-. ~u cloee u the Tan hek1 eaded. up wtth 17 and Sanor 11. by the two teama. la the ftnt A. Loq. The boy told llfveetlsat-the .adYantqe at the end• of the Tbe Oftl"a1J llCOft read •Ml In •uart.er t.bey ecored tot•t.btr 21 inc off~en a car bumped th• rear flrat aad lhtrd quartere, but Tor· fawr ot t.be Tan. -• poanta. OD the. MClClftd, WN and of Ma 1COOler, h• loet control and ance lldd ll •l u\e end of the MC· Tbe fourth period mJclll be fourth quarter• rei.pecunJy t.bV bit a parked tnlck. Ttle other ft· r t.rmed the Mblr'' quarter tor Ule ICOred 2t poll:lll. ao point.a and I! blcle· ra11ed to irtop, he'lald. ond and all Important fourth Tan. 'ntey 8ClCWed JO po6nta. WU· potnta. 'J\\• accident occurred In front qu~er. HUI-lime Mlore of llMI aon only m..S. 11 arid UMy ended Tiie Tara pl&)' lbelr nut sam• of 1160 Newport Blvd. ... ve an lnaec:ure lead ·to ,Torrance. up wttb a well piaY1'$l. same. at Callfornl& IQa'ti llchool 111 Wbit· Third qu art a r accumulative ~ llOOllm Uer .tomorrow, T p.rn. C&llfomla Ste· Klrcllea._...... ~or:, ~ ~r 37.:._:0n'&llc.T Top aconr In UM pme wu Hl .. h 8c:hool 1.e a com.,.,._U,,.lJ ..... r ou ..... qua ..... r llCO._ wu landit Takes $11 ·from ,op's Cafe Owner Neumann who acored 22 potnla. ·-ecbool opemed reomUy. Tb• Ann ... Dot ··-for Harbor and 12 for Torrance. SS 0 clpe.I eoonra. Denn.I.I n•--tnck te•• befon UM varatv -e. WhUe tryln1' to retrlfte her dc>S .... Neurn&nn u he racked up hl.e OCc Y lty P lnts for Flnt !Newnan la ocie ol t.b&.--dWW prta-J .V. ,.._ wtll.be pl&Jed lUlmedl... -Outet.andin1 player f(W the Tan .._,_ v <I •-Wblch •Upped Into the bay Cbrlllt· ll·polnt totaJ and played well de· Armed robbery of Pop'1 cate con• .. ..-n·..-a Cia-pl•Ol_..hip ~ill occ m... nl&bt, Sue Kirchen, If. of feulvely. Next Msb .. t llC<iftr for al 22SO Newport Blvd .. ~. so 1'1 I w ""'9" ..... .... -l1tr1m1r1I Sailor, Mesa loy U do Pe.nlnlula Yacht A.nchora1e. lhe Tara WU Paul .Lorenl91a who aett.eod the 8Ulp4!Ct '31, Colla Dock H, fell hereelt and brok• b.;, llCOftd•t point.. Demu. l'illpatrkk ::-re!:~~ '!r..rt~~h:lc~.,:: Orance Cout College Pirate basketb&ll team will open Hoop Playoffs loollecl by Pollce ldtAI-=· :"'~.~:~~ wau •.• ::;:s ~0-.:d :~~ ~ ~:~~ it.I Euteryi 9onference eeaeon tomorrow against Mt. San ...-at.wart. 2tff Elckn Ave .. proprtet· SANTA ANA (0CNI ) _ N aY)' boat moored J~k•lde llblfted a-ICO~ S each and Larry Ha.rper or of t11e cat•. Antonio Kountaineen. The cont.eat will be played-on the Se&m&A Jolan WWl&m 11 .up. p1llfl ber. lnJur•ns her arm, po-1C0"9d 2 polnll. llt-•rt told t.nvutJsaUq offl· Cout College-~ome court at 8 p.m. En ... Next Week 23 or' Buena Par ... ~ lice report*1. She ....... lrM~.·at Coa.c:lt. Jul« Oacea· ch&.rcq play een Sa-t. o. c. oreu and R. M. The Pirate buketttra have been alow rounding into top • by' Santa Ana po~oe oe ~ Boa .. Heepttal where alle 11 "net· their nut same· bee. JO with lf-.Jey that UM llUolpecl entered form. In p~ettn"e ft••y th-Of tumtdlln .. lntoxieanta lo lftla-la .. OOlllfol1abl1." P aramount and on their -n noor. t.111• cafe Ulrou .. h the front door. "' ,,_ -~ Iritramura.1 buk.u.ll pWyott1, 11'9 Tai'• next 1ame 19 n.un- day al ParamoWn. 'nw ... pme 18 lmmedl&tely Mtore the CM ram• and 11ta1ta at a p.m. Mesa Yolunte1n Amwer 10 Fires DurlncJ beceri11r Coat.a 11..a Voluat.eer nn De· ,.mn-t "'II ODded t.o 10 n.... aad two rMCUe ca1Je dw1nC December, l\&Jph Lea, ~ pre'ADUod oltt~1' tor co.ta Me•, reported .. Ona ftre call ,..u m•tual llMI to J"Clllert.oe ID the ,.._t ftN wblda wiped out tour '**-= ats men and °"' panper ,._,. ttn boun. Of the dl7 ftre-. SH. TH w• la· .olftd Ul prapea1.7 wttll • .,.. ... of 11180. One drill -........... 1n1 UM mooUI ..iua JO 1'C>hmtean .,,..-nt. J'or all the dt7 llAll, • total of U m• rftlPOl'ded. J.-lald be made J6 tin ln.lpee:· UODa. 1aeued IO permit& &ad made two °" lnftltlsaUama. Tb'8 report la U.. tint repJu monthly lltrukdoWa -&etlvltiae of the lll'9 depart.mail, Lea .aid a lmulaUns a sun la hie nsbt coat ban won four ramu and lolll •tx. M Youths Fl-...1 lltal11n .. out week, wW brins to a orL pocket. the 1utpeet ordered Stew-However, lbe1 have pla yed eome elCI llU cloee the current..._., pro.,.am Tbe aa.llM &114 Illa l .. ~ art. '-0.t up and opni that Ulland ot the bell le.&ma 1n the aoulbland. :::· ia 1 D In pbylical educauon at Oran1• companloo. a ea.ta ..._ ,....._ keep your ha..nde where they are." C ftl ope· Coul Collese, accol'dlnl to Wa· wen p6cked up aft.er a ftllal wttJl Alter nc.Mnf the content.a of IN ~y KEET T fr lcHJI dell L. Plc1Jen1, chalrm&11 of the tour MariMe oa 8&11ta AM lt...t& the Ull, the robber demanded l)u..4ftC , .. , Chrta•--boll .. ·y •ft Olft departmenL Tbe ea.ta MM& bo~lled ~ 0,..... Co•1tJ'1 Ollly C0111pl•t• AlltOlnatic Plnpotter lowll.. Aley '"' .... ....,_ ... • police u a .. ~,.·~ 8ttwart·1 blUtold. '1Jldlns It eeuon. lhf Pirat u participated In Two alnt COit.a MeM tffn-Lonf' • a lradltloa al Oranse had a pint ot wbl.ekey la Ilia podret empty. the 11U11pect toued It on the the Barn Barry T-0um11mfnl lJI a1tr•1I o~. 28 found . part or the Cout Colle1e. the Intramural pro-and wu •laabiac at UM ...,._ noor and told Sttwart to lay down Olend&le. In the openlns 1ame narcoUca loot believed to have gram otfere an opportunity for ali wtlh a broken eoft ctrtaJr ~ on the floor. they were .defHted by Lons Bea.ch bffn recently atolen from medical • atudenta_ to participate in a com· Koopaurb report.dly edmttted' PolJ('e wer~·lnformed of UM rob-City Col)ese whlc:h we~t Ofl t.o win bega belonglnlt lo I~ ~yl'.lc&lll, peUUn aer1u Of atheleUc conteall. btry al 8:22 p.m. Taken by the NI• tournament ch&mplouhlp. ln Police Chief Art McKenzie report-llllsbl difler.nt tea.r:na, lnvol\'ln .. 70 to otncere be bad purdlUed U. ~ were otre no bill. 11tne $1 ttie 9&C0"4 ~ ttle <>nn~ Cout f'd. -bays. wtU participate. Oamee an pint of wblllkey for the. Jouaplair .Mlla and four 60 «nt piece.. Btf'W• team df'feat.ed O~nd&le Coue,. by The narcotic.. conlllUng of tab-played durlnl tlle noon hour, Wtth at a eo.t.a 11.-l'lon: a.rt "ported. , one _polnl and w•re then 110Nd out let.a and 18 botllea of vartoui dna.... UM final coatat lo be played on by 1:&81 lM AJlrlea JC ln Ule wer-o found wrapped ln a paper either Jan .. lt or Jan. ~ IC• lacks lllfo OfW .CCC n Wht-.tl con80l&Uon w ml-nnall. · napkin adjs<lf'nt to the Santa Ana Team membera an eeJected, by n .. • Ron WlnterbWTI, veteran Plrall' I Counlry Club ftnc:e by Manual Ulelr clusmalel la each of th• A car ch1ftll by WIJUun Mc- nit Ends I Tie center, bld8 to be one of the Pt· C.slll&&, 317 Avocado St.. and elcht phyelCaJ educaUon ci.-I HUU')' B1aad. 2t, 605A &. lllQ' Aft. . n . •truck a parked car nctatend to rate maln8t.aya lhl.e year. Al for-Kenneth Marlett, 2117 Avocado St .. Plcken11 .. Jd. Teanu eeltt.l UMlr 18tanle Da\'td Boetcb IO Santa The warda, Bill Inloes, I ft., 4 In&, and I Cotta MeM. Both younsetera are ~~rca::w;hoau~~u:U'~d Ana. ~cenU:r at c:;;..u~ and ''Un whlllll•" toumament a t Jerry Rlcc, e IL. 1 llL. provide 13 a.nd attend Rea School &' an Seaview Ana... pollce eaJd. ._, ended ID a U. bet-..n Mn. t.rol Georte Bl.shop and Veteran 1 contained a n.ibber tube and arm by memben of the vanity bullet· up and bit the Boetcbar car park: • Open Bowlln1 Friday • Saturday • Saday • OpenlllCJ AvalaW. Now for H .... wlYH Tla_..clay Afterwooft IA• ... VAN'·S BOWLING llLL KLOTZ. ....... • • • 110J s.,.nor Costa ..... LAerty 1-3292 1"1ne Cout Counl:J'y CJub ~·-ample heilbt for backboard con· Beside. the vial&. the napk.ln calllnc of play•. Oftlciatln .. i. done Bland told offl«n be backed I J obn OrHn a nd El81e MUJ.r In Cele Herbd wtJI probably .tart at tournlqulet, ~port. ahow. ball team. ed on camaUon Aft. C1a.e A. ~d pl•c. went to ,u&rde for the Plratea. The boy11 took their ttnd to Ced-------------.::.:_::=.:::==...=.::.:.:.. ____ ~====================================~::::! Mary K. Brown. on roa IAUUIA die Muter Keith WUllama and T L.1..-·-T-L · K l"I. Harold A7u 1 won C1&N B fln1dly turned the n~cotic. over to GUIW .aW -- Schuler Brin• ot u• llat S\. told police l'rlday a table MW W U taken from th~ back yard of b home between 6:30 and 1 p.m. He valued the lou al 170. Mec>ra whUe Mn. 0.\'1d BaDen· 1 Coach Mila Eaton baa ~ In v•lt'r1nar1•n ". ora.ce Parker. Park· U.. ..,., MCOnd. charle of <>ranee Cout boopeten .,r cal&.<1 In Mt .. police. ClaM C winner wu Mn. J. •Ince the coll•C• at.art~ ln 11H8. I C..lllaa and Marlett lald they i...ae1 wtUI Mn. WUbur Buck He le •Ull •hOOUn« for an E&ll· w~r• lffklng solf balle when they ..amd. • era Conluence Ch&lnplonahlp. c:ame upon the ospkln. ''Mother knouJs best,/'' . ... SIN Ital °" cfJccbic nJtlO' bemue.ii coo.b elMJ.W,/Glllw, '~ am~ ..-.. \\ Word gets around: Tbe realJy ~kitchens .. are o.ll electric! Ill YOU• DIALll ••• ••• , •••• ·ca11•••••• •••••• COMPA•Y . ... 316W. 4tll,S.11taA• Sillb, Topc09tl, ~lacb, Sport Coat1, Sltoes. Socb. Dren swm, ~ swm, Tin, ·>at--. s.-..n. . U..,_1•, Zip Jacllets, Lei ... • Coats, H9ts -4'.Jew*r I I S.W• -...... Of ...... thro• ..... ~ ..... s.. ~ ....., ......... SatWclay, J ••• .., ..... Yes "Cll1r .. It" pay I. 30, 60, 90 clayl. 0,.. Frlcllly Niies c.-....... "c.llfomla ..... ... 1tyllst1" 316 W. 4tta, l•I• A. , ' ' .. I "" . . ... "IOll llGA'ITA .·UYERSIS IOWL GAMI Altbnllh planed bJ ~ and. flDkJ aipbyn. tbe .WU teuna of both U. S. C. and. Ohio Stat. battled It out for 8 races in uM. umual ~ Reptt& at the Newport BarbOr' Yadlt Qub Jut Wedneeday afternoon. SaWna a round-robin 8triee • tr&din1 J»o&ta bet1Nlll eacla ~_:_the TroJU dinghy anon pamped their Euteni adver; ..,.. by a 13-pOtnt llW'Sln· .-Beclnw Photo ... TROJANS DUMP OHIO-SAILIN~ TEAM Altboqb vanqw.bed by Ohio State in the cr-t New Year'• Day srid claulc, the TroJaDa twud th• table. when they .111et the 0: S. U. aaillng ~ at the Newport Barbor Yacht Club on the precedin1 Wedntmday. Wlnnert by a acore of 62 to 49, the victoriou dinlhY·Allon from U.S. C. a.re ahown hen. L to R Steve MulhoUen-wbo • I wu al80 indivldual hllh·point man--:Jim Blixt, Carl Hultgren and Sue-Waddelow. J{onorary Staff Commodore Jim Web.ter pre9e0ted the Ira Fulmor Perpetual iro: , pby. -Beckner Photo '- POWER SQUADRON SETS NEW PILOTING . COURSE 86 Pan December Exmnlnatlon; ,- 26 ~-·Out Balboa Memberships ·cuMINTI ILAST Sall Clemmte Ialand ~ will be dan•erou1 u usual to naytptloa, Cout Ouatd otn- cl&ll report ln th.la week'• m~n· warn1a•· · ca.tJe fto& wtU be bluted by D&n.1 CUDfire da1t1 Umiup.. tomorrow &olb a Lfll. to.mid· nJa-bt and dayli•bl houni ll•t· urday and Sunday. Pynmld Topping a full mpring program of mq_uad.ron actl,.vity, Cove wtll be lbot up rrom 7 will be the new piloting coune to begln Jan: 2t at Newport a.m. to 10 p.m. --------------------Harbor Yacht Club at 7 :30 p.ni. Thia &DDouncement came Corona del Nu. Harold Teeple. today from Commander Curt Doeh, wao &180 announced the Lonr Beach and Geo'T• We.t, na.mee of 2e new 9D1btl'I u a rewlt of the fall pilotinf ~=~=JaWNt, now a member, tJCamlnaUoa. dore Clarke, Coton& del •Mar, hu al tended nery mMt i.n. ot the The coune Ju•t completed wu Donald and LeoDard DeVol, 8Ul· COUl'M, comlns WMlllJ from BaJt. siven under the dlrec:UOn of 1:1· ta Ana. Laurence J'lemtDa, Cor· erstleld. He ownJ, tJ1e 3t•tt. ~t.. mer La L&nne, E wt1l contlnae ona del Kar, Franct. Gablan, 'eor-ter. Jlnker, and lJlle many ot UI• with th• •prlnr ""· wl\b the ona del Mar, Doll Ollleeple, Lonr out-of-town equadron mea, com· ume •roup ot olunteer LD.llnlc· 8-.ch, Scott OUleep.le, Lonr blnt1 the meet~ nlpta with • ton. ICt(bty-eeven men and wo-Beach, Ceorce Ourr Jr., Balboa. ptea•urable vllll to U\e HtLrbor men took the December examlna· WIUlam Ha•enbauth. Newport and h111 boat, moored here. uc>n at Ula cloee of the ten weeluf' Beach, David Hampton, Pomona, WOMEN £UOIBU!: • /He oour11 In amall·bo41t hand· Ray Rt.ln•, Balboa, Elmtr H l'Y· Women wbo tooat and puled the llnr . l:lpl7·1lx of thOH pa.Ned. wood, San Bernudlno, Emut pllo~ aanlJnaUOD ln o.etmkr, Of the men who pulled H took Hlfh, i....una Bffch, J:.red Jo· a.nd wbo now bold cerWlcat. of out equadron memberlhl~. HYer-11eph, Balboa., Lonnie Kott, Bal.boa, qua.lltlcatlon and enUUed to take aJ_ more will do IO and all who Maynard Lane, San Bernardino, "the advanc..S COU1"9U aN: Mn. p~ a.re ellCSble. VIJ'Sil LoclttLbey, lhldla.ndf, Bruce Jama 8-tUt , l:llubetb Bumu, NEW iClilcBru McDonald, Balboa, Howard Peter-Mn. Marto.11 Butler, Mn. Keith N-membe111 u ot today ,,. IOll, Balboa i.la.nd, Ch&ne. Ran·-Oordny, MN.. Fred Joeeph, Geidl• Jam8 BeatUe ot Udo Iak, )lar-dal.l, Colt.a Mua, DaYld 8&Va1'e, Joeepb, Mn. Elmer La 1AnJM. ton B1aUu of Sant& A.u. Tbeo-San BernardiAO, Fred SoTtuell, Mn. Bruce MacDonald. Mn. How· - • ' I ' MARl·NE. NE.W.S ..... ~ Jan. T .. turde,J Jan. • .... , Ju.. KonC!a -. .1. ~ w~ Jan. 12 Tbl&Nlk1 ..... 1J ;Tl~I ·TAILI n.. .. ftllll ..... ..... f ;ll a.m. ... 1:11 .... t..:H p. m. •.I l:M p.a. l:Jl'a.m. • .... 1:11 a.a. t :• • m. ... 1:11 .. .. • t:OI .. ... .., , 1:00 .. .. 10:• p. IL ••• •:l• p.'a. • :IJO .. m." ... -""l"!lta. ' ' ff:ii p. ... u -•:a p. Ill. 10:3' a. II\. ••• , •:11,a. sn. ll:U p.m. u •:• ..... -U :ll a. in. •.t 1:11 L m. • _ .......... -···-t :OI p. a 0:.0 a. m. · •.a t;,JT a. m. U:Ot p. ta. •.\ 'II-; t :OO p. llL Pacllle 0&1Upt .. ~ TUiie ·. -u _.., !.f -LT i . , . u -0.I 1.T 0.1 LI 0.1 '. ··~· > ct ·er · • nan "7LL QD.Ama llOON , ... , ... , .... " c.W ..... Now Hot Jan. 1 Jan. a To Lw C ...... M . Bal1an 1. D\lrwS Jr. owner of P.A. Palm•, pruH•t ot New-tM \1a'4Ue cate at '10 lllld SL ard Petenoa &n4 Mn. Leon ware. P. ti •--~-..1 port Balboa .. wap ucS Loan .U· told pobOt • tllMf ...urec1 mto Illa 'Ntw mem))en include elftlt · • flGll rwsu .OCtauoa bu bee qpoUlled a unlocked ...... ~ lD baek of • bJa eat• .. turday and ioc>k •100 aw.er own•n u4 four ,Mllboat SANTA ·ANA (OCNS)-A peU-member Of tlle Pll"8CIDM1 Oonunit· wortll ol mat from the INaeJ' ownen. ~uadron 'MJPbenl do not. tlon ukiJll' tor i.tten teM&men· tH of tbe calUomia l&Yiap and • -· b&Ye to bi bo9t ownen. Botb •11 •·-flied 1 8 ... ..toe Court Lou ~ Pruld•t 8\uart --• -and power lntel"HU are ~nt-.... , ... n u,.-. Da'ria of ~d IUUIOUllCed today. Herold I. johnaon 9c1 UU'o~ &U lh• coww• and' ac-recenui by J:. Llewellyn ov,rbolt Oomm.I~• of ~ .-,,,. carry \tt'IU-. Non·boat ownen and men In connection with the estate of out. \ha polid• and proceclUNa U4 Wbm1n ,nth J!O aauUcaJ tll· r.tene Brown Milli, Wbe dleil at tor oautonJa'• P billion Ml'tllp parimce find a n.w world of Balboa bland Dec. 11. }\Ml and and loan ..U...., Dam.laid, ~ trtendlhlp ;.nd .cUYity throush penon.al property ...,.. -u.tecl sa ~ .. 811. bnportallt ~ ot th• tra'de t:llelr equadron putlctpaUon. Many exceae of '10,000. PenonaJ prop-&110ClaUC1D'1 operaUoa. becomi valuable crew' mtmbere erty wu 11t at \1&,000. fOI' bo&t-ownlns memben, navlg•· llA&ln V'PllU .... IUNO ton tn racea; su•ta for crulaea. Ins. A pro..,am ot act.ual "Ola Ult IU T 00\'l'.U The Jan. H pQoUnr cour14 I• water" acuvtt:r LI 900ll tQ be an-~ • Open to both men and women, LI nounced ~d that too wt1l be open a•••p• CA.NY.A.a tree ot cb&J'Ce, With no advanced to· all men and ~mm Of Ull UIOI' IDJ'.Ollment neces•ry. Tbe cour:o~ equa4ilroG, whet.bar boat OWMn or ~.:' •· a.eta weekly· for ten wttu r 1cl not. Twent:r thouand · men u4 l -~ aACM LI followed by an e:ufnlnaU.n\ women have ~tA UM 1 L-- JIM WHYTE INSUR.ANCE Oceen , Marine end . . - ••••••••• I Caulw USS T•fta ,· are quiet I ,~i C)Wet1U~ .. I .. • . . ~ but there'• 1 '-4 el ~ wildcat eodea la.... " ~\ nwfed. ...... hk s.. t ~\ Ronea. eo.. la_. \ U.tea to thl {Mr ~ ' _ ..... $H .. •llJI• . • . 4 ~Jrcl • Newpll't --1 Ill of whlcll la n~ to equad· tbl'Oq'bodt the Unit.eel Stat.. TM ~~.-= . ..-.MD. . ron manibenhlp_. chief purpoM of the U.11.lted 8tatea 11~ * ! Advanced coQl'M8 In 9Mman• Power SquadroM, a volunteer o,. om.a q... .._ ........ lbJp, weatber' and en(ine mainte-ganluUon, I&. tbe promoUon of I I • nance•wt:ll be(in lD hmJaJy and thc11 free clwa, all ln.et.Nct.ed 801JTB 00.ABT ()() UMl17 •llTt ..... . J are open to all mem membere and by voJunteere wbo. a re equadron Urd a N_,.n •"-• .... tit ....... Ce.-... llu .,,..,,., .. · ~to~w~om~eD~W~b~o~b~a~ve~pe~ued~~pU~o~t·~.rn~e~m~be~~~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiim•~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i;;;.-i -· :.. Hold Your Horses .iS!'s Newest 1·s Here! The '"'"Magazine Cover 'Dome~~'" Designed for YOU by Cliff May ......... ...... ~ .. o. .............. . t..: ,_. ........... ...._ • POftlOIMli ..... ,.. ..... left ........ . ... ~ ·-IMft ......... ,_ ..,., :; a .v ... _ .. ....,._ ..... -. I Vets -· No Down Only $5~ .68 Per ..,.,J l,_OY.... • M (Prhldpal o" a laWnst) You thrilled to its glamou;, livability and value when it wos feetured .. in the nation's leading "home'' m"ogoz~nes ••• now you con hove one of these smort 3 or ''4 bed- room "Magazine Cover" ronc.h homeslor your very own! More you llMly ony home -,., ony ptjl<e -you MUST ... It. Sun .. t Matoilne called It th. "Matlc ;Money ·Home" becou,. your dollar bvyt IO mYCh It 11 olmoet ll~e matlc . . . ond now W*one con purchcne for no dewn payment ontl 01 littl. 01 $57.61 .,-, monttt (JWll\dpol Oft4 lnteNst.} ThrM or ' bedl"OOftl1 -~ce of 2 1lte1 on6 ~e,., hom. bvlh orourMI o ~ patio with woHa of glo11 thot bring your 9onl9ft and patio Into your ham.. S.. !Mm thl1 w..tt ond Mlect ,-vr fCl\"Orfte • , • move In w ithin o ~ wHkll e IUILT IN IANOI AND Ov.t e INDfllCT KITCHIN UOMT e WOOO OfOPPW«> llOCIC • PlllPLAa • PINCID PAno e ~·llaATI M'IY TO MAila ·llDIOOM e llOICID All HIAT • CMAHID IN TU ,SHOWm -George M .. Hohteln & Sons. lullcl1n Doyle & Shlelck. Sales Agenh • • . ., ·~ ., • -. Memben of Barbor Area Boye' Club gather ·Friday nJrht. to learn bow to work with stone. at lapidary . elaa Volunteer btnactor Kr8. IUck Thunatrom. above, -'Wetback' 1111 .. d Im Mesa Acc.._ , .. -. DU don't have to wait for a POID'S NIW 162-H.P. Y-ILOCtC Y.a 81118 WITH ftJOOa.TOIQUI .awn, All .... ~T .. QU.....,t ~ Ute Jut n yean, Ford. baa buill 'O"ter H IDWioa v.a .....__mom Uaan .u otMr manl&f ....... caebUMd! 'lbat'I wtl7 ....... .,.. 1IO .......... DO~ ••• ID~. Rrd V-1 DOW. ,._ ••• Ford oa .. a rr-t ,_ ...-..: 111-iL,. T-lllodl V-1 ••• 111-IL;. T-blocll Special V-8 ... or 120-IL p. l·bl«k Jlllx All ha•• •maldAa' new ~ poww. • STYUNO INSPtllD IY THI THUNDEUllD MAIKS 1M1 16 LONG, LOW IOOL OfOICIS IN THI POID 'IS UNlt Only m the ·aa Porcl wm JOU w tbe lleM uddnc look tbll\ Im een ._ with tbe brillian& Pord 'nl~. Yoa1l tnd beeuUtW fabrim, eldDfW qpbcllltrJ"...t and ~ DIW, trul1 dUllnat 1nt.ior moUta tba& ,ou'w -'* ,._ ia aey cm. P-.... • . . : , .• COlil!MuYIMIUOU '°ca. II'°"--,., IJllVJ llH,.. '55 FORD THEODORE R08·1NI ·. ~ ... ~ .... ., ... 1911 2116 NIWPOIT aw. ... ..... • ~ llACH .!Y 4!• J•1 ..... I 1.._. .. ._ .,_. ftliee a• llCA (4),.am-. "IO Jit~ . . ' • _., ... T • ' . (. ,~6E •• PART•,,_ NEWPORT HARIOll ~ES$ lill · 1111a11 Mesa s· 1,1ngs . THURSDAY, JANCJ~Y 6. ttll 1•11 JUST tlORl'll . .; POST Off ta OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF TMI: MONTM EARN FROM TME FIRSr Oflic.Ma ... 9'.30 ..... -3:30,... ~. .. ' I• .. j • • .. • • .. . . .. • ' ---l .. • ' . . .. . . NEWPORT 1HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ • e ~ I '\ ··.,r THURSDAY~ JANUARY. 6, 1955 '-' I ' • .. . PART .FOUR, ·PAGE ONE . .... . ' , -t - • BILI. COVERT, Newpo~ ~h .ireet. 11Uperintendent, on,_ the aumping of bub fror:n city trucks at the dty dump. During the winter montha, approxlmately 450 tona of hoigehold traah ia collected per month: Thia swells to 700 tons per month dw;ing the summer. ·HING BU ~ ~ . . AT CITY DUMP SITE I• ~1 BILL PHILLIPS When it comes to dump altee, it's pretty much like Coioedian Gedrp Gobel aaya: "You can't hardly ·get them no more." They're that acarce thMe daya. . I But' the Harbor area bu no worries on that 9CON. About a year 'ago, the city p~ '2 acN11 of what Newport Street SUperintendent Wllliam Covert refen tq: u "nothing but boles." Thetie hole. are located at the end of Coeta Meu.'• 19th St. and Whittier Ave. on land known ¥ the Newport Bea.ch city dUDlp. The tuk of filling ,the bole., Covert estimates, eoa1d very well go on indef'mitely. "One thing about tt.'' the street .fUperintendent reported, "When we get through, we will have reclaimed 801De ground." Slnoe the threat of smog drifting out from the Inland metropolitan cities, the order bu gone out: ''No more -burning allowed." Thia bu es- tabllahed the d1.ipoe8.1 proceu in the dump fill area u one foot of trub covered by a buDdo zer with one foot of dirt. Care of the city dump ia U8Ul"ed through the u.lvage operation conducted there by Angel M. Garcia of 1897 .Whittier Ave., ea.ta Meaa. New• Arra ·BAU A dosen workeN along the. ~v~or belt 80rt the l&lvage materiala. one worker filla t.he baliq . mechtne wtth paper Uuh. Complltioll of the aalnp operation leaVe. only wax paper and milk cart.am ~ clLtpo8e of throagh a dump mung opera~ ball· dom. a foot of dirt over ~very foot of pa · -.. · '- port Beacb pays Garcia $1 per ton for covertns and salvage. He hu eet Ul> a .conveyor belt, 1ep- arating th4\ saleable paper~ cardboard and rag•. from the gl~, metal and tlree. Uaed for f'lll pur- poeea are Ute materials without u.lvage value, such U WU: paper and bli~ cartoDL Covert _. timata l50 to 6o per cent of tbe truh 18 alvapd . by Ga.reia'• crew. 1 -• Covert, faced with collecting the refule, ft. qutrea eeven trucu, each wjth three-man erewa, during the Y(i.nter months. But in order to collect truh in ~I Harbor area ~ice weekly in reai:. dential ~r:f cta and six ~es. per week in the business a.reaa, extra truck.a and men muat be · added rummera. "We fa~ a problem that' .. doesn'.