HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-03 - Newport Balboa Press. ' I ARGENTINE Delhery GllarGl9tMcl TRIPP-LAN 47th YEAR -NUMBER 75 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ"ORNIA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3,' 1965 Pbone Barbor 1818 FIVE CENTS Delivery of th• Jll.wpc>rt Harbor Na••a·PttN la ruar- antf'f'd. All arua ot th• Com• munlty an rarldly l>f'm1 placf'd on carr1rr dellvf'ry. Can 1..r boy a ••ill dellter-t hl'tr pa l'f'r• b<-tore 8 r m. on )Ion· .tay and .ThuraJay. 1t your paper la not dl"Uvered by that hour pll'aae call Harbor H te and a 1peclaJ route man will lmmedlalely r • 1 po n d wtt11 your copy of your Newport Harbor Newa-PnN. OF BONELLI Denies 'Made Millions·· While in State Politics .. By PAT MICHAELS Richfield ·Reveal -s Huge Mesa Oil Lea$e Spread Copyriitht: Orange County News Service-Radio KWD KINGMAN. ARLZ., FEB 3 (0CNS) -Controversial Wilham G. Bo"nelli plans to leave the country! The former State Board of Equalization member from the Fourth Dis· trict ~vealed the move in a five-hour interview ~th Orange County. N~ws &>rvicr at his "Turkey Track" ranch near K111gm11n. · n.titJy, 111111ora o lt l'auy ha\'e ~l111·r.1 th.. rorml'r pol1t1cian in M · x11·" t"1ty. Ari;:,.ntma Hml ~l'V· •r:d 1~lanll"' In th" ('arr1b1 an. 01 ·;-.;s fflttn<I howrver. Bonl'lil ha"' "fw nt Ith• p.1,.1 lhr"l' nu111th11 11l h1~ :10.uOO-a('r •• r11nr h, nr8lJrd In th" ruulhdl.~ that run 11long the C:olumrh1 Jttvl'r Olhl'r rumur .11 hll \'t' 1>111d llH !11rnwr J111unr, t•h1 .. r for Suulh•·rn t'11lirorn11t w111< \•ttr11111:<I~: ,.:anrbltni: hUJ:"P 1111m11 n1 La~ V1 S:1t~. h1d1ni.: out ut th•· ~ttllgll:< ran• h 111 t '1th· f(ll 111\l Wht:r•• \\'11111\nl JUOl•lr fll <''<· enl ly It\'!':<. or Jll"l ph11n k t'• L'lrtJ: aw11y rrom (:11l1fornlu. th~ nf1tJor11y o( 11nw, the hquor l'luef has ·'P•'nt 11 t hi~ ra11<'h, plon- 111ni; wh.rt he 1'.tld 1s his fl'lllrn lo C'n 1rr .. rn::1. \\'h1l1• hunting-Hun1•1l1, this re· port1·r tnlt•n ·irw ... 1 k n111nb1·r or pt•11pl" 111 LHs Vt'):.ts who knew or hR<I :<P• n h1111. Sn111e 1<r11•I he i.;am- hl•"I. 11the1 !i s.tlJ l hP~ had 111'\'f'r '1•'•·11 l11ll'I 11 .. :-11• R go111bli11g table. Hurwlll hlln><•·I( was non-rum· 11111 la! 11hr1ut his Las Ve..:a·" acll\11- llf'• at the time I 1n11 n·1,..wt•ll him. (In .. !'""'"" rn lh" ~arnblin~ , 11 ,. rrm.·111 bt<rf'd se<>1ng Bone Ill 111 11 :11. ,. tahk. i:;hi:: \\"\.1s ehr)rus .:Id .\nn Hus1«•ll ot Los Angl'lcs. M1M Rut<.•• II currently 111 ll.Ul<'lllK 111 a [... Ve Ill Oll'I Be RUSI! Shi' had At·tuall\'. Bnn<'lh hn" \'IMl1·tl 1.&!'I ......... ~l'Vt•ral p1l'lun•11 nr BnnPlh In Vegas ,.,; 8<'VCI •I 0t·1•a,.1uns l'tnl l' Los Angdrs papt>N< and bl't'H\l~l' hi' to1<t the fourth dtstncl bQard lht' fnrmt>r hquor olfrcral v.a.• aeat l Rnllf'r l McDnvid in lhl' I polntrd out tn her, ~!11111 HuM<>ll 0 -gf'n!'n1I l'lP1·1!n11 ot lut yeAr. But <'nntlnul'd on Pal'l'I 3 SAW BONELl.J-Pretty Ann Russell, Lu Vega.a hotel ancrr sayR s e watt 1 am ne gam e with two Oran~e County men at the desert resort. Bonelli, she said. did not play heavily and apparently did not los~ any money. -OCNS Photo -----------------------NEWS REPORTING DRAWS PLAUDITS Former Liquor Chier Wrl· Uam G. Bonelli alid In hi1 exclualve lntervtew with Or- ange County New1 Service that he would allow OCNS to print his etory a!ter num,r• OUI conau,Jtatlon1 With H. E. M11cKen:r.le, fonnt<r tr1-city liquor ht>ad in Orange, S11n • Be r n a ·rd In o and Riveri11d1 counlles. MacKenzie 11 r<-porl· ed to have told Bonelli that OCNS waa the "mo1t falr" of a.II new1 medi. which handl· l'd new• or the Southern California liquor probf'. Rrm Offers Trustees S5 Per Acre on Rea Site The RJchiield Oil Corpotation hu bought up approxi- mately 90 per cent of the oil and gaa subsurface leaees in Coeta Meea city limit.I between 19th St . and Wil8on St. west of Harbor Blvd. Concrete evidence of lhe huge oil play in the northwesterly portion of Costa Meaa, exclusively reveal- ed in the New1 ·Prue lut week, property 1-aUU in e1crow. ao ttie wu publicly unveiled for the nl"ft dletrlct don not yet J>OlllH'M title. time at tut nirht'a MMlon of the Spreadinr out a m1p or the 11p- CQ1ta Meaa Union Elementary proximatelx 1000 acre1 of land School dl1trlct board. bounded by Harbor Blvd., Wi111on John C. Holmea of Loren L. and 18th St.. the Newport city Hillman, Inc., repruentlng ntch-dump and p .. t Pacific Avl'. in tbe fll'ld 011 Corp., appeattd to of!er Republic tract. Holmf'11 11&1tl, th.. Meaa school dlatrict 1:1 per "Practically ever) oil And gas acre per month on the 111-acre Re. lf'ue available here. we have It." S<'hool 1JUb6urface oil and ru He 1ah1 the rlghfw 1ta ·ted :IOO fffl laue..-.H• NJd.-..\M d~ W4'~l+-1:11!14:~ .tM Mir#-. be paid 14~. covert!tr the first ''The City of Newpo. t would 11x month1 of the leue. At the le111e their land to ua. but It would •tart of th~ .eventh month, the have to go on the ballot." Holmes lease would be payable per a cre. said. He added: "We don't ron· Lt:GAL AD\'ERTJSIXO / ald~r i! worth Ul11t." Holme1 ap- The echool board appro\•ed a parenUy refernd to U!e city dump motion to pl"04.·ttd With legal ad· area of 40 aome acru. Vl'rli1ing tor 011 and gu aublur-Tf'rm11 of . the 1ub11urface lea.e face leut' on the l:l·acre R~a from RIC'hfield Include the rifhl School •Ill'. Holmes said Rlchf1eid to cancel the leueo at any Ume- would p1y for th~· advertising It "tomorrow," "" Hotme11 put It. It wu th~ 1ucce&11ful bidder. Holme11 Hid Rlr:-hflf'l1t wae obtain· Holmea aleo sought t.o leue aub-ing thla block of 11creaire within 1urf1lce rtihta to the 10-acre the dty dupllP C'm1ta Me1&'1 or- 1chool 11lte at Wllaon St. and Pia-dlna.nce11 whlC'h prohibit any oil centla Ave. He wa1 lnforml'd thl' c1r11Unir within 1·11~· limlta. "Thellf' l1'Wll have bt'•n known to chanjff'." ht' observed. rncluded on Holmu' map or the northwesterly •aru In and out of Co~ta Mn a were tht> 1ltea of pre- vtou11 drllllng 111 lemplll~Oaf'na of dry holl'J. Admit!"'' Holme11. "My firm d~s nothing but 1 .. ase. I r •n count on my flllll.'l'rll thr ll'a11ed are.11 lh1t romf' 1n with anything worthwhlll'" ttOl't~~ TO Bt'ILD-The "Turkey Track" ranch where William G. BoneUi prcscnUy plays thr role of Arizona cattleman ia small in accommodations. Two houses, a corral, storage sheds and water tank make up the central ranch compound. One house is oc- cupied by the Bonelli ranch foreman. The other-a small. two bedroom stucco build- ing c upper right l-is home to the former liquor chief and his wife. -OCNS Photo IN SA'N DIEGO MacKenzie on Stand in $929,985 in City Building for January l>Rll.LISO REWARO Srhool Board Ml'mbt'r R W. A rt11oundln1 $829.911:> nur-rr-McClf'llan rt'vP11l1'<1 ht> h11d rereiv· cord month f<>r January bulldlng l'd a rhr<'k from Rk hflt>ld for oil Jl"rtnlll waa r•portrd l<>tlay by I C'()ftUnQf'd oa J>.c.., I Nf'wport Bl'ach building dt'plrl· -------------- mt>nt ortrclat.. With 91 pennrts rl\· IUf"d, 111111 month'• total WU st•. c·1t•1zen Group CONTRACT FOR SCHOOL ADDITIONS A WARDED C'11ntrnrt (M l\li•11tll)na t.o Horsce mom11 fnr H11rl>or Vie-w School 11nd .F.n~ri:n 11n11 H11rbc1r V1rw ~rhool3 fni1r "'""~rtlQmll. 8 h(lmt' t'c1Jnrm111·11 "'"" Aw11rilf'll Tl.IPl'rlny night tn unit, llbrarv, n((rl•f' 11f'11cr nntl gym· Mr1<n10 Hn•I t 'lr t• h bv l ht' Nl'wpnrt n11111um rrmo•lt'hnc tor llnrA<'" F:n- Br11c h ~:lrmrntn n· ~' h(>(ll n11'trlrt llii;n Th .. 1·.,n1r"• l1111< hid Wit.II 1:113.6118. Tht> b"11rrl rnn~ulll'tl wllh Arr t11- n1 h!'r h10l•lr1. for lhP jnh WI rr l•·•·t11 i-;rrn11l U n111111 11 nd FrP<ll'rl• k Pn11(1t t'unl111ttor, Ill :!:19.000 lln<l Ht1<11?ilnn nf Hodctl"n &ncl Fllrr- \"1111ng 11n1J i-;1nnt>~' At JJ:ll,4 l I, brnt>k on 11pe.-1f1r1111ons to 11rtnm- fn Al'1'f'JlllOlo( lllP htol, lht• bo11nl f\110\' !'IRn~ 11 fifth it< I'll< I ft rt1 .. 1u. l<'d th<' ~rrnrll lt' b1d1< of S20 · wtll n.• tnnll at 1:.th SI And ~lllll 1 /l.!1\1 lnr " •h••r ll n•I Sit 1100 fur a Anl\ "'" rn l'•>.•le MPion wh"n 11,'R ra~r fro m lhl' hll'<(' hlrl tn m11kr I a ('Onlnlr I llV.l'ltl to( $2 0.7!1 J'llln• Ar,. finally ft jlj'rfl\'!'tl by tllt Thi' t t•nt rAl'I t ti\• r• "'l?ht clftaA· I :-;t,.IP f)1\1,1on or An h1t.e1•turt' Mrs. John Neff Second Woman in Council Race A llt'ronll wom1<11 '11n•h1t-.1lt' f1•r Ne" pnrt Bf'11r h <'rt,v C'<>unrtl. ~I r"' .Jnhn V. :"'l'H :-.:rwr1•r1 II• rghtA. fil<'tl nnm11111trni: l'llf". r• l\111nd.1v 1n t hr r111·r fnr P1 •l1t• I 4 • ~""' \\'1fr ••I OC'l1 111•t r11"1nr Ur J ,,hn V Nl'fr, 11hc h11" " rlH111i:1i1 .. r. K11r - ln JllKrj.111rr1lr. 6. All rlrrn<'nlHl'Y Mhool •1111ttnl. Thf' :-.:rrr,. , Amt' h trP 111 11119, rl!'~lthnj.1 In RRlhOR, thrn ll\ktng l'f'1<1<1l'nrf' rn N""l'Ofl Jfelghlll 1n 19~0 "' l l\'I' rn c1\'lf 1i1rou1'' l'll• h llA R ei.I 1 '10N1 rorn111un11 ,. l 'hl'lll. Ground llb!ll'f\•'r C'"rJ" l'-TA. \\' o nr 1 n · ~ 1 ·1"" 1 .. R.,11< un•I 9ChOOl I\• ll\'fllC'A. ~f lJI :-,, If ft)COl hu b<-P11 tt llll'mb< r 1of A""'"' •'llP•l Cham brr" .. r t'11mrnl"11" '"" bo '"· tJnr 11t11•n. •mm1ll"f' In Ito· "'"t•·· mrnt "' , "n•lr•l11•' put ond only to January, 19:11 when 1 HARBOR WEATHER Ho1g Ho11pital'11 permit bno11ted I ~~~ month lo lh11 record Sl,377.-N. eel . Bonelli Case Orangt C<lunty: Cl<'ar today lhmuJ:h tomorrow. Strong north lo n011 the11~t Wln•l11 mn"tly ne11r lhl' l'anynn~ Ri"'rni: o.Jriyt 1me tf'm· With 20 Bingle family J>t>rmil• am to Aid fllt>d for Irvine Terrace. the call'· SA.N DIEGO, FEB 3 (OCNSI gory 1corl'd a thumpi.ng 1690.200 B •1d1 Pl -The San Diego County Gm.nd total. Clln~ldf'rably mort' than UI ng an Jury held a llpe<'lal ml'l'llng tod11y 90me months' tol11l }l4'rmll1 In P"r11turP11 with high tn<l1ty nrl\r fl2 10 rinl11h work 11t11rt~c1 yeicterday I time pa11t. LAst year'1 J&nuary Nr.wpnrt 1:r11• h' ~unny ""'' In th tnVl'llliK1'lion e>( ramp1tll(ll total meuured 1783,439 compared By "1NIFREO BARBRf: windy lf1i:h ll'rnprn~tur e 60. I fundJI of former St11tf' Ro8rd uf to $804,71 l in Jllnuary. 1863. Formation or a commlttPe to Wlllr•r M. EquR.llut.llnn M'mbrr Wlll111m G. l Other dlV1a1ons of the monlh'a aid the board of Nt'wport Harbor Tf'mt:lf'ra1urt.>1 lhe ra•l Wef'll ta Bonl'lh. bu~1nu11 llBW 22 permlta for 'n.. Union High Sch()<}! In tt11 exp11n- th .. lfarhor art'a \\l're: H. E. Ma.:Kenz1r. former liquor p111r11 to dwelllnirll OVl'r $1 000 NlllC'h 81/Jn rlans WIUI •rcom11h1hrd Tll"ll· '•lurtla." J an. 29 '1tn1I•~. ,fan. ~II 'l.,nrlrl\, ·l itn ~I r ....... 111,. 1· .. 1r. 1. \\ Pdn•"•d:\~, h U. ! Thur ... h1~. •·rt>. 3 fllfh IA" tonlrol orftt'Pr for Omnite County, li'7.6;~, while thrr,. 1wo.fam1ty 1 r1,.v nrl{ht when l!Ome M rl'prt>· 11< l'l'ht'dlll~rl le> lN1l1ly. M"r Ken:r.1" units trtlll!'•I S!1~1.:.00 11nd thr"" ""nl11t1vt• or rrvi< orirai1lzauon11 ~~ •I ''" undH 1nll1clm"nt tn Orttni:r nf'\4 l'nmmPrcilll unit.a a mountl'd to m•l at th~ h1g-h llCJ!ool anti hl'ard flt i I H Cn11nly on charg""' nf bnbrry S Ill 200 Nut. five repalra to com-needa or the district Prtnl'lpal .M11rKenuf' v.n11 r11ll1 rl '>'"lllHrl11'' mrr rl&l unrte hrt $3;'),000 'IO"hil" JO Sldn~y H. Davltlson welcomf'rt U'I,. 16 bul ht rl"fUl<f'd to 11n11wrr 0 QIJ<':<l1r·n·11 rf'l'lllrR lo ttv.•ell!nJ:• undf'r I 1000 1 g-roup and ltllc1 of "'""UBlty or •11 fill SO Iii nn Rruunt.ls or f)O",!ltbl" 11>•lt·tn· ll!('OUnll'd for $;')310 flnrt three rdur11tlntr younit ~pl~ (t) pre- r nn11n11t10n l..At"r hr w111 onlt-r-~lgn pf'rm1l1 lnt11lf'd 12i00. A pare them for ruture rf'11f\(ln•1brll· · 60 <&a rt! lo an•wf'r the qup111Jon1 by aw1mmlnl'" pool p~nntl w1111 IHul'd lll'S M ~II I Supu1ur Jt1dl1.'e John A Hew1t'k-tnr 12400 and a pr1v.l" «•rttjt"t I Aft,.r the ult'mblv had 1111d1~ -f'r. v.·ho gnrntf'd him iinmunrty. for 11000 N>t1tl11or'.d °" Pac-.. 1 ~fa• Krn21 .. AA11.I hf' "·ould ont1wtr the qu,.•trun~ about Bonellr"., c!lm· COUNCIL FIGHT OVER r1111rn Kl l•"l1y ·11 meellnft of thc- gr::, J.~Z;reo.l to t11lk n.b<>llt Boo· • ' :~;:;:~~r:;~~l'w~:l~:~~~ ~~~~~I PROPOSITIONS' PLA' CE Owner11 AMoc1al1on. 11w Gll'nttale m11n 'l\'llS th~ f1r1<t penmn tndlrtf'd In Or11cn!!~ C'nun1y·11 probr of al· lt'ged lrquor hr!'n"<' 1rN'gulult1r.s. I Ad11m11 it"OH on lr111I in OrllnJll'f' 1 County Supl'nor C'nun Mcm<l11y "n lhl' rn~IC'lm<'nt d18rgt•. A1h1m" wu lnthl'lert r.n rnn,.plru·y tr. bn~ •lnc1 irrruid theft ro11nt11 cnn· c~rnln« " lrqunr license '""ll"'t to Mra. M11ltu For11tl'r of S11n J118n C11p18!_!Mll. I 15 CANDIDATES IN COUNCIL RACE Running !or city council u filing dt!-lldllnl' In l hr March 15 IO<'al f'l,.cllons cl08f'd 11t noon locl11y wrre I;') rand1- dBtf'11. B)' dt1tn<.t11 they 111 • D11•trt<'l 1. Councilman Ger· aid Bf'nn1>lt and lAwrence H. Berg~ron and William C. KU!· der: Dlatrtct 2. Srlndy F . Mac· Kay 11.nd Jay Slottll'm)'l"'I': 0111- trict 3. Mayor Dora O. HIU; Dlltrlct •. C'ouncllman Sl•n- Cnlorl\11 arguml'nt rm the rela- livt> po.sl~On8 or thl' t op thr<'I' pro· po~ttlon11 nn l hl' b11ll nt w11.1 pre- ef'nt,.rl Monll11y Ill thr adjourned mrf'lln~ 11f lhr rlly ('OUn<'ll by Coun('1lm11n Anrdtw Smith with thr sugg-e,.ll'!n 11 l>4' "t!ltleit by the nip of " cn1n. Amith q11,.et1rrn"tt snyvnl' who r11r1'd tn 11n.!!lwrr on why Propo11i- llon :-.o. I irot lhf' top ll!"lt wh,.n f'ropo11l1on" 2 11nc1 3. originally prl"Mmtl'd to th!' council a11 11ec· tlon11 A and B o( a prllllon atirn- l'd by the ~pie. '4'&a adopted by the council pnor lo 11doptln1 Propoeltlon No. I. OAVI~ EXPLASATIOS "J eurml"" there ha.. to bt' a No t." City Attorn•y K.rl Lynn Davia antwn~d. •·and that wu the onr adoptrrl by the city coun· cH u No. 1. Th,. olber two wtre on a peUtlon o! the people u A and B." Smllh further charJr"!'d the con· teat bf'lwnn Propo,.ltton ;-.;,, l lln1t bt'lwcen 2 anrl 3 1,. " "l'ontr11l bf-tween the J>f'Oplr anrt the roun- ctl. Numbers 2 and 3 Wf'rl' torc1>d on thl' b111lot ag11ln10t 11n unw1lllng councll." he l!llld PrnJ>09ilton No. l la 11 n ordln· 11nre adoptf'd by the l'tlunc1i 11lllt· mi;: the "n1thl.I of the council ahall not be restricted. P•tttlon A or r ropo11lllon :-:o. 2 at•t~• cnun~ll appropriation to the chamber of <'Omm,rce ah11J bl' limited to 12400 Propoeltion l'o_ 3 llmtta the coun- cil t o a 12:1.000 approprl•tton to the chamber, only to bl'comf' !'f. fe<'llve rf tht" total vote ca•t In !avor of thi1 ordinance •ha ll ••· ceed lhl' total vote r u t In ravor ot Propo11itlon l"o. 2. Smith's motion th1t Ulf' council <'llhtr put PropoalUon1 t'o 2 a.nd 3 allnd of P ropoaltlon Nt•. 1 or dl'<'tdl' the "poll po111tlon" by a flip or a· coln died for w11nt ot a lt!C• ond. VOTE ,US.UllMOl' .. ··1 "'1•11 1,, lf'flll'•11.i.1t1• '""1-l'" of my th•lfh I to t h• ht•At , r my a b•hty l hf'lh•\'•' In ••l4'1•r "'''' ~u. openut .. · l am Hlll'l1"1"d 111 thr Nf''"'J"<lrt B"'" h 1•1 1 .. 111,,rr .. \1 "'"I In c11 rt~1ni: 1•ul lhl' l\l•h•" .of rh" fll,n,.r• ..t 0111 nr" 1hurt•1 Sli.:n1111: h•·• l'"l'I''• '" r•· '''' Bu1I II l'"t"r"MI ;\Ir• ltuh"I t Olan ch 1 I 01 G1lr• T. Hrr>\\ 11. \! r • Don&ltt 1'111111\. Mr 11nl1 Mr' :-.;, r m11n r · 1 '1ul•N1 \11• fletnc-11 an.t Mr• .,; A '"' k n ;\h LllH ll l A~OTHt:R C'A~DIDATE Looking O\'e r nomination 11ar)C>r prinr to filintz City Council ca.nd1dncy with City < 'lerk Clc-llan Priest ~londay is lrft, Mrs. J ohn V. Neff. lloldinJr the p11ptr is ~fr~. Arthur R. Wellrr who circu· liitrd thP nClmmating papera. -S~ff Photo lf'y Ridderhof ind Mra. John V. Nelf: D111tnct 6, Clarl'nce A. Hlfble and Councilman Hana Broering; Di1tnct e, Cooncllma.n A. W. Smith. l. Oordon Walk.er and Leland l. Wilder; Diatrtct 7, Jam• B. Stoddard and William o. p.,.. row. City Clerk Cltllan Prieet l'X· plaint'd the petlllon1 were dr•wn up u A a.nd B. "Wu th1a another ont ot your amootb one1!" Bmllb aaked Pr1eat. The property councltman'1 of· fer to ct.<:tde tht iaeue by a flip of the coin waa tumed dOWll by the council. "Decldtnc mattna by t h• flip or a coin ta be.cl cu1tom." Councilman ltanle1 RJdderbof ~ Tbe council prffloualy adopttd an eJrplan&Uon by Davia on why the -people abouJd -.ote 1• on No. 1 and no on Na.. J and a. "I do not ~ wtth yoor &.rl'Umflftt," Smith Mid, ''but I &«TM with your nftlt to put It on th• bellot and I "111 co aJ~ With It." Ht mad• UM .ate =·strra .... MESA OIL LEASES-Costa Mesa land in the north· western portion upon which Richfield OU Corp. bu pUl"o chued 9Q per cent of the oil and gu 1ubeurtaee i.... right i1 shown above. The ahaded are& lndJcat.M loca· lion of the Newport city dump aite where ie... ~ held. The oll company hopee to obtain rtpta Oil Tthe - 15-acre Rea School aite, pla.ced open for bld 1ut nlcht. NEW ANNEXATION PLAN FOR MESA FORMULA TED 'Checllerllocn' M•thocl to Acquire 618-1~ Tract BJ BUL PlllLLIP9 Co.ta lrfeaa City CouDcil Monday m,trt eune up with a legal method to get around a year-long ban qainst annex· ing any part of the Halecn.t annaation wbich wu diAap- proved Jan. 25. The move 11et up poulbWt7 of what would amount to a cbecker-board method of brfnging the 818-lot Hale 1ubdtvlalon Into Ule city llm· a.ut.omaUca.lJJ t.anntA&t.d th" •n· Ill. It would aJao proVlde a.n ... neaaUoa Pl"OOMCltnc aa ort,-tnally capt' hi tch abould ctty p-owth propc»ed. bf. thrtaltntd by a huge Kua oil NO LOHOD A.l'l'l..lP But. llnce I.be CtOWM:il did Mt play on I he norlhwuterly out· ak1rt11 or the community. dlapprove I.be anneuUon undt r 1ta n.w action, I.ht 12-month pro-Wh1't tht' cnunctl did wu to hlblUon aitatnat ann .. tnr any part rl'vnke llA prl'vloua inst ructJona lo Ctty Attorn1·y DoMl1J Dungan dls11p11r<1vini; the a.nnexatlon. Jn· 111 .. 1111. the rouncilll)f'n a,-rffd a 'ah<I protf'lt, composrd of mol"t' th11n one-halt the properly OWll· "r" tnvolvf'<l. had bf.en filed ag11lm1t lhl' H11lrcreat ann .. xation. Thie of the 740 M:l"t'a IQ lh• propn9f'd fflllPcrt!l!t annexation no lonrer a pplll'I. At th" 11m1 llml', th11 moY11 automatically allmlnat~ poMiblllty of a..nolhu publlc hf'ar· Ing on the aame laau• ftquHW by Carter Darnell, rt>pr,..,.ntatlvl' f'f>llHlllllNS Oii ....... • , HERE'S PLAN-Cost.a MeRa -City Council action indi- cates pouibility of checker-board annexation11 to carry limits northerly to propoecd Sepulveda or San Diego Freeway. I.n face of huge M<'8a 011 play northwcHte rly ot city limits at Wilson Ave. and Hartx.1r Blvd. and pro- tests against annexation by Segel"8trom Brothera and rann-land OWDers bet~n WilMn Ave. and OranRe Coast College, addltlona to\ the city could lnclude the V&rd tract (•haded area above), the Southern Callfor· nia Bible Colle.ge, Orange County Fairground, OCC. 9UJ'e plua Army land and the Hale C.O •• .ubdiviaion. • . t . I ' Didc Noak lniurecl I PAGE 2 In Indio Accident JURY'S BONELLI.,\ SUBPENAS SAID . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Tt;iURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 _Ryan Wins City Tire Contract 1Jstanl. R11pld t11nux of popula UOft hu &Teat ly lncn.-.aed th• prob- ••• ,1f hti. ,1,.partmtnt. ('\1ba aa1d. 'PUBLICITY~ BY EX-LIQUOR CZAR LACU~A__.BEACH 1pe:-;::;1 - Mr. and J.1ra. Kt'n.11elh Brownt. thelr daughter Marilyn. of 2H2 South Cout Blvd.. and )11115 Browne'• fhln<"e, Dick N oak. of Coal& Xeea. wtre all Injured ln an a utomobile cra&h on Sunday near Indio. REESE, KNEELAND DISPUTE BONELLI TESTIMONY CLAIM .. City ltre <'ontract wa, awardtd lo Huw.irJ 1-<yan of Santa Ana un r<'cumm~nd1111on CJ( Ctty '.\l.ona~t>r John Sailor1 and a\ll''" o( the ctty counnl Monday tn adjourntct •<'~slon, Rya n bid an ullmal<'J p1 11·e o( $6:>79.40 le"' M per cent of llat for recap& on en l!"t1m11ted WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE? / County Grand Jury "'8man in Denial 'Big 1111' Asked Talk By PAT MICHAELI the neu tuture, on a apecttfc date. Copyrlftlt: oraaie Couaty N&W9 th•y wtll notify him. Oth•rwtM. Mf'r'VIP·Racllo KWIZ be .. td, the aubpel\U are ap.par• PART nr enlly for the purpose ot publicity. Bon.e.lli -• th• publicity &1 ap· KlNGMA?lj. ARIZ., (OCNC) p.,-ent lo all the Indictment.a hand· Jeni mer Southem C&Ufornla liq· ed down. He pointed out tn On.nse ur,r head William O. BoneW ha.I County the Indictment.a 'have not offered a challenge to liquor In· brousht about one convtctlon In vut1ptor11 In Or&11ge &11d 8&n Supertor Court. He --.Id th• San D1f'go Coun,m1. Bemudlno Coun4' grand jury Th• conlrovenial t:'X·lit.ate Board nat17 exclWed chief A11lata.nt Al · of l':quahzation member aald he torney Oennal Thom&11 W. M.ar· b!'lirvea aub~naa lasuad for tUa Un When he attempted t.o make appearance In Ora.nge and San pre1entmen4 . to Ulal jury. He Diego Counties are part of a put>-, pointed out not one lndlct.ment l1r11r atunt dl'vlted by tbe al· wu retumed tn that county al· tomt-y ,1;,•r1rr111'11 offlcf. If not. though the vand jury ln Rlwr· h " r<attl. h« hi.1 a plan to teal the lltde County retumfd 1ad1ctmenta 11m1· .. 111 v or 1 he organ1ut1ons llt'ek· on the aame or similar cases. inc him. lY CLOSE TOUCH ORA:'\D .n·ay DENIALS BoneUI aald ht keepa tn cloae Bonf'lll ma\le lhe at.etemenla and touch with the liquor lnvHUca· rovl!alet1 the plan In a flvt -hour Uona and the charl'u made Interview with thl11 reporter at hi• through a numbu of frlencla and Kingman. Ariz. r&11ch. In the In· tormf'r ff'Uow-worke~ The lnfor· ltorvlew. the much-sought political mation. acme of which te deacrlb· !ic11re announced he would t00n ea aa highly confidential, I• tun· return to SOulhl!m Cahfomla of nelled to him by mall and throuch hl11 own volition lo "do my laun· a pony-expreu auto 1y1tem that dr~·" <'ro11H1 the Nevada and Callfoml• He alao 1lated he prevloualy of· d1!11nu to f'M.Ch h i• remote tanch. f~red to appear before both coun· BonelU -an ex·law profeuor- 1 y grand jurlea reportedly eeeklnc thumbe through theae report• to him. but wu turned down. Or· "urch jor poNlble lntormatfon 11ngl! Cottnty Jury Fortman Evn· uaeful to the libel 11u1u which he ,.tt Ru11e and San Oltgo venlre 1aya he 11 prepartn1. He 11 ra- ~ead. Hew11tone K. Raymonton. portedly workln1 throu1h a trio both dtnled Bonelli ever volun· of Lo11 Angelea attomeya. t"tred to come before thf'm. Much of the lnfonat.tlon that Thf plan 11nt11'r which Bonl!lll rucht'I hlm. he 11&ld, la rumor. He would tf11I thr 111ncerlly of the admit. there la aa much ml•·ln· J\Jryml'n II• 11lmplr . He ~•Id If thoe forrn11tlon r~achlnll' him u there Gr'.1!1'1 Jl1rw_: wMted h11n t .. ro~e 11. rueh1ni the ,_i eneral .public a· d" ....... nfflr t11llv notify him by ~ard•ng hfmM.lf publlshfd In Lo• mat I. H,. ran ~ re&fh('rt a t the I Angelf'll new.papen during the T 111 kl')' Tt 11rk !Unch. flural Free I rnsl th rte monlh11. he aaid. hall Drh\'C'ry Rn11t t , Klnf?lll&n. Ariz. b~1·n actually ba!!e.leas. However. ,Jt'!llT !\tAll. IT nne 1ron1c ~;mor may <'Omf' true. Rnnrl11 1111111 he tul1 ll thl' JUr· Bonelll does pla.n to le11ve the n t• 11r" actually amnoua to ha ve <·ountry .•. aftn ht dou hla him • nmr l>A1 k l<' Ca1tro111111 1n "l11unrtrr" Embryo · Mesa City P~blems Give Impetus to State Laws f'rohlPIY1<> fnn·rt hy th,. nllwly In· rnrpnr111 N1 C:1ty of Colt& )( .. a h11v,. r,.11u l1 NI in work on 11tate 111wl'I tC\ 11M1111t the blrth·p&ln1 or Nh"r rmhrvl'I 1·1t1,.io. It wu reveal· f'tl I hi:< Wl't'k hy ~VH City Man4g· f'r I :'"<lrg!' \\' Cnffl'y &ncu <'ontlnue in effect for I.he remalnder of the flac&l year or un· tll the leilsl&Uve body of the city requuta dlaconUnuance of aervlc· u . Coffey Mid he ta•ored I.hi• latter bll\. Report Me1a Thefts <-o((I''\' W I\!' lnVttt 11 lO apptar at 11n """''mbly lnl#nm Conunitt.ee nn ;\lunlr1p11I anJ County Oowm· ml'nt .,.. inn In Los Anrelu In Dtc,.mbrr, 19!'1.i, by Asaemblym&ll lJ11n11"I J l:n•e11on, rhalrman of th,. ,.uh·• oininil trt on anntxatlon 1111•1 t l'l••l"•I pr• bll'ml • 111,. \ nur community hu bet'n 1nr "' P"' le•I 1t·ctnlly. compa.raU· '\',.h· ,p,.11kmtt. WI' ~t'nflt-rtd ,, )'OU -.. '11 I r1t1 • 10 make a present•· 11nn it thtl t11l"1t' u to problema ,.n,OJllnl• rc"I a111I lllJIPl't.~d .o\U· t ·n~ 11 p~111i.:r.1ph from er..-. ''''" ~ 1111•1• Ii' ~•at<'tl Two reporta or Utefta ft'OD'I ve- hlC'lu werl! received by Coat.a Mell& police force rece.nUy. Matthew F'reduick Luth. 48, of ~ E. Wal· nut Pla ce, repo~ a one-halt l!lectrlc drill motor and a rubber ex~11on cord wu taken f rom his truck whUe parked at 1784 :-;ewport Blvc1. Joaephine B. Rood, of 1~71 Meaa Drive, reported a pair nf opera glaalll'~. valul!d at $100. stolen from htr c-ar while I p&rked nt.ar thl! p<>.-t nffic ... r .,rr .. ,· "l'P"ll14'd w11h th" pr"· •• 'l'B llo\11 1\ ,;1nJ:UJar problem or 1111 n• \\I) 1n1 1l J1'll 3lf'1I l'lll<'J II the '""I <11>utnl 1n "n'" ICJ<"DI rull' and r• ~ulnt 1 •n .·,,. n r1r illy. the 11'1ltt· r . "• lllon • 1111' l:v11n1 )' CnunFl'I 'I On1 n~.-l • mty 1• th&t •II roun· 1 f\ rorJm&n1·1•• tn "X t'lfTI(" Il l lhl' ••ml' 1.r 1nl'11rp.,J t1I Jnn rl'RM 10 ~ ~rrrcuv,. tn tht nl'WIY 1nrorpora.ttd llll'W • Th11 rnl'nna th!' nf'wly 1nrorpo· uttd city 11 ,..;, houl any bo1ld1n& r••gul11 11on~. zoning control, boull!· 'n d atC)flll nt tl'Mrtclt t1 •petd llm· 1·~. tn n•mr nnly 11 ftw lt•m• and 11nlll 11urh ln<•I ordtnanctt are ,.nactf'rl b) lhl' nf'w ell)' cn11nc1l many thm~ll roul·I 1·,arrrn · T•• ff\lln this \'Old, nr ·ta wins' f'"rtod 1r~1'lll 1on ('f>ltlrt be enact· ,.ti that \,1,.1111 1•1a1n all county r~dtnances in tffl'll lnr cnt year. r r until r'voktt1 by th!! ntw city • ounc1I Th11 "ould 1tr..-d the new rounctl 1n oppot tunlty tn Cl~ ra('h phaH nf 1111 Qr'1inanc.-.J th' nrctuary 1tt1'1\ 11nd cnn•1tlerat1on ti dtffrVl'I Today, CntffV ha I rop10 of new· A111'mbly Billa :\o 1H4, In· troduC'ffi by E111 l W. Stanlty, Har· liar Area 11111f'mblyman. and ~o 194:1, eoauthorrd by Stanlry i nd '1lher 1utmblymen. cnvtnn& tht point madr 1n I ht Cn111a .MtMI rreatnta tlon l\f 19~3 :-;o. 1944 • •>ntlnUf'fl <'O unty ""rvll'l'll In a n•wly torm,.d r11y rnr two y ean "r until ('lly council uaolutlon requut.s the"bo•nl or 111pnv1sora to r e&Ml 111rh lf'rvlc" No. llHS provldu <OUl'\tv ordln· City Job Survey Deal for $2000 Th• low bid of $2000 to make " rtty •mployeff job analyst. and 11 111lary 1urvey 1ubmltlP<I by the ,1 Lo Jacob• Co. or Loa An1ele1 waa acN•ptl'rt Monday In an adjoumf'fl 1t~11alon of lh11 city ,n11nc;I !'tll bl.la "'e"" rKf lvt•l. C11\ Mana,-e.r John Sailor• a.aid The .larnht biol 11nd ·one aubmll lffi b\ n . .-.1z, A lll'n 11no ll11mlltnn Los Anirtlr•. "'"" th• clo~Hl Tbl''I' aubmltte11 14000 for t ht Job llllRl.1'91!1·U IAt .1· l'llrl'C'Y phor of lhf' job. · HOME LOANS At Oran9e County'• Leadin9 Home Lendin9 lrutitution ' QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES EASY MONTHLY I' A YMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE i---::-:~ nun ouos L:_ :.l LOCA TIO HOMES LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVIN6S l LOAN ASSQCIATIOH 222 Ocean A"9ftve ~'or both r ha..e one and phatt tw ... or1:a.n11&llon of tli.1 <"It)' for f(flCll'n•'Y· J th"l"lbll bid • t.'tAI or LAGUNA BEACH $ 711(\tl whl It' O ro>1f' A ll"n and Hnmlllon h1d $GUO<\ It wu dt-I cu1rd b,1· !'"t1nr1l to buy only phau I one a l lhl• tlmt . ,...... HY 4.1111 Tiley wue ru6bed to Coac:bella Hospital In lndlo. lt 14•a11 rf'ported Ma.rtlyn •ufftred major lnjur1M to arrna, legs and back. ~tl!nt of lnJut1ea auat&ined by the otben wu not determined. know we w&11t to talk to him by now, he never Will." WJJ.l.IAM O. BONELLI The ch1er assiata.nl At tornty Gener.I made tae statement from hla Los Angtles headquarters. He said he felt· grand jury foremen in Orange and s.n Diego Counllu would Co along wttb ,him In not extendini written lnvltatJona to the much-aoucht fonner Fourth ' Dl1trict State Board ot Equallza· Uon member. NO INVITATION ·Martin Fires Blast at · Bill Bonelli LOS A~OELl!:S, (0CN5) - There wlll be no 'Written lnvfla· tlnn11'' extended to William G. Bon· e.UI "asking" tor .his a ppearance before grand juries In San Oll!&O anrt Oro.nge Counllt11 aald chld lnvut1ga.tor for the Attorney Gen- eral's nfflcf', Thomu W. Martin. Msrlln M id, "It Bonelli doesn't Bonelli .. Id In, the third or a t!erit'S O( copyrighted artlclu ap• peartns tn Orang• County Nt'wa Semce newapapera he would teat the sincerity oC the gra.nd jurlu hy MkJng them to •·rile to hlm. inviting Jlla preaence. So tar. only 11ubpenu have been laaued tor Bon- r:lli. However, these aubpena11 have not betn l!f'rved ~au!e Bonelli ha• been;out Of the atatl. Mt.rtln alao had ancry word11 teprdlng t.he chargea ap))Mrlnf In tbe eecond lnat.a.llment of the eertu. wherein Bonelli uld the chitf as!!lstant Attorney General would attempt to move Into th<'! seat of Attorney General EdmUJ1'1 G. CPllll Brown. Bonelll aald. he expect.a the move becauN he feela BrQW?l 1".!R attempt to tun for the aena.te lt'llt preaently iiitd !iy JCni:'"f heim'a Thomaas Kuchf'I, Martin aald "That'a alander!" .when tn· 1 formed or the ch&rrea. H• atated. "I have no pollUcal .. plraUou." I SPECIALS for Than. -Fri. -!lat.. February 3. 4 ud 6 DRUG NEEDS BREA -Oranie County Jury Foreman Ev- erett Reese of Brea Tuesday repudiated the state· ment made by William G. Bonelli to Newsman Pat Michaela that he (Bonelli) baa requeat.ed appear· a.nces before the gran~. jury but had been turned down. '1'here bu been no auch requeet made to me by Bonelli," Reeae uaerted emphatically. "He may have made aome movea through other aourcea, but they never came to my attention. Of course, I can't 1peaker for the others. Frankly, I don't think the request.a to appear should come to me anyhow." Qrange County District Attorney Robert P. Kneeland a.id Tueaday 'There were aubpenu out for Bonelli. But u to Bonelli's statement that he offend to testily, Kneeland la.id, "I've never: beard anything about that." numbtr of Uru nt'tded. I Th~ nrxl <'lv11t':>l b1dlltr "' th .. lliX f1rn111 which t<'pht'd -..·011 DUI· ton T1rl!'S wni1 $~13.8~ with ~~ per rent ort U11t fvr recaps. Sailors to1.1 th<' rouncll Ryan "appea.rs to be bt'tter l!qulpped lo give u11 wh11l we nf'ed." • · Super¥isors to Name Defense Assistant SANTA ANA tOCNSl -Or· ani;e County Board o( Super'\'I! .. or11 11nno11nred Its lntentwn, to h1ro a clrpuly civil deten:H direct· 1 or. The proposal wu rtrerr.·J to the rtrsonnl'I Jeparln1<'nl for ~Ludy 11n.1 report tt. I. 1 Cuba J Morn.a. CD dtrcl'tnr. askell fnr 11. top Ill!· ----1 Roberts Jewelers fry * D31/2 Mcwine Ave. ~u f f ••a c 1es LIDO DRUGS Balboa Island "Onr ot. thf' J.ldo ~hop••' S~l Vlia Lido, N .. wport Bfoach HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Ma.r BAUOA DRUGS Raod tfle 5-poge odvertiM· m•nt on Stote form Mutval -fomout "coreful driver !ft. suronct" compony-lft !he Jo,..uory 31 l""'9 of Ta •"4 -.. , ...... ~··'"'' cell y••• '-..... ....... nan , .... A IN SUtaNCI W. I. LANDIS L E. CAIRNS 133 E. 17th 8t.. COAta Meea Uberty 8-1011 NOTABl • PUBLIO 716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Lay away Your Valentine Candy now. We have a lart• MlectiOft naflable. Free Gift Wr.,lnt BE.A.aT lllOX EPSOM SALTS s ,_ 21 c CHOC,OLA TES •500 .Uprtn t:s p 11r· 11C TABLETS 1on·. Campborated 26c OIL • o&. Tr. Bfontnln COMPOUND J O&. 14c Box nf !OG'e .QUIK SWABS re«·Mc 37c YflJ'PAY LESS.. . ..1 ! V/.,, r, • TRAIN SETS S Train• ~t• In onft "II W1nd•" coFfEE14~MUGS ~~·2,or 13c ri.Asdr'iC .. WALLETS ri:-lfc KITES ftS· 10.-7c KITE STRING IOO ft. 7c \ET~ DOG FOODt.arse .... _ ~ TIDE '='65' ·ALL~ ~ 1" lll9 JOY 68c 0\. .... ~!Wettir. t~ PGcWTlulle 13' lkott ~ T-* t t• .. "To My ValeatlDe ~lb. ..... 15c We Feature a t "h11 for Danger, !lilew Hori.Ions. iwnec-Uona. Surttader, ud the o~w Rlcocht>t 1~ Dram Bott.lee Coftlpl ete Se1tttion of BUZZA· CARDOZA CARDS 5c to 5100 VALENTINES YAl.fHTINfS VALENTINES VALENTINES Ohildrm ·, Pa:k o! 26 Regu12r 25c Punch.Out Pack Ctf 4() Jle!U.lar 29c ~ Dong lchool Box of 16 Pack of 48 witb hvelopea-a.,. 31 Valentine Party. Needs Table Cloth ._.2k Paper Cups. 6's _J9c Paper Napkins 32'ff PAPER PLATA 8-in. 8'1 )(uaae Cbocolate-Co~N'f1 Cherries 1·lb. 59c V&Jentuae-Mot10' B ean. ICICJ Cmtely ~--29c VaJ•tia.-W A Wiatt. JeUy Beau .., OUldy ia.o.. 29c 17c Band acbd Pinta 30c Bud Packed Quan. Dec liD.Jt Oont1 6o Dbl Oon• 10c W• bnt Ob•rry. Ta. all1a fla•or tcw your V&laiUDt PanJ" ~ OtJ. Bulll ltyle 79c w .......... rMJM to u..Mt 9M•tlflel .• , RICHARD HUDNUT C're-am Rlnv -H11lr ("on•lltlnnrr l!-1.~.\ \ alu" - DORSAY COLOGNE Bo~ Of 3 DIVINE Le DANDY INTOXICATION DOROTHY GRAY Dr:r·.Skln !'lpttl&J $ 50 Quirk Cl,.an .... r &.!.::?;, \&.h111 1 Phi" Safura .Mnl"'"'" ' ,.. llnt \ &liver R1pplt 80 Pronf GI .. Rei· #)67 S313 £- ""' ~ Twin Oak~ tno Proof Bonded 7 Y PIU"• Old ;:ia 3s1 .. ,... - IJhadv Ornvt BLEND 1\1 P •orf ~;;9 211 ,,, .. __ .. IO~L~'.:_ ..... ~ Settle Sc:!t =.,~IDAll~=er~:~m~d ,Out of Court BolMlll neither played heavily nor putJe&pated actively In hotel ~A1''TA ANA IOCNS) -A sambbnc. Bbe aald Bonelli WU ac· 1 $10&,()()().penonal Injury damage compe.nted by three mep. suit wu 1ettled ouu!de ot court AU.CS who the men wen, Bone-I here Monday for an undisclosed Ill aai4 tbeJ •Were two men from sum. Oraqe County ud two from ~ 'Mr. and Mrs. Farrell F. Spang, Aqelea. However. he would no~ •<>& E. 1 Bay A \le .. lodged lhe suit reYeaJ tbe name1 of hi• fellow aralnst J. A. Beek. owner, Evan1 pl~ He Mid many ot hi• Jone•. an emp!oyee. and the Bal· frtatdl lllfft blm in Laa Vegaa to 00. bland Ferry. dt..cu. Southern C&Jl!ornia'a II· The plaintiff alleged negUgence quor probe. r...a.. Vecu ta cioa<!r to on the part ot the t erry. She cl&lrn- Loe Anrelee, he a.Id, and many of ed 1he wu 1truck by \he f erry's llU trie.nda anct formn uaoclatea gate u ahe, boarded It June 11, f~uentJy mett blm In the pm· 19M. blli\s center. The defense aaid Mn. Spane, ·or:..~IES MADE NONt:l' an employee Jn a Corona dtl Mar SUll other i-:unora have Mid that 1tock broker office, a ttempted to Bonelll "made mllltona" while m enter the boat at a section reaerv- pohtlca. The~ rumor• the u-of· ed for vehicles. •11 al t.o u d te He point. t.o Trial laated four day1 la.at week ci. 1 u · Yt e~d a. c•ttl ranch and a portion or Monday before lhe undeni o<'k~ ~ e attorneys reached a determlna· that pruentl,y accommod&tu Jue , -than .'>00 hen(.L hts small house and tf.llon. They wJ:>nld not disclose the tbe meag~r. olmottt ·frugal. a;ur-gure. t ' 1 , mwn level of rfflt'ltncy and the achool hu In ertcct now reached It. It land ·cJoaer to the growing center of popula1'1on <'&n be ae· cured, either from releaae of the forme.r Sant.a Ana Air Bue by be· comlnJ 1urplu1, or by trade of 33 acrea owned by t.he achool, a new hJrh IJcllool can be built on the pay-u -you-c o plan. It the land must be purchated, It will neceaalt.ate a bond laaue. U that be the cue $1 out of every _. wilt l'O tor tnt.erut, Pa vtdlon u.ld. With the exception ot the ttrat bond tuue, the present high •chool plant hu been conltrocted on the pay-u-you-go plan at a collt of Sl,700,000, and I• preaently \'&lued a.t s:s:ooo.ooo. It 11 now ent irely free ot debt. and. accordtnr .. to Charlee Kyte. dl•trtct bUlldlng In- spector, the quality of conatrucUon l• much better than 1n m oat achool1. TWo-m.oms VOTE Mrs.. CoollJ\g. city treuurer. pointed out thla la a matter of maj01" Importance when tuea are now 11uth a pinch. A majority ·only Is nt>cesaary for votlng a tax roundtngs <1( th~ r1&nd1 1~lf, a., r roor (•r h t~ prC's~nt financial !'llUvl1ng. When this rcport"r Mid, •·LJ1d ~ou artually gH any of Ute mOn• }" donat .. J for • .rn1p .. 1gn pU!'· CITIZENS GROUP :~:~:Sn atht~:.~~1~/~i;;j~~lt~11l1~ required !or a bond Issue. This, Contlnu .. d trum f'l~t Pare ithl" ~alc1, •was wh.v Orange bond J>('M'a f()r your own JWrsonRI u.se ?·· a t,YfH"d ~heel of nc,.rl:< pl't's<'nted Mrs. l:!Or.el11 answer.·<!. "\\'~ cer-by the !Joan!, had 11~ked quedtlons. t;unJy d idn't. If ....,,. dtd. we could ha<! h1·ord 1···r)()rt;. rm varJ11u11 °"" ll now." phase:1 hy staff members snc1 hy lssue.s failed by :11 votes tor a. new high school end by :51:5 for ell'tnentarv ~rhool. Salr1 o"avl<l!!On, •·we 11aw the situation al Oranj;e and we a re pretty despPrate. We want to f111ly .v ked a~,ut h11 presenl income, t~e ~tudcnt ho11y prl'i;1d,•nl, Did< Bonelli stated It Wli.ll r o011ng from lnnn~t ancl Gi rl~· IA>11 j::'11e Pr•·11l- lhe rd.llr h from the hearl oC rlent At'lenc H~•H. 8 rt')mniiltPe inform oOr community that de· cattle aold otr. H ,. s&Jd. however. waa eleCLlld. ll lnrlluJ~(I. fP&t would ~ diaaatroue to Wl.1' when he builds up Ule !1U\Ch again. C"O:\t:'ID'M'EE :\I E:\18ERio; hP. will leave the country. Ll"c W lllltr. ch11irmR n ; Mrs. Krn-Gorton to Face Court Tomorrow 8onf'lll said lhe \rcctnt Uquor neth r·oo!tnir. Mrs. Dennis Ht')g· 11e&Jldalil in Southei'n 'e'a.llfomla land. E~war<I Milum. ~fr~. Duncan have calaed him a great d(mJ of St1'""8rt. Mr~. J ohn I RosC'lnl') C'Oncern. He f('ll that now WIL~ a Ferlt'y, th.-R<-v. J osrrh .\tr 8h11ne gO<Y! time to bnng his ranch up anti ~lr.'1. J 11rJ.-on l:>.uth<'rlanrl .-------"~l&l'.UlJ~l"~'·~eJ~a~nll~t h,en lea\'e oili A chart had b!'en preraretl Kenneth Gorton, M , 217 20th St. • foreign t.our. e ~t TnliL shl'lwlni: i<rhhrol :ifi"mlnnc!' trl')rn wm far& 11rr11lgnment in Superior rua.ny ye8.r9 of pollt1C'11 h,. had l!l:l~ 10 lh,. r•"~"'nt It showl'rl Court Fnday on a drunk driving n .. ver lefl thf" l"()Untry -now hf' lhRt R 11rst .:rMk rhl ~ll i::11 1n,..d f,.lun.v \'OUnl. H A wa.a held to a n. LJKf;8 AJlGEXTl-SA IDEA r1•nt hy lhr time 11 arn ve<111t !hi' following prelimin11ry hearing in wants to tn1v ... 1. l the nmn7.tnf!: inrr .. A~P <•f 811 pPr-lswrr to the higher court Mon111Jy ---~~~~Je,f., n;.D,Ul....,~ll!.. . .!.~:l7 ;~·h,..n lhfl l :-:rwport Justlrt Court. 4 PAGE l ANNEXATION I would be a11m tor Costa Meu 1annexat1on ,riroceedtnir• 10 ui" NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . Co&ti. M et>a hall two <irJrnunn~s ,•011nty t&1r i;1ound8 Wtluld 1lt'J'en<I Cootlaued from F1ftl p prohibi ting oil drlllln( ot any type upon the fair dtatrl<'t board. • THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 ace wlthln the city llm1ta. P ro]>('rty Only land conllguoua to U1e city • of Ule Hale Campany ot Garden owners with land.containing poas-Umlls can be annrx.ed. This mea ns Grove. 1ble oil deposlta woulct certalnl:,o the city hmlta wilt have to be ex- 0 11 tn I tt hi h • fight annu.a. lion t'O Uu1 city be-tendtd through thla proceJ1a ot I arne ' a e er w c coUJl cause of that ell Monday night waived r eading. • checker-board anneutlon unlll branded m ost of the bltter a.llega-GROWTH Dllll:Cl'10N they border upon Oranje Coa•t Uona made at Ule rt'cent prot~st ThJ• would Indicate Immedia te College and the Hale 1ubJ1vtslon SMALL ENGINE REPAIR and SALES For l'o"-tr Mnwf'n e Bo&ta e c·~all'M'ton equipment Arenta tor Brtna. 8trattoa Cllatoa. Wlllcaaaln. l.a""°9 l:aclD- HA.RMATH ELECl'RIC & MFG. 00. 27'6 W. c-a HJalt•·a,r ~e.wpora a--a Pit. LI Miil heartng aa "untrut'," and aaked city JtOWth Will e.xtAnd northeast· before OCC and Ule housing tract for an opportu.nlty to refute the erly Of the pre.1ent city llmlta. can be taken tnto t.he city. a.I~~~·~~ The1~t~~~~rtncrowth ---------------------------------------Besidea pta.catlng aeven property for Colt& Mcaa be(&n 'With the ownera of tann Land between lho recent petition by Vard Inc. for Meaa city Umlta and Orange Coast annexation ot 60 acree of t.uid College northerly between Harbor bounded by Newport Blvd., hlr Blvd. and Fairview Ave., the coun• Drive and F&Jrvtew A\•t . cllmen left an openlnr still to get OCC and the Hale aubdtvi11lon Into the city Umlta Within the· year should oppor tun-lty a rise. NOTE OIL LEASE And they took cornlsance of the RJ~fJeld OU Corp. leutng actJv- lty of 750 acrea on 1tate ment.lll hospital land and a block of land between 19th SL and Wllaon w esterly of Harbor Blvd. 'Within the nortllweeterly city llmltl. Should Richfield and a geophy- sical t'ot11pany, whl~ allegedlY ha, lhe leaae on Secerstrom Brothus property between dee and the Hale aubdivialon. come up with oil play In the area, the chance9 of any annexaUon In that direction Vt!IMtiw· Other poulble annexation movt:e whJch would conceivably carry in a northerly direction out to the Hale tract from here would in· elude the Southern California · Blblo Collece. the Orance Coun~y Jl'aJrrrounda, Orange Cout Col· Jere. portions of the old Santa An& Army Mr Bue whl~ may be declared 1urplu1 and which could be 11lte of a new hJgh acttool and the Hale Company 1ubdlvtalon bordermg the San Diego Freeway whtch wm torm a natural border tor Costa Meaa city growth. . Mesa city of!ldals have request· ed .the feeling of the Bible College boa.rd towarcl posalble annexation to the city. The college heads pro· mlae4 It would be taken up at the next board 1eulon. Extenalon of . . . . AFTER INVENTORY SALE The Finest Early American MAPLE FURNITURE SAVE NOW! liquor oWc:tal anr1 former Lns An· 1 h1s:h ~<'h%1 n~ ~I ~ · -~~ ~f-~~c1ty 1'0Unc1lmi1n Wl\\1111 llk" rl!'nl!I th,.r"' Wl'I'•' 126P r l,..m<'nt tti-y ~pun~1h1hly of a head·on rr11~h ... -----r~ .. ~mt nnn l!n-nttm•"!T"'ltnnt !"ti:n:IP'TI~" e11~a !l~'lm,;.f~~-441~. ~,..___,~----~!lfto,~~..,-;:-piC'8.-tt!!i!Jl•lll•litl~~· brf'n rumorNI -Arg1•nllna. :'\11wpn1t Bt>ar h Wl.<"n 11r hnul , n1•11r Balbo.• Blvd. <:orton w11s I • &n,.111 ~lc1 hP ha1' 0lwny !I w11nt· oprnl'rl lMI fAll t h•¥p w"r" 1:1iUl i<f'rinusly hurt himself. Other!< i n. rd 10 v1!IH t he South Anwruan r!'· tn hl.l!h i1r honl, flfM\I In th,. ll'JW•·1 )ll rtd W"re Willi11rn A. Pratt, dn,·· pub!IC'. pn manly btc:&llMl 1t ts rat-I i:;rn•tc-~ I, r of lhr nlbo>r t"ar. anrl his w1f1'. tle C'OUntry. The' Bnnelh family I.' ··u WI',..,.., ~om,:: t•• rxtrnd 1l1P :'>largsret. both or 2086 11'111110 nnte'f throughout So~1lhwe-stern I ballot to 1A y1•r1r-11ld:i. f'1hl("11 l!••n Ave . Costa Mesa. Anznna as a cattle-raising family for !'fl1Z\'n!lilp 1" n r r11hlem \\'e Pollr e l"t'M r<llJ .. how Gortf)11'11 11n'1 the Cormer liquor chief hOJ><'S I ra cP right nnw," ~llld Dnv1dson. r·nr 11pp8rt<ntly c:ro!l~Crl the doulJle tn 1 n ·1•·e thr l«'gtndary Bonelll "Our cllls~es 11re lncrr11s1ng at t hP line. brunt! a turkey track -t o a rat,. or 200 "' Y<'llr 11nct the rnte Is ------------- f'O'•Uon nC prominence In the arC'eleratin-;." I From Hospital &JuUtwesL )fi\Xl)fDf LE\'EL However, bdor,. he ll"a vu for H11dd Ring, bo11rd mem bl"r, ioaHI Mr• Elijah Stoc:.kwell of Ba.lboa .Arir;!'ntina. the rnntrovers1al poll-gt>nPraJ e xp<'rlenre provPs a high l~land hu returned from a 11tay t 1r1an ll&Jd he W111 return t"O Call-achoo! a ltcn<lanrp n( 2000 Ii< m11x1· a t C'oltll"" Hospital, F'111lerto11 f.<>rrua to dn hl11 ~laundry." The .. laundry" r,one11t nr clt&rlng hi• ftaJTlf' tn Southern CAU!omla.. Whf'n the fifth and rlna.I hour ot our intel"Vlew ne-ared. Bontlh made th,. l&at of h l11 11tetementa. It will ha,·e rf'pcrcUSlllona through- out f'llllfornJa's pollUcal c1rclM. OIL LEASES C..U.~ ,.._ Fl"t Pa~ and ca• 11ub11urf•ce rlghh on prop- rrty o~rned by him. "Suppose you tlo drill a.n<t hit nil 7" llfkr•! Bosrc1 Pruldenl Tom <tc Forest 1-\olmea al<t. "Then thr ie115'! wnulf1 ron- t IJ)Ue &JI lnng o the well pr<><lucer.. Th" l~aM! wouli'! hold goo" for :10 yuno One-n th ro)•alty would be ~'" Im m th.. tlme prol1uctlon atartf'.J .. ' The ru1gnAtron of vt ~fanfull, nutod1an of Harbor \'1C'w Sr ho()I. w-.s acc,.pted Tuesday night by th<' :>:e""port Bff.ch Elemen tary Sr hMI Db trtct Board of Tn1stees. Tn.11<· tffs appro~ th" hmng or Jnbn C'oy A<la.ms to replac" Manfull. , ..... , 4Sc WI Cinnamon COffR LOAF ~ 1Jtt.