HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-10 - Newport Balboa Press' I I '· La,g~r · P .o~ fOr: Newport liSclOsl-d, .. 5000 sq. ft.' Building Space .Asked in Bid Call r PlaDa for enlargement o.t the Newport Beach Poat Ot· flee were rewaled today when the government posted a call for bida to fUnlJah at leut 6000 eq. tt. o.f building apace. Tbe requ.t al8o uka that ample acceu to the rear of the building be provided and a loading ramp for eaaier hand· Jinc ol ma.u trom t.rucu and -the become almost untenable. Th• Mp-..y po.t olflce. . Newport office bandlea more than . 'nle ,.._i .,....ur. Ot tb• poet twice the mall ot any of the area olflc• on Und Bl. .cl"Oe9 from the city offlcet and bu Jue room thM poUce etatlon have been l.nacS. either Balboa h land or Coron.a del ,uate almoet 1111\ce the day tt\e Mer. Tosether with the total of It.a pvw11ment occupied tbe bUlldlnf. Balboa etaUon, Newport Beach l• Durlq Ule ·recent Cbri8tmu ndh. sreater ln ~ bu•lne.. lhan •\IU't.fra were re:ntad lJl order lo Co.la Meaa and hu lea1 than half · permit the proper arnrqulclC' work· the room now provldf'd that of· lnJ of UIJI mall. nee. GREAT G&OWDL".G llU81NE88 FIGVR.ES Stnce the mail formerly hand· led entll"\!ly by the Balboa Poet Ofnc. Ill eorted and pr~pared for the canter• In the Newport Beach aa1D otflce, crowdin1 there hu A ruum' of the bualneM urem of the poet otflcea of the Harbor, area 1how Newport Beach and Co.ta Meea both made aaJna (Co•tla~ o. Par e &) Roger . Early Testimony Assailed in Liquor J rial .aA.NTA ANA JAN. 10 (0CN8) The defenae dlOpped away at the \Utllnoay of Ropr Eal'ly. New· port Beach barbecue pit operator, today u lbe two-count con.splracy trial of Ga rden Grov~ l4bor offl· dale Harry ~hln&ll and Charlea E. Devine rolled into it. 11e<:ond week In llupertor Co.Yrt Dept. 3. Tbe der.nae contended Early dldn't tell the eame atory be.for• tbe fl'&l\d jurora u he did on the wtt.n•• •ta.nd today. Orrza&D •LICZN81: Su17 told t.be court be ... COft. ~ "1 Lehm&ll and offer~ an CMl·aale -aonaJ Uquor ll~nae-for MOC)O. Re ea.Id he taltr met with LetunAn and Devine In the Santa Ana labor temple and dlllCU#ed U\f' matlt-r. Ht aald he "kt'd Ole defend· ant.a If d~k drtvtnc • ronvtcllon1 would have an effect on hi• 11· c.nae appllcaUon. He lelltlfled th<'Y told him they would noL Early tealltled ~e defendant.a told b.lm the seooo would have to lie ln amaJI bUla. Ve A id ht told them ht didn't have the money. ~t wouJd try to r&iae IL Early aald he wu obntacled by t.lephone wnral tlmea by elthu Devine or Lehman fhe didn't know wt\lch I In rl'latlon to ra.ll1ln11 the cuh. He claimed hla wtfe aJllO wu eontaclt'd by phont'. DIDN'T LUlE DEAL by the proeecutlon to lhow 1cheme, dealp and plan. The dtfendant.. ate accuaed of coruiplracy to ta.k'unlawfully JlJ.- 000 from Al Weddergpoon of New· port Beach for Jelling h1'n an cm· aale reneral liquor lic·en.ff. Monroe a.nd ClluJ.a a.ualled the chanre of datea Early rt'portedly made on hi• two trlp1 to the grand fury room -<>ct. t and Nov. 10 of 19M. 1A h1' flrat e1'&Jlll.natJon by th• crand 'Jury be uautedly fixed lbe Lebmaa ooatact dat.e u Octo-..r and November of 1960. Later he ~y .wttcMd UM time ,,. October and November of 1961. Early empbaaiud: ''I'm here to tell the tn.ilh ... I recalled the 19:;1 dale from phone call.t l re· celved a t • Coet.a Mu• realdence where I lived." Gorton Dr11k irive He1ri1g Slate~ Jan. 31 Prtllml.Df')' l)!'arh'S for a drunk dnve. feJony ch&rle wtU be h red Monday, Jui. 31 by Kennett\ Oor· ton, &0, of 217 :ot.h St. He WU arnl(Tled Friday In Newport Ju1- tll'e Court. Ser1011111y hurt hlm11elf 4n • era.eh which ln,juttd \\'Ult.' A. Pratt uid hie Yr'lfe MarJ&l't't both The dl'ftn11e brought out that of 20M Thurtn Ave., Cotlta Meaa.. &arly had told the gnnd Jury: Gorton i. chlll'l'ed with rt>apoMI• ""I dldn"l like the aelup ( ::-eJerrtng blllty or the head-on era.ah wblc.b to h1a meetinf at the Labor Tern· occutTed AU(. ti on Cout Hlgh· pie wtth the dtft>nda.nul It<> I went ~rev near Ba.Jboa Blvd. llome and lht> wholt-thing blew Gorton auCfe~ a brokeQ. ar111 enr." .. ILnd lntemu lnjurlt1. Pratt re· The detenae claJmed Early 111ld rt'l\"etl a brokr n upper ltit and DOthlnJ about trylng lo i;ai.e the fractured t>lbow while hia wife rt· money when he ap~rt>d bt'fon! covere!'t.I trum a brokfn ann, hand, ·t'be (Tand juror&. 1 shoulder and t•ruebed che11. ObjectlOAa were bjavy on both I Polle• 11ald qorton"• cu app6r· llfde1 today u pl"OMCUtor DC!Wltte I enlly croQt'd the double hnt on Chatterton and Dtfenlie A.llya. COUl Hl1thway. .Jamee Monroe a.nd George Chula -------------- foutht for the -.dva.ntag-e. lro llfield in Cf'ad The Early Incident wu lnlro· 1 W duced over the ob~Uona of lht 'Tl4·o cara were tovolve;i ln a -ddenae. Thf'n they llt'l o\Jt to try m lnOt" tralf1c accident et N"'•port to Im ch the wtlllt>N. Ave. and 17th St. at ~·08 p. m. pea Ja.n. 8. Coal.a Mesa police reported. ALLOWS TE8TDIOSY The dr1vere were Myron Brown· JucS&e Raymond Tbomp110n al· fll'ld, u . of 1~21 ~twport Bl\'d. .lowed the" tutlmopy but p0lntt>d and CtlHtll• C1a irr Lynch, 39. of out Ile limited nltie. It wu 'put In 20052 s. \\". Rlrrh, Santa Ana. ·HARBOR PRC·s .s 47th YE.AR -NUKBER &8 Phone Barbor 1816 0......., ••• , ••••• Delivery of tM Newport RarlM>r Nt'w1-Preu la suarantMd. All art>•• of °" oomnl!Vllty are rap- idly belnc placed on camel\AI .. llvt'ry. C&rrter boya '°"111 dti!wr ~t-lr papen before e p .m. on Moa• day. ~d 1hunday. -~ your pa,_ la not deU"reJ by · U\at boul' pleue call Ha rbor 1818 and a ape- clal. route man will lmmedialel)> rupol\d With your copy ot 70Mfl Newport H&J'bor Newa-Prus. • M'AURIE STANLEY ·NEW 4 ~ I /; CHAMB·ER~·PRESID/ENT , New OffJ(el'S Chosen . . klGHTNING IOLT· SIJllKES .IN MESA, WAKES. RESIDENTS Majority or Coata Meaa resident• woke up with a bane at t a.m. today. as Directors·· Announced · A mighty blut of UJhlning ahattered like a.rt H·bomb during thl• momlnr'a atorm. Llfhl and .heavy aleepera alike cvne bounclll1 out of bed, 111>me confident enemy forrea had chosen tt-e H•rbor area a• thelr lnlUal tnvulon tarret. At. the very !ell.It. everyonl' was certain the UJhlntng boll had left ' rapl.ng chum ln either hi• front or rear yard. Maurie Stanley, Balboa Jaland IMuranoe broker, toclq wu elected president o1 Newport Harbor ·Chamber of Com- m~rce by directors ot the local boc>eter body. He will be In- .stalled to: head the chamber during 19M at Friday· nlgbt'• annual banquet eet for Newport Harbor Yacht Club. &aa- But 'de1plle ct'nterlng focal point of the bl11..11t 111>mewht>re alonr JC. 2Srd Sl., Costl\ Mt'H police ""ere unable to locate any molten earth, mlulng 1treeta or dl•lnt~rrated houaea. ley aucceede Ted Hambrook, out• I · going p~dent. ' RECEIVE CHAITa SEAL Mayor Dora Hill, rlrht and Councilman Gerald Bennett lhla momlnr received official 1cal of Frank M. Jordan, Secretary of State, With copy of AllMmbly Concurrent Reaolullon ~o. 1 and otflcl&I Ctty Charter Qf Newport Beach. With charter now ap· proved, r lecUon of eeven new counctlmen can be beld Man:h 15. -Start Photo BOOK 7 LOCAL BOYS ON SERIOUS CHARGES A poselble fire rtport which aet 1lren1 ~reaming and a fire truck ecurrylng al?ng Newport Blvd. to 23rd Bl. ahortJy after th~ blaat proved untou.ndE'd. Otht>r ofncen of the chamber who will be lnatalled followinc lht'lr election today will be Jam .. Van Dyke. flr1t vlce-pre1ldent; Monte Grimt11, H cond vlce·pre81· dent: O. W. RJc111&rd, treuunr. HAY Langenheim wu re-appoint· ed executive eecrt'tary of the chaml>N>. Thie Y1h be hie aevenUI year In that poat. TOday·a officer el tlona were ht-lit at Villa MIU'- SNIP~ 1 Sniper Hunt rs. lobertson · Reports Ballet Holes at Home Seek 'Print' The followlnc new dlrector1 of the r haml>C'r were electea: Corona del Mai', William O'Bryon:· Balboa lltl11nd. Clarence A. Higbie: Mar· Pollet> are lnvullptlnr another ahootlnr ln the Harbor area. N um· eroua pellet• and bolea In tht' feftce. garl>age can and lanai glut cov· erlng at the home of Mn. Olla C. Robert90n of 534 C&taltna Drive were found, otflcera •Id. While crime-laboratory expert.a lnt>r's Mlle, K•nneth E. Albright aeek to brin1 out a latent flng· i-and Peter Barrell: Balboa, Mo erprlnt on the .:n cal . .11\lf>t'r rlrle IGnmu: Jl:ewport, Rola.nd A. which f1(Ured In Thurwday'a Bay Wright, re·electt-d. bland shooung. locel police are t:lecllon of a second director tor putunr on an extenaive manhunt Marrner"! M'lle wu caUMd by re· tor the 1u.~st. algnallon of Stanley Ridderbof Dete<-tlvea A id It I• believ~ when he became a mt>mber of City the rifle foUlld Friday In 20 feet Oouncll. of water beneath the boat Baci<ua Nine hold-over dlrect,on Include: Is U1e one u11ed In the ahootlng. Corona del Ma.r. Jamea T. Va.n Evlq,nce ahow• thl' Wpt'r broke Dyke and Of.an Bradford; Balboa lnlo ·-ihe boat Backu1. wbere· he b land. Jobn T . Keeler and Maune Stanley; Manner'• KUe, 11.arftJ Somen; N'ewport., the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler and 0. W. Rltha nt: Balboa. George Lind an1. Lonnie Vincent. Weapons Police Aid tt\e holu dh1covered aeem to be lar(er than thoee made by BB pe.llet.a. 'nle ~olee ·could po•~ly have bffn made by a .22 cal. run or a C02 air ~n Uce aid. hid wh1.le pul l.Inc 10 •hot.a at rvi· --------------------------- Ten juvmiles, mevm from Ne1fport Harbor and three from Sant& Ana Height., were arrested yesterday by New· port J)olice for dnmkeneiu, burglary and poueuing hom~ made concealed weapona m a car. Application• for pettUom were flJed on all with juvenile authorities and they 'Were re. M re. Bobel'Uoa aid • Jleard 111>me ahota a few da19 -.Ut did not nmknber the day or Ume. Arrest Mesa Man On Anaheim Car Theft Suspicion ltued to Uletr parent.a. SANTA ANA, JAN. 10 IOCNSl One C.O'tona dei Mar 11-yeaM>ld I H .allOI WIA THIEi _ Goade loupe Terrano Of'lgado, boy laid police he took a bolUe ~ 46, 311 Ogle St .. Co.ta Mella. waa of hia faUMr"• wMlkey a.nd aold -------------It lo a Ballloa Ialand it.year-old I Tht' weather foreoaat: arrrtted by S11.11ta Alla police al for SO Cfllll. He aa1d lhe pair, to-Ma.Uy cloudy with 1hower11 to-gunpoint. on 11U3plclon of 1leallng relber ,.wtth two othu local 11· day, tonight a.nd Tueaday. Show· an Anaheim automobile. y~ bo)'JI went up lo the old err becomlnJ heavy at Urnee to-OC!'lpdo rep0ttedly did not ht>ed rfft'rvlMr with lhe botUe. day and again late Tueaday. WlnGy the re<t' hght and ••ren of Santa OSE YOUTH oaUNa al tlmu today. Contl.nued cool. High today near M . Ana police who 11aw him travet- The youlb hld the boy to whom Ralrltall tabulated for Thunlday Ing on city •tre,.ta ahorUy 1Lfter heo 110ld the botUe took two or wM .35 tnchea with .06 falllnc on · thr•• atraifhl swaUowe of t he an all·polnlJI bulelln wu put out " l<'rid!ly." Ralnfall today ml'uure<l LI f-L th h whil1key. He and the other two by Anaheim pO c:e or e ct.r e .83 t hlll momlng, brlnglnK lhe aea· d I I Ofn..., p 'JI d •"'•I l ••t _.. It .... t 11plt It out, he 1111.ld. WAS r v n~. ~"' II e ..,,~ r -'"" .,.. .. llOn total to 4.10 lnchea. al -d h t k o I _ .. Ht> told how the fourth youth cer ong111 e t e rue e c ... o drank more or the whlakcy later TmmpuatW'M U.. ,.., weell • wu dr!vu~ and forced him to the lhni bet-amt> wddenJy dru()X. ~ Rarhr .,._ went curb at gunpoint. The four youtha went to a lo-ft1P Lo• Delgado told police h• borrowed cal dl\ve-ln far coffee whkh the ~1• la.-. ' ···-····-· &I H the car from his employer, a man dorn around Uie Bay lala.nd·Balboa K ii MgM UTl1I:& CondtUon ot Phil K.llmn, 111, of 2J6 Via Orvlilo. I• N l1•factory t o- day In Hoag Hoapltal. allt>ndant.a said. Erneet Cantu. 27. of 1410 Suvll'W Ave .. 11econd v1cllm of the anlJ>t'r, waa t n>aled Thursday fur wounds to hl& fOl"'a rm Md lei;: end rel<'~d. A bullet alllO went through a pl1te glua window in the Hamid Bfoy 1partmf'nl et ~01 l!:di:ewater Ave. Local ofh cers 11ald mark1ngl! on th<' bull<•t lllktn out of Kiimer lnatr ht'd bullelJ! flrl'd from the glln fotund 1n lhC' wAtei Hyman Rte,.. man nf Lo11 Angelu . owner t•I Ba<"kW'. tentatively 1dentlfled l he .22 ..aL rifle recovered a• the one wh1c·h ht> u td v.•as In hl11 boat. pol1re 11Ald. · ('ANTU lllT t~RST C11ntu wu flr11t to be hit by the bullel..8 u he wu digging a bole In the eand jual outatde the RoJn Cunnlncham home at 12 Bay Is· land. Kilmer WIUI 11:ruck while In a rowboat l!OOn a fter u he lllld (C-tl•Uf'd a. ~are &> IRVINE CO. LAUNCHES CAMEO COAST PROJECT LonR"·awllltN! beginning of the maater plan for development of the Irvine Comrany'1 Cameo Cou t twach properties belwren Nt'Wport ~A<'h rlly llmllll a.nd LI· g\ln& ~ach IA now unrlt'rwny, tic- rordtn~ to f lt< Juit1ve d111rlt)3Url' t o tbe ;-o;1•w11-Prfu raom th.r l rvlne Co Company offal"ll\.l.JI 11aJd today en· glneennai; atucHr11 are now being commleretl by thc>m for approvaJ of a new 100-home lu~ehold subdl· vll!Jon adjoining E mf'ntld B11y at Leguna HcAch. It wa11 hinted thAt plam call for expending Ulla i n- IUal development lo eventually In• elude the 5-mlle &trip betwun the two clllea. ll alllo w.-d1acl0Md that &11• neuUon or th!• lnltial develop- ment to the Oty of J..,..una Beecit 11 upeC'led. Naml'd Cameo Cove by th• com• p&ny, the 100 loll will be epacioue, ornr1ala N ld and be leued on a ~-yt'er bula. A.mount oC acre&C"• lnvolvt'tl wu undlJtcloeed. Offlclaia of the company aid propoaed plan• call for an undel"e p11u bt>ntalh Cout Rlchway to link both alde1 of the propert7 which 111 bl1ec:Led by Ule bJ&1lw&J'. BANK DENIES BEING CAUSE OF HOME PAYMENT BOOSTS dru.nkeo youlb WU unable to W"'8etldar. , ... a . ...,. ..... &I n he called Ruben De lAOn. He Mid T Th drink anG upectonled on the 'All1'9day, olaa. • -·--·· M .. he h.lld worked for De ~n for ars ump rounter.POU CE CAUZD Fnclay. '~· 1 ······--···· :: ~ I tw~a~pt'Ct wu turned ov4!r to Complaint.a re<:t>IVl'd from Mu.a <'l'el!M! In majority of th-Colt& A 1... _.., II 8atarday~ -., ···-•1 11 • -·"'t>Jm police by the arreiiUnc Wh b home purchAMU by lhe Nt>WB· MHa 0M11 can be .,xplaJne4 by •·allrt•· 11\Jrrtmon..... po ce IJaaday, ••· ··--·· " .u•..... •tt• Pre118 to<lay laart the bllCmt ror a I lh,. enneu u on of a~ae to the .who P•<"ked up th• younr•tl're at MINlay. 1&11. JO ······-···· &a 41 Santa Ana officer•. I 1er J •ud·d.,n Jump In moolhly payment. city. Thi' ad•11llon t>f city taxea t.o C'11mAllon and Second Avea. The on 0 1 loans to thr 8'ulk of Amn· rounty tu,.11 haa thrOWl\ the tu one boy bec&ltle extremely Ill al Ira. OW clala of the local liAAk or funl1 ahorl ·· • lhi: elation .. necullllat lnJ the aid SOFT DRINK MACHINES . PROVE 71 .41 Count I Amer ica branch lmmtd1at,.Jy tit · Whatevrr 1111' rea111>n, th• lft· of a doctor wbom police cfilled. lllf nied re11pon•lb1lity 1n lb,. mallt>r. crf'11J1NI monthly paymente of 'nle youth: who told p0llce he SOFT TOUCH FOR COIN THIEF 1 A home p{1r ct\uer rep0run1t In· hnmu bt•ln, pu rcbued In the took hi• talhrr'11 whlakt>y bottle, 'nle Newport Harbor Tara, com· crea.ttd monthly payments m n1tln11; ~rw~rt·S.lboa Vi•t.t P'rffdom aai(t h\11 father kt>pl the whlakey A .u1t'll of llC>ft drink coin machine burJla.rit'I early Ing back tut from lut wttk'1 aa high "" $1 i ptor month cla10ltrl. Homt• tra<'t •till hart the r,.•ld,.nta in the boy"s room a.a there IA no Walton victory. conquered lll·falt'd ''The S.nk of Amenra rl'fU••-" to .. ,.. l"'Amtn~ their hurta off." Sa id I I h h f It. Saturdey mominr la belnJ ln•..Upted by police In New• C '·f 1 Hinh Sch I 71 ~1 -.. other P ac,. n t t ouae or aw om a .. 00 ... "", ,. pey tu ea l w1c,. a )'4!11r &11d "0111Al11 on,. womAn. "I don •t know how I The lad aid the 12-year-old to part Beach, HtlnunctOft BMch. lAcUna Beach and Beal Beach, d11y t>vrnl!li · Deap1le the-aJvan-on p11y1n1t thl' full yl'Br'l' telU'l'I ran hoM nnt11 my twu.oe ·• whom he 11<>ld the whl11k'°Y hlld a ccording to-tntorwatlon from police. tage of their own floor. the Whll· I It 1 h"Y woul<l ngrr,. to pay tWll'" Anoth1>r wrnnnn •n th!' trAcl h•d pt>J&tt red him tor 110ml'llme to cet Two machlnea were robbed here w llh both corn boxu tlerltes auccumtw>d to the aupt>rlor 111 Y"Ar. my J>Aymenla woulol '°:t 1111,~ ml\11,.,1 an h,.,. mnnth!>' P•Y· It for him. being emptied ulff' replaced, om cers .. id. A M?rvk e •talion Harbor team. • cr .. ue 11pprox1m11tely 11;. lnictt>atf <fil,.nt \wfnp· Jlt'lllnic notl"e or ope Th~ lhr•·e boya who said lhey at Coll.St. Hlghwey and. Santa Ana Ave. and another •talion The Tar11 lllarlt'd _ fa.al a.a lhty I lbey h11vr ln1 r<'ftllr<I 11pprnxilnol,.-l"'•I f1>1ymrnt11 ··1 1rfu~ to ,.,.y •Pll out the whh1kl'y tney llllltrd Al Coot -H lgt\way a.nd Rlvenlde An. were where theft11 rolll'd up 11n urty JleVt'n point lead ly 517 .. th,. •lltf1·1,..nc·r:· •h•• tl!'l'l11r .. 11 quotl'<I the fourth 11111 u llllylng ever· lhrlr o~nenta ln the (lr,.l · n i·poi ll'd a fl1<nk of 1, mrrl•{• A 1 1 h• "'""'' ''"'"· t"J>Orlll were P Ma Kenzl•e f1·1e Wfl.IS he llkc>11 thi< tute t•C It. ocl'u~7f~~er11 11a1d the ~e mea.n11 ot entry appeare tn all quarter. The <.:alltornla team we.a "l'"l<"•men tu a :-; .. w,.·l'rr ·• •1111',. b• 1n1." I"•~"'"' '"'"" uthrr home 1111, C OTllT.RS IS t:~TKY htld to l l polnta In the flr•t qua rt-t11in . '"Th"'" must bl' a n11•11n11rr· "'"' h""''" 111 111 .. ,.11111,. "'"" that the casu . The r ulprll pried optD the rront of the ma\htnu h T ._111-.. 18 1 l 1 · Arr•·M C>f two othl'r youlh11, 11 tr Ill! t " 1r1 ..... ""' JlO n !I •tAn1lln.i In thl" rnntt"r If • th<• ""' 111 I '""""I ,,.,, .. ..,., "'nnlh• lo llock Ll·quor Graft Tr1·a1s AOfl 12-yf'Rr·Old boy• trom BAiboa, lo gel al the coin boXel. An Ulldttnmlnt'd amount of a1oney TARS IW:'ORF. wr.1.L_ !11••"' llf lil•lh 1111' brink 11n•I l h•' I\ rn1111• ,,,.'I ••\'• ·~· ol•11l111- ..,...J ,, .. -ml\flt' by pollr e atler tnvuU· W!ltl taken. All In aJI lhr olhu qllarters hf \"A t o 1111) lb,. full ~' ,1 , 1 ,,., .. Th" ""''" .... , "'"' 11 ... 11 pa,. SANTA A~A IOC:'l."S) -Writs (C011t1allt'd on Pal l' I) the g&m!' the Tnra ACortd ht.:h Tht> But whr1p f11r11l~ "I" 11hn1 I "'M J'I' n1• Ill • i•' ~"'I '""" ih,. l\llnk of ~ltfomla qlnlel, howl' Ver, ('()Uldn 1 ra1 .. th,. 111 '< hill fnr 11..-""JC I 1 •. 1 r A"•' 1 •" • "' • """wl 11 Irr I• r whlcll K I Freed of prohibition were on file today I Do s rk d n SS . . APl>f'ft ll!. ~An Bl'mRn.hno. 88 11111· M b s d n ·pa e Carla Zim~nn fin<I the bMltf'l iu. they Am•~IW' 11n.t lnl"fl'lll•" thr f11n•I It n .. ,. .... II\ '"I'' I I• •II\ •• ,,,. I Iii" ITI"nthly a errys Ue t>ut 1 ro1nu Thi' Tar11 llCOred 17. on thl l blllll<>" '""'~· "11~ t . , ,,, , , " drfll-1,.nl'y lft · trlr t liquor rhtt'f, H. E. Ml\l'Kl'n·, h " l H rt • A Ide f ThC' Tars Averll11:MI lh,,m,hout 1 e Thf' ~peok• 1ffi1tn IHMl'oJ. '·111 .. In· I h• \fl't 1111111 un I h•· hnll~" Ill', And Orsngl' C'ounty liquor U In CC n game about 18 polntie a qt111rtrr On Dope Rap ~ii! .. ~:~7~n9nr:u;an:,~·~~~~ I~~ for s:t9,58t'by ~roin; Case a ;~h:~~~~('~;~dhe~l~,h~~~:;:,rh.I~~~~ ~:~~!~··al~;~~~~~d ;~;l Mesa San·1tary n·1str·1ct C,,.,. ...... a•all\lll Sam K nf8", l!l. 1'(1U1Ken7.IP. Pau~r An. 1J Mlrkf')' Housekeeper Is t f .. result of a lr!lftlc acrident al. Wn f'A • SC • II .. " -e omorrow Elitt'n Avt. •nit D•I }far Ave. Ill 1 averai;NI llboUl 28 point. pt'r I of Santll Ana for p<>-.'8l'Slllon of Jonu wert inilh:lt1<l on tlvl' rmmt•., 1.15 P'.m. )'tlltt rda)•, Co11tl'. ?.hsa lqva.rtt'r. N' • hbo M J • L• • manju.na were droppt'(l Frtcta,y In 111u•cu11lng l hl m nt lhe unl•wful S A"'TA I-NA (QC:'(Sl A hou~-. Evt'f)" Tar nlayrr nlayf'd A fUI" e1g ($ ay 01n 1nes 1 '' police said. The child wu lllkl'n ,. ,,, th',.· 1 :~ w•r,. ..,.,,.11 1 Newport Ju11tlce court. The mo\loh lal<lng of pr .. mium 1'1 •cu for lq· kt>t>per In a Corona ''"' !\far humf Srcond rontlnuanl'e or hi• pre-to the family doctor for exam In&· gdam • .. ~ ~ Jl0 1 hn... ' .. _ r •u ma. de b)' Deputy Dllluic\...A t· 'uor 11,rnse11 Th1>~· '"'~f'rtM11y took 1 FradAy 11ued hl'r formrr tNploy~r ti _ 1!pt-r"4!u amonit 4' m,.m.,.·nt n 1 """ llmlnnry hl'a1 lni.: in ="r wport Jua· on torrity J. Pllr.._y Smith "'In the S" '"'"' from Hol'<JI t:111y npr rator for $39.!>00 as tbe roult of a fall · lhl' t,.sm Howfv"r the out~t•n•I· The r n,.lA M"•A i. •• n1t11 n · I •111· h• "" llfl•mv...-1 hy th• bu111llnr at- turtheranc• of JUSll<'e And for In· •of lh) Cap11•tn100 Hott-I 1rnd 17.~ she 11lll'grs !\he took an the kll<'ht>n lier Court. wu gran ted F'rtday to l nY\llvt'd Wf'rt' eulot1 driven by lni;: offl'njlh't' plllv,.rs wt-r" PAul 1r11 t hr11Ht1 'F ridA \" "l•PU1', 11 " 11 ••· .I"' nt'~ •n•I "',. r ~11•IY for aale on •uffltlenl •vld~ce.'" j from Ja• k Kennedy, Cottta Me~ at 2~ Oct'an Blvd. Don Thomaa 8parkt. 2:1. ot Lonf Dudley H,.nry Hl'lll'r, 20, 22~ 21-l Nf'umann and Paul Lt"r"ntun with ttnn ".,,.,.n nsr ,....111,.,,1 ~ 11.1•111 ""' t .. lh,. '"1 1' Annl'lll'•I to th" •lt.trtct KnlH, With one other juv~I~ bar 01.1.·111 r Pt>a rl Matlhew1 brou1o:ht 1ull Bl'1r h on • clulr1e of IUel'&l J>09-SL C<>11ta Meea. and earl F't,.de· t5 pornt& •nt1 13 polnl11 r•11prrllw· th,. ,1,.1n, t , .,1t11 .. r \"It I• ri11 !'It •nd l'Ul of and n\·e mlnoN, wu arrNled Dtc. 11.g1unl'l J11hn l) M11.be rl")' and M'M•on or b!'roln. He le echeduled rtcit Zln.m&IUl. 31. 26-03 Wlllolll' I)'. Follow1n1r thl'lle two w .. re Rill \·n11r1 th" m .. t1on, un\•1n• ltv-ll.111~., Hlvcl ,,,,. iu•A w1>• a.nnu• ao tn a raid at 10• 2~lh S L David Par•nts to Pay c-t Jltne M11 berr:·. She" .. ,,ert• 1he ,tn a ppear tomorrow at 2 p.m. and I.Ant', C09U Me•. IJ\jUrt'd .... Wttul wtth 9 paint•. 0Pnm• F'1u.-,1ns ••1J111 •nt '" lh• 1!111•111( ;inti t'ol ••\'•!ltl ,, .. ,111h-lllf•>. The bnrld ft. lAthom, 18. 800 W. Wi1110n St . '""~ l'"as emrloyed by th" M11bl'rry• ls held ln county .I'll on ~ Carla Jean Zln11mann. patNrk wlth e polnlit, Frank =""· J wlthln 1~11 ft of lh• 1><1111,.i .. ry .1 ... •, n h• lot :-;.,, f4 , arned. Colla Meea, tbe othu minor, wu Partrita agreed to make ug mAll· at' tht 1t Ocean Bll'd. homt'. bell. ' v11rro. 8, •nd Ji!'.Odle Po~. 8 !Arry lint> 11111y c onn .. 11 \., ..... w .. , lln•,' ,t """" , M111n•lrtl • '10AlrucUon beld , to •~er to 8uponor Court cloue m,lachld damage <'llUlll'd b)' The plalnlUf cla.imf:d on l'eb. He wa. arTealed rect11Uy by ,ed rrtdaJ to Ollno for a term pre-Hupf'r 11co~d 4 point&, G~rgP ton a rr11tAI "cr •'""'"nt hy •lt·po"-1 woulil 11~11,.,....J within 9u <J.aya. &n· alt•• hie preliminary hurl~ Fri· In Coe M ht /2. l91H, lhe allp~ on the kltclten N<Wport police &Jone with Mr. ud aicrlbed b1 &aw. He pi .. aed guilty Sctiultt 3, and Sonny Coane, 3 I ling Sl!'M1 wn h "1r •lr~tru t .. S"t· 1 Kin".., m11• 1 •1mplet" plllll•. 1>1ct. 41.y In Newport Ju.tke Court. leen&&'en la "98 0'" rtH(l I n oor. fell and 11uat.atned permanent Mrs. Arcll.le Hornua of 611 l'Uller-to llleJal JIOMe•lon of heroin and p olntll. • vtt·e w11ult1 t>o c h11rgr.1 11rainlll 11111~t b·· 1 all•·•J l •>r anti i:ontract.a Lau.om Yr1lJ f~ a rraJcnm•nl Ja.n. &. poUce rt'porlt'•I. The l et'n· tnjurlu. lihe blamed the dtftnd· ton AW!. a.nd J:dw\rd 8. R.obl.aaan. wu•ci.a.ct pl'OMtton. I <IAMF. SEXT FKIDAY thJ1 depo111t •l the rate ••I $:1u prr ,..,.,,.,.J1·•I Ill Su~rior Court Jan. 21 He le 1 a,-era took t n1i1h CJln~ t ram 2010 ,antll for nl'gUcencr . :12. of•C'>21 t,, •tart~oW A,,.. ~ .,,... .frffd Jan. 1 a!ttr The Tan next Karnr 11 Friday yrar ,., frsrttrin thrr,.of. ll waie Jn uth• r r1>c t'nt at.tlutu, the_,,. ~n.,.-.d '1111lh pe>MNJ11n1 nart"otlu . Monro\•la SI , .tro\,. •'ntn l•wn I She ""''d !'he wu employed u Mn. Horvatll! la eentaa a_..,. eemn1 a IO-da,y .ent"'c• for II-, nlithl. al 7 o"clock They wlll ti.. derti1,.d 1tar) duitrtcl board appointed Don 'nie oUMr flv•. all. jm·t-mll'11, arr At 964 Grove Plar~ ""'l •lumped a cook anti hou,,...kttpv wbt'D Ute j111l af'ntmce for lU.fal UM of Mro-Jepl po-..ioo ot a hypodermic I playina: H111111n1..'ton Brach and the I The !1&111tary tl11t111 t •nn•1Un(td I l.lunr•.n a ttorney for the di.9tlt&t ~ ~Ulod,1 ot J uvenile CowL I 1out UM! t.ruh. l t'iMLI .nuw. JaccJ4enl occiµ-re<t. jlD wblll JI.tr b~ wu .. i.o-~' came wW be pJ.ayed bere. bond.a amounUn1 "° Jl00.000 bave and 1.>Qn &o\&Uaworta. ~ r. ' .. • ,\ . '• , .. I .