HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-17 - Newport Balboa Press•• . ' ' DOUBLE FILING-Although C. A. Higbie, Balboa h · land,. waa first to file His nom inating p apers this morn- ing in City Council race, Coui cilman Gerald Bennett, ldt, arrived in time t o make 1t a t win presentation to C ity Clerk.C. K. Priest. -Staff Photo 47th YEAR -NUMBER 70 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 Parents Like ABC Grading System Plan Local Elementary School Committee. Tells Findings Strong desire for an A BC grading system or aimllar re- port card method in the Newport' Beach Elem e ntary School District was voiced by parents of the dis trict w h o recently , returned questionnaires to the Grade Study Committee, Wil- • -~ Phone H arbor 1616 F IVE CENTS - Delivery G..,.ntaed ~livery ot the Newport Harbor Newa-Preaa la rua r- anleed. All ari-u. of the Com• munlty are rapidly belns rtaced on carrll'r delivery. L'ar1 ler boys will deliver their paper:i W ore e p.m. on Mon· .tny and Thured•y. Jt your p1tpt•r is not dl'llVtred by that hour plea11e call Harbor 1811 Mrt a apedal route man will 11nm<'dlatf'ly re• p o nd w1Ul ;vour rnpy or your Newj>ort Harbor New11·P~ ... THIRD TO •'ILE-James B. Stoddard, Corona del Mar, liam Spurgeon ID, ch airman, a nnounced today . Mrs. P . Daleboijt at 342 Santa habel Sl, Costa M-. signs hia n ominating papers for March 15 City Council Respont1e from parents poi'ted I ver. committee members, w!ll con-Identification of the body of Kleem.an gave hil home Wlls high, Spurgeon said. Sixth rer wllh. a prote..ional aWf or l=~~~~;;~~~µ~t~Ci!·~t~Cl~e'r~k~M~rs;-~·=l:J!a~)::!:G~.~Le=·~~if!o~r~d!liipio•in•t•siiiiifliifi~~·~·en~l·nunl'J}~-~ed~-~1ijrrr_;s3~~~e~.:__+;~~o~racffi·:~e~~ri~~·~1irn~·-F·~~~~dl~t~eac~~~-~ra~an~~~~~~~~~~;;;..,;..,~iitp;,:w;rillli~;;~~.;;;..~::;t;:_.~;:.-=-~a:d:d:r~e:s:s~a=s~2=5=2:__:P~a~t:te~rsonAve., Glendale.~Statf Photo them, seventh gr&de parenta 93 pl'r c<'nl. eighth gTilde parent.a 81 pt-r ('tont. Ninth and tenth g-rade paren ts ot Newport Harbor Union High School turned In 41 per cent 3 CANDIDA TES FOR COi IMCIL FILE PAPERS card. ~~~~~~~-.,..~~-... -............,.....---•••w""'""'""..,...,.~>~--------.., .. The Grade Study Committee wUI pus the card onto the l:lamen· tary School Board of Truateea with recomme.ndaUona for their Higbie Fint as Bennett and Stoclclarcl Present Nominations ot their quesUonnalres. ''Two to onf' exprea11ed a dMire !or an ABC or similar grading llystem." Spurgeon 11&M. ''A large majority expres11ed ~lief the change should take place In the upprr ele ml'nt.&ry g-radu." The committee of parenta and trac:hers studying the gTilding 11ystem repCJrted ::.t.he survey clt~ar- actlon. Glendale· Pilot , Killed l T h did tea tossed their hats in the up-coming ly state11 the feenngs and de11re11 ree ~an a 1 ot the parents and jndJc:atu a "On beh&U of Ule comm.It.tee I wiah to thank parent.I ot the tWo dlllrtct.8 for their tni..t ln our meetlnga and. for t heir excellent rel!pon11e flluno: out ""d retumlnr the qu.est.lonna!,...," 8pureion aid H~ wu hl&h an hie v•aJa., tor tht cooperation of the commltee mem· ber11 topt.ber and With local achool administrators •ho ... ated 1D the atudy. in Mesa Plane Crack Up Newport Beach councilm anic race this rooming as they filed <·hangi• in r<'port card; to an ABC nom inating papers with the city clerk. First to file was Clar· 11ystem 11hould be devt'loped tor> A H 'b' Balboa Island lawyer who was followed r;y· use in the upper grades of the ele· "In view of the tr.mendoua '1'9- 11pon.se by the puent.t," 8puJ"S'eoll announctd. "there ta no need for further pubUc meetinp of Ula Houses Missed as Craft Hits Field after· Take-off ence • tg 1e , • enli8ry 11istMcl.'' Councilman Gerald Bennett. Newport, running for re-elec· Spurgeon and M.ra. Joeeph car-CITY PLANNER$' AMENDMENT SET FOR MARCH 15 BALLOT committee." tlon . An houT later. Jame• B. ------------------------------ 8todd .. rd. couulUn&' ctremlcal l'n· s tneer. Coron• del Mar, rUed hie papen. St.o<.hlud, a mem~r of lhe New. port Buch l:lemf'ntary St"hool Dle- trlct board of tru11tu11, H id he would continua to 11erve an that capacity. He·11ald ron11ultatlon wlth v11nous 11:"(&1 exptrtll revealed there was 110 ~a.son ht could not •M·v·· b11th the city )lnd the B<'hool,, ~hould h" bf' elec.-t l'd to City Cmrnr1l Bennett Gives Statement ·on Clly Cowlcll today approved Re11qlut1on 429!1, a dlarter amfl!dment 111•hlch will ap~ar on the ,March 13 ballot. It would Lncrea.e the 11\Jm~r ot 11111.nnrng ot•mmlu loners rrom "' eeven to nlne. The body o f Lloyd M. Kleeman, 24, ot 252 ..Patterson C d•d The charter call.s for aeven mrmbt·r ... This provlalon was Ave .. Glendale, was removed from th e cockpit of iii8 light an I acy complied with al tuduy·11 adJOUrnl'cl l'ullnril nwelnlg by the plane this m orning after it c rashed into a small b&SIJ lake ' l All five iruspecu In the Slll,000 110.000 wu too muc.h fM hi• ell-C()uncll m~tani; by th~ c.-oi•ncll r.·tnlnln~ Wnltrr lAJngmoor, on the Cann of Mr. and M r s. P. Dalebout at 342 Santa Isabel Councilman Gl'rald Bennett. who Paul Mantz' Balboa blam1 home ent. Phillipa, he ea.Id, bu a wlte rha.irman, Ray Cop.din, ttcrf>tuy, with m ... mt>t-r .. 1.. w . Brigg!l. St., Ccrsta Mesa. A ccording to Mrs. DaJebout s he beard a w lll! appotntrd a bout t"'·o yur!J and child and a bulllneu (f&l'll«e) George Lind, O. 8. R('ed, C. B. Ru<'ltl an•I W l'!I Smith Former ago l o ;-o;ewport·s Clly Coun• •I to I burgluy Friday were told to ap-and that all would suffer wllhout ni«-mbera Don Hayton and Gftlvin Kei>nr wPre retained .;,, llhlll whilllll' and tremendous cruh I The body wu removed to the ;0111·c.-eed 1•ra11t l., J . Horvath. re-pt>ar at 2 p.m. J&n. 21, In the attention. Thf' cowiael uked and "o!tlclal consultant.a" to the plannns 1n h1•r ynnl. Shr ran a.nd d111<'0V· Baltz Mortuary, Collta Mea.. tnicn•·d, today annbunce<I hi' 111 nin-1 Newport Beach Township Ju11llce WA3 granted 11000 ball I.ft.er Del. "rt"1 th•· downc•I f)ll\Ile a nd called The light plane cnuhed only Oll'Ttclt'T BOl'SDAtUt:s f t I I i I t r "l le H igbie , .. in District 6, comprls· 11101' tlr e f'l" ion 115 ae 5 n " c· • r·,.ua t by Judge Donald J . Dodge. Sgt. McManfgal Informed the co,.la Me"11 pola., .'l<'<"onds i.fter ta Inf oft t rom the lng unly Balboa Island, wtille Ben-~~,:: ;.~~r:~~~ro\'ement of hlll New., Tiwy arc all frt"e on SIOOO ba1l ~~urt tthhoe .... bou·n·d ..,... Mltrlclent to FACT FINDERS Eld red Starts Pllrls of the h•.,.ht plane werr Or1rng1• CoWlty .Airport wbere It nt'll'" l lt .. tri•·l 1. runs from lfJlh ,. • each. .. .. e au " ~. " ha'1 Just l><'<'n J-.-d up. The S t. wr11t t o the ~a nt& Ana River. Tht11 lncludu t<lr.e•·t \mprll\'1'· With agreement of Dl'l. Sgt. V . A pretty, brown~yed brunette 11trrwn llr r"l!ll i" \'erAI feel <•C the Oal('b<)Ul rM<"h la about two mll• Sto<lde.rd 11\•l'!I In Ol11tricl j the mt'nti<. c.-ondemnat1on ot oltl hOllS<'ll ll . McManigal, who aald he llpoke the wife of Print&. huddled a.n111: Comm·1ttee 5 58 Year Rap rknt h hind. The body {J( the /IOUl.hW~t of tho matn runway at we .. tl'rly hale or Corona drl 'M11r. or bualdtni;:<1 unfit f<Jr 11<Tur tt nt y. alM> for the dl11t rlct attomey·a oC· oualy with the JNllpttt.~rore the • slojthlly hu1Jt ynunJ: m11n WM ,... •• the airport. ~11:111ng Hlgb\e'll papt'n weri·l''\\'1Lh the r1tp1d expan~)un or lhe 'Oc<', th•• court re<luqed ball from a.rraJgnm,.nt but ldt before the SAXTA A!':A. JA:<. 17 tOC!':SI rovt>r•'ol f1 u111 the rra~hNI plan(' Klt>!'mlUl reportedly ·llJM!lll laat Hub Pnwrr•. Hal liB1J!11•r . .J<<•nn1•th /wholt> dty. I'm 1nl1•rei<ll'd In ,..,... SIO 000 lo $1000 tor each Of the 11.rrall(llm,ent ended. Set for Rea Arth111 Gordon Eldred, lhe mun I anti Wit t~: <)( lh•· l11kf' by f.k p11ty mxht hl'rl', h11v1ng arriwd yNtar· L . N1rhol!I. John Pre11<1e1 µ11sl. Hal I Ins: that the than~" '~:h1ch are a<"culed. hllllJ>8, Brea garage oper-.tor. who l'rt'cletl a ma!!JlfVI' rt'al e~Lete I County C Ol'hl1<'r Hoi:rr llumhl\m, <111y with hlll n ail at tha &1rport. \Vlll ~n1Hh, T ony t-tersht'.\'. H<'l"n 1 done fll e t he ri~ht v.·1ty. h'• ~au.t Thoma.a ancJ Jerry Hanaen. twJn waa acquitted dn a receiving a·t.oJen empJH~ in Orangtt Cvunt.}', today ------- D11rk1•r , \\'. r:. f)UVll<, <;rorg" Mc·1 ~ennl.'l l l11 i11 _r>1sl1 1rt 3, \\hl.rh.auns brothertl, 23 .. fom1erly of Newport. property accusation by. jury in School Meet WR!! "•'livered to th1• l.'.hir10 l\lrn's PAUSE, MACKENZIE N 1un&.ta an\I Rnl)1•rt S c'nuk, &II \\i·sl ra om 1.ith ~t to t1 11' SRnta now of Placentia, arraigned on Superior Court Department 4, lut penll••nt&ry tor a :'I to M·Y<'M oC B11lboa lslan•I. Ana Riv<'r And 1ndude1> 're••rnctf b l .___ t· 1 November tem1 1 2 a 21 J 2• urg ary cmu gc.a. were repre11en . Bennett's parw•rs were 1'1gnt-J b.v · · '· . An• ·'· I ed by Stephen F. Gallagher, at· F ound In Ph1Ulp11' caraie were a ~:!.trt-d w1111 M>nt to pr l11on by r-A temporary fact-finding com· tf&y Copdln. C,harlt'll E Hart. r \ 11•,1.f••nl 11( -"''"'"Jlort H11rb<Jr 1 torn(\Y oC Anahr!m. Lloyd AJ vtn portable 8CWlng machine, wire re· Sup<'l lor Court J ullgt R<ilwrt 0 0 s E ~11'="'•·•1. Charleio Prnth, i-:.1 l'tn• •' l !•.~7. R!'nn<·ll hss b<'<'n m Ph11l1ps, 33, or Brea.. c.-harged with I corder. 11ultc11.A<· conl.A.lnlng d olh· mlttee ofj'reedom Homes resldenlJI Gardner last FrtiJa.y. He wa:a given SUSPENDED FR M J B Healy. r·r,.d R Jac.-oh~ ltalph th<> muvrn~ and i<lorag.-h11srne~11 receiving stolPJi property, was rep. mg, f'lt>ctrlc aaw. electric drill, •II· has completed plana for a maM one to tPn-yrar sentenru on three Mu key, Mr11. Lylt O. Strwnrt •ind h<>r e 111nr.-t 9~o. Ma ITl<'lL h•• rnakl'S j rl'lll'nt ed by WUltarn F. Wenke of 1 verware. electtio razor, a 410 puge meetlng in Everett Rea School cou~ts or ~&nd U11>fl 11.nd one to Harold Art hur. his hun1e With hlit wtlt-an•I 11trp· Sa.nta AnlL Charles Fredrick llhotgun pistol. 410 ~aup boll ac· at 7 :30 p.m. Friday. 14-year 11entence11 on two torgrry SO~U SATL'iO S l 't'PORT "nn at l:ili l \\'. Balbo1t Blvd. He Print%, 23. of Brea., charged with tlon shotgun, 12 puge relic 11hot· Members of the committee up cha.rges. Signan~ ((lr Stoddar "'"r·· R"X· •~ 1t memht•r of Nl.'Wf'ul t H11rbor buri::larv and RJchard Albt'rt Dur-gun automatic pllltOI 12 ~uge 1 11 d 1 · j Eldred. however, mu11t rPtum to SANTA ANA IOCNSl-Oh1trlct dtly. The note aald the llU8peft• Liquor Chlrf H. F:. Ma<'Kenue "n11 I111on wall to tak .. effeet lmrnedi• Orang,. C'ounly Liquor Bos11 Her· 11tt-ly. ford £. Brandt. Olt"k Pl"R"r. Al· Lodi;r or Ellu Xu. l iA7. an, l!I, ;,, Fullerton. who 111 charg · ~hoton•n and revolver ' l:nhal '7:1h11 Gverb a eged tax,,_n1crehur " Or•. nge County SupeMor Court to I · .. -· fW c,. ave umpe mon ... , y OUJ!e f trl I f di v m Clemence. Roy O. Anil• rM-n. Hr AAHI hr 111 \'•'r'· 1nl.-r1•8ted In eel with rec.-e1,·lng lltcJ en property. Phlll t d d th ti 1 . t ,._.,. 2~ • _ ace a on a conBp racy rn ct· man r1111~ W('~ flll~'JWn<if'd Fri· I BOTH Stl8 PE1''DED .-tol" th~ <·oort th~y wall ~e•· rf"p· IJllt oon en e e ar c ea , paymen a uvm cent.11 to .1 •. m n l. J ohn K,.eler. Vt rne \\·111~"" and ~<'··in,.: • 1111,•n l 111y 1 ••nd1•mnatlon u t 'll b th u l~-"p bllc were storf:'d at hie place and he Include: Chairman V. E. MacCar· e day. Ph1Ulp E. Davia. new area ad- May t Mr~. J•au)\ Oa\'1"-All 1wm-•rr•" ..... :1ni;" fig,11ni<l thl' l'&r1flc re.en A 11n Y e c:o n Y u .. -lb 1 b k d ,, 0 Do ---------------! r 1 ... new nothing oC e r ac groun . ter . .,3 gwood; Secreta.ry R. s. lnaUng pll)>t'r l!lgnaluro:a mui>t be F:ler\< •C' 1 'n • :'\ewport hnlrhngs c e ""< <'r Sarrent, 2024 Republlc; f'. c. Miokolm Harnll, ad1ng <llrt'<"tor manl11lrator fllr th" Board of o( thr new d"partmr11t n( illco-J-:qu3hJJ:llll<on In Southern Callfor• hohr < rmtrol n1111lr the 11nno11nrr · naa. anrn1 m"d Lh,. dtlllrirt liquor ment. He 11~u:1 rour oth• r m~n 111,.,., orri"" th11l tbe two m"n had been wen· 11u11pend,.d u liquor 1·011trol ~ui;prnrl"d •erifil'd by the df'rlf's offl<"r be-r11 n w•I 1111t an+I l h•• dn•tru·l Im· Wenk<' pleading for low~r ball · Owen, 924 Evergrffn; the Rev. c. ~he_ nomination!! are O(f11•1al. rrO\'l•d !or· his ~lil'nt. told J udge ~ge I Stoddard Tel Is E . Thurmond, 930 Evergreen: Nick Decide Mesa St. R·ezoning I Marde11l<:h, 2034 R"pubUc: Mni. A.· ~ __ ,,........, Counc1·1 v1·ews E . Well11, 979 Llnden PIRr('; F' \\'. Marian, JOH Ar bor St ; R. W. 111lm1na .. l rnt• r• 1n th•· olll Hl'llf' M11cKt·n:tH' wu acUnr; adminl• Ho11rd .,( .1-:11•1:ihuol1"" ·"'lllP trnt•1r f•·r Ora.nit". Rivrr11idf' lllld COVER UP -Relu c tant camer a subjCt'ts F h dny were these five burglary suspect.CJ. three of whom admitted taking guns a nd jew<'ls from Paul Mantz' h om e, Balboa Is- land, May 11; 1952. two of whom are char ged with rt'cci\'ing stolen property in case. From left o n bench 11re the twins. Thomas-and J e rry Hansen, both 23, o f Placentia, f ormerly of Newport Beach: Llo yd Ah-ii1 l'hillips, 33. Brea: Richard Albert Duran, 19, Fullerton : and Charles Fredric k Pn ntz. 23. llrc,,. All we re arraigned Friday at .New' port Township Justice Court whl'rr ,Judge I 1,nrnld J. D odge r educed bail from Sl0,000 to $1000 each and IK't pre limmn r y h c>a ring J an. :!I ~t 2 p.m. in b is co urt. -Staff Photo Jamu B. Stod!lard, 2928 Ocean Emerton. 910 W . 20th St . and Blvu . cl\ndldate for City Council H. S. Mcintosh, 1949 \Vh1tt1flr nt the Marrh t!l elei-t1on, today 41 Macc arter will a ct 1111 ~rtJkl':o· tnld th,. Nflws-Prus hi• reiuont man during the mal'I• "l"eting Plan Tonight The San U,.rn10r•l111u ortu " 11( l-IAn H<>rr111rd1nn Counllt'll. MA< K··n71P J<•Hd ll r····••l\'•••I n•otl• •. 1 No It hr1 MRr Kr nzle nor l'llU,.. nl tlw ~u111wn~1ur 11f"1.t11r K1 n%lt' W"N' 11v11lh1blr (or comm,.nt. A a.n<.I !'au~ ahnuL 11 :in I\ ni ~·r,-1 (('ont lnlH'd nn p._,. 5) (nr runnln.I? :"ow a member of the when person" attending tbe 11e8· Whf'thrr Cn!lla Me1<a City C'nun· I ~ • N •'W)l<lrl Bt>et·h Elementary 8('hO-OI •Ion will be lnvlle<i to ('>I.pla in lhr1r l"iJ wall ~() a.Joni;: with tht' r1tv E t k Rental 0 d a Df!!trlct. St<1dilRrd said he planned lntere9lll In the 11lt11atlnn. rnv1ta-Pl11nn1n i:; Commission·~ reJert1on C.:r as er ee r IR nee to C'Ontlnue In thst f'OJ!l lC ·elected. tlon11 hRve bef'n eXtf'ndf>!I to Coun· ,thf' Jt)nl( d<'batNI 18th Sl. re%ronlni:: Passed at Counc·11 Meet1·ng A~krd why hf> pli1 ni! ·t o run. he ty A1111f'SMr H ugh J Plumb. rP· eppllrlllion wlll br d!'tnmfne.f rlur- l!&I•! preaf'ntatlve11 of the lo11ning c.-om· Ing tonts:ht'.! 1<e1<,.inn n( th" rn1in· i •·1 have l hl' tirn,, n.nd lhe lntf're11L panle11 concf:'rnf'd. Mayor Cl11trr I rll. Ht 11 rting 111 i ·JO r m. in !':t>w· P nlln•H1•,. ~ 11. \I h1rh trtl'l•r•·• II feel !llrcms:ly about malntalnlnr !':el80n of C'o1<t& Me11a 11nd a rPpr(' .. pnrt Jul!tare court. lu •·n•mi: 111 $1" • 11 Ii 11f 11·1 t "' ,., - cordl11l rrlat1on11 on lhe COUl)Cl,I In l1ntat1ve of the county bn11rd oq ni~ clly pla nner11 lumed <lliwn r,.111111•.dAtl""~ •ll1r1n11 lh•' 1".01•1• 1 ord1>r to 110lve problems (aJrly tor supervbors. · !the propoi."I to r h•rn'g» th!' 18th v.·.~k \'Q<Rl i"n l•rl•••I "'a• ij•f,.1t tht> g(l()d cir the en Ure city. l 11m St 81'1'1\ I rom an R-4 re1mlrnt 1AI I ··•I t.~· 1 '11 y (·•·Un• 11 l""~ \' Ill 11d· 'vltally intere~tf'd In the future de· .i d,~lrkt to a C-1 bu!linN!tl dc~trirt l Jn11r11 .. ,1 ~··~~1"n nV••r ltl• • "'" 1.,., velopment Of 'tht city' a mrchanl· HARBOR WEATHER I by a : •. 1 \'<>ti' cr,mrnt~.0111n,•r A rt I or ll.111 • y I"""' Hrt1I>"" l•ho.t ra l f&ctlitie!t. th11t 111 .1tewage dis· Mvrtt1 c1t.ot the lllll"!'ntlng ballnt I 'ndl'r lh• • •·:"'"'" •' a •I"• u1l posal anti 11!> on. A dl!tinttl' and J Oranre county W«'"thc-r fnrr· Th" ('OrnniallJ'lon<-r M'nl 4 11-l ttr 111 "11"' 1• r• 'I""' •I !••l ;· 111 111• ll'•m Chllllt'nging prnblf'm Pxisl1t In th11 cu t : to lhl' <;!141n<'ll to the ,.!fret lhnt a I th•• 1r1 ;!11-. • f'P'" ''' ~. ,,,, • tn lhr '11rea. Generally clt>ar and wlncfy at propo•<'tJ ll\lb~lilut" r<'7.nntns: pio n :.!I d111' t .111 "'.r I!· th11r ~111 .i •\ t•11 I "I Rm lnlrrrstcd in lht proiwr limo lo<lQy with high tempt'r11 t11re nnrl .rnn p woulcl ~o"n bt• 1mbn111 tt•I I ~··I~' "' 1• .... I• ' • .. h 1111 ' 1''11 tVlllUatlun trnm the atandpol•l O( 1 ab<>ut 8~ !ll'grees. Som<' lncrra.•e (Jthrr b11.•l n,..~,• •'X/'l'I tPd I<> c, mP Ant "r •••' '' ·"1•1 :-.lf>wport Buch of the prnblema In· In high t"loud11 1on1~ht lnr crns-bi•!m't-Maynr c.'ta11r ;->"l1tnn nnol l f•t . ''' '1ti..lt.('T'I vol\•, l in the proposal to con-lng clouds T'ue1tday with r11m .lh" city rounralmrn tun igtrt in• hitlr J•rn .,.. l• 11 1 h• • •in1 ii "' l• r 11' 10lid11tr w1Ui Co11ta Mesa . .At the probable or Tu1•~11y .night. ('""'. 11 pns•lllle n,.w fll<•P••ll'll hy \\'.-,.1 ''''·""I 1'••f \ J·f '' •"1 ' lf • "' t pretitnt time I have no preconcelv· tlnued coot lt1n•' Bmldn!I. lnr k"rr .. ~rntlltlV<' nam ,. I''"' 111 '• """'" hrir .•t •I'' lrd nollnnA on conaolh1allon." IJ l; GllPnn rnny llt1w• ,.,.rndhanll m1cl11 ... 1111 I I '"l" ''' • 1 •1• ••, A. Cf'r ona dl'I Mar reeldent alnce TemPJ!ralune Ute &NMtl ..-~11 ln nrw lri or<rr on a 1'trlJl'•"4'•I lfl·lot purtt• 1l1t t I\ "I• r" I" ro•r '' 111 ·l 1 19~6. S todd11rd II married and has tl1e O&rbor 111'M were: l'Ubdlvll'l••n ,.,.C'rntly 1,.1,.,1,.d 4.1 1hd•lr 0 11 "''"' 1r 11 ~''')I" ,,. a ll()n, P!!ler. who attend.a Horace Rich Lo" by <'1ty c ., uncil.' Tlw 11ub ll vt '"" i.• tr•r' "',. ' '•' ',' I If, ., , "•'• d 1En•lgn School. He is a conaultln& TIH'tMlay. 1-. 11 .. "" fl t i lnclltl•<I bf'\W"''n 2Vth St '•n•I \\~I-t h" ''"'' "'· i ·: ot 1. "' 11.~ '' 1 jchem•oal t'ng1nNr by profuidon WfldM9da7, lan. f! __ 62 41 nut f'lacl' of! Tu11ttn A"t 1111111 •In •.i.; ••·I• 11 •! •rt f • r "I yun put haa expreatd In· Tial'ldar • .Ian. U ···--fta 41 Y•·t 1 ~.r · ' • : 'I• rn ,,, .. n t'" IHI In Newport Bffch oil -11 P'rld&y, Jan. It .......... -59 44 Cl k H. B 1 Hiii • •of ti•• \'"••• JI,., " I tic' 1111- d problema. 8at.arday .lllL U ---·· 60 41\ ar S ave OY dll•' 1 ••l.trrt~•nl1•r1 ••I )•r"r•rl)' A member of the lloal'd ot dlr9c~ 8-daf, ~ ... H ----f l 4j L11>uten11nl 11nd M 111 l~lnN.ln r1~r.tl'I a~ h• 11 i; 11 '""'"'I tl1P orrllnAtH'" I• rlr111~nMt '" rrn. I<'• t "lh" l'""l'I" H11n ·•·y'11 1un· ••·rn .. •I lll•'•llt \\'•ir al nol fnr the f!H l WP hi\\'(• Ahll~f'll (>( pr<oJ1"rty ro•n •~i. W• \\•111l<ln't nr<'ll lhl~ ·• 0 \ t:IC I f(O\\ flf ..... ll f flt:t 'K c 1'\' ''"""'' y Ksrl l.ynn IJ 1111l11 '"''' I'• .1•n I··· f• 11 th" 11rd1nanr• "'"'"" 1<ll••I'. '"" 11ty tn lnV~lllljtRt~ 1111• "' •1f1" ,,f <'''"', rtl'"''rhng-1n rrn· I d 1111 • If•• •l!Hf hP Wl\ll lni<I Py 1 hu o 1. ' II •rt lff"l'l'1•·n I ril l he ·"•·'l••rl ll ~t l"'' B"At·I uf flrt1l· 1.,, th;.1 :h• ;:1 uur t,..vo;NJ 1t1e ,, , t" '' t1'' .1 ft • f"' ··ti JI(\ reft4•rt- • I 11 111 11.,l •r, 1i.11nd rr••lt11r, Hi1t•J, a .. \U\•'\ r1t ~1'' kJ ~1', f Oith.r..( ,., • •' ~·ir f'"'' /•or thr or•lln•nc-e flf I>\ I~ lf1!\ I '• • ,. 11! • 1u•l h111 i:r'"""'· rla1m. '. I I • JJf •1nl411\J( tiUJUl fllthlro( •I, ' .. 11 • • l',' I" If•< llV prnl)f'I • · \' •I II• 11\I c1111m th'\ •·r•ll· I ,, • : "'.11 'r.Rl1I•· ~hr ' 1ty . 1n11p"'l'· t 11 1 t 11'•111' • With K llln:h WIH• r , t ~ 11 "'""' 1 ... -to delt-rmane "• • n '''ti "'h••re over-crowded. Lora ot Ba.Ibo& Power 8qalldron. Motlday, '-. 11 .......... 5% 41 ('la1 k nC BAlh•·~ h• tj)•1~ th•• I""· ~Ir ~ f\.•·11• • 1 h t ••• 111 1• rr • 1 h•,r Slodllard ls an lJllllnletor 18 the Ra.tnfall on 8und11y rtgt.~t••rrd rnt ~ 1o( A 1><11· Jan. 11 In CN1;n.1 , ( •t .. • ,., r • , '" 11 .. "l "n •fl 1 'l \ ',,,,.),livr•• ui.t ta rent• loc&I IGUadron'• .. .tcaUolt eta.. .a:u. 1.Navil Hosp1 l~. lt1vl ol a....ter \\'1411< 11cr~. &61tl , «1 unr ' • OCC Adult Class In Library Exhibit !'\t'WJlOl l lime I t\"t'n tu lhf 1'>.ll'OI uC p11ahlnl[ No~· on t'Xh1b1t at n each Pl!bllc Library la w ork er lht>m In anJ hohhn1 thr m undtr." the advanctd a rt class at Orani;t GrtA\t'a\ fault. ••)'• tht l••cher. ('oa.at Evenini Collt fl!, taught by 11s that a,tulta want lo pa int fin· Thelma Paddock Hopt. On display lahl'd pli:turra too aoon. . are portrait• done in 01)1,and wa-I Slu1ltnl• work in lln)' fhO.,n t1·r colors. Studenta are' adult11 who m .. dlum, uit. Wl\l•·1,•ol11r1, ptncll, have had 110me previous tralnlni: and •nJ••) .. bit ""'" k '" 1\0\lrlpated, .ADULTS LEARN TO PAINT-On exhibit at Newport Beach Public Library is some of \ a" modtlii "1U h1' JM11•l1 II\ color-eltht r with M rs. Hope or In ar 1 rul co~1umr1 th11t ••muter . ,;chool1. Other ~tllllt'nta work on varioue "P-or adults." Mr1. Hf>pe 11a y1, sttupa or 1tlll hfr. the portrait work done this past semester by adulte studying in the night rlaNs nt Or,.nge Coast College. Thia present &emeEter t hey will do figure painting with models .wearing colorful costumes, or 'if ~hey prrft'r may do still life. At top ~!rs. Edward Gloege examines work done by Mr. end Mr1. Kent Andrews, Ronald J.kDonald a n.d . Mmes. Marg\ret Kinderman, Mungo Parkes, Lewie Matthias. Max Pope and Winifrt'd Barbre. At left, below, art clau at work~ -Staff Photos (upper) and OCC Photo Class Clower) "learning to pain~ I• like learn-j Clu11 .. a are htld Mond•Y a nd lnir to 11wlm-you have to jump I \\·,.,111 .. 1111in · tvtnl•nit• in the Art In 111d 11pla11h 11rnund, geU tng IUif'd , IJ11a1lt u1i;h: iu1d ltwrc 111 opcnmi: !11 the elcmrnt or nwctlum first 1 for a frw murr rti:l:.t rallona. And a11 in ~w1mm111i;. !ht> older th•· I;::.=============:; H ARBO R MRS. WINIFRED BARB~E. Society Editor PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 MURTON H. WILSONS NEW RESIDENTS IN BALBOA Mr. and Mra. Murton H. Wilson and a year old aon Geot• trey, have recently m oved to 1222 Eut Balboa Blvd., Bal- boa. Thi Wll11on11 •p~nl lhP latt year Jn Lon<'lon, Enslanll, whtre Mr. Wilson 11t11dif'cl :il the Arch1tect 11ral Associat ion of London on a Fullbright S choia rsh1p. He 1s now with the Elll'r- •t udt'nl, t 111' m<>rc the tParhf'r mubl urge them t o "&plash.' l'IOnH•· Behs Reveal Engagement of Jean to Allan Beek Mr. nnd Mrs. Urban Beh of Balboa Bay Shores have announced the engagement of tht'ir daughter, J ean Agnes, Committee ~eet Set lo Joseph Allan Beek, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allan I .Ttit monthly meeting of tht Wo- Beck of Balboa Island. men'a comm1tte~ of Newport LI· Ml11a Beh la a &'r&duatr ~{ the thl> "..alifornlll Marlllmr Atad<'my 1 tand, Inc. w ill be ht-Id at 10 ll.m. Unlvtn lty of California Los An· and the -California l n•t1lul1• tlf 'Th d I h t& f M A · Trchnology. whtre he majorl'tl 111 un "Y n t e omt-o rs. r- gelu <'ll~pua, where she w111 anphyslcB. · He Ill t>ngagrJ 111 1 . .,111• lhur Cubbage, u o. 38th St. A n art major. She Is presently teach-puter dei.1gn 111 J 'lllll\Jl'na. wh••re I 1nvttatlon to attend has been ex- Ing In the Newport Beach Ele· the y<,ung cou1>1e pl11n to make tendr d to all women on Newport mentary Schools. tht'lr home afler a spring wt•<l· b land. Mr. Btt k waa graduated fro ru ding. ' ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ T Ht: UK•iAS \01' ('AS 1'1..A\' AT OSl't:: Ille "'ODdf'rtu l Of'W HAMMOND CHOllD ORGAN Tbe Wlaole Famll7 C.. Pta..J I\ WIU.0.1 a-1 Now! No Need &o Tak• LHeo• Come In and Prove It to y otnelf ......... ~~i-Atlf!!'llr-!~ ... ~h14 .... ~...,~~~l!ll!lt!ll!!~~ .... fllll ... ~~,......,_"""°._t.,......,.olfli~~IMOW.~~w.l.,.jjli#li.-~ P-TA We allMI 1Ju1t.e 7oa to come Ill aod lry tbe ~"' Hammond ~plnrt t;;i--so" AYallabl• Mr!:._"!Y!!!2!!._1~e tonn r Mar 11rrt Th • s a L---~.:__;:.~;:.,,;;.;;;..:~;:_....;;;;;;;;;......;;a;;.;;iiiiii••w..,.ijiiiiul __ .. o<e_"""_'f'_"ifiT~~.~ y CJC Colorado ~·~@ Fortune lf'"-A, pa.lm1&l•, bollle<I hcal~h polac>n• .. Aft t r &rt' not tht anawu to mllllkllld'a conslanl .. St:arch For H11ppinrs8," i;:1 .1ph· l<"lllly empha:11u <l tn a provor&ll\'I' "March of Tlmr"' film aho" n to thf' !l:f'wport El,.mrntary P ·TA a ud1enr .. at lht-January aualon f I W · !1114 8TKEET r-at St. Joachim •he was afClllated with Cha Om1·ga. H t; husband. 11lso a_grad- uate ot the ·nlv,.rslty or Colorat.lo. took his pM l gradu11te work a t Harvord UniverJ11ly. Mrll. Wilson taught at Boston Unlv.-ralty while her husband atl <>nded_ Han ·arcl. DANZ· SCHMIDT E11i:•·dy unt11 1pnt .. 1 b~· the mem· ~larktl. R icha rd Altm11n, Birrell b• 111 ••( ~I JuoH him C11lhohC' Walah. J . S . McMahan, M. Jo'. Auf· Chll&t h, c ··•~I.• .\I• ,,1, \\RS the thud dl'r·Hf'lrlP, Wal111cr Miiier. Patrick Mr11. Wllson·a crl\ndpar<'nls. Mr. and Mn1. Ern<'al W ent- worth Thayer. hsvf' bttn 11ummer realdenta or Balboa for the put JO y•nn. W.11 ren Mt-ndrnhall, """lstlllll BE SURE -INSURE cuss1on by 11aylnl(, · Happmua 111 supcrlntcndrnt of Orangr County JUSl a 11mple uncomplicatf'd f,.rl· ' I ~~ schools. presented the movie prior mg that 11JJ1 un and m a tsu M'nst-:'" ,. MAl KICt: ~TAN LEY RICi l'l.