-..1 4~~····-····x ~~l~t~C~~"~~ SI ~TA Ml:~-' 17ot :s .. wpon Bh·d. OOIWSA Dir.I. MAR fHIS (.'out Hw-y. \( ORU'l' LA<Ol .:SA BEACH ~"S ftroacfwiay BAl.llOA ISLAXD !00 Marine _,, .... :\[.\\ l'UKT flf: .. \CH llto c-t Hwry. LAST 10 DAYS FOR FREE GIFTS ., .. """' ""'-'" -ef ....._ henclaome •Itta till Monh '°"'· ... .._ y-...... .,..,, n-lftavred Mvlft99 occounl .~ 'l'ov wlll"" .... .,,_., _., • 1v••oft-..d -·-u-• .i.. .. Cloe" wh•" ~·" op•-• 1ovr "•• _,.. .. $1.000.,-.. "'' ,, .. .. ,... ................... ~""""' .. _ ''•• •"•-yev ., •• ,. • .,, ••• "°"'"'" ..,.._, .,, uoo .. -· .( ..... ~ •• elHter 1ec1y, .. -·· . .., ... , GET YOUR GIFT NOW! ANNOUNCING In,.,..., poid Qual1'9rly on P:11lt Paid C•rtificotrt ~· Accountt Morch 31 , Ju"• 30, September 30 011d Oece'"ber 20 (in tltN fM Chri1tmo1). llert'• wtty , .. 11Mel4 ...... <em .._ s..t.p: 1, Yovr .e.1" .. ""' -• 31<,~ ,_, o ~ II the cu"•~' rate 2. Yo11r tcrVln•• .,.. Mfel Eoclt ~II ~'° S 10.000 by the Federol $o"'"91 Olld loon 1....,roM1 Cori>ototio" 3. Your IOYfn_. .,. _,, ... ,_., You 111oy .ave by •oil "° .. ~r wlltrt yo.I 11.,. ot wor\i .. poy POCIC199 bofll WO~ 4. Ye11r ecceu1tt ~ IJy "'9 10th of the MOnth, .. - 'Ille'"' ''°"' it.. h• OPIN YOUI ACCOUNT HOWi ·FRESH EGGS er-"' O' th9 Crep.. Tep 41UOll+y. GIADE AA 54c LARGE SIZE r::. lllAKFAST GIMI 4fte Large Gracie~ de.. 7 " 4 5 2 4 6 as LIO 6 •• , PEANUT BUTTER llVIRLY ...... 2CML 4ftc Chunk or Croomy. t-7 I . PORK6 BEANS c~~s 21 :.16c Iha., 2 niM. 23<. >041. co"· 21c. ''lteot '"Serve." F,!!_~!.~.!~.!! AIL 3°:2~ Bu"ER DA•YOLINFIHTOUAtlTY 1-11.sftc Fresh Grode A, quorttred. da, 7 MONTIOSI U.S.~ Orocle AA""' Ovollty. '941 wntp, II. 67c.. JACK CHEESE ~:;r .. 3~ CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Cr-O' Cltldreft, Chicken wlftt llce, Chldr ... NocMAle, Chtdrett o.....M~ IOK..._ 15< .... SHORTENING ROYAL SATIN for be"•' collet, pl••· fried foodt. t-llt. 27' con a-:~69' Chicken .... • Monor HovM. • ... 79' Freeh frottn. ~·· Franks Somef"' btond. 1 ... 43c No. 1 Sklnleu. ..n. MIDIUM SIII, 3-.S·lb. OY9· lean, meaty. Mleci Ea1terr1 pork.. Spareribs Boillng Beef Short Riiis Ground Beef •· 35c •. 12' •· 19c tit. 35c Fiiiet of Cod •· 33c C.fJee llJl4I Tea Val11Mt lnst1nt Coffee :!:°'"' '-; Ste (4-oL jar, l .13: 6-0&. for, l .69.) CinterburyTu ~ •tc Orange pekoe ond pelroe. <'12-lb. potlcaoe. 59c.) "-ATI MIAT U.S.O.A. Choice. U.S.D.A. CHOfCI 1111 To bake, bfoiM: lean. Pocked in Vhkll'Q . F,.1My mod., FROZEN FOODS &.I Air Premium Ovollly. Blended Juice 2 ~ 2Sc Orange ond Grapefrvit, &r1pefrvft Juke Slice4 PNcJtes ~10c 2 ·~]Sc 111111!111111111111111111911111111•----------·1---111--11•1111111•--··--1111•11t11tNllONll9llll""1m-aUlllllUllll!!11 Datch Mil A•rical Cheese t:;93c Highway V1CU811 Pack Corn ~~d~~ 12:12' Captain'• Choice •eody for pan. HaHIMatSteaks Cop1oin'1 Ch9ice. 0..p NO fith. tit. 53c SAUERKRAUT ltone Crock Pency 0-llty. 2'!:.L23( 21:17 r .. o.... o-11ty. Syrup Drips • s...:_ 1CJc (2 4-oa. bottle, 35c.) SKYLARK lllADS Split Top .... 30' Whlt .. •llc:e4. .... • ..., 100% Whol• wtleat 23' fNlched-.licled. .... ..... MARGARINE '""~ ·~ 27c Poll-wrappe4. -- JUI I sow MAYONNAISE Nu Mode Quality Purity Seat J•. ~61• tt MP, .. s SlM APPLI SAUCI RING Moltt, tender, bolr.O "'- Curtty "home ln9'9dle",.. waytlft, , • ....,_, 4tc.J SPICIAL 7· F!"ff Coffee CH1 '!;; 29c ~~mOI Rolls ~· 29c Cr1cten Tt.4 nM(t 14 J'-0...llty ,.., •C Soda Cr1eken ~ '~ 1r .. ,..., ...... ~ Smooth'""' .... ,,., C OlllOON No. , •• I 0 flrm, (u•cy m~1 tit. ~54' ~75c Kitdlen Craft Flour f:~~ 2..! 25' Spry Shorte1ill1 ': ~~~ ':.; 2 9' Monica De llxe Pllm .;:~~~. »:21c 6~49c l lch "'vhamlnt ,.,. growlno l"f°"''· Bit Or1111 Jake Fluff+est Mnimlows MUSHROOMS =:_ ~ •. 2• ROMAINE ~ .. 1• Ripe Bananas GREEN ONIONS RADISHES Del Mo11tt Swllt Pickle Relish _..,1.!;29' '21:23c t..da Box .S•lhrkh Sprelll, . : S~ 'Puss'11 Boots Cat Food 3::22' 2'!:"2Sc · Ho•og11izecl Mill · ~=~ . .: 281,c =~ Cle Luttrtlfl prtl'ft rftMdw• 011ly In h><'at marllf'Uas ar.a. Nim DftOM 11mS.. flt., SAl .. fUIUlH 3, 4, S. '9SS, AT uftwlY S10l8 • l1IS W. flhru Sunday 111 Stoia °'*' ~ '1"'' 'O U-.H ,..,,..., N ....... t.,. -. ... ,. ,. ...... C'•l .. ff-.d ._,. lo•• .. .......,. STORE HOUIS DallJ 9 L DI. t.o 8 p. ID. (Friday tW 9 p. m.) Snnday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa M ·esa ,-- PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT '-- , PAE{ -1 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS rHUPSDAY, p::a. , 1955 .. • I 1occ LE-1-1iRMEN 1' I SUPPORT FU.ND I I Tiu• L.-t tl'r1111·n·,. Clu b ·of 0 11t111(P Ci.a .it C'ollrge bt>came t ht• th r<t rollei:e .. roup to oon- t n but e 111 thr Olympic Fund ' H8 th.\' tumt>J ovrr $7:> to Bill .Shi utooler. m a nai:ing directo r ••l H elm t< AthlO'Ut• t>'uun,la· ti.on, al 11:.,•embh· this '"'ttk The O r ani;f' c~st Ulock oc I nu:mbt•rr< 11L&ji:l'd a r ha1it y 011nce th1a month to ralse m o nl'y for thl' Oly mpic F'\m d. o v .. r S t.l,)00,000 arr needed to helµ ucCr ay t'Xl)en11e11 tor the Un1t1·d State.o1 IPam whk h will partu·1p1111° 1n Melbo1ll'nr. Au~- 11111111 Ill 1!1!'16 OBJECTS TO MAP Mclaughlin in Protest to Mesa Council SURPIU:sE VIS IT-Attorney G eneral Edmund G. !Pal ) Brown, ld t, made n surpnwe call at the Orange County Court House yesterday mornin~. H,, paus<'d r .. r plwto- 1'\. L M •·'-8ui:hhn or 19r>O Tus· graphs and newsmen b<'forc en t<'ring th<' grand jury r h:tmb<'r. \\'1t h Brnwn 11 r.· I lis· tin Ave. prot«'sted the vntatlw tricl Attorney Robert K ne<>land. Cl'ntC'r. and Assistant Atton ll'\' l;t'lll'l':tl Th11m:i~ \\', l(I· mop of a 20-lot s ubd 1v1s1on bt>forP •t l' L l B Id p 'I ' f • I / · " a r tn. a er rown to at •' 1r 1ae1s H' came t11 Santa Ana b1'r:111s1· 111 1111 .·n •,.t Co!!ll\ Mcbli C'1ly t.'011nr1l Mon duy " n1i;ht. H,, inuicntNt ht' might take generated by OCNS' copyn ghtrd s t.,ry sC'r,cs un Bill Honrlh. Ol 'N.~ l'h 1•l11 t h1• mt1ttl'r to court. I ~ TbP •·Ouhr·llmcn '"l'rnlly sp-----------------•ht•.. t \\1• ~IHI' t-: 1rl \l ,ft• 11r HI\. I ... , I H' d \\ d ll1tl1t ,, "' '·,,"'" \ \\,~1 b•\\r ~.~,,~, .... "'' ·~H\ n o\• 1 \' 111 \1 ,1,lo 1ns:t •11. !II 1' I·:•" 11 •If· 1111111 ·,{I 1111l1l 111ol ~I r• .J"tll ,. \!, • ('11110:'°:: \' nf t l1 1 )!1tU hftd ~1 1 ~ • 1:11u11a \:nuld ·~t ~1 1tlt1J.!llU 1 ul tt ilJ\t• j,;t ,Uh l HO Io,' I 1HP01 \\ 1'1 hu 111 Haa h•lt !!••st Mcnl.U.1.1~1! p1nv .. u the \\'!'Mw 1nd B11ildt>rs 1m .. MICHA~LS MAY 11ubohv111111n, bn11n<tl"I h•• F:~I hrr ~ D~ATH ~OTICE anll \\:n1nut Sis. 11nd ~:&nl(I' ar•f RRymnn•t Avrr.. with -a 2 fl. allt'y. 1 TELL JURY OF M r J,1111ghhn 11aicl t hl' [I el' was . w hat h 1' o bJertt•d to sm <'e It.would . BONELLI VISIT ~Ills. :\ll;\:'\11. sT.\S l ~ca:" I F 11111 c,,J ~• 1\11<~ !01r Mt> ~lllt· IHi' ~l:tt\ S tanirH.:• 1 7 1 ••t 6l't '1\t IH ,H 1\ \ t , t ~UI t.11".1 dt'I ~1:t I , \\0 tll FIRE DES'tROYS HIS MESA HOME i:<> rii:ht b.v th' Jivmi: roqn1 wm-I cfnw of a $4!\,000 home hi' ow ns. I inJurin~ the v11lur (If the propPrty . SANTA ANA. F"P:B . C ity <'ou'fic·ol rh11.~e not I() !Ake 10CNS 1 D•,.ll'll'I Atlurnl')' ---0-1<..W~l·Uftltt:Y :ltL 2 I .llC lll 1 l 'u1 k1•1'·H1<ll1 y ~1111·1 11ary ('htqwl, 1 '""''" ~f!'><ll . T h" ft•\ .. 111,wph M<'· ~h1\I\\", l''\:it\n r "'' <-os\:l ~tt:~~' <:11nl-Completely dcAt l)t>yed by fire was the trailer home of the Merle Palmer family at 2516 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mci:1t1. Shown above arrow ·in the tra ilt·r recovering a file l'aR1· of perso,nal papers is Palmer. Damage was estimat ed in excess of $2500 by Palmer who said that thl' fire was bc- ltrvC'<l to have been ca used by the floor furnace in use in • t he t ra ilr r. -:-;ta ff Phot o nny nthl'r nr lion on thc tentative Ro bert P. K n•''-'hll\ll Y•'Rl<'nla ~· Boy Esca?•S lniury _ map. r e vl'Bl('tl Ol'NS 11•'WRll1a n 11nol l 111111111y ~l1•thut11-t 1 ·1111rrh, will 1 vtr1r111l•• :\11 il~>llt tt·:t \.\'•'''' ft•f1•111,•tt In " t'Ht-IU• '' 1,, H• •·1tlt•nt 14l l:•tti :'l. .en•l :":1"''1"•rt J\\1•., ('ttt-l•• ~'·~·II, ,1 1 :.! H:'1 p JH • '•l ... ,t.1v, poltt ~· I t'P••f 1 "4 ..,hu\\· Jt1\'oh 'Pfl \\'H11i " , hr •It ''. tt ln ollw r lrni<1n .. ~s. l'1ly counnl R1ullu 1'\\'l Z tt .. porlt'1 l'u l M1 ~-SIHlllll~\'I di• ii !-'1<tt11.f .• y Al lh•I 11111111• 1111<'1 II I• 11;.:lh\' 1Jillf,., iihf' w:" 11 1111t 1\'i' ul • E\'1•r, It --------------------1 He a1·<1 Merit> H11nto(·k . f1 .. 1ct 11•· prl'~Cntutlve frlr thr Trai11·r r11nd1 A ~!'COr1ut 1tJn. anol Stonlo·y Loni;. 1>:<· of his 1ntt·n·1o w w 1th \\'1fh .. 1111 t;. Bondll h1·f1Jre l hl' Oran.ct•· ~1Hh 1 rtn•I c:aH1t' tu ('t•t11na ti~) I MRS. WOODLAND l coMMENDS BOARD 'School Board I"' 11t lvr chre<'tnr o f tht" l'Jlllf• 1111.1 Tnuln Park AsMriat 111n 111 :.•'I < '•>Unly (;ran.I Jury l hl' •'11\' 10 11.n Blong w ith tho· 01· J<ne••lsnot mnd., th. ~tu1 !mu· 111unlh!1 n1;u. She \'"' 11 hy '"'" ~1.1111n 11( 2116:1 :-;tlll•• St , 1111•nihl'1 111 lt•o• .\l .t ho.f1,.l Ch111 t'h • · .. ~1 .. ~1. '" 11 nd 11 b1 k " n1ld"n ll\' Sh .. ·~ :<uni\·rd b\' her hu~b.rn•I. J1111 1·1.11k 111 "' 2 17 H11111I l'l,1• ,., 111•t1• -•• ... • u ~1 a$ f INOS B !l L BONELl1! ~ \ J, 't• t -.•ir11uu n.t1ni: lh• ;-.:,.\, 1••• I lk ... h El· n 1• nlu1 y :-;, fl,.. ,I I 11,t 1 h I Ho ·,\rt) 111 T"'''" -• 1 tt1,.1r pa1 t 111 '.'fli•U:-0••1 u,_: lh• t:1.tthU)! ~)'.'"<• I•'" (',ttH•,U\\• '· \\.d~ pr~~··nl · •··1 to ltt•• h11,1r1t Tllt .. ~d.t\' ni..:tll tn· \J 1 • ~ 11111 k I. \\'• •11lhtr1• I, :_. .• 1• Tu"'t n ·''' l'h· Ii 11• 1 .. u~j,;1• ... t.-,t ltw fttt•'Jo t I• '\l!tU. • i.tl f \ 1 \' I tiHlht<'l • .. 1 I i i .. ,,,,t ·'•\•Ultl Hild "'r'"" 1-1 c•I• 1. \•lit h· 1111· 1 l••d tilfl 11\ 1 f1,,; ).!r1tol~,11 1tTI•• th1 11uch It" DEATH NOTICE ~to-Hold Meet J nntatinn ln l'111'f't With the 'h11•1· u\tll'r !lthnnl b<Ja.rd1' o f t he "' • a tu 1J1,.l 111'" mut 11111 p rohlt>m11 w a,. at·•·,.pt~~1 Tut~•lny n1i:hl hy llw N •·wpot L 81·ach Elf'lllt.'11lfH y .St hool Ll1KI r11 t. T rll\l"•'J< from :'l:t.'wpm l. C'O!tl8 M .. sn Jl:l;,nwn1111 y ~chool D1Mnc·1. :-. .. wp•>rl H 111 bor U nion ll 1 J: h ;-;, h •1ol Mlol I 1r1tnJ:"t' I 'n1t,.t C'ollt>~~ will rn.• .. l RI the 1·ull•·i:" T h11r111la y, nn~·· C"<111nty or.tmRnr e cuvenn11. I i1 a11tl1~ .. A pp111v,•11 pl.'rm1t11 for a 11 ani>· '""' 1•hntrJJ:18pher from Warner Slwho. Lon~ Bt>&<'h. a nunnlllJ:f' I AAle Sat11rJa v by thf' Cr<>111l \\'o-J men'" 81PRkfa11t C'lub n( O range < 'na .. t . 11n n11nl runoi di w r o r I hi' I ~rtfv11t1on Army, ~lu1 1 1ni: un.J,.r I Chairman l~rov P Anrlrr1<<>n F "b 11 llntl r n1hnll ·F'l'b 28. mnvinll of " clupl••x 11ntl 1unirl" rPioul"n"" t1 nm ~l!l \\' l !lth ~t In 1!1112 and Jll8•1 M f'n •r Pllu" ~-.. h. 17. M W ~. 11. J uhu M11r.ty 1.-t'X)ll'Ctl'd to esa oman Hu~ b" l""s,•n l lu .tihO.:Uhll .. ch11•11lio nnl I If I I l•·i.; 1•11>11 ... 1 in S11c:r11111,•11tu. Ot he r i • ll 111\t•ls ul\ th·· 111:1·n1!11nr'!llf"":'lh ID SA Auto Crash u r tit•• t ~,a.:--t.tl a n:a, ('f•l I ' h f'UIUhnK I , • r llar ~" .,, I ""I l11111l , with lhc H 1 .-. . . S ANTA A N A (OCNSI T wo Ut'·l \\11' 11<\,kl.I' l'\c.t: "I>"' r '"""~ t.iid lra11>1pn rtll· I t llHll l>Ur\<!)'. I p1•r1<nn ... (lflP (1nm roatn M1·R8, I I F 11111kll11 '"'"'' i ll. :!l ~d Elikn ---Wl'U tn a two l'llr l'rllsh on Santa I \\• I • I• \I•"" "di ti.• h•·lol D • B · -AM 11trf'<'l1' l\fonolu~· Tsk,.n tn I F 11ot.1\ ;: I•.,. Ill l'.<1k ...... H1dlt1o!-or1s ray New ~unt.1 Anll ~·nm11111n1lv Hn~p1tal Al .. 11111 1~ t 'h-•J"I 1·'1.111 ~t.·~ ... Tl;e \\rt•• ~''" ~-•hlh li llf11ln. •l:i. I<•\' I' 1, '\.1111 .. ll1n '""'"r CJf p •d t f Omni!" and l 1•nl' B Gr••bt'. ;o. lh· ~ I I 11.1 1 •• ! \'I .• h, .... 1 1 res1 en 0 i21 \\' Vh 1 .. n11 !"\. ('C\!'11 1l Mf'!\ll l \11 I \\II ufl11 nl1 ~ • • Tht't\\•uY:omPn \\ .. ,.IP pnS--'POJ,tVr~ ~,, 1·1.. 1. 1 \r ... '·" . "•· Bl Association 1n "1nr .i11Hn b\ ""'ln ;·11rl h,., n11,. !" • 1t.1 I 1111 111• I .• n .. , ....... I c;h d wrll r>t. n( Santa Ana Th .. 11Jn• II• '" 11 tll•tr.t· 11( J .u k-r.. t)llng 10 1111, \\tth t h ......... 1r:1,.1,.,-11 \'l'h1rlr <'Ollll1t1f al S11n t a I '"rl''"' ·1, • n 1, •Ith 1 .. tllan..:r ,.111 tr,.n•I B,1111,., l•huul IJu,,~nt:<ll Ana ~l\'<f 1t~d :11o;;n ~t w ith an ('•""''' 'h·, h ''•i~ ,, \• •t. '"''', 1.1(1.,0 thtt'f't1'"' nninrd 8 1 Auto nv~n \' r Arrt D8.v1d F P111 - .. 1.i II I•• 1· •t.1 \1 -·.1 • (I· 7.1'\ Ii , 11f Anllhflm • '·• ~ en 1 .ti \\OltHH1 H•·.11l1u ~l ie flfHul A ,#-I".!.! /•• ., • • •· t1•••t v..11.1 •Ir .II· I -•I l1 11• "' 1''"""'111 \\11•11 lhl' ~rllUJI "LOS'T'' IS FOl'Nf>-.•t rs. I G '" '"t T11° d,1\ 111,,111111..: ttl tt1<· \\111 -" ~eata ,race Osborne, wail· !"II'\\ I•"' 111 \\II• ~··~ llrll 11. :-;1o .. ,. (). c; :-;,,,.,,I~ ....... ,., .. ,.,.! T L t t • ress in Huntingtnn B<'ach r<'l!lau rant. RmiJes wil h h:lppl· 1 ·.~· •I 11 .. "'"" l\•hll··~· l"'ll ol·••t illld ~I I• H111uolrn11n 18 , .... ' 00 a • 0 • neu while readin~ st ory in M onc~y·s NC'wR-Pre~s whirh "111• 1"" ~ '11" F '1'''1 "' c· .. ~·' 1 "11r~-1"·'K1111·r ' Classlfl-_. \I, 1 lt u:h \\' ••t 1 •11\\fl•\ an·I 11· ,., 1t1r 11•t·~• ... H14· L~·· ~f tCu1· ... helped N'·Un1tl' her with h«.>r muth1 -Sta fr Phol11 I H .. , ,,, :-;. , 1.," 1:. 11 11 , 11r o1 '""" f,., h. H11d ~11111·1 . Mc;. lfruv \\'nl· --------------- --t~r M t• 1~' t ' J!•H\\i•I< td r.,,,n "'11u ~•ltd r\:1 nn<'th ="t•h•1hr. Ii• I News-Press Aids Driver Turns Head, l\o11d1 11 i;1.111h l111o\1111 ""' ti l11q• .. tt.111l Wk .. oll•1ll"llln wit h ~~tlon" W~tA!d- .1:1"•" ~l lfllol• 1•1ld1°1• 1',,l•c•· 1·111..f )"llll I I'"''' 11n lht' \'Ol'!\'G VF:T. ~hi:htly d1AAbltll. 23 in Findinn of Smacks into Auto 1,., .• ',',,1'··l·1.•,1,·11 \'.I\ 1 ... "' F H•hl\•I' 1'1'"" "'"~"!: '1""'111111 Tl ... ("11'· yri.. \\llllll' J"h H 8Vf' offire ':lll ti .. 111· !'••• k1ni.: !111111 h.1~ h• • 11 rli· Rntl ;.Hit" t'KJWnrnrr All!o tonl Ml·ss·1nn Daunhter ,, t11 0 -t11r lto' 11frnt /)11 ....... 1 l1 ... t••;:I· tlo'll, 111 .. t.11•lll<'••m1•n or1nlrttl t'h l·fA r :'13:-,~ 9pl2 ':lll ':lll T111 ~1l11\' nn C1>1t~t H 11thw1n • n•·111 l•lt ••«I \\llh •"'fol ·•''"" 1•f 111•· -- -------- ti,.. \1 1h•~ pohrf' •Bid who n ll• L.B. Man Pays $200 L.•"d.1111 •11' \\Il l nu\\ 11, f'ntnri1•11 •hi''"' nf nn,. nf thl' n1r• 11ppH11>nt· 11.111 \11111• 1 kl I •u11111111 ~~-·~t~ .~'!d Tru~----. \\'1th t h~ he lp nC t h f' ~C'wpnrt H 1trbor ~rws-P1 rd 11 n 111 11n<I '"'nrnt•' "'''' lh~t ).tt • Sh,•t tnlln P•lk 1ni;ton "' o, ···•n" l'.1hf wa• • nnt11rl f'l1 h\ hr1 nll••lllll """1th· tC'r l\fr~ 1 .. ·11111 1:11u ,. 11.1 .. 111 11· t11111••.t h•~ h""" '" ""1 h '1'1"' '1 i:.•111'\' ·' 11111'" •11 1\· Tll• "·"" '"'"''''"'th• r ... t ~T1'11 ~;aAKER 1!1:"12. 4 ·d•. Land 1 ttf1•·1ht n o --iO-1 >1 ,n'•tt· n ~i\\• ltn • t• .• t11t11rt lh•rt Y.IU hf t 't 11f•·~ t;101~~ C"tanhnn1 11) J1••1t .I • ·' ., • '"fl "lfl· l"''k1·.: ' ' I' •J J• v.t·.,, \.\1~h 111 r ... t ... H· ... h ,, 11 utfu···r~ h~ ,,,, .. , .: I ,,. • •• ,,,, \\',,··I • f t-l' In '"' 4•1.u1d fh11 II•'\' Ar t' \\U1•h,o){ a tAr •·un lln): Hiii •f A l~ 1 1·,' 1 ,.t l·1•l 't~ .. tt •u··· \\ 1•:1• l '''"' l\ \t•· l•'""U\\1nf;: l uk•·l Th~ \\'nlfl·'" ""• ut1nl1t1•1I h\· 8 ·h \•\.\,1 1• i n tht' t1£h\\:nV\\h•fl h· t •nu '''''''I·\ ,1••t:..• I• riilt .I t 1••1' .,, .... ,,,\••rt u k • 'I ' ' J h· """ \\' S' ~ ::\ l '11 "I I\ '" I I ' I ... I l"\('\'.ll-J1rt .. A~ If pull• f l ll ltt H f"' .. 1111" \\hi! h thr JlRJ>t 1 11'11 \\1th a n 11riu•11I ll\llll thf' m 1olh .. 1 ~11• O•bor-n t•" \\Ultt' .. " 1n J 1\tr'- R ,.•t11uran1 ll11nlinl{t11n H· "' h \\•ttf-lf• ~hi-ht"' ""' kHf "'"'I C l 11111 ma• 11 n t:···~, \ 1n••·n L tnd .. k•• 11 ::1·, ~ •. ,, •1 ' I"''"' 011 •• .. '• I \\u •I $15 l ' ' • • , , ,, 11 ..... r 1i. H ... 111• \• .,, , 1.1\ , • ""'· 11l .... • oss Reported ""•t t t1t hlllk• 11 t h,. •tu u n.f did It L!' ·'"' nn t !1 • ~ 1nt.1 \n.1HI\•1 1nt•1 th• •• ,, u ( th ... f.1nd··k·· • u f Th•\ ""-II '~11 .. l•tfl •'t\• I I 1n .•' ... ,h I l 11 I ,, • I ~,, II lilC JM I h Ill It I \f t1 ft ~~1 rt. 1 I• l" r h1 ll t .• Ul•f't 2: 000 m11 .. s. Of'W I lfl!/t, nll 111 • ,.,. ... 1n1>ft Xfnt "onl11110n, $>1011 h\' ••11i:-1n11I "" nrr H11rh<>r 1121l'l-H • lk holrm. l':.trnt.:•· Apt H1trbo1r o:.?;;J.\\ Athllt• rinl~ {h 11 mo nounl'l'llH'nt "" t •'pt>rl<'•" nm· verged nn th•• l11•tnr1 all"•· nt>y. A 1 lorn .. y Crnt'111l E·I· munll 1.;. 1 l'nt I Brown ..... Ch ief Asi<1s111 nL A ttoi nPv <:,.,,. e ra l Th .. m RJ< \\' M11rl111 ·;lurin.: yPst "rtlay·,. •urp11iot• n1111 t · house n1~·~t1n:.. !\! 1C'lmels \\rt~ I hr (11 '' r,.· p111l r r lo f1r1l nntl llllk Ito tl1P • xcleit (n flll"• Sll\l<' H ... 1111 nf Equ11h1~•t1nn n11•111h1•1 ,1111 ,. h•' •h:1e ppeu111m r trun1 l'nlolo11111& la .. ~l N1n'111nh'"·r Hut 1nt('rV1••\\t With l hP l'X•llltlli•r • hll'f r· • SUltPd Ill fl fl\t'-flllrl l\1•n1•1< pubh~h•~ in OC~H n""'~J'llJ'· 1•r1< n ntl bemii rn rrit•ot on H111ho K\\'IZ ' B11111·ll1 WllJ! ~UUIJCllH1•ol I<• test•f.v b"fur1· th•• g rRnd JU!)' on Ft:h JI, It IJ,. t.tnc•" nut 11 p - p.oar, 11 111 und<'r~lood M 11·h · 8t'lll w ill bl' IU!Kt'll t n I I'll Wh!ll Bu nelli !IJ>tJltl' Rhfl\Jl when 111 - ter\'l<'W<'d Ill hi" J<ini;1111tn. A 11.z. ra nch. 1 Ear I ~t St&nmi:.:r ,;, t he !'lllll•· "_'_1._1_·_•'-"'-'-' -~-'-"-"'-'---------- HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 1 r..,11 ARl\ROAF. CRISIS 1 Perhaps we have the answer Be cause we do everything here casa pura "~t:.K \ l l:E \\ IT HJ:\ UUL 11!'1 -\\ IU:.~ 1' t:t:Ut.U" C.'O~lt'Lt.;Tt.; LAt;Nl>t:Rt:l<S and (.;LEANt:ltS ~I \Kl~t:::·~ \111.E SE\\ PORT Bt:Al'll WOODMAN MEATS INC. FeaturinCJ U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STALL FED STiER BEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" Roast Sale! --c lb. LEAN MEATY CHUCK ROAST C ·t::-.-Tt:Jt ( I 'T 0-IONE I f:A' R01' P:l.t~!'4!'4 7~0NE ROLLED R AST ROAST ROAST . 29( 39fb. 49~. lb. r 1••1011 of ho1 p11 tU11 1n th• '•\I •· l'r··~" ~t r,. ,to"'~·rn "H•1t' 1•1 h• 1 mnthr r lf'Jllnjl' hr I Of hrl \\')11 I" 1<ho111!1 Shi' llft lil l\hf' Wll• ~· ,1,,1111 to thf' p 11per for 11111in 11 In th•• 11•· union. Slci Rack Taken T~t ,.f,. •lo r.tt k (r .. 111 tho> t11p '•' h•·•" ur \\·8~ tt pur tttd lu pu h1 ,. \11• of ·~ hy ~11 ~ llumphn'y ~lur­ f'll\' ,., ~:n ~t .. ti:11· 11t" "'" i::11" •l\l•I the nir wru< pRrko•cl 1n front "' tw r hume 11t th,. t lm P nf thf lw1~. 7f1Ut tt• f.,lt ""'''~It U~ ),u I U flCf'I °" "".fl.f \\•1~nJ"°1t-tl tfH~l"'l'tf1 J 1 ti 1h)1 l•n-~·Vt t ·•I 'llfh' ... •tt111n .: t ht• I h•t41:1t '11,l I ,,,11r.s.n1n..:: <t • Rl\·I Jlf't~•n.41 ';\(lf 1 .... \\~~ •• p 1lt•· l t•J r olu.11 }• , .. • f•l:l~ t.\ l·h If\ .J1 .p1 \1tt•1rt• or J 11115: H· .uh ~h1· "·n•t ""h•• lJ• lu·\ •'I th•-:t )••"'"' ftt c·111 r' d o r H • a fv tu ... t.i~ tnn "' i\ I I hP An h.,, \o1•t ~t 'R;'l:I SH t:JJ n<'w I bdrm ~''"r L1ot • Sh!•l'J1111,1: Y"" rl\' .Ul:l · J:ln J ~I • Uf'1Hh TE~Dt:R Jl'IC\' '""rr·:: CLUil STEAK I RIB SWISS TOPS IN ORANGE COUNTY Capt. Jnhn R(lu ntrtt' r 11111m"nJ tr n( 1 l!h t'Oll#~ G 11Ard ~ •It h t lr rt. prt'~nt1 pl1q11<> to IAt. CnnH1r H 1·11111< ""","' ''"nHm•n1lt1•~ oft1C'f'r c>f ('11·1r11nia:4'<I R~"'·rve T1111n11 i: l'r11 1 I ·:i71< , r .. n Sr, 111 111 t, :'\4'\\f'l'll flr11rh 11t r r1r11111n ,,.. I·• f I 1 ... < 1., n1L:hl • ·, o11 ~\o\f'f"l04' 11n 11 rdt'l1 11r "41t(ft('lf'"01 1•1ir• .. j ... • ... :. •11J"' t11•n t•• n•t 1 ll l \\llr•I O\.':"S T'h nto • . . ( HARBOR MEN SHARE PLAQUE Looking Rl di\'ision's plaque hC'ld by Lt. tmdr. Clark Swet't. are, from left, J. H. Ed· w11rds anrl 0 . M. Driskr l. both ~aman recruits and R. B. Deaver. ESG-3. all of New· port H:nbor. follnwtn~ T ursday night 1?re&enlat1on by Capt. J o hn Rountree, com· ma11d 1n~ 11ff1 r<'r f)f 11th CoaRt Gua r<l District., Al rr rt'monie• in Lighter Than Air :-;tataon. -OCN~ P hoto STEAK STEAK 39tb. 39fb. l ,t.;AS MEAT\' SHORT RIBS t'Rt:!'lll GROUND BEEF 5 1b •. 99c CHicKENS . .,,., ........ .... STEW BEEF 4Slb. PRIME RIB R 0 A.ST 45·1b. tfft'll tlf,l .t.T ROCK Fl SH 39fb. , ...... WHOLESALE SO. MAIN AND RETAIL J'l11l1t'o. 1·arm,.r• 'flcl. f'h.,n•· Kl 3-M71 I COR. NEWPORT ILVD. ' GIRL SCOUl' COUNCl L-Officcrs installed at the annu~l meeting a re c fro m left to right) Mn;. Jo h n W . Oertly. second vice prC'sident : Mrs. William Humas o n . secretary:, Mrs. Ted H a m brook . preside nt: Mrs. Dan H. Cummings. tr('asurer; Mrs. Sidney A. Sanders, f1r11t v ic e president. -Staff Pho to Heart Queen Dance by Coast AWS 1'"1r,..t 1f11nrr or l ht• '"''''11111 "rm!'~· ,,.,. Rt 01ani:;1· 1·m,,..t 1·111 11·~·· \\'di h1• th•· 11lJ1t1•1•r't uf I l t•.t 1 I:.. l ,u 1111f' '' ..,.._ __ _....,..~lll.ll"c.Ll-.hy-IJl .. -A""'tt·1t1\e•I Wo~ 1111'11 ~lt11lo•nt • on F .. h. I I 1n I hi> SI 11dPnl C <'nlt'I ST. JAMES PARISH DINNER AND LUNCHEON Tho• W1m1an's Aux1lia1y of Sl. .Jnm<'s E pli<copal Churc-h will h1•l1! 11 lu ndwon S!'&~lnn W.-rlrlt'"day, Ft>h, U !It J.:?;30 p.m. 111 t he l'ar1~h I lall. St. Ehzab\'\h 'il Cu1!1I w ill br l11nd1t•cm hn~h·ll.'I i.:r•111p. Mis. H .. rare li1•n1111111n <tf llltlhoa "111 r .. v1t·w Jn tl1M ~ Thp P\l••nl i~ " "C :111 H k 11 ... 1" Al (h1r 1·ht• t h••n11• u( th•• illtfH •' 11' '1H1-tv•· a H•nt l '"' F,1,.1:i.:n Stll· •lt>nl•" A "<..;11r-. n ur 111• 111'' 1'••11-1 l <'isl I~ h"ln~ I 110 1111~ \\'0•1•k >lll•l I (Jn l"1•ll. If) ttwre Wiii be the /1r~t l'lll'l~h pot lu1•k 8Upprr of th ... l""'I 'l'hll~e plann1ni.; ti• 11t t .. n.i ar" u.,k•••l to ,-.t)I Mrs. 1-1,·nry S·•••l1•y Rt Lltwrty 8-52:19 f,.r 1n~t n 1r! 1nn1< rPl:'ll rd1ng what f0od8 1,, hr111i.: AT SEAFARE nrxl 1111\·······I' fl fllJI l h• r1t•nnv -------------- v11t1•11 '"II I!"'" \\'111ld t 'n1\••1 -.111 I SerV1 l'• Thi' '18nl'P I'< ~•·I• ·lulo•d fool II I•) 12 r m. ton F1 10IA\' l'·h 11 A•I· ~Parade of Vale11tines' Keyed to Spri11g Styles rn•~11:tr•n '" • ,-, •• Mu Epsilon is Holding Rummage Sale \' ll•·lll llll', l\i•I~ ""'"" a ll\•' '"t h • 1111•1 f'11ltlt• 1•1,,11-.. \\ho c·ommrn- '"" :-lh1• l•l••J.:I Ulll lcJ\••l.v 1111111• 1' and rww ~\_\It•,, llll:< .1., l..11n1 z 1111.t Hill !';ko lc.-s will l•"1ut.•y a l l h•' S• ·'fat•' L• ·!~e \\'h• n :"'>U: 1·1\• If , 11111 .. u '''r tl;.nrtni;: anti 'Tho l'.11.1.J,. ,,( l!t(" \'.tl,.nt1n1 ~., 11,t• ll 111111 • .. nt. l'nu,unl n'lral l'f. '"•" 1d11tt1• ''"''"'1!. l\t•\\' ra~hH1n S·~~' hv 'l h·· 1 )q\\,·t Cf\1\. if,. ilJ.!ll"' lnr· ~pt 1ni,: Th .. ~h••\\1 b• .. Mu Ep~tlon c 'h;opl,.r ll••tll S1i.:· ma l'h1.111••t 111i: 11 1 1111'1 .. .,,,.. of 1:11 " 1' K 11 111 Thi• 1•11lol11 1-111\°ll"d l ri w;,ll h l h•• lu~h11111 :-how fr11111 r 1ther t h!' lllol!I ol11ll 11L: 10111111 "r t h<' C'Of'kt1t1l !01lllli;•· '-lr!I. F"nrrl'"I F11ll1111 r 1·111v St · 1 Slus;1•1i.; tho• 111111.111>1 t h<'Olt: will cnmpl•·t1•1t pl11 n-< f.•r t lll'•r • tllm· h•• ~•x s 1111th <'••lbl !<l)'li'. xhup ... m11irr sol• wh1• h \\di h" 11 .. 1.i 1.-ri. l'urr ""'' S1u1.11,•. t'ur lbbran Shvp. lllly 111111 !';11t11 10lny of f hll< we,.k. Ho111~c 1•t J 11y. 1-·rnn1111 Shoei< ant.I l'loi>e 1i. rh" ''""""' hn1"•' nr xt t o spun ,,-..,.PR•. St>uw .. 1·1J's of Lag-111111, C'Mta Mri<n Hnnl< a nd \\\tlt11h Clo1'kc'11 Huwai111n Poetry Rendezvous Mis. J , n· Wolf ood Mrs. Albert Co·ho,ttt •"~"'." fnr Wl're MI 11 ({Htllll'V Mr11 l.ylo • l '"I"' 1 h•• _.,,1<,.IQn sh11 p ll111r li lylc•s w1ll bl' •lone by E . J11hn,.11n, C'n•t.a ~f P1111 poet•, 'rrull•·r anti 1'h11 •. ,lo\\'1·lr.v hy F:w.,rt'11 en•l ll••· "'""llll'llllll'iJ hy Mr11 Edna Stea rns I ,111 ,.,.. O rfl(llHtl1< l'r11;(11<111 '"IJI rH n1h11 l •·tl bv J\lr~ J 11h11 ~I· rnll 11 ""l"d h1• ~t r .. Huth l.;•w1" 111111 \\II• "" 111 .. 111 t n( J"•"l/\ .\fl• l \\1llol th•• 1(1PUI• rt"'"''' • h,1r.1•I• ~ :>;, ><l rw • l•ni: w ill hi' "" F'1·b 9 11 1 th•• ho111,. oj J\I r~ I 'hi\ rt"~ Hn- lr\' 1111 !"11h11ll" T1•11.11 •. C'onin8 H 11:hhrn•I' s1w11fl l t'lll,.11a111rnrnt. Val1ml1nP •f,,111 prul'~ 1nclut11nir champa1:n•', I 1 • ,. •linn1•1 ~. ('!r1thmg nnol Bt'('l'/C· ,., ,,... "111 hli;hhght llw fa~hlnn h1 "'t uf A' I• •n~ns. nt t<'n•J•••I lhe m onthly rtH • 11111; 1•r I '01•1 ry Rr nrletvou.s In 1:1 .. n,J.do I o>'l T h111 !i<h•y eV•'lllng. u .. 1 h ~I 1 "· \\ult An•I Mrt<. J ohnl!Cln 11.111 ,, .. ,,111:1 111 t h<' l!J!H A merican 1 r. • nhllli>mg the • hvlnt.; v8 icn· 1 I 'nrt 1 v ~Ile 1et v 11ntholOJ:Y· .. From I in•••" "111 I><• China Flckhni.:. ~. a l•• :-;,.a In l'loni::· Just pt•b- .,.,,, h rttA .. t P 'f'rP•r ntBllVI' O( F"81r• 1illhr1J. STATE EDUCATORS. PLAN SCHOOL NEED SURVEY Classified Groups to Provide Va'ried Opinions l 'o111 n1·•. hlll\1ruu1: 1t11d te11c·hc.-n1 .\Ir• \\'1ll1111ll \\ h1lnl\1·r 11( ~1aln So hh•ol l\1111 Mr,.., ,..,,,,, ~rhlll<'r of :'>1••1 1,. \'1~111 ~rh111ol ~1 .. 111 l'•r•11l ·T1111 h1·r sn,11p~8rr :-:park11J by 11 H1v~·rs1de man. Cahfo rn1.1 El<'mcntarv ~1 "' '' "1 hv 1' 11'1''1 ~··n. rhn1rm11n ~ . • .11r p111.-n1 1•d111•u11n11 f11r the HRr- !'r hon) A dm1111s trol1nn A ssn('tultu n has st:t up a slatc-w1d1· 1111r 1·,.11nt:il .,, 1··TA. Mr11. Fru.nk prOJt'C't tl> d isrovt'r w h at th<' peo)'le w a nt their elcm<'nl ary 1 I ·11-1p11111.'1 p11·h1do•nt, n11d MrR, c . sd100)!; t o be like. E:wh rount v 1~ Jmning 111 this "Coo1l('r ati\'e ·'I ~1• 1 hnl•M k, '" • 111•'~1r1enl. of • · _ . .. ,~t n111 ~•ht1·•I l'·T J\ ltll lJ••r p noi!I· Stud~· o f 1-Jrnwnta r~· Edm ·n tl•Hl 111 C':illfo rnia • as th<' pro-,1,11 1, J\11'. \\,llmm o B n•n j ('('t 1s ralkJ. 1.ro ups . n f wl11<'h t h C'r<.' are t'ight n r nine in :>;,." '"" t t•· < h··r~. 1111·11r,11ng to Orang<' C o unt\'. art' d asRf'd aR 11 prnfC'RSio n a l : 2 1 mixed. and T'rin• •r·11 fl,,, Anolr r"(m. a rc.-pa r· • l thlJ•l\l\t\~ Wllh P -T A f'"°l'I·· lll " 31 lay. 1 i:r1111r twarll'c.I by M h~ All,.Pn i\t11r- By m <'ans o f re po rt11 fro m the' \'anc>d groups. C'ach with tin. l'rln• 1r111 • r llnrbor \'11!w a d1ffr,r£>nt \"U?W)ICltnl, 1t liJ p r11p11R1'(l to publish a fm:il s ta t e-I ~. h• "I 1tnrl \\ ilhu m ttitto>r pnnc1· pRI at Hur u·'° F:nr<11:n l'rht1<1l nt•nl 14hl!'ll 14 111 IU0f lll1'l••I)' f•prt -1nl '" ,,,-..,. 1',!i ll ntl'Rl'Urt' by f'"r·• th,. k•nt.I t•f !kht~I~ tJ..-~1rf'tl. \\nh h h ho\• :1H •it:'4 t\f ••lttm•·nl nr\· iil•iiiiillllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim l "·1~1r"t .. n (""" t>e 111·1w o1 • Magazine Describes I 1:-.c 1.• ,,.: ... 1'-T,\, 1st ct t F . Id T . 1 , .. ~tu. ""Ni th .. ;-.; •. ,.,i,. l'rnrty u en 1e rip I '~'"''I' h,.J.f 1!< 111H II ""lll11: At Tia lh'l•tb<'f l!"il '"'UI' of The ,..,,.,,,, R•~R s .h,K1f , .. ''' ~r, 1'1••).;t~·~ ... 1\•r .. ,.,.Arh•r ,·an1r~ "" ar- H•-u '1H' ,,, ~,,, ... ,\nn• ll•l"'Ji.• I"'. ll.J• T)•l :-\t 1 onil nra.rt.:~ v.~.l~ 111rn111111110 ""rdlntilnt ol t•,,,tl\ I Ill•· l'ull11 y Sh1o1 ' h\· M1>o Jn11- M•'"'' I ·n11°11 ~1 h"''"'· l11t• 1 <1111111lt-1 • phlll•• M1l1,•1 , ~'""'n'I ~nult' l<'ll<'h· l" n 111.i. ' ""' h t,." hi'•• :>nd 1•1 tl 11111 I" 1 Srh1ir1I, C•>11la M('AA. C,·TA 11w111ho I ~ I '"'''lllf'l\Jl11·d by M1•11 J\nne Hns· TtlP i-t1111ff,.r S_\,.lrm 11 here t n hl'lp Ill rl'llmhnl' your t1f:'t1re to lh• n,.w 111u1ng fuh1nn11 Now I• t ht 1 t ime to 1trf'11mhne Y!lllr tlirur,. fhP HJ!)' lnr'IJW'ftllh·e •.• ,., t'all tor y,--'"'"tm,.•I. PhoDf" Harbor l7 U for appolnt:mt'nt ~11 l I:. C~t HI" ay t n"'na dPI )far F ro •In I ho •tr11 I 11 r,. l 'r11tllf!Mlll ""'" 111111r111t1m C'OllrtllnAtor of lh• T11 .... 1. rr '"••I( .. r F.\• ,..ti l{('l\ ~l··~:i ~· h11111~. 11n'1 llCVl'rnl parenu . l'<h•• .. l ,1 nd H••ht rl M11111" "' 1.11111-1~1 11.t••nh \l•1t1 1I 1he pottery shop b• I ~h :-;. 11 .... 1 ~''" L••\\I~ l'1dd1·r. 1 "~ R f1o•f1l II •I' for ."lt ucly In I.hi' ltl1"'' ~11p1•rv1,1•1 . '-" Jt. Hn 11 •· Mc-,,.,.,,.1 ~· 1eni·I'~ < 11<111•. MID-WINTER SPECIAL Feb. I st to MM,h I 5th Regular $1000 PERMANEtfTS $750 Hair «11t1lnc lnt>htdt-d A N.-• Spt"('Jalty "Patti-Nail" u ach·,.rtl#'d In I .If P M&«uJDf' BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON RAl.BOA ISS ARCAD&-PHOSE HARBOR 817 'GIRL SCOUT. COUNCIL lN ANNUAL SESSION . Annual Reports Heard, Officers are Elected By MR.i. Wll.LIAM TR11T wu held ill San Diego. Total nu111bc-r of cirl11 who •'81llfl<''1 In 19~~ wu 312 an1I plal'I·~ \'ISlleJ were lr,·1nl.' Park. l'ntrll l'anyon. Snow Hou,,., Hok1h. S11n D1eico, O'Neill Pai k. Henl1er a nd S1lverallo. N e wport Harbor Girl Scout Council heard reports o! a c - t. . . f h I d d ' l lied ff' ITS Pl'KJ>O:>lt: ' MRS. WlNIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PAGE I THURSOA Y, FEB. 3, 1955 • 1v1t1es or t e put year, also e ecte an ma a o 1cers 1 ~1 H b k 1 1 h • • 1 • rs. am roo c o~e, rr 11'· at the anhua l meeting, h eld rt'cently at the G irl Scout H o1.1.se. pc11 t 1,·,t h 1he thoughtful w11n t11 Cub The year 1954 was on e o f great fulfillme nt a nd one in which that alt the !ore.:u111g work and I a prodigious am'bunt of w o rk was do n e in £>very department that ur 1111 thr k tllkr11 was fur the I Scout Pack 105 Has ! ' purpose of Klvmg Girl Scouts a F a ccording to the report presented by Mrs. Ted Hambrook , mor·e valu\lble a1HI 1n11p11111g vro· U 11 With Railroading I president. Briefly, what it included was as fo llows: 1g1·am so that 111 tum thl'y mfl y Afte r month• or w ork Girl Scout gram · a S Pnlor Scout wa11 sent to !iave a chant·e lo d~n·lop into lht' Cub Sc-out Pac-k 10~ had a live-wards: I · typ.· of girl or which to ~ proud, 1 · articles of lnc-orporation were re· the All-Slates Cllmp at Wyon11ng· b k Y lll•'t'tlnl( tollow1r11t the Uwme or IUndy \\'arrl'n anti Shrp t.fr· . • • • 01w whose g 0'1<_1 8.:outlng 11~ • v111ed and recelvt'd the 11eal of the 1 a SenfOr Scout was aent to Coun· ground will lead to 8 Cull 11.ntl u•~· "Ra1lrou1llnjC"" on Jan. 21. During <'nok. Wolf ba<lge11 amt ~Id a r- State of California ; by-h1w11 were • cllor in Truinlng Camp at AzalN ful 1 ( • m•pei'tion patf'nlll and ,,181tnni rdws: J ohn Wc-ber, Wolf 11lver u- revllled lo flt the need1 of the Tra1l11. I 1 t'. row ; lltttch Mnnt, Bear badite: ~rowing council: neighborhood &ard membua and leade1'8 at-!nstaJled a.8 o((k tu for th~ yt'ar lookt>il ovl'r the craft tllbte, Den D1w11t He{ldril:k!H'n, Bt•r bad~,. chalrmPn will be membt'ra of the troded many ~raining cour11t'll a nd 19a:> wo•re Mrs. Humbrook, pre111• 3 had a ht qi:r uh1bll of tleclric 11n1t i:olt! arrow . lhu<'e r owel!, board or dlrt'ctor.e. ruulling 111 in11tllutt'1 to bette,c 11.'arn their df'nt: Mrs. Sidnt'y Sandri9• first trains plus 1111 the &C<'f'llllOrlC'I, B('llr bniJJ:I' wllh .:old 1n1l 1111\•('r I mnre and direct and quk ker chan· job1. Courses wc.-~e htld In Loa An-1 ''1t;e·pre~1?"nt . M ni .. J ohn Ot'rtly, wh1lr Orn 2 r .. atured t rain dr&w-arrow,., H11r1 ,. M1llf'r and Rlllv nehng betwren lt'ader1 and board. gl'lta. Orangt', Aailomar, Santa second \icr·pru ident, Mra. Juanda Fl-anr 111. Lion bR'1icr ~. Gordon \\'111· REVISED POLJOl!:S An•. Whittler. Rlvt'ntde a nd 8('11· C~mmings, l r<'uurer, and :itrs. mgs. Di>n 1 usert a recorlllng of an 110n. Lion 111lw•r a 1row. \\ tll1am H umaaon eecretary approar hmg I rain u part o r their Policies and alandards were re· flower . Con1l6nl on-the·job train-• ' D("n:< 2 an<1 3 put '" l'XCC!llPnt vised and brought up to oot!', Ing 11 given UI Nt'wport Coun~I. OP<'nlng co•remony. Cubmuter Bob lram sl<1l8 rr111urmg r o lorr111. l"f'al- 1 reasurer'11 book a Wt're a udited by ON ML\IORlAL DA y M t p • t Gardnl'r then called the roll llJl I stir t raln11 whlt•h 1 hP C11b11 h11•t a certified public accountant who A bf'&U~tfUI wreath WU made as er 01n part or thl" annual C"harter renew11I. mad .. frnm lllr,ltl' P"-•ll'hoa m ('Ill• set up a new and more . dflc1ent Md preeellted for t he, Memorial w ith n~arly JOO JM'r Cl"nl a ttend-tons. Dl'n 2'A rr~lurllon hlghll,1thl· 8_\IRtem ot bookkeeping. The coun-Day lll'l'Vlcel •t th• city hall and Game Sunday •nc-1'. et! the> "l1tllt' f'llgtnP w ho lhOURI l 1'>l noW'has a volunteer bookkeep· 1 Senior Scouti Wt're the n ower I Thi' Cubs wt're happy lo hear It roull1." ften :1'11 "l.lttl" Rt'd C11· er as ~ell u a treaaurer. guard. The entire Girl Scout or · The Balboa Duplicate Bridge lhi> announcement.a t hat the ·0e" bo<ll!"' Pn!IM with thr tratn v.1n'1· A Girl Sc-out national equipmt'nt ganizatlon participated In Com-Oadl! have planned a trip fo r th•m Ing •round th1ou1th thl' 1111d!C"nr('. service has been ~t u p In a local munlty Ch1•at drive. Red Cr<>M Club will hold Ila rt'gular monthly lo M11rmt'l11nd Saturday, Jan. 29. <'11bm11111rr Oardnrr a nnounc'I' I st ore to belier een·e the commu-d riVI' end Veterans' Day parade. Master Point Open game on Sun· and that thl' next Pack mt'f't wlll that' Dt>n 2 ha<j won Ulr <'llP for lh,. nlty: the Seoul offlce11 were re· Members are scheduled lo &allh!t day afte rnoon at the Ebel! Club bf' thi> Rnnual Bhu~ ancl Gold dl.n· b<-i<t lMJ>t'<"tlnn: and th•· follow lnii: bu1ll a nd re-arranged to make for 111 lht' H u rt Fund drive and took House in Balboa with play atart· nn on f.~b. 18. l1»n1< thP a1,·111 1I rtni:"; nrn l tor more errecient hMdllng of the part In lhl' Motherll March of Ing a t 1 :30 o'dock. The tollowtng boys re<•eivrd a · altrndttnN! Rnll 11r h1,.vr111,.11111; Ot'n work: the Scout H ouse wu re-Olmu. Membera of the cluQ who won 12 for 11ktt!<, O\'rt 3 tM craft• erirt pernted and· redecorated and nee-A repreAenlalive I• working 1ecogn1t1on 111 the San OICJ:O Sl'c· Mrs. Fyink Fo,1t("l or Long B••llt'h. J:M1l rnnd111·t ' e11sary repairs carril'd out, with loc11l Civil Oefen!lt' commit-l~onal Tournamoml which took Thi')' wer<' awarded Master Po1nt11 As pAo t pf 1 hl'1r 1 IOK1ng o rl'• FOR CAMPJSO lei' lo u rertaln what place Girl plllj!l.J.he past week-end wue Mra. nnrl troph11>11 mnny fl'H f111·lng 11 i1 .. r11rt ln1r t ra1r1. Thr California Community Foun-SC'nlllS can have In that work. Gl'rttuole Cnx anti Mr8. Robert Thr ,1tro11p wilt meet on Friday 0 Pn _J u~rd 11nnl hr1 n •c·nnhng w ith dat1on presented the cound l with Newport. Council W'iUI one of 11lx lo RMs. Mrs. C'ox leamrd with Mn . <'"<'nini: 1\ 04 Ea11l Onttn F ront 8\1 \hr 8'ttmd ,.ff,.•·t~ "'bilr one nt two Baker tents which will grra t-rlsn and hostess t he South1>rn Gr11ct F°rl'f'llHln o f Lat.:11na B,.ar h on Llnlhoa . with p h•y starting a< I he r ubs 8i1:n11ll1>tl with a rl'll llln· ly furlhrr the troop camping pro· California °Mftrimer Gam wh1c-h I 'lr.d Mr8. RoM hnd &11 htr p11rtner 7 ·:10 o 'C'lr>C"k. tern In thP llsrkenrd RUdllnrlum. ftlt ,... • ... , . ...., -., ... , ' - 4th & sycamore ..• santa ana ... 'phone Kl 2-3561 . . • A .•. "glomou r-qown.'' ruffled drc~s length; nylon net ove r nylon trice · 1n shirrmer•nq blue or pin , 32 -38 , # 14.95 B . . . short short '' gown, full r•orn'3; nylon & docron loce ruffled nee 1 line ond hem, pin~. blue or wh"te, B c ' . 7.95 vanity fair "baby doll" fashions ~ •dor•bl" "ew version1 of the "b•by doft'' loot done for you by Vanity F•ir of whi1per-li9ht nylon tricot . • e1quisitely dettiled, levi1hly lace-trimmed . • . valentine 9ift-perfect I C ..• "Woltz-gown" (could olmoit doub1e for · doncing) tuded ny lon tricot ond olencon loce. volentine 32 -38, 19.95 linqeri•1 Hcond floor • ~t ' \, "I • Units Study Assistance Work N ational Local Work which t he Assistance League of Newport Beach ina ugurated with its s ponsorship of the Robert Olander Chil- dren's Dental Clinic iR r eceiving attention of As sistance I League groups throughout the country, according to Mrs. I Rlchird CasUc of Balboa. Na tional Council repr esentative. Reportin~ at t he January meeting of the League. Mrs. i Ca stle 88 id this stands out as a. model in t he nationa l aet-up , l\tht l h1tl 1 ~quc~lA fnr intorm{ll1on mter~ltni; rep1>rts on t hct1· pro· rrgardlng t h· ('l!nlc are b!'mg re .. JeC'll'. • I ~f'l\'ed' frpm Lt'><~ues in '''""'"~ !.!rs. Hay L.a.ngenhf'1m. cor rei1· ar~ of the nat1or. I ponding 8Ccrelary, read a leltt r P h orn Mr11. Rowland Hodi:kmaon I The l1w11I iiroup Iii now t>xpand· I rt'quei<llng a memben1h1p from m· I 111g 1U 111lt't ''"'" to n H'H t•ounty I acll>e lO aU8t.a.lntng. Mrl!. H<><lg · I n-.~:;. To lhl.-1 nll ~\ri<. ~\ai tin Co· I kmson was welromed back a Ctf'r ~ hrn ,,( 111· I 1r.1:11:c l.:n1111ty Counr1I a t wo-year a bllenct. u( l'11mn.ullll) Ai:1·nc:1 s wa:s 10\'lt ·I TO ELEC'T l"rl t , ,p<ak 011 lh• pt opqscd Conn· Mrs. Rola.nd Wrlfht. pres1t1rnt. HJ\ VE A HEART-Joe E. Preininger, Lido Isle, 1955 Heart Fund chairman. looks on while Christie Hut ch· ings. Garden Grove. g i\·es a plastic heart to Edward C. Rosenow Jr .. P asadena. s peaker :it Heart Fund k ickoff luncheon at Water Wheel restaurant in Anaheim. Chris· tie's own heart has been r estored t o normal by surgery made possible by Heart F und research. -OCNS Phol o 111i; .. r " F.omllv St>nll'•· Agtncy announced the name11 at t he nom· (no the,c:ounty. She wn~ introduced lnal tn' commltlh' for th,. n,.w h\' M r~. Roht'rl \\'11lkr1 year; Mrs. E dgar Hiii, chalrm11n. To t . t 1·New Square Dance . I Mrs. H,ty Langenheim. M rll. Dalt as mis ress • ... 'Reviews Book for St. Andre\v 's Fellowship Sw1mming Partv I '"llllj.! r r••J'I" 11! 111,. Jo'~r~t l!l•r I ; C'~n.1 ~·h 1•! . '•\\I' t \ Rr 11<"h a 1 •• t"' 1'1\\ " \\1;111 1,. 1 n,rty nil Yi .111, "' \hr l.<"'J.: \\""~" Plun1~ l'lhl'r " •. 11 t'' 1>1l1n;•• a l"fl •JW"r1t tok Kt1r.i; 111 th<' R• !Irr Rlnll~ I ---- !.II~ 1'1111 \'In !':lnanC'. 1<1'11 llu .t tiff' ch,11rmall. Intro :~.c·,··J ~11 ~ li<lt &l'f' Et'nJ• 1111n "' Bnltx>tt "!111 te\'1ewed lhf' ti.,,1k, In H1~ llan1I• ( Edw tn Bol01t'1 1 to1 nwmb .. 1' """ i;uu111 at th!' \\"omrn ~ Ftollo\t'.•hlp of St. .\ndrtw 3 f'rl'~h\·trn1tn Church. following • 1 t"Q1•n1·l11nrh·1 e<>n In thr churt"h lo11npl" fio•t,.,.I' 11 for l hi' t'Vt.'nl wf'r... nrw orn.I outgoing ,x ... cut1\'1> b,i111•\~ Mr!'. Glr nn Ba 1lry. p1 ts1cll'nt. 11n- nounct•d the nl'w C'trc-1<' lrnMn Kil•\ datr ftncl time of ht':;st .. ns S hr 11 ~l1t>ll that 11nyonr nnl a mrmb•r ot any t"lrrle {f'f'l freo• t1• J111n Rny onr which brsl 11ult<'d hf'r llmt . !khl'<l11tr \~ a s folluw s· Rochu'I Ch'<'ll"-T hird \\'ednt>ll· day, 7 p.m . ~lr11. :'\tb on Slaffor•I )elldC'I' Jnonna C:u <'lto -T h m l T11t~l111~· 1 :30 p.m .. Mra. Cu t' Huffrfta.n 1"0.fPI • ' I . E:sthrr r 1rc·l<' Thlr•t T11eh<1.1~', 7 .30 p ni. Mr~ !>far\'m ~1 ArM11J­ Jen lt1Hll'1 !\tttr,\ ~ht tha (·.i. h' Th1r.t \\'t•.ln•••dll,\'. P 311 a In Mril. Q,c'\r An•ll'l'~\·n l"A•lt>r' Ocbnr:th rtrC'lf' Thtrli \\:rdnr~· 1!ay. 1 JO l' 111 , M1 :\. H H. Bum~tl ltolld,1 Our dee•\11 rt~lerrnlne ""· a." m111·h 11;, w1• detern11ne 1•11r '1PE'>I~. Ss:»litaire DiamOlld Engagement Ring • 1•Rt:~E:'\ rs ttu•ottT:-. Ram5aY .. Mr:s. Wiiiard K lll1on a nd f Club is Formed I Mrs. 0. G. SUl'llS, l.Ult>ll"''· read ~!rll. Austin Sturtl'vant. 1Recr;n--l l\4eet .~_,:.:.r~~~d~~~.!!.:~~.----t---C4~~-1'.l'1te1..----~--1 ~100.00 the oepc:oiL or t tnan•l'i.. ~Ii i.. Va.lei H.o.11te~s 11ervlng .the' tov,.1y•o•~ttttt-tr r. en Mrs. Grorg,. I'. An<1n· \'alufl T !'; E I Mn 11n!f th,. Robf'rl Syphtrt11 ()( Ram1111y, hr1fl • hop I hatrrnan, lunrhN>n werr Mrs. dwftrt.l Mil· Tt n membt r11 or the Harbor C'oMa Mrllil altrndP" a d1nn,.1· a n" say It \\"1th M•tc-hlnr \\'-··•·tlr1• •--"" •tO."" 1Mn1. Harry 8l1rkl1•1', d1a1rn11in of lr tt J r .. rh11lrm11n, Mr11. Allrn C'ri· " " n .. "'• ,. ~ "" \\'oma n'li ~:xl'l,unge. Mr:>. E. c. I i\rll. Mr~. V•rginia Hatr h, M ~. To&11lmletrt 1111 Club are attending ~."!~nlt~lonRI Wn1Pl'll~g ,, 1 1hr Twl•'ht'll dish nmtnl cha1rn111n &11d 'Hubhar<1 Howe M~. George Lind a dlnnr r mttt lng ot Counr ll No. 1., a Inda · omen :i Club lul Pa~· Sl.OCI Wtiek I ~ NEW P A~TOR-Although Richard F. Scrns ill new µa s· ---r o11 11tmlstrt'Sll dub11, to be held I Powrr~ or Sllnlu Anll an1I ~tr. Hn<I t Mrs. G1·1;ritr L1ml or weir art. i;ave I .inti !.trs. Rl'>y Lyman. ' gouthwel\l rPgldn or Jnttrnat11mal tF'hrlday tvl'n~n! f · A rcompu iylni; . I t m wl're " r. and M rs. 1''1'c•I Navajo Films For H p TA Mond11.\• •venin". FPb. 7. 111 Gn•rn· :-.1r11. 011 111J c .1Je ,.,, Burnn P:Hk. A Part~· Rt'nt.pl ltE>ms LORENZ tJ"ir of t he St-\·enth ·day Ad,·entist C hur c h he is no strangf'r, for he hat1 for some tim" been assistant to former Pai;tor Donald Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Serns anti <iaughtrni Ma rilf'f', 23 monthl'I and Diant'. thrtt monthi,, arc residing at 358 La Pt'rle Ave .. Costa Mesa. Before r oTmng her e last summer they were at Victor- ' tile. Mrs. Serns studied at La Sierra Colfege, the n at Waiihlngton Missionary College, also workin g for the government. while her husband attended the Advent ist ~em inary in W11shington. D. C. -Staff Photo W . arper -br111 r Inn •t Ganlt'n Grovt'. I nl'W Squ11 rr 0 11nrr Club WR• tnrm· Coast Faculty ives . Th~ lorol C'lltb Will have rhBl'j.ll' rt1 at lhf.' me/.t1ni: w11h f'rrd r ow· ,y )/),9 E. Cou .. t }/11 , 1'orn11•1 fl • I M nr J P:WEl .P:R'4 1 01'!ng"' ("01111l Pacully W tvn will Plans Spnng "' thr <1ecor11t1nn11. T o be featured J l'.!11 . c-l·.1'11''1 r1:P>•1<1Pnt 11n<1 811~11 Harbor 5071 Hlll W. 4th Santa Ana "'"H T111'•tl:i ,·, F'tb. 8 11 l 7 .30 p m l nl• \ ll'P fll l'•1drnl. on thr f't111irnt' r pntfl' b11lltling. • I!\ 11 ran,.I C'8"llll:SIOn on how lo • !\Ir~. W1lh11111 t". KlnJI'!\ Will bf m Fashion Event p lllll II Jll Cl;.!tft on. Jll't'J<t'nlP•I hy An Sl!'l or i.:oodnt l'JI Ill or IU!l'I! rh111 gt n( 1 ho prog ram. a 11lld,. Olf'lllbf'l'll Of the Hunt1ngtcn B Nll h An a l'! ut h11pr 1n"""· :-;41 t~wArll FRIDAY NITI AT 8 P.M. h•i tui r of the :"\a\'llJO Indiana 0( Altho ugh Harpt>r P·TA h1111 no Toa•tml11t1rss club. To11 ~tm1,.tn·"'~ rnmmg a llr r !hf' l'\'rnl rAn r om· !\fon•1mf'nl \'roll,.~ g,.neral meellng RChtduled llurlni;· of lhr ev,.nin.: '-'Ill b& !lftl!!I 13,,, .. ,. rare'w1t h l ht' 111,,.rt rl'WAnl t ha t I Hn1<tt 1<8C'• will h,. Mrs. James January. Mn. Willia m O'Bn en, Byrn,., of lht' Long Brach Ri-t<l· Wt>rt wtth 1l. -.\lfturlcc !llal'ltr· BIG FASHION PARTY r uton. Mrs. Thom.,s O~bome. Mn. board mf'm'"·r· elle club. hnck. president. called ""' ~ Par adr of Dan<-'in~ • BeiautlfuJ Meld.+• t:nfrrtafnmt'nt • C'ori rllan Thn1rp!.<>n a nd Mn. Wll· ham Mktrman ~:~:i~~r pl~J:::. o~~r:~t:le ~~'~: c D M---·SFOE. RRVEllCGEN·-~RAVE~-1, lentalwe p!An11 to hol<1 a Sprin' Mothers' Club and TV Program fashion show on the tvenmr O( The \'alf'ntinP Girls J Mfrch 17. Euler f&shlona for chll· 3§421/ dr"n a nd artu1t11 w ill be pnivh·w~ 2 E. Coasf Hiway Ceron• 11,.1 !'tar Sl 'RF & ~ADDLE FRANC IS !'PORTSWEAR HOUSE OF J AY K d t P S h I N d w11h lnral m erchants p11rt1clp11t1n1: IS eye 0 re-c 00 ee s Mt!<. K. R. ~atht'rl'I. w11y1< a n<1 Harbor 4081 llll'fll'\8 cholrm&n Uld Mr11. n. K. Roht'tt:<. hoi<p1t111i1v ('ha1rrnan, 11rt> Colin<' Gibbons · Dorothy McKenoa. Marguerite Hughes • WALTAH C'LARKF:.'S HAWAIIAN CARIBBF:AN S HOP S flA'r\'EED'S OF L AGU NA Oran);" l \1unty Mnthen;' Club fo r "Little Schoolhouse" I will ;i.;~t·mhlr \\'('dnrRd1ty. fo'l"b. 9th at Santa Ana's Y.W .C.A .. Ch al G i ;411 p.m. ~t ri-. ~:ll'a nor Hrmpt'I. outstanding personality m Of rOU p I h<' Pd1wal 1 .. 11:tl f1<'ld . mt'elx t'\'ery olhrr month with Orange H p l '11unty tn1>\h1·r~ t 1) aid them with t he problems of t heir pre· ears rogram !!l'hnnl t·ht!drrn. f S • • a} J 1ffl ri•c rnll~· Mn-. Hempel received Lhe 8ylvania Awara On ptntU S tn rh11ri;r or 11 rr&ngt-mrnt~. !Itri<. JaC'k Hsrr1111, M rs. A. E Krlh· and Mr~. l.ro C hopman "" rr I 1t rirolntt>'1 tr• t hr «omrn1 tt t e t" «ll'IOI<(' t ht> PRl''lll·T!'ltl"her AllllO<'• I Spet'ializin.: in indrpedt>nt Itineraries. toul'!', · rruliws ---All ph~ of fonaign fta\'f'I and rt•sort \'M'ation'I. COLINE caorla l"lo·kllntt l\1111'11 h\' JO L.A;:o.;T;t; a111I lHLL S KIU::S Q,~!! f.~ouran1 lnr t IH' nln!-1 lllltKl and1ng Tocal television program in Which Jr~tt'r lfa ot~tnn nlll~t.anrtmg !oh<' w.1!