HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-24 - Newport Balboa PressAl~lunga Bou·ght .BY S. D. Meli! Big Luxury Sportsfishing Ctaft Brings SS0.000 ~ S11m· Orange County'~ largest .port.fishing vessel out of Newport Harbor over the week end f or a new h om e betth at San Diego. The luxurious 65-ft. Alalunga has been I 110ld by J. S. Barrett, o wne r of PQrt Orange, t o Lyman M c -I Donald and James He rvey o f the far sout h porf'. The ateel·hulled ve&MI la pow-hu been col\Jlldered the la11t word ered with (1ant dleaela which ln 11port11!111hlng veaaels. Her apa. b&ve carried her~ tar to aea In March ot tiny denluna, Tiy• cra rt reportedly netted S!)-0,000 to Bar- ret t tn lhe aale which waa con. •um&led F riday. Rftlllon for the ale, according to Barrett., haa been th• abllence of flah In 11ut- f lclent qua.ntlUes during the put few -aona to warrant running the premium ve311el. BuUt In J&-46 and llcens<•d to ' Garry 125 pueengera, the Alalunga cloua declta have brought Into Newport Harber tona of a lbarore, sea bau, barracuda a.nd other sport.a fl.sh of the deep. Berrett wlU maintain hill 111ze- able fleet Clt oth ... r vell&'ls on the seasonal run out of Port Orange anti has ju!lt · a cquired anothN' 100 (eel ot highway property on the Inland aid• of the Co1.111t High· I way opposite h la 16.!ldlng. Tire m•w property will be 1ncorporutrd into the Port Orange parking lot. County Officials for Tax Hike Bank, ··Reasons Give at Meet By PHYLLIS J. JACKSON Five hundred F r eedom )fomes residents r allied at a mus m eeting Friday night to fonn a Fact F ind ing C om· mittee in the face of tax fact.B p resented t o t hem by r cpre· eentativea o f the Bank o f · Ame r ica. R e pu blic H o mes, t ax aueuor'a o ffice and othe r count y o fficials. The m eeUnf W U led by V. Ji), -------------- MacCarter, 9,30 Dogwood St. who charte<l the rep re11entat1vea w ith double talk and exceea taxation and apurt'ed the audience on with. talk or lei:al action. Tars Sink Saints 69-2' 4 7th YEAR -NUMBER 72 Walker Enters Council Race, Opposes Smith Sch«d1~eJ to rll·· h111 nomlnatm..: popns ror N l•w port Besd1 Cll ,. Cound l race tuday wl\s Lcwla 0 Walkrr, Corona del Mnr real e"· late brt1ker. He will run from Dis· t rrc t 6, an which Councilman An· drew w . Smith ru10ea. Lee Wild· rr lt!110 will run tor counc.U trom this district. A rP81denl or <118 Cab rillo S t • E. A. "Bud" Raul&lon, project man•l'l'r of t-'reedom Homl'll, aaJd he d1J not know whether t hl.' 11oup bad ' JUl!t cauM of co111· Making It clrar lhe H unUn.,t1•n Walker has lrvtd hi.'rc aim:e 19H, pl.alnl. "Jn my opinion," he began, Bead \ Oilerli l!till have a fight durini: whl<'h tlrnP he hu engai;Pd •·you heve talked likl' a bunch or 1 on thi•rr hands ror the Sunset 1,..,,. mainly In lhe rNtl utate bu111ocs11. By ~CKf;Y HASK.t:U.. guinea hen•. You have lletened rn k 1 C J 1 Wa lker N hl he th1nk11 t he clly thl• M lgh}><>r and that . Wl!Rther gue bu elba I title, oach u ci; Y0\4 have JU3t caUAe, l do not Ga11e'11 Tur quintet unmHclrully can use n•'W bloo<.1 on the c.1unc1I k.now." 1ll!'lmem~red Santa Ana's S1t1nl whrch will be rxpanded to 91'V•'n BA818 t~oa A&Ol ~l lENT fi ve h!'re Friday ni~hl, 61l·29. ll mrmlx'rs rn the Murch 15 elerllon. H 4! upla1ned the tu . rate for wa!'I the Siu lor 8 !lel'OnJ convlm 111~ "l .ha\'e no BXl'S to gr Ind," Walker .... I ... 19~3 "'·I loop t riumph alnre ilrnpplng the l l>f>4·.,., was eaa u1an for ., • .,. . 11tuJ, ·nor Jv J he\,. uny pre-t111t· h I r or•·n• r lo the 01l•·r·i<. but t hat l e IUll!eSM'd va U1ttron ° c1•1\•ed plRn" ur how the city shuuld the properties w8a raised. He 881\l High 8('0re homm• werl' tal1r:i tht> mo 1ncre1U1e of 8~1u'Kllt'd vnl· by P t1ul Nrumann or the Tnr!I, 1.111 be nrn but I a m open mlnJ .. <l u1&tlon.homr11 was the baals It was a n1ghl for evrryone w1,11r, nncl wlllinic to llllten ancl work ror ar . Ing ttir Blut'a of H111 bor HlJl'h t " for thr beNl lnlercs~ lhe clly "You re P''Ylng 19M ·~~ t&xe11 star. fo'otlnwing !\'eunutnn wen• i::.:. 3:! a wh(Jle .. or 301., ~r Ct•nl on the \'lliU8t10n," dh• l'ttpe 1U1\.I Ot.'nn1 s FiLZpA,lr•l'I< Chmng a pnrt of World Wu IL Raulaton aahl, "a11J In 19r1:t-M you with I l 1hg1ts 1•ach. Llltll' Fr .rnk W11lker ll'D!I with the Under Sec· .,..,,,." paying 20 per ct"nt M't by t he Na1,:arr<> t11il11'd 6 pomts uml C.:•·n-r eta ry or 'W111· nrrl<'c In Washing· counly aN1r&A01» ll'r Bill \\'etz1•I 8. ~c11rtnJ? s11b~L1· Ion, 0, (;. Latl'r ht' ~rvcd a11 a bat· "If yuu wa nt aoml!'body to rt11111," tutr11 wt•rc Paul V H t'nlz<•n. :i, lAlion c·omm11n1l•·r with t.he 8 1U1tn hi' ninllnul'd. "cu• the 1·ounty A>'· G<'urize St•hmtt. 6· LAI ry Harp''' Anita nr•lnirn• e btur. He senP 1 ~!!90ra, but l rwrsonally bPlle•·e 4, and St•nny C-oanr. I. s i< a r;imp <"omm11n1J.>r, •a1>e ht''\t1· lhsy are cor~l " I Exlttmely hut In lhf' f1N(l q1111rt· q1u111er8, Outrh Ea"t Jnd1es, ,, .. Raultton tCllJ tlrr authcnl'c thl'll tr , the Ta ra ran UI' R 'l'lll'k 2•1·6 t 111 n111jl" tn 1 hr Statt•"I wt th lh,, tax rate 111 r111r «""'f'AN'd lo the 1 r11mmitn1hng lead "'''r thP Sn1 r>t ~., 1:.nk of m11j 11r 1111 the war 1 ndc•I ovrr&ll South.-rn C'1thfo1nls pu·· This m1H1nn ~wPllt>d to :li ·l :I at l,<•rs llv, h<' rs a m"mber or!'\•\•'· lUrt. "J have not found 11nythl:lJ: I h8 h1tl!. 81tnla An.1 WB'< nPver 111 purl Ha01 bor l...od,£e or F:lkll, :>:o unjllal." ht 1·nnd11dr.1. the rr11y. I id7 And thf' Balboa Bay Lum~ BASK t:Xl'l..ASATIOS Thi' Ca~e J:U)s tanJ:le with W• 111< l'luh He ls marnt'll. An expl1tn&tlOn r11r the 81!11ltinn-l 0 t h I l " h Jl1~ er rnn,.:e on .e nva rnur I .-.1,.:ning 1~ no'l1 rn alrng papers al tu coll rct1on bl>tns madr by at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Fl hlAy n111-.1t wpr .,. Elmer H. La Lanne. Jami's the Bank or Aml"rlra for tht' l!l~I · thr 81Ulnrl! n•turn hnml!' In an l'f· 1 G. Chinn, Mrs. Ja<"quehne F. Trcb- 65 period JU-'t p&Ai<t'•I Yo-..~ msde hy fort to qui II the conlt'nJ.nir AM· Ir)'. J ohn \\", Crlsrleld. Mrs. Ada M. C. Norman, v1C't'·prr11ld .. nl M· he1m Colonist~. who 11lmn:1t km d<· M. Crow. C'. L BAitz, Edward Rua· (CoatlaUf'd oa .... ,. 5) rd over the Oller!! N'<"t'nlly. !!t'll an•I !'\ryrl Havena. -· MARINERS BANK CONTRACT A WARDED Con tract fo r lhf' rem odeling of Mn r inertt B ank in Mar int r'11 Mile on Coast H ig hwa y waa awarded Frida y t o A ust in Sturtevant with con stn1c t ion ge tting u ndcrwny to - day. K arl Lynn Q a vis , center and J o hn Boyd. right, co.foun d('r!:'I and o ffic<'rs of th e bank, maJce the preecntation to S t ur t<'vant. The c ontrac tor 11nid b e h oped t o com plc-te remodeling by the early part of April to e nable the bank t o open the latt<.'r part o r April o r first or May. The contra ct will a m ount t o S30,000, the m <'n said.~ta ff P h o t o ... HARBOR PRESS ' "" ... ~. t v.-raateed ~Uvery ot Ult Newport Harbor Newa-Pru a la ,uar- anttied. AU ar.&a ot UM Com• IY\WU tY are rapidly belnS placed on carrtn deliYery. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ'OllNIA. MONDAY, JANUARY 2~. 19M Pboa.e Harbor 1818 FIVE CENTS , Oarrter boya wW cMUwr t.belr papera before t p.m. oa Moa· day and Tbu~. Jr your p&pt'r la not <kllvered by that hour plraH call Harbor Hlt anJ a .peclal route man will lJnmedlatl'ly rt a po ad wtt.ll your ('opy of )"Ollr Ntwpaft Harbur Newa-Preea. C·ARRIER COMING! Free Riles Sfated for High School. OCC . Youths ~ab 2 Gunmen OIL CONTRACT CHANGE ~~ro=~~Ju":~:.~,~ SUGGESTIONS . SLATED ~. 7 CANDIDATES IN RACE FOR COUNCIL St'vf'n c·11nd1datca h1w c 111 ... 1 fur city ro11ncll • l!'rt1n11 ~fa1<0h t~ u or 1 p.t11. to<lay. Biggest Mesa Annexation H~aring Due ot the Cu.h!ornia Highway P atrol, Deputy Sher lfC'a and Newport Bea ch, laal nl&'ht were two AWOL Camp Pendleton Martnu cha rred wi th armed robbef'7 and kidnapp- ing. Jama A. ~ uid Bonnk Ty- ler, both 18, and bot.It OYtrleaft from Camp Pendleton. were ar- rested by Newport Beach police OfClcera Don MuMOD and Ric.bard Heinecke who captl.lnd them on Cout Blvd., where they we re lll&ked out. When aea.rched by Of· fleer Munaon .nd Highway Pa- trol Sgt. Burnett Gane the men were found. to b&ve a run .and brau knacklea. Routine Operation Methods to Council at Tonight's Up Meet Tht'y ate <.:ounl'll111an Slim: Annl'xallon for approxlmnt,.ly 2 11quare mUea of land bearing "" u seaaed valuation or Sl,bOO.v'rO Icy HIJ•lt•rhuf w ho f11"1I his nun1111ollng pape r s F1 ld<1y, , <.:011nc1l111t1.11 G .. ralJ li<-nnl'lt, J11m1•11 U Sto.ldllr<I, C. A. Hlg• b1e, I.toe \\'ll,le r, SA.II-* Mac· Reco mmendation to a c c ept c hanges in the Elliott Oil m•y be detrrmlnl'd durlntr • JJnlJ· Co C 1':t.\' on.! l~v.-111 \\'tolkl'r Ut ht!r lie hearlll• .._ lh• ,.. __ ,_ Ma • ntra ct betw een the it y of Ne w po rt Reach and Mo nte rey · ., w7 ~ """-r>• O U Co. will be m ade lo city council t onight by C ity Atlor n<'v c1rnt11d1th•» 111,• In the r1rld City Council In Nl!'wport J u .. 111 .. Karl Lynri D avis , Dudley H ughC'6, cit y oil consult ant and with n111111nlttrn.: papl'rs. ~~~'~· 8tsrtlng a t 7:30 rm. t"· City Man.a g e r J ohn Sailo rs. I It the annl'xaUon I• a pprovf'd by Th.e thrrl'. together with Emu t the Wl'lls 1<t11l h" f11 1•lm 1n1: nt , ,... Oil LOOKS UP thl' eounc1l. It w111 go In to effect Pylu of Monterey 011 Co. anol U1e p1ratlnn •hH .. \'"' 1f't11rnr1I, lhrnugh crty ordln11n<'l'. counr ll ml'l Friday rn an a ll·dll\' T!rn1 IHIJ11•l111 .. nl Yon~ mn•IP t• N F• Id 8Cl!l!lOn to bring a bout t.hl' ch.anges. make Ufl ,,,. th!' 1111.t l1111r 1 l•J II ewport 1e l't:TITIOS 810SER8 B11~1cally, the change permits May 31. 1111~1 -..h,,n the 1,0.i, '"' The hra rlnJr was ca lled by lh• Monterry to proceed with rCJuti.1r l:O\"• rnmt•nl tm•l nllKr k,·oJ 11 J,. L k B It rounrll upon rttlept of a peUllon The duo uaertedl:y admitted to oil d rllhn1t dt'Cl11lon11 anJ methOll• IRnd" llrllhni:. ~loppmg All •• , •. ,I 00 s e er a11\· .. •·1111ni:-thr snnnallon which pohce holding up four t&xlca b wit hout r1nit seeking the &d\11"e M , l11m ... 11nt•I 1 'r •'~I 1·nL Jo:u11 nh"\', r was 1>t~1wd by two property own· drivers and kldllapplnJ' them at the city, rl'qulred under t h .. pre· 91Ji1:11"•1 lhr T1itrlan·I~ Art Ill 1•1 .• ,: to Monterey rr.• rn the a rf'a rrr ruentlnr Onf'• J1:Unpolnt. Only Orie oC lhe allck-Mnt ron tr11ct. The original "''"' rcl111 nrn1e t1J1>h.rnds to lh\' 11t.1tr1<. rr.ur th o' thr .ll1nd Involved. MIRO· up.,, tht>y Hjd, occurred In Orange tr11ct signed In ]943 wu patt.t111ed :>USl~fl·~ c·o~TROl~'4 lni: th» 1wt1tlon In favor of th• County. Jt wu their Jut. llflrr a Lon,.: ~ach cont rarl, U.l. Th·· pro\'1,..1on or lh<' oloJ i·11n11 lll'l F:rn··~l l 'ylr11. Mt1ntt>r• y 011. (',, lf11l1'l I Nil snnl"x8tlnn wtore th• Hermon Lee Bra.narord, :1:5, Long flrBL Udela.ntls oil contract In :i:s· wher' by thf' cul co111p11ny w111< "" l"l\11 t1t11·1' ~·r 11l11y 1t•p••r ll•d :'\1'\q :-011 l 111.i .. < ·,.mp11ny <•f Cia rdf'n Grove Beach, told Sherltr's deputlea he t lln•I Ornnor Cc111st Colleire ory. qmr<'ol t•> i.;l"" thr • 1tv 48 h• 111 > :'\o. 6 1~ hr 1r1i.;1111: 111 200 1>11r1 1·I~ 11 " " • picked up two Marine& at t he SO CITY HAZA RD~ • nntit ,. b· 1111 c runnlll~ ca.mi: Ir 11 In an rvhl<'nl l"Xprr&11on or oon-Creyhound bua station, 426 Flnt !lay wh1t h will t111·1< ""~ th!' t1ty':1 u H 11-..evcr, In t he Loni: Bes c h w1•ll amt thr t'llY 111111 2•1 1Hl1J111 •. n:11 rltllnl",. t h11l lh•' 11.nneuUon wl St., Long B~ch, a bout 8:23 p.m. cait<'. lh<' city ws11 the dt'vch1p\•t he>111 ~ tri i:1va i111 drc1~1·m, wa~ nw nthly O)I '""'''"" ttl•11111x1n111t••I,\ ICCJ • hr<J111:h. thf' II ale Ctimriany has He said the "c1111tomera" Uk«! and Lonie Beach Oil Ot'velopnw nt j al,o<o rhanJt••tJ. l'nil•'r th!' """' 1,..... S t8fln tn $ lllull. It IN l"XJ«'•'t<·•I t •tn I 11111 11oly ~1111 t1•11 ll••vr lopmen t or t.he him to drive lo Seal Beach and Co. w1111 restrained by tht• city tn fl''""' rhan~r. th•' 1111 rompan\' I• nil lnr11111r tor J.1n11.,1v wlll n,. ,,• 740·111 1r llfllrtreHt ari-11. Enirln,er- th<'n directed hlm tn the aeal rarry out the> <"lty's fMlni!'.lton,., I , . .,011 .,llP•t hv minimum Al'I •1 ... ,.1. lt'll•l $:!~.no, 1 ·~t··• ,. .. 1.i. w 1111 th•' 1ni:-work h11,. t'tnrt,..•I on the Hale Bt'a<'h net dPpot. Whrn he reach· Jn the Newport Bearh Bltuat l••n. fl•"•'"'"" w1111• n into thr •'onrrn• 1 ••It wrll• r1 ,,.11; •• ,n>( • .i ... ut ;,.liJ 1.,.1 · 11 "1111111•111) '11 I i6·nr re portion ot th• Pd a 1<pnt on Loa Patoa Roa d, Montert'y and Humbolt Oil Co a r. I 111 .. 11nH'n•l•"I 1•11nt1 .nl ··11nt1n1lf'.• '"'" I" r day. I pruJ•' 1 about 400 (et't f'Q.St or Hlr;hway the developns with the city ll:iZ· to rnn11 .. 1 th•· r1>mp11ny by "'lltl·n (Jpllml•lll Ill 11 ... fllllll i' nC ""' ono:tt l'ROPERTl' IOI• BranA!ord l!ald the •ua~ta a rdln1t no money. I ,., .• 1111 11011~ llnd ,11 1111n,_ 1111111,1. :-., ..... t•111 t 1:1••" h , 11 t I• l•I -.. .;1 , ~·I 01 hrr lnn•I tndllfl<'d In the M• ma~c lhl'ir play. Undt'r the "Act of God" claui:,~ 1 Unn11. The l'lty And r•·prP,rnt&ll\'• •1 fl'' "'""I It~ I'\ It·• · \\" h·•\'" '"' n"X1•t 1•·11 01"" 1~ "wncd by Mf'I• PRODl"Ct:D GUN In the contra('t, exp1rat1nn datl.' or rrnm !'it11n1!.11 1I Oil 11n•I M.,n, .. 1,: Crom f1n1 h•••• "'Ir , "CJ'l •tHI• 1_. •Ii ''"<"• l•m1h1ni r>onalt1 and M"r• One or the Ma nne shoved a gun the cont ract wa11 extt>nt1t<I rrnrn 'Oil \\'111 tw prP>1•'nt r .. r m .rill.',. I Yo nr k · ,,,, •·ll•t · .m•I NJ• h "• 11 trn ~1< t 'hnl '" h ~r..:er11lrom Bro• .. at Bransford and told him lo "r et Fl'b. 3, 19e2 to J an. U , J9il. Th•· 111\'<'ntou rs and wh•·n tthip1n1 nt• 11( Yo 1• .11 Ill ... ,, .._, t 111111• mf,.r 111.,11 •II ~~I• .•n"r i-n•.1tlw• '"I Stephen On· out of the c&b. ~t ln t.he back condition that the conu acl we.uh.I t11nks or 011 arr med" Th" rlly \\ ,. 111,. , n; 1111rni..I' I \'C'I y 11,.11 h ~"1 l'r nr1o 1~ I 'hir k, Fntnk P. Bor· (Collllaued -P..-e I ) run an addlUon&l 10 years should has a mark~lmi; ai:r,. .. mrnl Yo 1th b\' 1 h1· "l•t•lh nt1• n "' 1h•11111 1•• < hnr•I anol G··nri:,. A. Capron. -----------------------------Stanrla1d 0 11 lln•I th•· Pl••lth lltlfl mnhorl• ""•I •II \\'11lt•n 1•ro•tr,t• from any or Mantz Burglary Suspects Bound Over by Judge Five bur1?18 ry auspecu , thret" qt whom sdm1tted taking guna 11.nd Jewels Crom the Paul Manl&' home, BBlboa lslan<l, May 11, 1952, have been boun d over to Superior Court. Tbty a re 11chcduled lo appear In Departrnt-nt. 5 at U:30 a.m. F1·1d11y to answer the r h•r(<'9. Appl'aring before J udge Donald J. Dodge In Newport J ustice court for prellm ln111 y h .. arlnr on the cha rges F riday were twtna Thomu and J erry Han11en, bot.h 13, of Pia· I centla. formerly of Newport Bfo•ch . Waiving prellmln11ry hea ring were Lloyd Ah'tn Phllllp11, 33, Bru . Rlcham AJbert Duran, 19, Fuller· ton, IUld Charlea Frl'd,.r1ck Printz, 23, Brra. Phillips dm 1ed a charr e of rf'rrlvernit 1tolrn 1tnod•. while Dura.n report~dly admitted lh! count. ~ w~re a ll held to an!M'er the burg,lary and rf'celvlng stole:i prClpcrty chargrs In Superior Court by Judge Dodi?"· Bail wu cont.nu· "d a l .SJ()()() •A<'h. West Newport Meet Reg-ular monthly ml'l!'llnr uf WPst Xewport Improvement /U· l'Oclatlon will be held a t a p.rn,. Thurllday ln ell.)' hall. It waa u - nounc~ today by Arthur B. Cu• b!tge, i'rl'aldent. Among problems to be rll!IC'UMed an park problem.a, he uJcl. HARBOR WEATHER Orange County wuther fore· cast- Soma h l1h cloudlne&11 •t()(lay throuch Ttlellday but mostly sunny day11. Night and early mornme, fog nC'ar coast. Little ch11nice in l1>mperatur e11. H igh tod11y m·11r GJ. Newport Beach-Mostly sunny t()(Jay. High tem~r11tute near 6J ~ater temperature b6. Temperatul'M tlle s-at "-eell lD Ute Harbor r.ree "'ere: R.l~fl Tul"i.ci&y, .Ian. 18 _ ..... M WedJtl'llClay, .11111. II -·-··· ~ Thunwl&y, ...ian. 20 ........ :n t'rWay , .1-. %1 .• _,,_,_ H fi'&t.urday, l u . U -··· IO Mollclay, l ea. U ...... -IO )lnncl&y, .laa. H _, ....... -M Low 49 u 4'.? Lalhom Pleads Guilty on Dope, Asks Probation SANTA ANA (OC!':Sl -D11v1tJ R. Lathom, 18, 800 W. WIJ8<Jn St . Co11ta Mesa, Friday pleaded 0.,ullty to po18eu lon of m,rljua na and H k<'d for a probation hearing. ~uprrior Court Judge J ohn Snea f MLnted Lat.horn'• probation he•r· Ing request, aettlng It down ro~ 9 :30 a.m., Feb. 4. Lathom WM &JTHll'd Dec. 30. He wu reprr at'oled In collrt by public ddi>nder Nick M~yer. TI1r defend&llt la tn JaU tn lieu oC St>OOO 'llloa4 ' It 15 rx!"~•·tr•I lht' &mf'lllll'<I <"••r· .tr illin~ Yo • II :!'«. t;. I') 1 .. s 1<1ci•I ll th•" p1 11p• r ty "" nf'rS will be con• tract will bf' 1nt1 0.lur,.1I rmm.1llv 1-. 0111 uJ•lnl"n th"'""' 1111 will 1,.,,. •lol• 11••1 bv lh• M<''IJ\ rouncll. Sh11111J lt> tt.f' counul tonii:ht -..1th 11? dur• fnr \1·31 i. An•I \\ill ,,... fl""'"'. trn I lll'l""v,11 Ii<• ,.:rven t he Mn- d111cuJ11'1on. The rounc1I 111 <'Xfl<'l't'J Ing 11t th<' rxp1111ll"n c•C th,. ,.,,,. n"·" 111"'' th1• would m"rk the to hnld the matter over until a11, trRN ·· hr coni lout. 11 I 1111 i.:• •t rn th•• t11•tn1 Y nf t h" ntw 11djoumi.'CI ml'ellng 1rr the n<>xl •r«t· llr ""CPl:tinrol tlrilhni.; I'"'' ,.,111, ,, 111 I' It w ... ,J.i "" th,. thlril """'"!•· ular m1·t>lln~. Mnncluv. fo'1•b 7. A rntr11Juit•J 111 th" :-:11 11 Yo•ll "! lll'•ll 111111 <'••1" M••R, ~lmpl" :"l11J1111l)' <1r the counc 11 1a n lf·mpt1< 1., put all 011 •ti.i t" ,.,111,1• I!• 11n1l11 11°'< f•1r lht' annf'XAtlolt' Am<'nJ thl' nintrn•t. tngithtr 10 thr ~11111,. hnl• Hy 11,, h"1111111t r llt• n.t .'1 11111 th" pro•11t•nt COPU':!4 A\'All.ARl.F. 1r..e of a "fl"!lal th•1111!11I '"'h11h 11ty h1111t>1 n ( Ct•Mlll Ml'1111. nr,rth• In lhP me11nt1rnr. l'lallnr11 ca1<! 11h1111k~ •h11.I•· pRrlid"• b• tw1 .. n ••rl~· 111 W1t .. 11n ~t 11l11n1e thl' wr~~· coplt'!I o! tht> 11menchnenl11 1 11• f\llnd itrnrn, .l<i~ .. uf 011 I"'"'"':,.,,. "'n h"""""'Y "' l-n1 1v1 .. w Av,., avn1lnhl•· In hlA offirP t n any<•nr r111111 eW<'llinl( of Ur 11hal" I• 1 .• ,..1 ond thr • .. ~rorr'v hmtnlf~r y rir H•H• whn Yo 1~h<'s to 11111Jy lht'm In 1lt•t1111. l l'•·n··tl. . (C 11nlln11•·1t nn l'a1r 3) I CARRIER COMING H F.RF,,-. This v iew o f USS Wright 11how11 n attop which will b9 u sC'd next m onth to gh-e O range C 1u nty hi ;h sch ool eettio rs anrt junior co Ue.ge bo19 a day1a mle 'aft.er they boa.rd ~r vi.a ii1a !ro m Newport Pler . .. r ' . r Mater Dei Boosters Elect New. Off ice rs, Plan Member Drive lhCh Srhool h111 i-rowt1 rrom 1 •o atudenta to the ,,, ... ent !'180 It 1a Lh• only lAthollr hl;h Khool tn u raflll• \.'Oullly • &Core repruentauv.. of ma.I chair ovtr to Jack Mahon<'y of St. of lh• 18 Oithnhc chun:hu In I J os.·ph'a, Santa Ana. Hariy Cr0tt· 1 Orange County, lhe B90lltr ra Club by of It. Mury·a In Fullerton I• ot Mattr Or i H lf h School hthl lht ntw trt'uurt'r. Badtn P owell. • their annual eleclloa Ull• week in of St. Jouph'• parl1h. conunuu tn. c&teterta at th• IChool. aa dtttctor of public relaUona tor HOME LOANS COLLEGE GIRLS of tl).e future •4:re honor rue.ti of Harbor Panbellenic at a•party held in St. James Pariah H ou.. Prominent sorority women, Miu Mary Barrett of -USC an ldlu Eleanor~~tiliedaoout sorolittilaliCl·campua-ure;wh1 e local girls inodeled college fubiona. Otbera repruenting various coUecea served u hoi9teue1. Panhellenic committee included (L to R) M'rnea. Stroller White, Tbomu Froat,,J. ff. Riggs, R. H. Lenker, H. 0. Boyvey and Lester A. Smith. -Staff Photo Jo. lmlth tall .. over the 1an1 u prelident from Mike Harrta ot Coat& x.... aaa1.ua a.a a ...._.., of S t. JOHph'a pariah Ill Santa Ana. Clannce Bue o.f I t. Anne'• In Santa Ana movtcl up to vtc.- pru&dent tum1n( hi.a .ecretary'• Beta Sigma Phi Group Studies A~ 9f Oratory Mat.er Dt-1. Plana we,. d(acueaed tor an &n• nual memberehlp drtve for a per- man~nt bUllcttnr and echolanhlp · fund to a.Id ln UI• repld (l'OWU\ ot the 11chool. Lat111t a4<1itlon ta the $~.000 u •mnuium a nd alu· dent actl\'lly hall. Led by the Rev. Michael Hanlon, principal of Mater Ofl, th• booet· era were given a pl"t'Vll'w ot tht new building and fac1lttll'a. The l)'m wUI be opened euly In J'eb· l'UIU')' for the remaJnder or Mater Dt-1'• home b&ak~lball pml'a now being played al the YMCA In San· ta A na. A.tao a~cf'd WU the nl'llt "weloomtn1" party ot th• 7 ear. All booalera w•r. ursed to brln1 two friend•. The party will be held at~arkel H•ll. 1438 S. Main, At Oren9• Co1111ty'1 Ludin9 Home Lendin9 '\ lnsti~tlOft QU-ICK ' . LOW PANHELLENIC GROUP •'Tha Art otOtatory" wu pro- rram. hlfhllrht when · membera of Mu Epallon Cbapter, Beta l trma Phi. met at the home ol Mra. Joh.ft Stolu, Slrnal Road. Mn. Rodn .. y Trotter derponatrated not only correct UM of the vole•. but.prop-Santa .Ana. at 8 p.m. on Jan. 28. er poeture. Ille wu ... 11ted by Now In Ila fifth year, Meter IHI Mn. Jack Quillenber ry. LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES 1':ASY • ENTERTAINS SENIORS BANQtJET SPEAKER-Dr. Everett W. Palmer of First Methodist Church, Glendale, will be speaker Wednesday evening at the traditional Five Dollar banquet of Christ Church by the Sea. Robert Wentz will be master of cere- mo nieli and there will be a musi<'al program featuring Miss Joan Hagen. hn rpi~t. and the Musical Aires quar- tet from Soul h<'rn California B1blr College. Dinner will be aer · d at 7~. bv the W.KC.~. Proceeds will o for . . CORONA DEL MAR Activities of Brownie Troops 8 1, "111<' T rtH•f' 1, ,1•1• r" "' Co·' t r 1IJUIN I t ht'm through th<.' Girl ron.'I o<'I ;\far n1rt n ·r!'nlly 111 thr l>wl.ll !Couse. T he glrl11 rnade cook· h'"' ,. , f ~'t 1 · 1: II 1 ll'h• r Thr fl'l! fur tlw1 r lulhrra and lmi:•·:-· J'llllll••I ralen1l11rs pcrsunl\lh:.,•! PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1955 NEWPORT MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor HUSBANDS' NIGHT PARTY SLATED BY JUNIOR EBELL Whrn the J unior E bell Club (J( 1'twpon Be&l'h depart.JI from IL'• rc.l:'Jhlr 11<'hedule of aJtt>moon mttllng11 to have an evening 11t11alon, ll ml'On1 It'• t he yearly hu~b1nd1' night party. Thia arralr will ta ke place al the ~merlcan Lt11ton 'l11bhou11e on F riday <'vrnmg, JSn. 28. As t hl11 18 a rrgular m~Unt; elate tor the J unior Ebell. n t!C'l'saary bu.ainPu w tll br takt n car,. ot at 7 ·30 p rn Thia Wiii be !ollowt'fl by a talk by Dr \\'illlam P11rk1•r nt 8 pm , hie eubJt•ct belni:-. "From Here T o Matunt v.'' n1·1h iii·'' ' I ' 11 "'' 1•111 n. ~Ii \\ ll h ~nrq1,.hot,. for thio1r moth •r:· l111rl,• Tl " " lf.'r l•t1"l 1•· JI•'" ~lu. H1uttr v anti CO·lt>ll<lrr M·~ 1111 Lii• • " • ~· n• ~ ~ '' 1, '~ wh•• l lal M• l,11u,ihlln plan a vt&lt to .. I I I ~l ., 11 Mmuc for dancing w rll be provldrd 11nd rt'rnshnH nt1 will • '"' ''" t •' n1 lo\•1t11' .. Jl••• .. rn 1· 1 t1.11ry. outdoor hlk• ii and "''"'" 1rwd J• 1 lhl ::;, •Ill ~f'llM1' ..... u.,11n. lr..ill·bl:iTini.: (','lpen rnrclf for l hl' be ecrved during tht 80dt l rc1111vltrr11 A11 iln adJed a ttraction ·11.••P 1,. 1. 111 ~ ""' lfh.~uur,r:.:Nl 1 i·nmln~ mt'Nlni:-s. pointers on the la lt11l dnnce 1tep11 w ill be g lven by a prof CS· tu ... ,, q d 1/ir o • .1111 n m~,.11ni: Rrn\\n\,. T roop 3_. m ute Chrt•l · slon11I instructor. 11l 111 .. s . 1111 l l .. 11 ''" .l.1 11. 2». nnJ k d r 11 d h Mrs. Freeman Flshl'r I~ chairma n (>{this t'\'tnl an'1 wlll k I I trio~ ~I• 1 1ng11 nn 1 .-t em w lln ., '""' t 111 • I•• 11 .. • l' t I'' 11n• 1• 1 d 'l'h d b b be 1u1slst<.'!1 by Mr11. Gror•r Dus nhlne and ·Mrl!. Sll'rlln" PRl'l11. • l 1 1• • r•n v PU wrre '•lT' uted y ,.. ,. ., '~"' 1"' t •· ... •..itlf 1 ltt· 111.1un, 1 th1• ~•lr3r<' in Costa Mc:\11. l'••r R<'sen •11t1ona are nl'ces~ary and 11hould be made Lhrt'e day• ( .. u 1t''•'" un 1-•l; ~ un•l :\ u\ ~i\nt., ~111 1111.i Arlllh• 1111 \\ 1~ , ,1,111111,.,1 1111°1/.•·r" 1•ach ..:trl ma1le " ft'll In advancio. Mr• :.. in•l ' Ill"• I• 11 .. t thl' '"'. 1=ln "• r n•t' 11nrt <1t'ror11tl'c1 It wrtJi ----------------------------- "'''I" tr ,,1 lh•• .luniui 1•1.1111 111 : 11<•q111n~. >IN'ornlt'd rooklf'll nnd I H b u l I ' t 111~111 L••I t"rt'lll<'•l fillll'\' r ortll'. l,.catlrr J\tfl• ar or 0 0t•r'-, t"ufl JK •1 • t 1 "'" '' • I f1nrn t'tdt ,,,.,,I • ,..1 1111 th•\\/\ Sml11 nn~ •O·l .. 1drr Mi.. I 11: H llnl{mao l\lwe ll<'ht>•h1lc-11 View Initiate Seven Into Bethel y l"all\' 1'nJtJllni: j •luj!fi<tll p TA H Ml~. Thom lo~ il\ll lin•·•I pl1tr1 .. fur 1 ""tnl' out •ltJtJr hil<l'!I 11 nJ 8 I r1r lo I -ears h 1 (' 1 s 1 (' t0k ,. s,.1, f\ 1f111r~· farm l111JO\l'l'•I by a t rtp 10 1 ,. ~nmrll '11 • '1111 1 1 • 11 lnt11I l'rromrry. I JnltlAllon or nl:'w mt'mben . visit rn ,.,.br11r11 v 11n I ~·l<e I • ·" h uC • • lhl' ''''"I' l1•11d1r'\ '" 1•'\11'\V lhr j (,l\'t:-c !'KIT Dean Huber of the OC'Jlllly llranrt g u11rdl11n and 11rr1o1111•l1•h1r11•nt11 111111 1111111" l'lllfl" Jril<'rmr.1111tr Tr .. op 42 Ill lt>tl lw I planmni or an o uttni; mal'ked la te- "' hrr I• "'"I' 1 ~Ir~ A M. In \'". with the 85.