HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-14 - Newport Balboa Press' 'Tth YJCA.R -NUMBER 78 NEWPORT BE4CB, CilJJ'ORNIA. MONDAY, l'JCBRUARY U, 19M Phone Harbor 1810 Meu1s to Vote 01 lo1d la1e ea.ta Kea VU. ldaool Dl..- trtct TOt.l'a IO to tM poll9 ,.._. T a.m. to T p.m. tom IOW to .... cSde oa two propmltioDa tnoi.tDc a propoeed "71,000 '-cl .... and acceptane. of a P.m.000 ._. f'rolll ~ .taLe. NEWPORT FREEWAY ' YOUTH DANCE AIDS FUND Preeentinr check to Mayor Dora Hill. .econd from right. la Darrell Haverfield, ea.ta Mesa, second from left, at Saturday night dance sponaored by Barbor Area Boya' Cl\lb on behalf of annual Heart Fund drive. 1l'nm Jett, Connie Vincent. chairman of Harbor drive, Haverfield, .Steve Watcher, Lldo I.ale, Joe Preininger, I.Jdo, ()range County drive chairman, Mn. Hill &nd Mra. Prelnlnser. -Gene Roel Photo u ...... u,. mom. wtJl ftlt- ance wMt dlatnct ldlool baud 11M1Dbere ~ wtJl ooww 9CMol bu.OdJaS aad upe•oa aMda throup tM DUt two ,..,.. DELAYED .ONE YEAR Legal Fight on ·P.E; Set by Cou11cil Immediate Legal Action Will Be Ordered Tonight Pa1se, Dockins Liquor Trials Get Underway JANTA ANA FEB. 1• (OC'NS) -TM defenae thJa morn.IJ\r open· ed argument.a lo atrtke onrt &el• tram th• rrand jury lndictment ap..lnat Herman Pau.ee, au.pended Oran1• County Liquor Control Of· fleer, and Glonr Docklna, Santa Ana juke box chain operator. Judge Weat a t noon dented the motion to atrike overt act.a 2, 4. 6, •• 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 111. u. 17, rtpit on throUCh 24. Trial wu t.o l'MUme at 2 p.m. Pauae &Mtrtedly uaed hia offl~ t.o tnnuen.c• u9 laalance of liquor llUMU tor h1a own belle11t. Oper- aUona alleredJ,y were ln eonnec· lion with a ·firm known aa Snug Harbor, Inc., Newport Beach. U8T8 OF AOl'S Attomeya Robert and Mu Hlll'- wttz, repreeenUnr ~. argued acta 1. 11, 1J and U ot a llat of 23 alltged overt act.a ahould be etricken becaUM ot th• atatute ot Umttat.lona. By BEN REDDICK AnJ act occurrtnr onr three Condemnation of the land.a and facilities of the Pacific yea,.. ~fore the tndtctmmt would Electric Railway lving between Newport &nd Balbo& Blvd.a. faU Into thla cLuaitlcatfon. It wu ,T-•lated. &nd 30th St. and McFadden Place in Central N~rt-Be&eb Jud«• WMt ~ and ordered are& ia expected to be ordered by the Newport Beach City anyUUnr In act 1 up to Oct. 1, 19151 PoWa1 ~ an at Rea ldool. BamU• aad Jle,.r Plaoe: Kala BcMoJ. l lOl Nnrport llhd. and Monte VIM.a 8cbool. Kont. vi.ta aad TUtla A..._ Aay ...,wtanid .oter wtthla the boundU"IM of UM X... llChool ctt.trtet may ~. Police Probe Burglary . ~f Tackle Store Polie9 today -re tn...Upllng the early moml.JIC buf'slary of B&ld;y'a Tackle Store, JOO McJ'ad· den Pl.Me, wblcb WU bw"f\uUed aoma weeka aco. Oftlc.-. ald they dlaco~red the bw'Slar)' In proceaa Wiien t.bey beard ~ In the at.ore nu. on routine patrol The culprit ap· parently raa when M •• Ughta from the polie9 car. SeYer&l pack-ace• ot dpnttee and a flaablictit -. tlae _., utJclee mi..tnc. of· t'leera .Ud. <Jaaa la the atore were tampend wtt.b, llut none ta.ken. Arizo11 Cl1b C11cels fl11 to Tr1i1 Here PARAKEET SHRIU.S DIRGE OYER DUCK YARD SLAUGHTER Al&nned crie. ot a pet parak.et awakened Mrw. Frank 8tn.hl of 2H I!:. Cqela Meaa St .. Coeta Mua. early thl• m orn- ing. She n.iahed to tht' back yard where ahe heard frantic quacking• ot a pet duck, Willle, to find the drake'• mate. Sheba dead and Wlllle In lhe clutchea of a huge dog. The doC" ned over a 4·tl. fence which t ncloaea lhe yard, &he aald. t WWte'a wtnr wu badly torn. Mn. Strahl aald. The ducka were pet• of htr daughter, &rb&ra Ann. 8119 yean of age. TOO MANY DRINKS? Soft Beverage Executive Booked as Drunk Driver A drunk dnvtn1 cilarge will be both the red l1gh~ and alren on th• faced tomorrow memtng ln New· I pAt rol t•ar Md wu 1topped only port Juatlce Court by George Ed· I when he was forced to the elde or ward 811Yer, 62, of 639 Via L11.lo the road. He reportedly told of- Soud. Sliver 11 regional Jllanager f1ccra ht did not have to pay a.ny ot the Neht Corporation In Loe An-altf'ntlon to the red light and airen gele• · on a police car. Newport police arruled him W!lf'n .topped, he (Ot out Of hl1 Saturday night af\Pr they aald car. oftlcel"I •Id, but when told they obaerved him drivln« erratic· he wu belnr uruted tor dnink ally on N-port Blvd. from the drivlnit, police reported 811Yflr overpa.u to Via Udo. P olice aald JUmped back Into hla car and tried 81lwr made a left tum onto Vla to 11tart It. Office"' aald he became' Udo. alm09t runn1111 over .a traf· belllrerent and abualve both a t nc lal&Dd. 'nMy ftported he croe1-the teen• Of al'T'fat and tat.er at ed twt.ce Into tb• OD1!ominc t.raf· ne Ian&. I the police •talion. Silver waa r~ oaken aald the man Ignored lea.d on 12~ baJI. Council tontghL j the ullUty company la trying to atricken. Re a1ao Ulrew out acta 'nae O&obe-lll&m.I Clua C 'llaD Legal documenta authorizing the rrPate an exargerated value of 12 and 11. On 11, however, lh• clul> from A.rt80Da wW aot ..,nq NA w ~-TER tuinc of the action ha\'!! been pre--their local property tor purpoeea .fudc• acluded" only .tbe evtnta train on U.. W1eld la Ooll&a pared by City Attorney Karl Lynn of. the condemnation nfbt. which awrtadly OOCW"l"9d la June, 11-. It WU dlvle• I....,_~ 1111 . Davia. E n1inel!rin1 detail.a and dl'· 1 AU the !Anda llated for cmde*· JutJ, Aua4ut u4 ~llft'. 8 • lAM. 1"ullll•• "•t• f1f -....... -• t; 11 :: f>t .._ pmperty tOl(Plber nation a.re to pc'nnlt the .W'-•11'+•.., .. ~~~ eantnct. 111 No-eo.t& )(._ ~ • c with mapa huvt; be<'n prr pucd by of l'Oewport end B&Jboe Blvda., and vem r. December. and the flm Lane NpOrW Ra7at..a. ot 1'19-PROPOSED FOR BEA H 1\ c-1 <mllnK to Mayor Dora Hill, the area. l'ruent pla.rul e&1l tor Arrumenta prot'eeded up to near ball '-111, Md lllllft.ed apnnr t.r&la- City llln11:1ne.er J. B. Webb. I "ome of the le.Mier cro. ltreet.a In aeven montha ln 18151.. tin, OW'llMI' el tbe profMllklllA! .,..._ '"Th<'• <' 11 no rrason I can anllcl· ~ evacuation of the rtcbt ot 111.,,. noon on other act.a which the ..._ Inc •te to Oompma. "TlM Comp. pal<' wl'ly ll\1• will uf the cour.cU and thrn rl'locatlon upon It of ftnae atomeya aid abould ~ t~ ton Ot)' OoaaeU ..,..-to l'U.nd.lll ir.xpruattl many mont~.' •go buildings now fronUnr on New· ed out beceuae there waa notlllnlf & park &D4 ~ enw," .t1•·uld nut be ca1·rled out. I port Blvd .. the atrMl would then In th• grand jury tra.nacript to Lane aat4. Appraise.ta of the prop1•rty hav1• be wtdtnf't! from 32l'ld 8t. to a aubl!tanUate the allep Oftrt aeta. 'n.. clult ortctaaD7 wu adaed· twt n pro\'lded the city by a trio I proper tntnscttlon with PaJboa I V&Y WAIVING uJed to J1oW tralatnc In CoM.a by the rtealty Boartl. trom a com·' Place. The defen11e a1ao waa exJ>f>cled aid prot.eata from Ba.rbor Ana nf local rC'\ll estate m1 n &ppointrd Blvc1., ~mcwh' re nter McFadden K.a IDfcb JO to .April 10. Lane mr rc1al firm In Santa AM a nd • r: v TlllAL 8£EN to IU!k for waJYtAc of a Jury. Bo,... OD•~ u.. 11-park -.rd ll11t of tent1ll\'<' price" by the rail· I Jt la p~sumtl1 thf' tondeml"lQUnn Meanwhile. Docldna and hla c.au.ed 8t.M .. to -k a ...,. tftJn· "'ll\' rnmp11ny. would be brour;ht lo trial at the C'OunMl, R. M. Crookabank aat on Ing site. Chatnnu .A.rlllur R. Mey• ;\lore than $100,000 I~ l'\1rm1rk· cllrUtllt po&4'ible date and thllt \.ht' aldeUnu . era of the park bCJ&rd aatd Athlellc f'J for the acqulio1tlon In the bud· C'Ompll'tlon or the project would PAuse and Dockllla have bffn Director Rod llac)(jUlan ot the IC• t or the City ot Nc-w port Buc-h. lAke .. long b two yeara. a ('CUMd by Lhe gnnd jury of ron· Boye' Clult told dfrecton a t their 1: .. , ,.ntly the railway ho been 11plracy to commit acta lnjur1oua la.t mt-eUnr be wanted UOIU }urnling Into the c-lty a nd o wilnit So program for the rtlocatlon to public morala. to pervert and 1 ntld tor &J"CMry pnctlce. "No tn b(' 11nlt1at.lw uron lhl'1r nght· of the utility 11 belnc propoe!!d by oblltnict ju11t1ce and the due a d· acUon ,.,.. talrm by t.M lloUd," 01-w11y ~rnru or lna\111 nt lumbc'r the City of Nt wport Beach ministration of tlle laws. Meyen aid. (.;,,.~tlrll'ol Cnr out-o!·clty bullt.llni:~ Whether lhe raJlway would e•tab- Sona• nr tht tumbPr " for con· ll11h a freight yard at 110me other atrucliun rrojrcta IUJ r11r 11wny u p<ilnl along Ila rifht of way or Garl1tn Gro\'e. remove lt11 operatlona enUrely ap- f:XAGGERATl:D \'ALt"E parenlly haa no lntrreat to the AC'C'ordtnc to good auth<>ntY, city In Ila preeent f'ndeavor. P.E. TRACK REMOVAL f ROM COAST VOTED Endor9ement of the plans created by the SeaJ Beach Qty Impro,·ement Committee for removal ot the Pa.cific OFFSHORE 'ISLANDS' FOR OIL DRILLING DRAW RRE Coast Association. Associated Chamben Group Oppose Protect Oppoaltion to any ofhtlon •1a. land•" a.long th• c<>&at of Oranp County t or the purpoee of oil drill- ing WU exprealM!d ln th• rHOIU· lion• of two of the count;y'e larg· Electric Ratlway line from the coutline of Orange County ut rlYic organlsallona meeUng In BuatJnctoo B-.cb'1 current oil boom 1n the downtatna ane came In tor eomlderabJe dtacuaakla and great diuatlafacUon wu up,_ ed by all ~ U to Ul4I ll'IM• ner of th• dr1lllnl openUona. was unanimously voted by members of th~ coast affairs Newport Bu.eh over the weekend. Durlllg th• diacuaal.a of th• coaat UM>Clatlon at the yacht club Artist Mcwlorie Adams Plans Colorful Boardwalk Protect a,. w. w. O'nA't\'AT besch actually 11 printely owmt'd.. I Commenclnr et Hotel Laguna Lal'"\& ~ath IOCNSl -At a and contlnulnc 300 feet are 18 or polnl ln Ltaruna'1 hlatory when more ruatlc dw!!lllnca whJch face oil ta on the verge or converclng the old boerdwalk alonr the beM:I\. Ila famoua J.andaca~ a nd de•troy· .Their back yard• look out on quaint little ICl Pueo St. lng It• Innate charm and plctW'ftq· One Of the homu la that of uene.w. Lacuna Artlat Marjorie Mayor and Mr. J . Frank Wharton, Adam• baa tn•olnd a project that hk<' lbt> other dwelUnga of tlle alrc-ady hu caugnt the lmagln.a· collage -w mmer home n.rlety, uon of many or Jlll cltl&ena. built mAny yura airo w·hen Ls· Coaat Prot~Uvt League ot!lcera C'Ul'Ul wiu • wee ocean~~ ti.line they can make a"OOd uae of Mrl. ~dama, a well·kno•·n por· tbe plan when tbey ariue the Ls· trait paJnter and bel"lf'lf an old· fUD& cue lhle month at Sacra· timer an ~·1 bJ1f.1 l)l1tory, m•to. It la no aecret the Laguna ronc•lftd the lcka of convvt.lllg communay la' aroiaetl over thr u1 .. string ot dwelling• l.nto •n at· U\rt>atened f'ncroachment or oft· tractive C'olony of ahnpa. where ehore and land weU drilling tor oil. artiata may paint and display their Ltaruna Buch and Santa Bar· canv&.llf'11; «ramlcl11ta. their pol· bar. ue, u & mattu of fa.ct, tf'r1H. 11<'ulplor1 mold their clay. leac:kra of th11 oppo1lllon at lht' with aomewhere In the renter a Slate C&p1tol to leglalalton that little tea room ••hf!'re young mat· will remove pre~nt aaft(U&rd11 ronJI would tal<f' tum1 provtdln~ acatnat oil drllllng In recreaUonaJ home-made luncheon and after- l"eltckn llal area& noon tea. BEACH Pl"'RCRAHE C'OS\"ER810S EA.8l' Mn. Adema bebvee palnt • · Co . S The Orange County Coaat AllllOC· committee of the Associated Chambers of mmerce at· latlon met P'rlday at the Newport urday. The civic group mf'l In rt'g· l"<I by the faC'llllle" of th" line at Harbor Yacht Club and the r oot ular aualon at Newport Br11ch. the Segenitrom Brothers' Watt· affairs committee ot lhll AAocla t· t·~oenUn( the plan for rerout-houlli! area ot the tonner 98nta f'd Chamber• of Comme~e ot the ln!il' ,,, the T'a~1f1c Eltttnr unto Ana Army A.Ir BIUM!. County mrt Saturday noon. other c•x111tlng hnt11 In r.n ler to Cl'"· C"nmmlltee mrm1:>er111Jtresaed thfl The two groupe unantmou11ly t mui-1 hrlr urvln Wll1' J11hn T. f1\\'t that fl!mn\'Al or tht> utility J"A!Ol'rd rr~olutlon• ro11demnlng th<' Boyd J r . l'h11irrna.n 11! thr l'UIJ· ltn\' fn1111 the bell< h woul!I permit plAn ror the St•te Landa Commls· commltttt of lh" A "JI or 1" t e cl 1 hr nl'rt11Hry ""'"'""'"It ot the 11latc> I 11lon to call for lt111<e d!!a.11 propo11- Chamber11 to which the r111lw11y hlJ?hw11y along thf' cou t ano U · lnit t he creation of talanda off 'r.. city contempi.tu purchue of propertlee northward from Ro- ld Lacuna ao that Lattuna may have llUe lo the famou11 bearh· t'ronl trom lb• hot,I to Vlrtor Hu10'1. Many I.NI unaware that moet of what la considered public It waa polnled out that lf the atatt la permitted to build ''I• landa" offahore from RU11Uncton Beach It would be only a •hort [ ume until 1Ucll Lalande could be ' e.xpected oft abort trom all ouier f atate-ownfd landa. w bruahea and carpenter'• tool• can rradlly convert lbe homu lnln an attra live crnter. ullll%lnf porch· t'll and back yud1, ,Jdlng ehow wlnt.lowa and othu moden fea- -tlaued ra ..... I problem h•• been 1lele11at1?•I ranslon M t he ~t•te beac h al 11hore from Huntlncton Be&C'h !'\HOW lNLASD t.rSES I Huntlnirton 8'>al'h. • I fl!!ld . Both orpnl.DUon• heard hi h Unr p11rt1culnr point wu made m11ny per11on1 comment upon the Boy(! preA('nted a m&p w c d th11t with thr adthlion of the r11I· propo11Al11 And all upreued the ahnwf'd the line• of the raltwlly an I 'A 11y rrop<'rly to the beach a rea opinion that ample opportunltll'll polntf'd out lhal ellt'h cir tht cltiu or Roll'& f'h1ca'11 Tin <'Qn Bf'•ch for tldelan(( explora tion le avail· on th!! r oa11tline now IK'rvtd by th<' I would probably. make that bc11C'h able from on ahore location•. P E Ould ...... .nuall)' wo·ll ~<'rved ; · ' ""' • ., ,. · lnritl' en1•u1th to lnterf'l!t the State by ('X111ttn1t lnlan,1 hn 11 1 r 111 k l"<>rnml!U!tlln In acqulJ11llon Hunlington Bf'il<'h. Bny<l polntf'll of It. HARIOI w~ THEI out. '" and hu be('n ""r""'1 hy lhf' The re!!IOlullon peaed by lht line v.'hlch tra\'eh• l o 1 hll l rity roMt llftalrw committee now (!>I'll f rom the s t.anion 11pur otr tht glUI. to th<' entire directoratr of lht A• Oran1e County weathl!r r'J>ott: ta Ana m11lnl1nt. The &Ame line aoc•t~ Chamber• ot Commrr~ Variable hlch cloudln•• t.oday. to· all!O •rvea the S•al Brach Ammu· tor action. S1m1lar rNOlut1on11 han nJcht a.nd -rue.day but moetly rutlon and Net depot. bct'n paut d by the Chambers or aunny today, lncreealng nlrbt and Bord pointed out It would bc Commrrce of Newport Beach Seal momln« toe nl'&T the Cl>Ut nt'<'e~11ary to only build 3 m1lu of Bt&<"h and Long Bea.•h and b\' th<' Slightly cooler a ttemoona. High Jin• -ward from U1e ttXIAtlng end "" ~n 11 f 8 a.I .,.~ h. d today about 78. Newport Beach: . ....,__._..unc 1 o " ..,...at an u 1. t -• .. t or the Loe Alamltoe line n N rt Be h --ll air .empe,-ure -'!"'• ~·er the Dow ChemJcaJ Company plant •WJ>O a.c · • M. &l Seal Btaeh. t...oa1 Bra.ch would Jlrob&bly be lntf'~.ied In helping to build t.hl• Unf', Boyd •Id, ln or· d•T to remoY& the farllltlta of thf' n .llway from the nnr AlAmltoe Bay M~rlna which Lone Bea.ch le bWldlnc. 8U\'S llAaBOa AllE.A N~ ~ach and Co.ta M..a ~oulcl both be •~ed. and In ract. lt .... -*ed. lletJI.,.. ~ln. leFV• • O,.•d Mpl Fc11111d Dllll'O•ery of a dpr boll tu1J of o~Md wttel"I In her mall box •d· d..-ed lo the Rl'd 8napper and 1)d Brown. -ntr or the Rf'd Snapper, wu nported 14 poU« on Jan :M blc. Mr11. William &. &tf'll Of 21!31 C't1tt OriYe. ~ , ... tf'ra •·ne claUned by Brown.. po- lice -.tel. r-,. ................ . Ute....,.., -... l ... ,....1 ............ __ ., ~W...,_....y, F..._ t -·-II .....,..,, r• •• -,. .......,.,.-....11 ._., ~ ...... 11 __ • ~.r-.11 __ .. ............. "-~ "'"' .. .. .. .. .. .. t1 Prealdlnlf onr tht Nealon of the cout a1110Clatlon waa Henry T. Rttd of San Clemente. Special «Ueet• of the gTOup ••re Senator Johll Mul'dJ ant.I .,.A-mblyman Dr! W. Stanlry. Both pointed out It wu th<' obll~Uort of the State Landa Commlu lon under the law to protect the tnte~ata ot the 1tate In all natural ruourcu, wherever localfl<I. With petl"Oleum belnit" produced at Hantlng'ton Boeh from 11n a pparently nl'W field, bellrvtd to bf' a lu.kage or Pet PAit"e from lh<' tideland•' pool. Ult State Landa Commlaalon mull endeaYOr to ''oft Mt the opera.- Uo1t." RttrnUy dos.ml of boUMa la Ule downtown aree of RWIUnft:>n BMch. nMI' the Coaat Highway. and on the euterl.7 nde of tOWft b&Ye bfffi demoUlliid to make wsy few drUltJll rip. Aa IDUIY aa ten drilHlls r1p .... -'dar ID a lln· •" d\7 Modi. ~ O'IW' tllae ..... ., ... A90Clat.d a.. ..... fll OolnJMI'• ce wu Ray A~ ot Dua PolDL Re ,._w.1 U. ,......_ Um Ill U. eoa.t ••m r· ti-. mid tM cout atraJn • MM ...., -~-... Lack of BUdgeted funds, Mesa Protests Said Cause Continued Costa MeK protMtl ap1nat ~ of the Newport Freeway from 20th St. to S. Kain st. la lat& Ana may be having effect on tbe State Higbwq Q=='pfzn. the News-Presa learned today. The Loa Angele. office ot Paul prot.ecUon wtlllout _,.....,,. ... O. 'Ha.rdjnr &Ml,St.al\t atate hlfh· pUcatlon of factlttlee. • ()OU.SOU QJT .... way engineer. ttVl!altd Wdey funda IC. O. H~ dllllp ...... for conatnicunc the Mr• frel!Way for Uw hifbwQ di~ UM ._ couldn't be t'XJ>C'Cled before , the New•Preee at 'ta.t i-. ta.a It 19&8·6'•' t w al budget. There ue no prottata had Jaot bee ~ m !Unda &\'&liable In the <'UrTf'nt or In&' from lbe W... <=--a ... coming tl1ral budgtta, • •poke• man for the State Dlvlalon ot Hlghwaya rrporte1I. Altbouch no aC't1on hu bffn ta.k- tn by the division or tht C<>mmi.. alon on a r .. cr nt Costa Mua City Council re,olut1on rrquratlng the frteway dr111rnat1on be chanft'd to r. dlvided h1fhway with limited C'rouing11 tu1d no ffrvlfe road.I. ln· dlcauon 111 the 11hlrt w under 1tudy. The Mus council puaed the rf'· aolullon a l lh• recommendation of City Manager Oeorre W . Cotfey, who told the body. "Until the free· W9Y df!'11ignat1<1n 111 <'hanced, lt can't be anything elae." nu:EWA y BA'ITLF. 11ehool dl•lrtcta t.bat ....... .,.... have etarted ~ rilll• Ill· way. Th• proJ>O"d Jai&tnNJ,..... cut oft O~e Cout> ~ U.. Southern Calfforaia •Me O.U..- and allce. eo.ta ,.._ 80oal 0..- trict ln two. To date, no eohlUca lilM '- advanced by the atate ...._ fll highway• for aolYlne ..._ ,_ croaa·town tl'llffk, aM to Ule faJrvouncs.. Btb&e ~ .- occ campua. ~· ~ cantenuon that eompa.tiea flt tM San D1eio rr.ewa,. ...... wtUa uae of Wrt(tlt Aae4 would 4ltftft much Newport BlYd. tNfta aUD hollta good, tn .t-of Ule II..& Council action for t.be ~ change from tn.way t. a'rided Me•na have batUed a,talnat tM highway. freeway alnce Incorporation of the A aal1atact«7 ~ all pn- clty. The county board ot auper-telll&nta dalm, would M to U..&op vlll01'9 approved alat~ hl«hway N.-port BlYd., tn pncUelJ' the plllNt In a freeway agnement be-MIN ID&DMf' tbat a..,_.,, Ill tore Coeta Meaa became a city. _. ~ lftlAM ,.,_ t h• P1anned from 20t.h St. north ta a COMl H"'""'7. 'n.a. .-te ,,-C· u -la.ne trMway wtUi no~ ... ncs. .._ _. wt ,.,. &ant11 .Cepl fO(. aceea9 al WU.. 8t. Ind K all ~ ........ a le a four· art.to! RO&d. a-. ........., • ....._ lncl11ded ta Ule D'eeway ..... H.....,, 11 ...._ ... '--~ trom JOt h 8t. arf' t'tfo.leae fron~ far propft'ty rtctit. Oft tbe ,rope>• a,e road11 on f'lther aide. cottey ed 1'an Diep ft'Mway, MCOrdin' warned the Meaa Council In Sep-t.o t.be •tat• ~ ~r·• lf'mber, 1953, th1a would apllt the otnoe. ~...,., ..,....Uofla city In •two by precludJnc cro.-lane .,... ...,... .. tlllle ,.,ar . lnp wtlJch hi• &dmlntatrallon ,. JIU\tlac -.Id. t. a.r ._ f9Mway quired to tumlah tire ud police route ~ c:iir-.. 0.-t;r. 3 MANTZ HOME BURGU.RY SUSPECTS PLW GUil TY BAJ'<"TA ANA IOCNI) -~ ud ... ._..... ........ a.a. au~t• arTHted In tlvnn~ Karch'- with tlle 11 ~ 000 burglary of fam· Tlae a1o ... •• 1 f .... ' • wtUI two titMr ; & ........ ed Aviator r aul Manta Balboa A. 0Uraa. Jt,' ell • = "8, ... Iatand home were arraigned ln pleaded .,.Uty to •• ._ _. Superior Court here Friday. wtthholdllac tltO'-....... ll. la 1tated to .,...., ...... .,.... Plee dlnr .1tullly to teeond de-Shea tor a pcoi'llita-...._ ,_., "'" burrtary chargt'9 were Char-18. He • out • "811. lea Fredrick Pnnt&. 23, ot S,.... Uoyd .Al'ftll Plldlb,., a. ... and Pettr J. HILllWn, 23, fonn· wwwC I • .... I erly of l"•'WJ>'lrl Be11ch anl1 now of Ptacenue. Both 1ppl1ed for pro- bation. Thomu Han~n. t•nn brother Of Peter, ph·adf'<I ltUllly tci W1lh· huh.ling an1I roncultnK 11tolen proJX'rtY HI• arr11l1tT1ment on a burglary Chlll l:f WU Ul'rnl"f'd 11rtn Olstncl A lttirn~y Rol>f'rt Knl'eland rl'qur11\t"d he bl! 1rr111~­ f'd on ro11nVlw•1 tlt1'1 Thomu HanMn a.1.r. reque&tl'd a proba· tton hurinit Burrlary rhllrltl' e 11alnat Thomas HMstn wu 1lrop- ptd, Superior Court J urlg,. John Sh1>a tel sll th" r m b11 t1nn hr~• tn1t11 -. --· DeliYary Gi• ••IM~ l>eUftlrY ol tM N...,.. Hubor N.._......_ la ,_,.. anteed. A U ..,... ot tM 00.- munJty an rapd17 ~ placed 011 c:an1tt ...,.,.. Carrier boya wtU ....._ UMW papera before t p.m.. • ...._ day &11d ThV9day. U ,...,, paper la not deltwred by tMt hour p&Mee c&U Hat.._. 1111 a11d a 'Pf'Clal rvuu -. wm Immediately r e Ip•• d wD your copy of your N...,.t Harbor New•..,_, ., . .. . -t .... ..,. .. -~· --: -.. .. by Marjorie Adama wh11 P\'Olve-<J project whicla Mia caught l.n ttrcsl of many La"1nana. ' . ~ • - PA&E 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARB~R NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. I 4, I 955 3-LEVEL H0~1E HAS MORMAN INFLUENCE _... . .,, .......... --------------------------- ..,.. ••• DD LhlOINn Co. ,.. ............ -.. ... TOllOmlOW ........... .. .... ftlDAY: Qillll -_. -·-a ........ -· e,•b n -U<S BOYD- 1111 •• .... llMlevard • ••••• 'l'De • Vertl .. ,, ..... e Car,.et e Fo...- A boUM Oft thrM levei. ta UM unique future of the w. B. Har• per bome at 209 Drlftv;~ Road. ArchJtect ~nd the la J. Herbert Browntll. Joh Clark wu contractor for th• Norman provincial home. ar;D&OOM WINO LO\\~ Uvtns room, dlntns &rM and kJtcben ar• on lb• main lnel u you ent.r th• houM . Th• bedroom wins ta down two atepa off lb• dlntns area and tbe den·p•ll room ta up alx atf'pa juat to th• len ot the entry hall. Jt hu It• own bath. The two-car ..,..._ ta bf.neath thla aaction of the houH with an Inside at.airway which le&d8 from It to the dlninr area. NOIUIAN Cl:ILl.NO Ct-lling t.rM~ent In the 11Yln£ roQm follow• th• Norman lnflu· ence. It Is p1 ched from four 1tdu and completely panelled. An old cran~n-y chandelier lamp which hang• over the dmlni room table I• the decorattnr theme for the dining an a. The kitchen 11 1&r1• and dt-algn· ed w ith quanUUu of cupboard t!p&ce. St'hind three louvered door• the wuher 111nd dryer twln11 and their cousin, the laundry tub, an hidden. NOUAN CEILING-Warm toned wood 11.neling marka the Norman ceiling in the W. B. Harper home, 209 Driftwood Road. The fireplace and bookcase divide the living room from entry hall. Sliding glu.e doore behind the dining room table open onto a petJo and garden. -Staff Photo GARDENER'S . CHECK LIST 1. P1aat tbfoee hardy ....... now for ear11 aprial' blooms ,...... baby prlDlr-. cal· rndulM, \1ota.t Ml4 ..apirac· ANYONE FOR S9UEALS? Pigs Feet Find Their Way Into Intriguing ReciPes lly C AMD It: CAXBON tender. A bout half way throuirh Then baa bHn an old poke lbe cooking add 1 cup of vinl'car. about the bll mrat packers utUi&· s r:R\"r:: IT t·p bi« e-ry pan of • pli but U1e .fo'rom ht-re on th~re are 11evaral aqt»al. but lt won't be Jong before prooeduru. The feel can be chill· Ul~y l\aYa nmf'ditd Ulat 1ltua-r•I nn I eaten u I•. with a dditional UGn. I \'lnl'i;ar and a lt and pepper put Our su1t1ut1on l• they record on lit the table. Or the bon".• m11y tb" horrl,..1nant l!(')und:i and mar· Ile n moved, And the mf'at packed lcf't· Ull'm in the name of mod!'m I In aome liquid In which It was ru~lc w:ider auch Ulll'a u "Tom cooked, in a lot.I pan. chilled and t he Pipt'r'a Son Suite," "Mltlwut sliced and eaten like head c•htfft. Sympb()ny" or "( "hllllr,.n'a Ultlc· But beat of &II, the feet a re p1a·t<>-rn•rktl Cumrr" taken out or Ulelr liquid, cooled r.A Ill", T "''-"'· Pr.t.'T tnou1<h to hand II', brullhed with melted butter and rolled In bread Crr~• nJy t h" nritt to lhe hu t ti 1 n~• If'> the 11queftl arc thr e11n. LA 1L< and f~t. Tne ,.UC<"U•f\11 mnt- ••lor "' pr<'!'f'ntrd 1''11 h the bull'• '""' It. r. r plJ:'.~ ••r.s, the-y are U'l4'•1 1;11~111<'••!!1111\· in trylni; to make •11k pur!lu Plg'a talla uaC'd l ·l find thf'rnl'('I\ u thf' laJ1t rrm11ln· ln;: morll#I~ In olht'rv.1Mi rmpty m· at l'l\M'• dur1ng the dismal )'H D ot -r rauonlng. crwnba. Thty an then put under the broiler 1''1lh a bciak flame and brOWfted on both eldM. J6 m1n· utn ot brotllnl' ahould brtnr Uiam lo perfection. \\'ilh lhla homely dlah paae a llllle cruet of v1nerar. Good ao- companlmenta are amau bolled and buttered potato b&lla du.ated with chopped paraley. frellb epln· acll In ere.am. crualy French brHd, a llf ht while wine. or beu; and tor d-rt. a bake<t apple. THIS WA l' TOO the leavf'• In only the water that • oa11. clings to ~em from the wu hlng, !. l'ou aWl t.ave time t.o Pf'e\-t In • OOMrM -enamel~ -pet, u --PMCbJe&LClll'l '"-~ A quickly as pou lblt . DMlln llnd attra)' of bordeewt mhi:ture mn11h Wf'll with a potato ma~htr. &Dd oil or a aoluttoe of ~­ clmn poli-Jpltldt. In another pan mt lt (for 2 bun-a. Time &o .prepare fer apn.1 ! chu ot 1plna ch) a l ln<'h 11llC'e 1_·u1 pea& ._ u a rmalcb from a bar of bu tter. Blfnd In 2 work It arouad carneWM. lavel tablupoona of flour. Add the rhodoclell4roaa aAc1 uaa-.. spinach to thl1 wh,.n hot. Cook, placlDI' oee l8dl of muk* •••r a.nd as It t hlrkt-oa thin It alli:htly the rootinr area of the ~t. Wit h t hin c"tum. ll 1hould not bt' A\·old dlat.arblal' the p&uta' MIM)' when finished, Ju11t l!Ofl and .-Uow roota. c~amy, but 1t11l holding lta Ahape. '· Sooll It wtU be too late to Seu on with aalt a.nd peppu and a ptMJt bare root •l~k ,.1aan7 Jood duaUnir of irrat~d nuuneg. wtth ~·our plaet1111 of r-. fruit t..-.. f1owerta1 W- Five Real Estate Men· Get Licenses SACRAMENTO, (CNS> -The 11tnle real e•l&te commlaaloner baa armounced laeuance of five re&I eatat,. aaleaman llceneea In New- port n u ch . The llceneu wr rt-1 .. 11ueil to Albe-rt 0 . Subt. 3112 W. Newport Blvd.; M. Wortbtngtoa l.Aa, 224 W . cout Hlg'h-7; John P. BuUer and Donald C. Thom p- aon. 3201 Cout H ighway. Md M l· lo L. Alnaworth, 230 30th St. ROBERT and llhruba. Pta.t • ..._ bf Marcll I for beet f'NIUlte. FORB.ES . .. ., PBONI: BA.altOR SlOI But pl«•' fttt ! :>;ow these a re a •ft'f cll!ferrnt lh11l« apJ.n.. We o n<'<' had a frW!ld. wbo on atop- pl.n« by to report on eome new n•~r:hboni Vt'ho had mov•d ln ne~t to him. A&ll'led up b1a dla~t• for th .. m by aa,tnir: '1llt')' actu&lly ••t pip' fttt :" Obv1out'ly very od1oua people Spinach In cream: Wuh lhoro- uchly a tJUlflcimt quantity or epln· ~;~~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;g ach. Two bunrhea will Ml'V• S pee>· Ii pie, but uthu aklmpily. Cook Wrll. fJ'1end8'11p belnr the pr•· d ou. U11nc It I•. pl•u e don't look Into my n-frlt:,.rator just now, Uptain. Atil't'T FAJ\o"'Nl:E 8A\lj '111• hllnle Fannt r cooac book ot rr-16 an <>ld·fuhtoned .