HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-07 - Newport Balboa PressJ. f I ; I ~. ~. .. .· 5 ·I c 0 .. N ., HA.RBOR PRCS·S [. ... D •7th YEAR NU~67 . ' -NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFO~."TR1D~Y. J ANUARY 7, 1P55 Phone Harbor 1616 FfVE CENTS. .- Diver Recovers Stolen Gun Below Boat _ _ ~ T he J;Un ~lieved uior~ to ahoot two local reiddenu here )'eeterday •· wn K found a t 11:47 a.m. t.Oday ...... •~slun. diving Juet bt'low t0ACt~ SHOWING. \\'HITE with pain. Phil Kilmer, 19, \,;hne the rruft. eackus was moor- L 'd ] I b. k h h · 1 f h' lk t NI oft 207 EdgPw)lt1•r. ~t'COVt'rf'd 1 o s e oa~ wor er w o wai; R o t in <' t 1p, t a s o with tht' ~un, I\ .X ct11. high powPr )IOllCt!m ltn f l Om ;,imbulant'~ WimJOW folluW IOJ'.i ll1)'Ster y t1fll'. WllS a flrP exllngul11her be· i;hooting at Bay Island. l\ilm~r was s hot while in ro w-llf'\'t•<l th111wn a lso from th,. boal. boat looking for gunma n who wuundCJ)iis friend, Ernest ·111 .. nfle was fliun<I to one 1tlde C ?-· C I .'1 'f· S ff i'•h uf 1hr 1hwl< by Ho~km 1n a skin· antU, -I , OrOl\3 ( (; -' 3 r, -l3 Oto olt\'tni.: 1 1g \\1th aqua !Uni(. Hf' l<uinJ th~ c•xt1n~11lshn on his f1r11t di\'"• th•• r11le un hu1 aeconrt. H0Hk m11' r11n1 rvrnlshPtl t h•· sp1 .. 1 lul riir r10•10unc .. d 11eetlf'J by 1·1ty 01\'l'r Holl ~!Oort' Cci\tl. :rT-dt•g ll'P wnl ,,r, w11~ "srnit y" on t he -bottvm, f.l\'lnj( ;\tom•' 11·111•"11 tu Uk!' R ".look box" -whu h wuulil allow lh unnfn~ tt1\ th•· 1u11t~rv:al,.r RI•'& w~th .. ul 1h .. 1u1 lu111: lhr 1111111.ty bot· lorn bt>nl'1tl h 11 ... boat. Howf'\'l'r, lh1 .. pro\' .. d 1111~11("1' •.•ful nntl n ..... k1n'J< uHI Wnll <·•111'.t for by pohre. ~IP8nwh11t· ,..•n1 <·h for th,. 11n• hkn l1fll'•I i:unm•in "ho wn11n<1rd F:t nt'11t r1rnlu. 2i. rornn."\ drl M11r, 111 k nt'f" &net arm 11nrl Phil ~1lrm'1" 111. l..Jdo 18lt, 1,., ~Ing continuf'd by ponce. ' __. .. 1 / Rt;CEIVl~G MEDICAL attenti<?n from attendant bending o,·er him, Ernest Cantu. 27.' Corona d~l Ma r, wounded in right knee and a rm when s hot yest<'r<lay a fternoon on Bay Island b¥ ~identified sniper. wrinkles brow.a.in pa_111, .Cantu was released from Hoag Hoapital alter treatment. -Staff Photo ROGERS ADMris· Horvath Gets Bay Island 'Invasion' by G~~s~~o!~, ·~ .. ~~: .. . J I y Police .. Hu1Tied and Tense "'"''""'' "" .. '~" h<ro .. . ai er11 on By PH YU.ts '· I AC'KSON I mn, cl\lln~ed frorl Bay 1~1on1l ~(j:.~rn:·~h: •• ,~ h~~('.::~l;::) :~::.~ H e R Ttrro r had ll light h old on Bay to lhr· 200 bloc:k on F.!!Atwu:M Av• i.n 1r~·ni: "' 1 o"ll thl' b1ty h eroln ap Island lllld_ the adjllCf''t .shoru of rTtn'll!nn llOOr<d '"' a rumor . r1 r a1l j 83\ l"htnol, wpun<1111,1: '''"o ~ Blllboa yntf'rday. Two men la y the aua 1lanl waa in • 1)( ... :. Th,. "'' n ~ :TA A N A 'J A N. 7 IOCZ"SI wo uncled by bulle ta !rum t,a. gun lH•rbor Maal~r patrol bo1tt11 ('lll· · AlS A l H h 20 tit 1 Fl.II •or a my11l el)' 11nlper. tlnuNI IQ comb the w aters 11n•I rn- An hie An ?rv11t · · "I Soml'One had gon,. berwrk~ "P"t'l All tw>at,.. lnton AV•'· NewJ">rl 8"1l<"h~ to-Where w1<s he and who was hi'! I • · :v tlO\' Wiii! Mt'n-ll!hl'Nl to thl' ( hlrfO "'h l h ~ MA~O f'OOTI Rl'.'IOT:.. " en wuu rl t' 11hl>ol 1tg11ln wrre Prt~on for t hf' t ,.rm prPl!r rltw•I b)• queatJpns reflected Jn evf'ry &lan ct 1 D<"l'Jl f Potpnnl~ 1n the d .. mr• l11w After h.-plrartrd g111lty to f'Oll· or the pohcf' •nd rPald,n\a unrl lt'aJ ,...,ay from a '"" ~ """" IHftr<'r Btll Talb11lt lol l t111· f 111u -.::11ntHtH1 Yuu 11 ch 11•'1 l 1k• 1 1\Pr thn1r "hul:c HI• :-• t 1•1\Ut' Su id Ru~· 1" • '"oh. thr••· a 1t' rur r~at: · H1 tonk 1 uvrr too. ~"'~Inn ot ht•rom. AWAltE OF DAS GER I poh~e <hti..'•I an un a •mi.II ri~nmi: :o'uperlnr <"ovrt Juditf' J ohn Shea Jt ...., .. ,. lfRe~a snt&k •1n\•ai1lon u boAt, Bal'ktt1<. 11lV'll"<1 t u 1t p1·r in COWIOOTS ON pal'.••-<! .... nt l'nrf' nn Horvath Rft,.r poller rllptdly tlAsnt'd an rro1.ch1n,.: front of .l07 Ed'j'""'tlll.'r A Vf! T h<'Y ••··~\·rn~ prnhRl1n.n IJX1i11l 1c.n11 'll'n>all th,. a rched fo,.t I"'"'" on lh" lt llll Thi' •lr"'r wu rllr !11-f<'n<lanl ,. mot hi.'r !!tit nn bndge u nto lh•• l1<lanu Thev ma l'd'I k1ck1«l m .tnll It bot,. lhl' unpr e~­ t h .. "'''!-'." <•f hPr 1<N'nntl ro"~ '"'at prrfe<"l lt•r~rts from m0:,1 Any a1ona of" rubber boot. Ten .2'J cal H~r hand• ""'' • IR~pt>d un1l• r hi-r I vRnlMJ:I' p<•mt. Thf'V k nPw ll. Th•y 11ht"lb wese i..unrl on bnR1 J '\~ """" h• r ~hm Al' .Ju<ll(" ~h•·n rPprlma.nrl- 1 hurrh'<I, t rying i.n <'Riil quir k· 11.s an •·mpty scobb11r<l-,.,,, th• gu~n c••l h· r l't!I to''" I "' U I .. • I .. 1 lanr "" 111 e.,.,. . .ll dlrecl1on at one ... ~ r.vt rnrc mount"•. ('XJll'l'l!1lio111 I \ !'11 '". r•·any itot It Rhea llA· Poh<'•· """' l' '"110-"t''~ by amb••I· gTtW P11111 "m•n In plll;n riot ht~ •rll• <1 .. , ''11 k~n\f 811 lh!' Inc~ anL". l\ltl'n•htntJ< nncl a do<•Cor hltf'r<·J lh111ugh th,. cru\\do whlrh .. 1 t hf' t rlhlt• 'lllJ J\llt VCHll' \\'II'' I h I h ( Th I · hurry m i.: l•I t hr . vh'llms. They 11n g ""&er y on I r rin1 f' "·' Rogers Ready . fo~ Shootjng -Movie Style "" IL t hf'rnrn I . I •t •n I know of I crouc he1I an•I llCUrrl<"d. inlf'f'll on wPt r wa tchtni:; t h" b"ha' ir11 '" th• I Ar' lh•MT Jiii\' n1orr ill'i<p1rabl", rl'ach•r•i: ; ~i" whttr.•lf'•I. caUllnus ('un out A rua-! blrwk snd 8 f!lUt ft~ Hl l.1. f'Hll.1.IP~ '' llr 1 ti11·;··mhnlh·"t..' l)rttJy hll' and w11nih nni: p1tn1I t11<ll q111c kly 1 ul ofr lln)' I'•· I Ru\' RO.It"• 1~. film '""""''"Y 8tllr h· r1 tllk•11 fru111 \1)11 ~111 \t :-.t" "'"_.,.,..S c·11 p ... \\'h• "'"• ht" \\hrt" w11~ \\ho IA 11 .. hl •l home wh•n th,. hot I . . -. ~ ·Cantu. Kilmer '·Recover. . • I . As Manhunt Continu.~ \ As police c6ntin~l'd the sl'ar"ch (~r th!' mysterio_ue gun• man who wound<'d two local mr n late yesterday _at Bay le· land. slivers today _searchcg water~ n.K 200 block Edg~ater fo r thl• rifle l)('liC'\•Ni to havt~ b<'rn usr1l. Jt waM fotind . , · f" Jpt. \\'altP1 lh ·""n "hn d1rrr l · •rt o~~ thl' footh~rlllfi:I', nnly a cer•• I'd th•· •••tr• h Jnr lhi" un11lr nt 1f11'<l hl thr IMIAn.t, rloµly fnllowf'd by !nlp••t . d1 .. <'l•'"".t l'"'''"h1,lfly lhc pPh C«' with riot .:un11, i;'lln. hrlt~v•·d t<• h f' 11-.~~ •·Ill. h11<:h J<llp1n 1111.t rn111·«> he w aa faclnir p.1w1·.i;. 1111 • •oulot hn'" l'I• "n t• \'Rt •t thp 2011 blci<'k nn Edgewatf'r thr .. 1,·n 111 '\, • ..,,. .. ,, H1t1 "lwn h" ""',. hll . Th•· rtellrch ahltt · M"1111wlul0 r 1 lh ~1 1"11111 11, :!7. 111 'rd l•l I h" Ba lb"ll wa tf'rfront whf'r., _1 11" ~ .. ""'" "•" 1 <'I•""''" IR1<I 1 an f'fllf'IY nflt" ''""" e'nd JO .. 22 tlf).!ht /1 • 11. "" ·~ I '"'J'I'" I 1• fl••r , al .. twit!! "'"'°" fount! 11boar<1 th,. l>Mnt<: 11 ••ntrd to r " h11ll .. t htol" f1,,h lnr: r rAfJ. Rllr)cu-. owned by lhl•>Uch 11,, 11.:ht hlll'•· tt11d rq,:hl Mrm1111 R1r1oturn. 10 1(le c.'tlf'vlot 111'111 1'!111 1'1111 .. 1, I!• :!Ill \'ia I ll· l•rf\·1-. r ... ,. AllJ;l'lt'" ~11 to •~ 1 ,., "'" 1 rn,.: "1 1 hP 11"'1'1rnl Thi· "raft ·..,."" moorP<l to a pr i· fru111 " l'l"""'J )"fl bllllM·k \'Ot o' (111'1' "' ft nn t nf 207 tcdgr• l'olH·• "H•l f·anlu Wit"' "" tt11· WRt1tr Avr h"11rh \n 11 .. m .. ~ •:\'." 1~ lluv J, ""''' tlO'.\tF. 1111: Ion.I, h"""' of lt"J.!"' 1~11nn1 n1:han•.1 .. lwh .. n h·· \\'U~ ~lJ11t c.111111 1• th" f 11tth• 1 i.1•11ri h 1llad oeed a bul - •ktfll" r ,,1 lh• , 1111., r Fl;1tllhfl lr1t h11le l h•'Ollr:h t hf' up11talr1 p lat&· I! R" \\lll•ll•W or the' Hamid Bey o\\'f • I. h\ r'unn1nJ,:h.uu Hnil A• I• 1 H"Y k "g'""', · ~ * 1 ··sr.t1•n•, Jul F:dcr"'•l~r Av•. Af1«1 •huutrna:, "I'm '""I .. !'u.n-1;u.,., hhlltlf'tl'tl fn im thf' Impact tu \\D, h• II'• .t 11 .. , :. lh• 1·11nn1na:· "'"" •l t,.wn O\',.r a rf'd pluahv llOt& hnni hHll\• Jt,ov A 1 ·11r111• ~.1 1:11 81\\I • '" rrtmi;: In th .. llJIAl•lra rronl ~1·11Rn11< \\"11.,1ll rn1t 11111• R l!l""'t room tn 1·11nn1ni:t11.lm,. ln1nw lk•i:i:••d l,'oh• •' ""'"hlti<ht"1l lhe ahOl was 1ln\\n " ,kif( l11•11i th• llumpht•, '(11,.•I 11 .. m th" bfu•t. R11i;:a1 l ho • .t S,ont1111tt Arid h1• 11nd l1111n1•1l11<t•· 11>1"l hlnr k• whlrh l'h1I lo(1tm .. 1 111.t t'11rl l"·l•·t..,111 "''''" l h~nwn 1u·ro11" R11!b<lfl Dlvd ~1tntsn .. ~klf'I" 1 1 .... k '"' tn"'nt..I An•I ht "thr r 11lr11l<'J:tr Atf'aa ff'· lh• onl(ln n( thr ~h"}" ..,,11,.,1 tn h 11mlr"''" of motnrl8l1< 1rh .. u ·10 hR•J h111 oily put into tlw b•·ln.r .•lnpf'<'•d, thr 1r r11ri1 aea r,ch9d hR \' 1•,n \llt•li< \\h• 1t K llml'r \'••Ip· fnr wt1tpon11 ' •,,·In pAm, ~'R"P"'I ht~ 1111~nor W l_l.l..IAM!i llf.Ll':.A.'Cl;U llncl It'll 1u·1ns" I •11mp flt• wn .. 1 Tllkl'n to l hl'I pollc~ ela tion t nr 11hnl by th .. m)'Mlf't 1011• &nlfWr In Qllf'Bllonlnr lallt Dl«bt WU Nt'tl thl' ll'fl .b11ttn..-k11 The skiff return· Vtncf'nl \\'II llama,, 323 Montrm, •.•I l n lhl' C'unntnir;hsm horn': wh•r• B•lhne, a ronl!"tructton lllll>f"rln tl'n· :o;,~,·pnrt pnlir" "'H" 1,1lrror1y ldrnl for 01.'ora11 Bt11·rnls, rontnu·t · ,w:o 1nun1: 1n·rr lt11• t 111y 1~10 nd nr h111ldlng hom e1< at Oraarre 11nd ~t• llini: th1• 1t11nn111n 1;11twrt Sh . Anaheim . It~ w a :c 1·unmru;h11111 nnd •OW hl•\' <1 tlnr q111•l111n1•<1 nn<I rMl'A .. f'd •• "rh•Bn" it .. ,. ltnj?Pt • w••r,. f'Utt rnx up R j ti.v I •rl s,.:u V . I, Mr M&n l&AI 11ntl Jltnl: P"nl: lnhl•• o n th,. oth••r 111111' 1..em \· J ohn.on aftf'r hC'lnit p11'kMI 1•( tll.-h•1u~,. "h,.n l"lnlll • 11NI nut 11r "'II h a .22 r 11l. hl&ll ~Wl'r rlfl• J h" ,..,.. •hrit Th"" 1ushr1t ln 111~ b,,,.11nJ; a 1rte8r uph r1lghl. \\'II - '"'' llt\11111? hlfll 1nl1• {:unn1n1:ham' llam• t1o1'1 polirr hr Ullf'd lhl' ~n 1 n 1mp11 .. 1no111 ~1111n 11r1,.1 ''•mr for hunt1~1t t11 bb1t•. l\IHI l'rl• 11u 1n I 1011' Ill "1th th" n.-1 ~l?t . Mr Mllnti:a l Inclined tn I w1H1111l.-<I 1\11111.-r lh<' thvnry a younJ;11tr r •m•y h av• "' I Ult:"ll Tt:RRfiK II.,• I tht gun to •t1rh df'va11lat lnJ: • T1i;ht li lll• • i:,,,. l'<l,.n•I w1" 1 PCI• f t \\'llnrftl<f'" who MW v•r1c>u11.- ht••wn 11111. '"' ''" wh1I~ I'""'" ly trol~J>Ollt'" thry 8.llW a m an IU'l<l '-''" t11r t"'"lv ftt1111 tr"" tn tr .... ~nm" """' lh•y MW a bov n rn· ilnni: lh .. •n•ul1· of thr l"IRn•I hN•k· runJ: a roun•I the bttyfront al thf' 1nr: fm lh• ~nil" r i\rnh11l11nrl' 81· .1rrR ln\'a lytJ h11t lhl'y could not ll'n•l&nl ~ 1n.1 11 1lo••tor rushPd a-I e1r.,;oo on tdr nt 1t1c11tlon. IC ffLt:·~ Ut:t'O\'·t:ln· by I >nug-Hoskins. ll)rnl skin ll1n·r. bro11g-h l s1i;:h>1 ,,f 11•111 f 'this m<1r 11111).! a l 11albua H:i ~·fr1111t llrrl , l lel ~~-\". I. ~lf'~l.in1;::il. right 1·ar11rR 1l up jtl1·r . H:H k t o c.inu 1.0. Ofl 11·1·r I >1111 B urd..;1dl. whill' lln d1wk bf.l11w, at 1,•1 t, Ofr1u:1 s ll"n .Muns11n m tap and Rill T;ilbntt, hra<lb:1rc. --:'lnl f f'hntn Armed Bandit Robs Store-- .in ·.Santa Ana 'GUARD FOR KIDS It l\'Rth f •• rtllpll··I tht' Jllilf<lP I . . . _.,. .. " .. ~-. .. \\Ith Ynu'v• £nl 1• wrnni: Th<' As ,:it' ln\'.t•lfrs <rf'j1l ll<"rOSA lhPJht'" \\oulJ h" Ah<1<•l II itlll • lra•I fli1•• run\.I' l'l\I• "'"" <llllji:ht toil\ '~In ti\\ IJl«lh••rJ<. f'flfP. I •~l.rn•l ttw .. 1rR111el1 ''""'of 1('51·1 fier kn .. ,,,t'ngu~<l lht' ... .-n .. An•I ··r In u ... r ..... th111i: h r t• \1,ar-1 1 1 "' • 1 .. 11 ... Ill .. 11( It "'hll" J'm In I"' nl ~ r P<' t I" 8 t lh~m /t'Um b· llln:J R ll•ller '''111 bt ... 7.•' of! th•• ... "ll'I J11y 1111•1 A lrnO•I Olli <of 11n1t .. rm. 1 ' clu!l.Pd , .. u,>r' a n·J dra'4'h c. urlAtnA ftt-nt mo'-t ••f thP ~ ,., 10U1t hunh1 1,.,., I 1 ,,.,,, ,,.1111 t.\kin·· .111~ .. r 11 \\'h·11.,Th" ~Am•· lAti'• wor,. 0h• """'" f X·10nly the f".lh <P a n•I neWlll"''l"'r If'· r ~ • ' r (;i•tnj: l.•ri:PI\' llnl•'I 11 .. '1nZ1'J ,111 he . .Mesa Cou nc I . r I\' 'I 1r\o! \ .. 111 \\ 1r• n; .. '"'l'l"'d up Pf"ll~l"l1• 01 the \'I("'"' \\ l'rr porter.. rPm111n• rl hu<llllt ! m~11J.' 1111n1otl•"I "1lh th• • xr11 .. 11 nnlt>0k• , , h•" ITI lh" Jllili.:" ncl<t•ol Ill llndlf' ! ol<J\\'n thf' l~lllnd. Q\., r the lh<'tf thnUt:!it~ I • b I -r!l-l<l h b 1 I \\' h ~ \'' 11 h •lrtk" 't~ \\.tlch1n1e lla1ho11 Al•" f"•h•·e •• • ,-,,u h1H r °\ •h•,wn ~<'h ,,.,.,. f11r n• g. • tnt ' 1 '' .. m 11 IUl<" I n"re '' '' 01 ' , ..,.a,. h lh,. 1111\ l•IRn•I "'' 11 f.,r " .o.rd .. e.~r-·s~· S875 I \"' r • hll·I """ 11i r ,j, •lnl,\'l n·· 1 \\'1th Unt'"l'""'"'j llWlftne"' lh" aga111 7 \\'hy !11d ht" tin ll ~ "' 1"1)~'· rtt111,· ~fl•f·•·r Hu JZflf' \,.,_8 I•'• 1 'I •11n1.. •Arn••I In hfr " tlro>"-~" I tnnr" 1n I h1· lo• 1t l 111t11\u•a L. C • L• h I''"' f'!'f,.no11r l'Am n r,.11• n c t M c •1 B ·•~II' I~ .1 ,r ti "l su1p• r h11<1 '"krn ross1ng 1g t :. 0r~'t111 '.~ h<·~~· .. ~t .·1~~11~1°1111,r11n~A"~:,~r1.~,; OS a esa ounc1 ans .. •hnt nt th• '·"""00'. ht"ft) With ,,~"";'1 th "":--' h1" 2~ 1tnJ:t r11 Wfls r• ;iJy. Ill' h8d 1 t • • h•'I h11 •h •n I M l" 11 .. r 16 s bd • • Pl un h1.; '""'b"y h•••1' JUlll in ''llllt''. ,\n ""1•1l_..i;~1111111111 ~ " 1 , \ • , I ; · 1' t.r "' tt t'' q1t I \' •r ~!.; nruf ('\\\ t • 1 t . · t 'I \ • · \ t ·,. 11 h•·I I 111-n u 11• I, · ,:• 1 1 11 1 ;:. • t 'h• 1-:1-1 1111: I t .. I" ". 11 I I :;1 I f•rC'•I '"" :--.1 1111·11 111 $,; ht 1l '' h• j t u'' n I h• ••' •• ~ ... ·\l; ::,·,_ ·; .' .. :::~n .... :'.", :,~,. ~~,·,~ :~~~ ·lot u ·1v·1s·1on an R··K"" "11 • I'll t h ............. , th· J i I'" l .1., ,., 1 "'"h hi·r h•i~liRnd fm•f twn •h1n1lln11 11( lw11 m~n. "'~" 11: ,..Ith I h 1<111:••1 !'unfimi;:t1sm 1tl ;-.;,, 12 Bay j .. : . .,):1 ··~·'''I'' I• Ir" r81l ••II l h• A r1op• .. •<1 lfl·l.o l !lllbdl)/llllon l•18n•I rhf' \'ll l\111• !11<Urr,.cl lhP1r 11 F11tl .. r 1 .. n Aw• 8'1•lr• ·~ ''' nf \\'t•1<llRn•I B111Mf'r1>. Inc. ws • rt · .._ HAR.OR WEATHER \\'<•lln•l<t in frn nt nf thP 1·11nninrr· · 'l 1t I'""'" ,An•I ~t1•·11ff'• d· Jl'f lt'd by'"'"'" M1•:<A l"lly CounC'il .tiAni 1 ,.~1,ltn•" ' l'" I • I r • · • 1 • • .. · , Jl'ln. :i hy a ~-1 vol" The nf'KAtlve I I ::-1111 ~.11.111 ''''" •1•11 ••"I'''~, • tt · 11 · 1 ··h 1 ... d ·1> b C c ... .,,.•ntr uf lhP luKh 1 1ul~r. 1 ,., " • ,.., , '"' .1 ~ L• "' 1•11 t <'( n1rr r11 lll11ln """ 81 l:Mlllul wu casl by <mncll· (" <1 I 1 tl h ~ I r ,1.l.1•1-·· llttfl"I ~: .. , .... , Jo'll•f ''"!a lf'l~l rr 111 '"' <' ... •'\lo .... ,, .. ".i .. 1 .... 1 '""" &rf' "rd.-r1•1I In lh• 0 . on~· !'r•b f' c nu lllt'l'lll Wll oc-.~111mhlt With C'unnir\11ham Roy • · 1 , 1 11 1 nran. <'I t ~mll h c111111111MI 11h•1w,.r11 torla." 11nol V1· ,111 .. I·-· h••I rnm-.. ·,1 ... n l!i. 1,.111 .. • .,l dn !'-0.t. ... 1n !"Ul\.t ':,., t\ ••• l.l•fttHt\ ~.h, .. t H1 •1"1 111 ll"H l .. flf -1:'.1~ .. rrn11•·ntAr\·f,,r thrt.,r'ITI 1"1"'" 1h " th ... ,., Q •• l'I ~ A f ti t' II 1 '' P"'l'"ll)' own«'rs in t J n1i;:hl bNnn11n1t Jillrllv 1 l<)UU)' F ri-Af!Pr 11r11v1llt'11 rn lhl' 1'1111rn11 nil'nt \t .. ,... • -... f •n t "' t j fl •• !1":n_ I h I "' ~II s r.• • t t I tt·1 .... 11l\,.. f '\" 11\\ Thot t ~ rt•\•\ \'lCtnlt\' (,f 20th Sl and· \\'1tlnut h ( i h h . ~h"I' •11·l ... 1ol••' 1 •• l••lll• ,. \\I •·,.,,,. ,,.. 1·111.f ,\11 \I 1.;.r,11• 1 .. 11.h ~I · ll•l\'>•lh hut I r .. 111<1n t l'lac:• ·n,.,.r Tu•lln Avt. prott JJIN.I ''"Y with r &nCP OH I~ tt~ 0"'"tP ••f ft4)1"'' par11•I" In ~ll,.Acl"n" ;o.; .. w k"\ ,\P,\. "I' ·1111.;1•1; 1.1 ''"' l•'''t1""' 11 .. '''\ ""nl1•" I thc 1n,1 ••fl\' r.lh•r·,wn\• t n"•r m1Juntam11 111 empl'rll ·J y "llr~ !>RI•• f'vsn~ h1" v.•1r .. a n<I • ~ appt'rl \'RI of " tenta tiv' m11p o rer·J lud 'R · • ' '· .,.,,.'II th•' •·h 1 ·~ !··1 :O-•I "' ·'•""' '1 1 · Jo, \l thnt "'II •·n ri•.1··1' thP 1lrftn1111n1 r.t lhf' rounn l by Attomt'y J. P.,lllrf' ay lltBf ;; · 1t,.ndlnic ll!rly J••1n<'•I him h,~,. la~t •""1 11,. ' "'" • •11•" ""1 " .. ~ '·1' !Ill "' I' ~ \t.11 ·~··• 11 1 • ri n c • ·1 t 1 .. • I' I , ,.,.r •lo """',;-h1t• k r ;11erm. T nf'v ""'" E \\', Compton, A II tempvaturt,. In Oranitt nl11ht / 8111''1 '111" "1 1 "' "' I· .i ''1'' ' ' ~ "!b<'' 11 '' "'lh• t• '' n· · • I•\!•!< 1' Ii· ,., ... , '"ll" 1t11ni:: I 111 ! ,,, :i;.i F: 20th . St . II. JI-· Pauley. 133 Cr,unty w~ .. al><wt-:io dtKlf'"ft, . Rni;,.~· Mid he pl:lnneel .a crul•·i..i,__.,ll.loo.=A.;,11:.;,l'.:im~-A~w;..::".:.r;;:•l~-wt;.;.:;;:.n:.;,n;.:.m~-!;A:..:l;..:t.:;<•:,r_l:.:l~11~··<'7't-.~~..._·..,..:.l.:.J•.::•i::i;;;".:.r~t ..:"..:11:.;r..;l;A~t:.:.:.:m•:_ _____ ...J "GET A LOAD OF THIS!" 11 11 fl"' I• I• :-.f1n1f f llll'•l u\•r 1111!..1 • "''"l "•¥l'f <'I ••• n"t whit l I tll<1 1,, to; H\th~l .9l1ll Th,t"OdOrt Jnhn110n llll'l \n1gbf'.'" 1!f'C1tlltl11111ontht F lamha t!oday. •llrp11•"t'1h"f'll k•11pr'tlr.1 r1ii11 .. n •I .·,,,,,;11 TrArl)'1t,l'W ... ttn $"-; "1 ,\ ... ' '' '•,,,. t :. 1· h l t r f' 1 I 1 h t hr i1,.,,,j 11, , '" .r il'o•' ,. t .. , \IM.1~.r '• ... 1 "•\ .t . 1 \ · • 1 1 E \\'s tout P litCI'. Ra1n faJI from lht' prcs-nl 1\ormj 1'1<·•~ 11 '' 1 "'"'"II \ll•·~t~ 1H" ""'" n '•r ,,.y /I An• "•><1 • ... r.-.·.1 If "· r • • 11 1• • r .: 11.. I'"' ' .. r.ni; n 3n • mo Iller n l'ho •I In m 11kmg h i• .rn·!l<'ntal1on Gut'·, ID :-; .. wport Meach ahowel1 l.\ m c;h· 1 .A 1ng .. 1 tY u 111~r1 """ " w. r kn "n H• 1!1111 • yar h• ~Rn! a na.. tllt'l1•1111 •'II\1111 11 111' '"'"' '" I• .. 'I•"' 111; • ''·I .. ,~ \\ II"·"'' • 11 .. I •!lln~l'l ll IAblP nft1•r thP Ill) rlA1nlPO lhl' a re8 or llit' ptt.poll· tll wtth l!I lnchrl! rnr l"0/1111 M""" ~lllrf l'hfol•• A;c the ........ ,,: 1 qJ •tql '' I I ' II l O L .C / · -· < • •• 11 1 • I ! ,, , I 1• · 111• L:" "' in111 nr.t rtt11rt !'lh" 11p-,.,, ~ubd1\'l•tnn WAS "' hor11e f'IHllUrl' Thl11 brln~· thr .:-;,....,fl<trt lit'Rrh ; I l l l l'men t h·· ' "'r '• ,, ~ .. • . '' '-• t 1 II '"' 1,., 1 ,., , , " ,,11 , r 1 ,. •' '1 • th·· •. ·' •' thL I,..· n• ,. "'' n• 11r •" llfl•" l\'h.t• 11 nrj lOUJ•I bt kl'pl 11 horat" pa~tur t tfllAI to 2 87 tor the !lf'111un ...- •• ! I •. ~·I .1 .• ! 1' ·' .• !ho~ mr:rn ... \\hrt l """' by rl'JP• lmg t he m 11p I •J:Aln•t I 1:1 tut ye•H. Co11la Me\11 Th .. =""Wl·l'rf'JI~ lt~la\', in lint crark Home Haven "11"" 1h" '"'"" 1' '1•' 111 " '"'"'· I I•, 1.11 11• ... i. I 1n I}" 11r· II -m,.an " •h" 1nrp1lrr.t h\'•ll'rll · Paul<'y ub•en ·NJ. ''I w 11a rA1•eJ hru 3.09 ln t'h()l for thr 1ea190n '"tlh 1l8 pn ltcy nf rn''"rlnJ; tlatbar ~ """'ht' ~'1111111"1 " •·' ,. 1 ' , .. n1 1nu .. ,1 "" 1•11.,. 3 A ' n"n ""'nio ,.,,,, 1 hkr thrm 1compllrf'<l with !19 lL~t yenr. 11r"" ""w" r1r•t -•ntt '"1h ~x-to Cops, Newsmen t•" "fl ,_,,.,,., ••lnl.-~ 1 I 11.o n •hr wat1 hi" !l~ hn lr11n r mmrrlm l\n Smith IM!lhl, "The I 1 lusl\'e picture• ln<l ll) I nnt• this 1'11r l•·lolh I 111. ,, I•"• f lt'•ll\' f\n-1 !.11 k h<>\' \\'11!1 r hlllOt"•I tn lhP !11hr·r 11\lholl\'hlt'r h•• dont' all .... ~ can." r-peratur.e u.. 11991 .. _ ... II 8t'f'Ont1 ElllrA rtl111 .. n A full fl"l'" T ht' '"/II I• II• ... {\It .,,., ks,. ' •t tl • •'" 1 • • · 1 11" • 1 " South Coast Gets I '·•""'• 11n .1 11~hrr~<t hll• k to and movl'd 1he 1abcl1"i~1dn ~ lite HarN r .,.. w-: nf p1r t 11r,.11. 1n alld11 1••n 10 tho'" l.tni<Jln (.'ln11< :It'" 1-.,1.,.,.,,,rr I?'·" 111 h1• 1111 ... : 1111 11n.1 l11fd t\\ • "'' .111 ,i:rllllteo. The mutron wa11 lost for • 8.lfli Low w ith 11t•J11••1 ••n 1'41!1' I whir~ •lea l J'I••• h,,11111• 11 .. "'""J""l 11..r· th~ Pn.J ''' lhP p 1Vll(" t11;ek M frr1n• .. r 21J7 f.<lji• WlilPI lh• C'l•Hka~ 1·n• ''"'""'•I bv ,,.11•• I 'll n•,llt ''lark. ,j.,, l•1• I • f•"rl I••""' 11n tl C'O ft ... br,11k l"f AllL"' v •·111• ,,, • 11 n1I newe- m• n ,.Ilk• -.or'h .. 11 1 .. f, r•hnn• m a in• llllO"'' f .. nl>1d "llh ,,.,,11. I' hf'llf'I • r1i1u1or, 111 .. 11. fh· """"h a r•a. l'!. t.• • . • • .,.. '"' ,;\ I• Navy TUCJ Overhaul I w11nl or a Sl'COn•I. I Frida)', l)f<('. SI -·-· .. 51 •J with lhl' BAy Island .11hnotin1t V".11· b<1r l"•llf,. .... 1 .. 1111 '"" 1 1~t n1~hl ti .. · ., ' • , .1 ... 'or '""JI lh.<1 Thr :-'01111! \_'l•l\41 (',· '""·" WA• Trapp laby Born May or Cla ire ~el901\ de-clded lhe r "-4unla1. , .... 1 -·-·-·-57 50 lUdll y " rr1nt .. d In thlJ llP<llOll,'•!11r1n 1: lht' !l1hph•111t !• r" "1)•1• I• P. ''"'" "'' ~ '" • •• 1111 I "11 • .n '"''•' •n \orl>111J rn<1lttr 11hou ld l>e •d1!po1td of a.nd ~u11day. ,.,,. 1 -··--··!Ml •• T h111 1•1u~ h1u b<o,.n h,.loJ tn •8 '1011.111<mprr wh•• ''"'un r1Nl 1w •• n.rn ti,• • • • · • 'II• •,, 11 "' hn· \n 'h~ t ••• YTI. ;;1 Rl ,. • -: "' 1 " bftt-,· b•'" ""-l••m \tlll«'r1la \· mnvf'd r•Je<:llon o f the N bdt"1lllon. I ~olllday. ,.,._ I . ·····-· 5" 4JI I"£"• 10 flu 1hl&I!' rh.11tr1bu11nn that ••n fl•~ l.11lan<1 """' • Th•1•1,1 .. •-.1.t·1111 I '' ·"-1:1 1 • 1.:·11.:•.il , 111 .. •f'io<· ,,c '"t h,, E.\\\,1r.i Trnpp r~mrly ~( "l <lo 11o t ft rl tt offf'n the pro~r , T ""'4tay, '•n-4 Ml n 1111 H rh<rttl'• m ay i~t ctm·rl•te A•"'"""'"" .n\!' 111:st1r.i: "tf• ,,, t"" ,,., •' ·••· ·~·-•·' 'h" • • I ' -,,_,, ·n tla· 1o>«1 21•' !"I. c ... , .. ~!"'" Thr a nd ordt'rly dt'\'l'lopment 'nt thf' \\'f'dnf't'da~ .. 111.11. •-· _ 69 4Z ~t"1~· 1n 11d•l11t"n l"I l11~t r11~hl~ P~tal1llJl',1 ! th• fl\ot 11,,., .;11n11.~11 \\hum '"'re ht>l.J l•) l" II•<". 1., 1 .• i,, 11 .. -'·•' ol :--t. l )UIJ. j l .i y "" born In Ho-. Hoeplt&l. llr u., ·th. m ayor ~d.. Ht receJ\'e<! lba:nda.>'. , ..... I -·-·-~ 41 t 1rs-t Extra of lhf' ;o.;,.":1.Pru1. 1ha•I l><'t11 11h••••tir.i: fr om a boat a t I ., ' 1 •• .J:. ••• ' J ~ •'•lm,.n 'f thP "'""' fl01 I 0.&eh r1•,1H,•· '-l..tll•1n .. tr1tr1hlnK lh-: Arf'' ln "" ,.,,, rrf'l '" 11111n•f 11p t he r10••" I ur , .. ., •'•I , , ..,, IP. Jt "' AOM f'Wha t Ir(•~ I ti,• ( It r k.11 11)' lh" pl.ll'M&M o r three Yl\1.Q.da of .~ou ... ',. ' \ ~· PAGE 2 PAR-T 1 -.NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' • JANUARY 1955 r. 1MAN WHO. BILKED ELDREQ TO SHARE SAME JAIL WllH HIM !'.\:"'f.A •ANA, JAN. 6 (OCNS) -A n"'1 pnsonPr is s..heol11l1 I 10 be l111!i;ed t1oolay in th1 frl{lny tank at the On1nge <.:outrl\' Juli -\l'h<'l c ('X·S>.lnla Ana Realtor ArUlur Go1don F.lilri«! 1·urr"n1ly UWl\ll!i ·~ probatloi hean n •. Tl\t' prl.tiOner will hi' b11nkt•d 11p f11r . rcpurl•'•lly btlklng •tht' ctnt'·tlme realty krngr"· t.'lwr·i..~ Ha; 11111ml H 1i;i;111s of Santa An11 was arre11lt•tl p :-lt'rllay b_,. San 01t'g•1 pollce·anrt la currently being h"1d 111 1 h•· 1<ot1t11,•m Fily f"r Santa Ana .<;>rttcera. Ht'. It charged wllh 1~smng Lwo worthlf'~ check:< in Santa Ana -one lo j . · a 1'' a.nta Ana 111ark et, tile other to admitted for1er Eldred. 1• 11,•lke officials salil Jhe Jwo will sti&re the-s&me t•cUltle• ., . .. al the jall. ~ : 8000 'Elic)ible to Fisherme~ Pay Fin~ ' Vote. Mesa· Bonds on Abalone Cate~ LAGUNA BEACH (OCNS) A pp1 .. 1x1ma 1ely 8000· rei,:isterel.l iRay.Hobl'rt~. Ar chie ·r. Ptrl<lna and vm.·1.-'."" cll!f~hle 1" cast ba llot:<. Charli"S Rei~h pal1t tlnu cir 12!'> tn t h1• J•, h I :i ( n!'lt R ;\l<>s11 F:ll'mr,n-• • 1.11 y ;.:.. 11,, .. 11 J11.,trH't. ~g7;,,001J ll .. nd N.1rh l11~t \\'t'dnesdriy fl\r excf•t'l'\rni: 1•1<'1·1111n, 11 hns h••1•11 1"•tlm11.t1'<1 lJy I th" limit nn ltblllone. • Bu~m ... ~s 1'1 !n&JZ•'I' Harrison San-1 A.q members of the Orange Cnun-, ~orr'I. ~y ~·haptcr. of Native Scm11 Pf The 1 1• 'l'h" rlt>•'I 11o~ \nll d1·t .. 1·m iQe in)· 1'cohkr\ 1\\'e0st the trio had p!Rn11 ... 1. pro.1,.,•nwnt!l fin' (II i·scnt ~flosn to provide a free· 11balone donm•r 1 l<C'h1Jol11 tor the n• xt >-<:veral y•·111·s. I at thl' next chapter me:oi1ng. Gan1J! R <'J:l:.l n1tlill1 f11r Ill•• elect ion I comml~s1oi!l-r11. didn't i.gree. Thry clviwd. 0.t'l'. 2:1 with 11 tloun per· st,opped the fret• fred br collectmg Qons 111akmt: lh1·11:si•lvc8 elli;tble the 33 abalone 'the·lhre~ Wtre-:over l_h" la•l .da.1', !'unho rn said. t he hmtt. at The -clot 1 es . Hors6 ' · (Balboa· Island); ,... . . • . ·• • c~LEARAN.CE SALE • Merchandise . , REJ?UCED ; . LIDO DRUGS- "One of the Udo Shope", 3461 ·_Via Udo, .Newport· l~ch .. HI.lo \'J( T•, l .Wtt:\~\· )H'.,OZ, J. right. 