• , HEADING mE TABLE u chairman ot the Symphony Ball planning committee ia Mra. Karen Margnta Bruning. new executive director of board of di.rectors. The Ball will be held here on Feb. 11. Left to· right clockwUI& around the table are Mme.. B. N. De8enberg, Robert L. Keppen, Thelma Paddock Hope, Karen Margret& Bruning, Paul Rogen, Gertrude McCall, Elaie WOods; W. S. Thompeon, Kenneth Dell and Jo- eeph Hood. -Staff Photo. Sym:ph9ny Group Sets Feb. Date For County-.BaH - MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor ~ P1ersons Anno.unce Kamaainas . Ele~t . New Betrothal of · Carol , Officers . . Kn. Luclll• •mJUt entertained to San· Franciscan ~ JOWi mero.bwl ..a.t II•. k)ftly ho.nae on A.Ullo /.. .... ~~ Ute troptc:al decor UMd throushout 1'U perfect be.c1'pound fer th• .. oldUmera." ····--·Wedding Set . for April 2 at Carmel-by-the-Sea Kn. Robert Boyd Jr. pr.Idec! at u.. llUaMM ....aon, which In· Former Harboritea, Mr. and Mn. L. Ford Pienoa of eluded eleetlon ot ·ottleel"I tor UI• Carmel. are. announdn1 the enpgement and forthcomlns l com1ftl ,...,_ ,,..,. lnclude; Kn. • _ .. I Nomaan ,,llCU'ald. pr• 1 1 d e<n t; mafttaie ot their daqhter Carol to Carl Lude. IOll • .n. Kn. Doll Fuller, vice prea6dent; Lude and the late Dr. Thor Lude of Mill Valley. ...., /ea luri11 'I f ANF ARE' COLD W-AVE including _!:u,, •h•me.oo & .. t. 17.10 c((J,.,.; -J ~·••IT sh!itP, LolTUDe Jonee Verla 138 E. 17th St., Costa M Phone Liberty 8-2362 Kn. Leo de )Oe JUos,, MC~t&ry; 11\e b.ride.:.lect WU Jraduated m011th1 ovenMa M u.t•-.& Kn. Bob JUcbettl, treuurer; Mn. In 1800 from NewJ)Ort Harbor Rip (J.0 .) wi th the U. a. Mavy. H• Roy Keene, pubLlctty. 'nrey ~U School and· received a B:A. CS•Jl'" I• prelt'nUy· ~mployed u I tMC'.Mr be lnlt&lled J~ 21 at UI• •boll\• lut June from Whittler Colles•· ln th• 8an P'rancYee PuWk of Kn. WUllun While, ZOii Maple She la now teacblq ph)'91cal edu· S~hoola. St., Cott.a Meaa.. ceUon at J'allbrook. Her lilaler Dale of t .. • _. ....... ..;. __ hU -..i ' •--..... -~ ~ta are U.O. wll9 Mra. km l:mm .. w,. appo(nt· Nancy, •ho a1.o attendtd Hartlor H t for April 2 at Carmtl·by·UI• ed to contact a limUar club In hlsh, la phy•lcal f4ucatlon t.ea.chu Sea. adnrU~.tronlae them. Honohalu, and ~ra plan lo at Fontana. ;;,:;;:;;:;;;:=:iii;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=:;=-i excbana'• catda' .-.rrt. with th• Mr. Lud• w .. sr&duat.ed Crom fTouP ln Hawaii WlMd ot ba'f-UnJveralty ot Callfoml•, Berkeley lq MCnl pa.la lD tile bome,v.ntL e&n1pu., In lHI and MrYed ao Harbor Panhellenic Honors Girl Grads Kra. Marte Howu, dee.a of women at Orans• Oout Coll•s• ..UI .,eu OD "Why Oo to Coll•1•" at the inform.al party apcib10red by Har· bor PanheU.nlc to be held Sat~y at 8t. JamH Pariah HoUM. OuMta will be ,raduatins MD!or prla from Newport Harbor Hlfh lchool and .ophomorM fi;om Oranse Co&at Collese. l'urpoee Of the part7 la to tater------------- eat ~... pr&a lnto eotn1 to col· Iese. Panhellenlc prul'9Dta trom UCLA. and USC wW be pruent lo halp conduct taCormal cllKUMiona and lo &n.1Wer quaetioal t.be prll ay have conceraJ.n1 campu. We or eoroftua..- Special Meeting For Toastmistress save . $/.05 up ro -...-.~_Benefit Af(air Planned to Aid Season Concerts PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HAJtBOR NEWS.PRESS In addition, Velma O'Mm will pr••nt a 101.&11.1 accueon .. f ... ~tns tb• boliday rM*9, a COlllpletelJ uw type of Impromp- tu procram win· IJ1auiwate UM winter MUOll ot t.be Harbor hlon ahow trom her lhop, local Touttnlatr.aa Club meellns 1 next ----~-f~i11 .... i&llll'811 ........ IH~-'*'"9'~~~1Wiibli1""'11Wllllfil7'~il"""lllRifHfi!lltf-tfo""-*..._~....,..,,_.._... ....... ~~--­Colle,e pria will U.0 MrY9 MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1955 junior ho•t•&Ha. \ \ Dlatrtct chairmen and other Herlan11I, Mra. Fram·la Moffl•t and .Mn. Samuel Cennt-l. active 1nemben1 of the Oran,e County Symphony Association field a kick-off breakfut Friday, Jan. 7th, to plan and co-ordlnatr acUvltlea for the "Glvl' Your Heart to the Orange Ctiunt~· ~vrn­ p hony Orchestra 11•11" to be ht-Id OQ tht' l"\'C'nmg of Fl'b, I I Al 11 local club. Patt of the "ntt>rlaJn- ment phtnnt.J for lhe e\·en1ng will be l'<'fgy King of the <ito1ge Cobt'I TV proi;r.am, with Mr. Ch11 rles C:oh11111 fill IA I motion pie-lure •>»r. ><i< no !er of rere- monlrR Th..r~· "I I hr ae,·eral :loor pr1us from 0 1 l\n1tc Count v m~r<'honb. From Corona del Mar. Mr•. Karen Margrt-t.a Brunlnc . Mrs. ThPima Paddock Hope, Mra. Don- ald H arwood and Mr1. Brad Ot-•· enberJt. Laguna Beac-h and Emerald Bay . .Mra. W. S . ·T hompaon . .Mr.. El.Me Wooda and Mra. Al Payne. <.:hU Hav"n and B(ly Shore•. Mra. Sa111l Prtl'rM>n, Mri.. Certrude Mc- Ca ll, Mrir. Dean Br!ldford, .M ra. Ruth McConnl'll, Mra. Joseph Hood and .Mn. K . G. Cooling. Santi\ Ana, Mn!. F r ed G. Ferrt-y. ~1 r11. llarry U . Huffman, and .Mu. Floyd A. lllower .. Amung tho.•e altendlnK the • o rt-llk t ndt w11 •· the tn11ow1ni: Star Matron :ha1rmr11 and olhe111 from Ule1r :ll•t111 l1 Lkl•1 11111' • .M1 s. f'oul M. t A R-0gc-r11 nn•t M111 H. I.. l-\rpp1•n: 0 nnounce Balh<i~ b land. ~1 11 Ki-nn,.th Llrllz 1"11llt>1lon, ~I n 1:.h\Rnl ~httlt'mlln IN ew Committees \fra M~s !"ll••'k, Mrs. Robtrl ------Appolntmt-nt of rommlllttll for Plannin1 ta build a home of your own?. ltettert L , SATTLER Harbor 3i!B8 FOR A LOW·COST USY·PAYMENT aUILDINQ LOAN Co....,•r• f.otHr • nnM .,.. ..., • S•ntiu w prnt,C • 19ut'> ~,II be the main order oC ht1111· nl!a.11 al lhc n•gular mcl'tlng to· mo11uw 11rgbt, ot Harbor Star Ch11 pt<'r, ot;s. In the Costa Mn a Bank bu1lrllni;. Worthy M:1tron, Mn . A rt bur f"1umorrl1 and Wor- thy P11l fl>n llenry D1i>.11ter, w1ll pre- ~1tk. {."vnuvlllces to be appointed are. I a111JIUni;. Mrs. \\'. E. Lacht-nm~y«'r. M1 ,,. J.,,. Stroup anJ Mrs. Louis Crr111dull. t·xamlmni;, Mr~. Henry I D1ei>te1. f:. 1. Moon· ind Mn . R. 'A. Janw•: by-laws, Mrs. Sylvia j 1'11('('., 1-;dward llv:X-1 and ~frs Hlan\'he Lyll<>. Al the l:ut mecuni; on· De<:. 2S. • tho rl'port of Ule bu1lget commit· J lee, thr flr8t c-ommlllce a ppoint- ! e.I. w aio g1v1·n . Th111 ('(Imm Ille~ In· cludu "1 lhur Cubbll~r. Mra. Ar· tbur KempPr and Mu. Wa.lter W1o0c:! F°OllOWln'g lhe brief bu91nt'lll tnl'ettni.: a ~ala ~ew Yt ar'11 party w.u· hrld with horn• and confetti ""d 1111 tht l1 1mmani:1. Tho com- nflltl't' In c:hari:e of the party wu hradl'd by Mrs. \\'1lham N1cbuls. rhair rn11n. lll!lllstet1 by Mrs. R. T. ~t .. veni< Mr~ Albert R~d~n and Mr'<. F:nima St~vtnll. Pl11n• wPre announced for a rurnmai:c sale lo be held Feb." 2~ """ 26, prob11bly on lhe A rcllde lilt!~. on .N,.wport Blvd. Acapulco Trip \\·111111m D1.1i.tR Is taking a vac-11- lin11 frflnt Balbna 1,111n\l onit Mar. 111 .. SAl1•11, sn•l Is ~1hni; this wl'r k· rn•I w11h frlrmlJ' 11bou.rrl a kelC'b, bn11ntl fnr Acapulrn. Ht-will re· tum tbr laH of Jn.nuary BOO!\ PROGRAMS. SLATED . . BY EBELL· CLUB SECTIONS Four Ebell Club book aecUona met this week u follow11 : TleM<Jay-SecUon 3, Mlu Lilian Danlrll, chairman . will review. Hoeteqea. Mra. M. L. Becker, 323 Driftwood Road,. Shore Cliff•, Mr1. P. F. Fernan ust~Ung. Sack luncheon at 12:30 p. m. Wednuday 7' Section 2, cbalrman Mni. Byron Well.t. 8CKOLAUHIPI Mn1. H. 0. Boyvey, 1en1ral cha.lrman. will remind pie lo ap- ply for the 1100. award• wbi~ Panhellenlc will pruenl toward clo•e of the achool year. MnJ. Kenneth CoollnJ la pro- gram chalnnan. Mn. Thomu B. Jo'rp•t and Mre. 8troU.r White are In char,e of rdreahmnita. Mra. Ralph Mlcbd 11<>n wtll a.rrans• de- Baaket lunch .at E,bell ClubhoUH, 12:30 p. m. ,)fni. R. B. Powell to review "My Brotbt-r'1 Keeper·:· . coraUou a.nd Mr1. Walter Hatch beads th• hoeteaa committee. Tburllday -Section l, chairman Mra. Bruce McBride. Holtua Mra. Nlcholu hrettnrr, 2411 Marln_o Drtve, Bay Shorn, a.ulatt-d by Mme11. Carpenter and l'ark~r. Mra. O. Z. Robertson will review. De•nrt courae a t 1 p. m. Thursday -Section 4 -Mr11. J. 8. Llnd~rman, chair· man. Ca.II Har"r 2087·J. ND G W PARLORS • Other coinmlttee he&ch Include n . Deon William•, ruahtns In· formation: Mra. J. "H. RI'''· ar· rangeme:nta; Mra. J . L. Ca"er and Mr11. Le•tt-r A. Smith, lnv1taUon•: and · Mn . Robert H. Lenkn, p .. b. llclty. Children's Foundation ; Group to Me~t Here , Two coming evenll, one of ape- oiaJ Importance, are holding mter- est of Conchita Parlor 294, 1'a- Uve Oaughter1 or the Coldtn West. One la • Saturday affair. a lunc-heon met-Ung at Jrvlne Coul ClOb for the N. D. 0. W. Chil· dren'• ~·oundatlon and ne&rly 15-0 ~tlvt-Daugbten a re t-xpectt'd to altt-nd. The other I• a February ruh1on •how and card party. Mr1. J ohn Malcomson, member drcoratlon• and Mmu. J ohn Jae· obsen, Thr<><lor C. Elman, O. B. Buller, Rudolph l'c-tcr•on and Harold W. Graham. The bulltlln comnilltee met tor luncheon Jan. 4 a t Jrvlnc Cout Club w ith Mra. Malcom110n pre· •ldlng. Prdm1Un' reporta and complelin« plan• tor the Chll· drt-o'a Founda tion meeun~ were Mmes. ?'\ollar, Poll&rd, Petermon. Jacobst'n, 1':lman, Butler, Melcher and Gr•ham. l'Al'lllO~ .S HOW Nollar. Jacobeen. Or&ham. Wlllla.m Melcher, Ht-len Colltnm, Lawrenct- Bttgeron and F.rank RoHma. Next' grnl'Tal meetlns at the parlor will be on Thurlday, I p.m. ln American Le&ion Ha.II, ~ta Mrsa. New Yorkers Like Corona. de.I Mar ot Conchita Parlor, 1• on tht' stale It WM whrn tho wa)'I and commJltee of the foundation. Tht-means eomm1tlrt-mPt Jan. ~ a t Mr. and Mra. Richard M. Grlf· fin and daughtu Patricia of Ro· chUlf'r, N. Y .. were pe.ta of Mr. and Mr•., Kenneth Woodeon and dau,hler Laurel,. 308 Poln.eetUa Ave.. dunns the Chrlalmaa holi- day a. Thi• waa first trip to Call· fom la for the New Torkera. They were thrilled with Corona del Mar and aay thty would like to come here t.o live. meeting bu been LrTangt-d for the purpoae Qf acquainting Na tive Da11ghter1 from the eoulhern part of the 11late. Santa Uarbara to San OIC'go. with the h11ntlll0ng or r ft.'ll'll for 0Mslalance of any chllrt in tho medium Income braekel ramlly. wbe> cannot re:ceh·e aid from any other agency or cUnlc. 1'.:XC~PTIO!\'AL R ealizing the need which may l'lllsl In a famlly not rltg1ble ror county altl, Net1v11 Daurhtera u- labllaht-d the founda tion thrt'e and & bait yuni ago &iid 11lnce that ume ha\'e aided mu y 11uch chll· dren. Strvlng a11 boateue1 for the day will be Mrs. Walter Nollar, par- lor prtaldrnl: Mr•. Chester Pol· lard. chairman' Mn. Don Muncy, the homo of Mrs. Pelcrson that plan• wtre made for lhe Cuhion lunc-heon Lnd card party. Thi• will be held Ft-b. 11 at Amerk a.n Le- gion Hall, Costa .Mua. The com- mittee lnclti~u Mme4t. Peter110n, ~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;,,. • . ANNOUNCING • • • Boyd's GU N SH 0 P '"'""' ;, chrgt4 otJr cu loo1t f.,,.U or• advo"c'd • AU010G"C:' u '"ode I or 11011r °""' labor foworl '4• cOMtnic:Cin eo1t GxamineJ Guns -Ammunition Expert gunsmithing. THE FIXIT SHOP • P•r-tA•-btUI i vnelan •r•f""J ,,_ ... ,_,.,. ,., ~ State Mutual Savings ~ i ... Lill UllCllflll I . . ..... nr.w,, f.~. ! " ,,.,. oltl ....n.tHtt. lhl. : ~ hl,.H fh .... IMU ., fa-I '.'!!'!..~::"::4..t~~ ~ .. -~~: .. t • ... Professional Eye Care at Reasonable Cost Conna.lent Tenna V (OPE~ ALL DAV SATUllDAY) Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST 315 N. MAIN -AT FOURTH Santa Ana Phone Kl 3-7833 t Your new convenieqt headquarters for al( kinds of repairing- ' WHAT HAYE YOU?· WE'LL FIXIT January Clearance s~ on hundreds of specially priced Items, lncludblg - " GUSS .t·WOOD WARE BUILDE~ HARDWARE -TOOLS Ins the proacr1bed type ot Tout.- m11treu Club meetlns• wtll 1>41 r•· IUMed. A membership drlve 'to flU the club quota of 30 mem bers wtU 1et underway lmmedtateJy and all Harbor area women lnterealed ln ToulmlatreN &(:Uv!U•a are Lnvtt- ed lo vlltt at Hoaplt&llty· HoUN on th• llQOnd and fourth Monday ev~a at 7 :30 o'clock. on every box of OPENING.SOON ANOTHER stomless srodlngs anniversary sale Monday. Joftvory 10 rhru Soturdoy, January 15 COSTA MESA Relnforcfd sheer. ·,5 del\ler. I S 1.25 f;egvlorly $1 .501 3 prs. $3.60 Microfilm mesh. 1 S deft /tr. S 1.25 (regvlarly $1.501 3 prs. SJ.60 Sheer heel. demi-toe. 15 denier. S 1.35(regvlarly S1 .651 3 prs. $3.90 Short. medivm ond long lengths Colors, South Pacific and Bali Rose HARBOR AREA . Loeatiecl • ' Lide Fashions Ill~ 18UI 8L, ('oela 11-In the Lido Shopping Center Watch For Opea}..g 3440 Via Oporto Har. 3671 ·Final ClearaRce , ; Group Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Hats, · Sweaten, Cocktail Dresses Jewelry, includin9 Napier 1/2 Dr as tic R e·d uc ti on s DON LOPER Dresses • Sulh • Coats . price .... Lido Fashions IN UDO SHOPPIN• CENTU J440 Vici Oporto (Al Sales Fblal) Harbor 3671 ' ~~ ------ ... ., , ) I , r -- • -. MONJ;>AY, JANI 10, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ·• PAGE l 'Dec. Weddings-- Are Popular Mtd-WlllUr holidays eeem t4 ~ nftlUI~ June tn popular1l)' for ~·· who ue aJt&r'-bound, and then waa a nuny ot a.cUvlty ln • Harbor High C(mcetj Jl.and· .. ... . . ·-- Will Play on .One-Day Tour· UNITED CHURCH ·WOMEN of Newport Harbor held. their umU&l meeting and in· stallatlon ~f officers at Coat.a Mesa Com:munity Methodin Church. Among thoae at the speakers' table were · CL to R) Mrs. Robert GronlWld, Mrs. Lloyd Folaom, treas· urer; Mr.. H. H. Kodani, di.rector of the National Council of Church Wodlen; • Mn. Chester Fiaher, president, and Mn. May Ellmore, treuurer. -Staff Photo ... Church Women Hear National Council Speaker ·Also _ Install Officers In Symbolic Ceremony . • ''To M a &ood d urcbwoman 1.o your OWn denomination mean1 )'OU wlll wa.nl~ much more than that.." said Mre. H. H. Kooanl ot Palo1 Verde•. addreNlJl6 United Church Women ot Newport Ha r· bor at their annual meeUng held F r1dt.y In Costa Meaa Community Methodist Church. M\'9 Cheat.for Fl&her pre!llded at the luncheon _..Ion and ln1tallatlon or officers, wh1ch wa.s attended by 100 loea.I SATURDAY CONCERT · V 3:_n Den_ Be:r:g and Menuhin tJ>~ Pl~y One of the moat Important lx>n· certa of the J16&110n w111 be held a l lhe LagWlA Buch Art Gallery on Saturd11y, ':JIU\, 15 at 8 p. m., Wtth Lhe appearance of WUllam Va.n Den Berf , celll11t and Yaltah Men· uhln, planl1t. re~nUy aa tint cell1et. ·and uela· tant oonductor with th• Lew An· gelea Philharmonic. He a.JM> con- ducte<t 11ummer concert.a In St. Louil 'tn 1963. Yalt.&h 'MUluhln, cornea tram a dlaUngullhed mualcal tamJly, a.nd like her famow brotber, Yehudi and her equally famoua al11ter Hephtlbah, ahowl'I Lhe aame order of genius. Miu Menuhin 1ludled In Parla a.nd played.In concert In Berlin. Hamburc, Munich and Frankfort. <>nn1• County court boU9 Wlt.1l applicant. u klnr for weddtn• 11· oef\H .. AJJ10GC l&uat were Allred Bol - lier ,Nedeau Jr.. lSl. 438 D&hlla Ave. and EdHJi Ulllan Keyu , 35, 1•ae Act.cit. Ave., boyt corona del Mar; Lowell Richard Sla ter, 20, ~70 Continental Ave. and Joey Llnore Laurie, Ji , Ml Ocle I t.. both eo.ta Mu&; Ort. Cluln Littleton, 21, Man· On \\'adMaday, J an. 11, th• out· 1tandln1 Newport Harbor Un!OA H!Jh School Concert ~d will play two program• on a brief one day tour. Tl\IJ blUld, under t.he dlreC'tlo~ of Mr. Clll)!On Sawin, conal•IJl~r M hlfhJy trained hl•h ichool m14lclan1 a.nd wu formed lhl• year u . a 1U1ctly con et-rt bluid. che•ter, Ohio and Jacquell.ae j.or-raine Andrewa. 11. 226 Knox st.. Tiie rlrat or the two programa Coeta Meaa; WJllil.m Tenney Low, to be pJa_yed will be tor the etu- 81. Saa Dtero. lpd Myra l:metrt..&M dent body .s>f OraJl6e Coaat C.Olltfe Aaron, 34, 2U> Ftmleat Ave., Co-whne many of the band members rona del Mar; -. Lawrence Michael BhlP•, 67, and wtll probably contl11!!e their edu- MJldred Marie BJlton, 31, both cation. · 2524 Newport Blvd., Coata Mau: ~AVY M"-~ Donald CUrtJe FoclJ, t2, 2•tt Weet-ThU a.uemblY concert wtll tu.- minster Pla.ce a.nd Lynn Charlene lure Rona.Id Wurwter, cla r1nfU.l. Smith, 11, 2330 Fairview Road, and former atudent at the hlg-h ,both Coeta M-. 1 achoo!. Wur.ter la now petty Zeta Tau Alpha Benefit Affair )(re. J qJui DuUeU ot Sult& .Ana. officer 3/claa. a ttached to the r,a vy Yard &nd ln Pblladelphla , Pa. a.nd la home on leave alt.er a one yeer crulae of the Mf!odller· run area aboard the Midway. H e will play a• gue1t 110lolst with the band, IntroducUon and Tarantella by Scarmolin. former Harbor1te, wtll be one of ;=.=:;=:;=:;=:;=::=====:::;;;;;;;;;; the ho•te1111e11 at a fallhlon ahow- luncheon to be held fl:.~. 2. 12:30 p.m. In the Embuly Rdc:un Qf the Ambaua.dor Hotel. "Heavenl)' J'a.-- hlon1" ta \heme of the affair, whJeta ts 1pon10r.d. by Z.ta Tau Alpha Federct.Jon of Southern Ca.Utomi.. Thia 11 a benefit evrnt for Or- thopedic Ho1pltal a.nd t.he NaUonal 8oc1ety of Cr1ppled Cblldren and Adulll, lnc., ltaat.u Seal ffency. Over 130 door prt&e• valued at 110 ea.ch, wtui a mlllk ltoJe to be THE OR.GAN YOU OA'S PLAY AT ONCE! UM wo.Dderftll - HAMMOND CHORD ·oRC5AN ' ftl WMle ......, Ou ~ISMSMtla a....o-! ..., __ -1;1111rch ·women repruentlng eight loaal churchea and one from Hunl· ington Beach. WlllJam Va.n Den Berg WU born In The Hague, Holland, and a-r-adu· al.ed with t.he hlgheet honora trom the Royal Conaervat.ortum In 1920. He 1tudle<I In Par11 wtt.h the creat mutere Pablo CaAala a.nd Alex· anl11n. At thr age ot 111 be 1t.arted C'On· cerU:dng In l!:urope. He came to Recently abe returned from a muatcal tour of New z.J&nd, a.nd at.a appeared at the Ojt.J FuU- val, Carmel and aa p ut art11l wtth the San Fra.ndaco Symphony. Accordt.nc to enlert.alnment cha.I t· ma.n, John BJngh&m, the concert wW .feature works ot Bach, Boc- chennl, 13flelhovm, B rah m 1, Chopin. Debuuy. Ravel, Saint Saena. Tcba.lkowsld , BartOic and other CompollUll. awarded alao. I ·' a member of lb• llOa.rd of dlrec· weekday rellgloia training' tors of the NaUonal council of gTam for achool children. Aleo Church Women. and I• naUonal noUlble la the aponaor1ng for a ebatrman tor World Community 11Cholar11hlp for a migrant worktr, thll through the Home Mlaelon11 day. She tolt1 pf how the co11ncll board of the Council o( Chllrcht1. waa formed nearly 80 yura ago. .. )'1nl' that ~what we cannot <10 FOil llORt:A u aiJl&le orcanlzaUona we can ac· • The g roup at nt 160 lbs. nf compllsh u a C"roup.,'' She par· r lothlng to Korea, plua 36 lbs. of UC'Ularly emphulud t he llllarln& notions, such u t hread. bultona, of literature and Ideas and the for-and aewlng 1tem11, collecle<I by cetUng ot dlfft rt ncea. rhlldren of t.he area In a new and ARE INST~ ' different Hallowet-n t rlC'k or trtat proJ'ram. , The Harbor women also &Idell &1 ho11teaaea a t the annual retreat of Southern Call!dful& Church Womtn. held a t M&.r Cua. Balboa lala.nd. s toU~ U M1l11llng artlst "'1th J oh.n McCor· mlck. ' · From 192e to 1933, be waa t n· gaged u aolo·celllrt with lhe Phll- 11rtelphl& Orchutra, under Leopold Slokow11kl. He IA. preeenUy con· <lurlor of the newlv formed Lns Angtlu Doctor• O~l'jMt.ra. A• .fliest conductor. Van Den Berg oppeart'd wtth the followlng orl'htstru; S&n Fructsco. P ort· l11nd. Sea ttlt, Vancouver and morr The concert i. tr" t.o membe1'9, gueall and the public will be ulted a IT1Ulll donaUon. MAJ\k.lnd never loM• any &ood thlnlf, phyal.cal, lAtellectu&l, or rnoral. till It tlnda a better, and then the lou le a pin. -Theodore Parkat Spend Holidays - at Pool-Side Shella &M Grant MoCaU an4 their mother, .M.ra. Gertrude M c- Call, of 2011 K1nf'I Road, Cliff Hav .. n, apent the Cl'lrlatmaa boll- <U.ya In a S&nl& Ana mold ~·here they want ln llWimlnlrlf every ~ In the heal ed swtmmJng pool-;- WhUe there they entutained lbatr fr1.ende. Patty, P~ &Jid Ricky Oaweon of 2001 Cll!f Dr1v'e, at a pool-side ):>arty, Their COla1n. Bruce McConnell. of El Monte a1ao 1pe.nt a f-da19 w1t.h them a t the pool Now! Ne Need ao his• ..-.- · Come 111 a11cl Prow• It to YollrHlf W1 alao aa.t .. ,_to -a. .... CrJ u.. ... •·==0114 ...... OrpD-N.. AYllAlll* M n . Joh.n K . Miiii. pruldent of United Church Women ot Sant& Al'lll. lnatalled the oNlcen In a cuidlellghllng ce.remony. Taking oNlr• for tbe 1.Cond term were Mn. P'lahw, prelldent ; Mrs. W . A. McBride, m e pree1dent; Mra. May Ellmorr, 11«ret.ary, -• n d Mra. Lloyd P'olaom, tna.surer. The Rev. Jo..eph MCSh&ne. hOlt· putor, Mnlf "I Shi ll Not AgaJn P1ua Thi• Wav" !Ettinger ). Mra. Robe \ Gronlt.nd aerv1ng 11a ae- C'ompa ~st AmoJl6 lhOM aeat.ed at lhe 1peaker1 table were Mayor Dori Rm . Mrs. P. F'. Balnu, vice preal· dent ol Ult Harbor CouncJ.I of Churfhea; Mrs. Lte Bolin. vier prtllll<lent of the atale chapter. Women or lhe AmerlC&Jl Baptist Convtntlon: ?.Uu Ell!le Newland, organizer and first prealdent of t.:nlted Church Women of Newport Hu bor: Rev. a.nd Mr11. J oseph Me· Shane, and offlC'ers or t:nlled Church Wom,.n F.aculty Wives In F N • ht Piano .JMbuclion Ufl tg TERESA RENNER l Mn. A. Renner) DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO l'Lt..~0 A ORaA..'I STORE ~fer ADlledlla llammoM Ors-Chrlltrnu Jilt. wl\lcll were not I ~ Ptu»t ., n... Ooeu.e• P reM. \Unit annual report.a were lhe tre&11urer. ~ra. Fol,.om. and Mr1 Mc'Brldf', ""'ho gave t. reaume ot the put ytar'1 work. SpttlaJ u acUy what the recipient.a d..i.r.d I o,..._ .. :r of Me ..,_. were uUllud u pr1 wa when Fac- ulty Wlvea Club of Newport Har--U6 Serra Drtve Ph. Bar. 2089 bor lngh School held a f\ln nlr hl Cororaa HlJth -Corona dd llar party Jan 2 at the home eoo-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ ID J.6HO Santa Cruz Couple Visit Here, Wedding in Offing nomJCI cottar • on th• IK'hool t campua. Wh\.lJ wu gam.e of Uie evening, and tb• "white ekphant.a'~ changtd ha.ndl wMn claimed by ot.htr playe,... While lbe ChlneH ln«nae p&lll!ed back · and forth many Ume1. ll wu ~led pune I of the Clapptr f'r& Which created most rllverslon. Mr. and .Mra. P. L. FrleMn ot ! gnndi.on, Robert B. Taylor, au--H.oet-.e1 w.,.. MmM. P&ul Sana Cru.a t..rr1vt-d In Santa Ana man third c.lua, who la .tatloned Ct.Jdwell, Jul• 0 &1'• aDd Al Irwin. Jan. 1 and wm be viii~ m&Jiy 'at IAckland Air Force Bue. San M rw. Robert Perrin preelded at the relatives In the aouthern ..,,__ Bl& l Antonio. Teltllll. •hon. bualnt.111 lntnim. IV61ll ot their stay will be the The Friesen• &re vt.iun, their The rroup al'° boat-ed • Mu -chlld~n Mra. H c IUcbard.oo of lca.n fluta. Chnatmu party tor MlddlnJ. on J an, 30; Of their Corona 'del w..r: MrL ·O. J. Tay-UI• faculty. board members and • · lor of Se..n Bernardnlo uid E. H. all IK'hool employeq Held ln tbe Vronsky -Bab1· n Frteeen or Banta Ana. They Will toelal h&ll. Mr. Caldwell acted tJMi aee tbeJr er-and~ Mn. both u emctt IUld enterta1nu. Re Wildon Sehelln of co.i.a Jiu-. Jolntd with M tL Andr-QUYH Duo Coming J.(n . wuuam S U1Jledecl!er of Lan· I In tbe u c1llll6 J.fmcan Ml dance. cuter, and cnat ·gnndcluldren. ! both performers we&rinl' hand· SA.'lT ANA.~.., • (0CN!) Douclaa.. R1ta a.nd Vlekte Scbelln. aome authf'ntle costume.. He alao -. •• 4.. c · It C Lourie and Cindy Sinalet.on. wu to~Ador In a bull ~ht. -1 ne <>&Ula Ana ommun y on-, ..... t \\'"lff d v AU • •IU I Only one of the family they 'Will """' f'r u a.n . eme en l'er-A&llOClaUon v. pre.ent a re· lefln F A 3 J acU"a Hng lhe hid• of the '<'1ctJm. l'1l&I b» Vroiu.ky and Babin on ;1~ h g 11 A. · J -< amu Il)' lh1.1 lime the hat da.nee bad ?.tonday. Jan. 10, at the Sa.nl& AJ1a c ardaon. now In a.pan. 1n.splrN1 vice pnnclpaJ Joeep!I High School Auditorium. All com· Hambltl a.nit Robert l\tqiiuaeon bn9' c&zda w1U ~e honored for comforlv lban ,n.ce munlty Coneert MsoclaUon m tm• ·C· ot1· 111· on to try II tht m ull ha~ more the appeuan~. Vltya Vronalfy Theie •vu the ·br.e.Jdnl' ot a and Victor Babin have long dom1· plnata v. Ith ahower of c.andJM. a.ated ~ duo piano field. an.d an D F a.nd the lhro\\1nr or decorated rall~d "the most bnlllant !.wo-an ce 0 r e1i:g 1hell1 filled with confetU. p l1no team of our generation Qfforatlon1 And food C'an1ed out .The couple playtd I.he first per-Young Set the them•. a.11 under al!vk• ot tht fonnanee of the new Lopat.n1koff Spa nlllh rltputment. concerto. composed t.11peiofally tor them, wtlh the Ntt11burgh Orche&- tra. They were 11turlent.s of Artur ;'l;e~l'Ort Harbor' a young eel ~Ill Art W k h l chna'bcl when lhey met In Btr· gtl logt>lher Wednesda y t.t New· Of s op Un at the a.gr r • 17, They have port Harbor Ya.cfil Club tor Lht • beell In Ult United Stalt'!I !!Ince flr!!.l dancel or the rlew year of the Tuesday Eve their debut In 1'937. I ropular CoUUloos. I The l)!'