HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-20 - Newport Balboa Press,. r ... 47th YEAR -NUMBER 71 . NEWPORT BEACH. CALD'ORNIA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 Phone 8¥bor 1818 FIVE.CENTS • MelCI Rabies Law Discussion Set Costa. Meaa City Council will consider uklnr ralitea vacclna.Uon for a.11 dog1 ln the community at ltl mHtin( of Feb. 7. City Manager <Ho'Tto Coffey WU reque1ted to rtve a report on the matter at that tlmt. 1Eil·iott . Oil Contract's .. The move wu 1ugguted to the council Monday~ nlfhl by Charles F . Zimmerly or 2103 Santa Ana Av!'. Zimmerly aid he had three doga or hl1 own. but st ill thOUg'bt It wu a g'ood ReVision Meet-Called MONEY t~OR THF. MARI S •::-A s Mrs. J ohn W. Tubbs, center, chairman of the Harbor area March of Dimes. presents the "Marching Marines" a pledge for $1500 at Newport Beach city limits at 10 :40 a.m. toda)lt F1anking ·Mrs. 1'ubbs in t he greeting committee are ~frs. Jess .Brewer and Mrs. Betty J arvis. The Marines marching for the ¥arch of Dimes are Sgts. Ken Womble, Warren Flom oy, Wayne S and a and Harry Ot:lish. right. -Staff Photo idea. t, I GOOD WORK! STANLEY INTRODUCES ANTI-OIL MElsURE Marines Arrive on Dim~ March LINDA ISLE PROJECT USE PERMIT SOUGHT BPWPreview Nets $3000 for Record Legislation Would Prohibit Offshore Drilling in County Fuur Mal'lne 11Cr.:t .. ~rll8 wh1t ur<' m Mr1:htng from S11n Dfl?f:O ti> Loll Anl:'!'lc•s f1Jr I h•• ~111 rc·h uf Uhm•i< d riV•· nri 1v.-,f ul Nl'WJ>Orl Cl••nrh cily 1111111!• al 111 IO 11.n 1. l 01d1t)'. :Jd1f'thtli'll t4j 11r1 I\.,' f.,r j:l"\'l'l· l111t hy ~I t:< J11hn \\' 'l\1t)h". l'llllir· m 1tn .. 1 lhr littrh"I 11r1:u, 11t 10 11 Ill th• bt•VS Wl'l l' hel<I 11\ll'I In Lug~n,. fi, ... ;.h wh,•n m in ma•ll' 1l 1mpo11sll1I•· lu mr..i tht'lr quotu '' h1l'h h a ohmr It I<! Pfl l'ls ns lo u11ply f1•r a new Ull<' ,,,.,. pt•rmit tonlghL on tJ)e $6 mil· lurn 1leVl'lopment or Unda Ill.le 811 a tlc>l11xe beach re.sort, rlubhC)Ullt:, home." und a partments w ere dis· r lo:wJ t o the Newa-P ress by David 1 .. a11c>11 presrntly . Firlit. he aaid, t he cl!'velopen1 need the new use pt•rmit, t hen wtll <.omplet• enough work ln~ rlrawlngs ror the planning commli1111011. PKOTt:STl'I :SOW PAST of A .pro fit· ot over $3000, twice the usual amount, WBll made on the recent Bualneiwi and P rofee- alonal Women's Chri,,tmu Pre- view. according to Mr•. Arnold Na.erll. chaJrma.n. S he sald $2921.24 la al~ady declarl'd u profit with $150 more expected. ~monr the philanthrop1ea which SACRAMENTO-(CNS) -As- aemblyman Earl W. Stanley, Bal- boa. I1lan4, has Introduced legis- lation which would prohibit off- shore drllllng for oil along the Or11nge coutitX' cout from the- Santa Ana River to tht" San Diego county line. Stanley1 pointed out thl" bill. tr adopted , would not ban elant- drllll.ng from onshore. He N ld tbe "1e&9U.re wu dellCJI~ to prevent con1tn.icUon of artltlclal lalanda tesldtfntlal and recreation11I erru . In recent m onth11, r~•ldrnts of Newport Harbor and the South Coast have met H J(roup11 and ln- dlvidual'J to consider aHpf'cts or certain oil t irm-spun1<0red l1•i:i11l11- tlon which, antl,oll rorce11 claim. would ruin the 8Ct"nlc bt's utlrs tJt the California cou lllnP. Particularly active a.:1un1t ll'lo:l~· latlon which w ould allow 1m c:-h off· t1hore drilling have been 1<rour11 In Laguna ~ach ~·h.lle aeveral New- Farme3, lnC'. pn1111on .\I i ~ I 11bb~ turne•I owr to the a ll'ase tJn the 2i-acre forme-r Hurbor owner , to the preview are a Costa Mesa Oltl Thr Orange county lefial•tor 1 comudr red Ma n n .. ,. " rtedJ:<' fut $1~0/l fn>1n Shark: b la.m1 rrom t he Irvine l'o. e1 el t•on of the rroJ<'Ct KO clo!!t to Scout t roop, contribution to I.he said he put the bill In 'to protect &clam1. HARBOR WEATHER t he Hs rho r 1<rra T h<' 111on<·y. llhe ante-m1& to ask the planning rom· hu1 fronlagC' However, Brown ~·~~!ii. c~:r.c~~r't;;i~H~~~m:~~ 1 aaiJ. 1,. 111 111,. bllnk ul thl11 time. mlM1on 111 1egular seM1on for th,. 1111J1I. he thought kll ObJ<'Ch ona now nlty cheat, ac.holal"llhlp to an DCC IN, COUNCIL RACE l:llttt tu . .,: out trnm lhl' ~tanne new per11111'. the olil onl' ha ving h111 •' l>een recont 1led. woman atudeot ln bustneaa and fi· Cnr 111, R,., ru1t Def)ol au San DIPgo t>xpart>•I 111,.l Octobf'r . $2 •.., m11l1on llUe lnaurance nancral u11~ce for graduauon w.111 1.hur'<tlay ""'' contlnuan.: the •SO OF}'IC'IAL WORD poll1v the ln1ne Co. provided Dr. s d M K R • 11181, h tu L<>l< Angf'les are Sgls. Th111 mon • "·as l'Onfannt'd to Fcirbl'& Farms. Jnc .. Brown sard, Costa to at lea.at two glrla at New-an y ac ay ece1ves K1•n o..th Womblt'. W1trrt'n Fl01rnoy., the New11-P re88 by Brown. How-era.~ed any tur11 thttt go,·ernment port Harbor Union High School. The. club contributea t o the nil· \\"11yn,. ~1tnl1M 1:1n1I Hnrry ()rh~h. "'·er. lhe plannin(: romn11M1on a.a JM:rlp ow11er1 who ha ve r la1med \Ill TO \l.\Rt'llt:n~ ·or ye>!tenlay ha.I no a<lvance, of-tltlb to 1111mr bay frontaJ;"el! m ight tlonal fund to finance training In B Ibo G I s rt Mt ~ T ubbll rtMl«ri thol oluna· l1dal notl\:e or lhe fa rm's requt>sl. have rallied. ~~~e!;'.nited S tAtea tor a Phll!lplne a a roups uppo t1on11 fr.r lh•· Mtta am·>< m11rch be Hrown, set Uni; tonight 's meeting Slmllarl)•. he 1m11I. although 1118 11t·1l 111 h••r 1ll :1600 ~.-11vlew. 11,. lht• lime for appilca tlon. did 110 t here waif a. loc11I protest about the Al 6 committee meeting com-! N l'WP<ll't M1•1w h. ,,, k• .. 'p l h ... nwn'11 811 mn,,t nt thll <letallit on the pl'O· closinK or the rhannc>l unrler the Defense Ends polled or mem bers or the Balboa junk"t 111iv.. po!' .. d proiert h1t''" br "t1 lrone<I out, bridg e connertlng Linda I.sic with Improvement All!lodation snd thf' <"nllN•Un~ •hll"·" r11r ""' 11 ~lep I h<' 11a1d. Bayside OrlvP. tho le11He with Jr-Balboa Penlnllula. f'nint A!lsol'!a- Uw ~la11n .. ,. 111k1• "" thc•y plfl{I A t l'J>otl pu1Jlt11he1l aN:!'nlly by vine Co. 1l.tll<'ll lhe c•hannel Ill Pl tton held at BalbvH Hsopllallty throu.:ti.. Nrwpm l lfr1tl'h 11.rl' t:pls. a S1tnlll A na n .. wspaper to the privately owned. Jt hu aef'n 1·on-Lehman ea P lt r Monday 1tlrht the candld"l'Y KtnnNh Enit:h11h Hncl Arthur etrecl t hat construction. would be· slderable dredglnr alnce th• leue of Sandy F, JdacKay for city coun- Stroh8t'ht1n, t ru111 t hr Murlne gin F1>b. l -~ without foundation, wu announced. cil wu endorffd by ynanlmous UghtPr Tha.n Aar Ka11e. hf' told the Nt.'w11-Pre1<1. "We have to complete ev l 1-1i.. I •ti Route nr m11rc-h rnr thP M11rlnN I D1llldlna p~llNI call for " homl'-thin .. by J9l\fl.''-Brown aafc!"". 11 nl. ('...,,_ rKR p,... "' ~.rrs wen " ,. rtlrd with tbe city clerk 1 ofrk r wall t11 kl' tho·ni l hrnuirh <'n11trt Hile.~. a hotel and clubbouae facUJ-Ing, "We pl11n to •l•rt evgylhlng Rtared In Balboa, Mac K6y hu 1 ~'"•" ""'' 1nl(I ~s.nt11 Ana I t1ea with 140 11partmenll to be about the aame Ume." With all be ~-t 1 b I I S .... .,..... ANA. J "'N. 20 (()CNS I <'n ll a\lt'CU .8 u u• nea11ma.n n built htll'r. Drown s &Jd ht. firm put d lttlcuJtlet1 apparenUy behind "'"•A " th H bo f 1 BS y et does not have all the work-the development, Brown said, Defense Atty. George Chula char(I:-e ar r aru or n ne yeani. Ing <1riru'ings a nd that lhe I rvine-"Everything loolu1 pretty r ood ed thla m orning the-Orange Coun-He 111 a Rt llltor. Hl' h119 ber n 811"' C'u. h&-" not approved &II plaru and now." t y Grand Jury took a ''pol 11hot" I 80Cl\Jted with He rbor yt1chttn~ .. ----•·:.. ... ~ w.t.-Or'4& .. •hen 1t indict~ hi• cllr nt Harry 11 rouJ>8 mo~l or h1"."''"~ Hui D u<- C ielh• d •111 IC l11v tc-.nl_g_h~t "'a""n""-' con lracy. Observr n•• tncl 2 ru ni. Crom l.>t h .. t to lhf' ~:~:·,~~:d, ~~·~n~·:~~;~onc~~l r~~:~ MESA DRAINAGE SUR :o~~b~~ ~:;; tod~:~ case .woula '.;.~: c()m m 1l l 1' I' a nnounl'ed Monterey Oil Co. Asks Changes in Big Document -. Representative• ot the Monterey Oil Co., the clty"1 pe- l roleum consultant, ·Dudley Hughes, the city attorney, city engineer, city manager and city council will hold a.n all-day session in City haU tomor row to discuss revi1Jion of the Elli- ott Oil Contract. The contract revision bu been made nec- essary because of the cumbersome nature of lhe document. Qc:-rordlng to the city attom r y . l"ouncll will be brldcd on the en- MonU-rl'y Oil Co. hllJI aubmtlted llrl' Elliott contract and pn>f'Olltd an 11lmo11t 10-page document con-t(•vl!1lon1 by the Monter.y 011 Co. t11lnfng Its re-commendations and 11nd tllr C'fty al t~y. Tho meet- de11lre1< with a &erles ot exhibits In~ wlll bl'gln at 9 a .m . A p~u 111'1tln>t lorth t he flnn'11 obllga-""""fon \11 Mil ror 2 p.m. lions. rights and opportunlt1"" un-' St.:T 1"01\ C'OUNCU. der thf\ contract now lQ Op<'ratlon. The l'ontracl revh1lon a1 atudied Al.II(, 11uhm1ltec1 in the document by t hP rouncal tomorrow wlll be •re ways in which the firm would pre8entl'<I formally al next coun- llk• th~ t'tmtn:ict n vl11ed. «ii met>hng Monday. The Elliott 011 Contract hu de- tlvr red to the cily treuury ·almOllt $I ~.000 1•~f'f'<I-" from tbe Wf'Ua J n llN1 by Monterey Into the c1ty- ownl'<1 off11 h<1re t idelands and from the ~1ty'11 r1ghlll In the l!O-c-alled Plln rlc E lectric Co. we-1111 Ill the 11ame location. Up to thla point, llll fundJi de· rtved from t h<' oil opt'raUon are in111rt 1n the caty treasury with the c>xro•pl 1an o{ 111cl<'lental expen- A<'I! CllUSW by hlrln,r a petroleum <:on110ll11nt a nd · 11lmllar fee•. The ... copied Crom t he Lonr ~ach o l'Onlract 11 cumbenaom,. In New- port Be~ch. official• lllld, becau1M1 at wu ori(lnally dratted tor UIMl In the larger city where t hat city wu doing the drllllnr , J>4iY~ the- coata and dlstribuUnr the tunds to the cont racto,... The 1ltua.Uon 11 revereed In Newport Beach Wiler. the holder ot lh• contract drllla. operatu and pay1 all ex~n•• and flv• t.o the ctty of Newport Beach a percen- tqe Illa.re. MARKET PLAN ALLOWS SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS . Slnt·" forma tion of Todd Mar-p».lfble to aU buJ'W'I. Naturally: keting t:u J im. 3, count,. member lhoae of UA In Todd Xar1ceun1 Co. 11t<11l's ha\r saved 20 pl'rrent ror a rt1 delighted to He Ulat whri-e- r11~t<.1m1"1 s b11yan1t halt and half we lead In low.riq quality Sood" t r,.am. 16 pnren t on non·fat m Uk pncea. other"-are forced to follow. i111•I ;?:. P"' C'f·nl un bull rrm1fk pur -\\'e Intend to m&tnt&ln thlll leadrr· ~:~~·~~;~£~~ ~,:,~7;:y ;~~~~;£I EXCEEDS OOUNCIL LIMIT ~~~~u~s:=~~~~:f;::~ I E2~~ed~:.~: .!~~~;~~~~~er::~ I I fh .. -e,,., O. W. "Pick" ttirh11rd. one ahlp by rtvlnf the pu blle the m01tl uf the t1 rm'11 organlur11. annmrncl'd tor the least Jn all worthwhile • 1odny • product.a." tl•y llii:h frmf"'I Rl1tr~ nr11r :'>.II of Lehm&n and Cha rlea E . 1Rf'd) for rlty 8ff11lni. lhl10 roupll'd wltb WalPr t• mrwrnl UI!' ~ l)tVlftt", Gal'den Grove labor offl• hill fa\'orable bscki:round qu11ll- Tf'mll!'r•lun• tllt' , .. ,., " ...... ·ID I A rll't<r ,ovfrpt<yment or $74.1)9 111.•e2.0fl WU t hf'n arprovtd by CUll1', WU J>rompted by • fl'llltll'al flffl him llf!I R11lbllll 8 Qlllllta ndlnr 111,. ""'""' ,..,.. ""l"f': f11r a t1ru111age 11un·<'y of Costa lll't councilmen. mollve candld&lt'." II I "· In other Action by lhe council: Chula ~"'-d th• jury that "m •r(' "I a m vita lly lntrrrstt'd In thr "PL--Robins, Ford I rh ..... MP~I\ Wlllt I'll light by M r~" City l'1 ~ ~ I ...v The Clly 1-:nglneer WAii authorlz· MllOC'llllion" waan't enough to ""Pllm•if'n and >trowth or Newport A • rfrh•.• .• 1 .. 11. 11 ,\9 '' (·nun. II ~l<ln•lllY nwhl H bo I l h I .. -C)ency Debut Set " Ni to proc,,P<I wllh f't1t1matu on prov.. ctin!!plracy. H e CAiied Al 11r r anr n t P m un1r1p11 pro ... Sal uroh&~, .. an. i;, :~ :~ ~l11vor Cl.111 ,. Nrli<•m 1]1lt'~l111nc«I llrit1111tl:'t' imrro\'l'llll'nlll at I.hr Jn· 1 Wl'd<ler.~j'lO"n nr Nrwpnrt Beach I lt m1< thereby n-11ult1 ni:," he Miii. Nrwr11t 1111t1> II$:•'"' y )n Nrv.1•011 "'""'"'·'·Jun. 111 ··········-,.,-. ltll' lutnl 8nlllUlll or f'll\'1111'11l 11111•1C IPtf'('('\1 .. ns ()f Jllth ~l. 1ln1I Tta.~tin "a 1111111", 11m1hni:. wary Rclor" and 1··1 will dtVOl l' 1:l11dy a ll the time H11rhul', Tlll'h Rtohlnw. Fo'ril v.111 :\I nntht.' . .Ian. 17 ~II I • ~-R I I ' t " I d t ' T '"'"'lll). .litn. '" 6 1 49 '" 11,1· .n~lfll'•'r · " " trnu•n Avr. 111111 \'l•·lorla 1111!1 Pomona a1tk1>tl the Jury ... a rr we goini: to n1•rt1<10Jry In t i.'prPJll"n • PQU8 e-hold oprn hottl'C .!'atunlA\' r111111 \\',.•Inf•"''"·'· ,Jtln. 19 .\6 4 1 ·••hi :-;111vl'\Ur J111·k ~ R n11h 11tt /\,\'<'!!. 1\ppilC'nllont< \\Ill be fllr•I b<'llt'\·e.has 1'llltPm,.nt'!" ly my taty l\ntl rll.stract to the best 9 a m. In ll p.m. al lhe 11.,11·~1,.hll'I' Thur,..IR~ .. f,.n. '!O l\:t I:\ I II•· • 011n111 pr<'pllrt'•I '" 111;pniv~ wi ll\ th•' i<tl\lt' 1111•1 rnunly for nN"-1.Ahmlln and Devine are HCl'll1ttd of m y shillty It Is J(T11l1fying. In-mndc-rn tiua rlPrll, :11110 \\'. \ -,11bt rn' l<lll wr1rran111 nmt111nl in.: to <'""'"Y mon1N• iwa1lable for the or con11plrlng to unlawfully l11ke df'<'11 to h11ve the 11upport of 11\Jch Hlg hw1ty. Foe a•lftlttonal •lf'l111l.", Ou Tilt ~.tfl.•· lhi lfurb<ir hf"I r..•, $11 !'o'.t711'> I JOhs. 1'1Hl1•rt1<l0 Jtll1d $6700 ~ho11lrl 511 000 from \\'edd('N!poon for uet· Wl'll-known l'h'IC grnups" SPt• f1r~t thret' pRjte1', P111 l Ill In. h "' 11un Anti vf'llll'TdR\' hnol HI . · "' A Id t f 2000 M Int 11 1'" • ..,11'"'n tnt:il nr ·, :!:l re~~i'l'd ~:;:'\~~:::on·~~;~;na~·o:~~;_ I ~::~~~n ~.'~u:·~~~oc~1w!~.~ :..t n::I~ ~~nn~ a::/~;:"~~'1:~~:~~r~~~.or h · Drivt,~~ac~ay •:,.married ;:~~; i llll'h•·' ! mate nn Lhe-rhore anol thr 11ne Ptl tit \'1rtnr1a 11nd l 'om11n11 A tty Jitmea Monroe wa.3 to pr«'-father of two clllldrPn. Robb, 8 11pprm···•I by d i 1· .. 1u111 ol '"'' "• •I l'I RI.I<' Ht:..\IU:'\t, ~t:T · ;.rnt hts a rgum!'nl11 on bl'hlllf of I a nd U>rne. 3. H e 0111vr•<1 here 111 I Broken Le9 Suffered 1., l'xrr, .. 1 $~•H•1 , ·.,,,,., n 11o 1 A puhlu· llt11nng .,,. the JMh n<'"ln" 11rtt'r the-noon r"c"""· 1920, ""Ing an tht 400 blork E. 1 1 ly Councilman Smith 1hRt r .• 11er ... 11 """' .. 11.~ ... fl 111 ~I , .. ZUlllnf.!• petition, l('t·11lnmenol-r ....... rutor Chatt!'rton wa.~ lll be Orr11 n F r<•nl His r11ther, H . s. nr.I \\f•rol \\t•uhl b" n•" .i .. .i 1 ... 1 fo1r olrm1<I "'" l he <.:rly P la nning J;'i\'rn an o pportunity for rt•bUltlll. .Ma('K 11y, Jr. notffl a ttornry who Bl' rt ~m1th <"11•111 ~, .... ,. • II\ 1 ·mn1111,.~uon, "1111 .. rl for rt irular I pa,.,.l'd on IUl July. bmlt onr of I <"nun11tm .. n v.11• tn.1,1y 1n lluni: O\t :fll'A \)lf':.'T 11111n 111 .. ••1on FM1 7 ThP 1· .. m· lllr rtr11t homr• on lh~ Jl''ntn11ula. Ht1sr1111I \\th I "fll11•1\ l111'k•rt ~ ...... 111fla• .. r l<u\· H11111J.·1 ...... 1 11\llt~ltln• •1\•n l <'/ullln)ot ~('tum-4 Candi.dates A jtM\tlU•lr "f "nl\"('Mtlty o( ll1<hl Ir~ ·'l'l'' ""llll\t"h· S:'>•l7" h11ol tlet'n m• ntlRll0o.)• fur t h~ nrl'll '"II """' C'llllfom 1a. B!'rkt'lt'y 1n \!\Hl. Wht"rr I S1111th .•l&rt•'•I tt•lt1•• th~ •ll•fl 1'·11·1 tn•ludam: lhP 1.,1,~t w.1rra11t Ii<' 111n•id•l<'•I Il l 1h&t limr rhtl F•I 3 T k hr \\'LI a m1>mbrr nf Zet11 P 111 fm· trum l"malh ll1n• ,."lllJl&n\· Bl fur .... t\ II .' 1••1\ilt'11ni.: 111 11mk·111:' 'Piii\• 11!11··n 1h·rt•l•'•I I e as a e IPmtly. M11rKA\' went lnln bUJ!I· 1&40 :<11rw1111r "'"' 1 • ... , .. Mr..,., lh•· >lflHTllll:<' s un·.' l)f ri,,. A f'"Jll"•l h\• ,.1111.iivhlers Sulli-ne,_. h"rt ln 11'16 He h1111 Mrved Tue-~d"Y n°"n nnfl 11111•1., d In m 11 I Hn1 til,., 1'·1111 SJllOl1 fa nm ~"~ 11111 ,.110 11., I ~:,·rrMtin 10 he-i:in wm k N • p "" a director on !l:l'WJl<lrl H arbor on Sup<!'n nr" r11ln·i<ll• k• 11 •hrfa1·1'. ·:::"II"• 111 .. I •'ltlK lfh/"f 1r ..... , , ... I "~ II 1••1 lllJll .. r an ( Alllllllli'tl SHI -1 om1nee a pers \hnmb"r or c'omm<'ri" for llA'O Thr r1111 hmke ht• 11.:t t i..: 1n ~ 11• ral f1111ol ·1, 1 In uur•rovi;mrnls on thf'l r :?•-ye11 rio, anclull1n11: " "tint Ba lrf'llS· 1 Cnur p lll<'!'" rl'port " f'how ll·· Ar-~ln\or :O-.t l~on ,,.,.,111,,.,.11.i, ... 11 nat lot lriH·t Ill l!lth l 'IRCI' an!I Irvin,. k t>rt '1< lhl' latrst 'on th• C'aty urf'r C)n the n111Jl1C'al lllrlt hl' h11.s rl\'e-11 nt th!' hn•rll11I nt J:?.10 p m • "'' 111 J~1~}9" lw pi111i 1111 lhi• 11111• Avr .h .. fnre APf'r!"'1tl or lhe flnAI cn11nr1l ra (·e: four t•snthdall'I hll''" b<'en pnrt t'apt111n. Clrrt l'l f'l l\tn r 11t !'<lsy. l'mllh'11 ron•lt11on wn11 ,,.,. \rnlil th,.. adililt1•n.il w 111 k 11111111 mar -v-·s:o olf'nlfii 'The tentatll·e f1k•i nnmanat in1t p11pcrll. three hnve and ~crel11ry or NPwport H:i rbor I a nnounl'ed 11s ··~ond • IO•fl•)' by 11 .. ,.. »r ~ rn1sldrrE'll b.1-rhr '""" ii 1 he rnllp ,,,1 lhr lra • l w1111 approved l&k• n the papen from. th!' rlty Y11c-ht C lub. Olt•l 11ttf'ndRnt;1. , •lrr•'• 1•'>1 w 111 rnnl n ·.,.•111111111 ,,r 111~t /\\r1trn•t r lt'rk·11 e>ffire rnr b1tckt>r11' &IJlllll· --------------- turt>:o. t •Thi' ml'mbt"r J1lnrr,, In the m&r-Don T odd, pre.ldent-11:rntrlil kl't111g i:rriur hM''" ne>ll'd lhelr m&ru1 gf'r or fh!' marketing fir 111. Jnint' rrt .. 11 .. In t'ffl'ttinit econo-announcf'ft market mrmber• In· 1111•, l•or lllrtr r11•t<J111rr11 ha ve pro-cludf'fl in l ht' or.1ran.tsatfon 11'£-. ""'••I " 11'~111t r.11 ~hnf'J"'rl• ~111 -\\"l111hlre Merkel, 1'~11lerton: Alh· Ilk•·, • l{I• ht<n l 111<111 T h" 111Mrk.cl· M n's MarkPt, Anttherm; T he 1-·onrr 111.: 1 11111pttn\' 111,.111ht'r~ Nn' nhlc to Mart a nrt Wnlly'a Mat kr l. both nf '"" h•ri.:••1 q11am11v '" mttkf' lnwrr Orangl': J."00<1 Rs nch MHrke-111 No. p11• ,., I"'""'"'" 1-an!I ~o. 2. both ~11111 11. Ana: oTll t;n.~ t'Ol.IA>\\ Rho r shlr e-'11 Miu kN a ntl <;rlln•t MttrkN , l>•>l h 1'11:1nlll Ana. t he Tu.o· 1111 ~·oofl Crnlrr. T1r>1t1n : Slahr·11 ~f11rkfl. l.A'>11l a Ml'">t : Rwh11rd'• Lallo Market. (."n11nlr y Tlny11 Mrtr· .... f'"" I-111 ~ 11( < 111 rc>n l ""1·mgs. I:•• Ii 11 ol 111w l •.. Th111 a.. lfUll" l'1·111rnl 111 lh" 11on 'f"<'K lllill1'of 11111.-y lt n" \\Ith 11111n\' n11m P b111n1l1t fnllowlng 11111 I"'''' m11k1ng' a g11'.iler J111v1ni:s eonllaulld o• P-.. I Flhn1t their c .. nt11da<·leic thl11 Wl'rk werr. S1rndy M11r K av. Bal· I boa . C. A. Hli;ble. B11lboll ·lt1lanrl; lank Group Joinin9 Friday Tax Session TO MOAG. NOSP. NEWPORT HARBOR GREETS HOLLANDERS International 1tood "·•II was r xchnngro today between the Netherlands and Ne1fl!Qrt H iubor when offirt'rs and mC"n c1f mine 8'\·<'E'per H NM S Brouwershaven were wel- comed to the Harbor. Lt. \\'. F. \':111 Heu.kelom. Royal Netherland Navy, geta ready to ~N'<'l Hay Lan~C'nhei m. rha111lwr nf rommerce secretary and Ma u rie Stanley, chRmbt>r p r<'Sldl'nt. Yan llt.'t1 k1•l11m 1:<. l'\.llutC'd by Cdr. A. L. Maccubin, NARTIJ, Santa AnR. En1-11~0 • Anth.iny RykN k. Hn\'.il :-:€'the rland Navy, is embarking fr o m 1hore boat (o ht>· f111l11W1"tl b~· En .. 11:11 Ii ·"' I 111nha m , l". :::. Na vy lialOn of(icer attached t o the Dutch ve.-el. -Staff Photo ' Councilman Gf'ralrl Bt>nnt>(I. l'\t>W· Rl'pr,.•rntatlvpi< o f thr t"!ty flf I port. J11mf'10 B 8to<ldard. Cnrona Co~t• M l'1111. lhe U<'vl'rly Hlll11 del :-.Car. Takinir out p11pe111 w1•1e-brs nl'h B1rnk "' Amr11t 11. thr O r- Counc1lm11n A. \\'. S mith. \\'1lhl\m .Anl?P l'n11nty a~~· 111101 ·~ ofC ic•, Re· 1 G. Perrow, both C:Cllonll drl Min public C"n~l rllt'llnn romp11ny 11n•I 11.nd Coun«rlmlln Slanlry R ldd<'r· Clobc F:srrow C'omp11n) 11 1r •·x- hof. l°':<'W'J>Orl Height!'.. . pf'rt,..l 1o t llplain 1hr1r f"•~lllons in I Rr rortc-dly rlr ctdfng Wh<'I hrr to lhP 111 ;oc 1111 u11tton n ·1t11rd1ni: Frtt· run wf're Lee W1lde-r and ~rd(ln dom Hom'" t 1 act tom01rrflw' mi;iht. Walk rr, bnlh of Corona df'I ~!Ar A ma"" p1 ote11t 11w r tanj[. ar- ln Ou t rlC'l 6. now rrprr•f'ntl'd by ran1tei1 by a tt>mpo~ r11mn11ltf'<' Councilman Smith of hnm,. p11rrh•...e1s .in that a rra l - ---un1lrr Ch11lrm1n \" E ~larC'11rtc-r. I Citizens Committee Oii New School Set Formation of a cit~ns l'Omm1l · ll'I! ln lldvt •<' t nJSll'eS or ;\"eW(>fll l Harbor l"nann H1i:h SC'hf>OI on tt-.i• 111 ~•·heduled 111 .1 .. lv1> 1nln ancre-~· 1 t'•l p11ymrnls 1n F:V"'l<'l l Rra I School 11u•lltnrll1m 11l 7 :io p m !"morrow · Delivery Guaranteed nr"<1C'd to provide addltaon.al 11pale DMlvery or th" :-;,.wport fo r lhr Aehool"s t>VPr·g row 1ng 11tu· I HRr bor llo'f'w•·Pr('J• 111 .:wir- r!Pnt body hu bten set Feb. 1 at I a nteed. All &rellll or the t:om- T:JO p.m. The 1e11111on will be held munlty arP rllptrlly bc!anK In t he hl«"h 11ehool ooard room. J .,,iaHd on carrtt'r dellnry. I A lettl'r from 8fdn~y H. ~Vld· CRrrlf'r boyi ¢Ill del1ver t hrir 80n. dl•trk t 1111peri.ntendf'nt. mall-I flMJ'll'r• before g p.m. on Mon- f'<i a.JI Harbor organlutlon,. ukrd tllly and Thuriodt1y. Jr ynur rep~1entaUw11 be ,. .. nt to lht paprr 11 not d,.llvr rrd by lhRt meeting to cooperate In wtu ng ur hour pleue call Harbor 1616 1h• commlttff. ~enUy th• tru•· and • •J>ttl•I route man will lee. rne-aled plan1 to place IC.boo! 1mmed1attly re "r o n d with hOwrlng nHda on ihe May 20 bal· 1 your copy or )Ou r l'l'wpnrl lot when a direct tlJl may b4!' Harbor :-;ew i·Pru•. IOU&hL , r-~~-~~~~~~~~ i; u c I CIO~SIOADS iMO••tMfi Cf MTI" .. R,EA~TY BQARD TO BUILD HERE Property bounded by N<'wport. A vc., Newport F'ret'wn.y ~nd IWacon St., propoRed Kile for the new Newport Harbor Realty Board bulld111i;. has C'f<'~re<i escr<>w, &<'cording t.o Carl Thomas, chairman of the building committl'e. Mu111 Jo'em •IJ Walker, 11eeretary to the board, is ''111iting other boards in the county v.'hlch have t heir own buUdlnga to compile information fur building plans here. The property, 0000 gq. ft., WU purchu- ed from Wil)iam H. Doran of 401-03 Newqort Blvd .. Costa Me«&. - PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR.NEWS-PRESS TH~RSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 " MARCH OF D~With signs and a proclamati9n, ·1ocal March of Dimes began with official potice of Mayor Dora Hill. She is shown giving mayoral proclamation to Mrs. John W, Tubbs, Harbor area chairman of fund-raising drive. At ieft ii Mrs. J.ohn Palen, treasurer of Buaineu and Professional W9ma.p's Club, sponsors of drive here. -Staff Photo M~1 S!gn Viriance Granted; Rer1l1tin1.·· Ordi11nce· On. Top A protest. a&'alnlt locaUon of a -------------li8B oa Harbor Blvd. caUMd f\lr· HAUOR CHEST ELECTION DUE toW9d brow• &mOftl' Coat& M- clty councilmen Monday nlrht be- ton a variance wu ttnally rrantect. , .Henry C. Va~hn. an adJolninl property owner and bualneu com- petitor a t 2028 Harbor Blvd., pro- teated a variance prevloualy crant- ed by the :i.r,e. City J'lanntn1 Commlulon. He Mid the propoeecl alp would dimlnlab property Y&l· u .. Vaushn ursed ,the oouncil t.o pua an ordlnane9 "IU]atlns etpa. \'&U.,thn A.Id he WU "embarTN- eed_::...:.t proi.tln1 the .Sp and agned that Robert U Mennu. 2023 H".lQl<>r Blvd. ''should have a aim of eome sort.'.' Annual meeUn1 of Newp()rt Hanor Community Chut will be held Jan. 2·1 a t l :d a.m. ln Irvine Cout Country Club, a.c- cordtn1 to C. A.. Hifbl•. MC· retary. Vaca.net .. on the board ot clirec:ton will be nlled at the meetin1. All ot'l'aniatiOM ln t b e Harbor area are ,.qu•ted to aend repruentaUYM to the ....ton, he aid. JtuervaUona may be made by c&Wns Har- bor 2001. Mayor Claire Nelaon acned that a 1l1n ordl.n&nce for the ctty wu important. "W• Med to be Councilman ·A.. L. Pinkley Mid, very caretul about sn.nuna var-"In view ot' .t.,re be.lng no ordtn· laa~ on etpa," he added. ance, I doh.'t Me bOw we can deny Pbnnln1 Commiuloner E. L. tht. alp when we've 1ranted Patterson Informed the .councll -othera." He moved the variance be that elgn variances had ~ ~ted. but there wu no 1MCond. g-ranted on no leu than alx occa· Finally Councilman Chari .. Te· 11lona In the put 12 month&. He Winkle moved that the seven-toot added the pl&nner1 would grant a .oversized •ill' be reduced to 26 variance tor extension of Mennea' aq. tt. and afford 10 feet cle&r¥C. buaneu buJldlnl to th• point from the 1round. Pinkley aeconded where the alp would be loc:Gted If the motion provtdln1 the •lsn auoh a request ehould be m&4e. would be cut doWn • aa cloM to 26 "In tl}at caae." Patlereon obferv· feet u poaalble without caualng It ed, •·vau1hn'1 place of b11aineu to be relettered. Thia waa approv- would blJeompletely hidden from ed •·1, Bnace Martin caaun1 the tht! hl1Mray." · dluentlnl' vote. .. - 'CHRISTMAS DECORATION WINNERS • Awards for the recent Chrt.tmM Decoration conteat in Ne'91port Beach were pre.ented Monday to winners by Maur~e Stanley. center: Chamber of Commerce president. Among thoee preeent to receive their framed awards were left to right seated Mrs. Wayland Dunham, Mrs. Eugene De Maio, Mrs. Edgar Bartlett, Pat Toole, Stanley, Mn: Phil Holmer and Mn. T. C. Malone. Standin& are Wilbur Toole iy>lding baahfw . eon Kevin, Hal Hauaer, Mra. Earl W. Stanley, Harold Condry, Mrs.' Karen Margret& Bruning and Sandy Deardorff. Others who won awards but were not at the preaenta· tion were Mr. and·Mre. Ray Rinderknecht, Irvin George Gordon, House and Garden, Richard'• Lido Market and City of Newport Beach. -Staff Photo. Mesa Council Approves New Fire Truck .~s>theD!Ue~~.. ~I HA-UOR DRUG-S r=IAUOA DRUGS ~1 E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar 716 E. Balboa Bh·d., Balboa 3461 Via Udo, Ne~rt Beach _ .,......-Ht ;ne:;mc Fire Chief Berl 1.-~--t1tmtttt-l~tf'T11Wt"tt't't1M'"'fntl1Yf" on lhe official a ction after 11elllng the councilmen on the deal Smith and John Nuzum, reptc· aen1 Ing the volunteer smoke eat- ers, lnformf'd the councilmen tbe firl"men had -donated 1800 and the Lions Club $1000 tor the proposed new unit. Roughly, they uUmated, $2600 wu nece588ry to repl.ace °'' pre~nt too -light one half !on panel lru.ck toting the reacue 9<1ulpment. This lncludt'd approx!· mateJy $350 In cablnetwork to , m&ke the new tnick suitable. Couno.Uman A. L. Pl.n.kley ob· Hrved the~ waa $1000 ln the bud· irt for rtre equipment and mO'ftd blrlll b<' caJl,.d for on lhe reacue trurk. A quick second came from Co1111cllman Bruce MarUn. ~ "Lnok. fellu." complatned llmllh. •J'rt at leaat Uke to aay yea!" · M11 yor Claire N4'180n gave Smith his o·hanre. He rallt'd for roU call VOii' SteveM' Hearing on Dope Count Slated Jan. 24 Continuance for hl11 prelimina.cy hranng wu a;ranted lut Tuea-1 day In l'ewport Ju11llcr Court to I J ohn Edward Stevena. 18. ot 219 1 20th St. on charges ot po11 .... 1on I and furn111hlnic or marijuana. He was the ninth youth to be a.r~llt.ed I by Xewport police In lh• recent manJ11Bna roundup Prehmln1u y heanng tor Stev· f'ns wns rc·ect !Tlr ~tonday, Jan. 2• In l\'cwporl Ju1t1rc Court. He Is held In county Jall-oo UO-OO ball. O!fic"r a arre•tc1l the youth at I hia hom~ an•I found a oache nf1i marijuanB In " b11r,..11 drBwer . '°'I Rule Attack Hear1nt Slated for Friday ANAHEIM (OCNS) -The pre· llmlna.ry hearlng ot Robert Rule. 21 -year-old •olrller. a rroted •• 1 a1111pec:l in the attack of 11 15-year. 1 olll Anaheim girl. WH contlnu~ until Jan. 21 when he appeared I Thursday before Judge Roland TI· day ot the Anah,.!m· F"ull,.rton Mu- ntctpaJ Court Rule, lht ~·m u1 • • · twport merchant., 11 free on 12~00 balL • The f lrl told deputies llhe Wa• beaten and uaaulted twice In the 110ldler'1 auto the nt1ht of Dec. 30. 1 Rult II 11nvlnJ,! tn lht U. S . A.rrny at P't. l·"" W1111h. I D~TH NOTaCE I -----------------1 MAJtt RUTLEDGE • Funeral aervlceil l or Mr1. Mary I 0 . Rutledge, 70, of ~99 Plumer St .. Co1ta Mesa. will be held tomorrow (Friday J a t 11 a.m. In Parkes· R111ley Mortuary Chapel. Mn. Rut- ledge died Jan. 18 at her home •lfter a len1thy lllneu. The Rev. ' P G "'"umann of Ftrat Baptist Churr h of Coat.a Mesa wm of· f1r1ate. ln~ermmt w1U be ln Har, . bor ~t Membrlel Park Cemetery. !'lurvtvora Include three daush· '-n . Mrs. Owq Smith of Co•\.a I Mesa. Mn. Fred Stahl Of lovra. Mrw., Harold Dally. of Jowa: o.ne 10n, Geor1• W. RuUed1e f,f tlle U. S. Navy. Sa.n Diego; two nleffa. Mrs. Elsie L&Mond ot Arteala and Mra. Ollwr Paulsen ot Loni Beach, a1110 tour niece• ln the eut. Tbe dE'<'eaaed had llv~ In thla com·-, munlty tor llx year1. Mesa Drunk Case Set· for Jan. 24 \\'llho Edward Met-'&, '2, of 124 E 2ll'l SL., Costa Mesa. i• slated to 11pp~ar In Ne"-pcrt Juattce court J11n. 24 on a charre of drunk dr1v~ lnj.( He: wu bookf'rt at 3:1:1 am. S11 t11rr1ay by. ~!"Ila ptlltC'f' attn ~1nir 11 rre.sttll on ~ewport Blvd nfar 23rd St. • WE'VE GONE HOG WILD TO •RING YOU THE BIGGEST VALUES IN TOWN! Thun., Fri. Saturday Iao~ropb7l Rubbing Compound i:ni 13' PUREX qt. Excelsior ICE CREAM Rud Pack ALL I>Nrpn, :.:. 198 ZPIOM SALTS 3 PO. llfl%INo B -SET OWt 39c GLA8S COOKIE .JAB 1'e1. Ttc 59c PIT or CAJUfATlON CANNED MILK Tall Cara -2 for 23' 6 Lb. 1~ CITRATE or MAGNESIA !2 o •. 13c TllfCT11BE or BENZOIN COllPOtnm ~Os. 14' ILSCTJUO VAPORIZER 8-H Boun S4f5 a.,. '8.96 PINS 12 for 5c Dog Food Larri du --' 'fer JSc ·' tr1~·ft GT. 68c.,. LGE. 28c Triple Dip ~ Sc IABD'8 • llEN'8 ...... ... .,,_., COMIS l'ov <Woe 3CMICh CONES ,12' Bulk ltyle ICE CREAM o~. ·79c ID Sandwich Bags 5c DI Lunch Bags 20'1 ~/ IAIY PANTS Sl&e W:ir 60" .... th ~ •. itt- 26Ceach 33c ·each • ~ .. PRIDE or I NDIANA Straight li·yr .• 3:tt 86 proof ·Reg. 3.69 lllLVIB JUPPU GI.N, 5thT' 80 Proof 7 .... $3.ll IHADY OROVZ BLEND 11e1. dU pronf •ft8'7 ..... t·lflh £ • • I • •• \ ... I I I • ,, . .. 1955 FORD Thunderbird Automatic tran1miaaion, power ateering, elec. win· dowa. 4-way seat. radio 6 beater. Black. Only $3850 · Phone Klmberly 3-3885 3c CHANGE Of NARCOTICS LAWS SOUGHT BY UTT WAIH .. D. C. (<>CNS) -Spec· ml,rijuana &Jld 20 ,._,..tor other lat &emee -R4tp. Jam• e. Utt I r.arcouca. ( R S&nta Ana I bu Introduced For a aeclODd otrmee, UM pre· MDt ~t.o-10.Jur aentence would le&JalatJon to re.amp th• federal climb to 20 yean tot marijuana. narcoUc1 la~• and lmpoee Ule For olller clrup UM penalty would death p«nalty or Ule lmprlaoll· be d~th uiileaa a jury recommend· mfllt on aecond' ottendera eo11vtcted ed oUlerwtM. Tben there would be &JI automadc Ute aent..nce. ot auppl)'Ull m1a to teen·arera. Other provtalora of the Utt BW ·He wu Joined IA fPODllOrlnl Ule would: I meuur• by two olller C&W'ornl• l·TrlUl.lfer the bureau ot nar• -· EARL STANLEY HEADS · GROUP SACRA.KENT<>, -~b­ lyman l:&rl W. Staa»y of Newport Barbor wu Damed cb&1nna.n of the oommlttff Oil muntclpal and county IO'fWUIMDt in the lower hou .. • ot the atate le&UJalure by Speaker L.· A. (Abel Llncoln. In a reahutfle of committee appointment• durins the aec· ond week of the l~ aeulon. Stanley allo wa1 name4 to aerve on other tniportant com- mtttea ln the .... mbly, ln· cludin1 aleoUo11a and reap· polntment, tiah and rame, and,,. mlllt.ary attain. Lutheran Ladies to Install New Officers • A ca.ndlc llgtlUng aervk c fot the tn11tallat1on of ottlcera or the wo· men·• rroup a t Newport Harbor Lutheran Church Wlll be conduct.. ed tonl&hl at 8 p.m. at the per· lib hou.e. Mra. Leo Keael. retiring pruldent of Ute~1roup will ll&ht the pre:itdent·a candle, handint It to tll.e new prutdent, Jofra. Hucl R. Riek. who In tum will llJht the candlce ot the other ln·comln& or- tlcer1. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE J THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1955 COMING ILOW CANCELS SHOW The a uto ehow re-ac.hedulcd to M held t.bla 8\Dlday which replaced lb• auto ehow or1g· lna1ly achedulod for la.al Sun· 4ay will nol be ht>ld. Storlu and ad\'l!rtiaini In thll IA111e to ~he contrary. the Third An- nual BaJboa Bay Club Auto Show, hu been cu celled &fain! Accordfnc J.o otflciall of ................. Dnlltk laH of $50 R.ath~r lha.n ap,._,. ln N.-port J111tit"e Court t o an1Wer to a dlarae or belna drunk ln an auto, R.aJpb i..ratiee, 64. ot u oe w. Bay Avf'., ownp:_.gf thr .chnonl'r O<lod· will, rt>rt~ltf'J 1:10 bail. !'\ewp0rt pol~ce arre11led L&ral>H Sund1y nl~hl when he wu obllen· cd ''paut'd oul" ~hind Ule ~·hrel ot h lll car In front M 3719 Ocean Blvd. MARKE1 PLAN RepubUcan Houae member8. Rep•. colic• from the trea.ury to tha Bob Wllao&l of SU Dle10 and Craig Ju1tlce department, u recommend· ------------------------Ho11ncr of Loni Beach. ed by the Hoover Comml.uton on 80-1.Dcom_, Pronertw ~laco!l'e Promrtv Government ReorianJ.aatlon. 93-acre Farm Land Lease to W. Lobe Other. to a11ume oftke at lhe ceremony are Mr1. Tereaa Lam· pert. vlce-prHldent: Mra. Marvin Wllc:OJC, aec:ret&ry 1U1d Mra. Ted Nelaoh, trtasurer. Al.lo to be In· al&llcd are tho following rommlt· tee chairmen: Mu . M. N. Borg· the club, tu t· minute eon- la<'ll with \'arloua meteoro- logk~11tatton1 throushout Southern California predict "stormy weather" ln thla area for the romlng week·end. Oo•Hauecl from Flnt Pap ket, Lal'ma Beach: Field•' Mar• ket and .Ray and llddy'a Market, both Lon8 Beach. r h~ -c;:::..~ L&at week ienL WWiam Know· 2-0lve narcoUc1 arenta lncreu· land, Thomu H. Kuchel and 40 ed powera, atmUar to thoee now other aenaton co-sponeored • held by FBI aient1. 11lmllar bill In the uppe_r chamber. s.create a dlvillon ot narcotic• Walter A. Lom, who ln put ' DELINQUJ;SOY AID cllnlCI In the U. S Publlc Health yeara bu farmed "Mile Square." COSTA MESA Utt aald the traffic In marijuana Service to provide for treatment Monday night wu awarded )cue and other drup la a chief ru.oo-of add.let. and . to help atatea and of the 118-acre city water-bearing tor the rrowlng juYePile dellnqu· private orpntzaUoDI ln thla !leld. Ian arcel by City Council on bl• t>ncy problem In Southern Call· 4·Encoura1e educational work 1 bid .of ~ 00 per year rental. n i.. forala. He pointed out a btu hu on tbe cau.e1 and •Cfeet1 of nar· a threc·ycar leaae with thrtt-year ~en Introduced In tbe California eotlc add.lcUon. option tor renewal, Bidding wu Legtalature to ban trip• acrou the The meuure wu referred to the on an a uction b&BU. The land for· bordt>r to TUuana by unucorted Bouae Judiciary CommltlE'e and merly wu Jeaaed at $1200 ~r year leen-agen . Southern Callfomta will be uaigned to a w bcommlllee to Casey Blue, brother of Dallas man, lite mt>mbcnhlpa: Mu . Ruth Hornets Edge OCC Hardy. C'h rlsllan aervlcc: ,Mr1. George HelnmlUer, New Guinea ~spite a 36-point ~rlormance commluion: Mrs. George Burk· by Ron Wlnterbum' of the Oran1e hart. ml11111onary education: Mis. Cout Pirates. Fulluton JC'a Hor· MelVin Ertckaon. 11pcc1al needs: nrt basketball 1qUlld contlnueJ l!ll llfr1. R. J. Suddendorf, lmhan wo· ",nn1nc way a.1 ll ed&cd out a 6~­ men'a worjl: ~1rs. Paul l"nggP, 61 Ellslern Contert'n(e vlrtory thank o!fenng. 1 Tuuday night In the Plratu' IYfll· COMPLETE L~TEO&A TION "We are working on a com• pletely lnleKrated food op« ration, .. Todd aatd, "and we'ex~ct to pre• Mnl other l'roc•ry ltema at our mc.m~r 1torc. In U\e future where pat.ron11 wtll be a ble to effect 1ut>- 11ta~l&l u vtns•." He aaJd many n1ofe Orangn rounty market• are CXPf'Cted to Join the marketlns plan. Nothing Down to Vets . Move in Right Away. otflclala have charred drugs are. for _hea.rin&'•· Blue. former councilman. AS LOW AS $57.68" J)er mo., incl prin. k inter . AMERICA'S . NEWEST HOMES Fireplace, forced air heat, all the features you want. On Pomona ju1t off Newport Blvd. ii} Co1ta Men. Homes open daily. Saleemen on tract Sunday only. CLIFF .MAY RANCH HOMES GEO. M. HOLSTEIN & SONS, BUILDERS Liberty 8-5548 for information $12,500 Cash Now $12,500 / IN DECEMBER, are the terma for purchue of an outstanding large piece of busine88 property, parti· ally improved. Returna $6000 per year NOW on the total price of only $53,000. This i11 the type of in· ve1tment you have been looking for, but until now -haven't been able t o find. THIS IS IT! SEE RUSS FORD, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout·Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 . ,,,..,,. OPEN HOUSE Sunday · 1 -5 p. m. 206 41st St. Newport Beach ANOTHER VOGEL CO. EXCLUSlVE PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 BUSINESS BLDG., 101 HIWAY CORONA DEL MAR -Well conatructed 12,000 8Q. ft. building, leued on low rentals. Showe good return. Income can be improved. Price $68,~terma. SEE RUSS FORD, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W 1 Cout Hwy., Newport &&ch Llberty 8·3481 S2-Furnltutt for &le - readily available to mlnon who vl11lt '?'!Juana. The Utt Bill would autfen penal· ltlea for narcoUc law vlolat.en to pro\'1de lonrer jail term1, lnclud· · Ing lite lmpl11onment tor a third ottenu. · . Where the Jaw provldu a lwo- t.o-tlve year term tor t1r1t offend· er11 convicted or peddling rlruir1 to mlnore. the Utt Bill would booat theee pen.alt1u to JO year1 tor Plan Optimist Club in Mesa A recent dinner meeUn1 wu the eett.lng for Initial plana to form an Optlm!Jlt Club In eo.ta Mesa. Thoae In attendance Included Zone 9 ottlcers, Harwood La~ and Arnold Johnaton, Bob Heyael, John Helmken and Barney Ko11tcr. • Three eo.t.a Mesa men vitally uttereat.ed ln thl1 project are Matt La Bord, of Toblu Realty Co., R. J . DuMouch~l. and ~" Blood of th• Me~ Shop. Th'°" three a re maldni preliminary plan11 for actU&l formation ot the Co11ta Mua OptlmU!t Club e t a very early date. Membenhlp 11 open al thla time and a •econd dinner meeting I• planned for Jan. 21. 7 p.m. ln Kennedy'• Re11tau- rant. 401 r;. 17th St., Coeta Mesa. Bualneaa and profeaalone.l men ot eo.t& Mua are lnv1ted to at- tend thla 11econd meetl.Jli. Of!lcera or Zone 9 and memtMr1 of the aponaorma sui& .Ma club wW be prMeDt to explain alma and pur- poaea or the new unit. Optiml1t ClutM uirou1hout the world have •• their motto ''Friend ot the Boy." The &qt.a Ana Club aponaorw Little League bueball In ill corn· munlty and alJ Optimist Cluba of Dl11tr1cl 14 arc co-11poruiora or 0p. Uml1t Home tr.r Boya In Loe An· g .. 1 ... The new Co1ta Meaa c:lub wlU have Ill own boya' projectl de· cldcd upon In the near tuture. Mesa Lot Buyers Warned by Volz For th• protection or lot pur- rh&Mr11 In Lhe Costa Mua city llmllP, Me1111 BuUdln( OWcial A. J . Vola today l11Ued a warning. "Prior to bUylnf & lot." Vola H ld. "clear with the buUdlng d .. partme.nt &1 to whether a 1ubdl· v11ton procedure 11 necc-.ry u.n- d'r city ordinance. Actually, lhe ulle.r Is rupon1lbl• tor takinr the neceuary 11Ubdlvl1lon and In any irpltt from the or1rtna1 lot a!D." Azl.y 11uch lot 1pll t.a or aubdl· CAPABLI: )'OWi( I.ad)' d•lru ti.Ill CU!TOM MADE 8~ tt. eofa.. foam vision atepa must be procu.aed Um• job. JCxpenenced 1en'I of· rubber. Gree.n. (coat 17~.) Sac· throurh the Mt>ea City Planning flee, MCRlal'Y, typtnc. bkkp. rttlce 1160. -Har. 288S·R. Id Cnmml11l!lon and City Council Harbor S*·W . 