•ll'l· "Thf family ts l hr most dvnllmlr • •~ ~!\•Ion o( Job·~_ D11ur ht u s, "t;r. :-.•·""' l 'l .. \'T 11n11' nf M1 i\, I'. /\rm11tr .. nl( 1.nd 11.'fOU P In th• world." 1taid F'red (Mta Mt"!li\ B<'lht l I.ii. T1on1• lll Wlfh .\Ir• M I' c·,11 Jllr<l H n lt i·•hh iq:r.r Tllr\' rn"11!Ubf'r. dean or ml'n Ill Or11ni;:r Honor<•rt (,/lll't'n J11nlCf' \\'hltc "" ",.,,n 11111 l· lfflll• 111 I hi 111111111 .. r ·:·nt··tl " w.~'1 \''Th .. !" IS:ht 11••rur .. CtJu t Collfgt!, Whl'n hi' addr,.M· prl'11ftll'1l 81 inlth111on or M lllffll 11tt1 A fl'll "'"rll,.·hnl i•1H <ll'l'Ollll•"' < hn~tm:ni •IHnni:: l hl' hnlttllly I'd m em ber11 Of H<il'b<Jr View l'·TA Rnsr l\fl\t lr /\nrter~nn. J11.ntt Le,. "'th •"lnrl'•I ftll 111t .. •11t>1 An•I ,., .• Jlll ll\' 111 lhr l.ul S •t1Ul Hnt1t1t' Al thrar Jan J8 !'\'l'nlng m,.rlln11; I h I I Hobtl, Lln<lfl 01'l'r lnJ?. Patty r or· qtiln" frr · ~fn111m1o ~ · 11n1l i.:1,.~.-,.,., ' P"• to 1IN'"'"'" lit" t 11•e. In h18 •Jl"r<"h on "F11m1lll'J Are lll'h \ny~ w1th Hr1>wn1•• d11111;htcr·s 1Thl' 1ttrl~ 11re no w bU.•lly w11rking I mportant." Mr, Hub('r outhnt'll trr, E llyn Sr1q11ls1. Linda St .-ller r lrtur" •hlntr't: th•t••ll!h f•ll' fnr l'rr11n•I , Ill •!! rr qtll rl'm,.ntll IKlmt' of t he problem& far1ni; t h r and L101h W1ll~ry. · 1•np.1· 'I r ,,, ,. ,,, .. 1n11:1~ I\ I I "" nlt['I'•. 111 1' nr.1:11nl:i;c<1 fnr 3n rnm1ly 1u;d rac:tors pred1ra tln1t This "'•n nrtlc111I \'l&ll or Mrs. '"'" ••( th .. ntru ... "' t hr :""\\ •· I marltal &UC:C<.'M. A Q\11'8UOn 11nd Rrx Alhrl1?ht, rlrruty ~and jt'llllrtl· )'rr·~ and lhorull~hh· 1·nJ,.\r•I ,, .. · 't1\'rt-ntC'hl" At t h,. ~rn11t Ho11•r <Jn a1111wtr period rollnwPcl. High School at Mr11. H . 0. &lyvey, general t h11lnnan, pruentiot.I u 11puker Mr1 . .M11rfe Howea, de.an or girl~ at Co;u1l Colll'gf, who r xplalned 11dvantaiu or atttndlnr; a college or unlveralty. whethtr 11 be larRe or llJTl•ll. J.fn• Robert. Harbeson. dean of girls at H11rbor Hlch. wu a 11pcclat-g'Uut. Program chalnnan. Mr•. Ken· n1 t h Cooling. lntrOflUct'd )f1s.t Mary Barrett of USC and Miss Elt'11 nor Ragan or UCl..A who told ot campus llf• at their re~pect 1ve 11choots. Ml11 S.rbara Brothen and Miss Barb.tlra Stareg4' ""'v"d a-, modf'l11 In the .&!'<'fMIQTY fashion ~how rmm Vr lm a O'Brl•n'1. C'ol\,.~r glrb who ~n·t'\I 1\1'1 jun· lor ho11u~u lncluded Mll'<H Shar· on Sherrill, fte<11a.nd11; Lllurle CTI· •ell, rt'prcaentl~g Color ado and A rl%0!1a: Shlrlry Crandall. San J oae: and Donn~ f'rtc•. UC L.A. S<.'nlor hostu1u wtrf Mmu . Ml'rton W11l90n. Rctn Hannon. Waller Hatch, J. H. R11t1t• ·and Pet<'r ?l:ollnr. Mra. Ra.lph )ll<'hatl- llOn wu decor11tlon1 chalnnan. Ebell Garden Group Meets Wednesday Home and tr•rden Mellon of E~ll Club will meet Wednfaday at 12:30 p.m . at Ebf!U Clubhou" ror. a 81\Ck lunchf'on . Mr11. A. J . Luwf'll and Mra. Amy Pettitt will be hoatt he" Speakf'r will be f rom Dtl!r ant11l Ca rden~ In L& Ca.,,.da . Mr-. J1t·k lklyl•n. chalrma.n, will talk on TV Handy Htl\ta. BE SURE. INSURE '"'" MA llRl<'t; MT"1"U:l' l'"'11ran,... Onlv Pt11111,. ff.arbor !AH 831~ f'-C't-11uf Hl&h"•Y C11rnna dr>I ~ar 1"1C t•~u,. n( " ,,. ''"l'"i'' r untul ~'"" h I 11r.t 11'1' 111:rnd1 ror th~ J\frs. \\"arr~n Clrmml'ncf' pre-ia.n, ll n•t lhr Jnhll't. J\Tt'8~nt1>tl h,.r M r~ ,.,.,,,., ~111 111 l'nol ~1 1 •. (" I•' I fu111 r1• 1n<lt1dP~ k nnt·t.vtng. bt'•I· "l•lrd 11t the 11cult•n, 1.1.hkh opt>n· wllh a whltt' r10 ... , •hrornt r tl w11h 1 H1t ll'h<'r "H'" ,,. 1 •·lrf4•1"'t" \\llll rnlhnir. ffil'SI r•~nnlnit anti fire I'd w llh lhl' flttg llllllll" l!'d by the )'<'llow flower3 and tlnllar blll11 thl~ l:I Vlifl tn111tlrn ,,, h g r:\de Clrl Srou l• r atty .col· All l ht' i;lrl• '•1e looking rorw11rd :,;r, I T1 •·nr Ml rx· .. 11. •I 11 .. 1 ht'''""'' ~ lln11. B11 rbar11 Hu~h<'ll, N1lah to t h k d 1 I 11r 111t hv mnk111 1{ ........ lh I 'hit l· 1 Youn/(. C'orAl Coonrod 11n11 Gay ,. Wt'!' f'n n lltlOW country ~ r ~ m:i ~ b.-on< T. 1.11 th•m th<' Roland BrigP-S JS Ann ~farr.m1vr11y Tht'yflr" m"m·'n""' F.Ml"~l Hninr nn F'Pb II 11nd fJO anJ l f\1 .. wn1•,, <'UI n1 1 , "" •.i:h 111 .. nn ot l"I l>rr11 nr Tronr 4;, of whlrll Mnr. 6 Th•" will l~ acrnmp."\nlt!d hy rtomk b>"•k. ti< 11,.1. • '' ·" -r • 11 nm J • Mrs. GtJrdnn Mr llfahnn. "'"Y"' l'• •' Club (:()., l he rruvp l•intl• lln•I 1 ut pu1zlr• Q :\I s ~ Rn'-n•I 0 ,, .. ., ••• ho 11.ml mt11ns ch11lrman. 11nrnun1 "d I R ,. h t 1 3tl'IS t:. ("oa .. t H.v. e · · • "'• ,,,,.P, ~ th PTA ... ft "Th 8 t' rl'• mrn 'r nm r ,.,,.~ tht C d 1 .. f I fnr r111 h fii,,., Th•• i:u I• '"' k th• ir L• """~.,,.,, 1,. L'SS ~II Olvm us. " · .,...n,. l ~how. " f'· orona ,. .,..11r ~ .,~ InlUal piana were made for a rummar• u le to be held In th• aprlns. N ext meetlns wu an- nounced for ·Wedneaday, to be held at the home of Mra. J'orreat Full· mer. 2801 Clay St. Sharlns ha.teat duUu for the • aea1lon were Mra. Stolse, Mra. Jamea Taylor and Mrs. C. I:, Hu-- din. furmerly Credit Bu,..o of Nr"port 8-cll. Latu-8-elll and COAt.a Meaa. io• Rlvrr1111te "''" .. P .O . Bnll SM SF.WPORT BEAC H, CALIF. At The Cracker Barrel By C'ARO !:ATOS We wish we w erf' on the mod· t'me aide lnetead of fuddy-duddy Earlv Nor th A fn t'an Colonial. Anti we JH•l m li;hl chani;e 1111(Jt1cnlv n (l .. r viewing the wonl1rrful col- lt'r tlon of brllllantly • hu,.t1 silk 11r rt•f n prlnta now 11\'alla ble al the <.'rllt'ker Burrc t. 1<?8 Ag11te Ave .. Ith,. frrry .. t t, B11lboa L!l1<nd. \"ou coult1 do a mvr1ad of room• a round lht!H IO\'t!llH which COVl'r a va riety of 1ubjec·t matter. Then f'X!'llerot'nt on rlC<'llt'ment, \\'fl trip· (l<'J nn<I r rll, but.. hllr•I. for Sandy e 1110.-lem 1r.cret d,.curalor'• Wt'a · JX!n hl,11 VP:fl r nrtginul a nJ V b ut1t 11t me>lt rn rr11mt. H• hr w 11·1 rton11. but tT 18 L'T Clf THJS WORLD. n be 11mnng the first t o ha~ -a fcllcht l "t'onv<'r·aatlnn piece" ror ~our home tiy 11topptnl( in the C'r11d <l'r f!:u rel, ~· Jrrtlng " print Wl lh Ellv Jl;nflf'lc1 '8 h<.'lp on Lolor echem e, and then ha ve Sandy rrame IL. -Adv UFTl,ltd. I CUSTOM TAILOR Ooulilt> Brt>Mtf'd Su i h Restyled lntn ~-rt Sf'" l41SM .r: ftRF.A~Tl:U MOOP:l.4' '3000 ~ar Turnbull. o-"r 199.'2 S ""l"''I Bhd. Kl 1·?180 U ~ h N o •' S ~ Co1111t••, cl"~I SASTA ASA tinr11e tor l"nlhl••l•I•. '111·u i.;lll ti I Expec ted Home Hui.tht'll Is lt>lltl('r. !l•mt' "' l ht' m 1•mb<'r11 of the Mn th· o·· I j!'lflll ttJ ('\rnni:r , .. ,,, I) """' l'«l I i\l;I. I' l• 't :"'••rfnlk \'8 .• JA~. !'I drRggll'rl Dr11J:nn, r rr11·;1'f1!1 nf ('Vf'ntni:'. t hr t11h1 .. bl'lng rlt'C'Or11tr d J'art1 R.f'atal.. ~ Mr ... M1., ,.,n,. n Iii 11 n l t• •I' I• 'Id h\" itv .,. "" nC t he T'AnRm" C'nnat w hich ... '111 r:o to H11rbnr \ lrw 11nt1 111 lht' :\!'w Yr:1r th1·me with ter· l::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;=============;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:=;;:~ rr. 1rl111 ... 1 ntt• •11p1, I• 1:111• 1111'1 1111,i will "" in ~nn 1,1,.1:'" .Inn :?:I. r o ron11 t1rl M~r Mhool11. Jt will pcn11n4' s n•I ronlt'lll, and a clcx:k. ll'la•l" 111 l"lk·<I •"• n.: rin•I •:'11 I fll· H•-~hip \\Ill h. AttllrhM.l ,t u the 1,.. t1f~1trd F t'h 215 t1ntl 26 Ill H11r· set 111 n .t'1nl1th t. t11r,. pl11n• ln,.li: II' u 1•1r I 11 •I1lr" ;111 fil,., 1 <•n lhr \\·,.~1 ('""·'' hnr \1tw 11urhtnlium 11nrl I~ un1l"r ""'' thr pln nnlni.: nn•I ""' vmi: 111 11 ''"land 1,.111 Ill""' 11 in.,i,,v 1 \I rl1rrrllnn or Mra. ~fArt ht'llB R11 n· 1- c11nnrr rnr r "rrn111 :\11 • n H1I• '.'I I• Jo I 1 · l'A l' d111l. WATEK llEATEMS ll!Ol!IA!Nt h \' ~ft ' ltn•,..,..11n· \\ 1 • l!O~<'fn• r."'' th ht•, r1~rll'nt:o ~fr. F°<'r mwilc J1 rOitrom. Mr". Rnb· SAlU SU~tCl ••d IHAtlS . I A 11 " r~ " 1rrt . .r Jt/(11. I !162 • I "G t 'f n J-B. mc>rf' 11ntl M111 \'rlniA """l"r f.1111 rt ~ . (. t M l'rt Gr t'Jl8<.'r IJAnJ ran ., r '"r • _ I. ~J <' ,.,,, ' 'r "'. 11 • <'llfl. Mr. I LtJrd !.>ten J'tll(f' of ~I ind " Htr • / · RF.'fT.'1Rf'R OTllf'll"' llr1.:1:~ 1~ 11 r rt irr.r-1'11 '• man Rn· .. " ·""I'! .-,1 , _ Of' f't 1 O t, 1 · vounir naug 1 ,.r. "''"" ,. a rv ..,.,u Hr••wnu• Tn'"J\ :n Ir I h' :II 1 ~ 11 11 "1' 1•1 1" 11 111t"r Hii:h ~' h•»•I i:r1r~• .. r. lll'rnmpanlNI 1,n t hP rrl· FLl•MBl.S(I Rob!'/{ H11rt1ry, n1&df' ,.r rnpb< i•k' 11n1 "" '"tr•I •n W Ntn •y •rtr r fin· lo anl1 Mrl!. \\'llllam Schuster wu 111 .. \ •O PU Cf HI OOWH for h11ndlt"llfl?f'd 'hll<.lrrn 11.nil dis· l11hln 1;" h1.o 10tul'ltr 11 t hf'rt. I at the rlano. "" .. • H•rl>•f _•_"° ___ _ YOU SAVI o• l 'oor PIUCRIPTION at Prlngles tt.11 • llhllldwa1 Santa An Jn Mexi co City Mr. 11nd Mrs Clarrnrt R. Slaaf, 407 Kln,1r11 Pl11r r , a.re v11ca tion lng 11t Hot el Monte Canino, Mexico City. , Call DAN'S TV S.n1eoe • a.ata1a • 8a* u_~a.2221 I L {J;an o !Jn~lruclion TERESA RENNE'R (Mrs. A. Renner) Ceoeert PtMll•t ol ~, CollUM'af,a Oradua~ 8tuctn1 or Rf'la &rtok JSfi ~rn Ortn Pb. Har. 2039 A eodfll hour rollowl'd the -•· 1ion with 11ecnnrt ant1 t!)Jrtl 1tr11dl' room me.then urvlng CBfft'e a nd doughnut•. , PARU'..8 • BIDLE't' llORTVART F~ GRAVEL CB.APEL 110 .,_._1 -Coata .. _ lAerty I-NU Md ...... NEWPORT SHOE REPAIR t• · ltllll 8TllEET FOi MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SEIVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOI ARIA CALL UHIGH 9-1634 ... OTOllCT.CL& UOOaT • • • STA TE MERCHANTS-POLICE Uniformed Diviiion of BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Suptr1or A v,.nue Oosta Me11a. Ca lif Phone Uberty 8-212J CHAPEL YY THI: SEA ~20 E Cout t51\·d, Corona del Mar. Calif. Pbon• Harbor U Repair. • Mabtkll&eCle • • ....... tt_ STAFFORD 6 50N ":'lfEL8 and l.>OC'' r;Llf:( T KICAI, OCINTKACJTUU l 'hone UllertJ 1-1'61 , 110 Rlventde A•-N-port ~ Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN.~LL WIRTER IUDE AHOt:SD THE BA\' llU~"l>A Y8 Now Showing ''The- Bamboo Prison" ""h ftOBl:RT FRANC'lf\l DIANSE FOSTY.R BRJAS K t:ITll MONTHLY _,AYMENTS .-FBIEIDL Y ·~YMPATHETIC SERVICE WI IVY BUST OHOS ON Wfll LOCATtO HOMU 222 Ocaan. Aven11e LAGUNA BEACH Phone HY 4-1 I 77 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • WHAT'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DOING • a • • • • • ···················~··············· left-over wire gets new lease on lifr-- ln the telt•pbon• u•l· neae. we rall the wire that le&d1' from your Ldfpbone at ho me t o lb• pol• ouh lde a "drop" w ire. M aybe you'vt' ffeo 90me or ou r men putllnc up d rop wlrra around town. If you ban. you probably noUcfd lhlll a tew •hort Jllf'ru Wf'rll ll'ft ovrr Qn 90me of the Jobi Sow. lhn,. nl1d11 And f'nd~ or wlrt w ntn'l or much uat until rPCl'ntly. 1l ..... too cN1tly t11 1pllct thrm toi:-,.tht r. But now an •rrmomlcal w ay bu bt'ro found lo j11lo drop· """" •crapa tow long, conunuou1 ptecu wblcb ca.ii b4I put tn work. Naturally. tbil 11 1 big cu.t-cuttn .•. ooe thal belr11 ua u we worll to kt't!p dowo thl' pn cu you pay for 11erv1ce. P1elflo T'ltphone worka to ma ke your ttltphone • bigger value every dey. • • • • Home's never very far away by telephone )"ff bel"!I Ml' DIMI'• '"'' "' 111\l"I a" btHl"'~•. ,,,. .,,.,.tfn 't h,. lltll n/ ~reottal ff>"""' orttll. flt.It rt.ti of tlu! fo'"llJI . I" JtUll "'°"""'•· )10 16 "°" oil bf! togfllMr ao1111t-vwtt -•"ll• lo~h•g. fro.dlftg 11141 loteoet . M l!'•. l'ar tTl'lt u 11..., 11ow're /4' a11·nv, lt11111r 'a "' ftMr "" t~ <'lo•t'af frlrpllMtl'. A ,.4 a 1-c.HI ~ lOflfl dlAt1111re u ol"'ll>•f Wcf! b .. In/I tlln <.' '" ~·•"''· 11 roal• to 11111,., lo,,, Y•>1• ra n make • fll rt"·"'I""'" "•l11tlr1n" Mil c1-r {Jero., th11 l'.'OWftfry, aft~ fl 1'· fl\, \J'trflccfa11• Clttd <1fl da11 8w"4(aj,, /or 0ttl11 II 00 f pl1'4 tru 1. A"d fl/ co11rer. ,,.,,..Jo• e>ttirtn-dl.efa11cee o r11 et•f'ft 1#1•. lfo 14'1 lo11g diJrlll'lr"fl """" Jlflfl h1 ,./ri.t,. rowr lt trill\ )l<>'<r fa"'4lll a"4 fnnuu. 11 '1 a plca.awre 110 11 C'On hnrd/11 o,!Jord to "''"· • • Local Telephone Man Saves Life • Oen• Lteper. who ttvu at 2tlll'I W iiiow Lane. Co•La Meaa. I• rrfrtltttl with aavlnr th• life 11f Mr11 IHt vt>n 8 . Wold. I Bay h l11J1'1. H•lho•. JI came about lhl• way, Mra Woll1 h11'1 a n a l \11l'k a nil 11trr n pt .. rt t.. l "I• • , • C-or1•ns Hh:hl1tn'11t, -f'oronit ""' Mar ,..::;;--~:=;;;;;;;._+~a,r;_-.o,___ STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY phon" for aulftt•n•,. Rhfl 1(111 111"' r ,., •1v•1 ttfr lhr htJQ)c 11n•1 11111l con1c:lou11n1>.u T h" r """Iver l~\r,i.: i,!f t hr "'"'" hrnu1 hl 11 J'tf'r· mananl ••icnnl trn11111 .. r,.pw l ''' ~It '"'< 1>1'°1 ""t\•1 14·a• opera ttnr th• ll'~l btlartl Hs """nt In r•n Mr • \\'11'1'11 lln,. t" '""" fnr t rrmht11 and lh•1111 ht h" h,.artJ """VY hruthlnJ.: Alar111,.tl, 'he prompllv ""lll'tt th .. l'"ll(I' T h• rw•lll e A1J 1\• I •• , 11.tnol•• la t1>r, fr, .. nd Mre. W olrl, •nil n1~h,.•I h#r tn Jh" h•••rlt11J Thr ttJtlll time LClrutumM:J hv p<11i("a 11nrl s mt.11l11n•,. ""'"' 11 tT1\nu1 ra l>octor a latf'r •tAtl"l t h11t lht Jlr'IO•ll' •<·ll•rn ur11lt1•1 l1l"•llv '"'''rtl Mr• \\'old'I llf• "'• •rs r•r nutl nt 1;1 n .. ,, r hr• 111 .. n ,.,.,, ,.n,, prnrnrt llf'tlon I. end t.hl• 11tory I• typical ot m &ny h"h•nt1 th11 •• rne c11.p.orteac• ,. ____________________________ , vt our P"'•"'" ' MONDAY. JAN'JARY 24, 1955 NEWPORT MAkBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE 3 MAC'S CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT Luvll\f Newport Beach toward HunllJ\l"lon BHcl\, F1nit ('afe on the rfpt. TRI: ORGA.'lf YOt1 CAM f>IA1' AT ONCE! .... wo ... rful - HAMMOND CHOID ORGAN l>AINTING IS FUN-That'• the opinion of a aroup of young girls whose work la cur-- rently on diaplay In the children'• aecti@ Qf Newpnrt _Beach City Library. Young ar- tiata, who range in age from 10 to 18, include Jean Ullman. P<'ggy Bush, SuHn Cole, Jody Frost and Suaie Froat. Most o! them started last summ<'r in a cla88 sponsored by Zonta Club, were ao interested they refuied to dtop. Says their teacher, Thelma Paddock Hope, "I juat want my children to splash around and get the feel of oil paint. Soon they will mix colon without thinking of it and will say what they have to HY freely in the medium without attuggling against it. I stress differences in value(.._ the MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL NURSES ASSN. 1of Or· ange County examine _facilities in the Robert H. Olander Children'• Dental Clinic upatalra in the Aaaiatance Lea· gue Center in Newport Beach. From left to right. Mabel A. Geddes, medical conault&nt of the Orange County schools; Mn . Anne H. Church, head nurae at the Lind- bergh and Monte Vista achoola; Mrs. George Hoag D1, dent'l\ chairman who conducted the tour. and Mrs. Charles Sparkubl, member of the Junior Auxiliary of the Aulat&nce League. -Sta!! Photo. • relation of one mau to another, and give them a helping hand when the whole lhllTl aeema a meu, 'pullin1 it out of the w®l' for t hem''. -Staff. Photo J OINT SESSION Fuchsia Group to Hear Talk .. Visiting Nurses Assn: to Hold Annual Dinner D a te MESANS NAMED TO OFFICE. on Camellias Th• &11naul dlruler '!)Mling of ' . TY T FANCIE' RS Fnends •nd members of th• the VlsltlnJ Nurses Aaa<>clatlon ot ' Jun1·or Ebe' 11 Art BY COUN CA Cd11ta 1'!ell8·Bay C11!e11 Branch ot Cr&11ge County ""II be helcl at the C alllornla Na tional Fuchala Harbor Houae 1n C-0111.11 Mt\11a on A. G. Holmu, Tt12 Wut W llaon St., Coll& Meaa, wu Society are invited t o attend their J:sn. 31. at eeven o'clock. The ro 1 d elected preaJd12t of Orange County cat Fanelere when mem• nt'Xl regular monthly mHtlJlg 8pt"11kn or the evtntng will be lt------4,.....~wa. s Ra;vea e bers met l an. 19 In the home Of Mra. Robert Greaham, S&nla Tuu day. Feb. l, at 7:30 p.m .. In Mlaa Margaret Taylor. uaoclat• a: C--Ana. AlllO elect!f}:t:sn.;.......;.._,__~ M'IQr pC~&>lk health nursing l;;;;;;;;;~~~~..:~llli.;lill11:1aii~~kJ~~;JiliM~i;ii~~~~~~::aJl~~~-~-:"~x.7:.~:~c;~~H==otm::(~cw:-~.~-=Pr=·tJ1\~~~~~~u~~d:e:n~t~,~bo:'::th~Co~•~ta~;lOS~M~e~ia~ ..... ...., .... '-..J~,.-~.a.a.-""';oa~lip~u~b~ll~c~h~HLl~~l~h~aa~~~c~t1~0f~thih~ork eonteet were announced by Mr1. Monte Grlmea. Richard Macker. A r1hur Wirtz. ca.mt'll1a apedal· of the vi.siting nurse. John H. Gll~rt, J r., Fredric Dun•· tan. Mrs. Lynn Crewford, Mrs. E. D. \\'h1te, Fred Johnaon a.nd M.IH Thelma Patton or fiant& Ana; MtlUI Reba Willis and Mr11. Laura War· ren ot Oranae. Come 111 ncl Prove It to yourself W• alao ""1 .. J OG to OOID9 la ud trJ 11.. -8---SplM\ o,....._Now &ftll&ble DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PIANO .. oaoA..~ STOU It.Molle,~ f or A.U lllodda Hammond Orpne to aso N •. JKa.tJa Thomu Baum. Penny Art chair· Ralph Hoyle Jr., Geori:e Lane J r.. Mesu; Mrs. Robert Gresham. third vic:e pre1ldent; Mrs. John !Al from Onnge. w1ll •J>ea k or Gohn Ollbert, prea1dent or the and Arthur Neeh. B!ven1, .e'cretary, 2H 3 Santa Ana Ave., Coat& Mesa: Mra. camellla bloom1 and ca.melliu auoclatlon. will lead a 1en1ral dl11· ;:;:.========================:::; '1}&11, a t a r~ent me.Uns ot both sr.:sroa BOARD C. L. Blood, H7 Newport Blwl. treuurer ; Mra. J. A. Hindley, grown under the oaJ< tree• In lhe cusslon o! vla!Ung nurse problems. J unior and Senior Ebell boards. Mn. Nlcholaa Brettner conduct· Orange, execuUve board memhl'r. Huntington Library gardens. The V.N.A. wtll 11end a prote1111lon· beJd · In Amenca.n LeJ1on Hell. ~ bu11lne111 or the senior board. Nut meetlnr will be held Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. ln the home Leo Lee. tuctt.la 11pecla ltst. will al nur5e Into any hnme to· care Pris.ea, •warded hl&h aehool atu· Throu~h the aharlng of each c-lub'1 of Mr. and Mra. Holmea. This 11 a.n o~n meetlnl' and anyone aJllO give a demon•traUon on the for the crlucaUy .Ill. and lo work denla, went t.o Llnda Griffith.a. lnteruta the memben of both be· lntereated tn cata la welcome to attend. pnanlng of f\1chslaa. under the dlr•cUon of the patient'• 2~1 8. W. B\rch Bl., Bani.& Ana come better acquainted with each Two ctoor prlze• will be award~. OWi\ ph)'l!IC'lan, on an hourly ba111 ... Hel1bta. flO f(ri t award. an d other ancl wtth each club'• pro-There will be a well 11tocked table Patient.a pay a regular fee for thl11 Geotge Moore. 2270 Waverly Drive, Ct'dUre and policy. HAS NEW o· FFICERS for the plant uchanre. !Ufruh-aervfce. ThOlle uneble lo pay p8rl Newport Beac-h, S~ rnr llN'Onl'1 Pollowtnr the bU!UnMa lnlArlm merits wlll be aerwd. Admlulon or all o!. the ft<' may receive th11 I MAURIE STANLEY A.nnouncu NEW LOCATION °' pla<'t'. Judau were )tn. Baum, board membua Joined the 1enera1 ------------------\11 free and vt11ttora a re always care through tht' <"OOJH•ratlon nt' Mr1. Norman Wat.aon and Mra. memberahlp of the Ebell club tor w~come. the Coll\munlly Cht'sl. I RJee. art tn.tructor at the high their rerular luncheon and meet· Fi·rewomen's Auxiliary Member• Of the county boarl1 Of THE STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY' IC.hoot. ing. T L h dlrecton of the Vla!Ung Nurst'~ I After the Informal coffee hour ~EW ORD~ASCE 0 a unc A1111ocl11tlon Who Will be pre11ent Ill H eh beard btld It.a QWTI b11alnu 1 During JU.ncheon the gTOUp WU EnJ·oys Soc1· al Even' 1· ng the dinner Wiil lnclUrlt', Hrll'n Ru-)lf'U ICln. Mr•. l5terllng Par11 pre11ll1· addreued by Mrs. Norman Wal.Min tv-rt80n of P'ullerton. Mr~. Bf'r-1 •d tor Ole J unlora. Tbl• club )\&& of the Junlon tn her C'apaclty u M ar1· n er narc! MaaC.n and Alvin Hall% "' a irrowlni brlctge aecUon wtl!ch haa p"h.11 chairman for Uie J!:allter Newport Beach J'1rwwornen•1 were In charr• of Uletr t1rat bual· Huntington Bi'ach: .Mna. l!:dt1er I ~ Jw>mea a11d Mn. DMll w .. k couneU. 811e explained Ule Atur1llary met at the l\Gfne of Mn. neaa 11ea11lon. They Included Mn. Slu r of Laguna Beach : Mra. Bu ll GortQn, curator of 11e<"tl on11. &n· new ordinance to lkenae renters ot Ha rold Benedict 427 Narctuua Don Brlac;oe. p~sid•nt: lfra. L. P'. Shi• p Maul• Peterson and Mrs. Challen Laod- nounced ahe had Mcured the Ebell 110 durin1r the !:Biter vacation Knua, v1ce p reatde.rit; Mn. Merv\n tra of l\"ewport B1>ach, M rs E:d- Clnb House for the neat play ae1· period, and all!O irave " gencrtLI Ave., Corona del Mu on Jan. 19· Greiwe, aecret&ry-treaaure~. m1~tu1 Ludwlit of Jl'l11c:-.. n1111; Mii-i alon. J11n. 3 1 at I p.m. On lhll outUoe of the plans formulated by Court wblst Wlltl played with Mn. Elew n membera MJOY•d re· Th• new Girl !kout Muiner dre<1 W•hrlr~" ~fr11. D ewitt Chl'ney, t vrnlng-then • will be pMfeM\onal thll council. The Ebell Club voltd J an Br!llCOtl winning flr1l pri&e and. treahmentJS at clnae of the evenln(I. Ship MaUI wtll hold n rat lnvellfl· 131& Ea.at Cout R11hwa;y Corona del Mu OPENINO r ebruary l . 196& 1n11tructlon hy a qua11tl•c1 brtd1• unanlmoualy to give llny &i. re· ).tr11. Betty Summera takl.ng l!ee· Nert 111>ulon wtll be hdd P'eb. HI ture and launc-hlng Tue9day, Jan. t#acher who w!U teach both berin· quired to help the J unior !:bell. u onc1. at the home of Mn. William Sit t&. ~ at the Girl Scout House, 1700 nera and lhoae more experienced. outlined by Mr L Wataon. :Nrw ortlcer11, recently elected. Tulltln Ave., :-\e"'JX)rt R elgblL w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea ch. l!:'mphasle w111 be on point-count The prorram. Introduced by Mre. Sklppt>r of thl1 n-1 roup ts Mra. blddl.nf . Bull Petenon ..... Civen by Jean· County Jun1·ors eommlltee. with Mr& HC1ll. Mrs. Patrick D. \\•at.eon. F1ral male. Leavt' of a bMnce wa. ('r&l'lted ne Haya. lnterpretlv,. 11Ancer. E verett Ro"-ot Fullerton, Mra. ;\laa Mery AM Morly, tttond Harold 1'atu or Brea and Mn'-male Ml81 BllJle WIUlam11. Off• G c } d N • t Slate Georre Trook of Buena Perk a.s c rew lncludea Melendl• Ack· rcer roup omp ete Offilna e m;:e:·w officers up tor elecUon ~~~a J~k.8t':~ D~°::M~\~~s~ f C M G for Election are M n! Dllllne VeDel or Brea . Oa.nl.-1, Dlane Downin(, Paltly Or Osta esa range pruldant: Mra. Lloyd Mallory or Grant, Patty Ho\Jr1gan, Shlrl"Y PATRICIA'S ONCE··A·SEASON SALE! The nomlnaUn1 cOmmltee T't'J>" Fullerton. f1 ral vtce . prealrtenl; Hour1&11n. Jen HUd!!On, Holly Hun· • ruenUna the Orange Cewlly Wo-Mra. H.rry .A.mold of Ane heim. 11a.ckt>r. Linda Stllweli, Jean Mant. C"08ta Meu Grang. t held !ta I n~ d14ht11. one or the club'11 pro-man·1 Clube, J unior Memben!hlp, aeeond vl<'e-preaident; Mrs. Donald ! Ann ;\fo1111ellmen, P'lo Lou Tbomp· f1nil m .. tlnl' of th• "-yMr Jan. ,,.ct• for the enaulnf ye&r. The met thl11 weu al the home of 1 Taylor of Buena Park, recol'.dmg Mn, Dahnt'y W11t11on and Barbara JO. 111 the Crance h&ll on Thulin public la cordlally invited to eomf' Mrs. Clifford Holt, SMl11 Ano, to aecretary, Mr11. Thoma.a Wood-Wee lh!'rley. and Victoria Sta.. The newly f'lt'c· and Join In &11 evvitng ot fun. Ar· 1 decltle tll• alat• of new efn C'el'11 werd of ll:ewport &cch. treuur· ------------- ted omoers wf?re on h&nd IC) flll rangementa a re In c:har,.e of Mra. 1 tor ntxt yea.r. Mra. Norman Wat· Pr; Mrs. Wa lter Dabney of Hunt-1 Stoltz of SllJ'llll Ana auditor. Each thl'lr 11U1llons. the group complt'l· lAla.nd Chun-hlll. ann nf Newport Bea.ch he&4ed tha lnf'l.On Beach, parllamentarhrn; club In Orange CoUnl)' will hl\ve t d wtleft Au 1atant I t-a.rd Lea. 'n\ere wtU be a pot luck 11upper Mra. Harold Rankin ot Ana.helm. 11 reprcstntath·e on the board In ttr Olah and 1.AdJ' A181st.a.nt Stnv· at e :30 precedlnr t.11• lu t me .. t· p TA Counci·l Plans hbtonan a.nd pre1111, Mr11 LeRoy some capacity. am M n . Olah werP ln11talltd \n Ing of Mch month with the bust· • their rtr,>ectlw Ottlt'lt'I by Pl>-nu.a meeun Kat 8 p.m. Mni. Ma-General Session mona Mu ter RolMr l Wardlow. bt'J Moore Wll.11 given the obligation I Otticerw sre, Don Stea rn•. mu-u a new member of the orcler. 1 \Vheh the executive boerd of ter. Stephen Taft. overeee.r; Mrw. j 1.Acturer Mrw. Jl'J-1 nk Phllhpl! had H arbor Council bf P·TA.a met this F rank Phllllp11. lt'c-turer. ;\fri~. arranged 11 vantd program of morning, plan11 wt re outlined for 1Au111 ~nn,.tt. chaplaln; Ceea.na 1 ~dings 11.nd l'l\1!1C's 1n whtr h the the ge.neraJ me-11t1n1r whJch will be !'kG&\Tan 1t11lekeeper: Mrw. H11r· memMrs partlC'lpated. htld Feb. 7 a t 9:SO a.m. l.n the old Buahnell, uu.urer. Mra. Je>-Out-ot -town \'1Sltor1 wer~ Mr . 11dm1n11tration building. Pre.!!ldentA I aeph Rapier. 1eer.1.&ry; Bruce Mt· ~d Mrg. ~ater Lmll(ot of Hing· 11.nd commlltH chairmrn "111 at· aenhelnter, •t••ard; Leettr Olah, ha m, Malll , Mn1. ~na &lll'y of ten rt aMJatent 1uward, Mr.. Luter Loa AnJelea. Mr. ar.d Mra. Rob-~tu. DeMU! Hogland presided ,G:-1\, lady uel1t.anl 1teward; Mra.1 ert Wardlow of Wlntersbur1. Re· and ltd dl1Kuaa1on on va.rioua a.e· ·LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP BALBOA THt:A TRE BLDG. BALBOA \.