<llal wtU bt'fln el 8 .1~ Junior Cot.dllon patron11 and Miu Marie Hrrfem, art ruper· p m. palroneaeea Who wlll be on hanrt VIJ\Or or :"\c-wport Beach Elemen- for the evenini group ""111 Include tary Schoola, wtJI be one of thrtt Mr. t..n!S Mra. Edward Grornendyke 111U1tn1r tort at th• ettaUn art 11n<1 ;\fr. and Mra. J ohn 81naonr worluhop of 0r&a1e County A.- supef latiw food. cocktails and wvice emid old english charm. HURLEY BELL Al!l!lstlng M!N O. Vlrg\nla Ool· soC'httlon tor Childhood l:ducaUoo. 1 lat.I at the I o'cloclt CoUWoa ""111 bt to M held Tueeday It ~ In· I I paUone11ses ~esdame. A r no 1 rt trrmrrtlete School 870 North Olu- Broyle.a an<! Baail Tw\at Kil St.. Orange. I Me9damea RJehard J.larwllu1. Worlt•hope wtlf tnclude ,.,ortl tn ' •nd J ay R.hodu Longley will &Tttl l&mlnattd pa per. cert.mica IUld de- the rhlldrf'n a t the ~ O'cloc.Jt Cotti· l lfn• tor crlllt.1. tau(bt ln that or- Uan. wb11e tha Pt.trone1ee1 whJch der by Ml.. Hetfem. lrMe 8t-· W1D auiel at tbe Matinee meatA'\c art o( Brn acllooi. and Cortnne whlrh lncludu the younl>'f!r fr&m· Stoner. art C'Ol'lsult.ant for county mar eehool g-rnup. will lnclud# JC'honls. M.-da.mee Randall F'. C~des, a nd All teachtrl', ~dmlnlllnton IUld • lolln Oertly. p&f'fl\t.I are weloome. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllB SHOP BALBOA TllEATD Bl.DO. llAJ...80A See the most • tn at the • 3rd ANNUAL BALBOA · BAY CLUB AUTO SHOW SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 SUNDAY, JANUARY· 16 - ·NEW HOURS t 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ~ dally COMPARE AD t he new 19M modela. domee contain the great..t cb&nle. la t.be bistory or tile auk>o mothe lndutey ! · , '"" PREVIEW: It la espect.ed that llOIDe new modea., ecbeduW for res· alar national tbowlq la&er ba tbe ~ wm be IMll for the FIRST TOO; la Soatbera onala at the BBC Aut.o 8bowl . IT'S FREE No actmhdce -Simply J*.11 up tlelleta fJOm uq. puticlpathac .se.ler U.ted below: p I ACII RAt;81'£..~ MOTORS MO..Ea(1Wl f onl 113' llaltlor Bl..C. .., Coeta l(eM 1.0 t;•UED a ASMKllATE~ ~~ •na w. c.aa IDC1"rl!y x-,,.n~ ~'J(, DA&LINO 8......,., IApDlf: .. Cl-* ~ta Au: SM £. h t- O'BIUL'i )l<n'()JlS l>c)dp-P1J1D0Ut.ll 1..0 ~-i>Ort BIY4. Ooeita ,..,. • Md.EAN JfOTOU, CO. ~ IOl .S. Mu. 8-ta.AM llA&&IM>N PO~"TIAC 00. Polltl.c ... a 81C9IDOn &utaAM NII.LE& CBEVllOIZT ~ "111 OoM• lllelnta7 N ewpon llleM'b I ()()Tl'()l( OOfT vo0m.....-.._.... tut s..,,.n m.c. <89s· , .. _,,. n >. s~ llA.&VEY RU:U hckarcl •lie\\'. 11 .. SL ... , .... • l()llNllO.~ & sos u.eal8-~ ... w. &..& ""7· N.....,8-dl C. r;. l lEllON81U .... :.::.-::: TllEOOOU aoBL\-. r.,.. .... w. o..l 9hd. Jf..,.n~ JIOND £. PETEU De8o•P1Jaowtll 611 1"'.8~ kata AM I Other mualc 't.o be performed lncludee Cowboy RJ\apeody by Morton Gould, Busler'• Holiday by ).Aroy ~d•raon With the 10lo cornl\t parta played by the en\lre com et eect!on ot the 'ban(!, Frencb Quarter Swte by Morrl11r.1-. and U1e pro1ra m will dose, will\ the mlrh ty OrM.t Gato of Klei•, from Plctur• at an Exhlbllion, by Mouaeorruy. OKADE tK"'HOOL Tl\• •~d 9f the two pr<>«nnu to be play9d by the band wlll be at HunUJi("ton Beach E 1 e m e n t • r y School. Thl1 progr~m la in the na ture of a n111alc aJl p1"9Clt.t1on conl't'rl. and "''" the-e.>cc«"ptlon Of lho G1 .... al Gttlll \\Ill C'Un•l•l of muaic arr-1111_. to th11 (l'&de lll'hOOl lt\'t'I. Tht>~l• two p<'r !m manN•a will m1rk the n(nc>11'<"nth itn•1 twMtlcth ar pc11rnnc:r• ot thl~ g1'0\1p during the t1r11t scmoat191' t1f the c11rrc11l •cbool yeal'. Du1\ni; the next few we<-ks the b11n1t will piny tor the a.nnll•I 1h1nce1 proi>rnm Ill the high 8C'hoo.I, lllfl<l 11\ao will perform the lntert'llt lnir aml ln~rlring Wnc•'ln Portr11lt by <~opland durll\K the llC'hool'a crl~brallon of l.fncoln'• blrth1tnr . 7411 ANNIVERSARY A $St.SO VALUE $3995 OICE-A-YEAI PllCE ('I i SAVE YJ .. lt'1 diet time apin f ••• the .... ,_, cbanoe for TOO to un aa.u llOlQT on a ~ Sel\ly I~ Maio-t No wonder really •alae-triae women Willi. all . tht bedding ~I Hem'a "' VAJ.VB ly Sealy brinp you TllU·MLAHCS n:uarae in an innenwpring tnatt.roN priced ao low! So come in TODATI Check t.l)(ll!IC D"Ml &ttJy ~ feetUftlll: • IAMI HIOH COIL eoullfT AS fO,-OUAUTY. lUXUIY MATTIUSlll e SAMI '11.autlT IOIDllS FOi YEAIS O' UCTIA WIAll e IAMI fl~ALANCI INNllS,llNO CONSTIUCT10N, fOI .TMI HIAl~l NMHfSS "ONHllO ay SIAU'I • IAMI OUAUT'f MATCHING •ox S'llNO, Al1'f U•.••1 -. Scintifie1lly firwt, Healthful Sleepin& Co•fort! SM•11 ~s1relot la a. lmiw'"I On • "'-1!! A _,__,rv M•t· tt•••· 1b 1 nli1 '" 8 110IJ'• r•T•• auppnrt wh•r• -'""' ""'1 v ne•d• 111 It • • (1n~r . r1u t •1t "'~"·-th•t h<olpe vou ••"'" r •fr••b"4 A.nil IJOI)' ""''~'1' M~IN FURNITURE 1165 Hcdor lfyd. Lli(erty 1·5131 COSTA MESA • le.. .... I ., ,• ... 9tA6E 4. PA~T I ' N~RT HAR~R NEWS.PRESS 1 · MONDAY, J~NUARr 10: 1955 "God 9rent us the serenity to eccept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the th1n<j1s we can end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) .EDITORIALS City ·Charter Prescriptipn GOOD Things· Haf)pen, Teo --There i9 a new preecriPt.ion ready to cure aome of the ilia of the City of Newport Beach. It ie a drugleee, lmlfeleu kind of pr:eecription: Principal ingredient.a are taith, atudy, llincerity and determination. Administered with care by thoee gifted with a positive outlook for the future, the cure of all the ill.a of the City of Newport Beach ahou~d be phenomenal. All too often the gloomy and tragic news ra~ a banner headline. To correct thia situation here are aome atati.atica that reflect the sunny aide of life in the United The pre9Criptiol'l ii one that waa compiled after careful atudy by _the Board of Freeholders representing all the .citizenrx of Newport Beach. Component parts of the preecriptiGn wh:ch carries the trade name of. "City Charter" were choeen to give proper life to all eegnienta of the municipality and thua have no wither· in'g extremltiee. The City Charter of the City of Newport Beach wu the first Concurrent Reeolution of both the Auembly and. the ~nate. of the State of California ~ current aeuion. It wu puud unanimously and ~ in the hands of the Secretary of State for certification. When certified it becomes law. One of the first thing1 to be done under the new city charter ii 'to elect a new City Council. Seve'n "coun· cilmen will be choeen t o represent the couilcilmanic dis· tricta eatablb1hed under the City Charter . At the bottom of thia page we have reproduce.ct the councilmanic diatricting map which ia ~ one to be fol, lowed, at. Jeut In the coming city election. Each diatrid will nominate it.a candidatea to be elected, balloting will be by the city u whole. El~ctora of:each diatriCt can deaignate their choices. A person is qualified to run for COUJlcll If he hu been a qualified elector in the diatrict from which -he ia nominated for one year preceding hJa nomination and . an elector of the City of Newport Beach for at leut tllree years pre· ceding hi• nomination. • R.Hidenta of the city should now begin planning for adequate representation of their district on Ufe council. In addition to the qualifications eet 'lorth in the City Charter, pel"llOD.1 should be eought out to run who have made a aucce:u of their livee and busineu and who have time to 11erve their city for the small financial re· compenee they will receive. There are in our city per· aona adm1rably auited to· r'ender thie community t he fineat kind of eervice. There are in fact thoae who have ~ emlnently aucceeaful in aimilar venturet1. The per· sens sought out to repreaent the districts should be per· aona firmly determined to help this community which , l \"'la poueued of eo many God.given virtues to be the white •pot of the world in its municipal government. The i>eraona cboeen .to represent t he citizenry in the election which will be held on March 15 should be people of poeitive approach, clear thinkers, buildert1. . Councilma.oic districts and those now aerving and Sta tee. . There are 162,922,000 Americana who are not mem- bers of the Communbit Party. · Some 37,011,460 couples will stay more or less hap- pily married during the year. On the average, there are 63,868,000 people working to bring home the bacon:- ,. Last year, the scheduled airlines safely carried pas· sengera 18,902,134,841 miles in the U. ~· and posaea· siona; railroadJt safely carried passengers 31,674,931,200 ~ilea. Some 162;717,890 persons will not die of cancer in 1955. And 162,380,580 persona will be safe from fatal heart attacks. About"'629,000,000 acres of forest land will not be set afire by careleu smokers and picnic·goers thia year . Moat of the time, 15,720,000 ~rganir.ed workers are not on strike. Of the l8,977,472 litUe boys in the country who are under the age of 10, only six or possibly seven will have to go through the terrible ordeal of being President of the United State.. At least 162,944,424 people have not beeb frighten· ed by llE'eing flying saucers hurlle through the air. The Internal Revenue Service will find that 43.846.- 154 income taJt returns are filed correctly in 1955. Finally, there are 83 countries in the world that have not diacovered t he secret of the hydrogen bomb, Merch·ant Ship • IS Unique A merchant ahjp is an element of war. Ships are the lifeline betw4*1 the fighting fronts and tbe production lines. ln this regard merchant ships have a unique char- acteristic. The other elements of war -fighter planes, tanks, guns, A-bombs -are usef11I for nothing but war. The snip, on the other hand, is an aU·important instru- ment of peace. It is almost universaUy agreed that we must maintain a major merchant marine against tbe pouibiUty of war. But it doesn't stand idle, wa iting in readineaa for that grim time when fighting may begin again. Day in and day out, on all the essential tride routes of the world, American merchant ships perform a· neceMary service. Foreign trade has a far greater influence t han ptoet of us realize on this coun{ry's productive ability and liv· ing standards. Thousands of men and women who have never seen an ocean. work directly or indirectly at pro· ducing foods 'and manufactures for export. And foreign trade is a two.way street -we must import a long list or commodities which are not available at home. To de· pend on foreign·flag lines to indefinitely take care or these shipments would be blind folly -if w.ar should com~ their services mjght be denied to us overnight. Vital in w_ar, vital in peace. That slogan pretty well describe9 the American Merchant Marine. representing from each district are: District 1. (New~ port west of 15th Street) Gerald C. Bennett. District 2, <Balboa and Bay hland) NOT REPR~ENTED. Dia· trict 3, (Harbor laland, Beacon Bay, Lldo l.sle and Bay Shores) Mayor Dora ffiU. District 4, (Newport Height~) Stanley Ridderhoff. Diatrict 5, (Balboa Island ) Hans Broering. District 6. I Inland Corona del Mar) NOT REPRESENTED. Di111trict 7, (Seaward Coroga del Marl A. W. Smith. Like Grandma Used to Make .............. ...-.. ~..,_ ... _.._,.. ........ lf you have ever had the yen to bake your own bread. the Canadians may make it simple for you. The Canadian Defense Research Board has developed an in· slant bread mix which produces a tasty, aromatic loaf without kneading or .fermentation. ALI you do is add water and then bake it fo_r two hours. It will be avail· able in U.S. stores, but so far no one knows just when. • ,, ~BRUSH COUNTRY JOlJRN AL :~MOB PAUD • (M. Note -nt. co\-'1 Roneo Partier wlll .., '"* ......................... ~ ................... ..., trtpe'tate tlle .U eout.rT ta....,..,,_,.., The Ruuiana can have their caviar, the French t.beir anaila and tven the Mexicans can have their Maguey worms, but the delicacy that tickle. the palate or' even the moet critical gourmet of the-brush country ta, ''Carne Seca.'; To the initiated it ia known aa just plain, "jer~y." With the advent at h~h price• 1wllh beans and chill. and lhe tn• --tor bfft and the duniae of the llt-Ure me.. wrapped ln a t{irtlll&. tie local butt'her. home · town M n . Fnedemun told me how hf'r 11la ugbtn houM" and cunng plant, tnother uaed tu prC'pare an excel!• jtrky hu bttome only a mouth· ent e~t'd iravy from the lowly watering m<'mory In the minds of jtrky. Soup and 1tew1 can be made the Initiated. I first picked up the from It, but beet of all the wur1 11tart1ing new1 along the bru11h !raveler can munt'h on It and re· country telC'gl'aph in Bud'11 Place celve much nl'ffit'd entrf)'. I• • • Two New Amf1als AFFAIR.S OF ST.ATE at Aguanga Abl-1 Stearn•. early Ca llfomla MAKE~ A BATCH ranchero once wrote. "poWld It up fine and th,.n put It Into a pan BUI Frle<lem&nn, Temecula'1 with a lit tle hot lard, tUr and butcher for nrarly a hall century mol•ten with a little water. A Ill• tiad made up' a batch or jerky and Ue boilert potato, and onion cut It wu for ule at hla butcher ahop tlne, with a little red chlU and to• In Temec. I arrived in Temec after mato mixed with It makea a very 1tore !Loura but a fra11tl~ ~ i.o It 11 uaed by boU•- Mra. Frleclemann in charge of the lnK In water." meal market reserved for me the Charin Nordh off In 1877 In~ lut 'two pounda of jerky Which 1 11eribln1t the Machado Rancho Ill picked up fhe next -momlng. By Eh!lnore aald, "At one 1lde of the car.-Cul rationing l am In hope11 hou11e a amall room had been built that It will last me at leut thra.ugh on for a kltch.-1;1: oppoalte to that New Year'11 Evt: was a capaclbu1 atoreroom. In Jnky 11 as Weatem and Call· which h ung "came eeca," jerked · fornian u th<' rawhide reata and beef, from the ratterw -bloody --------------------------almo11t as to111th. In the daya whl'n 11heeta of mut which looked unfit ByllENBYC.MACARTHUR SACRAMENTO CCNS) -The numerable local alloca\lona. luu· the' "cattle roanied • lhouaand to f'&t, but which make a •¥Dr1 11uggeetion of Ailllemblyman Gor· oe of bond• and repayment at hills" and the prtc-e had· dropJ,ed atew;-." don Fleu of Sacramento t}lat varyl_n( term• of lnterut nvu un· lo lhe point wtt;,i;;0~c::;,tter" WH ~T-,,J all of e ac •J aurrounatliii: c:eiCiin perftl'd90r~ ow tor a me y can f)Uy a t he allocation ot tundJI tor "dill· Fleury r tcommenda that an In· came 8 waa made. Jt waa fig· tittle patr h of Jtrky a bout the atse lreued"" achoOI dlatrtci. In Call· terim commitlel' be appointed com· ured thC' average lllef'r yielded of a puata1te 1tamp. In .cellophane forn1a , be centered ln one agency posed of amator11 and aaumbly· about 200 Iba. of taUow. ~O Iba. C'nnlopu on a ca rd at your favo· 111 nol vitJrely new, but on the men *!Id admlni11trator1. • for the of Jerky, and a hide. rile beer joint. The1"41 la b&rdly other hand, at la a 1111&re11tlon that purpose of maklnf a thorough C'l'T IN STRIPS ~nourh to •t•rt.le the I.Ute bude 1 .. t might In the lonr run. u ve the I study or the tot al achoo! building In the old d11ys when they kill· alone ff'l a l'ood moulhtuJ of u. c~te aoml' money. problem In lhl' It.ate. to preaent ed a be<of the hide wu 1pread out Perhaps Jl 11 the raflty of .,ood At lhe prellelll time. thtte atate recommendatlona tor It• lmprove-hair 11lde down. the meat waa laid jerky In thla modem .... e that agt ncaea are concerned with the ment and lmplementation. · on It, and then cut Into 1trlp1 maku ft t.ute eo 1oocS. You can alloc11t1on of funda from the achool The SaCt'amento aNemblyman an Inch thick, five or' 8ix lnchea have your tllela, your N-York bond Juuu voted by the people to alao haa aome au11e1Uon1 tor ad· wide and one lo three feet long cuta. your atandlns rib routa. and help dUltrlcts which can't help mlnl•tntlve chan1em and clarlfl· Thi11 meal w&11 then dipped lnto a T·bonea, J111t ct~ me a few blM'k, themaelvea. eatlon1 In the preaent law. brine and hung on a 11trctched aalty 1trlp1 of cam-HU m~ Th-are \.he 8.1.M.e Department nvE YEAR PERIOD reata to.dry In lhe •W\. E&~ day fl'om a thin old cutter cow,J br lhl1 of Finance, Which control• the He au(g-t1ta that plana 1hould it was turned aad ln four or five 11 the atufr from whlcll our Call· at.ate alloe&Uona dlvlalon: the state be prepared to extend the two·yl'ar daya It WH hard and black ready tom.la and Western Hh1tory wu department of education which to a !Ive.year gTowth period, with lo I>.-ball'd. Thi' t>..le11 oi came made--plaJn, old tcllg'h jerky; has the dlvlalon or achoolhouae a periodic revlalon and ln1~(on 11eca u111ally' weighed from 110 to atmple and healthful. of eaUmatea before building. Re•· eo lb•. and were bound with raw· plannlnir. and the ltate depart· eon for thl1, hi' aaye, Is to pennll hldt'. the baling wire of the early ment ot public worka. which con· trola the architectural featuru of the dlatrlct to bond ltaelf and ap· Callfom iano In this f orm It will the Bchool operaUon. ply tor a flve·year known growth keep almost lndeflmtcly. You can't tell a lady by the way ahe dl't!Af'll. If •he really we~ a lady •he would have pulled down the bllnd. expectation. t~IRIST TASTE STATE BUJLOS SCHOOLS He 1ay1 that improvement could ~1 fl f ~ k • -.. d ""' t " Y rat taste o er y wu wbt n 'It appeara. &al r .uery recen • be made In Ule malft'r of purchas· I was a kid of about 8 or 9 ant1 • • • It le true lhat many a profHe<>r hu n~ver met a payroll. but UM!n many a bu11lnl'tlAITlan hu never met a cla.u. • ly. "Ulal the It.ate will be In I.he Ing property for 11<:hoola, and that e1rnc 11Cca wu one of the •tart• buslneaa of building !lcilools for ll'eway should be given from ap· of life to the Mexican 8tcllon many yur11 to come. The feeling pralaala or property to pou1bly Of a good many pl'<>ple'wlth whom five percent, and that an executive I havl' dh1c11ued the mattu ta officer of Utt board •hould bf' that the state legialature ahould a uthorlud to· r nrnl auch 11mall consider tor • period of two yeara devlallona. or to lnalst ttlat con· perhaps unUI Ila ne1tl aeulon, the demnatlon prO<'C',.dlnKll be carrle<I df'11rabllity of nt&bliahlng one throuch. school butlcllng authority within Th" Fleury iugsution. particu· the 11tate. This authority would larly thoae of Cl'nlerlng the acll· bl' authorized to handle \he luu-Vily In one agf'ncy. could wrll aa· ancc or boncla, the dlatrlbution of alll the •l•t.e ln a morl' rapid sl· fund11, the l'hecklng of plans, and location of tunda, thereby provld· In t ffect, ron('entrete the e.cUvl· tnr mo,. clauroom1 for the 1trow- t1ea ot the threl' •&enclea now Ing population. dealing will\ lll'hool building." hanllll on t he railroad. Jn an In· credlbiy short Ume a Mexican track worker would prepa N' a most nour111hlnJ! aupper '4'1lh a ml1tture of cam l' 11tca tried an lard, • • • A. (lrl who ma.mu hop1n1r her ahlp will come In olteD w111ct. up W1lh • raft of cl\Hdrm. NEWPORT~ BARBOR NE-W~tf PRESS i'~ormerl~ the Newport•BaJboa New•·TUnN and the Newport-Balboa p,.._/ Contlnulnit hl11 ~aionlnic. Fleury 11a1d: READERS WRITE A Dependable Local lmtttuUot1 for O.er P'on.J I'..,. ••Jt 111 1uggt-1ted that 1ome plan ------Klmllar to lhl' nterana welfare l!:nttred u Secund·t:lua Matter at the Poet.office In Newport a.ch, board ~ utabll1hed (n order that Dear Mr. Rertdick: CaJlfom ia under Lile Act of Marcb a, 1879. a revolving fund of con1lderable amount aulhon:ted Ill bond• oa the 11tate of Callfomia be utal). li9hf'd to be distributed to 11ehool dl11lnctt1 on a balila ot need, and on a strict buh1 that rl'payment to lht txtent of lht lfl1trlc:t'1 cap•· city bfo madt CIRCl'LATE BONDS "Suth bOnd.ll would thus be cir· rulallng and would not be " .er· luu11 oblli;at1on on the state u a whOlt Thl11 would irwe lbC' cr~lt lor the l'ntlrt' 11t1te to l!Chool dis· lrlcu, and thu11 do a gre11t deal to· lward avoiding or le1111cmng the tN!mendou11 co11t ot running .In· We note w ith lnll'rHl the front· page publicity (1ven to the pre· 11entat1on to Rolland BarcumC' of the Boy Scout "God and Country" Award. It 11 V$,Y erattfylng to tee lh111 recognltl&n civen to a very worth• while accompll11hment, and we ap· prect•te your part In m aking lht" poaa1ble. With tM-at WlahU Your1 1111cerely. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FIRST CHURCH OF' CHRJST. SC lE~lST. Nev.-port Buch Clerk, Ann Tr'&cy ........... ..-------.... ·~···· --_..,_ Publl•bed F.Hry 8!'0Dda7 ~ Tllundq-.. Newport ...... o.at. b7 Lhe SEWPOKT HAR.BOK PliBU8RINO OOMPA!n' Tekplllo11e Banor 1111 l,luaJIOed to PubU.11 Lepl NoUoea Md A~., ....... By Dec1" of Uie Supertor ~f o,..... Co. ta ~ N .. ._.., .. !lll'tnbfor (JalUerala Ne-paper r.wwtaen .-_. • .._ Memher Sadoaal EdtCor1&1 A_c61.._ Member of Orange County Newt s.ntc. BEN REDDICK. Publlahu f W1Ll..J...Ut A.. MOSES, IC41lor OfUtui.U E. ROUNTREE, Advertiltnr Olnctor St."'BSClUPTION a.A TE8: Se"·port Harbor se-PJ't19, Twtcie WMktJ In Orange County. M.00 per JN.I'; .._ .. ab -; llM .,_-. Outlllde of Oraqe C-17 • ., ... per ,_ ..... .... :-:---p ., I I \ NE.Wf>ORT HARBOR AND VICINITY ..._._. .................. ~ ...... ---........ -....... . -,.._._,. .. ,. , ____ ._. . ._ 0 c E A .... ...... ---.._. .. .., ... OR&ftK COUNTY.. CAL.,ORNIA ,....... -... .,. ... ._ •• ,. -•••"9af ebC1' ........ . ~ ----~ .... ·-=••CJ•ll::::::JlliC:::::mllii. - ' ... ,. . I I .. PICTURE OF A HARO.Hl'ITING nporler in action aa J. Frank Burke of Beacon Bay delivers hi8 half ·hour Editor of the Air program by remote wire ovtr bla Los Angeles radio ata~on. -JJurke, .eeking escape from ~metropolitan amog and traffic, had &remote line and Auociated Preu teletype installed ln bia Newport Beach home ~ air hi.a view• behind the newa three tii;nes a week from the Harbor area. The 81-year-old commentator also teachea a twice-a.week journalism class at Chapman College in Ota.nge. -Statf Photo DEATH NOTICE • .ALJlERT 1'1lEIJE.RICll BA.DEB OLD NEWSPAPERMAN J. Frank Burke Conducts -Radio News from Harbor 8erv1ce1 for Albert Fredertck Bader, 87, of 327 Wlleon Ave., Coala Meaa. who died Fl;lday at Oranre County Ho1pltal, were held al 3 p.m.. today at Ball& Mort\!· ary, 'Corona del Mar, with Mra. Ada s. THple 9f the Four Square By BILL PHILLIP& tlon, which wu 2:W>, watll at that ao.pe1 Churc:M!"'Lo• · An,relH, oft!· A courareoua reporter who ha• Ume, wu al.a a family propo1I· ctaUns. Jnterment ·wu al. Ht.r· dedicated bl1 life to presenting lion. Later Burk• built radio st&· bor Rut Memorial Park. the aew1 behind the newa to the lion KXI.A at Puadena . -. ) ., NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -f A&E 5 CUNNlllHAM ~ALLAWAY IET . MONDAY, J~NUARY 10, 1955 . ,.~:.:~Er::: PIC)BATIOI-. 01 DOPE Coli1TS SNIPER "HUNT . .:" DIATH NOTICI wt.o died ,...urda1 ·~ llOH Bo. , pttal, 1IP1Jl be beld Wadne9da1 at 1 p.m. ln Ball& Mortuary. Corona del Mar, wttb tbe Rn. Zctwin c. Oomke ot tbe Community Oce• snpUoa&l Cllurc.h offtd&tiq. In· mt wW be private. · A natt,.. ot Mln.neaota. Kn. oavt .. bad lind her• 1'1•• 1eara. lbe 1! IUJ"¥tVed by ber hUR&nd. Pvley Davtea and a da&11hter, XI~ Helen JC. David. both of tbe home addnaa. . Mesa Wdl11g Total eo.ta Mea'• total bulldtnr nJ. uaUon for tbe year ,wu totalled U ,150,577, Butldinc Oftld&I A. J. Vol& announced today. Tiie n.. cem~r total wu P50,7IO, Vols laid. LARGER P.O •. Conttn11$! fJoom P'lr1t Pap or·1UghUy more th,.n 10 per cent; Balboa hi.and made almoat a 30 per cent 1&1n; Balboa and Corona del liar made very allcht lo1aea In l'f0118 b\lllneaa 19M In relation to 19~. Otn~a o! the Newport Harbor ~ 1bow the followlnc crou buldneas: (The city of Newport Beach comprises the Newport, Balboa, Balboa bland and Corona del Mar orr1ce11. Co11ta Meaa ts a separate cl\y.) Figure• are In dol· lara per year grou bualnea1: Poet Otftee INS Balboa lalud .......... 28,508.84 Corona del Mar -27.'90.38 Balboa .. ·-····-··......