-al· -e eaDed --r.nta )ta.Me" which ha.a not.hlnit lo do w1th the Oruid Olla1M nt lhf' country. lt la frank· ly a~ of family ro•)kHy. w hich ta t..be n-clpe tor p1aa' fl'rt hope11 70U can find tbe fe.f't all cle&nf'd I at the pork-butrher 1 but wlun· tMn th. tntorma t1on for <1olntt W. operation It you can't. Once lll•Y a.re cl~ a.nd frtt from brlatlu, •• we luck y onu are ab~ to procurl' t hl'm ln our martrrt.a. follow Tant• Marl• tbu~ ly : Put 6 cltant'd and •l'llt plg5' feet In a d~p k.-ttl,. Covt-r ... ,.u 'IFIUI .. ter. Bring to a boll and n lDO\'e all 8<'11m. Adtt 3 !'lovra of prhc, 4 clovu. 12 r ruthed pep· pern>m,._ all to taate, a blll boll· t qoet of raraJ•y. and cell'ry t'lpll. I 3 '-Y lraffa and a apni: or two o( I ~·· 2 Iara• onlona cut u p and a carrot• al110 cut Into ,.mall J>ll"<.'· ' ... Let all ('OOk alowly for 4 to a aioun. or until the bonu ~p•· .,. .. ...UJ a.nd lhe mtat la very ke:idy Mixefi ' . 'J'>crefe WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE 11& C-rdal Wa, COST A MESA LI 8·11ft1 Qa&acy a HWJ "4& UuUQsto• 8dL La. MID I . DotM/tJ Hall Construction Company OE.'liEAA.L CONTUCl'OR8 tal-D W. CJoMt RWJ. l.Dert)' ,__, S-..rt BMc.11, Callf. .. ARCHITECTS Ma.Mn of America. ........ Of Arclaltects J. Herbert . Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Fredericlr Hod9don George Lind Richard Pleger .IAMll D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 600 OoM\ Blv4. OORO!ll A DEL MAR .PBOl\'YJ BARBOa ntl PRIMULAS Plant them now tor a lot of color In that ahady apot ln )'our yard ~~,t~':~o~~~~ ur J:.~~.LJS~ ... ~~~ 10•.,, PIA.'llTS la 0.le .. -··-·---·----·-·----·-·-·-·-doL 50t 5 & 10t NURSERY For OM Week Only GALLON PAINT SALE! LOW-LOW-PRICES (a-d7 Klaad Colon ) ~ s44s WALLHIDE 8aUa nnw-per ,.... ____ .. la .. rtor aallber Bue WaD P•t No ... •r ..,_.. aauka ....... , HOUSE PAINT per raL--.. ~s•s CiMEifHIDE per iaL--·-·-··---.. ~595 &,...,............. s4•s PATIO FINISH per,.. __ _ F• _ ..... ..,...,. noo,.._Whn De i.... SAYE $2.00 WHll 1 1..Uot1 or more Pala\ ....._ ..,.._MM -' a.~ srs .RUSH NYLON Bal8TIZ9 8J:T IN KUllNK------- •TellM e IMte•Uoa HuL•Ult Newport I••~ ,, PWllta CONTI.ACTORS ......:N'ft&L -INDIJSTIUAL CJ&U. 919Wl9 9'11111 PUil SftUIATK. WITllOVT OIU.SG8 -&. ...... &YD. ....... MAX W. POPE Inc. OL~ OOSTaAC'l'OU _, .... Aft. ~.a .N,._ ....._al UUt· e P l':\"ELOPMENT Newport lleM-JI U...rty I-nil SWINGING BOOK -Whima!cal note in the ~pact bath room ia a white, louvred ..winging door wbidl ...- arates toilet from the "9t of the bath room. Wallpeper ta white background with red and pink ro1a. 'l1le Is white. Towels match color of wallpaper deaign. -Staff Photo 1Qua&ty Printing, Harbor 1616 SPECIAL • While they last Local Maa Ill Cnnll s A'N-r"A A°NT<o7cNi>::A' twO. car oolllalon al J'OW'tll and Flow- er Sta., Sult& Ana. r.cenUy brourht ml.nor lnjWiee to a moth· er and her 90n. Ana and her ta-,,__.. ... ---. aWi; -.1aun. ............... ... which Mn. UtUe -41rtn1C --st.nick ,.._ tk ,.... .... -a-c WEDGEWOOD Gt!raldina LU.l~. 17, of Santa a twu. Or1ftr ol tM .._ car lnvom-d WU Ce.. ......... l• E. Balb.loa m•d.. ~ aid.. Model 935 K Range Reg. $214.95 D&A.PE&ID -l1PllULSTEllDIO -llLll' 00\._ WAIL· PAPE& -~8 OO"'°Ll:TZ Dl"'DW Dl'JCOllA~G LAMP UGHT SHOP .....__ SMALL ENGINE IEPAa md yin For •-r ..__.. • Boat• • c-t,...._. c Q 's • A.-ta ffW ~ ~ ~ 111 & a.- Eact-BARllATB EJ..IX,"'l'ltl A llFO. 00. 11'6 W. Ceut l'llehaY Xewpert a.-. ft. U Miii Walt-...,,...., --1 You cati haft t~:,f you imoll a N"' Fmdom Gu Lauodty. Thr k~ appli- • 1nces-1long with your automatic wuhtt-ttt an automatic Gat wattr bnrtt and llJtOCDatic Gu cJodm dtyef. Gas M•n wattt tbrtt timn &stn than any~ pnctic:al furl Th.is rDrUll that Gu hu th~ fur rtconry rat~ eeecW .,..., ..... ,.. __ ic --*r. ,_ k ..ir., adrcl •• sar<M-... Mamira,._ ..._ Stt JOlll' -.in· ..... °"' ..... chin. Gas Mia dodia m.r .. .., odwr tutomllic furl, IOQ. Simplf .. rinwd uu.odrf • .. ....-at1( Gat cJo.hn dtyu,...t an-~ ... rimr • all ]"'Cl8 Wt a. chr ......... IWl'ft· NOws-m8995 "'.mvum, IRodry you'ff ettt done. ~ operating coat of a Gu dryer for a typical family of four is Im than }~# I mooth. Stt tM ""' auromaric Cu clochn dl}'tt' and .. -.~r hnrtrs now If ck&Jca' and J'OUI Gas Company. IOflllll .. COIN'111 eat COM•ANf ' _...,. ..... .,..",,_ .................... .. ----On.17 GAS .el• .. ~oa 8aola mod..-n auM»matlo appllanoe• Nor11 -TiDf p m-0-.... & Meniff Gas RClllCJft 'ake' s Appliances yin I •TY I 1141-S&YICI 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • - I , \ I .. ,.. COAST PROTECllVE LEAGUE 'Petricnic~ INDICTMENT 5nCKS DEATH NOTICE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PA6E 1 MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 , HEARS LEGISLATORS ON OIL ::e •==~ ., ConYids Ray Adams In Liquor License Case Stanley, Murdy Explain Bills to R9CJ11late Coast . Oil DrillillCJ _ .... wttw ....... , ' • that -_. ntz zn ~ MJITA AKA (OCM8) -TIM Di.t. .Atty, Robert IC'AHl•"d ar- ftnt -iDd6cted by <>ranee l'\lld Adam. took tbs mcmey un· 1or ODart ,._,. ....... OUtllllr C ~,.. TICSlWi••. liquor-prob-dw falM pretenML H1 -...rted BJ DOllOTllY DD aocHE8 Barbara bm phl4'd, I expect to oa w.-....., ...._. • .U. me .,._. iui-J J'rid&J an.moon Adama repreeented to Ml8n J'or- An o .. rtlow crowd at the Cout· walk right in h11 ahadow and set UUJ t. &M -a. .......--~ at cran4 t.beft. .tu t.b• money .... needed to ,_, aJ Protective uacu• maeUnc wt the n me bill paut"d for Oranc e Anthamy c . .' ~•kll. .-. au I DelOlnntlaC a little onr one off b.l(tler up. whlll actually It Monday nlaht cot lltt.U hope from County," Mur<ly prom~d. Santa._ A.._ ..._a 911fnklv c-n Department -.e't. 'nll.n wu tal.M repruenta· Ulelr leclalatlve repreMntalJv .. at \\'ILL PRO\'E WOil~ ?Co. I )lr7 nturned a suUty •er-UOn, a facet ot gnnd theft, ac· sa~ramento for prohibitory 011 Auemblymarr Stanll'y, howeVf'r, He.Im. Scoa. pa C'w wll-., dkt tlplllilt Rq Adam-, 55 of eordinc to Ult d1-tr1ct attomey. dr1111ng le(l.1lallon tor the l.Aguna· doubtPd Ward would be able to ot Newpgn ~ .._ • a. m 1n"" a Sacramaito and W~-Kneeland wu jubilant over the B•n Clemente arta. get bl11 btll out ot committee. For Sl&Dd wbm tM ,..._cam.. a Mil -.i-. j,; c. lobbJillt. Jury'• nrc1.lct, It wu th1 fl.mt con· CLAaA AONm 8DIONAON Mau wu webrated Saturday at t Liii. at OUr Lad.y Of KL C&r- mel Olurch tOI' Mrs. Clara Arn•• ~. '8, of• 1311 s.ubore Drlft, wbo ds.d 'nlunday at Or- anp Oowlty R09plt&l after a brief UlneM. Roary WU recited at I p.m. Friday In Balta 'Mortu· ary, Co.ta Kea Chapel. Interment wu ln Holy ~ctu. Cemetery. A natlw ot Buffalo, N. Y .• Mr1. Simon.eon llv~ here 18 years. She ti IUl'Vlved by hf'r hiuband. YEii SUSPECTS ()ea .... ,,_., ........ pncw owner, b&I entered an In• nocet pl• on a charp of re- celvtnc etolen cooda. He s. 9Ched· 1~~~Ct uled to lo to tri&1 b1r. nut 11 month. He pnviou.ly wu acquit• ed by a Superior OcNrt Jury cie a rec.ivinc •tol111 property count. The Manta borne, 801 E. BaJ J'ront, wu burclarlaed May 10. 19~2. AU MJSpecll in the burclary • are tree on ball ln an upen forum dtKUMion at that reuon. the billl a lready in· to fll"O"eMiac& SM ... jmnl te. '11-tur7 Nbamed an lnnocet .tctlon b)' a jury here ln~onnec· the hlgb Ktwol auultonum, State lroduced and caps ble or moditica· lJtied tMI ~._a,_.. ~ • -i -of th• two-tJoa with liquor lndJctmenll by Senat.Jr John A. Murdy, oC Hunt· lion will prove their worth. bt GM. ,.__... ~t .,alut Ada.Ju the cr&nd jury. Three prevlou.a lncton Beach, and 8tatti Auembly· th~~~:t~lng thll opinion. StaAley Judp Gudlllr ..W tllll ....,_ -r s 11•'7 to cmnmit the crime trla1' had •dededlnh h~~-jw1ffl. Harvey of the home addre• and a daughter, Dolorn, aleo of the home addresa; tbl"ee 1l11lera, Mr1. Role! Gorman, Coeta M.eaa, Mre. Wanda Brown. Buffalo and Mr1. Victoria Harma, North Tonawan· da, N. Y.: bf'r brothf'n Ml('.hael and Walter Gruber, both of Jiu!· falo. STOP SUNGLARE · . . man l!:arl W. Stanley, o( Newport , mw ..-..-.--w.. at tMl at..._• f'IC'9i'rine a brlba by Went announc • p....., to fl e Beach, wlthatood . . to the but a id W1m1'11 bill would be le~ poiDt la tbr tnaL Ha .-id it ..ad a ,,.... Clftkia1. a motion for a new trial The jury ot their abilllie• ... a barrage of clue leglala~ion tor the reuon .,_ .,,_,111cd w1la tlloe *'* 0 •t .n1DGllENT•TDIE deliberated one hour and aeven queatlona from a capacity crowd of that communittea &long the «>elll. wu 00 the ~ SemMth Mo minute&. Adamt ball wu conUn· .. Dctr Hood• Me ..... t. aroUH<1 home ownera. from Santa Monica to Sah Die~. ..i-.. rriaon Ml ued at l&OOO. would dem1md the u me Je~la·~ Petncrncb •ace:-.. of.,..._ U.. f~ proaowicanent Of judc· BOOF.D AT POINT8 lion. l nted .-WtJnc XrL BnW1CW " • .,._ -1 at 11 a.m .• March 1. A.dama Wbadow We Awaiap 8pech .. At polnll during the mN!ting If the Ward Bill could be pau· rum. ~ c1; 8l.. J-.-Aac-e -wu ...-Md O&I ball until that 8tanlf'y waa bo~d and groan! ed Stunlev aa1<.1 thl11 coa11ta.1 a.ru Nov. 7. l16t. clnk. Women to Hear . Candidates in Campaign Pitch PatJo Covera la followed many of hl1 1tal tment11. w~uld ho~<' ~o' fight every two J~e GardMT ~ a -tnel .--., baldin&' and ~ddy·faced, Hl~hllght ot the evl'nlng was ye11r11 !or r t'·atflrmation of th.. for 9::10 LJl1.. ~ J:I.. -. acecU8ld bJ a .,.and jwy true Car Porta 8toN t he comment by Senator Murdy bill. as the 011 companlf'9 would He drs:m.-.1 OW jm'y *'rtb' lllll ot U-. unlawful taking of on Bill 33e, Int roduced by Senator make evt'ry effort to gf't lt tt-aftff maJonc ts. ~ _.. "-M1-)(elllM For•ter, \yard of Santa Barbara, prnident pcsled. Z3a Lowv Q1tr Drive, Lacuna pro-tem of the Senate. Therefore, Stanlty 11&id. he bf'· • Beacll few asrtn.ertnc an on·aale Thia meuure. Murdy a id, 11 llevell his bills hne a bettn Grmd" I.-M••h c-nl llq\aor llcenae tor her San CUSTOM TAILOR CJuopM. Awalap Tla6i Awalas la ~ .. lle'fW' C!ftdl.. GwkM i., ~. t*lp fll peel exactly wh&t 111 d1111lred by the chancP ot pauagf'. I __. J J-. cap.trano bar. -Coa1tal Area Protective Leacue. ~IEASl.RE ISOO!llPLETE Willtout la•eli TM loMl)1lt ~ltted taking which lffkl to prohibit oll drilling Qu<'rled regarding h111 Bill 1709, 1 t.be ~· check trom the La· commenclnc one mlle north of Stanley ex11latned the mealUTI' u SA.Yr.\ .A.'l;A FEB. H tOCNS) c-8-dl woman. The crux of Emerald Bay to the .eouthern llm· Incomplete and not b1 It.a hnaJ _ Tbe Orance Olimaly Grand ,ur'I U.. arr nta '7 Deteme Coun· lt.1 of San Clement". 'Ille Santa itagea. ··~t ane.d wtU. .... • lwn 11e1 Z. B.. Wenl .... that Miu For- Barbara blU embo<Uea the 1ame L1m•11 17 and 18, he 1ald, reculat· UV.. . ua 1 ~ tbe fart at«r 1aww what •he wu paying The public 11 Invited by the Wo· man'a Civic League to hear all candidates fo r city council Tues· day at JO a.m. In the city ball counell chamber. Each will preMnt hi• platform, and there wtll be a quutlon and answer period afterward, with all propo1lllona explained. Jud nttlvecl Dtrec!t fr11m E~land 111Dbank • Lehmu .I • .t ol, Mlunla Protect Furniture, Carpets, Drap 11 • SAVE -Buy Direct from Factory prohibitory featuree, he nld. ing o1J drilling until 1975. are the II.a ~ ~ ta ._ up.. t.be moa.ty lot and eot value re· "I'll uphold the Santa Barbara important section Of th .. bill. l ceind.. bill," Senator Murdy told league "Any of thel'M! bills Clln be en· William C •B:g BID) BomMW We.t ecmtellded the caah.ler'n member•. adding he> agn ea per· t irPly rewrill<'n.'' he told home baa bttD 9UbpraMd by the JUrJ cbedl -·t eve.n endorsed by aonally with Ill eentlmenll. own;.-rs who are fijthUng to u w for an "~ toda,!'. llowe.-er. 1tim Ponter until more than a ALUMI ·AWNINGS OF HASTINGS 14'7 W. ITtla St,. C..ta M-. Calif. For Free Estimate Cal U 1-3351 "It Santa Barbara can do It. lh<'ir inveatment11 from the en· the el.US'<'f' f"lt..fourth di.atnd. -1h after nb• bad ncelved her ther. lan'l any rea.eon why any veloplng coastal bli ght. Bo.rd of Equatu111•-dlld .tid liquor lkenw. Having joined the Coutal Area Protective League, the local group II fighting tor preaervatlcn of the coaatal region from oft1hore 011 drilJJng. Thi• may be dlacuuf'<I to- morrow. The World'11 Flneat Fabric• llNIH Newport. Blvd. &J I-HM Cl lllb . Ne. ol 5. I> C.""'rt clwl>) SANTA ANA ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Ph Herbor 161, other area along the co111t cannot Sttmlty'11 8111 27::18 requll'U 011 1 not turn °1'------ do It," he commented. ro11p&nh•11 to comply v.1lb city or· .A.sEt. Alty. ~ 'r'--W . r . .,.__... ·• ·· •· -~-·-· ··· "It ;.Na.rd dOH ret hlJI Sant• u1nancf'8. I Martl.n huddkd bndlT wttb lbe ----------------------------JllJ'Y and DIA. Atty. Robrrt Kl:ltt- LAGUNA ART fen1I l ..aguni .. ll bomu against. thf' ~d L ')'2 t.IW':l left f ar parta -· erl\'elopmi; oil mdu11try 111·11J point DO'rn. to lltrs, At!a ms' project u proof I Grand Jury J'onman ET~tt that Laguna hu a roncf'rtl'd pla.n I R.<-t>w A.id ~ JUTJ' coWd co alw9d to further develop ll11 art colony, •'Ith com.irullelt mauen for Uw r.- provlded obnoXJoua tndu.stry kef'P8 ma.lndt>r of the daJ'. Bdon ~tt-ture• and provldlnr perbap• 200 rental 1pacu. The 1pece between the Mayor'• home and the adjoining dwelling could be bricked and planted, ~· Adami think•. to be ueed for the tea room patio and outdoor Ahow11, aheltered from ocean breeua by a out. l1J\g dowD 10 CGlll.Clttee ._ - Laguna111 believe legtalat.on lhf' JUJ'Orl. KDt'da.ad UMI XartiD wlU then better ~e the m111t&ke of had a talk With Kart D. l"ncir. n- IJ"rmltllng oil to rutn one of the ported to be a hDntRI Mr -.~ Stale'• foremost artistic and r~· er. canopy and 1tu1 wall. creationaJ center• ..• wiU aid La· It ,,.,.. l.be ~ ti.. BoneDI i:-una to turthet 11erv' the million• he.a due~ a ,......_ to appear Mre. Adam•' ld.. 1oe1 back O'l&n)' yeara &(O befOl"I lhe Fu· ti val of Artl moved to Irvine Bowl, who annua.lly enJOY Ill unique al· before the local ~ tr11.ctlon11. when one of the annual 1ummer M • Ad •ts Futlvat. waa held on El Pueo SL, orr1s m1 back of the row of <lwt lling•. Thoee whoee homH fronted the 'Peep1·ng Tom' Boardwalk generoU1ly m ade them available to the artiall and craftl· s 25 men tor •a)lowlnc UMlr we.rel. Rap, Fine~ I The Pac.ant llMU wu lhown on Ule aide pord\ of Hotel LacunL A &"UlllY plea to a peepllag tofq I VlaU.ora lbat .wnmer Uterally chargt was made In N t'WJ)Ort J~ l tell IA !Oft with tM J'Htlval'1 lice Court thl• morning by Dan.a locale and It turned out to be one Carr Morr\&. 21 of 121 Via Vt'llt&l&. of the moet ~•ful ot all time. Hf' 1'1'118 fined S2:> by Judite Doll-I trom an artlJIUc polnt of view. ttld J. Dodge but chow lo ~ A.KT CEl!ll'TER NIEEIJ five d&y11 in :o\l'IA.'J)Ort Jail. I Vhlltora to I.Acuna yearn. Mid Nrwport pohct urelltf'd Moma Mre. Adana. for a ctnlr r where lattt nl~ht w hen they were calif'd I they may meet and talk will! La· by Mrs. Jampa· 8 . BHtlle of 203 cuna artUll and craft.amen . • . lltenlone Ave. o m cers -id tM I o*"' a ca.nvae belnc painted, youth wu standlnit at a bed.room a -aver at work. w1n<low In hll! l!V>t'k1n11: ff'f"l JX'f'P- A1 one a pproachea Sta nford I ln11t through Venf'llan blind• lnto Untvernlty from Si n Fra~nct11co be the room. HP rftn wh"n h' aa•· conu•11 upon a comparable project. one pohc·rm1rn int o t h!' s rma of ti ,\lhl"d Art• Guild. 1nothf'r off1ce1. I ~ K.ANkEIS Dry CClll•tcm•1dcl ......,..._ .... UcM•~··· _. ... , .... •• T IP .,.._fl '?I h nn..I -.n1r 1e beauty and C'h&rm a re,.,. • ~ll'lrrt11 ws11 Identified by Mrr.. , 1 ,•'•I 1n courts a nd a1mpl!! g1u· H,.,,ttl" sn I hl'r two ivinA. K f'T'I· d• 11,. and the prscl1ce o! nandl· 1 nr th and floui;la-. "" thf' J>-NOn I na 11u1nir ..... .....,. cr11ft artl foaterf'd, whn w1111 J&1ltln.: on th<'tr 6·fL •·&JI ''"" s... •• .._ ....,. ""- It wa1 In t929 that a p<1rt1011 p<'rping 1nln tho> ~ctroom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of the Old Rancho de ha• PulgaJ& Thr youth 1•l rn11ted h111 &euo.u I;. wu purchued and lhf'r,. rrcale<1 to police. H H• J&hM • v.·t re found In thti 1tud1oa a nd ahope. thf' gar· hu• r1.r parkffi a block ·-~· df'n& and pallo1 that a ttrart vllli· Pound on h111 p<'!"l!t>n .,..as a ~tl tor• from llternlly evf'ryv.•henl. lf'lltr wh1rh he admitted wnt1.nr. Jnclude4 are woodcrnfl at11<h011. rolt(' .. saki. Th .. rharge of • ..,..,, weaving 1hop1. pottery ahopa. ('11ndurt, wnlinit • lPWd lettn .• ...,. 111any other•. 1HsmlMC<I 111tain11t thf' youth 111 J unl\()r mat.runl operate their court. own turoom. pn!parlnc the food ----..... -------- Sparke Admits ·Heroin Counts In Uletr own bomu anJ carry1111 lt to the cate to aerve. Today JOO membera ot the Junior Awull.uy devote one day a v.·el'k to either cooklnC or aervtng. Thi• acUv1ty 1N1tain.1 a children'• convalucenl bom• la UM CUI of I.Acuna )lra. SANTA ANA FEB H l~S I A-Ulinka protlll mlcht go -Don iJpark,., 2!'!, of Long lkech '° tM propoMd Academy of Arla. 1 today 1JW1tclwd hl.8 not guilty plea I M\JC'H IJUTEKt::\T and not guilty by rt•&l'On of ln...zi· The Lac"una art center, on a.a.. 1ty on two narrot1r" C'ha~~ l n cuna'a tamoiu oceanfront, would KUllty on both 1·ount.A. of COW'K. be conatderably dieter· Spark• waa 111Atf'd to l!'O ~o tn &I ent, featminC the artllUc ere&· In Superior Court hf're. J~ "°"' for wtuch the town 11 well Fra..nkHn G. Wul K hMiuled a rro- knawn. bat1on heannit fnr thf' n .. rerda.nt Mm. Ada.ma' proJ•cl would l!ffm March 4 H lw ba11 "''"-" r('lf'ltm~ to tit In nicely, 1u pporter11 N y, at ~-I with the Ctty'1 plan LO raae un· The dl'fend&.n t .... .,. HTf'llttd b) 'ai.rhtly ator1 building• to thf' north Shen.ff'• o,.put1e11 and =""''l!Ort of the row of old homea. .o that Beach poll<'f Dee. 8 s t ~•I I F'u.llt'r· thi.I ml1ht bt'comr an upanee ot tm Av,., He 8.11-"l'rtrdly ha'1 fl'fl.lr et.an. wbltl baach. i-rama of heroin on h.la pen<>n )(.any elvic groupa already have when he 'ntl'T'f'd the houll'. CONCRETE Satisf adion .. JUST -ll&HT" • ltlU1'mE • IEADY-TO-POUR ~­ ~ • • • ~ ... <_, ..... . ,._. ,... ........ _. ..................... ~ ~ .... ,... ..,: ~--~-,_ ~ ....... ~ ...... ,_ .. , .. BAY M&rc1 ftnt·band of Mn. Adam•' Dr. John A. Ml«'hell ot k etrn- project, tncludtnc the Lacuna Arta politan Hospital •nd DT. WIUlam A.oclation, the FeeUva.I of Art.I Muafelt !'Onducu-d ex1UT1ua.Unna Aeeoclatlon. the La«una Coordln· ot the df!f"ndant and held him le-711 W. 11tla St. atlnc Council. the NalJonaJ Lea· ,..tly aane. Howevf'r, the docton <"08T& JIBl.A. SU• of .American Pen women, the f"oun~~d~hi~·m~to;~be;;'~'r-Y~~c~b~opa~~U~tu;c~.;;;-~~==========='=t City Plannlnc CommlnetOI\. and ;; -.iy ctty ottlclall. P'•w haft been othn than en· tlhualaatlc. A.NTl·l.NDUaTllY It la thought e1t1Mn1 who tra· ..a al llMlr o'ln espenFI Uill mOfllh to tlM Slate Capitol lo de- --DIBT-- COLUCTIOllS ·--· -N.--anllm el .., ._, el .. RI .. llllQWMJoe .. A...ne.. ··s. ooUecUoM -Jiit• '--" We ~ .U CMt11. CB.EDIT BL...UV of w .. -.,. Oralle• eo-11 ·~ c .............. , Newport ~ Lac-lktM.tl a.ad Coe&& M- tN IUvenWe Aft.. r,o. Bos JM Nl:WPOllT BEACH. CAUF . SOUTtt ~OR~l consTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTllAL-COMAERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Oil TOO SMAU. :tsn SOtJ9 St.. New,..t ..... = ... - } • I . \ . ::;;- New 198·hp Mercury pulls 4 tons up Nob Hill Tough San Franci~ test proves thot Mercury'1 new dual-exhaU1t Super-Torque V-8 delivers more usable power to the rear wheels _where it counts I You may ntvtr havr to haul a 41 .foot, OOQ(). pnund trailer. But the fact i11 that thi11 car- 1 ~•ind.rd produrti l)n modrl-rHily pullf'd th i!I load up one of the eteepett hills in the country-a phenomrn11I tftmon11tration of the trrmrndnua reserve power in thi1 new Mercury Mootclair. -The-rc·11 196 honepower in it.s MW rum- TORQUT. V-8 m~nr. And thcrr·~ • nMt rfu1l- exhau11t •y~tcm ind a ~hllrrd carbur .. tor In put this pnwtt to work. You Sf'' far mMr than juel grratcr top ~rw-ed· You rnjo.r epln·~nd frctaW'ty, inetant ~pnn~ for peMin~. dortl~11 hill dimhiniz. Brilliant new aculrration at twry 1petrl from 1 mile per hour to whatever the law allow~, • But the M'rcury 11tory nf 1955 i~n't hllM'li on power alone. Thf're u e new improvr- mmu in beJl.joint front IU!llpcn~inn for evtn euin handling. Thrre are nrw improve· ments in Merc-O.Matic Drive for rvcn 11uiclttt action, gr~1tcr emoothnr<1~. Thcrr art n"" unprovf'mrnt11 in M,ri·u~ l.nl""'- 20~ Jn'l'll'f hnkr lming arr" for fl'tl'r &tOPft. Anoi M,.rcu ry ifllow offnl!'d in :l 11ttit'9 or rau. The.low ~nntdair (only 51J~i inrh"9 h igh) j, brin~ introduel'd thi' y ... r for the first timr. Thf! beautifuJ Montrrt'J' and lowr-t-rn~t Cu&tl)m Seriet bri~ • MrToury within the ran~ of almoflt n ery bud,et- 10 11tunning m'>dela in all. And cvf'ry mndrl: hv an all-new bndy on an all-new chatei&- lonR"' • lowtt, biAAf'r all o•eT. Ser these oompletely nrw Mttcury11 at our 11howroom1 now. Take nnr nut nn the rn11d for any kind of n !Mt. You'U Wad °"' why it pay• to owa a Mercury • . IT PAYS TO DIM A m E R [ u RY-FOR FUTURE sm111a: SUPER POWER ......... Ml ......_.... .. , M M l-'I "TOAIT CW ™I lOWtf," ....... _...., 1• .. tM ..... 11Mn, ...... I JOHNSON & ·ION, Lincoln· Mercury Ubarty~p .. · W. Cami HI-war NEWPORT llACH ......... .., cw. ' .. WHAT THEY'RE WEARING-Mn. Louil Mark~l, Coata Mesa. lett, member of St. J oachim's Mothers' Club, admire9 1ummer ~n worn by Mrs. J . Matt Niaaon, Sant& Ana and pure silk print modeled by Mn. Garvin Morse, right, at Fuhion Weather- vane ahown ln Sant& Ana Country Club Friday. Dreases were furnished by Rankin's aa wu party and buffet silver service on table behind the t hree women.-SWf Pl\Oto PRE'ITY PRIZFS-Shown ac:tmµing azalea pot plant, one of several prizea pre· aented at Friday'• "Fuhion Weathervane" sponsored by Rankin's for St. Joachim Mothers' Club are from left, Mra. Walter A. Miller, Coet& Mesa, general chairman of the luncheon and fu bion show held at Sant& Ana Country Club, and Mni. John Scelaa, Costa Meu, a.salltant chairman and bead of decorations committee. -Staff Photo Catholic Women Meeting Slated Re(Ula.r monthly meeUnr of C&t.boll.c Women'a Council of Mt. Carmel Partat. wW ti. held Wed· nuday at nooa lll UI• pariah ball. It wu .ruiounced today by Mre. John Ga... COUDcll prutdcnL \ 'Moppets ·Parade' at Harbor Yacht Club "Moppt'lll un P1u.1d<'. · th1r1I .,,.. , C"c11111r1l of St J amta Oav SC'h•'<•I nua l fa~hwn :.b•w 1n r t ht Y"!lll>.t'! All chlhlrt'n 111 lht' uh1~JI will 11<• l tl, wul be h eld Tue&tl&\'. F ri.I. :::? lZ nunn Ill :-Jewporl H<l~bor Ya. h' Clull unrltr !'P}l•ln~nri.h1p of I ht' St . J ames Aux. Sets July Party Date The February mrettn1t or thr Woman~ A11x11tary, St. Jam•'S Epl11copal Church, was h111rt F'eb. 9 11t thi' Parl8h Hall, with mt'm· ber~ ot St. Eliz.abcth'a Guild 1111 ho:1ttsl!(':i 11l lunrheon. A 8horl business meeting was prt'lllded over by J\lrl!. J . H . Rlgg1, presltlt'nt. A!tt"r ropc-nlng prayer•. by Mr1. J l r k Pinkham. Mra. Rlgg11 aaked Guild chairman tor brief reports of their a«"tf\1111!". Other rt'pOrti< wtrf itlven by Mmu . Harold Btrk. Unltfd Thank 11Hxll'l1>, !1t•111 k111d«"r11111 t c-n to tht" c-1a;hth i:rndr ~·~· ·~l'lllr1I ~· 11111 hll'I' •n·l !11 1 .. J . B. All>tnu' ar!' ro·chalrml'n ''' lhr !'\'rnt. 1tn t h11,,. plannf d " drro1 &ll\'o• t hr"1" or pink and whllf'. ua1n1 fruit hlo..om11. Bndge a nd canHIA will be pl•~'- ed after luncheon. Mra. Jackl'On " will take-re..-rvat 10111 at Harbor 3989. The work "" unknown rood man hRll d 011f' ll'I llkt-a \'efn Of W&tl'r flowing htdJrn under(TOUJ\d, N· creUy m11k1n1 tht rround snen. _,Carlyle Call DAN'S TY Sentce · ............ Ubettyl-2228 Oftt'rtng: Arthur Aune, church ;===========:::;; penodlcal11: Dan Pattison. rental a11lg'1Unent and Marsha.JI K~er on the &IIJ\Ual meeting of lhe Wo· man·a Auxiliary fl! the Loi All· gelea Dlocl"'ll!', htl!1 the latter part ot January at SI. Paul'a Calhed· ral. Lai< Angele1. MISA UPHOLSTERING Uplilo ... ,,...~ Ulilert'J M111 UIU Nwp&.. Blvd .. 0... ..._ It waA announced that the an· nual benefit party or St. Jame1 ~===========~ Church w ill be held next July 20. ;; A dt'll&htful program wu pre· Mnted by Mrs. Horace H. BenJa· mln or Balboa, In her comprehen· llv• a.nd 1Urrlng book revlew of l.n Hie Hand11. by Edward Balmer. PARKES · BIDLET lllOBTVUY Fol"llMrtJ • 08.6 V&L mAP111. 110~-o.a-­ Ubettf ............... PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 Wws Luncheon wW be served after wb.lcb a book r eview will be pre· 1e11t.ed by Mra. Jobn Murphy. Heeding the lullcheon eommlltee ta Mrs. GI.au, ualat.ed by Mmea. Arthur Weat, ~'llllam O'Bryon, The Prorr-son. a section of Donald Lewis &nd Joaeph Arnold. I !!:bell Club, wtU travel via ch&.r· Richard Allm&n with Mra. J!:dwln for Its monthly mttllng-and haTe :sponsors ELE ... CT ON ANN u..:~:.:~=-~.E.IH!-"oeULp! .. !.ali~ly~c&bk:alllllrm.&Q.an~ll..la_M ... ra .... +J.Mlt"IMred~bUuMt,1 lolt ... o AALo ... • aJAt!<n .. ge .. le..J•~F'·e~b ..... 111-+- ~~~~==irn11!1'lrc:m~&i·~-MSPRINGS lfor Youth to at· At the Feb. 10 meeUnr ot the • Coal& Mesa Granre. preaided over by Muter Donald Ste&.nui, an· nouncemenL wa4 made that the National Orange alld the Amen· can Plant Food Coullcil la 1pon· 1 aoring an essay contest OJ\ "01..ln· lllr Ground With FerUllty." Jt 11 open to any boy or ,.irl under 1 21 yeau o! age, an American cit· I.Rn and a re1ldent of the it.ate 1 Ln which the t'BaAY la 1ubmltted. A tot.al of $:.000 will be awud· ed. The cuay muAt be le.. than 800 word11 and mtat be eubmltt.ed prior to March 31. Any one w lah· Ing turUu:r cleLa1l1 may ca.JI Mra. J:{ank PhUUp.. Uber\)' S.-1820, Ol' Rfbert Perrin, a(11cullw'al in· 1tructor al Newport Harbor HIC'b School. Vt.rtou1 commlt~u n!ported progre.141 belnr made on project. under takt'n, lncludlllg work t.o Improve and beauufuly the ground• at the hi ll, charitable work being dont !or pat1ent1 at Orance County H••tal and lhe ritual and drgrft work to be put on tn May A ru1gnallon wu read trom water Gu•h uk1ng to be relJeved ot hi.a duue. u ual1Lanl 1tewa.r<1. due to a rhange In occupatJon. CHECK PRESENTATION-Mrs. George Hoag n. Lido IBie and Mrs. 0 . W. Rich&rd, Newport Heights. hold •so check. -St.ff Photo Hugo Belau waa fleeted to the omce. Th11 local Gr&ngt will be hoal iTQUp to the Pomona Grange which la made up or the nine aub- ordlnate Oranru In Or&nge Coun· ty on Ft b. 2i. Ensign P-TA Aids Clinic • Al the conclu111on of the buel· nu11 meeUog Bradley Hugbea showtd colored slid"•• Including viewll of the Palnttod Duert, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and point• nt lntrrf'11l on tht Eaat Coa.at vii· lled by h lmselt ant1 .Mr11. Hughe.a laal 1ummf'r. fV&lll lng lht' urg,.nl nttd t o welfare ch&irma.n. on Thurad&y r rn\'lde df'nt11l ('llrfl !or lcllool chll· pruent~ a checlt !or $1'0 to the Slate Master Plan for LacJuna Festival rlr"n w ho wouM not otherwise l-11ve 11 llnr11rt Enl!lfn School r -TA. ~fr<1 Rtrh11rt1 l.lllf'nlh1l. rrt~1rlrn1 ~Ir~ Jo•-rh r 11rvrr. trr11~11rrr 1u••I ~I r• n \\' R1rh11rrl. Aulltance Le&gUe of ~ewll"rl Bf'&ch. The money wtll go to tht Robut H Olll!lt1f'r d tnlc In tht Lf'a~ie The F'UUval ot Art.t AllllOClaUoo \f'n ll'T am! ...