HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-21 - Newport Balboa Press• Mesa Scans 1 47t.h YEAR -NUMBER 80 .NEWPoRT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 19M Pbon• Harbor 1616 FIVE CENTS .. - D .. ivery G..,.t11d Dt>lh•f'ry ot the Ne•rport Hubor l\'e"'·•·Prf'q Ill iuar- An\N-•1 All &rf'&S of the Com• rnunlly arf' rapidly ~IJIC pl&cf'd on ca rrlf'r deUvery. Cur lf'r boy• v.-111 dellvt'r t hf'IJ' papu1 bdore 6 pm. on J.fon• ,1ay anJ Thuniuay. 1f your pa~r ill not llf'llwr•d by that hour plf'&H l'all Karbor Jelt and a •J>t!Clal route man will Immediately re• pond •IUl your copy of your Newpo~ Harbor Newi·PN'h. ' Upper Bay ·Annexation LOCAL YOUTH BOOKED ON NARCOTICS COUNT Mayor Nelson 'Shocked' by Newport Beach Move Quick Costa Mesa r eaction to annexation of Upper New- port Bay areas to Newport Beach came today with wo rd Mesa officials will discuss the possibility o f Irvine Co. ob - jections t o the project. M ayor Claire Nelson to ld the News. Presa inasmuch as Irvine Co. owns b u lk of the 2100 acres in- Arre1t of Eupne Edward Davl1, 18, or 1~37 Serenade T errace on ausplclon ot poueaalon ot narcot- lta and a hypodermic nt'edle wu made Friday night by Newport polic<'. Dav11 wu picked up after h is allegedly 1usplcloua actions were reporl('d to police. He was npected to be arraigned today or tomorrow In Nrwport Just!ce Court. Otr1rer11 nld the youth talked mcohl'rirnlly of just viewing the Ro~.-Ptirnae and 11cetng Invisible u1M'S tlytni: 11round. bouncing 8· volved, hi.a C'ouncllmen feel whRt • hacl ih>11:usscd t he maltl'r. Uut ' i:o1nst thl' walls or the police sla· the firm decldu will r1•soh·e the City l\!Jnn~··r Grorge Coffey wi~h· t1011 nncJ gt>lling away from him. '. •lllllUt'. ed :-; .. wp-01 t C n.Jspeed. "CO~lll 11\'l'OOER~llO Gf:AR "We nr~ gr<·ally shocked by nr1· :11 ... ,u 1s 111 no poslt1or1 to a11s11me 011 hls per~on officers l!ttld thPy ntxation In Ulat W<' con1111ler New· 1n11·h n linbthly at this time," Cof· I h (• foun,1 1•lght quarter grain whll•' port 111 movln~ nlo w 11t nsta. f1·v ubsl'rved. "Other thini:;s llrt' Mcsll think~ 111 ptu l of t h" c ·n~lll m~th rnor,• lnv'Ortant t u the 1•11 "·" tnbll'!s in I\ vial, an eye drcipp••r 1· ' wllh a threau on lhe small t'nll. Me"a c•1mm11111ly," Mayor Nt'l>inn The l'it.v manR"Pr N•llmnt('tl 11p-,.. on1· ntt'lul cue with a rubbc'r •·ap deolsred. 111 <•Xima!l•ly $!1 n11lllnn would he ~I -contRrning une hypodermic syrlngt• • lnll1lll r1>a<'.l1on 1n r'uR\a · •·~a 11r1·1·s!li11·;· to do>vt>lop thr \.'pp1•r . 1 nnil one hy pullermlc needle. The to annexation pnx·i·ri 111g" lfllllti:-I tiny r»g1on. tal1lets arn NU:1pecterl of being mur· iil"d lllllt week In Uptkr u."Y hy l'.\TTf:lt~UX ('0'.\l.\U:ST phtnr d••rtv8llVP, J>Ollce said. thf" Newpon 8 Pl\1 h t 'II)' ( 1111111 ii wu on .. of "ni:c·1 th11t x,·1l p• 11 I F.. L. rauerson nf lht' <Cn.~to Offirl't'!I 1in1d Davis' rli;hl a1·m ah4'uld be 1nvad1nj' \\ 11.11 1 • .. ,1a :ll··:<.1 \ 'i ty l'lnnnm~ Commtl>!llOn bore two scar11 on the lnnt•r elbow J.fl'sll c·on11111er >I "0111r 1J111 k \ .1111.. i 1'1"'1 t•"' lht• c-omnwnt hr hear<! I Thc• left arm also bore a puncturl' But allll<)lll """'' Ch"l••I•· ,.;1 .. th,.1 (111111 .\11•11;in3 was to the l'fh•C'l mat k on lhl' mn('r elbow, \JlPy J>llftl(ln or lhl' l\l('SI\, 11:< 1».1d1 r••ll h. Lha l =-·I U foldlt·~ wl11Je Ilonw I i;a1d. D1wi;~ rPportcdly admitted If not ba1 k l 111 J . 1nt111·111 .. o1 1111• 1 c•i.1 but n!' 'The Jllannini: t•ommilll!!On bl'lng on "Junk'' two year• sgo, In getting rn ••n ti,. "' l. I~ vllaJh• rnti'rt'i>ti>tl m thr Wl'!!I I but not tall'ly. ' \\.A 'T TO .\ ~:\t:~ ~ I '1'~·· of l~·· Hay." l'alln~on saiJ. He malle the conft1.11Jl 1tale· · · ":'\1•wp<1rt s ('n< roa<'hment Into th<' g Two 1 ,,11, rl',:anhni: p1111~1b1l11y 11 1 1 C.: l mt·nl lo police he started narco\-~f H111 b •r H1J:hlan•ls' 1t•~1J»11l11 u n· ~· • 11 .. "P'' s no i;u<>< or os 8 lea in l 9~2. used them tor four "'' '·' Indian Skull Unearthed in Corona del Mar Skull and partial akeleton of an fndlan waa unearthed Saturday by Mr. and Mn. Ben Douglaa 01 2630 Se...,lew Ave. The pair wu dht· glng near their home during con- 1trucllon or a garage. Frank D~yer 91'_ Laguna Beach. & paleontologln ~~th an oil com- pany and friend ot Douglas, said he believed the r emalns to be lhoMI of a Chuma.eh or "digger" Indian. He said the bonea probably dated back to pre-Spanish day1 and may be up to ~000 years old. The bonea were found ln a crouched po11i~lon, indlcaUng a flrx burial and facfng southwest whlrh Dreyer aald would establish the agl'. He aald It wu common prac· lice to bury the dead ln a &hallow, 6-ln., grave and pile a bout . \~ reel ot dirt on top. They burled their dead where they Jived. he said, and migrated on. Dr('ytr called the tribe the t lrat fox hole dwellers. He ,.Jd they dug hotu and covered them with branch('s tor &helter. They moved In amall bands. The remalna found by Douglas are believed to be a halt grown adult or a am all wo-nnm.:· tu :-=cwpm \ B•'ll• h a< t.·r I . . year11 and stopped ualng narcotics th• 11 up•' I l '111,. ~ Ull\' lltl'B Ill On lhP olhPr hand. \\nltr-r \\el· In 19~3. H e wall removed to Or· .man. ' ' • " · h 1 r th o Found ""1th the llkelet.on were brOUJ:hl Into. th1• • •ly hu·v" l11•1·n I mer, r a rman o . e 1:omm1ss1 n, ange County Jall to await a r· j lhelll and abalone• wh.lch are JN EASY SAILING-Schooner Goodwill, 161-ft. c raft owned by Ralph Larrabee, N e wpo rt Harbor, today waa reported aground at Cedros Island, 300 miles .outh o! San Diego. Pho to above shows her reaching, with a bU- loon jib on he'r trials prior to winning 1~ tnn.Padfio race t o H ono lulu.. -Barnd&on·Beckner Photo l'rr<'l\'1'11 by th•· r 1ty <.lt>1k1.1 1.C111 e. contlDuf'd oD Pare I ralgnment. still prevalent today on IOC&1 :"o 1mml'd1Hll' a• lion by ('rn•ta ~&Chea. GOODWILL AGROUND M1·aa r lly offlr111lft Rppear,•d 111 lhP CITY M STER PLAN DRAFT Douglu aaid be would clean of11n,, 11llhuui;h I h1•1,• l!•'••11wd to I A the remain8. mount them and tuuts b~ a mlx\ur~ of f\'••hn.:M abnut th<' them aOO.• tll• mantel of bla l 'ppt•r Buy 1nv11x1<111 Allt'Jl\1~1 h}' I DELAYED BY p E PROJECT N1•wport. May(ir Clullc ;-\1·l~cm • • •11ld rwmP nf thr M v1111 rount•llrnf'n De('ls1on to delay dratting a ma.i1ter plan for tlle City or Tars' Cage Play-Off Set Wednesday Nl'wport Bl'ach until the Pacific EIC!ctrlc plane are aettted was rl'St'ht•d Thur!Wfay nighl by the .!liewport Beach Pll1n11lng <.:omm1bslon. City Attonwy Karl Lynn Davis told the commlMlon lhe ( ·1ty Char lH pruv11Jt'11 the planning comm111s1on mu11t draft & ll•'W m1.U1t1•r plan for the city If It 110 w1&h1>11. A plan wu draft· 1•d by th• l.llY council The plan, Davi• uJd In hl1 opinion. 11 no Jongl'r vaJld. E• r••rl' a !t'COmml'ndaUon c&n be adopted by Uie planning c-•1mnui.~1t.n. a vubhc hea r1ni; mWlt be h,.1,1. It would then be ,.,,..., Rrded to the city coun1·11 !or con•1dC'r&t1u11. T he Suna\'\ t.. .. i;u.. lmskt'l b II pl t)--OIC r .. r at'ullhl t•l.11" b< 11• ,., n ]'..,wpo1t llart>or ll1~h S1h•~1l a.nJ MANY NEWS.PRESS FIRSTS Anaht'llll "111 lllk•• I 111 .. • u\ 7 311 p rn \\ ,-.lr1t•111ln11 111.1;h1 111 l;ar1lrn (;ru• '" 1 '"•" h J uh" l;a" •• 111 the T ar q11111t1•t Ann<111n~ "" this mc11n· lni: S • I\ Jlul \ U<'llt h .11111 A nahc-1m w1111nd up in u llf• l11r ,.,., onil hr- 11111,1 u11dl'l1 •ll<1l ll11n'111,;•••11 U•· 1th .. flflol)' n1.,;h\ Ill 'o\1111 I .Ill Ill" hu t ,., h• 11.111·•1 '""I' • onlt'i.\ ur llw Society Editor Captures Top Women's Page Hono~ 11,,.,.,11 '1'11,• ·1 .. 1,. ,,.,.1u1 .. 1 111,. ~:1 .s, \',inlfr.-,1 Bnrbtt'. \\'11m1n'e flr•l frl\)' 1,.•l\\l't'll thl' t\lti lt Alli.I• l'thlt•r of the :'\l'WS·f'rC'M 11niJ :'\VII a t 111111 ... r 11 11.:h 1 .. " 111111"\\ i11ar· ;'.t11rh.11.:• I'. fornrer ,..J1ror o f the ~111. 1,111 lu•t nu Iii• 1 '11J .. n1~1~· :..;, 11 •·1'1""' 1<•1nv P'"·"1''<llt'd mony hutllf' llimr ~ oltl1<\ l. 11 h lll<11'l"'d I 1111nt•I-< jl\• ~•·r1t1"I (ti !'l .. lll1dll\ !I • ~Ir (l( j.?11 111~ .. '" 1111· llill'I• 1 ·111nuAI 9\\,1111 lt1 r1rhf'f>n 11( L'11ll- (n1 n111 A111•011at1 .. n of l' r f' 11 a i\\ .. 1.11<1•, bt'~hl• to. 111' 11r\01 I''"•'. \\'o11wn. lit I nil\' Ill 1111' ('jl ' I .111" pln1-1 OH• 8!Artcni; M.1r1 h I . .. Mr." .. narbre :f'f'CIVr<I f 0 u r U•i." ••Iii hll l'lltltllll! linl'up !11 -,. while ~11u :O.l11rbaq:er \\'t'\lnf'!«lai• \\Ill ''" ,.,.11,1.,,., I "' ''" "'"'' t h1.-e 'fll~t4" and two raul :'\eumann anti l '.11•1 ....... nt· ,...,.in.t., :O.tn1 He.rbrt''"'4on \WO ll<'n rorwANI•. c .. nt• r l'tll ,,.,17<'1 111,.t11 for be11t women's depart· and l)enny F'ttzptllrtr k And Larry I ment f"'gf'i< !or We•·k hu anJ bt· Navarro at guarda. "·~kllta. Her other "flrJOt.a" Wf'rr for bf'st nt'Wa atory, Wttkly nt>w•· ' .... pnrwr dlv1~1un &nd ~et feilture Mtory In the dl\lly newspepl'r di· v1x111n, lhf' lalll'r ap~arlnit In tht Ornn.i:r I.Jiiiy News throu.i:h Or~ ani:•• (."n11nly Ncw11 s.-rvlre afll'r bring pr lnl1·cl In ll'lo New11-P rc>1111. 1'111111 ~I urburger won "bt'al pro· motion a nJ publicity In maga· z.lne," bei.t interview. but fr11turt In " magazine, and eecond In llJ'4'' rel 1nformatlvr article and r•'l.nn•I In llP«lt.l arUcle C&legorle11 Shi' 111 a 1t'gular M ntr1butor U> n"" •f'llfh'r.t nnd mag11zlnr.10 Shr 111 kn<>"' n at1 " fr~l11nct'. "Ro"lng ~(pell t••r or I ht Southweat." Barbre, lC'Ft, w o m en 's editor of News-Preu and M iM N ell Murbargcr, Costa Mesa. freelance writ<>r. examine n ine awftrds given the m Saturday at California Association o f Pr<'ss W omen's ftnnual cooleet luncheon. Mn. Barbre wnn (rrnr "firsts" w ith her N r ws·Prt'Sa "·om en's department and news and f eature writln1 . -St.ail Pboto home. De La Torre Sues Lucille Krull in $16,467 Action SANTA ANA (OCNS)-A 11',· te7.90 penional lnJury accident waa on tile today In Superior Court here ln connection With a Newport ~arh lr&Ulc craah Nov. 18. 195t. Fiiing the acUon wu Alpbc>r\ff De La Torre. Lucille Ann Knill wu named defendanL The plaintiff cWma he wu C'rOsalng Cout H ighway a t the J11.'1mlne Avf'. lnlerat"Cllon about 5·30 p . m. He uaerta -the Krull "ehlC'le wu operated C'&rtlesirly on ll.3 nort.hbound joumey and •truck him. De La Torre aJlegu he 11utfered severe lnjunea which m&y be per· rnanenL HARBOR WEATHER Templ'rafUl'N tbe peal lll• Harbor -Weft.I HI 'J'ueactay. Feb. 1~ .... 67 \\'edne!llll\y. Fl'b Ill . 62 Thursday. Feb. J 7 ·-· 60 Frid•)". Ftb. 18 .. . 6. .. RAturday. Feb. 19 ... ~7 Runtlay. r Pb. 20 .... -Ml Monday, F'f'b . 21 .... -&7 Feb Ii R~unfaJI F eb 18 11111'<' '"'"' 47 ~J 114 ~3 42 3~ 37 .45 Abalone lurCJlar SoUCJht by Cops :'\ewport pohcC' lo.lay are lnok· ln11; tnr a burglar "''h" wu ldPI\· Uf1M1 b\' thr,,. nth,.r m"n a.e the ON CE1>ROS ISLAND OC!'liS FOREIGN CORRF..SPOS~F..NT -Mn1. Richard Trcgaskis, acc rt'dited b y t!:e Departm ent o f DefenRC t o Orange Count y News Service--left yesterda y for F onno- 8a. S he will report on a ctivities in the w orld tro uble spot. ex clusively for OCN$. Mrs. Trcgaskis w as M iRI' South Carolina in the Hl50 M iits Ame rica &nuty Pagrant. S he 1s the w ife of A utho r Ric hard T rega.s k1 1<. -OCNS P hot o OCNS Correspondent En Route to Formosa for News-Press I Coast Guard. Canacftan Craft Staging Rescue Fatf' of th<' schooner Goodwill will be determined within the nt·xt 24 ho urs when the Canadian l>Ntroyer Cna.uder and Coaxt GuarJ CuHcr Pcn;eus attempt to reecue her from lhl' tx·:wh of Ct•drns l slan el. She had a 10 degree list at preae tim<'. Th1' 161-ft. boa t which was th<' fin;t t o finish in the la~L 11 .. 11 .. 111111 r.11,. "• 11! 11i:rount.1 L. l;111, ("harh'• Smllh and Helen off th•• l•h<11.t 1.1 1111 II\ I 'nhfMTila Bui;h. V11r11tad ,,, .... ldl'f'lutled - c11.1l~ 1111,, 111111n1n i: ll1t' t.'rti;inrer. . . ('111•i<l Guard lnform&nla -.Id t.o- 1 ''"~I 1•11"1'1 '"'111 f'l·r~•·u11 ''."d •Inv thrv rlouble<.I Cn19der will be lln u1111•h1h1"11' 1•11111• c111t ••f ~an I Ahi.-10 ~e t rl•-.. noulfll t.o aid lhe Du i.: .. "1 "' 11 111 1"d'"" c;.,.,.1w1ll. Thl'rto 11 no lmmedlele 1'11111 ... 11 I" ,..,,n,, '"'' "'"'"''' th•• dl\n1ot•'r to lhll 1lnt·ktn bolll, eo.., vr·~•· I. 111• 111<111 i.. • <1" n• r t:11 l11h c;1111111 1<111trC't.._ 111lrJ, lllld no appe.r- LArinh1~· .. 1 1.11111 \\ H1y A\o'. l\111·J ~nt •hHn,.ge to tht' 11hlp or ~nona vni.:"r" 1111 l11ol" l11t11•lol lk1r l<·r . ahourd. \\'1tl111 nt 1'111°1 1 1-:1111• L1<un-I• 1 :'\u dr taJli ot how the miahap l\r1111 1;1 .. 11. llui: .. llo<11l•r an•l a ""urn·d were av.liable. o..c.bla• ml\ll "'"'"" I I •I• hi• I !1 •n nf lh•· llhlp WU t;ape San Lu· .\1··11111' •• . r 111.-, ro·" 1n1 l11tl<' , ,. .. ~hf' IPf\ ;>;l"Vo•port Harbor P'rl· R11h•·rt \ "'l1t•I II•• '' 1h• Ttor•ll<t •I 1\ Anti • 'ti'"• Ir.I tn r,.lum bfofore \'1tr•l1trl ( .. nrJL .. I. A f' I "I H••h<•rt F: l'I' r 11flr>r • ~IX•Wf'f'k crul-. ~nion \\hn tnok ~1"'""" Z•lO And HO!'Ot.. "Ll'. T. H. Perirlr F:Mlnn 8• ll\'1111'8 fllr nAllllnrll 300 tb11 of rlea nf'<l snrl perkNI NEW MEDICAL BUILDING DUE NEAR HOSPITAL F le!"l hl'n'111u1trter11 at Pearl Hnr· ml\.l:ll7.1n•·• ltl'r fll• t 111 "4 ht1\'f' 11p· abfllon<' \\rilne>1<lay nig ht rrnm txir rrp<irt11 th!' srrh•al or Mra p<>1trr<I in <'nlhrr~. :"n11 .. n',11 Uu11l· P J;i1111 f11r 1 ff'I tion icr a n!'w mNitrR I office building o p. IW\1 Ah11lnnc 11t 216 20th St . Th,. hiul wa"~ ,·alurd a l $ lM Rlrhl\rd T'rrgukl11. Orsn1te Cciunty nr.!'11 11.nr1 X11t 1"r1•tl, <:rngraphlr poi-111' I he t·1:t 1a1111· 1 ol I 111 I loas;: M1•m < •rta I lfo11pil1tl w e r e r~-~"""~ !'Prvkl' !orPlgn rorr1•11ponll-I Irr mo~l r••r rr1t :t>t~l.,'fln·wnl WM ( I f The thrf'e men t old police thC'y \'t•iilt'tl h1·rc · t1,.J:iy. Arrangl'nWlllH fnr tlw lll't' <• R parer o ""w the #l l1<p••n 1100111 10 p m !tO l'nl. \\'hn r hrt'kf'fl-ln ht>re l e><hl\' m• ,l;;p:\n. 1•11 n·111nn :< '""'"""" m 11i:;11• lhr (jrllt kg n { hPr JOllrr•l'V [Cl 1.ln•'. lrt 11 , ,,., .•. ,.. .... r 1tn•I ·'"'1111\ty. lnnd :21)11 r,,,., HCf tl:i 11' ha\'1' b!•I ll <'c1mpld1·d Wllh J11m('R C ag-lnto the <'omr11ny'11 building. \.\'hrn C'h!Lllengc<l .. ,. the thier. hr 1111• T111pch. Forrno11a. MM! Trt•itMklf, t.IH (',\TIO' '.\f<\.fOll 1wy. a1·c11r d1ng t11 J . L , :'1H\\lt J.;i f1f tlll' f Jut11·an H a rdesty tti"rte<lJy ltl<'nllfl('{f hlm11elt to lhc>m w1fc> n( f11mp1I corl''.l!Jl(rnd,.nt lllrh-l!om in ~011111 ('1u nhn1<, Mr11 I• d '.1.11. """' and tolrt tlv•m hf' har1 t\00 lb.ti ot an t T1e2su~kl-". of Cr.1st11 l\1 .. ~11. w11 1 T1q:u~k111 wa~ 111•--ld••nt i·f lhr rn1·rr F11r 1':M tl'rn At'll•·1t11·!1 umler Dl'lta I •t>lt:l p, 11.1 "'" 1,rll \' 11t t h r ., ,.,. s 11111 llfl .. 11 I h!ltl 1"11.: I' t111 Li " ·""''•'41 " 1~1 ( • •ti -'""1•11•~ t" tl";lr h111 nt•W llbalone ""1" llll'1 well <lt'lll'Prlngo l 1epartmC'nl nf [)rfc>nll;. s rrrf'dll•· l "nivPrH11.v or Sr.11th t'1111 1lln10 Sh•• 1" ''''1' l•lti· I! ·1'11 11 '' th•m. Comp11ny ort1cl11lr1 rl11lm \1 tho order ""uld n11,·e h11d 10 rome tlnn 1\1' OC"l'S repr~ent11l1vf' ml\Jnted In l'•l•1r1111nn ut th,.~·"''''' I• l\1111 lo ~ ' "I "' , . \ lhrouj.?h t he offtce. A iwrt blonrlf'. the fnrm,.r Ml~l but l•.nk up""'" lrll'•'I 11• h•1 :i.. <r 1 1 "' ''1 1 1 .' F:ntry \l'l\!1 marle hy opentni:r a South l'arnllno c1f Ill~ In th" M1~!' R"M'l\ltlln !'h,. ''""I ''' 1· ""I" •1• ' t 1' 01 '' ~ 111 t i.. ' · 1 wldewindowwhlcl\wuappa~ntly Amt'rfl•llb"11utvpaJ;eant.l11 known l '" l fc!'l l 1111 l·•Arl•r "',. l'lll•l•·n1 •11• ,.. 11 .-. 1"1' 11 ' 1 I• unJockC"I. police •aid. for photographlr ('0\'erAge (lf F11r C'llntlnlll'd "" ,.., .. ~ ti.. I .. Ill ' :ul :-.,. II ot I -------!\1 • ",., '1• Ii .•1 ... "'' 1d1111; "1'1 11.r,111111 t" t h" 11rchl· t• 11111• ,,, "" """I! M• n1t1r 111J JIOll· .) IHJ ) 1 \\ ,,1 ht• ,,f OTI•'·,.\•JrY •I•• 1•11 I" 11 • 1 I• 1<111 •unlsln ·•i; 11 . ·•'· . \"~1 >'l fl nt fll)or 'I ijr"I 1 li••rt' wtll h" 21\ lllCh ' .. NEW OFFICE BUILDING-Artin's rendit.iun of facade for new medical oUkle buJ.kling oppolit.e entrance to Ho.g Bo.ptt.al, on north aide of street, show:: moo~rn. ~ ~ wb.k:b wW occu~rtiou of p&I'" eel juRt sold b y Jum• s C'a~nf"y t o build r. H:tl;•h Jli>yle, owner oC the medicaJ butldmg r<>mt•tin y "'h1ch tx-ar s hS. name. 4'/ 1 . l /' SERVE LEFTOVERS AS J.f·t rn111nut11rt11rln1l i on• nf'llf • 11~-. ... -Smoking Habits, Neaten C111e of M11y Fires COUNTY AIA TO HOST MEn Thr ~11n1~ Ana l'la nnlnf C'N l m1~ 11 '"" 11..:11111•\ Ill «' La llab1 •· 11'a.1y n" prop.s"I lt JJOlntrd ou thl' \I~ wnulJn l be t't'imltlrd 111 th,.lr J)h"•~. ENTICING TID BITS 87 CuillJe 0unboD ThoughUtu 81110kln1 habit. and def.c:U\'e beaten c&UH m ore than half the JOOO homu tlrea statl•· llca reveal occur dAlly, according lo Ralph Lee, Coal• MeM fire pre· ventlon officer. .. Your home ca.n be next )Ullesa One of the moe' delightful eating cuatoma in Europe la found in Vienna, where at <Jinner, between the aoup 'and the meat counies appears a small plate containine somethin& in the nature QJ an hors d'oeuvre. But instead ot beine aome- thing "outside the works" u the term hon d'oeuvre aigni-you heed thl1 advice." Lee P ld. lb• milttUM I.a amooth add two ~·s. irure your anokins habit.a are beaten e11·yolka and .Ur for a aafe and alway• k"P your beating minute. Remove from th• nre and 8)'•tem 111 ~rtect worklnc order:· f 1e1, ll I• very much a part of the meal. an lntrlrulnc added aur- pn.e. pour \nto a aMJlow dlah to cool. ShApe Into balla, dip ln fine dry bread crumba, lhen lnto beaten err and •ca.In Into cru.mba. Fry ln deep tat until browned. Drain on pa~r towela and 11erve •ch cro- quette gunt.ahed wllh ahredded c'lery bearta mixed llfhlly Wltb French drealng. 8ometlm• 1.1 11 a amall hot ll&LI· uce with a pol of muttard attend· inf . Or ll IJl!lY be a few mutfl· room• In a hllhly eea.it>Md cre~bi A&UCe on a stppet of tout, or a Arnall Mrvlnc of piquant meat or tlllh aalad, ot a col<l efl' In aspic wtlh -a dollop ot •uce over It. 8VllP&l81NG ZUT HERE'S HOW Jt you uee a fireplace, LM aald. be aure to ha'°" a acreen In front of It. Thi• prevent. apark• from getting on nearby rui• or turnl· ture. "lt'a a poor policy to leave your home unau~nded with a fire burnlnr ln th• flrepl&ce," Lee re- minded. • • • • 1; NEW 41-HOME MESA SUBDIVISION TOLD ColUltTUction on a 41-home subdi\'iaion or the Mesa Builders and Equipment Co. of Cos· ta Mesa la echeduled to 1tart thia week at Cabrillo St. between Tustin and Irvine Ave1. The homes will include many features. They will be priced between S17,950 and $19,- 000, according to Ben King, preai.dent of Mesa Builders. NEWPORT HARBOR 0ranl'• County c-haplrr oC the Ammcan ln•Utute or Archltk ta ~111 hoat lhto Call· tornla Counrtl of Al'C"h lt•rta at a !<><"al dub, Ft'b, 24, 16 anll 26 to ori;ant.ze their ac-tl'ritl•·• for ltlll, Galea W. B urrow& Santa Ana, pl'Nldcnt of thc- chapter and a.or,.. U nd . New1x 11 t Beach. \·lre-prt-sl dl'nl and 1ecretary o r lhl' councll, flil11ouncell today. Guests or honor at tl1f' an· nual ct111n1'r rnel'tlnc t o be h11ld Friday, Feb. 2:) will bl' Clair ,)N. Dlt chy, Detroit, na· t 1onal' president of lhe AIA incl, Earl T . Heltech.mldt, Loa Anf(eles, nst Iona! Ciral vlct>· prc1ldent. Th• uea I• to be annue4 to Ss nla AnA. BLANKETS Dry Cleaned Tlw-y'U «-INlcla& Lich& a ftutfJ' •.• ...~ .. ·· ttUoplla&ne Tb• aervlce 11 ._iwaya amall. not to detract trom the n\aln courM lo com., but It add• to the m r nu UlqM wonderlUI tld·bll,a that aNi oftftl favortte foods but don't ettm to ftt lnto the recular routine of dJnnera u they are con.etructed In America. Alao It atforda • way In which to UM up 1maU ,avoury a.tt~vera In an lntereatlng fa.shlon. Any ot theM amall otr,.rln1<• can Ilia ~fd .. an hOMI d'~UVrt' Or" .. a luncheon dlllh If 110mewhat S\larced. However, In America, lunch •t homa hu deteriorated, fa· Ultr eaUnl' with bualneu cronle.. molh.r at the fa,.hlon 11how ar.d pie children at the IK'hool cafe. MAKI A GAIDIM TOOL llHCH A. prden bench may aleo 81'T'Ve u a .torace d \e•t tor prdm tool1, 1porta equipment or tor--A aimllar bench will be ule:ful in an indoor play- room. To!ll'M and rroon h118Mr la uMd tor th• top and bot1om, and the ed.-are paint.eel with white laad, before uaembly to 1.ld weatherprooftnc. UM No. 10 brau flat.-hrad, "o o d 1crew1, 1 IJ& LDclMa Jons toi futenen. HOME ancl GARDEN · tit lbrt9e. ...... lalaM 1601 Bo. Moh•. 8•ltf11 ~ ... Tbe cheat 11 made 18 lnrhee wide lnaide to i.c~unimodate rakre. PAGE 2-PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS . PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 t.erl&. TID-Brf RW.:C:'lPJ: . woa A LA RUSSE: ~rd boll Jhe required number of •II"· Shell J.nd chill them. At llfrYlng time pltce off a m1all piece from one .tde IO the ere• will 11lt firmly Without rolllnc around. Now 11llre t.he •n• c.rouwlae• with one of pioee little wire harp• and 1tand piem on flat ll'tluce leavl'a. Over them apoon a i rneroua a mount or ltuM!an drff8lnf madt' by ad(Jl.ng dilll .auce and a little ltmon juk e to mayonn&lee. The bn>M le plec.e are made of two f:.lncb board• dowaled t.ocether t.e form a piece 22 b7 17'4 Inch•, before 1haplnr. lJM a 14-lneh dowtl, ln11rtad lD each ~~ to a depth of l 'iii to I , and waterproof clue. The top I l!Ui on and off aa1l11ta_'!_d t.b• cl.at anan~ mu' Q9P9 1* fJom alldiq. PLANNING COMMISSION Approves. Denies Permits for Builders in ·Session GARDENER'S CHECK 1.IST l . l'lnall• and alup <'-na1D a who"' ~d of ff'Mllly plaatfod nuwe111 lll on~ llA&bt.--41o pl'f'- parT ! 8<-•1"r plt'nty of bu& pt'llet1 la your pr•• r'1a. PUTI'Y, PUTI'Y Cement Pia nt Turned Down By Commission f<e:uJy Mixed Concrefe 8AU8AGE8 Gt.ACE. rarboll nne poun•I of link iu111sai.;e11 hghtlv In watrr. Draln them wt-II nnd roll them hichtly in flour. Hcitl a llllll• huller in a frying" p.1n lllltl In ll b rown the llAUIUIJ:•11 All OVf'r, \Ilk· Ing rArr· nnt ,In l'lhrlnk them nnd lo,... All the juu:,•. \\'hl'n b rown"d pour o"er them a mixture m<ide of the juice of one orani.;e, a "1Tlall winegla1<11 or Ahfr· ry nmt on1> table1poon nt r urranl o r other tart jf'lly Adtl a pln<"h earh or powdl'r,.lt r lnnirn1t1n, uni· nt('g RMI ;>l(W PIO. llnV•• th .. r111ml' vr ry low ut11h-r the p,m, nn•J slm- m• r i::• nll\' 1111111 lhr 11ll1JCfl 111 ... thwl< "" l1111W\' an•! th•• aau•gr11 11re well 1!1117.l'ol ~\I.A lt IH~l.JGHT CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON OCC ADDITIONS AS BIDS LET Bids were accepted by the board of trusted! of Orange Coast College at its regular meeting Jut Monday night t o add eight cla.asrooms and faculty offices to the Ii· brary buil~ng. Successful low bidders included the following: general contract, Famularo and Stromberg, ~anta Ana, ~91 ,000 ; plumbing contract, Sam Kinsfather, Costa Mesa. $5J 90: heating and ventilating contract, D. S. Richarde, Santa Ana. $7,465; electrical contract , Lovejoy Electric Com· pany, Costa Mesa, St t ,203. Total of all contracts waa $115.458. Construction of this project will commence immediate- ly, with completion scheduled prior to the opening of college next September. This addition will provide gen- eral type classrooms for instructional wie in the !ielda o( English and social BCience. Nine varlance1 were approved and two denied Thur.eday nJfbt by lhe Newport Beach Plannin1 Com· mt.alllon. The group aao approved one reaubdlvialon and one uae ~r· mlL Varlancea are referred to city CtJunr tl Cor actl.~n a nd use prrmlls arti In effect 1:) daya after being grantt'J. \..A.KIA.'\<.:£S APPllO\.ED The followlni;: \'&rtancr11 Wl're 8Jlprovcd . W. fl. Harwy J r. to rewbdtvuJe ot.a B, 9, l O and 11. block 26 at Balboa BIYd. and J . St. Into two bualdlnJ; eltu : lrvlne Co. to construct detu\'hed 1arages on the front haH of 12 Iota In Jr· vine Terra.ce: Henry E . Brook• ot 6508 W. Oct•an Fronl for & l tl· In. OVl't'han& Into a l O·fl. rea rye.rd setback ot a aecond floor apart· m r nt ov.,r 1111 rxlallng garace tac· Ing a 15-tt. alley. J. W. K ra fft tor coM tntctlon ot a third dwelling unit on a alle conla.lnlni:-an exlaung duplex at 317-319 Heliotrope Ave . R. S. Guenther for a 30-ln. ovf'rNanK tn· lo a l O·tl. rearya.rd telbtt.ck taclng a l 0-tt. a lley for a eecond atory 1t 121 Amethys t Ave.; Mlchatl J . McCatrrC'y tor a :).fl, rearyar<I setback Instead of 10 fttt tor a two 1tory addition at 7201 Sea· ahor e Drh·t. Loula Br11g1 voted no tor the ~cCaftrey appllcaUon. C'HH'Kf•:N l-lALAD JrlOLD· F or t hl• rnrik•• 1 h11 km anl1d 1111lnir l"'h•r n,. n1u4 h tlu • 11 • t11ck en HH nt u.'I dw1•t""I • •·l1·1', 111\ol n !ti c::rr1trl) un~un tu \.u t.-1 t1t a (•·.•t chr1pJH•<i g r•"" onion•. Flavor lo \U lt' 1rnll ml'< g"nerou~ly with m1yo11n1111W' Fnr .,,., r v •"I' o1r 11111 vunn11 ,.,. 11!11'•1. alld on•• 11nJ onl'·h.tlf t eU Jlf>'•na <Jf I pllun i.:"'-•llne. ~nek...t •lrl Ju•l cold ~lll••r ••01111~ tn 11n tht' tn rk Mtll t h11 o\'• r h"I wul• r 11111! 111!.J to thr mn yonn&1•r I ll••n.t n II th••rnuc::hlv with lilt •al&d M d park 1ntn ~mAU wtt mold-. and chill. Tur n out on 11mall pkltt'11 tn ""'"''"· Hnol 1:11rnl11h w ith WAtl'rrl"t'M 11nlt whnlr J:'r""n I olive.. ,----.------------------------------------------------ CH £ESE CROQUi:T'TF.S: In a Soup to Shirts Two M ... a F1·rms RILl:Y, HAR\·ir;y OKAVf;D H. E. R1lt>y tor an 8·ft. Belback along Oc-,.an View Ave. Instead ot a 20-tt. IM!lbtl<'k a t corner of 28 10 Avon St : Da vid Hallantlnt- tor a frontyurd 11rlba~k of 47 ft el for •Ingle family dwelll11g wllh attaebt'd i ara i:e lnatesd ot 35-ft. mu lmum. R. r . Hitrvey for a a.. rt. aelba<"k along Channel Plac' at U lh St. ln&\1.>lld of a IO·ft. 11et· back for " two-ramlly unit front· aA ur e pn.n ml'lt l hrr!' ta bl"•PO"nll ._. of butt,.r Rnt1 h lrntl In •1nr-!hlrd r up M flnur. At1J .. n,.fn11rth lt R· 5-Shelf Cclbinet Get Stock Okay .11poon of Mil 11n1I I\ ltt tll' p11p rlk11 . 8tlr ron,.tlU\tly Whtie fldltln( lwr.. Holds Everyth·1n11 thlrdll r11p W mrlk 11nct 11tlr 11nttl ":II btllhn11: bfo~11. Th,.n 11'1'1 on,. c-ur ot ilfl•rr Y""""' r h"""e An•I nn•'-Thu1 f lVl'·!lhl'lt kltrht>n r11b1n11t Utlrd cup nf 11:r"t"r1 p111 m r11sn hol1l1 all, show11 1111. 'rwo dOl>r s ch~ rwlnic •lf!rn lcl rev,.111 '"''' top Wh•n tht l'htt~ 111 m•lttd And ctrawen with a n &rTay of dl1h lowl'lll nncl table llnenl!. a nd three CONCRETE Satisfaction "JUST· RIGHT' • MIXTURE e READY· TO· POUR • • • l'i(W'rlfy thf' rofN'ffltt mh· tur. ~·°" _ _, . . . And wt1'U dl'lh· .. r ri•lllt to thf'I Jolt "1111'11~\ I r ''Oii MY ! Xo mlHIL Xo fu..._ ~,.,. ti-and mon"y. l'hont' for r•tlmatt', Uberty 8-2283 BAY Rt~All\' MIX ISC. 711 W. 17th St. COSTA MII'A low,.r •Jr11v .. r rs holdln1ot pie t.nrl mufrin llna. put rovl'n, Md ml•· rrlla nt-nuft 11t•nslla. The 1moot.h· Jratned pvniltroaa pine woocl I rtadlly tak.-11 BllV painl or natural flnlAh The U blnt'l I• t"qUa lly 1 t I hom" In a bedrnnm. whne IL c-an bl' u~etl flJr ahlrt!'I. l t1!5, l!OCks. hnn•lkerchlerio. a11d undrrwra r . 1New Perennials Enhance Garden I AmnnK lhe hl'tl~r known mPmb,.n1 ''' th,. Jl• rennial 1.1m1ly 11 rp the F:ni;ll~h pr1m r<'lll' 11nd ti\" ! l'actr1c 1n:•nt dt<lphinl11m. Eni;llsh I primr'<>llt' I.ti \lw nu~t AdApt.abte I an11 w1•tely pl!U1tl'J or all pnm· m~r11. It wlll JtrOW In l'Very t ll· mat!' 7tonl' ••f tht writ. One lYJlt' nf F:ngll11h prlmros.>, th!' Prtmula vul~Arl,, b<'ars A 111pi;le flow; r of whll<'. yt'llll\\', r<'J, r urrle or blur, nm1d:ol t rink 1<"11 lt a n•11. The n~w Pac~!' h)'IJI l•I fnrm~ of polyanlhA h1we larg,. douhl<' tlowrrs In yr l· lnw, u d And blue 1<haJ r11 Thut' polynntha nowns are borne In rlu~lrr11 11t th,. tnp of lltlff atem• whlcb rtN 1bov,. ro. l'ltU or J{Tff1' ltAYea. Thi.I I• the nnety most orten -.-x:IAted W'llh lhfl word "prtmro~." Very popular ln the delphinium family 11 the Round Table Sen-. MAX W. POPE Inc. OSNE&AL OONTaACTOU RE!llrDF.STlAI. e COMXEllCIAl. e Pl:\"l':l.OPM!:~I 407 Bolsa An. • "''"' off Srt. flint. at 1.\1111 N.-wport 8-cll l.lhN I\' 11·'!'!111 SACRAMENTO (CNS ) -state Ing on U lh St. Corporation Commtutoner w. H. ·nie varlancl' appllcatlon11 d•nled Slt'phen.IOn hu IHue~ rmlt• to wrre from Della K Mrlln tor a . ~ I 1!5·tt. •'tb,,C'I< 11 l :!Zi f'nppy A\•t . Tr11ct 21..1i>. Inc . COlltA Mr113. to lnllt t"rul 11r the 1,1411111'11 '20 f•rl sl'll 900 11hA1,. .. or rnmmon 11tn<'k. nn.t w n11,·r l\:111.•n ror I\ pl'ln11t an'1 lo lJnllt'rhlll·Rnbrrt.11. Inc. Cos• I In ronatn 1rl 1t t111pll'X At ro~s lhl' ta Mua. to """ 200 11haru nt rrrint or two H·:? IOU whr rr A l tn· !!lock. I ~le tnmtly •lW• lllng 15 built In I h,. 1 l'ar na .. .,!'I bnth l•>ts Ill ':'I I (';nl· Tn1ct oftlcrn art Georgr M <!<'nn•I Avr Crori.:" Lind did n<>t Hnl1trln, 111 . R. ='· Li•i.:trlot 1nJ vote ,,n lhl!I a pphcAIJQn. ~\'BUI\ 1!'4IOS H t:LU O\'ER H. \\. Endlr .. ll. Otrlcn 1 for t•ndl'rhlll·Robt•11 ... a building m~('nAla firm. nil Th"11ppluntinnor E\·•rPtt K1u· Flt•)rl A l·n ltrh1ll, MAnAn Hrlt, wrll In r1·•llboh\ ''1" " P'"' "' in lhr M rl Helrn ~plcrr K1111t Arthur I• a v1oli>t·bluf' with a wh1ll' bl'!' "r centrr. DttJ)4'•t 111 t•1lor ••f thr llt'r1u la Blarl<I Kn ight "elv;>ly v1oll'L·bl111.k wtth A dark ct>nl1>r. Camelh1rd l• a lav· endrr and Culntnre a plnklah·lav· r ndtr v. Ith whlltt <"rnt l"r l'urt whltf', ot coun e, 1'l Gal11had, whtle Perc1vAI 1.11 while with a bla ck bet'. Some olher ddphlnlum varletJea nrc Blue Skits and Bluebird. DILA.PEIUJ:8 -t"PBO~O -SUP CO\'ER.8 WA.LL PAPER -CAllPETIJiiO OOllPU:TI: lxn:BIOR DECOllATL'11 LAMP LIGHT SHOP HU E. 0--' U.7,. Corona dd Mar Harbor aist RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 ~ 8l, Newport Be.m But»or 2511 rlv<"r aectlon tor two building sites wu held ovtr lo the next meeting to pt>rmlt thr commllllllon to make a morf' dttslltd study of deve· loprnrnt ot the l'nllre a ru . Tho resubdlviaton request or Lloyd E. Bellman to re~uf>dlvide propt>rty on Clift Orlvt at Fullt-r· ton Ave. Into two building alll'I was 11pprovrd. Use permit wu granted to Ro· bcrt V. Staai.. to permit open aalu t.ll•plsy oC y adll!I and small craft a t 770 W. Co>sst Highway for ona y1:ar provh.llng oft·alreet parking la m&Jnla.lnL'd for llJX cara. Two Corporations Issue Stock Here S ACRAMENTO (CNS) -W. H. Stepbenaon, atAl• corporation %. ~n tht' bar" root plaetl•J !W'M<>n draw• to u rad; Ila"' rnot rowti, flowerinJ ~ and fruit tN'n 1hollld be plaftl#d rtpt a"·ay. a. :Waay anaUal" fro"" M&Jly fmm llol"f"d. Piao to ltOW tM- follo"1nr In 01r OPf'll irround: 11111 bordn nowrno, baby·hlllf'· "Y""• awM't aly,..um and Vor- 11:lnla "tol'I;: &A rut f1ow4'n Mid bfoddl•• f'Olera, ~. c•a ll'ndul-. IM'IDUa.I popplu. rf'l:I rta", badwlor bull'8•• bah~"" brl'alh, rlukla, &0!1"· ti&. la rk .. pur aad ml10Hllr. •· .AAk your aunN'ry man for tb4' prupl'r •prtly rontml for apb- td!I wltl<il "Ill -.itt bfo ..,.. ... 1D1 ~Ir l H& ~II OD your nl'w r«>M' c rowtb. commlsslonrr, announct'd iuuance Sewer Contract Let ot a pcnnlt to Profu11lonal In· veatment and BluhllnJ Corp., 2826 SACRAME NTO ICNS) -The Ncwpo1 l Blvd. to aell n=io 81\aru state departm,.nt of publlc work• oC c.1mmon and 2500 ahlu'u of pre· 1umounced awardln1t of a I~.~ S ANTA ANA COCNSl-Appll· ca tion• for tw o ready-mix plants. one In the Coeta Mesa &rf'a and one near 81nta Ana, were 11purn· ~ W ednuday by the Orange Coun· ly Plannlnll:' Commls.11lon. Turnrd do11o-n we1 I! blda for plan.11 on the 11<>uth 11ldt oC Bakr r St .. 3160 fet t we.11t of Br istol St , northu"t of Costa Mi's&: tht• 11u t 111de of Bnatol St .. 800 ft'tt nnrlh of t.h• railroad and Talbert Ave.~ eouthweat S&ntA Ana area. I• 1plte of tlM c.mut tU1ortac• We Are Maklllc EYWJ Po.la.le Eftorl to SadllfJ th N~ of Our Orowlq Commaalt)'. For c.een .. -C.U Ce. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRDE la& Commerdal Wq COST A MES.\ U 1-altl QulHJ • u.., ._.. H1111Uaflo• 8dr.. IAL MUI Chsrlea F. Boater 111w hie Co•· ta Mr:sa area r«-q11t'11l turnl'J down becaual' It wu sought for an A ·l airrk ultural %One and lhtre la pll!nly of 1pace available In the ----------------------------- R. Dona/cl Hill Construction (omp1ny OENt:RAL CO!