\'1Jllam Fife. Flora: Mn. Leland treahmenta wert 11e,rvtl1 by the t1vlt1e1. These Included 11 Found· Chur c:Nll, C.ru; Mra. Cum. Me-commltteoe ~fr. a.nd ;\frs. Harf'lld ,.rs Day prognm a-rdlng of ll GaYran, Pomona; Mra. Huro Be-Kyle. )fr. and MN. Gish. Mr. itnd life memberl!hlp and th• CCPT I Open Tu"4&J tbru !Jaturd.ay l1t.11, pi-nllt. b ecutlve commltlM· Mra. Churchill. convention In M11y at Loe Angel111 . ..;~;;:;;:;::;;:;::;;=======:============~ m en are Harold BuaM ell, Owen --,. Arkrny and Cecil Georgt H nme J:<1onomle. Club <'hlllr· rna.n. )lrs. Ira F°", a.nnounc~ t h11l ua. club would l'pOftaor an "enlnl' enurt&lnment t he lut F'r1da:y of each month. The pr o- cet'da Will flO t~ purcbu lng •Y the fireside super lative food, eoc~ l11ils· 11nd service amid cld eneiish charm. HURLEY BELL I· IT'S trKE THE AIR YOU BREATHE ••. lt'a 111mply there. We ha\'e It, we u11e It.. we •buae It •.. and"wt think no more o! It · Sight. \,\e kn"w that our eyes wtll show 1ui the way, They'U ltll ua It's d11~-. or that It i. nlJht: Uley'U quleUy work and do th•lr Job, \'c.11. aomeUmca t hey hurt. a rt tire.I and wr11ry. But that Wiii pM1 •.. or will II ~ Don't lgnore the w11mlng •ig'naa. \\.hen atra.Jn and fatigue •tart to blur your ~·lslon It'• nearly too l•l•. Come In for " chfck·up and make aure lhat your eyu w111 always bt able-to work for YoU. Dr. Gordon OPTO~RIST 315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH Santa Ana Pho"" Kl ll· '78U (OPE~ ALL DAT ~ATt"llOAY) ' la e\·ery pul'M! for a pro~ of M\·ing. It's NOT wha t )·ou t'Atn ••• lt'1 WHAT YOU ·SA \.E • • . opH a •vtnp account with us TODAY. ' CC)STA MESA 8ANK ··youR FR IENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK '' BffiER DRESSES, SUITS AND COATS All FROM PATR ICIA'S REGULAR STOCK l "'-Drutlt'all)• Reduc.d tu c i-r QuJC'ld y-Due to t1111 t ••a.•&al Hlrh Quallt)' of ltilf\ Mf!f'Chw .. uee Of. fl"~d and Ute JUdlculou11ly lAw Prlrf'tl eak"d w.-l'lut' 8e7-"IM>n'J, No Cbal'I""-• DRESSES VALUES TO 29.95 DRESSES VALUES TO 39.95 DRESSES VALUES TO 59.95 o·RESSES VALUES TO 99.95 KNI TS VA~S TO 65.00 SUIT S VALUES TO 13 5.00 COATS VALUES TO 99.95 SO J?f'i ... '-"'14'-'\0 f:'X("H,\SO F:~ 1300 I 19 00 2900 39 00 2900 4900 4900 AU Adverti.._ d Me"· .a 11di:.e Offt rt'd Suhjtt t to Prior Sale PATRICIA'S 312 North Sycal'llOre Street SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA Free Parktnc For Our Patron• at Third &Del Br09d,..ay .. --------------·MAKE GARDEN STRIDES NE w P·O R T HA R 8 0 R DURING JANUARY WORK Pl1dic Gains F1vor i1 Modern HOMEancl GARDEN . PAGE 4 • PART I NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS • PRESS REGIONAL RECIPES UNFOLD ADVENTURES Huevos Rancheros are Both Sides of Mexican By CAMILLE CAMBON Favored Border Books o n regiooal cooker y . h old a pec uliar fascina tio n for the s tude nt o f food c ustoms. One is a lways curious t o k n ow wllat the people o f an area h ave g one with the raw mate rials g rown in their s u r r oundings. • b So a book of th111 kind11llo111tJ ir1ve ' o·an c-<•okcry ut" nr Mex1N1n •lrl· tlllK Informa tion. with Rpproptlll•• J:in Tamlll•'"· (riJOlt!I, •·nchtla<I~!' rec1p1•s. and not ~ simply a ln •al· I' anlo-ron chtlt an<l xuC'h •Jt!lhe11 111~ recallfng what the 1tuthnr ha-. nr•· a~. familiar 1° Califomt•n" as 1·11tcn 111 lh" v1tllnu• .1:1l1tl .. ,. "' tile 1 '" 11111' •n 1'1" 11nwn. 1t~ hr h.1,. ltDV<>ll"rt 11 .. r•• Ql"E Hl 't:~o~ 11nr1 lh1•r1• 1l11 11u11h th•·m c Im· o f 11ur ~<·>it M .. x1nrn tlbh1:K 1u;1oao:-.At.111•····~1Cl'::\<'t:~ , .... Hl 'F:VO~ RA:'\C H E ROS Thi ... l.n thllll"t hlni; tlHOltl(h Wit' :llH"h Is II i.;oo<t rectpP, llntl tf tl C&US<'ll "''1.J•k t •'t'••nt ... ly '"'" HtflV••d at X•··V· HJH11~•·d ~rn dt'S anH)Jl~ our friPn1ht 1•1ul 1·11ni:lt!'ioHI~ Tho· 1:111111" l111 h1t~ I llllltlll nf !'>1111 n i.•l(O. llt1•y ntUsl ..... of Ani,.111·11 HM n wh11l1• ru ,. 11nln· n1emt,..r that W•• Anwn nu t:< 1ulr1pt 11p1 in1:1111:ly 11111l11r111 tilt' r o1111tttl 1.-vt·ry thini: we toul·b. for l>c•llt•r or ..... ta ftlJ' Ari' 111o t•• tnl•·1t·~t1n..: 111 u \\'Ot :ot•·, KIT.CHEN MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1955 FEATURED IN HOME 0·111tn111·,· wHV 1111~11 th•·"'''"' 111 1 .. r· 111 ·1.:v o :-; RA:\'t"HEROi'i: l\111kt> J11r un•I tho• llll(h•·~t l"'ltlll< n ( 111 1· llt11• s:11tl'<> !ht' <fa \" it t• nPNll'cl 1f J:1t1:11t\\ 111 th• M•lllh .ond "'ttlh· 1 f~ii<:<thl ... Fr~·· lari;•' rhoppt>•I "'"'t 1 •tr111•n• in 11 big >-fkl0nf11I of lnror T h" t 11 •I uf 111• _,. ••li•l•t vul 11111,; 1111111 11111p 11ntl bei;1nnlng tu brown 1 k b d b 'I t .11) ho o·xpl 1tr1•'\I b\' th•• (u, t th.1! At!.t onp ran o f 1ireen l'lttll;c. r hop· Cu~tom Cabine ts , Orna te m eta WOr , ar door , an UI l ••111 • 111vit1 ,. 1• ~••II h" 11•"' "" 1>+·•1, .ind un•· 1:'11 1:•· ran 1•! 1un1a-in gali range ·and ove n, a r e all part of the beauty o f the 111unlf1•'.i'i 1:_11 ... rht 11111 popttlntl••n lu• ..... 1nut -s••lrd J>8t•k L I _,;-._ January ia the all-import.ant month for three dormant- seuon jobs: bare-root planting, pnming and dormant •pray- ing. You can m&ke bigger strides toward a more beautiful garden on a njce week-end'• work thi• month than in any other month in the year .. Tbat'a 1. big statement~ but work thia month, weather ~.rmittin.g, paya big diyidenqa. January I• the Ideal time to ot a preventative 'nature. •Start plant t'rult tree• -frulllnc·flow· with a dormant •pray afll'r prun- erlnf peach trffl. for example. lnr when the bu.tin are defollal· Plant two or three n owerlnJ crab ed, according to Stan Hayn, ra- apple1 thl• month. Bechtel'• crab aadena (&rd<>n authority. apple for a flower treat Jn April-For a dormant 1proy uae a 11· beautiful double-flowered p I n k quid 1ul!ur and otl 1pray on ro~ .. blo1111om11 on delicate JT&Y branch-peach treeJI, nect1rlnea, plull\I, ea. Arnold n owerl.nl) crab apple pean. applt11, etc. Uw a bordeaux haa large 1lnfle n.cfiera 1.n rosy 1pray on apricota and nut tl'ft1. pink. Tr~ tenda to be more To prevent peach curl or 1hol hole 11preadlng tha n Bechtel'• and ratea tungua on peache1 and nectarlnea, a bit hlghtr In out-of-aeuon ap-uee a lime 1ultur •pray In the pearance. 1pring, jU1t before the bud• open. BAJll: ROOT TIMI: ~ter on. 'aflt'r tile first leavea . Dormant roaea •re availlblt !lQW_ htYrappured tn the early 1prlng, In nurterlee and the 90Cmer plant- ed, the better. Select only No. 1, •pray C'very •even to ten daya with two yea.r old, t'tld gTOwn and bud-one ot t he ei~llent ail-purpc»e ded bar&-root stock from a re.Ii•· iruiectlcldee now available. Your ble nuraery. Planta 1hould have c..arden aupply dealer will offer three or more aturdy main canes. apecl!lc 1unest1~ Maintain thi1 Trim au broken or bruised roota and trim top gTOWth back to about same llChedule d rl.ng the entire eight lnchH. crowing aeaaon. . Home Experiment Peopl• who Uve In plutlc hoUM& can throw au the atonee they like. Clear, ahatter·proof pla1Uc, for examplt', 11 noplacln1 rlua In win· dowa, akyllghta, and entl<>eC'd ter- race balcontea. It'• unb~ak•lll«', and flt'xlble, too. Flat aheet• ot plutic can be. fitted Into cur ved picture w1n1lo~1. and It eo1ll far leu lhan gla.u, which muet. be cuatom molded at the fartory. Tranalucent panels of colored pl&JlllC are UHd lo make hOUN waJla lh11t let a ao!t Ughl tnlo th• rooms. The pant'la •re framed tn wood or atone and look ju11t u attractive outside u In. Unusual 1ntt'rlor C'ffect• can be acllLrvt'd by lt'llln1t •ltctri<' bulbl bl'tw..en two layers of plu ttc to crtatt wall ... ot light. Reinforced pldtlcl. both corrugaUd an d pl11n. are alao uud for Cl'tlings. room dlV1d· t ra, and roofa. Som~ pro1ru a1ve de,1urntrs hive gone . much farlhe_r. One expC'r1• mental houllt'. tor lnatanr e. not only has plullc walll both out · 11<Se and In. but alllO a molded, Select aunny well-drained &oca· ----------------------------lion for your r01e prden. Prepare roae bed thoTOUll:hly. Dig aoll deep. ly In u large an area as po1111lbll!. RO/It'll are companionable pie.nu and like to have each other'• ahade about their roolJI. Plant bushel three lo four feet apar t both way1 and three to four rowa deep, ralh· er tlwtn •klgly. u In a hedge-row tflorlbundaa excepted). FEED \\'El.L Dlit hole14 two fret deep and two frl't wide. P la ce one •eup-· bone-amt· blood meal at bottom of hole. A.dd four or five lnche11 ot rotted 11leer manure. Cover with two or t t.rC'C' NURSERYMEN TO GIVE PRUNING TIPS FOR ROSE VARlmES Tht bulc reaaon tor all prunlnc of roau I• that bloom11 are produced on NEW wood. Therc.-fore If you want new bloom• aMually you muat prune annually, recommenda tile California A11soclatJon of Nurserymen. Rosariana say the a rea wher• you ltv .. Je'tt'l'l1tme8 how much you 11hould prune. For in1tanct• r O*!ll fs>rced Into dor- macy b ywlntel' cold can alalltl &.lleavier 11r~nhu:. t}111n _roa.-a., In a mild wlntn area. Therefort it 111 be11t to prunt' heaVlly whert wlnlef'll are 1evere and to taper down the pnmmg <'On· 11lderably 1n mild areas wlln e r o&f'I nevl'r do go Into a com- plete dormant at.ate. • umbrella-like ptalltle top. Jt may be mm• Um• betor. all· plastic hou11~• an cen•raUJ a vaU· abl•. Pla11Uc1 are dUt•bU, euy to talc,. r are-nf and w...atl»-reaJ ma~rtala Of the t\lt\IN. .-Plan1i11 ti ~.11~ I ~Ill If JllF 111? ReMttL SATTLER HM6'twlU8 ro• A LOW·COIT llASY·PAYMKNT • •UILDINQ LOAN c .......... • ............. • S.......t. ...... • lat##l it .._,-..... • "'*" 1iilflll ''" ... • .. • Alo•••,. le ..-1• ,...r•_ .............. ... ....,,....,... ..., hu" 11,.,,.,, 1 .. 1 .... 11 "' 11111• 11 ''"'" :-;, u!'on w ith .one-hair t..i•,.roon B o nnie BC'<'m m odel ho me o pen t h is w eek-end at Santi-~-----··~1·~· ~·~··fl·~··-··~n~•·P•~k~··~··~·~11·~··~·~·~u"k"•.11-".'~·~"~·1_.~·f~,1~·~·r~ll~n~w~:~1n~·;•~t~r~u~~~h~ .. ~·l~b~·~~1~v~~~~~-~a~g~o~G=~~n~1~aAna.~re&nn~wi~~~™u~n w '">:•'I'll. unr t>:ispoon " ,:mun. C hris t eso n , ins 1x-<:ts her gleaming gas kitchen and in· I lncht>ll ot 1011. Then form a cont> of 11011 In the hole u tall aa the roota are tong. Sprud roots O\'er lhl' cone 110 baae ot rose l"C'llll! on top of cone, with bud two lnche11 above When you prun•. of courst', deJWnda on the cUmate. Some rose expt'rla recornnwnd that you prune al t he end or th .. dormant eeuon juat u thC' first bud• are a ppearlnt: on thf' bush. The month of January Is generally conalderf'd 111 t he beat pruning Ume-JUll prt'cedtng lhe atart of new g rowt II. But no matter what lime provu bl'ict for pruning m your aru It la mOJlt Important lh•l y'ou pt'Une at lt'll>tl oncC' a yea r. • Pe ..... hilll ,...,,..,, ..., .. ) ,._ .. 1 1101111. """ 1 .. q.:•· t"a~puon ''' duh "" ,..,, Hl1k" 11""' l\l,1111o· 111 C.tlt· ftunut tl•11 • ._,..,\al ·d utt"' hJl\'•• I II•· •lld••ol l1m"•11l 1 .. r 11 ht1111la11I 11o1w11t-1 11 """ h of '" ·, •·nt. twu \'itcs vis it ors t o the site at Garde n Grove Blvd. and f t 4•.rh fl'-h tu f.,:1\'t \Uli• IV tu th•-.. t;.,1111l11n111h•>i1holll•lll!-lt of i.;e1 h1 be ,Jll .. n. ·hair k1t·puun p&f't tk.• anll F lo w e r S treet for the firs t showin~ of the autiful """·h.tlf t1·11'"""" .. r K111h•11 Uou· provinci;il ranch ho m e. <port 1 I l1tl< t <I 1111 f'l llV<' I Ill" < 11l11r <t( tit• I )';Cll T llt:tt' ('001\ISI. Tht' th11111n1·111 ,. 11r the :<n11th 11ntl •0Ulh·\\t•'1 ~pt tn)::I I ll>m 11111ro• •'1•111· rll i< t1•11nll111t11n' !111d1 111< H l(•ll J: ttR•l1t111n "' ~··111 11• lt\'1111.:. 11 ntfl"' 1111.11 plv 1l••11n1"i ,..,.1 v111i: 1·11,,,,. 1u1d 1 lhl' 1'8111'!'1 l'"Ok .•l11WIV ttnlt) II lh1<·k ''"""" ,, ... ,11.. <\tJol l'"lll'' PIRATE CAMPUS GROWS ..tmpJ"'ol pa 1 ... 1. ,. '1s 1>1\0 IUl"AI, ~t:Kn:-.1 :~ t h~ i:•.'11111• nl 11•·1:1 o r1H1ktni; t-lf'l't'. t T" a;-srmhlP I hl\'1• 1n11i\"11h1RI n~ 111 11111ny 11111 .. r put l:4 •II lh1i. ''""II )ll"'•f <l1:<l11·s lu,.; •·nu11~h 10 l11nd. !h t· 1111V•·ll<'t <•( 1111' 111·c•1<o•nl hnhl " lo111lla, butl<'tctl ,ii.J .. up ttav .i .. ,.,, n11t ,•0 1111· 111 1·1•11hu·1 with 1.u~· " rn.•p frlt'd sl11•r ur lJ111 on 11n tho' ltn•'~I. tor t ft,. ''''"' 1n prlvlll•' .. ad1 1lnd pol tu h"lll 111 11 ~l•1W 1111111<'~ to·1HJJ1 < 11 l"'llt'l llllO llO'Vo•t UV>'ll .•Jln•it k lhlo'V .. l:i:' <'.llf'fllll) "Vld••fll 1n uuv ,,,.•·pt th•· tw"'t o n t'fi~h lu1t11Ja uv.·r l h•• hut fin p11iil11 pl 11,. ArrallR•' tit•· ~u1·f' w lta lt 11 ... lJ1·1·1t OCC BuildinQ Students Construct Faculty Lounge f•l1\lt1lu ha ... IH\• l\t••I ,oqlllt• Jnl.-r ~ htt8t•1•t HtO\llHI th• .. •'~).:.!Iii, ~11\I~ llr1t! e"1 11,;: iii.ho·" lt•·r 1uw 11111to•t lll l'< tllo' "'"'" ... t1ul 1t•n\'11tJ.: lh,. yt1lk • I>• •li!C t'I"• !•••I loll the lltt1ni;..-1·uaxt ""' h ,,, 1tn11'• 11n1I t•thl'r C'tlnt~ '""I'°''"" 1 ('ull•·R<' CllntJIUlt Ill 8 ftt0·ulty lo11n- rr1111, ,onil f I •"h 1·0C' .. 1llnUI ~. 1rntl A rrunJ: .. I WO 11101 t' ~ho •'< oj t t ll!)l , 1(1". lf<'•ll!ht•ol h\ IHI hit•'I t uml "'"It '''" "' l'""'fl""'" I r•I ~1t1tfl-and .c-n1111bl~J bo<'•,n u 11 tup. an•l Jr11ft1n. iot111lt·nb t•I l ht' c1•ll"t.:l' 1'"' , r11\f1,h nnd ,h11111p 11111k+" for •h11<t O\'<'r wttll a J:"n•·11111io un1111111t t i.: "" ,.111,,. 0,..t 1111 111,. n( i:111ti•ol vr ll11\..· <'h• ,.,..,. 01t•I with U111loltn,.; !IA.It''< ~tu1f• 1tl• &•c 1·1111· l 'T t:t:,.\TIO' \I, c·e 1~1 :-.t. '·'It 11n I ·,..,pp• r Bake> 111 11 3Ml !<ttUfltni: 11 • l'nl1 1 .. 111 .< tM 111 .. nwlltnK )Kll •if •l•·~r"" ov"n until th<' "l!Rl! ,.,.. I Th" :!.toll Mt r1 lrn11tl111i.: is ' "'•11111 I I• '' I I• , ,. I• n11ni:t<'ol JU"t '" l Th<>><P ''""°•·t 11inq "r<' for ~t hrtl11h ti tu1 "'"'Jtld non 111 the 111, , 11, 111,., 1 , ,, " .,., 111,11 uf thr J tn•l1\'.1<ltt•I ~t>rvwr, but lh•!< 11011111111 Call u( 1!1:111, CuraliUdt,.11 ,1,11 1, oJ , ... 1ntt\ pl11, 1l.1t •if Moxho.,Of ~au ... will l'•rve "'x nr ~"'"'" th" IAll w1Ul w111ktnl: 1'lt111• 111111· Ft''",. lt.11\ A1c110 n1u, l',.rtllltkl pl• !<>ti VllllOI: lhl' ~111111111'1 by HtKI· !'p.11n. l"hrn1t J Ap1<11 111111 l'11ty· GARDENER'S nrv La111,.1 11•11• J:•• olt dltnl! lllU· .......... (1111 "'" mlll"lllll" tnl lu1h' 1lo·t1! J"•' "ho111 .. .-0•n t htnlt bnth .:1.ipl,. \\ltt;tu: rltnt"'!C \\ 1u. :\lf:t:T SUGGESTIONS TOLD FOR KEEPING NUTS Uult" :-u( 11111" h:lt U\'Pr (N!tll < "hn,.11111\11 11 111 k"•'Jl lnn..eer and bt'lter tf you roJhtw th•'"" •Ul;J:•'l'llOn• L...a ,,~ tlu!. nulJI m . Ui.>1r 11h•·ll" ll1ld 1r th• y &tt' un~11lt · l'•I )1'11\'P thl'lll lllt<I W ll\' 11nltl ·' 1111 f'ltl t ht'nt Kr• I' I hl'lll 1 "lot 8hPlll'cl HU•I t A••th CHECK LIST . I \\, '"" 11,1 llllllll lioll1 I• tt1· Sttuatrol n1 :t1 thl' i rnl+ r ur I ll" l'•'I 111, ~ltd •lfh-trnpu"t•I. ol.ilo '· 1 a111p11~, I h•·. b111ldtni; •~ 11l1<nn•·•l l nut ~ kr<>p Woll fur" )'Pllr In 11,i:ht 1·ont ain•'l i< in l\Hm•· frt'•·i - rt~ :'1:111:< 1n nu 1111m·p111 k•.,I • 1>nt111n1•1 ~ k •""I' honi;rr tllnn th•·•" •'Xf)(1w•1I tu All nut• lt•lt •.oti.11• ,.011 Vf'l:l'lHbl• !< as A r.wult.v lt1·ndq11url1 r.ot . It \\tll I. )';1oro11t t11brrou" brronla bul"' In• h11lr A 11111:<' "'"''''"!: roum :ni x 1""111 I\" 1111•1 olH11 ,. pr1111t11 Iii 011111 on And "" th10•ll,:h lhl' wo•r·I~ lhAl 1n .. fd•; now. Thr "l'"'UINI 21· with II 11111••1\"' bru k flt• )1111•,. I llthr" ma~ ho· mo"'<I Into Al onr ••nol 0 11,. r r111 111111•, \\ 111 r rolt>•"l nuts f1n111 tobl'ootb· 1111: uH-rln""' ~ nnd mu1~111re 111· Kltll lr!I: thl'll\ th l!J:hl. VUl'lll• f>l'IHI( t'Olll 11 10\ I • < 01m1111~1• Olli' r111r nh11n<IKnc-r \\'o lh• 11Hd11n a llr r frn~I 1 .. ""'' I>+· " 1111 n ~ 1 .. un..:•'. w1111h•n s 1 h''' ... 11•l11 pt•••I ttw 111111111111~ or th1·-·· i '.!. l'IMnl 1rladloh1.. hulho< """' ln11n1;1., kile ll••n 11nol " "'"' k-111"111 I fllll'IRll I.ind• \\'11 It \'tt l\'11\g ~·" - •·r•o, Ill nttr llWll 11•'1'1111 llnlt l int•·~ for •'&tly bloom. for J:ltlllthl( p,1p1 I< llltd "'llltl\·, ---------------:1. t•rult ,.,.,.,. w ilt "'H•n 11 .. l1·ar. I t'Prhi•pic our nio~t 111tf'rN1ttni; d r-I Th•• ••'(to·111°r I•( th" L11tl1l111.: H11nn1•t , Biii l..nrnt1 nnol l~··nrR" r_ ... _1 ... _,.,. front tho• no11m ,,, ,,,_11P_r•· I lnir out. l"Jir•~· no" "11h • will hr ftnt .. hr•I tn 11f(h·1I htil k, Smtih, Hunttn~t .. n lll'n1 h J11• k f<early Mixet/ Concrele In apll•• nl 1111" ("t'm<'nt !'-horl.afC" Wr ANI Maklnr; t;,·,.ry POMlblr t:rtort to ~ath•fv 111,. Srrd11 of Our <il'C\wlnit ('omm11nlt). f'nr C'-onc-l'f't~ -Call t·-. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE l ll~ C'ommert'lal Wily C'OSTA MESA I.I "~'Wlzi QlllJK-y ,. Hwy It IA Ruotlq1oa lkll. Lu. t-'1st dnrmant MJlra~ of horllramc I ~lttlr", """ rrdw"o.t "'ltn): Ho ... ,. 0 1t\'tl< nn•I ~:r II I< •kkn t 'll~t11 mhiturf' phi" utl or rah'tum 1)0•111\\M 11nd 1111 • ~ I\ 111 11 .. llM•1I In 1 ~t r,.11. Gil \'It.> Hrt twl 111111 Krrnl ~.tn-pol_,·~ulphiol•'. Thi .. 1111" •l11r· 111.. 111"' 1111.; 111 .. 111 .1noi tn thr I ch• :t. 1\n;h,.llrt Jou ,).,111911 !=;11nlA manl "11ra~· 1 .. lhr mo,..t Int· nt• n • r.nct \\•"II• n·, l11uni.:•'' Tltr An11 . L\•lr :'lltll•·r ll n I J•·hn \"ulll'" I purta nt of nll. inl"fl"r 11( th•' mrn• lnuns:e \\dl ,Xcw1,...,·t H .11hnr . RAiph Pnrkl'r,1 4· 11 1 .. Of"'" ,.. • ._,..," "" ·,.nall.. h·· f111t~ht·1J 1n 111.1hn~·•n)' 1•1111rllt11i:, San 1·11·111• nt•• nml H"n Ro•vnnld• •ml ~lur; ... \"uu l'nn r;l"f \ nur 111,. w11111• n .. 1"11111:•' 1n A•lt a n•I ll•• 1 Omn,::P II m It '" 11 •In IP: .. pt• If p I ... it . n '""I In I: • I "'' Ill•• I k 11 • It· n I n h I .. k -;;:;;:::;;::;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:::;;:;;:;; :\, 1111 nut tl,.ln) plAnttni: hart• • ruuc r""'"' anol frull ,,...,.... ''\Tl.Ill \I.~ I ~t:u MATIREl St:S 6. l'l:.11t all ll•m »rlnr; In·••... M•11 h 11•• t" b• "IJ.! m11d" or'-'"'• Roa1-H1lf11,..._ I rall•~ lr~culiu ~baJ>" l.JlM'rl\ K-1 3113 .. 1wll "" 0.11H•rinr; pl11m'. rtn-.11111 n1·n11•1 ... ttl,. "ill bf' 11«·•1 in \\ ••rinl[ 1wa..h•" :tnd flo\"•rintt • h••rrl• '· F'11w:< Tallm•1n t•c1.A I''" h11c · t n•1 • \\ •• An\t"Z 1r-.cn• tu r h r 1·1tt)1· 1nj." t •H' 2 l.utratc11 n11nt1.,.t t>t t :'\\1•4• JAMES I ""'• M,._ Mattr'P<Ut (;n. 'U:.O Sewport Bh·cl. D. RAY General Contractor & Builder Mitt Coaiot nh·d. CO.KO~ A Of:L MAR rHO'."t: flAKROR 4711~ HOUSEHOLD CRISIS? WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the ans~er Because we do everything here RESIDENTIAi -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL casa pura "St:K \ ll.f .. \\ ITHI., HOVK$ -"U~ l\'IZlJt.U" COMPLl.at: LA t:?l.'DERERS ud CLEANER& 230 30th St., Ne"'JM>rt Beech MAIU.,"l:R•a lllJLI: !l."l;W'PORT BEACB • l'Urlact' ot aoll. Fill In hole with loam tlt>af mold. aoll a nd rotted manur" 1 and firm 11011 tightly around bu11h to avoid air pockets. Soak thoroughly. twice-. E~tabllslled ro11u particularly require heavy feedinit et th«' 11tart or the growing 11euon and light monthly feedlnr• from Ar r11 thru Sl'ptember. TR.IM C'LL'l1'EIUJ Too often In their anxiety to remove auckera gardent'rs take off Important nt'w JtTOWth. Nuraerymen MY 11ucker11 which appear below the bud union. uwally have d ifferent ("ol- ored leavc11 and bear their lt'avu In nvrna. New canu l(tn· erally ijrOOUCe leaVH In flVl'I, a bove the bud union and In lht' aame color u lhe teavn of th• bush. <'ltmblng ro~t'll 111\ould be pruned In mid-January. with the excrptlon ot ramblers and cllmber11 which bloom only onre. t.t . Belle of Por· tugal. which 111\ould be pruned af· tl'r ro11e11 fade. Bush roses should he prttnt>d latt'r, aftr r danger of f ro"t ts put. Pruning method• wltl differ according to tht type or roM. Rturt first plantlnr of gladiolus and continue at lhret' w~k Inter· va l!' until Aprll. , Tree rose11 demand the m ost careful pruning pf all roae typ ... 11 tor thPlr margin of ufcty 11 lowe11t . Where norlbunda anti polyantha roae1 art grown for mllH effect they do not r,.. quire aa severe a pruning u the regular hybridl!. Shrub roses require only • light pn rning a n1I Climbing ro11es n1>ed twc• dl!f PrPnt type8 of 1.re11lment dt'p<•ndlng on thl' varlt'I Y: the t verbloom In g 11huuld be lightly pruned while lhl' aprlng (lo- wermr type needs a heevy pruntnr aftt'r bloomtng , .• 1-'-.....,., •• '"••Nllf, U rear •"' ..,.,...,.,. lb( ~ 1u1,,-~~-·u:...: :. *, .. _..,...._ , ·······~············:··········· ..... Oth<>r planllng s uggutlona: Sow """'Ill In o~n r rounJ -alyHum, r andy tuft. co11mOA, JtOOPtla . lark· 11pur, llWl't'l pellll. Plant from na1:9: c11.rna1 ron clnerana, coreops111, n1,.l"C'm~r1tla. pan11y, 1n1pdragona, • 1tock11, ar11btoaa. 111ngle petunia. violet, v1ol11"- PRt"N L""G Ttmt' to prunt' dM:lduou11 1hrubs and trtPa. Do a ll nect11sary prun· ln11 thl• m o.nth , be!orl' n•w crowth M••rlK to appear .• The p roper time 18 Wh«'n l hl' l!teml! or lilt planta Rre h11rJ ll nd fUlly dormant and a 1111ghl 1w1>lllng 111\ould be ~vldent I tn I hr """"' b11d1. rn.tn1ng too N rly muns shock nnll d1ebat•k , loo la lA! mt'ana bleed· Ing F:nrirret n 11hrubs and trtt1: r<'mO\'C dt'fll1 branches. trim and 111l11r r . Vine11: t rlm •nd thin out ra11t i:-rowlng vtnt11 I honeysuckl•, lromprt 11nd j811mine1 I S PRAYING Spraying at this l-lme or year la ;;;;;;;;;=====~! MESA UPHOLSTERING Cu~tom Ory Cleenin9 for your SPECIAL APPAREL .,... 8oat11Ja,ad'• n-t 81-ltJ8" it• lllart-. ....._ lllaad t 601 So. Jfnl"· Ba"ta A"o Up1totetert•1 a Dnpel'J UbertJ MTll tSllO Nwpt.. Bl•d.. C-ta II-I -Everybody rnda Clueifled Ad• the Richard Beeson Company Lanclscape DesicJn and· Constn1etion · OOIWSA DEL MAA· PHO?lo"E llARBO& 161 R. Donalt/ Hall Construction Company Ot:SERAL C01'"TRACTORS ti21-D \\'. Coe.at Hwy. Liberty l ·!OSI Newport BMch. Oallf. ROBERT FORBES luR•r rHO?li"E ILUUIOR 11111 ARCHITECTS Members .of American l111tttut. of Arthitects J . Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroelc ~Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger DllA.PEJUES -VPHOLSTERL~O -8UP con:u \\'ALL PAPER -CARPETING COMPl.t:TE l~"TEIUOR DECORA TISO • LAMP UGHT SHOP 144S r;. Coul H ., C:oro-•J Mar REMLEY & DA VIS· PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CALL HA.ICBOK till\! FOR E8TJMATF., WITHOUT CHA ROE 101 E. BALROA Bl.\"D. BAUIOA ROSES ••• w,. h&\t' a al<'t" wlf'CtJoa of the-old f&\•oritH ONL\" ,...it .. r Jtf't thf'm "llUe lhf'y laat. whll., \HI •Iii) h&\0f' lh.-\'1lril'tl-)'00 llkf'~ Patented Roses at R94111lar Prices 5 & 10t NURSERY Four Piece Painted Cannister sets RA>ir. 1.16 ...•. !"p. 89r Gafty. Decorated Cake Safes lread loxes )';Pf"" ••.• 98( D.eta Power Shop lnrl: "" S.lill , .. 'nlnl"r 1, h. p. motor an.t 'ta.not '210':\ f omrt•l11 Sir Piece Screw Driver Set TUSTIN Cherry Wood CarvlfHJ loarda lhU lnr hr•, lft •ptlue Tr-.an.t ..,;.II ._•4• ~P""· LOOK Uah·-1....S 111&11 ...._ 1' s-rtat .. 1 l'nur s -A NumMr .• 3 .. Dnc:o w.,. llH or Red .'r !Cpt-r. I ht Rl'd l>IKll.l.f:T Schlag• Keyed Door Loeb •s• R--a. Ill.IN) .. .,..,,.. CLEARANCE COUNTER t:lfft rlc-Iron" Pn"l'"Ul'f' ('ookf'nt and Ott. Tumhlf'r ~t& $HU9 !U•.i 1.;.9;, t.~ I Mk 8f.t" .......... -. .$190 l,unrh Box,. _ 1..89 'Me \ . MA8s MEETING-Five hundred re9identa of Freedom Homes gathered Friday night to hear tax explanations from officials from the Bank of Ameri£a, county u- aeuor'a office, City of Costa Men, Repubtlc Homes and • others. The meeting, one of largest such local gather- ings, was led by V. E. MacCarter, reaiden.t and organ- izer of a !act finding "Committee . ...-Slaff Photo :TAXPAYERS Contl•a.d from .,,., r.,.. tached lo the Bevuly Hill• branch ot Bank of America which han- dles Ui• loan1. He Hid the tax t>sUmatrs made by the bank l\lst tall were In.~ than the tax bill prescnttd t o the bank by the county In Novl'mber, 19~. Montl'lly payment• n111tl e to t h .. bank by purch11.11<'1·1 In th<' lra•·t Include taxe11 b1111Nt on the aMtSll· mt>n!JI Norman explalnet.1 lhl' 1953·54 detlclt11 wcrr p.1! I by the bnnk when llu<' and will.. br cnlle1'tf'rt from the homr own .. r11 o\'tr the 1955·!>6 12-month prrlod. Al11t1 the tax,..11 for t he curri-nt 1!15~·5d prr- lod will bl' collcctcrl nvl'r the yt>nr 'ic Jlf'rlc•I 11' e(Juul 1n11ta lln1C'nt~. The> hnnk •·Xl• Ull\"I' toltl lh" grvup lilt t nx v ill••l·llon mcth1.<1 l8 requlrl'•I 11n•l<'r FllA tn ms 1111•1 pnym!'nt o! th«> n ollt'rt I'd t11J1c1 once a yc11 r by thl' bank lllM '" rt'QlllrPd hy FHA JWO<"C'dUI f'. Nonnnn toltl thl' group 11 book· kr t ptnf .mac-h:nl'. ml1ttake dliorov- f'red by thf' h11nk F'rtday m lht' lnlf're11t column of e>a t'h purchlll!· ers' •~count will he rertlfled with correrted 11tatt'mcnt1 Mnl to the home ownt'n. PLUMB MAKFA TALK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ANNEXATION Coatlnaed trom P\nt Pare bor Blvd. to Oialer SL alon1 whlCb the San Dle10 Frttway will eox- tend. Adjacent lo lhe City of Co•t• Mesa wlll then be the SoulhPrn Ca lifornia Bible CoUege. the Or- ani:e Coun ty Jralrground8 an<\ the 70-ncre ••le which the Newpt..1 t Harbor Union Hli:h School la try- ing to acquire from 811.nta Ana Army Air Bate, again declared i;urplus by -the government. The pruperty up for annexal 1on la more than 4000 fl. In Mdth cmt.1 J 2 000 fl. In lcnxth. lt la' already IW'rVt'd by aewer llnu and water lines of the MWD. All the prC'I· post'<I annexation la within Ule l\"t•wport Harbor High School Du.