\SO Iii ORGAS MTORt: lll'Mlq1ilrtf'ra for° All Modf'li• lhun montJ Or~ana G1ll111. Wll!&am Brown. Charin ann1111I P• ug1 r• ·IVt' drmwi, spun-'su1mCnrd. Ed Brun~. ratrlrk Heal- to a d111cour~ lln child p roblPmt . IJISTKICT MF.t:T lnimrance Onl) Kl ~-1\UO r ollowing the call to ordPr by · I •• H ........ I "'JI Bt>fore ¥djuurn111 .. nt. Mra. V.'al-..-bu-ar..... • 6'.!0 S o .• Maln l'lanta Ana •••• •·•I liy the ~loth1 1 ~· 1.."l11b nnti "Y· \'111cf'nt0 Mou11tl, Han.11 Ho&· h .. ld Saturday.· Jan. I:>. 1 l&nd, J ohn Klug1t•wkz. W1Ulllm Van ( ;1•nr1 ul I hH l11nan r11r the 11fC111r I Heemskerck , Robert Gllllnon , T "·" M1 <. J. ~. ~trMnh11n. aldrd by J. B<'lmonte. Mabel Hayti , Robert 1'1 1 \\'all1•r Miii• 1 11" r<>-rhulr-:'\orton, Edwin Munsf'y, Roy Crank, mun ,\1nnn:: h11•I• '''"' (111 th" 1Jm· \\"uller M1lle1-. R_ L. Tremblt·t anil n•·r w•, ,, .\1 11 .. • J It \\'hit•'. t:•••iri;I', Rll'hlltd Torrence. TO BE IN FULLERTON !hf' prtsidrnt, Mrs. R . J. Walla<"e. lace imnounced !hut the P -TA di"· 1 t U M&&rl~ A\·e., Ba.Ibo• bland th~ asumblagr was lrd In the trll't me1•t1111( will l>e J11n 20 1n ~=============~========::======.· --------·---·-· Breakfast Date is Set pledge or 1tll1?g1ance by a color Ga1den Grove al lht• Alam1loK R"Utrd from Girl Scout "'roop 19. F11end11' Church, 12211 South M11i:- und••r the di& cclion of l .. ev~ Thom-nolla. A pand dh•cu1t111on, ··urj:'&ll a. and Ruth Rt'mlt-y. Todny to be H«althy," heada l hl' 1' n ln1plrational me1138ae waa progr•m. with Wurt'n 1'f(·ndcnhall de 1ve.e<l by Nrwport Elemrn.ary'a as moderator. On the rostl'r will pi nt·1p11I. Miu Bernice , eatal. bl' G<'orge Butll'r, 1 ep1 UPntln~ the FOR 1 MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA For V.F.W. Auxiliaries . CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 L • d Cl b W • M 11 f th t ral m t ,chrt0I phystr11tn, M1ll11n M. M11x-1 0 U Omen In At the mrl'tlnc or VFW l.udlrs' l'•I Int o the local uuxlharv, Mrs m ••11 ll " P811 gene re · ~ ·• 00 d 1 d well, In lhP 1 ule of lamllr phys1-Aux1llarv Co1111U1ne Poat 3:>36 Jo'r1• Canr1eld llnd Mrs. Wavnrr. in1 Mnu Kr mt-e in~·l're rea MOTUKl.:l l'LE t:St;OKT • • • " j •·· b th t M . 111! \' s r1a n and F:•lwar1I I. Hu,~1·11, u day n11tht, announcf'menl w11a The po11t of Junior vice-pre11· )' e 11"~rv a ry, rs. ~ · im· health offlC•'r G N 'HYC s • m11de by Mra. Jamu Pattrr11on. dent hns brf'n var 11lC"d by Mr11. monli All duitricl par,nu and tr•cht-rll STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ay es-s1on prP.81<.lt>nt. of the Srcond 01st11cl Harold Hohl. who II lrav1nir .8•Jun lt.-pclfl:I from the treaaurer, cur- . mrrtlni;c or the Aux Illar)', to be I to join her· hu11ba.ml. M. Si;t. H.u. rt~rond1n1: s• netary an•I uCt>ly arr uq:t>d tn .. ~his f1~·n"n11c ht>ld 111 th1> C'ha1,man Aux1llury 101.i H"hl, r•aiot rummandt'r 11f ch111riu1tn "'<''" p11•..ented prrcl'<l· prui:r1t1u I I l d l I M "t d Fr1urth gn1J" 1 oom mulhl'r• •rv· J ohn Mollry. noted lertu~r and Mt>nH111al 100 :-O:o. Cyp1.-:<11 l't, Coast1111e l'o,st. 111 Ha" 1111. :-O:oi11 n11-ni,: n 11' ,,.. ion ° r. "'en en· ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY ' .11 I I ti lo < • "lllo!"I Wtl h l\'y ~omm l t 111 J S J .,3 .__ httll' by Mr" Jilek Bradbury. pro-t><I ll.'1 h<>~t"lll'l'S ror thP 1Cttrnc1on . ----------------.... , •• 11 " 1 , '" .. 1n1.•I r"l"'r 111:111~• ti· I I• •1111: ~.>I• h ~plln"h. , 11ut• h 111.ol F1 r1 ch I.all• t dant•er-. •I•'' l"l'"•I 1nr l?ll:'mr or "'P11per IJ• 11' ''' th• m nlhl~· lunch• un II •·• I 111~ of 1111' l.itt.J blf' \\"0111an • ( 'l11h \\ hlrh \\ '" h,.l•I al lh,. StW• J•"r' I I 1rh• r '1111 hl c 'luh ••n I 1n 1 l 11 I" hll.t h· ··n t.thlb hor.: ga&l.1 11 I• ..: th" II"" 11 11•1• with hi.Ill'' I''"'" ut ~' ,.._,ll \ 11n:1 1111ite 1 I I h1• • hr11 " 111i: I' II'"' .1 .. 11~ Mrs. 1 ~·n"" Ru"" .dHt h• r • j 1 lu.arulan, Mr~ \\nrd 1., .. 1>1··1c "~-'•~t fd hv tt.r ..... 4 t. ~11i1t h 1 u "' 1·1 r AL1un1t A""' .._,.,,.,.,,q,. lt•r 1th' ln t)tt' J,tt 11up ••I 11 • h1f1, ,,. ''hu .,:ttUa11t•d !11 l'I •\ 111 1.i~ .. 11ud •·11 n1t•l11 "fr!' un I• 1 th• ._ .. , • ''''J••n 01 Mr• Hob· r q Ttltl1lt-,11r1 II t~,. ftb,.•111 1• r t ("h.,1rn.•11 ~h • I· .. : Hr\111•'· .. : • It la hie "•• r• .... 111•"1 with an 81 1•"• li\"•• lo\ •I' I •"'lrlt r rr1tmlc· r• ,,, \ !&Im "1 ·.,I• .,( I ft,. ""'"I \\ "' ~I 11n 11"• d 'l th ••II t l'l <\"lnl: a n<1 wa." n11rru'ti1 tw M1 .. :-;,.,11nt' ~,·mmt ~ 1xf'l;ut1 \,. '••1 11l.1rv nt ,., ..... , ~·-ou1y ltru1 ""''"••tu n Th· l•llAln• "-~ nlrtl int: wh1rh nrr. , t'n •or w ap(>f'ar on an. In Fulltrt<>n, rm un•lay. an -, 1 llon:< will..,.., ~\lbmlllc•I at thC' n••xt -- 20 at Harbvr lil,rh ~khool under at It "m BrtakCut w ill be 111'1 ,._ met tmi: on J11n 21. 11n•l all mrn . gr.im chairm1tn. I thr Sfl<JUS(lrshlp of lhr WWC. Stu-1 pfl by the womt-n of th,. F ullPrlnn bl!rs ll rl' urgrd to attrn•I and votr I ' \\'ROSO ATrrTUUP. I WATt:H ttl:ATEH8 •lrnt Urktls wtll be half prace. Amdllary from 8 to 10 a m . All I The nw:1t,.ry rrl.7.1' tor th" r vrn· T ._.1 . { 1 •Atn !lt:ttv1cE ••• •Ef'AllU B -' '--II . • o m1111m1i:e c • .i t.rtn 1J ft 1nirs o•ru mrm.,.,r" a11 ""' 11 thl' ml'mbera a re ur..ied to attend. 1n1t was drawn b.:v onl' of lhl' """' ant.I probltma. Jull bt>cauae or their I LJ I L l I J club houu office h11ve llckt-ta. Two "ew member• w~re wrk om· member:<. Mrs. \\a1?n• r. 1 . uth 111 an en neous alUtudt-II QIClf ~llf -)O • o l'LLMtU.!\(> or moat adulla. Mend~nhall rmpha · nJlMa •• ,.IJI CEN1 uvw" ~ 1 • 1oud. Jn rclllat~-. youn11ter11 fnl .,,_ H•·-auo their problems rvrn murt J!!eply th11n lh"'l1 pu<'nU brcausr of lack ------1 or rxpl'raen('!' tu c-omb11 l t'IT)(\tlonal s~tbl\rk11. hi' 11a 1t1 P1tyrholor tc11 I ma I ad ju~t mmta IHI' r 1 oppln1t up more th.11n r ver In thtM' t lmr11 <'Ill" to a decidedly m111 .. t•11111pl!'x world wtth tempt11- t1on11 1•n f·Vl'ry 1tld". prrplt-xing 11lf'11 ls and 111C'nn111at!'nt 11ta.ndard• Cl( value. !hf' sp••tkt'r polnlrJ oul. ~rhool~ fir!' •belling the 1ltua- l1n11 hy ('Xtt'rtl't\'f' l r atntn~ Of tea rh· rra to hav" 111ort-unt.lentandtng 1 •>f f'llch lnt.11v1du111 problem . Al90 sprc1al serv1crs a ri> providing child jtUhlttnre cl1n1n1 11nt1 p•yc-holo1t1ral hrlp. _ , Mendenhall. h"u•I uf {;h11tJ Gu1d· 110. f' itnd !'pN•1al St-n '1crs of Or· llllge <:"uni), ~umma riuJ h1a d11· MA TTRt;ssES GOOD READING Rurl \"our Uank Rook t :arh an" t:H n · Ua\" •.. (if'l In thl° H ahlt of Mraki~i.: l<~r.~ular l>t'110 ... it., an1l \\ iafrh \"our Sa\·in1o:" (iffi\\ and Cir ow. May \\,... llrlp \' uu Sta rt Soon ~ I •U• I th" nftrr r,1>t1n nf t Krd1 \A ll-4 ' ~II· I 111 11nl• r b• \1 r~ ltl\.IJlh Tan-• ''"" •k\" 1·r"•••ll'11 Shr •n11,.unr,.t1 '"'"' •hJ•· tn , luhr nu~, o~ ., 1urI111n t1•• l11n• n• n n "' t mi.:~ f •r ~ • bru- r I \ " l \I,' r I \\ 1 I I I ,. II I l hf l• .. a<l th•b" A ,.,,,in.· 1.,1.11m ~"""'" h l••>r,.th\' () ll&r:\ II &II "•' rrr- 11• t I• ol in · F<'hnUH I ... nnrl l!"ll"·•t• are w,.11 tJtn• 9-1-H11m.,._1 nu1er11 lr,...1r ular S"-peoe l.llwr1\ 11.1 :4flll MESA · BANK ~o'ta M,... Manr~ eo. t I !IO .SrwJ'(>rt ftlvd J ones Baby Receives Baptisma l ~crvices STUDY HEART DRIVE-Gathering T}lesday for the January meeting of Lido Isle Woman's Club at Newport Harbor Ya cht Club, Mrs. Robert L. Keppen. program chairman : Mrs. Ralph Tandows~y. Woman's Club president: ~fn;. Frank Carlton. flt'r rr tary of Lido Isle ht'art f unp d rive: Mni. Joe E . Preiningt'r .. drive r hairman. all i><'alrd. s tudy chart present t'd by Misa Nadine Symmes, executive st'cr~t ary, OranKP County Heart Association, who 111pokc at luncheon. -Staff Photo P AJUU;.s · KWU:l' MORTIJAR\' Fonnerl7 l;KAl:EL CHAJ't:L l I II 8rlltld14 a7 -l,;ot1C. M,,... l.l bert)' 1H l4llS anct ll-:C4ll4 R· : .. 11· J.-.1\ln i.; C t II 1w111I Int ""' ,.,., ,, II··•· T11 .. ,.,,.6 F. J''"""· To D1'scu ss Books l'>l.11 II• 1tl Fl T '" ll11~r. hu11 h• rn II tlhft II• I h •11t1•11111I ·'•'1\1•"' "' '" 1,.1.1 I r Th''""" F ·'""''' Ill On Tuf'itd ay. Jan. 18. a rrprl'- 111 1·11rl•t l.uth•l!\O 1"h11r•h on ,.,•ntat1v"' or .McM11ll\n Co , Pltb· ·"'" : 1'1•01 ... , I i: Ill<' hflh\· \\ f'JI' )l .. hrr 1'. will dlSC"Ul'I USC' of thP Mc· 1'>11 11n•l ~11 • F:m1I H >!h ,;, 610:? •Millan rl:'~dl"rs with the Coata \\ • •l lk• nn F"rur' :'\t'\\ 1'11rt Rf't" h M'&& eecond a.nd f·ourth ,.rtd~ n1 I 11 r ••t..t••tinn 1h11n"1 w11• hrltl nt 1 ,. Rn'.h ht1m<' f,,llnwiniz tht tear hrrs at Ma in School cafeterlL "c-rrtntU1\' Mr J, nt ..• Anti ~I r Rnlh werr 1 1Mh•-.~I rru•nt111 111 T'1t t.Joburjith . 1'11 ""r" mrmht'r11 of !hi' 111\nlf t l111r. h And wrrf' '""nfirm,.•I 11 1 th,. ~'\ntr runt Thf' afternoon l!t'<'011,d grad" 1each- e11 will mert t 30 to 10·30 ll.m.; the fourth irra de teacher. from 3 20 to 4 2fl r m. a nd all-day tuch· t r11 Crom 2 20 to 3-20 p.m. LA TEST HAIR STYLING f.OR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARBER-SHOP fti\l,UO \ T Ht :4.T RF. 81.0 0 . B.\ I.RO \ Opt'n T11r•11ay Ihm "atur<lay Ruult.1 come from conat.aot --·-------··--···---~~-··-- pracu ct I A.n ad n lfUJ&rly In uu~ pa oer wt.II oroduoo rewll.9 ror vou Pia no ~1J/ru clio11 9en1clo -Kotale . SaJ" TERESA RENNER .( Mrs . A. Renner) Call DAN'S TV 1 1 Ulterty 8-2228 Conrert ('lanl•I or l'ltr"' Co11t1nraa. UraduaC. SIDdtDI o( ~la ls.rwll 436 Serra Drhe Ph. Har. ZOS9 Corona Hlihlud11 -Corona del Mar ~a •• &..w,u. ... -·-.... --..... - 111117 .S1·"f'"'' Rh d. • complete optical all in one office services . t :yl'11 11d~nllflrally f'll&mlnf'd, u•lnir lhf' mo•t m odrrn ln•I r11mf'nl1L " Prof,.,.11lnnal hf'lp In llf'ltttlnc a framr nattrr - lna > ou to your ff'ata""' ·from an 11n11•11ally la\ rhnll"f' nr tram .... \our ir'""""" tlllf'd t.o ~'our ,..,... l o ahr )OU ('flfflPl"I" romfort anti ma>.lmwn """ lrf' fltr )'our partlr ular Of'<"Upallnn. Hour-: 1 :30 In l\.:.n ~nntfa~· lhrn11r;h 'lal11r'1a1 Rf'_n,able f'rl..,.,_ ( ""' rnl .. nl T•·rm• Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST 315 N. MAIN ..... AT FOURTH ' SANTA ANA Phon• Kl l-783J ,. l " .... -• . . . ProVince Officer Tells Alllmnae NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 3 MONDAY. ~ANUARY 17, 195S .. of Pi Beta Phi Memorial School First Women's Fraternity "?" Founded Unit in 1912 Membera and frtenda of the South Cout Alwnnu . Club of Pl &ta Phi heard Mra. St.a.nley Kyle ot Puadena--recount ta. ~ of the Pl &ta Phi Settlement School ln GaUlnbur1 . Tenn .. Friday morning, Jan. 14, a l the Irvine Coast Country Club. Mra. Kyle la the provln<"e \1Ce•pl'Uldent who la 19 charge Of aU pt Phi Alumnae Cluba an California, Nevada, Ari· &ena, New Mexico. Et PallO, Tex., and Honolulu, T. H. P i Beta Phi. the Hnt riaUonal fra ternity for women, founded In 18«17. wu also a plon~r amonc women'• fraten:utlu when It. r11- tabll11hl'd Lhla ~lant.hropy liln 1912. The Settlement School waa atarte<l u a lh-in~ m emorial to IU 12 rounfltr:o m011t !oat art of weavtnc now tlou.rlahea and beauWUJ Anowcraft u tlclea are turned out on the looms. The weaving 11 don• by the mountain ~pie or the youn1er deacendanta wbo Uve in the com· munlty or ~urroundinr area.a. The weaver1 come to the Arrowcraft Shnp ln Gatl11'burg and a.re (tven material• ~n con.alcnment. The weavmg la done In their homes anti they 11.re paid b~· the hour for \:pon t.ht adv1 .. e of t h,. l'nated Sll1te11 Comml~&ioner of Education. R Pl Beta Phi <"Omm1ttet visited the Tennu•ee aort Kentut'ky mounta in areas and t hoa< ~atl..ln· burg &11 the tommunlty-~at ault- ed for the eoducaUonal development tt washed t.n offer. their \\·ork.• · \\"hen a warp u1 C'Ompleted the fan111.hed arUclea with the unused matertala att returned to the Ar· rowcrafl Shop. A.rrowcratt t m- ploya betwMn ~ a.nd 7:> wea\1t r11 dul'lng lhe yur. Jt ha.• helped u many u 100 fanuU .. to t>eoome. a,l!·reltant and telf-1upportJng. GIRLS OF THE MONTH-This time there were two outstanding girls of H" a r b or High School to receive Zonta "Girl of the ~lonth" emblems. Left to right. Mrs. R. L. Bacon, .committee chai~an. pins a Z to blouse of Miss Arlene Huff while Mi.sa Nanci Campbell receives hen; from Mrs. J ames Aspin, :lonta presidt>nt.-Staf( Photo The peorle nf th•• community OU\er ha.ndlcraft artJclH auch Wt:KE l~OL4 TED 'Girl of the Month' . Duo Given Awards were 'k1een<knla M the ttr1t pt· u broom.a. Jewelry, wooden &nJ· oneeni, •! r~re An(lo-8&xon •I°'"' ;na l• and baalcet1 ar<' 111a.de In the who had "ettled 1n t h11 mountain I a~&. A ready-made marktt tor a.re&. !aola~ from thr ~ of th• thuor (ooda ,·omu through the world ber "uee ot roor ~· eale of U\Nt' hand-made article• In 191:.l there waa a on.-reom by Pt Bela Ptu chaplel"I and alum· Becauee the '.:'\ovrmber ee1ecuon 11.nd a llOplwmnre She le eoni:t school, wll.h 13 pupU. and one nu cl~be m the United Staua, wee Ill when chosen. there were leader. mf'm bf'r or thf' Pf'p com- te&C'her. !llow t here IA elemental')' Canada and Hawau. two "Glrla ot the Month" t-0 re· mfs111on. Girl~ Athlet11: Auori!I· and high achoola aJtua ted on the HEALm \\"OBll lion and or Tri Sigma honorary. grounua of the Pl Beta PhJ ~t· ce1ve little "Z" pins trom Newport ARLl::SE Hl'FF 1lement School. W1th an en.rollmClt There I.a no hoapttal In tha aru Harbor Zonta Club on Jan. l S al Starts Wed. !\IAKLOS BRA.'"'DO "DESIREE'.' FRA!'\K SL"ATRA "SUDDENLY" HOME ·10ANS , . At Oran9• C ounty ' Ludin9 Hom• lendin9 ln1titutio n QUICK . 24 HOUR SERVICE · LOW LOW "'REDUCING• INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHl Y PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WI IVY Tl UST DUDS ON WELL LOCATlO HOMES MOUNTAIN HANDJCRAFT -Mrs. George H. Moore, Newport Beach: Mrs. Stanley Kyle. Pasadena, Phi Beta ------'P~bi Mu Province vice-president and Mrs. James C. Scar- borough. Ralboi': examine some ot"the artid~ade--by A.rrowcraft workers at the Settlement School a,t Gatlin- burg, Tenn. -Staff Photo ot over 600 atudent.11. Many of th• but Pl Bet.a Phi operata a h•llh I the high echool. December girl 111 J\111111 'rll'ne high achoola ~uatea p on to ~ter With a qu&llCad regt.tered Tha clrla are choacn from lusts Hurc. dauizhtcr of ~Ir. &n'l lltr:o1 college. Some or · them pr"1tt to nuree wboM work lncludea com· of nom1neet1 by a committee of Roswell Hutr. 431 Irvine Ave A re!Jln>... tA .tnm homea and there· muntty nuratni. pulilfc health tn• Zonta and faculty memben ol'I the~ ~e l• preiutlent of Citl.s' after become conatructlve, con ~ne and borne _bua ot. ae~ t.O achoo! and League. memtx>r of Honor Soclrty. I f h I nunlng and regular he&llh li1pec-comm unit . .~;al o .... " -"ar-~~ S\tfm&..-&Ad-GWa: A.ihk.tu:. At ~.~~tng C'lt z.ena 0 t e r commum-lions Md lnoculattona ot all .ctiool •<"ler and Y ~t'Ton. gr ...... "" i·so<'latlon. Olh1>r campus 11ctlv1Uea The achoo!& ~Ive approprui· children. have Included mem~rshlp In, Stu· lions rrom county, •late and fed· P! Ptu aponaor'1 Jointly wtl.b the XA.'\'CI CA.1'lPBf:LL dent Council. Spanish Club, on tht LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS ' l LOAN AS~CIATION ... ,..-. f'r•I funds Md trom Pt Beta Phi, Cntvenilty ot Tenne1111~ a aumm,.r I l'\amed tor ::-:ovember wa.a M1s1 Hall committee nnd serving as whalll sttuu with the county work.9hop In Gatlinburg, g1vlnc :-:and Campbell, daugbt o-Y Ml;. clu s officer. 222 OcHn AY•'"'9 FIRST OF FOUR LECTURES LAGUNA BEACH IC'hool bOArd t.he reaponablUty for cnduate or undergraduate credit a nd ~rs Harry Cam . 229 Or· Pins "'"re rr,.sentt'll th.. Rlrls P TA Dl.sc1· pl1·ne Talk l'ekctt.ni; IUld approvtng t.ee.cher·11. ln cralt.1. A deepened rppr.·cla· chld Ave. Preaenlly a JUDIOr, she by ~ti s. Ja.me11 Aapln. prl''lld~nt -' The \·ounty pro\'ldu sUf(lc1ent t1on for ha.ndcra!t.1 II tat' •n back serves 111 cla11s :oecr t11.ry. helcl the of Zonta Club, and M111 tt. L. ttarhers to meet the b~lc edU<'J· to entire aecUon1 of the u nited ll&ITle pollUon while a truhm M Bacon. COll\fillttre rha1rman. PhoM HY 4-1177 . F • d • M • S h } Statea by the atudenla who come rl ay in a1n c 00 llc1n11I requirements. Pl ~ta Phi from all paru of America.. furn1&he11 the art• and crafta. T • . woodworking. phyalcal education, Calllnbura la on the nort.hweat· 0 Entertain Hospital Vets Hobo Party The flral In a i.erlu of tour lee· r<'preM>nled, as w!'ll aa all P -TA1 hulth and mu.Uc 1-chera t.o en· em border or the Great Smoky tu rea wa.s e lven Frldoy at t he Co!l· 1 ln the Harbor area. Tuition ts frer rirh the curTiculum. NaUonaJ Park and former poor ta Mf'll4 Main School a udtto!"1um, ant! there 111 no rharge for bl\by LO&T :r road.I are now replaced by ma&ttr with Mr• Alma O. Green u In· cart. \ AK hlghwaya. A t.ourtat lnde a bounC111 atructor. Parent·Tl'acher Anoela· 1 Mni. C. Orby Ant.le!'11lln. P llr•'nl· The fraternity hU tned In every and thla la no longer &11 laolllted at tlon11 In the Cot1ta Mua . Newport E<ruratlon rhalrman for the Har· way to encourage and promote a community a1 It waa In 191:.l when Ha rbor ace& 1n coopt'r&tl(ln with bor Council heads the comfnlttPe, revlvaJ or ha ndlcra.tt• In the Pl Beta Phi atArted thl1 atHl-Uv- t.he Oran&t CQa.at Collei:e are I Mr11 J ack Iverson of the Cost.a Soulhtrn Hl(hlanda area. The al· Ing memorial to lta f0W1dera. Arrangements have been madl" 1ponsorl11g thel'I' rl')ll!erencC.11. ~lrM Main SchDOI P·TA Is In for tha monthly hOfPltal party for On<' hundrrrt 11nrt twt'nly-CIJe lcherge of child 1arr while molhrrs H b H• h-S • G• 1 the 1f15't!jed veterans Crom Long pu ... nt!I an<! rri.,ntll' h<'ar<I Mr!!-11•t trnd ml'etang,. ~!rs. L. G. Mick· ar or 1g en1or lr S Beach Veterana Admln111traUon Gref'n dt..cu.•. • SN·urlty The ey, of the l,.lnd~rgh f'·TA. M ad · Hospital. Tti. afC•lr \\111 be held ln Barkbon• of ~tent.a.I Health," while cd lhe hnaplta llty committee. ~tr11. the Amerlc&n Legion Clubhou~e l hl" moman~·s f11llhtr1ng, ""hlle Lnu1• ~· (' 11 ll, Parent·Educftl1on Compete for N 'at Awards J~th St. and Wut Bay Ave .. J an ff\J 'v • hll<'lqrn Wf're rared for at I <"halrm.an for th<' Costa ~ll'aa Ma an • HI, with f'ntertamment lo !ollow ne111by <;ommunlty C"hurC'h Tht I School is to-< ha1rman of C'hlld nre lhe lune hron The Red Cro1111 ~tob· 11(W'•lwr atraJ'ert tht tmJ"•rt11nni of rl11nn1t the rnl'etting11 Jan 12 wu "HomerTaker ot To· 1 e.11amlna Uon K ore In etu:b ac.hnol lie l'nlt w1U brlnit the Vet..ran" ,• lllrll)' &nit how It •• •1• '' lol"•rt -Oh• r commlttN' members In· moi mw Day," a day of opportun· wtll be ent.ered in state compell· down to :"ewporl Be&ch. a ffrl't1nn ton!'lt,tl'nn· "' t r,.,., ~I· cJuolr<I .\!rs Dennai< H11l?l11nd, prl':o-ori 1 :-. Uon when t.he w111ntr will receive This 111 to be a Hobo party w1tt ...... , h -1 , , , .. h H 1ty for the 11t'ntor ,..r s or • ewport I a ,1 .. ,,,.. ~hola r.·hlp llnd " •rap llnn .• ,...ani: t " '11 8 •"fl• 01 ala luant fnr l e 'llrbor l"••Un<'ll olV<.I ~ ~ • Lei;:1on Auxiliary ml'mlwn1 In rrn,. a rh1f'\•.-mr•nt. "Do,.,. \'our pre-P·TA.1! ~lra. Rl<"hn.rJ Ullenthal. R llrbor Union H ii;h School. Mar· \wtlh her IChOOI edvhior to Waah· tumr. menu 11nrt tle('(lrataon~ tr. &<"hOf I• r •11\·e thr t•·~r .. 1.~in1llty of prt•sldent for the Horace Enaairn jorl'y Arey. Mnrae 811mta, Htlf'n IJlgton. D. C. colorual W all!Jlms· carry out th• theme. Mr•. Gtl~rt hrtngln)l 1n lh• mnmini.: pa(W'r, or P·TA: Mni. Makolm R,.1,1, prf'•l· Brou, Pat Chn11t111ns,.n. Diane burg. ·Va., a.nd Ph1l11delphll\ Her Opel 11 rh.aarm11n. •nnthl'r • h1"1 "l'<'n th• Jo .. r !or dtnt of the Cvuett A. Rra P ·TA, Crnntlall. Diane Cra ne. Janet Gib· I acllool wtll receivt 8 11et ot lho ~I n Robert J . Brigg~. ho.spit• fath1•r wnl'n h•' lnlllU hume rrom ~t me.i1 Helen U>max and F. W, 11<in. Uc-lly Hiatt, Marilyn Holley , Encyclbpedla Brlt.annu:a.. chairman for t'nlt 2111. reportNI h•~ "11rk . " M itt Mrs. Grttn Scrogg11. ~111y K"s"I. Betty LaBelle. Vlr(tt I The atate winner who 1a Mll'cl· thnl on Jan 2 4 11J)'clal mtttlnJ? "" .. he apok' or rt<'Ol{1l1Z:1ng the I Radlo and pubhC'lty commluee M.llt')'. LA Vonne Pttk. Lil.Netta ed the .All-American Hom<'m•ktr ur th,. Ame11can Le'10n Aux1h11ry, nl'l'•IP nf tA<'h andh·llJU!U member member11 lnclade: Mmea. Georg,. Rlch11rrl!'On, ::-:CM>l Sh<"lr.ny, Sur.ilye of Tomorrow In Phtladelphla April C\'I Mr Rril'n. hra...l of Special Ser- b,.ini: • wMklnf: J)9rt or a famUy Pannent,.r, Peggy Wlldtr and Shl"llk111. SaJJy Shrader. Janet 21 ~111 receive a $~ achotsrshlp. Vic<'• ot the Long 8'-11rh V. A. Ho~ group J ohn V. :-;ctf. Shr(lut ant! Elof11e l:'ola.n. wer e, un· 'Aldill& In maklng the ~le<"llnn p1t111. wtll 11how a film 11nd 011l- T 10 r11la bl1th t&mlly tradlUOll.I, ot knnwn ro them. ,.nrnlled In the will be a commlltM con1111Urig of 1 line lhc ho11pltal program. nb11erv1nir hnllday1 &nd birthdays D . D Belly CrO<'kf'r SParch for the 13 natlooally known t'duc11tor1 llnd I All membf'rs 11re Invited to at· an D "J'f!('llll Wii y, made the Mlall-av1s eparts Am,.rlcan Homem&kcr of Tomor· public le11ders. tend "r r hllol fl'tl rl~t 11nl! l'ecure to .... rnw by their teacher. Mra. Owen11. -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii. hli< Cii mll\' JrfOUJ' 0 s· M h R It I •n •so • ~ ~I N tir,en. who aJl'O hu ~n n IX ont s . imu 11neou11 y, loa,., young ~ wom•rf of the 1e11Jor g'l'&duatlng ~~"·holc>1t1et fnr lht J ohn Trary, cl&1'8ta In 8.0{!0 ps rt1clpatlng high Chnrr nt Loll A.ngN" for rt111drrn I European Tn·p l'C.hool• lhroUjfhOlll the t:n lt.ed ,.,th htAnni: '11ft1cultaea. hll3 hr • , St.Alu took 11 w rlttfn ~!nation 11 mrmh"r r'lf thl' Orange \n.1·· _, ~oncud 0 11,1.!l, aon of Mr. 11.nd 1tutln1t their apUtut!r for t.br ca · •'<•lltJ?I' Rdult l'r1uU1tion prC'gr:•· \'·~ raul Du-is Chlrul Cove left reer that llW&itl ne11rly all o.f rnr lhl' r1111t thrrr ye&n ll nd I rliuie trom L .. ~ An1tl'IMI . Air· tllem-hnm .. maklnjt. cnndtJ' lr•t lhl'I" m,.• t111A.s for 1' 11 n f'nda\' n•Kht tor :O-ew Yor k Thi• ~()..minute wl1t~n f':u.min•· '"""I r 11rrnl·Tr1Vh"r AMOl"ltlllnn t ~ th" f\nc0l lfg ot • tnp 10 Eur-11on \\ ... !hi' b111li. tor aelecllns • Thi' nt'lt I .. ·tu rt ''111 h• j:l\'t''.'I. , ('• H" wall boa.rel Libert<', th• lh• J.tnmem11\ctr of Tomorrow In ~ 11•1'1}" JM 2!; frnm ll to 11 11 m. F'rPnl'h hnn. Wed,ri1d11y bQund tor H C'h ~llool. 11tatfJ 11ntt flna.lly on c•n l•1~• arhn• Th" '"l"'nlu'I far -L H H II d he> I• 1 • ,,., rt• -,( <"Ontri1I llnd l\Jllll' nf -r i:rv<> E " "-i l'Pf'n a Ill atx April 21. tht na tion J1~1rlm• ",II ti.. il111r1u•,,.'1 llrol mot~ ' rn humpe d ~chol&r!t.lp' tot.aJl.ine; 173.000, ''""~ " " w'lt& ~parate frorn trAvel opf"lrturuuee and other ed.u· .... h rnt'ml><'r "·"" lhP nrJ""n llnll v 111 ~ L· lh I tn hA, t l"'rlJnt nt 'lll•"llon' ~.,. • · ·l"' "~ • I Jg I, wu on " rlJ r .nnlLI pnres arc tw-lnl'I' offf'red ~, .. 1,.1 ll rl r-cpllllr"I ttur1rg thf'';':,'"~~1!1, "xr:;rt~tondl'l"JnhMlred .. by by ('..,n1>r11t Milli'. "P"ne<>r of~· l'"Pl'lr•n 1 ' • 1w·v 'In.. Ana a ". rh ul•· M'Arrh dr•1gne<1 to ~!'l!l't the c •nl't'l'lltl''" lrrtur,.11 w all 1,,. "". r ''' !'·! 't"PH P<'·.-.11it<i1 "~1thv.f'11t •rhonll' In bulldlni: ln vouni: womrn ,.1 Jlln 28 11 nrl F'rb 1 "'hh h "'II n~""I:' r ...,.n.,.., a...,llrit 11n " 1IN'p"r app~ll\llon and under· '"' lurlr · Hnw llnd \\'hrn In r.l\'e ar• hr,. .. kra •""t1'11.antl1-iat an unrlrr. ~111nrtin~ nJ the Amt rlan h<>m~ Jnfnr:.m&tann \.nnr• rnlnj[ ~"'< . a r1rt ""1'1lf'r 11 .. mnht1nn !Pam 11ntt t.he f'PJ"!'IOnlll qUAlltl1'11 nt<"'el'· "l..ellmang tn Li,·e T"~· th"r an f hr •11r.· tn 1111r<"tuf11l hom,.m11k lng Family ·· Thr i:•rl ff'CC'lv\nit the hl1thl'!ll \f · /\n • C\L p1 ,..,.,•hn"I rhlldrtn. i:r11nf1molhnio. nuf'l'l1•rv ll r ho<>I t""' hrrt', Wf\rk111i: mnthtni 11nd a ft v.• r11ther tnunrl II po:o!llbll' TO lll- 1 •n•I lhl' 111~1 tl\lk Alt ant,.rr:otr<l r11rt'n!i< Alld frafnlfll l\rP Wdrnme thrnur;hout On1ncP County. SI\.?!· ta Ar ll n nd Lai;n1n a Bf'11Ch Wl're by the fireside superla tive food. cocktails and service amid old englrsh charm. HURLEY BELL . rn lone Beach Visit tht CiRC11••••· 111 AmerlCln • Tel 7· 1091 ·--DIBT-- i;~-~ "~~·· I ~!~~~~.!~,!~, ..;-" 1 -rlli ft£1'FI an~· klnd nt deblto-&n,\'Wltere ID ~_;...;.c~n '' n >.~.a I Am.-rlca.. ··xi. co1Ject1. ou -No ,1\\ rop IJlltslNlft'L ,,...,.. '"'' lld\'&llN! all cMt.a. 'Vii "Vl'\U.Al14.t CIU':.OIT BnU:At: of AU ORANGf cTY. WHttrn Onui•e ('ou.nty• formf'rl;\· Crf'dlt Bureau of x .. ..,,ort BM.ell. lApna ~ and CoaUI Me.a. W 4 RJ,.,.,....de A\'~ P.O. Ro.k SM XJ:WPORT BEACH. CALIF. RIDE AROl."XD THE BA,. ~r~"t>.o-a At The Cracker Barrel By r •.:;o l:ATOX Ooun't your ph)'$1onomy ever bore you! You k nnw you·,·e t ither got to aha''" .. r mak~ur nnce dlltly Don't you ''I. 11 you could t!o somet.hln6 about It -\Veil. mAybe you can't, @O you let 1 go a~ that But. all thta lt11<1s to ·your ennui with your houu 11.11!1 tl• bnrlnit .... '&1111. You ca.n remedy I.his eAJl· i lly. J u.t go to 8&.ody anti Elt nnor Entield"s Cracker B&rn l at. JUI Agate Av&. tThe Ftrry S t.I Riii· boa 1~111ntl p1c-k 011L a prlnl nr an or1g1nal paanlln1t. ha,·e It apprc•· pr1111ety framrt1 and mnttM1 Ill the 11a.me 11pot &nd PRESTO: You s m1 vour hnu'" h11ve r~elvll'I " LTFT &nrt at re'1A"n11hl11 pnre~. HARTLEIN FLOWERS UOll It. C.