__ 30,204.22 Newport .............. _ 4U97.97 SANTA ANA (OCNS) -BecaUM their lnfor'- .maUoa led to the roundin1 up ot a IPI of marl· juana pphen In Loe Angela County, JWo •nt.r· cotica suspect. Friday were granted straight pro- bation for three yean b' Superior. Court Judge Robert Gardner. _ Ordered releued by Juqe Gardner were Jamee F. Callawa7, 19, North 'Hollywood and Charle. Lee Cunningham, 20, 4M Catalina St . The· judp aald it wu only the fourth tiule in hia handllnr of ~pproxima~ly 200 dope ouee that be had been moved to rtant ltraight probation. ·"I believe it i8 good law enforcement," he u.id, 11to trade a uaer for a peddler. That'• about the only way you can cet at the 90urce." Callawty anll Cunning~ were arreat.ed by Newport Beach police while' 6n routine patrol in the Corona del Mar area at 11 :30 p.m. Nov. 20., They came acrou the youths in a parked car. Officer& aaid they foun<t a bag of m~rijuan.a in Callaway'• jacket pocket. Both euepecla readily admitted smoking marijuana, poli\!e said. Cunningham told probation officers he got started on it while with the Air Force in England. Callaway reportedly informed offlcefe he thought "narcotics was a way to escape·my unhappiness." Judge Gardner said the defendants gave the names of the puahera to officers in Newport. The peddlers were t~en into custody after Loe Angeles authorities were tipped off. 1H9 24,880.18 39,300.88 31,4 •. H 57,8:14.82 19SO 1951 28,332.40 28,687.65 45,954.SO 5(068.49 34,9~.29 34,8&0.113 82,412.58 . J 0,289.89 - 1'61 teas , .It.Al. a2,H8.ee 33,eell.74 u ,111.00 52.~.94 68,50.57 ~.533.00 38,1&6.13 37,732.00 35,006.00 93,lH.'4 lU,480.00 127.919.00 NEWPORT BCll. -.. 11%,Stt.'U l5S,HO.JZ t•,l.n.5'f ll'J,'n'-M 111.•5.n -nt,._.31 %8%,6111.00 Costa Mua .... -..• 50,250.00 ~.000.00 ?f,IHIS. 0 00 88,040.18 103,7~3 119,8111.<>o 1411,1171.00 Ooatt•llHI from ""' hp two othen 1larted ln tlle dlrtttlon I of tllr tint abot. 1 Cantu la skipper of th• crultK·r P'lamb& owned by C:Unningham and Movlf' Cowboy Roy R0Rer11 Both Roger1 lllld CUnnmi;thlLm were puttlnr up a pine pong la· ble on the oppoelte 1lde of the houae when lhe aholl ran1 QUt. Kilmer 11 part ot the .-rew ot t hi' y•cht Santftna, ownrd hy Movie 8lar Humphre:y Bogart who ru1<h· ed to the l!Cene eoon a.flor~ht' 1hota were fired. rK"Z A .. The ~ Cracker Barrel By C'ARO F.ATOS I Framiq bu been dOJ1e by •~. perta ln• many fields. hut Wl''ve cot a couple of IO<'a.I Colk who ran match anyont'. However. they c·nn· fine their talenta to makln1t your plcturM more attractl\oe than you've Imagined they could bl' Their knowleodge of woods. colorl! and malling• la w1lle u ·llle l's· clrlc and the:y are located on th111 oce&n'a 1horu. Speclfl<'a lly, for aucb work vlall Sandy and Eleanor Entleld'1 unique Cracker Barrel 1t 128 Aple Ave., (tht Ferry Slrt-,.ll Balboa bland or call Har. 1372 • -Adv. W4TEK llEATEK8 IA.LIS S&RVICB ••ti RU'AlllJ J1tPL/f!£~!'!' nallb. 1e f'U CE.NI DOWN ,,. ... H••lt« U30 \ SHOl REPAIR •• . n94 STaEET for ONE WEEK FOi MERCHANTS PROTECTIYI!· SllVICI! .,. ... t ' r ....... -----.-~...,,r-...r-11-...n'fth';-tmt.,Mr.-public broadcull__a..ll•Jll!.QUr ro· "A ovemment&l ndlnf went ID';:....l'l"'....-.;~~~e;r~;i'Ol v ' er "lliree ~~ · , . ;;c*IH~"1~~N!N~9 He wu .a reUred banker. limes a week. Burke said, 'that only one rRdlo He leaves hl• daugbten. Mn. He ~ J . Frank Burke or 2 Rud· 1 st11tloo could be owned In the uom. Helchll were booked under the juvenile code after bome·made weapon1 were found concealed in their car:- .1n ~p&d.ment. .o! H----.:...U'lll-l'.'95•&JL.111.-..._&:M_..,'fl.LBl!Uliijl!!l_ __ _. the '!ar, otfl~rl 1&1d they found CALL LEHIGH 9.1· 634 ___ _, a 5-ral. ru can and a rubber boee .. J ' l Marruerlte e. Hurhe•. Ba?boa II· ct.r Road. Beaoon Bay. Alert and 11&m111 advert1sln& area. l decided land and Mn. Arnold We1aman. healthy at 81 yPBra of age, Burke to h~~d on to. the Loa Angelea 11ta- Hammond Ind and four rrand· broadcull over his own {>()00 watt lion. Burke• aon·ln·law Loyal child • · Loa Anselea station, KFVD. lo· King took over full control at ren. cated on Western Ave. nur 3rd Paaadena and conlinyea ma.naglnr St. llle 10,000 watt trtaUon. HO~lt' BROADCAST SOW A PARTN'ER Burke's 30 minutes of commen· 0Frank Burke, well-known In Lbe tary la delivered Monday, Wed· Harbor area, la now a partner ID ne111lay and Friday from his study the Los Angele1 ataUon. ContlJlued from Fin& Pap puns bur1lary ot a houae and attempted 111l.ry of a trailer at 302 If.· Ocean ll'ronl. Tbe boy• ad· mittia to police they brol(e In Ap· parenUy notlllnc wa:a talteat ac· cordJD• to Mr. and Mn. A. B. Pl&Dt, ownera. A door to a 1mall room attach· ed to the hou.e waa removed from It.I hlnC'fla bd a acreen removed from a wtndow. The handle on the trailer door waa jimmied. police aald. CONCEALED WEAl'ON8 PoUce aald they obllerved thtr driver or the car 1muh a poR bottle on _the pavement at N-- port Blvd. and McFadden Place. ~b of the car revealed a palm •p, a piece' of IHd under the rear aeat, an ~8-lnch ateel pipe with a wire bandJ.• under the rtrbt tronl aeat, a toy ptat.ol ttpll~ of a Lu· ~ and a 8·1n. bunUnr lullte In Ula clove compartment. which amelled. of 1uoUne. Jil~RCl\'CLI: ESOORT PARKES · RIDLEY llQRTlJARY rol"lllerlJ OUVl:L CILU'l:L ..... ,_.,_, -c.ta 111!99 l.Jhforty 84411 and IJ.Msf • • • STA TE MERCH•NTS POLICE Uniformed Divisio-n of ST ATE PRIVATE DETE.CTIVE AGENCY ~Gra1a~-~ ... In h11< llPacon Hav house. Located Besides hie half • hour ra<Uo In an unused kll<'hl'n tK-Blde bla broadcast Ult'ee Umu a week, the 11l111ly Is an Aaoclated Prus 1ele· elder BUTke Is giving a cour1e type. Burke keeps hl11 microphone In joUM&llam fwid&menl.&la and -and oth<'r 1·emote equipment In a technJquu at Chapman College 1JI cupbonrct beneath the kllchen l!lnk. Orance. He accepted the hour-long Announcement ot two new Ill· "It was the smoc and traffic clan. two daya a week, 1t&rtlnc · New Members Join Lido ~ealty Group In aUU another arreat of juven- Uu, one 17 ·year·qtd from Coeta , Mu& and two 16-jear-olda and a YOU ' -SAVI .......... --.. --.... -... ---- aocl11tea In the Lido Really A•· that rlrove me back to the Harbor last September, as a labor of love. eoc:lalts of 3COO Via Lido wu art•a,'' Burke confided. "I had the A~tually, Burke admitted, It made today by Wiiiiam Kemp· remote line a.nd lhe teletype In· wu a desire to return to Orange llA TH NOTICE ton. aalu manager of the firm. slallrd here llO I could contmue County that made It euy to ac~ ------------- Mr11. Vlrgmla ~aneon of 106 Via j my Editor or the Air prorram cept the Chapman COllere duty Wu1er11 11nt1 ~ne VreelA.nd or I H which la sometimes referred to u and tnatall a dl~t wire from hi• LlLLIAN B. PETEJUU.N Via Or\'1eto joined the compt1nY 1 c 1t1:r.ens in Action. It co11ts me Beacon Bay home to lhe KFVD SANTA ANA JAN. 10 (OC'NS) tl'<by. Both ue well-known ln the about $400 per month." I tranarnltter at Lynwood. Funeral aervlcu t&r LUll&n B. H11rb<1r arl'a. I BOUflnT Rt:GISTER , P eterkin, 89, 14012 Wlndaor Place, • Mr~. M11n~n ronnerly manni:<'d Burkt··11 lirst ronnccllon with , AT HOME IN COUNTY Sant& Ana, will be heltl at llllp.m. the L11lo F"n!lhl oni< J resi1 ~hop t.hen I the Harbor area came 2s years ·We've always felt 1t home In 1 Wednesday In the Wlnblgler Mor• known as Kay Nelson's and wu I 11go when he bought th• Santa Orange County," Burke aa.y1. tuary Chapel, 609 N. Main St., with 20th Century Fox R8 M11ljt.' Ana Rrglzlt'r. "I wanted a paper "We've alwaya C?On1ldered lhl1 It wu announced tod1y. She had ant rlulhrs tleslpin. She wu with largu enough for thr wholl' !am· home. On the other hand, It made a Balboa ni?phew. th•• Vni;:rl ('ri (Or a year 11.nd a halt lly," lh<' one·limP llllornry and no dlff1!rence whrre my broadca11t Mn. Peterkin died in l:il. J oseph and hll.ll b<'rn a ruldenl of Lido Ohio elate ~nator revealed. Ai a comes from." Hospital yesterday. Ht•r hu.sband u l" for fl\·~ years. n:llult ot the Reglste,r purchase. From Orange County or f'rom Edward R. Peterkin was one of lhe V1 <'f'lnn<l was also with the Vogel Burke's ion, Ftank becamr bu.al· I Lo11 Angeles llselt, Burke' a hard· pioneers tn citrus development ln Co ~fore bf,comlng a111oclated I neu manager, and his thlUJlhter, bit.Ung viewa behind the newa go the Brea area.. , ll'llh Lldr• Rrally Assoc1nlu. 811 Mn. Mary King took uver 811 as· throug-hout an area ranging ttom Robeort BUl"T\3 MacAuley of the Wt'll as ~th Rny Grrrnll'ftf , In 11111ta.nt editor. Eight yean later; Tehachapi on the north to San Orange Pre11byterlan Church wtU re'I e~lalt'. I lhe family disposed of the Rt'l:IBtf'r Diego on the south and Phoi-nhc officiate al l'lllll nlu: Interment Tht' flm1. huded by KemplOJI, lo the pnlellt ownf'rll. on the eut. will be In a local C<'melery. Robert lng1 am and Wilb11r Buck. 1 To maintain his rdltonal Inter· Burke fet'ls like. thla about his She leav~e huaband;...._10n, Ralph 1pccl&llu~ In l.iclo l!lle real r1tate I uta. Burke bought Kl-'AC 20 yea re news comni.,ntary broadcast: "The H. Peterkin. and grand daughter, and h11ndle~ rrally thr<H11:hnut the ago lhl!I coming ftprlng. The llta· newi1papt!t 11 the most 11Ub1tantlal, Mn. P eggy Scott. both North Hubor 1<rr1t Influential and powerful means of Hollywood: three nt>phew11. EugcnlJ · communication. You can 11ave Ute Robin.on, Santa Ana; Homer Rob· print and check It for verlflc11tlon. lnson, Balboa; 11nd W. A. Robln- But the new11paper1 lea\re unl81d son of New York. ,. Ct'rtaln llling-11 thlll OUg'hl to be ------------ l'llld. Jt'a these certain Lb lnp that 1 t:\k" up and iq>eclfi rally dlacuu." SE\"ER SPONSORED Jn ordl'r to 8311Ure hlmMlf full rC'1n on h111 bro11dcaal11, Burke'• 1 1 half·hour ~how h1111 nevrr bem !'poni.ored Burke launched a 1lally pape.r ln Ohio when he wu ~lilt 11tudytnc law. Later, hi' becsm(' the owner of. two Ohio papcr11 and wu ell'Cl· ed to the Ohio seriatt for two term.a. He w.. attorney fo,. llle Anti Saloon League, the orp.nl.u.· lion cr!'dlted with putlln~ ovtr Proh1brtro n. 11n<1 was one ot a com· rnlllel' o! 14 who drrw up the 18tl1 Amrnt!mrnt Burke M.ld be Intended to buUd another hou11e In Orllnge lhl!I April. but thJlt he did not Intend to gi\'e up hi8 Beacon S.y borne. "Aftt'r· all," Burk11 mu1ed, ''W'e have never spent an uncomfort· al11e moment here." Visitor Loses 'Caps Theft ot four hub caps from her car while parked ln ru~·· Marktt lot yuterday wu reported to police by MIH Etbel~ne Wood· lngton of Huntington .Beadr. 8~ Mid lhe theft accurred ...,.web... 9 p.m. Saturday ind 12 a.m Sun· dlly. Call DAN'S TV Uberty 8-2228 LOOK FOR THE Virginia Manson and ~ne Vrttland ~ame new usociates today in the Lido Real· ty Associates firm at 3400 Via Dido. Both are Lido Isle residents and well known in the Harbor area in real es- tate circles. -SWf Photo Balboa ftln Zone . , the Richard 9eeson Company Laachcape DeslcJn and Contnctlon COllOS ~ DEL MA& PHONJ; llAJUIOR JN BALTZ ~ORTU"RIES COSTA Ml:SA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY ,THE SEA lHl Super1or Avmue Coata · Meaa. Ca.Ht.' Phone LJberty 8·2121 ~20 IC. Opaat Blvd. Corona drl Mar, Ca.111. Phone Harbor U OPEN .SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER RIDE. UOG!'\D ~~T. Bm-'"DAH . ' • • l'-PllSCllPTION ... Prlnt1I .. NEW ~haL{ooK! Ok/1-'HI# fl,,irien R"' tit. .. ,..."'-'I'' /or ·ss! And bf.re'• their atunnin8 new rrutiou: TIM' moet ,t1-.11101t d• tinetiYe 11ew look in motoring! 0_ AL ___ ,./,. ~EW~~POWER! ... ou-abi/.e ~._. fP' tM .. ~ .. teo! Re.ult: I new "Roaet" :?02 Enl!ioef l\,w, hi1tl,..r 20Z b.p .. bi11hee tor(f'•r, 8.5·tn-l roml"'~~1nol ) AL80 ON IPllCIAL DlaPLAY AT THE LOI'! A.~Ol:LT.JI AUTO .. ROW, PAN PACJnc Al.DfTOfllt N. lA~. II, IO MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 WMt Coat HhJlaway NEWPORT IEACH Phone Uberty 1·2261 -DON'J Miii "NAUOHfY "-AlllTJA"I ANOTHll •ALA tO·MINUTI MUSICAL ON NIC•IV 'AN. U - • • , rAGE ~ • PART I ,.... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1955 • . LARGE FAMILY'. -BUILDS SPACE-SAVING HOUSE ·~-lultt-1~ 0,... .... _Feature ~ Functionally Designed Home Ju41efoua UM of space u: tuncUonal de9icn are ~ keya <o bie mpa.douen91e OI lb• Max w. Pope Jtome ai 1630 TuaUn Ave. Comfort and need9 of ttve srowiftC child Mn and two .. adulta ... wu .th• ftnt conaide"t.lon 1n plannt.q the home. . Pope, a local contractor, and hla drawer• l.I bulll Into one al!A of Wit• put their head8 tocether over th• ward.robe with apace above tor ltl• p&uw with Pope dolne hla·own ha.nctnr •hlrta and jackets: Th• t wUdinr. Clther aide l.I full 181\(th. ·Between th• wardrobe and wall l.I a bullt- ln dealt with ahalvei above. • OPEN 800118 ' rtrst note of apaclouaneH cornea The rtrla' room l.I renerowaly fr-om Ule livlnr room, dl.nlng ar• apacloua to accornmodate t h e and latcllen which open Into each beeca of three allten1. Each hu other wit.Hout complete partltlona her 9wn ~ardrobe aecUon built walllq t.bem off. Into the end ot one w&U. At the Tbe Uvtnr room la la rge by Itself. other end ot the room, a counter A C~, aecUonal couch em· wu built with qu&nUllee of cup- . brae• ~ tlrepl&ce and aJ90 aerv-boards and drawen1. Two dealu, • u a Mp&raUon tor the dlninc one at each end of the counter. room dlrectly behind. The kitchen are convenient tor atudylng. Ill parti&Uy dl'ftded from the din· In the muter bedroom a buUt- lne room by a bar with hanging-In hllfhboy wtth 1beivea abov.11 In oupbo&rda abov.. addition to the wardrobe I.a a A Ions count.er run. &lone the •pace aaver. Both balhrooma are kclt ...u of lb• ldt.chen and din· alao well dealgned .wtth cupboard tnc room wtlb a myriad of con· apM:e. Tenlent drawere buUto In below and eupboarda above. All cabinet work S. band rubbed . bJreh. Both the lllo•• and oven aYe bunt In &iao. SPACE 8A\'ER8 BuilWna In bedroom.m l.I the aec- 91"'9 key to the coneervatlon of .,ac. ln Ule home! -:la the boya' room. · & ael of MOBE TRAN AMPLE- Cupboard apace in the kit- chen 1-the pride of the la- dy of the hou..e. This bar ud hanging cupboard unit act u a divider betwees- kitcbeo and dining-area. Every bit of 1pace is j udl- cioualy used to accomo- date the many need.a of a large family, -Staff Phot o A total of 272.643 motor velllclea tnterf'd C&llfomla during tbe sionth ot Nonmber. 1~. accord· big to Uw Nat.Ion&! Automobile Club. Thi8 fll'Jre repruenta a con· tlderahle lncre~ over that for NoYember 111~3. when only 251.902 lnot.or fthiclu ent.ered the atate. HEADQUARTER8 . omce of information !or the family 11 a bl&ckboard and lack boa rd In the bedroom hall. Here &ll the family work a<'hedules, muaaiea and exbJblta ot lmpor· ta.nt achoo! work are po1ted. Space aavlng and careJuJ plan· nlng p1ld ,11tt. ._ Cuitom Ory Cleaning' fnr your SPECIAL APPAREL. ''Tbe 8ouUalaDd'I J'lMet s•-1111" !It M.artae. Balboa lrJ.aad lGtJJ .'to. Main, Bo•da Ano .,.ar, • lblateaanc-e • lmtaUaUo• ST AFFORD II SON "NELS and OOC" El..ECTKICAl. OONTRACTOK3 Phone UIM-rty 8-1'61 llt RJverakle Anaur S ewpon lleecJa JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder Mt c-.t BITd. ooaoN A DEL llA& PBO?\"E BA&BOa ,,_, RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL tJO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL ISO _., St., Newport 8eacb Ha.rbor W3 .. -OOIO'OB'J: AND SPACF--The curved .ectional-couch Ml'Vee u a leJD.i-partition ~ - tween the living room and the dining area behind it. It alao dran focal point of the ~ living room to the fireplace wall where bookahelvee and cupboarde are built' ln. All the waija in the home are painted a warm chocolate brown to give the feeling of unity. A patio aheltered by a roof overhang ia"beyond the picture window. -Staff Photo. GAME YIELDS RECIPES -Cauliflower _Dressed for . . Conq>any Can be Elegant 1poon ot Alt and a d&ah of nut- meg. COOk over hot waler un,q thJck and creamy, 1Urrine oon- 1tanUy. Add Ulree t.ableapoona of butter, a UlUe &t a tt.nie.' mixlne thorough- ly. Add one and one-half t.able- apoona of lemon juJce gradually. ' llATl'RE88E8 By CAMILI.!: CAM.BON -...... .,_'l'nllen There Is a game that we like to pl&y once In a very lone whUe ..,,......, 8Mpee In thOIM! momenta Jt boredom which come to ~Ven th~ best of men. ~ 11-1111.. • I Poul' ...,. the bQt cau1111ower and aerve bnllMdialel>; to. alx peopl& OAULD'J.GWD A.MD OJOOJf ML4D .... two ..... tarown" .Soi\I a8' ... ~ '""' eua. Let tbem Jt&M Ill a W.U \'lnepr eoluUon ftiab bu ~ • ealt.ci for OM 91oar. X...Ume WI 11MD bMd ol ~ la ,._'¥ ot eaJted ... ,_ Mt mor'9 u.aa 11 lnia- "*-· Clalll~~-aa.~to ..-;.. break tM cauWlower Into noww.ta &1;14 anure 1a a a1ac1 boWl wttb ~ ..U-dra1Ded onion .a&cea. PoQr Jl'Ntc!l ~ net .-JI and pmlah wtth all'* ol rad· l.lh• cut 'Nr)' thin. n.l&D OAULJnA)WB lteaqJ a hard head of uuU· ftowoer" la a milk &M watv milt· tun 'U In the tlNt r.ct.,.. Do not ·~YERYIODY WA.1'"1'8 'io orr TBEDI RAND IN THE Such limes u when a cokl laya ua low &nd thrre lsn·~ t'nOUC'h energ-y o.ea 11.-~ o.. • le.ft. t.o do more t han U~ on one'• back and watch aplden crou-~· tue NllWJMtl't Bhd. I .. let W. pt 41ulte ., l.nder how-I crumbe and fry ""Uy ta butter eftr. Cool and cut Into ••~ Dip until wdl browned. 8euon wt&Ja lato beateo en and drled bNlld sail and pepper. eeillng. -· ;::=;:::;:::=::=======~ The rame la played in thla liquid compc>Md or equal pe.rU of BE SURE -.llll.;W:JY:-"*.__,.l!lft..,. .. H•..,._•._-~1-. .._-----lll fashion. Name to younelf eome mUk and water. _ general term auch u "mount&ln" Cover Urbtly and cook only wttai OPENING SOON WA'l'Cll roa IT or "fruit" or "cup," and tbm ex· untU tender, but aUU a little bit llAUlltOE STANLEY a.mine the mental Image the word crisp to the bite. It will remain . Im ...._ o.a, brings to you. Thi• will nevet much wbltu by t.h1e m.u.oct than take the place or b-.eball, under-when .bolled for .. 1one Ume In na ..::::-.'!:!"9~· ...... 1tand, but It doea hJl\'e ilJI point.a. water. Serve It whole on a pretty Li~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~ T.be word "vegetable" bring-a a plate, bathed In paraJey butt.er, ; ROBERT FORBES ,..., I PHONE BA.UM>& lltl picture of medium . aized, anow· and J>U8 aeparat.ely a bowl of while cauliflower reallt1g-1.n a browned and buttered crumbe . roeetle of pale green leaves. Tbi11 CAULIFLOWE.Jl 11088£1A.lN1C ta not the favorite veg-eta ble with Separate a la.rce bead o! caull- any member in the f&mlly and flower lnt.o rather l&JTe flowereta, th• occuJon when lhla link wu &nd let. them atAnd In cold water forgtd between the word.I ·veg e-for 16 minutaa. Drop Uwn ln1D table" and "caullflower" I~ lrre-a l&rge QU&nUey oC rapidly bolltnc l f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~ trtevably lost to memory. •ailed water and· cook for 10 or fl K.INO CABBAGE lll minutea, until Juat tender. But ln keeping with our rule t.o cook and eat everylh.lnr that the world provldea, we do present thla &rlatocraUc cabba&e when it l.I a t Ile "Huonal be11t, which la right now. -CAULIFLOWER • s'tE.umo 1w llUJ..&: Trim a caulltlower so that It 1llJI flaUy on Ila atem, w1lh au the eoarae outer leavn removed, but with a few of t he leAder little g reen ones left on. Put it In a pol only large enough to hold It &nd add more Utan an inch or MESA UPHOLSTUING v,.......,.. .. DrapuJ UMrtJ M'711 UM Nwp&. 1111•11.. Ooeta lleM Jn the top o! the double boiler mlx three beaten erc·yollu. aix tableepoona o.f cream. one-halt ~ Ready Mixed Concrele WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRm 1U eo.mercw w~ 008TA MESA U I-ant QuiDeJ' a HW7 "_4& e-u.ri-ae.. Lex. MLW DJL.U>EJUES -UPBOL8TEIUNQ -SUP OOVEB.S WALL PAPU -C.&JU>f:TL"O COMPLETE C\-U:RIOR DECORATING LAMP UGHT SHOP HU E. Cout H"')'., Corona dfll 1ll&r Harbor Out R. OOIM/tl H•ll Construction Com1»nr OEN&llAL OOH'l'll.AOl'OU REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING. CQNTRACTORS RFJUDENTIAL -INDUSTBIAL I CALL BA•llQ& t'7U roa UTDur&, Wl'l'llOVT CRA'IOJ: 101 I'. a&UM>A BLVD. BALllOA ARCHITECTS • Members of AIHflcaa lmlllale of Arcllltects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey · Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger Al's C.,. & Rut Worb Are ¥ C I N E R A R I A 5. EXCLUSIVE ORAN~E COUNTY AGENT fer Lota of Good Plaate for U..t lllaady 1poi la your 119cll J'Wd. ~~::~tu:!~ ~~~ .......... ___ ,_.~b l§f doua'l60 Pl..Al\"TS'L"•f'LAT~ 50t ~perate Oolo,.. or Nh Pd --···--·-----·----do&. 5 & 10• NURSERY H9USEHOLD 'CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 .· ' Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here caisa pura "U&VJC..Z wna:u. moou -W11&Jt NaDar COllPLtn: IAtJllfDDlas Md CLUNEB8 ~'8 llJLI: NSWl'O&T MA.OJI 8igel~w's Karpel Kare What .. It f A nTohltlourJ lleW proee. dneloped for deaalag waD to wall earpetiq la tile bolDe or otftce, Mill& HW.ewchh., Md metboda. Developed b7 ... low, tile mo.t faln09 ame la .,.,.U.s, after 1Mrl ot ~ .. aow available to Barborttee. Ar• Oupet .. a.cworb _ .. ms......., ...... '" o. .......... u•-91.., w i t • ••• ...,.,.. "!9 <IM..,. i. o.._ Cetoooty w. ...... .................. --..... .-... ...... ... • , ... _,, 1.- • 0.-14'1 C&p&bJe, upertenoed WWtuD• back• ed b7 lb• mncere deatre to ..,... JOU an )'OW' ruarantee o1 ..i.uin~Uon. UpboWt.nd turnlture cieaninf le a l&rp pert of our bulmML We t-.. wn lb• ftneet tn ma.. cblnee and mat.ertaa for t.hia wortt. ..__. ______ _. Pids-Up 4' ~ .....-ef o.m. Aad·h91't Fortef O• Specialty Is CAIPIT LA YING & llPA•ING Cal Toclayl c. Al's Carpet. I Rug Worb 2'J s. ..... St99 o .... I Ot•ge 1470 KL 2 6400 YOU and YOURS Deserve the Safety lnsurecl~y a FEDERAL' . SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ CHAITllD I SUPllYlllD IY THI UNITID STATIS .OYllNMINT STATEMENT OF CONDmON DICIMm 11, 1914 ASSETS Flrst Mort9e9e loena ....... -...... ·--···-····$ lt,Ol2,ll .. r4' '--.. 1..,,..._i a..1 &ta.....,.,IMl,.ny ..._. lo! Le.-keel! e"4 Ylcllllty. loena Ofl Sevin91 Accounts ___ .............. _ .• ___ 76,177.11 T~·"' ...... fet .... -11i•M• .... , .a..,.._ .....,_ ,ropetfiH Sold en Cotitrect --·'· '60.27 Reel ht1te bwnH end in J11d9m1nt 2,0lt.t2 lnveatlftenh encl Securities ..... --....... _ .. __ Jt0,000.00 Ce...WU., ef s-etlf ....... e"4 FMetal H- '-" ..... St.cl Ceah 0,, Hind end i11 lin~• ...... -.. ·-·--····· .. 2,4tt.Ut.6l W ..... u,ital .,. ......,, ile,...ltM 111 ..... ... Office luildin9 end Equiptft•nt, encl P'1r~in9 lot, Leu Depr1cietio" .___:··----··-·· ... -... 112,0M.20 O.ferrH Chert•• end Other A111h -··-·· .. ·-··-'· 911.Sl TOT Al ASSETS ---·--·-··-----·$21 ,244, 912 .H LIABILIT I ES S1vin91 Acco1111h -................. ·-···-···· ...... $17.192.474.00 Tiiie le .... ·-llf ........... with .. ..., lt\O ........ 1100 1"4Milwolt, t.fttMt ..... ce•poul1o"'- Le1n1 in P'rece11 -. ------·-··--··· .. 2, 170,tH.47 Other li1billtle1 ___ _:_·····--·· .. ·····--· .. -· .... 45,56).15 Specific lte11rve1 .... _ ...... _ .. _ .. :_ .................. ---·· 7,496.56 6enerel ReHrvea -··---····· .... I ,4l 6. I 56.?J S11rpl111 ........... --··-·············-··-· 342 . l I 5.« 6enerel Re••rvH 1ncfo S11rpl111 ... -···---···· . I .t2t,47 l.67 TOTAL LIAllLITIES ···--····---·-·-.. -·$21 ,244,972.55 LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOA~ ASSOCIATION. ANDHW S. HALL. PrHldent -. DI oc:u.N An. PHONI NT 4-1171 LA•UMA llACf:t r , j ' •• ' .. ( .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 10, .19::; • P. A~T ·TWO, PAGE ONE • .. TAKING GOOD LOOK acroas Bay Island bridge before ~hing acrou I.a Officer George Myers. Each officer ~ crouched down, hiding behind walla a.pd .trees until danger of additional' gunfire wu believed over. Police were on island talking with wounded ~Mt Cantu whet second shot wcrunded Phil Kilmer in rowboat.. (Thia page ia reprinted Jrom Friday'a eeeond Extra ill8Ue U a service to sabecribers). WHICH WAY DID HE 00!-0fficer Don Burdaall, left, holds a jacket found aboard the boat Backua u pouible evidence in the double shooting. He converses with' un- identified officer on which direction the aaaailant went when he fled from the boat. MAYBE HE'S IN HERE-Footprint. in the soft ground beside an Edgewater Ave. home lead police to a tiny access hole under the · f~dation. Newport Oftker George K06sman crouches for squint into hole while De· tective George Metropolis of Costa Me8a police gives him a hand with a spot light. -' . . CJllX)KINO .n RIFLE taken from Neil. V. Williams for balliat.Jca te.t are Co.ta Mea Officers George Metropolis, left and L. D. Pollom. richt. with Newport Of{icer Don I l ' ' -. INSPECTING BULLET hole in upstairs plate glau wir.