( confrott moat cities poasesing a congested business arel," ,, Cove.rt points out. That's· the fact there are five different buainea-areaa in the Harbor .commu· nity -Newport Beach, Balboa, Balbo_a Island, Lido Iale· an4 Corona del Mar. ShOre Cliffs and Corona Highlands furiuahed the city tt.8 longest haul to the city dump - eight miles. 'l'h.ia wu 10lved by taking the ma- \erial to the nearer county dump on the Pali- ndee. Currently the longest trash pull is the 6-mile haul from Balboa Island. .. ' WW mm M•IW =c "N lau.OIDPllJllll ,tlM. •• II cf -. . ...,...: ~-1Dd bale wttJl wira Tbe__.. a._... 1JOO .._ wb. ,,_,. an Jtacbd be- llkte tbe .mp proc!! ... , planJ opereted by Gard& to ........ . ONI: 01' TBi: SALVAGB warbn of Ancel M. Garcia preparea dumped truh tor · proceemns on an U.embly line. The dty paya G.arcia $1 per ton for c.overtni and u.1Ya19 of· the li01ulehold trub. ~~ta derived from the salvage operation 1 are hia under .the contract. -• , . .. . . FOU& TO FIVE penona are employed on the conv~yor belt. Salvage av....-40 tou per week on cardboard and paper, on~fouriJl of thla a.mount conaiatins of card· board. 'During Christmu week, Gareia reported more than 15 tona of glua. Rap run ~ lbe. per week. Very lltUe metal la separated from the houehold truh. • • - .. GARCIA CONFERS with Covert beeide baled paper processed from the aalvage op. eration. Alao baled are. cardboard -and rags. After aale of the bale. .. the material ia used for ~anufacturing roof paper, tar shingles, r ags and various grade. of paper. -Staff Photos A WORKER PtlT8 the baling machine to wo~, preulng the trub paper lllto comi; pKt bales. Al8o baled for Ale by Angel Garcia'• d V'1n p l&lvap ()peratlon ate card-~ boanl and rap. Separated for different proceaaint are sJ.ua, metal and rubber. On)J wu: paper and milt cartoDa liave DQ a&Jvace value. , l .. .. > •' \\ -~ / I ~ • # St. Jarries Parish· Dinner-to be Held . . ' • I • •• ;l Thtirsd~y, ·Jan, 13 Rev . .Ralp}\ Pease to Serve as Curate for Present Annual meel!nc fJf ta. DWnben 1 •IUa Me wil• ~ _, t11* of St J am ParlAlll .W be a.eld , cu.ra.. ...._ 0.... 'l'hu1 HJ1ty, ~a. T p.m. IA UN ~ .... Patricia llela, ... 'perbh hall. l>Vloer wUI be Mrwd rus• ln ... ft'Oftl 10 to i.. ~ b\' w1\·r11 of the ....-t Yutr)m\• )u, wJllo wtJ1 M ptldMt.ed ,,_ •• :Ith . 7'fr11. A. ArUnir A.chey a.nd J'ullertoa JuaJor eiou.t• la J .... )Ir>'. Jt,. Caner u co-ch11lrmn ea_pecta to be a,ppota~ to ~ an 1:harge of prepa~Uoa.a. poU. at that Ume.., Jrf)llOWlltl' lbe ~ ·~rranu. ao... Ill M~ ...... - tJonal report•, tllree ...,, memben P.. wu ,ndY&t.ed fl'Clla · ._ ot .the v.-11tl'y wtlt bja •tect f(W Uir C'olJece, ud t.be J:laurcla De-. a term o'f thrM> )'..,.. ~. 1'htr lty adlool ol t.be--ractfto. lie toell WIR replace vut171Din, A. ·Artlsur poat anduaie wor~ at. tM Ache)'. Joe Ce."91', Oeora'e Hol-cop&l 'nleolostc!U ~ at Qaa.. ateln and the ftev. PAI Moore llrida'• eAd fecelftd Ille . ..._,. Wh('(lwr, rector. Senior ad jualor &(l'ff b'om 1ba Pac10c hMol ol vestrymPn will a1ao be elected Beltpon at. Berkelef. from the vutry. ~. Dae war be Mrwd M The position-of Mr. Whftl.er on Red era. director and la lNt the ve~try will not be fllled u bl• I came to St. Clement'• by the ..._ rutrne.tlon from tbe churc.b be· 8a.n Clemente. J'n>m there IM'""9Bl comes f'rfecUn Jan. 31. He recent· to St. AndreW'a, l'ulkrton,. tbea Jy a cct'pted a poldUOn u r.ct.or lo Clturcb of th• lll~tlOI\, Nor- (\f St. Cl.-mt'nt'a Church of Hono-walk. from which he realped u lulu. . vicar tA> tako UWt Jlrt'lent po.a- D11rtn1t the time the church 11 lion. conatdrrlni;: Mr. Wheeler'• 1ucce1-Mr. hue la on the DioceNA , • UNIVERSALIST PASTOR CHRISTENS GRANDCHILD ; "leor. complete aulhbrlty .of tht' Commtnloo, dt'partmenl or Cbri• church will be ln the hand• of the Uan Education, and the H...iinr nlltfl'. When Ml aucu..or la OonunlallOG, of wbick M.r. WMel- namt'd, he will a utomatically t&ke •r a..~ -aad eecnt.ar)' ,.. hla place on the veat.ry. ..,.c:UWly. Re ii act.Ive la ~c • The Rt'V. Ralph p .... wUl a.c:t WO~ '*-s jvakw ...... of NI- TH{E REV. RALPH B. PEASE -OCNS Photo. Of cloullle bportaece.,... tht IMl"llce wtllcb Ute Unher- allat. l'eDOWlblp M1d Jut .-..,. NDt oeq wu lt nrat. ln their _... mMtlq .,i.e.. tu a.11 Clu.bbnUMI at Balboa. but Ut• mtnl.ater, ""· rr.dn1ell w. Nqe. bapu.ed hla rrand· daupter, Wlt.b M.ra. Nan.. ..... . n. baby ta Dtaae-KatJNrtM ~. Dft montlla old, da,qllter of*· ud Kn. a... wmwa ear,.r of Peart.a. DI. Mn. Harper LI u.. ~ M.a.M._. ~· Thia t1 flm child for t.be ~· Kr. Harper S. eeniq In A.lUka wtth Ute u. a. Anny paratroopen. DC-. aDd ber mo~r have been TiatUn1 bere for two weeu . kn for bom• Moncia, nlcht. .. curat~ of the cblU'dl and tie la jJU'ton 1Ad&..'t .,,, &ad Jult NUrta( charc;_e ot ~rvtcea wttJl the new u IUP priiat ot llUta AM O-p- rector 111 announced by th• ~· tar Tl, R.o,.i .U-Clll X..... He la · Mr. Pe~" -makea h1a born• at ai.o a ._._ oil. Rotar)'. and 428 ~I Monto Ave., ~rt.on. b~ orpalM t.be Norwallc club. ro STUDY INDIA -B. I. Methodists: Slate . . PA~E 2 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ,__. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 EVENING CEREMONY Helen Horr to . :Rec~ive FORMER A~Y CHAPLAIN Pre~byte·ry CommiSsion hool of Missions In a apedaJ Mrvlce of wouhlp the Pmbytenan Church '" La INTERIM PAST~ AT CDM on Sund&y, Jan. 9 at 1:30 p.m.,IMJrada; and the Rev .. J amea S. India h kllrtaa UM JC.In f llleon&J1ea to 111 • ' MIH B•len Horr, direct.or of Stewart. ho•l pa11tor. tne. to":: atudled a:" UM S:::i dl&,C~~";.:. ~ l.Uwrtrat.ed t.aJk tM Rn. Jtdwtn Chr1aUan • of Nortb' Dskota, will ChriaUan EducaUoa at St. An• Following the commlu lonlng of Ml11lon• •lated to open at ·11:SO aDd dlaplay of coejumaa and dJl'o. be Interim minuter at Community Coccr•rauonl Church of drew'• Pr•bJ'ler1an Church, wtll tfrvlce, a reuptlon for Miu Horr p.m. Sunday at th• Balboa Ialand toa. 'l'be flllal· nJrht, Jan. 10, .W Coia\& del Mar unUI llUCh Ume u aucc: .. aor to the Rev. Paul bt' commlasloatd by the Preabytery will beheld ln t.he church lounre. Community Methodlat. Church. TM feat.ur. a new mlal&oo turn, "VU· of Loa Ancelu .. a Commluloned Alt members, frtenda, and young mlulon education Mm&nar ...tlJ tit I.Ire of t.he Poor." Babbitt la appointed. Church Worker. people or St.. Andrew'11 are mo•t conducted, for the four 'reina.IA&nr Each •YelllnJ'• Pro'lr'UD wtll • Mr. Babbitt. r~nt\y realped and on Dfoc. 28 preached The commlaalonlnr Mrvlce of cord tally tnvltfd to be pre.tent· on Sunday evenlna• In January. • J1n W1th Ule •nbll' ot aaadwidt· hit lut wrmon at Corona del Mar,' t.b• family leavt.n,-that the Prubylttlaa C!aurdl ii a apec· ~ even~ of J an. t f~r the com· AccordlnJ to Mn. Leonard Har• ea and bHera.cea at ll:IO. At &:111 week tor Sbatter, uer Ballerdldd. 1aJ recopJUon ot tho• men and mlaliontnr Mrv\ce and the re«p- ' . THI CHUICH OP llLHMOUS SCllNCI .......... ......,,...._ ............ ..amrm cw llDlr · ; .... &rta -rue-. lllilU.atef ,..,..: 11 La: Ju. I ...... ~ ~ Wort&& for .Y•" · 10:• ..... ....... u :00 JUA!or ctllU'dl ft..,._ Ju, JI. 1:00 o. m. CIUI "1'ou CM't XW Tllne" • lfM!fltw C-ro.\ ........ .U afel ~ ... K6u.r,.nn •"4 WI .... ., 04rl ...., ...... •vi. Dtfw et lAMn ' LAUl1JllA -.608 An GAl..&.&af. 11'7 OMtt Drlw ..,.... .. ,... -. ~omple+. Selection Tbe complete MlectJon ln, oar diitplay rc*nl enabltl ti.. famJ.11 to make a .Utab&t cboiee lD the requlred pno. bracket. ~ tunera1 mercban- d.J. in our d.llplay room-bu · · been 8eJected from ot(erinp of the COUJ*'Y'• hen-known manuf acturera. ..... PARKES·RIDLE MOllTUAllY WO laO-WAV cot•• .. ,,,. U11aTY a.~u ~ -,....,..,$ ··--- ti ~ "'' o-.1 ,0# '* ~-~ • •••••••• u ).•o• .. ~itwe . ,,, LIDO 1$ll • We Knee) to Pray! Stranrt'r1 vlllltlnf an JCplll<'Opal ChurcK for the nrat tlme uk. "Why all lhl• lulHllAC and atandtns! You don't r o lnto rnve, .chalmian of the eornmi. Ulu• wilt be a 1trvtce of h)'lllJI· Mr. Oomke hu bffa aetvtnc aa 'U. 8. Army Chaplain, la women who are dnoUJ\J thelr Uon. alon of Mlqlona and dJrecrtor of atn(inr; 8:116,. t.b• ~ pro-now UY&ng with hi• wile and ton at L&iuna Beach. ln Febn.1· ll•u ln tull Um• pro.fe..tonaJ ~ ------------.-.,1 u.. .abool, a prorram of 1enual cram: T:OIS, dl.ec:uMlon; aad T:IO, ary he l• fllter1nc use tor h\a temlnary coune. yjce t.o th• dlurcb. Tb• cenmony cJ1urch and att quietly u ~I• do In moat churc.hea.'' , The anawer ta .Smple. pt ... our Inward a tlltudf' UU'OUJh outward acUona. Kneell c le l'he normal. natur11I po•ture for prayer, u .tandlrtK la tor pral11e.' Wt! kn~I with Ule mtnllter In mMl\lncful humllJty to oft.,. our Jlrayr,.. and adoraUon to God -and we •tand when w• alng Kb pral1ee. We bt'lfeve that worahip 11 t'oncem9d wlUi both body ind llOUI, whJch la th• reuon we k.nMl to pray, et&nd to pralte, and alt to llat•n. Interest to all &J• froupa ha# adjounament. ' In the meantJme Ule paatoral calllnr comm ittee, head~ lt1eU I• Ule equivalent of lb• or-~n planned. CHILD Olli: by A. JC. P!lt'lpa, chalrn:an of deacona, la lntervtewtnr puton dtn&Uon 11entce for tM J09Pt'1 Th.ls Sunday Mra. Michael C&rl Arftft1tmmt.a baft been rnacW tor the,potnlon. . mlnlat.ry. of Corona del Mar wtU ctve an tor the care and eat•l'UlDmeat of Kr. Oomke la-uain ... "Chrl1Uan Certainty" ae hl• aennon . M1-HoJT Joined tile It.aft ot Introductory talk about India and ~Udren. • 8t . ..t.actr.w'a aa dlrectA>r ot CMla- Pakl1t11.n. It will bt' followed by Refrahmentl wtll be aernd topl~ for t.he dup11cate aervtcu of worahlf' Sunday momJnr. tJan zsucatton IA Aurut of 1964 the ahowlnr; of t. aound rum. each e~en!J?r by .membera of ·tbe The Chapel Ch~lr wlll •lnr et the t :43 .ervtce, "0 God of foUowilll lier &Tadu&Uom from the "Palnst.an and the Union of India." oman 1 Sodt'l)' ol Cbl'UtJan S.r· Youth" by Dant and the Ch•llctl Choir will •Ing, "'Ille Lord'• P rubyten an ~111\nary ln aan Al· Ylce and teacl:len of tile Church Pnyer" for the 11 :00 o'clock Mrvlce. The chol~a are under •lnlo, and the r ranUnc of ber rnu- TO GIV~ PIA y • 8chooJ.. the dlrec:Uon of Mary Batten Stetfenaen With Mlq Marraret U'9 de&T" an ChrlaUan ltdUcattoa. On Jen. i8 youth of tM cbun:b Tbe'9 will be bO ,..utnUoe fff th· The oornmltt.. ot Preab)'tery wU1 pruent. a one·act play, "Tbe few the .-Jiool, l.lthoufb u off....--·8cbar--Je-a_l __ •_0_rran __ . ________________ which wtU conduct lh• ciommla, Dtacovery of Prtml," Ult' 8t.ory of Inc wtU be r.ceJ"4 to help • T:" alonJnr aerv1ce 11 compoeed of the a..n.uaa mlaatona lD India. On tra.,y 009t& The RUbUc la timted c. M. r IRST.; BAPTIST toUoW1Jlc: Dr. H.nnaa 8wfft..,... Ju. U the Rn. and Mra. Earl to attend. aecret.ary tor the Board of Cbr1•· Uan Education; Dr. Donald G. Dr.-Maurice Ballinger Speaks Sun. at Mesa· P t -T lk s d ftl'W&l'l. proteaaor ot CbrtaUan as or · a s un ay, :n~~a: .. s:·~.!~ D R 11 E h N • h Rn. Jamee B. Douthitt, putor ot r ~ OS~ ac ig t. Sermon Series • ..,,.. l\n', P. a. Neumann Will organlat and Leroy Grauer the pl- Dr. M.aurtce 0 . a.JJ•nrer, WjSel'• ll.na Met.bod.lat CJuuda In 1'uccm. 1119 .. h1I ~'blect ..,,,. ~ at\llt. ROSELL 8PEAIU on Friendship lntenden\· ot the San Dteso DI•· Artsona'e lltCOlld ....,...t Ntthodta f~ lloGt" tor the 11 a.m. Mr· A large ratherlnr of members trtct of U1e M•Uaodl1t Chureh. wlU church. r or a number of ~ b• Tfee at t.he ,,,.t Bapll.t. Cb1oltch and fMend11 atttndt'd th• o~ulnc at B. I. Church be ru-it apeelter at Ule 11 a. m. alao aernd u -.rperbllt'ndalt of of eo.ta M..., C!Ol'lltt M.,.nolla 1111rvlce of th_. "Crusade for MeUIOdaat work bl Uld arouad and l&nta A.na Ana. Bunday Cbrlrt" onder the leade,..hlp of Dr. worll\ip service at the Cotta Mua LudalO'tlP, 1ild1a and WU a PIO-8clM>ol wm toe1nna al t:•~ a.m. Muv Rosell last Sunday nlghL Canmuntty Metllodlllt Church lhil fuaor bl Luclmow Cllriat.lan Col· *tUt c-.... for all are•. A nur-Biii Carl, •ol..>lllt. accompanylnr conwa.1·,unday. WhUe Dr. Balkn· 1.,. and bead ot u.. n-. ..... ..,t ,.r haa mt.dt' Mveral vlilta to lbe · _.-, -·· Mr)" la alao proYlded for the car• Or. RolM.'ll, Is a a Inger or fl"Nt ot Rtilglon. of th• UttJt on... thueby allvw· N"known, having given nl' talent Ideal church .tnce becomtnr dJa-OrlctnaDf adledulad to pnacb at IA& pe.rwita t.o worlhlp undtaturb-to tM Lord aftet year11 ot 11ngtn1 t.rtct auperlntend.tnt a year and a bolll momJaf eanlc. llCICt 8u8· ed. wl!h •the Metropolitan Opera, u bait aro. thla wtU be hla flr.t day, an uafo,_ eoetUc:t wUl ...,eral croup· pnyer mttUn~ well u bt'fore nnoua royalUu Ume to be pre11ent tor a Sunday Umtt. th• •pertll~t·a Tfat to wU1 be held at 7 p.m. prtor to the and In U. 8. Oovemment clrd-. mo~lq worablp "rvlce. Ule ele'Ylll o:clock boUr. l\n'. Joe-eY.ntnr Nrvlce of 7:30 p.m. which I Carl wUI be the leactsnc aololat. for Before hJ• appointment -to the epb W. M.c8bane, put.or of the wm be the. clollnc of the "Ct'\J· tht11 11cr1!'• of mfftlnf1 belnJ beld 1Npfr1nt.l\c\~cy Dr. Ballenger 'WU cbUtth. WUl preach at. t.be t :IO -41 for Cbrtat" led by Dr. Muv nightly ln \,II• ll'lrat BapU.t for .J l YMra putor of the Cata· a.JD-...-rice. aoeeJJ. ..-ith Bill Carl aa the 1oln-I Church of Ca.t.a Mea. comer of IA. Mn. Peul .Elarler will ~ the Magnolfa and Santa Ana AY• The leeOl'ld ln a llUiq of aer- mona on "The Trea.to natnr FTiendahlp" will be pnachM by lhe Rev. Donald 0 . Sapp at th• 8:30 and 11 o'clock Sunday llt'r· v1cee of the Balboa. hland Com· mun1ty Met.hodl•t Church.. Tb.la week'• t.oplc. beMd CID a booll 1JJ Lellle D. • WeatllertM&d, ta "TM Reality of the l'rlendllltp." At the 11 o'clock aemce MeU- LawJ«r, d&ughJ.er of Kr. ud Mn. Michael ~. Conma CS.1 Mar,' wU1 recelft ChrtatJan baptJan. TO HE.~ ABOUT HOLLAND LIFE The Church School Guild of the Corona del Mar Commun!· ty Church wUI hold lta Janu• ary eemon on Monday at-7:30 p.m. tn th• rnend!!hlp Room of the church. Spo.ker will ~ Mn . John F«ley. Enir;llah .teactiirr at Ha r b or Hlrh Scbool, who wUJ t.t'U of her yeei 1.n Holland. Botll Mr. and Mr•. Feeley ~t lut yC!ar l.n that countr)' .. o chan1e teecher• and are adc!euln1 numeroua groupe. Ho.teuu wlU be Mmu . Har· Ian Hoyt, Walla.ce C&lderhead, ud HoW1 PaeseL Church kbool motllan and frteada .,.. anYltect . St. Joachim Church First South em F u . 1. t 1984 .Oran~e Av-. e· t•st c st l f Or DJVersa 18 sunday Mauea ap 1 • 0 a Mesa Fellowship Group 1, 8. t , 10 and 11 :30 a.m. to0 W. HamUton Ill. . WetJc.t•u M 7 a.9• Qeo..-D. Book "Unconacloua Influence" w1Jl ~ .._ &Hee -;()() a.m. ~r the llinnon subject at t~ Untver· Conftsslon.t F 11 -'-l s Phone S!!. «Mot·W a&lllt Community e ow..,. p un• Baturday, 4 to 6:16; 7 to 8 :15 p.m. Sunday School ·-·-t :45 a.m. day mom.Ing. Tht' Fellowlhlp nqw Communion, With God is Healing A t lut 8unday'a Mntce bap- tlam wu be1d for MattMw Wa.ICS.- Uch Jr., IJllft of Mr. &11d Mrtl. Matt• hnr V. Waldellcll. Balboa lalaad. Trazllfen1nc tklr membenblp to tM local eburch -• Mra. LuCUie Dicken. and Charle• Dtcken1, Co-• rona del Mar. Momin& Worship -11 :00 a.rn. mttu at the Ebel! clubhouae. 5111 Traln.lar UnJon _ 1:30 p.m. Sut B&J'boa B!Yd. Sunday School How alltnl communion with------------- God purlnu &11d heala keynote• the Sunday Leuton·Sennon on "Sacrament" In all Chlf1Uan lcl· Redlan~s Drama · Trio Suriday af Or;ange Church Saint' John Vianney Catholic Chu.rch · l:'nntnr Wonblp __ T:30 p.m. for all a,. gTOUp• metta e t 10:30 MlcJl.week .,.._.,.,. • Blblt' lt\ady an.d momlnc worship begin.I at bour-Wtdnt9day, 1 :00 p.m. • 11 a.m: ~ mlnlsUr. 11 the Rf'v. J"hckrtdl ~ of 'Corona ~I enc• churcbea on Sunday. Mark'• ~I (1:34, S6) relaua that Juua "healed •many that wue 1lck of dl•ers diaeaate, ud cut. out many dnila, · .•. And In tbe rnorntnr. rla&nc up a rrut while bt'foni day, be wtnt. out, and dtparl.ed lnto a aolltary place. and 115 M.artnt Aft. BaJbcNl Ialud ~ X.....: T aind t a.m. Ooaf..atoaa on l&turday1: T:JO to l :SO p.m. AlMI CID ~ of Holy DaJ'a aad nnt ~ D&ily x .. : 1 :00 ....... nm l'r14l.y: I :00 un. Mount Carmel Catholic · Church ' B&Ulo& Bl..S. at lltB It. Newport BMcb J'ather 8tapba kl)ey, Putor Sunday Kueea: 1:00, 10:00. 11:11 &.JP. Conf...iou OD 8&tul'ctQI. En. of Holy 1>&11 Alld ..._ ot Newport Harbor Lutheran Church -nrat l'rlda19: 4:00 to l :IO p.a. 1:IO lo t :ao P.Jn. l501 Cutt Drl... N.wport Bta. Abbwt & OroaJund, Putor ......, 8en.: l :IO Ir 11 a.m. ~ 8obool -t :IO a.m. . N'Unlr7 P"""'4 Dail7 a. .. : 1:00 a.m. nrat 1'114-f: l :IO un., 1:00 p.la. N~Y9f'& (Parpetual ll•lp): 1w. da.J, T:~ p.m. I Baptist Church of ~ mtJllClm or cmun MD1ftlft Newport hach a."J!~"So=.tti::·~=-......... ~-· ...... " ............. . =:: =: ,rJ:~: an ....... o.,...... ..... w......, ................. _ •• ,_ ~ Pbofte.: U 1-3012, Har. SMS-R ...... .._ ......... Yle..... ·=·~a.in. Church 8cbool ...._. ...._ 11 --' ._....... 11:00 Lin. MomJnr WO!'liblp " ... •·a."' ,. ,,.. ,. -. W ••••" ,._ t:tO pm. ToatJl a.rnoe .. " .. ,,. ........ ~ -' .. .. 7 . ... . -·--~ H9ll4-.:-p.m. -·-len1ce 1k ... -.. .. " ~ant M"'N ,_ ....,.. Wec1ftu da7· T·IO pm Mid W•ll -a..... ..... l«e .... -........ , .. a.mo.. . . . . . f Mar; . -Church of Christ. Latter Day Saints rr1d&J .Atlet'Dooll CJub 11th Ir ~ Colt& Meaa ..... A.. a..w Alka Pboae KDnbtr17 2.-a. Sunday • ~ ---· t :OO a.m. hDd&y 8dlool 10 :ao a.m. 8acnlnent 8en'tce t :30 p .m. T\aN4aJ Mutual lap. Um. -'l:SO p.m. fttlld ~t)' -10 a.m. except 9"GDd WtdlleedaJ, 4 p.m. at Oommatt7 Olurcl\. ltth and Newport Aft. there prayed." I • •\ On 8\mdaf, Jan. t, at 7:IO ~.m. an J'tnt Prt11b7tertan Church, Or- ..,,.. UM Drama Trio of tll• Ur.:- ftrldty of a.dland4I preeenta UM play, "Roser Wllllama and Mary:' A new 'ffftt UN bl UN .. ,1111 ot drama, tit• Drama Trio; under lb• dl~oo of Albert bd BerUI& J ohn.on. la anot.btr feature apo11• eored by tlle UnJftrally of Red• lanCS. ln UM 1.nlerut of ad'YUC~ dnuna u a medium of wonh\J. Compoeed' Of anane.d drama Mary Baker J:ddy c~la an ''Sdtnce and Health wlt.h Key to the Scrlpturea," "A.udlbl• prayer can never do tbe worlu ot 1plrltual understandlnJ, whkh rer enerai.; but •llenl. pnyv, watdlfllln..., 11.nd devout. obedJt!flce lnable ua to follow Jel!Ua' example.'' ApJn ahe &AyJ', "The hl(beat pn,_r la DOl one of faith merely; It la demaa· acltol.anblp lltudat.a. the l11o ~ etratlon." (pp. 4 JI) tonna WIUiout OOfbdlrl• or prop-' · .u., retJUlr oe ~ ud pea· The GillcJ.n Tat .. froid' Jolm tom1mJCI all1lla whlcb, lolas a.ton . f 4 :23 >. "111e bouT cometh, . aad t.bt !nftllUoa of modem ~. now la. when Uie tnM wonb.lpe.l"I wen a Clltinpl..CS art amoq 1ha II wor9hlp th• ht.her In lplrtt th• Clerf>' of the m~ eJNrch. Ch h f and In t~" The Pi&7 :..... ·~ Wllllame urc 0 .... JilmT," a tffteU ~ta.\ ol R I• • S • Ch h Board • dJMmlo •OllM9t 1a .1t.mMcu 8 191C?UI C1ence . urc 1ti.tory, deal• witb ttie coura,_,... n.NDT ROLNa r d TM JanUAf7 lfte&Uq ot ua. ol· alJ'UR't « Ro~ wunama for ~ .... -..._ ,.rt a:;:" er ndal .board of U.. Balba& lalalld nttctou f'retdom and MparaUoa --IOT am Drive 97 Conununlt,y Metllodllt Claurdl wtll ot ebrcb trom It.ate. It la tbe ltft. Jrt1 ~ lllm.ter bt lleld at I p.1n., W..._..7, J-. _., ol a pioneer wbe dared to ... ~ l1 a.a. 11, at the helm• ot th,...,. ud ltalld for llulc 14-.la )at•r Lii• '-*' Cll_. 11:00.... Mn. Donal4 a. eapp, hi AIM-oorporated In Liie CoutltµUoa of ..... ...,.. lO:IO UL ~ AYe. t.11e VIMt.ed lt.t ... ' . TM _eeremony ot our chureb, aa Ml torth In the Boole . of Common Prayer, la the product of cen\urlu of pra'*-1 willdom and reU~oua cu.at.om. Take perl an lt If you w1ah. or juat alt and relax and enjoy the Sttvlo.. · , We Invite you t.o worship with u• today In \he J:fllll('op11I Chur<'h near you. In Ule ltpl..,oe&I Church you' II (l11covtr ·t.hf" true expr-lon of "1r0nihlplJJC Ood In H1a church.'' St. Jan* Church ltPf.8()()PAL V1a LWo at Udo I• Br14Je PAUL MOORI: WHEICLEI\, Rector ~1 SeMcee. l :M • t ;M ·II* a. m High Quality Printing--Ph. Har. 1~16 ' The National f oundahon fOf l11!ant1t~ Parilysis ~ l • ·. • -· • • II Prtlflla 1t· · CLAS S ·l ·FI ID ~!as.me. Of_ 1111 'l1ri1• . · · RNISH WORK ... .,.~_.. ..... • NEWPORT llABBOR NEWS-PRESS CX>RSON A llUN'1'SAN ,... u.. ••11:::1...._ .. • 1154 llote~ . . Eyery MCIDdaJ aad 'l'bundaJ CX>NSTRUCTION oo: ~ ';:'-.... .:... .. ~ I COASTAL SROPPJr.D-UI-..11--..11-.v. GDfDAL OONTltAC'IOM me u..a. Wjtll ....... I '1 , OltAJfCJa, COCN8> -Onqe ... ~,., LlbertJ l--M2I LIMrt)' I-TOii ........_ wttbla * moa&M aft4ir , · ........ 7W Msan to fMI It.I srowth. 4 U.. · 1 Paper • • '16 · . IOctl U.. ftnt pvbltoeU. ol We DOti1:1e, &Dd le AoolDns fol'ward to raptd 4 Uiie9 · I ....... 1.aG . la U.. omce ol. U.. Cleltl ol tM ' IPUf'la ........ wr tutun. 