-t Hwy, ('orona del Mar HAJlBOR I071 Party ReataJa '"Tl!lecrapb DeU~ Senb" -II·, . fr, J.,,', .·r. ··::. · .. . . :f:E 10% o• t'oor rRISCRIPTION at Pring lea the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DesiCJn and Construction OOROSA DEL MAR PHO~"E ll.AMBOR 158 s dS H D rd W"Cir·e Si:ze Si1e •"' t -..,, ,1 ••' '' ... • -,,. N -I' •' ,,, ' ' ' • • ,., New Beautiful COCO MATS -Woven Dt"fligns in Full Color - 22 x 36 1n. Reg .. 8.95 ........... Special 5.95 18 x 30 in. Reg. 5.95 _._ .... Special l.95 ffea,-y Gah-anhed a: F. D. Man loxei Hea\')' OaJ\ .. nl~. GarbaCJ• Cans 1: & -I Oal. I'll~~ . Reg . 2.95 Sp. 1.95 Reg. 3.19 Sp. 2.69 luilden Hardware Values Schlage Keyed Locks, Reg . 8.00 Sp. 5.95 . Ouic:kset Keyed Locks Re9. 5.95 Sp. 4.49 Sash Balances, Reg. 95" .. . Sp. 77~ ()fficial \Tisit io Moose Home BAL T2 MORTUARIES Otrtc1al visitor. ~!rs Elrarnur Pledlmonte. 11. past ofrtcl'r or the! College of Reg~nu. nr C-111\•er Caty Chapter :-lo. 63:1. \.\'om,.n of t he ~toose. will villlt :"ewport Bf'll<'h Chapt<·r. \\"nml'n (If the M ool't', on COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Supen or A\•enue Co11ta Meaa. Calli. CHAPEL BY THE 8EA 3020 E C<>ut Blvd. Corona del Mar. Ca llf. P hone U berty 8·Zl2l Phone Harbor t2 Thuri.rtny, Jan 211. , S1>mor Rc~"nt ~Ira. D1•n Ran· del has asked all eo·woa kr-t"a to be -present by 8 pm. al ~luoM: Homf', 2300 Ot't'lln Front t R.f'Jll'lra • alalllteo.ance • lna~llallone SI AFFORD 6 ION LIO ··NELS and LX>C" ELECTJUC~L Co.STKAt"l'OILS f>booa U bert7 I · W t llh..nicle .tYMllMI StMpc>rt 8Mch • Out' prayer• i.houlol be for blc :-.5· 1ngs in gl'neral. f.:.r Gi>t1 knnws ''---------===~=========~-==-----~ be&l what l.5 goo<! fnr 1u I -Sot'rut• 11 ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM -Ph Harbor lblb RE/NERT'S . . . . • on the Ocean Front 40th annual January MEN'S WOOL SLACKS SPECIAL. 99ct. Tables ASST. BATHING SUITS PLASTIC CURTAINS T SHIRTS CHILD8EN'S P.J.'s IRAS B E·L TS DOLLS SHORTS Asst. Zlppen - 1 oe $15.95 -$18.95 socro off MEN'S NYLON SOX • • • • • • 3 pr. f01 s2°0 LADIES KEDmES ~, ...... ft.\ ••••••• MEN'S BOOSTERS t all"'I ttlut> A "'"" 11 PLAYTEX GIRDLES Re g. 4.95 Reg. 5.95 DRES~ES Ant. Prices RUG YARN f("'I· ?9c l'L • • ..... 5399 Now $3.49 Now Sl.99 1 3 to 1 2 0 FF 10 fnr 99' . 1 oe:r:.s Fft'PATBIQC l\l""D4T -NEV~iPO'R ABOVE ITEMS 10 TO 5 WHILE THEY LAST -·-Ol~TMltD" STOA! Many .Other ~ Oii UI• Ott-r ront a,t ~?nit ..,t. Assorted NEWPORT BEACH "ti 8art)Clin' °"'" "horl f\11)('11 """' ;\ ,.,, p<J~ .,..., In All Depanment1 . .. .• I' -' ·. 1 I • ,- -~-• • ' ~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· -NEWPORT HARBOR HOME ancl GARDEN · NliWPORT HARBOR NEWS ·PRESS MONDAY , JANUARY .17, BOOKKEEPING P'A VS REWARDS I N KITCHEN Experts Recommend CompilinCJ Notes for Cookin9 Reference By CAMILLE CAMBON Amon' the many cook-book8 on t hc-8(' shelve!! is one Mmall, thin volume entitled "A ~lection of Dishes ; and the Chef's Re~inder'', a t'ompilation intended for professionalR working in ta:rge public estRbli~hmf'nts. and publiHhed by the Hotel Atonthly Pres!;. Hl!'rrln .•re lh1l11 o f dl11hf'.'11 in all lht u11ual t&tl!'gorlf:A or food11 lhAl r-11.ke <:1nr m,.1118. In adrl!Uon there l rto 11Uto:l"~llo11J1 for u111ng 11p«i11l •lll\1p~1P!lt, l'Uc)' IUI chl!.f ln,; d111h- rc11: t.11d .bo'11t of all, !11 a M cl 1on of ~ Leftovers Make Beef Gravy Pi!l BUNK BEDS INCLUDE STORAGE The winter furnit ure markets are fill ed with rle w fur- niture ideas that are sure to set the home-conscious homemaker's head whirling. This captain's sea bunk is a\ typical example or new furniture that combines beauty and function. For the home~aker, i;torage space is a l- v.·;u·s a problem. Notice this bunk-bed ha~ three spacious storage drawers in the base. T here wil!.)fte no difficulty in making thi$ bed either; the base is set on easy rolling castcr8. This bed is p8.rt of a new grouping or solid ma-..... pie e;irly _American fu rniture'. lt is perfect fo r the chil· dren's room, whe(h er t hey are tots or teen agers. A NEW OCC BUILDINGS NEAR COMPLETION; OTHERS BEGUN Beet and bhac1111a. tut:Lled Into • pie •• , ... trlunr.pb Ol'Cf lt flOl't TI. YO!" bt rt 'I a d11b In turn 1uT11lo1 bltl of tht1 •nd th•t Into t•Clns ec1ta1r. J>.!iKUf'J rll' Una.n1u11u. Spll.lll~h ph1lor.phtr &nd u1an of lrtlf'l'll 1'ald !hr art .. r t'f'mt-n1bf'rinJ:' c-on,.11111 In r"rl'yinr; 11 nOtf'book in your po:w:kr t : th•t one 11hould ll<'Vf'r put lnln h11 hr&d wh11t r11n hf' riornrd In hi11 r-.Ckrt H'KITt: IT I.HJ\\·' \\'hiot thr ir<"•t man n111(h\ hll\'f' 11ddt-d 111 lhat une Mould ntvtr ltn nk ht c .. n rarry anything 11f'hi11 h""'I "" .. u1l}' a.a: he can In • not• bnok '-llnc\11 dn pJ11y .9UCh U lon- l~h1n_~ !n~·k11 nn thr•r "'"·ner•. II ,. •o oJu•conc,.rllllK lo r1111ke l!utn 11wnH11y f<:>r th•· tenth t1n1t ""'n" 111\"•i<Hr u1,.h onl)' lo flnd a t th~ 111~1 hilt that IMln1elh1na 1• 1111~>11ni:, l>Ollle unaJI but highly Lm· 1~•rtant in11:rtdlt:nl lh•t •houkl not ho<\'~ t>o>rn <>m1tt,.<I 11n•l~r any cir· CUllM!,,ll<<'•'- )'\11 .,..,. IUUl>t CU/ll'IU<J<: tnat 111 thlJr b11~in11M 11f \'<>Ok ill(, u in a11y olh· •·• 11en<>u11 bu111n .. 1111. a httlt book· k ~"P>ni: ,1ot• no harm at a ll. \\'htn a ,-,.,.,,,.. h•• bf'tn J'f"f!trlt!d to the ,.MIL!<fll•·hon .nf the cook &nd ht'r a udirn'·"· it "h ould b,: wrllten t1,1.,.·n fo r flllUTI' rtferencl! -•nd l h,.n r~f,.r<-<1 tn' .\ r .. 111ou• rir•taur1trur ~•hi in a l"l!C•nt m•g .. zinl' 11.rtlcl• that one of thr •Kff'lA ol hlA IUCCf'l>t j" l.h•I '"''<"ry 11pet:JaJ\y uf hll hOU&t' a. pr,.p&r<.'d ,•atl!fuLLy 've-ry time •n t'Jla<:lly l.ht Mine \Oo'&)'. II • CU! .. Tb• f&n1 l11 wtll ffli&h th~ main dl1h pie and nel'er dream ynu cnn· cocttd It with lelLO•tr1 1cOOLl.Ol"d brel. Pt••· po\atOt"•f and a ft• kltt:hen a1aplt1 1c•nntd l>tf'f 1ra•1. "' nour. pit cru1t mlJ:L And p<111. Mr1. Homt.nr.•ktr. (&n U••I on your IAll Tll!I-. for lht rt 'I le&I ft iln1 tlma wbe-11 rou ... canned kl!I 1r1l'J. a readr ·111ada uuca. KHp II on hand for ~!"""· nuodlt and r ice dl1he1. •nd •• a topping for all kind• of m"aL To•••• th:n" and rf'•P lull benf'ftt of lbe o•en. ball• dt 1•t•l •l1b 1h1- p1e. 1"111 1Cuoped-0u1 •11Plf's W\!b frH b Clfll,llffrtJ'l!I (C0011f'fl I I Dd ()OUT 111.tar 1rrap o•t r lop. BaklDl tlm• for •PDlte I• •llll:hlly longer Chin ror tb• p1":. but th11 mt •n• tht'J •HI b., bot •nd Jul~r al d .. •1er1 Hm'I!. Whlle pill ind 1pplt1 ar1 b•lllnl . 1011 11:reen1 with French drt11fnf for 1h1 u l&d Th"" 1!!1!n1• lake pr'9(:I0111 llUle time, and you'ur rt •dr oo lb1-dot wben !he l •llf .omu 1roo11 ln• 10 tbe t•ble. •eef 'n' •11eult Pie 1 t•bl~•-n• mlnc•d par.ltr ! l&l>i<->PQOllO ...,, l •••• _ .. "''~·~·•1 ... 1>1 .. .au~• '• lfl~-po<ln 1•11 "T he buildi ng program at Orange Coast College • continues on schedule as we start another school year." announc('d Dr. Basil H. Peterson, president. "We expect to start using the new music build- ing and auditoriu.m on Feb. 1 when t he spriilg se- mester commences." Peterson said. "These facilitiea v.·i H be officially dedica ted on ~l arch 23." Construction or the football stadium and fi eld- house on Coast College campus is also progressini. Thc8C fac iJitice will be coinpletcd ahead of ached- u!e, assuring availability or use at the opening of fooiball sca11on in Scpten1 ber, 1955. In the immediate future, bids will be asked for addin>! or eight claSs roo ms and facul ty offices to the library building. It ia planned to complete thi11 addition by September, 1955. At the prt'sent t ime the racult y, administrlltion·. Board or Trustees and architects are working on the details or a nc~· s_~ience building to be constructed during 1955.56. DKA.r t:KIES -L:l'HOLSTEHJ.'\li -SIJJ' CO\'CK8 "'A.LL rur::R -CARl'L"TL ... G ~ COM.l'L•:Tt: 1,,-Tt:KIOK Dt.:CORATISG LAMP LIGHT SHOP ~44S t:. l!ua•I H.,.., .. , Coro,,. d,,.I Mar Harbor ll!St MEE TIN GS F;A, T li £S . Z 00 P '-1. ~:A. Tll\JRS, II ~ I':.! u1mtr 11ku .. d1•h "'·ru l'n°ul'h 10 Council Approves u1scui-sisc T~ 1·R1 sc1Pw:s o~· THf~ rtturn agau1 fuf it . tt ~huuld t•Alc Ju•l ... ll did on th" j)~VIOU~ OC· Adv rt's"nCJ Fund PlllLOSOPHY O F THEO~OPH Y I '"~'~"1 or h~ I~ i;:o1ng to be (ll~Mp· e I I pouitf';l_l Thi• 1~ " '"~""" .... ~ """"I I J AS. '!.~. •:i;, r.~. L E CT U RE I l~ui.• ,·1tn a pph Uu>l~et "' 1\9.804 72 to! thr r11y Ii ~nhj<'rl "P~l't',l!l: r'll~:XO '-IE:\'i\" 1.111\...tT~~ll. 11.t;t..1rt. ~.1~1·: .. ~·.:,'~~.1~11 ~~.,~~e:y11 ;,~;~;·r~·1;~1 11 l'l'BLI<' l."\'ITEI • Ali'-11~~1 0:" FP.~;~: .xn roLl.t:l'T/{);\' i "'l"''&lctllj; ,,( ,·h~l•n i tl•~h••,;, hirn• Counr 1lrn1<n Anc!rr"· \\' .:->1n•!h l ii .. =·= .......... -.---==-----=·~=---;..., -------. 111 an tllCt'llrllt r«:>p<' fur LOB· vollni: "" Snuth 11.!.'lll nbJ.,ct.-.,·1 tr> 8TER r\'C\\•l'I UllG 1or toh.o.lt•r L>f'l· I bu.ti.:o•t1ng )lllrt or t.:1ty t.:1,.tk l.' Ii. 1aonico .,. 11 """d tu he t'll!l'd•. l'nt'11t'~ '"'lllt'}' l'I~ ruhhr rrl"!"ln.• C1:t cold cuuk1·d lubstrr n1~11ot of orf1n ·r 1n t h1~ ~u11r. L ... ·o Joblt~r• 1nlu ~1u·~1 11ob011t <.>Ile C'ily ,\tln1nry li11!'1 L.rnn l !Jl.V!!I uich thick. t..ay 1h.,1n fl•t 1n t h,,. 1 .. i.1 Sn11!h thB\ un•ltt th" C'it)' upp.:r v•n of t hr •"'11nr; dJ~h 1 c:hart~r. ""''' ''.P<'lll!I\'•·. th" ll•~'- Add hol nl•·lte<l l,utt~r :'<'if,.•vO n1•·nl IA l••gol lho!I Wll!I but\1f""!"ll Wlrn· •alt a11d fry h~tly 110 bot h 11ld1t1un1'lly b)· lh<" annuAI Mla 1}' a id<"• w11hot11 l<"t \lng thr n• b ro.,.•n or d1 n11nct , Lt .,.·1111 broui:ht out . •l all. r.!oi11t .. n to !h<'lt hei~ht "·1th 'MESA UPHOLSTERING C'pllol1terla11: .a Drapery Llbf'rt)' 8-'ilU %~ :-.;-.pL Hh·d., Co~ta !llNll cro<•n1. Ut thl• 1·rdur r n1p1tll.•· to half th•• Q.Ullnl>ty. Th1·n 11cld a lari'I! apoonlul of .ahrr1·y, t...1 the hqu1d boil "'' """"" only R•1ncn·• fmn1 the-fire 11.n•l~11dd f"'O e~g· yolk.a bt'•trn •·1th 11 ''t ry ~rn11LI •niounl '" 're-A111 lfpa\ •1t111n un· t <l the egi;• )111\'t th1ck<'n<I. but I 'iii!~~·~~~~~~~~=' I w ithout b01hnt: l ncorpor&le • ht- t i• buttf'r •nd /I dR"h ,,f r~ve-nnP r'l'rf-'f r. T""~ lii;:titly Arra11gr 1n 1 llet v1n11 J1llh, or pl11••t thr 1-..n In the lo'"· pan con- 1111n1ni;: hot v.•11ttr •nd .,.,.... • ., from t hr th•fln1: t111h. l'hi11 "hould be' ac1·on1~n1~ by thin IOI.JOI. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALi. ZSO SOU. SL. Ne...,ort_ Beach lfarhclr 2..>S! ARCHITECTS Memben of America,. ln•titvte of Architects J, Horbert Brownell William Blurock Philm or J. Ellerbrook Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Ploger ./ HOUSEHOLD' CRISIS ? WARDROBE CRISIS ? Perhaps we h8 ve the answer Because ;.. do everything here casa pura .. St:R\.'tc.:E \\"ITHL"'i BOt.:R8 -M'llL'll lli'EEOt;U" COMPLETE IA mmr:in:RS ud CLEANERS FAMILY ROOM DO.UBLES FOR GUESTS Like 11. sC'cond living room. t he r11.mi\y room has a cozy quality in lhl' l.loyd Howard model home at 1120 h'.ings Road. The room n1ay be partitionN off \\'ilh a slidin~. folding door tO gi\'e lt privacy when doubling as a gue11t room. Couch!'!i are CO\'!'red I At ptt1te11l W. "-8 Ollly ......__ o f '\h .. <livlnf' j uatlc~ from what ,,... o ( j1u•llrf' In n11.n. -Al•••n,ter P o ps Ready Mixed Concrele In• •pit• ol 11 .. • ' .. ,11,.al l!iohuriace \Vr Arr M,.Jtinl t.;\',,.I'}'. f>,_IWf. t:non w .!latl•fy lh11 N....-of Our Clf•"~·la& (:om111u•l1y. ~-.. ~ 1•0...,..rrl• -· ('a.II lla.. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE JM C-n!lal "'•I COST A MF.SA LI lhMl1 ~UhK':J • HWJ ·_1&· Hu11ttqtoa lldt.. Lei. Mia wit h _!_io_<_._r~h brown c;orduroy. ---. Sta ff Photu".:::~;::-r,;;;;;;;;;;=====,.;;;;;;:;,,,~·;;~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ C,heck Air Filten I rroi;:rru 1a th,. 1u:t1~1ly or tn- . da y Mnll th,. a.•s11 ranc-t ol ton1nr· row. If the ap~Ull! of your lori:,.d -R1t!ph \\'a ldo Euier~on W>Lrm a11 fum1'ct i" hl'Klnnu1K to JAMES D. RAY General Cont ractor & BuiJder 600 t:-1 Hh "d. inrrP•lle and Ila h<'11l1ng 11.bitr!y 111 11t111·t•ng lo dPcr<'111ir, betttr look to thf' filt tr~. h 1<1ro;t1't~n",J Mi WI 1,; 11'1'11 UUKUSA Ot:J_ MAK PHONE HAABOa .,.. Heatlni: 1·ni;:1nttr1t .rrenn1n1r nd filters be 1·h11nge-d •I Jtui twice 11 yea r to inaure prop..r operw.tion of the furn11c ... A ir fllt<.'r~ c11n bl' 1•btl\lnrd 11t p1·•clic11lly ll ny .ti11rd- "''Mtl!, rum11•'• '" oJ;·p11rtm•H" •lure and e1111 fll~1ly be i1111t1111,.,1 by the hOn1t-Oll<'nrr . '""" Ce. \ R. · DontJ/d HtJll Construction ComptJny G ESEKAI. COSTRA<n'OKS "!!%8-D ~·. C-.1 ""'Y· L l l>irf:J 8-%01'1~ S t:" port Sta.ch, Calif. ROBERT FORBES Builder l'HO:\T. flAJlBOR Slot , • ,. REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS K&SIDf:.~TIAL -l~'DUSTklAL CALL HAKHUK Ul~:t t 'OR P.:STIMATf:.. "'ITllOlJT CHARGE Hll •: RA I.ROA Rl.,'O RALftOA. PRIMULAS St1u·tu1g le> bloo1n now. They Wiii mike 11 lot of pr etty rotor Jn lllnt ~hn<1s ~pot 1n your yam. MA,LICOIDES C Baby Primula I ~ltM>mlnir In l 'un ... All ('olu,... 10< '1 "" t ..... h Dcu: .. '!lu:'O'.'\IA l'RIMl:l.AS In l 'a111 1s ~ ·1 ~ t.a.·h Dor. ...... 5 & 10< NURSERY Gnoci Schoo1s ~7? arB ;J Good News! ' ~ Keep them Going Op·- Don't let Our Children Downl l-lr1w 1uc our 11ehoot. doing? Do we have ~gh , :11"~. huild inp •nd. boob to 10 11mund? Wha1'1 h,ipJ'('ninll' in School Board 11nd P.T .A. ,.ctivifif'S? r.nod l ll ir.ena kttP potted on their 11ehool activiti~. And nlmo~t t•'tt)' day there'11 importJlnt news about ytni: 1'<."hnol•' :-:-. th.t atfKts \'OU -•nd more im· por!.1nt -your chikiml! l'hi~ n!''-"!p11 per it Pf'O\ld of ill ~norta to llf't"P you up.to.da ll!on the •lfitin ~t Y"''~~hooll. f or we believe thllt only weJl .informM d tiu-n11 a.n off« the kind al l'Uppotl !IO ~ry to l>PtU!r l)Chool1 e V9rY'1'her9, To /ind nut lrouJ you, too, can help IR.lpporl yam !ol'hoolt. 111'-'nd today fnr • fr~ booklet-"H"""' CM Citi,,rn11 Hrlr Th.-ir School~?". Writ@ to The N..- tinn11I Citir.rn11 C<im miMion fo r lht! Public Sehoolli, 2 \V1'9t 45th Str(!('I. NPw York 36. N. Y. Do it rww! l'ind out how you Cll" make your tcbooW "IOOd -... • your rommunity'." ' . Read the . XBWPOIU a HARBOR RF;W~? \~RESS for news about. your . schoo~sl • • ..f r ' «.:: .~. -- DEATH NOTJCE SUSPEND PAUSE tHigbie Relates C ll.\ltl.t:S Elt~t.-.T ~ISt. (.atlau•d from t·1r .. t l'11i---I R f · J-:111•~ S 11w, 6!', "C l·osla ~l•"a. !ipOk t'!'Ol'l'l in lhc offu•r 'C ~!111 · F'ur <'ritl t•l\lt"-1 .. , l'h1rle.. I easons or will bl' hrlrl IO!lllJrrow al 2 rm IJ1 I Kenzie 111\ld he 111<1 nnt know F· 1 • p . p ,., k•·.•-H1dlt'y llfurlu11ry Chnpel wheth .. r the llll:<fWI 'I •O ""'s l> ffi• I ID g a pers "1th th" fi{'\'. Ivan \\'11liain of pol-ary or 1~rman,.nt. V1r,.1 1 ·11111.111111 C.:hur•h .,( Cemp· 80U1 :'iladil'nz1,-1rnJ rau ... ~ Wt>rl' I ~ Clurm cc A . ll1i;b1t•, Balboa Is· ton .. 111< 11Ltr111!. lnl"r t will be 1ndrctnl by th.-C..>11111i;•• c .. u111y In \\\••" 1111n11t••r C..'t>mel<' •. Grand Jury. l'.il"•' wa;<' 111.t1df'd 11111.f today i:an~ his ft'&:rnns fo1 I ~Ir Srne J1tJ ~nlurday in twice on 1un!ipl1 a• y rh~itl:~'" ~!ti•·, t1llni; his n<.om ln11l1on pnpl't.i fo1 01 ,lni;e H1• wa11 bOl'fl In OecJ.lur, K(•nzie is 111·1 us.•.t _or t'Onsplrn.-y thr f•H t h\'om1ni; C1ly l'1Junn l ra'" Jll . '""' 11\'l'•I 1n the com111un1ty ~,·tth Ge-01;g <' A\'1~. Santi\ An!\ h-.r .\lu1t'h J:> , · 1uu1 ('alltvrn1a for 33 years. ·1 owner. end Mll'k1•\' .lon<s, CJJ11l I' ' S11r1·1vor~ 111 E' hl:t wlf!'. !\trio. Lqe .. retary, In I h~ unlnw!ul 1n:c1ng 1111<1.iw, a t """tent 11! 328 Attll'· I Strlht Sl11~ o! Costa Mr1111, twdl'I ot premium pr1<0fN !or on·IUlltl 1;rn. tliy~t A~e •• tillHI, "l 1111,·e nu poltll· MllN. Arnold JJRrold Sine of <-0011 l'itRI llcl'ni<cs. M l nxh to ' gnnd. l feel a dv1.: Uuy, Ore.. ond E rnf'lt Sin0 ot ME~ t•IJ...E \\ lllT~ Juty tvw1u Js Ncwpu1 l u .. uch a111.l Costa !lte1111• four JaugbtHs, Mrs. MacKl'nzle and Pnu><' • fll<'ll J.'l'· H11lboa Islani1 to makl' this 111e1t CPcll \Vellltra. Mrs. Eugene Flem· titions for writs of prnhih1tlrin In a bdt .. r !Jhle<'· lo hvt! and n•<H lni; and Mrs. Stearn Eaton, all of the District Court of Appell!!! 1n I dllldrt>n . 1 11m interuteJ m ~·oulh"! Custa Mesa ; Mrs. \\'ayne O'Rourke cftorta to block trlRls on the ln· 1u.:llv1uc1 anJ tf ele.cled would like of <'-1!ahNm: 11 grandt'hlldren and dlctme.nu. " to M~c more recre1u1onal areal! •uc:h on1• grN1l ~rat1dchll<1. The s ix liquor l'Ohtrol of!ICl'ra 11:1 baseball 1.t1amonda ma<Je avail·' EUZA .aA.SE BO~t: were suspt>nded pendin~ !ill~g of abll! to chtldrm of the clly." Funeral scrvlcu for Mn. Bliu formal criminal charg•':c by lht With h11 Wife, 1100 and daughter, I Ja.nr Bon,, 91, ot li98 \\'hillier Stale Attomey General'• ofhce. he-came htre to live permanently Ave• Costa Mesa, wilt b1' held The San &rnardlno Offlt'e of the five yca r:1 agro Crom GlendaJ.o Wl'dnes day. Jan. 19, 12:30 p.m. at Board uf Equallzatldn added that An attorney by occupation, he has Slmon11 Chapf'I, Riverside. The Pauae and MacKenz..e wcrf' the worked on youth actJvlUes with R rv Taylor of RfvPn11dt )felhod· only two liquor l'Ontrol offlcllll$ lhe Ba lboa Bay Llon• Club of Isl ('hu1 f'h will officiate. Inter· in the Orange.San l::lernar!ltno·RI\'· which hi! 1a first v1ce·pres1denl nienL will tit In Oh\ ewootl C'eme· er•ldt Countlu arta who Wt'rt' He M!rvcd as secretary of New· ttry, R1veri11de. 1'11rkes ·Ridley suspended, port H arbor Community Chest the Morlua1y 111 chsrge. past thre-e yeara. Llkew111e, he 1s • Mrs. Bone died Saturday in S~rvlvora ore two granddnugh· I\ member o! the board of d1reclor11 1 Orange after an extended Hine . ler s, Mni. Evelyn L. Wilson of uf the Blllboa Island BuslneSI! As· She wa1 born Jn Portlun:l, Jnd., Costa Mes a and Mrs. Audn ·y soc1atlon tlnd U1e Balboa Island' and had llve-d In this community Haensch of San Berna1·dlno; two Improvement Association. Also he 1 for six.years a nd In California 6~ great grandchildren and tour ls a n.•w Jh·ector of Nt!wport Har· TWINS AT COURT-With Attorney Stephen F. Gal- lagher, left. AnRheim, Thomas and Jerry Hansen, both 23, of P larentia, formerly of Newport Beach, were ar- raigned Friday and heard prelim1nary hearing date set J an, 21 by Judge Donald J . Dodge in Newport Township Justice Court. They are charged with burglarizing Paul Mantz' home on Balboa Island May 11, 19~2. Both ad- mitted th~ charges, police said. yom. g~at .,-eat ""'"d<hlld~o. "'' Ch""''" of Comm""· I NAt-eRAND· JURY --~ Lf 001 iR MEET ST ARTS · Starts .Thursday the 20th thru Saturday Everything Goes at Y2 Price Seo .. ~ "°uncu Set Wednesday From i !'i to 81) Boy Scouts and frt•'n•l!I of the Hiilb<1r arf'a are o;· pecle-d to attl'nfl lht' 33rd annual me-e-tlnit of thr Orani;P Empire. Ari'& Council ur Hoy Seoul.II ot America W'Clneeday nlRhl, 7 pm. at Knoll·,. B<'rry t-•arm ltlghltxhl or the f'vening will be th•· Aws nllng of t l)rcc Sliver Bea- Vf'I Award11 to countv men tor t h"" ''lll~t11nrlln1t l'lf'f\'1•:., tn l'lco11t· lni.: !"1•w fllfu:rre of lhc cu1111\:1I lo bl.' l111<tallt'd will be E. <:. M18111ldlne of gnntll Ana 1\11 prl'aldont: \\'II· loam H Spurgeon J 1 • ~onard Z..rlRut s nd James J . G11bblns. vu·e-·ptt&ldt'nt1. Mifflin K. Thomaa, lrr1tst1rf'r , Ja.mt11 :t Olll'ltr•Jl. rom· mls111onrr IU\d Cll~rt T11\·ln: 1111· •l1<l1tnl ,·,.,mml.1111lonl'I ~OTIC'E OF L"Tl:~DED ~ALE ~OTICE I~ HEREBY G IVE~: I Thst f' HILL I I' \\'Ol.Vf:RTO:-:, j Vl'nth•I WhO"f' 0111'1fl'lll< t~ 2221 Santa An11. Av .. nut'. m Jht' C1l y of C1'11l& M tu, County of Oranitf'. S1s1r nf C't llforn1a. lnlf'nda to 8"11 \n RORF:RT F. 01'1'0. VPndel', w hn11t 1ddrt11" 1s 3100 E. Co1111t Hl1thway Corona dtl Mar. In the Clly n( ~twport 8f'S('h, County of Ornnr;r , !'lttu,. llf Ca lifornia. the tnllowlnr; 1h••rr1hr•1 ,.,.r•nntt'l prnp· I !'rl ,., to-wll i\11 ·st .... i. Ul ~1 • I •~lUI l'9, "'1!1tpml'nl anfl go0<I writ "' a rrr· tRln rl'lllll ga.11 an1I .,11 bualnr111t. known RJ' PHrr.r..rp·s SERVICF.. 111n<I loratl'd 81 :t100 K C'o1111t Hl1th· WR~'. Coron!\ 111'1 M11r In the City of Newpnrt Rf'arh. County nf Or&n!i(" Sl11tr nf C11.llfornlll, 11n11 that a s111f1 trlln~frr encl lll'Rlgnm,nt of the 1111mr will h,. mRtl". 11hd th" ron · 1 11rrlrratlon lhf'rl'nf 1.-111 hf' ral1I 81 J(\ 0(1 o'rlo• k " rn "n th" :llllt c11w • f Jllnuar~'. IP.'1!\. l\t the I'll· I rrow IPparlmf'n\ nf Hsy F:llt'fllW C c• 1 nr 11 t Z~ t ~ F: C'OAl'l Hlith· W ll\' C'n1-.n11 olf'I ~IRr. In \hi' \It\' o r ·:'\,.WpNI Rrnrh. C<'11niy of o;.1 an~ ... ~ll•t" 11f r 11Hfnrnll\ 'Patl't1 JRnu"r'· 17. Ip;,;, l'HfLLll; WOI. \'F:RTON \' l'nd(ll RPnF:nT r 11r111 ,., !'lol('t STATJo: l IF CALlf\IH:"\IA I COU!"TY OF ORA:'\Gr. '" On January Ii. 1 !\:•:>~ bf'fo~ mt'., l h1· unrlrrlllgnf'J. n .'\1l1111·y P11bllr ln "n<I fnr 1t•ld r11tint~· nnrl Stal<' ' ~raon•ll.'' 1111pe11rrd PHii.Lii' WOLVF:H J'O:" nn1I lt0BJo""'.RT F OT'TO knnwn to mr t<l br !ht p••!· 11nn11 "lw "I' nRml'.o IH•' i<t1b~crlhl'1I t o 111• within 1n11trt1mf'nl &n•I arkn.1\\l~o111,.11 th11l th~~· r xrt'lll•''' the um• \\1'TX>-:~~ my hRn<I 11nol (•fflr1:1I Ef\ JORf\AX :"\ .. ' "" J'11hllc In a n11 for l. •11nly nnrt ~1Alr "·· ,.,, .. ,.,,,.11;:·. f()ll f ~S1\0\0US d "'arks l \aun rv No rnore UC) Y \.Oundered 1 or stains on youror e~er~ ~. now. ~ ·· pieces··· · ~ Now you can send any garment. towel, or washable .... fabric item to Sanitary. and be certain thnt it will be return- ed to you without further blemiRh or mark to show that it belongs to you. . For years, we at Sanitary, have been looking for a method to _identify individual pieceR of laundry without spotting it u p with indelible ink. We blush to recall t hat in the past a few of the piece's had been returned with a regu- lar design of code numbers i;tcnciled Into their edges. Evi- dently others had blushed too, because a number of met- hod!' have been set up to combat it. After scouring the market for the w ry best system. we recently settled on , the British Polymark Identification ~ystem, and now have it exclus1vcly in Orange County. This is a true. no mark iuenti!ication system. It is done without i;Laplcd tag!-1. sC'cret ink, i'adar or intuition. lt is safe. and best of all rt lu vcs not only your finest linens, but vour evervdav laundered items free of added stain. 'start 1955 off with the personal satisfaction of having all of your Laundry returned without new ink marks to dis- figure it. New pieces win be returned as !re.ah ind n~w look- ing as the day they were bought. The benefits of this sy:.tem ha\'e been passed on to you by Sanitary at no added cost ... merely call a court<'Ous routeman today ... and your days o( ma'rkcd linen11 nre m·rr. 216 Marine Ave. · lalboa Island 2601 So. Mal.a, Santa Ana FOR PICKt P and DEUVERY SERVICE phone HA.rbor 10 WITH POLYMARK ••• the New·Way NO STAIS , STAMP OK ~WOT -t:n~:R ! ~ . L L __ BEFORE POL YMARK ••• the old way A ~t.:\\' )IARK \\'ITH f.:ACH f,Al'~l~ERL~H lsxzz S7 Ye&r9 of Supt'rlor !Wn lre lo Orange County Guanntt"e11 f:\·ery Servk~ -( NEWPORT KARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I PAGE 5 MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 , A ,,..,r,• l·nur t ut ,1r• ''·•th tJ t:'~••.J I',.,.,,., I •'·''"'' \ '*' •, r Enro·u Now ! Become a Practical Nurse N*""' h•t-,., .. n .. rd l>t'r n c,,.,,.., r.1mOtHt1 ll1t' f't .. •)'••··,.·· ••• , ...... ally ("rylMf tor thf' .,.,.y,, ... ol P'fll~I•• •\ uu•ut Jo•n lhf' 1eokt ot •hie hJ•hl)' •dmurd •n4 Jov•cl p•olr••rnn ht> •n•-0Jl.n• NO W, ln•t1uttl•• •n a naed t or )'•)Ur <onv••Hf'ni .. -mu•"h'I \>C .,,,111nr c1a at tt•. U.niversal School of ·Practical Nursing 0Her5 a ~r•<lkal nut 1ljh a d .:.1 .. d prof•uion ! W.ar )'our '•P ""cl ptn •hh prld• •. , ••tft th f' ad• mlr•t1en a nd P• •It• o f th• nud1-c al proh•"•n an4 fd •nd• • NEW SHORT COURSE Day a nd Evening Classes Earn a ood ""'•••• for lh• 1 re•t of your l1f• ! Crad u••• •tudrnh are ••rn· lnr •75 to l tOO • w••" ... with mor• c•••• than th•Y ca n handl•. B•ll•r 1hU .•• work •h•«t 1 ou •••b t.,. thooalnl )'Qut o•n c •••~ a nd houra, day• or n l1 htt1 ChP<:k thl'M" Ad,·antag«>~ of a PRACTICAL NURSING CAREER • High Income Career • lifetime s·ecurity • Dignified Prof euion ,' • Plecuant Work • Free Diploma -Pin -Cap and UnifOfm ---FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE Our 1••dualf'a •tf" •01k•tt1 '• 4oc lot a o tfu ••, on ''•~ah • •••'• 'ndu•••l.•l 1 luHf' a, --nu• 16n1 he•••, 1 on.,al••• ""' .,,,1ftut1on1 an4 h••• plhl•. A ft •in,.d p r., Hf el fturt• """d n•••r ba un .. mrloi•4. t'pon iraJ11atlon, you pa~· no f!'e for the-"f'n'h'e of our Plactment Bun-au. w,. rind JobA for ~·011. _......,..,~~---L.ltone Kl 3-5453 for Free Booklet or 11encl Coupon HPlnw r···------------··································-··-----1 : t •nh·t'n.al "'<'bool of l"ra<'tlnl ~11,,.lnc : • 204'/, £ .. 