\"TRACTOR8 Hll-D W. Oout Hwy. Newport l'leaeb, Oallf. ff';~~<lp::~:n alao announc~ Is· rontract tn A. H. Famularo. Santa R 0 B E R T F 0 R B E s auan r e of a pennit to Binn Rice. Ana, for ln"tallAtlon of a 11torm lnr. 308 L St. to aell 200 llha.rea IH!Wer 11ystnn el P'alrvlt• St•lt I ot atock . Hospital. l•Hder Yor ~!:!~L~o~!!G~N~t~E!~!~,.~!~ !~!n.~t I PHO~~_:::°_:_~=-==-... - AcenUI for Bricl'a. !Stratton <'Untoa. WllM:onllln, IA•M•n ---====~ t:n11:lnf'!I. JAMES D RA y HABMATH ELECTRIC ll MFG. CO. • u~ w. <:-.~ Wcb"'ay l'\f'W110r\ a-.11 n. u MHI General Contractor & Builder the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design a11d COMtructioft CO ROS~ DEL MAR PRONE llAABOll IN STOP SUNGLARE lloor II oOd!I M,-rchaat• Window We A~'lllnft 8ptdallze Patto Con"' bl Car Porta 8&ore Canopif-8 AwUp T1ll• A ...... 1111: la ~ te • ..,. -11. Onaraatl't'd tty ~ <Mp or ,_. - Protect Furniture, Carpets. Drapes SA YE .... Buy Direct from Factory ALUMI ·AWNINGS OF HASTINGS 8'1 W. 17UI 8 t., ('oat.a 11-. Callf. For frH Estimate Cal U 1-JJ51 HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura .. 11£R\'IC..E \\ ITlll;ll Ho UH~ -WllL'f l'iY.WW" COMPLt:Tt: l.Al.SDERt:RS and CLEANERS MAILIJlfl!r8 Ill 1-E ~ PORT Bl'!AC11 NO Coeat Blvd. . OOROSA Dt:L MAR PHOS'E llAABOll Ull Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER - 2so1 w. Balboa Boulfovard r • Unoleum • Ruhht-r Tiie • Cork • Asphalt Tilt-• CarJM'l • Formica • V acht • lnstallaUoa Harbor 5389 Newport leach REMLEY & DAVIS ' PAINTING CONTRACTORS &ESIDENTIAL -INDlJSTRIAL CALL llAABO& tt&S rua ESTDIATE. WITllOCT CBAaO& Ill £. BAUIOA BL \"D. a.u..llOA CAMEWAS Now I.I a food Ume to buy whtlt I.hey are In blnom We l'laYe MmA of UI• beat qua.lily plant.I monty cui b11y. s11s Popular Ycwletles ,. ca1.,... .·. . . ., Small Cunellu .. low u 7fJc eecb 5 & 10~ NURSERY ARCHITECTS M1111ben of ~ l•tiMe of ArcWtects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Ple9er 1 • Huntington Beach Oil Boom Wreaks Havoc ·With Homes NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 1 • PAGE 3 MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 Gordonl»cuithter, 3 Hurt in Car Tumble (lid. Note: Thi• '-NCond In a can find room. Pf'ltl:"Y Jean Oor~on, 3, 261 9 ........ of ~clu on the Hunting· Nr1w In the lowlanM. on proper· Wratminatn L&ne, Coata M<'.a. toe Beach oil boom). \ty owned by the city, there ls even yeaterday auffne-d maj\lf lnJune- BJ KN &EDDICK one ot the flaming t.orchea. That I to head and flhouldf'rs wht n ahe .. Dry hole •• drilling atopped • Is a big pipe through which naturat j tumbled out of the rear aeat of a • clearing otta". Thr<.>e phruea gu ls .,xhausted Into the-air. Jn car In which ehe waa rMlnf( on .polcen u on• aentence. One aen· urder lo safeguard a.galruit an ex· HunUn~ton Beach Blvd .. 376 fet-t I tence conveying hea rt brul< and ' ploslon, the l\c'-' I.I Ignited. the llOUlh or Bolsa Ave. eometlm.,_ d .. titUllon. flare burns on Indefinitely. Thl11 I• I The girl was ruahed to Santa l --····,·--COLUci10111· Aceouat• -Noe--CW-of U1.J kl94 of ddto-aa,ywkre .. ~rte-. "So <'Oll«'tioM-So I.e." We adY-all -ta. CRt:DIT at:REAlJ of We.tM• Oraaae Coallt1 formerly Cl't'dH ...,._.. el Newport Bfo,ac-b, ~ ~ aad eo.ta M-. 1ot Rh•erslcle Ave., P.O. a.a -1''1.:"'PORT BEACH. CALIP. Th phnuea a re becoming strictly Illegal. Rut. so al'e a lol Of \ Ant. Community Ho1tplt11I. Robert 1 more•-:Ol,l'lmon In thl• city. ln other thsn;:s illegal, or question· w. Gordon, 32, f8lher of the girl, HunUnston Bet.ch the;rau t oying able-, brutal, and carel<•u. ' waa operatin.r; the vehicle-. He tolQ wtth • DJIW on boom. Their fifth, I B~l all_ t~t le forgotten -thl'y California, Highway patrol ht .. WU ~=====!!!!=====~~ or elxlh, or twelfth, no on~ really are drilling tor oil traveling 11ort.h. on Huntington THE SIDEWALK JS GONE-The white fence is already spattered with oil. Soon this house at the corner of Wal- nut and 2nd Sts. in Huntington Beach wi ll be gone too. All other homes to the alley have been removed and oil drilling rigs are·' being placed bed to bed right down to Ocean Blvd., in Huntington Beach where days of the' first big oil strike are being relived. -Staff Photo · Local Building Concerri OCNS Rf PORTEii BrmSliOp -otrers t'ontlnued rrom l'"lnit hre Free Child Photo to Sell 3000 Stock Shares l'roCe-sl\lonal l nve11tmcnt a n ti\ Parke!l·Rlull'y Mortuary on Broad- Bullding Corporation, 2826 New· wny in C:011la MPsa and ere con· port 111\'tl , hus Jll,;t heen 1s!'!ue1I a str111'llnJ( a largll 1hduxe apart· p"rn11l by tlw I •t·p111·tnw nt of Jn-n11•11t lJulldlnl:' In Lal:'\inll BN1ch ve11tnuml.s, 111 \'llilrJn n( ('01pora· (nr the C . \\'. HubPrl.~ or Bny· t 1o n11 or C1111f1wma , lo 11cll ho.h slw n,>1. pr<>(l'rr•·•I 1u1•I <'Uloll11Ull i<lnl'k Jn ll11ll11 Ill.&$ built 11w1lc O( lh!' b<'l- 0 1t1 rww ~. ,110 01111 , .,,, Jlural ton ll•r Ii• 11111·s In t he Harbor ur(•a and 11·hich \I ll8 , ,., ... nl I\' (11r11wd P on· ha~ ti b n des1~ecl n111I b111lt Bl'\'· 0111 K 81111..s, prN<ident. of the new l'ral opartmr.nt builthni{" 11n<I. m<>· f 11 111. announeeol that 1tnly '.!01\0 lf'I,.. ah11r«1< or tilt' SHiil par· valu~ 6 P"r· OlhPr directors of the new cor· C'••nt .. umula tiV•· prcfrr 11•d und pora1iun are ~ M . Newton Howt'll, ]lit)!J i<hnres uf tilt' S2:1 par "alue P \'. Parl<t's. L. A , B<'ck<•r. E. C. C'o111111v11 .slo<'k would be "old Al Tw1drnll 1:1.11d Harry A!!hton. Bui l.s 8Ulled Ule new l'Qncern Is nuw being <'unsuited on projects u fnr norLh as lhe o r .. i:on borrt<'r an1l ,..,·en has one r rquest from nul r•f 'ht· stn~•· tit•' 111~·,.en1 trnw Tio<' 1•0111p1111y "il l <'IJllllnue to d •·i<1.:n nn11 h u I I 11 ln.-xpenslvc 1111,ll'l:f. orru·t' 11111ldlr~11 nnd q11al- lly !'u1tton1 built ll•mt"s 11nJ a pru 'I· m•·nl :< b11t 11 n.-w •tl\'l~wn w ill •fl•'I 111ll:te· In d•"•ts;111n):. ton11m·1ng, !'•in111 n1l·llnie un•I t'q111pp1ni: tnt>r· t ua1 ,,,,. nn•I pr111e1<,,111nul 111111<1111.:s t hruui.:-hout the 11ln l" (1f Cnllforn1a. T h••)' have j118l cumplf!"·cl the n<·w ANNEXATION On Feb. 23 Bulla and TWtC'hell will l••ave lur Las Vci,:llll "hen· lhl'y will ~f"'llk Ill lhtl Las \'ei;M ,\11dwtnl<•r l°<lllf"l'<'nt'e of the C.-1111· fnr111a Jo'unt>ml Directors AllllOt·la- Hlghlanlls wnuld bl' cont"lguo1111. Th<' Orange County Boundary Commwl<Jn I.a expt't'tl'1l to conllld· er thl' 1'e"'-port nnneits t1nn of l 'p· rlf"r Ill\ 1· F<'I>. :.!8. ... flhtil. · If ~ewpu1 l k,,. .. ps i;uini; 11p th<! H1t1 k Uily, lh• y mtphl 88 wf'll a n n•·X II>. I \\111' In hup••JI w••'il i;~l McNay Collapses t our. Later l!he was an alrhnt's stewan.less 11.IXiard planea flyLng internat1on11J routes. She m11 ITll'<I T regruikls In Tokyo In 1963. She lht'n took up pholo>.;· r aphy long a holJh~· and Pven· t111llly bPcame Trc>-:askls' pho10- i;rapl11r &."-~•x1ak. She plctunally covl'red A1ut1rall1l anti J apan on sl'po.ra te t rips fl)r ntllionul maga· zmes. M11rh of the material wlls use<'I lo lllusl rnte h er husband'• 11rt1C'le11 about lhf'"e for-off plarr11. ~OTt:n \\'KITt:R Tr .. gask1s · author of Guadal· canal Diary and Seven League.e to Paradise will be In the For· mosa area al t)le samr> Ume, on special &.'Jlllgnml'nl for Collier'• mag~inl'. ~tr~. Tn•i:askis ('xpccls to Inter· vt<'w Orange County 11ervl<'emen 1n the a rl'a for OCNS. Her plU· tllrl's and dl11po.tr he8 wlll app,.ar f',xl'lus1\'t'ly in l hl' :"ewport Harbor !'ews-P1 e:;.9 nrwsJ"lJl('l"l\ and dir<'Cl "Ire r!'pnd• \\•Ill he a ired by HadlO K\\'IZ. In 11dilll1011 lo l•1t••n'iewlng loca.I serv1Nm11•n. 1 h" ht'1rnlrou11 rorre· Sf)(lnllent will fill' corv on top bra.,s commo.n<llng the lOlll'hY an?& o C lhe cold wa.r. Newport, Via Lido Traffic Siqnal Set In on 11, hill ltwy 111 .. 11 111• 111 It." \\', 111\l•t t, por tt•d ~··V• ra I pt.1r !'Ontt had plli.e<I blu11w l1•r l · .. ~111 l'ofr~ll m111.111ng uul on th" l 'JIJl"r U11 y up· on the plannln~ C'"mtn<"-"1<on "liul t h" n ly has nn ma~11 r J)l11n 11ml "'' N•labh11h<'r1 z"n" "' 1ntluen1·e, ,\p..rtm,.nt.11. N<'WIJ<lrl. S111 urrlaV th" tntersrctlon of Nl'wport fllv1l, nigh I WR:O t llkC"n In 0rltr\jr" {'1.11n1 \ I !Ul•I \'II\ t.1110 WBA aulho11:z1•d b;v tfo:<p1t11I for tf'ra n1Pnl nf ll lw111 L 1 th<' <'llY rouncll of :'\.-wport Brn1•h atlJJ<'k ritlrr Al Fnrg-11. hudwllrt' Th11r1<J11y wh••n ll sccttpt ell tht 11" what Clln W•' •Ill~" th•• !'Omml~· !<lore ll\\'IH'I , 220f> \\' flalh<Ht Bl\•11., JlrO)'l<lt<:tl Of thr l'llll¢ Olvl"IOn of •wo<.'r a~k•ol told pt1lh't• lhe n111n f11llnp11••d 1n 1 P 11hltc: \\'mlt11 to 11hnre half the Me->'.a C'luunh• r .. r \"~rnmeTce PrellHll'nt J)<1n liitoldlo ,1,.11 •h•l"lllr· fn)nl of his til\lrP. T hr \"lrl1m ('OJll of tht' Sl!l.()(\0 job ed, ""'•l boU)' \11<1'!1 ti.• 1i;fo•rnng le> 11111rt he h11ol l'N l'nlly bto,.n rl'lf'lll•"" T hi' 1•11y 11ht1re of funfl~ will the N 1•w1>111 l l)Rnl'l<itl I! •n Jll op<l!lttl. fl"l'lfll 1111' ho~pll lll for ~lmlll\t rnnir froni j.;l\JI ta.x r11n11J1 a llocal· However. 11 .. 1111111•.i he d1J n l .:arc-t.rcatrn .. nt. I ,. I In lhl' nty by tho! llltt.t•. Hlr;hlighllng the "Spotlight" ad- vert lsement In today'a lssue, The Brat Shop, Costa Mua. today of· fered to give all those brlngmg a copy of the adverll.11em <'nl to t,he- stor~ a. tree photo~raph ot their child. · To be tal<en by Bernie Aldt>n, the photog raph• wlll be t11kcn by appointments arranged at con· venlt'nce ot those requesting them. Th_, Brat Shop 1poke-11man said. t o commit hlm~df 11n lhe n1Rtlt'f ---------, :~,l\l~~~~r l~~~:;;™'r1:111~:~:1~1\o::(·k'';,~~ I NEWPORT ti10<l8 nt h111nrhlni: f1 • u11nt,.r.u1 ~l\t'k aa:atn~t ., ... ,, 11 "",, • t • ~•\\• POLICE DOUBLE I FORCE FOR EASTER WEEK por1 lie\ I.' I. "'• \It,\\ 1' ' remem bera. I Beach Blvd., w1lh thre.-chlldt"el\ Bu I.a boo l.a th u B k M M In the rear aeat. H e Hid he wu oUle! i:veryon:' la t ryteng-:e ret , 00 esa an going about 40..milf'a per hour l 0;,t:.i\h. rlchea. Not juat young! when the right rear door 9"'\lng S:en like Ule 1tore clerk•, but older; for Burglary op~. t t II ped ut to th ...... men who a&Jd recently that their t e 0 • P 0 e ,,..ve horn .. were flnlllly pa.Id for. It Is 1 • ml'nt. The accident occurrf'd at the m,lddle-ated man who Is hurt.I Assault on Cops _2_;.1_o_p_.m_. _______ _ IN OLDER SECTION I Thi• oil boom la In the olc{er lleC• SANTA ANA, 10CN8)-A 311-Lemen on Trip tlon of HunUngton Beach., There year-old Costa Mt's& man who &.s· , Mr. and Mre. Robert M. Lerner. 1.~ ntce home• built a deoode ago, 1 aertedly loaded hi& gun w ith thf' 323 Via Ll\1o, have bttn atupp\ng or a quarter ot a century .ago, but J wrong <'llllbre bullets will b cl' pre· at the Hottl Monte ea1111ino while paid ~or, that h•ve been de-rlmated. Jlmlnary hrarlng Feb. 24 on charg. vacallonlntc In Mexico City. And me.ny Ume11 ground Into ihe l's of burglary and ILM&Ult with a earth have been' the life 1111vlng11 deadly weapon. of aenlor cltlzen11. l Carp1mte-r Jack F. Hickey. who One man drilled a well to prove ge.ve his addrt'S8 as 123118 Pomona a theory. Re wae right. Ri11 rt~ Is Ave .. wu arraigned before Santa atlll producing oil from a ehallow Ana-Orange Munl4'1pal Court At the Cracker Barrel hole, oil at the rate of 500 b~els Judge How•rd Cam<'ron. H is p~1l By CARO EATON a day ot 21 ITavlty. But dozens or was set at $!'.1000. He wa.s unable Although lt'1 a l\ackneyf'd other well11 have been du11teni. I to make it. phra.e there'a none comlng to our The dr\Uera of the wtlla have Hickey la ch&rged wtth burgla.r-mind that fits the Cracker BaM'el, loat nothing but money. But the Lzing a furniture and a Jewelry I 12s Agata Ave. (the ferry atreet) town of Huntington Beach has Ill· stc>re In Santa Ana. .. most loet lta penionallty. Rows of ' The auapect rrportedly loadrd Balboa laland, better than Con· -It-kept homea of early '20 or!· I his revolver with .H Instead of .45 venation Piece" once you've been gin. moat of the-m freahly painted, C&libre bullet.a. Thi.II waa lucky for ln It. aeen and talked t o the own· hU..e. dia&.ppea.red. Some ot the police clalmtd t he suspect at· ers and proprietors, Sandy and houaea, "where there la time" are tempted to fire hill weapon at Pa· EleanoT Enfield, you'll talk about moved a way, But moat ot them t rolman Charif'& Smith, but lt have JU9t been demolished on the would not go off. It, maybe even rave. and we war- spot an. d the apllntered remains I Otricers corralled Hickey In the 1 rant you'll find juat the right carted eway by the truckful. jewelcy atore. He aurrendered to thing In the way of a print or an HOME DRILL SITES police after mak.l.ng an eM!ape at-original palnUng for that certaln Every homealte 111 a prospect tor , tempt. The auispect ll.5.!t>rtedly bor· artlcula lft a t juat the rlrht at least one rig with whirling bits e~ ll hole In t he roof ot the build-P r g • drilling dreper towt.rd what "' l~g ovu a atorage room at the price. Of courae S&11dy will be hoped to be oil. Many homesi•u l'Urnlture store, setting ott a burg-able to provide the "J\dt right" have ht-come the locale for two l&r &Jann. frame carefully 1.nd beautifully or three or tour drill rigs. I H ickey also Is su11pectt'd of stag. made tor your seJpeUon. The !:n· Huntington BeM:h, you •~. Ui :i Ing an Ora.nge burglary. H e a lso "proven oU f ield". That mt'ane. msde good on an e8<'1~ f ro m an field• will a\Jlo cheerfully and there · are no holdA barTed. Jt la ON1nge County Jail wor k crew ln I freely eatlmate coata on framing. drill whtre you can. any pit.cl! you I 19!'.)3, It waa re-ported. -Adv. It We Are Pleased to Announce That LIDO CLEANERS 1782 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA LIBERTY 8-4014 • Balboa Island Will be Blocked 75 Officen will Enforce Laws has met our rigorous standards for cleaning -"-Pll1SCllPT10N .. Prlngles -0&amned A~ an N9d "1 ftlll8 who a.re Hally looking to buy. I • .A grt'<ll d<>itl of llw tu11n1Jer or any ofr ·Ml ting •I• p11 L'.O!lt• J.tf'M0A of!lclal ranuly m1 .. hl ~ke In oppo~lni; th•' an11ei1tt1111n wRs alolr n by n ~tAlf'nwnt 1n11n !tn lr- V1n~ t'11111pany •pokr•11111r1 · \\'e v.·•tl no t 11r••t•· ... : I h•1 }tnnt..·xAth•n \\·,, 1·~1 th, .. ,,.1 ,111,,r\ •·f ll.t- l "piwr Hu\ ttl• ., 1 10 ti. t.1 ~1 1 U•1· rn1nt~l.,.t • d 1.Uhl,.r un,• n1nni.t"4.'1nrnt an.i 11r~ 11'•"''' r •• 1. t "'' .inn• xu· T he-re will be twice as many policemen on duty in New. t hin fZ''' t hr•111~h Tlw ll\on•· '"'"11" port RC'ar h during F.a~t<'r \\\•<'k thiq year and they'll be here fll\n~ ll\1'11• llJlfll• "1111.1'"1\ !~Oil arr.. r •1• , ,... • 1 •''"' '(n'•Nti fo r Cln <' puqK;~c· only, Chirf 11( Police John Upson said today. a1 , •. 1 ~tor<' than 75 officers will be on patrol at all times. City H1u .. 1 .. r , """"·1 t• .......... 1 111°· ~tanag<'r Jnhn .I. ~ailnrs said. Funds have been especially al· 1111nr1rnlt0n n1111r ""''' .t. hV•'''"I h1 l<w:\\NI 1 .. poll<<' do>p1utmtnt t:11<I· <:~d F'r\rtay, Aprll 8 after L <'!I 11»111c-M•A1• ,,,,,,,,,., · '"~ tlh•ll~hl l i:••l lo1 A1h•q11011•ly Pr f1on•· 11ll l'l"J1 o An~cl1•~t1.nrlolh1•r11rNU1h11ve com· of lhr lwu • 111• • """ 1o.n1J11? l"· .,( lh< 111un1111•111t1y .111nn1: ll r ftn-1 lrl,.d lhr1r Vl\l'Al lllna. 11rlh••r 11tl" ""' • "1111111on11v I• (1Ul 11unl "Jlllnit·llln" ln\'M1on 1:-lLASU Rl.()('KADE service, plant facilitie~ arrd equiprnent...haS installed Sanitone methods and has been accepted as an authorized SANITONE Dry Cleaner, n( I h1• 11111••l 1u11 · on•• 11m1rfwJ11 I ,\ mrrltng w •iJI hri<I In lh•• N• ". l'lan8 Art> h<'lnit <'Omplt;'led by com nwnt rnn Tlw ··hnmh<'n• "f port krA<'h C'lly H'lll F'ri<IAy 10 \hr N1'wpor l Beach police t o once C'•1rnmrll.f' ' '" l11k-· lh•\ J•UP''L• ftPUln bl) k nrr BaJ .... -J:i1lan"' 11n .. 111forn1 n<'Wi<m .. 11 • •f plM .' M>1~'<•r 1 " '' '""' • • '' " t hr y JIAl•I S 1:1 n n11 f<•r .mil lhrnw ll<>rl\ Hiii 1'N'~1<lf<I. Ii t 1111 car~ ACro"8 the bridge to lhPm lntu th•' 1·rp••r U1<~ · H•· PF.Act:. Q t n :T l'RO~ll!'lt:u th<' hesvlly populotl"d area unlr1111 tl'Rl'I r• ll'rnn1: 111 lh•• rrr(·ntlv c·11111-the-e&rs bt')l)ng to re31dl'ntll of th,. pl,.lrtl i rJ'<'l'I nf th" 1·1t11n1her• .. 11 ('\\ y ~tl\n,,~,,r ~1\llm~ 11<\ld, "\\'<> a.r<'&.. Jl<'Mi\il,. • ••n••1l11Jal1••n 111 C""AIA will hAVe nwre oftH•t>nl on duty No plana a.re being made by the M!'l'I\ \\1th ;-.;, w1 >nrt I~• 111 II . .\rt111tl HI 1\1\ ri•I• JI\ or l" 1•1111•1•lr 111nr<' Clly of Newport BMch to pro\•ldl' '""n i-f t 11" , ... ni<olldAI 1011 rrport J"'R<'I' 11nt1 flUl('t to thl' JW'"J'I(' nf anv en tertainment or organl7-"d .,""-~ 11ppn1x:l'l111t<·ly $1Zun. h""".,.,., nur t11wn whn hi!''" II. riitht lo lr.-plhennir• for E&l!t!'r We-ell c~IE'- ~u:sA TO n•:~r:nT r c•'t tt · branlJ!. 0th• r f"<'OJ'l<' rt>11drd like I.hi~ LA.st Yt'Ur l h.i c1l)' <'ounc1I \\'llll --------------- C'Om rnrnl 11tor who WAI' overh~nl l.\e-lut:ed With complaints t..nd I\ pt· o• b y a :-; .. ,\~·l'rl'l'& n-pnrtrr: "I w1111 j tltlon ront111n1ng :SOO l'litnaturrs IYOl'Ce A&Jced )lot 1111.i .. r lh~ ('o>lll\r Rt tint bl'· •1rm.10•lll1S:: 11·1 ""I '" ;;ii,.,,: \\ r1'k Jame• \\", OUlla.m ttu flle~ tn cau !le 11f :"l'wport s ""'IT• v In thr nb.~l'l"\'M<'Cll tn lhc HRr~r Art>&. Or&nge County Court Hou• N· malln Th<'n l drr11f,.1I. l~t tht'm Thl' Orllni:e C'l'IUnty school" w ill quut tor divorce from RodMy M. ttavt II \\'l''ll fr<'l t hr ht'nr fil ,• w ith nnl 111n• 1<pr1ni: 1'.1r 11t1nn until 1 Gilliam. Co!llA Mf'l!ll. none C\f l hc h~&l1nrh1•,, II II tll kt )'O.r11 lo ,1.-vrlor Ille 11ro>a find f'\'l'rythlnl?' thxt i;o• 11 1nt n II wlll t\A''" tn 110 I hr<'ll!!h C·•slft Mcllll. Br,.ltll'r" Jl:f'WJ'Orl h1011 thr Hou!)nr r>rr11rt1111•11l 1 .... , thl'm 11~ 11 :·· In r1'10:1tr1l 1 .. poY lbllily of H11r- b< ·r lhRhlRnrl< 11nnrxlnl! to Nt'w· port B1•a ch. l"1t\' Altom~v K~\rl lJa\'I• prnntr.J nt;l 1\1\Y nJl.h pell· t ion al th~ t•mt would he pr11m11· t urf'. Harbor ll1!(hl11nclll 111 n1•t con- Unguoul! lo lht! <'lly of :-Orwport yet. O•w11 AAhl H .. frlt th1· h<"l't way to h11n,IJI' 1t w~" In w111t un. hi tli t 1·r~r H11y .. nn"llitt1on 1:0 comple-lt,J, a t w h11 h lime Hl\rbor -------U L T -The05ophy -us.t ~o. c-11• Rlvd. • • l.A1;f~A RfiArH LECTURE Tues., Feb. 22, 8:15 p. m. Subject: "KARMA·-lt'1 Scientific MHning" Publl<' I• In' If Pd Aotma.Mo• P'Rt:IE SO C01...l.f;(1'10N BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CRAPE.L 1741 Supenor Avenue Costa M-Ca.Jlf. 'Phone l..ll>l'rl;v 8-2121 CHAP!lL BT TD 8JCA 3620 I:. Cout BJ9d. Corona del Mar, Ca.ltl. Pbon• 8&rt>or U l I guaranteeing spotless, odorless cleaning, finer pressing, greater care in the handling of all garments and fabrics. E1£1Y INDUSTRIES, INC. \ 1 . . ... HOME LOANS At Oran9e County'• LHdin9 Home LendlRt ln1tltvtl0ft QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW THE EVER POPULAR BUNNY HOP. parade ia fun for this 6 :30 p.m. Cotillion clua at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Thia is one of four age groups which held a special Valentine event . -Beckner Photos LOW .. REDUCING'" INTEREST RATES EASY LITTLE BO PEEP AND J ACK TAR (SaUy Lawson and Kent Edler), with the Goose Girl and the Pirate (Kerry Holbrook and Manuel Jarrett), stand for costume judg- ing at the Valentine costume party for the Cotillion five o'clock class in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. NE WPO RT HARBOR With Junior EbeII Clubs MONTHlY PAYMfNTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERYlCI Young Harborites Dance -at Valentine Cotillion MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 21 , 1955 CENTURIONS ANNOUNCE HOAG HOSPITAL BALL DATE When Orange County Federation of Women's Clubs, Junior Division, meeta F'eb. 25 in all day session at Buena Park, a revised elate will be presented at election of officers. I Mrs. Duane VeDel of Brea, candidate for Orange County president, has withdrawn and the committee wilJ pr<'sent in her place ~trs. Lloyd Mallory, pre· I n oi;t•r Hannaford, Forrest A_lhn· j sident of 'Fulltrlon J unior Et><-11. I dtr, Dr an Gortun. A Burr \\ lllll' T he change waa made bv the Jr· lh" a dVll!Ot:<. Mrs. <'. lit. D<'a-j · kins and ~fr:<. John Lamar, 11 nt1 nomlnalln,i: commillt'I', htaded by the hostr~io. ~fr!'!. Hayton. WE IVY TaUST DUDS ON WELL LOCATtO HOMU LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION By VIRGINIA. (Mrs. Ed"•ard Lester) S~ITH l L mo.~L f'nchanllllJ to Ulan~t'd for organtzing the 1nv1· le" P . Collon, both of Balboa. WIJll"h the chlldrt'n dancing In taUonal dancing cla.-..~<'!'I 1n 19.\9, ~tr;rrh !l Ill the date for lht' ntxl a m1 Pngagmg M iss C. \'irgin1a C1Hillt• n. Mrs, l'\orman Wati;on or l\'ewporl Beach. M n . Mallory had bt'l'n cho· stn for flral v1ee pruldenl, and new nom1ne" for that otr1cC' 111 ltr11. ~rite Rcl\y or Lll!tuna &ach. Home Section and Garden Meeting Home and pa rdrn ~cllon of 222 OcHft Av-.. LAGUNA BEACH pi.o.,. HY 4-1177 thf'tr Ray rOlltume~ 11t l hf' Cot.JI· ll•m Valentine partlu a l the 'New· port H 11rbnr Yar hl Club but even 1nore int .. rri-llng wht>n one con· 11Flcra that m11n.v of thPlr fathers e ntl motlv•rs 11ntl even grandpar· Collatz of San Marino to d11Pct -------------- the t our groups and teach lhl' Th b B , rhlldrt'n their llocial gTACl'8 as Wl'll ' um OX as <lancing 11tep11. Fi rst bi( aoclal event after !:uter vo.111 be the third An· nual Hoag Ho11p1ta.J &II. for whJch lht dale hu been &et &11 Friday, J\ pril 15. Spon~ring roup 111 The Centurions, compoa- f'd ot men bandrd togtlher t aid th!' hoepllal lllld headrd by Mr. Vm J orgenson. Mr. Max Sturg-13 hu been appointed chairman or the ball 11nd will annQ!tnce h111 committee later through lhe J:l:ews· Prl'-'~· At 11. me1>t1ng Hf the f'Xl'l"ulive Ebl'll Club w :ll meet in Ebf-11 Club board of !1.°t'wport Bear h J unmr 1 hnusr. l :! · 30 p m . for a l'lat'k lunch- Ebe.11, ht'ld Bl thf' C'1>1ona llr l Msr ron on F1 b. 2:l Harry ~f11r11ht1ll, -WAl\'T Ada aell homes, boata. homl' or Mrs. Don Hnytnn. thr pnH prr111<IPnt 11r thf' C-altrorn1B ca rs, fum lturl'. appllancu. etc prcsldrnt, Mr11. !'itf'rllng PBn11 rt· Fur h>la S"l'tt'ty, wlll give thf' -Call Harbor 1616 to place your Mrs. Harvey Sumers, uus year'11 Sketch Show gf'nernl rhturman, ~" been &II· :11sred by the chairmtn of thr four Jt 1s atrPssed thfJ.l th1a la not llll 1nv1ta.t1ona.l affair a.nd t"servations &re on a flr11l-com<>, first-served bub. Becaue of space. a llmll of 700 re~rvat1on11 ha11 bttn 11et. howt ver. The b&ll wm be held at a local dub and tntut~lnment will ported m1my lnr111l m!'mbcrs had prC\gram. At! on th1a p11ge. r nts d11n1 .. ·rl 2~ 11nd more yt>are a "n to)(• thf'r nn tht Mme floor. dlffl:renl age group8. At Libr?XY " tnl.ertt! rt'sl'1\·11t101111 for thr ft>r1· ----------------------------- Mr8. J ostph Carver or L ido ll!le hl'ad11 the J unior Cotillion which A "th11mh box" "how of :za 11mall t ratlon merlin!(. be provided. Tha lllllr Newport Harbor Co· t1ll1on11 urr wr11pprrl In t radition ln that 1n11d1 of tht' population hrre Is ma II' up largtly of lho110 fr ,.,m 1...-.. 1\ n11rle11 and Pa11al1tna who pl11yrr1 here aK children dur· 1nv; Ea,.t• r Rntl 1111mmer vacaUona anol h111•1> movl'c1 hrrl' permanent· h· to h1 nl:' ur thr1r children ln ,; •mall • .. mm11nit~· wluch 111 N> hk•• th• llltl,. nlrl Lti111 Angtll'll, """' ~r<>1!1:d hv 1111 va ... tn!'1t11 m ter· 11: .. ry HO l rupulallon Is made up of i<eventb 11nt1 eighth sketl'he11 by Thelm11 Paddock Hope, gratit'rll. while her co-chairman Is ttar her or Orange C<>a ... t College ~tra. Bull Twist of BPacon 81\y. adull art •·Ill». 111 now on exhibit THE CAT WAS THERE Next rrg-ular mi>etlng n( the Harbor group will br nn Thur11el11;v at ·Harbor Housr, with a 11prak1>r from Rlchf1rlrt 011 C'o 111 show a color film on "C"'ahfornla'11 Bur· lffl Treasure". ~f rs :-01111,.1.on<I IA'tlhold 111 In bt' M i's. Jame:. S. Beattie of Lido Isle Is p11tronell.!I chairman for the Six o'Clock clau, wbJle Mr11. Roh· ert K . Holbrook of Bay Shorts heads tht Five o'Clocl< group. Tht Matinte CoUllJon wnkh butt~ In the youngrr chtlllrrn ha!I 11s Ila palroneM he8d J\tr1< Rohrrt S11li11bury, 11l!l11lstl'1l by Mrio. Char· Harbor P-TA . Honors Four e t the :K"wrnrt Ar11ch Public LI· brary. Thia ahow repl&.ct'a lhe cJus vc· hlbll, wl\Jr h hu bt"n moved to the Corona rlal Mar Ltbniry. The t r nn "thumb box • 1·oml'it rmm lhP l'maU raint OOX• ll icomrt1mr• lllll'd for our door l'k••t • lllllJ:: C'alll'd by the 11rt111t "A Portrait Prunltr'!I Huhrl11y", thr /!J<et<hes erf' srorkltns:. 111trhlng a flrthng hght. for lan:•·r r anv311cs Lo be donr 11\trr Thry tnl'lu•le 11now, mount A 1n, hn rbnr, llll•I m11.nne ~· rnt'I'. Harbor ,.Men 1''<1ur honorary life memberships were presented at the Head County Nrwport Ha rbnr Union High School Parent-Teach<'r Assnct-1 i:1t1on m('('t111g. The awards. the highest honor given by the Master Barbers Girl Scout Duo Writes About Camping Trip Mn . James \\'hill.'. Wtl) a an•I mea ns chairman, gavf' a 1 cpo1 t 1111 the prOKrrs,, or U1r ont··day rum· megt' aule w hich will t11kr place In Costa Mt1111 Saturday, Ma1 r h 19. JUllt north of Saftw11y ll!arkrl. .,_ H I t ( Mvuco Mrs. De8n Gorton, r11rator QC l!t'I • CBmping at the .... out owie al '"g ptc uru 0 · lions. reminded that thr brlllR!' the big evrnt in the hftll JT&del "Arttr our guesl.11 hat! ~one b d Th l MCllOn WIJI m~l't llJ:a ln Il l 8 p Ill Girl Seoul progT&m! Friday after home we wtnl Lo l' . e nex F E U C b h momlng we got up and cook«'d eb. 21. at Lhe br lu . wit echool Troop 3~ met at the Scout scrambled eggs for bN'a.l<!Ml. Then 1 mttllng11 on thl' flrl't 11nl1 th1rrl HOWie for their tum a l betn~ Wt' playf'd kickball Everybody had Mondays of tht month from nn\\ camper11. Janet Bobbitt and Mt1rllla a wnnderlul llmt'. Wf' startt•d for on instead of nm" a month. :\'oll r,.port tht'ir expert,.nct.~. homt at 10:00 Se.lurday mornlng." ~In!. Cec.q;,. W C111r J1 "II!> "Our Girl !'cout Troop h11d look· Mr .... ~ N ott &11d J . Randall. accepted u a 1' i;ulnr nwmhn ed forwa rd to lh111 lnp for m any lradtr.!I. vo. trP as111!1ll'd by Senior Leavell or llhllt•nr,. wt rt ,.-r11ntr•I we1•kA. AA 11<>on M Wt' ar rived at Scnut Bat bu.11. Nott im<l Mrs. E. Mrll. l!:ugen11 Vrl't'l~nt1. :'ofrM. r1111I the Scout House we wtrf' g1ven Ru11ttnbarh. Thl'y All looked a little Weber, And Mr11. \'. lllutm A. C'llr· ->pulal dUl1~. Wt srrang<>d. our i:rt>rn whtn lhP girls 11tarlt'd pl&n-nttl J r. hcnrnlli< und st1lfh•d to fix 1tlnnt r. 1ng a.noth .. camp-out fnr the neii.r Prt11ent 11t lh" bottr<I mcrlini; Th•• rnok" mall" 1\ \'6ry gno•I rlln· ruturr. 1t w11.3 rtporttd, hut being were Junior bollnl nll'rnb• r11 :wr nr m"3\ IMf. A!lH we h1u11 thr j!'OOd aport.11 thty art they g11.ve Mme~. RtrrllnJt Pen~. F'rrr mitn attn, WC' playtd (lo<lge·bAll out-11n O.K. to the ldra. F l11h,.r. J 11m,.11 Whitt', <'. F:. Mf'"kll, P-TA to persons who have done meritorious work in Par-1 f'nt-TeachC'r Associations. communiti<>s and school~. were ~~ I lnlll&llat1on ce1rn1nny nf Ora.ng1• "Then we wa trhed somr movlnit V ) · F Adult Classes at County Chitptl'r :JIJ. Callfom la A :<· ptt'lure1< of " G irl Seoul Troop. a en tine ete j:•'"'n to lwn p1t11•11l1t. M1,. Thl'ln1-I °"f'flf<IXlmale\v H\0<1 ~tml• nt:o ~•>1I11 • •I Mo,\rr nm h• r~. wa11 hrl•I Earh nf thl' thr"I' p11trol1< hnt1 prP· S t A M,, P'rnl't. h1~\ur111n lln'1 ~11 .. H11 r· Ill"' now Pnl Olll'd II\ H111b1o1 \\1111 llt II n• .. flt 111 .. 11111( in l-'111111< Ana p:trcd 8 ~kit. Munlht Nnlt'll JHltrol F or Fire Auxiliary an a na YWCA nl.t Knipp. tr• a311rrr and two flu · 11n • xp<'rl«>•I inc rray of O\'t r 200 Cu••st "I" 11kl'1 11nd ln ,1.1llnt1on of· prr!lented "Cinderella" with BfJnnlt 1Jfl\' n11•m t1<11~ ~11 •. J ohn I Roi<· r11r1l10 J'<'I )••ar. Th .. rap•H'll \' nr I f1r1•1 ""'' ~ l\\'/ltd 1: c · ,. prr. MIR(•• Jl'Hn """lrh. \'nll'flt' l'npeJny. Chi'· t"ln• I Frrl· y uj th(' E ncl11<h •Ir· thP p1'1••<'nl rl811l I.< a1n11nd 200tl, prr .. 111• n• •• ti .. ~lll•l"f r:;1rh<-1' l_\'I ('a.~tf'ntlykr. P11t11y O'Connor p11r\Jnl'nt 11n•I K ln!!"ry \\ h1\tnt l k . 111thn11-:h •h111 \BJ:P:< all•·'"" ''·"' A --·rot"'' '"n .tn.f Bo·tty H.11,,lrnhach 1111 th!' cni<t. c hrmllltrv 1n•t r11rt11r In "' .1.11'1111< llllll'll. •1lr I' ''" r Tl><' 211\ •I W lh r1 l'l•Pnll't! ,,, Rr~· oh''V P\'Pn ha I ~l11nl111" • at ond :-.:twpnrt Btarh F'irtmrn'11 AllXI· Rt;:11<lrat111n npf'n• \\'erlnr .. 1.1\· hary mtt r ('b. 16 8l lhr home or I for adult cl&llM"JJ 11ron11<>r,.tl by Mr,, Wilham C!lt11. ."146 Tu5t.ln Sa.nta An11 \'WCA. ThPy ln<'lullr Aw• with Valenttnr t hem" carritd charm, golf, prarl t<'e bn dJtr , It' i'mcr · , .. ,., Z:! hono1a1\' hr" ph\'~1rel Nt111'altnn far1ht ,., \!ni'•li't• 11, .. ltl•nl ,.f c hll"•'l ('hp;.,,·l!'.11~ 1u l<'n<I rt'ah:om tn thr ,.,,rrnbt'r•h11'-h8\'o h<><'n d1~tr1but· ,, "'"'" l"'lnl•••l "Ill that H111h<•1 :·1;. l •1n flt(\\llrr" \I. , ...... rn .. 111r1t•n S 11Jtan Frn~t• patrol O'lt in rtfl<'l'hm<'nl~ bri:-inntr-lln•I lnlt'rmr•hlll "<1 at $2.\ r •• h in th1" IH"lt Thlll ah\' A~, ha" h•, n ,.., nnomu •111, , .. 1 1 \I 11 , 11,,,, ,. 1, " r., ·• , . i rr.•,.r.I< 1 "Lilt I• Rl'd Ri<hn1t Th1rtl'l'n mr mbt'ri< "rrl' rr~s .. nt m ing. paintlng, bovo. hnsz, •,.w1n1t mont y I:''"'' to ti l•\'nhm,,; ~tu· \1'r\' writ nm ~111C"P IHI .! 1th., .. ll•.,,11 ., .. 1 ilnl Cilin s"rttru ,..•n 1, fl,..'(!"' \\Jlh Ah!<on Chnl'tlr1 Faye,a nrt JOlnPtl In a worrl irnme. fnr l'hntr. d11pllra 1,. brl~i:,. kn1111ni: 11,.'lt ln:.n fun•I fro1m "hh h en\· 111nkrol i.monJ: the thrrt lnWl'llt rf'rr nllni;: irrc rPtary. vo. llh B 1.t \\ 1 .... Tht)rktld11rn and Jody Smith. J8n-Whlrh Mrll. Don Brt..rCI" pr<•llld~nt. txP~ci.•t' a nd vvllt'y ball, llll nn 'lll&ltftt•I •turtf'nl """''''" hls;:h of ttic \:l high ~c-hool11 In th1 •nu n-n• r 1111 S"rl:'f'&nt et a rm<i. W ihi111r tl Bobbett's patrol pN'M'nltt1 "Thf' fl'<'~Wt'd the prtir. ,.r hnol lt'WI m~\' bnri"" tf• ··on-ly 1n lf'm1" n ( I Ml pl'I r • r•I n ""1'1 I• lhl' r<"llnni: Plf'l'ltll"nl L11rbt HOU5" K ctpr r':< D1tui:htrr' l :"tXL ml'tUnir Wiii br nn Ma.rr h ,·anous days 11nt1 mornini: hnu1I' For runhrr 1nf .. rm11t1l'ln <di Kl,,.. I ir111e h1' P1h1r11111111 In """'" 'Al'"" The p. TA ,·otP<l In JI:" "" re. n1 I :'o:• "1'"1' 5,.,,, h I' '' p1 "" ntPd in with Patty R11 l11nrt. Jean Forbr11, 16 at :h .. hnme of Mr,. C'lyt11' Dot· .. 111dghl .. , hnl11r•h1p11 arr ~vrn. I \'trkl :-<ewberr\' 8 ntj Vicki Shlrlrts. ~n. 2101 Clitr Dr:1·t to back thP bnar•I "' trust .. P11 in iolh,. grour h\' t hr n1•w prP,.ld,.nt bt'rly 2-3:177. Al tht p1r•1>nt th• fund h1111 ov,.r 1 l "Glll'•l!I fnr. lh,. P\'tn1nir wl'r" I ---------------- '' '"'".O••i\ \,tr" "<'hf'rt ,.11111!1. llft p ILT\ll ni.r "n "xparucon rrotzrnm ~nd \'lre·1">rr•1d"ft'. Rt'n" Mnrlr· "'"' " ' \I J I' ;; h I I I · 'Y u:o C. :"n il. Lcshr B Jon••, r aul m f'mbt'1,h1r • h111m111n .. nc1 ~!111. • r!I • 11' "r nn• r• ""'' ,.n,, I• It" nf l.1do 11n°I P~ Detw1J.,r I prt'•ttll'd at th,. "'"' t w i; n It r:a.kes, Billy Noll &IHI Mike H 0 . Ao,\'Vt',I J'lll't r ·TA fl"''' I nr ... , .. _" p J h _ ... u m drnt, p1r11r nt"'1 thr llWUt 111 II' lh" TO "O)OSATE '"' "'' OP<'· nnes 8 ow"" 11 80 r mov- f'll r,.nl.ir. wh1lr 1,,.11n11i•I Thomr,.nn A nl'rrln11t1nr; 1nmm1ttr,. wh1rh r:;.::;;:;::;::;;:;::;::;;:;::;::;;:;::;;::;;::::;;:;::;::;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;::;;:;::;::;;:::;;:::;;:;::;::;;:;::;::;;:::;;:;;;;:::;;:=i mncle thl' fll• ultv 11w11r1l11 will l'll'i<rnl 11 l'l:\l<' "r nCCt'"'I"' tn1 r .\l'T Ot"f"l("t:IC-" lhr 111mtn,; )Nlr. \\II,. rlNl .. d Anti rub f'l't'!lidf'lltJI wrrt 1nl1n11u1 · I.• Mt ~. Hni:-lnnd. ·'''"" rrl'l!ll. ~It~ f'd by Mn•, Drnnl11 Hnglancl nnrl Knipp. ~tr~. HtrbP1 L ("o lrmen 11 nd lnl'luderl ;\lm1•.... Albrrt Spark11. Rohrrl ~fagnt1!ll'0n ~fr• Jlnrvry I r.rtirar Hill, R"Y Rl"tll'h. 1111t1 H Pr11,... 11.a\'e e rrpot t for \he rN'- 0 . Boyvl'y 1r11t1onal rnmmntrl'. !'lt!nty C'l111·,.l1&Ctn. 1<11flf'nnl1>n•I· T h" 1'\'l'nmi:. inclu·\1'•1 n111;.1r h~ r nt. 11pnk,. •>" ll1'• trip11· "HArhnr th,. !"hnralN•r11. umler Mis'< ~lsn• H 1,.:h R11r11t11 ll.o ~<·11niio." which H 1"b.~ch and the Ml'lnd1~t1. with '"'• an 1nrlu1tlvt 11.ntl r omprt>hrn· :\I~. RAlrh J"toavrr "-" a•compan- "''" rll11111 ... 