4 IJw s Papen ~ i.oo FOR RENT ...,._ ODurt ol tbe ~ ·°' lamlcraUae. alrMd7 atrtklnJ ~tal hopper Pon',,.. ,.._ .... na .. M lleeda)' 81tlll 8'1P.... JC1ec. in.111 •• PoUaben. CaltfanJa. ta ..C-tor the Oouat.7 ~ ,,....nt. mtartJJ• flpru. or 'nu,...., ..,......._ ., all t ot ~~--. WMalb&r-ol <>nq.. .Ill 1llO ·u.. population wu al11bl· MUii.MUM AD HJ • UMU · ypea •r-. ~ Deoellllllllr IO 116t ~ ., OY• 10,000. Today It la MU· All Cl...afted Ada miatt be .... fw Cult la .. n-of ,....u-. rowa, .. tc. • ... ..,..... l •I Dol'otb1 ~ WW.. . mated at 16,000 and atsna point lo The publlahera will not ~ reeponlible tor tnore lban .one 11ac:O.T;:i. BOYD'S nJ.JWE. /81 Oeorp W. ww.on a rock9U• fl(Ure of tll,000 In 111 ln1t>rtlon of an. a"tt, ~aerve lll• rl&'ht to aorrec:tly c:Jualfy any an. d aU 1630 w: CCABT RJOHWAY No. 1216 N~ 7ean. ada and to reject any iad not contormins to rulea and Nplattona. utiert1 ~· !!.~rt. Sch uuc 12/11, ao, ~· ¥t. 11. 1111 .Ill 1163, a &'ood"&TOWlh year, the Dll!ApLJNICS tor placlnr or cancellln&' ada are: · · NO'l'ICS or Mi. Df"aCI& dt.7 anMlle4'1tva areH and laaued For Monday _Pqbllca\ion -Monday 9 a.m., COlfPLE'l'E r~G TO WHOK IT-MAT OONClll\N: U6 JNUdinc l>ermlta tor a . total For Wedne.ecs.y· PllbU,ca'Uon -Tuelday 2 p.m. It Paper. Hanging 8ervice NOTICll la .mDT OlVJ:N, ftJuat:km of ftt.ltl7.H8. For Tbt!raday Publlcauon -Wedne1day 1 p.m. llUGJ:IJll o. SAIJNDllRB pur.uut to tbe p~ • ~ot But '°" 11 mo11Uui of 11164, the NE~aT HARBOR PtJBU8HINO oo. 000 :slat Street, Newport 8e&cb lleclion M'!).1 91 t:lle Oafltonla eltJ ..,_lllaed 0 16 areaa and iaaued . Ull Balbea lllft.. lfawport lllMdl, C.Uforwla. Harbor 297•.J. •lcM CtYll Code, u.at m..r.tt r. Bobbi· TM 1"dldlar permlta for. a Lot.al I . , PAINTING aoD U4 Leota O. RA*_..: Wboee r--.....,. ... auc:m of '5,26Uat. ll:he ye&r'a 1%-Balldlag Se~ ~B~& Servlcee addrw la Apartment c. .. '61 ea.ta -.a .. •pact.eel to .xc:eed sa~ · ;:11 EARL SHEFLilc.r ..._ atnet. eo.ta x.... caJl. mUhon. W-EST CQA.ST BUILDE.RS 273 falmer St., eo.ta Meaa forala, IAtled to .U to Al a..,... llaklq way for the lnfha of Phone Liberty i-2i28. •?ttc and Vera H. aa,_ ~ penorui and t.o .. t.t. with Nl9Ult· -----------la~ Bout.It Dadld At-U.. Amr tns ctty financial burdua. 19:1 G~L CONTRACT08S betm, Cltllt..S., all ot U.. I*'"' a.ere. have been annexed thua far G · AOLLISTER BROS. llCID&l prop9l't7 deeerlbed .-.nll7 Uli• year.' I arages, 18 X 20 ., NURSERY u tollowa: Recopidnr th•· udaUnr 1&11d ex-1 New lawn, reuonable All of tbe lltock la trade and peeled SfOWlh, th• city ta workln&' STUCCO OR SIDING -CO¥J>LETE-• or .,,.._ nxtuna. -.ufpmet with an eye toward the future. $695 ( • I d• sJ b) DO IT YOURSELJ'-WI: TD..L and tunaltun (ucept tM pa All .ewer and waler llnH are · lnC U 1119 a It GRADE YOUR SEED 'A.ND ball Udalne) 1ocat.ed Sa ud laid .to accommodate developlnJ SPECIALISTS in room additions -ROLL UNDER OUR ouw. about UM •retail liquor .ton .,.... Ud a major aewer trunk and remodeling for"over'8 yn. .ANCE. -LI 1-1~2. Hpt known u abamrock Ilquor .hu been provided.'-Store and u ~· ahaln· Tbe Chamber ot eommer.e a1ao F,HA Terms -No Down Payment PAINTING roc1t Uquor •ton. atuat.d at la worlein&' wtfh lbe city admlnla· µberty 8-5763 -Klmberly :J..8274 87plH p . tin ·• p ~ knot.JM. _ ~ ... ~ = t.raUon to create orderly and we.II· · , am g aper ~g .... ........,.. --..... ..i.R.._. __ .. Sa Oanre 0 \ "Tl.-ft..._.' ·uo.,.•v "--Buy" Bou1nv\t. eo.t& Xeaa, Call· ..--___ ••_v .. _-___ . -·--U.-:BuUdlng_~rvlcee lZ-Balldl'af Services •JG Dal" ---~ '--fomia; lopt!Mr with tile sood · Sympson & .Nollar wtll-ot .uc1 bwdn .. aad -.td 2 MelCI Fires Over CARPENTR'f Painting, Decorating 612 salb et., Newport Beacb ~~ P~ oi cout-. New Y. .. 'I Hollclay MINOR REP AIR WORK ' Paper ·Hanging PHONE BARBOR HM · Uon tor aiald eale ~ to be ~ at ' Two .,._. were J"eported by NO JOB TOO SMALL GEO. BURKHARDT tto t.be ott1ce of J'red' A.. Wilbur, 609 ft&Jph lAe, ftre prevention officer. . H. o. An<!eraon LJt.'ENBltD CONTRAt.9I'OR -----------J'lnit ~aUcmal Bank BulJdtns, '1'ftl' the New Tear'• bollday. u 8·90&6 Co•l& Meaa 83ttc au lioi.h St., Ne ..... •rt Beach ...... Classlfled J'ourth and )(&Sa 8t.reeta, Santa .At 12:11 Lm. Dec. Sl, two -.-A.a&. Calitomta, on JanilarJ ~. lnlek• and 21 men ruponded lO Har. 241•-W or LI' a-ta:J2 tfc PCM)ft 5, '· 7 HM. at 11:00 o'clock A..M. "U.AL llOTlcl THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1955 NEWPORT.HAUoR NEWs..PRESS ~T JV" PA&E J -•amt&. of ..lmttu.. llA110IGL Jnlllll-MIOCIATIOll ~ s,..,.,., -t c.. w. o .... 1w Jt. ""' .)o ,........, .......... _ • .,~ .. .... •llOW•Cll <=-".,_.Due fNlft ._.. • • , • ' • • • • •• • • S1.~,SM.S~t.17 ~ s.... c;...,,.. .... Sea ..... -s... ..... Gwwu 1 Ill W "'-Cio\leNIMnf • • • -• • . • • • ,..,.. ,.,..,.., Securtttee • • • • • • • • • • • • • -. ~ -Mufti "''-....... • • • • .• • • Olher s-...... . . . . . . . . • ••••• U.. S....u 111d °' l......9d iz:-:-S... Gou.,,_ It or lta • • • • • • ' • Olher ....... • Dtecounta • • • • • • • • • • • ... ,,., .... ,........ ... • • • • 'ti • • • .-• • C1 11 ..,.. LWlll11y °" l.ett9n of Credit, MC. t • • • • • ll/IJt:rve4 ......... and Olher It...-• • • • • • I l,2J0.~7a,J91.H 2,112.7Jl,7S1.U 74,,2',I07.25 275,IJl.SOS.OO ... NS.M5.~I TOT AL lllOUICD • • .. • • • • '• • • • • • ... 161.111.ut.'9--·. , .••. ,,, .... • • • • • • • • • $ 150,000,000.00 TOTAL WITAL FUNDS . • • ._ for ,_,.,.. t.-~ • • DIPOllTIS ~ • • • • • l .... and Tima • • • UalalUty for LAtt.rs of Crwdlt, .. • • "-ve for In.._., T.-, etc. • • , ,,,596,611.32 • ... . ~ • • . s. ,66,596,611.31 • • • • • • • •2.'11,.451. u $4, 192,260.317.72 t 1,270,"',751." 4,078,274,433.42( • • • ; • • • 271,S~.052.21 , • • • 15,0S 1,339.6' TOTAL UAllUTID • • • • • ! O • e • e • • e 19, 161.Jll,Jlt, .. t MM o~n ill,_ ,_ .._... Cil#1 •I CMif.,,;. IAN HANCllCO .• LOI ANelLll •-'-'~CJJf-U o-·-W-w11 "-'--~ r...,._ r • ....._. «*.OMA.. a-,w. c-, ...,,,.."-'-',,..... ....._ ~. ,,,...., ,,,,.. ._... ,,.,,,... LIA8"1TIH . . , • , t 10,000,AIOOAIO • ' . a bnaeb ttre at m. On.ace Ave .... d Dated Decamhr 21. ltM. c.... .,,.. 0ua ...... ..,.. • • • .s sun,a.7.06 ~ £1C:=1llOtlJ~~•~t~Tl~-~~••...,.w~urn1~0"'ddmmnn~•1~•r..j~i!!':--li':""-f~:lt'~bi~~-t~::::~~~ll6..l~~~'.".":"-+-~-t.t~F*t.-11!~r.i~.....,:"""1----.n~~~~~~~~~c~•~~~~ ... !!!!'·.~="~...,.,--t_,,,~~~l'-••~~-,...__.,..._.~._..---.-.---+ ....... _..P"'Y""'~""""..-..,. ..... t::"'l,,_~-.....,-+~-....... -==I Lee reported. NON .. UNJON LJCE.NSED INTE.RJOR -EX1'ER.lOR vliltA h. ~ .. -.. <* ......... ~ ••••••• 29.2tS.41UO ~ ............... Ml,US.H At t :eo p.lll. New 'Te&J"•, a car 16'6 l.rvule. Colla ..... LJCENSED -lNSURED lntmded Vmdee,:nut OIW s-.tt• . . . . . . . . ,,,,,.,.2 TOi'Ai:''CAit"l'Ai. ~ • • • ·' IJ.tu.m:ll'" ··: tire ... reported at JU Roc11e1i.r Liberty M .3411 7Up8Ui Glenn Johnston -NOTICE TO CKEDITOR8 No. 1271 New.-Pr'Ma 1,__ '--..... oi...... •••••• N .9:1fJS7.82 .......... ,_... ~ ~. • •7.Jtt ... 8t. by 1'9114eet l:d Mlrkov1c.b. c" "'· b No. A-utn C....-' UMl'ltty.., '--"-ef •s.s-.141.aa ~ , • , • •• • • • • 1M.SM.tt4.J7 ...,1 · Slat til. Newport oc&e oal>INANCI: NO. Tia c..dlt, *-.•. · · •Y Mirko~cll aid lbey bad juat re-H. H. HOLBROOK Harbor 3179 13Uc Estate et ALJCE J . DALL. AN OllDINANCll: DIVIDING ~ .....,_,_._°"* ~-~•c... .......... .an.All.t.a turned bome from tbe Puadena deceased. nu: OOUNTY OF Os.ANG& "--• • • • • • • • • 611,1'M.ll ...,_ fW ...._, T~ ..._ n4.111..r ROM Pai-ad. and tbe RoH Bowl DEPENDABLE PLUMBING . Notice a henby ctnn by tbe INTO IUDKJIAL Dl.8TSIC'l'9. .. , .............. ..... wbe be .melled amok• rrom A Prompt General Contracting underligned Dorothy Dall Wlllaon NAJIDllO TIU Dl8ftlCJ'9, tn. .......... Repair Sennce Ma1nta1ned REP AIRS, r.emddellng a.nd alter&· and George W . Will.eon, Co-Execu· AND Dz 9 0 & 181 No TRI: ll!xamlnaUon revealed a fire In· . Phone: Harbor •42• lion work. Realdentlal a.nd com· lol"I ot lhe Eatate · ot ALICE J. BOUJn).AalE8 TBDJ:O•. 81de tbe car. M.lrkov1dl aUnpJah· 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport ~acb mercl&I bulldlnC•· DALL deceased. to the Credlton Tbe Board ol auper'Ylaon ol th• _ ed tbe blue with a prden ti09e. plrp Quality Work' Guaranteed ot. and au penona havlnc claim• County ot Oranp do ordain u then becked the car from th• rar· Har 3101 daya, Jiar. :14&0-J evu. qalnat the Mid dece&ffd, to pre-followa· · a,.e. Lff reported probable cauae C A R p E N T E R · Mc98h sent thi:.m with the neceaa&l'J alllCTtoN 1, Punu&At to the of the tin wu a clsarette. R . vouche". within 111t month• after prowtona ot the Judicial Dtnrtct . . . . ............... . COMllNID llSOUICll O.Yll $9,aoo,ooo,ooo M»tUat Funda Explained Dtecover now· Juat how mutual tund ab&rN can be uaed la yOW' own ftnallcial pl&nninr. F1n (r.e booklet. write Boa J 20, Ulia paper. 17p1H epair Work --0ood pr•nuna add• to your the ttret pubucauon ot thl• nouce. >..ct. .. a.mended. <Act noe a-. Doe.a Yow Home Neen Rep&Jnni . lO the aald Co-Executors at the of· La ) th Board of BuperTleON High Quali p • • Pb H 1616 or Remodellni? ' OU81neaa prHllJe. I ha Pre11a Joea tlce of Snyder and Fletcher 11i• WI • e Oran ftnde ty noting ar CaJJ FranJc. Uber~y 8-99~ neat, dignified pnnt1n1 at fatr 'Fair Oak.a Avenue, City o{ South of the County of ,.. • ' '" f • • All Work Guaranteed HUo prtcu. Rine Harbor 19US and P~na. County ot Loa An&'elu, (Ooa..._. -.... •> • Newport Harbor B.PtO.E. 1767 PAY-LESS· Mttta nery Thureday 8 p.m .• Via Oporto -C.nlra.I Ave. ACIOU HIGHWAY PIOM HOAO HOSl'"Al • Newport Beach Elwood 8beU, ll:aalted Ruler NEWPORT -30I ~ llVD.-COSTA MUA ., -Start Saving Today ... Start the New Year Right- A FREE GIFT · TO YOU - -from SANTA ANA . SAVINGSI Ope~ a New SavillCJs Account of f~OO or more and receive your choice ~ . .Tom Thrift Coin · Bank ~ 'ftt TOM TDIF1' COii WI II CIYST&J. CUD- TOM TllalP"f aAYla "'kG4 • """-wltli Y.• ..-. clia9e.• 01111' IU • •ey -•eats ta .taeat 11• .. ...., •• ,.... a.I yiaw .... -...., OR Memorandum Wallet * Each account insured up to $10,000.00 * Accounts opened by Jan. l 0..eorn intetest from Jan. l * Current Rate of Interest 3 ~~% per Annum .. . . Se"'i"I S..1a ..4u, Onrnr• Co•nly, Soulltftrn Coli/ormo Since 1923 SANTA ANA 1SAVINGS • 74:~~=n ~~::n •. Ample parking .pac9 at NGr of buitding. Entrance to_partdng lot on N. Sycamore Street j• ~--__:~~~~-=-~;__----------------~~---------------------------------- . . goure Money Abe~ as IJotlge floslws ahetdl ........ •..,JOI/re. 1' ••c cm • .., ar rtcht now, we nnt JOU to ..... in and eee eat Dodge ._ ctooe to .m JOU • w.-t &.briD i1m IDODeJ eu~ .•• andtbit...-ftlmJ _ ~.not jmt talk! TOll"l -lar , ..... that &he new Dodi' ia ..._. ud ...,. &bu c:wa eOldac ,., ..... And ,..-a -lt1'b:c ., --&Dd ...-it tat. ~ m.&.b away! 'l"b9 111 tbe ,_, to l&1lp ap to the Bto 0.-ud *'Pout in llt)tel Yoa'D be delighted when JOG diMrmr bow tiUJe it cmca to own the mmt arit- inc. &he --blffd-ehc-t -~ U661 y..,___,.._. .... a.,.. .............................. ...................... ~ .. y ..... ...., ....... ,,.... .. ~ .............. ~ y ..... ..., ............... .. .................... _., ...... -....... 4 .. ..... ........, ................ .... ~ Th•N•~-DODGB ~ ... 6'0,.,...,.. ..... .,.... ............ : Dllilr"-~ ~ .... • 1111111r.· .... " ....................... " .......... .... ' O'BRIEN MOTORS • Coda M11a Ubitlyl-7272 .. .. t • • --~ • . , PA6E 4 ~ PAllT IV -NEWJIOAT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS !t!UlSDAY, JANUARY 6. ·1955 uaAL "NOTICJ Li•AL 'N011CI LMALJIOTICI Bu.et to an tat.umctielt wltla Ule loutllerl.y line ot tM Tblfd , . .... OMa\f, OtllllDnl& ud .caan '9e ~ .., ~ .....s ._.. w ...... lllllall• ~ .. Rt• pr•~ribed ttw e...n ,,..._. • • 8uperv1mrial QUtnct: ua..nc.. (C.-1 .... r... hp I) ... ol _, lntee'i ~ In a Northwe.terl7 uct lloutb- a...ty ....., ot UM 8ou~· -V ~r ol lllodl 100 ol aald lrYiM'• Subdl,,.._; • at UM l~ -~ U.. ta tM ottloe of UM OwMr"'-.... lllUUdaq. tonn~ .,....uaa to wbJcb weldlftl II lnc(detttal ICaclt Md mua &lGalorm UM1 '9e ~ to Uiia ID.tt&Uoa. Ua• W,IDdow clMDen ·····-············ .. ·· ...... ·-·-··-···-·-·~···~········ .. -I.DI 1.b•t public CODY~ ......... ~~ ~~ erly d~. toUowtq .-. tN.t ~. CounlJ' of Oftalw a. & ------·.., ..... Aid lupervtaon.t DWtn.et Hne ~ 8ouUl,...'7 tlons block J.ID.. t.o tbe orcllllar)' ~r4:~0~~-= plau. ~uou, Uld au UM ~" docU'al•ta com....-., tbe pert· . nae nt. ~ '"' d4em wirwtot1--el!." or uae ..... ._.. c.....mc.~ lndt ooatnot ~ta. o.p... of UM Ooetraet ~ta are MW Ol WOl1c lllaU i. UM M1"tUl!Mlore •l torth ,...,,t.illal nt. et IM>urtt.. ._ft.Mud open to puMlc ~la UM -.Ml .me. ol ute ow.er, ..,... mwtlpUed bJ eieht m; Etpt ell boun .a.au oauutut.._a d&Y'• end ot Und 6 Pleau: ArcJUiect.. located al •11 eo..t ~.OD-"°"': tt ...._. undarli\ood that 1n ti\• event u.at wariuna an 901• .ided Into tM ~ ~ '° the a.u.t1 cel1* flt to aa tntereecuon wtUa UM JIUMd and cleNribed tn ...._ I 8looll 1Ta ot Mid ~ No'1ll line of Onnc-ooc1 IMtnof tor UM~ of....._ ..._......_ aai4 comer...._ A.venue; \Mnce. WMt. ..._ ~ ud otber omc.ra ot UM la a-. a.tbertJ UM ot. UM aid North llne ot Oranp- UU'9e ,. ) au. '° tbe lloutla· .-..17 boun41arJ line ot Qr. up Count;J: U..O.. Ncwt.b· W'Mterl7 alofts aid ~ liDa to UM meet Weeterl)' COi"" ,Def' of Ule CllJ' of NIWpOrt Jleacb aad UM point of bestn· Dine. • rona 4eil Xv, cuu.ni.. ud .._.,.be obta1aed at UM latter ,&ace. plo19d le• UlaD eipt Il l bou,.. ,,-r day, t.M per dMnl .......... 1111 llM!b Md lb&U '9e made OU\ ca .a tonn to '9e"OM•1ee4 at elUMr ol deem.cl to M Ulat tractloll ot UM per diem wap• ...,.... ... lllll&aa-4 m'fllidp&I and J~ CGbrt.a .. hurUl ...,_ •MMi DtAnet wood J. ..uue to the ICut n.. te~ 111 u.. 0Juat1'llt Of1lnp ot Mid oraar• eounc,: of ~ n. 'l'ownlhlp " U141 ..W o~• ta W1UcJl U.. 0-tnct Docwn•t.e an oa hle. . that U.. number ot boun of employm•t....,.. to -'Pt Cl) bourt.. -.Each btd eha11 be a«UDpuUed .bY a ce1'Ulted or ~. check WbeN a tillsl• llbllt ta ~ed. •lpt ,,, eonaecu\-!~IMNta bee purwuant to BecU. 11 • .A.rUde 1 thence, ta • ,_.rai &utertJ Bout.JI, ftup 11 We.t a.BJ. ot the eouutuUOD et UM ... cUrecUcwt tollowtne aJoas u.. • M.; thellce, North .-. pa,yabi. to I.ht Owner, or •u.t&dory bid bond tn f&vw of Ua• OinMr twen T J.. M. and a P. N~ llhalt t'tl11ttltut• a day'• work ~t'"lltfa!Pt ot C&lltomJ4. _,. ....... ln lllQ. louUMrly Une ot t"9 r~ aecUon Un9f to the Np l"UI line ud the ,11\atdpel .., J1UlJca llU~ DiMJ'lct,to tb• of KateUa .Avtnue: UleN:f, ll*Ut-4 bJ Ole~ u l'rtnctp&l.-nd a aUlfactory MIN\)' CCllllpallJ' time. ..... araurety, ta u uaocmt Mt 1 .. tbu n.e ,,.r c-.t of UM bid. fte AU work performed In uceM or •lsht boun per tray ror ,t~ (60) cbeck or bad bon4 $all "-11WD u a JUarUllM U,.t Ule ~ wtll boure per week or on Kol~ctay1 and l!lundaye, llbaU "-paid tor at th• ~te the .Contract lt l1 "-awarded to bUn In contormltJ.wtth Uae rate of owrUme of the cratl lnvolvtd. Court. a.ct ot 1Mt, u ameadM l:Nter17 boundary 1111• Of w .. t alone aald North Un• of (.Act JllO, Qe. Lawe). Or•nl'• County: l!tteac•, Kate.Ila Avenue to th• WMt Tbe boundarlea of UM a..OUNJ. B&ACH·L\N OLllMIU'fTIJ JUDI· ~ruSTIUcr .,. aa toUowa: tmi\nnln• at tbe molt' lloOUl• lllCTIOM I. The peunt.y t°' Nor\hw,at.erty a 1 on e • • I d lllle of the l!:ut. one-half OraJll• 11 lle""1 dlvlded ln\o I · Nortll~rly boundary 1111• (El,i l of the Ea.at. one-halt f&1 Judldal &a.rtcta, the JWMe t4 Ul• point of bef1nnlnf. • (l:a..) of Section 30, ToWn· whlcl\ are u fo&Joora: Tbe bqf.tndar1• ot the ANA· il\lp • South, Rans• 11 Wt1t. • erl)' comer of UM County of On.np. ltate ot C&Utornla and nmnlne tt1nee In • sen· ef9:1 Nortll4uterty a1NCU°" foll~ aloq tbe lloutheut- erl1 boundar7 line ot •Id 0,... IM\l9 County to the North line of Sec:tlon f , TowubJp e 8outb. Ranp a w..i. I .It .... • M . aa!d point belnJ In ~· Not'tMrlJ line •of the P'ttth 8u119rvtaoral Dlitrlct ot Ald Oruge County; thence, ln a Coiitnct Documaita and wlU provide the """~ bond or ~Pd• • Holiday• u bettin' ret•rred to elulll be dM.'lltd to be New Y..ra &pecltled thenln within fl ... d'lya atwr nouricattoM Of Uae •ward or 04)', O.COratlon O.y. ~ndtpendence Day. Labor 0.y, J."1liatioe Day, the contnct to th• bidder. TM.nkapms O.y, and Chrletmu, U any of the aa.o.. boUdQa f&JI Banta A~ Judld al Di6t HEU(, P'tn.LD'!WJ J UDICIAL 8.B.B . .tr Jo(.; thence. North tnct. L ' DlSTltICT are u •Uoww: alonC" aaid Well ltne to the n. Owner ,....nea tM ·pn'1Je1• ot r-.jec:Uq uy ...s..au MM or 011 luada.y. UM Mon~y to1Wwtn1 eh.it be co1u1lderect a lepl holiday. to waive any lrnsuJartU.. or 1Atonn;11B. lll UJ' bid°" ln UM lltddine. It ab.all be mandatory ~n the Contnc~ t# wbolll a COlltnd J.naJlel!n·Nlerton Ju&d&l Di> ~· at tJle Nort.ITwtet North llne or Carrltoa Ave- trlct. comer of lb• County of nue: thence, Weet. alons. A id Punuult to the Labor CocSe of-the ltate al CaltfonUa, -Uae al• la awarded, and .Miioa au aubcefltnctore under him to ~ llOt a.. Board of Trutt.ff• bu uceft&1Md tu poual prnaJltq· rate of per than uJd pnenJ prevatlins rate• of peT diem wapa to all wortml• diem w .... toir Neb craft or type of workmu needed to eUC'Ule Ult employfd ln·tht execution of the C'Onlract. Hwibnston 8Mcb . Seal Beach Oranse, State of Calllornla. North Une of Cerrlt.oa Ave- Judlcla l J?latrlct, , and runn1nc tJlence llulerly nue to the ICut line of the contraota which will k awardfd the auccaat\11 btdd•ra: ud thHe No bidder may withdrew hi• bid tor • period of SO day1 et\• n11 Newport Beach JUCUclal D!etrict •Ions the Nortlierty boundary Wut one-halt fW 1,1 l ot t!M end . II.De df the Coun~ •f Oran1e: Weet one-halt (W") of Nld prevailln1 ratu are cantataed, Oi Nld •J>Klftcatlona adop\..,.by th• date eet fer the openillr or bldL board. ud are H t0Uow1: · Boerd ot ~· La~. la.a Cle,nente Judic!lal eleven and on_e-quarter CU 'Ill l Bee lion 20; · the.nee, North Dlatrtct mllee, more of leN, to th.e alonr Nld i:a1't line to the ciAYIFICAftOJlf Newport BeacK ~l!ldlool Dlatrtct ' . Tll• boundartu Of th• I.ANTI. Northe .. t.erly cornu of lhe South 'line of ·Ball Roed; Al'fJ.-ORA.NOE JUDICIAL DIS· County of ~Orange: thence. thence, West alone-Nld South -genenl 'Wuterly dlNC:tlon fol· lowtn• alon1 uw1 f&ld North· · ut1 Une of Ule ntth 8uper· vleorlal Dl.llr1ct to Ole South· euterly lln• of Il'Yln•'• 8ub- d1Yialon. u abown on a map thereof ~rded la Boojr 1. Pap 81 of M~Uaaeoua ~­ cord Mapa. Recorda of Orange County, c.tJtomla; Ulence, In FORJ!!M&N: All foremm net ii•reln eepara~ly clueltltd ehall be Newport Beach, Or•ns• County, Calltoni.ta· paid not leN than $1.po per rday more than the Joun1eyman By: HARVl:T D. P&ASli, Clerlc 'J'IUCT are JI fol19W': • 8outheuterly • a Ion 1 t h v line t.o the ¥a11t line or. Bloom· BeJtnnlnt'-...... polnt In th• Northeuterly boundary line • field Street: Ulence. North rate for the craft IAvolved. • No. 127t Ju. t. J3, 111M-New•·Pr9u APPRENnca: Nay be employed in conformity .,.,lll Sect.San 1T1T.5 of the Calltomla· Labor Code. CLASSIFICAftON . ILlU PD llOU& Notice I• hereby given thet t.he Board ot Truneea ot the Oraq-e Jf orlheuterty ltowldary Une of the County of Oranse to alo111 uld Eut }.lne ot Bloom- qt UM CoalllJ' ol Orans•, tbe centn line or the Sant.a field Street to Ule Northeut- ADVERTl8EMENT..-Olt lllD8 0out · JUJ1lor Colleee District, Otanse County, heratnatter referred CUpenltrl. .journeyman ··-·· ........ : ................ -·-······-··-·····:. 2.T1S to u the "Owner" wtU rl!<'elve up fi>-;-bUt not later than. 2:00 P.X .. atati ot Callfomla. aa.ld pelnt. Ana River. &aid 'center line er ly llne of Ranrho Loe Au· Miq the lnteneeUon oc Mi4 belnc ttl• dlvtdlnl' Un• be· mlto.s: thence. Northwutecly LaboHn. tluUdJlll' and unakilled. ·---·:--··-.. -········ .. --. J.OT& J&11UU7 fl, 1"8. aaaled blda for the ahrd of contract tor cine bue• P1:1Dter1. bf'\,llJ\ ···-··········--·· ................... _ .............. -... ···-· t .73 ball backetop, 64 feet hlg'h, 134 net Ions conttnacJed of COQCN\.e. NortJHuWrty boWMSary Una tween the TNrd and Fourth elong N ld Rancho Une to u wttb the centq Une of tbt.. 8upervl.lor1al D I • tr I c t• of Intersect.Ion with the North· a.nta Ana Rtv9/, uJd point Oran•• County ; thence, In • westerly boundary line of t Mins tbe dtvtdtn&' Une be· .. seneral SouthwHterly di rec-0 Ta n J e Co u n l y. I hence, • sWr&1 8ouUlweeter'l' dlrec· Uon follow1nt al~ th• Soutii- u.terly line of uJd Irvine'• 8ubdlvl1lon to llle Nortbeut bound.try Une of Rancho NI· cue!; the11ce, Nortb-aterly aloliC' the Nortbweeterly pro- Palntere, tpfay ... -...... _ .. __ .... __ .... _ ............... -.. -.. -....... 2.N • .feel, or c..-oted wood polae: wire ceblt, wtre 111.Mh &nd cha!I\ ltnJI Tfte r•tN of per diem W&le• tor each ot the variou. cLuaiflcaUona tmctn•· Such bide ebalJ be received lri th• otnce of the Own.r tn th11 twMll the Thlrd ud ~rth Uon followlng aloDI' t h • 8outhweaterly a lo n g 11 a I d mu~ oi.tncu ot Mid SouthtutArly boundal'y ltn• ·Nortl\weat.erly boundary line of work .atall be llle hereinafter aet torth prevtJUns rata of boW'ly A~\ntatnatlon ButJdlns, Orange Coa1t Colle,.., 1"61 South H&rlllor wagu multlplled by elsbt (I). Jll1sht (8) bour1 eh&JI con1Utute a daJ'• Boulevard, near ~ta Me1&, Oreng_e CounlJ, Cal1!omJ& and &l8o in wurk: It bel!1e underatood that ln the event Ulat workmen Jr• em· the otflce ot Parker Zehnder end AslOClate~ 237t Glendale Boulnard, ployed Jue lllaa elsht (8) boun per day, the per diem wase• •hall be Loe .A.ni"elea 3t, Calif .