- ll l<'l. the Co11ta Mua Union 8('hQol 01a.t1 lrt anol the Orangt> Coa .. t Junior ColJege Dustricl. JURY DEADLOCKS ON TRIAL OF HARRY LEHMAN. DEVINE VOte 11· 1 for Convidion as Juclg9 Thompson Calls. Mistrial SANTA ANA (OCN8)-A jury ot 11even exhaullted .women and five men wu dlamleaed bv Su· perlor Court Judge Ra)mond Tllompaon here Saturday afltr It wua unable to reach a Vt>rdlct In Ule c01U1plr1cy trial of Carden Orove· labor offlctala Harry Leh· man and Charin E. tRed) Devine. The count atood at ll·l for con-1 vlctlon. Lehman, bulineaa asent for • As~i'J<SN1 valuation of the arf'a. •• ahown on the tut equa ll&..., 0 1an.-e County tax roll. b 1204.820 tor the land and $1 .211 .8&0 tor 1m-culina ry union and DeVint', •e<:re- provementJc. I tary-tre!..,uret of tne County o.n-. I • I eral Labor Council, were •cell.led , V•lll'd the tf'mporary Fact Flndlnr of offering' to rtt an on-aale cen- Com"!lllt>e whlclf he ht>ad11 Into a I era.I liquor llceruie ror Al Wedder-I f"'rmilnPnt 11tatus and •creed to donat" 12 8 holllle on • voluntary 1poon of Newport Beach for the h1111l11 lo finance lt'gal action and premium price of 111,000. lcll1•rhead1. Judge Tllompaon called lba . NAB GUNMEN ·1 Wilder Joins Co•tl•wd froni Flnt Pap tNt and lakl' ort your hot. Put I Council Race )'Our money anll watch In the . ll•t." Bnuuiford cqmplled. Ona au.tpt"Ct s ot behind the wheel and thf' other ~malned ln the back 1ut wllh Ule lAe \\'lldf'r, narbor ana adv'!•· U•ing and publle relallona man. today riled bia nom~Uol pap..1 • cab driver. I for Dlatrlc-t 6 City C'ounc1I r1l<' ... They proce.,tl<-d to Bol1111 Chtc:i Road. north to Smel:.ur Avt'. t.Dd A resident or 261 Eventng (·an· eut about a mile-on Smeltzer. )'On Road, Wilder haa llvNI In th" The cabble was ordeNd to get out Harbor a rea •Inc .... ~uly, lS.9. nav- of lhf' l'llr 1,•move his ~II anJ tng tit-en <'M'Cllal<lnlal ruldenl or ahoe atrlngll. · 1 vl:ut ur ~in~··· l !128 He I• marr1eJ, h lt1 w1tr having bet"n a kln1ter· The 11uarecta thf'n bound Bran•· 1 ~arten .l••cher in the city .. ho.1111 ford and 11hovt>d him In • ditch Mince Uie couple ctme here. ftlong the Rid! of the road. Thf'n ln hla at&t.emeAt ot candidacy. tht-y drove alonr Smeltur In Wlldl'r said he would work 111 h11r· Bran1ford'1 taxi. mony with other ccuncllmen If Branarord aatd tht pair took Sl3 electc>d. •·avt1rinr "plan.ned dewl· In cllllh and a $60 wrist wat<-h. opment .. of the city, he uhl lht' Newport Bt>ach police on ft city needa lncre111w-d traffic •Me· 1llikeout along Highway !Ol·A ty meuurea particularly In pt>ll1•11- and the CHP chued down a cab trlzrn cros11lng1 and more •• rt't•I et 101-A and Balboe about 9:30 Urhta ln certa in naldmllal are"" pm. In the cab they found th• I without Utem. C&IUn.r Cor lncr<'.A.CC(I men wt th a · pair of b,rUI knucklu. police and fire· protect Ion. w1111.-r I a wr11t watch and a .32 cal. pta-aald he alllO favort'd a "1tepped· lOI. up·· Khedule ot I~ and J&rf>ai;e Both J.larlnea admltll'd robbinl' collecUori"where needed. I four cab drivera In a wild wttk Wlldn favors acqul•ltlon :rnd 1>nd crime 1pNf. aberttf•a depu· devt'lopmt>nt of 'parka at Jn11ph ~­ tlea 111Jd. Tbt'y reportedly ad.mil-Uon Point and Buck Gully In htF ted taking 1~6 off a Compton cab-d11tr!ct and Rocky Point In thf' ble ln South Gate Friday night. adjoJnln,: dlatriet. On Saturday nJcht they aaHrt-Favorlnr eronomy In city l(llV· edly pulled the aarne capt>r on a emment, he u ld he would oppc:i,. 'Loa Angeles cab driver, pocketln( any pt>rmlqlon or surface drtulr.g $10. Anot.her $10 allegedly _. for c.ll ln or near city boundarl<fl grabbed by th• two AWOL Ma r• llDd any expansion of aub11urfere lnu when they f orced a Compton drillln&' eutward of pruent llmlte tllXI operator to drive to a rest-except by pubUc vote •• drm11nt.1· dentlal 11ecUon in Long Beach be-ed by th• charter. fore robblnl' him and taking hi• "I ti.Ueve J.h• oouncll llllould <t:<· ro.r. J:ach time the ouapec\.11 re-tend llmlted financial aid to thr portedlY. forced the vtctlm lo get -chamber or commerce, 110 long o.L out and then drove th• car MV· lt Mrvlia to attract rood people to eral blocJu be.fore dltdllDC It. our city and lo aptead the city'• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART I · f AGE 5 MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1~55 -------- tame far anJ wide u It tlu In I E . 2S1d SI "h<I died S.turda\' at tht• pa ... r. · he n ld .. I bPlit\ .. :""' 1'1110 Vt'1,lr 11.,:;1rta l. lllyrh«>. 1111 .. r thl• atd llhuul•I bt' J«>llntl<'h' l11111l· " b1,.<'f 11(n .. .- eJ, hOWC'Vl'r, anJ tl'at m<1T~ l'ffu11 ! Mr Johnit.1n a wcU known lt1All1I· ahould au lo'""ard 111a.Jctn11 1hf'l 1n.: ,·,.n111«fl•r In lhC' Harbor a1,•a. l"h•mber and any a1m 1la1 orcanl&J v1u bl•m 1n Kanu• Cit~. K11n. Ilona ••·lf-•upp.irtin~ ·· ''"Y :.!:I. tll\16 H«> had llwd In 81.~'TI .. ,... Of Wllikr"• nnmln"lltl~ I Poalll MC'd>t f,1r lht' ra•l 21 )'f'R•• paper• wne Harold I!;. t:hr1111 h·• • mJ 1n 1 ·11 111.11 nla for t ht' pa~t :l"I Donald D. HarwooJ. Grayce 'i··· vean ~" '"'U a nwmoor oC Iha vh'r. Alber t t-: SlO<"klon. Jalnf'~ I" ;\'1•wf'o1 t Jly1 l••1 L11Ji:e of l':lki< Van Oyk•. Thvmas D1!n•·•n Sit>\\"-I Sui \•l\•1•1 • '"' 111111• hi. wlJ••A·. art. \\"allt'r JI.I Lon1:mnor, \\"11!1..:n )Jr_.. Adi; J .. twi~o1n. a ,. .. n. 1~'""'' It. F1ahrr. Dorothy Harry and H•I· Ru~""" J .. hn""n ,. <hrnl(hlC'r. M• "· pert Morrlll H•'ndrlck~. Joan H1l11111•r .. 1111. a brother. Oeur11e DEATH NOTICE THOMA8 C. I OHN80N •- Servtce11 an-pendinr at Baltz. J.tortuary. Costa J.teaa, tor Th1•111· u Cavanaurh John110n. 48. of Z27 1lohruion 1<~: ..r C'olla Ml'it1t; ""'t hia mOl hl'r. M o• C11rrle M . J oll11- ton or Kan..a• City: J.l<>. Jim ('ar .. y. U , Oakl•nd 'hemo- phelil' victim -"Thert1 are lot• of thlni:" 1 1 nn do that othr,.. ra n·t YOU ARE CORDIALLY IN\'ITED T O THI!! GRAND OPENING Following Remodt'lln~ of the ROSSI'S CAFE ---._THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 196& FREF: BUFFET 2:00 p. m. to 2:00 a. m. < Corona del Mar I Hugh T'lumb, :nunty tax u11<'~or &aid 19!H Wiii! t hr rtr8t year the h.iml'll In the trarl were 0Me111td a11 complt'tNI bullcltnirs. He 11ald any building• ncit complt>led by J.tarch 1 ot 11ny yt>sr are not 1~­ ae1111t d a• full rompl«>led v11Juat1on for t hnt ytar'' tuxrs. "We can tight back, .. Maccarter three-week court action a mlatrial told t he re1ldenu . ''and we have a and 11a11t he would decide on a new good ch•nca to rain a lot. Or .we trial date Friday. can lay down and take It. Temrera hit the bolltnr ·point "We have hl'ard a Jot of double aftl'r Jury Forf'man Glenn Clave talk," he rontlnued, "and over 200 tntormf'd the judge the jury wu ot the 800 .homo were completed I "hoptlu11ly deadlocked" on count befnre the &ll!l<'llllment pt>riod of two of the lndlctmtnt returned by when you can own a 3 bedroom home for "I do not knCJw of a case where taore u nlfo1 n1 \•aluea a re plactd than on F rt>C'dom Hnmu. Plun1b t old the .t;roup. ..Our record• are opr.n an<\ wr will be h•pry to ehow them to you. Jf you ran come up with a more t'qool v11lu- a llon. mort' powt>r to you." h,. llllld. Plumb·a HMrtlon that hoU8f'l! and lots In the trart Wfl'e al!Jl't'ued t he H me thla yur u 11111, except tor tho"41 not complel.-d by J.brr'l 1 1954, drew an1ck•r1 i nd ctlt eeJ18 from the rUll,.N a u<\lt nce. MM'CARTJ:Jl COt;:-O Tl:K~ MacCarttr roe• to hi• feet tQ counter Plumb'• comment• with hla Idea ot what tlie be.ala tor t&11 ueeument t •hould be. ··1 do not believe tht buytn1 flsure la the value of the land," he Hid. .. w, have curba. -er•. •trrete and drain .. • which we have paid for." ha Mid, "and now we are being uat-d for thf'lle thln11 a saln." City Mana cer Oeorre Coffey of Costa Me1t.i told the rNldm\.11 city taxea were not Included In t.helr c11rrent lax bllla a1 the two R,.. public t ract1 wrrt annexed to the city 1ubMquent to the aaHaa- ment deadline ot March l , 19~. .. F'11ture rlty ta.xt'I dt pt'nd on 'll"hat thl' ntl7 n• nf th,. rlty w"nt." hr t':"lphllr,,.11. Mayor Clalrt Ne19"1n 1tf'rnn1IP'1 Cn((,.,· A r•planatlon Of fUlllrf' lftXllW>n lllM~!'I." 1 the Orange County Grand Jury. I MaC'O&rlt'r claimed he k new of Oeorge Chula, attorney for De- at leut one lot wh•re lhl' hou11e ftndant Lehman. charged one qt w1111 completed Dt>c. 11. 1953 with the juron1, J.tra. Pearl &.Iman• or Ul!t'llllmer.ts l!t't at 11240 tor the I Santa Ana had bren ~Ung a hou"t" and $3M for the la.nd In the wllntM. Mr-. Ella Lout• Duplt>lJt l9M-!'1!'1 tax year. ··1 do not want Coum·eln111n (formf'rly of Coron.a, tn namf' lhe lot number " he aald ctel Mar) '" the court houae halls "becau"" therf' may be r~tallatlon:; I on llt'\·eral OCClll!lona. •·wt1t"n you ro up to Plumb'• Chula al.a &Merted a.noU'lar office." he tolJ the JTOUp, "you Juror. Mn. Ruby L. Kuter. wu are Ju.st one lltle Joe who boufhl fnendly with prosecutor DeWttte a cheap hoUH. But when you Mnd Chat~rton u a re11ult of another a delt>g•Uon. you wUI ca.rTy a lot I raae. ot wetcht. Po1Jt1cla.n1 are Hnal· Judr;e Tllomp11on aald hr would Uve to votu:· lnve1llple Chula'• ch&rJt'I. MarCartn claimed the matter Tllr juror• followed J udgr would~ taken to the court• If Tbomp11on'1 advice on count on11 "we can't rtt &11,1 cooperation or the two-rharge lnd1ctment, r .. l 1>m Plumb a.nd the aupervl10r1. turning an lnnorent verdict on the It th•Y would take out the pr~ charge or con11plracy to commit fl!JI and tmprovementA on the the crtme or uklnr or receiving' properly, they w ould get down to a bribr t or a public ornrtal. They a fair flrur• for uaeaammt.a;• ht were hunr up on a C'on1ptracy to at.lvlll4ld the audience. commit lt'r&nd thrtl •Oegatlon. I U.L.T. THEOSOPHY H H 80. C'OAST 111.\'n . LA(;t:SA BEACH F:A. 1TES . 2 00 PM. F.A. THt."RS, II 1!'1 P.M. M EE TIN GS D18Cl'88L"l0 THI: PRISC IPLES OF' THE PHILOSOP HY OF THl!!OSOPHY IAS. :~. 8:1& r.~. LECTU RE 8 uhjf'Ct -··PSYCHIC PHF.:\'OME:\'A .. Th~ \'Rrl"Ua noprnt nla ll\"t'S a n· l'Wtr,.<I qu,.•tinn• put t n th••m l>y ml'mbrr• ,.f thf' auctltn• •• beforf' th"Y w ere d11m 11<.~d by MacCar· tt'I l 'ndl'r h111 dlrt'cllon the crowd 1 Pl'BLIC l;";\'ITF:n ADMISSIOS F REE 1'"0 C"OLLP:CTIO!'< ~ Worldi mmt ~I ~ief<·u~ ~ · ,_.._..in ~ona1 ... ~ -- Pibs PAak elimbl -- ,4MW ,/JH>cl' ff I btttlr dlll f • the man 1t hwtiell with ... DO~~~. ~-,!.~~CK8 O'BRIEN MOTORS 1680 Newport Bh ·d. -Co8ta l'fesa -Ll~rty 8-7272 ... 26 prtacls-J aad ba~reet PER MONTH MODEl HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA VETS • -$ 00 plaa vnall clo8ln~ COila DOWN or NON-YETI - s7995 , FULL PRICE ... Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE 'f)UALITY FEATURES ' ,. o .. nulM lath and 1•1.,.t••r I • lHwdrm. -1H6 lllqu&n-ff't't undr r rvof Th,.rmadur l'lf'rtrlr h••fn• In halh• Amf'rlcan !Oa.ndard C'oloN'd hath thtur•.,• Marlltf' onr tut. A11pllall Ulf' In kllchrn and hll lh t •ormlr a kltf'ltf'n "''ork aro-.,. Tborn 11tHI "'lndn" • S o. :?10 ( omJ><• '"''' f"lrtnrr "ln;fo14 • 4fl·cal ""'"' hratr r , l.ar_.,. wperatf' eton1r" r<w1m "lnlmum 1 .. 1 ,., .. nno ~uarr ,,...t _j Andes Realty-Sales A91nfs -LI M565 -Open 9 to 7 Dally • ' GxcePI PA6E 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY ''God gront us the serenity to eccept the things we connot change: the couroge to chonge the things we cen end the · wisdom to know the difference." (A: Anon.) . JOURNAL :.am ••am .EDITORIALS . . Action to Remo.ve Tracks -Engineerinc detaila, title eearch and a report of e•tirnated coni on condemnation of the Pacif"te Electric Co. railway property in the heart of Newport are ready for -preeentatJon to the city council. ~piled by the city engineer, manager and city attorney, the monu- mental document.a if approved by the City of Newport ~will pave the way for the removal of the diarep- utable propertJee of the deteriorating-utility from the . heart of the c:onupunity. Newport Beach will take to court ita demand for eondemnation of the little-Wied propertiea which chop ap and blight the central buaineu area. Prope.rtiea to be 110Ught under court order are all the parcela lying leiween Balboa Blvd., Newport Blvd., McFadden Plaoe uid 30tb St. Thia would permit 'the widening of the two main boulevard.a of ~e community and elimination of the ugly freight yanb maintained by the company. In yean put buaineu interuts of the City of New- port Beach hav"'e repeatedly a&id they would be better merved by a more accessible freight yard further re- moved from the narrow buainesa streets. Orie by one buaineu finn8 have defected from the miserable util- ity and more and more of the city freight ia. being hand- led by tnlck into Newport Beach. · The Pacific EJectri~ has ample property along it.a right-of-way to aerve what few customers are at.ill brave enough to patronize it. Still better service could be had by the complete elimination of all aemblance of the Pacific Electric and it.a parent. the Southern Pacific, from the community and U8e of the existing yard fa- dlitiea in Coat.a Meu on what waa once the Santa Ana -Army Air Bue. 1be huge array of lumber stacked through the heart of the buaineea d.iatrict along the railway track- age ia merely ln tranait from the flat cars. It could just u well be unloaded on the freight yards and docks nearer to ill ultimate destination, the houaing pro- ject.a inland of both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Practically all the shipping formerly handled over the electric line ia now being trucked becauae of the in- acceuibility of tlie yard.a and facilities of the railway. Newport Be9ch'a biggest canner maintaiu a aize&ble HARBOR HILITES Betty Piper, PeU Plepr and Jim OU.tra.p. Dick Job.uton, Diane Cra.tn. Naacy CampMU. Lucy Pope, Jean· ne SwU1200 and Kai Jona, 8ally Shrader. ~ Hendenon and Peart Holland. Slctp Freely. Dick MuU.gnbr\dh, K&Uly Huttman. Donne ~ Lan')' Shrader, A Jarse Dumber of rooten turn· i.,nn M.clrary. BW Cooper. Jack td oat for the flm lea.rue baaht· 8m1t.b, Patl.le Re~r. Johan '-JI pine J'r1daJ' nlpt wllh Hunt· H1rth. Joe Jamu, Howard Mitchell !J&rehou.1e on the M~tbe teMJ!mu1 o~"e.r. E . line there on the former Army hue. '1T' Funda for acquisition of the railway property have ' been accumulated in specially earmarked funda for the purpoee by the City of Newport Be~b o~er the put few yet.I'll. Freedom Homes Problem Many thinp were brought to light at the Friday meeting of the residents of Freedom Homes ~evelop­ ment in the Everett Rea School, Co.ta Men. Flntly, it wu revealed by the project auperviaor and· others, that the Freedom Homes aubdiviaion i.8 being taxed at 20 per cent of the cost of replacement. For years residents of the City of Newport .Beach have auffered along with the highest county aueaa- D)enl.8 in the book, for the most part at roughly one half of value. Probably there are others in the county · who have felt the sting of the aaaesa<1r'a whip at 40 per cent of "reasonable replacement" which is the term U8ed by the useuor's office. How the assessor cam~ up with $2040 valuation on houses sellin across the boarda aC $8000 we do not now. P.robably the "Fact finding committee of Freedom Homes" will find out-to ita re- gret. One thing that is made mor.e evident every day in rapidly.growing Orange County is this: the County of Orange and all its cities should adopt the policy of forc- ing aubdividere to. provide school facilities aa part of their coat of development and creation of a tract. The idea of the Freedom Homes builders creating a tract of 800 new homes, dumping in a population of more than 3000 with at least 1000 school children on an already- burdened school district is beyond all question of rea- sonableness. This aubdivider and all otbera should be forced to contribute to the school districts a sufficient amount to provide the facilitiea which it ia necessary to have at band at once for the proper abeorption of 1JUch·a popu- lation into .a city. Mentioning of the city brings a1ao to the fore the fact that the subdlvi.aion on the Meaa bu already felt -in the pocket book-the benefita of the City of Costa Mesa, to which they are not yet paying tuea. The in- surance rate• on the bowiee in the tract have been cut in half becauae aa part of the City of Costa Meaa they have organized fire protection. A benefit the readdent.a there will enjoy for almost a year at no tax coat.a. They annexed to Coat.a Mesa in Kay after the levy of city taxea in M.arch. ..... He Needt Your lJelp- .., .... _ ........ .,..__~ ..... ... •-k mr a,~._~.....,. ....... .._ ......... -... -.·-~ I eom.t. • -.......... lwar mr make thia Ill•' -la ~ .... mt -• Do.sill 1 1"eft •nort.inr a .,_.. ......_ M 'IJ .... I -a U.t 1·to11ect edl· tam. at RI er 2 ..._, '•pat ...a. ·Ramona." Yueh at~ e 'r'J ... ..._ _.... I • ' r • tlle .ttinc for the .,.._ ..... --,.. .... --............ ...._.."· 0.f'e1'0"· -.W ....._ -c..p -~ .ay an. ..., ._ wut.ct., Welte t. ... ...._. Iii Ge .._. -••• hi to and the ,_..,.,: eoamry ... --.. ....... c-. -.y .... 1--.t ""' l6m eft ,.... n.t lll:a. ~ ... -....__ llUI po« U JU. ...__....._•:~-_., _ _._•..,ton·l- kt' -1.. ..,,. ....,... -. and. ~ .. the 6-a-" ,.. ---Illa ~ ~fd llM and -ttllat '-~ ......... Att.tr aum• C<JNW,r.ble tJtrouCt1 -xa111e ~ ~ lllrtw..c• an Enc- ..,.,.. __,. -~ _... _. • ..._-_... Dtptoa and my• Benwt'a a-~ .._. _. ...,_ wwllinc u a llllMpflf'rd· and UT lieulc cllmr.. 0-.: • a ..._ « .,_ -. llie ~~ed our propo- "1 the --.. -_..,. ----..,. 90 •to Jr('t a .C.art !'ft DIC p6dse ---*-' ...... • ,_._ oftrrwd to wnrlt tcw Unck TCllll'a C.... a. ._.Dir S. •--. ..a.ea.I <ti ~~ IJ'O. 11.aw··-. _...... • .._ I =••win NG1'tl> ~ tor Uw ..__ ....._. ....... ,wwt .... dnwn up ban ~ .-flt Odst ~ wldl a i.t and food and ... ~-· ... • .... ~I&__..._ ....... ._ .. ..y It l2 . ~ c c TN a. I_,. ~ sa w*ta Dlchton wu cr-teat ~ or~. Melk t.e ,.. ...... ..... for•. to ~ pr•,_ On tbe ,....._ I!-* , a _. -iaoaOa. tJ1Ia --.. u1.,..1.·nt --------------------------tfon ~ ..ia Of OW T .!. • :.> S. a a:Ollf.A, wttb llllttp at Sl __ ,.. ... dalllll llmlJl _ 1b: a ~ A,,,,.r wot'liwl.c for about Washington By WALTER CHAMBLIN Ill. -...., -~ *" ~~Ubt. for aorn• r.,_.n nl' Butt.nfaeJd ~ ....... -...,,. ~ Ila ..-it ll1-Job, l<Pft ht• to. wtudl _....,. • a ~ ~ ~ .._ and ~d.d 190 I" tJon-AJ\a Uie a' 0 ~ 4111 • C8ltill t-tJlie um.e lie llad work~•I. I.hr ~ ~ ..._. .._..,. • "'"'9 l ~ aaJ he left In ~ I 1811 ~ b!llUdlllc ..._ ~ -lllltt. h o M tlLrH day-a later I For the third time 11lnce the gTUslonal battle over thla phue by Lowa .. Cllf. a ~ •? _. • ._ ~ ._,. .. lllcnan to .. ,.. tum af the century. the Pruldent of labor leg1alation. -4 aa a atclft. a. -*""• -,__-llwt.,,.. WoUf'. and ahuw of the United Sta tea finds him· I Congress alao will tnlt.aate man waa ~ llad I --GR tt8ll ~. etc~ wby l dMI llol pay. 1 eelf fad nr a Contrera controlled ' i"lvutira.tiona of what the a--ot a ~ wna-~ Jira. .JMll... ..,,.. 1 c..W Cl•• JOU • copy of by lM Oppollitlon Party. Woodrow , hower AdmlnUitraUon bu beee 20ll to Jla.. .... • .-tlldl .._ c,a.. .,~. lt -2 l>U• h. Wllaon In ltll and Harry .s. Tru· 1 dotnK. Such lnveatl .. llolla. of at&1.ed Ulal ti. ....._ ..,_ -~ ..nruir 1 ~ ~ 20-.l<ld man In 1941 were faced with. the cou~. will be p~amted u ill the H an-...._ ... ...._ ....._ _, unftd at Wolra at.n ... aame p""1lcamenL pubht lnlerut . . . but motll al n.e a-1-l ._ • Dir ._. ,_ UH t-wp and ,.... «•tit Both WU-aad Truman Wef'e t.brm wtJI be dHiped fot' the poll· Wlirlllre •I tN ,..._.. ai. -. ;.,. fac,. tJw aw. P\r1lt round "''• bulfetted rat.her ffverly by the Ucal interest of the Democnlt.8 ia lul 111. ..._.. -ui. ..,. .-..-...,. • ..,._ • ._. Oii u.. liloulW "•II" ho.tik lerfalalon. Mr. Elaenhower Jt51. aad aw tltd:Sotps _. wt6r -• Is bopefu.1 of better tr-Ntment and A bi( contro•--·-· ... to M"t.-Q7 Mr _. 9IL • .._ .,,... w.w ... ~ • loafer and _ _. .... •-'---_. l kin ~·~1 ... ..---• -~ T1llea trolte ~ to aJr....,y .... ......._. -f'P• 00 ' be bulldmc up Y llb rer~t to the 0.. a4 Llllr Mill -·•-_. 4 ..-_. prodDHd two or t.tir•·• to peacetul eo-«ltl•tence wtlb the Adm.l.Dlstratlon'a military prepar· Wolf waa wna-.,,. C .L .._ ._ ...., wllllc.ll IM ea.ttfully Democrat& • • • at leMl In tba edneae prognm, ttpecl&11y u tt ner f~ -' = w ....m ..... -a r~ laMe •H.r the field ot toretp atratra. appl.lea to cut tin« dowD on a:-.,......... • 1lw '-.-..,..._ • .._ o.. ~ wclitr and I h• But oldt.lmen at the capitol penditur.s and llllrtinc a loae· nm.. r• X. Dia ~ ... .,,._., •• aa1 ln .. h.ura privately UUli that COlllllderable ranee reaerve trainlnc procrun. ~...,.. wsa-..._. o.. taMif. Wolfe with hi• pollUcal tur will ny In t.be next two years u both ParUea concen· The attacll on the def-. pro--naw &Oft • T-... -a-t .,_ 1.t ...s an evrf'·•l1t1<I trate more and mo" upon mea~ mun will be pr-Uld oa tbs llept .,,. a .oc.-&-... -._. • U I ..... ...,... We ftM:b tuliS 1111 .... dtatcned to brine Yictory In but. of aerloua ~m tut Ula .--l'lwto _,, .. ....._ _. .._ & ,. •:ad UM a~tn· Uie PrMldenUal EltoeUon ot 1"4. natJ>n'• defenae p~paraUona are • .. --.,. ...._ Wiiia a lllad --_. tais C99t ~tor lnfdequate. But underneath tM IMar4. lie -~,.a .... a.,_. .a..,_. el •7 np4'nM. llETAIN TAXE8 surface It I.I clear that the r-1 to \aM a «mil• ,.a 0 0 S "' --llW Mr. JCIMnbower baa let It be dealp la to attack the mannf"'t' la driaklllC ~ ., a...:. ........,_ ..,..._ ~ ._, -a;t011,.10, known tor 20ll'le time that he wlU I wtllcb the defmae program bu full ._ -...._ a. ._ a ·....-w n.. .,.. .,,... ,·11ma adwcate ,.t.eUoe of the corporate been buUl up. What n nldee the ... batd. ---. ,.. .mm. ~ ......,. Gii& -tM taOM. 'Cuurt taa rate of 62 percust and• con· New De&Jeu I.a the ~ U..t u.e _,.....,., < .._ ~ 1111 -•-.. J a..,_ 1he UnuaUOn of t.be pr-t eaclae tnmendoua bu!ld·up bae "-" 11e-ed. Be -;::cw ' 9r ~ ,.._. ci. t.a .-t ot "'• taau OI\ aloobohc a.ettracea and het.-ct almost entirely t.la.rcMls.b pn.. ..-, • '• _. I ltllllll .._ ., -. ....... a .._., at --------------------------other article.. IJl Ule bu..lllM9a fttAI irlttatm-t ralller u.a.a "1 a-. facl.. w.-ie --. .,._ --. ., a .-._. .a ta. ~nd hJworblcl It ~-beeld'!.__fell tllltattedthet wee up91W1Jtu.re of taiq19,_.· ~f///l~wtiaa; ,,a ·-_, .. -.-D'a am&nct.' la Farmer McCabe Writes ... (all nchta reaerved) The next time Gevernor Knight wan1! to ra.iae the taxes on cigarettes, why I hope be makea ~it known to ole John Q. Public before New Yeara so we cantaU swear off emokin in our New Years Reeolutiona inateadda hav- ing to rely on Courage alone like we're agonna hafta do now. I rates ..... u ,_ ~rm · .o money, aubelc!Ha, etc. ~ wllit ._. _.. *-* ,... ~ _. .,..,.._ .,.. .. n>me come down W. eosillD.1 Apr1J. INDl'8TIUAL Dl'A..'i8IO~ -...,_ le -* rt www ..,._ • .._ ....ai. &e Liiie ..-tl and which 11 provtd~ ror under ,...._..t ~ .. ._ ..._ ..._ ..._,_ _... • .._.. Wdl. .-r ck>vll, law. Prtnt.e l.ndut.ry al«pped ap" ltll ___. .._. 7 'I' wtta ..,. ... JMlld Admlnttlnllon plane to rn1M rate of plant equlpmmt .....-CU· ::.. -::C. •..... , :;,... ._ -..a .. ..,_..., that Tafl-HartJey alao bother tbeworld turea to nearly UI bUUoll la 1161, blC .,._. tlllf _.. ~ -lw •-*tr" ot bualnua. Blc Union labor aic-. compared to Ill blllioa la t.k PN-. es alr1!ady are cont"entrat:tns fOl"Ce9 K«eaa period. Tbia I.a la ~ to weaken Taft-Hartley. They .,. w1t.b World War D WlM>n s- parUcularly lnterellt.ed ID M!Yiaiftl -t tunda accouaUJd for more the provtalon which (lvu ltatea t.ban 70 per cnl of \ht' plaat n · the right to enact at.au rl(ht·to-panalon. L&l'Je upui.aiaa .la lluk: work 1awt1. There are DOW aom• 17 lndwrtrlea bu materiall)' lac:rem_. •latu which hAve such 1tatutu the eow1try'a capadt7 t.o ~ . • .. , , Doy Martann. Don Thompaon, lllst.on Beacll.. A f-of ttio.e J im VIJleyard. Belly Vlneyard, ~ weN Pat RU~y and Bob Dick Caner. Mary Sinclair. Rod IMabl. Bob Mart.in. T\u Hufrhea. l.AShell, Joe 1.Astu. Bob Bl"IJp, Bob MUum. Tod White. Alan Ry-Bob Ruttman. Jobn 14cert. Jlm ------------- uid the Big Union boMea Intend tor pea.c. -d wu. Laurie Henrtrlck1 &nd Buddy' lo concentrate not only on Ule The A«elerated Taa AJDOrtim,. Thompaon, Mary Kay Hehn And Conitrtu bu} all!O o varioua elate Uon procram hu ""-a !DOM d- Tom Webster, J ohan Hirth and leKIAlaturea, moil or which meet CecUve a.Id In IMIC\lf'ins ladw!CrJ''• pt.Daill. Dave SlParna. Marvin Lu•k, Newkirk. ~k CampbeU, Tnm NI· quette and Judy Sand11-8on.a.y Coanr. l'f't(' Henf!j>uon. Marrte TnlutwNn, Barb JeretL I Juhn Swain lnvllt"d a few or bla AJU\a McCleUan, Kathy Snow. friends OYer atlrr lhe came. UDda Deartoc. Chuck KotYlrto Among ttiolll" t11Ung and dancing aad Diane Featherstone. Ron Mat· wer• Joh.n and Donna Small. ban. Oeorse MWlian. Melinda Bnwe Klllpp and Sue Man,on, 4ckleaned Chi R.epn J oyce Denny J'U.zpatrick and Arlene '1'1Htrn1.' M&ryp Co~lt ._'nd Cyn· Huff. Bill Wet.RI ud Anita Palm. tJai& C&me)'-Ron s-100 and Judy Nealey. John Bnuwir and Sa.Uy PClater • Buddy Thompaon. Bobby Hen-Chuck Kolviato and Diane Feather· cMrlbot.. Toni Clui •lr nton. Glenn stone RiC'h Pa.l&fern and Linda 1'bomaa. BtJJ Wet.RI and Anita Prfft~n. Toni Palaterrt ant1 rrt Palm. Olorla Chapman and Pete Runey ~rg, Martan KOf'mer and READERS WRITE MlN Phylll1 Jack90n Newport H&rbor Newa-Preu 2211 Ba..lbne Boulevard. To the Editor: I wiah lo expreaa my apprecla· Uon and lh&n.ks for the tXC'l'~ "wrlt~up·· and plclu"a of our model home at 1120 K.1ng11 Road. Jl w&11 a well-planned and thoug'htrully written deecripUon and we have received many favor- abl,. an!l ~nt.hUl!la11llc comment.a on It. Slnce~J,y your•. 