-115 &C'rf'ptf't1 by lhf' in IAguns Bf-&rh !vi.ii ram~ a <'hn1c l'ha:nnan ~lr1' Grnigr Hnag rnmm1t11•" ln prrpsre t!I long term ma.'t"r J"l&n !or thr aMual Feru T h R I \'81 &11d f'ageanl of the Mu~ra I Ill Th" mnn-v ,,,.u r ort of the • NC er tO ff CJft rrof1l from lhf' aurruatul P -TA rlart'nce Uptan y..,11nc,.rh.lll'TIUIJ1: Tht' rt'n~nalinn ,., Mi•• Lc'lnlta r arnlval, an 11nnual !unt1·r&lsinir 1 ~d lhe pUrpc'IM I.ti lo outline ob- \'inrl'nt. IMrhrr In th,. Corona df'l """nl. Mr~ Hoa~ thrn IMk the Jf'C't1vN• to tit In with the 11rt Md Mar !'lrhnol, ll'H 11rrf'Jllrd wll h 1 l'lrlrgallon to 1he rlm1r tn 11ee It cultural II!" of La.~na. r"J?Tt'l nn Frb. J hy the l'\ew· I t.n operation. Next Y"""r tne Pa.r· Th111 lnrludc1 ronsldera.Uon of a rorL (Ynrh F:lfmrntarv !"Choo( J)f'rmMf'nt ll('IU1tmy of fine 1ut.s, HOflrrl n! T ru814't"ll Tht' '1>o11r<1 a.p· ent·Ttacher group hopc11 to give a which might be paid for out Of pnwrtl lb·· t'!!Jil>loym«"nt ot Mrs. larger 5WT1. Pagcn.nt pmfll.ll. P1111t11 Tn<M""l'9""'rtplace Miu Vin· rrnt. t'f!rrtlve Marr h 1 Butlers Ha il Son Th~ Ja1111•11 Bt1tJn11 ot !\I!\ Ful· lntnn A\'"· becamt" p.&M'lllA of a aon on F't"h. r. al Hoa,r Rospltal. MATl'RFASES ftGal_H_ l'n&lerl .,........., ....,.. Ullierty ~UOI c ...... llatirMe c.. !130 Newport BITd. YOU SAVI .. y _. PllSCllPTION at .......... BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Su~nor Av~u• Co4ta M '-'&.. C&llt. Ption• Uberty 8·2121 C HAPEL BY TJlll U:A 3620 E. Cout B!Yd. C.orona del Mar, Calif. Pbone ff.arbor '2 Re~n • Malllw..._ • laflalJaUom ST AFFORD & ION ":-\XLS and DOC" f;Ll:CTRIC' AL ro~TR.ACTQU PboD41 l..lberty ~ ..... 110 RJ""lde AYUoe S~rt 8Mc11 FOi MERCHANTS PIOTICTIVI SllYICI IN NIWPORT HARIOR ARIA CALL LEHIGH t-1634 llOTOllCYOLZ ESOOKT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Balboa Fun Zone Havtn r a festive Um• at Pal.m Sprtn&a were member. of the \VW club. who went there recently on their annual aprlng ouUng. Merol>4-ra enjoyillr the three day atay wert' Mmea. Tony Htnhey, Hub Power9, Wllll&m 0 . McKenzlf. %Han Campbell, Betty Wtlaon, Charlea Holl, Wally Smith. Junu West. and a. gueat, Mn. Vera North. Betty Parrish Returns from Nurse Conclave · OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTll The p&Jlt prea1dent, Mra. Herahey, wu pruent.ed .with a gill a1 token of a pprecllatlon from the club for hu leadn· 11h1p during th• put year. Ntwly elected pruldent 11 Mrs. Campbell, Mr•. MacKt~le 11 MCretary and Mra. Smith I• tre1uurer. The WWa meel next on March 2 In Villa Marina with Mra. Smith aa boat.en. VALENTINE EVENT Bethel Mothers Announce Tea M.1111 Betty Parrish. 1urgleal sup· ervlaor. Hoag Ho1pllaJ. haa JUlt retumeJ t o her dutlta, after h11v· Inc altl'ndetl the :'\nllonal Con· venllon ot the A11aoc1atlon of Ope,.... ating Room !'lu.nie1 a l St. Loula, Mo .. which convened Ill th• Jet· tenon Hotl."I, Jan. 2~·27. She ginned much nlua ble ln· formation !rom talk1 and panel dlscuuton.a i;1ven by ouULandJn( doctors and nursea. •he t'f'ported. Inlegatea came from all 48 etatea, and 10me roreliJl countrlPll, rt'prt• 1enUnc hosp1t1111 both eectarlan and non-aec:t.art.a.n. An overall attendance of approx· lmal.t'ly l 700 were regtater!'d nur .. The Motherw' Club of J ob'• Daupt.en met ln the home of J.fr.. H. 28 alltndlnr; from ~ll!omla. Ja.ck Harr1a, 32!\ llllh St., Colt& Meaa, on Wfldneaday. F eb 9 \o-~11~11 Eiltt h WHt. O~rat1ng Sup· hosltaR• tor the e\·enlng were Mr1. Harold Beebe and Mra c. R. f rvt.aor )lt't hod•~t Hnsp1tal. Loe Chamberla.tn. Th~Uvtnr room waa decorated ln the Valenune motir.' Angeles, apoke on "StRf!1ng the and thi nfrtahment.a aerved were cherry tartAI 11,.1th whlpJ>fii cream, Op,.ratang ltoom or the Futu1 t " a11d Valentine C'llndy and nut cupA. I The Association ot OpnnUng Th Id l M R.al h H ThoM enjoying the evenlnr and Room l'\ur~ra wa1 !ount1f'd In 1948 e pru en • ra. P trr the delightful retru.hment.a were by Ult 1urg1r11I nurM'• !nr turthrr announced lhe committee. for the Mmu. Ralph Herr, Harry K1lhard, study of 1urgtry p roblrm1 as till• VaJenUne tt'a to be htld on P'eb. !:. 1... Hobel, O. E. While, Orville gTI>Up Is unique In J..he nun1n~ 27 ln lhe ho~ ot Mra. E . L. Kl'lox. Nei.on, Herbert Jackson. John pro!ea11lon McGann. H. K. W\llJ1ey, GleM Dy· ----- -Shore Cllffl~. trom 2 to i p m. aart, Emut Crain, J ohll MacMJl· ll&n, WllJl1 Sanger, Mu Owe11. W . IC. Nlcktll and lhe hoetf&11rs, Jack Hurla, Harold Beebe and C. R. Say It With HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here Mrs. Harry Hilliard wlll be In charge or cottee and lu. Mn. Glenl\ Dysart and Mra. Jack H&r· rla w111 be In charge of room and tea table decoraUon1.' Put A"J&rd- lana wl!J be mvtted to pour at th• tea table . Chamberlain. Auxiliary Plans VA Party Tonlte casa ·pura Mn1. Dean Smith and Mra. O. E. White wtll be In charge ot door prtzu. Mra. Ralph Herr and Mra. John McGann W111 be In charp ot coraa.gea tor epeclal put.I Each Job'• Da ughter'• Mot.her ha.a bffn ukt'd to contribute either three dou n cookJea or thtte doa· en opm-taced &&J1dw1cllu ~tra. H trr expreNed her graU· tude tor •II who h.ave helped her toward.t the tea. Thia betnr her project tor htr 111.x mont.ha term ot office. each mother •1U be "'M Tb• Amerlcu IA,.ion Aux!Uary Unit 291, Newport Bea.ch wtll mttt at elr ht o'clock tonlgbl ln Amencan Le,.ion ball. l:ith St. and W. Bay Ave., to rna.k" plan11 !or the nnt monthly ho~lt.al , party for the veteraN of Long Buch Veteran1 Admlnlltra Uon Hospital. All membera a n'1 guot are ln"1tfld to attnld. an ln\"llatinn tn the tu. ~tany nr th" mtmbe"' vr .. aent Woman Loses Purse had att .. nded the J obie "11now t.r1p" I Mr' Luter Hehn c.t 3611 E. 19th o\'f'r the _,.k end and amueed all St.. Coat& Me•. told Newport po· by t.eUIJ\f of act tvltlu ot tb• ,.irta I Ile• ahe lollt • black purwe rl'· and council mrmbers dur111g their Ct'nUy at an All·Amrtican Market. thr~e-dey 11tay at ra.lls VaJt". In She 11&1d the plll"R contamt'd '43. the San Bemsrdino MountalM rha~e platrs and per110nal papen . the Richard leesolt Company Landscape Design and Constnction CORON A DIEL II.AA TllRNAHS Compl ... ty a.ttullt TYPIWtiTllS Ovtlfoncllnt Val"°' $2950 , .......... CH low e1 ...• -TY,IWllRI HNT ALS ---.-.. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIR SHOP C ftl&AftS 8U)G. BAl.8QA ~ ......... Party Rental Item• .H O.f £. Cocut Hw .• CorOl\G de/ Jlor "8£!t\lt.:E WITIWll HOVll8 -WHEN H&&D&D'" COMPU.,-E LAUND EREB8 ud 0L.UNm Harbor 5071 MAMl~EK'S lllLE NSWPO&T M.&09 • announcing ••• new travel bureau • service in Newport Beach ••• ~ ~~ Only Authorized Agents for all scheduled Air Lhtes • •• Authorized Agents for Steam· ship Cruises - T oun . • • NO SERVICE CHARGE •------PHONE------• I HARBOR 4100 I FOR All YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS Harbor Travel Agency JIM HERMAN and BETTY McCULLOUGH 511-32nd St. One door tut of Fire ~tatloa In the Udo 8hoppln1 Cf'ntf'r Newport · Beach I . .. • "PREVIEW OF SPRING"-featuring the newM. collection of club 'member Dorothy O'Hara (Mrs. Henry J . Lunney), wu one of the most delightful event.a of the month ae •taged by Lido lale Women'• Club at-Irvine Cour etub:-Some ·235' members and gue•ta attended the a.ffair at which club members served as models. Left to right are Gloria (Mrs. SkJp) Fickling, who Wll8 one of the commentators: Mrs. F.Award Lester Sm.Ith, one of the model1; and Mi88 O'Hara, weaz:iog one of her own fa.vorite trocu. -Staff Photo •MRS. R. L. BACON, center, adm.iniatrator at Hoag H0.pital, atlCepta a new Ameri· can flag for the h09piW flagpole from Mra. A. E . Stockton, right, re.gent of Colonel William Cabell chapter of DAR and Mra. A. L. Pinkley, vice regent of DAR and flag chairman. left. Mn. Bacon aaid eight 1lag1 had been uaed by the hoepiW in the put two and a half yean. The flag flies every day, rain or shine. One of the dutiee of the DAR, Mn. Stoclrton aaid, waa to keep the American flag before the public. -Staff Photo "' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE I MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 CDM FORllGN TRAVEL SllYICE 3542'/2 E. Coast Hlway comna d111 M• tt..bor 1246 Coline Gibbom • Dorothy McKenna • Marguerite Hughca Sped•""n.s la ... epedeat ltlaef'Uie-. tottr.. N enleee • • -AU pb.uee of forelp tnnl _. neon vwUGM. CO LINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE w TM c..., YM Wot ' ls Ava..._· c~ .. .,, • ..,. -. ..._. c'7taa fw . ti.. .......ic .. _, Pf*tJcal -.I• ... r..a.. of _.._ ~--11' Mlaln4 ... i."4 ,...,...._ lip LIDO CLUB WOMEN.·STAGE IlARPER P-TA ANNOUNCES MARCH 2 FASHION SHOW Lido Matron Elected by CYR ev.iua. lCOW. C-..ieot ...... ~­A.-If' to N . :·~:;~-;;.~-;;-~~·;;;;1 • IOf'/i ................. .. 160t• Aaa. Cal f...Ua Wl .. eut •~ll1otl-el Hp laW Pl _ _._p,_~. FASHION SHOW-LUNCHEON New Members Honored the 'Preview of Spring' at Joe Prelnln&er and Mrw. Gen• Rosa. ' At the 1hort buelnue l..nterlm lira. T>Uldowaky announced that Lldo 131e women, headed by Mra. With aprayw of cameWu, Lido IaJe grown, centering Vernon PJ<ller, had collected $700 -:n. tor the polio fund In their M oth· .W.en nmnera of aott pink on luncheon tables, tropical green era· March. She &lao stated that foliage plant.a about the room and overhead, bright parakeets due lo lhe builc11ng program at 1inging in whJte be-ribboned cagee bung from the ceiling Lido Isle Clubboiae, the Woman'• th f "'D-, ' Club meeUnga will be held else· e very euence o c n::view of Spring' eeemed concentrat-1 where tor a tew montha. ad In Irvine Country Club ll'eb.. 8 --------------------~-­ when Lido iaie Wom.n'a Club I _ honored " new m embers and pre· ~t.ed Dorothy O'H&J'a w1lh her dell1htful advance collection. I bf .A• Kn. Howard J . Lunney the , deetsner I• a realdent ot Udo Ille and manber of the club; In her pro!umonal eapadty abe ta Dor~ thy O'Hara, becom.ln1 known from cout to COUl for her be&uUtully 9CUlptW'ld froclu "enJ1neered" tor CIOlllfort and wtth or1f'ln.al tcuc.hM W!atch muk them u dennluly °'O'Hara." MiN O'Hara. who wu introduc· ad by Mra. Robert Keppen. pro-s-ram ch&inna.n, commentated In tJw main room while Gloria ( Mra. Bldp) .,cJdl~ of Lacuna Beach. writ.er tor Women'• Wur DaJly, eommentat.ed on th• lower level. MEJlllZU MODEL Mockle were club mtm~rs Mmu. Paul M. Rorerll. Richard Lonl&nd. Paul T. BuUer. Harry L O&t., P'rMcla D&wlOll, Stan· ley O. Hewitt. John R.. DavtM Jr~ Edward 1-ter Bmllh and J ohn Jlrouc.bton. .U.S.Un& behind the acen• were Mm-. Matt Ober Jr~ Don&Jd R. Co~ and Cb&rlee A. Lamb. a.tad at ~ bead table wtth Mn. Aalpb ~. pnlllldmt. ..,.. hoaored su-ta. )(&,or Don HW (dub memberl and two put pl'Mldent. Mn.. Ne18on Nakia and Mra. Hay L&naenbetm; al.lo Mn.. 'lbom.u LeUo, tlnrt vtce-pre.sdat and membenbip cb&l.rm&n., W'bo introduced UM new membara. Sada won a v.,_tsne co,.... d-.tped and made b)' )(ra.. RobWl Fraile)' and bw ..-Uta. M-. Robert Pb1D1rick. O. 0 . Onipe and Jun. IWp9N. ~ DS()OS A. dlalrm&D ot UM JIMIOLb. Mn.. B.t.t JtSi., .,.. In ch&rse et deooraUcma. aided b)' ber ~ tea wtlJCla tnoluded .._ IWTy c::aitn. Ra1maDd LAftllU, Al'thur Mlt.clbel, Roaald Roeedl, Kentn Wa tllOa Uld A.. B. W ..i. R~Uona chairman wa. Mn. Jamee Martladale, wh1.le -Unr ~ta were made by K,.., THE OIWA.~ YOU CA."'i PLAT AT oscr;: t.Mtroeclert.1- HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN M.lSS ALEXANDRA' WALKER Payne Photo Wright-Walker Engagement is Told at Supper UC Student Duo Plans Christmastide Wedding Harper P·TA board members and dlalnDan ... lluay lut week wtth plane tor tbetr faatlJon lbow; .. M._ Modee Jror Bprtnc." It wtll be beld on Wed.nuday, Marcb I at T:30 p.rn. In tbe c.oat& M-Le&1on Halt Loca.l merchant. w111 p&rtlcp&t. On tbe procram committee are Mra. K. it. Le&tMN. Kra. D. IC. Robert.a and Mn. Charle• Oxarart. Publklt)' la beJns handled by Mr•. Robert. W ll8on wtth Mra. Charlu Ormeby and Mrs. C. R. 81e&el aulaUnc. Musk: and decorauona will be done by Mn. Leo Chapman, Hrw. Jacl< Hurta and Mn. Robert Cook. AMl1Ung the moaer. back •tac• will be Mn. c. R. ale,el. Mrs. Fred Buahllng and Mn. Jame1 Richmond. ID ch&r&• ot retruhmenta w\11 be Mra. R. C. Churclt. Mra. Jack Kaylor and Mn. Carlton Smith. Hoateeaea tor the even~ will be Mn. Wllllam O'BrleA. prealdent. Mrs. A. E. Kelly, Mn. W. W. D. Armatrong and Mn. J . C. RJeh&rdaon Jr. All Harper P·TA board members and chairmen have Ucket.a !or ale. The procMd1 will ro towa!"d P·T A welfare work~ At!fle . Cracker 8-rel BJ CARO l'.:A TOS Ia your decor a bore? Would you Uke to uae a lbovel on your hovel! Well, don't. It'• u euy U A yinl ''The Cracker BalTel, 128 .A&'•te .Ave. (th• ferry a . .) Balboa I.sland," to do aomethlnr about tt, For Elly and Sandy lln· field. owners and proprletora of aame, have the mOllt wondertuJ collection or ll1lk acreen print.a a.round which you could build a ne w and exd tlng decoratcr'e dream hoUH. or rooin. There are 1trlldng animal printa lncludln& eome adorable z.eb~ a 11 n k y leop&rds &nd green-eyed panthers; (1.ddy tropical bl?WI; Juab floral prints. Some tlep.nt aea aubJect.a ooinplet.e wtlh "ch.aracun" and almply GORGEOUS colors ln each and everv one. The p op u I a r Chineae print.a are avall&ble too. Modern• will really be ta.ken with lhla collecUon. More tc come. Expert framing of your choice l1 under the aame roof, Tbe Cracker Barrel, 128 Apte Ave., Balboa Island. -Adv. MID-WINTER SPECIAL • Feb. I st to Much 15th Regular $1000 Pl!RMANENTS A New Speclalty "Patti-Nail" All Work Oo.,...t41ed ., till tlnsillt superlatiw food, cocktails IAd service amid old qlish charm. HURLEY BELL BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON BALBOA INN ARCADE-PHONE BARBOR 817 Bidden to a supper at the home of Mn. Pea.rl Walker, 1803 North Flower St.. S11nta Ana., aome 40 young friends of the couple learned of the engagement of Miaa Alexandr& (Sandy) Wal.ker to Mr. James Howard Wright. son of Mn1. Whitney Braymer Wri~ht. 550 Haze-I Drive, Corona del Mar ~§~§§~g~~g~~~~~g~~~~~~~ and th,. litle Mr Wright. The wa-' the trad1tlonal p&Mlng ot r N .. I Se Nead te tall• a-- Co1M hi alMI Prove ltto Yo.wlf ............ '" .. --.. WI try &M -Ramm d ,.,...,~-" ......... DANZ· SCHMIDT H,.~f'Wra f..r AD Modffa .......__.Or.- Kl t-61.., 6%0 So. Mala brld-l~t I~ da1111ht tr or ~lr1<. ('hn('nlntc!I bv M.lu \'.'aJ.ker to l!<>- ronty 111He,.; al the Alpha Dtlta C'h1 hn11,.p She I• a Junior at the una\·l'r~lt~-. mAJortnir In paycholo· KS· Hr r prevlou11 education wu re- rr1,·rt1 In ~11.nt& Ana echool& St.. and Mr. \."1C'tor W11lktr. 811 West Third St., S&nt& A n11. Table decoraUan1 or Sliver h!'aru and rtld anlhurlum1 were g1(t or )(Jae Wallcer'1 rrandmnth!'r M r~. Chal'lu I!:. Walkrr. Mrs. Wnght poured. Both young ~pie u e 1tudPnt1 at Unlvvwlty of Calltnrnl&. Bl'rk· el41Y e11mp11.1. v.-hf're rlrlll :'In· nouncer.ient or th,. en,;a u .ment A l?Tftrlu1t t.e nr P1uadena City Coll!'gt . Mr W rt.gbt 11trvtd twn ye"ra nn GUAm, wu gni.duaW rrom t:c llChrol or bW1lneu ad· mlnJrtr"t111n and 11 nnw wfady'lng> el,.rtmnlr rngtneer1nir. The roupl,. le pl11.nnlng a Chrtlt· m 111 w,.t1t1inK For the WOMAN with Orl«)lnal IDEAS 111 SPRING SEWING, we ofhr: Spring woolen. 60 inches wide. SUD. Si.lia la Viacoee, creue reat.tant. Nylona, NyloDA & Acetate. Yam Dyed Taffetas. Parchment Taffet.u. Cottona, Tebilia- ed or Stabilized. Cotton 80 Squares. Broadcloth.a, etc. S..U Cloth.I, Denims, Linens, and many other types. Prices ring• from 49c to $4. 95 yd. IARTINE'S CA'91CO SHOP lll F.ut 18th, c:o.ta ..... Pholle U 8-!011 Our eye exanunation includes .retinucopic exam1· nation in wbk h the· eyH are checked for refrac. live errors which cauae poor viaion and eye di• comfort auch u hea.da.cbe.i and burning, itching or watering eyea. We render profet8ional eye care at reuonable COl!t.. ()pea AD Day Satarday Dr. Gordon O~TOM°ETRI ST -315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- SalltaAlla PlloM Kl 3-7133 JllAMS -.. ·----·····-AG&-. Al!Cielll ------ CITY ·----Piia.&-.. . M.ra. Robert M.arlb&ll, Lido tile, WU eJected aa.:rlt.&TJ Of lhe Call· toml& Youn1 ~ubllcana at their OOOYmUola 1n San Diego Jut wMk and. She bu been acU" in Oranre County'a Younr GOP tor ,._.. IMoha II t• N ,..,.. -...... • ......... JC. P. t.tm•im· iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ho~ Means More With carpet On The Floor to eee t}le b~-- ~,~' c0\o~ -' ,.ne"'• ndfl .·Luxury Wool Broadlooms At Far -From -Luxurious Prices Magnificent, captivating .election of twist., velvet.. carved WiltotlJI, and Florala! Here'• a vi.Ilion of elegant beauty -denee weavet1 in stunning decorator deaigna and colors -and all from the finest pure wools. Chooee for any room, for any decorator ecbeme -you'll know superb broadloom quallty and charm. All Wool, Hi9h Low fiool-J U/ifton F or tM -.rt 10pblatac.W Deeor. oat)' 1-eq ADDIM&eF Floral Broedloom. 8q. Yd. . • aid!. 'l'llJc'Jr PUe. rrtn.. ~.-s., Yd.. . ,.. r...,....,~ 8eelp~ Broedloom. 8q. VIL Oramatlr l.<>0p Pll11 !'I yl,., Ni· \' d. , &aJlf'r He&''Y· <:arnd Wilton Bro941-. 841. l'd. • ..... 10'5 . . . . . 885 -~.:.:;-.:·h, CARPET WORK'S 1622 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Kl 3·1615 •kl 2·~J78 I (}overnmenl Gxcepf • PA&l 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEwSoNESS "'40NDA Y, FEI. 14, 1955 ;·&Gd 9rent ~ the sereni+y +o KC9pt the things we cennot change; the courage t"? change the things we can and the · w;,dom to lnow tile d;llO-co." IA. Anon.) · .. • EDITORIALS • State Trying for Our Oil Fraud Against Newport • ID N-lotloo-lwtho_..ofNowport-to n., •p lo -. ....U. ud lnolA tllat t.blir city .....U aad lhiir olato • Wyman l'9CIJfy a t .. llf that llu -por'IOObsled opm t.ba pOople. • _' We point, of eourwe, to the fact that by llOJDe book, crook, neslect. or ovenllbt, 41e State of California cot the oU rlch:ta to the two-block are& of beach lrl Newport wbJcb wu tftded to the State of California. lrl the acqui- aiiloa pmsram for blc bei.ch at Corona del Mar. It ia 411ite ~ that the State now owu the tideland& 1.nd oH rlslrit. at Corona del Mar too. Everyone Who had anythtnc to de with the i,t.d• when'lt wu ma.de at.ate. it wu the in!entlon of all con· cerned: to nMn-• the aurien..1 rirhta to the City of New- port Beach. . Thia; lnclu.d• Earl W. Stanley, Auemblyman of the 74th Dt.trict who at the time wu a member of the city council. Stanley aaid Friday noon that it wu the In· atructlon of the city council 1.t the time t o ita then city attorney to re.erve all oil rifht• lo the city. Apparently thia .... not done. I ' put.cl uder W. put Mall be 11Ubject to th• eon· I dlUoa. that the -... aha1I comply with all valid rec· I ulatory ontln1,,..... ot the city or county in which the T I-l'"perty lo located. AJo UMd ID thlo ooctlOOl, tho I term ",...,.i..tory ordinances" doe. not incl~• ordin· 9 ane. whk:b ptoblblt drillinr for oll, cu or other 10 mlnera.J.. ' Stanley told thil writer Friday noon thi.t be bad a couple ot '"title" bin.' in the hopper wblcb Could be re- framed to mcompu1 lhi1 problem for the City of New· port Beech It required. He i1 the one who 1hould know of the requirement. He Rrved on the council. It wu he who told WI we were wronl' when we campaigned &«a.inst the tranafer of any further beach of Newport Bea.ch to the St&te of Cali- fornia. Jt wu he, and othen, who aald "Oh, nra.,the state will never endeavor to drill for oil here." • But, ia that tnle? The 1tate ia mdN.voriog to drill fo r oil off1hore ot Huntington Beach where it owm the tidelanda, The state leued the tideland& off1hore of the litUe beach park at Seal Beach to Monterey Oil Co. and a well wu drilled in- tq the tideland•. The hungry bul"fll.ucrata of the Illa.le are now endeavorinc to invalidate their ucred word, abridge their own legialation, p-anting tidelanda to Long· Beach. Purpose of that diahonest move ia to ramer into the state coffers the tideland1 oil money of the City of Lonr Beach. - The Great TheN-ta now acheduled for Feb, 24 , in Loi .Angeles a meetinl of the State Landi Commiaaion lo "hear pro~ testa" to ita plan tor leuing tidelands off lhore of Hunt· in(ton Beach for the recapture of oil. Eve ryone who hu Now ia the time for action -by the City of New- ever contacted thla arrogant body o!·bureaucrata know• port Beach -demandinc a remedy of a wrong done. HARBOR HI LITES By PATn& RETMD:.a it Is entirely a meeting for a laugh. A laugh •t the peo-Th1t wrong can be COl'l"eCted by Earl W. Stanley, Aa-The blealtd ivent. for vflry few ple. the State t..nd• Commlaaion hu already made up aemblyman -the aame Stanley who served on the Oty 1tudani., finally •rrtved at 1:10 ita mlrld _ if any. Council of Newport Beach when the transfer u 'ordered WadriM<l.ay morn1n1 . School wu waa not conaumated. dlarntued ••rly and • 1reat v•r· We take tbi• opportun~ arain warn the ltty of acUvltle1 took place. citiunry of Newport~ to take action -to force v111unl' UCLA -" Judi alaep· )'OW' city council to take action or there will be • 1imilar ., and Patty Cl•mence. S..n VALENTINE'S DAY" 1955 walklns-around Iha 1'1C ct.mput caU for bida for utill&a.tion of the tidelanda otf Newport f wera Arlene Huff and Denlc• Beach. Nll1a. M•raha Moorhea.J, Johan T th •-I N __. a-b lid Roeea are red, vio~ta are blue, Hirth •nd Ann Btt:wart eould b4 rue, we e peop.e o ewpo. ~ &.l!"Oac own our e.. round. at SAC MUnlt'. lwich wtlh landl. Own them, that ia, by (l'&D.t of the State of CaJi-Sugar i• •wttt, and IO are the memoriea o( dayi Mm• of their friend•. G"ttlns-an fonr.la. But we the people of New.port Beach have deed-when Valentine. were entrancin,Jy be&utiful, fra.nkly Id-of the atma.phat• at cx::c ed back to the State of Califomla the tideland& to either we rt": Kay Hall, Baverly J•qu1th. aentimenlal creation• of lace and ribbona, red heart.a Barb9ra J1qulUI, Lyn Allan, Te'try lidt of l~th St. on the Ocean Front. The •late baa atao and purple flower.--a.11 unfolding to reve•I meu.ages of Ta..-nan, Shella c 1 ... Ron Chau, acqu.ired the beach 1t .everal Jocaliona in Corona dtl breithleu admiration f or the puc-noeed, p;r-talled an· J im Bille, P•tty Rf'tmler and P•t M RltclllP. O.y Arm1tron1. Ma11•• •r. rel that lived down the road a piece. Crain, P•t Rllay and Jody I.Alb 1Aw1 or the City of Newport Beach will have no could. ba round Y111Uns-a Loa All· Today the v....., .. aeema to be the .ophialicated d••· 1 1 • hool more effect againat the State of California here than -•-1'1 •• &'Ir a • · h 1 f h C ' f Seal Bea h h d ainal b State cendant of the okl comic Valentine, bearinc auch endear-Jl.ld y Corfman ln'l'ltH a ,,w ~ t e •wa 0 t e ily 0 c a a& t e ing 1entimenta u "Drop De1d!" or "Are You For RM.I t" her frtenda over tor lunch. or California ud the Monterey Oil Company in that city. --<:ynical alutaUona for ID ap ot t«Wozl and doubt. r&.oM A TO D Now ta the time -while Earl W, Stanley ia •till diatruat and fear. ,.,._ dt.cua.inl' u. .. 1r-l'f&dH alive -and while' he ia A member of the A.uembly to war•: Linda Pra1t.l)ft., Tl'\ldy .w.- h,_ I 'f'ed N h f P•rmit ua, pleue, a nO.t&loic airh /or the day1 MU. Linda O..rtn1. Kalhy 1'1now, (el l i. matter C an I • QW ii t e time to leCUre rom •• Glenda Qu .. n. 0.tltne Pallkan the State of California again 1 quitclaim to the tideland& when bleeding heart.I were cauaed by Cupid'• da.rt.I, not and sua Swank . off1hort! of Newport ~ach and Corona del Mar where by imag-ined wroqp to pampered da.rlinga of the Lett The mor.. lthlalle type, Gail the .tale owna the beach parka. -when "Roen are Red" could never have been con-Colltna, Cora P•t,.ra, Bue Betz lJld ed · f b · Judy i-Oult, play«J t1n11i. at the Evmi. though we prohibit oll drilling wilhln the city 1.tru u an 1ccuaat1on o orucuitural aubveraion. Lido Club. it will be of no force 1gainat the State of Ca.lifomla. Bruc1 Knipp and Marian KOf'r- JN FACT TO POINT 11-tIS Otrr HERE IS THE nar, Joanne Su•~• and Roy D•nlala EXACT woRDmc oF A en.L. ASSEMBLY BILL Where the Trouble Lies ~:::~:~:anla An• for • •hoppln• NO, 2738, introduced by Elrl W, Stanley, now in the JTTtnt Park wu the aettmc for band• of the committee of Municipal and County Govern-Senator Byrd of Virginia rec:enUy made thla aignif· • p1<:ri1c. EnJoyina tuna aan<1w1ch· ment o w IC tan ey • c aJrman. It !ollO'lfa : Ka yla Hur•t and Jerry eroaa. f h. h S I I h ( icant comment on the !ed~ral budget: ··we •re enio· Y· '' .,.r •. BHL Rina and Lyn Staler, An act to add Section ~1 .3 to the Public Reaourcea ing the greate11l proBperily in our hi11tory. We •re: not Trrn counter, Andy Daily •ad Code. relatinr to compliance wtt.h JRUnicipal and engaged In war, If we cannot b1lance the budget now, Brue,. lla.ldw1n d,.r.1dad 10 bnuh rd f uk w..,en c•n we balance it ?" up on their 8pan1ah and Yl•U Tl-cou.nty o lnances. ·1 JU•n• for th" afternoon. The people of the State of Califomi& do enact u The bu1c trouble lies .in the B ir Government phil· Ul.Y DA CHE TA•E SOTE !0Uow1: 010phy. Economy in government will remain a will-o'· 1,;arol Callla' hon1t In Corona del 1 SECTION 1. Section 6501 .3 ia added to the Govern· h · I M•r ,..a. lh• ltWlna c•ntefl fot": t e-wiap IO ong ~we muat aupport a government which Lyn M1ct1r!and, Pat Thltla. Phyl- 2 ment Code to ~ad : provides all aorta of Hrvicea and project& that the ~-ii~ J.tllum, Df'an \\'as-n•r. and i..u- 3 6501.3. Every ~ ... of •ubmuged Jandl or tideland& pie can and •hould provide for them.elves. ria K~ndt1rk1 Betwwn )Oke1, le. ---------------"'----------,.------~----------------------lrream and cookl•• lhO! «hi• ail •----------------------------J·-------------------<IL..--------Jmaflt l~urif' • drt"a1 or "'"""n dlt• ff'rt'nl tolorfd strlpe1. Farmer McCabe Writes ... Sacramento February 14, 1955 Sidelight Journay1n1 to i..•una Baat h tor lunch w,.~: Lu cy Pope and Clalr"t Smllh, Pel• Htnd1rao" 1nd Biii Hamblet. . . "Liberator'' Jamtl, John Gr11.Mr and N•U Bat- '7· l:ri.t&"•llc boJ• Ilk• Tom JenHn and Frank)' NavUTo worked on thalt eano Ult f'n tl,. afternoon. "''INT'Ell TAN 1'l'Om nrlou. acUvlUea tha llU· dl!nt. !11 1'l.)oyad. on a tt.y otf, Corot1• d91 1.far b.-ach proved to be lha moat popular. Pl&ylnl' toot- bl.II. Yolltyb911 lJld t9laxlnl' In lh• 1un wen: Chuck Burstn. Rod i..