-'' tr"..tin~ with abnut 300 programs· over t he natinn. 11111hnt 1l\· , n thr n• cro ~p111111111, wlll b" prt>~nted a t the F l'b. 8 F'n11nd,.r• dnv m,.r tlnic Membu11 11 ttf'n<11ng 11l><n vol,.'1 tn 1loM :'ll 11111rm'11 hon11r11ry llfr member~nop l rrrlp1,nt for thl~ >"""f. The l\Wll l1I $10 to thc ("nsta l\fl'llll 'Molhns1ng-· DOROTHY MARGUERITE "Tl' !°'"'• "·•' ., ~ \ 11 •f h\' t h~{...."'" A n· p1 ,.1wllt••i lh" 11 .. i:r11m ro1 lh" 01 · In lhf' fl~l ~'1,. 11n<1 h1111 al•n un.:" Cuunt ,. < ·hbplrr n{ th" C-hnt. 1e ui:ht at V11•1'11r C:ollritr 111 t hl' ,o1 c• n•lt1• 1.,1" 1;111111 wh• n ti!!' • .,. I. ......... ·1 f h ""t'k·tirty !'Unllnf'r llrhOl\l nr r ulhel\ICI'. i:rour m··· Iii ,,,,.""~' M .. thn<!l~t Activities o f ) • 'T 1 • ,, \\ " •1 .. .i thf' Y"a r 1n ''• • l•t·l I •'" 'I , · 1 r 1 , Id•, 1, .,1 I rq;ra m n,,l AJtE UELPt'l.L !'httr • h nf \°r•l 1111 L m •IA H1111 .. 1nn .. ,1 t Th,.r,. hs\•A '--.-n thraA pr-"tOll• '" '"II lrn11wn rn t h,. 1·onrrrt trlr-Br • T \_ l"ltl'I ; ~tr I It•' f''lf n n younJi;• ~ f111J' ,..-..-..-.., own1° roops . h I I l'Vf'nln• nl""'lr"· "llh nran"'" ,. •inn •• n I "'"''"II pu lllt ,. r ... 1rt~ ~ .. • , " .. ~ '' ;tr• , .. , 1Hn& many "" ,,_,~ "" '"' ••It' t •A hu t ii "I"' ~1\1l•fl"1' County moth,.r• "nrJ ""-<h hi\• h,. al.-n "'"" murh inml"'~mi:: an'1 d G" } S ft• '11\1 11 'I I' I''' n ( P"rrntll hrough OUl II 111r1:Pr ~rr>llp A~ ttrlUll;lnfo: n( n• ~ro 11p1rot11oh 'a n tr couts An•J , 11 ,.1, , hf'lpful &.'! hrr mrf'llnJ:ll with th,. Tl'I,. rhulr nf th,. t'n.•tlni: <hurch 1 l'Tt.Hl.'1 \ \lllt:ll , "aftoua 12 gro111'~ now 'lrg11n1tPil "hlrh " •.n·lrr th,. •hl•<"tinn nf Mr• J nhn S l4Jlm&n'a Brown1r T"" 11 ,, , , 1n,lli•f•• l!rRm .. l l<' 1hroughout Sc1ulhtrn f'shrornla R1•·hni.f ·'""'' >l'l"'lf'I ll h"n11t1· 1 T r•"r ·, \\tlr be·l'uulll at A Jun· J lA \ JI 11•1 •It. ,. If r • ""I r ""lr)'. 1\1'. MT!'. ""mpel !I t&\kl' ('lr th~ (1111\' 111'1• •Ir.I• I iimnrr Tnhl"I' rlirnn tnmnrrow at thl' \\'. r . , 1 .. , 1 1, t" 111 ,1 1 ,·111,. ,twly V!('w1 ng mother~ 11ur1ng lhl' Js11t ""rt-nt '11<• l1\rl1 <1rrro1111"'1 1n Arm,.1rnn1o: home tn Shor,. ("1ttf11 I ' r 1, 1 1 ,~IJ 1ti1·~ I ii•• t.1ttl" (IVI' mlnllle.o nf hrr dll t\y JlTC11tr11m krrroni: \\Ith !hi' lhf'IT" "( lh,. r>r· fn ('Oflnrrtlon With the jl;lrll'' lllUdy 1'• oll1 ,., .\It. ll•mr• I 1:iughl s rf' f'lltcellent n1~1r011 rof rholr!tf'n And r uatom1 of othe1 11 111• Fl \1 11 • ~ h• 'll d1str1ct F'or (urlhr r tnforma tion 11,, '" ~\Ill\ Hnttrn ~trt (l'n~"" '" <"o· 1 lMclll, /\tr!' Arm11Lrong and Noel, ~I "' •\• •1111· 111; 1 h• Hit' 1n lh" nL· mt'"llllg daltoa con ta.ct Mni. Pt't"r 1 ••nR 11"1 !\!~ r. r1·r~1t11•nt oC thr ll nll'ml>"t nf Troop M. wlll cook 1 '"'" 1, 11 , T ,, '" , ""r•· trAonlnit \\'C'Odt1 a t LJl'>crt v B·•i l~ D('CTC, r onrl11r1• •I 11\1' hu111nt!ll' •md '"'Y"'l' a i<morg.abord l11ncheon.1 · _ __ 1 innllng prrr• 1l1n1; llu1r11tnn'• t11lk Thi'~' will wea r aulhtntk !'lw edlM ----------rn .. 111mt11 tnr th,. or-eu lon H ·111gT\\'( 0 e M Sh .... Ch 1 D Rrnw1u,. T roop 8 hi prrpa n ng ( . ) n -an OWS appara U Q ·innthrr rl"'" ral~d "Peter PoL." I I ll \\ 111 h.-o t>3d \' rnr tht>lr F'a lher- ·,1 t L~:lgllTI'<.l Art Gallery at Board M t n 11 ui:ht,.r han qu,., in March. Mra.' ..:..1 I ee. \IHll' v .. rR'lfjl; I' l<•dH of lhl1 Alll'n•loni: tl\r .. l:ltr h ·&r<1 mrf'I· lronr fh 9"" I-I I. '\CK"'" f1om thl' ::-;n"'alk \\'oma.n·• Club init in J..t.,. A•·~l'lr• n! the C11ll-Tronr 12. i. .. 1 by M.._ Kathy Art· lh" I.<•,,,, •:.ti!,.•\""' ilos~t1 \l•ltet:I lhl' Gn!l1 ry l11~t ""'I'll. '"'Tn111 ~~rr\<'ro!lr·n n! \hapf"'TllJ •Ir""~ h8~ arlopted two Balboa la· ..-. r I "t l' wrr,. ~I r~. J B \\'nlf and llu:d Tr1o<>r• brtngtng lh~r num- ' •1 M"l •h•\ ,i;, I I • 1,..., tno 111> F .. rt\· lln ro11nt1nt s ty mtm· ~ s · I i.. •"t. nJ., 1 1 , 0,., '" w~ In !hi' lw'r~ <·( th,. L.iio:una l:lr1trh Art AS· \\n Alh<"r1 E Jr,hn:-nn o( C-nst& r In I Xtw co-t'ader (nr thl11 ""'' r •••I• 1' It• 1 \\111 he 1wo • <•fl\1 n iur b•m~ r xt.1h1tl'd al !\f,.•n r,-•-nur 1• !llr-. J une Holder '"' ""n I .. ,. ' ,. in l \\llttr· 'h" l'tr1<•t Fc~t:,·al al lfrll\,lle P:1-:• 11rf' 11n•l•n<'\\' fnr lhe 11n· At th"1r lai1t meellnjl; thf' g1rl1' 1 ;,.r ,, It, "' ,~ , r , '"' 1 l"\'a n•. I-rt> :\ ihrmt;:.h i\ ' n11al fc I• r11t 1n, 1onvrnllr n nrxt .. r Trnnr ~'). 11eC'ond in--de Brn1A'n· 1;1, 0 ,i,,:. "' 1 1 ,,., Hn~ai /\r· ---_ _ _ !\l11y "t' • '' "·II i,,. hf'Jii th1• yrar 1•-' 111v1Pr the leadt r.othlp nf :'>!ti' I •t the Lal-"yetlt> Hnlrl in ving ~larJ1>ne Corman, had " ln\'tly ~loril~ n Smuin f'a,.adtn•. R1>11.,. J\Pl\Ch :\t1 • \\ .. tr lll\tl !\fn1 Jnhn· p cnu nn th" bt'&ch. Th"•r prel!- ,.a mu i:.\ a·'''~" l.t rn Ill !'~1.•.· To inn<'\ qU<'t'n • :S1.th1n.a lh11t t .. -" n -• !' •nn 11rf' ~ 11rt1n i:: th& et'rnr .. halt rnt l'r'lJt ct 111 maklnJt 1't'rllp honks A 1 a "hr r' '" ,. J~}• l r, t ln Art h •rr~nttrt on th Al glunn111' dny can , ! th~•r t~·n .. yrar t~rm,. oC office r>( Chnstmu cards \\"hirh t hty _..u1 An l t~i•'n \\• 11t •rt tu , u":t1n''" ~ r '""r b~ d\mm.,,d or duH.-d bv hmt .. :l \~'' t l'l•n'h\t\ t~kr-to Or&nge enuntv ti ptl&I. ~I 11.J lo , '" • • :-II , 11\ tlr 11 111 ,,. - -----! -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. R11l1'h II 1111• • .rn.f I •··rn:h\ 1:A11~h I l'h" h·" ""' n ·•"•luat~r! "l'tl thr fill'nr1~•· .\r ~ til Ill I 'I 11;:111\ yrllli< Ill< J;llll• I\' "n•I J''l~I" II\' do· rr,rnr. At l 1t1i11n.un. nli.ut du1·1 tur Ill IHl lo:(' f• I t\\" ,, Fil~ ~11 .. hi" tn11,i:h t Al ,. 1t '"'" • :tmrc tn th11l 11 r• 1 :\1 1':< t-;, nn• hRl' wun m nn\' 11w11rd• dllron" h• f 1 or,.rr ~ht< hA~ h1111 onr 111n11 i<h11wl' th1011ghout <"s llfor n11 h111 tht" I~ hn first "' tt-f' L11i:11nn t;nlll'ry l\llhouiih 'hf' hi\~ b11l'n 11 c-r nst11nt l''th1b1tor In Ml'mflrr~hll' 1':h• w• M:M f;\/anS 1 l<pl'rll\llu., in l"nt'\l'rlll)"& In 011 1 11n 1 11' nol••1I (n t hrr hr1111tiful <1~it· f'rt JlAll'lttni:• Of 1mnkr Ir,.,.• t...-lltrr H.lnt1r 1' & re.-lt'\• n l of An 11J.11 Aft• r ,::r 1111Alrni; from t' C. L A . he 1tudled ''"1th Su n HyJt H11rr111, H llMOn Purhu!f and J11mu C'n~r W n a h 1 Hf' ~­ l111lu 11 In wa trr<olor 111n<1,.ca pf' &ad h u bl'tn l''th1btt1n, hl'ra fnr "'''"I •r11 I yr11 r11 His work 111 hm11d al\t1 \'lfi?Oroull a n.1 he 11hov.·~ "Pl,.n11l1I mutl'ry n( ht~ ml'<l 1um Mr 8'1n11r Ill Ill\ art 11'1\rht r 1n the Arn t11• I l!C't-0018. Th1io 1• all'<' his flr•t ont I men 11how1n, 111 lht LA~rna OllJ· lt ry. T he t J1th1b!La v.·111 open f9rmall)' "'1t h t he monlhlv tu on S undaY. r l'b. & 1pnnl!Or~d by tht Sr>11i h I ('Oft~l Gor•lf'n C'lub. Wh<>M mf'm· 1 b"f!I 'o\"1 11 ll~l Al! h Olllt l!llC'll. 1'wo dtil'l:A:l"n:<. nnr rrnm 'he Fonta na Woman 1 Club and l.nt'I Sf'w Sprin$: ~umbt>"' in KEDmES and SUMMERmES Just Arrived F1at8 aacf Wed&• rrom VALENTINE DOLL JAMBOREE! With Anr Doll Pun-huf-d Thi" Wf>t>k \"ou Wlll IWCA'l\'f.~ f"Rr.F. An_,. Toy In fhl" St-Orf', \'alurd from ~?.95 : $6.95 Here's How This Tremendous Doll JamborH Works; \\ITlf nn: rr RCff.\"f: OF A :'\~, DOLL \"Ar.t'!:D AT - 1•95 \ C\u'U rl'rt'h " f'Rr:r: any t oy p riced to 2. 95 ~~ 3.Y 11.95 .. .. 3.95 14.95 .. 4.95 16.95 .. 5.95 18.95 . . 6.95 t ·sE Ol"R·LAY,AWAY PLAS For BiJ1hda.~ or S!lrlnJ: ('lotht>A f~~W.;Jolt 1881 Harbor llvd. Costa Mesa ---·-----· ---·------------- • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department Don's .Meats O.C-ar :"layrr Jh. 89c LINK SAUSAGE lb· 6'/C lb. 59c Cirri,. K BACON DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT "' gro;· Shop " r ,,.rMr'• BABY FOOD r.'/. POPCORN If tin a CHILI SAUCE '"'bh&.rdt'" -"lib ti--an' CHILI CON CARNE WHITE KING BAB.O DICK'S Green Groceries •·ry. Hnt. Hoo..,. RHUJARB Plppln APPLES 'Fl'y. lku1chf'd CARROTS 2 lh•. 29c 3 lh,. 29c 2 r~r 15C Specializing in 9uality Produce You Seled ••• We Deliver COffll LOAJ .. n-... THI -MARKET SPOT---- 200 MAR ~NE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND ' J AMONG '1HE P1h ... :.11i-.1._., 1' p:tH;.:ng~rs aboard the SS Lurline. Matson's luxury lin er. for a cruiRe to Hawaii from LOR Angrlc~ harbor on Jan. 28. were Mr. and Mrti. Raymond J. ~tiller. 221 E\'cning Ca nyon Road, Corona del Mar. Mr. l\Jillrr is executive of a Los Angel<'s manu- facturing compa ny. • Legislation ·DiseU~sed by DAR Speaker Local Chapter Hears Defense Chairman ? "The present situation regarding National Defense is very grave, and is fraught with great responsibilities for all thinking Americans", said Mrs. Arthur Shellhorn of San Ga· I briel, state National Defense chairman for the D.A.R., ad· dressing members of Col. William Cabell Chapter at the J iin. 1 26 l\mcheon meeting in Newport.Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Shellhorn gave a brief r esume of important affairs 1 in Washington. She discussed revision of the UN charter but atre.'lsed the Brickt'r AmendmenL I Harbor H igh School atudent and There o re. l'he aald, five alm llar that '.\t1ss Rllda Pht.>lp1 had recetv. plana bl'lng llc llvely presented by ed u !;im1lar ont' In Carden Grove vario us group~. S om" art' not prlH'· High School Miss Bevt'rly Oxl'n· t 1cal. ot.her11 tend toward the Left. I r1drr of the lnttt'r 11chool ~celved Wing. 11nd all m11y be b rought to thr chapter'11 savings bond Home- the people to bt' vote'1 upop at a maker award. The Harbor Hl&h latl'r '1utr . !'<r hool r eclplt'ot will W'named In I sroSSOK TROOP :llny. Stnce the <"hapter eponeora • lo-'.\Ir!<. Ralph Bonds, president of l'al Girl SrGllt troop, M1"1'. Wlllla.m Amiorican Legion Auxllluy, Poet S purgl'on Ill, leader and member lw 1. rl?'Ceived the O .A.R . Award of of t he puhll.: r,.llHlons c.Jmmlttee 1 Merit for the unJt'a ,out.l!tandJnc or Newport Harbo r Cu I Scout ~en·lce to hospltalli.ed veler&ns. Cnunctl, wa1< Hked to clarity spon-The chepter float took the 11orsh1p. I i;w eepst&ku t rophy at the f1r11l ShC' exp lalntd thP idPal11, and rannua l Vetl!r&nll Day parade, ht'ld 1111n11 nr Girl l'<C'oullng, which a re herl', and thl11 wa,., on display. 111 dn11r fllagllm<'nl with those of HOSORED Gt;f,STS lhl' D.A.R. S he outllnl!d numerous Mri. Albert E, Stock woy1 In which a.n organization e&n prealded a t the aea~on. 1111s111t a troor In its lntl'reiJU and attended by 35 membt' 111•t1 \0lll<':<. 1\11'1 an rum the way In following guel!ta: which a troop ran be or ll<'n·lce to Mmes. Edgur R. Hill. the gponeor. Ne wport Beach; Donald SPRING REVIEW-Harbor women get first look at the new spring and summer clothes they may be wearing, at a show presented by Lido Fashions at the Irvine Country Club. Vc:_rna Miller wa.a narrator Abo\'e. ia <>Ile -Of....\he I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 · PAGE ? THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 Art Show PAKKt::S · RlVl.E\' ~IORTll AR\" T t'omwrt.J tiKAl EL ('HArEL Here hen llU ltruacllla, -('n,la ,.,_ Utwrly K·ll~:l:S anJ ll·ll&ll& New y ork 1·-N_•_wp_o_rt_V_ar-ie_ty_. \'Ot'k 6 aad 10 l'ITt)tUC \\'" loh·t1 ( ·rol\ 11 s1.w.n1,11 Oc-un t "ront !'l••1tr t'lr r 1 '1irrent ly llhowmg at lhl' ,Rae· (1n°11 H<'t1lnurant. Corona dt'l Mar. 1 111 an rxh1b11ion of 12 oal pa.lntings by lll<'tnl•n~ or thl' AmerlC'&n Art· 15ts l'rC'l!"!'"i.mol 1..t!a~uc These Nt:wt•uHT nt:M "H pamtin ca wrre ~rlri·tert by JUT)' l--------------1 rum 1111 C','(l11t11t1011 ll,\" the Ullg"lll' 1 nt th•• 1~l rnil11lt' P uhllc Ubrary I C:allray w hkh clo.s.·<1 Ssturday. 1 The p1ct11r.t':1 now at Hngnn'a Wl're ' C'hn111•n 111 li•' Mot tC'I th<' t,.eag11e011 ~rnnc1 :>\n11onol Annual Show., F ine Art11 C:nllery. :-l~w York at the ronrl11111on or the show hl'TI' Murc-h 1<1 The 11p1•tllght J!j ftatun ng '"Cl'r· <'mania! :>;1gh l," a large <"Al)\"U by Wan i)n I :anC'I. notetl Cherokl'e Jnl11an ort11et wl1C"1se oullllandmg work 111 dt'pu ling th,. h1i1torl<" llte nnit ,., 1 • 111t1111sls of the Am,rk an lnlllRn as 11111.urpa:-seJ 1n a uthrn· t lr111-. <ha flmonsh1p 1rn1! color. I Othf'r w\'ll known artists rtpre· 11t'Tltt'c1 ua•. Dun'rsn Glt'ason. Bea· trill Ma urine '.\t<'Culley, ~1ar\e Clark '.\lall!'r, Clydl' Stoll. Ruby L'sh,.r. Cer1I ChambPrlin, Nonnan Hnll. Maldri'ct K1111ch,r. L&ry O. Crt't>n. Van C"opehtnct 1tnd Roy M. Ropp, who 11rrangt"d for the ex• h1b1t. r tir tht' J'3&l two yt'&Tll Mr. R opp hM hac1 charge of lhe ex· h1blt!on11 at Ragan's where on• ma n ~how11 by arUst11 or the coUtlll / «-snon llre rhang-<.'d month· ly a11<1 have galnert lncreulJ16 popularlt ·'" Boyer's Balboa MATTU t:sst;s Boat-Hom-I r1olen1 l rnoirular l>lh•JW9 l.llM'rly , 14-1 :lll:C Coe{a Ml'llA Matt r.•o Co. 1160 N11.-·porl Rl\'d. BE SURI! -INSU~E "'1tll M.Al'tll('t: S T ~"il.l:l: l••Ur&n•• Oa.lv Pbone Ha rbor U1& UU t~. ,, .. .,. Hl1rh w•1 Corona dt:'l Mat Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER ..., BY ALMA GREEN Final Parent-Child fi!CllOOL AWARDS ~re11lden~ of ~Jf<-.._~~-..--i It wwtt announced r,y Wrs. W. E. 1Uary: Ralph Bonda. p ldent of Bmart. frocks shown. -Don. Bush Photo 2S01 w. Balboa' Doolen.rd • Linoleum • Rubber Tlle • Cork fo"'l11her, haml'moktr chalrm&ll, that Amencan Legion Auxtll ; \VII· :-.1111.a Arll'nt H uff wu w lnntr CJ( 1 ham Spurs-eon Ill, Arth r Shell· I I · lh 1 G I F~ II ·'"t & d h d • • .,. B e I tt N alk w and ~ren ht'r fme pottnut of Mary e annua ()()( e ow .... p war orn a n ....,. L . &nlt'I, a er orw omen Pickford. Latrr ehe rntert11lnt"d thl' • Asphalt TiJf' e Carpet e Formica • Yacht e lmtallaUoo sponsored by t he rhapter for ll a new cha pttr member. L ecture To1n orrow Thi' f1n11 I I« I 111 r to( A Ima O., ' hllolr< n tlurins:: the pl o~rss ti( th,. G art'n tn t hr <"•111•.,1t p1r<'nt eJ11· l,.rtu1r~ P11rk1nr l<f':ll'" 1~ 11veil· rallnn t."IM 31 thr ,,11'" Srhot1I. ~bl<' 1n the Coata ~lt>:<ll Theatre Int IS 58 YEARS OLD P-TA Council to ~0/1!11 "'"'"'· \llll h1• jlt\rn F1 1c1a~ mot nlnf':, f"r h I 11 "''" nnnoun rert It 111 exi·"• , ... 1 111 ,, ""'"IY :.ioo purrnt1< Wiii 1ir .. 1 .\!" 1;, .... 11 llP PBk on '"l~arn•n;: ''' 1.1 \l' T1l~• !her In lhe F~mll\" .. ,\n111n~ lhf' f'"lnl11 lo b11 1·011•111"'"'1 "ill h• lh• arnpur t· an;1t •Jf fl•t 1al,\ "-OltdHI 1:,\1 lhr 3~r ~1~11111f'11\ ,,, • 11111, • 11n•I rdu('allon tn th~ It~,. 11( 11u1111 , Hear of Founqing MOii' 1111111 I .n 1~11,.n1" he1.,1t M1ti1 '~"'" t.1•" ,,,.,,k •fl .. •t• ... ~ lh" \ 11.,J •llhJ• •I "' i'' "\ 1°1111~ ~'\ Ill· f•1r n1nt1• n ,,. , h I i1t•n 't1 t"' \\ 1--h \~· I • ~ .tlf IJt '"I ftll I • hr•'1' ~1~t ,., t 't h I rr l •• r -"I\ thtH\;~h1·U\ th .. 0 'I !,111; 1 tld J'•\ • 11 \llt 1 I t•n r'llrf"'nl• Ttlr • u •ti' "'' 1 '' • • tou1 J,.,... ''•''> hfl 1-•·''" f •n ,,.,. hv t h ,_ f'11 nt•1t' I, I \ ,l\tl •n' Ill II•· Mnnt,. \ 1 ' • I. 11 11 ... rs:h. H11r· f1t • ~1Htr1 •:· 1 U• r ,, , 1-:n 1s;n. ''"'I~" I 1,r, 11 11 ,.,,,.r \" '"" Hnrl. C••t"OA '1rf \•ut :--,, h1 111 .o\IJ mrl'l lnt• >l"!I 111 !•ii t11 111 ltll' n 11t11lnc till\ r I I hr \li11n ~. h • I ,,, f ''"'>t ~tr•, ~n t H•'" ''ft1 n tn '"" ruhh· 1'1• \1•1nn h~~ hl'~n 111.1<<!r f11r I I•• • 11" n( f'l • -~• hnol Junior League Gives $500 for Nurse Fund 4 girr n( '> "' 111 011tni;:r r n11n- I\ HOl'J'llf\! '" '' 1.p " ., •• ,,1 "' 1 8"~ fll"" I '' "' ,~,.• !•1 t•\ I hr .l1an1or J\'I\ I n .\ •., 1., r t n • r ~•ir11r • ' ~.I\ I 'l l!.-11<!1 n' 11 "'""'llr;~ I r I an lhl' l.J'lll' 1,. ~rr ­ ' • r C'f'rl"I· ~T. C ~H EEi. Y City Librarian Reviews Books At Zonta Meet "The H1i1tor.v of our School1," wlll be lhl' tltl•• or th• pro1rr•m to be r re11cn t{'d a t the February me,,llng 0( the llarhor COtlnCll of P1tunt . Tl!llC'hPI' Al!M)('lllliOl\J', a C• cording to M n•. fle.nnla .Hogland. pru1dent flt'prnl'nt&tlvu from 1 te n untt.11 will a ttend the mttllng to be hrld r rh 8 a t 11:30 L m. l.Q I lhe boa.rrl room Cl! t he S u vport Hai bor H igh !'<c honl At th111 flll'('lln'1, m r mben1 w ill romm<'mnr111r lh•· nrga.nlullon·s Founrttrs nay. The :-\aUonal Cong-rtM nf P11ren~ and Tea.chert wu fo11nrlrt1 nn F'rh 117, 1897, m \\"8l'hlnJtton. ['I. \ Oblltrva.nce of thill rla v hit." bt"•'n II part Of lht pa rtnl·lt'111 hrr program a Inc t' 1910. l'nMio throughout the Har· ~r lll"t'll "'ffi hnnor lhl11 O<'C"UIOn. I .W Y. ;\\\ARO .\I 1 • \lhr· 1 Krlly, mt'mbt'rah1r rh111rm1111 tnr th,. Co11nc11 an· noun«•£ 11. hCe member•baf" "'111 be rnnf<'rre.i Thl'I rnmm111 .. , on hy;l11w11 met 11t th<" homP rit Mr11 .1 P. S ullll'r· lnnd, co~\A Me11a. on F"rtrl&y, 11nrl Wiii jtlV'I II rl'J'<lrl ()n Feb. 7. 1•iet·t1on nC Ule nomt·' Mt• ~I. r Shrcl.1-. hb1onan Al th,. =""W'Jlr.>Tt Beach 1'11hhr L1b1ary nlltang rommatt,.e \\111 be held ""· l'lnr1 mrmber of th•· Z111ttft C'luh ot fnr,. F"mmrlrrs Oay l'rogra.m. :'\"c-wr •rt Harbot. \\ 8 ,. prns::rammPd I !>t r11. J n""l'h :ltcShant . cha lrm&n an r, ... 1,.w,. C'lf IWC'I rrcen!I\' publl11.h-for thr r nmn11tt,.,. on hralth, rx· r,J t> •11(,,. whr n thP l';oup ml't • tpt1nnal • hll<I .. nrt ,.1111lrnt wrl· l~•t """"k ni lhP hnn , nf Mr~ fl\IP. 1111kr.t 1ntr1r~ttf! mrmbt'r" to .J .. m• • Ha\· in t'ni<•nA Hi,1::hlan :.. ,.~,,.at lht' .f I' C:rPt'lty SrhOC'll for \\ 111an from nrrlin 11nanr n\"· l-.'t<rpt1on11I rhitlrrn 1n Or&n'1" m u\!• '""', un· , ( th,. la i ti.• 1111,1 'C-mrrama • hn11 b#rn llPJ'TO\"('d hll .. •'•IJ , ,.rr ,11r u rt I by thr ,..,,. b\' the Fourth Ol~t rlrl of C C.P. T rrl'n , r Bl'lltn \\h,.n th,. P.llSl'llftn s St11tft nts a re to bl' admltterl a t • t ,,)I r\·r r ·~,. , " 111 I'll , llnt1 lo:Tl'llll\ l"•lll<"l'"I fP• For f11rtht'r 1-~· FAI , .... 1 .. 11 .. m. · 1 , hi/Br· mform11t1t1n, rnntan your P -T A 1ou~ •'•11 ,. C'lf a n .\rnr n • A' t 1mllv I PTl'!llde.'lt. wnarh ~n 11rn•··I ,..n 1 hf rnn: ln1>nt \ OTf: .\ T Mf:~A l•f t::u r r· w,.r,, v I '"" 1 rho..,.n On 1-"l'h 10 th,. Z int M l! w\11 bor rau .,ni \\hn nrf'd9 11 •rectal h"l I 11 c.1n.111'"\ r111 l\0 11t the Ha r-n•ir~e anti \\ho c11.11n,1t aftnr.J nnr IY•r Htl•I•"' ln ,.,.., ·• ''"•ll with Al•n \'O\f'·I \\II• 11;.n tn """!: lfM · ,11 _ 1 ,;,, x . ,1 n ,,, J:"n'rlll r 1t11l a11 ll n """'I J:l'll<"V Cund llthc-r f'hl\11m11n l'r ... .i. !trm ~II• :\•"lllln t;~n l lr J'l•'•1•ll'•I 111 lh!I Sf'~"'' n A' \\huh thr ,i:1f1 '"" \ 01• ! ·n,. •nont \' wtll bt' h• lol In I"""" I'\• tl-~ l.ol'pllJll ""'1 "'Ill "" ~•ulahle to ar \ lfar-On Fell. 1:1, Tuel!da~·. rt'g111ttred \"O,e111 of the rOlll.ll Meaa L"nton Srhool Dl:<trlr l wlll ltO to the gift Cuntt~ "ill hr announcrd llller., r •r'\" , 111 , f 1 1 hth1 15 .. ,, \ l: 10 ro I llr,, 1"1 ('fl l'J'<'ll.l"r cl t11c da r \VU :111•11 •f• •11'•'" ~ .J, J,.., 11" t 1 "lin 1111' Z1int!l fh rh<1I ~ll'\\111 1. m~mbcr ,..( 01 ·' l'luh "' :-;""'' n 1., thP !ntrrnl\llon- 11ngo C"mllll \" C111111t'll of C'o n1anun-j nl r nnwn:wn t , lu• hrld in Sun I 11v Agl'nr1"~ ~he rxpll1lneJ tht' 1 \'allry, l<la ho. m J{l:,6. r ropol!N C'lrm 1111 .. 11 "r a n Or11111o!•' :\l a• H111h Rit• \Pt.",,, thr IM11I Co1uf\y F11111ily ~ri ' tr c At::<'n• ,. rh.h l 1. h·"" h ·n· r• 1 h1· h1•inc: Which th!' .l11n1or11 pl~ lo &.Id. n pr nan'I' I J'llhlw rrl~ll• n~ 1 hAl r· m1111 11 r 111,·rn : 9 bv Of;>lr1ct f:nve1 nnr \ .r~lm;i Ea~t hr k 'lf \"11m 11. A11r . II \\t18 announOf'cf. Rt>frf'11hmc-n h \\!le ~<'l"Vl'•l bv rhn11m "1n I• 1 t h • • H lloni: :ll r;. R<ib.•tl .l~\r• ! 11• •'• I bv th!' :\I .c r..'.l1r11n1r ,I 11nd :\l r.•. A n·o polta to vote for is1a.ooo In bonds and a1110 for the borrowing of $2.225,000 from the atate t o finance cons tru.cUon ot 11choola. Thc1<e at.ate fund• were vo~ hy the pt'ople of Callfom lll lo a lrl ovr rcrowdt'rl .di•Lrlct. 1lm llar to Costa M-'•· A two-thlrdt1 f&vor· a ble vote on earh o r t he !orrner 1s ncc~t:try Four nrw l!C"hoola a.nd addJUon11 to the exl1Un~ tour 11chool1 will be arrrrtt'd by thl11 \'Olf'. '"Good 11chonl11 m ax,. good rommunlUH ." 1111y11 Supt. Everett Rf'a Record Books Studied by P-TA Groups M r~ J\rlhur \\"1'11,.r. :'\""''Jle'lrt Hl'l(!hts. C'C'lndurtrrl " rurnl work· shop for recnrd oook ch111rmen of the P·T A Mr1<. w .. 11,.r Is C"ha lr· man of the rPronl bnok commit ·, t re tor lhe Harb<lr CounC'al ot PaT't'nt·Teachtr A ~llt1<"111t1on11. lt&l'h y el\J" v11r1ou11 unit s cnllt'rl prt's.s rllpr1ni;:1<. annl'r p11hhcJty 11n 1 '1ata which C"omprlM•'ll thr llCU\"i• llPs or th,. lor e l f rnups. T he11P hooks u e tnter ed m cnmpetltlon I with r,.rnrd honk" throughout Fourth Oll'trlrt 11nll '11'8r1llnr for thla ~-,.llr ~ Marrh I Hnrbor arl'n r"cOr•I tl<lr·k~ h111·r 11rrum11llttf''1 ftnt awart1~ tnr ,.x.-rllrn nt"'·~ ~athrrln,i: Attt"odlng tht" n.etttng "''"r" Mmt.11. H H Burnrtl. Harbor V1"""·. John H'\a!'. :>\ev.-porl BPl'IC"h Elem,.ntar)·. :'>farlha Hulett M rl Arthur J<11 ' L!ndbl!l"gh. Ann Briggs 1111d Pnul Ma rt.In of Cn11t11 Mua Mnnr" \'111.1\; a!M> Mr' Dl'n· nJa Hogl1111 • prealdPnl anr1 .\lrll J ol\n V. N tff prr•s C'h&trrn11n, tor the &rbor Counctl "r P -T A"s. I 7 J I j ~ " ••• thar government of the people, by the p£ople, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPef.lOENT BANK" 111'1., Niowpon 81-rd. Liberty 8-14'11 ..------v Fv &P ··iu•t 01•c111 fNSUl • ... Cl COV O••TION Hear Art Talk, Visit Studios arttat-author m ht'1 o.,.,.,, studio. thtn ln Bfoverly Hiii! Harbor 5389 Newport leach Previous to •he luncheon th,. \.,sltln i: C"lu bwomen W"'fl rscortrd through "the 11tudloa ot Burt Proc- tu. Rl'x and J oan Br11ndt anrt M ni Th,. 11rl 1PC't1on of the ?\'orwaJk Hope, after thr lunC'ht'on wrnt to Woml'n'i1 Club v1111tert atudloa o! t he LllJ:'Ull& Boch Ail GllllHy. Harbor ort1st11 rl'C"tn tly and re· mainrJ for Jun,·hl'on n t VIiia Mar- ini\ whrie th•·~· ht>11 n1 a talk •nd book re,·arw by Thl'lma Paddock H opi'. • Ml"l!. Hopi' g111·r lhl' group an lnt!malr r11rt11rt of the lite of an •rtl~t. 11 nrt J l'od exC"erpta from Hlf':h ,.,. the Sky, by France11 Cret'nmsn. A m er I c an portrait J>lllntf'r. y,..,,. ago Mra. Hope had vl11ltttl M rJ l.rre nman·a 11tudllo Expect New Yorkers MO\"fng from thl'1r :\rwpoa t-Bal- bo& V111ta homt'. Mr. a nd .Mra 1 Kenneth r , D1cken&on 11re now rt· 111d1ng n t 41i3 Holly Lllnr. The ar- rlv1tl 111 t'Xpttted at anytime of lhtlr d&ughter antl aon-ln·law. Mr and Mra. Jamu Oblnl' of Sodu11 New York. w ho ha vt bt'rn v1111t'. t:ig along lh!' All11nllc 11ubo1nl llnd will C"OmP hf'rf' fro m Flori1t11. ·SWEETHEART01a SALE • IAdt,... 111 ' llfl \9<' \ llht .. 21c NYLON BRIEFS ~I& .... ~-8· '7, Pink M \\"hlf,. Ilk \·.au .. 49c !'lnrm Kine \\ r•thrrpnw.r Cigarette Lighter Alll,:at.or flnl•h -98c .BA~BQO GR.~SS RAKES r;..,.,,. 23c (ilrl'• IA~·\rlm Nylonized Panties Slz.tt '? • I t l'lnk. Blue, 1· .. 11,.". <•'""" aad \\1111•. 39c Im po rt f'd C-na.mfr FIGURINES 67c ?.'I AHOrtM <;NJo Pq. VALENTINES tnl'ludtt l for T,.ad1er 25c Htc h F•hlon. mch Quality EARRINGS al.o rood adl't'tl"n fnr fllrfff'd ran R.ti(. tl.OO 59c A...orW Fam.Uy Perk BUIBLE BATH 8() Drll1thUUI flalh" 98c SOXl:.)lA SKIN CREAM R.l'rula r ~ 69c M,.n·!' <rl-nuln,. Hrmphtll ('nmhrd (' 1l1•1n 2n '( llll fl .. m .. lltchf'od PILLOWCASES Park with Ease Shop with Ease I Any day Every Day at ARGYLE SOX 8t&111J1<0rl tor t:mhrolMry 69c P ulr 98c F"amo11" 111Cff'ftAF'f'T'~ CHOCOLATES llC"arL no,r• i lb $1011 1 lb. s2••n 2 lb . s4"ri Prir'"' F.frl'dl\"t1 Thur.... Fri.. Sat. Frh. 3-l -."; 821 W. 19th St. at Plarf'nt.ia COSTA MESA liberty 8-323 I ••• and Scores More \.I NEWPORTHARBOR~W~~ESS-THURSDAY. FEB. l . 1955 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- , •• o ••••• , .:round to rf'filflf"lr na • oral \'a.IUl"S • • • bttau11e thf'J' rontaJn no l'f'ftnf'd MU· •• s:u', no hydro~matt'd fats, no synthf'Uc <'hf'mkalK •.. If ~·ou ,..t thrtt of thf"!te cookN-tt a day )'OU wm take In 11 timf'9 thf' minimum daJly noqulrf'mt"nt of food todlne and 63 of tht> Iron J'f'qUlremPnt . . • plm1 12 nthf'r mlnerallll net'ft!'IUJ' · fo he takf'n Into tht. hody daJly ... You fttlll don't bt>llevf' they tute s:ood~ Come In and try AOmf' this Wt"f'k~nd •.• Thf'y "'"' be d.-mon1.trat4'd • • . .Search your Heart for Hen.rt research ... .,~ebruary is He art R('search m onth ••• Dig d<'t"P in your jeanR ... You can get along without other thing15 ... But the tick- er has got tn keep tirking regularlv ... Rt'senrch is ex· pensive· .. , Let's hear your chang<' tinkle loud and long when you see a littlP plaRlic heart . Now '1111 ran k e,. p FN'n<'h Pai.tri.-,. on hand, N'ady to !44'M'f' for 4!l mln- utN dc-fro,tln~ .•. What . lio thf'rf' lf'ft to frttU! Thf'N" an> rallf'd Flf'un-ttf'l' •.• Somf' arf' r ound, "°'"'" arf' ,.quatt and iwm.. arf' ohlonJ;! •.. F.M'h IK f'nt•a.vd in lh• o"·n Utt 1 .. pal>f'r doll)· ... t>M'h IK a diftf'n>nt tash' drlighl, clt>c•oratrd daint I~-. c-.1mf1lf'tf' with chopJIMt nut" and powdf'ff'll •mi.tar . . • Ah! You might wam1 ttll'm up In t hr 11\'f'ft for )4 min-, ""Y'l°""'"' utn ... \\'hat fun to -..'n 'f' with irf' C'N'am ! TheM' Fll'urettel'I r n m (' f rom the dcft ftng<'rs nf l hP Camellia r atl'n ng ~('l'\'lf'(' Ill I J/DU'WI>o')(; Wpst Los Angl'lr~ . . Prob-4 ably you've enjoy.-.! thrir ~~~ hot hor11 cl'npuvreR ... rnt1c· ing ('ODCO<'tions of che<-i<r~. a\'ocnrlo or am·hon · all fro-I ~oOO§~ zen and ready to srrve hc1t for a spur of thr momrnt t•('l('k · 1 ~:XXl'V t ail party .. s.. thr. (iround Ho~ ni9'MI an rn•hrow "" thf' Fi""t of Ff'bruary . . . !'Cl Valf'nthw'" Oa~· "prud" thouithht of low throui:h· out thf' nation for at lf'Mt thn"fl "·M'k~ prior to thr Hth ... Hflart8 an-iowh fun to docoratf' "1th • . • Thf'\' !llO<lfhP thf' Ma\1agf' hfoallt ln an\·onf' that hf'· hold" thf'm . ". . Thf'\' aN' "° happ~· ..• l 'w thf'm whf'n'· '"''"' ~·ou ran ... Rut nat-I t•ralh· our M f' a s a n I n ,. ShopJlf' hu \'aJf'JltJnf'!I .•. Hallmark Valf'ntinf's ... \'alt>ntlnf'I' to make ,·our· vlf ... SmaU fn·,·Valf'n· tlnf"I' ... rlu" .11· .thf' fb- lng" for a \'alf'nlJnf' rart~· . . . PafW'r narktn"· fllat.--c and tahlf' ('loth" ... Can- dS..,. . . • If '.\'OU'rf' pnM'fi· raJ-mlndf'd, hut !'tlll "'ant t~ ~f't In th~ •plrit ... Why not a 1"f'd rofff'f' pot. uh tra\· or rook book ••• \'ou 111·111 f!nd a oo~plf'tf' tahk- c-f mt ~lft "'1Uf"l'llotu• ••• ' \ ' . I mHns Simply Wonderful Tt:Nol.t SPRING GRO\\"N VEGETABl.t:S M"lf'Ct.-d from thf' "top" of tht' ('rop. Com- patt tht> fin,. tt-xhirf', M('h rolor and t'Xqulsltf' na,·or of S ~ W fc>()(I K and you'll dl8· ro\·er )•otar iwn•lng the rlnt>Kt Rkhard'H has to offf"r, and, at !iU'inKM )'OU C'atn't afford to mlSK. Watc-h .-yes ll~ht up and t"&Jtf"r apJM-titf>S grow "'ith f'&eh tin )'OU op.-n. Take ~mf' hom .. foday, from Rie'h· ard§, and Man on Slmpl~· Wondnful S I: W Foodi.. ·-----... ___ _ GREEN PEAS .-t Llbh)"" t're»ih t'roun I -·· ...... t FRENCH FRIES Libby'" f'rf'Hh Frown --01.~.s~ C.:hop1....t or l"••f SPINACH Uhhy'" FreHh t 'rou n !.~. 4 for 5 9c ----·--- MELON BALLS Llhby'• Fresh Froun ·--, r· ORANGE JUICE. Ubby's t'~h .-rou n L THl'R.~OA\' Ohl l '1UOhl11n•·1I ~ 4 \\' Ooldr• Ranlant S?lf CREME CORN l ull.-n°"' 811N'd s;;, G~EEN BEANS t "ancy STt;Wt:D S71J' TOMATOES Trndrr \\'hUlf' S?lf KIDNEY BEANS Tuty Mild s;w SAUERKRAUT s?lf iOM'Ato SAUCE Tr n•lrr O~rn 11·nL Un ll-011. tin 11-UJ .• ... ll-oL tin IJ.nL lift 2 ror 35c 2'"' 49c 2,.,, 35c 2,o,25C 2fo, .35c 3,M23c S?lf BAKED BEANS ....... -.... -.. 27c z~.-. Ull n i..h f'ull 1\-0tll .. d S7W TOMATO CATSUP '•·ol.. 19c botllf' l\lol•t O.•llo·lnu" S7W BROWN BREAD lll·nr.. 25C tin . CHECK THESE FOR LOW LOW PRICES! - SATl 'ROA\' l A>m on. ('ho<'. ('hlv '""' FANCY FRESH ·THE BEST FOR YOU • • • !il\\..,'I, .1111•';\• "0:11111111 .. 1,,. 'II \ ••I ORANGES -10 11 ... 49c A Pl'l.t . '°'·" t't: CAKE Hult•., Fl•k" 01:\ ~ t:I< ROLLS •M·• 41c I 6rn·16C , CKOOKIES 2 11"£· 32c t'rr"h Ta•ty K\'t. BREAD ...... 23c I HORNS•.K· 3 '°' 23c ~ IJurnl '°"It•• CAKE ' l,A \'t:K 97c I r•rh I I ~ .... 10c t•11nry, ( rl•p, I lah T• pr- CELE RY 10 "" 25c I , .. '"· IR. ~lr1lh1111 ,,,,. \\hit,. lln•r POTATOES THE TENDEREST EYER • • • Th,. Rf)FI •I u 11/t Rr,,/ P/t, 1 •11 t.:. S. Choict' Standlnt 79c RIB ROAST lb. LUNCH AND BRUNCH DEPT. FRANKS lh 45c "Ca" "' brqo/rd or /n• ti" 11. s. Chon 79c RIB STEAKS lb. 4,c lh l .11 .. r'11 .,,.,.., 411allly SLICED BOLOGNA "flrlpa ~· r•'t' 11 t hnft11 "'''"/' t 1• S. Che)lt'e 19c SHORT RIBS lb. H oUand -lmpor1 .. ,1 n~·kn Rr1tn•I CANNED HAM ~ "'· 229 lln BiSCUiiS . _ .. ......... .. ... 2 ... 25c "Tiii! Bnro" tnlll thr ""'01'11 //111"' ' ~wift'!' P"""tum Sltn>d 63c BACON lb. "J'~"t ll•nf 11"d '"'' \\ llW'On .. ln R#d Mkln 9 AGED CHEDDAR ... -.... -................ J-. -5 .c Swift'• Rro1''tl lo Mr"'" 49c SAUSAGE 8 oi. ,.. Don't wait till Valentine's Da\' tn .-at your' ~WN'theart rake .. OT\if'r ~)nP n11w from our RnkN'\' whil'h 1s n i?ht hfrf' cin th~ pn•mi&·~ nt Hil'l1- Rrli'~ Mnrkrt, """of t h1• l.11 1·~ Shops l•")('all'll at t h1•n c-n- tranre to Lido IRlt'. s1•t:( IAI .. ~ t·ou t't:H. :1. 4 ancf ;;, 19;,,; I • I ' l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-~PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, '1955 -. PART THREE, PAGE ~----------------------------------------------------------------~~------------------------~~_,;,'~~~------------------------~~~~--------------..,..---------~ l'AlllLY POBT&AIT-N9' boa.rd of directore of the Balboa Angling Club took office Friday night at a dinner attended by memben and frfenda. Left to right, back row, Pepito Perez. ·Curt Dosh, Fred Henhorn, Frank Sawyer, Charlie ~pton. Ray Dyke, J. B. McNally; . CAN'T HARDI.\' GET THt:M MARLIN NO MORE- Larry Behr. junior angler ot the Balboa Angling Club, came up with th<' Clock Trophy for the larg<'st marlin taken by any junior son or daughter of a member. Lar- ry's fish W<'ighl'\l 241 pounds and was brought In on me- dium tackl<'. Runners up were Marvin Garrell, Richard Hehr. Fred Pigg. Michael Smith and Forrest G. Smith lil. front row, Foreat G. Smith Jr., Lee Jonu, C. II. Beebe, and E. C. Van :Dame. W. H. Witherspoon, fiahlng in Flo· rida, is missing from the picture. -Kent Hitchcock Photoa 110? ROD-That's what Jack Ellison had when be brought in the largest fish on rod and reel to win the BAC perpetual trophy for that claas. His marlin weighed 246 pounds. 1..00.i \tUAT DA.'i (i0T-1'rophy for th<' largest sportfish caught on "pinning tackle was proud ly claim('() by Dan Gre<'nbcrg. left. from donor Ed Mussen: Greenberg's fi~h • was an albacore weighing 23 pounds. 5 ounces. ) ·BIO MOMENT-Forest G. Smith m, high point man for the aeuon in the Balboa Angling Club, stole the club champion~ip troQhY away from the old timers Jut MU<>n with 69.66 points after he got his initial' 50 points on amall fish. Forest received the JroPhY Friday night from Mayor Dora Hill, who repreaented Ute donor, Ctty ·of New- port Beach. - .. • I BALBOA ANGLING CLUB TROPHIES PRESENTED By KENT HircaCOCK The Clock Country Club wu the scene ot the feetivitie.e last Friday night when the "wbo'e who" in the angling world in this sun- ny Southland gathered to celebrate the end ot the 27th yeitr of operation of the Balboa. Angling Club. A record turno\At of 329 memben1 and /\ · their guests gave a rousing 1'iand to tne out-- going and in-coming officers and were privi- leged to watch the smoothest trophy prt'sen- tation of all time. One of these super colossal annual affairs complf'te with committee re- port.a, inetallation of offi cers, introduction of rucsts, pres<'ntation or trophies arid a few speeches can be pretty gruesome if the pro- gram drag s -this one didn't. SMOOTH OPt:RATION The whole affair progressed at a diiey pace. I don't mean they rushed any part of the terrific dinner -that would have been an unforgivable alft. But when Clllt i l S President Frank Sawyer called the m11¢hl to order, thinga began to move. First honored gue.ta Introduced ..,.. Senator and Mrs. John Murd~. Don. Hm aod Mr Hill, 0 . .£...1!. A..~t,-,. ... __ _ Elder and Mrs. Elder, Fiah and Game 0..- missioner Andy Kelly and Mra. Ke117. ---. ITIN<rll'IKDO!M . Then came the viaiting club prtllldmU and their families includint Al Pelll'098, Maflo lin Club of San Diego; Mn. Ra)' K&r6bal1. Newport Harbor Lady Anglen; Jack Cong- don. Newport Harbor Yacht Club Tuna Club: Henry Brent, Light Tackle Marlin Club; Harold K<'noyer, P acific Anglen; NevaJ Mc- Coy Sr., So. California Tuna Club; Salvatore Mona co, Sea Horse Spinning Club; and Jer· ry Litwak, Orange County Conae1T&tionl1ts. The press was well represented with J ack and Mrs. Curnow, Arvo and MTB. Haapa, Mr. (Continued on Page 7, Pa.rt 3) THREE FIRSTS OF THE SEA.SON-Forest G. Smith Ill holds the fint albacore tro- phy, Billie Ho88 amilea over the first marlin trophy while J. Don Loclce proudly clai!M the firat 3/6 marlin trophy. The awarda were part of the dinner a.nd !utivitiea climax- ing 27 yean of Ci1hing for the Balboa Angling Club. AS OSt: PRt~mt:~T TO .ANOTHER-Incoming Preejdent Fred Henborn, left, dia-- ru~g('~ 1w w :IC t tnt 1rl'I f ~'r th<' Bn I boa Angling Club with outgoing President Frank Sawy<'r. H<'rshnrn will k::iJ the intemat..ionaJly known dub in it.a 28th year of anglinJ. 11118'1 TUNA-Jolm C.,S. bolda tbe J. A. Beek per- petual a.ward for the flnt tuna utch of the eeuon. He ...-im wmnaac &oh Ja.11 22. THE GAl,S COMt: THROVGH-Loulae Hopton carried oil the Curt Dosh trophy Friday night at the Balboa Angling Club annual awards for the large.t yellowt.a.U caught on 316 tackJe. Her winning fo1h weighed 10 pounda, 2 Yi ou.ncee • ' ; ' . . (}overnmenl Gxcepl PAGE 2 • PART 111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 ''G od gront us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change: the courage to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A, Anon.) EDITORIALS OCNS Readers' Dividend ., . .L. I I • Newe. Preu readers &nd thoae peruaiug tothef'.i Orange County Newa Service newapapera Monday or listening t o Radio KWIZ aaw the fruita .of conatant effort by OCNS to Jive you better coverace of top ator· iee than afforded by any other newa media ln the coun- ty. OCNS teletypee qul~kly provided inembera of the circuit w ith the year'• top newa ICOOp •. We refer to the exceU,nt, piece of news r~rt.ing 'b y Pat Michae ls, OCNS reporter , who scooped the coun- ty. state and.nation with hl1 BUI Bonelli exclu!live. The J'kws • Press eagerly backed Michaele' attempt to set up t his cracklin1 good alory, p'r 2viding camera hold- ...-rs and -l.Ulderwriling with other OCNS members ex- pense attendant on-the venture. w I Michae la, who with Jack Boettner, Santa Ana OCNS bureau m embers, provided many news beats on the Orange County G rand Jury inve11ttgations of ~tquor lict"nse irregularities is t o be commended highly -and has ~en by this newspaper -fo'r getting the Bone lli intrr\'icw. Hts 11uccess, where 11eore1 of metropolitan Los AngeleH news men were unable to crack the yam, m.aktll the 11tory even 'better to OCNS newsmen. joumaliam and will continue ~to provide you with top excluatve new1 1torie1 and picturea which other OCNS membera wlll ahare. NO "PAPER TIGER" ,,.... A great American aoldier obeerved his 7oth birth· day annlven&ry Jut w~. It muat have been a source or deep A\l11raction 'to Douglas M~cArthur t o see his ~vemment re-eatabllah the freedom or action it had voluntarily aurrendered in Korea. There &re many who feel that had Ge neral M ac· Arthur ooen permitted to carry the K ore:rn war· to a military condlusion, we would not today be im ·olved in Red China's aggressive program o f "liberating'' Formo- aa. P olitical considerations forced a halt sh ort of vie· t ory, and R ed China~eckiess, brazen, blust <'ring-was left with its delusions of ~randeur. Our back-down in lndo-China and the so-far in<.'ffcctivc n eguliations over the fliers imprisoned by H<.'d China, ha,·e strengthened the Red belief, expres sC'd b y Dict ator M ao Tse-tung, that the United Statil8 ia a "papl'r tiger," appearing fe rocious but not willing t o use force t o prutC'ct itself or Its soldiers. Pre aident Eisenhowe r's Formosa policy is t tw sort of bold and realistic action long dcma ndC><l by Califor- nia'a Senator Know land. It ·is a blunt w :i rning that Ame rica, wanting only p<':tc<', will f ight to protect itself Ther<.' ia nothing lik<' producing top coverage of -and will no t h esitate t o strike fir~t if od·(•ssary. No 11uch Ntrlusive 11ature ns the Bonelli story, particularly privileged sanctu aries for the aggressnrr...as in Korea. when yo u think or all the newapape:S whose editors War, once m ore, is "':ar-not a ~lice acti~n. . . -UBI THB 8T AIRS t• • Productivity the Answer With little attempt to understand the why of it. aome nations look u pon our a chievement of the w orld's h lgheat 1tandard of living aa a atroke of luck. f ~rom " BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL 81 HORACE PARKF.R (U Noto ... Tiiie CoDIWR•· ., Mora.. hrlltr •111 ....... IM UtU.11.M-~lork!&I fM't1 a. ._ 4"'41.. 11p la 11'8 -., trt,. lalo UM bMll CIOllllfFJ 18 ,_..., yMra,) AFTER MUTILATION-Note recently carved awutika In lower ldt aquare. -, H o race Parke. Photo Some months ago we wrote about th<' beautiful a nd myaterioua carved. rock mue near Hemet. Thi11 Information had also appeared in anotl"jer pap<'r with ep<'ciflc di~tlona and rcporttra t\_a ve tried to catch up with the former Whether the Umtcd States is correct m cst a bhshing It ian't, of cou~. We have worked hard, naked much, produced much-the growth factor of our eco110· on ·· · .. ~ was ttauec I felt that on ce the exact loactlon .-----IT'!!'T'!:"""l!~a=-~~:v•,,iv-Anm:~~---.,AjjQ>LJ.j.n~ai~~.U;UJ1~~01a ~1 raif-ma,y b9. d&. · . ~... 91~.What fl!i hiiJlur.ttm:1ffic..c.-ll_..n:_~~~~~ a ..... of ~:=.i..::.;:!.!:::;,::::."""'---~.c.:!-.::4.-o!'"..~;:.::..:!..;.;;.i~.:..~~ .. .....,~~~...;:Fii;;;::~~c;;,;.~-;;...-::.:a;.;.;.i.IJ!~-.-..... ,.Jili~~·~ .... ~.~~~J~n::nw~:,wl,o:o.....1h&.e:..,!'.1 or. thr "~J.!'llJtlrr p•lnll'u. '• lh,. made possible by canful planning, excellent reporting. publlr al lar111 thf'Y woulJ mu11J· rh11i'a'lr.:r'TTliil 11 " • W• OCNS fellow staffers are proud ot Michaels" coup It is to be fervenUy h oped tha c Reds do not ate ll. Dul tvt n 1 rnuldn't rlgurt rl'll, yrlluw, P''"" ur bl11e r•lnl "" k th t ' ' l k f th' . h ' · · th I And pain lit 1111 1111' t Ol k.o 1<rn11nd hlll which has left other non-OCNS newspapers g asping in ma e e rag1c mis a e o m g t is is JUSt ano er We were once an underdeveloped country ounelves nul how lh•Y "'•rt go1n1 to do It. rtarr to "101,.rnve th,. io.1k• or IU';'PrilK'. Juit thought you'd like to know yo ur Newport Harbor New11 ·Preas believes in this aggressive type of AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY 0. MM'ARTHUR bluff that can l>c called. The i erna tiona l strings that ll "'ould take chlArl.o lllld h11mmm1 thin.:•·· bo D -we give o ur aucceae-formula to any country that will I und ouglas MacArthur's ha s do nol hold bac k the to mar It. The .... ti;n .oh1wtn"' I• anion" tt111 Se h • a ccept It. And to maintain and atrengthen It here a t .. • vent Fleet. The papC'r tiger has bo ne and f!C'sh and A (f.W day1 bark, the wire Karl WOI •l 11f I te· bt ll•h rnunlry \'NII· good str ong muscle. · home, we can hope &nd work toward a long-range •·tax Benni• and 1 retumrd 10 the mue .ial• an•I the 111n.ot nutnC't"ll~ /\· pro1ram for economic growth" which will dlmJnlah p res· I bout a yru •110 1 "'"' In thr hllh• unf • d h l In March ot an object Wt' krep or ll11n l.llf'1to btlween J 11ll•11 an1t ent tax rate &1meu an at t e aame t me tncourage f;alllnc to c1m1 but Karl hu ae tn. I Alplnr. ll'• • btir •'nuntry ll nd economic srowth and development. 1 touk on• look \l the maze and apldrr•wrbbf'll with r111.ita n1nnl111: horror or horror•, aom• vll n1ta1 1 hllhfr an.1 thlthf'r. 11n11 to m11I• · F M C W had flJUrrd out a way to olllflc· mall..ra wnr1<e t1111sl nf thf m•p• armer C abe n'tes are nnl up tu t1•lt' lloreolully "''' . 'fl , , urt ll. look NJ fur •litn• t<I t hr I' r11~.o· W ASHIN·GTON REPORT ~ 8~· \'our CongrN1sman JAMES B. U1T Houae J oi nt Rcsolutlon.1::.9.111 or law of nature. anit .,n It mu1t bt NOW DISnOl'RF.D r 01111• nnlv 1" 111 "" thrni ""mfll1>tr· nu~i~~.·,1,t~~:>;;~;.~ ~ ;;18~al1Co~: :;;:,,~h7ii~'~t~~~11for;:>b!~:.1:~~oil 1uch lnlf'maltonat lm porlanrr tlrnl with our fortlgn polit·y. Followln1t Feb 3 1955 Down In th; lower l~tl h1rnc1 !r 11 • 1.1111e' •t~·d ""11 .. '"'•lrny• d hy ,,.,.,,,1nt111 ••. tC """<"lttl Into law, ln MO T tht1 repo1·t will dl8cuss ll ,.xclul'I· l hRl ui lhf prei;crvn lwn uf other • ' corner u you face II. I• or •II I le I •1i:nt • •10:r1" 0111 un '"""· ' !I POTE:\"TlAL free pi-nple 11.11d lhl' prr•erv1lton H rd d Le lhln11 a rerenlly rut In, 1 rude Y 'f'lf'I an. mciunl a.in r""'" 1111 pt vli'11Jlllly v.111 do much lo· "ln Vlt'W or lhe tact that the vely. H. J. Rea. 1~9 the govPrnlng of pearl'. Some ri .. t<. o( Ct)Urlle. 11 ea aome creat an amed Man aay here awhile ~waall'k• To mt lhf' mne I& Whl'f(' ,,, .. ,~.nrr lllNV , ... II \•11111 "'at •I 11hA1'•111o: lh" rut11re or 9duca· flfted youn .. pe<.rpl• In our ac:hoola policy ot lhla adm11111tr1llon as Involved, but therr 1~ slllO rl•k In· back that the Wheel 1a the greate.i invention o! thla age. n1ln•d. ll I• not In 11• or111n .. 1 ~."' 1"r lh,. ""~ 11h•>olrr" 11•111111v trnn tit thi~ '1"1" wllh rf'prd 10 today·· Harduly iaya, "are poten· regard• our Far Eaatf'm dt'ffne ... volved In rnalnlnlnlng law anlt or· 'and I thou1ht to myaelf •.• Well, now that'• true, and ~tale, and may thr wr11th nr lht" ltl'fl" hrr In. wllh " •hol 011 lh" h11nclhnJ: .. r ,co-called "l ltlad" ttally the mO&l <'reallve, rno1t Im <1rr In our own cn111munll11'io Such Indian Coda fall on lhl1unfnrt11n·1 th1 m1lrai:r n111nl>1•1• c luldr •'n aslnallve and mott Inventive mem-t"OR~O!iA \'IT A.I. then after he'd talked on !er nearly an hour, I thought rl,ks are eesentrnl l•I J'IPV<'nl tn· ala v•n•l•I. UIJ'4Tlt0\'l:\CI ('A\ r. Tl•f''"•' ,..,. 11lrntlra1 blll1 by Stn· ti.ra of aocl•ty. w'e have a rnajor Thia rt.oolullon 11 the fml'lem· gagements. but •f thrro nro they well, he ou1hter know, cauae I've done come to the C'OO· al or Hu;:h I'. nonnelly, of Tur· ruporurlblllly lo provide thtm with fntatlon of th11 r r .. ~1•ll"nl'8 tt1I'~· will be localized to lhrit ar• a. Th• clualon that he h ad a whole bunch of em In hia head and T'llwn nn th<' ,,,..,...., 11,.,. hA\"I' I An ln11111n I'll\'" full nf hrn111t~111 I•" k, • h1.1rm11n nr the Hnat• 9du· •ducaUonaJ e•perlenc:n lhat allm· aase ncu.ie11lln1t C-on1trns1nn1tl •P· rhanru are Q9 ''' t th11t "uc:h •c· they WU& all goin1 round at· the aame time , .•• Com e to rtrnn1lrUt led lh•• 111.i. v .. ur• 110 atx1t l1:ln111 11rl I' .ol11v. h hr1ni.: ',.. •'Alltm rilmrnlll""· and A-mbly· ult.la 111 thf'lr varled tnl,.re1t1. proval for the d"ftnat or Fornio,._.. lion 1 1 ts nrrrU f•t v 10 ,1,.ft"nlt For· .,--llullfrflflJ f;l•K" Stotttun -'K~tn ,.1ruy,.•I hy pri.,.1 .. • ll•ri1u11: . •f nurn Cnrltt" IJ•'"· of Hayward, a challenge all their abWllu, and en. Hie moaa1te wu 11trnng 11nol to moea and certatn 'At1Jll•·l'nt i1tlsnd~ think of It, that might be what'a wrong with a lot of us lhf v>1nt1~1,. h11 " 1""1 .. fi••lol .: .. y rsu,.11 '1f 111, 1,~1"1,.., ,,~,. "' frl'shman l"J:t10lator who formerly courage lhtm In all way11 to work the point: It ltan11 nn room rnr h--• · • · U 1·111v1n1: th .. lr 1nit111 lc nn lh" wall•, •• h 1 will not •perk a t hu o1 \\'ntlol war •• , • too many w ~• turning. apec1a y in our h ea<.!!i. 1 1 1 "°"\, 1111 A n 11. 1,.,111 111 1 •I\ , l•n• ..• Wll!I a 111 hnol trac:htr In th• A-· to t e upper lmtt ot lhelr cap•· queallon a11 to the lntrnt nr thu• \\'hen RuMla I• rrntlv 1., ,.1, ikf , 1<hnolln1: ll'tr d,., teal 'n I' aqu" mrda county rummunlly, and la clUea." country lo •lop any wr~tw11rd ahe "111 not nerd nny. ln<'ld•·nt to (alt r1fht.a r .. ervld) 11ver lhf' ltrt"pl1<<'•·. 