1:-; paiJ a visil this week by Co~ta Mesa HAR·aoR DRUGS 1'11lil'c l'hid' Art ',\ld~t·nziC',,who recovered from an attuck of the dread cli~case with D ~l arch of '1>illll'S lh'IJ! ·three and a half years ago. McK enzie, chairman of i he M esa. 3301 ~· Coast rHig_h~ay, Corona del Ma_r· . ~tnrcli ·of -nirtii·;.: ':1n1j1aign~'w pil·h" ~ol una ~rwa"y this week. found lime from tkm;'.nu- in ~ p11ltce: d utt<-s t o p<iy a rail on lit tle J ohnny. F.:nfolclt•d in .McKenzie',s arm as he BALBOA DRUGS sh11\1·s .l11h1111\' · h 1s lwl~c· is J nhnn~"s lit tie brother. J i1hnny was str icketl w.it h polio wlwtt he. w:i; ri~ht mnnths c1Jd. Tiit: ,J:::ost a Mes~ child sti~I wears braces' on both ~J 16 E." Balboa 8'id:,..-11ft>tlDDIBIL::'.'.··:·'""':·=:'.~~~~r-~~ lt·gs but is f'!'('il\'1°1'i11~ w ith Ma rl'h dfDim ei:; he lp; -$ta ff ,~hoto --=====-t---'""""~~n~~tt. L'S'FOlfm.~~~~-MN\"~·~ on .. ~•~~~~--..:..-1 .. ..--.:.c~.......:.-..-.~-.-.~~·- Mesa Chief Art ~McKenzie CO.SM E. -. I11c· s· p· . E c· ,~.A -I s Boosts March of Dim~s . If-I. T ,. 1111•'< ,,, 'h" h· Ht ty h11 ... k1n,•s ...... )h·•·t t1,1rln1f\ ~" pu1 uru1 I nf < "11 t ..... >1 • ,. 1 •il11 ,. ( 't1tt'l J\.rt 1 1~:.: l\l • 1.;, n11 ... , ... .," ,,, q•t '" r11.:111°'. s1·t~"' "· t :x t:1,1c1s t:s - "Iii .·r \•f ht•·n .,,;, ·' d tt \' u1 l ~•·l\\11n 1111··thj•1a p1~ls . :-p<'•'U\J lii-11'1 ' Y·: 111••·J l11000 ll'o l " ,,,1.1~,, 11~t MJ; ,bait•. ~h11ff11ni.: tw_1Jf ~'·''""Hi.'· \\tUh'-...-u i h+ ruh-•1,ti•h HHll •(••Jtii.f lc.tt!H'r \\'01k, an· h1 rv "' 1 1d ut thi' t .. 1'' .'''1 •'I•~~~·· J~·· 11,,11-: 11( }l·~iu 1u~ inl·ludlng li 111 11 I ,, t t • • rd .\t. '' •!l1:1 w '' "~ .... 11 .. k·· , , 11 .. 1t1 t 11 n •!:1x 1tHIR"'l•'s n nd • .. ·Jt• }(1 J \l'll 1•1 111 •'1!"o•' ~Cl~••\\'11 h:tlll1n....: "' n !' l·+t·~~rt1t' ~\\'11l\flllt1Ji.: !\'" l, .\11 1.;, 117ti' 1 ••i;>11111•d r1111I rot ~· I. 'li.111.n It\ •·I l'h· :lt•!'-tl ·~ h1~ llfntl'-. ~1 •i," 't I q11i•... ~h "·' uz1,·'· 1;"1 ~· ,u 1 h•' h.HI t o ,, •·hr a ---:i;hu1 t "' " ' ' H I• ' II~\ u . >-~1·, 111 flt •• 1 l.·._: htitf'I• , .. ,.a \\'hair Anti t'(Ult1tHtt· I r I < Al"J'. 1u:1u t 1.t:s JC. Kt:Ll·'· u .. \I' II • : \hi 11•1 J ohh· •J.:, .......... ~ I h11Uli' l-'XC'n. l!'WS ond rf'pt•Bl \'l~1L8' l P •II·•· ,, •·' I '' t1t.f1111 '.L h • " nt h .. nH· Ht"tan·.1 f rtHH tht-IAR An- " t1 ' · •' I•' I " ' • 1 "~I "J"" d \i• I L:• 1 •• ,. l"'ll•"' f,,1·,.,., !>1"K,:n7.1•• took c t K 11 lii• :i,I ' lh1• Hj•Ju+rtlll)ll y fnr t,;i !Wh!lnhn!'; aip e y on •\\ ... l.IH \I, ,, ... ,T Ill ~''"'''' t'11y, .. l."R111P ,, (ult rl'-1 • 1 ~0 .. \ , 111 t11 , ,,~ •• 1 .• r 1 .. 1,1 .. •l•·· ,1,,.,,1 ~. •n,_u· th1~ •lr•·Ad d1~r.1,;:e A I ·1· Tr·p I""' I h i -.1111.. \I,'"' 7h \\ '" ''"' lf'l'"'"t11.cnt RS :O.fr~n f"•llC'•' us ra ta I 1,1 '•jl ht l11, ,, •I \IM' ,,. (ll1•f. I ... .1 •11 I \ .\11111 •/ " . ,, II ·• Id , .. ,. ' 'I 1-.111't 11,1'\ tjVPr th" ~llll'KIH';,,• !';A:o\ rlJF'.c~O 11-1rr:-;c1 . ~I n -1 ·"''Hf·'•J :.• .. 7~ \\1, · ~' 1·,,.1 \ ,,,·h v.hH h lh"" ,\1 1r1h. •1l l•)rrh·~ 1n1• t· •• pt 11.,,1,)i·,; J:~ l<\·11' ··n ~1· .t. ,,·•.rd11. I dtl1 .t0 1i1u~., ttl1•! t i• 1111r 1-ud' ~f1 l'•"111. •• • r 11n-nl ;\t1 H J{... J\ llv 1f 1! 'Vl· · .. 1L1 •n •: ~\1 .1J1d ~lt• .h1bu ~h.tl· fidv "' 'T•.\'•• h11,1J'4-n(lp1· 1 cnt1 1. ,d)i•, t' (-. ;11.I li' 'li•!JI 1 t 1111 0 1 , .111lt' ilnv,u \\.:\u I' II•• \\lh n I'' •tl th ~ '"'T IHI. n.y \\'J!~ 1..,.1·1·1\1~1 1 l•11l11t·I ~t i ........ J•.11,ll• J~ •l l1 rt.: • 1 ,~·-'"'~h:0 11t11f1\t..i..~11 1\.,.IH~ \n•• ,•,j,,1111111 .. 1u tht!L . .A.1hapt•1 :!}H ('tl•1n\~•\" 1''J\· X• i t 1 tdd l.4\L.,t .~tilt \\•II 1111 .... ,04 oil !111,t ... t,1·r ,~01tU\\1trr_vnht111t 1)· H1·:11lt, .1, ... pJ.t\~ t!1• A i.t1.1 1n. 111 'h h,. 1 .1111 1.11 h".1:••·t~. /\tt1I \ h• 11 l t.n· '"•nllJ•·t·•r·i.: Jt• 1 I, t ·+•I \\l I··• ,t I\ J:t.i ,u ... •1!l u1 tL,1.t ~h ~1.11lh ·~,1,\ 1•t11 tn• t hu1lt•' 1\ t .. u·111u11n 4',"'nl ~· ~·\\1n \1 .• l I•• .Au 't t ,, Qt I 11Ul ' t1l lt.•1' •\•I) 1 ·t lh1• Int• r \ l• \\' df"l•:NIHfh'..,f ha.J\\' 1t\ll1 h 11f t ' q I f\, If\ \' 11t JI 1 11,• I 111 l If """1 .• 11111 ft•'''' tJHJ \11' 1lP·h il\\1•f1 •ul1lt1r\.uh.1111yh:tn·.L p·••'ya1 111ip.1n• .• n.:t:1n J,, \\1. 1L1\ ''h '"'' 1 .t!.'' I•)· ·•H • ~·"1,u.' ,,,. ,,,41\t~rt ·' pi•111-u·I c· ~h•Jl!.•1 I•·1nn1~n1d11l ··f ) ' • • • •• I t.111 • d . ti., J t ii .. ' u -fud fj t1 pll'd tuJl ft1 •,ll tlw hu .... th• \1.t1111c ~ • .. q•1 \I 1,. ' " ' t. 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A ·I • .. 1111-::;; \ :o>T A ,\ '\ \ , pr:--;~ 1 r 1 .. l )" ll••ll'ol 11•1 ;I; ')lht•I•' 1·11111i.,1· r111•lt,:l.!~l\l l '11.c1fu.;AvP '"" ll T •, .I)" 'I• o1 .. n, '•n q n.u n1' • ·· J • ,., .. l ·'' "·' d" c.-. ... ,1, ~l· "· t•ll ~""'"" •J''.\"-nt th,. \t •,I 1 , ?1.,. '"'t' J ... ' J 1 1 • ('t\,;.t~· 1 t • n ~· 11 r r• •t .•tHI • ,u .. t•• lid 1\ llltl<' 1 ; F \\ ,111 •1. ~1 1•i:..'.J,, ii l'J • • r ut1• : lt• "''' r.. :-'1!11,. h1~ Ju,'1 \"lbll honlf' lhl1'•' (' .. ta ~, .... , f-!t'\ l :-:·n11 1 ",. •• •j'' 'Th•'' 11 ILU • 111\t' •It r ,. 111 IU"',tli~ u...:i )'nt ,1,1 t~!. .J lf'~'n .1 1JdJ.:1' 1. \ ri f=' 1, c; nt,;,. th ·11 ' rn\1• t ' 'ttrl) ti' "':'''' J ... :· .,.,1 d J,, ,,.,, n11 t .. \IM""i'".l t..1n lh1 t·:-:~ <'t 11l' f, t ., I· I" th• t• ,., i ., ii. " ~"'' ll.ir 'f'•''11 ~1·l<•:?jl' l 'r•"" ,l.11K~•·n lh• l!"I tttt;.u}H d I i··l t 1'' fltt1ii 101 h1\t ht tf1t1 r II · I I(· :h1•·,hp O••\\ duckt'd :lt \hf! J\l:t· \\,IJ1 ...... \\t<I f <lrl\ t l•d f1• t hi'JW•:· tl'•\o.ftt'al 1n I."' 1\nc•l•c; lf •·t~ .:·\.i ,al A i r'~t.ll l''M f.:.ur11r1 •r.r 11 r-1 ;111~'111·1''· for t \\.'U rt•• •1 : ?::fl I A ... -A r··~ult 11f th·· ~;~~•MH, ~t, · }\i•t17l» 1 .. ,1 Ill• 11"' ' ( t· ' 1"11 Ill m Chadb9urne Probate 11nil I<'..: II• ""·' 11111 1" I "'"'1 t., .-t hc ph\•I< 11 111• 1.11 c I~""'' \.< l· 1 :'A:o\TA A:o\A. i(ot·:-.:s1 f'r<•· t'd l\1 I•, 11 t1.1y 1 '"'"' 1''11 : ..... t..11 .. ,,( lh<' \, 111 nf Bl.1nche :II u ( ,\1~:-,i,1rtt1tt •I l 11.},,. {'h.--t..lh11\ttfl•• nf J;alb~•u. wh~• d1t1 ! ··L.1·k•h._ htt•k Pt r1•tl• p··tt 1 t 1•11 lH. \\'A-t A~krd in :.;;up:,11•'11 ·]111 f-, llJ',, ro'o all1•ol 'th" t h• 111· 1 • ·ll :-;'1l11HIU,\' by .lnh11 1\. l't•• p ost.-11,u•t I""" h,id t t.1· 1· •t.o 111 e •·ti l•f 11~71 :"•·wpnrt Rl"laol. of J .. b h 1 n\~;"lf Tht't •.'<•t ~ ... ,1"' \\•,11• • ..\1nta .Anu ~· . . , .. , . 't'• •' Lodge · Off ice rs ~~I'-> 1' ~1 .t!,t: ,; ; f_,1 I,._\.. 1 1A~t1 1 1 l)~vf\r f: \\ }. 1 l~ Jr, ~q·•, .• , :1 1 · \ i; ·1 1 ,\IL• ... '• r '~ H-t~n: J,f"l•t• r A ~f1t •r'. ' 11" \\lt-ff"n, Jl•Of\' lo\ r'•l ',r. ~ I 11 \i ~.t' ,• ,,\\' t1H •• '.: 1t • l~t i'l.•t"r. trN\··n .1,"'1 ~tf'J\\1 .i1f 1' ,, •• 1 1 •' 1 J 1 • \ I~•''\~ ~,1tf'"tR1 \· l~•""'C'1°J ?-:•r· .,\iptt ..... 1 '1••l'~'•·''~··1 ... •t \l\ ... t•;·r,·•irh rh1'Jl·t1n · ~f l\'(-'-' Ch'"'1· 0 .. ' " l l JI,,-~11 \\ To",·,, l •11 I\•' n .• I< ~t·J ·h I • ..,\Q ( ... (.1, 1.· 1.•.., "I ·:t. 1<:..i 11 .. 1~:.• II· .111 .. r ·li•a,on . H.tri,! L. ll1U11trd \\Ill•, ., !1 l ti, l!.1 ;.1·. tl""l1t). \J!'n\r .r\ I I .st~11 .. ~·':;·· :\r-1'"' 11 r ~:. ,111.rd: ~l11 r~hall S :'ol1•; "'' Th·· ft ... 1-11,,..~., n t~ t r , n 1,1 ;:.. ,,,, ,, •'"\Y'1tni7 \,.":t n t :'\1 !'· .•.•. J"'i·'·, ar .. I ~· '' l:\I h~::··1, f :· • :1. .1r ·-Ja:r~s K 1~ k.\ of ,\t '"" ~i-t n· o 1 -..1 • :1 I ,\!'Ito..,•'.,,... ' •\l' lth' : ... 1 \I ,... P::, •,1 :1·; • 1,' , 'tl''" tln·1 t'"nrort.\ 11•'0 \\1I; <f'I • •fi:1t-\\1 ! t•;} '''·' ! \,.., i,:,'."'l b\' J"A~1 t'";r'i\!'.1t )11~'('-r 1'f 1H'"'•'. f'l'"'t tt •"·· • "' :-:,..,,r,'\.-· ... \\ • ,,,..., Jfn;nH'"· fi,mltfl\• of \1 tr· IA'olj.;•'. "111• J< "" ~nr I •• ''l• •, ,, •n T·i•lAllrn,:: n)"i:;,1111~: 1<'111 !'" Jf'\d~· . ._ :'re;' '' i,.l ~·' ·t r · 1 •1• \I·:-U ·v H1·:::11 l\n'1 !"1 "!~L \\ 1:. Thr ,, 111•. r-•' 1',.. ,.,. •,. ! "'' ! • • \1 · .. • ; •• , ... f"J."" f't•"( • "''r""'lnh I• •!i. 1 ~ ~'"' ... ,, ... : .. t ' Hrf•\i •rhn ""'1 t r f,._,.,l ,..,""'' wl)I J ~l\'!nnnd ,=-'"ll~"n '' 1r,hq' .! (, · '' t' ,, ""~Ldr~t 11 n !lt~r\'1 ' • I ' OPENING SOON ANOTHER -COSTA MESA. ftn<I th•• HARBOR AREA Lo1·atr•I nt I I Z f.. lllth :-t., < '"t" '.\l .. •11 \l :t frh · .~o~ Oprnlnr:: . -. .. -. . , OGILVIE SHAMPOO WOODBURY l.anulin l<kh llantJ l.olluu ){1•1:. '!'l.110 WOODBURY I ~111ollr1 11 h'h llancl ( 'n••un Hn:. >I.OJI WOODBURY l>ry ~kin ( r•·am ~ 1.1111 'ahll' !'IPH 'IAL so~ -----------·------------ . ··-WOODBURY ('oltl ( 'rt•llnl Sl.Oll~ririi1-, -- I -------------------------· HOU BIG ANT 11:11111 '·"''""" "°'''' of I h r;.,. -----~---- SOFSET LUCIEN LELONG I rnlt .. t'r••t t "'"..: 1w :-I ."10 holl I,. ·1 0,; s t•t;<'IAI. BOMNE )ELLE ~ l 'lth :(o '"•rn1 .. 11•• ( n 1.aot U1·i:. :0: .. 1111 C. ,. .. ,,u :"'l-ha.rup110 :-I. 14 '.1J1lt' SHASTA !'12 .i O 'l't:C'I A l. ------------------------ DuBARRY II.ind uni! 11 .. ,1.1 J.111.011 !' !.•~• 'al\lf' ¥100 ~l·t.l l.\L ------------------------- I hlJUtl,,llilf1 •••••••• ,. •:··:.:. ~·! ...::, D_uBARRY '1;,o ,i-;n :n .\1. -------------~---------~----~ bERMETICS T rip!. t ''I '"l"'r 1;1i h l ri•am• ,. l '.) \ ·""'' .. '29;, ':-o(.'t~(;J,.\ I. JERGEf'iS LOTION \\ 1111 t-·r,,,. 11.•,.it11n111t l"U('k >I .jO \a lto• This famous I.ti Purpow Crrrm llOW IC tcitlttikall{ fottl~ Wltll v.um ns A and D IOf t>alanttd bullty c~ UM it ,..,, fot i lll'IOOlll. v1b• ant campl1r1011. Stt !tit d11!trtne1 I • EXTRA S Pt;(;lAL ! ReK. $1.95 &:nd up BEAD ROP·ES Queens of Fragrance .. 1 ·.I A royal gift indeed ... drened in reogo trimm11t91 f ive replica bottles of Bouquet l~theric (riicu thol"l cologne ). , . Tweoed, Miracle; Shonghoi, Dork Brilliance orid Confetti. feubin~lein ~ (Whipped) Hand Cream Re9. S 1.25 ~ch SPECIAL 2for1.00 Hormone Cream H_and . Lotion Re9. $5.00 value 3.50 Hormone Cream aad Oil $6.00 value k?r 3.50 .-~ .. ' ~ fft# ROGER & GALLET Ory PerfumH ,~,,.a).,.. .......................... 2 ~~1'° REVLON Aquamarine Lotion ft.oo(. $2.00 ....... . .. ····-··· .. ····• .. s r EClAL '1 %~ REVLON • Mat('.hmakeor l!leh •u~ nllfft , -'l86. ......... ~ . ..._.,..-····-·· CHERAMY l'lkln KaJm K"l"· f :?.00 •100 . ... Nf>tX 'IAI. · Hand ( "Cf'ain R<·.-. f:?.00 . TUS$Y'S TU SS Y'S HintJ l.otlon Hf'I(. l '.!.00 "f>f:('I AL •1 00 LADY ESTHER • l'u r"""" ('ream 11.$8 &lu .Sl'l:CIAL .98( ELIZABETH ARDEN'S l:lrm·••·llll -'"'aury :-fury ~.flil , ....... DOROTHY GRAY 1t .. r11111n" I ..ot lun •?.l"I •\ aJu .. ...... · 'l'MJ ---------------------- DOIOTHY GRAY Hlu~t r) \\vat h1•r Lotion ~'!.fH) \Uhl,.. '1 "0 ---~·~---------------:--- DOROTHY . GRAY ...... ,..,.~ U•·odoraul 'I.!,) \alll" ------------------·------. DOROTHY GRAY ll11rn1unP• lla rul ~ rr-8.ut H••I(. $'~ • .'.>II '1 ~ ... ._ t•t:('l A I. ' P.e 9. SA 00 ...........• Reg. S~.7 5 .........•.. Sale $1.00 CELLOGCM HORMONE CREAM tt.g. $15,0-0 •...•...•.•. ~le $2.SO '"f':1 't-1 ,,,,1 '1•) LIMITED TIME ONLY ' How'1 yovr once-o-yeor tho~• to 1117¥• Oft these fom<>111 Dorothy Croy Beauty Cr•ams< I ' ' ' . /-' / \ , ' " . NF.W MIU.ION DOltAR \ SH~.!.~~m ,,~,.:}Wedderspoon Spends Day ME('~ TRACT .BARED 4 :::;~:,,~~.:r.-~;,:~;.£:.··::L'.'·,:'on Stand in ·Liquor Trial -JA thl" •hot~. bcollevt'd to ~ •n!AU ~a•· I ' • l,_. ' Mrs.· McDonald Hired by Mesa School Board -1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PAGE 5 JA NUARY 1955 · !Too Late to Re ·Classified -------------F 't 'T• •It' , r ,, "1 ··h"u"" "P""" tor I • • )1 •' •t.1 \l1 'll· ~IAR C'RF'.!'11' • • •I( I' l I ,. I !'1'1 • \l6r:l Ben Kiftl) Announces 105.-home Subdivisa:,n in Orange ·Grove 1ht•r, ra m e from. .:-lewport Bay or,I Defense, Prosecution C'0unsel M n •:11 .. 11 McDonald \\li~ ln•I th .. ~111n~uh1 night htn"I a & a first i:1 a.lt> It'" h· 11!-lti·,ul t: .. tatf' Al11<1 pr .. ~-etl lqto urYH'e to Rid ·.n-F·1e'ry• Act·1on Dur·inCJ Court· er al t he JllRln Sr hool h\' th<' l\ .. 111 15--"'hatf" \'our Car ------------------'" t he naan hunt Wl'rl' C'n~'\ a Mt>•l 1 . :-\ 11 .,_. '.: I' I •t: \I h1•11&o• Ill•• h:\l?! . pnh<'f', II Wl\8 reporte5J. • -. Mt'lle,. E'!_~:··ntery ::;,·hunl 11' "'"'1 \\'. ·:'\T-Hll •t:-i1:,7,~-::li1l:i-i'."·l•;fi l\of\\,f '' 1• F t .. 11 lllllHht' plll li• ._ I' 1(;('~ amrn .. <halt'ly 1t1trtt'd ~ SANTA, ANA <OCNS I -The t rial of O r ange Cou nty I She rt>pla t't'I ~In• H ulh 1 •• n1111 '·•111• r I f p , l ;\l.1 r A,.,. I ' I I \ '•II ........ I• lh' ,) ~ Rl•l 11~: \)\\'llt'I ""r' h of rxrl11~1ve. Bay h lantl ana . · wh1> rt>,,1gnrJ during t h,• C'ht 1•! · :'<I·.•{\ t .. p,,11~1 •• Alre r.1f1 I.• n., I.I lo .1 .. 11• 1'6l'H1 '1o.,11111 1110or,.d th,•re ·Au pt>rs.1n" labo r leaders. C h arles E . tRed) De\•me and H a rry Lehman, h 1 llt>iu h 1,..1w111,. nt Ii :!II""' -' 1 • •. • • • • mas o 1t111y11. • " A no the r millirm do llar MeRa tra<'l of J05 h o mes was w o•re wam.•cf ott thP bay rront:i,;•' I swung thrQu g h ' t h~ 't1hsmg h o urs of 1ls third day yest.erday I Jn oih r ar t Ion tlll' bon. r I Ill•' . . 'at ing !ht' island. Mo~l off11'PI' I . h I t ~· f t . D t o· t ' t Att D W 't'te (', • I II a nnounced thi!i wr r k by tk n K ing-. j1reside nt o f M esa B u ild· wM·., 11r1111•1J with rlnN! and o ther "'!}t· P e n Y 0 ac i~n. e pu. ~ '. is.r ac o:ne~~e 1 l o riud use or thf' Maui ~. h11••1 • . • . ~ ·~•·\r11rrr.i~ I Chatterton shou ted ir a t e o bJe<it1o n s to ques t.10!,lt y de-, lluditorlum "'r a yumh 1•w):1 1<m "' %9=,l!!:!l'~\\'111~~~ ~rs and bqu1pmt·nt (.'li. WI ork w's.lexpecS·.tcd"'~to starteont jt h c I Uoth men werr take n to. H •Jl\g i rcn~c counlll!I 11nd asl<r!LU lea1<t .by •Monroe: After U. nsulta· ~~~nd~oc~1igh~·o11ri<q11ure • h1111 I\•' Ex1•1-:n11-::-;cED '"-· 1_t_r_J_1_t_i._•n_r_i1 ~.anch -i;tylc houses Jncatet n n I son t. ~ ween a a ma llu~pl!al ttor ;.reatment. I twic e thot Attornry J ames. c. u on. t.Jonroe rl'·phrMed th e quea· Y .' ' , , np• 1 utnr AJ•pl~· Hnlh .. 11 11 •YI and A voe ado St. with~ the next t WO w eek s. -I . l irntu, 1 entl'd for' his arm amt Monroe be dttd tor cnntrmpt. lion to 1ay, "Did agent s ~f the 1 Authotlty Wiii•. lil'' ~"' 1" ni.k 1'" l 'luh. l1t1nt .. rd. r iJ · n;:,.!10 f'lgur .. ol rm th• !J11x11< o 1 ., em »a u rvi<. ng annnu nr!' , . '--• F n EWOllJ(~ STl\R'T • r O~ f l Kl · rf lei:• w oun 11 at the ho11pllal nncl Attornt'y Gen eral's off It'll In Corm blrls n•lurn11blt· F l'b. 2 on 111•111 ••l(n . _ · _ with ninge 811d <•\'t•n t utc1>d Jlll' h 1lm1•r for hl1:1 bullock!! wounrl, { • you t¥l the commlMlon or ct>r-111ately 10.000 l:1<ll11n~ ()( i:11•1•l11 e • S homr11 in thi• .$1 ~•Ill) br'.11 krl,, h••atifig 1).11'1 g1;1rb1tP,'!" ;11,. Hilllll. 111• wo•re 11~ld !cf be In g~od · sh~pe. Th., f1rewurk11 blew. up 11t1 Mon· t arn crlt~es would ore vent ·a per· 11~rd by lhl' d1s trl1•t oarh yc111 . ~i_!-~~1~11~_!0~ _~_Ii_!-:__ vahtr 11f thr O""' r.f, .. ,, trai t has tJtviduaJ color harmo.r.y v.flll-.be H.S·,:J"Y ~rr., rep<>rted ·in high 11.p1r· r11e crusii•exnmlned stale'a w1tn<'ll~ &in Crom becoming a c1q1en 7" RepMI~ 11n ('ll\s~1 uo111 11<·1tv11 1 ... 110 ... 01• ll~\'I·:" "'''"" l'll\•J bi-t'n ~l'l b¥ K l~R 1\t ~1 .:U$!)U011, lt l!<Utetl. l\111g ' 11111'1. with 'a t'nlur· I:<.~· . /\lb..rl Wedd1•rsp0<m of Nt w pu rt "Tifl')' certainly d1<1. n<Jr:·. tht.>,1n ~IPs~ >ll'h011lM ,,.,.r, .:1vcn II\ H'"'llnl>I·• '' lttlil" lll"d"I' 111,11 I Ill behc\'C1l l<> bu unt' c•f the b•i:· I .-on~ullant on hbn•I. The Lllii 1, Cantu said h(' wae 'working on u .. a. h. Monroe attempted 10 •'X· llri~lsh-dlctlon speaking "';lne.~ll ~1::0 I HUhnl' Gnr1l11H, ll•111lh '"" ,,,,uJ,I lolw tu ~,,,, 1 .. 11 CP-1 M• .. a t r111·1.• 111 I" a•• tn 1fat• .1 ln\·alPd 111 the rnhJJlr or a~ oron;>l' th" Bay h land boar h when the \rac-1 from tlw Austrnllan C'tt lun suJd. i:raill', Flnrp.,.r !khoul, 111111 :.11,, :l'u11it. rn , ·"'mi; m:rn '' h" 1~ ·, ,,. Th<' pr111•"11v 111v11I" ol ""d r t'•• r I· i;1u\'<', but bu1lt110g will bt' hon111, .. 1 :-huollnl{ ocr.urrcd. "As .far Bs 1 mtormalion h:i:anllng '1111 nrr .. ,t OAY OS ST~Np· :'<lariun l'a r >1on11, fifth i:::·1i.!1-. ~1.1n i•1i\1: '" 01111. , u11nll\' ,..,,1 "'II ly J•uniolll'··ol rn'"' Albin \' lilllt. ,,,., ·that .. rnn"•' iln,1 .11\'e>e 1,111 11 ,.,,, 1· .. 11111 11gurt-.' he told ho1<p1tal e l· 111 Honolulu. :'<lonn•C' lnt 1nlRlrtJ se?n>ol. ,1.,,11 1., .. ,.:,, •. h••nio•" ,.111 11 11• '"' ' ' "' I .. b-·• ,, 6 W.-ddl'rspoon 8ptn• ah110~1 the ~ • , Tll1· hn11~1 '· i.111 1111a)l!1• u111J1•r .w ill IJ(' :l•·rt ( the ho,111• purch11'· 1 '~1< ~.nls IJ<lntt' vuY. wi•nt h,.r. 1 ht' IOrm«r "cw port '"'''h '11 Ir .. nt 11'1' r1ay on I hi' ·1<tan•t. He was l~ •r 11!:!11 ~\ ,., F HA ffll•I \',\,w ill hJ\t' ail-'I Ju•J'ra!l ltJ t'n)".» Sl'lk Kilmer, uuthural1~ Jl'p111l· 11111·rat1•r he1I b"cn nrn•11t .. 1l on C ------ 'l' •·ii. /!a id. "My buddy got 8hol 1md t llargea Sl'rlOUS enough t •I prto\'1'01 pl .. (·tul'll by Orange L'UWlty Li· 1 ThrH osta Mesa l \\t'nl out looking !or him." 111111 b1·c11mlng a c111zcn un1ll'r the t11tor C'hlrC H l'rman PBUSI' who Y ~1. l 'arntn-\\'altcr lmm1~atlun ·A.1. tul<l about the o perations \\~ I.he ouths Join Navy \\'., ha,·e tnlke•I t hi:1 O\'l'r 111 1 l1q11ur board and discussed tl'c ,,., Ch • f h [ · . f,11·t he hlld t nlked walh \\'edder-Thr.,i> \.'<"ta )!"·"" youth~ hn\'•' r1s mas \ olll ·r~. lh8lt•·r11.n 1th11111 .·d 1. \II ~ b I jmnr,1 th1• n.IV\' lhl:<•llt<Jnl h 11 \\ ,, 1 rom t he prosN:utaun l>o>n\•h. "IN · . poun ubuu1 thc I ~ 1 1 tty of a . . . • . I :~~t:a~r~~L !'!-:_~)': ~ --- c111 :0 :111-: n1:-;~:·1TE ~d l!I • \' I t tvut ... ti.ht·· \\.th ~ h -.1\'• ... ~1;11 :1111 ·1~,.1.il. 11. lh.it 1,111n.t ~·•w:•-. l·n Korea h<1uur llS-"t'llltC for !tis llOW·derunct nnn1111nc1•d 111.t.1 v h~ ( hll r I "' I'' '"' I• tt:<•' couns•'I has br .. n tHllllonJ:.h-' L \\' Id • d I man R. 1'. lf:u·kh•r ·'ll lht> '.-;,I\'\ IST ''/\V. J)'1v' .• JAPA." -·1·,··t "' :a~ainst 'th111. hnl' of •1u1· .. t111n· ido r .. :1tuun1nt. e1 .. ,.spoon l'lal IR . , . ·• t :J3-U11ttt:-1, S111111llt•!t -"' ·' ho• 1•1utl $!1000 to a man nanwtl !'c n11tmi.; :-;, n h ' -.. r c 11 in.;1 -------"--111g. I ask the l'Dlll I cite M 1. Mom· ~ . n ,.., , 1!00lh'1 l l\l 11111!1< 1111• 1, :.! I. >11111 •!~I r. Fox. 11:<Me1alP1I with uad1cled amt tJlll'.I'.· :->:intn Anl\ r·O>l '1«11 •' • \\'I Pl l\\' :'<t l"~T ~VI .I.· :::! 11 fl-It· ,,... for t'110ll'lllJJ\ · :1nol l\11,, l\ln1tu11 .\1,1nnl11·1rt1u ·l';I .SO CU.STt::\ll..... <'om·h:tt>•I bt>tr 1IUJtributor Lotus l"rom !hP ll11rht1r Rrt'n ••r:li,toni: 1•1i: la •:II ;111.Jrr :.:u...UL .uu411:.<-n Are You ~p-To­ Qat~1 l ')IHtl'H l l111·r. Laguna H!':iil• IS ·• Trapani. to obtain the on-:;a.le. I~· 11·erl' M ax P M.-Kinnnn, ,., n uf \\, 11.1. T.H i l-: 111-::-; I' 111-·v 1-·1:• • Do ,ow ho•t ... odt1" proltcllofl1 So 1\'lllj;•Wllh t he Jill l'aval1 y IJl\'J· J udge R11y11wnd Tl:iom-pll-On, w·hO' ('l'n!le' fur his e2'tabllshnwnt. IMi".'".an•l Jl[r~: n. 11. :111'1,innllll •• r :!~J· t::"L l·'.•lh .. 1, Co<:i1 :lh •II ~inn m J opon • is ht•arrn!!" lh<' grnnrt thrrt n ncl I lh l1tl;I th•' , rnllt n .. i·me hau 4'>'1 Hnmlltnn ~I · Ro lJ.•11 H 1·,,;·h · I.I ,. ~1 11 • !"; · H"Tl fA~M MUTUAL, efluw I Th .. .J •I 1-'<t\'uli \' JJ.1\'llli<Ul-ba~ I 1111~p1n1• :" 111"1', dlil llCJI <.Iii' I 11 .. I orfrrl'd lo 1("1 th ... lil't'n .. e for h1tn ran. hlli-h11i1.1 ,,( :lt:.rv T (·,I ' Ll\11 -l so (011111•• cn:t1o9•-111'' '" l ~·1vi'l 111th~ Fllr 1-:n,.t bin1•ro \\'111lol tli·l<ll'•' 111t .. rn1y h11t Aol111on1-l?•·ol 'lor Sll.OOO. · 11( lf'I H•>1ht''I•• ~I ; J .,1,.111,. F. . -. 1l1t llflJ on91no1t d bt ilit Stolt 1\\'.1r JI. :\11\\"tn JiJprin, lll~ "Flt:L hill) t•ll lhl' phr:i~1<1),.~·y of 11111 1 Th• (l'ltll ·•nlilllell thiR 11 lrn !1.af'nmh MIO .,f Mre l,n1111 ·1 1.:1 1 !~7°',:~!ll_:'i_:_~)!l~l~~----~·-· fo1mMu1uolAv1o~obilt ln•ijrom ,T··otm" dt\lt~iyn W U!< ()110 or th~ '"'l (flll'Stln11i11~ • ·1 ,ng. ~Jdc•fl)o,f' l ,:., .. ~,,,-1 1•r•'~h'l1<" nit: C'n•.nh "' '::::~:~ :-\ .. , .... ""'".... . :"<10:\\' 1 ''\Fl "I~:'\ :1 I>· dtrn., p11.IJ!•'..j Com~o•y Jfl 19::1 1 tn l11ntl 11ntl l'fl):lll'" w ith tlw 1·n1·my ~t .. nro" 1111111c1hatd,1• l.111111 lwol ri ~t·!<~aoni< will c·wlllnllt' fnr 111 ll'!i."l 1 h" h• "' );.1 v~· 111rri Ill<' 11c1w In I 111•a1· llogh i<· h•><•I l'll"nt' I.JI••,,,. ll(t.,r 0111lbrruk '1f ht•~llhll"ll HI tile 1 -· I k .I) ti J I ' ' ' ,.,.l~ H• ,. n~ '" :4a1nr 111t•. fir\•' nior<' \\·t"t'k . t1:l1n nj: at th1 :".':t\'al T1.1ihi11•· ~ .. t 1t ·{ " . ,., ... l\•..,,.1111 \\'111. ll!<king "I!! tt tnir, Mr. \\'rdiJer · 1 ('t'nl.-.r 1<L :--.1n 111. g11 111101 • 1111 •, I :'<IAllnh1r111er. as~l,::nNI to th•: 11r<>-0n tllnt agent:. r1f the Att111. 11nd• 1• lh•• ,'\11n, 110•\\' pl \11 1o1 It t Kt•:iull~ cumr rru111 nmMlillll 9!)1h F11·1d Arlll1P1 y liaUali.,n .. n.•y t:en1 rnl's orri.·e ''l!<llf' .YOll, I Mahn Variance for "pal-' ··nli'l l•1i.:1•tlirr l<r "" 11 ;.-rr•ll'ttl'•'' An ll•I rt·~iatly In th•~ 1llRll1·1y A, l'lll<'l'f'<l lhl' Army ht'l furmc•1I yo1u <•( th•• l rnn11grnl 11 1111•· 1 hrt1hh• H •t11tl'" ,.,.,..,r will pr,...fu·· .. r.;~1111 11 fnr """ l"rhrunry nnrt rnmpll'tt'l1 '"''"' Art anrt tlrl' 1ilrl 1het )'Oii Muld Garan. Granted ------·--·-------.----------------- 1t ra1111111; 111 1Jui:;w11y I"11ov1ni; nnl gl'I A1111•11can <tl 1z1·11~h1p 1111 -~-, --·-·--·-·--·~·----------·-----·----, , Crm.11111. lJtuh. 1 trss ynu rnoprr:ttl."d be'\.J111te o f a Harry Mllnn-n~-Brrem1-Y111t.11 t FOR MERCHANTS. PROTECf8ft5ER"YJC.E _,.,,.._.,.., raw-"'1'111l'fnm'•m-ttonnlulu ~.. was grantecl u v11rtance rec ent-- Undmas. fer Tht' 11311' r roserutnr JUlllJH'tl ln ly by the :'\;cwport Bc·a r h Plli.n·1 IN NEWPORT HARBOR lREA-! his fret a nd said, "l d emanJ. l nan~ Comm1~s1on to construc t a I mus t rlt>man1I, your honor that }OU t hrt·••·car guage t wo feet from th<' CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 j • <.llP Mr. :'<lnnrue !or . conttmpl ol rt>ar pro perly llnl' facmg a 10-Ct. I MOTUllC\ n .f: t :'-.(. u HT I G t $50 P lh11< cour t." allt'y. Hequ11"f'd Jiclback Is :i ft'el ... ~ • • : • e s ay J udge Thomp:.lln t'&UtlOnrd both from t he rrar p1 opt'rly lint'. I atto rrwys ahotJl th e way lhe pro-• l'liilmer Ellerbroek. archll•'Cl STATE MERCHAN. TS POLICE ceeding:o hnvr bc•rn go1ni;. 11t1y1ni;; for the Job. tolrJ lh<' comml9:o<1on W. I. LANDIS L. E. CAIRNS l:ti t:. l ith !'\L ( ·u .. t a. ~lt•i.& l.lhNf,\' R-1011 STATE rm MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY ll L00141NG TON. llllNOIS ~O.TAIC\' l'~BLIO 'COMiRATl 'l.\TIO~S arc offpred H. Payne Tha~·er, rt>nfrr, by C'o ngrr:o;s mnn J mrit·· B. C.tt, rig ht anc.f"J o hn T. Rciyd Jr .. 'rornwr "N\ wpo r t Bc•tH'h Pol!tmaskr. in t'• ;111wt:lio n \.:1l h <l pp~o\'a l of Thay1·r us a('ting p ost mas· ter. -~laff Photn H·1ke on Mesa ··1 lhtnk WO ha\'e b· en o({ on.azr.thfl setback r equestrd would t>n-u •f d o· . . f I l'~Clln.IOn for Mme llmt." Re l!l<k·'nblr t he i;aragf' entranre lo bf' I "' orme 1v 1s1on 0 ! ~~n:'::~~0at~~rr~~:" t~,:~!lt~~;~; ~~~~\1:t an angle to make eesae~ • ST~~-~~~J?~~~~~GENCY _ __! --------------·-" (' A. •·r.ooJ y" G00<lon, pou11.J nHl.'<lt·r. hall rt'l <'IV<'d apprm•al .,( u rt<l~e f ro m S:ICMi lo $350 P• r 111 .. 1\th from t'11sta '.\l•'.Sll C1l)I. 1 ·1.unril. 11w r11un1 II M1p1.Ha!ecl hi• l ,1v 1th1111ld n11t l'X• "'"I IS[• Jl<'r l'<'l1l 11( lh1· 11·1 1·1111r ,..,11.' le1I 1111111 tl"i; 111 . 11111'11 1n Aul lw1 IZll11( I '11.v M :lll· 111:1·r t:t'11ri;:1· ('.,It• y tu e11t"r lh\J "' w l'"rllf 11('1. Thayer Acting Postmaster Now -; Two Mesa Brothers Arrest·ed By Store In ll'l'Ulllllll'f11ll11J: Ill!-ih'O'f.)fi..'r." (;.;!Icy uCCC'reJ Lhc fulluwtn~ 1 c · l' 11 l 1111 (.;0tt<.ly'11 a l'l1nt11 !I !nr om • •r.:ht·rnonth p• rloll fiom :'<lny 1 II }'11 \11f' 'FJ¥i'" r. U.oll11111. Iii ~o ~1 •. ,..1 IJr 11lhl'1:t wrrc an,.l>l· tu Uf<'. 31: · • "h·· lt.lt-•I I•• t.1 .... , ''' .1~ 1w•,l· • 01 !'l 1 t JO a 111. !·~lay by Alphn UOO <'AT<'llE K ICECOICO 11"1 •q,: p,, ;-.,"l""l u .. 11 11 l'"~t Ilda Su11111y Uflll t r Lyle [I, T ttWI T rips lo !he llrnng t' c·uunty ff' I• I · . l'"11n1I, :110, r1•rortfr1I tall. ~111 , Ill "'" I."'' l olllt; to "9~ft~~·pht11111o;$fl -..vru1 1 II t h 16 .. I ·r hi ' • -• ""{.. , '"" u nlP, "• l tl$!