3p5 W ~~"':' EXPER.JENCED woman u · cook • hou1exeeper, au111t mothPr. 2 11c:hooJ.agc r hlldrrn I.Ive sn. good aalary .. Cloee to tranaport&Uon. Call f'Vf'nlllgtl, Hs rbnr 4488 3r& COLDSPOT 7 cubic ft. refrlaera· tor. vtry ~ condition 1311. Apt. 11111 ranre. $:1. Har. 1S04·W 3c:'i 60-Autoe and TruckA '112 M C';. 'M {'nglnc. good COn111· !Ion thruout. Special plastic tnp, Sl 19:1 Ph. Har. 31112·J. 3J'-"> ''9 CHEVROLET 4·dr Mdan. rlcan, MU~T SELL. 111911. In· cludca 'II:\ llrcn~. \VIII tinancf' Harbor H Ol. Jtrc 41-Waated t.o Rebt ---WA.~'T TO RENT -G11 rage tor ptol'flgr Of tum1turf. Harbor 0363-W. 3p~ 48A-Apte. for Rent ----N!:WPORT HEIGH'l'S -Ye.11rlv ~ntAI, $411 p10. St1• .J 3pl . 1111i. paid Ouan vie-.•. Jl~rty 8·162i 3r:\ -Good prmuns a.dda to your 1>u1anua preauce.. The Pre11 doe• MAI. dt«11Ulcd pr1nt1ng u rair pncea R1n, Hubor 111111 and 1 u luman wiU (&J.L ' . ----------/. ~ Van de Kamp's ~ . 40~9/iJ SPECIALS '•JAN. 2~22 ANGIL FOOD CAKE , .... 1•.i •••••• Ste PIAl!f ANO IUOAllO SMALL, He II••· •lcJ DOUGHNUTS 11 ... .,., 2t..> •••••• •.., 19c Cl nnamon Rolls , .... ,,,, ..... " "".u 23c Dutch Apple Ice Cream , • .,. UcJ,.... 29c ,Al .... '"°' Appl• Pi• , ....... , ...... -•tc woe .. !NOi Lemon Pie , • .,. ~' . . . . . -•tc t·LATU Pineapple Cake , • ., .• , ...... 79c t-1nn Milk Chocolate Cake, • ., . .,., ... 79c Almond Twist Coffee Cake ,~. ,,., 23c Crumb Doughnuts , .... ,.., '°'' .. •.., 2Sc Shortbread Cookies ,.;.. J'hl •• ,. .. 2Sc Chocolate Nut Cookies "••· ,.,, ,. •. 33c French Butter Rolls , • .,.'.., 20r1 • ._ 17 c French Rolls ,, ... • ,., ,,., ....... • .... 'I 2c Fine Chocolates , • .,. r.•01 ........ tic -~---···--····-' ~ .................................. .,.lll't'!! .. ::.lllllDS:=-t'~:nl~Rlllm:iillllllU1CaC11:c.-:i~~n·"C1.~'"""~~,~ ... .., .......... ,~-...... .-=•1~n•ru'a~·,,.. .. .,.;:im .. -=i .... • SAFEWAYt THE BEST Pl.AC 10 Bl)Y.~.----Avo_CADOS 211125' Large fuerte-_ luttery·rlch fte1h. Hl9h In oll content. SLICED CHEESE Dutch Miii a.a. ~· 2~ Amerlc.o", SwiH °' "'1''-"'o BLOSSOM TIME con AGE CHEESE A frflh ...e..1oble 01 frvit solod 11 delicloua tN"' c.te• with llotlOm Time col· tar cheew. <"°,,,,., ~oc 11yle ueam, fruit eolocl.) A (farmer, Cream, l-'l pint 11c) MAYONNAISE :-,~~ :;Sic ..,..,,.. .. ,.._. fJrc •••• ., •• , ·-~~-=­·:=:....: ::::::-~ •::iP-PLEs-:::;;;:iu;:-1 S· ~fine for lunch boxe1-alway1 o favorite ~i:iiROT-s-:~~::~-:~s· lch 1ource of Vitamin A. Dellcl0'61 cooked or raw. ----------------------------,, .... ''"" ROMADIE BRUSSB.. SPROUTS MUSHROOMS RADISHES GREEN ONIONS TURNIPS , ........... _ .. •• 5c 5' 7c ---.::---.~~ _,, t~.f • .. · DUBUQUE ~ ... ~·-97' mmdDS 1!;. 33 gift f\"'8 Short Shonk, in Visk-( ~~1"0'ii:;~ .. · \::.· ftl' · 6 8 lb lb .;;.. HI \,VII ;:. '7 ing. t~ . Average , Ai;;;;r~1;0f· \!89' SPARERIBS sm5:~:!~~;:.':~~~'· •. 39c UM~l~lcl~l~r:o~1\~lio:n~b~\e:,.d::·-::::~-1 CORN ED BEEF ao""""~ c"N°~.f.t1t :;;:•.:.~:.'~.:'::~ •· 4 9c (boto\I''°*"" ::. llt BEEF LIVER 51~~~::.:':"' •.45c Q\eto\I'' M\ats , .... ':: 39t '"""' t\den ,t! l9' (\\oco\ate D~• ~· f1take• C ... ..,,. cete•• ,,.. .,_.your • le 1ur• to " 1 f\ovOf • t "flolt" Of 3 coPY o V•.os. \ ' te\ef1 f '*" .,.. .... -•·"' , .... \)' ~ "''''-'' f••" flk•· O"'·o·f\1\es v·:';~ \ " Y•:~' ' Pats\e1 f\a\es OM'OM o• •''' VtGITAall \ DOG FOOD (,ALO NIP 'N ' fUCK 21J Y.-oa.25' 3u v.-oa.25c c•n1 ct1n1 PORK LIVER GROUND BEEF HEN TURKEYS Sliced or In .tie piece. Visiting pock. Tops In quoli1y. 10 lo 12 lb. 'opulor Bronds . Gov't Grode A:-!'Vlacero1ed. lb.25c 1b.39c na.49c SWQRDFl$H STEAKS To ~~~f~:~:Oil. '~;:49c u..49' CORNED BEEF 1on.1 ... br1tk•t. Wilh mild cure. · .. ~ :·: .. · ·;·. ·. · .. ··· .. · .. ··:·· .. · .... ·. · .. ·:~· ........ ·, .. ·· ~ .. ~· .. ·.,·· .. · ·.. ..::.· .... •,..·:.-·: CAllTEIBURY TEA NONFAT DRY MILi Pekoe and Oranee Pekoe lax-Mix fine Quality ,,..bog 19c••·1Mtw 49c 1.na. 36' J,rlt. 99c plc9. '*•· '*•· ,lr •. TORPEDO TUNA KITCHEN CRAFr FLOUR Chunk ~a,; 25c fine oll·purpoa• '.;!.~ 54c at yle. enriched while. WOODBURY SOAP DEAL "OLDEN (.':.,":: CORN Special lenclecl pod('" HIGHWAY DIL MONTI 4 ':'!' 36' 4 ~. 24' 2 17-01. 23' 17-01. 14' ca"' con \ j -..;'1J r/ ~~ __ ,.I \ The be1t place to buy proch1cel Here't why -Sofewoy folk1 think IOI OVf ••perts #follow the crops.. . . • ear- marking the be1t few your table, Oftd 1upervl1e hondling ond shipping to Sofewoy, where 1pet1ol1tt1 prepont the belt fM dlaploy. '(~ IO'liafoctloft 11 9uo,.,nteedl COTILUOll GUEST Ill CREAM CAIAMR. (Fl-ef tt.e ..... , Vonlllo, Chocolote, Of Strowbernr. (2 plnta, 4 7 c.) -::23c c ...... o'Crop EGGS . LAl6f SIZE 47c GRADE AA'••· . •Eggs .... ~,_ •Jc 0-..... large t ire, Grode quonty: B•ury Sectlo11 J' al- DfVIL'S fOOD UYER (Alf CHOCOlA TE ICID Fruhly bolted-cr•omy. rich chocolote·froatedl (leeulor ~ce, 7Jc) C•rta~ ••kery Pine1pple T1rts Butterfly Rolls Mrs. Wright's lrucl IPllCIAL 65' ~ ... -~2k ~; 2Jc .-.."::26c White or wheot, reg. or aof'dwlcl\. (White or wheat, t1d. loo~. 18c.) Sod• Cr1cken ~,.. ;: Z4c BEL-AIR t'ROD:1' FOODS CRISCO SHORTEllNG f i,,. for baking J.llt. aac or frying. _. SUNSWf ET LARGE PRUNES 1.tb. 25c plc9. ,.lit. 49c Jllc•· FRANCO AMlllCAN SPAGHETTI 21s•.-01. 25' cont 19~ .... 17' con ,\111Mtrt.-4 C•ekle 't'•lltffl Choeol1fe Ecl1irs ::. 3Sc Jone Arden pure dodt•<t.ocolot9. Fig Blt1 Ginger Snips ... , .... 2 !;.49c 2~49c r STORE HOURS , Dally 9 a. m. to M p. m. (Friday ttll 9 p. m .) Sonday 9 a. m, to 6 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGI PAYED LOT I • -. • I ~ .I • , • • -.. / (}overnmenl f:xcepl '~ ....... PA&E 4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS "' THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1955 "«Dod 9r1nt us th• ~renity to eccept the t~ings we cen .. ot chenqe; the co~rage to change the things we can end the wisdom to know the ~ifference." IA. Anon.) ~~~~----~~--~--....... ~--------~----~ EDlTORIALS The Printer Has His Week ·Thia is National Printing Week. It honora an in- du.try that more than live and a half centuries ago save birth to all printed documenta. Appropriately, the week la obtlerved In conjunction with the Jan. 17 birth· day.pt Benj&ml.n Franklin, patron saint ot printers. The atory ot the printed word ia a major chapt.er in the biatory of civUiza~ion. 'Few inventtou bave had aucb an impact upon mankind as that of moveable type. Yet today we are on the threshold of new printing meth- od• that may eventuaJly make the lead slug• ot a tyPe· aetting machine u obsolete u the carved block. Theee "techniques promise to give great new s~ to the diuemination of newa. By making pouible th~ matl8 printing ot languages whose ~omplex alphabets heretofore had restricted greatly Ute Wle of mechani- cal typesetting, they will help spread knowledge to the most illiterate eections of the world. ·One auch device, already i~ commercial operation, i11 the Photon . It uses an electronic camera to "set type" on thin sheets of film. Coupled with rapid new photo· engraving. proceuea, this method makes pouible the production of a full-sized qewspaper page, ready for the preas. in 2'·~ minute•. We aren't familiar enough with. Pho~on to know wbether it will eliminlrte forever that dread disaster or the coi:npoaing room, a pied page. Alt most readers know, a pied page is one that has been hopeles.Bly scram· bled. It happens once 1n a lifetime. but it happen•. Wit· nees the Weekly Glenville, WeRt Virginia, Democrat. which recently 1.ppeared with a front page blank ex· cept for a box when told the sad story -a page form dropped and not time to reset it before press time. Said the Democrat, in the true newspaper ~radition. .. We'll be back next week." That tradition 'of service I• 1trong i~ the printing industry. It earns our salute. We Cover the News Mr. William Moses. Editor, New1 • Pre88: Dear BiU : Sunday evening, J an. 9, 1955 , 4308 Seashore Drive. Newport Beach. Calif. I've had the flu. Bill, and I don't feel 80 good. Your by-line page-one atory in Jut week's paper djsturbcd me. You've been a pretty good editor since you arrived on t he Pre88 not too long ago. But you went a.stray on that so-<:alled Mantz crime yarn: your source of in for· mation waa not too good and beside& no self-respect· ing newspaperman should put his own by-line Qn a youth c rime story. You know that Bill. You could tell me lo g-0 fly an atom. I can't do it of course: but Bill. I've been here and there. in the news- paper game. and I think you know it. I also think you·iu. be ftir enough to read me out. and ma.l<e an effort to prevent first time criminal charges being filed against young b<>ys: boys who are worth 1tnother ch1lnce. Only, however. whrn circumstances justify it. Once. as a cub. yean1 ago. I had an old editor whCl0!\ initials were USA . H~ was a lawyer who liked being an editor. He did mt. a11 'a boy. a lot of good. when I ne-ed · ed it. Reading my copy, he'd bellow : "Boy. commas come in pain;," Then a little later when J come to know how to make a cop talk. USA said to me: "Boy, never write a crime story about a boy or girl under age.'' And Bill. I didn't ask why. Je11 sorta come to me it wasn't right. Bill. are you sure young Jerry Hansen. and his brother Larry. are 23 ~·f'ars old'> Where'd you get t hnt figun'? Could be l 'm wrong , used to come into the old Pre• office on day of publi- cation ... and as a newsboy he out.aold all of them on the local boulevards. Ben, your esteemed publisher, probably won 't rem.ember this, but he helped to buy the kid shoes, socks a~ shirts. Old Mr.• Fitzpatrick, when he found out where Jerry was getting his money, sold these items to Helen, my wife, and I, at cost. Jerl")l. it seems, even as a small kid thought it best to look good and clean when he went out to sell his newspapers. He never gave anybody change; he didn't kno\v the value of money. If a customer at the Stag ga~e him • quarter or half · dollar all Jerry did w~hand him a copy of the Press, pour on that big "thank you sir" smile and come back to1 the office for more papers. That wa.e J erry when I knew him: he had the n<akings: everybody liked J erry. Well, Bill, something. went wrong. Jerry must have got into bad company. I don't think any judge is going to prosecute these boys. We've had, and still have a lot of juvenile delinquency cases in the Harbor area. They~ must be prosecuted, of course, but I think you and moat people will join me in requesting".at least, that each boy, individually, be given a full opportunity to avoid having first-time criminal charges filed against him. Go back in your own composing room and ta lk to Bill Maxwell and 'Bradley. They can tell you about Jer·· ry'e mother. It's not at all uncommon that a boy raised as Jerry was shou come to t s cntic po n o e. Many here in the Harbor Area know Doug Batey; he owns the fishing boat , Javalin. When Emil Faust was operating Lido Restauran t and Bud J acklin had the sport fishing concession at Lido Wharf, the Javalin was moored at a floating dock. Even Doug, who owned the boat. probably doesn't knpw it, but J erry my boy had a home, at night, on the Javalio. He had I\ pass key to U1e sump room where he did hi11 best sleeping. Doug's wife used to come down to the boat of a ~unday morning to fix tapioca flap jacks for Jerry . . . . she used yolks from sea gull egga to make 'em golden brown before they hit the· griddle. Then, alter breakfast, they Wl'nt fishin'. Bill. I could wn~e you a flock of yarns about J erry. Some of them would be tr ue stories. The point l want to make is that the King's English, in the hands of news- paperman. is very, very flexible. If the newsman is a conscientious upright sort of a fellow then he knows his obligation. He won't abuse the privilege of using words properly; he will harm no one. Years ago, as a kid in St. Louis, I recall there waa quite a fuu going on between a young man named Hearst and a Mr. Pulitzer. One accused the other of yellow Journalism. Both knew that whatever they call- ed it circulations were growing with leaps and bounds. The Yellow Kid comic came out of this journalistic epi- sode. And Mr. Hearst vowed he'd out -Pulit.J:er Mr. Pulit- ~r. The battle got so bad that Joe couldn't stomach it any longer, But Bill, because of this failure we have better newspapers. In a small town an editor sort 'o hu to be particu- la i-what he writes about ... and how. · Take this flu bug I've been< working on for the past f cw days. He's no good; never welcome anywhere. But 1f I wR.sn·t home with him I'd probably skip this wt\ole thing ;ind make no effort whatsoever in behalf of Jerry. Take that grand old name of yours BILL .•. you'd mass it IC'rribly if people just stopped calling you Biil. 8(' A('CIO. you. CFR (Clyde F. Rex) n('ar Clyd<' Alway11 good t o get your letters even when they are r ntirnl. Thank11 for the first paragraph plu~ but I can·t agr"'' with you on sevC'ral points. Farsl, my source of information was Det. l':gt V. MAN,~ I GLAD10 5EE YOU/ ' BRUSH COUNTRY J.OURNA'L 8)' HORACE PARKER ( 1:4. Note -Thia columa b)• HC\rae'9 Partin "Ill .._.. wtt• UHi ltttlf'•trnnW11 lll•to""'91 fM'ta fMo haa dr'l'd1f'CI 11p In tlla _._, trtpa taftl tlM' llM'll couatry I~ N'C'ftlt y -ra. I Hot springs throughout the brush country haw alway. fascinat~ me. Llke the t!:~r y Indian I am drawn t o th<>m by their mysteriousness. 1s hot water bubbli.ng up, high· ly mineralized and wilh rotten egg" oJor of hydro).t"cn sul· fide gas. If I remt>mber my g<'olugy correctly one thNlry ia lhat tht' WIHt'r o( the hnt 111H·fng11 .U'41•1I tu eo111b11t 1111 t~I'<'~ nt thhU, I m1ty eithc-r be heat eel •urtac~ Wll· patina u1d dll!l'QM!'" tt!r from ·•111agmat 1c stnru" ur l>Ol 'HTt"t l . t 'l tU : N_R.EPQRT witll'I heitt.•ll rrun1 lhe lt1lcn11,• To tht' "llrl\' Jnc11tm wfth hi& ,..._ ht'1tt fnuhd alonii "f11ult hnPs" g .. n. i lllll\'t'ly 11111ipl~ 1hl'<'ot'11 I ho'< t 11•At· t'rated wh•n we have earth llhps mtnt ahhou1o:h llt'llllr 11utrh'f'•I. Rut resulting tn NHthqunkt•s. with the Advl'nl of lhf' whllr m1rn Magmatic steam 111 rhe result u1 with his mt'asle11. tobt'rn 11<1;e1,., \'l'O: watl'r dt'ep within th1· surfal'e of f'rt'al d111<•a11u and th,. Ilk•> 1i onl.v lht rarth conlactanl\' still hot are11s haslt'nr1t lhf' •lrm1111.' of "" talrt'a•ty of \'olcanlc action. such 1111 hot I•· very aick lndtan. In th•· v. an11111: va l'apN day11 ut th" Indian lht' tem1>1111<1 No '1oubt anotlu•r:"tea.'<On ror my was pr11babl.\' mo~ f1ttal thHn r u· mtt'rc11t 111 th•l I worke1I for many rall\'t'. The Tt•m•'11l'•I (',.nynn v.111 summer vacations during my high namffi for lh•: many Jntlhrn frm· 8Chool and colh•g!' '18yll at thr Mii· u c:ala fou11d lhNUl\'hOUl tl1f' \'Allry rrtt'ta H nt Spl'1ngK. In t he t'arly daya. HOT SPRINGS A rew daya aco 1 drove by the As I perulM!tl the unpublished entnu~e to Olen Ivy and 11tthnu1th hi11tory uf thr Tl'1nescal C'n nyo11 hy 1 hav~ paiuwd there probably hllll· Frank Roltc and lo1tn"d to ml' by drt'd11 of Umea durlnr the past :l!\ Herbl'rt Ward of C"uMl8 Mc11a 1 years I had not bl-en In t o ~e the round mention IJllle .!!fld !.[!lln or resort. It w1u 26 year• ago thttt th• old Temel!tcal Hot Sprtn~s. o· iia Hiii and Ju .. Morten8"'n .,..._ __ day they 11re knuwn as Glen Ivy l11bllahed " pr·ueaaon fouthnll but In thl' early duy,; Tt·1111•1<CHI camp for budding foollmll ph1y.•111 Hut Sprmg!t w1111 proper. I have Ill Rlveral.te Junior Collt'i;1• aml l -----------------------------, befurt' me an 1ulvc>rt1M>ml'nt tr•~m Willi ont' o( the grou p. \Vhel clurn· tor .hort ""'ri"""-or time tha tank!! lhe Lo11. An~elu Star of Au~. 11. ges h11vl' bt'en made lilm·c thllt To under1tand part of tht' rt>a-.-~ .,.... ~ -i I _,., ..... _., • wue round to contain water, aool kltlt O. tawht ere 1 1n a Mt r. J ohn J . !Him· 1 nw l&V• ...... y a...._· tn \,,,. IM>n why the Republlcana were sue-d '· er 8 ea n par <'hllrm <>f thl1 oak sheltf'rf'fl hot ceMful In reduclnc Government and other !J>relp mallt'r •n l1n.. "The undl'riiign.,a rnrorms inval-spnnJ?'S rf'rrort. expendlturu and your taxea by 80 pa.r~fittlnga wne corrodlni;:. Id,. and the public generally, tbet I lnlr~luc .. 1t rnysrlf In A~•·I huge an amount, one llhould rud Th• commanding s-eneral of the 111 ., hu filtf'd up BATHS for rhe Sprlngbori;, a f<trml'r .SwrclHlh the 1964 Annual Report of the Air M1tuial Chommand wu dl~ct-acrmhnw<latl<•n of all who may 111"· mttllllPllr liom 8abul1t H o! .spnni;:,, Comptrollu Cient'ral of the United ed to iUUt' l e necel!8&ry 01 uua th t h t corrttt then conditions. Sub· 11lre to UM' tht'm, etth1·r fnr ht"allh w1,.to tn e way1 o ot 11r1r1n1o:• State.. 0 or recre11t1<1h. Ttlt·ir medlr1 nal re .. nrls and now p1o pril'tor ot • :l<'n In the chapter on Invest1rat1on11 11equently and without regard lo quahttes are l'qual to tho11e of the Ivy. lt la Mr a nd Mra. Sp11111:- 11nd Jn1pecllon1 one tlnda· m1ny thr reportlt and nollttcRllonll, the moat l't>lt;brated splingii m othn burg ant1 their Swrdt11h Alll:•·~t ry glaring examplu or wute and in-procurement divl,.lnn awarded t'On· pa1111 or the world and the rro-that hitve madt' Ull' W•·rkl'•ul (fl I hi h t Ullo of tracta tor 117 000 tanks with a . . · ..... " c t'ncy w c COii m n11 1 • f 56 400 000 d I pnf'lor i11 llulrous 01 having Lht•lr "•morguboru famous 1111 tUl•I doll&r•. And It 111 well known that pac kag nit coat 0 • • un r r vlrtuP• tulrd by medical gf'ntl•· down the l)ru11h rountry. thei.e are but a 1ampltng or in· the Inadequate parka1ttng •f>e<'lfl· num and ulh•ns camp...t•·nt to Al>OBE <'ONSTRl'<.'TIO!\ 11tancea. c:atlona still In use al that time Jud1te tht'lr charal'ln ·• -P•rt o f the hotel anll •trnrni;- In a 1urvey covering 11ixtt't>n se-At lht• lime of t he lnve!lllgallon BY.LIEVl:D OLDEST room are In lhl' olrt S11yw1tr•I lecled ln•lallatlon11 or the Army, tht' tank rdurblt1hlng and rr-crat· With this date ll would pl"ce adobe built In th• orly et11hllt•" Navy, and Air Jl'oroe. a number of Ing provam hail •lrf'ady rOl!l tht' c1 .. n Ivy or the Teme!lc1tl Hot Rolfe 11tatl'11, "After the bum1ng ot' lnstancee were found In which P•H· government •n addlUonal one and Sprln~11 1111 one of the oh.Int UM'd the frame holl'I at thl' old 11111 Ucular unite were 11lafft'd by both ooe-thlrd mllllon dollarit and there rommerelally In lhr !!Oulhtrn part sprlnge In 1884, It l!inywucl a military chief and a civlllltn 11!!-Will! t1tlll a large quAnUty of l1tnk~ 11f l~allfornil•. ado~ 1 came Into UAe M lht• only il11lant or a civilian and a military to~ corrected. Th••v w.-re ui<ecl r1 0111 ancient hotel In the vall.-y. Jl h11u ll'n iu11Uitant, and no Juatlftcatton <or I NVF.RTIOATION lin1t'11 ·by the ln1.h1111~ of the T•m· roo1111." The flr111 fram .. hu t\'I wtt11 the dual 11taffln,; could be round. A reque11t for • j)t'rmllnenl lleV· e111·11I. a trllw now l'Xtmc!. The In· c·<m11tructed In the middle uf 11:1711~ In lnvuUs&U.nc the fum18hlng enty·tlvt-bed hOl!pltal at Orand· dlan lt8me tor th""' wall· "Pk· by Mr11. Nt'wman lor Thorri1l~·k•• 1 ot wlplnJ cloth• to the Depart· view Air F orcf' Bal!<', Mluourl, ltllvha." and no doubt 111tualt'd 11.mt bumt'1I down In 188•. m•nt of the Navy, It WN found wu inveallgatl'd. It waa round I around Uie ~prln&• anti the cold Tht're la onr l'alch In own111~ that by the procua of.. switching thal a •mall ten or twt'nty-bed In· w11tera of Cold W11.1.-r Canyon U1at a hot taprlng• ruort and 1ml' Iha ~ balea during and alter Inspection flrmary would be at1equate and al dr11ln11 the east •Ide of •1ur own even l he l ntt"m&I Rcvl'nuc 81111'1411 Inferior wiping clothe wt're ahlpped VA ho1plla l In Kan"•~ City, Mii•· "Saddie;bnck Mount111n·· werf' ma. tf'fu11u lo reco.rnlu. Thllu1<11n•l• .. t lo the Navy and paid rnr. This. of llOUrl. abou( lwtnly Olllu dtlltanl, ny ln111An tl'meS<:ali1 or "swut tlt•lh1ra art' lpt'lll '1u1fllln1o1 • ~..,wl rourlt', wall a matter of collusion which wu partially "l<"&nt. could h11Ul"'ll · The tt'm,.l!rul wu a 11Pm1-rrl!'•rt. and the watt'r11 <'1)111<' "''' bt'twttn the companlea involved be Ullt'd for the mnr .. llertoui. r 111!<'11. rf'lll\'ivu lndt1111 kl.oth Wh011<• o~t' Al Gl•·n Ivy 11t 111>ou1 JOH tlr~ro , • and lht CovernmPnl ~rsonnel who Sine" lhf' lnvl'11tlg4llon tht' requr•t was llmllt'd only tu ·1he mt n 1•f thf f'ah~nhf'tt 11wre •• a ""'"'"" rec•lvl'd glftll. loana of m oney, ha. ~t'n withdrawn by Lhl' Air tnbe. A r1rcular txcav11t1on waa nambllnl{ and •hake, we hK\or ""'I payment of hotel room, and other Foree In favor nf plans fl\r a ('nn-ma•1e tn th<' 1>;roond, thl:< 14·a. .. rov-&n f'&rl hquakr Thc> hnt ~pt 101: \ gratultlu. As a N!.SUll of th# In· slderably 11mal)er hn11p1t11I or In· 1 .. rt'tl •Yi1lh polt"I' and br1Ulchl'8 ant1 own••r tlot'lln t look lu 11ee 1( 11n- Vt•Llgat1on new procurt'menl pro-I flrmary_ I I-hen m8ill' t•i:ht with pltu1lt"r1ng of of hl1 butldlnira have lOpJtll'tl h1~ cl'du~• have re•ulted In • thirty I An lnveaugat1on of payment• nt mud "" the 0ut111tlt'. A flrt w1u1 mnJ w orry 111 the apring 1 ·r .. 11 r ceonl 11avlnir lo the Navy extra allowaltt'l'll made to unmnr· bullt ln~l•lt' the stru~·tur!' a.nil lhe otru1on hf' l.<t l(l'rf'll!<I not t>y b11tl ~hlrh amounlll lo 11tinut a mllltn~ rled offlce u: of the Armt'd S ervl<'U tnf'n ut A1011nd It unhl thty ~ga.n bllng, 11t,,eminl{ wat,.ra bul .. tJ• 1111 dollarll a year, on the bu111 lhal uni' or both of ""Wt'llllni:" profusely At; whl<'h ro•1I who;i,e 1<1t1rce hu b• "" '"'" Vll<n'ERA N~ tht'ir p&rt'nlll Wt'rt' dependent upm1 llm•• lhry cla11hell vur 11nd clove tn· t•tf In thr oow .. i.. nr t hf' ""rth. 11n • ' R lht'm wa11 conducle-d Oul of 7000 to " ponl nt Jrv wlltt'r Thl11 was 1rr,·pll1l'P11hl>' dlUJOll'r. Ourmg I.he last Congreaa epre-lnveallgatloni 1~ have ~f'n rt"· I l't!'ntallvP John Phllllpe was vilified ported to the' department. Ot this bf'c111111t' or hill 11tatt'menlll and a c-number 1000 havl' been complt'tl'<I 11tm11 In r<'J:IHd to Vf'\1"ran9 he•· anti a.lmoat 11 mllllon and a helf -·-- pilllllz&tlnn He. 111 folly , corrobOr· aollarl! hu hl'rn colll'ct NI. It 111 '""" tn lht' Comptroller /1 Report. uptttt'd that the total re(•overy The C hairman or the Veterans Af. will be about twn an•I onr-quarter r11ir-11 Commlllt'e requuted the millaon dOllAn. Ctnt'ral Ac-counllnit Offlct' l o Mtny Item• havt !ken broui:ht make a full lnv1>11Ugallon of tho to light which have bt't'n rorrec>l· flna.nclal 11talus of :lJ8 C&aeli o( ed elthrr at l.he IOl'lll or deopart· Vl'leran1 who hart madt' stattment mental level, l!IU<'h •~ paymt'nt nf thAt lht'Y wtre unable to pay for p-r diem ronllnuou11ly for many trPRtment. Of the 336 cast'o in-,. months al lht' maximum \'t'llltgllled, 88 ha<f 11 nt't ~·orth nt ru~n, lo civill&n e111pluyeu whllc: at from $20,000 lO S:ioo,000 whlll' ~ee &amt' tl'mporary duty 11tallon, Mme 290 had an annual lnl'11me qwu tt'rs allowani-, pa Id oftlcerw of rr.,m S400Q to S:I0.000 I ,.•hil<' occu pying publl• quart••r•, Al ft f'URC-t: J :lagranl <Jlar,.gard uf rr~ulawma Aii rtf St'plt'mb<or IP~•J 178.001) and lade of 11ounJ bui<1ne'lll an<I •c· jl'lt IMlnRbl•• aircraft ro.-1 la nk!< 1•11u11t 1111( pr111. llC1'8 tn lh<> lltlmtn• hail b.'<'n dt'lavl'rt'd to lhr-AJr lllilr•l•on 111 •<lnl!tro1•t1on 1onlr11• l~ f0 ur<,. Th•• t11nk11 wnp to ~ m111n-, anJ r .. is1fl•••llun or f11ichl rel.'n rd11 taln .. •I 1n it r·early.for-oitr·Wht'n-rn supp<Jrt lnc·enllvl' fhithl l"'Y 10 Please don't thank me ruJe. but. Ball. if old l 'SA was ali ve today he·d a tossed thnt whole dam yarn int11 the JOhnny . and pulled the chitin. He was a pretty good American. I N'<'all his advice to me about cop~. "Don't make up to ·rm, BOY," h1· said. "Keep 'em gueN~­ ing u to what you might wntf'. f>t"mand t he faclA ; mah 'l'm rome to ~·1111 whl'n they wnnt publicity : they ar(• pubhc Aervant11. not heroes. A cop'!I life. Bill, at its best, is still no good. I'm glad Chief Upson didn't get into thi11 archaic yarn too dM.'ply. McMan1gal who worked the Mantz .burglary case 1>ont'e ft was rt>ported. I know no better source These "youtn~·· werC' sufficiently old not to go to 1uvenilr hall. Clyde. Th ey are well over the 18-yenr·t•ld level. If you read the News· Press crime stories. Clyde. you'll ~N· they never mention JUVeniles alt)loug'1 like most other newspapers they use names when youths are J ~ years or more of age. nr.-dl'd slatuR; 11nd th!' rt1itl oC thl' 111r fhrN• ,.,..~nn .. l 'ni 1glnt1tl r·rar tni: WIUI 11ppro11tmate· lln<ltr ~11ltlrnl E•~··nhow"r Alltl OU) f;(J.N IVl' HOTt;L-Frank Rolfe'• p .. otograpb Rhows adobe hotel aR it appeared in 1900. Rill, l don't know these police officers. and don't know anything abgut the five boys pictured at top of Page One in last Thursday's News • Press. That is .. exct'pt for little Jerry Hansen. I haven'.t ~n Jerry for months. But I remember trim as a ragamuffin kid who -~2WPORT~ HARBOR RE-W~6 )!RESS ~·ormerly the Nt'wport·&lboa N1"w11-TlmH and the Newport-Balboa Pl'\'• A Oepe8dmble Lot'&! l•Utlltloe for. over Fon, V••ni Entered u 8ecoftd-c1UI M&tter at the Poet.office ·ln Nt'wport Beach. Calltomla under the Acl or Mattb 3, 1879. • PaWblMd Efff'J II~ &ltd 'l11ancla,J a& Newport Bt'llC.h. Calif. 1t1 Ute !\~\\TORT BARBOR Pl BLISH~G COMPA..,,. Te119••• Bart.or ltlt Q9all.llef .. h~ N.UC. Mid AdVertlleCDMta of AU tu8'h BJ o.ar.. of.. 0emt et 0rurw 0o. lJI Adloa No. A·!l1t2 11...-r OllMlenAa N....,.,_ hllUMen .\-1atloa 11..W ~ 1:411 .. n.I A...-Uoa Member of 0ran,.. County N•wa Service BEN ~ICK, Publlshu WJ.l.LLU& A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND E. ROUNTRl:E, AdverU.-tn1 Oil'\'ctor 9trll8CILIPl'IOS RATl:8: N..,.,.. llarMr N.,.....P"°", TwlC'll ",...kl.v la <>nap C-.tJ, ..... per,_,: SS.00 alll mM.: tl.IM> tllree ~ Oabl6t ., ~ c ..... , '1.00 _, .. _, Yrs, I'm sure the Hansen twins are 23 years of age:. Thrir booking slips show it. That information they gave police. The editnr you mention, Clyde, were he the news. man you say. would have \lst'd the story as we did. 1n my opin'ion. The story had all the elements to JUSI 1fy front-page play. I have never "made up" to pohre othl'r than to congratulate them on a good JOb. razz them on bad ones. I do know the police officers in th<' ca.<s(' anti al- ways have had tnie t!ltatements from lh~. He who denied connection with this case was so credited. tho~r who did admit their parts were so attributed. Thie newspape"r is not practicing. never has to my knowledge, yellow journalism .. Since my coming here as editor, Clyde, I have done my level best to let the facts speak for thetMelves. While I di8like seeing any young men in trouble my profe.ion demanda the new1 be covered without fear or favor. Slgned, WUlfam A. Moees, Editor Hi Rex: We do remember the "Jeny" about whom you 11peak. Jeny wu quite a kid. However, Rex, atop by the office and we wiU ahare with you eome pictureB. and bitt Jerry pictured ln our paper wu not the same J eny. Frankly, we are rather aick of the pampering oC young punb .who carry BaJJ9 and jack _handle. and load· r ' h• J7 eotl l)()(l Th .. manufa«tUrPrs hl11 RPpubllc1n admln11•lr11ll•1n. p11c ka0gl'tl 1.nd pre1wrv"d lhr tanks every 1eovrmment 11grn ry 111 un· 11ccorcllng tu USAF' anstrucllon11. dl'ricofnJ a contlnulnc l!!Cr~ntng­ but Pt1rly In lhP proJttllm report.11 lo ellm1nl!te unnert'/l,.&ry or lllrl(lll wtre rect'IV<•ll rrom domestic a nd llPi'rllllon11 which c08'\ thr ta>tp•y· nver11eu rtt'pol11 thsl After storage eni 11<> ma.ny million• of dollar11. ed hoae. and who will tangle with a wild cat but who arc wrapped in the cloak of juvenile. The boy about whom we wrote is still booked as 23 y('a~ of age. And. Rex, w~ don't Palay for the 1:ops -nnt fo r a minute We did cooperate on this st<>ry to lie 1rnrP th11t all arrests were made before the story broke. AFFAIRS OF STATE B~· H ENR\' f'. MIM'ARTHliR RAC'Rt\ME:-.'TC) 1C:"S1 T h!' '"" anti r 111111tll'A (In rf'R) Rn1I r"I'• wlt1r .. 4prt'lltl rnrnltH'8\ 1r1n.~ ttf (;,,,.. "''""l rrnpl'l iv' <011•1dwan .I Kn 11:11t·~ 1Pr1·,.:,,; ,... 'l"h1A '" 11111flni.: t .. th•• """' • •· '"I _,.,~r h111lc<•I nr~ PXfl 1"Un111~· '"""''" ,.\11ilnhl" tn111t11 ni••1t• lhM n Jntlll'lltl' ll n•I r .. , lh•) la\ ITlllll ,1()11 1111111 .. n h"nt.:ln~ th•· •11111 ~ .. mrwh11 l J1tr1•11ll lu 11n•l••-.t11n•I 1 .. i .. 1 .. r ··•fl1tA ll•m,.l rrt11 t111n ('1111· C-rtn11l<lrr lhnt th,. b11tli;r1 ll~··lr fn•rl•a wr ll """'" h1tlln11 llttlh.r• Ii. hl'tl"r than 11 r .. 11r·p"unot 1.IO"llt 1tnnw1llv In •m•ll lyp.. •n·I '" prinlNI flt\ Rf tH;t:T hRF./\KUO\\" H2 I "llChl >1n•l <t half b,. "'' """ pt1l(~~. and lhnl onl\· 1~>1111 "'fl'''" "r• rlln t "'J Im th" h• II• fl! •1f h• I · Hecall the past year or two or thrt'e wit h our poltcP and some of the stories anJ you will a.gain know why we de• !lt€.'p far out in front' to hand them a bouquet for the fine work they are doing and ha\'e done with the hop heads And marijuana smokert1 and pushers. Thu1 small department of Newport Beach police have done and are doing a better job than all the rest of the roun- ty put together. 11 .. r ih irl lwrtv• 111ilhun •'1thl••t · nt• n• )1 1~ '"J\ l V.. urtdt'I I hh I I hf ll•·W •hr hllllit•·l r11:11r• 11r Sl'tli:i 1111l11o1n 1.. t1111k"n •l1twn 111 •hnwn 1n m11r1v l1 H,.1rnt ,.,., llnro• •of the h 111·1\ t1t•t 11n1•·n 1 Rex. we do belleve tblll our fact.s weN' cor rect. and that you remember the wrong Jeny in thl• instanr.e. However, we are willing to help a.ny young11ter at any Ume and other cl.rcwmtancee than were displayed by lho.e in thia cue. We hope t hat no one takes o(fe.me at the opiniotl· ated alura ot your letter to ua but we conaldered it so good th~l we are using it in lieu of an editorial for lh1s 1 .. ue. I P""fll" whn tor" '~""'"'I I•• tti: h r • t 1111 I• 1 • .,,.,, .. nllun• •~ lh• tn ttw11 I"" k•·t • i"' SI '•J.'• i611 421\ knnw '"' 11111 .. """"' lhl• •l•.,11111• tol n1 , , .. r I", 1 '"" .. r lh,. <·n~t t 1111- ;1· ... ·,,I •II I 11lllll• t1 hy t h• •l1tl<' lrt 111,. •• h•.111 •l1-111n• of ('Allft1rn111. C Al.JPllR'~ f:IH f'ATto'° ""'"'' 111 11 •if .r,11r••·, tr11n1 '"'l"1•I T1tkt-thr ,.,."' .. "' r•hu ... du1rt 1n ftir,~I (•Allf•irn111 f<or 1n•l.on1• A l111•l1:• I I Ii• •lot•""' ,.nr .,("'Ill• d i•lll. f••t ~llll'lmftl \ 111111 lht ,.'ll't• • Wllf ••llu1na•t 1 d i\•• 1111rp'•" ~ nl••n". ~P"ll•I S'ilt;l l\10 fl(\lt r••I "'1'1'"11''" 1 ik1 1:u 17:J ol1 I V11111t1•rnnl r•ltir~· •lu1 1n1t th•• n,.ll l v, .. ,, 11 .. 11 :.rt1•1111\1 .. 111 $2 11111 ~!"l ""'' Ar•tually ho" ,.V,.t lho;, l••Joli;rl \'lit 11\l"n,11 t ••lllrilllllNllOn, I<> a:i • flJi:lll'"" lhf'tll~ .. lvl'~ 111111 ttp 1 .. lfll\~, .. 2:11\,lt~oi.. 0116.670. '"' li11J1111e "'11\1• r"'l1•11\I Th•• ~i111 .. 1l1Vt•lt•ll or l1brHr11•11 I~ 'Aubvrnl1r,nA tr• lh" ,.,.i,. wh1rh In in ''" i•1il\ :.121 11n•I thr 11t111.8 r .. 1. t11rn 11re rlol••d' nut 1'1 •• i,.,,,1 •I•·· l"li' ~ """ ••Ill• r M< h••rtl4 rPflllllfl h1rh thr111111h Jh,. ••~I· ''''I""'· J:l\11,14'1 f1lfl .,, , .. 11111n~t11r. Th" 1111· m,.nl r1f e>lfl1t at1tt•• 1111n1•I t11tt1"1 t•f th,. lf'11rh,.r'• ,,.. Tl1111. In .. rr .. rt " I . 1 I"''."' .. , ltfl ....... , tun•! 111\141" $o'lli0,llfl2 th,. tnlAI h1H1tt>I And l11>lll• • llu• 1 t11nini: lrt lh,. Vn1vrt111t v "' •Um 111 ''" •'"'" an•I 1•-l• •'•l -~ f .,l1r••rn1~ ••lm1n1~1rallvr 10111,. r,( r 'nd1tu1 •' al11nf' n••t II\• 1 1drn.1ot t .,,. SM ·,112 fJlli ara ukl'd, plua, •12.· amount ot local l•~u paid \o cit.-1 UT,~ lll cap1\.M oull&J. J \ VALENTINE BALL-Ph\ns 'a.re in the making for a mid-February ball to prov1de funds for next concert of the Orange County Philharmonic Orchestra. Society mem- bers met recently at the Fullerton home of Mrs. Edward Mittelman, ball co-chairman with Mrs. Karen Margreta Brunning of Corona del ~far. Left to right are Mrs. Ba8U Pete~n. ticket chairman for Newpor.t . Heigbl::;..scclioo: Mrs. Morris W. Slack of Ful- lerton, committe<' member; Mrs. Bruning, and Mrs. Don Harwood. ticket chairman for Corona del Mu.' -Don Bush Photo 0. C. Philharmonic Society Sponsors Valentine Ball 'Give Your Heart' Event to be Held Here Feb. 11 " An1J1cnn. Paul Allan and Mrs Olive Shoemaker : Bal~ Island, M 1 ~ Arthur I Ruth Paddock I G1bbi<: BrcK, Mra. Richard Wind· ers, Costa ll11'Sft, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- .' ,. • ... AT MOUNT CARMEL Lamp Shad~ Cl'asses Start . • Women Hear Catholic Y.L.I. Gr~nd President L&n1p ahad<' maktns clauH are now b<'lnf held at Community Chun-h, Corona del Mar, on Mon• daya W1Jt'r au.plcu of Oran.-• co .. t Colletcl'. Momlns 11uaJon11 , \\'h"n the Catholic Women '• Council of Our Lady of " Mount Carmel parish held Its January me<ellng the 11pe'1cer was Mrs. Wll· llam J . Krom. granJ presid(\nt of the \ ounir Ladles' Jnetatute or the W eelt>rn Statee. Mr•. Krom gave an ln!plrlnic rl'port on the ~nvPn· tlon or the National Council of Catholic Women, hl'ld In Bo~ton In November. Mrs. J ouph Gallant, chalrma.n or l hl' recPnlly organized Catholic Neighbor Group. announced that 1t11 motto 111 "Know the Faith, Live lh.i Faith, Come With Those Who . pre-luncheon 11e11lon and announc· 1 \l to 12 • 1 k from 1 lo 4 In ed that next me.etlni.t o r the coun· ar., 0 c oc • cal will be on \\'i<tlnt'aduy, Ft b 16 the arrernoq,n. M rs. Oladys AJd.-n • Is tHChf'r. With the second lll'mN• with lunchl'Op at l p.m . A book ter jurt atarted lhla week, there review will be of lnternt on the 11• room for new rl'(llttrallon11, It program. la announced. hair coloring for YOUR MANY HAPPY RETURNS!-Toasting each other are ' Share Jt." Thi• group was Idea of M rs. Gall!ln(. and ahe has orgsnl:r;- comple1ion and personality . birthday celebranta ¥r . and Mra. James C. Howarii, 429 Riverside Drive, on Jan. 15. 'The local Realtor and his wife were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sattler, who entertained at their club with •cocktails and ·a din- ner. -Don Bu.sh Photo NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSDAY,· JANUARY 20, 1955 MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor ed it with the ualstance of the Rev. Stf'phl'n Kiley. Other details sre to be announced later. Mrs. John Glass pr.-a1ded at the Ebell Progressors ProgreMor Sl'ct1on or Bbell Club traveled to the B<'a chC'ombl'r's Club in Sftn Clemente ror luncheon on Jan. 19 followed by colored ~ra. vel films prcsentl'l1 by Mrll. Doro- thy McKennK. Connors Baby Born · We prepare the basic shade precise tone to your yours. hair color We have Roux and others • announcing the association of JOHN, Heir stylist A girl wclghlng 5 lbs .. 31~ oi. ALICE Of LIDO wa11 born t o Mr. and Mrs. Erle exact the make really Connors of 303 Palm Ave. an S11nt• 1 (on P011t Offl<'e S trwt) Ana Commun1ty Hospita~l _:'.J~a_:n:_. _:I':'>~·~==~===========:::==:::==:::==:::==:::==:::=======~ "408 32nd Har. 28« Feel lrH-as your first morning stretchl b4>rt A. Crawford: Garden Grove, AdJeJ to the gau .xy ol i<l.'lr 1·\·u1ts m the wmt.-r !!0<·1al season i:s ~tr and llfrs. Herbert Baa11Ch ; the 1m1l llllnual Valentine Ball to be held Jo~nday t>v.,nmg. Jo~eb. 11 Harbor Arf'B, Mrs. Hope: Sant a uni!Pr sponsori:<hlp or the Oran1o:•· County Philharn1onk Socl~ly. Ana, Mrs. F red G . F errey: Co· ----11. nPwTy:1<nTlrl'Jrei:r-toCll1 r1ntrwttl 11<' 11 HJ18tarincd::ulto~oolit±!~l dl'I _Mar~ M!'.1!.:_.BnmlnKj_ fl!I· Tm~i'lr '?lttttlemlln :-urgmi .. HARRY WELCH LIBRARY IS A bra so stretchable-it moves with youl So right under r!_J,TL'1'.T ~T'T'V 1·1'.T l\A~l\lf QRl~ sportsclothes, sweoters-becaut11 It's d111igned for a gen-~-~!~-.---~~~~~ for th•• r11rin11I 1<11pp1•r 1lllnCI' With decor o( ~hocking pink ht•Brlll. i B<'ach, >-I'll \\', S Thomp&<>n: and •t ri•am.•rs 11n11 lat•· C'omm1t11·1• 11-ht'd lhP "'<'hl'~l• a as a valuablP l..ll1n. Mrs. Ro11:ers. ml'mbl'rl! 11rl' 1<11pporllng lht>1r 11111-l"'1111an1>nl 1ltlthl1un l o the cultural gAn .. G l\'P Yu11r Heart lo th,. Phil· hlC' or 11 l11rg1' 11n·11. und n11•rnber11 harmo11tc" whol<'·hcnrtl'tlly by tlu· ur the l!OCld y have g1vt>11 e11thuR1a11- ni•ting bolh lrme an<I lnlrnt 1n rn • 11c suppnrl lo lh1• organl:r;allon'a <ft•r to makP th .. 1r fl n<t 11nnuRI polhy o( ptOVlt.hng tOnCPft:! for.tilt• Val<'nlm (• Hull on" or !ht• g1•nurnP· l"'''Jlle 11f Urani:" County on an ly fr><tlvf· ""r11t1hJnl4 t•f lha> i<>•ason adm1s!!i11n-fn·,... 1Jui;1~. The .. vive Orsnj(e County'!< own l'halhnr-Your H1•art tu I h1• Ph1lhllnnonic" m on1c ~on.:ty, 01 guniZ<'ll la~t May Vall.'~line Ball, 11 funll-r1usrn"1o: pro- untler the le1!ll<'n1h1p ur Miss Fraf'dll J•·1·l t u make 111M1t1ona1 con•···rts Bl'hnf11nti>, llll p.•rman•·nt C'onduct· µ08is1ble. will be an 11n1rnal high· or, h1u1 JH'OVltlt'tl thc c·o11nty w 1lh light of lh•· group'!! o<·t1vlt1es. ll11 r1n•t rull profr!<l'<tonal 1<ymphony I ·111rnt v rhP 1rml!n f!Jr lhe bell are orrhr~t111 In le11M thnn 11 year th•· M n. K1;rron M:irJtH.'ta Hnrnln~ of llOl'll'l y hll.~ 1o:111wn lu R patron 1tnd l·o1ona olt•l Mor 11nd ~trs. f:Jward 11pon11ort1h1p ll>tl "' W<'ll OVPI' 100 M1ll<'ln111n or Pul"'rton. Mt:<, Paul mu•1t··lo\'lng 1<llflf>l1rln,., 11n11 four Hoi;er11 oir I.ado l~h· •~ In c·h11r1o:" uf hlJ?hly ,.m·ro ~ .. rut """''"rl" hliv" al· r"i<t'rv11t1on•. 1tnil ~trs. f'rNlrac n •&1ly b.·<"11 i;iv .. n F 1tl h , onr1 1 t 11 Th .. lm11 1'1ult1v1·k I H11rw of \o· o ( lh" • 1111 .. nt 111•n"~ 1~ ~· 11, .. 1111 .. 1.1 rona llr l :\l11r i. in 1·h11q(I' of Jr· tnr F11!11·1I11n 111 II' 111 fo'•'IH 1111 rv 1•ur11 I 1on~ \\Al( 'I .Kt::-<l'fl'lO; ,\tct:A ttt:AV1' Tlw "nlh11•11t ~l1r lt'ltflt111n 111. C:ummllt~e 1·ha11 mtn o f lh•' var- b<tth r11hl1< and rrit•u• h1111 ,.,,,,.h· 11111~ JH<'tt-or OIRnJ:P County arr: ANNUAL MEETING c;irl Scout Council to It1dt1ct New Officers l'llrni. lul lhc Jan. 2~ v11I S111ut A •o•t>• la l1011 111 <'I' t 1 111: i.