1..LOYD C. HOWARD Oar)' Locker. Bruce Knipp uid Bill Ru:ig llJ>d Lyn SUl.ler, Tom 8'lt Mangon. John SwaJn and Nlq1Wlte and Judy Sand11. ot C"ourae Dolma Sm.all. Carol PtYt,r. Ron th~ ev~rlutJnc craab~rs were: lf9wton and Judy Neely. Atalln Chip Regan. Howard )lilchell. Joe Smit)\ and )tary Ann RUN. Bill Jamf'll, Ge~ Waggonu. Bob Mil· ~ and Lyn Statler. Joannr um, Pete Henderwon. Biii Hamb- ._ and Mike Valle-. Tony PaJa., lett. Dick Campbell. J im N•wk1rk fe.rri and Pat Roney, MarciA Davia, Bruce Barton. Rich Pleger. Bob Mer Andrew•. TKI Hirth, Ron Kallaway. Gary Panone. Jack Hayword uid Evelyn Taylor. Smith, Rudy Martlnu, Tod WllJtr Jimmy Scbonea. Barbara Thomp-1 Alan Ryptnlki and Sonny Coa.ne enjoyed the almoephe~ at lhe 8Dft. JUcb PaJatarrl and Ll.nda Prra· Dining out Saturday nll'hl before Seatarr. ton Denny Fltapalrlck Md Arlene lhe Lura Ki formal at the ~ach· The Balbc>Cl Yacllt Club was the HWf. Deann& R!chanlllOD, PC"te comber Club were: J ohan Hirth ICene tor the lnvttatlonal Lura Kl Larner, Bob OC'lt>ng:, Sandy DavlA, and Chu<'k Frlllh 1 SAC)• Sam formal. Dancln1 to lbe mu111c of Roy Dan!ela. M.arlalne Moorlle. Coop<-r iOCCI and Pat Rlt.chJe the Rhythm Kln11• wen~: F:velyn Unda Adair. Jim Hunt, Tf'rry Jay Patty R.etmler and Jack Conner Taylor ttnd Mike \ta.lie. Carol eel Jlm Taylor. rr.d SUUlnga, (00C). After the dance lb~y all King and Pete Scholber~. Diane --------------------------J oye and Jacll Smith, Glenn Thom- JreWPO~ HARBOR RE-W.S~PRES.S . . •·ormerly the Newport·H&Jboa Nnn-'I\mea and ~ Newpo.ti-B&Jboa p....,. .... , • ll9wJ......, ... ~a& N-w-t ....... C.W. ~ dM NW:l\-.UKT llAJUIOll .. liBUSlllNG oOllPAHY ~ ............. . - ., .. and Carol Ee-rut. Jane Stelllon and Tom Poat. Arlene HUJtf' and Da.rrll Hawrfleld, Cora Pett'rll and Chuck Harger. ?l'ancy Campbell and Dave White. Jo&n11e SIMM and Bruce Knipp. J oyce Vltt.e and Oary Par- ..On11. Tacoa Haye11 uid Bul1dy 1bom~. Ann Allf'll and Charlie Reich. Jllllm Gl"Mll uid Tom ~1- quette. Joanne Ha~n ant1 Alan Ryplnalll. Melinda Lf'lt hold and John Brunmg, Judy Stewart and Ron ="<'"''Ion. Sue Du•ler and "81ll Bout. :>.tary Keith and Oelle Wa11toner. c·a.ro1 Crain and Bob Mlhun, Su" Keim and Vic Wllaon. Mary J1tn .. Arm- •tronJ and Hap Gamer •SAC>, Bonnie Georr• u d Kaa Jon""· Lyn Allen and Dave 8tea.mt1, Brend& Barnett Uld .. MJ.ke Hand1<haw. Nancy Bryul and Paul Lottnt.zen. Toni BurToDgha &11d SIU B«k. Luter Carr and Toni PaJaterrl, MsrUD Couch and ~k campbeU. Carol Callie and Roy DuUela. Glorta Chapman and John Swain. ltl&ille Dyart and Phil Brownell. Rut.by Dudlf'y and RUNT (8AC), Gall ,.....,..., and Oeorp Moore. Chucl< Frfak CSAC I, Judy Harrie thle year. • partlclpaUoa I.II exp&Ddlmc UM •- and Johnny? ( S&n Berou), Pal RIGHT-TO-WOK& tlon'a capacity. All majof' t1eWa Kelter and Jim New.kl.rl<, Jenny A number of friend• of Tlltt· of lndu1try and utility aerYklea Lund and Bob Wai11taff I Sui Hartley In Conc-re111 contend that have putlclpatf'd wttJI remarb* B.-rdul, Trish Knepp and Bob 11uch •tale law11 are a bleulnc re.wit.. J ohnBton. SaUy Pfister and John ... rather thui a reatrlcl.lon on With relped to the mll.llarJ', U. F:ggert. Pstlle Retmler a.nd Jack the liberty or the employee .•. !Otal tunda a119ropriat.ed for m.W- Conner, Pat Rit chie uid Sam and that w ch 1tate la.,.• really t&ry pl"OCUAlnall and CGalllnlc· Coopc-r. Charneth Slarege uid restore to the employN the 11· Uon ba•e a1~pted ·~ Bob Kallaway, J udi Sleeper and berty or deddlnK tor himself ly SlM bUIJoe lince Korw ••• flt Biil Morrt110n ISACI. Miiie ToMelwhether to Join a Union or not to whl('h about 112.9 bWi. lllaft and Bob Hulfman. join. But upect a healed Con· bttll deUYtted. • / GO(l9 ... MD--ftlllla ,,_ ._ Banetl coUec- tima .... GM••~ ia OM Tt ~- AFFAIRS OF STATE .,. WI C. " '* 1811& uc-••1•10-4c:::Dl-.Aa 1 _..... .--. 11 ,..,.....,. Uiat a e1tt' • w. 0 - -a.:nrt ........ , _, w lb11 Jirt>- dlQll at me,..,...-.._..._... 9ak'f 11PCJa autbonllat1on "' ~ aeou s ....r. -• .......-r l'ost.. 'llllk* mwit 11e **'I ............. a • I; eM' 0 m e•l'I llUIC.4laa. an•J I he lldl CU. id>.,...,. e. • 'ti-....._. rCMJn la dl.uitf'd with 1 h• W ~ Cllllpll. f///l ' d I I I z; ·~ ef aulllortSinit I he ,,_ ,. _.. Git -. --1:atJ -"I wllim Ulere 18 ,,..~ .._.,......,.~_._. __..~to~lwnttu.1 ,..,. ~ .. ~ -..,.._ • a-ot .. Ufdo>r. klttAapptnr. Idle .,, • c?mf ........ fl/I .._ ...... ~ bur(lary •.• 11 .. f(al ~ ~ C.llrfepwta ..... U,. --si a&rf'OUO, or Ila.pl lran .. ftoer'I ._._ ... ~ ll&lllllr .. taiaisa o( •rr<nka. a.re ln't'OIY- !K ......... fl/I eatnct .a._,... ... ~ ~r pco'llaKltl I.II lh,. h ill -~ ,,_. u. a.U.-y lftl .. ral th• At U. ,.-'-. -,,_.. -. win-t.~• pr1Y1Jec• on hla ~ • pc ,. ,. a a ... ·ct-to ~ """""" .. ~ourt -.... .....-c • asy ~ .. ,,, ca. «alot . a ~ _,. .........,. Dlt:.r.r. lJJ1M MCUnd woulol ~ p-.oe.lftaln..,. ....-.S ---~..,. m..,. <T\llllnal cue, ..,.. Mw t4 a ,' .. ~ .,. <-.Id M( .,. -4 or dlacio..-d .,... ~ ftCtll flt ~ -u. -°"" ~~~ tor rrh••t• .,.--a. a , -k -,.. pwa. °' for put>lkaUGll. C9"cd .. ....,.. q,.. flt a W1IAr. roa rtrm.IC ~ cia-. u •• 1ttl 'IJ'. -... 1.e a-. u '6Cllnt ru ... ,. .,. ._ UM ew I 111 Dt ..._ ___. MllllflC.- eMe .. C I ..... -.llGIC .... n. ...... ~ .... "'for pub• ~ • pncw to lllle Um• that a. mt-uoi. .._a publlc ~w.~tG~that -llDaoot'~ cf wllat 111 IH-tn( Uf• • lat ---.. ,_. d -ee-. ... U. ell:nd d' CTFJA :..W-S ., CIG lll'f'UUCaUCla of t..fltt w-.o Ill u. ,,,__. ~ 9ft ~ Mt;ep • ~ ~ coold ...,... tG --~ ••' •• -t-r~ ~ public dlllfiUGll ~ -~ Gii I 1'9&118 &EllTJUC.TED .._i._. el WWW .......... ta AFpaPlltJ7. tJMt propouM lur llUa -...W ~ tM U.., rutrKt llle s---ev .. n "'911 ot me~ i. ...-y ,_ trsm o~c an.tormalltlft on the ...,.. a "C•••~ ......-. .._ fMt'!I OCllf'T -.:re• tor 1t 1be ~ lllCm 12 -= a c:-. .. ,... aa: &11J' Po'"'°" • .._bo r1b• mn w'llaidll .,_ Gia ,._ ~ 1 ~ mtt.>riTatJl)B "' r-or Ule ..,. e.tnct .aaw,. wl-e# ~ md ._, 111 U. latonna,.. ,.. .. - 1 ,., ~ ..... dm...a'9.-.afll•~· ·l ·; ·1 • _ __; .. ·NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1955 PART rwo , PAGE ONE • t' I NEWPOJIT HARBOR PAIR ON CRUISE FRANKLIN AT CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dodge, Newport Beach, ,are photographed shortly before they departed from New Orleans Jan. 13 aboard the Delt Line ship, the SS Del Norte. bound for South America. The Dodges expect to travel Crom Buenos Aire&, Argftl- tina to Europe. Dodge is a former professor of petroleum -engin~g at the UDiver- 11ity of Southern California &11d earned the degree of Master of Science in chemistry in 1915 fro'm SC. "-lO Yeara Young" iaihe them.e of the anniverftary which dore J. Van de Kamp, right, vice-president of the CODJ· wu celebrated laat week by Van de Kamp's Hol-pany. The occasion was the civic celebration at the land Dutch Bakers, Inc. in all their stores. Selim Frank-Statler Hotel in Los Angelt.-s, of the 40th anniversary lin. left, president of the Associated Chambers of Com-of the founding of the company by the two men. Mrs. mertt of Orange County, admires testimonial plaque Lewis Allen Weiss. president of the Women's Dlvlaion, N E Ws. I xr.~ P"I cT···u'--ir-R..-i .... E~~s~·· .... /-/----·-·-pe-lM t. L.ewr•~L.. i'rankp pregjdept oL.Vpn ~-11'>& An&dca Cbnmbeai of Cogimcrco,~pie>; 11te4 liM l ~ . Kamp'a, .econd from left, and his brother-in-law Theo-plaque. signed by many top community leaders . SKIPPY REFORMED CHARACTER Coet& Mt• Pound Muter C. A. (Goody) Gordon poMs with a friend. Tbe friend IA Skippy, N'fOMl'lt'd (M i nt'. Sk ippy re- c.Uy bll a man and wu plaC'\'d In the Ut.ual qua~tlnc. JCmplo)'tn&' tai. naturlll wtnntng way11 with anlmal11 GOO<Jy 1s e&ll~ on lo handle, the pound ma.stt•r found he hRd " p<'t. "'Whal happened," Goody explmn!t, "I~ that Skippy mlupt.•11 me." Yu. the adoption wu mac.II' lrgal hy Goody. Tht> pnuntl maater punh&Md Skippy a hcen~. requ1rrd nf a.II C'Ol!lll :\lrsa poocbee before fillea t>to(in April J. -SWC Photo . TOPS IN GADEN MOYE :-Oamt'd Garden Grove'• mo.i. ouUt.andillc d UU. rw 19'M, Ga~ Ellla of Gardtn Grove Xm wu awa'*'d troP1s7 '?Qe9day rughl by Bill B1llmn 1. 11pK1aJ e'·mt.t ch.unnan ol Ce.rdnl Cron J unior C"hnmber of Cnmmnr,., llJ>Oll!llClritlft orsaamtioll of ~tf'l!t. T1 <1J)hy w 1111 rrc9t'nt<-<1 during ml'"'llni; of ~ U1 <>.rdrwl CroTe Club. EU111 won o ver four C'Oll!F~f'll bJ popular WIOle al ntlUIUI and rhamber membera on ba.!raJ1 of bt. cn1c: ad.iTitJa for bf>tter· n1cnt or commum ty. -OC~S Photo R. R. HODGKINSON JOINS PALMER REAL ESTATE Announcement th8t Rowland R. Hodgkinson wiU be as- sociated with P. A. Palmer Inc. ~al C'state brokers. was made recently by Emery S. Hanson. vice-president of the firm. P8ul Palmer (right). president, WE'kOmf'e Hodg- ldnson to the sWC ot his realty (lrm. Others are W. S. Meseenger of the Coast Highway offke And Emf'ry S. Hanson: \•ice-president of the firm. Hodgkinson is one of the true young old-timers of thi~ :irea and is W<'ll known in this' community. ha,·ing S<'n·('{f the City of Newport. 86cb for Z1 )'ttn u c~f of pol~. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgk inson recently n>tu.med from Tu.rby. •·here ' Hod~kinson 11t'U penonnel and eecurity manager for the Ralph ~l Pan10ns Co.~ contractors.. who a.re con- structing & refinery for the Turkish government. The couple is mo,;ng into their Lido I* home at 117 Via Dijon. happy to be back in t.hia ana and aincerely fed8 that 11fter tra\·eting o'"tt a ~ pol"tioa of the world. thia 1s the place to lin. --Becbet Pbotc 1 .. OFFICERS· IN ·HUDDLE-Floyd Lowe. pt .. l-ident of California Renl }~state Associa- tion, Glod<'n Fay, secretary of Newport H1rbnr l111nr<l of Realtors nnd Charles Hart, new local bon rd pn·sident. meet for chat at l'C'C'1·nt Joint in..;tallation of Newp o rt. Laguna and San Clemente boards' offl n·rs. -Staff l'hoto HARIOR MAYORS SUPERVISE JOI Mayor Dora 0 . Hill, center, of NeWport Beach. and Mayor Claire M. NelBOn, righ t, of Coat& Mesa., put their approval on the 100,000th meter installed In Orange County. Jugtin M. Kennedy. left. Orange County di,·ision manager· of Southern Countie1 Gu -~. turned on the historic 1neter at a Santa Ana ipodel home. I • J I , l PAGE 2 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1955 ..I YOU GET THIS CERTIFICATE, says Fire. Prev.ention Officers Ralph Lee of Costa .. MeN , left, and Carl Downs of Orange County. Looktng at the Junior Ranger cer- t ificate and· badr e are from left, Roseanae Seddon, Steven Dietzel and Linda Allanch, all of Main School in Costa Mesa. The fire prevention officers began a aeries of t hree training claaaea Thursday in Main School auditorium for the children.--Staff Photo CLOTHING ITOLIN FRQM llOCHE CAR Local Chamber County Parks , L;EG~L NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE L d S I C.'a&'l'lt'"lt;ATE 0 1' 11•·•11o;u ltA \\'KINS end LOLA A. H A w. ea ers e Share State F llTlflOl l!I ··uu1 N A.\IE KINS, hU•b•rnd anJ ,,,...,~. Ill lllVUI' &ANTA ANA, 10CN8)-TH• \JNDEllMlONED do IU!re-or UNITElJ S AVl NUS ANO DoroUIJ A. Rodie, 110 P.o.-v for Workshop b)' certify that they .... cunducl-LOAN :AIUSOCJA<l'lO~. a rnrpora- . . r r# Uon', now owne-rt and ht'ld by l'ED· ' AYt. tolcl .htrlt,.1 deputlu I lnl • MJ'Vlce •1.allOll and l &ral• • 0 ... ". .. . ts ~neM a l lt6U Newport Blvd ' DAL NATIONAi.. M h ,.;At;., 1101 .60 WOSlb of cloUlllll waa N <W ideas and buio IWll:l&m#I• mnrovemen Coal& M .... Callfom la, under \ht Aalt1CIATION. • ('Ofl'lllatlv11 Or· 1 1to1en (l'OllJ her car recently. flc••Uu"• firm ••-e of .. .,LI" • 1a111ae!1 anl1 tix1allnf[ I"" Mlllnl to tals or chumb.•r ot •·ommerce op· " -,_,, .... " 1 H ah• uld th• -vehicle WU -• DOC'I 1\JP&R l lU\VICE and 'Till• rn of l 1e Natll'll:tl l)ll~lnR cr·allon will b~ J1s •u:ised by prell• In th• Ital•'• nvt•ye&r pl'Ol'nlll \hat •Id ''"" la w mpuHd uf '"• Act .. •1111.\ll\leO, 11·1·u1tle1I •'II parked ln & lot In Garden dents. dlrectoni; kl'y commlttH tor acqul1llon Mid dlwlopme11t or toUowu.i pertofte. wh.-nelnH Apr\1 t . li&o. 1n Book 11n10. 1'111:" Grove. The victim reported rha truwn Milli se<·n •t11 ry·m•M1ere 1tat1 par lu, Ora!",. Oouat1 wlll lft full and plac1a of teildenH a t'• J l l ot Oftl,.1al H111•ur11~ of 1>r11111:0 th• alove compartment wu during 8 one·day "Char11ber Lead· oomt for ltJI than of lmprow• aa loUowi, to:wtt: • <'ounty. by r .. u on .1r <lt'fault in untouahed. A leather ja.ckel m111ll. Th• plan covere Jul1 l. ltlll rEUX v .... ADDI UIW J"'Ylnt l,)t .. , ll•rfC'l'llllUh"<' i•I .. h-. · b ' ed b h en1· Workshop" to be held In Pu · t J •o lMO .. .. &190 WU Y·PaN . y t e 0 WI• • • . 164t Oranp. hl•llllD• H l'llrt•11 lhttrfh~', nnd llU· thief. The cu waa unlocked, a'll€na Tut•sday, ac(•ontlnc . lo Hay Under Oranie Oollllt)' beach Co.ta M••· California t n·e ot def1tull 1111d e .. 11 .. 111"1,. .. y'• . ottlcera u ld. l-A1ngenhe1m, executive · McNlary, project• a pprovl!d under a cowsty CLYD& P. WHIT~ •h1cth>11 ln •••\I&.:' l e• n .. '""' 111 .. --------------1 Newport Harbor Chambu of_ Com-me lter plan or propoeed a re etty IOOI 8anta Ana Ave., pru1 .. riy hne111 b•"~" '"'".:' lhe;J ENDS UPROAR merct>. and 8&n Clemente Beacll, capt•-Cuata M-. Calltom r• havmi: llt .. 11 le•'o11le,1 "~ f)l'1>v11h•J · Langenheim said the Newport trano Beach, Dana Polnl Bead\, WlTNl:SS our hani1 l ilt• Tth day tor by l1w on Se11tr 111lwr ·b,. l!•!H, Harbor Chamber ot Commerce will Arroy°& Salada Beach. Thrff Arch· ot J anuary. llNl:I In Book :181:., r11Ke ti~. or Ollt•"llll G be rE'presentl'<I by stwnal off1cen H Bea<'h. Moro Canyon Beach and 111 l'l:UX V. BRAUDJ R111:ur<111 ul urirnae 1 ountx. und Pa ..... 101 ot antJ l·ommlllee Chlllrmen at lht1 Bol11& Chica Beach for a t otal of / ... CLYDE P. WHITE mol'&' than three n11111t111< t11•v111J: ••• 1'11sa1lena meeting. which wlU be 49.s.80 beach front fel'l and I%.-ITATll or ,. :. •lap.eu •Ilic.• sU"h 11·11•r.1r.11 .. n. contluctcll •It the Huntington -Sher-.;AU lt'URN1"' will .. u at '"'bll<' 1 11 111 11 11 e eM.006. COUNTY 0"" "'RANG• I ,.-' ' ' 11 ' ' lll<ln Hot1•l. r "' c.~ aa. hif heal blddu l•lr U•sh tl'AY· A le t• ' ::ipvnsored by the Chamber of Bea ch projecta In the county Or THIS '1lhoaYiif January, ADLE JN L.AWl'Ul.. ,\hl!IJ)o.:\" d i" Pp 1ca ion Cun1mcrC•! ur the United Slatu, with no approved muter plan In A. D. 19M. bet or" me. ROBICR'll THll UHJTI!:l> t'T A Tio~!:.' '•JI' 1 h" i:oportant kad<'rs· confrrenct! the 11rorr•m lire San CJemente '" Wll.LMES, " Notary Public In AM&RJCA AT TU.ti-: 1 w ::;~1.i,; ,, i>< .,11, ... r sei·pral bl'lng rtmdudeJ Beach and ~11nt1n1ton Beach. and tor t he aaht County and llta lo, wtthnut war nmty o.prp•., ui· 1111• W•1thdrawn ' tht uUj::hout lhe l.;ni~d Stales ~d llxl1tlng areas In lhe county ":'1dtn1 therein. duly comml .. lon-piled •a lo lltlt-Jk>ll~t'~rih•n .. , I'll• cm .. , r 1wu 111 c • t.f,,rnla h" sslc:J llaled under the C•llfomla Stal.I' •-• 9".....,m . perwon•lly appea red cumbranc••. the' lnt•''""l '""'""'''''-' Dt>s1 gnf'cl to 1).-tter familiarize Park 1yatem Include Corona dl'I Fl:~X V. BRADDI and CLYDE tu and now held hf rt "" .;1d 1 th · Jiwal c·hornber of commet cl' Mar Beach Slate P ark, Doheny P. WHITE known lo me to be the tru1te.., In and to ttll' tullu'!"I"" Further commi.ntty upYoar on uH1~1.'1 s 1u11J •·nm1nlttee clla1rrhl'1i Beach State Parle, HWl llngton ~non• who.e namu are rmb11Crtb-dHcrl~il ptoperty 111 1 hi' (',111111y the propo11ed parlong lot In connec-with the techniques of bulldin1 Beach State P•rk, Newport Beuh ed t o the wllhtn lnatnlment, and of Orani e illale of ('allhim111 tlou with a .:ommerclal. one-story s:. r , 11mmun1tlcs t t-rough l'f-State PA.rk and San Clemente aclm°"ledrcwt·to me that they ex-Lot :s 1~ Tract z-:1,_ lJ~6. ~ ••• lJulldlng being built at 3U5 New· ft>cllvc and practll:al ro arna, Beach Slate Park. ecuted U1C' Ame. JN WJTNESl:i oordl'd ln Bo-Ok o . l'ni;" ;i ,,( port Blvd. waa averted Thursday th .. workshop will ft'lll re n Uon-WHER~F. 1 have, hereunto 11et Mlicellaneoua Map1<, llt•co1ol1< night when R. V. Danlger owner ally n·1:ognlzed authorltl 1 .>n c k B my hand and affixed my ottlclal of Orr1nr e County. c11111.,1.111ll. . Mesa Kids' Fire of the building. withdrew hla •P-chambers of commerce. i elude<! roo e ecomes eeal the day and yeu In thla Cer-One O'Keet• a nd Ml'! I al I i:•u• Oilers. Dump Tar Casabamen plication. on the panel or National Cham-titlcat• (lrat abqve written. Ran1t. Mvctel <.;P4fll1 $111.UO . TrainlnCJ Classes Resldent1 of the area prolealed ber staff partlcipante will be /•I ROBERT Y. W1LI..ME8 One Kelvlnalor Rl'trii;tl'l'lll11r, atrongly a1alnat the p1trklng tad· Dwight Havens~ manager . 11erylc• New Supervi•or My Col!lml•lon ExplrH T cubic feet, .)todC'I XR-R Lr. .. 5. Neumann Top s·corer Begun at School ~~e~:;;::t ~~:~':1:,:~~~1~,::~ =;~~~t~~ctr:.~:llll~a;~r~i!~·;~u~a~~ . ~ Ho. ~vember H, J9M ro:':'~~ur~. of Pl\)'111{; lhl! .ob· ~ ' A Jutn Of three trainlnr claaa-mission. Ray Copelin, comml111lon Good, manager. rducatlon dl'p11rt· of Loca I Gas Co. Newa-Pre .. 1;10. 17, a.. 11. ltM ll1auone MCUred bY /llW'I I ••·I'd to( -· -· member tolcl the group he re-ment: Ll~lc L. Berk11hlre, Western '11!I Trust 1nrh1111ni:~"<'-", .. 111trto:•"• Rttil By :>MICKEY ffA8KELL 1 •~Ill c~uldn't manage to hit con· 1 es for Main Sch;: :udrt"n f' In Cl'lved ~ Jetter fl'om Danlger a t division manager; Walter W. Un-NOTICE 01" TKU8TEE'il MALE l'Xpl'nM' .. of tru~u nn<I "' Ml~ Led hy Butch Coopman·e 20 1 stent y, Coita Meaa began ur ay n ll'e :i:Ol p.m. Thursday before the c1e rwoocl. mana~er. Callfomia <11!1· Appointment of Joe C . Crooke "No. tl'J Dated. Jnnuary t:i. l!I~:" rntnt!!. th,. Hunlln11:t,,n B"al'h 011-The fourth perlOl'I w .. all Hunt· prevention and conaervatlon. Show-meeting r<'qtresllng the parking lot trltl; "'nd Hnrry A. Lint&, man-U local Office aupervlaor WU aft• l r I h N J-1 b ln«to11 Bea1·h ll~ the OilArs "rop lnv motion pictures on safety ~ r· "' h di l nou.nced to"'ay by Ju1tln u . K4ft • NO'nCE JS HEREBY GIVEN l'IOUTHWEST TITLF: ANO "rs •" .. at• c I ... ewpur t ar ur ,.. · ~ v " • n · • I application be wlthcfrawn. ager, J·a c1 1c .. ort wes t 11tr ct. " ,.. ~ TM ,. tj'l-1!'1' ''" :'\ewport llr.rt)or"!l ped m bukt't after bukct. Thl'y m eHures wer~ Orange County nanl er r•o sed ~o furnish ort· nedy, division m"1Jager ot South· Th1t on Wedneedayk February II. TAX COMl'A~Y. floot ,,11 Jan J 1 Huntinrr-><core'1 JO pumts mMc than the Flrl' P1·evention OfflN·r Carl ll P po f l'rn Cou11tle11 Gas Co. Cro0ke will l966. •t 11 :00 o'el0<· a .m., at the u Tt 11~1~" . " I D i t .I b 'l' I ··1 . stn ·el parkina tor customl.'rs 0 T s· t H rt • Soulb rront door of th· o~an•e l By •t J \\'•11~ l•in Belll'h was "IVl'll tOJl 11eeo1ng Tari. in lhhl period a:i the Sailors own!!, H8 8 eu y erre ,. arpet. ... . ... om IS 0 u 1n direct actlvllll'll of Southern Coun-' ' .... .. . " • "' ! 1.h I .• b the bull<llng Neurbv l'l'Slrtl'nt• 0 01-County Court Houst>, Santa Ana, I Vlre·Pr«~hl<'nl m the 1u111u1tl race for 1 he Sunset dropped rn 1:.!. e 1: u ses 11re co-sponsoreu Y · · • · · tiell Gu Co. Oran1e County Dlvi· Le I Th~ Ollrr·s hot pace netted them tile Co~ta Mesa voluntel'r fire de-ject .. d on the grounds It would Rear•end Collision sion In the Huntington Baac h, Calllom la. SOU'MiWl!:ST TITLE I By Rohc•t t J. I.a r•oint ague • rnwn. t was apparent low .. r property values, create n oise ~ AND TAX "0•1 rAN\' la.st Yrirtay night lhPy want<·rt to I 22 points and gave them the game purtrnent. 1•topresentec1 by F ire Pre-l'nd dli.turbance. _ ._""7 Newport Beach and Lllguna Buch ' '-,. · aa trust.•e A11~1at1tnt 8rno'\n1y 111 juat that hy the 1<core 65·45. ventlon Of!icer Ra.lph Lee. Jlu..s1blc back injuriee Wt're rl!-otfices and adjacC'nt roastal com-under and pursuant to th•• Deed t CORPORA Tio~ SF;A L 1 , .. ------r~wr:T"'KT~R, . . . . . • l'il N Kli 2 l ~· .. ..Purtoee or the classes," Lee ce1ved by Tom S1stu, ~36 Fern~.llf muiHUH &f--C6M&-M-·-r11t-:-i~lt4i~"1·of Trust f/SCCILL~Al.Vl.N P I tfo 'i!i1Lbl.t:W11r.£.r••u 1. r:...u.:u .... ~----• H=tington n~~h ~art~I ~I ~c g~np~0h1gh p~nt mRn WAH announ~. "ls to letthe~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~·~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~I .~nd ran up an ,.111 ty 1,.11,, In thr Tar l'a111 Neumann with 21 points glrh know about the fire preven· in whkh he waa riding W<lt involv· Beach and Westminster. He suc- Car:.t •iuartl•r, Th,•y ,.,m1 pletely to steal the . honor from Oiler lion program and how it works." in Oven Explosion ed in 8 craRh at Coa st HlghOA-ay cted11 H. E. Grlttln who I.a trara- >l'P1 ran ttw 1 .. <•bll' Tar d..f,.nse a~ Buh'h C•1opnrnn. :-.:1•11111ann was Chl'C'k list of fire prevenlllln s n.I Balboa Blvd .. pollce reportrd, fe.rlng to th<' Santa Ana eale11 of· th"Y ran up" l•Hal u r 20 [lllllll!<. foll11wt•1l 111 thr srnrln~ dPpa1l1111•11t sl•'P.'I were distributed umong the Mr~. Briton W. Lee o! 225 Popr;y Sl11to was In a car driven by fice. Tht• ::;a1f,.rs m:UlugeJ to run up but by but threr othr r Tor pl11yt•r11. chlhln•n. When they have l1&ken Ave. 111 recov1·ring at home from Hontrl.' Leonard Jr · 2:.!, same a<I· Crooke has ~ervt'd with South· 13 (H•llll ~ 111 th•• n rst querlt>r. lJennls 1',itzpat rlrk wa11 1<e<·onJ the necessary corrective measures first tlegree bum" J'e('<'ive!l vver d r.tsll. It rrportetlly wa" stru<'k ern Count1e11 Gas Co. since 1937 The ,.,.,-. .,11.i p0>ri0tl wa,. t!lowrr. 1 highest Tiir St•ur <'r wilh 10 points. in their homt's, Orange County her entire face an(I arms. She WU!' frC'm behind by a car llrlven by 8nd ha., been a member of the Or· Scormi.."-11111 along tho same'llnee., l''ollo"A-rng Pttr.patTIC'k was F.rtcll<' Junior Ranger certlfH'ltte-s and treater! at Hon1t Ho~ltsl Sunda·y Clu!cles-Ct.o&by Tw;ner Ul. Zi or anre County Dl\·lawn at.art since h<•W«V"• • ·'•'<'Pl the Oilers scored Pope an<I Bill \\'rtzcl with eight badges wlll be awarded. and releued, hospilal authorltl~• Lo• Ancelea. Turner clalmell hi• Dl'c. l , 1941. Mia moet recf'nt aa· one Jlulllt I•'"' t hAn they hatl the I and !IX rcspecllvely. · Ll'e addt'd. ·'Teachers and U1elr said. car bra kea failed him when he ap-lllcnment waa that of 111lt's pro- pr .. , itllh quarter. Th<> 11Core al the Coopman wes 1011 Hcorer tor the school clasau are welcome to Mn. Lee was Injured when gu pt'Oached the Leonard a uto •lop-motion 1upervlaor . en.I 111 Ill<' perll~I rear! J6-2:1 In Olien with 2ll points. Following phone me and make arrangements which had apparently collecl•d ped for a traffic ll(hl. Born In Odon Ind., he attended H untms:t"ll l' favor. ~ewport si•or-Coonman was J1'ddy Young. Gary to visit the local 11tatlon:· hu oven explvdeJ . She H id ehe both elemenl•rY a.nd high echo ·ls "" 111 l'"•nt • and the Ullen1 16 1 Harbin, Dt•an l'h1llipy, Georg" was baking a ca.sserole In the oven Charles Lewis Namecl In Fullerton. In 19311-37, tnllowtn.i 1•1 :sH t'AIL-'4 Thnrnt<m and Ken Cory with 13, 41-35. The JV 1088 combined with and when ahe opmed the oven door coll11• at UCLA and USC. he was T h· T 1r;anug<'ll t" h11ld lll<•lr JO. 8, 8 ' anti 5 points reapecl1vely. the van1ity 10811 the Bee loss and an explosion occurred. 1t ia be-Mesa Klwanian of year • laboratory ln1lructor at l''uller- opr••IWnh 1 • out 1 points tn the I . ('LF.AN s"rr;.,;p the Cee losa gave the Oilers a lleved the gas went out and ac-ton J unior Collece. During the war lhu ol qu.11 lt r a.~ they narrr1wed The Tar Junior Varsity played <'lean sweep In the first ot two cumula ted, being Ignited by a Cha.rice R.' Uwl1, mathem1Uc1 he Mrved thr·ee and one-h11lf yeani I h 1111. • ,. 