11l .. n1: \\ tlh l••ua • h•u 111 i. 1 ""' • ,. 11 \\ 11\t• I\ aware 11( the nl"i:lecl ot the (lft9d ll 11 pointed out that too otltn, movtment of Reod C"hlnll In Its provoke tt. uth"' "'"1k" uf ''·111.J>tlt<m ;\• "" hi • nl\n" 11111 ... ,. 1t1I "' 11 tJ t'hl1'1 tn C11llfornla'1 aducatlont.l the Sifted child la ktpt buay by effort to breek a vlt11I link flf our C lrll thr ~put. lhrr" WA• ron .. "' l'•tnt n1<•. prog-rllm. duatlnf eraaere. wa.ahlng chalk· chain ot dtCenu . t rlatn llland• 11 c1111n1I Ft1rmn~11 . lht Kornn \\'ar Thrutrr who •P· dtpt'nd nn the U, :\. We r11nnnt thvae enAmtll .. cJ •rgn• irnnnuru irii: boardJI, cleanlnr the teachtr'a aup· auch as lhl!' PeJ1•11•lt•11·'· c,/IHlllll}'. 1•v1.rrd twor\lr1· the lntl'm•I Setu· plan, d11 e.t, 8ntl e>.1'r11t•• n11 1 cl ... ttiat th _. "'"" th•· v.illi·tal , :-:111 In 111,. • 1! •Iii\ ,, 1 1..,1 ,, 11 .. PR04 iR~M OOllT ply room, taking notea 10 lh4! Of· lt thl1 link were brokl"n by and others lh1t t1111ltl 11• ui<l'tl hv lnlv Sub1-i•mmlll,.,. nr thr St'nalt' l<'n~<' nt thl' <1111n1•il uhl1• i;twh11h ltc.:i r :• 11,.,.,,,~~···· ~11.,11 1 1111:.: 11.,,.11 ,111 """ "' ,11 11111111, 110• Tbe blll11 p1 ov1J1 for an approp· tlct and puformlnf othn taik• Commun11t occupation of Formn11a, Rf'd Chin" a• at.1i:tn,.; 1111 ·1•. nt•t•I Ju;llr111ry lnC'ht\ll'tl Grn• ral Ma.rk our enemtu p•rlAlt• 11\ Lhe Je· yean nhl wtrr lltro"''•nlC t "•k• •l lt1rk .. 11, ""'I ~'"' krtt .,. ,q, ,,.,.,1, rlallnn of $132.000 tor the alt.le that are deelcntd lo uae their ll would be moat dlrrtcult. yr~. 81!!0 bt' df'fcndr1I Fc11 1111~ "'"""n I no1 k. Lt v<'ll S tralelntyer. a.ti· llbet,llona. It a nd rhlpplnK th,. t nfl m-1 Thr\ Mnn.v 11 ln•I An•I rxhRll•l"I "nn· 11,.prartment <tr tllucallon to carry t1mt, and kt"P lhem out of the nearly tmpoatlble to ddrn1I !hi' tt w11.11 nnl poAJOllll•· tn llw T<'•olu· I rrnl Vnn Flc<'I. Admiral Tu!:Jier In Ula dtacuH lon at.are It may l"ulhfld at u• wh,.n wr 1nld lh,.m ,1,.tt r "" r. Ill• It(. 1,. , 1, 1, , t • . on a pilot 11l11dy of •duc:at1n1 th• taac:htr'a way. fre.-dom ot th,. Pacific Ortsn, 11n<1 lion lo 1.lrllnc,.lr N11 h 111 ,.,. or .i,.. I J11y. nn<l 1.t ''"" Almond. 'fhey bC" tln•. but when It p•H•• the to quit. , """•·ht ;»:""'""'" • 111,, "inoli ·iu J('lfltd rhlld. Thi' pro1ram, accord· Communl•l forrr11 Would beo knork· fl'n•r . Ill our ph1n of ddrn>t1• m1tHl I 111 c 11'"t • rt.l lh•ll 1n KnreR, Amer· dl-uNIOn 1taga and rtac:h•a a t k .. ... ~ ~ 1 11 t I s n .... )If• "" l 11r 111 111111110• hl ltl I I, lni: to (;t•oqzc Ho1an, deputy di· Ing at our WHlern ah1>rf'.O. not be n111•lf' knnwn tn thP •·nrmy l11/\ 1>11ba111u1 1•t1 epp1·1111cment for point of mllltary defen11e, lrl 111 lo r 0 all Pup ""1"1 °~.'; ,1n11 M\'Afl~ ,1,..1111111,,n 11\l ••lt•d r.-rtor Of the drpartmanl, ta 1.la ttlt RE ADER s E18F.NHO"~R ('ORRP'..<'T nor cnn n11r <Jrr l11.\'!ll<'nt c1f fr11t'r 1 vtct111y, thnl r ulll1C't1l c1m1ld1ra· not be harnetruni by fo1tll{ll di· Mountain •ml huw pt1mll \I' ,,.1 r\•l"rythln1t In •l1-7ht A 11,., , • for thrf'e year11. wtth the flrat year b.-llmlll.'ll. I llnna wrn• p('t mlllC'd to nv,rrult r•c:llv•a many t lh l wa• In col)lr11s\ '" nt hrr Prt'•"nt 1 • f It waa hlithly pruprr thlll the ~ ~ . o em •mana • day ar•••· It \t)() hat brrn mullllll• •I• 11 l,.r •l11wn 111•11t 1 ·1,., II • 111 v to c:on11umf' un Y 40,000 o the rrrllldtnt llhoullt Uk Cnn~r<'q~l11n. Th" 11e<·11nd .ol~ntlt•'J\nt f'IHI (If mllllnry nt'• •·i<l!tt1.,~. th)lt po11tbl• Ing from aourcu lntmlcll to our d Ont' or lhe prup•t lv ciwn"' 11 1111 l.11 k,. 111 lht' B•>r··~11, f'l'•tnt••ll 11,1111. tolAI rrq11et1l('J w RITE al approvAt. •llhot1"'h 1 11m rim· lhc Pt l'><t•lo nl ~ mr•snl(I' whidi 1 •llhHr~lnn, w1~1lrul th1nk1n1 . anti wtlfar, " · · IV to 111, Rllft,.cl c'fth rn 11 , ,1 1 .r Aaa elop g11p,S~nalorDonnrlly " hr!1tt1ly •n<l•1•1' 11 f .. un•I 1n lh«'lfllltNI prr&~llr•·A ll«'nlrd 118 vtctory; · .t !th• mountain 11 • h•trr of '"'"~1 firo"'""' ""'n lhn th•''"\'"" ti •·· flJ .. nt lhlll If lln ••"1• t i.:t•nry .. 1111111.t K H. J . Ru. lll11 t1 Uw flr1t •l•P ftru 1-nd Mpp11rrnlly all humnn• ' h11s anolhn mi•asurf' tn, calllnr hit\'«' llrlllf'n thrMt•·nlni: nt1r ~·•II· 1ollr11A 1n1r i;t nt• 11•1•nt 11n1I tt.ot l11tlur" 111 win In orea In thl• dlrtcllo It 1 l I q111t f' "'"''I ,. r,. ..... huni ll•·ol \ot•'• for only the ftrMt y1ar'1 approl· r lty. h" wnultl h•'"" m .. v.-•I ~wrfllv ' M••nnwhtlr• I h" ~11u11• 111n ""~ 11:'~ )r11p1111l1zrtl 011r pll~lthm tn U1• toward war, b~·l a :O~~' ~0:'.~;~ ~~~y mrtl~=.1.,:~ar~I <1~;"1 Tt~:' ;,;~~ 111,.tllnt J •, r It 111 k" I• 1 ""' t v pr1ation In lhf r venl the rananrlnl 1810 \\' Oc.-n Front to mef't ll. H111 rrquot we .. nnl n I b"' .. m .. ~11ff1nntt Iv ' '·'" nt \.I 1111· I l-11r F:~ •l T ,._.y P1q1r..,.~rd oonUrer~ ptlrf' rt t1 a de<'larallon that I Roaa and on m11n)' vr lh"'111 ' " hi• fn'm !hr ,..-,·nr """11 .. nnl k•· • 111tuat1on of th" ,.I.Ill•' tr,.M~ury v.·111 ' hll~lv llr tiun Th II h I I r •·I m". w1thl'llll ll\\,11 11111: n1!1n11 h\' t1\•r l•1" rondttr l nt lhl• lln!l . :-;, 11•1tlllv ''"'" J•'~I'•. not .. 11ow rnc11mbt'nnir thf' f'nllrl' u t ., ••Janua ry 29, 1(1~:\l th~roucohh• 1" ln·nl 1"t "' -:'"' n lh" l'nit••·I :o>:·.:t"n". 1 .. "'k I ' •n· 'I"''"" nrttnn 11nt1 hnp<'d lhal whll!' we want pt•C•. we will not prnp,.rty he h•• rrwl,ly pnnt~d t .-1V (!'llr 1•1r ,..ose~· .... "\'11 lllC" I\' Oltr. ,,,,. II pu1c:h1111e tt at the prlct or "rh•rn.o Wtlh bl ljtht C'lllnt!'tl pninl• '1111.,· 1· ... 11 .. 1• lhl• •••llnol• Il k·· 1•r1 ,,. ~="~.:. undt1 rnr lh!! l!l:.~i·[>G I May 1 l!'llpn:.. ~y appr•clatlon rtly ("•11tn..il 111nd our J oint l'h1•f~ i:t;.;;~~",,'~:~~·:~·~~',~~;~·~·tll be " ~;~;.·1~;11;,.~·o,t,'11'r ;:,:i~z:r~~~~ llnd slavery." Our firm •l•nd ""Ill itert'l Vt'I"" ''" th,.lr tnrnk~ v.1110 · 1n,.: lt•d \111• I• th•' '""'"n °"' Undoubtedly, lf th• rund• ue f or your very fine. out 1pnktn <'f St er~ Thi' Ir ronrlu~lon wa11 lhfll unlllltPrnl 111 tton bv lhr i ·nllf'•I llmller rln um .. tttnr, .• J: 1taln rf'11p.-cl tor the country In & prnplr who •\ft r l fu11·•t f •t,Y' 1 " •1 11.~11 i; t• n•I · :-:.. II ,111,, I.· f'dJlor1al In lut Thur«Say'a :<ew1 nur m t11ry fore"• 11rt' ablr In Rt Ale" Wtlhmtt llit ~·eol•i IV\Wf'r of 1 lllllrll'""l you wrllt" to th,. Stn· Ju•t what h•rf"'n" I' 1:11• •!·• " illn I 1 flt ,. htr n•' 111 11pproprlal9d and the pro1ram J'ta Prt'M (Jan. 21, enlllled "Jur)' rArry nul th" mtulon 11nlt tn mr,.I '" ~r:t 1 RIT\' AT l'ITAKE Ale L>oc11mrnl Room. Wuhlnirton t 1 u 1 Verdlcta Uquor Smell." I think 11ny r!'lll h11llon whll'h might ensue frlll rn Kore1i. "" rnm u•lnni< <1f th• lop D. C. and •<'Cure a rorr of "Thi' , r 11 •' 11 1111. 1 111 • • "'' •H•I 1: tl under way. lh• dtpt.r'lment ot t dU· lh,. \'. :0.: 11tt• h a~ raused our de· Th I I ~901 ·1.Ut:tt J'AISTf:lt'4" ' " "11• ' •• 1" •' ""1 1"' •n r11Uon W111 look over lhl prol(Tam your iaample ot a anll-llquor bill ('Al.Cl'LATl:O Rll'IKS military ml'n n ( our luuntry lndl· Korean War 11nil R,.lat,.d M11llrrf ' In tilt' b111•h 1 111n1n "'" h.t\"• "\'"n 111 .. 1 1 11 f,,,, i·h•, , f ·1 h ,,. "" 11fi.d children under way tn ta to lht point and wonderful. SC'lt·rruf'rvatlon 1, the fl~t KORf:AS ('llSC'Ll'~IO:>i."R c11te that "hrr~ t: .. •l.'rurHy or our 11 prtnt,.d Je.n 2 1. lllS:I, or rfqut1l me.ny 11wt·ln•p1r1n1t l(t1tn1l• ~. 11<1· •. ., •I 1· tin • ll•·r11 , t 11t~ n . 111,,.,,, San Dtero county, and conatder \\'hen wlll Ole people or CaJiror-•n Srn1nr mllltnry commandtrt In country 111 •oncl'rn••J "'"cannot my o;tlce tor 11. rra ali;n1t lhr hi.:nwn~, 11n 1 ,,,. • h,' rr •!Ir'" .. '' lln•I v.t\' "'""r an IXCf'lltnt brochure gtv•n to nta rlet up and dern .. nJS a clean up, w1y1 111m,.wh"r" thrr,. m·ll"I. ll,." •. 1 • ""' t"'" •I•\' \•Mn I 111 111 \\h• 11 l&achert In that county by lht or .,.,.Ill they! And your h•adt~ 11chonl thal 1111n• • 111 b I l"t .. · \\ h 11 board of adueau'on. ~ • ' ~ ''" "'11 • ' ' ''11 ' hll\ .. " 1t•••I ot lh• page ''God va.nt UI t •• r•1n trr1 On Ill' fA<•' .. 1 \hr '''I' 1( •h•lll "'" "''""'" llill• The brochure ta dtrtcted ·~cl· tlcally to lha problem of f'd ucat· l n1 (ltted chlldr111, and accord· In( to a prefaC'a wrllltn by Cerll D , Harduly. "mu<'h morr nteda lo be don' for thoH c:hlltlr•n who know the work of lhttr 1r11t111 lev•I before It la tau1ht. or who 8trtnlly flC:." Thllllkl-boulc:ten 11"" l'lln'r I .011.it1' I• 11 n,.: \rnr 1 rt•linhl\' • "' it rh I , t "'" r Sln<"t'r•ly, ot hot doit .ollln•t' n,r1l,.l.o 11n•I C'\'"n I""" Ii• rr P•n•,' or W••r •I• lo lhflt MARY w. JOHNSTO:-t rellr tou1 ~ll)'ln~11. llut lhl" \A Hl•l I l"ffo•l l.. fEd. Note: The editorial you reftr lo wu written by PubU•her S.n Reddick and, to my knowledrie. 111 the !Int tuc.h wrlllnJ which pin· point• a ""'Y bad 1ltuallon.) Formerly the Newport·BalOO. Ntwt-Tlmee and the N•"'J>Ort·Ba.100. Pre• Ente~ u 8f'C.lnd-C1&¥ Matter at the Pootottlce Lii Newport Boch. CaJltom 1a under Ult Act ot M&rcb 1, 1871. • hbu.Mcl tn,, Moltda) aocl 1'1andaJ at N-.on 8oedl. c.w. b7 Ullo l'l"E\\'POKT ff.ARBO• Pl'BU88Df0 OOllPAo''Y T eleplM>M Raner 1111 q,.lln.d lo hbllall a..., SodcM ud U.ert111•••._ of All &J.- B7 Decne Of ... 811,.,..r Coon of 0,...,. 0.. la Aetloe No. A-tlm ._.,., Oatttorma Now.,.,., ........._,. A.aoodatl• M-llu NaUo_, Mttortu A.IMelaU.. Member ot O~ County Nt,.. 8en1ce BL'f R.EDDJCK, PublltJIR Wll..L.lA.M A. MOBE8. EdJt.or OR.MONO E. ROt:NTRl:E, Advertllitlf Dtrtctor 1JV118Ca1moN una1 1 Newport Harllilor S"e"-..r,_, TwW. \V..etlY h Oruire County. M.no "'' .rrer: tll.flO •tw mna.: 11 .Ao ()tltudo of 0 ..... 1 l.'OUIJ f'7 .0I ~r J MI • • "Georg e, do you auproee th.la gentleman might happen to b ow if if will be a ai.z or eight . lane freeway • c .. ... RF.FORF. )fr Tlt .. \TlOX Thi11 i~ h r1w 11r iglnal rock m:t1.c lnr1krd b<·forc \'undn Ii; f 11111iil It. Jl11ra1·e Park· er Phr>to 'I • t • I llUBDER FOR CHRISTMAS-That's tbt!Dle of new play, .. My Three Angela," to be presented by the Newport Harbor Community-Players Feb. 3, 4,5, and 10, 11, 12 in the Chapel Theatre at Orange Coast College. Seated ia Jeanne Evans who portra.ya the role of Emilie Ducote I and ( L to R) Glenn Newman u Felix Ducotel and two of the three angels, Earl Voorhees as the convict Julea and Jim Webb in the lead role of the convict Joseph. The play is directed by Bill Fucik, 'My Three Angels' Pleases in Sneak Press Prev.iew •r WVilFRED BARBRE I p;,.pHt shop &t'rvlce, a Chrl11t· Murd~r at Chrlstma11 wss ac· mas dinrirr and tree. rescue of the ~ompllshed by thrl'e "ttnl(els" ttnil rlauJthler fro01 a n unrortunat.-love I Afrn1r. an•t ll l"OllJ'll" or murdC'rl! thl' aul'lience Jrivrd It, Tt.ey even l wht>r<'by the family rrui:ht live low•d lhl' ani.:ell<. convict" of no· h11pp1ly ever aftPr The othrr a,n· tonp11ll D"vH'11 1. land. who w1•r,; I ,l!l'ls \\'P t c equally gooll, one a11 rera1rlng thl' thatrhed. ront of the 1 u,., phtlt1,.oph<'r who had lramed nurntel homr. Into wt11rh 11laR" by expertenrl'. the othr r as a still _,r the Chnpl'I The11 t1e at C'o11Kt rhnrming yo11nic m&n who bell••ve11 C•ll11>gr ha11 b1•en tram1f11rnw•t. I in scllon. Par\11 are taken by Jerry or.-s11 rt'ht>11rsal of "~ty Thn•" Evan11 11nd E111·I Voorhees.. AnRf'I~." tri b<> pre:wntrd Frb. 3. Oth1•r11 In the cast are: Gl<'nn 4. a an•i 10. 1 r. 12, with all ,.,..nl1t !'><·v.'T!1an as Ft>llx Ducote!. Marie rnc-rved. was " pr•'Vlt'W for th•• l.m1lAe nu,•ntel, playe•I by Dorothy prr1<11 snd ror r.•presrntatlvf's of PelllngUI: Mnie. P11role. Patl Tam- Joral rl11b11. l>t'IHnr. Hl'nrl 'T'rochard, M.turlce Bill Fur1k. dlrec[(lr, wamrd that Roland: Paul, Ron St. Clair an<S artor11 werP 11t11l iwrterllnit their the Llrutenant, Michael Nell. part... Hr ne .. rt not hl\n bt•en White "My Three Angels" I• worriPd. Whtie prnt•ntatlon mtj(ht eonwd)'. It 111 not writt .. n for have hern w.-ak m 11J)(•t11. It wa11 l&lfUh11. ll 1s amusing, pn111ent• a notk eably 1m1noth performance. -dllnou11 type11 or people tnterHt· Jf'an Evans, a11 wife of a kind· lngty a nd without too much ex- hearted btJl lmpr Rrttrat 11hop k"tP· agrratlon. .. r. w1111 .. xrtollrnt In thf' parl. -hllr-It 111. In ract. well worth eitelng. lni: perrormlln<'I.' honon with th.-Afttr th111 prell4!!ntat1on &nd an· ('nnv1rt Jo11,.ph t Jm1 Wtbb 1 who olhl.'r In Puadt'na, the play will m11naired tn r rovitlto the Durotel not 11i:a1n b<' available for ama· family with: t,.ur group•. State Bill Would Give Counties Second Selling· Lecture at OCC Mond•Y Night Anolhr r lecture on the ''Sec- rPlll of Succh•ful SelllnK" will be held at Orange Coa&t Coller• Mon- day, 7:30 p.m. room 6, Technolog)I building, Feb. T. Ray N. Sh11w, manager of BurtumJJ, Santa Ana, will speak on "The Sale. Tran•· action· Techniques that Sell." The lecture. la open to the_pUbllc. This will be the fourth of a eer- ie• of six lecture• belnl offered under the joint 1pon.t01"1hlp of the chambt'rs of oomi'nen:e of eo.ta Ml'llll, Newport Beach and Hunt· lngton Boob. EKh lecturer la a 8\Jcce.uful buaineaa man ~Inc on a 11peclal phue of aelllng. Fol• lowmit rach 1 .. rture. an opportun- ity 111 given for quntiona from the fl()Or. The ntoxt two lectu,_ to ~ held nn Ftb. H and Feb. 21 will ti. ronducled by John Carr. v1ct!- pruldenl and general manager of Butrum11' 1.nd 0 . W. IDtckl Rkh· ard. own"r or Richard'• Udo Mar- kf't. Mesa M•ine Puerto Rico In Drill Tideland Park· Beach Revenue I M:r~:PL~~::.n~,~·a; ~~,;t1• • snn or Earl A bbht t of 341 Flower SACRAME;-.;TO. !CX31 A al neeJ9 of lht people of Call· St. Costa ,., .. .!!.&. ~nd Jmllband ot mov1 to 11trtp th,. ~tall' dlvlalnn of ro~PA Iha~ the lo~RI 11:0.;remment.a. lhe tormrr Miu M&ritarel J . bearhu and park11 or 11se of llP· or y.-r!I. w,. ave f'en trying Adlmaon of Pomona. 1s 11Chedulpd pr{)irlmatPly Sll0.000.00ll in ••·· without l!llC<'eH to itet the state to parllcipllte In a large acale am· c umulated t1.te~and 011 rt'vl'nUl' divt.~ion or bc-arhu a.nd park"' to ph1b1oua training exerC'I~ In the wa• before th1• ~l ttte 11t'nate 111. rt'co,rrn•ZI' the nf'('(.I for ml•nd an•1 Puerto Rlf'an 11re1t with the At· d11y m~~mtaln rf"Crl'fltlonal areas. ianttr Fleet Marine For<'e Traln - S<•nator Ra.mlol,.h Collier. Yrt>ka. tMt<'ad. the bulk of the fun<ls mtt Oro11p rrom Jllnuary to March.. hBS been 11p'!'nt for beach at•qul11I-19:-:"> prel!<'nted tt bill which woulJ Bl· lion anti redwood fr>rut pr .. en·a· IO<'All' that muC'h monf'y t o thf' lion." •·ounuu of the •tall'. and prupo11e the counlln go a hnll With their own beacheti a nd parka proirnim. Ellt'htttn other t11"nators Jotnl'd I ""'11.}1 Colll..r on thp btll. Unrter the allo.-atlon proposed I Orange county wo11llt rerf'tve • total of S92:l.869 CollleT H HI the allncal1nn Is baaed on a atr.IJlll?'hl SM.000 per / county, with th" rrmalnMr 1to1ni: a third on th" bll11ls flf area. 11nd I two thirds on the b11itl11 nf thr county'a pop11l11l1on "\'Vt do not 11i:-reP.' he ~•1d, "that • al.alt t11C4'ncy knnw11 mc1 rr about planning for the re<'N'lll1on· MAC'S CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT Les\·1ng "'ewpoi l Beach tnwarrt Hunt1ng1on S.srh. f'l""I Cafl' on thf' right. THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge orl.:N 10 "· M. TIIBOUOR I A. M . • Thi' t'XPrclse 11 dea1gnl'd to fa.m· ill11rlz.e Marini'~ with the latel't fighting equrpment and to tel!ll their combat readinua In tull acale ll1Tlph1b1oua maneuvl'ra. Units or th!' 2nd .Marine Division rrom I Ca.mp Lf'Jl'une. :". C., and units .,f the 3rd Marin.-.Aircraft Wb11r from Mlitml, F la . sr .. taking part. Art..r a 11lx·week training phue the Mar1ne11 wtU board •hips and 11torm the btachu of t he 1.1181\d of Vlequ .. 11 In an amphlbloua attack ag'llJn•t ag-r,.llllor forco duir in on tlw Island. \Yhlle In the area. t he Marlnea will vUlt ~IUu In Puerto Rico 11.nd olhe.r Cllrlbbea.n Islands. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE 3 THURSDAY, FEB. J, 1955 MATH·ENY'S· MEANDERINGS By.ml~ Didj& ~the srouQd·hoe yesterd&y!·Let'a eee now, if hie MW ~ abadow it meana eomethlng. Then again, if he didn't lee him m,csow, t;bat me&na eo~thing, too.! Anyhoo, jt WU Feb. 2 and we'l"f all setting into the awing for apring. 8peakiq of r.bru&rJ, Louie i.e back and· ID:NRT'B rot biJn! A Have you ever tried a Mambo pl& partJ welcomed the rental Wllh a Laaacna ! We Wnk that Senor ~ to th-.un·waahed Mambo hu 90methln1' to do with lhorH where Louie qtertatna at dancln&'. but IA.lapa la yummy the piano-bar ln the popular fare tor thoae who clU. Ulem- DNRT' 8. ' iielv• In the gourmet category. In reference to aprlnl' you Get either of both out at Johny mipt be lnt.eruted in wttn'eulnc Majurt'I HARBOR HOUSE. The a "Parade of Valentine Glrla" at dancln&' lncludea both Frtifay and the 8EAJl'ARJC LODGE AND Saturday now. The food and re- R.l)STA UR.ANT, down J_uat 90Uth f~1tunent l11' tor your good • .even of Le.cw-Beach. In addlUan to !fY• a Wffk. the nltUea on dlaplay In femme Uke dlnlhg by the fireside? faahlona coma t.omorn>W eYe at I, Then maybe the Old English cbllrm muatc wut be fortfleomV11 from at the HURLEY BICLL wlll ap• the talent.a of Jo Lellta and Bill pea.I to you. It you do not like Bkllea. to dine by the fireside, go to thf' A friend of oura IU&'& .. led a HURLEY BELL. In Corona del llhort travelor Idea. To wit. drive Mar and tuk to be ilea led . away atone Oout Alchway to lith St. from the fire &nd clo11e to Oliver at Bay Shorea, tum on 17th .nd Scott at U1e piano. Who knowa. take that winding road up the hill maybe Maf'~tro Scott will get hot- .A.ccordln& to thla Informant there ter than the fire wh.-n he trips Uu the view of all vlewa. The over thit piano keyboard. Harbor area al your feet. Your feet at the entrance to THI!: CAS-If you cet the urge t o w1lne1J11 Tj.WAYS. lnalde Joli)' Coburn'• a bit of cinema. check this h11t nice eatl'ry there la food •heller to.r current achf'dulra: • 0t the and pog plua oodlflf o.f 'MUtical MESA, ln Costa Meaa. "Sign of atmoephere. the Paran"; at the BA.LBOA, In Jolly allO la proud to p,_nt B~boa, "Sabrina"; at the LI~. at hla piano-bar Buddy Rohner In N-pert Beach, ''The Bardo6t tlcldlnl' 88 keya In • manner that Conteaaa"; at the PORT, In Cor- eeema to pleue m08t "cutaway•." ona del Mar, "The Sliver Chalice." ROSSI'S I• blner Ulan ever! A. the wlndahleld 1Uckers put New addltlona, remodellnr •nd re-It ao a ptly, "Make the Golden Ruic decoratln& have been completed to the Rule of the Road," and maybe make enjoyment of Italian 1pe-we'U all profit by a&fer, more claltlea even more enjoyable. courteo1111 drlvlnr day In and day "Mama" and ''Poppa" ROSSI even out! Rave fun! aeem to have expanded their cor-------------- dlallty to ro with the en'-rrement procedure at the Corona del Mar •pot. Jn the year '56 many a man auve remembera with noat&lclc mernorlu the "O&y NlneUea" entertalnment and alnglnr. Dick and Kate Dent recall thoee days for you -and In c•• you att too YOllJ\C In heart. to remem~r­ Saturd•Y n lpt.a at Te Olde BAL- BOA INN CAFE. ciiet' Henry J-wlU recall fine Loui•lan& cu1-lne tor thoee who are lnlncl')'! Dorothy Nubltt leada lh• old fuhioll Commurtlty Blnr on S..turday e•ee. Schultz Pays $100 on Weapons Rap Changlnf hie plea from inno- cent to l'lilty on a charge of carrying concealPd w f' a p o n '· Wayne Arthur Srhults. 21 or San- ta Ana. paid a SIOO fine Jan. 2!'> In ,Newport Ju11t1ce Court. He wu arreated l.ut week by Newport Beach police wh•n they aald they dlecoverf'd two rlflu With teleacopea and a loaded "'· volver In hla car. IHYIER PASS AND PAKISTAN TO IE FEATURE OF LECTURE The famed Khyber Pus and the newly formed nation of Pakistan will be the focal point.a of the next illustrated lecture to be "given by Dr. Gilee T. Brown in the aeriee "Focua on Aaia" tonight. Pakiatan, the largest lrloelem country in tbe world, also hu the' dWtinction of being the only major country aei:>arated into two pt.rta by over 1000 miles of another nation. Dr. Brown epent al· moat a month laat summer traveling eome 3000 miles within its boundariee, interviewing it.a prime minister ft.!ld other leadel"8 and taking over 400 color pictures of its people, customs and leaders. In addition to scenes from the Khyber P~ region, where the tribesman still make lheir own rifles. (liclurea will be shown of Lahore, Kim'a Zam· zam gun, made famous by Rudyard Kipling. the Shalimar _gatdens of the Moghuls and the Badshali Mosque, the world's largest. The lecture will begin at 8 p.m. in the Art Cen- ter Gallery at Orange O>ast College. The public is im·ited to attend. The final lecture of the eerics will be on Feb. 10 with india as the topic. ~ighway Commission Sets April 11 Route 22 Hearing 'SACRAMF:NTO-The Calltornl1< ~t1ncemed, It wM 11nnounrf''1 by Highway <:omml~11lon announN-<11 Stat .. Director of f'ubli<' Works today It wJJJ hold a pubhc hear· F rank B. Durkt'f', chairman of thl' Ing In SMla Ana on M(lnc:h1y. Commission. A}irll 11, at 10 a.rn. In connection RECO'.'OtESDED ROI.Tr. with ll• <'On11lderatlon of a tree· The recommt'nded route would 111my routing for an 8·mlle portion swing north of Garden Grove Blvd. of Stale ..Sjg:n. Roure 22 ln llftd at Hansen St. and run euterly Wt!lll of Santa Ana. State Sign about midway between Carden RoUlf' Z2 ronneeh Long Buch and Grove Blvd. and LamplOn Ave. It Santa Ana. BOARD REQt'EST The Orange County Board or Supervlllon1 requPsted' a publlr hearing after beini:-not1f1ed by Slate Hlithw"y Engineer G. T McCoy of the r omm1sslon·ll de· rlaratlon or mtl'nllon to conAldrr adoption of a routln~. !'.!t'<'oy haA r•·<'nrnnwnt1ed 11. r(lul· tng nnrlh of and J{f'n .. rally parallel t.o thP pre!«'nl hii:-hwHy. which ruDI! along Guc1en Grov.-Blvd. At the publf'c hNJrlO,I?, re1111lt1 O( Div111wn or Highways studlPll or po11111ble ro11th will be pruented. IA<'al aul11or1t1I'><. <'tv1c i;:ro11r11• an.t tnltn'ttlf'd ln(ltv11h11tl.< are Invited to prrsent nn,v 1i.1te an1l Informa- tion whirh will i: .... a~l the Commh1- •1on m the dt'l"1 n11nat1on or tht' mOlll adva.nt&KCOllll mule for 1U lncldent&lly, \here'• an all-nlfbt e&t.ely out the Cout Rl&'hwaya t.o- warda HUnt1nrtAln Beach. Who you pt the \&rp at lM -houn, j'IMlt bMd I« H. JI. and look for tht> •Im that re.ad• "MAC'S CA Fl:." ll'a open all·nllht ! r -=1 1:1'~ -"""" , wf · =-;:::: -h ii;;;:;;; i#Di plua OE!'<E ULL l' •• Balboa ~ of a pair of fam· «MW relllaurant.a -CHRISTIAN'S HUT and KARA.KS! Soon to be added to lh• Uat of hie. plac89 to So tn Balboa ta GR.ANDOL1'0'8. It wm be a unique rBt.au~l featurtn1 IWlan and American dlehq with foocMo-10 .. "1ce for thOl!M! who Uke It! Keep an ey•·on Balboa Bl•d. GRANDOL1'0'8 "111 welcome TOU llOOft! IALIOA INN • CAFE COCKTAILS Dinner 5-I I p.m. Daily I Cl<»ed Tuetlday l mw1n BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHTLY. . an PIANO LOUNGE (att .. r 11:18 p. m .) Coast Hwy. at 17ttt St. Ubefti 8-3071 ROSSI with ell the Gourmet Accompaniments WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS .. Crest of tt.e Wave" ~ .......... ~lltfvtfood. cocktaits 111d service 1mid o6d encltstt cMra. HURLEY . BELL would .winr all(htly turtlln nort1- lhro\ll"h lllf' community of Oardrn Orove. then l!IOUUI agaln In the Vl<'lnlty of Harbor Blvd .. <-onllnu• Ing f'uurly ;n a Jllnl"llon wltb the Santa Ana FrHway In SMta Ana In the vicinity of Brletol an. &nd La Veta Al'e. L I D 0 71tt<,tr, .. NOW TllRfl Tt'E& -nlE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFJJL ANIMAL!" Al,80 8f:UX."IT.b 8BOllTI IUDM MAT !lAT. l:&I LuriUe Ball ,.LOOK WHO'S LAUOBIN0- f4TARTlll WEDNESDAY ''There's No 1•111911 Like Show IMllM11" AU 8&ar OM& ~~ ftAllTll 8UN. - ' DAYa Twa ., ..... ASTltAllaD • SA TU RDA YS • Dorothy Nesbitt IHdl COMMUNITY SING Go to AnENTION PARENTS -ADULTS! IN BALB CA rm r~oo ROSSI CAFE Corona clel Mar 2325 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 1180 Sil bar k, relax, lf't CNCLE RALPH conduct and euperYIM »our own, your orRanh:allon·a or your chlldre.n·a birthday, Valentine nr llnnivrri1ary parllu. rve had yeara of npenence in rec rt i t w n1 I a ntJ el!Ul'l\t1onal flf'lrla wtlh a.du I ta and chlldrt>n, all •Re It• our~. Will u"um,. tun re11poMiblllty fnr entertain• m"nt. 111111r rv18lnn nf re(rP11hment tHatribullnn. Enterts111mpit may lnr lu<le 12 hour magic llh(lw, gamee, atunta. rontel!ll-8. rl1t11r •nR •>r wh11te\·.-r may be d11alre-,,, Indoor or out- door parltl'J! t •"" SIO.llO CaJI l"ndf' Ralph at Harbor toS9-W S """'°"' Blvd. on Cc>ut Bl(lllwa7 .lli"EWPORT BEACH • Coming Soon .•. "Superb Food" l Wa ue C1~ o• Tltaraclay9) HENRY'S -MAKE IT " Mt:ST - -Spanish Food at its lest- sEso11 LOC.'11: AT THE PlA."iO COCKTAILS~::.:·::.: Ll"!\"Clll;O~S AXO DU-1\"f:M NOCHE DE RONDA ~PA.,,8H DL"'\:\"El\8 -AU. t ·ofl ('.~~ t:..\T tl:\"f:Rl' nn;asnAT -a to 10 P. 11.1 s11s 9ranJo/fo; Italian Dinnen Pizza Fine foods #o Tale Ou# WATCH FOR OPINING · • 5111 ...... ..... • •••• llAL MEXICAN.· FOOD Stab for 1'1IOM Wllo Dteln \ U JM pnfer to ata7 a& ilome ~ .ee you favorite ....... ,,....... tr, oar boxed Mnieu d.lnae,. or .,.W ..,_ to take 'oat. 1'bef're ......, tO .erve. PlllVA.B P&llT'f 800K ,,,_ LIAO& PilTIU -,...,,_. ~ COSTA MIS~ I..._.._._, i;- llaltta ... ('"9bJ a.II 'l } I I TOP BRASS RECEIVE OFFICERS' OATH Swearing in of division and flotilla officers Saturday night by Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Bilderback, left. wu high- light of captain's dinner held in Balboa cale for Division 11 of Coast Guard Auxiliary of Newport Harbor. High officers of 11th Coast Guard Di.strict "and its auxiliary attended sewon . .:....ciarence Albecker Photo -·MARINE NEWS BAE-BOA ANGLERS TROPHY WINNERS NAMED AT DINNER PAGE 4. PART 111 -NEWPORT tiARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 Forest G. Smith Ill Tak~s_ Club Championship With 69.66 Points i'"rH111y P'f'b 4 ~aturdav P'rb !\ Sun<111~· F'th I\ Mon<111v Feh 7 Tu,.5f!ay . f'f!b. 8 W.rtnf':odav Fth. P Th11rM.1a)' F'l'h tn flfE f A ILE Tbn4 Hlcll II 4~ a. m. 8 24 p. m i 32 a. m. 8 t'>7 p.m . 8 16 a. m. 9 29 p. m . 1!·~7 I m 10 .01 p. m. !l 38 a. m. 10 :32 p. m. 10.U a. m. 11 ·03 p. m . BL 6 3 4 1 611 &.4 4 6 62 48 Ttme I.ow 0.34 a. m 2 .00 p m. I 25 11. m. 2·38 p. m. 2.12 a. m. 3 .13 p.m 2.M a.m. 3 .46 I'· m. 3 :38 a. m 4 16 p. m . 4.21 a. m. 4 45 p. m. 10 ·66 a. m 4.11 a.oe a. m. 11.3~ p. m. 4 ~ 11·13 p. m Padftc O.Ylta'ht Savtnp Time (f • nasT FULL QVARTE& MOO~ UST QVAKTER Feb. 14 MOON Feb. 22 Mar I Feb. e Ht. 211 Follow1ng u1 th" hat or trophy on light la <'kle.. MaTVln Garrett. 11ward1 made Friday night at the 12 lb. l!'.> ox : laraest aportflsh on -1 3 annual d'innf'r or the Balboa Angl· splnnlni; tackle. Dan · Greenberr. l 6 init Club. albacore. 23 lb. l'> oz .. _1 ~ Clock Trophy. m!'d1um. Larry First tuna or aPaaon, J ohn Cagle. Hehr. 2~ 1. largest croaker. flth or July 22: flnt albacore of 11euon. l .3 lc!'s, Mrs Ray Call. ~ lh. 61 ~ oz.: ForeM r Smith Ill, J uly 3 ; first -1.3 ler1trst dolphin. !Ith nr IP~!!. Gil 3 6 merlin of l'eB!lnn. J. Don Locke, 11 \\'ovne. !'.> lb. 11.1, 01 . \argPsl Aug. :?2. first m11rlin by a woman, bla~k !>I'll bass. mN.rnm, N R Mr-Mn1. Bill Ho11a, J uly 31: flr11t mar· -1 O \ny :';r . i9>:i lb~. hn of 11"a:o<>n. Mrs. Hoss, July 31: O 9 ~ec·ont1 large'! rrnakH. 9t h nr dub champ1on11h1p trophy, Forut -O.S lc-ss. Harold \\'00ol11. ~ lh 6 oz., G. Sm 1th lit. 69..66 p-0ints I s"cond ln1gesl whit" ~a bas.'<, --- o 9 Hehr. BrUC'P Alethtn. 41 lb 12 oz .. I AUNCHING I O 0 Fernwt lnq:est lilfllnwta ll, light. r~ 1 o Huh Powf'r~. H lb 4 or; . M!con<t -------- Jarg,.st Y"llowt111I. 3 6 . rhdl"' B Wh1·r1w1·nd, New 0 ~ Rl'lm1f'r. 19 lb. '2 nz. Lari;;e!I yf'llowt111l. hirht. Frank sawy,,r. 16 th. :.1~ oz : largest lt.ghl Yawl, vellowtall. 3 6, Mr~. C"harlf's L Hnpltln, \!l lb 2'2 nz : largest yl'l-Chr·1stened lnwta1l 3 Th . E . C. Van Dllmr, l!'I Jh, 71.,_ nz : largest whltf' ~I'll bafl~. llithL .Mn. Brue!' Blrth,.n. 42 lb. By ~T.AL BEC'K..,'"r;R 12 nz . ll\f$:1'l!l wh1l1• 11rll hot.. 3 Ii, The ll\te111 thlng in truly light Frrd "'· Hud11<>n. 3:, Jh 7 oz : dl11pla rPmt'nl llAJllng er11 tt waa l11q:r11t whitP l'f'll h11sl'. :l 'Th • C. launched m fl'rwport Harbor lut JI! B1•rb" 311 lb. 7 nz. wttk·ent1 • bv bulld'r Clrl Chap- l.11,rr•t •ll.rrir ... lli;.ht, Mr11. ma.n ror tht' own,.r. Stuart K. Ll'nnttr•I rorm1,.r. 23 lh. 1211 or;: Babcock ot Northrtdgf'. Chrlatl'n· lrir,i::r•t l\lbarore. 3 &. Michael I'd \\'hlrlwind by Mra. 811bcock SmHh. 24 lb. 3 nz.: lariteal 11lba· tn 11. 11hnwrr nt the tradltlnnal con• .. 1 Th . r . J. J<ymla. 20 lb. rh11mp•irne. th!' trim r rafl 1• 4a 812 nr .. '"'!:"Ill t una. h1tht. Mar· fl"r t long yN h Rll ll totnl dl11place- • "'" \.nr11•11 12 lh. 1~ 'lZ : l11rgt'11t ment of onh· JO,l)()(l lhl' 'CLEMENTI FIRIN~ DANGER REPORTED Mariner• are warned San Clemente X.Wld will be dan- reroua thl1 week becauae of naval gunfl~ and bombard· ment. Cout Guard o!Clcla 1 ea s c will be l:ltut- ed dally t.hrourh Friday trom 8 a.m. to midnight and during daylight hours Saturday and Sunday. Pyramid Cove will be un~r t ire today from 8 a.m. to 11 pm. and tomorrow from 8 a. m. to• p.m. tun11, :I fl,~ R '-fnn3rn, 21 lh. i •, nf'l'lgnl'l'I rXJ'l1<!'5JOly tor BAbcock :..• 0:...1161•"1 0.1 by th11 well -knr1wn E11J1l Coa11l ~f'rnn<t 111 $:' ~1 l\Jh11rnr ... ll1thl. nB\"31 a rrh1t,.rl \\'1lham Carc:lf'n, John C-111tl" 21 lh l~• 11 n1 . t<rr-thi> t>nlH w11s hu•lt tn rosta Mf'A& ond l11r1tr•l itlbarnr,., 3 II. \\'nlt,.r 11.nd wlll "" h!>rthf'<I Al ;\°t'wport \", Rnrkrr. :!fl lh. 1l ni: • J'l'<"Ont1 Ha.rbor Yarht Litn<f1ng 1n :-\f'W· lnri;f'•t ;,lhRrnr,. .1 Th . F E Hnr· J'l"'rl Brarh. • ,. Co1ui~ Okaya Oulboant T1left of January, tht l>l'J"&rtmmt or 11"'8.h and Oa ine a nnounced. Thua Acl iffecl p f far 1110 ,,. the ~ million ra.lnbow S1biner~e~ Lind m I ~ r l~IJI rig• ha\'(! btttn t•krn for • . ' ·Asks Probation h•tchery purpoN.• 011 f 11 I Use sA:\"TA "=--" .oc:-;~, -rw .. 1 - nm u.ace-ot Uie ell)"• aub-younc mtn Jan. 21 admlttl'd 1tr11l-1 11.,1usr:: Vl'Hut.arEIU.NCJ ~reed laDd ob tulldl came M on-lnl' a 1410 O'ilboarJ mutor trvm I ~ BOAT oon:u mer1ed land oU tund.I came Jan. a =""•'port Benrh man and ukc-,1 8AUM>A OANVil 2C al city council wllere several foe.a probMlon hear1nl? whc-n th,.t SHOP I tranafera of monlea oecurAd. The 1tood t>rfort Su~nor Court Judge c-ouncll approved a motion traM-J ohn Shi-a. ferrlnl' 12•.t'>2e of the Harbor ~-Admlttinr lh<'1r guilt wt rf' J oi- 1 nartment budret from current ·-' o '"' R h J ..-~--"' eph ·"· rant ...... and 1• ar A. u_p.nae 1ww lo aubmerred land Brown. 20. both Huntlng'lon Bf>•rh. ""-"' ~ )•ot lt. NI Oil 11ACH - ---- Harold I. Johnson I oil tund. The aame amount "''1U They df'ferrf'd a pita f'll " ll• • ., • awttchtd from currrnt exprnae theft charg that of a 1250 1kttC. fund to the proprrly tund. the pNperty ~C t::uj;<'n•• ""' .1. :.!31 l ln another motion. council ap-Kmgs ftoad. Sewpnrt s,•3, It. . Cel_ ... _,,......., ~ ......... _ proprlaled i1000 from the water Ar-7 .... _ ......,, ... I tund and put It In thr city wat.er The duo admitted taking lht 011tb011r-d motor AUJ;. 19, IM 3. It ~partmenl budget lo pay the was the propl'rty o! Addrn G. coun~ter ftlstrlcl '• new pump ft(iach. 212~ E. Balboa 81,.d. Ntw· "" \"Ula WQ. N._..n ..._ .----tax/lben $10.000 wu taken from port Bur h tbe working tun<U anc1 placed In l "!ludge St:ra flAlrd lhe proballon counrll ronllngrncy fund, while I heann,; for D.l8 a.m. F t b. •· The 11200 waa switched from the latter d.rrendant• .,, fnc on ball. tund t o pay tor rxtra le1a1 aer- \'ke.. Anothu i1000 waa taken from council con llnsency fund to pay for city legal book•. Nally, S~ we. taken from th• 111bmer•ed oil rund to pay coo- 8Ultanta' expenaea anct dahydr&- Uon co1t.a connected. wtth tbe city tidelanda oil 11rocnm. Mesa Poilce Report 2 Minor Accidents' A. pair of minor traffic aed- denta were repo~ by Cost.a Meaa city police J~ 19. An •uto drlwn by Mra ShJ.r. ley Ander90n, 24. 3115 Colleen I Place, went out or cOC1trol and O'lar Ill • ditdi on eanta I Ana Ave. al Santa laabel St. The driver wo.a not ho11pltallu-d. re. 1 PWta ahow. )nvolvrd in a rea"T-end C'raab at Newport and Harbor Blvda. at 9:~ p.m. were care dnve.n by Richard Jamea F ore. 18, ot 1332 Maple St .. Sant& Ana a.nd Char- lea Jl'red~l1ck Dekey11tr 32. ot 900 Purk Ave,. La~ Beach. . ~ 80VTH OOA8T 00: More Trout ~ggs .• Ecr t.aktnr at thr Mt. Sh.Uta hat.chary wlU continue to the rnd Uni •• Ne""°" •"9etro service Is very rella'91•• lllYd.. So uyt Janee Briar of llittnide, hdio ecatioa Tn6c Manr~r .. "Wbat l!M* people wane ill public~ tioo is roovalieoc:e Md comfort -aod Maro ~>' makes good ill both waya. Bec:allle I ue the but a1IDOlt ~ day, ( am io a good poaicioa CIO jadp the ecudard ol ""icr. And l'U giv-e Metro • cop rating. Yow bmea get me 111her' I want co go. "'"-I -..m co gee tbete:" "I'll recommend Metro any fl•e• - J"t'I. lfl II:! 12 nz. ~rnnt1 l11rgrsl \\'h\rlw1n<I 1,. dnublt'-t'nt1ert. 30 tuna. ltc-hl. "''' P.l,.thrn. 12 II:! {('rt nn tht' watf'rhn,. with an 8 8 nz l'l'I nn•1 I \rJ:f•t l11n~. 3 fl, fl . 6·in. hf'am 11nl'I a dnirt of 6 tt., / John OIJ:lr. fll lb. H nz 6 in. F.llt' 1.11 11tr tp pla nkrd v.1th 1..ftrJ:l'•t "'" rlln. hrH "' '.'II 1r h&l'l , , • 1n mnhni;on) o v f' r l '• -In. Smith. 181 '• lb . lar_i:r,.t ma rlin. 111p111r,. "ak tr11mrio t hn>11.(hn11t mf'rll•llT', ,l llr k F:ll""" 2111 lh · Hr r \'II\\ I rlj: 11rrr11di1 6!\0 11q ft l111i:r·I mAtl!n hi:hl Hrri1y Brrnt. n( io111l~ mll'lt' h\· Kenn~· \\'111111 &11d Zl I th ll\rJl'E'll! m11rlln :I 11. .I. all hardw11rl' 1,. "'"rnm11n Haz· nr>n I.<• kr, 11\1) lh . :ol'rnnd ln1 c r •I ert1 Knr!'tllt'll" n ggini::-!Ollly1< thf' m111 !in h"IW\'. Lronnril t.. r nr-mal't,. on<1 a ll ltnta are f'lvmouth ml• r, If>"• 1'1 ""ccmrl IM!;t'~l mar· varht. rn}ll' The cabin la)·out 11 SOME SPRAY-"! christen thee 'Whirlwind'" and smash goes the tratlitiJna.l bottle of champagne aa Mni. ~tuart Babcock senda the Babcocks' new 45-ft. Garden- desfgned light-displacement yawl on ht'r way to what will probably be a notable racing and sailing career. For- mal launching ceremonies on J an. 29 were attenrlt'd by a host of friends and members of the yachting fraternity anxioU!'I to vi<'w the sleek cr-.tft. -Beckner Photo This s1:itemcn1 comes from Thomas McKee, who fttqueotly rides the bus from bis home ia Alhambra ro Paudeoa and do••nrown Los An~ln. Mr. McK~. a ptdening tnrhwi· ut.. urs "'My family iJ all for Mttro. beauae tbt bwes ha~ 1hoc,c to .. -. eoisy steps and comfortable riding qualiciu. Getting on at the curb is JO much sa/u than chOK danger- ow mid·srrttt islanJs. Mcrro ~n-icr is 6nt aod tht' driven att grand fcllo w1. Where docs the company 6nd them?" FIRST SKIPPU WliH MARLIN lln mr<1111m. Al Elllll'ln 1°!1 lh · ,.,.,.y wrll su11N1 to rulnK or crul•· '"''"I hr i;l"•t marlin. hi:hl \\' ing , hll\'ing ." nt-at gallt>y and do>A·n th" P11r1ftl' Cout for h111 F Jlnhm•1•n. 18!1 lh : 1<rrt1n1 l8riz· hrr:hll for tour in the maJn <'ll bln tll<"inl:' rn~·r11.• Ont-of the YE'r)' r :-1 1 !'1li n. 3 6 8 111 Pll:J:, 1:,7 •, lh rnrn!lr<1 of tht rockplt whllr a f1t~l m,.mhf'r!'I of lhf' Xllrlh r.IPn !"otl,.n r.Jc1p~T of th~ f'lunonk It 1ccl'pl8 t hf' trnrhy r"r th,. t•rFI rharar bollt n r tatn tn bring 1n.-th~ ftrl'\ mar· ~mnl!r•t mArhn nf'!'n, '-lr11 H 1h 1 _.m1111 rahin 1<ft pro\1drs 8 doublr Am,nn in \'arht Rar111g l "nlon, p, \'rr> 1o:l'. lh · 1<m11ltr•t 11lh1-I ,18 t,.rnom for two. Bllb<-OC'k hM brTonged lo n11mrr- r 111; n Th nr lr!'ll' Mr11 R. Brrt ,.tor«' tll"lln IOll friends an<t mom-01111 yarht rlub11 In California a nd F"r '.rl'n. R lh P. "7.: flr11t m &rhn nf hrr11 Cl! 111.-varhtlng !rattmlty a t prest'nl rtys lhe burg ee nr th,. hn nr thf' '-'3 /1(0 J'C'f'tll'\ J'4'1f'Z:. ll'fl. I~ the donor AWIHll \\llll n·Ari. f"nO.\y ntJtht at tht' 8Alhaa Anglmg ('lub annuAI '1in- K~n! H1lrhrnck T"h'ltn DO\V the BIG are quiet! Q UI'! U I ~1lten, but there'• a lot of w1l<lcat artic-n in thOM rllfP'd. deprndable Sfa Jlor•r•. (A1rn,. in ind li!ltn lo the four grt'al modrlc. Sh to 25 H.P. ' ) South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. Al THOIUZl:D F' AM'OR\" lilF.Rn~r; fl'O•r" <:lrn Sorlc-n . A1tg :t. bnst llttr ndl'd Ole iaunchlng and ron· 1 SMta ~fonlrl\ Yl\rht Club. \\'hlrl· Chinn. k II .i:;ratulatf'<I thf' Ba h<-OC'kll nn t ht.lr I wind 1s s boul th!' twc-lfth boat ht Two Navy . Men Enter Weapons - Guilty Plea f'1r•I n·l'mber tn qualify. rlub 1 lx'aullt ul npw rraft. "Stu" Bab· hu own'd to C'late and . although rh '"'l'•nn.ith fl 1.-,11maml'nt F:. {" I rMk Ill 3 long-t ime dC\"Oltt o! lhrre 111 11t1ll con11ld4'rable flt Uni \'11n nnn.r flr:ot m,.mht-r to hrPllK sailing an<1 111 wtll known 11p and I out 1ind lnlu 1or finish tn M done, 11 • I )l r .. rnr<J. '-1 r (" ,.r B'""h". '-fll\' :! J Th. Wh it" Hll hllll·"· 39 lb '7 oi l.ari;:t>~t fish nn rn<t 11nd r('c). Two L'S :'\avy eA1Jor.s pleact,.<1 Jal'I~ ElllMln. marlin 2t6 lb.: g-u1lty J&n. u to po~~Ming drad· f1r111 ft•h nn hi;hl tnr kl,., Hrnry ly ""'CAp .. n8 11nt1 !'&Ch f'llld II s~o l Br,.nt. 1'111Hhn, ~ll lb: largeat tuna flnr I :'\t-wport pohrf' 11rrr!ltl't1 Clvdt JO 1 Euirrn' G1llell<'. 21 and Bobbi" HNSTONE S H ubbard. Z• both nf Sen f"ran- c18Co Thu~day nirht Offl<'l'r11 M1t1 M A W k It Jl)lldr<I 32 Clll. rt'\'Oh'C'r \\'All (0 11011 esa uto rec en I In thl' glov11 C'omp11rtmrnl of thf' r sr whrn Ploppf'd for I\ rhN'K Ill Lllrki<pur A''"· 11.nct Coa •t H1i:hwa\' l".roct Auto Pa.rt• iu>d AcceHOMff • Pol11 I' !'lltd P1i;ht 1011nt1s of .:\2 c11l. ammunll1on ""r rr lylnJ:; loo.'t on tnl' of thf' rlA~h bo11rd <"a rrler. Hubbar<t 881t1 the iiin bf'longc<t tn 2075 Placentia Ave. hl!l fal'1t r:1n-l11w and t h11t hr w111 ~01n ir to UY It for tar(fl prartlct Ill Camp Prndlttl"n. I RESIOENTIAL-INOUSTlUAL-C~')MMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL • TIME TO CHECK v Your Garden int NHds Complete Supplies at BOYD'S Bamboo Leaf Rakes • Sp. 66¢ Redilite Plastic Hose ~.~. U tt. Kp. 11.'1 M> f t. ~p. u .11 TRUE TEMPER LINE I.on« Randi~ Bow Rakf' SJ*lini Fork J.-Tine Culth-ator Gudf'D H~ S2.7R $2.98 $2.98 $2.84 MrLCOR -Lari,. Pickup Cart · $9 .65 C'allfonda 8turd,-9&JJ a..rtq Wheelbarrow 16. 95 She> rt thod Tro"'"l• Fork... C"ulth·atore Rak f'S, \\'-<tr" 79~ .. U.%9 Garden Gloves 15~ CanYas GlovH 50f Hudson Sprayen -I qt. size $1.49 ---~-~~--~ T111e Temper Hedge Shean • $3.95 S.yft'IOUr Smith "Snap-Cut" Pruners $2.75 Trub ~ -8'>M Bee• -La•11 PAgen 8t.oS 11p udl Spruce ap th~ 08h<'o<'k5 PXprd t1l hi \' .. lhl' 11lrrk new boat rt 11C'ly fnr th" famoua Xtwport to En~na•la ~exlro rlll'P in :\lay. JIM WHYTE INSURANCE Oceen , Merine and General Insurance * Offtell!: Coeta M,... Buk BW1. For M t'lro /r11r·d inf ormolion, ,,,/( llarhor -' Ub<P'rty ~ 111' Rea. 418 1~1., Coroa. del llar iii THIS IEAUTIFUL-I O\tl'l .t It. l'fllC I. . ••••••••• BUILD 110 ~our BEACH LOT NOW!! a.net hin ,. rf'nta1 lbC'oml" t hi" "um~r • • • ... • • • • • • 511 95000 • ll TWO BEDROOM DUP'.EX lnclmlini: thr~ amazi ni: fratur"' • • • • •• I • • • • • • • Attrartl'"" Rf'.dwtw>d ~ldlnit • c.arha i:r Ul•r"~"' • \fa\lmurn I I nan• lnr • Almnblam ('awm,.nl \\Ind""• • Rlr< h 'n••,I.. f\ar e n~ la LMltr I nit e f\ram (",.fllna: • \\fl,,. ,,,.,, r ~ nnnrrllnn e ,...... G.._ Patin l)«lr • 0..uhf,. I'""''' • rtl,.d Tuh-'l'm" ,.,. ( nmh ·CARDINAL HOMES • Opn 7 .Dar• 119 r.. Uni ~t. In co~t11 '9-a LI ~.fW&., • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I " , I , ·TARS AIM . AT· VICTORY OVER OILERS '. · ·Colonists Dash Tar B Title Hopes Schonu, 2; and Bob M.rtln. ~ po1nl1. Fl)r Anaheim It wu Krn Harktr an•1 1'om Pra.nl< "1th 16 ntl\rk.-N 11p1c1'" t!111t s<'11r, .. 1 hii:h~st. Th,. l'l'lll..t lrlllli; p->tnts \\<'I'' rtl\ kcJ ur by Dtnnts Daniela, 11, Don Pen· flel'1. 6; Grorg• D<'na. 4, and Hal Handerson, 1 point. Neecl Tri ... O• Riwll Ftoor to , 5lwy [II •••i•t Wbet.ber Coe.ch Jules Gage and hia Newport Harbor High '1 School basketball quintet can remain in the nmning for the 1 •• Suuet League court champ-1 rJ'.l =. ionsbip will be decided at · Huntington Beacb tomorrow ~ night. 1bia iB the one they Ji:· have to win. I Tbe high riding Oiler booj>- sten are undefeated in loop play at the halfway point and bout a record w1tb but a molitary JON since the 1954~ caaba -- . -got undel"W8y. By rtgbta. Bunt- lngtnn Bnch'• tea.name nve mould uve the title wrapped up and tucked in moUlbali. . • TA.RS NOW LOOSE But Coacll Gege and hJa chug• N t all to fttl that way 'nley were dnd)bed by 20 point.a by the Oil· eR, but this. they point oµt, WU ta the flrst league tray of tbe __,n. M detendiq cbampa .and facel! with the.conseMUS heir ap· pa.rait.e I~-~ CUTftJll NUOn. the S&llors never loosmed up. Off defensively and o!fenatvdy, the Tan were waxed M-f5. In tolJawtng tilta. the JocaJ lad.a uve been hitting like mad and bja,,. bdd all but the Anaheim .+COlalllsl~ -U Ill .cMck &o ·Aide up- HI. LOVI ur~l<S ~nt~~Ens ~ud winners of the first annu::i l Ei-Low Tournsment ~eld la.st week at Irvine Country Clu'.>, ~ohn Weld, left, Laguna Beach, and Don l'ljo<'I, r:c\·1porl B~:ich. Theirs will be the first names inscribed o:i t:1e pq:-pctu:i.1 trophy donated by and named for Frank Car!cton, Lido J4le resi- dent and a charter member of the club. -Maggie Price -Photo four ara.lpt k>op 'rictortea. CoacU -------------------------Gttge fttls that If ihe Tan are u ulAzed agamst Hunti{lgton Beach tomorTOtr nlpt. tbbtga •ill be dlffermt. seon.o l!ICA&I! "Ell "'llaybe we wcn·t be.at them. but ...-e cutainly Ahould aca.re t.JM-m:• Gar;t. summed It up. And that ftTJ' •·eu may be. J!'or the Oilers had lhrlr troublu with ~llll'i quintet. too. Almost o.n Ule bnnk ot an upset by tbe Col· ontJlts. Huntington Beach manag- ed to puU tt out In the final two mlnu~u ot play. :w>.4i. In a ispine tlngler hue 1ut HARBOR ~o~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I I -PAGE 5 THUl1SDAY. FEB. 3, 1955 Fnda)·, Harbor High had quJte a, CAGE SLATE baaslf? on It.a haDda •1U. Allahdm C"~cf :~r Hurls • UO FAST t'OR THE pt:FENSE-Center Bill Wetzel of the Harbor High basketball Tars demonstrates as he drives in for a bucket. Tall Wetzel played outstanding ba1' againRt ArrnhC>im Fridny night in the presence of his fotlier. C. T . Wetz<'!. a Fatbeni' Night 'gu<'st nn C'ol\rh Jules Gage's bench. Ready for rebounds. should Wetzel mi.gg, wa!'i little Frank Na,·arrn. bar<'ly seen sancfwiched betwe<-n Wetzel and his defender. points an tbe ftJaal lb.Tee mJ.Dut. of the fny. 67-~1. So, Oii the bula of comparatJye tanymc apJn.t occ F Anaheim, the Sailor• still b&•• a aces Twc-Hit Game Wa_\'IH' Cnu,;;:lltrf'e. 0 -an-;c C-011.st -Co 11 e i; e student. chu('kr1 th' cba.!lce. Apmst UHm. Of courae, la loea· M SAC Costa ?