• and •h•ll be opened and publicly rM4 aloud deemed to be that traction of t.h4 .,.r diem waeee herein Htabllehed at the above 1tet.ed Ume In the office of the Owner IA IUcb bWldlns . ' Oran1• County: and ru.nntne or the Thlrd su·pervltorlal DI•· of Orange County to th• most -< th«nce, trom Mld point of be· ·irtct t.o t.be Northerly line or S o u t h w e 1 t. e rly· comer of sf,nlllq, l'1 a 19neral South· the rtsbt ot way··Of tl'et cer· Orange County; then~ Seuth· w-..rly direction followtns fain pulfllc hlehway common-eaaurl)' alone the boundary r• Zach b1d muet conform and be r .. ponalve (o th.la tnvttatJoia, th• alone U\• Northwe1ttrly ~n· ly known u Cll•pin•n Ave· line of Or~ County to lb• t-~~----~ft"o~..-....... ~ ... -.e~•••~l-~11W~~l--&111~..ua.aa.t0&..-llU:.l&f.1¥-AM~'--4--J!NllDAldllL..1Wtl1Ai'X .CQ~ GL.Jbe L,. lontaUon of the Northeaater· ly boundary line or . Ald that th• number of hoUN of employment· beau t.o elsht (I ) bour1. p lana, epeclflc:eUone, and au othrr document• compr1.ein. tbe perh • f When • •lnl'I• Ultt la worked. •tebt (I) contecutlve boura be-nent Contract Documente. Coplee ot th• Contract Docwn'enta an now !Ween 7 A. V. &Jld J P. M". .lll"lU Cflnatltute ·a day'• work at etnalsht on tile and open to pu~Jc ln•ptttlon 1n the Nld otn~ of Ult Ownrr Um•. · • and ln Ule ornce or Parker Zehnder end ANoclatee and ma,y be ob- Bu,.,,,taortaJ Dlatrtct to UI• Mid North line to th• No~ City of N~port Beach: Nort.MrtJ line of th• ft6hl of erty boundary hne or th• cttJ thence. In & general North· :"'Nf,Uel to lM J:uti"' ly boUndary lln• of Ole Rl1bt of Way tor that ctrtaln pub- lic hishway conunOft)y known u Lacuna C&n1on Road: thence, North.erlJ' "'°'11 .. Id Rlsht of Wey line t.o Ule N!'rtheuterl7 line of Block 151 ot Aid lritne'• Subdtvt- •lon :. tllence, Northweaterly alofll' block line• t.o UI• North· W&J of that eertaJn P9bllC ot Banta Ana: t.hence. Wut-euterly ..direction followtnC' llit'hway commonly knowh u erly ~ SouUleuterly. tQl· alone Ult Eaaterly boundary AIJ work performed Ill oceu of tight hour• per day or"forty (40$ talned by requut In peraon. . . houra per Wffk or on HolJday• and Sunday1. ehall be p&ld tor at Ure CompltUon Um• t.o be •laird by bidder end will be a factor In r;t• for overtime of th• p-att Involved. · lelllnl' the bl4. Otpo.tt of-10~ of the \.<)tel bid by ctrUfled chKk Holiday• u fleAln referred to eh.ell be deemed to be New Year'• or bid bond la required with u ch bid: labor and matena.lt bond end performance bond required of contrector Rlected . Chapiau Aveaue (80 tffl ta I~ along' the boundarJ · ·line of the ~ Supervlaor· wtdUI); thuc., Weetel'ly, line ot tbe City of ,knta Ana lal Dtatrlrt of On.nee Coun-~ aaJd No.rlb Un• to Ole to th.e o•nter line of Ule San· ty to the point of bt(tnnlns . flfortb•rb' '~dary UD• ot ta Ana RIYer; \hence South-The boundarlea of th• NEW• . O.y. Decoration Day, IndePfl1'd8'ltt Day, Labor Dey, Armlttlce Day, Each bid 1hell be m•de out on a rorm to be obt&Jned at th• oftlr• tlle ct~ ot l&at& Ana: Ulenee wemr17, alOftS the center line PORT B~CH .JUDICIAL 018-w _ __. d So ..... _ _._, of th• Banta Alla fUver to the ·· -•1 an """e--. y, TRICT ar aa ro11ow1: toUowins alone the boundar7 ll&tlerly pro'°n«aUon of the k•ctvlns Dey, ud Cbrtltm.u. U any of the •bove bolldaya tall of the ~er or at the office Of Parlctr Zehnder and A1soci.i~a. Ol'I Sundey. the Monda~ ~~0'4VinS eh&JI be conaldere<l a .le1al holiday. .llach bld 1hall be accompanied by • certl!led or cuhler'• check lt ehall be mudatory upon the CObtrector to wbom a contract 1• peyeblt to the <>wner, or utlaractory Bid Bond In ravor or th111 awarded, ud upon all aubeonlActora under him to pay .not Ifft Ulan Owner, executed by the bidder aa pr~nclptJ ~nd & Mll1fa-.tory •urety. ea!d eeneraJ prevalllnr ratu of per diem we1u "to ell workmen em· ~mpany H 11urety, In en amount no.l 101 fhan t•!! perci.nt of th• ployed ln the executlOll of tbe ct•ntnct. bid. The check or bid \:>Ond •hall be ctven u a (Uil'alltee tl\et the Jiae of UM City of Santa Ana llouth UM of that certain pub-'° U. oaater liDI ot tbe llaD• lie blJhway commo.nly known ta .Ana IUYer: u.aiee. Beuth· u Truk Avenue: thence, WMttrty. a.Ions aid ceat.r · W•t alons uld prolon«•llon l1M of tbe Sant.a' Ana IUYtt u• tbe Soul.Ii line of Traek to UI• Wst.n'J prolon1aUOf\ A,ftllue to the J:a1t line of ot Ole Southerly Uae ot that VUWiO 8 tl'fft; lhvtce, So~h certaiA .cnet co am on 11 alons aaJ4 l:ut line or Vena.n~ lmown u ll:d1np St.net: ltnet to tll• North '1ne of u..ne.., Suterl7 Uon,. aid Weatmlnater Avenue (17tb Jil'OlODl&Uon ud aaJ4 South 8tnel); th.ence, Weat. alon,; hM ot lldiDIU Btr.t. to ~ •Id North line of Weetmln- 1'.ut line of Center l!lt.reet. atu A.""'1• to the !:Ht line _.. poUit. be.lfts . an anp. ot Wn.bt Street; thence, ,....,, ln UM boundary UM of 1lorth alonJ Nld Eut tin• of the Cit)' of llaDla Ana; Wrtpt Street to the South UMMe. ln a • .,.rai South· line of Garden Grove Boule-ntJ, Eutttly and NortherlJ vard (Ocean Avenua): Ule,nce, dlrMUon. tolJowtns &Jons aid Weet alone Mid South Une of ~ line to the South O&rdc Grove Boulevard to lll\a Ol ~ ltnet; Ulence, UI• Southerly prolongaUon of l:altartJ alonl' aid loulb lln• lb• Welt. line of H&nsen t o UM boundU7 liDa o1 t!ll Street; lbence., North alone Cit)' of Santa AM; ~ aid prolcmptlon and tlle BolatlaerlJ and Jllut.eri)' alOft&' Weet. UM of Han.een St.reel to MW ~ lln• to th• Weet an "tnt.eraecUon with lb• line of BrUtol Street; thence, Southerly Une of the Third louU..rlJ' alone aa!d Wu~ une 8upervUtof1al DIJlt.rlct; thence, to th bound&iy Une or th• ln a Nortbw•terly and South· CU.J ot Banta Ana: thence, erty dlnc:Uon, followlnc alone WeiiiterlJ, SouUaerly and Sul· Rid Bupen1eot'lal Dlatrtet line ertr &Jons eald boundary Un• to an lnt.eraecUon lfllh the ' to UM Saa line of Britto! North line ot Orangewood St.net: thenc., SouUI to Ule Avenue: thence, Wut alone 8olru. UN ot Delhi Reed: .. td Nortb line ot Oran1ewood theeee, SUterty a1aas aid A naue to the ICut Un• ot 8oot.la be to UM boundary llecUon 21, T~lp t South, line ol U. Olt,y of lanta Ana; ftanp 11 Wut., 11.B.B. ll M.; tbeDce, loutherl)', Nertlleaet-thence, North aJonr eecUon erlJ end HortJMrtJ' &Jone aa.td Un. to Ule North Un• of K•· ~ ~ to UM South te11a .Annue: thence, West. line of De1b1 !toad; lll•U. "".ions Mid North line of Ka- liut.ert)< alOftl' aid llouth 11.ne Lella Annue to the ·Wut llne to UM Weal Un• of Main ot Ole ~ on•half (I:~) of . ·Street: U..O.. 8outlurl 1 Ule &ut OD~ (lil,i) of '. aJoas .id Wellt ltae to UM ltcUon 20, TOW'IWllp t loulb. w-....17 prolotlpUoa Of UI• l\anp 11 We«. s.B.B. .ul.: Boy,~ lbte ot o,.r "-41: tbellce, North &Jons Aid Welt tll.ac.. Sulerl.J alone aid line lo the North Une ot Oer- prolamf&Uoe· aad UM llouUa 11to1 .AYaue; thaice, Well Une ot o,.r-JtoM to the ll«ln· •lo"I aJd North line of cu~. dary l1ne et Ole OlJ of Santa r1toe A"1\Ue to UI• Saa l1M An.a; t.buce, BoutMrl.y, l:ut· of the Wut one-half (Wt.41 ) of erly and Morthnlterly alons Ule West one-half (W t,il of aid ~ line to the aid S.CUon 20; thence. North Soulia ~ ot DJer Road: alonr Nld Eut lint to the thence, &utarty a1ons a&ld loulb line of Ball Roed: 8ouUa be and lb• l:uterlJ thence, Weet &Jons Nl4 South proJ.,..uoa t11ereot to UM llne \4.tfle &ut Un• ot B1<>0m- 80u~ line of Newport neld Slrfft : thence, North A...ue: Ulence, Northeuter-alone ea.Id l:ut llne of Bloom· ly aJons eaid SoutMut.erlY neld St.reel to the Nort.Jleu~ Une of Newport Avenut to lh• erly llne of Rancho Loe Ala- llout.hWMterl)' line of' De,lbJ rnltoe: thence, Northwe1terly !toad u It at.de BoutJMut.. alone aid Ranetio line to en er\)' (tom Newport Aven111; lntenecUon With the Nort.h· thance SouUleuterlY &Jane WMterly. boundary Une of th• 8oatllw~ UM ot Del· 0 ranee Co u n t y: lht nce, Ill !toad an.d Uae ~Uou Nort..IMuterly • I on c 11 • Id t.btreot to UI• Nortllweeterty Weeterly bound•ry line of lln• of CUJYer ~: th111e. ~ eou.,ty to the rolnt 8ouUlweeter11 al o n s •al d « ~I· Northweet.erlJ lln• or CUI•., Road; io OW 8ouUlerty liJM ot Lan• !toad: u.-. ~ alOCll' aid a.tM"1 line to lb• N~ line ol Block .. of lntM'• hbdlft. • 9'011, u abowa oe a Map lbenot ~ .. Booll 1. ~e II ot Xltte" ... n• ft.. Ord Mapa. R...-el Onqe eo...~. o.iv.ma: t b •• c. BouUIW..CerlJ ... ---Un .. to tM W,.._., cer.. of the Nortbq ~ of Blodl .. of Aa4 lntM'• l\lbd!YlallOD; tlMDo9, 80uUa• ... terl.7 ln • dlnct u.. '° u. center ot 1Uock • UI of a&td Imae'1 Balldl~: Uiaoe. NonMultertJ ta a dlNClt 1tae to the NotWb' conir-~ * J:utert.r ~ ol ... 1• al aa14 1"1ae'1 luWlwt- 8'oa; lbmce, ~ • ~ block llDN to the m.- .,., ltM ol U..l certaAA ,... llo la~ com-':r llMWll .. iAcUDa ft-4: ~ llouu..rtJ aJoQs ...., .....,.,. be t.o UM Jlf~,,.. b\pttoe of th• N~ llJM ot Ruell Ntpej; ~ ~Uteuter17 alOl\J Mid prO-...,•sUna w u.. louUa....,., ;. 1'1• boundarlH of the HtJNT- DfOTON BEACH· SEAL Bl!lACH J'UDIClA.L Dltl'nUCT &re u tol- lowa: Beatnalns at Ut.e lnteniec:tlors ot UM eenter line of the a.ft. ta Ana JUftl' wtth th• Sul- ..., prc.loiilaUon of tll• louth U... of that eertatn ~bUc blp~ oammoalJ 11.mni .. 'l"ruk A.,.ue ta th• CountJ of C>raap, ltate of Cal1!or- nla; ~ w.a aJoq aaid ~ Uld Ole South .&iae ot Trull J. •enue to the Kut llD• al verino •trMt: Uaenca. 8oUtb aJcms Nld Eaat llne of Verano Street to t.lle NOl'UI Un• or Weet.m.lmter A J e n a e (lTUl St re t l): U..C.. Wtat a lons aid North 11 n • o t WMtmin· et« J. ... '° tile llul Uni ot Wrtf,bt • ltreet; t.beooe NorUI aloq aid Sa.at Une of Wnpt ltttet. to the Soulb liae ot Oe.rdeQ Gl'ffe aow. ftf'd:-thence, WM\ a.lon1 eald South U., of O&rden Gron lloulnvcl" to tM BoatbalV proloftpUoe at U.. Weet IM Of Jl&nMn 8t"9it; U.-.. N°'1.b alone &aid pro1onpa.a· UdtbeWeet_ol..._ ., . Beginning at . Ule moet wut-erly comer of the l:Mtuly erly col'IUlr ot t.h4 City of on .. quarter of. Block 1~ ot Newport. Beach. Aid corMr NJd Imne'a 8 u bdIv111 on; No bidder mey withdraw hie bid for a period or 30 daye alt.er the bidder will txecute thr Contrect It It be •warded lo him In con!orm-~t• Ht tor tht operW\e of blca. . lty ·with the Contract Documer.t1 and will provide the aurety bond being ln Ule SouUlw.,\erly th~. Southwuterly ln a dl· bnundary line ot Oranre Coun· rect line to Ule cent.er or Block Boud ot Trual.H• ,0r bonda u 11pectfied lh«'reln within nve d&ye alter noUflc•tlon of t.lle awerd of U\1 <'Ont.net to the btdder. ty, Stat~ of Cellfomta., •Id 128 ot Mld Jrwtne'a Subdlvl· comer also belne the molt •ton; thence, N.orthwutedy tn Wnterly comer of tM Fl~ a direct line tO tl\e NorUlerly Supervtaorial Dlatrlct ot •Id comer of the Wuterty one- Newport S.ach IClementary 8choola The Own•r ttM>rvt • the prtvlleee of r.JecUne any end all bld11 Newport Beacb, Oranae County C&Utomla or to waive eny lrnruJar1Uee or lnformallllu In eny bid or tn th11 Orange County; thf!D« N"ortl\.o ~uarter of Ald Block Ut: euterl}' &I011g the ~orthweet..1 thenc•. Soulhwuterly alonc-S'y: HARVEY D. PllASE, Clerk blddtng'. , erly line of Nld ntth Super-block l.lnee •to the ordinary No. ~ Jan. e. U . 195&-New .. Pnsa Pu,.uant to the Labor Code of the 8tate of Callfqml•, Ult .. Id Boa.rd ot Tn4tee ttu ucertalned the ,.eneraJ preY&tllns rate of ~r diem wasu for ee~h <'raft or type ot workman neede<.I to el(ecut. th" conlTecte whtch wtll ~ awar<led the eu~ful bidder: and th!!•• preva1lln1 rate• aN ront&lned In Hid epecltlca UoM adopted by tht Board, ud are u follow•: vll1ortaJ Dtatrlct to the West" hlrh Udr line of Ule P•clflc . ., ADV&aTUIUOCNT POa ama e.rly protoneaUon o.f lhaSouth· Ocean: Ulence. 8oulb t5 de· ' Notice It hereby 11ven that t l\e Board of Truet.eu of tll• Newport erly line of that certain •lrfft ST'ff• 00' Weet, to an Inter-Bltacb School Dlatrlcl of tbe City of Newport lkach. benlnatter re· commollly known u J:dJnser aecU.on wtUI the Soulbwuter· Sire.et; t~nce, ltaaerty aJons 11 boundary ot ti\• County ot fernd to u the "Owntr" will receive up to but not later Ulan 8:00 utd prolonrauon and Mid Orange; thence Southeasterly P. M. OG tbe ~th of Juaua.ry, l!HMr. M&led blda tor Ule award of con- Soulh line of Edln•er Street, alone uld boundary llD• to t.ract for Ule con1ln1cUoa Of addition• ud &Jterallona to Horace En· to Ule Eaat Llne of Center tM point of bepmtne. lllp 8cbo0l, UOO cutt Drl"9, !fewport Beach, and addlUona and Street. llllld JtOlnl belnS a.ti SECTION 3. Ordinance No. 893 e,IUnUou to 11.anor Vt.w leboal. too Goldenrod AYUue. Cot'ODa del itnste rolnl In th• boundarJ tntllled "'AN· ORDINANCE Dl• Mar loe&ttd tn aid dUltrict. lueb blda wW be rectlwd In the office line of Ule City of Santa Ana; . VJDINO TH!l COUNTY oft.be Owner, UOO Cl1tt DrtYe,·Oty of Newport Bacb, <>ranee c.ounty, thence, ta • pnen.J Southerly, A.NOii INTO JUDICIAL DIS-cautonua and will be opened 4ftd pubUcly read aloud at th• a!lc>Ye l:uterly alld Northerly direc· t'JUCT8, NA}(INQ THll DIS· at.atecS um. ta the office of Uie Owner In ea.Id bulldl"-. • d'on, foUowtne alonr Nld 1'RICTS, AND DESCRIBING THll ~ boundary line to the South line BOUNDARIES TRl!:R£0f'" la b Id muet COAform and be r~netve to lhlt lnvltaUon. th• of Edtnee.r Stzeel;• Ulenee, hereby r•pealed: provl!Jed, how. P , tlcatlon1. ud all the other document.I comprl1lne the pertJ· Eut.erly alOQ.S •Id South llii• ever, the provt1lon1 of thlt Ordln· nent contract documanta. Copl• ot th• Contract Document. an now to the boundary lint ot Ole ance 110 rar u they ant aubetanU· on ti.le and C>pfJ1 to public tnepectlon ln the Ald offlcea of the Owner, ctty of Santa Ana: Ulence, ally Ule Ba.me u OrdJnance No. and or Lind Ir Plcrer, .Archtucte. located at 2515 Cout Hlehway, Southerly and-muterly &long 893 Milli bf\ CO!llltrued u continua· 'Coron• dC'I Mer, Celltomla. and may be obtained at the latter place .. Jd boundary line to UI• Wut tlone thcreor and not u new en&et· by deposltlnc SZ5.00 for eacb •d. Thla depoelt wW be munded tt th• llne of Brt1tol Stree.t: thmc'1_ men!L • Hl or Kl.I ot Contract Document.a dellvved ate returned tn eood con· Soulh~rly &lone Nld Wut s~~' 1J)N 4. 'nlll Ordinance dJUoft within ti•• daye after the b&d openlne- Une to U.. bouDdal7 Dile of ehall t&k9 eftec!l and be tn force Each bid 1ha.U be mad• out on a form to be obt.alned al etUaer or Ule City ot Sant.a AA&;~ thirty (IO) daJ9 trom aad after Weaterly, SouUlerly and.Eut.. It.a ,....,... and prtar to the U· the aid offlcu In which UM Contract ~enta ere on tue. trly alons aid boundary Un• plratJoo of tltt..n (lll) ck7• after . Eacb bid 11\all be accompanied bJ' a cerUtted or cuhler'1 clleclt t.o the l:ut Un• of B[j.ttol tM ,._.. &hereof, w. Ordln-payable to the Owner, or •u.ta.c:tory bid bond In favor of the Owner. Ill.reel: thmce. 8outb to the ance .tog'etber wtlb·tlle namu ot executed by Ule bldckr u Prtnctpal anl\ •U.factory 1urety com~ny South Una of O.IM Road; tM members of UI• Board ot IU· u aurety, In H amount not 1-·than tlve per cent of Ule bid. The Ulence, l!:uterly atonr eaJd penteon voune tw and acalntt cheek or-bid bond •ball be CinA u a suarant.ee that th• bidder will Soutb line to Ule boundar7 Uae aame, lb&U be_,publlaMd once u~ute t'.he Contract If It be awarded Co him 1n conform.It)' wtlb UI• line of tM OtJ of lanta Ana; In J:be NEWPORT llAJUIOR Contract Documenta &Ad wW provide Ule IW'fty bond or bonde •• :~~d ~=J ~ ~:·=r-.; :.~!r IJ)eCifled tlle,..ln wtlbln n ... daJ• after nouncaUon of Ule award of bounda.r)' llne to UI• louth Oranp. State of Calttomta. tbe ccntnct to the bidder. line of Delhi Road; tJMaee.. WlLLlS H. WA.JUO:lt Tbe Owner r.,erne t.ha prt.U.,e ot rejectin• uay and all bldl or Euterly eJons aaJd Sou.lh Une Clla1rman of u.. Board of to waive &J\Y lrncularlU.• or lnfonnallU• In U J bid or lD the blddlJ\f . to Ule Well Uoe ot M.al.D Bupenlaore of <>raap Pur1U&nt. to tM IAbor Code of the Stale of Calltomia, Ole ea.Id Street; UM.nee, aoutber1)' County, Calltom.la 8o&l'd of Truatec1 ~ uc.rtalned Ule e enulll preniJ..lns ra te per diem along' •Id Wu t line to Ole A1TE8T: wal'ea for .acb craft or type of workman needed to e.x.ec:ute the con· Weeterly prolonptsoa of Ule B. J. SNrnl (SfaJ) t.racta which will be ewerded lbe eucee .. tul bldder1: end thue pre- South line ot DJer ~: County Oe.rk and a-officio vaillne rate• are contained lD ea!d epecUlc•Uone edop~d by the board. lllence, J:uterly aJon1 Ald Clerk of lbe Board of luper· and are u follow•: CLAllSU'l()4ftON r- .APPR.mNTJCU: MaJ be •mployed Jn collformlly with SK· Uoe lTTT.a of the California Labor Code. CZM'ENT nNllJHEUI Celnent rtnlaher -···-········:·· ............. -·-····· ..... _ ..... -·-··· 2.7n LA80llD8: IAboren. OenwaJ or eon.t.niclloft . ... ... ·-·.. ···-· 2.o:) Opuet.ou and Tendere of PneumaUc and Elacteric Toola, Vlbreunr M•chinu. and lllmtlar mecl\anlceJ toole not teperetdy dautfled herein ...... -....... --.. -...... t 28 Miner (Hand or M&chlnel _ ... -........ -......... --... ··-······-····"· 2 10 Mqtormen ... ,.. . ........... _ .......................................... -,2.10 Cement Dum~r con 1 yd. or l•rcer m!Xen and handllnr bulk ctment) _ _ . .. .. . ......................... 2.2t Concrete Curer • Jmpt'rvlou1 Membrane ........... -·-·-·-··.,.. 2.2t Ou .tr 011 Pipeline Laborn ........................... -.... _ .. -:..:::..... ...... l 80 OPERA~O 1.!SOINIZRS: .-\-Freme -Boom Truclt ·--·· ··-········ .. ···· ·······-····--UO ..(\r Compreuor Operator .... . . • ................... ·-·-... 2.06 Boxman or Mlur Box Ope.nlor (concrete or uplullt plant) ... . l .U Concrete or A.epha.Jt Sprud~. Mechanical Tamplne or Flnlth J.fachln~ Operator . . • 2.e& Concrete Mixer Op"retor • pavln1 type anc1 mobile mbi:tr, 2.7& ConcNle Mixer Operator • Skip 1)•pe .......... -........... 2~50 Concrete Pump or Pwnpcrcte Oun O~rator ----·-2.50 Tow Blade or Orader Ope~tor ............. _ .... ·-----·-2.00 Tractor HI-Utt Shovel Operator ............... -... -···--· -··-2..11 Ttactor Operator -Bulldour, 1'emp!'r, Scraper or Orte Type 8hov•I or Boom Attechmrnt.e ...... ·-. --··-..... 2.tl TaUCK DartoS: Df1Yere of Dump Trucke of 1 ... than t yda. water 1nt1 2.11 DrtYen of Dump Tnl<"k•. t yda. bul leaa than I yda. - ter ltvel . ... .. ----· ·-2.11 Dr1ven of Dump Trucu • 8 yd.t. but leM Ulan 11 rd&. weter·level . _ .... -.. -·---· .. 2.:tl Drlvrrs of Tran•lt·Mll< Trucks under 3 yc:t. .... --... ·--··-2.JT Gu It Oil Plpt'llne Worklnc, Truck Drtnr, lnc:ludill&' Winch Truck 1tnd 1U a1u1 of Truck• .................. --·-2.00 CE)CEST n~l8HER8: Ttme and one-halt tor th• flnt Ulree prolon1atlon . vid \he SouUI vtaon ot Ora.np Count.J. CLA88InCATJON Une ot Dyer Roa4 to U!e Calltomt.a. ~·-boundary UDe of Ula OlJ' ot BJ, KABEL L. CA.ITEJX. ~CJ' FOREMAN: .All forcm• not bereui aeparalelJ cluelfted ebalJ be • houre eftcr the reg'Ularly con1utuud •lnllJbl tlrn• •hlt t.. u4 au otber overtJme 1hall be double lime IA.BOllDA: Tl.me and one-h&l! ellcrpt SundaJ& and Ho!Jdq9 which are doubt. Ume. ' · Santa Ana: thence, 8outber l}', l!ITA'nll OF CJ.LIJ"ORNIA l paid not lue than Ult prenillne rau. Euterly and. Northaaat&rlJ COUNTY OP OUNOll IN . APPRENTICES: )fay be emp~Jed ln oontormlt7 with 8ectlon &loris 1181d bound•ry line to L B. · J. SMJTB. CounlJ Clerk 1TT7.5 of the CalJfonal.a Labor Code. the SQuth llnt of Dyer Road: and ex-otnclu Clerk ot the Board CL488JFICATION &AU PD 809 OPE&A~O t;..~GIXl:EM: Time and 9M-half for all OYert.lJM except Sunday• and holidays whkh ere double tune. Where Operat· 1n1 Enrtneera, dunng eny one calmdar day, are wor1Wle overtl~ on-th~ ame unit of a project on 1l'hlct1 anotller en.ft Ill wortrlnC' o~rttme et. the double time ,..le. then Ole OparaUq Dicta_,. on llUch unit of work 1halJ alto be p&ld al Ule dou6ie Ume nt.. A unit of the preject mcana any alnale bulll~ln1. fadllly, utJUty, or al\1 olher llnl'l• 1tructure wl\lch 11 lndependf'nt ot an1 oth« unit of th• proJ•c:t. The op«ratlon or a crutlllne plant ft1r .iocll pU. 9"d tli• thence, Euterly alone •Id of 8•perv1eors of <>ranee County. .A.tphalt rder and Ironer -·-·····--·----·--·-·· 2.W l!louth line -.d Ule l:utulJ • Caltfonlla. do llereby certlty that · Jhtcklayere ···-·-··-·-.-~----·--uo prolongaUOI\ thereof t.o the t a resu1ar mMtiq of Ole Board Soutlleaatei'ly, llJle of Newport of Supervtaora held on PM 28th Brtclttandft' ··-···-··---··-----·----·-----2.(0 Avenue: tllence, NortJleuter-day ot December, itM, tbe tore---carpmtera, JOW'Tlqmeo -·· .. ---····-·-.. ···-.. --···-······· .. •• l.JTT5 ly along l&ld SoutheutatlJ FU.. OrdlAance contatnlns four Cement Maaod --··-.. -· .. --.--.,·----·--·--··--·· 2.10 Une of NeWpe>rt Avenue tot.be It~ IM!cUone, waa conaldered aec· .l:Jectrtclana ··--·-··'-···-··-··--·-·· .. -··-········ .. -·····-···;·· 3.20 l!lo11thweaterly Jine or Delhi Uon' by eectlon. and that Ule ~Id 11oor laywa ·~------· .. ···-·-·---.......... ,_ .. _ ........ -······-····· 2.t 75 Ro&d u It elrtende llouUleut.-Ordlnanoe wu tti.n pulled end 0 11.&kre ........................ -....... -........... _.,_,, _____ .. _ ....... 2.&15 • erly from Newport Avenue; adopted u a wttole by Ule follow-Jron wol'liere. irtructura.I -··--··--···-· ........... ,. •.• -·--··--· 3.10 Ulence. Southeuterly &Jons l11s vote· J rll r., mnt I UI• 8ouUlweaterl)'Qn• ofO.lhl .ATa; SUPl:ltVl80R8 ron wo ' crc1n1 -·-·--··-··· .. ·"--···--·· .. -· 2.80 Road and the proloDptJou wn.t..\RD SMITH, HltINZ KAI· Lather•. m•taJ ....... __ ......... --·---· .. ····-.---··· .. ······-· 3.4375 Utereof to the NortlnPMter1)' .SJ:R. ~. N.. Jl'E.ATBERLY. RALPH Laboren. butld.tn& and uaaklUltd ···-·---·-·-···-···-2.075 line of Cu1wr' ~: ui.nee, J. McJ".AD_DJCH AND WILLIS H. Lather•. nail on ·--· ·-··-···-···--·;----··-.. -···-·-3.376 llout.bwuter'7 alone tM .id w .AJlNl:R Llnolewn u d loft UJe 1.a,...... --·-.. ····-····· .............. -........ 