~ c'~tit-tn1y- t t 1 '' .,. n ti • •' ' I t t:·, 1 1 ~J '1.1' ·tit r"' uht.ur14·,1 hou~P"' fur :1 ti. .11 1 n·h .1 ta .. /H··~5'• tut th•• •11Rn.,:f~ County '" \H\\11t .tt J h•tM~ 11npounu •• 1· I' II 'I • ••• •• .I• I \\•I" 1-:.t\\m ·1 111.,11 11.111,':in, I· 1ruoll \' \ •lllJldUllS, I ll, 1.11:..1 l ' ,, '", .1 •• ,, .... , .... •' t:.1-· lt1th~1.t· .. ,a \l•'"'I ' 1l h\"1I ..;"* '4••,h11Ji ,•n8an,t :!~•d1ut.." t , 1· , •• • • J.1 • r ' , ,. r f, J .. Tl',. "' r• Hff•""''' 1 • t \ Tttll"' Rt •hf· t-1tn •. l·••j t\\ II ) • '• rt I •••• • ••· ,\ 11 .. 1 1 .. •.1 ,. ·•"· ~1 1"1-:'1;•11 1Uhq .i1tl\1t •~ 1nr 1u.i, .. 1 10,1t lvll11 l' I :.~ I J o ._.• l1&f• :00 ,,;, r,".._'l:t~ h nt ...,. 'l tUHt • ••\\"'" COURTS PRESENT? r< tum P1I to mvnr•rs. 30 • lloirs ifumrwd v tl by lram11~nt m11tor· '' '· 'lj dui;s i r-Jw~tl and d r8't'oy. • .J. J6:, u 1L11 lAktn lo the ro11 nty0 I' In.I, ';,J tll'aJ C'll!l!, 6 pO!<Slll'llS 11111 :1 ~kunk;, !1\'I! tob• or il•h h• 111• 1tn11 J:'Brb.11:1 f'l'tnO\ eol Crom Pair Booked on Dope Rap Here May Get ProbatiO:ll , 11 y ~trl'rt~ IJt·•·. ;,, ~I,\~\' :\llLt:s (;0.,,1.,11'~ m1!('11i:~ \'1o\'r rt"d 12.· [•'(J 111111'~. I ""ltl'll W('rC' J 71)S dlllo? la • 11••'11 fnr a tnt11I ornounl o l ]_ . ;') " • ~ I I • • I " f t t •• t •• 1·· D "l <'f'<'rt°'I I.""; I J 'I \. t'' .... h .. f •• l 11 t 1. 111 l • t : t \\ .. Santa · Ala ·in Third All-time High Year Peak l " IK 1 ! II !"' I: I ., . 1 • t.. ~. t • • 111 H \\. I ' l I I. \ 1 \ I .11: 1•1 .,: .:u I •, I t ' t'1 t , ~ t •t'i I.•,.. c· n· n r .. '· .,, ~· .... t h'f'' ltl ,, I h· ...... , •• 1 ,, f4, J I h 1• t : \I ti.• t t P ·' l • I n • • 1 I I ' '••t t•H tt•111u t .1•r. ,, r•Jt 1 Ii• rt I ,. " • I t. r t' ol , l. r)\t1·1t \\ •1 h '"r •• I '' H1 Ji.:• Al Ch I' fl f\ IT J \I ~ f 11 ~ \ ~ ' " ' II, l' •• I . It lfl• ' I I ~· I " 'I f• u. ! t I J II ti I • •!1• h , , .. , , , ~ , ' , , , I I·• , t • • , ·, • • r' 'I , •• •I~ ' l • 'It ' I I ' . 4 f •• ' !I 1 ,,. t. 1 t ' r 1o1. I l!I I I • I I r I ~ ' tf I •I l ) • •: _.4 " . • ,. • 1 11~' t ' l . ' ' .. ' .... ' ;· ,.,,,t·· I P kn ' .... , r \\II • I I !I I I • ' 'I I· ., • I• ' I• • • ... t ·' • \ l~fl· •)I · •, I J.1n "; . ' I•' 4 I t ' ..... ,, I I !t t \\ t I ... , I • I. ,. \ t t t I h l' •••• t ,. I t 'f !' I 'L;: I I •' ... '\' t• 'I I o I '''" ·.• .•r t ! • I '•., h /\ I i• ti 1 "811: , , l , I I f" } .: t l, t'" l 1\.r1J /"'it• I <lt\t ... H - tr I. a.:\ t , .. ,n .... ._ \• ·, ~'\nt1 l t : .n.•·· t 1'1• l \"' .... 3 r·: .... ,,. ·~ t u111 ,., I ,., h:l--i 11 :l .. •1 !'"'Ai IM •'IJ:11: h111ihr,,_ I I r·· I' 1h'I n 111r1ri •' nn I <Jth• r Th" t \1• ·. I 11\ IH 'K ( l.t:.o\ltl'l•)ol '1.u11 hn rlk • 1.-n r'inJ:'S arr ,.'I 1111' t' f\ J l1lir ,, d1 J ,, ~ I • I \ • "> 11 8 I I 111" h i; h t'11• li•t w rt>k ~ •'hri~·11111~ , ... l1 ,_• ~ "-' lt !d • l at' ti.fl • " Mesa SchOol District Gives Breakdown on Bond ~Election L , i • I' " 1111• "" k .,.,. I ~ l ··ntn!'Ci l•llit.l Hl.t V \'X1 '""'I 1:•;,;1 ~>\ ·111. 11.•tlu1n drtU.n JC, a•'• rd11l~ t '' 1 111111 I•' .. r 1 ·1111 llr"··" n <;f t t.r I' 1r.1a /\n,1 1:11~in"S8 :'<lt•n .'I ,\!Ulo· I I tl"n hn..<1l \'l'nt'~ a ll-tlmf' hl~h In hR•ok '" a1 1Ji~, \\ n" !>I 11:! :!1111,0 411 Tn I •'I'. \\llh1111t the Chrt•l11~A.• w <'rl< , 11 111~• 1u111µ111r•I. Ill" 1!'1•,4 lo';i! An ,.,11,.1 hi· •k •· ''". t "'' !"' ... , exrrnilt' 11 r• I hi' I·, •I 1 C\I• •.t ~-1"· rni.:n11tr.i.. ~· h••· 1 I ••·I 111 1 '"I'!• 1 • r Pl'lh7" '? I' \I t t-t h 1:, $'7:\ ot•PU bnr t ,.Jt, 'I 'l \\A~ • '"'° 1• I•..._:. l h\· ,.;11r,.111··11·1<-r 1 1,.1.tt '' H• 1 u th,. t• n ..... 1• 111r ""''1 by tlln r -1,n ,,r, ,1 1'P•ltl rl1 1:1l Ir ' I· f'U n•XI •• n'I • ulr • •1 ly $1.1:'1.1 :J!I'.: !l'-6 T h i, .1~ ;' l '.1 ,, • ., 111' 1•• 111 l 'l•\\h'l\. 'I" \1 11 l ~ll•t"<''<•l\P )<'8 1" In \\:ilt•t\ t•, t ,•·.\,.n 1· . .i .. , ••" .t·.t ~t ..... , u 'l!~lJu\e ~"·•·• t"J the l d- l•t••• 1:,.,, I a l..! I 101 '"'" l I , ol..tl~r' l"rlrk- l.1r.•I• • i; 11 I• r.. t I 1 ' I 11 -· rr'"~i-r11~1\rtt'ttlplll a.re !'1'BCh1r,k An · ""'' a !1 11;i~11:i: \• llr., hrCJl"h. ""'r 11\1 t.m" h 1i;h. -..1th the-)1a1 " ll' • ~1nn :r 1 · •al 1>11t1mr1t~•I a l $1 n 1s.non. nr A l :'<1.1 .,..:-; l :ml k "h•n ·•rl :! I f lt; • I 8 I. n· I rl"ftllf' or ntOrt than JO p!'r ('rt' nl·•·-'\.:.•rn•·l .. t·w• the 111:'>3 $9 18.~6:-i. ac•·oril- ,.,.; t o P n•lmUltr !-'rank Hel"\!.·O(>tt P OP I l.ATIO~ (;.\I~ b<'1111w !Z ::· "'"' f1 11 !'hr l'' •'•• :. \! :11 nt• \',•\ 1 ,s, • ". H111hl T hr\' W I I ..: ,., ,~ •. •I •tf11I II tulAI I I ,. ' ,., nr I n n.'ll' r ''ff ·~ Slf'Rtl)' r· p.l.1t 1un J:lllll u. rl"- nf $;\11\1111"0 1 1 ••h•"I l•.., ll ni:• !• 11.,1,10 · l••T'lt'tl, With lht" Ill'"' t><"lnll<'r t"Pn- e n.J thio I un l.11•" '• ( 11 I I ·1·r11 ' ~1.• ro11n11n,-; :w n1n n• 11rn11 n( fi ,\ • I 1n lh1•1 i:h ~, h Hull I ·"in·" ,\na. ~nmi1i1r• d with tliP ar h•'• l ,at" I'' rr· ·' " ' F:11rm111k,.. I ! r I'll'•' 1'-" "'~ ml1ll1-1 u1p. "'bu.: 1.n.: nr•I 1ld".'.!"" I 111•l <1ff1nlll l'r1111u11 tn lffj:?, Tt'H•nl· t nur new l'rl'""l , ·r• 1-1• 11 ••n 1111·1 h"al:h unit $•!1 .. 10 11 I: riz.JM> Thf' I r• ik l•'" 14 "' 1.:; , 7 l'll'.!;;1••• I\ •11•• d lll A111'• l~rrr1ns: r'a t !" In 111,,4 Wl'r" l r 11r1 """' jll ol• I•. I l!J•. ' ,,. 11.1k. r lln•l F.1 I\',•\\ 1'11 11 A1~1 1 11 1.111.J: "' ll\'Jllt'• \\Ith • lll'l<'nl \\"ii•• n ,.~ 1 l" 1 , ri•tn H 'I 11 ."• 111 .. 111 :.. h .. \, :: k\n,,. r,:arto "'· t 1111 or $16.;l!l 414 1~·11,.tl by t hr I' JI ;"1'1tl f I 1i Ill I h'll" ., II \' I \ I t !•• .1 J I tJ-'11•' • I n I I s; '"' t10; ,, .. I._' 1·, • • ., ' i I .... ,. I H\ ,· 1 ,\ t ,11 " .,. d·' ~:·11 t •• l \' \\1 ! ' ..... ~,, t\ 't 11 \•• ;1r. ! h· 'll''°l lit''· 5l,h' .. A.I ,l tlfn, \\Ith annthr r 1!1\ '\." J,:tt t ;. ~ t·.· tu•·". 14 l'lt-~r in nr11·c .,,~ thP t.r:1,i.~l to~.l• 1\ takt s') ,. , .• I I,.: lo 1,.: .. I •• I • II• 1-.•' !lr t: I ·:•··,·~ ("''"! ,• .• .H: l J , , :l1\ t • t H t ... ''H 114' :,,, l Lt t""TTl 'r!t 1:. t .. r.~lts t ca.c.J. .. .. f.abulous 0 Huaraza .,, .. •A( 1' · ,r 1 ... .,.. ... r,_:.!h CP"1' .., • .... • •.• -·• y ' "· ~ .\.:' _:;.,. • <:! t ' coofs, second floor . • ..... • • • • ample • • •. ~lree parking. • IMllilHI •.-y • • • lit•• 1/J w.c.11 .,..,. •• rankin's : • • • •••••• • • • I;, I, IO. .. "' - anki n , . - ••• fleece. 110°0 ,. ' • .. " .... , , . . • 'V -. • • • '. . ' . . ' .. _ ... . ~ . ' / .· FRIDJ\Y~ JANUARY 7, 1955 t NEWPORT HARBOR. NEWS-P ESS ., . ... . ·-~~~---,51--~~~~~___,___,___,___,~~ ...... ~~~~....:...--~~~~___,~~~~___,___,___,___,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ..--~ -~ • ~ ~i ., .. .. .. T.AKING GOOD U){)K aero~ Bay Islam.I bridge before daRhing aeross i..;· Officer George. ~ycl'!':-Ench ofrfccr ~an,.cr9uched down, hi(iing behind walls and h"ccH until danger of additional gunfire was believed over. Policc •were o n isfa11d talking wi!h wound.~d Ernest Ca'nlu when second shpt w oCtnded Phil Kilrrier in r owboat. I ' SHOOTINGS: .. .. ... -# • • WHICH WA\' nm Ht: Gf)·:--Offic<'r Don Munson. left , holds a jack<'t found aboar ci . .. ····--- .. - OOTT t:n t.i~t: show!:! bullC't path .to finil \"ictim, ~rnc::.l C(!rTtll. Offiel'r J)on Hurd· s;ll.~ N~wport polic<'man. searches· -sportsfishing boat Backu1-1. nioort'd at :.Wi. r:dge- w1:1te~. fp r ~eapon used to shoot tw~ lucal men y<'sl erday. Buy Island. :-10"nc of Hh11ot: ing, is in 'Je(t top-background. t~e Roger Cunningham home 1trnl it" bl•ach .an· :at ex· tteme right tip of isla,nd. X ma.rJts be11r h where Cantu. 2r,was woundrd. tfarbor mna· tcr's bo'ats are alongside Backl!S on which rifle case a.od ten .22 cal. shells were foWld by policc-. -·All ~taff Ph.<?.t9e .. • the boa\ Backus ai> f'lOH:<l bl<' ('ncl<'nre in t hr doubl<' io1h11otmg. Ur com ·<·nil'S with un- l\IA \"Rf: HE'S IS llER&-Footpnnt.s in the soft ground lx-i-1de a n Edgewater A\'c. home l<'ad pohn• to a t iny acu·ss hole under the foundation. Newport Offi1 er l'nssman crouch<'s for a SCJUH1t Jnt o the hole while De- k <.:tn·e Oeorge Mt:lrupalis vf Co!ita Mci;a p11 hcc g1v<'s him a hand with '« spot light. •T.ISKJSG o .. IA>CAl/MAX. Neil Williams. Ba Ib o a co nstruction SUJ l('flnt cndl·nt, (wearing gla.-.scs I produced .22 cal. scope-sight rifle whk h Offlcn c;l..'S)fl:C ~tc-t ropuli<t. left. holds. Othcca arc unidentificd. Williams was questioned. pron11unccd "ch·a11·· to hiR relief. ... identified of(1cl'r on which ljirl·~t1on the a ssailant went when he: fled from th~ boat: .. CHtX Kl1'G .22 UU"U : t:-iken fr(lm Neil\'. Williarps for balhst1cs test nrc Cost:-i ~h·s\l Officer:;; G<:'orge Metropolis. left and L . D. Pollom. r;ght. with Newport Officer· Don Burdsall. I • ISSl't:f TISG ntl'.t t:T hole in upHtairs plate glass win· Jmrn at homl' of I lamid J~t·y. 3Ul -E:dy,cwate r, is DC't. sin. \'. l . M<'~Ja111gal. abon >. whu tlisco,·ered gla~s,,frag­ m <'nl11 s tr \\"fl O\"Cr nt•a rby i<ofa and ca rpeting. . . C())llC AL XOt l\ I~ BA\' aSIAXJl shoot ing orcurrrd ~·<'strrdn~· as Offow flurrl::all left thr Linc11l,n Clnrk~· h0m<'. 209 1-: !i:;rwntt'r :u1d h:-id tn st<:p nrutmu·"ix•lit~ motor-· cycle u,,·11Ni br T ·•ny C1Jrk. son of the Clar ks. ' . . ROAD 81,0(.;K AT RALBOA 81.\'D. &nd 15th St . was co\"t'r(•tl by local, C1Jsla Mesa and other polic<' d<'lailR. Officer Bob L'pi;o'n. ma.kes ·r<>adx to .f!hakc dow n car al lll'~l>ltEU~. Clt' )IOTOKISTS were stopfo<'d at road bl<•c k11. thlit onP on Ralboa Bin i.. V<'l'l<'rd11y a11 pnil('P f 1 um :'\'-\.\ r 1 t, l:rns ta ~tesa,. Huntmitcin lkach: Cali for· left wh1I <> h11:1 pa rtner . uni<knllflt'd. J:n'~ thr<1u ~h t runk for possible weap<m used in y~·stt 1day's Bay Isl:i11d double shooting. :~ii\. H1~hwa:v l'a t rr,I and lhL· :'\11wp11rt Tr1wn11h1p Cun- Atabl"'R ()ff11·•· Jl•IO<'•I 1n r·nrdr.n t 1, 1 t.1·1 k <1llt l'QI h driv• follov.·ing Bay l11land sh111,trn~ .. • . ' .. ·' Th~ Hqliday~. Amot)g .West _ Newporter5 Mr. ~ Mn. Darid Holltiy 3r. and tamily, Ca.nap Park, 'J)elll U\e hoU11t-y1. with ,Mr. and Mn. D. W. Holtby Sr .. l!H8' W ... t OcHn J'rollt. DavtcS ta eoclal 11elenc• In· 1tructor at ca.nor• P ark Rip Schoo). I • ·, . , Mr . .._,,d Mrl. W .. 8. Hunaker. 1%~ 28th St., retumed Tueaday trom a lonf n.caUcm trip. They Jett Chrtatmaa, day'wtth thelr -~ trom Rlvenide, iolnc north .to Victoria, ·B.C., ·to Lake LOOIM IU)d comlnc home by way of t.&1,se. Tahoe. , Mr•. Fred Abita of Parker.Dam I• 1taying at the !!;. G. Walktr home, 11e 27th St., ~l{>lng to care tor her father, who 11 rec;overl~ from a brolten hip. · · Mrs. Floren<'e Torrence, 11' 27th st .. : atient the holiday• with daugh~ tera in Los . Anget..11. . Mr. and Mra. Harold Thomp110n. I 30th st.. retumed Monday from _,,...,!'fill a w1:·ekend trip to Ensenad.a. Mrs. Mabel. Sfanlry, 1711 We,r. Balbua Blvd., returned Saturday from San Diego where she· spent the holiday$ wit h her brother and hl11 family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mahoney, 2ZO 30th St .. apent Monday In Lo11 Angele11, combining bu11Lnea11 with visiting friends. · Mrs. Edna Baker, 306 34th .St.. returned home Monday from Lyn- wood where she spent the holiday• "'Ith ·her d.aughtN and family. ·- .. ISRAELSON DAUGJ\TER TO. WED-JoAnn Carlysle to walk to altar with David Stone on Feb. 4. ~ .~ . . lsraelsons Reveal " . . Betrothal of J oAnn Liets PromotiotT !D aughter Born and Vacation ~ Don )h1 .. .-·n. 1!>Cl7 Tl)tlln Aw ,' to Ed wards in I• plamnjl:·to C'htra;to ·ror a thr'f't1C,,... •• th C ·•· Wt'ekw Vltt'&llon. Will 1lrl\0e a MW ~ . aro 1na car horn•. Don llvu "with hi• pllr· Almo~t but not q11Ht' a 'New enu. Mr. and Mra .. Edwa rd t.1118• Yt'U'• bab~· WIUI ht.UC' e ......... al'D at thl' Coata Mf'aa addrl'~. but 1Mai111 W.ard. bum Dr<'. 31 In Shaw ., ha.a bh•n promutt"d by th• 1'<1m· Air )o'Orcl." Ba8e Ho!lpl~al to Mr. pany tor whl<'h hl' work ... l. nltt>d 1 1anJ,. Mn1. Edw11rd Ward of Sum• Stat• Cyp.11w.1 a nd will move \o t.-r, S. C . .Mr11. Ward la lht fOMnf'r Lo.la An11f'lf'• to bl'' <'loMr to bla Miu JC'All. Rt'6'd, 1l111jl'ht er of Mra.. new 0H1co. • . J;mN<t SaCt1i; of Lido hJr, t or whom thltt 111 th" ttr'•t Krandchlld. The~bebv .a.rrlvt'tl at 12:2() .,n. In Recital . anJ Wt'l(h~J 1 lb ... 1~ or.. ~·riend• · 'If rect-nt · , v ~ n 1 n r . -... a rect'lved' nt"wa ~! tnt' ~vent· in a mrmorablt' oceuion for llttle Billy hnirtmas·New Year .card eipee.ftl. fWvin. a1x V<'Ar old aon of the ~ ~Uy 'tlet1ipeJ to lnclu.Je Ca1ene. RovlM. bf 209• Ft'dt'ral A \'e. Billy r . • played Jbi1Jk.~ll• on }lie irult&.r I· Whenrvt•r a 11tparation i• made at the annual pupil reel~aJ ot tour bt'twt'f'n liberty amt JuaUM, ~ac;hera at thr Conaerva\o'1 ot ne1thu, 1rt my opl!tlon, 11 aafe. !\{u1ic l.n Ar;tahtl1m. • -Edmund Burke ·T~e Frances Norton Shops .JAN U·A RY .. . CLE ~ARANCE . ' " Our onoe a year event!, Your opportunity to ~led your apparel at teniflc U\•ln~a ••• Al'tually at cost and below! · J ame11 Anderson, 11ervl('e man Mr. an4 Mrs. Earl l•rarl.son, Burrough.I!. High School, Burb11nk. at Camp ~en~t>ton. returned. there 2291 Channt'I Roud Baiboa, are .and attended Otange Coast Col-..• F riday mnrmng after l!pt>ndmg a 1 IC"ge. John wa., graduated from tt'n day leave with h111 motl}er, announcing the 1'n1t9gement of Newport Harbor Union HI g h Mrl!. Loie Anderson, 308 32nd St. their daughter, J oAnn Carlyle, to St·hool and al110 attended Cout Drastic .Reductions of Our ·~ ·Stock of Fan and Winter Fashions Mrs. May. Delozif'r, 20~ 3~th St.. Mr. "flavld Max· 9tonei son o,! Mr11. College. spent the holidays. with her. daugh-Elsie EJ:"i;t•ll of Balboa and J.lr. The wedding Is set tor Friday, ter and family in A.ltadena. j ohn Stvne u! Altadt•na. Feb, 4 aC Christ Church by tht D R I 5 s· E S cuuat and dmi.y atyte. In Wools, Wool lel'M'ys, Taf!eta. !illka an~ Kay.om. NIGHTINGALE DUO, Mrs. Irving Wateher and Mrs.' Joseph Preininger (L and R), congratulate' ea.c h other o"'.er good work well done. The ·two were honored by the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wataon ,loAnn waa gradua~ed_,trom J.ohn Sea. 11011 Wayne, 3504 West Ocea.n i ~~e:l· ~:~~r;edtri~~nd;~,/~117,en~ Miss Norma Gentle Bri'<l'e ... ~. • R"ll· ~·o ll.9.\ 985 · R•I· to IUS 1 ftlS :SOW 4 r NOW v-- R•1: to zt.95 1295. IW(. '° u.&& 1415 · \ • • ... • • I Nightingales Chapter of Hoag Hc..srutal for .having completed 100 heurs of in-service Chrlslm1119 with Mre. Wayne's · _worlt a.t the hospital. -Staff Photo Night_inga:le Chapter , ~ ·Honors Two, Greets Seven· New Members Provisionals. Introdµceq, Lecture ·series Planned Mis Halph Tundow,,ky \\tH1 h•o.•l!.':--~ 11n Tt1•' ... 1.1y0 11.t hrr hnmr. 80~1 V111 L 1ot .. -.:,lo1u1I, to mH11ti• •~ ul th" :'\1,;hlllli.;idl' ('h1tf'l••r' •lf Ho.T.i: Jt,.,.. P&lul Aux1hary. A !'4!il~lin~ i, ..... t, ~ ... •·:-. \\1·r1· ~1 1nt•!<o. 1•11njlt.J l'olt·~Ju\I•'. Ho\\:1r'i l llw f1"\"l*,\\'11t•h•·r 11, .• "'t w.i~ ~ .... , ... ,T \\1th')lr~. Orvlll~ "'!Stl'Wlfrt rm'1 MN H•H • y c "'-""'\' I'""~ 11111.. H<1n1>rf'd for ha\~1n;: , 011fplo•l,.J rni.n, 1~ in • ha1 i:<> nnol Mr11. Hal 11~ ~ """""~" <AL thl: 110,,. l>iktc httr. l 11 kt•ts, M1 ~. C'harll'S p it a I w riti ~Ir~. J .. r E l'r,,inini;;vr I ,;w1t'i "di h1rndte publicity. and )11" \\'1ttrlw1 1:1.rnl•"I 11111 I ------ 111.111b"1:i1>1p w.,J.lli• ch11plo>r, h.t\Hll: Balboa Islanders c:0111"'"''"' 111• 1~ "'''" '"11·•.1 ""111'· I Leavirrrr-on Cruise "•'I.. \t mo .J.1. k ' I Hll)'d•·•· I b • J 11d1 1:11111.111. l'h1tll• • ,\ l.olfrll ~tr All•I ~h ,.. flay lt l't>vt·s, 1110 Rnlph ~1. T.111<1•1\\>kY, 11,1.,..ill•I S 1:.o.111ur11 . K:dboll J,.lllntl. &.r" l...-w1-. :111.i,. .. n ~•11tw1 l1t1i.1. J .. lln •a:line on Salll11l:"" Jan.~-liboii'r.J • \\'rbstt'I. · • l.1· >'. :-; .\ ku~ ( ·t;PJI• r t•n a C-a1 1h· -.~ ......... h+ prc1\·1~1n11:d.~ 1aJ t 11dtJ1 ··d ,._,,, ., h• un • 1111"11' fnm1. New Orlt"'8n~ t.t1u1••. J nnn l.,l.111nt. ~·1-r111n• '"'" .. 'l'l11s lfi·1l11.'' rn11:<e Wiii c~nd to ar•n. :'\n•f•1r1• .. t :•'!'k n. ""' I •qucl,, .. , V•·1 rd • ·do11ul 1~1Ands~ as \\'tll J'r11y: ,h•hn l.\n11p1• ·~,:;•,1111• ,,, t'f\ .. 11 .. 11h .. rn <'ottst of South RoWt' nnd .John I . s" urt z I 'llh'l I• ' Th• 11 In• l'UI .v lndudts l>1•111s~1on ""nlr1•"l .. r1 11!1· • .. 111• .1111111111 "· th•· P11t. h b land o( <:ur-' ln~ Jo:11nn. ~l•'arn!'\ t1.t~''•'n ... , r1• --. ·•• 111 Ttu1'd 1•1. nn•l ("ntuf'O~. I.A Wh1< h ~C'1t-n~ Feb :! I 1\1, ,,., 11 .. n . .i.1 • :11.01rA. I'""' t•• r,11i~t10, and Guan- Coli;:rovl'. \\A)'H nntl zn••o1n~ d i111·11.1 all 111 \,11,z11t•l11. -- LETTER FO I~ BABY . . FROM FIRST LADY "Welcome, Melissa Lawler, to tlrn; wcimlcrful world. The PresidPnt Joins-mf' in St'nding congrat- . ulations to your parl•111 s. ~Jy \'l'f'Y best wishl·s to you alwa.ys!" Signaturf' t o th<' nwss:i~c was a fam- ous Olfe, "Marnie Dou1l Eisenhow<'r." nnd on both paper: and envelope were the goltlen tnsigma. "Wh ite House, Washington." The letter arrived a mong Christmas mRil at the Michael R. Lawler home'. 702 Fernleaf A\'c., and was addres.'l<>tl tn first daughter of_the couple. flix-weeks-old MellS11a. There is a son. Michael, a year old, \\•ho r«"ei\·ro the fl(l('Ctal · wekgme gh·en a first ct.ild. But Melissa was different. She was first girl born in four J,?cnerat1ons of the Lawlr r family, which boitsls uncles and cousins galorf', nnd that was why h('r 01DU1er St'nt an announcemc·nt t o the> White House. Sh<' is l~flN'cl "\V<'knmC':" Beginning New Term .... February ~st ·there will be som. vacancies in the primary and _elementary CJrades of St. J.mes Day School • •,, - A pplleatioo" will he ~·f'd at thr Chorrh &hool Orri<"e f>hone Harbor 391'9 ~amut>I J\. Rf'IL JIM1dma.11t4"r mother fn Blnnfpg am, Ara .. an -f Ri ... t... ....... d 1'. T....... • r . . Vi ted relatives In Austin, Teifas. 0 . ~r ..J...~rman-~ray-. ~----~-----""'--...,j~-----------It wall a quirt wedding. per· N~rmllD Gray home. Both mothers I S, RT H A R B 0 o ,Conned at 8 p.m. on Wednesday., assist'ed' In receiving, Mrs. ~n- ,n D . 29 in Santa Ana b the Rev. lle wearing a blue vetveteen sull · • t e<' ; y . with cor&age ot pink ro11r bud!i and e Harry Ownings, which united white ,carnaliont1 and Mr11, Gray · ~ 'J Miss Norma Diann Oenlle, d11.ugh-In a J)ink and !Nhtte drua With , • · 0 c t e . ter of Mr. &11d Mr11. G/P. Gentle, 91m1l11r eoruge. 222 We11t Willl()n St., Co11t• Mell& Both young peopll' were edu- and Richard Norman Gray, 110n ot catet.I at Newport Harbor Hi&h Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray, 138 School. Thr brldegToom 11 prn- J' Santa Isabel St., aliio Costa Meaa. ently aerving with the U. S. Air BARBRE, Society Editor In tl'le double-ring vow exchange f'.orcl' !t Mountain Homt', Idaho. :M.RS. WIN£FRED Norma wu given in keeping by where he will !>e jumed by hil NEWPORT°HARBOR NEWS~PRESS -PART I I . PAGE I ~,.r ·fat.her. She wore tor the,oc-bride the latter part,ut January , · culon a blu~ velvet au!t with JANUARY . 1955 .• ~ow .,.NO\V . :--..... ~::_... . . ... ~\ .• R•r. l4 si!.oo ... -...... .Now ·· 3 5 . SU l .T S Wool~. FaJllf.& and Raj'oa• now V• ancl 1/2 OFF &I'&. S'-\.00 to 11 llUICt LOSO COATS ·-·· .. -·-······ . .sow %off whit!! accelMM>nl'll llnd white 1.u-Logback Baby ~ I nations, Her attendant, H~len M i., an(I ~tr11 ifrrr r Lo&back. I P L ~try Women, Ja.n. 13 at 8 p.m. In Bt,.hm. wore a CUY d~!l8 wllb 2732 F:11Bt Coa8t .H1Jhway, Corona ...., oet a urea te the Ebl'll Club HOU8e at Santa white 1·amatlon co~ge. Frank L. del M11r are part>,,-lll o( ·a babyt F N . . Sh An11 , Gordon W. Norria. Poet Lau-!an;..:~~~ w~t~ the br!dtgroom 1 .~1rllb.J1.lw1;n O,c. 28 ana we11t_hln( ~ ranees orton op' s to Address rPate of Cahfornla, will rnd from ., • hill volume ot slate poetry, "~· "'?'he r·ect.ptl.on wu held it the l I rlen Empire." Thia Wllll publli!hed I tt• 1· .. H ·1 a· 1 ' T\\'O l.()('ATIOSS •IN KA:\'TA ANA A. A. u .. Women ln rPlebral!on or Ca11(ornia's flnt ,and the rich and historical Span· 1g ms ~l Ir . .Parlda • ! centennial Y"ll\!• Ht> will prt>redt' Js./I C:itlifornia hui pl'1Jph-kilt'\\'. HP Lt. 111111 Mno. \\ llham J 11nw11 H \1t·, 213 NORTH BROADWA V Validated g At thl' ,1teneral proKfam meet· his r11adi~s by an utraordtnarlly 1111. a det••ndanl 11! l'overed Wllj?on Jin. C0 n•na tkl J\far. bucame par-SEW ARCADE BLDG. -Next to SNl'J lni: of Santa 'A.na BranC'h of the interestlni: nnd 11uthr nllc talk.on plonl'Hll. h is gr11ndp11r•·nts ha\'1111: ,.ntio or .a J aui.:htrr b"m Jan 2 t t .-REE PARK.l~O A111~wan A~~~t~n ~ UnlVf'~J the C~l1~m1a he knows KO Wtlt l l'~t' ht'~ 111 1~9.U v~.~S=·~~~·:n:vn:l~H:t1:~p:t:lk:l~.~~;~:r:W:~:·~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~==~:::=:::~::;;;;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:~:=;;;;;;;;;;=::.;;==~======.I ,; - Starts Thursday: 'anuary 6th Jan~~Fy . ciearclnce s~le! LADIES SHOES STREET and DRESS STYLES IN CALF and SUEDE FLAT and MEDIUM HEELS, some Hi He,ls ' Sizes 4 to I 0 AAA to B. Not all d yles avai lable in •!!ry site FOOT FLAIRS PENALJO SJ.9~ to $11.95 Values -•690 DEBS -~ , ., BRIEFS • • CASUALS By APTITUDE . $7.45 to $9.95 Values DEB • ·s49o FOOT FLAIR BEAU MOC ·• _MOTHER and D-AUGHTER FLATS . By CAPEZJO Child si1e1 -r<I MW Slfl to 4 Ladies sizes -N M '4 to 9 ALL SALES "FINAL • ~ • I:"' h&l\c Ml nr llf'tund-· 2?5 F.AST I ';th STREE't s490 OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P. M . Pit. u 8-2778 • and ~ORE ~-.. ··SALE STARTS JANUARY 7th s w I M w E A. R for WOMEN -MEN -CHILDR~N REDUCED WOM~N'S MEN'S · Sport Shirts T -Shirts Sun Dressea Blousei Sweat~n T-Shirts Suedecloth Pull-overs Wool & Cottoo Pedal Pushers ' and More Denim Pull-overs •Sailcloth Slaoks *Sailcloih Pull -overs *Wool Sweaters Play Shoes J Group Hawaiian Shirts FOR GIRLS and IOYS *SHORTS *SLACKS •SHIRT'S -KNIT SNOW GtOVES . ...... Cera111ic Odds & Ends REDUCED ONE·H.ALF PRICES REDUCED UP TO 25°/o on FLANNEL-LINED JACKm and COATS For WOMEN ancl.C-H+l-OAEN : - • • Many Additional · Items Rect..Cect · 1o 010 t6 25 °10 ·~OTF.-llROKt:S !'41ZE!4 ASO C'Ol,OR!'I A\'AH.AllU: ? DON'T MISS OUR 50( SPECIALS n I 2701 W. C~t Hwy. Liberty 8-5383 (Two blocb M>Uth of The Atthf'!I -On Mariaer'i Mlle) .-l I I -. . . I .. .. • !.._ • . ' . i .!•1111,•n lln l ~lt1 ~I tll' \l,f',ml• ~AGE 2 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBO R NEWS-PRESS JANUARY 1955 'Hey-You Squares' Note · Anniversary Bal boa Bridge C1 ub Play Resumes Friday .. r ~1f.., 1111• \\1~ h• 1l H, •\ ' t ~ , - AIO 01 g a niuu and continuing 11pon11111 of tbe Ht')'·\' llU Squaru. J2·mf"m~r t• t'll•l jll' Hl\rb"r l ll~h •q1111rl' dsnr1 1rroup, Mr . an•I ~ll'J!. I J. Mtl\ in K11.:h o( 3012 ~lonco,·1:. A \t•, Custa Mt'~U. W•'I " prl"11ento•J I\ 1.Kuut1ful pluqu .. ot &pprN·1a\1on by th.-ic1 ouµ at their 11nn1veumry parly Trcenll)'. A JarGC t hrN! car i:ara~e bu bct'n bulll ln·lht> rear vf l ht'lr nt'W home by the KJlches tn serve• u hea<lquerters for !ht club. wblrh Wlls orJ,:8n1Z<'l'I follow- • I~~ tho• <•In~\' o f M'h O<JI last June, Durlnl( lhe hQUllay \'llClll1011 ~1 • 1 fool I\ virtually c1intinuous open l hou~.-h1£11 btt'n mulntaln • .,I at thP l<lt\h hume.' with e l 1£'11~1 t hrt'<' lmpr1omptu parties .)>e1Dg held d ch M "I Ml'Ot} M t. H(ll " IA'I'•,, IHI ~hll"n K11.:l•1111111 .. :11 .. 1 " .. ~1 "111n• t • In t It• ~I 11 tht'' ,.r1 .. rn,t'•n ,.:Ah r "•~t •1 ,,, .. J J\'an • lio•••kr r 111111 .... n ~\•'' '"'' \\ hllf"' I lj;h Co "I• I' 11"11'1 • Ull Werk. At tilt O\riatm•• pa rty twu Tht' n .. tooa f\urllratt' ~.-.• 1 ........... Mr• II ll '"'I • ""'' .11'• l of the 32 fmtmber l wtr«' n11~&tn1t Club will rC'1uflle plsy on F t I Iii~· """•II • for th~ C"&lt'ty and ~1ft i'X<'h&nlt«' \t vt'nlflr of lhl1 "'rrk &flu · a tf1r<'e H11n11.1·, ';°;p • , •I "'' 1 "' '" Ml > Th,.re were. 30 at the ~1·w Yt'at'• wtrk• a tl)ournml'lll dun ni: lh <' c .. 11.:" 1'""' II 111 I ~I t• ·11 .. n1• Eve parsy .. wrll. Lh• houra holida y H lUI"" lfht' ~"111" "111 h·· t:ici:•·t: \I 1 • Ft 1 t 1 .. 1111 ... 11 11n beln&' extt nlttd Oil that cx-raalon htld a t 414 F.lUl 0 1",.&n .. -n,nt Ill ;\11" I»• oluh ~I\ I•' ~11" Flt'll II• t to' 1 a.m. Balboa and will a t art at 7 :l(\ :-.;,.,".""'' r 1111.1 \I•· ·,. •t I """"'" T he Nrw Yrar'a da y and nl~h\ o'cloc)(. ll11ni•··1· 111• t\· 1.1 t\ .... 