>ksa :.terchtn~s In a 1 3·1 uan of tbe pme. F!r;urtng. that t dtamond victory s t Ltflm1 F tel<l t.be home llbould be a t.en·polnt • I Sunr!ny over Pl:icc-nt 1:?.'11 nine. The -Stn ff Photo ICC' > i A I M M M faYOr1te. e._ a ~ 8ailo.r five Me11a twlrl,.r &llllwt>d only two I will have to pull the Sunaet Lea· R• •d hits. rlUCl'd S<!l'Ond bC'tn!r two down to rnd With th4" fa vored learn Of Hal gue up5el Of the -tO head 1vers1 e p111 ~lrs. Loht.a CN)ghri:;11n and Greg~. Anahcun and partner Bud of~ Huntmgtoa'a hetldlolir; nuh Th111 . Sunday. the -Mer<'ha nls ;\lni. Dt•wftt C'lll' u •y l>i Santa Ana I Calfee of Whittier laJlting defeat toward t.be champlOmlhlW. B O trav<'I tv Oran:;r, nu~mr~.11 )!an· l1t'•I fnr lhirrl with u the.v were at the hands of George Cl.ark and l 'S&AL LC~rr.:rr J' R D Mac.ml.LIAN hrn It n our •h>wn l'> l'•>r. Bill l ~a.arJOOn ()f Santa Ana by the 'n!e st.uting Xf!Wl>Ort team can Or&nge Coa.11t CoUc-gc bukct· agr r EJ LanP rc-pr•1 :. d Jn Cln~~ "H" l\t r11. Be n Hdhni:"r 1 tun" r.f 4 11nol ;;. Jn olh<r matches be e.xpect.ed t o conaat of the b&Uera travel to l\tt. San Antonio I Seconrl half nf Lhc l\tc!lii haltPrv Sant a Ana. was low heing one £~ ll D!C'klns•·n of Anah<-1m and l uaua11atis-Paul Neumann, aecond College tomorrow night before wa~ Calr hcr C huck t:uni·h, n1•\\:. o1uwn to pM a~ ~trs. T .. IT). Step· f"•rln,.r J im Do<Uon of Loni: Bt'acb 1 m k>op acortng to An&betm'a hoi tlng Rlvennde al the f'lrat.e C'nmer ''.' the ,\k1.::1anl m cinlH·y ~"n~n. i-;i.nta Ana . placl'd sc-ronrl 1 o,1wned thl' t.P3m c.( tfarold John· ro.igbty ~Ute Beach; Eddie Pope. 11111t. L um h rl'placcd r r ·;ul1;r w11h a thr"•' dnwn dtsndva.mai:r to ion flt 01 .1nj!~ l!.lld B:U BIAr.ktn· l &U Weuel, Denny Fltzpatficll and gym Tuc.isd1ly night ln their nut b:u·kMvp Uary FortJ ~ ortl l'l~rl'• par. Dr. EIJzabt'!h Hutrhl30n and b<kc-r nf Lcrnir Bu.ch t•o up. Lar· 1 pepp!"rpot Frank Xavarro. league outings. The Pirates drop-I tn try otit for the Gl11bc • )Ji3ml Vicky Stret'l. l'hore Cliff~. tted ry l,,r1·. 1;-'•r.i: Beach, and partner j 1-dlng a twc>year all-•etua.n ped a 72-:i9 decision to Santa Ar.a Cls...-~ C l>n~• 111 11 r :llh whlrh "Ill ror th1r.J Fj)Ot u thty wrre both Marvin Fott"f', Full,.rton, drubl>rd ~uad apuns~ them for the Ollt>ni 1a.~t Tuellday on the Don floor. ~prlnir train at Linn~ F'IC"lt1 tin~ By )OCKEY HASKELL Newport H arbor couldn't keep llp the pace l <'l by Anahtlm ae they de!eatt'd t.he Tu Bc-e team there. !)2-43, lut Wt'ek. Plagued by foub from the out.Jiet ot the game Ui" •rars had a hard-lime 1 I keeping the llt"Ore down. j I Aoahl'lm ra.n u~ an tarly lud in the. first peno<1 which they in· 1 crwsed to 13 points at t he h11lt aa the score rend 3~·21. th" Sail· ora come bacl~ in lht• t1econd hair with h ew life but stlll couldn't acore the nett.led points. The third quarttr scor4! read 45·30. Bruct> Knipp, 16 points. wa.a the t op Tar acorrr. His totalsu!Cered, howevH, 115 he t oull'd out ln the third quartt r. J erry Kemper. 8 points. was the outstllJlotng d<.'1rn· slve player on 1 hf' ,floor. Other ~c ':'t'>< Wl'rt' pv~l<:'d 1,_,. R uy Dan· le!. 4 ; Uud Thompson. 4: Sat -n" rt:tt tU;.• Tim~ lALES UIVILf .. d U'••I~ Joe R~·~lof J PU MKIM.1 IUM~ 10 JU CENl OOWN Phone He• b.,,. IU30 Calf DAN'S TV 8en1Clt • RflDtala • 8akl9 Liberty 8-2228 Ula Eat.abhalltd lnsuranc• · ~J•nry All llnea written. HOWARD W. GERRISH 1808 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa PHO:'\>~ Lfbftrt, 11-l!U! MESA UPHO!.ST&RING V""olawrt.na a. Drapery Ulterty 11-n111 IJL&O Nwpt. tu\'11., Ooeta,Mf!M ' NEWPORT ~~'8 SHOE REPAIR· ltl8 · t :?nd 8TKl:ET r••eo = ~·· t •... ~ :· Ke palni • MalntA<nance • lnata.llaUo .. STAFFORD & SON ... .. NELS a.nd UUC' El.l:t'TKI~ (lOSTKACTOIUI l'boMi l.Jbt'rty 8·14611 110 ftl\•t1r11lde A\•~pue Newport a-ell le l:est ·Assured with a Sleep· El ~ ~I ttkl'n 11 t Ule Fil 1C.HllO ~ll.'lt'p·a·i'Nlic ~ t'or Ul._ s,900 \\ho \;rtn! · a ~·><Kl fl rrn ,\Ja:t~N<~ _____ , Aml'rlra'• La.rJMl FIM't.ory to \' ou "'attrf'M TWIN BED SALE! 2 Innerspring Mattresses and 2 lox Springs Qulll«-4 Top -r09turlU'd All 4 for s4990 Ftte J)foU"'l!'ry -r; • Z Tnnw l>aUy 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mon. lo f'rl. nJ~ tJI 9 Cl""4'd Su.nda,-. tOSO ti~hl dflwn to par ti:" l••llm of Ei1 Ham,.. ~anta a re Bob tBulehl COQpman and LOCAL~ l'XDEBOOGS sca&on. In <:Jas11 .. C .. ;\1 1 '" Rup.-rt H•'n· Ana and Howud Vt of Anaheim ~ Ph!U...., Th 1 ls will be d d t • Lane rt'porl1''1 th" W I n t t' I' . 6 and f) Thr team C>f :.t:iy.r R<w I i,,.,. . e oca un er ogs o 8. MA N IS&llta AA& KJ 1·3UO rh 1111~. t 11rona drl Mar. :\lrll. Joe Bl T · Allio rovonng Ow Huntington morrow but will ~o for th vi the League ended In " thTC'e·wn.v lit' I< C::· ta. " 1 •1 G l')'. F:l "m. a.n 1 <"h11rl.-~ Her· l . n<1x. ~an -.na t•n1 ·' r,,. eorg4! Bea.cb bld to -Mp undeleated to faV1lnte's role Tuesday agamat with OC'e.'\n V1t'w p!a\'1111'.: al Santa Wi;nl t>f I.trio Jsl!" t lc-d tnr th<' lead Z:OF:. !'.:i-i:a Ar.a. took lb" m f"llJ<Ure •th.! k>op U.,-•-... _ t·~t ... _ OIJ-Rl ver.ilde. whJch ha• lo•t 21 Ana Sunday an<I th,. winnu tak· 1 M the CarllPn GrovP tl"&m of I.-. ...... Q ....., -.... a a 11 • 111"· "'"' r all f1"•' down to par. H"rrl'n llnr1 Hal H ar!an 2 a.nti l . 1 ron hold a 24 ~ut. of 39 game ad· straight conference game~. Ing on Orange for th!" rh!'mp1on·] T~ ~ 11=" \n~ 1 ·• 1' •'!iih ITIR~ Al Rtn~,~r O~nr~ an! r~· ~~ponr ~~rt•lrl~ 1n 1. n~day n~ht~ San~ Ana ;;M~P~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.11.lll"'' ·,· "!.:· I \ I ·· '. :•~'1")' I T<.f' It \',ne 1'11a;.t Cvuntry Club · · The Olk-rt were~ ·cbampl! 111 f d th PlT t th 1, 1 I \ 1, "' \tr• nH Bill r.rt'"' hner af ~a.r.::1 Ana ,..... . . game oun " a c-.11 on e 1 " '· • J.., .t"l>. Friol1l\' :\t<' •• 111 plu\· tourncv ttrnrpr<I thP tum of n.u r atter· J.....,. and :>4 until dillplaced by the ahort end or a 13·2 acore l\hortJy .I ii n I \' t. n J: "' 1•· '11' h ::?7 11 n n:ii.• A ·' 1111<1 )Jan· K . Brow~ ~nn. But na P.1rk. and , .. lrtnf'f am C.p guTI atop the 1U.&ndlnga laat after the game started. While they l'll fl°' I' •1• -'11 1'1111 I(. ·1 n1 t.ngnnn l!rJ1•h lt•ad1~r.: th<' park Fi~rfr(>('k ftf Lilno 8<."<(h :z a.nd 1 Ha.JIOl1. na.rrowt"d the margtn to nine, they !' I n I II \ I 1 '" l ,,. .. 11nd '" 1 h '.! !) t -3 •1 J h D ,... w 1111 " nf' , a" ;• r.•. n n iury·. Chatlt>a AndT~· Gerdtn Cnn-e and were never In lhe gamt. Coach r•t11 "• 1 ·1111 :'\1•li!11 1· . · 1 r 1 :-,1 1 d .. ... ,1, 1 '\ p , 1 •t·. 1 11 , 1 ,, 'h :11 nrona ~'.' . IH P Acf'rl 11rron _wit .. partnl'r Hn b Dyk,., Cost.a ll~. COAST SWIM POOLS Mllea Eaton started Ted Odmark 1 n,.t • ·' :.1 r!'. fiawson J. ool.e, I illsposeti of the lf'am canr.uttng I OPEN TO PUIU at center ·.a lht fonnef' Laguna I 1•' 1 • t:h•1rr C'llff,,., p:11r"'1 third with a of Ce<:ll Roberu. 1..3 R abnl. and C H igh athltte became eligible for In ' i" \f• I f, vol 1«1 •• :11 ~ 7•~ w1tlt ~l n< H&rnld $mall parlnPt V <' :\ln~n;:n. Santa Ar.a The Orangti Coa6t College the second ll<'mellter "l>Of'IA· Od- ".1111>< \• • t 11 r11 11i:.: w ,th .:7 'r ~'11llert?n .. w1111.lln~ ~T 1n the 2 and l . H 11a!ph 83 :er, ct Sa.nta nnmming pool.tare now open mark 11cored ~ix. • Jlllfl• 1' ;\I • M 11' Han·Py, Tll-"· four.h ~f"'• \\llh ll nrt '' Ana a!'ld partner o-.,,. Schubert to the public tor rec:rea.Uon '1n:lli'TEJlBtRS CO~TAl!\-..0 fHl Hn t ~~· .. I ' 11 F 1 ~Mt l!l. ~antR 1 I • t ' • n I' 11,,., • B' )Ir!'. 011 \·1,1 Ballen-n( Ornnri> won cwPr tt.e t ..nm nf I -1mmlng on SatuTda"" from \t~., 111 ! ~ t ,, n 1f •t \\ th 2~ J'111t!l "' J• I tn .. :\°t\'1'•" I Be:irh. plac!'d fin•t :'\111 H•ll r•f C 11r1cn r.ruve and l to • p..m .• It has be"1\ an· In 1 1 • 'It J•'" l.nox. w11 1. •• n1•t 7;, a.• :.tis Howart1 Rrr:r:· ~rt-n••hl n! FulleT~on ? up. nOUDG«!. ~-"·' .r. l· Ht /)1 ra·k \\t'l1 ~1!' .F l ( La B I. i-m111g o, 1:11nit • a1 h 111(1" F s..on tJckf'b. gOO'I 1mtll I' tit-1 'l I· ''" l..<•niti s 111·' .. r•m•I hnno1" \\'Ith 1t r.N 76 :.1 r"' 1 Th~ \\·iu~ .. -ioka~_ .. , . J une 1~ an avallable at $2.00 \ Ul '' I " \\ •j't' } 'f" 1 ( '\\. \\ ~ ~-"''" -C .LAmiUJff ~-1:,,~· L \man Cltf f Ha»f'n r1nii<h"·! h ro 1 b• ' tor adult.a and $1.:wl for chU· r ••1 t 1.. 1 11 , .. , "' I l · •r<-1 hi rd w ith 11 net 7!1 I u r e·c u . a~d putter tournammt draL. Admta.lon wit.bout • "''" \\ fl ·I •• ' t m ::ui,.. A WU won by ),{rs. -t ttt:~. .'11!'. D• n ~111krscn. C-.l.-.ta )!nsa. Cun ;\lrC(\V of 1'usUn u M.n. .ill! tJclteu b 30c for adultll Tl r l f\ n• ' ).1 • I 1111 • '' I 'ltth i:a r:w1 r,J tnp. hnnou m Cla:-1< "C.. C1rnrk Ha rgrove Santa Ana. pla.c-and Zc for chil~--"--• 1.>tld• • ! 111« ,, 1:• nil·l; .. 1..-v • ''•th a nrt ··•· :\t r~ .\I Ti!ta.r.r. ed ~<'c-nnd. , , , ':ti. I "~• tr 1 ·1arr~ ""rt :.tr~. :"\rl!'On . ~ ~ ot 24 d d t.he A lrnf, I:'" .. 1;• '"<-'" I ,.,~, • \ J, n• ~ ,,f I. ,Jn I ,),. rhaoJJc,rkr I fr•r Jn Cla.•io B ~frtr Hume "•eat. men owne rT'OW• ~:i \ \l• • I 'n • 1 11 I r. '>• "· :h• n, ,r 11 ,, •th nrt F.J'' ~anra Ar.ll w<>n lr•P honors as ~ ~eW:~~~:tc~l!~~;8 ~ p •It l'o \\I• • • : I "I I r ·''!°~. r-nariH' \\'(ltl'rl<, $&nta ,Ana t>.mr. ". I'. , 11. • ,,,, 1, ;-,,1 .I hn FOIH: p~.-.-.1 5<'coni.! aon, The Ha.rboT uea golfer• that P n11v 1 .... :i.1 ·.1 ~Ltr uni :-.11~ Ill. ::>.n.to< ,\nA 1·.,u.n:1y Club In c-:ass "C .. :\lri1. Hal Gregg, compe~Su.ndaywere:J&ekWU· :.1111<. \r. I 1·11r: ll1w1 n, l w I r.ir I )lcn s !:>atimlay 1:!11·~t l!n.:1 tourna-Anaheim. l"d lh" pack u )frs <!c.r, Lido Im ; Warren Fletcher. t I " , , .. 1 ·" , : \\ .' ll n•: :;.: ~ 1ti .. nl Jw1n,1 th<' t 1•um nr !";J Rlluk · Paul f:cW'!d nii:ht. Garden Grove tm· ~d J erry Ritchie. Corona del M&T, :\11• .\11r;ai11 :-'1 lln 1.tL 1.1,!1• 1.-lo·. lwa1ol. r .. i u n ,1 dcl :\1.<r Kil I pa1tner imcd i:i rr.e r llnnt'r-up l!}:IOL Sandy Hamilton, Balboa: Dr. Har- l1••k l11w n• · h• 11, 1,., 1n ( ·:11~~ ··n ' Ernr"' W lnbti:lrr of Sl'nla Ana old Deckc.r. :'\ewport Beach; Jay \\tlh ,1 ""' :111 "" ;-,1:. ,I 1 .. 1 "'"" •. 11.Jin~ .1 tl'n 1md·r par 62 for FORE Hombrak and George Lowe, Shore l"ttnli1 ,\11.1. f l.!"' I ~'' •n l \\1'li 11 111 ,.· f'lt"r Tl• tr9p. nf J llcll The Sant.a Ana Country Club Cliffs. Anaheim h.ad two golfers n ~t :i:i •. \\.tidci Li1f11 li<le. 1\nd p11rtner :\lt n'a Southnn C-nJll.,mla Sun~)' I on tl>t' tf'&m in J im Joslyn and :\I r~ :-;-, 1,. .. 11 Jr1Jni l.. ·'' l•lr l>1rk EwPrt l'f l'ar11 a ,\n• plnred Partners ll<'st Ball '"!Ul\ 'consist· !Wny Gtrfen. 'Rllh 1n f 1~t' 111 1·1.,~ , ... \\ ·ll I\ "'r n•l w 1·h a rnmbmNI nf't Iota.I rwt .. 1 1, ·.:\Ii, J( .. J:r:id 1.11 -, •I•:. of 63 Frt't>"111n K tnt1r. !';a.nta A ns. 1'lrrr 1111\Pn f1n .... l.t· I ,. ,. n·t ".:h .1n I f"lr:nr r Jim J n!-lyn of Ana-a nrt :11 hr1m n!i' £ w1•)1 thr ll'AJ118 n! )3(>b In thr ;;.; fh•~ 1 :11,~ L,.u 4 111nn. 1\11n111 3&n la Ana 11nd r•~rlnf'r R tlb•·o ''" k trip h1•n1 1• \nth 11 nrt B<"rr,. •; ffrn ed A ntthrim Rn1 thP I :; 1 t •'ll i"l "' 1 •irk l'lt'i;:Pr, < \1rnna dt>l I lltlt: '.\l11r. an.t F3rl l~r·tntl\· ('If IAirun• rh· :" ,,,1,1 \i1.1 <""in:n· L'lllb flrit< h tll'.l f r th r 1 with r1:i;ht t..11'11,.~· Fi 1 t," \ll'tl h l'l i \· -;.,,.. n i· •Hi.I,.,. f!Ar r ('ln1b1n!•d net ~ror4!11 of m "nl in r·IM-" •· \ ha.1 :.11,. !'a 11 I Gt llall ,;.111 ·11 All• ·ri 'h" "'1' nr • ~ ,1,·fr \\1' A • •, •,,.I ~l'a' i.Jhi\\· r h1 r ~:1 1\•n '1'1 l •f ~tt~ H A1 i·1 l:1 :~1 · H.,: ·.n._t !'l P.\':.td .. Hm•~ I I t I'. dlf'\\ \"1• >t ~lrn ~ H1-Lo :,1•1r~::a:i,r;H c11ri J lr1t'•I n.n-<~ ,,f Us I.;•.: n 11.r 1I n al• !1fi< "'' r the week-.-.----------·-·----------------·-----. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEW.PORT HARBOR AREA CALL LEHiGH 9-1634 ~IOTOR('\ n.E ESCORT • • • STATE MERL~ :.~NTS POLICE Uniformed Divisio'n of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Buy Your NEW PONTIAC ED from CLANCY . PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llYd. Lat•• leadl S.. Us Today J'Oll HIGHm TRADE·• YAWi Ron Winterburn was pretty well contained a.a he accountM for J3. quite a bit Iese than Ule ~ a.nd 34 dunked q alnat Fullerton and Sall I Bernardino 111 other loaing d!orta. O.yle Herbel acored ~lght and BIU 1 Inloea -.n. George Blahop put throUgh three to round out 11eor- IDC for the •tarting club. Jerry Rice aco~d 12 in a re- llet role and 81lbs Nelson Vi.ae.I and Bing Starr accountl'd !or four and aix rt.8~cllvely San~ Ana'• Stanley and P~l!'f'llnn were high wtth 22 and 19 polnt.a. ANNUAL BOWLING MARATHONS LADIES MEN 10 Games 20 Games Feb. 13th 11 :00 e . m. Feb. 20th 11 :00 a. m. HIGH AVERAGE FEI. 1, 1955 2 3 180--Min. 130 2/3 fqQ-Min.150 This Year's AveraCJ• Used If None in Book Limit to 1st 36 Bowlers ENTRY FEE $8.00 ENTRY FEE $12 .00 PRIZES DONATED BY SPONSORS and FRIENDS VAN'S BOWLING l70S Superior, Costa Mesa BIU. Kl..OTZ, Mgr. v.,r ord gets around: Cook~ electrically- its cleaner, cooler, faster, easier. Stt the new electric rm1f.1r at your dealer now! The really modcnz kitch . ens ''re r1 // (•/ Cctr1(:J f CALIFO•IUA IDllON COllPANY • • .. .. • PAGE 6 . PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 FORECAST OF. TAR HARRIER FINISH Thie ia the way local high school ~roas country fan11 predict the finish of the Sunset League meet in Huntington Beach Thursday afternoon. It'll be an all-Sailor con· cluaion between, left to right, Augie Ostrowski, Tod White, Larry Castro and Don Beatty. Cutro has toured the 1.8 mile distanc(' in league low of 8m 17.5s. White ankl· ed the diatance thia .eason in Sm 19.5s. -Siatf Photo WHITE, CASTRO RATED HARRIER . HOPEFULS AT LOOP MEET TODAY Ostrowsld, leally Slated to Duel With Rivals for Third It promlllt'd to bl! a stret ch durl betwe.n two Harbor Hig'h har· rtere In the &JlnuaJ Cn>N country Sun.t. Le•l'Ue Mt~l al Hunting· tCin Beach lhla afternoon. Tod Willi• and Larry Cutro Wf're overwhelming favorltf'a to battle tt oul for the Individual lrath..-r· lung crown while leadln' U1e Newport runner• to the loop title. SAJl.oll.'4 t:SDt:FEATED 'nle S&llo n of Coach Ralph ft.ed wrapped up dual mttt com- petition unckttt1ted. In lal!l year's ~· final•. White emerl'ed u Cbe cbamp6on, eo today had the lncenUve of br1nc1nl' home lwo atralght tltle11. Culr1> wu a dla- appointl.nl' fifth lut year. Baaed on thl.I Ha.on·• rttc>rd run• the hardoot anlller turned In, he wu out to f'nlM thoM 1"4 memor1H lod•> .. 111 f\•try rar e, alway• tu ah•ad or the pack. Jn flvt' tlual mt'ets this u .aaon. Castro captured thrtt. While' two. c;,a..tro turn{'d m lht fHtfllt tlmt'·or Sm. 17.~1 Bt:KJ~D TOP TWO Wiiy Ralph Retd woulrl not be 1urprlHd If two more Tua trailed la two top ambleta to the finish line. They would no doubt be Augie O.trow11kl and Don &atty. Howevtr, rival runner11 wrrf' ex - pttteJ to ba ttle for third 11pot be- hind lhe local seruulllona. Tht'y were "'ullerton'a Larry A rroues and Santa Ana'• Charle. C lark. The meet wu run ovt'r what I• probably the lragur'• bel!l counit. The l .8 mllr• lie parl1al- ly on the Hunting-ton Bea.ch golf couree with the remalndtr on the high 11Chool rrounda. Sllitht hlll11 r1M along: the nin. A J V race waa l!Chtdultd followin1t lht ma in Caatro and While ra n one-two event. D• Track Team 5"111 Loop Title Four lorm•r Southern C1cblor· nl• en· champlona w\ll perform tor C-ch John Ward'• track tf'am a t Santa Ana Colltl'e. one of the reallOna U\e Doiu ar·e eo hlShly-rated In their queat of an- apnnt event• I• Biii Swl•helm, lwo-y,..r 11prtnt champion and eth" Eut.un Conference Utlt. A aure point wl.nner In .. ,,.r.... champion equad, wu the Cius B 1320-ya rd CfF champion while performing a t Garden Grove H igh School. Charlie Neal. retumlnit hurdle and aprint •tar. 1101 only wu a member of ~. Don n11llon· al champlonahlp «0-ya rd shuttle hurdle relay team but ran relay lega for the championahlp SalnUI two ytan ago. Neal hurt hl11 knee In football but 111 expect~ lo ahop CUJJtomary fom1 wh,.n t he Ma.on &'eta underway national low hurdle champion lraves Set Records from 8&.nta Ana Hl1h School. Mika Tra)•nor from Lag'Wta l''ULl..ERTON, tOCNS1 Turn· Beach hu reslatered lhlJI month 1ne In the '°r..alul offr1111lvt' t>fforl for the •PrllJI' aemutu, g lvtng In thC' llChOOI'• hl•to1 y, F11llrrton Want the CIY' low hurdle champ-Union High lkhool'• vanity bu· Ion from lul year'• Southland kttball team powert>J ov.•1 1.1 w .. ok mHl. AllOlher freahman 111 Jim Plu• X High School aquad In the Glyer. formerly of Gro,..mont. who lnclla n11' gym Tunday. 86-4G wnn the c-rown 1n the 880-yard· The lOnletl ,.., .. ,. a non-IHRUt> run and aparklfod on thr Don affair, but It tlldn t atop t he croee-country tea m lut faU. BravH from c-01nr out and aet- T om F'ruler. anolh•r crou-ting 80m• t..-n new record• In one r ountry •tar and • rdumlng d1•· or thf nnHt ,.xplo111vt cnntut.. lance man wlnMr from lut ),.ar'• aten 1n ovu a decat1C' a t the In· Hornets o·rab 24th Cage Win F'ULLJ.;RTON, c<>CNSJ -Hn· ing to coml' from bf'hand In thr final quarter of play Tueaday. F'ulle1 ton's Homt'l11 grabbed a flvt> poml ltad, lh<'n went Into a stall to 11,.fellt tht' Chaffry Panther• In the Hornt'ti<' ~')'Ill, 73·68. bl'fore I a nt'ar-c.:apar1ty crowd. Tht v1<'tory marked the 2 1th straight 1--;a•trrn Conferf'n<'tt v1r· tory fur tht' Hornl'l8, but for an awful!)• long t1mt . ll looked •• 1 thoui;h th•• 11truk would end to th" I hu11t11ng Pon1hrr11. FUllt'rlon t>nde<U rir~t round play w ith a 6·0 rrcord. I CoArh Harvey Shirk brou11ht a tall lNtm of hungry Pant her11 Into ' Fulltrton 111111 night. along with newcomtr to lht• tPam, llllle Bob· by r;ates. That combination al· mo11t upst't thl' Hornets' ne11l. J immy Hickok playrd h is llnut ga.mt' or thr 11ta110n. a11 did Bob Enzweller. Hickok ecored 20 1 pointa for thf' Hornel11 while Ena· Wl'llPr conne<'t rcl for I& points. I High l!C'ore>r fnr th,. P anthera WU Bill Y.lb,.n With 22 , Cubbison on Anny German Hoop Squad WURZBURC. CERMA:'llY-Pfc Ro6ert K. ('ubblson. l'!On of Mr. and Mr11. Arnold C. Kohls, 488 Broad- way. Co"la Mu... played buket· ball In Wu1~burg, Germany w ith headquart..-rs Battfry or the lat lnfAntry D1vt.11on·11 7th F'1 rld Ar· t1ll.ry Baltahon. C11bb1Mn, who pl11yt>d 1n his ore duty hour,., Ii< 11 cler k with hi" unil Tht 20-ye&r·olll soldh•r <'nterf'cJ thr Annv •n S C'pl&mber. 19~3. rompleltd 1>111111: trs.ltllng &t fo~n1 t 01d ancl a11 1\'ed In El.I rope in J uly 19'>4 He ..... ,. gr11Jualtd from :"\l!'wport Hai bot t;nion High School In 19~2 and wu "mployed by th,. All-A merican Markf'l al N"wpo1 t 8!'8C'~~ll•n hf11. # r.bulou1 value ARA LINN ~f eontour eomctive treatment 500•. f1M Ara.Una aJOlle ,._1arty ~ •500) · ~ Cttom, F1tJlurl6 Lotion, For/J, foMo., Aro/inn, Almond Lotion. Todafa mott,ttmarkable rontour beauty treatment... Correcuf Finna! Tone1! Clean! Bright.net Your belt you&h-end-buuh• in•11r.1nr .. ,_ • ''!'"·• .... oaly.. ISLAND PHARMACY·, 201 ...... Hatbor 0111 Harbor High C Team Defeats Anaheim, 31-33· ... LeJ by J uhn Henrutln. thr N•w· port Harbor Tar C team defealt'J Anaheim thf'rl'. 38-33. lut w eek. Hl'nrolin waa th• backb<mf' of the Tar llC'oring a tta1•k with HI po1n111. The Harbor quinlt'l >1tart64l •low· Iv a1< thl Colcmh•ts hl'ld a f1r11l P.r1u.I lead of 11-6 AL the half. how .. ver, thr Tar fiv<' helcl a on..- pcimt lt'ad of Hl-l:i. The thml and fourth q11arttr11 Wl'l't' also clo84! as 64 Women Golfers ~ualifj in President's Cup Play Jerry Walker, f"l'(Ul•r hip 8COr· P11t~en· ·1r1ce 1' =~ l~C!n~~-!~ m'::~ ~l•U• F F II rt ' rr. lrd tht Panther came with or I e on -\6,-f'ur !he 01ltr1• It WU S.:1b CuopmlUI who hit for ,le. followed ORANGE. IOC~SI -Tht Or· by Dun Phllhpy who,pou~ ln U. A field of 84 women gdifera ot I club tournament, which w a a ana• H lch Pantht>r• are bncini: Irvine Cout country Club lur1 match pla~· .,&In.It pu wlU\ a for a pme with Fulle1·ton tomor-1 Pair Fiftd Oiltboarcl -... Wl!l'k qualified for the 1-'lrst An· 1 f~ handicap. row afltr a 89-48 at'l bad1 •I. the I 2 ·n C Dl11covery oC a I horlt'powt•r 11u•I Prealtlent s Cup Tuurnament. •d for flral place In 1 ... A handa of thr lt'll8llt' l••achn11: Hunt· oulboard motor 30·ft. t rom the WH Mary K. Brown. and El.al I B h 011 I F IJ M»lchu will be playr1I weekly for Mllltr, 4 down lo par. Second WH na-ton 40ac tn ut 1• •Y on 111uth ahlr or tht' Lido lale brldit• six we.,i... Mn1. Marco An1ch. 6 down. ClaH the Olltra homt cou1·t. "'u i eporl<'d to A pdll~ n-ctnUy b1 1t 111 an ellm1nal1on tournameut 8 wlnnn v.·u Ro.!alle Vance, 7 The und•rdoic l'anthe1a •howed 0.\'ld Fitch of "063 N•wport A\'"· \\'llh lltf..ated plllye1" ll'Oln .. Into d ffCOlld Mra. John Pr1c-e. e pltnty or •punK, hold In!( 1lov.·n th• I And S onni .. Jarob• . .i 1:\ Cabrlllo St., ll luw..-r fhghl, Many of the en-own, Oilrr'1< attack by 3 t·27 at h1&1f· both Coal• Mtt.a Thi'y tum..-d the tranla played off their firat ma tC'h I down, third Mia. e. C. Henrie, VI timt'. Howev•r. Huntington e .. arh' nh•l•ll over to Nr'll'port pollt-e who Tue11Jay tn the regular weekly down. lead after lntl'mlluioa 1ttaJHy 1 a~e •• .. kJ.ng th.,_o_v._•n_r_r. ____ _ the Ind chan~f'll hands m1rny I r------------~---------------------------------------------. limes. Tar 11co1i n.: wa:< Wt'll sprt>11il •. 1 mong the• atartlng lineup. Dave Petit, Rich MoralrH, Bob Hemler· shot and Rich Pahtferri. dropped In 4 pointa a p1t<ce. Bill Hayes rounded out the total with 3 digits. John McDonald was 'top man for Anaheim with 9 polnt11. F ollow.- Ing h1n1 WPr..-Richard Espinoza. 7: Dale R11ttl11rr. 6 : J ohn Rew· hart. 4: Bob Bum11. 4: and Ktn Howtry, 3 points. Tomorrow aftl'moon the Sail· ors h03t Huntln11:ton Bea~h. Commission Okays Johnstoll Overhang Approval was g lvrn on Jan. 20 by th" NPwport Buch Plan· nin~ Commu1s1on for a :10-in. ovr1 · hang for a 11rcond 11tory roof on a home being built by Clyde J ohn- 11ton at 311 North Bay Front. The ovtrhang la Into a 3-ft. •idt· yard }lt'tback a long Pearl Ave. The · variance recommendation received city council concurrence Monday night. 25°/o Off 2 Encl Tables 1 Corner Table , S·pe. Rat.tae .t Wreqllt lrea 1'-llu~r s18350 SECTIONAL SPECIAL THE ,LIGHTHOUSE .. JIM It e ALLY NEWLIN MAPLE & MODERN nJRNITURE INTERIOR Dr;c()llATING Immediate OccUpanc_y __ r . ~· Until April Isl 3 BIDROOM HOME 26 prlllclpal ud lnteresi $ 00 PER MONTH DOWN MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA ·VETS or NON· VETS •7995 FULL PRICE! Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE ~AUTY FEATURES Marllle ovH tube ~11. ?Ill {·omp<i ro9f Yo-111tow11 •~I kltchf'n eablnf'I• l'll'ln~ "lndo" • Aephalt Ute la klk'hn and bath •o-1al. "a'"' h"•'"' f'ormle"a kltl'hf'n "ork ar,.a• Thont all'el "lndo" • ·~tlnlmum lot .1r,.. n on ..quue ,,.,., -----, Andes Realty-Sales Ag1nt1 -U M~S-Open 9 to 7 Daily . ,. I I \ ~ AN"LING CL' UB l dltl~n to Larry Hehr, four mo~ Crocker, public telatlon1 coneult·r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PR. ESS-PART 111-PAGE-1 a JUJ\IOre llCOred In Ute marl1J\ dlVI· &l.t. E. c. VAn Oamr. and board THURSDAY FEB 3 1955 \ , 1 slon. These wer. Marvin Carrell, mrmbt>rs C'. M . liee~. l'eplto Per· • • • c; tlaMd from tint --• 1 Rlch•rd Hehr, Ft.ed Page. Michael ri . Sa\l\•yer, F orht C. Si;nlth Jr., ~ • -Smith and J'orl'st C. Sm 1th JU. \\', H. \\'llherapoon and cha1m1a.n M p 1• F•• eJ Ult t;(Wktt M't for au at a u4 Kn. Hoffman, ktnt and >.rn .. Each recelWd & runner "'P a wn.11 or the boanS Md' ally. esa 0 ace I e fllllnc ~tlllhm and lklld th• ~ II!~ auu no apeectira and for th• Clock Trophy. ll rematn-1 Clutn It rt d .... pld 0 T J II Onlt'tl'r Tl(' balteriu and blodt ~ '°"'' ilk• ctockwork. le4 for Jack 1:1u.on, who -ha.I Jun nre pre:,,t.at~'::· 10 ~~. e button ft WO UYH 95 and t11t·k1e wert' not recovemt. oe. LOCAL MEN ENROLL IN PRODUCE CLASl A group of Newport Harbor men were among tboee who enrolled for the modem pro- duce merchandising courae at Santa Ana College to leam ~tetrt. t echniquea o! food handling. Shown receiving graduation certifica~a.re, frum left: Jack Fa?Tell, one of the instructors: Stuart Carrier, evening diviaion director; Ken Nelso!l, Buck Bean, Bill Tyson of Sunkist Growers: William Ro wley, Associated Produce Dealers of Loa An(eles, and Dic k Seaton, another instructor. -SAC Photo " -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- S57 DO Offered for Settling leinau Case SANTA ANA IOC!llSl-E!ll\h S. Lelnau of 324 Amtth,\'ll Avr Fru.l~y petltlone<I R11perior Courl here tor a pprll\'111 or • 11elllt'mt'nl In the I rarr1c ot•cltlent •lt'lllh CJ( Ma rch 26. 19~4. whrn his motor· t'\'rlf' colll•lt•I with 11 rar 1lrl\'l'n b,\" Berlh• "" l'IHll•IUC'k at lilh St and Tll!il in-A, .... (;oat" M•·M The C•r · tlrl\-er hn11 offerr•I In mak e a 10elUt rn f'nl for $6i00, but a dmits n• l11tb1Hty 1n the aC'rldent. Four C'h)lr1rrn W•'rt' n1med to r N"f'l\'e portion• of the l!f'ltlemenl Rot><ort K. U-IM\I Jr., 20; Calombe Lfoinou. ,20: HaroM A. SAN DIEGO JURIST DENIES BONELLI OFFERED TO APPEAR SAN DIEGO (OCNS) -San Diego Grand Jury Foreman Hewstone K. Raymonton 1&id Tueeday, "If Mr. Bonelli ever offered ·to appear before the San· Diego County grand jury it is new1 t o me." The San IAcgo venire bead referr~ to a copy· righted S('ries of articles published by Orange -Ourth Di.8- trict State Board of EqualUation-oH~ial IMrid he- offered to ap"pear before the Orange and San Diego County grand juries but was turned down. Raymont.<?n said., "II Mr. Bonelli had offe~ to t.c-stify before us I would be the first to know about 't ., 1 • San Diego Deputy ~rict Attorney Barton Shella Jr., also commented on the charge by •Y· ing "After all, we have sent out four 1ubpenaa for h. " un. Lelnau, 16. •nd r .. ter R. U 1nA11. 1. -------------------------- Pair Hurt in Mesa Accident A lhrrt·r•r c-0111 .. lon Ill lhe In· tf'rlleCllon of Newport Blvd .. New• port Avt'. anc1 16th St. re~ullrc1 In two minor lnjurle11 on Jan. 21 , Caste Mr aa r nhce reported. Takt n In H<J&~ Ho•pltal tor treatmeot were ~lmon Lewl11<>n Anrurl. 88. Lido Park. Newport Bf'oC'h. and Fra.nk aerkett. 11. or c mp D 1 D-•-ed 2M E. 16th Place, Costa Mesa. a ea w.uy Involved wtre autos driven by SANTA ANA (0CNS) -The Anruc1, rai1t on 16th St., George F.dwartl Plummer. 24, of 203 Z9l h St. :"l:ewport BeAt'h, traveling norlh on 1'cwport Blvd., and Ethel County Board of Supervlaore thl• WPtk delay('(! unlll nellt Tue8day lta decision on whether to tile a Jan,. C'1r,.ro. ~•. of 2808 Broad St.. notice on intention to purchaae 290 l'\ewport Beaoh. going nor th on acru In the upper Trabuco Ganyon Nc"'i>ort Ave. Beckett WM • pH· for a boy11' camp. The su~laore etnger In the Plummtr vehicle. were un1bla to get a ll Inform•· Mra. Cicero wu able l o drive I lion complied on the-water 1ltu&• her car from tbe ecene, reporta 1 lion on the acrra1e known u the ehow. The other two a utoa "'ere "Jopl1J\ Ranch" owned by William taken to garagu . Roc:huler. King Size REFRIGERATORS KING SIZE • • 1n Trade N...,. Custe"'.tlc ........... ....,,.. •• The refrif'l'rAtor of the futuni with • CU8t~ °'"' ic Oefroflt.t'r "nd Temperature Control • c:U.nt F~u-r Che11t -80-lb. ~•pacity • MoU.t <"old Compa rtm~nt-Au1om11tic•lly \i•I· •nrf'tl ruld al'ld humidity • fhndidor -Cllld oJi ~ o~r ma.t·u..'Ollted fNJturul Coming next Week . . . WATCH for our Range Specials-$99.95 A Full size Range only $99 .95 Jake's Appliances Only Norge l>Mler la the Barbor Area LOW DOWN PA TIIENT e EASY TERMS .. ,. ouJ' Harbor Area Appllaacie Servlee Ceater" SALES -UbertJ 8-8841 -SERVICE The ottlura ttpor~ wer. a JTaduated from Ute junJor rank.I , wlJ\Mre and then r•me the aliclc · I flccra t>altl. model for all Ume to come Saw-~l• Ha.an to top all Ule 11e11ton t b t t h l ti Juvtnlle 19t1tlo11.1 have bffn nted I ------------ JU wu brtet •nd to Ute P<>mt-.. •Ith hi• 2f8 poundtr, the latgeat u ":i ;h rop, Y P~:-ten \ ~n 1°~ on l11·0 l 6·yeor-old Co1t11 t.lt•sa CLukars 1 ---d k d I reour · rte \\tre rop > w n bo1·s tht' 111 '•ll nnhce dtp~rtmenl " ~ ••a food year, a ll th111g1 con11dt r· fish t1 tn on rod •fl rtt m tl:e uers to call up tor their a war.I~ ~ · '· r-• 1 Tht' l> .1, i rl mt nt of Fiats ••4 d." T ..... D ·k t a OAC ranka thl1 vear . ' aeportt-.1 1'1H• youni:~tt·~~ \\ "' • . c · -e reuurer -..... y > e go ~ · lo~t'thrr with the attendant pk· GAm · h ~ hb •r•tffl 1096 cl\uku ...... hand 1 r t.be aborteat report plcktll up on thf'Ct rhargcs, rt'· ' · ' .... 0 . NEW OfTJCERS t uru for the pnh. but the org1U1I· port~ 1>h w f r ur tn•li:t" In Sa n l:h~mardido aml ol tbe eftlllnl "We have money • . &a llon wa1 eo ))t'rfcC't thl• pnrt ' " · , Vf'ntur.1 t:o11nt1u In an etfert te> ill the Milk." Secretary 1-Jonas J. 8 • McNally 1 election ~port of tht> afC•lr wu oV<'r befoie any· Th<' r sir •tlmlltt>d theft of cai expan1l 11,.., rl1uker ra11re In Call• ,.,,. a conclM report. ot th• ttn· preccded lntroducllon of the new I one realil!•'d It wlll\OUl •.!nil l'Jjtjt b1tlle1 . ..-s, u blo(k and tackle. " fomi'1 Th.-btrdl' Wf'ra ralMd at ancl&l picture _ 'Very N llafytni;. ortlcer1 by Sawyer. Following a rc of corf'!tslon. t1CX·ket ~l'l und "'l>erllomf'\tr ruce elate · .. ..&ltll.' ranna hi Caati.Jo and .. , han eu.rnined. the book• and the officers and m!'mbers ot lhi j 1 . trom a t·ur In a lot at 1934 Po-1 Chi find that Bec:retary Lee J onae ·haa board of dlrector1 for the coming So little time was eon1111ml'd mona Avr . The vehlrll." belnntf!'d I __ ~ not cone IOUU\ wlUt any of the l year: r rc1111tenl P rcd Hr rshorn: I with oil the p1'0rl'e,Uni;:1 thtH to :'\ormnn Daylt• ('m\'tnn .. r t'l:lP.1 ~ • money. It Is aU there and account· I flr~t vlt•e, president, Curt Dosh; everyone h11ll tbe u1111<'C'u11tome<I f'11monll Avr. Cust1\ Meiill. A v11l11e Hafhard Boy lorn ed for"-lhat wu Auditor Cene 11econd VIC<• prt'11ldent. Ray D ike: 1 exped tnce uf plenty or t1mp for uf $33 was pta,·cJ un llto :s•vlea 1 A buy wn• horn Jan. :.i~ Into the . Van Dame'• report-right along tren.surPr Charlie Hopton : secre· dRncing. Yt•.s, this was 11 top nutt·h lt1>m11. R1r11ant U1llhmJ family. He ar• with the •plrlt of brevity. ~-"· Jon811; tll.storl11n, F'ranlt banquet. Tht' boys lol.t orrlcl'rs lhl'y trad· 1wc<l In lfi'.1ag Hospital. IUBlllNO IN OOOD SPIRIT Curt Doah, reportlnr tor the tourn-.ment committee, polnte1l out tbat the men of the B. A. C. .took, __ ~ f."!Yful wu1n1 hie year ttom the ladies and the youngster•. The 'gsla w on the Mt>n vs Women Albacore Tournament by a huge margin and quJte a number of the most prized of lhe club a wards tor lhe t(nst and the larcut fish In vartoua irpeclu went to the lad· lea too. It wu the younptt>re who stole the major part of the glory this past year. Futeen year-old Fon•st G., Smlth Ill or Lido lJlle cmeq;ed u the -club champion with a good margin of points ahead of his nearest aenlor competitor. Anothr r junior, Larry Hehr, weighed In a 241·lb. marlin to win U\e Clock Trophy whJch goes &ru1ually to the Junior taking the largest mar· lln. • JUNIORS SCORE With the marlin on U1e 1carce aide locally thle year, a rooJly portion of the clubs t op noh:h anglere tailed to get th•lr namt1 on the Kore board, but thl• dld·~·t c 9fCMISE MY SEARD fS HEAVY ' THE LADIES THINK IM A KNAVE PERHAPS THE YELLOW~GES WILL H£1.P Mf GET ASHAVE FOR BA~Sfi ·SHOPS rT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE-"cLASSIFIED" PART Of YOUR TELEPHONE SOOK llow up the junlor11 a bit. Jn ~J=-~-~::~=~~~~~~~~~~~=~===========::::::=:=:=======-=::::=:-::-::=-====~~!.,- • • How the 1955 Mercury makes_ sinse ·out of high horsepower .; ,, ,, •• •\¥. ·~ 4f4 '" ' 1' l ~ NEW 1955 MERCURY PUTS HIGH HORSEPOWER TO WORK AT NORMAL DRMNG SPEEDS WITH NEW SUPER· TORQUE V-8 ENGINE, DUAL EXHAUST, 4·BARRll CARBURETOR .Mercury ttv11 JOU hflh horsepower JOU c1n u11 In all performance rani11-not Jult bra1 about. More importanr rhan hi~h ho~rpnwC'r a.lone i8 pirlwp. passins, Ji.iJ/.cJ1mbi'ng pnwrr-more po"·cr for your ~ryday driving. [,·rryrhing 1hnut Mi-rc:ury'• nnr and ad. vanc<'d ~l1'ER·TORQrt V.8 l:'ngi nc j9 e~igned to gi,·e you more llltlblf' pnwc r with suprr pickup in ~ry speed ra_nge. lt'11 a ahort-strokr, low-frirtion design, wi1h bi8h-turhulcnce combustion chomlicn1, fulJ. vacuum aulomatic t1p.uk conlrol -all eprr ially engine--rt'd lo ~qu<'<'z:e more power out o( en:ry di .1p of gll!. And thm .,, Mercury txcluslves Ilk• : 1. A 4-barrel vacuum·oprratt>J carburr lor fnr inmmt rcspons<'. Only Mrrrury in itt fi,/,J offtn it 11.f sla11Jlarrl <"'/lll{'mrnt on f'tll'ry modrl. 2. A duaJ-nhau~t sy~1rm on all Mon1rloin and Monterrys lo cwt power 101~. a_nd add • more rfficii-nry and ccflnomy. °'1/y /tfrrrury in 1/s price da.ss has it as MtUUftird c7u1pmrnl. 3. lligh.rnmprr~'ion ~p;irk plup-a rrvr1IU· t1nn;iry new dP~ign-for P''"" prtforrwrnce at all ~~cti~ w11hout ovcrhr atrng nt foul· ing. Ort Mf'rru ry haJ thmi in ill fir/J.. ThC'y all arid up tn a riew lind of higfi-h one- powrr pcrform;m~ hy ~fercury-the car that'• alw11p u~rti V-8 <'OR&nt"!-huilt o vrr 2.000.000 of thrm. Wr invile ynu to try the nrw )?ft. hp Mnntr larrc, thr 18/l.hp )fontrrry11 111<i Lustorm. Ju•t Mop in at our !howrll()ml. . IT PAYS TO OWN A ·mERCURY_FQR FUTURE STYLING, sUPER POWER 0...'t "''• .... •le .. 1..-lolM '"· M S.lll•e•'t "TOAST OI THI TOWN," S••do •• _.·~o. I to t• '00 S••"•• lfNYT C~••·•I I Al•, ff _. te -"PllOOVCHS' SHOWCASf" ••11 "'••d•1 ••••••o. S 00 I• 6 JO, N I C : C~•"•' 4 . ' . . (. 1937 Harbor llYd. Cotta Mete • l\'e OffH Complete RPfrlP,rataoa Seit... e IOllNSON &. SON, Lincoln· 900 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT llACH Mercury Uberty 8-5545 Across from lay Club • , • 1 • .. . . .. ~ . Here. Are·· Some Qilestions • -THE · ANSWER! and • • -I Are ·''Want A-els·'' ReaJ? .. • ! . . Do _They G~t.Re~ults? • ... . I . -. . ' t ~ l • • t -' . . ' ' .. & -,, • . , . '• . I .. ' n . . J • -. . ' . . THE PROOF IS IN THIS. LETTER • ••• ' ~ CHECK THIS RESULT STORY! Y• en place a fos llH Clcnslflecl Ad for only $2."00, awd yos messate .. to lftto 21,000 homes. I .. ---- . -.. -----·-· ~ -- For .... leultl -USI AU THRO New'ert Ha•• ... .....,_, M-. c ••• ~ Sllapper -w .... .., Newport HMttor News-Prna-n.rs. • t • BARBOR PReSS iill ..... Call Haalao• 1616 -c1 Ask Fo• CL*lllFllD AD IAUR ,, • t • ' ' . { ' • I t l : C'--·----- MESA'S BEN KING AT SHOW OCC WOOD CLASS OPINS. AT NHUHS A MW elMI In woodwOl'k• lq fw adWta WW at.art at ' Newport llarbo1' UDklo R1P 8cbool r.b. I, It WU~ eel bJ' o...c-Ooaa eou.,.. The cl-.. l.e IM1ac Olfered u a part of the &dull educ&· tlolll Pf'OIT'Ull of t.be collep. INt wtU be lleld at the bJ&'h IC:bool to aceommodate the larp a,mber et 1'0Gdenu In lbe mlDlt)' who bayt requeat• ed tbe coune, accord.IDs to Of. Tbomaa A. Blalcely, dean ot adult educ&Uon. •· FOG TOLL Mesa Woman lnj1re~ in Mass Pileup A. CO.la Me.a woman ..... 'the only per.on lnjurell In a 11pect.a- cul&r 70-car p~eup ln the pea· aoup toe at Cout H ighway and the Huntington Beach weat city limlla Jan. 20. Ru.b~ to Kaas Hospital WU Audrey Oemmel, 30, 20H Repub- lic Bl., COal& Meaa. Attendants aatd ahe auffered from abock and g"fl\real brul1u and la recovering ln the ho11pltal. ' RIOR}llEWS-PRESS-PART IV' PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 Mr. and Mrs. William Howard (Dorothy Lamour) are eeen with Ben King. right, president of Mesa Builders and Equipment Co. of Costa Mesa, at the recent invita- lional Salon Showing of the 1955 Chrysler line. The ex- clusive affair was held•in the Crystal Room at the Bev- erly Hille Hotel. The chain reaction colll.sion oc- curred when the lead car 1tarted to turn Into the Signal Oil leaae property. Slx car• quJckly were teleacoped. Wlthlr. a matte"-o't mlnutu and befor.. Huntington Beach police and C&lifornJa High- way Patrol coilld arrive. 99 other veWclu tansled. The extent of moat ot the dam,.... wu bent fendera. oftlcera uld. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- _Tells OCNS Reporter He May ·Mcriin, Othen in Libel Suits S I cowboy 11h1rt 1111r:l brown riding Ue p1tnt11 111< hi' U1lk1•d. He did not ap· lflt':lr unj?l"rrd or bitter but re-1 ma1nt'u l'fl lni and C'nllerted. Jun,.. tually. t'ft~·h hour. <111rlng I he five- PART TWO By PAT Mlt:HAr:L.'i Copyrtirllt: Oruir,. C.ounty Nr"'' l'W>n1-·K.adlo KWIZ KINGMAN. ARIZ.. "'eb. l - (OC'NSl -W illiam G. Bonelli &tl 'back In hi11 C'hRlr Rt hla Arizona ranc-h and 1111i~l he couldn't under - •tanrl why the O range and SM Dlf'go County JrM1nc1 j11rin tuw e 1 .. ued 1mb~nl\'11 for hl11 11pp<'llf· anr" befor,. thttn Thr fol mrr P'uur\h n1:1tnct l!ltl(te Board of F~qu111tutlon mtm· bfor 113ld whl'n ~"n 0 11'1!0 a nd Or- ani:r County grand Jury 1nvr1<tl· 1r11tinn• nt 11lle1:rd 1tq11or Hc-l'nl'll" \r• r-:ull<rll I"" wcrr wrll undrr ""'" hr rrJ'f'lllrdly att,.mplNl to a rr••!'" 1<1• A VOhlO\llT)' Wttnf'!ll< b<'· f111• th,. two cro11p11. hut wa~ rr- f u .. , • \•lew with thu1 n portl'r. t ermed lhe 11ubpot'nas a pubht 1ty stunt. He UICI he went lo hie ranch In Arizona with the best or mien· tlOl\ll, tn reconstrurL and revive lhe valuable lftl'ld. However. when he lt&rned nf the move by l he gra.nu juries. he 111ud. he was ahocked and disappointrd. Bonelli tenned the whole hq11or lnve11lll(allon In Ca lifomla....A .pub· llclly i.lunl dl•!!lgTit'd to !'Un him out c•f office. A flrr he to~L the election. he said. men from lh<' &ltorney ~neral'a offlce ·cont lnu<'d to pnund aw11y at him t hroui;:h nPWl! meuio in order thnt he m11:ht nevPr again run for publtc omce. hour 1ntervlf'w, h" drop~d a r!'· ('M(Ol IP I bumb:.ht'll. A!'. the lh111l hour nearPd. Bon- elli droppeu Rn «'Xph,.slv.• nnnounce- mC'nl thlll, 1f t111P, w1U takP the 11tl':trn out or t he &.'8trted pub- llr1ty c•11mp111~ hP r harge11 w111 111T11n1:1·d by the• 81 tom ey general'.!! orrlre. OCC Not Desirous of Controversy in Annexation Orangr CoMt Collrge tia1 no de- !'llre lo bl"eome ln\'olved m & l"on· trvver,.r ronrl'mlng-thf' mer1t1 of lhe Hall'<"rl':<l nnnexsllon d1!<Ap· proval by C'ost11 Mella City Coun- cil. Ha ~ll H. l'l'lrrson. pre111dent " ., . lt'a & wise city building inspector who keeps hit own addreu firmly i.Jr mind, A. J . Volz, Co.ta Mesa building official, le&rned Jut week. Here's the gruesome details of hia leuon: Volz isaued & house moving permit for & «-ft. wide house. At 6 one morning Jut week, police e&me knocking at the door of the Volz home, 466 Broad- way. "Would you mind moving your auto!'" sug- gested the boy8 in blue of the sleepy-eyed Volz. "Wha1 for!" Vols managed between yawns. "So tbia hoUBe that'a being moved can get by, .. retorted the officers. City Manager George W. Coffey waa &1ao un- happily routed from bed. Bath-robe clad, he join- ed Volz in the car moving epieode. Just how Volz manapd to route the mo~ house off Irvine Ave. up Broadway, hia own at~t. in order to get it localed• on a Flower SL lot ha.a not been adequately explained by Volz. "I think it was because they couldn't make the turn onto Flower off Irvine," Volz valiantly tried to excuse himself. r:"'"' •.;n 'f; >IT \Tt;\tf:ST Thr rnrml'r "liquor ('Zllr". mArle thr 1<l lllf'm• nt" 1n 1tn rxrl1111lw• In· tl'•VH'"' with t hl• rrpnrtrr I'll hi"' 3n nnl'·Ar rr "lllrkr\' trnrk .. ranr h Th11t'a why the fonnfr law pro· ftssor and a b&ll!'ry or lh1re Lils Angeles a tlomty:i h&\'P ll "-~rtNtly pr••purPd almost a •lozrn hbel :<U1l11. Bon<>lh 11a1rt he will return lo Cnllfornla of h111 own vnhllon In thr nMr future to fill' lhl' 81111S hlffil'l'lr and d111trirt 1uprnnttotlent of the ~---------------------------­rnlltge, lnltl the ;l;rws-Pru s re- )fl(illT ~-~\ft: )IARTIS n"",. t\mi.:11111n tin S11nd1ty. ,..,. "'A~ Bont'lli would not ltlcntify 11ny \l'lhni: hi• ~111•· nf ""' ,.1 nry tn lh!' nf the J>l'n!Ons n8mcci m th» Rlllti. ~1111•11,.1 n ('11llfmol:\ pN"•• ft•r the lw ls allei;edly prep8nni;i. Hr 11l1I n1 •I 11·1 ~ hlnl on ... o! tht'se m1i:h1 br 1'hlrf ctntly. ' "\\'" ft'lt It w11,, to our advan- tRJ:l' to be 1n Cn•la l\1!'11&," Pt>ter- 11oh 11a11l "Rut 1( lhr pt•nplc don't wont 11, lhrn "1• wun l arirue about II." He 11A11I OC"C' ndvnntagea tore· n .. n,.lh ~•\l•I •hr 111:1111' fl" •1111•nl A1<i11,.tant A llomey Crnrrnl Mor· I I Un. 11ccn 1n tlw .. nm•xnt1on W\'rl' city plrA• Thro111:h lnl"''!lll'•l11r1 •, 1n 11 jtl An•l J11ry f"rf'ml'll In ~Al\ [lt,.~tl Hnnelll Mid he had nolhlll~ prr· "1: C'I' ll~ll t'.;e prutt•rtwn. "And," TO CONFER WITH FBI County 'Law Enforcement Officers Meet in April 3 BURGLARY ARRAIGNMENTS Mesa Savirtgs CONTINUED IN MANTZ CASE Accounts Hit Phillips Pleads Receiving Rap; Innocence Duran on 'Juvenile'? Million Mark F. Roy 0f'f'~nleaf Jr., Pre1tldl'nt of Costa Mesa Savlnp and Loan AallO<'lallon. rect nlly announce<! reachlng the $1,000.000 ma.rk In 8~NTA ANA (QCNS) -Five lrrlon. alllO charged wlth rttelv- au.npeclll In the I Ul,000 burrlary I Ing stolen articles In the M11ntz of tamed flyer f'aul Manta, Bal· .............,,. heard .luqe .,,_ OOJt• -Yinp a-t.e. tlnue his arra li:nm,.nt lo FrldAv boa hla.nd, F rh'IAV 11tood ~rorf' The que1<ttoh 81111'1? owr wh,..th;r "Thi• grow th of our aNod atlon Superior Court J udge J ohn Shea I Dura n sho11lrl be relegated to 111 very remarkable when one con- for a rraignment. j11v1>nllto hnll for pn>ceS111ng. 11lder1 Ill relaUve youth." he .aid. Arnlgnmtnt of t hrre waa <'On· Public Orfr n1l!'r ;\;Irk M1>yer .. w. are vrry happy w1th th• llnu1>d to Ftb 11. Thtv were told t he ju<lge that Duran w11.11 1 rupon91l we have received. And ThomM 11ntt J r11y Ji onl'l'n. both only 16 "111'11 the allt'$trci cr1ml' look forward to a conUnul'd 23, fnrmPr 1'1'wport rr ,.idtnt11. now "as rommit letl. D1;11. All'" Rob-of PIA<'entil\ anol <'hnrlel!o I-'. Prtntz rrl Kntt'l1tnrl a•l11111\MI th; b11ri::-gToWlJi of our alllOClatlon u well 23, or Brra. Thr trio 111 arru:<M lllr): •:<'rrll'fll)' nuurretl 1n H•:i:? u rend~Mns aervtce lo t.hla a r.a of br,.11kli;ig in~ thr Ma"tz pl:\t ,._ bt1l lh11t l >t1rn11 \\ ,. < h..rr:erl "1111 bolh In dcivelopmen~ Of thrift hab- :MlJ Easl B1y F ront. M11y JO, 19~2 1 ronC'Nt hni:: t1ntJ hul•lin~ !<lul<'n guoJ s Ill! and lhe Joanlns of money for Lloyd A. Phillip~. 33. 8 1 ea JtAr• in .-. lhlll7>l:I 1 n<'w homo.'' r I 1r11 prr11•l?ll\' V.!&J' t11o tt In ago owner. Bl'C'U11r1l nf rtf f't\ 1111: R • -l Cn·rnltaf pointed out the total goods tilolcn in the .M11ntz 1J11ig-·up• nur 1 nu·t lWt" on a 1or 0·l\'·1 I t t .,. 1 t 1 1 1111>: 1<lult·n i:ou.i,. p1I"''1 ,. ·!ta i.;r 11s5e1,. or Costa Meta Bavtns• now Ary n er._" an nnocen Jl CIL a.n1 I saw h111 Jury trial 11rL rtuwn fu1 iuvl 111·1111111•"1 11 .. I• ""' ·• .f•·I ''' "XC't rll • m11llon and a quarter. Mer<'h 8 lte wn.~ n-pil'l'tnte<l lly h"'"' 111k• 11 I\ ,.11 .. tJ.,11n 111 •I rlflc 1 H.-enncluded, "Wt ahall-conttnue Ally. \\'lll!Am \\'<'nke. I 1tl nl• IJ frt•lll Mnnl7.. lour thrlCt PncouraJement pla.ft l . I 111n111 '" c·h11rc:r·I '"' h rrr('I\" \I hroui;:h Ja_n 31 " Al l.hf prt'~t Rll'hanJ A. r urnn. lll, n( 1' ul-• 1ni: J""'"ln '. \\ttl• ""~ ""I 1olh,.r llmr nt'w 11avlnge accounta of $1000 a nol !-:11r1tn Ann Hr ·~Id hP nl,n ~on81 R£1\1M~l Martin, 8nci had nnl j hr ll<hh ti, ln nn llH'<wporat<•d a pp"n'"'' 1n 1111m1wv '~"""'"' ~-1. IHl'l him prn•mRll\·. tt .. wcvcr, lH' rlllllllHlnlty, we would not bC' 1mb-mun 1 n 1r 1111 11111wn 1111.i f"hlrf din1 i;:rtl :\lt1rl m ,, . .,',, /\lt• mpllni: to Ject 10 bciug pu:kl'tJ urc l>Y San-WASH.JNGTON-Orange· Coun-Jn an attempt to enli3t the putt· Jn\'t•~lli:ntor Thnn1:1.o \\'. ,t11rnn. pubhr1z.., 111m~t'l'f ln nri!rr thnt he ta 11118 nr 1'"111" other area ." ty la w enton"•·rnent o fflc111Js will lie'• aid ln ba~k rob~ry tnvegtl-9 No~·..l-fed by at t 11 """ l><t<"ll fl••m M"nlz I,!'<'"""' a frl'e elecLrlo alarm tlock ;\II fl\'<' d• ff'tlflanl1t a re free on I 11n1I 1111 \'I n.:11 •coount1 of J~ re- ll<t•o•tAnt Rltornr'' &;"nrrnl who rnlgltl tw nlJlP to run for the nt-be railed t ogelhl'r at Santa Ana gallon11. the F Bl r~<'enlly dlstrl-l1U I 1. rr th l G"rl f " d M Anni 20 for IL ('Onfercnce . with but ·d m th 30 000 I f h1•11r!NI lhl' llrpuir pml)I' l '"'-""''""r· nm1•y l:<'n• nl ~ 0 11'1! In e nl':'< I s '" oney ,. ~ ore lln ' , cop ea 0 A • o· d '""' I '""Ive a l<'athl'r blllfoM. ht' AAld. hi' WI\~ r•·prll\('<11\• 1111 nrtl rl1 ftlOn. Bon1•l1I 11111•1 "'hill' In poll· 1 Flil agenls on the moal eff!'C(!Ve a llt'ml-eon/identi&J b()tlklet PM· m1~ s ire ors p dl'\\'M I' l<"~ he l1•11m1••I "ll•ornl'y C rnl'I al Donna :\lunll•Jn. 3000 ·.v. Ores:i ways le\ prevo>nl bnnk robberll'I tilled: "H ow Banlu C'u.n Hrlp the I I ause Th,. formtr llqnnr hrR•I th,.n Brnwn w1mlrt .