< ht'thrlr•I 11Whr c:1rl l'lrnut 1to11s<' wt r• 1om1· l!IH(f'd Rl th» h1•111d 1111•••llnit ln~t 1'11t••ol.t\' ~11 • T•·•I Hllmbronk, p11·•1tll'nl, .t11n11un1 • d I h1tl ~II ii !'>loin•,. s.md• 1 ~ would b·· r ha1r· """' 111 1·her~•· "' I h1· <'vo·nl whtrh Wiil b" l11ll""'''" by I\ pul ltu. I< lunrho•un ln111ullatwn "' oflh rrio fnr 1111 ~··nr 19:.:> nnJ 11 t11lt1r1ul f ilm · Golol"n F:<t l:ll'l" will bl' :1h11wn a .. pRrl of thl' p111gra111 J\ll Adult mf'rnbrtii or lht' c.r1:onl7.11tton II.JI Wf'tl as fnl•'r<'Slt>d ln,.nd,. n( S1·u11lln~ lln' rnv1ted '" <tll,.ntl lh1• nH1••ttng :\Ir" 01 en I..> \\ a1t., 1nti·rnull11n rellll i1 m9 rhn1rm11n, annuunr<'d lhlll th" J 111lelte l..tJW pro11r am r .. r thlJI y•·1<1 \\Ill bl' ft Srnul:. r1wn. lo bt:> h,.ld Suntl11y. \!nrch 1:11:\ in I p 111 I 111 tht' H111bur H1i:-h rnnlh tll field Th111 11< ~ d,.parture f111m ah.· ui<uu l HAVE YOUR FURS RESTYLED rf.NOW ' t,..) AT REDUCED PRICES / Your Old Fur Coats C~n h Re~tyled Into o Foshionoble Cape er Stole at Surpriain9 &..w Costf .\•'.11ly 111111.ldlll 11nd tt 111n ... t anl<"r· • ~11ng 11no1 moving "nl' f'111 th"r plan11 nre brm~ mftdf' llnd ran.•111" 111111 th" p11t>hl' will h" Jn\'1tr ol to 11\l••ntl Ad\8nt • ,J Brown~· KnJ Jnll'rn11•· Ja.1tc le81h•r "hap •·ourl't'8 a re t o br s;11·rn Ill lh•• Srr111t Hou~e on Jan 2U :onol :.?i The r.nnual G11 l ~t 11111 c·o"kl,. i-All' "lartft f~t•b. 11. 1~11 I l'o·out" all u \'l'I Amen1 ,, '' • 11 lhr 111•'<1 to ht 11r 1tbo11t t heo l!'l· lPr n.•• l'!Vt•tl rrom lht• \\'htll' H nu•e 11l C'hri•t mait t1mf'. 11 w11s 111Wro•11.~­ • .J ln lhl' l:trl Scouts or Amt.'rko "On<'<' HjlBin 1 am g lad tu ""OJ C'hn11tm.1,. a.:rrl'lini;:~ to l'A•h ''' \ou. lhrn11i:h•11 :; J\nw11111 I h11pe lhnt 111 y11u1 pa .. t ~<'l\r •>( S1·11ut1r1i;r ~·011 h.1V1• t:>nJO.\'P<l hnpry llC'llVlll••!o 11n1I 1·11n~tn1t l 1\'I' 111•omph!'hmf'nl~ ,\111\· \ 1111 hll\'I' many mol'e CIC lh<>m in tho• Nl'w Y1>;11 11h1•11r1" 1 ~11:11rrll J 1" q:ht D, F:1st•nh11W• r. fl:· OLIVE M. DULING FUHS 218 II. lreltlwar S•l1 111 II 2· 1223 ------OR.4,'~GE COU1\T)"S FOREMOs1· fl RRIER 1 • Newport Beach Caty Library received In m cmolljjum this week over 500 volumes from the pu11ana1 collection of !ht' late H&ITY Welch. For many year11 Mr. \Vt>h'h wa11 a fam- iliar vf11ltor to the library and a lover ot goo<l books. 11045. Rayon solin elo,tic with nylon and embroidered Dessert Card Evenf Friday The coUecUon includes eitcellenl hlstorte11 of Gr.-at B rit· ain, publ111hed In London: many on travel tn E1,1glllnd today. Califcmla histories a.nd booka or loral color. morqu1M1tt11 cups. In while, A, II or C, $3.95. The As.'IOClallon of Unaversali11t \Vomen is plnnning a deMrrt ('ard psrty on Friday, J an. 21 at the ho111e or Mrs. Hl'nry Hoffman J r., 306 :::;.\\'. St A ndrews R osd. Ru· ervat101.11 ... hoult1 ht> matlt' at Lib- erty 8-4291. A (ew ot the UUea are: San F'mncu1co Through Earth- quake and F are by Charlr11 Keeler, published an 1906; San F'ranclsco 11nd Thereabout by the author. publishf'd an 1903. • Warner's* Titles of local rolor Include Hl11tory ot Newport B(·&l'h, by Sherman: The Saga ot Newport Bay a nd the Newport Harbor Yacht Club by Albert SoUand. all elastic a'lure* Ea.rly coplu ot Zane Grey's no,•el11 will be welcome addi- tions (or the Western Cans. There ,are many books about Southern California, An· zona and Mvclco that will be popular. One recent title 111 Loa.flog Along Death Valley Trails by William Ca ruther11. ............ ,..0, •. Aa aoon aa pouible the boolu will be catalogued tor their epeclal place on th!' shelV<'I!, According lo Mra, Ltn ·Sheely, li brarian. Ploy wall 111clude whatevf'C' any- one desires. ca.nasla. brldgP. rum· my, bingo or even coolie and there w ill be pni u al e11ch table'. Th11 is a benefit affair with a 11mall do· nratron r hargrd. Proceeda wtU C"ovrr expenl!Ca with the bala.ric1 going toward 11chool supplies for 1 h1l1lren or lndl•. l~!e..._year'11 JlroJ· 213~ E. Coast Hl,..·hwa"' _ CORONA DEL MAR Harbor IS08 ('•'l (Or lhP A. U \\'. "" --~==~=========================~=========.!_ __ '-------"'~ _ _:-' __ ~_:_ _________________________ _ SHEETS "pepperell peeress" nylon sheets, snu9-fit for easy bed-making, no ironing, pastels: 6.50 twin, fitted bottom sheet ...••. 3.95 7 .95 double, fitted bottom sheet . • 4.95 7.95 twin, fitted top sheet 5.85· · 8.50 double, fitted top sheet 6.50 2.59 pillowcases, 42 x 381, each • 1.39 "lady pepperell" type 140 superfine muslin: 2.89 twin, bottom or top reversible snugfit, 2.39 3.09 twin, double or top or bottom reversible snugfit sheets, 81x198 2.59 3.29 same as above, size 90x I 08 • . 2.89 69r pillow cases, 42x361 each . . • . 59t "lady pepper .. I" combed percale type 180 sheets: 3.09 twin reversible, bottom or top snugfit 2.69 3.29 flat or snugfit, double reversible bottom or top 2.89 : .. 3.60 90x I 08 .. 3.19 79< p illowcases, -i2x381, on sale, each • 69t '"lady pepperell" sheets, 180 percale: colors, 3.59 flat or twin, bottom or top reversible . • . . • . • • 3.98 81x108 flat or double top or bot- 2.99 tom reversible sheets, o.n sale 3.39 95' pillowcases, -i2x381, each r,~ "pepperell peeress" colored nylon she,,,ts, snug-fit: 6.50 twin, fitted bottom sheet 4.95 7 .95 double, fitted bottom sheet 5;95 8.50 twin, fitted top sheet • 6.50 ~.35 double, fitted top sheet 6.95 2.59 pillowcases, size -i~x38t ,-each 1.95 PILLOWS special! "swooney, Ir." purofoid '0()0/o white goose down pillow, down- proof striped ticking • · • 7.49 &.95 8.95 "barclay" dacf'Oft pillows, 20x26 special! "dayton koolfoam•J pillows, 1anitaa end allergy·free • t•ch 1.00 OFF ankin~S lower-level shops, I 4th & sycamore, santa ana LADY HAMILTON BEDSPREAD 16.95 value 11.99 famow.-name decorath·e 8pread, loomed to lw helr- loomed by FieldcrMt; antique "'hlu, luxuriousl)' fringed, reversible, wuhab~. t\\•in or full Md 8lus. huy now aad save! 3-PC. BA TH SETS 3.95 value! 2J8 ~·hJte. sale \•aluc ! dttply tufted ch.-nllle in ehoi<'.- of decorator colof"', SC't of 17 O\'aJ, I ohlong mat plus 1 Ud cover. MARTEX "dacron-edge" TOWELS I .29 bath site 69f hand towel 39t wash cloth 1.80 59' 29· fluffy Martex "t~rrit"it" "l~cially wonn with da-. cron !M'lndge for 41 % extra-flt n'ngth a1talnt1t fray- lstg, many lutK'iOUA colors. KENWOOD BLANKETS 15.95 twin 17.9S do~91e . . . . ,.12J5 .14J5 100% wool. dttply nap~. bound with 6" attlatf•; craDbeM')', )'f'Uow, blue, r0te, gl'ffn or whitf'. s.·, x 90 and 80 x 90. ,. SPRINGFIELD BLANt(ET 16.95 value 14.44 "avoa" 1003 wool; ~. itold, !teafoam, hlUI!, red. pink colon1. uUn·bound, 72 x 90. • • WHITE .SALE Y~LUES I 0.98 chenUe bedspread, double wedding ring pattern, white, rose, gold, brown yellow, green, charcoal, blue or red, double or twin • • • • 8.98 martex famous "luxor" towels, first quality, rich fluffy texture, wonderful absorbent: 3.98 bath towel, size· 29x5 I . . • • 2.98 1.69 hand towel, size 17x33 1.50 60<' washcloth, standard size so• "airfoam" latex bed pad, muslin back; makes an older mattress softer, 5.95 twin •• 4.99 also 7 .98 value, full size, on sale • ·• 6.99 "rex" bed pad, zigzag cotton quilted: 3.98, 4.98 values, 39x76 and 54x76 2.88, 3.88 sanforized bleached bed pads, 4,49, 5.49 imported tablecloth sets, rayon and cotton damask, white, eggshell, green, blue, pinlc, gold: 52x52 cloth with four napkins 52x70 cloth with six napkins 60x80 cloth wit~ eight napkins 60x I 04 cloth with twelve napkins 2.98 3.98 5.98 8.98 "quaker lace" taitlecloths, seconds, ecru or ~ white; many patterns , qualities and sizes: 7 .95 to 27.95 values 5.50 to 19:98 BLANKETS "pepperell" caress blanket, rayon and nylon, deep acetate binding: blue rose, casino red, chartreuse, harvest, yellow, green, 72x90 twin 8.98 also double size, 80x90 9~98 "jeatherwann" electric ~lanket, fa mo u 1 -n ame, ·25°/0 wool. 25°/0 cotton, 50°/0 rayon; rose, blue, hunter gr~en , red colo~s. 72x8-i, single control 19.99 dual control, sites 72xa•·. • • • • • 25.99 < • ~ PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS · THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 · I • • SONS ARE HOSTS-Wedding reception h onoring Mr. and Mn. James M. Webmter, L indo Ave., was· held at Newport Harbor Yacht Club on Sunday. Host couples were . the two sons and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster of Lido Iale anllJH..,AJld Mrs. Robb Webster of Pasadena. Here L to Rare Mr. Thomas Webster, Mr. and Mrs. J ames Webster and Mr. Robb Webster. -Beckner Photoc · James Websters Honored on Golden W eddillg Date l~IF'TY YEA!{~ AGO-That's when Mr. and ·Mrs. J ames M. Webst<'r . then just married. cut the first s lice of their wedding <·nke. Here they cut their golden anni\'ersary Reception ·Held Sunday at Harboz_ Yacht Club Worn.en in Aviation Aided by_ ZOniians .. Mu..,. l:arl Stan If)' of t hf !'\ rwpo1 l Hat bor Zonia Club .. n I mf'mbrr from Dial. 9 of the public rrlattons commlttt'I' of Znntl\ lntt'1 n:ot1una l tpOke to the Jocal JTOUp at lhtir rfCCnl lunchf'n~et llljt. trlhnl: n( lhe nte<I tor 1pon1orlnc the ,o\mella Earhart Scholar,.h1p func1 This twtd auleu out.stendlnr -women 1tudent1 of aclvancl'd arroneuJ1r.• 111 turther thelr knowled1e an thrar , 1ym~ll&1ne fellowah1p stl v1ct. will cboeea tteld. One ecbolarahlp hu be prf!lt'ntrd 1n fitting l't'rcmonlcs been "(iven each year alnct ll1 In· lo the ="ewport club by thr Zonta cepUon. but Zonta lllternatlonal Club of Laeuna Beaeh on Frb 4 ,_,,.e to five two IUCh .chola r-Neyport Harbor will p&$S It to tht' ahlp1 each year tr poaelblr. Lonr Brach Club on-Match J Tiie fund 11 In hol)or' of the ' It wu anno1inced that !'\ewport plonffr woman 'tn avtaUon. Amf'lla I Karbor hu been chosen u th" ho~­ lta.rhart, the !Int woman to fly I tos C'lub for the annual 1h1trlct the AU&ntlc and Pacific ocean•., and t.be tlral woman to rttflVt' th• DUrtlnplahed FJylnr crou. ah• waa a member of lht' Zonta · Club of NIYt' York at the' tlmt of ber dlaappearvace whlle attempt· Ing to fly arQund the worlrl. AT OOt'OLAtl Mertha Graham and Roaemerle Lieber, wtnnen of the 11Cholar1hlpe In 196-0 and 61° rupecUvely, a nd both cmployt'd at Dou1la1 Aircraft Co. In the ~lt'arcb departmt'nl. were honortd ruuta In an intercity meetan& lut wl'ek In San Fn· nndo. Attending werl' J\fmea. Stant .. y, James A11pln. Tom Norton, Albert Stoc.-:ton and Jamu Gallag· tier of the local club. Tiie •·aauoptnc pvel of Dlat. 9." How to Retain Flavor of Nuts Thoee bap , ballketa and boxu ot nuta ltft over from Chnatmu --.111 keep lon,er and better It you rollow ._eac 1qgutlon1, MYt! Marian Prentln , Home Advlt!or of A,ncultura.I !:xlt'n1lon Servlct' Did you see the BARGAIN on the NEW .HOOV~R Lark cake . ;it :' reception attended by f!50 friends. Mrs. Web-Many r• onunenl P1ml11.: t.'o118l. y1chtlng p.opl• 1athered Sunday i-;ter weal's ~ldetthroated o rc .. ~J~...JL!a cJf her husbanc;l to honor Mr. 11nd Mrs. Ja111P~ M. \\ eb11trr, 324 Lindo Ave .. Balboa on · i . ..:•_,,_ "' ·-·• 2•. ~Q ru:r11l!1on ot thrar golden w .. ddlng iannlverMry. Some 2:'.>0 rue1t11 ~ g1v~n Y fr1en~ 11·<'rt ho~trd by :ton.i 1mc, d1111J:hlns ot :he roupk, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma• \\'f'b11vr or Ut1o l!<le an11 Mr. ;ind Mr11. Robb Webster of Paeaden•, .al Leave the nute In their 1htlla. and If they are unMlttd lea''" Plan• for 8 P'ebruary bentrit thfm thet way until you eat tht'n1. d 1111ert card pa rty and ,.8 rty 1 Keep them cold. Shelled nut• t · I keep well :or a yt'ar In tight con· Fashion Show abd Card Party Plans Revealed, lMliltlffll • c ..... '"' U...leM ~IHlntltyl ACT NOW AND FOR HOMEMAKERS Window Treatment Subject of Month l ntr1 r~t111g l•>«•tl p1t>par1111ons. w lhrmP pattlti< wrrr •fl1<1:111•~""· tr•· 1111 nt or \lln•I•"•~ an thr home Hnmr &11\'ll'Or Mrs. Ma11on Prrn· ,,.,.1 •thri '"Pl•,.. 01 mtet·el!l to t1~,o. tRlkE'c1 nn tl'el\tm,.nt:< for win· dow rtec11rat1nni<. Sampll'!I "' ma· I • 11•1'\\'I\",'· lf'11t111rrt the Jan. 14 t l'n1'1S \\'Mr dt,.rus,,,rl ltntl i<lldPS "' 1.:1•rpt1on 1n :-le v·pnrt HM• bor Yacht Club. ThP two wr1c born Car 11part. boat d~v1•lon and 111 lh• only man !\tr. Wcbsttr In Scotland. has future ever to have bun elected honor· bnd.-In Kan~«~. and thry were ary commodore of Southern Call· 1 marnerl an l,.(ls Angell'~. They have· rornia Yachtinf A11oclatlon. There bPl'n n111or1 atl'rJ with ;-o;ewport H11r-are two grand110ns. Tom and J ohn hor for " long !11111'. Thl'y havr Wl'blltt'r. to rarry on the lnternt. h1111 K 1111mnarr homr her<' fnt· 3!'1 j Mr~. Webster'11 rhltf hobby 111 .l'f'Bt ~. hl\W IM'l'n pcmlltnl'nt l'l'"'l· j being a'j-ood wttr. Afttr that ht'r dt>nl_, ~ance lllli 11nd havt' Always time ts glvt'n to acllvltlu of the bf'"n lnl!'resttrl tn boats and rac-,.. 1 \\' 11 C ... _11 h t tn£". 'o 1 111n1 a.,.. c apter o ~tr. \\'t>bi.tr1 1~ ,.Lill 11n 11i'll\" D1tughtt'r11 of lhr 1Uvolut1on and mtmbl'r or the ="HY<' r1 .. ·e 'nm· I thr \\'nman'11 Auxiliary of St. m1ttr ... wh"I o hr• hearl11 the ~mall J1t tTil'8 Episcopal Church. 11• • t•ri.: ••< (',,.,,. :\ll'llll Hnmrm11k· ,..hown M • p l'Plll'nt art1cle1< on Frb. 4 .and ~ • • • II th" h•llllr nf Mr.~. \\'111-Rll\ lmnortanl tl"ll'l! <>t\'f'n 1nl'llldt'd US~C rogram -· • ,. " n L I Ill E11st 181h St. Time 11 from II '\11 lt11I•. 1!112 ()111n~•' Aw>. Fil· J11n. 31. 11 rharm lrcture hy Mrs. 11prln1 Cashion thow a re bt'lng In· talnrri In l)ome Crerzera. l':uta aururated by member• of St. Eliz· In. vacuum-packt'd cont&lnera kt'ep ebeth'1 Guild of St. Jemu Epu1co-longrr than lh<Mle expo1cd to air. pal Churrh. accordlnr to Mra. H. L. Oetrandn. r uild prealdtnt. -Utrla and matron• of the church will model clolhu from a Corona dl'l Mar shop. whllt children will w"11 r lalt'l'l arrivals for th!' young· tr llft from a Cotota Mua •hop. Arrangements tor the ennt. to be htld Feb. 17 at 12:30 p.m. will be complttt'd al a llt'hlon on Fl'b. 7. IUYS OF THE YEAR FRI. & !SAT. oaly SPECIALS Prottct nute from abeorbang off· flavor• &Jld moisture by atorlng thl'm In tight, vaporproof contain· era. Remembt'r that fllbrrlt!. al· mond1, 1.11d pe&J1uta ktl'p biltter th&n pecana a nd walnuu. Expo11- ure to warmth and air 11 upecl.U, ly· likely lo him pecana &nd --.·aJ. nula rancid. Save$l3 95. IUMC-SIU TIADE-llS, TOO I STROOT'S :~:::~ 1802 N~wport Bh·d. Cotita Mei.a Liberty 8-8426 .. I r"ll , ,mft>r<'nre. thr rwnt to t11k11 P'""" 111 Oc1ohl'1 TO l'rtll.H \R~IO~IO Znnt • p1.,.vntl'\l 11 1:ht'\'k to th« I Ot 11n):" 1,.',•unty 'l'h1lhe1111<•Nl" So- "'"l~ 'rt Mun11ay. JMn 17. from 1'10\'t rtb <>f lhf' C'l\I nt\'111 !\:l1ht. Tt 1• Ph1lharmon11· wu .>ne of the ma Joi bt•nefh 11tr1r~ dut In~ lhe cur· l f'nL IM'lllton • · !\1111 Rnb1"1 t .l11~rr•I and M n . Belly \\'au11n wilt 11.,.rtat'nt lhtt Zcmt11 t"luu and rr'°""llt 118 trophy wlt('n thr Lad~ Anglt'1 s mHl ror thr1r annuul rorlbC'omlng banquet. '( Also Many Styles WORK SHOES ™-'!!' T II a m to ~, p.m. Anyone havtn1 art· I• It . ntt\o '·' :1n•1 j:llr,.111 Wt'l'I' '" \\'1ll111m ~llirrtn. k. F'f'h 4 a rman· omorrow For p. ~ tdr,. tn donate mav eall Mi.a EIH l / . ·•'' 11111ui•, rlat1on 211rm,.nt ll'cllt11', F'eb i . _., • • IA-11<er, Llt>erty s-1211. BR A I 1a110 .,l"' ,,..6 C 1011 1• ''' "''" ,..111·11 1•n th,. \'ll'll t>t>irlnntoic ""wing at· 10 a m. '' J ,_ OleconUnucd n umbna 1n cotton and nylon ,, '''~ J f'11y run~. r h11lrman oflOth•r ll'rturr11 wilt hf> a t 1 p.m. Mesa FA C •1 00 TERESA RENNER (M A R ) 11 a.:111111• ,111rl :\11~ \\'alham :">1rh· F r10t1 or th" month w11l' b11rbecuN1 • • • Southern Trip ••· t.oo tQ 1.N F'or "-' rs. · enner " l• 1h .. n1 i.rfJ:• ( 'n11nly Ho~pllal ,11im10 an•t G:i·rofc hnmln,,·. rec1pe11 •1 b II S I Cottt"erl Ptantat of l'hrHt Conttllf'ttl• " rnt e1 s n< C'olllll Mell.IL l''rlrtay · SK IR T 5 '300 A rn fi,., .. rnh"• wh,.11 hnlllrl' n( lo tion bl'ing 11l11t rlbutt''1 Art<'rnofln \lub are llntlr.i pattng Mr. 1tnd Mr11. J uper Snodrraaa. c1 8$ Graduate tlt~nt of Bf-la &rlok •''' I"''\\.•!:"'•·( 1·nnklPl' wr1 " 11111· j A 11h11re-thr·Mllt l•anchron will a dPllghtrul pi•ngtam. 'Melortlc l'\o 7 BHeon B11y, have JW!l ". f'rem 6.N to 1&.N For 436 84-rra Drh·e Ph. l:lar. 2039 1' 1 1'• ·I 1" ""'"' n pnt arn•~ An· fraturt' the nrxl m""tang nn Ftb. Stnng~ ... when they mret tomor· turned from an rxtendtd trip llay09 Gabe aM IM% 111"1ti, final """"' • r. • "' '·' ma·I" th.ii thP 11 at th,. home nr Mu . \\'lfl111m rnw 111 thr rlubhouN>." A luncht'On I h ete. <Airooa Hlihlaftdt -Corona del Mar II • 'R1rtr11~tn1nnth' Jowl H I •••\\'In "I ·r h ~t ~r~o~u~~~hiS;m:1t~h~A~m~t~M~~~-~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;-;;::~;:;~~~~;;;;;-;;:;;;::;;:~;~~~::;;;;~ •' ,, • • i. "· 11t r1 .,..,., 8 ut ,. "' " ert' ~"'"nn. ~l'll'&nJI wall bcJ:an 1H 12:30 --------- • "'' "'" •• "" m• • 1ini: hPl•I Ill th~ !n•,.-1s of the month, ~r11ghfll• p.m. llfrs. Gl'Orge Vaugh 1a tak· 1 1 · " 11 • .. 1 \11• .1°11\· T1trtl' ~l,.x ira la anrt ~t 1111lart will be ang aeservataona anrl Mra. Rl'ubt'n I• I• l•t' 1t 111i1vnl'<J IH nnc of tht rr11t111rrl !Day will prcaldt'. 1.1'• ''" • ••nl!•. raoi-• ""!< tn i:n tn Thoior tn attend11n1 r were M11lf'l'. on J11n. 28 the c-atd 11eclaon, of 11, 1 111 I 1 1 11" fl•,, ~-.11111 Rurf'l111 R :'>I "'r<1•k". How111t1 MrDowell. whtrh Mr1<. Heln:r; KlllM'r i• cht1lr· J k ''II• '1 <;11, :-:1ren~rit •• Ray ~hrrman .. I. I m11n, wall h11vr " 12:30 ,1,.,.11,.rt \la,. \\ 111111111 111111 .. 1 ~nn• a 1r-I :O.trnerh&n, C. M. l\ttlll'r, F. 0 . tun<'hron and card party. f'' • 11 Ill• 1· .. 11n•1 '"·mn111 trr Pal'. lisill~f'r. ~nre FrrdrlkM>n 0 . ~hl'll Lydll Ce>nant's book llfCllon '''' ''" 11 ""' ~h• IJ ll. ~Ill· R ~hthnff._H••nry Dtll<lt1 , Rnbrlt mreta Frb. 4 al 11 a.m. Dr. Gllea l '" " ·It I '·"••I l\\" vnlentane ar· H111nu \\ 11Uam Hit I l,.1 , .ll'rt'}' Brown <'I Ora.nge Coaal Colll'&e la I 1 ·r • ,.,, 1111•1 1 11•11' l•I• n• .and •\II(· T1111:0. \\'alham X1~hnl•. L"f' Jnna:c ~lllt!'t1 llJ give 11n lllustra tt'd lee- ~· ''"n' fe>1· ,.,.l,.n•m" And f'lllrlot· 11nrt M11non Prrnt11111 l ure on ·Burma. the \nuntry n( Foell-Smith Vows Spoken- :>low RI hnlll• HI 11\x E,._, lfllh !'\ 11hl'1 11 Bai: lka1 ho1nt\'r\'ln<'lll M1r \fr 11n•I :\11~ 11 .. n.11.! 1·11111~ F'orll Th~ couple repe11tert \'nwi< tn 11 d·11•1l• nni.: !'•tor "11 1••(•tmN1 h\ lhP RI'\ l"l r; Httr•l 1111t1• """''" ,--. ,.,,,." ~·' , :i· T • r b1 ul• 1• I h I• 1 n !'I t.\·nn t'lt11lrn,• ~11'.'h 1,1111:t ·~r r ( M1• 1 'h11rt' T11ln1 ~· n :.::: ;O F.111 VII'" fl••.1·1 Shi"' \\n it ( I thr ti("l R~ton >< '\tlll• IOHl ~•Ill \,·11h 1h..1 11·11al ,:::1u~1 Stt ~, ........ 11r q .1n11 )"'°'"'"'~''' t'lf· 't-t t ( ,,, ·ll"'• ...... 11.e b1 1Jei.:1 14.11111' t h 111•! ~It 1111 I Mr11. 0 . E Fvt'll, l 11 1 \\'o>,.t· Is Hostess at Mu· Epsilon Chapter Meeting noan!'lea Plet t'. Cn~rd M""ll Hts ~•~\rr Mtll!I Hrl,.n F'""ll 11ntl broth· •I Jal k rOl'll, WC'lf a tt('n<l11nts Bnth ) 01ini: prop I" .,.. , 11• 'i;: rAtlll· 1h'tl llflnl ;'l;r wport Hn1 bnt l'num Haith Srhool Mr. FOPll "'" ~ Cl '\dll· 1 ••ll'rl ftnnt Oran2e ("n 11H \oll"!t" .tn1I ~· rvc•I tw•1 ·'"'81 • in thr l' _.; Alm\', wit h thP rank nf ~"lfo:tllnt 1 4-H Fuse Blowers Nt'w 0((1cer1 (•Jr I ht 4·H eltC'· 111~&1 i;rnup. the, F11~ nlo14 crii, )11~ John Rtnlz~. ~1,,:10al Rn111!, wrrr rhosen 11t lht• lrl•t mePlln& w.1.• h1isl<'M Ill lhr Jr1n1111ry met I· a· the home t>f !":sry F1 t'rll('k!1t>1' ani: of Mu F.p:.1lun dtllptrr uf Bt'ta Jb6 C11bnllo on Jan l I Ortlctr!I ~11:ma Phi lll,)('111 I soi n11t \ :'it'Vl'rlll \Hr,· IA'l.1nd Jo:in!'on, pl rs1<1rnt. ni. mber11 plonncJ lo 11ll "nd the Bud Brnwn, vu <'·Jlr<'~l•lt'nt Tl)n\' · J .in 16 mreun~ of S1>11th..rn Call· ~trston. l'ecr,.tary, Brul e ="••hnl~. · ""' nta Council. heJ.1 at the Drau-It reuurtr, Richard Htpptrlt', str· 1 rail,. Club, S11n1a !\tonic-a. v111or tn the 1rour lhl) Golrlrn P1111nrlaa," Arla and rrHftii 11rctinn h111. rRI· rnl!flrl'd H 1 umm11.3e aale oC fX· THE PLACE l..n~r thn~r ,.,1ra pound!' .an•I 11;1 hP~ h11 rrarly fnr }"~'II Sprlnf/. toir1. Its la&•· than :,011 thank!!' Cnmr 111 11n1I •hllrUSJ! yo 11 1 F 1 fl. u r r l"rnl lems walh \Ill Frl'" l 'fllanator\' l1 ra1mrnt IS l\lwa~·~ f/.l\'l'n Ill l!l'l'TY l11d1· whn r all:o 111 0111 ::-Alon. T ht 1 • 18 nn tihH:;: tttqn Phonf' Harbor liU for appointment ~ 11 i E. c·o1u•t HJ" a:r ('orona dl'I ~ar THE FINEST AND LOWiSf PRICED Early Amrrican MAPLE FURNITURE • . . • an 'J w~ ~r• Open Fridays 1111til 9 ••• Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER ·SHOPPING I SPECIALS FOR IAN. 20-21-H Don's Meats \'oun1t'• Ranr h TURKEYS ....... -... -... lh. 59c ' .lb. 6tc Pur111 l'ORK SAUSAGE lb. Ste C'lr!'l111 K BACON DICK'I Green Grocerfes lb. CeUo Pack BRrSSEL." 20C SPROUTS .. Reel Vth'tl\ YAMS ~ ............. 2 •• 19c Grocery Department t:ampWl'1 TOMA TO JUICE ................. . 1s•,.( .... 2 19c ralH• for 111111 lSc ('&ft o.1 ...... SAUERKRAUT Del KMte Kah-.. APRICOTS .. -.......... = 23c ~ Qllllk PINEAPPLE TIDE Dt'I Mont~ Hal~ KOSHER DILLS UltdMy r:x. Lf. Ptttt'd Or-n RIPE OLIVES ffl'lna KETCHUP :ri 29c ran Lt"· 29c H ~ n?-1.1- . 33c 23c 84oe• Food• 67c 39c MAYONNAISE qt. pl. ,PUlabw)' CAKE MIX!S Blrc1Mf1 Froaa KJXED VEGETABLES Blrd .. fe f'IQU Pl:A8 a CARROTS ""4J'To~ POP CORN Aft Fla''""' " JEUO __ ... _ .. ____ ........ -.. - 35c 2pkr~ 33ce 2rk~'· 33c You Select ••• We Deliver . ---------· JAN. 20.22 ANGIL FOOD CAKI ,. ... , .. , ...... Ste Pl&l!f A!fO SUOHIO SMAU. aa. , .... 4Jtl DOUGHNUTS ,. .... ,.. ,,., ........... ltc Cinnamon Roflst•••· ,,., ... fen peuu 23c Dutch Apple Ice Cream , .. ,. ,,., ,. ... 2tc 1uo1 ..... c" Apple Pie 1 .... s,.1 •••.•• -•tc LA•o• ..... c" Lemon Pie , .... , .. , . . . . . • •. •tc J.LAm Pineapple Cake , •• ,. ,.., ... -7tc 2-1.Am Miik Chocolate Cake 1•••· ,.,, ... 7tc Almond Twist Coffee Cake , .. ,.,..123c Crumb Doughnuts 1•••· • ,., 10t1 •• • ••• 2Sc Shortbread Cookies , •• ,. ,.,,· .. ,.,. ·2sc Chocolate Nut Cookies 1•••· ,,., ,. •. 33c French I utter Rolls , .. , . .,.., JOt1 •,... 17 c Fre"ch Rolls r•••· ., •• u.1 ....... • 1w 12c Fine Chocolates , .... r.101 •••••• •·tic ·····--·------· . . "Don't for9et the THE MARKET SPOT 200 MARINJ A VENUE " ' , I ' .. , ' .. • NEWPORT HA~OR dws.PRESS -PART ·11 • PAGE ] THU SDAY, JAt".'UARY 20, 1955. NDGW Parlors Meet Here to Study Project State comm1tlce C'h11lrmen or I Chtl<t,!!n 111 r llC'<'l"J'll'c1 trnm birth the C'hUdtl'n's Foundation or Na-to 16 yura ot 11~e It 1t i.111 .tM'\l tlve Daughll"rl\ o! the Golden Weat 1 that pllrt'nts do nol n«"tll tu IJ~ Wtre gut'~ts ot Con<"hita Parlor Oh r n11t1vu C11liJ"rnlans. Ftl>. l~ at Irvine Coasl Club. At· Miu J ewrl M <.'Swr!'nry, ('tt~t lendmg Wt'r!' HO mtmbera reprt· J:rand pru1<lrnl or Native t11111i:h· -entmi; 26 parlors trom Santa tl'r11. la l'ha1nmtn of lhl" Count1rtl :on Ba1barn lu San Dtl"go. · a n1I .!\trs. Jl"l10 .!\lnlcomF•)n ot <-.m. St•Vt'r&I p.1rlurs Kll\'1'., donation~ <"hlta Parlor 111 a C'omn11tl('e nw111- to th<' rot11HJ1tlll'n, an<l purpose of ' b<'r, the llt'!ISIOn "'"" to outline Its work. I Presrnt !or thl' confab wf'rf' fw" also 10 lt'\'h'W <'BScs pruented. put grand prnldf'nl•. the .-rand Flfle.-n r11~r1< W1'1 e chi<cuued and vice pre111Jf'nl and tour era.h11 arceptl"d. Thry 1 angrd from dental tn.istu11. ILlld eye rnrCo. tonslll'rlumlu ancl C"onr hlta pn1 lur w110 repruentrd then• wni. one tumor l'h~t'. by ptf'sldl"nt Mu. Edward Nollar. DISCUSSING Pl.ANS-Mrs. John K. Malcom~n. Corona del Mar, state committee member of Native Daughters of the Golden West Children's F;oundation, Miss J ewel McSweeney, pa.et grand president and San Francisco committee chairman of foun~a- . tion and Mni. George L .. G~gle, Hollister, vice-chairman, n·orthern di\riaion ·of the Children's Foundation, talk over the group's plsna for this year at Saturday party held in Irvine Coast Country Club. -Staff ·Photo HARBOR OOMMJ'ITEE-Local women who aided Native Daughtc:-s Children's Foun, da\.lon seuion here include, front row, from lett, MnJ. Walter Nollar, Newport, presi· dent of Conchita Parlor ; Mrs. Chester Pollard, Newport, chairman of Children's Foundation committee: Mrs. Rudolph 0 . Peterson, Costa Mesa, first vice-prcsidE'nt, pinning shell emblem on Ml"ll. Pollard. Rear row, from left, Mrs. J9hn Jacobsen, Costa Meaa, ·Mn. Theodore Elman, Ne~port, 'Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs, Harold W. Gra- ham, both Costa Mesa. -Staf~ Photo :'l:a1we Dau1othlrrs. ft't'llnr a nef'd ITbe ho•ten commlttu lncludt"d not answt'rt•J by other agen<"iea. Mmea. Nollar. Chuter Pollard, 1<~\'!'ral yetth ago establlahed the foundation <"h•lrman: Rudolph O. foundation.' which ald1 r hlldren or Petenon. John JacobMn, William n11ddle lnt'ome part'nl11 whoee fin· Melcher. L. H. Ber&'eron. Robert anrt•!<, adeq1111ll" for ordinary needa, M. Wl~n. Harold W. Orah"m. 11re not enough !or unu1ual ex-Theodor Elm~. J . A. Oant and penscs. He.Jen ColllnL EDNA STEARNS DAYTON SERIES-Mrs. Ell•wort.h E. Betts. left , chairman of Tumor Boa'rd volunteens, Nightingale Chapter, Hoag Hospital Auxiliary and Mrs. William Humason. assistant chairman, discuss books to be re\'iewed by Edna Stea rns Dayton as part of fund- raising \'enture for boarO: First review will be Feb. 24 Rt Lido Theatre. -Staff Photo W H A'"f LIES AHEAD? I Ensign Students Hear High School Staffers Hey-Y oil-Squares A-Od Craft Program 'rh• Jut two week• have 1Hn will continue with ballroom danc- the 'start of a new project for the Ing on Friday evl"ninga and square 32 membl"rs of the H ey-You-danclng on Sunday aflernoona and Squarea. le-en-age dance club of evenings.. The addltlon&l educa- time ro · ct1 flll and sponsors of the group, M r. oul the club program to make It and Mrs. Melvin KJtch or 3042 ll more all-round youth group, lhe Monrovia Ave .. Coit& Me1a, are sponsora reel holding hobby and cratt.s aes.111ona at lhe clubhouse. a 3-car garage built for . the purpose ~n the Kitch property. Both Mr. and Mra. Kitch have had expirlen~ 1n the organi- zation 1rnd Instruction ot cr11£t cla11s.-;1 and mo11t ot the nrct'111111ry equipment for lht' various typu or work Is avalh1.ble. Wecinuday evenings and 1111 d11y on Saturdays are devoted to the many kinds of cralt, l11cludmg lealherwork. lntema.1 pla.l!Uc carv- ing. woodshop, lapidary work, Jewelry making with !!hells and 11e- qu1n11. rly tying. knitting 11nd IH'W· Ing. The neceMary licensing 11 being eecured ao lhal Ule young· ster11 can se-U their product• !or l'pendlng mont"y. The ma!)\ problem 11t the present tlml', Mys Mrs. Kitch. 1s the p1 ocu11ng of wonrl tor lhe woodworktng couraei<. ' TI1c dance program. Jor which the club wu originally organlud, Four Piece Painted Cannister Sets R"lf• 1.15 •..•. ~p. 89t GRANGE SLATES SUPPER, DANCE Newport Harbor Grange wlll hold Its first eocial mt"el- lng or the year on Tuesday ev<'ning, Jan. 25 at. the Amer· lean Legion H ut. There will be pot-luck 1up· pa 11.t 6 :30 p.m. followl"d by an evening of enterta!nmr nt and <lancing. All rn embt"ra are lnvttl'd to bnng a gt/1"31. The ngul1r bueinel!ll m~t­ lnga are held on lhe 1econd Tutl!rtlly of u ch month, and I he IOO<'taJ meel1nr lhe fourth Tuuday. alweya al the "H ut." Cherry Wood CarvlnCJ Boards I h 2t Inch .. ,., IO •plkN 1'~. T~ and ""'" .. '4"" LOOK • • The prohlrm~ I hill ftH'." lhe fi·u.h-l 80red dubs sre lotroducl'd 11nd rx· rnt n 11turt,.nt11' C1r.ot d11y11 ti\. high phtll\fd. Thf' problt",m or "Jackrt ll<'hool weir 11bly d1!K'usud Bl the Clubi< · h1t11 nnt been upecta lly 11p· Ho1aC'e En.•tJ'n r -TA mel"ltn.2 Mon· pnrt>n! 111 the loe&J high Khool.1 ti•).' n11::ht Jan 17 hy J '\fif'p?i Hamb-1 hnwrver hkr other l!cllool boar<ll'. ,,., ,,c-t·rnnrtr»I. .!\!1• Rl"bPrt thf' IOC'1tl nnfl 111 wnrkln~ nn th" , F'11ye 1 H1trhu•11n. dPRn nf 111rl11. prnhl"m Geily Decorated Cake Safes lrHd loxes 8PK· ••. 98( Delta Power Shop lad: II" NIW ~" Jolntf'r I Gah-anlucf ~all B<>x I Same Platf. I Vour Sam"' ~ S1untwor Desco War• Blue or Red .. nd RobHt ~hi-:nu"'°n. < nun&elor I .Mm >'11 Harvry Somu~. .la•k trom Newpnrt llsr!Y'lr Hi.1th Bra'1burv &nd 8 . ~. Dr~nbeorir VartCIUa I\'~· ,,, achtl'\'CJ\l,.nl I Wf'r(' nrrotnted to the nomlnattni tuta ue SCH'CJl lt1 better hl'lf' the cnmmlltl"t' with Wllllam Rltlf'r. f,,. l'llldtnl !rh•r t l hf' propt'r rnur8e5 j rnlly member to nomlnat,. lhl" nr- ort .. r·f'd In t hr r11rnc11l1101. I he fl('r 111 for next year. Thev wlll r"· .. ,....akl"r11 rllplitln"d. Frnhml"n ~tu-I f11'11 l tn Ftbnuirv 11 th~ rrir11l11r clrnt11 hll\'f' ""~mbllr1 ll" a , qu111n1 mretmit I hf'm With "'hnnl f'OhClt'I', Mn RI'. Tht honorary llff' ml"mb<-r~hlf' el l"l"l"r8. Th,. v11rln11A lll'honl·11pon-commtllff IJ!c:lurles MmtP. f'orler Birthday Event for Foursome Four b1rth•IR V 1 d ebranta wei e 11urprllled 111111 \~'<'"k when f1 1en·l~ ustmbltd at lhl' homl" l"f Mr. anr1 2'fr11. UonMd CM·bm. Z1 33 Or11n1e Ave .. Co•tl\ Mrllll Honored w,., e !\I r&. Gr raid Jone.s t'lf Ntwpnrl nnrh. Mrs. Jol!cph 1'1ne of Gardtn Grove. Mr• Clar- ence Younit 11n•l lfra. C'orbtn. Ount1 &TTl\'l'd tt11.rly, bnng1ng viands tor " pot luck dlnnt r. in- cludln1 a duorated cake. There w.re allO ~1tl• for the fourl!Oml". After dlnn.r the men rnJo~ card• wblle lhtlr "i \•ts rlll'<'ll.!l&l"d attaJn of femmlnt lntuut. ..,._nt were Me1111~ and Mmes. JonM. Young, Pint. Leon11 rd Leach. WaJtar Orohnett. Archie 011lr&nd· er; Mm ... l!:lale King. Mr and Mn. Corbln, Romlllnt en.I Lind" Corbin. ~1ndalr. C. H. Eckert. John Ktm· b111l and J oaeph Carver. Eh;hth grade mothef'3 wt1 c hn~­ te~llf'll tor the llOd&J hour follow· I mi: the meeotlng. They we1,. !\Im" .. BruC'e A. Andrl'"""· W1lllllm A f;117.l11y. 1tnd Frl'd Woorl\l'nrt h Mr rlui~ten11en'11 eighth i:rsill" 11n•I .!\h11 Moe11teller'11 r oom A h11d tht mcil!l rarent.a pruent. ', b. p. motnr and •tand $2109~ C'om plet& Six Piece Screw Driver Set ."JIN'· 98<' CLEARANCE EIPctrlc lron111 $10.19 PN>l'111uri-Cnoki-ni 9.9~ .. and L'l.9~ Ot-e. Tum hltt Sfof 1' 1.914 T ... E RACE IS ON to •r !\ Schlage Keyed Door Locks COUNTER 1.ock SetK ~2.30 Lun<'h Boxf" . um Tinker Sheolf ..... ··-77<' Fl NAL CLEARANCE SALE --LAST 4 DAYS- Harbor View P-TA Tuesday chairman. 1tat~d that Supt. Roy Andersen had bt"m In cbnlect wtth the polke dl"partm.-nt 111 re~ard lo placing 8llfely signir along route of the Mhool 0bu11es. • H arbor V"w S<"hool P-TA mel Dent.al Heallh day wu announc- Tuuday. Jan. 18 al 7:30 p 111• ed for Tuuday. Ftb. 8 at 8 :80 in lhe achoo! aud1lorlum, the thtme a .m. Studenla will be entertained "Famlllea are bnportant." I by Miiton Taddock with a pup~t Mrs. Cor<lon )~CManon ts new 11tiow. "Little Pelle ana the Little ways and means l'halrman. She I White Bt'ast .. waa tolrodu<"ed to bo11rd meomb\'rs ------------- by the prl"sldt'nt, .!\ir11. Warrl'n board !lll'et· in( held a t the !}qme or Mrs. o n Dt-~lolay r.tothere . u e; Youn,r. Suc:c/!111 of the recent S1<.fe Dnv· ary 11ll'l'\1n~ and dinner will be Ing day Wt'f'-' discus~d. Mrs. Nor-h('ld al Chr is Inn. Wedneaday, Jan. man Carlson, hulth and l!1fety 1 26 . .al 7 .30 p.m. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR A~EA. .. CALL LEHIGH 9-1634. MOTOH(.'\'C'l.E F.SCORT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division o·f " STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY 303 Main St.~ IAUOA~arbor 509 : Choose. GAS f'or the rast;e'st; automatic I • laundry t.eam .. , that ever shortened a wa.•hday . ~~o..~~ -an automauc Gas .. ·;utr hearer and 1n automatic Ga$ clothes dryer. lm1.alJ this s~edy laundry te?m in your homc--1long v.·irh your 1u1oma11c wnhrr~d you'vr ~1 a Ne.,,• Freedom Gu Laundry-one thH .. -ill mJke e\·ery o. ash<by a orclrce day -in a hurry. An ;rnrom~ric Gu °''ater heller delivers hot Watl"r 3 umes futer. It prov1do 1hc fast recovery rate ne<lcd 10 keep u v. nh )'OUt 1u1om311c wisher. let your d Ir · htlp you selcet the r1,1th1 si1t wart'r hra r for )·our family's nccJs. \'\'hm 11comes10 clothes drying. Ol'>lh· ing t"quah Gu. It dries clothes fu1cr chin any other •utom•tic fuel And an )'OUI l .. unJry 1s 1Cfter. Huffier, swccte1·smcllio• 1h.1n ever before. <;o, m1Jce )'OUrs 1 Nno Frt<ldom Gu llundry. See the new a.utomaric Gu c!mhcs dryers and autommc Gu w;uer hem rs 11 dC21ers· or )'OUr G» Comp.i.ny f1ff,ce now. They c.ost less to opeutr. • · · ! SOUTMU•N COUNTI ES OAS COMPANY Only GAS' give• you auoh ~odern automatic appllano•• Norge -Tappan -O'Keefe & Merritt Gas Rancies _Jake' S Appliances SALES u11•n 8·6641-SERVICE 1937 ·HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .. • ( • ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - ., I • 0 a A I • I 1 WITH SALLIE .. Newport Beach, ~ur . ''Tbaaka, all you lovely anoaymoba people, for your J phone calla" •.• Thursday Of laAt WflfJk IK)ln8 400 dll• 11ltarie8 and ofhclal• of Oraa1treounty a ttended an open home ~ celebrate the lllr.talllDg of the 100,000th Gu Meter la Oru1e Coun· ty • . • Now the· lnstallln1 of the 100,000th meter, eapeclally w~en It wu made of 1old, la la itself an excltlng oocaaion •.. But WMD the 0.. ~mpuy'a fllUfte a '"" yean t.ek predleted that t~l would proNbly by aboue 1960 ~ baatallhac the 80,oooth me· ter and here five yean ahMd of tlme they've reached tbe 100,000 mark! Whew! Breath-takbag, isn't It! Oran1e County'• pwtb • • • The BonDle Bflflm To get back to the anony- moua phone calla . . . Friday morning we were besieged with phone calls b~ people telling ua how much they en- joyed the refreshments '·'at the Gas Meter Party yester- day" ... How nicely the par- ty went off! . . . How imee<:- cable the .erving wu ! Now we don't blame dignitaries and official& for not wanting to give their names, but we're ao appreciative of the fact that thev took the time to call .. ·. · Want to kao" "'hat wu aerved! Cold lllieed turkey, l'QUt '""'f aad bUed ham •.• Clam dJp and avocado dlp . . • Bollie'• famoua 8wed1ah meat a.u. lD bar- ~ sauce ud platten and platten of rMdy-made-ap hon d'eouvrM •.• Bat all the good eat. didn't oat~ 1 Ill .tilDe the •~rk completely made out of pipe, with a diaper slung l-hrougb his beak, eofokllng the Gu Company's latMit modttl of ~u lnf'tt"r ••. From Cat.enng to a half ,II price counter up fourteen I &5 e.a.ay stepe . . . Our Meua· a.mll~:;)l nine Shop upstairs has a half' price counter that will make 41 our 4-bit pieces do the work of a buck .. -. DollA, stuffed toys, ceramics. what nots, sail boata, pot-bellied stoves. can-Ill dies, cannisters. a smattering of practicaJJy everything we have in our0 Mez.za.nine Shoppe I ... Included are regular $8.98 , Thermo Keeps for $4.50 ... ~~~ you know those zipper insu- lated baga that keep foods either hot or cold . . . Best and most useful buy to me are a selection of asaorted plutic liners for waste paper buketa, step on cans and gar- bage cane . , . They have elutic and adjustable snap around edges that make them fit anugly ... Naturally being plutic, they are water proof ... How nice to keep the bot-• tolll.ll of these very necessary howiehold itma clean and rust I frtt ! Such a little price too I ... The liner for the No. 5 ( atandard) g a r b a f e can 1 ,_~ which 111 regularly 1.05 is ~ now 53 cents . . . The other I regularly priced nt RP<--35<-. Look to your \'a.Jeon~ too on th~ MN:IADi.H ! Got aayboch· far away or onr- • "llleU f Mall y_our lovtn thott. M th~y·n lfefi there on timf'. ·" .. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1955 HIGH ON ENERGY REAL ENERGY IUltNERS demend solid power-pecked nour- ;;hment thrH times · or more per dey. A heerty &re.West, Lunch and Dinf'•r ere mi9ltty enential to the welfare of He•tth, Happiness and Comfort. Yes, it's ell important that you Moms serve the finest,' most eppeti:iing, foods obtainebfe. Insure complete Ht· ability from all of your family by shoppin9 at Richard's today, tomorrow end everyday for the most edible ener9y foods in ell the world. I . ' . . Best Baked Favorites! Maxwell Houae • INST. COFFEE Dari-gold Beet QualJty . AA .BUTTER THl'RMPA\' -.------· FJHOA\' ------1 1b. 59c A hn-atb of SU118bl~ for df"tllM'rt ! I ~i:;c'; PIES :""' 52' Tbf' Popular Strak tor Bmlllnl' 1 •• M. l 'HOICE l >t-IN'tabll' Yrult t"lavora ! I nn;KR\' Ott PINt;APl'I.£ I COFFEE CAKE t'L 31 f ' l•ttrl' •lze l L . Sirloin Steaks lb. 89c T.-itekr and f\&J of fta\ or l". ti. CHOier. SWIN!ol or Round Steak Alway• F,....11 Ground Round •·rom tM I.AUid of Corn KATH ftl.AC'KHAWK Bacon Jw.I ~al and rat ... Su \\a•tr RATH BROW~ ll !Ct'.R\ •: Sausage ( lb. 79c I~. 79c lb. 6Sc lb. 49c - 81rdto4eyt' BCTJ'ER 15' BEANS -.. J l>-OL 81rdto4eyt" MIX. I0.01. 15' YEGETAILES B.lrdllf'yr Cut . l~oa. 31¢ ASPARAGUS Ffosen Fish IUrct,...yr l'l:RCH . II-ox. 41¢ FILLETS ............ Rh-dllt'yf' 10-oa.. 45f FISH STICKS Ruprrla 1'4kl•'"- 11-or.. 59' HAUIUT Frozen Pies hlrd .... ,, .. IM>&. 25¢ IEEF PIE .. ftlrllw-' I' 25 t CHICKEN PIE 8-ni. C'hll'k•·n of ,... .• fl·OI'.. 24( TUNA PIE . "Enjoy rk h flavored Koesers Froie.n Cocoa- Deli Meat for Luncheon Treat ! Ener9y Foods to Start the Day ! Nice er-earned ! Nitt for &ad"•khes CHIPPED HAM .. l,uer Flrwt QoalJty Slked l.oUJCe BALOGNA .. 49c ALL MEAT FRANKS .. 45c • Ill . • Slleed B. C. Dry GERMAN $ALAMI .•. 98c Produce Department! / IAr~t', F&D<'y, t:at1n~-8ize Na\·el ORANGES 3 1b"25c iiiiCHoKES 2,.,19c iiiiATOES 2 pk•·· 35c • Tndd'• t:nril'lllM-d Homn1'f'nl1.f'd 2 41 C MILK .. .. quart for Todd• Multl·\'ltaml11 HEALTH MILK ....... CORN FLAKES Hot t:l'l'l'al-lt'• trood : QUAKER OATS 2 fur 45c IZ 19c oi:. ll.::t 3nc: pktr. ,- IU~)" >'rouia ORA:Sot: 2 'tftc: JUICE .. ~. fnr 1.1- M lnutl' Maid t 'roun CiRA PP:FK •.IT JUICE ··-· t ·unp'"'ll'a Y-8 JUICE Klrbard'• 1..arae •. ,,...h AA EGGS .. Hakrr'a Extra •·1ne COCOA ....... . :-.·~1a--.onc1 llot or «>Id QUIK COCOA nut. P11)~apple and Papaya juices -now in 1:1t11clk .•• froun food M'Ctioa No. U . Here at Richard'a Market which ia one of the Lido Shops located at the entrance to Udo ale. Newport Beach, alJ of the prepared .foods eold in our d~llcateaen are made right in our own catering kitchen ... Step In and gl't acquain~ed with Rosie and Joe ... aomeday you m1~ht want them to whip up some· thing ~pecially for you .•. SPECIAl..S FOR 'AN. ~o. tl AND zi. J95.') -.... .. •l ---. . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE v. . \ o ·p \ I -. . . . ... .· ... SalurJa'I, anuar'I 22 9:0fi a.m.. f,;. 