1 .. id to J Cl puinta. Tht!y the Oiiers ~'In the game that pre· league game. between these two burner on top or t hu 1tove when Instructor and director of the dlvl-In the U.S. Navy. - "' ''"" 111 l"l•llls In so doing but Ct'lled the varsity game and luat, teama. the door wa11 opcn~d. alon ot natural 1ele.ncea and ma th-Crooke 11 married and has lwo em•tlca at Orange Cout Colle&•. children, Stephen. 9 and Peggy, 7. wai n•med Klwanlan of the Year The family ltvea In Santa Ana but by lhe Coata Mesa Klwanl1' Club anticipate moving lo l hc Harhor MAKE :THIS YOUR OF THE recently. areL Lewlll wa• honored by lhe eer-He hu been • memlJer or t ht vice club for hi• actlvillea on th• Pacific Cout Gaa AMociuUvn for ~half of youth or the community. l8 year• and 11 •lllo artfw in the He has ePrved the club u director Naval Ruerve. of their youth committee. lAwl• was preaentecr with an elettn~ clock to sl~a.lise the honor. Mrs. Dietzel New Mesa Employee --OEATH NOTICE Funcr1t l l!erv1cu for M is.~ LallR Mary Humham. 79. of J l6 Or1•h111 Av .... who dit!11 J,,n. 23 at t ht> n.,,,_ d~ce or her s!Jsler. Mrs. A~nu Clarke, 317 Cural A "" will I){ helil tomorrow, 2 p.m. IH 6nlu Mortu11ry, t.:orunll dt>l Moi. The Rev. l'aul M_1>-0rc .Whee l.-r will ur· tlcl1tle Interment wlll bl' In H111 - b0r R~~t Memoria l P11 k. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Thurllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays f Uaea 1 Paper f .16 4 u-. t Papen 1.50 4 Un• S Papen 2.00 Coutal l!lllopP"r Ulaaalllrd Ada muat rua 111 tlle ato11day or Tllunda)' Publlaatlot1 MINHIUM ~D 18 • U NU AJI t..,.....nt'd Ad• muat be pa.Id for t.:aala In advance of publlrauoa. Th• publahere will nut be ~e•pocaaible for mqre than one tncorrtt t 1n11ertlon of an-.)ld, ~-..rvr the rtfht to correctly l'laulfy any end •II a.di! and to reject any •t.l not con ormlnc lo rulea and r•rula tlo111. DEADLINES tor plulnc or cancellln~ 1d1 artT fl'llr Monday Publlcatrun -Monday » a .m . For Wednuday Publication -Tunday 2 p .. m;,,. For Tburaday J>ubllcatlon ..:.. Wet.lnuday 1 p m. NEWPORT HABIK)a P UllLUUIJNO UO. n u ....._ amt .• NPWpert ......-eattfenl:tao Claulfled Index I,..._,., Notkft I CaN of Tlaaab • =DlrectA>" 10 . Ou&de lJ Material• I I lltdld ... "°'"",_ , ... ,...,..,. 16 tMl&re 't'our Var lt Traaeportatton IT K.ee"-1 M l'outtry IT U vea'4"* n 8ped&J "1tnouncemenl It Autw Wanted a ""*'-.. for !Mle to-A Tlr"• A r ana •• Aut.o twrvlc-. (I Trallfln U Alrpa-n Wu tect to Kent '" 4 pla. • Houwe for llent "A--Ap.._ for ll4tnt M1 s. George E. Dietze I J r. ot JOU! Newport Ave., Co1ta Mesa. stutt••I w•,rk In Costa Men City HAii la.st week u new building de- partmPnt derk-typlat undl'r A. J , Vol:r:. Mesa building official. A resident of lhe Meaa tor thhe :voni. Mr•. Dletul la from Salt Lnke <.:11y I l"r l)u:;banrl Is 11 ""· ment nrn1"'n l nr Lyhene Biid l<Pl- lur·. 1 unll•H:lu•"-Th" IJlrLZel.-have t"" ~on!<. St<'\'en, 10. a n•1 Ricky. 3. II ..... , Mde H .._,U. Aada Ml68 B11rn.han1 1s 9111 v11., .. 1 1>y II Loel aJld l'ouad •Isler», Mn. Clruk~ and l\f1 s '!' S<-boo•I•. ln•lruc•llon M1\ucl r Rou~r c.r J.onrlnn. •ill•• Ill"'"" 211 ~ltuallon• \\ a nll'\J .. a-a-tor ... , •AK>--TrailM 8pue .. ilkH,,n• for llant •!J· A tt .... 1 Hom.-.. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM T~E FIRST ..... Office I-fours: Mond1y through ·Thursday 9:30 a.m. -3 :.30 p.m. Friday Beside.fl her children, Mre. Ull't- zd 1ulm1llt to a hobby of drelll· nu.lung ... 1 mak1> 1tll my nwn riot hi'•," ~he 11111 · Mrs. H"lf:n l '.-IP•man M H11lhoa 1~-:!9 llf:lp \\antf'd lun•I nnd ronr n1•pl1c•11 . l'htJrn iii ::10 Ml...-.·llan ... 111• t.:la1k Jr. o! SluJ1u Ctl\'. ll&-A ~"'•t:: Sht! lived tn the Jlarb•".r a1 1·11 f11r ~ ~o,-u,, -'111l·d1•,nv•1·•, , , .., •tt t"( o UV 18 yl'llrs and In Callfom 111 .!:.! y .. :lra St •'urnllurf' for 'l'lale Mh1• Burnh•m waa l><>rn In \"ork· st -A Aatlqun shire. En1;laot.1. JS Boa l•, 1'up1111.,. 3' Mu.lt'al, Kadl•o, T V S.'\ 0.•r•" ('11h , l•rt• 12--Buildla~ 8'-rvlcie. tD·H "'""ll I; Roartl ~I Krul, ~ ...... 11:1 "''""'" k orn ...... Sll·A Bualnt!tltl !lknltll• 11• Bui.10,.,.11 Oppor1trnlll" ~A Mmtl') '" l .t>an lit ,.u_y "•nl•'ft Ii~ ...... 1 t;•ta t .. \\aated 611 lnromc: l'roprrt.> Ill R"al r.:atalr t:~rhanre ---·-----------------·---- WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COM.PLETF: $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS In roo m additiom; and remodeling for over 8 yra. FHA Terms -No Down Paymcn t Liberty 8-5763 Kimberly 3-8274 .l\lp lH llpeel&I N~ I ~-f!•!lldtn~-~-1_\wt·" ------- • JUST NORTtf ., POST OFFICE 9:30 1.m. -8:00 p.m. Newport Haroor ~ Expert nc 'd l_{ardcrH'i' B. P. 0 . E . I [;;(NDSt'Al'IN<: 1767 and CLEAN l P8 r ·. NOW IN nD.8 .BOOK-Costa Mesa Bullding Official A. J. Volz shows new clerk Mra. George E. Dietz.el Jr. the ry>pes in the Meaa City Hall. Mrs. Dietzel joined t he de- partment lut week. From Salt Lake City, U .. the new building department clerk ll\•ea at 1991 Newport A\'e,, Goel.a Mesa, with her'buaband and two sons, 10 and 3. Mn. Diet.sel'a bobby ia c1reumak.ln1. -SW! Photo , MHl• every Thuraday I p m. Vla Oportu -t:entr1 t Ave Newport Bu rh IClwood lfhell, Eaaltflf ttulu CARPENTRY MINOR Rl::PA IR WOHi< NO JOH TU(J t;MALL H U An<"t·r~o11 W i-~"3 \ 101<l1 Mua lldtlr Specialiied . HOME REMODEL Liberty ~-t 6:>H . COMPLETE PA INTING Ii l'llpt:r H a11g1nt:; ~·rvwc ICU'11:NE 0 SAl'!'O/IJl-:HS fl{)l1 .ihl 141!~1 r-.:~wpnrt Bo•ar 11 Ila rbnr 2978-J 41 c~,4 House Plans l.IUP:HTY 8·112f.l PAINTING INTl·\RIOR •~XTERIOR P.\Tl0 8. <aq>eotry, plo t,.11ng. I l.lt;lf,N"·~n _ II'\ UR tOnl rete "u1k. lilt .-ietlini . 8 lCD palnllQR you n11mv I! w~ •lo It Glenn Johnston f'OS.TEI'. 81\08. Wl,. a111 Ml N,wport BP11r n ll&rbor 3971-R.-U 6-2933 91pl.ll 1i1an. 1171 UUO \ J ! I Painting, Decorating Pa2fl Hanginr GEO. BURKHARDT LJCEN•ED l.'ONTLU .• 9I'OR IU J !WUI St., Nnrpurt ~h Ba.r. 1411-W or LI &-teat tta BUD&BARNEY PAIWTl1fG -BRUSQ er SPRAY Non~VIUOll -LlcenMd 188& lrvtne, Coat.a w ... TN'll\8 -Ll 8-f39f • LI S·llill5 fl'Ttl Gene~al Contracting RJ:P.UU. r.-odt4al l.fl4 &JtMa- Uon work. RealduU&J aad com- mercial bulldlJl~•· Qua.lily Work Guarant"41 Hu 3111 4-ya, ~· 2fOO·J evea. 99tfc Painting 6 Paperbancinr We do the work ounelvaa. iO Ytarl ~ence Llcen.e4 • izl sured. 1!5allatacttoa l'\l&l'Ulletd. Estimates free. Call J ohnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tf c CARPEN-TER · Repair Work Dota Your Rome Need Repa1rin1 or Remodellnl 1 CLIJ f'r&na. Ubirty MllM All Work Ouaranle.d Tftfc HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? Anything, Anywhere Phone Llberty 8-2Hl5 98c99H llOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn. reasonable or no JT YOURSELF-WE TILL k GRADE YOUR SEP.:D AND ' FOR SALE TO BE MOVED New 2 yr. old buildings will be sold to highest bidder. 1 bldr. -' unJta, approx. 1300 eq. ft. , 1 bldg. - 2 unita, approx. MO aq. ft. 2 bdrm. cottage approx. 8.50 sq. ft. IDEAL for motel or rental unita. Completely f untlahed Jncludinr wall to wall carpet. inJ, -~· table., lampa, c~aira and appllancea. OPEN FOR BIDDING NOW BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Mr. Reese, Liberty 8·2211. . ... ... Accordion Lessons lfR. HAU., HARBOR 3002-R Milton Mann Studios ONE LARGE. l 1mall gu heaters, 18 • 13. Elec. 1'9.111• • retrtc., fin, condition. Barra.In. .Also miac. itema. t3Q, Ramona Drive, Irvi ne Terrace. 4p 3p5 '~tuatiooa ,.!'.~~-_ B.AR equipment, Includes bar, bad« bar, stools, cash re1rl~ter, re.frig· eratfon, Good condition, reaa<>n· a ble. Ph. Har. 2728. · r9c!) CUSTOM Bt.:ILl' fO cu. rt. treez;o>r ' compartment.a', BARGAIN. St>_-a-_A_,.f...,'!'-'~-cea-·----! '°'7~.~-Tnldm----to---__ A_a~-~-T~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 3 Washer Troubles 1 LOU REED CHRYSLER .. PLYMOUTH MONDAY, JANUARY 24_, _"_ss __ _ CALL Ll 8-2237 Specializing in AutomaUct WEEK ENO SPECIALS AUTOMATIC Wuher &:nterpruea 83tfc APT. 8IZE retrtrera tor II atove, nice condlUon. !1%0 Orchid, Co- ron& del Mar. Httc 1964 PWLCO retrlcerator. Lat.eat croa1 top treuer cheat model, apace for bottles. butter, and nice vee" • meat keepe.r. Uaed 1 mo. Pd. dn. to $134.96. No cash needed Juat' pay t.he Pf"l'"tl. ot $8.27 per mo. Sl'.:E Bau11ul1 A 6 8 W&renouae 22U a. Main st .• aant.a AU e bloelu SuJJtb ot nh SL Open everi. 'tU II. Sun 11-~ Kimberly 3-7101. W A..-..;T TO BUY l -2!5 hp. John- son 1utboard mptor. Must be In xlnt. condition. LI 8-729•. •p6 82-Furmhue for ·s.ae . Floor Samples Factory Close-outs ~9CS1 MEJtC'UllY' Station Wa1on. Ori~ throuihout. Radio, beater, overdrive. • Like new ...... ·----·--.............. _ ...................... S129tt 19M PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Radio, heater light gray: A truly fine car -----·--···· .. $1295 1952 HUDSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really sharp. Radio,"beater, O'dr. WSW,' all.the extras. Only ............ -.................................. $121~ 1951 CADILLAC • Light blue, 62 4-dr. t edan. WSW tires, radio, heater, Hydr1UI1atic. Beat buy in town, only ... .' ............. -..... $1995 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 llZ-Furalture for Sale '40-Auto. for Sale BOUDOIR ~-;.:;~~-s~:l;:;:;: 1~~; B~~~-: ~~o-r .~;an~~t- table, -2938 W. Coast Hwy ly ~pent $2UO on 1>verha11I, Very U-Auto &nk!e Motor Overhaul NO MONllY DOWN * with this ad' * 6 Cyla. . .... 88 8 'Cyla. ---· $M.~ 1. lUdea Doth l•bo• MIO ,.. u, Nl'IN nnga. wrurt plna. valve r nna. t h tin&• of na.l• a.nd rOll bttaring11 E.xperJ motor tur.e up 91.1-oay 01 4,000 nnta svaranter (NU MUNl!.:Y OUWNI REBUILT ENGlN~ ~Apta.. ~__!!u'!.~---­ ttE!PONSIBLE couple wtll manage apartment houf'e in return for rent. ~feor­ encea furnished. Bond if requittd, WRITE Box P -26 this rapt>r. 4tf ici.\-.\pta. for Kc-at NEWPORT HEIGHTS -YMTI~· ~ntal. 9,1a nro. Siu.ho ept , u td J>'I<\. Oc:ean view. 1.lbe1 ty S-16':7 31'!1 Ut ~u 1:1 MU,\l'H)li CU t'AY NlCJtl.Y tum. 1 bdrin. 11pt,, up- du1lt u1 ;11J1 own factory I>)' 1111111',, atelr1. qul~t No r h!ldrr>n M me1·h1n111.a 01>n'1 conla~a wj\'1 pt'll. 166 E•Hrl<' st.", Costa Mr- thc nnJJlt• man Huy direct. 111, Liberty 1-15620. 4r6 REBUILT and IN::>TALLl::D ~.r- sHuR1 BWCX CORO~ DEl. MAR -U(lllUt lflll· ~·u.Ki.) .. ·-··-·... f l~ll t.\J ly furn. al11<1!1> apl. l blk. Ir• l'n l't-lt: .. VHULET ---$Hll Ii I ooea.n. Flrepl•o~. bar. $4~. 111 11 PL.\'M A UUDUE ...... -... Jlfl:l _paid. Harbor 6~60, :?1 I l:l-IH\'l:i • UlC SOTO _ __._. $17U ::.Tl 'IH l:M•a:P •• _ ..... $1711 u l.US ,.,, l 'UNTIAC..: e __ .. $J7U liUll'I' -.. -~ ........ -·--·· $17& Hl1U:-<t1N ·-··-·----....... _ .•.. $1711 I .nan ( 'u P'rt• Towlnit FURN . .APT. and caraae -yrly. rental, r,u3 auh Sl., NM\'!'l•H t Be&C'h. Phone Har b<Jr '340· R 2<'4 MAN 6 WOMAN wUJ do ceneraJ houaework, floor waxing win. dow clean111g Fast workt'rs white 194 E 20th 8 t.. Coet.a Me.aa. LI 8..2683 Hlfc Harbor 4289. 99trc NOW AT BAY FURNITURE Lot Nu. 2. 2p3 goo1t tran~portatton. Full price, $12,"1. N~W 'CAR GAMANT~E li!Ul'.i{ lllU~l lll~l'[ OUr ~tan<J8 nla Plus t11xrit. ~tu!IU'l• 'end 011 u1wn Sum111y 10 am to 2 pm UPPER 2 ti.drm. l'Urnh1hed apL Clo~e to Bar &: Bench, on Mll'a - 191ar Drlvt In bell re11d11nt111I area Bnlboa P t-nlneula-Adults only $&., yearly., or le111 tor winter CAPABL!l young lady desires foll Ume job. Experienced gen'I of- fice. secretary, typing, bkkp. Harbor 2~64-W. 3pa Alterations RESTYLING Kim of California 212 Marine Harbor 3481 B11lbo& lllland !18p13 ACRYLIC PAJNT, one ot the lat-'Where prices are Seid at Bay' New END TABLES, ........................ $3.95 COR~ER TABLES, ... _,., .. _ $19.88 CALL BEN WHITMAN, Ha11lor 1862 or Harbor 1461 e"es, 2c• ANTIQUES -Drum •love $25. ---- Sea cheat $17.~. SchOolmasll'l"t JAGUAR 1954 XK120M. road~ler. 'tlesk $7S. -Har. H42-R. 3c6 $2495 -110 Via Quito, Lido Isle. Harbor 3736-J. f C41) est devclopmenta In the paint m- dnslry, is now In atock a t your Harbor Paint Center. Ueed for interior or exterior wa1la, plaa- ter or stucco. f12 S2nd St .. New- port -Phona Harbor 2838. 2c7h TV CHAlRS ..... _ .............. ,. $IMO ~~~ -~upplles ..• ----1953 CHl!)VROLET Bel Air Con- verllblt>. 23,000 miles. Exci.'ll<'nt conctttlon, except Ure3, $1250, 212 Agatr, Balbtla blanc!. · 2c• ROPER CP range, like new, $85. Da v .nport, $20 A feather bed pillows. Har. 3018-J. 4c:I Sora couch, With arms, wrought iron, 4 ~,", pure foam rubber cu11hlon .... . .... . . . .. . .. $88. WANT TO BUY 20 ft. power boat. Must be top condition, rast and plush ln11lde. Write Jlmmy Burns. 1233 E. St., San Bemarddno, Cal. -------- BELLES E~GINE REBUILDERS Open Dally a to 7 l tate Bondro NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA•A.NA DROP F'RO~'l' Deak, I lge. drw1 .. salem, metal pulla .. .. . $85.~ ltNEEHOLE DESK, 7 drawer, lp6 MqDEL A F ORD coupe. Solid body, no dent8. Engine has 3000 n -Wanted toi Kent mile:o. $12tl. H&r. 51'42. 2.:f sa.lem • . ......... ·-· . . $43.liO 10 ft. SKIFF, 3 h.p. outhoard Sm. ~ERB SHAW. Harbor 26111 1<'4 NEWPORT ltAYFRO?\'T-lfodern turn. I rm1. .. bath. Clo• to tra.n1port•tlon &: 1torea, $~0. mo. UtUlue~ pd. Phone Har. 0499-~I. 2p• EASTENER'S A'M'ENTION ! NewpOrt Beach, tum. 2 bdrm. a pL $66 mo. ulll .. ._ pr. Incl., y&rd. A vallabio Ull June 3(). i.nwrt y lr.1'09. ttttc TABLE top whit• enamel •love. $25. Portable ww.aher, $7. Buel< rabbit, $3. LI 8-•83• attn 6 a: week ends. f ca BUNK BED seu, all metal with 2 14 ft. Burchcrart, 712 h.p. out-''ll2 M G, 'M engi.ne. good c.ondl-Charrnmg Harbor Haven Roy's Maintenance GAS HEATER, lge. Dea..rborn $20. innerspring mattrusea $57 boa.rd. &ind dolly. Top cond. $275. lion thr11out. Special pluUc lqp, ROLL UNDl!:R OUR GUTD·. ------------WANT TO RENT -Oarage for !<lontg" ot turnlture. Harhor 0383-W. Jp6 ANCJ!:. -Ll 8-169:l.' 94p9 ' 1mall, $3. Platform rocker $10. ..... · Harbor aaoI -W 21"• $ 9~ p H 8 Apartment.a • Patioe 6 PC. BDRlf. grpa., with "'11AJ'&n• . 11 .... h. ar. 512-J. 3p5 PAINTING House clean lng-J!'loor wu:ing 2093 Maple, Coat.a Meaa. 2p4 .. - Wall washing-window cleaning teed innerspring matt. ant'! box TRADE Rentals Wanted NEW <!_ROOM. 11traet i.vel Nt"11r "1'9 a" lil!H CADILLAC 4 dr. grey 11e<t11n ' ' . I I EARL SHE FLIN v,netian blinds. Upholstery Fresh Hearing Aid sprmga .... -... ,., ........ ······ • ' .uu Xlnt. condHh>n. Phone Mra. Ro-We need apta and bouat.S In all ac:hoole, ahoppui11 dlatrlt'l. Qu1e1 . 271 PalmaP i:t """*'• M--· Insured. Frt'e Estimates B.A ...... "'RIES 2 PC. BED divan sets .. . $Iii.. Beauttrut 70-rt. au.><. schooner. bcrt ,_·orbe Ha 31 ". , 9 aecllona for both winter &nd p!easant., axclusl\'I. Garb•J• di~-I _,....., ... 1 .. __ · · • .,,.. ~---.. -.,-L<>llhA-~--.~""'"·~· •.••·-1' · r. "'" .. r ·· -•-.,.. --·-.. ~, .. -nnul ,,.,,_,..,.,, •'"'""• rnom • tllo...... I l k.n•ft.I Q,..~n~b • .., .. 1~..o. 1:1:.w, .. ,, ~-~...,~--.· .. c; ,.,_ r....itJ6 .~· Wll -----""-----J .;:,n.c.w• .PA. \,;...,'a ne111;;;1•1 ••V•VU ... ~~ ...... ~~~:-::::::=-~~=-=-~:==:=1-::~~~::~::.:;::;;::~~~=~~:=~~~~~;;eii!l!!!i!!!~ t,f"'"' ......... :=.-1::u.a&11oo""""Wll~'--ll:.6lu.a~~A.11.JLJ.1.1~~~.f=A=L~E=.=c=n~l=le~g~e""""st~u~d~en~t.-aw•8~n•t•s•r•m~.l~c;~r.a.lln,.Wljd~ear..AS•O~llLJ.--l)..a~r~u.....·r:wi~Lm1PA-.-J41~3~~P~C;·~·~J~1u;vien~1~~~ch;r~:~d~inr.·:'ie~·i:,~ .. ~$;1is!:soijf;:~:·~~o=,ooo::·~eq=u=l~ty:!t~~~-p~r~o~p:e~rt~Y~··:1;2;2~ot.~~·~~~0 ·~1~fi'm~·~~~·-~-~~~~JM-~Pfi::·;.'!~1'~::::;ij•~::v~·-~;:;··~~:;::;;;,;~~.t:i;~~0~~~·F~~~~~-~·~--;&.·.,.,._,, .. ~ p AINTING -I • board In e}lCla!!i~r ,ror.i-1 Main-~t. .at Bal .. Blwl .. -Balbne J;) ~.~ --..... -':.' dll_!. ad.~ .. m.. ..:.. •• u• "'" ..... r. n1 -""ve. -~ M11T.. 1601 H•ven t'laC'e Painting & Paper Hanging pa.nlonsh!p, 1111ht duties. Wrllt to Ha rbor 015. esttc tii'ble ...... .. .... · .... -.. · $39,50 -------------Light bl ue, tan l op. R&H, while The Vogel Co. l Block South otJlfl~h S('honl • ' "The Beat Money Can Buy'~ !5tudent, 117 E. Ocea.n Ave .. Seal 5 P C, FOLDING bridge aet, all WOOD l"REEM.A.N 12 volt auto-aldt'wallll, tum lllgnals, back up :1201 \V C11t. Rwy .. Newport 8eh. Beach. 2pf F metal .... -. ...... .. ..... $19.95 matte pilot, excellent: cond. $200. light<!, Auto w1n<1nh1rltl washer. Phone Liberty I-Hit Sy' mpson & Nollar irewood For Sale 9xl2 HaJ\d Hooked Rug ....... $511. s_ee a t 2745 w. Coast Highway. •. mos. old. •-OOO mllee. WlU 108 Merine, Balboa 1-l&nd ALSO F'URNlSHl!:D AMS. WINTEI\ JI.A TES MALE white 4~. wsnta dinner FREE DELIVERY , .:'l:ewport Beach. Ph. LI 8·4141. accept trade . .Make om~r. Har. Phone Ha.rbor Uf !512 38th St., Newport Beach cooking h<>U!l~~1~anlna & odd 9x12 .Axmuut.er Rugs ........ $M.50 3c5h 1303-M. 79t!c 1301 ,..·a·t HJwa.y, Coro"'• .... -. •• • 3tfr.. PHONE HARBOR 240• . .n ~· '" WRIGHT CO. LOUNGER CH.AIRS d1aa I g ""' ~ " ...., --JOb~ Harhor 4029-M. 2p6 178, Neurn.o•rt Blvd., Coat.a Men • • ppea.r n Phone Harbor 11'1 UNP'URN. atudlo apt .. WIUt r&11ge a.nd refrigera tor, hewly det·n- rat.ed. clot111 lo ev1•rylh1ng Nu chJldrezi, or peu. I M. riu Onl•l- enrod. Har. 0880-H, l r ll tic FOR RENT 29-RelJ! Wanted •• ,.,... root rest, wrought Iron .. $49.95 U-Mul-' Radio, a T v M-Mual_-· Radio, & T \I 100 ~1aln St., Balboa Liberty 8•2!i05 •7ue PHILCO refrig.. T cu. n :. croaa .._, ....., Phone Barhn• H!! • 28ltc gklJI Saw1, Eltc. 'Dr!ll1, Poh!!ht rs, all lY~• of Sander._ Whfflbar- rows, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 263U W. COAST HIGHWAY Llbuty 8-3~35. :>:ewport Bch 28ttc 14-J>enonala AJcoholica Anonymous Wnte P . 0 . Box 881 Newpor't Beach, Calif. Phone Rarbnr 4Tlll5 BUILD 8«'Ure att'lllcly income $:lil0 to SlOOO mo. within 6 mo!'. Part or full time. Your own b11111ne11.'<; no invatml ; reth·emenL plan. HYatt 4-7301. 4 r6 BAUGHNS INC. ~ JANUARY w ANT EXPERllllNCEL1 wotna.n Clearing Out Sale aa cook • houaekeeper. &Nillt 196 0 ,..,._ mother. 2 1chool-age ch.Jldren. _ 4 ...... .,.Fl!l 6 M!:JtRJ'l"I' Live in, good aalary. Cloi1e to ange. Chrome top. pd. dr\. to tranl'lportetion. Call evPnlngs, I $177.f8. 1!5ave you $7~. Harbor 088. 3c6 1954 GENERAL ELECTRIC r•·, GENERAL mllld for 1 woman, frlgerat.or. 11 cu. IL Pd. dn. lo $288.~. l!lavu you $1715. _____________ u_c mu11t be good, pleln cook. Call a!ter 6 p.m. H\'att f-i 0%9. o&p8 1954 WEDGEWOOD gu dryer. Pd. 1:>-Share Ypur Car I dn. to $218.76. Savu you $110. ----------WANT WOMAN to a 311i<t w1lh \\:A."'l.'T DAIL~ RlDE Aownl.Own ll<»isework A. <'hUd ~.-. Li.ve. tll5·l lNT'ER:O-:ATn?NAL HAR- L A .. hn11r" 8·4 ·1!1. Like to iotn .,111 P'rldi.y, Elat .. sun. &. Mon. VESTER refrigen1tor. 12 eu. ft. r11r pool nr would orgeni:te OWTI. 306 Amethy.i, Balboa llllantl. P d. f'\n. to $267 68. Savea you _!h Warr~ Ha.r. '4 016. 90trc Harhor 2656-J. 2<'41 $100. ) Rt i..a-FREE REi'T ot bachelor apt .. In 196' WHI.RLPOOL auto. wuher. Jt:: -~~~~y A wo uchan~e for p&.rt tlme nre of I ll6S.88. SavN you 1100 • Superfluous Hair SC'hool age .:lrl !OM HOTPOJNT a uto waaher. P<1. ~:~.'"':==!~y ~;:~:~~ f~~: ~~; I r nrona t1e! Mar HM~r ·~~~. 119:· :~:~~· r:;:i::~:r.$~:~ Une shaped-No more lweu1n1. EXPERlENCl!:D. 11ttnctlvt' wait-I 11lde <!own mo(lel. Pd. dn. to EL.LE?'i L. BRYANT R.. E. rt'!ll! for Rnhf>rt Hilt.. Chtf'll Inn 1 $3M 78. Saves you $121. Lldo'1 Salon of Beauty Ru, 2076 H•roor J 102. 2oA Uc 1 19.'i;I PHILCO eler tric nuige, Pc1. -------------11 HOUSF:KEEPER ---r11r(' nf 2 ctn. to $t8i .[18. Save3 you ~200. !2--Lost and Found !cJiool girls. ~ "-1• Parent:< "m-FRE E Z I!: R. l.NTER.."\ATIONAL -I plnyrd Lwe In M l'IUI ro~ll\ llARVEST~R. 16~1 cu. fL Pd. LOST-Ptr~lan ('llll<'fl !"at. mo!tly MrM. LI 8-7347 a ttn 7 r m. o~ dn. t o $277.88. Savt'I you 1290. white. near NpL irra.mmar arhool J anytime Wf'ekend11. :lr,1 ALSO FOUND -llamue feml.le cat Phone Huh<>r 5268-R. •ell ' DOCTOR'!' REMtPTIOSJST - ' Ag• 'O-•O. Call Har. •On or 1965 GAFFER! SATTLER range. Big 40" Pd. dn. to $238 7,. S.ve1 you Utll. LOST -Brown boxt'r, 3 yra. 'lid Rf:'ply a t off1cr, non w Balb(la Jdm ttlfeaUon In nrck ban-el. I Bh'<l l\"""J'<lrt B1•h !l :111.;, .1(1 PHILCO TV. Ptl. ctn. tn Sl59.M Rew11rd. Ph. Hnr. 1:195·"· f'\'f'!I. Mnn 1w11 fl'rl , nr C"all Herhor !'Rvrs you SWO. 2c• 1119-W art tr II :io r m rnr appt. -------------~1(':, ),9~ PHI.LCO re.tn~er•tor. Big 9 1, cu. ft. deltue. Pd. dn. to f 228 96. Save& you $120. LOST-Male fox terrier. prtdoml- na.ntly while. Brown ba.~. brnwn nRST C'LA~S m11rlnf' m,.r h11nil" llpol at ~ ot whllf' ta tl. yel-with •II aro11nd ~malt h<lAt rx-1954 T~PPA!'t r11nge. 40'' Pd. dn. lnw •Y•a. Na.rne Bu~ter. 6 mns. pnleDI:'.<' \\'rife P. 0 , Bnic :l91\, lo $1 96 .~8. Sa\'l'!I you $143 old. Area 624 Reuland!.' Avf' R11lbo11 faland, ,l:'h1n11. romplf'll.' T•L J.J waa~. Ed Ba tea. Rt ward qu111iru;a tlC1ns. 2c4 I ~o down payment. Euy bank ~~ urm~ Draftsman (Male) SEE Ba.ushna A • s warehouae 24--8cboo19, lastroctlon P'or W(ll'k 111 beach tire& w1th 3 220 8. Mi:..n St., Santa Ana --· ---yn. praolcol t'Xfll'n"n<'e 1n 6 block• So. of •ourth St. China painting mrch. l!raJlin.it and 2 yr!'. cnl· Open evea. 'lll "· Sun. 11-5 ltge 1\r f'qtll\'alcnt. \\"n te F. O. Klmborly i -7201 Day and Evenlng Clahe1 Order• 'l&ken Now Box 1031. Alha.mbrn, Cam, .. n. Phone Uberty S--M•S ll•tfc d os ing 11a.mple 01 work. l:!:'>l!c 1055 NORG!: a utomatfo wa&htr. -Real Estate School in Santa Ana M.EN " WOMEN prepan IJI lp&tt tlme fnr unllmlttd opportunlUt1 1n Real Estate. New cla~ea weekly. AJ l'yler 1.nat.rucUnc. At· fend nnt evening frff 1U1t1 lf!•l'TI About Lill• (N&t field. ca.JI or write now for lntorm1ttlon. Busl· nesa ln~t.Jtute. 0 5\.t N. 8yca· m ore. Kl 3-17~3. Tftle GIRLS-. WANTED The bt'~t &: newest. one. 811.11 ag1- ta tor, bl._ tub, .t suds ~turn lts been used oruy 1 week. Pd. <In. to $1 96 70 trom J.290.00. No dn. pymt. Jll8t f'&Y the r ymt1. Wt' h11\·e open1nr;:6'-<ll -our r-;f'w· nf $10.tl3 mo. port BeRch ortlrr, 311 E... Bal· SEt-: Bauchn1 A .t 8 WarehoUM boa Bl\'d. for I 220 It. M11111 SL.. Sa.nu A.Ila Telephone Operator' ' blocka Suulh ot 41.b &t. Open eves. 'UI 9. Sun. 11-~ -Apply -Klmberly 3-i201. Monday throui;h Friday 9;00 • m, to 4 ·OO p,m, :5U.1l No. Mam St .. Rm. 211 C'OLDSPOT 7 cubic ~ retr1iera- tot', ~ry ,.ood c:ondlUon S36. Apt. lliu ni.nse. '5. Ha.r. 1~1>4 -W 3c!I Se.nta A 1.ll PACIFIC TELEPHO:'\E In Reaponae to 6i llc WEDGEWOOD !tove. oven co11- P~pular Demand WOMEN-Some punch prt!'5 u-j' trol. looka nice. $25, 433 Acacia. 1 WE RA\!: PUl:C!:X'M..T enlarged pt'rlence preferred. rorona del M11r. P!t. Har H !l·M 011.r fll(lltll'".9 to nr rommod11te .APPLY 9-11 e m. 2120 Ph1C'en'.la 4ce more children. There a rc 8 tew Avt .. Coal& Mesa. 2c• plaeu 11v&tla ble. Washing Machine PRl!:PARF. yo\lr child tor k lndtr- sartan In-• ALMA ou:s~ OREl:'N''S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL !98 F: ~I Mar, Costa "'"~~ Agt:i 2·6 l.lbrlt\' 8-:177 1 A. tnily !Int :"l:urMry SChoul 2cl5h ' 8ERVJCJl WANT ntw A 1.1s•d C'llr ~alesmen ExcellPnt cornmlS11ioo and dl>mo plan. Stf' P"R~D Hl'~T. I I-year guarani•'" on jobs don11 TE.ft.ft Y'S Bl .. ,CK l\lld on u~ed waahel"I 2~88 "6 •oe Walnut, HunUngton Bc:h 2c• 1 rear I N,•wrorl Bl 1 <.:0111..a "'"I'll Llberty 8-4503 er Liberty EXPJCIUEXCED man nt ratnter. 8-4327. 64ttc full Ume e.mplo'yment, 1n !mall ~ _ • boat ya.rd. Only qua l1 t1rd man Your Advertisin g Dollars 1v I n!'l'<l eppl~ \\'nt<' T' 0 Br" 396, ru 1ht1 do m:>re, MU more, when B&lboa h l11 rol. gH1n, corr.1 ''It you ad ver11 .. 1n 'th11 paper - oua hrlcAllbn3. 2c4 Phone Ha.rbor 1616. .. top freezer ..... ~............. Jl89.96 H.U4MONl> ORGANS. All mod· 36" Gaa rangt, 6 burner divided et.. Ont on ly slightly uaed. a l· top ...................................... .99.M moat like neow. This la a apeclal. BAY FURNITURE •n !:. 17U\ a t., Cotta M ua. lbetween Tustin • Irvine) F ree Stor~alde pa.rking-Terma OPN\ l:v... 'tll I 1954 O'KEEFE MEJUUTI' ninge. Ita the Jattl!t CP all auto· ma ue. Uft top, Cflddle, •lmmer bume.-. It that grill broiler. U!led J mo. Pd. dn. to $1S6.2f . :"io ca.ah needed Juat pay Ow pymls. or n.71 per mo. SEE Baug'hn1 A cit S Wart.houae 220 S. 1'1Aln St .. Santa An& 6 bloc-ks South of •th St. Ope.n eve-. 'lil II. Bun. 11·6 Jqmberly 3-7201. PRACTICALLY 1'EW-Servel re- frlger11 tor, round maple dropl,.af ctmlng eet. 1 Capt. chair .t. 3 mllt<'l! chairs. Be11utHul maple 11e<>re1.11ry. l nq &l 2%0 Via !:boll. L1rln Ii<lr. Hlll"bor 4366. 2c•h l!l~4 ;-JORGE Automatic Wuher. The very ht>11t t>ne. Big 9 lb. tub, ag1lator, 11erety 1ptn lid..\ Ulat 1llum1nated dial. ll'a only been ,.tort'<!. but prl. rln. to $218.37 from $3 10, No caah nee(led. Juel pa) the pymts ot $11.12 mo. D,l.NZ -SCHMIDT Hammond Hta.dqU&Tten for Orange Coun· ty, ~20 No. Main, Santa. Ana. $5 PER MO. rtnla good pr actlce piano. All term rent allowed It you buy later. DANZ-SCH1'llDT Big P lano Sale. 520 No.1 foln. Ore.at January Plano Sale • RE~T a n orj;an or pt&Jln w1tti rental to apply on future p11r- ch&1e at- SHAP'ER'S Mu.sic Co. !Since 19071 '21-'23 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana f'hone Kimberly 2-0672 60 US~D yttllfl{>IJ W'llnted--tor our rentJ\I ll<'rv1ct. Trade in your old rt11no on new pla.no or t>lectronc: orran. H11h ca$h allowance. DANZ · SCHMIDT Greal Je.nu- a.ry Pia.no Sell', ll20 .No. M&ln. SUit& AnL Hammond Org&11, Lfflre Speaker FOR RENT FOR SPl!:CIAL occ:1111ons. pa.rUca. weddmr1. etc .. at home. office, church. with or without orga.n- lst.. lnclut!fng move In It <>ut. Lfberty 8-1208. H lfc HA VE beautiful Baldwin acroaon1c Spinet. 