1 oCch -St~ Sult~ 205 ' • : S•nt• Ane, Cahfornl• # I I . I . W•thoul ohH1auo" of •n) lrlirull pl--•u Ser.4 m• frt• Booklf't. NAME Ar.r A0011£.5S CITY ..... -•• --........... _ PHONE --Ate Llmih 18 to 55 .7••r• -51n1I• or Marri•tl N.P • ··-------····-~·-··········-·-··-········-··--------·----·..J FREE Traver·se Track! with every C&JStom drapery order '• I I ! -.... Sensational Offer ! NO MATTER THE SIZE with f"\'t'ty (011sl-0m drapr rr orclrr ~·ou Jtf't flnr sti-rl Tta\l't"4' Triu·k ABSOLUTELY FREE! MOND~ JAN. 1~th thru SATURDAY JAN. 22nd l)(in't W::t!'IC' nny t imr• H urry into n11r "'""' nnd 1;1\.;I" 1111\ a 111n .. ,. r1f thi-. oncl"-in.:i hluf".mnrrn f')ff,.r ' If ~<•11 ''' "1 <1111 .111d '""I ht 11 1\1·1 • Ir ' i, you'd pay :my\\ lw n• f r• •In !'7 "·' 111 <::_!; :ind "' • 11 111• •I • I•'!" 11tf11w rm r lw '""·~' h ~ 1111 '' nnll'll. \\'1·il. h"r<' it j, . . 11· 1, ··1-...• 11 ,, I "hil l 'ill' . 102 · East Fourth rnr. '.'laln ~I\ r• ~I 1lf ('\ f" •rl .11 h I .,. \\ llt'n Y" I :-••I• • f ,\ 1111 r f .t I 11 h I I 11 Ii' I LARGEST SELECTION OF DRAPERY f AB~ICS IN ORANGE COUNTY AT POPULAR PRICES Kl 2-9618 SANTA ANA ) I •till OPEN Fri. Ev• 'til 9 Yalidat•d Free Parlcir\CJ r\ T A I.I. 1.01'8 ( ·. . ,, / -' . ' (}overntnenf. Gxcepf . ~ :J-rom ,, PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR' NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 "God gront us the serenity to occept the things we connot chonge: the couroqe to change the things we con ond the w:sdom to know the d ifference." IA. Anon.) • EDITORIALS Ne\v School, Natural Line Soon there will be presented lo the vol.era of the Newport Harbor Union High School district a proposi- tion to provide funds, "pay-as-you-go". to buUd a aec:ond high BChool. The proposal which will be on the May 20 echool board election is timed to pick up the "super tax" now going to Onnge Coast College for ita construction program. By providing a term increase in tax rates the board of trwt,tees of the high school district hopes to build a new school at a 25'i>ercent saving over the gross cost if a bond issue were used. The Newport Harbor Union High School District is made up of the Cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa and a considerable portion of the unincorporale<\ area. The achool district trust~s· have asked the United State. Government t o make available to the district a 70..acre parcel of the former Santa Ana Army Air Base. The site will front on li"airview Road and be immediately adjacent to the Orange Coast College campus and" the Orange CoW\ty Fair Gr ounds. It will al.so be poBSible to annex the area to the City of Costa Mesa, providing that commurlity's proposed annexation of the College-Ha1e tract proceeds. · One disturbing factor in this project ia the City of Santa Ana has also asked for I!. Portion of the 'former air base for a high school site. To us the request of the Inland ci~ seems ill-timed and rat~er ridiculous. There is rapidly approachini the creation of a na- tural boundary for the seaward growth of Santa Ana and certainly for the inland growth of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. This boundary will be the San Diego (Sepulveda) Freeway. This super road will run across the county parallel t o Baker St. Actually, it will lay on the road ~ of Gisle r St .• the inland line of the latest proposed annexation to Costa Mesa. The San Diego Freeway will spli~ the area of the READERS WRITE Newport Harbor News-Pre88 Gentlemen: Thanks to the accurate and ~dequate coverage of local events by your fine newspaper. I wu appalled to read thal the League of Civic A880Cialions favors hf r- ing of a recreational director for the City of Newport Beach and the purcha.ae of six Iota for parks, parking and r ecreational areas. When will the people of thia a.nd any other Ameri- can community wake up and realize that every time a government-operated (municipal, county, stale, federal) pa rk and recreationar area is established it adds an ad- ditional load to the back of that highly-publicized citi- zen. "the over-burdened taxpayer." Why ahould land on the public tax rolls be pur- chased f.or parks and recreational areas, thus remov- ing a source of income which can be applied to defray the cost of mumc1pal governmfnt? Politicians will an- swer , along, with the do-gooders: "The people want it and we need it. 'eapec1ally to help curb juvenile 'delin- quency." Here is my ar,iawcr : "Let private enterprise do it. We already have enough recreational facilities available to the public withOut arlding more and increasing the tax burden." Does the a\•erage person realize that creation of public parka and rec reational facilities means more sal- aries for d irectors. assistants. maintenance men, trB.l!lh pick-up. etc. And the taxpayer foots the bill. regardJesa of whether he or any member of his family use them. Don't forget the coat of the rest rooms that also have • lo be constructed. Residents of Newport Beach are still complaining about inadequate trash pick·up service. Jnstead of ac- quiring new parks and recreation areas, it would seem moce sensible to me to takl" rare nf first things first- and by that I mean the ''honey-wagon·· detail. lt the city hasn't got mo nt>y .to buy and staff more garbage trucks, t hen tell m e in the name or common sense from where will the funus be derived t o hire I\ rec reational director and purchase lands for public parks? Which is more import.ant -proJ)('r samtat1on or playgrounds? It is my understamJing tha t the recently-approved Newport Beach City Charter contains µrovisions for development of public parks and recreation. By vot ing for this. the local electorate haa unthinkingly added to 1--.ll 111erl~ the 1-.:ewvurt·Halboa New1-Tlmu and the Newport-Balboa Preu A Dflpeed•Nt Loe* lllllUtaUoe for OTe.r Forq y_,.. ~nte~d u Second·Clua Matter at tho Poetorttce ln Newport Beacb. Califomta under the Act of Marcil 3, 18711. . tiny Paularino School District and practically force the abandonment of the school at the corner of Paularino and Newport Blvd. Therefort', now is the time for a concerted effort on the part of the school districts t o clarify their bound- aries and accept natu;al boundaries for fut~re develop- ment. The elementary school districts of Newport Beach and Costa M~a are together in the N ewport Harbor Union High School District. To all intents and purposes the boundaries of these di11tricts are the township lines. These lines should be adjusted, before any further bond- ing or expansion is undertaken so th at the boundary will be the San Diego Freeway on the inland side, the Santa Ana River on the west and a satisfactory boundary to be determined on the east. Probably the easterly boundary should be one common with the Laguna Bea~h Union High School district. This would mean the elimination of some of the Irvine Ranch lands from inland districts and their incorporation into the local district. This is not a complicated procedure. F irstly the lo- cal districts must be willing for the revision. and so also the other districts to be involved, either dissolved, added to or subtracted from. Sound business, however, dictates that where the present boundaries are s o near to what these natural boundaries of the future will be that good busineAB and planning would dictate a simplification program now. There can be no senaible reasoning on the part of the City of Santa Ana School District that would dictate them procuring a school site within the area that should be a part of the ultimate City of Costa Mesa. There can be no economics effected by the rebuilding of the Paul- Jrino School or ita operation with ita pitifully small en- rollment. It could be weJl merged with the Costa M¥& Union School system and all portions of it inland of the San Diego Freeway merged into the Sant& Ana School system. Thia would tend to make the boundaries rea- sonable, easily defined and growth more simply planned. their \ax bill. Now listen to them scream. And the levy will continue to go upward since the price must be met for the "free bread and circuses." Why not invite private monies to do the job which is suggested to be 8.SBumed by the city and taxpayers, U it is feasible, then let it be done through the tried &nd true American way of fr~ enterprise. Thia would pro- vide income to Newport Beach instead of outgo of public funds. Economy at any level of government would be refreshing for a change. Sincerely yours, ··Charle. S Eaton -l08 Vista Baya Costa Mesa. Calif. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MACARTHUR SACRA MENTO f CNS) -The I c• re of out ot the at1 te lrea1ury growth ot winter aporh in Call-on aome aon. 'Ot a Joan buls. The fomta c1ur1ng the put 11evrraJ legtsletlve counsel Is working up lt.'Jl'lllll\tlon for Srnatllr .lohn11on to yeara hu been almoet phcnome· act·ompllsh lhl11 purpoa1 .. nal, a.nd In view or ·thla trend to· Th,. pro~m. though mullt be war<1 ma,klng C&llfomla • world-I one.ot 11late-wl11e inlM•'•l, anl.I not famous winter play-ground. It Is or Plarrr c:ounty and olht'r Slerra appropriate th11t the ("&lafomla •real<, VtrtuAlly all Mt•tllnn11 or tht' Jejf'islaturr 11hould tLkl' MOme notl', Rtf\le would benefit financ1111ly fron1 the Influ x of vl11l lors lhf' ot the effort undrr way lo bring • i:ame11 would bnng, nobody knows the tlleO winter Olympic games just how many to datP, to this &t&lt'. The dccll1lon. or courae. wUI be Senator Haroll.I T. Jnhn~n. or up to the Olympic Auoclallon, Placer co1111ly, has 11el the ball and 11ndm1ntedly thtre will be com· rolling through an annoum'o'mf'nl pcllllon from other anow a~as o that he wlll lntrodure ll'i;111l11Uon M<'kmi: 11lLlt.' 11upport or a mllll<tn dollars towanJ the flnanring or thll' PVl'nt the nation. But with a lltlle cham- ber or commerre pu011hlng, IL can be <'llpt'cted th11t California will Similar support haa comt' rrom have Jllst u much rhance as any Ueulenant-Covemor JlarnlJ T other 11t11tr. PowH& who MY• the IPg1:ol11Uon Lieutenllnl -Governqr Power• should bt one ot th<' ftr,;t nrdrr-hns ur •·ti all Calif I cltlzena ot buslnl'ss at the J0r1r. ~"~~u•n. , g om a (10\'f:RSOR APl'RO\ £S to join I n the drive. • Thi" 111 an Ideal opportunity.'' hr said. "l•1 11how orr Cal1r<1rnla'11 own "'inter "''onderland to the whole '6:£!rl1I!" All'X Cushing. who operatea • I Squaw Valley. hl\JI workl'll out a method or handllnR the huire rrowda that 11.·oul<! 11llPntl 8 world· wldf' tVl'nt of this krnd. R.1111 lran11- port.allon to lbe •~a Is Al'llllred. l'lhultle Hrvlce betwM>n the Tahoe \'aJlty area a.net Squaw V&lley could be arranged.' and plane entry la a111urPd. 'Publl!llMd l:ni17 11...S.~ ucl Tlaancla.J a& Newport a-t-11. Calli. 117 ... ?li"l:Wl'ORT HAKlSOR Pl.DUSKIXO OOllPA.'"'l' The Tahoe are. .,..n &cC'omm.o- • • <late literally t hou11U1d11 of ~pie dunnr lbe winter l!e&l!On. TeJeplMlne Banor Hit ~ t.o rw....a. Leca.I Soua. _. Adver1Jeemeil&a of AJI kiada 97 Oeene of tM Saperhr ~of CJrU!• Co. la Acdoa No. A·U1H ._., OIAfora&a N~r Pullllill.e.ra AMOdatl• Mtmbe.r NaU.-.a Ed.lt.ol1al ..u.oeA&ta .. Moqiber of O~ ,.Couaty New1 Servtco J BE.~ REDDICK. PubUaber WLU.lA.M A. MOSJ:a. Edltor ORMO!lt'D E. ROUN'Tft£E. Adv~ Director SUB8CRIPTIOS RATE81 PRECEDl:~'T 8E'I\ There I• plenty ot p~codfont tor 11tat• wpport of the Olympic games. It wu back In 1927 ll'htn the lt&tt volf'(1 a bond lllaue to finance the ngular gamu tor Loi Allgeln, Lnd •ulflclent return• wore obtained to handle Tl'Jlllf· ment or the bond• -DOUBLE JACK ; All Can Benefit BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By llORAfE PARKt;R (1:4. ~ote -hl. C"Oluma by ttoraC't' rarkrr "Ill d ... 1 ~·•Ua UM IMUe-4l .. w• tu.to......_, fM'I• II• l\ae dN'ditrd up la 0 1111 n.a.7 &rlPll Into Utt' baf'll l'OllDll')' In rl!'C'l'DI )'t'&rt1. I Through the efforts of Herbt•rt Ward. Principal of the Harper School in Costa Mesa I was able to tlbtain nn un- published manuscript of the Tcmescal C'anyun written by an old friend of his family, Frank Ro lfr. Mr, Rolfe lived in the Temescal area in the 1880's and 1 was utterly fascinated by the material he had ... collected in this unpublished history. The Teme11caf Canyon 11~11 I.it'· ft'1•1l11 Lilk<' Elslnllrl' in Wt\Ml 11 tween Corona itnd Lake El11lnore known al' •·Rallrn111l Canyon," Jti.t and Includes. the clay community huw lhl.'y wer•• 11bl<' to con11tn11·t of Albl'rhlll. I ht1vt-driven thtv11i:h lhlx <111111 without prt•lt>11l11 from tht' It lltnally hunllrt-tls ot time~ •lllr· ('tit{ 1-'o•lhers ltr ~~l~inn.-.., no one Ing the pa<1t JU )'Nll'll aucl allhoui:;h kn""" 1\llho111:11 lh1:c •~ n•lt a p1<1· I knew much ot 1111 h1~tory, lhl' th'ulerl.1· lt1rg1• r""Hvoir. It 1t ... ·111 1tory or watel' and the gr11wth or pr .. \'l'nl the 11111'f•h111 fl.,wotf ri-.. 111 Comna nuturt'd by th•• w11t1•r11 "' tlw S11n J1t1·1nt.1 Hl111·1· 1nm1 ~mpl r- lhe Teme~cal Is one or lh.i ruosl 111)! 1lirl'clly Into tho• l,.11kr Tho lnterutlng. wult'r f1 um the Rallro11d C11nv"n HARD TO BEUE\'E 1•;1111 IYtl~ lh<'n <'ontllll ted by 11j11•11 It 11 hanl to , bi•lh·vr today l\ll ct•111,.111 1llU:h Jown th<' T1•111e1H·11I you drive •thruu1o1h t ne TPnklll'ttl and t1nslly Into t'o•l'lin•'l that l!Omc 7:1' years ai:;u il was an OITt:H <'HACKEi> area or denaga11 111wampsl. r ryl!· Jn rt','t•nt Y<'llrll lht• dltt"h hH& tal l'lear 11lrf'am11. and overgrown bt>\'Oml' 110 ba•ll.V cracked lhf' Wll• w\th w1Jlow11. C!'ttonwOO(b, i<yc·a-lf'r 1111111 In lrnnslt 11 tremf'ndo•llL moru and other mmsture loving Abu lhl' Rallrotl<l Canyon I •11111 plant&. Jn the lllller J8908 Cnrona for )'l'Dri< <hiring thi11 droulh 11111 with 111 flourl11htng cllriui .:roves. heltl tittle or no wat<'r bt•hlnd it.. waa ln dire need or outaldP water Rumor ha:. had It around Elalnore Inasmuch _.. Lakf' Elsinore drain· lhal a Cl'W yrars •Ro the Temf'~r .. t ed into lhe Tr~acal Cret'k, anJ t Wat1•r Comp&ny wouM have 1111ld Only by producing more gootls for everybody do we the lake wu n~arly full In 18U5, I the tlttm. II t hm• la any tn1th in actually improve our national standard of living. In· an attempt wu madt' tn pump the '''m'.'.'" E.l.ilnnre Mdly "ml~:<rd the water trom IAke Elalnure Into the boal bt•caU8f' lhi1 lllke bt'ht nd creaaea in wages which raiae coata and hence cauee high-the crttk and eventually run It In-the •l•m turnlllhe1 excellPnt t1"h· er pricea bring no real. benefit to anyone. to CoronL. ·aecau1e of the high lnK and dut"k huDtlnit and any fu-od waler It wu felt that the waler• ture 11tored w11ter Mhlnd It could Pr uctivity -unit output per manhour -is the wero probably not too alkal4ne. havr been usetl In the E!•lriore Vl\l- powerful jack which, aa it roee higher, bu lifted the Thi• wu a dl1&1troua experlme~f l•y . buying power of an hour's work _to three times what it becauae the l&.IU!e waten of ElJil-With Lake El11lnore dry, town-- in 1900 nore kllled mLny acru of cllrus tolk are frantically conceiving all was . lncreued productivity depend4 upon many rroveo ln the Corona area. l!Ort11 of wild 11chtmu to rer111 it. things-invention, capital inveatmen!, better machine•, LOW W&TER TABLE Tiwy range all tha way trom r111- the skill and cooperation of emplo.,_, competent man-Ing It wlLh Metropolitan Weter J ~ It waa then that Corona came Di11trlcl we.tc•r to pumpl.ng. It run agement, and even the weather. to rely primarily on the Teme•cal rrom wells 11unk In th,. lake b••d. Greater productivity means higher wages, more tor water. Flret the .urface wattni Al!!o llJl'Y have rcc-ently bel',•me ooda 1 . U &ll f d h dralnf'd oft tor lrrlgaUon and u a part ot the Metropolltan W111rr g • ower pnces. O ua OW at We can to •peed thl1 110urce dlaappeared •hallow Dl11trlct and aro confronted with the rise of productivity, our li•.'ing standards will be lift-arte1l&J1 wella were drilled and the• problem nf where to 11tnrl' tho ed too, and &ll of us can l>enefit. then finally •team pumpa were In· water. The Rallroad c anyon l •um --------------------------atalled lo pump the water and 11ttmi to be a nltural for this pur• Washington Comment By WALTER CHAMBLIN .JR. Confident expectaUona an ~inc voiced, both In and out Of Waah- in(lon. that 1116& will -detlnlte Improvement ln bualn ... and conl Unued bro&d up&naion of tho economy. In tact, aomo oc:onomlat.o uo MY1nC that the economy in th• Yl'lU'll ahead wm (TOW ruter t.h&n the &verap or ll per cent annual- ly that ha.t charM:lerlaed the Jut half-ceiatury. They aay t.h.at the rale of ll'Owth mlpt poulbly be Ila much u 4"' per ~nt over the nt'xl llecade or ao. Prerildenl Elaenhowtr l&ld Jul October: "We know that It "''e act w111t.'ly, befol't.' ua la contlnutnc ex- pan11on. with a study nae In the living 1tandard• ot all our people." He predicted th&t wlthln the nut ten yelll'8 th• naUonaJ product w1U lncN>ue from toda)"1 lsta billion to SM>O billion, which he Mid would "<'quill an average lncl't.'&.M ot niore than S3000 tor every American family of today.'' LOOKING AHEAD Lno~ ahead even farther, It la predicted that by 1117~ OW' pop- ulaUon will have reached %20 mil- lion -u compared with 183 mil- lion toda.y -which meana that 22 milUon more joba will be nee<f. rd to re.aeh a goal of a 1700 bLI· lion nallon&J product. lt take. $12,000 on the avenare. to provide a Job In lndu1try. Multiply thl11 by the 22 million new jobo th•t w1U be needtd and you wtU find that 126• blll1on of new capital will be n:qul~lt tha country 11 lo meet I.he ex~lon goaJ11. There a.re aome memberw ot Con(TeU who ar~ wondering whe- ther Prealdenl E11enhower'11 i ow can be reallud It the adm1nl11lra- llon conUnuea to uk tor .u:ten- 11lon ot l.he 52 per cent corporate tu and bu no po91Uva prosram for lowerlnc the high tnd dlecrtm- lnatory peraonal income Lax rat••· It la reeopl&ed that tti. mod- emlaUon of the tax lawa con- tained In lhe Internal Revenue Code ot 191H, whlch tho ~n­ hower admlnlatratlon puaned tut year, l1 a at.art In the right direc- tion, but the problem 01' hifh In· come tax ralea ltlli net'Oa aolutlon I/ the b1Lrrter11 to capital tonnaUon -which muat provide the nttded job-ue to be removed. INCREASE ATl'ENTION Tht.'~tore, lncreuln1 attmUon II lx!lng paid to a new and order- ly •Y•lem ot tax reduction bel~ advoc:att"d In 110me bu.alncu clr- clu. Thl1 program llr ba.alcally a almple on~ It attack• lhe pro- gre11111ve Income tax rat• atructurw, which now ~ea from 20 per cent lo 91 per cent. ruchlnJ a &O per r ent rate at 116,000 ot tax- able lncomr. The objective la to brlnr the top rate down to 36 per cent ov1er a flv~yc;ar period, with no revenue looa. Here I• how It would work : l'Conomy hu had a.n avera growth of about 3 per cent a Y•T ovrr the pa.at &<> y~r•. ProJecUnc lhla over a ftve-year pertod, prM- ent tederal rovenuea ot approxi- mately HO bllllon wot1ld lncreue to about 1119 billion from growth In the tax baae. It la thl1 19 bll- IJon wh ich th• new prorram pro- J>Otle• to e.pply toward rectudnc bo t.h I.tic top per aonal and COl"J>('r- at c tax ratn to 35 per cent. The revtnue ION trom 1uch cut.Al would be about 18.4 billion, or a balf- b1llion Iese than the amowit ea- tim1ted to be available from nat- ura.I g-rowth ot the economy. ~pc.cf ant Backe(o .. ~ t>teaRJ t4ou~e ,. cd • ee:;K! . ,. ~ the water table dropped from & po11e. feet lo 150 fut where It la loday. WATER BltLATIONSHIP Corona with" lt1 hundted• of Just to 11how you how <"011:0111 acrn of flne cltru• grovu -ilu area 111 tll'd In with the "Wl\ler1< uf Uke a huge. ln11atlable 1ponge tho Temescal," north of the ;.1le drawn the Water out of the Tem· nf lhl' old Bulterlleld ataitr ,.l•- u cal. The 11toey la very remlnla· lion In the Trmncal Canyon •me cent of what happened in the 8111-ot the "bArrl'l8" which wlll con1l11rt bop country and the waler It 11up· watC'r to Lek~ Jrvlno cuts al.'rit1<a plle1 to the City of Lo• Angelu. thf' l.'anyon. Also C•Jalco Dam lrn- In contra.ti. however. lht're 11 no pounding lh" w11tt-r11 of t:Akt 1'f•t· apparent blttemeq over thla wa-hew1 from Whkb our water wlU ter lo••· but rather a teellnit of com!' lln within the envlron1J or pride amorJ the old Temucal In· lhl' Teme11Cal. habit.ante llaal they contributed oo To tho lhtrllty Southl11.11tl thl~ la vll&lly to the gTOWth or Corona jW!t a wee bit or an early rha11trr In the late 19201 the Teme11cal 111 thr etory or ll1 ltruJtglt' for Wat.er Company conotructed a dam wale'f lhf' keynolf' to lta pro•· . acrou the 8an Jac)nto River that perlly Lnd 1urv1val. FIRST ARTESIAN WELL-Copy of Frank Rolfe photo- gT&ph, circ a 1887. 11hqw11 method ufled on thi11 water well . . Farmer McCabe ·writes ... I 1111 righJ re~t•f"'"d 1 J a nuary 17, 1955 Talked with a young modernistic moth<'r the other day. Sed ahe WB.1!1 an off-shoot from the old school of "work and staSi busy.u and t"ve r blciwd day she coulrt . . -ahe wuz. fuming around the place doing thln~H in the Newpol'1 Harbor Sf'mi·P,......, h1C'e WHkl,. la 0...,.. eo-ay. M.00 P,r )'Ml! fl.UO 11la mo..; tl.H OW..... of o,.....o Vowa11 f'l.ot ,-....- ll 11 not anUclpatf'd It wowd ht! nrcl'1111ary to vote another bond 1.-aue ror the Wlnltr G111ncs, but lb.al the flnanc1n1 can be ta.ken "Lady, would you p1eue watt tome where el1Je ! .••. you're con!lrming tome of our bMt potential customers •••• " houae, or out.Aide digging in the yard. Well . lat1t wttk one of her yd\lng'uns got a cold at school on' brought It home an giva it t o her. 'Cou~r she didn't feel like doing anything then, 110 she didn't. lnBtead 11he calle<l on ever neighbor up an down the etrC't·t s he c0uld think of , and in between times went down tr1wn where ahe sneezed her way in anJ out of nearly ever Rtorc down 'there .•• well. that's the way 11time folk11 arc , •. anxJ. ous to 1hare everytbuic with ever 'body. • .,. . ·\. I \ • . . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS M9NDAY, JANUARY ~ 7, 1955 PART TWO; PAGE ONE <ttrrttfitntr nf ilrrtt µ,ab~ &v tltt NraltplJ11 Jtarbor G!4ambrr of Qlmmnrnr ,. •• ~~~-~~~~~():~~~~~.-----· I ,~~~of~~'t/ » /954. ~·Rib at tfrt <litv of".'°" ~tadf, Gialifamia , .... ~ HELMS .JUNIOR Yachting Perpetual J'rophy for 1954 wa.e awarded ita winner Peter B. Gales. left, Friday eve- ning at chamber banquet by ,Urban Beh on behalf of chamber board of d1rectors. TROPHl' Wl1''NER-Hay Langenheim, executive secre- tary of chamber. left. receives Helms Senior Yachting Per petual Trophy for 1954 from Urban Beh at annual chamber membership banquet introducing new of!icerw . C'ERTlnCATES o•~ MERIT-Present to receive their certificatee at chamber banquet from Prel'ident Hambrook. left. were 0. G. Suess, second from left, Stanley Rlddtthof nnd John T . 8'l~·d Jr :\fri:. :\f:nme Stanley is at right. Not preeent with the three di- r <.'Ctors t o &et n 'rtll 1cat<'S wl·re A. E. Stockton, Roland A. Wricht. I AWARD WINNER LINE-UP -Receiving certificates for their organizations' accomplishments during 1954 to make Harbor a better community were, from left, Mrs. · Earl Stanley for women's c.:>mmittee of chambl.'r: Mis~ Norma Perkins for Newport. Harbor Symphony Orches-. tra development; William Spurgeon ill for Sea Explor· en;, hosts and site providers for last year's-crew race: Harold Congre, Newport Beach City Employee Associa- tion for its sponsorship of ftoating Christmas tree barge during hoiidays; Salvatore Monaco, for Southwestern Rowing Associates' sponsorship ·of 19~.f Newport Har- bor Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta: Exalted Rult>r El- wood Shell for Newport. Harbor Lodge of Elks' sponsbr- ship and <''V'CUtion or" C~ristmas welfare program: Vin- cent Cusumano for Newport. Harbor Vetl.'rans Organi- zation, Inc., whose sponsorship'of Vl.'terans Day parade Nov. 11 drew wjtie attention to area,.. Making award9 was President Hambrook. right. At table. from left, Hay Langenheim, Mayor Ifill, her husband, Edgar Hill and Mrs. Hamb~k. -All Staff Photos · MADAM MAYOR HONORED-Mrs. Edgar Hill, known as Mayor Hill, was delighted recipie.11t of Certificate of Merit as "Woman of the Year" at annual Cha.mber bl\nquet Friday night in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Beaming his pleasure, center. is out- going President Ted Hambrook. Newly-installed President Maurie Stanley aids at right. HARBOR FOLK; GROUPS HONORED BY CHAMBER A busy• year's_ work -, for Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce officers and directors (•nd- ed Friday night with"awards at ~he annual b1111- qul.'t in Newport Harbor Ya<:ht Club to civic lend· ers whose individual and organizations' work re· fl eeted credit on the Harbor area. Mayor Dora 0. Hill. surprise winner of the annual top award. was honored aR "Wom;in of the Year." ($et> certificate. top l<'fll . Th1:i caml.' not because of her councilmanic work but throuJ?h her widl.'