1111 '" '" ""''" iathf'rlJ11' -· dNlgnattd "Me1'1 Wlnnt'rt e f J.1B8ll'r Point.'" 1t.. t"1~nk l(,.,.j HI\ I M,. A II ~111r Day" ·in apprecia tion tor ttte greAt 8un~v 1eame 'wue Mr. nnll Mri<. P1•nal11 \~ 1nL· "'·'" ~1 .. 1-' J am'?~t oCylm•. money and ttfort A.' \\'.' T umml'I playln~ t ••t·wr 11t W 11·k11111n ;1n.t 1-:1.1 .. 11 .111111 ' 1'11 • Mr. ~Itch had uitnded on thl1 and, Ro~rt LAllk an1I Arnold l!U· 1 llarry s, h1lll11.,; 1111.i M 1 • '"'"' t<y~I project . A l&rjt'e box of statlon.-ry irr ln n orth-aouth poaiUo n. R un-I lnlrr•.~1 ... 1h1llll:•'1·t~· .. 1• 11 tl' In W!lll purc1l111t'd by the 11:ro11p andl n•rll·Up Nt.!lt;w,•l!t w•te Mrs F'r1111k ,1·llrd 111 ·.1 •111 tpr 1=r111111 r 1tllt'r "" tB<'h ml'mher~wrote a thank you need •. nd Ton\nlY Hnhne .. 11. Mr. and \ Mond11)' 11!11•{1.,,.,,, '" 1-• i.1~" ,., ... n no~c ot appreciation. A ahowPr Mr a. Robi°rt I)lschnl'r. Mrs. rert·y ln~.arhl lnf11r111a t11•11 1"v1trd111.: lh•• ot candy accomranled the prutn• Crawlf'v and raul Taylhr. Run11tn•· \ 1111 ru••• rlln" hr ••hl1tl11r1! b~· plw111n~ tatron. Thf" flnalt' "'-tht holld11y up north-llOuth wt're Mu . f'«'lll:>' }'Jl\rb11r :1::;:1'. \\' - arttvltles was " potluck 1111pp.rr !e.-... ~1 and aqu11re dante IHt Sunday. ·' It -C-.-1-.-f~--. --A--.... _---W--.- 1 - 1 --p;a110 .!JnJlruct."011 l U I Orn t a rtISt S 1 TE~ESA RENNER (M rs.:' A. Re nned f l,coJ11p~t e a t Oran ge Show ('::,:=-:-~:: :r:.:0 ::;::·· Mc1<h'1 n ""'' con i:1ervallve C'..ali-painting tmoder n or chn~trvall\'' I f<1m1& arl1111>1 wlll bC' given tbe ant.I one i;r ulpt u rt'. •~r.t111'11 11ub· OflpHrlUntl)' tu CulllJ>l'll' 'fnr Jj()Q 1111!1 l'ol lllU.-l II<' nt IJ;tnul prmlur-11~ 1·a11h ,uwan l11 11\ thf' All·t'ah· 1 tion& and 11ho111t1 ht' r hrr k N1 "mnd-1 fomla Art Exhibition to be held t rn" or "l'Oni<f"t\'al1,·e" 811 !ht> dt· In c unj11nrlln n ~·1th tht 19~:> "'11· ~1gnatlon tor •t hr 111·1·t 1on In whkh tifm· nf th,. National Orani:r ~'"'-ntr f"n trlt11 are to bf" ;11'1~Pd In Sitn Bemardtno March I> There twill bt' ftvf" pur<'haM throu"h '&1a r"h 27. , • ,.._ -t'-'"•nls totalhn,; SU)u(), """ Pttr· Hud redtt or brnchure ll l111t mg <'ha se prlzu a rf": oll,, $400 ln C'on· \'llrlo1111 dH11l11 or thl' competitive !IC'rv1H1ve and '$400 mndl'rn; w1trr lftt ""h1bltlo n have bt'rn ma rt rt.I rolor. •200 '"Jn ronsrrva lh•f' 11nd to u lli1t1<. m\1se11m11 a nd art gal-$200 modnl'T anti $300 In 11~\llJ'>· lrrlf'll thr.ou11hout thl'. 11latf'. sc-turt. W orks awardtll th11 purchaae cording t n Mr11. Thto. Wuod. notr<I prtzu wlll bt<'Omt lht rroprrty St1n Btrn11n1tno artl11l and C'h&fr, of lhf' l"allonal Oran1tt' Show 11nd I rn11n nf the :0.-11lional Orange Show added to thl' permanr)il <'Otlf"<'· A rt Exh1b1t c ornmlllel'. tlun. E ntry blank11 m1111t bl' re- 4S6 Sf.ma Urivf' Ph. Hu. 2039 , · J 11 -1 ""' f'oruna m r;hlaltdtt -C'Alron• dPI Mu ' LAl EST HA IR STYLING FOR HOME '.R/4~Ul-~--:~J--~ENIS_ D A 1'11 S IARBER SHOP RAJ.BOA THY.ATRE l\LOO. RA I.ROA OPf'll '1'ul'Mlay tMU lllaturda)' NEWPeRT HARBOH YACHT CLUB was gaily 1kc11· raleq for New Year's 1'~\'C w ith hundreds of balloons Which W('l'l' r~l<':Ji;(•U to the gay throng On the strokl' 11f IJ1idnight. 1-'n~•ors. noise-makC'rs and colorful hats add· cu ~11 th.: f1·~\1w a ir of tht: occa:.:1on nnd l:\'t'ryone en· ;t<1~·etl danC'in~ to thc> rhy{hm of the Elliott BrothC'rs' M. C. M. rcl'ttrJin<orrhl·S\ra. -Beckner Photo in prl'v1ou11 years enlriu In tht ttlrnl'd tn tht' A rt F:xh1bll C'nmm lt· notl.'d art exhibition wtrP lltni~rd to Ir e, :'\a11.,nal Clr11ni:•· !'h11\•', ~11n living 11rl1al~ In S•,uthem Cefi-Bernardino. on or bl-fore F,.b. 28. fnrn111. bul the dema nd of a rt'1ats A Ji11'5 "' a<'J•·•'I "'" 11 n,1 ti\\ anl11 1 lil~•I 8culptorll throw~hout t he 1lalr will bl' l'lllllf'IO~'!d nf ialx tnll'mll· lur !ht• 11i.;llt tu 1h11t•l thtlr wurka< tlonally known 1irllat11. January Clearance_ Sale . ---~( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,~~~~~...._~~~~~.~~~ ~~.-.mJlllilll ·;~\ 'Ne~port P-TA b•••'"m" KO l that thr l"tHionat <..'C>npP1a\1nic w11h Mrs Wt>f-..1 nn Omni:•· S w d1r .. c!lor11 Jer ulrd "' the com1111t1.-.. ~t <'' K •'n \\' 01'111 muke tht txhlbll slatewldr. Tht' \'IC• ch airman Jean Murriov ~~ r1r~t nne Wiil! ht'ICI du rlnir tllf" 19;11 rt'lar)·. r'11 tru·1·1t J.'11~11111 Jn~·~lao·· utr 011 """°~Hton. Kown. \\'1lll11m F ~lf"llln Rnl>i'rt ••••• .. a. to Discuss J • Health--Safet y 1 ',•nl!•·-uently a ll hvlni; arllsl11 ltall. H 1J.ll\ ~ll•hl• Hai nlol \\'1.,mun, 111 C:a.h tornut a.-., 1nv1t ... t lo i'ub-J nhn R1•rry , Flurenr~. ~l'•ll , fllll l•n•· nil r••nlln.: I 11.utll'rn .. r lln11gla1< E t.lt'C'lrlhon l{lf"hl\rll R. ; "n~•·r\'1tl1Vt, I one ,,..J t• r color fk aman lln•I 1'111 man c_;o<u•·rkf" Sub· teens Teens ·• #-.. THI-: L'l..l~l~IUl.KHU-:;.; TABL E nt the Newpor,..Harbor: Y:i1 ht 'lub'A ga la =--• w Y~·ar's 1·;11· part\· 111c·l11d1.,1 ( J. to R l Capt. Robert Dl' W~lfr. ~trs. Elon Brown. \'1n ·-C'nm- n111dt •1 •· 11.!.,l"ld Pt•:ir1·y. ~I r:-Ha rry Mann, Ccommodorc ~1a1111. M~. l'1·a11:y. ~Ir. (;rn1 C<' h uhfls. Mil{ ll1· \\'oJf,., "11•C'l Captain Elon Brown and Mrs. Knhrli-. ,l:frck· . , ... At:'4lth ft ntt ~8f••ty .. '-'·•ll bf' f~A· " t11r1 .. 1 s11b 1('1 l 8l lhf' Janunrv l Ho~idays With 'Rector ~ Address "'"' llnl( • n( :-.; f'\\ pnrl Eh•m rntary • I \:Uom an 's A' • 1 • l'·TA J.rn. 10. 2 r m. '1n thr ... houl I · • · 'Y UXI Iar y uuil'.tunu m . H~ ert Family I . l'hr Rtv. P•ul Moore w 11 .. .-lt'r, \\ 11 rr•·n ~lt'n•l·•11h1tll 81'~1~tant ,1. d , G p f rel111nic r\·ct.or ur SI. Jl\1110'11 Ep1~-f 0 • t • 1 , I ,. 1. n .. t111. • .. or~t f"rnraz o llllfl' rml•'n•t. nt " t.1111;•• nun .1 A11~tl • Tf'xa11, It'll f1Jr hnmt Thurs-.top1<I c;hun:h. "'·Ill ll<hJr ..... ~ the !<o'h""''· Will ~l'•'.tl< 1111•1 .. 1t11w llllll k f \\'um8n'" AU'lllllftr\' nf lhr, h111 r h l t ! h 1 ... • .11 •!11r . h .. v 11r nn1J lhi-"'.... b1• or" . • .,.n Iii< M• •r••l '.'r I c 'a), ·"""'' ('h·n . 11111'11 lo vi111l h1 r i<U<lt•r ant.I a• " ltm• h""" -111•" l1ni: ••n \\'1•11· tor l1,1ppl11•' ~1 · n '.•11h,11l ~:1 in 1111,,IJ nil. :.t r. und ~Ira. 1.Ja\'IJ He· I n eM'.l"Y· Jrrn 1i 1~.;111 I' 111 . Mr11. ,11,r .... r •lttld i:1 ... 1.1n1t• ''."111 ~1:c·,u.•il :'\cwJ>llll 11,., ,1111'. Mr. H l"bert .J. II. R1gi.::. wilt I"''~""' et t h11• ta l ~Pt VH'•' .. r l>tani.:" C..:111 1na. I 1 1 ~ ""· llP•'l11ni;: "''1'>o111n «! 1hr v 1•111 r IH'1 p111 r3n l'\l t 11.'m lo· ._<'t'llflll'DlO · ' 1-'· !111\\ mi; t i." >-1" llK• r l h• 11' wlll I w her•• tht•y 1•111ltPd thb Kl'lth Prr·' I .. ~ fl 111 ·• 11"'"" ' I 1 hild f'll t•blrm>1 ' r l11t f.1n11ly, 11'1 llr n1ng hlll"e Mon· a wrl'k "1th h«r t.l1111i:ht • r 111111 1<1 '''"" I ••W >• "'" \:< HnJ P'1t<"nt>1 't111y. • · • family. Mr. a.no! Mrl'. Gf"o r1te 11 r•· hd)'•I•..: In J.ut Wllh n uil •rtlv··1 Uurmi: tho· t11p1 ""''h Mrs lit · l<r<l11,.r, M1• K rnlJM' h11n1:1n1: hl'r 111., 'I•'''''""' nnd l rr.fl4llr't "' tu· btrt wtnt t11 l'h11t n llt lo 11p«-nJ hvm e un Mnn•lll\. tf t\ • ~·'"' h j • II ,,t, •. ( .. r tlh nl .. '""Vil will I• till\ ,.t,l I•; ro o\·IO mnthl'r• __ I J\• • 1·1• n1., },oil «~ lflKll)' d uhll t"n 1 t ft• t I l't.: t n fl llflt'l'll )'f'l\rl' Of 81:1' • ,.,, ,,, ... ( l•1b • For Girls 221 ~ MAllNI 1 A L 1 o A 1 s.L A H D, • Shoes • D resses •.Skirts • Blouses ·for .Boys • Accessories • Dress Shirts • Flannel Shirts • Jackets e Bathrobes • Sport Sliirh I Uu ... \.• •t u .• 1111r .. ~atunt nt1n· t1 1•1·i• nl \ """"' ~ uc th. J lh \'umlun'''' ,, ,,,, hn, 1., 1h1• :".ll1on11 I Anto- 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......-.~~~~~~~~~ N a1n ed l Mr s. R alpl1 H er r is Preside n t of Merniaid s I I Ju Id d "' • f ru '4' t1ft 1tt~r~ for t,.,. \. If I ' \\. 1. I " ,. t I ·' II' ,,. H t• Ith \\ • '' tt1, t• 1,h 'ldt t 0 ( 1,11 "• ,.. \. tht \\ t .h11 •uli\\ • ', •• ,,, t I!.. \I• I nlllldl', ,, ~~,, t.\. I\•'\ h1t't .,, I i • t t \ :-•II I II 'I 11" I 11 I . • ~I• ' ' ::-: I \\ t il (u • t. ti.• •l"h "" ~II • 1'111 1 11•11 ft•• ,,,1 \11 C'I•' t I \ , ._,,, .. , \ "1'ff'hi•n\ ~\ttl \\ i,' '\;pt t I t H \ , , t \. I ~ti I r I._ ~f ,, t' ~l'H\ ~It '1 l11o: 111,,.,. II\• II ll h•I= 1l11111o r I~ 1nnk·· .il .11 o1 •'l\•d t•' th•· •••unty .. rr. , • f"I ,.( tht1 ~LL""''''"' Ind):•~ 1\11•1 Jtt•\ • • 1111 n!l11 ! ••1!1111 .• hAIC h• <II "'1 "!!· I • •J T l1t• '\ 1 *'r \\ .. , .. , ~ IUl'UX\'t\ hv " hlll:" l 'hr l•l 11 1.• Jl"rty 111"1 "• ··k 111 t ,,,. t111hl •·t1~<'. \ 1 • \\ , 011111n11let' 1 na'\11111\n rnr rh , ,,.,., ,\fr~ Semke Kn1r&, w ho -:-:111 t 11, • hll nna n Mn C'lydt J •I ""· " II ~· n ·f' a.nolhf"r y r1r I I Bl' 1 r• ...., 1 h1\111111Hl. ••• ,_ ., '•· J '~ '' • \I• I •1 """,. \11 Ha· r <1 h I "r \\ I 1 • H I"• January Sale \I I l1 •l ,_ ' ~· ... , ~ ; t tt·•· .,,.,. nr • ,. •" ! tr, h,_• f.'Hll I I ,, I •• J·rt•• l•·I' \1 \\ t f ._th I• !'•ti' :1• 1o. I t b ..... 'i.: l! II o•t ''· h \ I" I I i •1-, 1 I ~ I I •I \\•'rftl\ 11 •'re" \I• r: ,. "•· .... " f I It o I t'o ::' l•lt I 't ,_ \ • Ira..•· 1:·,, I ,, 1 I I t1 t J '" th· ,,•t Ill II tu r· .r II. .b I 111 · I ti\• I 1 I" ti I I 11 •'• I ' \\'Al 1 t JH t\ ~ •• ,.4, • l 1 , '11 /\•I',\ I ft + •f1°'' rll+ t , , ', "'\1 \., ptii ' If• ..,'t \ ,_, ... ~ 1; ~dn.""t•· ~~~tl I• 1• .. ...:::_i\~; _t lo <~1~1 R E·D UC E (;-:· 0 / .. -. : _;, '.,.. "T ~ lllr. -.T \1 I I I H I "'11 'T W in A Lifetime Weight Control Plan . Thi• '1.1\ It.· \ ""' l\li: ClppOTtlll1tty . . • t"or l'uJt O.-ta11 .. OF QUALITY FURS Now Greatly Reduced! Complete Selectio n of Fine Furs In All Popular Styles ~nd Colors Q..,, lcibc-1 ii your guo1o l'llt & of quolity f urt ond bpc.-rt Worl11•0rtlh•p BUY NOW On Our Convenient loy-Awoy Pion. A small Deposit reHl"'ttt your se le ctio n . OLIVE M .. DULING F1;n ·s--=--• Have Your Fvrt . llr•'r' In Our "'•Inn nr l'h nnr . l)f-111111 .. 1 r-1111"11 I r~lm!'nl 218 N. Broadway Kl '2-tn3 -'-RESTYLED NOW ( ,,r .. 11.l 11' I an t;. c. ... ,, n i.d. Santa Ana tit leduttcl ltafH '\ • _,, Jan. 6th. ' II • _AlcceJJorte~ _A/f -Sw~a l"1·J //,;J Jafe Yl lo Y2 o/I Yl lo 1J:&co// 0 // r Sta.rts Thursday, Jan. 6 3412 VIA LIDO NEWPbRT leach Hf4RIOR 3677 ., ... ( "I ,• ... • •. .· . ' 4 .. I • .. CHANGING :coSTA J nvc>nt nry ~ 1'\o. !¥imply W€.'dn esday's interior nt Costa M N1:1 o;r..: Ha ll as Contractor Frank Bis;;efl s tarts work on. alten~t i1111:-;. l'1ty Council approved the work upon • rt'<'nmmC'ffdat tfln (If .City ~1 nnng('r l.<'orge Cuffey. Bis· _ M'll w aR aw:H"rlf'd blrt on the chor(.' for S300. The alt€.'rll- Jimmy .D'Errico . . .. lfeaks Knee in Tribute ~aid . +~I Retiring D. A. 1 Ski Accident - :0-l'lrf' lhan 2r10 county vlfwl11li1, t'IH \'01 kl'r:; lln(\ rnends 1:hUl'NCl11y nr11•m oon paid tribute to' l'l•tlrlnh• • rll~t rl< l Attorn•'Y Janws L. O~vl .... J immy n .Jo:rr ""· 1~ ~0!" ot ~fr •nt 11 partv a t the county court anJ M rll. Janws 1J Errtt.o nf 416 huu;.{' · De Sola T!'11.u ·t> 1,, '" 1>vc111u: "t ti .. \ l.i waa pre.s<'nll'!l a p\R'Jllf' by H oag Jln•pu:il r1urn a r r.11 1 11, ii 11 ... ~:lk11 1 ·1111J 1n t•·t:111'.:ntt1n11 11! h t" knC'C nn'1 11•' I' )...H:o-h to a l•• · "'' 1' 11 1 -. u, al ... u \\";t~ J.:1\'-'0 R Mt ' .. . ~' r 'Ill t 11111<~ by form l'r ml'rnherl! Thr lad "11l l• "'' 1h· 111 ''11Y ~r.· 11( 111~ 1<t:i:1. l'I• \'tnui•ly, 'llJl\'111 hatl d ll)' \\htl,. k1111i: nn H o IJ• I H l•'):l' l1t"'ll p1 1•-<cml •••I a bro117.l' !l••,..k A n •·Xpe•t l ... h,1•.' t11r f1 ....... ~ •• u ~ le11•J1 by 1n 1plP)'•"t'! in th ... t>.A .'!I ' J unmy ~ 'hi· l11t a h1111•"l 1 .. d< 11111i 1•, 1111.i ,, .,..,l~l w11t.-h by t he 'Whtie' ht• \\11 ... '•·l1dn ;..: t1~1w11 u Jidup1· 1•,·.u·1· (H1u·.-1 · • .., J"\;<ot.'4Ul lnttnn 1'hl' r11m~l.1·..-, .. '11'!'"l 'i'rr'rl't11tHI< \\'•·· k l!a\1• "·'"' tn ~ri· !Id 111,, I.1st dny ·Il l Ki~ B··a 1· T t'i•·\' J'fl'."oh1•d J 11u111\' ,,:4" • 11 .1 ri~·· t•r,i:n1y Ju .... t n 1 l ,\ttu1. ln un 11111h11l.•n •" '" l li•nt,: ll11•1•1t:ll ri. y 1"11.t.n 111• h11:1 h· "II 111 11rf11 e S 11n•l11 \' rn.h r 1"' h·a ,..,•.11t h t:! '''•"'II•· \\Ill h•· ""''"'"""I loy ~r1<1J1··~1111l•11t 11t ""'""' En•IJ;n H11l;o1 l 1.;11 .. 1.1nd. · 81'h1111l. .. ---_ ---------------.., ·, Local Gas Meter Installations Up H1ull h•'"' t"ount 11·"' <: ,~ c·n. tn· cr•·n'wil ttu~ s1111ntu 1 r J ·••ti'•',,,, ... t c•t"' 1n N••\\ I" 1 t l:• ... 11 11 hv i:' I fll 1 Ct'Ul lfl Oh i t:rol JI• \1 p .... t , .. ,,. if\\;. '" .111 .-11 ·1 \1 l\1 r1f •. .,, 11, tn .. . •Metro Ser•lce sa•e• money for me• ~--"..;;~.:J.._.!..l., .IJ. • t I l••tl \."" t h 1f1, ,. Cuunt~ ''" \ • , I ' 1·· 1 er., '"· ,, P2&ti .u !n . •!·1 "'' "•l\'11' U """I''''"''" I· .... 1 1 11• ('tU11f'tl •tl ,• •• ".;' t I I'• , •• 1t1•l 7it" f 11r 111 - Claus lniured in 6·Car Accident C lKl.-.fh •• , .. ,"....... lJO t-; c •,,,ii P,hl• ~. ("11 'l '" ... ' "·'" flfll' 11f fl\• duvt11.., \\h .... '"n .. ,,, ••. 11111"' L into S t1f\1l t\ 1 ~'' ''' n • 1e ·111\1 n b~ Th1o111 1-. I-' I• If > :.: u: =-'• n l H.-Ht h ,., •U4 v.,, .. 11 ..... hl'V IOJ11H •• T hr •h 1°1t nl •• 1111.d •11 ('un ... 1 H t)!I \\11\ f I .. ~.,.. I(,,, h I nu 1 '' .1 •II '·""' I It\' U1 an)':•' Count\ ~h• tttf .., •I• p11,1t·~ an "·, n11J,. .. ;••·• • h•Hu t •1'-J'tit u ~ ~aid , h1 • d!'l1·11ilHnt" • 1r h111~htol tnl•> lh•' Cll111io t 1r 11 11d • .111" ·I I\. 11111ll 1J•I• •"rl1lrn1 · Board Okays Zonit19 Chan9e NHr Mesa SA:'\'.1 A ;\:\;\ d)C:-;~, 1 t • C'o11nt v R .. r ... 1 .. r i-:up· " • 1 .. T 111 •• day oppt"\'<'•I , 1 . n.11i; • h tnf:t n ot th •'I Co~ta ~f• : .. J. Hn;I 111d, t• d County C' .. 11n-.. I .J, .. I l l;.: t~ 1 .. olr'"' WJ' t~n ,..,.,., ,.. .. nr:\' n r 1 lnRn• <' r1•1t.\ l1 p111 :1<1U:" 11( h.~n,f IHHlh of r 1111i11111 .. ,,, lh \\\f'l'll 1!1 1-1e1l St nnd :'>Ir \\ I "'II ,\' •' :. nd 1\11 I Ill' "'"'l ~Id; ... H r \'I• l ::.t t1t•t \\' 1. u H"k .:>r "'' ·" t 1 \t·•t1111r.,: ·•lrtH•'~ to .'\'f'w p.,1 t ·''' \\ II h·• , h..r1a.:.-.i .flom A·I i...•·n·r ii 1.;11111ll••I • 111 M·I. h i:ht ni.1n11 rfl :un nl' \\ll h 11~1 rt fr• ntA•; .. .,. ' I'" f) ~n n •nt m 11111• Thi l" urn · . th,. prf'• l•r 1-inn :o the ~11r1·1 'I•· 'T u: hl"cn ukrn~ 1hr hus from m\' home in. P.1~J,kna In 01) nllin· in Ln1 An.ccki (lllCC' J 'J1!:' \3~S l e\\ IS 8 . 011kc. r uhlic acco un1anr. ...I hn 1\ ;i rf'al economy for mc. rnmp.irrd ,\°·i1h Jri' ing nnt! parkin~ rnsu. More th.in 1h.H. I prefer tht bu~. hc·,-.111\t' I'd rat.her h:nc 1he ~k1ro t!ri'er Jcal w ith 1he 1rnnic tb:tn fij.!ht' it mr eolf. A l\o, ~lerro j:Cts mt 10 wm;. r1.l!h1 on t1mt':· •1h•nka to Metro, I c•n keep ~Y record colloctlon on "'Ith 111 1·1,,\~I r•·r1°nrn .. •n•I• .1 -1 ~ Stanford Alums Set lreakfast Sunday Oran.,:• '. 1u .t\ !'tAt.:•-.r•t I td· ''f'rJOlty 1l11111n1 "•II 11 .. , I ,, h1 r ,1". fAAt !"Ur I t\ tf ' ,1t ' ft •n R' "' .. mnr,. H '· !---1 ,f,, \· 1 1 "H" ,., ai>un1 1· I ' . " h\' fl '" 11 ~ 81rnr~ H • \ ;-o. t. J't , !':,"' thf' 'l~·· '\ I ,• • If • 1 \~,,rr 1~1 ':: ·, !111n•.a -rha tt n1n1 , · •• ! t •It. ··: ., , " 1t1.-.· : l\.j ': • h••· d • • •• ~tnoi1·r ~ t ., 'I tui;n •· : ... I " ··-;t .1n.t n .I ·u 11•· • .i.I ~·· r.uu tu.~tt hf\\•• I , 1 ,, \'l1t " ~ .:.:r¢~itower Squad~~n to Admit New Members ?'c'" 01 ,, "':11 l1L" • !u •··d lnl<• the 1·, h 1l l'·"'•'r :--:1; 1 I• ·1 at lht' J,,, ·" ll.nn.: , '' •1 ~ ... , t for Nr'ti"'ll H lll!o r \'llo"hl • .i. ·acrur1Un~ 11• ' mnm ,,Jrr l '1n l DvW t...•'t"\u1t ;·~ \\1U , .... pr, ... t>tl t hr\llr "h11llf' "orl< In "•lWI I'. n COUf'l!r• r 11111Jlrrl thf'm 11' f'lll'~ t 'l a.mlnAtlN~•. A " rrtrr llll'. ~i; J '' •• 111• h\•1 ~ 4\" I l !,,_.• ' i1 • th1 /\ aiir.t.."s n tt '' ,. 1! • • • • .J M.iry RclJ,:,lli~ 'l\'hmeo 1ob '' Mrrchand1se Rccon l Con· 1rnl 1n 11 Jou "'°" n drp;ur- mcnl •tnr c. u\Cs ;\lciro ou\t'J rt~1l.irl\· N-1~·ttn l<u An· ,II<' k t :ind ~l'r'l\-:tlk ~hr'·'~(, · I hU\ a IM oi cla.-1n I .inti p11rutar rccorJ1n,11c, anci I tn:urc th:11 ;\ktro 'p,1) • IN nll nl !hl'm. ;\ly \\cd.h· hus I.Hi'• 1nr~I Sh. ;in.I clrl\ 111~ a .:.ir "fluid n1t1re 1h.1n duut>lr 111\ •li'f'rn'"'· Tht ;\hrro tin• rrs arr fri .. ndl~. :1nJ theo )('f\ let' IS J,:1-'0J:' MITROPOLITAN COACH LINll . . . ... '• .. Harbor B Hoop quad ·Swamps Artesia 42-2·7 PFC Bob Cubbisori l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART.11 Serves in Germany I, -. .;, JAN,U.ARY . i 9ss· U. S. FORCES, CER~IA!llY -l Army Pfc. R obert K. Cubblllon. snn vf :-1 1, 1u1o.J :-tr:<. Arnvld I~ By 1'11CK•:l'. llASK•~J.I. Ko hls. ~IS6 Un1111lwuy, l'•i•ta ~l•'llU T he ?\ewpurl Hart;<,r BPI' bas-r .. enll)' p:i r't1d pnt1•d In tlw ~'11:<t k!'tball ti-am dl'fl'nteJ Artl'l-tll lloi;h ln!11.11l1y l>t \1,.1u11':1 7th F1thl Ar· i chl>-01 on th1•1r court m the t11 st lllll'n · H.11ta lo11n u i11111,1I r rt " "'"!"' 111.:nd vi tile Jo:"'"' b 1or 11,,,. 1 .. ,,. l<'»l 1n C~1 11u11ty, ketball toumam, nt Ye at e r !l n Y ~kn of 1 '(,·. ~ ·111;11,,.lfl's u-•l Ila afternoon lo the count of ~2-27., , , T I h _..baua ll"n :1 h<;••.!1111.11 t.·r3 tu "rv 'fhe an1 ,ut p aymg In t e an· • · itu&l event anJ have "°. f11r pnsl· wrr r :<'•1•'0 f••r 1 ht••r uiJ,, 1.iual • MESA CITY HALL ~ lions will furnish Building Officill l A. J. Volz' depart- ment with 16 feet of counter sp:t"" F'oz;eground, Volz discuss€.'s the re-organization with Mrs. Thomas Mur- ray, secretary to Coffey. Staff Photo ed a fair rerord. ability 111 th" rarini;., u f "111.l •:y 1 In the flrat few mlnut11! of play \\'••••f'vn• anJ th.-lr \<now le Ii.:•: uf Broce Knipp dropptd In 6 q111,•k tnc twnl 11ltu11t1111Jl'I. I point.a. Dave T11J1n-1ra and Hiiy i 'ubb'""" H 1 I<~ k -typ1~1 in thr I Daniel a ddf'd a few points of thear b~tt .. :t)'. enit'~i.d th~ Arin\' 1n St;p~ own 'and the score reat.I H ·I •11 1 .. 11,b, 1. i o:i::. nuil 11rr1\';•I O\'t·P. .... a:. H a rbor's favo r with but tht tlri<t m J uly, w ri t quarl er pJ11y<'J. ------------- T ht Tars scored0 less In thl' SN!· tot al J ,•.1.I b puint.' Lolw 1'1•11 "'". ond quart1•r thon lh•y Jill 111 thl' 1'nipp pl.ivt•il 8 r111,. .i.•r .. n':''' first perlo•I 011 Co11rh J 1m ~1111 .. r·s ::.1111 .. 8 ,, ,~·, 11 ll:i Jt. 11111• ,,,1 .. 11."" s~ond "ti 111,t plny~rs h11!l th,.1r . p u itt· I-111111" 111i: ''"" }'i , ,1111,. 1: .. y chance to pluy. J'>tlfltt I 1111.i !\Ilk, \',111.. , t •1 11 The th1rJ quarlt'I' wss A rit·~111 ' roint .. ,. , 1t'il :queto• ' p,,,,. Ta· chance to J:el back. In lht' i;11m .. lllUI .. und Uu b MAI t in In "'''" 4 . ~as 1.h"Y !lC:ored l:? points m 1."m1-pomH llfHI.'< c and .11111 ::;r h1>tH'> nans1on to thl! Ta1"11 ti l)(llllli!. 1'h111 •l•<•ppc.t in".! pornt:<. Jl1111n•h n)! 1•111 ~ Nplurge of points .:ave th• 1'1"11· th•• tntal w1111 Hull Thomp1'nn with !'•·rs a 7 ·IHJ1nt p1rk u p "" t 111.• l•'Ad a :-ini:le f1 ,.,. t111 o.,. sc11r.-1I. • I In the flnlll period. thr T!'lr11 ~rnrE"\! F t•r th!.' l'J'on"'''"' it ".1~ P"t; 1 1!'! pc11nts to A1leslll0S 7 An·'''""'" \\Ith i r •11nt s 8!1 top Top s t·on•r f'<1r '11•• t11urrttu11rnt mnn. i:1une was J erry K rm peor \\'h'l :<eo r· The ·To 1 ~ will piny l'•I 11 p1,1ntll. Kntpp r11me off sl'C· P 11ly no'l\l nn thr ond l:ei<l ,In thr l!('OrtnJ; 11s h1~ >d u•J111,, C·OMPARE . -. • WE I NVIT-E ~--- c omparison of the Newport Harbor News -Press with any and all ne wspapers c1rc • lat&d in the Harbor area, and you will find the "News. Press" COMPLETE Yes, complete in everx de tail. l ocal News , well written and re-porte<f fairly a nd 1m· ·~ partially by our editorial staff, all residents of this community. THE F1NEST PICTURE COVERAGE ,. Pages-replet e with inte resting pictures of local happenirigs, whelhe r it be an acc i- de nt or. a we dding, or perhaps a Feature page of t~e local ball club iJl action. REPRtSENTATIVE AQVER n.srnG # • The columns of the "Ne ws -Press" carry the adve rtising message of re presentative mercha nts throughout the a rea, both in classified and display. You will wa nt to check the se advertiseme nts for values o n all commodit ies. EDITORIALS • Every issue.of the Newport Harbor N~~ws . Press·carries an Editorial page which de als with b'oth loca·I and National issues. Editorials expressing· hopes. fpr the future, com- menting upon the problems of the present , and endeavoring to offe r a solution. ' INVITE ,YES WE o·o COMPARISON ~EC.AU SE • • • A~er you chock page by pacJ• with All other newspapers circula'tin9 in the area, you will want to subscribe promptly to the complete newspaper, the BEST newspaper in the entire area. ,, Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of eacfl week $ 6~pays for ~ne year's subscription which brings both papers (Monday & Thursday) to you by mail. --Plt"&!>e enter m~· 1mh...-rlptlon to the K£WPORT II ARBOR S'EW5 -PRF.88 for one year. I untlf'r.fanc' I shall re<-f'in hoth Monday and Thur .. day ~ Is. ucs for onll· S<i.00 llt'r ) t-ar. A DORF-SS CITY • / I I .... l. .---...... ·you and YOURS Deserve the Safety .Insured by a FEDERAL SAViNGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION CHAITEHD & surHYISED IY THE UNITED STATES GOYEINMIN-T Sa .. Where S..11191 Are Safe & Pr9fltae.le, Toe STA1'EMENT OF CONDITION DICEMIH ll, 1'54 A SS ETS Firit M ort9a9e Loa n'>. l,oon1 on 1,.,p•o••d R .. I E.lol-J>•inti111lly ~O"'tt in l e9u"• e.~, ... ,,d vKinity . l oan' on S11vin9' Accounh T ~-OO'•'T lot~, fo, ,,.. C.0"'"•.,~•.,t• of our • .,.,, •• ~01c1 ... Proptrt it' Spld on C ontrad - Rul E'tiite Owned end in· J ud9ment ... . lnvutmenh a nd Securili8' C a•H1d ,.,, o~ Go~•'n"'•"+ 8011dt •nd f ,,J.,,.1 Ho""'• loo" B•"I Slotl. C e,h on Hand 11nd iri Banh Wo1I "') V P 1•1 o" ~end dopo>ihcl I~ b•~h. $18,082,819.-49 .76.377.51 5,960.27 2,089.9~ )90,000.00 2.'498,729.63 Office Bu'ld:nq a nd Eqbipmt!nt, end Parr.n9 Lot, Lr" Df'prec:iation . . . •........ 182,06-4.20 DcfNred Ch~rqu end Other Aueh TOT Al ASSETS .... LIA B IL JT1f S s.,,,; .. q, .Ac:co un " TJrr., , ..... -, .... ,,. ... ,•,d' "'•lit u• l , _,. •• n ... ,, SS~~ -.-j • d '"I f 1.t\1fU t t>1d t Qq _ O't 1 o•t l'b1'1"' in Prcrc e u • ...... . ······--"· 9 31.5 l • $2 I ,2'4'4 ,972.55 $17, 192.'47'4 .00 1 170,966.'47 '45 561 BS 7 ... 96.56 Otlirr l;~b I t'e' ...... Sp'ec f;~•,•u .. Grre•.,I R~H•v e , •... I ~80.l~b 71 Surplu, H7,115.H .Gericral Rt>1ervrs e nd SorpJv, I 818 '171 .67 TOTAL LIABILITI ES $21 ,2-44.9 72.!>5 LAGUNA FEDER~L .SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ' ANDREW HALL, President r ll2 OCUN AYE. rHONI HY 4-1117 LAGUNA HACH ' t / • • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS!PRESS -,. 'ltO MAlll1 WIT,ti SALLIE lfa11py New l'ear! Come In and ha\'e a drink! • : • . What'll you have? .Jlomo· go~ Milk. with fita'mins A and D added? ••• t;xtra Rich Multi Vitamill Milk witb your 'minimum daily oft<IUiriment ·of mineratlJ . ~ANUARY • 19~$ tart •• RJ<'TI.\RD'~RF:E'.\' C'ARTO'.'\-RAXCR FRESU .·LARGE AA .EGGS .............. ~ou·n 49c: . .. -· • ' .. .. 1n Richard's Frtsh nPw idPas, }~N'sh new rul'nus and l<'n•sh tluality Foods. "·Ill add ''ariet~·. t>~t'ltP· mc·nt IUld a ):'resh new h!'~lnnini.: for ~·ou a.nd yotLr famil .:'. in ltl.>5 • -t .. ·:·: •. , •• , ...... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . ... . '. . .. ~ . . . ' · added:• ••• Chocplat.e 1'tilk''! • • : Skim Milk?: •• Name your way to good health .• We'\'e· got it •• •• We',·e got t~e highest quality at the moi.t c_ompetitive price ••• We'n got the freshest milk IUCHARU':o; QL'ALIT\' C'O.STHOLl.tm .. MAY·ONNAISE · Theres none fresher! ... -.... . , from the cleaneist dairy and fann in Oran~e {Jounty .•• W~'\•e .J,!Ot Todd8! We say e name ·ouilly and t ake oft r ' to three brothers ·Arno , Monte and Don .. ·. Arnoh.1, the cuwboy of the bunoh; ha:i. dwrgc uf the ram:h and han~s u11 t11s .. _.'. ........... quarl oou; PINEAPPLE. JUICE .... :-25c ·-LIBB).' t'llOZt:~ l>t'l.1(.'lOl'S J\lt:t.6~ liALL.~~t.lt t:IJ l 't •. ·\C:HES•or l 'Jll"'.'iKS OF PINEAPPLE · . ..·:~'. 2~9c / ' · hat in Lido ls le •.