4 yra. <>Id. WANT TO S\\IAP for grand pfann Phone Harbor l098-M, , tttc IT'S DIFFICULT Rl'T W E KEltP TRYING. Want l or 2 hr. furn. h oua witb prlv- BEAUTIFUL Spinet pl.A.no, blonde ncv. Hll!'.h reterencu u per- just like new, uve s2oo. Ma-manent roupl,.. No ahlldren or hogany Spinet 1hJhlly dnmagt'd P"ls What tia\·e you~ Write In shipment, •t87. Good practice .:_ liox 0-2~· ,. o Jlllper. U pianos f rom $8tl. $94, s12~. IJ7:J Wanted Houee to LeaM Ste the&e at t he Crtat DANZ· \\' \~TFD TO LEASE f ~2 SCHMIDT r1anv Sale. Th• big ' • • • or mo. Slorc'.520No ~l11m.Snnta.f1n11.1 f<•r 4',.sal 3 nr 4 bdrm. home. JO(> plnnn11• we have no branrh ~m or unturn. In good dl11trlcL atortfl \\ 111 pay to $3,800 ptr yen . ' CALL MAC:'\AB fEarl W, SIM· O:'\"E OXLY full 2 manual conn-le.vi Hor!)nr 3297 or ri360, 2c4 &<mat• el~l"I f'lc orcan. demon- 1trator m1-..J~I w1Lh eepnrate tnne 18-Apta. & Bou.ee ~abmeL ~·"~ j3~·~­ Convenl•'nt. tt'I 11111 &.t-RENTAL v SPECIALISTS SHAFER'.:i M U•I(' Cc.. I Since Jll1•7\ f21-i23 :>:. Syc•more, Santa An11 Phone KKlmbt>rly 2-06l 2 c-.i ~dna Cra.lg Blanche (;ates, Rltr. Desirable 1 and 2 hf'l1room turn. 1pt11. Indudlng u!lllllu. J7~. e nd up, yr arly &H E. Ocean Front, Bnlbo!I Corner Of .f'alm I Har. 32311 081 1n 2 B!:DRM tum.. •pt. OJI Ba y F'n.tnt Winter or ye11rly r•nl-111. &Of 5,, Bay l'ront, Bal.boa llland. HRr U 2. r,e Uc UNFURN. A.PT. I II"•· bdmt.1 , 1 n1- ner wtndoww, gar. dlapoM I. Kr11 - &!"e ,. lAundry room. J~Jbert ,. 8-1143 ar L11-2'28. Nur IChonl,. llXc:I NP:WPORT HF:IGHTS, lT:"F l:I< \. I bNlrm. &flt. Slave and rtfnl? Laundry. V"l°y c.ltan Good lon•- ltty, near bua. J~7.~ month Llberty 8-~33~. 2d See Baldwin Pian~ 111 Marine •ve. & 0 D -} ..,, B&Jb(IA '"land. Har. 1671 72t fc ATTENTtn s EA~T!:RNt:n.S _ - rgan isp ay WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coaat Blvd., Coruna del M&J (Thaden Interior Bid& I Har. 3u:i· M Uc BEA UTIP'UL El~rtrnnic Orgnn, blon<l,. c:11~r. 11lmnftl n"w M111l SJ1crlf1('e Une "nly Btl:' saving OA:"Z.·SCH.MlDT Grr at Salt . 620 Jl:o. Ma111, S&Jlla Ana. <:'LJrF HAVE:'\ l'IPA CIOt.:8 2 br!rm , many cln11et1. lllc, lenc·ed. Gor. 187.50 11nru,.,, CORO~A DEL MAR -2 be<lrm. 11nt11m. t1upltx F'1replar t , irar· age. I blk. to mark~t 6 IPln1 17:1. month. ,\'f'llrly. ~tl"fUEt. M rl:-:OVER, Reeltor 2604 1'ewpt1rt Blvt1, !'rt. B< h Phone Harbor 46J 0. e:M r .Nt1wly rl1>r11n\I"'! l11r1t'I tum . -1 hrlrm 11r1 , :"P\!.["1rl 811.vh P111el .hut. 1r11ra11:r. •t.7.M ,wl~" At~•U) nlrt' 2 IYlrm turn ar t , !:~' $81i. mo. yrly. Tt!V'nt" pey ~l'"< t.ncll y. Llhn t y 8-111~· 11:i111 V:'\FCl<S I b~dr111. •Pl ""r-•w· 'l blk. ;-;n d An.ht'• 16:'1 f 1• 238 Oltal1ns On ve Call C ~­ Mai tin, TOrrt>y i -:\l'l:->, ··1" ----- SN! Bnuiz-hns A & S Wo.rrhouae ~alPs, 2::0 Sn, Marn St., Santa Ano., 6 block1-1"out.h nf fth. Ope.n da.Jly til P. Sun. 11-~. K l 3-7201 ------------- O:'\E ONLY-!lmg!e manual :O.t1n- 1.hall organ. li ke new. Sav<' $200. Convenient lerma a t- SJiAFER'S M.ualo Co. tStncto 19071 421.f.23 N. Sycamore, Sanle Alla Mt:r;LLER-HAl~ES t ft.. 7" hhby Phone KI.mberly 2-06i2 gra.nr1 p111no Ma.hogany Griort cnndlllon Phnn .. Har 2fl •. 1 2r7 ON BALBOA ISLAND &El: US for Je&rlJ and eeuonal l"Cllta.1.1. V ;'\FI 'R="l !'IH l':n ,,,,_I\' , .... n ti• I· rr1nm 11partm,r1 With All lh~ rnn,f'nlrnrl'~ tnr rnrr.!• ·rtiil't'" II vini; F' irepl11<,. r!l11pnM I, "'"II fur ""~". plrn• 1• ()f •I"~"'• ,..,•h- r o1.01 .1n•I ~111 ·~r 1'>•'" ti '1t 11;111 Clay W '' n. ~•'\\port Ill~ :'.i II \\'AL:'\ t:T i:Ht\ .. ~ ta hie 1:io. ~ Windsor cha1r1, 12.M earh.. 2 r r. lle1lron111 drape&, $5. ateamer tnmk $r • .:'olahngany c!rP!l:<"r 110 .:'olahoi:ar y rhel!l $60. 2 pr. bt'd- 11prl'arl~. U O & $5. Hllr, 0!\80·~{. 2p• TWO OVE:R.~Tt:FFED chairs. Vf'ty <'h'°ar. -Phone Harbor 1605-~L 2p4 FREEZER, 1"1~4 C'R08LF.Y. B1, 13 ''°' cu. ft HH Hp.a rate •helves. r nlr1r lntrnor. & pull out baaktla. Jr~ ret•irnril unu~r l & r•J dn. 111 i z&6 69 rr nm 011g1na.J IM !I. Ca.ah or pay l hl' ryrnts. of $12.19 per monlh. S~~i': l311ug hn11 A A !:; \\'arl'hfJllllC 220 S \Mo.In St .. Sant11 An& 6 blocks Svuth ot •t h SI.. Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS 1879 Harbor, Costa M"~" Ph Uberty 8-2301 77pp-ttc Ot:R GREAT .lAXl'ARY Mtle $387 buy1 lovrly Spinet. Stan- dard meke . .:'ot1rror type Spinet only '$23S. Baldwin Acrosonlc only $489. P racuce pia nos frum S89 up. Baby Grand!! f rom $496 Dozens or r•th<'rl\. Thue Inst ru- m•·n t.a are trad!!·tns •ntl rentn.1- rt>turna. .Many jtt!!l like new. Bf'l1utl£ul ele<'tr<ln1c organ. S•1ve $260. DA:'llZ·SCH~ILDT B1i;; Pl- •no Ir Oq.:an Store, !>20 l'\o. MAIO, Santa Ana. Priscilla Matt hews Teacher of Piano Cl11~1011l, rio1mlar hy harmnny Fnr • 1r rl\' I "h1"118"· Vie A ng~lt'll Z 11 T11."1 11 A vr . Xewpart B,.nrh Llbrrty 8-3966 07p12 BEA t T l•F t, 'L Kimball 1tut11n p111no Slu~htly 1U1e11. Sav" i 1 oo Con· vPnl,.nt trrm11 &l- SHAFERS Mu~11 t:o.Sinreo 119071 f21-03 N Sycamort. Santa A..na Phone Klm~rly 2-06i2. NELDA GTBSO N, Realtor 306 Manne Ave. Harbor fl02 B,ALBOA lSl..A..ND 7Uc -Balboa Island C'llnlr r yrarly anrt 1ummtr r"nt11!1. nr1w •va1l1hl~. n 1m1i;; BR A y RMllor ~1 6 Muine Ave .. Balboa r .. 1and H1u·bw 20 o:;ttc l BURM front dupln -N1f'.tly ru rn. <..>1 !!an itld" 11r H ... ·y. ( ·111~0 In tr11n•r>"rl11llon ,. l'hnpa Vriy 2 nrtlfnt FL~R:>: ,, rT 11own· -"llltr~ l.in"'l?I' f!'nnt1 ''"r1 l't1! p it , s-:-:, ""' 11n111 J un, 16th. 10!1 1'11rk lt\t . liAll>-111 bl~n<I ) ~h<t BA y ~'R()~T r.r DO I~ L p: Fl"R:"JSllED r1ewly d1rP'lratr!l 2 b'1rn1 apt . 1;ar11e c "''''r Ir"""· ,\l111JtJ, n l) pr'• H 111, ll<'>t. r1nL11J 607 f',.m ltat. roron11 dt'l __ _ Ollp 1211 Mar. ~itc ~~fALJ, l'"l'R'-'. A1'T ~utt11t>lt' fnr ~D~.'.-~~tl',_!!!t!_ __ ~f-1 •eJUJ(e 2 hdrm. unl11rn.1 1 ''' 2 •'lttltl! l't I p•l 426 Q<,I· AKC r,..-:r!'te.red Bot ton T•rr1111r •turl"'< 1·ort'MI a.ir hre t. !Irr· ilo>nrnd, l:orona d<I .Mar He t bor popplr~ lROfl Pl11r rnt111 , Ct1•1.J' I pl1ar11 '"pa.rat" pa' In, hwrl n rA 3>&34-\\'. 9!llfc Opt>n evu 'ltl 9. Sun. 11-5 Klmbtrly 3-7201. Mu11. LTbnty 8-J(1:;2. 1c3 ' l'rr11 r ~M• 'R w;v H11 r lfl>-1 -ll VA <'A~T l'llR ~ 8111111,. 11p\, flt<'· G.E. ·coXSOLE 17" TV \!.i th re-IRl~H WATER ~T'A:-.>JF:J. w11n'~d I lrfl plo<~ "' 1'1"w 617'·• r1 PrY <'<>· 82 rnn11 .1 .. 1 ..J111r •••fl mo. Llbf'rty Sl~OER tt\!.1ni: ma.chin" wa.,.hini: mec:hlnt n;11se. ho1111ehold !urn <'C'lrd pl11y<'r & records, AM A 8tud '10~. -I.l a.8 !l. 4,..5 Chnice \'\'iote.r . Rental• on a-z.tal ... .' l.iuc FM rnulo Jn trne rontl1t1nn. J111t I Bath11a fsland & Lid" fsle --- Ind tll~h"~ · 11nllqur!I Ha rhc11 I 2871-\\' fC6 overhauled. rValue "4~) Price 10-A-Tlrrs .t Parts . R.\TTA:'\" Fl"R:>' mrl(jern 1t11<t.o Sl_i5. H 11r. 4:101 tor11ppt. 1Evre I ----------Sma!J ,. rm.y "f lllrge & dr luxe 11pta (""nter nr Ci rrin• Qel Mir HJr 456i ). 3c5 I 5 TJRE5. Nn. 6Jll. 2 whrt'ls nnJ :'> S7~ l11 l .IOO muo\JI F ii lllil pr1. I.I 8-1~211 8!1c 11 ~aXiCixi:iCixiCiCixiCiaX:iCi:Xi:o:XXiCixi:iCixiCi~ tubes. 1111 ~nn11 c••n•I ~1 s Tu,1111 VCG~L CO. A V!'• :\pl. HI• I Jlll j jtJ~flOUl'U ror l~nt I 208 Mann• Ave , Ral1>1a l11lnn•I From $18 ! 1_2-T-··~---------_ Ph Harbtir •u 111 Har1·n1 :t1 :11 ----------------·-u~... _ _ p,.., He r 1786-HK or LI .8 :,:t07 13nn Mn -F11m 6 h~tJrm. t llf"l - t S f I B .'·fl. PA:>; A..'tERICA:-0:, Trsllt'r 94ltr lent baytrr.nt •r.1n<1 tBt<n 0 a UCCeSS U USineSS uc:ondlttnnrd 10 •. ,1 & out H~------bnn1<lnrc 1201!0 fnr b wk11 n dur cd tn S700 r••r quirk Ml" 8e• «OP.():"llA f'lP:L 1"AR "1111111,-. Uv.enr l·11v1n1f '!"'" -Clne nt our regular at!vert !!'<'T'll stoppet1 by to rhat the oth"r <lay. "\"e.s sir" he 11a1ct. "It wu JUllt a bout a y ear 1110 I 11t11rtc\! In this b11a1nea~. (ma1n1enance work) Ha•I nnll· Sl.8 tl' my :-anH·-b«ught rj broom anrl a mop And put an ed In you r paper. "You know this pa pt r nr youT'll sure ge~ aro\lnd I'''' 11dv<'r1l•iod other plar.t" lll(l, but •lwaya ~tt mor~ Jub,. oul t •( 1 ha ert in your pap.er than anythtnr e.lae. ':)-13'<' 3 "·"rt working tnr me now n.nd every onr ot lh'!m FT\!lkH a <11\m 17&nd living 11 well u myeelf! 0 .lu"t 1ull INl anytirM -I'll be slad to reoommf\Dd y unr ad"!"' Wlusk\'l!T )our nt'ed1, •a ... la our llnl7 oa••ln f'd IW'r tlon "Ill brlnr yod tt'~utt•, tl\n. r&ll Harbnr UUS Uld uk for Utt Ml lakl'r. -------;JO~ ' st H~ e:'. l7t'1 -l, c, •ta .:'ol•"'-.P'l'R7,.-2 b<lnn ho111e, w to w Willi'~ J •ir mor• yur ~ 1~0'" 1 Llb~rly 8_6663 •ct; u1qw · 1•1 1pl'• rih llT <• \'n:r•I G II LA'T't-tr<()J', :irs::·, ~ t: .,.l r•tto t1 11n m" I fl ''''"'."· r'"'•l\•1rl•1 Mai 11.r- rwo-w;u:F:l. TRAll,F:R. 14 11 e1 l·l l i'.~l'lllHI ,; HEALi\" h'lr :110. ~.vr' 11:11 .J."tll·J Jt 4 S I l'hnn,. H11rh,1r 21:l2 2rlll -- -ta1nleu Me(' &'lie ant1 ·11n~u" -co.:i.1rr11~TABLF: 2 IJ••<Jrrr. rum. fll:'l F.I M1J(1l"nn. :>:ewr•·rl Illa ' I hnu"r ~Ice p11 • 11., nr~Q. ,,r,r1 ,, a!ter 6 p m. li:'llt Corcna def Mar y ,.,,r'\' -8(J& 01 ~11111, Cw '1t\ -----------1 ,,,, .:'ol .r i·• }11~6-18ft HoW1ny Hou" lr•lln, ~· UE!JRM apt rum , newly ''"e· ell mel4IJ fully tqulpped, 50'3:! urated A l>Qvf Chlnft Cove. S&O 'l':W l'OP.T l:IEACll. :l bdrm rum Liberty 1-M.;J. 2c4 ·nonlh le&I(', 1101.111" with 'it"r"J" &M w 1n111 (-,H-l,-.-T-Z_2_1J_ft ho11-~e-tr-11-lln w1lh I Mrm P,AMlal 'y turn S~~ M 17U )'t'&rl)' Cllll a ltt r i p m. . ' JT'•O Herb'lr 118:111-R 2•1.1 10x20 oebana alu11 .1num ror.r, $1~•1 1.ot 106 ·111• lpal Trllll-W. P.:. F lSHER .. AHoc. 1 (J('t:A:-< Ft<ONT HCJl:SP., fUf' '~- t r Pa . .( J 7th al. Gcv £111• 3\13~ E Cot1 •l H ll(hW8Y . td, yrur-i<i•intl 111nt11l Jl\l)fj !-II• H&1 bor 4 l.tb. 3pj , Co rona dd M.ar li&.rbor 2UJ •hura Dr., Newport. Be&a. 4, tt ( ... I I r - . , . I PAGE 4 · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS fr!-Rn l f:tttat,. , 62-R4"al r:,it_t,. 62-ReaJ P'A tate -------------~~~~~ ----------~~~~-----"~~------MONDAY. JANUARY 24, 1955 6%-__ Rf'_a_I _FA_ta_. _te _____ 62-__ RW __ FA __ ta.;..~------' ~\\'!~~: B~YTI; a~e~ v Check · these Exclusives For Best Buys, Corona del Mar 1. Very attractive 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace, ~r· peted floors, nice dining area overlooking large paved patio. Dbl. garage. Reduce<! from $16.000 to $14,500. G. 1. Loan, E Z Terms. A Scarce Item ! 2. Thia immaculately clean 3 bdl'tn. Jiome, double garage with extra room attach ed tf>r storage or work shop. Fireplace, forced air heat, garbage diipo'sal, diahmaster. Only $15,500 and $2500 down will handle. Payments like rent. L ooking f or a Duplex ? 3. Thia well located 2 bdrm. home plus large 1 bdrm. garage apt., built over dbl. garage, fenc- ed yard, paved patio. Pi-iced fo sell at $17,500. Immediate posseBSion. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy .. Cor ona del Ma r H arbor 47 (Office located next door t o Cor ona del Mar Bank) dB-Hou.ea for Rent CIZAN l bdrm. unJurn. house. $60 mo., utll. pd. 223 •.,. Santa babel, Co11ta Mr•R. LJ 8-:1840. 4c6 Newport Beach YEARLY RENTALS 2 BDRM. Unfurn. homi> 1 bdrm., unfurn. ,home CHA~LES E . HART! Har. 1428 3420 W . Balbo)l Blvd .. Ni>wport Beac'h. 11· 1 r.>h 54-BU8ine88 owrtunJti~s~ CORONA DEL MAR needs a BAKERY. I ha-ve the loca- tion. Call, .LI 8-6864. 99c5 5r>-Mooey to Loan LOANS Tu HUJLl.J. LMPROVE BUY, MOOEHNlZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Trust Dued3 NEWPORT BALBUA SA VJNCS A: LOAJ'li ASS< >CIA TION ::1:166 Via Lido Ph, Har. •200 lie TWO BEDROO~t 11pt. alOvts and refrif. only. Carbai:e d111posaJ. WOULD llke to buy 1st anct :!nd New &: 1>eaut1ful. suo. mo .. yrly Trust Dceda. Call Har, "L326 _.__ ~8tfl.' I nll.'e durlt.·x. Two blO<'k11 to heart of town. Ott ~ut llfth Street Onl~ J years ol•I 2 ~drooms e1wh 111\le. Clew•rlv laid out. Two •'li r garagr. l111llv1dulll ut1llly Full prll.'1' 11 unly- $12 ,5()() Home and Income A LOVELY 2 bllrm. home. :l yrs. old. Hdwtl, floors. lj!l'. bdrm11 .. i'Xtra nh·~ ktt . 81•eak(11st room. Put10, alt. i:-11111i;.-, 110 fenerrt · 1 hlk. to fllarket. Al..SO A MOST A1'TRACTIVE 1 btfrm . fum. apt. over 11 lge. dbl. gar ..... rwaya r1•ntl'll 8\ S6:'i, rer H\fl M-1 LOT 80 ft x 126 ft CIOSl'·in on sew• 1 Pric••d lo 1wll nt $41>00. Phil Sullivan & George Evers~n 18:16 :-.:cwrort Blvtl, Costa ~frsa IRl.'fOlUI from Costa Mt>i;a Bank I Phone LI 8-4i761 EvPs. Har. 4366 l,lbl'rty 8-210:1 Balboa -Island Income BAY FRONT o1!E ~~-o~~~~~,:~·11.rn•~~h::·1i~~~: ~OANS for Homes On Newport Island J. M. MILLER CO. 6'io -20 :r. Loan• Exclusive ao2:i w. sa1b0a at., Ntwpurt uch Construction Loans M-fl. bulkheadc<l Jot . with Har, 4091 -Eves. LI 8-:i:r:it SEE BOB SATTLER flll'r & IRl'. float. L:trg<' liv- PLENTY OF FRl-:E PARKlNt: 2r11~ EAST COAST BLVD. 1111>" l'00111 Wilh f1ri'.'1)lllct·, 2 8tltrc Corona ael Mar Harbur :1888 "' Rep. PUfRlEll MORTGAGE ...:o 1111'1' bdrms. with l :1, bnths. BAUWA $~·~ MU., YEAHL \' -Metro Lire Ins. F'untls Kl. :l-f•1 8~ F:xlru laq~l' dmdle Hr<·a. lintum. 1·ottai; ... Liv. r 111 • din •8trc Double g-ar agc, 1•astly mad£• rm., k1tchenctle It 2 ~drnoms. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRJ\' ATE BEACH -Pier le slip privilege. 3 years old. 2 bdrin .. 1 1 1 bath. lots.1"'ot tile. Parquay fln1 .. dbl. gar .. F . A. heat. Now is the time to buy for next summer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at This Price . $26,250 LIDO ISLE I OLDER 4 bdrm., 3 bath h ome on beautiful 60" lot. Tqees & shrubti in profusion. Owner transfe'rred and must sell. See this today. Terms can be a rranged. Asking price, $24,750 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BA YFRONT-Pier & sh~rst time t offered, only 1 y r. old. 3 bdrms., 3 bat_~\"'elec. kit., buill-in' dishwasher, garbage disposal, W to W car- pets, drap<.-s & new 20' Century motorboat inc.-in price. This is a h oney! P r ice $70,000 ALL E XCLUSIVE LISTINGS r EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -3113 Newpor t Blvd .. New port Beach. Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND --This 1 bdrm. horn~. and 3 bdrm. income apt. has excellent income record. Fireplace, good heating, and lovely s heltered patio. ONLY $6,500 down, pymts. less than rent. Full price $26,950. I Near N . Bay) J Jusl a step to N. Bayfront. 3 bd rm. home, 2 baths, fully furnished, and income apt. ONLY $5.000 dn., ~22.!lOO full price. COSTA MESA J 1 _ acrt's on the bluff with sweeping view of ocean: Catalina 1rlear day). Ample room for 4 Iota Ruildere attention! $6,500. - WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine A\fenue Balboa Island 4 "' 'BRANO NEW LISTINGS OPEN HOUS E SUNOA Y l to ~ at 2531 Bayllhore Dr .. Bay1horea. S bedrm .. l ~ bath modern home, "You must see lhl1." l!:xctlleont location A: vrew. (Mr. Ru .. will be on lhe premlsre), ~ BA YSHOREtt;-<feluxe home on beauUtul Bayahore Dr., Jov1>ly bay view a.nd clo11e to private bto•ch, 2 bednna. up1talra with separate dreulng rooni1 .tr b1th· room1. Spaclou11 living rnom with Wt'll planned dining area. Extr• large garage w1U1 two addnl. bedrms, ..,. balh. Fully encl. patio .I: barbecue. Only $1!'>.000 with exc!'llent terms. CUFF HAVEN VIEW H OJ.f E. Brand new 3 bedrm . l ~ bath llome ha1 an ullnbstructed view of lhe bay & ocean. It's that Ra.nchy Type that you'll adore. FQrred air heating, largr flre- placP. w to w <'llrpellng 11nd a g11laxy of nice ft'11turN1 S2i,!>00, wrth i;ond rerm11 BUILDl!'\G LOT :io x 180 on Sl James R•t. In Chrt Haven $2!'>00 <lea,l'holdl. Frank James ... Linwood Vick REALTORS c B. R11 1111, Wm. 0 . Schmidt. All~Oc. 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa lsll\nd Harbor 20i2 Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. 2 bdrm. house A: 8 single turn units, on 2 lots. Excellent view ot b&y. Olde r but in good con· drllon. Within walking dl1tance or downtown shopping area $15.000 down. Ocean Front Income 8 \."),!JTS 1•urner lot. exed. income r•cortl. Half blk. from flA\" and 'parking far. Cll'&n. $ tfl,ilfln Wiii handle, Bldg, with store and 3 ur11l11. Good buy, for Sl6,000 -S4000 ilo"·n. In the hearl of Bnlhua. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST B U YS 4 ~BUYS B U YS • Jllr BUYS Close in relridential lot near Harbor Blvd. Ste<>o cuh 2 50·ft. lote on Del Mar E. of Newport B. 2000 each Amid activity 77·ft. !ron·t .. R-4. zone .. 2100 term• 60-ft. front .. best district, roned R-1 -··-·· 2750 caah S~ial Back Bay restrict~ site11 R-1 ........ 3250 up • Cliff Drive ho me s ite, all new homes ..... _ 6000 cuh B U YS 4 .. BUY S BUYS 4 • Jllr B U YI 4 "r G. I. Resale. $53 month inctu~cipal, ln- tereet, taxes and insurance. 2 ~~-1 h~me, l'OOd neighborhood. $2450 down with f u ll price ju.t $9150 -A BARGAIN. Brand new 2 bd'nn .. hwd. floors, fla.gslone. F. P. ~ & planter. This home will measure up to your expec- tations. Let us submit $1000 dn .. $10.500 f\111 price. Bathing, pier, float. patjo, cement bulkhead, view. $22.500. 3 bdrm, waterfront home. Range, drare- stay. Best buy. Terms. CORONA DEL MAR -2-&tory 3 bdrm. 2 b ath view home, modern design with wall to wall car- peting. Lar1re porches. badminton court, dbl. g&rage. ~RA~;~c ~~;rr·~R;;~RTIES INSURA NCE -SALES -LOANS -BUD...DERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu Llberty 8-1632 Llberty 8·1400 Eve.. . LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES, INC, 3333 Via Lid~Across f rom Savings & Loan Every once in awhile a house iii listed that ia an outstanding bargain. We feel this is. Downatairs there is a good sized living room, smallish dining area, nice kitchen with dishwasher and disposal, 2 nice bdrms. and a bath with a glass-enclosed shower O\'er tub. A nice patio partially covered !ind a 2-car garage with sto rage a nd la undry area. Upstair s there is • ery large bdrm. with a fireplace a nd tiled "1 bath. The full price is $23,500 and its on a street t9 stret-l lot near the Club . . New 4 bdrm .. 21:.: bath. striking h ome on atreel to street lot. Part carpeted. part hwd floors. Forced air furnace. 151:.: ft. closet in master bdrm. Stain- lesR steel sash. Thia is anothC'r very fine value at $33.500. F or lots, homes and rentah1 cotne tn H EADQUARTERS p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneon co .. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido -har 1500 .Hot shower. cu a water paid. 57_~aJ Estate Wanted lri.rle. S:.!7.500, tenns. No Jl"'ll , IOIS Ad11m... Hurbor 1924-M 2C"I WANT flom o:::=:-~.~u::-: RALPH P . MASKEY Harbor 0234 4c6 Nice Family Home NEAR Nt'WJlOrl Hubor Y1chl Club. Balboa Island's Best Bay Front Values- NH.:t::: l! b1'drm. unl111 n house wrU1 stove .tr refrlg. 428 Colden1o<l. Coronll 111"1 MAr llnr :Hll-l-W. 11;.uc TV. IJ Wrm. hriu,.., & ga1 li;• (; 11 · -t)Kg .. uU•J»1><1I, n7 v. ly ,1 .,.;;, .. , ·l Y .. 11 ly 1 t'lllt1l, unll1111 I '.!:I • :!~1111 vacant lot on Hurbor, "twpurt I ur Hal boa HIVll -or lith Sl. Realtor in <.'.01<La Mt•ioa . Pica.•" \.\rite M . :: 111 :'\1•\' r11rt 1:$1\"il, :\pt Jl, h l..annl'I t. Bnx N24, thtt raper. Jln1 l111r 41t,: f1;1tfr • ll6tfc EMl-:l<ALL> HAY-Just So. or Hi· SI. No'"'"llt'•' 11" BALBOA INCOME I "'ilf. \'7 I'll•\' a· '1 ~ .. ~Al l>t11sht1111 .111 hou-.c, onh J ~Tb l1hJ. 'J II> 1h Ill,,., :l bllth~, :Z fltf•plUlt '-I..,• h\'10~ l lfl, 5"(' d1n1ni: 1111 l!AJH.l.\J:-.; STUCCO 11on;E unlu1 n L1vrni: :-, 1 ·;oTS-ulder property c!'n tnil· rnr , krl. I: bath. Auto "i."h"' I ly lt>t , J 12 blks to ht'nrt or Ual· Watt.r p d. Fcnceod y11nl $Ji 511. boa l"lll. rm, Ju.st rt>dUCt'd to l'aU 1-'(JHI..> \'1-;tUU:'\l>ER 3111 .l'nrn1wttu1. Coronl\ d• I ~ltlr Hnr. 4:/ll.:, <''<"'\. H .. r. :!Iii iliuc l'\l<O Sa"l" An11 "'"", 1· ~t .. ~A $'..14.500 fur quick aalt. $;,0011 tln. ~I' 1 I Uwntr Harbor l 98. i511c Newport Seach a Bt:A<"tl H OU1'1-:s ti.r l•·i.~ ... $~.o 111ontl\ t'1trl1. :-.·., 1wt1l1•1 :4'\ .,. r1111tr 6·J2:.!:.i fl." l V ~l·A -Commer_ciaJ, loduatrial 1 Hl-:A t Tll-1 1. t.e>T!', ••nP 65 tt "" t 'hl I I in\•, :"\1 v.11111 l I lc1j:hl11 LIGHT INDUSTRY I 1>ne :1u 11 l11L 1111 111J•m. 1.111o1 j 1<;:-.1·1-:LLE:\"T locat1on. \\'ill build h i" ,,1,.., 1ll ti lttt 111\ ,.,., 1 ;, ,,. 1·,1~1 111 JvOO sq, fl. to ~1111. 1<,.,1. I mi 1•11 111 J,1,• 1 ".Ill "1"'' r. JiRr MJllllhlt· n·nl Lung t,.1111 11~" 11 • 111111 ''1 "11"' ;\IJ" ,\111••11R, ~~i i LIDO ISLE 4 BEDRM rum. huinc with p.,r., man,nt b11y \"IC\.\ $:lri-Oo down 2 Open Houses Daily 1 to 4 p. m. \ C t p rf j · · ·" • -· ~urri~~!· Y,i~~;~~ome. m~:.~atbo:~,~~ 811:!~ "' --~rn-wtt ~tin -=-~-1 ~~-----...--~-a868 *"""lfF."' .f60if'l~c 215 Via Mentone Except1onally n1 C'e 2 bdrm .• South Pallo. Lrge. kitchl'.'n. d1spol'lal & dishm:is t1..;r -~21 .750, 3 bdrms .• 2 bath home on 45' Jot. ,2i.500 with $3500 down, bal. like rent. BAY & BEACH REALTY \'JA LIDO BRJDGE OFFICE "Jus t t o t he ri~ht of the '-ido Bridge" 311~ Lafayt'tl'l. Newport Bch. Hnr. 3643 (e\"es H, 2999) I CLIFF HA VEN ;\;EARL\' :-.;1!;\11, iih11k1· 1vuf. 3 1 bdrm . 21, bath home wtth l"'"no· ramie vlrw of ol.'e1.n and bay , , Thermatlor k1tchtn, 2 118i'd brrck t1repl11l.'el'. htrJO:c \Jlnini: ruom, wall lo wall t•arpi'llni;: " 1•11~­ tom b11olt home of 2000 11q ft. hvlnit llTPA A rt•11I bllr~Arn Al $29.7r>O, WILL RE::-:'l' bra111J new 3 b<>\Jrrn J ~ bath, 11nrum. hum~ 111 Ill\' lXE TERRAl:E 111 U W p.-r 111ont11 with I yr. h'n .. 1• L'oll H11rhui d!'~ll •'•I I l.111 k.-f'lll, I I •I •\fl!< '" I ~l.11 . I' I~ I GllRUO:'\ SEVEHfS REALTY --------- tr. P.11.•1 17th st . CMa M'"'"I Attracti\'e Bay Ave. COSTA MESA 4 448 lor funh,•r dct•ul~ ti tr.: 1.1 l'-l'•i1 11r LI 8·3 1 6 f1:1tll J UEllltUOM HO~ll . 1;11ri:1·1111 • 3 lit.:OR~r . 11 i b.1111• '"'"'"' 1 "'''~ I Gl -twal t,:state t,:ichll.ll~fl fu1n1~h .. d h1•n1t 111 II•""" 1: .• , ,----------------- A\•iu lrihlt• t month 1-i•h 1 , 1,. \\ll.l-•xt'h1tn"e Lai:un11 lleorh Jun,. 1 ·, ll~:O. ""' 11 11 1:i;:i.\\ ll"u·~ un 4 lut' r Ill 1t hit I l"Mll· 11 \•lr • i::a : .. ou \\ ''·' T 111• 111,,. unit:-ur " - 49--Koomi. for Kf'nt ;~;;;~;I--:.:~)--.;.:: .. ::;. I o.lra "",, n""' h111t pn ,111• 1 n- tnuH·•· I •LI llr><r11 .. • ·'" ("~I LJ bi-1 ly x -;1111 1 ""ti c T\\ II rt't1111•<1 1:11111 \\Ill l\h14tr II•\\ hn11a· Pra\1tt1 r•H•lll a.: "••t:•• \\"OlllMl1 .. nly S~ll 11111 l.lll0 1l\ ll-7201<, :. :io ln 111r111 ~1 11 l 'ho:;1 J(\";lH l·:.!!• 7 b••f• f t' 9 "n1 or HYatt 4-:.1823 !• ll 6H TRADE Desert Mote l i units :! m1. e<t~l 11( Bai i;t1iw 1111 \'t·~n~ hwy. J ,nt 162 x 100 l'ropo~J Frl--ewny ma.v make t hl~ propf'rt y \'f'rv n:dua bll'. Prwt' M-8~·8 Iii om~------1 . s:i;".r~m llas loan f'f $14,300 Bl'SINESl:i OFFIC.'E, 1•x,~llcnt i.~-~ubm1t your t rade for my huv \11\\, 4ul111tu l 111ll•l1c wall· 11111 r-1 .J, ,.,,,. lnl1 rr11r 11 ... 1 .. 1·11r 1,.1\1 I\ 1111 11 l".111 llr ~<·1 n mu1n· 111oo ""'' • '"n1ni:~. "l:1 \\'. llR\ ·', .. =--··"fl~··, n, ar h ~· •• :1h I L"11r.11;\ \ l >t, I. ~I H ! flu. " tth, ..... •h1u1 •• \t1rn•1 c.Juplt'"'·~ .. , •••• I I ,. t lll•f It I. I \\11 11td II'" $b • no11 11 "' 111r11 o\h•·r •1°1• t•nh $li:\1111 !'1•1 SI \'\ ~~11111 l!~:A LT()R 2'117 F ,.,. ... , 11 1\o\ I \ H$. "':! Bay Front Income I L"m111~2 & 3 t><'<troom1, ruro- !Shed. Pier, nont and prtvate bea!'h. 1000 E. Bal l>oa Blvd., Ba.Jbvl\, Creiit•ll'W IX646 Cour· ICllly lo hrukrra I :llfc t'alJon ar n'l11a the "lr""I trum cqu1t v of $23,200. Will ;1s- romna "•'I M11r Pu:<t 0f11c•.1 sumc "n income prnpt•rlv. j BY OWNER Ideal ru1 101<11 repm1ent11t1 \•e, W t WI-:LCO~fE TltA viL-contrartor, N>am<'tr•• .. ~. 111 1 1>r rJ <' • r ..... ,1-1 ll11:11l.1nrl~ -3 bdrm , 2 Jt'Welry bUSllh'~·. t•t1I. r •I lllll) ER .MOTEL, Rt. lA, 8 :1r-hitlh (11111111 .. 11 ... Ph II 11h0r 7a·J $111 month Nl(tW. Cnl1f. ::?J•l!'iH Y:1tfc CALL. ll<>n \\'h1l1111111 ll.11 I 'o.' Eve:< Harbor H61 1•ti11. DELUXI:: hl11hw11y oll1t1· l'l'llC•'. 330 llQ. rt l "rnl"r or l"ornn11 .1,.1 1'far hU'9n•·•~ t1(~1 rH"( $7~• ltll.., uttl In, I Al.SO II•'" fl t> lt>t "lht"r 1>1i-1n ...... oHrce & rrnfr11•1on11I 11'01&<1• W. E . Fish('r & AS!>OC. 3034 I:: C0.1-l H1i:th-' 11) Cor<'n" ''"I ~1111 II 1r. :?• 1:1 EXCHANGE WILL TRADE $Ill U01> l'itU•l.'' 111 ~nrth Tu~l•n. nu'dtrn r1•_:.ul,n4\ for 1·11!( II.""''" l•r XJ l HI• ·3 h•·•lt•" tn '.! h• h lu '" -t "II 1-1,.r b l'hl<\\ H 11 h· , .! • Ruy l.recnlcaf Jr. & A !ll<11r. .1112 ;:.;, WJ'Or1 Rlla1 . ~l'Wf"•l l l'•·h • 2\'' I 'llllt '•' \ I >t'I. ;II AH 2 ltl •H:\1.:: h,1fh. la"d lh1ot11. F \ h• "' •ll1I ..,11r •, hlk. lo th•• 111t •••H\ ffur. )ti:!