9:00 p.m. ous·1 E c . ·p _ 1·0 in our n ·eW ~ome ---·- . NEW HOME OF THE FORD ••• 3100 W. COAST HIGHWAY ••• NEWPORT IEACH T .HEO E --R -o I "YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921'' r • J ~- . 5 Souvenirs Refreshments · . _ You Are . Cordially Invited to _Inspect Our Complete f aciliti~s for Sales and Senice • ) .. • ... • • • BUSINESS . OF PIONEER KEEPS UP t PAGE 2 .. PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS I : \THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955' i ................................................................... __ __ • WITH EXPANSION OF HARBOR AREA Tlleo Robl• Moves From Repair ShOp to $200,000 Auto A«JHCY --.~t.be-l'riJtdltoM type of bu .. ,.,... ru.a, tllouc'I· You ha ve 011ly to p Mell lo tJ>e formallve .tqe of lhe 1entJeman'1 Ille, wMt\ he wu a m•mber of lhe U. 8. Air Buvlce, to 1et lhat Idea eomplete· G~neral Contractor J. llTHUI TAYL~I TO HEAD S • .A. COL'LEIE BUSINESS GROUP A pioneer buaineu ma.n la qpandinr with the Harbor 1 t h 4 · ' 1-· 0 -'-Theo Ro .. a--who came to N~rt Beach to Y out 0 your •• · · I J. Arthur Taylor of Lido Iale,~d~nt of the Finat Weatero Bank and 1'ru9t <;?<>. of San ta Ana, la named chairman of the Santa Ana College Buai- ne. Advlaory Committee, a group of a h alf hun- dred buain._ and profeaional people who will have a key role in the i.econd annual B~in~ Education • -nc .. -..... Y,or thl1 AIJ'e Thto Robina •wa.a "'\ at.art a one-man repair abop 33 yean aio an 'la now com-the tint man to tty an airplU1e pletJng a $200.000 auto lnatallation on Cout Hi1hway. ovtr Northern C&Jllomla'1 lOWl'r· • , The lnllt&Jl&Uon, Theodore Rob-Ing Mt. Shut.a, whlrh la H ,U 4 ~ Daya at the college next March 1 and 2. t Ina and Theodore Roblnl Jr., com· fut up. "That wu Melt tn 1920." blnaa lhe "Hanor'• Foret •cency. Robinl repart.a. " l found out no •• a uaed car lot and a ·body a nd on,. had ever nad a plane wtlh pa.Int lhop. the power to pwtorm tha t trick, The committee met Mo~day"for a buffet lunch- eon on campu.a to hear p~liminary detail• of the Buaineu·Education Daya; which will feature· a bual- nea equipment abow, 1tyle shows. ca reer work· But whUe ll'a true the Harbor 11<)1 t~l I mlpt u well cet art• hu dolle 1 ood by Robina,. the publicity." It'• a1lo t rue Robina hu done M>N UK& FATKl'!ll .abope and viaita by outatanding buainess atudenta from Orange--'Ceunty high ac:hoola. Sood by t he Harbor arn In the Robin• a1lo repr-nttd hl1 Air true capacity of • civic leadn. sirvlce 1quadro.n •t the air racu The fint day will highlight buaineu topics of interest for eollege atudenta and the 1eeond day will be devoted to the high ~hool vlaitora. Co-aponaor- ed by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, the event will be climaxed \tith a community business banquet. • H e wu one, of the ort(inal five In Lonr Beach, brukln1 the cloa- t ru1teea of th• Newport Harbor f'd course •Pffd r.cord In a De· Union lflrh School, tlsur1n'k prom-Haviland DH4B al 158 mllea per lne.ntly In the purchue of • ilte hour. No ·d_a,ubt t hat expla in• 110n und the bulld1n1 of the e&mpUL Bob'• hobby _ hot rod11. The eld· CIVIC LEAl>EJl8 HlP I .r Roblrui proudl1'-relatu th•t And thal'1 only the be,tnnln1. Bot> a partner In hl11 ,uto bua- Roblna I• put prealdent of the nc•~ tor thrfe, yeara; hu won the -------------------------- Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· Santa Ana c1rag races three yean OILERS SLIP BY TARS mft"<:e, put commander of the In a row. Newport American Lefion Po•t, The 11.year·old Harbor b:.ialne.u ---------------- /Int pre8'dent of the Newporl· man wu born In Seattle In 1893. H · t• t B H t Balboa Savlnfl and Loan As11ocla-He w11.11 educated in Long Bea('h un 1ng on ee· oops ers lion, put prealdent···of. lhf New· and Los Angele8. When he t'ame .port l!:xchanre Club, put t'Om· out or the Air Service, Robin• 01ander of the Newport·CoatA Me-opened hb one·man repair shop, Jake Harbor Squad 50.37 • Uona Club, was active tor the Bay Ave. Ga rage In Balboa many year• In Harbor Scouting June 1. 1921 . work. and 11 1Ull one of the c11rec· On Feb. 23, 1923 Robins atart· Jn the opening game or tlle Sun·~ Tar 11eorlng was Stan Schonta with ton of the Newport H~rbor Boya' ed the Harbor 1'"ord agency at hla Bf"t League season the Newport l point. Club -juat l o give you Ult Idea. Bay Ave. loca tion. Expansion Harbor Bee baaketball team lo11t The Oller 11co1er was J im Far· Don't make the mistake of l needa ·movt'd the agency lo 2118 to Huntln1;ton Beach :>0-37 on the quh11r with 13 points. Jo~ollowrng thinking of Theo Bobina &JI a staid, Nl.'wport Blvd. In 1927. Six yeara Oiler's floor closely behind Farquhar was Dar-jjji;;;================;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ago, Robina purchased propert y at The game started raat with r~ll Phlllipy with 12 points, and Con'lralufalion~ THEODORE ROBINS f INISH HARDWARE by 3100 W. Cout Highway, locaunr B h 1~ Gary Tracy with 10 point•. Dirk a U~d·c•r lot and body and paint Huntington eac runn .. ,.. up an ~ 8 1 t I d 1 th fir t period be Hensley ICONd 7 points, Bill Vail shop there. -po n ea n e • • ~ t th Ta m•~a1•d to ecore 4, Mike Nevlna 2 and Bill Coop· "Now, with the mov~ of thr ore e "' -· ~ · Ford agency to• lhl11 location," At the end of U:ie quarter. the OU· m11n" points. h d 1!> T d antage Tomorrow the tHm will play Robina arinounced, "we ortf"r the eri • • • • v · the Fullerton Indlan11 on the Tara' Public a complete auto aervlce."' OILE& MAAGIN ... Oil floor. The ,.me .will 1tan at 3 Bealdea 11on Bob the "we" In· The aecond q uarter aaw ..... • clud .. hi• wife, Ma'e . .Robins came tr11 with a half time lead ot 18 p.m. and admlt1alon Is rree. to the Harbor arta a bachelor and points. The acore waa 32-18. w-. married here. A tlaughti:r. Newport Harbor played a bf'tter Ma.ry, la now teachlng al the Im· game In the 11econd half than In maculale Heart Collece In Holly. the rint half. In the third quarter wood. the OUeu barely man ased to out- ~clarin& hamaelt "to old to play acore them. The Tara acor.d t tenni•," Robina 1&y1 he enjoya point.I and the Olleu acor.ed 10 C>ffice Procedure Training Starts With OCC Course only one hobby at bi. home, 4!>1 point.a. . Tralnln1 In Otttce Pl'ocedur•1 111 , Redla.nda Ave. "I don't like to play I The Tan ouucored the Olien a vailable to adult. In lhi new 0 r. card•." Robina con.nd .. , "ao l!m 12-8 In the final quarter. They fed f lee practice clua just 1t.art1d at down to tlowera and cardfnmg " u ch other well and pla)•ed bet· Ornllgr Coast College, It was an· But that l1n'l the only fun in tfr defenalvely. Howevfr, they nounced. lm1ln 1ctlon Is bf'lng of· Robin•' preaent buaineM life. He 1 raught fire too late in lhe gum .. fHed In PBX opera lion, fluid and la one of the directors of Amigos to do much more than to scratch Ink duplicators, electric typewr!l· bor and county civic le&ders. "I THO)I P~OS Hl1~ HARD Thill claas tk orrered We1lnuday • I . THIODORE ROllNS' NEW HOME OF THE FORD Gordon B .. "Findlay -. . CONTRACTOR ... BUILDER · 3410 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 412 Vltjoa. tun organization of Har· al the 111rrace of the 01kr11'. . , en and tranKcrlblng m11l'hinei1 am proud or thal post," Theo Rob· Tar guarJ Buddy Thomp10n evenlnca .from 7 to 10 pm. Stu· ~·~~~ wu~oo~~~~~m~u ~t•mQre~~r ell~rd~q 1 ~===============~========~~~~~=~=~-~-~ of the aftrrnoon wtth H potnte. 'the day or evenlnga In the Adult Loe I Moor• Cha He bested the ertorta of lhc top Education om ce In the Admlnls·, tt•gh Q 1•t p • t• g Ph H bor 1616 a lftCJ rge· Huntington player by one point trillion buil1llng. No rce 111 ch11rgt>d I I ua I y r1n In one . ar BILLHf IMER & WALKER l•Rcler'~ Hardware & Specialties Dis play Room• for You in our New Location SANTA ANA, !OCNSl-Nor. and lhe be11l effort or 1ny olhfr ' tor thl' claSA. , man Na than No11lf, 38, of Santa Tar player by ~ point.I. --------------'----------------------------------- port Beach warrant. He wu Sallol'I. Dave T amura acored ~ charred with tuep.I moorlnr. point.I and then followed Jerry 2660 W. Avoa St. Uberty 9.3454 AM wu u~~~&nta~a ~~1n,T~mp~w .. Bru~ }~~~~~~WR~~~~ww ~Ike lu t Tuesday ntr h\ on a New· Knipp who acored 9 point.I tor lhe • • , Al lhe lime or hie a rnll, Nos · Kemper, Ron Daniel, Tt rry Tall 1te told ottlcert "l don'l even own and Bob Martln with 2 polnt1. a boet." l Maklnc up lhe rfmalnder of the Enhancing .the Highway <' with the design and plalls of THEODORE ROBINS New Ford Dealership Building .- Occupying Our Own NEW QUARTERS NEXT DOOR • • • ORANGE COUNTY ·DRAFTIA'G _ ROY M. WATKINS NIWPO•T BIACH 3210 W. Coast HWJ. Liberty · 8-3141 · ' .. !JOU can alwa11s rd!! on a FORD TT-8 I SrNCI 1tH PORD HAI IUILT MOH V-1 INGINIS THAN ALL OTHlll MANUFACTUHIS COMllNIDI Yea, Ford haa turned out more lha.n 14 million peat V-8 enpw.. Tba ,..,. V-8'1 tor '66 are comin1 off the U.. ln quantity. And thia y-.r, ~ peat en,u. deUV9r Ta1oou . Toaqua Pown tor mon r9p0nlli•• performance at all drivin1 ~ n.. en 3 ...., Ford enpnee tor '66 .•. 162-h.p. Y·block V-8 ... 182-h.p. Y -block 8pedal V-8 ••. and 1»-h.p. I-block Six. ONLY LOW-IRICID CAR WITH SUIK TMUNDUlllD STYUNQ Only ln U. '86 FOid will 10U tnd the'°"--"• loww adtifti look U-8ne can ..,. with the brilliant FOid Tlnm.t.bUd. You can have Jaar c:hob ot 11 beeutitul FOid _,..for ·as. And JOU can tab 1f1Nl' p6ck frca a wide nrilty of u,te and ~ bocl7 biabee and beeuUfully c:o&ar~-,..S lntenon. Man7 of the FOid ~ ma..._.. far '86 bav• ... Wan t..i oe.ed tn ~cu. ONLY LOW.ftlCID CAR WITH NIW ANOli-POISID RIDI Rouch ~ or llDOOth. Uwy all feel .,.._ when you're in a Paid. Why? Beca.e tlUa ,_, Ford bU ~ ita famom Ba1J...1oint Front ~ 'n. front IPrinp ue now tilt.t at an an1le ao they can abmrb r..t ahock fJ'Om the front -...... -lllnilbt ap from ber'9et.h the wbaela. ltA • .-ult ...... .,. ~ to tiny roed a. .... auch ....... joint.(""""u ·...u u ...Uy rouab .,,.._ It -.w llnOOther rolnc for you ~ .U rdeda. Buy a '55 Ford ... the V-8 leader Thrill to a Tri~ger-Torqu.e Teat Drive today! ' Yow Forcl Dealer Since 1921 3100 W.. Coast Highway , Newport leach Liberty 8-1471 TV •t lt1 h1tl Don't Miu •Forti Ttto•tre' KICA (4), Ttturatley, 9:30 p. m. \ • \ f I THEODOIJE ROBINS; aeeond from right, at.anding next to Theodo~ "Bob'' Robina Jr .. viewa the spacioua display room of his "New Home of the FoRD,i' anticipating open house and reception for the public this Saturday. Department managers from Jeft are Evalyn Everett, Newport Beach; accounting; Harry Frederick, Coata Mesa, aates manager: Frank 0. Moore Jr., Costa Mesa, parts manager a.nd Fred Doner, TYPICAL OF THE MODERN facilltlM available-to cuatomers and patrons of Theo· dore Robin•, "Your Ford Dealer Since 1921," ia this waiting room equipped with TV. radi~ and writing desk. The new Robina buliding .provides spacious quarters for sales. eervice ~~ .'~0.r.!l!...~~.!~~--'!~.?~~~nt !~!:~lon .~1~ _VI_. ~~t. Hig~wa~:_._ Newport Beach, service manager. -Don Bush Photos preaalon down here durin1 '2t·SO· 31 and actually did a bit of bu- ---------------terlnc and trading In commoditle1 f I. n d I a y Bu,., d s I ni>w .. hOlllt' o( the Ford" on Coast hundred Lido hie homea includln1 Wht'~. the .carce ca ah WU Ml elu· : Highway wu Gordon B. Findlay. one that coat more. Ul&n UJ0,000. •IVf". Findlay atartt'd residt'nlial build· O~r ou!Jltandlng Jobe handled by ,.Findlay potnt.1 with prldf!Pto the N F d A mg locally tn 1929 a\.. which lime Findlay includl' the Villa Marina new edifice houaln1 t he Ha.rbor ew or gency he &aid there 11.•ere not more than and the St. Andrew's Presbyterian area Ford dealerahlp under l be di· 1 halt a dozen l\ousea on Lido ll!le. church. . ·, ,. ~tlon of Robina. Vlatton are wel· General contractor llf'lected by Since tho11e early daya In the Hur· Fi di 1 1 come to attend the "open houee" Theodore Robina, pioneer auto bor a rea Findlay bu had charg41 d n ~y .~ r ch In lore of the at 3100 W . Cout Hlcbway Sal· dealer, tor the conatrucllon of the of the building of more than a aye w t'n we all sat out the·de· urday from I a.m. 'tU t p.m. Best Wishes to THEODORE ROBINS Congratulations and ".Congratulations THEODORE ROBINS -We Are Proud to Serve You in · .. .- ' . N~PORT H.ARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE l THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 I Nel1ot1 G•rm GOH Stanley 8.eil. 10n of J.tra. Earl lA'roy Robert Nt'l110n of ltlt r. Grovtr, S030 Clay St., It no~ Hai bor Bh·d. ~portt'd tht'rt of two a -p(ival• at Jiit. Ord. H«-wu chronw bum~r 1uarda from hll drafttd ·Jan. 4. 8l'll, a graduate or car al 11 a.m. Sunday, Coata Kea• Untveralty of C11llfom1a last Junr pollce reportt'd. The Incident oc-. · currt'd ovcmlfht wl\lle the auto wu formerly f'mployt'd by Arc-hi· wu parkf'd In fronl of tha t ad· tt'<'t J. •Herbert Brownell. d rua &Jt U/iJheJ lo . Theodore Robins in his . · New: Building ·-we Supplied· the Lumber BARR LUMBER CO. -·-· - Your New Home -.+11----,--, COS.1'.~-M•U--. .-.......-....._.. __ ._. in-his BEST WISHES NEW FORD HOME • OFFICE FURNITURE and OFFICE EQUIPMENT by WILLIAMS STATIONERS 3430 Via Udo Harbor , 4588 .. -• STRUCTURAL STEEL • SHEET MET AL • VENTILATING • HEATING for The New ford Home of Theodore Robins Coast Hi9hway • Newport Beach by SMITH BROS. CO.· .. 1640 Superior Costa Mesa '" Ub1rty 8-5531 to THEO~ORE ~ROBINS CLAYTON THOMPSON '1802 w. lalb0a" llvd. tt.bor 155' DISTRllUTOR Sta•clard 01 Co. of Callfontla CONC_RET~ WORK for Theodore Robins' New Building by Charles C. Warren & Sons 2213 Newport llvd. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-2079 EXEC UTONE COMMU~JCATIONS SYSTEM was selected by Theodore Robins lor The New Ford Home J. C.MUSICK NEWPORT llACH Salel a.cl ........ HI · FIDELITY COMPONENTS , TAPE RECORDER"S \ 413 2"" St. ~ tt.r.1444-W Long Beach Towel Service 2033 w. 17th Phone LonC) leach 6-1772 CARP ET ING .. and ASPHALT TILE i n Theodore Robins' New Ford Building by r· Coastline Roor Coverings C 0 STA MES A. . l 541 Cettter Uberty 8-4481 BEST WISHES TO THEODORE ROBINS SERVICE STATION and GARAGE EQUIPMENT e SALES e SERVICE • I N s T A L L A, T I 0 N I M&S Mab1t11M111ee & Constnctiot1 Sallta AINI 1061 E. t"" St. Klmberly 7-1614 2025 Newport Ave. ~ Uberty 1-1136 Good Luck THEODORE ROBINS from Hollister Bros. Nursery • LANDSCAPE ARTISTS for THE NEW BUILDING • VISIT OUR DISPLAYS 1969 tt.bor llYd. Costa Mesa UbeftY 1-1592 . . - I ,. • I' ' /"'-, ' 3 3-ST AR SPECIAlt SALE CANNED HAM DAYS! • Tll•DIY · No Skin! No Bone! No West.! • FllllY 10 to 11-lb. 7 5:. BOLOGNA-oa-:t.t. SWIFT PREMIU~CED -2 3 9'. ·SALAMI -; . • -'TURIAY Average KRAFT SLICED. SWISS ~·CHEESE- ·• .. ~z. 43·'· PKG. We h•IMlle (I a«lvertiM) only the fanciest, dawy- f,..lh quality produeel CHEiiDAi'N .CHEESE 69t. . ' ililfiwSCHWEIGER 49:. CiiiPPEir BEEF 39· $-~ crMmed beef on tout t+te.. dlitly nit"I I SLICED IOILED 99· t. IO~DEN'S ~d~l~ty' • l !,~,,PITS 11· EXTRA LARGE. BEST 9UALITY, FURTI EACH UTU P&IOY, WlatllTOll STllllll llLIOIOUS ' - •• & llO, 1, Wini IOll Lii. , UOUORS All-AMERICAN LABEL llRDSffi All-AMERJCAN llENDED WHISKEY ;t-FT~OOf s329 FIFTH $~21 . FIFTH sn• 90-PR. ~ 10-PR. · ~1. JllUllY II· It• II ·' YOUR 2 29' CHOICE! PKGS. GIN I VODKA • DiiliEir iiiHES u•;,.oz. IOT. 19· iiiliidi WINES A"H 99• s111 O«ISTIAN MOS. EXCELLENT DINNER WINE VIN ROSE FULL FIFTH GALLON FULL FIFTH CHICKEN OF THE SEA s21s CLAY M01t$AN 7-Ylt, OLD WHISKEY . TUNA PIES NOW IN 'Ii-QUART CANS! REGAL . PALE 1-YR. OLD BONDED GREEN HILL • EACH 23' 4~.11· 100-PROOF s3s1 , FIFT~ ~ .. ____ _ - I R E w A y D 0 w I •IRLllG SAVllGS II EVERY DEPAR ., -MS. ... 61 ~~fllt1UGI --~ .. ~­_t ... --·---·~ \fan de \(O.mf s . 40_~·.,CJ#J 'SPIS!A'-~ .. ,,. ... 000 CAKI...-.,. •. 1.MGI\ f ~,..,.... ..• • .. , .. f\Atll ·.-~I ,.... • •,... · · . ,. • SSc -"UGHM ,, ___ ,,... ...... S9C .,_ "'°" .. 0 •• _.-.c ,.... ... ,,.. ctnna \e \C9 ereo"' : . · ... &9• outch ,.,. \e f\e ,.... ""· • · •9 • _. .,.._,. AP!_. f\e ,.... tN ••• • • : 79& \,en-·· ....... ·...-~ -ie eok• ,.... .,.. ... ,.,. ~-p\.-Orr \otecake,... sSc M''" c~_daa eok•,... • 41& ~-, ,,, """'·--.... •1wnond w ........ 41& ,.. 00"9"""" ,.... ...... . crucnb .. ----., .. ,.... • 3Sc _ ...... ,-.~ ,_ ,......., .... ' shcrnw ;,..."' (OOk..-... ' c ~\ate" · ,..,,.. t4• . ,,.nch ao••• ,.... • .. ,... . ...... 98c a c-............ h -........... _ trench \ -• ,.... •·* · · • ChOCo G•• •• ~~ f\ne ••••••••• . • • CRISP SAL TINES 'Bl& DIP' GOLDEN STATE'S 59' SllAWfLllES DELICIOUS LOW nv CALORIE - 1 /J-GAL I-LB. 23' '9CG. APPLES'CE. ~:~~ 2 ~~s23--su~-RIOR TOMATO JCE. ~~' 19-· CUT -RITE ~~~~. ':~~~ 21 c • , . ALL-AMERICAI IS CELEBUTIIG VAN de UMP~S 40th BIRTHDAY WITH A STORE-nLL OF SPECIALS! OllEOI EVERY ml-TIEI PUT n YIUR .... SIMI . 111 aunn n amt , , -SUGAR.,~·--------. KRAFT PROCESSED AMERICAN CHEESE VELVEETA CHASE I SANBORN VACUUM-DOME CAN COFFEE I-LB. CAN- All Grinds! • 4 . .,,.~, ~ ""-~ w U. S. &RAhe, ~ Oil IETTER -T&IDER. 0 ne-A6ED -~N ·&RAJN-F£0 BEEF 4 SIRLOIN Nothf ng Rnerl $ •• i I {I( 09 -~ I HOLIDAY PURE COLORED ~'~._.... ..._-iimiiEiAOiTFfiiJf"--rJ'9J ----I / ' 1·LI. CTN. &RADE &Coo a 33· •.. ~. . CHOICE SQUA~E ~. CUT SHOULDER DOG FOOD SKIPPY QUALITY! 16 J!~ s1 00 ' LAMB . CHOPS . 6 t5r 49: : MAYON NA Is E' 2~~tE};R . BONE IEST CUTS! .. · -SNOWDRl~T zt~~.~r.~~~T!.~N!. · 79' ,. LAMB BREAST t~:EiR 10: ~ ORANGE JUICE JJ~~A16~ 31'· ~LAMB .PATIIES 0~~~£~, 29: q . ) 21 to 2l~b. A¥9re99l CEREAL SALE. ~ AU,AMER~S FAMOUS FRBH LEAN ' 4 • WHEATIES • CHEDIOS ' . F R089"S lfTS O' HONIY PEAS 2c:s27'_ m a HONEY WHOU ec-.a LIE. Pll. . AlJ,AMEftlCAN 'TIP-TOP' BRAND 100)'. PURE ~~~i~:J;~ ' PORK SAUSAGE ls~ La , CORN 2c:s21' Ciriii ~~E 25' :-RATH'S SLICED BACON ~ ~TH,:~_RNLANO 49' ~~r~~wx 65' ~ ~....;., u==:~~uuu~ ~ ~~·~ I T~ aF) • 4 ~..,. I • iili EVM • 2 ~~ 25C ,,. iiiiiE~-MIX 33' NEW! . 'TRIX' · ~DOWNEY CORNElt AltESTONE I DOLAN COR NER FIRESTONE I PIONEER Deity 'ti1 Mid11I+.. 'em to 10 '"91.Svft. • OPEN DAILY 'rtl MIOHfTEI • URDEI GROVE • COROll DEL MIR ttsl 6AROEN GROVE I LVO ~erden Sq.J J049 COAST HIGHWAY AT JASMlfl. DAIL y •:OO A.M. :o tOloGO ,.M. DAILY t:OO A.M TO 10:00 ,.M. •NORWALK • IEWPORT BEACH • SAi CLEM.EITE 2600 COAST Hl'iHVVAY AT TUSTIN' 602 El CAMINO HAL OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO t:OO P.M. DAIL y t:OO to t:OO ,.M.-Suftdey t to I P.M. 0 ,.1 ,.., '''llDAV A &ATU .. OA\' 'Ttl 10 " M. , I, • .. . , . ': . I ACR088 THE LINE-Ott to a fut au.rt in the finrt race of the Winter Seriea ta the eight boat PC fleet off BALBOA SQUADRON ANNOUNCES COURSES WorthlnCJfon Lee toJ!t Fint L0cal Communications Officer By !'IRS. G. S. Pt:A8E Balboa, Thomas Soule of Balboa Nut Monday nlchl. Jan. :u. bland: Richard Sautter of Coeta =~· .~~n:-~i::r:::w:; c~:~~~ ~~~~· a~:l~~msr:a~a~~!l~=I~ ~: wllh lhe ntw courH tn Piloting, rona del Mar. to be&ln at Newport Harbor Yacht New women certlflcate holdtra Club at 7 :30. Thi• courM 11 open arr: Mll'l! Phyllis Hird of Corona to all men and women. 11 frff of dtl Mar: Mrs. J. H. McW1lllam1 of charce. and valuable to both ex-Balboa: Mra. W . J. Ryan of Santa ~Henctd and lnuperlenced boat Ana, and Mrs. Flt"ldlng Thayer of minded penoni. Elmer La Lanne Balboa. These are In addition to a 11 chairman. and no advanced rn-lh1t ot nl'w mtmber11 publl11htd In rollment la necl' ... ry. Any who lut week"• Press. ar~ lnteruted 1hould be on hand j f'O l'RSF. SCHEl>l'LF. lo t11roll In thia len week courae. Advanced couniu, open to mem- sr.:w PaOORAM ber• and women ctrlltlcate hold- er• are 11Chedul~ to begin nut Wffk a11 rollow1: Weathrr, under Leonard Hoatetler at the Chamber of Commeorce buildlnf , Monday Jan. 24 at 7:;lO.: ~amanshlp, under Albert R7lelt. at the Girl Seoul Houae. Thul'llday, Jan. 27 al 7:30 and Engml' Maantl'nance. lft(tter Ray Donald, at the Tar P1l. Thuraday Jan. 27 at 7:30. Commander Curtla Oolh an- nounced a new equactron a.ollv1ty which will allow ml'mber1 to prae- llce what Oley learn In counea. ni.re will be a PfOIT&m ot pte- dJcled lof raclnf under ~ chair· manlhlp or Dean Csmpbell. owner of the Vlde JU. H11 commlttM membent will be Tom Allen and Worthln1ton l.Ae. Tb11 pro1ram wlll allow crulter 1wnna and non-boat ownlnl crew membera to lt'a.rn a ccurate hand- lln1 ot bo&u. COUrM• and navt1a- tlon problem1 COftnacted with thl• ty pe of raclnc. A 1tmU.r Pn>ST&m ~or au11lllar1e1 11 In the makln1. L.Et.: APPOINTED Doah furthu announced the ap- pol1'lml'nt of a new fl&& lieutenant. f'nr tht' tint time Balboa rower 8q1111dron "''111 h•n a rommuntca- llnn11 oftlcu, and the tint to hold thl11 orrtre will ~ I A't , ownu of lh«' Marworth 1,.. t1u put IDlt• p1 •~tire the pl1nc1plu "" haa learned In h11 Squadron c:our1u. and has deve- loped an enviable rt'put.&Uon for hi• 1k1ll In r adio communication •mona boat.II H.-h111 often aonl' far bl'yond thr ··11ne of duty" In hla efforta lo heir othtr boet own- en In dl1tttN1 • He "'·Ill be by gf'nf'1 oua incllna- llon and e•penenct' a va luable or- llcl'r 1n t ht' promotion amoni; aqu1dron mtmbt'r. of a betttr undar11land1 nr of nautical cnmmu- nlealion and 1ud and •.uhola nce al wa. Ht will kf'i'p r~ord11 and •tudy tht proaram •l1dlns; ln tht t"nlted Statu Powpr Squ•dran11· prnitram of Commun1ca11nn• n•Ma rrh to- ••a ro provn• l''hlch •• ron•t•nlly ~1n1 mad1> Adva.ncf'd Pllollng-u.ndu Robert L. Boyd ,. 1Ull In procreu and a new coura. will begin ne•l fall. Junior Navigator and Nav1aator cour1e1 are al90 now an progrt .. and will be &'fnn again ne11t fall. All la1lructor11 are votunt.el'fl. Thi' pa.ulnK or the Pllollnc courH 11 ne<:ueary to the ta.kine or the ad- vanced cotirM!1. Balboa Yacht Club. Now leading the aeries i• BYC't Jack Toon in No. 37. -Beckner Photo. -'• WD'll THE BACON-Let! Tarr of BYC brings hi9 Rhodell sloop FoUy II in ahead of the fleet for top hon- ors in the first race of the Winter Series at Balboa Yacht Club, on Sunday, Jan. 16. -Beck11er Photo. Shields to Face D,.. Arraignment char1e and paid a 1200 fine. Shields, a plumbt'r. waa arruted Tuesday by Newport pollre Whl'n ArralgT1mtnl on dnank 11nving they 1&1d they obl'ervrd h im drlv- waa (&Cl'd Monday In Nrwporl I '"It 1n lln errAlic msnnl'r. They Juatlce Court by Scotllt Le" H id they followt'<I him from 12th ShlellCJ. 48. of J230 W .. Balboa St. and Balboa Blvtl. to 20th Bl. Blvd. He plt'aded rullty. to th~ ind Balbol!' Blvd. !kvtrl l more new mtmbt-ra had be-en •dded to t ht 11qua dron r011ter, o a rti•Ull of lh«"lr p•Hlns; the tau P1tot1n1 counu. Thi' men are Horace Benjamin or Balboa. Bal- ll'y Brooka Bem&l'd of Ntwport Beach. J o1eph McWilllam• anti Edward Mlllelt Jr of Balboa. Bcm.ard Paltereon ot Tu1tin; Mui . ray Robert• of Newport Beach: NEW OFFICER'S CRAFT-Worthington Lee, skipper of the 48-ft. twin screw cruis-- er, Marworth, will ~rve u first communications officer of the Balboa Power Squad- ron. Appointment was made by Commander Curtis Dosh. Robert Scofield of. B..tbo& l•land: Fltadinc Thayer Jr. and• Richard Thompeon ot Jl&lboa: Robert Boc- •n of Newport Beach: Laurtnc. HERE'S A · H.,ey ot Oranp: Jolul Oert17 ot FOR YOU! Herold I. Johnson ...... , ......... Col ....... ,,_,., ..... .ac:, ... 1111 \'UlllW'&J,H..,..t._. Bonded LINING NO llYITS 95 for FORD CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH B7draallc only Lining and Leor COURTNEY & LESTER 1596 N•wport llYd. Costa M.sa U 1-1197 I PAGt 6. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Sen. Murdy Named I. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2on 955 . aerv~ on all tht~ominttleee aur- lnr the lut waaior with th• u- cepllon of water nieourcee. 1 1 • · Vice-Chairman of I MARINE NEWS Two CommiHees . . O.c. Friday Jan. 21 Saturday Jan. 22 Sunday Jan. 23 Monday · Ja,n. 2• Tuetti-tay Jan. 211 Wectneaday Jan~ 28 Thut;lday Jan. 27 TIDE n... Hlp 7:08 a. m'. 8:63 p. m. 7:t2 a. m. 9:20 p. m. 8:15 a. m. 9:tll p. m. 8:t9 a. rn. 10:11 p. m. 9 :24 a. m. 10:39 p. m. 10:02 a. m. 11:11 p. m. 10:43 a. m. TAI LE Ht. 11.7 I 3.7 11.9 3.8 8.0 •. o 8.0 4.2 11.8 •.3 11.4 •.Ii •.8 4.7 nm. a- 0.116 a m. 2·Jq p. m. 1:3t a. m. 2:68 p. m. 2:10 a.m. 3:211 p. m. 2:411 a. m. 3 :111 p. m. 3:23 a. m. 4:20 p. m. 4:08 a. m. 4:411 p.m. 4 :113 a. m. 11:19 p. m. ... Ht. 2.3 -<>.e 2.2 --0.8 2.0 -0.8 1.8 -0.8 1.8 --0.4 1.11 --0.2 l .4 0.2 11:411 p. ~ Pac1t!J: O yl!Cht 8avtn1a Time J ~ FIK8T FULL QU.'UC'rt:R MOOS Jan. J .. Feb. 4 'CLEMENTE ISLAND . GUNFIRE WARNING_ Coaat Guard offlcl"a todly warned mariner• San Clemen- te bland water1 wlll be dan- 1erou1 to navlratlon this week t>cocauae ot naval sun- fir~. CuUe Rock wlll b/ under fire today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to mld9lcht and dur- ing-. dayUg-lft houra Saturday and Sunday. Sillletn rugced 1klppen and their loyal crew1 1howed up al Balboa Yacht Club lut Sunday for the tlrat race or the Winter Serles for lar1te boat1. CllUI. guaty wlnd.11 and choppy Ma• made the race. e11clttn1 evrn thourh not ellactly a pleaaure. Le• Tarr took top honor11 In the four boat Rhodea fleet clo.ely fol- lowed by Jeannie Kewell. NHYC'• crack •klpperette, Ruth Hukell. JOHNSTONE'S . Mesa Auto Wreckers • (f ·•· l.A8T NEW llUON Jan. 23 QUAJCTEB Feb. H acaln ltd the Luden clau aero•• the flnl1h Jlne duplte an unuwal- ly poor at.rt tor thl1 "head11-up" aallor. Eight entrlu In the PC claN bowed again lo the helm.11· manahJp or BYC'.11 Jack Toon wtth John Biby of BYC In 1econd and ICd Le.mar or Voyarera RC third. now the BIG are quiet! Quiet u a kittea, but there'• a lot o( wil4cat action in thOM rugged, dependable Sea Hor.et. Come ia and lilten to the four great model1. S~ to 25 H.P. ,, '•I . .) •: South Coasl Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. Al'THORIZr;D FA<'TOR ,. 8ER\'l("E SACRAMENTO -State !kn.a· tor J ohn F. Murdy Jr .. of Hunt· tn&lon Beach, waa nam~ Vi<'e- chalnnan of. the committee on ac· ncullure an4 wu re-named vice· chairman of the aoclal welJ1re committee of the upper holl4e, It ' wu announced hen thl1 week. The Oran.re County leg1•l'1or waa allO appointed lo U1e commll- teee on education, labor and wa- ter reeourcea. The eenator had JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Ocean , Marine end General Insurance * . otn~: Cn.hl M,... Butt -... u-...n, 1-1111 "-•••Haul. C'onNNt WI..., TOWN TOPICS -'rom-Bank of Ame~ica r .__ Newport leach Branch '•" """ -~~~ =A.W1;,,h1, $4 lllllON FOi A 'RAINY DAYI That's bow much CaliforniaO. an now saving in our banlc- $-4,078,27.C,.CH as of the end ol the year. Pan of this money will make the h9pes and dram of chouunds of people come true this year. The rest wi41 be saved for a "rainy day" or. to help thousands more build their plans for the future. If all this money were allowed to remain in our bank until the end of 19'5, it would eara $11,J6~,.CU_ interest. And that's another good" ttaJOft for aaving at Danie of America-the 2% bank iatentt. If you don't "" o he # w ....u:ttr~"i"*~~apen one tM>wf-..-.-o=e=*t WHAT WOULD YOU IUY WITH $1, 965,000,000., We have a pretty good ida ol what "'"' bought for th-t amount of money during 195" -for it'• the approaimate . amount of Timeplan and other lnstalnwnt credit loan• made by our bank last year. A good ahare of it went to pay for 1ut~mobile1, household appliance., home improvements, Chnstmu gifts and many othft worthwhile things right here in our town. II 10* need money at any tia1' during 19'5, Timeplan may be your answer, too. HAVE YOU .. CHECKED"' 'voua NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS? Chances•~ by now you've for~neo mo,t of than. Many of our friends this year decided to open Beak of America checking accounu to help them keep better trade of their money-the lciod of resolution that can he wonh a great deal in terms of thrift and convenienC"e. If you ha\'ftl't yec ~ discovt~ how much Bank of America checks can mean Llbert1 a-1e11· Costa Ilea. to 1°"• come in and ltt us explain the merits of either a -=~~~~~~~~~~~:.._~.:._-~_~·-._~.....,.._•_•_•~~~~~~-""'~=lu=:.~o~r~~~e:'.opla_n_chtdU~-·-·_n1~accoun~~-L~~~~~~~~-- • • • Only In ~111enca~ Flnd·Choloe 7ivok-') All 711••• F/ra~·Cho/oe Featu,... For You I '55 CHEVROLET TRUCKS No other truolce ofler ~ou all th••• hour-aaYlfttl, dolt•~-•lntl teaturea. And Chevro .... a the low••t·prfoed llne. aG. nMUraHr, tr•th•1te .... ner. AIERIMS RRST CHOICE TRUCK I ............................... ou- aavin1 bJalM:ompreuioo performance. Aluminum alloy pi1tons. All-weather ipitioo .,.c.em. FutJ.-prn1urt lubr9cation. A4'¥weh ....... ...._...1Cab is ...... shackle-mounted to reduce vibration . Hu one-piece curved windshield. W.rtr·NrVlftl control featureal Ex- clusive Recirculating-Ball steering. Torque-Action and Twin-Action braJcea. MILLER CHEV.ROLET . CO • . ' . 1000 West Coast Hl .. way ~EWPOIT IEACH Phone Ul*ty 1·2261 . . LODGE INSTA.UA'DON-New officen to aerve this 'year at Seafaring Lodge No. 708, Free and Accepted Mu0na. were inducted at Friday Afternoon Clubhouae ceremony Jan. 8. From left, rear row, Jamee Lockwood, tiler; Harry Hilliard, marabal; 0. E. White, senior war- den: Cecil Marborough, chaplain: Les Smith, junior war- den; Carrol Sovde, organiat; Oscar Hulatrom, senior steward; Mel Berry, aecretary; middle row, Henry Deister, P. M., treuurer; Joe Antista, junior deacon; Marshall McGuire, junior ateward; front row, Herman . Toedter, out-,oin' worahlpful master, left and Ray Neil· sen. new wonhJpful muter. -Howard FolaOrn Photo stalled At Public Masonic Ceremonies ' 8um1• 3~0 People were pre~nt j DIGNrrAJlO:S PIU'.AEN'J: al public tnst&llallon ceremonlea I Dic nltarlu amonr the many vts- for Rsy ·Nit"lsen, 332 HolmwOOd ltora trom olhll' MuonJc lod(ee In Colored elide.a ot Italy and Swlt· • Drh·... Newport Htl«ht8, nt'wly the erea and atttllate organlu-al'rland t&J<rn lut year by Mra. ele<·ted worshipful ma11tt'r of Se•· 1 llona :wv. 0\18 All•, committee J 11 ll Mllllk Lllo 1 Ir will tarlnr; Lodg,, No. 708, F ree and member Ult Grand Loci.re of Call-,~ eh e Tu .:n. Jan 2:,8 at 7 .30 A ccrpletl Ma.son11. al thl' Friday romla a.nd Mra. Alle11 : w. Ben 8 ow~ s~ ·:un . Eplsco~ Afternoon C'luhhoww. Jan. 8 . In-Sorrells, lnl)>t'ctO)' ot Ule &34th ~;:'· ha · ea • . elalllng orrlct>r wn11 Hnmnn T~-Maaonlc Dlatrict, and Mre. Sor-1 u rc · • ter. out-going wor11hlpful mni1ler rel11 : Dr. Wllllun Holman, put The sladea are ~Ing presented with rnftlrter oC ('er•'monle~. E. I. (71Uld m.-ter and Mn. Holm11n. to tiludents in the World PollUCll Moore. P. M. 1rnd ~nstalllng organ-Others were Mls11 Janlct' WhltP, class sponsorPd by Orangl.' Cout Lat Mra. He.nry Belau. I honored qutU\ or the local J ob'• College, but the public le Invited, the lnvo.callon wae glvtn by Dr. Daughtere; Ml'9. Ralph Hel'l', Dr. Gllee T .. Brown. lne.tructor, Wiiham Holman, P. M .. pr.,sent•· preeident of the Mtnnaide: Mr•. 11!:_&led. Uon of ht11 gavrl. a girt trom hla Ray Nielsen. junior J)911t matron WORLD TRA \T.1,EK wtte 11nd children. to Nlel~n wu oC. Harbor (Har. Oi:S a nd wlte of m a de by C. R . John!IOn. Mcmbtt11 the new worhlpful muter. Ai.a al-Mrs. Milliken la an expnlenced of th4! lodge whv were adPlltttd 1'endlng were hie deurhltr and tour leader. She prtviously pre· du1 1ng has term or offlee Jl"'Mnt-1 eon-ln-l&w. Mr. and Mr•. Chari .. aen&ed a program enlltlrd "An ed Tcwdter with a r old card and Su.Jnam. Alyn Nielsen and hi• wife Armchair Trip Through 1'01tu(&I put mutn'11 11pron u a token of were unable to be ~nl. 1 •nd Spain." S~e hlla the unique their appreciation. Geor1re Bowl•y. J F ollowlnf Ole 1natallaUon re-ability, u cordmK lo Dr. Brown, P. M., pre~nted T~ter with a rru hment.a were aerved. A rue•l oc bringing the flavor. churm and put m1111ttr'11 nnit. ll gift frorn hl11 organist, Fr'ed Oledhlll of Loi An-lllpltlcance of an arra lo her wire. gele11. played before. durlnr and ll•t•nera. Olh<'r officers lnaLalled were O. llfl"r th• program. ln lhe center Re(l1tratlon 111 11110 open for lhe E. White, eentor warden; ~l'lltr r>f I.he scene wu • lure M&90nJc World Pollllt'1 claM. Dr. Brown Smith. junior ward•n: Htnry ln1llgne fuhloned of blue and 11ald. Students may reg111t rr wllh· o.J11ler. P. M .. treaaut~r; MeliNood gold gllllt'r Ly Jerry J ohllllon. I out charge. during any rhus te•· Berry. aecretary; Cecil Ma.rbor· Groupings of red oamaUons 111on . The clu1 mecu each Tuesdey oush. chaplain; M.ax Owen, Mlllor adorned the plaAO and t.aa t.ablu, U\ lht SL Jamra Epll!Copal church du con. Joseph Anll•t&. junior which were de<'orated In • nautl-a t 7 :3() p.m. deacon. H11rry Htlll•rd. manhaJ; cal motif, centered by • large ------------- 0.Car Huh1trom. senior etaward; etyrofosm !\hip covered with wblte • Marllh&ll MrGulrt', JUntor Ateward: nowtn1. Mrs. TocdtH wu In Jaml.'111 Lorkwot><I. llll'r and Carrol charge of refresments and Mra. 8 0\•dr. organust. Nlt'l11en, chairman er decor1nlona. STRUGGLE FOR TRIUMPH OVER ALCOHOL RECOUNTED Actress Lillian Roth Writes of Ups and Downs of Fabulous Life Dr. Giles Brown to Talk on Asia at Public Meet Dr. Ollu T. Brown. trevelu .... vant &lid director ot the dep&rt· mml of l!QCtal 1cltncea at Orlln&e CoMt Collt'itP. will prucnl lhe r1111t 1llustratt'd ltclurr un Alla tont~ht in lhl' art renter nr Or- anjle <"na.sl C111lrg" Rl 8 p m Dr. Brown wall !'pea k un · Japu , 11n Al1y ••f the F'uturt" 11n<I .•how c11l111 r-1 1>liiles lA ken dunni: hie tr Ip IRH .ummtr. f'or th, put l'll «·1···rRI 1···1us Dr Brown h11" tr:t· l'l'y Tnmnr1 "w b1• Ltllton I hail lOme her way ..an!1 then ju~l 1 · 1 ' F: · 1 Roth, h)' \\"m . Har1iAl>«1. 01nns;:t' B:\ q111f klv t1t>parted. Liiiian wai-"" ;":,,rxtt'n~ive Y in \\'~l~Op<•, Al • C'oa"l CollPge hbra n11n 111n. lht mat riNS fl\'r 11nw,. The lnclrcl•· 1 ~n ' urth Alrica. 1 <' 1'" Aila ••mut frum the htlghts or lhelllrl-;nrnl I!( her hy Mlrohol I• rotloW('d .t"l ).rar h!cJtnklclrvH•W\'l1, \ 1~·bprlrne · n11n1.•, "" 11 •a 11tun anu ...... anon caJ l!UlTe4s '" t he Rb\'l!mlll drphla 1lep by 11tep until you wonder I'' Id l r 1 1 a' 1 I ,. · h It U .... _ '" v1ce-pres en n nr 1a an of a •·oho l•m ram the time 11 ,. .ohe w1 ...,. able to aun•lvf th rt t Lfob wu (1v,.. }'l'HJI ol<I Lllll11n Roth As 11 11 goud boolca ahoulJ thl" ont " prr•i tnt 0 •non . ...,," " , hlh1 ~l•r tn'1 btfo1f' 11ht r ... , .... ,_.. hrr ~tadual rl'hl bthtallnn I t1R~T JS ~ElllES c-ould ,-111!' was Rn •<'f'•rt•d Bro•'1· •nd final n rtory O\'t'I 1tkoh<1I li<I Thu will !Joi!' lh<' fir•t of Cour wa'j 11n<1 Hollyw00<1 •l•r. 1 a prea r anco on th.-TV program Thur~day l'Vl'nlng mett1n$:.t1 by Dr In thla book. the tinsel &litter vC,. This ls Your l..tte·· 111 t.lescnbed 1 Brown ulllled "J'ocua on Alla.': the "Roarln1 Twenllee" le vividly In detail and makH very lnlereat· On Jan .. 27, he will 9Pl•k on Th•l· rnrtrayed-Cor .It anythln11:. Lllll11n tn.: rt'11 d1nr; . . la.nd: on l't'b. 3. on PaklRt•n: and MU • .Jr~ MILLIJlE~ POLICE LOOK FOR TWO OUTBOARDS PoltC'e are lnvuttptlng the theft oC two outboard motors rf'portt'd to thr m lul Tue~­ _day by Don R. Lang!lon oC Munlc1pal Trallt r l'\ark.. He aa.ld a 31 > horecpowrr and a 1 i horupowrr motor were t a.ken from cabana ltail· n No. i~ aomtllme In the lul three monlla. Now ShowlnCJ MARLO~ MASOO "DESIREE" t 'RA!\K HI SATRA "SUDDENLY" Stam Sunday MA THENY'S'· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES& -PART 111 • PA&i1 THURSDAY L JANUARY 20 •• ,, ,. MEANDERINGS • . . Wheth•T or no~ tbere'• weather Jet'• not do anythiq about it. Let'• talk about fOOd and muaic and dancinr and entertainment. Maybe the rain im't too 1ood for newly-preued 1uitA and lheer hoee encued in hi1b heel .Uppen. but it muat be Sood for c&rrOll a.nd beau and • lpUlacb and food tor Met. 1'rom thoM l1nY a.coma STOW the tl.Ae ,.,,.. pro'ridtd by lh• Hart>or Af'M rutaurant.a. " TIUt' THE UGHT John Majurl, of HARBOR HOUllll. II l'Olnl on• fart.ber. He l• providing danclnl' on Friday eve .. well aa the popular S&turday ' mpt ...mona. ao man1 peop&e beSM!»o'lla b&'tL MlCl\&lrt!l J,be \tl"- pl8dlorean · babtt that John hu added \ha Friday "'8lona. Bo, you have two nlrhta tor 1Udll\I to lh• rhythm• ot Bamey LaJ'lta and ha mu1lc out on H.an>or Blvd. ,out on Newport Blvd., In C'oata Meaa I• juat that . Muy, blen llome -~the aauc. makaa lhe 1pactlett1. OUten rave about oodlea of Panneaan cha.-e apread all over UM diah. They au •rree thare'e lUJ..1&11 food aplenty tor thoea wt\o like t he. Hal old-coun- try 1avory ovur al i\0881.8 on the widened hlpway In' Corona del Mar. OW WOJlU> You don't have to we&r your formal rldln• habit when you dine at the HURLEY BELL, but Wf wonder If maybe they wouldn't he rlg'hl In keeping with the Old Enr ll•b atmOlf'h«tre ao aptly por· trayed In Ute quaint-looktnS' Inn· llkt-1tructure 11l lhl' end of C''1M DaNI ya lo try the habit ! 81:4f'ARll LODGE AND Rl!:S· j TAU RANT hH 11ccommod11t1<1n11 tvr J~ about e\'nythln1 your Ill· tie heart dealru. It -nui. Many locala 8'e lo 1t that lhlr out-of· town vlellDrl ar, booked Into llAl'ARE tor a atay. Thal (lvea the natlvea • chance to uae the f•· cllltlea down Lacuna way and en· joy the food and 'ntertalnment al HARBOR HOUSE lak .. care of 'Your mualcal want.a on all othar nll'hll too by pN1HnUn1 Terry Morrell at th• piano In the H H Lounre. If you don't feel Uke aal-ll\6 -too much, atop by Jlajurl'• populat 1pot and try a hlfh C or 1U1 E flat with your favorite re- tre:ahment. . • the popular hlrhway 1pa. • FUC'IU:Rl!l TEIUlY MOaaa.L KEEP GUEMU(G What'e (Oln( on down at 611 Z. If and when you feel Uke a mo- vie you mlrht well tlnd juat what you want at one of the local hoUMe. Bean thl• cinema fare: •l the BALBOA, "Younr S..": at delectable fOOd and l"'OI ~mini•-th• LJ.DO. In Newport Beach, cent -of f'leliCher Chrlatlan • IO\llh, "Oreen J'lre": at the MUA In H•• rendesvoua. Coeta Meea, "Vera Cru•'' and al Johnny Vllell• ta back •l THE Corona dal ·Mar'• POftT, •·oee- .A.RCHU. From ail reporta he lrM." Balboa Blvd.! Walt and ... ! D'ya like to •lnr ! WeU, Kale Dent had you ln mind when lh• enra.rtd Dorothy Neabltt lo 1 .. d the Community llnl'• on latur• daye down at BAL.BOA INN CA.Fil. Ch•t H•Ar.Y JonM •Ull , ... turea thoee •~preme Loulaennt dlah•• and Dick aida and abeta ln quenchlnl thlrala at T• Old• INN "rot the bird" ok. and aiao ac-The more tun you have Uw quired 110me mud underfoot and mor• reaaon why you ahould kMp underca(, too. Mucho raJno 11<>ulh on llvlns, '° whllel you're liavlnr ot the border whar• Johnny hunt-your fun make a mental note to ed duck• and puahtd mired autoel kffp drtvlnl' caretuJly all throurh JUEN VIUI: '113, No one 11 ellllJll ln for llenor ------------- Loul• at the piano b&r ovar at KENRY'll durtnr th• popwar ea-Mesan Sllffen Fal tertalner'a abNnoe. Whtle he ta In Mra. Oeorr• De Roulhac of 223 hll n&Uve Peru, tio.