1on l'lf lhP nrNl for ,,.. Snphnm,.,rt mnlhPr!I, rha11· 11n1I mf'thn<111 nf rmannnJO: " nrw m1rnPr1 h\' ~I:,. A l\,n f"lrmrnrr. h•.iti ll<"h,.nl •.-n·f'd rl'frt!'hlllf'nl• I r-----. ., I c 'D'M FOREIGN TRAVEL II SERVICE I 35421/2 E. Coad Hiway corou ""' Mar f I J ~rbor 1246 C"ohllf' Gibbons· Dorothy McKenna -Ma.rguente Hughe.a Spet'iaJizln~ ln ladepedeat itinera.rW&. tours. <'MliM~ -• -All phMM of fo~lgn tranl and l"f'M)rt ,·acation1'. CO LINE DOROTHY L. MARGUERITE I ---·-·---·-·-·-----·--·---·--------: To the Father of our Country we owe a debt of 9ratitude that can only be paid bl our steadfast dedication to the ideal o a free people living proudly in e free country ... which is what America meant to him , .. and must alwayi mean to us. I COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENOL Y INDEPENDENT BANK" -_l GxamineJ You'll do a better job and feel better when your vision is better. Good eyesight is an important euet for eny wor~ you do. Reasonable Prices -Conv•nfent Terms O~n AJI Day Saturday Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST 9"!9315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- Santa Ana PhoM Kl l-7633 ,.. ·············•••eee•~e•e••••••e••e• • • • • • • • • • • • '·~.: •• WHAT'S DOING • • • • • • • • • • • • T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Mana&er in Newport Btaclt • • • •••••••e••····················••e•• New type of voiceway goes to work in rural areas lnl!: rut up b\' \his hn~- mnn 11' rine nf the n,.wr:ot th1n1:11 In the tl'lrphone b111unr:o11 lt l•"'k" hkc not hln..: M• mm h All BO nlll·fn ~h1nnNI t\\·1~t of llrnrlrl' But 11rtunlly II '11 wtt.h n "I"" l:1l >1hr11,.1vr - r,.J1l•l 11nl pl11 ~t 1t Th" ntwr11hl,. wa" l'l'p"'l'l,,11y phone l1nl'11 In llr"flll \\'t ,.., (' hon ,.~ R: I• ,, •• !~I\' N'lltteretl It "'""t~enH?lv h 11nl1 "ll")' ll'I worll: And U.:. • u .. ~t 1n "~"' c• 1,.,11 1l111n l'lth,.r l<m·l• uf w1u :--., ms::11 t,k,. 1h111 h• Ip ti. k,.cp Jtc>Ort telephone Nrvlee one n ( I h,. l.,.."l l"l\11 In \'f'lllT' f11.11111\ b11t1j!'!'\ Pac If co TelephOf'le -r•u te m.1ke your telephone .1 bigger v.1lue every day. Need tools in a hurry? Here's the place to find them Seem1 like 'molt everyo"e'• • "dO·•t·yourtelt'' f•" thue day&. T h•t m allet th ee t ip h•"dY t• remember : Whe" you ""d new t oole to 1t.1rt o"e of thue Jobe, • good place to look 11 '"the Yellow P •gea of your teleot>one book, F ilGt 11, the Yellow Pagn ehow where you can f ind 'm oet •"Y' t hing you wllnt. That'• •au .. nearly everyone '"town with 1omett.1n9 to M ii •dvertlMt '" thl'm So ne•t t im e you need •ometh•nQ f,nt. jv•t tur" to the holndy Vtllow Pago , New Business Representativ• for Local Offic• '' •• r11 r " ,, ,. 11 .. 1r .• 1. • , • t 1"1 ~' J • 1,1 I' II ft 1 14' \I · ~ • t r-r· ' r ''."·' r 11 f :,.,, ! t.~ I'·• 1f11 T • •' I It', , ... I I ' f 11 ,, •• \ t I •• •tiji,; t;. ,, ... •1 ,. r "' '''ti' • """ • J 'n • ' • ' r '• •, • " f ' Vt f I"" , f\.~n ' • P I"\ H11"t • 1tff1 ,. , l ,• • • • .- t ,~ ' ··n ' r • -6(1 11 ·t,. l.·1 P1' 1 ~· '" ..... 11 L· I l\nll><•a i:,.1, \.\ll•r• •rr· \\tit I"' •o· r\--:n,J:" ,,1 1: 1 •: 1 • lh 1 •ir ""' t ~ nn \\ I ~ 1 • I\ •• I ; r t • \" of lh,..1r lf'lr I · '''•f" J rn1 1 ti \• r "' e \fll1 \ ~! \' 11 l' ' ,+ It ' ,,, .,"''"' ''' f 11" H,,rt,,. r . J :.tr1'f \-1,Ar ', 'i V •'''I 'I . C3kr n '"'" I.ti{•• '• I • •·~' k;:-11.;111,.J t '\ tt, .. J\ , .n1.n41: (HI / ''"VI • f • AT COFFEE PARTY-H.arbor High girls, their mothers, high echool of!icials and Untv eraity of Southern California staff repre8entative1 'attended recent morning coffee held at the Hillgren home, 2716 Bayshore Drive. Discussing prospecti\"e col- lege days are, front row, from left, Mrs. R. E. Harbison, dean of girls, Harbor High ; Mn. Rolwell Huff and her daughter, Arlene, Girla League president, both Newport Heigbta; rear row, from left. Mn. Edwarda White, dean of women, USC; Johan Hi~h. Harbor High senior and daughter of one of the boste88es: and Miss Sue Johnson, USC high school relatiom office. -Staff Photo --.·~ - . -....,..., "" , __ ' .. -· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PAGE I MONDAY, FEB. 21 , 1q55 ·ew Cholenas Sponsored by Harbor Duo • i Camp Fire Girls Unit For Newpor t Heights Preaentation ot Camp Fire Girla aponaor certlllcata ' was highlight of a meeting of the "Cholena" group of Blue- birds held at the home of M'ra.. Paul H. Rodet, 123 Eut Bay An~. Thi• 11 nl'wc.tt unit In the the JUD• TOOm at Ule Pbll CUUs RECEIVING CER111FICATE from their sponsor, Jim Ogle. 113 Palm St., Balboa , a re members of the Clolena Bluebirds. Standing, left to right, are Ann UcFaddin, An ith Chalk, Terrie Rodet, J udy Randall, Susan Jo Laurin, Sharol Wellborn. Christine Phoenix; in foreground, Christine Oliver, Claudia Peterman, Roberta Shorb and Nancy Devilbiss. -Staff Photo Harbor area and l• comprleed ln lhe main of Newport Helgbta girl•. Thi!' name thry h&ve ch<>; :sl'n. "Cholena," la an Indian word for "birds." Mra. Emeat A. Lall· t'tn la leader. home, t2nd SL, Coat.a M-. Lee.d· ara ot four Bluablrd and one Camp J"lre Girl unit.a ..W hA¥e aa April Fool tun pe.rty wftb elbctn•· pmn and retreltlm•t& aoaar at band .,.. ~ ... ~ llon1, to be held from I :IO to 11 :30 a.rn. Feb. JS, M.arcb T and 4. Tb4' plac.e will be tJi.a ~ JIJn O&le, Balboa buaineuman GOLD KEY ftiRT AW ARD TO Ka rma T lk and ?.ln. Cr&.11 Pboen!ll o! N-· a port Height.a. who We.a unable to be prueot. are epouon ot tbta fourth group or Bluebird&. DICK HATCH HARBOR HIGH Due Tuesd ay , . The meeUn1. keyed to tlle Val· t>nllne th eme. wu attended by Blueblrd.e Roberta Shorb, Terrie Dick Hatch, Hubor High senior. wa.s one of a (TOUp of n:> high achoo! sludenta who ttctlvtd Gold Keya In I.be. ninth annual Scholutlc Art Awards pr•aentatlon on Saturday In Hotel St.aUer, Loe Angeles. The typical Newport fU!hing acene. a wa t.ercolor, ww be In lhe.1000-plece rl.'glonll exl11bll at Bullock'• unUl Much 6. Ftnal judg1n.g wilt be at Carnegie lnalltute, P1ttaburgh, Pa. Natlonel winotr11 In the 26 clualflcatlona w1.ll receive clJlh awards anrt 11cholar11hlps to a ccredited art ll<'hools acrOM the country. Membera or the looal hi&h erhool art cla.ae, wl\Jl t.heir teacher, llln. Edwlll Rici>. att.ended'lhe preaent&Uon and &how. Harper School Teachers !Entertain at P -TA Meet A tr<"! public le<:ture ta announ.: · R.odtl, Claud!& Pee.rme.n. Suaan ed, aponsored by the Unltf'd Lodge Jo Laurin, Judy Randall. Chri1Un1 of Thcoaophl•IA. The topic wlll bu Oliver, Ann McFMldln, Sharon "Karma. H'11 SclenUflc Meaning." Welborn. Anita Chalk. Christine It Is to be held e t the Th«>.11oph1· Phoenix and one proepeellva mem· cal Center, 1434 So. Coast Blvd.. ber, Nancy Dlvilblu. Laguna Bi-nrh. on Tuesday tvc-On March 2 the Cholenaa are nlng, Feb. 2Z al 8:1!1 p.m. to visit a plaatlca plant at Cost.a A 11peaker from th, IAs A.ngelts Meu whMe I.bey wW watch th• LodgP w1U d,.llver the lecture. At work. receJvt eouvenlrl a11d ba lhe cloae of Lhe talk the mcl'llng served refreahmenta. . wlll be thrown •O~n to lhe audl-The Camp Pire Olrl1 Le&dere encP ror que.slloM. This should AaaoctaUon 11 plannl!I& a eeaton prcve lntere.wUng lo those Who on Friday 1veo1Df, March 26, l.n wlah LO learn mam.abo1U-~p!Wl-~~-··-- osophy of Theosophy and about the doctrtne of Kanne. Theoaopby ls a body of know- ledge which embracea both religion and science. Jt offers rational ex- pLILllaUona <V' the mysterlu nf lite and of me.n'e own nature . .It H&rper P-TA membt're and ruest. attendlnc the Feb. 8 Jl'oundere' explain• myalules or birth and Day meelln& were tn for a pleuant aurpnae wbt'Jl they were enter· ot dr11th. Jt haa betn spoken ot t.a.lned by faculty membera. Tbe latter parUclpaled ln a cllorua lltld u !.he phU0110phy of t!llllcttfle-1 lcbool. 8eooDd and "'°'"' at.. Santa .Ana. For t\lrther lafonn• Uon oall MrL lAlll'\a al Llblrt1 8-67'72.. 11&1 lt WlUI _ ........ wper1ltM food. oocktMs Md llf'Vice ll'l'lid old lftllish china. A BRIDAL SHOWER AND LUNCHEON honoring Miss J udith Glimp of Sun Valley wae ho11te88ed by Mrs. G. H. Mathers of Balboa. Wedding of Miss Glimp and Bruce Douglas was held Saturday in Eagle Roel<. Left to right arou1ul the table are Mrs. Stanley Carter and M.ra. J ohn Lucia, mother and aunt of the honoree; 'Mmes. Kathryn Carter, Vera Hicks, Harry Lucia, Mrs. Mathers, Mlss Glimp, M.mes...oJ.i..ve Swp , John Yates. Sarah Richardson, Mi88 Yvonne Young, sister of the hostei, all~. Nelson Mathis of Beverly HillA, mother of the bridegroom. -Beckner Photo ung Ulrc. .. iecUoru under ~ d1recUon of M.ra. Lewta Kidder, i:nu· 1 co~o~ "~.j. f Lagu Be • .ic coordinator for C<»t.a MN& llCboola. After th• meeUns ~OW"Ded. mee~ r~guJariy 0 every ~ea:~ rdrelhmenta were prepe.red and nvct year'a oftloera waa eleclelt attc:moon and every Thur11day served by tha teachen. Becu1ar Worklng with M.ra. Jack Harne., ~venirlg. lnformal ducuulona on boa.rd member• had e.n enjoyable chairman wU1 be K. R. lAa~era. tbe phUlaophy of Theoaophy a.re ume u the fa.cult)' bad ai.o deco-MrL Wllll&m Boe1, Mn. Tbomu can1ed on at theee meeUngs. TI1cy rated Ute t&blu and made lovely BlakeJ7 and Mn. Leno!'a Tlncley. an free to lhe public. HURLEY · BELL JJS ea.it ...,. ,,.. ms , ....... IN ENSIG N SCHOOL nower arr1L11fementa lD the Vale:n· Kn. MJ.ldnMS J\lher'• klllder· une day theme. The teecben gart.en and Mn. Pauline o.rdner'• Durwood Youngs rouncJtd out the atkmoon by tourtb pa.de clue won prtue for doing up the tllahea u w,u. __ .41• wrest ··~~dime• at ~ Ho~ from-. ·P-0nce · The Pledge of Allectanc• .,.. meeUJ'lf. Home from Ponce. Puerto Rico, Blue and Gold Dinner led by CUb Scout Paek No. 186. M.ra. WlWam O'Brien. preetdanl. where lhey have realded for two Pul prealdent. honored went announced a chan,-tn plana tor years are Mr. and Mre. D11~ood Mra. J a.rk Harr111. Mra. Raymond lb• epnnr tuhion abow. Th. d.at• Young and chJldren. They are now R.app and Mn. A. E. Kelly. ~-wtU be Ma.rch 2 rather tha.n Marcll I well establl&hed ln their own home clplent ot the honorary life mem· 17 aa prevloualy u.nouaced. at 2700 Cllrr Drwc, ' For Heights Cub Pack berahtp award waa Mn. Lenore Tlnrl~y. Harper t\rel grad• tM.ch· er, with Mn. A. !:. Kelly maldna' lbe preeent.aUon. A tum, "EmoUonaJ Ptoblema of Nrxl mnl1ng ror Cub Seo.it Pt.Ck 182 of Newport HelRhla W1U ~ 1he Blue and Gold dinner, to b4' held al 6 pm. Jo"'r1day, •~eb. ~ In Horace Enaign School c:alrt.arlL 80 announced Mrs. WLUlam Chari· ton al a ~c,.nl mttllng. al.lo held Al thfl NhOOI. For tha l ~ulon there wa11 a du· rlay of modrl lr•UUI made by ea.ch t1f'n. a.nd ~k1l.w on rallroadlng tn whldi e~h den played a d1tferenl 11cene. Mn. Rtchard Jonee' Oen Stx J&V!' the opening rt'"mony and wu award«'rt the In,. pee lion flt.g. r.tax Pope. •• repruent.allve of the 11po11M1nt1C ElkJI Club. received the chart.er from 'Willard Court· nry. Cubmutera an'1 Oen Motben rfftlved their certtflcalu and Brure Knut&llamp a.c«pted award for f\ACk a.ch1nemenL Leat.er Vier· \1111 I• CUbmuler and 1.Ulo Lacy i. 1aa1itant CUbmu trr. St:W BOBCAT Roser \\"a lkrr waa welc.omed u a new Cub Bobcat. Award• 'A't'" u follow1: Mra. Robert Dune&n"• ~n Onr: Jl\IC'h&Td Duncan. 1UU111t&nt dennH. eervlce star: Don Hayden. denner: Dick P ettit.. two wolt allvrr ar- row•. one bear icold arrow and one Kiiver arrow; J unmy Sulllvau1, Mr- vic' star MTL Bob Ollphanl'• Orn Two; Fred Boyd. wolt b11dge. wolf r old arrow, wolf aUver lll'TOW (I.lid &Miit.ant denner: David ~Isa. den· ner: Richard OUphlUll. bear badge. one gold arrow. Mre. Mu P ope'• Dc\n Three; Dwalne Fair. ....·ol! badge. one goldrn arrow. two Kilver arrows; Tom Gillman. bear ailver a rrow and ~rvtce st.a'r; Kenl Kuat.er. M'r· vice 1tar. Mn. Ov.'litht T1ppln$t'S Oen Four: .Robert Fore. &Hist.ant dennt'r; Micha el Henry. de.nni!'r, Dwtghl Tipping. be&r bartge: Biiiy W•lker , a•11111tant dtnntr DES SIX Ml"8. Richard J ones'• ~n S tx; Wayn11 J one11, AMl•tant d~nc>r and ~Y Rupp, dtnner. Mra. Xor- man CArlt!On·11 Oen ;\'Int'; Bobby Archty. lion badge. one gold 11r· row. one •Uver arrow; J ohn Mc· CaUum. l!tnner and Slaven C-11 1 l· aon. &Nl1tanl denner. Cln1lnf ce~mony wu by Local Epicur:e Addresses Kappa Kappa Gamma AD 1UwnJAaun1 dlacut§1on ot patronolny, t.M art or e.:lanoa of lood •UJas. WU J1ven by )o(nl. Dick l>nJl• at Ula mttUn~ o' the Kapp. Ka.ppa Oamma Alumnu A-.oc:l&Uon ot Southam Orange County he.Id on Thur~y. Ft'b. 10. Jn ber amulln1 IJ!ff<'h aha gan a ahort l'MUJTle of the history of f'OOkU\c and of farnoua chd1 of bJJOll• daya. On 4ll!Jll•y wtra a ttw cook book• n-om her larg<' rollec:Uon. nUed wllh mouth·wa- t,.rtnr l"Pr lpea from many coun· l l'"I""· Mr11 " B. Dtck1neon nr 262 )tornlng Canyon Road. CC1mna d•I Mar. ..,... lunchf'On h08tHll. a N11l'ltd by Mn. R. P. l\lorr1U. Ml# M11t u. B. LA~y and Jlflaa R111b R. ~u. At the b111'1· nu.1 meeting Mrs. Walt.tr o. Hatt"h p~ldc1,d. ,,naJ plena were made ..fo!' t.be annual Kapp& rum· mar• •le to be held on March 18, wlllcll prov1dea tund11 for camp· erahlp1 for the O~ge County Crtppled Chlldr-en•' Society. ThOM 1.ttendlnf lnclud~ lt11J1• l I.Acy e.nd MJaa r.taxw .. 11, Mm~"· Morrill. Dlck1nJ1C>n. Jllmu B. Stoddard. Dick Oralte and Rob· ert (Ankf'r of Corona del Mar: Done.Id Caine, Rlclla.rd Stewart and We.It.tr Ha tcb of Costa Meu.: Burr Buma.n. Stroller Whlte and Robfrt Blackmar of B&lboa la- la.nd. Lo11tl!e Gsllagher of ~I· boe; R. H. 8tralUff of Newport Becc.h, J. E. Kelm of l.Jdo, Wal· t•r R Smith. Thomu 8wanaon. 8nd M1 rl\h1ll Beach at La,una S.e.ch . Tom W. Coll Irr, Georg• Barnett.. Oil\'id A. • Burpr and Jack O . Hilton oC Santa Ana ; A. S. Handy J r. of ~re; &11d Ml• AJla ~amin of~ Oemenla. snncASE FURNITURE OUR STAFFWIU HELP YOU Pl.AN & DISIGN YOUR OFFICE ,. Dw1ghl Tlpptnr·a Oen Four. The next Wiy the CUba enjoyed a train trip to San Delgo. The foUowing week the Webeloe Oen mel at !.he Xewport Height.a home of the Don McCaUum11. Art By Program Students The pllrflON of crraUva art ln the scllool wlU be the aubject dl.t· CUMert by ML~ Man@ Heffern al the next n-gular mtttlll~ of !.he Corona del Mar P-T A. Th11 will be hf'ld 11t 2 p.m. on FC'b. 28 In lhe l!Chool audlt.ortum. Ml11a He!· rtm. nrl 11upnv1sor of :\'ewporl Elementary Schools. Wiii Illustrate her rlfV Ul'SIOn v.1!.h &n 'x.hlblt of arl donl' by local at.ude.nls. Second grade atudent.a undtr Ute dltt<'Uo.n of Ml.Ill Clara S,,_J· m&n v.411 t'nl,.rta.in wfth mut!lcal seltctlon11. Children," wu 1bown. Th\1 wu followed by a dl1JCUAslon with Lynn Hutcbll!On from Lhe ottlce of the county 1upert.ntendenl ot 11Choola u moderator. The pe.oel corulllted ot Mra. M.Udred J'Uher, and Rlchard P. SinclaJr rrpreacnt· Ing !.he faculty. Mr•. Wlllla.m O'Brtrn and Mrs. Ba.Jley Abbott ot Harper P ·TA. A nomlnaUng com.mitt.ee tor nu; OROAN l'OV CAN PLAY AT ONCE! ui..-~-- HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN 'l1M Wbole f'Uldl1 c.. Pla.J ta" Wltboai a-: Come 111 a11d Prove It to y «*Self w. u.o tavit. "°" to -.. aad try the IW" H-moed 8plen Orpo-..~-A...U.W. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PIANO & ORO~~ 81'01lE ~" for .U llodele flammond Orpaa IO l-0140 .. No. Ila.la LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIB S~ BALl)OA T'BJ:Aft& -.00. BALBOA 0,. hNd&, tlVW ... I- • Visit our . kitchen gadget table I 1L ev«ythlnCJ ~ J off TH IS WEEK'S SUPER SPECIAL + + + --l.~ \\• WIMAVM _ BIG CLOSEOUT on WAGONS and TRICYCUS Open .... $UPER ~ ~ ONE COAT ~ ~ Flat Wall Finish Open .,.... U 5 pl. -:: a llPr Sundays\ NOW 3:75 .-. E Sundays ~. SPECIAL .. ~ ..--~ -------. ''""'' •~'l \~\~ TREWAX Wortd'• ...,._. ..,_ • .Up n-r waK. ._ tm .-phaJt ui.. lbtof..... and "''*°' noon. S.45 ... .. VISIT the NEW ADDITION to Our Store. Shop in COMFORT and at Your LEISURE EXTRA SPECIAL 18,000 btu PANEL RAY HEATERS wt.lie tt.ey last Al Forgit Hardware 2205 lallloa mvd. We GIY• S&H Green Stamps Phoee Hal'Mr 111 ' Newport H•bor'1 Finest and Newilt Hardware Store I '':Jhe . (}ov~rnm~n I f.:xcep.l " PA6E 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 "God gront us the s,renity to occept t he things we cennot change: the cour.,qe to change the things we con ond t he · wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.I EDITORIALS Council Aids City Growtli Two of th~ greatest ihepa that could poulbly be taken for the benefit of every one in the City of Newport Beach were taken thl.I put week by the city council. Fint. the council ordered the condemnation of the ugly property of the Pacific Electric Railway that for years hu blighted the Central Newport Beach area. ~mlnation of the utility from tbis area will permit the· fedevelopment of ·the blighted buainess properties to the definite advantage of every taxpayer of the muni- cipality. Properly administered, the land which the city propo11ee to take from the railway can create more t~an a halt a hundred acres of land in the heart of the city. It la certain that all monies due to be spent by the City will aooo be returned in taxes upon a m ore valuable, pro-r perly improved area of the City. lt la to be hoped that the railway will see the light of day and probably remove lte entire operation from the City o f Newport Beach. At leut the farther out of the city they move the better Mr'Ved will be the entire c ommunjty. The eecond great m ove was the injtiation by the council of an .-.nnexation of the Upper Bay _!.rea to the city. More than 2100 acres of land and water are propos- ed to be included within the limits of the .City of Newport Beach. The preaent city encompaasea only 2700 acres and eo our town will be doubled in size overnight. "We will not protea! the annexation" were words of the Irvine Company when queried u to their attitude on the mas- sive annexation to the city. "W e feel the development of the Upper Bay area can be better administered under one management, and are ready to let the annexation o throu h," the o ok Tbua, this week, the future of brighter. is .' wu done, but there la a queetion. The resolutions in- structing the ..city attorney, then Roland Thompson, to draw the deed, instructed him to retain the tidelands. The resolution auth orizing the signing of the deed, con- tained the same restriction. But, the deed contained no auch restriction. • We9fill believe, as we expressed our belief in the editorial, that the time is now for S t anley, our Aasembly- nian, our fellow townsman, to get the matter clarified through the channels of the State of C alifornia llO there will never be a question as to who owns the t idelands of the Cit y of N ewport Beach-and it should b e the City of Newport Beach. -Signed, Ben. Reddick. Washington's Prayer W ith our country's founder being honored on his birthday tomor row, the News-Press today reprinta his own prayer for the nation be so gallantly led in time of formation. H ere is George Wuhington'• "Prayer for the Nation": ''May w e unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications "To the Great Lord and Ruler of N ations "And to beseech to pardon our national and other transgressions, • "To enable ua all, whether in public or private atationa, ''To perform our several and relative duties properly and aunctually : "To render our nation al government a bleBSing t o all the people "By comforta bly being a government of wi .a &WI, -....,.· -.... ~ . .,. . -'.: .... ·~~· . ....... : .. -~ .... .... ._.. .,, ~ '/j ,,. /r TAXE-' -'IND BRIJS!-I Ct)UN'f'RY <t•' ... ..,. ... " -· /NrL.ArlON T~l.'E MY 1'1t+'l\.C' #1/WAY rRCW .ME, PEOPLE Mu. Fl2?~Er WHAr .. . . ... J 0 u RN AL· .~.\~RA<'l•: PARKt:R (Eel. ~ulf! -· fbl• "'hlnlll b' ll11r1w .. 1'1.rlcf'r .. 111 ~ .-1.- ttMo 11111.-lc•""'" hlatu rl,•aJ f14•'1" n .. Naa 1tro'<IK•'d up I• Illa .-., frtp11 lntn thr 11114'1& c'ountry ID tW'c•nl , .... ...._, READERS WRITE / LO<:JK IJKE/ AS IT ~·AS-Photo by J.'croald in early 1900'• ahow• ing 'the Pain Asistencia and original Campanile. One of the most beautiful of the man-made structure• of the brush country is the Campanile of Pala. Built by Fe.· tltude or policy are Involved would you kindly con•ult the uecutlve ther Peyri of the Mission San Luis Rey about 1816 its pure, director In order to get a complete white simplicity and beauty has stood the tes t of time. Fro m •tory. a ny heigh t in the valley of Pala, this old miss ion bell towf'r Thanka very much, BC'n, we allll like you. at.and• out Ila a landmark. I ha\•e flrat cro"a Willi of green 011k and ae~n It hundrr<111 of times •nil it• that blr1l1 TUUng on It droppeJ Youra 11lncerely ALBERT SPENCER rhythmic hnes 11llll awl' an<I 1100\he a 11l'rti lhat took root. and ~ew. Dear Ben: Executive Director. me. and 11llU anothu Is that & vlr ble The Harbor Area Boys' Club Thi• la the only bdl tower In Med In thr W P\ artobe llurtn~ the owes a great uC'AI of Its succesa Answer to Readers Wrlle·Sptncer the mission c-haln se arate and construrtlon 11t11rted &f'OWln . <'omp t e y l r lie J a m think <•( tht' "cros11'' chap1•I 11lrUl'I ure Th.-rc w1th1111l " m"ntal picture or th11 have be1•n many C\JnJCClllr"s 11io rn1rl (T1Jw11 or lhorn•. Jn the arid to why 1'~Bthn 1-'eyrl eonstr11c\ed b1'u:<hla11•I wh<it would morl' tyl'l· Time is now ripe for the furtherance of many other pl&JUI that have lain dormant over the yea.1'1!. "Discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; "To protect and guide a ll sovereigns and nations, "And to ble88 them with good government, peace, yuur newsp11p,.n1 have &l~·aya given Boys' Club actrvllleH. Your newspaper• h11ve had aa much a share In the gt•owlh of t~ Buys' Club as other outstanding people, gift. and lraderatit)>. Knowing the lmport1tnce of the story conN•rnlng the Globe-Miami Baecball Club NOT being ablC' to train a l Costa .r.t e11a a11 was plan- ned, I a1111llfl1!'1J our &Ct"~· writer, Bill Phllllps, to Cht'ck out Ed Lane's story u to why tht' club wouldn't be hC're. ll. Flrat off, flOlll a purely fllll\'· ry lhc "thotn11" thAJl the 11h_,..u_...p, ___ _, tlonal standpoint.-" no•fiTC'd a wk!<';.(] iiptn'Pe'Onri;;'"Ci'cti'ii! n We believe the City of Newport Beach should put forth eome sound planning for the municip&l a cquisition ot a dry land patk. A park for the Ulle of its own citi- sena, not one for the clutter that our beachee get from the invading hoard. Time ia probably right too for exten.eion of the mu- ter plan of the City of Newport Beach beyond the dream stage into eome hard and fut rule. for future develop- ment. Several yeans ago we spent many thouaanda of dollars for a muter plan. It wu and is a good plan. When the removal of the Pacific Electric is accomplished -and it wu proposed in the Muter Plan-:-and ann~­ atloo o f the Upper Bay uea ia completed we should again extend the coverages of the Muter Plan &nd f inal- ly a dopt it.a proposala for our 'future. Tidelands Deal Clarified In an editorial in these columns of the Newport Harbor News-Presa on Feb. 14 we made a frontal attack upon the State of California and its continuing effort to in vade all tidelands areu for oil production. Our attacl< waa pr~r but some of the weaporus we used were not of the best, in fact they were m isstatements. For instance: in the editoria l we said t hat Earl W, St:anley. present Assemblyman, w as councilman of the City of Newport Beach when the ocean front property to either aide of 15th St. w as traded to the stale. This is not true. Stanley had wo rked ha rd both as a private citi- aen and aa a councilman for the developmt>nt of parks. regardleu of who might end u p w ith ownership, but he had resigned u councilman before the deal was made a.nd had nothing to do with it. The deed waa signed by Dick Drake u mayor, and by City Clerk C. K. Priest. We atated the city had conveyed title to the tide- land• in the 15th St. area t o t he S tate. Tbi11 we believe and cuncord ; "To promote a knowledge of t rue r eHgion and virtue, "And, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal proaperity "As He alone know a to be best. Signed, ~rge Wuhington." George Washington Like men in a Uey ship, our F ounding Fathera dar- ed to cast off the lines that bound them t o England and set out in ~acherous, unc harted aeaa on the course of democracy. The ship wa.a well-manned. with J effer90n, Frank- lin, Adams, Madi10n, and many other-a. But for cap- tl.in they needed a man among them who had moet of strength and cour age and devotion to their cauee. Who wo uld it be? Almoat instinctively, they know. They turned to George Washingto n. Probably Washington never d reamed that a nation 1Je<:ond to non e in the history of the world would g row out of that early voyage, and would pause on a ,day 223 years after h ia birth t o h on or h im . But it was Washington, with bis steadfast vision of a people free and united, who brought our .country through that perilous period of infancy when it was fragile and might easily have broken to bils. It was his courage in the face of physical danger, first, which saw us through the Re\·olutionar y War. Had he once w avered, A merica might have been doom- ed t o colonial status, lasting, perhaps, into the twentieth century. His mental courage later h eld the l'tatcs to- gether in thE' confused days following the War. From the signing of the Declaration of Indepen- dence in l7i6 until h1a df'at..h in 1799. Washington was the luder, the captam o f democracy, a staunch pillar supporting the growth o f America. ll wu with aome d1~m11y that In your February H lsSue of the NC'wa-Prl'u -we rrad th11t the Arlzona pro bueball team had cancelled plan• to train In the Costa Meaa Park becaUH, "pro· tHt.I from H11rbor Area Boye' Club to the Meaa Park botnd cauaed Stt!'le to aeek a nf'w train· ln1 altl'." It la unfortunate that your t'•· porter dJd not check with all par- Uea concerned 1.nat•11d or pl(•ktnf up & amt.II ple1:e of Information. and dlltort1n1 It bC'yond any 1em- blance of tht' t ruth. Aa a m&tLt'r of tact: lht Boye' Club wu lmmC'n&rly pll'••ed that the Arlzona team would conaldt'r prac!Jclnic h•rt. Jt would give add- ed Impetus a nd enlhu11la11m to our aJready hl~hly minded boys and commun1ti1·~. The Boye· Club even Wl'nl ao far All to of!\'r, gnus, tilt uae Of lb Hhnwers 11n11 dreulng rooms •• an lnd11c4'mcnt to have the An:r.ona 1otroup \Jain ht'rC'. It waa mention. d at the park boarf1 ml'etlng that archery prac· !Ice was prc-sentl)' IH'1n1: held on Thursdays but that It could eaal· ly be mo\'l:'rt out ot the bueball arta. Thia IA lhC' p1rct of 11\forma- tlon p1('kt>U up by your reporl.er and J10 v1olf'nlly m1srl'p~sented. The lnforn111tlnn w11s thrown oul for gennul kno" le1l~e by Mr. Mac· M1lll.rn. our Boy11' Club athlrt1c di· r<"('tor. but who w&9 not repreeent· Ing lht' B oyA' f"h1b In hi• appor· BO<'" bC'fore thf' park board. Wt' value you r put hl'lp to the Boys' Club tn the way or auperb pubhclly Vl'ry mueh. but a etory surh a.11 \hr preunl one undPr d1a- rus/\lon will do much tu undo ao mu('!\ or tht ~ood work you ha\'e dnn C' 1n the put In tht future. v.'hl'n question.a of Boys' Club at· Jr you read our ex<'lu11tn . Par;f' l 11tory ln Monday'a luut care- fully, you noted tt quott'd a man whost probity we have no rtaaon W question-Arthur H . Mf'yer11. Costa Mt>lla pHrk boarll mcmb11r. Ph11llp11 wR11 unablr lo contact you Mond11y although he tried your lcilephone twlr" bvfure pr·t'11a time. Tilt 4lory brlnfa ~ut the park bo&rd dtd nothing official 1r1 re· ga1d to the ball club'a aprlng train· m~. ll al1<11 ml'n\1on11 R<Xl Mac· Mllll•n. Boys Club a thll'llc di· rC'Ctor. &liked u~ oC L.tona Field for the club'• archuy pracltl'e. but lhat "no action waa lakt'n by the board." In view of the fact the ba.e· ball C'Onllng• nt wn11 not lfrllntetl a hearty w,.lcome Crom the Boys' Club nor U\e f>&rk bvi.rd, It'• ut>- vlol1& lilt> A1·1zonan1 had to look .. 1~ewht're tor a 111tr A IC'\lC'r to l.llne rroni R&y St~~h~. dub own· er. indtcatu lllll 1f anything w•11 "ml11rt>prP11tnll'•I" H wa.1 ~ot in our story but to Mr SteC'll' Srr111.111e h11 lettC'r atat!'fl " .. 11 being un· fortunate that the City of Cndta Meaa coultln l arrange all tt\I' aporta event• 80 u to work ua 111 !ht 11chl'dult' ... " l AC'e no auch Information "~u vlolrntly mlsrl'p ... re~rnll'd" In our l lOT}' 1111 your lt't· t.•r men(lon~ We quoted Ed L&ne, well known baM'ball bu111n<'~ll man•1<1-'r, 1u 11ay· Ing th4' Bny11' l'lub protf'!IUI to the park board l'Allllt'd lhC' WOUlfl·bC' V\sllOr'll to te.,k anothc-r dl11mond Your <'ontu•1on tn 1trung •tall'· menta from th4' atory erroneou11· ly would iwtm cawaed by Insult!· cl"nt read1nr oc It. Try a re-r~ad· lng, Al. ThC' atory alllnd11 \o\,LLJAM A. MOSES. atrurlllH! ti) holtl the m1sswn'11 for \his 1t•Ri.on , 1 like to think of bC'lls. SC'condly. he wanll'cl ho•tjlht rlf'••ply JC'ltglnus and artl11ttc Fa· In urllC'r thst lOnt'8 or the b••lls th,.r Pl'yrl, perhHpa planting lhla are l'arrll'd into ••vny n<>ok anrt Ctll'lllll fllr relli;1ou11 aymbollt1rn - valley of the aurroundtng b1 ush nil mattrr how ll got there It IAI country. vrry l'ymbolll'. l'\ow tht' conJrclurasm 11tarta. l The low~r bC'll for which Cyrua a111 not &n 11.rd11l<'ct. but we ·do RO('kt•y or the Orangt t:oul c,11- know the i;ood Padrf' WAii Uw lri;:r f1H·111ty t'on11tructef1 &nd hun1e bullfler &nit t1••s11p14'r of San Lul11 a clapp1•r which had bet'n ml .. •1111: Ri-v and It 111 co11111tlert'd by many for OV!'r ~O years. ha11 t he folluw- as ·the king of th~ l:11l1Corm11 mis· ini; 1ni«•r1pt ltm In abbrevtal<'d La· a1n11,. tan . "Hnlv I A'lrd, Holy Mo11\ Mli:h· No doubt the plain, 11quat ltne1 ty Ont', 'Holy Jmmnrlal One. Ptty uf the l'ata As111ter1c11• d111tu1 b<•J u11. Y··•r 11! 1816. Jt'Kua Re•t.•111p- h11 artl1t1c eyr Ho· ne1•ueo•I 11 .. 1i;ht, t<1r." On the ulher &1Lle, "Our 81 1- aon1eth1ni: that would .. halam:e" aphlc Jo"atht'r, Fr11nel11 oc A1111.,1. the ch•pd 11nd · llt't 1l olf." Al>10 S11lr1t l..uu111. King. Sa.Int t:lan'. · In h11 mind a C'Yf' a pKture of a Sa111l Eulalia. Our Ugh I. Cl'rvan· Mil towtr a• an 1ntei;111I part o! tr11 m11de u~" The amaller uprw-r the low, r11rnbll11g atructur~ wu•tltl bell. which the prcllent lwll·nlli;•·r rtu ht UC'. So w1lh the gl"nlus W I' Calac 1nrom111 me &lao n1·e1la I h• know h•• h1HI 11 '1 n.: thl'~· llllt'"· tw < IKJ'P"r repuhed. ha" the ln11< ••I•" conslrU< l•"I n f•fl·ll l11i;h b,.11 IV\\• lion. "Holy Mary, pray for u~ · rr with 11 py1 t11111t1-llk" hllllf' 11bnul In lll\6 <luring the t1•rrlblc-rt,.,1111 I!\ ff'PI h1~h ,.u1 mountrd by thr ot lh1<t y1•t1r, lhl' A1lobe 1tn1I rn1 k 11r l1111l :i:,.11 t11wf·r baM 11( th•· cnmpanll" w n11 und••r- ln r1•nt1:1~\ 111 th<' "harp. 11•1u111t• 1111111'11 1n•I the ll<'J\Utl/111 111ru<11111• Imes ot lh•• • h11p1>l i1tn11·t111<•. tht' I wllh tlw hPll• 11111 h1in.1:1n.1: ''"'11 C"lllnp11n1lc a• u •nt• rutrn<l<."•I lints anrlPnt rHwh11le l If' 111hll• ti ot .11 ttAlll' 11wu1111 It une 11tC'pS woot.lo·n bc11JT111. cnLllhN.1 l o 111e bal'k and hluk .. at ti.<-overall pie· 11w1rltn1t watrra. Fortunlll• ly 111• \Ull', we !m•I lhr r11n1pt1n1lt> 111 lhf' bt'll.11 \\1•1c-n<•l brokf'n. Th" J111llant cl'nt• r u ( rnt€'11 ~1 "tlh lhe low &nil fnllhful of the l '•I• V11ll•·Y chap .. 1 •lfll('\llTC' •lraw111g \hi' "Y" Wl're J:rll'f 1>lrll'k••I\, The .11 .. a,.to•r 11lowty from 11. 111Jd tht>n allowing h11rr•·11t•11 a t 3 p 111 Jl\n. 27. Hllfl. It 10 rrtum to th•• tuwl'r This ti' Uttl th•• pa.,tnr tfrv. G•·ull:4' I •. onr or th1· 1u111lu1ntnl1tl 1orm11 of Dnyl.-1mme1h81ely app1'11lc-1I l•l h&lnnce found 111 j:uod p111nllnga. fr1,.nd11 thro111:ho111 flouthrrn Cnl1- Anothf'r v• 1.v 111nr t1onaf rta1mn 1 fornta 11nd was 11urct111.llful tn 111• for hrlghl Ill tur a J•hU e lo cri-c l que~t. Car,.tully the o)(I f"11mpa11- lh!' cru"' h1i;h 11buvt the other llr "'"" reconi<tructe!J, lht· nnly 1111 ur l•11,.11 I <'lln l l'lll<'lltlx'r how chan.1:<' b<•lnir !hilt thr b&lll' I" nnw d1,.,.rro••ntt1I t'11thrr l •rt er uf Pala con<'1 t•tr ln111t11d ot adnl>I' t><-t w .... ,, v.·:..14 ... nh .. l>t·11utt1ul 1''1lt114'\l pho· the c11bble11tonr11. 