• Monte. Ill charge ot BU.lt'S anJ serVIC~, will ·be hert! next . .l<'riday and Saturday to answer all your questions as you tai;le na-ture's mos_!:. pcrfect:'-t=~i:$l~lt::=~1r.1 .. P<>n !.-~~r.xtAAu; .ttt~ -rll<Woilon·'t du Ile does .•• .... ~~l ......._ ~----~ltr .. ·v .Flrontd e Io t1u!t big s:witch to -'fodds ~lilk ••• \:"ou'U lllSO fint.I it in tK>me US w :!U ol:her indt>· pendent ~lllrkt:t,,. t brough· 1out Oran;;c County ~ of the fin;t ut' tlw ) .:ar . . .• The)' hll\'c joitwd lo~cllu.-r to form the Tood!i )l~ket· • Ing Company ••• \\ h.\ '! .fo aen·e you, our pt:u111e, to the utmoat or our ability ••• tu.ma!ntam ~uam~ and prioo •.• lo a.-ssuro you of uaily f~hnt!S."i in the anilk •Upply you tole home to Jeed your family • ~ • WlJy J1J 'We chuusc T odJs? We hKc tu Ju bui;inei;s with wiuncrs . . • The Oran1o,'8 Couuly aml State Health 1Je- patt.1m.·nts have unly JU8t l't!· \;~II Uy scurctl Totlds Plisnl anti Ranch a in~:" ... Uur own Edward Let: Ru.s:-;l'll, Health Of[icer tor ·orange County aaye Todds }llant 1s the must modern 111 -the slate ... At the 1\.154 L!;>s Angeles CuUf\\-Y Fair aU t hree sam(Jlcs subm1t- te<l by Tudus, na11111ty r;xtra Ktch J\JuJt1 \ 1tamm milk, rcg- ulal' hvmug-omzetl milk auJ 50·50 were i;1n~n blue nbbuns' ••• Take a Jaunt up lo T odd's plant right llll.'l'l' \' hi.:rl! Maio Strct:t u11c1 l\l'WIHJ l't Uhd. 111- terser t •.. lll'tll' the Holly ~u­ gar Plant ... l ;u 111 and have • a loo.k ~1rou11J ... Call up lJun ~t Klm0cr1y· J-!.J3Jo fA.ll<l mukc t all, appumlmt-nt to ta ke y our Brow1JJc, Girl .Sl'uu\, Boy ' Scout or l'la~nh.HH uirougn) either the plant ur thl' ra.rn:h ,-~ ••• Uo11'll i.;1\'c ""Ill all l n·c ice I ~ cream if yuu d11 • • I 'Iodd'11 kc Lft'am, iutro· duc,'ed ht>re la~t "larrh "Hh our own Uidaartl'~ l..a~I. hM s teiMlily i;roM·n in 1.opu· , larity ... t:ach 'montn ~ ou , nire pt"OJllf' lll'l' e-atin~ abotlt 68'111 more ict: crra.m than you dill m the ~c monlta!'I ~t ) ear • . • . Tlw ke Crt'ani"it ~oocl ••• ~ou Ukt> It ••. you h•ll your r ricntl" about. 1t • • • \ ou·11 hl.e '.fod<J's milJ< too •.• \\ t• do • • • \\ c ht' lit•\ c in it . . . We'\e ht'<'ll l\\O )t'ari, uiuk- lag uu~ switch . . • und "'e '\t• Jont> it tor you .•. If you likt• your milk deli\ t'rt'd to ) OU[ door • . • a odll'i. . d~ I hut loo ••. 'fbt• mu~i-<;al n.u111bt'r to c1all •••• klrn- t>erl,\ :~-ll:~:4ti •.• Our: ~l'W l c..ir ~ ~·l'suluuun ••. lt1 m akl' 1111r stvrl' lht: worlJ 1> llll'l'St p l:.tll' l 11 shup ,/ ifi a11J t Ill' llll'l.''-"L pl.ll'l' l11 be w in ... You'll see ..t l~Hllplct~ Ill on•rhuul Jl•U. d une hl'r c Junng' .. the llt>Xl I ew mu11tlls t 11 be .. COffil'll'Ll.•J Oy Olli' ::il'\'t:'lllh Ull· 1 -~~­ DlVl'l'lilil'Y 111 ~fard1 •.. \\c re ·e1 • ta.1,1.111 g • w 1th th 1: ·d 1.hm> . • • I X"'-"""'"' 'pretty ~oun y1.>u"ll Ix· able to ~~e<. fl~t in ... They'll opcA by .~~C thelruielves and Aav "Hi""' as you approach .. .' open and ny good-by as you lt'a\'e ..• ; YRAXCO AJ\U;RlCA.'-i SPAGHETTI .............................. . ..... 1:1\roi.2 tor 27c "' lil.l.E ~kl' .. ~·o. 2!, 17c TOMATOES . -· .. ····-57c UOSAIU'l'A nwzt.:x ·- MEXICAN DINNER Jtl{'ll.(H»'~ ~lll:tUu:·r ur 9 ICE CREAM ...... :-.. ·-·····-···-............ -....... !J gaUon 1 C CLIMAX! To a -Y"r's Study of Milk! TODD'S CREAM\' mcu DAIRY PRODUCTS, produced io Clllirornia't1 ml>tit modern t.l&ii~ 11Wit. .AJU; l'OW AV AlLABLt: AT BICH· -' ,ARV'S. l 'rile winnin • l!!_Oil.uc.b from a prize \\'in• ninJ; Dairy. and Randa D(1W grt't'l you a.s you s ho.p for ht>aU h. Another sh:JI lowardi; o'ur gQal of offrr· in~ !liuperior produdtt produced l>.)··aggrt>...sin·, mod- em·m.in1l1·<l l1usio1~!otmt•n, sud1 a..-. the Todd's ot OranJ:t' l 'ounty. Wt• in\ itt• ) ou to im~pe<'t their di!'t· rlay oJ ribbon~ and awMcl'.'>, try their winning milk and to) 11ut Todd'tt }'rei.li l.>airy 1'.roduct,s frcfiJa oll' your ~ of rn:.;; re~lutiooi;. \ . ,., Start ·Fresh with 'Choice Quality! \, . "T"~ Roo.~t WWI 11 Rf'GI F /.-f111r" R ichard'" LS. CholN' I 7 -BONE Ro-AST lb .. 39c "Ttudr r, Ta,d JI •111rl Ttrn/u~" Richard's l '. S. C'hoi<'t' 0-BONE· ROAST.lb. 59c "A Tlir1/t11 X 1Jt11 ·Rir hanl'A r. S. Choice .SHORT RIBS "Top 9wn1tty · Alwa)·s t'resh and Lean GROUND BEEF . ''l\"th Th.it Smok.-v Fln•'or" lb. ,19~ lb. 39c "iLi""C11> BACOJt lb. 65c Wc>'rf' J:oing to rt•-frathrr our nr~t hert' ·at Ui rhal"ll°s Udo ~larkrt, ont' of t ht· l.i- do Sho1n• al I hf' c•n t mnc·I' to Udo l!llt'. ~Pt:(."1 . .\1$ FOR JA:\". 6, 7 A.~D 8, 1~.; I · .. Fancy, Swtet, l\1t'$.lhtm-Slu Na nl ORANGES 4 1b•. 25c Serve something ·Jiff erent tonite! . ~ . , "' ... --··· .... lb. ./ t 'or ~rt.-La \Ille lh11q or 699 BR4NDY CAKES 12 .. 1.. ~ !Swtlt!t. -:Wur 33¢ RED CABBAGE ......... 11.. . BARONli~ CHEESE 69¢ ~lt·iat :-.au•·t• · 't'ol,\ ,. .. ,.i,11 t··aan",I 49 Chutney 111 "'· 1 . \ OllHAt ·,.. ~upr··•Ut• ('lli\)11',\(,,J; 33 Kraut 'M "'· r I l't•n A l~pUI -Ui111hl" ~I rr•ui: I It l<uqtu•fu~t 55 (' Dreu1n9 --11 "'· Fresh: Baited --Here! • Sholl each "eek lor our day to da~ llllk1•r,\· di•lh:;ht ... Add IM)U)ethiag differettt t-o each mut intJ io.a\t: ul tl11· ~•uli1· time. Look \\'bat "'6 b&\'e thht TbundaJ, } ricJa) and ~utunlu~ ! ·lHURSUAY Uouble ~ lt.ake,.. 1·u .. u1•r ~' scurrs ~---·~--....... .. ...... ~ ......... _. 1'111 ""'"" w "umor& ~cb - OATMEAl COOKIES ..... ' . . .f-KI U A Y M.U.t1t '1\-Ul'.tUU• lolMtl -Ult.,,., 1 CORM BREAD .... --. iOYSENiE'RRY PIE ~~·IUKIJAY U•lt· t Ult•l.I BEAR CLAWS -.-· .. -·~-·-.. · ... FUDGE 'CAKr~-. .. • • l•<'r 19c , ...... tl"l •'fl 18c 3, .. r 25c · rad1 e7c: - ~. -·- , .. , .,. ·' '• , s I c 0 N D J •CE 11101QMQ. Willa wit.A paiar Phil K.ilmer Lido-hie boat worker who wu shot in left hip, talks' tO policeman from ambuJan~ window following 11)ystery ahooting at Bay laland. Kilmer waa shot while in row- boat looking tor gunman· who wounded h'is friend, Emeat Cantu, 27, Corona del Mar. -Staff Photo RIFLE'S RECOVERl' by Doug Hos}(ins. local skin diver. brought sighs of relief this morning at Balboa Bayfront. Herc. Del. Sgt. V. I. McMa n1gal. right. carries it up pier . Back tC) camera. 6Hicer Don Burdsall. while on dock below', at left. Officers r>on Munson in cap and Bill Talbott. headbare. -Staff Photo Armed -Bandit GUARD FOR KIDS . Robs Store .. - ., BARBOR . . - ·~PRES.S NEWPORT ·dlCACB. CALil'ORNIA. FRIDAY, JANuARY 7, 1965 Phone Harbor lSiS 'FIVE CENTS Diver Recovers Stolen Ian Below loat The run believed uaed to aboot two local rcaldenta here yeeterday wa1 found at 11 :t7 Lm. today by Doug Ho1kln, dlvtnr Juat bek>w ed ort 207 Edgewater. Recoverid with the g'Un, a .22 cai. hip power · n ne. wu a t ire exUn(Ul8ber be- lieved thrown alao from the boat. The rifle wu found to one st~ ot the dock by Hoskin in a akln- dlvlng .rig with aqua lung. He found the exUnrulabu on ha flrst dtve. the rtne on hla aecond. Hoaklna' firm rumlabed the ape- clal rig pronounced needed by city diver Bob Moore. Cold, ~7-derree water, wH "iooty" en the bottom, giving Moorr rtaAOn to u11e a "look box" whlch would allow 1eannlni: on the underwstu arr• without d111turbing the muddy bot· tnru beneath the boat. However, hie provi>d un11ucceesful and Holl• kin's-aid wu called tor by pollce. RECEIVING llEDICAL attention from at~dant bending over him, Ernest Cantu, 27, Corona del Mar, wounded in right knee and arm when ahot yesterday altemoon on Bay bland by unidentified miper, wrinkle. browa in pain. Cantu wu releued from Cantu. Kilmer · Recover As Manhunt Continues . ,I A.a police continued the eearch for"lliemyatertoui fim- man who ..yunded two local men late· y•terday at Bay 111- lanct. divers today searched waters off 200 block r.dpwat.r for the rifle believed to have been Wied. It wu found. Capi.-..Waller Oyeon who direct·' oro.m Ul• foolbrtdJ•· on17 &CCe89 ed the Harch tor the unldenUffed 1 lo the lllland. dOMIY foiJOwtd ~ 111i~r. dlacloeed poulblltty the police wtt.b not f\111.1. run. believed t o be a .22 cal. htrh KllrMr toid poU~ IM wu i--. power rltll', could havr been tow ard the 200 block Oil ~ thrown In Newport Bay. I when he waa hit . Tbe .arch lbltt.• • MeanwhliP. Emesl Cantu. 27. ot td to the Balboa waterfront ~ 1410 SeavlC'w. waa releaaed laal an empty nfle c&11e ud JO .n nl(ht f rom H oag Hospital atter I cal. ahella were tound aboard ~ ~-.~.-iJ(ld'-4•--1iltlttft"..,,,l)le fl•hlnir craft, llackua, OW'fled by through hi• right knq..and rtrhl Hyman Rle11nan. 10108 C'beTtot ann. Phll Kilmer. J'9. 218 Via Or:· Drive. Loa Anrelea. · tteto la recovering at the ho•pltal j The craft waa moored to a pr(. h'om • p1trred Jett butt04;k. 1 vale pier in front ot 207 l:dJe- Pollct aald . Cantu waa on the water Ave • beach In front or No. 12 Bay LI· ,. -lanrl, home ot Roger Cunningham. llAl'. HOME err lwhtn he wu ahot. Cantu 111 the Furttirr 1earch dlad09ld a lluJ• aklppt'r or the c rulaer Flnmba let hole lhrou1h the up.taln plat. owned by Cunningham and e rtor 'lflaaa window of lhe Harald. Bey Roy Rorera. ru111ence. 301 ll:dr~water AY9. AfJer ahouunr. "I'm shot." Can· I Clua abattered from Ul•. Impact tu wu helped Inside the Cunning-WH atrewn over a l'9d plua!I eota .ham llome. Rfty A. Camp. 5031 and carpetlnf In tbe upft&!ra tronl krnaia. Woodland Hiiie, a g ueat I room. In Cunntn(ham's home. fiaJeed II Police Ht.abllehe4 tba abot WU lctown a akltf from the H umphrey fired from the !>Mt. Bogut boat 811ntana and he and • Jmmediate road bloc:u which Phil Kilmer and Carl Peteraon. I were thrown aaot11 Balboa Blvd. Santana aklpper, took oft towud and at other 11trate110 area. re- the ortrtn or t be llhot1. aulted ln hundred• of motorlata The trio had hardly put into the betnr stopJ*i. lbelr ~n -rch.cl bay 1:>0 yanS. whln Kilmer yelp-for weapona. · f'd In pain, graaped hla poalerlor WILLLUl.a •a s•aD Hoar Ha.pit&l a!ler treatment. -Stalf Photo Meanwhlll', 11earch .for th' un· ldrntltted ~nman who wounded Ernellt Cantu, 27. Corona del Mar, In knee and a.rm and Phil Kiimer. 19, Udo Jale, la betnr continued by J>Olleti -' ud fell aero• Ca.mp. Re wu TUtea to a.a pol* It.alien for __ ... __________ allot by Ula 8'1y9ler1oua 111lper In quMtl~ tut 11l1M wu NIU tM Wt bulLookA. ni. all1tl ...... v .... , w......_ .. " • ' "d to the C'unnlnr ham home wher.e Balboa, a ~IOll llbpft'tllteri· Horvath Gets Bay Island 'Invasion' by Jail T em on P!I~ ~~~~ ~.0!.J ~~~ ..... , Hero.In Rap Terror had a Urht bold on Bay to lhe 200 block ~n Edgewa:..er Ave. I.sland.,,d the adjacent ~1 oC Tmalon *>&l"ed a1 a rumor , prea d Balboa 'Yt•lerday. Two men lay the ._.llant . wa11 In a boi ~. The SANTA ANA JAN. 7 (OCNS) wounded by bulleta from t.he run Harbor Muter patrol boat• n n- Archle A.Ian Horvath, 20, 1111 l'UI· of a my,1tery anlper. llnued to comb the water• a.n•I Ln- Someone had" gone benerk ! aptct all bnata. lerton• AvP., Newport Bt!arh. t~ Where waa he ud who wu he? day wu eentenced to the Chino When would he •hoot •gaJn ! were SAND t'QO'l'PRINTIS Priaon for the term pN'acrlbf'd by queatlona renecled In every clanu Deep fl'Otprlnta Ln the d ... mp law after he pleaded guilty to po•· " t.he police and ruldenta. . aand lead awa y from a dock wi1ere ses!llon or hrroln. AWARE OF DANGEJI police cloted In on a amall flahln& ROGERS ADMl'S GUNSHOTS 'REAL' Cowboy Actor Roy Ro1er• a bandoned hi• &erffn ht'ro1r1 luL night when the myaury r unman aent uncounted •ho•• anspp1ng acroa.'I the b .. y ti. Bay hland. wounding two m~n. Officer Bill Talbott told tnt fl11n _.curvnan . "You'd o••lltr takP cover, these shot11 11rr 11t•r1oue : .. Said Rogr11 ; "Yrah, these are tor real~" HI' took cover too. · Su~. Court Judir;e J ohn Shea It wu like a ineak lnvuton u boat. Ba<'kUA, moorl'd to a phr In pa~ed aentencl' on Horvath 11fler police rapidly duned In rroi.chlng front of .l07 Ed~ewater An. They COWIOOTS ON denying probation. poalUorui ·~rroM the arched fo.•l we•e on lhl' trail. The door wu The dl'fend&nt'• mother Ml on I '1. .... kicked In and It bore the 'lmpru-Rogtn Ready I th-edg• of her •~nd row ieat. bndre onto the ll &11 • ney made ~ ~ perfec t targeu from mo8t any alona of a. rubber boot. Ten .22 ca l. lirr ha nd11 were cluptd under hn vantage polnL Th•y knew IL Thty ahella were fvund on board u well hPr r hln .. J udge Shea reprimand· hurried, try1nr VI cut quick .. an empty 8C&bbard fl)r the run. for Shoo11·n· ed htr tall l!On r lancea In ever)'t dlrectaon at oncf'. Evidence mountf'<I. ex pee la Uona ft "You've. really f Ol It," Shea a• Police were to.llowed by ambul-crew. l'oi1cemen In platn clothea aerltd. "You know •II tht trick• ance attendanta an<1 • doctor rlltered through the crowdJ. whlcll Mov1·e St I or the t rade. You got your w lfll hurryl11g to the vlctlma. They hun( U(trly on lhe frin&t . They -y e on n !hrroln). 1 don 't know of crouched and .curried, lnte.nt on were watching the ~ha~·tor of the • 111n.'ltlhlnic sny more despicable. reechlng w'le wounlled, cauUou1 curious. A roatt block and a fool I By BILa.. PmLl.JPS Yllur t hrte·month-old baby has end wondering. patrol had quk.kly cut off any es-Roy Rogera. mm cowboy star l)ern l&kf'n from you " \ Hor Vlllh lntl'rrupte'.<1 ttle judp -81 RAINED FACES e&Pf'. Vhri waa he ? Wherl' wu w ho ll r1ghl at home when the hot wtth. "Ynu'vt irot It wrong. Thf' Aa ... 'le Invader• crept acrou the ht ? Would he ahoot again ; lead mer. movle style, wu <'aught bAbv u in my mother's care. 1 l11l1U1d, the 11tratned faC'ea or real· Darknus mg-ulted the 9"ftle and up In lh«' rel\I thing here yuter- ca.n'I take rare or It while I'm In denta ppered at t hem Crom b.:hint:I a b1~ter rotd-tltqete otf thr water day-&nd almo.t u11t of uniform, jail .. c:loaed door• an<1 dl'llwn curtaina. eent moat of ~· curious home. too r kl f hi The aamr fact~ wore the Allll' ell· Only the police and newapuprr re· · "Ar., you ta ng care o It w le Going la roely u.nreco'"'iied a.a he ·1 .. If h .. preHlon.11 aa the victim, were porters remained huddlcJ 1n11lde " •.• you 81J•• your w e are oppe .. up mingled wJth the exclt.ed onlook· on hrroln ?" the judge uketl, trundlelf down U\f' l.sland, over the l.helr thought• era watchino Harbor area pottce • y h • h I bridge 11·1d lnlu the ..mbu.lance. Whtre 111 ht 7 Will ht 11ttlkt " • l)U avtn l 11 own much ove tor 11e11rch tht Bay Jaland •rea for a .... hll" y d 1 With unexpected awtrtn-the a p ln ! Wby did he do It! Nl'wport pallet werf' already 4@nl tp r Chorge Bucccla, contract· ewanntng ov@r the tiny Isl.and or building' homu a t , Oruge an<1 Ml'klng the gun m1tn. Oilbert Sta.. Anaheim. He WH 1 Cunnlnich•m anti cowboy 11ctor qursllonf'd and releHad u "clMll" Roy Ro~l'll wl're puttinl{ up a by Del. Sgt.a. v. J. McMantr aJ end ring pong table on Ull' other aide Leroy J ohn90n antr belnJ plck..-1 or the houM when Ca.ntu cried out up with a .22 cal. btrb power rt.rte hi' wu ahol. They rushf'd to hie bear1nK a teleacoplc al(hL Wll- ald. takJnr him Into Cunningham's llaru told PQllce he utled the sun rum~ room. Soon lftPr Camp ror hunttnr rab61ta. and Peteraon rome In Wl\h lhf' Ott. Sgt. McManlgal Inclined to woundf'd Kiimer. t he theory a youn1:1ter may ba..-e s1·nor.s TERROR uiwd thf' gun to w ch de~tattnr Tight titllr Bay h1lend wa11 tffl'cl. Wltnuaea who aaw va.rtou• thrown Into t"rror wtille pollcl' ly told pollc-f' they aaw a man and ran tu rt 1vely Crom t""' to lrf'e I "°me aald they •w a 1JoJ run- alnnK the Inside of the i11land look· nlng around the baytronl at the Ing for the m lper.""Ambulance a t· I aru Involved. but \.bey could not tend1Q.ta and a doct or rullhed a-arree on ldenttflcaUon. • · . in Santa Ana Mesa Council Orders 5875 Crossing Light I yo... r ... ou art l'l!troy nK lmyaterlou11 lllllptr, Rogers wu t>wrything 11arred in UCr.. dr Pllllf'(I more in the local. nauUcal Publlr Dtftn<1Pr Ssm Dreh:en c t M c u B l!lyle. But. If that mlper bad t&)(e_n brnl<e In. "" cliumed Horvath'11 OS a esa ounc ans a · Ahot Ill the. cowboy hero wltll I"'''; hall bern on m11 rljuana b!'fnrt his .22, Rogera waa rudy. He l\ad . SA:NTA ANA. JAN. 7 10CNS1 11h• ll'"l ht-r hu11b11nd. Mrl'. Hor-on hla r,ow~y boota.-juit In ca1k f"oqtA 1'fpqa r11y \ounril J im 3 "al h l" <1oinir a !IO·llay j &il ~n-16 I t s bd• • • . Pl An 81111NJ in.rnms n helJ up 8 8111hOJ 17.f'd h1nni: .. r lhr r r•Pll•ml? l1•nrr for ll!lm~ hnrnm. She WftM • 0 u IYISIGD an R'l1trr11 WBll at the 11cene of thr Sanln .\nl\ liquor 11tnre la11t nli:hL i;:111ml st llR1 bou Hl\'d and llllh arrr,.tell with her huioband anlf tw(I "h•xilinic of two men. V11lt1ng with e11r apt·•I with S9J an<I fired t~vo I St. uni II on $ 7'> "1L..m1I "1th II p111'h olhf'r io11~pi>l'li1 In a raid 'ln lhf' A propnsf'd 18-lot t1Ubdlvl1lon Rni:er L'unnlnjo?ham at No. 12 Bay b 11 t I h f t II d l1l8n1I. The Victim" lncurrl'd their •hots In lhf' direction nf lhP ~lwr 11 i•n inn ro <'Rn " .. n• 8 " ;.i I Fullerton Avf'. addre11~ hv of \Vealland Bullderl!, Inc. wa1 re· • ownr1 • llh•'1" 1:\'""1'"11. rollrt 11nd ShHlff11 tlr· Jectefi by Cvll~ Mu a City Counc.U HAllOR W~THER 1·;:~n~:,ll~en~:.nt of th" C'unnlng- ThP I 111101 11 hnll h<>!'n •l"ln \ mg r11111 ~ Ja.n. 3 by • •·l vot,., The ntgaUve s .• ul !'cha.rt "ho l'J'f'• at•·s I\, p11rd1111<e -nf 1 hr ~1gn11l. ""'R1tmg Judl.'t !'lhrA declarl'd: "Proball'ln vocal ballot WM cul by Coum:ll· ~ en-owner or the#luah c1 ul1er, Jlll•'kllge liquor "l<•rt' Al f'jr:<I lln•I A letter !rnm the C"""'" :0.1 .. ~a f:I•·· IL• tft'n1rtl Yn1• are orderf'd to l hr mlln Bert Smith. C'onsl<1f'rable cloudlneu with oc-1 F lambA, with CU.nnlngh11m. Roy }.11110 S ls In Santo Ana t<'lltl .or· "" nll\l'Y !';, hool Bonr1l ,Ot~lrlf"l of-l'lnte prnllrntnry fnr the lt'rm pr•· Three prupef\y owneri ln the Cl\•lon&I 5hower11 today and to-11ald he had come down to n1lu ttcera thf' g11nnrnn rnml' •nlo th1• f•'11ni: to hnndlr :rn pr r rt•nt 11f the iirrlbrd hy IAw Thnt'" prt-lty ' vicinity or :lOth St. ·and Walnut ~•ght becC?mmg partly cloudy Fli-after activities ln. the Tournament 11hnp and tll'<ltrl'd a oollll' ttf whll'I· I rt•l't. J•.,111 r \hler Art MrK1•ni1~ toui:h. Mr Hor\'Alh. but J rouldn'I Place near Tustin Ave. proteated day with chanct-ot llght ahowtra of Ro!ll'11 parade In P uad••nl\ Nt'W kt-1· As hi' w111t rtn1?111.,: ''I' lh!' rtporle•I hr Inst con1:11 1 ... 1 the 11, t any othrr way " approval of a tentative map otrf'r· !lea~ mounta.l1'a. High tempera-Year'11 .• D11lt Evans, hl11 wife and .. 1e, on th" •'nsa rl'loll,ltt Sr hnrf ••h'"'l •ll•lrl•l p,., 22 At th11t ~Ill on hl11 fP<'t the dl'fl'ndant ed the coun<:IJ by Attorlley J.P. lure today near 56.' ltad~K l11<1y. Jnln~ h im hl're Jaet "GET & LOAD OF THIS• •. " aa.tll t Ill' 111•111 J'lllll'•i "ut a :i~ '·'1 lllnr l:ll1~m. •, :O.lanui;rr llir n•on I 1:r11 nrtllr<I "I( 1 r1·tr do c(lme btack Guerin. They wPrf' E . w. Compton, All temper•turu In Orange night ~ ~ auton1"111· a n1I llt-n111ndf'fl 'C1n• n••· l"nnt>.'1 n ,111.1 r h~1 1· '""" no lf'tltr il ll hr O\'l'I llomrthlnJ' I did Ill 3:'>l E. 20th St : H. R. Pauley, 133 County were' abov~ 30 dtKT"f'll Roittr'< Mid he plannrd a Cf\llet Ar ade"'y A~ard-w1nnln1; Act or lft1mphr~y BtS'ia rt rxclalme all the hill~ ~rha 1 ( tumrtl ••1'' 1 to Iha• 1 rtl'l I •nmr <>n• •l-e. not what I did to s. 16th St. anJ Theodore J ohnaon. tut night. to Catahna on the F1amba toda y. 1111rpns,, as hi' pick• up utr11 t<11l lon 111 ;o.;~wpnr t lf•rbor l\°fW .. t h<' 1-loi.1 ""'1 WRll then nrdl'rNI 1"1 l'lt)· .11•nili:>'r1:1111.,:1 \'uffry ob· my•r lf " :nil E. Walnut I'h1ce. ' I Rainfall from th e preaenl atonn Prr1111 "hlrh w1u r1n 11tr\'f'U. her,."°''" 11f'trr ll•y l11lanl'f 11hoot• Iii' d•"'n 011 thr floor of lh,. I'~· ~··rw1I 'If"'' < •11l l011l' h rini: the Thr ~·011n't_man'a mother rushrd In malting hl11 pruentallon, O'ue-In Nl'wport Beach 1howed .15 inch· _A Ing or t"·o m,.n, one a w•>r kf'r nn 1lr11;1rt'.11 yarht. flRntana. tnhllllhment until thr ~unmnn ldl C'r<•,~111._ 1,1111111 11· ... 111tl "°"n have tu lhl' c0Unl'el'11 table artt'r tht rin cla1n1rd the •rl'a of thl! fllllpoll-es with .19 lnchu for Co.•ta Mu a . · -Starr Ph•JlO AP. the Mt!~J'IC<'l •11~/l f'~l'lll·"·~ :1111 ti,. ~IJ.:n ti J•llld fo• I \\1.tt ld rr· judi;t odjnuml'd ('0Url. She •r· ed 1ubdlvl11lon WU . hone puture Thi• brings the New port Buch nnouncemenl the •hlbr. :S('hiu r rt'por t«ll) l:•h 1" l11111111•'n•I 111111 the 111y btt)' the l'Rrrntly wa1 nl'llr collapl!t. "\\'h•I and .could be l<epl a hor~ puture lotaJ tC\. 2.87 tor the 11tu on u " h1" !1'"1 •11•1 1 ar<'tl altt>r hllll si.,n.11 Ar .. 1 11 r._rt at.out It .. ti "'s thi11 .mean ... what dot~ by n'Jttnng the map. ·a~atnat 1 1!1 Jut ye•r. Co.tta Mua Th• Sew11-Prea11 today. 1n llne Clark Home Haven the "0'1 M ll1" ptlvatr dock ln "lw11 1 ht i·tcllm 11''" 11'" thf' tlooi • 1 1 lw 'r.11n, ii mrh1tlPd In !hf' 11r-th•• me"n ... 11ht lnriutrrd hyst,.rle· Paulry obllrrved. "1 wu n laeJ hu 3.08 lnchu tor the ·Ha.eon with It• policy of coverlntt Harbor fr•int or 207 l-:t11l""""t,.r · th" Clark.a, '"")" lhe irunm•n wru1 •·llmhmit In-<'onttnm-._1 on l'aitt> s a ll,. n1>sr barn• and l hke them ." compared wtfb .99 Jut year. 'area new1 tint -and with ,. •• to Cope. Newsmen •n .. ou~a11"'1 l>y Mia• r·am .llc Clark. to an 11utc>mobllf'. ... Thf'n i.he watched u hn l"an 1 Couacllman Smith aa.ld. ''Tbe clu1tve plcture!l-today pn nt11 thl1. ., ,,..,.,., Mf 'ven hou•" and coff• The robbl'r thtn rerortPC'lly r.n-<101 k boy ....... chained t o tllt other 1ubd1vlder hu done -all he can." r..,.....,.. ................ wcond ltlltn ec11t1on. A full p•Jf' Tht rtAlllPnr .. or Mr •nil M•• brra k ror ........ r,• Otrll' .. rll and new .. ti• l'\J thP. shop 01\ nrr. rw lntt'<I lh•> South Coast G•ts pn•onf'n 1'9d IJ'htrtd bar k t o a.nd irioved the irubd!ri-'on be ... ...,.., -·-1 ot p1cture11,. In at1d1Uon lo lhOllf' Lincoln Clark. 209 f;(lll(l'Wl l .. r ffil'n s l .. kf', Thl'lr tf','"rhon .. maln· s un In hia direction a_nd fired two N T O ha I county Jnil I granted. 'the motion wu loft. tor 111P Low with atonea on Page l whle"h deal Plact, hr< 11rnr th•· :'\l'wfl'Jr l H u · tal""""· con tMl wit ti pollre head• 11hot11 Tilt' n 1r .. JX"I 8W81' !mm avy UCJ v•r u "''ant of • aecond. rrWQ. Dee. 11 --·..: .. .. 'NCth the Bay bland l!hoollnlf yu-I bor pollre 1111b11tat1t1n lut n ll(ht quartn a (from lh•• ,,..a rch. area. ..u'i+ ·~·e1v'.. A .rollct cAr le111 than The South Cout Cn. •0tl11y \\'II~ T lab lorn Mayor Claire N.i.on decided Ula ..........,., laa.. l __ ... 11 at terday, la printed in this roecUon. dudng 'lhf' mnnhunl r•,r • myavr-1 ~·ootm"n r.t thr :"ew porl Beach a bl<>C'I< ""I )' ftl\\'I' f"hMI'.' hut 111•1 11w11 i.1 ... 1 lhl' lh·Atl,l\'ltlhln U\'f'I hsul rapp y ,. matter abould be dlq>oaed of and s..-.1. , ... I -·-·-II " Thia, IAtUI' haa been ht'ld to 8 low flfllJ"'r whn W111Jndl't1. two mt n P'•"' .. "la lion. romb1nir the area In u11• 11111•J"C'<'t11 <IUI' to m~h1tnlt'11I "" tht 111~. \'TL.:1:11 al a 1 n11t ot A baby bnr wu bom yeatt'rdaJ moved ~~of t.he •llldl'l'Ulklll. ,......,, , ... I ---II ti pagu to tacllttate dlatnbuUon that on Bay blaod &fl •ll,.mpt to r ound up the rlftl.. troublr The oHt•'•'ll! 'ret11r nl"l "1tl1 S 1ZJ I Art" r.hni: r ... th .. ,.tf1n or In thP Edward Trapp family of "l do not feel It often UM proper ~J • .laa. • ......... -at 'H laJI Hart>ontff . rnay &Pl complPte A• "'"'" ii" 1nvot1gsllnt off•<"" mar •. P'"~lf'tt,n .... urrllt to aomtwtlat t wo lf't'n-11gP !OUV't'<l!O O\'ilht'r r•f lh• ·Jnd11•tr:al .\lltnogrr In the 16'11, ~lllt St, C<>ata Mea. The1and oNSerJ7 deYe&opmant Of tbe w.-....y.,aa.1 -.. -11 U etory In addition ,o lut ntCht1 estabhah,.•J thP hut th,. 