- do.wn at home of Hamid Bey, 301 Edgewater, is Det. Sgt. V. l. McManigal, above, who discovered glass frag- DOTrEO UNE shows bullet path to fint vie~, Erneet Cantu. Officer Don Bunt. &all, Newport p0liceman, aearchea sportaf1-hing boat Backua, moored at 207 ~ water, for weapon used .to shoot two local men Thund&y. Bay !Aland, acene of ah~ irig, is in left. top background, the Roger Cunningham home and ita beach are at e.. treme right tip of l.ai.d. X markl beach where Cantu, 27, waa wounded. Harbor mu- ter'• bQ&ta a.re alongside Backua on whtch rifle cue and ten .22 cal. abeU. W'el'llpuncl by police. -AU Sta.ff Photos . F'RISKING OF LOCAL llAN, Neil Williams, Balboa cotu1truction auperintendent, ( weliring glasses ) produced .22 cal. scope-sight rifle which Officer Georre Ket.ropolia, left, ho1da. Others are W>identifled. Williams was que9tioned. pronounced "clean" to his relief. Burd9aD. I ments strewn over nearby sofa and carpeting. · ROAD BLOCK AT BALBOA BLVD. and 15th St. wu covered by local, Costa Mesa and other police details. Officer Bob Upson. ma.kes ready to shake dowl\ car at left while his partner. uni<lentified, goes through trunk for possible weapon ulMXS m Thursday's Bay IAlancl double shooting. OOlOCAL NOl'E IN BAY ISlAND abootJnc oceurftd . Thunday u Offi~r Buro.an left the Uncoln Clarks' home, 209 Edgewater and had to •t~p around "poUce'' motor- cycle owned by Tony Clark, aon· of the Clarb. .. <. lllJND8ED8 OF ..aroains ..... atopped at road bloc~ thi8 one. on Balboa Blvd., Thunday u police from Newport, Co.ta Mesa, Huntlligton Beach, Califor- ' . nia Highway Palt'ol and the Newport Townabip Cal: I 11table's Office joined in cordon to check out each drinr following Bay I.aland aboottni. \ , --- , .. , . ' J .. ' •' .. # ., .. UGAL NOTICI UGAI: NOTICI LEGAL NOTICI Ll&AL ·NO'nCI LIGAL NOTICI ________ _,, _______________________________________________ """' ______________________________________ ..,._ --· PAGE 2 . PART 11-NEWPORT HARIOR ·NEWS.~ESS a•IY G•L JOINS MONDAY, JANUARY 10. 1955 "' . AT MANHUNT SCENE Cowboy Actor Roy Rosen. left and Rorer Cunntnrh&m. Bay I.eland, were amon1 Lnterellled apectatora Thuniday after my•· tery'llhootlnf or ltmeat Cantu, 27, cOrona deJ Mar and Phil KUmtr, 11, Udo Jale, occurred near Cunnlnrham'a ,!lome. - HIAUY FAMILY . OUlcer Raymond Hea.le7 ot UM co.ta JI.a police .s.put- ment wu OJ\ band t t Hoag R~t&l at 8:17 LID. J&1r, I to ,,,.._ a b"8d new baby rtrl. • Wife Patrt~ pH him a a-lb., T-oa. child. The J>f'OUd par- ent.a lmmedlat.e17 named t.he lntut Unda Gail Healey. . City of Balboa, Rt.ate of C&Jlforpla. llU bffn di.-*nd by--,flllUtual conaenL) j The underalped will not be re- spmudbl• for a11y debta. llabllltlea I or obllpUona lncWTed under aald ttrm name or by ~ perlC!ft or penona ope.retina' under uld Jtnn name after the date ot dlaaolutlon thtreof, Ulla .1~ day of December, 19M. · "8AMt1EL J . COLTER ROJJICRT c. 8ALISllURT No. 5112 .New .. Pr•u 1/10/M CARPICNTICRB: water Ind ···~···············. ·······:···-I.St e&r,,.nl.V ··----·----··-·-··-·-···-··-·~·····--·· 12.775 Ori._.. ot Dunlp 'riv<lt• -H )'da. or mo ... water lnel .. I.al • J'loor~ -----·-···-----····-·-·-··-·-· .. -· I 175 DriYU• ot Tnlcb, 1., •• p.yload t'ap&~lty '"' UWt I toa• 1.u MUlrlpt ....... --··--·-·····--·--···-·····---;-··· 1.975 Drtftl')I ot TNCka. lepl payload c ... ctly betwHn I and aaw . J'Uer ·-·-·····-.. ····-·-··········-'···-····-----···-·...... 1.15& 10· tone ................... _,, __ .............. ... . ... .. . ... 1.11 Table Powu Saw Operator ...... _ . ..:. .............. ·-··-·-·· ......... l.W Drtwn ot Tnaclla. Jetal payload cepaclty bet.wMA 10 C.1!:'.MENT J'INISRDS; aad 11 .......... -1-.-................ '. ,. • . ...... ... • I.JI Cemlftt rtn.laber ............................................... -.......... ! ............ I.TO 'Driven of TNcka. lepl payload •paclty betw... 111 Cemft\t J'\nl~er (coinpoGUoG or li..UC) _ .................. l.U and 20 tone ............ ·· ................... -· ·· · Qea.t J"loor ,..&atllftl Matblne <>peAtor ..... : ......... .!....... 1.U Drl¥9R of Trvdd1, Sep) pay~oed capacity of JO tou « mo... ................... .. . . ................ r......... l .M lRON WO~:· Ortfth ot DKUd tne 8prHCS.r Truck• ....... 1.&I Relntorc.1n1 Iron W<'rker --· .. -···---·-··-··--·····_,................... l.U Drt"n of Dwnpau Tnlolu ................................. +---·· IM Metal Pan ... tt.er ................................. -···-·-···-······ ............... II "'""' ~ ..._ _ _.. ~·--· .. ··-"'-• I .... I •I 1.1• • 1 •• u• .vera .,. • .-..-. •• _... a ... r .. 1 --,. .......... ·-··-· , p. MM M•tal Pan Setter Wurk1111 roreman ····-··· .. --.--............... ...... n... ot '"'----'t ~·---...k I ..... I ..... •"'••11 • I lT u .. vera ., ...... _.,. "'"'f a ,_or MOl'e ................... ,.,.. CERTU'IOATll OF 8 U8..,.._ Metal Pu .. tler Hel~r .................................. -...................... · Ou a OU Ptpellne Workin• !l'ruck f>rt....,, lachldla~· rtctltloua• 'Ftrm Name Structural Iron Worker ·······-·---···-·-·-······-· ...................... l .U Win h Tl It d alJ al of Trucka ' • IM Ooet& Mila dos 0WJ1era were TfD: UNDl!:RSIONmD doea hereby Fence Erector ................... -................................................ : ..... 1.15 Boot c 'UC an ue · --, -........................ ; •· .. t.oda)' warned by C. A. (Goody) certify that he le conduct1n1 • • • men ................................................................................. •· Mesa Dog Tic~. Dia· by April J Ooodoll, pound muter, t.bat a11 Warm-Air HeaUn1. Vent.llattnr. LABORJ:.RS: Dumpcrete Truck, i.u than l.\i yda • ..-ai.r leftl ···-··-······ UI c&nlnM thr" monll\a and over ~Ir Condltlonlnr and Sheet Metal lAborera, General or Conatructlon ..................... ·· .:............ 1.076 Dumpci..te Tru~k. I'" yda. watrr leYel alld o""' ................ l.M m111t have a Uc~ ~ April 1. bualne..I at 411 • 413 Slat StrHt, Operator• "1d Tandel"ll ot Pneumatic an~ectrlc Toole, RoM Carrier Drtver -Hl1hway , ................... -. ... ~ ..... _ .... l .llt LlcenM f ... run S2 for malN, S3 Newport BMch, California, under VlbratiJtt Macbkl•c. and 1lmllar 11H1C"1Jilcal toola not Water Truck driver -under 2600 pl ....... t--·--··-····· 2.1• for> femalu. the flcUUoua d rm n~•. of A. B. 91perately clauitted )!firela ••...• _ ............................ ····~· 1.215 lndmtrlal Ut,t -Truck Drtver .. .. , ........................ -·-··-·-1.11 "Doi owne,. have to d&Y• to C. H.l!!ATlNG, VENTla..ATlNO It Miner ()land or }(achln') .................. -.. :.. ........................... _ 2.'45 Water Truck Driv•r -2500 pl. or more -····--· .. ····-··-··· l .M ol>l.ain Uceiwm." Goody announ~. SHEET METAL t;OMPANY and • · t 05 "At t.h• end of that time, ru.make that a.aid firm la compoead-ot lh& Motorman ................... _.i .......... -.. _ ........................ -................. . Truck Oreurr and 'flremlU\ ........... _ ............. -···--· .. ·---I .It a hO\Me to hoUH aurvey. Any dog following peraon.e. whoae namu In Cement Dumpe'r (on 1 yd. or l~Jer mlxen and handll.nl Truck RepaJrman ........... -.... -........ : ............. ---·-····---J.H found Without a lleenM wlll be ruu and pi.tea or ruldellce art bulk cement) -........................... ·--············· .............. ··· ·· 2·116 TrUek Repalrmu Helper ···--···-·· .. ···-"··---·---······ .. ·--J.2t taker. to the Oran1e County pound. as follows. t o-wit: Aaphalt Raker and Ironer ........................... _...................... 2·116 Wal"'thou.sman -Cl~rk ........... -.... ·-···-·····-·-··-·····-·······-·· I H A Cine of U will ti. added to the Russell' W. Bangert Bu11)'matlle M.~ ..... ·· ............................... _ ....................... 2.216 >..9utoa Worker . _,,, ......................... : .... _ ................. -·······-· 3.15 ori&1nal fee to obl&ln a llcenae at 2118 Miramar Drive Concrete Curer -Impervt'lU. Membrane ........................ 2.H& Brtrldayer and Ston•muon ..... _ .................... -.............. _ .. ,,. a.•O at lime." Balboa, C&llfornia Drillera. (Core, Diamond. or Wason) ... ~ .............................. 2.6211 Brick Tender.·· ........... : ..... : ............................................... -........ 2.•0 U cenaea tor ltM can be ob-· WITNESS my hand lhll 2%nd day Driller• .(AU OIJler1) ................................................................ 2.3411 Tile Layer or Belter ................................................................ 1.00 l&lned from t4e Coal& Meaa City of December. U>M . Ou a OU PlptllM Labort'r .............................................. 2.075 ii:l.ECTRlClANS: ~lm~o:;d:~.~~o~:~::~~~ Stal~·~,R~~~~r~Ta W. BANGERT Flarman .............................................. -...................................... 2.0711 l:leclnclan -<Hneral Foreman .................. ; ............. , .......... I .ti home at 23'3 Oran1• Ave., Coata County of Orange ... Guard and/or Watclunu ....................................................... 1·97 Electrical Foreman .............................................................. I .Ill Mesa, evening alter 5 p. m. and OF THIS 22nd day of Decem· Ou It Oil Pipeline Wrapper -Pot Tencfer alld Form Man 2.216 l:Mclrtcal Sub-Foreman ... -................ _ ........... ~-.. -·............... 3.U Saturdays until noon. ber, A. D. 19~•. before me .. ROB· Gae It Oil Pipeline WrapJkr -f Inch pipe and over ' .. · 2.416 l:lectrt~tan ... -.......... -y .................................................... •••••••• l .20 ''The lag• rpu11t ~ kept on Mena ERT F. WILLMES, a Notary Sewer Pipe Layer (exclud!'\I Caulker) ......... · .......... -........ I .JM cable Splicer ...................................... _ ......................... -.. ·~······ l .&O ~&• at all tlmee.'' Goody added, Public In and ror the A id County &ewer PIP' Caulleer (uatnr Ca,ulklnl tool•) ........... -........... J."6 · LA TKSIUI: "whether they are kept In . the and Statr, rcaldlni; therein. duly sewer Pipe Caulker (c•menl jolnta) ............................... 2.120 Lat.her ... ; .................................... : ............................................ 3.46!'1 houae or yard or run 100119 on the comml1111ion(d and 11wurn. ~raonal· Tarman and Mortarman .......................................................... 2.1211 Foreman Lather ................................ ............................ .. .... 3.77:) alreeta.'' ty appeared RUSSELL W. B~NO· 1226 ERT, known to me to be the per-Window Cleaner ........... -_......................................................... · PAINTERS: A card table and small ln11lru· ment caae were reported • atolen trom a 1tora1e houae at the rear or the Mra. Wllllam T. Marx re· aidence al H OS Twlln Ave. Jan. 8. Coata Meaa police aatd. The t..beft may have taken place u k>n• aro u November, Mn. Marx uld. aon whoac name 111 1ubecrlbed to OPERATING l!:NGINlll:J\S: Rerular Bnuh Palntrr .............................. , ...... •··· ............ 2.70 the within Instrument. and ac-A Frame -Boom Truck ....................................................... 2.&I Bruah 8wln1. 8ta1e '. . .......................................................... 211:) knuwledged to me that he execut-Air Compruaor Operator ................. ... ..... . . . .. ..... 2.37 Jron. Steel and Hrh!ge . . . , ...................... 2.110 ed the aame. IN WITNESS Boxman or MlXer Box Operator (concrete or asphalt plant ) 2.62 Iron, Steei.-nd Bridge l::lwlng Stai:c . . ....................... 3.20 WHEREOF , I have hereunto aet eo11crete or ~halt 8preadlnf, Mecha.nlcal Tamplna or Spray Gun or Sand Blll'!ltrr .. .. . . ........... 2.95 my hand a.nd affixed my otrlcl&I · ., ... I C rtn.lal\ Machine Operator ... . ...... .,.. Sp1ay Gun or Sand Blaater 3wlng Slllge . ....... . ........ 3.20 aeal the day and year In th • er· tlflcate flrat above written. Concrete Mixer Operator -paving type ... ....................... .. 2.91. Palnt Bumer1 . . ... ~ .. .. . .. . . .. ........................ 3.70 , /•/ ROBERT 1''. WILLMES Concrete Mlxe.r Operator - mobile l'l\lxer .............. _ ....... }.82 Paper Hangrn ........... -................................... _ .................... -.. 2.828 My Commlaalon' Sxplre1 Nov•m· Concrete Mixer OJM!rator -Skip type ............ _... ........ 2.62 Carpel, Linoleum ........... _ ........................ ··T···· .................... 1.01 Btatf Photo bef. Conc,..t• Pwnp or Pumpcnle Oon ~rator ................... 2.112 Qluler and Cutttr .................. _ ................................ _ ... _, __ • I.~ ~=~::==::;~=:;:::~~;~::::=:;i~;l~~~~=~:;;=:~=~~~~~~~~~~=~v~·~·'.~'?.~ .. ~ .. ~~~-~::c1-~.-~···~:.crt~ ... ~.~~···~·~~. ~ .. -~~~ .. -~.~ .. ~:!!~~.'~w-~-~6:"~t~~~~~~~~~.;;;;;;;:.::.!.1·~~:": .. :.~~ .. :. : .. :...... . .............. -.. 3 4376 ''WINGLESS'.' HORT . eavy ... -............................... •• er orrm&n _ ..... -............................................ -····-· 3.'8?:) CEllTlnCAl: OF B UllrNUS 1:1-vator Operator ........ ::. ......................................... ·· 2 80 Plaiter Tender ......................................................... -•. --3.187~ ~ I __ 'AGAINST ·SECUR.111ES COMM. ISSIO. N ~~~N~r:. =~~= :.:s.~~ :;:; o;~~t; .. ::::::::::.::::::::::~::::-.::. ::~ :::~ ~~r~.~.~ .. :~~:::::.-... :.::::::::.:::::::==-==:::::::=:~.::.-_ .. _ ~:!~:) by certify that they·.,.. conduct· Mowr Patrol Operator.. lnelUding any type of power blade 2.12 Sheet Metal Worker . ..... ... ... .. .. . ..... .. .................... a.oo Ina' •·..me. ataUon and• Pr&I• Oabk<>U or Tourne&,ull Operator o>r DW10 .............. ~·· 2.12 .Note: All of the above craCh eubj«-t to fnnge l»Deflla. buslne• at 11~ Newport Blvd., P aftment Breaker Operator~ ............................................... 2.60 OVERTUO: R.ATES FOR SIX BASIC TR.ADU: Jncideata.1 to lh4 to ~render today to be&1n MMI· Th• law .. YI they have to allow-Coll& KN&, CaWoml&, under the Rom Carrier Drtver .......................... -·····-·--· .. ··-··-······-·-2.112 era.It involved. . I ' .. 8.ANT.A ANA cOCNS)-Hunt- lngton' Beach alrcratt bullder-de- algner W11Uam·E. Horton announc· erl today he le preparing a s10.ooo.oo9 damage ault ... ~t the Securtllu a.nd Exch•nr• Com- mlulon. lng the aentence. u. to tile-end then they can tum tlcUUoua firm name ot RUX A Roller Operator ................... -............ -·····-···-·······-··--·····-· 2.60 Oftrt!m• Abell be paid ror work P'l"formed ln uc.. of the repla1 ·sr:c SCORES Pl.A.NE around and lnve1U1ate ua, but not DOC'S SUPER SJ:RVlCS and Skip Load•r Operator -wbeel type ....................... -........... 2.01 day'a or w.ek'• W9rk and at the rate for overtime of lh crat& lnvolft4. Shortly alter eentencln&' Thura· before." lhat aid tlnn la compoaed of t.bt Scl"Md Operator ..................... ····-.............. , ...................... 2.S7:. Hollda71 u htreln' 1'1'ferred to ahaU be deemed to be l"•w T..,..a day the Securlu-_ .... Exchan1• tollowtn1 pereona, whoee nam.. U p W ..... d Cl Ill ~.:._ .. ,_ 0 2 .... ..,._ ' -....._ , ... , D -...... Ill& onery ipe rap.,...1 an ean 1 _ _...,,. per. .vo Day, Decoration Day, Inde~ndence .,.y, ... bor ~y. Arm,_.oa ay, CommiNlon ,;.· reported to have ln tuU and placea of realdenc• .,.. 71 . B d a ts .. t 11 to ·-'t · 8urface Heater and Planer Opera tor -·············00·-..... J. ......... 2. Th&nka""vlnl Day, and Cbrlat.maa. lf anv "' lll.e above boUdaya tau on re.le&lled lO neW8p&pera end te)e'. run a•e e U .O owe. . "WI • •• ' T vlalon atatementa u ylnl Horton'a fl FELIX V. BRADDI Tow Blade or Ol'ader C!>perator ..... --··------····-·-···· 1.52 Sunday, the Monday toUowllll ab&ll be comid4lred a legal boUday. wlngleu airplane could not ny. 2649 Oranse, Tractor Hl-1 .. Jtt 8bovtl Operator ······-··-....................... 1.11 It al\a1I be mandatory upon tlle Ooatractor to wboal a cont.ract lP He cllllmed lhe covemmmt a gt'nty la attempting to drive him out or b1111ln!'&1 by untrue 1tate- ntcnt11 anJ cll\lm• about hla radical Horton wlngleas. t1rphme. "They're tryinc to ma.It• It look Leave ··n Tokyo . Co.eta M-.. California. Tractor 0P.n1tor -BuUdoaer. tamper, acraper or clrac • ·-rded, and upon alJ 1ubcolltractora under htm, le pay not .... than u · tt I'm a crook and atoek pro-CLYDE P. WHITE t ype ahonl or boom attaclunenta ............. .,, .................. 2.tl ald seneral prevaUJn1 ralu of per diem wacta to alJ workmen em· moter," Horto11 told OCNS Tt>un· 2001 Sai1ta Ana Ave., Tractor Scraper or Dra1 Type alloftl -t&mdem l..--·-1.09 ployed In t.b• execution ot the contncl. day. ''My airplane ca.n Cly." Sirt. t BeJrtk WC. BBrundacd•· 95• Coit.a Meaa, Callloml• ~cllinl Macl!Jne Operator ....................... -....................... 2.71 No bidder may wtUldraw hla bid for a per1od of IO daya after Uw IV"loJS Reporter Pal Mlchaea llOn. o ac . r u D a I e. WITNESS our hand tllla 7UI day d ~ acru;.lly Clew In the ahlp and Ui• '2• ~I.rate Road, recanUy eptJ>t a of January, 196:>. I'RUCK DRJVERa: date Mt tor th• ope.nlnl ot r;nda. ~hanwhlle, lhe well • knov.•n county tlJrurr ,,,. .. ff.ntenced to 90 cl11ys in Jllll by Loe Angela Fed- e ra1 Judr;e Ernest Tolin who rha.rgr<t the manutactu~r •1th contempt unuaual craft hu bttn Clown at week • 1 .. v. ln Tolryo horn h&a I •/ Jl'ICLIX v. Bit.ADDI Drtnra of \)wnP Trucka -leaa Ulan • yda. water Intl 2.11 Board ot TN9tMa, Oran1• Ooaet l llM« dollelUI of air ahowi throurhout unit In Korea. /al CLYDE P. WHITE Driven or Dump Truclu -• yda. but i ... than I yda..... Collel9 DUtnct. Oru11a County. Claltf~ the county. Serseant Brunda1e, rqularly STATE OF CALIFORNIA water level ..... -............ _ .......................... -....................... 2.21 8lped: B. H. Pl:T'EMO!'I, 8ecret&rf STOCKBOLDEJlS HAPPY 1tatloned In Korea u a dl'1LflJlman COUNTY 01' ORANGE )aa. Dr1vera or Dump Truck.a -I yda. bul leu Uaan 11 yda. Publlllh: Janaary 10 and JT, lN& .. 1 .. _ 700 -~lthold•r In mt In lh• operatlona aectlon ot E IJhth OF THIS 7th day of January, waler lrvel .............................. ···-·········-···-···· ..... . ..... 2.28 Open: Ftbl"ll&l"J n. 1M6, 1:00 P. K. , .. ve • ....,.. ~ a Army Forward Jftad1rn•rtet11 en A D 11".. ......, O corporation " Horton de c I are d I ,-• · · · l ""• ""' ore me, R BERT Dr1vera of Dump TrUcka -12 yda. but 1 ... than 11 yda. No. 5GS c.nl.TY PLEA . Hnrtun plr11tlt:'!I g1111ty geven m onths ai:o to nd&llgt-nt handllnit of thrtt 1thu c11 r1f llorton 1tock w hu·h wrre m11llrd 1bn11t lht' aam,. time .. a rourt order wu lllllutd ln11t rucllng turn not tu 11~e the malnf.' Hort(lll rlalnw<I the CH· l1&icatH were malled b1>fore he had time to notify hl11 wife of the Injunction. Howr\•tr. h11 admit· tl'd negUcence In notifying hla wlft', 11a.ylng he did not havl' lime to phone her on the d11y of the order. • Aleo. Horton dlrl not appear for probation hearlnJ on the guilty plea on Jan. •· l n11tca(I, th!' young Inventor 11nd hie attorney appur- ed In f ederal court on Wednesday, aaylns that wu the day they were told to appear In court by proba. tlon official.a. Thura!la · .. ::"'ot one has complaJn· lered the Army In January, 1963 F. WILLMES, a Not&ry Public In U) SEC th h th and arrh•ed overaeu In Septem-and for the 11ald County and Stale ed to ie • • l'\'l'n oug ey I * r th I · r ' subpenaed 200 or them and bad· 0 e aame year. ruidlng therein, duly commlaalon· ltf'red them around their ottlc('• He la a 1153 gT&duate or Wut ed and l!Wt>m. pel"llOnally appeared and harraNed them," he claiO)e<I· Coul tJnlvenrlly Coll•1• of EnJi· FELIX V. BR.ADDI and CLYDE Horton was to appear In court neerlnl'· P. WHITE kno .. •n to me to be t.be with Allomev Conrad C CAld· J>t'rllOns Whose nllmH •re 1Ub11Cr1b· wrll today In. what they term an LEGAL NOTICE ' ed to the within lnatrumenl, and ercort to .. explain thlnit•" to Judse acknowledgrd to me that they H• Tolln and have the 90-day aentencf ecuted the am•. IN WITN1C88 111111pendf'd. •'The judge luued an N011CJ1i OF Dl880LlJTION WltEREOF, I bne hereunto Ml order lo SEC to ellow mr to OF PARTNEllSlllP my hand and attbted my ott1clal reg ister with them," Horton aald. NoUce 1' hereby given that the aeal the day and year In UU. Cn- "lle told them It WU agaJnat the partnerahlp hnelofore UleUO( ~-tlncate tlrat. above written. law to prevent me from rrglater-teen SAM UEL J . COLYER and /el ROBERT P'. WIL~ Ing and being a ble. to use the ROB~T C. SALISBURY, doing My Commlulon ltxplru mails. but the SEC .. etlll hasn't let buslneaa under the firm name and No. !':_~vemb1>r J&, 1966 atyle of "OOLYER·SALISBURY ..., .. r(le file my paper1. co.u-a y I · He aald be had met all require· ..u-AN .. at 14 E. Bay Avenue, News-Prue 1/10, 17, 24, 31, 11&5 menta for re(letertn1 hi• •tock ADVERTl81'.:MJ:.NT P'OR IUDS with t.he ,overnment -a,ency, and under law be ta enUUed to file hi• NoUce 11 hereby tinn that the Board or Truateee or lhe Oranie paper•. "U they had any reuon Cout Junior Colle.~e Dl1trlct 9f Oran1e Counly, htre~r referred 1 lo keep me. off. th• rqtater.'' he lo aa the "Owntr. will receln up to, b ut not later than 2:00 P.M .. Mid.' .. T'hey· ·atJU couJd:ll't do tt. February JJ. 19M. Haled blda for the awa.rd of contract tor aeirept· Judge Tolin Immediately 11en- tenced Horton to 90 daya In jail. Th• aircraft builder 111 .M'hrdult"'I ---------------------------. I'd bids for an addition to lhe eJlistlng Libl'r:Y Building or about 9000 Long Beach Federal Makes Record Dividend Payments A new record payml'nl of nearly and brtnp lh• tot.al umlng11 re- l l million w111 be made to i hare-tumetl lo ahareholdera of the Loni Beach Fedtral Sa\inp tor 1954 to tioldera of t.he LonK Be&<'h !'I'd-~8M.~91'.29. eral Bayini• It Loan lusoclallon Founded In t93t , Lonac Bl'ach during the tlrllt trn 11oy11 of J11nu-f'~era.I Savlnp 111 located at 328 a ry, ll w&11 dlacl08NI today by T. American Ave . a.nd I.a now one of A. Grerory, as11Ud allo1\ prr111denl the large11t 111ngle-0Wre federal '"Thl.3 rrpr~111'nl11 J)llymf'nl11 of l!IWl.ng-11 and lo11n 1U1110Clatlnn11 In llCmln.nn118I f'rlrnlni;:ll 10° hohlrra O( thr nRtlon. 11avlng11 arc<rnnl.Jt ror t hr 111x In e dcU.tlon to Oregory. other month~ pNlorl r1111lnF '"'"<' :i I," oftlcrnt are: Roy Wolfeni, F.thel Crrgnr y 11111.t L. F«lbtrts. S. l . Bacon and I.eon Thi• payment, largest In t he 1 Frazer. vice pre•ldent.w; J. E. a.ssoelataon s hJatory. "'u baseJ on Gregc.-y, IK'Cret.a.ry; a.nd Catherine th• rate ot 3t, perctnt per annum, Rarnaey. ualatant 1ecr:etary. Beattle to Talk· at Tar Assemblies on Safe DriYlftCJ 1quare fttt. of Ult-up concrete and relnlorced brick walla, atttl tram- ln1 and wood roof conatrucUon: cement. uplla.Jt tile and «ramie Ul• 1 noora: pla~r and wood pa.rtJt1on1. acoustic tile and plaiter celltn1•: composition and rravel roof. Such bid• shall be rtteh·~ In lhe office or the Owner. In t.he· Admlnlnnllon Building. Orang" Coaat Collecr. I 19961 South Harbor Boule-va.rd, near Col!ta J.feu . OMU'lre County. California. and ah•ll be opened and publiclly read 11loud It the abovl'' staled time Ill &<>&rd Room bt the Admlnliitnatlon Building. Each bid muat conform and be. rrJrp<>rulve. to thl1 lnvllaUon, tile plana. eped.tlcaUon•, and all other documenlJ! com pr111ng the pnUnent I contract documenta. Cople11 of the Contract Docummt. are now on file and open to public tnlJ)>ectlon In lhe aald om .cu of the Owner, and or Rk hud J . Ntutrl\ and Robert E. Alexanrlrr, Architects. located 't 2379 Olendnle Boulef11rd In th!' City or Lo~ Angel~11. In Mid County an<t State 1nd may be. obt111ned at elthl'r plare hy depo11lt1n1 160.00 for ncll eel. Thia dfposlt will be refunded tt the !let or set.I of Contract Doeumtnt11 delivered are retu.merl In good condition within flvr '111y11 1fter the bid op!'nlng. 1 St'parate contract bl~ will be ffCrlved tor Gi!neral Con1tructlon. Plumbln1. Heating and VrnUJa Unr . and Electrical work. Unit pricu requuted for u cavallon. concrrte, eleel, rt~. Completion time rtque~­ td to be aet bl' bldder1. A atatemfnt of ftn1U1cl•I c:endltlon a.nd depo11lt ot 10% of t.he toal bid by c•rtifled chrck ctr bid bond 11 rrqulrrd with aatih bid; 1-bor and m11tf'rial1 bond ind prr Cnrm•tlC'l bond rrqulrTd of :ontractor Mltctect. Each bid ahall be made out on a form lo be obtained at either of IJI• aald otncea In which the Contract Documtnta are on file. Eacb bldt ahall be accompanl!'d by a certified or cashlrr·a clleck payable to Uie ~. or N tllfartory Bid Bond In tawir (If lhe Owner. p~ted by Ole bidder u prtncapaJ and a Mllalactory surety company u .urety, ln an amount not leaa than trn percent of Uie bid Th• check of bid bond ahall be civm u aguaranltt that the bidder wlll execute tbe Contract It la be awarded to him ln conformity WVJ' the Contract Document.a UICI will proYtde the eurety bond or bond11 aa 1peclfled themn wttJtlJl nftdayw aftn-nottfteatlon of Uie award of U.. contract &o the bldder. H ugh P &Mlllt. Public Rel•· t1on1 Rcp,._.nta tlve of the '""'•U· onal Automobile Club, will 11peak bl'fort two a11M-mblle1 of 1tudenlA a nd tuchtr11 or Newport HarbOr l'nlon High School on 'I\aeaday, at 4'I I ~ and 10:1!'1 a.m. on the vitally Important llUbje<'l of "Drlver Edu· Tbe OWn«r ..... ,...... lb• pr1v11.,. of n j«Un1 any and all bldll cation and Public Saf41.ty," under or to wain any trTef'llarlt»• or mformallUee In any bid or tn "th• auaplcca of the> Oran«• Count,)' Wddla1. Auoclatlon of lr.suranc• ArJlta. .J"\ll'llUAnt to U.. lAbol' Code 6f tJle State ot Calltomla, lb• Mid Beattle wtll·~lacuaa 110me of the @oanl ot TnliltM9 bu ucertained the pneral pre'Y&llU.. ra.te ot per moat common type• of aC'cldenta &m .....,.. for each en.ft or type of wwkra.a needed to aiecut. Ult lnvolYiD.1 teen.age.n and the .....,. contr&c!ta ftlell wW M a...,,._ the ~I btcldua: and t"'- of prc•C'nllng lhue &c<'ldenll, u a pre..W., rat• an c:ont.ailled I.a aatcl ..,.atlc:aUona ~ by tM wf'll u brtnpr b1a audle.nce up-111108 •· BS.