1-:V!'n the ur1· to"raph th•l h11d · 1·hopp .. d orf" j?lnal cartu,. wu aaved anti TC'· Ille" 1 rol!ll 8l UlC' tnp ot the print pl&nlrd In 11.i! appolnlC'd pla1" at l:.lealdf' thl' C'rO!lll on th.. 1'11111 t hP b&8e of lhe cro811. &> ear,.ful Campanile 1a an anc1C'nl rad u~ waa Its recon•trucllon th•t one Editor pfl1nl. Th"r!' ar" mrrny 111onu "~ &Ulh<rr who had 11re11 It both be--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to 111 on~ln. nnP 110 that It was for .. 11nd .. fter 1~tra ev~ Pa~~ chari;e•I with the arlmtnl~tr11tlon I or thP l&w .. ll1(7ATORIAL POWt::RIS Thu&, 111., • 1un1on dt'lt's htlll' Sacramento Sidelight mor,. than to ,.,nf1m1 thC! dicta· SACRAMENTO <C:-JS I -A to ~ pn<'ed 1·11mpt'llllvl'IY v.tlh tonal pov.ers of !he •ll•te burrau new opinion from Attorney O"n· mtlk Ul!t'd !or manufartunni: pur· of milk 1·•)nl r1>I. w>111 h 11 chars:rd eral Edmund G Brown wlth re· • 11n1ler lh!' l'•·11mun I prtCC'·fllung p rd to lhe milk control act 111 P""' • l omp .. llllon 111 not lluw· Act wllh l'flllbltAhlni; minimum C&Jltomla h&a b~n lllllUl'd at lkl' f'Vtr tu ~ RIJOWt'(! lO (I eAle UO" r11cC'.S 'rt\!'v JlflCf'J artually be· requ.at of W. C. Jacobttn. 111ate I rC'rtMnllble 1n .. lt htl1ty ur pn1 ra romc-the-ma:i11mum amounts that director of agncultur4', aferr1ng Un lhe otlter h1tnd, Pl •l<"ll arr llr<' rhar,. .. 1 for m1\'k in lhto var~ prtm&rll_y to the quullon of how not lo ~ more th&n Ill "'''<'ll'l&ry 1111 • .-mil k mnrktl1ni: artu. mllk pr1cu ahould be flxr<1 undl"r I to m&tnlatn A(frqu .. tr product lo~ T1t,. op1nu•n rt"ulte•I from com· UI• De1m011d Art, but dlscuMlng Thi' Wl'•~ht th1H ,,. to b~ f:l\'l'n, at plo1nts ln lh<' dep&rtnicnt nl 11i;- prlc•tllllng In genf!ral. &ny pa.rtlcular time. lo iiny J'lllr· 1 ll"11lt\Jrf' th&l lht' b11rr11u of mtlk 'I1le opinion IJI 11umma.rtzed U t1cular f11ctor ln rlul'n<'1ng p1 Ir• 11 C'onlrnl •<'ti her overlooked or la tolknu : j a mottler within th<' rlt~ntllon of not i:tvlnlo( proper Wf'IJ:ht In thP "Mllk for n uld conaumptlon la the exprrt admln11trat1vr •i:<'"<'Y el\Uhhshm~nt or produ<'rr prlcC'I\" l'Tt"¢ 1 I ~ ....,, ... ~ .. N..,_n BMdl, O.U. ~ .. HSWl'U&T llAllBOA PUllU~HINO OOlllP.url' f'Wll I ....._, lfll tor fluid milk. Tl\, attorney avi· !'rat roalrl that lhe prndu<',.r ron- tenllon th&t glvin~ aC'count to the f'('Oft(\m1r r .. 1,.11ons ~twti>n m11r · k• l milk and manufacturing milk 1• more than a "'mplP dollAr11 an!I rent• cost c1Hl'l'~nce above the prk e rttelvec1 for manuf•cturln11; milk l• ont W1ttl wllfctl they heartily arre.. "ln milk control.· -.Id the opln· Ion. "a. ln all so"mm~nl rl'(tU· latton (If !rad•. the primary dan· gl'r I• Imbalance In ta'l'Or of th• l.nduatry rel'Ul&ted. It la lnn1t· &ble that pn><tu<'er orrantuUon wHI tUe u active lntereet In mllk control proirrama and elltrt ~r­......,... .. ,..... lAl9' N...._ ... ~rtaeemaat. of All..._.. alatent pruaure for th• malnten· 111 DMr99 el .. llfl,.. o..t el O...C-Co. 18 Aedaa Ne. A·ll 7" anoe ot htgh prlru . BEN UI>DlCX. PubUaber WJLIH.M 4-KOSU, Sdltor OIUIOHD c. AOUHTRl:.I:, AdYtrliatnC Dtncror llU980IUPTION RATES: N..,.... Banor N..,._P"'80!, Twt°' 1''...-kJ1 Ill ~ OeaatJ • ._.. ,., ,.-,; 11.00 ab mtM.: 11.N c.kl'M -. o.wdl9 ., ~ C-t7 .,... pu 7f!M 'Thua, we need ha ve no conetm for their repreaf'nllltlon. ('0N8t"JO;M APATHETIO "lt Mema equa.lly Inevitable, howevt'r, lhal con1umtr1 w\11 ~ apathetic and poorly '"Jll"'l'-8l"nted In the price .. tunr procrdure II fall1 on the admlatratlYe agency to be always all'rt to the IJ\lcntt of th• conwmua." ' BEFORE THE ONSIAUOBT-''We've hired twice u many extra oft1cen u ever~­fo~for one purpoee only. We will have 75 p 'lli"e J ::itrnlling the atreetl durin1 Euter Week," Ne~rt Beach City Offici&la state. pl&nlC'<I by the l'arlr,. for n•ll~lnuft l'.-yn wnuld not know H tro m UM1 ~ymt:>nll~m. 110111hn "' thnt th,. l•l\\"'r hi' Prr<'t~. ' " .... _ " AS IT IS-A watE'rcolor painting by Laverne of the Pala Asiatencia aa it looks today. Farmer McCabe Writes ... Well Fram·e ts w1t ho ul a U>ader again for t he ump- tieth t ime.· F:ver time t hPy git a l.<'a<k r and h e dO<'fln't do JC'!Ct as the Nation al A ll!o4(•mbly wants him to, they JUict votr :i "="o Cnnf1df'nl'<'" and ~t·t rid of h im ••• It's a ltllle d1ffrrent over h"r1·. Wh"n we $!1l a L ca.der we git peeved at , we ran't votl' R "No ('.<infrdt>nre" •• , No Siree, we're etur k with t he guy till thl' 111·xt E'lf'rtion ••• How 1o mt"' ever, in spite of t hnt an "ll frw other thing., we've got the best durned go\'f'mmf'nt on thr face o f l!l-e Eanh. (all rltbC. '""""ed> ' NEW CLEANING PROCESS SET Sanltone llcen11e for cleanlDI' wu awarded Ulla week to Lido Cleanua by the Emery Jnduatrtu, Inc. OWnera Al MattheWli and Tom Van Houton made the announcement. Va.n Houton fastens the Sanltone name plaque on part or their equipment w hlle Matthewa weigh• clothu prepatory to eendln( them through the proche. -Starr P hoto COURT GIVES $15,275 ,, {. \ .. \.\_ : ......... ,, .... • ' ..... - / RED CROSS AID COURSE ANNOUNCED " l'lnt MaaJon ot Ole 11-hour fuat a.Id COW'M 11 llChed\llW tor TbundaJ', F~b. 24. t a.m. to 12 noon at Ule fir Pit. 17H W. B&Jboa Bhd. Under Ule dJNCtlon or Mn. llobert L K~ppe.n, the ITOVP will continue t o m"t on .uc- cealv• Tbun daJ'• until th• courae LI completed. Tboee lnt.er.•ted In enrolllnl' ahould conta.ct Mra. J ack Bradbuey, Harbor aMS, or- 1anl.Mr or the procram. .. ' Gould Becomes Dep1ty Attorney SANTA .A.N A (0CN8l -Dia· tnct Attorney Robert L Kn- l&nd on l'eb. 10 announced be wUl appoint a 38-yea r-cld 8anta Ana attorney u deput)' In hil ortlce. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I· PAGE 7 MO NO A Y, FEB. 2 I, ~955 ... CONTEMPORARY ARTIST-la Raymond Hein of 531 Ali.lo Ave. who abOWI aun- ples of hie painting and ~welry work. Hein, a teacher at Fremont J uniot High School in Anaheim and Long Beach State College, recently won $2:50 u a Hickok Deaign Award winner in silvt r jewelry work with cuff links and a belt buckle. -Staff Photo Th• appoint.. Ca Stan o. Oould J r., wbo wUJ aucceect Paul J Mc- Clurtnon. Oould la now ln private law pracUce. He wu (T'&duat.ed Crom lhe Unlvenity ot C&IUomla and HaaUng1 School ot Law, Ban Hein Wins $250 Award for Creative Jewelry Designs Raymond Hein 1.t an art teacher "I entered five plecea ln the ' w'ho 11 capable of patting hie competition," Hetn reported, "both knowledge to pracUcal u.e. A rea-for men and Jadlee, made of sliver ldent oC 63 1 Alleo Ave., H ein tu· apd aome wood Ivory." tori et Fremont Junior High Hein aald he hAd alway1 been School In Anaheim d&y1 and Long lntereated In art work or aoma Beach State COUec-e evenings. HI! aort. "I started out with the de- aleo found time to divide a $:100 sire to be a window decorator," award which waa offf'nd tor •lt· the t eacher conCUMd. Ke a ltcnd- cellence or reelrn 1n men's Jewel-ed Abbott Art School ln Wuhlng- ry. ~ ton, D. C. where be met hla w•re. That award wu offered by Upon coming to Callfomla .ad RJckok' Jewelry tor lt•m• au1table learning or the low atartlng pay tor machine producllon. Ht'ln, who tor window decorators, he changed hu been working In contempo-diri-ctlon or hJ11 art life. rary jewelry tor three yean , eub-W AS O<'C MTliOEST Francisco. H9 also atudled at ScJt. He v~ lower UCLA. Now at Yokoha-Durlnl' World War il and lht 11..,_ l{o~an War he H rvt d In lhe CAM.P YOKOHAMA , JAPAN-Judge advocaY. general'• otflrf'. NEW ISLAND SHOP OWNIR Se'Teant Flrat Clua Herbert v. The new deputy d lttrlct attom ty Mra. Allee Burke, nrw ownrr ot the Clotht'll HorM on ~ Bowt>r Jr .. whoa1r father Jl vl'I a t 111 murted and hU • eon, Donald, Island, u retully check• her 1lock of aummer 11porta wear to keep 200f Harbor Blvd.. Coat& Meaa, 9• and daur bter, Va.Jorie An!I, Cl abreut ot tatl'et etyles. She I• wearing one or hef 'aprlng rhec:k t11 uelgnl!d with t.he 80t4th Anny montha. ScotU1h Import 1klr1.J11 1n blue anJ white by Da Rue. Her wbll• Uni• at Camp Yoko"--a, Japan. Oould II committee chairman h _ ...... , • "'""" f lana-01·1l allp over 1wealer la t oppeu by a i:ray ca11 mere c ....... • Bower, a maintenance sergeant OT' Cub Scout Pack 231 ln Santa .. n4 '1!a H .. ......_ u I la aan. The copper silhouet te of a horse's hrnJ on t he wall benl wlth the unll'a Headquarters De-• · ' ,.u ..... n pr11c c ng ..,, tachment, entered the Army In' _1n;;;;;c;;;;e;;;;8;;;;e;;;;p;;tl!;;m;;;;be;;r;;;;. ;;1;;;;9;;;;4;;5.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;;a;;r;;rl;;e;;11;;;;o;;;;u;;t;;;;t;;;;h;.;;e;;.t,;;;;h;;e;;;;m;;;;e;;;;o;;;;r;;;;;th;;e;;;;;•h;;o;;p;;;;'s;;;;;n;;a;;;;m;;;;e;;. ;;;;-;;;;. ;;S;;ta;;r;;t ;;P;;;;;ho;;to;;;;=:;;;~ 194~ and hU been ln the J'ar Ea.at • •Ince May, 19:12. He completed bulc traln1nC at Fort. Bllu , Tex., and !J a veteran or aernce ln Ko- re.::. - mltted hla own dL'lllJ:S. In alJ~\'_!er~,..jj~.t.Qe:~J.IP.....tl!&C.h!.a.._6'&_.ellll>ff----'-"!INl-.IWl•---.1ft.,~ -j-~ 10-HUFF'"j --....~"-l·~~[i.~~!';:~ t~e~1~~l::;; e~: through a ~ri2<LJ>~ ll.O~l.ll'lllU.a.. _ c.;.talOilMUll~-lll~lllS...&llSAl.0..--M.J J\\JL-J l'YI l tnu by 128 utlata vying for top studying which lncludrd Hein'• honora, Heln tie~ .... ,......_ ,... e:at1ge -e;uc • §~A,NA,(QCNS.),-.DeubeNting"two-atictiffieJfa1f"~dr ve ro Coll<'ge tn 19~1. In 19~. the a rt· " .. _.._.,.h .. o""u-rs Thursday afternoon a Superior Court jury awarded I . RllCl:IVES CRF.CX iat took• painting and Jewelry Call DAN'S TV ' "Ive Already recel\lt'd my $2:10 awards In the annual Municipal $15,275.88 damages in connection with a Costa Mesa tr affic check," Hein told the News-Presa. Art Center elthlbliton at Long accidt'nl. Winning judgments were Mr. and Mrs. Richard "90 It's true." Beach. This year, Hein repeated Senlea·a.tala· .... Huffman and her 1ix-year-old eon Rickie of Corona del Mar I Curttnlly, Heln'a cuff Unka and wtth a jewelry aw.rd. • belt buck.Je are on dl11play Jn the "I heard about the Hickok con- The Jury awarded Mra. Huttman ator oC t he other cruh ct.(. She NaUolltll J 8 we l r y Exhibition t t th gh Lo Be h Stat " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uberty 8-2228 f 2300; Rickie, !J0,000 and Richard had demanded . $60,207 damages "Amt>rtcan Jewelry and Related p'"!in -~~. ''Thl:glnip~d me 'io ; MuffmM, ,$297'>.88. Tht' latt~r waa against Mra. Paul Huffman. Ac-Objttts 196!)," al t he Huntington create the cut! Untt. and dealan a MESA t or m1•dlrsl upensu for the care tua.lly, the Jury heard th~ c.aea Oall rrles In Hunllngton w va. l ~It bU kl " c f Rickie &lid .M~. Huffman. rolled Into one. Total dama,ca throurh Ft>b. 27. Alter lhat.' they ne;;he~:.: no qu:..tl:n about Ole UPHOLSTERING However, the Jury dld not find asked _ran about U OO,OOO. wlll be H nt on tour or t he Unit-$200 coming In handy In the R•ln tJ~• a DraperJ t or Mt3. Paul Huffman ot Co1ta SIGN R.l:MOVED ed State1 by the Smlth11onlan ln· household. Not art~r Hein 1ay1, M .. ""· ,.11tcr-ln·law ot Mra. Richard I In each. or the aulta, Oran.re aUtuUon u examples of eontem· •·w e have three children and are 1,.. N~~~-.._. IN A<X'UlENT ell also. The county and city were Hurr1Mn. ~~~and ~~&M~~ren~-~~~r~~~~j~~~~~ey~.~~~~~~~~e~x~~~c~t~~~g~&~t~o~u~rt~h~:~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr:1. Paul Hurfl'l'lWl wu operat-bli1med t or the la.ck oC atop 11lgn1 Ing one oC the ran Involve<! with 1 al the lntereectlon of 17th St. and l Mra. RlcharJ Huttman a nd ion 1 Irvine Ave.,.where t h• colllalon OC· I R ickie u pMM'ngcra. Rickie and cu rttd Nov. 3, 1953. A haUowttn hla mothu 1ou~tlt 581.600 damag-prank.at er aMertedly ttmovt'd the es. Mn1. Paul Huttman uked ilgn.a. 1 105,595. Namt'd dt'fendanta were The pla.UJWla cla11ned the cowi- )lr. 8lld Mnr. Al Orundetrom oc ty should lie"'"'held responable be· Cardeo Grove. cauae t.he aigna weTe down tor tour Mrs. Orundstrom waa the oper-or tlv• daya. ----Atty. Stevena Fargo C"Ontended lhe county wu not nolltled the Lillya Opens Vocal Anderson I Studio for ~were down. The jury ellmlJ\ated \he county I and dty from lhe judgment. I TrainillCJ Lallya Andcraon. who I• known In Lasuna u a <1111votl!ld worker of \h.e Fes\lvlll of Arla and lh.e Com· munll)' f'layer•. hu opene<J a vo· cal 11tmho. Mra. Andenon hu bl"''" tied up eo long with civic an<I tJnmt'allc actlvltlu, that 11he h1111 nrftl"•'tr<I 10 further her chn11en rarerr. It aao denied damagee to Mra. Paul Hu ttman. and Mr11. AJ Grun-1 atrom. Mnt. Paul H uffman wu travel- ing-on 17th' St .. and Mr1. Orun·' 11trom on lrvlne when the acci- dent occurred. It I• aad that the phrase divine I Mrvice h&.11 come ao generally to mean public worahip lnatead of ctally n~ -Mary Baker Eddy A 111ill\'\' of Bwtt.s.erla.nd, Mni. Amlt'r11on 111udled u nder the r nat mallll'r of the Bt'll Canto rnt'Lh oti of voice plu emt'nl for 1lx years ln Malan. Jlaly. t.:p to el&ht year11 a ro 11he -.nr In operu. concert11 and on the mdlo In Europe a11 well u an lhi-l'nllt'd Stal "~ "It La pnu·tlcaJly imJ1<.1Mible for the average perl'lon 10 know whether or not. they can 111ng. · 11he •lct "It takes lhe li&hl trauu ng and proper bre11th <'onlrol to 111p- port a \'OIC'l', without w... the Yok e r&nnol be rlac~ .. DEA TH NOTICE M AJlOAllET L EVEllLAJ&T S l"rviCe9 ere pending for J.far· p nt E. Everllrt: 82. of 2241 .. II:. 18th St., C:o•ta Me/18, who died Frida y al htr hOf'ltf' followlnit a ahort lllnue. Baltz Mortuary. eo.ta Metta Chap.-1, 18 tn <"har~f' ot arrangement~ A naUve of New York. ahe had been a realdt nl or Coata Meaa for Ule put th!'ff monlha. She movM to lhe Mesa from hu home In 8ot.alh Puadrnu. 8he Is 11u r\'1vetl by a nltct', Mra. ~. C. Sheldon of New York. BE SURE -INSURE wttai MAURl<IB 8TA..~U:Y l uanACI& Olll7 Mione Har bor t 4i 4 S3 Is F.. <-~t B l(tlwa7 C'orona del Mar W ATCH K.EATl:K8 \.l'LU IH Ylct •"d IU ... 111 Joe IJec~lofJ PLUMBl~'O rtl .,_\ •O 'fl Cf .. I OOWN ~-H~r UlO P ARIIBS . KIDLE~' MORTUAB'f Fonnerl7 OKA U EL CB.APt:I l lt Bi.dwa, -V..ta Meaa Ubert7 11-MSI and 1-1414 Lenten Services Wedneedaya, 7:30 p.m.--The.me: "The Way of the Cross" A.h Wedneftday, Feb. 23 : "The Way or Humility'' (Gold, la~I croM for all attending ) Sunday, 8 :3i a .m. & 11 a.m.-Theme; "Learn from J e8U.I'' Sunday, Feb. 27: "How to Handle Temptation" (Superviaed nt1l"9ery for pre-school children) Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 250 I Cliff Drive Newport Heights "Overlooking bt-nutiful Nev•port Hatbor'' I .. . . '\ , ............ • Here's the Man of Tomorrow '\. Of course you know him. He'• the youngste r who deliver• you your newspaper. And he's the one who's studying hard today preparing for his role of tomorrow's businessman. The work he does, the accounts he ke eps, the sale1man- 1hip he learns o re all lessons in his book of succeu. Ke ep your eye on him and watch how he grows ond develops until he reaches his goal of indepe ndence ond suc ceu. 2211 lalboa Blvd. ·Harbor 1616 nw Spring e Colon • Patterns • Weavn It's been many a spring since we've had such an array of luxurious broadloom carpeting. The country's leading weaven have really outdone themselves •.. a nd we have t he best of their e ndHvors. You 'II find colors a nd petterns thet ere new end exciting, tertures end weaves to compliment all interiors ... end bed of •II you'll find prices you'd hardly believe pou ible for such wonderful q u•lity. ''"' ;\ rrh ,.d All Wool, High Low ,JJoo£eJ Wf10 11 l.ove.!7 Aunln•"'' fint'1LI Broadlonm. l'q. VO. • . IUc-,. 'nkk l"lle. t'rk.U aro.dl-. K.. l 'd. OramAtle '"'"I' ru .. "''' ,,., "'I· \ d. !'luf>f'r .. ,..,.,. < an,.,, \\'!Hon 9rn Rroa4l00tn, i;q. \\I. . • • • . . QRf/'ICE Cl){,,"\~ U RCTST ~ m• r1trw: .rroRr ..ll.\ --. ....... , ... ... --..~A~•·---CARPET WORKS 1622 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Kl 3·1615 •kl 2·3178 PAGE I· PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 21 , 1955 8()()lJT8 TAKE OVER-Government reina in Coeta Mesa were taken over Monday by the Boy Scouta of America. Sitting in for Mesa city councilmen were, aitting from left, Mayor Bill Stone and Councilmen Larry Anderson, John Owena, Tommy Cordeiro and Mike lrwiila. StandiJig behind them, from left, Mayor Claire Net.eon and Coun- cilmen Bruce Martin and Charles TeWinkle. The reaeon Councilman Bert Smith ia aitting, with crutches in the background, is a broken leg encased in a cast. Council- man A. L. Pinkley wu abeent. -Staff Photo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- Mesa Scouts Take Over Council Meet CM POUND MAESTRO THINKS DONKEYS FOR THE BIRDS Coat& MeA'a dog powid maea· off he went. He found the beut. t ro, C. A. (Goody) Goodon, la a all right. but then came the lltUe man or many talents. Not only matln of bringing It under con- floes he handle the Meaa canlne trol. problems with aatiafactory vim Well. you know how j&cka.uet1 Boy llcouta took OvPr rl'IM of anfl vigor. Goody a lao demonatrat-are. Stubborn. But Ulen Goody can c overnment from ~lty fathers rtur-1·~ absolute con trol over fl'llne at-get that way, too. So Ule pound 1-----~~-...liMi . ...JMAlllGl~J-J.J,jioK!'-~.,..tfl~r..-iltb~w"'ll-tE"''~',,"''t:rtr'IKtimdd-anlUir-tu went pound Ing a f ltt the traiuacted j u.tit the aame H thl.' horses and cow• that happen along. looae donkey. Yea. Coody caught ... ____ _,,.. __ ..., .... -tN-•~~~~t-""!TNllCt."tt"\~ • J....-.m to tin-the four-footed frlt>nd. Threw h1a wordi! In Ole young Amtrioona' ally get tht good.a on Goodon ! arJTU right around Ila neck. • mouttut Which la an occaalon the Ml'a& W hich cau11ed the Jacka.sa to Ab,...nt from the meeting was police rorce U kea utter pleaaul"t' throw Its head back, Clltchlng Coun<:l.linan A. L. Plnkll'y, but h111 in rt'latlng. Goody r ight In the chin. Result: Seoul ttpreeentatJve wu pre~nl .Jt aet'ma a report waa received Broke the bejeebera out of Goody'a Ml Second Clua Scout J ohn Owen• Jut week from Mrw. Iola Blodgett lower denture1. • of Troop 182. Secretary Mlaa Sybil of~:> W. WU.on St. that a donkey • When laat aeen, Goody wa.a out lAwta had a little troublt' with wu Jooee In that area. The police chulng cowa Instead. Gumming It. the mtnut.ee In that Councilman referred the matter to Goody, and of courllt'. Smith allowed Owena, u Pinkley. t.o lake turN 1peaklnr tor Smith •tlh Second Claaa Scout Tommy Cordeiro ot Troop 40, who rt pre· tent.d Bmtt.h at the council table. And If Uu\t eHm11 confu11lng, think hoW\jlybll ft-It~ ~IA \'OR PK0·1T.M Voters to See Candidat~ r-- at Town Meet Mesa Talks of. Drainage Districts Posaiblllty of Costa Mesa's drainage problem being handlrd through tl nun1btr or lmpronment district.a wu lndiclltl'd bv r11•• ,_ bera ot the Mesa dly council and the chamber of comn1t rel.' bottt :l of directors at a meeting ~cently. The chambtr l11aued a.n Invita- tion to Mayor CklJre Nelson ant! other membera of the council to dlacu.M the dralnac• problem a t that lime. It W&f agreed .It would be to the adva.ntage of all Coeta Mesa If drl1nage a~u flnMced solution of the probll'm bv tliq. trict.a rather than th• community u a whole. 81\.Ul\I ln tor Mayor Cla ire Net· 110n and lhe ether counc ilmen wf'rl' IC•llt' Sco1•t Biii StnM nr Po11t IJ aa mayor: Larry A nd1·r11,.,n. •••<'Onfl rt.au, Trvop '40. fur Brurr lo!Art1n; Ow<·n• for Plnklt·y tw we~ or Smith: Cordeiro u Smtih. an•l 1-~ICat Cl•M .Mtkf' Jrwlna. Troop 6. u Cha rles TeWlnklf'. The t·oun- l'tln "n had 10 ataro "'" 111.,: lh" n1t~llni:. "'Ith thto eitc('ptlon of Pankll'y. who wu ahll••nt. a niJ Smith Smith'• <'lllll·fn<''"''"' l"I: WILD CHASE Mesa Police Punue Can In Speed Run Following a wild ch&N ot a ae- dan ant1 a pickup trurk ea.rly on F .. b. 12. two men wtr.- booked ln Orange County J ail on chargu of drUnk dnvtng, Co1ta M"ad (JOhce ~ported. ArTiat~ WPrt• .Frank Calhoun B«ard J r .. 30, or J989B HarbOr Blvd, L'.o9ta Me- C'lty Manager George Coffey told the News -Prc&a today the policy of the city goveminent had been to Include dralnage plana In any etrett work OJI It came u p. At present, thl' city 111 a tll'mptlnR' to work out a mutual arrangement covrrlng draJnage proble ma with the county. There w!U be an open mel'tlng at City plane for the arranrement the council chambt'r In the city have a lready bef'n llllbmtttcd to hall T hurt1day. Ft>b. 24, 7 :30 p.m. Orun~c C-ounty'11 l'hlef f'n~neer. lo wtalrh all candldatu for lhr city I r otr<•y Knlfl. but In view or r~nt council are lnvllC'd. ~. Stcffen!K'n de&th of the offldal, the plan11 will act a.• moderator' undrr tht would h1we to be ruubmlltt'd. wu brok,.n In r"ur pl11rrlf 1e-t'tnll)· Pll, lllld Ramon Munoz. 2-4. of Lan· ca11ter. 8PEWINO CAJt8 Pullet 11!t1t C'MI A id they aaw lhe two veh1t'le11 II aveltnt erralloaJly along Newport Blvd. at Wllaon SL The aedan veered l.nto a parking lot. •triking a ··=--o Parking" sign, t't'port11 11how. Both vehlcll'I <-on· Other Scouh~r• han.thn ~ cat)' po•IUon• Included Bob Ma1 r11.a. Star. Poat 63, c ity manager, Way· ne WPdeklng, 11t•·ond claH . Troop &O. city cltrk: T\m TenEyck. Stru-. Troop 53. city attomry: JrrTy Mc· rat, E•&le. l'oKt eefl. polkl' chh~r. Howard Ora.ham. Life. P 1111l 6611. •trl'el fo reman Robert Rrinr1otur· l1nw· I dflwn Santa JMbf'l Bl a b lgh er, 11e<'ond cl""'~. TH~•p fl 111 •• pt•·· rat" nr :<peetl, .8ll•·i.::•·•ll V 111nnlng vrnll<•n off1t"•' • \\"htln•·r R111n1 ~ "'"I' 1111:11:< s t F.ltll'ft 11n1l Ot.Uljttl 8 t1tr. 'l'r<M'P 182, e1io1~1 arr\ t-11\· I Av•"· •nglnt<'I ~.Altlt<> F'T1•drll". .,.,.,.,.,1 At ~ori..-offlc!'I A l'Ald. lhe ae- rlau , Troo1• 80, f1•1111 nlCt• •'I . 'tli.11 l'W•·rveil. •run In the ~nter Goer1:e Kini{. tint clua, TrfiUp 61>6. or lh! •lrttl, lxlun~ otr a block building nr111·111I Crl'•flll' \\ .. 1ver· r.-n, I' anti r amf' to re1l 11cro1111 ton. fin\ clan . T roop 666. lleputy :.:un•<' Ave. Heard, a palnler, wiu bulld.lnr; otrtrlal, anfl °'"' Zamora. In Iha• v••hldf' anti admlll•.J con· nnt clLP. T 11o0r 83 t lf'AllUft'r llWlltn~ from JO to u bttra. a('· T1ne LcKal Women 0,... Travel ,.,,... .. A travrl bur .. au •I"'< 1ahz1ni-In foretcn tnur• 11 OJ><'n at 234211 E. Cou t Hl1thw11.v unrltr the lhrf'•" way man•ittmt nl of )fr11. v 1hl' Olbbon•. D<1rothy McKrnne and Muirutrlte Hu11hes Mla.t Mr Ktnna 11 known as a lec-turtr on "Yorld travPI and r,.· cently addf'd an Alrlcru1 1111hui to her trav"I "llperlrnrt11. M n1 Olbbona la an f'llJ>f'rltnc«I Eurn· ~an tr-vell'r, whll,. Ml1111 H111;ht1~ la an aut.horit y on Spu\h .4 ll)frlca n and Hawaiian locatlon1. Th• aicenry wrn plan toun amt crul•• t o a ll part• of th• world aa well u jftvt advi<'• on dom,.~· Uc travel DEATH NOTICE ARTHT"R ~. EN1'10N f'unHa l ~rvlcea ror one ot thC' pl .. nttr rHldmta or the Harbor rordlni;: to lnvea\lp ttng otrac•ni KOLTS f'OR ROt'Sr; Th•· pickup con llnutd on . trail· I'd bv pollre. WMn oftl~n turnl'd on the red llithl and slrtn. thr lll:'ht s of t ht-pickup WI' re t urnf'd <ilr lhey 11a11t Al 2571 S-.nta An• Av... orftr"r• H id. lhP drivl'r lurned into thto 1lriveway 11nfl rukl'd al lfll' rear of tht rul· dt'nct. Orf1t'rra placed Muno& un· <Vr srrt11t whPn hi' allt'l(l"dly ra.n for !hi' hnu~. Harbor Can Collide l'\o ln jurln wtr" reported by Cona Mua pollct aa n1ult ot a tramc IW'Cldtnt al Newport Blvd. north of Sant.II llabel St. rt· Ct'nt ly. ln,·olved ,,.·ere automobllet1 driven by Allt'n Axtl Lanlt'n. 21, ot 1~4:'1 Santa Ana Ave., Costa M,.111, anfl C't>cll Gf'Orft' Barklty , 24, of l 17 30th St. DEA TH NOTICE AU11pll't'3 uf the Leai;ue or Civic I A &'KlC I a lloM . Tht< C'lt•ct•on on Ma~h 15 wtU be tlw t irat C'l,.ctaon und<'r thC' ntw chartf'r Wllh It.a llt'Ven COUllCll- manic dhltncta. Th,. mttunir• or the W eit N~.,,v­ port ln1provl'm"nt A_,.._ a nrJ the Coronl\ tld Mar t.'iv1c AM0<"1at1nn both 1'Ch,dulrd rc1r lhl' IHtme t voh· lnj:. hav~ bo'l'n 1·anri•llNJ. Harbor Students to Compete for Press Awards Young joumoll11ta rrorn X<'wport HarbOr l 'nlon Htgb Schnul will J<lln nea 1 ly 200 new~par..r and ytarbook Jotudenla from a ll Or· I 81\f;t County high 1chool• to pat ll- clpate In 11 dlacWl.'llon (Tour~ snd t'ompete for ~O trophn-11 anti cf'r· tlf1catu during the a nnual ,_Ml& Ana Colltl(e J ournll11sm Wnrksllop on Thur811ay. March 31 SEW!UfT.lli TO ,ffl>Gt : A group o ( prumment (Jranire County and Southland pr<'.t<!> work· u1 Wlll Judge the tnlr'""· 111\ on panel• anfl help t he ltludenl .. with their campu1 publk aUon pr11hl-m1 Thf' OrCoH1 PreAs Club, s hllth 11Chool i roup rormrd 1111 11n 011l- l[Tnwth or laal ytar·1 SA<: work· 11hop. hill! f ('hcdulf'd 11 major m,.m. berehlp mMllni &nfl c.hnn••t lhe 11Amt' •Vl'nlng. then wlll a tt<'11ti the tradtllonaJ Aulhor'a Con/!'rrnre In lht' collejll' hbruy at 8 p m PRE88 C Ll"B TROPlllt.:S Among the s,.vertU nt w 11w1Hds lhl~ yf'a.r wall be " trophy fnr the bot joumah11l 11wardl'd b\0 the Oran,,.e County 1'1"1'811 C-lub. Othrr OCPC award• arl' plannl'•1 Or- Ange County unit or the CahrQrnla Newtpaper Publ.&llher11 Allll•lt 1A1tnn will prt'atnt \tlf! tr<>phy for the beat newapal"t'r. a" \11."t'll Ill! douna l'f Cl'rtlflClllt'8 for 0\ll!!lAndlnj,t work. Hlih acboole will namt' thP t·ha1nnm tor work11hops. w ith SAC 11tudent edit.ors Hrvln~ 111 11flvl!'Or11. N•wllJla~r foruma wll\ be r nn lur t- ed on l'd1t on1. reaturt11, 11·h·!'rtl"- tnr·btalnt~11. 11pofll, reportln~ •nd photo,rnph)", with ypa.rl><Y•k con- fe~ncea on ~ltora. bu111nr•"1-8d- Yert111nir. 11rt-laynut a nd 11port11. Advh1ora alao wUI mt'"t "\\-lth the colleg• 11lll ff. Aru., Arthur Edward En•I~. 81, / C-arl 81.evtu. 89, of i12 Ktllo- Wrf'll hf-Id FPb. Ii In PTucott, lropr A\•f'. dlt'd Fl'b. 18 •l a Santa Arla. whtrl' he had llvf'd •Ince re· Ana n •11l home He waa bom In tlrinit In 1930. Born In Cll'nland, O.bnf'y, Ind. &nd had 11\•ed hert Ohio, a:n.1in ca mt> here In 1898 for t ... o and a llalt yean, He wu •nil llv9d Inland. Wllen the New-a rell~ tea.chtor, havln( H"'f'd rort He11hta ~l WU opened a wtU\ the United St.Alea Indian ~r­ homt WU Mtabllahed then. With Yic•. He I• INJ"9!T'ed by hla wt!•. hi• putner hf' drilled the fin\ Oil Jl'rancn. ol the home &dd""8; two ~nll In HWIUnJton S-ch. He •aa ~ Rev. J . Slanl~ Stevtona of •arioualy a promoter. nnander IUld Olen llUen. D1. &lid Commdr. Wll- phywtclan, practWnr In PTMcott In llam Jl. Btn.n. ol t.be u. &. Navy, the aarly JIOOll. Corotl&do. 8ervtcea '"" held aun· H• la .,n1nd by Na wile. X.th-day at Balta Mortuary Cha~I. Co· N•brasl&a Picnic Win•, ot Kol1.7Wood: a aoa. ftobert rona Ml Mu at I p.m. with the The Nebruka St11tl' Picnic will A. Enalp. 1100 KlnJ11 Road: two Rev. Rubert Dunten of Chlno ot -1 ~ ht'ld In Blllby Park. Lonr daust•n. Mra. Rulb M&Pft ot Sun f lclatinr . lnterm-.t wu prin t41. BM.eh. Saturday February M . Re- ValleJ and Mra. Dorothy Quade of The family uked thltt ttwt-.1 of Ktrtratlona by counU•, aouvenlr BoU)'WOOd. and tin tTMdctaUdrf'ft. nowerw a eoc1trt)Ut.loa 119 rt,.. tn badf9 and ntfrNtrmenta on tbe The Rev. Olivid Trtmblt> llftl-lht' ,rwme of c.rl SW.en. to the KJ'O'Uld•. Lonr 8e&ch Band ud eJatecl at rH .. and Interment wu Memorial Fund of Commuatll' p~ AU Nebn.lrana an ID· la Mt. vi .. Cemetery, Preecott. j CongrtfationaJ Church. 'fit.do .. Planning ta build a bome Df your ·1wn! ·~L. SATILER Hcrior8"' FQlt A LOW-COST IASY·PAYMSNT aUILDIN8 LOAN c..ca .... ...., • ... .,.. .... • ,.,.....,,...... • lretnut " cbrgM M f • IN9 J..U .,.. -'"*-' • .............. , ... fOtlr o.. '9bor C.-r4 ,... ....Cr'llC"-..., • P..-U..WU. ,....,.. ... ,,,.,,... ~, ... ! State Matnal Sari!l!JS ~ ? .. Liii lllffllltH : . : : ...... ~ .. ,...,., ... : ,, ,_. .,,. ............. : Aee ...... di .. aaa•r~~ ; \.. ............... ) -F d -- / 5PDTLITE VALUES MVI# .. FEBRUARY SPECIAL SIMlmpoo Wave ..... -•. -.. ~1 50 Make Appointments Early 788 W. 19th St. Evt-rythJn~ For Your Child In One Store Bath 811-f' COSTA MESA Cost& Meu • Liberty 8· 16.U I Your Child's PHOTOGRAPH FREE P~otoa by Bernie Alden Appelnlmellt arranged at your convenience. ; No Putth&ae R.equl~ .i1111t Bm.r Thia Ad. Yardage Special ASSORTl:D PRINTS Rt-c. 69c and th 7d. NOW TOWELS rrr. Sl.71 OPE~ ~tl"SDAV 10 TO G N FJUPAD•CKT E.WPOR DE PARTMENT STORE 22nd le Ocfoan Front, N ewort Beacll -Hatbor 1K5 • Pou ... Trop~. Pt'ppero•h-a. 19C PLANTS Pat.hue, J':mf'r-· aid o-. f'h:. 821 W. 19tb (at Placentia) FREE! BRAKE ADJUSTMENT "9Hllt tltis ad '-yos FREE llAKE ADJUSTMENT •d ................... CHUCK'S GARAGI FOR TUES. and WED. Feb. 15 and 16 , No largalill Ilk• this except at VINCENTS DRUGS • Watch for Lllcky 7 Circular and Ad • KLEENEX ..... . . • • IOO'• A.-.~ ()olore DISH DRAINS ........... . Rttr· tt.00 7ac .. ~.M'dal 7 Double Crotcll ·CHIDREM'S PANTS i;i-1~ 1 to I 8Pfflal • iiONING BOARD Vol~"·'° 5497 , t!A'-~ ""'C, DRUGS ~ LIDO-S481 Via Udo, New'J)Ort Beach .. One of the l.Jdo Mltopto" BABBOB-SSOl E. Cout Hw')·., Corona del Mar BALBOA-718 E. Balboa 81,·d., &n>o. Close Ollt Special! Denim Play Clothes · By KoTet ot California and Carole Chrla. 1/2 l'RICt: .......... , ... br-.•. ...... ... bod~ ,o ...... Cl a m I a o I I' a. JM'lc,.h. (,'llaroo&I, f a.clfod bl Ur, brotn, pink aod black. Bro"-•Ir- einert's ou uno;NT srou: 11111 NflWport 81Y ... C09ta 11- ~ ~\ .• Beef for Pets .. ~ 30C PROPER FAT Pf:RC'f:ST/\fiY. Bt:!JT FOR l'Ot "K J'P:T F'"' J.tonn.atlon on An PPlll Qimpa..te u-., Rfrd l"llpflll ... Chrome Ca«)ft from $4. 95 the iordans CORONA DEL MAR ~"t ff"'Y. at Fr"'l,.af Har. 4t4t Ruats aad Spreads Tinted SPECIAL until M&f<'h hit 9x12 RUGS C()TTQ"S. SH AG and UX>P WASHED and DRIED $)75 SrnaJl•"r Ru.i:", l!)c lh. .iO~"'OS'IC LAUNDROMAT FroetaerV~e LlbeftJ 8-4640 " 0,.. ..... .,,. MM. • a.a. ... ,.... 1-1 I I NEWPORT · HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY,. FEBRUARY 21 , 1955 .PART TWO, PAGE ONE ALL TIED UP-"He was wrapped around a rock out there," Bob Crane, Midway City, right, tells Lyle Richarde.-A\\'estminstet'. Crane holds the head of an octopus caught by him Feb. 13 while spear fishing wi th Newport Harbor Sub Mariners off Ladder Rock. -Staff Photo ONCE AGAIN "SOLDIER OF THE WEEK" NEWS IN ·PICTURES Cpl. Roger S. Lind, left, son of the George Linds, Bay Island, rN'<'i\·e~ eu11gratulations from Brig G en. Schwutz, for being named "Soldier of the Week" for YOUNG CAREER,ST TO MODEL Sue 1<1·1m. rli:ht. dA11·~htn nt M r. nn•l :\lr11. J 1>&ph K (·1m. 201 Vin J1r1<1'. w ill b<> 1101"111! t hj' J:? Or:tni<•' County 1<chool bui<lm·~s 1<luLlrnl ll wl•o w ill pnr llP\pal.-In A i<lyle l''hnw and rel•1llni: •II!· p l:;y !nr lht' 11er.,nd •l:iy ,,( tho· B1111ln<'1111 ~:1J1wat1nn pn•gr:1111 nl ~anta. ,\na ('.,tl<•i:" '.\ln1, h 2. '.\\1"" "''111\ '" 11 mrmher nC tw1• i;:11 l" • ltoh< nl X · ,,.r,,1 1 11 11 bur H 1,.!1 S1 h1•1ol 11 m~,.1h.•r "' t h,. C:.\A , on 1h1• !"t11drnl 1·1111rt ;;';':T ll'J'l"S• ntttlt\'t' on the !'t111lenl A•l\'l•n1 ,. c· 01111u1P,.,., In 11rld1tinn to> winning lh<' 1··•mprttt111n to li<' :<l'll'Nt'tl e~ lhl' \'1111111: Car('c•11H f111rn hr r 11chnol ln the trarn- 11,, 11• 1.11 1 Al B11 :01111~· ••f S:1nta Ana. T hr Ym1n~ ('1Hl'l'rlst11 w ill ~l'r\'l' 11!1 mod,. ls 1n the B11ffums' !If~ Ir 11hnw of f:i•t11nn• 11nd f"llllftnr. !"hi' 1!' :<hnwn h"r" '"'ll J'ld:i 1\11 t in. f, ft II "1! nct"n Rr110h H ii;h S.-hnn!. 11nrl '.\I 1 • r Of Buffums', Santa Ana. -----=-:----=~-~· -~·..,' the second time. Young Lind Is &eMling in 2nd Inf. Div .. Ft. Lewis, Wash. He was selected for his soldierly ap- pearance, knowledge of dut!ea and military courtesy. -·-..... .,...,,...... _ .. ...,... RETURN FROM WILD BLUE YONl>t:R Robert Graf. right, a captain in USAF Res .. receives congratulations from boyhood friend, Lt. Col. Matt S. Ober Jr .. Lido Isle; assistant chief of staff, Aircraft. Fleet Marine Force. Pacific, at completion of hi !! first jet ride. Gra f iR mayor or Tarkio, Mo., and went on ride with Capt. Marshall B. Armstrong of VMIT-10.-USMC Photo , . l ,. . ,. -'*' .,, ..... ·-. J. S. OWEN TO HEAD TEACHDS .J1•hn .;; Owen, chairman of tho t<>rhnlllngy dlvlldon at Onnc- '"'""l < 'ulh Jo:•'. wa" clcCt••d pr,.,.1dent of t h<' CAlifomla lndtat.rLal f:·lnrntirm Ast<•>elation, 11outh1 m 1'4.'c:lion, The orir11niutlon i.