1:11nm1111 1epay UI• CILrka by the p\INMM "'"bom were heRI by poll<"t. I Looi Bearh ~11\'dl Shi.I') artl. buh,v WAI born ln Hoac HoepltaJ.. .,...,, .. u.. IDlllOC' -.Ml. a. no.tftd ~.....,. , ..... --II .. flnt Extra Of the Nnva·Pre•. I had betn l!hoollnit from a boat at or three powide Cl( ooa-. . ' . . . \I ' .. J I I .. I J. POUO Vfl~l'IM JOHNNY .MUNOZ, 3, right, is pa.id a visit thiJI week by Costa Mesa Police Chief Art McKenzie, who recovered from an ,attack of the dread di~ue with March of Dimes help three and a half years ago. McKenzie, chairman of the Mesa. Marclt of Dimes campaign, which got underway this week, found time from demand· ing police duties to pay a call on little Johnny. Enfolded in McKende's arm aa he shows Johnny his badge is Jol\nny's little brother. Johnny was stricken with 'J>Olio when he was eight months old. The Costa. Mesa child still wears braces on both .. -. ! MGE'2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Wllllaill AJIWlff -• I JANUARY . 1955 -,._ ... c ,... ua....,.... ..... ..,...... •·1laaa1 H1•1ftt ~ lltnml.•t ~,. uvtpUoe. aero-n r1t hNrtnr to ammd tbe .,n. loq. and varloue other pb .... o~ l"I of flv. lot• oa HU',bor laland tlytnl j "°911 bl'twrtn Rudder Road an11 . · "'-. · . ~p-11 owse MAN WJ'IO 111.iED. ELDRED TO SHARE SAME JAIL WI~ HIM SANTA ANA. JAN. I (0CN8) -.A. ..,. prie<>ner I.I scheduled to be lodged today ln lhe fe.lony tank at Ula Oran10• County Jail -where ex·Banta Ana Raaltor A.rthW' Gordon Eldred currently await.a a probation het.rl.nr. Tb• priaonar will . be booktd up tor-repor~edly bllldnc • UM Olle-tlme realty )tlnntn. Charle111 Ray01ond HJrrtne of Santa Ana waa &n'ffttd ye.t.rda7 by s.n Dlego poU-:. and ~ ea,entJy '*"c. bead In the tc>Ulhern dty tor &anta Ana. otncen.. He I.I cbm&ed with ltaUln& two. worthl.e• cMcJr.e ia Saal.a An.a '-on• t.o ·of. S•nta Af• marke~ the oU..r to lldmltt.S ffl'l'SOr Ddre4. Polk-J ofCc:IP at;fthe two w!IJ all&re t.be Mm• ICcWtl• a t the jaJI. Ellglble to Vote Mesa Bonds Fhll•nne• Pay FIH °" AbaloM Catcll · L.6,.GUNA BmACH <OCNB) Approximately 8000 re~l~ered Ray Robert.t. A.rdUe T. P~rklfta and vol~l'll are ellarlble to cut kllot• 0 .,1.,. Relah pa.Id flnM of 126 In the f.'eb. 1~ Coat& Mt n Elemeri- tary St'hool Di11trlcl $875,000 bond ~acb last Wtdnuday tor exceeding KIAJ(A, rt.A. (J"llTNCl-ll&J'-ODL .Abblltt le eemnr u com-. Bay9'de Drive from U to R-1 ••u ... Lt. Col WUH&la S. llfblltt, IOD maacuq. offk er of M.arint Attack hieSd reclWl\ly by U\e Newport ot IDarl .Abt»litt of IU 1'1cwNr 8t" Bqu&drolr W , a 1lllJt of the 3rd lllleadl Mannine CommlMton. Oollt& Mua. compi.t«t a course · .Appl1e1t1on wu made! by lll• la tnlllrument flYina' • Dec. S, Ma111M .Alttra.ft Wtas. lnfae Co. >or' lote l throurh & Oft a! the Marine Corpa Alr Station' He •t..r'ed tM Martae Corp• In tnct No. 1112. S.C<lftd he~nn& will we. • 1940. be Tbur91tay, J an. 20. • at The Clothes Horse . . . • • • (Balboa Island) CLEARAN'CE SALE election, It has bren estimated by th• limit on abalone. • I Bualneaa Manager Han1.llOJlfS&n-M member• of the Oranre Coun- bom. ty chapter ot NallYe Sona or The The election will determ.lne Im-Golden We.It the trio had planned provementa for present Mea& to provide a free a~ne dinner achQOla for the n ext several ye11r11.· at the next chapter meetlnJ. Game Exclusive Merchandise· GREATLY REDUCED ! Registra tion for the election comml1111lonere dldJl't •fl'"· They cloHd Dec. 23 wllh " dozen per• stopped the free fMd by collecUns ~-m~~g~~~~e~~~"·~·~~M~NO~·---~-----~----------------------------~ the last day, Sanborn aald. · the llmlf. UDO DRUGI . "OM of the~ aop." 3461 Via Udo, Ne.,_, leach HARBOR DRUGS j301 E. CO.t Highway, c..,.a .. Mar BAL8 716 E. lalboa llvd., lalboa legs but is recovering with March of Dim eR help. -Sta.ff Photo -----~-----"-~---SPECIAU FOi THUIS., RL, SAT., JAN. 6, 7 alMI 8 Mesa Chief ·Art McKenzie Boosts March of Dimes To look Rt the hr arty hu.~kinua I "htl'r torture, of Coata. Mc11& l'oht'e Chld Art t'ry.'' JokKeni:ie, you'd be 11pt to ftirur<', SPECIAL l:Xf:ROl8E8 "He'11 nrvr r betn 11lt·k ll d11y In hlll life." Y ct ju11t three and • half ytus 1~0. whlle o~ lh<' r~b· blry <!el41tl Of the Loll Anl\'Plf', p<>- llcc drpnrtment, Ml'Krnzle w.u 1tr1ck,•n with the 1.ll~a.se known Bet ween the therapl1ll, a peel "-"•'rt'i11cs using balls, ahutfl! '6 l'tH•1s and dOlng leaU~r work. 1n- J••('llon11 or acrums Including a snake \•enom to relax musclea and bathln~ In a. 94-dt~ree awlmmlnJ •~ · 1~1lm ' pool, McKenzJe rtgaln'ed control :"<uw, IUI Chairman Of t!ie .\1e"8 of his limbs. M111<:h of 1.l1mes. McKen21e Is Still. he had to wear a lhort qu"'k to uac h:11 own .. xperlt'nce le' brace tor a while a.nd continue aa a v1cl1m of lh• tembJo d-bola• uereUle• -d repeat .talt.1 to l'mphullM' the lmportL"'IO.. ot at home. Retired from lhe Loe An-()A.PT. VftCULl:S R. llEf.f.Y euch IN• c"nl pit'•'•' •·onl1 lbuted to ,;eles pollce •force,' McKenzie took the tu11J. the op1>0rtunlty for 0 1 achooUnr l'A \ ~ LOt.'A I. \'l~IT In N l'x1co City. Ca.me a rull re· Bw.y w ith h111 1rgular pultl'e de-t'ovuy rrom the dread diae ... part111e11l ,,uur~. Mt KenZlc .,. .. anll appoint ment u Mesa police nol t•><.1 bu~y tu Jl>I)' a v1 .. 1. to C'hief Capt. Kelly · on Australia Trip J ohnny Munol'.. " ;\.y, ar·old polio I "1 can'l gel over the quickness SAN O'lEOO (FHTNCI -Mar-1utrrr~r. at 374 \\'1ls.•n St. C:o•til with whlch the MArch or Otmea lne Capt Hc,1cule11 R. Kelly. 1>1 •n I .Mei<a. ycst1·1 di.y . L1ttl~ Johnny, c11mc to our 11.ld," McKenzie con-of Mrs. H. Jt. Kelly (I( Bennt'.sl· th!' ;mn uf ~Ir. 11nll Mrs. John Mun· I f1;lc11. "Two hourio after 1 ent.t-r-vllle, c. ('., an1I h11'<h .. n1t of . Lhr oz. came clown with poho when he rd lh<' hospital, my wile rt'cclved former Mls11 Jeanne P.ldderh(I( or wu . <'lghl monlha oltl. ToJay the l" t;ole,.;rnrn from the L. A.' chaptrr 229 Oc<'anvlcw Drlyr. :-;,.,,·11• t l chlkl rnusl 11llll w"ar bracn on t••ll111..: ht'r not lo worry ebout fl· BrRch, dlsplRys the A11~t1el1M bolh leg•. I n11.m 1al mnlteril. And when J ftn· boomerani; he obtained whll•' on a ,But atlull or l'lul.i. lhr Mar<'h 11ny r..turned home a t~n-mmute recedt good·w11l visit to Auiltrnllu. OT DlmN1 orfc1 b e' nyon·· the mtt'r\'tf'W determtnl'd how much of I Cit pt. K•lly wt"nt u a mrmbc·r or a&me help. "Jl 11 \\un•~rful the the bill w" could Cina.nclally .ha.n· a part y at'company1~ Gt'n. Lem· way Lht'y tnk1• 1 a1 <' .. r lhf' p,1y· dll'. 1'1nally, we rect't\'fd a paid· I url (" Sht'phrrd. Comm1ndttn l o! ment11 the \'tdom l11111111t hlUlJk,'' ln-rull receipted bill rrom the ho11-the Marine Corps. M~enz1e l'•'l"ll\I!. 'Thl'y lf'\I ynu p1lnl." • A hlghlli;ht of the vl11lt wes tht' lL Is not " !<•ft .. nul 1t loan. but \\'hll'h expla1n11 why 11 busy po· ut'dlr11t1on or a ~ht ine a l the 11lte the result or t he contrlbullona lice chter can find Ume to handll.' of the ht Muine 0 1vta1on'11 cemp YOU have m&de to lhe annual a March of Dlmu drive and. v1111t afttr the Guadllleanal can1p11ti;n. llQcla or Dimes." UlUe Johnny Muno& In Coeta the flr11t dcfrnslve ac\mn or World LONG BECO\'J:KY Meaa. \\"u U. Capt. KeJly, "ho rntf'le•I Where UtUe J ob.nny Munoa wu U1e Mrvlce In 1941, tnol< p111 t In tn the 0T8.11Je Count~ tioap1tal for Paf C II H lhn.l battle •lon11: with t hn•c-oC eiehl day• alter ldentitlcaUon oC 0ftfte Orne Mitnda, &ugalnvi..lle u1d lhe l'hlllp· the diat...., and 18 •1111 under \l"e8l· for Ho1·1day v1s1·t pine bl11n1I~. 1 ment, )lct<en&le had to mak t' two .t,aya In Loe Allgrlu hc111p1taJ1 w ·11• t p • and undergo a rtlln•ment periQd Pat Connell, eearnan flrat claa I tams 0 rlSOft before regalolnl)' full Wle of his With Lhe L'. s. Navy. WU home on Mariiuana Count llmba. On July 8, llltll, lhe big 1 with his parenta, Jofr. and Mni. poUcemao entt~ the L. .A. Coun-t¥ H09Plta.I tor lhf' eig-ht·d"y Charles C<mntll, 2230 Paclflc Avt., quarantine period and ~ dis-I C<>1ta Mrsa, for .evt'n daya at the chacgtd home for rttl -&tid oul· holiday time. paUent trt'1lment11 ~ Since hie last Y-lail bol'lle th~e 'Then I muM hne done t oo monllu ·igo, Pit vlilled. Japan. much too early b<'c1u1....ce I sufftrt>d I K d Ala k lh USS a mU4Cular •pal11l." McKt ni:te orea an 5 • on t aaJd.. "and hi d to enttr the Or-rru. J &t'kllOn. He 11 ~Lt.ached to t.hopedlc H~plt.aJ In Loe Angl'IH the ahl~, now dod<td al the Al•· for two montha.'' meda i;;av•I "'r Sta.lion: . M a result or tbt epaai;n. Mc· Kenale loat lh• uu oC hla ldt arm ,. and leg. He w1.s turned ovtr lo t.be phy•lcal Uleraplllta who vte1t· ed twice a day to force e:xercl11t ot Art'• torture.1 llmb11. ''LooklQ&' back In retro11~cl," Mcl<~t. recalled, ''the \h('rs· ptet.a mu.t haVI had the patit nce ol Job h~. 11'11 uerc1ses wr rt Chadbotne P.robate S ANTA ANA. IOCNSl -Pro·I bate of the wlll ot Blanche ?.!. :hadboum e ot Balboa. who died 1 l.>t><. JO, wu a.ski'd Ill Superior Court Saturday b>• John A. Pns· I roll or 11871 Newport Road. S&nta Alla. Seafaring Lodge Officers to Be Installed Saturday ~~· ortlct't'I of SrMaring Lodge muter ; Osc:ar E White Jr., 11en·· 70fi Free nnd Accepted Ma.t!Or\S. tor wardrn; v~trr A. Smith, JUll· \\ tll be tn~tallcd Sllturday night at lnr \\"3rclen, Ht'nry K. OJ-lstl.'r, pll..t!t ·m11111ttr, tre1111t1rer; Melwood 8 o'(lork In ('('t f'J110nlcs l\t Frh.l&J A. Bcl·n-, serretllrv: Cecil Nar- .A flemoon Club qua1 tt'rll. 1t wu borough: ch•J'IRin ; 'Mu A. Owen, dlsc:lo."t'd by Hrnna.n \\'. Toe.Iler. 11t'nlor dtacon: J o1eph C. AnU.ta. retiring \\Onihlprul muttr. ll<' junior de.con; Harry l. Hllllard, "'UI be Slll'<'C'('(led by Raymond m11r1d1al; OtKl.r A. H ulatrom. aen· ll:lelllt'n. lor stl'.,.·&l'd; Manhall 8 . .McOUlff, The lnstalla tlon II open lo tht' Jnnlnr itewud; Carol M. So~. public &.nd 11e\·tr..i hundred frlcnd11 organist ; Jamea K! Lockwood. or Muori.a are t'Xpccted. ANlsUng tlltr. the lnsta.lllng offlcf'r u mutrr ot Jn\"Oe&Uon and ben~lcUon ,_lll ,::errmonJH wlll bl' Edward I. bf' glvt'n by Put Orand Muter MOOre. put mHttr or Seafaring Wllllam Holman, formerly ot Mltl· Lod~. "''ho aJao At'n·td u thC' nr90t11 Jn.9t.alllntr OrJanllt will be }c>dlce'a flnot ,.....,r11hlrf11l m1111trr. I ~t u. H. E . lll'lau and 801olat. wUJ Tbe rostt r of Lhe r lt<"te.I a n<I ~ Mr-. Of'ol'J'e Fox. aprolntt<l offlcrl'tl for 19M lnc-lml· ! Rf'<'l'ptlon a nlf refruhmentil wUJ u : Rtlymond .Nell•~. wor~htprul follow the ln1tallat1on •f'l'TI~. SA:>-IA A:o;A IOC~S} -Pro· baUon '1'11r.1rlay was drnll'•I ron· V\cled ma1 ljuana poMr~-.1r Don· aid E. Wllllnms, 21 , J62 Cced Place.· Co~ta. J\11>ea. and S11prrlor rm11 t Judiie JClhn Shel\ 11cnten!"'f'd him to Chino prlltl'ln for the lt'rm r11·e111·nb· t'd by IAW, Williams wa~ <'onvk t l'f! by a Suptrior Court jury hert. OPENING SOON ANOTHER . la OT'lln T• ~r SHTe COSTA MESA ... Ullll HAllOR AREA' LOC9W .. Jll E. UU. 8t.. eo.ta Mt'M Watda For Opelmg /. C·OSM·ETIC SPECIALS • O~ILYJE SHAMPOO " ..... WOODIURY WOODIURY l.anoll11 Rieb Hand ('rftYn it•'r;. '1.00 . SPECIAL WOODBURY Ury 1'kJn C N'&m t J.OO ,-.Jue . _ C'nld c·,..am tt .00 \Slue lbnd LotloH ~rt of lhrM WOODBURY ........ HOUBIGANT SOFSET 69• .... ... '1" Sl .t:\ \'al~ ....... -................... 99• LUCIEN LELONG lndhrrf't Ollul(ne U .jO botu .. ....... _ .SPECJAl .• •1H BONNE BELLE J•tu" 30 tl1•m>ont C'M"am """· $~.00 (',...urn ""hampoo '1.U \alue . SHASTA. DulARRY '21\0 . SPECIAi~ u~n•I a.1111 Body Lotion •100 •?;IMI \alu•• . _ ... . .... . .. ~PECIAL t'nundallon Lotion Rf'I(. f.'?.!6 DuBARRY '160 .... &PECIAC DERMETICS Trlplr t ~l l'<uprr Hid\ <'f"""'• SI.:?.\ \'alur JERGENS LOTION \\'lfl\ .-,_ l~nrsnt !iltlrk Sl.110 \'llllll' &...,, p}\[)\•• Now.. -_ s12s .-...· ... .-uP.llllbC.. ... ..-m-1 ... ,.. YITAllllNA. Tiiis f-M ... 0--fl adsUl11t; ..... .e YilMlfta A•I ,...._....., ......... ..., ..,,_., ~ue••• .... ....._, EXTRA SPECIAL! Bee. fl.96 ud qp BEAD ROPES 'l1lle W-t c-rau: 1-p ~· 1.0CL rt:). ............................... -,._,.-rr ... : ...... ~ fa.th1~--: 1so ,.. ... Queens of Fragrance A royol gift lndffd •.• dr"••d In regal "!"'..."'"'911 five replica bottles of louql>M lMttMrlc lnic•r thon coloo"•) ••. T-•d, MirocS., Shonghol, Dorll lfilGonte ond Confetti. RutinJlein ~ ( W.ipped) Had Cream Ret. S 1.2-5 each SPECIAL 2for1.00 -Hormone Creom Hand Lotion ltec,. $5.00 Yell ... 3.50. Hormone Cream ·ancl on $6.00.Yahle for 3.50 J ROG& & GALLIT Dry PerfamN ' , 2 '1" 1~ vaa-_ -...................... -.,,, ___ , __ ,,_ for IEYLON A•-"-~. •115 Ber. p .M ----···-·--·-----·--·--·SPJJCIAL REVLON • CHERAMY 8 1da lla1la ~-·- .,. f Z.00 --·-··-·····-· ... -........ -. .8PFnAL TUSSY'S Jlaacl c ,...... •1 • Aec· fl,ot ·······-···-·-.......... -··-···-·-··SPECIAL TUSSY-'S HaM Lo&.loa '1 to &tr. fl.IQ "···-···-·-··-... : .......... -........... 8PECl4L · LADY ES1HEI :1~': ~-~ ....... ,, .... _ .... _.,_ ....... llPZCIAL 98' EUzAIETH ARDEN'S ~~-c:..1!~ -Btaut)' ':.8~.'"'...................... ...-~. •500 DOROTHY 1tRAY , Hormon.. LoUoa '100 r . fZ.to value . .. .... ,, ___ _ DOROTHY GRAY :::'~ai:-t~r LotJ~n ..................... • .. ·--··· '1 00 DOROTHY GRAY ,.pray °"1doranl t i.%$ ,-aiue . DOROTHY GRAY· HonnnM HA11d C'r..,... ""''· sz.ao •1 is !4PF.CIAI. SPlCW. DIY·Slll •XTUIE .... SA.00 •••••..•...• Sol• S 1.7' •••· u .n ............ !.ca•• H.oo CRLOSOI "ORlllOllE CREAi .. ,. u .oo ........•... !lole $2.SO · ' l l M IT f u 71 M f ONlY ' How'• yow ~·a·yeor dtotK• to.,.. 09 ,_. fOfftCM Dorothy Gfoy kovty Creof'llt . : ~· \ . .. HEW MILLION· DOLLAR . . MESA TRACT .. BARED ·.lea Kl"CJ. Announces J~5-home . Subdivision In Orange. Grove . ' . A~otber million dollar Mesa t.iact of 106· homes wae ~nounCed thia week by Ben King, president of Meea Build- ef'9· and FAluipment . Co. Work la expected to atart on th~ ranch-style howiee located on Wilaon St bet\Veen, Catalina and Avocado St. within.the next two weeka. . .._ f'tcured on the. baal• ·or 10&, em featu~ KJn( announced. !lomu In tbe 113,000 bracket, with ranse and oven, forced aJr •alue Qt th• new Mesa tract bu I heatlns and sarba~e ~poeal. ln- '9ea Ml by Kin • •t S&G 000 It d!Vid11al color ~ony wW be u-I a, • · • · sured, Kini aald, with • color ii beUe•ed to-M-one of the bl1· conaultant on bantt. The tract i• l'fft M11a tracta In prl~ to date. IOCJted 1n the middle of an orange The property Involved wu reel'llt· srove, but buildtns will be handled l.Y purd\ued from Albert. V. Kalt. fO that oranre and avocado trlt'll The howte9, obtalnnle under will be 1,ft.toi the home purchu· l'HA and VA, will have all mod· era to enjoy. · SHOOTING c-....., rr-"'"" Pase when aU avall&ble local police wen tw up on the llboottnC· Pollc:4 lllld th~ d1dn't lmow " the .-.Ota, bali•.t to be unaU cal· lber, came tram Newport ea, or the peniuula. . AIM prea.ed lllto aemce to aJd IA the man bunt wereJICollt& Mf!la poUoe, U wu reporteci. P olice lmniediately et.uted • aean:h ot ezch.ISiH ea7 J.aland and boata moored tllere. 411 · ~l'W were wamed ott the ti.y trontage facln1 tb• ialand. M011t ottlcere were armed wlUt r1ne1 and other lidearma. • Both men were taken to Hoa Ha.pl14} tor treatment. Can~. treated for hla.ann and Jer wounda at the hoepltal and Kilmer tor IWI butloclu wound, were Mid to be ln lood lhape. '!bey ,..ere reported ln •blp •plr· lta." Cutu aald he wu work.lnr oa tbe Bay ll!Md "Mach when the 11boot.Lnc ~. "Aa ru u I could• ft(UH," h• .told l\oapltal at- ten<fanl,a, "aomebOdy went ber- aerk.'' Kilmer, authoriUea report- ed, aaid, "Ky buddy· l'Ot 1bot and I went out lookln1 tor him." Christnw in Korea lST CAV, DIV., JAPAN -Pvt. Rotftrt Mannheimer, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Mannheimer: 474 Cypre.1111 Drive. Lag"Una Beach. 1.5 aervinc with the lat Cavalry Divi- sion lo Japan. The l11t Cavalry Dlvlalon haa llt'rved ln the Far Eut atnce World War 11. Now In JaJ>&ll, the "First Team" dlvlaon waa one or the first to l~d and enrage with the enemy after outbreak. oC ho1tllltft1 In the KoUlfr'W«. Mannhlrmer, atalped to· the ttth Field ArtJlJery Batt.e.Jion'• Battery A. entered the Army la11t l'ebruary and completed ba11lc tra.lnlnr at Dupay Proving Ground U Polindmaster Gets· S50 Pay Hike on Mesa r . ' ' W~ SPencls .Day on Stand in Liquor Trial Mn. lclo11ld • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS·-PART I JANUARY -. 1955 PA&E I Hire~ by Mesa School loard Kn. ll:Uelr Mc.Doe&ld. WU tut rooi..teto'll9 ~ c ......... Jl'ACTORY or~ ..,.0. tor r~nt In Coa~ Mea. MA.A Cft.E8T CORP. Har. ltet. Hc2 nlsbt hir.ct u a tint srada teach-------------8'.t-Bea.I f'Atate er at the Ka.1n lchool by-the eo.t.a l&-811ue Yoar ·Car . ,·Me• IClemotary Bcbool Board. ~RrPlll trorn 2~ l!:ld~n. NICE 2 BDRM. hoUae, We beth, SANTA ANA (~) -The trial of ()r.anp County 8be repkcea Mn: J\uth Cento& com•r of ~I Mar Ave .• Co•l• ::::~en:;:~c~OC:~m.:;e~,:~~~ labol' ·leadere, Chadee E. (Red) Devine and Hany Lehman, Wbo reatpecf cturtn1 the Cllrlat· Me-a. to Dou6lu AJl"t'1"&ft, Lons J.J. 1-M~. HclO lwUDg through the cloeing hours of it. third day ,-.ienlay mu bolldaya. S-Ch. 1..-vlllr at. S:JO a.m. ----------- "th ,_ -~ ti :.. De na ... -i lD other action. the board auto-1 Hd8 w1 p11enty ~ ac ou. puty ~,.. .... ct Attorney DeWitte orised uae of the Main School Chatterton ahouted irate objectlona to questioning_ by de-aUdttoMum for a youth procnm ot ~. elt W~~ (~ tense coun•I and u ked al least by Monroe. Alter Ole coo.ult&! the Jocal J'ounquare eburc~e.! twice , that At~mey :lunea C. tJon, Monroe ra-phruaa the quee-Monday ntsht. l:RIENCED • w I t c b board . operat.or. Apply Balboa Blly Monroe be cited tor conunipt. Uon to 1ay, "Did apqta o( the Authority WU given \o ask for • ri:a'Ewoau START A1tom97 General'• offlCe l.nform blda ret umable l'eb .. 2 on approxJ- Club, fl'Oilt offlct. 93cll~ . · yw that ~ C01ftJl\lM&on of ttr· l'lately 10,000 pUona or suollne T?i. fi~orlu ·blew up u Mon-tain crtinea ~ulct prevent. a per-UMll by the dUitrtct each year. 90--M~ fat Sele roe CJ'09!-examlned lt&Je'• w1tneu aon trom becomtn1 a c1tuen•" Reports on cluaroom acU 1••-· Albert Wedde.111poon of Newport , . · "'~• DO YOU HA VE a r.ecord .play•r Beacb. Monroe attempted to ell· . "nley cert&;lnl1 did not," the In M--llCbooll were rtven bt (portable or table model) that tract from the Australian clU&en Brl~-d.lcUon lpU)d.nJ wttneu Mrs. Pauline •Gardner, fourth you would llke to give to a aaid. grade, H•rper Sc:hool. and Mlae Ta.hi n J lntormaUon re1ard.ln1r an arrest b AY OH &TAJllD -. . Mlll'fol\ ]1&1'9on r-rrrtJi, M m Ua Y°'IDI m wbP I• "111-ln HonolUlu. Monroe lnllmate<f 8 h 1 '· .rraa•~ a IUng ln l.hl1 t'ountry mut will the former N.wport Beach ca!• Wedderapoon apent alma« the c 00 · 1100n bf' golnli hame.1 Call' Har- operator had been arreated on entire day on tbe irta.nd. He wu bor 1020 evu. Mtt chai:yea 11noua enou1h to prevent preceded by Orange County LI· Three Costa M him t>ecomtn1 a elUsen under the quor Chief Herman Pauae who 9.ICI McCarran-Walter ImtnlgaUon Act. told about the operaUona of th• Y~llths -Jofn Navv ··we have talked thl• over 1n liquor board and dlacu.ed the -• ' charnbera," Chatterton lhouted fact he had ~ked with Wedder- rrom the proM<:utlon bench. "De-1poon aboUt the poealblltty of a Cense, oounael hU beeJi admOlllab-liquor licen.M . for hla now-defunct ed a.gain.St t.h6a line of queaUoa-Lido reataurant. Wedder11poon a&ld Ing . .I uk the court'cltt Mr. Mon-be paid '9000 .to a man named Three Colla Meaa youths have j oined the navy thla month It wa1 announced today by Chief Tor'):>ffio-m"" 8 . K. Hackler of the N.vy 82-Funaltun for 8Ue CHROME OINJCTTIC. aet .rrey .... , cha.In, table with 2 leavu. $60. 311 Cry1tal, Balboa bland. 9ecll8 roe for contempt.'' Fox, auoclated with indicted· and NO OONTEMl'T convicted bffr dllltJ'llbutor Lo\IU TraJ>&1)1, to obt&ln tbe on-sale II· Judge Raymond 'nlompeon, who cenM. tor hia eatabl\}ihment. Is hear1nK the gT&nd theft and con11plracy caae, did not cite the defense attorney but admonished him on 't he phr,ast'Ology of Illa qttestloAlng. . Monroe Immediately launched ·a new tack. along the aame line, u1t1nr "11 It true, Mr. Wedde.r- apoon that a11nla of the Attor- ney General'• office vlalte you, h· formed you of the l mmJg-ral lII Act and the tac t that you could not get American cttlzenahlp un- He told the court Devine had ofle[ed ti:> 1et the Ucenae tor him f~ll,QPO. . The trial contlnuew thl11 morn- ing. De.fen11e counsel predicts the se111ona wlll continue for at leut one more week. law violatloll' In Honolulu!" wu cnnt*9 a Y&riance recent- Tbe lrat.e /roaecutor jumped to ly by the Ne.wport Beach Plan· hi.a feflt an aald, "I demand, I ~ Commiaaion to conat.ruct a mu.at demand, your honor·that you three-car pra1e two feet from the cite Mr. Monroe for contempt ot rear property Un• facing a 10-rt. t.bl• court." alley. Required .etback la 5 feet Judge 'nlompeon cauUonecl both from the rear property line. Rec:rolUn~ Service for Orange SS.-Boate, Supplies County, Santa Ana Poat Office. • wioow MUST SELL-;2 fl. fish- From the Barbor area enllatlng init boat, all In 1rooct condition Wfre Max D. McKJnnon, eon of WlLJ. TAKE BEST OFFF.R! Mr. and Mra. R. H. McKinnon of 2~ Jo':aet Eather, Co~ta Mesa of~ Hamilton St.: Robf'rt R . Coch· Lt 8-2311. 96r 3 ran, hu•band oC Mary T. Cochr•n of 191 Rochester St.; J erome F. L8Comb. "°n of Mrs. Lorf'tta La ~_!?ts.~~·---­ Comb of 23]8 Norae' Ave. The new ~nvy men ari! now In l.l'ainlng at the Naval Tratnin~ Center at San Diego and enlisted under the Navy·s new• plan to let •·pa l11" ,.nll~t together known as the .. buddy aysttm.'' NEW UJl:FURN. 3 bednn., l!'Araite. ne11r High St:llool. Phone Ll~rty 8-1~43. D6c3 ft.ellul ta oome rrom cona t..an t p,.cttcel An ad rejfuJarly kl Oii• p111wr will ornduc .. f'f'trult.a tor you Y S VICE ) IN .NEWPORT HARBOR AREA · CALL . LEHIGH 9· 1634 llOTOROYCIZ r:SCORT . .. • • :;:::·i!~~·=g~h:.:, for~~::. ~:~r~=! STATE MERCHANTS POLICE UCUl"llOD for 80me time." He Ulc· able the carage mt.ranee to be Uniformed Division of "I t.hink we have bffn off on an the Mlback requut.d wouJ4 en· • I Are ' You Up~TO­ 'Date1 De ,.. ............ ,..._..., STAll FAW MUTUAL ..... ao•. un111o<1 c .... ,.._flnt' Ill th• fleld-o"9Ml•te4 ~, tilt ~t'lte Ftn11 M•teel A•t--'ila l•--~f .. l9U.~ W. I. LANDIS L. E. CAIRNS JSS E. 17th St. l .. lberty 8-1011 ILOOllllN~TOM, llUNOtt NOTARY PJJBUO CONGJlATUIATIONS are offered H. Payne Thayer, center, by Congressman James B. Utt, right and John :r; Boyd J r., former Newport Beach Postmaster, in connection with approval of Thayer as. acting postmas· ter. -Staff Photo • ~ both attomey1 to atep to the built at an angle to ID&Jta euler STATE PRIVATE DETECT C. A. "Goody" CoO<Son, pound bench to cl&rlf)' the q\Mallon1n1 accu.. ._ IVE AGENCY rnaattr, hu received approval of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..!.....::=::::::::::::::::::::::=:==:::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::=_......,.._.'-"'-"-'~"-"'-"-'""""'"""' a rat.a• from $300 to $3~ per mon~h from Coal& ~Ha City Council. The council allpulated hta pay lhould not. e11ceed 85 per cent Thayer Acting Postmaster Now · Two Mesa Brothen Arrested By '5tore ' of the revenue collected from dog Ucen~ In authorl%lnJ' City Man· ager George CoCfl'y to enter the new contract. H. Payne Thayer, Balboa, la Two Mua brother• were arrNt· ll'heduled to take over u post-cd at it:30 a.m. toUay by Alpha master oC the Newport Beach po11t Beta Security Officer Lyle·o. Tltua office about F t b. 1, a'ccordlng to I on a charge oC ahopllftlng $6 worth 1nf11111111t1o n from Co11.:r~11"mnn of n11·11t an<! bultPr. James B. Utt. He 1s currently net· , Hookttl "in the Orange County Ln l( pu:itlllllbli'I. IJnll wHC .EJwin Thclrn Hanson, .T ha) t•r w1111 appoint• 11 poi1t ml\~· 27, or 372 t::. t6lh St., Costa Mua. lt'r by l't1·11<1ent E1,.rnho\Hr fol-Th•y •·ere al"N'sted by Titu11 at lowln>: th,. rc-r«>nt '""11:"nAl1••n •tf the Alpha Beta store, 211 £. 