- allell, Glann Tbomaa, Mike Han- IJ\aw, Phlr Kiimer, Georl'• Moora, Gary Cook, Bob Hutrman. Gall l'r'alun, Bue Thomu llld Ruth Dudley. , Jana l'at.oA, Millie Tonnie. Sua N'i-n, John Swain, Ann ALien. ChuU1 Jtelch. Baity Onoen, Alan llyPlllakl. D •a n y P'1t.patrlcll:, Bnaea Killpp, Gloria Ch•pman, JO&ftl'la s-. Bua Ou.Mier, JoJ« Vitia, De.My Hnaderaon. PMrl Holl&ad, Buddy Thomp.on, Oavt "9ua, l!t•n 8hon•1 and Bob H1n- d1rahot. .101 ..... "T ~D 'Mia &n11"'9l T•!ly · Gar1oyl• m"tlnl' wu held Feb, • •t Ule h<Mn• or Maney i nd Die.II Camp- bell lrl Corona d•I Mar. A!t91' 9t!Pl- tal• bu1tn•a meet.Ina• Oley ll•d a Jolnt dl11:U11lon Qr a pirty to ba ti.Id that Frld•y at th" C.mpbell1 ...... Amonc" tboAa Mtin( and t&lltlJl&" ••": Miiie H~w. OaU ~hm. Johll\ Mlr'th, Jerry hrnwl. Ann Allen, Jlrn B•m•I. Pat ftllchlt. Buddy Thomp.on. Mary Kay Hahn, Pat Kelter. Gt.ry Cook. M1n:l1 MOllrf'~•d.. Judy S•nd•. Dick Hatch, Nan R•ynold1. R'IJlila Yar- wood, Oeors-e Moor.,, Merlin Couch. 8ue Zarbe, Gyntlla Dy1&rt. Kayla Hur1t, Ch.arU" Reic h. Dick Camp- bell, C.rol Kini', Lauri" Henctrlcka. Jim Newkirk, Martin Koerner, 8u• N1 ... n. Ru!J'ly Dudley. Nancy Campbell. P•tty C1•m"11t • and S•lly Ptlater. Tht: OCC" dance waa •nJoytd by many h•rbor IJ1rla and th,tr d.a lf'• P'rlday evanln11. fteen dancln1 ba- n1ath many hMrta, Md color9d h1ht• w•r•: MaM!Jft Holly and Tf:ddy Narllnta. Graca MaeDe.r· mott and CaTTal 0.Yay, Sam Coop- "' and Pit 1Utehlr, Patty Clt"· mrnc" and Randy Alber. f'El.IC:fDAD.:"- A "Happy Blrthtlay" aor1 to Marian Koe rner and Joanne S~••· •ho c•lebnllt'd tl\elr 11&1-JU. birthday• lhla pa« •Mk. To «le· brat• th• occ•a1on M1r1M lnYlted Brue,. Knipp. Joanne •nd John 8w•ln over to di nner. After din· ar thPy NW '1'Pfrt" •t th,. Oranp Drive-In . . -. ~ . ,, ~ BRUSH COUNTRY J·OURNAL By HORACIJ PAllllD ca 111 ... -na. .,.,.... ..., ... ,_ ........ ..w ..., ... ........ now. lliiltcirkw.I 111.t.h ................ , ...... ..., .......... t.C'.k ~t'7 Ill .._. ~· I recently fell heir to 10me hithtrto unpubliehed plcturu of a Santa Fe tra.in, atranded In the Temecula Canyon at the little De Lu& atation during the flood of 1916. The track• on both aides of the &talion wen wuhed out and the com• pany "aa .. conironted with the problem of what to do with a eomplelll train In a dwp and Wl110n dereatM! CharllPA EY&n• l'Ul'l'9'1 SOUtMrn California can-Hu,h•a. J have read t h• •CCO\lnt yon. Tl':,. ph:tUl"tl ~howed how on a num~t ot IK•'•"1ona and ha•'• they aolved 0 lt. So th la ,,..Hk I had 'lt told to mP juat how It ha p-- made' I( tr'lp ilown tro1" FaLLbrook penl!d. but Hft rch •• I ran I tan- to the aHa of thfl old p,. Lui at•-not find lhe refPr,.nr,. lo aubatan- Uon to l'et .on•e plclun.a •nd it•-ll•lr. 1L U1er atmoaphere which I ahall 1.-ll 1-·AcTl!I Clt' C"A.Slf. you In a lat.-r yarn. Tha farta in thf' CAMI ara the..-: OS TO MUaRJl:TTA. The \\'llaon-HU1"he1 election \O'a• very rloae with the lf'ad ch•n1"1nit: um .. and ac-aJn aven two lo lhr,.• !laya after °'" actual vollnr h111'l be,.n done. 1-~1nally It narr<Wo"f'd down to wh.-re . ..,.hlc hev,.r nt th• two' c:and1dA1 .. a carried C•l!tornl& had won . Th• .o-t"•ll•d axptrla we,... .0 IU"' that Hu .. hea WU 10- Lnr lo ..,.in that ha Wflnt lo bed aecurp In Iha knowled1• th•t h• waa th1 P"'aident-r.lecl. n•t la My wlte. Karl and I lh"n det:ld- ed to mak• lhe trtp on through on Iha De Lua road to Murr111lta. Th1a ta on .. of tho.e 1nterf'atln1 tripe throurh lhf heal"\ of the bruah country, aven tnous-h the dirt road la rou1h and du1ty In •pot1. Whfln we arrived al tha De Lu& Po1t Ortlce. we •topped bfo- cau11 I W•nted to 1et a pletura of II. Thia Ultl• poat offtce haa bee.n fa:mou. for nearly 40 Yt•r• u ht.· n1arly 1ve.ryonp cone.dad Hus-he.a lnl' the trnalleat, coniplf'lt, poit wa1 "In" eacepl Wllaon and th• offlc• ln th• Unit~ St•tf'a, It i. A.~l•ted Pre•. Under th1 JUh:l- only about 10 feet .quaT'f:, •nd yet anc1 of Wiimer Stuart ot Iha: AP aervea tha function or one. niany ~· va!l n1Uun11.I n .. twork of eo1Tea - Umea It• aLae. Th., "bolfe•" are on pond•nta. throu1hout Iha Unll~d lllat .. a had bffon orpnlsed to br!n11 ln lha accur1.ta Yot.M pra.. c1net by vr...:lnct-lh• ftrat 91.Jch or1an1u.llon In hl•lory. lh• outalda of.;;the uUdln«: wtth • canvu canopy pl"Ol"Cl thf'm from the wea -r. Juat 1bov1 It ll th• ol.d De Llil Hot Bpnn11 Hot,.1, tarnoua In the l:i&"ht!u for 111 hot aprlnia. Jt 11 now u~ u • pr\v1te Wr.f'ktnd hnme. One of Iha recent owner• in order to 1el an tncreaaed rlow of hot water. bl aated tha 1pri nir; with dU&ltrou1 raaulll-11 c:ut do"'"' the nO'llll' and cooled the w•· tf'r. MTABU8HED IN Ill! The po.I offlca wu flrat t"1t•b- U1htd In U.1 De Lu.I country In 1882 •nd for yeano w11 hOUHd In v1rlou hon1e1 and bulldln11. In Hiii or 1917 th" preffnl llttlt' 1tructura wa1 built. We had • lively chat with th" poalmMter, Mta. C. J. But1r, who hu Mrvr-d In It alnca 193.1. Tht'o aha told ua the Md naw1. that the Utlle pmt· office 11 to be cloeed th• lalttr part or thla month, lkl he r• H dly p..11t1 anolh1r or the lntera1llnl' b.-uah country lnaUtutlon1. :-"ot only ta ~ Lua famoua for Ila po91t office, but the vote• ot thi. Uny precinct, have bttn 1&ld to <:hanl't th• naUon al, prf'ald•ntlal tl<!'clton of 191$ w~n \l,'oodrow A.P CORRE~PON"l>E!liT Thtt De Lua •tory t•ll• of one of the Af' 1•orr11pondenta •rrlvtn11 on a ra!ny day at Mun1,.tta. Thf'ra ha hired a bu1.ry lo 10 down 10 De Lua becauM theaa votea had not be•n r•portotd, After rnak.Lnll' lhe Ions-, wet an<! dlamal trip, h• had .ome <11ff1nilty 1n obt•lru na the offl<:lal tally but finally aur· c.-t"d"d and upon arrLvln11 bl.ck •l Murrlt'tta, te1111:r1ph•d tha eount into lht' m11n office In San F'r1111· cl.co. Jl ...... th111 vot1a for \l,'11- .,,. that t 1ppt'd the a.:al•~ In hl• favor. anoJ Hus-h•• who wenl to bed a Preald.-nt woka up a.a JU"l a plain clvlllan. Had t1u1 he1 car· r!ed Cal lfnrnla h1 would h1Vt1 won by on .. electoral votf': a• H •·•• ha lo•t ln rlec:t oral Yotea 277 to '"· Pf'rhapa aoma or yo11 old tlm•r• •nd hl1tonana can rem1n1bf'r th• lncldanl 111d 1lv• ua th• ru,11 •t·- counl. In •ny tvent 0. Lu.I i1 lo1lnl' It• ronrre.ll bid to tam,. In lta po1t offlc•, and 11 left only th• rumor or how n chan1ad a Pr.a1- d1nt1al •lec.uolt. •• 'ftNY P08T OFFICt;.._.scheduled to be removed thia month W colorfu.i De Lui Poet Office, reputedly aaUor.r.'1 smalJeet. -Hora~ Parker Photo Wet a cou.pla oi. Tea Drinkers from John Bull'a Ba..iliwkk the other dRy. They told me that thing• ain't IO rood over in dear ole England anymore. They 1ed that &JI the dyke. they put up over thert to keep their dol- 11.1'1 at home bu done aprung a lotta Leak1 and that the t..bor Party ia IO irifiltn.ted with Soci&Jiata that the CroWlll l.I thinklrl of movin1 Ila B&J, BacPl'e and Stone I.Jon• down to Au1tralia or maybe to Canada where they've rot IO many dollan that they're even diacou.ntin ourw ... Well, u Churchill med, I guea there'll allu1 be ID En&tand even thourb it may be .thouaanda of mile. awa1 from the Mlsty lale in the Nort..b SH.. Th1 muHum •t ltapolll1oa Par.II wu thorvu1hly tnJOytd by Joyce ChUJll' •nd K.-nny Bodanhopprr, 1'1een huatLnc: 1opher1 at UM Santa An• Rlvf't b&aln wt1ra: JOI Conr.-atulatlon• a.re 10 OC"der 10 Bue Krtm and. Vic WlllOn who •n now anc:•ced! 1:.-.ryone w~a you lhot be1t of luck •ad h•PJl'll'- •lwaya, !----------------------------~ YOUR SENATOR WRITES By JOHN A. MURDY lll., le•tor, UU. DWrtet (all ftPlil r.M....-dJ "- • AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. JbeA.RTRUR IACRAME/\'TO -1CN!l - Even tually, th• ~pit of C•llror- n1a ara 1oln1 to have to ··t1r r up" lo wht lhrr or n'!t th"Y 'A01nl hq· uor IQld In .. ll •hh•hm~nl• 11th1r than t1!1nir; pL.•'t •. an d thl• f•ct probebl)' will hf' f~ced •l rhr 11,.n- f'ral t'l~Oon '" JI~ lhrou.ch • con1t11uunnal amf'n dm•nl Al the prtllf'nt l'lm". th,. t"n· 1tlt.,uon or Iha 1late provld"• in· ti<>n, J>9Mnlllf"f WliMI~ ,,...... th nf dr1nkh•a e•tlhll•hm•t.. R111 . a.-rnr'11 n11: to OoY•m"' r.ot'o(!..,.,n J Kn111ht. U.... happy '1ay1 ar• ov•r. Whf'll thl ,_,,._ 1n1,.n1\r'1 lh• ron•lllullOll i. ltM, and l r•n•f~rrad adrnln1.U.U09 M !he ..-,.nv•rnor. l_':?'Y all:~ ..,.. rore1mr nl "' thiT&w, MJ'I Kllltl'l'L And. h,. cnnt1nutd, ... ..,, lf It ln&Jf• hi• adm1n111ret1on unpopular, l'he law I• s-oina lo be •nforcM. toai~at1n11 ll<:1uor1 may hr dl•P<JH.tl Th11 m11n1, In ,.ff.ct. Ul&l UM of In an)' bnn1 fld" h<Jl•I, rr•l•u-"rubbt-r 1andwtr:h" hoya had _., rant. ci t•. c•f•ttrt•. railroad rt1n· bf'. talo:ln ir; o!l)Ck, •ntl malc lna pl.all• tn1 ci r, pa••~n.c'"r •hip, nr otht"r fllhrr !<> rom ply .._.Ith thl -- pubhc t•lln.c pl•r•, nr· In any bnna •lltu\1on1I prov111on. ot, ii l"- tldt elub attcr 1uch r!ub ha• oprr· l~c:l •l•!Ur• fa lla to llllbmll an •· altd tar a Y"l r m~nrlmrn \ In th,. pe9J!ll . to 15 lllnea adopll"n ot lh ii provoalOf'I <>ut vt bu11n~u. The 10~ ..,_ in 1134. witi•n pr.,hlbitirin w•• 111 ~111 ,.,t It that bluntly, and~ votf'd ·ou t on \tH •tr,.n1tth ,,f 111 .. ~'r in nr• unrtrta1n t•nna. thet •11 Mll•f !hat th• "plOfln" ,..nul'1 nol 11 lh• "nly .. v .. ntua.I anirwtr. br r•lurn,.d to C111forn1a, many \ ('flSllTJTl "TlfJ;\'A.L a.l:Vlll..,,. ••l•bll1hm1nt1 hav,. 1pn1n1" up ! Ju~! ,..hi t tne tonn of a - '"'hlch m•k• lh .. 1r pnn(lp1\ bu•I· ~t nutional rtv1a1<•l'I would bl. ~ n-Iha .. 1, ot Jlqu•)r viol,.o 1htr'" 11 °"' al au, .. ftOll. Nlt1 '1'1tF.R" "ASP"'lf'H,;~ [•• y•t full)' known. A Olmlllltu- To ton"lply h•lf-h.,•tledly wl!h '."'nal am,.n•ln1,.nt ~y 1-trn.W l'Atl th~ pro.n11,,na nf th• con •t•tnUon, I t>r~man•l • ll-~t Vil, .. Wo,. therr war~ ruhbrr'· ..an111wrh,.1 th• lf'lll•lalu'"• and ll\9 ....,....,,. bPhlnd th• t.r, lei qu•ltfy p,, •P"' "'1'1 t.• foll tha t &mat.of' De. .. a1 an Mlinl' hou•• Thu• •l••Pll" ,,,.,.,~\ II•• ror.n1n1&9d Iha: ~m. llMI botll•f o1' U'I• people m(lr,. 1han , to ypar1 ai-n that th•y w,.1, nnl an'1 1• ••k1n1 Ult ~la wb•t""'r a&nC't l"'l-ln• • •lt>On, Iha br.>flrd nf I or ""' th•)' warit -.C~ l&lltXlel 9qU&ll.aUClft dunnt it. IMUnlllL.tr.. ta.Ma. ' • Pause Appeals Loss of Job, . . ~earing Slated SANTA ANA (OCNSI -Htr- 1 man Pauae, •uspended Oranc• County Liquor Contf'Ol Of~r. bu appealed bla flrint by Malcom Harri.I, actlns dlnctor of l hl new Department of Alcoholic Beverve Control. I Pause'• attorney, Max Burwtu, . . 'Leagae of Cities in Off-Shore Oil Drilling Fight . NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS· PRESS PART I· PA&E 7 MONDAY, FEB. t4, 1955 Cpl. DaYe_,_, D• H01119 fr'Olll IONCI 81.NTA ANA ((>CNS) -The U, S. Jl'orcM, Ko,_ -Cpl. Ro- Ora.nge cOuaty League of Citlu but W. Davenport. ecia ol IO'. Thurlday made a declaion to op-and Mn. Rober\ R. Da.--poit. pOM lhe~B i. Land Commlulon'• 27U Baphon Drin, Newpdtt propoeal leue-offahore laland ~. w ecMduJed to "t11m to ed Ole Army IA May, 1963 and &r• r1ftd In Ko.rea U1e f~ i>.o- enaber. TM corporal .. & lHl ..,.._,. ot Pom<>11a OoU1p wllten Ille ..... ct'lv.4 Ilia bachelor ot Alta 4ecrM and a 1951 lftdu&Le ot tllle Uftl• wrwlty ot Oallftlnd& ....,.. Ille re- ~ved Illa mutft' of ar1a decneo dt11Ung tea 1n thJa county. Ulllt.d Stat• tronr Kona.. wlMre The leacue will en~r a formal ........ , S. ... protut at a Sat'ramento hearing h• .._.a member ot U.. Sd ~ Feb. 2·1. i>ortaUon Railway Command. ' The Bud Brfe~pU ot ao62 The lugua Jea"4, 11119 action Corporal Dawaport. a tn1n ~ Dr1n '9oame p&NDbl ot lold the OCNS t.htLt Ilia office df'eW up the appeal pap.,·a last wee' and 11ent them to Sacl'llmento. The t.ttomcy &aid he has n'· ceived confirmation tb• malter wUl ~ aet down for a hcarlnf by I the n.w liquor bou4. P&wie bu bffn ac~ of unlawful ac:tlona In-I.be haodlilig -ot liquor llcemea. Be I• tw~ lndltted and rou on h;&l here ·today on one of the true' bW11. when It learned the commlaalon j comtaaade1' wtO\ \be alt, •lM'-a 8QI\ qa Feb. 1 a\ R~~lal. t.Uegedly h•d by-pa.Med I ta reco: • p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;:------1 DIDN'T REST WNO-Attendants aid Mrt1. Earl L. Woods, 55~o a atret~her after a traffic accident at Newport Blvd. and '°Mth St., Costa Mesa, Frid morning. A mo- ment later, Mrs. Woods decided the stretcher wasn't neceasary an was driven to Hoag Hospital for treatment by her husband. Earl L. Woods wa.iy iving the auto at the time of the collision. -Staff Ph>'.>to l Friday waa the lut day for fil- ing of appeala on au.spenalon no- tices to old state bol)rd dlamlsaalll. H. E. MacKenzie, aistrlct liquor chief under auspenlllon, wasn't avaUable !or comment. Neither waa ~ att.orney -Olto Jacobe. However, Hurwitz u.td he un- derstood appeal paper• were to be DUS HOMJ:.-Scheduled to arrive In San P'ranclaco abO&rd the tranaport <nneral Nel.aon M.. Walker waa Mar- in• Sgt. Stephen J. Karner, aon ot Mr. and Mra. Florian ~mer of 1027 N. P:ront St .. Oatuuaqu'a, Pa., artd husband ·or the-tormer M{.Sll Oe,.,ldlne J . Horn of 6600 Coa st Hlgl\- way, Newport Beach. mendatrons 'on U>e leAJltng of the 1 ott-ahore altea. It also wa• pointed out the league received no ofttclai notl~ I ot the Feb. 2• meeting. Cit!• around the county alao will proteit the ott·ahore leutna. ' l \ WU reported. Magnesium Blaze w.c ... STIOOCI & . . CASHMEIE r-COATS . .. , ..... -------------------------filed on behalf ot MacKenzie who Before entering the eenrlre In Ma)'. 19f0, he attended Northampton High School at Northampton, Pa., and wu employed . by Bethlehem Steel Corp. at Bethlehem. An experiment wltll magnesium TUeaday aft.ernoon caused a crua tire at the rear ot 2121 Twllln f.ve., Ralph Lee, Coat.a Mea fire prevention om cer, reported. John B. Connor was bumtnc magneal- urn lhavtna-a. ·Lee aatd, w?len th• .blaze at&rte4. Two \Ncka anct 12 men answered 'tba alann. TheH wu .J10 ~damage npon.ct y...., ..a "81 .... ........................ '3'° Uptown · Cleaners Local Pair Hurt In 2-Car Crash Two personll lncurrt'd m inor in· jurlu In a two-car traHlc acci- dent at N~wport Blvd. and 16th St., Cost& Me!!a, 111 .8 :25 a.m. Fri· day. lnj\lred W Pfl! Mrs. Earl L. Woods, ~5. oC 1002 E. Ocean Front, Balboa , 11nd Virgil Dean Smith, ,3, of 13~ E. 18th St., Co11ta M'taa. Smllh w&a treated by a doctor ----wtt~ en to Hoag Ho.'!plt11I for treatment. re- port11 11how. Smith. travelling weH '1n 16th Bl .. reported he eloppl•d at the atop algn before coins onto Newport Blvd. The next thtng he knew the a uto drlvPn north t•n Xewport Blvd. by Eat I L. W Othls. ~,g, !!ll'llfk h is \'ehlcle. Smith w 1u1 thrown out of Illa car onto th~ ra\·ement. MESA COPS, CULPRITS PLAY HIDE, SEEK AROUND HYDRANTS ():>eta Mesa city police played a new type hide and seek game Friday night called hydrant hiding. Receipt of several reports of hydrants being turn- ed on sent the c9pa to seeking the culprits. There waa just one thing wrong. The culprit. did aU the hiding and the cops. all the seeking. "They didn't play fair," reported one officer. "We'd n · be onl to return and find the water flowing!" Jn all. 17 water hydrants got the treatment with majority of the damage occurring in Ne1Vp0rt. A ditch where telephone cable wu being laid at 15th St. and Tustin Ave. and a Newport firema.n'a house were flooded. By way ot variety, the police reportt'd batchea of beer bottles deposited in driveways by the elusive miachlef make.rt. Woolh told Mue officer!'! the other car pull eel oft J 6lh St. In front of him and hi! w ;111 unsble ------------------------- to vetr ort In llmt. Find Dunlap Guilty SANTA ANA (OCNS) -A !snta Ana-Orange Municipal Court jury Frb . 8 foun<l Herbert Ray Dunlap. 0~1. of 321 Avoc-atJo St., Costa Mesa, gllllty of 1lrunk drlv· ing. !r;e Howard C'ameron de- laye• • ll'nclng until tomorrow. D 1111 • :ee on b111I. W68 arrested on I ~n .,t .. San la Ana. Sept. 2:.. Charter City May Undertake Area's Redevelopment SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -Char- tered ciUea only are empowered to undertake community redev<'lop· ment agency, Attorne.y General gcs. mund G. Brown h .. held. Thi• would apply t~ Newport Beach. Brown ruled that counUe•. and non-chartered clUea can conducl .ruch project. only In accordulce ' with the Community Rede.,alop- men ~ LAw. TI1e attorney ceneral u14 a chartered city may redevelop open areaa a• well u •lwn. It there 11 "compe\Jtnc economt.c need." Ht pointed out lhat t. clty'1 power of eminent domain In open area re- danlopemnt la not aa broa4 u la alum clearanc. project.a. Here's the Man of Tomorrow Of course you know him. He '1 the youngster who delivers you yo&.tr newspaper. And he's the one who's studying herd today preparing for his role of tomorrow's businessmen. The work he does, the accounts he keeps, th~ selesmen- ship he learns are all leu'ons in his book of success. Keep your eye on him and w•tch how ~. grows and develops until he re•chea his goal of independence and succeu. , 2211 lalboa llYcl. Habor 1616 hu been indicted here and ln Rlv- entde County. The 8U8pellalon order. ·~•t Pt.UM and MacKenzie wen tlled Jan. 31. Smith Divorce Flied ' Irene M. Smith fUed dlYOrce complaint n a m I n s Robert U, Smith and r.e. 8mJth ot Nwport Beach. PER Wilden--Adopt Son Leland Wilder. Harbor publlclat. today bad 90mathlng to about a- bout-adoption of Jol\n Paul WI.Id· er, b$1"' Feb. '· Wetgh1n1 '1 lbs., 11 or., the Infant arrlvrd at the Wilder•' Sho~ Clift. home Tue.s- day. He la their only child. Ka.....,_n Probate SANTA ANA (OCN!>-Coy E. Watte, executor of 214• Ocun, Balboa, Friday uked Superior Court here for probate Cl UM wU1 ot I.eater L. "Snap" Xauttman, wbo dJed Feb. t. --~-c•••'• ~ ... rfll 1921 W•t ........ ~ -Ne1lrpOI'& ._. W• 11·+n.e 1a ass·.., ... a...a Pl • c ., w ... 0-...... a.. ............. For 60 Days 3 BEDROOM HOMI 26 $ MONTH VITI or· NON-VETS •7995 FUL PR~ I I ln1111ecliate Occupancy CHECK THESE 9UALITY FIATUllS I' .......... ltMI lidw... calliMta Aapllailt .... Id .... and lleda AOA _,,,..e.w ,_ IMM No. llt Compo root Ptctan "1.lldow9 I • MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA F~&Mmwo,..,.... ............. ~ ...... led~ 9&reeta ... t&DH Mbllm-lot llM i1ne 948" f~t ~ Andes Realty-Sales Ag1nh -LI I 4565-Open ~ to 7 Daily ' . • ) PAGE 8 . PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS! ... -----------------.. MONDAY, FEB. 14, l'ISS llOUNTAINIZR-Norman G. Dybrenfarth today wu enroute by air for an attempt to .cale the mountain of Lhotae, a 27,890 ft. high peak in the Himalayas which eeeond hiP•t uell111bed pMk 1n tbe-:·-::;~=lt ~~lim'~tll!~n1Ut WGM!X ftO!ll''Uftl Mlpl! Government, and muat have an expedition auembled by Marc:.b 15. -OCJrrfS P.hoto · Commission Okays 88 1 SPRING VALUES J,,_. Drill « A•• T""f s--'t lkl.lln_.. diam. Uw u wall --.0-, IOO. PttrriociaJ ... "-1-p-J lror ....... o.-r-- """ Boule o,,_,_ Opm1 bonln. catthn ap1. ~ -wall. a!-rt t-4, •.. p,d loclkl.I T ............ .. o..c., c.1-11 ..... ,.., ... wodl _. ... WI Ah-;,,.,. d• ..tr -- wWi .. ,_.. ......... ' c..-.;-poat -... , ~ ,__ "--..., .. -.... -. -.u. 9"orl. ••• -IJor .....•. ;" ...... .. . CROWN HARDWARE J107 E. c-• Hwy. Caoa• .. Mar • Shop .. 1y In the wftlr for, money SGYlllfJ values. , Check every ad on this pa4J9 for Oulstancll119 buys • Each week you'll find · He1111 ad- vertised that wlll SGYe you "*"Y. Watch the Spotllte Value ads. - $AVE! $AVE! . . .r CREUYWOOD 5 '1°' Salad Bowl ';:; ,., , l!llLEX ~,.. ft.00 ·1· Coffee Maker~.~ • FREE! I pkl'· PUFFIN llSCUm R-.d;;f -....... SPECIALS FOR TUES. and WED. Feb. 15 Giid' 16 No purchase necnsory No I•..,,,,. I•• 11111 e1cept at VINCENTS DRUGS r-l-:-l--4--~-Ldill..111.._...wl"-=-~~-.l-L----~-·~-' MUNSING WEAR SPECIAL L..dios' P•jomas 500/ off and Gown• /o • Just in -Cripper Pophn Cesu1k by Koret of California in matched Pl.y Sets OPE..~ 81iSD-'Y 10 TO 6 N~~~ DEPARTMENT STORE 22nd A Oceu Fro11t, Newort Beach -Barbor 185 -- R&L Auto Clinic SPECIAL F1'ont Wheels Alhaned and Bolancecl ~95 ff~ \\'el(Jttil') llO!ll Ne ....... Blvd. -48111 , (Of'lllillll 1'1'11D 8tatloli "°'I WATCH FOR . OWL . . CIRCULAR Out Today -H•ulr .. of Useful Sale lteml ·OWL DRUGS 111111-,._. Nowpon- • ·I ,. FREE PACKAGE of PUFFIN 11scum Watch for Lacky 7 Clrculor 11,!!d Ad BARGAIN BASKET MARKETA Costa MeM. -19th & FtaoeuUa SAVIN .. -- SPECIAL PURCHASE Coma.I'• 8-liton.ed llt~rtsed ~ Cr'H.M • ~Ult Gingham Checks •ri·• wldlh .,.,, ,,_,, ,..,.. Only 7'/C yd. einert's l>EPARnu:l'lo'T 8TOllE 111• .S_,..-t Bl ..... o.ta ·- -HOME COOKING B....Xtut. from I :00 Liil.. L1I:SCB a 8NAClll!I BOKF.·KADS 80UP ROIU-llADE OAXU a ·nu 8A..'"°\\'tCllE8 a Fal:NCH '1UU at Nellie'• New Cliow Co••.., a.ut.-a.q BltOIL&lt8 A..'ID MZr rkESH POULTlll' AND EOOa DEUCA.Tr:ll81:.N ORDERS TO TAKE HOMS NEUIE'S HEN HOUSE CORONA. DEL llAA SU% E. c-t H")'. -- __ _..,l()c raona FAT "~AO• lt&8T roa J'OV. PST r.... ••--n.. • A.JI .... 0-. ... .., la ... .,. ... , ••• Ckrw C .... from $4.91 the iorclans ' OOROJfA. o-. 1UA o.i.t ....,, • ........, "-· - • • KLEENEX ........ . ..... 17c- w- CLOTHES PINS .. .... 17c . ... . a.,.1a.-ns PAPER NAPKINS 2 ... 17c ~ -IAall&ry A""'""" .. -'1'7 GARBAGE CANS . ·-IRONING BOARD .... ., ... s4•1 HARBOR-UOI E. C-t H")'., Co...,. del liar BAUM>A-718 E. Balboa 81,·d., ..,_ FEBRUARY SPECIAL S•a21.oo WGYe s1so Me~• Appointmonh Early (X)8T A Mt;"A 711111'. llltll At. -Coota M--l.Jberty 8-18Sl . . . ..,...,,... s 0 x ... SAVIN~ GIRl.'H COTTON PANTS • • • • ,. ... nc 3:-s100 ........ 4 .• s100 • r ; , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE LOCAL CHAIRMAN AND SENATOR Mn. Richard Teachout, 2581 Crestview Drive, electe<t Thursday mom l.!lg u chair· man ot the Newport Harbor area Republican Women, chata with Sen. 'Dirry Goldwa- ter, Republlcan from Arizona. Goldwater spoke Thuraday noon in Newport Beach }>e. fore a gr'9Up ot Orange County Republican· Women. -Statf Photo IRYINE CO. IA YSIDE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT UNDER WAY First two bousee to be built on the 19-lot subdivision of the Irvine Co.e Bayside Drive eaat of the Harbor Muter'• office are under construction. Sixteen of the lot:-are for private homea in the R-1 zone .. Three of the Iota belong to the Irvine family. The Newport Beach Planning Commiuion recently approved a subdivision map on the project. Sizes ot the Iota vary. -Pacific Air lndu.atrlea Photo NEWS IN PICTURES LAROEST FISH, CLUB CHA&T~Wmner o( largHt flab caught on club charter, 20-lb. test line at Lady Anglers awards banquet wu Mrs. Fl-anceti Pulaski, a bove, with Don Barrell, Port Orange manager, making preeentation. -Kent Hitchcock Photo .. \ LOCAL ORATORY WINNER Charin Rice, riJht, ~nlor Ill Harbor Hi.ch Srhool. Jut nl,r;hl p ve hie w inning Wk, ·Wha t thf' Conlll1l11t1on M~ans to Ml'." al a meeting of Amf'nca.n 1A'g1on T'Otil 2!11 , :-:rWJ'Ml Bf'Rrh. Ht 11 b@lnf con(T&tulated by Vemon E. KO!'p!'i'I, <'h&11 m1m of po~t ·a .chool Americanism committee. Young Rief', ~r the \\'. M PerkJn.t, 4MI E . 19th .St., Co~llll .Men. will C'nmpt'lf' "Jt&ln11l other hlg'tl 11ehoole' l pt'akera Ftb. 22 at Fullerton In the county flnal1. -Statr Photo " COUNTY AllWATCHER HONORED WIU. Marty 12.000 hou.re ot YOluntMr cJvil clefenM work lo Mr cndlt. lh• IUrtl•t bl the MUon. Kn. 11.arpNt Bo)'W of Bula Aaa. WUI ny to WublJlltOe 8a~. J'eb. It to noelft Air P'of'Ce plaudlt.t a t the Penla(on. She w111 be prewented the "'aep'kmt' a.nice .Award. / ' I I Pl"'U IOTl:O-Robert K. Cub- b11W)f!, 20, aon of Mr 11nd Mr1. A rnold C Kohli!, -484 8'o ad· way co .. ~• ).(ua.. t~crntly wa" prom o11'1l to C'Orponil In <lformany, v.•here hf' ls a 'lerk· typist In HPa<lquartn" Bal· t l'ry or thf' Ul Infantry Oivl· 1lon'11 7th F'lf'ld A rtlllf'ry 8'1t· talllnn. Corporal Cubbl80n ar- rtved ov'"f'Mllll lut Jult from a n a1'11ignml!'nt It Fort Bf'n· nlng, Ca. H .. f'nlerl'd the Ar· my In S l'pll'mbet. 19!13. Ll:r;c r n,n : o .-.-1 c t: R- Mar1ne Maj. Byron J Coatf'llO. 11on of Mr. an d Mra. Harry C Co1tello or Ph~nut, Ar1:i , a nd hu1band of M n . .Monettt R. Coatf'llo of 2 1'71 Rural L&Jie. ep.ta M-. 1a ~fv1n1 .. EJI· '~uve orncer •Ith a 1quad· ron of Marine .Aln:raft Oroup 11. a unit ol the Il l Marine .Aln:rart Wltlr at the U. 8. Na-i .Air l tatJon at AUl.IJ1, Japan. Maj. Coet.ello attend .. d Dunwoody CoUeg-e b@fore ~n· t«1n& UM MTYke I.A 1H3. ( PR l':St:~TATION OF COWRS-Troop 8 1 Scouts were color gua rd Monday night ,in march to Harbor High School s~agc. About t o gl\'C" Plcdge of Allcgurnce art" guests of honor at left , District ·cout Commissioner Art ~ Ran1 FOR DISNEYIAND -Jack Wrather , Tena \ and Lee Angeles industriali~t. wilJ build 500 room, SlO,· \ 000.~ bot.el and motor hotel in conjunction with Dia· neylar&:t near San~a Ana Freeway at An11heim. Pereira and IJJckman are deflgning and pl,nning 11tructure Remley, 0. W. "Dick" Rich&rd. gue.t apeakeT', Herbert Ward. chairman ot Harbor Scout Di•trict staff and Douc Walton, field executive. -SWf P hoto which will have swimming pool, 1250 capacity restau- rant, cocktail lounge and ba r eealing ~ and will be t!nit hotel in U. S. to have color TV in every room. Con· At ruction begins immediately a.nd opening la ICMdaJed tor mld·aum.riier, l~ ; TAR TANK TEAMS LOOK FOR TRIO OF LEAGUE. MEET CHAMPIONSHIPS •o 'l'RaD lft7Cl.Kt11 lrwln e&a polnt '9 a b11 t.h'" I -HAR .IOI ' ,o~ Coach Irwin E1te_n lpla~hen In Whittier lel1y1 Fe~.. 23 nudeua Oii boUI Ute a ud c pud· 1-------------------------d.M dlatu"""-too. K• loolae tor E ewrp•ess Bob JoMeon. tNMtyi.n, aruc• PA6 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR N .,. " Twtt.cb.U. breut.lf9ker a11d Jim _____ ..,.M_O.;;.;..N.;.;;D;.;.A..;..Y..:'....;...FE;.;I;.;. • ..;...14;.;., _l;..;9..;;.S.;..5 ____ _ WlWama, baclutroller, to lead Ult Uptwe~ to Leq\ae Miil "1c· tory Ulla .-.on. L&lt year, 1'&1· lerton edrld p&lt U11 local 1-da. STAIRWAY TO A WINNING TAR SCORE A1 you may have guessed, it's pottin• Paul Neumann who comblnes roles of hf g h scorC'r and high soarer with this Jay-up against Fullerton last week. This give you a first-hand version of how the leaping lad collected 20 digits for the top tally t otal as Coach J ul es Gage and his Harbor High cagers put the bite on the Indians for a 68· 60 Sunset Leuguc triumph in the Newport gym. -Staff Photo DEL CRANDALL PREDICTS 'IFFY' YEAR FOR MILWAUKEE BRAVES Coach Al Irwin ot N.wport Bar- bor HI.lb loolu tor a champlonahlp .wtmmtn• 1euon for all thrff Tar Tank uam. u hi prepare. hi.I pnp wa~er chu.rn•ni for U\• Wblt· Uer RAlaya J'eb. 2a and 25. By the time the SUAHt 1-&'U• dua.I tnffl 81UOn apena at Hunltnl'ton Beach Mud\ 2, lrwln nsurea hi. mer- men, vanity, B and C, will be rea4Y to continue 'llfinn1nr ways. Lut year, Ule vanity swim *luad t'lnUMd about alllth, whlch la pretty tatr p&dd11n• when you conalder that 48 echoola enter lb• bNt hlfh 1chool pool lhark& ln t.he &ll·relay1 meet. Tb• Harbor Bish B and C a qua •rttatora were Uld tor fl111t place r1,tll up untU the tut evente. Then U\ey had to •tU• tor .econd. OP'l'DllSTIO 01JTLOOlt "' "'We ou,tlt to do pretty· Sood W. year, loo.'' It'W'ln report&. The tank coacll pl&u k> lake eo MESA COACH ON PROBATION FOR CHECKS SANTA ANA, (OCNS)-A former head buketb&ll and baleb&ll coach at Trinity Uni• veralty, San Antonio, Tex., Friday wu &'lven tlve year• atraight p robation after h• pleaded aumy to wrtUnr 13 bad check• totalling $619.el hi thla county. Appu.rtnr be- fore Judge John Shea for pro- bation hearing w u Jamee Sven Enrstrom, 35, soe J:. 