- C'lud••s 11 mcn1bt•r shlr or over 2000 cd111·Rtor~ frnm junio r hlirb tl'lroui:h junior colkgl'. Owf'ns will h<'nif the or l'anluUon fetr l'hP n .. :<1 two )'!'llr~. He hc•lrt 11 hu11 r 1 1 ~ Al Orsnir• eoe..t Colieg(' Jut w eek to !onnulate t'IR • 1111.'10Clt.Uoa. CAPE COD TO GARDEN GROVE HERE'S HO\l'-Tbc importance of building inspection-is explained by Chief Building lnape<:tor R. A. Glenn to Explort'r ~out Dnnald G<lrdon. Post 5. Gordon became ''build- ing inl!lpt>etor " .Wednesday in Glenn's ckpar tm<'nt as part of Boy Scout \\.<'<'k actfritics. St&U Photo C~ation of another Cape Cod Ho1ae in Orange County on Harbor Blvd .. near Chapman Ave., in Garden Grove wns announced today in Newport Beach by Tom Nor- ton. 1'orton has operated the Cape Cod House on Bal- boa Island fot,.the put seven years. Plana !or the new buildin~ ha\·e been completed and will call for an invest- ment of more than $50.000. It i11 <'XpeC'ted the n<'W build- ln& Will be completed and the new restaurant to seat 100 diners will be open June l . Norton's Cape Cod Hou.e on Balboa Island has becnme famoWl for lt.8 Se.a food both loclll and East('m and for its i:;tl'al<s and chicken. The Garden Grove establishment ifl the first of •ix that are planned by the Cape Cod C0rporation compo&ed of Norton, Frank Linnell and Clifford Varner, all of New· port Beach. ) NINE PRIMES FOR FOUR WAY SUNSET LEAGUE BASEBALL SCRAP IAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRESS I TAR MONDAY, FEI. 21. 1955 ~ HARIOR 1110 ENTERS SPORTS CARS IN RACE CRANDALL WITH LEADOFf MAN Delmar Jr. atarted things oft for the DP! Crandall family, u dt monatrated by thr Mllwauk<-e Braves' major league catchl'r. above. But now anoU1er membt>r h8J! ~en a<lded to the linl"up. A aecond 110n, nam~ William Richard, wa.a borl) to ifrs. Cran· d&1l Ln St. JOMpb Hosp1Lal, FullertDn , Frlday monllng. Cran· d&ll will aoon be heading for the Brav••a' sprint tra.lnlng camp la Jior1da. -OCNS Phot.o :LOOKS LIKE GOOD PICKENS Coach Happy With Pirate Nine's Showing To Date Wllll a Win ovef' Wutem Conference baat'ball champiola-Oomp· :·ton and a narrow 2·1 lou J'r1day te a Lone Beacll n1ne that la ddend- :,1n1 Southern Ca lUomla and State champ, COach Wendell Picken.a of : the OranKe Coaat College PlnlN 'll>'U willing to admit h• felt "rood" : •bout l'll• diamond crl.'W today. Plckena wu ach~uled to Jud bu :eh&rce• lnU> balll• alainal Harbor on lhl' r1v1U field today. Jrr!day al I p.tn. mark1 the flral prM:Uce game or the aeuon a t the M- c0Ue1e ·~•Inst the revtnr e-mlnd· ed Compton lt>am. "J t••I good about t.hia year'• bueball prolJPe<'ta." P lckena aa.id. '"l'he tea m1 we've played are h1•0 of the t>cost. Both had four-wt~!< J11mpa In tralrulfJ on u., and ntlth- er ~pton nor Long Stach are expecUnc help from lht'lr bo ket· bllll aquada." Ult'FEJU~.~T bTOR\' The aiory la different In this latter hl'&rd at Onnre Cou t. Th~ Buca can look forward to a top- notch pitcher and two k«'y lnrtel(t.. era Jolnlnc Ule Ea•tern Contf'rtnce club aa aoon u the ruabl\ M'&110n wlml• up f".,r t hl11 1••11J1<m. f'tc·k· •n• f;l}(">f on to ,,b.l!tr"" "In thrt>• week11, J think w r'll h~ ''"' or thr better ootrll-In ~outhf'm r .. 11. In Ute • back. La.LU, the nuiner acored. However, the Buca Ued It up with a nm on a pair of laita and walk• u the rtvaJ mou.ndsnan cot wild. k~O'ITl:D IS ~'1..'"'111 Tbt acore wM aUU knottl'd 1· t go Ing Into the Ill n lb fra111 e. A blngle by Coughtrtt, a ••alk and aacr.lflce and the bag• .-ere ~ I'd "'itb no one out. SUU lh• Pir· atn fa.II~ to acort'! A forr• out. at me platl', a pick-off on an llll'mpted aqul!'eU a t third and • itround out nulhflt'd t~ Ulreat which mlcht have cha.ngtd out - come of the tilt. Long BPach «'Apt.a.liud on Ila final canto threat \\'llb one out. a rival rta.ched lle<'Ond. A •mash to lil(1lt cf'nt•r followed, and lbt> wlnnlnr 1rore t rotted a('J'Ollll Ult' pla it. Nee111e Fonaes lllClms. Oilers. Batlle With Anaheim eo.ch Emil Neeme ol the Newport Harbor High School baeehell Tan look.a for. a f~way diam ond race in the Sun· at League t.hia 11ea&()ft BatUing defending champion Fuller· ton. for the f1aC will be the Tars, Anaheim and Huntington Beach, he fo~ ''Fullerton deserves the favoritism role," M....,. admJta. ·u~ they wound up u Cir rwmen-up lut aeuon.'' 'n.. N.wball mftltor adda lb.at he especta bia MCODd place S&Uor Dine ot 1ut year to be ricbt In U.. thkk ol the battle to remove tM crowa trom lhe lndiaa i.u.. I IUtTtJL'ilNO 8'11lt:..."'(GT11 Pknty ol P'tcblnc and battiJI,; ~ reblnla to the N~wport ftl'llltJ ll1M. NfflM •>'9· A pa.Ir ol ~ ript bandrn and a .0 0 •a·er are -pttted to pace the dub. BotJt BiU W~•I and JIJn Jf-llirk an back to t&lle tW'nll mounll"C the mOUDd aqd rovin~ oatneld put.llttL Lut wuon. Wet.I -aiJt &lid loel two whUe Anaheim Nine Contender in Sunset Loop A~AHF.l'.\1 10C!':S) -Bas~ll pra~·l1n! h.1,, sla rted at Anahl'lm H ii;h Schon! with a total of 22 boys g reetrng Coach J ohn Wallin. &.sketba!I as sllll taklnc quite a N-klrk copped a half do•o toll on t h<' number of boya ex· aad 91&ffu'9d four ktbad u.. peeled, e s llt'Y•·n more a thlete& '!be vetnan .UO bataman ls lecolld Sacbr Dftmla Flllpatrk k. art' schrdull'd to participate In Nerme a.a. biP bopo lb.at nu the hor11t•hitle g1un e with the con· lm'1. about lo ftDle a t UM plate clwnon o( rouncl-ball seal!l')n, Coach Ulla -. -.pedaDy with atun Wallin <"u rrenlly haa . nine letter· oampelltkln hi t.be ptt-. ot Roy m "n on lab. Daluela for the keyat011• poat. o.nleJa la ,.w a c'OOd upcoming Lusl yl'>it r'. t hP Anaheim horae· JllOlpeet by the nr coa<'h. hiders lm1i<hl'd in t hird place ln thl' Sun;;f'l L1·11~11c •tandlncs. T ht y I ~ MUYll&& •IPtf'ate<I ('Vl'ry tea m ln the league A tno of returning -vanity ''el• a l least onr<-. however. Wallin 11 with a mixture nf fine pl'OllJ><'<'U basing his hOJ>ts larcely on the will round out n-mainder of tM ~p1\1'. l11nR .,1101 ls 1>f Joe Vlllaaenor 8allor team. ,..ul Lorent.Mn rt'· 11nd Oa\'e Stephrll.lon . Both theat Lu:nia to fil"lll boa.le, Da,·e Tamara bo\'S are vanul v lellermf'f\ a.nd a re to the hot Nmf'r and Dick MHk· show ini: l!Om<' ·proml11lng wor k 11<> ovltch ... ,u h6n<tlf' ba«'kstop dullu, tar t hrs year. gtvint; =""'•port'• nine an uper:- enced battery. W hat with Buddy 'nlornpeoo. a r.<t hot Cftl t erf ielde r hopeful w bl' &Jttma t o iuu·e t.he apot aJ.J wnpj)H up, the Tan poeaHa a nec-ry lngttdirnt all outatanding ball cluba mu.at have --that •II-Im- port.ant atren(lb do•'D lh4 mlddl• from catchef' t o pitcher, acro:!ll! s.~d baw and Into the middle putun-. Only t.be abort.atop post· !run •Ps-nt doubl.tUl. with no 1 rla)~r dd\mtt'ty Rt for the abort • tlf'ld. Ot.hn bopefU1a l.abdJed "eood I '4!pecta'' by N-include pin!t t :1SC>m&n Chuck Vanckrvort and TPrT)' Hall, IU&hl f"\dd«f'a 81.&n ~honl"• and Bnace Bartoli and third .,._ ~dale Joe McClu.st· ky. RLWION'S Ill.A TE The !'iewport p...ctlce aeaaon ~ta u n<krway at fUvtndde March -:. •-our ,,._,.. a.a.. -the klop opmer eca1nlt Ute OOeTw hen - MlU'Cb 24... PT11('tl~ c--: M&r'Cb 7. at Rl\~ck; Man:ll Jl, at Lone fkoub Wll9oe; lla.rdl lt, £1u.•e.1~ iuor bttit; Mardi ti, Loni' Beacb l'oly ~rir. and Mard i 21, a t Ex· celsJor u.cue --: Ma.rcb 24. Hu:nt- angton 8-cb bert' •• Ma.rd\ 28. at FUUerton; llardl 3J. Santa Ana hf'~: Arril 4. at OranCT: Apnl 7, An&htam btte; April 21, a t Hu.nt- 1nll:'lon Beech: Apnl 2:5, Fullerton ht'!'t': April 21, a t Santa Ana; Mar 3. Oranp hen; May •. at Ana· bf'lm : Way 10, HunUqt.on Beach ~: May ll. at ~rton : M•J 17, Sant• Ana brft. )fay 20. et Oran~•. Ul4 May 24, An&belm ht'~- l 'St'OKTf'SATE A <'<'IOE:'\T Sti'phenson broke h111 a nkl<' In the S1111ta Ana gam• l•~t yr ar, and d1•l not .s.·e a.nymor•· .a(•11on a fter the unlortuna te al'cldent. lie IJt con,s1J~1eJ a i:•><lJ hiller aa 11•ell u an out:.ln11 Jrni; r hu<'ker. V1l111- 5''nor hu btt>n l hrowlnic v;ory wt ll so far early m t he uason. ti!! loi still havrn~ a hit le trouble w1lh ht. control. but hi• hook and fut ball have r~y been cl1cklnc . Bob Scholtz, Dlcll Bielefeld, Don Pen· field and Leroy Stevena will alao aid the team In t he pttchlnc de· partmt nL Probably the atronceat poalUon that the Coloo!ata wlU have la the cat.chin( apot. Al the prnent, Wal· tin ha.a Ilia boya trying out for the badutop alot. Funk Dort'ttl and Leroy Heitman. both vanity let- termen, will have the alarlln( u- algnmt'nlll, while Lan-y Moreht~. Doo Rapp. Richar11 Byrd an<1 Al Ooi\-4o .... all st...uac UM! ~ Ced poalUon a try. Probably .om• ot the boya wtll be u.aed on the Jun.lor va nlly equad. ~n:ELD CIJtCl"IT Around thf' Infield thing• 1hape up pret ty 'l!.'ell f"lrat ha.le baa no retu.rnlng letterman. but Jim Rog· en. Dtck HalhCO<'k and Rick Blanluneyer, sU J V lttlerm~n. should be able to fill the ba1r. Sophomore Don Snavtly will alao wo1 k out on fl rat aark. Reveal Pairing Ftr An111I JC Cage Tourney FULU:R"tON (OCNS) -Pair· Inga tor the F ourth Annual Call· fornta J unior College baskttball 'tournaml'nt wt>re announced today. The winner of t he Golden Valley loop Macch 3, t he f1r1t day of the Ulree-<Say affair. The tournament wlll be h eld thla year al Rooaevelt High School In Frt'llnO. Tht EHll'rn·Golden Valll'y ,;ame will allart at 7 :30. The wlnn .. r of that game would play the wmner of the t ea.ma from the \\'t 11tcrn S latea and Coaet Confl.'rencu . LOWE& BKACKt:T The llf•ml-flnal co11lC'Sl woui.t b<' pl11yt'd J''nday ru&;}ll a l 9 p 111. l:fol11 the EUlf'rn and We:;tern Stalf'•' t eam1 a r• con11(Twd to lhe lower b1'9cket. Confert'ncea rt'pruenled In th<' upptr t.rackf'l are : Mr tropollla n, Central, south Ctnl1 l\I 1rnd the Bil: St'Vt n. Tour narntnl t tnals are ae t for March 6 at 9 p m. All leama a rt' llmltl'd to a roster ot 12 playtr11. Thr re wtll be a game !or third-place lhl11 year. It was aleo announ<"ed that no tickets wUI be aold In Soulhcm California. Df;FF.SDllSO CHA)11'S Defendln( cbampa are u fol· low1: 19112-Vtnlura: 1963-Col· lege or Seoquola: 111~-rulterton. Pairing• wu e al1K> releued for Tb,. HartloritM partJclpa· ted In the t.ll1nl runatac of the Willow 8prtnp ~ race reb. 11 MU l.Ancaatar. They are Edward a.nd Pat Boyd a.nd J ol\n Porter, all of NtwpOl"t Beach. Pat Boyd drove a DoretU ba the LadJu and ·llOOcc aill·lap- per, wtncHnc up nlnth, accord· Inc to ot!lclal re1ult1. Win- ning time wu 13:0 with an a verace 11peed of 66.4 mph. Po11ter drove an .Aardvark P anharJ In race one, a 30· lappt'r for modified C'ara under ll'>OOcc and tint threoe car• from claafta F, G and H. The Harborlte flnlahed 13th. Time waa 1 :02:00 and avl'rege 11peed 72.8 mph. Edward Boyd drove a Dor- C'lli in a ll'>·l•pJWr for pro- duction cani OVH l :'l00l't'. The race waa off1\'ially rall1•d at the end ot fuur h1p11. TUTOR TOOK• Pupil Licks Coach With use FrosX F ULLERTON (OCl'\8) -a highly-brutal 11cr11p, use·. nce- l>tat.en 'l'rol:la bM1 ran roughMhod over Fullerton·• Hornet . cal(t"r& .8.aturoay ni&hL a t lbe Pan Pacific Auditorium In a non cont•rtnre at· t rat·tton, 76-1'13, to hand thl' Hor- nel!I lh•lr wor11t dt'frat of the &Cl· the 195& t ourn3ment. wtuch 11 acheduled to be hrld In Soulht>rn Ca llrom 1a. The Ea11tf'rn Conf<'r-eon t nce winner ta IM't to mert thC' f'Ullt rton return• lo the 1um.' wlnn"r vf t ho C..:oa,,1 (.'onfen·nre in 1111),,ly i.3f.-lunf1nl'• uf l!;a~l••111 Con- & low.·r bro.•kct RIU ll<'. f<'rt>n<'e Jilay toinurruw e\·enln~ F'ull1·1 lon hR!! rt r~·rlnlly s;:onr ('Ill I whrn th.-y play h.,,, lo R1\r rs1d1' rtcord u a r'll\•ltol11tr for hMl ~TRICTI.\' ;\llS·'fATf"'11 l1'8ffi nl'Xt yre r Tht'y w ill 1111brr.1t I lht1r bid wllhln lhe n .. xt fr\\ WC't'kl'. Bue Tank Loses Crew Swimfest FULLERTON I ocr-:s) -Coad 1 Jimmy Smith'• JC awimmera open- ed thtlr ee&ltOn F riday after noon on a wlnnlng v1>ln aa ,they dunked the Orange Coa11t Plrett a In Ult Fulltrton pool. t>S-19. Capturinr allt of lhe nine event• (no diving wu held I, Fullrrt.on defeated the tum which boasu of three atate rhamplon..-Buddy 84!laht', winner of two elate l a lie• laat yur and d lvtr J tck Btll. Btlahe look lht 2\W-yard free In l :lt.o, aJtd u.. uo tree tn ~:CH. but couldn't cope with lite aupt'r- tor bt'nch of P'ullerton. Dave Hu· kell of Fulll'rton "''on lhe 50 free in 25.3 and t.he 100 free In 57.1. Jar k Wt'bb won the 100-y&.rd lndl· '1dual lo 1 :01 4 and th" 200 back In a elow 2 2S 5 rlocklnc . Fullt rton alao won both relay1. McDonald at MIMJ• Pol.Jlt MUl"J, Cahr. I rHTSCl- At the U. 8 . Naval Air Miu.Ile Test Center hn l' ror. duty 18 Bill J . McDonald, lM'aman, .,/.!S!'/, 110n of Mr. a nd Mra. Wiiiiam McDona ld ot 2088 Ma plfl Ave .. Co1La Mua. Before entering the Navy In July of 11151. he alttnd~ Nev.,lOrt Harbor Union High Sc hool. Jn Sa lur .. 11y s 111rs·111..1ld1, Ful· 1 .. 11011 v nr .. tl 111~l un1I a ft,.r '"'"'" 12 n11111;tf'' of plu~. 1 .. 1 llw 'I ru· b:.bes l b·ll A "'" rw1.· 111ln11i.•s ••f plJ y "''"' 1-'ull. r t11n .. 1i11 lra•hn'- :!0· 13 , lllt•ll 1111' ruof f, 11 in Tht Truhr1b•'l! rnadr four 1t ralght 1Ja skel8 l o tllkl.' the l1>ad, 21·20. fhty i:ot a l'Ollpll' more to ta.l<e . i l!llnt" ll'llJ (J( 25-22. From then on. lhe l'\'l·ntunl outcome WU nl.'\lf'r In duuht Jt w11,. a rn~ .-of pupil bea ting t he tea(hrr. C<>nrh for the USC Froah w 1u1 \\nit rr "P inky" Thomp- aon. Hr wa~ a forml'r Hornet cat;- tr, broui:ht 1111l 1 r<im Ml<"higa n. He later ll'lll'lt'•I 1tt a Troja n for· ward. THO.IA~ t'ROHH TOP!t The Trn11.ns, who loat Uielr ae•· -optner to the Loyola ll'o9b. ha ve now wun their laat 13 atraJg-h l ititnw~. brlnfinc their aeuon "nn-1 .. ~l mark to 13-1. They at" r"i''" 1 rilly the achool'1 top frodr \I nm rn hlatory. •~Uerton. who lo•t lhtlr attond 11tra1~ht i:llm•• lhe ttrat time lhty h3d 11on•· lhA \ ll rnce t &rly In 19~3. now hllH a "' n •t>n won ·IOlt of 20· s. • Sllop Reports Theft Theft <•f a w hit• rrwealtr val· ued al 52:, wa11 rrported to police \Vt>dnuJ a y by Tina Hartwell or 211 M11 1111e A \'t'. She u ld lh• ewrater was m1uln( a fler four teen-age git 111 came Into the atore to try on mt>rr ha11 dl.w. HAllOI \)O~ Chaffey Gains Revenge On Bucs By Downing Mesamen MO•tles Drop Triple Overtime To Sa• le,_,.dhlo Ave, 77-76 Chaffey salned rnenre on Oranse Cout Oillt-~<' Friday night for an early 11eUOn Eutem Confcttnce ll<'lback by downing the Pirate five, 94-79. Not only that. a pair • ! Chaffey men managed to out.acore Ron Win\l'rburn \•f Ol'"c..". Taklbg no chances of the Bue five repeatinr thut 5 -57 upti. t of January which t ook place on th• Meaa court, Chaftt'y piled up a u-~O halnlme lead on It• horn• rtoor. OUt.acoring \\'1nterbum . who racked up am 1mpl• 20 polnU . w r rt-Goodwin wilt{ 33 and Eblen with 24. l'IRATE !K'ORl:RS B6aldea W lnttrburn, OCC tall· Ins wtn· lirshop and Ht tbt'I. H each ; Rice, 17; Vanu ark. S; Sut- terfield, 4. and Kenne•ly and Vlael, 2. In other Ea1tem Cl\nferenc• <'ompeUllon, Mt. .San Antonio'• Mounuu lost a gold«'n opporlun· lly lo takt' over f1 rt1l plat'f' by drop· plni; a thr1llmg 77-76, thrt.<'·Ovl'r· llrne fray tu San Berna rdino. Thll! dumped I h11 MounllNr ou1 of a first pl11l'11 tie with Fullerton, SC Frosh Defeat Hornet Ball Club F ULLERTO N (OC:'\S 1 ·-flt'· ~pile IOfl1n1: t" " row• 11111 t 's<: Jo'ro~h ba1ebull (\,1111 $1Alunl1<y mnrnln;.: In Lns Alll'>'kl'l, Fullt."t· t•m'1 tl{lm f't l'o&r h B wl lJaw .. un w1., a ll 11m1lu t oday, an anu r1pa-1 twn J"r \\'•"lntsl18) ·.s 1:11mr w 11h i;: ... l 1 ... i. ''"l: ..... l!. I "I n1 qull'! l'l"R"•"I v. Ith our t1111 .:•n••·.'' he tfll.ltt·d, · ""1" "' th<• •llu Lara colleclf'J h1ta a.od all 11howed fine tom\ tor IO e•rly In the Muon. We Juat met a good team with a t op-notch pitcher " Fullerton lo1t to the T'robabea. U -7, but not l>f'fore Wlllle Que· 1.ada cot a homl'r over lh• richt · field fence to apark a fine hitting attack ·tor \he FuJll'rton Hom~ta. f~ulkrt.on ban1ed out •lchl h.lta. lo the w inner'• 11. • I Loul• Zuniga 1tart.ed on the mound tor Ule Homtta and work· ' NS the f1r1t two tnn1ng11. HI' was touched tor thrte runa and tour tuta. Dave Tbayer came In to at.art Ole thlrd ott tor ~ Hom.ta. aa4 he w u nicked tor etrtit runa. flft com1.J11 In the fourth frame. HI' had a rou1h d1y. u he. walked three battf'rl and wu touchf'd for a homer. a trtple, a double and two alnJ IH , Val D. Balma, Grua Valley ta.x· payer-''The ~pit oui ht to l't'•· 11..u the State m uat ttl"l by .tas•· lion evl'ry dollar It apende " GAJll)~'}.K foiT.\b 8&n Blrdoo 1<ut .. t 1• ulf' f;al 1 Oardner maJ• t"" (" · t hr,,.,. • with thrt t' ae<••"•I" 1, l: an I ' final ovl'rtlma f• r lht 111umr hn .• margm. HaJftlrn.-"'u1 t t11'"'' • ' the •·lnnl'n, 3 1·Z1" Al t h,• .. n1 , f r<'gulath•n llrnf' th" t •11\ st<•" S2~2. In all. Suh 1:11r0lrwr dunk• t UI 8 UIJ!ll~ . Hen\Jt'r lll)n Of I ht• )lo1unt u•111 r a; turtd high M:OI'•' hnnnra f r 1 1 ... tray wl\h 28. Sln,1:h ••f :-;4n S.-ma1· dtno followf'd Wllh Z• point.. AnENTION AU MEN \\'hl"n vnu vlalt Wall\"• Barber S hor ,:nu nnl "nlv ~· 1 a <'u ... to1111 Ht1 lr1·111 ,., u i:• I ''""r h.111r 1<LaJ" I 1t1hl .. t.\'lt'l1 •<'·r;,,.hnr; t n ~ ullr h •"I I un.t f< 'I I Ur('• ~Jl''('l81- l:tf' rn fuU t•ul. flat 4.,,_ ~. t'rlnr•r tl>tl, dr&P"'o A ll!O &adliea ht11r •lu1pln.:. WALL rs BAIUlElt NIOP HH H..-r Bh.._ COtlT A MF."' 4 I kn ,;;;-;:: • I I .,:;i I s~1c11r I ••r(llOll••1 •ACKA•• I •• .. ••• I fer IRHMI.. ... ' ... -•t•I• 1M5 1°1 "' Q•icll.a .. ~li-I " __ _,_,,. ...... ,ai~­ COOVC'9Wftl t.n. I -ft&l-l 1brr., lomtboa•nc,lor I and .. «-'"'· ' .cct 10 ... ndr...ch of roemun1un ~iwr rablic .. ~:~ ~ ...,...,.. ...... , • ....... ..._ ITAFFO•D 6 IO• Ut ~NELS and DOC' £1.E(,~CAL W1' Tt.AC'IUC8 PlilaM LI~ 1-1.-&IYe ......... _ l!I-.-. ...... · fonU&." Buk.tb&ll perfon n•n •lated to a111.r w1 ll\ t.he Hur n111e Include Flntl Buuna.n Geori:e Ul ahop, Third Sacker Oaylr Uri n. I 11.n•I Fullerton Hornets Stagger As Santa Ana Wins. 62-57 The Sf'<'ond baN poalllon wllJ feature Lupe Gonulta He 11 thl' capt.a1n of the team. the only 4 y nr lettenn1111 on the 11quad. took IN'Cond In batlmg In t he Sunaet Ltai:ue tut Y"•r. and 18 a 1en- aaUon In the fielding bracket. Oon· Alts will be one of the ma lnataye of the Colonlllt team lhl• aeuon. Paul )forrl• will probably back t .upe 11t t h• 1<rt'<•nJ 11af k. wllh at)me posalbll' hr lp trom bHkt'lb81l playn . Bill Prrnd 1 SISOl.r; '4HOKT'4TOP JO(> Avitia Ill t ht unly C'andl· It's His Business ... Pitcher Jerry R!ce Al I ''°!'l•'nl ruLJ...ERTON, (OCNS) -JraJl- J ohn Ellt.n11li. I• h•mllrnJ: hot 111r-Ing to connect on too many &hots. ner cl utsu nn.t •~ orre1111i: ll••rbrl Fullerton'• J unior Colleitt' ba&ktl· "lroni: com Jl,. l I l Ion. II"\'• 'rr hall lt'am Allppt-d a.nd tell Fnday ther<''• pr uhn b l ll t y 1hn1 I• 111 Santa Ana to the Dona In an a tttn(lbt n II.•· • l••h E•luu. 1 \\ 111 E•U lA>rn <..:onfert'nce contu t. S2· m ove Into I• ll fl• I.I 11 .. 11 \' l'i'· :.1. The dett•l w1ua lbe ~od for C11.Au u1 <"Urr< n'I \' r •\ lni.: tt r I ....-P'llllertol\ tn loop play a.nd mo,·e• turf'. tht"m tnlo a bn •f Ue •1lh Mt-SllOR~T(lt• 11 \ TTJ.t. I San Antonio. The Mounu .. ftU 'lo tN'Ond when thev lost t o S&n fn 1.hlie Gamt;.1u., ol 111 r1 •l"I" ,, Btm a.rdlno. 11·16. '1n • trip~ O'f'tf'- holdJng down lhe !nit u1l HI• k Un· lim e. · t ll Blth op llhoW~ UJ' Th•n Fr· dd1•' e lt p<'Cll lo btltllt' II I II w11J1 I P· 1 F'ulJtrlOD haa tW~Ol"e camM lurnlnit nlrran l'••lol•\· "°'tu-I for to play In lh• confett'nce-ru::;; the abor t ttel•I aid" In l"Ullt'rlon tomorrow Rt'marnill'r of ll•O l 'II lllt c 1 rv. F'r lday nlithl In Ontano. ahould 11hapi-up \\Ith Tonv l.1'111 · LOSO TOil: T>ROl'OHT date out ror short.at.-0p a l the prt- ab&e l'.)'lll. beada'eO by hJp.ly par· aenl time . Joe 11 only ll '"Phomort' Uan rootu·a. F\lllerton trail""1 at a n I 11 lrt 11tly hM t"mrd l"n!' V8 r· \he m d of t he tir-..t half. ~JO. an I 1 'llY lrlt• r \\'3llrn nl"'' hRJO h"I'"" mld·W"a)' m lhe rual J'f'r1ftd. trail-of ma) I><-wnrk lflli Frl'm h in 11 t e(I by aJI much u J~ pcnnt al lhls pv11111nn one point 50-J.') I LPlli'm1an Allan Stnry 111 bi'ani: Fullerton i ot lhrlr lllMtrt' or !\hot ('(luntf'd on f• r rh• rt''< Il l the hot· ln UM 9KOnd half. bu\ lh4' ball cornf'r St .. ry r t.i) I'd t hlr•I bRJlr fM JUlll wocalda·t i o an. F'UllertHn even lt.1' Colnn1~1s lt•:-l \ l'llr, nn•I llld a llempted mort •hol111 in lhl' aP<:-" tan!!' Joh, but \\'11llm h1 J•l11nn11 i: ond M1f than t ht Oon.s cHd for \ht on h1• punrh 11t the platt-tn h• IP e:nu,.. sun•· I Ollt lh•· l'q\111•1 t "' Jn~·n (;1Rll• ~ P'l:Jl<T.ST.\GE I~ a ncol hr). <'8n.J1.la tr f11r l hrr•I II• I 111 a \13n1t?ir fr•m Oh111, uni hA• ln UM al~and-tuck 84'<..1>n•I &Lan· ;11J1t tw-s;<m to \\t1rl< ol•l w11h th•· -. l'\aUlrtOn a ttem pl l" I :.!• ahoU . 11.'><m I but could only ma ke n1n1· Add"tl I Th• Vl'rsatllc I\ nahr1m A lhltl• lo Uwtr f1rsi half re. nrJ o( J I P.••y \\',.anr, 1!! the unly \'M•ll\' abou and nllle i:oislll, the Hornt't.t I teol\ .. rmnn to rrl111 n 111 t h,. 0111 · bard<'. All-Calilol11 ,., 1, .. tle>n lll .. t .euon. brhtnd lhr 1•lt•l••: Bt1<lolv Pierce, M>r ontl ba~r .. ltolM •I 11111, th• fa1tr11t mAD on thP 1h.vtwn1!, In centerf1tld, nnl1 l '~l l\ .. hrrts In ri1tht!ield. Thf' M ua pllchUlit iJ111ulJ 1 ... at rang wtlh Rico JolnlnJ: J""'n l.Aolich •nl1 \\'1yi1• l'ot11thlrrr. '' hn ltavt b"en hM dltnit thl' churkln~ ehnT't'~ ''' cl11tr. A i;a in1<t Lon1t ~r tA.h •'r1- dA " Leii:;h l111r1,.,1 the top four C •11ght"'e the bolt.om fl\" Lul ntghl'a dcft'a t brought to came up wtt.ll a m.l!"mblt tll'ld flt>ltl, His brothf'r, Vrrnr \\ ""v"r a halt the Hom t'ts' fan Wt le 16 eoal pettatac• or .200, lowMt In 1a up from lhe J \' 1q1111.r an1l t1hoult1 ~traljlhl wins over th• Dona. The onr • ckcladt. bolster lhc lOC31 n ine qurte a btl ll\Jll ttme Santa Ana bad been ule 8&nta Ana bad Just an av .. rage a t the platl'. M1ck•Y F lynn a nd lo IM'lll Fullerton wu ID J H T. It iUpl. 'nley attnnpt~ M ahota Ken H;irk~r w ill tall!' u p dull~s In ,,M the n nt defeoat ftorn~ta· and DIAde IO of \Mm for a mArk the outfltld t ollnwln1t bu ktlb1ll 0oach Alex O malev ha4 nn re· of .Ma. Ottft\atn at.andoul for the 'Tiit)' arc both JV ltlt!!nnen. J rrry celvt'd by S anta A.II&. BonMU WU Cll9ck Orwr. He Fell a nd Bob W anltr.s ue two Aclually. P'uUertoa beat ~---s up ... , wtt.lt n pol.Jll.L He I OUlt>r boys who 11houlJ f1o I\ lo\ H lvaa llf the Uny and UllCIOl'llfort• UM a eclloal ~ wtMft be made of ahaggill( In the outflel<J btfof'f' ;=,;::;::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;,I U ot H trae tlu-a. the cloee of bueba.11 •NLM>n. A r lck-<>ft that failtd hMci.d Long Beach an early t.ally u lgh had a runnn dtad ott aeeon4. Un· able to n-tum to ~ k ty1lone. th.1 ronnn Ul out fl"r thlr11. lie w 11.!I aa.l• wben lhe throw t lnh k h!m 1 .IOBN8TONE 0 8 Mesa AlltO W..._. t •wd Awt. ...... MCIA~ %075 Plattetia An. l..Jberty l-701S Coeta ,._ FOil MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE s&YICI IN NEWPORT HARIOll AHA CALL LEHIGH 9· 16M ,, llOl'OlllCWOL& IUOOaT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY .. Balboa Fun~Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTll &IDE &.IU>UND Tiii: MY S~A1'8 Yn ••. it's hh busiMSs to deliw• yes Newport Harbor News -Pren to ,_. door each Mottday and n..nctay. It's his business to do a CJood iob too. Yow paper IMlt Hae• Y°" promptly I a.ct .. CJOOd COftditioll. His lobdep••.-... Hnice ... ,. ........ cntomen. If y• .. llOt a ,.. .... .._ scriber, fll Ollt tile s•bscrlptioft below a•d we wil start ... livery at OftCe. ~--·--····························--~~------, . . • . I • I • ' . • • . . I I I I • I ' I Circlllatioft Dept. Newport Harbor News·,,._ iiu Balboa An., Newport 11-.:11 Att.; Clttulatk>a l>fopt. I hereby wish to 11ub9c:n~ to the New. port Harbor Newa-Preu. and arree t.o pay the Carrier monthly, (Home delivered only We a mon1b). ! Name .. ----·--·--------' t ~tnet ·--··--.. ------.. -· .. ·---• I I ' i Olty --·--·--·-----·····--···· -.. ·-·-·-l--······--··~~-· --·-··-·--······· ·-~~-- ' . I AN AHEI M f one ES SAILOR FIVf NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 . -PAGE J 1''0UR l'OP SCORE~ln -th.is-fFee-&lwt-l'ee6rd-from the first Newpo~Anahe.im bas- ketball game in the Sunset League this season are pictured four of the loop's top scor- eni. From left, they are Sailors Paul Neumann (28> and Eddie Pope (34), Colonist Mike Beach ( 44). and, firing the casaba, Tar Bill Wetzel (32). Beach finished in first place in the 11coring race with a 22 point average per game. Neumann waa second, Wetzel tenth a nd Pope 17th. Denny Fitzpatrick of the Tars, who finished in seventh spot with 13.3 average, was not in the picture. -Staff Photo Winterburn Star Despite Hornet Win )~liLL~:flTUN 101':".-iJ -Ful· ll'rton'K H •11 n• l 1 f!i:• rs rolled to Ulf'll' c•1i:hth 1-:Jsi<'t n ( '11nfcren.:<' VIClHI y nt th\' K•'""'''" Tu•·J<t19y over Orun).c l '••"•l l'110t• ~. 11111 nol 1;,.. fo1·c Hun \\ 111\"I burn, l'1n1l•'' r.-n- l•'r. pul on a twnsut1unul un~·1nnn tll!!f'l11\' o( ~•1·n1 h11•k<'tl.JAll. F111!'11 l1111 """ the 1 0111 .. st, 8:.!· flt!, pl;1~. d 1 ... 1.,, r " '' .. 11-~ tt ~ndm;; cru\\ll tlll•I 1·un1 l111t.•tJ lhn.,·-fo11rlll>t 01 lht' d1:HlllH 1• luWl\111 lh<' f1tuil 111:,:, 1,.1.p "''"""n in i.:•·llnd 8t)'lf'. F11ll1>1 \1111 "aK n• v1•1 h•·u1h ti In lh•• f1 ,., .. ,." 1111,.: "'nt• !II. but ll <'' r· t1.inl)' w11:-n'l l ll•· fault 1•C lhr. h11ril ph1 v111a.. Win\"' hu111 HO:\ l'lt k ~IA.S The 1'1ru1 .. ,.· (l'lllCI 11hd c.ifr hll! 11lck b<'d l-.11 Iv 1il<'!!clay murnlng 11 nd 11• "Pit•• 111 .. I" Ol•'ll 1,. nf m" lloc • tur. 1tu1t1•tl "I' Hnd •'•<!•c!lle1! Illa v.·r .. th l•1r lh•• "'" n• 1., 1tll nv,.r !hf' Ji:)lll Olf••n .. v•dy, h•• 1all1l'tl '21 THREE TAR CAGERS AMONG . TOP TEN SCORERS IN LOOP Neumann Second to Beach; Others Fitzpatrick, Wetzel Thre" Newport Hut bor Hl!;h ~t:hO<JI baE<kftbull players w ere among the l11p ll'n llt'lol l'l'.l! Ill lhc SUnso'l L••ni;UI' I his !if!A:<un. They wcr•e pot tin' I '1111! :-i .. un11111n, ll<·nny F ttzp1t t rit'k ancl H1 II \\',.tzd. ;-.; euma.nn took 1<e1·1111d SIH>l to 1111ghty M1k" l:klll'h 11r A nallt'1m whlle F1tzptllrit'k nall•·d down sev .. nt h 1<111! \\'f'lz"1 tt•nth. n .... rh (lnbh•"' tlf(lf) lhe Suo .. ..t I and .ln..J l'\1•wkirk or J.''111Jerton l11t1p ~• 11rini: p1u k 11fl!p1!<' being whtl tied fur lhtrd In lhe court h•·ld 111 unl\' \\\'•! p;,111~8 11 na-1·u11r1IJ11K 1r11·p with hlf'ntl<:BI rt'- hl't111 r'ritluy n1);ht hy e h J 11t .. s 1·.,ril!i nr t 7t.J point:.< in ten g111111"11 1:t11Z•' ~ 1:uy.~. Ml1Zhtv , t1k« lulil,.d tor a 17 hvc1ns;:1'. 220 p111nt" ln l••n lr&)'s for a 22 1-'ollnwini; W<'1e Jt-tJcly Youn,::. 1w1nt 11w111i.;•· Hunl1ni;::l<m Bearh, with 161 In t<'n ~J:I MA .. "S s o. z i:11m1·s tor 16 l : Jerry Walker, Or- ;\'.cunurnn 1,r the llurbur lir••S, IHtK•'. with 122 In l"n 1:•J11lt-11l~ fnr "' l:t.:.!, and l"tl:tp:ill'll'k \\'Ith 1~0 Ill Whll hHR !Jt'l'll Jn 14"""11d )lltH'I' llf'• f :\ ~ hind k1•11•·h idl r••A11011 . 1 111!1·1! 1111 11111'' frrl)'!I or J. • 1tv••1·"i.:" · l-'11t111v 111i:ht with 1!1 d1i:1ts ... I wt:T'.l.t:L IS Tt:STH run hi" lullll 11.,.1 ker~ llp I<• t'i•I In 1 .. nc II ~p11l Wiil! \\'1•tzl'I, Ta r fur a 17 1 ll\'l'~lll:'•'. Thill Nli:eil out plv11t 1111111. w11 h 1\)2 d1s;-11,. 111 1 .. n Roi) C'nurmnn of H11nt1ni;:ton BN11·h i:arnf'" ror a 10 2 av .. ra~t'. Et.111 ... l'<•JI<' 11( lh~ Sailor rive c·ame 111 P'''"'"· h•i.:h i ... 111 .. gnrn.-I Hornets Garner Hf' WA!! 11 II 11V<'r t hf' 1•11111·t lilh In h·Ai;11o· :-<'urmi:: wtlh 67 p11lnl1! tn l•·n gam••!\ for a 6.7 av<'r- th1111i;:h, pluvm~ A" th0t1,::h he own· e<I t h~ 1all1• II lln1 n1•h' n<':<l. It wu unclo11bt. .. 11y I h<' d1,.pl11 y of 8 champ1nn 11t w .. 1 l< '!llTtf .-01< HOit:'\ t:T~ Ahl111i: th•• l'l••t Ill'\!< tu l'llptllrl' th•'lr :!Ulh \'lr tury of th<' ~··n:-1011 v.·a~-c 1•v,•• yt•"•~ on lht• tenn1. hul t he' ~tAn1lou111 W1'TI! ('hue k Cr•·cr. T um :-:r~•nan, Hoh F.nzwc-tl<'r t1ntl :'\1·111 ~1 .. n•·r. :::1mwr didn't ~lnf'l. Spike Strength Fl ·1.1.EHT":'ll t <X.'Nl' I f;o'n•• Ma11111, nmklrt~ his •l<'blll a.1• h":o•l F\111.·rtnn J111w>r t'nll• I-<' t1 11e·k ri>111'11, ll• Wotrklllt.: h11< 1rn..r,, into 11hrqw fnr I hr r1tn11ni; nirk llrn - "' n with ptnlJll\Jly uni' of ,;1,.nt· 1·~1 1111ddl1• d1,t11n1" nic•n In th<' Brave Spikemen Set for Annual Inter-class Go but hu r>lny ... 1 11 '1nwrl·pfr11>11ni.: nat1un ''" 11 ... t•·nm. ""''••ral wrek:-1 nr workoutii thr ram" 311 ht> d1 oppel.i Ill J<llt 1:11111:<, 1111nnv S1·hwe1k 11 t, ro1 m,;r \\'l11l· "'ullc-rt1)n trn1 k l"IJllAtl ha..' round<'d Enzwc-ller mnd•• t8111>1nU1. (•hu\·h u .. ,. h1~h s<'n1111t 1nn, v.11! J'robobly 1nl<1 l!hllpe fn· lhc'lr annual Inter· Gr<'H 19, J immy Hkkoic. I). l':oun-be lh•' mninslav 11r ttw H otnl!lJi' rla....., meet. to I.JI' held torlnr anil an rtchl llnd Stun\'r H T<1nli;ht. l<'Bm tht11 !lf'l\l"ll~. La~l )'Ntr. wh1h' \\'o••ln1•!ldll)' Fl'l.Ll':RTO;\'., IOC!l<SI -Arter F'ull<'rton t ravf'ls to $nnu An" to a fn••hrna11 al \\hillier f'nllt<)!e, l~aillng thr group or returning m M-l l h" r11u!!h and tnllJ:h Pon:oi h11 rn n lh" HO in ~·I Z. thf' 1'180 In l!'tti-rmt>n be n ,1 rr('I! Rt>bN1s. who G11mrtllll" l:o !<l'l fnr 8 r m I' ~'~" 11n·• thi> mdl' In •I rn.ss H t' 18-~l yrar pl.I('"'' third In th•· C'IF --------------Rl •n to11r1•cl It' .. two mil•• l'uur~ I brn:i.J Jump nnal11. Rt>bt'rls Ill ex- Elect Head Lawn Brettner of Coast Bowlers 1\ frw t lmNt r1·rur<11n)ol 8 rinr rlock-, J'('<"lNI. by man~" to pn1ve to be 1ng t1f fl · 10. IA lh,. Sun11 .. t LA'iigue'a lop lnrllvldu&I Rl'\um JnJ( from 1.ut yrar >1re pn·fom1rr. f:11 :'>ld .. •011. :'\orm Broek. KPn lll 'R ULER, TOO c·til\JI• !'hArlr" H· 1miolh,,kh i.ml tn atldHw n to his broadjumplng, 11\(' 11nnual mt cllng uC lhe \on-t Lawn Bowlmg Leairue w:i~ hrld la-~l ~alurrfay al lhf' ~:•nlR Ana Orco•r~. ;\'.ti-holM Hrl'l\n,.r ot I ht .l'f'WJ'<ll I It•'" h l ... 11wn H'"' !in~ Cluh wn• •·h•r-t'~\1 ,.l\t1~tA1). Hrtb f"lll\'11 Mt·l .. end. "'"" l1om Rnheru will probably be the \\'h1tt11•r, r11n11 lh(' ~40 in 1>2 ::?11 tcwr s tor m cm l.n th .. 180-yard low l!nwk 111 a I 2·f•H•I J1"!1• \'llUlll'r h111·t1lr1<. Hr 11hn111tl alen plsce well fri1m An1thr1m, Chn.cp &llH!'I 111 lht' 111 the 100, M •I wlll naturally !1,.1.1 ••Vl'nl.l! Jlllltlni; thf' i;hot ,..mnt• h1•Vt> " ,..J'IOl on the T ribe's relay 11 11'<'1 11nll thr 111>'<'1111 11r1111nt1 12.Z t~n m. Th•· t'"il•l L.fl\\ll 1:1.wlmg vn· gu<' 1~ 1 »111p•1-rd .. r 11111r Ulwn Bowling 1 ·Jubt!. SlU'lh1 Ana., l...Al;'ltna BcllC:h. =""" purt B<'nch rtntl Re· crf'ullon 1 ·1u11 to( Lung Hf'n1·h. I• i'I H<'1m11th11l<'h l'lln~ lh<' H O Th" lnd111n1< 11hould be atr<>n!?<'r wtul(' \.lll•·o f'ltt'"I~ In lht• two mllr. In thf' 1<pnn t., l hu1 year than lhry Tht• Htll n<'lll hl\H ~;<ntll Monlf'R hR\'" b··1•n In pri_..I 1<ea110n11. ln &d· ant1 Vtnturn In lhelr fl~l n11'<'l of. rtH111n 111 Rob..•tl.1. Sonny Owcn11, I hr .}'f'Ar, F't>b. 2:"1, A llN1 llt•n ry anti l:MI Hilioer 11hould l''ulluwin~ t11 .. 1>u.~1nc11" nw<'l•nl! Garban. Disposal a :<peclnl lwlwrng t,111m11nwnl w1111 1 ":1- hPld l><'rv. .. en the· r11ur Clube. three Unit Taken team11 rrom l'llrh club were rnt1'r· •<1. ll}e i'\C'WJ'Orl Ao•arh tea.JI\ or Theft or a new ,rarb&~• fli!!posal J am<'• ~flllt. :"irri olBB Hreltn<'r unit valurcl 111 Sr>O wruo ri-port<'d and };dwud \\'1knx won Cmlt plllt'•' 10 Cot<tl\ :'-lt'AA poll<'(' rrrenlly hy a.nd t he 1ourn~1 ml"nt for the New· <"l11r<'nrr l1011s or Dike An•I C'nl· port B('lllh Club with 11 two game irrovl'. 1-111 AAi•l the cl1~J10AAI unit ~in a.nd • 12 plua t!C<lte. wu mlt..~lnit from a g'llrlli;tl' At 303 Th"' comp4'l1l1on m Ule Ll.ncoln R11mon11 P lllCl', Co!'la M<'s8 ~"Y ~1n1t11;"• ~uu~niunf'nt a t the Jnwrolti;at1ng oWcrrs C<1and en· ... ·rwrorl I eatC' t \,r<'l~~a wiw\\~ veAry I try hn~ be"n f'lrcNl throui.:h the .,.eC'n an1 n <'rett u•lo?. • • t \\"tllard won t he ririit round malC'h ""1" d"<'r or Uie one ~lory rllmf' ,.,\lb a :, ('lll•s llCfl re and ma.nagrd 1 and ~lucco j!'&r11ge. Thi.' i::arai;re t" hol<I up In lhe fln&l match to wa.s IPl'ked. rtporl.3 11how. Th,. gar- w1n ftr!t place with 2t> point ... I ~P'. d1"fl091tl unlt. Ro"" UM. WAI \\al\''' l'f!'ori"•n WM\ iiecond with ~till 111 • rardoo11rd boll 1111 s'hlpJ>"d 2J points, :O.lr11. Taylor Cl\l'r third _fr_o_m_t_h_,_fa_r_i_o_n_.