~ll••mpl t" tt1k1t the F ront, nn Jan. 21 l'<'pGrt<'d to and l o solve lhc>rn if lhty ocrur. f'Bl." It went to b1U1k1 nnd bnnk-Nnminat•tl for f'lN'llnn ;u di· I Eldred; Takekoshi 11u r"'t thrrl' tlll\'• 11ftf'r h,. l"(t for •• n ,,,. ~l'lll nC 1\n8h,.1m· .. Tom I JV!ll<'t• !!Ir••, h• r ""Irr a nd 8 girl The law l'nforrement huddle on ln1t·lYpe ln•lllullons t hroughout r!'rt ur11 of Amigos \'ll'jo~. \hi' Har- h 1• Arir.nnn inn• h 1n • mn'kP a I, .. KWh• I in th• n••"\\ ''"' ''"n nn•l •fl 1rn•I r .. 11ml $10 6\1 H' 11. field II• tl· bank robbvr)', onr of a ll(!TIC"I lhe country. bm · .. Cun-1,,\'lng, d ... noth1ni: ,..roup 1 c e ~ Trial Delayed In:: .. hi' ll'lll nf'•I th" 1rn1n1I Jiii 11'• ~loll l!O \\1>t1ltl Rl!lnm 1111 .tlh ~ 10 t1 r<'1l 110 •1 l111ld1 n unclrr bllshr~ b<-tnJ:" hrhl t'1rnughout the Unlttd The booklet OUUmes &a fey of CIVIC Ii 11deu Il l last Wtrk 11 onsp1racy 11nb~na• r111llnj.? for h111 rr•·•rnrr • 11r 1n • a, ramrnto n• 11r th" t111rk11. ·11 r ra!lh wn~ Ille ..,,.I'~' tnwnt a.nd ..... tg a_r bank robblerlea and augg .. llt:i pro· nf both 1 .,11111 irll ,-. p<•rtr11ly l1•11r•I 1 • pt'•1l 111n ln mo,·r 1n11.1 Brown·~ ahlni;; n111h .. n Bh<I end 30th SL St9t• '. "-""' a nnounctd by th" Jus· meA1un11 a imed 11\ 1hsroura i;;m11; · h ~ I '' J ""· .'«'S.<1on of111nrnt bo11rdmr nibt>rs ('PIAR<•t~l'I Pl'BU< I T\' 8'1SELLI ('Al.,, 1mpc11(no!1·•I r• 111.hni; ltlenl1!1catton I Ht111vu. r BJ tl1r .. ctur. cedurea for em plO)'l'l'll ill10J .us-'" :"!'Wf"•lt Harbor \"At hl Club !\A='-"T A A':'A. (OC:-.:51 -Sus-1 AtlOrnt'yl ror th• defendant a had &ntlh, in hi.I! f1v .. ·hour inlfr· Bonclh wo!< tlre@l<Col in brown b~· 1\14 < \\ nr r. OS FORl'~ BASIS tomera If • rob~ry ocru111. WHI' nine ran<.11Jalr11 fur thrre ~ntl .. d Orani:r Coun ty Llttuor At1· rt>qt1t·111"<1 lh,. continuance - -----The <'nnferl'nC'e wall be handled Hoover poin ted nut It 1~ virtu-va. Kn< ,,.i<, F.I• ru nn w1U ~ Feb r111n111tra1or H .. nnan l'.111~e. for· Th,. trio wa.11 lndlcted by tbe on 11. forum b!llll!'f .. Hoovrr 11affl. .&Uy lmpoN lble for a )Aw en!nr r!'-16 Bl the flub 8 lunchron. mrr r,.111 f'l!lul,.. tycr" n A11 h11 r Orani:,. I 'o•un• y Grand J ury. T?wy Jnv1letl to par! 1r1 pale wlll be rtp· mtnl ag,.ncy 10 Id• n1 if\• 311 t 11p-The norr 1:1• ' .... Jc1hn T Boyd Jr. G"rdnn Ehlr,.,J •not 1..... /\ni;:tlr~ w1·1 •• • h1u i;:• J with cnn1plracy to rrsenlAll\'!'s nf t h,. U. S. Allor-f11'ehend bank roblwr~ \,.•\l\v wilh· l'ean B1 a•lfo1 ol. Sidney Uav1d11Qn, busmrMman T a k<' n T "k"k"•h1 I" 1 '"1 "' 1' 1nJur1oua to public ney'a oCCk f. l'hr rtrr·11 ocrtcf' and out hrlp rmm b11nk rmplr1y~t11 and T •·ol Hamb10< k. Don Huddle1ton. Frullly r1>c,.1v ... 1 11 n• ~· 11 Ml oll\I,. '""''''' 11n•I ob~trurt th" due police dl'partmt>ntll, d1~tnc:l Allor-cllluna. r,,.11r1." l.m•I. SAm Mt)'t'fll, L.<•nm" on a ronllr1111ry < h>H1,. ''"" ,. r•( lhl' l11w. Tht lr ll\dlet· n"Yll nCflcr nnrt offlrl1.h1 of bank11. "Orarrlpllve da tll pro \ 1<!el1 lllW \'in , ot 11n•I J-I P1nz l<B111,.r. The 111t· R1fJ'P! l"r 1 ·,.,111 J11 I:" J <.hn "" n• i:r"w out of th" ..-ert.d bllllklng 11!'lloc1allon11 and tn11ur-enf orcement orrictrio by cye-wil· t• r 1~ nnw a director and nnly one Rh< 11 vacal •ti lhc> tnAI ~Pt 1 .. r ~-i·h 111111hanollln1t of J1paneM liquor SEN. MURDY GRIETS HARdOR ~ARMlRS When Orange County cbapt.en of the Future Farmera con\'~· Jut weekend for merchandising a_nd 1peaklng contest11, N e\". .ented. Sho~ being congratul:tted by State Sen. J ohn Mur. · Jett. are Robert Perrin. Don Mt'r~lilh, Young Farmer Queen noJd and Inatructor Cba.rle. Furrell. -SAC Photo • Santa Ana College : I arbor wu repre- , , i :11ntin~on Beach, L Seel~y. John Ar-J ~ ... ance giou))"'. nt!IS!'I to bllllk robbene11,19 of 1n-of lh" bn11rt1 <'lln bl' re·nomlna tt<l. 7 and rr·~l11t•fl ll l•·r Mi;ir·h 21 ll•"n~,.!'I J Hoover Mid the Sant.a Ana con· esllmoble tmportancr · Hoover ,------------------- fer1.>nc<'. hke t~I' other11, Ill a imed emphulvd. "Whlh• th•' re still a re 1 ~ a.t "ndriillonnl <'<1nrdlno t1on nmong gang1 of crlmtna lio t'MJ!'Rg1ng In ~ • 'I J J , law enforremrnl ag1m<'le11 and lm· bani( robbery, Lhe r:enerRI tr·enll in I proved d fllil'nry fn drallng with rrcenl yo re hu bren 11way rrnm 1 a C f 1 thl.t tncrl'altl ngly llt'rlou11 problem." the g&ng-type o~retor11 of the V 6 I ,?,-~ •. : I •Cl£ Tl l Lul yenr. the f"B!· dlrr<'tor J930'e. po.ntC'd out. robberlu or b1tnklng· "A,. a result, lntlh'1dm1l c1 im1- type lnsUt"llon11 lOlallrd 307 rom-n&l11 or quirk ly-ori.?nniz.rrl gi·oups pared wlth 24 8 ln 1963. There or rnbbf'r11. broui;ht l•1g,.lh1 r rnr wne 179 b1111k burglarle11 rom!)f\r· onl' ,,,. two forays. c11rnm1l mni-t td with 1:'14 In lhf' previous year robbeilr11 today ILlld <Ht ruure 111r- and bttnk la.rcl'nlea ro9fl to 34 from flcult lo Identify than ""r" the lt In 19:'>3. , I g&n«~ or 20 year• ago_ .. I New 7-Home Mesa Subdivision !Told; Occupancy Set in 45 Days un:er ::;~::n :bd~:~::~ s~ II IOft Kiii~ Now near Santa .Ana Avr, Cnsta Meall •:-'7-" Realtor W . A. Toblu annlJuncrd 1 In Naval $ervice today. Th• homea are belnc built · Rona.Id Gale Kllllnr:er. aon ot I Mr. and Mnr. Joeeph L. KJUlncer b1 Dike and Coleg"rove. of 973 Gonmor St . Coata MeN. New In de1lpil th• hou11u will WM enllsted Into thl' navy la.at be cuatom bulJt and feature mod· wHk. Ronald co~ from a famU7 tm tmprowment.a. TheM Include ot acouten. Ilia mother la a eta mother, hi• p.rbap diapoeala. exhauat ta.na. tau.er a aea KOUt •kipper. hla Ulermo controlled h•al colored brother a cub IC<Nl and RonaJa rock roofa, birch cablnela and over-1 wu a eea 900\lt unut l\a.,. chief 1laed pra1;u. I B. JC. HadlJw ellll.ted hlm lnt.o the The hou!'"S '""now In !JI" frame n.ayY and d9Mf Hac:Jtler la a acout· at.ace w ith r 11 .nry 111 'd 1n mut._r ot troop 21 of Sant.a Ana. appl'OJUma ldy t$ daya. Tublu Rona.Id tonMrly attended Ntw· 1AM1. I port H&nor UIUola Hip ScboOL , STUDENT TOOLS EXAMINED Jeff Powell of Newport Harbor High School and William Ackerman f r o m Orange Cout ColJece were &mODJ Orange County machine ahop inltru.cton who e.x.hJbited .wdellt-made project.a at the recent Southland convention of Ca.llfomla lnduatrlal Ed- ucation A.mociation at ll C&mlno College. Putting finishing touchee on dllplay a.re. from ldt, John Bayard of Orange, Lloyd Sallot oC Santa Ana and Glen Le.rten, chair- man from Santa Ana Collep. -SAC Photo .. I , J • . - ' • ; ... FINAL SERVICE-The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler preached final aervice of bia putorate to an overflow congregation on Sunday. At tht., u in two nrlier ser- vices, mem~ of hia congregation bid farew-tll and were given a cordial invitation to "Come and aee ua in Ha· • waii. Everyone else is (coming)" ! The popular rector and his family will be in charge at St. Clement's, larg- est Episcopal chur<:h in the Islands except the Cathedral. -Staff P h oto OLD TIMES RENEWED-Old timea and new were melded together Sunday when t he Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler bade farewell to constituents at St. James Episcopal church. On hand to bid him Godspeed wu contractor R. Donald HaJJ, whose uncle waa the founder paator of St. Clement's Episcopal Church in Honolulu to which Mr. Wheeler is g oing, and Mn . Edgar Hill, prominent Presbyterian and May8r of the City of New- port Beach. From left, Hall, Mrs. Wheelel , Mr. Wheeler "'nd Mayor Hill. -S~aff Photo I/ YOUTH CHOIR SINGS Gomm.union at Mesa Baptist The Rev. Fred W. Bartel of Merle Valdu will 1tng, with Linda Zenith Ave. Sunday School will Wickey at the organ. Sunday Service at Corona del Mar ·women of Churches Plan Tea To Be Benefit For Religious Educat ion \~/o r!\ A mu~k:tl tr11. an11111\I h.•nd l\ 11pon11.•rt"d IJY l' nll r1I 1 •:rn1 .. :, \\\>- m. n or :'\t\\'l'••1 t 1-llu ho1 will hi htld at St. An. 1 rw" 1'1 r h\ ll' mia Chim h 011 1•1 1.tay, Frb 11 , 'J pm. The prni;111n1 Will "" h •1.1 1n th• 11m11·tu111,v 1111.t wjll t.o11:urr \he Otrb' Chon1~ 11ntkr ollrN·t1o1n •>f MIM M ttt ll' ll1eb.~cl\ a;1<I tt strinC ln11t111n11·nl RI Olli' cl.ru:l'1I b)' Clinton Snw111. 1!11 fr o:n :'\ ""'""r' Har h< r l 'ntun 111,i:h ,.;, hoJ! Thi' lt> &n <I ii.to 1111 h1111r wlll follow It" prur. r11111 11 n1 I " 111 ~ h<'ld in lht' d1llrd~ lt•Uni;" Pni~'"""" will ~u t 11 thr \\'c><1lc D:iy Hi-hJ;hlllA ·F.1hi.•nt 11111 but.lg•·t. ~pt' .. IRI J'fOJl'l'l .,r l 'n11~ I Cho1rb \\'onlPn of 111 .. Harbur Arl'a. The ·public 1is mv1t .. J . r rnsT t:Hl KOi Of' ('IU08T 8Clt:STl l>lT A W•~ o~'· •• !:d.:ota~~·s:·te:••,ch,_t firtf 0...t<fi\ bf C'-rttt fcie"fid I• •ot•o" Mau•· th•••"• S~•O•t k,_o-M t l \ e M. Su11tdu '4tt••Ct -----ti 00 • M. W•Ol\••••t l ••11t\1111 ....... \,.. I 00 • "'- le•d• .. Aoulft 10<•••0 et tl16 Vote 1.1 ... Ne•port •••<'•, 1, ope• •••~ ••t• "•"' 10 00 e M to \ 00 p m Wt d,..tdewt frO"t 10•00 o "' to I 4' • "'' k iO• t •H 1 te '-Ct&ted Holld••• "'41 ~h'lc It c.,tftt ll• '"""•d .. ett.-4 '"• ci. .. u. k ••ltot •ft• ... .... • .. -, ... ·- GUEST PASTORS SUNDAY AT METHODIST CHURCH preach Sunday a t 11 a.m. In F iral Sutlday School !or a.II agu be· Baptist church of Costa Mesa In J;'lna at 9 :~:> a.m. and th.ere Ill a absense or the pastor, t he Rev. i;rowing a ttl'ndance. P . G. NC'Urm1nn. H I! 11ermon theme At 6:30 p.m. Mr. Dartels will wlll be, "Sir, W e Would Set rc1nduct th•• Postor'a TralniuK Je&us." • Class. Th<' Youth In Training Clo ~11 .Mr. Neumann will be ot/lclatlng wlil merl ut the aame hour w1U1 at thr dedlrutlon of the F lr11l Bsp-Wlll1n111 Ad on In • h81 gr List Ch111 ch ot Lodi and 't'.111 re-T he C11teou C 1 oup or Chrh1t1an mmn to conduct a aeries of meet-t..a~-men will be In • hu11:e or the lni;ll. 11.-111100 period nt '; .30 p.m. The "The Christ In Whom We Bt- Ueve" la the ll'rmon topic tor the dupllc&t.e worahJp aervlce• nut Sunday al Co111munlty Churr h. Co· rona del Mar. The Chapel Chulr or high 11ch1>0l age 1~ 1ini;1ni;. "Pr11lse Ye the IJOrd" by 's11int- Sal'nll. The Ch11nrrl or A(l ult <"holr will 11lnr,, "Jn th; Night, Chrt11l Came \\'nlklng" by :'l:ohle (',1111. Bruce Martin f'OR ALL \'UUR 11'\SI 'RA S CP. ~"'EEDS To Tell of Mission Work and Organization Two gue.et speakers will participate in ritea at Christ Chw-ch by the Sea on Suhday. At the 9:45 and 11 a.m. eer- vices Dr. Frnnk S. Williams will speak on the wide interests of church people today in m ission& work a nd particularly about development of new churches in Califo rnia and Ari-, There will be a communion sl'r· :\lr11·,, Chorus will 1uni 11 11pt'clnl I vier 111 the lol'al church and no·w I 11111111.,.•r, "'\\'<mil• rful Stnry 11q m('mber:. will be wek omrd. Th,• l.ove," w1U1 l!:lvin Grauer es leacJ- Youth Choir under direction of I er. Sunday Sern1 on Themes For Newp'o rt Ba ptists Auto-Truck Fire -Life l.OCAJ.. AUJ':l'l.T Reald•oce otnc-. - l.lbertJ 8·5063 Llbt'rty 8-:).-;;,.i 1193 Newport An., Co~l• l\lf>M ~~·- tonL Dr . \\'rlllama la rxtcutl\·e ary UH•re will be fl'fltured gpefk· ----------------------------- aecretary for M1s.o;lr.n1 an1l Church erJI and films on lhe M1ss11•nnry PAGE 2 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS "Chtrl11hlng Mrmorable E'tpt>rl· I Blvd. At 7:30 p.m. ~rrvtre his 11ub· ence1" 11 1crmon topic of lht Re'" Jecl \01U be "Splrlt11a1 Bankrupl-THE CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE E xtrnslon of the Melhodlat Church Outrench of. lhe Churdi. Th eae THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 ·• Advenluru In .Mt11111on11" are plan- Herbt-rt Johnson, prea<'hlni: at 11 cy." I a.ni. in io~ir!lt Uapl lsl ('hurch uf After lht evl'nln,; me1111age lut N°Pwport Beach, 19th and Ualboa Sunday M rs. RnbN'l Storovlc:h I Jn Southern Cell!omla and Ari· ned to glvt' Information and In· zona. Ht 111 wrll acqualnled with 11plratlon about the Ml1111lonary pro- rhur, h ncetls 1n this area u he gr11n1 1n our •lay. l'tate11 t he mtn. hM 11~rvrd t hun·hes In C111trornl:1 13Ltr, Rev. Roy A.. CsrlM>n. and Arlznnn bOth &11 pnslor and ~l'PP!:R FIRST &.'I r11~tr11'l super!ntent.lent. /1 Th• two-bo~ proc.ram MCh On 8unrtay evenlniir Dr. ftay-Sunday rventng w\11 a lso tnclu1le a monll H 1"111~ will speak for the snack •Upper bt glnnlng at 6 f11 st ''~. " ~··nc-s or prng r111nl' .:n· I o'clock ant.I 1tudy groups for I •tied. A<h 'r nlllT't'll In Ml!'!llon.!I. adulli<. youth and children. TI1e ~.t.W <'llt'Rl'tl proJ:ram f~Ature each Sunday will Pr. 1.-trlh 1• pS!ll••r of n nt>wly hr thr tlo~tng part ot the e\·enlng orl('Un•i<"•I 1•h11n h in Ea~t l..ong I &l"tl\'lly 11nd t he gl'nt'T'al public la Bcu(•h 11t I~··~ Altos "" 11 <"hun:h· j cordh1lly lnvlt~d. rxten~1u11 1mHur, h.-will kll how , The ('1>mm111l'11>n on MIMtona ot a nrw • hu • h HI .. ta rtc·ct 1t11il 11how th•• ln<'ul (hu1 ch h1111 plannrd t i.111 p1r1 Ur<'" or h1, chur< h 11rt1,·1t1es. s nnunl m ll'.."lonll l'mphL<11t1. The J'rf'\•1ow• ''' t h~ .. pa11t11r11l<'. Dr. rh11lm111n 8.lld \'tcf'·l'hlllrman ot the F irth f)Tflllnl ~er1 the nrw \\'ralf'y r ommlL"1on, Mr!<. Montan Lowery J.1,.'hi1•h •t l 'h1111 h 1n l'°An 1J1t1to 111 r!n•I ~t1~" Maribeth H1ltlen. have 19~·1. 1hrrr t!'d th~ plr1nn1n1; rot thl11 pro • Ench ~unrl'4y t'\'1•111111; 1n F,.bru· itralll. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Harbor Lutherans to Hold PTA Night A T'"1ren1 -T~ ... h1 • i< :"\li;ht l<1r all ~um "111 clost with brtl'( tal\<1 by p11r-•nt ' 11f 8und.1:. ~. l'lu••I p11r1111 I Supe1 tntend~nt Hn1u. nnd P..-tor " "'' t 1<1r Tue11ctay, Fth 8. 111 7 .30 Rot>.•rt B. Gronlund. I'm 111 :'\r''l"" t H11 rbnr Lutheran Othrr eve.nu at the 1'ewport Ch1111 h ~ .. ,,,,. inlt•n.IM'll 1-'r:inklyn H,.ii;h111 Churt'h Include dupllca tt Ht uza HnnMu", I 1•ul11y. • n '' '" of Holy Communion 11.t A1111rol "l 1n!'1t'Astfl1t lhl' val11.-JO an•I 11 a m Sunday with of 1"hl:l"ll• train1n~ by clotwr , .. n-S11nda\' Sr hool at 9.30 and Jun- tr11 1 h• l"ccn <'hHrrh 11.n I h"m" ,~ .. 111r l.ulh .. r Lt'aitlll' 11.t 3 00 p m. p •lhc11n11 will h1tvr thr 1111rent.t Ntw mtmbna rt celVf'd latt Sun· 11ll1•11olt11i: lhrir ch1l l 1< ~undlly 1 day included: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sr hMI rln11• Thr '""' hrr will l\lnnn. Sha ron Mann. J,.1 ry Mann. '"""h a rw •rtwn t I lh" lt'«.•on anti <'••>illl Mt"4; Mr. 11nd Mra. Victor w111 <'llpla1"l th" rh1•' I ""todurl' l'Arlf <'I', CNona <lei Mar . and Mr. and puq•ol!' a n1l Mra. Roland Buatth. Card~n Slat,. I to last 110 ht•111 \hr ~es· 1 Crovl'. E IGHTEENTH EVENT Fi ve Dollar Banquet at Newport Methodist Held lul week wu the tolf hl· ... nth Five Dollar Banqul't a t Chrltt Church by the Sea. Th111 t ra41Uonal event datu back to 1!137. Al tMl tlrhe there waa a mort«ace ot J ll.:>00 on the church property. Int rrut on the Joen plu• ta."tu on then-vacant Iota and the Balboll Cha pel (UHd u a ware- hou.e I, amounted to neuty 1:>00. All lhl11 waa above the current op- .-rallnr bud(et or • 11mall cong-re- ~" lion ot 130 inembfon. The plan tor tlle flrtl banquet wn• worked out durtnc the pu. fnra to or Rev. \\'illla.m HetMll. Grorse RutMU, chairman ot the tx1ard of lrueteea and the late H11rry Welch, IM!CNtary or the chamber ot commerce, hel~ pl&A tlle evenl Proceecb ot t.be Mitquet alw&)'I hne beeA u.aed for th• tndebted· ne.. or \mprovement or t h• c:hurcb pro~rty. Thi!T llave lie.I~ l:'Onslderably tn t he completion or Ole p,..._t tine bUJ.ldinp. The banquet proceed.a t.hia ,_,. wW be u-s to reduce U.. lndebtednea 00 Ule MW youill buiJdbls, tit• A. B. St.e'Hlla Dlllcatioaal UnJ t. Th• rene....i C'OmlnlttH lncluded: Mrw. A. J. Ratter, ~d Olul, • Mia~ q,tra Kohlatedt. Roy A O.rl1on and Mias Eble-Newland . Dlnntr a rranr;ementa wtre by th~ WSC'S. under klt('ht n chairmen. Mra. Fl't'd Woodworth and Mn. Rachel WUe)', In the dlnlnr ha.U Mra. William Tru111y Wlla chairma n with table 11ett1nr and decoratlona by Lu A mlg'ft• Ct rt'le and ael'\'lnr by the Marlntn Clua. • The reception commlltff tnclud· ed Rev. and .Mrt. Roy Carlson, Mr. and Mtt. Wllllam LandJ~ Mr. and Mra. Morran Lowery, Mr. and Mrw. Maunce Sopp. Mra. J ohn K. Elli· oll. Mr. and Mn. Walter S llven and Mlaa Clar. Kohl•tedl. Mra. A. J. Rutter, Harold GIUll and Mr. C&rleon were In ch&rfe of the-pro-rnm. Ticket aal• fl'Oup Included Elsie N e w land. ch&Jnnan: Harold Thompeon. treuuru : Urs. Roy C ar I• on. tl'&nlportau oc; Mrs. Mamie Ha\'t.t. Mn1. I.Aon Fergu- IOll, Mrs. R&Jph Wa.taon. Mr._ J . A. Bodman. Mre. J ohn K. Elliott. Ml-a. Harol~ Glau , )lu Road rr.ttac. Mra. A. J . R utter, Mna. l:nuna WraUlertord. Mna. Ci. £. Tohill and Mr. &.ad Mr.. Artllur F . )(JJJu. # TO ORDAIN ELDERS AND DEACONS AT ST.AN DREW'S On l!lundey u a part or ttl" rrlt'l1h1r ""rvlr.,~ of wor11hfJ" Ill St. Andr,.w'11 Pn ~bylt>rll•n C:h11n h 111 b1 I h l• :so 111HI I I a m. · hour• lhe t.un,1t i.;a11u11 v.111 w1tn1·..s the \raJ1t1u11al r11,.a of ord11111t1on a nrl 111i.la!Jat1on or r11l1nc t>l I• r .. vn•I tl1·3cun,.. 'Spirit' is Lesson Text Al the ('111htr ~l'l\.ir 1111' r-ill· \\ n1o. 1t1tn \\Ill be ordained and ln5tallrd B~ rulln~ l'hlo t ~. Mrtcsrs. 'UIUl(' J. ll··~l". J,, D111lhy n . .,,, r :'\1•1 ... ,n ~lArr .. nl J r., Kenneth 1-·uwlr1. E1li.;nr ll. Hill un·I J .• 11,•, l 'uW1f'. At th,. 11 a m. service Mrs. Ju~• 1•h H1rn1ble1 !Ind Mr" I« nn~\h Fowlrr will be ordatnt'tl anJ 1n~l11llr•I 1111 <.1.-a•·l•lt>. rte Re''· James S. Sl""' o rt v. •!l 1•1 '"" h n t both "' l'\"IC1·1. hl11 11ermc1n theme to br ··c11nfo1 OH ol or T1 .• r . "' lllf'•I . WITH TROOP 81 Isla nd Methodi sts Plan Scout Week Obser va nce Mtmber• of TrO'lp 81. Boy Ho>nry f-'crry. &·b Andf'rllOn, Bob Scouts of Amrrlc8. will part1rlrste Hoffman. Chuck Kramtr. Dick tn the 11 a.m. MrvicP or wor3hlp 1 Brirlgman, lfo"'·or.J G1latrap. Allen on Sunday a t tbe Balboa Island Cut>t'1th•·r, llrt'IOlo D1a1r. Mlkt Dav. Community Mt'thodl1t Churrh. Thr I~. ~1 rph,.n F"r n '. 1-:<ldle GroC'nr n- stl'\'tce 111 pl11nnrd In r nnn .. rt Intl fl,\ kt J hn 11.,r !man, Sandy Wllh the IO<'a l "b•trvence or Bcoy I Knarr l{o\lhlf \\'1nt('rbolham, Seoul Wrc-k I :'ltlH~hall \\ n i;hl Jerry Tomb, D1rtct1ng the Scout .. paftf(lpll· Tr m L'hl''l)r.·, J o• I Fruthan, Mtars lion In t he !~rvlre 111 :\lallhcw \' P.nrk on•I 11 .. b Tt mplr Officer at B. I. Meetings Methodist \\'aldeh<·h, SC'fllltm&~tr1 Scout TI1" pn,l11r, ll1e R• \' Donald 'Jl"Akers will be n.11 F1>rry 11n•I (': ~11rr will 1!r l1vrr th l!C"rmon 11 l Genrite H111111n hnl h t hr 11 10 '"''' 11 o'C'lnrk aer· Srout.8 v.·ho will rart1npsle &rt vttr• TO I NSTRUCT ISLAND YOUTH Youth who rll'l'lre l<• 1,r1 ••mr members ot the Balboa Jalanll Community Methodist Churr h on PaJ m Sun l11y. April 3, will begin lnlt n11lve 11tully In church memb4'rahlp at 4 pm. Frida y. Feb. f . ~Ir", r.rrlrwl" R. f'olendnrt. S. F . rr tmn.c chrrrtor. Shrine ho11- p1tal ' I h111'.1 11n op11ort11ntty given In frw tn hr 1•r hrlp. H h"-' b<oen A $?rO'lll )"\'" Two tmpor tant mert1n1t11 tor of· Clc~rt ot t he Balboa bla nd Com- munity Met hod 1st '<::hurch ha.a been <'&lied for Thureday evening. F eb. 3 The Comml&1lon on Mem~r­ ~hip and Ev&nftll~m. headed by Mr1. F<lWll L.. Lowt. will meet a l 7 o'clodl. The Orrlclal Boar d will mel"l et a o'clock. The ae11.11lons will be hC'ld f'llCh wrek at tho c hurr h 11nd wlll be ln11tn.1clf'd bv the R""· Donald C Sapp. The yt•ung people wilt atudy what Mtl· h('ldl!l.a believe about Gnll, Je11u11. the Bible, and the church. Sermon For U niversal'ist Fellowship "Devlil That De1troy" wtll be t..he subject of the Rev. F rederlrk Rlng-e'1 1ennon a t the l.'nlver1<11 l· l1l Community F'llo.w1<hlp this romlng Sunday. Thll f'<'llow!'hlr muu a t the Ebf'll Cl11bh .. 11•"· 111 ·, We1t Balboa Blvd.. 811\boa r111 h Sunday momlnit at JO 30 for ~11n· day School a.nil l 1 o'clork t or momtnir •·orah1p. )'he F ellowship 11t>ek1 to embrart a\( rell«iioua llbe~ls of Ora.n~ County and otteni lhem an OpJ"Or · tunlty lo worahlp a~ Lhue aer· vtcH. Not Expensive \\'c know. and t hose wc hnve served know, t hat our prices a rc exceptionally low, and we arc prrparcd to show any interested person the 11r1rrs in ou r display rooms, lhnt they, t oo, may learn th:il Parkr•R-Ridley sen ·ice is R\'Rilable al unu sually low prkes. PARKES· RI OLE MOR.TUAR.Y 110 1 110,..ow,....., <O I T" w• I• ll HIU'Y 8·3433 ~ 'n4f OllOll O' Oii 6()1.0CM~ • s., ••••• aAt ao ... • w~ 1$lAHO . \100 l~( . HfWl'OIT lfaC .. . COIO M4 Oil MAI .ufPIZ P"RIUSO ahowtd col11rr,J mnt 111n plrlllrt'!> 1 which ah• had !&ken ot Ille f'\(IBe P11 radr. Where's the smart place to put your savings ? T oday mlllioM or Americans will tell you that Lile smart place to save your money •~ a n insured Savings and l oan Auocia11on. They'll give you l.hrcc good reasons why lhis is so ... 1. You"re smart to p ut your money whtr( it brin&$ you t :cullmt rtriuns. lm urcd Sav· in~ and Loan Associations can invest mo'r of their funds in wund, stu dy· paying home mo rtgages. They really make your money wo rk h.ard for you. l. You're sma rt to p ut your money v.hcrc )'ou know it's Jajt . In rhcse As~oc1at1ons, it"s prote<:ted by good m anagement and ~ub· •tantial rc~rvcs. And the f ederal Savings and Loan lnsuranceCorporation-an agency of the U. S. G overnment -insures your sav· ings up to SI0,000. l. You're amart to deal with /'ltfldly, t.Y:p,,1- trrrPd fNr>ple. People who really know their commuM11cs. Peo p le who arc right on the spot "hen you need lhem . So it's hardly surpri\ing !hat Ammram art now f"""'~ mnrt' flf thtrr hord-t'amt'd JaVlfl£f 0 1, ounl dol/wt 1n1n inrur,.~·a1•in1t.r and loarr A J.tfl(IU/IUrH than they put anywhert t'lst. And here·, ancithcr important point: When )n u'rc 1hinl..1ng ol buying a home, rtmcmbcr th.it thc\c /\"11C1J t1nn\ arc the nation·~ larg- c'l .. inglc: 'nurcc nf. ho me mortfagc lo.in,f Thcv m.1l(' h~r.11 lnan\. Thcv \CC to 1t thal ~ou.gct the money qutdly-ind a t moder· ate rate\. Shouldn't ~nu get to' l now an m 'urctl 'IJ\IO).'~ and I o,1n A~\nc1.it111n 1n 1111u •Ommun· 1t)'' You'll find 11\" m1~hty good pl1cc t0 do hu,inc''' G ••• U ••h NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION · P. A. Palmer. · Presider. l l 6 & V i • L i d o H • t b o r 4 2 0 0 ,.._,°" _. es-.d N E W p O It T I E A C H C A L I F 0 R N I A 11 7.000.?00 Member of the Savings and Loan Foundation. Inc . epon~or r,( thi11 1vfrert1scmenl Jn LIFE, SATURDAY EVENING P OST a.,nd TD4t.;. I I LEGAL NOTICE LIGAL NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOa BlDK - Nolle" la herf'by C"lvt'n that the Board of Truattta or the Oran&t' <'out Junior Colle(" Olstrk t ur Orange <:ounty, her"lnatter rt'ferrt"d to aa the "Owner," will receive U1"to, but nol lner than 2 :30 P.M . )'ebruary n . UI~~. ual.:d b1J 11 tor the llWMl"d of contract tor a 640 IM!at capaclll track bleacher• addition tu tht' 11tad1um of concrt'le'on com- pact~' till w ith wood aral.11 and 11l1!l'I pipe r11lhng11 Such b1da ahall ~ received In the ofr1cf' of lhe Ownt>r. In the Adminlelratlon Building. Oran1e Coast College, 1119~1 South Harbor lioulevard. nf'llr Co11l~ Meaa. Ora.nae County, C•hfomilt, anJ !!hall tw open.,d 1'nd puqhcly r .. 11.1 a loud al lhl' abovt st•ll'd t lm" lJl the Bo11nJ Room of the Adminu1tratlon l:Sulldin~. Each bid mu11t cunforn1 and be rt~l>Oll-"IVe to this lnvil.litl<in. the plane, 11ped t1cat1on11. and all oth~ ,1m•11111t'nl.i comprising the p•'rtinent contract documcntl!. Cur>•,. .. uf the ( ·ontnu l Docun•enl.l! are now on file and open to public lnspt·ct1on 111 the ~.wJ otlkf's o1 lb" Owner, aud of Richard J. :-: .. m r .. ant.I llobett E. All'x.mill'r. Arch1tect11, located at 2:179 Glendale Boulevud 1n i he L'1ty ol Lm1 Angeles, In aa1d County and Stalt and may be obtained at e1th• r pluce by depos1llng $2!'>.00 for each 8"t. Th111 <lf'J>0!11l will be rl'fun•t .. 11 If the St'l or seu uf Contract Documents dthvl'retl llrt' t.-tu1 ned 1n gorn:J •·ond1t1on w1lh1n five days after the bid opening. Unit prices requeatcd ror excavation. conrrtte, st.eel, etc. Comple- t 1ori time requested to be eel by b1dden1. A statement ot financial con- dition and d1•pos1t of 10'1r ot the total bid by cerl1Cled chtck or bld bond 111 required with t'RCh bid: h1bor and m11ll•rlal11 bond and perform- ance bond required or contractor M?IPcted Earh blrt shall be made out on a form to be obtained a t either or the 11&1d offices In wh1t'h t he Contract Dol·un1cnl:s iue on tile. Each b1rt shall be 11rcompan1t'd by a crrt1J1tO or cashier'• chtck pHy11ble 10 the Owne1 . or sal1sfactor,Y"'B1d Bond in fa\ or of lhe Owner, f'XeCUled by the bidder 1111 principal and a 11alls factory sun•ty CClmpany a s :1Urtty, In 11n 'amount nol· let111 th<1 n ten J'<'rC'enl of the bid. The check 01· b1r1 bond Bh111l bt> given u 11 guarant•·e that th•• bidder will execute the Contract 1f It be awHnlt'O tu him ln c·unlorm1ty with the Contract 1'• OocumentB and wltl rrovu.le the surety bon<I or t-unds as speclfll'd lhtre1n within f1vl' d11y11 aftrr not1f1catwn of lht' award or the contract to the bidder. Tht owner reS<'rVl'll the p11vllegl' of rt>,1C'cl1ng any and all bids or lo Wlll\'e any irr1·gulartt1Ps or informalltJ«S In 1tny bid or In the bidding. Purl\uant lo the u1bor Code of the Slule or California, the 881d Bo11r d o! Trustt.:rll has a 11t•erlain"d the ·i:enr rnl pre:valling rate or per dll'm witi:ca fur.e11ch t•rt1fl or type or workmen nel'ded tu extcule the t·ontract.i which will be awarded the 1111cceasful bidders: and these prevailing r•1!!$ an• cunliun!'d in sa id 11pec1tications adopted by tht ~Oard, and are a& follows: C'l.A!'!Slt'l('ATIOS: - APPRE:-:TlCES· M11y be f'mplnyl•ol in conformity with Section 1777.5 •• r the c .111r<>m111. Labor .Col.le. C:ARPE:-:TER8: Cai pent er ,..loorlayer . J111llr1ght . l'11w !<'lier • ................................................. ····· $2.77~ ......................................................... 2.976 .... ······ ......................................... 2 975 ............ ;--········-·· .. 2.8:'>6 'fable Power Sllw Operator ........ .. ........... " ....... _ ............. 2.8.">5 t"fo:Jll ~;;-.;T FINISHERS: (.'rm1>nt Finl~her . .. ...................... ··-···· ........................... 2.70 ('emcnt Flni11hf'r t Compo11itlon or MMUcl ...................... 2.82 c·eml•nt _)o'loor F inishing Machine Operator ........................ 2.82 / ON WOKERS: Rtlnforr mg Jron Worktr .................................. -..... -....... 2 85 Md al P an Sellrr . . ........ -..................... _ 2 38 MPlal Pan Setler Working Foreman ................................... 2.:>!1 Mo•tal Pan Sf'lfl'r Ht'iper .. . ................................ 2 17 8trul'tu1 nl Iron "'orker ,._,. ........................................ -....... ·2 8!I Fence E rector ........................ -............................................... 2.8:1 LABORERS: L..aborrr11, Grnt'ral or Construction .... . ............ ,,...... 2 Oi:I u1wrators anll Tender• ot Pnucmallc and Electric 1'00111, Vibrating Machines, and a1m1lar m••ch11mcal toola not Heparalely cluaiCied hneln 2.:lS:I M1ni•r 1 Hand or MachlnrJ . . ... 2 H~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Motorman • . .... . ....... -...... ............... 2.436 ' Cement Oump"r con 1 yd. o'r lar1t r millers and handllnc bulk Ct'menl l . .. ..................................... 2.215 As phalt Raker and Ironer ............. -.................................. 2.2&6 Buri;ymob1lc Man ...................................... _ 2.W <'on~rete Cur..-r -l mpt<rvwua Membrane ........................ 2.~ Driller• t Corr, Duunond. o,,-Waion) ................................ 2.525 l)nllt'1·11 I A II olhl!ra I • .... ................................ ........ 2.365 Gan • Oil Plp<hne Laborer ................................................ 2.07!i Jo'l11fm\n ... ... .... ................................................ 2.070 Guard and or Watchman . .. ......................................... 1.tT Gas Ir 0 11 Pipeline Wrapper-Pot Tender and F«m M.&n 2.2113 Cu • Oil P1pellne Wrappt'r-' lncb pipe and' over ........ 2.U5 Sewer Pipe Layer (excluding Caulker} . . .. . ............. -... 2.335 Sewer Pipe Caulker (using Caulkins toot.) ............... -... 2.26:1 Sewer Pipe Cauliler (cement jOlnlJI) .................................... 2.12!i Tarman and Morlarman .. . ............................................. 2.125 \Vlndow Cleaner ........ . .................................................. -... -2.22& OPERATING ,J!:NOINEERS: A Frame -Boom Truck .... . ............................................... 2.aa Air Compresl!Or Operator .. . .............................................. 2.37 lioxman or Mllttr Box Operator (concrete c;r uph&lt plant) . .. '-............... ... .......... ............... ...... ....• .. ... 2.~2 Concrete or Aephalt 8preadln1. Mechanical Tampln( or Flnh1h Mach.ine Operator, .......................................... 2.88 Concretl! Mixer Operator -paving type ........................... 2.91 Concrete Mixer Operator -mobile mlxer ................... :>2.12 Concret.e Mixer Operator -Skip type ............................ 2.111 Concrete P ump or Pumpcrete Gun Opera tor .................... 2.62 H eavy O·• "' Repairman .. .. ........................................ 2.78 Heavy Duty Repairman -Helper ...................................... 2.2!1 Elevator Holst Operator .. . ..................................... - ....... 2.60 Hlghlloe Cableway Operaior .~ ......................... ) .................. 2.82 Material Loadtr or Conveyrr Operator ........ ~ .................. 2.37 Motor Patrol Operator, Including any type of power blade . ... . ......................................................................... 2.82 Oshkoah or Toumeapull Operator or DWlO --.. ····--··· 2.82 t'atvement Breaker Operatur ........................... -.......... -... -2.80 Ro111 Carrier Driver .................... -............................ _._ .......... 2.02 Roller Operator ............................................................ --.. --2.110 ~ Skip Loader Operator ...:. wheel t,ype ............... : .................... 2.&2 Screed Operator ........... ~ ............ r. .......... =-"'=··-·······-.... ~- Slalionery Pipe Wrapping and Clea.nine Machtna Opar. 2.111 Surface Heater and Planer ,Operator .......... '. ...................... 2.78 Tow Blade or Grader Operator ....................... -...................... 2.l'>J Tractor H l-Lltt Shovel OpeT&tor ..... _ ........... -................... 2.91 Tractor Operator -Bulldozer, tamper, .craper or drae type shovel or boom attachmtnla .................................... 2.&I Tractor Scraper or Drac Type &hovel -tandem --······· 3.of T renchlnf Machine Operator ....................................... -....... 2.71 · TRUCK DRIVERS; Drlve1·e of Dump Truck• -lea• than -' yda. water level 2.11 Drivers of Dump Truck• -4 yd1. but ltaa than I ydL ' waler level ............................................. r-................ 2.21 Drivers of Dump Truck• -I ydl. but leaa than 11 7d1. water level .... ...... .............. . ...... -.............. -................... 2.21 Drivers ot Dump Trucka -12 yd1. bu(leu than 18 yda. • water level .............................. :........................................... 2.34 Drivers or Dump Truck• -16 yd.a. or more water level 2.68 Drlver1 of Trucks. legal paylO&d capacity ICM lh&n e tona 2.11 Drlveu ot Trucke, legal payload capacity between t and 10 ton• ....................................................................... 2.2J Dr1ver11 of Truck•, legal payload capacity between 10 itnd l~ tons • . . .. .. ..... . ...................... 2.28 Drivers to Trucka. legal payload capacity belwffJl 10 and 20 ton1 .................................. ~ .............................. . . 2.S4 Dnvrr11 ot Trucke, legal payload capacity of JO tona or more ..................................................................... 2.M Dnv<'ra or Euclid type Spreader Truck• -.. ·--·-·--....... 2.r>e Drlvera of Dumpater Truck• ... . ... .. ............... -......... 2.:>G Driver• ot Tranalt-M.ix Trucka under 3 yda ..................... 2.42 Drivtra of Trana1l-Mix Trucka a yda. or more ................ 2.M A Sportsman's Dream Come True KOM-PAK TRAILER ' The KOMPAK trailer is a complete boat, camp kitchen, and slHping trdil· er all in one streamlined, rugged unit. \ ; ' A beautiful 12 ~. laminated flberCJlas boat attaches over body to form a roof. Sid.-\'l~w Sho"ina: Boet Attachf'd ) t;QUIPMENT-Standard equipment lncludea combination tail light, atop lirht, and turn indicator unita mounted on each fender eection.. Interior controlled ven- tilation port.. sidewall lamps, canvu canopy for roof when boat ia in uae. Built-in work table, cabineta with indi· vidiual lock arrangement.., ~.4 cu. ft. I~ re.frige'rator, and 8.4 gallon water tank. AREOD YNAMIC DESIGN ... a thing of beauty! THE KOM-PAK is not a utility trailer. I t ia not a boat trailer. nor a house t railer. Yet. it is·all of these. KOM-PAK 1s a new and dist.met trailer type. The KOM-PAK 1s a s portsman's trailer de!iigned and built exclus1,'ely for the outdoorsman's use by com- bining into a single compact unit, the most service- able features of all three trailer types. Whether he be an a.nglcr, a nimrod, or one who just Li~e to get 'out for <'amping or boating -KOM-PAK i11•ready to go. The .KOM-PAK will go any place that iA ac- cessible to a car . and properly equi pped and provi- 11ioned. will pro,·ide the true outdoorsman hi1 every need whether it be along the road. in the camp, or afloat. ,. A 12-foot laminated fiberglua boat ot proven de- sign ia atl&l:hed over the body eo that the inverted hull provUiea a roof for the trailer. The deaip of the boat complement.a the trailer with the fine bull line• being canied into the trailer dNign. Th• boat ia euily z;emovable, and when in •pant. UM, it.a protective duty ia ...umed by a wind-reei.9t&nt .... terproof aovw that rolla up and over th• top ln a jiffy. This Great Trailer Is Now On Display At Forgit Hardware 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. OPEN SUNDAYS NEWPORT RACH HARIOR 116 - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ga1 • OU Pipeline Workinr Truck Driver, lncludinc WIJ1ch 'Druck and all aiM• ot Truclt• ..... _ ........................ 2 3t Bootmen ... . .. . ....................... _....... 2 38 Oumpcr('te Truck, lt'H than 611 yda. water level .. -........ 2 42 J>ump<:ntt Truck, e l.w yd.I. waur level and onr ................ 2 :'16 Rou Carrier Drtvu -Hl&hway .. . .................... -......... 2.:'16 Water Truck driver -under 2~00 1al ................. ·-····-·· 2 24 lndu1trlal Lift -Truck Driver ........................... 2.19 Water Truck Driver -2000 gal. or more ........................... 2.38 - Truck Orea.er and Tlreman ........................ -.................... 2.29 Truck Repairman .... . ....... , ........................................... 2.74 Truck l'Upalrman H•lpt'r ........ _ ..................................... --2 29 \\'arehoue~man -Clerk . .. .... ....................................... . 2 2• A.tbe1loa Worker .... :. .... . ... ,... ......................................... 3.1~ Brlcklay"r '1'd Stonemuon ..... .......................................... 3.•o Brick .Tender .... ................................................................. 2.40 Tiie Layer or Setter ................................................................ 3.0~ El.l:CTRlCIANS: Eltctrlclan -Genl'ral F oreman ........................................... 3.92 Electrical F ortman .... -... -................................................. ! 3.:WS Electrical Sub·Foreman ........................................................ 3.38 Electrician ..... ....... ................................................................ 3.20 <;able Spli.cer ............................... _.......................................... 3.50 LATHERS: Lather ._.......................................... ...................... ...................... 3.•65 Foreman Lather ..................... , ....................... 3.7711 PAINTERS: Replar Bruah Painter ...... '........... .. ...................... 2 70 Brueh Swine St&ge ................................................................ 2.9~ Iron, Steel and Bride• ............................................. _ ............ 2.95 Iron, Steel and Brld&e Swing ~tage .................................. 3 20 Spray Gun or Sand Bluter ;!....... . ..................... lo. ... '. .........• :u~ Spray Gun or Sand"Blutfr ·s~ing Stage ........ : .................... 3.20 Paint Bumera ......................................................................... 3.70 Paper Hanger• ........................................................................ 2.825 Carpet, Linoleum .............................................. -.................... 3.01 Gluier and Cutter ...... : ............................................................. 2.~8 Pluterera ................................ .. .......................................... 3.437~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 1v·. PAGE l THURSDAY, FEB. l, 1955 LAOUNAN OOMM18810NltD --O.r.a.duated Df.c. 18 from the five-month Oftlc-ers Baalc Courae al the Marine Corpa Schools In Quantico waa Mar- in(' Second Ueutenant Edward J . Rlo!'dan, a xradua te o.t Stan- ford Univtralt y. H~ Is the aon ot Mra. N1u1ml C. Riordan of 661 High Drive. Lllg-una Beach, H.e has bttn asalgned to duty hl!rt. 1 llegal TellCllltl of Coaad Hqme 5°""" Poulble tUtpl occupuioy el \be J. P. Coad home, 121 Edpwat«, waa being lnnatlirated t~ b7., poll et. Cozad. of 1~2 ~•Un .Ave., 8ul• ..ta Ana. reported to polle9 th• l rouplt bt'il('ved to be Uvtns la th· home drove oft quickly Jan. 21 whtn th"Y aaw h im al bl• home. STEER MANURI ( 0ro4Qld and Wf'f!d ....... ) 40f Saeli FRl:E DEU\T.KT Kl 7·2054 LANDSCAPING BALTZ MQRTUARIES ._CO~TA MES_:' ·CH.A.PEL 17U Superior Avenue Coata Me1a. C&Jlt. Phone Wberty 8-2121 .. - CHAPEL BY THE SEA 31120 E. Cout m\•d. Corona dtl Mar, Calif. Phune Harbor •2 .. t· WANT AD will cost you -------1:----:9 . only s2 and it will run Pluter Foreman ................................................... .................. 3.6870 Note: All of th' a bove craft. are 1ubject to fringe beneflle. .008TIMJ:~-M.Sre-Tlb\DU: OvertJme ahall t>. paid for work pertorme<! In exceu of the regular day'1 or week'• work and al the rate tor overtime of the craft Involved. Holiday• u herel.Jl refen-ed to ahall be dermed to be, New Ytar·a Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Armi.Uce Day, Thai1kactvlnc Day. and Chrlatmu. 11 any of lht a bove hollday11 tall on Sunday, the Monday followln' ahall be con&1dered a legal hohday. Jt 1hall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contract 1a awardtd, and upon all 1ubconlractors under him, lo pay not Jen than •Id 1eneral prevalllnJ ralu or per diem wagn to all workmen em- ployed ln the exeet1llon of the contract. No blddtr may withdraw h11 bid tor a period or ~O d11ys after the data att tor the opentnc of the bld1. Board ot Ttua-teu, OraJ\Kt Cout J un ior . Collt'ge 01s trlct. Orange County, Califo rnia• Signed: B. H. PETERSON, Secretary Publish: January 27 and J<~ebr1.11ry 3, 19~0 Open: February 11, 19115, 2:30 P. M. No. 1283 Newa-Prt'lll Rima In New Leaa in all 3 issues A Mini,,:,um ad is 4 lines. P~e ·Harbor 1616 Nt•'POrt Harbor Nf'Wfl•PttM Tuesday and Th'tlnclay f"dltlons, Plus Newport Bay Post and Coutal Shopper PAY-LESS OPIN NIGHT I DAY I HOLIDAYS ACIOU HIGHWAY fllOM HOAG NOVfTM Kf'lth Rima, N"wport p1"r con· cuatonalre. on Jan. 24 won a new• h1ue on hla •portaflehing operation from city council with contract calling for the it.nnual minimum guarantee ot $2700 or ~ per cent ot hl1 (TOM, whJchever 111 greater. The city atlom('y wu In· lltrucled to draft the agTttmenL NEWPORT-JOI NIWPOtn' 11.w.-COSTA MISA I .· .. .. .. JUST lfOUM ,, POST Off!Cl / MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST ~"" _., • Office Hours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a . m. to 8 p. m. ' I , ; .. LEGAL. N07iCI PAGE '4. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEVv'S-PR ESS ~~~-~~ Found __ !!'-Rf'ln Wuted ~--·--~------- ~HIM-eflt.,...... for 8aJe WOODWPRKJNG rnachlnen,-, •!'Ir nf""' lAthea. •w•, -nd<-1'111. etc Suitable for homr 11hop. Ruson· able. \\'111 JOttl all Or by p1c-fN rh. H•tr. 42J8 ur Har. 432J 1~..:~~~A!I~ I 3~~~·-~~~._&_T_!_ 40 Dl:Ll"XF. r le>l"k r t'nllt•l\l'l l-11 1="\\'AY <';R.\~1' l.1ke M"'· THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 • !'OTICt: OF l~!\'TJO:S TO C'HATTEI, MO&TGAGE TO \\'HOM IT MAY CONCERN1 :'\ollt • ta hereby 11ven pur1uant t n th'! provlalona IW Section 3'40 of th• Clv!J Codt of th• l taw ot t •11Jfom1a. thal on Iha U lh day ot February, 19~. th• owner of t i!" h"rttnafttr dt t!C'rlbtd fixtum NEWPORT HARBOR NE"'S-PRESS a nd ,.q111pment or that certain uf11 11tua1..t and IMatlld at 3008 &vtry MCll'da)' ane1 Thunday w. cout Hlgt1W.y. City ot N-· COASTAL SHOPPER--Wednesday& port Buch. County or Oraq•, ., .. f.111\'l of Callforn1a. Intend• t.. 4 U.. l Paper ~ · v r111 ce a ch11ttel mortra1• upon 4 U... 2 Papen 1.50 lh<> 1111d frxluru and eqw pm ant. 4 U9M S Papen 2.CIO ARTHUR J SC'OTT le the mort· C.Utal 91teppn CluaU1td Adt' muat run tn tlu1 MOtlday Jil~l'lr or the Mid property and or Thu"4ay Publlcatloa tm ll'1'1reu 111 t37 \!\', Wlll!On, MJNIMUM AD IS ~ U:St:S 1 ("r•1& MeSll . County of Onnr:P, All CIMelfted Ad• moat be paid for Ca.h In Athan<"' nf publlratlon. r-11• P r1f C"allfrirnla ' DEADLINES for ph1cinr or canctlhn1 ad11 art: ~:L~lr: BEi:"EDETTJ 111 !he For Monday Publlc&t1un -Monday 9 a.m n•l'l• I U!-:<?f' flt lhf' tta1d pro~rty For Wednuday Publl<'ation -Tue&day 2 p.m. "n•I r h" eddru.s of 11a1d mortagf'f' P'or Thurad11y Publll-ataon -Wedoeaday l p m I~ 1111 Ham1llt>n St . Costa "Mts.a, NEW .. ORT HARBOR Pl'BLJSlll.SG CO. C"1 llforma. !!IJ l!laJbc>lt Bh·ct. • .Sr "po" 8f'~b. ('alUomla . Th" pro~i ly. fuc.tu ru And The pubUahera w111 not b• r C!spon11blt for more than on_e_ln_c_o_r_re-ct •'l111rnv·nl llpon which thP Nlld 1n1ert1on of a n a d. reeerve the ngbt to correctly rlaulty a ny and all rh111trl mortgage 111 to be plll<"fd ad• and to rejt ct any ad not conw rming lo 1111 .. 11 and rtgulatlon8. c:vn~l~tll of the following :" I Tout Master Serial l'\o. 0108630. Model No. 102. ~pecla.I Notlcn l"r .. nch Frier (Star). 2 bu· ------ k,.111. sn1at Nl'I, or.11~. Mor!l'I ~ :, fL Gnu t Wolf 1. S.rlal No. '11M2. M.lldel N'o. 2460. 1 Sund tor Gnll. 2 Burntr H ot Plat~. 1 St,.11m Ta bl,. 4. Door Reach· in Ref. 1 Mod· em). Serial :'\o. UH 35U11. Coronado R .. r. S!'rlttt :'\o. 86273. 4 Burner Stn\·e. Mrat Shctr 1 American I Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. "1767 Mtela every niurld1y 8 p m. VI& Op<Jrto -Ctntral A\'t. Newport &ach Elwood 8hel1. Exalted Ruin I 2-Card of Thank" -------~-------00:-;INA uOLMAl'CH nf !\"l~A S fi"LO \\'ER s1·mr. 2 t:!A NPwrnl't Blv~. w1~h"' In '"' hr r trlrnrl.~ end patron11' knnw rhat htr ~hur will ~ clo&e<t for thl' n,.xt f('w 1\ f'l'ks. She il)SO wa.at !I to thank thP manv k1rd frlrJ'lcls ''ho h:ive rtnne l'O • murh tor t>rr 11nd hrr hu~band Andrrw l'lnr<' thP11 auto acc1<len1 on Jan 16 • s~!l 12-BuildiDJr. Servlces Serial No. ~43725. • Prngrtss let Box tor ~ofl Drmk:< WEST COAST BUILDERS t Counter. 