20th St., Cosra Mesa. "When you aren't drinking you are an outet..andlng aalu· m&n," Judge Shea read trom the probation report. "Your r ecord la l!'Xcellent except for these cruy lhlng1. We don't W'llnl you In jail but we muet protect the r1ghl1 of othen." Shea noted that $393.70 re .. tHution on the check• bu b1.-en made by the deft'ndanl. ltames Grimm Best Manager, Hamner, Dark Top Bahmen t In,; mark la.al year, but he wu The judge urged E ngatrom to a7 IAC& BOE'ITNE& ~ANTA A':\A, IOCNSt-H!Wcy n , I Crandall of Fullerton, Oranre l 'uunty'e lone tellbliahed major h•••cuer. toratf'e an "If" year ahead '''r his club, the Milwaukee Hravea. and hold• no fear tor two nrw ruin aimed at 1~e-ding up l hC' '''""· Crarid.,I, hualllnj;'. 24-yur-old lftlpoMd to eut dowD OD ataWns "and make the man11en thlnk twice ~fore c&Ulns for the llllen· tllona.l pasa." MO,"'D.i LDlE CAT The 1'&n(Y Crandall. conaldered one ot the top tour. or five catch· ere In lhe game. h&I the aftllty lo move Uke a cat. 1n 19~. he wu bchlnd the plate In 134 out ot the lM Brave conflict.I. hilling lhul long ball. Only 13 na· rrsum(' his contact with Al· l1onnl ll'llgucrs connected with cohollc.s Anonymo\18. Enl" more home rune. He 1lammed 21. ltrom a. a ~uat.e ot Whlt.- •·1 don't want to allbl." Del tiel' CoUe,e. l!lald, "But J really wa• hitUnr the -------------ball. J"9l u.tnr poor Ju4pment. HJtUnl' 'em wh-tlley were 1t&nd1ng." " The boy .)!Vho W911l atr&lfbt from Fullerton Mic h School l(lto an or- ganised baaeball Uneup itn X....ven· worlh, Kanau, made 43e tnp• to the plate and collected 112 hit.a. He had «If rbl'1, liltth rankl.Jlr of tbe Bravu ln thl.a deputmenL Hla best aeuoa with the warclub wu 11163 when he hit .272 on the year. manapr la bueball I.I rou.d ap ln die pud~ form ot Ortmm. .. H•'• the but and eapecl&lly Sood with younptera," Del Mid. ''I don't lhlnk ydb coUld tlnd a bett.r one~·· The rl&'ht·hand·9Wtnrtnl' aod throwing Crandall gel• a c loee In look al the but bl.amen in tM aenlor loop. Who'• the beat 7 Mu· al.al, Maya, Snider? ''l'd 11y Oran Hamner (Ph.U lhort.atop1 la about the toucbut for U!I," he UHrled. "And you'd better Include 'Al Dark (Otant abort.atop ), too." ot U\1 JlT ..Smmera who have tumid out tor Uie three Newport war..r equadtl to the Wltittier eventa. Bo k>aded are the loc:al lad8 lb.at ma.jorlty Of the plunge pro9pecll will have to .tettle tor home m"l• only. "We can only tall• two tiu.load8 to lhe rtw.l poola," Inrln aald. "After all. Ulere'a only al.x or aeven lanta to the t&nkl" Alt.hou,tl Huntington Buch ld•ld out th• Tar varlllly .wlm· mere tn the Leai"ue Mttl Jut at•· aon, Irwtn hu two Jood reuon1 why they aren't •bout to do It ~.Uh. They .,.. Ken Bodenl'IOfer, holder of llx high IChool awlm maru plua th• Sunset LeaJ'Ue 200· yard freutyle' and Jury Far· quhar, National Junior Olympic record holdn wtlh three Ne1A<1>0rt marlu. rr..tyler Ktin and breu t e.nd tndlvtdual medley ace Jerry 'WIU bl backed by backatroker Pele Schulber• u the nucleua of the Tar heavywelrht apluhers. Defendln~ i.....,.. Meet champ- lotW, th• C water fleu ot N-· port will bl paced by Ouy Cook, fr.eelyl•ra, 'hny Dallaa, b ..... t. 1trok1r and Jerry Whitaker, beck· 1troker. Da1laa ho&da U\1 all.Ult loop breut et.rok• record. In dUa1 meet competlllon, th• HartM>r Hip tank ttuM bout a hS,tl n)'in&' m&rk. Th•y haven't lo.t a dua.I Dtftt ln lh• sun .. t Le•rue durtns UM put U\"• .... 80DI. In tact, U\• B 11AU&d h.-n't been oul-8Pluhld ln eeven yean wheri dual compeUUon la concern· ed. L&AOUI! llCllZDUU: 'Tbe ()all I-cue lchedule follow•: Mar. 1. Huntin(ton Beach, there; Mar. t , l"Ullerton here; Mar. 11. Santa Ana lhere; Aprtl t , Anaheim there; April 27, leaau• pre11.m1: April II, Jeaau• tln&la. Addil;lona.1 home mffta elated In· AT Aa for the new clampdown on pltchtra, .CrL'"ldall didn't care to ~ard a guellll. The pltchtn are now requlrf'd to aend the ball platewaru wtlhJn 20 1econd1 after th1•y receive It. providing the bale• are tmpty. The thJrd bue umpire wlll kofp the stop watch. Dtl wu third ln round·trippel'11 a l the Wl(W&M tut year. He wu topped by the alugginr Mathew• at 40 and P'lnt B111eman J oe Ad· cock wtlh 23. Jn hie major learue career, Crandall hll poled H for the circuit. What'a Del'• Soal for Ule cam• And Paul Lorenben demobat.ratu U\1 way that'• dorle ln bu. palgn &bead! "To win lh• JX'nn&nt." be de· ketb1U. Lorentan c,ame Uirouch "1th MVfn last·mlnute point.I clartd emphallcaUy. "That would all by hla Joneeome ap.inlt lbe Fullerton Indiana her-. lut wttk. overshadow anytblnr of a per.on· That wu Jull about the wtnnlq marstn ror Newport Harbor •I nature. Even lf I don't have too High ln the 88-60 tray. Pw.u1 tallled ltl mark1!'1'11 In all t1urtns SAILORS SEEK CIF BERTH Newport. Beats Saints; Faces . Orange Tomom>w Aim!nr at a berth 1n the CIJ' buketball playoff1, the Harbor Hi1h Tara trounced the nound~ &nta Ana Saint. on the rival floor Friday night, 87·37. Tomorrow Coach Jul• Gace and h1a cu~ tij>-oft acain•t WeU·ll1ter Orange in th• Newport CYJIUlUium at 3 p.m. All the Tan have to do t. drub Onns•. aa eapec:ted., t.hen bet by led the local l•dtl-ln ac:ortns W\Ul th• toup Anaheim Colon19U Fri· t potnu. day. MaklnJ ll t~h Oft the lo-:===========:::: cal c ... n la lh• fact Ui• lut s un. Mt ~ fray o.f th• MUOti wlU lSe OD t.h• All&h•im noor. H&ED PINAL WINI By ~ lheee flnal two tilt&, Harbor Hl1h'1 quintet will clinch MCOnd 1pol to the powerful Hunt· lnfton Beach Ollera and enter the playotfa which atart Mar. l . ··we ml(ht do pretty weU In the play· otfa." Coech G~• ttpoJ"ted. "That 1 t•. If w1 don't )lave lo meet. the 1 Ollenr." Lut 1ea.aon, the loop champion· lblp Bailor five lOlll a 1econd round ClF playoff &•me by 11 polnla to Mt. Carmel. th• team which went Oft to the CD' UUe. Mt. C&rm•• u al8o th• only prep cuab& aquad bouttq a defeat oYer Huntlnrton lllach thla .-.on. I DL"'NY TOP MAN Joa uaual, polUn' Paw Neumann paced Tar acoren aralnat U\e Bainta J'rlday ntpt wttb 20 poblu. Bowner, outlltandlnr man on the . ~ nupatnck with 11 tmniera to1ita cr.dil:-m1re Joe&I t&W1111 WIN !lddfe Pope, 2; Bill WetRl, t : Frank Navarro, t : Lu'ry Harper, a. and Bonny Coant, Patil Lorent.Mn and o • or I"• klndtt witll • each. Btu Ander90fl wu hlP few lanta Ana W1lh JO. Tb• Newport Junior Varatty 4'dat•t dropped • 64.,.0 tray to UM 8allt& Ana $V'1. Tom Hou.t.on elude Lon• Beach w1i.on, Mar. 21; La Habra, Mar. 30 and A.prU 20. WhtlUer. lnrln Mid home mfftl wW llart at I p.m. Th• Harbor t.ank t.-.m1 "'Ill a1'o compete In th• mldwlnten at Lonr Bea.ch Poly, Mar. 18, 2S and 26. NatW'&lly, Tara placln• amonr the ttnt five ln the Leacue M!'cl hav' a cb&ne.e to COftUJIU• tn the ClJ' I IW\J1UI &t Loac Be.ach Wlleon, May t , and lhe .eml11 and fln1l3 in the Ill lerundo plunre May 10, 11 and 13. BE SURE -INSURE wt.a llAUKICE ~TA.NLET 1----0ely ....._ Kart.or tOt NU E. 0-.t R11 .. w11 Coroea kl Illar .HOME LOANS Q1JlCI 2'4 HOUR SEltVtCI LOW LOW "REDUCING .. INTEREST ~TtS EASY MONTHl Y PAYMENTS FBIEIDLY SYMP'ATHETJC SEllVICI wt IVY ftUST OHOS ON Wfll LOCATED HOMU LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH ~HY 4.1111 t l'•·elVt'r. took lime out from gar· •l••nlng around hi• mocJut home In I h" 1leepy norlheut Fulltrton l'\•rllon lQ cht'W the fat about bue· h.111. Actuallr. Del hun't bern ()(( lhe diamond lhl• wlnt~r. He laoa been workln« on MPep" U· m on'11 FuUtrton park •Viff, urlll· 111.: k id• Weodneaday, Thure<lay, Fr ld1y afternoon an..i All day Sal· 111 Jay. On Sunday11, Crnndall takra up the man•gerlal rl'init or the 1-nllerlon Hml-pro outfit. Ori, who Joined the Bravea af· lfr1 a cuuple or year. In thrlr min· or league affiliates back 1n 1949, aet'll a good season ahl.'1d for Charley Grimm's tenacloua crew. But he taclc.a on a few Ifs. All pltchera look touch to the euy-golng Crandall, but two an particularly poky. One 11 having • hard Ume 1Ucklng In the bli Ume. He'a Bob FT'!~pd. Pltteburgh right hander. good a yeer, It we could wtn the th• fray. -Blalf Photo · fiag tha l woul(! be enoup. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;::;;;::;;;=,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g Crandall reporu to tile MJJwau· r kee lr&inlni camp ln Breadenton. Fla., Marcb l. HI• pretty brunette wile. Francu Lff: Delmar Jr., 2. and perhap1 a new arrlv.1 will Join Dt.I In J.lUwaukee ln eezly CHOP on· B()X "Barrtnr lnjurlea and It we can kttp our 1tartln1 pltchen ln con· dltlon Wfl ehould lltand a good lJ" no problrm A~ f11r A~ C1 nn Intl <'hLnce to wtn the pennant," be I• ('0DC4!'ml!•!· Th~ K \\Ill eh:.hl tit l'li'lreJ "We've s ot • •hort f rrt ~1de ~ow ll • only i :J inchr•' brn<"h. Thal'• our weal<nu1. But \\ 111• The revoluUonary rnle 11wltch whl.ch hu aeen 113 lnchu chopped nfC the catcher'• bdx laler•lly will .. . I we have Danny O'Connell, gTe&t It II l!amµly mrJn lhf' rJl <');n utlhly Infielder. Make that the v:lll ha\1• t.l bounre ullt 11! thr bo i< b<'~l. Eddie Matlhewe la lltvf'lop· a Ji llie fn~t,.r the f:'""l lc><1k .ni: ani: Into a fine third ba.4!m&n. bl~ntl Rth• lrtt• u phlln• •I Our outfield Is strong, too. until I b ""''" ll \\lll h•· h1mltr on we 5t.art aubstlluUnc. Palko (AD· the pitcher. The younf:!llt'r& will dy) probably 111'on't bl able to ptq have to b<' carctul about pllchlnf u much. setllnr older. u Bobby too cloae to lhe plate or the h~tter Thompeorr I• all ncht our ch&nce9 might laah out and hit on' :"o. I will be u 1 ed .. doo't t.binJc It will hi\'~ mu<"h f(. in• Y mp~ · fret either way for lheo catcheni." HITS LOSO BALL CrandaU pointed out that the Crandall, Brn• tleld capt&J.n. new re(UlaUon obV1ouely has been wun't too happy wtth hi• .242 bat· P« incoming 0t oursoina shipmeaa . . . whnher from coa.st ro coe.st or to the nc:rt rown. aa~ time~ moM)' bJ usmg G~hound ~ Esptta r fnqucnr dailr ICheduJa ro all 48 aara, plm muu~f-iOWD rcrntloab aod a miairmMn of hao· dling. toabl~ J'OU ro tend ac JOU1 cooftDieoor ..• bow UIC'dy when JOU1 shipment wW ani.e at fts desriaation I fT'9CAl IHIPMINfl ... t""1 ""'~·-'· ......... .... ............ ....._ . ......,,c-....... ...._ .......... o,-..1 ...................... , .... ¥eemtwr, ...... -... _,_, ,,,, ~ .,... rbs, ... ,, ,,,,,,. ff. r.. !"WATFORD J\!00 \\. t:OMl Wihway U 8-Sle>I Nrwrl'n flr11ch ............................... "'""' ........ ~ ........... ~~ • "I oould?'l hlt hlm with an lron· Inc board. • Crandall •hook hla head. "And Bob R1.11h or the Cubl I• awtul tough on me, too.·• GkOOI Br:ST Ml::-iTOR Crandall'• Idea of th11 !!nest April. LET Danison Pontiac Repair Your Car • (Outline of Harrison'• Policy) Repaln complete when Promised • LOWEST PRICES • Latest MODERN EQUIPMENT • Fr11 ACCURATE Estimates • = TRAINED MECHANICS • G NE Factory Peril • COURTESY Is Our Watc:hworcl • Estaltlhhed since 1940 • REPAIRS, PAINTING, BODY sH lay Fwdge -Senlce Mclnager Freel Cooper -As1'9ta11t Mcu1aCJer It Jo....,. -Senlce, Sales Al l'MX -locly .. ,.,._. . ()nq9 eo-.,.. 0010'LEl'E AUl'OMODVl'l CSJ'fTI'& eo .... iM • B1H are ID 1-1111 • , See Page 8--Part 1 -This Issue for MONEY SAVING BARGAINS - \ ·,· Sunset Loop Eliminates Triple Round Dlsc1111 Switch of Water Polo, Harrier Seasons FULLERTON 10CNS1 -Ath· letlc dlrectora ot all 8u1111et uarue 11ehoolt held one of their quarterly Jneetint• In Garcten Grove last week with Ralph Reed rtpruent· ln« Newport hl1th achool. They ruled out a t rlpll" ruund ln hHeball for the 19~ aeaeon. Gar· den Grpve will be Jn the Sunaet Leasue at that time, and a triple round, they thought, would be too cllttlcult to vhedult'. C'OSTEMPLA.TE 8WrTCHt:S Tht d I re ctor 1 r ontemplated awltchln1t water polo •nd crou eountry Into different aeason• but aolhrng 1A•1ll be done-until the loop'• echedult committee preunta a few dratt• for conltderatlo~. Joe Mf'rlo or Fullerton I• chalnnan ot lhl1 committee. Other membere are Bill Franu or Oranr;t' and lleed. A rule wu puMd thal only the 'home' team may have a ~p band a t all bukttbell gamu. Thf're w&1 "" 'nillnc about thl• In the past. CURTAIL TOl'llNID4 The athletid dlrectore alao cur· tailed any loop team1 from enter• fnl' the San Dleg;o or Pom.-ia base· ball tournament.. Lut year. Ful- lerton went to the final• of the 8an. Dl•1to toumf'y, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL-Seema to be the word during a bit of recorded action in Friday night's Harbor High-Anaheim casaba fray. Tars doing just that include Captain Bill Wetzel, No. 32, Eddie Pope, 34, both beneath the pelota, and, driving in from the right, eyes on it, is little go-boy Frank Navarro. The Sallora nabbed a tight 57-51 victory. -Staff Photo THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHIJ.l.IPS Then'• no queeUon that baakcl'- ball hi.a Wlckfl"JGe a complete chlUll'• in recent yeara. You don't have to take my word for It, ellber. Ju.et aak Mra. Ralph Taylor or 2251 Paclnc Ave .• Coat.a Mee•. She r~tly attend~ her flret court fray ln JO yet.r•. I bumJ*l tnto Mn. Taylor et the Harbor Boya' Club where her yollnr 110n I• rettlng hepped on athletic acllvllle1. She wu a.lding Athletic Director Rod MacMHllan la1t Monday att.-noon by keeping time for the two third rrade care c•me. then IJl proJTUI. LEARNS A..llOl 'T O.UU: "My eon 11 playing baaketball and when Rod invited me down to help out, 1 decided I'd better leam aomethlnc about the 1ame," Mn. 1-.ylor told me. "So I went to the high llcllool 1ame at HunUn(lon Buch when the Tani playM!. Jt wu my t int baaketball pmt In 20 yean.'' ''Notice any ~l'H !" I Uked. "Oh, my, , ... ' Mn. Taylor ex· d&lmed. ALL FOULED VP '"So many foule," ahe ll&ld. "'They didn't UH to blow the whLIUe everyt1me1 the playere touched each -othel'. Foul1 were called only when the playere dellberately in· tertered with play .'' "A dltference in 1Corin1. too! .. I U ked.. "Wby the lolin1 team .cored more than 80 poillta!" Mr1. T aylor aald, "Back when I wu ..-otnr to the game., that many potnt1 woUld have meant an ovuwhelmlnr vtc· tory." KUP8 GOOD OOllPANY Mra. Taylor le In Sood com.Pany when 1he complalnl about the slow-doW'll ln cuati. acuon that hu taken place lllnce the foul·•hot which have to .,_ earned by pure cac• aktU. Aad t\'tD It N-port'1 Geoq-e Yardley LI one of tlle leading ecorer1 wtth the profeaalonal Ft. Wayne Pi.tone, J can't becosne eold on the hl&h ecortnr play-tor pay offerln1. Th• 2:,.eecond ah09t- lnf rule robe the rant• of Its 1 m oll. NnHUonal element. and J have a .a.what tnllnr aa both 1lde1 r~ up lOO·plu1 tefllea per con teat. -· MA.DE TO ORDER The moat exciting 1port thrillll that have been my lot In baaket· ball have come In tight camt'"' whue toul• were at an ab90Jutr j m inimum and field goat. had t•• decide the luue. Invarlablt'. In tht' • final moment• ot play, one team I managu to get a few polntl lf'1d. 1 then pa lnto ball control manUI.'· Vet I. Su1pen11 and tenelon grow a" the HCOnda tick oft and the rtval quintet tuma to a tull-court preu In an effort to &'el that ball away from the luder. Thi• la the type came When YOU He the bell ln nge ablUty and flneue. Thie I• the type play that aeparate1 the men from the boy1 and 1t'nd• tho~ thrllUnc 1hlver11 down the eplnf'. Heart·etopper11, they call 'em. Anct, If you like basketball a t lt1 beet. what a bea utltul way to die! DUM-DA·DU~I Thi• dt'clalon came ab()ut when It wu leamed that Euter v•c•· tton, when the tourney la h"ld, would be al a dltterent t ime-.-than the we,.k the Suneet loop will take tor thf'lr vacation. Jack Webb Busts Swim JC Record rtJLLICRTON, (0CN8 1-Wlth OILERS SLIDE BY AGAIN ~: :'~ s~~r:.~1 ,;,1c~:~t~ -~~:::~::rµi=~~-E:~~f~·~=~====~j~~~c~e~t~h~e~u~w~ebro;~~d~m~M~~w;h~o wnatt~~ Juk w~b btta~, The next mutlnr 11 1cheduled fer May 11, at u...aame p~a Garden Grove. In. s'p1· ~ed lnd·1ans Losa-· Into profitable world-wide f'nler· .... :;;e.,.. ·;r,;urllday, the annual· I ' 1~ talnmf'nt. He created the alway• Junior Colle1e Swimmlnr; Inter- hUarioua, nen more Hnatlonal claae Champlon1hlpe, ended with Pirates Drop 77~53 Game To Ventura In Last Second. 59.57 Harlem Globetrotten. the fruhmtn up~ttlnf the favor· Recently Saper.Uln ftmarked: ed eophomoree, iS..4. ''The pme LI to.1n1 lta appMJ, l.n Webb. who ut a record In the FULLERTON tOCNSi -r1ay· 1 nnly Jll n condi Jett, but the Oil· ft)' JlOD MJll'MILLJAJ'f Playlnc without their po1nt-pro- ducln1t F'onvard Ron W1ntt rburn, In bed with a rold, Oranl[e Co&1t Cnllt1tt dropJ>"rt. a 77·63 bukel· ball gam" to Ventura Junior Col- leitt F rlr111y nl1tht on the l'lrilte n onr. Thf' P1n1 tr• ll'd t or Lhe tlrwt 111 mlnutu but v .. ntura'e awllch to a tull t"Ourt pr"N broke up the ball pma and th"Y tnok a 33·21 half· time lead, th,.n b~eitl'd to an euy Y1 tlory 8l:B8TITl'tt tUOtl Ing l ht'lr most IMplred gamt: of thl' •euon, F'ulll'rton·a !nd11UU1 lost out In lh,. Ju l sPC01>W. lo lhl' htg·h· ly r 11nkt'(I Huntington BP&t h Otl· er11, l)!).:,i Ftldlly night In Full,,r- ton. Wit h plenty of har<I, Af(gre11Slve floor pl11y and by grabbing an un- l"ltl)e~ted number cif rt·hounds, the Tribe wu &Ille to outplay the Oii· era through much Qf the cuntc11t. Huntington w1111 unable lo hit t'f· frr tl\'Ply from the oullllde and ao wu fore~! to reh1y nn their f11 m· nu11 f11•t-br••l\k to pl<'k up mo11t of their point•. . t'Ol'R ~l~l'TF.)'4 TO 00 Th" 1t1me was a thrillt>r all the -y. pl\rtlrularly In t he final four mrnull'•. Afl,.r ha vlnit Ml'n M · hlnt1 mnAt nf the t m•l half, tht Oller11 had l'lowly pullr d UJl nnt1 w1rh four mlnutr• lo f{Q, ap~ared Klrtr point man few Vent ura wae lo be Mic-with ,. !ii-~ INtd. Bub Biii Cowan With 18. Tor As in th,. Anehr1m itllme. thf' potnt p;ydut"n wu CAyle Hf'tbel, 9,...,,., 1mct<lf'nly hit a hot streak • ".Hlrd, "'Ith 1 t. St1l't'rM1v,. flf"ld 1tnalJ1 by Joel Nf"w· Behind H,.rbf>I ca me BHI fnlOl'a kirk. Teil Nlt•krll ruid Man1h111l with t point•. Of'O,.,-e Bl11hop and ~tf'n1on p111l .. <1 111,. IO<"u11 10 with· J ohn Kennedy with I •a<'h, J erry In thl"Pll f"tlnts With H unt111(1on Rice and T~ Odmark with 7 u rh tn•rng to lltall out the ('lode. p,.t,. and Nf'll'On VIJOt"l with .3 l,rin1e "ll<'<"lltl'fl 11 n.-st •tnl•·n·hAll Th~ Plratu' nut lt"&mf' 1"111'8 1 n <'k 11.ntl dribbll'd In for t ht I• y· th,.m to P'ull,.tton Tulleday nlr hl up f or •n !la.Item Conff'rence battlt with the Hom .. ta. fmtA M:ORL.'1 1'l'('('E!ill'4tTL )>tU;f'14 f"Ull<'rton CT•hl>l'-d the bell with IOWLED OYER ANY GREENS LATELY? er11 naluraUy went Into a heav)" prt'8s. Thf'lr preu waa •ucceNful •• t111•y got the b!Ul and fed It to Bui. h C'<.opman, who layed In the winning buket. With only three n con<l.w ll'tt, Jetty Young 1111.llk a f~I' th row for the tVt'nt· ua.t 69·&7 tally. Newkirk M il G1'ra~ tied for high point honor11 with 18. TUn· 1111y, the Jncl1aru1 play hOlll of Ana· hl'lm In a 3 p.m. SunlM't 1-ru• r•mt. Beach Makes 13-Foot Goal -'NA HEIM. IOCNSl -WI t" Mll\e 8f'11ch lllllylng a b rllllant 38 point•. thf' A nllh<'lm Colonl1t1 ran n)ugh-11hod Ovt'r th<' Or1nge Pan- th,.11 Frlll1y 1n the local gym by a t!<'Me of 71-40. Beach t i red ln H fltlrt goala and 8 fr~ '°"-to 11a1n h•• hui:,. total. The •hot that l'l<>utht'r n California I• •tlll talk1ns about. c11me with 1 ll'cond rt m""ln· 111g In the-trr•t quartl'r, "'hen RP11rh thrl'w the bell almoat the .. ntlre IC"ngth or the floor to have tl "'"'l11h t hmuich the net. Coaches hAve .. st lm•tl"d the ahot to hav,. h-',.n at>nut 83 f"'l't, and feel that t his m ay bP 110mt eort of high •"hool rrconl. Th11 A nAhtlm tum rllt1 not J¥llJ lhl1, tu homeland, becauae the 200-yard back1troke the day be· rui. makere have made a Joke ot fore, Mt another mark ' Wl'dnee- the pme. The offenM hu ao tar day whf'n hf' flnllhed the 100-yard outatrtpped the defen.. u to be backetroke In lhe fut lime or rldlculou•.'' 1 :01 .91. L'ter In the attemoon, he TOO KANY TOOT8 ~turned to Ht a new mark In the Pereonally, J prefer hlth echool 100-yard tndlv1dual medley. and AAU buket b-.11 to the collece NA.'nONAL M.Aftg and profeulonaJ Y&rleUu. Did you H11 clockln1 of 117.71 ti report· view the UCLA·8C •riu a few week• bed< T Th• wbl.ltle-t.ooteu edly nol only a new meet record, but a 1chool H well u national played iuch • melody there w .. JC m ark. Few m1et1 hold the 100. no Ume /or court action . Ev"ry· yard Individual, '° ,_ appUca· thl.ng wu decided from the f..-throw line. StatuUca auou the tlona have been made tM thla odd· d11ta.nced race. country ehow foul 1hota determine A l'ood comparteon may be the W1nner In 90 per cen t of the iratned, lhO\llh. whel one loolu at eoUere samea. not field 1[0&l1 the time !nan ~.u ... t In the away from the PanUlere r11ht at the besinnlnc of th• ball ~ame ln tact. m idway In the NCond ~r· lod. only tour pol11ta .. peraled the two. The ColonLlll nra.IJy .Lf>OU~ It on dunng the third atan4. how· ever, and at the close of that ~r· lod Jed by a 64-U .9l'O,.. The Or- anse team .,,.. able to co11nect for only • point. durtn1 tht en- tire lul quarter. LltUe Mitch Murray and Jerry Walker were the •t.andoul.Jt (or the Panther•. hlttlntr JI and JO point.I reaptttlvely. Roy Weaver, an•I ot cour.e the fabulou1 Mlkf' Bnt'h, _,.. the bltt gun• tor the Blue and Gold qulntrt. 'the Anahtl.m Junior V1r11ty completely dominated tlle Pan· thera In their tilt Al th"Y J>')llt~ a 43· IS Ylctory. 100-yard f'rff•tyle. Ht> won lhe race Wedneaday tn 68.0e. Webb only IJWam o.ne lap trtt· lityle, In eompar190tl to Hukell'• thref' Webb did one lap breiut •trok,. and one on hi~ beck to e.- tabllah hl1ru1elf aa tTUly one of Ole 1tehool'a ta.tut -lmmeu. OA.JA GALLOPS Bob Oalr, who t umed Ln a fin,. Urne the d•1 betore ln the JOO. yard breut 1tr<>k• 12.34.81 dld the 100-y ard breut ln l :02.3. That broke thf' mark •t In Ill" by Redland'a Bob Be.t who did the dlltance tn 1 :07.71. Oalr 11 the C&nadlan who I.I ln· ellJ1ble for raue th11 year. He ii ron1ldered ao r ood. that CaA&da 11 •ndln« him to the Piii\ Amert· can r•mee, .et for neat month In Mexico •. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E I MONDAY, FEB. 14, 195~ Conlrciciors' School 8 EXPERT INSTRUCTORS co\•n all P.._• of bulldln1. Chlf't ID•trut'tor le Al I . Tylf'r, Of'Mral Bulldaq Coatract4r wtth 20 )'f'an .xperlMae, plua 1 outltucl.Aac apedal· let laatradoN. Laae.t teda Md ref~l"f'llaN matf'rtaJ fVntla•fld. No effort or ••PMM uve .,_ apered to make UILI Ute ftlM!lt _,_ ~ M¥Wlilere. Attend First Session -FREE! NOW, FOR THE SECOND TIME ta tAI• 9"' a "oroucti. praetleal eourae for evf't)'· OIMt latf'..-t«°'d •• the ~·· 'duetry. CoutrurUoa ••• buildta~. Pttp&re tor C'oa· tractor' a N. 8)'csmore 12-WEEK EVENING COURSE Start1 Feb. 18 et 8 p. m. ,!'~ta Fr1day l:\'f'nlqa ATTEND FIRST SESSION FREE IU l ·UU "r 0 dope f Why didtt 't you peck C1P1 ()tC lJted Car for the getawayf' JC you Irle qu ick -but legal! -~taways, you'll go for OK U~d Can. They deliver top perform- ance be'cause lhcy're thoroughly inspected and scien1i6cally rcc.onditioned. And that recondi- tioning covert performan~, appearance. H(ety and values! Best of all, the OK Tag me.tDJ wu- ranted m wntma at no exua cost. , hid enly lty an Authorf~N Chevrolet DMter Miller Chew .. let Co. Tog I Other z&.tem Confer'f'nct pmea Friday nlcht aaw f'Ulltrton'• at.rtn• of 20 etr&IJht ronferrnce w1na ch«ked by 8&n B.rnardlnn J C la a ""6f upe.t. Rl•eralde J r took th• toll ol le.nta Ana Col- l•r • 14.eo fOf' tti. Tiprw' ttr.t win tn H lt.,U. pmu. )fra. Wiiham Brim• or the Newport 8 ,.ach Lawn Bnwl· 1nr; Club. wu tleettd pr"11.I· dent ot thf' Southern Ca lifor- nia Women'• lAwTI Bowling: ~a..--e:..·,... .. 1000 W. C..t Hl«hway, Newport BNdl Indian Swimmers Win Trian911ar nn..l.ERTON ( OCSI l -couh Lee A.rth'• bldtan -1mmlnr tl'am «-apt&U"ld t Mitr flrat 111Hl O( the ••eon W.-..iay afternoon whm Uley "'°" a trtaag111ar meet trom califona.Ja and ri Rulcf\o In tl•t' Whittler Park pool. ,,na.I ecore found lbe Tr1be In froftt w1Ut 115 polnta. Second apot ._t to C&Wonua wlUJ 1t while JCJ Raaclle ~ nine point.I. P'Uller1-took el1ht of the nlnt •vent. ln UN ..,..,t, competJtJon With Ned Ka-and Phil Ket· rtd1e each taklns two Ylctor1 ... Kiener woa the 60-Janl l!prlnt In the 91\&ppy time of le.~ and won Uie 100 In 51.1. Ktn1d1e took UM 100 bnut Ill t :1e aad th• 1ll0-1ard lndlvtdual medley la 1 :01.7. The other "11· ltrton lndlvtdual wtnaera """' Jeny RIU 111 Ule 4'rin1 and Bob "-'Ito la UM 100 badl. AmNTION ALL MIN a••m 81MP .... ~ "''''· <'<MT 4 MDA. AIMIO('rallon for 195!). The an· nli11 mretlnit .,..._. hl'ld 1l th,. ~r rn\n Stto Clubhoun Wf''1· needay. Hnrrt Hene and ~fr.1 B nms were lied ,.,,. tint plar ,. In the WHkly Australi an ~In It Ir,. contest a t the ~e"'"JlOrl Buch lAWll Bowling V~ TUI'•· day In the playoff Hu lfl won lh• match. Mrs. Bnma 111k1nc •<l'rond a nd Ed Wllrox third • -------------- .._. e Onl, mt electric mngr / t(J()"" IVfU. aaurau 1MM11"1tl lulot tltat .,.,,. ~Id multl ftWJlimt IOUTllll• wo•••n1a1ou•91 tlN G!UY modan •ilcMm Orf!!! tkctric ! HI YOUlt DIAL!R \ I '54 Ford COftv. R. ff. F'!>rdamatlr, \\'. I'. W. n,__ Jf),'"'8 mtl,... $2195 'SJ Chev. Sta. WaCJ. $1695 • LOOK AT THESE USED CAR IARGAINS '49 Chev De. Cl. Cpe 111..• ff., :"ilew Pa.lat Job $595 '52 Ford YI $1045 '49 Cad. Cpe. Deville R. H. H,11...., t•o '°'"" P-.tnt, \\'. 14. w. 'nP'H $1195 ' 0-r M. H Hydra, p.._ '4C-r. l'{•M"r fl~. m. z. I. •·'-· \\', "· ~·. ,.,.., . ._ Pa.Int. !'<>kl HW 1111 1111 $2791 '52 luick s.., IJv. 4 door R. II., l>1..tlow, r., I . I. w .. w. n,,... $1J95 '53 Mere. Spt. Cpe. Jl. H .. o"'"'"'"· W. "· ~·. ~ ~-~ ('ev•n1 $1715 @) USED TRUCKS AT SENSATIONAL SAYINGS '52 Ford 1-ton Pick 11P 'SO Chev. l·ton P. U. '46 Dodc)e !-ton P. U • .............. t.E•.n"" $895 $695 Miiier Chevrolet Co • ~000 W. C1•t Hwy.-Newpert ..... -Pia. w.ty l-226l 1i._ .. I ,_ I i.EGAL ~OTICI « CltT..-ICATr: OP' Bt:SINEM l 'IC..'TITIOl'.i nJUC SAME • T he underal1ned dou hereby C:"rtlfy that bf' I• conducttnc a bu1hl1ng and ron•lruclJon buam.u a l 414 • 32nd S l., Newport 8-c.b, Call(omla. under the tlcdtioua f1rn1 name or TA YLOR -BUlLT Jf()MES and that uld firm 11 comro~rt or the follow1n1 per90M, who~f' namr11 In full Mid placee ot rt>111d,.nre are 111 follow1, to-wit: WILLI A~!\\', TAYLOR. JR., 2820 <:>«an Blvd .. Corona del Mu , Call· fornl1t. \\'1lneu my hand thl• 2nd d&y ot l"ebn111ry, 196:1. /8 \VILLIAM W. TAYLOJl. JJl. &T A TE OF CAL11'01\NJA ) COi ':'\TY OF OR.ANOE >11. or thta 2nd day of February. A . D l!l~1:'1, before me. ROBERT .... \\'ILL~IES .• Notary Public 1n an11 f11r the said county and Stat.e. reHlln~ therein, duly comm lulon· ed nntl ~""urn. pen!onally appeared WILLIA~! 1'' TAYLOR , JR. kn111q1 1.. n e. to be thf' ~raon Wh"'"" non1I' 111 sub6crlbed to the w 11 tin 1n~t nimtnl, and acknow· Jet.I~· cl "' 1111• t hat hf' executtd the aan.1• In w11 "' ~t' wh,.r·vn( I hav,. htrf'· un ln >Pl my hand Hnll aff1xtd my of111 Al "'"111 ltw t111• 11nc1 )'Wr in U11s c-.. r11 f1<.111 .. rust 11bove wrlll tn JC R()RERT F" \\"11.LMES )I\' Comm111s1on Expires .,_,,\',.mb,.r JI\ tfl!'I~ Nn ~61 !'llf'•o-Pr"~' 2 7 H 21. 2"1. lfl~:I -------------:-.nTl(t; nt· 1 :-n:~mr.n '10 RTCi.\Gf. :-;nn1 E Jl" H t::IU:HY C i\IEN Thal Pf'AHLER MA:-JUFACTIJR· tNr. r()RPORA TlO='. Mnrto~or. Whtl~,. 