·_. ------- w ith 22 polnt.t 11.tld Lew P clllll to11rlh with 21 ~lint&, pll'k up pl,..nty 11( point11. OwPn11, th<' SouthlAnrr• top h11rctler IAl'l yt>&r, will onncentrate nn lhr 120 hli:;h11. Hi> llll'O ha.s been w1,rk111~ with lhP H O runnel'tl and will run 11 lrg-ot th" relay. AOllfTIOSAI, nt:PTH . H t<n1 .''· 11 10 3 11rrlnter on I.Mt :Vl'1tr'3 B l\()Uad. Wlll run t he 100 11nd 2.211 while H llacr will go In the l 00 a.nd low hurdle& Howard Bortirewf'll "'ill help In lbe lows Whllf' But.ch C"Rrtwrlght IUld Bob Humll-hlArh will provtde added ol<'plh to the h11:hll . Bill~· Hnwkm11 11nd CVtWT1gbt head ll !Isl of top bltl'b Jumper• for the Indians thl.!l )'eA.r. Tr<'y w1ll be grr111ly lli<Jf'll by K"n W orl<'Y an<! rarln11 Ba rrl'ra.. A II four rlcar<'d b<'t~en !>'8" ancl 5'!1" lut INTO SECOND\ PLACE PLAY-Off Site, TI me of Extra Fray To Be Announced; CIF At Stale A 63-59 defeat by Anaheim on the rival floor Friday night forced the Newport Harbor High School Tar nrs1ty rive into a play-off for undispu~ed second spot in the SUDSi"t I League with t he Colonists. Coach J ules Gage said he expect .. ed decision en site and time of Uie play-off by 10 a.m. t~ day. IndicRlion wlljl thl' rray would lhe final su,nza fur a ru:z!e--d.8m" t.ake place on a neutral court In finish. Tar ~nny F1apatnC'111 kd Garden Cro\·e Wednea<lay night. the borne !orcea ~1th 20 mark, T'S. A atory on I.be tmal rleclalon 11 but lt W &$ the ~boundln,c W'Ork of carried In the flrat M'Ction or to· polUn' Paul Jl:t"umann along ,.·1th day·a News-Press. hle l9 · dlglt.a that apark~! the At 11take la 1t spot In the ClF Sallora during the exciting fray. p luy-o!f J;ames. starling March1 . Other sco~rs tor the locals •'eTe League champion JI u n t I ng ton Bill Wetzel, 10: Eddw-P ope. 6 ; Beach, undefeated In loop compe-Paul Lorent.un and Georse SrhuJtl litlon, Is favoreil lo tlg11ri; right with 2 each. at the top•of CIF' 11t.anding.s also. Buj. either Newport or Anaheim RACKS RECftBD could rate as a strong contender ~ against other Cl.F quinleUI. La.at aeuon, the champ Tar five Jost lo Mt. Carmel, eventual CIF title holder, by l l poml.11. ML Carmel is the only cag1> outfit that haa beaten the Oilers this Beaaon. STIFLE MJGRTY MIKE Joel Newkirk Fa1tadic i1 .-.---------------------1HIS DOVE IEAL GONE CUSTOMER BJC Pl="E. l:'o>TO COL~ \\'lkn U\la moumln.1r dove b~a.J~ eouth. tt meant buat- fkM. It ..... ahot &·pl. 1 neu Bat Ptne by J ohn DI' Boe-of ot Ovtarif. arut tum~ 111 t o Wu df'tl A. F. C'rn<'ker of U1e ('~ltfonu.a Dt-pazt~ent or Fi&h and c.me. It bad bttn bandt'J by tM O~on State Came Commt.Pton only thrtt d•Y• bdo.re. n..a.r AoJn&n, eult'rn ()rec'G. Thu wu a fll,;bt of almost ~ rruleito ... nn 1r t he bir<t fol· low~ a ~lin<' tOur!le. To ~l 1a ~p .. ~ r:"cord, De ' Soeoe• ,.1 model ttatJ to make at lhst !~ mtlf'S a day. l::>oTI-s arr generally •'Oil· sid<'reJ l.; a VI' rage about 22 riulH per day on auch m1gra- Oddly enough, highlight 'ot Fri· day's Joss to Ana.helm was that the Sailors stifled mighty M.ike Beach, league's highest point producer, 'tory fltgllts.. F1~eo1t Fray Fem Tennis Team FULLERTON IOCNSI -'I'Jm.. • 1 tor the first lime Ulla aeaaon. Yet when the Colonists were fore~ to rely on the re11t of the equad, they came Lhrough w1lh a thrilling win. "We stopped Beach," Ga.ge ... greed after the fray, "but we didn't figure on the ~rformance ng ln the gnatat game of any I• Pracftee A f cager In the history of Fllllerton Union H igh School. the -uoaaJ O...tge Coast Joel Newkirk brought to a doae bl• baaketball catttt al the bi'h llcllool, bowing out Friday ru~bt In a tant.utic record-bftakinc per .. formance. ot Anaheim's two guard&--O•be Ttie highly-popular foni"&rd 11et Mata and Henry Herrt'ra." The IO many tt<"orda for not only the oversight wu COlltly, u Mata game tut nlitit. but for aea,;ue captured Anahelm ll<'Orlng honora com"'Ullon a.s well aa for lbe wtth 13 while Herrera dunked 10. put ee.aaon, that flwe .UtisUriana In l!la1·11tng conlraat to hi• 22 reportf'l!ly have headaches.. TIW W'OIDftl'a trnni.a team at Or- ange Coaat College are in Ole mudst ot the prach ef llt'&M>n, It lraa been n-poned by Dorla RMr. c..cll.. Returrunr; lf'tttrme11 include Frannr ar.-ii.' Costa Mesa; Dar-i die Sdt&rlt:r. Xewport Bear b; Dot Horrell ~"'-iiort Beach: and Joy Wnr;bt. San Clemente.. Otller 1tu- deat.. a ttemptlnr; to pin po••· bans oa Uie l~ are Sarah Scott.' HWlllngtca ~b; Verona Oel· kns. COi~ df!'I Mar; Sarah Met- calf. eo.t.a Mesa: Maniba E1deft, 1 HWlt.uagtoa 8-C'b; and Shirley puint average for the aeuon, Al hut count. Xewkirti tlM Beach ,was limited to a mere two broken aome 15 llChool ~ digits. Testifying to the fact that be wu A surprise performer tor Ana-playing 00 a gna.t t eam.. the 9ll'Jad helm was Bill F rench. F'rt'nch wu eet 10me u record&. imrpolled to be in bed with the flu. but showed up to tally 12 points llglllnst lite Sailors. Contributing to mighty M1ke'1 poor perform- am'e wAs a severe coli.l which kPpL the 11lender dead-eye out of school one clay !Ml w eek. SQt '!:A.Kt:R l.l:AD LOST Lut nl&Jil'a 75-:W win OYtt San.. Engle Santa An&. o Ana-ln the Salnt.a' ID'ID wu a Rlg~ht or Ull• yrar·a compe-1 fitting d lm.x lo a ~ year bllon will be Uie Ventura Open on I for Ole Indiana. Tbey dJdn'l W'1ll Xarcb I t and tilt' Long Beach any tttll'a, nor tounaameata. but Opra on May 21. Oth"r matches thcy did abow enough potent-I Will be With Long Beach City Col· and improv•ment to rate st.roac lf'g-e. a t Orang" Ceest Coller;e on conaideraU011 u a tiU. contend-Mardi 1; £.an Los Aniteln. Mart'h er for next ae&IOn.. 10 al Orange CO&llt Colleg1>; Mt. LAGUNA BEACH PAIR MAKE ALL-STAR FIVE .OCNS Orange Sportswriters Announce League's Top Quintet A pair ot lAruna ~b per- fom1era highlighted Crance Coun- t y N-• Serv1c1>'1 All-Orange Lea· gue bukt'tball nve. announced by OCNS aportllwrltera today. They are Gl'Or'gl' Deach and Charles Rowley. Tht' quintet la <'ompoa<'d entirety of aenlora. Ranging In hf!'l1tht troni 11-t to 8-t. tb .. all-loop tt'a.m la pacl'd by l.anky B. J . Schaffer or Tustln. who rackt'd. up an 18.9 a\•erage for the uason. Schaffer hnlda down the pivot post. F lankmK hl111 at the f<1rwardt1 ue Deach, 6·3. 1-;, I . an11 Cah;,ln C'olnf't'. 6·•. I L6. ,,r v alenl'lll . G11ard11 are Rowley. 6-1, lt.9. and Ron Calliham, 6-1, 16.6. or Garden Grove. Only fl\'e plRyer11 ,:.,.er11 picked on the mut'h 11nught 1dtl'r 8QU8d. but It was thr rent'r8l conCt'lll!Ultl of opinion that lhla l<>a m wa11 wit hout a doubt. on<' of 1 he bt-11t alHoop tettm• In the Southland. New11p1pcrmen f1om Laguna S..ach, Nt'WJ>Orl Harbor, Garden Grove. Fullrrton. Allllhelm. Or· angt' and Santa Ana took part In the Initial ael1>ctlona. Yardley Paces Pro Pistoni ~. In Laker Loss George Yardh•y of Nl'WJ)Oli Beeclt. ell·Stanford C*«W en-at. llCOr<'d 28 point.I for high arorinS honora In Saturday·a profc11alonal bukctball ga.me · teleraat In t.M Harbor area. However. hl• team. thl' Fort Wayne P111tona. drop.,.t a tli;:hl 9R-!l2 rnnt4'1<t to the Minn• 1'11pol111 4ker-1. Thr pme w .. pl11yed at Minneapolis. The victory pulled the defendtns <"hamplon I.Akers within 31'1 JJllmH of t or 11pot In the \Vntrrn Dlvl· 11lon ot the National Baaketba.11 As11ocla llon race. Tht P iston• have been In first place 11ince the ae.,. eon began. • Pac1>cl by Yardley'• pot·abota, the Pl1tona ovrrramt • US-point lead .plll'd up by the lAkera. At one time, thf' Plston11 1urged lnte a one point lead. But the Laker9 held on for the vl<"tory In tM final four minutes of play. ITS BASEBALL TIMr! U ttle League SHOIS 4.95 CAPS-EQUIPMENT, ete. Baseball & Tracie SHOES $8.95 A Oomplete Line of Top Quality Sport.tag Gooda Newport held a lli·H squeaker lead a t the end or l.be fir1t period. But the Colonists managed to kave the floor al halfllme w ith a two point margm. Gary J onea sank a 30-footer In the cloalng second11 or the second canto for lhr sl un tJ1treren1:e. The third quarter w.-played comparatively even, with wlltl aea- siona where both teama repeatedly lo11t the ball on blld pasaes and poor ba.ll control However, An•- ht>lm built up thal all·lmportllJlt leacl a mile to decide the tray. N1>wklrk. needl..-to •r. took San ADton:o. Arnt H a t Orang·e hlg'h point honon wit.b 41-Keat leo...t C.01.k-ge: Santa Ana al Or- Pembroke ma.de 13 for t.he Indiana ange Coaat Colle.jte. Apnl 28: El wltlle Pete Long countned wit.II II. Canuno, May 3 at Onnite Cout 1 1 Tbe victory b rought UM Indians. Qlllege, F'Ulk>rtoa.. May 21, at Fu.I· won-lost mark for the --to trrton. and Cttrua. .May H a t 12·10. Citrus. Balboa Island Sporting Goods 0,.. DU11 .... -8aMaT • to ' m MarlDe Ave. Harbor Z841 Balboa w..1 Each equa.d sr.ored 19 points In Hornet Nine Opell.S, Drill FULLERTON (QC!';S) -"Jwot orr the past. few days" result.a, I would My the team hu the poten- tial O( being betler-lh&11•8Vt'ragt lhlP i<cason." Coa ch Bud Dawl'(ln rr<-cnlly revealed -about his Hor· net bo1H•b111l ttquad. What with three former CJF 11tnii:1UoM on Ute team, lhl.' pro- llpeC:ls ilo look good for the Hor- nels. La,,t y ear, under D1c-k Spautd- rni;. th!')' w o n a mere 11 ii:amea nnd lost l G, t1nl1hln1t fifth In con· ferl'llr<' play. PIA..WOl'm 8T AR8 CIF' <111u11ond sUr11 on the team ar.. Fullerton'• WllUt' Quezada, Chark'<!I Ledbetter and Bellflowt'r"a LRrry Graham. Lt'rlbt'tter wu all· CJF' ahort3top In the 19."13 11euon while the other t1VO made I.be t"llm Jut year. Quezad&. an nultlelder with Ful- lerton '" Jnclia.na, who advanced to l he Cl F ftnaJll, hit ·' 33, bot ia cur- n-nUy workln~ out •l r1rM. baae- l.A'dbetter, who alM wa. .. ooecbed by Dawson at high 11ehool, la a re- t urning lrltennan from Ill.tit l'le&· l'On's team. ' Tf:.A.WS TOP H.J'ITr:K He hit only .298 t or the Horntll. th11l reportf'dly being his flr •t ·aea- .!1'11! tn ico under the .300 mark. He wA• the team's top httter, t hough. Graham, ~cond bai.eman, wall a.ccol"ded a flnrt. tr "m llpot on· the llmf\JI 11chooltl' CIF l'Qll&.d. Re bllt- ted .365 11ncl Wftl AU·Plonf"f'r r..e .... gue for thr~ Jlll'L~nl!. Belrid<'ft playing Sant.a Ana uid Orange COMll In loop play. the Hnrnela will &180 meet Chapman C.ollege. Local IMwance Co. SACRAMENTO. (CNS !-Secre- tary ot Sta t"' J'rank M. J ordan b•• announ~ fllln~ nr lnoorporatlon pa pers for Buck-Smith. lncofl>(>r- a te<I, Orllllge County g<'neral 1n- 11ura.nce buslne111 with 2'100 &h&rN or no par 11tol.'k. Di rectors art> W . 0 . Buck, 1 H! VI& Koron. Robert ti. Srrulh. 111 Via Florence. and John M... Robin .. 11on, 111 Via U do Soud- . -,. f rt j .. ~ ..• ·of THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF THE MONTM EARN FROM THE FIRST For Your Convenienc e We a re open every Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tht :'\t''l .. port Urnlh t..11w n Bowl· ln.; Club """kly Au~l1 ahan Sing· J.•!I tuuml\mt•nl lrl~l TIN5tl11y h1ul New W int Planned for liYera Hotel DR. HAROLD BENTLER can Day & NIGHT u 8-4621 2t.J 111rmbC'ra p11rl1<'1pat1ng, the t.AGUNA B~CH. Fai:D. 14 8l'01111i: "M• 110 rlnlll' I hat tin tor (QCNSl -\Vork hM lltertcd on ftral rw,1 1 I' co n •I. lh1rd and a 11 00.()()0 1td<lltlon to th' RivPra fourth trnJ lo be plllyrd off. In Hotel to lnrlude a two-11tory w1ng. th.• plll'I -11('11 J<"f' Sl111np drfl'llll"d Thf'r<' will bf' nlnt'-1\Jlftrtmr nt unlt.8 I Jllr• T11\I r l '111r f"r flr•t rll\('I', 11111! ('IChl 11"W rn\'81(' .. un •lrrks. I \' II l!•d I •' :, i.tccJ J11.mr11 Al!Jlm 11 1•" 11 "' w '" 1mmmi: J'<K>I anrl fur lhiJ J r lacc. I l'C'>ll.clUrl\lll. I DENTISTRY ; DENTURES PIMti<.• -Pol"t'rlain FlLLING8 E>.."TRACTJON8 ' • PAGE 4: PART 11 ...:. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 195S U--Sltuatlons Want~ I W-Hf'~ Wantfd , ~O~AJ?.ellaa.!!9 DISCUS&_ DRIVE-Reat Adm. T. H. J ames I ret.), chairman of N~port Be.ach Re<I Crosa fund-raising campaign, left. talks O\'er forthcoming project with. ~rs. Robert Keppen, assistant chairman, Mark Soden, chairman of Newport Beach-Costa Mesa chapter and, foreground, Mrs. Lewis Gardiner. campaign fund secreta ry.-Staff Photo :Newport-Mesa Reel' Cross Kick-Off Set For March 1 LEGAL NOTICE ('£RTIF JCATE OF Ul'Sl~ESS t'ICTIT JOt ·., FIRlU :\ A~IE T he 11nl1erslg ne<1 dt11-• J•f'J .-1>} The l\'ewport • Costa Ml'sa,--------------1Cl'rt1ty that h" 111 con~rl 111g a BrenC'h c.t {he American R'tl Cro11s COUNCIL HOPEFULS hlltlrling and conslrnrtl11t1 b11~1n .. s11 wilt hnh1 lt11 "Klck-O!f'' brrakful at. 41 1 • 3:Znd St . :-it•wpol't llei.ch, fnr lho• l!l.'.'I~ rvnd 1'8Js111i; campmgn TO MEET PUBLIC Cal1fornltt. 11n<11·F l hf' C1cUtio1111 a t !!·30 i; in. on T111·sday, .Mnreh J. L im namr ul TA YLOfl-BUJLT All can<hdat<"s for city cfll•n· H"'• s A httndrt'<1 11nrt fifty •vnluntl'tr '"'IE anrl thnt 1<nlc1 firm ts "'<Ill<•'" ·•nil 1111•t1' C.tfllain~ Wiii "'1 will Af'p<'ar hrf•ll •' r:ie 1•0111 p11sPr! of lhe fnll'lw1ng prr~ons. .-.;e,.•pt11 L H.1rbt>)' K1w11n.~ I ·1111> , 1 h•• I"' "cnt 10 rl'ceoh·e 1111!lruct1on j whol'r namrs 1n fll I 11n<1 pl:1res nf 1111 f \\11rl;0•r'11 kits so tlw dn v" will Thurstlay noon. Fl'h :'.I l'l r<'stol•nN· "1" o• fflllnws. l<J·Wlt . !!peak on lll••lr plallor 111 M•·•·I • \\' h1· 1rn ll'r w11~· 11n<1 th,. gc>al r( 11.l.l.\:\I \\' TA Yl.C>I{. J R .. 2.~20 1ng will l)o> II• I I .11 \'11111. ·''" 1 • I 0 "'l $21 '1111 r .. 1 I h1-. 11n•n "'ill 11<' 1<11"· I l'PRn n vd. C111 onu t11•l Mar, Calt-1na. RC'( !ll'ehnf: I" :\l 11nt• f;f'llll· • I 11111\ ntl.•lll"" "·"· u r r<•ta·1.1• I rnrm11 . ~la1 \' S11tJ,.n, ,hau m an nf the \\'nn""'°' Ill,\' hnn•I th1~ 2nrl c1ay 1 ~''''f'"ll-t'n•IR :\lr~a Brllno h has r f Fl'b,•! iJ,\'. 1 ~•~,r. 11p1•"1 11t• d T 11 J amc1< Hl'iil' Aol· OUT IN FRONT :< \\'ILl.l.\:\I \\'. T .-\YL<>R, JR 111.1 .. 1, • R1 I I 111< ti.I' ll'l."of1 F unr! STAT!,; OF <'ALIF0 tt:-.-IA 1·1.·111111.111 , .. 1· ll•·· =""'l'"lt lll'<•IJ N l'Ul':'.'\TY cw OHAXGI:: 1!11'. ,\ !111 J 11)\l'S find hi" \\'llt', Ail<:'1 n ancy Corkett ()f 11.13 2ncl day "l F'Phrulit'Y 'In I ~""· Mf'lfll hnvr I>•" n •l":<•· A 0 Jll.•'•, l.wlo•t'. 1111•. flOB!'.:RT """·~ (nr on" anrl a half Y••:trs In L d L h F'. WJl,L"1F:.S. a -'<•terv Public rn 'h• 11ay 8ht1J("\ tirra. l:"!'lt.11'!'1 hi~ ea s e man 1rnd fl I tl11• :-rll!I <.:1111nt); and St;ite, "• 11\'tI1 .. ,. 111 1·unim11n1ty "'fort. .l.111ll'.• I~ Ft 1•11,.1 Commu11d1>r •>f the I ">11l1·1g th111 etn, •lltl.\· <'1Jmm1s:s1on-nl•ngh y Ser1·es •'" a11rl ~\\11rn. r .. r~ .. ·nltlly "'f>prar•'ll ;-.; 1v.ot Onfr1 anti 1·11111 ntly I,. Rt· ,,., \\ ILi.i,\'! \\·. T.\ YI.OR, JR J:•"n 11 l'r4·M '"n1 llf th(• ;-.;,., . ." f.,..R. known l" n1" le> Le thr ('l('r,.on J.!" Ry 't:At, BECK~f:ll whM" nrllrt•· is ,ub.<c-111Jt•d rn lht> 1:1.11!11 \' K S(hwarlr., Clllllll M· ,, 1,. f1tnil t'h<1irnrnn f!JI rhat An "''en .1oz1•n Of lhr ""'l·ftdl\'r w1th111 1n,.1111n1• n1 anti nrknuw- , ,1 M . h" l j l.t'hman IJ1n~h1t•11 t1111wd out al lrdi;eel Lo n11• t hat h1• r11er11 lt·d the 8 1'-' · r F•n•I · ''" :'><' w.ir z "r" N<'wport Harbl'lr Yatht Club un .s11l111•. 1·•»1•fl'nl8 nf thrl'<' an11 8 half \'<'llU ilutallon and ll!'t' rntcrest;d m I Feb. 13 tor the fll!<l IS<'n~ u( rac""I In w1tnc11s wh,.rr•,f. l haw hPrt!· 111 the a.nnual com.(lf!t1t1on fo1 th<' unto l'el my hand and n!l1xed my m1iny c-•immunlt v :illll\'1t 11·~ p ____ h~lps-Terkd ~rpetual lrophr. , 0Jt1c11I :<tal rl\e uny and Ycnr 1n IED Th• publUihf'ra "'Ill not ~b, r<'11pons1ble t or more than one tncorrect rn11trt1on c1( a.n ad. rt'serve the right to rorrtct1y cla&11fy •ny and all ad11 and to reje..t any ad not conforming to rulca and n&'Ulatlona. I Spttial Notices CONTRA<...'T BRIDGE GAMES. Lessons daily. 2025 Anaheim, Costa Mesa. Liberty 8·1530 -. 16p18 ' 12-BuUdln~ Servicee 55-Mooey to ~ LOANS PROMPT SER.VIC!: ~"• flr1t trwrt <te.d.s 20 years Orange Coast P ropertiea 18~7 Newport Ave .. Costa Me• Ll 8-.1632, Ll 8·1400 E ves. 9~U.: 12-BuJldlng Sen1ce. WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLE't,E $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS In room additions and remodeling for over 8 yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8··5763 -Klmberly 3-8274 87plH 12-Boildlng Serytcea Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT 'u cENSEO CONTRA(.'TOR 5ll 30th St .. ]'\ewport Beach · 12-Bulldlng Services FOR RENT Sk.111 Saws, Elec. Drills, Poliahera, au types ot Sandera, Wheelbar· rowa. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. RF.SroNSIBLE -~~~;1~ --;ru ~ ITR ES~-WA ~TED for a OF.Er FREEZE rrr-ue--r.-1-3-... -r .... u. manage apartment hou.se 1<mu·k -hor in (4'l1 on11 dl'I Mi;1 J ft r11 .tn. to sn;.~ trom Jf';O. in return for renL Refer· l'horw H111 bor 4 1 i'O tor intf'r,·1 .. w P~·mt11. or cuh. H l'l6 Set-Baughn& A Ir 8 Wa ... hou.e, ences furnished. Bond If :no s Main. Santa Ana Open required. SO--Miiaeellant!OU9 f or Sale t 9 . 9 Kl 3-7201. WRITE Box P-26 thia paper 19:H PHH.CO TV r onJ<Ole. Pd. tin. 19~• HOTPOINT R•tt16erator. 12 4tf to $126.98 from $310. Py1nta. or l'U. fL, 2 door. Pd. dn. to 1214.92 Roy's Maintenance Houee clta.ntnr-Floor wutnr Wall washing-window cleanl.nr Venetian blinds. Upholetery liuuted. Frte Eatlmatea Llberty ~-1332. lltc DAY WORJ< wanted by experl· t1nced girl. Monday11 Ir Tueadaya open. Al30 baby alt week-enc:t. Klmberly 7·U33 alter e p.m. Hp16 &XPERlENCED PA11'"TER. Steady worker. Local ruldent Reasonable hourly rate. Harbor 3699. ltpl6 HOME CANNING WILL CAN your chlcktn meat A !lsh. Al.SO soups & l!(ews Klm~rly 2·1715. H c19 RETIRED post.al employee des1r.a baby altttnr. Own ttaJlsporta· lion. Llberty 8-3787. J5pl6 -For a dependable Ullt'd car. ~ee your loca.J dealer who will be h't>re TOMORROW to back up Whst he i.ella TODAY! Check the usl'd ca.ra 1n the c1&11siflect secUon to day. Experienc'd ga rdener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 l 6c29H cuh. f rom ~00. Pymt.a. or euh. S~ Bau1hn11 A Ir S Watthouae. So Bau1hnt A • S W&Nho~. 220 s. Main. sa.nta Ana OJ*l 220 s. Main. Sant& .Ana Open 9 • 9 Kl 3. 7201. t · D Kl 3·7201. FIREWOOD FR.EE DELIVERY Dry wood. 16" • 24" len1th. Call B. {t. STAGG Phone Harbor lOU Evenings· Harbor 6391 .&ell 19:'>4 PHlLCO R<"ft1J'enLtor. Bol- lie apace. Pd. dn. to $126.94. No dn. pymt. SE'«> Baughna A & S Warehou1e, 220 S. Main. S,llnt• Ana Open 9. 9 KI 3.72or. REFRIG .. rugs, chests of drawera, extn. laddrr. huter. diehea, w11shlng machf1t<', urap<'s .t mlec. Hems. Ll 8-3~9 eves . .t: Sat-Sun. H cl6 You don't ha\'e to know how to rea·d. Come Hear Edna Stearn Dayton. Lido Theatre, February 24, 10:30 a.m. 14c17 l9M PHILCO rre .. zer. H 1., eu. rt. Pd. tin. t o 1248.~9 from JUO. Pymt11, or l"ash. See B11u,hns A & S Warehouee. ?20 S . .Main, Santa Ana Open 9.9 KI 3·7201. 19M GAFF ERS A UT'l'LSR ra.n1e. CP. Pd. dn. to IUl.t•. No dn. pymt. SH 8aUl'hna A It 8 W~ 220 S. Marn. Sant.a Ana ()pea D-9,Kl 3·7201. 1ee• a JC Retrtprator. u c'I&. tt .. eut.o delron. Pd. d.D. t.o .... 76 from U~. CUh or pa7 ,,_u. see Beush~ A It s w~. 220 8 . Ma.in, 8&nt.a Ana Opell 9. 9 Kl 3·1201. 1964 WHIRLPOOL auto wublr. Pd. dn. lo 1127.M. No 41l:· PJ'llll. See Beu1hn1 A 4 8 WU'elloUM. 220 S. Main, 8&nt& .Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. 19M PHILCO TV 21" "M cbL ti) $188r76 from IUO. ptm~ M ca.ah. ' · See Ba~hn• A Is I WarehoUM, 220 S. Ma.Jn, Sant& Ana Opeo D • 9 Kl 8·T20J. • The Place to Save !a at Bay BAY FURNITURE "Whtre Prices are Ht ld at Bay• NEW Har. 24 18· W or Ll 8·6632 ttc 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY 9-ff \\ Uberty 8·343~. Newport Sch 28tfc z elp 'a nted F resh TV ch11tr11, tr1rze c::ovel'll 127 50 val. at Bay . ll.'\ ~o Hearing Aid ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 1n!it1tll the a l>oVP l"ht'1.1per thin mnM. Al.,c>' 1w ll Tile Ii Ltnolt•um. !';011-11111<111, 25 ye1H'8 expn1enl'I', t 'nmp11rt• an{I set - Rll,u COKER LI &6::!11( 7tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St.. Costa Mua f'lw 11c Liber ty 8-2928. 6itlc HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn, reasonable or no IT Yot7RSELF~WE TILL & CRAr>E YOt:R SEED AND RULL L':\DER OUR GUJD· ANCE. -Ll 8·1592. H p9 Experienc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 . 10c2:JH Sign up at once Filt-0-Soft water softener to be ABSOLUTELY. FREE ( installa lion includ· ed) to lucky stub holder by Saleswomen Ready· to · wear Lingerie MUST BE EXPER· I ENCED IN SELL· I NG FASHION MERCHANDISE. WRITE G I V I N G FULL DETAILS, EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES. SALARY OPEN. WRITE U-31 THIS 13;\ TTE RI F.S \\'~ C1v1• S&H Gr.,rn i::t,.mrs Gunderson Drug Co. J11111n St. Hi Balb1•a Blvd . Bnlh•1a Harbor ~I ~. 1111lfc JE\\'P.LRY ~Howr·Mw i:-tal\..~. :!l"x21"xl:!" Tub cha1n1, uphol.8te<rt'd arm• S-3!l fl5 vnl11I'. 111t B11y -·· $27 :10 T\' ~wlvl'l "nn ro"kera $43.M \'111. at Bay -.... $29.fl.-. \\'1 ou.:ht mm "rm couch aC\f11, I 1," p11rr f'<>11in r ubbt>r rev"r". <U~hfnn. $130 r.o v111L rln!lf' nut• $i7. Mnl'a)!o.: ~f'l\1 I' \.'•1~t s ;i;, """' :? pr. hctl dl\'ll l) s~ta, JJIAl!tlC arms. $12.t.O. I l'IJll/l'flll p.1ltrr11 P l 'SH:\IA~'S, 27~.:; r. Cc>ast Hwy, J I llU11l v iii. rl11a1• ou 111 . . $~ Cornna df'I ~f1ff Har. J'.!I'.! H1.f•·uw11v bN1110(11, full 111~e !nnet· I l • 'll I "1'1111~ 0111! 1r .. s~. ',, .. r t rte fo11m ---------------nJhh•r l'•'\1·1.• 1·11.;lilon11. -ttJ A\'T()'1,\Tl1, "'•th h111!•1t•t. two J:!otJ:io val. at Bay .-··· 1187 •llf'" R11w i:n1·~. Slit. lJr flM·in~ Ox!'.! Aicm111st"r rllR . .. $.'\1\:111 ,.,,f. 1!1111 f tr .. 11!1 , ~fn1 ltn. $'.!•• ltli<l 2 A.xnr1n,1~r ni.i: $63 ~.oi U111f,,r .,:!:•.:-J. 11pl6 l'.ill.I'• A><1nrn~t er rug. rnd c>f roll 11r:tt1•hr.11 10•12 $1111.:'>ll l!l:d \\'J::l,GF:\\'\l()ll ~a~ •II')'• r. :, I" 1•hr111nr 1l1nrlle 11d.•, 30x40" Pd. tin. t•• $1 77 M frl'\l'I ~::wt ~., ··~r 1ahl•'. 4 11111111 r uhhrr N•·nt tJn pY11tt. 1·11"1 ~. $1l2 r,n \'Ill, 2 11nly •·II'\~" !-:11• l..:11Uj.,ltl.i A N S \\'icr h11llNI', IHltJI $!\7. II Ill'\ 220 S .\I lllll. !'i.int a A n11 llf'l ll Mr11J1•rn 1l··-k11, """ lmit or hm .. t1 !l • 9 Kl 3-72u t I "'lk fln1,ch $43 !iO val. l\l Rav • $211 {.),, Sr\ LAlJ ~IA ST!'.:H. f;1noc•ular, fl""' Hunk beo<11<, 1111 hdwd. r limJ> with Boys' Club Sets Feb. 26 As Playnight l:ndaunteiJ by t h~ 1•on.,1 ant lyl lhts 1·C'1llfl<'llt,. :1r:<t above wr1ttrn. rhan{:ini: wincl!J wh11·h 11w1rn1: al· ,. R()flF:RT r . WILL:\1ES moH l"Omplctely 11.tnund th .. •uni· J\lv 1 ·,,mml•~nn Expirf'i< DC>f'~ palls Jur1ni; lhe attemoon, thr 1 :-.;, w·iihri 16 l'i'1~1 CARPEN TE R Repair Work Your Home Netd RepaJrtnr or Remodehng ? launrll y lJll). purtelb,.. lh" 111~ liH1tlf'r, J<llllrd rllll, •pNn~11 ~ :: "'"' ht11(', l<l ll·•·1u. fu!lt 1111.s 1111d h h k, rnnPnipr matt 1"11h1tl\I <>r Sal· PAPER. 13c18 BALBOA HOWE. ":\fldgrt Mai; .. llans" • nmpll'l•"I :'\n ~·Ill thn•e race., \\•1lli J mm.mum nl .-.;<'w,..1·11 ,.,,:.: ~ 14. :.:1 , ::s, llla:i foul11 snd <liaqUAll!1catloruo. l------------- Ch11lklng up two fl:SI-" 11n~t 11 ('t:J:TIYJC.\TE <W Rl'~J~"E~S f~>urlh ~IB<'t, p<'l1 te :-iancy (V I k· t'ICTITl<\,I :; r unt .:\'A:\LE •'tl or ::-.:ttYC wa!I th.;, "1n.ne1 l>v • :>'2 points over her nearest l l>fl;. r '[he und<'rslgnrtJ 1l11t:.'1 hr 11•by petltor. Saint CIC<'TO of ;-.;HYC. ctrnfy lhat she ta conl.lurung a Call Frnnk, Lfber:y 8-69~4 All \\'<11 k Gunr:rn1rc11 71tfc Phone LI 8·1673 Eve.a. LI 1·4120 PAINTING l:\'TERlUR -EXTERIOR W<.:J:;~SF;D -l~SIJRED Glenn J ohnston 711 E• Balboa Blvd., Balboa l~ o Purchase :>: tCU39.t)') 12cl 'Th AJcobollca A.nonymoua Wrtte P O. Boa 1181 Newport Beacil. <.:a.lit. Phone Harbor 479~ Draftsman (Male) ''"' 1· l 1.in~ ''" :t)l ~': I , m r1n1sh 1.11,.•rty a .. .:111 II• Ill 1 1·1n ·o I ~··· ,G., •I) For work tn bea<h nrt a with 3 ---__ _ _ • "" ,.11 "' 0 11v " ·• yrs. p1act1~·.:i.I expr 1 icnce in ' l::LEC'TRIC rnng" I'h11ro [Jnutil" 6 I'" l>i'tlrm llelt. 'nmp. w1rh 6 111 mech. dratung and 2 yra. col-1 nv~n. ro. dn. to ,189":18 from I •loubl" dteJO&f'I, m1r-ror. Ilk r•"" lcge or equ1vah:11t. Write P . o. $31!0, -:-.;., •ln. l1Ylllt hl'adhosrd. meotal bold fra m" an1I Box lOJl , Alhntnbra, Calif_, en-5,. ll:iui:r.n. A. & s \\'an·hnu~I'. 1:1rnr tnntr~pr m att.• box "11' ctostng sample 01 work. 8M!c ::~1 1 l'o :\hu•. l>icnll• """ tfi>n Sl!19 t.O v111. "' B"V Sl i ll {I. t• Kl 3.7::w1 [ Ap> rlz,. ~All r11ngl', nvtn hut GIRLS -' ' l ••1•tNI, br111ll'r y , h 26 11< ~<'heduJ.•11 u..~ th& first who sport~d a brand new boat for Lll.clil'A ru.-ly-to·wrar nppar~I bU51· r l11y111gh t l•>r l'<'V••nt11 and eighth th .. · ('vent. Third plar t honor" wrnt nri<s Bl 5()1) \'1a Malo.1:11. :'\ewport tte ii:r »<I" ~tu•1~111" 11t Harbor A rh:i to E YC •J im Ltn<1('nnan onh-onr B1 :J.• h. C:11hron11;i. un•ll'r !ht fl<'· 501 • 3J~t St. !'\ewport Beach .U•·Y c1ut1. tt \.\·a.oo announctd toy point bt,>lun•I 1·:1"'"' · 1111"11• t.tni n.i m<' u: LA REl:\'E Harb<lr 3176 l::ltfr You don't have to know bow Good New s In S:!:!I' l•i1 Illini !'l~O. l'yllll" 111 I .1~11 i 11111 :iv vlll. 11t B21 v Ph1J1 n rd1 II: 7 ru rt, rr111111 "'') M a!! l'r nt <'1·1·tmon1es Pot Hrlm· This 1111ght be a £ot~d ti mt en an 1 rn .• 1 '"''1 11"111 1" 111mr)n.•r<1 I to read. Come Hear Edna hnlz ... , thn recently hl'ld Vall'n· 1 My "ker p an "Y" on rht& Corkrlt ot th•· Collo\\'1ng pl'r11on~. whof-f' General Contracting Good Joh11 Good salary - wfl.h frt>qlfl nt lncrca erl! - S1 1 .. 111i:hn• A & ~ \\'11n h1>u81> ~~" ~ Mt1111. S.i1da A1111 \ •p<'n 1•. tl J.; I :1. 72111 ti <'f,'trr $ 160 . BAY FURNITURE 1 mc'!I •lfl!ll c. Fu turPrl that night J:lll!" "'"C" this w1111 twr first rf'al n11m1"' In lull a nd pla1·e'I t•r ri·:<i-REPAlRS, remodeling a.nd aJten1· Stearn Dayton. ,,111 11" \'Ollt'yb8ll, ptng pong. lry In th,. hotly n•nl<"~tt'el v hmftn \1•·111 '' llr•' 1"' folio\~~. tci·w tt lion wMk. Healclrnt1al and com· Lido Theatre, February 24, Opportunity f 01r od\•ar.l'Pment. 4 27 E. l 7th St., Cost.& .lf<'I!& fl hufflt·b11&rd anJ b1lllard3 tou.ma · 1 01nghy claas. A n<coi:n 1z, u , h.1!,11· LORRAJ;>.;E l\AXl l·:L. :120 D111n11 °'' rc1al bu1ld1ngs l 0 :30 a .m. 14cl 7 nwnts ror •h·· couplu ~ttendlnR pion 1n Snowbtr<l~~hl' wn:. '",. l.·1"• <'Mla ~teM. Call!. Qushty \\'ork Gu11r&.nteet1 Some Opt'ning11 now f or y11un.1: ---- womrn in :"cw port lir11c h net;1·~ l'l!UTO 'q111 p. fM ""ll1Jllrl !' rJ11 rk TELEPHO.:llf: OPER A T O R $ I 1 '(ll~ 2'• x :i • "1 liiri;ir •'l"' I 111,.twrrn Tll~lln .tc lrvl.n• l 1-'r n • :::;rrir"·llldt' perk1n1'-T•rm11 Upen E Vl'.'I, 'ttl 3 . !1\'t t l $11 ff·•• .:1'••·\\ f'lllnhr.g un•I retre11hmenr.s w1U 11nd In lhe .. Flig ht" 1.1,1 \'••ar \1 1111 .. M my hand this 10th rl1;1y Har 31:ll t.lays, Har. 2•60·J "Vts. lllN> b~ offo•rNI thl• ll!en·A~l'd 11k1ppeor<'tt .. ·ts pr(I\'· uf f'l'ln.wry. ltl7~. 99t(c ~~-~~_!',?~_Car ___ _ A. toll\ I 11f 111 person11 al tended lnl{ htraelt no m1•an a~rr.~.u ."I . ~ LOHHAJXE DAX I EL n .ERW/\t.. WORKERS tl)p1ngl 1· 1· -------------- rrqu1rcd l. "'fl ' 1!151 !'\ORGE auto wuhcr. Pd. di\. Apply 614 1, N . :\!tun St -. -~.. -I '" ~HR 01fl trnm $290. No dn. th .. \'l\lt•nllnr dance, arranged by against t..hP keen e11mp• til'111n of ~TJ\Tf': O F C:ALIFOR:'.'\J A l H . H . HOLBROOK \VA;\'TED-R.lde t o PlactnUa and ~, Ch I T Vlr1A1r\a. working hn. 8-1 :31), COlfllll ll••I' t 1a1nna.n ar ry llV· the ~hman~. I C"OI :-:TY o~· (HtA:'\CE IU DEPENDAB[ E PLUMBING 30• '• 33rd St . Ntwp<>n Beach. 1Rnom 2ll l S11n111 Ana' !•>.IJ 1 lll;\r:<I. "' •ilrt111 "" 1111'· f'V!Tll ~londay thn.1 F nds.v, 11·-I pm. $t);, 4" 1' mi I• te !lrrpl~rP 1" t. St·~ li,.us hns A Ir R \\'1trehoU1!1". l••r 1cr:.J ,. •·1t1h"'" Nancy . Mairwcll, M11rch 13 I!' lh" dtll<' ""l 1 ,,. th" <>f th111 10th <l»y 'lf Fo.:bru(lry. "" Ann Mu11l1 ." Ht>!Ulllf' F1:ohf'r. RlrtJ. '"'tt'Od encl f101tl :.tl\n~a u( •h~ 1 A. (> 1 !1~1:,, h"t""' m.. ROBl-:RT /\ Prompt 16P17 11tl1 Srhh1h•n111Ay,.r. l'u• Ht>lmhnlz llt'Tll'll at whH h um1 "" ~t111ll ,.,,. F. \\'ILL:\lf::S. a ;\'C1t111~' 1'11hhc in Re pnlr !'crv1c-c Maintained PACIFIC TELEPHO~~-: 1:·11'' 11"01' 6 '6 \\ 1.bth W1 S MIU.n, Sant& An. ~n ( O~l .1 ·""~" ... Llb< I I\' A. ·1•4-C I lj • 9 Kl 3· ~201 ittc lo~f'.Ji' .. ' I • " rt Fr,(\ ll111k~1 . l;f any of tht 11 ntl.rr "h •l·!'hhi irntl !111 the -.a1,.J 1·n11nl}' 'llhl SJ.1'"· Phone: H arbor t624 0 1 k \.1 • "" l\nrl :"11 1' • \!n.xw.•11 1<klpp<"r11--mn11t nf whum hi\\" ht" n 11·• o.I nx I hl'rc1n. 1Suly «eomr1h~i· n-'l801 l:Jalb<Ja Uh·d .. :>:ewpurt Beach won .lht> Jtlt«'1hu~ ••· ''''. l)vl'r 11n tlil' w1nnrr·~ r1r1ll' 1h"m'•'l\·cs r~a.n'l"":nrn.rer~n~nllynp11e11r.d p&p J<tnn~ Soa.rr" l\n•I B11nn~ r MU:1l'r m pr!'VJOU!• Lehman P\" nt10 • tn LOHRAl:-i F: DA.'.'\IEL k nown \n B~·rRn Lur u 111111 L tn1tn ='Ill' C'u-j '"'' 1 ('Offit' th• rnmman4'ni: I• an me lo bf' lhe fl"UOn "'heo~c n11m.- r r nt<'r "''n~ t11ri1 111 ll'h" hti;hly ,.•tabhFhc-d bl' rh11 rharm.nie h "''b11Crtbe<1 It> the •thin in.-r ri1· '"mJ'f'\111\,. .. ,.loc. .. 1fa1 11 " r1 nln t I r~nn,· :\11~ rn~k .. · • mrnt. lln<l a rkr.owlr d.i;-td to me tha t ,., ... f ,,.,,, r)f' \\'hit!\• ,. '""' rrnn,---~h" exrc11t11d the samr. l"r~t h Mesa Soldier Takes Part in Atomic Tests In witne~.• whrrcnf. 1 have hrrr· untn 1~t my t\lln1I 61\d atrlxed my <)tflcl11I 511111 thf' dtly 11.nd }'tar m tht~ C4-t t1flcate tlr~t abovr wrlttt>n. s ROBERT r . \\'JLLl !E.S Duran Probation Hearing Reset ~Iv C-nmm 1.•~10n F:irplr"t .'.'\'ovrmber 16, J!l:,.; hntlon of Richard A. Duran. l!I. o f :-.o ~~ Pull<rton on Wllhholdlnit a n..t re'" I :-.ev.·~-1''"·'': 11. 21 , 28, :t 7 10!'>~ ,., 1v1n,1; Jtl• Jrn r rt>f'l'rlY tn thl' S l.~.----__ __ ---_ C,\:\IP f'F.~F.KT HO('t,; :-;EY 1111!1 b11ri;:l1tl\' o ( P.1 II :\l,1n1;' rial· f C-CRTffl( \TE ,,,_. fWSl;\·f;..:oi r \'t. ,, t .. lli<'ll I (~n.11 .... l'!On hf hna 111l11n•I h1•n,.. ", r'lnlmur•1 F'1c-tt. ::1 .. u• Firm :-:ail>( M: """:\II:" ( h .. ~1 .. 1 11 t~11dl 1•\· to ~t.tnh I • 1THE l"XflF:HSJC.'.'\'F:n d()As hl't1 · tl'.:'.1 c'nr;:t•.·• s • l'••Fln M ··~.1 1~ ~"fl<''l"f t"<•utl Ju 11.<-Juha ... t • .. hy crr llfy th&t ~hi' 1~ rnnrlullmj: <'II" O( nr1111\ ;1(HHI ~·ldl"ll< ,pl'••!Clr'(!('rf'J the ror.tinll,.O•I' D\~f'•~· A b1•l11UI\' 8alon bllsln<"ll-'I at 31 19 lnlly ~·I•'• !rd In patfl<'1p;1tr• 1n l::J<·f 11011 f>f D1trnn WA,. h••ld "i' l>r· :-if''l1'"rl Bh .r .. ;\°t'wpol't Bf>arti r rdi;1• l k'•l'lt R11 k \'J , \\ht< h t!'l1'811"' th" .!• ll'n•ll'lnl. ~"_''1 · ·i ' ''11 C:ihr1•n11u •UHlfr thr f!clllt0\J!! h• 11\f hl'l•I 111 lh1• Al<l1111.-~:nN g~ l i:ot ~.1111 k '" 111" ~u 1 , f•rm naml' nt LJDO'S SALON O F 1· •mm1~~ll1n A :"P,:hla T•.H S1t r T hr JIHIF 11111 11 '' f ullrit••n T\E~\l"j\· and that 11ald t lrm ls •1llrln" l t ,. 'itt-rrnt llt<'mlr tr~I youth In l:'l'l a n• w r11r "r ""111'" I• ·lll•r ••.rrt n{ tht fl')llOwln,I.' P"f· 11,.rl,.• Oth"l ITI<'nn.. •'( t•nn"P''' it I toll •nn \, . ._11._ 1 ( ·'l 1 · I t ti ~· s. '" "" names n 1., 11ne E'IN< ,,..,, ll• ~rrt R e><"k Vt Is p11rt , nex me rl11tr :o ot rri11t1rnr 1• ;i re aa flllliJ\\ .. "' 11 rt1nt1nu1111; 1n.t•K·trl1lat1on \)\Jr11 n 011i11,>11l\' ""' 1h,11>:P•1 1 ·WI' J'IO~ll\m. ilr\'l'll'f'<'d In tht in\rrl'~I w ith rt'C'«'ivmto; i<t l•n • 'I·. ~"· 1'1111!11111? Hrt:m11nn '\. "' n allt1n!ll olC'fo ni;•. l•t t.1n11l11rlt<' lhRl 'o11nt "'"' ii •I .~,.. 1. ,, J,rn h • I 11:11' \\'. l1':h ~t "ill••tl'\' J"'r"'"nll•I with lhl' t'f· plrailt'ol i.;1al1y t .. \\111'\h•' mi:""'! 1· _,a ~l~sa, ('aht. 1• •'l' ••( n111111u· w• npon.• Th•· 1x·I 1 "n~'""11ni. \\I f:'\£~s nsy han•I this 11th d>\v ""·1~ ... •11•· l\(t"r."" "" "f'J"•rt•inrlyl f uur t1lht'I~ Ill""' Ill•'. "''.<l!.n.i:: I r F••h1 1111r.v. )!1,,;, . 1•1 r.•1 "'i:·•l'l•ZBl1<'r~. 1•1nc-rrl11r•!' 1111rl'n •11 '"'"'l '''""'"''.'".I:' on ,,,., ' f'Al,.IXf: HERR,:ll A.'.'.'\: e nc1 L H 111 • 111i.lrr rrAl••tr~ ('nn•h · nf'r l\nn \\:lh th• ~l.\'l•7 h• r;tnrv. • .,.. .-1111r n! C 1ilJJnT11: 1 t r1tn "'-<en·int\~ ~( OrRnl\,. ~~ P1 1,·1t1r yr1dl1·y •·• i•i::11: .. r1y !'\l1'·1 Marf1• t Und 0 nr nus lllh rl11' "' Frhrimr·. t 111nt'<I a t For-t Ord a~ a plumb<>r ft 0 erg A.. P . lll'iS, befor,. "m,., HOBJ:.:HT .. 