21 Stor>b. 8 tablf'F· 24 Chalrs. 1 Waler Rtat!on r <"a lcolrl 1. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 4 Dus trays, 1 3 gal atock r ot 3 ga I. C"rO<'k. Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -; COMPLETE Stainless Sttf'I St,.am T11hlf pan. $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS ln room additions and remodeling for over 8 yrs. 4 Sauce pane. 2 Kettles 1 l Mrnu Holder!!, 9 Cnuntf'r SC!t up. fl Alumrnum Strvke Tray!'. I Plutlc gum c:ontalner. ti\ Soup bowl~. 18 r1(g rupl'. 134 kn\v,.s, 157 t ork11, FHA Terms -No Down Payment L'tberty 8-5763 -Klmberly 3-8274 87p1H 141 t l'a. (!PQQn11. iO tal>\e epoocu•. 4 i::oda epoone. 1 Show OM li.-llalldlac ~ 12-BuildlnJC Servlcet1 for razor bl11c1,.s. :1 \\"h1pt. • Sta1nle11 ~Heel rnokln1' 11J>O(ln!'I 2 4 .oz. attel ladlu. l L'htna rkr "A's" o~!DI!~~~~~G VENETIAN BLIND 3 mixing bowls. l I -lb. crock. 84 plattera. 61 eervire plat,.~ 30 8 In. platea over all. 86 8 1.11. pl11tu over all. \04 l"OffH cupa. S c:ortee mup A Prompt Repair 8ervtce Matntalned Phone: B&rbor 483• :?801 B&lbc>a Blvd., Newpurt Beach p.trp 14 8aucer10. FOR RENT 131 water clasau. 3 T ea pota. 29 Drip cut Serven. 10 Nap-Sklll !!laws, Elec. Dr1U•. Pollahere, kin holder,, l~ 1urar bowlli a U typea of Sandera, \\'htelbar· H Salt shaker•. H swpper row•. etc. 1hakm1 BOYD'S HOWE. 2 Straw dtapenMTI 2630 \\' COAST JilGHWAY 2 -c.er pltefler-. Ja .,._rt.ert Uberty W..M. N9W'pc>rt Bell n ttc ·!l•ht ,. I 10 .llllr" glR~I" ... 1 Brl'ad bas-S • 1• d l4r•~. pec1a 1ze i i:;1:1mlr~q i:;rrrl Jnsrrt~ r h11l r<atol rhnltel mort~a,11 .. Is HOME REMODEL 11'1 b,. f'J("r·ulrJ anrt tht <'on111<lrra· n on lh,.rdnr wtll be pRl<I Frbn1111ry H . 19M. nt Bov E11crow <'o .. lnr , 167~ H11rbor lll\'d.. <'c'~la Ml'aa, County o f Ornng,. ~tale or Call· fornta, 111 in 01 o'dock A.M. n atec1 Jan11nry 28. 19!'1:'1 ARTH l'R J . scorr F,LSIE BJ!:N!;PETTI Mnrtagor and nr mnrtll1"" 1'\o. 128A :>."ew11·Prf'H 2/3 ~., NOTICE or ISTE~"DED ~ALE ~OTICE IS HEREBY OlVEN: PATIOS. carpentry, plastering. concrete · wor k. tllt 11et1 lng . palnt1n11:-you nome ll. we do It f"OSTER anus. Harbor 3976-H-LJ 8-'..!932 08pl 2 ~xperienc 'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 9flp9h CARPENTER Repair Work LAUNDRY \\'111 rrame tn your home. lake down vour vt'nt't1an bllnc111. take th'm io our la undry. Laundtr the slat11, tapes, cord5. ~p11rkllng rlean • wlth our new ma.cltlne procts:1 method. Rrtum your blinds a.nd rt-Install them In '.l1 houri Prier very reaaonabte. Thr avt>r· 11 ~,. 2 tare realdentlal bllnd- Only $1.00 \\-_ al.a rtpair and rebuild venc· lion bllnCs. All wnrk l!ont by l!f' potntmrn\. P hone now 1.!t>rrty 8·!1101 or KJmberly :1·82i~. pptfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palm,.r St., Coata Mesa Phl'lne Liberty 8·W28. • 6Hfc CARPENTRY MTNOR REP A1R WORK r\O JOB TOO S~tAU.. H. O Anc!en1un W 8-906:\ Costn ._ttsa 83tfc HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn. reasonable or no 11' YOURSELF-WE TILL & GRADE ''Ot:R ~EEO A.:-10 RO I.I, l":'1:0ER Ol"R GlrtD· R-•r<1 I 26 • 46th St , !",.,. .. port Buch. 9pl I -------.......------· China Painting Day and !:Ventn& Cluaa 0:-dera Tllktn Now Phone Uberty &·:1641 t4tf(' Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN .tr WOM!!:N prepare In apare time for UJ1hmlted oppurtunlt1 e1 In R eal !!:state. New cl.aue1 weekly. Al Tyler ln1truct1nc. At· tend firat evenlnc frff and learn about thill great field. can or write now !or 1ntormat1un. Bu11· ness lnstltute. U~\.; N. Syca · more. Kl 3·17~3. .7•ttc Ir. Response to Popular Demand \\'E HAVE RECE~TLY enlarged our i11c1lltlt1 to accommo(late more cl11lclrl'n. There are a few placu avallablt PREPARE your child tor k1nder- g1r1im m- ALMA OLESEN GREJCN'S HAPPYLAND- PR~CHOOL 398 E Del Mar, Coeta Mua Ages 2-6 Lfhrrty 8·37il.. A truly fine ?<o:uraery School_ 2c1Sh 28-Situatlon• Wanted-? . ... __ ,. ----~· ~ -- MAN .tr WOMAN Wlll t1o cueral housework. floor waxing, win· t1ow deanlni; P'ast worker~. whit ... 19.f E 201h ~t. Cost11 M .. sa. Lt 8-2683. pptf Alterations RESTYU~G Kim of California · 212 Marine Harbor 3481 Balboa Island Q8pl3 WfLL CARP! for 1 or 2 "n1111l chit· drm 1n mY •home. C'llH Ho\'rn, Phone L lbt'rty 8·S32~. 9pl 1 £ Babysitting Day11 and Eve.n:ng11 hy Rtflnl'<S Gnindmoth,.r Phoni• Llhtrly 8~t~ YOl");G mothf'r will baby al\ f'Vt· nin, ... Ph. Har. • 138·J. 9tfc' PAINTER WAJ\"TS WORK. 1:'> ynr11 Upf'r1· "0Ct'. :'\on union. Hour ly Ll~rty 8-2722. 20p2lh Roy's. Maintenance HoUM clean1ng -Floor wu1ntr \\'all wa.sh1nj!-wlndnw rlean1ng VC!ftetJan bJlnde. Upbotnery lnsur,.d. Frte l:sumates Liberty 8·1332. ttfc RESPONSIBLE couple will mnnage 11partment house in rt'lurn for rent. Refer· ences fumish<'cf, Rond 1f req uirctl. • WRITE Box P-26 this paper. 4tf T hn•P tu1tiy 1ltltr~ oi\'alla\Jl" fnr f'Vtnln,r .. TELLER rt11·,,m .. "'r J:rtd•'I" r;l:1; • ,., ··~ r 1r "" mr~ ~I"" Kn't>" Kun• .11>01 ht,i:h t" "II'" T0trr"' 11~1 ,..,,.,.,,,.r ~111-••n ,\ t1111111111. 1 .. nr" A ~lrel 111 S.'~l!l H'• ~t.1n 1' toll'·t''" 1'1111 ti• t p1anoJ ,,, N. C. R. or bankini t-xperi· Fr"•' olril H• 1· 0r 111•tttll1111 •n I I "' 11:-S " 1 . • , I •.\~1.·::-l"ll ~11DT RIG r 1nno Stort, ence .requi~d. Penonal interview only. Newpott Balboa Savings and Loan As80Clatlon. 3366 Via Lldo. Newport Beach. 7c9 FIREWOOD SclO Jake S Appl 1anC€S I ~~ ~t ... n. s an1 1t An• lb37 Marbor Bl\'d ' C:n.51a ~!('NO E n .A·r Al T O Sa""flhOJl tt. 81h .. , l-l~rty 8-t>6• l b• ll C"on11 GO«d coM1llon I P& Ph. WANTED -% new and used car Hlffmcn Ea rntnf1 unlimited. Set BUI Krumpholz. LOU REED Chryldtr·Plymouth •S23 W. Cosst H11hway, Nrwpor l &ach iMI Draftsman (Male) nu:E DEWVERY Orv wood. 18 ' • 24" length. . Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor 1014 Ewnlnr• Harbor 0391 ~18 J!\"Ot:STRlAL SWEEPER-~torlf'I 38 Tennant 36" brush. \'acumn:i 11utom11llr ' F o r playground. rarklng lot. ttc. Har 4289. 6ttr P'or work In bUch area wllb 3 SO B-A laao yrs. practical t xpencnce In ; PP _ _.!!9 _____ _ mtcll. drafting and 2 yr•. col· F b ltge or equivalent. Write P. O. e ruary Box 1o:n. Alhambra, Calif., en- closing ••mple or work. &trc Clear.~ce Sale NCR Poll1, mach~per~· \\"'age optn. Kenmor' a utomot1c washtr, t >.:· STENO 1'YPJ;.;T f200 (•tllent oond)tlon S6t\.5~ FC BOOKl<EEPER. good Gnffer:\ & Sa11le1 rangt, dcluxl,' H Sc\'eral Hous,kt~p<'r • -Cro0k1 inr ht'a i 9.:•0 June Farrar Agency G.m~c~efrlsrrnt11r, s' ell. ft ·6~.~ EMPLOYMENT H.ot point '"°'". t\lngl'. dtluxe. F:x· 402 't -32n1I , N"''port Brh 8'9 c,.11 .. nt cond. Ill•, ltt--Fumltu~ for Sale Bay Furniture brings you the newest with prices the lowest 1'-0R nrn uv1.-.;1~ ROOM 2 r,r h.·'1 ''"""' A , !11h rh111r 14 '.' ·10 1•nt11~ f\I 81ty t.!P !10 2 r•. l'e.:t . r•'n,·trt s into t'trl. Jll~1 ;.o ,·11111" a l Bay 100 fill 8 rr mHll'h"c1 WtOll~ht'. 1rtm ll:l'T'• 1nrt lx'J rll\'&n. matrhrng c:hr . 2 ... 1ep en·1~. l cof frf' tablt, 2 111hll• IJ 111pl!. 1 floor lamp. ::.o:i r.n ,.,11 nt Roy. 8 rr~. $188 - - -• -Vesta );&s t"ftnge. 36 \nt·h. cl~Jtn \\',\!\IT onr 01 t wn oxprriC'nctrl _ 31.l\O • "'~mrn to ~ell nrw & i\srd cars. Mayi.ag w r inger ... ~ashrr. cltan 8 r1• 111811 he1I Prnl'. ,11rr . 1'11011'" 1,t nn1pll'. wnntl 111'111 or Law· Mil. mcl ~C>(A httl. rlub ch1t1r. pla1for111 1ncker.• 2 ~tep tnd~. I coffee t11b.u. ~ t.able l11mpe. 31r; ~.o \'Ill. 11t Buy. 8 pc. rn:i .:io Llhtr1.1· 11·3';6;'. i ·9 H.\~l~l<":'l:f'\ r>q :l\nl". All mod•I•. 0nr-t-nk 11h J;btly 11Hd almoll hit,. n•v" Thts •• a •pet"lll. f' ~z.~ntM!l'T H1mmonc1 He111f~11artel'll for Or- a~ .. C'ount). :1:?0 ~n. Main.. I . A. -------O~E O!'\LY f\Jll 2 manual ClOM• l'on11ta f'lf'c!r1<" c>rsan, demon~ 81 rat or mod11l v.itll Npar&t. ton• r ablnet. ~av1 U 61'1. Conv,nlent ttrm11 a1 - SHAFER'S MUlll' Co. (Sine• 1eon 421·~23 N. Syramore. Santa All• Phone KK tmbcr ly 2-(leT:: ·Priscilla Matt.hews Teacher of Piano Cla&stcal, r opular by tl.armonJ Fnrn1trl~· I "hlt'l\J;o, Loa An(t-ltl 211 Tu~tln Av,.. Ne9\ll)Ort S.11rh Llbf'rty 8··39~!1 tTpl 2 DEA 1 "TIFUL. SPP.<iET PIANO~. 11fnt 1o buy. All of term renl 111Jowrd. Pr11c-tlc" planl"I •• lnw '"' $!'\ rrr mo THEO ROBINS -39.M ~"ORD DEALER Norge rrfrl& 6 ru. ft. . 29 ~O 3100 \\'. C011111 Hwy, :<>:pt. Bch. Gafft'r!I .t ~altftor rang<', 36"'. \'f'ry FOR THE BEDROO~I OA;\"Z-SCHM.JDT Blf Piano llortt, !'120 No. M11.ln, Santa Ana 4 "'" s:r.i1.1J, incl 6 ch . tl1>ublr. ------------- 11t ··~b<-r ..• 11x10 mirror. bk'ca5r. 24" TV COXSCL!:. near n.w, wtlh 8<-9 rll-in 6~ WANT la•ly to ti<> cl~rrnlng every morning 1n "mall !':ewrort hotel. Jdrnl for wife or working hUll· h11nll. Apt fl\'lltlable. Harbor 2691· \!\'. • 9tfc SO--MlvellanPous for Sale ~;oXo. ~~-f~l:s-;~~ ' S~~, Pad'11e board f 85. OutOO.rd ~ h Jl. Martin S6:1. L.ewl1 Aqua Lung. dbl ta nk $90. complete. S10gte tanl1, Lew11 Lun~ $60. rompltlr 7 ft. 3 1n ski !I with • hln<hn~11 $5 L11rl1<'ll' nylr n parka 12-H $6 & misc items Harbor 293:J. 9JC12, $:10. 6x!l. S2~. OVAL CHE:'\· ILLE bra1Llcd ruga. 9xl2 atnng n1g 120 Pad~ Incl. 9~9 Dog· "·nn<1, Custa Mesu. U 8-4677. 8tl0 CHILD'g r111y slide I HI Phll!'n ltll'vl11lon It t11ble J7~ wuhtn~ ma<htne fU . C'hln<"lle •cret n 10 rr. 2 Iron l11mp1 Chinese rug St!'\. S11olln llntd drapu SIO :-o;e:w alllr:a tor pun~ f 20 lfll!l Santa Ana Ave . C" M Wbtorty 8-621!'1 8p!O WEDGEWOOD rongr. cream h. tk a:1I. ml'lal rra.rall' rloor11 &: umo1e contr ol. Dougl1111 color ' 39.~0 t::!i :.io ,·u111.. a1 B.1y SSI' rustom chasels. Suitable fnr PP.OSPER!TY range. tnble tl'lp, 3J", ck an . .. .. .. 211. COLDSPO'r 1efri1 .. & cu. ft. t9.r>O SERVF.L l'<'fl'lt;c1·ator, 7 cu. ft Good condition . . fl!'I. l<ENMOflE dtluxe wrlnger wa~h<'r 49.50 Everything ts Guor~nt('rd No charge for delivery .tr Install. STROO'J'S TrWJNKLE HOWi::. 18()2 ~twp:1rt Ul\'d. Costa ~lesa Ubr~ty 8-:H26 J-;;;-1'0RCiE A IJ-T-O-?>i'""A-T-1C-.-"-'8-S-h· er. Th<· bq.; tub m<><h 1. Jt"s 1he :<>:urnbr r l vn 1·on~Um('r·~ r purl. lt',11 nnly hrcn u~etl 3 w,.:k~ 1'•1. c111. to $17i .if> frcim $280, l'fo r11r.h necdl'c1 1f you pny the paymts. of $:>.~4 per month. 8..,1!; Haughn:. A. Ai ::y \, a1 . lrn\1$•' 220 S Main St .. ~la Ana 6 bl04.'lls Svulh or Hh St Op.·n evea ·111 9 Sun I I ·fl Klmbnly ;$·74101. IRONRlTI:: lrontr. floor gample rrt1uC'et1. tu l 11 :, 8 JIC' b~~nn i;rp. incl. 6 dr 1ll:it 1h ~s:.. r, 1 • .irmr, bk'c11s.- h1l •1<•11 rd. :? rilte ~tnnds, mcral frnr.1r , i;11nr lnnt'1::.pr mnlt ,(: l)(lX ~;irtnf: 21!) 1'10 VIII. Ill B riy 8 rC' Hll.~0 BAY FURNITURE .{:!7 E. !;"th Sl .. Costu ~lt'lNL I bl ! ll'l'rn 'fll;.I tn l: I l\'ln•· I f"t·N· S or.-~. i.-1 '"I: 1m. T• 1111:'1 Opl'n L:•·1· 'Ill I\ WM GA Jo"f"l-:l ;!; 'J.: ~.\ TTLt;; 1 an~ Its the c.·1• nil 1>1t .. nl\1t1<". i;11d · 11'.c tn mill 11 , 11,· .. :1 t1n1• r & lhH r,rlll b101ltr, r ,1 tin. t1l ~1 ·;7 .8:,, C'>o t n ') nn !••11, Jll I l'"Y t~c ry1111~ 'r :.~ 11 J"'r 11111 S .• ~ Dnui;hnio A & :-; \\'n r.·n'111·~ :.':.:fl R ~t.un :-i!. Snn'.• Al\A II hlock11 3uul!l of 4lh S I flprn .. vr• '111 fl Sun l; ~ ((11 ~='h' :1--:::1•J Da!e 's Furnaura Three d,('p trytrs Ill cost. I <lisp.a)' 1 [)un• J n Phi· .. t'1r;:n~ ~ti X'nl aampleal , nil t11h, .. A, h.111. I 11f1•t s11.1 b111lt-1n lnat&llaUon. Prlee 127."I. l:'\ew C'Mt l~!i) 133 Via WUltr.. L111n Jlltt H8rlx'lr UM.J. Tpt Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS Ji;70 Harbor, C"sta Meaa l'h Wberty 8-2301 77pp-Uo -----------IH·:A \"TlFEJ, El.,rtronlt Org1tn. Lilt1n l!' <'U4r , &lmn11t '"w Mu•l 1ilhT1flrfl on,. only.. BIJ l'J\V• ln,.11 f'\.\ :,z.~C"H~l lDT Great Sale, ~.:?n =""· Main, Sant& Ana ~-~~~0-~..8!, C:~~a_:_!~~ -- RP:r.lSTERJ!:D Al<r' \hlnr~,. rui: ... 16 monthoi nlc1, SS~. Kl 3-H fofl ;"tll \\E \\'AXT A BOXEH' \\'!' wrll 1!1\C a K()(ld home \1• "' r:, V r f'IOI:, hAI <: J••fl (.-nl"l"J \'<I I I hr rt\' M-:!77!'1. t>VI'' "1 Ill W-/\oto" and Trucks LIKE NEW Holly narro-w11l i;u ' heater, 3t1.000 BTU. S67.:lfl. Jake1s Appliances I M·~11.i~1G":-:\" '· .r. .• .-.ii..~·1·:. ";.:~~ 1837 Harbor Clvd . Co1ia M•;M• Or•:·'tlloo n ru.,, 1211 1:!, ~~:, Wberl 8·~Gti. !!r fi S ·\I, ral t;"'u I 1J~_..t 11!1'""'· ••Ill 1951 Mark VII .111"11111' ~11lon t.t !IU\. J.l;;l'lt htu~ !'1Jlnr. :'\l'w t ire~ 1".xrrll~nl m• 1 h· Gent• al Electric 6 rt. refrigerator:, fine cond1tron. 165. Over11tuffe<I chlltr, 120 '421 Cat.11lln11 Or, Newport Hts LI btorl y 8-6900 8p9 OltR.MAN blnoculara, ori11Ln!U coat ~-now $25. f"1ench thra\rt' gla:osu , molhl'r of pearl, cosl IJ!'I n•lW fl7 ~ PUiHMA:-.l'S . 275:'> I':. Co&11t Hwy. ('oron11 d I Mnr H ar. 12ti. tk!O MA:-:GLE. ol11y bP1I, Havilll.lltl \hina dl~I ,.,· nn I 8 f• w pltcf'll rat 9n111111r r11rmlurr JrJO Rorhe1'11'r. hi~la Mr8". ~<10 Firewood For Sale FREE DELNERY WRJCUT CO y \\.lh I " n Ul'l.I, CUSTOM BUILT 40 cu f t. freczc·r l l..iof l!.11:•"r I :111 . (",,I 1 ~I·• 1 • l'OmpntmentJt, BAr.GAlN. Ll hrtl)'k·:.1 ~1 ~·1 Harbor 421SO. 6tfr LL C'T l('"''\"" . ' 1•·1 • --._. • .... ~ ...... ,_.._, '-r'•f ·•')' ·-·J rr.EEZI:R cv Ol!:Cl'Flt .:::ZE I r 1 r 11 :1 , • 1: u 1 u:. 1 I• T he bli: 14', r u. fl Wit 1 r•1'1·r r1<" :\ h1 • "" n /· h 'I m·•·· 600 lb.>. ( .)(.l,i t tllTll ~. ( 1,nr Ill• ~ <I : h 11 : tf I l ' ~ 11; ; j ter1or u 1,.0 I r arltl ll'~ b::\nrl 1 f11o 1 ' .. 'o ; ... ' '·1 • ~11 ' I \ n"w. J "!il r· IC"i &Nl l ro .. 1 btor· I I~ ' ' :.:·I I fl' -It<. "I!' 1•,1 ti (n ~:!7 "' :!7 rr .. n t ~· •• l t .... a • \. g ;o t ·J.~h ,,r l'·•Y t,,,. rj .. it-:: ... ' . ', • : ' • , '', " $ 2 -, Lh I h ' • I I I .. 1 I I :-• \ ., II of l ·" 1>cr, l)IUll • l"V•. t.I I• : In J I·. f',1()1.1· J I S .. ..; Cau1 l11u1 A & l:S \\'ari•h"llM :120 8 Main St. S11n1a Ana 3.-: _vJ ____ , 6 tilod:,. :;1111tn 11r 4111 :-;1 Ojitn 1 q~. Id II Sun 11 -:i l<101t1<"1ly J ·7.ul. () •. ' 11 ·' • •··Ht '. I 1• I ff .. * t .il I J .••• .... '' ~ 1. I I h• '" 1 l;w1 • I 1 11 I' $)11 I. I \l:'J.\\ $1375 t Ailfer C hevro!et : I on \\' C'>l. H \I .. ,. I R•·I" ti I \ ••.• fl, • 1· •!>t :'ti I.II., 1 : ~ 2:.!I· I I. ti" I ' \' )o '• l 1:111·; 't T111·1·'•"1,l •• \ll t Vt I,., $:'1 ti f':\'t • I: t: ).1 t 1 ~.1l f',j F1ll:l1 l"f'l•I It ' p l '1, AV041t1ln l'•r•·11" d,.I \J l11\1 l111r 11':'1.\\' lor I Washing Machine 11':\I 1 .F:~a:1tl\L P:l.F.\1"JW . 1 111' tO-.\--TirM &: ... r1 .. Sf:l!VIC:I-: f r..: r 1dr1.: ! .i I ' l1Ull! ·I• -~-----~--Phone Llbf'r1y '8·2722 1781 !'\ewpo•rt t:il\•d.. Coat.a Mua 20p21h Wt>erty 8·~ 41Uc l·year i;uaranl··~ un )uOs d< ne "lltun111111 11 rr. · r 1 l\'\n;: I and on uaed. "''a11hcr$ <!;1181.o 1t-rl w~ ~!, 11 , ~ 111 ·~· •lo r A ---~-~~--~-~~ Yard Maintenance Clean u• jobll. ,.,... P.:11Um11te Lrberty 8·37.'.19. SOp81h Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES \\'(' Gtw S&H Green Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. 1rear1Ne,purt 1'.1 .1 u3la ~lc:.u r ... 1· 1 ,,., <•r '' l1hl•· Ir Tb I T d Liberty 8··150:l UI' Liberty h1un11 ""' hi. ~1 "" I•• $.:.i.:•'I u e ess ire an 8·4327. tHttc frnni 1:'11111 < ~ 11 •·• 1· ' it1• I !'~.111~ • n f )J.1 "' 1" '. mn11t1t KENMORE 1111tnmn11r W;<•hinc ~!.!·. •·:l\l);l I. ,, i\ ~ 1' .••• n· 11"' Recapping Hdqtrs. m11rhin1 llt•ll 11''" n tl'f" \;l~• :.:'.l• • :.: M 1111 ~ ~ ' r "1 ,\ n ' That ELSIE BENF:DETTI. V!:ndor. whnse addrt.M la 449 Ha.nillton Strtrt. In I he City ot Costa Mua, C'nunty ot Orani;P. Sta111 of Cali- fornia.. Intends tn l'f'll tn ARTHt'R J. SC"OIT, VrntfN'. whn1'fl 11dl!rPll~ la t;\7 \\', \\"1lY1n in rhr ("II v of r o11ta Mraa. County ••f n11i"n•"· ~lat•· of Ca.llforn1a, th• fnllowin~ df'M"f\~ ~r110nal prrtr~r y, to-wit Dou Your Home Neeo RtpaJnng or Remodeling 1 Call Frank. Wber:y 8>8934 A~CF.. -LI 8-1:">!'12 _P1p9 ~llf'I!_' \\'antf'CI M9tn St. At Blllboa Blvd .. Balboa Hnrbor :11:J. 98lfc --~---~---~~ 469 F: ?111h SI r 'n•\11 )i .. ,1 •; l•ft>< 11~ .~• 0lh ' ( ~1'1 !'' "" 1 n t •r• 11 , 1·u1 1 1 !• :o-111 11 ., l{fr11 l••dy :t-7:?fll A 11 ~t•H'k In I llltll', f1)(t 11r,.,., 1>qu1prn .. n1 and 1w1t1 will •1f n "er· l1t1n l'afe blll'lnf'U, kn•m n 11 ~ OC"I<'; \\'ATCH. •ml locatr!l nr :111111 \\" ("oa~t Hlgbwn,1·. In thr ("11y l'f N l'.'wport Btl\rh. rount~· •·f Ot· ani:r. Stat!: or Csl1fnrn111 111nd 111111 a t1111t . tnUlsf,.r 11n•I 11<t,\J1:nm tnt of lh" 11an1c w tll N> m1ul•'. und thr roniortrrat Ion thrrrt .. rl' 111t1 h" raid at 10.00 o'dork a 1'11 <1:1 I hr Hth da y or F"cbnl'tfl. 1!1;,;, nt lh<' f'l'rrow dt'('llr1mrnl 11( H.1v f",, row f•n. lnl'. 3t 1 ,q;-~ 11111 r Bii 1• in t hf' <'1ty n( C"Osta ~lrM c "'" ,. M Orsnire. St.11•' "' C,11irn1n 11 n:ite<1 J1<n11arv 28, l !•··~· El.SIF. BE:'\'r>F.TII Vc-nilor ARTHl:R J ~<'OTT. Vtndt11 No. 1287 J\"tws-Prnti 2 3 :-,:. XOTICE OF IXtT.~"TTOX TO ESOAOE l.S THE s At.r. (ff AL<'OROLIC' BE\~RAC:J:~ t•f'bruary I, 196.'\ TO W'HOM TT ~lA Y CO:"lfCERN: All Work Guaranteed Htlc ASPHALT Tfi...F. LJNOLElM tni<tA.11 the ahnl't· , hl.'nrrr r h11 n mo3\ A\.-o &•·ll Tile A Lmnlr 11m ;<."on-umon. 2:"> yrar' l''<pPt 1rnri' 1·nmparo enil fiN' • HILL <"OKER Ll S-11204 ':'!re COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper-Hanging Servic e E UGESE 0 SAt":\"t>~RS IVlO :itst Sl rN!t. Newport B,.arh Hl\rbor 2978-J. · 4lc64 House Plans Painting & Paperhangin~ We do the work nurRt'h•es. 30 Y"an t xrerlcnrt Llcenl!t'd & 1n~11r"t1 Satlsfar tlon g-uarant,.,.,1, E:\tlm11tu frte Ca\1 J11hnn14', LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5:?~9 d tfc Subject to IMuance of th(' II· Painting, Decorating r rnee a ppll!-d for. and c:ommrncin11: Paper Hanging not lus than 15 days atter the dlllC' posted. notice I~ hmby gj\'C'n GEO. BURKHARDT that lht undersl,ned proroe•·~ to Llt:ENSED CONTRAC'fUR 11tll akhollc bev!.'ra,11ra a t theee 511 3Ulh St .. NtWT111r1 Bearh p rtml•H. de~crlbrd u follow~: ~r. 2418-W or W 8'6832 tJc 10i·2111t Pince, !\"twport Bca<'h, OrMgt Cowity. • HAULING Purauut to 1Uch lntenUon, th• unc1eratrned i.. appl.ytng to tJI• De-ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? partmanl of Alco.hoUe Bevu&1c Anything. Anywhtrt Control tor t.uanee by tranafer Scratch Removing or an alcohoUc bnerac• llcmM &nd Furniture Refinishing t or thaae premltea .. tollowa: OX·SA.LJC GENERAL LICENSE Pllone Llbertv S··2U!'> Anyone drsir111( to pn>tr.t the Pbone Liberty 8-214:1 PrTr 1¥ua.nea ot iruc.h UcenM may file a \"trln.cl protuL wtth Ul• O.parl· REMODELING mcnt of Ak ohoUc Bevertr• Con· Md nrw con1truc:t1on. t rol at Sacramento, Ca.llfomla. Phon• Harbor '177. klO alaUnr fTounda t or denial u pro- vidtd by law. Th• prtmlMa are now II~ tor the aa.I• of alco· hollc bewra,.•. THOM.AS C4R30N No. 1211 Nt-Prua 2,;al~ -Your Ac1verUalnJ Dollar• _,, farthtr, do mou. Mll roor1. wb• you advertiM In Uil1 peper - PbODI Harbor Jilt. PAINTING Painlmg & Paper Hanging "The Beat Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar 512 38th St., Newport Buell PHO~E HARBOR ~40. BUD & BARNEY ttc PJU NTlNG -BRUSH or SPRAY :\"on·IJn1on -Llcrnsed 1~3 lrvinr, Cost1' :i.tcsa Ttrms -Ll 8-439~ • W 8·161:"> 11711 General Cont racting REPATRS, remudellng and alter&· ttun work. Rtl\ldent11;t and com- mrtC'lal .bu1ldtng1. Quality Work Guaunteed <;IRL~ Good f;nod Jllh!I - GMl'I ioalnry - News with fr rlJll"nt lnrr .. a~rs -- Oprortumty fnr otlvarc,.mt'nL - Some n1wnm11~ nnw for young wom• n rn =-:ewpo1t S..ach of!1l'f.•: TELEPHO~F: CiPF:R AT 0 RS. CLERIC"AL WORKERS ttyp111g reofllllr• di . Apply 51 11, :0: Main St, 1Rnom 2111 SRn111 Ana . Momlay t hru Fnrlay. 9-4 p m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE llfc E'XPERJE:-JC"ED REAL ESTATE aaluman "ent,.11 In '10labll11l!ed ortice. C"all 13ob Jt\nr~. Harbor 2313, 6r8 ACRYLIC PAJ;>;T. onp or the lat· ,.~l dtv1•lopmcntl' in thP pnlnt lfl· rlu~rrv re nnw In 111<1C'k a t your H& 1 biir P11mt Cmtt r t ":<cd for 1ntn1or nr ext,rlor walls. plu - 1rr or 11t11rro 41232n<l!"t :'\cw· prirt -Phnne Har1?<>r 2838 8~ 1000 Business cards SJ.95 BOOK MATCHES t •. W WHITF. LI 8-COll 1Evr8 Ll 8-SlSOi ' ppllL Movie Projectors F'OR REXT &-MM 16·M~1 3!'\-M)1 FAST cot.UR FILM SF.R\'ICE HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE s.t;PJ'LIES Har Jtril dRy11, Har. 2480·J evra. FREE RENT ur bllr hPlnr apt., 1n Mears Camera Shop 99tfc exchanJ:r f,.r pnrt-ttfl1P rare t•f -------------l!C'hoot-agr i;:1rl. Coron:\ dcl Mur 17$2 Newprirt Blvd . r·n11ta M('~a PAINTING l'NTERIUR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -CNSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 311!\ BL Nnvport Bea.ch Harbor lit 78 13tlc 14-Personalll AJcoholica Anonymou. Wrlte P. 0 . Bo.11 381 N('wpoTt Be11cb, Calif, Phon• Barbor •111~ tie _1~ __ bare __ Y_o_ar_0ar. ____ 1 WANT DAILY RIDE downtowtl L.A., houn M :4.0. Uk• to~ ur pool or would or~anlM own1 Ph. Warren. Har. •018. 96tl(' l&-Baoty AJda __ ~--- S u perfl U O US Hair Permantnt17 re.ao~ f~ arma. lep . l!yebrowa and batr 11.u ab•p.4-No inora tweotn& £1.J...EN L. 81\1' ANT I\. It. Udo'a SU>n ot Beauty Bar. 2071 tie Harbor :wr;-.\\' 0J1 .. r ~.30. ~c9 Phona Liberty &·7042. Pr U "an effective means of advertising" We w e r e very pleased t o ~eive the following letter f rom a satu;fied clusified advtrtiaer tbia wee.k. Gentlemen: H82 Loc:utt l'trert f'aeadena 4, Cu.hf. January 20, 19:1!'> \\'ill you pluae cancel my ad m your pa per which rude u rouow1: • NEWPORT BEACH -2 beach houeea tor leue -I SO per mu uch. No t11.1bltl. I Y 8·3222. t had th• ad put on a mon thly bui1, and 11lnce tha property la now rented, will no longl'r nerd ll. Pleut let me know what l O'fl'e you for tht Umt lht ad hu run, I find 10ur paper a nry rttecUvt m,.a.1111 •1f advcrll•lnr and ll hu been a pleuurr to do bualnus With )'OU. Sincere I)•. Juanita M. Downs ......... ,... .................. llftlJ c .... ,... 8N'tMll ........ ,.. rMalta. too. Oall HMt1w Ille ...... fw U.. ad taktr. FKIGJ fJA I Ht: H <U. t t ~ •• ,fl "oil Your 1 hn1•,. cc 2 t"oM~l""'s ~!'3 !'>fl I i\2·A-AnUqut9 Sir,. u~ tnr iuw•1t \\'ran~' r "" 1 11•Uf")• --------------- ma\11· '"IAA• Tl' & rl'nJ?~"' A="TIQl·~;s lnt111•I n;11hni:;n ny \\'r n•nt r.;n)..•l'. "'ot •hrr• 11nd •.ri r k1t f 111n,r.,: h1ht•• 2 11111plr 1,.t1IJ..,.rftlor.• • ••1 l rh1t1·• n.11rt" 1.1.,)ll i<i.,n•I Call us for rtpsll •rn 11 r <•n r~· \\ 11111111 U11nJo 1 1111 k II'\ 11tl (rJgtrl\Or~ t1w1 4. J :,;.i !\p!J Jake's .Appliances ~~~_'.~'~f!'~~~--- 11131 Hl\rl,.1r Rini, C"n!lltfl ~1r•11 I TRADE Libtrt y 8-6641 !' 19:"14 O'l<l!:El-~·Ml'.:KIUTT R;ni{;°. Df'ri11111 11 ~11 11 11 ,,.. ••I , r.t r Th,. nlre CP •It &Utl"m11th, ,ll;r1•I· I-• II\ 101.1;<1. g11 1111~ '>' h"I •· ~\ 1H1t dlt . hCl U>p, 11unm1"r burn"r'" 8: S ·" 111•11 o1 111 1 1n fl• I • '' l : .l" I 1h11t J:"rtll tiru.lrr I '-.e•I 2 fl·"' \\ • · I ilh :l l'I, ='•"I ' l'•I •In tu ~12 1 J I. :-; .. • a"h •In , lt.111• r .. 1 . .: ;;. 1·.n Jl1.,.t pll\' l h1• p\-m1io ut HI 77 P"t --- mo . . I . Learn Navigation s t-:1:: l:!nughns A • S \\'arrhuuse 220 6 •t 1 S t "ant• An• Sntnll • 111-•. 1• .. 1-1omd 1nl'ln1r! 11111 .•• an . .., n .. "' L. I " 'I .,. t ,. I 6 blocks So. (If l'Ollrlh St. ...111 r1• p r . • r 1• . f'\\'.!I ·: .. Open r v•·11 'HI 9, Sun. 11·5 r1 1·~·11• II " ·1r.111-~I ••r ~"l • ISlmt>tdy !i-iWl '"u" 1r 1 7411;-, 11;i -n,.W llOll M-\1u'lic'ul. Radio, ~ TV Courtney & Lester l'llO:<>:Y. LJBf:RTY 8-11(18 P&I' 41-Auto St-n1ce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl.s. 8 Cyls. ___ $48.SS ____ $58,88 Im 1u1tr1 both labor and parlll. NPW nn1i1. wrlat plnA, .,a l\•n 1;11nrl, (1ll1ngl' ol main and rtJ<l 1 ... aril•J:"· E111w rt mot.Jr tl!ne up. IJ0-11ay or 4,000 mile ruarantee. t:-\0 MUNEY 00\V'N ). REBUILT ENGINES mil.kl' 1 f(d (Hr (jlll("k .. All'' !'pa< r notll"d :12 1 l'utn• .. tlla, t • ll ~t IU 1\ l'Tn 1 'L 1° m1.olde . ·' 1n .. 1 -Cl• to 16 MONTI IS TO PAT- llplll 1 ,.,... 1111 i;l•t 1 111n°1 I i · n"'" Uulll tn our own fkLOry bJ aklUl!ll -------------1 $."'• n.n<.hln1•t&. Don'l ounl,nd With TWIX OVE:'<o" 0 KEEF.I:; t~ ~1ER· T l.H.\lS $30 .:n .t: $hi r 1 mn 111 lh" middle min. Buy direct. JUTT lllOVt, gr 1•MI·· t• fl "' tll'· 1 ~llAI•1-;1< !:$ f\IU'\IL I ., :-\1n1 .. Ill\), I REBUil.T and INST Al.LED 11p~arlni; ~hrlf f'h"llf' 121 -42:1 :Ii S)'t:r.m•11 , l-i11.nta Aral .6HURTBWCK HIU'bor 31102-W. s. 10 I h •111! "'"\llt'fly 2·U672 l•URD ... ....... 129 611 19~4 PHILCO REFRlOERATCJR, :-,PJ.'\F-;T l'f \:\t_;-t.. \•'h' t· 111 ar11l C llt:VRt>LET -··" i 1tQ ~t lt'a tha lattl!l Olle Wllh rro1>.•· < .. r .. n11• J'1~j T"I ,. 'l)h• r r•t,VM " l.>ODG£ l lM top fl'"\!ZCr 'he.SL, ~pec11 for b•1'· w11nol<trf 11 11or.·111n~ In r~r.1111 r•'" l"t'RYS ... DE SOTO l17ll tll'I!, h11~ttr. ''"It If< m eAt k<"1'11"r I Ht I\~. t. 1 , 1,1 / n , •1oAn~ 'Ir STl 'l.JEBAKEP i 1111 1'11. dn lo SI:.!!-! I';' .'111 <•l'h !-,,.,11 1 1111., •• ,1d.-,,. • 11 o1 tit.UH Ir PONTIAC 6 l 17B - needtd. Jlllt 1··1 the J~llll• •·( 101 1•1 I I •I ' l ll"l~:K lli i S7 89 JWr montlt. 11,\:'\7. .•1 11~111 r 111 '1JSllN .• --tl7' S&E l:\au1hn~ A " s War~)lOllAI!' 211 ::o )h 1n, SK nt>J Anll V Jl.1• Car YrM Towt.ni: 220 8 . M11•n St. Sanla Ana NEW CAR CARA 'lTEE 'l>IOCkl' ft1111l1' I I 41h ~I S e~ Oaldw·1n e·1ano Al,, I( IT IJlll l'T'Nt our •l1U1d.ard1 Open evu 'l!I 9 Sun 11 :. r. _ 1·111• 1iu,.• . .:uk~ll and oil KJm~rl>' 3.;2v1 & Organ Display tJp•n Sunday 10 • m to 2 p.m. SERVEL. refrtg .. 4 11 I u !L Gua.i · WOODWOHTH PIANO ro. I BELLES ENGINE ' ant.Hd, ..-&a1inablt, Har 3811. W or Kar. Jl:IO·W, 13111 Eut Bal-1318 r;flll•I llh"I, t:or1.n11 ""I M"' REBUILDERS b<J& Blvd. fie 111 1°1 II It '"rl••r 1<1111 I I ~hr :Ill!.~ 66 I tr ()pen Dally 8 to 1 8tatA 8onl1~ I WEaTCR.AF'T trall,.r. 18·fl £1,.r rttH.s .. huter. awnlni:•. KM\l iA\·.1-; h• 1'1'!1•11 fl-dllwln arrr .. •01'1r I NEW LQCA TJQN ron1lltlon, rt~onable pn• e H11r ',. I ~ ' 0 F 3 d S 2817-R. Courtray to agtnltt !·.i·. \\ \:O:T Tl I ... 'ti • f lo.'llh•J r·~r I 31 :ast . r t. 9c l~•I l"hr•rit l1111b<1r l <iVb-M. 4.ttc BA.."liTA Al'IA. • I \ r : ~~CHECK THESE US~D CARS Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to bed up · whet h~ aells TOD~ Y ! '6-UtGe ud Tndm ........._ Mid rradm '6-Aatoe &Del TrDcb 0-A.atoe ud Troeb -JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN. M!!R.CUfty DEALER Offen A Pine 8eleetfon ot Safe Buy UMd Olrl On AS. Day Money Back Guarantee You Mu.at S. SatWied or Your Money Refunded '54 MERCURY • -• . $2699 MONTEREY COUPE. Radio, Heater. MERC·O· MATIC, Power brake•, tubeleu whitewall tiree. ~;000 16llea, one owner. Looka new and ia a real barsatn. We al.lo have a '54 Mercury 4-door wfth a.me equipment. '53 FORD • · • • • • • $1799 VICTOIUA. Radio, heater. F ordomatic tra.Mmi&- slon. White wall tires. Low mileage, one-owner car, Here's a real buy • don't mi1111 il! 149 . FORD . . S 699 STATION WAGON. 2-door, ra.dlo, heater. new balled en.amel tlnl8h. Wood bu jW'lt been vam· i1bed.. VtJTY good all-around car. You'll save money on this exceptionally clean wagon. '49 PLYMOUTH $ 499 4-DOOR SPJ" .. CIAL THIS WEEK! Save $200. Radio, heater. Rune good .•• looks sweU! ! '53 STUDE $1399 V-8 REGAL. H u automatic tran.I .• heater. white walla. Original coral finish, nylon 'inter- ior. One-owner & 23.000 actual miles. Yes, il sure is economical to run & our low price will ...., save you money. '51 MERCURY $999 C'i.,UB COUPE. Radio, heater. overdrive. Origi· nal green finish. Good ti~s. Motor io excellt'nt ronditlon. Turnt'd·tn on NEW MERCURY. You """~ at thi" prir~. Also a '514-door MERCURY 11t lhi11 low pricP. 'SO CHEVROLET • $ 799 CLUB OOUPE. Radio, healer. new blue meta.Uic ba ked t'namel finish. Drive this car and givf' it 11 romplete thorough check. It's unusually nir~ from item to st.em ! '52 CHEVROLET . ' $1099 '1 -door Style line deluxe, 2-tone green, radio, heater, Powt'rghde, white wa.11 tireJ&. Showa ex- cellent care. A r eal bargain! DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE AT JOHNSON & SON 000 W . C'OM•T HIGHWAY l'<"wport ~:ich Liberty 8-~5-l:l Across From Balboa Bay Club 111-.\uttJ!' 1tnd Trucu W-AuW.. and TnH'ks 1949 Willys Jeep '•I '" !'•I ku1• \\ll}1 . wh••f'I thl\11' l l "I 11 ·1 lt1I (l\'l•I hllUl I,.•~ 1111111 I'll d11~1 """ S595 \\ I \I tll f HI In I r e • SPJo:C JAL Used Car Values NEW C'AR TRADF: INS 111.~2 PO:-;"TIAC' tllX. fi 2-rlr N""d&n. 18.000 m l . very rlt>tin $IOI(! llH8 n LDl'\MOBJLE 4·dr. !<" clftn. Hydm 1111n ... R & Miller Ch I t H d u .n ,..., 11 r111 • ;.~!) TERRY'S BUICK 2612 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT .BEACH 19&4 ROADMASTER Riviera. fully equip- Pf'd including all p0wer acceuoriel ........ $3195 1953 SUPER RIVIERA cou pe-.. A low mileaae, ~ne owner beauty ........................... _ ......... 209~ 1947 PLYMOUTH CLUB Coupe Special Dlx. R & H. new eeat covers ............................ 395 1949 CAD "62" Conv. Xlnt. condition ............ 1295 1953 BUICK SPECIAL Sedan. Real sharp .... 1~95 1951 MERC. sport 11edan, R & H & O'd ... .... 995 GMAC Financing SOME CHEAPIES 1947 BUICK Roadmaster conv. -·-----·-·--·-···$295 1948 HUDSON Super 6 sedan ~·-···-----····· 295 1941 BUICK 4-door Super --·---.. ···-----·· 95 Many Mo~ to Choome From See & Drive The Beautiful New 1955 Buick TERRY'S BUICK Phone H&rbor 5021 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburban. Hy • drive, low milease, heater, WSW, gold Ii wheat 2-tone color. Perfect utillty car for the 11uburban family ·····-···-·------·-·-··--········$2195 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powergllde, Radio 6 heater. bright red, bla.ck top. Looka 6 runs like new. Only ···········----·-------·--·· l 949 STUDEBAKER club coupe. Light green. Bought new by owner, 1low mileage, per- f ttt 11econd car .. • ·-... ···--·········· ........... . J!H7 PLY. club cpe. Light blue. Run1 good &11d lookll well-kept in good condition by owner ·······-···--·-··----·---···------·-·· 395 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot ''Across from Port Orange'' Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 G. M. C. TRtPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'H CMC ~ T. rlCKUP "18 oonci:.: ., T. P ICKl:T' 'M l>ODCE 1, T. PAfl'EL ":I:! CHEVROLET '~ T. PJCKUP ·:11 <_;1-1(" A• T . STOCK RACK ·~., <:MC' ,, ·r 12r.·· \\ 0 .• PKK· l"F1• HY DRAMA TlC TRA:-O:S. ·49 CHEVROLET 2 T . ll\' VAN RODY, 8 2:\ TrRE,; \\"" hav"' a larit" ll<'le< lion of aU t' pr\ 11n<I ~11.rs. you \\111 11nv11 11111•· An•I money h.v ..-ring u• liriot Wr r11rrv ou1 own r r:>n· W.W. WOODS 11.MC' OEALER filll-111 f:. "'h 1"t . San111 Ans n prn ~un<lo\' ll m to-Aatoa for-SU. Can't Afford A New Car? Get a Late Model A-1 USED CAR! • '52 FORD club cpe $1245 ·54 FORD 4-dr .• R le H. O'd .• power brak~ .. . 1945 '53 CHEVROLET BeJaire, ·4- door . .. . 1495 '53 PLYMOUTH Suburban, Hy-drive . . 1645 '52 FORD ranch wagon, over- drive 1405 '52 FORD Victoria, R & H. overdrive 1545 '49 FORD convert.Ible, R &H, overdrive 645 ll•t"' \\ ' .. ' ""~ ,, "l""' I A<t•1t '1 1.11,.., I\• ,.221\1 evrO e 11119 !'TL'PEBAK l-.:R Cnmm l .. :,;. Hnrbnr 1 6 r.ei::nJ ,.edstn. It Ar H 111~ Tturk h• nilquutro ,,,r Ora.nite Co. ·53 FORD 3-rass. cpe . 1345 rn~t" M•"•3 1111:12 ~Tl 0flF.BAKl':R r nmm LJbutr 11-:1833 8 1-dr. fully equip . 10.W J!ltl EH"ICK ~ tlnnr !It'd.tin HPr,.nl· I\ •I" ni $:!'"' 1•n n\l'1 hn111. \'r1y t •Y>•I 111n r< 11111·•n F•1ll price. S l2~ CA LL liE:-;" \\"HJT~t A ~. II arbor 111112 11r H"·l••r I IRl ''""• 10 11 & H '51 FORD 6 OLX. Tl"OOR S645 CO'M'ON <iOFf.' 211 ll :-<1·wpnrt Bl • ~•'\\"Jl<lrl B< h l'h(lnf! 11.Hl'k•r 1' l'lr lO Tf'rms tn St11t Y nu JOE NICKERTZ ~TL-DERAKER DEALER 3~ 1:1 ;'\:<WJ"'rt Rl\"11. :"<'wpnrl Rt h '" LI In Enl1anu1 Har r.10 1953 Ford VS r u ... 1 .. mllr.c 1 •Ir ll'il in R &o H l"nrdo EZ ry.• ~la.•i>. ~ 11 n.-hlur l,t•M lhsn 1:1.f)Oi\ 11r tual rntll's. $1575 \\"tll t akr trail~ <>1 l<'lm 1953 Chevrolet RT A TIO:-;" W AGO:>:. Radl'l. hlr All n·, .. 111 hody. l:tl()•I 11r,.• lnw n11l,.•1j.;I" Sl700 Will F ln>1nc1 Miller Chevrolet 1nno w c q 11"',. 'l:l'wp.>rl L'.eflrh · Lf brrty 8·Z::1;1 1 s r.:1 H 111 bnr Cnlltl> Mu ,. Liberty 8-Ml:lJ '-19 Olds Serlanette ~8 Full Price $495 l 9!\J HILl...\(A:'\' ronv .. 1l . ont OWT\• M·11ler Chevrolet COTTON GOFF r>r F.xrrpll,,n11lly t I• nn lhro11i;:h· t Sfl9' 2118 7'f'wport Blvrt .. !'\pl. 8'-h . ''" . " 1000 \\'. C"st. Hwy. l &M H nrbnr Harbor 8. 8c l0 H k M t . I 1 :'\'r wp .. rt Be&rh t:n•la Mt .. a aus en 0 ors. nc. I Llb('rl\' g.2:!11 Llb•·rty 8·;•63:1 ··s At"O~ T\JflOr, Vt.'ry nice 1!•32 Harbor Bhd · C"nPta M"""' -------------l(IWT\ c11r. Her. 3 178-J after'!\ 30 f'hont U bt'rty 8·~11~.1 8r l 0 191)2 MG TD RU AOSTEK.. Bal11n1·-8c l0 ,.d en gin«' :"\• ''<'r 1 B<'P•1 Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer OUR NEW LOCATION 3100 W. Coast Highway· Newport. Beach (On the M&riner'a Mile) Liberty 8-3471 1952 Buick Super R1vltrl\ coupr. R tl H. Dyna· !1•1\\· 2 ton11 paint. w.11.w. Uru Tinted ~!au. Ong. 1 owner car $1565 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'1t. Hwy. N Pwport Beach Liberty 8·2281 lllM Harbor Coal& Meaa t.Jt>crty •·~33 f"l-W..W to Beet Renta.18 Wanted We Deed a~ &ad bOIDM ln all MCtioaa for botb wtntu &nd 1MJ"'e 1 ..... rum. or untum. U you have a Y&Cl&DC)', phooe toda7.- The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cft.. Hwy. Newport Bch P!iona Llbertj I-Mal IOI M&rtDe. Balboa la1and Phone Harbor , .. 1301 Cout B!way, Coron.t del· Mar Pbone Barbor nu 100 Waln Bt~ Balboa Phone H&rtw>• 1 •& IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KEEP TR,YINO. Want l or 2 br. fUfl\. llOUH wttb prtv, ary. Hl1h referencu aa per· mane,nt co.1ple. No rhlldren or pets. Wh11t have you 7 \\'nte Box 0.25, lhJa paper. tr WANTED TO RENT -2 or 3 bdrm. rurn. houac with ca::11g ... Corona del Mu, to $96. Phom• Harbor 8219'-M. !Ir f8-A~ II Bo~---- C. D. M. De)wie 2 bdrm. urunrn. duplex. Forced a ir hl"al. fire· place, ffpar&t.e patio. hwd. flrs. Ocean .tde Hwy. Har. 1884-R 4r9 -ISA-Apta. for Rent MODER."ll 1 t>.ctnn. a pt. w10\ paUo and c..arporl . Rans• and refn c. 1nduded. Wiii be vacant Much hL 8ff Mg-r .. Apt. C. ~20 Avon. fl'Pwport S..c.h or Call- Harbor •IT().J. 1Ltt m MONTH, J bdrto. rum. apt. nee.r Udo ehopptnr center. 1.1 l·H.92 ~ Rae. 212 eve. 8c9 NEWPORT 8-ch -Teal'ly ont bdrm. rum. apt., ft!IO mp., utll. lnC'I., prage. Har. <'Mt:R. 7p9 BDRM. gar&&t aparun.nt. - YP11•r1y baa••, ocean vl.w. ~ow hf'1ng redtcoreted. $80 plus cas. Nn r n1ldrl'n. no pt'lfl. 1181, 3!\th St , Newport Beach. Har. lM~· Harbor 1428. 8r>10 ALSO nlre 3 bdrm. furn apt , itar $6!). mo. ~·rty. Tenant• pa~· t'lec~ric1ty. Llbrrl y 8·H09. 93ltr ------------EASTENER'S ATTENTION! Newport B<'&ch. furn. 2 btlrm. a pt. $60 mo., ut1I. It pr. lnrl .. yard. A nllable llll June 20. Liberty 8-1~09. 99trc VNFURN. 2 bOrm. &[1'. al li63 Anaheim. Stt nwner. Ji:'IJ Ana· he1m, COAta Mella-Ph W bcrty 8·1322 6tfc F URN. h&Cht lor llpt.. U t> mo. 719 Wut Balboa Blvd. F or k•Y• a.nd · Information See Bay It Beach Realty. H 60 W. HOUB!: AT CORN!:R 17th &lid Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 128•. Or&J:11e. near Alpha Beta Ml<t. l!lttc Zoned tor realdenllal & busl· R.ATIAN F UR!'\. modem atudlo n..._ I&. mo. apts. Center of Corona del Mar, JAME!!!, Harbor 2042. 7rl2 $70. ulll. pd. LI S-.1628. 98c13 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 62-8-1 t.Atate VOGEL VALUE Two New Duplexes $13,750 '°'ach -only $3100 down. N1r~Jy landscaped and fenced. R~nted at $7~ per month. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Llbf>rty ~-3481 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See l his beautiful home on Cliff Dnve 3 bedrma .. 2 baths, Thermador kitchen, di11hw111her. garbage dispoaal. Many other excellent featurH. l YT· ofd. A real value at ~23,950. Call Llberty 8-2664. (Evea. Liberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport 13ea~h 49-Roolm for Rent J ~~~~;...t_• ____ _ NICELY tuml•hed room. °f"l1Y&t. FOR SALE. entrance, private bal.b. Very de· • 11rable. 419 Poinsettia Ave., Attracl!ive 2 bdrm. home lo. Corona dl'I t.fer. He.r. 18t2-W. cated OD Peninsula. Balboa. 9c11H . ~~~~~~~~~~~~-Beautiful patio, partially ONE BEDRM. lower duplex turn. Ytarly . PaUo and flrtplace. ,80. incl. uUJIUe11. Ph. a.fter ~ p.m. or ~tore 9 & m. Harbor 2693-M. 8rl0 Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM., 2 BA.TH unfurn. h.se. 111 blk. to oc:e&n on Jumlne. $95. mo. ulll. pd. l BEDRM. tum. apt , close to ocean n o. mo. uttl. pd. W. E. Fisher, Realtor anr1 J.880CIA TES 30~4 Eul Coast Highway Corona d~l Mar Phone Harbor 2H3 t.'Nl"'t1RN. 2 bedrm. unit, r lny tn Cotta Mesa location. lmmacU· late. $6~. mo. Ph.. LI 8-87ftl or Liberty 8·2103. SclO Choke Winter Rentala on Balboa laland & Udo lsle Small A cosy ur w.r1e A delwie $76 to $300 monlb VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave., BaJt>ua 181.anJ Ph. Harbor \U or Harbor 21111 ReL Har. 1786-RK or Ll 8-6~97 -.uo FOK RENT, FUR."llSH E.D ISPICCIAL UNTIL Jlnlo'"E 111l l bdrm. houa('. St6 mo., auplex apt , $3:1. 415 E. Bay St . BAI· bot!. Ph. Hin. 036~W or LI S-.3217. FISHER AND CO. Balboa Island Cbolu yearly a.nd summer rental•, now available. - DORJS BR.A Y, Rcallor 218 Martne Ave .. Balboa bland Harbor 20 9!'.>tlc CL!lo"F H A VE:-;"-$7~1 , 2 bedmi. front tnplcx. unfurn. r1r~plart, garll. rtl11p. It ran nesr HS A: Jr. Ht Owner, 272 Bro1ulway. (" M. 1..Jt~rty 8-2i71l. l!t!c UNFUR.N. luwer 2 br., 2 bath 1100, yrarly. F.A. heal . G&rb. dl!!p. Vltw "' bay. ?-:o <"hlldrf'n. 9071., W. 811y Ave. H11r. :\36:1. l'ttc: OCEAN FRONT 2 bedrm .. furn. water 4 lite• pd. Patio. See at 730. W. Oc-e&ll FronL Newport. IM. mo. till July. L. A. ~fl 1866 7r9 Desirable 1 and 2 bedroom furn. a ptt. Jncludlnr utlllllts. $76. and up. yearly 61' E. Oce~ 1''ront. Balboa Comer of Palm I Har. 8238 91k10 Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patio1 1'\EW 4 ROOM. alreel level. !'\t'ar grhools, ahopplni; dlatlrcl. Quiet. ple&1&Z1t. exclusive. Garbage di• roi;al. laun<lry, &torage rooms. 11s111gt'. $82 SO up. Occuplrs en· 11r,. •lrt'l"t Good aupervlslon. Mgr.. 16-0J Haven Pl11ce I Block So11th nf High School ALSO F URNISHED APTS. WINTER R.A TES 3ttc BAY FRONT LJDO IS LE FURNISHED, newly dl'COra ted 2 bdrm. apt., garag-" Yu r lt>ue. Adult11, no pets. Har. 1268, 99p12ff CORONA DEL MAR -F'Um. 2 bdm1. duplex. furn. heat. wstn 6 ... pd. t&(I. mo. re-rly oa 1". 2:)211 Stavlew 7r>9 SL"llOLE APT., rumlahed. rre•hly r"d<'corattd. Clo1<e to bu• lint' W.~l••r & 1;11• r111t1. S itt. monlh. 16:, ('1•t•1I l'lso •. r r,,11\ Ml'ft8. Ubcrty 8-2928. &10 t;:-;'FTRS. l be•lrm apt . nrwly decorated. Sttd cabincla. garb. tllSJ> • 23 a, rt. hvui1: room. tlepa· 1.11,. prs,t' It laund1y roorn. :110 Litrk11pur, rnrnna dtl Mar. 488-HoUMa ~or Rent Newport Beach \'EARLY RE:"\IALS 2 BDRM. Unfum. home ~10 1 bdrm .. unfum. home CHARLES E. H.ART. Her. H 28 3420 W. B&Jbna lllvrt, Nt •rport Bca,h. lcl~h MARVEl .Ol!S Vl"'W or b11y 11nd (>('"'lln. Cori•na <lel Mar modl'm 2 bedrm. hoWI<', bea ut1t11lly f11rn111h,.<l. SI IS. mo. avail. until J un,. 30th. Ph Harbor Oil4-V'.0 8<-9 NEW BLDG .• IUit. for 11t-0ree e.nd om cu. 12"JC34 · each. 2032 Plauntta, ca.ta Mu& Phone Llberty 8-2193. 8c13 BUSINESS rm .. 1737~ 8UJ'eMM Ave., Colt.a Mua.. 1330 IQ. fl. , ~<;ulpp<-d 110 • 220 elt'c. pown I Skyllgbta. good parking. tl&r. 2817·R. Courtesy to agent.a. 9c15 HOUSE AT CORNER 17th It Orange nr. Alpha Beta l't!kt.., zoned for ruldenual It bumeaa. $66 mo. JAM.EB. Har. 1042. ecu BUSINESS OFFICE. exc:dlent ic>- caUon acroaa the atreet from Corona del Mar Poat Office. td .. I for loan rept'8MlltaUve1 contractor. aeamatreu, art or jewelry businua. UW. pd. Only $40. moalll. CALL Ben Wbilm&D, H&r. Eve•. tlarbor lt81 1M2. HUo l':UW LEASJ.NO, avLUabl• buat· nus utt1ce 1pac.ea. Center of Co· rona del Mar. rultable for <.."PA. denuet or! LI 8--1626. . 98cla BALBOA I SLAND-Best bu.tneu <1111trlct-Ma.rtne Avt1. OJ.'F"l CE and llllop, PLUS 2 bed• room apt. Harhor 2042. 1)(:10 D EJ..DXm lale11-3' om. ,..._, 330 IQ. tt. Center of coron.a ~I M11r hu,;1neS11 dll!trlct. Si~. mo. 11111. Incl · ALSO .ee us for olbtr btaineH . oftlre A rrotulllonal rent&11. W. E. Fisht'r & .Aaoc. ~Olt E. Cout H ighway C"ornnn <1,.l !\far Harbor 2443 ~1 For lease upstairs 800 Sq. tt. aultable for bu4inua. .. tudto or otnce • ll•Lnr quart- l'rs. 216 Mar1nt Ave., BaJ. ls. Owner 139 :'\. Bay Fron t. BA.1- bos l!\IMr!. 96p10 M-Bu!loiaeu Opp<>rtwaJU... !'A LE Oil ll.E:"'T St::A BREEZE C'AFE on h.Jg hwey IOI Sn11th Pllll nt H unU11jtton B"8< h. f'lll111 lit Joi~ of parktnl-' ~pare In hurt of oll buo1r1 BER:'\IE ll()XALD, 306 E. Bnlhctl\ Blvd . Balboa, Calif. Hn. 42 l!'iJ ; 8pl0 covered with aluminum awnings. completely encloe· f'd , redwood anrl concrete fencea. lawn and bricked. flowen1. shrubs. outalde lighting, carport, 2-cu gar· age. G. L Loan, payment.a reuonable, inquire phone Sunaet 1-2847 or Victoria 9-114.3, Loa Angelea. 9c11 • Duplex BEST Newpcirt Rent.al are&. Nt'ftr Bay • BMt-h. Comar loc:a.- Uon. Built LO" take anolh~r apt. a ear ivaae. Pt.600 fUU pnct', 29,...r down. HARBOR lnve8tment Co. IOUI a.nd ~twport 81Vl1 • Npt. &h. Ph<me Harbor l&OO. 90 Attractive Bay Ave. 3 BltDR.OOM HO ME . Oor.:ouua ~1 'ltew. oolorfuJ arOatlo wall- peper decor. Interior bertx-cuo. Lovely p&Uo. Can be meen m<>m· Ing &lid evenlnf(ll. Ill~ \V, Ba7 Ave.., Newpurt Buell. c:~b NlCE 2 BDRM. bnuw , tlle balh, hdwd. Ooor•· Floor t umftlt. p11 110 (lltage Ir fenctd yard. By owntr. L1 1-:wJot. 96r l0 BALBOA ISLAND-Cape r oo ii Br .. 2 bath hnme GI"; d1•hw1111h · u . garb. dlJ!fl • bkf11t. bar. din. rm.. paUo. t'\lm9'e. rfll" "'" I I.Ira~ •,, blk. ti) hl'arh. In 11lnl • t'nnd. $!?3.~J()O )(artnl"ra h ie fUally-H&rbor 4781 318 M11rlne. Balboa Jal1nrl 8rl0 6'7-ReaJ f'Atate Wuted --- W A:-IT r rom ownrr -e hoUAe or \'ftcnnt Int nn Huoor, N"WJ>ur\ o r Balboa Ul\'l.l. -nr I ith SI. rn Costa Mrn f'lea.~e wrlle M. Lannerl. Do• N2f, l h11 paptr. Mllo WA!l:TED In buy -2 nr 3 b'1rm. hnuw With l(t1r11..:•· l'r.-frr 1 ·nr- nna oll"I .Mat :-;,...,..ll<lrl Hl"llJ:hl • or Back lilly. :-.:i•t ov~r S 10,r.l)o. 1:"0 brokn111. 1~111 l\lt,.r ft :io rm. Hit r. 2fil!l-Ft i cO CORO:->A DEL M.AR t.'NFURN. 2 l>rtml. hOUM' ..... lo w carpet. Dra pes. dbl. gar . cov<'rE-d pall'l, SJOO mu. FITZMORRIS REALTY BAL.BOAL New duplex. tumll'h· e<t. cig;c lll. Tile. furnace. H,. 5.>--Mon~ __ to_Lo_an ____ _ l'Hl\'AT I-: PARTY -W an1 .. ltl b11v r,.1111lrn,.,. lnl ror ra h :'111un .,., tfO!H' In. ll'"'A J•trl, B tlhnll, &Tl'•, ~"" hx at11.n a1111 rarucular• W1 11,. B•). (J::!i 1>'1• Jl'll~ r. 7pl" Phone Harbor 2152 2r l6 ON BALBOA l~LAND 81:.1: Ud tor year17 aM -..onaJ ~t&la. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 309 M&TUMI An . Harbor W2 BALBOA 181..AHD · ' IUc month. P h. H:ir. 36!>0 9t 11 l::"l•'l'R:-.. COTTAGE, 5;,:, by the year. Liv. rm., din rm., k itchen· f'llr. 2 ~drme . ht•t 11hwr. wuh tm nl 108 Adam• l'\n pf'r11. °"'·ner. 308 M••nlrro, Ualt>-ia Harbnr 1!121-M 8c10 TWO Cir th~~ 1>11rm d11p1r.x 11n· Newport Beach fum il'hl'd, '• blk rrom High 2 BJtACH HOUSES for leu c. S~O School. Uarage Ll 8-~3. Gtrc monUl each. 1'o 1ublet. S \'ca· 2 BEDROOM F VR!l:ISHED DU· PLEX. Corona (!l'I Mar. 11o uth of H1w•y, 1100 month. lnrl uUI, MR:i. KAY. H11r. M2 r>r H11~. 3779-J. or Mra. W11l1s ms. Har, 2397·\V. !)lfc RENTAL v' SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cralc more 6·3222. 9Sc10 WILL kl:.:-\1 brand nt-w :I bN1rm. 2 bath, 11nfllrn hume In lRVtNE TERP.Al:E at 1200 per monUl with l yr. lcau . C&.ll Harbor 4448 roe turUler dt't.all1. 88trc 2 BEDR~. unrum . n,.u Jy nr w, gnrb t11ap .. <·a.r port. Gr,n<I loc-. S76 mn . Y"B rly LOA.."