3.01 Nort.bwutetlJ line of Oal'ftt' NOJ:S: BUPJ:RVIBORS Op11r1tor and tender ot puum.attc and el~tric tool1, Road to th• loutberl.J line Of MONll vlbratlne machlnu and •imltar mechlUllcel tool1, lAne Roed: lbenca. l:uterl7 ABSENT: SUPl:RV180 R8 not 1tparatety cla•lfted herein ···-·-··-··-........ -...... . 2.Uj afoni aid Soutberb' line to NONll "' Palnten, brulh ··-.. ···-·-·--······-······-···.:..·-·--··-·~ 2.7a UM NorUl-..terly U.. ot IN W1TNUI WKllRJ:OJ', l . . lllodt II of ImM'a Bllbdl.S· la&" beftUDto .. t my bud and Palnten. •prey ... --···-·········-·---··-··-··-·· .................... 2.tl •on. u llbowB OD • Map atnsed t.h4 otnclal meal of Ule Pluterera ·· ..................... -... ·-·---·····-··-········-····· .. ····· 3.•.315 thereof 1'9COrded in Boollt 1, ~ ot ••ntton of Oranc• Pl&1ttrer tendere ···-·-··--··-····----........... _ ....................... !l.1875 Pac• 18 of Ml.cellaaeoue ft.-Coun~. Calltonia. thl1 28th day Plum~r• · · --.... -... ~--.. -······-····-······ ...... ___ .: ..... J.:i!I oord Mape. Reoorda ot 0nas9 ot December, 1"4, Power equipment operatoni County, Callfom.la: ~. B. J. BMITH (Seal) Air comrreuoni ·-...............•.. -... ·--·-··---··---··-·· J.J7 8oulllwHterlJ alon,1 b1oc11 CountT Clerk and ••-outdo Tra<tors. with attachments --·--··-·--·-···--·-··· 2.11 !:;'~o N~utc~ ~ o~Ulec::: ore:= ~~rm··.·::·;-.=:k-.·-:;:·---"'·-------·-----· 2.75 ot B1odt • et .aid lnllM'• calltanll.a _..... ""' _,.., •• _ .. __._ 3.00 Subdlru:lon: UM9oe. ~ llJ, KABl:L L. c.urrmx, Deput,r T•rnuo Mlter ... ----···· 2.71:1 ~ la a dli'ect 11ae to u. Mo. lJTI K ... Praea Jut a, 1116 Terraao ettter helper -·-----·-·--·---·-·· 2.45 'nJe •tt.en ·····--·-_ a.oo ADtm1 t"NT roa 9IDI TUe •tt•n bUpen --·-·-.. ··--··--t.Ja ta JMn1117 .,,,. tlllll u. lllMl'd ., Tn.a.a OI u-. H..,ort TruaJt dl1ftn. _.. • ta• -··-ua 8cllooJ Dlltrtet ol tM Ot7 OI K...,ort ..._ .......,_ n-. 'Dw.tr ctm.w.. I to 10 t.ou ... U l ~ ~ u u. 0:---:Pl ......... .,.to IMt • laW u.a l:tO P. 11. TNdl ~ 10 tie 15 tau ------·---··-ue UM _.fill '-'T, ·1* ..W 'Ml ............ el ..m.at fJor Tftl1I ~ 11 to IO._.-· J.H the ...aueu. flf aos•tt • sak tlr a. ..,.._ ..._ . ......_ . 'l'nclr *"""IO aw -4 •on --··--·-··--·-2.JWI MO Ooll•of AW 0... .. Mar. llMta .... wlll '9e,...,,... la Tnlctr drt"" tiuatt llWl UDdft I )'de.···-UJ tM doa Ill U. o..r, Hto am Dlt-., • ec H; ... t ....... Or-tftcil *"-t.. C..-~ i 7*: Md more 2M ~ , ~ Nrvlclnf, Npalrtn1 and maintenance ot equipment on a project etl&U be •l time end onl'·balf, ~pt In th• foltoW\nr two inatuicee: c JI 8undaya ind Hollday1: (2) WMre th• tqulpmmt operator I• rf!J)•lr1nir hJ1 equJpment on • unJt of the projr<'t wh,.,... dOUbl• Um• h• belnr paid In thet c•lendar day. Whtn the ~ratlnlf Enctnwr i. worklne on a ptOjHt u e n lntf'~ pert of a crew where a11othar crert le ~IV1ne ovC"rtlme pay by virtue or • holiday not.J1>ec.lrled ln the Mut,.r Labor A,creement, t.hm the Oper'$U"I D'IJlneer #lall receive lhe 1amt overtime ,..Le. u the other Cf'llfl .. Except H notel'I In the wa1e Khedut.. the rete of per diem WtCN ror u ch of the varioWI · clualflcaUona of work 1hall be tbe henlnbetore Ml forth prevalllnf niV• fl( hourly wages multtplted by elfht 181. El~llt hount lhall con•tllUlfl a dey'• work: It Mlnl' understood, that IA llle eftnt th&1 wortunen are employed lt11a Ulan t ls'll fl 1 houra per dlj\ th" per diem w•re11 ehall be deemed lo be th&t fracUon of tfle per dl•m wasu here.In elt.bllfthed lhat Ule numben1 of houn1 of employment h4!are lo elfhl I 8) bouna. Overtime 1hall ~ paid tor work p.rfnrmM In txcu11 ot th• tt(Ular day'• or wHk'• work and al the rate tor overtlmf' of the cn..tt ln•olvtd. Holiday• u he~ln refernd to lh•ll bf dHm"d to be New THr·• Da.y, Oec:uretlon Dey: llld,.pende.nce Dey, Lallt>r Dey. ArmlJtlce Day. 'n.ankJte1YlnJ Day, and Cllriltmu. lt any of the e bove holld.ay• fell oa l unday, lhe Monday foUowtne etiall be con.tdered a les•I holiday. Jt eh&JI be m~tory upon tlle Coatn ctqr to wtinm a contract le ewardtd. fnd upon aU. eub-contractore under him. to p1y not 1eM than uJd s1n1raJ prualftq ratf'I of ptr dl.m waee. to ell wol'tlm•n employed In the e.xec:utlon tit the contract. , • ' No bidder may withdraw hi• bid (or a parlOd or 30 da ya &ft.er Ult da tt .et fQr the openln1 of bldll. Boud nf ~ Onnre 'Co&at Junlcw Coller• Dllltl1ct, Qra111e County, Calli.,; ~IJned: B. K. PrrER80N. 8ecf'lt.U7 ~: January I and 13. J~ ()pefl: JH\&N'l 21, les& 2:00 P.X. No, J.J17 "' .. .. ' -,,.. .. , .· .... -.. ' ' U-llaDclblg ,8enleee ·!9-B~p Waated JO~ H. SHARP WANTED -Man or woman for 'PAINTING CONTRA(,'TOR 1enerai' oftl~ work for email SZ-f'uralture for Sale FOR THE . RIGHT 8UYS IN '55 TRY BAY FURNITUR&. ·• • • FIRST Ja~uary Clearance .. ~le 1955-the year of Values! NEWPORT.HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART IV -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 Ucen~d antt lnaur~ manutad unnc concern. Mu.t be lat ~4ASS Paperhanginc . able lO take telephone ,qrdere: type and do .ome bookkeeP,ln1. by· ft:. P" LUCAS -30 >\I· ~per. -Perman~nt It qualified. 40 hour to-Aat.. ud ~ · U.-Aeta. a Rom. liCIUJ'ICll -1M "7moutlt BeJ. a BEDrul .. 1 \t batti.41. untum. pr. ftdere COllywUbl.. Bl• dr1YL , C:0.ta )fH& '8(). U 1~241. 9W'J 8aUltu~ton auu. • Eatlmatu Yr .. 1 . week. Write P. o. Box 40., Coe. U 8-2687, LI 8-~289 ta MHa. ' 96p98 81tJc: I . : · --------------WANT Real B:.tate Sale1t111an or FURNITURE RE-FINISHING -broker' familiar with H1trbor Will ~flnl•h to 1ult &ny kind I area. Tnp c'ommls!lltli ln eat.ab· of furn.. old or new'. 20 yrs. I Uahed M L office. experience. CHARI...ES iJAMI· i KOUSTO!ll' REALTY SON, LI 8-441~: 19~2 Placenll•. 509 Q:nter St .. Colta Me11a Coeta Mesa~ J. Hc98 1 P h.' t.'I · 8-69J 1. 96c98 HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ~ Anything, Anywhere , ~ Phon~ Llt>f'rty 8·214~ 08c99H Experienc • d ·gardener LANDSCAPING ' and CLEAN UPS ~rty 8-t65P WANT matur• lady &rOj.lnd el> who w18hra ntc~ home ae com- panion tor • widow. Small salary. 1C11ll at 26.'H R1vu1mle Drive. Co1ta MHA. LI 8-717~. Hp2 WANT an agieulve ambltloua young man lo aell UncQJne and M.ercurye In the Hubor aru .. Excellent prQfil •hart~ plan. !:arnin1a unlimited. Exper1tnC'e not neceuary. R~fe~enc~s re· quired. . . J OHNSON .t. SON Lincoln • Mercury (NOT ttpoue1aion -but all b~nd apa.nking new on theae major atarting item• for the ne'! hotne.) Cpmplete 8-pc:. liv, rm. grp., choice of '!ood arm · maple or Laweon atyle -or other modenui, inc. sofa bed. club chair, platform rocker, 2 step end and 1 coffee table, 2 \able 1 lam1>9. $315.M value ··--·-············ .................. .At BAY $199.M Ooinplete Jtit.Chen group, incl. brand· new Philco ttfrig .. '96" divided top gu range. 5-pc. chrom.e :at~~~r!1:~ .. ~-~~.~~~.~~~t~.1{ ~ri $T:,~ Complete 6,pc. bdrm. grp .. incl 5-drw. dbl dreaaer. • 30 x 40 mirror, 'bookcase· hdboard, guar. inner- 11pnng niat. & box springs on metal frame - Choice. grey, blonde, 'f1Dine, 'tr)aple or chinchilla . $219.50 value ................................. : ... At BAY $149.50 DRAFTING 900 W. Coa11t HWY .. Npl. Beach . 9¥97 Co~bined groups liAted above, u low aa .$70 down. .2 years to pay. L1BERTY 8-62~1 9~9 14-P~ · AlcoboUca Anonymous Write P. O. Boll 8Q Newpo11 ·eeaen. Calif. Phone Bubor 479:1 l~bare · Your Oar Uc WANT DAILY RIDE dawntc114'TI L A., houri._ 8::4 =•~. Like to JOln r ar pool or would organize own. Ph. Warren, Har. 4018. 9~Uc WA NT WOMAN lo &1s1et w ttfl. housework and child can. ~ day week, ·permanently. Live out. 306 Amethy11t, Balboa Island. Harbor 26:16-J . 9~97 WANTED-C}lrlstl&11 woman ~ older wuple to· Jive In complete- ly tum. apt. on Balboa. lal&nd. Small rent ln exchange tor llfhl hoiaekeepln&. Call Har. 2890-R at onre. 9~H WANT WOMAN for genera.I houae- worl<. 2 days per week on Bal- boa ht.and. Write Box L-22 t hl1 P8P'''" 9jkIH 'WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY " BAY FURNITURE (27 E . 17th Sl. Costa Meaa (between Tustin & Irvine} Free Store-11i~e Parking • Terms -Open Eves. til 8 Zenith Hearing Aid NEW TRA.NSITOR. Come ln tor fr'!' trla1. Operate& for 1~ per month GUNDERSON DRUG Matn !St. &t B&lbo" Blvd., lklboa We clva S • H sreen atampa •Htfc st-Wanted to Baz w ANTED by prtv&te party', ·COm• plete • by 6 Speed· Graphic: Camera outfit. Miat be a bu- .gain. Write Box Y178, Newport Harbor Newe-Preu. e8Uc TOP DOLI..AR PAID for SHOTGUNS and RIFLES -CASB OD Barrelhead - WAR SUP.PLUS STORE MAN A WIFE !or part lime Jani· tl'lr work. ?'ewport-Co11ta Mua area. Write Aox M-23 this paper. 96p97 1'LA-D-IE_S_tu_ll_l_en_..-cth--a-qu_lr_r_t_l_c_o_a_t. "lOOJ ltema You C&n't Uae" 1lu a•. 120 -4 men'1 aults. Corner ot Newport • Harbor liu 40, UO tor ,&I _tour. liar. Ph. Wberty 1·•2U Coat.a 11 ... 3Z-FUraltore for Se.le · tQ.J.al)< It over. 367 W. Wilson, arma, leg•._ !:yebrowe and hlLlr . Col!l• ~eaa.' LJ 8·8310. 96c98 llne shaped-No more tweutn1. RESPONSIBLE Wl)m&n for houu · "so-S-AJ!el.laaen EL.1.EN 1.. BRYANT R. m. kHper, cll ild care. Liv~ in or MAGIC Chef table top ,cu 1tove, Lldo'a SaJon of Beauty Bar. 2&~: -out. -LI 8·8827, 9~c97 165. See after 3 p.m. °" Satur~ JAN~!R~~~USll: day. 418 Snug Harbor, Nl'WpQr 19u O'K r a. "6--"'tt •o,. 1949 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, R A: H ----' 59'5 1952 OLDS 9uper '88 klr. lledan. R It H. Hydra. Local 1-pwrMtr ~ --···----·-1~ 1960 OOOOE Diplomat. R A: H. Fluid Drive 796 1953 BUICK SUper R.1"*' '-di'. lldaD. · '· R A: H, Dynaflow. 13,0QO actual mi~ 192:5 . . let!O CHEVROLET Convertible coupe, R It H w 8 w tires ···-----------=-·---~ 69S 1953 OLDS 98 ~. eedan. R It H, w s w tires, -Hydra., power ate.erin1 It brakea 22'5 1954 FORO.eonvertible coupe, R & H, Fordo· matic · w· S W tiree, leu than 10,000 mi. 2265 I 1953 MERCURY Sport Coupre,R A: H. O'd. .... 17M 1952 CHEVROLET aedan delivery. A ha.rd to find model ---··-·--·-···--···:.................. 885 1951 DOOOE Coronet club coupe. R It H, Gyromatic drive .... ··-·----------·-····-· 826 ' 19M CHEVROLET 1h ton pickup, R It H. It will get the job done! -··-·····--·--···· 73:5 1948 ·OLDS ConYertible coupe, R It H, excel- " lent mechanically ·-·--······-·-·····-·---345 ·194s STUDEBAKER Champion 2-dr. aedan,--. R & H, Overdrive ····--~----: ................. --~ 1947 CHEVROLET 2-dr.. led.an, RA: H :-·-275 Over 50 car8 to choose from -at greatly reduced pricer! MILLER -CHEVROLET (0. 1855 Jitrbor Blvd. Coat& Mesa Liberty 8-M33 eaer 2481 Coast Highway Newport Beach .. Liberty 8-2261 D f M 1 ) Beach 96t9'' .,.. et e • "'""''' ran1e ... ra tsman. (. a e ' I Pd .dn. to $198.78. Sava you U7:i 2Z-~t and -~OOJld P'or w~n btoach aru with 3 THOR automatic, has 2i., • yrar 19~4 Cro111ey Freezer. 1314 cu, ft. !!._.!a.bl. Radio, !_.!..!.._I ~Aatoa and ~- LOS1' -Bla<'k velvet evenlnfl' yt.. pr actical-ell'J)enl'nre in J warranty, reduced to $99.00 P<I. dn. to $256.77. Savu you LOVllLY atngle manual Minihall ll>M CADILLAC a Nd&n, 111re purM with Jatllta glaue11. Frt· mech. dratting •nd 2 yrs. col-NEW Whirlpool automsUc, $199~0 S2!'>0. electronic organ, like new. Save new, MOO mile .. Power ateer- 1111y rventnlJ. 9 p.m. to 1 a m. I lere or equivalent. Writ~ P. 0 , YOUR CHOICE ot th'~ee l,llltd 19!'>4 Hotpotnt Automatic .wuher.. SlOO. Convenient t.ermJ at-tng, power brakea, R a H, euy Rew1mJ. Phnne f!.•r. I 188-M. I Box 1031, Alhambra. CaJ1r. en-Coldspot~. Pd dn. to SU8 96. Saves you SHAFER'S Miatc Co. U~lnoe 1907) eye glua, &utomat.lc dimmer. 96c97 d oalng aample or work. 8!it tc SEE US tor uaed wrmgn .t 11110-Sl20 421_.23 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana lrll! blue, Sb.uta white top, -------------I matic wuhtr11 ranges.. 19~4 Nurre AuU>maUc Wuher. Klmberl 2 0872 $t250 b H 2337 R. L<?ST -Large, white • black HOUSE.KEEPER, child care, room WE RE;\'T ran ' CJ!, wasberll """ Pr. dn. to U67.8t. Savas you P~one Y • • Y owner. u . · • n1111e c11t. Namf'd Dlablo. An-1 private bath, 1181ary, rnll wt-ek f""' t g t $115 Hell ' d • 8·30 t • Kl 2 62 I Tl' .. ger• ors.. · 1<Wtri1 to anything. \.\u wen1ng a)s, · o p.m., · 4 · Call ui tor repair auvtce 19ii3 Norge Re!rtgera.tor. 8 12 cu. Wanted to Buy 11 chase chain. MtMlng elnc:e Drl. 898.. 8H!c ft. Pd. dn. to $128.88. Save11 you . p·1ck Up _B•rg.a_·l.flS Th&Jlks,.tvlng. REW ARD. Phone J k 1 A 1· · $170. UPtlIG.HT PIANOS !or our rental u u Hubor 2009. 88t!C"Guu.s-a e s PP 1ances 19M Hot point Rl!!r'lgerator. 101,) dept. Hlrheat. caah pJ1oe• at-19&2 CHEV. lii ton. Low rnuea ... LOST o...... 1 I WANTED 1837 Hubor Blvd .. Coal& Mua I r 11. ft. Pd. dn. to $218.06. s avea SHAFER'S Muatc Co. tSlnce 1907) Xlnt. .Upe. -.-. ... KT'lpUon glu9ea n W berty 8-GefJ, 90<96 you U60. 421-423 N. 81camore, Sa.at& Ana hro\\'D lea ther c&M, In Balboa. ie:'>i Ad r 1 Rel 1 1 9 PhOlle Klmbuly 2·0872 ltM DODGJ! ~ ton Uke new "ftt ward, LI 8-2924. e•rH We have open1n11 at our New· 19~ PHlLCO r•frlgerator. The ' mi a r gera or-, cu. ' · · • -=~t B~:.c':orotf1ce, 811 E . Bat-~teat crou-lnp t reeur chtlt I ~~J~<t. dn. to IH7.84. Savu you A MUSICIAN'S INSTRtJlfltNT: Peluxa mockl. Bonnie Brae PRESCHOOL "• with apacr tor botUn, butter, 1955 Philco TV. 21". Pd. dn. to Beautt.tu.1 blonde mirror pl&no. O'BRIEN MOTORS Telephone Operators 11180 V•~-• mee.t keeper. u--i 1 $IF 83. J111t Uke new. Terma uo.sa dn.. -Apply -only 3 "'elci. Pit: dn. to Sl3ll.S2 19:,4 Wtdgewood range CP auto-and su.n per month at--. DODGE -PLYMOUTH• Monday through F'1 lday N·o ca.ah dn • ju.w t J>llY Ule .pyml•., ma tic. •O". Pd. dn. to '228.77. SHAFER'S Mualc Co. lSUloe 1907) CMl& Meaa 9 :00 a m_ to 4 ·oo p.m or $8.49 per mo. Sa,·ea you Sl&o 421...ua N. SyC&JDore, Banta Ana 1880 Ne'Atport BIVd. ~ 11·7272 5141 ~ No. Mam St ., Rm. 211 St~ Baughn• A 6 8 Warehous" F'reezer. l ntern'attonlll Ha.rvu-Phone Klmberly 2·04S72 9~r.97 S&nta Ana t Salu , 220 1So. Main St., Sa.nt.& 1 t~r. 16a <'U , ft. Prl. dn. to 1937 DODGE nanel truck. Run1 An•. e bloc ,oulh of 4lh. Open $"."92 Savea you'R282 ,,_ PACIFIC TELEP HOXE d II t I 9 8 11~ Kl s ·201 •OQ• • • ' s B Id . n· nne. good Urea. $2!1. • 67ttc a y I • n. . •• tt':" ('roslty R efrigerator. 12 cU. ee a Win ~•ano Pb. Har. 4216 OT Ra.r. 4320, 9:k97 upt blue, t&D top. MB. •hit. ~ turn llp&la. b&ck up ltcht.. AutO ~lld waaber. 6 mo& old. fOOO mllaa. WW aec.Pt trade. Maka offer. Har. 1IOl-K. 79tfc: 19'0 OLD8. t dr .aedan. ftr)' dun. Rlr.H. New recapa. battery, paint • aeat oonra. Slt5. -~3 Santa Ana Aft., Newport 9~ . Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. a hour ..mce rr.. Pick up • delivery Coartney .& .Lester '1598 N.wport Blvd .. Oo.W. M..a PHONJC LIBERTY' 8·1198 P•P TWO-WHEEL fRAILER. ( 4 x 9) Stalnlea atMl axla and lo"l'\la. 616 l!:J Modena., Newport Hta .. ' a.ft.er e p. m. S&tf .B.entaIB Wanted w..__ lleed apt. &Dd bouaea Ln all MCUona for Dot.II wtnter and year'• 1.._ r.u.. or Uul\&nl. U you bav• a ncaney, • pboDa today The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cmt.. Hwy~ Newport 8cll Phone Liberty WW 208 Martne, 8albo9 lal&nd Pbone Barbor ... 1301 Cout Blway, Corona dal Kar ~one Barbor 17 n 2Attc '3-A~ a Bomm for But BA YFRONT, new IUlltW")' 3 bedrm. 2 bath, apt., e&rpet.ed, flrepl&c:e. Unrum. l yr. 1-. $32:1. per mo. W&lk to complete Lido Shopping Cent.er. LIDO BAYVIEW, lovely new 2 bedrm. untum. apt. :1 YT· lea.ae, 11~. per monlh. P. A. Palmer Incorporated' OLE RANSON Co. 8alea Mgmt. 3333 Vla Udo, Harbor l:w>O LIDO ISLE a bdnna. turnilbed. TV AY&tl. Dec. i.i. Near club. Coast PPOperties 507 .. BalOO. 81\'d.. Balboa Harbor •soo Tlttc ·ON BALBOA ISLAND SD UI for 1~11 and -l'Clftal rent&LI. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor JOI Martne A.Ye. Harbor 602 BALBOA lSLA.ND 7ttc RENTAL v SPECIALISTS ------------, 19~t O'KEEFE .AND MERRJTT r1 '''.Ith water ~llpenJtter. Pd. dn. & Organ Displa ~u ran~"· Jt'~ the lt!t up top to $294 82. Sa~u you $24,.). Y '49 FORD V-8 "Cu11tom" c:onvt • SO--Mi9cellanwus for Sa~ i11nd1>l with all rhiom,. grlJdJe, 111:. .• q11tfcr11 It SatUer range. CP. WOODWORTH PIANO CO. R • H. eLc.. Lu1trou1 cream fin-Call Edna Craig CORONA DEL MAR 618·614\;·618~ Avocado 2 bdrm. unfum. houM. Sto\'e and retr11. tum. Fireplace. 1arbaae ~ ........... Be&utltut patio $100 mo. .. Newlt decorated 1 bcll'm. untum. ll'l>l.. 1tove A rdrlf . OctM \'lew. Garb. dl•p .. util. fur.n. $ill mo. 1 bdrm. funt. llpt. Will be de~ rated to ault tenant. flll'n., .,..,.., di•l'· 9uan vtew. $8~ mo. Mar. 4318-.or evu .. Har. tfM. Mtfc Balboa Island Choice yearly and •ummn r.ntal•, now ••aO&ble, DORIS BR.A Y, ~ellor ne M:ar1ne Aw... Baltio. bland Harbor 20 · -9:ltfo Choice Winter Rent.ala on Balboa Wand cfr Lido lale Sm&ll A cozy or tars• A dellllle '76 '° fSOO month VOGEL CO •. 208 Marl.n1 Ave,. Balboa laland. Ph. Ha.rbor U4 or Ratbor 21:11 Rea. H•r. 1789·RK or LI I-MST euto 1 BDRM. trollt duplex ~ Mlcely tum. 0c.ean a1c1e c:it a.,.. C101e to tra.n8p0rtauon· • 0 ahope. Yrly rental. 807 Femleat, Conma de.I M&r. -lltfo 48A-Apta. for Beat ----BAY FRONT, LIDO 11!1~ J'urnlahed, newly decor&ted two bdnn. apt .. , cuace. Year 1.-... Ac1ulta, no pet.a. Har. 1288. urn. •P . nc u $60 :till June:- Nplll ANOTHER amlliler. .Wtable for one or couple. l:iO 1lncle, NO dbl. yeuly. Adult.a. LOUISE APTS.. C&J"ll&llon nr. l!leaYlew. Harbor 40111. · Hd FURN. bachelor apt., U~ mo. 719 Weat Balboa Blvd. For k8'Ya and lnformation See Bay A &.ch Realty, U60 W .. BaJboa Blvd. Ph. Hu. U... l:ittc LIVE ••• . Where you play Outdoor Patios BRA.ND new •partm•'-. ...,. Harbor, acboo18, &bopp&na di. tnct. qulet plaanl and talld\l· lllve.. Ga.rbase dtaPCl9f.l, laundry and atoraae room.. saraae. .., and up. Monthl7 or y..,.17, Sea Mir. 1601 Haven Plac•. CUN Have" or phone Wberty a-ma (l bllt. So. ol HJ School) OCEAN FRONT -2 bldnn.. tum. apt.. up1t&lni, clam LD. .Adult.a. Balboa.. Harbor 3228-W. tl5pl)7 LARGE UNFURN. upatalra, l bl'drm. 1pt. with .,,nv, Ideal tor cooplt-. Yearly rate. 720 lr11. Corona dtl Mar. tlk.97 Llr<'nscd. Enl'IOKd ya.rd, emall .i:roup. t.ran~por1atlon. Mll'lr .t nrt crafta. 151~ 81nta Ana <.\Vt • co.ta .M..._ u 8-6216. ·-73u c l11mp and clOck with oven timer, I r it t.ln. tu $1 39.84. Saves you 1318 Coall Blvd., Corona del Mill i11h. Very d~lrable model ln tar Blanche Gates, Rltr. 0 1:-\l:"C: ROOM tahll', b11ff!'l !"Ill:, •mokelc.'!li 11:rlll broiler. You can • 160, . I (Thaden 1nter1or 814J.) abov e average cond. 186~. Art 3}1 Marine Ave. BEDRM. mod~rn apt. with su-ch• p • +• llf'h,.,l11terecl 'hi .. r. 11urrh turn I· h'·v• It w•th the bsl•nc• d•1e r1n SI-•• Baughn• A It S Warr house U&r. 338! 06 ttc La.r110n, Har. 23H-W. 94p98 Bal.._ '•land, Har. 1871 72Uc In.a alQ 1ng t11r• Comh r n nl .. 11 •nil 0 ~ • ~ ~ • .,.,. .. age. Reasonable. 802~ ll9th St .• g ' ~. c I I' n_ '"' ,, n II . 11!18 2.(l or JU!l ta.kt ba.nk pay-1>11\1'!<, no~ So. Main St . Santa • Dsy &.n<I Evc-ntnc CIUM9 recon1 play11r Y1~h1ng pot.-!<, H • m•'nts of $8 22 per month It Ann, 8 bloc·k• llOUlh "'•th. Open BEA UTIFUL Electronic Organ, 19~ TRCUMPH TR-2, 8000 mlle11, ~l~~;~·th~n~~;~ J~~~-R38t~~ Ordera Ta.ken Now tt, mast wtth :si\11 lti E B11v wu Ullert thrre month11 Sr<' daily t1l [I, Sun. 11 -:i. Kl 3-7201 1 bl1Jnde cue. &lmost new. Must never r•~d Save $600. -430 Corona del Mar Ph Wbe t 8 6848 94U Front, BAIMA l!<hmtl, J111rbor If On I B Catalina Dr., Newport Helghta oQ• r Y · c I 208~.\\' 9,,.<19 11nyllme dilly nr evt-n1ngl<. IH I ---eacr Ice. e on Y· lg a.avtng. rt 6 94 98 2 BEDRM. •Pt. fum., newly r11'r· 2 BEDRM turn. apt. on Bay Front. ----------\\I Ch•pm1U1 Av,.,, Oranit" Ph DARK ttl1mde bdrm et!I. hkt new, DANZ-SCHMIDT G~at Sa.le, & er p.m. P or&t~d. Near ocean.·soo. month I \\'Jnl<'r or yeuly re.nt.&J. 604 So. R I E t t S h I • GIRl~l'I C'OAT!'. n"arly n,.w, KEiiogg 8·~81i. tl~P6 irw S intmnnio niallr"M .4t spr., :'>20 No. Main, Santa Ana. 11H9 DE SOTO C:Ul!lom 2 dr. eedan. ll'u e. BAy Front, Balboa 1.aland. Har. ea s . a e c 00 I l!IZl'll 2-6. Connrllblr h1ih rhl ll MO. Ironing boa rd, walmll , .... OUR GREAT JAN1JARY aal&. ft.i.H. n uJd drive. Seat covrrs. •22. ae tfo • S t A & pad. ~l111ee crth Tv.·in lMt1. FREEZER. lnlernat.1onaJ Han'('ll· r11rl. like new. •i<:La...1011al chatr~ '387 buya Jo"IY Spin..._ Stan" U !IO. -Ph. Har. 4216 or Har. Studio apt. tum., -·-· .. $6~. mo' fn an a ~na mattre911 .ir box -rr Misc hnbv lf>r, 16 ,, ru. rt. Hu all color ~It~<'. llf'mll. Har. 3016·J. 96c98 (larrl maJ<e.. Mtrror ty~ Splntt 4320. 9~97 l bednn. apt., tum ... $60. mo. FL'R:". 2 bdrm. a pt. Newly deQ~ MF.:S &°"·oM£N prtpare In apart ltl'mll Har. <tf1Ji8·J Piir97 Interior. :\ bukets. etgnal light. only $23:'>. Baldwin Acroaonlc 2 bednn. houae unturn. F lrepl. rat.ed. y EA R Ly R It NT A.r. tim,. fnr unlimited opportunlUu hnltla 650 lb11. food. It's new, hut 1!\'•4 :-<ORGE Automatic \\'11s hi>r. only s489. P ractJoe.t>lant.a tl"om SALE OR TRADE ga.raae ............................. $80 mo. A CMllA from Nt14•port City HaJI In Rf'nl • EelAte. l'\tw cluin p1I dn. to 1288 92 from S5~0 The vrry ~at one. Big n lb. tub, $S9 up. Baby Granda from 1495. New ,54 Ply. BeJvedere conv., HJ-BEACON BAY Gar. 406 Clubhouu Ave., New- ,. munth 11t11m11111t*'t dial. ll'• oolv been D ve, oadcd. I 2•~. Will a ccept 1 ..... ~ ... _ h P' d Wt'rkl~·. Al Tyltr tn!truclln". Al· FIBEWOOD . ca,h nr p11y t he pymla. of $13.22 ns:1tntt1r, Ntt'ty t!f'ln lid A that Dozens or others. These lnstru· rl 1 2 J>Qrl Bch. IMcH l,.n<1 ti nit '"~nlnl: fru and lnrn · • J menta are trad\·lll• and rent&!