1 Company 0 ot th• 91\lh Encln ... Psychopathi· Exam F. WILLMES ..• :-.=ot.ary Public In "r Cnmbat .Battalion. · 11.nd for the 1111 1d C••llnty 11n11 St11tr, CCSTO~f Builder of Homes and Boats n. Hntnl'r H :irg-rOVP, LI Jl-~770 12c26h House Plans LIBERTY 8·6251 JOt!c CARPENTRY ~HNOR REPAIR WORK .-.;o J OB TU(.) S.\IALL H. 0 Anderson Ll 8-006:'> Costa :.tcsa 83lte Painting & Paperhanging We cln the work ouN<clves. :to yra rs expnlen('~ r ...... n~erl & 1n~11 red. S&l l:\fl\1 t1nn guarnntePd, E:\L1ni11tcs fr<'<' l'nlt .Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? 1 Anythlni:;. Anywt:err I ~cratch RemovinJ? I and Furniture Refinishing I -Phone U~rty 8-214~• Gridley attended Or&nge Ccou t SA XTA A'XJ.. IOCXS 1 -Er· ruld1ni;r lh<'n 111, •.uly l"Ommlu lon· '·nncie before entering lhe Army nr11t 1. Marfin. HI. who ,.ave his .. ,1 Md •wo1 n. per•<>nnlly llf'f>"&rtd 1n October. 1953. Ht tl'celved hllslc &ddr~!IS a.s 1991 :'\e\(']>Cll t Bini. PAl"Ll:O:f; HER.R:\!AXX kl'lown It !'lnlng •.t Fort Ord. •nd F ort Coat.a Mella.. Fnday pll'llrtf'd frlllty to me to be !he .~r!!nn who11<' Phone U berty 8-214~ f'l'TF 1~··1mard \\ ood. Mo. t'J moltallnjt' a 13·year·"l l Jnrl. name I• l'lllbS<'rlbrd tn the within Suf)t'r1or Court Jud~e J ohn Shn IJL.•trum<'nl. and ack nnv.•ledg,.d t o h~ard U\r plra and orcfrrcd H:Jt m,• that •he exerutr d the asmE". p.tychop11thlc rxaml.nAtt11n• or t.bt L" WITXESS \\.ftll:Rl::OP', l havr sU!!J>f'CI :.tarun, wbo l!O m ruatody, h•rtun ro IC!t my h1U11l and affuted waa told to re turn al 9.30 a.m. my o!!lctal 11u1 the day and year M&rch 4 tor a lltll p•ychopathle In thla CertJneate rtr1t 1bove writ·. bt>artng. Meanwbllt>. J udge Shea te.n. SpectaJ Notice9 Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 >-fttta nny Thandty 8 J'm. ord~ cMrnlnaJ pr o e • e d I n ( 1 /If ROBERT F . WILL>OJ:S drop.,...n. My Commt8111on ~lru No"1tl· Martin a.Jltgedly molffteod tht> ber JS. 19~. COMPLETE PA.INI'ING A Paper Hangwg Service EUGENE 0 SA UNDti:RS MO :!lat 8t!'fft. Newport Buell Rarbor 2976-J. '1 ~ I P AINTING Painting Ir Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Svmpson & Nollar ---~~---~ 18-Be~'!~l~-~d~ JOBS OPEN NOW FOR J'i.'\I TAl'l'A:-; 1.,n>:<' r.i dn ll'I FREEZER. Crn.,ley, 111~4. 1.5 tt. • Bk'kpr:1 .. a tl'nO .. , ll<'('f~t&TIN• hkkp ~J .~~ 76 tr""' s:i;1) Xo 1lt1. I vmt I ~··· On. tn i 2.10 M tmm l&OO. Superfluous Ha ir ct. po111. m ach. 11peratoc~. ho11A<.··i~··· n'"'i-'·"· ,\.vs "·11r·1i .. 1111r. 1ymtb "r c-11111i Pem1&nently remove<l from cace k11eptr• & cook~. ..11 s .\t.• n. ~ •• r 'o'I Ana 0 ('f'n SI'" B"u"'n" A "' fl WatebouM, arm1, ltp, Eyebrowa and hair BE St.:RE TO CH ECK \\IT H -!• • !l 1.: I :I-:201 22(1 8· M3ln. Sllnl" All& OPftl Une ahape<i-N o more tweezin& J F A ------I P · 9 Kl 3·i20l. 8 une arrar gency ~mv1 :-.-1.; ,.,..,1,,.1 •e11. ~tn""· r .. rr1Jt. £U.£N L. Rt ANT R. E. J-:MPL<>Y~l~I I "'"~hlnjt ""'''h•n~. Ill>!"' 'h•1r.-. 19!>~ HOTPOI NT auto waabalr. Pd. l.Jdo'a Salon of Beauty Har. 26tt76c 402'-.i ;l21\d St , :-.:pt Rr h 11• lil fnlll J •r!l & r •hn •t"m" li.•rl>nr !In. t n $227 •6. Pymta. 01' CUh.. U-Schools, lutroetton China Pa inting Oa.y and Evenwg Cluau Order• T aken Now Phone Llbe.rty 8-Mt8 Real • tn Htle Estate School Santa Ana CORSET1 5_RE Mu1Jt be e:itperienced in fitting all belt.er name foundation garment.9. Write gt\'ing <le- t.ails, exp('rience & r<'fer- ences. Salary open. Box X-34. t.h1s paper. H clS EXP F:RlENC'EfJ prmrr ma«'hln•• opeutor. Al110 wom an f11r hno•f l!f'W1ng, t rlmmln.i:. etr LEE SHIPLEY ORJGJ;--;J\J.,S I\ l 2 • 291.h St.. :'\~wrort lll'ar h l4J•l6 2~~J -\\', 11\r tS "~" Baughnll A Ir 8 Warehauae. 2?0 S M.a.1n, SIU\la AJIA Open P • 9 Kl 3· 72/Jl G(JLJ. CLI 8S. V>u"''lll!! Gr11n1J SIA.Jn r .. 11lhtr bb,I:, II ll'OM , 4 v. o<•ll<. '"'' I "',., rril yra r~ hlll In 11i;,4 O'KEEFE It .MJ:IUUlT i:•.011 -hape $.')9 .'i(t ••r m11kl' 11f. ran!:"· Cl". P!I tin. to l ltt .!18. t r1 U t5-6'i7,1 lllr18 :-.Oo dn. pymt _ 5,.., RA 111rhn11 A .t: fl waree.oa.. COUP !!I<'"'' wry rh"ap U1ryclt• 1 22» S. ~Ill.In .. San1A Ana Op.a i: •111 "'IO•ltll"ll, S:?Z •.n :t'.!6 f:,.,.. fl . {I Kl ;'I. i20L m ni: I ""'"'II Hnarl H Ar. J tf\2-\\' · 111, 111 19:,1 r 11 1u·n re1MK9ft~treuer • ~r "'"'"''"l"m"r 'In th<> p11 .nr 1n- 1.!u~t1 s. ,, n -.A· tn ~t••rk n1 ~1,ur H1t1h••1 1•.,1nt f'rnt"r 1·11,.d f"r lnt•tlnr n1 '"'"r> r w.11!.;., f'llU· t~r f'lt-'''I•,.,, -t 12 ~2n11 Rt . ='°""'· I" 1 l r h•1rr H 1r '..!/\'.:~ ltl• 21 ll t r.m~" r .1 rtn. lo $111-a • .a. 1f• oln. pjmt SP• J11111i;:hn11 A 6: IS Wa.rebou8e. :!Z11 ~ ~loin, !ill.Illa Ana <>pm 11. !1 Kl :I· 7201. ------------- Mesa Woodcra~ MEN A \V OMJ::N prepare tn ap&re time for unhmlt.ed opporturut.Ju In Ru.1 Estate. !'\rw clU-'el weekly. Al Tyler,1nat.ruc Un1. ,\t· lend first tverung fr<-e and ltllm about I.hi!! grtat fleld. CaJJ or write now tor t.n!ormauon. Bual· ne .. 1n•Ulute, •1 ~>111 N. Syca · mort. Kl 3-17~3. Hllc WA~T &rll..!lt to work a l hnm». Hr:~.-:-KI ~JO J1r1nT~ l<l'r:1·1A1, GLOl'H'; OtJT PRlCDI. Write P. O. &x 262. OrlingP. l :'\£\\'. w o,m onrn, $;1•;. M8 Sfl1• J C llll.l;S' w11rdrobe ••" b.i&b. 6 1ri, l i 1 '""'! P.•·• .'. '.' l"I"' "'I \1111 ,. "' t\\l'J' 4t h&.11lln1e •pace. R.es. ·?caxiCCixxiCiaxXiiCi:XxiCiCixi:iiCi:XxiOCixX:iO:X~ lllHll' r lrl .2.\\, 1•1• I• • "'. s~·-· .... n• Li j .... ·'" ~ ........ " ' "Lady of the Miraculous Medal'' If J'OU ~·~"' •• U hl.Ill' fttr dh1ne -1-1. a.nM ill aoMnr Nrthly pn>hif.JJUt,, y«>U n JU t.... t11trrt"1tt.>d In tw-arln& about thr ~".Pf'rf"~ nr on.• nf our adn:r11M" ~"'· ''· 11.. P..tlttwoa or :\•·~port Ht·tcht' had .,.,.('raJ apar111\l'nle unkn&ntf'd. Ulc" th" •ood Catholic -2 Pl"IM:Ue&J Pf'r"'IOtl ahfo la, alWI dl'c:hlNI to make • nnveoa U> 11111 "IAch· ot th,. Mlnc:u.lou" Mf'lda.I'' alld to ,,._,.,. a ,\...trtf'd !Id la OW' papM'. Ht>r ,_&ala Md '-_.,..,. tor 9CJfOll uai.., but 1l11rtnc tbfo 8 ~Y• nf ~r nn•·•na a.nt1 "llh th,. ci...llf'd .0 to -'•t, 111111 fn.Uld •thfa.-. tor)' t.Nmftfw fM all t<rur (ff ~ aramn.n111. 1!111«11 ,..t~ mo.t "" ~rdM: ~ J'O'll' lffledl, M ..S la ow Uvea,· •·&aa.lflf'd M'Mlon t"llH<l:O.H: 1Ji:,1 'I• ••I ~'J:• 1 11\' I.Jr:."/\, :J •ll'lnl'f'r, 42" ftec. Jt.D~. h~,1 ~1 , htlll\-ln lrnr.in,i: tl•! . ' • Sped.al I U .90 l .. 111nl1y It.)\ J\n •r 1'"1 :'.I r~n; . .:T .'\ t1nwtr, 34", Replar ~ 1 ·, 11 11 !1• 1 n.-.1. \,. I •11 111 l 2:: Pt• 8pecl~ llt.96 I r·< 1:-.1 Pt.F; n ; r.r:-;p; nr otheT un· 1 ~~:,\PP~~~!! __ . ;"~.~~· 11 turnlture. IOft It bard· 1 ~·:•, n 1n :r.FE "' Mi=;nnrrr tll.nj<:" ll•t.:h 1'1 •li'f, dir .. ,.,. I f' :1121 H"rhor 81Y'1 , Coeta )(,M 1·11 rt11 1 .. ~lflf• •,., ~ .. tn 1•)11.1 I lh~·• v b·ll14tJ. HcHI l'<"r R·ll~!.! • ,\ !.: :-" \\'.ir• to .. •1 •1 2711 :; ,\loin S.1r' 1 Arll (lp"n ll -'l KT ,1·7:/111 ' Washing Machine ·" F;r, \'lfT l ·vrar .(,'llar1111'1 • n Jr,nc rJone IV1r1 "' 11•" I WA•h~r.11 ~HU!\• • r• .tr 1 ; •• ""Jl(Jrl B1 r ·•~UI :.tr.oa l.lbi:rty ~-l f>03 or Llherty ~-4327. 6'1tlc :'.!Ekf'.I rT .\IAll()f,A.'1;)· bedrm. Mt, 4 po1tcir twin '"'''"· Hi-boy. dr-r, 1 100. Mr11 Ahrt'n-. Jlulxlr OllH. e\ll'A, H r lfl J::tf:1 'TJ~J• · r11.ng ... l'r'lfll"1'· Dttp· '-''II 1''1. c1n lo J t27.8t trnrn $ IJ!I :.,, t1r.. pyml I :v1r11n11 A ar s WarebouM-. tZ•I R Ml\.ln. S11nta An.a Open !1 Ii Kl 3·720 1 Via O porto -Ctntra.J A \'1.', :-; t'W'f'Ort Beach Elwood Shell, Exalted Ruin \'lf'lil'I) on O.c. 1&. 19M. !'Jld F •b. No. ~ l of UUa >•rar. ~-.Ptt ....... "'14-21-:U 317/M S{2 18Us BL. Newport Beacll PHONIJ HARBOR 2404 · "10 hr1Jlc you reeuJt41, too. c.a Hal'bor HH Mod M k fnr th# ad taJ< .. r. a t:om11: ~ l1l;hl1n1(. 7 n , IT' h• r1U, \'t ry b:z:1e1ccx:::iicxx:::iiocx::icx:x::::icx::c::1CX::x:a:x::cx::x:m ::x::icrc:xx::iiu 1 Ll s. si 4. •·nlv .,,, i' rr11.o.•m11bl" l6c18 j 11''•1 ="'lJRti•~ 11 1, cu. ft. refr11t· n :,tnr AUlt1 d,.tmet. Pd. dn. to • 1111 r14! from 1111"1 So d.n. pymt. :.; .... IM111{/'Jn11 A A A w~ .... 220 ._ M~ri. Sant.. AM Open II · 9 Kl l-7201. \ I -"' v v' Check these Used Cars dA-Apta. for Bell& ------· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 • PA6E I MONDAY, FEB. 21 , 1955 HERE'S A VALUE! FREE INSTALLATION on aH new CHRYSLER marine engines purt!:hued tfom Feb. 21st thru March 7th inchaive FROM Industrial Marine Engines Inc. THIS Includes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials, Crowns, Crown Specials & Imperials. EXAMPLE-BRAND NEW Chrysler Ace sells f<>r $1095 (plus sales tax) F.O.B. your boat. This is the total cost tq you placed in your boat ready to enjoy. I . This special off er includes : 1. Preparing engine beds, 2. Aligning and bolting ~own engine. 3. Connecting and fumlahing all parta for wa. t.er system. 4. Connecting and furnishing all engine wiring, 5. Connecting throttle and clutch control. Engine and inatallation carries l -yr. guarantee. All work done at our shop Berth 205A Cerritos Channel Engine show room a.nd newest, finest. self service marine hardware store Jn this area. Buy trom a local dealer who wtll be here TOMORROW to ~k up what he NII• TODA Tl IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KEEP TRTINQ. W&11t 1 or I br. tum. houM wttb prlv- ~y. Rip ret~· .. per- manent couple. No cbfldren or peta. What ban you! Write Bolt o.sa. thl• paper. u :.;40-:.,.....;.:A=uto.~...:;ua;::;;;;.d-:l'rue;;;;.._.-k_• ___ 40-_.;...Aa_toe_ucl,,;.;,..-_,~-~---1<>48-A,.._ a a- LOU .REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS • 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor Cl\lb cpe. Light green, radio & be.ater. Power steering IN TIP TOP SHAPE 1953 PONTIAC 8 dlx. 2-door sedan. R & H, Hydra. AN EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN CAR 1952 PLYMOUTH deluxe 4-dr. sed. Lt. green, very clean ................................. ·-·· .. ·········-' m Hf52 FORD Customline 2-door sedan. Radio & heateti, Fordom•tic. One owner • in excellent condition ·········----------· See These Cars at LOU REEQ Used Car Lot ''Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 ro-Autoe and Tnlclm --- 1245 ANXIOUS TO SELL. 19:.11 Olde 98 Soliday. Very clean. tn 1tOJ"- age tor Jut yr. See & drl·H at Choice Winter. Rent.ala on Balboa !al.and It Udo Isle 8m&ll Ir eO., or &arc• Ir deluu $75 CO $300 IDODUI VOGEL CO. SOI Manne A...._, Balboa lalaDd .Pb. Hvbor f'-4 or H&.rbor 21~1 Rea. Hu. 1111-RK or Ll 8-5297 Mlle 2 BJIDROOM FURNtSHED DU· PUCX, Corona de! Mar, aoutb of Hlway. $110 month. Incl. utll. MRS. KAY, Har. 3779-,1 Mtc -------------UNFURN. oM bdrm. duplex. ~2.50 includes _.,ove 6' refrlg. 220 Coat& Me,aa SL, Coata Mesa. LI 8-123• after 3 p.m. or week- enda. lk18 Bl!lAU'FIFUL 2 bd.rm: dupl~ anrt gv. on Broe,4!way lD Coata MeAa Red&eorated. . Hwd. nrw., $70. JeUf!.-U i .. 52f. l6cl8 Balboa Island Cbotc• yearly &11d wmmer rental•, now avall&ble. DOR.IS BRAY, Realtor 118 Mart.ae Ave~ Ba.Ibo& JBland H&rbor 20 9~Uc TWO or three bdrm. duplex un· tumlahed, i,. bll<. !rom High School. Garage. Reduct-d rent for yard ca.re. LI 1-1543. tlttc '53 FORD 8 Ranch Wagon Radio, hl'ater, dlrecttona.l sig- nals. w1ndshlel<1 waaher. Spj;>l- llght . 6 ply tires. light blue color. 2:514 Newport Blvd. Ha.r. '828. ON BALBOA lSL.AND J ltlp18 81:11 Ult fOr ,..n, end rtrRN', b&ch•lor a pL Yearly, Walk1Jl6 dal.allce to bua &nc1 buelnNA dt.lt .. Har. 1217.J lOdl M-8 ..... _ ~ R.E.A.80NABLY prl'*1, clean 1 • 2 bednn. tum. apt.a. UUl pd. Laundry room. Playrn>u.nd tor children. Blue Top Apt4 •03 Newport Blvd., Newport ~acb. Above the Arcbea. lOlft 2 BDRM. sarace apL, tum. $86 or WllUrn. NO. Water pd. •3l5 ~ Heliotrope, Coron& del Mu. Har 23M-M. 1~17 .NEW unturn. duplu, 2 bdrm. 1.11d gar. on aecluded St., 2 blka from 11Chool, ahopa, bu.a Ir P . 0 . Eut • aide Costa Me-. L1 8-35S8 . llk17 CHOICE unturn. front bungalow duplex. l bdrm., ~am ceillnc lh·lng m1, 1~ x 20, picture win- dow overlookln~ yard A n owel"8. Tile bath with llhower, lge. kit- chen, Iola of llle 6: cupboerca. Separate g-a.rage w1th lau.nd~ room attached. Q~let. nice neighborhood 6: only 2 bl.ka to buaineu diat. In C. M. $8& mo. Incl water to right party. A'\'&ll- avle lfarch l. Ll 8-8973. 16cl3 -------------ATI'R.ACTIVE f\Jrn . .l bdhn. gaf. apt., w1nt'er $6~ per month · tll Junr J8. Tile bath .t-kltchrn, knotty pine living rm. View win- dows. 224 12 Diamond Ave .. Bill- boa bland. Har. 0701-R alter ' p.m. • 16c18 COSTA MESA, ne.ar golf club, comfortable tumtahed l bdrm. duplex. Only $:52.86 mo, Phone Klmbt'rly 2-9418. 16r21 488-ffollllff for Rent WILL RENT brand Dew 3 bedrm. 2 bath, unfurn. horne in lRVINE TERRACE at $200 per month With 1 yr. lea.se. Call Harbor •H8 for• further detail•. 68ttc General Sheet Metal Shop A real going business! Sales 1954 over $90,000 and growing each year . I Due to death, widow must sell! This is a real opportunity: rf or some lucky person! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Liceneed Bualneu Opportunity Broker P: S. Jewelry Store for Sale. Good Location 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach liarbor 4718. 14c16 UKE l\"EW. ·s119s llMIOna.I rental.a. LEASE bra.nd 11l'W a bedrm. ht1me. DISTRIBUTORSHIP 19~• MORRIS Convertible, one NELDA ""lBSON, Rea.It.or new tract. Small family only, on good atr.et. l bUL to beuL 1-BR. STUCCO tumtahed. oW'ne.r. 3400 mllea. BIG . ~uc-~ $85. mo. Ownt<r Liberty 8·~•297 EXCLUSIVE I )'elU'I old, 59000. Uon. 808 Manne A.Ye. Harbor 602 6 0 •L.BO• IS' • "'D 1tt Eve.nlnga. H cl OCEANFRONT INOOME Hausken Motors, Inc. ..... n ~' c Exc01+1·n9 new flARBOll BLVD. unturn. b11.nga-~ unit•. • ral'9g ... 2 lot.. Beat I 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington All engine types & models in stock. '!>3 FORD 8 Country Sedan Radio. healer. dlrectlona.1 11ig- nali1. Fordornatlc. Good Urc.s. Tu Tone p111nt. 1 owner car. $.189.5 1932 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa VERY NICE, close ln 2 bt'drm ,ft>.. r.hlldr._n o.k. low rent _ ~ ~ locaUon. An• •AA Easy Terma. Phone Liberty 8-50:51. fC'cu~1'"-'-''i'iu~n!~uirm~.~s~t,oi"Vv"ie""T a:-';;rci1•rrir1fig':-. -Uiiva.KR1°~~9:9;;-9~H~~bo~~C~t~~~i;f -;;;~...::,,I .::n111:f'1Mtlr-;;:;M".;;-;;;;".at;;'Aia1it'1t+-l~~1..!!.:...!!~~=.!:~L~~~---l floora, t ile venetian bllnda. Gar. ~bt'rtyar8·3~·33,011 a esa. u c16 I•• Oney-maker~~ 3-BR. &: DEN. Dble. Gmp Financing available. ':\I F ORD 6 Tudor Rlldlo A: heater. 1'ew t lre11 $49!\ 52 S. S t C $80 mo. Yearly $75. U 8-472:.1. ood ' Inger POT ar lSclS 2 BDRM. turn. hl>use, &ar. f'hOM Sill Beach Terrttotlc1 Open. Nt"wporl Hf'tghta. A re.a.I I All installations subjed to approval of our marine engineer. A. M. "Gus" Walker ONE O\VNER, MOO mUu ""·· -------·------Llbttty 8·1';80. 1'4cl6 Mako $1 000-$3000 per mont.h1 buy. You muat aee tht•, .18,600. FOR GOOD SUMMER or yearly ------------F ull or pt.rt umt--no Kllln g·-tenna. Cotton Goff H ke Motors Inc rent.a.la, Corona. del Mar or ? 1'~t:RNISHEO ' bd.nn. houlk.t for aus n , . See .INl.zmorrl.I Realty Co. le&.!!e, $100 mo. plU8 Ullhllea. no eitperfence -No overhead. Best Buy in West Newport. Industrial Marine Engines, Inc. Volkswagen-Porsche Dir . 1932 Harbor Blvd., Costa MeM Phone Harbor 2152 2r lll 122 42nd St., Nl'wport Bt•1tch. Work from your ho.me. We tJ'aJn. ' br., turnllhed. Da&l'ly new. Phone LJberty 8-~:.11 H cl6 -------------15c17 Jnveatment lll merch&ndlae and The pnce la rtgbt., $18,300. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington, Calif. 24-bour Phone Service TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 2116 Npt. Plvd., Newport S.-ach Pb. Harbor 8. tJrU 42--Trailerw 1955 Buicks TRY the MILLION DOLLAR RIDE ~~~~~~~-----------21-F'T. PAN A.Mll:RICAN trailer, reconditioned lnalde It out. Re- dured i., $700 for qukk .ll&le. H :.I E. 17th St.. Coat& ~. U 8-8663. 13cl8 Corona del Mar 1 BEDRM. FURN. APT.. ,., blk. to beach, $711. mo. Utll paid. NEAT atudllo a]>t. down1taJr11. Ma. Mo. UUl incl 16p21 Thrill to sma>oth surging per- formance. J Bl:DJUl. tum. •Pt. ~ blk. from TRAJl.ER, 2 whee.I, 4 x 8. '60 ln· beach. $9~. mo. UtU paid. . eluding 'llS l&ba. Har. 2364-W • .I 13P17 W. E. Fisher, Realtor -~""-~-~----~--.. IERRY.!S._BUICK !~F~1~_ f_#~.=::.::t~~ _I! ..... ~.::::.:=::.:...:.: H UUSEFl.:L. Solid mahoa. ove.r".. SEXTANT, Germ a n l'l11th,~6 x :{O G.M.A C Term• 8.A. VE your rent money, wtth a &03' !l. Coul Hy., Corona de! Mar ,lu(frll. l&rl(" mtrrnr~. "tHhng monocul111'. Like n<-w, $11 ~ Har 2612 l\'ewporL Blvd., Npt. lkh. Har'bor ~21. H ell 2:7' Pan A.mt<rlcan, ttne cond. Harbor 2t•3 1'1h'•r 1tnd d11n11.. JS!)O. Cnll Hy· 23!>-\-W. l~pl1 111• '1·71H b"f•ne 9 t1.m. !or llfl'- f"Hnlm~1.t 161 18 • S ee al U.6 E. 17th S t., co.ta MML I.A 8·6663. 18cl8 SMALL FUR..~. hoUM nur ooean. SNOWBIRD 1{)1}3 F'ORD V·8 Country IK'dan. ------ Ra1llo, ht'11 lcr. Fordomallc.. one BY OW:'\ER-'51 Angelea 35' fur· --Eitc.ellt'nt thro11gho111 . 1'\ew Dsc-'-h .. .. .. tt_ "'-d _... loll SERVEL 8 cu, it. re!rlg., 2 1' xi:,· ron &all, u~,1 twice, U :'iO, Har. ownt'r, low mllr11.g,. $199~. n .. cu, •~ ... """ ~ ..... c.wcr, .. 1 • H !.llll r m&ny t'lttrlUI, RetnadA, carport, Wfl() l lh t ru~. crma.n • e 464!>-J. 16c18 Hausken Motors, Inc. &tore r oom. Trf'e abadei.t. Lot tncw!"m •h•t bionch. Ca.JI Harbor 1------------ :l()ll!\-\\' l6cl8 K OH.L.ER 4 cyl. n vott-l 't KW. 1!\32 Harbor I31vd .. ('..osta M~a B-26. Rancho Tra.tlt'r Pa.rk, ---grnl'rator. :'\o llmll. &1nr{· t•om-l'htt11e U~rty 8-5~1 . H ell! Palm &pr1ng•. Priced to Mil. plrte ovtrhaul. Har. 19M nrtcr lllpl8 H ,\MM 0:-1'0 or1;111111. All modtls. On<' univ .. 1i~hlly UHd almoal llkt '"'"' Thl!t Ill a 11ptrl1tl, DA !'\Z-SCHM I OT ~ pm. 210 \'II\ Gra:wtnn. Lido UH7 F'ORD Sl.Jltlon Wagon, good lslt'. t 3c 18 1 t1ru. good motor. $31!'>. 47-Want«I to Rell& FOR RENT • ~n1'\r1•n to0t flMl Hn.rbor 49't-\\'. H c l9 Wlll tak" huAt up l •> :12' 41102 Rentals Wanted Hammond Hf'11dquartne for Or· •nit' <.;oun ty, :120 :-lo. )la.In, S. A. H A VE hte lltltul B111dwln llCl"Oll()nlc ~plnec. 4 yr# nit!. W ANT TO SWAP tor ~ll.Jll~o l'hon"' Hn rbor J0{)8.r.J •Uc. 2 ONLY Sp1nrt t)'pe, upnght pl.a· ne>~ In ~r!l'Cl conrt1U1in. I maple ..t I hl1>nd<' TNma i •O dnwn, $14 rtr m!'. al- SH A F'ER'8 Mualc Co. ! SIJ'lce 190i) 421-42:l X Syritmo~ . ."11nra Ana . Phone Klmt>--rly 2-00i'l \Vl"Rl.JTZER Sptn«'I. F'lne ma.hog flnlah. SllJl>Uy 1111,.d. Tt1p cund Harbor 084\·M 1lrl8 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH rt.ANO co. 1 1318 Cout Blvd .. Corvna d,.t MILi cTlla dm lnterlor Bldr. • Hu . 3382 66 Uc J ONLY bfauutur 11nrle manv•I Mll'\SHALL t'lectron1r orga.n hk,. ni-w Save $200. ConV"'nt~nt I ~r'l'ns & t- 8 H A f'ER'S ~fo~c CO. (St.nee 190i) '21 ·423 ~......S)'CJ!!llore. Santa An& f'llo/" Kl.mbc.rly 2·0«!72 :"' ... 11\'ET PIA.NO. UWely t one and r 11v only J~87, Tl'nnll. Other ,wondtrh1l b1HK•J11e In rentaJ r~· f urn•. tr11.de In on organs. "'" SevHal me~ly alightly ll('ratcl\· "<I In <11hlpmenl DA :\~SC'ttMIDT 1'120 No. Mam, Sant.A Ana Rn·er Ave._ :Vi>Wport Sch. C".111 19M F OR D V·8 Vll'tOr1&. lladlo. eves. No !'>·06711 1.. A. l ~•pli hf'.lt ter, Fordo l'ow~r aleerlng PoW!'r braku, one O\\"?IH, S22•~. ~~~~ca!<_~~·-~--~y __ Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd .. C<>~t.a Men T'hOne Liberty 8-0001. 14('16 BEAUT1Ft:L Elt·ct ronic Organ, blOn•lt-clllle. nlmo't n~w ~\u"t u crlticf . on.. onl>'· Bl~ llUV· lna,s. DA:'\Z.SC"HM IDT Great Sale. ~20 :o\o. :\hln. Sant a Ar8 BEOLDlGTOX TERRIERS. JO we .. k11 A K C' Si !\ LI 8-Sfl8 '!'>~ HJH.IJ Country St·dRn. O'dr .. R&H. Tlntct.I glu1. 7 mo•. old 'Top con<Uuon. Prl\'lll• perty Hai bor 060-M. 1 lct6 llH9 PONTIAC 8 convert. t oupe fladlo, htr .. Hydra. •' .s w. t ire• one o\\·nl"r . $595. 1ep18 Hausken Motors, Inc. --~---~~----- fO-.Auto. for Sale -------- LOOK Terry's Buick Bnngs YOU your transportation car AT WHOLESALE 1932 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mua Phnr1t' U~rty 8-~1. H c16 fl-Auto~ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. -8 Cyla. _____ .$4.8.88 ----$58.88 loc1uue1 l>Otb labor and puta 19•8 .'\'uh Amb (><J . R.\H. $2"10 New n n ge, wrist pl.GI, \lalve Hll~ HurtM'ln 6, RkH $220 grind, fllUnp ot ma!a and rod IPH C'hry~ler II, JU> ll SZ20 bea.nnga. Expert m ot.or tUlle up IP<!? Bmrk "Pr. ron'" R&-R ~2~~' PO-day or 4.000 mile guan.ntee. \947 Plymoul,h ~n .. R.t-H . ~If.' l!Ml Cuick t1ldnn . $60 1:>:0 MONEY DOWN). 2Rl2 :0.:!'wport Bh'•I , :'\pt B1·hJ REBUILT ENGINES Jl111tt.;r ~Ml. I 11 I~ -t:I' to J~ MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by akllle<I Work C.ar Speer· ... ~s macll!N!!l9-Dorn c:ont.end wit.It '"' ... I t h/I middle man. Buy dfrect. REBUILT a.ad INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK BEAt..lUlJL 8PIN1.-r p~ ... os. l!H':' 01..f\S~tOBILE ?8 ~NlM - R«'nt t.o buy. An of tenn ran I lrootl ml'chAnlc11ll)•, R u 11'1 H . a UOWfd. PrarU~ pl&notl ... )OW Hy dl'll.. -Sl!I:'>. u $5 llt'r mo. 194':' CHEVROLET dt'hJ:iu1 4 <l••"r DA:\'Z..SCll)fIDT Btg Plano Store, IM'dan. <'l"an -Sl!l!'>, ~~ :-to, M1un, ~llllta .AnA 193P PL YMOt.lTH •t<l11n. v~.-y clc11n ... . . -. S0."1. Honest TV Service -Hausken Motors. Inc. STEVENS A SONS 18Tt Harbor. CQ1ta Meaa Ph l...O)uly 1-2301 7ip~ttc aTEl="°W A Y GR.AND. LOte new. Bic MVlnJrll. ALM Kn.abe, Kl.m· bat, Fliocbrr. Muon It H.t.mlln. Many oUiu~ Pn.ctke planol u low u f85. DA~ Bl.r Piann atore. 620 No. Mall\, 8allt.a An• BAL.DWrn Arroeonlc Sp1n't piano mahn!la n~·. f'lnrt cla.s. condlllon. Phone U hforty 8-:lfl~~ 1exc•pl l"riday llDd Saturday>. H ele l!l:t2 Hubor Bh·d .• Gol'rla M-M rhone l..Jberly 8-M~1l flrlO 1953 Buick $1995. Super lUVIJl!RA c~pe. R.&Ji. Dyn110our. Drive the most a.111~hl U!er model on tit• ro.d t.odty. TERRY'S BUICK C.M.A c Tnm• 2612 :O.:twpofl Bl"d. Nrl Rc·h . HarllOr S021 H cJS FORD •1.29.60 t;HEVROL.ET •H9.r>J PLYM. 6: 000011: $1:>~ CRRTS A DE SOTO $170 STUOEBAKEP -l liO OLDS " POmLAc . 1170 BUICK •11~ HUDSON ..$17Ct Lo&n Car Frwe TowUig NE\V CAR OA.RAJl/TEE Block 1nu.11t mtt t our naodarda Plue taau. rukelJI and oll Open 8undey 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE . REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 lo 7 r State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANT 4 Ali A W• Ot!C!d a pt.a and bouaca lD all seclloo.e for 80lh wlllt.fr and yea.r'a leue F'um. or unrurn. U you have a vacancy. phone today The· Vogel Co. 3201 W O t. Hwy .• Newport ~ Ptlona Liber ty 8·3•81 Wll /\larine, Bal boa l.aland Phone H.a.r bOr «• 1301 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 1 H l 100 t.t111n St .. BalbOa PhoDe H&rhn'f' 1 ts 21tlo ---~~-------- HA VE YOU a Udo Bay Front homr to rl'nt tor summtr ! Fun- 1ly or 3 want11 2 ~<frm and bath with maJd's quartera. P h11n' Harhor ~1~. WANT TO RENT, H cl6 MAY 1st to OCT. llL Furn. houF•• ror man A mothflr. Pretrr eome Bay vl~w. Must l\a,·e 3 bath~ A 3 bdrma. BA t.BOA B AY PP.OPERTlF.S H11rh<;ir r,11\8 U cl6 A Phone Call WTU. GF:T T OU quick resull8, WE NE.ED bouau and •pt& rum. or 1mfurn. For 1mrnmer rental or yearly h•Mcs. \.\'e ha ve altenta waJUng. PLEASE PHONE. wnle. or 11ee ua. BALBOA BAY PROPERTlltS J.i 05 W. BALBOA BLVD. PHONE HARBOR t.183 13cl8 TOUXO bll.!tn"M n-oma.n. Cln&n· Cially lndeptndent. · 2 children, 2 yrs .I: 6 )TS. 1 have h.el'kJlr) 1\t'- 111ru :l or J bllrm. apt.. or hOUllC:, year l\ro11n<t. Fum. or unrurn- To '1 ii\ monll'I, will pay more If <lrKfrabl<'. ~fu"t hsve almo11- phrre .ft prlVI Q'. lf f11.1T1.l.shcd must be ntc,.ly done. Excellent r efl'rcnc•r11 f'hone llay11 Sa.nt8 Monlca EXbrook f--69•3. Eve.s AfU.zona 3-7490, collect, Ruby Man-h, 1ZJ)l7 J>AfNTER will u r..hangf' work for l"!'nt of 2 tlllnn. unfurn. hn\Jlle tn Harbor art'& Rrfer. Hai bar 2385·R. l 6pl8 WA.:.07 TO RE:'\"T, l bdan. turn. hr~, .. or "PL Perrrt11nmt. New- Port. B-•t ch or eo.t..a M.eea. Call , Hat. t82&. 161>18 yearly. Ll.berty 8·2162. H c1a SMALL .HOUSE, nt-W d~eoratt"d. 1 be<lrm .. maplt-turniture $67.50 year round. '12 Famlea.t. Ha.r· bor 3221. H ell CLJtAN % l>cdrm. unfurn., $32.M>. f"urn. ~9.95. Garage. Adulla. 2t~ Newpor t Blvd. (l\o. 6), Costa Mesa. Httc RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cral, Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manne An. B&.lbol& lll&nd. Har. 1671 72t tc 2 BDRM. DUPLEX. cloae to town East "Ide. $6:>. mo.nth. Ca.ll - Llbl'rty 8~761 or Ll 8-2103. ltc l6 SECLL''OED hl.lalde vlc:w home - 6 room Ind. l bdrm. A a comb. den. Dl8Jl06&.I, llv. rm. 18XJO . Flrepl., llP&CIC.UI «'i"OUO~. '1 i S. 2919 ClUf Dr. Llbuly 8·li46. l!X: Ii ~A-Apt& for Beat ------ Channing Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NEW 4 ROOM. atrttl level :-Oea.r llC'bool.I. abOJ'plnR dlstncL Quiet, plraaant. cxclualve. Garbage d1a- poaa1. laundry, elorage roome. ~4!. $82.~0 up. Uccupl"• en· Ure 11.ttott. Good au~rnalon. Mar.. 1501 Haven Pl.ace 1 Block South ot High School ALSO F URNTSHED APTS. WIXTER RATES illlc UNFURN. 2 barm, •P'· at 1763 Anaheim. See owntr, 1753 Ana.- helm Coat.a MUL Pll Llbforty 3.132'2 6l!c ~. llaCJ'tcJor apt.. M:> mo. 719 Weat Balboa Blvd. For Jrfya and lntormaUon Se. Bay " Be&cb Really. 14~ w. Bal~ Blvd. Ph. Har. l.264, ' 85Uc FLAGSTONE APARTMENTS Jt:ST REDUCED T(J ™ M0 Incl. all uUllUea. Studio apart- ment t>eauUru.Jly turnl1hect. auto wMhe'r It drlrr. See m&r\&«et', 1831 lrvlne Ave., CosU Mesa. 13Uc CHAN:-fEL front ¥&r&ee apUI., J ')lk. to b\IA Ir l.Jdo ahope. UJ>P".r A lower, $.'J6 A $SO. mo. 6~381.h St .. Newpb(t Bch., Apt. 2. H pta N'l:ARL T NEW" a bdrm. unfur 1\. apl., curr Havrn. Garb. dlsp .. Jar&l't!I l.Aunt'lry room. R('due- U -a tor lawn can. U i-l•2& U c:l8 • CLIFF HA VEN 2 bedrm. modem unfurn. hoU5c. Red,corale to •ult you. $100 month, y~arly ba· 11ls (lk. Ph. Har. 2694-W. or Har. 987. l 3t!e advcrllllns malertal requ.l~d. .bk for Harald Q. SplM, OR TWO bdrm. house It garag._' Garb. dl"P.. nf'wly deroratt'd. Yeuly reJll&l unfurn. 122 ·29th SL. Newport Beach. llpl7 FURN. 2 bdnn. hous.-. hwd. floor1, wat.t,r paid. Nf!t pet.e, chtld okoy. 244 E. l !'lth St, Costa l\te.91\. LI 8-11920 eves. 16r 13 . FURN ' bdrm.. 1 1 J baLti-. nf&r ~. largt-uv. room. ea1uge, sarb11111 dl6}J. Ha.r. 0849· \\' l 8cl8 \\'RITE about youreelt. Grva ph. ::-;o. -Write Boll 57312 Flint Slatton, 1.oe Angelea 117. 14cl6 ~~~,-~~---- LUA1':i TU BUll.l.J. IKPROVJ: BUY, MU!J~lZE, OR R.EFlN~~ We Buy ~t Deedl NEWt·u H'I BAL.CU.A t;A Vl.NOB .ti: WAN A8.!31X"IATJ11N 3M8 Via Lido. Ph. Hat. UOO Uo LOANS for Homes Homer · E. Shafer R&ALTOR l o& McJ'8"den Place "A.t the Newport Pler'° Har. HO rv .... Bar. 1U7-M LAGUNA BEACH CHARlQNQ A.rUaUc 2 bl'. cottas•· lo.e..l locaUon on ocean, exln 1ars• Jot. private paved atl'eel. no lrtl"pll, aeo.l&1ded yet doee tc bu.s:lneN d!atrlct. 2 patio• orte• complete prlvary, weU l&lld· 1caped A. eomplett"IJ tumtlbed. room to enl.al'g e. See Dr. Adame bou .. at 49-A-8.eet Homa ----··----------:S<;"o -20 yr. Loella 31888. Sucll.tt Drive, So. Las\m• Construction Loans sunday 11 to • GRADUATE ="URSE wtll take one. Lovely private home, Hnr- bor area. :"o olht'r ~utt1l~. Jo'tn· fllll rood and ,.arr. Phnn,. l'lllr 4779 or Har. 4v91. a.al< t<ir Hnnt· u . 16c18 M-Rent.. M1llC. SEE BUB SA TIL.ER 2~J:. EAST COA!!IT BLVD. LI.II uni.I Ckl Mu H&rbul ::SIS86 ltt'p l'1JllUEH MURTGAUll t..:U Metro LUe 1n.e. ·~WI K1. 8-M~ '8Llc ---• ---·------WuULO Ilk• w bUy \It and 2'11d CORRAL It ST ABLES-low rent. Truat Deeda. <.:&11 Har. 2321 19911 Harbor. Coela Meu. •8ltt' L.Ibt-rty B-3333. U c l6 ------------- New Luxury Medical Center to be constructed . Ample private parking, cen lrally located. Layout to tenant.I order. For Information, ~Mo~l Waa!A':d ___ _ FOR. SALE-First Trust Oet"d. lo< Ill property. well aec.urtld $32.· l.ll>tl 11! 6',. p~yabl~ ~o. ~r mo. Uberty 8·~32. l:.lt.tc A ~hone Call LIDO REALTY AMIO<:iatee WIL.L GET YOU quick rcault.a 3400 Via Lido Har. 4444 WE HA \'E CASH BUYitRa for 15tfc houaea. t.noome property. ap~ .. tr1plt>Jt. vacant lots or an~•ge BALBOA ISL.AND -Ideal lO<'ll· f'l.EASf: f'HO:"E, wrllr hr ~e" u~ C.t My tro111 Marty Ray, anytime Gypty 11:.1101 daya HY Hl~ evea. lfpJ9 "Let Ua Locate for You" Fa>r Harbor property, bay and t>taeb. Coata M...., Corona del Ma.r, S&n la Ana, etc. The LOCATOR ot Calif. Branch o.Ulce. 1834 Harbor EMvd. Costa Me&&. Phone L1 8·1861. 87t.t• Leaving State I U~IT COCRT 1n Co.ta MN&. £11.cellent lnt.:()tt\1'. Small down p .. yment h•nc:Un . ALSO OCEA."l J!"RO!'li' UST AU• RANT m :'\ewport £Wach. Sea.- .on Just 11111rtlni'. Good mone1 m81\rr lion on Marine Ave., offlr e 11r IU:ll)p. Pl.US l btlnn apt. All for I I ~ mo Har 20~ 2. JI tlc B A LUO.A. BA y PROP EKT1.E8 CALL Llberty 8·3148. owner. 11t2Ua tM:, W. BALBOA BLVI>. ------------BUSINESS Uli VICE. eJlUIJent IO· caUon acrou the 11lreet from Comna del Mar PC>At Office. JduJ for loan rcpreMlltallve. contractor, aeamwtrees. a.rt or j'welry bu.slneN. Ull.l. pd. Only 140. month. P HO="f: HARBOR :,JS!j 1 :1~18 SELF SUPPORTING CALL Ben Whltma.n, Har. 18U Evea. Harbor H61 N trc NOW LEASI.NG, avallabt. bu&· n-ottloe spaces. C11J1t.er of Co· rooa del MAlr. aullabl" for CPA dt-ntlet or ? c au at 3~ 2-4 C<1ut Hwy. 16lfc 3 OP'FJCli: 1pac_, tor le&.tL Ap· proll. l 7'1t36' •:&ch. In L Hfo Sh11p- pt11g ue~ :.oo Via MLl11p. Har. 332i. 11m. OFFICE apace !rir ~I, M rdlc &J, Dental, ACCOW>UnJ. "le. 111 but 1ith St.. Co8ta M"~" location. Har. 2797. 16ltc WANT TO BUY \'1'1'8nl tot, ()r pertl!<I ar re, at lt'\111l 70' t ronl, 12~1 rlt"P M·I, A gr1cult11raJ or CommcrclaJ znn. rn~ l'l1·1te1• 1111otl! tot"I prier. lf'nna M d lo< a llun. 1•r1vn lf' p~r­ t y, Wnt., 8tJ)( Y 3~ thl8 paper lf l'RIVATE PARTY-\\'1tnl8 lo lllly rr~l•lcnrf' Int h>r ra.~ll Mu11l bi> 111.1111• In, :-.ewport, Balboa , area . ~Ive ll\rntllin anrt partlcul11r11 \\'rite Hnx (.J'Ji, Ll\111 ra1irr. i p18 ------ WANT t o buy ,dupll'X, Ttlf'l"x 11r unth tor cull from private par· t v Hnrbor a rta. Write lio1t V:l2 lh 111 pap!'r. l3p17 OFFIC!; sp11ce Hart?<>r Blvd. Trle· BALBOA INCOME phon,. ~rrviC'e, n,.w bldg. 11.11"1· pie puking. LI 8·f>442. Ev-•. ~ Har. H~7-J, l&c:-18 {;:\ITS Oldl'r prop•rty Ct"ntral· ly loc., l '11 bl~ to he.rt ot tw- bOa I.JUI. nn. JUl<t rf'tlttt Pd to $23..SOO fl<r qulc.k M ic. a:.<100 dn Ow11er HarbOr 1308. i :>ur STORE BLDG. A.t 1.870 Newport Blvd., ~ .Neu. Good locaUon, plttlty of perlUng Wallc-t n r-etngerator About ll~ 11.q. rt. Ooor ~ Cont..M:t- R. H. DA.NTrL I~ N.wpon Blv<1. or Ll 8-2228 16cl7 !!.=:.._~-~~~-~C!>~.J~ - HAVJJ: A unll mntel 6: ~ bedrm hotrn1 In Lon~ Bfouh Wiii tr11d~ tor Corona del Mar part '11corn,. .t hom,... Wnt.e Boa w-aa thl.4 ~Pf'T, or pbaM ~ Be.ch 906· Hi. lkll H e>mft anrl lncomf'. Tor tr.c.IJnn. ('Orun11 rl<'l ~l 11r, llfl ll. lront.. 2 f\-2 lnlll. Well built Cl ti.-droom h''""" In trnnL. 2 11n1u • fo(llr. 111 '"ar. Room l•'r 1lh unll. Thl• 1~ 11 hot b11.rg11ln Al SA!2.~00, With $1tl(Mlfl •f<1,..•n 1·n1l ~ '4111 pay loan &. ta.xi'" Call 1-~urtl V,.rrin· dcr, H.11 r. 12R:l, rv('• H&r. 3-477. 16lle FIRST TIM~: on·EtiEDI 11\' O\\'~ER CLlF'I" llA VJ,;:-J II Mrm. hom,.,. 11r .. plr ..... 11111 gsr. la r11~ Int. SH ~1t•l1 4' C I lr1Rn. S~'4 30 pf'r mo. tnr I. ~u • int. U .000 1h1wn. -IJl>erty 11-3847. 12rl 7 CCIROl'A OEL MAR, Oc,.an v11'W 4 11r111~ r 11rn l·I U. R . 2 ba , 1·2 I~ K 2·1 tt. ltc xlr" lge Uv. rm .. G&rb c:J1Ap :. ~11r. !I/Ir-. pnllo, ~11n ''"' k. nr b1 ti P1>t• nU&I 1no. $6CJIJU SJO.OOn Will han,llc. Mn• tnr t •rwn"r. 4:\1) A v11r111lo H•.r· !)Qr t11112 . lOc22 Bay Front tncome I t.: nl lA 2 It I ~ruoma. fW'9o ' iah<"ll.• 1'1U, fl•ial and prhate becaG.ll.. IOOO E. U&Jboe 81\'d.e BalbuL Creal view 18'lt6. Cour- tay to brullera Utte $~,fl() DOWN mO" .. you tnto 11~ 3 be<1nn. rr~,.dom H"me. Co•ta .Mc11e <1lnlce localJon. lAlld· AUJ>f'd. Tli.d. Jn300. Kl 1-2121.. Melt I> , I PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS C-R81 P.:tlfatfl ___ _ MONDAY, FEB. 21 , 1955 -· D-8-1 l'Atate -~--·----·---~---· - CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE Check all 12 features of this Exceptional Buy I-Comfortable 3 BR..., H~ baths home. 2-Nlce, comer lot on ocean side of Hwy. 3-kstr. BR. has lg. s liding glass window with view of hills Ii conn9Cting full bath with tile over tub. 4-Thermoatat furnace. ' 5-Large handy kitchen with tile sink. 6-No. 2 BR. with very large closets, No. 3 BR. with a4 bath. 7-Laundry and wor k room. 8-Fenced patio and BBQ. 9-1140 square feet of living area. 10-R~m to build second home. 11-Some furniture includ~. · - 12-Price only $11,500.