11rlrlrl'l'" '" IH J W 171h 8trPPI 1n lhP l""1tv nl c·ni11n Mf!l'lll . Co11n11· of Utan~·. Slate of Call· fDrn111, 1nl1>nrJ, In m11rtg11ge '" COMME:RC"IAL «RE:O IT COR · PORATI0:-0: Mnrt.aitf"", who~!' ;td· 11rPl'I~ 1« 7:?:! !'t1ut h Sprtni; Slrf"I. in 1 h" Ill~· r11 LP~ An "-"lf's. r n1111t .\' I o f I .nil AnJ,'l'lr~. f:ln'r of t'ahfnr· t nta, certain cq111pmrnt of a rer· ' l•ln n1nrl 1Pll" ._uslnl'~!' knnwn 11.1 f'FAHLI::H :'>I A~ l"FACTL"IU:'\G r(lRJ'()H ,\11 (1~ an.f lnr11tr·I al i; 1:1 \\• 171 h t;trrtl 111 tt,. C-11 y of C-1 •la ~t· 1 C'nun11• •I f'lran~. ~IJ'e r.f ('11hfo1n111 , an•t that an f'X•·r11ll'tl morlgai;I' ••f thf' Mm" w.11 he dtllvert•I end the consld· .. 111t1on t~r<'fnr pa1t1 lit 10 00 n'rln<"k 11 m <"n lheo 21 11 day of F • hruary. J!I!'),\, 111 th!' l'scrow de- r arlmt>nt of th,. COM~fEHC"lAL. rREDIT CORPORATJO!li at. 722 ~filllh SpNng S•rett, In lhf' City "' LA• AngeJe11. County "' Loa A n.1:elea. Stnt,. ot C'"a llfqrnl11 f)atf'd Ft'bniary 7. JO~>:> f'OMMERCIAL CH.EDIT COR· POR.ATION. Mortllf'" F. J T AARH. JR.., Morta1or r-;,., M~ • ·11wa-Pre11 2 H /I):> -------------- n :RTl n CATE OP' nrsr!l.~88 nrrtTIOt"8 nll!\t SAME T hr untlH!'lfl\ed do.a hereby f'ertlfy UIAt .ti.. I• conducUD• a J.o\,JIU ~d•ly·IO·W("llr •pparel bUal· nr~11 at 000 Via Malai;•. :"ewprut 11 .. arh, C'a llfcim1.1 Un•ltr the fie:· t11111u.t farm 1h nw or LA REINE 11n 1 1 • ·u .... 111 firm la compo.wd n! th• ( lfnWlnj; penona, WhOM n '"'~• 1n rull and placu or real· tlr:we au u tollow1, lo-wit 1.11r~HAT:'\E DA="IEL :>20 fl111na Lr·•. C'n11l11 Mesa., Ce li! \\ llt1u1 my hand thll lOUl day of 1-·eb111An'. J !l~. a LOHRAl=--f: OA:"JEL STAT!-: OF C"AWF'Ofl~'lA I C"Ol"~T'I (W O RA:"Gt: •u Of lh1J 10t h day or February. A {• 1(1;, ·,, DI' for~ mt>, ROBERT F. \\'ILL.~I E!:'I. it :'\'otnry P ublic In 11nrl fM lh,. l'rll<t C'n11nly end St.au. rf'~hlini; th• tun. •t11ly r11m rnl11alon- NJ unol 11\\nin, 1w1•111it'lly •rre-r<'<I 1~·11<~Al:->1:: riA~l l.L, known t~ rnf tn hf' the pcrh n whose name 11 11111'>101Tllwd rn thf' within lnalru· m~nl. nnrJ 11rknol' II t.Ji:t I tn m" ti 11t -.h .. ,.,,.c-1Htt1 lh,. 1<anir In wltnoe whcr~f. I bave h•1 •· unto ' t my hAntl 11nc1 afrtJC' I 111} f'lfl1ru11 'f!al lhf' 1J11v a.nit 1 r~r ltl t PAGE 4 . P~RT 1 l -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS '!4-&hoo~ ~- MONDAY, FEB. 14. 19ss • China Painting NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS COAST.ilsiio;PE~besdays . 4 u.e. 1 Paper •• 15 4 Uaee 2 Papen 1.30 t Line. 3 Papen 2.00 CouW 81aopper Cluallled A.de m•t ru la UM Moada7 or Tbund.ay Publ&oattoa llUUMUM AD 18 • UNES AU Clualfled Ada mmt be paid for c.ai la edvuice of pabUc.atloa. NEWPORT HARllOK PVBL18111NO CO. 1211 B&lboe Bh•jf., Newport BeacJt, C&llloralL The publi•hers will not be rJ1'ponslble tor mor• than one mcorrect lnertJon ot an ad, re&el"Ve the r ight to correctly clualfy any and &ll ada and to reject any ad not conforming to rull'I and regul.aUolUI. DEADLINES tor placinr or cancelllnc ada a re: F or Monday PubllcaUun -Monday 9 a..m. F or Wedneaday Publication -Tueaday 2 p.m. For Thurllday Publication -\Vednuday 1 p m. 12-BWldlnx Servi~ Special NoUcea FOR REN.T Newport Harbor Skill Sawa. !:lee. DrtU., Pol1Ahers, aU typu of Sanders, Whe~lbar· row•. etc. BOYD'S H OWE. 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY Ube.rty 1-3'3~. Newport B<-11 28lfc l Z-BuUdlnic Servlca B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meets evl'ry Thuraday 8 p.m . Via Oporto -Cent Nt l Ave. Newport Beach ..Elwood Shell, Exalled Ruler l2-BuUdlng Sen1C!h WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) . ·' SPECIALISTS in room additions and remodeling for O\'Cr 8 yn. FHA Term.s -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3-8274 87plH IZ-~ Painting, Decorat ing Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT Wc.%N8ED cu:-:TR.Al.."l'UR 61 1 :SOUi St .. Newport Beach R&r. 2418-W or W 1-6632 ttc COMPLETE P AINTlNG 6 Paper Hanging Service E:UOEN!: 0 SA UNl>~fUI &00 :$1•1 StrHt. Newport Buch Harbor 2978-J. O c:M House Plans UBERTY 8·62:11 JOlf1 --------~--~ -CARPENT.b;.t{ Repair Work ~ Y'ou1 Home !'\rr1: Hep:unng or Remod .. l1ns • Ca.JI 1-·ran11. Llber:y ti 69r•• AU Work Gumranlet<l , llfc• !l~p9tl PAINTING LVI'ERltJK EX I ~KllJR W<.:EN~F.D 1:-.:s t'Rgo Glenn J ohnston WI lZ-Bw~io!ServJces_~~~ CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats O. HomPr Hargrove, W 8·1S770 l2c26h PAINTING Painting ll Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar !112 :I lh St. Newport Beacb PHONE K.ARBOR l .ot CARPENTRY Uc MINOR REPAIR WORK XO JOB TOO S~tALL JI 0 Ancereon W 8-00G:l Colla Meaa 83Uc 8xp~rienc'd gardener t.ANDSCAPING end C..."LEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 10c23H Specia lized HOME REMODEL 311t l:St :'\ewpun Mf"l•l'f Harb<lr at 71i 1.11 · p,\ TIOS. carJ't'ntry, 11luttrlng, 1onrrt•lr "111 k. , l1lc ~ettlng. General Con tracting p111ntln1t )'OU !Uinta ll. we do It F'O~TER BROS Rt::!'.\ lftS, rf'mudellnll n.nd nltcr11· 1 H irbor 3!li6-R LI 8·2032 98pl2 llon work. ft!'~1r1rnt1n.I en 1 com· -------------m• rein.I butldUll=s Que.lily Work Uut.ranlf't'll Har 31:11 tJaya. Hat 211lO·J t\'"' !\!)! rr 14-l'enoa ala 1>&7 ud ~ent111 0..... Ordera Ta.l&en Now Pbone Uberty ~• H Ut Real • an Estate Schoo! Santa Ana MEN A WOltll:N prepe.n In IP&ft time tor unlimited opportunltlet In Real Mate. N.w cluMI weekly. Al Tyler ln9tnlctlq. Al· tend ttnt natns &9e ud J-.m about th1a creat n.ld. Call or wrtte now for lntwm&UOIL Bual· a... Iutlt:uu , •i&~ N. &yea· more. lO 1-1761. 'Httc In Reepoue to Popular Demand W!: HA VJ: RJ:Cl:'NTL T eAJarsed our faclUtl111 to accotnmodat.e more children. Ther• are a trw p.lace) available. PREP ARE your chUd tor killder- prten' In- ALMA OI.JCSEN OREl:N'I HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL 398 E. Del Mar, Coeta K ... A~e.s 2-8 Liberty 8-8711 A truly f in• Nunery School ~1~ HAMMOND ORGAN INSTRUCTION Harbor 3816-W. 13c~ 23-Sltuatlona Wanted ---------------- GARDENING NEW LAWNS. renovallr1g or roto· tilling. Y11rd upkeep by the mo Frf'e utlm11te11_ l!:arl Connor11. Harhor 2791-J. 12p14 POSITION desired u combination Butler, Cook, Houseman A: Chaf· feur. C'"apabh! or rompl,.te man· ai;em, nt If desired. Tt'n year!I r"stdrnce here. Splen'11d local r"· fe~nCC'!I. Total 11b8ta1ntr. GO<>cl man Llvt' 1n or oul. Phone Har. bor 1877-W. J3pJ6 RESPONSIBLE couple will manage apartment house in returrt for rent. Refer- ences furnished. Bond if required. · WRITE Box P-26 this paper. 4ti Alterations R ESTYLING Kim of Calif ornia 213 Manne Harbor 3481 Balboa. I•land 98pU Roy's Maintenance House cleanJng-Floor waxlnc Wall Wuhln&-wtndow cJea.nln& Venetlan bllnd8. Upholet•ry I nau r'NI. l"ree l!:auin •tu Lrberty 8·1332. lttc RESPONSIBLE couple wtll man· •gf' lllcome property In exch. tor nnt-Rf'f!'rl'nr~11 fumll!hed. WRITE Box R·28, lhle paper. lOpJ~ttc YARD WORK \.\'A.:'\lEO- TrN's trammed or rl'move'1- A II Yarc1 Malnlenance. CALL Llbl'rty 8-1648. 12pl4 Painting By d•y or Hour. Brst of Workmanship. Sm111l Joh~ o.k. Liberty 8·2137. llc lS WlI.L DO PART TIME chautfer· In~ nr provlc1"' l'llCOI t on any oc-ra.<1lon Refc>rence• on r'eqUl!llt. Ph. W~rty 8·1648. 1lpl3 L." DY wl~ht-3 day work by th• hour. '?9-Relp Wuted Saleswomen Ready :to· ~ear Lingerie MUST BE EXPER· IENCED IN SELL- 1 NG FASHION MERCHANDISE. WRITE GIVING FULL DETAILS, EXPERmNCE & REFERENCF'8. SALARY OPEN. WRlTE U-31 TlllS PAPER. 13c18 J OBS OPEN NOW FOR Blc'kprL. 1teno'1, eecret.ar1ea. bkkp A poet. ma.ch. operator., houae- keepen It cooka. SO-Mhtlellauou_~ SU_ Fir•wood For Sale · FREE OELJVER Y WIUGHT 00. 1714 Newpurt tslvd., Coeta Me• Uberty t-2300 47U 1iM PHILCO fraeMr. 14 \t cu. t1 Pd. dn. to 12~9 from IUt Pymta. or cuh. See Ba~b111 A A 8 Warehoua 220 8 . Main, Santa Ana <>JM' II· 9 lO 1·1201. MIRJ\OR TOPPICD dnN ln• tab! w1th 11kl.rt, $16. Tank type vac cle&Aer A att.acbnlenta, 11 · I patr1 embroidered unbleachc curtaJna and vaJanc... IH S Mexican hand carved chair wtth ruah Mata. '6 u ch. 1510 Kini• Road before 9 a.n· or after 0 :30, or by appointment Llbart7 a..476. _ U r i ' Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERltS We Give 8l&H Oreen 8tamp1 Gunderson Prug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ha.rbor ISllS. 98tfc . SALE FLOOR SAMPLES 10 Piece Set Rattan, Wrought Iron, Modem AIRFOA.M ·CUSIDONS ZIPPER COVERS -Magu.ine Table ........ $21.M ··Arm Ch&ir ······-········ $72.M -Ottoman .......•...........• $26.50 .(l,ffee Table ········-·· $21.50 ~-End Tables .... ---···-··· $4!5.00 I ·Corner Table ............... $29.95 3-Piece Sectional ........ $169.95 ct.egular Price ······-··-$386.90 :;A VE ... ,,. .............. -·---$96.90 SPECIAL .......... -·-······ $290.00 M-Maak-al, Radio, & T V BEAl'TlFL'l. sr1xET PIANO&. Rtnt to buy All of tenn rent allO\\'ed l'11&r t1C'e ptanoa u low .., $~ r r 1 11111 l:'A:-<Z-Sl'HJ.l lDT 811 Plano Store. 'iZO !':o Moan, Bani.& Ana Honest TV Service STEVENS Ii SONS 1&79 Harbor. Coata MeM Ph W ~rty 8-~01 T7pp-tto STEll'\WA y GRA."110. LUC• oew. B1~ 11avtnp. Alao Ka&be.. Xtm· !Ml. 1'~1&ehl'r, Muon A Hamlin. M11ny oUlen. PracUce p&ano1 a1 low u W . OA:-.:Z-SCHMJDT Blc Ptano ltor•. :>20 No. Maln. Sant.a Ana BEAUTIFUL l:lectronlc Orpn. blonde ca•. allnoet new. MUat. aacrlflc:e. One only. lliC ..... Inga . DANZ·SCH loflDT Orl&t Sale. :>20 No. Ma in, S.nt.a Ana Bl: SUJ\E TO CHECK WITH - June Farrar Agency SO-B-AftU.W DfPLOY..MENT w h. M h. The Lighthouse USED CAR VALUES ~15 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa IO-Aatoe Md Tl"IM!lm 402~ 32nd st. Npt. &h. ncu as ang ac 1ne • SERVICE Harbor 1607 13cl5 EXP. WOMAN COOK tor morn.Inc 1-year sua rAnlH on joba done 19!'>4 O'KEEFE A MERRlTT 1950 Buick Super ahl.ft.. and on UMd wuher• 248114 LIDO PARK CAP'E (rear) Newport Bl . Coet.a Mua 2801 3ht l!!t., at Lido Tltiler Park Liberty 8-4M3 Or' U berty range. CP. Pd. dn. to $119.~. • d•'<>r adn. Red10, heater, O,U• 1lpl3 8-4327. 64Uc -~~~~~~~~-~- No dn. pymt. flow. White palnL WSW tsrea. see Bauchn• A • s Ware.bouae, Was $005 220 S. Main, Santa Ana Ope MAPLE dlnlng ext. ta blf' and 6 chalra, leather eeata .t backa: lnfre.·red 111.&ndard lamp; regu· lator .t humidifier for oxygen tank. Har. 372S·M before 9 Lm. nr 11ftc>r 6 p.m . or all day 8un- rt11y. 10c14 PAYNE panelau f'. A. heater, 60,000 BTU. jPt glaaa almost n"'' ThermOAtat control, 40% dlacount. LI 8-72:>o. l:lcH MAKE OFFER ON 3 8TA?\DS OF BEES and all equipment. Including meparator. 22:>1 Tuatln Avt'., CO•ta .Mes.a. llc:l3 J9~ PHILCO TV conaole. Pd. dn. to 1126.118 from 1310. Pymta. or c.a11h. See Bau1hn1 A A S Wa.rehouae, 220 S. Main. Santa Ana Open 9 . 11 Kl 3."i201. FIREWOOD Jl'RE'E DELIVERY Dry wood, 16" -2•" lenctb. Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor 101' EvPnlng• Harbor 5391 Ocl8 KENMORE a uto. waaber '30. 6' leather bar or daplay count· er l :>O, Jara• dllfferobe, 6 draw· ere $20. Comb. lamp and maple table I!!. 2 ruga 4x8, ~. lb.Hi bge. rug IJ6. LI 8-2692. llp13 19:>t PHILCO R ctnrenitor. Bot· tie mpace. Pd. dn. t o ll!G.t4. No dn. pyml. Set Baughn11 A A S Warehotlff, 220 S. Main, Sant.a Ana Ope 9 -9 IQ 3-7201. 4000 COLORS ava.IJabl• ln spray· ln1r en;unel or lacquer for auto- , mobllu. trll!lera or aJreratt. Spray i:un11 tor "nL Harbor Palnl Center. lru: 412 32nd St., Nev.'J>Orl. Har. 2338 ~side the City Hall. 10c1~b 19!14 WEDGEWOOD gaa dryer. Pd. dn. to l li7.6t rrom '300. No dn. pyrnL See Baui;hn11 A 4t S W~rthouee, ~20 S. Ma.Jn. Santa Ana Open 11-11 l<J 3·720J. 1000 Business cards ~3.95 BOOI< MATCHES L. W. WHITE -----·----1954 G E Refr11entor. 12 cu. ft.. auto detrosL Pd. dn. to $268.7' from $490. C11~h or pay rymt11. 9. 9 IQ S-7201. Now $895 , DE3KS See Baughn• A 6: S War<'houae, 220 S, .Mafo. Santa An11 Open 9 • 9 Kl 3-7201. Cloinng uul rectory t.amples. TERRY'S BUICK beautiful cnnh:mporary deek1t. 1 for home or nrflr ... Leaa tha.n 2612 Npt. Blvd. GMAC TD.Ml whol~Hlt' 416 311'l St., New· Nt"wport1 Bl'ach, Harbor 8011 port 8"ach. 13rl\ • 1954 WHIRLPOOL auto washer. Pd. dn. to $127.85. No dn. pymt. See Baughn11 A 4t S Wnrrhnu11I', 220 S, Main, Santa A n a Open 9 • 9 KJ 3-7201. 195:> PHILCO TV 21" Pd. dn to $188 i6 f rom $320, Pymt11. or ELECTRIC range. Crosley Deep- wrll Pd. <In to $127 69 rrnm $319. No dn. prmt Baughn1 A .t: S WarehOU8t', 220 S. Ma.1n. Santa Ana Open 9 • 9 Kl 3-7iOI. c:a11h. 19!'14 NORGE 11 '-!r cu. ft. retrlg· SeP Ba11ghn1< A c\ S Wart housf', rrator Auto t1ef roitl. Prt. ctn. to 220 S. ~t11tn, Santa Ana Open $19-1.56 from $'100 l'\o ctn. pymc 9. 9 Kl 3. 7201. I See Baughn• A 6: S Warehnuse. 1955 O'KEEF'E & MERRITT range. Htgh broiler, chrome top. I'd. dn. to $169.:>8. No dn, pymt. St'e Baui;hns A 4t S W11rf'house. 220 S. Ma.in. Santa An11 Open 9-9 KI 3-7201. . DEEP FREEZE freezer, 13'i9 cu. It. Pd. dn. to S227.M from 1470. Pymta. or ct.ah. ~ Baughn11 A ii: S Wa.rchouee, 220 s. Ma.In, Sant.a Ant. Open 9.9 Kl 3-7201. 220 S. MaJn, Santa Ana Open 9. 9 Kl :1-7201 S2-A-Antlq°"----- w A:'\T Ill buy nltl ta!lhlnnt'd doll:< & doll he&c1~. China . Blsqllf', etc. Any s!Zt' nr condition. PnvalP party. Har. 2098-~I. 10cl2 :.i3-8oals!. s.u~r~~---- TRADE Beaullful 70·rt. 1111x. echooner. 1954 HOTPOlNT Refrigerator. 12 Fully found, go anywhere. Wa.nt cu. f L, 2 door. Pd. dn. to 128•.92 530.000 equity ln property. 1220 !rpm $MO. l'ymta. or cash. I W eal &Ibo& Blvd.. Nrwpurt. Se& Baughn1 A Ir S Warehouae, H rbo 3032 3cJ5h 220 S. Ma.in, S•nta Ana Open __ a __ r ___ · ------- 9.9 Kl 3·7201. I WANT TO BUY &~ aet ot STAR COAT 1111111. e,h&ap. Wr1te H. E. 1~:12 BUJCK Super Riviera coupe. R&H. Dyn11tlow. EZ ey. ,,.... t local owner $1495 Miller Chevrolet lOO<l W C'1t Hwy. :->ewport Bf'a d 1 LJberty 11·2261 JIM Harbor ea.ta Wt•• Wberty a.MU 1954 R oadmaster R iviera ~ t1r adn. Fully l'QUlpPf'd Pown acruaortu. 2 tonfll paint. $3195 Don't mlse thla nne car. TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Npt. Blvd. GMAC TERMS Nt>wp ort Bi:ac:h Herbnr 5021 19~0 BUICK Special dlx. • door l!lldan. RltH. WSW Utee. Dynll· flow. lmmaculat.e throu1hout. $8t5 Miller Chevrolet 195!1 GAFFERS 6: SATTLER Conli. 2Z02 Cliff Dr, Sant& Bar· r&111:e. CP. Pd. d:i. to $128.!H. bllra. l 0p13 1000 W. C'at. Hwy. 1866 ~r No 11.'\, pymL -- ---t :'\ewpJJri &&Cb CA:lsta Mr3a See Baui;ima A A S Warehouae, Ot;TBOARD MOTOR, lat.P, Mark Uberly 8·2261 Uberty 8·:>833 2'?0 S. Alain, Sant.& Ana Open I XX ~lerrl.lry Llkt new. S226. 9,9 Kl 3-7201. 11..:.rb. r ll3b0 13ct:i ------·-------O'KEEFE t,. MERRJTT rt!ng., good condition, $4:>. Har. H21-~.t J2c S:t-Pumiture for Sale 9Jtl2 rue A pad, like rrw. S2l!. ~x8 n.IC $1. liar. 3016-J. 13clt :.!.3 I I . t ltl'ISER, 4 }'f'8rlJ llld !"Irr pa 4, Lincoln 1:,2 hp. mut w. 11 111 rprayl'd With fabrr ~ws. 11 to 1 r.1<110, rubber life boat. 2·GO 1;111. furl tonks. 40-i::al. wa· t rr tan:1 11m l H I gal. PL&.IJlless ~ '"I b:i1 t Lank :O.fusl st'll now, $ ·.,:,uo. :;,.e 11 at l Olf E Biii boa 1.lvd. Balboa . liar 24M. J2cH 19:it PHILCO retrlgerator-frf.'t:: •r . combo. Pd. dn. to 1193.411. No JO-FT SKJF'F', w ith O'~rs, good ... ymt I cona1t1un. M O Har. 0828-J ""· P · J?ct4 See Baughn!! A & S Wart hou11r, - t20 S Main. S11.nta Ana Open WJLi:°SWAP l!lhor for 12 ft:-;;r 9 • 9 Kl 3· 7201. Ir RI! ,.klrf. Ab11 will work for out- -bv.JnJ. l'hone LI. ~4860 betwee.n 19~.J Bl'ICK--4 tlr. tlelux11 8('dan. Dvn1ttlow, RAH, WSW 27,000 m1le11 -RE.ALLY :"nC'E. BEST OFFER -:>11 R.sverald,. Av~, !'ewport BMch. U 1·2070. 1953 CHEVROLET 8"1alrfll rpt . 2 tone. R.il:ff. WSW Pnw,.rgllde. ·$1745 U c U eport Ul"d. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W . C'llt.. RW')'. Ntwport Bra.c:b Liberty 8-2261 1MI B&rbor eo.t& Me• Liberty~ 1954 NORGE auto WUht'r. Pd. 11r.. 6 &: 8 p m. 13pl5 t.o 1148.56 frnm S290. No dn 41-Aato 8enl09 llYrTIL KOi ILEH 4 rvl. 32 ,·olt--1'2 K.W. See B11uchn1 A A S Wa.rehousr. 220 S. Main. Santa Ana Oflt'n 9.9 Kl 3-7201. ~· nl'rator :->o tlme 1lnc:e com · pl"!" O\'erhaul. Har. 4960 lllter ~. pm. 210 Via Grazlan&. L1rtn ble. 13cl8 Motor Overhaul \th" f'rrtlflralt' flr•l l!lboV,. \\:1lll'n -ALSO baby sit Unit nenlnp and wc•ek-ends Llberly 8-7oeo. I Jpl3 1..1 8·-4011 (Evu. U 8·:>1~) pptlc TWO platform roclcer1. 125 tor both. ~08 W . Bay Ave., Balboa. l ICJ3 BHAXD ?\!':\\' 8 ft. mahogany punta, $~.:.. 281:> Villa Way. :'\r wporl Beach Sam E mmea. Harbor u8:19-W. 13c l:> NO MONEY OOWM * with this ad * ROBE'KT F. \\II D t1:.; Painting & l'apcrhan~1ng ~'" \.'r•mmlselon t 'IPll•" :-: "" r!'hrr 16 1n • • CCRT1TIC"A TI: OJ' Ill !'l'°t:-.~ F'or1.1c U• ua F irm :"am,. TH~; l..';l.'DE:RSJG:-OED dot'• htr•'· b) r t'l l•h th(I• ~ .. '" • • n•:111 lll11t a b<'alll) ulun IJU Int'"'-' at Si ll! :0--l'WJ"Ort Blwt. :-.:•wport Bu ch C'.'lltrom1n un.J• 1 •ht' flc.-lllt••UB f crm niune "r WOO'S SAL.0 :-1 OP- B!!At.IY and th11 &aid firm 111 comroJW"al or Ule following per- mozu, whOk ruam"" In rull and pl&eY Of J CJ!lcll'nr, •r• .. f(IJIOWI, tO·'ll<'ll rauWi.e Kerrma.nn &38 W. l th SL lo1~ta. ,M, M . Olllt. W JTNlC~S my hM ct thia lllh day Of Ft brua.ry, lfl~ s; PAtL.l:-."E BERRMA..'l.'N S late or C.illlom111 Cf'un ty nf Orani,:r H OF nus 11th day of FebNIU')'. A 11 lfl.'.>~• ""fore me, ROBE.RT F \'([LLM ES. a :->ntary P ublic In 11 n•I t r !ht ~11111 C'nunly a nd St.alt, rr• •J111c lh~1 ·10, duly comm'81on- ,.t1 lln•I ""'m n Pf'"" nally a ppoa.red P Al'WXE HERJUtAN'N knoW1'I 1.. II f' 10 bf' lhe perltOll WhOlt name I• 11ub•rr'l\l'd to lhf' v.1thln tn11t rwnrnl. nn1I 11rkno\A·lf'dgfd to fl"• lh~I llhC'I l"Xl'CUIHI !he Nlllf' JX \\'JT:'\ESS \\'H..EREOF , l haw hrreunto '"' my ha.ntl a.nd affta-4 my Of(I< 1RI ioral t he 1111~ llnd Y"llf In this C"••rt1r1c.-ntc flr!ll 1thove writ· trn. 1• ROBERT F'. WTl.L.\t&S Vy c~mm lulon Expltff !llowm- N-r HI. I !1~1:1 Xo. 1)66 ~~~ll·Pre.u-2 U ·21·2A ,, i !"3 -'four Advt rt181n1 Oollua JU tllnhtr. c!o mortt. IM'll more. •be.n ~·1111 11<ll'•'t l1n In tl\11 pap.r - T'hone llAtbor 11116. ' We do t he w ork our!'d\'C'!'. 30 '"Ir~ rxpr1 1,.n• ~ L11·,.nv •1 & insur ••I Sa ll•la c II• n ~uar:tnlr,.aJ ~Unullf'• fr .. ~ Call J ohnn1t, LI 8-26 7 & LI 8-52 !l ltll ASPHALT fJLE--1 Ll!':OLEl"~t I 1nalaJI the elm•·!" d1Paprr tl:1r1 mo•t AlllO •~II TllP It Llnol -uni I =-:on-union, 2.'.> yPnrs r xprt ll'nf' c~om~re 11n.1 see - 131LL °COKER LI 8-1.1204 71fr PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 PaJmn St.. Cnt!13 Mt-a Phone Liberty 8-2928 6'7Uc HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn, reasonable or DO tT YOURSELF-"'E Tll L It GRADE YOt:R 8 EF:D A:O."D ROLL II'.l:DER Ol"R Gl'ID· ANCE. -Ll 8-1:>92. 94p9 THE COASTAL SHOPPER Orange County's Classified AclvertisillCJ .Media / Sign up at once_ 1-'REEZER, Crosley, 19!'>4. J5 fl. 5 Cyla. 8 Cyla. GIRLS - r1lt-O-Soft water softener to Good News be ~i,·en ABSOLUTELY C{l('l(f Joha _ 12xl:> BEIGE RUG with 6-ln.. bor· dcr. 12:.. -717 W. Ball><>& Blvd. ~pL -Har. 1834-W llcJ2 E LECTRIC nmce. Phllro. Double oven. Pd. dn. to $189 58 from 1380. No dn. pymt. Pd. dn. lo 1239.66 f rom $:,Otl Pym!AI. or' e&1h See Bau1hn1 A A 8 Wart hou•e. 210 S. .Main, Santa Anll Open 11·9 KI 3·i201. M-Mu..Ucal. Radio, ~ TV lnLlude& bot.II iabOr Md ,.,... NPW rtnp, WTMit plM, ..... &'rui.d. [.IWDp ot mail! ..., rot be&rUlp. J:aper\ IDo&or m.. ... 90-<1&y or t ,000 &U. ,......... HAMMO:"D organ.!. AU mod~!! Good salllry -FREE (Installation includ· with frequt'nl lncreaau -SH Bau1 hn1 A A: S WarehoUM, 220 S. Ma.Jn, Santa Ana Open 9 -11 IQ 3-7201. 195:> UOTI'OlNT auto wuhtr. PJ dn. to 1227.•6. Pymta. or cuh See &u,hna A .t. S Warehoutt. 220 S . Maln. Sant.a Ana Open 11. 9 IQ 3-7201. OnP only slit:hlly uac'1 &lmoat hke new This la a special. DA :"Z-SCHMI OT (NO MONft DOW>I), Opportunity for &dvancement. -ed) to lucky stub hold<'r by some opening$ now for youn1 H11mmnnd Htadquarltra for Or· an~" Count}'. 620 No Ma.m, 8 . A. REBUU..T ENGIND ~ -UP to 16 MO!fTJU TO= Bui It 1D our Ol'Fll fa.cs&.cl7 "J macllln11ta. Doe't ooet.md .-BALBOA HOWE. 711 E BAi boa Blvd .. Balboa- 1 ~o l'urchAsf ~tcesaary) ~c:I i h A.JcohoUca Anon)'T'loUI Wr1Le P. O. Bo•' 381 Newport Be11Ch, CAJLC. Phone Harbor '79:> tto !!=Beauty Al~_s ___ _ ~uperfluous Hair Pem1anenUy re.rno\'ed from rac. •mw. le~L Eyebrow• and hair Une ahaped-No more tweenn1. EL.1..£~ L BRYA.Vf R ~ U do • S&Jon ol Beauty Har. "76 tic H-Loat a.od Found LORT tirf'••n PMalc<'<'l namrd .. Prtlty Boy" In Cost.a Mesa. Re· war1. Ll 8-4~2i or LJ 8-3031. 12c 14 LOST. Tllll :"Oa\-v Jackel bf>twctn Xe1IV'p0rt Yac:hl Lllntl ln1ot and R1rhArd90n·1. R rw1nJ. Harbor 1017-J. IJcJ:> LOIJT-1..&dJM ""hlte ~Id Elgln •Tiet "'•le.JI on Saturd~. J't'b. 5 Re~·aro. Harbor 133()..J. 12c1' women in :"ewport Beach office: TELEPllO~E OPPt A T 0 RS. CLERICAL WORKERS ltypln1 requll"f'odl Apply 1)1'4 ~ :-0: MaJn SL, (Koom 2111 S&11la Ana Monday I hru F'r1<1ay. 11·4 pm. PACIFIC TE!-EPHONE 7ttc WA :'<:T atrrerary for rE'aJ utAte nffl('c, ;'\;r''"PQl'l Brach. Must be able to t&ke dktauon, type 6: do light bnokkr,.plng 40 hour week. \\'tll!' q1111hr1r11 l1ons 6: aaJnry expected to Bolll S29. lhl• j paper. lJcH'> WA.'\T me.n PJ1per1enrM In ...tre fabnrat1on. bendln1t A spot w1>lc1lng. THlXLl:'\E CO, 416 I ~~:~~:~~1 ;:-al~;c 1:. I For work In tH1ach a rea w1Ul 3 yrs. pr11ct1cal expcrlenc:t' In m~ch. dratting a nd 2 yn. col· IPge or equh•alent. \\'nt~ r. O Box 1031. Alhambra. Calif., tn· rlosing lllmple ot .. ·ork. a:iuc -----·· --------lllSIS G. E. auto wuher. Pd. dn. to 1238.H trom '320. Pyma. or caah. See Bau£'hn• A A S WarehousP, 220 8 . MAJn, Santa Ana. Open 9.9 IQ 3-7201. 11164 TAPPAN ranre. Pd. dn. to 1158. 76 from S370. No dn. pymt. Ste Baughns A It S Warrho11lle, 220 S. Main. Santa Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 3·7201. RCA 45 record player A r&d.lo comb., te ble model. xtnt. rondl· Uon. $60. 20U Mnnrovl11. c'.'o~ta Maea.. LI 8·7426. J lr l3 ~-------------WE'RE REDECORATING-Ma· hogany Duncan Phyfe d in. tnbl~. 6 c:haJrs 160., Gatten A: SatUer gu rang~. S85. 216 Via Dijon, Ll\10 hlP. Har. 22t 9'-J. 12c1' T A LK ABOU T This RESUL T ,S - backfired ! one E very now anrt lhl'n we run a ~e promotll'\&' cJ&NlfJed ad.I. Jo requ .. ntly It• t>e~n a typical cJu.cilJ l,.d ad fl&&'• wllh a larre middle arttfon -blocked out and a meM11ge inae.rted th.al Inform• our readcrm 11bo1Jt our cJusined ad!! It eeemed plain to ua JM'Opl• -.·ot11d rea.llu Uils wun't the HAVE buullful &lldw1-n acroaonlc Spinet. 4 yrs. 1,IJ. WANT TO S\>'•'Al' r•ir grand piano P hnne Jlarbor Ht!lli-M 4t!c 2 0:->LY Srtn• l tY1tt>. uprlithl pla· noa in pertcct conilltJon. l maple & 1 hlontl~ Tc•rm11 $~0 down, $11. ptr mo. ot· SHAFER'S Mu11lc Co. (Since 11'071 421-423 N. Syca.more, Sant.a Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0672 WURUTZER Spinet. Fine rnah<>lot finish. Slightly Ul!Pd. r op ron•! l Harbor 0G41·M. l l rJ6 ------- 1 See Baldwin Piano I & Organ Display 1 WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1311 Cout Blvd .• Corona. del M&i ITh•den lntulor Btd1.1 Har. 3382 M tic current C'IUllllled atrUon but t~ malca doubly eure, moal l ONLY bfoauutut alngle ·manua l •<ldreuH a.nd phone numbers were obllltral f'•I )fl!'l:SlfALL "1eclron1c uri:11n lllce nrw Savi' U OO. Conv~nirnt However even llO our poor switchboard of)f'rator wu I term1 al- th• rnJ~ ID&A -..... REBUILT ud 1'.NST Al .r n> 8BORT aux::& roRD-•'•• CHJ:VROL.i7I' fJ41.ll PLYM. A 0000111 fJN CHRYB. A DJ: 801'0 flTO BTUDEBAJU:P 11'11 OLDS A PONTIAC I I' 10 BUJCK flTI HUDSON •t Ta LoAn Car ...... ,..,.... NEW C.t.Jl ca&A.MTllll Blocic mua IDelt eiur ......... PIUI t&u9, ........ ud CIG OpeJI 8u.n4aJ 10 LJL to I p.a. BELLES . ENGINE • REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 7 It.At. aa.ditd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA.NTA ANA noodl'd "1th call• f roM people ""anUng to an ..... t r theN ad• SHAl'~F;R'S Mual c Co. !Slncf' HI071 •Z-Trallerw WA.'lT ex~r1en~dm_a_n,_n_e_m_e_r_h· and aaklnf for lb• phone "Umbera. 421-4~ :-;, Sy<.'.a.more, Santa A.nil ------------- n..nlea, p.-rmt.nenl, I Pbone KJmberly 2·0672 1 27-F'T. PAN AM:1:RJCAN trailer. GEORGE J. MEACHEM. 2439 W The advertl~ln1 ma.nager juet beata h111 brow and aay• recondl lone<! ln11td1 A out. ft.t· C<"IU'l R l(bway, Newport Bell "Nuer heard of auc:h a thine In mJ' ute :" SPJ!'l:l!:T ~JA~~-Lo;el~!on~~~ 1111r-rt II) 1700 f~ qu1clc mle. Liberty 8·13'3. J l cJJ Cll'le on y ' '' f'I t 14:, f; 17th Bl, Co•t& Mes. r.t wnnd~rflll hnr;111n1 ln rrn 81 r,.· s .~1)63, • 13c l8 WANT r lerk-typtsl. Prrler w llJ) ~ 7"' ...... M .. a. our UY.t7 deMll14ld llC"f'IJon t11m11, lrllrlt' In •1n c1r 1:R11• • tt' , -------------- 11ome t1fJ>er1ence In lrurur..nce wW br1Jl1t 10u ,_ult.a, too. Several mer,.tv •lli;hlly ~1 1<1• tt· 33 1-':J" PAN AMER.JC~. 3 ~~.• of fice routine. For lil~rv1-. I ed In 8hlpm,.r.• Ii.11th T'Ttrrct tnr quick ..,,., Wtil• P. o. Boa 716, llaJ.llM.. l Cal ~' ltll ...a Mk for ~ ed tall.er. DANZ-S<.:H?otlfJT I u;~,o. !Au for c&llb. Call lltfc ~Cl:X:ICICXX:ICICXX:ICllCXX:ICllCXX:CICXX:Cl:X::X:Cl:X:::IQCl::::icx::.1 ~20 No. Main, Sant.& Ana Kimberly 1-U.L Upll I ' } .- NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I I • PAGE I MONDAY, FEI. 14, 1955 Buy from a Joe al dealer who will be here TOMORROW to bac~ up what he 1ell1 TODAY! FOOD CONCFSSION -Grom SlB,000 bl net. Leue 10%. Short hours;' Full price $8:500, terma. 40-Aatoe for s.ie -------'M FORD Country Sedan. O'dr., DON'T WALK 1 RlrH. Tinted gt.au., 7 mos. old. Top condition. Pnvate party. See Our Chea pies Harbor 06H·M. .11c16 1 .. 7 Buick conv. .. ... J266. lt47 Plymouth Sedan ........ 266. 11M1 Buick aedsn ........ 66. 1938 !'\uh M!dan ... 66. TERRY'S BUICK 2812 Npt. Blvd. Newport Beach GM.AC TERMS Harbor :M>21 -For a dependable used car. se~ your locaJ dtall't who will be he~ TOMORHO\\' tu b1u:k up what he IW'llll TODA\': Clle,<'k tire u~Pd cars In the d u slfied 111:cllon Lo· d~. ~ l9~a CHEVROLET 4 dr. seda n. 19."i3.HILL.l,1A.°'I\ convert., one own· er. ExceptlonaJly clean through- out. . .. . . ..... _. ....... .. $995, Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Mesa Phone Llberty 8·~1 8cl0 1949 MERCURY 4 dr. apol't sertan, late series w ith Mldlo, heater, O'drtve. WSW tires. $765 Miller Chevrolet 1.000 W. C't1l. Hwy. :-\ewporl Des ch Liberty 8·2261 18M l:la1 bor Costa"l Me~a Llbert,v g.r,633 R<l:H. Powl'rgllrlP. H ,000 rn1le11. '\ ectue.I !9!l4 MORRIS C'onvertlhlt> o ne ownl'r. 3400 1111les. BIG rec111c· $1495 tion. Miller Chevrolet Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd .. \nsta \f PFll Phone Liberly 8-:'\0~ol 11 "13 1000 W. C'5t. Hwy. l~ Harbor l'\ewport B~ach Coeta Mesa Llberty 8·2261 Liberty 8·151133 19f>J MERCliRY ~13ort r••111w R&·H -------------O'drtve. Sea t cov,.rs \\'S \\' tires. Jl:!:W l9M CHEVR-OLET convert· Ible coupe. (Wu $3000. I New Car ruarantee now $2295 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'Bt . Hwy N!!wport BPerl\ Lfl>erty 8·2261 185:'\ Harbor C"o~ta Mt sa Llbl>rty 8·M 3:l 1919 CHEVROLET deluxe club q .-R.tH. Ntw paint job. ~95 $~795 I Miller Chevrolet . 