&'ITD ~and an u folJowa: to-date W1t..b fact.a about n.w eq1· C1A8111'1CATIO!lf nttrlnir tt('hnlquu dn1'10ped lD tJle prorram la UM! llloWtnr ot a 1 , modem automobllet. lncludlnJ 111cme potnttn1 out UM eatdlD&l APPRZN'nCD: M1a.7 M mspao,.d • coatormlty W1tll 8ecuo. 1m.1 sport• C'ft'l,Tht ~n~ portlon of .m. of motorln1. of U. c.utonl& Laboe' Coda. ,.. , • Harbor Area SHOPPERS ••• Watch This Paper for • llG SAYINGS an ....... offered Wiiy llOt CaM ill Oii ...... splettCft4 eppot't•~ .. shop tit ....... . ' I I I '.1 I Pe1'n1it Local Arm to, Sell. 7000 -Shares .. <>nnr• -<;out Propertlu. 181!1 Klns'• Road. hu been tu'1ed • permit by ftata CorporatJon Com· 1111.a~ +.r. H. 8\epbeuon to. eeU ~ •llarH·ot atock. Oftlcer1 of lll• aubdlvialon ttnn a.re Wesley V. Ptl\fol.d. Chari• H. M&naufh I and Arthur A. Undek•. Lhld.U. ioc&l au.orney. l&id lh• flrm cover9 the Ptlln OpUca.I .t lnltn1ment Co. bulldlnr and Ule u -acr• tra.cl upon which the f60.· 000 atructure •• t>elnr buUt al 196f2 Bristol St. Juel off· l'Jewpc>rt Blvd. out of Col"ta MeN. Penfold ot Cll.U tuven, pr-1· dent of the quarter·rdtUlon-doU&r apeci&lty manufactul'Ulg cone.em movtnc here from Puadena. told t hf' News-Prus recenUy he plana to k .. p • acru for hia opUh l plant and af'll JO, OVERMATCHED Cement Mixer, Car Collide on Overpass Accid«>nl hetwHn " cllr and cement m1x«>r trur.k OCC'Urred Frt- day morning on th!'. Newport Blvd. .Arches over-r&-. pollr• report.ed. John Sand1.:r11 J r . 71 1 W, 17th St , Coata ~tee&, driver oC Ule tr11ck lnld jl(lllCC' h" w1111 goln& IO<Mllh nn :'l/l'WJlOrl 81\'d . 11n11 <llrf -not ue the nr romlng 11r the northwest rnmp ot Ule ovrr~1 Thf' car waa driven by F're<ierlrk ,J e>hn ~tt11 or Lq\lNl Bea<'h. ,. A TRUE STORY The bapptneu of a youn1 (irt.• r•Y New Yur'I z..te wsa tl4Mled to deep dlatreaa when ahe r~ home and realized ahe had Iott the brand new pair ,of rtuae• ahe bad ju.t purcbued that d:ty. Thi• (lrl II a ae.ntor at N.wport. Harbor Hlg'h School and very dependent on her rla.IM•. 8<> her mother put an ad In t.h• daa1ttt4.MCUoll u follows: 2t-Loat and Found LOST -Black velv4\ PevenlnC purM with ladlea flal!Ma, P'rt· day eventns. 11 p.m. to .I &.m. Q.ewvd. PhQne Har. 9f>c9T The ad f1U\ Wedneaday and Thurlday. On Friday mornanr.· Mrs. S. called and aatt1, "l'm 10 glad I put U\I'. ad In thf' paper. Juat u we t houl'ht the purM and glaaaea were dropped u ahe wu ,.etUnr out of tile car. Now they have been foun d and we are very rnteful .. .. WUt~\·&r yl>UI afeda. ala ad lD ear U,-ely cl...tft4141 eecllon -W brtnr you r~ta. too. CaU ~bor UUI -1 Mk tor tlM ad ~r. Blp QaalltJ Priatiq ..... Barhr 1616 U-Balldla! 8ervletl9 __ _ PAINTING Pa.intinl •Paper R~s ''The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 UUI Bt., Newport 8Mda PBONll BAllBOR M06 Uc JOHN H. 8IU.R.P P A.INTINCi OONTRAC.,--OOR Uccued and IJ>.Nred 1st CLASS Paperbanpnc by R. P. LUCA.II • 30 YTL ~r. SaUlfacUon Gua.r. llatlmat• Free LI 8-2e87, LI 8-6289 attic FURNITURll RllnNllJUNG - Will retlnillh to .utl any kind of furn .• old or new. 20 yra. experience. CHARLES JAMI· SON, LI 1-'••~; 19:52 Pl&cenUa. Coata Metia.. Md8 HAULING ANY KlND-TRAS~OR ! Anyt~. Aeywhere Phone Uberty 8-2H:5 98cHH Experienc'd ~ardener . LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Uberty 8-1659 9~p9h DRAFTING LIBERTY 8-62~1 91'>e9 AlC9hollca Anonymoua Wri\9 P. O. Bos 311 N~t 8Mcb. C&llt. Phone Ha.rbor •79:5 ttc 15-Share Yom Car ;;.;:......~----------- ,_ . U-,.....tun for Sele . f()R THE RIGHT BUYS IN '$5 TRY BAY FURNITURE. • • • FIRST (NOT repo11eesion -~tall brand spanking new on thete major atarting Item.a for th• new home.) Complete 8-pc. llv. rm. crp., choice of wood ann , maple or Law.on atyle -or other modern•. ~c. ao!a bed, dub chair, platform rocker, 2 atep end and 1 coffee table, 2 table lamp.. $3UU50 value -------·····-·················At BAY $199.M Complete kitchen g'l'OUp, incl. brand new Philco refrlc .• 36" dM~ top gaa range, 5-pc. chrome or satin black dinette aet with -t foam rubber aeat chain ···········-·----~-........ : .... At BAY $327.:50 Complete 6-pc. bdrm. grp., Incl. 5-drw. dbl dreeaer, 30 x 40 mirror, bookcaae hdboard, guar. inner- spring mat. & box springs on' metal frame - CbQice, grey, blonde, ermine, maple or chinchilla. $219.50 value ............. \4.. .•. -............•.. .At BAY $149.50 Combined groupa liated above. u low u $70 down. 2 years to pay. WHERE PRICES ARE flELD AT BAY /t BAY FURNITURE •27 E. 17th SL, Coat& Meaa (between Tustin & Irvine) Free Store-aide Parking -Terma • Open Evee. ti!' 8 Z9-Relp Wanted Firewood For Sale FREE DELIVERY WANTED -MaJt or woman for 1eneral ottl041 work for amall manutaclurlni concern. J4uat be able to ta.kc telephone ordeni. type a.nd do eome bookkeeping. WRlGHT CO. Permant nl l! qualified. tO hour 178' Newpurt Blvd., Coat& Meaa week. Write P. 0 . Box 4-0-i; Co!' • Liberty l-2MCI • 7tfc ta Mua.. 94p98 WANT Real Eat.ate Salesman or broker familiar w1th Harbor ll(CL Top commwlon In eat.Ab· llehed M L office. HOUSTON REALTY ao9 Cent.er Bl, COtlta Mesa Ph. LI 8·6911. 06c98 SICK ROOM equlpmenl Modem wbeel ch&lr. Hydraulic U!t, eu- Uy operated IO that jnvoluntary paUents m•y be moved to any part_ of the hoUM, &uowine bathroom privtle&P. PracUcally new. Leae than ha.it o~lrual coat. Har. 379~·R. 8ec2 / . . .. . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 3 MONDAY. JANUARY 101 1955 January Clearance Sale · 1955-the year of · Values ! 1949 CID;VROLET Club Cd"upt, R & H ...... $ 595 1.~2 OLDS Super 88 4-dr. M'dan. R & H. Hydra. Local 1-owner car ··~····· . 139!5 19M DODGE Diplomat., R &> H, Fluid Drlvo 795 1953 BUICK Super RJvie.ra 4-dr. sedan. R la H, E>yna!low, 13,000 actual,.milca 1923 1950 CHEVROLET Convertible couj)('. R & H W S W ttn-s . ....... ...... .... . • .. . 605 1953 OLDS 98 4-dr. sedan. R &JI. W S W • tires, Hydra., power st.fi:rifig & brak.ca 22-15 1954 FORD con.vertible coupe. R & H. Fordo- matic, W S W tires. leN thRn 10.000 mi. 22M 1953 MERCURY Sport Coupc.R & H. O'd ..... 1765 1952 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. A hard to find model ................. ······-·· . . 1951 DODGE · Coronet club coup<'. R & H, Gyrom'!-tic drh·e ........ . ...... . 825 1950 CHEVROLET t:: ton pickup, R & H. It will-get the job done ! 735 1948 OLDS Convertible cou(k', R. & H. excel· 1ent m~hanically ····-···:·· . ... . ···-· ·(31:S 1948 STUOEBAKER Champion 2-dr. aed1m, R It H, Overdrive .............. . 1947 CHEVROLET 2-dr. sedan. R & H ······-275 . Over 50 cars to choose from. -at greatly reduced prices ! ' MILLER CHEVROLET . ·CO. So<!Pfl tolt1 nfflcera he In tu1 n I 111•1 not M " tile truck. His cllr hll • lh" rtg hl rf'ar Lire or Sanders" The publiaher11 will not he rf'1pon111ble tor more than one lncorrer t tn ick oounre<t lo the 11trte anti ln,ertloA ot Ill\ ad. rr11ervl' Ille right t.o corrttUy rla.1111:lfy any and all unrp~<I """r the rurb ~ and lo reJecl a ny ad nol conforming lo rulu &nd reJUl.aUona. WANT DAILY RID!: downt.oWn L.A.. hour• 8-4 :4:1. Like to join car pool or would organl.U .own. Ph. Warren, Har. 4018. 9~Uc WAl'M' mature lady around 6:5 who <w1.11hq ru e• home aa com- panldn tor a widow. Small alary Call at 26:51 Riverside Drive Coata Meea. U 1-7172. ~p2 DO YOU HA VIC a record player (porUble or table model) that you would like lo gtve t.o a TahlUan youns man who la vla- ltln& ln lh11 country and wlll aoon be gotng home! Call Har· bor 1020 eve11. ' !MIU Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile Dealer · DEATH .NOTICE ~Rs. A!\IEl.IA p0f:IBERT D!:ADLINES fflr placing or caneelllnf ada are; For Monday Publlcallon -Monday 9 &.m. For Wedne11da y PubUca tlon -Tueaday 2 p.m. For Thur8dAY Pubhcat1on -Wednellday 1 p.m. SEWPORT HARHOK PVBLl!iHLlliO CO. ~?I I Balbc& Blvd .• S,.wport Bee<-11. C&l.lfonll&. Classified Index I Fuaeral NoUON 2 Card of Thanks • f'Uneral ·oi,-ion IQ Bu11lnf!,.. Guldt! 11 BullcSIJt1 Materta.111 - 1% Bulldln1 St-ni~ 14 Penonal• U 81aare Your C.ar I fl Tranaportadon I, Roofla1 ti &duty 41d• iG tkaU.11 AJ«h !ii Poultry 1'1 Uuatock • A SpM:'-1 ~at ll9 Auto. Waa~ '° Aul.o8 for Sale '6-A TlrH a Part. ti Auto ~n1~ 42 TraiJe,... U AJrpla.oa 41 Wan~ to a..a ._ Apta. & Houae. for Kent 484-A pta. for &ent tllB--Hou..-for Relit 48V-Tra1.ler 8paoe ~It Room• for IW-n& 1s.-(ee.uty A.Ida '----~---------Superfluous Hair . ParmanenUy removed f rom ca.8' anna, le(L l:ytbrowa &Ad hair line ab.aped-No mor• twat&ln1. J ELl.EN L. BR YA.NT R. JC. Udo'a Sa.lcm of Bea.uty Bar. 2516 tto LOST -Larp. wtllte • black m&le cat. Na.mad Olablo. All· !!Wen to a.nythl~. Wu wean~ a ehue cb&ln. Ml .. lnr .tnoe Tha.nlug1YI~. UW A.RD. Phone Ha.rbor 2009. UUc WANT -en agTeAlvp a.mbltlous youns man to ·..u Lincolns ·and Me.rcur1' In tha H.arbor area Ze .. th H . .d Excellent pront aha.ring plan Ill earing Ai Ea.mlf\&a unlimited. Ellperlence NEW TllANSITOR. Coma ln for a ot neceuary. ReferenC!M r~ rr-t.rt&.l. Opera.tea for 16o quired. per month 1855 Harbor Blvd. Coata Mesa Llberty 8-5633 "-Farn.ltul'e for Sale JANUARY WAREHOUSE 2481 Coaat Highway Nrw port Beach Liberty 8-2261 M-Mul'!caJ, Rdlo, a T v JOHNSON· 6 SON . Lincoln • Merewy GUNDERSON DRUG CLEARING Ot:JT 1.M O'Keete .k Merr u.t ra.n.ie. 40·· Pd .dn. to $198.711. S•ve you 117:1 Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS 900 W . Coen Hwy .. -Npl. Beach ~7 l4A.N • WIJ'E for part Uma Jani t.or work. Newport-Coat.& Meaa are&. Write Bo& M-23 thi• paper. 9~p97 Mab! Mt. a t B&Jboa Blvd .. Ba.lbaa Wa lfYe 8 A H lfteJI at.&mpe e.uc LADIES !Ull lengUl aqulrrel coal lllu 34, $20 -• men'a eulte. a1ae j O, 120 for all four. Hu. 33M. 9~97 ltM Crosley J.'reezer. 18 'i cu. ft. Pd. dn. tn f2118.77. Save• you '2:50 191H H otpotnl Aut.omaUc Wuhtr. Pd .dn\ lo fU8 96. Save• you 1120. 18711 Hllrbor. r na1a Mr~A · ..__ P b ~berty 8·231Jl 77rp-11• HAM~fO:"O 0 RCAl"I';. All moil rl11. Onf. only •llithtly u'4"1· 111 mo1t llke nrw Th111 l• ll 1pecll1I DANZ • SCHMl OT Hammon 19M Norge Automsll<' Wuhrr. H t'a dq1111run rnr Or,.n1te <:nun Pr. dn: lo SHIT.It. SavN you ty, 5%0 NI'. Mnln. l'la nl l\ Anl'L 111a. :ltr• Amell& Selbert. mother of \\ 11 Iler H. 8«>1berl. U O VI• Lido ?'\ord. p1u.111•1 away :-\PW \"ea1 's ti8\" in Huntlnglon M ... morta l HOB· r llal "Ill th"° age ot 02 She wu horn In MRr1l&0n. Wl8C'Olltln an•J wu nne of the c1irly 1 ;-111rttnl1< of P11t1at1en1, reahhng 1 here for over tin ""a 11t. She I.Id~ unr of •he I 1r't mrmt-e1~ of I hi' V11llf'y Hllnl ('l11h \fany l'timmns wert •~nt 111 1 he l.1.Jo l!le hvlllt' of her l!On r 1 nnunl'nt 1·1 11 .. 111 lk•dl.l anti rhJ1anlhl<1p11 Al't!Vlll«'S ff\r mllJ1Y ~·,.11rJC IJ"I many ,lCll' of kinrtneu ;ir111 ~' nn1111111 ,. will long hr ..... mt mb<'rrtl A t.alentl!tl p1ant~L. &I'" hf'Jtl 1111111.Y n:tui~nl 11 r epllon!I 111 h• r tw 11111tul 1-:11uibf'thAn home. l H•!f South £1 ~tnhno A"" Sh«' I rl\\'rlerl l>'(IPnlllTl'I)" an l:::111"C•J'•'. l"nlll h Am.,rt•" 11n<I 1 hr 11rltnl. r<tllf'• """ I",.\ \llht"bl r llll ob· U Loet and Found :• !!>C'hoola, l~trucUnn U SltualtOlltl Wanted ~ Help Wanted U-Scbools, la•tructioD -_ ------4f-~ Reel llomu '9·~ K4M>fl'I a Board WANT WOMAN tor generU hou~ work. 2 day• per weell on Bal· boa Jaland. Write Box lr22 t llJI paper. 9aclH MAGIC Chef table top su atove. 16:5. See a.lier 3 p.m. or Satur- day. 418 Snug Harbor. Newport Bea.ch. · 96r98 1953 Norge ~fr1ger1tor. 812 cu. fl. Pd. dn. to ll28.S8. Sa.voa yoo Pri11c1lla )tatthews Teacher of Piano so llll-~-~0-A Swa51- :i6-8 AppllatKe9 lll Wanled t.o 8u,J ll? FurnUun for Salfl ll'!·A A.DdqUH - SI Boata. Suppllee 31 Mmlaal. Ra.din, T ,. ~ Ooc'll· Cat•, .Pl'b 60 Re.at. MJac. 61 St-Oree a Otne>M 68-A Bm.i-kntala II~ 8u~n...,._ OpportWJJUee M MoCI(') tn Lo&Ji l\ft Monty \\'a.a~ 111 ~ l:at.at.e \\anted AA la-PTopPrty fll ft.l'&J r:at.at~ E:1chanr• 8! Kf'&J F.•t.a"" I lo r h1~i. .. 11. ..iuhn IJ i'f1bo•rt. f'Wner ot " ch.au\ of at.orea a II ovr r 1 hf' rc>tmt ry, 1.hed al tlle age of .:l Rn 1t1,.,. lltr 11on. W11lrf'r H , nf ~peci&J Notices L1t1v l11le 11n•I Paaadena. the l!I 1un·lvi><I "' ~ t11111ghl"1 ~lr1< Mutual Funds Explained Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1787 ~lllti"I UlugMirtv nt 1'1111.artenll: OltcOVf'r now JUlll how mutual thrt•• rrandrhll<lrf'n, :llr~ Tnm funrt ~h11ru <'l\11 I~ U11(/I i'n your P arry (If Alladcn11. :llr~. :lt11rJone I own (l_nond al planning . For Ir•''' Rtt'e oC Loll AnJtel"• 11nl1 Mr. J nhn bookll't. writ" Rn~ J 20, lhl~ Mt tta every 'rt111~ay 8 p.m. Via Ororto -Central Aw. :"ewpo1 t Beach F:lwOQd Sh,.11. Exalted Rultr w Sl!lbftrt. "'' l'UJ&Ath:na, aJM> Ch·e r aper 87rt H 11:rffl~ 1ranrtcb1ld1V1. John 11nf1 --------------------------- ~lf'\'Pn Parrv. K><th1 r~r ri;• .,. Hncl J.2..-Bulldln• Senica 12-BuJJding 8erv1cee f"ht 1~1mn ~ .. it,•·· _____ .:;;8---------------------- WALTUl h . uo~~ Servtcea for Wa.lll'r H . Robll!On, ~s. \\ho •hl"'l Wl'dnud&y &t 1hr tfome of ~Ira. Fred Uanl!Jl11. ~i:m Templeton St.... u >) Ani;t 11111, wu -e h~d Sa.turd&y a.1 9 a .m. In tbe Lll · ti" C"hurch of the •-lowers. P'cr· .i Lawn. Olen<l•ll' with ~nt Grf'ttner in rhll~•. A nAUvc uf llltnOll. Mr H.nbl· enn came to the Harboc .ren flr11t when be built " home at 222 Ou· nrt Avf'. an IMS. Stnl!' that llmf' ht ha.a Wn a 1q1:ula r 1ulrtenl here w1lb thr t-xreplion ••f t he pa81 •t.Jt monUui wtien be lived "t hi• d•ul ht•r'• Los An1elu llon1 .. An udenl lawn bo"'l1!1 , ~II. Rob1Mln aerved 1u prt'sltlent l'lnt1 '-1C~·presldtnl of !ht ~twport Harbor Lawu Bowltra A.uociallon. He r"Ured from lhe i:nrdt>n lllrnl· ture bu11ineH In Loe An~,.Ju aomr yesrio 11go l'iurvlvorl' lndudt h111 11n11ghtu. J.ln Greene McOUire. San Ga· brl.eJ. MrL Grali•We Bla.Gk, &iut..b P ... dena 1ind Mr11. Frctl Han.vu. Lo11 Anr-lu : ht. IODll. \\ lllll'I, Haw)' IUld Kennc•th Rnbl~•·n. nil 11f P..-clena: h•~ brolhn s. Fnink of Stanton a.nd J~ of St>sttle. his •l1ter11, Mn Atlel.1111,. Dl\'19 Pu· ade1la and Mr.11 ()r11r ,. ~fal lht'w•, Paaden&. WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPEClALlSTS u1 room sddiUons and remodeling fo r over a yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8-5763 -Klmbcrly 3-8274 87plli ~O JOU TOO S:ll I\ LL • H. O. Am!eriton W 8·!.IOOf> C<.oata .\l(sa ~;1ur BRUSH OR SPRA \' E . F. BARTLETT XCJN·C:-.lU!\ L.H.:EN:)EU lf>6!! 1n ·1nf' Cos ta ~less Llb<'rty 8·4341' 7up8•H CARPENTER Repair \Vork D<>e41 Youa Home ='•·co ttepa1nn1 ur Rcmo<lehng ~ CaJI Fr11nJc Wt>er:y 8-69M All \Vork DuArant~·• Hue 12-Bullding Services Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURK.HARDT Uc;El"~ltl> OONTRAt..TOR !HJ 30tb Sl., Newport 8-cb Har. 2'18·W or U 8·6832 Uc PAINTING lNTb:HJUR -EXTERlOR l.H.:ENSED -LNSlJRED Glenn Johnston 501 • Sl~t 8l.. Newport Be&cb Harbor 3176 UUc HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY 1'\ew lawn, reuonabl~ or China Painting Day and l!:Venln& Cluaita Ordera TllJlen Now Pnont UMrty ~ IN Uc Real . 1n Estate School Santa Ana MEN A WO!.ll:N prepare In spare Umc for unlim ited opportunlt.lea 1n Real, Eat.a.le. New c1a,.- weE>kly. Al l'yler ln•truct.J.ni. At- tend Oral avenlllg free and IMrtl about thl1 great tteld. ~I or write now for lntonnetlon. Bual· MM lnsUtut.e. U6~ N. Syca - more. Kl 3·17~3. 7'lfc 2S-SituaUou WutA!d ------.. ----PART TIME otttce worker -a- perlenced Income Ta.x typlaL Gwl'n Schw1m, Har. H91·M. 97p99 RA VE '(12 plci<·Up tn1ck and ap· pll&nce dolly. 'WILL h•ul anythlni anywhere, do anv kind of work. Takf. ml.IC. Ile;,,• for wagts. U 8·2386. 97p99 EXPERIENCED a w I t c b board operator ~pply Ba.lboe Bay Club. front office. 96c98 WANT Y.•oman to llhare 'i'louae with ae.mt-lnvalJd woman. Wish to talk It over. 347 W. Wllaon. Coat.& Me&L U 8-8310. 94c98 RMPON!lBLE woman tbr house k!!eper, cbftd ca..r&. Uve 1J) or out. -LI 8-6827. 9~7 Draftsman (Male) For work ui beach area with 3 yn. practical .xperSWICe In mech. dr&!Ung and 2 yre. col- lege or equivalent. Write P. O. Boll 1031, Alh&mbra. Ca.llt., •n- cloelnr aampl• of work.. 811Uc HOUSEKEEPER. child c&l'll, room pr1 va Le b&t.b, aala.ry. call 1"flk day•. 8:30 to • p.m., Kl 2-420. li:llt. 693. llUc Gbu.s- WANTED We ba.ve opeollln&a at our N-· port Beach ofncc. 311 E. Bai· boa Blvd.. for Telephone Operators LlCE~SE.D cluld ca.re lhe year -Apply - 'round in nice dependable hmne. Monday Ulrouib Friday Phone LI &-4eZ9. 9~p97 11 :00 Lm. Co • :00 pm -514 ~2 No. Ma.in St., Rm. 211 NA VY VET uecda pa.rt t une em· Santa Ana ploym tnt. l:::xp clu lC'a.I or STOC· PACinC TELEPHO~!! l'TY 11t.ore. Har 3260·J . 9~p97 Landscape gardening 11 J'rel r::~t1m11tu Wm. B. Ftr(\ll!On Cs ll Hnr bor 4796. 81rl MAN • Wu.l't1AJ\I w1u do s eneral hounwork. floor wulnc win. dow cltanlng Faat workers white 194 E 10th !t., Coat.a Mesa. IJt S-268S 14uc 6i Uc S~MlaceUaaeou lor Sa.le DINLSO ROOM tabl~. buffet. rug. uphol&tered LhaJr, porch rurnl· ture. Comb. conaole ta<11o anrt record player Fishing poll's. H fl. maat With 11&11. 117 E. Ba y n ont. Balboa Jaland. Harbor • 208:.'>·W. 94c99 EXPERl ENCED, ed~t\ted couple I under 30 or !email' for cooking. houaekeeplng (ch11'1 cu e •) Live GIRLS COATS, nearly new, !!olU~ 2·6. Convertible high chair • pa.d. Oeluu crib. Twin bed. mattru a a box ap r. Misc. baby ltem1. Har. t688-J . 9f>c97 ln or out. Write J!itC 160i> 1\11- tln Aw .. Co1ta Me-. 9~p97 -~---EXPERll!:'CED colored girl wa.nu c1ay work by the hr. Call KI· 2·7429. 9~pP7 FIREWOOD . Purse Containing $75, Che~k Taken Thdt ot hu wtfr '• puro!Oc con· talntn& 11& cuh and a ~ •hock WM l'flpor1f'U to roller r"t.nUy by Earl S~ler ol IOi B&Jbt-n I Aw. and Alt.&Jena.. BUD & BARNEY l'AL"\TI::'\0 -liRt;SH or :i.PRA Y ~ G!{A~~~~-iF SE~ ~ ~l_p_ ~~olt'd ____ _ ROLL t.":'--O!:R Ot.'R Gt.~ 1 WOMAN to care for conwlu cent. A::-OCE. _ w 8-lOU. 1Hp9 llght housekeepui1;. Daya U FREE DELIVERY Dry wood. 16'" • 24" len(tll. Call B. !l. STAGG Phone Harbor JOH • JN-nll1111 Harbor ~91 He s&Jd the putM waa in hi~ ou wtuch wu in th• tanead park· lq lol of Ule BaJbc\a Yacbl Club. Two licycle1 Tak•n ~1 Tben. of two blryclea. nne from Ule (IU&(e a.ad ont Crom the drlvf'· wa)' ot ~le Ocean BlviJ. \\"tu r~· porteod to pollct rec«'nlly by Mike Smith or 3100 Ocon Blvtl The blc,yclu belonsr•• to Sn.1th and to Tony Dalby oC 31~ Goldtn ' rod An. :'\on.t;naon Llrcnt1f I t 'i'\:.'> Irvin,., Co!'ta M,.Pll Tl.'rms -Ll 8-i 3!14 • Ll 8·H\16 97tl PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 2;3 r 11Jnur ~L. Coal.a Mua Phone Liberty 8·2928. 67Uc General Contracting COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service i:t:OE.t\li: 0 SAt;NOICR.S ~00 ,1 11~ Street. Newport 8eac.b Harbor 29i6-J. U~ FOR RENT Sklll !awa. £lee. Dr1U., Pollaba.r•. au 1 y~" ot Sa.nd•"' Wb-1ba.r· row11, et~. REPA.l.RS. remoele.lul~ and alter•· t1on work. Rn1Jent1nJ anrt <'Om· I mrrrml butldtnr a. l,luaht~ Work liuarant•ed BOYD'S HOWE. . Har 31:11 du•. tla.r. :lt61)-J t Vtl' 2&311 \V. COAST HJOH\\' AT li.X.911h Ut>erty II·~~. Ne111·port 8 cb 28Uc klil. Eve.. 8-70i~. 9~79 MODELS. SlZE 12 -APPL\" AFTER ~.M._...07 211TH ST .• :-\EWPORT B E A C H. BJU."\G PHOTOS, lF POSSLBLE. 8.':>p97 w A..Vf WOM.A:-: to Ullllrt with houi~ework and chlld c.r'e, II day wetk, permanently Llvt out. 306 Amethyst. -Balbo& hla.nd. Harbor 26~·J. 9~97 4000 COLORS available '\II •pray· inl uiamel or lacquer fo.r a •<>- mobUu. trallera or alra.!L Spray (WI• fot rent. Harbor Paint Oeotar, l!M:. U3 IZnd St .. !';ewport. Har. 2838 ~aide Ult Ctty Hall • ~lh PRINTING AVG. '800 • 11(1()() mo. Mllini 1000 BtJSIN!:S8 CARDS IS 93. what ,,·eryone" n..S.. Part or I All bu•lnua etatlonery at low full time. Lead&. reput. A n-pncea. fernlla snure auc-No can-LE0:-1 WHITE .._.1ni . HTatt '-'TSOl. •Tpet Ph. U !t-4011 anytime. 11:-tlc: • 1170. ' 19~• Hotpoint ~fngeralor. 10~ CIAuical, popular by h11rm .. nv cu. fl. Pd. dn. to $218.M. Savea Fnrml rly (.'h" "~" 1 .... ~ An1t••li • 19:5' P KILCO rerngerator The you SIMI. 211 Tu11lln Avf' . .:-:ewpnrt B· H" lat.eat crou -t.op treeztr che11t 19:14 Admiral Retn ge111tor. p cu. Llb»r1 y 8·3~ 97pt • "1Ul apacl' for bottlt11. butter,1 ft. Pd. dn. ln tt-178~. S&\'t'5 )OU _ --- alllo veli!. " meet keeper. t;..ed I $130. LO VELY '1ni;tle ml\nual M1n•h11I only 3 wecl<a.. Pd. dn. lo llJ8.82 19!>0 Phlko TV 21". Pd. dn to .. iettroml' organ. like new. ~"'' No ruh dn. Ju~l pay the pymu 1167 88. . l t(l(1. • '• O\t n1• nt I• rma a l• of 18t9 per mo 19~4 Wedgewood range CI' a uto· SJI Al-1'.H S :llu"" c..u l:ilr1••· l11U,1 ~ Bau~l'lna A " s WarehoW!e ma l.11:. t O''. Pll dn. to $228.77.1 ~:?1·'23 N. io;yc11m11r<':. S 111•a Ar• Sales, 220 s o. Maui s t .. Sa.nta Sa ves you $160. I f'honr Kl mt>r rly 2·061 2 , Ana, 4 block& aouUl of 4th. OJ)4'n Freezer, Jnlemauonlll Hsrvr11. dally u1 9. sun. u-~. KI 3-1201 ter. 16\1 cu. rt. Pd. dn. to See B•rdw"1n P"1•no $21t8.92. l:)aveio you S2t!2. "''' g YRl':!:ZER. JnlematlonaJ Rar\lea· 1964 Crosley Refrll)"la lflr 12 ~II I & 0 D ' 1 ter. 161.it cu. ft Hu alt color ft. with walttr iJ1spcnSt'r. l'.J dn r gan ISP ay"' lnler1or. s baaket.11, 111gnal light, to $29t.82. sa ve11 y<.ou 121~. WOOL>\\'OKTH PI ANO CO. hold• MO lbs. food. It'e new. but 19f>~ <.;&Iler• & Satllr r 1·1t ngc;. Cf'. 1318 t"<nut Rlvrt , <:c>runn drl MAJ pd. cln. lo 1288.92 from 1&70 Pd. dn. t11 $13!18 1 Ss ve1< Y<oll (T M rl,.11 lnt1•r111r 8 1111' I Ca.ah or p&y the pymla. Of fta.22 $60 t111r 338'..! l'l6 ttc month. See BaUKhna A • S Wueli•>UM Se,. Ba.ucbnll A • §.._ ~·arehoUJ1e I Sales. 220 So. :\lam St. sai.1>1 SaJe11, 220 So. >.tain~. Santa Ana. 6 blotk•Aoulh ol t th. up• 11 Ana, 6 block1 ·aouUi of t th. U~n d&1ly tll II, ~un. II·~. K l 3-";'tUI dally t.11 9, Sun. 11-6. Kl 3·7201 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-yea.r suarantee on JOba done MAHOGANY dtnlns m1 i;ct. 1nr buffet. Quality 111rn1t11r,. Clum Lido b le hQrne. MOVI~I ; - Mt:ST SELL. Call H er. 13i :l 117t ••{I and on aaed wuhera 2488<,. PATIO ITR~TTURE, redwn"'I irea.cJ Newport 81 .• Coat.a Meaa ta ble a, bl'nr hu. ba rbf'C.'Uf! t11blP Llberty 8-4503 or Wberty 1oung, chair. 11"> for au o A'>27 64Uc Harbnr 2389 !lh• !•b O'"'U • I 1_9_f>_f _O_'KE_ J:F!: • l4ltRJUTT DARK hl'>ntle bclrnf. el't, Ilk<' n~w r&Jlle. Laleat CP all aut.Omauc. I lnr Simmon~ m llttn•b It "rr l Sf!O. Ironing b<"'rrt wa lnut t• '' lift top, frtdd 1 In rnlddle, alm· re rt llkP n• w c• r '•1'•r.al cl\"1'" mer burnera • nlc• srilf broller u-i only 2 wMkA. Pd. dn. to I .Mat<• It< in~ H1u :lUl6·.J f•1Jrl•l!I $128.17. No ca11ll needed, Just I 1 -pay Ule pyml a.. of f 7.89 per mo 19.~4 NORGE Automat ic "\\a.~hrr see Ba.ughn.t A ii: s . Warehouse Tht VN)' best "°' Big 11..0. t 1111, SaleJ!. 220 g,,, Main St , Sanlll a g-l tat or, H ffly ~phi 111 & lhnl Ann, 6 bloc)<ll 11uuth ur <lth. Open tllum1netcd th11I. 1 l B • 1.iy ll•". ~. rlaJI tjl 9, Sun, 11·~ Kl 3.7201 stvrP11 .. but ptJ tt: ... tu ~2l~ .i . Y fr()m $310 :>lo r11~h n• .. 