·spread ci,·ic bettermf'nt work in vari- ous organizations during recent ycarR. New officers and directors. headed by Presi- dent Maurie ~tanlev were introduced to the sev- eral hundred prese1it. Among thusc honored by certificates of merit were J. B. :\lcl\:ally. for "his untiring efforts m the promotion and development of spo~sfishing and the preser\'ation of our oceAn fish.' 0. W. "Dick" Richard. veteran Ha:-bor booste now in MUSICALLV SP EAKING-Mi.ea Norma Perkins. left, conductor of Newport. Har bor Yo11th Symphony, re- ceived special honor Friday night at chamber banq.uet fr0Di Pl"ellident Hambrook who commended contribution of orchestra to Harbor's cultural development. Some of her elementary school students provided several muRical eele<:tiona at auaion Florida on business. was given a certificate for his c lw irmanship of the National Safety Drive'• lot;d S1tfr-Dridni: Day program here Dec. 15. Others s1m11arly honored were Earl G. Peter- Mn for his thairmanship of the Red CroSH fund drive last year, Lars Lavagnino fo r hie leader· ship of Community Chl.'st during 1954 in tho Ha rbor area. Grant Howald for "his untiring ef- forts in the promotion and developmC'nt of the Communi~ Youth Center of Newport. Harbor." Out-gomg President Hambrook summed up his year's activity in office with pra111e for his comm1lteem£'11 and directors. New President Mau- ~.,.. 8tanley pledged himst>lf and off1rt>rs to work 'as a team" for a better Newport Harbor. He recalled the vision of .:;uch Harbor pioneers as Dr. Albert Soiland, Harry Welch and A. B. Rous- selle v.•hose efforts m·er the years resulted in the dr£'dging of the Harbor. the constant ronstructive work to make this area more enjoyable for resi- dents and visitors. .JOB WELL DOS t~hambn President Maurie Stan· ley. left, present. Certificate of Merit to out-going Presi• dent Ted Hambrook at conclusion of annual banquet i.a yacht club. • I " PAG E 2 . ~I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1q55 LEGiL NOTICE ·Joint ·Realty Boards ln•tall New Officers LEGAL NOTICE ly 1ppr11re<1 RUSS!:LL W. BANG- ERT, known to m" to be the per· 110n who•I' r,ame ~u1>41crlbed t o thf' within lnatrumenl, and ac· knowl .. dl(f'd to me that he uKut· ed the 11anie. l~ WITNESS t \\'Hl!:HEOF, J have hereunto Ht (l(f1•'<'r1S o l"e14'1'0rt H• rlK•r 1 "'" my I.and a nd atru1f'd my offl~lal g11m• H••a<'H and l'ftn 'lcnif.'nlr I ~t·l\I the 1lay and ye&r In thl• Cer· l'.· ,11.t:. u l tfr1tltors wt•re ln~IRll1'•1 ll(h·nte (Int abcve written. llgatlon1 atturf'd thereby, and no- Uc• of default &nd Bendlclary'1 election to cauN to ~ 111>ld the property herein below de1cribed ha vinc been recorded u provided for by law on 8eptember 8, 1964, In Book 2813. pace et of omcaal Recordl of Crance County, and. mo"' th&n thl"M ·month• havlnc ei.pMd line• 1uch recor;UUon. will aeU at public a uction to the hlChHl hldder for .iuh (PAY· ABLll IN LAWFUL MONEY OF 'TifE UNITEO STATES OF AMEIUCA AT TlMlt or SAU:), without warTanty expreaa or Im• plied LI to title, poaae11lon or en· cumbrancu , th• lntereat conveyed to and now held by It u auch tnatee, In and to the followtng deacrtbed property In the County. of Orance, State of California, J111ntlv at 11. brf'llkfa'l u1·<~1nn I ;s,' ROJ\l!:RT F . WlLLMIC8 I' ~ty l'omml111lon Jl:xplrea Novem-1 ' 1r~lar al l 1v11w Cott1<l C4ub 11,v ~r HI, l9M. }1 .11 1y~Y!Ce·pr.~,.1Jenl of 23rd I' No. 5:'>0 New1 . Preu d . I 111 I l '!tllf11rn1a R t'lll EstJ1.te 12/:!';' 1is•. l/3·10-17 /M A , cut1 l•·n . r,, ..: 1 uu11.~ anc lul.leo, tul :-\ew· 1'716 1,,, , 1t 11 nw C'h11rles E H81 t, µrt11· 1 :"OTt r.E OF TRUSTEE'S l'J.\LE lokut .. \ ,J \'1.:r~ll11;, and A . Hub· No. •81 bf'r I l'u \\'O'I :., Yll'O: prt':.fd.:11ts. (ilod· NOTICE IS HEREBr GIVEN Lot 3 ln Tract No. l3U, re- cordt'd In Book 41, Page 3 of Mlacdlaneoua Mapa. Records ot Orange Coun\)', California. One O'Keete aa•I Merritt gas Range, Model t:P•69 fl 11.00 One Kelvinator Refrigerator, 7 cubic feet, Model XR·R $180.00 "" 1 " s1•af'la1 y·tn·11~ur~1 For 'rhat on Wedneaday February 9, J .. 1,i.:un.. Horii \\'. Ben Sorrl'llJl, '1955. at ll :00 o'clork a .m .. "at the p1. ~ .. Joonl 1 'hrf11nl Taylor. VI<'!'· I South front dolf>r o! the Orange J'I • ,1,i,.111 11 11•1 Hny llnbl'hson. sec-County Court Howie, Santa Ana, r• 111i \•-t 1,.1,,.11,, r :-;11n 1 ·t,•mente C11Uforn111, SOUTHWEST TITLE )1 ... 1; t'.1r~·•n Hasmu~"'" a:. pre!!· AND TAX COMPANY, as lrustl'e ld••nl :-;1,.,·, .\l i.'11111•'.~ 11.~ \'lf'<'·pie11· unifrr uml pursuant to th_«i_ Deed \\. 11 · , L-or T1u~t rx••<'utrd h" ALVIN I'. Id• II' olll•I I 1 •••Ill• 1 1-1 I·"' r.. . .' , ' for th" purpo!le of paying tllt' Ob· 1,1,,11 llA\\t,1N:; an•l l~OLA A . HAW-11, ti db i·' 0 , t • · " • • , . ,, . .ga ons St'<'Ur•' y sa u f't't• ri \\ 1111,1111 ,\ !' •lo ,.,., 111 ,.~1111 d uml I KI :>l ::;, hu:ihund anu \\ 1t ,., In f u. \'p]' T 1 I d h ·' f l'XITF:n SAVl:'l:CS A1'1'.> rust nc u ang tef'" c arge11 anu 11 .. 111 \':"" 1n·111ohh .. I lh•' "l11 1<k· 0 • • : , •• • ··, r xpenS..s or tnu11ee ~nJ of i<ale. er' Fl•\.! f. \\•' ,.! t '.d" ,\,1,. pn•,,. LOAN A$S<lt IATlO:'ll, a 111rpora· . 'oll'J>l., ! 1·1:1:A. "'"" ~t:iti•il. I u on, nnw owni'tl end hrlll by ~'ED· DalNI: January 13, 1911!1. . . t .. IU-TTt'll t-:HAL :'-IA1'10NAL MURTCAG E SOUTHWE!>T TlTL~ A.!'ID Rt "'1:" ·"'s · · I ASSIK'lATION. " l·orpo1·atl1111 or· TAX C'OMPANY, ·Tl<" 11;1\t • ·t .t• bu~1th' • '" on ,:11ni7."<I 1tn•I t>Xl:-l1ni: rursual),l to 11s Tr11stee th•• ll1't1111, L11dol1ni: •utl , .. ntinuc Title HI o( the .:-tallonal HnusJng Hy M. J . \\'aite •t 1•1 • ,.,.n• h·f:ll I•·•• I,, 1 •11~1,, will I Ai 1, ll:j 111m'ntl!'1I, n•c111'ded on Vlre-Prcstdi:nt • h" ,cu ht,.." hr ~•wl. ·.ind 11l·l~r n••!· April 6, 1950, 1n Book 1995. f'age By Robert J. Lil Point d•·n• • • \\ 111 '"' in miu·h hr.tlPr •fo· 1 111 ot Off1t·1al Re\'Qrds of Oran~e A11111stant Secr rtary ,1r.w1 ol• '• 1 • 1°11 '" I·"" 1tthle Im· County, by r~ason Qf cJdault fn rCOltPORAT'i: BEALi 111 '•·1111• 1d 11· h 1• 111 Ii·· '"·1al· th,. p1ty1Twnt or pl'riormam··· 0( uh· I :-:o. M!I Nt'Wll·l'ress 1/17·24-31 1:'>~ a hl• II 1!•!);, -.-------------- 1: I:• 11•·1 1, .. n ,.. ,, ,. th" ph:<.J~e .\D\'f:RTISEMt:.1\'T TOR BJ DS or ·' , . , 111 · .1n1\ ;\l11brl F'ltzmM· Notice Is hereby g1vrn that lhe Board or Trusteea ot the Orange ;.,.. 111 "'' • .111o111 Cvast Junl(Jr Collrgii District of Orange County. h<'reanafter referred !'1•1•11111:.." 1, 11.:110t111n d in,'luJ· lo as the "Ownr r," wtll recelvl' up to, but not laler than 2:00 PM, l d «111I ;\loll1, •·I . ..::.iuta Ana. direct· February 11. 195:'>, sealed bids tor the &Wlird ot contract for aegregat· nr ill -.; o\l!l:I: llilvor.'4 Uora Hiii ot :-.;,.\\ 1•· •1; 1: .. 1trh Chllrc Nelson of i·c"t" ;\\•···• 1tn•I J . F1 auk \\lh&r· lt•ll • t 1 .. 11:111111 Ho ><t'h , (;1'vrge Cot• l'o~la Ml'sR: P ••i.:::\ l'.I\ lur , plh l J'l l'l!ldenl OI lh,. l.rt1:11n.1 1:!0~11 .1: Roy Pe111cock. Cl! 'I I" C'S1111•nl ' I !}211 11( the La· ~un .. i:;roup, :\fr~ Slrv•• Michaeli. 1'1r .. ('h1111 .. ~ lla1t ilntl Mrs. \Vall· f'r 1 Mnry H ' C • .. 1,., nf th" :\ews· DEATH NOTICE ed bids for an addition to the existing Library Building or about 9000 ,qbare feet. or lllt·up concrete and reinforced brick walb, 11leel fram- ing anti wood r oof s:onstructlon; cement, asphalt tile and ceramic tile flours, pluster and wood partitions: a coustic tile and plaster celling11; 199'1l o outh Harbor Bouievard, near Costa Mua, Orange County, Callforn1a, an<t a.hall bf' opened and publlclly r~ad aloud al the above 'lated time' In Board Room ot the Admlni•trauon Building. Each bid must conform and be re~ponslve to thll Invitation, the plans. 11pec1!1callc,n1, -.nd all other document• comprl1lng the pertinent contract docume~ts. Coplei< or the Contract Documents are now on tile and open lo public Inspection In the aald of!lcea ot the Owner, and or Richard J. •Neulra and Robert E. Alexander, Archllecta, locattd ~t 2379 Glendale Boulevard In the City of Los Angeles, In .. Id County 1'1H1'. t.t·t n ; \I\ tcTl.t: '.\lcSWAIS and State and may be obtauied at eat her place by dtpoalllnc $50.00 tor each set. This depoidt wlll be refunded IC the set or aet1 of Contract i11lA:"'<;~: 11>C:-iSJ -Mrs. EC· Oocumtnls delivered are returned ill good condition within five day1 fa• ;\l \'t ll·· J\lr.Swatn, 46, ot 400 23i ol ::;t . c ·io-l a ;\II'~. daeJ at Or· d t er the bid opening. an1:• c "'""',. Jl,,,1.,tul Friuay morn-St parate contract bids wUI be r C'celved for General Con1tructlon . In~ a111•r :111 , xt. 11.l~d lllnr1111• Plumbing, Heating ahd Ventilating, and ElectTical work. Unit prtcea H• 111 111 Lin• 11111. :\lrb .. Mris. Mc· requested tor excavation. concf'ete, •led. elr. Comple0tlon llme request· ~" 1111 , ·""" tu 1>1,1n~e {;ounty and ed to be set by bidders. A sta tement of financial condition and depol!lt C.'11-1.1 :\11•,,. 1111m West Los An· ot 10~. ot the total bid by cl'rtlfled check or bid bond la required with K"''' .ih·111t lllr ,.,. years ego. • each bid; labor and materlala bond end per!onnance bond required o! ~'" 111111 ~ 1111 l1o1ol•· h1•r hnsbl!.ncl, :ontractor llt'lcctell. J.o\• 1' "' •• ~: ·"' :"wttin °1 the h<Jntr'. Each bid shaU be made out on ll form to be obtained al either ot 8 .. 11 "I•"' 11( th" nnmr and a ,11.,1~ 111, \Ii.. Alhll i•y l'lptr of the said oftaces In whach-t.he Contract Doc11menll are on file. 1,111-,\11~, 1,._, 1wu bt uthl'r~. George Esch bul 11hall be accompanied by a certified o• ca1hler'1 chN.:k l:.1111hl· "' :"\urwnlk find Harry l•f .payable to the Owner, or aatl3factory Bid Bond In favor of the Own1•1, ,,.,,. ,\llJ.'.• It·,. tw11 ,,1~t· r.<, Mr,,. Viv-C'Xecutt'd by the bhldf'r as principal ancJ a 111tisfaC'tory surety r ompany 1.111 I '1•1 I• r .11111 M I' I '1· 11 I 11.n·is. 11s s11r<'ty, an a n amount not lf'!ll than li'n percent ot the bid. The check IJ<•~ 1•1 L " \n~··l··· 1 1r b1Ct bond shall be givcm as &guarantee lhat the bidder will e ><el'Ule ~ 1 v1• · -\\•'f" ho Id ul ti.I•' ~:udaly the l'ont111r t It ls~" awarded to him an conformity wilh lhe Contract l"lill•·1 ·11 1 '11•11'• I 111 . :i I' 111 ) ~.~trr· llocumo n t~ and will provlue the l!IJrcly bond or bond.11 Ill! 1peelfll•d 1!.1 \ \\•th th1 t~, ' L . \\ 1 ,tun Santi· · ,.,.... , 1 the F ii 'l llapll~I ('hurch ut lherC'ln •1·11han flvf' d11ys aftf'r not1f1catlon of the award ot the contract 0 1 •fl>:• """ 1.111ni.:;. t ·11 111ntt1on w ill to thl' b1.loler. h •ll••I• in 11,.. Fn1rt1u1·,.n 1 'ri•nia-The Ownf'r reserves the privilege of rejecting any and all bids ta"' 111 ,r to w111v" any lrrt gularltles or, J11formalltle1 In any bid or In lhe c l.A IJI-.. '.\I t:.L \ I~ Uu:\ t. 1111hhni; ~ Pu"uant to the Labor Cnde of the Stall' of Ca llfomla , the 1alrl Brnn •I rir Truste<'.'I hn~ ascert11lned tfie general prcvalllng rale of per ohE'm w:if:C'li ror each cratt vr type of workmC'n needed lo execute the rnntr;it·t11 whlrh will be aw111 tlPd thf' aucressful bh1dcr11: 'snd thf>1<e ~ llfh:I 111 ,, I Vl(('p (1)1' ~l111hll :\h I· v 111 Hon•·, ~· '1 110' ~ :.!.!~!t !'.)t , \\1·1 .. h•l1I "1 1d,1y ••I 1'1m1m:< ,\lu1· tu"' H 1\'• 1 1d1 un J' 1 du t'' tiun '.': 1•,1ik•·' 1:1.u, \ :-.1111tlllll\ cu~t.• I Jll l'VA\hnj:' ratrs 111 e rontainC'd In said 11rec1flcallona adopted by lh<' Jll .,, l11t• 1n1• 11l \\'.•sin< •hvrwoo.I 8 011r1I, an1I iirt a.11 .follows : C"' 1• l• 1 ~, H11·1·r~1<I• !'l.ASSlt"1C'ATIOS: \It 1: .. n1· dat·d a t h" w .. 1k 111 1 i\P'f'RE:"'T IC-El' M11y be emrloyecJ in conformity. with Section 1777 5 1 ... In 1 • '11nl \\ "~ L'••~\" M· !'3 on I . of the Ca hfom1a Labor Cod<'. J ,,, I:! ll•11n In :\l111111•l1t. C'ahf . CARl'~:1'TERS h• h'' l ht·I•' 1ut' ~•x ~· ttt ;-.. l it• \\I" ·' 11\•·lllh• I ,., Ill• ~1 .·thool1sl l'I 11 11 I ~ II\", .. : "II Ult I Jdt • ,, I tUt'I '"" 1'1 \\ JI \\'iJ,,1111 I•! I' <: 1 .\!(.'311 a nd '.\I 1 • .\ \ 11 .. •·n " 11 111 ~1111 li1·111u1 ol1n" .c bAL HOllCl :'\llTI( t: Ot' 0 11-ISOl.1 TIO:'\ :"'oitll" 1.• /l••n •l>y ~I''"" thlll ll'I<' CU· 1'•Htnr1 'h\j t\Pt t'l•>I 011• •·Xhltnjol b Pl\\ ... n F1tt:t1 \' :.; t:1.u :; l<ll•I F IH:11 aF l'.LLIS 11<•t11;. 1111:<111< :.!< 11nol• r 111•· lldtl 11'11~ I 11 Ill fl.1111• un1I 1-1~1, ••t ELLIS HUAT Hfo:,'l;l'f\LS Jt1 ~'-t,IJ~ l\1f14'i.1 lll~h\\11\ ="t•\\f't rl B· "h 111 .. n,1:1· 1· .. mu1 1'.1hl•11n111. ha:-111•1'11 d1,1'(1h·,,ol I\\ tit• Wllh· drnwul "I l!IUll FREl1 F. ELLIS trum s"ld firm S1111I FRF:O fo'. El.J..JS will not he ri'.'ltx•ns1ble h•r 1111y oltbl.'1, obllg11t aoni. c•t llablll· ll<'B Incurred 11ncl.-r 1<11lcl firm nitme on or efl1•r th111 dal1, Ot1tPd thl!I 1:11h •l11 v uf Jitnuary, l!l:'\l) ?\o. FRELJ !-'. ELLIS FRED V. N. ELLIS 5:)6 News-Press J 17 611 { r I'. 6e94l n :RTll"Jt:.\Tt: ot· Dl'Sl:\'t:S8 FlcUUous .l'arm Nam" 'I'IU•; UNDERS IGNED I.Ion htreby f,.rtlfy 1hat he .s conducting a \\'Rrm·Alr Healing, Ventllaung, A 1r C:onJltlonmg -.nJ Shtet Mr tal t111.•1ncM 11l 411 ·'13 Jlftt Slrttl, ;-.;, wport Beach, t:aJIJorn11, u.ndt r thl' flcUllou.s tlrm name oC A. B. <' HEATING, VENTILATING 6 f:HEF METAL c oMrANY &1ld thi<l 11ald firm 111 compoaed of tht (llllowmg penrons. whON n•mu In full and plar es ol rt'Mdence are a. !ollowe, tO·Wlt: 1tua11ell W. Bangert :.tue Ml r&mar Orlva lb.Ibo&.. California WITNESS my hand t.hla 22nd day of DKember. lPM. ,s/ RUSS ELL W. BANGERT Sl1ttc of Calltornla County of Orance 11. OF TlUS -:?~nJ di\· of Dcrem· ber. A. D. 19:,.a, oeto~ me, ROB· F.RT F. \nLI.MES. • .Notary '.Pu bl IC' In and tor the M id County anol St11te. rtaldlng therein, duly eomml~amed and sworn, prr!Onal· t C:11rp,.n lrr Fl1111rl1ytr '.\hllrlttht !'aw Faltr Tnble Powf'r ~aw OJX'r&tor C E~1F:NT P'l?<.I SHERS: $2 775 2 9i:\ 2 9i j 2 s·1;; 2 8~;:5 <"Pmtl\t F tn11her ................ ,..... 2 70 C'cmrnt F1nl~her 1Comro1nllon or M11stlc) ............ -......... 2.82 C1•mc-nt F loor Finishing '-111chtne Optralor ...... .............. 2 82 m o:-; \\'OR KEHS: Rt>lnfor;-mg Iron Worker MPtAI Pan Setler 2 85 2 38 .M('I AI Pan l't'lt"r \\'orklng MrUll Pan Srtlf'f Helptr !'tr11rtur11I I ron Workrr .. J.~rn•" F:re<'lor Fortman ..... ,_.. ........... ........ . 2 !\!'I LAHllHJ.:f.!'· LR borP11<, G••nrrn I or C'<m~t rucllon .. OJ'('r11tors 11nd Tencler11 of Pneumatic and Electric Tool11, VlbratlnJ?: Machlnu. and l!fmlla r mechanical tool1 not ,...r111 at,.ly rlRllio!fiC'c.t hneln . M\nrr 1 Hand or Machine) . .. ............................... .. Mut1)fmnn ... .. ........ -............... .. Cf'mrnt Dumper ton l yd or lari:f'r mixers end handling 2 17 2 fl!\ 2 8~ 2 (175 22~ 2 H :'i 2 ~35 blllk 1•em .. nl) ' . -. ......... .. . . .... ?'t2 m A~phnlt Raker -.nd I roner ...... ~ .............. -........................... .28.'i U11gi::s,rnobllf' Man , ......................................... -....... .2&.~: Con~rrte Curtr -lmpervlllua Membrane ... -............. -... 2.265 Dr1lltr11, (C(lre, Diamond. or W11gon) ............... _, __ .. _,_, .. 2.52:'! flr1lll'r~ I A ti Othf'ts I .. ... ... .. ........ -......... -................... 2 36S GRI! & 011 Piptllnt LAborer ................................................ 2 07~· Flt1f.:man .......................... -.. _ ..................... _ ... 2.07S Guard and/or ~·atchman ......... . ............................................ 1.97 G111 6 0 11 Plpe)lne Wrapper -Pot Tender and Form Man 2 28.'I <'-11 6 Oil P1prllne Wrapper -6 Inch pipe and over .... 2.415 Srwtr P ipe Layer 1ucludlnr Caulker) -................. -........... 2.38.5 Sewrr P ipe Caulker (using Ca ulklnr tools) ....... __ .. _ ...... 2.28:5 Sewtr Pipe ~ulker (ctmcnt jofnl11) ............ ______ 2 12.5 T11rm11n and Mortarma.n .......... -............ -... ·-··---.. -2.125 \~ndow Cleaner • .. ... .. ..................... -·-··---------· 2.22.5 ::>PF.RATING ,E!l:GINEERS : A F'rame .:... Boom Truck".:.-............. __ . __ ,,_ .............. 2 98 Air Compr<'slOr Operator .......................... _ .. _ ............. _ ....... 2.37 Box:m81'1 or Mf11er Box Operator lroncrete or ~t plant") 2.52 Concrete or AIJ>halt Spreadlnc, Mecha nical Tamptnr or F inish Machine Operator _... . ..... _ .... :._ ........ _.,_. __ ,,, .. 2.98 Conctf'te Mlxer OJX'rator -119Ylng type .............................. 2 9\ Concrtte Mixer Op.rator -mobile mixer .... ·-·-·-···--2.82 Conr rete Mlur ~rator -Skip type .......... -... ·---···· 2.62 ConC'tete Pum p or Pumpcnte Oun Operator _,, ___ ,,. 2 :,2 Jlr11\'y J)u1y R.f'pal.rman -· ·-.. -·-··· .. ·-..... _ ..... -.. _.. 2 76 Htll\'Y Duty Rtpalnn11n -H•lper ... --............. --......... 2 25 Elevator Rolat Opt"rator _.,. ... .. ............. -.......... ___ .. 2 80 Hlghllne Cablf'way OJ>('rator . .. ....... _______ 2 82 ~l11tt1 111 Loader or Convvor OJX'rator --·-......... _ .. _ ....... 2 37 .. ' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE. Motor Patrol Opl'rator. lncl11dlng any type or power blad• 2 82 011hkoah or Toumeapull OJ'erator ur DWlO . . .• 2 82 Pavem~nt Breaku_Operator ... . ....... .. ....................... _... 2 60 Ro~a Carrier Driver -.... ................... _ .... -.................. -............... 2 52 Rotter O~rator ..................... -..... _ ........ , ___ .... _................... 2.60 Skip Loader Operator -wheel type . -......................... 2.:">2 Screed Ope!:ator . . ......... . ....... .. ..... 2.37 Stationery Pipe Wrapping -.nd Cleaning Machine Qp~r. Z.68 SurfaCI' )ieetf'r and Planer Operator . 2.76 Tow Blade or Grader Operator .. .. .............................. 2 :'>2 Tractor HI-Lift Shovel Operator .......................... -...... 2.91 Tractor Operator -Bulldo.zrr. tampf'r, 8Cr1tpt'r or dra&' type ahovel or boom attachment!' 2.68 Tractor Scraper or Drai Type shovel -tamdem ............ 3.09 Trenching Machine Operator . . .... 2.76 l'RUCK DRIVERS: Driver•· of Dump Trucks -leas than • yds. wntrr levtl 2 18 Driver1 of Dump Trucks -4 yds. but less than 8 yl.ls ..... waler level ............................ ,..... 2.21 Drlve1·11 of Dump Tl'uck1 -8 yds. but less ll1sn l 2 yd1. ~water lf'vel .......... ... ........ ..... .. 2.26 prtvers or Dump Trucks -12 yds. but lus than 16 yda. wattr level -..................... ...... 2 :it Drivera o! Dump Trur ks -16 yds. ur mure waler level ... 2.1\6 Drivers of Trucks. legjlJ payload capacity Jes1S than 6 tons 2.18 Dnvers or Trucks, legal payload c•11p11~tly bt·tw,.<'n 6 and 10 l•ln8 2.21 Drlve1 s of Tru<'k8, ll'gll pnylosd C'UJlll•·1ty bet~·1·<'n 10 untl I~ tons 2 26 011,•11< 1o( T1 11\'k~. lo-gal puyload r.1r;,1•1tv llf'lWl'•'n •l5 an : ~o tons 2.34 D11vtrs l•f Trucks. les;:al paylun•I c11 r c1rlly ul 2(1 t om1 or more ............. . Drivers or E uclid ty pe Spn ·n1ll'r Tr11c•ks ..................... . Drlverll of U11111psh·r True k>1 . ............. . D1ivcr:.l ur 'J'1un~1t-:\f1x Tt'\h'kS under 3 yols .. DrJvers o ( Trr.n,ll·M I'< Tl'ucl;;; :1 )tis. 11r mo1 ~ Ga.~ &. 011 P1pt'llnt' Work1ni:-Tl'll•'k lJnv•·r. anf'l\lfllng \\'ln<'h Trnrk an1! all alr.e:. fl( Truck11 2 :>6 2 !\R 2 51\ 2.~2 2.!16 2 36 Bootme~ .. 2 36 DumpCrl'te Trurk, lo·i<s thun 6 ·~ yds,. w11ter level 2 42 o'umpcrl'le ·r rnck, 6 '" yds. watPT l<'v<'I and uver ............. 2 :;s Roios Carner 01 l\'cr -Hit.I-way _ ............. 2 ~ Water Truck c.lrivPr -unill'r 2~•00 ~111. ........................ 2 21 Industrial Lift -Truck nnvn ......................... 2 18 Water Truck Di lvrr ~ 2r100 g-111. ur mo1 e ........................... 2 :is Truck Greaser and T ireman ... _ .............. -....... 2.29 Tnick Repairman .......... -............................................ 2.7t Truck Rep11trman Helpl•r ......................................... __ .......... 2.:w \\'a rclrnus man -l:l<'rk ... . ......................................... ,_ .......... :i.2t ............. _ ....................................... 3J:"> Brick Trnder . Tiie Layer or Sttlrr E:LEC'CRICJ ANS: 2 ~o 3 Oil Eltctrlclan -Genernl F orrinan .................................... _... 3 92 Electr1('11I Fl•11•111an Electrat:nl Sub-Fon'man ......................................................... _ Eleclrlctan . . ... .. .................................... , ................... , .. . Cable Spllctr ................................................ -.......................... . LATHERS: 3~ 3.38 3 20 3 50 Lather .............................................................................. -... 3 t(i:'l F oreman Lathrr ... .. ........... ........... ............................. ......... 3. 775 PAINTERS: R erular Brush l'a1ntc-r ................................................ _ ....... 2.70 Brush Swing St11gc ...................................................... 2 95 Iron, Steel anJ H1 l•l~e . . ........................................................ 2 95 Jron, Steel a ml Ur1dge Swing St11ge ... .. ............................... 3.20 Spray Gun or San<! Blasll'r ........ 1 ......... -..... 2 95 Spray Gun or S l\nd Blaslrr Sw1n1: St11ge ................... -...... 3 20 Paint Burners . ... .. .......... ............... ...... .............................. 3 70 Paptt Hanger'! .......................................................................... 2 825 Carpet, L1nok11m ..................... -.......... ... ........ .................... 3.01 Glu ier and Cult!'r· ................................................................... 2 ~>8 l'laste1en1 . . .., ................................... -............... -... 8 1375 Plasl• r Fur!'nrnn ....... -........................................................... , .. 3 687:'> l'la11tl'r Tendfr . . ................. -... ..................... . ......... .. 3 1875 Roofer Foreman ........................................... -........................ 3 12!:> R•,.ift>r ..... .......... ...... .......... . ... . l'h"<'l Metal \\'orker ......... , ...... .. 1\utE': All of tho• u.bov., c:-rarl:1 1ubj~ct lo frtnge ~nefll1. :i 87 . 3.00 OVEKTIMt: RATES FOR SJX BASIC TRADES: lncldtntaJ to the crafl lnvolnd. Ovcrt1111e lihall bll paid for work perromied Ill exceaa of l he regular doy's or W<'ek's work and at the rate for uverUrne of the craft Involved. Holidays as he~in rf'fC'rrcd to ehall be deemed to be New Year'• Day. Oecoratl<Jn Day, lndependl'nce Day, Labor Day, Arml1tlce Dly, Thanksgiving Day. ancl Chi 11;tm11e. Ir any of the a bove heliday~ JaD on Sunday, the Monday Collow1ng 11hall be con1ldered a legal holiday. ll bhllll be manJ1uory upon the Contractor to whom a contract la awa tde\l, and upon all subcontractors under hun, to pay not le11 th-.n ,aa.t gent'aal prevailing rates of per diem wagu to all workmen em· ployc<'l an the execution of lhe contract. No batloer may withdraw his bid for a period of 30 day1 after the date ar t <or l he open1ni; of bids. Boord Of Tt ustees, Orance Coaal Junior ('ollrge D111tract. Orange County, blltomla S111ned: B. H. PETER80N, Secretaq Publl\h. Jl!.nuary 10 and li, 1955 Open: February 11, 195:>, 2 00 P M. No. !J!J3 HOW IS YOUR CAR'S .. Yov car's electrical 1y.ttem is similar to your nervous system . If your ca r's ttencntor is ove rworkrd o r if &he t>.nery, 1park plugs, acaneror voltatte regut.co r is "ouc or k ilttr", your entire en ttine won't o perate properly • . • and it'll rose J'O'I mOM'J• Orin to y ' oow aod get yow "ape.rk" b.ck.I 2ad & Sycamore Santa Ana 1 • •• Kl 2-2375 ,. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SOTICF. OF OIS~Ol.t'TIOS A. D. 1115!\, bf'forr me, ROBERT 1 tr111 ... 1 !hi' iMn11· IN \\'IT:\t:~!4 Notice Is herf'by glvl'n that tht F_, WILL.MES. a :-:ut11ry r'ubhr In \\'lll·:HEOJi' I h 11 I'" I •'IC'llnlo •t't N>-partnerahlp herttotore t'Xllftlng I and tor lhf' said C11un1y anti Stat ... lit.I' htm•I 1tn.1 llfC"•'•I 111~· c•fl h 1111 bt>twttn \\'. STU ART POOTE and r~sldfnr therem, .1111y con1m1:c .. 1un· •1•111 t ht' \I"' 111111 \ • "' In 1111, 1 ·rr• HOMER E . SRA FER doln& busl· • •O and 1wurn. IH'rl'\ll111lly 11ppr11r1·,I ltfh 11tr 111 •t ''"''" "111 ten n1'!<11 unlit•r lh~ ficllt1ou11 firm nflllill 1 1 FE:WX V. BRA Piil 11.nol ' 1'1.\'Pt-: , HO IW l<.J' t-· \\ 11.1.MJ.'.S anJ '11tyle o( FOOTE .t SHAt~ER, P. WHITE known lo me lo bt> thl' M~ (\11111111~""11 1·:i.l'il'o•s REALTORS a t 2J17 W. Balboa , ptrsons whose 1111111ts ani "uhs\Tlb· :'l/11,.~1111),.r It\, l!l'o,, Bll'd., Nrwi>ort Brach. Orange ed to thl' within IMtn1mf'nt. ant1 l'\o :\:\4 County, C'alltomla, hu bttn d111-) arknowl to me thut lhl',v t x· ~ .. w,.1 •1r~& 1 111 l ;, :.'I. 31. Jll~) s11lved l)y lhe Withdrawal of said parties from Hid tlrm. Se,ld· par· tlf's "''Ill not be rupon111 Ille for any deb~. obllr;at1on11, or llablll· llti>s lncurre<\ under aald fjJ"J'll name on or after thl11 datt'. TOWN TOPICS 19~5~tl'd thl11 13th day of January, • W ST llART FOOTE HOMER E. SHAFER No. o~:, Newa-Preae 1,17/:i~ NOTICE Of" ISTESTIOS TO st:LL NOTlCE IS HEREBY CIVEN )'lU rilllfH\t t_p lhp proJ\ll (llcllls ot !;l'C· lion :lH O uf the ('1\'il t~oile .. r the Stl\te ol ('1111!01 nla. that HOBEHT \\' BJU\\'ELI. anti FRANCF.S R. BID\\'F.LL Vt·n•lurs. ot 1336 C'y· prt>llS Slrl'et. l'lty or Sl\nta A 11A, t'ounty ~rung • ., St.att' uf t'.111- f••l'IHR, llltt'nclll lo ~II tu GF:OHI ;F; J BOAZ anti ANN(\ Bt;~AI< V1•nc1e .. 