17th John T &yu J r.' St. COURTS PRESENT? Pair Booked on Dope Rap . Here May Get Probation S ANTA ANA (OCNSI -Two chance or gettinr 11tralght pro· :narljuana po1111u.lllon auapect. got baLlon:' a Chrlitmu present from Super· However. the Judge did not band oul t he proba tion. He ordered New- lor Court J ud,e Robert. Gardner I port police and the aherlffa de- re<"ently although the judge did not partment to conduct a supplemen- label It u 11Uch. I tary probe to determine \he ex- Jamu F. Call•way, 19, of North t•nt or cooperation by the pair &nd Hollywood and Charlell Lee Cun-1 what had bt'«>n <lone In the way of apprf'hendlng the puaher~. nlngham. 20. 4M Cata lina St. •tood The judge rell'ascd Callaway un· before the judge for a probation lll the report is stibmllted Jan. 7. btarln~. I Cunningham llll"t'ady was frte on Gardner frowned u he read lhe ~ bAll probation departmf'nl'a r e Jl o rt. T he rwo defendan l,! were arrest· Th.tn be noticed the pair had co· 1 t el by Nt'wport Boch potlct ?'o'P: operated with officers In getting 20. Pat rolling ori1cera round the a t the marijuana punhrn; pair half dazed In a car near the "The prhnat)' tar~rl of thl'H I Coron" dr l MM Main Bf'•rh. A n1attf'n1 111 the scllf'rs:· J11d1te '1 bag of m1triJuana w 1111 foun1I In the G11rdner ohscrv•••I. "If the.e mrn 'b &ck ioeal . Th~ sm1pt'rls plra•lc•I havt' COOJ>t'rAtetl lo the-extent thl11 itullly to flO!<ltt!'i<lon nf thr n11rc1•t- report lnthr11trs thc>v :.t1tnd " g11<1tl k~. Mesa ·school District Gives . Break"clown on Bond Election An nact breakdown of prPpollt d I 3. Purchue 10 srres In b11ck b.lly expenditures the Cost& Mrsa Ele· 11rea betwttn Pal\11n1\ea snd · Me1111 mentary School District hope11 to Drlvt'. Build a 12 room 11ehrw1I. 1 re&l\U from the• Ftb. 15 $8711.000 1 klnclergartm, 1 muitlp11rpos!' room bond ele<:Uon wu today rtll'Utd and 1dml.nl11tratlvt' and hulth by Supertntendent Everett A. Rn. unit. $49il.~3. lf tht bond Issue Ill a pproved 4. At ~bin School: 811\ld a ctn· bJ the tatlmated 8000 tll«iblt vol· tr1I kitchen and 2 klndtrizt.rl tn11. era nut month. lht district w11l $li 0.078 borTOw' S:Z.22S.000 from the at1tlt S. Al Monti' Vl11lA School: Bulld They wlll (IYe the dlatrict a tola.I 4 clu.•rooms. and a mult1-rurpote of $3,100.()90 for 11<:hool bul1diniz• room U•9.<HO. and Ule purcha~e bf ad111tlon1l • adlool all.e property: 8. At Llndbergb School. Build Earmarked for purt'h&M •~ mulll·purpo,.. bmldlnr: a nd ad~ln- four new lldlool altea. l1trat1on Md health unit, '89.1~0. The breakdown 1-u follow~· 1 7. P11rchµe a lite nf 10 ec11;e11 1. PurchAHr lOJcr:t•. cornt'r ,,. al B&kl'r and Felrv1ew. Build a l~ Wllt0n And Pl11ctntla. Build " 20 room ~hoot, 2 klndc.rgartt'n•. r ""'m •chool. 2 ktnrter1r11rttn, m ulll· multi-purpose ro"m 11.nd 11dmlnlll· purpote room and 1dmtnlltrAllon trnl1\·e and htalth unit. ~4,:.43. ant1 hulth unit. $784,11117. I Ii. Purchllff • 1He nf 10 acrn. Z At f;. A R r l\ ~c hnol H111l 1 \0 H111\•l 11 l llll'llfC'IOllll'. t kinolCr(tllr· eh•I'~ 1 oom,.. I'. F b1uld1ni; .... 11.1 I• n ,., ln1 h1••l11111\\' 11n•I hralth mualc room. 132~.9t6. 11n11, $ US9,o63. Jn recommending the lncreaee, Coffey ottered the foUowlng re- purt on Coody' a acUv1Uu ·for an eight-month period from May 1 to ~c. 31: DOQ CATCHER RECORD • Trip• to Ule Oranre County· pound, 2•0; recorded call, 840; c11U. at home, 1$6; doga de11troy· etl, 2•18; doga obtalnrJ homea for 80; eow11 lj.lld horllt'a Impounded'. 15; cruelty complalnlll, JO; kUled by dogs. 40·chfckena and 26 ducks· dog biles, H6. ' Olher acllvlllea Included 10 cal b1tts: J:> looae hotl't's and cowa returned to owner.; 30 dor• dumped off by tra.ralent motor- l11u: ~ doga Injured and dutroy- e<i; 1~ cat.a t.alten to the county pound: 75 dead ca ta, 4 po1111um11 and 3 akunka; five tuba of fl8h head.ti and 1arba1e removed from city atn.eta Dec. 5. MANY MILES Goodon·1 mileage covered 12,- ~ Rlilea. 1-ued we"' 17'8 dog llrenau tor a total amount of SJ~. Santa Ana in Third All-time High Year Peak SAJ\"TA ANA, <OCJIJSl -Roun<I· Ing oul the thlr~1ucce1111lve aJI· lime high businAll yellr. Sa.nta Ana tel'Tlllnated 1115t with a pros· pertly record lndlcsted In bank rlearfnga, poataJ recelpta. building and popuJaUon lncre~ and other lnctlces. BA.""'K CLE~G8 The year'• bank clearln.f'• att lllrea dy some t en million dollara 11hove la.,t year'• all time high. When the laat wttk'I Chrl111mu r 1 ... a11ngs nre added at the rlose of buslnt•1111 lhls week, thr 12 montha total may exceed J953 ·by ~o million do.llani. according to u tfmate of Phll Brown of the Santa Ana BualneN Men'• Aaao- ciaUon . I.Abt year'11 all-time h lfh ln bank clrarlnr• wu Sl.143.290,044.' To date, Without the Chrt.almaa wttk clUrtnga computed. the 1954 total Ill alrea dy $1.163.392,984. Thl11 la the third 1ucceaalfe year In which clurlng• h&ve uce~ecl lh• bil- lion t'lollar mark. P011t.a.I recelpta are reachln1 an- other all time high, WitJ\ t.fl• year'11 total e1Umated at $1,0Ut,ooo, an lncreue of ·more than ll71>er cent above the 1953 $1118,566, accord· 'Ing to Postmaat~ Fl'a.nk Harwood. POPCIATIOS OAL~ · Stee.dy populaUon gain ia n- rorded, 11.•llh the n.w Oclober cen· 1us coununs Sll,010 clllzt.111 of Santa Ana. com1>9r'°ed 11.1lh the lut offldal ~enlUI In 19&2, record- ing 112.~. K-eepln1 pace In 19114 wert bulldln1 acUvitlu with current total of $14,711J,t1' 1.9.ued by the c II y dt'partmenl by Wednesctay noon. v.·llh another d&y to ~o be- "'" the otncJal tot.al h1 ta.ken. I.Ml }'ear·s building pennlla total wA' $111.~9.33'1 tor lb• complete 12 monlha oertocl . ' \ . - fabulous ''Huaraza .,, from the high Andes, Huorozo • fleece, loorrn!d by E:ininger, toilore"d by Molwin ot Colifo rnio int9 o coot of extreme lightweight, superb wormth • • . gently shoped tuxedo with push-up sleeves • pink, white or sapp hire blue, 6 to 16. •pron~ "wah-rah·r.a·• ••••• • • • • •_.......-ample • .tree parking. ........ ..., e • t-t'!J ........... •• rankin'I : . .. . • • • • ••• ankin'S • r .... fleece,.1.10°0 -- , 'I -- . · - -.. . ' .. . . ~\VPORT HARBOR . ·NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1~55 '' ' . " TAKING GOOD LOOK a.croa Bay Island bridge before duhing acrou i.3 Officer George· Myel'tl. Each cftficer ran crouched down, hidint"'>ehind walla and trees until danger of additional gunfire wu believed .over. Police were on island talking with wounded EmMt Cantu wben eecond ahot wounded Phil Kilmer tn rowboat. WHICH WAY DID HE GO!-Officer Don Munson, left, bolda a jacket found aboard the boat Backus as possible evidence in the double shooting. He converses with un- identified officer on which direction the aaaa.ilant went when he fled from the boat. . ,., / • MAYBE HE'S IN HERE-Footprints in the soft gr0und beside an Edgewater Ave. home lead police to a tiny access hole under the foundation. Newport Officer Kossman crouches for a· squint into the hole while pe. tective George Metropolis of Costa Mesa police gives him a hand with a spot light. DOTl'ED LINE ahowa bullet path, to first victim, Ernest c,ntu. _Offiqer Don BUJ'CI. iall, Newport policeman, aean:het1 aporbtiahing boat Backus, moored -at 207 Ed,. waler, for weapon used to shoot two local men yesterday. Bay .Laland, ecene of ahoot· ing, ia in left tdp background, ·the Roger CUnnlngham home and its beach are at ez. treme right tip of ialand. X marka beach where Cantu, 27, wu wounded. Harbor mu· ter'a boats· are &lonpide Back~ on which rifle cue and ten .22 cal'. ahella ~were 'f oWld by police. -All 8taU Photo9. FRJSKJNG OF LOCAL MAN, Neil Williama,· Ba 1 b o a construction au}lerintendcnt, (wearing gla.saes) produced .22 cal. scope-sight 'rifle which Officer George Metropoli~. left,· holds. Others are unidentified. Williama wu questioned, pronounced "clean" to his relief. . . CHECKING .22 RIFLE taken Crom Neil V. Willla.ma !or ballinlca test are Co.ta Mesa Officers George Metropolis, left and L. D. Polloin, right, with Newport Officer Don Burdu.11. INSPECTING BULLt.."T hole in upstairs plate glua win· down at home o! Hamid Bey, 301 Edgewater, is Del. Sgt. V. L McManigal, above;who discovered glass Crag--41 ments strewn over nearby sofa and carpetinf. ROAD BLOCK AT BALBOA BLVD. and 1:5lh St. wu covered by local, Cosb Meea and other polic, detaila. Officer Bob Upson, ll\,.&kea (eady to shake down. car at • left white ha partner, unidentified, goce through trunk ·tor pouible weapon used in yesterday's Bay laland doub}e shooUng. OOlllCAL NOTE m· BAY ISLAND abootin• occurred yeMerday u Officer BflTdaD left the Lincoln Clarks' home. 209 Edgewater and bad to ltep around "police" motor- C)'Cle owned by Tony Clark, son o! ~ Clarka. llUNDRED8 OF tll(11'()R18'1'8 were stopped at road blocka.. thia Ode on Balboa_Blvd .. yesterday u police from Newport, eo.t.a .Meu, Huntington Beach, Calilor- ' • nia IJighway Pairor and· the Newport Town11hip Con- stable's Office joined in cordon to check out each driv• following Bay Laland abootin&. · ., . .... .. • ,. . . ( ' ' ' ' -/ I I -1 ti I \ • The· Holidays AmongW~st . Newporters Mr. ud Mn. D&.tit ~ ~· ... faa117. OUIGp ..... , ..-1\ tM~wttll Mr .... Kn. D. ueta Promotion Daughter Born·. · and Vacation ard . Doe M-.a. u01 'IWtta .A.Ye .• to Ed W s 1n :.=~:0 ~: aa u;= South Carolina eu tlOaM. Doa 11.,... wttb Ida ,U. AlmOlll -t. aot '"'t. a Ntw ...... Kr. aad Mn. &dw.anl )(u. y..,.., bUy ... lltU.. c.llee .. at u.. ON&& M ... add..-, but Maria Ward. a.om Dec. 11 ta auw U. .._ pramot.e4 by UM com-.A.lr 1'orce .... llollpl\&J to Mr. W. ~Ir .. 1511 Wtllt Ooeea ~ D&'*I .. .-.a --..... lltruc&ar at Ouop Pu1s Bl&tl' ....... Mr. ud Mn. w ... ·~· ut.. Jltll ... ntuatNd ,...., from .. loq ..u-trip. ftq Wt c::brUlbniU da7 wtua uam - from a....-. Ptas north tf Vktoria. B.C., to Lake Lou1M uad com.Inc ~ 61 wa:r of Lake ~ ,.., for wbicll be worb. \huted a.ad Mn. lldwant Ward o< .._. 8tate on-am and will mon to ter, a. C. M,._ Ward i. tM ,__.,. Loe AanlM to be dNer to b1I 11'81 JMn Reed. da41Pter of Mra. MW ottloe. ~ 8atUa of Udo Ille, M -------------wbom ·Wa " u.. ftnt snack'-114. Tahoe. --Mra. rr.d Abtta of Parker Dam ta ltaJlns at the B. 0. Wallcer bome, UI t1Ua 8t., belplnr to e&N tor ber tallier, wbo i. ~ from ~ broil• hip. Mn. J'loreAce. Torrence, 11' t1tb St., IJ)ellt UM boUdl.11 wttb daup- ten In Loe ..,..... Kr. and Mre. Baroid 'nloell*JID, Soth St., returned Moada7 from a weekend0 trip to~-­ Mn. Mabel Stanley, lTll We.t Balboa 'BJvd., ntumed Saturda/ from San Dtero wbere abe .-pent the hollday1 wttb her brOthfr and bJa famUy. Mr. an!! Mn. ZU.ene Mahoney, 220 30th It.. 1pent. Mon~ Jn Loa Ang'eld, comblninj bu.tne• wttb Yiai Un6 trtenda. , . · Ml'9. "l:dna Baker, 308 S.th St., ntumed home Monday trom ·Lyn- woqd when abe epent ii.e holld~y1 wtth her daupter and family. ISRAELSON DAUGHTER TO WED-Jo.Ann Carfyale to walk to altar with David Stone on Feb. 4. Israelsons Reveal , Betrothal of . J oAnn Jamea AncSenon, M~ man Mr. and Mra'. Earl l8n.ellon. BUl'TOUChl H~ School, Burbank, at Camp Pendleton. retumed Ulere 2291 Channel Road, Balboa, are and attended Orance Cout Col· l'Tlday momlnl' after •pendtnr a I J hn ..... .t t.cl t ten day leave wtUI hla moUler, annou.nclnr the encacemut of ege. 0 wu •• -ua rom , ~ Newport Harbor Union H l r h Mre. Lole A.ndereon, 308 Hnd St. Ulelr. daurhler, JoA.nn Car171e, t.o School and alao attended Cout Mre. May Deloater, 206 311th St., Mr. David Max Stone, eon of Mn. Collere. IJ>ellt the bollday1 wttb her daul'h· !:Lale El'rett or Balbo& and Mr. The. weddlnr 11 ..i for rrtday, ter and family In Altadena. Jol\n Stone of Altad~. P'eb. 4 at Chrlat Church by • Ule Mr. and Mn. RaJpb Wat.on and JoAnn w..-gr9duated l'rom John 8eL NIGHTINGALE DUO, Mrs. Irving Watcher and Mn. Joeeph Preminger CL and R), eon Wayne, 3504 Welt Oce1an ---------------------- congratulate each other <lV~~ good work well done. Tbe·two were ,honored by the ;::t, ,ie~'::.edtrl~~~.:'°.~n~ Mt.SS Norm' a Gentle Br1·de Nightinplea Chapter ot Hoag Hospital for having completed 100 hours of in-1e~ce Cbrl1tmaa wtUI Kn. Wayne'• TIM baby an1Yed at ll:IO a.a. and Welibed T lba. 1" OL l'r1-da In Recital A. recent •. • • • ll 111 1 . wu a recelftd aew• of ta. "911\ ill a memoral>l<occul6n tor lltU• Bill)' CluWtnau-New Tear oard ..p.a... RO~ 09'x YffZ' old 8llD of Uie 1Ao ally dulcned.to tncaucs. C&Mne. Ro'rinl ot 2084 ll'ederal Ave. Bill1 . pla;yed Jlntle Belli on ~ pltar WMnewr a ....,.Uoll i. ~ at UN aanual p11pU recital Of fOW' betWMll liberty ead J~ t.Mcbere at t.be Cdlpenatory of netui.; In •7 ~ ii _,.. Mu.tic: In Anallelm. -;llllmWllA 8lu1l9 The Frances Norton S~ps JANUARY CL .EAR.AN -CE Oar pmee a year evaat? Yuu opportulty 'to ..W yoar apparel at tenU1c •villp ••• Acn.117 . at cS08* ud below l . Drastic lechlctlw Of 0.. llltlre Stock of Fal a•cl ~ Fa .. lolil aec. to i ua MC ...... 1u1 NOW~ . NOW a.,,. to n.11 NOW 12'5 /I ..... ~ NOW work at the boepltaJ. -Staff Photo. mother tn Btrm1n111am. Al&.~ and •ch d N ~ : G ... Yiated na.tt• .. in 4119ltn. Tau. a.,.. orman ray ...,.._~.,..l!"""~~~~rrcr::~.....,..i,.~~r• ~~~?~~~ ~~~~;..;,.~.;..~~~:~~--~~~·-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~t.....-~·~·~-;;-~~;;;;:::;:=r~.,.~L& ~ H9nors· Two, Greets Seven New Members Provisionals Introduced, Lecture Series Planned MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor Jt wu a q~ wMclJnr, per--Normu Gray home. BoUI mot.hen form~ at a p.m. C>n Wedneed&y, ue1lted ln Neel•ln&\ Kra. Oen- Dec. 2t, ln 8&nta Ana by Uie Rnt. tle •eartnc a blue "'"~ .Wt · wtth ~· ot pink n>Mbudi and Harry Owninp, wbicb united wbJte carnauou and Mn. o...., KJ• Norma Dt.ann O.Ue, daueh-in r. pink and whlt4 ~. wtUa t.er of Mr. ~ Mre. G. P. Gentle, mmiJ&r conace. 222 W•t Willon St., Oo9l& MeM Both YoWll people _,.. edu· and Richard Norman Gray, 110D ot eated al Newport Harbor Hip Mr. e.iid Mrs. Norman Gray, 138 S<:booL Tbe bridecroc>m 11 pne- Sant& label St .• al.o eo.t& M..a. enUy .. mn, With tJ\e u. 8. Air ID Ule doultle·r1116 "°" ucbanW Force at Mount&ln Home, lda.bo, Norma wu ctven ln U.plnc by where h• wlU be JoUl.c! by h1I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART t •• PAGE I ber father. She won for the oc-bride the latter put of January. J-AN.UARY 1955. cu.Ion a blue velvet .Wt wlUI white ac:ce1110riea and while car- !~·~:~ .. ~-:~~· l 3 5 s u IT s Wools, FalUee ..... , .. now % anti 1/2 on 1&ec.MIMtolllUOU>NO % ff .· Mr11. Ralph TanJow11ky was tao~tetlll on Tue11day a t hl'r homt, 805 nation.a. Her a ttendant, Helen Via Lido Soud, to m C'mbC'r8 or lhe Nljthtlngale Chapter nf Hoag Holl· P.oet Laureate 11.ty Women, Jan. 13 It I p.m. l.n Blehm, wore a ,,.., dreaa wttb Logback Baby · Mr. and Mn. Jerry Lofb&ck. 2132 Eut Cout ffishway. Corona del Mar; are pa.rent. of a baby ctrl, bom Dec. 21 and welrtUnl COATS -----·····..MOW ... Pll•I Auxiliary. All8111t"lng ho11ll-8J!e11 were Mmes. Don1tld Colegrove. the .F:bell Club Hou1e r.t 81.nta white ca.rnaUon co,_.e. J'ranX L. F . N Sb Ana Gordon w N rrt Poet La flanHll •t.ood wtt.h tlle briderroom rt Howiu;dt• Jllo. Jrvlng Wat~her. Dt"Slll':l W811 !!erved. With Mra. OnrJli. to Address real~ of eauro~a.0 wtti read t~ ... .,.. man. . • ranees -0 on op~ &te"'ar and Mr•. HarTy Casey pounng. . -hie volume of at.ate poetry, ''Ool-n, receptlon wu held at. th• Honored for havtnr comp'9ted man, la In charge and Mr•. B&l A den Empl~ ... Thia WU publllbed . • l ' H il a· 1 TWO LOOATI01f8 Df MN"l'A AJlfA - 6 lbe. ]()(} 11H111vtee ...... at tM .,_.: Dlk• hae tickets. Mre. Ch&rlea A u Women ln celebration Of CaJlfomla'1 tint and the rich and blltorical Span· H1g ms a Jr J>lllll Wf're Mrll. J~ E. Prelnlnger U.mb wlll handle publicity. • • • cmtennJaJ yeara. He wlll precede Lib Ca.lltomla hi• people kiiew. He Lt. and Mn. William Jamu Hlr· %13 NORm BROADWAY -ValMa&ed Partdas and. Mra Watcher Cra.nted full · At lhl' ireneral pro1T1m meet-hla readtn1a by an extraordinarily I• a dee~ of t'overed waron lln, Corona del Mu, ~· par-NEW ARCADE BLDG. -Nat to lear'9 m embf'r1hlp In the ~hapter. having Balboa Islanders Ing Of Sa.nta Ana Branch or the lntereltlng and authentic talk on pioneer•. hJa (Hlldparenta having •nt.a ·Of • daughter bom Jan 2 al nu PA&ICINO ll~th l I lh Le . c . Am~~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~~ln™~ ~u~.~8~.~N~~~a;l~H~o;•;~~~~L~~~~on~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CQnlp e ""' e r prov •.1ona ours, avmg on ru1se Wl'rr Mmc11. Ja~k ~-<.:oni:don. / ,,. J ark G11mau~. Chai l••I' A. Lamb, Mr. and Mra. Ray ~ve1. lUO Ralph M. T"ndowslcy. Howanl S. Bayfront. BaJboa lala.nd, an 1 vw111, JuJS(Jn Sutherlll.nl1, J ohn !lathng on Saturd3y. Jan. 8. aboard Wl'btter. the s. S. Alcoa Cllpper on a Carib· New provl8lon•h1 ln\1Qtlut·e<l wl.'re b(o&n cruise from New Orleana. Mmu. J ohn Qui11t. Francis D&w· Thl1 16-<lay cruae will extend to llOn, Nadent-<.:oplrn, C. Doui;ila.-i JWveral colorf'ul ialand., u well Ferry, J ohn Knapp. l\tatlPllne a.s the northern coallt of South l Rowe anl.l Jotm C. Swutz. America. The Itinerary tnclude1 j .Dl8Cua111on cf'nte~d on the com-Jamaica, the r>utch lslMd or Cur• I Ing Edna Steama Dayton uries. acoa, Trln1tlad, ani:f c..racu. UI which beglr\1 F'eb. Z~. Mra. Don11ld Gualra, Puerto CBbello, and Guan- Ooll'f'Ove. waye and ?lt'IUla Chlllr-ta, aJI In Venezuela. LETTER FOR-BABY FROM . FIRST LADY "Welcome, MC,Ussa Lawler, t o this wonderful world. The President joins me in sending congrat- ulationa to your parents. My very best wisbes to you always!" Signature to the message was a fam- oua one, "Mamie Doud Eisenhower," and on both paper and envelope were the golden insignia, "White Howie, Washington.'' The letter arrived among Christmas mail at the Michael R. Lawler home. 702 Fernleaf Ave., and wu addressed to first daughter of the couple, aix-weeka-old Melisaa. There is a son, Michael, a year old, who received the special welcome given a tlnt child. But Mellsea wu different. She wa.s lint ~rl born in four generationa of the Lawler family. which boasts uncles and cousins galore, and that waa why her mother sent an announcement to the White Houae. She h1 indeed "Welcome!'' ' Beginning New Term February 1st ... there wil be IOme wacancles In the ~ and eterneaatary grades of St. James Oaf School • Apptlcatioatt wUJ be NCeived at the Cbarcb School Oftlee I Pboae II.arbor 1988 Samuel IL Bell, BMdmuter Starts Thursday: January 6th· January Clearance Sale! L~DIES S -HOES STREET and DRESS STYW IN CA~ a11d SUEDE FLAT and MEDIUM HEELS, some HI Heels Sizes 4 to I 0 AAA to 8. Not •ft styl•s •v•il.ble in •very size FOOT FLAIRS PENAWO DEBS $8.95 to $11.95 Values BRIEFS • CASUALS By APTITUDE DEB $7.45 to $9. 95 Values FOOT FLAIR BEA(J MOC • ' •' ' s490 I MOTHER and DAUGHTER FLATS By CAPEZIO Otild sizes - N MW 81/z to 4 l•clies sizes - N M 4 to 9 AU SALIS FINAL tt6 EAST 1'7U. STREET ...... ~ .... OPEN Fii. 'TIL f P.M. ~ "'· u 1-2771 ... and MORE SALE STARTS ' JANUARY 7th ·SWIM WEAR for WOMEN -MEN .~ CHILDREN REDUCED WOMEN'S MEN'S Sport Shirts Sun Dreuea Blouses Sweaters T-Shirts Suedeclo+h Pull-overs Wool & Cotton Pedal T -Shirts benim Pull-oven '•Sa ii cloth Slacln •Sailcloth Pull-oven •Wool Sweaters Pushers Pley Shoes anclM~ Group Hawaiian Shirts FOR GalLS and IOYS •SHORTS •SLACKS •SHIRTS -KNIT SNOW GLOVES Ceramic Odeh & Eatk REDUCID ONl-HALF PRICES REDUCED UP To· 25o/o on FLANNEL-UNED JACKm aftCI COATS • For WOMEN end CHILDREN Many Aclclltloeal Items Reclllcecl 10 °/o to 25 °/o I DON'T MISS OUR 50¢ SPECIALS I ·2_701 W: COalt Hwy~ Liberty 8-5313 .. > r .. ~. ... .. .. , "'1 ., D "' .. •• I ' ' -. ,. • • • ,. ' ,.. , PA~ 2. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS JANUARY 1955 'Hey-You· Squares' Note Anniversary. Balboa Bridge Club Play · Resumes Friday JohnM'n •nd J.fr•. 1ilrrlf! Mrr,..n1b- er, M~. Ann<' !ll•h'h"ll •nd. t~'.'"' M~n. Mr•. R orua Lfotwr an•1 Milton Ku1t~•n. -I ... ,,.. , i:...'t-.. t wintl•n In U.. J.lon · day 1.tternoon 1t•ml! wl!N" '-fr•' Iv-Hooker and OOn Ste\'er'I•. whit• hl1h ..-oreni north·.,.,Ulfl A• ot"(Ul.Mr1 a.ad . conth:iubl1 1•Mk. At the ChrlltrnU pM'tJ' two Ttl1 Balboa Dl.ipllcat• Brtdlt"' were Mra. B. 8 . Morr11 and J1rk .pon10r1 ot tbol Hey-You Square' ot UM U rn1m!Mn "'" ml..tn.1 Club '1111111 n1R1m• play on Jl'l:lda)' Powell. S2·membo!or ttien-a e Harbor Hlfh for thll !Piety Mid JUl :••Chan141. ettnlnr of thla week alter a lhre• \ Runnfra-up ••l·we1t Wt'ff Mrt. It Ther. we" IO at Uie Ne• Y•r'• wMkl &djooUrrll;gNll durtnc the O<'Or(f! Carroll an\f Mr1. Henry square danl!t croup. Jr.tr. and Mra.1 ~ ~1 ~ well, tM h01U11 holiday Na10n. The came wlll b<s l:ciert, Mr,,1. 1o~r<'d J ohn••n and J. M•lvl.D Kit-c:h of :SOU Monrovi!I Mlns ut.l&ded OQ that ooc:Uon held at. tit Eut Oce&n ftOnt In Mra. Paullne Sayr•, Mrs. ltl~not Ave., Costa Men . wete pr.iented to l a.ca. Balboa &nd Will ala.rt It T;JO Newcon1er and Mr•. Cati BenlllOn. a beautlful plaqlM! of appteciaUon T"4I N-Tea.r'1 dll)r and .ntpt o'clock. 1Runnera·up north-9outh we ... Mr• by the l(rOup at ~Ir annlvetfl&tY pUlerlar wu dulpat*' .. Mel'a Winner• of Ml.•h~r PoinU In t11• P'Tank Rl"fll end -Mr1. /I., H: J.f•t· P"lY ttc.ntly.). iarce three rar Day" ta appnclaUon tor ll'I• cnat Sunday pm• wer. Mr. and Mri .jDonald t)'1n11 wllh Mr•. E. J . 1an.re llu bNn bu.II\ lA t.be rear)amount of"Ume, money and ett'ort A. w. T\lmmel playlnc u•l·•••t Wlckn1an 11.nd Eldon Hon.!; Ml"ll !r their new home by lb• .Vltche• Mr. ~Itch _bad e.a:t~ on thl.I and Robert Lu.ilk arid A.mold Oa•· Harry Schll11nl' and Mr•. l.O!J Ryf'I. . o aerve ~headquarter• for U..l proJecL A 1-rce box. of ataUonery ·M-t 'tn nort.h-90uth poelUon. Run· Jnt"~•ll"<I-brtda• pl•~•r• ""'In· ciltb. whleh wu ori;anlud rollow· wa1 pun:h&M<I by the l"roup and nen·up e .. t-weal wel"i! Mn. Frtlli.JI: vltitd to join tt111 annlJI ~1th111r on , Inc the c lOM of achool laat June. ,ll'ach member wrote a thank you Reed and Tommy Holme•. Mr. and Monda)' a fternoon or Jo'rlday Pnn- .. Durlnc the hoDday vacation. ~r· •bote of apprecia tion: A ahOWll't Mn. Ro~rl Dl-chner, Mni. P•~Y Inf and lnfom1,atton r"11•nUll1' I.he lod a virtu~y conUnuou. opeii llor candy accomp&nltd the prwfll!n· Ct'awl•y and Paul Taylor. R unner.. pme1 ma,. be....,bt•lned by phonllu: houae hu ,;been malntaJned ·at the tatlOll. The f\n1le of Ole. holiday up oorth·.,uth ware Jdra. P•CIJ' Harbor 3228-\\'. Klich 'home. wlUI at least tht" .. 1 •ctl\r1Ue1 .,.. a potluck .upper · ---- ln1~romptu partl .. beln., held each and .,.1qu•rt1 dance Jut Sunday. . California Artists Will Compete at Orange Show Modern and conH rvallve Cali-I palntlnc (modem or conaervetlve I tom\a a rt11t1 wlll be f lven .,,J.he land one iteulpturll'. Entr!e• aub- opportunlty to compete tor 1000 ml<ll!'d mu1t be orlg!d11J produe- . in euh award& •t the AU -Call-ttona and ahould be checked "mod· tomla Art Exhibition to be held •m" or '"con.eervatlve" u the de· In l:onjunctlon with the 19M I'd!· I alpallon t or th.e. H(:Uofl In whleh lion of th• National Orange Show the entr111'1 are to,lbe judl'Pd. tn !I~ Bernardino Mar<"h IT T1'111!t111 . will be Qve ·purch ... thniugh )Jarch 27. -11 ward11 totalling SI ~ caah. Pur· Hudl't'da of brochure• ll1tlng' C'haae prl1t1 are: 01!1, '400 In cOn- varJou1 detaUa of the <:0mpeUtlve .ervatlve and S•OO modern: water art e:ii:hlbltlon have ~"" mallitd C"Olor, •200 ln C'OftlftvaUve and to artll1t1. mu1eum11 and art c al· $_200 modem and SSOO In aculp- lerie1 throughout the 1tate. ac-ture. Work1 a"l'<lrded the purc:h ... cordlnl' to Mr1. Theo. Wopd, noted priht wtll beeolne the property Ila!' S.matdlno artl•t and chair· of the National Or•nl'• Show and an of the National oruse Show added to the Permanent coll~· Aft Exhibit commlltee. lion. Entry bllllk• muat be re- Piano ~l,.,;clion TERESA" RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner) OM-' l'IMbt ., n• ouu-'- thwl_.. 11..,..t of Mm BarUoll ua Sena OTtve Pb. Har. !OS9 Cnrona Hl1hw.d. -Corou del 11.u ~~~ LATEST H,AIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE au>O. .... ....., .. 