-man HEN· Me1a Drive, Coat.a Mesa, la r~cov­ RY la qU1eUy 101n1 about wit.I\ ertnr from a broken wriat irutcer- preparatlone for a b&nr-up party ed Tburaday when elle 1Jlpped on ntrhtly 'cepUn' Tuaadaya. Lan't It a trtbute to JIM K.Ut- AM to 1 .. m that he devotee al· moet the complete back J>a•• of h1a own menu -at KA.RAM'S ~bl'"'Bmltle __ ... Ml.,...~aiMar.e...wJllA.JU&~e!kg.me Louie back home. Time qow ln the mountain• and fell. for the ra·e-oll • reb. 1. Better are aao neu! . OOUIUll7ri llEA VltN hack your calendan and be ready Cor that ml11lon. Tarset for lf\• eve wlll be "FUN!" Henry J . Andreu, Sanger farm leader -"A• lone u there are hunrry peopla In th• world, t.here are no auch thin,• aa surplueea," The Inner pa•ea of KA.RAM'S menu read Ilk• -yummy! yum· my! May wa quote! BroUtd New York eleak. Cauar Salad. Rum ~ Cake. Fried LonJ laland Oyalere. Toumtdoa of Beet Ten· derloln Baute an vtn. A.llyone hWl· IT)'! l..A POST A ! What doea It mean bealdM "rul Mellican food!" Francia Reynolda told ua the n .. : ==:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::= J'rom what we hear .thare'• al· waya a goodly and gay crowd ~•thned at Art La. Shelle'1 CHRISTIAN HUT. Whal a view, overlooking the Bay frorn the -r.- hlUan Room, whllat partaking of uvea ot nrl~aona, New Jhx- lco and Callrom la uaurped UJe truf mMntnr of lhe name which Ulen referred to "Ule Poat," or head· quarter• for mllllary or1anla· UoM. Theee nall\'18 with an eye for to1 llll&JI and 4tnchlladu and CrlJoles took on the inlerpr<'latlon u meanln!J a "plaC'e to eat" -HO theA, you have It. LA POSTA. ' ·E-;-J-, ·--;:----=--~ ----:----· 1 • ." .-"' ~ • .. . \' "": c~ \ f " ~ . . ~ ;. ~ -.. _j .. !. -~ ... '\; ~. ....... -t; ~-'-~ou~-G~~·::.....:.:_:_:..:_-_:_:~HU~ 87 1 : LAOt:SA BEACH COMKl:SIT\' t'LA \'llOt:~t; "UNCLE HARR\'" A drama oc pohl• v11Jlcnce .JANUARY 21 throuJ:h 29 Tlckt1ta onl)' tl.60 Curta.ln 11:60 s 19 Ocean ,\ \ ... II\ alt 4-6."1211 THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge orEN 10 A. M. TllJlOVGB I A ..... • Newpon Blvd. on 'COM' lllrb~ NEWPORT BEAClll • (We an CloMct .. TllunMla,)'a) HINllY'S -MAkl: IT .4 MV8T - -~11l1h Food at its Best- 11:!'lloii Wt:lt: AT Tm; l'LA.~O COCKTAILS ~""~ •t Che l'iaoo ..., or 111 tht' 1'al•HID NOCHE DE RONDA Sl'A.SISH DIS~l:t<l!J -AU.. 1'00 CA.~ EAT 1t:n :RY THl'RSDAl' -II to 10 1·.~t.) s11s ~,Wi> ...,._,., IMI IALIOA INN -· Dinner 5-1 I p.m. Daily ( CloaeJ T11eedny ~ • SATURDAYS • Dorothy Nesbitt IHds COMMUNITY SING IN BALBOA by the f Ires Ide superlative food , cocktails and service amid old engl1sh charm. HURLEY BELL In Loni B!ath Visit the Clacus uoa JJl American • Tel. 1·1091 LID 0 ·f';, ... ~:. . . LAST TDIJI •.&T. """''" Or&111W , ..... ..., la "GlllN Ml" I• Olwa• cope -AIM- "CRf YINGIANCI" • • • KID'M MAT 8AT. 11&1 "''"rlln• Hay._ "Kansco Pacific" 1'TA.KTS t'l'SPA\. -lD IU -1811 .... · llf rztl!i!J NOW l:"4 Ind WF.&& OOX'T MUIS IT ........ a.-.. .......... h, .. .. ,.... .. , (°.oDIUsUOU!I ~u •• lrem t :30 Adult. 1.00 .Ira. 1tc 01lld Uc KID~ MAT. 8AT. IP. M. \\'alt Dl'n"r'• "ROI ROY" : BALBOA/Atdn < .. . .... I IUU,\l" and' SATl'RUAY A dull~ /W(' ( 'hlldrl'n l'HF.1: \\Ith l'af'f'nl,. 1't1·\\ 11r1 H rllftlt"'• """" ~lmmoDa "YOUNG IESS" ''FAST COMPANY" X t.XT Wt:t:K "TA Kt; 1 Ht~ Hie.II CiflOI :\'l>" ••"fOHCH 140Sfi" ...,,, ___ ...... 09!> 'CUlf"O ........ , •• '°" ................ """°' WIU • pt'rsoni!•ra Jton or lhnt for· A CH4Ll,l:SO£ Ion Feb. JO. l ndlA. ltflllt'n l'rH.. . ... • . I Thr puµ\lla_rlly "' lh111 b<'<)k hM -All lectu~11 are oprn lo lhe p~1b-J W C HI N B EARL\ Sl ( ( E!'14 bN•n 11~tound1n~. p1 Obo bly b•'l.HU/le ~lc~'ll~•llh~ou~t~ch~ll~r~ge~.;;m;!iiiiijjijjjjii!iiiii;!~;:;:~~~~=~:~~ 25 0 o 0Glt CJhWGY • ewport eGCh N 0 W JOHN MAJURI remind1 you The book l!p:lrell little oC lht of lht' lntrreslini: hit or the 1>11b· ;~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~~~!~~~!~~:~ Re>lh 1tory wblch al Umea bordere I Jecl, lhr way 111 which the book on Ule tabuJoat • .Betora alle reacll· relate. 11111 moral th11t alroholl"'m • ~ Ul4 •1• of ao a million dollar• can be conquered. I special 11111day bllffet at l p. 111. thssclay Is "chtlCk wag•" t1kJht ALL YOU CAN liT IUCI OPEN AIL DAY EXCEPT WEDNESDAY DINING ROOM OPENS A~ I P . M. "•wplace of tt.e coast" Jun 80UTH OF l..AOUNA BEACH REAL MIXICAN FO 0 D /LA POST~ I( .roa prefer to 1ta7 at home to tee YOW' favorite telnWoa program ~ ov bosecl M~xlcu dlnnen or SfeCJal orden to tUe oat. They'~ reedy to een1e. nrv&n: Pun llOOJI FO• IAJIOE PA&TUS ,_ N_,..n ..,.._ COSTA MESA l--. ... ., "9eta Au c·-•'1 Cl•• ''Superb Foot/" . . ....-----~-- PA.allL~G ll:AVll:E noM ot:a DOO& . •·RIDA\' and SATl.RUA\" DANCING . BARNEY LANTZ & his mus IC 1 Jarbor ·lous~. 1.tb. 2260 Harbor Boulevard • Co1lA Meta, Calilomi. Now 0)lf"n 7 l>a)•• A Wttk Music In the LMnte Every Eve11lnCJ Featuring the D111tmct1ve Styling" or Terry Morell al th~ Pillnr, 8ptttal A«ommodatlfln" for PARTIES, IANQUETS, or CLUI DINNERS PllO:'>iE YO( .• t<t:"IF.R\'A110~"4 ~ow Harllor llvd. at Wihoft Uberty 1-5543 \ '; .. \ ' AND AWAY TUEY 00! The Harbor High and Santa Ana croRS-country teams get away from their marks at the start of Monday's dual me~t. Continuing unde· feated in Sunset League competition, the Tars of Coach --=4 Ralph Reed racked up their 29th straight vietory aUice 19:>2. Larry Cutro, barefooted, fourth from left. broke the loop record by six aeconds. Tod White, 1eeond·from left, was second. -Staff Photo ·HA I I 0 R '"~ PAGE I -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1955 . LARRY -CASTRO SETS I' I NEW HARRlfR MARK • H&l1>or H!lh'• Lan7 ca.tro have not dropped a me,t alnce l Monday att.emoon anki.cl ha way 11152. ~ to a ne,.-~--t lAJcue croee-Whlle the Balnta manas-4 to ~"(tt . oount.ry record over Ule local 1.1 aab three out ot uia of the nm ["'-i.!fll::<"lll!',lf..,,,. mil• coune wtlh a ..u...Uonal nn-varsity tlJll.aben. the Hanor J\11'1· lallin. ldek u eo.ch Ralph Reed'• lor var..ity runnera cam• cloee to ~ A•~•· _p_• i..1t •t It ••• f ~· ~ " - THIS IS YOUR FIU£NOL Y, CONVENIENT OME .LO·AN harr1en def• tlM rtft19.~i6-!Mr ~--~~~~~ :>e. Led by OU. Bolln1. wbo rambled cutro be&t out t.eamm&te Tod the 1.1-mU. diat&Dce la Im. &4a., White by 3 aeconda with a brill1ant th• ttnt 111 ftniahen wwe UM -~·~r.' tlme ot 8 mtnut.ee 22 aecc>llda.I Harbor Kl1b bluN. Santa Ana 8aint atar C'b.&J'lea Coach Reed'• h&rrtera t&n-1ed White tralled ea.tro by 11 NC· wlth Oran1• Oft lb• nY&I cour .. ·~ onda. BeaUn1 out Wbi~ by one today. Next Tburaday the Reed l aecond at the ftnah llJ.e for third rambler• take on AA&helm Ml'9. ,.._ 9J10t wu Au,te O.UOW.kl of New· Two weeka trom today Cutl"O and , ; port. · Whit. are upected to f\n;nlah a ' The vlctol')' wu the 29th ooe-two Newport flnlah at th• ., 1U.11ht croN country triumph few llWwet Leque 11\Mt la Huntlnston UI• Tara. Coach R.94'• ruMen Beach. HEADQUARTERS ·Ha1Tiers . Bruit Fullerton- 18-54 in Cross-Country 0 6 North Broadway BF.SPECI' ACLED OTIS 801.JNG takes his No. 1 card from Harbor High cross country Coach Ralph Recd as he dashes to victory far ahead of the field against the Santa Ana .Junior Varsity squad. The Tar Jightwei~hts nabbed all ten first places to drub the Saint JY's 15- 134 on the local course Monday. -Staff Photo New All Wool Wfton ·Broadloom by Sanford LARRY CASTRO SP.RINT8 acroea the finish ·iµie , bare- foot, to break the Sunset League croea country record for 1.8 miles by 6 secol)ds. His time against Santa Ana on the local course was Sm. 22a. Trailing Castro for the number two spot waa Harbor High teammate Tod White. Augie Ostrowski nabbed third place by one eecond~ver Santa Ana star Charles Clark. -Staff Photo ''84-aut)· b~· tht> ~ ard" iwm~ one caU.-d thb1 J,tOrJtf'OU!t C'&r))f't whkh d0<'!4 lndet~ hrinJt colorful, nl\'f'ty ri<'h· n~-. to ~·our floors. It i!4 hf>a uty which last,._ All wool, IOOJM'd WU\'t' to ln!411rt• )·ea~ of wear. Thf' ,·alut'·WIMf' homemakf'r "·Ill folff thh1 broadloom 1'·hilf' thf' 8CIM:Uoo M)U&rt'J yard 12-ft. a.nd J 5.ft. width 18 <'Omplt'tt'. ' Choose From An Array of Smart New Sprin9 Colors • Grt'Cn • Biege OR t \'CF COf '7"n' URCaT f1 OOR COVf./UNC STORE • Desert Sand • Cocoa r IQI~~·.:·......._;, CARPET WORKS 1622 SO. MAf N SANTA ANA Kt 3·1615 •Kl 2·~178 ' See the New Designs and Colon in LINOLEUM Arriving Daily Our Cleanin9 Dept. la lhe tlne&l ln lhe County a..,UMtVarpet OleMJq Wall-to-wall c...,.ta CleMed la yoa.r'llome Harbor~ Hl1h·a potent CTOM• ot Jl'Ullerton. h WU Newport'• country team drubbed the Fulfer-Uth CODMCUtt" c:roea-eountry wtn High Quality Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 ton lndl~ harrien there Jan. 10 _atn_c_•_1_•_~2_. ______________________________ _ 18-64, tor lta eecond atral&bt one- aided Bwuet Le4pe Ylctory of th• eeuon. Tbe local 1•mlor VanltJ kept pue with a 1~70 win o"r Ule J'ulluton Ufbtwelpta. ln what amounted to a .twuun1 defeat, lndlan runner Larry Ar- rouea f lruahed 30 yarda behind Newport'a 1.Arry Cutro. ~..ro not only e&me throufh With a t.rtumpb over teammate Tod,Y(hit.e, who Joet bla flnrt dual mMl r&Ce ot the ...on, but broke UM l'Ul· lerton coune l'ecord. Cutro aped tbe 1.1 mUe courae la 10 mlDut. flat. • Wblte WU M0011cl, AnouM lblrd, With the nnt four placee 1oln1 to Coach Ralph Reed'• Sall· or run11era in thia order: Au,te Oetrowaki. Don S.ttJ, Bill P111. Jlrn BcbJoemer. Gary JJ'ru:ler Of Fullerton ca.me ln 8th. followed by Olla Boll.DI ot t ile Tan and Pia CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK HARBOR HITS Tar Cagers Sink Indians 60-39 in Win i .,, MJCIL.EY RA8KEl.J. I Ud by a .urlln1 performance from ~nnla Jil&patr1ck. the New· port Harbor Tu11 defeated the F'Ul- lerton lndlan1 &0·39 Tu .. day e.tter-1 noon on Fullerton'• floor. The game llarted at a even pace w ith the Tara garnering ~ mo•t , or lhe chtpa to 11\.lld i.J'f/ a five point lead u the 9COl"I! read 13·11 1 In favor ot Harbor at the end of l thf' quart.er. Tia half·Ume aoorc rr art 24·18 ltl Harbor'• ?avdt. The third quarter wu all Har· I bor'• u t'verythtnl' br<Mle looH. ln lhe elpt mlnutn alloted the quarlf'tl. lhe Tare a..:ored 22 point~. whlle the Indiana acored 12. I The fourth period waa~lgaln all Harbor'a. The Tan aco~ U point.a. the Indiana II polla\8. TIM I game ended with the Tara Ill a 21 1 polnt lea.d uver lbelr opponenta tn the final count. The Tan wlll have their nut enragemot "1th th• Santa An• Saint.a bere tomorrow nigh' at ap- proxlmat4ly 8:11 Immediately fol· lowtnc tbe Junior Vatatty pme. I of LEATHER SHOES for WOMEN GIRLS and BOYS and CHILDREN AclYerthecl lra1t• Ster lrend Scamperoos RAND SHOES REOUIAR PRICf;S uot·n:o roi Nl!W 8tel"ft """ • ... o.&17 3.95 , 4.95 5.98 b.95 7.98 • • • Word gets around: • • • • • • • 2.63 3.30 3.99 4.63 5.29 FREE PARKJNG AT REAR einert's Dl:l'A&TllLVf 8TOU: Ult Newpert ....._, V-. .._ "-\ \\·./ .. I/. .. ( ""<' 7·~ The really modern kitchens are aJl electric! Sec your dealer // IOUTHH~ CALIFOINIA ll!pllON COMPANY • ... t• /,.. i 'I 1 . • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE .. DESERT FREAK -Beautiful new f 955 Ford Country Squire is brought to a stop at entrance to Hot Mineral Springs •t upper end of Imperial Valley. In this uni9ue area rocks float, mud boils, g11 makes dry ice, and springs flow paints. MINERAL SPRINGS TR.IP DESTINATION Hot· Mineral Springs, iD the upper end of Imperial Valley, wu our des- tination, one of the mo•t int.ere.ting epota in Southern California. Here, bot water bubbles out of the ground and novn acros• the deeert., and all alone are little individual pools. People have traveled iliouaands of -mJI• to take theee baths. We made the trip In a 1955 Ford Country Squire from Theo Robina Ford dealer of Newport Harbor, a ranchwagon •tyle, with Fordol'MUc t.ra.umiuion a_nd It.a new look and power lived up to our expectations Oil t.hia int.ere.ting trip. After leaving the Harbor, we start- ed out from Los Angeles on Highway 80, &Dd pu.ed through Riverside. Beaumont, Banning &Ad Indio. Our first .top WU the Plaza Hotel, Indio, where we met our old friend. Charlie Gillette, former Loe Angeles adver- ti9lng man. Hi.a policy is keep prices down and the establiabment ·full. We ,ot a nice room for two at $4 per day, and had a dinner that waa wper. Early next morning, we drove to- ward Coachella. About t hree miles t'rom Indio, you reach the junction of Highway 111 which takes you along Saf ton Sea. We· puaed through Mecca, which ls below sea level. The nrtace of the Salton Sea is about 241 feet below eea level. About ~ miles from Indio, is Pope, a little railroad siding. About 11:: milee further on ia a sign designat-~ the Hot .Mineral Springs turnoff, left acroa the railroad track. It is 4.1 miles on a dirt. road from the hiabway to Hot Mineral Springs. It la ..Uy found-in fact, you can"t .-1t. Here, you are greeted by T. Pilger, owner a.nd discoverer of Hot Mineral Springs. Mr. and Mrs. ·T. W. Kinard are the managers and caretakers. There is no charge for the entrance -and none for the baths. 174-DEGREE WATER At the little pool where the hot. bubbling water originates were Mr. and Mrs. Odea&& Dunn and children, Don and Rae Jean. busily cooking bot dogs by dipping them into the water, which maintains a tempera- ture of 17 4 degrees. An egg can be hardboiled in 20 minutes. Visitors cook or warm up all sorta of dishes by just putting them into "\ pan and putting the pan in the water. Others find tpe hot baths health· ful. Jeff Medfor:d. who hadn't work· ed for five y~us. came here on crutches, and after t hree weeks or the baths had discarded them. BISKRA PALMS We had heard the baths have prov- ed very beneficial to suffers from arthritis and similar ailment.a. From storiea we heard ftom people here, this seemed to be true. We chatted with men who, taking baths, were immersed up to their necks. There are many odd quirks of na- ture in the area, including rocks that float, mud that boils, g u that makes dry ice. epnngs that flow paints, and other such freaks of soi_!, heat, water and air. The hot springs water contains minerals and carbon dioxide gas. A few housekeeping cabins are available, but you had better bring your own food a.e there is no store here. Reservations for two can be had at S3 per night. We noticed many trailers, and were told the charge for R.OWING CURE -Arthritis sufferers •ncf others In I hMfth from .t over the nation flock to desert spa to bathe in beneftcW mlneral waters. C.mp grounds and trai!.r park art shown in the background. these ia $4 a w~k. $14 a month. or $70 for six months. Returning, we explored the Biskra Palms around Indio. You go ea.at on Jackson street, opposite Hotel Pot- ter, crou the American C&nal and turn left at a huge embankment. then go five miles to these palma. Floods have left part of the road rocky, and you'll have to bike a mile to reach a certain scenic spot. . CRUMBLING RUINS Here, in 1926, a group of New York capitalists spent more than $500,000 on what wa.s to have been a swank, "Far Eut'' type of hotel resort. At the opening, a trainload of peo- ple were met at Indio with camels, and taken to Biakra Palms. It wu a gala affair, it wu aaid -but the stock market cruh later prevented completion of the hotel. Today only a few parts of the foundation remain. The spot has been ueed by film companies for screening ''Arabia.n" pictures. In all. we made our entire trip in just under 400 miles, including Sat- urday and Sunday side trips. From Biskra Palms, where we found acores of picnic sites, we re- traced our way t o Indio .. got back on- to Highway 60, and returned to Los Angeles after a very ple&.8'_qt week end, on which the fine Ford~untry Squire performed wond~rfully all the way. ' J • \ .. t I" -~~"-" ~~--J INTERESTING d11ert trip of jud· under 400 miles is shown on the mep. ·I ...-.-7' tt-' . ..,.. ~ I • .. i' I ~ ''PICNICKERS" -Mn. Odessa Dunn Peft) and her children, Donald and Rae Jean hold impromptu picnic. "Dogs" cook in a few minutes in the 17+degree water. Ellen Fay Bennett, ri9ht, poaches 99gs. Wire ~et, ••eld by string, contains eggs which will be hard-boiled in 20 minutes. llSKRA PALMS ne6r'lndio, site of "sw•nk" desert r~sort o.n which N. Y. c.pitalists spent more than $500,000 in 1926, is rapidly being redaimed by relentless desert. '" • ; .. .. Mesa, Pastor To Speak on 'Child Delinquency' "Cll11d 0.llftqueney. I t• &u11t e+I tl'lel'I S& :ve•u .•nil ••M.-1' aad !ti Cu~' wlll be lOlllO <1f the ·Thur .. !•)' 11!1•1nuo111 wl I ::11 "'u· a.v. P . 0 . Neumann, prur h1n1 •t m•n anll rr1•ncJa uf th•• 1•h w • h 111 • Ule l1 o'dock MIVICI II\ rtrel 8ap· lnYlttd tu mttt In thr \'1•1Hh I 'rn· tll\ Ch\lroh of Coata M .... M•a· t•r ot \!\• rhurrh to 11111 111 \\ h1tl' 1•o1i. and Ian\& Ana Av ... Theni Croat work and •t 1111• ll11•111· time wW Ille IJle(lal m uelo, IU\d dedlo•· I enjoy th• rellowahjp t1nur Uen rttN tor ,.,..i. and tt.blH. I l'rld•y 11l11tlt a t t .411 r •11 JuniM Al l :tl a.m. 1Wld8)' l clu>OI will Chulr nhHrMI, t r Ill . \'n11th OOll'ffne, wlU\ elHH• tor all ., ... ' Choir and al I :IO p.m HI~ 11 ~1:h0<1I MUl'Mr)' j4 aleo •uppll•d for the Coll•1• l'ellowU.lp. OOl'\'enlence ot youn1 par1nte to allow chem to enjoy Ule lunday ldlool and Worllhlp lervlc• Ji. t t :IO J.M, the Youllt Tral1tln1 Union will mHt. Al l h• .. me Communion· Service at B. I. Methodist bour t.be Paetor'1 lnatrucllol\ Clue The .. rvlce ul Hob' L!u1111i.1111hm wm mfft In Ult Marlnen' Clu1 will b41 het.I at 9;!10 and ti am., I J\oOm. Thi• 11 a •~clal clua for J •u11day •t the Bal~ llllnncl t 'nm· all Who h•ve made their recent de· munlty Met1111dl•t ChUJ l'h Th«' cl•lon tor C)lrl1tr Rev. Donald 0 . Aapp wlll !'"''' hi" At. T:30 p.m. Mi-. Neumun'1 concludlnf Mrmon Oii a &trir,; l"n· topic will bt ''Chrl1t1a11'1 Peraec:u· 1 titled "The TrU\1formin~ Jo'1i "nd· lion" and a baptlamal aervlce wlll ahlp." lunday'a topic will br "Th• bt obNrv~. Power Of the Vrl~ln~hlp " Th• CHURCH PEOPLE llOHORED-Tbe Re,.v. Jamea Stewut, putor of St . ..,And~w·a Prea~Cbu.rc~h Cee"t4tr). p.rneou..-eertitl~te• ot Churchman of the Year to Roy McCardle (left ) of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church and Churchwoman of the Year to Mrs .... Harvey Somers (right ) of St. James Episcopal Church. Presentation waa at the annual meet.inc of th• Newport Harbor Council o! Churchea, held Wedneaday evening at St. Jamea Church. -Staff Photo ST. JAMES VESTRY-New and· holdover ve.trymen of St. Jamea Eplacopal Church •urround their retirtnr rector, the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, at the annual dinner meeting 6t the pariah .. Seated (L to ~) are Thomu Rutter, Monte Grimea, Mr. Wheeler... and T. D. Rogers~ Standing, Lyman Fa.rw~. -.enior warden; Arthur A:chey, A . Alexander Hamilton, Robert H. Berkley,). E . P1hkham and W. S. KJlpatrick. Not in picture were Roland Lagerlot, Fred Markham and William Marbacher. -Staff Photo Missionary Du~ to Speak at Island Church WednHday at T :ao p.m. eratM. Choir will ""' under thf'' .11r,•r1111n Prayer and Bible ltudy will be j of t.•11• V•n Dyke. A nur,.;.ty 111 h•l<I. Teac.hf'n' ud otfiura.mMtln& pro¥ided··for am•ll ())lllf<t..n .. 1 lh• of t he Sunday School' wlll be htld 11 o'rlock aervlce. •t 1:13 p.m. Thurllday evtnlnr 11 1 Four pereo111 tM-c•mr nu•111bc-r• 7:30 the rlaherma.n1' Cla11 wUI ol the S.tboa l1lancl Community hold 111 bu1lneN •nd t<>cl•I meet· M•tho<ll•t ChU N'h on Sun.ray. Jan. Ina at the home of Mr. and Mrt l HI. Thry ara Mr. and Mrii. Burt C. John Pfl1chnn, 26fl2 Fairway. Lowen Jr. and Mr. an.I Mrs. J,,01tl\J\ Co1ta Mua. Thi• 1roup 11 open lo Heath. :Church Council Honqrs & MCCarPle < C_hu,.ch newd ·Mrs. Somers N ame•I c h u r c h w o m a n . and lot I t. Jamu ~ lehool Board Churrhman <>r the year b.J N-· and Parftlla' Council . and Announc•m6n~ l&dM O'ffr council a.nd conans•· ---------------------------Uoaal 1DfftlJll'1. He 11 a member Wltllln tile community abe h.u port Harbor Council of Churcbu aerwd throust\ lt&derthlp o1 Ula ,,AGE 2 . PAltT IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1955 Two mlulonarl•1 OPPORTUNITY Maeetro 0 . Barbieri, well knoWft.i>pet'a conductor, coach and vocal teacher, formerly of Milan, (Italy), New York and Hollywood. now estab· llahed in Lasuna. will accept a few promising and aeriou• puplla. MAESTRO G. BARBIERI &l thr annual mrct1n1 held Wed· followln• or.anluUon,1; Newport ntllday nlghl In St. JamH Parb>I Harbor P·TA, Horate llllulp P· Hou1<e were Mr11. Harvey Somera, TA, N-port Harbor Community Nmln .. nt meml>f'r .,t St. JamH, cheat. Hoar Ho1p(tal Ch&rlty Ball, of Ute Barbor Board ot Realtor1. Ila Mrwd With the Community CllMl and hold9 th• rank of Ma· jor wtth the V.S. Army Ruerve. Wltb bll wife and two children h• ,_,du at tffT P'ullarton Ave., Coat.a , ..... who 1pent over 31 1eara worklnr In India a nd Burma wlll 1tve an llluatrated talk Sunday ev1nln1 at the S.lboa hland Community Methodl1l Church. They arr th• Rev. and Mr1. E. 1.. King ot Al· j tadrna. Thrlr pr>iram, achedult<t I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lo bf'r;tn at 8:31'> p.m., I• the third ! ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH of the Sunday evtning lndllin n11»·j rr::'r-'=~=~~~====~~ P Hoar Ho•plt.al J'und Jtalllnf drtve. : •nd Roy R. Mccardle tit Newport Jfatbor Area coumon aad tn work . H arbor Lutheran Cburch. w1th boU\ Boy and Girl lcouta. 1•st p,.,.,,. • 11rwp ... mt•... ... • .... ua ... ",. ... huln ....... ""'~'".Jl·llliie ... r ..... s ... aia.i~l"~- 11lon 11tmin11r11 lo ~ held at th' J T J 'J"' T 'LQ.SHQW_QRPHANA.QE. ILM~B·=~.~~ I ~~--·.. lft! !.~ .. !~!,,~ J The graphic 1tory oC a small orphan boy wlll bt shown 1rducawmal 111•c1etarlf'M for the l.At;t'SA Rt:A('H -· . duo 1,. chus1•n tac~ J•&r on th• and Mr1. 8omer1 and thrH chlf· . baal1 or lmllvldual Chrt.ua.n ID· dren, and tM ruidence II at not Fellowship tlutnce through work botb In tM JCut Bay. In a 110und and <"olor mm, C.:argadcro. at Firiit A1111l'mbly or Mcthodtiit Church 1n Inch& and O<>d Church. 22nd SL and ICldtn .Ave .. Coata Mua. at 7 :~O Burma, asalg'nmenla th•.l took ME ET I N_G S EA. TUES , 2·00 P M. ICA. Tl;tuRS.; 1 '111 P .M. churrh and In the oommulty. MAN OF YEA.a WO~AN or Tua Roy McCardlt ha• Mn'~ tor Within tbe churcll Mn. aoroua tour yun u treuurer of Newport hu JiYen llmr a.nd etron to youtb Hartlor Lutheran Church, and act· work of the parl•h U1roup orpat· ,d u lay leader durtar th• tS aaUon of the Cherub Qaolr, YouUI mon\Jll U\• church wu without a Choir. Acolyte1 OuUd and luada7 put~r. • School Guild. Shr hu a1ao turt.ber• He •u r·ecently tlecled chair- ed 90und Chrt1llan elementarJ rnaa of t.he church • .Wdt• and di· education a11 a rouodlllr member rect.a tte admlnJ1traUon and pre------- ~NNUAL CHURCH BANQUET Dr. Palmer Speaker At Christ Church Jan. 26 Or. Everett W. Palmer, lftiUltel • membenlllp ln lloulhem Call· ot Clrnl1ale Ylrst Methodi.t Clll&r(!Jl toms.a. Tbe cburcb la In a blilld· lllr propam to buUd a tarr• nnr will be the apeaker f« th• Auul 8Ulell1&f1. Dr. Palmer la much In Tivt·Dollar Banquet al ~ '9m&11d u a 1paaker, and bu Jual Church By the ..... Newport nc9ltl)' completed a apeak1ftc tour S.ach. on Wednnday ~. Ju-tor Am•rie.VI Troop. In the l'ar uary n . Thi• I• one of \!\• tndl· Sa.It. u onal tvent• or the Commwilty A 1roup of fine mu1lcal eelec· M"lhod.-t Church, and bu helped tlori. w11l complete the ouutand· m11r h In the bulldlnr pro1ram of Inc bulquet prorram. Miu Joan • IM t'Oll(re1atlon In r.cent )'ean. ffag•n ot Udo .r.11 wlU p~ Prout'de from lhe preauil dtaAer aeveral b.arp arranremmta. The w lll be uaed for the Youth l!lulJtll~ "Muucal Alru" Quartet ot the t•ompleled a yur aso. 4 t\Jlo dill· tloutbem Callfomla Bible Collep ner wUI be &erve<I by the local wlll provide a variety or voca.I Woman'• Society of Cllrt•tlan Ser-numt>er1, and t.lllO a trombone aoto \'ll'e be(lnnrnit at T p.m. by one of The quartet member1. Dr Palmt'1. lbt evanlnlf ap.aker. Mr. Robert Went& ot the Newport ill mlnl~ter or one or the larrut Hubor High School. will bt mu· Meu.odiet con1r•1•Uone In the tar of ceremonJ .. for lb• evenln•· W•t. A nall\'I ol South Oil$. Community 1ln(lnr wlll be led by . he Mntd wveraJ lmpol'Ullt ellurdl· Mr. Wlldan Thomu of the Harbor u In N•• Jerw1 alt4I' eorDp&.uar dlurcll. lll• Uleolortcal ectueetti.i. fie _.. The proiram commltlt>e tor thl• to Calltomla and II.la ,,..._t ,... oocMloa c~ ot Mra. A . J . torate ln 11&1. \1lider lU8 ....._.. Rl&Uer, Mr. Harold Qlue, and rt.v. ehlp, Ule Glendale dnardl ..... -· "°7 can.on. Ml.at Cate Nt'Wland Unued lta •ttoa• ~. Md ll llea.da the oommlllM tor ticket now Ult 1&r1ut MetJ1ecU1t e1'urcl\ dl•tttlluUon and Nlea. Fifth Anniversary For First Baptist Two piano Mlecllona will be a 1pecla l teatuni ot Ute Mrvke at the Unlveraallel Community Fellow· •hip, lH~ W. BaJboa Blvd.,. Balboa. on Sunday, Ja.n. SS. Mn. J'rederick RinJ•, planl1t for the Jl'ellowahlp, and Mn. Katherine Orr of Coit.a MtM will pit.)' "Le 8olr" by c. Chamlnade, and "Prelude In 0 aharp ml.nor" by 8 . RAchmurtnoft. ~v. rr.dertclt Rina• will ipeak on "The Valuea and Urn1tallon1 of the Golden Rule." Th• mom1n1 worlhlp bt,W at 11 a .m. and lun· day echool tor &11 &(N MJln• at 10:10. Ila.rt. your dllldren ou\ with a nU,WU. approa.cb they wtll not .. ve to reJKt w1l•n they ro lo coll•r•. advtee• the paator. Bi.shop to Confirm Mount Carmel Class p.m. SumJsy thc:n to all th11 Mt'lhodl1t m lulon I Pnnc1plill chuacter In Ule tum I• a boy cued for In the station" In lndla and Burma. Their Lalln-Amrrkan Orphan•re al Ac•pulco: where a lar1e num· work inhvolv1 ed curnculm .. c:>~•truc. , .. . u on. 11c oo ~urveye. an .. .,,., pro-~r or "muchachoa are cared for by the ~mbly or God duttllln or literature. They w•~ I Churches. Lire a.nd acUvtllu of the boy• are tntlL!rull~ly re· hn•u.i:M into Intimate cont•ct •1th 1 veakd u the 11tory prornaae1. Th• lt~v. M . C. Cronic lnvllf'• yuulh ,,, ganlntlon• ancl tucher· everyone to attend the 1howlnr. preacher lnlitllutu. During th, lal- t•·r pt1rt ot their minion aervtcr. 'Truth' to be Lesson Topic "God ehaJI ttnd !01 th hi• mncy and hi• truth" 1Pa. :'>7:31 . Thll Scripture .la the Golden Text ot the Leuon-Sr rmon "Truth" In •II Chrl1tlan Science churchu Sunday. Th• aennon wlll 11trea11 Ult value. 8cl,nce. They dawn In faith •nd glnw tull-orb41d In 1plritual under· tlandlnf." "Mettrlal 11tn11e dou not untold the tact• of u11teonl'e. but 1pi1'1tual llt'n.&e llfl11 hum11n con1clou1nu11 into eternal Tr"th," (pp. zta. 91'>1 Community Church of Corona del Mar power and 11v1llablllly ot Uo<1 '1 Edwin Chrt11llan Oomke. put1>1 the rouple wae on the f1culty of the IA9narl1 Theoloirlcal Coller•. Tht Ktnga rl'llred In 19!U ind a~ now living In Altadena. In ad-1 l11t1on to their Ulk they will model natlvr rostumea and fllthlblt var• 1ou11 curio" ] Thr p1 0~ram wlll be pro·cedrd 1 by a r"(~11hmrnl period at 0 :30 I 11 nd an l11form•I hymn sin~ at 6 .l:\. Thf rubllc In lovlt~ to at- t,.nd . beallnr truth. It lncludu lhU! ad-or I.he Community Church of Co· I BIRTHDAY monition ot Paul In his tlr1t •plath• d 1 •t 1 1 th l ) . "Th j rona t " ar. • 1111 ni e op1r. tlut of 111. suppllcatlon.s, prayer•. phcet•• aervlrf1 Sunday mom lni.:. lo Timothy 12:1• 3• 4 • 111· "Letter to the W()rld" tor the du-,LUNCHEON AT 1.rJterce111on11. aml ,,_1v1ng of thanke. ·n.e Youth Choir "'Ill ilnc, "A CDM CHURCH· CoanrmaUon wW be h.Sd at Mt. bi! made tor all nitn ... For this~ S l I' I f th IA <l" b . Cann.el Church Sunday, Jan. u al 11 food and accrpt•ble in the •lrht I o~:in~n :~ :e 09_4~ "..rvl~«' 110;, The \.\'omtn'• .-.. 11ow~hlp of 4 p.m. Bl•hop Timothy Manning' o( Go<l our S11v11111r; Who will have I.he Adult Choir 111 •ln1'lng. "\\'c Coron11 dl'I Mar Community ol Loe An•elea will officiate. Re-a.II m"n to bf 11avrd, and lo 1:ome I Th k Th , Lord" b Bo l " • Church wlll h•ve . • b1rttid1y ,. ,, a.n r•. y r ntnn '\.Jui h heuta:J for t.he children partJclpat. univ the knvwleflgr ot I.he truU!. sky for the 11 o'clock -..•ervh:~ ;;c "On on Wednr.Aflay. Jan . lnf will be held Frld•)' at 8 p.m. ThlA ScrlpturP wlll ~ correlated I The choln of the r hurch are und••r · 12:30 Pm. In the .oclal A d inner. follow1nr confirmation. by thue WQl(h from "Science and l the direct Inn of Mary B•tten Stl'f· h111! Ho~tu1u •1• membe,.. will be 1trvt<1 to v11lt111r dlpllar· Health wilt\ Kt'y to the Scriptures" I teruien with Mul!'aiet Schule at 11t lhr <.:hurch School Oulld. lta and all pa.rtah prlrat.e at tht by Mary Ha ker Eddy. "Lile, Tn 1th, th• orsan. Each member of lhl' Fellow· parl.IJI hall. and Lovr are the rrultuu of divine 11hlp I• u k ed to brtnc a penny "'----------------------------for n ch year ot her lire u. LUTHERAN CHURCH GIVES FAMILY EMPHASIS SUNDAY At Costa Mesa Christ Lutheran a birthday otterlni. Tablr11 wlll bt' deeoratt d Jn kr.plnit With H eh month All members an uked 111 <"Omr anrt brlnr their fr1rnd11. RtHrvallona ahould br made al the church ortlc@. Hatbnr . .,:.ia; Prorr•m will be a b<>Ok rPvlew by Mrs. Donald Vow· lu . literature ch•lrman of Southern Conr .. rence of ('on· gni:auonal Women Thr Chr11tla.n farruly, eapeclally the youn1er m'mber ot ll. coific In for 1~c11.J empha111 1t Ne•i>ort Harbor Lutheran Church Sunday. F oret on the day'1 IChedule of act1v1U11 art I.he popular f'amUy Servlc~., a quarterly featun of thr Newport Helfhl• church. TheM eervlcu held al the rtrular houra of 1:30 and 11 Lm. are dtrtcttd upeci&Jly at th• children and encour•r• lh• utablllhmtnt of the family pew. At both «rvlcu. a 11pec11ll etlorl chlldren'1 Mrmon wtll r•· place the rerular adult 1nmon. Other feature, wlll Include the •lnrlnr ot chl.J?rtn'• hymn• by the roncrc1atton and an· them• by t.be Cherub and Ca rol Choln In addition to the adull Chancfl Choir. Th• lhemf tor lusl Sunday·,. aennon at Christ Lutheran l"h11r1 h , Cotta Mu& wu "Tht' Chr1.111111n11 Hope." On the b1111l11 or th1 .. 1111b- Jecl, putor Tomow exph11ned how ecrtpturc u11e11 thr word I "hope" In a more dtrlntlc ernae than la u•ed In ,.veryd1y talk ------------- TAXE OFTl("f~ I P'lKST CHlJK(;H Uf Cllkl8T Lut Sund•y lhe newly r ll'C'lf'd 8Cll'JXTIST oftlcera wert 1nstallrd •t the re1ot· tltJ ~'• '"'"· ,. •• ,.,, .... i. ular Sund•Y mom lnl( •"fVICf'. T hf' " .,•<1e• •' -. ..._ ~'"'· 1i.. ~"' ln1tallatlon ntr. I r a t1 by P•~lor I;;.".-:-:.:. 0 ' c~ .... ••1•••1 ·• •• •01• ... "'·-· Tornow, 1trrsior1I thr re~pnnubtl· S.•••• ..,_, , •• • ,. ltlu that the!lf mrn /Hf' taking S.•••• W.lce ----11 ·ot •"' ' We•-• h .. , .. ., ... ,,.. -•• • "' on u Ult)' t~kf' ovrr lhl'lr lll~t11 .... ,,.. •---· ei 1111 ~ •• LIM DJSCU881NG THE PRINCll'l.ES OP" THP: PHILOiOPHY OF THEOiOPHY LECTURE Subject -"PSYCHIC J>HENOMF.NA" PUBLIC INYJTED NO COLLECTWN THE CHUICH OF llUGIOUS SCllNCE Emttl a.-.. founder, auUlor of UM ... .._. .. "ICIENVE Of' lll~D" Rev trta Turlc, m1ru1ter Top1r . II a. m. J an 23 "How You C&11 t:M JWJ(11oua arlt>nre" 10:20 Heallna $tnttce JJ :oo Junior t;nurch J1111lor Churt'/1 l"mbrar• 11 all t111r1 •bot•f' Kt..CNt111rf•>1 11otd ., llf'/d ut Girl 8 ro111 11011•'· Hlvll DnL·e at Lt~" Th11r1, Jan. %7 1:00 p.m. r l .... "la :rhe Law Br.a.k.lni You?" l.ACit'SA llEAt'H AMT UAl...LEM\', 50'1 Oliff l>rt" HyaU f.12/tf Many Reasons There u e many 'reasons why we are called In time of nee~. w~ behe\'e that.· one of the most import.ant o! theae reasona, and one which c&UM!I much favorable comment. is the genuine dc111re, on uur part. to be of pt>l'90n&J service lo thuse we i«>rve. PARKES· RI OLE - MORTUARY II 0 I 'O"°wii.y e: o••4' ..,., •• LhlilTY 8·)4)l ~ tJ ~\.. n<l 01101• or nil ~Of-Ill.Al • I•,. I"'' ... l .0 4 . ~ l&lAN() • llOO ISlt . HfWP'OIT H ACH . cotOH" Ofl MAC Christ Church Sunday Sermon, Service Given l'fnt. 8aptl1t Church r:it N1w· port S..ch, 19tt\ 8 l. and Wut Balboa 8tYd., II lhle WMk etl .. braU~ &ta fifth annlnraary. on P'rtd&y evntar there will be th• • (OOd fellowahlp of a pot luck tam· Uy dlaner a t Mven o'clock. Tiit tam.Uy will be 1trel1Hd aleo In the Su.nday School al t :ao a.m. with the pa.rent.I belnJ lllvlted to th• Parl'nt'1 clll.N ln whlcll dlKul&lon of Ute chlldren,.• lueon tor the day 11 ltd by Pulor Robert B. Gronlund. P'amlly actlvlllea wlll clou with a Family Nlghl pot-lurk and pro.,.am bt1lnnln1 at & pm. Arr•n1cmenl• tor thl• ffl- lowahlp ennt are tn the hand• of Wilton lAwton. rh1lrman of UI• locla1 Acllvlllt1 Commltttt. The followtni: Wf'r<' 1ni1ta •• '.'d; "'"'°" .... ~L 11 •Pe• .... ••" ,_ Roy Spar...,•r 11rt·r• lary ~or1e 1•=• • "' .. •• "'"' w"-•'l "-·-. . ......... ,,. .......... ., .... .. . :'\f'hrlnit, lr••~•rn. \\'llltam Ka ut-C••_. H911._ feld Sr rt.,,.1 P.dw11 rd Schul& I'll. -rw1c " -ti••i. .....,. .. ,. ·-' ' .... o..... t.nftH 01• IM ... •M•I .. truatfe: Walter A lb<-r~. Sunda y '""" ....... ·--S~~I IU~tlntrndPnl . ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Grochow Jr , htad ushl'r 111· Olhe"tofttrr1s ~till huldln1 of· flee frolft' lht pn~l year a.re T.d· ward GrochO'W Sr . eldf'r: Ervin ·Tonnr. truatrl'; Roi rr Fortune, ALL llAND NIW I "Ood M&Jrq A Dlttutn~I" la the 1Ubject for th• •l'lllon by tile Rn. Ito)' A. Cara.oa at Chn.t Church By lh1 9e& Ml luacla7 monatna'. JaAU&I')" II. He wUI Ille 1peakln1 1\ both monUlls wol'tlbJp tio~:'8 •and 11:00 •• ft• 811.nctuary Obotr WW liq lM ID• them, "Ha.rlr. ll&rll M; eou.1" "7 SheUey fM the 11 :00 o'doelk ~ ''let . A 90p~o eok> la the uu..n will be NftS ~ Mn. WW.. ,,...._ The Youth Choir alnl'I at lM eM'lJ ~rnice. Both cllofllr9 an dfnet_. by Mn. A . J. Rutter. A MW Sunday enntl\• poup tor J unior HI"' Youth hu ~ etart· ·"'' at th• cllurdl be&tulftl /an. !!th. The Jwilor H1•h Youth r1.1· lowllhtp. u ll l8 called, w1ll mMt Annlnrtary aunday II to be OD Jan. ao when charte.r member• w Ul be lntroduffd by th• paator, l\rr. Berber\ 0 . Joh.nlon, and letten r-4 trom tonner puton. nrwt putor Of tile church. the ~v. ~· Wiedman, 11 preMnUJ •rvt.n1 In Oennany u c>aplaJn wtth Ule llUI ~rtm•nt. He le uk· IQ that f'OOd uM<I clothtnr. puU· wla.rly ahoH. be collected and eent to him. Mn. William Hodtdon I• ln ch&rff, and cloUllnr may be i.n at ~er llome. l~U Oran,. An .•. Ool\a ,.... or al tile cburch. A ull elt.ber to Ml' at Uberty ... U61 or to t.11• putor will brtn1 eom• one to plck up parcell. 411 clolll· Inf not aeet lo Germany wlll be uaed fer a rummas~ Nit later on. The Men'• Brotherhood will maet Jan. ti at th• Hodadon home tor a dinaar and pro.,.am. : e•c>I I UJ'lcta1 tn>m t to f :IO p.m. · Mre. l\oy A. Carlloft 11 4tnctor of k an out!ft&' llland wit.II the yout.11 the iroup wllh tile llelp of ftl'loua ot eo.t. Me• MethodJlt Church. paruta ot the 70uU1. Youth la 9otb JOUth STOUP' will leav• aner padM T .... I ue la\'lted to ,.,U• IClllool °" rriday, and retura ea~ , clpate. n. hatOI' Jllp TwU. 1'1· Uf'da.J' e\'9l1n1'. Tiie M•lhodllt lowaklp eoetlaa• to ... t eec.h Lodl'9 la a well drnloped camJI lunday IYfnlnc trom t to 8 p.m. Ula& LI maintained for year-around Sfnlor Hlrti Youth of Christ artlvltlu and ca.mpJJ. ll 11 located Church By the Sta will hi ve .a.n In the 8&11 a.w~I Mo1&11t&!M la Ovtr-nt1ht "Snow Trip" to the 1 tll1> "r111atte .of Wrtslltwood. a.nd a Mtlhodlat Lodse a t Wrl1hlwood. tnr ml.lea from the W\nter P1a)'- C&.llf. orr Jan. 21 and 22. Thi• 111·111 iround Area al Bir Pint. I I Harbor are& fa.mlllu are cordially Invited to make UH of any or Ill of thtte Chrlatla.n family acUvttl ... ---------------------------tru1ttt. · ONN NIOtn I DAY & HOUO•YS aetou MIGNWAY PIOM MOAG NOPlf.U NEWPORT -JOI NIWPOIT 11.vo. -COSTA MESA ~G .... &..·.,, ... __ ...... _.,...... ' ~-----... AUTOMATIC WASHERS CROaU:Y w r;STIN<JHOt.:81': with t1111e BEr-:OlX O'ENl!:RAL EU:C..-rR.Jr ---REFRIGERATORS Wt:llr. ADMIRAL T Ct! P"r. 1189 t5 GENr.R.AL El.ECTRIC T Ct:. rr. 121• 07 WESTINOHOt:SIC 9 Ct:. P"r . 13111 te sow lld.t& llTt.I& 11'9.ta IJ".96 ....... ~ l NOROtf; 9 CU. FT. . . ....... Uet Ii& PHILCO T CU. rr ........................ l ltt M wzu; ... .' '190 O& I 1911 lill 1239 8l! 12119 Ill! ~ow 11119.9/l IU9.t:t 118".9:0 ""·":. OAS RAN <I t: 8 WF.Kl: :-.ow v ... , .. 