11. u( 100 'l'ui.tln A1·1·m1t•, City or Nrwpnrt B<>Ul'h, Cn1111ty "' Orunge Stal•· of CRhfurma, ·ult l hat re;tu an Jlt!r!lonl\I proper! y 1:011. lllh!ang genc>rall,v .,f 1111 bl•wk 1n trallt', -r1xlu1e,., t'C:u1pm,.nl and i:nod will nf I• r1•rta1n \learnni:: 11nt1 Uy4'111i:: bu:1ineM1 kno\\'n 88 Ncwpoa t CleMerli aml localed at J 06 T'u.,un A '"'nU I', City of :'\t'W· port Brach, County of Oruni;o, State or Callfornla, and that lilt p11rcha11e price tht!reof will be p11td at 10 '"dork am. 11n the 24th <hi)' of January, 19f15 ·at Burrow 'P;g. ITi.lW l'o .. ~11 ~ N : ~jal11 Slr<'l'\, C11y or Santa Ana, Counay or 01a ngl', State of C'ahtorn1a. DATEIJ Jun lllh 1 9~5 FHA .XC'F:S R: BIDWELL HtlHEHT \\'. BIDWELL V o•nrJ<or.~ GEOH(;E J. UUAZ AN:"A BVSAK V c nth'•'>• No. M 7 News-Pr .. ,. l !li /!15 ('t:RTlfl<.'ATE o•· Rl 'SIXt;SS t 'I< TITIOl'S t'IH~l :"\' A~I r; TH.E U:'\'DEKSlONl::D <.Ju ho•rt'· by l'l'rtlfy th11l they are ronducl• 1n.: a servcc" stalwn and i:araee lllh1n"•~ at lll!JO Nrwport Dlvd .• l\'ostn M t'llll, l.'alaforniu. unc.lrr the rirtlllous /1rn1 name of FELIX A 4 11< lC'S SUPF.R SERVICE and lh.1L ,;ua.t f1nn 111 rompos!'d ur tht ffill owmg person~. who•e namu In foll end rtacl':< of n·111denee art Ill follows. to-wit: FELIX V. BRADDl 2549 Or11ni:I!'. Col!ta MPllR. Cuh t.irn1a CLYDE P WH.Jn; 2001 S11nta Ana Ave .• Custa '.\1ti<a, l:Rh fom 1a WITl'\F.SS our hand this 7lh ~lay or J11nuor), 1!!5r1 1s FELIX \', BRAUCH t-1 Cl,\' OE f' \\'lllT F: STATE O .. ~ f'ALJFOH;\'IA COl!:\'TY O F OHA:'\\.F. 1 .. 11 OF THIS i'U1 J ay of January, from Bank of America r - Newport Beach Branch Rolood A. Wright, Mo •• ,., $4 BILLIO~ FOR A RAINY DAYI Thar's how much Californio1ns arc now sa,·intt in our hank- $4,078,.H-t.4.H u of rhe t'nd of the yur. Pa'rt of Lhis·mnnry will make 1he hope' and , dram of thousands of people .. =it t;: . .J come 1rue 1his year. Tht' re~1 ' 'a will be $aved for a "rainy day" o r to h~lp rhous~<h mort build rheir plans for tht' furure. ({all thi~1one,· were :aflo.,·ed co remain in our bank un til the end of l')SS, it would nra Sllt,,65,488 incert-1(. And t hat's another ftOOd rc..'i(ln for ~aving a1 Ban~f America-lht' 2'"< bo1nk intcrc,t. lf ynu don't ha"e an aa:QW>l with us, "'t' in"i1e you to open one now I I> WHAT WOUlD YOU BUY WITH s1;96s~ooo,0001 .. ~t ha,·e a preuy good id~ of "'hat u uJ bouRhC for chat amounl of mo ney durinfl. 19'-' -fo r i\'s the approximatt amo unt of 1'imcplo1n ·and other irutalment credit loans madr by our bank Ja\t yttr. A good share of it 'flcnt 10 pay for 1utQftlobiles, hou~ehold applianct'~. home impro' emrnt.s, Chriscmu gifu and many ocher .,.orth"hile thin~s right h ere in our 'own. If Y"'' nttd money at any time during 19,,, Timeplan may be your answer, too. HAVE YOU "CHECKED• YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS.? Clunces a.re by nuw you'\'e forgotten most of them. Many of our friends this )Car decided 10 open Dank of America checkinR acco unu to heir them kttp ~ucr 1r.u.k of their money-the kind of resolution th;u ran ~ worrh a srt'at deal in terms b f rhri(t and cOn\C'nicnre. H yuu h.1\f'n'c yet diw-over«l how much Bilnk o( Amerin chN·k, ran mun to yo11, come in and let us txplain the mcritS o f tither • regular or Tcnpl~n checking account.. Every Day Is Bargain Day at Owl D~ Stores 2108 OCEAN HIGH POTENCY I-COMPLEX I 00 Capsules 79c Imported Germ•n MANICURING SCISSORS 49c )-speed Electric HEATING PAD s2'' double edge RAZOR BLADES REG . $1.00 2~mr.-ft.u VITAMIN I l~~-~.000 l 'nll" VITAMIN A 6 mr 100 112 VITAMIN f:lrrl "" l lJUr CLIPPERS tc tf'f'I t "lllnr CASE Ruhtwr llot "at .. r aonLE Ala nn CLOCK I.arr" :-;a.11 Pollo•h REMOVER t•lnt ('lr.anlnr FLUID I Pound COTION 61c s1c 39c s·s- l'' 79c 1 s• 9c 13c .46C · ...... , ~ . II . • ,, ' I •, . . . , ' I\, ,.. r.w::ic:x::::ao::ICIC::ICll::CO:ICCXX~OC:ICl::ICl:::x:lCICZ:XXICCO:::ic:n,1 14--Pe~-nala~------..-~­?9-Delp W~~ J M-~AlJ!llaw , . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PARTJI . PAGE 3 ~~~-~~-!!!('~­• WANT AD will colt you only s2 a 11d it.will run in all 3 iuue1 lines. ·A Minimum ad is 4 Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Ne\ln·Pre&& Tueeday and Thunwlay edJtions, Plus Newport Bay ·Post and CoutaJ Shopper NEWPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS COASTA~veSHO;rPE~\;~dnesda~Ts 4 Unes l Paper S .7.) 4 Unea 2 Pape"' 1 .~ 4 UIU'8 3 PaPf>rs 2.110 C-tal Sboppu C1-lfied Ad• miat run In the .\fonday or Thursday Publlc,atlon . XL'liL"\J:'lf AD J" • LJ!\"'ES - AJI Clualned Ad& muat be peld for Caab In IMl\•11nc~ "' publication. The publlahera will not be rl!.'\ponslble for mor~ than nn" incorrt-cl )nsertlon of an.ad. reserve the rlcht to correctly rlassify any and all adJI .and lo rtject 11ny ad not conforming l o ntlts .and regulations. DlllADl,.INES tor placing or cance!Ung ad.a a rl.'. For Monday Publlcatton -~londay 9 a.rn. For Wedneaday Publication -Tuesday 2 J!.m. For Thuuday Publlcat1on -Wednesday I p.m. !'iEWPORT H ARHOR Pl.'BLISIU."llG (.'0 , ??11 B&lbo& Bh•d., ~ewport Bfoarh, C'allfornlL Classified Index I f'uanal .Sot~ % Card of Th&Aka 4 t-u•eraJ OlrN!Wn 10 BurolnH' t:uJdr JI 8uJJdJn1t ~lalt"rlBI• 1% Bulld!DI( ~r\'irn 14 P11nona1,. 1S Share \'our Cu 18 Tninapnrtafton l'J Ronnn1 18 tkaul.~ Afft• 20 Hnlt h Alda 22 Lo!>I unit f-"ound 24 ~l"ho<ll•. I n11t ruC'tlOD 211 ~lluallon .. \\"antf'd 29 Hrlp \\ao~d :W Ml,.M"llanc-nu1 80-A ~W•I"' :10·8 A1•11lh111c••t1 31 \\'ant .. d to Buy !l2 ... ur nlturf' lor !'ah1 l'l?·A AntlqUl'll 3:1 &11h. Sup11u ... U Mu11kol, Kadlo, T \' M Doc.,, Cah, l'ets ~pec;1al .\ otlce& Mutual Funds Explained Du1cover now JU:1I ho)\" mutu111 I fund llhllrta ca.n t>e usN1 In y11o r own llnanc1a1 plenning. For tr~ booklet. write Box J 20, Lh11 rapl'r ~7plH 311 PouJI ry· 37 u,·ntock h ~J>f'ClaJ Annowicrment 39 Aut"' WantPd 40 Autos for Sa.It' •O·.\ Tlrf'!I It J>:irh 41 Apto N>n 1re 4% Tr:Ulo•r-. 48 r\Jrpl&n"" 4'T \\'anlNI to Rent ~ Apt,., .t HoUllt.-9 for Rtnt '3A-Aptt.. for Rent 41'8--lfou!M'a tor Rl'ot 48C-Traller SpaN'I •9 ftnom .. fl\r ltC'nt •&-A ftt.,,t Home" •9-8 Room ~ Board ~) Rt'DI, !\tl,1-. &s !'\torr" It Otrtu1 .'IS-A Ru11lon" K.-n111lr11 &~ Bu!llnf'~" 011port11nltlf'S :\.\ ~ont'\ to l..oan .'16 'lon.-:V \\ant I'd .'ll K.r.al Eatat,. \\anted 611 lnrnm .. Prol't'rt~ 61 Rral t::"tate E-.:rhnnre 6'! RMI E11tatf' Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. . 1767 ~1t'C'l!I every Thur•lay 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. :-;e.,.tporl s .. ach Elwood Shell, ualted Ruler WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING',.._ COMPLETE $695 (including slab) . SPECIALISTS in room additions and r<'modeling for o\'rr 8 yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 .-Klmberly 3-8274 87plH l2--B~U~,!1!~-~~!.!_c5_~~~~ COMPLETE PAil'l"TlNG & Pa~·J Ha.ng1nl!; !:>cn ·ice E\JCE::'\E Cl SA \J:-lll~RS ~ .il1tl .Str~I .~t\Vporl 81'aell Harb<lr 2!176-J H c54 CARPENTRY MlNOR REPAIR \\'ORK :-:O J OB TO<J S::\IALL H. O Anc erson Ll 8-900:1 Co•la ~lPsa o::uc --------·· J2--H111Jd1.014 Sen-~<:_e& ----HOLLISTER BROS. ~URSERY New lawn. reasonable or no fT \'Ot"RSEl.F"-\\'E T ILL & r:IL\ LIF: \'Ol-R SEEO A.XO J P.OU. l:XOER OCR GL"lD· A:>:CE -LI 8·1:'&!12 91p9 PAL~TING EARL SHEFLIN 2:3 Palmer SL, Cu~ta :.l~l'-ll l'h,·ne Llbn ly ·:!f1Z\, 6:-uc Alcobolica Anonymoua , WnlA P. O. Bos all Newport Bucb. call!. Pbou Barbor '7~ ttc ~bare Your Cu :;;:..~;;_;--~~~~---~---- ' W A?'T DAJL Y RIDE downtown 1 ~.A., houra 8-4 :•~-Like to join cu pool or would or1anae own. Ph. Warren. Har. 4016. llStfc ~Beauty,~A.J_d_•~--~-- Su perfl UOUS Hair Perma.nently remOved from face anna, 1eg1. Eyebrow• and hair Une 1haped-No more tweezing. Eu.EN 1. BRYANT a E. Udo'• Salon of Beauty Har. 2576 Uc Budget Special Permanent Waves S5.95-S8.50 Dottie Ellen's Beauty Salon 114 Ea11l lflth St., Cdllt& Mt'H Llb~rly ti-6111 99p2 22-Loflt and fi'onnd -------LOST -Crt<Bm·rolnrl'd kitten, ft· malt m1~io1ng 11lnce Jan. 12 UI ShM~rh ff~ area. R ew11r<1. Phone Harbor 13:.-t. lc3 China Painting ' Day a.nd Eventna Clusea Ordera Ta.kan Now Phone l.Jberty 8·64HS Real • an e•ttc Estate School Santa Ana MEN 4: WUMJCN prepue Ln 1pare tJme tor unltmlted opportunltJea in Real Eal.ate. New claaaea weekly. Al Tyler matruct.ihr. At- tend first evenin& free and learn e bout th11 ~eat fl.aid. Call or write now tor Information. Busl· neu lnatltute, 4151,i N. Syca· mort. Kl 3·1763. 74 lfc Accordion Lessons ::\tR. HALL. HARBOR 3002-R Milton Mann Studios 98pl 2K-8Uuattom Wantl'd OlRL wnnlll housework by day or \w•ek Experienced. Local bead\ rel<'rcnce.1. Hu own tran3porta- l1Ql'I. Klm~rly 2-3308. l p3 -Landscape gardeni\ig f''ree Estimates ·-~ Wm. B . .P'erguaon Call Harbor H96. 81c:l MAN 4: WUMAllt Wlll do genel"al houaf'work, floor waxing wizl. dow cle11.t11n~ Fut workera white t04 E: 20th St., Coata Meu.. 1..1 S.2683 HUc Painting Ry De)' or Hour Best of Worlcmanahlp Sm111l Job11 ok. -LlbC'rty 8·!137 • 99c2 LICESSED child care, year rou."\d • rn ntc~ dependa ble home. P hone Llbcrty 8-•62£1. t 9p2 Roy 's Maintenance Houae clea.nlng-f:"toor waxing Wall waahlni;-wlndow cleaning FREE APT. ln corona dd Mar to COt.DSPOT refrir . •mall famUy MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 couple Cno chUdrtnl under 3& In •Jae In rood running condtUon. excha.nge for p&rt Um• help of ~. 20~ Crystal, Balboa b land. CO-Autoe and Tro~n 46-AutOA and froelui Wl!t. Harbor ~lS.W. 98cl Harbor 19:>•-R. 9&1 'N AJ\'T WOMA.'ll for general bou.ee- work. t da~ per week on Bal- bot. utand. Wn~ Box L-22'""thla paper. ll:>cIH 19~ r-.ORGE automat10 wuher. The but Ir newut one. Bu agi· tator, big tub, • 11Ud1 return Ila been used only l Wttk. Pd. dn. to $19e.79 from $290.00. l'\o Draftsman (Male\ dn. pymt. Just pay the r ymta. "-of $10.()3 mo. LOU REED CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH 4323 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach .. 1954 CHRYSLER l\"EW \'ORK.ER DELUXE For worlc 1n bead! area wllb 3 SEl!l Baughni 4 A..JI Warehouae yrs. practical experience In 220 S. M&Ul SL. Santa Ana Li~ht blue, 4-dr. sedan. 235 hp., Power- mech. dratt!nr a.nd t YT'· col· .s blocka South of 4th St. nile trans.. radio, he.at<'r, Solex glasR. \\'SW tires. only ........... ···············-·····-$29fl5 lee• or equivalent. Write P. O. Open •VH. 'UJ 9. Hun. 11·:1 Box 1031, Alhambra. Call!., en· Klmberly 3-7201. cloelng a&mple ot work. Mt.le -------------SERVEL Wondert>&r refr1gerette, 1953 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Rari-10, hcall'r hghl gray. A truly fine <'Br ..•..•............. Sl.:?95 HOUSEKEEPER, child care, room whit.fl: Never used, $100. Phone prlvate bath, aaary, call week Liberty 8-lH84. 99ct days, 8:30 to • p.m., Kl 2·624 1, Ext. 893. 8lttc SO-Mlscellaneooa for Sale BAR equipment, mcludu bill", back bar. aloola. cash. regtater, ratr1g- erat lon. Good condition. reuon· a ble. Pb. Ha.r. 2728. , r9c~ CUSTOM BUILT •O cu. ft. freezer ~ compartmenu.. BARGAlN. Harbor 4289. 99tfc Ct.:3K::\IA:-; motor scooter, good condlUon, W . or make offer. 93312 W. B&Jboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. lp3 WESTINGHOUSE: refrtg co•t $~i6. aell 1198. Twin beda, like new, $69., G.E. TV aet. $0.60. Gu range $49, Bl. din. aet $39. LI 8·8869 evra. 607 Rlvtreide. ' lc3 LEAVING FOR HONOC.ULU!- \\'lll sacrifice $6000 Natural Ranch Mink coat. very". d&r!t. Lux.urloua, tull length, $2600. Har. 3029-J. 99c2 TWlN BEDS complet~.'100. Day bed, $25. Mahog. dlbf tabla $215. Chenille power machine. desk. feather plllowa & misc. l~O Rochester, Costa Meaa. LI 8-8623 08cl Aid Fresh Hearine: BATTERIES We Give 84H Oreen 81.&mp1 Gunderson Drug Co. ~ta.in St. at Balboa Blv<f., Balboa Harbor !115. 118lfc Firewood For Sale FREE DELIVERY I WlUGHT co. 1784 Newpurl tilvd., Coat& Meaa Ut>erty 8-260a •7uc HOYT 20 ga.l. wtomauc water heat er.. good condition. $ta. LI 8-20~ 99c2 Washing Machine SERVICE 1-year guarantee on jobs done ·and on u11ed wuhera 2~88 ~ (rear) New·port Bl., C<>sta Mua. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc 19.'>4 PHILCO reJrigerator. l..all'llt C'ross tor !ref't<.>r cht>st m0tlel, apace for tx>t ties, butt,.r, an'1 nice yeg. & ml'Rt kt<f'per. t:sed I mo. Pd. oln, to $134.36 :"'o cash nPedtd just pay th" pymt:< of 1$8.27 per mn. SJ.;1': 13Au,i:hna A .lit S \\'nr.,houae 220 S. Matn St., Santa Ana 6 blocks South Of Hb S L Open evea. 'tll 9. Sun. 11·:1 Klmber ly 3-7201. Washer Troubles?· CALL LI 8-2237 Specializing in Automatics AUTOMATIC Washer Enterprises 83tfc 1952 H t.:DSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really sharp. Radio. heal<'r. O"dr. w::-w, all the extras. Only ... . . ................... S12 l5 1951 CADILLAC • Light blue. 62 4-dr. sedan. WSW tirl•i;, r ad1Cl, h£1al1'r. tt~·dramalil'. Best buy in town. nnly .......... $19!>5 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across 'from Port Orange" Harbur 4070 r,r Harbor 2561 ,. ~~~ts, -~~P_P..ll_e_! __ -~-_ , 3-l-~l~~l_c~ ~-a~~· &_ -~!_. :"'\F.W. 12 f t. row b,Ollt. r~rl11r plnnk· Bl!lA UTlFlJL E lectronic Organ. mg. oak riul&. \\'1th our:<. $!:.![\. blunole cu ... lflmust new. l\11ut 6' bO>C t railer, $6:\. I.I 8·:"1613. Nlcr111c.,, urae on.ly. Bl&. ~avtng. ofter 6 p.m . 08cl V~X'~·St '.H~llDT G ri'aL SAit', -l ~u Xo. Mam. Santa An4. WIDOW ~fUST SELL-3:? ft. !ash· -------------- mg boat, 1111 in guc1d cond1t 1on WILL TAKE liEST OFF'l:-:R! :.18~ East Esther, ~l" M"sa Ll 8·2311. Y 96c3 LOVEL \'. stngle manual Mtn11 h11JI el<'l'tronac organ, llke n~w. Savt SllJ\J. Cunvt>ntenl lerm d al SHA.fo'l2H'S Music <.:u. l::iln•'f' 111ll7) 32-FurnJture for -~~- 7 PC. blonde wa.lnut duung aet. $7~ ~=~·~~~~·-~adl~·-_&_ _ ~ -'- 2 pairs ak1la, cable blllders. 11t.f'el BEAt;TIFt;L Spinet piano. blonct-. 421·42:! N. Sycamore, San~ An1 Phone Klmberly 2--0672 Priscilla Matthe~ T eacner of Piano f'd gt"s, m1111 .tr ls1tles' With pt>!~ JUst like new. flllVf' $200. M8· &: boots. S11e 8 1, tit l O'rl. $40 hogany Spant'l !!hghtly dam!lft\.'r1 each 11et. Llberty 8-2811. tp3 m 1h1pme n't, S487. Good prnt·t1re I p1anrs from 'sa11. S94, $1 2!'>. Sli5 2 DBL. HOLLYWOOD BEDS. hox See the!e at t he Great l>A:>:Z· 11Prlngs cl m attnas. Like new SCHMIOT Piano Sale. The brg Har. 3 110-J . !l9c2 I Sto1e, ~20 No. M u n, Snnt11 9no FOR RA LE _ 36 x 48 tn. mirror, 100 pianos. \\'e have nQ branch chlld'11 liludy dl'!\k , rht>st of _s_t_or_e_s_. ---------- drawtr~. na.tural finish Harbor H/l.::\llll O="D OHGA:'\S. All mod· 370-J . l r3 el.!!. Une unly slightly useo. al· mun like new. Thi~ I• a ~J'l'Cllll DAXZ • SC:H Mll.)T Hammond Cla!!sl.cal, popular by hannonr I 11r111cr1y \.""ago, Los An~<'•c11 211 ·rwu in A\ to . :"ev."J'Orl H• 111 h LlbC'rty 8-3!1:15 97p12 BEAl:TlFl:L Kimball at11dlo piano Slt~htly ii~o.J Save $100. Con· v1:n11•nt terms a t- SHAl•.l::H b Muaro Co Since t 19U71 4:!1-42;$ :-; .Sy~·&1nore, santa A.Ila Ph<m" Klmt>erly 2·0672. ROPER CP range $95. Dinette 111 blc .\ ladder bac k ch11tra, S3:1 I B d di $2:1 9xlZ nig g2~ I Headquanus tor Uran):~ O •un· ~yo_L·-~-' <.;_'~I_~_ !'!ls e van, · ~ ' ty, !120 :'\o :>.l :un . .:;ant11 A no -----"!_ · --------Oavenp'lrt 4t chair $20>. _:.-- Harbor 30l6-J. l c2 ----'----------AKC rcga~ttl'"d Hoston Terrier S B I p11pp1ri. -180~ PlaC'UIUa, Cosla ee a dwin Piano ! Mt·~n L1br1 •r &-30:;2. 1c3 I !l• 7 DE ~OTO ru~l.1111 :! o1r '" 1111\. R &H F ll11 I Jr.,·•· ~~i\t l\J\'C't ... $2.'>11. -l 'h ll'lr ~~llJ or H i11. • 320 111'\>l -------- 11.l 1 l Bt:IC"K 4 dC>nr 11r.tl\n H"' • r I • h· llf\t"tl( f:,'(\jl "" ....... 1, .. 111 \"11 V J:•><•l \11•n~1~111111 n ~"1111 l''h•" $1'..'\ C ALL BEX \\Hl1:.IA:\". 111111>.•r tali:? ar lt..1 oor 11111 .. ,.,,. !''• l Ul712 CA Oil.LA(; 112 ,., 11\n II.'· clro11111r1. r o.h.•. ho•i\t• r '\,\ l1•fl "1.att• M Ir ""''II'. 111" k up I ).lhl.,,, eto Lnr.•I 1111 , • 1l'• lt1ll\' •lil\••n. l 'lf•n u U.•l>:Hu1 $>.!~1h• C-At.1. T~~n n+:n 1 11 .. 1 J'11>1. 111-i'l •2-'f ralkt"'8 , -----------T\\'(). \\ II 1-:E~, T H A J l.F:K. t 4 x 61 -~t11111l<'!<S bl<• I '"l" 1111.1 1.111,;•1<'. 6 15 El ·'l••J1•11tt. ="°•''I l>"'l JI• .. , b !tc>r tl (' Ill ~"11 ! 26 1-'''1'. Cl 1:-0:TI:>:~:;\ l'AL l11tt1''' t 1l\1lt"r 1111 • ""'" olh• ,\" .1r 461\ E l'-tl• I .. , I ;\I•···· l..1 b1·rly 1'·~111 1. l!~d Rentals \Vantcd \\e n•·t·u ill•I • uni hrnl:w•" 1n all •"clloll8 for 1>11111 want N and yea.r • l<'tuic I-urn ·111 uut urn. U you have 11 \•11c&11cy, phone t.oony The Vogel Co. 3201 \\' l:&t.. H" ~ .. !'\ l'W purl Bell. Ph""" U b.-r1, i,.:us1 208 MIHllk, uoit>Oll l~l;\lld !'hone Harbur •H 1:101 COlll!I Haway, t;oroin1t d~I Mllr P hon" H11rbor I H 1 1011 Milin S t ., B.tl lt>O& Phonn Hart-on• lt!I 28t!o 43 AJ!~llo~~-.!'!~~ SINGLE: ll J'll, f Ul'n Yf'ar lv rentttl, I $~ Jlf'r mnnth ·111. ·raid. ALSO :1 r11ona 1·otlR.i;1• turn. $40, I P"'r Jlll"nlh. wr11 Iv r11IP, um p<1 JO!I E Hay A \" , f• I. H11r. :'15°\\' I 1r1 . \IJPJI' HAVE::" SP AClOl:S 2 bdrm many rlnut>, u1 ... f<'n'"'' G11r ~ 7.!10 unru..,1. COROXA 01'.:L MAR -2 bl'drnt. unturn duplt>x. F1r<-place, i;a1 - 11ge 1 blk. lo ma rkl'l I& tran,., S75. month. yNirly. Mt'RlEL :.1. Pl:OO:OVER . .RcallM 26().4 Xew po1t 131,.1, ~l't. Bch. Phone Harbor i610. O~uo. I Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM Apt, fll m , newly rlP• .. oral ~t1. Above C'h1n11 Cove. $911. month lta11e. DELTA 11hop unit comblnaUoh- Saw. jointer, lathe, 11.¥d. Motor and a cces50rlt>.'I $100. 19:14 NORGE Automatic Wuher The Vf'.'ry be11t one. Big 9 lb lub. agl UU.01. safety •pin lld & !.hat lllumlnated dlaL lt'a unly o~n 11tored, but pd. dn. to 5218.:li from s.·uo No ca1h .}leedcd, JU:;l pay the pym t.&. or SU.12 mo & Organ Display I ao-Auw:, iwt1 lruc.Ka WOOIJWUHTll PIA;\;() CO. ----------:-----rn:rn FORU Tu•tor "6 , radio, ht al· I 1318 t.:••IUI kjlvll , t.:oruhll dtt M ..., 1 ThnU• n fnt••r111r F\1•11! l '>l: < l.-1111 ~:>.:'>. Atler 6 ~.m: ph. l bdnn. p1ru111ty turn, $6.'1 mo, l bedrm. apt., rum. $80 m•'· 2 l>tdrm. hl\ll~O untum I-111')'1. garage. ..... .... .. .'8<J ""'-Ll 8·21!12. l c3 FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Dry wood, 18" • 24" lenfth , CalJ B. R. STAOG Pbone Harbor lOH E~inga Harbor ~91 90c3 4000 COLORS a va ilable In spray· mg enamtl or la.cqun for auto· mobuee. lra llen or elrcra!t. Spray gun11 for renL Harbor Paint <An ter. Inc. '12 32nd St., l"ewport. Har. 2838 Beside the City Hau 9:ictb H11r 3:1s2 56 ttc See Baugnna A 4: S \\'U l'hOuisc Salei., 270 So. }l1Lln St. S&nta Ana. 6 blocka south ot 4th. up1·n daily UI II, Sun. 11-~. Kl :i-7:.!01 lla1 oor 13.,l·i>I. 99tfc j -1'.:Xt:t:PTIOXALLY Cl.l!:AX 1948 A :"T Jl,\lt.;E wulnut l':~ty Cotl.iGt "'!::"' , U 5u .. \I r :.1111un, ll:1r- bor 13M·J. (!'pl 10:14 O"KEEF E: & ::\tERRlIT REXT nn ur.,_11n nr r t.inn "Ith ra.nge. lt..s the lateal c.;.p all l!llto· l~nlal Jn arpl~ 'n 1·111111• pur· m auc. Jiil top. gr1ddl.,, s1mm .. r C'h11~1· at burner:. & that 8 nit broiler. I SHA r t.H ;-> ·!'•"" • .. · :-111,. I :1u. , L'l\ed 1 mn Pf! dn t o Sl:?62t. 4~1-~2:1 :-\ :S\·r11m•·I • ~into A·a :'\o CJSh nc~d<o.J JU~t pay the f"'l .nnc KJmor~1y :l·Vt>;i 1wml$ or S7 71:> r• r mo. I - St:.k. B11ui:hn11 t\ "' ::! \\ar.n1,iur 5u l"Sr:IJ I•"'""' \\Jf,tl' I lo r ulll .l'ont1111 !> 8l'Cl8Jlf'I tt', tu tone, l1>au1•tJ Wit n exlr<La, pnce<I Lo ~c.11 H ttr. :i11111:;.J . 96c2 111.11 L'AlJlLl.AC tl2 M'<lan, like nt:\\. tilUu m iles Po"-er l!llrr- 1 ii;, I'"'" b1 .u<e ... k 4c H, l·a•y ")' 1:1 .. ~,.. :.utc1rr.al.t tllinn .. •r. 11.... hll·• ~h.14!.d \\hllr \up, ~ I .''.11 I>\ t>\\ II• r H :i l • .!:\:! i · k ~tk3 220 S ~l11Jn St • .Santa Ana rtntal l!• n·io·• Tr.'I c:-m \CJllr "'" !'1\1..'1tll• ll:t-: ~4 Pl)moutn Uel· 6 nln('ki. South o f i lh Sl. p:onu un nl.'\\ 1'1111'0 \•r .i ... n · .. nr \" ,,,,. "'nvcr!lli.1• H1·t1rl\e 01'>4'n evu, ·111 0. Sun 11·5 lirgan Hai;h C·I 11 llll ''' olll • • i Ltglll !lllh', 11111 tup K&H. wrule K.J mberly a-7201. DA:"Z ·St 'H~llUT <.:rr ll J,1n1-1 •101•\illl~. luin signals. ba.ck up BEACON BAY 3 bf'drm11 . turn. h• llat. ll'tnC'ell paUu. S12:> mo W. E. FISH_ER 11 nd ASSO<.:IA T ES :103~ t: Cout f11~h1A ay Cor11na dC'I .\far-Hl\rb. r :nu 11~1 BAL.IJOA -:>.to.lrrn turn 1 pt , $:l:i m<• ~ up, u111 J'll :Xc111 ""~ i.tor .. _. & bn)· H A.r :'13H &71 lc Vl!'nl'ttan hlind11. Upholstery p RI N T I N G ln11111'f'd F'rre E11t1m1tea Llberty 8•33_3_z. ______ l_lfc 1000 BUSIXESS CARDS $3.96 ~ ------111y P1anu :511lt'. :1ZO :"o. Mn in j J1i;hti. Aulu WUhan1eJo1 wa&ne1 THE R::\lA DOR tlec range, com pl. Santa .\n.1 .i n.u~ uhl. 4UllO mi lea \\Ill nutomauc. fan, d~ep well, Sl20 --------•H,, 1>1 L111de. ,\lake of!er Har SErtVEL apt. aai:e relni;:. :• fi80 Hamm<inu Ori;M. U~hr l:;prakl'r I JOJ·,\I :i;uc BALHOA J>l!::'\l:'\Rl'LA -2 •nrf 3 IJ<trni. turn unit~ tlrl'pl11cr. 1;srb "'~r', 11111 h11th, ~1111111•-. Ye1111y IN1se l:'!:!O :\llramor. llaJhoa llar. 21kb-W. Di<:\ HOUSEKEEPING wanted by Clay All b11Jllntt11 rJtatloriery tit low or weo.k-or baby 11ltLlng. pr1ces. HA VE own t ran~portatron Phone Lll>erty 8-28!1&. 08p1 LEOX WHITm f'h. Ll 8-401 t lll•Yttmt. 9Ml c m O:"l XG DO:-:E In ml· home. $1. an hour. Llbuty 8-738~. 98pl 30·8-~pj>_~_oe. _____ _ S::\tALL w11sh mactL walh 11pmner. FOR RENT l------------ $30 I.\ &Colll.11 A :"E\V on! uin. 2 "r 3 Lo1rm , gA r., •trcula llng h r atrr .................. SI~. F Olt SPECl AI. riccnMOn!, poillt''· lf!ril uLl.J$)ICll:HL.~ nrar H11rn ~cho•OI. l 'hnne Lllw1tv Britlla fir~ g('r<'rn ··-··········· .. ··· S JO. w~drng,. d r , •H nmn\'. •i ffl<'e, l11t11t11111 <l<'lln l ar. l:.ver) ~u1~~·~, B-!~4:1. , 91111 'Wardrobt, ......... S7.50 •·hurt h, with or w1lhM1\ urga ti· hi,.• >.11·11 ~ -., l 22 Grsnct Canal. aAlboa l sJanrl I l~l 1nrl11111ni; ffir)\'• an & Ill 1 'tl. I JIJU• ... _ ',,,1 .. n1 loc•l . .r: l..'n· ox~; 13FPn• l(>:\I f11m1•hl''1 r•ntnl 9 c l LllH.>rty 8-12118 i l'IC ll,U.1.I.) "'''. J. 6t II, •lL. s 3'-3 ~ll:') ""'' 'h O:'\E UXLY I I ~I lt•·O 1-UHu \'·b ~-ur l'~U!o:< 1 ~1Y OHJ\XC.il·. C-C>A:O:T PlU>l'f:RTIE!'; Alterations DESK tor living nn or dl'n. Xee.S.s · · ~mg" m11n11n • tn· , ,.,.J ~ ~j BAUGHNS INC. reftnllhln(: $::~ Call :>.tr. ~ta~t. ~t111ll 01ga.n, ltll" nC''w Sav.· S21111 " 111:,j :-.cwp1 rt A1• <"••In :.,,..,, Harbor 4181 o , l C.:1,n\·~n1ent l"rm11 al-I JQE NICKERTZ LI >,.JI\':' -LI 8·1100 'H ,. JANUARY --SHAl-l:.k::. :.1u..1c l'.o 1S1nc" luU.a I OlK l L. t:ARUUR.:>; H EATER, 5 radiants, 4:!1·423 :". ::.ycaniorp: S:int•1 Ar 11 .-. , , Llc..l·Ahi.k l.Jt..i\Lt 1, ---- RESTYLll'\O Clearing Out Sale S2ll Bamboo a ~ruonal rourh, Phone KlmbNly 2-06·2 '~I:'>·''"' i: l'Sll •., Xt''I'"' 1; h RI:',N"TAL ,I Kim of California u :i. -Hu 3!100-J 9 1 Ha• ,,111 r ,. • 2I:? Manne Harbor !14$\ 1954 O'KEEFE • MERRlIT $5 PER .\lO lt'nli i:ood p1amre a• L.:. Enrii:h• 1 (I•.:. SPECI ALISTS Bs lbo& b lan.J 98pl a range. Chrome tnp. J>d. dn. lO ~lAPLE 01:'\EITE TABLE 4r I\ J'llU'lt• All t1•m1 rcnt.&llo\\l'd if __ I ~1.i7 48, Save you $70. ch111T3 \\'ci1oh d1e,.;<.:r, l'ncwrux ~·c.u nuy la ter OAXZ·St:H.\lllJj I 111 b.r.11 C1;i R t. 0 maplt rockr r. 11Jl11r rru•z.1· r nwn "'g P1o111u~a'1• :i21J ,.tJ ~fain. Blanche Gates, REW AB E W MA.'\: w&nts houu -19:->f GEXERAL E LECTRIC rr· 3 m11hosor. table~ H1u™'r :!:l'.!fl-~1.1 1,°;r<'ll" Jan 111 r.• hono !'air -l_l-_A_~l_o __ ~.r~~ctl-I 1 1 \I • work by the hour. H.avr nv.-n frigerato r. 11 cu fl. Pd.° dn 10 !l-<<~ ---------I , •'lnr """ l U Call Ll 8-"""7 --B&,1;•, 1 Ii . 1r , II cl 1~71 t ra.nip<>r a on. ....., . S288.SG. S!IVf'S Y<IU $1 i:I. ---", h J 0&1 FRE EZER. 1s:1• c tt.osLEY. 11.~ Wanted to Buy 1vloror \.Jver au ----c ---- Rltr. . CARPENTER Repair Work -------------19~ WE1'tE\\_OOD gaa dryer Pd. I 13'2 tu. fl. Has sepa rate !.llrhel'. '"PlUGHT l'lA:\"0" f r o.11r l<nlal ""U ,\1U~'L'\.' i 'U\\.J" HA' ~P.11":\"T n• "' l 1( rrv :\ ""1lnr. JOH::\ A S HARP ~ t ~218 8 ~ SltO k '-~ 1" n.:;,i v ;: h·•'h fl !' ; "IJ •-. f1r1·pl11tt'. . . 29--lfeln "'anted .n. o " • .. 11\•U l ou rotor Interior er. pull nut bB~ eu d,.pt H :i::hl'st ca~n pill l'll u -l I n· 11111 I " Ir "' •ii • rrr "· '-PAL\;Tl.:\G c o;..;TRAL'TOR .. -l f!I rcturnc-d unus.••I & pd dn tn SH1H l-:H;:, ,\)\j .. Lu '~lr.1 l111v•1 * with th1"s .ad • Dou Your Home .'l;t'tol RepaJnng or Remooclln& " CaJI F rank, LJbl'r:v IJ·89~ All \\'ork Guara.n1ee<l H ue BUD & BARNEY l'l,.rr,.tar..· II!) \"Ice Prt'~ldent Or-19:.-1 1:-;TER:"ATTO:-:A.L HAR· '2" "9 f I ~-1·· • h ... \\'ttlll l'l ,,.,,. r·l• 1"' I • ~It pr 1:11t L1r.:-nS<'<1 R::ri ln~UrPd VESTER ! 12 f • ,,ij., rom orai;mu "''' ·'· L.as j 'Zl-~23 ~ !:'y1 amn1,•, !'l\nlo. Anll t"rn\'1 1st CLASS Paperhanging a ngl' Cl"aat Coll<'ge. ;\hu;l hi' P ....... tre ~~g6t>_r:8l0r.S .cu.v.r.lu. nr pay lhr pyml~. or $12.19 po•r f'hnne Klmbr11v :!·tJ67:? 6 CylH. -··-------~4Kb~ Lil' I'/\\"\ IL.\\' ' I 2 ncr11 r11te l;vpl•t: fut arcurate j l ''· "''• " "'4 ' " • av~• "" th I · ' 1 ' r. ''" v n~w hy I< I'. LLT Ms :ill ~r~. Pxper.I <l1rt.\tlon St.ArUnc eaJary 126<1 ,lM S;;.~nl311°ui;hn11 A .i.: ~ \\'an hr,use oL·R GHliAT .IA X'L"AHY 3-11-111. !S Cyls. --------.$~.!Sb 111-Jrni uri'· an •r" 1 vr J,.,.•r, S11w1f11r ttun Gua1. Es11niarr.• Free l .... A 1 1 ln1 "'. , 1.iut h 11100 1 111•11 1 Jt~, $1<'. 1 '• ""'' r• nmnui. PP Y an person lllnlt'· lllM WllJRLPOOL 111110. -..·a11h!'r. 2:.:?rl S ~lain Sl.. S11nt.a Ana !387 h11-.·~ ln\'l'I\· :irtn"I Stan· LI ~-26S7. Ll ·52 !l .. 1 t b 1 tf! c :-.:111 11. i;~ w1 ,~1 11w:-, 11111·· I .. 111\l' Y n tlll neM o ,.,. or ,nl· 1 JllJ888 SllVl'l! you JIM . 