1, 11, JllA Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8-2237 Speclall.zing in AutomQtlcs AUTOMATIC Washer En~rpriees pay t h•· pymt11 "t ~11 I:.! "''' S~· l311ugl\rus A It S \\'ar ·' I ""'" !:)ako :.!20 Su :11 .... 11 !:>t • .:: .. 1.ta Al11\, 6 ttloek• l!<JUll\ .. , 4111 •)fWll rta1ly UI 9. Su11 ll·:i. 1\1 :S·~lul \Vanted t o Buy t:Pl<IGJI T J•IA:\"ll:. tr.r •>Ur rental dr pl lt1i:l1vt • iu h 1•rk• • al - SHA 1· t:I~::. Mil•" I . ., 1 ~lllC:t 111011 •21·1:.:J ~. !\}L 11 "". Santa An• 1'11"1.L h I li.l•trl V 'J·ll67Z lil~A l I 11 l · 1. 1-.I• 1 t 11,1 ,,. Or gan. •11 I • I MA' ).1Ull -1111llo ~ 11n1· • nh IJ11c a1lv1n1 I •A ':'./.·':-ll.\llLIT 1;r<11 Sal• ·,zo :'\n :II ;in, l'>.1n111. Ana. Ill H f:JU A1 .IA.·t 'A RY 911 lr ~ .. 7 i. ,, , t. v. ·"'l"l•• L S t.ar 131 •I 111 .. i<•' ~.[1 o:-I} l>'l Spin•· I • r,l\ '4~~, I' .. ~ IV .n Ar, '·• r>H r. $Ii..(! l'1Jrt.u• p1a.n<1• f1.,1 . 1"\• ''I' l\nl ~ v 111 I tri.m Ufl~ U -.11.l>ltl (•( .. 111•·1 111•1'1(' 11\l lfH• fl'f ·n l • 11r Ir,, ' u r I rl'ntu f• ·un ;\l1\f \a _..d 1 lak,· ,~,,~~ I:· I I t ;,I t·I• I.,," ( II .. ~11 ~ \'i • ~~ •1 11,\'./. ·' 11'\Jlt'I H•.: I'.· ur Iv I 11 II • 1f•, .,~11 :\·Ii .. \t 1, It, • d ' I ,\ ' v H·:F: '1111' ;.r \\' ,\1111 I i ll ch11t•1 1.1, • \•\ 1•' 1ri :.,1,n to pln 1• , "'•'1 I 1 " 11 fll ,. nv• 111• q\ .. (' • . I • 11 1 r $'I I ti I I'' 1 11 • ~·'\I I .I. ti \tu.·' 1 •• 1 ~IMfl l ltOl 1 J•t •~ l'-Jn ,,. 1 ly .._ •;•, 1 .! A.P1'. SIZE refrigerat or le 11tovc. ~tOOfUNC -.Off Chrl11llan s Hut nice condition. !120 Orchid, Ct.· $12: •. Tcrm11 If cJ.,.s1r .. 1I L..lt>erl\' , 11 rona dtl ~la.r. 9:.tfc 8· t &3. f•7• !• • l". I(• I•·" t ~ ,. 11I•1 fr1r out 1 t. • , , 1 \ , ·11 • ' •" l 1,ur ol" ,· ,, • I I , , 'I •I ' •JI I h~.( I,. h 3 STRAND RATTAN aet. divan, c.ba1r with ott <.omen. floor lamp ,.xc•I. C'Qnd $13rt Complete or wUI 1ell Mpllrately 1 pc. blond!' w1lnut dlnln~ A"t, $7~. 2 pair, &kill. ceble blndera, atetl edgu . "Ilan • 1ad1e.e'. wit h polt1 a boot.II SI.le 8 1, • 10·~. HO. each llfl Uberty 1·2841, . ~<'94 MAPLE rtrop lea.I dllltnr ta.ble. N&t. 10, 16(). 4 la.dder back cha.ira. 110. u . PT'ovtncJAJ quilt· ed ehlnU bed·dev .. .11porl. mllple arma. Uk• n-. SI u . LI 8-am ·~· 9/c99 Wlt.J<1W Mt:ST.!'\El.1 ,..·a~ It 1 1c~. ani: boa t. a ll In 1,•n<I. ~(lnrtt\1' n WILL TAKI-. ui.:sT Uf"FI I!' 28f> l!.~sl E .. t l\tr, Co,.ta ~leeA Ll 11·2311. f/6, ; 1 ~ 11 l f1;.. 1 f 1• '' " I r ftr1.-. fl \~./.·:'' H\lllil "''~t .1 .. na. ,, ••• •r"1' ~ft'"'· :,~. ="'·· ~181h ~er 1 .. i\r .. 1 Hl"GHES \"A' HT [oJ:"l:C:ll\" \\Ill lh li•lll ·n•I UI J,'.lln. Lc.110 s pe11111 r Bell "I ti ddL for Har1, .. r J91!·M lun:" ~I<.~! u;,r··~ CHRYSLER ACY. ma rin~ en~1r .. "'llh r"vfrllf! g-rar. r~11 ly tt. !:'' ~nt)'i , "nrht 1r1n, !Z~·, t~:n"r~ \ 8·112& ~~r~~ FOR RENT 1-111~ ·1'1'.("I L torru .. nt11' 1•111\I"• v •" .• nl(a e , Ill ru.m•, <.otltre. r 11\11 '· WI' ti t.r W1UIOU~ •Jri(111.- 1• 11 iJ•llf1.. u 1Y" In .. t1tJl. 1.1 1,. , ·" " 1 :WI! 7 urc l:S••a•1l1f1;\ bll)nd11 mirror pl11nfl. n PER MO. rent1 g()()d prart11 • J :!t l.l<I' new ,-,.rm1 •40.12 1111 . CHROME DINETTE .. t ·l"Y· ' I ~ra, table with I luvu, MO . • 111 Cryat&I, Balllloa lllan4. Mce8 ph1no. All t,.rm r•nt •llow~rt 1! r.nrt l l 1 11 fl"r mt.nth a t.-- you buy 111ter. DAl'Z·SCHMIDT SH A ~l.H b :.1i.~1 . 1 '' 1S1nce 1!107) Bir P iano Biie. ~20 No. Main 1 •21·-12:1 :-I . tsyeamor,., 8an&a Jl.r,f. Great Janu.fy P ia.no. SaJe. Phone Kl.tnb41rly 211• 1 J •I ,, • I-i' ' J . A ' ( ·-... • PAGE 4 -P~RT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS · 48.(-:A~. for ht t &!;:-~ .~'tate _____ ~~. ~--·--- MONDAY. JANUARY 10, 1955_. NEWPORT lSu;O~ y~ar rwtal. ' untum. 2 bdnn. apt.. newly BEAWIFUL Spinet piano, blonde jullt Ilk• new, u ve S200. Ma· ho1any ...Bpi.net alt1hUy damag.S ln •hlpmenl, $487. Good practice piano• from Me. S94, Sl.26, 1176. See the• a t the Ore.t DA.NZ.. '8-Af!a; a a.,_ tor Beet • BALBOA PENINSJJLA -2 a.nd 3 bdrm. tum . unlta. flrephu:e, 1arb. dhrp.. tilt' bath. 1a.rase. Yetfl'ly l.eue. 1620 Miramar, Balboa. Har. 2188-W. 97c3 8CHM1DT Plan9 Sale. The bll NEW untum. 2. or 3 bdrm., 1ar., e,orc, 620 No. Ma.lo. Ballta t na. near High School~ Phone Uberty 100 pleno1 .• We have no branch . 1·1643. Hc3 l tOrH, 40-Auioe and True.ka -----------1950 FORD Tudor "8'1, radlfl. hfft· er, clean. 1076. After e p.111. ph. Har. 1301-M. 97dh99 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 1948 Pontiac 8 1edanette, tutone, k>aded with eittraa, prlCC'd to Mil Har. 3904!-J. Hc2 HM CADILLAC 82 aedan, like ne~. 8400 mllu. Powe~ 1teer- ln(. power braku, R 6: R, euy eye g~.11. automatic dimmer .. Iris blue, Shula whit!,. .top, 142M. by owntr. Har. '2337-R. 9tc3 Pick Up Bargains 1902 CHEV. •.; tor\. Low mlleare. Xlnt. shape. · 11108 DODG!l, % ton. Like new- ~IUxe model. O'BRIEN MOTORS DODGE -PLYMOUTH Co•t& Me ... 1880 NPwport Blvd. LI 8·7272 90c9.7 1937 DOOOE panel tuack. Run11 BA480A -Modern t urn. apt .. 136 mu. 6: up, utll. pd. Near bwi 1torea 6: bay .. Har. ,113U . 97trc BA YJl'RONT. new luxury a bedrm. 2 bath. apL. carpeted, fireplace. Unfurn. 1 yr. leaH, 1325. per mo. Walk to complete Lido Shopping Center. LIDO BA YVlEW, lovely new 2 bedrm. unf.Um. apt. 1 yr. leue, 1126. ptr month. P . A. Palmer Incorporated OLE HA'NSON Co. Salr1 Mgmt. 3333 Via Lido, Harbor 1500 ON BALBOA ·isl.AND 81:1: Ull for yearl.J and -eonal rent&ll. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 308 Marine Ave. ·Harbor 602 BALBOA lSL..VID 7tlc RENTAL .· v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Craig Bla nche Gates, Rlt r. 311 Ma.rlne Ave. ' B&lboa llland, Har. 1871 72ttc Corona del Mar .. fine, .rood tlre1. $2~. 2 BEDRM. apt. tum., ne'wty dec- Pt •. Har. 4216 or Har. 4320. 95«:97 orated. Near ocean. 190. month lean. p&!nled, laundry 6: utra room In f&r&(f, enclosed pr.tlo. Ut1I, pd. :'l-031., 38th Sl. $i~ mo. Har. 2583-R. 97p99 COR,ONA DEL MAR -Beautiful- ly tum. 1tudlo 1pt. 1 blk. from octan .. Jl'irepl1ct . bar. 1611. Har. !IMO. 97t-99 NICE 6: CLEAN-FURN. 1 bed· room apt.. $:">0. mo. Laundry racllltle1. Water 111d 111ui paid. ~ Harbor Blvd., Cosltl Mesa Lfberty S.•761 I Rea. LI 8·4718) I 9'5c l FURN. I bedrm. garage art. on leaae. Nt>wport !•land. Adults unly. $65. mo. Harbor 0273·W. 96cl VIEW APT. Upper l be~rm. furn. pa.nelray real, ulU. pd. $85. Yf'ly. Cnrona del Mar. Har. 3326. 90<'97 BALBOA ISLAND ._ Bay Front a pL. Slttps 5. $70. Rear apt. srio 101 N. Bsy F'ront. SPI' Island A.eally or csll HollywOOjl 3-8671 97c3 COMFORTABLY furn. 1 bedrm. apt .. $4i>. mo. Servel retttJ. nlct s tove. -l M Cecil Plr.ce, Costa Meaa. U 8-2928. 90tfc SMALL FURN. APT. Suitable for 1 o~ 2 adults. Utll. pd. 42111 Gol· dtnrod, Corona del Mar. Harbor 3434-W. 95ttc VACANT FURN. atudio apt .. ttre- placc 6: view. e1n• Poppy, Co· rona del M.ar. LI S-2167. 80tfc CLIFF HAVEN SPA<!IOUS 2 bdrm. duplex, lots ot clDRla A Ule, fenced yd. Gar, $S7.50 unfurn. MURIEL M. Pl.)lOVER, Realtor lt49 DIC SOTO cu•tosi 2 dr. 1edan. ft.\H. Fluid drive. Seat cover11. '™· -Ph. Har. 4:116 or Har. •320. 9:X:97 Shidlo apt. -rum ..... -.. $65. mo. Phone Harbot 4610. • S6llc l bedrm. apt .. turn. .. $60. mo. BEDRM Ba Fro l 2 bednn. house unfurn. .Firepl. 2 . turn. apL on Y n 1 Winter or yearly rental. 11-0• So. BEST TRACT HOME IN ·TOWN KNOWELL P LACE See Model at 2073 Maple ·• 3 bedrooma ·• 2-ear garage • 2 baths • Sel~t Hardwood • Garbage DU.po'al e Pl..Ured Walla • 2" Sub Floor • Forced Air Heat ·• ThermQ111tat Control • Natural Cabinet $950 Down ~ $11,500 Phil .Sullivan & George Everson 1~ Newport B lvd., Coeta M eu. (A cross From Coeta Meu Bank) P h one Llberty 8-6761 Evea. Har. •366-U 8·2103 Balboa PENINSULA TRADE Open Sunday 10 to 4 2041 E. Ocean Blvd. 3 "1rm., ~ bath, one-etory, Iese than 2 yeara old. Completely f umished. Forced air l\eat. Built in barbequc and nice patio. 2-car garake. plaatered and heated. Can be ueed for a rumpus room. Thia iJI a very fine home with Cllrpeting, drape& and nicely furniehed. It baa a $15,000 5r;. 20-year loa n . Full price $~. Owner will trade equity for boat or Harbor area property. • DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 Newport B lvd., N ewport Bch. H arbor 3693 LIDO IStE • WeJrlm!tited 30' L ido Nord Lot-$22.500. full price. · Some t erms available. Exclusive Vogel Value. a-IU9J l'Atate • - Balboa Island , Bayfront A. da.ndy at lb• price of 14~.:w>O a bdrma. 6: d•n ..l\lmlelled. Pri vate pier 6: fioaL Excell•nt lo- ca uuu i ~· -·-.. ow. We have the key. Lido Ranch Type I bdrm. • den, 1 ~ b&tha. ' yr1 old. Very lovely home j u.It r.- ~uced to '2•.9&<>. IMAGINE -On ly $5000 d n . • Bay Shore Home Owner tranaferrea , mull eeU com tortal>le 2 bdrm. adobe brick home. Nice locaUon. Bpactou1 room1, breakfu t bar. Ideal kit chen. Only l 18,6ll0, •~ down. '130. month. Newport Heights 519 El Modena 2 bdrm. home. nice condition. O. I. Loan. 4 ~ ..-4ntere11\. Price $9t:IO. 12&00 down or will I••• for f86. mo. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Har. ••• (EveL LI 1-6297) Har. 1781-RK) COSTA MESA CALL FOR APPT. to I eee •63 MAGNOLIA. 3 I.I•· br., w to w ' carpet, lot.I of cloMt.I, nice kit .. dbl. rar. on allty, Ire. yard, patio and BBQ. ICxceUent ea1t· fide location. 111,500. Tenn1 . CA.LL FOR APP'I'. to Me 136 ALBERT PLACJC. 2 br .. almo1t new, 1tucco, cloee to tranipOrta· tlon. larre lot, 19850. . CORONA DEL MAR .. OUR SPECIALTY is low d own pa)1Dent homee . No doge. Thetie. '1'e all clean cut modern bOllM9 . under 4 years old. \ 1. N ice 2 bdrm. hoDlf. beat re&id en tial1area. Hwd. n oora, Iota ot til~ d bl. g&rage. $1000 down. 2. Very clean 2 bdrm. home, hwd . planked floortnr. Lota of tile, 2t,~-car g arage. Cloee t.o ahopplnc center:, ~ down. 3 . Nearly new 3 bdrm. ho me, la rge living room with fireplace, dining room , nice k itchen , laundry rm. .. dbl. -g9rag e. Complete~ fenced. T.o qualiti~ ~y· e r. $1000 down. Balance at $85 per m onth. • • SEE TlfESE TOD AY . lt'a a lit tle late for ChNt· m u, bu t we l!till have the h olida y aplrlt ! . Ben J. Whitman and Associates .. . "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 3M2 E. Coa,at H ighway at Orchid, cOrona del Mar Harbor 1862 (Evee. Harbor 1461) . NOW IS THE TIME Very Nicely Arranged 2 bdrm. 2 year o ld HOUM. On 35 ft. lot • F or the low price of $21,7:K> Beautiful 3 bdrm .• 2 Full Bathe • Large Lanai Wool Carpeted and D rape.a Nearly 70 ft. Lot o n 2 Stradu Sh own b y appointment only $37,000 Un~ual Hou~ -52Yz ft. Corner Lot Swimming Pqol · 3 bdrm• .• Very L ge. Living Room · P riced Ricbt $4.2,500 ._ SAL& OR TRADE· garage, ....... ······---··~.JJl2...IJ!""'0.1--Bll'Y'"'1"lmnt:-Be-Mlee~ ---~~OGEL COMPAN¥ ~UNIT INCOME. rum., BA~OA. 'O ~a-m • ----• -----•.-tr.-BAY ~~y~~,§~JETY -~----~ New 'M Ply. Belvedere con¥., Kl· Drive, load~. $22411. Wiii aoc:ept amall rorel&'ft car or clear lot ln Santa Ana or Harbor area in trade-Har. 1303-M. ' 03c•H 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetma.ler club coupe. Radio 6: healer, 51 motor, new p~unt, new aest cover1, foam rubber cuahlon•. Perfect condition. $390. Pl'ivate party. LI 8·3954. 93c98 811.CRlFICE -•1)4 Plymouth He.I· vedere convertlble. HI ·drive. L11ht blue, tan top. RAK. While •ldewalla, turn 1ig'nala; ~ck up ll1hu , Auto wlndlhleld wuher. ' moa.. old. 4000 mllea. Will a.ccept trade. Make otter. Har. 1303·M. 79tlc 1940 OLDS. 4 dr . .eda.n, very clean, R4rH. New recaps. battery, paint A: Mal covera, 1190. 643 Santa Al)a An .. Newport Ht.a. 9~7 Motor Overhaul NO MO NEY DOW?i * witJf this ad * e CyJa. . S48.88 8 Cyla. ----$58'.88 1DcJude1 botb labor ano part.a. New nnia, wrt.t plna, valve Srtnd, Httinp ot main and rod beann11. Ellpert IJIGl,or tWI• up. 90-day or 4,000 mUe JU&rantee. (NO MONl:Y DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP tci 10 MONTHH TO P AY- ltulJt in our own factory by akille<I mt.Ch1nilt.a. Don't contend wit.II I.lie middle man. Buy direct. , RE BUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK l'ORD -- -····-··-··11Z9.6U CHmVROLl:T ·-------.'149.511 P LYM.. 6: DODGE .. $1~ CHJ\T8. A OE SOTO ---'170 aTUOEBAKJ:.R ----117u OLDS A: PONTUO t 1170 BUICK -· ·-··--·-·-----.117:'> HUDSON -····-··-·--·-·--S17t> Lou Car P'l"ff Towtna NE W CAR OA:P.A.NTEE B1ocJt m~ meet our llt.ndt..rda Ph.m taaee, 1aak'UI and oil Open 8unda7 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dall7 I to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION. 3i0 East 3r d St. 8ANTA ANA. TWD-WHEEL 'l'RAilER. (. JI 6 I Stalf\lf• •leel axJ• Uld loncut. 1 16 El Moden11.. ~twport Hlt. alter e p~ m. MU -•'7-Waated to Bea• Rentals Wanted We need a pta and hou.u In all .-cUOlltll for bolJI wt.Dler ana )'Wt..r'1 1-. FUm.. or WI.furn. 11 you ha•e a •acancy, phone today The Vogel Co. l201 W. CaL Hwy .• N•wport Bcb. Pilon• Liberty &.i1481 IOI M&rtn•. Balboa laland ·-Pbooe B&rbor 4W 1301 eo..t RJw&)', Corona de1 Mar Pllone Barbor 17 41 100 Ma.in SL, Balboa Pboee llarbnr 140 C D M -702 U...onlL 2 bdnn. untuml•h~ duplu. FlttplacP, F. A. •heat. hwd. tloora~ Seper. 11te J!Atll'. Adults. Har. 1~4-R. 97c.99 -E•erybody r •<U C'lusitt~ ~da. • r BEACON BAY J... bedrma., furn. houae. Fenced patlo, ~$125. mo. W. E. flSHER 422. 1145 Uc A 'M'ENTION EASTERNERS ... - Newly decorated lerge furn. 1 bdrm. apt.. Newport Beach. ,rane: heat, garage. Tenant pays .. tectricity. $60 month. LJtH-rty 8-1409 93tlc 3 201 W. Coast Hwy. Newpor;t Beach Ll 8-3(81 48B-Ho09M for Beat SEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 bdrm. . Bay Front Income but food condition. REDUCED to 128,600. Very low down and Sood term1. BEACH C 0 TT A G £, furnlaht!d. P\.111 price $~. Uld ASSOCIATES 3034 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2443 95<:97 FURNISHED LIDO HOME houae. 1epuale dlnln~ room. SPACIOUS HOME with 5 ti.!drms .1 Dc-n 'With flrepl&.ce, par ly furn- I ,UDSt.-2 • I ~. f\arD· &abed. Pl4!r, fle»,l a.Gd pr1Y&C. be&cb.. 1000 II. Balboa BIYd., 8&lbot... Crc•t.lew laeff. Cour- teey to broken. l ltJc BA YSHORES-2 br., Ice. Uv. rm .. tlreplac:t, l&J'iaJ, brealc fut bar, patio, dbl ga.r., 118.600 .. term•. .1c0 t J 1c • ., .. 0 1 lshed. Penct!d yard. LI 8-4261. • ., mo. o une '" or ._, yr Y 93c9S CLIFF KA'iEN-3 br., 2 bath, Hw, nooni, compa.ct k itchen, buUl·ln ran11e. dlllhwasher; etc: UN FURN ISHED Lido Re alty Ass~iates l413 West Bay Ave.. 3400 Via Udo. Har. 44'4. 117c99 NEARLY NEW 2 bedrm .. unfum. hou~e. tlreplace. living room .. Cloaet11 galore. window walJa to patio. BeautlCUlly built an~.oflOt a le&1ehQJd. A•klnr price 12~.~o NEW 2 bedrm .. fireplace. garbare c;:on ONA. DEL MAR-So. or hwy •Unt lle carpett>d garage. Yesr dl11p. Garare. laundry room. 9~~~ ~ Sunny 2 bed rm. gnrage apt.. lease. 318 "L" s~ .. Balboa. 9x~7 Attractive Bay Ave. 3 BEDROOM HOME. Oorreou• bay vlt'w, colorful artl•llc wall· paper decor. lnleriol' barbecue. Lovely patio. Can be lffJl mom · 111'\r and evening•. 910 W. Bay A~e .. ~ewport BeactL 90c9h 3685-M. >~um, in rock meple. TV 1U1tenna. GR.ANO CANAL, Balboa lsland. 2 bdrm. furn. hou11e, $70. month Good wardrobe & 11toroge space. LarJee p~llo. Har. H 5:i-w . 95ct TWO BEDROOM a pt. 1tove and I LIVE ... refr!g. only. Garbage dlspu .. I. h I Ne;"' 6: beautiful, $90. mo., yrly w ere YOU P ay ONE BEDRooM ·nnr Khool, bch. Outdoor Pat ios 6: bay. IM . mo., Incl. utllitlea. BR.AND nf'w apartment.I, near J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Bt.lbor. Bl., Newport Bch Har. 4091 -Eves. Ll 8·3378 PLENTY OP' FREE PARKlNG 8etrc VOGEL VALUE RENTALS KarbOr. ACl'IOOh•. 1hoppln& d•• trtct. quiet pleall&llt and exch1· five Garbace <111poeaJ, laundry a.nd •t<>rage rooma. garage. $8\J and up. Monthly or yearly. St e Mgr. l ~l Haven Place. CIJU Haven or ph,one Llberty 8-3893 11 blk So. of HI School> 30Uc OCEAN FRONT 2 betlrm.. furn. NICE 2 bedrm. unfurn. house with stove A: refrlg. 428 Gi>ldenrod. Coron!\ drl Mar. Har. 3434·W. 95Uc N ewoort Beach 2 "BOfht. f'um. home and 1 bdrm., bllChelor Apt. CHARLES E. KART, Har. 1428 3420 \V. Balboa Bl\'d , N~•porl Bearh. S6tlc 48C-l"'railer Space ------L SPACE av111lable tor trailer up l O 30 rt . With 100 "~ private hath. Sandy's Dt'luxe Trailer Puk. LI 8-1~21 . 97c:91J A REAL BAROAlN~ Back Bay •,. a~re ln Santa Ana Helpta. Wire fenced. Frull lreeL Room ror income. Attractive tenn1. Call Har. 1223-J or LI 8·11104. 95c97 BACK BAY. 4 br., new, permanent view. Must eee. Hu "verythln1 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 w. Coast Hwy. u 8·4277 9:X:97 ... . Subdivision Acres 41, ACRES. will qualify for 18 BY OWNER $16 900 ,... legal lot.a. good draln1ie. ra•l 1..:11tr Havfn. 3 t>drm home.' Fire· ~ro w I nl dl'vtlopmenl. Costa place, pr.lie tit extra loL G I. eaa.. 11 .000 loan. rh. LI 8·:'>,417 for app•t. -- 96<:11S Channel Front o. 1-Studlo apt .. 1tove, refrlg . curtain• • drapea •~· per mo. No. 2-1 Br. furn. lncludu ullh· apt . UplltAIM. clo11e in. Jruultll 53-A-BUAineu ReDt&la Balboa. Hllroor 322S-W. 95p9" ----- NICE 2 BDRM. bouJN>. Hie bt.lh. hdwd. floor11. F'loor Cumace. patio garai;e .tr fenN>d yard. By owner. LI 8·0809. 9tc10 2 UNITS. 2 Mdrooma each, pier, noat. corner lot, fur4ttah"d. S22,!>00, terms euy. A.JllO choice of all ot hera l11t~d In multlpl• lies . 17~. per mo, No. 3-1 Br. furn., near beach. 1 ZOdO I living rm I SM. per mo. No. 4-2 Brs .. <'ltan, unrurni11hed, . $100 ptr JTIO, No. 5-2 Bra .. fully furnished. nice , $12ri per mo. No. 6-3 Brs .. 2 baths. view turn. .. . . .. 1260 per mo. THE VOGEL CO. 2et7 E. CoHt Hlghway Corona del Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 CORO~ A DEL MAR -2 bed rm. unrum duple11:. F lrepla<"e. gar- ·~.. I blk. to mitrkt l 6: trana 1711 month1• yearl>'· MURIEL M. PL'JOVER. Realtor Phon.-Ha rbor 4610 95tfc 3 BEDRM . 11, batlul. unfum. gar. Co1ta Moa 18Qe U 8-4241. 9~7 CORONA' DEL MAR 518 • 5Hi, • 016~ Avocado 2 bdrm untum. nouw. Slo'lle and rdrlg. tum, Fireplace, garbage 11111pnu l, p~f'. Beauu rul patio $100 mo. Nc-wly decorated 1 bdrm. unfum. 'apt , •IC),•e 4r relrlg. Ocean view. Garb. d1sp.. utll. run\. $7~ mo. l bdrm. rum, apt. Will be dfco· ratet.1 to suit tenant, tum .. gar .. dllip. Ocean vlPW~ $8(, mu. Har, 431S· or eve11. Har. Ht>J. Selfe Balboa lslaod Choke )'nrly and 1ummcr rentel8, nnw available. · OORJS BRAY, Realtor 21& Marine Ave .. Balhl'a l~lanJ Harbor 20 90tfc Choice Winter Rentala on BaJboa l.sland & Lido Isle Small A: co:y or larre A deluxe 175 to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 M.arllle Ave .• Bt.lbda .lalan.J Ph. Harbor 44' or Harbor 2151 Ru . Har. 1786-RK or U 8·6297 tnfc 1 BORJ.f. front duplex -Nicely ~urn. CXea.n •Ide ot Hwy. Cl919 to ln..n1p<>rta Uon 6: a hope. \' rly l'fntal. 607 Fernleat, Corona del Mar. Ul!c -&8.A-.Apti for Rent ----y EARL T beautlrUl ntw I bdnn. turn .. •PL. prb d111p.. formic& •Ink A bar. garait • wuhroom l blk' from 04»"11, Newport. $7~ Evening M S at. 6: Sun. Ha.rbor 2181..J. 9ic99 LARGE LINFURX up11ta1 rs, bedrm. 1tpl. with v1eow. l1lr al for couph• Yc-11 rly 111le. 720 Iris, Corona <l<'I M11 r. 95c97 BB:DRM. moth'rn apt. with gar· age. JJea.sonable. 602 •2 36th Sl., Newport. lnqu1ro 1101 • 36lh or 014 · 36lh. Har. 1498-R. S2tfc CORONA DEL MAR -Modem tum. apt. incl. ut1I. $75 yr ly. or 160 till June. • ANOTHY.R 11maller. suitable for one or couplP. $50 1angle. HO dbl. yearl}'. Adult•. IA>t.nSE APTS., C11m1t1on nr. Suvirw. Harbor 4016. S7cl FUR:-1 bachelor apt., $4:> mo. 119 Wt'lll &lboa Bl\·d. 1-·or ktys and lntormsuon Bee Bay It 8 Pach Rtalty. 1100 w. Balbo8 Bh·d. Ph. Har. 1264 ~lfc '8.8-HoWlff for ~ot 2 BURM. Cum . 10 June 1ri. Dbl. g>t r , nr. hellr h1 $70.. ulll. pd 122 4 Ill St .. Nt•wporl. Ownt'r on pr•rnl11e11 l'un<!t1)'. J 11n J6, 2 ;rn p.rn. 97p9!l TWO Rf:ORM HOt;SF.. w to "" <'arpelolf, fi fO'Jll dbll' .-:11r . rPnrNJ p11tto, Newport Hts $8.'1. mo. un· furn. Llbrrty 8-3803. 97c99 COMFORTABl.Y fuml11l'led 2 be•I· room hnml'. r atio with B B Q. Ca rll J(• -060S Ort hltl. Coron11 dl'I Mar. H11r. llJ37·R 9:X:ll7 NE\\ nirrly rum. 2 bdrm. or 3 tx1rm plu11 2 bRth houst , until July t R<'ll.l'"nabl<'. 11 blcx·k tq ocean. Call Har. 30 l·R. 98c!l8 SMALL UNFURN. houH , draix-r· tu . 1u10. wuher. Clean. U ri. mo. JM9 Tul!tin An . Colla Mr11&. • 9r.c97 Newport Beach 2 BEACH HOUSES for ltllff, $~10 month n 1·h. No 11ubltt. SYra· more 8·3222. 9x 10 3 BEDRM unturn. Garbase dllp. No pr11~r. $76 mo. or 169.60 on leue, No peta, 389 ll. Wa!nut Pl . Costa Mesa. Wberty 8-3180, 84 Uc \\'ILL RENT br~d new 3 bedrm. 2 bath, u.ntum . home In lRVlNE TERRACI: at NOC>. per month With l yr. IHH. Call Harbor '4 48 tor t\lrtber de ta.Ila. 18Uc FACTORY or warehouff space for rf'nl In Costa Mesa. MAR CREST CORP. H11r. 1964. IH!c2 Balboa BliS L~ESS OFFICE, u cellcnl lo· FURN. 2 bedrm .. knotty pane ln· trrlor. Extra 1arge patio. Stnrle cation acros11 the 11tnoct from Cnn;ma dl'l Mar Poat Ot t1ce. IOeal tor loan rtprcaentative, contractor, aeAm1tret111, a rt or jewelry buslnesa. Util. pd. Only '40. month. CALL Bfn Woltman, Har. 1882. Evee. Harbor 1461 ·eeuc For lease upstairs 800 Sq. !L su1t11blt' fnr bu11lnf'111. l'ludJo or otri~ 6: living quart· en . 21 0 ?.tarlne Avf ., Bal. la. Ownt>r 1:19 :\. Bay P'Tonl. Bal· boa hlan1I. 9!1pl 0 1tarai:t . ''I blk. to b11y. $15,000. Harbor 308,'\-W after 6:30. 90c97 Foreclosure Must be 110ld al once. V•ry nice 2 bdrm. home, hwd. noou . fUr. nace heat, larire patio. Com· plttely !um. ALSO amall apL over 11arage. Vtry choice loca- Lion f.'UIJ prlct 112.9~. irOO(I term1. Har. 2313 Hc:98 ------------ 55-Money to Loan WOULD like to buy at and 2nd MARINE A VE .. Balboa Uland. 2 Tl"Uat Dt edr. Call Har. 2326 bdrm., ll\'lng rm ..... ·1th h replsce. 41ttc En closed J>8tlO, A lso t-Oom ror of!1ce or small bu5ane.M. $Ill~ mo FRANK . JA.MES -LJN\.tOOD 5'7-R4-a.I Estate Wanted VICK. 312 Marine. Har. 2042, 118c3 BALBOA OCEAN FRONT-Min· lature golr ,roura11 and <"on1•e1· s1un. all t'ljtlllJl · rt•11tly t!J go. Har. :.!l 8-W. 971'3 Acreage Wanted II, 10, 20. 40 llr mon> A('ru. WlLL PAY CASH. Call Mr. Ga llant, Har 17i6 E a rl W . Stanley, Rnltor 22!'1 M11rint' A vt , Ba.Ibo• Isl1an!1 97c3 G 0 AR GE WANT fmm own"r -a house or N. B. C. Realty 32nd A: Newport Blvd~ Npt, Sch. Harbor H05. 9~9T 4( Ocean Front Income I t1NJT8 comer lot, excel. lncomf record. Hr.11 bile. from Bay 1and p&rk lng tac· Clfan. $10.000 will h&ndle. Bide. wtt.h 1tore and a unlll COOi.i buy, for 118,000 -'4000 down, In the heart of Balboa. Coast Properties 0-07 E. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Harbor •too 97tlc Bayshores Bargain ! DREAM HOUSE of a bdnn• . 1 ~ bath. l!:Ktra Ice patio. Price or $27,500 1nd udu Strvel l<'t Mr.l<er refri.gerator. W to W car- pclln~. Wed11ewood Grlllevalor, • dlspoul. int.rior 1'hulter1,. SEE· INO IS BEUEVlNG. Ul u1 1thow It to you. o1.nd YOU BE THE> J UDOE. CRll lMbel Herron AS STATI N, G A ~ · "V11r 11nt lot nn Harbor. Newport ;\'.cwpo1 t Beach 11r Bttlhoa Blvd. -or 17th SL THE BEAUMONT CO. ln,•entory About $1750 in ·osl• Mesa. I'leue write M. 434 32nd St .. Newport Bui h Phone Hs rb<Jr 16:13. 88r,i9 l..a.nnert, Unx N24. thl• paper. Harbor 4299. 9~1 65--Monl'y t-0 Loan -,,--------· LO.Al'::! TU l:Wll.J.J. l:\lPROVJi: Bt;Y, MUl>EfU"llZE, OR MFlNANCE We liuy Truet Dee<la NEWPORT liA.LHUA SA VINOS 6: WA..._ ASSUClA TlO:"I J 366 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 4200 U• 96llc r~-----=-·--------- BALBOA INCOME 5 Ul'ITS-Oldl'r property cmtral· ly loc. 11\ blkl. to h~J-d ot BaJ. ho&. I •til. rm Juat f'e4u<*J to 123.6()() rnr quick •ale. f:IOOO dn. Owne,r Harbor IS98. • 75•rc Newport Heighta 3 BEDRM .. 1 i., bat.ha. n.-w luxu ry home. F1replact , beam CPlhnu Garbage dl1poeal Forcrd air hut and many othl'r fr•tures Don't m lu t.hla on•' O~ly $11,950 full price 11000 down LOANS for Homes eo-A. eommucia.I. 1Dduaut&1 OPE:-1 DAJLY-10 a m 'llll dark 489 Holly Lane. near l rv1n• Ave. 9:'>tfc 5<w -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans SEi: BUB 8A 'ITLJ:R ~15 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona oei J.tat H&rbor U88 ~p. POIRIER ltlORTOAGlt CO. Metro Ute Ina. Fund1 Kl. Wllll '8Uc LOANS PROM.PT SERVlCE 5f~ f1r1t trult dcedr. 20 year1 Orange Coast Properties 18."17 Newport Avt., Coit& M ... U 8,1632 or U a.uoo Evea. . t~Uo LIGHT INDUSTRY EXt.:ELLT.NT loet.tlon. Will build 1:'>00 to 3000 .q. CL to 1Ull. Rea· .onable rf'nt Lonir term 1~ue It dt11red GORDON 8EVERT8 REALTY 136 Eaet 11£h Bl., eo.ta tofeat. LI 1·1~73 or U 8·11118. .