1147 •11 .,9.llj Oafff'r a l"attl..r 1170 ()() " Ul.00 ~AWl' ('fff.1- l lGO 116 ... a.94 ( NO· DOWN PAYMINT l 1707 lo. MAIN Ol'£S IJAlU' 1n.t I'. M. Santa Ana Kl 3.9434 ,. ... • • • = \ ,. . , MESA TEACHER APPOINTS STATE STUDY COMMITTEE Lindbergl1. P-TA Plans Mardi Gras Island WSCS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -.PAGE l THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 ... •' HOMEWA~D BOUND-The Walter Franz family pre· parea to leave Palm Desert where they spent a recent Wffkend a.t Desert Air Hotel. Mrs. Fran~ and son Wal· ter watch aa the South Coast Company president stow.11 luggage away in their Beech Bonanza· for the fligh t home. Mr. and Mrs. Franz are presently attending the National Motor Boat S~ow in New York. -Lee Wenzlick Photo. U.L.T. THEOSOPHISTS Lecture to be on Phenomena Appolnl.lftml hH been ann.,uneed by t.he 1tate Board ot Education that Mlu Anne Ho•J>#ra, curriculum coordinator of the C~ta 'Men 11ehooJ1. will be chairman tor thl1 dl1trlct of a •tale committee to 1tuoy and juds e 100 charact.rtltlca of rood ele.ment.ary school practl~!. - An evaluation commlttPe for lhl• purpo.e ha• bef'n ap· pointed by Miu Ho.speu composed of pn nclpala, u ach•r• •nd ~ peop le ot the community. Pcr110nne1 of tht? committee will lncludl! Mn . Frank Chap· man, pn1ident of J.faln School P·TA; Mn. W llUam O'Brien. prellident o1 Harper P·TA; Theodore Neff, principal ot £\'erett Rea School; Robert Bruna, principal of Und1>er1h School: Mrs. RoM Shiller, i1econd "nde t l'&Cber at Monte Vllta School; Mra. Dorothy Whlltalcer, tlrat 1"'4• teacher at M am School ; Mn. Vlrclnlll Kidder, mualc aupervlaor of Mesa achoo!a; ~rn. Hiida McCartney, dlltrlcl-wlde achoo! librarian: Mrs. Orby Anderaon. r ha1rman ot parent education P·TA Counclf. EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA ' ' Girls' Club is Proj_ect of Newest Sorority chapler11 are located an all part.a or lhe wottd. O!flcers or Eta Eta chapter are Nl'west non-academic 110rurity in Sou thern Orange County. Ela Eta chapter ot Eptllon SIJ ma A I· Mr11. Robert Philbrick of Lido lale, pha, haa chollefl a1 ll• projer t the president : Mra. Everett Brace, Harbor ArH Glrla' Club and phU· Colla Meaa; vtce-prealdent: Mra. anlhropy will be direct~ ~nward Kirk L. Jord.,_, Bay Shpru, eor· need11 of the clrll. ~eapondlng eecreta.ry; Mn. Glenn E ta Eta chapter wu e.tablillh· D. Jackaon, Sant& Ana, record· ed ju8t before the holiday u aaon ang 11ecrd ary; Mra. 8t.ephanle Su· anll 111 now beginnlnc to runct1on gars, Santa Ana, treaaurer; Mrt. fully. The phllanlhropl<', educ•· J oe Stroup, Newport He1&11ta, pro- tlon11I and 11oclal aorortty ll11led 13 rram chairman. lnlllatea recelvlnor aa month• Chapters of the o...,.anlzaUon• tn '!lie e.u cullve board of Lin~ Ml°(h Elemmt.ary P-TA met ln the hOme of Jin. Henry Rol>t>n• on Jan. 12. Bualn ... an4 pleuure were combined at thla luncheon mfft.lnC and plan.I were dlaci.aued for a carnival. lt will be he.Id ear· ly In April &rid will carry out th• Mardi Oraa theme. Hra. J'. B. HuJatt WU appoint.. ed publicity ch&lrman to replace Mn. Harold Wlllaey, recently rt• alped. Mra. Henrr Robert., Founders Day chairman, outlined her plan8 for the February meeUroe. Thia will prova to be of lntereat to former Undber(h atudt.nt. u tb• hlatory of t.he achool la io1nc to be unfolded in a very lntere1tln1 manner, ahe aald. Board memben preaenl at the ~eetlnJ were Mmea. Arthur Kitt:., rtefd.ent; R.. o. Mickey, R&Iph aurman, Loula O~nkamp, Charlea Jacobs, L. V. Atch.laon, Gordon Imler, L. C. Thoma.. Geo~e Poh, Frallk Overleee, J'. M.. Pelle.Uer, Geo!'&'• Rodman. Am· ador Ram09, Henry Roberta, Jan.- et Thomu. C. Orbey Anderaon, Ralph Jnwln, r . B. Hulett and Robert Brun-. principal ot Llnd-berp School ( Kappas Sponsor Music Group Hears About . Deaconess Work Camp Fire "Three c 11r1at.maaae. ln M1-1~ Girls Plan Centen'' WU toplc Of Mia l:dlth evr1: dffcon-from lti. rnuice. c - De Pauw home ln Hollywood,. eremo~y 1peuln1' at the January mMUn1 'JI of th;. Balbc>a Island Community Plau apd pn,.,..Uou f« Church • Women'• . Society of council fln. to be beld etUler •at ~Uan Serrice. Sh• told of the vart.oua duti• of a d .. coneaa and the end of 'anuuy or e&1'l7 la of the 0. Pauw horn._ The pro-February. are oc~yl.Jl( the ac- l'r&JD WU preeented by Circle One. tMUon of tM Camp l'ire Olr MN. Percy BaiD• p~ded at g'l"OUp, the ~ Ollpanan. tbe ~onalnc bu.Rn-aeuion and Ho1t.e.11 for tM 111"Uns on Jan. heard report& fl'om circle chair--13 wu Judy Hotue. 2184 ~ me11: Kn. Robert lbbot.on for Ave., ea.ta lth•. Janf't J Circle Two, Mn. Michael C&rl for vtc:e-pruldeilt, ptNided. " Circle Four and Mn. F ount Lowe PreparaUona rot under way to tor Circle One, hi abaence of the the council tlre wtth membuw di chairman, M.ra. Neal DoDker. vldl,n.ir tbe t.uka. ParaplM Plan8 were made for the ml9alon and equlpme.nt procunment ., atucty Nii• beUlc h&ld at tbe uatped aa f0Uow1: Janet Jone cburcb e&c:b 8\mday evening dut-and Carole Anlblll'sbeJ, lbe ~ lnl' the month. Al the Quiet Hour, held In the monlaJ book, • to\da wlth d.Nlru: Kay And~non. mat ; Madelai church aanctuary al 12:30 p.m ., pa~ J r_,_and _Ka)' ADdar Bamee rMd a menorla1 -ta three departed member-a, Mra.. Ea· bolt of prop1; Judy Ho(Ue an telle Brown Milla. Mn1. Bl&nche Lynn Teck. protector1 for th Bakkl'r and Mrs. Hallie Blacker-candle1; Jan Fraat, Franoei Daw aon, Franclne Robinson and byKr•. San. Bowman, apiritual hfe Mila Lovell, rand.le holders. Bev· chairman. gave the Bible 'reading eral o! the C'lrla are bringing rl'd, and a meditation of "Jeaua Calli whtte and blul' Cllndlo !or the Ua to Come to Hlm." Hymns were occa &lon. aunc with Mrs. Jack Huckabee at Ideaa we re dlscu1111ed on type1 o the •oraan. occaalonal card• which the l'f'OU Ctrcle P'our llUVed the luncheon ' la planning to 11ell. Several or thl' and the ''aale table." memben expect to atte¥ th Speech Improvement Aim of Harbor Club Cinerama In Hollywood. eamp P'lr Girt. anet Bluebird memben ma obtaJn entr&n« ticket.a for them lt'lvea and t.helr famlllu for minimum price. ... ·• When kappa Kappa Gamma pltodge pins at 1n1tallat1on cere· Santa Ana have been very helptul Alum.nu AuoclaUon membera met Start of an inter-club competl- monles Jn Villa Mu1na. In aiding the local g'l"OUP in eel· for their regular IWlcheon m~et· Uon for improvement in apeech Bahe/is Observe World Religion Day The loca l irroup waa organized tang up the or &anlzatlon and pro-lnl' Thursday, Jan, S, at the L ido technlquea will reature meeting ot by Mra. Gene K eUt r of S11n An· cedure1. The group meet• the ttr1t Ille home of Mr1. Robert For tin , the Harbor Toastmlatreaa Club tonlo. Tu., rounsell or tor the 111· and third Thureday1 at the homea Monday evening, J an. 24, a t Hot · tt<onal organization. foundrd ln of membeni; the colora are blue the &'l"OUP voted to become one of pltallty Houae i.n Ba.Ibo&.. Speakers The United Lodge"OT Thf'O..Op·' phunii m1;ny 11nani;we1,.tl que~th1n~ 1929 With headquarters Ill L<>ve-a nd (Old an'd ruah month.I are ~e in;:r: of thhe Newport Har· w111 be Mu . Edward Mirkovich, land, Coln. One of lhl' olde11t non· April a.nd October. A limit of 2~ r ou ymp ony. )lr1. Clyde J ohnson and Mn. Leroy hist• Is now located In the new in t•·.:11111 lo lift' an1I hv1n.i. ll i·x· al·atll'mic 90roitlr11. over 3000 memMn haa been wt. Plana were completed for the Anderaon. Tou tml11treu of the HOME I LOANS At Or c.-ty'• L11&ift-1' L--. '"·"~ QUICK 24 ~HOUtt staYICI LOW LOW "REOUCIN6,. tNTEHST RA TES EASY ~NTHLY 'A'YMENTS TRIEIDLY SYMflATHETIC SERVICI wt. tuY YlUST OHOS ON Will LOCATtO HOMU omf' H 4 South Cou t Blv .. La· pla in~ thr <111<·tr1n1·~ of "rPinrarn1:1· rummare aa.le .cheduled for March evenln Ill .. _ Ml Ch I '1t0Tt-1tnd nt-ltitnna""-mr thr key 1 -------___ ---__ 17 end H , ._8entr-A-. For g w ~ ."' ar otte ~na ~~h. ~0 mutmgg a~ ~e m~tMy or btrlh ·~ d~th. w1·v'es Club Tiwr~·~ ~art1ng F~ 24 ~pro~. M~ Ruth M~~ ~~The ~~{Elc~fill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~~H~~*===I heltl weekly, each Tuuday 11t 2 JllHllrt• and in•·qualilit'~ • 10:30 a.m. at the Udo Theatrt'.' Corona del Mar entertained the Nadine HIU. reme Y or t • healing pm. a nd l'll<'h Thur.day a t 8.1:1 Th•• Then11opblral SO<'lt"ty wa11 Faculty wives havt' been Invited ITO\lp with an account of her var· Plan1 w ill be made and prepara· ot all the world 11 the union of all FEDERAL SAVIN&S p.m A trC"e lecturr w ill b" htld foundfd tn 187!). by H . r . Blav&l · H T lk to atttnd the next mt't'tllng of the led experience• with the Travel· lion• •tarted. for Harbor ToH t· lta people In one unlver11al caua., & LOAN ASSOCIATION on Tut8day. Jan. 2!) at 8 ,1~ p.m. icky. Wtllm111 (,/ J 11djll' An d Colrind ears a Women'1 Civic League on Jan. 18 lers Aid in Chicago. ml1tre• Club a participation In thP one common Faith. the 1111bject "Psychic P hent)mPna." H. s Okull ThtO.t!<"lphy Is non· a t the I rvine Coast Country Club, Thoae IMll'Vln( wttll Mr1. Ji'orbea monthly council dinner on P'eb. 7 "It 11 to th111 ldt'al t hat Baha·11 222 Oceui A,,.... At the close of the ltctu~ therl' ""'tar11\11 an<I Ii. bl'll<t'll on th .. bt'ht'f Prh ldent Mrs. Donald C. Brld1· were, Mmee. Robert Tulln, Ful-at 0~9br!et Inn. Harbor an a are dl'dlca ted In thl1 World Rell· will b<' time ftJr qr11tlons from the that 1r ro•!lg<1on nr phtloMophy bt' On M 1• d East man ahnounced. lert.on; J , Thomu Swan.an, La· women Interested In Toutml1tre911 g1on Day ob1ervance. It1 aim 1 LAGUNA BEACH autllt'nce. trul'. It mutt utfcr 1l J111l11tltm to -Thoee preaent were Mmea. guna Beach and Phil R41nlck, Udo acUvttlea are Invited h > attend to provide a aound founda tJon o The T11e11lay 1ft!'rnO(Jn and ew1y hunurn p1<1blem Theo..nphy J amea w. Thornton, Kenneth o . lale. Other member• who attended meellnr• on the second and fourtll hope that the O<>d ot m &nklnd ha11 Thur!Klay evening ml'('ltnl?2' &rt' In· t od1"" that \h••r" 111 11 rnt aunal OCC Faculty W1vu Club mel Boettcher, Wendell Plcken1, Rob· were Mniea. R. p Morrill DI k Mondaya at 7:30 p.m. In Hospital-not t'eUed to reveal Hl11 love and f(lrm•I dl/IM'llft.!llona b1t11ed upon a e1<pl11nat1<•n for m11n 11 purp""" an I tJn JBn. 12 e t the home of Mrt. erL O. Oabome, J ohn V. Neff, Drake, Henry ~ra. J~ea ~. lty HouH . ltllidance to humanity ln It• tlm "'°'" HY 4.1111 Tht'O"o11h1t'al text, expl8l111n11 the 111 .... 1tnrl thruw" llghl on t he p1 t1h· l<enn<'lh 0 Botottchi•r, 223 Koch· Jam es E. McCa uley. Donald C. Stoddard, Robert Lenke, w. B. -------------ot direst nee~ fllndarnental prlnt'apl"'• of lht' phll· lo•m" t>f • t>nto•mp .. rary hvlnj! • ~strr St t'oiHa M tt1a. Alllll!lllng Bridgman, R. Dudll'y Boyce, Dickinson, Burr Buman, S\roller OllOphy of Thl'Ol!Ophy I All mC'f•tlni;:" <1f \;, L T. Th,·o· M il! ~Of'tl<hi·r ill! hoalt•s!IU were Thom11J1 A. Bl11kely. Charles Haley, White Rlohard Stewart Walter Don't crou that Intersection on the irreen tr the line of ca111 on the other •Ide won't ptnnlt you to ~et In, advl11e1 the National Automo- bile Club. To b<' .11top1>td In the middle Of the Intersection and block crou traffic 111 bad driving and bad driving' manners. Thia h a philosophy which t'X· 11nphll!l1t ll l<' fr<'•' to lht' 1mbll• Mr" \\ cn<lt'll Ph kan&. Mrs. Roho•rt Wiiiiam 0 Payne O"car G. Tay. H t h' Ban BMk Do ·Id eat I D. Ottb<>me and Mrs. John V. Neer 'lor J ohn S Owen'• BllJlll H Pet· J aEc •K I onH ,d Bna ne, 1 • • • • • • e m, owar ry&n, Pat· Board Plans t on \\'1lcl1•r ch•lrmr.n oor p11r .. nl I ~Ir W1ll111.m Ad1tms. l·&plam In erson. Ray Rouo Wiiham A. I rlcla Seymour, Loul.M OaJlagher e1i11(·a11011 ""'·11u1agl't1 idl m••111lwr" th<' Arniy Ht'~IV<', gave a 11hdc H"a r.!llad, Hui-aton Harper, Jamea land Mary Lou Tonne10n, Harbor 1tn•I rri• n 1,. tu attm<I lh.-lrl·turr lrC'lun·, showani: pl<'lur .. a whlrh Wylli>. Frederick R..._ Huber Wll· Area. Richard Shriver, David Bur· Corona del Mar ""1111\ j;IVPn ••• h Wl"•ln· iotl11\• by' hi' look Whllt s1•rv1n1e •s a h111son llall'\ T. Ackf'rml\ll. c ite. T. Brown, ger, Tom Collier, George Barnett. Mr.• Alma Bui~ Cro•rn •11L .!\1,.11, offirl'r With tho• 'J\111<11111 1·on4 1n· C<>rald E. Elllll, William F. K1me1, Jack Hilton, Santa Ana. Walter Sr h.,11l 111 <.;o,.la Mt'.•n i;t•nl of th•• U N . Army. In Kori'&. Jamo H Love, Sam T, McNe11I, Smith, Q . W. BaUey Jr., Laguna P-TA Meet Mi•. J L. ~,,811 w1t,i•s •md H rio t1>1t1mrn11.ry 1111 thr Turk111n Rt<·hard R. Barrrtt a nd JOMph R. Beach and Sidney Handy, Orance. lh1tl 1mhhH 11nd hi" 1n~l1tht into lhr I Kroll. T he l'X"Cllll\'~ bollrd of lhr ('n· ~~~M ... r;~~~"':.:~·l ~~~~~~~···:: l'h1I· ~~~~"·:~~ .. ll~~·1:'1:·;;:.~;::;~;nn·::1~~~: • . . . Ch1·1.· D1·nner rona del Mar Srhool rnrl Jin, 13 t1 rrn'11 pluy. "Th•· B<'ilr1t11~11"1 L>111• wl'rf or mU<'h rntrrt,.t. a11 w .. 11 Ill! I Child DISClphne 1tt1n • on Feb zr, 1:1ml 211 In lho P .. uun:s . RIDLEY MORTVABY FonaeriJ' OllAUEL CllAP'EL llt ........ .., -Costa ·-IAef'tJ ... USS and I-UH Be,.an • ..... ....._ e l•t'hU1• SI AFFORD 6 1011 "NllL8 and DOC"' i:.r..scnuc~.qo!C'l'IL&Cl"l'OU ..._ lilW1r .. ,... I lit.,......_.&,_.. N .......... BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MlCSA CHAPEL l 7"1 Superior A•enue Coata M-. caut. Phone Liberty 1·2121 C1LU"11!1.. 81' THI: DA IUO II. Cout B1M. Ooroaa d.t Mar. CaJl.f. Pbon• H&nor '2 at the home of Mrl!. Killy Burton lht• man\' twa11t1ful Kodiu·hrome Th Tl. M Hall Hiit boi Vto w 1't·ho"I rtlldllm 111111 wild•'" 11how1ng vart11u11-upec ts nf eme uffiOrrOW at 00Se ~e unit~ p~~rtl'nt, M r~ Harvey Th~ i•l»y will ~ <ltrl'rt ~d bv Mr~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 . P1·1&l!e . prc-1ldl'd Ovl'r the bust· :'ofllrlhella RAntll11l. Knrun 811'1 Jopl\lwiue "'" C'hilt.1 dlMlpllne wl,ll be tlilW'ulM'<I Newport Be&ctl W omen of the nl'u meeting ____ M~rr1b<-rl' wer•· uke•I 1 .. alltnd by Alma 0 . Orten, Orange Coast Mooee will hold a chili tx-an din• tlll' Al1111< Ol8('n Ultl'n It'\ llH'!'I' al par<'nt·rducat1on 1natn1ctor, et the Mn . D. F. P ett'rson, membPrllhtp Card Club Raises th .. <'ulleg•·. lu 1>1· h"ld on rour sm•. rlalia in parf'nt·chlld rt'lallon11h1p1 ner Saturday dlrtit.. Jan. 22 at chairman, rl"ported a total Of ~32 ( r 1'M\'I' .F'rnJ1tyii. 9 lv 11 a .na I(} be held tomorrow at 9 a m. al t he Mooee homa. 2300 Ocean member. In the Corona dtl Mar Fund F or Temple 111..run.r Jl\n. 11. Thi'~ aie tu ~ thtt 1'fa1n School In Coata Men . FronL Dl.nnu wW be .erved from unlL Ml"ll. Robert Wyrr, health a nti 7 to 9 p.rn. Members and the.Ir u fttv chairman, thanktd m<·m~r" A onre·ll·Wf\l'k e an1111ta C"hal), par••nt-<·hild i-elaUo iia diAcuulon More th .. n 100 pa renu attended iueata are lnvtud. 1 , '"'lll'lflnll II Ill( II re i.1l0n11<>rt d by t hr th fl l t f th I t tor their coopera tion tn thr N!l't<nt rorml'<I lo rr.•·· niun<'y fur I hf' n•'W H .. ~ .1 • 1, TA . . I I' rll mt'i! lnK 0 e ec Url'· A dance wtlJ CoUow w ith mu· "1.,..r Ar.:11 :< • <ountllii At1· dl!i<.11Ulun l!l'l1"ll held laat wttk -"" -• I Elka Club Chrtatmaa Toy projel't M ll.!IOnt<' Ti•mple lwing ion!lltUl'lt>d mlMion 111 lret• · ale turnlah ... by the .M.,.od)' Moun· B N De ! Dr. T h(la. A. Blakely, dean ot adult t.alneera, according' to .Mrs. Durl Mrl. . . .enberg. program 1 In .'"ewpurl H1•11<hl~. nwl l11t1t S iil· Mr1-. Wilham 0. P11yne annuunc~ education reported. At the mf!cl· Hannan. publicity ch&1rman. chairman: announced lh(' next reg· llr<lav .. venhix at tht-Jo .. Struup I <'ti lhat ~h1• hu llckel11 a\•all· Ing tomorTOw Mr•. Green will di .. ular P·TA mret1ng will feature hntnf', 23:'1_ I !;\\' ~ 1 R 1 11blt' ro1 a thrl'l'·l«ture 11e1 1e11 by cuM alma of dll!clpllne uaenllal (\leal apeaJter Mrs. John (Ro11etne1 '' · • i1tni4 "'" · F.dn\I Stf'mA Dayton. apbnaored by ractor11 In tlh,c lpllrlt' and level• of FHley. She will #hl'lw p1cl url'11 II· :'ll••wf'l)rl H•li:hfl 1 11n\J for thl' l>ilnt'fl l of the Nlghl· t'ontrol luatratln~ her talK on lire m Hcol· R•·K\1lar lllf'mbtrs uf th' i.:r1111p 1ng11l••s, H014fr M .. 01t1rlal Ht•J1p1t.AI land on Monday. J 11n 2•. •L 7 11r.• Mr n<I Mra. H111ry t'olllr, 11tnllha ry 1troup T'hr 11t'rlt'll wtll p.m. Mi and Mr~. Ch&rle,. l'lln(·h Mr. cun11111l of twu book rt•v1rw.11 and Mn. Peale named M111. Al ci.,. an\J .Mr8: Walt~r Gu.sun llnii ~I r. nn•· pl~y rt'\'ltw anl.l will tie on menc:. &1 chairman of th!' Life Member.hip commllttt Mrs. Bui. lln•I .M r11 J•'t' !';trour $11bst1tutu 1 1111 M r 1tod M r.. H~n·lrt \\11lson, Are You Up-To- Date? 0. Y" M•• -*•• ,,.t«Mll~ r SU Tl fAIM MUTUAL aff•ft '°' ~ -••...-fim "' tti. fMW .,._te4 .., it.. Stet• .... ......-• ......-. .. , ...... c. c-,...., .. "u. W. I. LANDIS L. E. CAIRNS lSS E. 17th St. Costa MHA U~rty 8-101 I SUTl F• MITilll lUT-IU llSllAIC( ClllHIY l~OO•ll'fOTON, ILUNOIS NOTARY PVBUC ... 110 1rpla4·,t.1 .M1. tt~d Mrs. Bunch 1 .. ,.1 S1&turday eV!'n1ng wh"n t hf'y w1·1 ~ u11abk lo br prr11ent. 1 Rf'tre11hmen111 ,..,., r llt'rn·d fnl· I lm~·mg lhe cana11la RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL 280 30th St., Ne M·port ~acb HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 1 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Harbor 25SS Perhaps we h•ve the •nswer Because we do everything here c-as.a pura "S&&VllZ Wl'HllH llOUU -W11S.N NK&l>&r CONPLETE IAVNDER~ Md OLEA.Nm lllA&INU'a 1111.& I D1R'OllT m.&Cil BE SURE -INSURE wta. MAUKl<.:t; ZfTA.NU:l' l .. U,_Clt Oat,, Phone Harbor U14 Jlll5 r.. C.-t Hl&'hW•J CoQrod& •1 Mar NEWPORT '-liiliij;,J SHOl IEPAll t•·a.. snm HOW IS YOUR CAR'S Y oar CM't el«triml .,..em ii """'- to you nttYO.. IJlteaL I( 'fOIW car'• roer..w • Offt .~ect cw ii a.re bauery, tpuk pa.gs, ICll.l'ler ex 9'06lar repa..x. -°"' o( kil ...... 'fOIW .... engine woe·c operate properly • • • llnd i(I c.otC JOI money. DriH .. DOW 80d .. 1flel •..,tt• t.dr:f J Su•la A• Kl 2-2375 See the most at the . 3rd ANNUAL BALBOA BAY CLUB AUTO SHOW 1221 w. Coast HICJllW.y • SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd NEW HOURS • 10 a. m. . ~ to 4 p. m~ dally COMPARE PREVIEW: ITS FREE AH the new 19M modelat domeeUc ud foreip. Tbq cont.Mn tbe ~t ~han~ett In the history ot the aato-mntfr., Industry! .It ia espected that ttome aew lbOdele, eehedaled for re • ol&r national abowiftg later la the moatb, wW be .J. for the F1RST TIME .. 8oatben ()allf ..... at t.be BIW Ao~ Show! No admhMloa -Simply pick ap UcDe. fl'OID uy parUclpatinc ~f U.tfid below I JACK RAUSU~ llfOTOas MG-E•&'lialt Fetrd t' • MrLl:AN MOTOU. 00. c.dtllao-~ 201 s.ac.- 8e.nta AJI& IOllNllO!lf • llQN uae.m-~ I08 w. CJ-a ~. lllt Barbor JU'°d. C'01'ta ,._ LOU attu a A~Lt\ n:s C~Pl,_.11 fl!I W. CoMt Rt.r11 .. a1 Newport ~Mh "'"-"" D.uiU"O "~er l.apna: "" C-t S-ta Ana: 614 r.. hL O'BIUL..,_ lllOTQIUI DodP."'9ootb HM ~ewport Blvd. Coet6 "- llAJl&l90N l'O!\"TJAC 09. .... ...., tlNI a a1-.n 8-ta Alla Miu.a:& c;{U\·aoa.rr Chev~ I ooo • ""' C-t lllrllwq ~ ~w.,.n 8NcJt <.'OTl'ON OOP'I". \'ollllawac-P ....... ! 111 s _,,on Brvd. HAJJVl:Y IU:EQ helm.NI nt W. ITUI at. 8-ta.48a N....,_.~ o. &. ao:::MOHBllA ..... ... ........._, ....... ..... *'-1.:-0-.Z.~ 'l'HM>OOli&. aoamq ...... •••w.o...a-... l'l...,.n .... OLAM IAllJlfATEll • ..,. ..... Blft. Oeeta .... , $1.51 Dividi1d Declared; Ray 8111k Director A Kml-annual dlVldtnd of $1.&0 PA6& 4 • 'AllT IV -NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRE~S THURSDAY, J~NUARY 20, 1955 "Your readers must have GOOD CONNECTIONS!" ~th&,.. waa dec:l&nd ·a11cl a new ni. waa the a1upruln1 remuk mad, by on1 of our d1re<""tor wu elected to the board 1 rental a4~rti .. n tbJa wHk. Sh, contlnutd, ''Th• lut at 111 .. arunaal 1DHttq ot 1tock· tlllle l advtrtiHd l'llY L.ldo hit home for rtnl. I rt· holtltn aDd dir.ctora of Ne""°" cetwd a call about It from ~verly Hlll11 tht .. me nlcht Berbor aanJr, Oo~ 411 Kar. the ~.,.., c:ame out. 1 couldn't 1ma&int1 how the new• tranllH eo fut- JainH D. ~ cl 0oreM de& Mar wu D&IMd a1 dll'ICt#. a. la "N'eirt d•Y • very wtll known movte 1t1r C&fl\e to rny a pnt,..I ~I cef'tl'actOl' and home and rented It! l uktd how 'he htard about tt Uld 111 p,..ldtal f1f the loeal elerntl\t· w•• told on• of hi• h11nct. .town here had bee!I watch- - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ E-9try Mo.day and 'nnand&y COASTAL SHOPPEB-Wedneedaya & U... l Paper S .75 ' U.. t hP'" lM 'u... a Papen uo C..._, ~r ~A• •llM rua lm tllle ...... , ., TIMawilaJ l'vlbll•taee IUNDIUll AP IS • UNU AJI ClwlllleC ~ -c be ,.W for c..a • tMh-aw ·et ,.Mk!e .... l2 BalM'•a •nt. a ry di.trtct ICltool ~rel. lq th• ,.,., tor juat, the type ot home I a4verUNd Prt1ldent. \Ja.raea T. Vtn Dyek • .,,... .. WW I_,. -1-r .,....,. nsuel han GOOP WEST COAST BUILDERS nf!Crttd a new ,,_Ill tll depollt1 C'O!Of&CTIOJlfl!" .. ot $U31.0U. an lncreaH of IM4,· GENERAL CONTRACTORS .. .. Alterations ftS!TYUNG Kim of California 212 Martae Harbor ~••t 11&1~ Itlalld Hpl! Yard Maintenance C'\een up JOba. ,,... s.timate LlbwtJ l-IT6'. IOptl~ ~--------~-Roy's Maintenance ffWM eleulft1-'1oor wu1n1 Wt.lt ..,....tna'-wiftffw et•nlllr Venetlan bllnda. Upboi.tery Juund. ,..... l:lttnaat .. 1..l)ert1 a.-1111. 11.lC SO-~ tor lWfl FOR SALE TO BE MOVED New 2 yr. old buildings will be sold to highest bidder. 1 bldg. -4 Wlit•. approx. 1300 aq. ft. 1 bldg. -2 unit.. approx. 6M eq. ft. 2 bdrm. <'Ottage approx . MO 11q. ft. t IDEAL for mot•l or "ntal unl~,- Completely furniahed includinc wall t.o wall eupet... ing. beda, table.. larnpe. chain aild appliancea. .... OPEN FOR BIDDING NOW BALBOA BAY CLUB 1Z21 W. Co11t Highway, N~it Beach Mr. ft.eieee, Liberty 8·2211. 000 over laat yur. Caah and U.S. W)at~ 10W 9Mda, aa M • ow Uvely elMeUW ~ 18 20 Government S«11rtt1u totaled •2.-Net,_ ...w .,.,... "°" l'tMle., too. \:7lrages, >r 80-a..-.&lr!!!°'! , 832.903. 1!:1ra1n1 were at the rat• Call Rarltor 1111 ~ uk for tlM! .. .u.r. STUCCO OR SIDING _ COMP' 1191'11' "r 1n.aa Pf' •l\ar, a1 cdmp•,.d • ,,_. ... .,. Movie Pro1·ectors •' ;;:~~an!'~!:ir.i:!nt~~ ~r'= ~~~~~=:=:;:;:.;::~·~·~·;;·~·2;·~·~·~-~-~·~-~~~·!:·~-~-~-~-~ $695 (including slab) MAU: •htt. 4&, waGta c11ru1er roR um-J~i~~~~~£.E .. ~~ploy"• wu 1111tal~. ~twport LEGAL NOTICI -llcrA1. NOTICI--SPECIALISTS" in room additions J~.!: .. ~0~0c_i:~1a1 • ~d S-MM 1&-MM !~·MM ci.ep cooicer, 39" ... _ .......... &O Harbor Bank WU Oat of the Ht·-----------"""'--------------a.na-~odillas tor over-8-yn~ o,.. ~-r ... .--. ~1>4 F'AS1 COUJR FILM SERVICE HARDWICK ranc•. ,. .. w 1Ml111•r-~nka onf!nally a deptlnr th' plu dP'OU nu; Pl'BLIO tJTD.ITJEll co~S!ION FHA REUA.BU: WOMAN. txpene.nced HOBBT .ntt-ilfeE>PA. eoYW-····~Mi.60__ "'hlch waa dl!veloptd by Calitomla or TllJt STATE or C'ALl1'01'SIA Terms -No Down Payment In bo1&Mkeeptn1. cooklnc. child Al.RPUNI: 8UPPUE8 llNDlX l:conomat WUll•r. al· Banktr11 ANOClltt«'n T .n...-. 6 M:7•• KJmi....-1 3 G-..i 87 1H '._ .. ,_ Own M C Sh mA•l n•w •••.,. In lht Mallet of tht Application ._.,. .. ~ °" VO -~ Y "'<Mt.. p ' care, w_...,,., lrontnf . ears amera . Op "'" ~ r ................... -..,., All ottlctra ot lh,. bank wfre re• >f SOUTHEJ\N COUNT1E8 OA8 COMPANY ttu~rtatlon. Ul>trty 8-181&. O'K + M ranat, cream col. 31·• elt('led. OF CALll"ORNIA for a central •-..1.J N--t• •-n~•-' 2p! 1782 ~~wporl a 1va . Coe~ M•u ~d ~ndltlon . .. .. .. $39.&0 "r-----g ~-----Phonf Ubforty a.-01042 Pr U KENMORI: dtulxe wrtn,.r waah• lncreate In 1u ratu unCS.r k ctlon 464 ot PAINTING OJRL want. houMWork by day or •r .... .. _ ........... ,. $39.&0 5 H•borltes Gef the Public Utllillu Code. y Newport Harbor week. Sxpertenctd. Local t>uch BAR tqutpment. lncluitfa bar. back FRIGIDAIRE auto. wubtr, Ilk• ' Appl!~ No. UTU 8 . p. O. z. Pain•h•• It Pan.r Han..;ng retann~. Hu own· tranaporta-~r. 1toors. ca11h ~glatrr. r11trl1· new ... .. .......... '89.50 Fu ,._.,,..O..,D a•-•_.._ 'T _,,,, 17 .. 7 -a r-e-UOA. VT-btrly 2 3308 lp3 rratlon Cood condition. rea!IOn· D F " II Cltl-.-.ftlhlp ,._ •" ., .. .-........... ?Ii AL APPUCAa~~ v ''Tbe 8at Money Can 'su.,o• ~ ....., • · up nu ... 2. cu. fL, escellent ... NOTK'E OP' PllOPOIAI. roa INCR£ASE IN OAS itAns ~ able. Ph. Har. Z728. r9c~ a.ll•pe • ,. . ............ _ ......... ,,. •. Five Harbontu t>teame f~· SOUTHERN COUNTIES OAS COMPANY OJ' CAUF OR!l."JA >t~ta O:O"Z ::"~:~·A~~-Svmoson & Nollar ~-Heir Waa_t.ed ______ CUSTOM BUILT .0 cu. tt. treeur O'I{ • M ranee. almotl new, fledged Amert.Un cltlunt recently hereby 11vu nptlce tbat a Ste<•nd Suppltmfntal Appllcallo(I to A.p-Newport 8tacJl 1{2 aaUt SL, Newport 8"dt 4 compartml!nta, BARGAIN. v::~·u..;. .... ~j·~a~~~: ... ~v~~~j ·~~ 1n a Santa Ana cettmony per· pllca Uon No. 35742 wa1 tUert with ll\t Calltomla Public Utlllllu Corn· ElwoocS 8h.U. ~ted l\ul4f PBON~ B.AIUIOft h06 GIRL&-,) Harbor 1:tt111. 99tCc formed by Superior c,urt Judce ml .. lon on Juuary u . 1903, requHUnc autborl&aUon lo incrtlH tbe Uc w~·ANTED G ... ( f ... 13 to • 49 ·&o CU.SHMA l': motor scooter, good . "'-· re r g .. 8 cu. ft., perfect l"l'&!'kltn p. Weat In hit court chargu for cu 1trv1c1 euppl\td firm cuatomert. Tl\t amount of ad· Z--Salldfll · ---------........ ---c:unditlon, s~. 01• mal<e orttr. condition ................... $139.~0 room. In &II 50 persona fr&!" 11 d1t1on11I an.nual fTOfl rtvtnue l!OU(ht la Appmx1mat1ly $2,3$5,000, whlcb t~-a ~ FOR RENT We have opu1n1a al our New· 1133 1: W. Salboa Blvd., Xpl. Sch. EASY ~plndrlrr ............. ·-··· $69 ~ chfl•rent countrlea t>ecam• cltl· 'amount Is equal to t>ie 11'rr"aed co1t of natural 1u purellated from Paintinr Ir PanArloan.tn• •1&111 a&w•, ~to. D111U.. Pouaben, Port BMch oftlc:t. llll E. Bal· J p3 . Evtrythlnr Qua ran teed z~rt In the acceptance cutmony. l!:I Pato Natural au Compnny butd on titlmated 19&~ volum ~--.-. all ..,,._of &an•ers, Wb"lbar· boa Blvd. for ------·------, STl~l>OT'S Tc-WINKLIC HOWi:. The IO<'aJ ~raoN wert F lorinda ... We do the wor~ ounelvet. n.wa etc T l h a ACRYf..JC PAl:'\'T, one of the lat· 1802 Newport Blvd., Coat• Uua Gentoel and Alex&ndt'r AlphODllO fhe mcrtaae '" contlneent upon the price of caa purchued from t)\1 o' y . s I"' e ep Olle peratOrS d I ,., WUlttt. Coata Mtl!a and Viol• latttr company and la 11ubject to poNlblt refund. Tho dollar and ptr• 3~ yeara •xperleiic• B D' HOWE. _ Apply _ tsl ev<-upmenlll In the paunl In· Liberty 8-!i28 2<'3 · t.Jcented • ln1Ufed. 2830 w. COAST Hl...uw•y duatry, Is now In stock al your ------"-r.'-------- Em1ly Toualey. Ceoftrry Andrtw centa1e ft(tcl of the propoM>d rate rhan1n 11 u follow•: 8 u-• ti t··.. "'" " Monday through Friday Harbor Paint Centl!'r Uatd for COLDSPOT refri•. amall family Cl t •-1 · • .. ac on su-ran .......... Ut>erty l-141b. N•--n Bell ~"c 9 00 to • 00 " Bird and Mari,. Barr,.ln Crutchn. ... o -n ~ Appro•lmate Atnowi& Ptrofa,_.e Eatlmat.i frH. Call Jobanlt, -.-... : a.m. ..: pm lntfrlor or exterior walls1 ptu-~lze in goO<I running cond. $3!\. Nl'wport Btach Anaaat Iaenue laereue Ll 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 81tlc 1 ,. ..._~ __ ._ 514 ~~ No. Main St., Rm, 211 ter or atucco. 02 32nd St., 1'ew-206 Cryatal. Bilbo& Iallnd. l~::::::::;:=--~~I'hi~e...~Am.t~~n~c~an~~~~~~~~F~l:rm~~R~et~a~ll~O~a~1~Se~rv1~c~,.~~~~~;$~1,!44:~~.ooo~~-~~-..i;3~·'~'l&~~~~~L._~~tj;;;;~=======:~~=--:s~~~~~~~~~~~~;:::~-=:=~~~8an~·~c.a~~An~a~~~~~~po~rt~~P~ho~n~e~H~ar~bo~r:2838.2cih Harbor 19~-R. ac6 ·-·~------PACIFIC TELEPHONE provided a patriotk backdrop tor Total S~··~tu.re for Sale thr ocru ion. Small t:. S. t i&&• I The Statt. Co11ntlt1 a nd M11nir1p11I Corporation· which QME_REMOQEL Write P o. Bot m ti ti ti tt b k D H Newport Beac.t1., C&llt. WOMl:N--8ome punch p .. r1:1:.:•~•:_•~+":_~~M;;:;;;;::;:~~~!'t~l!.ll•l9! .. '"'l!llC'lla._llp...,,. ____ ~ I , 1 ~ •nt_.•r thqu,e e 00 "wltere prbe-lnttrutt d In the above Appl!c3llon will be !umlshed with a copy .----. ... ~ ......... ...__~~-;t'rlmce priftftflr.-~· .- Hn -· tac n-com1nc c l.ltn YI -----Mrs. f;rnul s. Rou and Mrll. Ju-, thertof upon request made to Southern Countiu Caa Company ot PATIOS. carpentry, p1Nterill1. :T"'-r.rr"'t:1ft. 2120 'PM~·'-..:i:::!~~~ fie Haydtn, of Oaughl"rii of the Calltornla, Box 2.f38, Terminal Annc-x, Loi An1elt1 M, C&JltomJa. concnle work. We MtU111. An., Coata Mua. 2c• Amertcan R1\'0l1'1l"n Thi• nohct ts 11vtn In &ecordallce w1th the requlr•mtnta ot Rule palnlinf-yCN name It. we do It. • ._ at..--., __ "--........ --DOI aa--o-. a .. _ ~ WANT new • uMd car aalumtn. 2& of the Co1nm1u1on's ruJu of pra.ctice and prCICtdurf. ,....,, •an · -· • --· ---· ----NOW ..-...... "• SOUTHICRN COl'~TllCS OAS COMPA~Y Harbor 1871-R-LI 8·2931 Np12 WA.NT DA.lLY IUI>~ downtown EitctUent commlNlon and dtmo. 19~ O'KEEFE A MERRITT' AT BA yr UJ\.!'l lTURE Udo Toa1tma1ten Hear 5 Speakers L plan. Stt FRED HUST. 'Whe h Id B ' OF CA.UFORNJA .A .• boura M :4&. UM to joln TERRY'S BUICK rangt. Chrome top. pd. dn to re pnces.are ~ at ay BY GUY w. WADSWORTH. JR . Pruh1tnl Experienc'd gardener car pool or woWd orpniM own. f09 Walnut, HWlUA&l4n Bch. 2cf 5177·48· Save you 17o. I No. 1382 Ntwa-Preu 1 201&~ LANDSCAPING P!':.. Wan-en. Har. 4018· •&uc ------------· New EXPERIENCED martnt palnl•r. 19M GEXERAL ELECTRIC r~-ud CLEAN UPS 18--Beau Alda full time amployment In 1maU !rlaerator. 11 cu. !t. Pd. dn. lo E:-:D TABLES,.. .. ........... $3 9:, L1l10 Toulmuteni Club ot New. port Beach met lNl Tueaday •ven· .-------------r------------ ln1 a\ Seaaport Landini with five HARTLEIN FLOWERS 1 apukera on 1>1• proiram. Dwl1M Wt1ver lalktd on "Over Forty• NOi E. C..t ""'1· 11\'f~:· Dave Holman hid an our>-Uol"CNla del Mar line ot "Th• Ettecta of Aaplrln,'' HA&llOR IOTl N I , --PartJ ... ..._ ioi .... ,.,tlflr choee th• lllem• "Telerrapb DellV•CJ 8en 1ce'' "Pro1pecunc For l:ranlum·· and ._ ___________ _. RenM Mortelelte ha.d the theme ------------- "8heddln6 an4 R .. rrowth of Hair." whll• Thomaa Soule apokt 1m "Pottry" Weawr waa vottd "apoaktr of the evtn1J\f,'' ud waa ptt11enttd wtth trophy Of th• wMJr by Vtmon Allt n. whn won the troph~· lut Wl'l'k Chaclea Azy pcaai4ed o\'tr tbe atat1lon, J~ph Mnr lln waa la blt topic ('halrmBn MA 'ITR&4j8ES lloete-r-H-l 'ra.Uen lrreplar ~ Uberty &-I aola t:oeta MeM Hatt~ Co. tt50 Nf!W1)n'1 Blvd. Call DAN'S TV 8en1eo ..... tal ... ..,.. Ube11Y 1·2228 fi · wers "" ;: ., tt II 1 I ol Old EatabUaneo lnaurance A1ency All llnea 11.Titttn. SOWA.JU> W. GERRISH UIOI Newport Blvd., Coata Mt.• PROSY; LIMrty 11-1611 Newport Variety · TOUR 6 ud 10 8TOKJ: \\'e Olve Cr-• 8&.ampe <>c.u Fron& NNr Fter ~Tr\\'PORT BEACH MESA UPHOLSTERING l"pllol•&uta1 & Drapery U11ert1 11-tTlll SUCJ Nwpt. 81Yd,. Cotta M- ·-------------------Bruce Martin FOR ALI YOl"R l="SUR.ANCE NEEDS ~ Auto-Truck ~Fire-Life t.oc ..ft. Ac;iE~T H .. na. Offk-e Liberty s..506S LlMrty g_MM rt &\'e,, Co-ta Mea Buy Your NIW PONTIAC from ED ·CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llvd. Latuna INCh S.. Us Today -roll HHIHIST TRADE· IN VALUE ( , , "I f latl Metre . service •c••••lc•I ................... uya Jiburian Mary Jnaall. "My ho~ iJ in Hollywood, ind the most convenitnt way 10 gtt to my office in LM Angeles is by Metro bus. Jf I bad to drive my own cu to work it would con If lea.tr SS more per .eek thin my bus far". Ouuidr of bwinest ho urs, I study piano, and compo~-and I bough1 the new tape rtcordtr I ute in composing ""'irh what I s.ave by taking tht bus:· • "New tlr•,1rie1 fer "'' ...... , .... cretllt1tl te Metre• So reporu booll...-;o,u Ra.nbugu, who trncl1 regularly from htt job ~ Lot Angrltt to Fullerton. "Accordin1 co my 6paa. l .... about •2 daily by riding Meno bu-. aod elimiJw- ing dti•in1 a.a aod puk. ing f-. Ia • '"' months th it amount will equal the priat o( oew dnpn. which l think nf u a Mec:ro •Tinp boclm." ·- M7.1=:0-, I Nll I llAR. 4 MITROPOLITAN COACH LINll """1..,u.s_.,..._ .. l .. ........ °"-· " .... 149 .... ....... ___ , ... Liberty 8-1M9 ___ tJ __ -~----• boal yard. Only qualifltd man $288.98. Savu you $176. CORNER TABLES, ... _._ $19.8tl need apply. Write P.O. Box 39&, 19M WEDGEWOOD gas drytr Pd. 1 TV CHAIRS. 116 !lo General Contracting llEPAUlS, remod•llnr ai,4 alter•· Uon work. "-idenllal and com· merclal ltulldtnp. Quality Work GIJ&f&A~ Har 3151 day1, Har. 24eo.J "'" ttuc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanline GEO. BURKHARDT UCJCNSJ:D CONTR>.Cl'OR &11 30UI SL, N""POr1 a.di Bar. 2ua.w or LI .....ai uc ISOl PAINTING fNTERlOR -EXTEIUOft LICENS!:O -lN8URm> Glenn .,hnston · 11.t IL NtwpOC't ~ Harbor 11'78 11Uc House Plans BUD& BARNEY PAlNTINO -BRUSH or 8PRA Y Non·Untnn -UcenMd lM~ lmnt, Cott.a Mua Term• -u M394 • LI a.-u15 t7tl COMPLETE PAJNTING & Papv Haimu Semct l!:UOICNE O. MUNoERS 600 aiat 81.rfft.. Newport ~•ch Rarbor 297&-J. UcM CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM.ALL H. 0 . Anderaon U 8·80I& Coat& M,.. llUc CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Your Hom. NMCS ft4pUJ1q or ft.anodellnl f c a.u F'raAk. Llbtn1 a.aw AU Worlr Ouarant.-d T4ttc HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? An~. ~re Phone Liberty 1-21'6 9tklttH Superfluous Hair P1rma11ent1y removed from race anna,' i.p. &yebrowa &M hair UJie llbaped-No more tweutn1. £1.L&N L. BRY A.NT R. It. Udo'1 aaloD Of a.au~ Bar. 267& Uc U-1.ost ud Poaad -------LOST -CN&m-colorrd kltWrl. fe- ma.le, ma.tn1 alnce Jan. 12 In Shotrcllffa area.. 1\eward. Phont Harbor 1354. lcS L08T -8rown bos.r, 3 yra. ol.d. ldtnWlcatlon In neck 'berrel R.ward. Pb. Har. 1396-W evt11. 2<'i LOST-K&Je fox t.rrtn, pAdoml· n111Uy white.. B~ .,._., brOWll •pot at bue ot white tall. yel- low tyta. Name Buater. 8 moa. old. Atta 52f Redlanda A.v~. Ttl. U 8-6237. Ed S.t.u. Reward 3c~ Balboa bland, 1lvln1 complete dn. to 1218.78. S&vu you lllO ~'" co11rh, w11h arm11. wrought qualttlcatlonL 2c• 1rnh, • 1,''. pun~ foam r11hht r -------------19~4 INTERNATIONAL HAR· cu-hlnn I&". KlGHLY protltable A interatlnc VESTER rdrlgfrator. 12 cu. ft bu.In.,. ot your own. No lnvnt. Pd. dn. to $267.68. Save~ you DROP FRONT Dtllk, 3 lit•. 1lr""l4''. meDt; aecure tncome; retirement $100. :1all'm, mf'lal pull• s:i:-i •,11 plan. HY 4·7301. le! KNEEHOLE DF.:SK, 7 tll &•".r. 19M WHIRLPOOL 111tn wash~r. :011l~rn Si:\ ~o FIRST CLASS marine mechanic I 11&888 Savts you 11()('1 [Rl':'\K BED ui.-ill l tl I .1 .. ·• with a u around •mall boat ••· · n 11 "' ": ptrknce. Write P. o. Box 3~. 111:i4 HOTPUJ?l:T auto washer. Pel. in~l'ritprtnit m1ll,...sa"11 '·'·. Balboa bland, JlVl1ll complett dn. to $169.88. Snu you 1120 6 r e. BDRM. l 'f>ll · w1lb ~uar1111 qU&UtlcaUona 2c4 I I li>rd innn•pr1n1 m at t. anl1 11..,, . . l !llM ADMJRAL n-fri~f'lltur Up· 'r1inr 11 .. --···-$UP IVI • , side down modtl Pd rln to Draftsman (Male ) I $3!1876. s 11,·u you $12L 1 2 p c-BED '11''"" &et...... s11; For work In t>tach ar«& with ' 3 ' ' ' 3 ~H.ELF' Bk <"••"· ,..lf m .. $J.11 fl[, ti aJ I I ltl:'ll I HILCO "lt ctr1r rangr P11 3 r e.. J uvtnllc d ir rim 11eta $18 ~ yra. prac c uper tnce n 1 dn lo $187 !18 Sav"~ vnu $2()(). mech. dralttnc and 2 yra. col-· :i T'C'. CHROME rlln ~•. 11m•ll tece or equlval~nt. Wrtlt p O. f' REE Z i,; R. 1:-:TERS A TIO NA LI lablo . -'3P :ifl Box 1031, Alhambra. Calif , tn· HARVESTER. 1611 rn. 11. Pd. :i f'C F'OLOl!l'O hr1cl1.tt ael. 1111 ctoal~ aainple ot work. ~Uc <In to t27i 88. Sev•s \'OU $290 I metal . Siil ii."· WANT WOMAN to aqlat with l 196~ CA ... l''ERS SATIL~R 11.ng ... !txJ' Hand Hook"1 ,;Ulr ... Jbfl hoUMWOrk 6 cblld cue. Live Big 40" f'd. tin 1n $238 i4 Savra Px12 A•mlnAltr R11111 ~ .• 1:,, ~·II out. P'rtdl.y, Sat .. Sun. 6 Mo you $1~ ILOl"NCER C"HAIRfl, d1~rr11•11r1ni: 30e Anlethyat, Balbc'>a llJan PHILCO V n • root 1ra1 wrnu11hl 1r"n $i!l r:. " rl 4 Harbor 2161...J 2c T . •rt •In 1" StMl •• 8 1 . fi&"t5 ynu 1200. f'HIU:-0 rrlMg., 7 ('11. fl ... 1,.,,, 24.--Scboo ... tamuetioD l"RICE RENT or bechtlor apt.. 1 • '"f' trf'f'&rr . . 11111111:0. txchana• tor p.rt llme c•r~ 0 10:'14 PHIL<'O 1~111gt111101 B11t J 31\' c.,. rana•. 4 burn,.r dh·idr•I n , Ch·in• pa ·inti·ng Khool.aa• 11r1. r•' J • u f1. 11e111xt> Pd 11n 10 1 '"" _ .. • ....... H O :.u lllil u Corona cltl Mar. Herb<>r 4362 $228 M S11''" ynu Jlln Day o:':ra ';:!' N~ 2" 19~4 TAPPA!'" rangf. 40 l'rl rln. BAY FURNITURE • t • Phone U'berty a-~ Ht.fc EXPEIUENCl:D • .11ttr&c:tlve wal In $1116 ~8 Sll\'t:ll you U 43 fli 11: 17th It . Coata M"'~" rue for Ro~rt Hilla Chef11 fnn No down peymtnt. Eo y b!lnk 1 betwttn Tu1t1n 6-Jrvll'Wll Real Estate School Harbor 1102. 2r Ltrnv. . f"r,.e Stnre·ald• parking-Tenn• r>~n t:'w1 u I It • ROUSl:KECPl:R -C.re of in Santa Ana Khoo1 r1r.i.. 3 .. 1. Pa""ta '"' KEN 6 WO~ prepan In ape.re ployed U~ In or out. Coat 2 . a time for 11nUmlt.ed opportunU.lu Mua. U 8-73'7 •tltr 7 p.m. n In ReaJ £.tate. New clautl anytime Wffk*nd•. :lr r :i weekly. A.l Tya.r ln.UUCUJ'lc. At. DOCrOR'S RECEPTIONIST, - 1@.nd ftnt evmillr tr.. and learn >.g.. 20-t O. Call Har 4022 o about lhl• gnat field. can or apply al otfk". 900 w. Bal~ r wnte now for lnCormatlon. Bull-Blvd .. Newport Bch 9:30-6:3 nt1111 ln1t1tu~. 41!11.\ N. Syc&· M(ln. lhru Yrl . or CaJf Harbo 0 r more. KI 3-1753. 7Ufc &lt·W afltr t :IO pm. for appt In Reapon8e to Popular Demand WE HAVE RECENTLY enl11r1ed our fl(illllf11 lo accommodatf' more chlldrtn. There are ll few placu ava1lablf. PREPARE your child for k1ndt'r- 6&eten ID- ALMA OLESEN GREEN'S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL :1!18 r.. 0..1 Mar, Coate Mu& Alfa 2-S Ube.rty 8-3771 A tmly t ine Nuraery School 2c1MI ~ 90-.......,•.-ea• fer Sale WESTINOHOU81: r11frlJ co1 l 1.'17&. ~II flts. 1'-ln bedl, like new. U O .. G.E. TV ttt. l&T.~ Ou ran1e ~9. Bl. rlln. llfl S89 LI 8-31419 f'V'S, 607 Rlv'nlldt le 3 OAS ffl:ATl:ft, lge. O.arl>om U O 11mall, sa. Platform rocktr $10 209~ M11pl", Cn,ta Mu1. 2p 4 1000 Bu11inns cards $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. WHJTE Ll 8-4011 I l:Vt~. U 3-~l~Ot Accordion Lessons rpuc 8EE BaughD11 A .. " \\'arfhOUM 220 s. Mam St.. l:!&.nl• Ana 6 block• a.o. of Fourth SL Oren evn . 'lll D. sun 11.:, Klm1>4!rly 3· 72(11 19~ NORG~ •urom•t1c wu h .. r. The bHl A ntWt'l!l onf'. Hu ·~1- talor. big tub. A eud11 return Ill been ulled only I WHk. Pd. dn to $199.TD from $290.00. :-.:o dn. pymt. Ju•t pay tlle pymta. of $10.M mo. BEE Baughna A A S Wa~houae 221.1 8. Matn St.. Santa Alla of blocka Suut.h ot f th St. Open evea. 'tit 9. Sun. 11·!1 Klml>frly 3· 7201 rRArTICALLY 1'EW-8rrwl ,,. fr11:rr1ttnr. rn11nt1 m•plf' dl"oplor rl1111n,; 8"l, I <"11 pr. cbalr & :S ""''"" r ba11 ... ~•utltul m11rle ,.,,,.1 tlary lnq at 210 Via Ehrlll. L1r10 b k H11rl'lor 43M. 2r ih 111:14 NORG!: Automatic WUhfr. Tn<' ''"rY hot one. BIS • lb. tub, 111.titator, u t tty spin lid 6 1.h11l 11!uminatf'cl 11111. lt'a only ~n 11tor~d. but pd. dn. to $211.37 from '310. No caah n~. Juat ray the pyml& ot $11.12 mo. ~,. Bau1hna A It 8 War'lhoUM S.lllf!I, 2l0 So. Main Ill. Santa Ana. 8 bloc:ka e<>ulh of tlh. O~n daily Ill 9, 8 un. 11-6. Kl 3· 7201 7 PC hlonde walnut dining Ml, '76. 2 r etra. 1klla. l a hie blnelen, lllOf'I """""· man • l•<llu' wtth polt.a At 11nn1 ... Ptll." 8~, .. 101,, $40. r~r h 11rt. LAh .. rty 8-28U. lf':l Washer Troubles 7 CALL LI 8-2237 Specializing in Automatlai AUT0?4ATIC Waaher Enterpnaes 8Jtfc f"f"IR RA LE 3& ll 48 tn . mirror. • h11!1'11 "ludy l1"11k. Chelll ,., APT. SlZE rtfrtgtralnr .. lllll\'t, nire runrl1tlnn. fl20 Orrhlrl. 1 ·.,. rona d•I !"1ar 9~11 tc <ltAWl'rll. n11tor11l flnll•h Har!Y•r :l';'().J . JrJ \\'ALNtJT ,., ..... It tabl11 s:io .~ 1 tM PHILCO r•fr1gtratnr L..alfll•t WlnrtM>r rh•lr1' U M "•"h OllV· croaa top freru r rhf~I m!J'11 I. 'npnrt U O. R.-1wood honkcu~ 1pact for bqttlo. but l"' · a nti ~~ <"hair e nd nttt1m'ln 17 ~. 2 HOL=~~ROS. t.ffl. H.