1000 W C'.st. Hwy 'lewport Beach Liberty 8·2261 1 A:'>;<, H11rho1 Cnst? ,\!P•A U bt'<rtv 8·!'11i3:>. 19~ OLDSMOBILE Supt>r 1'1\ 4 <lr. vtlan R& H. H ytlrn I '<•wrr ~te,.r>ng. 2 t't:>ne p.iinl \\': \\' tires. Sold new by u~ $26!!5 Miller Chevrolet M·rller Chevrolet 1000 ,.,., c ·st, Hwy. 1s~., Horbl>r Newpcrt Bearh • ('n~til .\l!':<B 1000 W. C'st. Hwy. Nrwpor l Bl'ach Llberty 8·2281 1~5 Harbor U berty 8·2261 Liberty s.:,1333 Co~ta l\IP~a LJ ~rty 8·M33 ------------'I'll DODGE, \oronet ronia, with Gyromatlc Drive. W ~ W. radio. On,.·nwnrr C'llr. $1011~. Hnrbor ~287 llr.13 19111 DE SOTO Custom• dr. 11Pd&11. 19bl OLDSMOBILE 9M HnHf!ny \'c-ry rlea.n. All PXtrst11. :<;c" at 2~14 Xewport Blvd , :"fll Fk h Harbor 4828. l:!pll 1049 OLDS 98 sedan, Hydra., R&H RpotllU', While 6W Exet'pl 1on111l.v rlNtn, gooc1 tlr<'s. 1'1•11t Cll\'<'I~ Sll7:'l -LJbert.v 8-2111'12. 11pl 3 40-Aotos and Trueb LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ~ WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburban. Hy· drive. low mileage, heater. W S W, gold &: wheat 2-tone color. Perfect utility car for the suburban family ........ --........ --....... _____ .... $2195 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powergllde, Radio & beater, bright red, black top. Looks &: runs like new. Only .............. -..... -.... -........ . 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor Club Coupe. Light green, R & H, low mileage. A perfect car for you .................................... -......... ·-·· 1245 1795 1954 CHRYSLER Ne'i14 Yorker 4-dr. Sedan. ·' Radio -Heater, power steering: medium green. A one-owner car. Looks like new 2195 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot ·:Across from Port Orange'' ,. Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 • ~~P~8: & _f!~~ ~Apt&. a Howa F U RNI S HED Jl $·10 mo., 1 bdrm. apt., bayf ront, till June. 50 mo., 1 bdrm. apt .. incl. gar., till June. M m0., 1 bdrm. apt., inc. gar., ocean fnt., till June 7fi mn., 2 bdrm. apt., inc. F'"r .. ocean fot., till June 65 mo .. 1 bdrm. apt., yearly. UNFUR NI S HED $R5 mo.,-2 bdrm. house 65 mo.,-2 bdrm. apt. •ROBERT V. BROSE, Real Estate 1920 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Besch Har. 4072 12c14 ~Aptll. & RoUM!9 for !Wat Outstanding YEARLY LEASE CL EAN & MODERN RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave, R<\H. Automitllc drive. Runs ltkl' 11 rntlhon '. $265 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX 19411 PO:-:TI.AC 8 convr11 t:(•Upe. PURNISHED B&Jboa lala.nd. Har. 1871 T2Ue WJLL LEASl!l by year. rttaonable, new unturn. front duplex. 2 bed· rooma, llvtng rm,, kitchen. batll and JIU"· Or will lldl-l:M 4tlt.h 8t • NpL Bch. Klfyst.on• 6-4870. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'sL Hwy. NPWJH'lrt Br11<·h LlbH ty 8-221i l l &.5 Ha.rbor C"Ml a Mes& Lt)).-rl\' 8·6633 1949 FORD 4 dt ~e<ian Overdrivt- R&H S695 ·Miller Chevrolet 1000 \\' c·~t Hwy ="'"\\'f10rt r;. ~rh Llt>rrt v 8·~::o 1 18:'.I:\ H11rbor C'o11ta Me11a Llberly 8-~633 Radio. hlr., Hy11ra. w ""' t1rrs 160-ft. to BATHING BEACH OM owner · s:i9~. BAY VlEW FROM PORCH Hausken Motors, Inc. 323 ANAD'E. BALBOA 19:!2 Hartx>r Blvd .. Cost.~ ~fi>!l.3. LEASE . $85. Mo. Phone. Llberty 8·:\0M '8<"10 1950 Pontiac 8 Newport Harbor Realty 4 floor acln H y<lr11mat1r. R &. H 515 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa $795 Come In 11nd dr·tvr this FL'l;t; (',\ft. TERRY'S BUiCK Harbor l607 13c15 Cb1.>11:;e Winter Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle 13cl6 48A-Apta. for Bea& ----SMAJ..L turn. a pl O!le room. bath • k1lcbet1att.e. Elec. mrts .. Thermo cont.rolled heat. Perm. employed pereon. $36. wlnt.er, U O by year., uUl. pd. 130 M&r-- lne. Ba.Ibo& b land. !far, 07&l·M. ~Uc REASON ABLY prfced, c1e&n 1 Sma.JJ & rozy ur large .\ delWle a, 2 bt'l:lnn. rum. apt.I. tJUl. pd. lfl .1 F ORO V·8 Country sedan. 2612 :\pL Blv•I. \.:'.IA\ TERMS $7~ W .$300 month Laundry room. Playrround tor Raciti•. l1t'nt1•r. r"ordomat1r, one XewporL Bt>at·h H11rhor :.c121 VOGEL CO. dUldren. Blue Top Apt.a. •03 ownrr, low mlll'uge, $l99J. j --I'\ewport Blvd .. Newport Beach. BOAT 6 TACKLE RENTAL -$8000 mo, poten- tial. aroaa. 1..ieue 10%. Full price =~v See THE VOGEL CO •. 3201 W, c.out Hwy., Newport JJeach LI ~l 48A-Apt&. for Beat rtTR.N. b&dlelor apt., Mb mo. 71t Wert Balboa BlVd. 'or ltey. a.nd lnformaUon Sea Bay It Bea.ch Realty, U60 w. Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 124". S::.U'c PARTNER ACTIVE or not. if JOU bani U~ cub. ~ character referencea A: ability to recointae opportun- ity when It knocks, here le your chance to become auaiclated Corona del Mar Vogel Value Open House Daily 12 to 5 p.m. 232 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar S&leeman on the premiaea to show you this lQve ly 2 .. Bedroota and Den home. Located just 1 block from ooean. on one of our nice.t streeta. Large rooma, fireplace, upenaive wall to wall carpeting, draw dr.-pea It curtains thruout. diapoaaJ, 220 wiring. lot.a oC ltonge. Priced under $20,000 with good financ- ing. See TbiB. . VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy,.~ Corona det Mar Ha.r.1741-1477 $40. MO., yearly. l'UnUahed !Iv· ID& rm., dinette, kitchen. bdrm .• bath w lt.h abower a. tub, U~ll. pd. ~ tront, downtown, Balboa. Har. ~17-M. 12c14 v.1Ut a bna.nd new bualneaa tbet -------------------------- BRAND NEW unturn. 2 bedrm. a pL Very lo vely. 348 Catalina Drive. Liberty 8-6985. l2cH FLAGSTONE APARTMENTS JUST REDUCl!ID TO ~ MO, Incl. all utlllUea. Studio apart- ment beauUl\Jlly turntahed, .. uto wa.aher a: drier. See menager, 1887 Irvine Ave.. Coet& MeM. 13ttc 48B-Ho08N for Rent offers aeourtt1 It permanence. Should easily net M0.000 this year. Drawtn~ account if active .• Will •tand rigid lnve11U1aUon. Above etateme.nb proven at f irst 1ntervlew, At>.olutely no phone IJ\fc>rmatlon. No Ume to pacl!y curio•lty Hekers. For peraon&l app't. phone KI 2-42M 10 a.m. to • p.m. or 7 p.m. to 9 p .m. daily. 12cH LIDO OPEN HOUSE 2 bdrm. houae near clubb1ou.se. $5000 down. Full Price $22,500. OPEN Saturday &: Sunday, 211 Via ~oron $1850 Down 3 bdrm. home, near Poat Office. Buaineaa sone, bargain price Ch~nnel Front Home on the waterfront., only $19,500, $5500 down.· . N. B. C. REAL TY A Phone Call 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Ph. Har. 1405 BUSINESS rm., 1737% Superior , Ave .. eo.ta Meaa. 1330 IQ. ft. ------,-..,. •• --~------:----------­ AXD WE WILL SHOW YOU thla attractively f\.lrnlsbed horn• In exclusive Bay Shoru. Larre living rm., flrepl&cf', 2 br. patio. Garage $175. month on yea.r leaea or available tor •ummer r-rvatlom. BALBOA. BA. Y PJll.OPE.RTIES l~ W. BALB04 BLVD, PHONE HARBOR 5188. 13cl~ CLIFF HAVEN 2 bed.rm. mo-1em unt\J.rn. house. Redecorat• to 11ult yo:i. $100 month. yearly ba· sl• ok. Ph. Har. JtlM·W. or Rar. 887. 13tte FOR LEA.Bl!l -. Nice 2 bdrm. home ln Balboa. Furn. or un- turn. $100. eqU!pped 110 A 220 eJec. power. SkyU1bta. ~ parkl.ns. Har. 2617-R. Courteay ta aaent.a. 8<:16 --BALBOA ?SL.A..ND -ldeal loca· lion on Marine Av~ .. office or shop. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. All for $12!1 mo. Har. 3042. llttc susmmas oFna:, ~~ caUon a.eroaa Ule lll.r"t from Corona del )la.r P<* Otflce. Ideal for >oan repreaentatlve, contractor, aeamatru•, art. or jewelry buaine.aa. UW. pd. Only '40. m onth. CALL Ben Whitman, H.a.r. 1882. Evu. Harbor 1'111 9ft.tc NEW BLDG., euJt. for •tore. and offlcee. 12'x24' Neb. 2032 Pl~ntta. Co3ta Hua Phone Wberty 8·2183. 8<:13 J. M. MILLER CO. ~lloaev to Lou 2026 W. Balboa Bl., Newport Bch . <. ----- Harbor 6091 -J:vea. LI 8·3378 WA1'48 TO Bllll.LI. DlPRUVJ: PLENTY OF' Jl'R.EE PARKING B~. MUDl!lRNlZJ!l. OR llcl3H RJ!:l'IN.A..NC.."1: ' --T-----------We Buy Trust Oeedli 008 :A MESA -One bdrm. ID>-NJCWPoRT BAl..BOA SA VlNOB furn. houaa., newly decorated. • LOAN ASSOC] A TION Clean, nlc. fenced yd., privacy. Uel Vla Lldo Ph. Bat. UOO 190 c.o.tA )(eaa SL Tenant WU1 tlo ah0.., or c:aJ.l Har. 3033-J. 11 pU TWO bdrm. bOUH .t ~arare. Garb. dlsp., newly deconlted. Yeazly rut&I untum. 122 ·29th St., Newpo1't Bucl1. ll p l7 Newport Beach TJCAJtt.Y RENTALS 2 BDRM. Untum. home l bdrm., UJ\lum. home CHA.RL.£3 E . ff.ART, Har. 14%1 a42t W. BaJboa Blvd., Newport Beach. lcl~ LOANS PROMPT 8JCR VlCJC ~'1' nnt trust dee<U 20 yeara _Orange Cout Properties 18!17 Newport Ave .. Co1ta Me1a Ll 8-1832, Ll 8·1'00 Evea. 9~tfc LO~~~ J~~ ~es " HI, POP! ''Get out from in front of that Television and get t. couple of gaUona of paint and a bruiih and make a little monPy '. '' LOOK AT THJS ONE - COMMERCIAL ~2 acre, out.e 2 bdrm. ltucco. firtt. place, well built, need.a redecorating. Only $6000, $800 doWll. CALL Lila B. McFarren at Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517-M tBALBOA .ISLAND A 2 bdrm. home with double gs.rage In ~cellent lo- rstion -Could be made into an income property of quality. $18,000. ALSO Choice Bay Fronts & Income Properties. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer Chet S&llabury Curt. Dosh Har. 20 or 64 216 Marine Ave., Balboa l.alana 62-Real F..etate ~--~----- Buy a Lot in Costa Mesa 8hl2~-$3M. down $20, per mo. F't.:LL PRl('E $1.850. ALSO 1, scr~. '2000. euh.. TiiE LOCATOR of Calif. Cliff Haven Home KER11l 18 ONJt of tho11e hard to get U>ree M~room homea ~1th flf'Cplac~ anrl .tining room. Frubly rttlttoraled Lb.rougboul and wnlherstrlpix-d. Beautifu l oa.J( floore and Jovel)• l•WTlll ~n· haJ\ce Ute vt.lua of thl• flno family homr . fiausl~en ~ ,..otors Inc. 19~1 PL Y~I Ot.;TH n.1vrd1·n• h111 d 208 Marina Ave . B11lbus h i.and Above the Arc:hu. lOtfc • .ai ' tup conv.-rt. lUdl l .. k1 new m· Ph lla.r oor 444 or Harbm 11!'1 1 WrLl. RENT brand new 3 bednn. MEE BOB SAT'TLJ:R rn:12 Hnrhr1r ClvJ. C1111ta Mcaa !Ide .m 1 •lltl. I R"~ IJar l786·fU< or w 8-:>~7 Newport 2 bath .• unfurn. home 111 lRVl.NI!. 2~16 EAST COAST BLVD. Construction -Loans 18M Harbor Blvd . Cotta Mua Ll 8·1861 llc l3 PRJCED POR UUfEDTATE ""'" at $13.9.:10. Buyer1 can aaaum• $9600 • •, IMJ\. P11ymcnu of 1114 a mont.h Include ~ a nd Ina. f'hnn,. l.lhr1tv 8-M:ll llr13 S9V5 64Uc TERRAUE al $200 per monU> Corona oel Mu Ha.roo1 a8iMJ Furnished apartment With 1 yr. leu e. <..:all Harbor R.ep, POIRJ.ER MoRTGAOE <.:u J9::i2 FORD V-8 2 t1t fll'Oll\n lladln. M"l l Cl I t l 2 B£nRom1 FL'RXISHED Dt:· l BE:DRM Y!:ARLY. ~ J>IWI ut.U. U•8 for turt.btr detalt.. 88Uc Metro Lit• Ina. FU.uda KL a-~18!1 hl r :'\('\lo' M iii rovo:-1·· I er 1evro.e l 'Ll--'.i'. Corvnu del Mar. •lllUlh Of Ct•r. 36t.h St. • B&Jboa Blvd. TWO BEDROOM •PL atove and '8Ur $1095 ll'lo-0 \.\' C'3l llW) I<, .1, ll.11 lmr lil\\ 11" $!IO mnnlh, lnrl, uUL JdrBl ror couplr. rf'trtg only. Garbage diaposaJ. WUULD u-. to buy I.st and 1n11 Miller Chevrolet l\'cwpc.rt Brn~ h (·~-..1 lllr n MR..:.:_ 1\1\' · 1-ler :il)2 v r Ha:-. CHARL"'S E HART Rea.I•~ New A ~aullful, $90. mo., yrly. Tnast· Dffd& C&1J Bar. 23211 Llber-ty 8_2261 Llb,.rll' ~-.•t1.,J 3 , i !l·J. or Mrs. W 1lltu m11, H ar. s:A: • , ....,r _ 48 tft 1000 W C'st. Hwy l8:>~ Harbor "7-Waoted to Reut C"o11to. MMl3 ------•.•. --- ----------·---:..!Jfl;.w, ;,uc Harbor 1428 ONE BEDROOM nea.r school, bell. \Er:\' :\!Cl:.:. rlo11• 111 2 t>Ntrm ~~20 W BaJtxo. Blvd.. Newport 4' bay. 156. mo .. llltL ulWU• l\'rwport Ura1 h U bt-rty 8·2261 LJb~rry 11-?;633 19 11 FORD converllble. llH-8 Ford rng1ne ~ew seat covPt11 4' In· 1 t utor Radio, full boot. Xlnt. top, good tlrr.1. needa low gea:r $180 Will finance. C11.ll Harbor 2121. llt 13 Ren ta ls \ \ anted We neea a1it11 11.1H1 nou,.... 111 aJJ ~t10111 ror b<Ah w1nt• r an11 year'• l!'Me Furn, or 1J1:'1Jr11, 1.nf1.r<-. :;10~·~ & rrfr.g Oak t..?iF'l'R,""· 2 barm. apt. al 1783 111 .. 1i ~. 111 .. vrn"11An l hnd~ C..:ar An11he1m. See owner, 17:'13 Ana· E.,ll mn_ y , arly $7~ LI 8·1 i'Z.'> ~Im, Coat.a M6'1&. Ph Wberty 57-Re&I £.late Waated J. M. MILLER CO. I ·. -- 202:1 w. BalbO• s1 .. Newpurt Bch A Phone Call 13cl~ ls-1322 6ltc Har 4091 Evt111 l.I 8-3a78 U you ha \'e 11 \ a1'11.0l')', pnor.e tooa.y CUFF HAVE.'-.S7!i 2 brdmi. front 11 .pt1 x 11n(um FirPplace. ..,;:i~b J.,p .i. t .. n near HS & Jr. 111 Owr.• ·. ,::; i B r'1a,.way, (" M. LJ I\. 1 ty i..::;;1). Strc !\:!::\\'PORT H GHTB un!urn. one Mnn. apt.. oak floors. newly tlrt'oratrd . A du.Its. no pet.'I, ~- 3301 l~th SL, LI 8-5335. llc:lJ Pl.l!:NTY OF FR.EE PARKl~G _ja 86Uc wtLL O!n' YOU qulclt reaulta. The Vogel Co. -3201 \.V t.•st H"'~ • Newi11 ~: Reh l 9f'>• FORD V-8 Sunhnt r ronvl"rt· Phone Libc·r1}' 8 :i1<11 Ible bf.I. YMdnmatlc. WSW t08 Marin<>. Balbua 1 ... 1a.nd Ba lboa Island Ure..w, Leu then l Q 000 milt's. Phone Harbc•r ~ H $2245 1301 Coe111 Hlw11y, c:nrnnn de.I Mar Chol~e yr arl)' anlJ aummer rrnt&Js. Phone Harbor 1 ~1 1 I 11 v. 11va1lable. Miller Chevrolet JOOO W. C'st. Hwy, r\ewport BoC'h Wberty 8·2261 1 8~5 Haroor Costa ~f<'AA Liberty 8·:'i63!\ '53 FORD 8 Ranch Wagon Radio, heat.er. dlrecl1onal s1g· nal1, wtndahleld w&ahE'r1 Spot· ll~ht. 11 ply tl~a. light blue color, LIKE :-.-zw. $1795 ·:,3 FORD I COunt.ry Sedan Radio, heat.er, dlrecllo.naJ air · nstla. P'ordom &tlc Good tires. Tu Tone paint. l owner car. Sl89:'l ·~1 FORD • Tudor R11<lt" • heat.er. New Urea. '495 Cotton Goff 10\J Mam :-:r . Billi:• a fl<.IRIFi BRA\', Realtor P hone Hart-.•• 14:'> 281.lc: :!16 ~lalfn•· Ave , Balboa lsland -llurt>m JU 95l!c A Phone Call I\••' • : ' I• r l>.Jrm. durl"it UO· furn.~h~11. '• bli<. fr •• m Hig h &hMt Garage R~t111rtd rrnt fo1r yo.rd care. Ll b·l j~3. 6t rc WE XEED hous<'s nn.t llrl~ F\1rn. ON BALBOA l~LAND or unfurn F <'r ~11mm1•r 1 <'1>l11I <1r I ytarly lea.at"ll. \\'o hnvr r111·:·'• w a1ttng SU Ud for )'early and 1euonaJ rent.a.la. • NELDA GIBSON, Realtor P LEASE PHO:O-:E: w rit11, "I' ~rp. II!< lOll ~t.nne AV!'. B&rbor 6\ll BALBOA BAY PR(Jl'.,':t!Tl E~ I 8AW3UA ISL.um 7tlo ljO!'! \\' B l.BOA B L\'IJ PHO!\"E HARBOR :II"!/\ i:ins i ROL)~I l'XF"t:P.:-1. DL-PLEX I s:11r. SI):\. Htlwd. floort1. tile both IT'S DIFFJCUL T ~ ~ink. g11rb. d:.sp . Clos" tn. 'Ji•I E. Bro11dv.'lly, Coata )le.u. Bt;T \:','£ KEEP TR \'IXt": \\'Mt l.!berl y-S>-J9U , , J2cH 1 or 2 br. t urn. h1lusr w1 'h pr;1-. i cy. H.lf;h reterenN·' 11... J"'f· J. manent ('0Jpl•• XIJ th.ldrPn 'r Corona del Mar pct.a. What have ~ 11 ·: \\ nr,. Channing Harbor Haven A part.men ts. • Patios XEW 4. ROO~I. $Lr~t le'"'L N11ar s"hool•. 1111opp1ng dialrlc:t . c;.iu1tt. plu..,ant, exclusive, Garbage d11· poeal, laundry, at.orage room1. garage, S82...j0 up. Occuplu en· llrt-1treet. Good 9Upervia.ton. Mi<r , ISOl H aven Place 1 Block South ot Htgt\ School ALSO F'UR.i-...:lSH.ED .A.PTS. WINTER RA TES 3tfc FOR L!:ASli:. nicely furn. 2 bdrm. hoUM. hardwood floor1. furnace heat. bath • shower. $85. mo Ll 8-G920 evtnlng!I. l 1cl3 U NFl.JRN. cotta ge, llvlng rm . d in· Ing rm., klUhenette, 2 bt·t1rrn. Hot 6: cold shown. gi.11 .t. watPr pd. -a:ii , ytarly 108 A1lams Barbor 1924,M, 1lcl3 3 RM. HOUSE furn. Ad\lllA only. 106. month. -2•58 :-:ev.-port. Coat.a Meea.. • llc13 NEWLY DECOR.A TED -Nice ~ bednn. tum. or unfllrn. house I: praga. J7~. month. '39 Heliotrope. Corona del Ma.r Harbor l:'>il-W. 12p14 Ft.~"jSHED yearly rcnlaJ 2 bdrm YEARLY-2 bedrm11., gerag • ._ Ws.- apl.11. Very ronvu.ient locatilm, t~r p1I. l child o k. S6~. month. channel front on 36tb St. Liberty 8·9088 or Ll 8·:!340. EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 311 3 ?'ewport BlvJ., Newport 8 <'.h Harbor 1013 l lc13 RA TT AN. F l 'RN. modern etudlo apt.a. Crntcr of Corona (leJ Mar $70, Ul.Jl. pd. W 8-1::.26. 98cl3 l 2lfc ~RoOlll9 for ~­ Nl CELY tuml11hed room. Private entrll.l'ICI!, priva te balh. Very c!e- lirable. U9 Po1 necltta Ave .. Corona del Mar. Har. 31192-W. 12cU h Volbwageo-Porache Dlr. '.!1111 :'\pl Blvd., Ne..-port Beach Ph Harbor 8. 1 lcl 3 Box o.z:i. thl.S p~per. tf 2 BF;DH)i .. 2 BATH un!urn. ~. n:R~. baC'h~lor apL Yearly, CS.A-Rnt~~ .;~ blk. lo l~&n on Ja.amlne. W&il<lng dl.oilancc to bus and GRADUATE N1...'RS-E--,..-,1U--ta_k_e 19:'>2 FORD t.., ton pick up. Reeter. •flOtlJt._ Ooo.1 rubber. New mtr. S965 W. E. Fisher, Realtor ~. '· mo llU ~~· buame.u d1~t. Har. 1217 ·J 10<'21 "' ona. Lovcly private home, H ar- SECLUDED 11111,hle vlew apt . WE HA VE CASH BUYERS for hoW1ea, income property, •p t.a., triplu. vacant loll or acrure. PLEASE PHOSJ:, 'IVTite or -us BAL.BOA BAY PROPERTIES 11106 W. BALBOA BLVD PHONE HARBOR 1'!188. 13~18 WA.NT to buy duplex. Tnplu o r u.ntla for ca.sh from private par· ty Hu·bor ana. Write Box V32 thla paper l!pl7 W A11.'"T£D to buy-2 or 3 Bdrm. boUM w1t.h aarage. Preter Coro- na del Mar. Newport Hel1thtA or B&cJc Bay, Not o~r $10.~. I No broker\. Call a.tteT e 30 p.m Har. 2lll9·R. 13pltl PRIVATE PARTY-Wanta to buy r~a.idence IOl for cuh-MU11t ~ close In. Nev.·porl, Blllboa. area. (1ve location and particulars Write Box Q27, thl11 papPr. 7pl8 WlLL EXCHA!l:GE first lruat deed• or pay c&.11h for lllcome property 11howlng 10 P"r """l net return. Prefer bu11lnrs11 prop· erty or 11 partment hou~ra und.-r management. Box :ZU Bslboa laland. l l pt 3 BALBOA INCOME CURO;'>:A DEL MAR, Ocean view •unltafurn 1·4 8 R ,2 ba.,1·2 B. R. 2·1 B. R. xtra li;e. hv. rm. Garb. d1ap t> gnr . .Nice patio, sun deck. nr. 111.11. Pot .. nl111l inc. 16000. JJ0.000 "'Ill ~1Utdl"!. ron· t3d O"-ntr, 430 Avocado. Har· bor 0 I 02 I 0!'22 CORO:-: A DF.L MAR 2 BDRM .• 2 bath. hWd floor•. F . A hf',U , dbl l(llf '• hlk. tu Ult ocean flar. 3021 d11y9 or Ha r 3056-R aftt'r 6 pm. llC13 What at~View ! ! ! F'T'Om U>ls ArrRACTlVE UAY AVE HOME Cp•talra It. <lnv.-n Color(u), art1aUt. wa.lipaper d,.· l'nr l :"TERlOR BAR·S·QL'F.. CHEF'S DE:LlCHT Sunn y brlrkPd Pstlo v.1tl:i grr en'ry •n<I Vlnf~ (,.,._'Jlrr l!l'llln~ f•J.'I \\' 811 v A w Sl'e a nytlmf' l:lf:!~1h BARGAIN FIVE ROOM, 2 hc>dnn , dlnlnl:' room, bre1tkfut rm. full bMe· 111enl rurnl•hf'd. I.At 30x l!lu to s ttry. Fronlll tn <.ot•11n a t 2-i2• Ma.nhatlan Blv•I. 1lrrrno11a Br·h. :"r .. •ltt• rl"oning onf! patnl1ng F'ull prlCt' $ 11 'iOO OWnrr. 466 S,.a wartl IV•AIJ, Ct1rona (J,.l Mar Phone Harbor M U or 3:,1 1-J . l:lr15 f!l-~-~~~~-~J~ TRADE Desert Motel 7 umts 2 mi. ea.st o( Barstow on Vcgu hwy. Lot 162 x 400. PropoS<!tl Freeway may make thla propert.y very valuable. Price - $37.500 Has loan of SH.300 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C st. Hwy Newport Beach LI~rty l-2l81 1 8.~ Har boT Costa Mel\& Ll~rty 8-5633 ELDERLY coup1e with refrr1>nc,.~. w&nt to N'nt yC1arll', un•ttrn apt. or small cott111!'e with 1 rf11 ~ Ba.Ibo& or ~ev.'J><lrt btltwern fl· brary 11.nd 20th Oc.:an 1<1rle rr~­ ferred. Ha.r 12:->0·J. JllclJ YOLi\O businc•.t woman. f1n11n· ctaJI)' lndPf)l'ndrnt. 2 , hit !rrn :2 )Ts. & 6 yrs. f tra\'r 11$1 kpr 1 de- s 11 C'S 2 or 3 bdrm. a pl. or hou•c yru a mund. F'urn nr 11nr11ni and ASSOCI ATES 3034 Eiut CoMt B lit"hW&)' c-.. 11ronr. dtl Mar Ph<lne Harbor 2H3 :-JEWPORT IS LAND -P'Um. 8ne bdrm, g11rage apt. Adult.'1 only. Harb<ir 0273-W, 9cU Sp&Cloua gTOUnda. F'Um. or un- turn. $i :'.1. monlh. 211111-CUU Dr . Ntwport Hel(llta. Ll i-17'6. ll cl3 bor a r,..._ No ot.her lrU"•ta. Fin- est food and <'nr". Phont Harhor 4779 or H3.rbor 4091, u'k tor H unter. l Jc lS ~~~~ F1.:R."ll. NEW 1 bdrm. apL, near ·------ U do allopp\n&, $70 mo yrly. 303 HORSE CORRAi,. FOR RENT 3Jrd St.. Newport Bea.ell. 12c14 ACCOMODATE8 3 HORSES Submit your trade for my equity of S23,200. V.'iU 11.a· sume on in come JlWJl('rty. 80·A. Commeretal, lndutrlal Writ..e WELCOME TRAVEL- -------------------· ER MOTEL, Rt. lA, Bur· :i UNJTS-Qlder prope11y c:~atral· ly loc.. l lo, bllu. to heart ot BAJ· boa. Utll rm. Jum r~du<.:ed to J21,000 for,..quJc:lt Alli~. $3000 dn Owntr Ha.rbor 1898. -1:>Uc l P~ FORD V-8 Vf('tona. RAdlo, hea~r. Fordo. P ower s~trtnr Pow. bra.llN. one owner. $224~. Hausken Motors. Inc. l P32 Harbor Blvd .. C'N1ta M"'" Phone Llbe.rty 8-~l. llclJ To Jli~ monllt v.·111 J'llY nw r.-L.:\f'L'H.'\t 1 bC'drm duplex .t :2 It dulnbl~ :'llt1!1l It:\'~ Atmcito·j B. R . gl\l ag11 11pt.. ea. Si O. •.39 phere A pr1va.ry. 1J furn~hed GotdenroJ .. CD~l. 13c.1 ~ m1t11t' bf, nlr t l)' donr . Exr ,.llerit · ndereric"" P hnne d11.ys SAnts 1 FOR GOOD Sl.'M.MER or yt-arly )lnnlra F.Xbro"I( 4·1lll4:l 1-:\·rs rt1t1lal11. Corona del Mar or ! ARlz.nna J. 7C90. colle.:t. R11hy I S«"o FtU:morrlA RNilty Co. MA N'h. 12pl 7 Phono H&Tt>or 21~ Jc.18 ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. apt., put. lY tumlabett, ~trlooklns Coun· try Club. AdUltA only. No ptU. 140 Meaa Dr .. Colt& MeaL 13)>16 F't'R..."11 l bedrm. apt. H O .. ,..,.,... • Ocu.n .ww. -ll&r. 0286-ll Jkll 2057 TUllln Ave., Coeta Mua. Ll t-ea2I lOc I~ INVESTORS ATTENTION! atow, Calif. 2p15H STOIUll Bl.DO., but Coron• del 51--Storee & Offieee M.,-loc. Net. 10'l(, af\et' t.uM. -, Xl.JllT reallle.n Ual Looome wu I.a. NOW Ll:.A...IINO, H..uable bu.II-0 . K. t..A 'Mir' 1P. 383!1 E Cout D .. office llp&cU. C411ter of Co- 1 1 Klfbway , Corona d~I M.ar. Bar· rana. del Mar, .Wt.able tor CPA. bor Mt2. J:-.oea. Bar. llUl·J deDUft OT f Ll 1-lUe. Hc1.I JJcl' • HA VE 8 unit mntel • 3 bfodrm hrome l.n Loni Bciu.h \\ 111 lndc for Coro!\& del Mar part lnN>mr It h11me. Write .B<la \\'.,1:i thl• PAPtr, or pbona Loll& ~h 90&· a.a. Uc..\., W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2117 W Ba.lboa Blvd., Npt, Bch. Harbor 24 or Li l>rrty 8-IH llO NEWPORT VISTA RESALE 4 brlrm. hom ", 2 bAth•. IMolN'Op· ed, w to \\' r11rr• t. o ph11lt tile and olh•·r u tm., Only $1ll,7b0. 12~ dn. AL~O :I hdrm linm ... 19-l ~O. lltoO J own. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1989 A 1979 ("nntinenlel Av .. C"o~t11 M"~ll FISHER & C'..O. 2:10f\ :-.;, i 1 t HI\ 1 :-;""'P'"H Bell 11..rhnr 11 :a LI ~ :J< 17 llc l3 Leaving State II c :o.;1T <'Ot.:l!T tn ro•t.• )!,..._ £1t(t l!t1M lnN m " Sm11.U tl0'4-n p1'ymt11t 11Ant11"• ALSO ()l'F.A :"' FW1:"T IU':RT At.:• R.A!\~r in '''"I" •l t:. A<h. Sl'a- 9Qn Juxt ~t>trl ,, . ._ 1 ;,,,,.1 m<mr¥ nHlk~ t , LJ br1 ly ()Wfll'~. 1 lr24h HONl'..:~T HAHGAIN SF.F.: llARBf•lt 11n•I \'"l(('y vlt w- bul l•V• I. 2 ti• •trm' , 2 bat.ha, f1tm11y ''"lfn, u H. livlnl( room!. 0Wn1·r . t:·J,.,, \in.: th" Stt1!("1;'1l11d th11 1,. h"lt " t buv 1 'LIM s1:..ooo. ~CIR "PPT tt• ..... I .~11 ,.<JlW V~:IU<l:\UEH lt"r ~:lfl:I •F.V• llllt 3 177) ~tfC Costa Mesa I.A ll(;r-; w"ll 1><1111 olJ,r h••me, I ht'l• ka 1 , t •I ••r (if tn"'n ;1 hell· 111••n 1J1 ti.;~ llv rrn. 1.te klll\h•n. •• ri 11 1 I•! 11<' 1•1 t "'. 11rrv1re l''>r<:h 1'11 tlo w1'h for •f·lor • l'1'e. JC~rl r • h1<1 •, • .t ti ,,,,• wall I•• wall corr,., I.I" kJtrhe.n &11d l.ol\lh \ IJ\I ~hi 111 ltJi)k lhtA OVf'r, A•l'lnl( f•rlr" $11 Mil '2.~;00 dn. R, W. BARTINE, 6roker 111 It lll'h, <.; M. l'I. LI 8-2011 12cU CX>Rll:"'A Ht•;Hf..A!'-10 LOT& - C:hr11•e Sii•·• Av"ll•-1• CILll Hu bof 2324 I I • ·-:. ,, II ' ' 'AGE 6. 'A~T 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ft-llMl_ ....... ...,;._.-:.te._ __ _ MONDAY, FEI. 1'4, 1955 B . F t H I -----------~.-----ay ron omes. LIDO ISLE Do you need a lot 7 We now have 3-3o· ~· 3-40' 2--l5' 2-60' !"~21r:/ 2-70' 1-80' Aa example 1--M' -$15,000 on corner lltreet to at.reel. (All subject to prior sale.) OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1-4 P. M. 2 bdrm., 119 Via Yella -$19,750 2 bdrm., 215 Via Mentone -$21,750 LOOK what you can get for $3500 DOWN THREE bdrm., 2 bath, very large living room on a 40' lot. On two Stradu. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIIx;E OFFICE "JUllt to the right o! the Lido Bridge" .. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. "3M3 (ev~. 2999) LIDO ISLE TEJUUnC vu:w. a br .. 1\9 .,.., rood coed!Uoa. Pier nrht. •H.· llOO -make offer. 3 Bft. BAT FRONT, wt Lb 2 br. rear apt. All f\&nl. ICllceUtonl val. JH.~. half down. Peninsula Duplex! ON THI! "POINT" with S be. up, 2 down. Nicely ~. ?'kw drapu and carpetlDJ. Well buJlt and only 3 yn. old. .27,llOO, amall 1 montbly pa)'Dlenu lncludlnr Int. tu 1n and luurance. • Balboa Triplex! WITH l BR. EACH. Mo1tly new furn. CUt from $18,000 lo SH.· ~ for quick Hie. $4000 down. Peninsula Homes! OUR ''BIC8T BETS" oa the "point" Actually 0\11' be1t "buy." 2 br. lfe. 2 car pr•r•. Dlntlte. Jrtre· pl&ce. Patio. AU tum., SU.~. S4000 down. J BR.. 6 den, 2 baUu, beamed ceil- lnr•. Lr• fireplace. PaUo. Well fumlahed. SU,500, $6000 down. CUTE 2 BR. and den .home. Ex· ceptlonally well built ltueco. Walled patio. Rtc:enUy repaint· ed. su,ooo. ~ down. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoaite Bank of Amerlca) Memben, Multiple Ustinl' .. "C' 'MfOlrl.AS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "<..•• THUKAS BAYSHORES 2 Bdrm., low down payment. .......................... $16.500 2 Bdrm., 2 bath.I, view of bay ...................... _ 18. 700 3 Bdrma .. 2 baths, w to w carpet -·-·-···--19,500 3 Bdrm., den, 2 batha, modem .................. 32,500 CLIFF HAVEN 3 Bdrm., ranch ltyle, low down ......... 7 ........ $13,7M 2 Bdrm., modern. carpeting & dra pes. ........ 16,500 3 Bdrm., 2 bath1, VIEW, new ........................ 23,500 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, VIEW, ca~ting .............. 24,500 3 Bdrm., 2 batha, TERRIFIC VIEW ............ 36,500 COSTA MESA 2 Bdrm., East.eide, 6().ft. lot ......................... $ 9,750 100 ft. C-1 PLUS 2 bdrm. home .................... 19,7M 2 Bdrm., ranch style, shake roof. excellent location. 4 ~1!% loan, pymta $67.90. MAKE OFFER on DOWN PAYMENT. Priced at ONLY .......................................................... 12,700 Newport Beach Motel Excellent Motel on Coast Highway. 12 unit• incl. 2 dbla. PLUS owners 2 bdrm. & den "home. Colli· · pletely FURNISHED and in top condition. OFFERED at $55,000 · TERMS "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C"' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Extra larae 2 ~room, 2 bath ~nd den by prominent architect with many built-in•. Single atory on :wl' lot . . ~.000 Roee OrHley J:d LM ' J ack Pink.ham Joeep.hine Webb ---------------------- Very roomy 2 bedroom, 2 bath single story an a fine 45' lot. $26,500 2 bed~m. 2 bath on a beautiful 37' comer Strada lot. Big patio. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1217 . .. , $4250 . FULL PRICE FOUR UNITS Corona del Mar SOUTH OF THE HIGHWAY Thi. 1-the first offering of thia choice view property. One f Bedroom unit a aea1 r..tat.e CLIFF HAVEN Open Houae • Sal It Sun. · 1001 Oiff Drive PANORAMIC VlE\\' from thll nH.rly new .aMLke root. J bdm1 .. 21.w b9tb borne. Thermador kit· chtn. J unJ brick tlrtplacH. larre dlninf room-wall lo wall carptllns-• CUlllOm built home of 2.