•5uc 81 WTLL nc:hanc• Laa"una Beach hOUM, on 4 Iota !Bluebtl'd Can· yon I 12'.000. ' WANT Income uni ta or r ! Pboot HTatt 4-2987 before 9 a.m. or HTatt 4-3121. NclH 2-stary frame· ocean front 4 BEDRlol. 6: DES. Brick rlrl'· pta.ce. Pa tio. Double 1tarall't· For only 111.:ioo . Balboa Bay Properties l!l-0~ W. B&lboa ~IYd .. l'lpt. Bch. Harbor IH88. 90<:97 NEW 8 BE.ORM. IJOUBE on lot eo· 11: 300' MeOO, HOO down. 283 AYocado. C-Ollt.a MeM.. Phone Liberty 8-7807. 9:itfc CORONA HlGH.1.A.ND LOTI - Choice an.-A n 11a.ble Ca.l1 H&l'bor 131' "Just to th e. righ t of the Lido.Brldgt" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bcb. Ha.r. 3643 (evee H . 2999) BALBOA ISLAND C harmin g 3 bdrm. pine-paneled home fully carpet· ed. 2 baths, f urnace heat, di&poul and Iota of cloe- et space. R oom to build extra unit. Furn. $26,500. Delightful 2 bdrm. cottage completely f urniahed in excellent taete -Fireplace, furnace heat. A t..o a 1 bdrm. guest cottage for income. Thia property 1how1 excellent. inrome record. Financing l• topa. $25.000 -Multiple Listing No. 5125. , Beyond comparison ia th ut delightful d u plex nea: the No rth Bay -Each unit baa 2 bdnna., the f ront u nit ha.a 2 b ath.a. Every convenience ie included In thia 2 year old property. T he furnishinga are in excellent la.tile. -=-$39,500. Multiple L isting No. 4967 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave . Balboa .bland, Calif. PhCJnc Harbor 502 -Eve.a. Harbor 2306-R OUR JANt:JARY SPECIALS BALBOA ISL AND -Act Now- Live in comfort t his summer in a he me of your own- Bayrront -Pier • Rental apL • New and Stun · ning ... . ............ ·-···--·'54.500 4 BEDROOM • 2 bath • Large ya rd, nicely furn. Close to Bay . . ......... _$29,500 W ATERFRONT • NEW • Modern cu1tom • b uilt furnitur e. Dbl. ga rsge .$30.000 ADORABLE • Used Bric k • Knotty pine • fire· place • Exclush·e L ittle Island. 2 bdrm. atftl $1.9,500 DO.RIS BRAY, Realtor CUrt Doeb Harbor 20 N o na H yer Chet Salisbury 216 Manne Ave., Balboa Island OPEN HOUSE 1720 Kings Rd. Cliff Haven Th1H 111 an ouu.ta nding home with it.A gorgeoua view or bay & ocean. 2 bdml. & den. 2 bathe. Lar ge llv. rm., beam ceiling & huge firepla ce. Beautifully land· scaped. T hia home is pnGCd t o sell. $23,500. ~ Saturday & Sunday, 1~-~ p .m ., or call u11. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balbo a Blvd .. Newport Bea.ch H arbor 51~ -H arbor 1983 Nice Family Home NEAR ~""''J>'l1 l Hath<•r Yarhl ChJb • BEDRM f11m homf· w1tn prr· msn .. nt bay v1rw. f:J!'i<l(i down Coast Properties LIDO ISLE Move in Today! WF:W. UUILT. completely turn· l~h"d 3 b<lrm . 2 bllh home on l11r1o:e lo\. r•ork noon1 In luill • "1""'"' bdrm. Lc1vl'ly '-at'J>f!Le4 II\ Int.: fttfJIO With Jlrj(f' flrtplac:e. 301 E. Usl~a-. ~lvu_. Ball)()& J•relly ilitch•-n. S26.~ funuAh· Harbor 26~ ' lr•i'~tt"; · · · ·;.:;r,· Jlr,;l)()· Ul'JWTI; -E11tty . .,._Yln4AL&- 113Uc on 1>alanc~ Call Har. 2870 to -------------... " 81tl• For Sale by owner 3 BEDRMS , b<'arn pd c••lhng~ Flt•'- pllll'" f{"dW<JOOI anti •lu~t '' <'X• terl<Jr un b"•tU Ul\ll lltt 1.-.1.wl· 8(apt'd t:o•t~ M ~l'I>" r1nnl ~I <.:loM: to r.:eowport Hl vd, 11.ntl l ilh 8t L'<.m81<1er 11000 down rr11m quahfltd buyer. Harnor 4318 "r eve•• KEilogg IH2•1i. •. -----~--------~-£M.ERALD BA Y-Ju&t So. of HI· way. wit.II euy u cellll ta ~11ch. ~U,-11l!ul fll rm noul!" only 2 yr•. uld. 2 ~nne . 2 bathM. 2 fll"fplacH. lge. 1111mR rm . ""'l> d1n1nr nn. BARC AlN . Cr.II YORI> VEAAJNL>ER. UO Poln11ett1a. Corona dl'l Mu Har. Uta, eve&. Har. '477 nua •. New 4 &-droom DF:Lt:XJo. ritnr h styl' home, ff'&• tur~11 'J bath•, ~am ctlll111a. f11ru•ol air l'lcsl Garb dl•~I. 1-;x.1111 u1t ran 1n k•I Real wood horn1n11 111 .. r t"""· '•th ru l<>lt hg htn anrl rn•ny <>Ul'r hnuuy 1 l!'ll\I'· $12,950 Full Price $1000 Down OPE~ DAILY -10 a m. ·w1 dark 41JU Holly La1u! In Npt. Helft!ll •:-Jl'Ar Jrvlnf Av,.1 fl6Ue BY OWNP:H ~ C.O.la M .... - 2 bdrm noUM. nice d&at1ct. nolhlnK down. Jl'uU pnce I OIOO <ieo. i:IU., Har. tU~. ... I ' .. LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES,' INC. -3333 Via Lido-Across from Savings & Loan NORTH BA YFRONT-3 bdrm., 3 ~lua maid' a room, lovely wide sandy swimming beach with its finf' 1320 ft. long wallc for your enjoyment. If you don't need a larger home, be sure to see this. Car- peted. draped and comp"tely furn.,, Only $59.500. BAYFftONT-on the desired East end.of Lido Isle. Perfect family year around finely fini!lhed home, ~ bdrms., 5 baths. Terrific family room with bar and barbecue. M-ft. width allows pier " slip plua fine beach-. One of the truly outstanding ~bor views, watch the races start and '""finish. Thia lot alone, ii vacant: would be worth $5:5,000. and it's a cinch you couldi:i't come close to building· the house <over 4500 sq. ft.). putting in the bulkhead, pier & noat, landaCaping and all other coats for $55 .• ooo .. But the telling p~ ia enly $84,600 and • we can submit eaay terms. ' 7 NEW HOMES now starting on Lido -Come in and look over the plans. Look at the choice build· ing siles. By selecting yours now, YOU can pick out the colors. YOU can decide whether_Jo use tile or formica and what color,. YOU can pick QUt the color or the carpeting -in other ;wdrds -YOU can ~t a customized new home at a vplume price. It makes sense that building a number at a time. the builder can save money without cutting quality. One ot the lovely new homes is available for $5,000 dn., just over ',!, of tbe co~t. of the lot. P! A. PALMER INCORPORATED Ole Hanaon Co; Sales Mgmt. 3333 ·via Lido -Harbor 1500 6%-~ l'Atate ------ COSTA MESA Jf .you have .a large family and wanl plenty or apace thla 11 the home tor you! :S bdrm•.. hard· wood noora, 2 rln placu. A blc beautifully land11eapf'd lot ln Ole Back Bay Arca ... Plu. a larS- ~1eparate rumpua room and den W1Ut fireplace and bar-yea. It hu a tlaptone paUo and batbe· cue too. and beat of all 'the prtce la only Jl3.e~. with Juet H .000 down. " ,, .. • t Costa Mesa U.ten to thla t I b<!rma., b4wd. noor.. fireplace, clock thermo hea t, only 2 yeara old and In H · cellent condition. Nicely plant· ed lar&e lot on a quiet banjo etreet In really a beautiful nelghborhOO<l-all th11 and much mote for only $ I0,600. with 4 '~ •; loan-\Ve ehallcn~ you to beat thla buy! ! i\, must ~e! Detailed for . Comfort . : . and It's a .real ~nod-looker, too ... 2 bdrm3 • and Jargr den, hdwcl. Cloori1, ffrcpluc:e-lot11 of ~oont inside anti oul-a ml bl'sl or all the 11rlce $11.MO. with ex· cellenl terma. Bay & Beach Realty 1096 Newport Bjvd. Oo1l& Mesa, Callt. LI 8-1181 Evn. L.Iberty 8·3168 Ocean Front ----------------------3 bedtm. 2 both home. Flr<>placc~ double 1ara&e. Near new. HighJy Recommend.ed Panorama Harbo~ View~ --otbtt!ro~ Best of .wlrumlng a nfJ tl1blng ! Qnly 518.000. term•. _... ...... -..... --..... ----... ~_,,,.__8.us_in .... e_s_s_. ____ , ·. ft-Real Estate' ft-Real f'Atate ------ "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THO~' THOM.AB • BAYSHORES BAY VIEW HOME ON BA YSHORE-DRIVE with lotJI of ~ibilities! Large living room. bttal<fast bar, encloeed patio· with ~utdoor barbeque, l :~ baths, unit heat, nicely landscaped. $18. 750 with low down payment. CLIFF HAVEN OP~N HOUSE -Sat. & Sun. 1-5 1310 Kings Road . .OWN YOUR OWN HOME! Peninsula Homes 2', bc<tr<><>m. 111\ bath, r\lmll!hrd home. N lre patio. A. ttandy homl'. $16.~00. t erma. AL.SO 0.'l THE PENINSULA.. 2 bedroom furnished home. Stucco. only 6 yt>ars old. Can't tu t long at JH,&00. • Ocean Front Home FURNISHED with 2 br.. on the penhwula. .Near jetly. Lovl'ly patio, an ~xct>ptlon11I "aluc at Jl8.~. Duplex! ONLY 2 YEARS 0 1.D and closl' to Udo Shopping 2 br. up. 2 .tn . 3 balhs. itucco. You l'an't find •• . NEW~ORT HARBOR ~S-PRESS ...:_PART ff : PAG~ 5 MONl'A Y./ JANllARY I 0, I ~55 4 62-R~ Estate ------- ,I_ IT'S LESS THAN $5,000 Down ! $4850. to be exac.'t >Ai li mo\·e your family into this fine Lido Home. Full price iM $25.i~>O for a spacious 3 bedrooms and 2 bath" on a larj?'<' lot. Usl.'d brick fireplact> and wall to wall cnrp<'ttili;:-. ~to"e and oven built·in are a feature of the extra ni ce kitchen.• Appredate a call first so that we can arrange to show . ,, v JUST THE BEST! BRAND NEW very attractive 3 bdrm., l* bath home with unobstructed VIE W and built a round a large cement patio. Living room has beam ceilings & large fireplace, dining area. W to W carpetint, lots of coleFfw tile ill batbJ Ii kjt~hen .. ~Ke kit· chen with beautiful birc~ cabinets, electric fan, ISreakfast area with sliding glass doors opening onto patio. Abundance of clo.et apace, F . A. heat, a lx!ltet one tor Ith. m .600, C'an - Best for fine Lido living that is null a "ix'st buy" too. Four bedrooms and two bnths ~n 11 large lot. An outstanding on~Ooor showplace with a modern interior with that cxpan&ive feeling. \.\\mdcrful built·in kit<:hen. Carpeted, landeeaped and walled. Stone ftreptace. Brand nt>W f or -$33.500 -an& ~ 65-ft. lot. -A HOME TO BE PROUD OF! PRICED at S24,500 -Good Terms "C" THOMAS, Realtor be your1 tor 'S!'.>000 down . · Our Special! 2 BR .~ BATH HOME. Fumlahed. Can build 2 more unlta on thl• Jl:!l_oL Remodelrd an<1 modrm· IJ,~~·You muat 11re It ror $12,000 and K.OOd tenns. 224 w. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 Balboa Realty Co. "C" THOMAS ".C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS IOpposlte Bank or America I M .. mbers, Multiple LlaHng THE GREAT ORANGE COAST CLIFF DRIVE LOT -Not many vacant lots left. New homes. all around tbi.8 very desirable site. $6000 ta~es· it. ADJOINING LOTS ON DEL MAR -5 unit income site, very cloee t o NewP.Ort Blvd. Terml; arranged. $4000 f~ll price. BEAUTIFl,.JL RESTRICTED Back Bay Iota, $3250 .. up -New atreetB, all utilities. Choice lots now. Rosa Greeley Ed Lott Jack Ptnkhom .Josephine Webb 700 E. Balboa Bl\'d .. 8 1\lboa Phone Harbor 3277. Opportunity ZONED P'OR BUSINJ!:Sl5 01} Wut 19th St .. near larce nt~u.Jnua center Home only 3 yur11 old. Two bedroom and .:uaxe. Jl'Ull price ta. only -· $92~0. $2500 Down in tomorrow for Sl 0.000 down. •1 A· SCARCE ITEM! That's what R·3 lots are on Lido -\'Cry few Jett at any pri('e and here are the two best. They are 40 x 118 and side ,by side running strt>el to etttet. One on a central strada corner is $16.000 and the otber is $15.000. Currently the owner will aacritice both for S29.500. whirh is a buy. Come in and let us show the~ and outline Aome id('aa for dPvelopmenl. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINE;ST L·ID'O REAL TY ASSOCIATES . 3400 Via Lido (ACROSS FROM R1CHARD'S . ~------- Harbor 4444 MARKET ENTRANCE) ----•-.. ___ _ l . New 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom extra large living room, every room with a magnificent view with either plate ·glaaa windows. or sliding doors. 2 fireplacea,-.wall to wall Carpet.a· .. Qrape.1. Beam ceilinp. View thel'!bador kitchen. Income Property • • "< PRACTICALLY tiay t ront. Over 2 BDRM. HOME, fireplace, large "L " ahaped living & dining room. Excellent beach location between Balboa Blvd. & the ocean. $11.~. VERY NICE three bedroom home near the High School. Wide lot. 2 car ca.rage. Ve ry nlcl'ly land· aaped. Thi' 11 an exc&ptlonaJ buy at only- LIDO ISLE 2. 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom.1. Electric 'coo trolled tur- nacea. Large living room with unexcellable view. Expensive concrete foundations. Expert engi- neerytg. Mahogany & oak tloon . Both homes priced to sell, clear, Ownel"l5 will f\Ccept any reasonable terma. Call John Macnab Harbor 3297 or 5359. anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE Bayside Drive and Coast i?ighway ' VOGEL VALUES - -IF YOU " Don't see the property you are looking for listed below, please call ua and let ua abow some of the hundreds of other fine homeA and business prop- erties. W~ have ~omplete Harbor coverage. 3:'1~ return on Investment of $8000. Must hurry on this . Attractive · 2 Bedroom Home DoulJle ~arage, 1 block trom bnch. Only U7SO. $3000 down. Duplex 2 bedrma and l bednn. Double r•nige. Completely furnished. Near ocean, only $1 3.:100. Good term1. J. M. Miller Co. 202~ W. Balboa 8 1 .. Newport Bch. Har. 4091-Evu . Ll 8·3378 < Pi.£NTY OF' FREE PARKING Enfoy ther (' Many Advantages ,. DESERT HOM.ESITES -Paved streets. Pure abundant water on each lot. Over '1~ 1<>ld in open· ing 2-month period. 10% down. · '· ' Two and one-!ifth acres, M-1 and R-4 zone. St. to St.,. Hillside .. . . ... .. .. .. .. . ........................ $4500 RENT AL -1 pdrm. furn. cloae to Alpha Bela $65 month. .ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Wberty 8-1632 Liberty 8·HOO Evea. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Attractive 3 bedroom & 1:)4 bath Newport Heights home. Built in 1953. Near schools. It has white ollk floors, bright sunsblny,kitchen with brea.ktut area, dbl. garage. A good value. $1 5.500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOTS 3 Iota -all level -eacll 50xl27 feet Prices $3800. -$4000. -S4350 .. Jl2,300. · Verv Close In REAL NJCE thrf'e bedroom h•lme nl'ar cum 1•r or Fullerton-t,nd Broadway. ll taku only Jl500 down a.nd balance llkf' rent. Thi.II location 111 belng zontd P -l . l dul for prorualonal man. ln· quite about Ihle excellent prop· erty. Full price Is only- $13,600. Phil Sullivan & George Everson J~ Newport Blvd., Coat!\ M1•11ll nti"rosJO r m m <..:oata. Me111 B&rik I l'hone LI 1:1·6i61 t:vl'I' H11r. 4:186 Llbi.'t ly 8-2103 Corona del Mar 2 HOH.\tS. -5nrnll bul lln1blc ! Ftrl'pl111 e, i:ru J~r. lltrrn ust11l t1,.nt. fi'""I J,,\.Kll,,11 SH~•OI• lull pr1r l-1111u111nJ: IP"•hhl• Z BIJIOI. l•F.l.t'XJ-: ForuJ l\lr \ New exclusive listing Lido Nord Bayf ront Completely furnished ~ bdrm., 2 bath home. Wall to wall carpeting, TV, Westfoghouae auto. w..P· er & dryer. Dishwasher, garb. d~sp. Lyman 17~ ft. boat, new pier and &lip. Full Price $63,500, terms. • 1954 Trailer & Enclosed Lanai on Waterfront! LtrXl ffilOUSLY l"'URNl~HF:D LIVING ROO~f - 2 bdrms. and bunk room. J)ln- lni.: Mea. Clever kalt:hen. Bricked outdoor lanai with barbeque. Garbage du~P<>sal. A DAN DY ! • Full Price $8500 Shown by ·app't only HARBOR INVESTMENT ro., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Ph6ne Harbor 1600 (Eves. Ll 8·5386) 2 B.R. inside Lido ~· lot. ............ --·-····-··· $21,750 OF A TWO STORY, 4 b<lrm., 2 bath home at Balboa laland. Thi• homt lll centralll' loc:at<'d and prtctd below 520,000, rum. We can ofter tbe beat or tenn1. See us for the best selection of lots & acreages. hcn1 v.·1111 t u wnll n•qw1 am.I I drMpt-JI. -Ttll'. 1;>trb11J:~ dl,.Jlt••lll, ---------------------..,-- 3 B.R. 3 bath Bayfront w1pier ··-·----····-··· 59,500 3 R.R. 2 bath Bayfront w/pier ·····---···" 50.000 4 R.R., den, 3 bath View ~OT!le ·····-"·---·-45,000 2 B.R. COM $2000 down ...... ·······~----10,850 2 B.R. ,Bayshores ............................. ---· 14.500 2 B.R. le den, Coata Meaa Lge. Lot -·----14.750 4 B.R. Lido Bllyfront w;pier .. . .............. 73,500 See The Vogel Co .. 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Newport Bch. -LI 8·3481 OPEN HOUSE 280 Ev~ning Canyon Rd. Shore Cliffs . Thia is an outstanding home in one of the finrst Coastal subdivisions of California. 2 large bdrms .. a den with Ill ocean view and a fireplace. It has a large high beamed ceiling and a huge fireplace 1n the living room. This home lS priced to sell and mu11t be aold. Stt it 8UNOA Y or call us. P. A. PALMER Incorporated OLE HANSOr-.{ CO. Sales Mgmt. 1700 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach ~I. 8-5573 BAY FRONT -Home and Income Owner needs to sell -See us for detail.a. BUSINESS BLDG., with store & twti 2 bdrm. apts. Completely furnished. St ore is leased. Apts. rentc<i. lncome ia $250·per mo. Can be increued for nm- mer months. Only $ 000 dn. Full price S21.500. Ov;"Tler will carry bal. at St35 per mo. ···---·-J. M. MILLER COMPANY . 2025 w :"&tbOa BM l. . -By the·Newpo'rt Pier Newport Beach -Phone Harbor 4091 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING CORONA HIGHLANDS \tit-w home on large R-2 lot. Space for income tlhit. Large living room, carpeted, corner fireplac.e, clin· lng alcovr, complete modt-m kitchen, buill·in rllnge. diapoaal. fan, Iota of tile. Two bdrma. & gue8t rm .. 1 :i , b11rha. Fenced patio wilh BBQ. $22.500. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 F.. Coast Bl\"d., Corona del Mar -Harbor 22S8 Contact Hub Powl'ra at- J. A. BEEK, Realtor BALBOA. ISLA.ND ~3 r ark A venue Harbor 63 \. BILL'S BEST BUYS· :'l:EW 3 BDRM , htiwd. f irs. F. A. htlll. ) I~ balhl'. $13.800. 0 Opt'n I 30 to ... 30 IPR6 T u•ttn "''t Dt"J>L.J::X, $13 960, I yr. old. 2 Mrm. ra. unit, exct llrnt c-loae ln eut.11de l()('aUon. $4ao<J du""1\. :o;,.w 4 h.Jtm , l'\EWPOKT HTS, $7~•0 cJn 1 •. bath11. land.!lcaped. <lhl 1o1.a1age. Move In 10Jay. l'\EtVPOHT HE 10 HT s. Ru~ltc Ranch •tyle, ahakl' roof. h<lwd. 0 00TS, Ulll'd brick rlrcpl&cc, full M-1 ZONED LOTS t~ acres and acres -$3500. and $6500. BACK BAY LOTS Here's t he best buy in the back bay. New sub-divi- sion being opened -10 lot.a left. $3250 lo $4.000. All new streets and utilities. Protective restriction~ insure a high quality of homes. See these now. ELTON BARNETT Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. (1 block above Hoag HoRpital) Liberty 8-2772 or ~vcnings Llberty 8·7156 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Charming yea r 'round home with Bay View. Pr i\'ale boating and bathing privilcg~. 4 bdrnis .. 3 baths. F. 'J\. heal. beautifuJ patio. An excellent value at ~33.500 I and worth eYe ry cent) ON BALBOA ISLAND Finest Bay Front location, TO SETTLE ESTATE! Pier & float r ights. A wonderful op}'Ort~ty t o pick up a ''buy." ·We'll h1we t o act fast to gel'your bid in on thiA. I No phone information I MARINERS ISLE REALTY pricf' •12.nio., UOOO down. Mi. 318' Marine, Balboa Island , Harbor 4781 monthly rymt. lnclu(les t11xes .. _________________ T""' ____ _ W. A. Tobias, REALTOR 303 E 17Ui .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-11~9 . "Let u. Locate for You"· ... P ROPERTY ANYWHERE TO BUY OR SELL. CONSULT The LOCATOR of Cali!. RtpfMe,qt.&Uve broken 1n all tom· munlUea throughout CallromJa.. Branch om ce. 1884 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Meaa, Pl'tone LI 8·1001 . • 82c96 LOTS FOR BA.L.IC 3 BEA t. "rlFt: !, UYl'S, one 86 ft. on Cllrt Dnvt, Ntwport J::ltlrtlts. One 30 tt.. lot on Dtjori, Lido 'Jllle. Alao •O·ft. Jot on Via Oen· oa. Udo Iale. Call oWJWr, Har. 01111 or writ. Mn. Allrena. 422 L&rtl•pur, Corona del Mar. ttce You read Ule otlter ttUO'WI WAN'l Ad. ~· trill rnd youn \ BALBOA ISLAND VALUE 2 units -Good location close to South Bay. 2 bdrm. house plus garage (lpartmenl. Prire only srn.i50, E Z Term.a. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates Park at Marine. Balboa bland - Harbor 2462 MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY 1 -8 $795 down $795 21 st & Orange Ave. 3 bedrma. -1 1-: baths. breakfast & dining area.a.· Full Price ,$10,700 Furnished by Daniger, Costa Meu ART ADAIR, Realtor 18ee Newport Blvd., eo.t.a Meu., Liberty 8-3792 or8~6 .. eo,·1•rcd Jll•lr" l11••111a,,•, 11·nc11J &nd 111nd >1 11p('<I T11lal prlr c -$1:1 1~.o • TRJl'Li;X 11IX1ve (:lllnl\ Cov1 . two 2 bett.r0<•n1s anl.I I\ 1 ll~d1 m 11n1t R cdwoo<I anJ 111!111kt Jo:X1•cll .. nl lnv•·•tmr-nt, 2 y 11. oltl. 3 C'ltr &a.race. l-'ull price $27,000. W. E. Fisher, Realtor llllll ASSOCIATES 3031 F:ut Con.•l Highway Coron" llol Ml\r Phone Har bor 2443 Excellent Income on East Bay Ave: 2 bdrm. ho11H • 8 -ln!flt flint 11011 ~. on 2 I• lJI .. ;xc ,.II, nt \ l"W 11! nay lll•l•·r bul 111 i:o• •I , nn• •JH111n \\ 1lhin "'alklnit 111~111.m I' • of do" ntc•wn l't1opp1ng artlL Sl~.000 cfu.-·n BALilOA PENINSULA 2 lo ts f.!12,000 Coast Properties !IOT E. Rall)(l& Blvd., .Oallloa Phonp llarbor 4800 8-'Htc BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 5().ft. bulkhuded lot, with pier & lge. float. Large liv- ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrma. with l ~, b&the. Extra large dinette an.•a. Double garage, easily made triple. $27.500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Nrwr••fl Blvd . :'\pl H1\lbl1r t02. NEW, 3 bedroom. WfW carp.t1n1 2079 P ru 1dent Pl., C' M. I H>O down. no 1mpounr1~. $64. month pr. a:na Int. nr 2-4fil after e p.m .. Inglewood. ll•plO COR ONA l.JEL MAR -Nice \'I""' F'Uml11h~ I 2 bdrm . I~ balh hom~. Llvtnc rm., dlnlnr nn , kllchl'n, ir:arart HAr 22!t8-W 9·4lCC I BAY AND -BEACH BARGAINS BALBOA PENINSULA Modern 2 bdrm., den, 2 bath home on large lot. Nicely fumiRhed. SpRdous landl'Caped patio. Near · J<'ttY nnd good bathjng beach. Jo'ull price - ~ 23,500 -TERMS. ' I .. : .. , . ALSO ON PENINSULA 3 be<lroom. 3 baths; hardwood floors, !laplon4 fiN'pl:trt>, Quality conifruction. Owner anxious to sell. ~23.500. PIER AND SLIP Nrarl~· nrw m•1•l1 m 3 b(>.lrnom, 2 bath homr. T..argl r<itw. Own1 r "'ti:.h• 8 to tr-illr NJU1ty for larger homf', Jl:lrbor A1 1•a, p1 cff'r ably LtdCJ. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 11~0 W. R:.Jboa nl\'t.I., Ncwpnrt Rrach, Cahf. 'Harbor !2f.-I F:vrn mg~ ll:lrbor 1856 VOGEL VALUE COSTA MESA HOME AND HALF-ACRE Yup -Horse corral 'n everything! 2 b<lrm. an•I d.-n h•11nr· n•· 1r (' •u11 t1 y Club. Flag~tone CirC'p~. forced .11r h• .11111~. ~ all-111-wull cnrpetlng, etchwood µarlC'ht1J:, 111:1111• 1. l•1,·1·l~ d••11. mc1dcrn kit., built-in brruklasl 111111k. t n• 111 .... d 1•:1tln. Srp:ir:it~ dog k1·n11d, :-.t.1bll· ·111• I 1 '".&I I..• 1 :. t h111g -JUAl everythin~ for rc1 I fRn11ly li \·in~ T .. t.tl l'rl<·•· 11nly .. 1 .!no. Y•·U mu"t !-=EE 1h1io h<.mr ' TflfE VOGEL CO.' 266i E. Coast Hwy .. Coronri d•'I .\f.1r Ha Ji 11 II•• I 177 " ---- CORONA DEL MAR ~2!°>00 OOWN bur~ th1i; 1minarnlr1t1· J hdrm. h11m•-. -· Ch1111·t· 1'1£·a t111n F "'l'"d :11 r lt1·11 1. l1r1·1•l.1<•, p ,1\1·11 pall<>. fenc(-0 y.1rd r:xt111 r111•m r.(f tlhl. f.!1ilftf,!1• f•1r storage or hr1bhr i-hl•J•. Full ,,,,,, ... 1-,,!)llU. ~ :!!"1'><> un will hanlllc .. Uwn.1·r 11nxwu11 l•i Ficl l th1 ... w1·(·k. Hdtrr act faat. Exclu111ivc wlth ua. Shown by fl l'l•rnntmcnt. PRICE T. McCUISTON Ml.JLTIPLE LI STING REAL TOR 3H7 F:.. Cos.at Hwy., Corona dcl Mar Harbc)r t7 IOfface Jocated next door to Co.ron& del Mar Bank) -. ---- .. - . . . . I ' ' . ~ . ', _,,.,,. • \ J • -) o · ·e e e ·' -0 ~ .... -·Better -· Than Ever! ... Two Newspapers Combined In One Big Pu61ication · , To Bring Complete Cover~ge to -- Residents of .the Harbor Area -4 . Published Twice Weekly \. - sua·sc•1a1 . . . , 'NOW!· ' . ~ Coming Your Way ... the · xeWia~REss "CARRIER BOY" with hi$ Home Delivery of your Local · Paper PROM~T EFFICIENT DfLIVERY EVERY MONDAY AND 'THURSDAY . IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NEWSPAPER. YOU WILL WANT IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR THE LOW SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF.$600 PER YEAR. <BOTH MONDAY AND THURSDAY PUIUCATIONSJ ONLY ¢· per month Brings Both Editions to You by Carrier or-·Mall for an Entire Year! More Local NEWS -and F.EATURES COLUMNS THAT ARE PACKED WITH NEWS OF CIVIC ACTIVITIES, CHURCH AND • SCHOOL AFFAHlS-NEWS OF WHAT. YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE DOING. More Society News ' .~ WEODINGS, PARTIES, 'SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUB ACTIVITIES, ALL NEWS OF LOCAL - INTEAEST TO YOU AS A RESIDENT OF THIS GREAT COMMUNITY. -More Marine News NEWS OF SHIPS AND SAJLING ••• YACHTING AND FISHING, YOU'LL FIND IT ALL · COMPLETELY COVERED. -. . ~ More ClaS'sified Advertising WANT ADS, YES, MORE BY FAR, TH~ ANY OTHER LOCAL PAPER, AND BAR&AJNS GALORE IN THESE COLUMNS. ~ore Local Pictur~s . OUTSTANDING PHOTO.RAPHIC COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE AREA'. YOU'LL FIND LOTS OF PICTURES IN EVERY ISSUE. .. I ., r ---. cw AND MAIL 'THIS C~UPON TO • _ .. _ , I ~ I I I I . I i I · I I ... I OR CALL CIRCULATION DEPT. HARBOR 1616 I I · I I 2211 UI l()A ILYD. NIWPORT llACH, CALIF. I I .. · -I I hereby RbscrlM to tlae Newport Harbor News· Prni, a11d I I ...,,. to ,., suo ,., • ,. ,.. .• ~· ·1 I · · . I · - I Nam I ......, Str•••-·-·····-· ............................................ -· ........................................ ,, ............. -I. I City --·--·--·-I L---~--------~-----~ ~ . l • ~