-S2500 will handle. Attn: Multiple Listing Brokers THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 MR. FIXIT An old timer near the pier and beach, 3 unitJI that need paint and putty, $7,500 and $2000 down. VACATIONERS Check tb.i. cute little ho111e at only $6,900 Ii $1,500 down. Comp; furniahed and juat v~ bllc. to the water. CLIFF HAVEN Priced lo .eU undl"r '20,000. $6000 dn., buy• a deed to lhla ur.iaual 3 bdrm. I: playroom hnmt'. :)045 Signal Rd . Shown oy app't only. Ly(le. Evf'a. U 8·2M2. OCEAN VIEW $18,600. $6:)00 bu)'• e yr. old 3 bdrm., 1• .. beth. 28 x JO garage I: ahop. Cor. lot at end of Tu1lln overlooklll( Pile. O.:ean. Shown by app't. Lytle Eve. U 8-~2 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN ON RO· CHESTER. 2 BDRM. NEARLY NEW. Hwd. tlrt1., 1cwer, curba 6: paving In 6: paid. Full price $9995, only $1600 dn. Hurry. Putllte Eve. W 8·6487. BUSINESS 4: I!l:COME •on Balboa bland. BAY FRONT NEAR FERRY LANDING. HUtburger atand. paddle boards, 3 apt. ren· tat.. A rool money maker. Room for expan1lon. Hurry before aea· ion atarlll. $10.000 or leu han- dlea Seymour Eve. Har. 5298-W. M·l ON SUPERIOR. Large howie on mfg. lot, heart of town. On 1ewer. Room for .mlg. bulldlnga. Thia prop. will lncreue in value Have home a.nd bwilnua at only $12,900 with low terms. 2 NEWER DUPLEX UNITS in C-1, near new shopping center. Front apt. C'lll1 be easUy con- verted to bu&lneu or otrlcea. A real bargain 6: term•. Evee. phone Benner Har. 11111 WlDE SELECTION Eut It West Side Lota Reuonably Priced. Houston Realty I: ASSOCIATES :I08 Center lit. ea.ta Mua v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. ATTENTION Builders, Speculators We have a neat 2 bdrm. home built on rear o f 50· lot on Muguerite Street. with double garage, ft'nced yard, brick patio and room 'o build add'l unit on front of lot. This is a good buy. Priced at Sll,500. Only ~3000 down. 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm. home . Hwd. floors, carpeted W to W, h as separate dining room, 2 paved plltios. Nice yard, beautifully landscaped. Drapes inc. and only $27,000 Shown by Appointment. 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean View This choice income property less than 1 block ~o ocean and beach, owner 2 bdrm. home PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. PLUS la rge 1 bdrm. apt. with oct'an view. All units furnished complete. Locat ed ~ 45 x 118' lot. Better hurry on this one. Priced at $40.000 & $12.000 dn. will handle , 4. A SCARCE ITEM! VERY attractive 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, carpet- ed wall to wall. Nice dining area, over looking large paved patio. Completely fenced. G. I. loan. REDUCED from $16,000 to $14,500 for quick sale. EXCLUSIVE WlTH US PRICE T. McCUISTION r MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) HARBORITES LI 1~911 Evea. Har. ~298-W ------------------------ Look at thla very nice 2 bdrm. and den home just two blocks from Richard's, comp. furnished and in '-•-~ ___ .. ,.,__ lf1 ~ ltl\l'I '"" _..;AA -J PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 2313 14cl6 TWO Terrific buvs ! n~ll V 7 I CCT VI 1 I I LLI I be sure to see these ---:-~ ~--~~~~~·-··-----~-=--~--.:~==...-:..::_~:__~..:..=..-~=::..:__~~~-- BEAUTIFUL (2 bedrm. ea. aide) DUPLEX. Top eut aide locaUon, cloee lo town. Very cleverly -laid out. Property only S yean old. 2 car gara10 In . cmter. Juat MtUt'<f fnite i1i<rt11 a li"a 1-.. - - HOT BUY at- . before you buy anywhere. II 1 CORONA DEL MAR Home with income, this hu character sticking out all over. Color, color, color throughout. If you want a am.all home wit}) a rental to help, "aee this exclusive $13,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Here ia that hard to find 3 br .• in the right price bracket, plus a G.I. loan with everything included in the paymenta. Plenty of yard apace, near ecboola. $16,200. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 34"4 E. Coast Blvd . Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See this beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrma., 2 baths, Tbermador kitchen, dishwasher, garbage disposal. Many other excellent features. 1 yr. old. A real value at $23,950. COSTA MESA If you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home. we have it. Situated on East 19th St., Price $12,950 Call Liberty 8-2664. (Eves. Llberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach PAPA GOT TIRED When be wu partly through remodelling this house and he just quit! Why can't you finish it up and make a little m oney? Don't wait t oo long lo see this. They're selling fast. !fl ACRE WNED R-4. Good location. Room for plenty more rental units. Only $5250. S800 down. CALL Lila B. McFarren at Balboa Bay Prope~es t19 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Har. 3786 or 2517-M ATTENTION Sub-dividers! Fourteen 60' Lots near Country Club. Tentative Map prepared. Price $1500 per lot. Subordinate $900. ·Phone Owner, Liberty 8-2657. 16clb • 17 Units -17 Garages, South Gate Room to build more -Business building Full price s~.ooo. Groea income $14,430 yr. I~ Down Masonry construction -Broke1' welcome Only $12,500 3 Bedrm. Home JUST OFF of Harbor Blvd. la a very nice 3 bednn. home, phu a beauUful aewlng room. Thi• property I• rmmaculatt'. E•cep- tlonally lar1te living room and dlhlng room. Flag1tone flrepl. You'll love the kitchen with plfnty of cupboard 11pace. l..ar1tf garage and alHO a large lot. Take a look al thl• good buy. Only $8850 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1~ Nev.1>0rt Blvd., Coata Mua (AcroN trum Co•ta Mua Bank) Phone Uberty 8~761 Ev!'e. Har. 4356-LI 8·2103 KINGS R~ (just listed) ONE OF THE F11"&3T 3 ~rm., 1 'i. bath homu on exclu111vc: Kini(• Rl1. C"harmln11 c.ll'slgn a.nd all rooms are """" arrang,d, llght anJ 11paclous. Large 11lld· Ing door11 from dining room to outdoor p11t10 W t•1 W cupt't· lnl(, for<'e•I air hl'allng, 1ntloor planter, dble .:aragP, aurarllv<'· ly l•n<ll'Caped and 11r1r1nkl<'r 11)1•· trm. Thr~ home will pltiU" lhf' mo11t 111Rcrlmtn&llnJ? buy,.r. Pnc· ed 1 t onl>• $22 i~. wll~ry allr:tl live ttr1n1. TRIPLEX, hume • Income for only S3,000 down. Full prlt't' '21 .~•00. F'ront apt. hu nlrt• f11 rplar,. BA'k"SHORES Two bfodroom on Bay11hore Dr., $18 7~0. with n .ooo d!'wn Frank James Linwood Vick Realtor& C. 8 . Ruu Wm. G. S1•hmldt. A•soc 312 Miu1nf'. &lhoa Illlf' Har 2042 Newporf Heights ! Furnished -$10,500 $2500 Dn. -$70. Mo. UNUSUALL\' good buy ln a nlce-- ly f11rn iAh4!d 2 bedroom home Of• frrtng-Hdwd. floor11. auto. neat, 14x141 bellrm. All buutlfully dPcorat.ed Ln pleum1t color11, nlc~ly fenced I: IMl1!1Caped and eltuatf'd In the cholcu l part of "the Height. P'OR THE BEST DEAL ln thl1 area cont.act- Roy Greenleaf Jr. "RING" Geo. W. Bell, Realtor Kl 3-5035 •ASSOCIATES Might take good paper u part DUPLEX J bdrm.. front wllt: 1 Wnn.. rear uiut. Fumlahed. N.wl1 paintf'd. FfnCf'd yard. Sl,· aoo. eta su.~~- am11 AT tlS HtllOlrope, Corona du Mar. -CaU Uberty 8·~371 tor lntorm•llon, Owner. l&c18 Open House Eut aid~; l&rp 1 bdrm., ti.th, ruu lfn(UI llvlnc and dinll\s room combination. w-w car~l· t.ng; fen~ lol. tO·tt.. h onl by 120. 3112 Newport Blvd~ Newport Bch Harbor 2~2. 14cl41 1 Acre of Ground "'1th two Lari• hou11u. now rent· In(. 2 blk•. from Catholic 1<:hool. I blk•. from back bay. 3 blka. from l "ith St., I blk. from Nf'"''J>Orl Avt. J.fuat aell. irolnr Eut Write Bo• z 36. Lhl• all 4 bedrm, 2 bath homes Complete with (awn & shrubs. Large lot.8. Priced $10,950 to $11,550 Open Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • DRIVE to Ramona Place, off Santa Ana Ave. between 15th Ii 16th St.., Coeta Mesa • DIKE & COLEGROVE, Owner-Builders • 419 Eut 17th St. Phone Llberty 8-1159. Costa Meaa 13cl5b NEWPORT VISTA RESALE f BDRM. HOME. 2 bathe, landscaped, w to w car- pet, asphalt tile & other xtraa. LOW DOWN Furnished or unfurnished. BALBOA INCOME 3 units, furnished. Heart o f Balboa. sch. gross $3200 ecb. net $2900. Conct. foundation, xlnt. condition. O,..NLY $16,000, SS,000 WILL HANDLE. FISHER and COMPAN 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with a Multiple Listing Brok er. Did you know this imme<liately put.8 200 e.xperta to work on your property? ALSO, for your protect.Jon, alwaye buy thru a "Realtor." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 4.10 -32nd St.. Newport Bellch LOOK WHAT WE FOUND 3 br, well locatf'd house, Jiving room 13x18, Hard- wood floors. Covered patio, laundry and guest room with garage, ~000. t <'rms C-2 BUSINESS l00'xl90' Newport Blvd. $10,500. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd .. Costa ~fesa Liberty 8-3792 ----------- Will Trade -For Bayfront Home, or 1 T ropical Modem. Deluxe 20 unilll -with beautiful filtered, h eatt'd pool -approx. 9<ht250 lot. locatt'd 10 minutes to Downtown Loe Angeles • Income a pprox. $26,500.00. • BY OWNER I Look It over &nd ca.II Hubor MM pAJ>f'r. t&c21 See The Vogel Co. I for particulars. 379 La Perlt. CASH Ot.rr 1 ~rm. frame • J,i Coron• BJati&aada _ 1 bdrm., 2• CoeLA Mf'&a-• ac,... see M2ll IC)tjen An .. Ooet& 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npl Bch . Liberty 8-3481 baUI fa.nnhoutt. Ph H11rbor 78-J I PnN! $~~00. c:uh cmuit• Me.a Call ownt'r Plymouth --------- 911t!c u,.,, LIVI?~ rn.1., •m. U pl& ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Phone Hubo; lbl6 \ a._......._ .. View Home! .. YOU CAl'\'T HN'tDLY C£T THESE NO MORF. ·· \harming I 2 bedroom home on K:ni:• Rd , CH(( Havt'n. \'1t•w oC B!!y !!n•I °"":tn. A llractlvt'ly lawl~• I" l, F .A. heal. t1rt'plac... .,., • 1r.•• you want In a lovt'ly hom ... $24.~.00. Balboa Duplex!'- c ooD BAY AND QC'f;AN LO<'A· TJO:'ll. 2 br. up 11nll I do"·n. U.W· er apt modt•rnlwd. ('cont rnlhid heal, fll!!pOllUI, ct.·. A· I <'•>n.11· tton and ruurn for 1 11111r~ unit $16.51'10, ~ood t<'rtn.s. Balboa Triplex! WITH 1 BEDROOM f;A t"H. Mn11t· ly new furn111111>. l'ul (r,,111 Sib.· 000 l<> S 16.~UO Cnr quk k 11«1 lun. f'losi: to. Buy. Only S 111()11 .Sown Peninsula Homes! ACTUALLY TllE BEST \'Al.l'F. ON THE l'ENl NSl'LA. 2 b1•.t· • r1><:1m ~I U•'\''' 110111 ... 6 Y•''"" <•lol I Lari:" 2 car 1:r11t11o> l'.1110. J11n· elle. r1n pla<"e, $H,i100, '41\11() 1ln ANOTH1';R ~l'l'Elt·\' A L U I-: 11~ THE PF;N INSt "I.A C'Ull" 2 b<lnn a nd J1 n h1111w F:xc: .. 11111111ally well burll. 1"'3rJ;e w11 ll1•J patio. Rt'palntMI Sl-l .00\1, $~•:'!00 11.,wn . Balboa Rea lt,, Co. (Oppo!<1tc Bank or Arn••r1c111 Mt'mber5. Multiple Listing Ross Greel~y Ed Lu Jack Pinkham Josephine \Vt>hb 700 E. Balboa Blvd.. Brtlbna Phone Harbor 3277. Dividend Paying REAL ESTATE CORONA DEL MAR (South of highwayl. LUXU1")' duplf/' -2 1tudlo, 2 be<lrm. apt!. M&l'.'lm_um .., ... --.1 ..... '-··•lll;l .... u .... ..,..,.,, .... HEAVEN? Well, almost! It 's LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT •;ith pier and laf1:!(' slip. IX'11lgnt'd by E llerbroeck, built by Hall. At ruly oulstandmg 2 lx'd· room, 2 bath homt'. E\'<'ryt hini;: possible for your t'njoymt>nt and usy li\'in~. Ew n a disposal in the sen·ice yard sink for vegetable nnd flisll clcMing. Built-in Thermador kitch<'n. also d1i;hw1u1hC'r. White shingl<' tile roof. T t'rrific C'lnlK'ts 1111d bullt·in f•·n- tures. Lovely carpeting and draperi<'s. The full pr1<'e for this gorgeous h ome is only ~55,000. 54 FEET of Beautiful BAYFRONT, this alRo ha.t1 a pier and larg<' slip, terrific family room with built-in b~rix't'Ue and bar. New forcc-d nit fumHl'P, £•xquisite dining room, 5 brorms., and a nic-e dt>n. 5 baUtK, lovt'ly tcrrat·e overlooking lht> buy. Full price-- S85,500. ThiR home has to be se<'n to ~ apprel'iatc>d. New FRENCH REGENCY styl<>. 4 bcdnn., 3 bath home now under constn1ction. Dl'S1~rd by Lac~·. built by \'isscher. Good RA YYIEW. mal-lsh·~ usro bri<'k fil'<'plaN.', also £ireplacc in o\·ersized master bC'drm . Built-in Tht>rrnador ovt'n and range, carr<'t· NI downst&irs , hardwood floorn upstairs . O,·ersized Jnublc gar:ig<', <'nclosl'd patio with built-in brirtx>cuc. Close to the Club with its guarded swimming tx>ach and tennis court. This fine luxury home is only $37,000. and by buying now, you can still pick your colors in til<'. formica, ext erior and interior walls. Remember we are the develo1K'rs of Lido Isle.- Wt> know tht' property. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co.t sales m anagement 3333 via lido harbor 1500 OR can be 4 bdrm., 2 bath hom.-. View. ownt'r lfavlng. Quick LlDO SOUD BAY FRONT-Pier & slip. Only 1 yr. aal" price. $23.:)00. old. 3 br .. 3 bath, elec. kitch. Built-in dish wuher. ---=-~--------.,_-~ ..... ..,._ ·;-. ~~h·91 .• ~. W & W ff PJMt!P. Bf>ftrrs and new 20· TWIN DUPLEXES • UNITS, 2 bedrma. eat·h. Hdwd. ~ Ooora, tlrepl&ce. Garage. S<"hed. groas SJ~O. OWnt'r My11 "SELL" $27.~ tor both! CLIFF HAVEN TWO SPACIOUS 2 bt'drm. units. Quiet ltreet. 0nf' l!lde now &VIAii• able flrt1t time ror ownf~. L1vf RENT •'REE. lncpme ••xt•ttd• low FHA payments S7A ~3 mo. Full price $19 OUO. L()w d"wn Muriel M. Pinov,r REALTOR 21104 Newport Blvd , Ntwport Bl'l1. Free l'arklnK Harb<•r 44110 14t 16 Corona del Mar 2 t>edrm rusUc tyµe home with llrfplat ... Duublt-garai:e Kl'd· wont.I tr nced on Br1t11n11, I •,. blks. 8bu\•~ Carnat1u11. Low tln Ea •y finanun1; TRIPLEX w1Lh 11t,.111ly r,.nl11l lncomt th11t will make th,. payrnl'nt:1 l"lt•l'l' to lhf' buch R,.aaon11bly prt<"l'•I Lovely 3 br. home 1n Shore Cllfr.11. :"Prtrlng compJ ... t1un. Cben<'e to 11llll pick r.olor11 Wond!'rtul VIC'W. Two rtrC't>la\'t'll, 2 balh11 Rt1R111111ably prlcl'd. Call Mr. P&tll~on. with - W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3034 East t:<J&l!l Highway C.:orona 111'1 Mar Phune itarbor 2H3 Newport Island 2 BEDRM rl'~ldPnce with 1 ~drm apt. ovf'r dbl. garagr, S 141.~00 BALBOA 8 L'.l"ITS corner lol. excel Income record. Ha.If blk. from Bay ILlld puking fac. Cl!'an. $10,000 will han1.I ALSO BUSINESS bldg . PLUS 2 apt11 ONLY $4000 DOW!'\ Triplex, furnished 4 BEDR~. hou11t, PLUS 2 apl11 A ,,..., steps from the b11y. FULL PRICE $20.l)OO Coast Properties 301 JC. Balboa Blvd, B&lbn& Harbor 26~8 A Har. 41100 8tfc WANT TO LIVI: RENT FREE" Better we thl• very n1cf DU· Pl.!:X ... 2 bedrooms each with corr•r flN'placu and h11rdwuod I noora up In CLIF.,. HA \•i:;:-; nr •choola. X CJT A Lt::A SEHOLU 1 • PRICED TO SEl.L at '2~ MlO! 0-ntury m ot or boat , incl. in price. This i11 a honey! Price $70,000. ALSO You seldom iind such a go<xi buy on Lido! Older home. -1 bdrm. and <lC'n. Beautiful 60' h)t. This prop- erty has xlnt. possibilities. Be aure to eee il. Asking price $24.750. BALBOA BAY COVES Sel<'Ct location, on the watt>rfront, 3 yrars old. Lota of tile, F. A. heat. 2 bdrm .. P 1 baths. Xlnt. 'financing. S26.500 furni!lhcd. ALL are exclus1\'e listings with EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Nl'wport ~ach Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay lwo unitll. 2 bdrms. ea<'h . a REAL buy al $37 .500. Sl 0,000 down. N o. Bay frtmt modt'm 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furni.11hf'd... Asking S45,750 and ONLY $5000 down. Near new ·I bdrm. home and apartment com pletely furnished a nd in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, terms. 2 bdrm. furnis hed and in good condition, to be BOid a.s is for nnly $17,950 and gd this, $1250 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 444 {E\'C!I. LI 8-5297 -Har, 1i86-RK) OCEAN VIEW Corona del HOME Mar fme for a couplf' who wish t o el'l<'ape yard w ork. All rooms in this two-bedrcxim ho me arc large and each has an o<:<'an view. Quality fratur"11 include' t1is· posal. d1shmal\,ler, silent switC'hNt, for cro a ir heat. F or a modest h<1mc in the hi~h<'r pnre rang<', let ua show you this u11u11ual valll<'. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 26-17 E . Coast Highway, Coron!\ d<'I Mnr. Harbor 882 "We're in the money WITH THIS ONE -" BU~JNF:S:i RJ,rx:. down- town Balboa locallon. Extra parking lot IA'ucd tor S3.'>0 month. Price $35.000. trnns. C ALL Liia B. Mc farren at Balboa Bay Properties 419 E Ralboa Rl\'d .. R:i lh<111 IL1r. :li~f\ or 2517-M • ___ _.. I I ' ' MARINERS l~LE REALTY ,------------------------- 318 Marine Ave .. B11lb<•a hland Harbor 4781 What a View ! ! ! From ltll• A"l'TRACTIVJ:: BA T AVE. HOME. t:p•talra A: lll'M n. Colortul, arlllltlr wallpapu elf!· C(tf INTV.RIQR DAR-UIQl"lt, CHEF"'S OEUOHT Su n n y brlcke11 P1 tlo "''11 h r r,.enPry and vrn• • t /\l'tl•r ,...111ns . 91:. W R11y A vL ~· IUl)llme, 13~2~b "UTILE" BALBOA ISLAND 3 bc-dmom, 3 brilh h11m1., ~~.::i-00. CORONA DEL MAR A good clean 2 bt-droom hnmc. compl~t<'IY furn. $1.500 down. balanre llkr rent. $12.500. D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor Nona Hyer -Chet ."allsbury - 216 Manne Ave., Balboa island - Curt Ooeh Harbor 20 I 8'1-Real f'Ataie &Z-Bal r..tate .......-.------------------------- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST GRAND HOME WITH GRAND VIEW Holmwood Drive, Newport Ht.a. Outstandinc view home, lovely 3 bdrma., 2 tiled bath•. Thermo gravity heating. Carpeting W to W. Cua tom drapea. Best appointment.. Tinted glass window•. F1apt6ne fli-e- place. Oversized dblt'. ga.nge, $26,500, full price. Good Teana. • OPl'OMETlUSTS, MEDICAL, DENTAL Home It office for pra~tice .in Medical C.enter. Eut 18th St. Beautiful 2 bdrm., den, dining room, lge. living room yith f.p., hdwd. floors. Attached double garage. Paved alley, sewers, 75 ft. front. A busineaa ' buy at residential price. $5000 down & 11eller will carry balance. No finance charge. P HYSIOTHERAPISTS -PEDIATRICS -CLINIC 4 bdrms., 2 baths, carpeted W to W. Drape.a, newly developed area. Comt'r looation. No profeseionail services near. Ideal setup. $14,250 -Terms to au.it. $53. A MONTH -4 % INTEREST Go6d' neighborhood. Near Country Club. Bank ap- praisal makes this 2 bnn., home rare bargain, $9150 full price, $2450 down. Let us submit lower down to owners. PLACENTIA St. M-1 FRONT AGE. 127 ft. juat north of 19th. Depth varies fl'\.m 103' to 290' to aney -$70. foot. HARD TO LOCATE ACRES Cloae to s~bool, Back Bay, New Developments. 5 acres at $3000 acre. Wonderful Investment. Terms. MANUFACTURING or BUSINESS Arch truaed bldg. 60'xl08'. Harbor Blvd. Plenty are.a for open 1torage or parking. Suitable for ware- J~je, ~~ )'_S.J>l~!:..S'.· boat buildln&:...(k: tai or wholesale site. BeR1de above have income of $250 a month from rent A leuc. At quoted price of S69,500 cannot be 'beat, $22,500 down. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa LJberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. LIDO ISLE Extra large 2 bedroom, 2 bath and den by prominent architect with many built-ins. Single story on 50' Jot. $35,000 Very roomy 2 bedroom, 2 bath single story on a fine 45' loL $25.600 2 bedroom. 2 bath on a beautlful 37' corner Strada lot. Big patio. ••'24,95<> 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a 35' lot at less than actual cost of rcplaccmenL $24,750 We have a large number of hne listings all over the Harbor Ana . Drive in to our free parking lot nnd let WI show you around. TOM PAYNE JOE ST A WICKI DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Bt'acb A Phone CaH Nill give you information - - • on t he following p roperties- CLIENT HAS 2 bednn. hou.e in Costa Mesa. Will sell for S6950 with $1500 down and finance balance -OR-will trade on hou&t' in Newport Heights or Costa Mt>sa. Tbi1 property is neat and attracth·e. Fum1tutt is avsilable. ' OCEAN FRONT house ln good spot for swimmior and fishing. Attracl1\'e house with 2 bednns .. nrce lmng nn .. Bar type kitchen, Oi.tpot1al, Patio. Plumb· ing in for additional bath m garn~r. All walled. Ideal aummer or yrar round.home. $17.500. Balboa Bay Properties 1505 W, Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach PHonc Harbor 5188 or Harbor 1983 VOGEL VALUE -Draw to this pair Top location -Low Down Payment -3 bdrms. -val- uable lot with ratio & fenced yard -Belie\'e il or not -only $1500 down ! $13.7SO full price. VOGEL VALUE Cute 3 bedrm. home with fireplace -hardwood flOQra • nicely !<>need and landscaped yard • only $3000 down -G. I. loan. Price $14,500. Owner might trad• up. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport. Beach LI 8-3481 THl,S IS THE BEST Fint tim• offued, 2 bdrm home. bdwd, f1oora, fire.. place, dble. gar. with utra ahower. South of High- way Corona del Mar. Only 4 yean old. One owner during that t ime bu kept lt apotleaa. SEE IT TODAY, ONLY $14.000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coul Hwy .. Coron.a deJ Mar Har 27H NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11·PAGE1 MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 ~BAY AND BEACH REALTY REALTORS COSTA MESA OFFICE CLIFF HAVEN Open Houses-Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. 600 Cliff Drive Beautiful 2 yr. old large 3 bdrm., 2 bat h home OD corner lot with breezeway, covered lanai -An ex· ceptionially well built and a rranged home. $26,950 full price. AND 1001 Cliff Drive Panoramic view from ttiis uearly new 1hake roof 3 bdrm., 2~~ bath home. Thermador kitchef\, 2 used brick fireplaces, large din. rm., wall to wall carpet- ing. A custom built home of 2400 eq. ft. for $29,750. A real buy (Dot Jeuehold) CLIFF HAVEN First time lilted -'nlil immaculate 2 bdrm. and bath home with large living room, dinlng area open· l with three off ices to serve you NEWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE BALBOA OCEAN FRONT ·.& Beautiful pat io, 7 bdnns., 5~<,i bathe. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, service porch. F . A. heat. This la a wonderful home for a lge family Full price $32,500 -Tenm. Ocean Front-Seashore Colony Attractive home, nice Jiving rooro with high ceiling, flagstone fireplacf' 21~ bdrms., 2 baths, lge rumpus room, double garage. $24,000. BEACON BAY--INCOME $5,000 Down Nicely furnished 3 bdrm. home with attrartive 1 bdrm. apt. Neat as a pin -newly decor•ated. Hu exccUt'nt rental record. BALBOA PENINSULA Juat u.ted -3 bdrm., 1 % baths, lge. living rm., nice patio, walled for privacy, Built-in BBQ. all !or $18,950. ini onto a beautifully lancUc&ped fenced back yard Beautiful View Lot -Comer. Not Leasehold. • LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE Open Houses Daily 1-5 p. m. 339 Lido Soud-Bayfront Pier and SHp -3 Bdm1 -Furn. M9.500. Also-215 Mentone 2 BJrm. on '35 ft. lot. ~21 .750'. 3 Bdrm., 2 Bath, Lanai G!'i' )(It. l~r. t1Yin~ room, wool carpetrJ wall to wall. drap~·l', 01w of the nierst houses on Lido. :-O:hvwn by appointmenL 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba ths , Lge. Liv. Rm. On 2 ~tradas, S3,500 down. Full price $27,500. 4 Bdrm. -1 1• z Baths on 35' Lot $19,900. and awning covered patio. Wall to wall carpetinc --------110,MO. -, -&.bi"ou91a$utl-c)Ol'llte...fNieplaeey ·jMip:T H I e ..U:r -..---------~-------•-----'"'"--;-·.._-·~··•·rr:.. "-r.-:o ------~ia:--.--..,_...1 fine home and the price ia right at $14,W> pen rtc>usii Datly -5 p. m. Several . Good .... Lots f rom wfth a 4 ~% mA loan. 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. 30' to 88' 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa • · Liberty 8-1161 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. 1450 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Barbor 1264 Harbor 3643 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: FOR EVENING INJ'ORMATION CALL:• FOR EVENlNG INFORMATION CALL: R. F . Geddee -LI 8~3158 T . Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8·1774 W. Bradford. Har. 0289-J E . B. Chue. Har. 2762-J R. C. C n.-cr-Har . 2909 J . Kimble -Har. 1087-R -A . Tietz -LI 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 Gloden Fay -Har. !SM R. Norton -Har. 4035-W P. Terry -Har. 4933 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS NEW & MODERN BETTER LIVING BlGGEST BALBOA 181..A?-"D v11l. ln comfortable llvtng In ,..,11 planned 2 br. homr. w 1t)\ com- pletely tumlahed a pt. over dbL rarace. Loada ot wanlrobe apt.Ce Sunny patio, wall to waJI carpet, tumue l\<'•l and tlrepl. Ir lookln& Jn th• 12!1.000 to 130,· 000 range-, I>. au re to au \h .. home and Income. Contact Hub Power- J. A. BEEK, Realtor 3 2 BA YSHORES-new u.tinp br, I' bath. ahak• roof 123.:io<> br, PLUS gar epL -'21.600 BACK BAY 2 acrra w1~nlAl-nru W<'hool (Wtll SpUll $14,000 FULLY EQUlPT. chick. ra.nch on al. to at. acre-<hix. rabbit&, <'hlnf h Lota of room for expan· 11tdn rLt'S a ttr. 2 br. atucC'o hom1e, dble gor .......... -. $40,000 LOTS COAST HIGH\\' A Y, C-2·lf. 00 ii; 4!'10 $22.000 Acre•, Cotta Mesa . .. ... $11 .000 unllJI ocean front ..... -··· 133.2~0 3 • I Claire Van Horn R£ALTOR 1731 W. Coe.at HW'}'. Ll M277 T ISN'T WOR'I1:f IT, Peter'1 trlrnda tl>ld blm "'hen be boui;hl Manhattan laland ror 110me "C,. THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THUM.AS BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-5 2580 Crestview Drive Bermuda Ranch Style Home Beautiful cuatom bllilt 3 bednn. 2 bath home on ex· tra lge. attractively landacaped cor. lot. LiY. nn. with raiacd hearth fireplace, paneJed wall, beamed ceiling, s liding glus doors onto oversized walled in patio, fuJI tlin. room, PRIZE winning natural kitchen with built-in Thermador oven & range, breakfast bar, natural wood t.hru-oul, all large rooms, laundry room, parkay floors, w to w carpeting, All lnd1vid· ually tailored drapes included in this lovely home for thoae who want the finest. A Real Value at $38,250 "C " THOMAS, Realtor 224 '!N· Coaat Hlgbway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C'' THOMAS ''C' TiiOYAS "C" TiiOKAB "C'' THOMAS SMART PEOPLE ARE TRADING Will trade Puadena income for Hubor aree lncom. or commcrdaJ pro~y. Paudeaa property coD•iata of one 3 bedroom and den home and a 2 bedroom hou.se. All on a large comer lot. Price $19,500. Trade up to '40,000. Will trade Udo 1aJie new t bedroom home for home or income property in West L. A. Value $33,~;; Will trade 4 bedroom Arcadia home for Lido Iale t bedroom. Price $36,900. Everybody ls trading now. Let us show you how we--.can trade your preaent property for what you ' really wanL WISE PEOPLE WILL TRADE • I . p. a. pa mer, inc. ole hans on co., sales management 1700 w. coast hlghway -liberty 8-.5573 glau beada and I~ BUT lbey --------------------- can't aay It about Ut.&I lonl.7 hofM on BALllOA lSLAND- 3 Jar~ bed~ a ru-t f'OOITI, 3 • .. blatha., 'J)Mlloua ltwlq room with n~place. JUST A STET> TO TBE BAT a.nd WONDER· YUL BUY at 121,500 •• , better b11rryl I I I (Was $10,50()) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 118 K&rtM A•e., a.lbo& b l11nd cozy 3 BDRM. HOME on good strttt, cloee to ahopping center. Hu fenced yard, patio Ir double garage. Owner leaving, bu reduced price !or Immediate ale to $8900. ' Barbor 4781 Exclu.ive Agent 2 CORONA DEL MAR BEN J. Whitman & Associates BDRM. HOME, t }'e&tl old. Lovely vi-ex "' A hay, lll• "BUSINESS 18 GOOD,. ren~ P.• o. dbl. ~.,.,... re.ta· for 9C1 tor 2nd floor. JM lot 3M2 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Bar. 188'2 Red\IC'ed 11000 _., .ic.ir-(Efte. Harbor 1461) Owner, 506 Avocado------------------- 6c.U JYSt Phone HARBOR 1616 to Plec.e Y0411 NJ on n; P1ot MULTIPLE • What Do We Mean BILL'S BEST BUYS? AA we are member8 of MULTIPLE LJJITJNO SERVICE we gel all of lbc muJUple ll•Ungio from more than 200 Brokers and 11alu m<'n \\'o then BC'reen them and 11el1•ct lhe oni-11 we consldt'r oul· al.HmJlng buy3 anti lhoi;e t hat quultfy 11r1• OJLL'3 BEST Bt;YS or cour"" we cannot advt'rt1sc thrm •II II() why nut drop ln vr phone 1n1t Me If we r11n 11how you thr buy thOt flls your ntNl11. Here are a few that we recommend this week : I N COSTA MESA One bdnn. home hu la.l'go llv rm . tlle kitchen A b!IU1 Bf'r· vlce porch Md ~Ox 1!17 rt lot for garden Ir ~ta. Pnce $~ UOO down. I bdnn., hdwd. noon . Formica and (&r. dl1p. In kit . on curbed aAd paved St. on Eut etdo. r n ee $10.95-0 -Term• 2 Dupluu <:":ew ) OPEN SAT. 10 to 4 Buy one or both. Bdwd. n oon . Dl.spoeols, fi~placn Cloee tn ll)('lltlQn. SE. cor. 19th &c Or- &£ge Call ror a pp'L to IW'e a.ny Ume. LISTING BROKERS two fine f amilY. homes Both on Lido -Both on Via Koron l. A WONDERFUL BRAND NEW HOME with 3 bedrooms. 2 arc full size and the master is extra large. 2 tiled baths, m~ter bedroom carpetc-d anti sliding doors open from il onto a magnifict'nt sun- dC'ck. Beautiful kitchf'n with built·io o,·en and r ange, d1 sposaJ and d1&bwashcr. Separate dining area.. Ut;('<l brick fireplace. panelin!;. fine wallpa- pers, and spC>ciaJ light fixtur~11 throughout. It'11 NC· t ra nrc<' ond exclusive with us for ~29.500 full price with excellrnt terms available. :?. JUST STEP INSIDE this cheerfuJ home and you'll want to move right in. Provincial mtt'rior throuJ?hout with paneling 1.1.n<l a used brick fire- place in both living room and muter bedroom. 4 '>e<lrooms or 3 and 1.kn, 2 baths, perfect liled kit- chen. Street to 11tret't lc>t a step from Ute b<'st bc11ch. $28,500. "CONSULT U~ FOR LIDO'S FJNES'r' LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROl-'S FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) VACANT corner E . Side. 111xl39 ---- for 2 !Arge Iota. Owner want& 3416 Via Lido c1-~h. Utlt'd at $~ .000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS lnrome pro~rty-Two e 1., yra. old homea on large r orntr loL Full price $11,l>00-12.000 dov.'TL ' lll>ft.M. NEARLY NEW. Fo:ced air bea t, ftrt'pl&et'. 'dlwp. 20120 prage. :'\ur High School P111•ed A curbed St.• $1:1.850 - Small down. W. A. TOBIAS &nd ASSOCIA TP!.'J REALTOR "you'll like our tr1'n<ll1 Mf''1C•" 393 Ill. 17th St.. Costa MeH Liberty 8-1139 Cheapies ! SMALL DOWN I bedrm. home, ne.ar ~•c:h. 18600. l'tnt tlrM otrertd. S 1800 do...,'ll, A ft~ BUYt 3 bedrm. hQme, CIOM tQ City Hall, $78SO. l!:Z term•. Small home on 29th St , only $1)000 aid&. kit _, lbe Park. UM<> (Only -an!lablt') N. B. C. REAL TY 31nd 6 Ntwp<>rt Blvd.. NpL Bell. Pbone Ba.rbor U OO. U cl l OOROHA IDQlll..Vlt> LOTI - Cho6ee Btt.m A •allab&e Call Barbor 2321 I The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values - $20.500 FURNISHED -A nrarly new 2 bednn. home as attra.cl1\'r as can br. both 1mmle and out. This homr hus hnd real gooJ care and ls pricr·d to 11Pll. 60' ST. TO S1'. L(iT -anti a IH1mr with 2100 Rq. ft. of Living nrra all on CJnf' flllor. Well loc;\tf•4J on wide st. Would you spend s frw m111utcR SC'Crng thil'l, to sa\'e a few thousand dollars. F ull ptice S35.000 and the terms < outstanding I. BA YFRO?'lo"T -On Lido Nord with pier & Rlip • ' bcdrme. -Den • Maid'B Rm. Extra large Int. A very nice home wrth large master Ur. & Sitting Room. Facing thl· Bay -Hom e 111 11 \'aluc at a price t hat will surprise you. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3116 Via Lido, Ncw1 w1rt Hf'nr h Harbor 4971 BALBOA ISLAND Only ·$4000 down Two bc<lroom h0me, PLt;S 11tud10 apt. Soundly con- 1tructed and very well located. Fwl pnc. $16,500 WM. W. SANFORD , Realtor And AMC>Clatet1 Park al MariDe. Balboa laland _. Harbor 2'62 • • .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • f ~'5rHE WANT ADS want to buy-~ell,· .rent ·or trade? • Want to hire somebody 1 Looking for a iob - a home -a special service 1 Lost something 1 Found something? You'll find a happy solution to your problem in the Want Ads! , When you want to BUY, look where people ad- vertise what they have to sell. Whe~ you want to SELL, adverfise where people look for what they want t o buy. The classified columns of this paper will serve you well BOTH ways. Re· ad the Want Ads for the best buys at the lowest prices. Use the Want Ads to get the fastest sales results at the lowest advertising cost. J. YOU CAN GET RATES anti PLACE ADS BY PHONE Call Harbor 1616 MONDAY and THURSDAY WEDNESDAY Newp.ort Harbor News-Press -Coastal Shopper · ·. ..