0,.. ,._...,. ... ,.. S&tu,.., in prerioQ Y"ata entrlea lll the turned to the Art E:lthiblt COrnmlt-NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB waa gaily deco-ed to the.festive air of the occasion and""everyone en-ndledartellhlbltlonwere Umlt.ed·to tee, National Oranr e Show, san .r ated for New Year's Eve with hundreds of bai!Oons joyed dirlcing to the rhythm of the E lliott Brothiere' llvloe art11t1 tn Boulhem Call· Bernardino. on or before J'f!b. 21., h k r M. a, ... Jd. rec" ordin .. orchestra. -Becknet-Photo romi., but llie demand of arll•U A Jury ot. !ltllPCUOn and award• which were released to tlfe gay throng on l e 8l.r0 e o e . • and iteulptora throu(bout the •\.ale will be <:0mpoeed of •Ill Intern•· --nu~·dni~·~g~h~t·~-;F~a~v~o~M1~,=n~o~ise~·~ln~lll<~e~nt~a~n~d~co'.:lo~rf~ul~h~a~ts~a~d~d~-==<i';================:'.:.:=====~~.i.ihl...1A-·"bn111 •b•'• -·~ ty-11:nawn'-u' ,- bec:ame•ao..p•l tbat.-U... ~ on I ·1 Oran1e Show dLrectore ~lditd to the eommlt~ are: K"n w. Dyal: ,,. N rt p TA make the e•h!blt atatewldP. The vice chairman: Jw.n Murray, lef:·l ~liJ'1W. 1' r --~';';,,f ' ewpo -, ""'°''WU h•ld d"'IO( lh• 100< ""'" P .. rl<I• P"lo•m, i•lo Moo-I 'iii •I cttru• e1po1ltton. > Kown. W1lllam F. Mellin. Robert I · ~ !'I: to DiSCUSS con.equenuy au livlng •rtt•t• Hau. Hilda Mohlt . Jiarold "'tema.n. f In Callfornla are lnvlted to 1ub· John B<:"rry, ~;lo~nce Nt11b1t. I ,, j,I ' I H alth S f t n1 t on~ oll pt.lnttng ~moclt"\ or Douclaa I!:. MeCle!!an, Richard 8 . 1 ct~'jl I • e -.a e y CQftllf.tvatlvll':) one wattr color Beaman and Norman Gauerke~ t... "Health and Safety .. will be ft•· •. tur..d •ubject ~t the J9.11u1ry meellni:: ot Newi,iort Elementary P·TA J an. 10, 2 p.m. !nth& aehool auditorium. ( '\'art<:"n M•ndenh1/I, 111111l11tant 1auiwrtntendll'nl ot Orange County t 1chooh1 ..... 111 1reak a nd 1how !Jim <>n hla 11ubjcet tor the d•y, '"3<:"11rch for Hlp[>lnr~s." J\l tndenhflll I• Jn elln.ri;c of ehl!d (;'Uldancu 111nd spec· lal s<:"rviCP• of Oranse county. •·llllowing the 111peaker there will be a discu1111lon <.1f chUd problem' to 11hc.w how !!Choo!.s an<J pllrtnl1 ue helplnl lo dell wllh and eolve the que111nna 11nd t toubl<:"• of to- day'll yc.uth. Ho~tt~..e11 tor the atlPmoon 'A111 be t<:111rth i;rade roon1 mothera. Holidays With Rector to Address Woman's Auxiliary · Hebert Farpi}y Tiie R•"· raul Moore Whe<:"ler,I Mr. I.lid Mt i . G@orl"e Pen1ru or rellrinl" reet.:ir o( Bt. J a.mee Epi•· i Aualln. T-ell.&111, lett tor home Thur•-copel Churrti, wUI tddre. t h.a day. They 1rnved the wHk before Woman'• Aull.Illa r¥ of tht church Chrl11tm11.1 to vt11lt her •leter anJ1, Ill a lunchton met"lin( on \'Ve<t· 1 hullb&nd, :t.!r.-and Mr•. David H•· need•)'. JM. 12, 12::,0 p.111. Mr1. 1 bert, Newport Helchlll. J.tr. Hebert J. ff. ltigga will ptealde •t thl• accompanied-them to s acramt'nlo openlnc ,.. .. Jon ol the year. I wher" \.My Vlliled tht Kdlh I'll'r· I rlaz ram!ly, Ui\lrn1n,1 here }olon· a w.eek .,.:Ith htr daughtt r and ( dllY· •·• .,lfarnUy. J.fr: an4 Mr111. Geor11 1 During I.he trip l'Orlh Mra. H,_ Krouae, Mr•. Krou .. bnngtnc her I Mrt went t o Phoenllt to 1pui'd hQom• on Monday. THC COMMOlJORh:"S TABLE at \he Newport Harbor Yacht Club"a gala New Year's E,·e party includ<'rl IL to R) Capt. Robert De ~Volfe, M·rs. Elon Brown, vr::.·ce m· modorc H arold Pearcy, Jiirs. Hnn-y -Mann, Commodore J.lann. Mrs. Pea , ~!r. Gl'llr~c KuhrtK, ~1rs. De \Volfl', F1cct Captain E lon Brown and 11!rs. Kuhrts. &>ck· ncr J>hot.o --.. • ~ Arl"i d1•nt1 kill a1 many ehlldren !torn one to tour1M"n y•ar1 of ag• "~ the ire\·en 111usl important non· 11cchll·nt cnuM'11 ot du.th combint'd "ceonhni; t n \he National Auto- 11\0bl l~ Club. • -• Silb· '"'" For Girls Mrs. Ralph Herr is Named President of Mermaids l n11t11.ll11tlon or nrw off ieers ror 1twice 11. )'N•r a big dinner I• conk.· t he ,yrnr !l•HI vorlrnmt tJ( a nt•w I t'tl 1<nd ~e1'\•1•d \O the eounly of!I · n 1r mb. r \\'ere thr 1,,,.,11 nrdo'r of rtr-' ot Ille ;\f~n lc lodgti IU1d U \'· •ral othtr at!ahs h11 11e bttn 111ag -bu1!nt',... nt the \\;•'tlnt~d•y 't't'· rd. The yr11r "'&JJ cllm&ll~ by a nln¥ n1r<'l1n.: ot th{ ;\!errnaldl. hu'g• Chrh•tmu party la.st .,...f<!k at • InvetttOftt Sale th" rlubhoust. . = • e • • • ~l ucn11.· "'h·r~ r lub 11t !ht· j ;111 SC'out Hm1!le in CnMLa ;\lrM. :>;t w o{fl~r• of the elub are .Mr._ Ralrh Hrrr, J>n-11\dl"l'\l: ;\l 1..+ C"Hf· Mtl. A n!'w committee chairman for thi! yt111r. ~lrs. Bemlee Knlea, who 111 su1111h1ne rh1IMnan. Mrs. Clyde I JohnMn "''ill 11•rve anol.ll•r year 11 prPM ch1irman. · I "'llll1n1 :">lehob . .\l"Ctclnry. Th<.' --'-;=-;_:;:;:;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~-:-:-:-:;-:-:-:;:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;,;;;,;;;,;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;-n,..,..· member ia M r.i. Edn11. Nichol,. r Jan. 6th. The commitl!'e for lht' .-v .. ninit Wllll ;\lr>1. Fl<'Tnirl' l<nle11. ;\f,.... Ha· ul K. l 'r· t >1n•t ~,,.,. \\'tlli11.n1 H. NJrhoJ>' AppTL'\'l&!.1un .,...,,,. IX/•r'rSl't <I l or I.ho:" untiring t!fo rt.1 11nd nian)' •c· compllllhment~ of th• out.~01ng prt11id-en l. ;\It!\. lf1•rry H11!11rd. -A•ho h1111 guided the , Jub .,111r~ it ~ founding F'll'b. 11. l9tli by jlll!\t wol1Jly .m1ttron. l\U'lr0R11}· :-;"!rl>1('n of llar&ir SW.r. O ES. At Jeut J:Z50 h11..i; bC"t'll raised b y the .Jll rnem~tll ot thr club alnr•· that hmc 1u111 donatrd to- w11 rol the "1/'ew J\11L80iill: Te1np1,... nol' 1111drr ~"n!JtrucUun In :-;'e"·· port Ut lJ:hts. A li('Mt'~ Ot lndlv1d- u11J partltl 11·as ftaturfd last r .. u. fll(l !<T A l't •t •t:lt rn:-.""FE8T "' Win · .{ January Sale OF QUALITY " FURS Now Greatly Reduced! Complete· Selection of Fine Fur1 In All Popular StyleSdnd Colors Ou,.. label i1 your ;uorontee of q uolity fura and E .. pert Wor\;mon1hip BUY NOW - On Our Convenient lay-Away Plan. A sn'Rlll Deposit resel"VM y our selection. SeparaleJ 1/J lo ' OP DRAWER THiii Glrl1 '"_'Boys 221i MARINI AVINUI IALIO"A lfLAN'D,. Shoe• Dresses Skirts Blouses Accessories • For e Dress Shirts Boys e Flannel Shirts e .&.c:kets e Bathrobes e Sport Shirts o// o// ' A Lit.ti,... Weiqht Control Pla11 Thill l\la.1· I'-' \·q;ur 81A" OpportlUdl)' . • , OLIVE M. DULING FURS Starts Thursday,' Ja11e 6 l "or f'WI °"t•ll• tm:ir I• Our ~· or hotte F""" P,."1on~1r11t1nn T~t ("proo" IPI Mar 111 E. c-1 Dh·il liar. 11&! .. Broadway Santa Ana Kl 2-1223 RESTYLED NOW ............ 3412 VIA .UDO . \ NEWl'ORT hoch HARIOR 3677 - ~ .. ' ' I I I- • I flo \. , .. , Tt l bu / :; {: .. I) .., ... .... ~· " ~ ---· - CHANGING COSTA Inventory? No, simply WedneMlay'e interior at Costa Mee'a City Hall "Bs·Contractor Frank Bissell starts work on alterations, Cjty Council approved the work upon recom_mendation or City 1.1 anager George Coffey. Bis- .ell was-awarrled bid on the chore for $300. The aliera- Jimmy . D'Errico Breaks Knee in Ski Accident Tribute Retirin9 Paid to D;A. -• More lhan 2\0 county ornclala, co·workrr_, •nd l!rlend11 Thur8day artemoon Jlaid tribute to rr~rlng , !l.!•trlct attorney Jamra L. Oavl11, I J lmmy D'En·ico, 12 llOn of Mr. Ill a party at the cou.ntY court 1 and Mra. Jamea D'Errlco of 4111 hou9". De Sola Tern1ce la recovering ln DaYll w .. preM!lnttd .i. pl~ Jioal" J_iOllpltal fronl 11. fr11.cturf'(I JI.he Elka Club in ~tcog~it!On Of hla.1 _UliLtJu.p-lfa&h-lt>-, W-\<kl ... ~H.,....,,1111' W11.oi (IVt.,.---1 IF:=::::;;:;;;;::~::;::. ;:;::;;~-;~"T:;i=.~ 1lflftl"'l!IJI~ fofmer member11 "M1'1'l'lt "' rljlUy "'1111" of hl.1 atarr. Prcvlou.111y:oavi. had I day whlle ak!lni; on Reb<>I Ridge. been prf'a+,nlr<I a bro11u deak A n 1•xpert xkh·r fur .hi>< y1•11r11. lamp by t•1nploy~• tn the O.A.'a 1 I I ·' ' J ' J lmmr'• akl• hit 11 bune11 rnck off\cf!, and 11. v.·r111t watch by the w hile he W11s conilng tlown a ~1opt" P ca·ce Of/lcer'8 AlUlo•·latlon. I 'rhe l11tnily 11111·nl Chri11tmaa we~·k Oa\'l.'t Wll.'t tu ~p<·n<I hlR Ja~t day at Bii:: Bear. Thl'y ru~hed J lmn1y aa Orange C\lunly Di111rie l AU.Or ·I 1n an 11.tnbulance to Hoag Ho.otpltaJ Tll'Y Frld11y. He h1u1 bllen in orrlce Bufid•y n11:h1. l1e i~ 11. •cv<'nth 12 yeara. He .,..ill b<.' auccf'eJed by , g rade alilll•nt at 1-lvracc fo~!dgrt llo~rt Kneeland. Bchool. Local Gas Meter • lmtallations Up South,.1·n ('lluntie9 Gu Co. In· erea•ed the nun1h.•r or 11•·U1'e n1e- lera In Ne"'l'•Jl'l u .. ,., h hy 131 JWr -.:en! Ill lhr l11•t 10 Y•"••tM, Rl"COrd- lnit \u Ju~t\11 ~!. K.-nn1'<.ly. UdUI· a.gt'r .. r· th.· e1,ni11>n1y·1 Or11nge County 01\"lllk•"· All nf :-,;.,,._ l!i:}I. !h<'r•• Wl."tl." 112~6 .. l"th·e mrter!I · 1n ,.,.r.,1c,. un-I :Newp<•rt H··=o • h, he l<!l!li. T hill ("f)mpar<'<I with 11.·.~:. r"r 10:,4 11nd 7888 rnr t:.-,:,: Claus Injured in 6·Car Accident Clarl'nc·f' 1·1:.·u,.,.. 120 E . ~t'<'ll Place. C."b~ta. 1'11'!1" \•·1•!1 ""e or fi•" driver• Yl"h1~ ~111~ """'" pro.,.'e•I lll to SunllPy n1i:ht h.•' a • "r drh·•·n by Tho111n11 E lJul!y. :.!~, uf :-:ilPl ~ach. Cla1111 "'a!I ~h~hlly !njurNI The a ro·1<lr-nt occur.-.. d on Coa11t ltl)!I•""'" n•·•r :,Jr>al Brach. • 0 11!1y wa·11 o;-r11t!l•'•I hy Or11nee r Count)' Shrnff'1 ·l<·puf1I'& 1t\ 8~' rnile1 prr hou r. l lf>p(1\1<'8 11!1.l<I lh•· d.,fl'nd11nt'1 r11r •bn1~h~tl Into the r Clau1 cnr .,n,·1 <'Ru ...... t 11 11111\llplf' I af'cldrnt • loard Okays Jonin9 Chan9e Near Mesa I I BANTA A'Slv (0C'SS• -Th<' County 899rd or Sup,:n·i~or .. Tu ... .[ day approvl'•I 11 i .. n1n1: •·hani;e I north ot t.:Oll\A .\lr;,a and nrdt'T<''l I County Coun,...L J o-•l Usie to dn.w Mp lh" ·nl'Cl'll,.ary Ol'Unancl'. C11rlaln por!lun" "r land 11urth of l'auLanno A•·<'. bet\O"ll!l'n Bn11tol j 81. Alld ;-.;,.wporl A.-r. 11nJ 11n the Weit 11IJ.e "f Url ,.tnl !'it. b(ot"''•'t"n Bak<'r A•·I' 1111•1 rx1end1ni; 11ln1u~: to :-O:•wpart ,\,,, wdl be <:'hansf'•I t r-om A·l , i;:enf'flll i11.;r1cult11rr. lu l M-1. ll~hl n1anufactu nng, ·with 100 ft. trnnlai:~ .11n•I :in Olln ~•1 I• mtl\1- D'lllnl" The pliu 111111i.: , """'"~.-ll•U ~•·nt thr pre<'hM'l pl•n to the &UJ>l'TVla· or1 with 11prro\·&l recommend,.d. Stanford Alums Set lreakfast Sunday Oran1<' Counl)" Slan!onl Unl· nrJlll)' a lun1n1 ... ·111 ho!ll a break- ta•t. Sund11y 11l ti :Jo R.n1 . In Ho.•!'· ipot-e H<'l l'I. S1 nta Ana. 1 w11.> an- M>Ul'ICf'd l"ll11~· by Rubert" 8. Harnl'1. 811,\' Short'". pr~,idrnt 11f tha C'Ollllt~· alun1nl ch:ipl"t · \\·•rN'n IJradfnl'I. l'IY ccnt ia. ('haLrinan nf arnini.:f'nH nt,., 1lo11- cl•,.~I ('"a,.h Chur k \11~·1nr "r Sl11nfort1•11 footOOU 1t>ani 11n.! 1111 hlKh ..:hool anfl Jun10~ c·oll•'G:t nllal'lwt,.,Ave bttn tn\·ite<t. Power Squadron ta A..,lt New Me"'bers N-n1em~r1 .... ·1U be lnducttd into lhe Balboa Po.,.·er Squ1dron •t th' J!l./l . 20 dlnncr n;ttting llC!t tor Ne•port Harbor \'&('.ht Cn1b. ~ to COmmandl'r Curt. Doah. Cert•flf'ale• .... ·ilJ be preal'nt· ed IJiOlltl .,..ho.e .,'Ork ln 11qu11dron coul'lff enabled them to p-.111 l'JI· amlnauona. ••etre lerYIC• .1•we11Ro11ey for •e~ ' • '"l'•·t bc-tn rakin,u: tht bu1 rrom my homt i n.Pai,den• 1n my offt("t' in l.o$ AnJ:el" 'in("e 1942;' s1r1.Le .... is B. Dllkt, public 1ccoun11nt. '"This i• a ml C'C{)nomy ror nit. rompar1•d .,.i1h dril·ing and parking cost1. More 1han thrH, I prt(er 1ht bu.a. btc;u~ r d rathtr hJ\"C the 1tltuo dri•·l'r cle~l .,.ith 1he traffic than fight it myself. Aho.1tfe1ru gl'u mt ro .,·ork r ight on rl111l':' •Tho11k1 te Metre, I c•n keep "'l' recertl ......... . 1tluy Roji:,11:i1, .. -h ow job i1 ~ftrch1ndi1t Record Con· .lrol in a do .. ·h10 .. ·n <kparr· men1srore,UJeS1tltuo m,..,_ rt,lt\lbtlr beoo.>ttn Lot An·. ,lt'lt1Ind1''0,.,....lk. Sht Jll)"'· ..I bur·1 101 or cl11sioil ind ropular rl'cordingJ. •nd I fi_RUt(' lh31 ~ferro p;1r1 (Ot all of th,m. ;\f)' .. ·ttkly bus f~rn Jor~I $6, 11nd dri~·ing • car "fl•m.i ld mof( 1h1n double my 'lptnst5. Th' ;\f,1ro dri-·,rs 11re friendly. and 1M tcr,·ice i• good:' lllT•OPOLITAll COACH Lttlll w.i.., 1n.-i.1o •. i..1" ....... O.···· ....... ··d lo• 1 ........ ~ ......... . An rnlrrt11tnin1t" rroJt"T"Jlm hll~ btf'n a rr11n1:ed for the ,,,·.-n1nt: ••Ion. It "' .... dl.tclo•!'d. I ~------------' • ... •• Harbor .I Hoop Sq1a~·· Swamps' Artesia 42-27 · Tba Newpotf. _Harbor Bee ba•- k"i:(ball team dtfeated Arle•L• ltic4 School ~ their" court In the rtr.t l"OUhd QI Ole El(celllor Bee bu- kelball lollnllmt'llt ye 1 t.e rd a y att.rnoon to UM count ot •Z·21 . Th• 'l'sra &rs p1a,yiDa: I.a lhe 1111- DU&l •~t aiid haft eo Jar .,O.t- ed • fair nic:ord. PFC 1!10b Cubbison S1"es In G1rnM1Hf U, I . J'Ofte&I, Ol:RMANY - Arm7 Pfc:. RoMrt. It. CUblUoll. ~ ot Mr. snd Mn. Arnold C. Koh~. '" Broadway, C~t• Meaa: recently participated In the Jo'"tr-&t Infantry Dil?alon .. a 7th Field Ar· t\JJ,ry 8'flitallon apnual f'fflcl¥tl<')' teat ln Genrlln~. - M_!! ot Pfc. CUbbhton"1 uryt, Ute battalion·• hl'ldquart .. r• battl'ry, .,.,ere teated tor their 1nJ1vtJual ab11Lty In lhe flrlnr or a 11lllery weapona an~ their kncwW<tce of tactical altuatlon&. CUbbl~n. a eterk·t)'Pt11 In the battt:ry, enter...:! the Army In 8ep-awn and U.. aeors nead l'-t ln tt'niber, 1963. and arn"d o•'t'r"Waa Harbor'• favor with bu~ the nrat in JL1ly,-191'.i4. quarter played. 1------------, ID UM flrlt tew mtnutu' of play Bnics Kalpp dropped In e quick , potnu. DI•• Tamu.ra and Roy Danfel added a few polnl• of t hl'ir Tht Tara acQred ltu 1n lhe uc· lotal tl'lld 8 point•. Like Kemper. I ond quartt;r th•n lhey did Ln t~e I Knipp pla)'l'd a fine uer .. n .. ivl' I , t lr1t pe!flod aa Coach Jim J.I U\cr·11 "anic 111 .,..f'lf 1111 a tine uffen~1vc · ~nd 1tr1nn ph1yer1 had thl."ir •.:amt'. i;·ollo\l"lng Knlpl' ,.j,,,,,,, Hoy C anc1 to play. , naufrl an<! 1'l!k•• Vaill' "' h 6 The third quarter .,. .... Artr11la'1 polnt11 llC"•)l·eQ 11pil't:<'. D11\"t Tll· MESA CITY HALL c~ance to get back in the game uiura and U:Ob Martin •ro1·td 4 11 ~hey 1CC1red 12 polnta In conr·' point~ 1tplece nnd J ln1 Schcinea ~ri#lon to I.ha T&l'"a 6-poln\;lll. Thi• i)roppM in 2 polnt.11. Rounfl!ni;-nut 1plurge ot pointa ,ave the Pion-the total ..,. ... Bud Thcnupson \<"Ith tlons will furnish Bu.ilding Of.£k:ial A. J. Volz' depart· rrlent with 16 feet of counter apace. Foreground, Volz discusses the· re-organization with Mr8. Thomas Mur- . eera.a. 7-polnt pick up on the ll'a'i. a ~1n1111e fret' throw .!K'Ored. Jn l he final period, the Tara ll'Oredl F<>r the r 1one..r11 1t w111 l)(]n 11'.i point• to Arlt11l•'a 7. _ And•·r~n .,..Lth 7 pointa aa top Top BC<1rtr tor the tournament m11n. game wa.a Jerry K-tmper who ai:or-The Tari "'111 play IAJng Beach .l'li 11 polnt•. Knipp· canie oft Rf'· Poly next on the tournament ond ~~t in the · ..:orlng a• hl~: H<·hcdulf. ray, secretary to Coffey. Staff Photo .. COMPARE • • • -,:.WE IN v-1 T·E .. , ~---·,.. -.. ·--·-....--......,........~-· ...... =- --.. comparison of the Newport Harbor Newi. Press with any and' all newspapers lated in ·the Harbor erea, end you will find tho "News-Pross" ' circu- COMPLETE Yes, complete·in every detail. L"ocaf News, well written and reported fairly and partially by our editorial staff. all residents of this community. ' im· • THE FINEST PICTURE COVERAGE Pages replete with interesting pictures of local happenings, whether it be an acci- dent or a weddin9, or perhaps a Feature page of the local bell club in action .. 'R E P R ES E N TA T I V E A D V E B TI S I N G The columns of the 11New1 . Press'' carry the advertising message of representative merclients throu9hou't tho eree, both in classified arid d isplay. You will went to check the1.e .advertisements for valu(l:s on all commodities. EDITORIALS • Every issue of the Newport Harbor News. Press carries an Editorial page·which deals with both IOcal and National issues. Editorials expressing hopes for Jhe future, com· menting upon the problems of the present, end endeavoring to offer e solutiQJl. .. YE S,,..we D 0 ~NVITE COMPARISON BECAU$E ••• After you check pa<Je by.pa<J9 with ALL-other newspap•n circulatin9 in the area, you wm want ta subscribe promptly ta the complete newspaper, th• BEST newspaper in the entire area. J s • Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of each week I $ !;f>!'pays for one year's subscription which brings both papers (Monday & Thursday l to you by m11il. ' ~ PleMe e11~r my •ub8crlpUoa to the NE\\'"PORT HARBOR NE\\'8 -PRESS for 9ne year. I undt'l"!ltand I ahall nttil'e hoth Monday Md Tbahday lMuea for only $6.00 per yflU". NAME ' ADDRESS CITY • . ' . . .o .• NEWPORT 1-1>,RBOR NEWS-PRE$S,-PARTJ I JANUARY , 1955 YOU and YOURS Deserve the Safety Insured by a FEDERAL l . SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCfATION CHAITlllD & SUNIYISID IY THI UNITID STATIS GOJlllNMINT STATEMENT OF CONDITION • DECIMID 31 , 1t54 ASSETS Fir1I Morfqaqe loent ......... $11,012.119.4t lo•"'.,. l"'p<ovod '••I f.lot-pr1Mlpoll, ho..,•• I• l •'I""" Booth o•d v<t i .. ity. • l oans on S1v;n91 Ac:c:ounl1 ............................. ?6.177.51 fo..,poto<y looM for +ho ~•"'""";""to of ou• 1hor .. holdo•1. Propedi111 Sold on Confrac:t ..•............................ 5,960,27 Real E1t1te Ownad end in Judgment ..•............. 2 ,019.92 • .•............. 390,000.00 C3,.,;,,;,.'I of Go'"'""'""' Bo•d• •"d Fodo•ol Ho~• l••" lo•• Stoel. C..1h on Ha"d and in Ba nl.1 . w .... ;n9 <:•p;h l ... ~ ... d. oh p ... ~od '" b••"- .. 2,491,72 •. 6] Office Buildin g ind Equipment, and P,rJ.in9 Lot, Le11 Deprec:lation -···-·······-············-····-·· 112 ,064.20 ' . Deferred Ch11r9e1 end Ot~er As1el1 ·········--····6.931.53 TOTAL A SSETS ..... -.::···-··-·······-·-········-· $21 ,244 ,972 .55 ' LIABI L ITIES Sa .. i,,91 Accounf1 n,;, i• I~• ""'"""' lnvo1IM •ith u• by "'0'1 •~•• JIOO ind;.,.;d.•1•. tr uolo11 ond cot1>0,.1;~,. St7.192,474.00 l oen1 ir1 Proc:e11.-.:····-·-··········· -·-······-.• 2, 170,966.47 Oth1r Liabilitie1 ·-···-···-·············'·· .. ···· ......... 4'.561 .15 Spec:ific: R11er•e1 -···-··--···-······--··-····-..... ; ......... 7,496.56 General Re1e1•e1 ··--·---······ 1.41 6, t 56.2 l Surplu1 ···········-·-·-······--··--···-342.) 15.44 Gen1ral R11er¥11 end -5.urplu• .............•.•..... 1.121,471 .67 TOT AL LIABILITIES ----··-··--------·· .. ·--$21,244,972 .55 LAG.UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION AND•EW 9. HALL, "'••ldent W OCIAN AVL PHONI HY 4-1177 •. " I , J ~ . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - 'I• 0 MA I I I I WITH sALU~ Happy New y_.1 Come la aad have a ~1 ••• Wbat'U you have .'·Homo- .... llllk with tamln9 A ud o· added f • : • Extra JUeh llaiu Vltamla llllk wltb' your minimum dally nqu.l..emeat of ~rala added r ••. Cbocolate 111.lk r • • • Skim llllk f • • • 'Name J'OIU' way ~ Sood health , • Wne cot lt ••• We~e 1ot tbe bJgbe.t qaallty at the ..-t compeUtbe prlce •.• "'e've got tbe fl'MbelJt milk from the elell.._t·dah'y ud farm la Oruace County ••• We've pt Toddal · We aay the name proudly and take oU our hata to three brothers Arnold. Monte and Don • • • Arnold, the cowboy of the bunch, has charge of the ranch and hangs up his bat in l;Jdo late •.•• Monte, iii charge of aale• and service, will be here next ~day and Saturday to a.o.awer all your quettiona as you tute na· ture'a moat perfect. food ••• Don ••• everything the other two don't do he doea ••• We an aot aloM. la tlfia We mt.eh to Todda Kllll ••• l'oa'll aAlo filld It la eome l~ to 2U ti .her lDde-~nl. Marketa t.hrougb- oot Oraag~ County aa of &be fint of the year • • • Tbey bave joiaed together to fona tbe Todda.Market- lag Compuy ••• Why t 'lo mene you, om . peop.e, to tbe atmo.t ol our abWty ••• to mailltaja quality and price ••• JO U8Ul'e yog..of caa.Uy f~ ia the milk supply )'OU tote home to feed j'OUJ' family,,, . ' Why did we chooee Todd.I! We ltl<e to do buaineu with winners . • • The Orange County and State He&ltb De- , part.men~ have .only juat re- cently scored Todds Plant a.nd Ranch a 98 ';o • • • Our own F.dward · Lee Ruaaell, Health Officer for Orange Cowny aya Todda plant is the most modern an lbe· at.ate •.. At the IBM Loe Angeles County i'air f.ll three sampleH submit- ted by Todds, namf;1Y ~tra Rkh J4uJti \tata.mm oulk, reg- ular homogonized milk and DO-o50 were gaven blue nbbc>n1 ' ••• Take a Jaunt up to Todd's plant. right there where Main ~treet and Newport Hlvd. in· tenect •.. near the Holly Su- IV Plant ... lio ~n anJ have a ~ around •.. <.:au up t.Joo at KlmoerJy 3-9330 and make an appointment to take your I ~iSll Brownie, Girl &out, Boy Scout or claaa.room U1rougn I either tbe plant or the ranch ••• Don'U give 'em all free ice cream if you do! Todd'• Ice \Jreuai. intro· Deed here butt,...... "'ith ..,. .,... Rlcbard'• Label, -. .u.dlly gro•'D iD popu· . l&rtt~ ~~· • tAcb moatu you , ab peopie are eathag .shout , 61'7'• mo~ lee CftUD thaa TOU did ta the same moat.las , mt yea.r . • • The Ice Cream'• 1ood ••• you like I& ••• you teU your frieada about at • • . 1' ou·u Wee Todd'• mllx too ••• We Jo .r •• \\"e beUe,·e lD It ..• ~e've beeD two yean IDU- 111& tbill awit.ch • • • aad we'\·e doae tt for you ••. U )'ft like yoarmllkdeUvered IO )'OW' dOOT , • , J.'odd'a 4"9 tbat too ••• The magi- ml aumlM'r t.o call ••• Kim- berly S-"36 ... • • . to make our. slore the Our New ~µr'a rcsolut1on ' Ill world"» ruceat place to shup I in and the nicest place l o be I in •.. You'll see a complete, overhaul JOb done here tluring the next few moot.ha to be • eomp1eted ·by our seventh an- niversary in March ... We're at&rt.Jng with the doors ••• pretty 900D you'll be able to float in ••• They'll open by Uaem.elvee and ay "Hi'' &a JOU approach • • . open and -.y Jood-by u you leave ••.. ~ We're golag to re-featJaer our ant h~n at Richard'• Udo Market, one of tbe U- do 8hoJJ9 at the Hfrutt to •• :IANUARY -. ·1955 tart lll('11ARD'8-6RUN OA.RTON-RANCB FRESH • < - • ·1n Rlehard's Fttsh af'W ~~ Ji'roesb new menus and FtttJb Quality Foods wlU add variet):, excite- ment and a · "'retih n ew IN>Klnninit ..... .I LARGE AA EGGS_ _ ____ 49c . for you and your family lo 1955. ~ lllOllAIW'S QUAUTY OO:sTROLLED MAYONNAISE -~ -~----49c "'"'~ Theres none fresher! . DOIX PINEAPPLE .JQICE ... ·-··---···~ 25c ' LIBBY' FROZEN D£Ll(iJOl,;S 11.U..ON BAJ.,.l.S--aLJUU> P~CllE8 or CllUNU OP PINEAPPLE · LIBBY'S FllOUN CREME CORN . _______ :2 ··~ 27c FBA'NOO AMERICAN 2 27 SPAGHEnl ............................. : ............ 11iy1.os. ror c BLUE SJlY TOMA TOES ············-·-·~-~·-·-···· ................. ~~o. : ~. .HO.!i.UUT A t'RO'LES MEXICAN DINNER ......... : ......... -.. ·-····-. JUCHARD'S ISIU:IUlET or • ICE . CREAM ...... ---··--···~J saUo• 7'JC CLIMAX! To a Year's Study of Milk! l'ODD'S C&EAMY RICH DAIR\' PRODUC'l'S, prodaced 1a California'• most modern daii-y plant, ARE NOW AV AJ.IABLE AT RICH- ABD'S. PrlMl 'daalag product. from a prise win·. nlag Da.lry aod Raach aow greet you aa you &hop for health. Another litep towardll ow goal of offer· Ing auperior products produ~ by aggreulve, mod· erD·mladed busiDeti8meO. such u the i'odd'• of Oruge County. We lo\·l~ you to ln1pect thelr di•· play of ribbou and awardi., try thelr winnlag mJlk ud to put Todd's }"reeb Dairy Product. fttttb on your U.t of 19S6 l'HOlutiou. , Start Fresh with Choice Quality! "'Th RCHUt wm~ 0 Reol l"ltit•Or'" 7-iONE ROAST lb. 39c "A TMi/tJI 1'.'l/IJI"' c:: Rkhal'd'a U. S. Choice . SHORT RIBS 1b •. l9c "Top QwalU11" • Always Fl9h a.ad Leu GROUND BEEF lb. 39c Fancy, Swtet. Medium-She Navel 4 lb•. 25c . OR·ANGES ·~· 39c Luse. 8tNett 1alcy AltaQ9,._ ______ _ GRAPEFRUIT c Serve s~mething different tonite! ./ IWDY 'cA'iis lloL 69' iEDcAilAGE .. __ ~l:t* u1c,m CHEESE 69• .,.,~ J•o11-a-•. .,."" 49r Chutney -··-·-1t oz. l'oWl&'• 15upr..me <:HAMl'AU~t: 33¢ Krallt ······-····· ... t o n . • Fresh Baked --Here! Shop Neb week for our day to day Bakery d.-llJ,~ht"· Add aometbla1 diUerent touch mtal iuul A\e iit thr 1t1U11f\ time. Look what we have thia Tbunda)'• 1''riday and Mlurilily ! . SAIUKOAY if AR CLA VIS --··········----··········· 3 for 2 5 C Larae 1 .. lafer CNq91aS. 84IDdae FUDGE CAKE --··--·-··-······-·····-·-·--··· .--27.c Udo 1• SPECIALS FOR JAN. it ·'1 ~ 8, 1~ • ' . .. . . . • • '