\ 1IA~8 ,,r H '' I 111·,i;.n ,.11.,. o r , :. 1 •.q;-..a~TllS \•f•' •2vr ., 1.1 .. ,J I••\ "I '' 1· ~\ ' ,. • II• nt u~' 1 \ t \\. '' .S•·r nu.I ,, .. ,,,r. IAti Alf t ~t·Uh .,( l,1t..,u1" $.'21"1. I.I II •"Ii ltCtt'r j I' 111 99cfl SACRIFICE! hrlrm h11me. Balboa Island Bay Front , P1l'r & float. PRICl::D TOO LOW TO QUOTE! 1-:as~· l<'rm:;. Mt.:ST BE SOLD th1a week. Phon<> Harbor J 105 for details . CaJI f or app't t o see - 1 ~6 So. Bayfron t CHANNEL FRONT :.! ;q11:-fu 1111shC'o. 2;).fl. t>nal includ<'d. Opposite ( '1ty Hall. Only ~22,500. Now is the time to buy w11terfront . NBC REALTY 32nd & Nt·wport Bl.. Newport Fk h. Har. 1405 5 ·'Acre Grove, Peralta Hilt ' Choice location for home. Lovely view. \ L ew priced at $4500 per acre. ·ROBERT WHEELER, Agent 42 Plaza, Orange. P hone KE llogg 8-1723 3 BE ORMS , hiJwd floon, r11 ... r lllC't' <'lock theo1mo hr11t, only 2 yr11r1 oltl a.nd an t'xrellent <0"- d1t1on-l11riie landscopf'•I It'll rn tnp ne1Rhb<11 hood "ILllt~1•le. StO · :ioo wllh FHA lonn 2 BDRM ·• hdv. J floo11s Cllrl\Pr om:ll flrt>placc, dbl t.?ar11ge. nrc"· ly lftnd11~11red lot on qu1t't b11nJo str.-.. t. rlosl! to ;"l;ewport Ht1i:thtfi --J11.1t S ll.500 \.\Ith only $1.000 •'l<Jwn. Bay & Beach Realty 11196 Newport Uo11Jcv11rd Co11ta M••sa, C11lirorn1a LI 8-1161 Evu. Liberty 8-31 ~8 BAYSHORES H ERE ts • W!'ll <"Jnfltruclt'd two bedroom •dobe brick hom1• l;on- venlent loc11l1on, lall'Rt &Jlpoint · rn1tnl1. You ca.n pruttcally n11ml" your own t"nnll. Lido Isle WOULD you like lo own ·Lido Isle's flnul Bay front Hom!'' This la 1l. Three largr lov,.ly b~l1· r()<)mt1. 2 bath, Beparl\l,. ~11111 ahowu11, large krll.'hl'n with .sraC'- loue cab1nt'l.9. Beaulilul aunken living room, wa ll to will c&rpl'l~. eJ1penalve draJ>I"•. Ptrfecl "X- 1.'lusive view, fllU• prlvale pier and float. Please don't mlH lhlA one. Submit ltrms at &55,000 :, I --,62-Rr a l E st.aft-conu!\A IU~Hl..A.-'-:D LOTS -CORONA DEL MAR .VOGEL VALUE HE.RE'S a LIDO BA YFRONT you n1u1t. -· Completely tum1she<1. • 3 bedroom, J balb home, 3 yu old. Exl.'ellenl con.rtructlon. Don't mlu I.hi• one ellherl Only sr.7,-, ~. 1ult.ble tenn11 arranged. l\0\\" LEASl~~. a\'llll&bll' hll,.1• ---------Cht>IC" ~Il l" A\•11111\ble neN ufrlce 11pacl'8 l:!'nlt'r of 1· •· t "&II II 1rbor 23:!6 nma dtl Mu, 1u1tobll' lor 1'l'A. CORON A DEL MAR t&t1c dcnt!11t or? L} 8·1;)26 !'I~, 13 I :l UDfL\I. HO~IE 4 ,.~lrll nltl C'OKO:-.JA llEL ... IAH -Nici' \'tew 1 .. ,q•ly \'1ew "' •n &. h•~. t1lr. f'1irn1'hl' 1 :.i h1k'111: I"• hlllh ~-BusineN Reatab1 I F••rw.t pntw. 1!bl iiar1utt' , .. ,".! horn•, L1vln1t r111 dlnin~ 11n, .;;.;;::;;..; __ .-_________ r<1r etl f ur 2nd f11J1>r. R-2 IN llit1 hrn '-)J 1<j:I' 11.11 . 221l -\\ For lease upstairs I '<···1111 '"1 $t00t• 8'( t 1111 kn,..... 1>urc 100 Sq. t L suitable for ~slnc1111, Owner 506 Avocado j SELL or LrlVll' for tx>11t -S7000 studio or ortice A living qutirl· 1 ' 1 1, "'lllil\", !"11n1n B11rb11r11 Tnpll'x. ers. 215 Martnf'-AVI', 8111 I• I lnl'lln1r SIP:'• total Sl:0.800. Uwn- Ownrr 13!1 !\. B11y F'ront , R11I--1 ·111~,11 • I 1\ 1~ •H• t• 1,1 lo\ tu lit • 1 :!:!112 1 ·hr( nrl\'I', l'IAnlf. Biil'· boa l"IAnjJ. P5pl1• "h • M • r .. 111 .. '1' n..: t •I••.'· '""" 1r6 Open House Daily-232 Poinsettia 12-5 p .m. Jf you are looking for 2 BEDROOMS and DE,N,. choice location. ,f>Xpensi\"e wall to wall carpeting, fireplace. clrapes thruout, more than ample stor age '1 years old. nicely landacaped, near Little Corona Beach, you should 11top by to eee thi11. PnC'ed at ~t P,975. with good flnancing. THE VOGEL CO. :!E)f'T E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Ma r Ha. 17H Ha . H77 \ • VOGEL co.· 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa b lllnd Har. '44. I l!:vea. LI 8-5297 ffar. 178e-RK 2tfc NICll.: 3 BDRM. houtt, llle bath. hdwd. noora. F'lnor furnAl.'t. patio Jllra11:e • fi-ncetl yard, By owner Ll 8-:-,e(J9, ~10 , I Allracth·e 2 bdrm. Beach h ome w ith room tn build .......... $34.000 Sl•un lily built hom e, 5 bdrms. & den, 2 baths, jlrwnte pier & float. furnished ... _ .. _ 42,500 · :..: • · · · Modeiri.:.Lhifrlfi::nofue with -eut.e apL Owner want11 offer ~ R<'aut. 2-story Provincial wi th most attractn-c apt.. both chann. furnis hed . ·-53.000 East Bay's finest 2 bdrm .. 2 b11th home w ith 2 bdrm. apt. Pirr & flo11 t . 56.000 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine. Balboa Island Harbor 4781 VACATION SPECIAL Balboa Ocea n F ron t -$12,750. NEAR BE~T BAY BATHlNG :?-story frame house un choice R·l lot. 3 bdrm1.1 riming room. Vented heal. Enclosed yard. Older homC'. Ideal for childre n. Use 1t now and build a new home later. Low down payment t o qualified buyer. (;;ill Mary 01ck1mn at H ar. 3297. IEves. Har. 3931·WI EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor • Th(' Bayside Office •Bays ide Drive a t Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUE! WHERE ELSE. but at the "value h<>adquarten" would yuu find this newly hstt-d 2 b<lrm. pract1c11lly new homr. com pletely furnished. al JUst $20,6:)0 This can't last' SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway Newport Beac h • Liberty 8-34A1 LI DO 2 bUrms.. 3 bathR and lanai cm 115-rt. lflt. F orced air h"f ting sy11tcm. fireplace & e,·erything for _ romfortable living. -• 1 Fl;LL PRICE S25.500 DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2692 Newport Bini.. l"<'Wp'>rt Brh. Ha rbor 3693 BUSINESS BLDG., 101 HIWAY CORONA DEL MAR -\Veil ccmHtructe\l 12,000- llq. ft. bulldinJr. )('as•·d on low n-nttilli. Shows good, re turn. Income «an he 1mpr()vrl1 . Price $68,fll)O , te rm11. SEE R USS F ORD. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Coast Hwy .. Ne wport l:kach Liberty 8-3'81 "' ' / .. • ,, ft-ft4-al F.itfate , ... ------~~J..!A_ta.._te ___ ,___, 1 s~ ~-~!4! _____ 6.:;:.~~ -~-~ ..... ·-·-· ... -........... ·-62!-Real FAtate --------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 5 MONDAY, JANU~RY 24, 1955 ~ J I ,, / t ··c" rHOAU~ ''\.."' THOMAS "(;" THOMAS "C" 11tOMM .......... LIDO" ISLE VALUES WATER .FRONT on Via Lido Soud - 3 bdnna., 3 bath, beautifully furnish~d home, W to W car- peting, pier & float. Owner will consider GOOD INCOM~~n t rade .. .... . ......... :·-···--······-··· $58,500 EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 bdrm. rumpus room home on 521 1., ft. cor. street to street lot on Via Lid,o Nord. All larg~ rooins, W to W c'arpeting & drapes PLUS a 15 x 371,1.: ft. swimming pool ONLY $42,500. BAYSHORES VIEW OF BAY from huge liv. rm. with fireplace. F. A. heat, 2 bdnns .. 1 :l) baths, large enclosed patio with barbeque & open fireplace?.-> laundry & freezer room. OUTSTANDING VALUE AT ............ $18,7M CLIFF HAVEN NEW A'M'RACTIVE RANCH STYLE HOME on Kings Rd. Lar:ge llv. rm. with permanent VIEW from picture window.' din. area, 3,bdrms., l ~I tiled baths, large attractive kitchen, Iota of tile, abun- dance of cupboards, W to W carpeting, landscaped. $24,500. FIRST TIME OFFERED -Modern 2 bdrm. 1 bath h ome in excellent condition. Large liv. rm. & din. area, completely fenced patio. W .to W carpeting & drapes included in P RICE of $16,500 -Terms. ~ "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 '"C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS ~'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS HARBOR VIEW * Holmwood Drive (Newport Heights) For those seeking a beautiful ., home In a qulet. highly reatrlct- ed neighborhood w e rt>sP.cltully suggest an lnspect1on ut one of the H arbor Area'11 finer real• dencu. Situated on a wide 1 i O" J fevel lot thla lovely 1)01ne lll built around a huge ' flower· studded patio bordered with rpany r&rt' plants and shrub& ~ A f..,,W ot th• many featuru are two wootl·burnln1 flrepl.ce11 the wry best In wall to wall 'car- pell)lg, an e•tremely clever Jn· door outdoor rumpus room. dream kitchen, PLUS a complet e guest apt. for your friends weekend visits: P. S. Deaplte the great beauty of lhi14 propl'i·ty and it11 maximum arrRnc-<'ment for privacy: the yard work is at an absolute , minimum. Pri(·etl ut $24.000 whlrh ls well below replacement. EKcellent terms if de•lrtd. W. Stuart Foot<!: Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Bl., N1•wport Bch Harbor 24 or Llberly 8-~-l!JO -2c~ Balboa Bargains Two F or One ! ... DU PLEX --<,Exrluslve Peninsula location. ComplC'lf'ly furn. To- day'• be•t buy • Sl 7 .~oo. Very low down payment. BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Baytront home and guest apartment. 3 bdrma. and S batha. Private pit-r & float. A barg&ln at $68,500. So. Bay two units. 2 bdrms. each, a REAL buy at $37.500. $10.000 down. So. Bay older home that needs some repair, !lxin' and paint. Has. new pier & float nnd a million dollar view. Only $33',750 & $7500 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furnished. Asking $45.750 and ONLY~ cfown. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely fur:nished anii in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, t erms. 3 bdrm. & den home furnis hed for year-round liv- ing on Little lsl and -Asking $29,:SOO. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be sold as is for only $17.9W and get this, $1250 down. This is a "sleepe~." a little cottage on t he rear of a 30 x 85 ft. lot. $11 ,500 -$4000 down. J;fere·s·-news for you . JuSt received it. A oi bdrm., 2 bath home in fine condition. Also furnished. Full price $19.500 and $3000 down. ' -.1 Supert :Qeluxe! VOGEL CO. . Specials! Specials! Here are 3 properties, that should se11 this week. Pnced to sell & dandy values. . NO. 1-PENINSULA HOME. 2 BEDROOM stucco home, Furn. Nice p11t.10 1u1J double garagt'. Pr1<'e-d at $14,000. NO. I-BALBOA TRJPl.EX. Cut from $1 8.0-00 to $16,500 for a 11uick. aale. MosUy n«'w furnl· lure. Oantly rcnta.l location. $4000 down. NO. 3-4 tr.'lJT INCOME . Atlrllc· tlva 1 bedroom apartmt>nls. Tip-top sh&pl' and rent well sum· mer and wlntn. S:tri,ooo It only $7500 down. S1·e a ll lhrN•. Peni~ula Duplex! ''ON THIO POINT" and hard lo flr1d. 3 bedroom1 up, 2 down. Rei!•corated, new ilrapes 6 rar- peling. A nice propen.y. 127.600 llntl tedn11. Newport Heights! OCF.AN ANS BAY ViEW. A •how place of unusual A·l con- atrucllon. 3 bedrooma, 1 '°' bath•. Every modem feature, '28,600 is not a lot ot money tor 1uch 11. home. Balboa Realty Co. COp!)oslte Bank of America I Mt>mbers, Multiple Listing Rou Greeley Ed Lee Jack Plnkh&m Jo11eph lne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 3a77. 6'.!-R.-al Estate ( v A 100°/o BARGAIN- 1s WHAT THIS LJDO HOME IS. Not even n year old yet and it has a perfe<•t floorplan with 3 bed- room\ and 2 baths beautifully dont•. Thi.' young own• ers added many improvements and 1ww a promoti0n takes t hem awny-~o you can bux it for ·$25.900. Move in for $6,900 and p:iy only $t n .5o month))~ LESS THAN '-20°/o DOWN- THrNK OF IT-$-i.850 down for this excC'llcnt 3 bedroom. 2 bath home on a large lot. Full prire is $25. 750. Stove and oven are built in. A COll\'C'nicnt floorplnn makes this mo~t lirnble. HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS- ANn YOUR HEART wlll be with thla home when you see the magnificent fireplace-the o~tanding kitchet\ wm plrase you . too. 3 bedroom• and two baths on a la rgl' lot. New carpets, 220 power. A pt>rfect hom.e for $29,950. A PLACE IN THE SUN- IS YOURS with this brand new home-euperb sun- deck opens off the large muter bedroom, 2 more bedrooms, 2 baths, carpeted, di11hwuher, disposal, and the full price $29.500. POSTSCRIPT TWO LIDO R -3 lot., •oxus· ea,·h. Side by aide, one $16';000 the other fl~.000 or S29.500 for both. ·LIDO REALTY Right on ASSOCIATES Magnificent view of the entire Harbor Area from this new 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom Cliff home. Two balconiea. a per:manent view from every room. Plate glass windows It sliding doors. Carpets, drapes, workshop. Extra la rge garage. 2 fireplaces. Ready to move in. Buullful ittarly new 9 room11• a 208 Marine Ave., Balboa I sland Harbor H4. ~qna....A.Aw.,.l,.t.Ue,-bat.M,.-i'er~ ... , •.. -, .. .,.M...,~--teves-:·t.:t·'8"-~29r··--Har.~l186:J!R')'""'~~N~~w~·"'"" manent'unob1:1tructed ocl'an view .the . .s..m. .......... , .......... -.. -.1400 Via Lido Harbor~ ""'R vou ti h od (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) J t Slightly leu than $40,000 plus (if you wiah ) your personal pick of leading manufacturers' contempo- rary or period furniture at cost. To a qualified buyer we will also finance with a real low down. ' Thia lovely home must sell. Call John Macnab, Harbor 3297 or _ 5359 anytime.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE Bayside Drive at Cout Hlghway VOGEL VALUES L CLIFF HAVEN. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, almost new, many excellent features. BeautifulJy bunt. Total price .$2•1,950. SmaU down will h andlf'. ~-----.~.-CORONA on~. Best-buy o-n btufMo • R-3 zonin[{. exc('llent view of bay." Only $8000. To- tal price price. Terms. 3. CORONA ·DEL MAR -INCOME SPECIAL! 1 bdrm. fum. home. New gar. apt with perma- nent bay-view plu1 extra room with :1, bath. $19.500. Good f inancing'. 4. CORONA DEL MAR-TWO ~LLER HOMES • Both under SJ0.000. One mcxkrn & cwte: the other older & rustic with fireplaces. AND s mall down payment~. The Vogel Company 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har . 1741-1477 BALBOA ISLAND CHARMING COLONIAL -3 hdrms .. P 1 baths. Near N orth Bay, dose tn shopping center $23.500 LOVELY 6 bdrm .. 4 ba th home on 50' Int. Second ~11~ frnm ~out h Bay on the Lit tie l11land, Sharply reduced -Sf>;j,000 ONE OF the quality bomea on The Little Island- 3 bdrms . 2 baths. ~eparale din. rm .. lanai and I~<'. J1at10 $3~.000 DORIS BRAY , Rea ltor Non~ Hyer Chet S&llsbury 216 Marine Ave., Ba.lboa Island Curt Dosb f1arbor 20 1 $1 ,500 Down -$83 .08 per month! ' THAT'l' ALL YOU NEED to move into a cutE'. clean I juat redecorated) 2 bdrm. home, with fenced yard .t large dbl. gar. built fof 'llpt. over. On quiet streE>t near schools in Corona del Mar. BETTER HURRY -Should go fast". R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har 2774 BALBOA ISLAND 2 l':'\TTS ON THE .WATERFRONT. Nrarlv new 2 bdrm. each and very, attracti\'e ! This e~cellent inc('mc will build the equity for you. M L 4920. HF:A~ONABt.E TERM~. PRIC E $38.000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Har bor 2.S2 Encloll<!d pallo. l?arbeque. Trop· ----------------------- ica1 pl•ntlnga. Shown by a pp't .r BI l l's Bf'S T Buys only. $38,l>OO, ltrme. - Commercial Bldg. DOWNTOWN BALBOA. 2 ot!lcM, 6 nicely tum. apt.a. 6 room hou1e and extra lot. Good BOlld Investment fur $60,000. Reaaon- able term1. LILA B. McF ARR EN with Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balb<m 81''!1. B11lboa Harbor 3786 teves. Har. 2517-M) - lc3 COSTA MESA 483 Magnolia 3 bdrm home, SIJ.000 136 ALBERT PLACE 2 b•lrm. homl', $9860 4 ROHM. furnished homt J,OW DOWN ..... _... .. .. $12,bOO CLIFF H AVEN 3 bdr'm~. exctp· Uo11al! $24,600 -3 biam...Yl~'Lh_omc, J29l •OO lboth not ll'aschold> - BAI.BOA -5 unit Income. $23.500 BAY SHORE$-3 bclml. (!N1tgned (nr living . . . .• $29.500 Cl"ir:e Van Horn REALTOR 2i3 I \\'. (.'oa.st Hwy. LI 8-4277 Costa Mesa Special Nll:W i BR., 2 bath homa. Comtr ,"'\l. $1250 d•1wn. Full p:icc s10.2:io. • • • 3 ~ft.t: .~t~;n ~~e~~~~d "'.1111ir. flrl'plnrc $14,illtl T"rms CAtJL ;'l.'EAL M"RTI:-.' Bay & Beach Realty 1150 \\' ~nlbl11\ Rtv11 I> ;\'P\\pt'lrl nr11rh l ';ih( H11r 12,;1 Evr~ 1,1 8·1ii4 Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units F"or '1 l.~100, only $~000 <town Balanl'c $i5 per monlh. J block t o Bay 11r Qr~an 1 Unit ftrnted at $6:i mo. CHARLES E. HART, Realt or ' Harbor 1428 3420 W B11lboa Bh•d, N<'wport ltJc LIDO ISLE Move in·. Toqay ! Ocean, Beach and Mountain View 3 bdrml!I. & den, 7 mos. old, wall to wall carpeta in liv. room, hall & bdrms. Sliding gla88 doors to patio. FHA 41 ~ ~~ loan, $57 mo., incld. ta.Jtes and insu. Price. $10,975 with $3375 dn. See this! G. I. Resale 3 bdrms., lge. lot, dbl. gar., hwd. floors, 2•..<.! years old, among nice homes. C, I. 41 ~1 ; loan. $68.97 m o. incl. taxes & insur . Price $10,700 with small down payment. Immediate possession. S 0 0 N -in Costa Mesa Twenty 4 bdrm., 2 bii*h homes. Pa\·e<1 & curbed streets. S650 down. fow month!~· pymts .. Come in and get the informntion now. They wjll sell in a hurry! W~ A -I OBJ.AS, &.ASSOCIATES R .E A LT 0 R "you'll likt· our friendly i;cn ·ic'e" 393 E. 17th St,, Costa Mesa Llbt'rty 8-113f.J BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home furnish.eel and readv f,,r year round living AND 1 bdrm. over garag~ and guest room ancl bath. F.xc. location, gd. inc. ~21.500 Quaint dt•srribt•s this rnnrny 3 bdrm .. 2 b:i th home built nr front of lot with room to bt.ilcl inrome on roar. P inc pa ncllf'd. fully carpeted, furn:irl' h~:i t & all conveniences for yea r-round li\'ing. Furnished. S26.500. 2 bdrm. home -Fireplace, dbl. garage, furnace heat, furnished. $18.000, NELDA GIBSON . Realtor 306 Marine A\'c., B:ilboa Island Phone Harbor 50~ -F:vPs. 2306-R CORONA DEL MAR $12,750 Small 2 bdrm. horn<' with minimum uplceep. 3 yre. old. nc:i r stnrcs. rte .. raised hearth fl:-"place, at- trocti\•ely finished. nur b<>Rt buy in its class. S22.500 Jn heart of R-1 cliRtrict, 60 ft. lot. lots fruit trees, hwd. floors. This one is j uRt asking for someone ... to pretty it up. Exclusive Corona Highlands \'iew home. drapes & carpeting, modem design. 2 bdrm, & bath up and li\'ing-bdrm. with bath down. we nre just selling the homr. the \'i('W would cost too much to <'hargc for. RAY 'REAL TY CO. 3444 E . Coast Blvd , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 WELl~ BUILT, complttely fum - l~hed 3 t>drm., 2 balh home on la.rre lot. Coric 1100 ... ln 11&11 & muter bdrm. Lovely oarpe~ living roolll Wll.h large Cl~pJace. Pretty kitchen. $28,600 turnlah· eel, M&OO down. Euy payment. on baJAJlce. Call Bar. 2870 to Me. llt!c OUR GOAL IS "EIGHT FIVE IN '55" "Let Ua Locate for You" F or Harbor property, bay a.nd b<'11ch. Costa Mua, Corona dcl Mu, Santa Ana. etc. The LOCATOR of Calif. -Branch C'lfrlce, 1834 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Mua., P hone LI 8-JNt. t 7Uc , ($8.500.000.00 that is) REMEMBER TIUS, when selling property, the 11ell- ir.g ~ommission charge is Rmall compared to the many advantages of having the sale jn the hands or experts. ' • Consult your Multiple Listing Broker. Newport Harbor Board of ·Realtors UO • S2nd St., Newport Beach ... • . •v w o ave a m eat , down payment and want your rt"nl payment• to SA VE FOR YOU --- THIS TWO STORY. 4 bdrm., 2 batlt home at Balboa Island 11 In excellent condition ind avail- able f11rn18hed undt'r $20,000. A lov~ly patio. ALSO HAVE A FINE DEAL on a 2 unit. rent al tnrome. Contact HUU POWERS at J. A. BEEK, Re~tor BAT~ROA CSL A:"\D ~>03 r ark AV!'nllP Harbor 113 BEST BUYS M -1 II.HY A('fi£ t '"nf rr o f ' •\\ f , .... ,,,~. r u' ~,, ,., l U"o-1 :I hdr111 ,,) t.•r h•Oll! IH"lll ~~~·hl~hlr.' K,' 11 .. 111~~1· 1 '1 11 1•~~ M"'1 -it/\ rnr.s . . ': t.lk In ltJ\d 1n "" •11\lfl~ ltr•J1 Sto,1•ft4;1, J• t11 ~ A1 1u:s It·• r .. ulhrlno lJ1•IJ 11 I, :l l1.J1111. h•ll"tl~. JVH1t1, nul11111ltlJ111., I< '"'' p .. ••II "' t'•'81 ti•\'~ tn1 • r t U!'St t J\t '.\' h•111.tni: ~ 11<1~1111• ' 1ll•\'1 I• •p1111 nt A l'r1111J\ •'-l.1 I I"' ""'Y 111,n'l 11111111 on lhu1. I.ow 1lm\·11 lt1 n.~. WE H AVE 1\ \\'IDE C'HOH'E: oC h111JJ1~ ltJl" on c11~· of< "est • pi.It' S Hll I 1111 lr.w J(;I $2110 ti\\ n ('.tll In ~•·• Houston Realty ~9 <.:11nt .. r, C'""'" Mt AA LI 8-8911. ! F:\ ~·' H.or II:!!'~-Wl COSTA MESA RANCHO H"r "'.! Wh11t )"011 ,::l't 1, arrr. Pllfl<-t•fl• nf tnwn. 3 RJo:l >H1111.\t I"'' h.olh mod,rn hnme "'11 h 'A k floor~. woo1I h11n11ni.; t1rcpl•1 • )arJ:e pan~lt<tl .tin r m. plu.! built-Ins GAU)R P.' 01 'T~ll)Jo: I hr rt nre TWO llnubl" g11r1~•1 11ntl one ha1 an e•tr11 room 11nd bath. ALI. Kl."f)~ or trer.o and ~h11.1b• 11nd th~ rroprny ill fl'n\· .. d front snd renr l'RICEn AT sn.:ioo which l1t 'leu than llw co~t or thr lmpro\'f'• mn11s "lnlU'. W. Stuart Foote, Rlt r . 2117 W. lialb<13 Blw1. :•pt 11ch, Harbor 21 or Ll ~rly 8-:'i<IUO. NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo. FU RNISHED BF:A t 'T furn1i<hrtl a.ml 111111111rult1 t" 2 b ir Q.)..-'1ull11 ~ll Unl••d 111 rb111r~ H~li:hts 8tt'l1<1n 11.'I~ 11111 lill· rhtn fl(Jlll(, h•""' n•.or. t lcrtrlc 'rnnl r. hrst, a I Ix I fl bdrm . 11ml nll'tly trnCl'd 1 ru11n(l1. $10,5011 THIS l!-1 A ;'l.'F:\\' U~Tl;-\C 11wl 11 ~ dt1wn to rarth v11)11.- Roy Greenleaf Jr. \ & ASSOCIATES 3112 N41wport Blvd., Newport Bcb Harbor 2M2. 21'4 ' -COROX A C>E"L MAR. 2 brllnn, den. 2 beth house 1'hJd turn. r ar. apt. ,Bolh have flreplacn fU,~SO. -617 Vopry Av" 1uc .. BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS Exclusive! Balboa Peninsula F ive bedroom home, 2:i '1 bath1. KitcJi,n retentty modernized. Houae la old but baa charm. Full price $17,500. MWJt be aold to eetUe estate. *" 11 * fr OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-4 P. M . 1701 E . Balboa Blvd. 3 beciroom. 2 batha~ dining room, large kilchrn. Excellf'nt financing. BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264. -Evc-nlngs HHrbor 1 56 , Call fo r app't to see - 280-Bvening Can yon Rd. Beautiful S hore Cliffs A magnificent home, 2 bdnna. and a den wit h a firE'plnce, pluH a beautiful yard and patio ar<'.a. If you a re looking for aomething different be Hure t o IK-e thit;, Jt is priced to 11cll and ready to move into $1500 Down 3 Br. & Guest House Tht11 !1nmf' Ji; lr)('atrd In tl1<' h<-11t rc~tdt'nttal attll nf C'n~la ~ks:i. It iR l mn n ml nc:il anti has all the requir~mC'nls of n ri•;il hr•mt•, Terms are made to f 1t your dt:sires. p. a. palnier, inc. ol e ha nson co., sales management 1700 w. c11~1:-t l11~hw:iy -11ocrt y 8-5573 $12 ,500 Cash Now $12,500 IN 08C8!\IBP.R, are thf' t'•rms for purchase of an outstanding larg<' piN'e r•f bu111neaa prn))(!rty, parti- ally tmprovccl. Returns S6fl00 per year NOW on tho t olnl prier of only S53.ll00, Thii; 1s t he lyfl" or in- vc1lmcnt yuu h;1ve beerl lonlun g for, but until now -haven't h«-en abfe to find. TJlfS JS IT! SEE RC~S FORn. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. C'nn:;;t Hwy .. Nf'wport Rrarh T.lbl'rty 8-3481 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See this be1rnt1f1rl hflmr on ('Iii f Driv<' 3 bedrma., 2 bath!!, Thrrm;:irlnr kJl<'hrn. c~i;hwoRher, garbag" dispoa11 I. ~fa n\' nt h1•r t•xn •ll(·nt frat urea. 1 yr. old. A r~a l \'alue ttl $2~.fl~fl. Call U bt-rty ~-2(HH 11;;vrfl. Ll\°x'rty 8-70!161 I EARL W."'STANLEY, Realtor at 15th anrl Irvin" An'. Newpnrl Rcarh OPEN HOUSE 301 Broadway Call for app't to !-ice - Comer l0cnti11n. hwd. fln<rrR, 2 bdrrmi. til~,kit rhen and bllth. lt'11 n little jf'w<'I. Full J•rir·r· $11 ,!"iOO. Only Sl~ <town. 3 bdrm. home, 3 yrR. <ihl. DiRp., refrig. RtM·r, hwd. fh r.rs. Full pricf' $Hl.'<OO. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa .. Ll~rty 8-~792 • ' . - > I .- ------- ' e e e · Better . Than Ever! SUBSCRIB~E NOW! Coming Your Way ... the xews;a~RSSs "CARRIER BOr' with his Home Delivery of your Local Papef -PRO-MPT EFFICIENT DELIVERY -EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUISCRllER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NEWSPAPE~ YOU WILL WANT IT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR THE LOW SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF$600 PER YEAR. (BOTH MONDAY AND THURSDAY PUBLICATIONS> . ·oNLY ¢-per 11rlngs Both Editions to You by Carrier or Mall for an Entire Year! . 4 month \. More Local NEWS and FEATURES COLUMNS THAT ARE PACKED WITH NEWS OF CIVIC ACTIVITIES, CHURCH AND SCHOOL AffAIRS-NEWS OF WHAT YOUR NB6HIOAS ARE DOfNG. More Society News WEDDfNGS, PARTIES, SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUB ACTIVITIES, ALL NEWS OF -LOCAL INTEREST TO YOU AS A RESIDINT O~ THIS 6REAT COMMUNITY. More Marine News NEWS OF SHIPS AND SAIUN6 ••• YACHTING AND FISHING, YOU'LL FIND IT ALL COMPlETil Y COVERED. More Classified Advertising · WANT ADS-, YES, MORE BY FAR, THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL PAPER, AND IAR&AINS &ALOR& IN THESI COLUMNS. ··More Loe.al Pictures .. OUTST ANDIN6 PHOT06RAPHJC COVERA&E OF THE ENTIRE AREA'. YOU'LL FfND -teTS--OF PICTURES IN EVERY ISSUE. .. -l i ~ - -• CW AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO • - - - , < I I ' I I , A I I I ~ OR-CALL CIRCULATION DEPT. HAUOR 1616 : I . I I 1211 IA1 MA ILYD. NEWPORT llACH, CALIF. I I I MNby MllKcrlM to tt. tMwport Halbor News· Press, and I I .., .. '°,., M.oo,., •,. ,._., lllblcrlptkMI. I I , I _ I . Name I . I s+r.et __ ···-·····-·························.............. .. . .. . ·············-···-·················· .. ···-··-I I City ~· ··-I L------------------~ '