•00 1q. fl. for Ut.TllO. A rul buy (not ltuebold). • • • CLIFF HAVEN f'lRSll' TIMll Ll8TllP-thl1 Im• maculatt :i bdrm. and b•tb homt with large llvlnr room, dlnlnf area Opl!nlng onto beautifully J1111.l1caped fenced backyard a nd awning covered patio ... wall to will carp.Uni throughout, corner flr~lace, dlapoal -a reelly tine home and the prlcl' 11 rlg"ht at S14.l!IO wtt.h e t 1, 'i'r FHA loan. • • • Panoramic View 1 ••• from lhi1 bcauurul. •P•cl· ~u• 4 bdrm. and den Cllrt Drive utate. Juat 2 yni. old and with over 2.000 aq. ft. or living area, lht. rustic, redwood paneled home Is one or •he flnut In the entire area. If you want the but in view. lot and homf' l not leasehold I make an •ppolntmrnt to aee thi• house now! The pi'lct 11 S0 ,600 and the term• are excellent! • • • . COST A MESA , 2 LAROE bdrma.. .hdwd. noon. dbl. prage-only 2'>' year• old and In a ntce eaetalde loca tlot1. Only '9.11&0 t\Jll price with ex- cellent t erm1. Bay · & Beach Rea,ty • BALBOA ISLAND Here'• that delightful 2 bdrm. 2 bath home you'ft been lookint for. F loora fully ('arpeted. Near South Bay, all conveniencea for year round living plua aa eK~l. 2 bdrm. apartmE'nt for in('om•. beauti!Ully fumiahed. $39,IM>O Tbett'a a amall amount of work to finishing tb.ia cute cottage. Large living room. bedroom dreuinl room, double rarage. The materilll8 are aupplled la ... the price of $15,7!50 Here'• CERTAINLY A LOT tor your money. 5 bnn. house with large playroom. 3 batha and double PJ"o age AND a real cute I bdrm. apt. We have $2,000 rentals for liummt-r on it. Near the bay, near shop- ping. Furnished $35,000 Looking for Baytron~ Property! We have a 4 bdrm. I home with pier and float • $33,7!50 A spaciou1 3 bdrm .• 2 bath home plua 2 bdrm. apt . that ia a.lmoat new and a delightful place to spend the rest of your days. Pier and float. $68,:w>O NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Illand Phone Harbor :wl2 • Eves. 2306-R . Corona del Mar Good VOGEL VALUES- Check them over! $24,95!0 l BDft.M. FURN. bowie. Beautlt\.11 IC. atde com er. lt 11 an old clunk· er and tht temillu so w1U. It. BUT It 11 LIV ABLE! One 2 J;Jedroom unit Two rBedl'OOlft"'litiffa Five garages HM N.wport Boulen.rd ~-~-~------t---i~ e•~Oi:Jkomw No. 1. Charming 2 BR. & den, i 112 baths, ocean view home, choice -location. W (W carpet, cu.atom drapea. Colored bath fixtures. Fireplace. Cyclone fenced yard, beaut. lawn & flowers, lovely patJo. 185' deep R-2 lot, room to build ocean A bay view apl. ~'Tll ngm. uwnera are moving M>On. a bedroom. 2 bath home on a 35' lot at leu than actual coet ot replacement. $24,7M We have a large number of fine liating1 all over the Harbor Area. Drive in°to our tree par\ing lot and let ua show you around. TOM PAYNE JOE ST A WICK! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2902 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach VOG.El VALUE Open Daily. 1 -5 105 Via Waziers Lido Isle 3 bd.nna .• 2 bathe Another Vogel Co. Exc:luaive Llberty 8-3481 VOGEL VALUE .VIEW HOME The moat inapiring view of entire Bay-Jetty-Ocun in Harbor Aru. 3 bdrma.. 3 bathe. bar. beautiful dr&pH. 24 x 20 livin1 room with an "out or lhi1 world" view. With the reinforced ateel construct.ion thi1 proJ)f>rty at $50.000 i1 way below actual co1t. By appointment only. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-3481 COSTA MESA EARLY AMERICAN, med brick. 3 bdnn .. 11 2 ba .. beamed celUnga. bar l(itchen. di.muhter, diapoAI. Dbl. rarare. Near Back Bay. $16.500, terma. Lovely 3 bdrm .. 11:: bath. parquet flnl .. lge. kitchen, on 83 x 233 R-4 lot in fut-growing area. Very cleacn.-$15.~. tenn11. roUR ''iew lotA acrou St. from proposed county park. Nothing li ke it in area. Approx. 1.7 acre1. SMOO. Term11. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Har. 0234 Speculator -Builder -Investor N. E . cor. Iris la 4th., CORONA DEL MAR l:M>' on Iris (6 lotAI) 2 cor. loll vacant. 4 turn. bun- 1aJows on 3 Iota. Income will exceed S3000. S5000 DOWN HARBOR BLVD. COMMERCIAL 2 lea.Md atoree plua bungalow, Inc. $3180. Out of town owner wanll quick aale. McMANUS REAL TY CO. 1999 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Meaa LI 8·3333 (anytime) BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNITS ON THE WATERFRONT. Hurly new, J bdrm. each and very attrutive ! Thia excellent income will build the equity for you. M L 4920. REASONABLE T!:RMS. PRICE $38.000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A..ociate. Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor-2462 · - Furnished Home 1/2 Acre VERT NICI: 2 btdrm. home. com· pldely tuml8hed. Wood noon, s arare. Howie 11 ill excellent condition. Rec:~ntly 'r.decorated. Located tn Back Bay area. 8ff Lhla proptrty to appreciate. Terma can be .had. 1\111 price ii only U0,300. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1868 Newport Blvd .• Cotta Meaa (acroM from Cotta Mea Bank> Phone LI 8""781 Ena. Har. 6IM Liberty a.noa There are opportunities 1N TH1S OCEAN J'RONT PROP· ERTY. Al pr~MDt lller• .,. 2 rum.. I bdrm. unit.I • room to bu.lid :t more unltl tn fronL Lor a aquare tootace will car?)' J Uvtnir unit. SU.~. Owner w1U t\aanc• 6 con atder boat u part payment. VIEW OF BAY AT "INSIDIC PRlCl:S" -a l· t ractive fumlahed homt in e11· rltalve Bay Shona. Near Bay Club r~u r•t~. J bdnn•.. 1 ~ betha. :z patio•. AJI nl't•ly tum. UT.~. Ownn will finance. VACANT LOT WITH OORGll:OUa BAY AND Three unita are turni1hed All ate occupied Beautiful yard and planting Add all this up and see if you don't agree with ua. that thil ia a moat outatanding offering. Priced for quick aa.le. $34.950 -1/a Down p. a. palmer, inc . ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 BACbOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS lo. Bay two unJt., 2 bdrm&. each. a REAL buy at $37.~. $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm .• 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furniahed. A.ailing $45, 7:M> and ONLY $5000 down. Near new • bdrm. home and apartment completely furniahed and in excellent condition. Full price Sla,500, tenm. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be aold u ia tor only $17,960 and get thia, $12.50 down. I VOGEL CO. 206 Marine Ave., Balboa I11and Harbor •« (Evee. LI 8-5297 • Har. l 786·RK) ocean view, C11rt Hann leue------·-----------------bold. Only a few .ucb location• remain. Balboa Bay Properties I~ W . Balboa Bl•d , Npl. Bead! Phone Har. 51 .. or Harbor 1913 REAL VALUES Owner Transferred And mu•t ~II thi1 lovely lhrH EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN See tltia beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrma., 2 bat he, Thennador kitchen. diahwuher, garbage diapoal. Many other excellent featurH. l yr. old. A real value at $23.950. COSTA MESA lf you arf! looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home. we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St .. Price $12.950 bdrm. homt. Hwd. noor•. ca rpet· Call Liberty 8-2664. ( Evee. Liberty 8-7056) ) t d, tlrtplace. tilt kitchen and !:~~c ~~:·:d d;-,;::.· ;:~:. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor tirul land•aped yard. • tropl-at 15th and'tlrvine Ave., Newport Bet.ch ce.J paradlN fenced tor privacy. ----------------------SH lhl1 today, ruu prtce su.~. Tenn1. Building Lot Good IO<'atlon Ull x 1113. cloee t.o the Blvd. ld•e.J JooaUon tor Ion· com• unit•. ruu price $62~. B. A. NERESON Jll!ALTOI\ 1912 Newport BJ\"d.. Colta ic ... Phon1 LI 1-1172 l:ne. LI "5tlT "Let u. Locate for You" J'o.; Harbor property, b&,y and bead!, Co«& M-. Corona de! Mar, Saot& Ana, etc. TM LOCATOR ot Calif. BY'UICJa omc.. 18" Hane. 81•d. Coet& Mema. PboDe LI l-1M1. I TUc F'lRST TIME OFFERED! BT OWNICR cu.rr KA V&N I bdrm. IMIM•, nrepl&cti. dbl. pr., iar,. lot. S 1',500--t '1'r O. I. loan. MUO per mo. Incl. tu A Int. N .000 dowa. -LlltertJ' l ·IM T. 1lc17 -., Forget About the Taxes The rent from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. will mo~ than pay the tues~ i11• .. & upkeep while YOU live comfortably in the 2 bdrm. A den hou.e. ffwd. nra., 2 fireplace., BBQ. garb. d.iap, Ir other Extraa make thia a real Horne. A pleuure to •how. Pleue Phone. Our excluaive R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Har m• "YOU JUST CAN'T HARDLY EVER" Find auch a good buy on Lido. Older home. • bdrm. and den. BeauUtul 80' lot. Thia property hu lllnt. poeaibilitiee. Be wre to eee it. A.aking price S24,7M. ALS O WATER FRONT HOME Select local.ion, 3 yn. old. Lota of tile, F. A. beat. 2 bdrm., 1 14 bath•. Xlnl financlnr. $26,500 fumlahed. Both are exclualve liltlnp with EARL W,,.STANLEY, Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Hu. 1013 '· LI ._1U1. r.... Liberty 1-3151 Sell or Trade NICE I br. home on n ower Bl. Hdwd. On . dbl. f&r .. Sll.T~. With SI~ dn. or trade tor J to 4 br. Santa Ana. 0. G .. .\Jlahtlm vtcin1ty. FACTORY SITE I ACRES M·l at I~ pPr 1crt 29~ down. HOME & INCOME 2 BR_ • DEN' HOME plwi 2 br. apt. Good E. 1ide location. L(t. lot. 113,800 with tenn1, BACK BAY LOT With •lew U•M ---'• NICW a BR. HO.MIC. Hdwd. nn. Pa ved patio, aar. lq. lot. ClgM to tranap. Ir mkt. Sllll60 BEST BUT IN VA CANT on WHt aide, comu Hl8•330. Cuti 6 Iota. l t:)OO, See thl1. It won't lut Houston Realty • ASSOCIATES 51)9 CUiler St. Coel& Mesa U J ·6911 Evf'I, Har. ~2118·W OOROl"A DICL MAR RUSTIC TYPE 2 bcdrm home, •tone fireplace, Pantl ray heat. Early American decor. Double garage. Patio. 1"dwood fenced back yan'I. I'-' block1 to Cama· lion beach. Low rlown payment J Reuonably priced. TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO I BEI>JlOOM8 and a 1 bed· room unit. n..dwood a.nd ahalce. E:lrcdJent ln••lm•Dt, 2 year• old. I cu aarage. ruu pnce, UT.~. At.SO 2 BEDIU(. HOME ON POPPT - Wondtrful view of oceAn and h1l11 from up11t&.lra. Nice yard Ir patio. P'ull prtce UZ.000 with euy tnme. amall down pay- ment. W. E. Fisher, Realtor ud A880ClATE8 IOU l:ut Cout R11b••Y Corona del Mar Phone HU11or 2441 Newport Island 2 BICDRM. realdtnce •Ith 1 ~drm, apt. onr dbl. 1ar•1•. • te.aoo. BALBOA I UNITS comer lot. excel. Income record. Half blk. from Bay and parklnr tac. Cleen . SI0,000 wtU bandit. ALSO No. 2. Lg. comfortable 2 BR. home plus dbl. ranee le rm. tor guest. Full dining rm., firepl&ce. HW floors, Cu.mace. service, handy • kitch. 45' lot near atores Ii ocean. Priced to sell. Low down payment. No. 3. Attractive 2 BR. home plus 2 BR. car. apt. Many, many features too numeroua lo mention. Beat loc•tion. Looking for a nice home & income! Call ua--you w!ll be surprised at price le term•. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 17•l·H77 If You're Not in a Hurry We'll soon have new 4 bdrm .. 2 bath homea avail· able (2 locations) al $9750 A $11,4M. Small down payment &. bal. leu than rent.. We can ahow you completed homes and you can pick your . <'Ol.,rt1, if you reserve your'8 now. P. S. -We think that they will all be .old before they are completed. W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REAL T OR "you'll like our friendly MrVice'' 31#3 E. 17th St., Coit.a Meea Liberty 8-1139 · (Was $10,500) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar COZY 3 BDRM. HOME on good atreet, cloee to ahopping center. Hu fenced yard. patio 6 double garage. Owner leaving. hu reduced pria. tor immediate ea.le to $8960. ' E.xclueive Agent BEN J. Whitman & Associates "BUSTNESS IS GOOD" ~2 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar (EveA. Harbor 1461) Har. 1882 TO SETTLE ESTATE Two lovely homes on Lido lale 1.-3 bednns. 2 tile baths, lge llv. rm, Youngstown kitchen with anat'k bar. Forced air heat. Extra large double garage. ~31.500. Approx. $8500 dn. 2.-t bedrms and den, 3 tile bathe, large Uvinr rm. with fireplace. dining area. Nice kitchen and snack bar. Laundry room. L<it& of closet epao.. A real buy at $35.000. Shown by appointment only. G«>rge L. Stewert BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Har. ~188 or Har. 1983 8UalNU8 bldf, PLUS I a pt.e. ----------- -ONLY UOOO DOWN Trip lex, furnished • BED°ft.M. houe, PLUI a apt.I. A fnr atepe from the bay P"ULL PRICE U0.000 ".Coast Progenies IOI I!. Balboa afYd~ Baloba Jlarti« MGI A: Har. •">O I Uc Bay Front Income I U8''8-I A I._. 11 ..... FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with a Multip1t Listing Broker. Did you know this 1mmed1ately pull 200 expert.a t.o work on your pro~rty" ALSO, for your protection, alway1 buy lhru a • '~Realtor." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ...... ,,., a. llM ,...._.. 410-32nd St .. Newport Beach ...... 1000 ~ ~ ~ -~-~-~~-........ a... .... *ti. a... ...., • ......... I.Ml Jutt "'9ne HARBOR I 616 to pt.._ Yow Ad • Thk Peca• . ~I r \ . I ft-Rea.I Y..state 62-Rea.J FAtate . ---· -----· -· -------·· ......... -·--· -... --·------ THE GREAT ORANGE . COAST LARGE BUSlNESS LOCATION • -BAY AND BEACH BAYFRONTS Harbor Blvd. -Conaiata of excellent buUding"80'x 108'. Large cement-patio. Black top drive Is pa.rklDr."1' ~ig area for open storage or parking. C-2 aoned. Su.~ble for contractor • ~oodworking -"'arehou.e • 'lumber ya.rd • clothing mfr. Besl<lta above have 2 parcels ren~ & leued with excess of $250 monthly income • 2 ac~ $69,500 full price. Gf)O(! t.erma. SMALL RANCHO NEEDS PAlNT 66x330 • J;<, acre with rood 2 brm. home. Extra lge. dbl. garage with hobby room or 3rd bdrm. Plumbing roughed in to make into rental. Child's play houae, patio, wired for electric stove (stove stays). Out- side needs painting. Best fix up buy in long, long time. $7850 -terms. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. · 60' on Bay Ave. -Pier and Slip CORNER LOT-Walled for privacy. Nloely land~ 11eaped in tropical plantinp and trult tree9. Thia three bedroom, olMMltory home. WU dMfped by R. J. Neutn. and la one of the tln..t bomea in the Harbor Area. Tbe living room la lp&Cloua, with lo.ta of gl&a1, and an unusual fireplace that ai.o adda to the charm ot the dining room. Tbe ki~hen ia all electric with a brick BBQ and electric epit. In ad- dition to the three bedrooms and two bathll there are eervant.s quartel"l!I with a separate paUo. Thi.a 1.8 indeed a home for a diacrlmJnatinc buye(!JhO want.I • G I RESALE ·the best. Shown by appointment to qu.alifiia buyera. Bank appraisal of $9150 makes this 2 brm. lio~e~.,.; ·... PartiaUy fumlahed. "Value Hard to Believe". $2450 dn. with $53 a rponth $125,000. ,includes principal, interest, taxes & insurance. H'!i'd. floors. Close to g olf course. See to~y. ACREAGE INVESTMENT 5 acres cloae in and Back Bay area. Steal at $15,000 HOLMWOOD DRIVE Beautifully planned 2 yr. old view home. 3 lovely brms. 2 baths tiled & heated. Tinted view windows. Garvity thermo heat. W to W carpet in liv. & din. area. Expensive custom drapes'. Built in breakfast nook. All charming appointments. Could please you. $26,500. Good terms. M-1 127 foot frontage on Placentia just north 19th St. Parcel is "L'1 shaped & is 103' to 290' deep, $70 front foot makes it 1!\th & Placentia's buy of year. ORANGE COAST PROPERTJES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUlLDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa ~---... ·---..... 1oeny ~-lo.>" ~·--· ~J _ ·~ - BA YFRONT -Near N. H. Yacht Club Only people who live in glaaa houaee can fully ap- preciate the view from thie one year old modern four bedroom, three bath home. The deaign 1a most unusual. There are two living room.a, dining room, three fireplaces and a wonderful kitchen. There la a wide sandy beach and ple11 privflegea. Owner wants a large cattle ranch in Oregon, Nevada or f ·$68,500. BA YFRONT -Near Jetty Beautifully fum. three bdrm., den, 3~ bath home. $69,750 -Excellent Terms. BA YFRONT -Pier & Slip -Bay Ave. -' bedroom, • bath, large rumpus room. .... .. ~----£.-.~ LIDO ISLE BAYFRONTS Extlusive listing. Pier and Slip !Arp living room, fireplace, ntC4t· kitchen, 3 bdrma., 2 bathl, .furniahtd. $49,500. i Pier and Float One story, 2 bdrm., den, 2 bathl. Nice uv;ng room, fireplace, din!ng room. Partil\lJY furnished. $55,000. Lido Nord. Nearly New 3 bdnm., 3 bath homC'. The unusually large living room 1a moat attractive with the warmth of wood paneling and brick fireplace. $59,500. Balboa Coves. Pier and Slip Owner transferred to Loulalam. Mu.i All modern ~ l.A...... 2 bath home. Will .ell fv,m. or wifum. , . NEWPOltT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA~E 7 MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 r What Every Mother Knows ~that.Lido Ja a w0nd~rful community for their chll· ' dN'D to fl"O"' up in and th.at today'• Jarcer fam!Ue. really need' bedrooms and 2 balh.-80 here are 101q lovely Iara'• bomM-ALL ON LIDO -ALL WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATIIS. r Over 2500 Square Feet ! 2t537 to be euct of fine living 1pace, 18x.26 paneled living room with fireplace and separate dining area large enclosed lanai off the ·chlldrens bedrooms. An out.standing family home.on a large lot for $29,500. v' On One Floor - ls this• band new showplace on a fine street to street location. The interior is modern with that expansive feeling and features cypress wormwood paneling and a massive atone fireplace. The built-in kitchen ia a dream. Carpeted, land.caped, walled, $33,MO full price With $10,000 down. •1' Cheerful ! just the right word for thla one which hu a provin- cial interior throughout. The maater bedroom hu it 's own used brick fireplare. Paneling and fine papt>r. Perfect tiled kitchen, street to atreet lot. a step to the ~t beach, $28,500. · • v' Like Green Grass 1 then see this new home which baa a patio plua & lawn-all walled, pleasant interior with ueed brick fireplace and nke woodwork, careful planning and sound construction make this a most liv~ble home indeed. $31,750. LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ' v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR $65,000 Firm Pric•e---. --, ··-~rrm win be' couaideredr-. -r-...... --....... --..,...-----..,_g::;::c;:;:::::;:;;;:;:-:;;:;::;:;:;._..:,·_J -~ 1. ATTENTION Builders, Speculators We han' a neat 2 bdrm. home built on rear of 50' lot on Margueritt• StrC'et, with d ouble gara~e. fenced yard. brick patio and room to build ndd'l unit on • BAY and BEACH REALTY, REALTORS 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 126' -Ev•. ~r 18:56 BUSINESS BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS ONLY 10 LEFT be sure to see these before you buy anywhere. . 1 front of lot. This is a gooJ buy. Priced at $11,500. --1--Only $3000 down. Holmwood Drive all 4 bedrm, 2 bath homes • 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. floors, carpeted W to W, has separalc diniug room. 2 paved patios. Nice yard, beautifully b n<lecapeu. Drapes inc. and only $27,000 Shr>w11 by Appointment . 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean View This r hoic·c 1nrnm(' pto1wrty kss t han 1 block to Ol'Vitn and bc·:1r h . ow1wr 2 hdrm. home.-PLUS 2 bdrm. ;.q •t. l'l.l'S l:'lq;'t' 1 bdrm. npl. with ocean v1rw, All units furnished c11tnpl<'te. LoC"att>d on 45 x 118' loL Better hurry on t his vnl'. Prk 1·d at $40.000 & !$12,000 dn. will handle 4. A SCARCE ITEM! YEH Y attractiw 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, carpet· ~ Pd wrill to wall. NH'(• dinin~ area. overlookin& large pnw d ratio. Completely fenct'd. C. I. loari. Rf:Dl'l'UJ from $16.000 to $11,500 fo r quick sale. E XCLUSIVE WJTH US PRICE T. McCUISTION MLTLTIPU .: Ll~TI~G REALTOR ~ · !7 E. l'1>a~t Hwy .. Corona del Mar H)rbor 47 • • ftt'e locatet,l nE'Xl <h1or to Corona de! Mar Bank ) ·HARBOR VIEW * ''Th(' only avsilnbl€' home in its c1ns!'I." Pa.norarnu.: view of the •entire' Harbor Arf'a from this !W W 4 bedroom plus rlt>ll, 3 bathroom, CXCCCC• in~ly rhl'<'rful, eus1ly mnint..uncd Cliff home. Two bnlconll'S, a J>ermanC'nt y1ew from t'\·ery room. Plate glass windows & slidini; doors. Carpets, drap<'s, workshop. Exira large garage. 2 fireplacea. Ready t o move in. • Aslting price S·l0.000. This lon ly home must sell. To a qualified buyer we will also finance with a real low dov.'11. Call John Macnab, Harbor 1776 or 5359 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island CORONA DEL -MAR High on th<' hill with Oct'an view from living room. 2 bdnns. & den. Enclosed cover<'d pat io, dbl. gar- age stressed fo r second unit. Fireplare in den & !iv· ing room. Minimum yard work & upk('(>p. $1 8,500 RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3444 E. Coast Blvd, Corona de! Mar Harbor 2288 One Large Bdrm. Home in East Costa Mesa FULL LENGTH li\ring rm -dining rm. combination. W to W c~Ung. Large kitchen, bath & praie. Stucco out.side, plutered uwde. $7500, l~ ~ CALL Har. 3838 FOR AfiDRESS DAY OR NITE. New and Modern BIGGEST B&ltio. Ill.and value In comfortable llv1nc iJl well plan· ncd I br. home, Sunny patio. wall .to wall carpet. fir eplace .tr r11rnace heal. Obie. gt.rage. With pr1vale complf'trly turnliiheJ apt. m.,.r rur. Los<ls ot wardro~ 11p11ce. If looking In the $2~.000 to $30,000 rang~ .• be 111re to aee this home. CO:'\T Aq' HUB POWERS- J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 63, 503 Park Av.. Ba.1bo& l.sla.nd BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 50-!t. bulkheaded lot, with pier & lge. float. Large liv- ing room with fireplace. 2 nice bdrma. with i ry4 baths. Extra large dinette area. Double garage, eaaily made triple. $27,500, tenna. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport Bl'f'd .. NpL Bcb. Harbor ">2. 9Mla "Newport Heights ! Furnished -$10,500 $2@0 Dn. -J70. Mo. t:?-.'tJSUALLY food buy In a 8'ce· ly f urnlahed ~ bedroom home of- fertng-Hdwd. floon. auto.. but, Hit 1 e t..drm. AU ~uutulq deeoratad bi pleulnr colon, mo.1)r t.eed Ii l&ndM:aped al\Cl llt•Wd la U.. cholcat part Of U.. Jhltbt& FOR TB.II 81181' Dm.AL ta Ulla LIDO ISLE a smart address A few choice Lido buys 1. Newly painted 2 bedrm. home near club. Barbe- cue in dinin~room, fireplace. nice patio. $21,500. 2. Brand new 4 bedrm. 2 bath home with full fur· nace, disposal, fjreplac:e, ·nice oabinet work, lots of storage. $26, 750. Remember, we are the developet;s of Lido Isle. We have many good buys in homes, lots and rentals. It i1 OW' aincere deaire to help you. p. a. palmer incorporated ole ban.on co., eales mgmt:. 3333 via lido -bar 1500 ANNOUNCING the new location of Paul C. Jones, Realtor Member of Multiple u.ting BOB JONES, Sale. Manager NOW at 2620 Newport Blvd. Newport . Beach (formerly at 2307 W. Balboa Blvd.) ALSO featuring all tYJM!e of ln1uranc. Automobile, Fire, Life, etc. WM. V, CAYWOOD, AGENT for Aetna Lite I.uunnce Phone Harbor 2313 12cH are&COA\act.-~~~~--~~----------~---~ Roy•~= Jr.· Open House Saturday & Sunday 12-5 3112 Ne'fl'pOrt 81•4., Newpoi't Bch. Harbor 1662.. 1l'cl3 CORONA DEL MAR 2 BDRM. HOJOI, t r-ra old. Lo-rel7 mw oc '\8 • b&y, we J'tneed J'l'llO, dbl Pfte .. rel.ft. t~ tel tcw 1194 n.or. R-2 lot. ~ •1000 aec't •aw. Owner, rot> Avocado • ..a I 921 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa lde&l for retired couple. DUPLEX. one 2 bdrm., one 1 bdrm .. PLUS a bach· elor apL rear -All furnished. Downtown BalboL IDCome 517~ mo. FULL PRICE $17,500. $3000 dn. "ARr' ADAIR Realtor 1eee Newport BlYd., Colt.a MM& Llbe.rty 8-~7f2 -A Street of Beautiful Homes $21,960 buy1 an exceptionally nice large U1ree bedroom, two bMh home lea., th&n three yean old tn the cnoloeat MCUon of lht• H elg'ht.1. THERE 11 over 80 teft frontai:e on llolmwood lnl!urlng maid· mum prlv11c•y. Tho grnund1 are -irofeulonally land.11capt>cl and the reu area 11 cvmpltlt'ly ( e.nt't'cJ. THE CRITICAL BUYER wlll ap· prtclate the lop grade oak noor- lng. t he 'lery be11t ln forced air heating ancl the gen-croua amo1int ot fine custom cabinet work. OTHER FE.A TURES are large amounlll of gtaM Including 1illdlng g!M.u wall on to the love- ly patio. tiled bath•, fireplace and a large cheerC\JI kltchfn with lovely view of the ocean. There 11 alao a laundry room and an unuiru&I dlnlhr room. THUi HOME r~pre.tente the top dollar vatllt' In tile Harbor area. 11ewe.ra ani In and paid for a.nd tM property le' located lnaJde the. New·port City limit.a. \our lMpcctJon 11 lnvtted. W . Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2117 W. Balboa BJYd .. 0Mce Ha.r. 24. Reeidence U 8-5490 Newport Beach 1 BR. rtJR.NlSJUµ>. Near ~ach • bay. But location. / STMO -$2600 Down OC1l!AN FRONT nur NtwpOrt Pter, 2 bc1rma. It den. FOUR lJJ:DROOM f\uulllltd. I lot.I. a rvac•. near Be&c1' .nd Complete with lawn A ahrobs. Large lots. 'Priced $10,950 to $11,550 Open Daily 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. DRIVE to Ramona Place. off Santa Ana A vc-. betwNm 15th & 16th Sts .. Costa Mesa DIKE & COLGROVE, Owner-·Builders ~19 East 17th St. Phone Llberty 8-115g, Costa Mesa l3C'lf>h 306 OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW HOMES RAMONA PLACE - A ne.w street h<'tween 15th and 16th off Santa Ana Ave. 9 Beautiful 4 bdrm., 2 bath bomca left. $10,950-$795 . Down ALSO'--KNOWELL PLACE 2073 MAPLE ST. -One block West of HArbor between 19th and Hamilton. ll lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath homes left. $11,575 -$950 Down U you want the finest features at a reasonable prlc• see these fine homea every day IO a.m. to 5 p.m. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa (Across From Costa Meaa Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Eve9. Har. f366-Ll 8-2103 Ba.y. $19.~. ~ down. -------------------- Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McFaMen Pla.o. 'At the N-iiort Pltr" Har. HO .l!:vN. Har. Ul7·M A.lk for Herald O. Sple. BAYSHORES FDWT TDOl OrJ'lllWI>. Charm· ~ lbe.ke roof, I w., I bath. din· ln.g ana, drape1, w /W ca~t, dlahwaaher, dlirpoal, nice kit- chen, d .. hma.ter, encloeed p&tlo. dbL prap. Phone for appt. to .... Jia,800. BALBOA BA Yn.ONT. private b .. ch. room for pier and noat. l!M.~00. COST A lrf.ESA DARLING 2 br. plU stucco SH~. ~ for 111·1 l'founcl 19ue. ~for M&WIYYl&on w • .ao.. Claire Van Horn !\LU.TOR 2731 W. Cou\ BWJ. LI M27l BY OWNER Corou Rip.Jandl -I bdnn~ I bath farmllou.. Ph. Harbor 78·J ' tttlo VOGEL VALUE FEATURES GALORE! 3 BDRMS., 2 batba, forced air heat, hwd. floora, re&r living room, beautiful fireJ'llace, indir<'ct light- ing, touch-plate IW1tches, built-in ran(.?e and oven, garbage disposal, kitchen exhaust fan. Heavy shake roof. Near echools. ehopa and tranaportation. All thla tor only $3195 down and the balance on -.n F1lA loan at $7!U58 per month The Vogel Company , 3201 W. Cout HWY .. Newport Beach LI 8-3481 17 Units -17 Garages, South Gate Room to build more -Bualneea building hl.l price $95,000. Grau income iH,430 yr. 14 Don MUOIU'J con.at.ruction -Brokers welcome "RING" Geo. W. Bell, Realtor Kl 3-5035 ' . ~ • PAGE I -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 · , • / , • J~'SrHE WANT ADS • want to buy· sell, rent or trade? Want to hire somebody ? Looking for a iob - a home -a special service 1 Lost something 7 Found something? You'll find a happy solution to your problem .in the Want Ads ! ·· When you want to BUY, look where people adT vertise what they have td sell. When you want to SELL, advertise where people look for what they want to buy. The classified columns of this paper will serve you well BOTH ways. Read the Want Ads for the best buys at ~e lowest prices. Use the Want Ads to get the fastest sales results at the lowest advertising cost • YOU CAN GET RATES anrl PLACE ADS BY PHONE CC.II Harbor 1616 • MONDAY and THURSDAY WEDNESDAY Newport Harbor News-Press -Coastal Shopper . . & •