6 block& Suutl:. of 4th SL dAtd 11111<" ~1 111 111 t ~J><· ~I IO• l 8Jltc ll'g('I nff r AIM""' A7''" Cn:,ta O~n evts. 'til 9. Sun. 11·~ rmly $4!:1.. llal(lwan A !"l ll'•IOI•' l(rH)tJ, 1llt111jt .. l ol llHUll otloll ""' " "9 2 19'4 HOTPOI"'T t h Pd K -20 ll< UI IJ ··~ l.AjJ<'I t llo•1tw lll••e 111 I PAJ:-ITlXG -BRL"SH or S PRA \" • , :'\on-L'nlcm L\ctnt'f' I _'-'7 _______ .....;;_,___ I' A J S6!1 lrvlnP. <'Mta M"r" Tt'rmto -LI 8-fJO~ • LI 8-l~l.:i fl7tl "''"I\ • c ., ·' au n wa1 !'r. . lmbl'rly 3., 1. 11nl~· Sl~ll l 'r.1rth 1• p1nn1,., tr mn ~ PAINTING dn. to Jlafl,SS. S11vu y1111 $120. S.!!fl lip l:i:ihy r~ron•I~ 11 ,,n SI •:'! lllJ· .. .o\ ur 1,vu11 11.Hv l(uar&r1t•• HlGHLY prntllahle .t: 1nte~ng ' Oool.t'n! t;f <•lh•·rp lh"~" ln••rll· 1:--1; .\l•J:\E.:Y IJ\i\\, , I r1 1 r 11, '.!<11•: 1 :i:i:n ,. , 1 1 ~111• ~ ~f,l"m•- 1 I r I ".111! O'r t "The Best .'Ynn<'y Can Bu~·" mrnt, ~cure lncorn ... eUrement sidr do~".11 mode l. Pd . rt n to \\',\:'\T TO Bl"Y 2fl f t neiwcr bn:il return~ \t11 n1· j11~t 'I k" n•"' ON HAI.HOA 1:-iL AND Painting & Paper Hanging bueanesa ot your own. No lnvesl· i 1954 ADMIRAL refr1gera1or L"r· S~Boat~ Sup.~fl._l_i~-----l'Tl"n!JI •Hr lr11,1r .;n• a~•i irn•>tJ· 1 f{J::BUlLT C:.\c.;JN !'.;::i 1 --------- •' ,) r111n. HY 4·730t. l cS $358.76 Savu you $121 ,. . . . ' • • -1·1 I• lb ,\IU·' I Hi' 111 Ii\ y .... d General Contractl.Il. g Mu.•t be top condHIOll, f8J'l !lnrl BMttllful l'lrrrr< 111r ••l'i:lln ~,,,.,. s SI'...:. I d rur Y•'fl rty a.r1 UPAIRS, umoctellnj( 11nr1 llhl'r&· p 0 ar GlRL.s-19:'>" PHILCO electr Ir ra.ngr Pt'l ,. I"''' IU/ol1'1' I 11 I • '" nt• /Ill "1t.1 I . • . Sym son & N II nluAA 1n11tdC'. Wiii•• J lmm.v Burns I $2;1n flA:"Z-!'<"ll:'>llnT lilll I'.· I u .... in "'" UV. • 1··~ l ••f) IJ) • l(fll• ......... n•I rl'nl,lllA tlon work. Rf'&ldtntia l an.I rnm-;.12 38lh st . ~e14•port Beach rln. Ill S 18i .'I.'! Ra"'~!! _you $200 I 233 E. St . Sa"l Bern11rc1dno. Cal ~n er. Oq,an l't• t r •,2n :-0: u.. 11•1 M1< roowll u 1~ Ulf N l ' NF:LUA (;I H~O:'\. ltcaltor - .m ercl11l bulldtn1u PHO:'\£ HARBOR 240• w ANTED ,. R l!l It z ER. I:'\T ERXATlON A L lp6 • la in. SBntli ArlA I RI:;HL'LL'I and l. 'STALLf-~lJ l •/11 ~l&rtn1· AV• llftrhnr '.112 QuiUUy Work Guaranteett • ttc . HARVESTER 16 1~ cu. f t. Pd. !>llUKl ULVCK. I HA l-ll,1JA IS l.A:\'11 Tllo Har 3Ul d11n, Aar. 7fM·J t\'t.s. We lulve o~inga ai our New· dn. to $27i 88 S1wu you SZPO 1 I' IJ $1.lll . 99t!c Experienc'd gardener roborta B~d.chtorornc~. 311 E. BeJ· ''Your readers must h.ave '~jo~\'HIJL.1-.-1 -:=··-:. $11:• .. : ' • LAXDSC.AJ'STN"G T l h 0 t 196~ GAFFERS SAITLE.R r!Ulg" • ..,. o'L\ ~I & IJUl.J(,I:'; ·~· $1 ... Pamting, Decorating and CLEAN L'PS e ep one pera ors Bir •0" Pd. dn t.o 1238·74· SavPs • HJt\;. .... I.JI:. !;UTO ·-··-· Sliu en "\'<11rl\o IU I ~·JIT m'r 1 ~n1 a l1t,~ Pa Banging -Apply -you '1S8. GOOD CONNECTIONS!" ,,i LIJl.P.1\JH:1• ---· Sli11 ~ n • •• .1.u • • " per • Llberty 8-1659 Monday U\rougb l'rtda,y PHILCO TV. Pd. dn. to $159 ~s 11.IJ!-o 4r l'U."'TIAC 6 -·--$till l •frl:I~' 1:1'.A \' fl• .. :· Ba lboa Island GEO. BURKHARDT ~p9b 9:00 t..m. to 4:00 p.m. Sa.-.. you ~200. Th11 'Q.'U the 1ur rr11111 11; rrmRrk nuu;S.-by r•ne ur ,.ur t;\.,ll.I' .. ·-----··--· .. •Iii 2111 \Io•··· -''• 111111 • 1 ~"I UCJ!lNU:O 001''TRACTOR FOR RENT !51•~ No, Ma.in St., Rm. 211 rental wvr~n this week She continue<!, .. Th,. 1.oL IJ \ u :-.i 1.'J ··--··---. $Ii:> 1 1~11.: z11 (;·,:ro 511 30t.11 8L. Newport Beacll Sant.a An& 1~ PHILCO re.frtprator. 9111: t amn I 11rf\"ert1sl't1 my Lido J11le n:,m,.· l1or r~nl. l 1• -1-'Ylio 1 iir 1-·ree Tr114·tng I ----------- Bar. 2'13-W or U 1~2 Ue 8k111 Saw&. £foe. D'1111. Po.Jilher1, PACIFIC T!:Ll:PBO!'o.'1: ll"i cu. !l. dellllla, Pd. dn. lo ceivt<I & ca.II a.bout It frOm Br\'erly H11l1 thr ~amp n1io:t.L "I::\\ L AP. GAP.A.' n·:t:: C:h <Jl("C Winll•r ltent:i 11~ on aU t)°J'el! o! ~llndm, \\'heelbar· t7ttc l128.te. SaVM you l l:KI. the paper came out. l cau1rln't lm11C'in!' hrrw th,. n""~ Utnu< 1r .• .-1 m• .. •t our ~tar111111a1 I Kalh11f1 l:\lkn•I & l.1rl11 Isle IOI · House Plans PAINTING INTERIOR -.£XTl:EUOR LICENSED -JNSL'lUJ:D Glenn Johnston • 31!1 SL :-.·~-port Beach l:larbQr 3171 lSUc ro~••, etc 1~ ;rAPP4.'I: ran1e •O" Pd. dn 1 travtUl!d 11n fut-.. 1',11~ Ill.XI'~ ~uk~ta a.no nll Sm"ll &> ruz> r tAr,.'• N .Jrl•..i .. BOYD'S HOWE WOMAN CHECKER. _.,. Urne • '• • -, _. • W ' to $196.~. S&vea vou $143. 1 •r"n l:.11n •lflv lit 11 m lo 2 I'm J 711 t<> -1t:w<l n.ntllh Apply Bill'• Market, aoS Mt • 1'Nt'Xl <lay a \'ery weU k.nnwn 111<11·1,. ~111 1 r11m,. lll IT'\' 2630 \\" ("OAST HIGHWAY I BELLES ENGINE VOGEL co BalbOa Blvd .. Balboa. 11&1 tThete don't laat Iona but we have heme &lid rented It: l ukrd hnw he ht'11rt1 a!lout It 11r I • Liberty 8-343~. Newpon &b 28ltc ~ hundred• coming 1n aU the time. wu told one of hi• fr1enr111 .!ow n h~r" hart b<>t'r w11t1 1.,, Specialized FREE RENT of room fo't plumb-I REBUILDERS Lnc work. Phone Harbor 0.96-J. SE~ Baua.luu A It 8 Ware.home 1n11' the pa per for jll1'l the IYJ~ <of b• mu I "' ,.,.r·111r•t 98cl HO 8. Maln St.. Banta Ana "'Tha&'a "'~T I •1 -ynnr noa'I"" mu-1 hll\I' <••>OU ;.i1113 :.1~1 1n~ Avr . Ii"•'~·" l•llln·1 l'f, ll•trl''"' l H ro r ll111t•1•r 21.'ll I~·• llM 1 ~~1\ HI\ or LI Is ~12~7 8 blOCJ<.1 So. of Fourtb st. 00~0:"8 !'' Open e\'ea. 'ut 9. 8&111. 11-6 ' • Klmberly 3·ii01 HOME REMODEL PA Tros --Oood pnnlilla adda to 1our C'il!"f'tntry, plaAl~ring. ou.llneu prut tre. 1'1i. Prue doee r11n1 Ir'" wnrk lll" N-ttlng, r~.nt·nlt" -~·?II n11me II. Wt' <In It. GMt. ,dl~ltltd J>Mll1\3 at fair F<'~TF:R RROS pr1ces Rang fhrbor 1&18 and H!l r hl'lr 3!176-K-L.1 8·21132 9Sp 12 I •aluman Wfll ca.IL • &Ille ............ _ _...... _.. II I •-··11 .. ~E\V LOCATION t 1.·r.1 \I .•· .... "·I ,.v -.... _·1·, yo -""' your ·~-. Ml -·· tn nnr '" y 1...,... '"" ~ ..... , ~""" \0111 hrina ""'" , .... 111 ... f {)t\, 310 East 3. rd St. 1 1 II fl !JI 1"1\fo ~l•I• I 11 ·.iry. C"~·-'I APT. Sl.Z1: r•tT1J"•r&t.or • lltove. I !'.A:>:T., ASA -fl\ tnir I•"''"' . tit·~·;• \rr·1 nlC"f! oondtth:m. ~20 0rThJt1 Co-<•II Uarlvlr lfllfl .,,,., •~le for th~ 911 ta i."'· ______ , r"r·'"I t}{J7 Jo err.l•4J, Loror.,. rt• I n>na de! M 1tr, ll:ittc 1 t:::i::x::r.::c::io::::;:::;:=;:::x:;.=-;.;:-:.~::.::;.::-;::_..:....-:::,;-::;:-:..=-~-:.:-::.:-:..:.-.:;:.;-::...:;-:.·-::.:::::::::.::;:=::..-::.::1 -l ' r; cw,.,, 1•n111 C.13•>,fieJ Ar1s Mat. ' a'!llln -- .. . . - IL---------~-------·~-------------------~ ......... ------·--~----__.;_~~~~~~~~~~~ Ii [I ' I I'. I \ I ( ' I • • PAGE 4 ·PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY S HOP -Well established. Owner musl leave area. Rent $150 md. 4 dryer chairs with com--plet.e booths. Equipment and improvem ent like ne w cost much m ore than asking price $3500. , SOWLING. POOL & BEER -Established 15 yrs. C ro1,111 $35,000, cc;mld be increased. $7500 down. BAR & RESTAURANT -Gross $90.000. R<'nl $300 m o. Well established. Fun ·p rice $37,500. BOAT RENTAL and other income. T otal average gros11 of .$36,600. A weil established goiM epera- tion . A good investment at ~.000 with reas. terms . SEE THE VOGEL CO. DELUXE highway otf1ce apa«'. 330 .q. ·fl. Center of Corona del Mar businua dlatr1ct. S76. mo. utll Incl. W, E. Fisher & ABSoc. 3034 I:. Coast Hlghw~y Corona dt>I Mar. Har. 2H3 91k1 ,-.:ow LEASJNG, available. busi- ness off ice 1paces. Center of Co- rona dtl Mar, ~ultable for CPA. dentist or ? LI 8-ln6. 98cl3 FACTORY or warehouse space for r!'nl In Cosl!l Mesa. MAR CREST CORP. Har. 1964. 96c2 MARJNJ!: A VE ., Balboa lslam.I. 2 bdrm., llvin11 rm. with fireplace. Enl•los«u patio. Also room for office or small bullneN. '12~ mo FR ANK J AMES -LINWOOD vt<·tc. 312 Marrne. Ra r. 2042 1:18c3 URGE SHOP-quipped tor car· penter shop-cabinet makl'r or ,,in11lar. See LARRY ALLE·x. IZ-8-1 r...tate ------- CORONA DEL MAR O UR SPECIALTY ia low down payment h omea. No dogs . Th.e~ are all clean cut modem ho mea unde r 4 y ears old. 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home, beat residential area.· Hwd. fl oors, Iota of tile, dbl. garage. $1000 down. . -2. Very clean 2 bdrm. h om e, hwd. planked flooring. Lots of tile, 2•1:i-car garage. Clo se to ahopping center, $1000 d own.' 3. 3 bedroo m . ho me -Large living room with firepla ce, dining room, n ice k itche n, laundry rm, dbl. garage. Completely fenced. T o qualified.buy. er, $1000 ~own. Balance at $85 per month. SEE THESE TODAY. It'a a little l ate for Christ- mas, b ut we still h ave the h oliday apirit ! Ben J. Whitman and Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 35~ E. Coast Highway at Orc hid, Corona del Ma r H arbor 1862 <Eves. H arbor 1461) 3201 W. Coast Highway, N e wport Beach Liberty S.3481 -Eves. Liberty 8-358 0 SEASPORT LA!\'DING, 2633 W.-------------------------- Co1u1l Highway, ?\:('wport Beach Ll~rly ~·Jl.'1 . Jc3 48B-Houae8 for Rent -1-IXA-_ . .\pb. fur Kent F I or ease upstairs YEARLY furn. &mail hnuse near 2 BEDRM turn. apL on Bay FronL 800 Sq. tt. auilable for business. ocean $46 month Wmter or yearly rental. 504 So. A LSO rurn. apt. to J un•• Uth $36 Bay Front, Balboa Island: Har I studio or office Ir: living quarl- n~. 215 Marine Ave., Bal. ls. Owner 139 :->. Bay Front, Bal- boa lshind. 96pl0 month. Call LI 8-21!•2. lc3 l 422. 66 trc ' GRAND CANAL, Balboa l11land. UNFURN~PT.-2-lge. bdm1s., tor· 2 b<lrm furn. houS<', S70. month n••r wl_ndow!I. gar. t11sposal. gar· ------------- M-J:S~!jlne~ _ Op~rtbnitie11 CORONA DEL MAR needs a B AKERY. I have the loca- tion. Call LI 8-6864. 99c5 -Rge & lltul"tlry room. Llberty 1'\\'U li~ORUOM apt. &love a nd 8· 1843 or LI 8·2-126. Nrar l!ChOOld rl.'frig. only. Garbuge disposal. 98c6 New &: ~e.11llf\1I. $90. mo .. yrly. ONE BEDROOM near school, bch. • b11.y. S~6. mo., incl. utllltl!!a RATTAN FURN. modern studio apls. Ct'ntl!r of CQrona del Mar. $70. util. pd:-i.I--8-1~~8. 98c13 OPEN. HOUSE 1201 Cliff ·or., Cliff Haven F~iday, Saturday & Sunday 3 bedroom h ome, 1 'h baths, on nicely landscaped partial Bay v iew lot 66 x 110. Large Jiving r oom, fireplace, natural breakfast b a r & kitchen with cov- ered view porch. Near high school & Jr. high 11c hool. Price $24,950 G<>?d Financin g • A WONDERFUL BUY in a very nice duplu .. Two blocka to heart of town. Ott Eaat t8lh Strffl. Only 3 year1 old. 2 bedroom• each plde. Cleverly If.Id out. Two car ir•race. Individual utility. Full price le only- $12 ,500 Opportunity in Business Loc~ion TW6 BEDROOM HOMIC on Wut 19th Street only a couple block• Lr from Harbor Blvd. 3 yeare old. Garage. Thia I• IU\ excellent buy. Property zoned C-1. Full prlce- $9250 BUYER'S GAIN G. J. RESALE _.. SHOO Do...-n Al.MOST NEW 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, 2 car 1arage. EaalJl1de, close In. Paymenta Include taxes a nd ln10ranct-. Bargain aalr price of - $12,500 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18M Newport Blvd., Co11l11. M l'M. (aero .. from Coeta Mesa B'nkl Phone LI 8-6761 Eves. Har. 4366 ' Llberty 8-2103 . Excellent Income on East Bay" Ave. J. M. MILLER CO. 20'.l:i W. Blllboa Bl., Newport Bch Har 4091 -Eves. LI 8-33i8 PL&:>.-Tv O~ Ell.EE eAR.K..WG 86lfc SM mo. 3 rm. nlcl'ly turn apt. f•O:'> 1:: Poppy, C(lron11. del Mar. Phone Harbor 882. 98c1 NICE Ir: CLEA~~-FURN. l bet.I· BALBOA OCEAN FRONT-Min· 1al ure golf cour11e and conces· "°n. 1111 equlpl -ready to go. Har. 2188-W. 97c3 -,.cmm apr-., ~-ma. l:Aunt.1,..y "55-.Mone.y to Lo&ll. _ faclllues. Water and gas paid. LOA.NS TO BUl.Ll.> DIP Vi: SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W C H · 12 bdnn. hou1e 6: 8 alngle tum. · oast rg hway unlt1, on 2 lot.a. Excellent 11iew Newport Beach Liberty 8·3i&l. of bay. Older but In good ~on---------------------..L. ~-----dltion. Within walking distance 4!SA-Apb. for Rent . : -~~~~~~~~•'~~ CORO?\A DEL MAR-So. ot hwy Sunny 2 bedrnl. J:Krai;e apt 1-'urn. In tock maple. 'fV antenna Good wardrobe &: storage space. Large pa tio. Har. 14:'>6-W. 9:>cl COllO!"A DEL MAR -Modem 1u1 n. 11pt. Incl. util. S7.5 yrly. or $!!Cl till Junl.'. A:>:OTHER An11illl'r. suitable for (lne or c•uuple. S50 11ngl!', $00 dhl. yearly. Adult11. LOUISE APTS .. <.:11.rnation nr. Sea vtew. Harbor 4016. 87el 1 BEDRM. F URk APT. down- a1.111rs. Large fenced yard. Utll. p•I . srn mo. unlll June 10th. t OP Pu' I< A'"" • A11lhoa lslllnd. 98c4 BA y ntoNT LIDO ISLE FUHNISHED. newly t.11•cor11ted 2 bdrro srt .. garage. Yur lea~e. A1h11t ~. nu prta. Har. 126&. ll!Jp12H 2029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mel!ll · RO Liberty 8~761 IRt>s. Ll 8_.718) • BUY, MODERNIZE, OR 9~c l REFLNANCE We Buy Trust Deeda NEWPORT ~A.LBOA SA VINCS Ir: WAN ASSOCIATION 3366 Via Lido. Ph. Har. •200 Ft'RN. 1 bettrm. garage a pl. on leas!!. :"ewporl Jslan11. Atlul~ only, l 6f>. mo. Haroor 0273-W. 95cl CHANNEL FRONT yr. renl11.I, furn. 2 bdrm. S7~. mo. \\'11.ter pd. Smglr. apt. s~o. mo. ut11. paid. l blk. l() ·bus & Lrdo C<>nlt'r. Apt, 2, eves .. 615 -36Lh s.t , Newport Bt h. 98pl FURN. bachelor 1Jpt., U o 110. 710 W1•st Balboa Blvd. For kt>ys MU information See Bay &: 81.'ach ReaHy, J460 W. Balboa Blvd, Ph. Hu. 12ft4. li5ltc 4XB-House8 for Rent NICE 2 hedrm. unfurn. house wilh 5tove & refr;ig. 428 Goldenrod, Cornnl\ rtf'I Mu Har. 34:1-1-W. O.')lfc Uc LOANS !'ROMM' SER VICE 5 '( f1r11t trui1t dc!!tls 20 years Orang e Coast Properties l8:i7 Newport Ave. Cosl11. Mesa 141 8·1632 or LI 8·HOO Eves. 9~lfc WOULD like w buy Jiit anel 2nd Trwt Deeda. Call Har. 2326 •8tfc LOANS for Homes 6'i'. -20 yr. Lo~ Construction Loans SEE BOB SATTLER , 2515 EAST COAST BLVD. Balboa Bargains Two For One! DUPLEX -Exelusl\'e Peninsula locatron. Complt-tely rurn. To· day's bt?lll buy -$17,600. Ve" low down payment. Super Deluxe! Braull!ul nearly new 9 room11. 3 bdrms. & den, 3 tile bath!!. l'er· manent unobstructed oc<'an view EndoKd patio, bartirque .• Trop· 1c11.I pla.ntrngs. Shown by app'l on_ly. 138.500, terma. Commercial-Bldg. DOWNTOWN BALBOA.. 2 orf1ce., 6 nicely t um. apt.. • room house BJ\d extra lot. Good solid inveirtmenl tor $60,000. R!!UOn· able tr rms. Jl':;T REMODELED -1 bdrm.-------------Co1ona Ciel Mar Harbor 3888 Rep, PUJ.RJEH MORTGAGE c.;o. Metro Life lna. Fund• Kl. 3·518:'> LILA B. Mc F ARREN w ith B alboa Bay Properties -l 111 F.. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor J7!!6 tHes. ll~r. 2517-M) Jc3 Bpl Good IO<"llllOn. s :i5 mo., N rt B h .)'l'&rly bUJS EARL W . STAN· ewpo eac LEY. Har. lOIJ. 98c.:l 2 BEACH HOUSES for lean, SaO 48Uc -------------' mont h e11r h. :-;,, l'llblrt S Yca· Desirable more 6·3222. !1~10 ~al FAtt.ate Want~ New 4 Bedroo m DELUXE ranch atyle home, tea· turn 2 bdlhll. b<'am ce1hnga, forced arr heat. Garb. dlspo8al. Exhau.el fan 1n k1l. Real wood IJurning f1replaC!', Wilh &&a log lighter 1nd many other luitury ltt"ms. I rt nrt 'l twdroo111 furn. a plt<. lnch11J1ni:-uulltrei1. S'i5 11nd up, ytar ly :111 E Ocr«n t·1ont, Calb11a l'o1nl'r of l'11lm 1 Har 3238 98c t0 BALBOA ISLAND -llsy F ront 11pl., ~1"«'1'• ~ Si(\ Reftr apt. $50 101 :"1 1111\ ~·111n1 :-: .. ,. J,.111.ntl Rr11lt' . di 11 .. 11 ... wm••I 3·1!:'>i l llic3 SMAU. FL"ll.X.-APT. l:luitshlt' for l or 2 aclulls. Ut1l. ptl 42tl Gol· fl r111 od. ('f1rron11 II• I ;\1111 Ha1bur 3•3t·\\". 1•:11rc VACA."l:T F'\;ll:'> ~tu•hu Kpl • 111 e· pla<'e & v1t•w 617 1, P11pp). < '11· rona del Mar. LI 8·216"; IC•ll• ---I FREE 1\ 1"1' In l "oruna 1lel l\lllr lo couple 1 no t·h1ld1n11 nnd•·r :15 m •Xr han1te fnr fll\ll llm,. h•'lp of wirr lt11rhor 2~1 18·\\" !•'!1 I LIVE ... \\'ILL RE:"T brand new 3 bedrm. :! bath, unJurn. home 1n J.RVL'IJE TERRACE at $200. pet monlh with l yr. lease. Call H11.rbor 4H8 for furlher detalla. 68Uc IDEAL OCEAN FRONT wlntrr r•'ntal l<l May 15th. l bdrm. fur· n11<f1,..tJ houiw. $80. 1nrl, 11L1I. l'h. Harb-Or 2313. lll:lpl FUil:'<:. 2 bdrm. house. W•tcr pd. $1'1:>'. )'t'Brly, 1'(1 pNs. 2H E. 15th, \ 'ti~tu :l!r~n Ll 8.f;!l~O l'V~n1ng8 or S1t1 98cl Newport Beach YF.Artl,\" RE:'\TAL..<; ::? Rl1P.:11 t ·nrurn. llom• Acreage Wanted :;, 10, 2(1. 40 or more ar•rrs. WILL PAY CASH. Cell Mr. C11llant. Hur. li76 Earl W. Stanley, R ealtor 2:?:'> .\IR""" A '"e • Bt1lhoa L~la':t'J $12,950 Full Price ___________ i._,_r:i $1000 D own \\'A NT fttlll\ •1wner -a hou~e or r Ol'EX DAILY-JO a 111, 'l11l dark ''Acllnl lol on Harbor, N~wport 489 Holly IAne 1n ~pl. He•ihtt M U11lht111 lllv1l. -ur lalt St. 1Near lrvlne Ave 1 9!'>Uc 1n C.:o~tn Mr><a. Pll'n.qc write M . l.l\nnl'rl H11x ti~hla p8per. ...-,, \ 116l(t: WA:-.-T T(J l:H.:Y FOR l:ASH.1 J1rt 01.1p1111t. ~O or 601t 130. :'\Q, ol 1 23r<I & E. ol :0-:l'WJltlrt. l "AHIUE FISHBACK EMERALD B A Y-Jurt So. ot Hi· way, with euy ucua w beach . Dt"llghUul tnrm hOU1tt, only 2 yrs. old. 2 beJrms . 2 ti.Ula, 2 frr~placl.'s, lge. 11n~ nn., eep C11n1ng rrn BARGAJX. CaU FOR!J VEIUU~VDER I b-hm .. 11nf11rn he.me l"H ARt.m E. HAHT. Har. H28 :1120 \\' BA lllt111 Rh«I . :"J••wporl LI 8·3989 Rfll'r 5 P\'t'.'I R .. 11. h lrl~h ( \\"1lh HOHV A TH. Rt-slto1. 98pl 340 Poin11etlla. C<>ron.a del M.ar Har. 4263, evu. Hu. 3177 79tfc --,. ER\' :'\ICE 3 b1 Jrnurn home 1-;11.11t llllh n•"1r l·n·1nr 1 ~, baln.•. lrr•'- l'liv •. ~ ,.nr 1?ara1tr (•911 Lllwrty \\'A NT TO Bl:Y l.JP11in1bl«' lot I . • Wh I IH)4'1H tlJ 8-2103 !I cl ere you p ay ITHREI-: ROO~t HOUSE. unfurn In :-;,."'J>nrl lll'ljthls, l'pp• r Bay Attractive Bay Ave. <•r t ·.,run11 t.lt>I Mar f1•r t"llllh rrorn 3 BEOROQ;\I HO~tl·: Gorgt"Out (l\\'nf'r \\'rtll' f'. 0 Dox 2!111, Rslht•A blAntl. !•Oct bey Vl<'W, colorful artistic wall-parer drcor. lntrn l'\r bu·bf.'cu,. Outdoor Patios Ha" ;11110 wa.'lhPr, fencect yard. BRAND new 1tparlmenu , nea1 U7 -'•11 l!'il!O S11nt11 Ans. Ave , 60-lncome Property Lov~ly pauo. Can b~ t<el'n mom· mg 11ml evenm~s. lllj W. Bay Ave. :'\rwport lieach. 9~9h HarbOr. "ChOVI~. 8h0pptng d1~ 1·01111\ ~1~!1(1 II pl tr1cl, qu•tl pleasant and U CIJ · t'.Xl-'L'ltX. COTIAUE, 11..-. roon~ BALBOA INCOME-----~-LOTs FOR SA LE "' •Ive liarba111 t.ltepoeal, laurrllry din_ rm .. kltrben1'ltr tl h<it @how· &lld storage rov ms, garage. S8u er. oa11 A water ptl. s:,rl. mnnth. :'> UNITS-Oltlcr prop~rty central· ly 101;., tts blk11. to hl'art ot Bal-3 UEA i ·Tll'l 'L LOTS. one 6!\ rt a nd up. Month.ly or yearly. See Mgr. 1:'>01 Haven l'llll.'e, l:IJl l :'\n r.htlihen or pjt!I, :108 Mi)n· 1"11•. Rnlhnll Hnrh11r IP21·M. bllll Ulll. nn . J~t reduced to nn Cliff Dnvl', NtwfWlrt Heights. $2:11\0\l fQr q111c1< sAle, $5000 Jn. One :\0 ft. loL <HI Dijon, Lido Hann or phone Libert)' 8<16113 \ l blk So or HI Srhool r ALSO nrwly f11m. 11 pt~ IMw Win· ter r11 t ""· :11111 ,, LOVELY VIE\\' fr11111 t11111 larJtl' upi1IA1r11 11nfurn I bet.lrrn. 11pt ll~ul for ruuplt-. \' rnrly ntc 720 Jrls. t:oronu 11..i l\f11r Hsrbor 220&-R 98cl A TTENTlON EASTERNF;RS - Newly deroratetl 11\rite <urn I bdrm apl . Newport B~a1·h. Panel hfat, J:AtaJte. Tenant payt< ell!ctrldty. $60 month Lil><-ny 8· H 09. 93tfc -------vt:ARLY RENTAL. Lg<' 2 twoclrm rum. apt, Knotty pine. $70 nin • Wattr p<l. C'h1111rrn arnool ai.:r o k. 9:J:l', w B11lbi>• .Bh-.r Nt-wport Boch I p:l E AST ENER'S A'iTENTio~: Ntw~•1l Beach. tum. 2 ~lrrn 11p1 Utll A l!IH. 1nl'hHl,.d, Yf\n.1. Av111l11ble till J11nr 20. Llhrrty 8·U 09. P!ltfc COMPLETELY Fl'fl:-0: 11111ol1•1 n !ISr l Ownr'r Harbor 1898. 75t.fc hi<· Ab<> <lfl·fl lot tJn \'ia Crn- c.a, Lt<lo l~IC: l..'Atl uwnt'I'. Hllr. 1:0 :11 PLb:TELY & :-.;,.wly f11rn1,.h· ,.,J 2 l.>f'<lrm huu~t" 'i l3 1-'"P/'.\". l«•n•nn •IPI Mar P hone HarhClr :i,1;JO qf' H1•1 l.1<11' 11~3-R IHlrZ Fl "R:'\. rn1>1l1•in 2 h<lrm. hmt.,., 11nd ~RFllJ?•' l'ntll Jun<' lr, $6t•. 121 :!••th 1't . ~1•wport LI !!· 19fi!I -----------TWP h1lrm. hou~' & ga1 \p ' 1:•11 ·1 h111t•·' 11i.•ro:c11l. newly rt"' .. nrnt"'1 \« 1rlv r•·ntal. 11nf11rn ?T!. '.!'Ith fiO·A -Commt>rclal, lndu!!trlal ---~-------------- LIGHT INDUSTRY EXt."EI .1.E.XT lo<' a lion. \\'ill built! 1 :11HI Io ;(uO(l 11q. ft. to f\Uit. Rea- ll<ln8bl,• rrnt. Long tf'm1 lras" If 1lrs1re>1l GOHUU~ SEVERTS REALTY 13j ~~a•t 17Lh St, Cosl11. Mt~I\ Lt 8-t~i'a o r Ll 8-3186, 95tlc !'t .. .:"i "WJ"C" ' 11'4 j 6 t-Ru l t;state bcb&nJ~ 4!J...-&om8 for R4>nt WILL exch11.n~" LAgu.na B1>11.ch --hmlS(' on 4 10111 1Bl11th1rc1 C11n· F't'R:"ISHEO 2 hl'\lrms & !!hrowl'r yon I $24,j()O fln,·11tc "ntrenc·e B11lhn11 1·nul W A:"T ln\ume un"ll.8 pr 7 • .runt 15th. Har. 32Rf-\\" . P!kl f'hon~ H\·a1t 4·29!17 beJrore 9 am. rrr HY•ll 4·382:1 9:1c6H FTR:\. ROOM. nrwly <lt>c-or11tl.'<l. t'Xlr11 ""''"near b1111 .. privnlt rn· 1 Beautiful Home tnmr~ 1:'>43 Orani;:!' Aw·. \M. I:\ SANTA CRUZ, Calif, for ln- Llht>rly 8·3104, !18HC' 1 r nmr pru17erty. Lairuna, C'ornns ,1~1 M11r ur SMte Ana. 0 . H . LATHROP. 3636 Coiut H•')"\ Corona .rel Mar. Harlxlr 5442 11191 tir Write Mri<, Ahren11. 422 Lark!\pt1r, Co1nna ul'I .Mar. 91c6 CORONA HlGHL.AND LOTS - Choice Si lea A 11allable Call Harbor 2:126 I 48tlc Newport Best Buy 2-Furnished Units For SI l,Mlll. only SlolOO <lnwn Balam•e $ i~ pt'r monl h. I blllf'k In ,Hily .. r 0 1'' 11n l l 'nlt R<>nted el Sii:. mo. CHARLES E. HART, R ealt or HarbM 14 28 J nn \\" 81111"•11 t!h·.r :'\r v.-port llfc VERY COZY l bdm1. turn. hromr, A• l crrnt.lilion, rornn lot, I block to 8happln~. pos.,eulon now. $10.900. 13000 dn. Bal. ltke rl!nt. VIF:\V LOTS In Newpd\"t HelJhlll. 13 MO .. 11eh, s:100 dn.. bill. S30 prr monlh Balboa Island Bayfront A dsndy at the price of 142.~. ~ bdrma. • den furnlAhed. Prl- \'ale pier It flMl. &xcellent lo- cation: See thla now. Wt llav;: tl'!.1t~y. Lido Ranch Type 2 bdrm. It den, l % baths. 2 yrs. old. Very lonly home jUlt n- duced to• $24 ,9:>0. IMAGINE • Only $5000 dn. Bay Shore Home Ownl!r tranllferrea, must aell com- fortable :i bdnn. -adobe brick home. N ice location. Spacto\u rooms, breakfut ba.r. Ideal kit· ch!!n. Only 118.500, 15000 down. $1 35. month. Newport Heights · 519 El Modena 2 bdrm. hom•', nice cond1Uon. G. I. Loan, 4"'~ snten!&t. Price SP9:iO. $21100 do,•m or W1ll lea.te tor S85. mo. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa teland Har. 444 (Evu. W 8-5297' _ Har. 1788-RK) CHANNEL FRONT 2 U~ITS. 2 bectrooms u ch, private b~at'h, pier, float., plus 25 toot boat, S22,000-Small down pay- tnl!llt, corner lot. COSTA MESA 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, need1 aome f1xlnJ.?, ', acrP, room for more hou..-.. sp!!clal buy. S61SO. Re- qu1ru ~.cuh Go-Od speculation for qul<'k !l("llnn. 41 ACRES WELL LOCATED tract. ripe for aubd1v1.8lon, f ood drainage, pPar bus1neu d111tr1ct, $1 :i 8~.0. ln- vuton1 can make money on thl• N. B. C. Realty 32nd It Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach. Harbor H M. 98cl FL'R~ISHED 2 bedim., knotty pine lnltrlor. Extra large patio. Single garagt> 1,, blk. to bay. Sl:'>,000. 30 x 90' OCEAN FRONT LOT, ,\\'elll Newport, excellent term a. Balboa Bay Properties ir,or, W. Balboa Blvd .. ?l:pt . Bch. Haroor 0188 Harbor 1983 Bayshores Bargain ! DREAM HOt.:SE of J bdrms., I~ -of.-~lollJl ab.oppiJlC I.Ce&. ll~,000 down. BALBOA PENINS ULA 2 lots -$12,000 Ocean Front Income 8 UNITS <:onier lot, ell'Cel. Income record. Halt blk. from Bay 11.nd parking tac. CleaJl. $10,CIO<> will handle. Bldg. with 11tore and 3 unite. Good buy, tor $16,000 -$4000 down. In the heart of Balboa. Nice Family Home NEAR Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 4 BEDRM. furn. home with per- manent bay view. S3500 dOIA'n Coast Properties 301 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 2668 It Har. 4600 llfc COSTA MESA SEE 483 MAGNOLIA -phone f<1r- appt. 3 nice br., good hv. room. w to w 'arpet. Ven. bhnd•. Lge, yard, dbl. gar. on allt>y·pa llo Owner mwit aell. REDUCED LO Sll.000. SEE 136 ALBERT PL. -Phan!! for appl Charming pink 11tu<:<'O, 2 br., on large lot -fruit tree11. $118M . Oood terme. 4 BR., FURNISHED, Sl2.:>00. (;tli:RY LOW DOWN. l"ew) CLIFF HAVEN-2 br ... conv den Compact kitchen hu everything bWlt in, ehtlmg gtu1 doors to lovely p11.tio. lgt. Uvlng room, <hning area. Ownl!r built. Well l&nd!!Caped. MUST SEE, S24 600 Term a. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cou t Hwy. W 8·4277 9X97 BAY FRONT-. On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot , w ith p ier & lge. flo at. Large liv- ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrms. with l :i-' baths. Extra large dinette area. Double garage, easily made t~le. $27,500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Rea:ltor 341 i Newport Bl11d ., Npt. Bch. Harbor •02. • 9:>Uc bath. F.xtra. IRt. patio. Pnce of ------------- 121,;i-00 tncludu Servel let Ml\kl.'r refrigerator, W to W car· prllni;. WedReWood Grillevator, d1/lpo~al. mL!!rlor ahutler1. SEE- i :\(; IS BEWEVl!';G, Let ua 1how ll to you. and YOU BE THE J t.:DCE. Cf\11 INbel Herron THE BEAUMONT CO. 434 32nd St .. Ne,.,,,ort JHarh Harbor 4299. 9~1 BY OWNER LIDO ISLE Move. in Today ! WELL BUILT, completely fum- ll1hed 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on large loL Cork floore Ln hall A: muter l>drm. Lovely carp«tet.I liVlll& room with large fireplace. Pretty kllchen. IU.