\LL. KAftBOI\ 3002-R _Fr_e_s~h-H--ea_r_in_g_A-id New lawn. reuonable Milton Mann Studios BATTEJU.r:s ftlce ve1 ... me•t ktt~ u ... d I I r bedroom dra~· ~. llt.e&rTIH 1 mo. Pd. 11n. 10 $134 N . Nu e&l'h tr11 nk 5~· Mehoiany rlrt ... r U•. needed Juat pay thr pymta nl I ~t,.hn1t11ny rh~~t ,.,,. Ha O:i811·1ol 11.27 per mo. I 2r4 or ap& • We 01.. MH 0""11 !tam,. DO 1T voURS£ur-w11 TILL ----------Gunderson Drug Co. .. OR.ADE YOUR SEED AN!) 18 ......... _w .. w MatJI St. •t Balboa Bh•d . Balboa ROLL UNDICR OtJR GUID-Harbor &10. N\lc ANCJC. -LI 1-1~2. ttpt WA.NTllD-Dey WOl'1', WU1 con· PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., ea.ta M .. Phone Llllout1 •tt21. •Ttte H. H. HOLBROOK ,DEPICNDAJlLE PLt.nalIHG A ..._pt ......, .................... Pbcee: Barbor ..,. 110l BM._ m.t1S., Newpurt ._. ... ~r ~ Job. Ai.o No. 1 wool p,...._; Kl J.TUt. Jimmie. ~ Ill.,. a WOM.UI wnJ do pnera.1 .......... no. WUiDC win. do'lll> cJtanJna rut worlrera ""'1ta. lH I:. 20UI It.. Coata IAm.&.I...... UUe Painting ., rM.J • Jl9l&r a..t Of Wortuna(lahJp 1..,.u JoM o1a. • i.n.t1 •nar tkJ Firewood For Sale FRJtE DELIVERY WRJGHT CV 171& Nnrpurt tsJvd., Coet.a Mua • Liberty 8·"°1 tTtlc FIREWOOD l'JlD DEUVOY Dry wood, 18" • 2•" l.inciri . Call 8 . ft. 8T A.00 Phone tl&r1M>r 10H &,,....,. Har'-6111 90c3 SEE l!auchna A .. l:! WarthOUH 22u 8. Main St., Santa Ana IT\\'O OVY.Rsn·f"f"!:D ch1ur~ VNY 8 block11 South of i l.h St. • t-.•11 p l'hnne Huhnr Jlll)~-M. Open evea. tU 9. Sun 11-:1 2rt Kimberly 3· 7201 11-.Rll:EZ~R. IP!li \"ROSLF;Y ,a 11 r'OR SAi..£ OR TRADE. Hlf h ovl'n l 'I 12 t 11 ft HI• Mparau ~h,.lv,.•. 1111vr ant1 ,,,. IY>x Cont'.1 rnnll l· Ml'lr 1nrn1nr A pull out hahkth tlnn -21~. 19th 8t , J\'pt Bt h '"' r•lu1ntd unu .. a • )"1 (I n ttl 2p3 a:.it111 f\ll f111m nng1n111 f :'il!l r 111h ___ ..________ J1r r 11v l h r rrm1 .. tlt f l2 Jf) r"r Washing Machine SERVICE rn11n1n BEi', tnu11hn• A .. ff WarthOUH :l:lll S. Main St... Sant.a Ana 6 block11 8uuth of 4th Sl- IJp1 n tvea tll 9. Sun. 11 .. Klmbtrl) 3·7201 I-year flla ran lff on )Oh• l'!one and on uffd wuh11r• 24~ •• I re.ar 1 Ne.wport 81, (,.'oet.a M rn Llberty a-4.503 or LJbt-rty ff('"it'r~IR r'HAll\ ~ •Pt~lf 1tand- S·4.l27 •uu I teblr. --2938 w. eoa. Hwy . • '" C Lot No. 2. Jpl " • THEODORE ROBINS' GRAND OPENING SPECIALS '53 FORD '52 FORD ~s2 FORD kyl pick·up dbl. cab S1045 · '53 CHEV Bela!n ·~· -4an $1495 kyl. R&ncb Wagon °"1drive Sl445 I 47 CHEVROLET Station Wagon S395 Victoria R • H , o·o Sl545 -'49 FORD Cu.tom 2-dr . .eda.n R • H , o·o ( J $595 '41 CHEVROLET '50 FORD '53 PLYMOUTH .. '50 BUICK Special '-dr. l8dan Dyn&fiow S895 '48 FORD Pan~I truck S395 I 41 CHEVROLET Sedan, 1ood trana $87 '53 /ORD V-8 Custom Club Coupe R&H, WSW S1495 -Suburbia lLDri $1645 '52 FOR(} · V-8 % ton atake '-•peed trau ~ $1095 '54 FORD &-cyl. ~ ton plck-up Fordomatic, heater $1395 .. . . G.M.C. TRIPLE TESTED· USED TRUCKS ·o QMC. ~ TOl"I PJCXUP ':IO I>ODGJ:. ~TON P~ '60 P'OJU). U, TON PICKUP '52 CHE'VJ.\OLET. ~ T. ptokup 'M GMC.. 1' T . R7dn. Pickup '•8 lt~ebaker, 1 Ton PSen' .,, InurutloPat 1 Ton Pldalp ''9 Cbrne>Mt 2 TORi 1:26 Ttrea. 15" Van lk>dJ. ''8 CbcYrokt, I TOil. 1Tt" WB., B/L True., 1:26 t.trea. '52 Int.ernatJonaJ Llll. Traelor, 2 aJ>eff, 9 :00 Urea. B!:!l TH!: lal'l••t volum• truck ~AP!-: a B~ .!!!_!!!!_ 1 BOAK. ttaat dupAa -H~1 tum. OcMD 8de 'of llWJ. Ooee to ~ • abOpa. rr17 ~ ... t&L eoT hnileaf, Ooroea d«l KU. • a&Uc Choice W\Dter Renta.la on Balboa la1aDd 6 Udo lale ~ 6 OC1Q or larl• 6 ckllme ITS Co poo aoatlt VOGEL CO. IOI M&riM A.... 8&1111lu& Lal&nd Ph. Harbor "' or Harbor 2Ul R-. Har. 1711-RB °" LI &-6297 MUc CORONA I>J:L KAR UNFUllN. 2 bdnn. bo\ae, w to w carpaL D1-pe9. dbL IU'·· covered paUe, 1100 mo. F'ITZMORJUS REALTY Phone Harbcir 215J 2c18 deala' ill Oranp Ooant1 for Ule ------------ belt bu.ya in UMd tnlcka. We carry our uwn contract•. W.TN. WOODS GMC DE.U.Elt 819-19 !:. 'th St. S..Sta An& ~ lunda7 a.in. Truck beadquaruni for Oruce Co. _ ·~3 f'ORD conwrt1ble.-...D&Y7 bluL. ~dJo • M&ter. Twin pipe• and headuJ. Good condltlen. M•k• offer. Barbot ~:i. ldl NOTICE~ Fine atock of New 1985 Studeb&ker Sport Can AVAILABLE NOW. ''When better de&1a are made Joe Nickert.z will make them." JOE NICKERTZ STUDllBAJCER D&ALJCR aua Newport Blvd., Mnrport Be!\ (•t Lido JCnuance) Har. 610 3c5 Corona del Mar J llllDJUI. apt. tum., ne91'1y dee· orated. Abeve Cblna Cove. $90. month leut. 1 bdrm. part.tally tum. ~ mo. W. E. FISHER & Aaaoc. 303• E. Co&•t Hl&bway Coren• drt Mar;-Harbor24l" CL11'1' HA VEN IP AClOU8 2 bdrm., many cloaeta, W... .tenced. Gar. '87.60 unfum • CORONA DEL MAR -2 bednn. uatum. duplex. P'lreplace, car- .... 1 bllc. to marJcel A tran1. S76. month, ye&rly. KURil:L M. PINOVl:R.. R6&1tor 11804 Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Phone B&rbor •eio. 9Sttc !INGLE apt., rum. Yearly rental, SM . .,.r month. Uttl. paid. ALSO a room cottace tuni., '40 . .,.r mont.b, ye&l'ly rate. uw. pd. 309 I!:. Bay Ave., Tel. Har. TtO·W lp3 RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS Call l!:dna Cr&Ja Blanche -Gates, Rltr. ~A-Apta. for Kent ----. NE~RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 Ch-.rm.ing Hubor Raven Apartment.a • Patioe NWW 4 ROOK. llrMt lewl NM!' 2~. ahopptna dlatrleL Quiet, pleNUt. aclllllft. a.nq. ~ poa&I. l&WMll'y. ato~• room.. ~., SU.&o up. OCCuplea en· Ura .u-..t. OoQd auperv\aion. Mrr.. 1!!01 llav~ Place 1 Block 8oulh of ti1rb 8cllool A:..80 P'URNI8H£0 APTS. WINTER RATES 3Uc UNJ't]RN. at udJo apt., with MUl(e a.nd relrl(erator, newly deco· rated, close to everythtnr. No children, or pets. $50. 613 Oold· enrod. Har. oel9·R. lr& Desirable 1 and 2 bedroom tu.rn. apta. " J.ncludinl uuuu ... 175. and up, yearly 51' E. Oce8ll Front, Balboa Corner of Palm) Har. 3238 lllclO 2 BEORM. FURN. APT. down· atalu. L&rl6 lanced yard. Util. pd.. IT6. mo. unUI June Uth. 109 Park A\'t , Balboa Ialand. tk' BAY FRONT UDO ISLE J'URNl&Hi:Q, newly decorated 2 bdnn. apt., 1ar-,1e. Year ltue. Adulu. no pets. Har. 12&8. 99p12H SMALL FURN. APT. Sull•ble tor 1 or 2 a.dulta. UUI. pd. •:M Gol· denrod. Corona de! Mar. Harbor 343•·W. 9Mfc VACANT FURN. atudlo apt .. fire· place Ir: view. 817~ 'Poppy. l:o· rQna del Mar. $!!!0. mo. Uberty 1-21a1. a:suc .- 48B-Bomea for Rent \ * M&gnltloent vtew of the entire Harbor Are& from UU. new 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom CU!f home. Two balcorue., a perm.anent "'1ew from every room. Plai. gl ... ·wtnddwa 6 aliding doors. Cupeta, dr&J>M, workahop. ~ large garage. 2 tireplacea. Ready to move in. Slightly lesa than $40,000 plua (if you wish) your personal pick of leading manu!acturu•' contempo- rary or period furniture at coat. To•a quali!ied buyer we will a.lao fin&nce with a real low down. - Thia lovely home mu.t aell Call John Macnab, Harbor 3297 or WO anyt.im-. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE Bay~ide Drive at Cout Highway "\ LIDO 2 bdrms., 3 bath• and lanai on '5-ft. lot. P'orced air beatiD( 1yatein, rnplace 6 everything for com.f ortable living. FULL PRICE $25,!500 DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bcb. Harbor 3&93 ---------------------- ~----------------------GRAND CANAL. Balboa l•land. BUSlNE18 OFJ'lCE, .xceUent lo· 2 bdrm. tum. houae, $70. mont.b caUon acroaa t.b• atrMt from CORONA HJGHl-AN'O LOTll - Choice Sit.ea A.ni..I&~ "Call Harbor UM # • -Coi:ona del Mar Poat Office. TWO BEDRUOl\1 apt. •love and Ideal for loan repreavilaUv•, 61ttc retr11. only. Gar~• dl•puaal. contract.or, aeanutreu, art or CORONA DEL MAR -Nle. n- N"' Ir: beautttul. 190. mo., )'Tly. J lry bualn ... UtU pd Only _ ewe · · · . P'Umtshed 2 bdl'm.. 1 ~ b&t.b EVERYONE IS INVITED TO OUR OPENING SAT., JAN. 22 SACJUJ'ICll -'N PJ.Jmoqt.b a.I· vedere COA"'11ble. Ill· drt,.._ Llfbt blue, tan top. RAH. wbJt.e •ldew..U.. turn aicnaJa. back UJI Ucbta. Au&.o windahteld waaner. ' rnoa. old. .000 mllM. Wijl 311 Marine Ave. 8&.lboa lalmd, Har. 1871 72ttc NE U O. montn. home. Uvins rm.. ca.ntnr nn., 0 ._ .. ~Rl~M near acbool l1•11bch· CALL Ben WtlJtrnan, Har. 18'2. kitchen, ~ra1e. Har. 2291-W, -.,..y. ..... mo., tnc . u I lite Evea. Harbor U&l MUc Httc I ~.4 ~~II I CD rn DELl.Tn tlll.!!_~V ottlc. :..... ...... --·. ~ &Aollle-'-!tee'-'™ :::=::=:..-_ ........ _..·--=-mBJ9MFlfMfff1 YOUR FORD DEAi.ER 3100 W. COAST lilGHWAY -NEWPORT BEACH "ON THE MARlNERS MILE" Phone Liberty 8-3471 40-Aatoe for Sale ---·----· ·-----19• 1 BUICK • Clu<JI' HdaJ\. it.cent· ly 11~nt '200 on overhaul. Very J(t)Orl t ransportatlon f"ull pr1ct . $1 2~1 , CALL UE:" WH1TMA?"'. Harbor 111&2 or Harbor U•1 eves. 2c• JAGUAR 191\4 XKLJOM, ~. '2!\!\j1 11 11 Via Quito, Lido 1 .. 1.. Harbor :\7:\6-J. 2t'4t\ Jll~1·1 <'H EVR(>LET &.I Air Con• w·1t1h!,. 21000 mlln. l!:x.ct>llenl ,-..,nr1111nn, <'Xtt·r t uru, 112MI. 21 l Agalt'. B11lbo11 laland 2(4 J.10f)i:t. A P'OR~ COUpt'. 8ohd ho•ly. n'> •lt>nU £n11n• hu 3000 11111,.,. $1 2' Har !\IU 2r4 lfl~4 0 KEEFE • l'tERRl't"l' r11n1tt' J11 thr latt~l CP 1111 autn· m111lr. llft cop, rrtd4t.e. •lmmtr tn11 ner• A that 1 r1 II b1011.r. l' .. t'd l rno. I'd d.n \o $\26 24. 'l:n l'lt~h OH l1ed JU.Ill r11v I he l'\ll1 1 ~ n( r..iS r •r mn St;E l:j11u1hha A a ti \VartllOUff !!:IH :-!. Main Sl, Santa An• tS block• South ot Uh St. OJMn evea. ·w e. Sun. 11·~ Klm~rh 3-'i~l'll -On11n stove 12!\ LOU REED CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1951 MERCURY throughout. Like new .... Station Wagon. Original Radio, beater, overdrive. ....................... -.................... $1295 1953 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Ra.dlo, heater light gray. A truly fine car --··---.$129.'5 1952 HUDSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really sharp. Radio, beat~r. O'dr, WSW, ..Uthe extras. Only ·-·-···--······---------····-·$124.5 1951 CADILLAC · Light blue, 62 4-dr. eedan. WSW tires, radio, heater, Hydramatic. Best buy in town. only ............................ $1995 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange·• HMbor 4070 or Harbor 2581 ' Rl!!::>:T an ..,rgan nr Jll•no wtth nintal '" •rply on future p11r· l h•se at- SHAto'E.R'S ~tuaic Co !Since lll07> O i.-423 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Kl111b@rly 2-0672 BEA UTlrUt.. lpinet pla.no. blondis Jll•t Uk• new, aan $200. Ma· hngany Sptnet sllf1rt.ly damaged 1n aJUprne.ot, $-'87. Oood pnct.lee piano• Crom 18{1. Q4, U~. Sl7~. See theM al the Gr .. t DANZ. .nar. 79ttc Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * BALBOA PENINSULA -2 and .., __. ....... ·-···~ .............. .l.J.l•y•-··"• rart>. CU.p.. tlle bath, carage. Yearly 1-. 11120 )firamar. Balboa. Har. 2188-W. 97c3 NEW untum. 2 or 3 bdnn., car., n•r Wrb Scboot. Pboo• Llberty 1-1643. 96c3 ON BALBOA ISLAND ·-m1 for , ... 1, and 6 Cyla. $48.88 NHOHI reiit&la. '8 Cyla. $M.88 NELDA GIBSON, Raltor lnciudea l>Olh 1.Ulor and part&. ~ot K&rtDe Ave. Barbor 502 New rtng•, wrtat pw, valve BALBOA lal.4.ND 7t!c JnJ1d, litUnp ol m&U1 &nd rod be&rinp. Expert motor tune up. 90-d&J-or '-000 mu. l\IAl'&Jlt.._ (NO MONEY DOWN,. REBUU..T ENGINES -UP to lb MONTHS TO P4Y- Bu1Jt l.D our own facto17 by aktiled macblntal.I. Don't cont.end wttll Balboa Island Choice yearly and awnmer rental!!, now available. DORIS BRAY, Re.aJtor 21& Marin• Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 20 9&t!c t.b• mJddl• ~ Buy dlnct. .fQ.. .. f REBUILT and CNSTA.LLED ~a.pbl. or Ren_t __ _ SHORT BLOCK 2 BEDRM f\lnl. apt. oo Bay Front. FORD ---·"·-.... Sl29~ Wlnttr or yeuly rent&J. 6()4 So. CHEVROLET _ .. SUt.~ Bay J'ront, Balboa bland Hu. r LYJ.t. • DODGE •1~ '22. !16 tic CllR YS. A OB: SOTO Sl 70 --- BTUDEBAK..E:R ·------ll7o UNJ"URN. APT. 2 lgt . bdrm• .• c:or· OLDS 6 PONTIAC 1 ~170 ner wlndowa. ga.r, du1posal. gar· BUlCX • age a laundry room Llberty --------... 17~ 8·J8.43 or LJ 8·2429. Nnr echoola HUDSON •175 S8c6 LoanCU rr..~ NEW CAR OA.RANI'U:N __ E_W_PO __ R_T_HEI--G-HT--S-, _U_N_F_t.;:_;a __ ,s _ Block D'l\Ut meet our at.andarda J bedrrn. apt. StovP and r\'fri~. PIUll l&.1tN. 1u.Jcel.8 and oil Laundry. Vtry clean. Good lore· Open Sunday 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. llty. nur bua, iri1 ~O month. . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open DaHy 8 to 'l l!lt&te Boaded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. Uberty 8-6386. 2d A TTJ:NT10N J:ASTJtRNERS - Newly decoratt'd large tum. 1 Mnn. apt , ?'ewport Bt"ach. rantl heal. gara1e. Tenant pay1 ,.lectrlcltY.. 180 mont ti. Llberty 8-U-Ot. 93trc ~ .. ,. , r ..... , $I T.M Rrhoolmll#t"r 11 ""~ll '76 -. Hai ... 2.R J~s -~O l'SEO ruuio11 \\antM fnr our SCHMIDT Pia.no St.le. The blC 'i-t'ralitlra Rt or11, !!120 No. Maln, Santa 9na. -------- YEARLY RENT AL. LgP. 2 bedrm. tum •pl Knotty pUH'. $70. mo. Water pd. ChHdrt'n M'hool age n k !l33 •, W. Balbt'la Blv11 . ~ewport ~arh I p3 ~noal~ ~l!P.fU. ' tl'nlal "''"'icC' T rat!e In your !'II'! ----· j r1a110 on M W p11no or "lectronc \\'JOO\\ M L"ST SELL-32 tt ftllh· Mgan. High Ca.i-h allowa11ct. 100 piano•. We h••• no brancb atorra. OISE ONLY t'Ull 2 manual conn· aonal.a electric orp.n, demon· TWO-WHEEL TRAIIZR. <• • 8) Stalnleu atttl axle and tongue. !11~ El ~todena. ;-;t"A·port Ht. .• after fl p. m. MU 2026 W··B~bo Bl N . B h ,._ 3~0 sq. ll. eeliter ot Coron.a dtl equity, Sant. Barbu-a. Triplex . Ba.r t091 _ • &:v~. ~~~78 c Mar bualJlth dl1tnct. l'l~. mo. Income $19S. total 115.IOO. Own· PLE?'M"Y OP' FREE PARKING utll lncl. eT 2202 Clift Dr\._, Santa Bar· M t At.SO lff ua tor Ot.ber buallleN. bal'L Jp6 ____________ t._c otftce Ir: proteulonal nmtala. BALBOA ~ MO., YEARLY -w. E. Fisher & Auoc. 57-ReaJ r..tate Waated Untum. cottace. Liv. rm., din. 303t E. Cout B11bway rm .. kitchenette • 2 bedroom•. Corona del Mar. Hu. 2U3 Acreage Wanted Hot 11hower. Gae Ir: waler p&Jd. Se• No pet.t. 108 Adams. Harbor -------------II, 10, 20, •O or mor-9 ~. 1924·.M. 2c• NOW LEASING, avatlable bu.I· WJLL PA y CilH. nesa utflce 1pacea. Center of Co· Call Mr. O&lla.nt, Har. 1778 NICE Z bedrm. unturn. hou1e with 11tov• Ir: retrlc. •211 Goldenrod. Corona dt'I Mu. Har. 34.34·W. rona del Mar, awtabl• for CPA. , Earl W. Stanley, Ru.Jtor dentlat or? LJ S.1&2&. 9k13 22& Marln• Ave., Balboa laland 9!!1.::_c 58-A-BIJ81JaeM Reatale FURN. modem 2 txtnn. houae jjnd MARINE AVI:., 8&1boa lal&Dd. 2 guace. Until June 15. $80. 124 bdrm., J.lvlna rm \lfltll tlreplau. 29th St., :-Jewport. U 8-1989. .Encloeed paUo. ·AJao rooD'l tor l c3 ' otrh:e or •mall bu•inea.. 1126 mo TW .. ...,..-O~bd~rrn-. ...,.h_o_u.--6:-,-ar_"_l_f> __ -0-a-i · FRA1'K JAMES -UN WOOD b~.: u.l11po1al, newly d .. .:nratrd VICK. 312 Marine. H&r. 30t2, Ytarty rtntal, unfurn. 122 -~lh 8lc3 St., Newrc-." I J•• -------------LAROE SHOP-equipped for ear- YEARl.Y furn. amaU houae nur penter aho~binet malte.r or ocean It& month. 1omllar. Set LARRY ALJ..1:.'11, ALSO tum apt. to .June 16th. 5:\6 1SEASPORT LANDING. 283S W. month. Call Ll 8·21:!12. Jc3 C<i.aal H11hway, Newport 8Mdl STUCCO HOUSE, untum . Llvina I rm, kit. • bath Auto. wuhu . Waur p<l. f'enctd yard $37.M 1MO S11nt• An& Aw . C. Mua 2ri $300 MO -Fuin. 6 ~d nn. exctl· lent bayfront homt I ~n l)rln&lng $::1000 for 8 wk11. 1n summert. Owenr luvtng •tale. Wa.ntr' l or more yea.r'• lr1111f'. G. H. LA TH.ROP. -le~ E. l"oaat Hlchway, Corona dtl Mar. H11r· l>or :iH 2. Evu . Har. 3MJ·J. 2c.:4 NEW 3 BR. unfurn. l11r,1t!' yll'l1 w1ttl tre,.s. nC'at• 11~hll(ll1. ahor · ping &. t111n~. 17:. \\'IH••r p111<t 872 \'.,tonR, C"Mtll MeM. 1~&11 Fr 1 ·80i6 ZC'3 COMFORT ABLE 2 ~rm. ru;;. hnu!'r :"IC'e patio. BBQ, Yrnred. Yearly. •• 808 0r<'h tt1, Cornn11 11"1 M•H. 2ct l'\"EWPORT BEACH. 2 t'>drm. tum house Wlth ,;arajtt'. ~"I 1!.'lnltr nr 570 yearly CAii a ft,.r 4 p m Harbor OMfl·R. 2r• U berty 8·1Hl. lc3 For lease upstairs 800 Sq ft. suitable tor bialneu, fit 11d10 M office Ir: II vine quart· f'rl'. 21:i Malil'le Ave~ Bal. ls. °'"nl'r 139 :\. Bay Front. Bal· boa Island. t6p10 t>l-ISuit!DMe Opf!rtwa.ltiee CORONA DEL MAR need.a a BAKERY. l hav~tbe loca- t1on. Call Ll 8·6864. 99c5 BALBOA OCEAN FRONT-M.IJJ- ,,., 11re r otr rounie and cone•· 111..,n. 1111 l'CjUlpt • re•dY lo gn. Hu 2188-W. 9ic3 5.>-Mo~y~~~-~-~ WA.Ni; 1 u HU!UJ. CMPROVE BUY. MUO.ERJlllZE. OR REFIN A.l>JCE 97c3 WA.NT ttom own. -a t\oua. or n.c&11t lot oa R&l'tM>r, Newport or Balboa Blvd. -°' l'lth St. In Coeta M..a. Pi.e.a. wrtlA M. Lannert, Boa N24, t.1\1.a pa per. tetrc BALBOA INCOME :i UNJTS--Older propert7 eentral- J7 IOC., 1 ~ blb. to heart Of Bal· boa Utu. rm. Juat reduced to ua.600 for quid! .i.. ~ dn. o.-nu Harbor 1898. 'lOUc AN!\"UAL lNCOMJD 1'320. 2 du· plexea. Street beeomill& bualnt!M UtL Extra lob tor upa.nalon J2J8 P:. 17th Sl., Santa Ana KD<mberly J-0&2•. 2p3t .60-A -Commerdal, l.DdaatrlllJ LIGHT INDUSTRY EXC!:LLEl'\'T Jocallon. Wiii build 1500 tQ 3000 aq. fl. \0 .WL Ree· 10nable rent. Loni term leue It dulred. OORl.>01' SEVUTa IU:Al. TY 13~ Eul 17th St., eo.ta Meaa Lf l+l:li3 or LJ &-31Je. t SUc !!.=,._Real l'Atate E:scb&D5e Wl Lt. u cha"-• I.al'"\& Bf-a.ch hnu~ ... on t lot.a (Blutblrd C&.n· yon} S24 .:500. WANT income untl• or 1 1 f'hone HYall 4·21117 befor• t • m M HYatt 4·3823. i 3c:8H 1r ,: txia •. a ll 1n ~OQ<f rondlllon I DA:"Z · SCH~UDT Preitt J •nu· \\ILL rAKI!: Bl!:8T OF'P'ER ' ary Plano Salt, !!120 :So. ~bin. S8llta Ana :.!8!1 E8 ~t E~l lltr. Coata MtM LI &·2311 \l6c3 EASTENER'S A TIENTION ~ ?';fwport BeaC'h. tum. 2 h<lrm Apt Uul.. • 1ar. lnrluJed, Y1trl1. A vallable till Junr 2'>. Liberty 8·1409. -9:1ttc ~a':i~~~ ms:1,~! 1;1;:a,separate tonel _9_M_·-16_f_t_H_o_ll_l1_8_\'_H_o_11_11e_t_m_1le-r. Convenient ltrrna a t-all mel.&l, ruuy "quipped, $98:1. UNFURN. l bedrm. apL Oaragr. Newport Beach Yf:AJ\LY RE:'\TALS We Buy Tnat Deed& NEWPUR1 BAJ...llOA tU.VING8 6 WAN A.8SOCl.A TlON 33&6 Via Udo Pl\. Hu. '200 Uo TRADE Desert Motel WA;-o;T TO BL"i 211 fl powt1 bn11 t ~tu•l 'hr ror ron111t1on, rut 11nrl rlu,h In-Ille Wricr Jimmy Bumi . 12311 E St S•n lffrn8rtll1no. Cal. •r6 POCK "" C'h11nn1•I for rPnl Will t•k• up ln 27' tioa t H 11 bnr Mi8 HI II ::.K &F'to' •• I hp. outboard $4(\. I I, II B11rrhr19ft. 711 h.p. 11111· ""'" .i. S1111d d"lly. Tl'p rnn11. J27:'1. llartlnr ll()J.\\' 2d Hammond Organ, Leslie Speaker FOR RENT l'OJ~ S PECIAL occN 1on1, paruu weddlnC•· etc .. al home. om ce, church, With or without organ· Ill. 1nciud1nc move In A: out. t.IMrty 8-1208. 74ltc ONI: O!l>LY-~1ngle manu~l Min· l'hall 01·111n. hkc nr w. S11n~ $200 ronvtnlc>nl lerrn11 at- 8KAP'ER'8 Mua-lc Co. (Since 190'1'> '21421 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly :t-06il / ~HAP'ER'S Mu111c Co. ISlace 1907) Llbt>r1y 8·~3 2c4 't blk. ~o. of Arch,11 $6~. m,,, 01·423 ~. Sycamo", !ant& Ana SCHULTZ 2~ tt. hou~ tnll,.r 1A1th 238 C&tahna Onw C&U C F'. 2 BDRM. enrum. home I brlrm , 11nr11m hnmt CHARLES E HART, Har. 1428 3420 W. &I boa Bh•d., :-ll'WJ>llrt Phone KKimbuly ::1-G872 IOxlO c•bana a luminum roof. Marlin. TOrrty 7-384:'1. 3p."1 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO $I JM. Lot 106, Mn1ll<'lpel Trail· f'r f>11 rk. 17th ~t. Gro. Ellis. Harb<>r 4-4~. 3p:) n-Waated to Bent 1318 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Mal (Thaden lnt•nor Blq.J Rentals Wanted Har. 3382 N ttc We need apta &11<1 hOUaea ln a.II w ctiona !or both wtnter and year'• leue.. Furn. or ftntum .. UNP'URSlSKED-Lovely twn b<-<1· 1oom 11parlmtnt w1t h all th,. Bear h l<'l:'lt\ convenltnre11 tor comfnrtabl• n.rRN. bac!l,lor apt . $t:> mo i l9 living. F lreplare, dlllpo5al, wall We•l Balboa Blwt. For k~·~ and tumace, plenty (lf cloaeta. wash· tn.tormatlon rnom 11nl1 l'?ara,;r. See It Al l80t Se,. Bey A: Bf'•ch Realty. Hl>\.I w. C18y Stre~t, .Newport Ht.I. 3c8 B11lboa Riv.;. Ph. H11r. 126• BALBOA 1Sl{AND -Bay Front _. ________________ a:i_t_lc 11pt , Slttflll 6, f70. Rear art $M 101 ~-Bay Fronl. Sr~ b iand Realty or c111l Hollywood 3-B:lil Newport Beach LOANS l'ROMPT SERVICl: :.', tin t lru1t 11ted!! 20 year• Orangr Coaat Properties 18!;7 :"rwporl Ave., Co1ta M- L! 8·1632 or LI 8·1 •00 i:vea. Ol'iltr W(JL;t.IJ like tu buy l•t &110 :lno Tr\18l Drei:t11. Call Har. 2326 48Ue LOANS for Homes , TRADE Honest TV Servic·e Bl!:AUTu·uL l:lec:tl'oll.lo Orga.n blonde cue, almost new. Mull aacr1tk.e. One onl7. Bia avtng DANZ·SCHMIDT O.._t Bale 320 No. >.tatn, Sant.a Alla. U you have • '1a.c&nC)', phone t.od&J The v ogel to. , • 9ic3 CORONA D.Et. MAR -BM1Jllful· ly tum. 1tudll7 apt. 1 bUt. f mm oc'an. F lreplact. hllr, 16~. 11111. J>9ld. Harbor ~O. 2r 4 2 BEACH HOt:SF:S rnr 1"8111', $.~o month earh. l'\o 1111hl~t f!Yc:11· mor~ 8·3222. 9!kl0 6"' -10 yr. Loa.na Construction Loans 13011111111 ;0.11 au.~. -.:hoonei. F"ully round. so anywhert \\'•"' ,. STEVENS & SONS J!lO,f\00 equity In proJMrty. 1220 1879 Harbor. COsta Mesa Ml!ELL.ER·HA.INES ' ft.., 7" baby IT&lld pla.no. Mahopny. Oood condition. Phone Rar. 29...J. 2c7 \\'e~I B&ll><-a Bl\·<1 . :>leW}>Orl. rh Uberty S..2301 iipp·tfc Harbor 3032 , 3c1Sh -~--------------· \\'000 P"JlEEMAN 11 volt auto- matic r11ot. ex«llMt cond. $200 !'t~ al 274:!1 W. Coaal Klghw&y. ~~-rnrt BHC'h .... h. LJ 8-4141. 3c~b 34-M'!~ Radio. ~ T V •. tiAMMONo Oft0 A?l'8. All mod· t i•. One onl)' aJJ&htq UMd. &1- lnos l like new. Thi• la a special. DA..'l:Z • SCHM.IDT Hammond K.-dquanera for Orup coun- ty. 520 No. Main, Sant& Ana. f~ Pl!:R MO. rentt fOOd prac:Uce piano. All term rent a.Uowed 1r you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bis P lano l&J•. 520 >Jo. )f&Jn Great January Plano Sale. , OUR GREAT JA.'\t:A.R\" •ILle. $387 buys lovely Sptn@t. Stan- darl1 mall•. AUrror type Splnet only $233. Baldwln AcrosonJc only Hae. P,racuce piano• rrom $89 up. Baby Granda fl'om $4116. Doa.n1 Of otllen. Thue tn1tni· mens.a are trade--111• and rental· returns. Mlllly Ju•t Uke new. BeauUfuJ e.lecLrOnlc organ. Sa\'I' 12MI. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P1· &no A Organ Store, 620 No. M&tn, Suta Ana. o.E. c2xsou:.: li" TV w1th re· Priscilla Matthewa Teacher of Piano Cla.a.leal, popular bf b&rmony f"ormerly Chicago, Loa ~e• 211 T1111tln Ave , N~rt Beach Llberty WtM ITJl12 BEA trrIJ"UL Klnlllal.1 ltudSo pl&no Sllf?IUJ 11.Md. &eve flOO. COn· venlent term1 at- Sll.A.J'ER'8 .Ml.&lh· Co. llnoe (1901) '21-4~ N. Sycamoni, Banta Alla Phone Klmberl1 2--0l72. cord fllayer A rC'cor(1a. ,AM • ~Do Ca Pe FM radio. In nne rondlt1on. Just I!? ta, ta ov,.rh•uled. 1 Value $4~ ) Pn<'f' AKC re(l1tared eo.t.on TVrter 117ri. Har. ~~l ror •ppt 1 Eve• I pupJ>'M -1100 PS9ceaUa. CMU Har '4~7). 3c!!i Ntaa. U.,_~ •3061. leS 3201 W. Cat. Hwy~ Newport Bch. P!lone Uberty 8-3481 208 M.&rtne, Balboe laland Phone Harbor ... 1301 Co.ut Iii way, Corona deJ Mat Phone Harbor l7U I 00 M &111 S l.. BaJ tic. Phone R.utv>• 1611 IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KEEP TRTil'\G. W8llt l or 2 br. tum. tlouee W1th prlv· a<'y. Hith referencea u per- m&Mnt ~uple. Whal have )'Ou? Write Box 0-26, thla paper. ti Jl'URN. APT and p rag6 -}Tly. WILL fl!::-JT bra11e1 new 3 bf>drm. 2 b•UI. untum lloma In IRVL'l:E TJ:JUtA<.:r a l 1200 ptr montn With I \)':. IMM. <.:a ll Harbor 4H8 for turUMr drt•ll•. 88trc rent.al ~s Mlh St.. :-;ewport -- SE~ BUB !A TTLER 2j l5 EAST COAST BL'(p. l.01 urnt Oel Mar JiarDOr :f888 Ktp F'UJl<IER MURTGAGE CO ~l,.lro Ltfe Ina F"un!l1 Kl. 3·51 ~ •auc &aC'h. fhon" H11r1>nr 2349-R. 3 BEDR~I., 11, bath~. com~bly 2c4 f11m11hed -flome In B"llCOn liay. _l<._t:_A_L_'"E_:s_'T_A_T_E--LO--AN--S- Availablt 4 mcmth11, Fell. l!!i 111 UPPER 2 bednn. tumlshed apt. J une l:i. s1u. mo ltftr. •2&2·W lnteret1t Rate ~11:.!% CloM to Bay A ~acll, on )Lira· 3c 8 1...-•&n" quickly made In U\c Ba) mar Drive In be11t residential --------------11ru. Balboa Pellllll'ul&-AdUlls Ar•·a a.nd Coal.a MtH Sln1le (Jf OnJ.>' m ., ytarly., or le11t to r i&--llooma for Beat 111ul~51lt umU New or old B, winter. --------·-·-----WllW lllld aave by re-tlna.ncu11 HERB SHAW. Harbor 2~2 2c4 FUR:'\. ROOM. 'tltwly clecor11tt><t, your PnllM'nt loan Minimum u nt.ra nice, nur but . prlvllte ""· pen!ll' No char&• fnr prellm1 Wail•-...a Ho"-..... y ---. !l."EWPORT BAYrRONT-Modtm ~ -"""' ~ turn. a rma. A bath. ao.. to ~t.ra11ce. 1643 Ora.nse Ave .. C M raary appra.i)a.1 Phont S&.nll Liberty 8·3104. title ~n& KJ rnbnly .~·~933 nr wrllr W AN'I'Et> TO LEAU for 12 mo. ll'9uport.atlcn Is •lortil. "9o. mo. I or lua) I of--1 bdnn.' ho1ne. 'Utllltlee pd. Phorl' Kar. 0499-M. Furn. or unturn. In food dl•trict. ::Jp• Will pa-y to 13,800 per ,..,., ---------------1\ATTAN f'URN. modem atudlo CALL )lA~AB (Earl W. It.an· apt.a. C~nter of Coron& del MAr ley) Harbor ·3297 cw ~. lo' ITG. util. pd. U 1-15» ,. •• • • ARTHUR' A. MAY BL"lGl..E ROOM with bot It coll'I Mon "ace Loan 1,;orrupunoenl water 111 the room. Ooo<J ~<J Oc1•1dent.a1 Lite llaur-.nce Co. Priva te • entrli.nct. $6, week 93;, South Maui S!lnta Ana At.SO double room at 17 week 123·28lh St, ~·twporl Buch • PP 80e81h 7 unit11 2 mi. easl of Bantow on Vrgas hwy. Lot 162 x 100. PropQS<'d Freeway may make t his property very valuable. Price - S37,500 Hat1 loan of $14,300 Submit your trade for my equity of $231200. Will at1- s11mr on income property. Write WELCOME TRAVEL- F.R MOTEL. RL lA. Bar- stow, CaJif. 2pl~H EXCHANGE \\'ILL TRADE ll0.000 equity In !"orth 1'11alln, modPrn ruld,.ni e rnr !'hit Haven or :"pt Ht11 . :i bedroom 2 bath home-C•ll Herb Shaw. H11rl>llr 2~2. Rt>y r.reenleaf Jr. & ~. :l 112 :-; "'-"f!c>rt BIV'I . :-T~rt !Yb. 2c4 ------HA \'E :t lllr'e 2 bcjirm. bomr11, dbl J IHllJ!I', 1 lot ~100. Close In. S1t.n Ft ma.tido, 111.000. WILL TRADI:: O.Own for Harbor aru ror Coftta Mu a home. OW.· t::H, <.: Ii L<.rd, Rte. l , Btlx 666, K1V~ r~llJI' Calif. U pH>h JI A VE 2 t:NJTS tin I IQt 111 Laguna rtbl, glll"aitr I block to 4hr1pA and CK u .n, $1:..~. WILL K.X<..1i tor 8'1l(le booAr, 111 ona dfll Mar. KY&U 6·008. ·~h t - ,AGE 6. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~~,~!-~----­If":-""' ·~ta~-----·-~~-~*!.·----- THURSDAY, JANUAR)' 20. 1955 a •-' r..tate BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront P!tfV ATE BEACH -Pier le .Up privilege. 3 years old. 2 bdrm., 114 bath, l~f tile. Parquay flre., dbl. gar., F. A. heat. Now w the time to buy for next aurnmer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at Thia Price. $26,250 LIDO ISLE OLDER • bdrm., 3 bath. home on beautiful 60' lot. Treea Ii abrubs in profu.ion. Owner t.ranaferred and muat eell. See thia today. Tenm can ~ arranged. Asking price, $24,750 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BA Yll'RONT....:.Pier It •lip. FiF&t time offered, only 1 yr. old. 3 bdrma., 3 baths, elec. kit., built-in dlahwuher, garbage diapoaal, W to W car· peta, drapea Ii new 20' Century motorboat inc. in price. Thia ia a honey! Price $70,000 > ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newi;><>rt Beach. Har. 1013' v Check these Exclusives ---~or Best Buys. Coron~ del Mar 1. Very attractive 2 bdrm. home. Fi!'eplace, car- peted floora, nice dining area overlooking large paved patio. Dbl. garage. Reduced from $16,000 to SU.500. G. I. Loan, E Z Terms. A Scarce Item! 2. Thi• immaculately clean 3 Mrm. home, double- carace with extra room attached for storage or work abop. Fireplace, forced air heat, garbage d.iapou.J, diabmHter. Only $15.500 and $2500 down will handle. Payments like rent. Looking for a D\lplex? 3. Thill well located 2 bdrm. home plus large 1 bdrm. carace apt., buUt over dbl. garage, fenc· ed yard, paved patio. Priced to sell at $17,500. Immediate poueaaion. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE L.lSTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de.l Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) SACRIFICE! 4 bdrm. home, Balboa laland Bay Front, Pier It float. PRICED TOO LOW TO QUOTE! Euy tenna. MUST BE SOLD this week. Phone Harbor 1405 for details. J Balboa Bargains THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Two For One! BUY·~·4 )II BUYS BUYS 4 )II BUYS OU PU!!X -Exclwlvt PenlnJ1Ula location. Compll'tely fum. To· d&y'1 but buy • S17.b00. Very low down paymmt. Super Deluxe! Close in reaidential lot n·ear Harbor Blvd. $1600 cub 2 !50-ft. lot.. on Del Mar E. of Newport B. ~ each Amid activity 77 -ft. front., R-4 wne .... 2100 terma 60-ft. front .. beat diatrict. soned R·l ........ 2750 caah Special Back Bay restricted 1ite1 R-1 ........ ~up Cliff Drive home site. 1H new homes ....... 6000 caah .Buutiful rfearly new 9 rooma. 3 bdrm• It den. S tile balh11. Per· manent unobltructed ocean view Enclolt'd pet.Jo, barbequt!. Trop· lc&l planUn~•·' Shown by app't only. $~8,000, terma. s·uvs ... ... BUYS BUYS 4 .... BUYS Commercial Bldg. DOWNTOWN BALBOA. 2 ottlcea, 6 nicely tum. apt.a. 6 room houae &nd eJl.lra lot. Good eohd lnvt'ltment for $60,000. Reason- able ll'rmL LILA B. McF ARREN with Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa -Blvd., B~~ Harbor 3~t 1eve11. Har. 'l61'l·~I l c3 COSTA MESA 463 M&lllolla 3 bdrm home, $11,000 138 ALBERT PLACE 2 bdrm. home, S9860 • BDRM. furnished home. LOW DOWN . . ..................... -.... Sl2,:IOO CUFF HAVEN 3 bdrm• .. u cep. tlonal! '24,1100 3 bdrm. view home, '29,~00 I both not leuehold I BALBOA -:I un it Income, $23.60-0 BAY SHORES-3 bdrm. des1gnl'd for living ... ... S29,:IOO Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2'i31 W. Coa1l Hwy. U 1-4277 Costa Mesa Special NEW 4 BR, 2 bath home. <..:orntr lot. U2~0 down . Full priCl' Sl0,2:\-0. . . . Npt. Hts. Special 3 BR . Larice drn wllh ~am<'d r .. 111ng, flrl'place- l lt,700 -Te rm11 C'-6:l.L NF.AL MARTIN Bay & Beach Realty 14:M> W. Balboa Blvd. N .. wpo1 t 0.-al'h. Calif Har 1264 !!:vu. LI 8-lii• $1000 DOWN wlll buy thla 4 bdrm. 1 a.. balh ho1 ... · on l&rc• coml'r landJM:a~ IOt or oYo•nu will l'JI· chanire l'qUllY of SZMM> plus Sl600 :Znd TD, payable al S20. mo. due 1n 2 yn•. It aaaume l :M>. mo. raymen\ on vacant buamu a or rl'•ldtnl11I pro.,..rty. 4 ~(-G. I. Resale. $53 month includea principal, in~ t.erest, taxes and lnaurance. 2 bdrm. home, good neighborhood. $2450 down with full prlce just $9150 -A BARGAIN. Brand new 2 bdrm., hwd. floors, flagatone F . P. & planter. Thia borne will measure up to your expec- tations. Let us submit $1000 dn., $10,500 full price. Bathing, pier, float, patio, cement bulkhead. view. $22.500. 3 bdrm. waterfront home. Range, drapes stay. Beat buy. Terms. CORONA DEL MAR -2-atory 3 bdrm. 2 bath view home. modem design with wall to wall car- peting. Large porches, badminton co1,1rt, dbl. garage. .Terrific value at $29,Soo, term•. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE-SALES-LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Coeta Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty. 8-1400 Evea. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' NEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 bdrm. older home. - FURNISHED. Total price $7500 with very good terms. 3 bdrm. home, 11:.: baths, fireplace, dbl. garage, close-in location. $11,500 with $2500 down and bal. on FHA loan. <l bdrm. & den, fireplac~. dbl. garage, an older home but m A-1 condition & good location. $12.500 with $2500 down & bal. $84.50 month. 1 1-8 ACRES -3 bdrm. home, storage room, 2-ar garage plus large work shop.· Good east-side loca- tion, sewer in & paid. $13,500 with terms. LOTS-LOTS R-4 Residential, 80 x 234 ............................. $ 2750 C-2 Business, 48 ~ 127 .................. -........... 3500 M-1 Industrial, 60 x 126 . . ......... -............... 2950 C-2 Buainess, approx. 2 acres ........................ 11.500 R-1 Res. N. P. Hts., with dbl. garage ........ 4250 G. N. WELLS', Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8-1601 LIDO ISLE 2 Open Houses Daily 1 to 4 p. m. 119 Via Yella OPEN HOUSE, Sun. & Mon. Jan. 23rd & 24th 136 So. Bayfront F'urniflhed 2 bedroom home. 35' lot with South Patio -$19,750 215 Via Mentone Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm .• South Patio. ·CHANNEL FRONT 2 apt.A. furnished. 25-ft. boat included. Opposite City Hall. Only $22,M>O. Now is the time to buy waterfront. NBC REALTY 32nd Ir Newport Bl., Newport Bch. Har. 1405 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY. 2 bdrm., 2~._. baths, large living room. separate dining room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces. basement with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage disposal and diah- 1u.aher. House 5 yrs. old. Large double garage with laundry. radio-<:o ntrolled door. Lot 50x142'. Well landscaped. One of the most expensively built. homes on the fr1'nt, located at 3312 Ocean Blvd. (formerly 610. l ~ OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFF'ER Shown by appointment only · Phone Owner. Harbor 3435 --------------· Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units For $1J.r>OO, nnly UOOO down 81.lan'ce S7ft per month. I hlc\C'k \11 Bay nr 01•c•1ln I Unit Reonlr<.I at S6!"> m 11, CHARLEf-\ E. HART, Realtor I Harbnr 1428 .3 .. 211 \.\' 8Rll)<111 Bll·d , ~1·-.pni l • llfc LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! \\'f,;l.l. BUILT. completely rum· t11hcd !\ bdrm , 2 hath home on larii:e lot. Cork floor1 1n hall Ir m11~lrr bilrm. Lovely carpete<t 1tv1n i: r0um w1lh la q:e flrt'place. f'rtlly kitchen. '26.!\00 furrllah- ~I. H~OO down Ea11y paymenu nn b11lancc. C"ll Hat. 28i0 l<> see. 8Ll1c "Let Ua Locate Lrge. kit chen. disposal & di11hmaster -$21,750. 3 bdrm&., 2 bath home on 45' lot. $27.500 with $3500 down. bal. like rent. . I BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE ''Just to the right of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (evea H. 2999) • Ope'\. House -Lido Isle ! ! 128 Via Mentone Open Saturday & Sunday 2 -5 p. m. EXCEPTIONAL 2 bdrm. and bunk room home. 2 baths. t>xcellenl location adjoining central strada. Jo'or prt'\'iC'W showing. call George Moore, Har. 1600 F.vcs. Liberty 8-1266 U-Real Estate C-Rul FAtalfo s:t-Reel bl.ate ----.-----------.. -----------------~-----A R E A L s T E A L "C" THOM_AS "C'' THOYAS "C" THOW "C" ~Olf.AS LIDO ISLE VALUES A WONDERFUL BUY In a ,•ery nice duplex. Twu blucka tu h .. rt of town. Off Saal llth 8t.rfft. Only 3 yean old. 2 bedroom• each aide. Clevtrly laid out. Two car prace. Individual utiUty Full price I.I only- $12,500 Home and Income A LOVELY 2 bdrm. homt. l yra. old. Hdwd. noor1, l(l'. b<lrma , utra nice kit. Breakrut room. PaUo, ,u. prace, all fenced. 1 blk. to marktt. ALSO A MOST A TTRACTJVE 1 bdrm. fum. apt. over a Ice. dbl. 1ar. 6 al'Yaya rented at S83. per mo. M·l LOT 8() n. • i26 ft. Clo1e-ln on aewer Priced to llt'll at $4000. -Phi Sullivan & George Everson l~ Newport Blvd .. Coat& Mua (acrou from COila Meaa Bank I Phone W 1~781 Ena. Har. t38t Liberty 8-210! COSTA MESA RANCHO Here'• what you 1et 1,a acre. eutllide of town. w ATER FRONT on Via Lido Soud -3 bdrms .. 3 bath. beaulifu)[y fumiahed home, W to W car- peting. pier & float. Owner will conalder GOOD INCOME in trade ........ .... . ............. -.......... $68,rK>O EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 ~nn. rumpua room honte on 52' ~ ft. cor. street to atreet lot on Via Lido Nord. AU large roomll, W to W carpeting & drapes PLUS.ca 1.5 x 371,~ ft. awimml~r pool ( ON~ Y $42.500. BAYSHORES VIEW OF BAY from huge liv. rm. with fireplace. F. A. heat, 2 bdnna .. 13~ batha, large encloeed patio with barbeque &: open fireplace, laundry I& freeser room. OUTSTANDING V~LUE AT ·····-·-···$18,7~ CLIFF HAViN NEW A'M'RACTIVE RANCH STYLE HOME on Kings Rd. Large .liv. rm. with permanent VIEW from. pic.lutt window.. din. area...3 bdrml... l ~i tiled baths, large attractive kitchen, lota of tile, abun· dance of cupboards, W to W carpeting, landacaped. $24,500. FIRST TIME OFFERED -Modem 2 bdrm. 1 bath home in excellent condition. Large liv. nn. I& din. area, completely fenced patio. W to W carpetinc & drapes included in PRICE of $16,500 • Terma. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty S.M2T 3 BEDROOM two bath modern "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "<::" THOMAS home with oak f\oora, wood --------------------------------''"- buminf fireplace, larce panel4'd LIDO ISLE PROPErfTIES, INC. din. rm. pita built-Ina OALORE! f\ OUTSIDE th,rt. are TWO double caragH and one haa .n utra 3333 Via Lido-Across from Savings & Loan room apd bath. ALL KlNDS or treu and ahrub11 and the property la fen ced front and rear. PRICED AT $17.~ which 11 leas than Ult coal or the Improve· mC"nts alone W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Harbor 24 or Llberty 8·:1490. NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo. FURNISHED · BEAUT. furntitht'd and Immaculate 2 bdrm. horn& 11ltuated In choice Height• 11ecllon.-Hu attr ... klt- clten no()k, hdwd. tloo r. elec tric C'Ont r. hea.t, a HJ1.l8 ~rm .. itnd nlC'rly fl'nCt'd groundl!. - TRlS IS A N EW LISTI NG and 11 down tu rarth vallll' Roy Greenleaf Jr. & ASSOC IA TES 3112 Nl'WOOrl Blvd .. Newport Ben Harbor 2~2. 2c4 BAY FRONT On Newport ~sla,nd Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot, with pier & Jge. float. Large liv- ing rQOm with fireplace. 2 nice bdrma. with 1 ;~~ bath.a. Extra large dinette area. Double garage, easily made triple. $27.500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY n.ealtor -301 Newport Blvd., Npt. Brh. Harbor f02. 96Uc BY OWNER DftSlRABLE 3 bedroom. bath 6 '•·CORON A HlGHl..A NDS fa m- ily home. Coi.y Ull'!'d brick fir•· place, rat1ed hl'arth Central ht>al.• Charrn1n1 birch pantled kitchen. D11poaal. carpetl'd. L~l'. yard. vlt'w. 118.bOO. Tht. ho1111e •lao for rl'nl unfum. Stt any· Ume, 804 Seaward Road. 2c3 Every once in awhile a house is Hated that la an outsta.nding bargain. We feel thia is. Down.lain t~ere i11 a good aized living room, amalUah dining area. nice kitchen with diahwa.sher and dispoeal, 2 nice bdnna. and a bath with a glaas-encloeed ahower over tub. A nice patio partially covered and a 2-car garage with storage and laundry area. Upatain there is very large bdrm. with a fireplace and tiled :i" bath. The full price is .$23.500 and it.ton a atreet to street lot near the Club. New 4 bdrm .. 21 :.: bath, striking home on street to . atreet lot . Part carpeted, par\ hwd flool"ll. Forced air fumact-. 1~1 .. fl. closet in master bdrm. Stain- les8 steel ~ah. This is another very fine value at $33,500. For Iota. homes and rentals come to HEADQUARTERS p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneon co.. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -bar 1500 VOGEL VALUES • CLIFF HAVEN. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, almost new. many excellent features. Beautifully built. Total price S24.950. Small down will handle. 2. CORONA DEL MAR. Beat buy on bluff lot • R-3 zoning. excellent v iew of bay. Only $8000. To- tal price price . TermR. 3. CORONA DEL MAR -INCOME SPECIAL! 1 bdrm. Cum. home. ~w gar. apt with perma- nent b~y-view plus extra r;oom with :i" bath. $19,500. Good financing. 4. CORONA DEL MAR-TWO SMALLER HOMES Both under $10.000. One modern & cutt: the other older & rustic with fireplacee. AND small down payments. The Vogel Company 266i E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 VACATION SPECIAL Balboa Ocean Front -$12,750. NEAR l3EST BAY BATHING 2-story frame houiw on choice R-1 loL 3 b<:lrma .. dining room. Ve nted heat. EncloAed yard. Oldtr home. Ideal for C'hilciren. Use it now and build a new home later. ~w down payment to quali(ied buyer. Call MRry IJ1ckson at H ar . 4448 or 3297. OPEN HOUSE 1201 Cliff Dr., Cliff Haven for You " f.'nr H111h.1r pn•perl)', b&y &nd b1·111•h. CCllitB Mellll. Corona del 1'111r, Sl!Oll\ AnA, rtr HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors EMERALD BA J'-.Jult So. of HI· way, with eaay accu1 to buch OeU&hlluJ farm hoult', only 2 yn. old. 2 bt'drma.. 2 balhs. 2 flrepla.cu, lge. Uvln11 rm . *'P dmlnc rm. BARGAI N. Call l!'ORD VERRJNDEH. • EARL W. S~NLEY, Realtor The 8ayRide OfCirC' CalJ for app't. to see-The LOCATOR of Calif. . VOGEL VALUE 340 Potnaettla. Corona dl'I Mar Har. 426:t evu . Har . 3471 79trc LOTS FOR SALi'; Bayside Drive at. o,ast Hwy .. Newport. Beach 3 bedroom home, 1 1 :! baths, on nicely landscaped partial Bay view~lot 66 x 110. Large living room. fireplace, natural breakfast bar & kitchen with co,·· ered view porch. Near high 11ehool It Jr. high school. Br11noh office. 1884 Harbor Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Co"t"' Mtu, Phone Ll 8-1661. ________ e7_tfc Open House Daily-232 Poinsettia 12-5 p.m. Attractive Bay Ave. If y ou arc looking fot 2 BEDROOMS and DEN, 3 BEAl!Tlll"UL LOTfi. •me 66 rt on Cllff Dnvr. l'>l .. wj,vrt Ht11:ht ~ One 30 tt. lot on DIJnn, 1.1<10 l1le. AlllO 40-fl lot on Via Ul'n· oa. Ut1o Isle. Call ownrr. Har. 0 191 or write Mra. Ahrene, 422 Larkapur, Cornn& del Mar. 91c8 OPEN HOUSE 301 Broadway Sat. & Sun., 12 to 5 p.m. . Price $24,950 Good Financinit SEE THE · VO$EL CO. 3201 W. Coa•t Highway Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 Lovely duplex - 2 bdnna. and 1 bdrm. Large rma., dbl. pr. Ideal for family who likea to have Grand- ma and Grandpa nearby. Fw-niiabed 1 bdrm. home south of J-lighway. _ Good location. $10.250. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtora Buainesa ~roker 3135 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Ha r. 2152 :t BEDROOM HOME. GorJ?l'otis choice location. expensive wall to wall carpeting, bay ''•cw. C'olorru1 u llstic w1111. firep\al'e. dra~s t~out , mort than ample storage pa~r dtcor. Interior bnt>ecue. 4 yearR old. nicel y landscaped. near Little Corona Lovl'IY pet1.,. Can be iol'cn mnrn-Rt'ach, you s hould atop by to see this. in~ and l'Vtnln1111. 91:, \\' D•n Aw•. N,.wport Buclt. Qx Dh Priced at $19,9i5. with ~ood financing. CORO:'\ A OF.I. ~f A R--Onr of lho11t> choice comH d11plt'Xl'.!I Mui ror a courle to n~'ll 11nd have SS:•. mo. !rnm furn ot hPr llllll'. Only $17,MO. R~ STAN Sl'fJTH. REAi.TOR. 2fiH E. COL~l H tWll}'. Ha r. 882. .. 2r• s rx-TENTHS An t' 12 or 3 lnL'I lrv••I W1lh l'itrvll .. nt CWl'&n view. watl'r 11nd "''"'"' Ln<:11 led South ..r l,11~111111 Sl<2(1tt. Ll 8-:llll 7 aft,.r !'> 11 "' 99c!'> I CORO:-o;A DEL MAR. 2 bedrm .• tl .. n. 2 h11t h hou~,. Plus rum. 1111 r H pl 8'11 h httve Clr11pl•«e11 • i i 1.fl:,11. 1\17 l'opp\' """• ll f!' THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Ha. 174~ Ha. 1477 . BALBOA IS~D 2 UNQ'S ON THE WATERFRONT. Nearly new, 2 bdrm. each and very attractive! Tbi11 excellent income will build the equity for you. M L 4920. REASONABLE TERMS. PRICE $38,000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor ·· And A.moctatee P ark at Marme. Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 Bay Front income I UnJt..-2 6 I bec1rvoma. l'Urll· l9bed. Pier, noet and pnnte bMclL ! 'lOO E. B&Jboa BIYd- B&J~ Cne\'f'lnr 11641. Cour· Com er location. hwd. floors. 2 bdrmis., tile k1khen 1md bsth. H's a little Jewel. Full pnce $11 .500. Only $1!)00 d<1wn. 3 bdrm. home. 3 yrs. uld. Diflp., refng .. 11tO\'e. hw<.I. noors. Full price $10,800. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 NeWJJOrt Blvd , Co11ta Mefia Liberty 8-3792 lalY to bro-era lJUe ~--------~---------------------------"-~~~ BY OWNER Corona Hl:tilands -3 bdrm . 2 bath rannhouH Ph. Harbor 78·J 99tfc CORONA DF.L MAR 2 BDRM., 2 balh., hwd n oora, F, A. h"l. dbl. pr. ~ blk. to lhl' ou an . Har. 3021 day• or Har IOM·R af\u I o.m. 5 Acre Grove, Peralta Hill Choice location for home. Lovely view. " Low priced at $4500 per acre. ROBERT WHEELER , Agent . - 42 Plaza, Orange. Phone KEilogg 8-1723 ..... Ii-a.I r.-ta.. L_ ft-Rea1 P'~la&t -... ·-----, __ ...__ ... BLANCHE A. GA TES. Realtor · AlEJiBERS OF MULTIPLI!: LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND EAST BAY - 3 bdrm. home Ir 2 bdrm. view apt,. Pier '-float. See this today. SM,500. $3500 DOWN -.f bdrm. furn. home. 1 %. b&Uu. Total price $19.500. Hurry for thia! $6000 DOWN -Home & inepme. 2 bdrm. turn. home and 1 bdnn. turn. apt.-,.otal ~ce $27.500 Thia ia a BUY! COSTA MESA 3 bdrm .. 1 :~,. ~h beaut. home. Thia home ia built for gracious living anti it will be a pleuure to ~ ahow you. Price $15.900. BAY SHORES PRIDE OF\ OWNERSHIP descrlbee this deluxe 2 bdrm., 1% bath home in one of the finest loca- 'tions in thia exclusive area. Charming living 1'00m, beautiful kitG~, dining lanai opening. onto secluded aunny patio. A buy at $24,700. Shown by appointment.only. • f:DNA CRAIG, Rental Specialist BLANCHE A . GATES, Realtor • • • LIDO ISLE • • • Bi-Real Eatat. ...,.,.,.... . ..,,_ ~ . .,,. ....,. _____ ... Specials! Specials! Here are 3 properties, that ahou.Jd Mil thia week. Priced to .. u la dandy values. NO. 1-PENlNSUU H OftE. 2 BEDROOM 1tucco home. Furn. Nice patio a.ad double «&rift!. P riced a l IH.~ NO. 2-BALBOA TRlPLEX. Cut from 111,000 lo 1145,&00 for a quick aa,Je. Mo1tly 11ew t um1· lure. D1.11dy rental location. ltOOO down. NO. S-4 UNIT INCOME. Attrac· live l bedroom 1partmf'nta. Tltop .tiape and rent well &um· • m and wtnwr. 136,000 6: only 17 00 down. Bee all three. , Penin5ula Duplex! "ON THI: POlNT'' and hard to tlnd. 3 bedrooms up. 2 down. Redecorated, new drapes A car· petlnr. A nice property. 127,600 and term• .• Newport -Heights! OCP:A N ANO BAY VJl!;W. A 11how place ot unU1uaJ A·l con· atrucllon. 3 bedroom•, 1 % bath11, !:very modem feature, 128,600 I• not a Jot of monty t or 1uch a home. Balboa Realty Co . IOppoalle Bink or America ) Mem~r.'I, Multiple Ll11tlng~ Ron Crrelty ltd Ue Jack Pinkham J osephine Webh 700 E. Ba lboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 3217. New exclusive listing Udo Nord Bayfront - ::ompletely furnished 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Wall • . o wall carpeting. TV, Weatinghouae auto. wash- •r It dryer. Dishwasher, garb. disp. Lyman 17~2 ft. boat, new pier and slip. • full Price $63.500, terms. • 1954 Trailer & Enclosed Lanai on Waterfront! LUXURIOU~ Y FURNISHED LIVING ROOM -2 bdrma. and bunk room. Din· ing area. Clever kitchen. Bricked outdoor lanai with barbeque. Garbafe disposal. A DANDY! Full Price $8500 Shown by app't only HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St .. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 (Evea. LI 8-5386) OPEN HOUSE 12-5 Sat., Sun. 280 Evening Canyon Rd. Beautiful Shore Cliffs A magnificent home. 2 bdrms. and a den with a fireplace. plus a beautiful yard and patio area. Ir you are looking for something different be sure t o see this. It is priced to sell and ready to move into $1500 Down 3 Br. & Guest House This horn<' is located in the beat re_sid ential area ot Costa ~fesa. It is tnm and neat and has all the requirements of a real home. Terms are made to fit your desires. p. a. palmer, inc. ole ha nson co., sales management 1100 w, coast highway -liberty 8-5:573 BALBOA ISLAND CHARMING COLONIAL -3 bdrma., Po& baths. Near North Bay, close t o shopping center $23,500 LO\'ELY 6 bdrm .. 4 bath hnme on 50' lot. Second houl't' from ~outh Bay on the Little Island. ~ha rply rt'duced ...:... $~.000 ONE OF the quality homes on The Little lsland- 3 bdrm!' .. 2 baths. ~parate din. rm .. lan&;i and lge. patio S35.000 D 0 R I S B RAY , Realtor Nona Hye r Chet Salisbury 216 Marine An! .. Balboa Island Curt Dosh Harbor W Balboa lslanCJ 's Best Bay Front Values- ,1 Attractive 2 bdrm. &ach hnme with room.to build 1 .... S34.500 .,1 Soundly built home, 5 bdrms. & den. 2 baths. privntc pier & noat . {11rni11hed 42.500 •' Modern 4 bJrm. home with cute apt. Owner want11 offer'. I ,1 Beaut. 2·slory P ronnd:l 1 with most attrnct i\'e apt., both ch1m,;. furnished ... . . .. .. 53.000 y" East Bay's fineal 2 bdrm., 2 bath home with 2 bdrm. apt. Pirr & flnat 56.000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY S18 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 4781 LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUE! WHERE ELSE. but at the "\'alue headquarters" would y<5\a find this newly listed 2 bdrm. practically new home, compfetefy furnished. at just $20.650. · This can't last : SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast H1ghway NeWDOrt Beach LJberty 8-3t8J Holmwood Drive (,Newport Heights) For thoae aeeklng a b('aut!Cul home In a quiet, hlchly re41trict· ed neighborhood we reapectfully 11ugge11t an ln1pectlon of one of the Ji1rbor Area'• t lner rut· dences. Situated on a wide (70'1 level lot this lovely home la bulll around a huge flower • studded patio bordered with many rare plants and ahrubs. A few ot the many reaturu are two wood-burning fireplaces, the very best In wall to wall car- peting. a n extremely clevrr Jn- door outdoor rumpus room. dream kitchen, PLUS a complete ruut apt. tor your rnend1 wrl'lcend vlsttft! P . l!I. Ouplt.e the rre1t beauty of thla propt'rty and ltll mulmum arTangement for prln c:y, the yaMI work 111 at an absolute minimum. Priced at Ut,000 which 11 well below replacement. Ext'ellent ternia If de1lred. W. Stuart Foote, Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Bl .. Newport Bch Harbor 2' or Liberty 11-5400 2c4 Right on the Beam J'OR YOU who have • mode1t down p1yment and want your rtnt payment• to SAVE FOR YOU --- THIS TWO STORY. 4 bdrm, 2 bath home 11l S.lboa bland la In excelll'nt condition and av&ll· 1b~ f11ml1htd under 120,000. A lovPly patio. ALSO HAVJil .A FINE DEAL on a 2 unit. rl'ntal lncomt. Contact HU B POWERS at J. A. BEEK, Realtor BALBOA l SLA:"D 503 l'ark Avenue Harbor 63 REAL VALUES Little Rancho TWO BORM. compltlely Curnllhed 't acre n( rround eex330 and i ont!tl for arrlculture. This Is lhe ltl<"BI plal'e ror that hor ~,. or 1'h1rkrn,. The ho1111e hllll j11~t bf'rn rl'·1lt<"or11ttf1, 11no 18 flllrd with rharm. ThlJI l.9 1mmethlng that ha11 lo bP aeen lo really arpreclatr. Full 11rlc,. $10.600, with ltnn•. • • • ·Sacrifice, Sacrifice OW~ER MUST SELL. or will lol!e thl11 rlr11r little two bdrm. house. ltleally lor&trd In beautiful C'llff Haven. comer lot Full price. $9,:'t()(), EZ ttrln•. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 ~twrort B)vd.. Co11ta Mei1a Phone LI 8· 11172 Evn. U 8·~8i New 4 B4K1t-oorn DELUXE ranch 1tyle home. fu· turu 2 baths, bum celllnits. fMl'td air heAl. Oarb. dlapoaal. · Exhau1t ran In k it. Real wcxx> bun1tnr flreplacc, w1Ul raa log Mghttr and m11ny other lu11ury ltt'mA, ; $12,~ Full Pri• $1000 Down ' I OPE~ DAILY-10 a.m. 'tlll dark •18 Holly LAne Ill Npt. HNpt. (Near lrvlne Ave.) 8~Uc ·. ' Bi-Beel F..-W. U-~aJ FAtat• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 7· • 1 .-,._. •• --------·-· ------------- BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS BeauUlut So. Bayfront home and suut a~rtment. 3 bdnna. and 3 baths. Private pier 6 tf"oat. A \:>arra.in at '88,500. So. Bay two wiiC., l bdrms. each, a REAL buy at $87,M>O, $1000 down. So. Bay older home that needa aome repair, fix.in' an'd paint. Hu new pier 6 n oat and a million dollar vlew. Only $33,700 Ii $1500 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home With view from every room. Completely tumfahed. Aaking $45, 750 and ONLY $5000 down. . Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely fumiahed and in excellent condition. Full price $36,:SOO, tenns. 3 bdrm. & den home furnished for year-round liv- ing on Little bland -Asking $29.500. . 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be sold u is tor only -Sl7,950 and cet this, $12:SO down. This is a "sleeper," a little cottage on the rear of a 30 x 85 ft. lot. $11 ,500 -$4000 down. Hen's news for you. J11.1t receh·ed lt. A .f bdrm.,· 2 bath home in fine cenditlon. Also fumished. Full price $19,:500 and $3000 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand H!lftobor ff4 (Eves. LI 8-5297 ·Har, 1786-RK) BILL'S BEST BUYS Ocean, Beach and Mountain View 3 bdrma. le den, 7 moa. old, wall to wall carpet. in liv. room, Jlall & bdrma. Sliding gla88 doors to patio. FHA 4 1 ~ ~ i-loan, $57 mo., incld. taxea and insu. Price. $10,975 with $3375 dn. See thia! G. I. Resale 3 bdrms., l&"e. lot, dbl. gar., hwd. !Joors, 2~~ years old, among nice homes. G. I. t 1 ~ % loan. $68.97 mo. incl. taxes It insur. Price $10, 700 with amall down payment. Immediate possession. S 0 0 N -in Costa Mesa Twenty 4 bdrm .. 2 bath. homes. Pavt-d & cur bed •lreeta. $6!SO down, ld'W monthly pymts .. Come in and get the in formation now. They will sell ' in a h urry! W . A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8·1139 BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home furnished and rieady-"f or year round li\ting AND 1 bdrm. over garage and guest room and ~th. Exe. location, gd. inc. $24,500 Quaint describes this roomy 3 bdrm., 2 bat h home built on front of lot with room to build Income on rt'ar. Pine panelled, fully carpeted, furnace hea t & all conveniences for year-round living. Furnished. S26,500. 2 bdrm. home -Fireplace, dbl. garage, furnace heat. furnished. $18,000, NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 .Manne Ave .. Balboa Island Phone Harbor 002 • Eves. 2306-R CORONA DEL MAR $12,750 . Small 2 bdrm. homt' with minimum upkeep. 3 yrs. old, near stor es, t'lc., raised hearth fiN'plact'. ;it. ! tracti,·t'ly finished. our best buy in its class. $22,500 In heart (Jf R·l district, 60 ft. Jot, lots fruit trees. hwd. noo~. This one is ju.st asking for someone to pretty It up. Exclusive Corona Hi~hlanll~ \'iew home, drapes & carpeting, modern d1'sign. 2 bdrm. & bath up and living-bdrm. with bath down. wr are just selling the home, the \'1ew wnul.J cn~t loo much to charge for. RAY REALTY CO. 34-14 E. C'oast Bl\'d , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 ' OUR GOAL IS "EIGHT FIVE IN '55" REMEMBER THI.', when aeUlng property1 the 11ell· ing commission charge la amal! compared 'to t.he many ad\·antages of ha\ting the ule in the hands of expert.a. Gonsult your Mulllllle Lialin1 Broker. 4 BRAND NEW ·LISTINGS OPEN H OU8' BUNDA Y 1 t.o 6 a t 2631 Bayahore Dr .. S.y.tioru . S bedrm., l' bath modern home. "You muat -lhla." Eacellent (' (oc.tlon 6 view. (Mr. Rua. wUI be on tlle p~ml.e•I· · BA Yl5HORE8, deluxe home on be&utltul Bayahore Dr., 1ov1ly bay view a.nd cloM to private beach. I bedrm1. upataln wlth Hparat1 dreuJn1 room• 6 balh· room1. 8paclou1 llvlnr room with Wt.11 planneJ dinln1 area . Extra lar11 1ara1e with two a(ldnl. bedrm1. 6 bath, Fully - encl. patio • barbtcue. Only 1411,000 with excellent ttrma. CUP'P' HAVEN VJI™' HOME. Bra"'' ruiw 3 bedrm.. 1 \a bath homl hu an uno~tructed view or the bay It' ocean. It'• that Ranrhy Type that yo\.f'll a dore. l'orcrd air hutlng, Iara• fire· pU-. . ~ -... ,,,.un. utd • gal&JCy ur nice featuru. 124 .~00. v.·1th good lerme. BUILOJ!';G LOT ~o x 180 on St . J1mu Rd. In Chtt Havtn $2~00 ( lt'uehold). Frank James ·Linwood Vick • REALTORS c B. Ruu, Wm. o. Schmidt. A•IOC. 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa hlend Ha rbor %00 Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. I b<lnn. house It 8 1ln1le turn. unllll, on 2 Iota. ExceUent view of bay. Ol<.lel'. but In good con- dJUon. Wllllln wa UcJna dlatanca of downtown ahopplng arM. 1115.000 down. BA.LllOA PENINSULA 2 lots -$1 2,000 Ocean Front Income S UXITS corner lot, excel. income rerord. Halt blk. from Bay a nd parklni far. t:lean. 110,0QO wm hllndlc. Bldg. with 1toro and 3 unt t1. Good buy, tor $16,000 -U OOO down. In l hd hurl of Balboa. Nice Family Home l'EAR Nt'wport Hubor Yacht Club. t Bl':ORM. furn. home with per· mantml blly view. $3:)00 down. Coast Properties 301 ,; Balooa Blvd . n111bo1 Ha t bor 2M8 Ir H 111. 4600 ttrc CLIFF HAVEN !':P:ARLY ~EW. JJhlkt! roof. 3 bdrm., 2''J b11th home with p11no· ramie Vll"W ot OCl"an 11nd b11y . Thermauor )<ltchen. 2 tul"d brtck flreplacu . large t11nln& room, w1111 to w&ll ra rprlln11-a cu11· tom built home or 2000 11q. tt. living area. A-real baria1n at S29,7:io . . . COSTA MESA 3 REDRMS . h'1wd noora. flrt· plar•. C'lock \htrmo h!'at. tJnly 2 yeani old and In n cellent con· dltlon-l"rge lanct.raptJ lril In top ntl~hborhood .. 1ulde $10.· aoo with FHA loan . . . 2 BDR,\l , hdwd. floor11. curner brick fireplace. dbl. c•ra1e. nice• ly l1nJ11caped lot on quiet b&nJO •lreet. rloae t o 1't'wport H f'lghU -;uat $11 .~oO with only $1 000 dvwn. Bay & Beach Realty 169fi ::-\ewpo• l Boulevard I Cost" Mr&a. C11llCorn1a Lt 8·1161. P.:ve• Liberty 8-31~3 BAYSHORES HERE 111 • well cnn1lruetrd two IH-f'll oom u•luhP b rlrk hum•• C'on· vcnlerH lol'allon, b1t1·11l t1J1pulnt· I menu . You can pn ctlcally n1m1 I your nwn trrm11 Lido Isle \\'0 1·1.rJ ~011 llkt' 111 own r.1•ln li<le'11 f1n"M JJa y f1on l Htomr • Thi~ IS IL Tl'tret! laq:l' luvo>ly 1.1,ell• room11, 2 b1t l h, 111 parat,. •t•ll .11howen. luge k1trh1•ri "1th spa~· l••ll~ CAbtnel~ ll1·1tt1l1f 11 111111k~n hvini: room, \\1111 l'> \\all 1 ''I'''"· I txpt'n•tve llri.~" l'l'rft cl tll· CIUt<IVI! ~W. p lUA pttVlt•• ptef anti 1lo1t. l"lea~e J on·t "'"" th11 On<! S11bm1t \f'MTII 8 l s:J~l 04\0 H!:Rf; S 11 LlOo RA Yl"RO:-:T ;ou mu•t l"I!! Cnmpl"l"IY t11r n1•h11l . .'l b<"l!I ()()111, .'l 11111 h ltono.. ll ) 1 • ohl Exl rlll'nl t<m •ll u1, llvll I mn t I m11111 th111 cine rlthn' On l~ $',7,· 1\1){), 11111lnblt trrm11 11rnini;• I I VOGEL CO. 208 ML"ine Avt .. Balboa h lllnd Mu. ht 1En1 l,J 1·~:1117 f111r. 17116-RK Newpoi:t Harbor Board of Realtor5 1 N::;i:~;::~~;.~~.:;:i:~: 410 • 32nd St., NewPOrt Beach u l-:.609. H c10 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 · ' Bayshores"q,_ "Picture Book· Home" REDUCED for quick sale! Beautiful interior -20 x 26 li\'lng rm. wilh fire<i place, plate glau doora open on paUo. 2 bdrma .. 2 batba, thermo kitchen. Hea''Y shake root. Larg• rara~ with mt.ny cabinets. ALSO Bay Sho~ leue.hold Jot .. .. .............. ... .. . ... ....... $6500 Balboa Island BA YFRONTS Bayfront home on 60-ft. lot. Ideal for builder. ct lot vacant) Pier Ir float ......... ····-·· .... ... $68.000 f§ bclrma., pier Ii float . .......... . ..... ·....... $42.500 Bayfront older hOQle ... .. .... .... . ................... $34,500 and othera Balboa Island BARGAINS One room, kitchenette, bath, cood location $11,MO i urut., older;-good income _ .. _ .. ___ .............. ,.. .. $14.~ - 4 bdrma., $3500 down ······-··-··-·····'-······· .. ·---$19,'500 ·Balboa lsland·~ncome Two unlta, 1 bdrm. each ............................... $18,250 2 bdnna .• plua 1 bdrm. apL ............... u······ .... $24-.'500 • On Llttle lsland, 2 bdrma: plua 1 bdrm. apt $28,&00 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdnna. 6 den canyon view .............. $23,500 2 bdrm. 6 den So. of Hwy. Small dn. pY'mt. $18.~ 2 bdrm.I OD Avocado . ...$10,900 BALB.OA PENINSULA 2 bdrm. home, Separate dining room. f§ yn. old $21,lSOO, excellent financlnr. J'OR FURTHER INFORMATION on all thtM fine properties, call Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 223 M&rine Ave., Balboa Ialand WHAT EVERY MOTHER KNOWS ia t hat Lido ls a wonderful community for their children to rrow up In and that.t oda y's lnrger f&JDl• liea realJy need 4 bedroom• and 2 bath~ -SO here are some lovely large homea--ALL ON LllJv -ALL. WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS. v OVER 2500 SQUARE FEET! 2~37 to be exact of fine living space, 18x26 paneled living room with fireplace and separate dining area, large enclosed lanai off the cbildre.ns bedrooms. An outstanding family home on a large lot for $29.500. OPEN HOUSE, 116 Via Florence Saturday and Sunday 1-5 p.m . ON ONE FLOOR - is this brand new 1howplace on a fin<' Htrect to BtrHt location. The interior is modf'm with that expans ive !eeling and features cyprt'as wormwood pa.neling and a rnaaaive stone fireplace. The built· in kitchen la a dream. Carpet('(), landacaJ~. wall· ed. s:b.500 full pr ice with $10.000 ciown. t1 CHEERFUL! ju11t the right word for this one which hu a pro\'in· • cial in!erior throughout . The mu t('r bedroom has it's own used brick fireplace. Panf'llng and fine paper. Perfect tiled kitchen, street to street lot, a 1t.ep to the be.st beach, $28.500. ti LIKE GREEN GRASS? then see this new home which has patio plus a lawn-all walled, pleasant interior with wied brick fireplace and nice woodwork. careful planning and sound construction make this a mof!t livable home indeed. $31:750. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS Exclusive! Balboa Peninsula Five bedrootn home, 21!-'4 bath•. Kitchen recently modernized. How.e i• old but bas cha.rm. Full price $17,500. Must be 1old to 11etlle estate. * .. ·. i t ·,': . OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-4 P . M . 1701 E . Balboa Blvd . 3 bedroom, 2 baths, dining room, 'large kltchrn. Exctllent flnanr mg. BAY and BEACH REAL TY H~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Newrort Bench Harbor 1264 -Evenings Har bor 1X56 $1,500 Down -$83.08 per month! THAT'S ALL YOU NEF.D to move inl n a <·ute, rlf•:111 t JU!'t rt.-ilr-u1r~1 u li 2 hdrm. h11m .. , with frncc<l Y"rO & large dbl. gar built for npt . 1wf'r. On quirt 11tN>el nf'ar Pich · nlP1 In <'"r1Mna d1•l Mnr. BETTF.R Hl:RR \' -Slw ul1l ~c; fast . R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 362:l E. Coaal Hwy .• Corona <lei M3r l • PAGE 8 • PA@.T IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, -1955 Bale New Mell 24 -Home Tract Orowad Ma .,..., llrok• Oil • 1•-lol wbdlvt.ioa at t.M comer ot 18th Ill. -d lrttne .AYe. hi C.O.t& Meea. accordinr to Phil llulJJvan, llU Newport Blvd.. real e.t.ate ' HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER GIVES N~n Pops WIT WEATHD DRIVING TIPS 166 'ThrouCJh Hoop UCKAKSMTO -S.... *" tl&1I coatl'Ol ot your cu ln a tn.Me -•1wtqT . 11M OallfomJ& HiP•a.J Patrol Nya It you did, you prob- .W, were drtYins loo fut for Ute condition.. D•ing Practice • ~ent and land developer. Located on nve acrea ot tbe old Kl.Dr rand1,.tbe aubcslvt.&oa will be hifhl7 l"fftrlcted for hom• of su.- 000 and Up, lkllliYUI -.Id. llulJJnn l ... Utnr lbe lot.. Conatn&cUon wUI be up to lb• purclluer, the land dewloper •Id. "You can't alwa.ya Hold tN.tfl.c emurencl• but you can atay out of accident trouble wlilen a.n emercency occure," d~ Patrol Comm&moner B. R. Caldwell 'Ibe follow- lnl' Uat ol pertinmt ~ wtU help you avoid .. 11oua trouble Wb• a tr&tftc emersency art-.. Paul NeumAnn, pltchl~ lM pointa throu1h the hoop. pa...--S tht' Newport Harbor Hlfh School Tar• throu1h an l l-1ame ~k•t.­ b4ll,I pracll<'• 11eaaon. Neumann alao led th«' Harboc' quintet In oftenai11e and defel\&l\19 • floor play, arcordtnr lo a •tala.- llr&I <'hart kepl by Coach Jultoe Cage. Baaed on rebound&, lnte~p. !Ion•, a .. l•ta, poor~. t\lmblu. foui. and auCch. Neumann rad1ed up a total of 7 4 poln ta. OP AND AT'EM FRANK-Harbor Boys' Clubber Cor- liu Ankeny tempts Frank, the trained porpoise at Palos Verdes Oceanarium out of hie pool in a game of catch played with a volleyball. Frank can't speak but be makes noises by blowing out of t he airhole in the top of his head. Corliss make~ noise out of the t op of his head as he summoni:i F rank nut of the water . BOYS' CLUBBERS FIND PORPOISE PLAY FUN fly ROD l'bf'Mll~l.JAS STJ;AL ~HOW OS TAll.S J 1111 -'""" <'\'"' pl:iy r·otC'h ll 1ior· Out It WWI Frank 11nJ Floyd poitct' '' Porp•1ili!I' who et.oil' UHl ,.how. Tht•y P1 obabl)' nut I( 1·u11 HI" 1111 "'" f' JJrlllllrttll)' fhtnct'<I <Ill lhi>lr tails •it,. Aml'ncRn a~ the Hnrbor ar,.a boy,. gtwe l.1111 t '•1rh1111 1l11J 1u1•I "' urd ttt'' .. lhC'm lht' 11llenl1on lhf'\/ M!• 1111'<1 .. n•I 11ther m<'ml~r" or l ht.' Harbor lo lhrl\e on. They ignored the \.. rf'a Ho~" I ·11111 "1111 \ t><ltrd lh" 1 ••11t nt th., gallery as thry Count.I wor lol '11 lar>:•·~t tit f'•rn:11111n1 111 In \'oung 'orll.811 a pla.vmote who Pillo V~rdt•,. 1111 Jan. 14 l'llJUYW lht'lr company nnd truJy ('<•Ill><.• A11k1•n1 1111ol 2!1 olhc1 11ppr~:IRlt'<I lh••lr t'frort11. \\'hen oth1•r ll<>~'!I uf 111.,. h11 111 • 1i1 b w11l1 h· C:11rh101 trn•ll they plny.-.s with the t'<I the 1ra111NI fl"l'I"''"' i;o thro111Ch othr r boys whf\ \\'t'nl nc>1 lh ""the th .. 1r rnullrw" "'"' ,.,., rn••n tun'<:! lx•yr. • •ub bu. ... slopping dt San by th" rnarin••l11n•I l'•••tro for lhrt't' blUlkNlmll i:.1111e!< TllOl :-00 • .\~l) ... 0 ...... ,... . "nll lhen ll><•k Ill lhl' famOWI Th1·\ \\1<hh•"I th1·111 f••od tlu \l:irrni•Jnml thou•1U1d.-Col fl~h Ii\' ltRn•I fll l hr ~.AKJ~O TRll' bultom or t h" pool 111•·~· i<n\\ I Thru;c making lhc l rlp w1•re: 1(1Rnl 11ru lurl t.·11 litk•' " !lquld Pel H1'lmholz, Dick Gn•rn. C~hlp riithl out of ttw lfil i•r'11 h11ml und I Wille\', Tom Mar 1<1111111, Hob Slc- ""'alchrd with ol11rm 11s t n·m<'nduus rn11nta n1~·11 1111r11>11llw•I th•· di1·N g«'I. Jim M<"Mllhnn, \\':oyn1• C '<m· Wrlh 11ppalf•nl ho~llht \' hllt Wl'ff' nt'll. Slt.'\'l' Hobln!IOn, I •ill't r1•1'('%, r .. nflt'<I off IJ\' 11• ttll'ol 110 .. 111 U1ll 1"'-lill. I >lt'k B11lltrwnr1h, John After ff't'dlnic lht'\' 11aw awa I lfo~hetc. Ron .Palaferr1, Ru111wll hnr ~<>s, pt P" lll•h. df'a•ll 1· "''18 irnd I tto11p. F'rt'•I llkCu \ nrn, IJanny llll~ll m·tor11~ Tl•o. l h•' li?Olly Arnold, enrl Glenn I :a rolner <'O IOrf'ol II·• 1111 ,, "'II' ( l~h ... f'I • In· A l..o Key Flf'f'l111111. ( :l'llC Brynn I, tere1ttni: "" \o\ 1•r~ the 11111ny Otlll t:hetlt'lt ·rR ylor, 1·1,, 111111 Anken~ llhaJ>fl1 cr<'et11re11 nf lh(' tlct'p Jim ,fl'Wrll, .fern· l.i<"r••nre. l:Rry which 11turk thr1r nu-.·~ up to thl' Pickens, Doug M1llrr, Ken Soares. rie"1nK rnn"• Jl'rrv liehn an•I KC'nnrlh B111 ks. Jl"ST A UTTU; ~IORt: SOW coaxes Corliss. wher~ : Ufl()n Frank would submerge and come up again-a lit· tic higher and if he didn't get t he bnll he would go down and come up again for it. Porpoises are mammals and ~ natural 'Rir fo r bt"t':tthing. The hole in the top of lhe h«>::itl of F'r:m k lt1een in this picture) )i11 the air Intake pipe. I , FUTURE FARMER8 OOMPErE AT OOAST-Partici- pating in the first annual agricult1,1re field day at Orange _ Coas! Coll~ge last w~ were Fut~ F~el'9 Jrom !'iew- port Harbor area. Contests were held in beef, aheep and poultry judging and in feed and horticulture iden- tific.ation. Representing Newport Harbor Union High School wen-, first row (L to R), Arthur Leers, Paul Mantz Jr .. Howard King, Gary Barker, Gary Cate, John Arnold, Jim Williams, Roger Peterson, Carl Stephen, Wallace Pinkley, Larry Scruggs, Woodford Royce, Mil- ton Lahey, John McCluskey, Don Williams and Bill Mad- . ison. Second row, Bernard Burton, Frank Brue, Beu-_ yrel Whitehead, Richard Gould, Don Meredith, Dick Bailey, Gary Wilson, Bob Baxter, Chris Garcia, Jerry P,elerson, Ron Miller, Paul Tamura, Jerry Shafer, Dan Dethlefsen and Roger George. Third row, Don Hender- son, Bill Trusty, Sven Pretorius, Jerry Hilliard, Ron Christensen, Bob Newland, John Haas, Jerry Berg, Bar- ney Martin and Ruben Perez. NEWPORT HARBOR FARMERS SCORE IN OCC FIELD DAY Loc~I Studen~ Compete. with 150 County High School Youths .More than 160 agriculture alu- tlcnts from Orange County high school11 participated in the fil'Bl annual Future Farmer• Field Day held IMl week al Orange Cout Collegt•. Studenta from eight high 11choola convenPd at the beef hlll!ba.nt.lry area al Ornni:e Coast Collt'ge at 2 p.m. Judging contest11 were held, with Orang l.' Coast College 11tu- dt'nl11 superv111lng In beer, poullr)' and 11heep and 111 feed ldffltlfic~ lion ant.I plan t. ldenU!lcaUon., N t;wpoar POINT8 Hrgh l!<'oring honor11 obt!Llned by 1·omp11tlng the total of !!<'Orea for the given cnntests went to Mel Shepard, Anshcmi. with 372 points. Srcond wu J ohn Mackey or .Anaheim with 328 points llnd third, Rudy Marllnez. Tustin, 32'4 po1nlll . Next In order were Denny Brown!irld, Ana.helm, 323; Frank Bra.ze, Newport IJ(>och. 313; Jerry Hilliard, Nrwport 8 ('ath, 304; J o.mes Scott, Garden Crow 299; Chrl11 Carcia, Newport Beact;, :11n : Wa.llaC•' Plnkislcy, Newrort Beach, 293 end John Koerpen, Anahr1m, W1lh 292, , In (eo-U ld1:ntiflr:allon . .JJie con- teal wu won by J im Bilbulon ot Fullerton. Other ribbon winners werl' Don Smosl, Fullerton, Bill Schelll'nbnrgcr. Garden Orovt'; Richard HR.Xl1Jn. Ji'ullerton . JC'rry HIUlart.I, Nl•wporl Harbor: J im \\'1JUam11, Newport H&rbor: Robi!rt Ni~llen. Fullerton: Bob Nrwllu11J. Nev.rport H11rbor; Cruz Lopez, Tu~ Un; l>on Koebr1ck, Anaheim. l.SDl\'Wl'AL RDffLT ti Richard J onu, Fullerton: Don Le Grand, Carden Grove; John Ar- nott.I. Newport Harbor; Cal Seep- tens Newport Harbor; Pat Beard, Vele0ncia. ln the horlicullure cont.eat, lb• order ot finish wu: Beverly Row· en, Tustin: Roger George, N-- porl Harbor; Fred Creeper, Ana~ helm; Denny Browntield, Ana- heim; Nanch Andel'80n, Fullertoo; Rulh A nn Cncley, ni.un; Joe Lawrence. Tuslin: Don Koebrlc:A, Anaheim; Bill Hueatng-. Garden Crovt>; Ruth Parnell, Tuatin. ' POULTRY TIE Twenty-seven BlUdenta Ued for fi rst ln the poultry judpng con- te11t. These were : Ron Chriat.enaen. Newport Hsrbor, em· Carmer, Fullerton: Roger Georre, Newport HarbOr:"Ron MIUer, Newport Har- bor; Robert Partridge, Carden Grove: Robert Low, CUden Grove; WllUs Metu, Fullerton: Cheater Sta.hr, Canlen Grove; Fred Van WaJJlnga, Garden Grove: J ohn Mc- Clusky, Nt•WJXlrl Harbor. J im Hartling. Placentia ; Wayne H080Ck. Carden Grove: Howard Carter Fullerton; MiUauel Pen')', Orang~; Jobn Koepper, Anaheim; Robert Kelly, Or~e: Jltn Her- mand, Ana.helm; Don Culat, ~­ lerton: Carry C.te, Newport Har- oor: ChriM Ca.rcla, N•wporl Har- bor; Don Le Grand, O&rden Grove; Klchard Pike, Anaheim; Chuck Menley, An1thelm: Kittle Johnaon, Garden Grove. Mike Davenport., Orange: Frank Brau, Newport Harbor: John Mukey, Anaheim. CA~l18 TOUR The. Ix-et <'&llle juJgmg conleal N'!!Ulted 111 " lie for the followtnK: Following th~ contest., student.a Harry BurkH. Vlllencla: Bruce hod an opportunity lo lOur the 1&0 J iH'O, OrMgP: Rudy Mulln, Tus-acre college !arm and view arrt- Un . Dale warnrr. Tustin, u rm r ulture t11cUiUe11 includinr tha Mrridrlh. Nt.'wporl Harbvr . Cburk beef rerdlng unit, t he feed mUl, Mendie)'. Anaheim: Arthur Lel'Lll, poullry C~<'& and brooder unllll, Ne\o\'port Harhor; JM E."QU•'<l11, Or-l\lso the gll!.MhoUM and lath houlle an~r. Jame11 Slanl'bury, Tustin; for horlJculture. Pele Peter1<on. N••w1.ort H11 rbor, ------------- &ntl Mar~httJI Goblt', F11llPrt<1n . . Thr 11hPcp jurli.:Lng ...-onlr~t r.1~0 Thayer Cover Gone found lhl' folln" Ing >1turlenl11 t1td !or flr3l . Kur h J11hn511n , Ga rden Mrs. Fielding Thayer of 322 la- Gr9w , F rit r k Brnz.•. Nrwrort I land Ave. told police Tueed&y a e&r Harll<ir, JAmes Sroll. Garden covrr WM l!lken from her car Crovt-, Wal~r Pmkley. ~ewport perked In front ot her home. Sbe Herhnr. Jim C'rt>ech. arangr: l'Rl•I the 1u1dl"Cll8 wu on the cove~. T C D l1•atl 1;1:1 t h•• clrw.:k "howed twn min· ar ees rop I lltC'll n( ~l~~;·:~~ND Cl G Th•· llttl<' T11ra 8\lddenly got hot Ose ame to A.'< the\' trrtl the-11Core with but 4f• 11••c n.n1ls or ploy remaJning when John Hrnrntin 11cortd with a hook O•i•ers 35 31 iohul from lhe }cey. With the acore ~ • t1 ... 1 nl 31-:U In the !11181 second& the Oiler11 J on Thornton 11ud~nly Led by Jlin Thomton. I he Hunt-1·nught fire 11.noJ dropped In two lngton Hr1u•h Of1rrs defrelrd N••w· mAt'k!'rs to eod the gan1e. rnrt J.i11rhnr :J!'!-31 In the ll•>~lnit John Henrnlln W&A lop. man tor ~ecuntl~ nr thf' Sllnl'l't V R.JtllP f't P I hi' t'ars •• he dropped In 12 0Jl"nl'r. pointi< Rich rl\Jafcrrl WU 99COnit The Tsr Ceu irtartw with highest Ts r scorer wtlh elgbt r\'1·rythlni; they had llll lhty J'lOP-porn~. ralalerrl'a eight polnlll pt'<I Jn 111x pnmts In the !trst min· were all llCared In the firat quu- utC' or pl11y. They Intercepted pue-lfr when he waa ext~ly hot C'ft, hlockt'd Ahota arrd ~abbed re-and 8Cored en ruur Jump ahot.a. bound.!! ru1 they aco~ point alter Rieb Morale1 aco~d. aevm polnta. polnL They plllyed ha.rd ball ln lhe Bob Hendenhot two &ad BUI first quarter and took on a 14-4 Hay .. two. · lt'ad. · For Hununrton' Buch It wu Oll.ER.8 GF.T HOT Jon Thornton wbo produced Qe In the 1econd quarter Uie OU· I top acoring effort. He llCor.d IO e rs npen~ up. both be'°"lt, nar-point• and waa the marstn at Ylo- rowl~ the Tar·• lead to but. ~ ll>r:y for t.he Ollera. .l'ollowlq ponnta Ill the 'half. 'Ibe Olien Thomton waa DaYe WhJte wtt.b tcorcd 12 polnt11 ln the -.:ond per-e'«'ht polnlll, L.ynell 1'aupehl lod aa the Tani acored only fin tour polnlll and Moato;,a.aad WU point.a. llama with two polnta aad on• The third penod wu very c1oM point raepecUnly. u the Tan wer. &fain out-~red. ni. UttJe Tan play u.elr·nul The Ollerw acor«l anen.polnta and the Tan l t'Orf'd 11tx polnta. In the ,..me &falMt J!'\lu.rton tmmedl tinlll rcriod thl' Olln• acored fut att'ly afler t.be S.. ram• bere to· And early. They had a four-potnt 1 morrow, An eitenalon of ltlh Ill. u a a new street, Warren Drive, are belnr coutructed in the aubdlvt-tion. UPHOLD HONOR 3 Harbor Boys te-Clm,ete-in County Exam~ 'Ibree Newport Harbor Union High Scbciol boy1 will represent the 1chool Thureday Jan. 27 In two conteet. 1ponaored by the Santa Ana Collt're Chapter of California Younr Farmers, Robert Perrin, a('rlculture teacher an- nounced. 1. Check J'.9'lr-~ ud ta..ke It extra .... , when ap- proachlnl curvea and lnter<iectlona or when dr1111n1 In toe or wet w .. ther. I. At' nla'ht, drive at a •P"d which wW allow you to to atop within tti. nnr• ot your car headUfht.. 1-Be alert tor unexpected mt\/M by other dr111t'r• and pt-· deatrt&na. 4. 8tay well belllnd th• car you ue fol1owtn1. Allow extra dUtance when the pavement la wet -or allppery. 11. Obey all ..t.ra.tflc na1-. alma and alpala. t . When JOU an Ured or lnatt.entlve, atop and reat awhile. John Amok! a.nd Don Mered.Ith s L B d will compete In the co-operatlYe par.e OUI . qui• acaJnat. othertdp-.chool "P- reMnt&U\/t'e In lhe county. The ov· er by Dodge pair reoenUy WOii the c.hapter Other play,.., with rood floor p.mea rate u follmn : BiU Wet• ul. 89: J:ddlt. Po~. 69\w; Larry Rari>er. 62; Prank Navarro. 43. , and Paul LorentMn, 4211. Second to Neumann In the acor- ini:-race la Denny Fll&palr1ck wlU. 122 dtr lta. The rundown on team ecorlnr looka Ilk~· thla: WetMI, 88; Loreat&ell, 72 : Pope, 116;-·ffllri>er 37, Navarro '38. Coaile talhrd 21 point• ln 10 'ramu. Schullt, 3S l.n 9 a11d Sedan, I In t fray •. 'lp'r1ttcn aa.mlnatlon on co-op man- acement. on Heroin Rap Dodge held him lo an•wrr lo au,. 8Pltl'£H OO:SU.T erior Court Tuceday followtnc a Jamea Bath will reprraent the Don Thom .. Sparke, 25. of Long preliminary t11al. school In the annual public ·~•k-Beach, ont' of four persons recent-Sparke waa arr<'11ll'll at 11un polnl Inc contest. Winner• of the coun-ly arre11tt'd on heroin· ch11rgu by when he c1une to lhr hnme oC Mr. ty cont.eat wtll compete on • re-Newport police, will face Superior a nd Mn. Arehle Horv•th or 111 1 Jionlll l~el with t hoae wlnnera Court arraignment tomo rr o w. Fullerton A11e .. alM ar1·Hted. He (Olng ?n to lltate and national I He 111 <'harged with IUeraJ po11-la in Oran~e County }llrl under compeUUon, Perrin aald. wulon ot heroln. Judge Donald J 1 $5000 bait COMPAR .E • • • WE INVITE • ----... -·----..---___ .,. __ .... ___ _ comparison of the Newport Harbor News -Pren with any and all newspapers circu- lated in the Harbor area, and you will find the "News -Press" COMPLETE Yes, complete in every Cfetail. Local News, well written .and reported fairly and im· partially by our editorial staff, all residents of this community. · THE FINEST PICTURE COVERAGE Pages replete wfth interesting pictures of local happenin9s, whether lt be an ecci· dent or • wedding, or pNhaps e Feature page of the local ball club in action. REPRESENT ATIV -E ADVERTISING The columns of the "News· Press'' carry the advertising message of representative merchants throughout the area, both in classified and display. You will went to check these advertisements for values on ell commodities. EDITORIALS Every issue of the Newport Harbor News. Pren carries en Editorial page which deals with both local end National issues. Editorials expressin9 hopes for the future, com- menting upon the problems of the present, and endeavoring to offer a solution. YES WE DO INVITE COMPAR.JSON BECAUSE ••• After YOll check page by page with AU. other newspapers clrculatlftCJ In the area, Y" wHI want to subscribe promptly to the complete newspaper, the IEST newspa,., In the entire area. Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of each week pays for one year's subscription which brings both papers . (Monday & Thursday) to you by m•il. Pleaee enter my .aMertpUola to the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRF.SS lt>r Olle\.J..,.. 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