$ TO BUI U.... IMPRUVE Bt;Y, MUOERNIZE, OR REFL"'AN<.:E We Buy Trust Oeeda NEWPUR1 l:JAWlUA SA Vl:->CS " f,OA N ASSO<.;IA T IU:-1 3368 Via U do f'h. Har 4200 BALBOA INCOME lie ~ ':"ITS Ol•J,.r prr p-ny ccntrsl- ly IC>< 11,, nlkA 1n h<'"lt M llAI• boa UI 1J. rm J UM rt .. hlo l'fl I<> $J l,1tr111 t1•r (IUl• k • tl1>. s·111<H1 tin. Ownrr 1l11rbc1r l~•'i. ;:,uo LOANS .rfw :o.wr SEHVlC'E 6'e lmn l rn~t dl'r <l;o 20 year• Oran~c Coast Properties JS.;7 :'\'ewpurt A\'C. «o~•a M<'"" ~-~-•!_~;~~·~~-!:!!.'~~5~ LI .li-Jt}J2, Ll 11-1400 Evra. 95l1<' WlJL"l.ti like t.o l>uy i&t arttl :lnll Tru•t Drt•I& (;all lla.r. 2:128 48Ur LOANS for Homes :,7• -21) yr. Lnan• TRADE Desert Motel 1951 Dodge Cornet p,,,,, -· c111h rourr tU•tio. htr .. auto-Hausken Motors. Inc. $11!1:'1 t"An c-o:-:v. 19!)0. J)WT. wlndOW$. w1rl' wh<'th! Blk rt>d ltalhcr Int 000!1 ('(Ind. $1119:1. Ca ll ownpr Harbor il09. 8p9 Blanche Gates, Rltr. . ~ F OP.I> V-8 Cttttltner-RadJo 311 M11ttne A•e TWO BEDROO~! apt. 11tnve l\nd r<-fng nnl.' Gsrb11 .. r dl~Jl'i5'11 . ?l:rw & t><-aul,Jful. SOO mo .. yrly Construction Loans 7 un its 2 n11 t·11!.I of BanilOw so11 VC'ga a li wy. Lut JG2 ~ '1110. l'rup11 . .-i•d Frt·rway m ay make lh11~ property 'cry \.ti uu blc·. I 'nr1• SJ7.50ll Jin!' lr>11n of . 11,3C)O m11t1c dr1vl!' X:lnt ttrl'' 10::2 ,":A,.;.,r lllv<l . CMta :O.le11 S825 Phone Llbuty 8·:\0:11_ 8~ 41(1() FOR EQt..TrY. 1 PRld I.. I Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'1t. Hwy. 1'\ 1'"-pGrt. ~ach Liberty a.~t l~~ Harbclr Co•ta Mt''<& U berty 8-.'\633 -·~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'O P'ORD F·t plrlcup. 6~ hc,.n~. nt• brals., A Urea "'"lh J IAM Ir plywooJ 6xl rampu. •nl'w. '1<160 ra1h. Evu. LI 8·16211 Dai-a t.J 8·2012. llpl O $111001 19~ Hurllllln Wup llke new. pPrfKt rond.lUon. Radio hl"ater. Hydram~uc. llnlcd l'?lus. white &idt!WallB. 4391, H<'h<>- t ropc. Corona d~ Mar. flarbor ~71·W. Ppll 'C 1""42 Of-SOTO 4-dr. •f'dan. auto- mall!' transml1a1on. Tln-11. bst· lery, lk lit CO\'tr11 good. $160 Ph. &!ttr 8 rm., Ha.r. 0284·J. lk ll 1949 ro:-.'TIAC I convtrt. coupe. ·~• MERCURY Monterey Coupe Radio, htr, w.1 w uru one Mf'rromatlc, radio, he&tl'r, f'l~t ·o-v.-n,r ...... ~. ~.. . . . SM~:! w1ndow1. 11>11tt. llnlf'd Jiau, w, w. Urn CK)OO mllu . f2:1P:I Hausken Motors. Inc. \\"Ill tAkt l'Tlldt' I l !l~2 Harb< r Blw!. ("n~ta ~, ..... •M Ea.t UUL. Coat&' Kua. 7c9 r hon1 Wl>f'rt)' 1-6-0.}t l r lO I J-950 Chevrolet 1' t.oa p1rk up. Radio, Run• like new. S695 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'1t Hwy. :'\"r wport lleach LJ bnty 8-2281 l~ Harbor Cost.a MrJa Lt herty 5-:1633 TWO-WHEEL TR.AI.U:R. ('a 8 ) StalnJe11e •t«J u.le and toniue 616 El Modena, N.wport Ht., a!ter e p. IL Utt hl r~ fog Utu WSW UnL Vt ry Balboa L9land, He.r. 1871 lnw m llr&£'e. 189:., Jl&r bnr 314 7. 72Uc 8cl0 J1. "PITER Javelin roada._r. 19~4 eng1oe Ir tra.n11mlstlon. '62 body. Sl 100. R. MU:-:!ON. Udo Trlr Park. Harbor 27:11. 8c9 1954 Corvette Radio. hlr.. a uto. drln. tlree. }A• Ul&a •.ooo Must •U qulclt. $2535 w.aw mil• Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C°lt. HW)'. :.: .wport Beacb UWV a.ue1 ~A-Apta. for Rent ~------ UNTll. l ti"NE 16 -1 bdrm. and 2 bdrm. apt.a.. n.letly rum. Clean, uUI. pd. Ownn on premlaea Sun· da) from 10 to 4. SPKiaJ k!l. 2410 W. Ocean Front, Newport. Pk. Upland&, YUkoo 321·154. 9c SMALL tum. apl. One mom, ~lb • llltcbenette. ~. re.tn•·· Tbermo controlled be&L Penn. employed peraon. 135. winter, $40 by year., uW. pd.. 120 Mu- ln•i Balboa bland. Bar. 0781. ~c ·i.>CEA.N FRONT-2 bedrm. pr apt. VtrJ pleuut MS. AU 11W. pUd. lTOI ~ W. Ooeaa Front Newport. Ip JO O!'\E BEDROOM nur •cnool lxh 6 bay. s-.o. mo , incl lltlllllr.s J. M. MILLER CO. 202!\ W B&JbOa l:JL. N ewport Hell Har 4091 Ev"" LI 8-,jJ71l PLENT Y or YREE l'ARKINO tl6t1c TWO bdnn howie • ~!lr"J•. Oar· ba1• dlap., newl7 dNOr&I"'' Y rly. rtnt.al unlumlahed 12:.1 :.1\11.h St N.,,,'POrt. l plO •t-SOOIM for Beat -----------~----&INGL& ROOM w lUI hot It cold -t•r la lbe room. ~ bed ...Print. ntrantt. M weflk A.LAO doubt. room at 11 w"11 l»-21UI IL, N«WpC>rt 114lach. IOclAUI :Sr.E BUB SA TTL.ER i ,1:, J.A!:IT <.:UAST BLVD !'iuhm1l yv ur trail•· (or my 1'1111.111.1 ,,, 1 t.1111 Hrtrtr r ,,Ml\ 1'1'!1111 \" 11( :,:!;$,;!1111. \V1U a~· I" I' I I •11.!Flt !-IUHl t,,i.1;i:; l CJ hUlOl· (JI) llW•1m1• pr••J~ 1 ly. ~trlro Llfe 11111. 1"11ntl1 Kl. \~11~~i \\'riti \\J-:f,('()~11 : 'T l! \'EL- Interest Rate 5--51 ~?' El<. ~t()TJ :L, Ht IA. Bat · i.ltiW, <~.1111. :2p l 5H 1,.11llla qu.<kly n.all,. In the Hll) II;\\~. 1 hr,,. :.: 1 .. '1 ·• h-.r r•- A(•,. IUl•l c,u1la Mt'I"' S1111i:I• "'I •,Iii IC .... .,,. I lol :.v .. 11111 L1"'0 muH1rle un1ui. N• w c>r Ol•l nr 1n !-••n ; 'mnn ''' S 1 r, ""' w 1• lU\11 uve by r.··tu.anun~ \\II.I. I l~A l •I 11 ~ n I •r Jfurbur yc.ur prtA"nl 1 .. nn :'ll1n1mu111 •JC 11~• 1 'r I • ·-. :'\I r " n•imr. pfnA-. 1'v ch!l1.oa I or prelllTll CJ',\. J.1 :. •.: II l.,<1r•I Ht" I. Bt•JC nary appt11l!Olll Phr,nt l'-~n 11 I 11118 rt.vtr"''"· f'11ht, 1 tpltlh Ana Kln1ti•rl)' 3·Gfl33 nr wn111-h,r~"n•J::i:1. 11 • 1 onr •"" AH.THVR A. MAY v ,, 1, ,, •11 ,.. • v. "' v.1 11 ti. 'bera Mortit•le Ltlan C'nrrr~r><.nd~nt T11'.11 11<1:•1\\ 111 ha• k up w hal he (I! f 111,.htal Lllo 1/111urnrw" l" I\< I • . C J(J/\ ,.. I I•"' k I h" "1'"'1 1133 lklUUI Mal.a S&nt.a Ana cant In t h" d••~1r1"<l 1MJCU• t.o- PP l 4-¥· , I r l . . , \ PAGE 6 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 62-:-~~!-~~!,_a_te ____ _ THURSDAY, FEB. l. 1955 BARGAIN! _n-__ ... __ r.._ta_...te ______ 62-.:..;,..~IW;.:,;aJ F.atate BARGAIN! * It's Different Duplex rt CLOSE TO HEART OF' TOWN on '>ORONA DEL MAR -those seeking that E•~t .i1Jo>. A 1ov .. 11· 'J. beo•m 'cozy atmoaphere' in a smaller home with rral charm, will like thia unusual offering: From the fireplace in the master ·bedroom lo t hr mahogany paneling and cork floors in the taste- fully decorated guest room, carl"ful planning is rE'- flected in every room. Thia "large-home-for-a -small-family" has full din- ing room looking down into the beam-ceiling living room with ita attractive fireplace. Outdoor living- \ terrace affords privacy and delightful country al· moaphere on the 44-ft. wooded lot. We haven't mentioned the extra half-bath ; thP other patio with lath house for shade plants: nor ~e11Cribed dad's functional de"?'it-h its many built- tna. Not new. but in excellent condition, this home is of - fered for the first time at a price much below what you would expect ..,.-only $17.500! Oh ye1. the two-car garage is designed and stressed for an apartment above. CaU owners' agent for appoil'}tment to inspect or for further details. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realto'r 2647 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 882 BI l l 'S' B ES T B U Y S Ea~t 11111 .. <luplt'\. ~ t·1ir g11r&1¢" b1·tween \ln1t~. A1trac1 1\'~ly 111111 out. 0 11ly :.i )'r~. ul\.I. Thi.~ 1" un- 11oubt,.11ly tht' bt11t buv in lo"'" l'111·1•tl •t unly S1:U1UO. Furnished Home 1 :! Acre VER\' :"'IC!:: 2 b<'d rm. home. com- pl..tely f11111l11hetl. Wood tloors, l(•rllg<' livu:se 1s In exctlhml «011t11t1on. Recently redecoratrd l..u1·ato>J 1n Bi.ck Bay srea. SI'" this p101>ert.v to 1-pprec 1at" Terms nn b;> hart Full price '" 0111)' $10.~>00 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18~ !l:ewport Blvd .. Co11ta Mu a (acrosa from Costa Mesa Bank I Phone LI 8-6i61 Evea. Har. "366 Liberty 8-2103 2 Choice Properties Its C'lnBn Its Atcrsrt1ve - It• near Re11d1. Stnrf'~ - and lraMpOrte.t ion. Its an idt'lll homt with Income. 2 bdrm11. tn hous". 2 bednn1. In garage upt Fully fuml~hed at $20.000 "C" THOMAS "C" THOM AR "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL One of thE' BEST motels in tht' Harbor area -onl~· 7 yrs. old • 12 units incl. 2 dbls. PLUS ownen 3 bdrm. home -Patio -utili roo'm • complt."tely · · FURNISHED -$55.000 -Terms. LOTS ANO ACREAGE 45 ft. lot on Lido Isle . . ....................... $13.500 50 ft. lot in Newport Heights ................ ....... 3,800 VIEW lot on Kings Road ········-·············· 5.500 206' :x 200' M-1 , Costa ME>sa . ·················-······· 18.500 2.86 acres zoned R-4 . . .......................... 13,500 LIDO ISLE LIDO NORD BAY Jo'RONT -Brand new 2 bdrm. & den, W to W carpeting throughout, F. A. heat, built-in range & oven, dishwasher in \ttractive col· orful kitchen -Pier & float -$59.soO. UDO NORD -521 ~ fl. cor. lot -Lovely 3 bdrm .• rumpus room, din. room. 15 x 28 liv. rm. with fire- place, 1 ~~ baths, garb. disposal & dishwuher, W to W c~rpeting & drapes. All large 1"0011\8, nice patio PLUS 15 x 37 ft. filtered l!lwimming pool. Priced at $42,500. "C" THOMAS, Realtor CLIFF HAVEN Open HouM' -Sat. & Sun. 1001 Cliff Drive PANORAMIC' VIEW (10111 lh1a neoarly new •hakt' 1 oot. 3 txlnn . 21, 'balh home. Therniatlur kit· r hrn. 2 Ulll'J brick r1r,plarr~. larre dinlnr r oom-wall t o w.11 carpetln~-a cu~tom built hnnw of 2,400 •q. !t. tor $29/700. A ~al b•Jy I not leu ehohl 1. . . . Roomy & Nice 3 Bedroom BEST EASTSlDE VALUE -2 yn. old. Se lect hdwd. (loon . blll k1tchtn, JO'xto•~· dlninr-H'i.· 20' h v1nc room wlth r•J brll·k rireplact . onnlud dbl. car .. carbace dlt<po .. t. Lovtly nrlgh- bOrhood. • •• r; loan. Full pt 1ct $11.7~. Only $2.000 down. . . . Shake Roof ~earned Ceiling .,. # LOVELY RANCH TYPE-built-In k itchen. 3 bdrm .. I ..._ bath, ra111- ed brick flreplacf', expenaive ca~tln11. hdwd. floora, gt~d In dining area. patio, H psnate ahake roof dbl. iarage. Ntar Back Bay, Only SHI.MO. OwnH will consldeor u little H ,3.~ dn. You'll rail In love wtth thlft beauutul home. 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach \i]berty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Bay & Beach Realty 169t Newport Boulevard Coata Mua, California LI 8·111\1. Evu. Liberty 1·31611 , THE GREAT ORANGE COAST PROMINENT t«inwr h>C:ll 1t111 for J oe-tor, cli nic or emergency hospital. Nl•w -t bJrm . :.? bath home. L1\'in~ room. halls & bJrms. caq><'ll'd. drapt'll, land- scaped. Area for off-slrt'<'t pnrktn~. No medical Bt'n'1ce11 near. Full price S 14 .:!,f>O. term•. DEN, 2 bdrms, $10.500 on Magnolia. Cement patio lat he house in (enc~ rear yan.I . Carpeting W to W in liv. room & den. G. I. Resale. Very good buy. You submit your down payment. 330' x 660' Area of Back Bay.-seet ~acre. In Coeta Mt>sa at $3000 per acre. Tenna. VIEW. HARBOR & ~N view home we aN pleased to show. 3 large bdnna., 1 :1~ tiled bat.ha, gravity heat, flagstone F. P ., Solex view wind01t'IJ. Carpets W to W in liv. nn. drapes atay. Thia 1bow place is 2 yrs. old and situated on beaut.ituJ Holm· wood Dr. J ust $26,:SOO, excellent term.. COMMERCIAL zone on NeW\'.)()rt Ave. downtown Costa Mua -150 fL at bargaUi price of $95 fl. tma. HEAVY shak~ roof, built-in atove • oven. Uaed brick F. P., forced heat. 3. lovely bdrm1., l~" tiled baths. Attached dbl. garage. Brand new and just $14,500 with $3000 dwn. ORANGE COAST PROPERflES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -Bun...t>ERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu -Liberty 8!1'632 Liberty 8-1400 Ewa. 4 Bedroom Home one of the finest homes on the Peninsula HARBOR VIEW "The only a vailable home in its class." 'COSTA MESA The Best Towri on Earth' * COSTA MESA One block East o! Newport Blvd. Wood floors, s BR., eutatde, larre One Bedroom Eastside 118 x HO lot . Room for another home. Five yrs. old. A little fixing will give you a real nice home. ~~ Terms Youngstown Kit .. !loor fw:n.._garb disp '-i2~..c~ai:~*~a;,r.~-+~~~~~~~~~~~IE:}-=-......t.hitL.:n.ew,_...bld.iioa1a-:!pUlla--4Nsa,..;W•h"4iJ&f1trellleM!d-''---'=~~":::-:=:=~l:l.li~~~~· S89M .. -· ··~ .. .. ... . ..... ..... yn11 ftn your nenc s. rms., ALSO • br , com plf'lely rum. ready d"n and lllrge i umpus room with ingly cheerful, easily maintained Cliff home. Two to move in, almoat ntw, RE- bar. 2 sun .iecks. Be&utlrut car· balconies, a permanent view from every room. DUCED to . 112.000. prt1nic an11 dr11pt"s. Built In 11tove. Plate glass windows & sliding doors. Carpets, Rock Bottom Low Down l.tblr i nti 8 rh1ur~. bar, bark· drapes worksbo-p--~x· l-r-a" larg g c;r g 2 f'feplaca• CHARMING 2 br., eull!ldt, nt'•r ' • i:. e a a e. l ..... h11r 11nd 111001~ lnrhlclt(S In un· everything $98:11) fumll'lh"'' pru·l' or S:l4.000. Ready to move in. i:u~lom 1111to1e furn1t11rr 1va1labtP Asking price $40,000. This lovely home must sell. NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ "lll"fe 1ot:-tood-rocaffon-; ~•Ith $1000 down and balance $70 per month. 3 bdrm. home. hwd. floors, 12 yrs. old) near Cat ho· Ii~ Church. $9500 w ith SlOOO down and FHA loan $7250 at $60 per month, including taxes & lns. Owner .will carry small Joan for bal. of $1250. 117 x 139 CORNER LOT Eut of Harbor Blvd. Lgc. Balboa Bay Properties To a qualified buyer we will also finance with a real 3 BR .. 2 bath, view, on but •lrl'tl, aep. dining room , hdwd. floor11. bto11t buy at .. $23.~00. le-Mn• 1 1 8 arr<'s with 3 bdrm. homr, dbl. garage & large work shop. Eut sit.le location and within sewt>r d1J1lr1rt. $13.500 with terms. enough for two lots ............. F. P. $4000 W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND '-Plenty of room for all 5 bdrms.. 3 bathe. large fireplace and barbequc. Sliding glaas wall dining room adjoins patio. 2-car garage and perftttly loc&ted. . This attractive. well-built home ha.a many utru which will pleue you. A value we are proud to 11how. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor A nd Asaociate11 Park at Mume. Balboa I11l&nd -Harbor 2462 New Back Bay Subdivision Highly Restricted 10 Lots Sold this month ONLY 4 LEFT 2 CORNERS 72xt0t 2 I~SIDE i2xl01 $3950 each $3450 rach HURRY, These Won't Last! PHONE Liberty 8-ti 81 LID 0 SEE THIS NOW! 3 bdmu .. 2 baths on ll quiet street to strada. 35-ft. lot. Nice south patio. Forced air hrat. A r eally fine home. Only $24.iM L<'ss t han c11st 11f replari>me11t DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 NEWPORT BL\-D .. Newport Beach ' Phone Harbor 36!'13 Vogel Value Balbo• 6 Units Only 3 1 ~ yn1. old · 1111 furnished -W to W caqwt11. ••rb. dieposah•. \'e~· attractive bldg. m Hnts~1t location. $42.500 with f'Xcf'llf'nt tcrm1. See The Vogel Co. 3 201 W. Coaat Hwy., Newport Beach Libert>: 8-3481 Drive by 176 Costa Mesa St. One yr. old, 2 bdrm., well built home. Ceramic tile In kitchen It bath. Lot i1 ~ x ~ neu downtown. Full price S9500. Best of term•. Call to eee - "ART" ADAIR Realtor l~ l'ftwport Blvd .. Costa Mes& ' . ... Llberty 8·3iV2 l:'IO:. \\' R•llbo11 Blvtl .. Npt. Btal'h P hone Har. !'.118& or Hu b<lr 1983 BILL'S BEST BUY Back Bay \'1ew Home BRO\\'="E\.(,, dC':lll:lll'd this 11h11kr roo ff'd cont rm pm a ry :• b<lrm. • tlf'n honw H1t1• rat1111nt hl'al. l,/uttrry !II<' tltJl\r~. Rl'dwood f'X· trrior. Patio tll'1111rned fo r pool. "~rtJI lant1JtC•flln1f • fenclnit Bec1u1t«> nf 1<t'pRr1tl1o n In fttm· lly 1111u•l hf' iw lrt. f'n«Pd a t SZj.M)(). \\'eo will uranitt fln11ne· 1nJ! W. A. TOBIAS .. )·nu 11 l1k•• .. ur rnenlllv 11rr·v1r '" :\113 E. Hth ~I . !'Mill Meu Llt>o-rly 8·11:19 BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded. lot, with pier & l~e. fl oat. Large liv· ing room with fil'<'place. 2 n1re b<lrms. with 1", ba ths. Extra large dinette area . Double ~arage, easily made tnpk. $2i.500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3111 :-.;._.,.. porl Blvd . :->pt Bc h low down. Call Jo hn Macnab, Harbor 3297 or 5359 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor. Corona del Mar Vogel Value Home AND Separate Apt. with Bay Vie~ Total price $19,500 THE l BDRM. HOME in front has lge. rooms, ia com pletely furnished & very attract.JVe. The lge. 1 bdrm. a pt. (with new range & re!rig.) over the garage has permanent Bay \'lew, Iota of wood pan· eling & is only 2 yrs. old. Then t here 1s another bdrm. & ·11 bath below the apt. The units could not be duplicated at current bu1ldin~ costs. Excellent financing & low down payment can bt' arranged. THE VOGEL CO. 266i E. Coast Hwy .• Corona•del Mar Har. 1741-1477 COMMERCIAL INCOME One of Cor ona drl Mar's prime business comers. fully improved, 1s available to the cautious invest.or -four commercial units on 85-ft. of highway fron- tage by 135 deep on side stre<'l . offers a solid op- portunity for excellent returns. For full particulan regarding pn ce. terms, t enants and lease&, contact 1 No phone information 1 Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. 3:i30 E. Coa11t Hwy .. Corona del Ma r Har. 35i1 • H RT'IY1r 402 11'1lfc •------------------------ "Let L'& Locate for You" Jo'<:r Hai l>n r pro pc1 ly, b11y &nd hrll• h, t'o>11t11 Men, C'orona del l\tr1r, Snnts Ans, eo1c. The LOCATOR of Calif. Branch nrf1t•e. 1884 H &rbor Blv,I. Co~'• Mt>Sll, l'hone I.I 8-11161. 97tfc CORONA DEL MAR :l BllKl\t llC ll\t I':, 4 }"~HI old. l.nv .. lv "''-'"'• "' 1n It hav, l lll' ... rnt'<'<I I'"' 111, 1lbl. J?•• &l(e. r"in · lur "U ''" ::mt floor. R·2 lot Rr.iu .. ·.t $11\00 1111 \ 111<kne!W!. Owner, 506 Avocado 4< I ~EARLY :-; .. ;w •ttracllVI P rn· v1nc111I duplex on t:hrr Dnve. u rh with t wo nu" bolrms . r>eit· l "d h\lwd floor ,, u'rd bru·k n•rnfr flrtrlal.'U , nsl w()(l<l k11 dlflJ>Ol'lll, lttlS nf <'IO~elll. ~ady tn move lnlo. $24 .~. Msrlnul! l,le Rf'allv :118 Mtirlnt . Ballx;>ll 1 ~1an1I, ll~roor 4illt 8r \(I BY U\\ NER. eut a1Je CoalA Mew. 3 bdrm . lg bath, eepar· •t• .11huwer. hwd. flr11., tl,..plact , d\lt·k cont n>llf'd h~at, w~ather •lr1pp••,1 thn.1 <.out. ~nclOffd b1.,.rzw11 v Pnrt SI0.~-'2t)OO flown. S64.H mo. lJuta It ln11Ur. lnC'I. FHA. 4 '' • r loan. LI 8-3328 lkl8 DOUBLES FOR INVESTMENT TWIN DUPLEXES -2 full lots. 4 excellent 2 bdrm. apts. Each with own fireplace & garage. Hwd. fl~rs, good hf"at, $2~5 sched. mo. income. Loa n pymt. $150 mo. Full prict' $27,500 OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 5 H -16 JASMINE. CORONA DEL MAR MURIEL M. PINOVER. Realtor 260,t Newpo rt Blvd .. N<'wport Rcacq Harbor 4610 CAN )'OU AFFORD -to pay more when you can get a nearly new Cape Cod house. knotty pine, fireplace. elaborate bathe· que and patio. Beautiful permanent ocean view. Pri- vate beach, 2 bdrms .. 1 1:.: baths. tile, W to W car- }l{'ting, drapes. Part!}' furnished. A BEAUTY at 1 : usual price for sue! a ho~. Only $18.500 lme. F.xclusi,·e Laguna Ocean Front Location. Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa-Har. l786 or eves. 2517-M OUR GOAL IS "EIGHT FIVE IN '55" ($8.M0.000.00 that la) REMEMBER THIS, when telling property, tM 1ell· Ing commission charge la amall compared to the m1t ny advantage• of havmg the aale In the hand• of experts. Consult your MulUple Li1ting Brok,r. BAYSHORES Cherming 3 br. 2 bath. 2 p1ttln• $29.~ NEWPORT Va cant lot nrar 1>4-nh . $3000 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W . Cout Hwy. LI 8-•277 TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO 2 BEDROOMS and a I btd· room unit. RedwclOd anrt ahakr Ellctlleont inv.,.tmtnl, 2 yor .. <1ld. 3 car carar;e. Full pnce, $27.llOO AU)O 2 BEDRM. HOME Or\ r o rrY \Vnnlfuful Vlf'W nf ,,,.ten and 1111111 from up11t e1ra. Nlrf' yarcl & p11tlo. Full J'rlC'' St20M \lollh H!lfY t,rm•. Sm•ll tlnwn J'll)'- m ent. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOClATES 303• Eu~ Cout H 1izhw•y Corona del M•r Phon' Hubn~ 2H:I Ocean Front 2 l)drm. • d .. n. dbl. p rar;" 81'At huy It Inca lion on I he brach. Sl&.~ -Tum11 4 Bdrm. Furnished BEACH HOME. 1 YT old on ~·o lo..,., hu 3·11:ars~u. h111lt tn h•n· die apte. •bOvt . "'t blk to bearh Homer E. Shafer REALTOR '°' McYIUlden f'l.ac.- 'At the Newport Pier" Har. 140 Eve1L Har l\3i·M Aak for Herald G. 8 plu Costa Mesa Nice 3 bdrm. home on Broad- way. Hu large living rm .. large kitchen with garbage diAp., hwd. firs., lot. of tile in kitchen & bath. F<'nced yard, newly decorated in- side Ir out. Owner luving slate. Thie week only $1000 dn .. bal. like rent. Har bor 1862 (Har. 1461 eves.) Bay Front Income I Un.li.-2 A I Dedruoma, tum tlbed. P\er, noat and pnw&t.e bMcJL 1000 IC. 8&lbo9 Bl•d., Ba.lbcMI. er-t.iew 1 ~•. Gour-' t.-, to lln>lllwa lJUc: Bv Owner CLIFF HAVEN $1~.000 I bd.nn • Luw down • 4''• l•Alll ~Pb. LI. 1-6417 fOf' app't . llJ•l'J BY OWNER Oofun• HICblaAd• -J bdrm , 2 "9UI farmhou•. l'tl. Harbor 78·J t9trc CORO~A DEL MAR 2 BDRM , 2 bath., hwd noo,..._ r . A. h,aL dill. K•r. 1, blk. to lh• n. ~an Hiu :1071 •l•Y• or Hu . Jn:;e.R alter e p m. klO Newport Harbor Board of Realtors CORONA BIOBLANI> LOTI - Qlote. Sit. Anllable C&.11 H&rtlor UH 410 • 32od St., Newport Be.uh Ulla 1 bdrm. older home. s<'rvice 1wrch. gange. A NU right m town. ~5500 with only $500 down. M-1 lnduatrial lot. 60x126 ............................... $2950 C-2 Business. 50xl40 . . ................ _ ................... 3500 R-4 Residential, 49xl50 ·····························-····· 1950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa LI 8-1601 ONLY $57,~ 8 Beautiful Furnished Units Scheduled income $9000 yearly. Only 51 ·: yr3. old. ~t renla.l u ·u , OPEN FOR INSPECTION Saturday and Sunday 1124 -1128 West Balboa Blvd. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 New port Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 0228 CORONA DEL MAR $f2,750 ~mall 2 bdrm. home with minimum upbep. 3 yn . old. near s tores. etc .. raised hearth fireplace. at- trsct1vely fm1ahed. nur best buy in it.a clau. Exclusive Corona Highlands \'1ew home. drapes & carpetinJ, modern design. 2 bdrm. & bsth up and living-bdrm. with bath dc,wn. we a re just selhng the home. th• v1('w would cost too murh to charge fo~. RAY REALTY CO. I ACR08S FROM THE BANK) 3444 E . Coast Blvd . Corona :Jel Mar Harbor 22811 Open Until Sold 280 Evening Ca~yon Road -Sh ore Cliffa We of frr this extremely ~rac1uus home localed high m Shore Cliffs where y1.u ha\1(' ll beautiful ocean \'ll'W. This hum(' hn11 2 11.rgf' bolnnt! .. large livm11: ro<1m w1lh a hug1· bn1·k f1rcpla<'e and 1 den with flreplarf and <X'Pitn \'1PW. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway --. hb<'rty 8-5573 ------OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY. 2 bdm1. 21 _ bath11, IRrge living room. 1wpata\f· 1hnmg r1111m, largr· kn<itty pine den with built-in b11r. lt1ung ... 2 r1rrplal'f'ff, baJ1ement with 1:10.l)(JO BTU funtal'('. Ex1wn111\'f'ly carpet.rd wnll to w~ll thru-1111t. Gnrba~" du1pt>Mal and d111h- w11Hhc·r. ff<•U"4· r'i y1 !> olt.1. LH r~c doublc garage with laurnJry, raclto-c·c1ntrc11l1:d door. IA1l ;;O x 142'. Well land~('aped, OnP nf the m1111t expcn111vely built hnme1 1in the front. l<l('a lt'd at :\3 12 Ocran Blvd. 1 formnl \' 61 ().I OWNER WILL ACCEPT A ~Y REAR.ONABl.E OFTER Shown by a ppoinlmc:nt only Phone Owne r, Harbor 34~ ' 'J . :fEBRUARY SPECIALS BalDoa Pier and Slip· Nurly New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home Pri\'ate Beach, large patio Full Price • $32,500 -/'; * * Open House Daily 1 -4 p. m. 1701 E . Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd . .,. \ · *'* (l J Large Corner Lot -Beautiful View Not'Leuehold -$1Q,650 fr * '¢: LIDO Bayf ront -Pier & Slip 3 bdrma., 2 batha, furnished ~ $49,500 * * * ~ Large Corner Strada Lot 3 bdnrui., 2 baths. $3500 down. BAY and BEACH REALTY 14SO W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evenings Harbor 1856 Balboa Realty Co. Bay Front Home! ON ~HB PE:-111'\SULA. 5 bedrma., 3 '' bath•. In 100<! condition. Pltr nghta. 547.:'>00, term•. Peninsula Home ! NEW LISTING. 2 bedroom a llnll a cute home. Nlc'e walled front yard and a dandy patio, also encloaecl. Ex reptlonalty Wt'll bullt. ,Beat of all It 11 only 514.000 and goocf t~rma. Balboa Home ! NEAR BAY ANO OCEAN. 2 bed· room1, 2 bath•. Room tor two more unlta on thla R·3 lot. $1300 rl'cently 11pl'nt to bring It up·lo· datt. $12,000, $350-0 down. Duplex! CLOSE TO LIDO SHOPPI!l:G DISTRICT .• btdrooma, 3 lhOW· era. Only 2 year• old , . . hu mllny_ extras, Cut from $22.500 to $20,400. $4000 down. Ocean Front Duplex ON 'JHE PENJNSUJ.../< and only J:H> .f•' to the Bay. Tf'1Tif1c Ocean or Uay view. Good home with Income or a good tt'nter. $22,:'>00, wlOI l<'nna. Bay Front! DUPLEX WITH 2 BEDROOMS UP A?\O TWO DOWN. Prlv.te beach llnd pier right•. But rent· al area. Nl',cf!l aome flx'ln up but owner haa Ht price to com- pensate. Only $29,7:!0, terms. · BAY SHORES Balboa Realty Co. ft-RMI FAtatA! 62-RMJ F.atate ·~---------------------------- BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayfront home and guest apartmenL 3 bdnna. and 3 batha. Private pier & float. A bargain at $68,500. So. Bay two units, 2 bdnJU1. each, a REAL buy at $37,500. $10.000 down. So. Bay older home that needs some repair, fixin' and paint. H¥ new pier & float and a million dollar view. Only $33,750 & $7500 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furnished. Asking $45,750 and ONLY $MOO.down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartm ent completely furnished and in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, terms. 3 bdrm. & den home furniahed for year-round liv- ing on ltittJ~ Island -Asking $29,500. • 2 bdrm. furnished and In good condition, to be sold as is for only $17,950 and get , this, $1250 down. ' Thia is a "sleeper," a little cottage on the rear of a 30 x 85 ft. lot. $11,500 -$4000 down. Here's news for you. Just received it. A 4 bdrm., 2 bath home in fine condition. Also furnished. Full price $19,500 and $3000 down. ( 2 ) T W 0 ( 2 ) ( Oppoaltn Bank or Amert ca) Members, Multiple LtJtlnr VOGEL CO. Ro111 Greeley Ed Lee Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 Jack Pinkham-Joeephlne Webb 208 Marine Ave., Balboa b land Harbor 444 6i-RMI FAtate _______ "": ___ ------ HOME A: fNCOME , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ESS -PART IV· PAGE 7 THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1955 2 HOUSES ON BEAU .• , A 2 " bJrn1. & 1len hume with .:ki~ed o:l __ lk_a_1_t:s_·_1_a_14' _______ 61_2-_R_~•_l_r.e_ta_t_e ____ _ an pa tso It v.-tt. panc-ll1ng plua 2 .. • brlrm. hou11e rf'nl11I •t $65. mo Ruom for s.nolh..r unit. Ex<". , buy ..t 5 13 80\l. Hui h hou110 1n tlp·tup C'•~mlltlnn, only 6 yn. uld E\"t'll. Ph. LI 8-~542 TRADE Owntr w\11 trsde 3 bdrm. Frt-i'· dom ho,nP w 11h htsut1 r. w.w cup., Vl'nl. bllnd8, garb. J1~p. ti: lawn tn, tor larg~r 6 or '; room hou~~ up to SIS.000. Eve1. Ph. H1\r. ~298-W M-1 HEART OF I:-iDUST'R IAL at<'. 8!i' on Sup••rior. Ha11 lg. 3 b<.lrnl. hse. Exe. oppotruni1y f•Jr 11011111 mr11 enterprise with space ror bllljC'. •hvpa 6 have llvin& qlr11. tou. Only $12,900 with term11 On 1f'wers. -Eve11. Ph. Ll 8-:i1s1. 3 Acres to Subdivide HEART OF OOWNTOW~ area. Nr 1chools, rhurchu. tranap. and llhopr. Will cut 1~ C'o 22 loll. Sewer 10. Will trade for loca.I Inc. or atll on terms. Be wre to 11ee this. ~ . BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT BUS. ti: JNc: PROP. A n.oney maker. Hamburg«'r ata.nd, paddle board rentala &: 3 apts. Grossed over $12,000 In 3 summer montJla. Can f'xpand a, double lnt'ome. A r4'al tnvt•at. at $35.000, with terms. Hurry before Easter Week. Eves. Ph. Har. 6298·W M-1 ACREAGE 8 acres . fruit growing lndust. a N'6 This Is a b11y. $40 tlOO with 29"'r down: Ews. Hur. 1811 BA YSHORES HOMES 1. 2 bdr ms .. :? baths, li;:e. h\'. rm .. Tht-rmo kitchen. PRICED RIG llT '. 2. 2 bdrms .. 2 baths . $17,950 Balboa Island BAYFROf\tTS Bayfront home nn 60-ft. Int. ldea•--Ior buil1l<'r. l l lot vacant l Pit•r & f1C1at $6~.000 Bayfront homl'. pit•r & fl oat . _ , $33.750 See us for a good St'lection of Rnyfronl homes. Balboa Island BARGAINS Nic·e family home nr. bch., unfurn. 3 ttdnna $:?5 .. iM :! units. old<'r, good incom!? ................................... $14,000 • Balboa Island Income '\ bdnns., plus lge. a pt., nr. beach . ·-·-.......... $26,Dro Two units, 1 bdrm. each ... .. . . .... $18,2t50 On Little Island. 2 bdrms. plua 1 bdrm. apt. $26,~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdnns. & dt-n, canyon view. submit on-. ..$23,SOO 2 bdrms. & den, So. of Hwy. Small dn. pymt. $18.~ 2 bdnns. on Avocado ...... -....................... ' ....... $10,900 BALBOA PE.NlNSULA, 2 bdrm. home .... :.$21,MO FOR FµRTHER INFORMATION on all theae tlM propertiE's, call Harbor 1775. EARL 'N. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island .. 700 F:. Bslhoa Blvl.l., Balboa BtJTI..DING LoTS ~------~~~~~~~~L~i~ti~~--~-~==P=h=M=e=H=s=r~=r=3=2=77=·=~~====(=E=~=·=Ll=~=~=7~-=H=a=r=.l~7=8~~=R=K=)==~=~A~~~~~e~~~1K~tio~n orE~&W~ ~ DENNIS-H~S NO MENACE •1 e o 1'. so cllo!Celrac lfay •· -NOT-in this Lldo home -A large encloeed land- • CornerArborD~&~rlaD~ • RealValu_e_s ~~~~~~~~~i~~i~i;;:~~~~~~~w·~.-~~~-~~n~~~~~~~~~~~ Bny Short"S' C1eYnest Ranch 'l'-ype Home -H"'"''"erteavi'rrg-Town · rfouston e;Jty yet from underfoot. 4 bedrooms. 2 batha wilb a pan- 2 bdrm., raised u&ed brick fireplace, dishwasher, hnd must •ell thl• dur two br. CORONA DEL MAR .. & ASSOCIATES eled 18 x 26 living room with fireplace and eeparat. disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawQ. home. 'nle kitchen , end balll. ~09 Center SI . Costa M~aa dining' area. A buy lt $2D,500. Full price $23,50(), terms. Hardwood n oor11. Fenced yard. l.~ 50 FT. LOT Phone Lo 8-6911 7c9 Neat u a pin. Ideally located to PLUS a 2 bdrm. home, dbl. garage • built on rear A N D •hopping end tra.nsportaUon. f I d I t f b lld h h . come ln a.nd let u& show you o ot an p en y o room to u anot er ome m V H 1h1" honic todlly. Full price. front and use the present home for income. Only Bay iew ome $8.150, TermB. $11,500, $3000 dwn. will handle. Exclusive with wt. • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrm .. 2 bnth. Wall to wall rarpeting. Electric kitchC'n. L1)\'ely home for a couplC' with accommo· dations for visitin_g frieutls and relatives. Full price S29,500, t erm.a. For prt-view showings, call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Ne¥·port Beach Phone Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-5386) BALBOA ISLAND Open House . Sunday, February 6th-12 to 5 320 Diamond Ave, Delightful 2 b<lrm. home ._rith income apt. over gar· RJ!<' and JrUt'~l room fumi11hrd. S24,500. ~paciou" 3 b<lrm .. 2 bath home -pine panelled, car· pelrd. dtl'posal, furnace heat and room lo add in· C'omr on the renr of lot a delightful year r ound home or excel. income. S26,5()(). Do you like provincial papers and wood paneling! We ha\'e a deli11:ht ful 2 bdrm. home • Iota of closet., a nit:t> patio, fireplace · garage and the financing is good. S19,500. On Little l11land completely channing 2 bdnn. home • ancJ J bdrm. cottage tastefully furnished 11hows $3300 income. S2J.OOO. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 MarinC' A\'e. Balboa Island rhonc Ha rbor 502 • E,·es. 2306-R LIDO ISLE Open Daily 1 to 4 P. M. -119 Via Yella 35' Lot • South Patio. 2 bdrms., com pletely fumish<'rl. Full price $19,750. Terms. Also Open: 215 Via Menton e Ex(·t-pt lonally fine 2 bedroom home. Kitchen has tliap<isal plus di11hmaster. -$21.750, terms. F.xclusive -Rayfront with Pier & Slip. 3 bdrm .. 2 bathe. compktrly fum1sht'd. $49.500, xlnt. te rms. We aJao ha\·e some excellent buya in lot• on Lido. BAY & BEACH REAL TY \i,A LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Juat to the right of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Bch. Har. 3643 (e,·ea H . 2999) LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT HOME. pier and slip. Lovely furniture. wall to wall carpets and dr&Pftl. Lota of cxtraa. Shown by appointment. ALSO WATERFRONT HOME, 11t-kct location. 3 yea~ old. Lota of tile, foN'oo air heat. 2 bdrms .. i 1, bath•, excellent financing. S26,500 furnish~. Both are exclusive listings wlth EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3 113 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach Har. 1013 t • • • Home & Income Unit THIS JS TRULY a real value. Lorge two btlr:n. }1ome, hard· wood 8Jlf1 carpeted floor", u~ed brlrk fireplace. lar~e picture wln<low. lnrgc kltchrn, all Ult'. ondlu ot C"Upboard 1pnce. Pull· man type tile t-'\th with l'louble buln11. t.trgt atrvlce (lQtch with bu1lt·ln11. f'l11s one b<lnn. rt'nla.I unit. Alml'~l new. Don't mlas thl•. Full price $18,:\00, termi B . A. NERESON ,. REALTOR 11111:1 ~rwport Blvd . Co1la ){en Phone U 8-1872 Evea. U 1-6487 Newport Island 2 RY.ORM. r•slllt>nce with J t>edrm. •rt. ov4'r dbl. iua(e, SHl.1100. BALBOA 8 UNITS C'Omt'r lot. u rel. lncomt' record. Ht.If blk. frorn lhy and Pllrk ln« fac. Clu.n. $10.000 will h1'nt11P, ALSO BUStNfCSS bid(. PLUq 2 apt.. O!llLY $4000 OOW:'ll - Triplex, furnished 4 BEDRM hOU8~. PLUS 2.. apt1 A t~w el"J'I' from th' bey. fl'LL l'RICE $20.000. Coast Properties 301 E Bl\lboa Blvd , Baloba Harbor 26~ a H&r. 4800 8l!c Lots 2 t.OTS In bu~1nl'~ll zone, nrar civ1r rf'nl tr $;~. ALSO R·'2 lot nl'ar channrl. Beach Homes 2 DEDROO~ horn• nf'ar beach. $~100. MODER:'ll 2 betlrm. hom,., tlrepl . •lll<'('O, 1 blo<"k lo bnch, $11.2M Channel .Fronts HOME with dock .......... $20,500 ALSO dupl~Jt with boat. N. B. C. Realty Co. !12nd St. It ?\"wtmrt BouleVllJ"d 1'eWJ>ort HI'•• h. Har. HO~. 8c10 BY OWNER DESIRABLE 8 bedroom, bat.h • 1.,, CORON A HIGHLANDS f&rn · Uv homf'. Coay uaed brick fire- place. ralaed beartll. Centra.I hut. Charmin« birch J>lllleled kitchen. OI A'p<>a&I, c~led. Lge. )'Ud, Vlt'W. ,\1,000. 8 • any• tJme. eo. S.•-rd Road. &<'.18 HONEST BARGA.IN SE!: HARBOR 11.11d Vlllley v1~w­ but level. 2 btdrma., 2 bath11, fr.mll y room, 2:1 tt. llv1ni room Owntr 11 leavln; tA• Stalu, 11ntl thl1 11 hot tut buy. CDM St~ 000 FOR APPT. to Mt cllll -FORD VERRlNDER H•r. 42113 I Eves. Har. 3Hil Mtc CORON A DEL MAR -Nice view l'\.trnlaht'J 2 bdrm .• 1~ bath homt. Ltvl nJ rm . dlnlnJ rm .. kJtcben. 1ara1e. Har. nM-W. ,. Hllc 2. OCEAN VIEW See this 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, excellent condition. carpeted wall to wall. Drapes included. Fon:ed air heat. Fenced and paved patio. Built-in bnrbeque. Also built-in stove anj oven, A real vah1e for only $22,500, but you bettt-r hurry. Good 20 yr. 5' c money available. 3. HOME AND INCOME See thla 2 bdrm. home pl1111 large 1 bdrm. apt. built over double garage. Fenced yard, close in. Imme- diate possession. Only $17.500. S5'l00 dn w1U handle. 4. ONLY $2500 DOWN buy1 this immaculate 3 bdrm. home. double gar- age plus extra room attached for work Rhop Fc1rceJ air heat, fenced yard. paved patio. See thi,s now. Full price only S15,500. Easy payments. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING R E ALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-round home colony. Only 1 bloclc from the Club with ita lovely bt'ach and tennis court, we have an ideal family home, 10 ex- cellent taste. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, massive used br1C'k fireplace, open beam ceiling, lovely kitchen. patio and separate service yard. You can't do better at only $27.500. !Owner will consider taking in a Lu.Jo lot, as e\•en though he is being tr ansferred. he wan ta to come back.) Headquarters for S('rene Lido Isle s ince 1935. p . a . palmer incorporated ole hanson co., aales mgmL 3333 via lido -har 1500 Have You Been Looking for This 7 BALBOA ISLAND: Small "Fixerupper." with am- ple rm lo build in front, only $5000 dn., $11,500 F. P. 3 BDRM. and 2 bath, dining room, income apt. with sheltered patio can be your home and apt. w ill help pay all expcnlK's. CLIFF HAVEN: Drive by 403 Kings Road and 11ee new home. under construction. 3 bdnn11., 2 Laths and den-dining room. View of Bay, OcC'an and 16' x ,30' pool. Price or $34,500 will include landscaping and many extras. 'NAlDRON REALTY 308 Marine A\'t'., Baltwa Island :iar. 0234 Vogel Value Builders Look ! We ha,·e 7 lots ready to build on -street, sewers, etc. All In • and only $2500 per • with good terms. Irr good Costa Mesa location. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 Everybody Re•d• the C LA S S I F I E D BAYSHORES HERE II • Wf'll conatruclt'd tWG bedroom adnhe brick homt>. Con- venient locollon, l11ll'sl appoint· mPnt11 Yau ran practlrally name your own t l.'rms. ' Lido Isle \\'C)t'LD }'flu hkt ll• own I .1,111 l•lt' 11 f1ni·~l llb.)' frunt Hl'""'" '1'111• Is It. 'l'hr~u 111.q:c 1uv1>ly l1t1I 11)0llHf, 2 buth, ~l'pOrot1• 11ell ~llUWl'rl\. 11rge kltch1•n w11h •J•A• • 1•111" cel,1n"1 ' I!• uuttful ~unk• n l1vln& 10 .. 111 lo\ llll tu ""II •01 j•~lll. f'Xp!'n•IVI' 11r .. ,.... l'l'rf"C"t ~·· c hl>I'" '1"" r luJO p11,:11e '""' an•I 1111a1 l'lrt'-•' """ l """" \hi> l•nr l'•1h:111l 11•1 111 • h L $;,~, (•00 lll::IH:t ~ • J.lf 14' P \ \ I-Kl 1:-\T vnu 11111 I ,.,•f ( 11 f '1·1\ 1111 ll l•h•·•I ,l h• ~f·••n, t t,.•h ll••I • l \t ... .. 1.1 I ' 11•·11· • n '1 FI n l• n I 1n1~1 llu • • n1 ·1th• 1' 1 ml\ $ ;_. :.1t0, 11u1t11blC' .r 111u 1111 nn .:r•t VOGEL CO. 208 Ms1 hC 1\\", U 1111011 1•1An1I Har •• I Ii:;, .•• ~ 1.1 b· ·.:!•i ll.1r. litlii HK :l\tc 2 B. R. Home and Income •l Balb!\11 tJOl11nd ITS MODER~. IUld n"•rly n~w. With furnace I-I'll I. furpllh r f11J· J'l'l•ll.I. "all 11> ~1111 rnrpr\ 1rn1I cn,·111' I r:i•11 Double J?at"t" A ~P 1:-:C"JDF.:-.'T At.LY, ll """' nu e "fl' 11n•I thl' apt . "' fll rnl•h· .. d A II for $ :?!l ·.no ,,. t' will ~ pl•·&~.... • .. •hm•· al ) our c•on· ,·enlt nc4'. Cont11r t Hub Powtrs J. A . BEEK, Realtor Jlsrbor 6.1, M3 PArk Avt Balboa hllUld Costa Mesa 4 br1rm . 2 h11th, n'W fl0.~ S 1 .2MI I)(iwn. Newpor t Heig hts j bdnn. & •l<'n, rl'lll rl,.nn $14,iOll c ;,.,,11 TPrm11 7 F'l"R:'\ 11011 ~ 8t 2 t)rlrm rum h"me In• om,. tr. :o111 n t l:i.OQO dnl'n lo< 111·1•" J 10 holt f11rnt1111r ,~,.11 ;'O':AJ~ J . ~IAHTI=" ' Bay & Beach Realty 14611 \\', li ll.t11a rllvd. ~ewJ",rt BeRc h, C11hf Her l2114 Ev!'ll Ll 8· Ii 74 Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units For •'• l ,500, nnly S4000 down Ballln<'• Si5 per month. 1 block to 811y or Oc~an 1 t.:nlt Renttd at $t~ mo. CHARLES E . HART, Realtor Harbor H28 3420 W, Ba.lboa Bh•d , !':twpnrt 11.lc NOT MUCH -JUST A LOT and what a lot. 50 feet running street to llreet. A wonderful place to build your new home. Steal it for $13,500 or for a starter let WI ahow you a won. derfuJ '1 bedroom. 2 bath showplace that can be duplicated on this lot for $37 ,roo full price. v JUST STEP INSIDE this C'hC'C'rful home and you'll want to move rl~ht in. Provin<'ial int erior throughout with paneling and a u11rd brick firC'plare in both llvin~ roum i.nd mas- kr bedrnc1m. ·I bedrooms cir 3 and Jc-11, 2 bnthR. per· f l'l'l tiled k1tC'h<'n. Street to st r N•t lot a sl<'p from th• bMt beach. $28,:;oo, v YEARN FOR A YARD easy to kttp up that is -here'• a new Lido home with a patio plus a lawn -all walled. Pleasant in· terior with us('d briC'k fireplace :lnJ f111e woodwork. 4. broroom and 2 baths tor $31,750 . "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST'' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido ., Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) BALBOA PENINSULA Bargain -Outstanding Home NOW \·Ac ANr-MOVE RIGHT INI Exct-ptionally welJ built home overlooking park and t ~ block from bay bathing ~ach on ~autiful cor- ner location. Lots of intl1,·1duRhty. Jumbo 11halce r oof. Expens n·rly carpt-ted and drnp<'d throughouL Outstanding features such as a11h panrhnJ in liv. r oom and ash cabinC'ts in a most dchi:htful kitchen. L arg«-f1rrplacE'. 2 lar~t' bdrm!!. iwrarate 11c>rvice room. O\'C'rs1zed 2·car gar<i).(I' on a w1d<' allry. Only 4 months old. T his home J~ outstanding and i. priced to sC'll al only $21,500. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa Me11a (Across From Costa Mesa Bank) Phone Llbcrty 8-6761 F.\"et1. Har. 4366--I.I a-2103 Do You Want A beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath hnme? WotXI panelled living room looking onto 11. l rt•t .. t1hrtrl!'ci pntio - S1•1•:iral<' dining r1111m. ~h1s~1·d -1n lanai, driuble gar· agf' -Chc)l('l' Lit tit' Islnncl, All.yrnr h\'ln~ f11r ~:\!i,000. A 2 qcirm. horn«-with double garagr in rxrrlknl lo- cat1on -\oul<I be miidr· intn nn mc11mc pro1-erty 1,f qu~l1ty. ~J 11.,000. D 0 R I S BR A Y , Realtor Nona Hyt·r Chet Sal111bury Curt Dosh 216 Man nP Aw. Balboa. lsl<:inrl Hnr 20 M 6'l WE HAVF: two l:>Paut1ful lnls 1n C1irrmn Highlands -nbout the bf-st that are nr1w fr1r 11:llr F:iu h cun" from 11tret't t o 11trc1 t and c·arh has 11 wr,nderful \'lf'W. On 45·ft. R·2 Int in Corona dcl Mar -Sub11lantially built house w1 Lh IJving rfJ<)m 16 x 13. 1 Many ~pccinl Featurr11. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtoni Buaineaa Broker 3135 E . Cou t Highway Corona del Mar Har. 21.D2 I . . I ' I , I fl .. . 1 I .. • . . .. --- ' Better Than Ever! I Two NewspapM Combined In One Big Publlcatloli • To Bring Complete Coverage to · i ReSldents "ot' the Harbor · Area · c. . Published Twice Weekly JIBWPO~ HARBOR .NE-W,$ 0 .PR:eSS SUBSCRIBE NOW! • • JIBWPO~ A BARBOR . (om1ng Your Way .. ~-. the .NE-W$MtiPR~SS "CARRIER BOY" with his Honle Delivery of your Local Paper . PROMPT EFFICIENT DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY AND I THURSDAY IF YOU ARE NOT NOW A SUBSCRIBER TO THIS FAST GROWING LOCAL NIWSPAPER. YOU WILL WANT IT D.ELIYERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR THE 'LOW SUISCRIPTION PRICI OF$600 PER YEAR. (IO~ MONDAY AND THURSDAY PUIUCATIONSJ ONLY pe• n10nlh Brings Both Editions ~o. You by Carrier or Mall for an: Entire Year! • t More Local NEWS and FEATURES COLUMNS THAT AH PACKED WJTH NEWS OF CIVIC ACTIVITl&s, CHURCH AND SCHOOL ~FFAl&S-N£WS OF WHAT YOUR NEt6HIORS ARE DOING. More Society NeWs WEODtN6S •. .-ARTIES, SOCIAL EVENTS, CLUI ACTIVITIES, ALL NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST TO YOU AS A RESI09n' OF TH1S 6REA T COMMUNITY. More Marine. News ~ NEWS Of SHIPS AND SAIUN6 ••• YACHTIN& AND FISHIN6, YOU'LL FIND IT ALL COMPUTEL Y COVERED. More · Classified Advertising ~ . WANT ADS, YES, MORE BY FA~ THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL PA~R. AND IAR&AINS 6ALORE tN THESE COLUMNS. More LOcal Pictures OUTST ANDfNe PHOTCMiRAPHIC COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE AREA. tOU'LL FIND LOTS OF PICTUllB IN EVERY ISSUE. ' • r ---• CUP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO • - - - , I I 1· I I I· I I I I I 01 CALL CIRCULAnON DE". HARIOR 1616 I I ·· I I 2211 Pl'OA &YD~ NIWPORT llACH, CALIF. I I I .. ,., ............. ·~·· tt.Mt ...... ,,..., ..... I I .... ,. ,., "oo ,_ • ,.. ,..,., .... ...,...... I I I I Name I I 1treet--··-····-··· ....... -........................................... -·-·---·--.. -···-I I 0ty I L----------~-------~ • -c-- ··~ -.... ~. j • , . , ' ,4 , -· . .,,, , J " I . , . . J '• . 1HIS rs m A COOL HALF MILLION ~ DOI.- LARS WORTH OF FOODS HAS IEEN ROLL- ,NG INTO·ou1 SIX MARKETS FOR THE llG- GIST SALE IN OUR HISTORY! DON'T MISS A SINGLE .ITEM ON THESE 4 PAGES EVERY DEPT. HAS CHOPPED PRICES RIGHT AND LIFT! STOCK YOUR· PANTRY & FREilii(- AND·SAV'E! ~,,£, -· f01 Oll1 ; •• '· ~,, 01l \.O\~ ~~o 'teff\f,c. bt\"9\~vt·\ \\ to)~· .. ' .. ' U.1. ilAIE- ' ,.YES! I OlllGE ·-.. TIEii ••• I .. 'If .. WT CUTS- 1:10NE I CHUCK! VEAL-.. BEST . CUTSI RIB 6RADE • 6000 .. AND \ .CHOICE! • VEAL-.. BEST CUTS! . . SHORT RIBS 1 f [Oif M1·x 29~ . ~-~9<8•• ~~-·I HOFfMAN FIRST QUALITY 4I ~~~QIC SLICED EASTERN a f:f IJ#I. A~s ,~~OU$ U.S.M•DleooDO.NliM. 69' .,_ ._ -mT CUTSI ROllD STEAK .. • .. ~TI)' ~ ~ St0tt':!E 1t ..,Tki 9ttevP!!~LfTi ~tsr·~7,.; ~ ''"~ ...... .. 14 .. r ) " . ~ . ' .. .-A~ SKIPPY -TALL CANS DOG FOOD Stok•\y'• ''"''' ()l. f\"t~ff\l i\\\Cl ·~ DR •• RQSS DOG ·FOOD YOUR CHOICE INANY C°"'bin•ti°" ~.-~ '~• *~1111-~· ·-•1•1- .. ~ !GIANT ' I-LB. PKG. . -, iii· ' I ,6 PK6'~ ' an~ra!,!!?~ ~-H ~ ·-/ ~-· I PKG. IN 1/ ... s CAKiRrMs IX ~. 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