~ furruah· ed, 18600 down. Euy payment• on ~ance. Ca.II Ha.r. 2870 to -·· 8Hfc i It :i wnp. ap ts. \Jut pd. ,~.o mnl)lh or SI~ ""k. 12l\ Ajt1tll' Balboa bl&nd. Har. 1118 Pl .. -.1 et·s1~ESS OFFICE, exceUent lo· ~;11u. Harbor 3~J 1·J. 98d r11llon acrou the 11tree1 from ~orona <lei MIU Po!'I Office. Jdl'lll for IOA.n rrrrl'AVllAtl\'t, l"Onlr11ctor, ~l\Jl1Stre1111. Art or Jrw!!lry h11~lnrM l'til f"i. On ly Corona Hi&hl&nda -a bdrm., I PAUL C. ·J ONES, Realtor bath tarml\ou•. Ph. Harbor 78-J Bay Front Income lJNFURN. studio apt .. with rallltt' anti rffrliterator. ntwly I'll'« .. r 11lrtl, di'.•«' to 41verythmg. No chllc1rt11, f'r JWI& ~. 3\3 1.}0111· enro<t. """ ~~9·R lr 8 $1 0 mronth • CALL lkn \\'h1trn11n, 11111 r\•~ lluhnr 1 1~1 IS6Z I {16t((' ' 2:lO'i W. Btllboa BIV'l1 . Nr t. Bel\. Her. 2313 le SELL or tradr for boat -17000 _ _.:_ __________ _ ..qu1ty," Santa Barbua. Tnplex. lncom,. 119:'1, tot11l Sll)800. Own · er 2202 C'ltfC nr1v11. ~at11.& Baz· b11r11 I~ COROI\.° A DEL MAR, 2 bedrm., dl'n, 2 bath hou•"· Plua turn. &Ar apt.. &th have tlr,pla("U SIUttrO, -ft l7 Poppy Avt. life Htlc CORON A DEL KAR -Nice mw himtabed 2 bdrm.. 1 "IO b&IJI home. Uvln1 rm.. dlnlnr .nn .. kitchen. ~rap. Kar. :l298-W. H tfc I Uni ~2 6 I DeGrooma. tl.lrD-I a.bed. Pler, noat Uld pnvat.e I ~ 1000 I:. Balboa Bl'l'd~ ~ CratYlew tMi8. Cour· t.y t.o brok-Utlc -Everybody roda Cl.t.l.rted Ada. - CORONA DEL MAR ... All Good Clean Values 1. 2 bdrm. c harming cottage, ocean aide ot hwy. $1 0.850 with ~1500 down. 2. 418-0 81 :! Marguerite -Open each day from t • a.m. to , 5 p.m. 3 bdrm. home plu1 1 bdrm. apt. over ex-lge. garage with dark room. Owner mo,·ed, muat sell. See this! 3 . A really clean, lge. livable 2 bdnn. taome In bed locatfon on 45' lot with 3-car gar. Want to .... tire? This is the place, Reduced tor quJck Ale. $17.950. Will trade for s mall home or lot. 4, Top location • 2 bdnna. & d en, W to W oarpe&. Iota of built-in featuree on expenaiw lot. OnlJ $19,950. COSTA MESA 5. Near H igh Sch ool • Quality, 2 bdrm&. It dm. 'Cl355 sq. ft.) Dining rm., hwd. tloon, FA heat. fenced yard. A beautiful home for oo)y $1',750. Will trade for h ouse trailer. • The Vogel Company 2667 E. Coast H'wy., Corona del Mar Har. 17'1-Hn BALBOA ISL.AND $3~ d~wn! $100 a month! 4 bdrm., 2-balh home in xlnt. cond. Stone fireplace, Panel Ray heata THIS WON'T LAST! Full price S19,500. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to· 5 No . 67 Yawl Road, Beacon Bay Charming 4 bdrm., 3 bath FURNISHED home. Flagst one fireplace, Birch Jtit., Tbenn. range: lot.a and lots o f xtras, PRIC.E.12 RIG HT with xlnt. terms. $33.500 • DON'T MISS THIS! LIDO ISLE Bayfront Bea uty! Pier & float • 3 bdrma.,~2 bath, lots of good furn. and appliance&. SM.000 • Owner S AYS SELL! Submit on terms. A ONCE INA LIF'E'IIME OPPORTUNITY! " MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 4781 B·ALBOA ISLAND Bayfront with private pier. Large comfortable home with 5 bdrms. and den • well fumiabed, dlepoaal and dishw asher. Financing can be arranged. Priced right at .......... . . ..... ··········-···········-···············$42,500 Delightful 2 bdrm. h ome •• firep1ace, furnace heat. Good locatio n ·······-··········-·······························$18,000. ~ NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 M arine Ave., Balbo a Island Phone Harbor 502 • Evet. 23()6.R OPEN HOUSE 301 Broadway Sat. & Sun.1 12 to !rp:-in. · Corner location , hwd. floors . 2 bdnna., tile kitchen a nd bath. It's a little jewel. Full price $11,500. Only $1500 down. 3 bdrm. hdme, 3 yn, old. D111p., refrig .• s tove, hwd, floors. Full price $10,800. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd ., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-3792 CORONA DEL MAR Mode rn 2 bdrm. home, beautifully decorated, raiMd hearth fireplace, fenced for p rivacy, minimum yard w ork. 2 -ea r garage. Near marketa. $12,750. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast Blvd , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 COST A MESA SPECIAL New 4 bdrm., 2 bath ho m e. Corne r lo t . $1250 down. Full Price $10,250 Call Neal Martin BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 W . Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Even ings Liberty 8-177( VOGEL VALUE Indoor outdoor ~ing in ,o ne o f the betit location.a in Costa ~1esa. Three bedroom home with awim- mmg pool and BBQ in patio. $15.600 full price. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W . Coast H ighway Newport Beac h Llberty 8-3481 ti DO 2 (irrns., 3 b atha a nd la nai o n 45-ft. lo t. Forced air heating syslem , fire place & everything f or com fort.able living. f'l 'LL PRICE $2~.500 DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 Newport B]vd., N ewport Bch. Harbor aeea, - . ' ' I - I r J ·---~~~~~~~~~--------... ----------..-~-~---------------------------------------------................... ----------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_J . I . IT 11 !' .. t • I< ,. I• ~. I -· -• .. ./' U-Rea.1 FAtate ft-Bal !'.State C-Real f'Atate 62-Real f'Ataie --------~--~~--------· ----·· ---·~~~--------------------- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BILL'S BEST BUYS 62-~al F.st.a~ --------- Peninsula Home ! . . .. ' / NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 '· PAGE 5 MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 "' KINGS •ROAD -Home with panorama view. - Move in this adorabl~ 2 bdrm. h ome, hwd. floors, puJ(man bath, Cormica kitchen, dining room , fire- 5 BRAND NEW IN COST A MESA DA~"'l>Y 2 bt-Jroom. fumlsht'tl. ~~~ Est.t. _____ . .._6__Z::-R!~-~~~!fl ______ . stucco holnt'. Nici' path> and dbl guage, You muat aee at $U ~. place, forced air heat, lanai, patio. Full price Just $16,900, with terma. CORONA DEL MAR -2 story,· 3 bdrm., 2 bath view home. Modem design with W to W carpeting. Large porches, bandminton court, dbl. garage. Terrific value at .$29~lSOO. terma. , S OBJ?IVIDERS ATTENTION. Close in •5 acre., sewers, paved streets -29% down or submit your deal. HIGH LOCATION, lowest priced lot on Cliff Drive. ,,.. Bu.ild story and one half for best view. $6000 buYsj t. LOTS in Back Bay -Restricted -Alf improvements ln, From $3250 -Now a choice . 640 ACRES virgin land near Lake Hodges. Swap for t~ome _property. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURA NCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 18:>7 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. BAY AND.tBEACH BARGAINS PIER AND SLIP .. LISTINGS. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to & at 2"1 Jiayahore I>r .. Bayaboru. I bedrm., l ~ batll modem home. "You mwit M• Oil•." Excellent location I& Vttw. I ltlr. RUA• wlll be on the premises) . 84 YdHORES, deluxe home on beautiful Bayahore I>r., lovely ba'y view and cloM to pnvatl' beach. 2 Mdrm•. up1taira with eeparate dr ... 1nr room1 I& bath· room1. 8paclou1 llvln1 room with well planned dlnln&' area. Extra large garag-e wJth two addnl. bf'drm11. 4 bath. FUiiy •ncl. patio Ii barbecue. ·Only $45,000 with excellent lenn~. CLtFF HAVE.'1; VJ.EW JiOME. Brand nt•w 3 IMtdnn.. 1 '-bath home has an unobstructed view ot Ule bay & ocean. 1t '• that Ranchy Type that you'll adore. F••rccd air healing, large fire· place, w to w carpeting 11nd a galaxy or nice featuru. 121.500, wnh ~ood tenns. BUILDING LOT 60 x 180 on S t. Jarnta Rd. In Clift Havrn 12~00 lleuehold >. • VBRY CHOICE 60xll0 R -2 Jot on curr Or., tor 16.!l{I(). Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C B. Ru11, Wm. G. Schmidt, Aaeoc.' 312 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ~ Harbor 2042 ~ ~~~~~~~~-~~- 1 ?n~~~~;::r~::~~~~e. Peninsula Duplex ! Close to new ahoppln~ C•·nter ... ON THE POl:-\T" anc1 hard to Schvols ., tr11nspottaUon. Prtce -fend. 3 lledr;o<1ms up nnd two only 113,950, ttrma. down. Fuml$hed 11nJ 11•c1·nlly ~· deoot&lt>d. Nl'w •lrnpt•• 11n<1 r11r· Open House . ~ NEW~ BDRM. Drive by 1"6 Tiii• tin. 1 :ao to • :30 or call for • p- potntmant. You 1hould llkl' Ulla. Forced air heat, i 1~ bathe, lutwd. noor11, 1arb. dlsp.. 2 car t;•r. 113,800, FHA lerm1. Two Homes Large bot 2 BDRMS. H eh. Jtdwd. noon . Cov~ linoleum kitchens It bat.hi. Formica drainboard•. tiled 1how- era. attai-heJ garagea. $1&.~00- Submlt down. ~ Top East Side Loca. a BDRM. HOME. lidwd. Cloora. flrepl.. thermo controled heat. 8lall shower, encloaC'd bret~·ay. Patio. On tree lined street. Curbs It paved. SI0,760. $2000 da. l &C.84 wo. l1tcl. ta.x A lru. W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR .''YOU'LL-LIKE OUR FRIENDLY SERVICE" 393 E. 17th s~ .• Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1139"" BALBOA BAY.' COVES Waterfront pettng. A·l co11.111 '""· $:?7 ,r.oo with tern111, Newport Heights Home! NICE OCEAN A:-;1> UA\. VIEW Special A·I l'on,,1n1rt1on, 3 ll<'d· room~. I •. b11ths <:11~1 .. 111 built. pegged CIOOI ~. IJUtll In klll'h1•11 thermauur elr., a 1l1tn•ly Ill $:.!ti.· 750, term•. 4 Unit Income ! ll'f BABBO~. Attractive l beJ- room 1p11_rtment.... Cood furnl· ture a.nu clolle to Day and Ocea.n . Good Wlnler and 1ummer ttnlal rt'Cord. $3~.ooo am.I only $7600 dov.-n. Balboa Triplex! OWNER HAS CUT PRICE FROM $18.000 to $16.~00 lor quick ac· lion on lhla A-1 proJWrl~\ Two units refurnished. Bay 1end Ocea.n location. $4000 down 11 all jt t&J<u. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoalte Bank of Amnlca) MPmbera, Mulllple Listing Rou Creeley Ed Lee Jack Plnkham Jo1ephlne Wtbb 100 E. Balboa Blvtl . Balboa Phone Jiarbor 3277. PRIVATE BEACH -Pier le allp privilege. 3 years __ ~elusive l!rea1 ~odern 3 bdrm .. 2 bath house, nice· BEST BUYS old. 2 bdrm., 11/.i bath, Iota of tile. Parquay flra., Jy furnished, excellent financing. Price $40,000. NF.W 2 BEDRM. HOME. Hdwd. dbl. gar., F . A. heat. Now la the ti~ to buy for Costa Mesa Values LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES WHAT EVERY MOTHfi}R KNO\VS is tha t Lido is a wonderful community for their ct\ildr en to ~row up in anrl t hat (1)day'~ ltlrg<'r fnmi· liPs reallv 1a•1•1l 4 bt•drOlims an1l ::? b11t hli -~O h i-rr are som1; lfl\'t•ly largo<' hnnit·~ -ALL ON LIDO -ALL • WITH 4 BEDROOM~ ANl ~:.! RATH~. i •1 OVER 2500 SQUARE FJ1~ET! 2537 t o b(' exact nf finl' li\•i n~ sp:i<'l'. t ~x:!6 pnlll•lro living room with f1rPphH'1• nnd :-;t'parat1• dining un•a, large en<'lost·tl Ianni off the chilalrc·11~ b<•drnorm1. An outstandin~ family lH'lme on a largo la•t for s~.soo. • ON ONE FLOOR- _, is th is bi-and n~w showplace· on a { ine alrttt to slrt'l't lolal ion. The interior is modern with that exp:rnsi\·e frding a nd features cypress wormwood paneling 1111<1 a massi\le atone fireplace. ~e built· in kitdwn is .a dream. Carpeted, landscaped. wall- ed. $33.500 full price with SI0.000 down. .. 1 CHEERFUL! just the tight wonl for this one which haa a provin- cial interior througho ut. Tile master bedroom ha• it's own ·used brick fireplac~. Paneling and fine pa~r. Perfect tiled kitchen, str('('t to street lot, a step to t.be beat beach, '$28,500. .,' LIKE GREEN GRASS? then see this new home which ha. patio plua a lawn-all walled, pleasant interior with uled bride fireplace and nice woodwork, careful planning an4 sound constroctiQn make thla a moat livable hoaw indeed, $31,750. CONSULT US . FOR LIDO'S FINEST fl , J-.. ~ ---~......_---r;_e..,'"f"r,.,',_~-:-~. -... ·~ . .,-\---------+-'*"'-""-\'"" . .,,. _.,.., ~., .......... ._.... __ _, _ .-llm llU.P'mec .QC irMJL.occJLDu~x. N.E. Co11la Mesa. Thia I\ a nice A Re&l Vt.Jue at Thia Price. one, 19fl!IO. Good_ term.. $26,250 BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bdrm .. 2 bath homt . $3500 down. Bal. like rent. ... • ~~~.~~~i--.. --~L~ll D~O~R~E ~A L~T~Y~------~·-·w,._.___, 19.950, tenna. ' . , . . . . . . , . . .,,) . • • •t •• $2500 down. 2 bdrm. home, large patio. Balance like rent. {,.· * * * NEAR BACK BAY AREA ..... . $1000 uown. 2 bdrm. home, forced air heat. Many extras. Landscaped yard. Thia is not a tract home. Full Price $10,950. ·'. ..1.. ..'. .. I " BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evenings Harbor 1856 Lido Isle Some selected lot bargains 35 x ~ on Xa.nthe .. ··········-··-··-······· .... $10,000 38 1 ~ x 88 on Ithaca .................. ·-····-·····-....... 10.750 · 45 x 88 on Mentone .... ·····-··· -··---.. ·-·-···-13,000 50 feet on the South Beyfront ...... ---·-.. ---36,000 Nice 2 bdrm. home on Trieste with glass enclosed .. dining area with indoor barbeqoe ............... $21,500. BA YFl\ONT, on the..dcsired east end of Lido. Per- fect family year-round finely fin ished h ome. 5 bdrms. and 5 ~rrif1c fantily r oom with bar and ba~bequf'. 54-ft. width all ows pier and slip plus fine beach. One of the truly outstanding Harbor views. $81.500, with reasonable terms. p.a. palmer incorporated ole hanson·co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -phone harbor 1500 "C" nJOMA S "C' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT ... Beautifully furnished 3 bdnn., 3 bath. pier & n oat. Will ronsidcr trade for good income $58.500 LIDO ISL E -3 bdrm., rumpus room, 521:: x 88 str eet to st.reel cor. lot. swimming pool $42,500 BALBOA I SLAND NO. BA YFRONT -Furnished 2 bdnn. with rm. t o add income u nit .. ~34,500 \1EW LOT ON KINGS R D. -80-ft. wide. Ow ne r w1U con~ider f!llilbo11t as part pym t. .... .. . .. S 5.500 FOR BAYSHORE PROPERTIES "C" THOMAS, Realtor 2~<l W. Coast Highway, Newpo~ Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C" THO~IAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS VIEW HOMES Choice of Five Finest Magnifl«!nt "iew> homes from $2!5,000 to $80.000. \ two to four bedr ooms. each the choice in il.8 class. Clift Ha\•rn, Corona de~ Mar and Shore Cliffs, ' ALSO INCOME The Peninsula's two top rental units. both mon<')'· makers, $00,000 &·~90.000. VACATION SPFJClAL1 A sturdy little three bedroom Ocean Front, $13;000 .. , Call Jo hn Macnab, Har. 3297 or Har, 5359 anytime. V lalton , Jet ua ahow you the Harbor Area. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BA YSlDE OFFICE Bayside Drive and Cout ·Highway t .- I M·l ACREAGE, 8 acre parcel, Near Blvd. A real buy ln Jood locallon. \\1£ HAVE SOME of lhe "fut dlaappearlng acreaca" for 1ub- dlvt111on. Well located, Good dratn11 ge. See lhl• quick! GOOD BUlLOINQ LOTS -tor aln1le 6 mulllplt dwellln11. Eut • Wut 1lde of Costa Meu. Priced rlrht. Jn good areas. Call. ua lo AM!&. Houston Realty ri-09 Center, C-Oata MHa L1 S-6011. (Eve .. Hu. 02118-W) A Real Home Investment F'OR YOU who have a modut down payment and want your rent payment. to 8AV& FOR YOU --~ THJS TWO STORY, 4 bdrm., 2 bath home at Balboa b land 11 1n eacelltnt condition and avail· able ruml11hed under 120,000. A lovely pallo. ALSO HAVE A FINE DEAL on a 2 unit, rental Income. Contact HUB POWERS at ~ J. A. BEEK, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND !:>03 Park A venu• Harbor 63 Corona del Mar 2 BORMS. -Small bul Uvable! f<"ll't'place, aarage, thermostat h!'at, ll<><>d locaUon. moo hill rnc1· f'lll1lnch1g available. 2 BDRM. DEL.UXE-Bearn celling. Forct'd air heat, w to w carpel It drapc-.11. Tilr, g&rb•ge dlapoaal, tovi:red pallo, nreplace, rencl'd a.nd l11J1d•c11ped. Tota! price - 11 5,i M . TRIPLEX abov1 Cl\tna Cove, two 2 bedrooms and a 1 bednn. unit. Redwood ancl shake. EJlcellent 1nve1tment, 2 yra. old. 3 car r arafe. FUil ,~Ice $27,500. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and A 880ClA TJ:8 303• Ea11t Coaet Highway Corona 11,1 Mar Phone Harbor 203 Ocean Front 98c1 , 3 BDRM , 2 balh, laundcy room. Onl)' 2 years old. But buy on Ocf'an front al 118,000. Newport Heights J BDRM. home on choice comer. Hdwd. n oon .. flreplac~. prb•ge d .. p. and dil!lwaalltt., Comp let~ ly ftnctd, 114,t>OO. J. M. Miller Co. 202~ W. BaJboa Blv<l. Nevq>ort Beach, Pb. Har. 40?.l ;'\ur the ~ev•porl Pler- f'LE:"TY UF FRE.E PARkINC BACK BAY -(Santa Ana Ht.I.) A barJ•ln at IH.9!'!0--1 acre. 2 hou9'1. f'ruU treea. Wire tenc· ed. lncnme from l house $60 mo CaJJ Har, 1J23..J or LI 8-18(H ' H c l - LIDO ISLE OLDER 4 bdrm.~ 3 bath home on beautiful 60' lot , Trees & s hruba in profuaion. Owner transferred and must 11ell. See thia today. Terms can be arranged. Asking price, $24,750 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BAYFRONT-Pier Ii slip. First time offered, onJ~ 1 yr. old. 3 bdrms., 3 baths, elec. kit., built-in dishwasher, garbage disposal, W to W car- pets, drapea Ii ne w 20' Century motorboat inc. in price. Thia it a. honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 1013 OPEN HOUSE 12-5 Sat., Sun. -280 Evening Canyon Rd. Beautiful Shore Cliffs A magnificent home, 2 bdrm.. and a den with a fireplace, plus a beautiful yard llnd patio area. If you are looking for eomething different be sure t o see this. It is priced to sell and ready t o move into $1500 Down 3 Br. & Guest House This home is located in the best residential area ot Costa Mesa. It i• trim and neat and has all the requir<'menta of a real home. Terms are ·lna<k tn fit your de.ires. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8·5573 LIDO ISLE F urnished 2 bdrm., 5 yra old, on ~Ct. Jot. $19,750 3 bedroom on 4:5 ft. lot • Very homey. Large covered patio with BBQ. We Have the Key. .Beaut.ilul 3 bdrm .. 2 full baths, large lanai W ool carpeted and drapes Nearly 70 Ct. lot on 2 Strada.s Shown by appointment only. $37,000 BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to l be right of the lido Bridge" 3H2 Lafayette, Newport Bch. H ar . 3643 (eves H. 2999) Corona del Mar Vogel Value Charm -Location -View -Value Walking distance to beach, 2 bdrna, 1£ den, 1 ~ z bat h h ome. Vtew living rm., W to W carpeting, brk. fireplace. dining Mn., nice den, m aster bdrm. wit}) ocean view. Custom .drapes, colored fixture tile bath, handy li'e kitch<'n, service porch, connecting 1 -.: bath. Cyclo ne fenced beautiful yard. Brk patio. 2-car garage. Room t o build extra room with i;weep- ing \'lew of bay & ocean. Lot 185' deep. You will look, compare & buy this h om e. Only S22,500. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Co rona de l Mar Ila. 1741 Ha, 117i .. 3 BDRM., hdwd. noon , larre bed· room•, paUo. barbecue. •':'o G.I. loan. $10,900. tenna. . . . 3 BDRM., hdwd. ttoora. Fl.replace, dbl. gangr-. fenced. •" ';".. C.J. loan. $11,000, terma. . . . 3 BDRM., l ~ t ile baths, forced air htal. fi replace, full dlnln@: room. beat .hdwd. floon. fl'nced a.ntl landeC11ped. Back Bay area. $16.500 -$3,000 dn. Near new. . . . Newport Heights 3 BOHM., den plua bnr. full din· Inc room, t1replace, panoramic view of entire harbor-not lea5t'· hold! Dbl. gar .. t.:e. l11nd11c11pr<1 l<1l with room for pool. J200 "'I fl. llvmll nre11. Ownrr must Sl'll nan•" your l"rm~ llt>pln1 tmt'nl coal S 16 000 linty S311 000 Bay & Beach Realty 1696 :'\ewpo1 t Boulr vnrd l:o11t11 1tt1·i.a. <.;all(or nta U 8·1l61. 1-;ve11. Llbt'rty B·:Jl:>B EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS FlRST TIMf<: Ofo'FF.RF:O V••ry lovt!ly thrrc beill'O<lnl cuA\orn built homr l.ar ll ;. 1t111•t~r b•••I· rnom and b11lh, Jllus two b~tlcr lha n 11vc·r11i;c r!lte bedrooms w1l11 2nd bull>. Living room hos lorgr flr1~pl11ce and retJwood pllnrllng Extr!'mely convrnll'nt ktt ch<'n- bulll·ln t-lrclnc ranRe 11011 thtr· mador oven, brf'8ktu t bllr o~n­ lni Into a cozy •llJ\tnr ri.om. Llvlnr room &nd kitchen have . e.cceaa lo enclo11ed patio wtlh brick barbecue. Hou11e 11 Ranch 1tylt with heavy 1pl1t 11h1kt root. OveralUt.I double ~l\ragr. lnter· tor i. completely H\fl>i trd wAll to "llll and drape11 sre 1nch1tfrd f'o1cell ur rumarr. '°'""' ot ocean ancs land.uped. Lot 6b•· 160 E:xrh1111vt v.1th 1111 an<! wt h1\\'e Ule k ty. . FrJ:J J. Crosit.r and Assoc. 3!'130 East CORl!l Highway Corona tleJ Mar Tekphone Harbor 3!171 "Let Ua Locate for You" F'nr Harbor prnrf'rty, h11y tuHI bfo.e&ch, Co&t.a Men, Corona del Mll.J'. Sant.a An3, tlc. The LOCATOR o( Calif. Branch office, 1881 H11r1>0r Blvd. Co1ta Mes-. Ph on• U 6· I &6 I. 971tc Corona del Mar Fl"'t time nfttred -2 hdrm, hw'1 . .Jloou. tlrepl1c<', dbl. gll.J', v.1th xtra 11hwr. tin r.C H1ghw11y '4 .)~11ri1 nil.I SI 1,lt<.I<> W E ARf: AGE="TS fc1 r flt Viflll horn'" 11oder r11n,.t r111.llon ll11y now and 11rlecl cholc• of cnlrin t'IC. R. L. STRICKLER RF.Al.TOH 31122 f:. t°Oll.'ll Hwy , t 'nr•in• d• I mar l111r 2iH . -~~~~~~~~~ ~ · Sf1'-:t£.'llD.UL .A.t.r.!l •.. l~J~.r., ~ l"l.a l le\'el Wllh exc1 llrnt on an \'li>\i:•; \Ctl\ltr Md ••·"•~r. Liic1tt .. d !foulh or L.aguna. $82()(), LI 8·:11! t 7 alter fl p.m. 119c6 ="JCF: 2 BDIUI, h •JUll" tilt balh htl"·IJ. flours. Floor furn•rt, J)ll\10 a"arace A fen~ed ya.rd. Uy O"''""!r LI 8·~09. {•6t l0 ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Owner Says "SELL THIS WEEK !" Thia immaculate 3 bdrm. h ome located in Corona del Mar, forced a.ir beat, fireplace, garbage dla- posal,. dlshmaater, fenced yard. Large paved patio. Extra room off double garage for work ahop or hobby room. Priced t o sell quick and low, low d own payment. Easy termB. Exclusi\le with us. . OCEAN VIEW Thia new quality built 3 bdrm., 2 bath home in Corona del Mar plu.s large bnaem ent for rumpus room or work shop. Magmficent view or ocean ahd coast line. H aa hwd. floors, forced air heat , firl'· place. ~parate dinmg room plWI large k itchen with abundance of cabinet apace. FIRST TIME OFFERED le priced t o aeU at $27,500. Exchalve With Ua. PRICE T. McCUISTON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 344 7 E . Coa.at Hwy .• Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) BUSINESS PROPERTY BARGAINS CORONA DEL MAR BUSINESS BLDG. -Show• good return on low rentals. Total price $68.000. S30,000 cu h down. COSTA MESA -2'1<.: ACRES -partly improved. R oom for additionai income. Returna 16';¢ net. S25.000 cub down. NEWPORT -101 Hwy. to BAY Property -for sale or lease. Can be made into a gold mine! Priced at S00.000. will consider some exchange or reaso nable terms down. LOOKING for a Mot.el? Have any t11Ze and location to fit your,pursr. Can a ccept exch&nge on some. For these and other income bargain. in the bay are.a SEE RUSS FORD VOGEL CO. 3201 W . Coast H ighway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-348 1 BALBOA ISLA~D VALUE 300 Amethyst Ave. Multiple Listing Nn. !l2H A ttractive 3 bdnn., 2 bath horn!' w1 l h on(' bflnn. guesl a pt, Nice patio, con\'cnient w rnc•r lnrntion. Exc('llent intOm r or Jl'rman<'nt .h1>mc. Price $29,750, terms. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Assouatcis Park at Marinf', Balboa Island -Harbor 21G2 BALBOA ISLAND 3 bi.lrm., 3 baths. Wc·ll built home with larg1· lcving room. pa~i<•, on Lit ti" lt1lan11. -S:lR :-,oo. Stunmng North J!ayfn1n t -J<nolly J11n1" U!it••I. brick benutlful rcnt<1 I aJll. with l 1rrplac•1., l'1·rfr•el 1·nntl. We ll buiJl 2 bdrm. huml! with dbl. ~ar. and t he price Is right, ~1 ~.000. DORIS BRAY, N ona Hyer Cbet SaUebury 2lflt.t.wme A ve., Balboa u l&nd Realtor Curt Do9b H~bor 20 I .. ,, \. ' - .. . . • - . . . · .Bette1 Than .Ever! .. TwO Newspaper$. Combined In One Big Publlcation To Bring Complete Coverage to Residents _ of the HarbOr Area . . ' . < ~ Published TWice Weekly xeW~~RSss Monday -Thursdcmy SUBSCRIBE "NOW!· './ Coming Your Way ;~. the ·ReWiwl~RSss "CARRIER BOY" with his Home Delivery of yOur Local Paper . · PROMPT EFFICIENT DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY, - IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUISCRllER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NEWSPAPER. YOU WILL WANI IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR THE LOW SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF$60G PER .YEAR. (IOTH MONDAY AND THURSDAY PUIUCA~ONS> c -ONLY per month Brings Both Editions to You by Carrier or Mall for an Entire Year! ' More Local NEWS and FEATURES COLUMNS THAT ARE l'ACKED WITH NEWS OF CIVtC ACTIVITIES, CHURCH AND · SCHOOL A~AJRS-NEWS OF WHAT YOUR NEl6HIORS ARE DCMNG. More Society News I WEDDINGS, PARTIES, SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUB ACTIVITIES, ALL NEWS OF LOCAL INTElEST TO YOU AS .A RESIDENT OF THIS GREAT COMMUNITY. More Marine News NEWS OF SHIPS AND SAIUNG ••• YACHTIN6 AND FISHING, YOllll FIND IT All COMPlETEL Y 'COVERED. More Classified Advertising WANT ADS, .YES, MORE IY FAR, THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL PAPER, AND . BAIMtAINS &ALOR& IN THESE COLUMNS. More Local Pictures ... . .. , OUTSTANDINe l'HOT06RAPHIC. COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE AREA.· YOU.'LL FIND LOTS OF PICTURES IN EVERY ISSUE. . ' • 't . . . r---• C~ AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO•---, ' I I I I I I I <-I I -~ I I OI CAL1 CIRCULATION DEPT. HARBOR 1616 I ....... I I I 2211 ':'' ~· .~YD. NIWPORT IEACH, CAUF. A· I · I •relay ....,... to ... trewport HGrbor News· l'nss, a11d I I .... to ,., $6.00 for a Ml ,._., •blcrlption. I I I I ~~------~~--~--~-~ I I . .. s.r..t __ ........... -.................... :. .... . : .. . ...................... '.': ..................... _.. I I C1ty . __ I· L--~----------~----~ .. I .,.