· •mall forrtl{Jl car or clear lot ........ rm11., ..... ... ouae. eoce EXTH.A CLEA:S t t about lhl• gTeal field. Call or Ser B11ughn1 A It s W•l't'houu i<'or,,d. but prt. dn. to $218.37 retume. Many j uat like new, In Sant.a Ana or Aarbor arK In pauo: Sl". mo. age apt. El~. rr~. i:;~J::; \Oi rttc now for 1nrorm1tlon. Busl· F'RF:E OF:Livt:RY Salea,6 2h210 kSo. Ma.lhn tStl.h SOanta rrom $310 Nol ca.sch• nleel ~2ed, JUSl BeauutuJ electronic organ. Save trade. H a r. 1303-M. 93cffi hrat. \.'1111. paJd. SM month to. nu s llV'titule. •1~1 , r-:. Svrll· On.• w1,nc1. Jll'' • 24" lrnvth. Ana. oc s soul o 4 · J'Pn PllY t ht-pyn\ 5· t• • ·• mo. •2r..n. o• :o\Z-SCHMIDT Big Pl· W. E. FISHER · .. g s -,,o •-.. \\' h • "" n,. June 15111. -301 E Bay Avt , 'm ore. KI 3·1753. 7n rc C'All B. R ST AGG dlltly til . un. I I-.;. Kl 3-" I S···· BllUji?hna A "' <> &Ci' oust ILDO It Organ Store, 520 :.o. 19~8 CHEVROLM Fleet.muter BalboA -Har. 1959-J. Mc9& Phonp Hnrhnr 1014 ~nit~. 220 So. Mal.n St• Santa Main. S•fttA Ana. club coun.o. RadJo &: heat.er, '51 llnd ASSOCIATES P Hii.CO. REFR1GEHA TOH, 19~1~. 6 bl k 11 t 't" O -· ,.-803t E Co1111t Hl.,.hway 23-Sltuatlontt \\·anted Evenlnu Harbor ii391 110< 3 Ar111• oc s 11<Jul 0 ., "· pen motor, new p11tnt. new l<'at · " ATIENTIU;o.;' EASTERNER.So .• -___ __ __ • ' 1111 f.e rto"'" top fr"' z~r modrl •IAtly t1I 9. Sun. 11-~. Kl 3· 7201 SEE TRE NEW l11nshall rhord cove~. foam n.ibber cuahlon11. Corona dr l Mar Hubor zu3 LlCE:\-SF.D t hllil nrt the year 4000 COLORS 11va1lablt In ~pm -!~m~~~:r,~~atest:;~~ .. ~/10:;<'~; j organ. Anyone can learn to pt~y Perfect cond1Uon. $395. P.r:lvate 9:.ct17 'rl')nnrt In ntre t1t~nd•ble h<lmr t.n11: !'n11 mrt or lacqurr ror u111... •ll~lvel'. l"sed lhr•" month~. Oa le's Furn"1ture It S895. Tenna aa convenlr nl a..s I party, L.I 8-3954. 93c98 Phone I.r 84629. 9:>p97 mub1l"'· trallera nr . a1rt•1aft luvln" the ata lt. ao ''OU can . $115.~ down &nd 131.6• per mo. -------------UNFURNISHED Sp1av it•m.s f••r rrnt ., ~ t H ,.. bave ll ror the balanre l 0"'" LAr11c m•tal clri1k $~5 1 -, 41-Aut.o &rvice l t 13 Wtst Ba.v Ave , NAVY Vli:T. neede part time em· t arbur Pa1n1 • rnt~r. Jnr s~s MUllic Co (Since 1907) lh>!' bunk $161 :is Cir you c.1n Binn IP t" 1n hrJroom ~tl is.~ . . .......-.u 2 bedrm .• rtrepla<'e, garbage ploy;nrnt. Exp. d"tl<'•I or grnc-412 32nt1 l'\t . :-\t wp .. rt. H111 28.l8 421 42 Sycamore Sant& An• ' M 0 h I .. .,. .. tak" n1·"r th~ ntt"Jn!'nla "' Rull'. 12,12 woril, ju~! ctenned. very • · . • · · < ., OtOr ver .au "'lsn. Gar&"'t, laundry room Har. rry 1t Qte. l fltr. 328(1-J, 9~pQ7 8>!'81<1~ lhe City Hill fl wl h ,. J 1 Phone mberly 2 Ge72 u " •· " .._ Sii 18 f>"r n,.•nth ;\o {'B~h 01r" S8!"l. • 3685-M , 92ttc Wanted -Spray p1lntl1nc , "Xlnlor nr lntt'rlpr A'"" Br1111h eoatlng-. PRINTING nee<ll!'rt , my eq11Hy frr t . s~" Sr\'('MI brnldecl rug•. 8 x HI and NO MONEY , DOWN ·I &n)'itml' daily 1tn<1 tvenln)[~ !• ;< 1:? 125. es. ~O lJSED pianot wanted for our GRAND CANAL. Balboa hlaf\d. Suncley" too. I H t \\' C"hll Plfllln Sr' r, u I goNI Hollywood beds rental urvice. Trade In your old * with this ad * 2 bdnn. furn. houat', $'N>. month RJIV~ r"ason•blr. Hai bor 102•-w . Mr. Glbsnn. ·9~p96h 1000 Bt'Sl~ESS C'ARDS S.'.l !l6 Ave , Or1tnge, Ph. KEiiogg 11-r.8lio1 . $.25. up I ptano on new plano or electrnnc A II b1111n,..,. ~tntlr n• 1 y 11t 1 .. w ll:> fie lt\7 t Hai lx>r Bl vd., Costa Me~11 orga.n. High c1uh allowance. 6 Cyls, $48.88 prtl'"~· __ _ ---95c96 DANZ.· SCHMIDT Great Janu· 8 Cyla. $58.88 LEO'°' 'l-\·HrTr. O'KE:EFE .t :\ll':RRlTI tAble lop ary Piano Sale, 520 No. Milin. ·lncludl'I both l&bor and parts. Landscape gardening Ph. IJI 8-40ll 11.nyt1mr. tl:.tfr gu 1 10~"· g'nod cc.ndltlon. $-40. l 33--B t sd ~ Santa Ana. Ne ... · ring•, ~'Mat pl.M, valve J<~ree Estlma tu Llb,.rty ~-605i P4rPS ----~~~-j>_p__ gT1nd, fltUnp ~ main llJld rod Wm. B. Fergu~on F·1rewood For Sale I . I l:ffGHl':S YACHT 0 1:-:GHY. Wiii H&tnmo.nd Organ. Lelll..lt Speaker bearings. Expert motor l une up, C 11 H .. _ ~.-. •t 1 W h• M h" ""II nr tr11r1e for large 1kirt. FOR RENT """.. ooo t A. 8tuvr 4 ,,,,,, " c FREE DELI\'ERY I as 1ng ac ine Har"->r 108-•( fl:'.icl)7 orv-ull)' or 4, mile gu&r&n cc. .,. " (NO MONEY DOWN I; MAN .tr \\'UMA/11 wtll do general \\'RIGHT ·co SEltVlCE _ _ FOR SPECIAL occulons, parties, Rr,;J3UILT ENGINES housework, floor WM lnf . win-178' Newpur1 1:31vd., Coat• Mt1111 I -vrar ruorantte on Job• c1one I CUR \'SLER ACE ma rme engine I weddlng1, etc., at. home, omce, -UP to 1~ MONTHS TO PAY- white. 'l94 E 20th st., cc-.ta > , l N t 81 C •t gu~I condition ,22~ Llberly lit, lnclu*nr move ln A out . Built ln our own f&ctory by llklUed M LI • .... ~ •rea r • ""~or • Ol!ta. " e11a. · · LI ...... rt 8 1""• 1•tt mactuntsta. Don't cont.end wt'.h TWO BEDROOM a pt. stove and refrig. only. Garba.d dlapoM.l. New It bea.uUful. 190. mo., yrly. o:--'E BEDROOM near school, !><:)\. 6 bay. SSS. mo., Incl ullJlllea. J. M. MllLER CO. 202~ W . Ba.Ibo& Bl., Newport S ch Hllr, 4091 -Evea. LI 8·33i8 PLENTY OP' FREE P ARKI'NO 86tfc dow cluntn~ Fut workers, Libert i 8-2.'\-0ll 4iUC' I ,;d on ll!led wu ht r11 2488'" I with r~,·erl!e «Ur, ready to go church, with or without organ• ~ ea&. o·.....,.. Httc PL'\E CABINET for TV .t. rr«>rd LTberty 8•4M3 or Lfbertu 8· 11 :ie 93c98 1 _ ""' Y • .. vo. • c pll!yer Hohl~ 11ny i<iZI' t1tble J _ the middle mAl\. Buy dJrect. ~ EXPt:RJE="CED, educote<I couple model TV. 8h1111rr <1oore nn hoth 8-4327. 64tfc :o\E\\'PORT 'CHAXXE:L -Bo11t BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. blonde REBUJLT and INSTALLED VOGEL VALUE RENTALS 29-Htll! w_utfld _____ _ WO'.\IA~ fo l'l\rC fnf Ml\ffiO t rnl. l!gM h1"11l!rf'l<,tt plnii ~llyir LI S·4 I 11 E\'l' s-~tr..'I P5ci9 CORONA DEL MAR -2 bedrm. undrr l!O e1r ftma:-.• for rC'nktng rompartmenta. ":'err rra11on11bl!'. • 11 k f 1 bl) Just like new, eave SZOO, Ma· SHORT BLOCK No. 1-Studlo apt., 11.ove, re!'rig .. hou"k<'ctpln~ I cb 1lo1 c11~807 l L ive LI 8·353~. 9:JCll~ 111!14 O'KEEF'E & • MERRJTT ;;;on~geff:;bo~y 1~:;.r':;r 92~f~ hoga.ny Spl:net allChtlY dama1t~ roRD ·-..... .$129.611 curtains A drapP• $'"'1. per mo. In or out. \\rite nt<· 'I ~ Tiu-range, l•tot CP all .'utomallt. 1 In. eh1pmen't, J487 Good pracuce CHEVROLET -··-sue :io No. i-i Br. turn, tncludu utill- ttn Aw . Co•t'-Me• fl~p9i , l!Jl top. rr!ddle In nuddlt . lim· 1 • • pla.noA from '89. S94, $12~. t175, .PLYM. It DODGE .$11;~ tlu ... _. .... $75. per mo. Movie Proiectors mer burner. • nice mu broiler., M-"""'('al; Radio, a T v Su theM at Lht Gre.'lt DA:-;z. CRRYS • D1C SOTO $170 No. 3-1 Br. turn., near bfU h. yard Maintenance IUl•:a"1~m1~. 2 -·eehk•. Pdd.ddnj. tot $:'> PER MO ttnta 1ood pract ice-ssct H1'UKD2TO NPlan~ 18ale8.· Tth~9b1g .STUDEBAKER ···-···· ---:sno 12°"20 (Uvtng nn) SM . ~r mo Cl FOR RENT ' " ·'0 "811 ""'° e · us I · ore, " 0· .... n . IUl a na. OLDS • PONTIAC • 1 170 N 4 2 B 1 nfuml hcd tan ~ip JC-I.WI. 8-MM 16·?tL" ' S~·MM p.11v the pymts. of '· 7.89 per mo .. piano. All tenn .rt~t 1tllo\\ed tr .100 p1anoa. Wa have no branch ----0· -"'" c e&n. u 8 • Free i::~iimate FAST COLOR PlLM SERVICE See .B11ughn1 A a s \\'-.rthou11e you bll)' Jal'tlr. DA}"•Z·S~HMrDT stores. BUlCK . -'17~ -·· ........ llOO pcir mo. U bf>rtv 8<1i!\P l\0f'81h HOBBY &nil MODEL Si lei , 220 So. Maln St,, Santa Dig P lano Sa le ... 20 :-;o. M11ln. 1 HUDSON ... SJ 71\ No. ~2 Bn., tully tumtahed. nice EXPER IE'.'\. ·~o ~~1or•" "lrl \&'&!)'-AIRPLANE St.."PPWES Ana, 8 blork• .oulJ) of Uh. 0-n Great Ja.nua.ry Plano SaJc. Ca p Loan ~ar F'rel T~ $12~ per mo -"'""' -~" " .. f I r S5--Doa ta, ets : Nl:W CAK OAJl.A.NT'U !'o. 8-3 Bn , 2 batM, view tum. <111y work by the hr C'all Kr M c s~ h dl.lly ti 9, Sun. 11-6. Kl 3-i20t ~ . . d S2 . ears •mera op H TV S 81 ... ~ mu• meet our l't&llctarda --· -··-.... ·-···-·· ~o per mo :-74ZP. 9:1p9; u 0nest ervice A1X>RABLE P'renc:h poodl• purpy, Plua t..uea. culteta and olJ • l .. 82 N t Bl d ("-... ~I W h T bl 7 bl•ck •t&ndard male. Jn wks. THE VOGEL CO. · I ewpor v .. . .... a • t lla as er rou es ' ST'l:"VENS •-SONS ()pell 8Unday 10 Lm. to, p.m. Phone Liberty 1-;"0~ Pr tt #-' °' old. P1ck of t.he Utter. Cll&m· 2987 it C.OUt H11hway CALL LI 8-2237 1879 Barbor, Co1ta Mel!& p1001hlp blood ltne.. Har. aMa-J. BELLES ENGINE Coron.a del M&r Specializing in AuUlmaUca Ph Wllerty 1-'°l '77pp-tlc I Wcff ku. 17U Har. H77 Ntwly deror•tl'rl large tum. 1 hdnn. apt , Newport 8-.ch. Pinet ht&t, g-a.r&re. Ten&nt paya electricity, $60 month, Wberty 8-H09. 1)3tlc COOY l BDru.f. rum. apt.. day, week or month. }illrbor 493J -J-711 l~ rem leaf Ave .. C.O.M. e6c96 FURNISHED LI.DO H0ME SPAClOt:S HOMS: w1lh 5 bedrm8., $1~0 mo. to June 1~. or S2:i0 JTly. Lido Realty A..R.Bociates 3100 Via· Lido, Hu. 4U4 1)4cH l'i,CELY FURN. duplex apt. .Near etorrt A: bua. R.ruonable rl!nt. Couplt-preferred. LTbff1y 8·2~1 alt!'r 5. · 82lfc C(1R.(JXA..DEL MAR-So. of l!wy. Sunny 2 bednn. pnge apt. J.'urn. In rock ms ple. TV klltenna. Good w11rc1robe •· stor&ge 1pace. Large p11tto. Har. H M -W. 9:'>clt VlEW APT. t;pper l bedrm. tom p11nelt •y re•t. 11UI. pd. $G.. yrly CQron11 del Ma.I', Har. b2e. 516c97 COMF'ORTABLY tum . l betlrm a pt, u :i. mo. Servet retrlg. nice 111ove 16~ <Adi PJaee. Cotta 1 Meioa. LI S-"2928. l)~Uc SMAbL fTR~ APT. Sultahle for t or 2 &1111\tJI. l:lll. pd. t211 Ool- d,.nrod. Corona del M&r. Hanbor 343~-W. l)!ltfc VArA:-O.I f"t..'R.'l atudto apt.. flre- plare A \'l .. w. 1117~ Poppy. Co- rona del Mar. LI 8·1167. l:ilfc I CLIFF HAVEN M<H'IJ-:1..S SlZE J2 -APPLY I SICK ROOM eq111pment Modtm 14•bttit chit.Ir, HydrauUc lift. "All· 11,V <'p~ated•&Q that 1nl'l))\lnt11ry patltnlll m111 be ~ mewed to 11cy pa.rt Cl( th r hOUM, II II IJ~•·tn f AUTOMATIC RAMM~ OftOANll. All m<MI· IO-Aat.oe ud Tracka REBUILOERS Waaher Enterprieee 83tfc els. Ona oat.J &IJs.bUy u.d. s l· Op!!lll Dally I to T lltat.e Bonded unrum. duplex. F ireplace. cu· SPAClOt'R 2 Mrm. dup1u, Iota of 1-IER I P M 07 28TH ST , :"E\\'PORT 8 EA C H. BRll"G PHOTOS. JF POSSIBLE.. ~p97 bathl'O'\m r r1v1lf'J:t11. f'1 art1<'11lly A.PT. SIZE retrt1efttor • It.ow. nn •. Lea. th&n halt orlg1!'1al j nl~ C011d1 Uoa.. UO ()rc:Jaid, Co· co.t.. Hu. a7t6-R. Hc2 rem& -Kat. tettc: •re. J blk. to mark.~t A t r1n• <'l"A"h _.&t Ule, fmc•d yd. O&r. '76. month, yearly. I $87 1\-0 nnf11m. ~~., nnw. Avail. >Ct'RIJ!:ll )(. PINOVER, ft•11lt'>r )11.'RIEL ~f PJ~OVl!:R, J'W11llor non. Batbor t810. e~t.tc I Jan. l Mh. Pb. ,u. ~&10. leHc mOllt Ilka new. nta ll a special. EXCEPTJONALLT CLEAN 19•S NEW LOCATION DANZ • SCBXrDT RammOT\d ~nUac 8 ted&nttte, lutone, Heedquarterw for <>ranee CQun· · loadtd wtlh @xt.ru, pflpd to sell 310 East 3rd St. t.J, ~JO No.. X&!ll. 8ut& A.DA. Bar. ltol-J. f 96c2 aµ..-r A AN~ ' ~. . . -. •• .! ' -. '\ PA6E 6 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS U-aesi fAdate THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 a'·-·~ ·oN · LIDO ThM beautiful home, conaiating of 2 bdrms .. 2 baths and den baa almoct 2000 eq. ft. of living area and an unobetructed yiew of the Bay. The big 40 x 130 ft. corner lot with 2 lovely patios. The large living ... room and dining room make this the out.standing bungalow on Lido. Price. $4:S,OOO with terms. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach · Phone H~bor 3693 CORONA HIGHLANDS View home on large R-2 lot. Space for •ncome unit. Large living room, carpeted. corner fireplace, ·dip- ing alcove, complete modem kitchen. built-in range, diapoea): fan, lola"'9f tile. Two bdrms. & guest nn., Pi batha:. Fenced patio..iw~th BBQ. $22,500. RAY REALTY CO. :\4•• E. Cout Blvd .. Corona de! Mar Harbor 2288 UA.:-Apta. for Rent NICI: A CU:AN-f'URN. 1 bed- room apt.. $66. mo. Laun!lry facWUea. Water a.nd saa paid. 2029 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Mua Liberty 1-4761 (Rea. LJ 8'-47181 96cl J'URN. 1 bedrm. 1'ara1e apt. on leue. Newport bland. Adult• only, .611. mo. Harbor 0273-W. 9~1 "8B-B008M for Rent ~--~--~~------------ 53-A-Buslness ftf'ntah For lease ·uostairs 800 Sq. !l, 11u1tabll' for business. alud10 ·or office A: living quarl- t'rs. 21~ Marine Ave .• Bsl. 111. Ownt>r 139 N. Bay Fronl. Bal- boa bland. 9~p10 MARINE AVE., Balboa l.Jllancl, 2 bdrm .. living rn1. wlt.h flrepl11ce. Enclosed ' patio. Also 1·00111.,J!Jt office or small bustne.1111-$125 mo FRA0NK JAMES -LINWOOD VICK. 312 Marine. Har. 2012, 118<'3 2 ·BDRM. narUy fUmlahed houae, $IMS on leaae. 1611~ Ill. 18th St., • c w ta MeaL 96l· 5'1-"U!'llneM _Qpf2_rfllJ!i~ Furn. a.nd 1 bdnn., bachelor Apt. CHARLES E. HART. Har. 1428 1420 W. B&lbo& Blvd:, N.ewport Beach. 86tlc ft& 3 BEDROOMS. Two new b&~ Thermo hea t. Newly fumt.hed. Ava.llable to June 16, 109-30th St., Newport· Beac-h. 94c96 GAS ·STATION. GARAGE Newport Beach lnvenlory A i>"ut $1 i 50 Phone Ha.rbor l s:sJ. 86c99 LOA N~ TU .til;IWJ. IMPROVE BUY, .MUDERNlZE. OR R.li:FlN ANl.:f: We Buy Trwlt oc;cs. COSTA MESA CAU. FOR 1APPT. to ·~ 463 MAONOLlA. '3 1, •. br .. w to w carpet. lot. of c~u. -nic:. kit . dbl. 1ar. °" all,.y. Is•. yard, patio and BBQ. Ellcellent eut- lrJd• location. $11,600, Ttrm1. CALL· FOR APJ"T. to 11tt 1341 ALBERT PLACE. 2 br., aJmo1t new, atucco. cl1,11e lo tranaporta- tlon. lar11e lot, $9830. :i-U:-llT IN~E>ME, furn .. BALBOA Clo11e In. 2 dbllt .. 3 alnglea. Older, but JOOd condition. REDUCED t'> '23.WO. Very low down and gt>Ctd tt1rm11. BEACH C 0 TT A 0 E, 1urnl8hed ,.,ull prac~ i:woo. BA \'SHO,RES-2 br:. IJte. hv. nn,, flniplacl'. lanai, br.rakfa11t bar, patio, dbl. gar., $16,SOO;: terma. CLIFF H.A.VEN-3 br .. 2 bath, Hw. floor11, compact l<ltcht-n, _..lrnllt-ln range, d\11hwaaher, etc. Close111 galore, wlnrlow ~·all11 to p11t10. Bcitutlfully built and not a IP11sehold. Allktng price $23.:i-OO. JV.CK BAY, 4 br .. nPW, permsnent vitw. M11at set>. Hu everything. Claire Van ..to'rn REALTOR 273J W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8-4277 95c97 Subdivision Acres 4 1, ACRES, will qualify for 18 legal lots, g<1od drainage, fast f( r o w I n I{ dl'velopment, Costa Me11a, $1 7,600. 2 u£~~n~;~!r2~~ pier . flnat. <"omtr lot, furnl&hed, $22.:'iOO. tem1s u~y. Allio choice of .all others. llKl<'d In multiple. · N.B_._ C. Realty. :l)nrl It !';1>wport Blvd .. .Npt. Bch. H•rbor I 10.'I. 95<:9 ere are buys BALBOA our best on ISLAND BA Y•'RO!"T home , with pier and rtoat -4 1><11 m.s. and den. $12,600, lerme BAY SHORES NEWPunT B'ALSUA 2iAVINCS It LOAN ASSOClAT ION 336e Via Lido. Ph. Har. 4200 tic 01.DF:!l h•lrm BA YF'!lONT UNPURNISKED -Jmmaculate 2 bdrm. homei. separate dining room, forced air hut. Front A: rear cement patio.. Yearly leue Sl~ mo. to quallf~ed tena.nt. Har. 1600 { evu. LJ 8-6386.) 93lfc LOANS for Homes !)')'. -20 yr. Lmuia H,1u11<-. l'rl\'ul<' f'1rr lit Fl(lal $:16,~1\)0, ter ms. VOGEL CO. Construction loans 2ns Marin., Av•·. n 1111io a lltlRnd SEE BOB SATTLER • Unr •I 11 t'E"<'ll. I.I 8·6211i J 2!'J1!) EAST COAST BLVD. Har 2 1~\ -Hor. 1786-R 88l!c l)()J 1, GOLDENROD. Coron.a df!I Corona d~ Alar Hart>ur :l888·1 Ma.r. 1 bedrm. front hou!!e. UUI. Rep. POIRIEK MOHTCAGE (;O · • psld. No 11:arare. $60. month by Mitro Lite In&. Fl.Inda Kl. a-:'118!'J Bayshores Bargain ! year. Adult•. No pt'l.a. Ownn. 48trc Jan. 7, s • 9Ua."' 9!'Jp96 DltF:A)I H<>l'~I-: .. r .1 Mnn~. I ~. \VUULIJ like tu ouy J11t and 2nn lllltli ~::i.t1H 1,r p1111n. f'111 e of COMJo'ORTABl..Y t\lml11hed 2 l>f'•l-1 T ru1t Dt<eds. Call H11r. 2:1211 $'.li ,(10 11u lu1l1·, S•·• vPI l•·" l"OOm .home. Pa* w1 lh B B Q 48ltc-M.111• 1 1l'lrti:• 1111u1 \\" 111 \\'111r- Garare. -6-08 (l,.,.htd. Cornnll --r• I tn~ ""''~•·\\ •Hiii C1 lllf'\'Rlor. del Mar. Har. 11137-R. 9!'Jc97 REAL £!:>TATE LOAN:.) 1h•1>-.-.•I m1.·11ur •hull<'" SEE- JllEW ntc~ly rum. 2 bdrm. or 3 bdrm. plua 2 bath hou~t. until J uly 1. Reuonablt-. '2 block to ocea.n. Ce..11 Har. 3081 ·R. 96<"fl8 SMALL UNFURN. house, draJlPr· lea. auto. wuher. Clran, $4:'>. mo 1511 TUaUn .Ave., Coeta Mua. 9:'>1'97 Newport Beach I BUCH HOUSES for lt'a&t'. $.'tO ' month eac-h. No 11ubl1>t. RYrn- mon-6·3222. 9.'ti-10 I B11DRM unturn. Garbage <ll&p No p.race. '76 mo. or $69 rio on le .... No ~t.a. 369 E. Walnut Pl, Co1ta Meaa. 1.lberty fi.;1J80. • 6• lCc ,._'ILL RENT brand new 3 ~<irm. I 2 balh, untum. home In lRVINf!; TERR.ACE at U OO. pf'r montn W1lh 1 yr. lt-aae. C-stl• H11 r1><n f.f'8 for further detaUs. 68trc JllEWPORT HEICKTS -2 bdrm house, Mparste dln1nir rnnin. Den with flrtplace, parlly tu1 n- lahed. Fenced yard. W 8-t2:i1 I 93••98 -------------' NEARLY NEW 2 b!'tlr111. unrum lnterest Rate 5--!) 1::. % 1 :-:1; 1' u1-:1.1 E\'I NG l.A"t us Loan., qu1,kly maoe In the Bay Arr a ana <.:w1Ul ~ksa. S1n1:~ or multiple units. Nt•w or oh.I ~ lte ~"'"'' 1t. '" )ull, 11nd Y<ll" ~E TH E Jl..l1r;1-; C'11ll '"'™'' Hl'rton ""11'0 and 53ve by r~-rinanctng 1:; 1 :12nd !'I. :->e11o port Drat h y:iur presc-nL loan Minimum l'X· 11111 hur t:!(l9 9!'11-1 THF. REA U~JONT CO. p•n•c No chnrge tor prtllm1 nsry 11ppra1~111 Phnne l'lnn111 Ana t<l mbrrly :'-6!1:1:1 or wrttl' Nrwp<irt lki~htis ARTHUR A. MA¥ J H~~t1ltM 11, hilth~. n•·"; 111x111·y Mo1ti;ag, Loan Corrrspolldl'nt I hrm '" F111·1•ln1 • h"'"t1 r•·1hn1:" I (Jn·1~ntftl Ltre lnsmnnc!' Co <;111 l>ni.;•· d1•p•1 .. .r ~ 111 • ,.,, 11lr 933 ~oulh Matn $11n111 4na h .. 111 ""'' 111nt" ""'"' fr111 111cio pri '"•11'1 111 ,. 1111 • 11n•" Only ~1 l .!li'10 full pri<·C'· ~1111)11 dOl\1 11 • C)l'F::>; l'All.\ Ill 11 111 ·1111 <ln1k LOANS l '<!l ll11llv l •• ,nr n1 .. r Irvin .. .lt\'t' .">'. flr"t 11111<1 ''""h• 20 ~'l'lll~· Or·angc Ccia...;t P rnp\"rt 1c•s , --- {l.')t ,, J '17> i :°'•'"r"n A'"·,., 1" :1i ... For Sale by owner 1 1 LI 8·11\V 11r I.I ~ 111111 I ,,. 11.,1r. :i 11~:1 .it '.Is h "•""'I, 1hn$!• 1-ttr· a7-~al t:-.tatf' \\antf'<i ----------.. --- \\"A;\;T f1 nm uwnrr 11 h"ll'" "r \.A,•1\0 l Jf,,t ttn J-1 .tt h H _:-.;, \\ J•11f t f•r 1:.11l111r> lllnl "' l~llt ~I I in ("c••la :'>le"a l'l"R"l' '' n\t• .\I l.14nnl'rl. llt•X :-121 , th111 I'""· ~11)• f(' I I''"' I! h''-'4 1 1uht •tu • tt , ).· t"t h•t • 11 th 1111 itl 1 .. 1 1,,1nlf .. '' ••P•·•I • •, I 1 ,\f ..... ,·~ t nr ... ;: ... , f"tu .. • I 1 :'\•\\I'"' llh I lln•I 171h St. t 11 ,,, r (S•luo ''"\'"· (1,.n1 'l IMlll "' t1.,\ •I ll ~tlH•t I II 111 .... -·i.:~:1111i::.: 11·1!11'< 2-!-ltory r1 a m c -<•rcn n front house, flr~pi11c1'. llvmir room & dinette rarpet,.d. irarllitl'. y t11r 60--lnromr l'ropt"rt} leue!. 318 "'(SL, Ball>nK 9:1, P! I -APARTMENT- R••• k ,,.,._ I th,. l'ut "' I 11u1til• ~ t. \~r Fnr .. , I\' j t; ·,no N1C'E I bedrm. unfllm. hnu,.,. with l"J1:run1 ·~ lllnr,.,. ,.,,,.,.. ~nl,. 1•f Tfolbnn Bn\' P rr•l'f'l'lll'.-< 1·,7,·, \\ fl,lfh.,:t 1:11 •1 X1•t Hdt )I u 11 .. r ~q .~f( n:1rll7 alove 6: rt-rriir. 428 r.nt.lcnr•'><I. Corona dt l M11r. Har 34:\1.\\", j -9.''i,rc CHARMJ!';O punny t hi>llr;a; I t um. hou11e. Soul h ot h1i;:hw11y. 1 Corona. drl M11r. H11r. 4 i8 I 80tfc 48C-1·ra.1!!!._~p~---- 1110,i.•1 n I\ unit em11 t 111 ht·in• on1r 1 "' 'r l dUnd lor1ttH1H r'tlc·; ").:,,,. ht'I-'"' rt>pl H'• H1f•nl ,.,~}lit At ~:!t) .. !ollll $ ··:1011 """ n S 17~ CIS\ Pl'r 11111 I \\'•• I0\'11" \flllr 11u1>1f . 11(!r11I ,n- .... ______ , · 8'a'boa i<Jl••d t"ll' Fl 'It'\ ~ t1l !'111 kn 1• 1 v f'ln,. in · I GOIU'P'I: ~F:\"F:HT~ HF:Al.TY I•,.,., r,1 .,, hi • p·11 " ~1111:11< 1 :1~ f:n•\ l~lh .~t t'1•>l1< ~·~~11 1.,11,, , • Ilk I•• ll P !'".llfrn l~I 8·!."1i:l 11111l I.I 8-.ll"il ll~·•«· 11 ~1!1 I :11· ... ··\\'111··r11.1n p;,,,.; sh dBe1a utdiful k I ~~S~C?,;!r ~r~~>9.~~~ . Bay Front income a e a. n Par '" 14., I'·· hlk• , .. h•'.11 l .. , H • .i-. ' • ll 1 'ml• 2 .t .1 tw•lrU(•m• rurn • LARG ,.. .~ICE C'OR:o.:,·F:," locntl•"ln b1111 l 'l rl rm J11,.1 11•J1t1 ••11 t•> , .,. " u•llPtl l't1•1 111•111 ""'' rr1,·ate ..... th com1lll'\P ('1 1\'ll('\' ()wn ti•th S23.~00 fnr 'lllh k ~uli-. s:-o011 1ln .. , J " bellr h 1111111 F: UAlhoa Blvd .. I a.nd 101lrl. l..1>1J!1 nf JOhrubA llnd f Owner Har1><1r 11\!t!I 7~''"° R11lbu:\ 1 'r• ,. \ ''" tlifl.46 ('""' I lawn. Only S:lO'nwnll\ 1711 P01-"----I Ir•\ I•\ n1 .. k••11• 13U( mona. CMIA M•·M. Pll!\6 60-A -Comml'rdal, lndmdrlal ----- ---------.-· -· -· .. --·-.. I .. u-Roo1ru• for Rf'ot LIGHT INDUSTRY Attractive Bay Ave_ I ----------- ----EXl'F:U.l':;\;T 111.-111 1 .. n Will bu1J.1 3 1n:111t1•1l)I 110~11-' C"•.i:• .. 114 ~ot.E ROOM with h"t • rold upto:lon .. q ri 1.,11lll1 Rt·"~'n· l11t\ •·•·" ... 1 .. 1r111 iu 11~L1<" "all- water In t>M! room. C:o.l•I bf>J, rl'bll' r.•nt. wni: tr nn l<'lt~r if 11111~1 ""'"1 Int• r1"1 h~1b••r11c- Prtvate r ntninct. Sil \\'tPk. '11'•tt P<I '·'''~I\· p111 ... 1 '.rn h" ~l'•·n mn1 n· ALSO !lnuble rnuni al S7 WPf'k GOROOS ~F:\"ERTS Rf:,\l,TY 11',.: nn•_I o•nn1nrc. Ill.'\ W _n.v 123·28UI St., :"e.,. p<Jrt [1f'11rh. 1:1~ En•I 'ith ~I . C'n-.ln M"~U Aw :'\• wp1•l l l{('wd1 9.w9h . " 8Qc81h I '41 fl-l~i3 or Ll 8·31 R 95tfc 1 -\~~~.~ 1~A~~~~;~n:a~~lf.~~:. 51-A-Bml~-Rtntallt !!.-Rf'~-E11!~1!.._!::<«':!'UJ!_ \\ 11r f~nr,.I. Fruit 1r~11. ftonm BUSJ'Nll88 OF•'lf'E . ,.x, rll,.nt lo· WILL rxl'l'lnn,." J.11 .. uni1 Rl'Arh fur lni•nmf'. Allr11cllve lerm1. U lh 1 t r " " t'11ll ltAr 1223-J or I..J 8-1804. CORONA .. DEL MAR OUR SPECIALTY w low down p.yment bomea. No dop. The.e are all clean cut modern bomee under • yeara old. 1. Nice 2 ·bdnn. home, beat reaidential uea. Hwd. tloon, Iota of tile, dbl: garage. $1000 down. 2. Very clean 2 bdrm. home, hwd. planked fioorinr. Lota 'of tile, ~%-car garage. Cloae to aboppinc ceni.r, $1000 down. -t 3. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home, large living room with fireplace, dining room, nice Jdtdlen, l&undry rm, dbl. garage. Completely tenced. To qualltled buy· ·er, $1000 down: Balance at $85 per month. SEE THESE TOQA Y. Wa a little late._...for Cluilt· mas, but we atill have the holiday apirit! Serr -J. Whitm~.9-~nd Associates "BUSIN~ IS GOOD" ' • 3542 E. Coast 'Highway at Orchid, Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 (Eves. Harbor 1461) • NOW IS THE TIME Very Nicely Arranged 2 bdrm. 2 ~ear old HoUM. On 35 ft. lot -For the low price of • $21,750 - Beautiful 3 bdrm. • 2. Full Bat.it. • Lars• Lanai Wpol Carpeted and 'Drape.e 'Nearly 70 ft. Lot o.n 2 Stra• · ' Shown b)' appointment only $37,000 Unusual Houae -52% ft. Comer Lot Swimming Pool 3 bdrms. -Very I,.ge. Living Room· Priced Right ${2,500 -BAY-·& BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRII>Gl!}-()FFICE "Just-to the right of the Lido Bridge" ~~. !'ft!Wflbtt Bell. Pitt' . .a ~SH»&-~ BEST TRACT HOME . IN TOWN KNOWELL PLACE See Model at 2073 Maple • 3 bedrooma • 2-car garage • 2 baths e Garbage Diapou.I • Select Hardwood • Plastered Walla • 2" Sub F1oor • Thermonat Control • Forced Air Heal • Natural Cabinet $950 Down -$11,500. Phif .Slillivan & George Everson 1856 N'ewport Blvd., Coeta MM& (Across From Coeta Meaa Bank) Phone Liberty 8~761 Eva. Hu. 43M-l.I 8-2103 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Charming year 'round home wit!J Bay View. Private boating and bathing privilepa. 4. bdrm.a.. 3 batha, F. A. heat. beautiful patio. An excellent value at $33.500 (and worth every cent) ON BALBOA ISLAND Fine.st Bay Front location, TO SETrLE ~ATE! Pier & noat rights. A wonderful opportunity to piclt up a '!buy." We'll liave to act fut to get your .~id in on this. (No phone in"tormation) MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 3 18 Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 4781 VOGEL VALUE COSTA MESA HOME AND HALF-ACRE Yup -·Horse corral 'n ev.erything! • 2 bdrm. and den home near Country Club. Fla.gstone fireplace, forced air heating. wall-to-wall carpeting, t>t C'hwood paneling, planter, lovely den, modem kit., built,in breakfast nook. encloeed patio. Separate dog kennel. stable and corral. Everything -jun e\'crything for real family living .. Total price only $1 8.950. You AlUat SEE thia home! THE YOGEL CO. 2667 E. CoaJJt Hwy .. Corona del Mar Ha. 17U Ha. 1477 CORONA DEL MAR. $2aoQ DOWN buys this immaculate 3 bdrm. home.. Choice location. Forced air heat, fi~place, paved patio, fenced yard. Extra room off dbl. garage tor stora,s; or hobby shop. Full price $15,500. $2500 dn will handle. Owner anxiou• to aell thia week. Better act fa.at. F.xclusive with ua. Shown by appointment. PRICE T. McCUISTON ·MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3~47 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 47 COffice located next door to Corona deJ Mar Bank) We need exchange1. What have you in thi.a area or elS(!where that you will exchange! Please come in and tell ua. • In Corona del Mar • One block from the ocean: Duplex with two bdnna. in each. apt. Dbl tarare. Priced to eeU. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY . Rea.ltora -Bu.sineu Broker 3135 E. Cout Hwy., Corona dd Mar. Harbor 2152 Foreclosure ca on acrou ,. " r"'' rrim 1 hnu.~r. Qn -l 1nu t Rlur'~tru Can-lll'><:ll7 Corona dt-1 Jotar l'n"t Olflct . vnri 1 $2~.!'100 l~al for loan rt'pr!'aPni11ttVt', I \\ A• .T lncomt Uhlll' or \' : BY ow~ $16 900 rontrador, aeam11trt'11~. nr1 nr l'hone HYatt ~-2981 befor., 9 ' jfwelry bualnt•. UUI. pit. Only a m. or H\'et\ •-3823. 113c6H CHU HAVf'n, rm. hom1. Fire· UO. JnOllLh. 1 ------------place. patio • eJllra ,tot. O. l. CALL~ ~~ltman, Har. tM7.,You read lh~ oltlu "llowa WAJI,, loan. Ph, U 8-6417 for app'l. s... ~J4tl Del!c Ad; be W'lll rt&d 1oun McM Must be aold a t once. Very nice 2 bdnn. home, hwd, n oon. fur- nace heat, larf• · pa-W. -co1n. ple~ly furn. Al..80 Ima.II apt. over ~e. Very ctiblce loca.- Uon. price •12.~. rood unu. . •a.'. ,... . NEW J BICDRM. ROU81l oa &ot eo· x aoo· Mt60. '"° dow1l. 238 A •ocado. Co!tl& Me-.. Pbone A..rberty 1-1807. t!lttc CORONA· BJOBl.A.ND LOT9 - OM>tc. an.-A. nl1&Me C&ll llaftw 1111 . ·1 f ·' Balboa Island Bayfront A 4&rul)' at th• price ot fU,600. 6 bdrm.a. • ct. tunUlbed. Prt- . Y&te pier 6 noa.t. SaceUent 1<>- caUonl S.. Ulla now. We ha~e u.. Irey. Udo Ranch Type 2 Wrm. 6 ct.a.. 1 tl N&.bl, I )'J'& old. v.,,. lonl1 ...,. ,_ ,... -need to •H,MO. ' DlAGINE •Only~ dn. Bay 1Shore Home Owller truuiterred. mll9t 11811 oom- • tortQJe 2 bdrm.. ad9be b11ck 11om.. Nice loc&Uoa. lpaclou.t noma. ~bar. Ideal kl~ chm.. Onl7 111.000. ll5000 do'llF1L '111. maatb. Newport Heights '519 El Modena 2 bdrm. home, nice eof\OIUon. 0 . L Lout, 49' Int.rut. Price '860. PIOO dow1l or wlU 1- 'tw Mb. mo. .... VOGEL .co. 20I Kartu ..... Balboa llland Bar. '"' (Evea. L1 1-62117) Har. 17 .... JU() ' . 0Dportunity . ZONED rbR BUSINll.88 on Weat 11th at., a.a.r larr• new bl,a11:tieaa eentar. Home 'only S yeara old. Two bedroom a.nd 1'ara1e. Full prtn 1a onJy- 19230. · $2500 Down VERY NICll tllree bedroom homa BMZ' t.be Bll'h School. Wide lol. 2 car prace. Very nicely land- acaped; •Thia 11 &A exceptional buy at only- $12.600. "C' 1'HOMA8 "C"' THOMAS "C" THOKAS '-c" moMAB BAYSHORES BAY VIEW HOME ON BA YSHORE t>RIVJC wfth .Iota of pouibilltieel Laree Uvin1 room, bre&kfut bar, encloeed s-tio wtQt 01,1tdoor barbeqQI, 1% betha, unit beat, nicely landllcaped. $18,7M with low down J>&lll*ll. I ) ' .. CLIFF HAVEN .- OPEN HOUSE -Sat. & Sun. 1-:5 ... · 1310 Kings Road BRAND NEW very attractive I bdrm.., 1~ bath home with unobtltri.ac.ted VIgW and Built around a large cement patio. Uvin& room hu beam Cl41i..Unp • luge fireplace, dining area. w to w ca.rpet.1Dg, Jot.8 of colorful We In bat.ha 6 kitchen. Larp kit- chen with beautiful birch cabinet., electric fan, break.tut _area 9o'ith alidin« gia.-doOra openinr onto patio. Abundance of cloeet •pace, J', A. bqt. M-ft. lot. -A HOME TO BE PROlJD OP'I .PRICED at $24,500 • Good Term.a "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22• W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach ~J' &-:5621 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS .. C .. THOMAS WC-TBOllA..S Highly Recommended Panorama Harbor Views ·. Choice of two finest. 1. New • bedroom; 3 bathroom extra tarp livin& room, every room with a magnitloent view wtth either plate glua window• or aUdlnc doora. 2 fireplaces, wall to wall carpela· Drapea. Beam ceilings. View thermador kitchen. ' %. • bedroom, 2 bathrooiu. Electric controlled fur- nacea. Large living room with unescellable view, -,. • .,...1hfry 0~9e T-cf----J!~llllal-~E!!. ~rt engi• REAL .NICf three ~~; home Deering. Mahogany Ir oak floon. near comer of l!'Ullerlon and Broadway. Jt tU:e.i only IJMO Both home. pli~ to .ell, ci.ar, ownen wlU accept down and b&latlce like rent. ThJ1 any reuonable term.a. location la beln r soned P-1. Ideal for profeatoaal ma.n. In-- quire about tht. excellent prop-Call John Macnab Harbor 3297 or SMe, anytime. erty. Full price la only- •13,500. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 186' Newport Blvd., Coal& Meaa ( acroaa from Coata Mea B&nk) P hone LI 1~781 ll:fta. Har. 06' • Liberty 1-2103 Corona del Mar I BDRMS. -Small bul Uvable! 1'1.replace, 1'&r•1e. thumoetal heat, l'OOd locaUon. tMOO Cull prtce. ll'lnanclnl' a.vallable. I BORK. DELtJX.m -Forced a.tr · he&t, wall to •&D carpel and drapea. nte, p.rbqe dlapoeal, COYer.d -paUo, fireplace,• fenced a.nd landacaped. Total price -U6.7&0. • TRIPLEX above Chln& Covt, two 2 bedroom.a and a. 1 bednn. unit. R41dwood and abake. ExCt'llent lllveltment, 2 yni. old. 3 car l'VSft.. FUii prica $%7,500. W. E. Fisher, Realtor a.n!I A SSOClA TES 3034 East cOAAt Highway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 LIDO ISLE. Move in Today ! WELL BUILT, completely fUfll· lahed 3 bdrm., 2 l>alh home on l&rf• lot. Cork noor11 In h&ll It ma.at.er bdrm. Lovely ca.rpeted hvtn1 room with larie fireplace. Pretty lotchtn. $26,600 rumlah- ed, ~ down. Easy payment• on b&la.nce. Ca.It Har. W O to llff-SJ Uc YEAR • ROUND PUSH BU'M'0:-1 RANCHO for dutrt lover or hea.llh 11eeker •llh outllldf' In- come. Every comfort. modl'm appUa.ncu. plumbln~. TV. lar gr IWlmrnLnr pool, htndKapln11. llarbecue. barn and corral•. f'lr No nelfhbora. 2 mllu ll[ood road to •hopping. SO arru flat. $12.000 a bAolute rO<'k bottom . Le., than •.; co11t. Call Bill at LI 8 ·9001 for deta.lla. 1ug11u- \1on1, ln&JI abOU. etc. 9!'1pll8 New 4 Bedroom DELUXE ra.nch alyle home. ,,.,,. turu 2 bat.ha, bram cellln11:11. forcM aJr heat. Oa.rb. dl•J>Qsal Exhau1t f&n In k it. Real wf)()(t bumlnr flreplat'P. "with pa loK ll1bter and many 0U1u luxury Item a. $12,950 Full Price $1000 Down OPEN DArLT-10 a.m, 'till dark •• Houy LAAe 111 Npt. Helll[hta (N..,. If'Ttne Aw . I 116lfc 'Lot, Ocean Front IO-tt. fl'Ofltar • -~twt!m J or Ule moat ti.autllul bomea on the Penlnwla, rwar L St. OwMr wtll aacrtnee. u -Mu&. -94cDe NEW. J ~room. w;w ca~llnl'. 2079 Ptt aldt'nt Pl., C. M. SH)O dOWD. no lmpounda, $94. month pr. and lnt. or 2~'3UI aft,.r 6 p.m •• lnrlnvood. 94plO CORONA DEL MAR -Nice v1••w 1\lmllbed 2 · bdnn.. J"' balh bomt. UYin,; nn.. dlnlnr rm .. lmcben, 1arap Ha.r. 2299-W Htk EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor TJlE BAYSIDE OFFICE 1 Bayaide Drive and Cout H.igh••Y 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 3 bdrm: home, approx. 1200 aq. ft. Larse lot 15 x 140. Thi. home baa real -value but will need $3250 down. Total Price $82:)0. $450 Down Nice well built 1 bdrm. home with laundry room A gar. Total price $6450. 4 ~2 ~(. interest on balance. 3 bdrm. home, 1 1,:! yn. old. Hwd. floora, garage. Sewer in and paid. Cloee-in location ,near Catholic Churdi. $9:500. FHA Joan, $60 mo inc. taxe. A ina. 3 Choice Lots M-1 Industrial lot 60 x 126 .................•........... $2950 R-4 Residential 80 x 23-4 .... ·····················-·-···$2750 C-2 BusineN 50 x 140 ................ , ............... $3500 G. N. 'WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa LJ. 8-1601 BALBOA . ISLAND Charming 3 bdrm. pine-paneled home fully ~t­ ed, 2 bath.a, furnace heat. dUipoaal and lot.a of cl™'· et space, Room to build extra unit. Furn. $26,500. Delightlul 2 bdrm. cottage completely furniahed in ~excellent lute --Fireplace. furnace heat. Alao a l bdrm. guest cottage for income. Thia property 1howa excellent income record. Financing ia tops. $25,000 -Multiple Listing No. ~125. Beyond compariaon ia thia d4!lighttuJ duplex near the North Bay -Each unit bu 2 bdnqe., the front unit hu 2 baths. Every convenience l• included In this 2 year old property. The tumiablnga a,.. In excellent tute. '-$39,500. -M;tltiple Listing No. 4967 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa llland, Calif. Phone Harbor~2 -Eves. Harbor 230&-R LIDO JSLE Well located 30' Lido Nord Lot-$22.IOO. full price. Some terma available. Excluaive Vorel Value. ,THE VOGEL COMP.ANY · 3201 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 1j' 8-3481 BALBOA ISLAND VALUE 2 unita -Good location cloae to South Bay. 2 bdrm. hot.iAe plus· garage apartment. Price only $19,750, E Z Term•. ' • I WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auoclatet Puk al ')brine, Balboa lala.nd -Harbor 2462 --........ I ~ .. ,1 ' • U-Rr•hh~ ft-Reel~~~ ·------· ·------. f~ .,;~CHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING . 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND $5000 down. JNG10ME. 2 bdrm. home • 1 bdrm. apl Plue guest room. All !um. 5 yrii. old. $271000. $42,000. Bay Front, pier le float. 5 bdrm. le den. Fumlahed. XJnt . terma: NEWPORT HTS. $2800 down. Charm. 2 bdrm. home plus guest room. Fir. furaace, dl1poaal & di1thmaster. Large land· • ~ped yard, garage. SeE> this. WHY PAY R~NT! . BALBOA . . '-- A TRULY FINE ·INVESTMENT IN BmINESS PROPERTY. On Comer IA. 2·sto'ry }rusinesa build- ing with ~ suite.. All rented. Paved parking area in rear. Near City Hall & Lido business JteCtion. : Bldg~ approx. 5. yrs. old. Come in and le\ us show you what this $42.590 investment wiU iliean to vou in DOLLAR profits. . / Edna Craig • Rental Manager BLANqIE A. GATES, Realtor • BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS . -·~ ft-Reel ~t. . . --------------- OWN YOUR OWN HOME! Peninsula Homes 2~ bedroom, J ~ '9alb. turnllllled borne. Nice patio. A dandJ bome. I U .000, terme. AL80 ON TIU: PENINSm.., 2 ~roo~ turnlllhed home. Stucco. only 15 yeaNi old. C11n't falt Joni at 114,$00. Oceen Front Home FURNI81D'X with 2 br.. on the J>elllnWJL Near j«lty. Love?y patio. an ucepllonal value at 118,15()(). Duplex! ONLY 2 YY.ARR OLD 1&nd clo&f' to ·Lido Shopping. 2 br. up. 2 dn .. 3 baths. Stucco. You cu't uni) a bf!tter une for le.a. '22.00Q. can -i;e· yours for I~ down . Our Special! 2 BR .. 2 BA TH HOME. Furnished Can build 2 more unlui on thli R·3 lot. Remodehid and mod~m· lul'f. You must 11ec It tor $12,000 aml good terms. Balboa Realty Co. I Oppoalte Bank of Amtrlra l Mem~rs, ~tultlple~ List ing Ro1111 Greelry Ell Lff Jack Pinkham Jo<1ephtne Webb • , IS-a.I r.tat. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -P'ARt. IV • PAGE 1 LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES. INC. COSTA MESA-../"' THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 1955 3333 Via Lido-Across from Savings & J.,oan . lt JOU baw a larp tuntty and II-Real f'AtUe ft-Reel l'Atate wut pl.eftty of lf'6N th'-' la tM ________________ ._.;... ____ _ bofne for youl ... bdnna., bard· B Sh "P B k . ' NORTH BA YFRONT-3 bdrm., 3 bath piu. maid' a room. lovely wide aandy awimmlng beach with· it.a f ine 1320 «;:,lbng 1Yalk for your yjoyment. If you don't need a larger home, be sure to 11ee Olia. C&r- pet~. draped and completely futn. Only $59,500. BA YFRONT-On the dpjred East end ot Udo JsJe. Perfect family ~year around tpely finished home, 5 .bdrma., 5 baths. Territtc family room with bar and barbecue. M·ft. width allowa pier Ii .Up plu1 fine beach, One of the truly outstanding H~ views, watch the races tr.rt and finlah. Thia lot , alone, If vacant, would ·be worth J.55,000, "a.nd lt'a 'a cinch you couldn't come cloee to building the ho~ (over 4500 sq. ft.), putting In the bulkhead, pier ll float, landecaping and all other cost.a for SM.000. But the ~Uing price is only $84,500 and we coi aubmit easy terms. 7 NEW HO!.JF'.S now starting on Lido -Come in and· 100,.k over the plan!!. Look at the. choice build- ing aitet1. By ~leeting you~ now, YOU can pick out the colol"ll, YOU can decide whether to use tile or formlca aQd what color. YOU can pick out t he CC\lor of the carpeting -In other words -YOU can. . get a cuatomiled .new bome at a volume price. It makes, sense that building a number At a time. the builder can save money without cutting quality. One " of the lovely new, homes is available for $5,000 dn .. just O\'er 1 !1 of the cost of the lot. wood.noon, t · ftreplacea. A b'-ay . ores -icture OC) Home .. MaUtltully landacapcd lot In lbl Back Bay .Al'M . • • Plia a larp teparal• rumpu. room and dee wlUI ttr.plac. and bu-yu, It hu a tlapt?ne patio .,,d, be.rbe· • , cue too. and beat of alt' the prtce la only $13,660, with ju.at $2,000 down. / • . . Costa Mesa U•t•n to lhU t a IJdrma., bdwd. - noor-. rtrep~. clock thermo • heat, only 2 yNn old and ln t'X- ceUenl condition. Nicely plant· ed larse lot on a quiet banjo 1tttet ln n:&ll)I. a bMuUfUJ ... 11ht>orhood-all thla and much more for cmly $10,llOO, with'%~ loan-We challl'np you to beat tht1 b\Jyt I A milat eet! • Detailed for Comfort .. , and It's a rul good·IOQkrr. t c•o ... 2.bdMJla., lllld large den, hdw•I. floors: flrrplace-lola of room lruii<le and out-and beat or all the price 111.~. with eic· ci'llrnt terms. Bay & Beach Realty REDUCED $1500 for quick we? · Now $28,000 Beautiful Interior -20 x 26 u1n.t rm. with fire- place, plate gl&u doon open on patio. 2 bdrma., 2 bath1, thermo kitchen, Beary ahake roof. Large pnge Wlth many cabinet.a. • A Builder's Bonanza . 80 tt. ol bay front with pier and float -(will moor 6().ft. boat). INCLUDES 1 vacant lot. Prw- 9ent hQUM and garage ~t. will bear reconditioni.nc. Here' a a c;hance to make aome mo.ney ! · ' BEACON BAY t We spedallie In BEAOON BAY property, We have income and aingte homea $29,~ to· $64,000 BALBOA ISLAND THIS IS A HONEY! 3 .bdnn., 1% bath home. Luje living rm .. separate dining rm. PLUS attractive 1 .. . • BALBOA PENINSULA Modert\ 2 bdrm., den, 2 bath home on large lot. Nicely furnished. S~cious landscaped patio. Near Jetty .and good bathing beach. Full price - $23.500 -TERMS. 700 E. Balboa Blvd,, Balbo11 Phone Harbor 32i7. . P. A. PALMER INCORPOR~TED 11196 Newport Blvd. Coat.a Mua, Ca.lit . bdrm. a pt. Covered_ P1.Ltia-J.i..u)"rnau:·•:x:....P'&1.J·-11;&1•~·1-"1ll..-~------J . ·::r :. "('; ALSO ON PENINSULA 3 t>elroom, 3 baths, hardwood floors, nagstone fireplace. Quality construction. Q~nl'r an~ous to sell. S23.500. REAL 1955 BUYS 2 B. R. HOME, choice corner lot. 0. I. tranef. Muat sell. Imm. Ole Hanaon Co. Sales Mgmt. 3333 Via Lido _.. Harbor,.J.500 U 1·1161 Eve•. Liberty 1·3158 Ocean Front po.111. Payment.I leaa than rent. ___ !I bcdm l. 2 bath horn@. Flrtplace, A bargain at 17~00. Only 11200 d11ulllc ga ra gf'. !'f~ar nl'w. dn. 4c I SO month. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Heart of .wwi~mlnr and flabm'! ~ LEVEL .ACRJ!:S, 2 B. R. home. Only $18.000, tem111. In Paularlno dletrlct. ~ep well CLIFF DRIVE LOT -Not many vacant-lots left. - &t outbulldU\ge. 2 blka. to Npt. New homes all arowid this very desirable site B • Ulvd. Near nt;w big houa.tnl' A , . . USlneSS b u 11 I n e u development. Don't $6000 takes lt. • • . • ·'· • • miss thl! boat on this lnveetm. A t"H Income PropiDr-hl ~·----~~----~·--~~-~~~--~-~--~-~~K~'kwne•~layrl~w~h~-~t~-~~~WDUMAR -5 un~~~c ~ Plr=.R AND SLIP -Act quickly, $:1000 will handle. -,-81£e, verycio"~~~--JdR~C 'i' Y b•y t ront. Ovu • ~ M·l -~L..UJL.?.fFO. DISTR. ' &rnmeed. $4000 fuU rice. . 3.J ' •elllYn cm 111vu~ent ol Nearly new modem 3 bedroom. 2 t>ath home. Large Xlnt. lO<'&llon f or small mfg. or . p .<Ctln ~fti41zo- patio. Owner wishes to trade equity for larger •bop. with 6 yr. old wtoll bulll BEAUTfFUL RESTRICTED Back Bay lot~250 , 2 b r. home on l elde of lot N t •· ll ·1· · Ch · AH t• home, Harbor Area, preferably Lido. 102 x 46. $3:1(J() down. up -ew II reeui, a pti it1es. 01ce lols now. . rac ave BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W, Balboa Blvd.: Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor t 264 E venings Harbor 1856 JMMEDIA TE POSSESSION Attractjve 3 bedcoom &. ll''. bath Newpott Heights home. Built in 195.3. Near schools. It has white oak floors, bright sunshiny kitchen with breakfast area, dbl. garage. A good value. $1 5,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOTS 3 Jots -all level -each 50x127 feet Prices $3800, -$4000. -S43.50. See us for the best selertion of lots &·acreages. M-1 .ZONED LOTS 1 ~ acres and acres -$3.500. and $6500. BACK BAY LOTS Here's the best buy in the· back bay. New sub-di\'i- sion being opened -10 Iota left. $3~ to $4000. All new street.a and utilities. Protective restrictions insure a high quality of homt<a. See these now .• ELTON BARNETT Realtor 466 N. NeWµort Bkd. (1 block above Hoag Hospital) Liberty 8-2772 or evenings LTberty 8-7156 OUR JANUARY SPECIALS BALBOA ISLAND -Act Now- Live in comfort t his summer in a home of your own- Bayfroot -Pier • Rental apt. • New . and Stun- ning . . -· ·······-··-···-······· _ ....................... $54.500 4 BEDROOM. -2 bath • Large yard: nicely furn. Cloee to Bay .. ..... . ........... _... ... ... . ... . ... $29.500 WATERFRONT • NEW • Modern custom -built furnitun. Dbl garage .. -.. S30.000 !J>ORABLE • Used Brick • Knotty pi.ne • fire· place· ExcJW1ive Little Island. 2 bdrm. steal $19.500 DORIS BRAY, Nona Hyer Chet Sallsbury 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Re·altor · Curt Dos~ Harbor 20 OPEN HOUSE 1720 Kings Rd. Cliff. Haven This la ~n outstanding home with it.a gorgeou1 view of blly Ii ocean. 2 bdrm. & den, 2 baths. Large liv. rm .. t>eam ceiling & huge fireplace. Beautifully land. IC&~. Th~s home is priced to sell. $23.500. See Saturday & Sunday. 12 • 5 p.m., or call Uft. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 5188 -Harbor 1983 ' c-2 Bl.iSJNEss coRNER 2 BDRM. Hoprnreplace, large "L" shaped lh·ing 2 Bedroom Home 26,0QO sq. f t.. with frontai:e on ~ strtocte. E!tcl. location for " dining room. Excellent beach locat ion bclwc<'n Urive·l n. 811~. Uld~ .. o((ICl.'11 or Balboa Blvd. " the O<'C8n. Sll.200. tuurls. with plen ty parkll\J:' a rea. A top lnv .. .,t ment, $28,000 Ubt•ral terrn" HOUSTON REALTY C. C. SF.\" MOt:R -Mgr. DESERT HO)IESITES -Paved slrcets. Pure abund&nt water on each lot. Over 1 .: sold in open· ing 2-month 1>e¥· 10', down. . Double 1orai av" l blnck rrom bu ch Only JJJ7:'>0. 13000 down, Duplex ~09 Center St Costa Ml'lll '¥ Two and one-fifth acru/ M-1 and R-4 zone. St . 2 !x-cJm1a "m.I l ~dm1 Ooubl( ga11agt· l 'omplrldy fuml~hed Nea t l)(•ean. only $13,500. Good LI 8·6011 Eve. Hur. 6Z98-W 94C'9& ~xcellent . Income on East Bay Ave. 2 bdrm. houae It I alngle furn. unJll\, on Z loU. Excelli'rll \•lew or bay. Older but an i,400<1 C'On· cllllun. Within w11lk1ng dlsla.nc• of downtown •hopping area. l l!l,000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 lots -$12,000 Coast Properties :'>OT E. Balboa Blvd., ·Balboa Pflltone HArbor U OO 83ttc: BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkhead~ lot. with pier & lge. fl oat. Large Uv· ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrma. with 1 ~4 batha. Extra large dinette area. Double garage. easily mad~ triple. $27,500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3i l l Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Harbor i 02. ll:!Uc Real Values Forced Sale $8150 HE RE'S ONE OF' THE cleant-•t 2 bdrm. home• we have Haled In quite a. whllc at a very low prlct>, · About 6 )'ra. old, llled kitchen. llll'ge dining area, Sood luge clo!lf'ts and t>.dnn11. Al· tacht d g ar. With laundry. 1oo<1 •hln1le roeL Thia It on e of lht nl~ ODU on t UlJlldt-, 2 block• oft. t-:t'Wport Blvd. Ste It today B. A. NERES0N' - REALTOR 11182 Newport Blvd.. Cocta Mem Phone LI 8·Hl72 Ewa. LI 8-M91 to St., Hillside .:: ........... 1 •••• -...... ........... ..... $4500 RENT AL - 1 bdrm. furn. close to Alpha Beta $66 mont'h. ORANGE COASl.---.PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. •• • •· . • LIDO ISLE New exclusive listing Lido Nord Bayfront • Completely furnished 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Wall to wall carpeting. TV. West inghouse autO. wash- er &. dryer. Dishwasher. garb. disp. Lyman 171 :! ft. boat, new pier and ..slip. Full Prlce $63,500, terms. • 1954 Trailer & Enclosed Lanai on Waterfront ! LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED LMNG ROOM -2 bdrms. &nd bunk room. Din· ing area. Oever kitct:en. Bricked outdoor lanai with -J .. M. Miller Co. · 202:1 W. Balboa Bl .. i-;ewpor t Bdl. H ar. 4091-E vu U 8·3378 PLENTY 0 1" l"RE£ P ARKI.l'\O Enjoy the Many Advantages OF A TWO STORY, t bdrm .. 2 bltlh homt' 111 Balboa bhu1d Thi• hume IJt centrally loca~tJ . a nd p~lctd ~ow 120.000. furn. WP c•n orrrr th,.. but of term• Contact Hub Powers l t- J. A. BEEK, Realtor BALBOA JSLA:'<D ~:I Park All'ellUe Harbor 83 BILL'S BEST BUYS barbeque. Garbage dispogal. A DANDY! NEW 3 B.DRM . hdwcJ . fir•. F. A -Full Price $8500 · 1 hot. 1..., baths, 11a.1100. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-5386) Open 1:30 to •.JO 1986 Tl·~11n Ave. Dl'.T'LEX. $J:I 11~0. I yr old. 2 I tw11m ""· 11ntt. tlllt'l'll~nl cl~ In U8t11lde l0<:11 Uon, $~ d0'4'1\, ________________ _,_ _____ !'\cw • bdrm .. NEWr ORT HTS .. BAY FRONT -Home a nd Income Owner need4 to eell -See us for detailll. BUSINESS BLDG .. with store & t wo 2 bdrm. apte. Completely fiirnished. Store is leased. Apt.e. rented. Income Is $%50 per mo. Can be increased for sum- mer months. Only $8000 dn. Full price $21,500. Owner will carry bal. at S135 per mo. J.M. MILLER COMPANY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. -By the Newport Newpoi .. Beach -Pho1te Harbor 4091 PL~ OF FRE~ PARKING Pier '7~,o cJn. l ~ bathe, landscaped. dbl. ga ... ge. Move ln today. ::>:E\.\'PORT 1H E I 0 HT 8, Ruelle Ran~·h 1tyle. ehake roof. hdwd OqMt1. u~rd brick tlrt1pltC't, tulJ pr\ct Sl2.7:JO, 13000 tJov.·u. Sll7 tt1<1nthly pynH. tncludr8 t.aite11 W._ A: Tobias, REALTOR 393 E. lilh., Costa Mu a l.Jbl'rty 8· 1139 ''Let Us LOCATE Nice Family Home • NEAR N~rt Harbor Yacht Club. • OPEN t'fOUSE for You" Thou .. nd.• ot relia ble rrprl'~ent­ at Ive brok"MI to Mr\'e you tn 11 ll lea dln11 cltlu of Calif. • Ortl On. • BEDRM. furn. llome with per- ------------------------manent bay view. 13500 dowtl. MODEL HOME 0 PEN DAILY 1 -8 280 Evening Canyon Rd. , -Shore Cliffs The LOCATOR of Calif. Branch office. 1834 Harbor Blvd. Co111a Mesa, P hone U 8·1681. {f:vu. Kl :l·69r.3) 82clle . $795 down $795 21st & Orange A\'e. 3 bedrms. -11 ~ baths, breakfa.at & dining' a teas. Full Price $10, 700 Fumi~h<'d by Danlger, e oRta Mesa ART ADAIR, Realtor · 1666 N1>w oort Bl\'d .. Costa Mc~a. Liberty -3792 ~ or 8~ .. Coast Properties 301 E. Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Harbor 26:l8 a H11r 2:197 83lfc t°MER.At.D "A Y-J 111t So, of H i· way, with euy acceu t o 1>4-acb Dellrhtful fnrm hou~l'. only 2 yr.. old. 2 bednna., Z baths, 2 flnplacem. Jge. llvtnc rm., aep, dlnlnl' rm. BAROAI~. .C.U lo"OR.o \.ERJUNDER 3i U f'o1 n.etua. Corpna dfl Mar Har. •2e3, evea. Hu. a.rT 79Uc This la an outstanding home Jn one of the flncst Coastal sub<l1\·isions of California. 2 large bdrms., a den with a.n ocean ,·lew and a fireplace. It has a large . ~igh beamed _ceiling and a huge firep~ce in the living room . This home 11 priced to sell and must be sold. See it SUNDAY or call us. P. A. PALMER Incorporated -OLE HAJi.SON CO. Sal• Mgmt. 1700 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beacli_ LL 8f 73 LOTS P'OR S ALF. • 2 BEAUTTFUL LOTS, one -8~ rt. on Clift Drfn, Newport Height.. One 30 tt. lot on Dijon, U do h ie. CAU owner, Har. 01111 or write MrJI. Ahren1, 02 Lark· 1pur, C.D.M. 9Jc8 BY OWNER -Coeta M-- 2 bdrm. hOUH, nice dlatr1ct. nolhlnl dcr-n. FUii price IMOO ~-l:l1J.a, Hu ... ". 9ktl Are you looking for a baYfront ? T f We have them with piet'-and float ~42,500 and up.• B~GAIN OF THE SEASON - 2 atory 4 bdrm. house on good street . . ............... _ .... -........... $19,500 Also 3 bdrm. in 100 blk. -···· .. ----·-·--..-·---$2:5,7GO CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdml. Ii den;-canyon view home. 0wnw.,,...... to ~11. MaJte offer on ····-············ ............... $23.500 &u~o ? h.4 ..... ~ ..t .... ~ of Hirhw&Y. Small dwn.· payment. ..... -···-~·-··········-···--· ·-··-···--'18,GOO Balboa Peq!nsula A real home on com er lot. Sunahlne'·and apace ·galore. 2 bdrm. home. Separate dinJng room, tlre- )llace. 5 yra. old. $21.500. Xlnt. financing. Here'a bne of the last lot.a in exclusive BAY ~HORES ! Hurry! ~ FOR F URTHER INFORMATION on all the above propertieA, call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Six Conveniently Located Offices to Serve You Bayllde l.>r, It <.;ou t H1way Jrv1ne T•rrace l~lh and Jrvln• Newport Be&t'IJ Har. 4448 Newport O..cl\ Hubor 3297 Ubert:J 1·"84 2211 Marine Ave. 816 Cou t H1way Balboa Ial aM '113 Nt'Wport Bl\'4. Corona-dcl Mar Hulwr l i 7e Newport Beach Hat bor 2t 74 HarbOr IOU Liceneed EAcrow Department Specialhing in Le~hold Tranafera LIDO REAl TY ASOOCIA~ 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE); For a Lido New Year $6900 down and 127.~ monthly mofttl you into th1a brand nrtf 3 bedroom. two bath I.Jdo Home! The young ownera ju.It moved ln and added many lovely feature.. They eet out ~utltul Jandecaplnr. ete., ahd now the owner informs ua hia !inn hu pr:omot· ed him w their San Fnnciaco office and ther mWlt leav~ real eoon. Full price $2!5.900. Thia fine Lido home won't be available for long. A rul opportunity to a.asure your family of A Happy New Year! Want Lido Income 1 Two 40 x 118 R·l Jot.a. Th~y are aide by aide a.ad run 1t~t ·to 1trttt. Full price for one on a Central Strada ·corner ii $16,000 and the 'inboard one 1- $15,000. Among the very few R-3 Iota left on Udo. Big! Brand New! Nice! Stt thl1 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on a large 1treet to etl"fft lot. Modern interior. mUAlve atone fire- place, wonderful kitchen, carpetJng, landacapinr and walled. An out.atand1og one-floor 11howplace. ~U price $33.500. with $10,000 down. 94c96 CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEsT VOGEL VALUES -:_ IF YOU Don't tee lhe property you are looking for llated below, ple1t1e call u11 and lrl us show ti0me of the hundreds o( other fine h'>mes llnd buai neM proJl· ertiCJ>. We ha\'e, cnmplt't.e Harbur covenge, '-k B.R.· imlide Lido ~· lot _ ... ··-·· .. $21 ,7~ 3 B.R. 3 bath Bayfront W1 pit>r . ···-·---··· ·-59,500 3 B.R. 2 bath Bayfront w pier .......... ~-.... 50.00() .4.-B.R .. den, 3 bath View home ............. 4~.000 2 B.R. COM $2000 down . --······--· . _,, ..... 10.~ 2°-B.R. Bayshotta ............ ·····-···· ·-..... H ,500 2 B.R. le den, Costa Meu Lge. LCJl ......... 14 ,750 4 B.R. Lido Bayfront w/pier . .. .. ..... 73.~ ..) See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .• Newport Bcll. -Ll 8-3Ul ... . ~ , , . \ .... .. .... • --. ( P~GE I -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1:HUR5DA Y, JANUARY 6, 1955 COLLINSEr APPEALS DENIED; TRIAL' SET LOCAL SOLOIST WINS PRIZE . I Fullerton Rates Boomtown ~ TIHe ·tor ~Wtti in 1954 FULLl:ftTON (0CN8)-J'Ull•r-wbdlvtalona already tn {;;'. pl'OCM9 loll ~. a "Boomtowa U.S.A." or t'Oft-_truct!Qn and man, more oa IA lt~ u ~cUOll and popu-the ctrewtns board .. l&Uoa tlcurea 1iet ttco~ In re- cc,nt month-, 11Chool oftlcia ll haw et&tect "Oran,. County t. the fa•t· ••t powtnc area.Lil th• nation." In Ute nrwt 11 montu of ltM. newly-built ;. homea repruent a city within a city oC 1lrno1t 10.- Math, English " Courses_ Adclecl to Adult Program SANT A AN A ( 0CN8)-Fourt1\ Di.trlct Ooullt ot Appeala JalA. Mol)d&y tll11led down LU petlUon ot Sam L. ancf Sam m. Co1UU: ot J'Ullerton to have their pendin. trial on con8J)lr&ey and ~ · thefta counta dlalrllaled. ON TY SHOW WUdH P. Tbomaa of 1112 000 peol?le. Two addition-,.. or an academlo Total con•trucUon In the city nature which l14ile been made lA ttached a value of f26,S5J.IU. an the Orange Coe11t adult educatJon 87 per cent lncteee over the $13,-proaram are· element•ry and ad• r PCs IN TOP TURNOUT Some 135 boats in 17 classes were on hand for Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Christ- mas Regatta which wu cut down to a one-day event this year. Leading field in num- ber of entries waa Ute PC fleet with 11> boats. After a lengthy protest ·meeting the winners in thi11 claaa were found to be Ed Lamar and hjs Sinbad of VYC, first: Joe· Kattenbach'a Showboat of BYC; and Kenny Watts' Puff of LAYC. -Beckner Photo GARDEN GROVE l?ACES" :~:e;~~~~~~R:::ar waa f.~ .Th• !orecut for 19~ 11 excel- ·' · ' Jent Crom all quarters. With build· FAS, T . GROWING TOWNS Ing continuing to boom "Snd ne'llv • , flnn11 moving Into the area r1pld- Jy, 19:\.~ 11hould make 1954 look even worse than l 954. 1howed up preceedlng years. Community Buileting Exceeds $48 MIUictn, Figures ShOw An,heim Boom un1on. Hl&h Sdlol D)e.trkl..m~ .During .1954 GARDEN ORO~ (OCN&) - a.den Grove'• phenomenal grow- tL IUcked aro\.lnd 1n s eneraJ term• Drouchout the year, moved Into ... rp fociu this week •• actual .aU&I figure• bec&me available. 5078 hew hQrne~ will ~ added to ' Garden Grove w ithin uie nexT L9:;--JJ:·1d"'·--.. 1. year. Ot thue, 3438 will be flnlah· 111e uO n UMI TbHe flguru. taken from a num- bar of llOW'CH , verify that Garden Qr0ve, peTcentagewlae, 11 1Ull the aaUon'• futest (Towing commu- aity. . BUILDING BOOM llpeclflcaUy, the bulldlnr; boom la Garden Grove 11\U\)a.ell llll es· tamatea and roae to exceed f-48 mJWoar ln the r1rtt 11 montti. or ltlM, according to county bulldlnr de,_rtmenl tllt'ure .. T1tl1 repre~nted 4917 new dwelling•. enough to Corm a fair· 11 larc• city ot approximately 16,· DOe per9C>n8. Thla $48 mlUlon ln new coruitruc- UOn tor the 1lnt .11 month8 of 19~ comparu with $29 mUllon dunnr th• aame period lut year &n4 epproxlmately '9 mlUion dur· I.DK lhe a.me 11 montba of la:,2. A 1urvey by othu aourcH 1bow- ed l lml!llr Sl'OWUl8, IUCh u : l . Po1ta1 recelpu l'OIMI thl• year to ftS0.000 u compared to '97.· 000 In Ul:'>S, 171.000 In 1952 anli only 167,000 In 1951. 1. TeltphonH were lncrea.aed thLI year to approxJmately 800. Lut Yeal'\al lhla time. only 3800 J1Mne11 were In use In Ca.rdt>n Orove. S. A detailed &M doubl-~ 94 report by the Carden Grove ed and occupied .by June or next year. IChool otClcial1 state . When lll!xt" year's bulldlng 11 completed. Lhe population o"t Car- den Grove waU be •JJproxlm&Ll'ly 50,000, the 1urvey conten4 ·When taken to tuk-isf oullld· era regarding thei r 150.000 pre- diction in the next 10 year11, orr~­ clal1 merely point out that Gar- den Grove cont11ml'd about 22.000 perll0n11 hut year and a lltt1e mon. Ulan ~ five yeara •co. With the terrific r esldenllAI growth ha1 finally come 1ome 11embl&nce of comparable commer· cial deYelopmenr -a hc-IJ In which the commufilty haa lagged tor tome time. 'nlla year aaw the 1lumbt'r ol ln- dh1dual local tlmu g row from ap- proximately 400 to a grand total of 4175 lndlYidual bullnenea. ac- cording ta Chamber of Commerce recorda. Thl• figure Includes only loul, operatlnc bU1lne111u, rather than t.he total number of bu1Lne111 hcenst>• ls1med that aome cities uae to "blow up" their totll by lncludt11f 11ervice routu, and out of town llOUcltore. Aa wu to be expected. mer· chanu lhroughotit the area found thl1 put year the best In their h1atory. Volume wu way up, more l.r'lulActlon. were done ln caall. rather lhaJJ c~rgte and Chrl•t· "'I r.ally have a llood Ume playtng with thl1 ball and romping with Sam. the nel11hbor cat, but I would like to flnd my olA'tl J*>ple again. I gun• I'!T'. loet. ll happended about a month a110. I muat h•ve bffn •ny frightened. llO much I don't remember wM't happenf'<l. But l ran IU!d f'1'n untll 1 MW a friendly 11,ht and l l!Cret~ on the door uotll thry let me ln. It wu the Gl!'n E. Baltl'r home at 1911 Cllrf E>rlv<'. I wu 10 11Canod J jumpl'd mto Mrt. Balcer'1 a rm• a n<f c11<fdled , dulA"n for a Ion( llmf'. ,,._,..,,. been .ery itood to m!'. the Baken han, and 1 a.m crate- luJ to them for Laklt1f n1r h ir(IOd care M mf'. 1'114')' cail me Pla.key. I wtAb I could teU thc-m 711bat my naJ namt 11. Mra. Jlaker ~Id ahe would ltke to help me find my·'famlly ao If my fa1r1lly f'~illlaH mf'. -.111 they pln,11f' rall hf'r at LI &-4020? or It anycinr tl\inka tht'y would hkt to mak4' me part of thtolr family 11ntl m" own t11n'1'\' •lf'r•n l ftnd nu. will ycm plHM' ca.II ! Jua( ult for P lnkt'y." -Staff l'hoto t ANAHEIM, ((>CNS) -Ana- heim'• Csbulou1 home building and Industrial development for 1964 and an even grealu cxpan11lon that le on the book• for 195~ 111 ~mln­ lscent of Calltomia'1 lush r old rush days. While proe1>9Ctor1 and advd- vet1turer1 · flocked to take gold from the,ground and alreant1, to- day, there are millJona and mil- lions of dollani being spent on new homu·and induatrial project.a. Tbe community la irowlng conUnu- oualy Into a buautng. thriving ct that wllhln a year wUI hRve an utlmated population oC more than 43,398. MD..UON!i SPENT A total of $36.000.000 either wu 1pent on new homes and lnduatrlal project.I for ltM or will be 1pent 1n the flntl pitrt or the new yf'ar. Thl1 figure compares to build- ing permit.I In 1953 totaunr $14.- 474 for new COIU!lrucllon when 1401 new homee were erected. Jn Industrial growth Anaheim ratf'• 1econd In Ora.nge County. be- hind only Santa Ana wilh 497 busaneu and lnduatrlal firms. ac- car"l!tnr to Dun and Brad1ir~L Santa Ana hu 1092. Seven new lnduetrtea have come to the cJtY In J9M llld five wtU 1tarl operaUona early In Ult new ye•r u .90011 u co11111n.loUon, now un<ler way. 18 completM. Topping lbl11 bualneae df'Vt-lopmenl 11 Ole Sl0.000.000 "Olsn4'yland" project. ~fORt; WORK£Rl'4 Thue ne't' developtnenta have an employment potential of ap- proximately 2000. Mel't'hant1 look forward to 19:'!6 H another record volume year that Will kttp pace wtth a rapidly expanding city. Fiscal Records of Mesa lauded Recon1a mafntalned by the City oc CMl.A Mna came In ror com- mendation during a ftnol·fluarter aucltl , for lht> fil•r a I yrar by tht firm of WO<>d. Pyle &: Co. The r,.rt1'1cd public arcount· llll~ lnformrd <"lly Council m 11 report prr~nted re<enlly. "During the\ a11Cl~~~·e examined the rt'C'Onls of lhl ftllCAI Officer and thO!!e or the city rlrrk and tN'UUrer. A1°1 the rP<'1lrtl11 llrt k C'pt on An PHlclenl ant.I c-onMl,.nllou11 b33l11. J'arttrularly lmprcM1 ve IA the p1 ng-re11Sive planntnit bl'lng tllC· ercl!!l'<l• by the city man&grr and other ofrlcer1 with rn~t to problf'n\is whlrh a municipality g-row1n, u fut as COlllA Mesa mulll fac• m the n~ry nPar fu- ture." ' "' Through July, Au~ust and Sep· ternber. the audit 8howeu total city recPtpla wl're $95.~ 2~. d1~­ bu1·1teml'nts to1 a.Jled S~l.64i.89. with tliii b11l11J1r" r ecorded u S 144.~36.l!:l. I Tut c1Ly·11• <'Ash baJan<'t acrorll· Ing to lhe ~lly trPal'urer 11 r•rort 11.11 or ~o'" a~ w~ Sl141.197.80. DEATH NOTICE MR8. ALJ(;E E. KCJlE:.'iZIE O~veiotde 11erv1cu tor Mn. Alice E. McKen1le, 84, oC 8s&fl 8tnet ot the Silver Lantern, Dana Point. will be htlJ tomorrow at 11 a..rn. at Roo8eVl'll Memorial Park. TOT· rant:c. 1 The Rev. Jam .. lltewart WUl Of· n ctate. Bait.a M.ortuar1-. Ooroea ckl Mu 11 1n cf\u~• ot ~·m•ta. Mn . McKHWI dJed 1'1eeday at H~ Hotpltal. llw 11 .urT!nd by four dau(bte.ra. Mra. A.nDa M. Smith. Dana Potnt: ll(r.. Do.tu Colu1r. Sim Oabntl: Mn. UUy Rnld, :'\rbr11,11ka Amt Mra. Vlole UpproAn oC l'\ortb Hollywood. The deolllon wu returned by the appelate court •t<• p.m. Th• denial cited there wu 8\lfUclent caUM for th• indictment and trial of the tat.her and eon • a ttorney duo. Th• Collin.le. tiled t heir pe· UUon for ·the writ 1horUy alter they were tried on eJmUar charge.t brought about by another grand jury indlctment. The trial ruult- ed in a hunr J\uy. TRIAL DATE 8ET Th• cue before the appelatA court concerned a $10,000 pay· ment made by Mn. Ella Duplelx reportedly for a liquor Ucenee for her Tuatin cafe. The Colli.nae. are chargect with grand theft, con1plr· acy to commJt JT&nd theft and LA.mK , Miramar Drive won the jack· pot of tlOO Monday night o.n the televlalon p r o gr a m, '!Whal'• the Name of that Song." Tbomu ldenWled alx eong1 and l&llJ th~ word1 to two oC. them. F lye other people com- peted with Thomu to aee who would first Jdeg~ltx the eong1 on a Ume limit. .They were picked from MO persona In the audJen~ Thomu la eololst at Christ Church by the Setk and haa a musical batkgTound. He cornea from a large: mu1lcal family. ooruiplracy t.o otter or fecelvc a bride for public offlclala. • Trial on the Duplelx charge• la echedultd tor JU). 10. /"';- .. "· PALMI•, TSOT. ~41U8 HOWLET? 620,430 value t on bwildln& dur· I v~ed algebra. and Engllah tun~- ln& the flut monUla of 19M. 111Vllal1, ll WllS rtvealed tod~. . Christmas in Korea Home· bulldlnc accountt.d for only I ''Theee cla..l.:1 u e ~Inc offered a third of th~· permllf IHUed, In ordC'r tbal tho11e who have never which number.ed 41733 11 of Nov. had an opportunity to learn thue 30. · I •kills. or ,who desire rcvJewa, may KOREA (FH'l'NC) -OetUnJ ready for Cbrh1tm&11, T3(L J.;nes Howlett, bU'lband O( the former M11111 Beverly Minkler oC ~1 1,i Polnaettia Ave .. put1 the flnlshlnJ touches to decoratl.ng a tree. It wa. a year alllO of mush-now t>nroll." ac<'ordtnr to Dr.· roomlnc lndWJtrlal develop~C'nt , Thom&A A. Blakt'IC'~'. ,deaft or· the for Fullerton. a1h1ll 1.Uucallt•n. ln March, Fullerton rltllked l 8-0lh clUM'I will parallel callee• fourth In Southern Callfom 1a with courMa In theu aubject8. 'nley more than f4 mllllon m bu1ld1n1ti.wlll be Of>t'n to adull1 without p«>rmlts. A. 11peclal U. S. Cf'nau• In ic hargt-. 1'he al~•'br& cla1m.•1 will October revesled I hft city' a popu- 1 meet Monday• and Wedneadaye ' latlon had lncreued to 27,~6 for 1tarllng Jan. 3. from 7 to t p.m. Howlt!ll ls lll'n 'ing wllh the lllb Regiment oC the ls\ Marine Divi- sion here. ·; Between the humble and con- trite ht>art and :the ni1ju ty of heaven there are no barrlel'a; the a gain of 20 per cent In one year. m' Art et-ntl'r t. The Engllah clul All lnJi<"11llon:1 are th11t Fuller· fwtu meet Tul'adaya ind ThW'9- ton'11 r.pld rate oC crowlb }\'Ill I day1 from 7 to 9 p.m. ln the Home continue during the rornlng y'ar. Economics bulldin6, room oae. onl.l' password Is prayer. · -Hoaea Ballou with more Industry. bWllneu and •tarting Jan. 4. . Your savings are safe at Newport Balboa Savings:-the association that has recorded ·an amazing 75.17% increase . in ASSETS during 1954. Two factors are responsible for this big gain. (1) Our 18 year long repu-; tation for sound busi~ess management with regular dividends. (2) Our new home-a building so studded with features of t~rrow that vis.i- tors from far and wide come to marvel at its efficiency-the steps and- energy it saves. the faSter, more accurate. work it provides and the quicker customer service we can give in a friendly pleasant atmosphere. The net result is Business Economy with &reater earning power for your savings. Start saving with safety at Newport Balboa Savings. Come in encl open an account To open the door, merely touch it and the "Spirit of Welcome" opens it automatically. As little as $5 opens an account for you. Savings received by J1nury 10th earn from th~ Firs~ at the curfent annual rate ef 31h%, J)aid . ' quarterly on March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, December 20th . -~ (in time for Christmas). • If you cannot visit us in person, do as peopf e from pract~ffy every Stafe and many foreign countries are doing- O•IN AN ACCOUNT AllD ·IAY~ •Y MAIL omc1•11 •UDY TO ll•YI YOUI "'110lNT ••••••c• .. c•oxo•, SAVINGS Ol'Aai Mnn ••••• •'-"'" ASSISTANT t0 AN OlflCO lOAN Df'AlfMINJ WALna I . IPICla, LYLA aa•eN, ............ y VICI ·NfSIOfNf A.UISUNf tfCtffAIY ISCIOW Dl,Alf MINT IUl.L A. Mnl• IAll•H A. MIYI•, aoalaT •·NIH•, INSWANCI AGINCY • 1W( Ajl.llt£t C'OtNfQ!.f .. SA" Dl'°SIT VAU11 )t.'lLMWU ae•ll 81.0M .. llT, f'l.O•lllCI IAaL, SA" Ol'°Slf COU'°N aoOJHS .., ... I. ll'ICI• UfCl/TIVf Sfetf T Al"f rsaow omen MONIY CMDIU ru VIUIS CHIQUIS C.W.t~l•Y ... &I ............ •· IRPlll• IMITll, OOYIUiMINT aoHDS WCI ,..,,Hf I l(),jW O"ICf• ~A.tstlAHO~ ••••••• HDftAl HOM E lOA N I ANK SY0STEM. 'E DftAl SA VtNGS ' lOAN t NSUI ANC E· CO,,OIA TIOH -