HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-28 - Newport Balboa Press• • • • .f7th YEAR -NUMBER 82 HARIOR WEATHER w-thtt foreeut: Inc~ cloudlnr .. late toaipt an~ TU.- day with chance of few ahowen Turllday. Not much cl\anp l.n tem· ptfatuna. Tempoi,.ture. U. put ""°"" la Ute Harbor .,._ 11reft: HI Tueaday, Feb. 22 .... 61 Wednead&y, Feb. 23 -·· •t Thiirlday, Feb. 2• _ Q Fr1d•Y. f.ti. 2!1 ··-···· 80 Batun.Jay. Frb. 28 .... 117 suriday. F'rb. 27 ........ to M<:>nd11y, Feb. 28 ........ 1)7 Ra!nlall-Frb. -26-.0S Fl'b. 27-.74 Feb. 28-.0'2 ..... .. .. " ~· .. ., .. THE OIL .SITUATIO.N-Tidelands off Orange County can be drilled from onshore wu the me88f,ge repeatedly voiced to the b ~aring o( the State Landa Cornmis&ion iii Los Angeles Thursday. Pictured above.is William Gallienne, right, pruenting the ar- Moored Boat S,,...n Theft nt • l2%·tt. fiber )l'l&a.1 bo•t from lt11 mooring at Collin• Avf'. an<! North Bay Front wu l'"f!"< ported to police Thunday atter- noon by A. Lee Burgeas, 222 Col· Un•. He valued it at $'Ml- • gumentA or the Orange County Associated Cham~rs of Commerce. The members of -the State Land11 Commission are seated around the table and include Lt. Gov. Har- old Powel"8 and State Controller Rotiert_ Kirkwood. ' State Oil fight With Newport? State Claims Monterey Wells Draining Tidelands --------------I With the State La.nda ColDDliaslon claiming Newport Beach tidelands drilling ia tapping the state'• underwatl!T black gold preser\'ea. a legal free-for·all today loomed in -----wake-of-the oo~:a.hearing.--'l'bund&y-tbr commiaioll bPa rd pro and con arguments on offshore oil well drilling. Monlf'noy OU Cq.'11 wellll h"Vm , the river to Blh St., flunlingtOI\ )lewport. Baarh. 111t.·11 alleRffi\y 11rt , 6'>11ch. threatening 1t11l e int ••rrstA "''h<'re "I lh1nk it wOWd M pnlly d.ir- thf'y bottom at ~ra nl'\ar the mouth lir ult ror t he St.ate ~ Com· of the ~ant• Ana Rh·er. Tl1i11, ac· m111J11on to 11how their tidl':land& , 1 "''"" being lhrealened u1 fruat of ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JET PILOT RECOVERING AFTER HIGH BAIL ·OUT Local Men Save Flier as En9lne Falls in Sea Off Dana Point ' Rating ff.ltly ln Hoq Ho.pita.I t.:iday after a miracuJOlM ftcape from hia .. ~.Joo jet when tt ea:pk>d- ed l ~Y mlln off D&n& Potnt Sal· lll'"day w.. Test Pilot Gaorge Franklin Smith. 30, NorUa Amari· can AYiaUoft flft1ployee, or Man· halt.an Be9ch. H• b&iled out at 10.000 feet and auffered only bru1-and J.acen.Uon-.. Sm.1th wu reacuact mm the -by Mel Simon.'a Balla S.., 20- tt. pleuuhl er.ft ol. Newport Har· bor after tM plan• ml-9 lh• boat by l)() yarda. ~ who ~ n.hlnr. turned tblt ln.Jured pUoc. oYtt to tllne olftoel"I ot ea.at Guard Auxlll.ary, t>i1'. 2 In Capta.1D J-Kaplan'• Nora Kate, .. a..n. eUht enn..ir. OJI .....,...,.., - Heart Attack Claims Boyd Robert L. Boyd, M , put com• modore of th• Be.Ibo& Yacht Club llolld put c<nm&nder ot th• Balboa Power Squadron, died lut nlP.t at OJUl&l'd. BQyd •-LD. tha norlll• em. eltY tor tJaa 1"lddlnC" ann.lv""'" euy t1I family tn.ndil. He bad been ent.ert&lntnc with hla banjo •tum he suddenly wu atr1ckea Wli\h a heart MlmN. Bo)'d ....... Kal"'11., An.. Kaplan, aided by Xa1 P'lnk, Newport Harbot'. Div, 2 tninlfll' offiur and Jack \\'llf'y, Ylce com· ,rnodor e or lhe aux.Ulary, both ()f WMlm~a"7ftg'-"Oft-,_..___ • 111.ary l.nlhllnlt" erui.e, r u ah• d SmJlh t() the Ji&l'tl(>rm-ter'a dock. There he wu remo\·ed to an &m.· bulaner. anil taken to Hoag Hoa· pit&I. t'ink reported. "Vt'• uw the 1pluh and 1moke of lhe plane and Wiley .. .,.. ,;tl'e 'chute a bout 1000 ffft above the weter. The cord1n-' to <"<>n11n111~1011 11\111 •·tnl'nl~, I th .. ltlll<t park." William GaJl!c:nne, t orr.,. the 11tat• to l'rfitl'('l "l111f' ,,~·•·i·• "'-~'"''"" ot Huntiri•-•• ~.. • ·~-.-parac:hute .,. ... r ipped but open lntcrr11tll. ton ~"«'h Chamber ot Commrtt•·. and h• came down rapidly. \\"e \\"btn the Sl•le Park COmnil11· 1 s1111f'od. irWitcbf'd our auxlllary ·11 trall'llnK 1\c',,1 un:e,1 11\rOn);L.\" \11at n .. ··111· 1 .. riw:d drill reacue opo>ratlona adv1'inr land" oil "''ell •>per11tlon11 be I all\ not 11urp · t be .ta.It! . ~ ....... . . . ... HARBOD · PRE·SS NEWPORT BEACH.. CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 19:1:1 ' Phone Harbor 1815 -BIG OPERATORS · BUY LIDO ·'PEN' YARDS! . ' BEGIN WOU-President and vice-president of the new ownenhip af the Lido Peniuula Shipyard are •hown tbt. morninc u they went over plan• for futurt: opera- tions. At left i.8 Robert E . Carl&on Yn.th H. L. "Buck" Ayres, right. Carlaon i8 one of the principal O"\'nC1"8 of Wilmington ~t Works New Owner of Shipyards Sale of•the Lido Penin11ula Shipyard to the operaton ol the Wilmington Boat \York11 wa11 reveal~ here today wb.. tht.' fa<·ilit ics 'wrre taken over by the new own.en, Robert E. C!l rlson and William Horton Jr. H. L. "Buck" ~ ~·ill remain witl'i tht' new corporation aa vice..premident and genf'ral mllJ\11.ger. mapetle ·min• •••p9'• ~ Lido l'e.nl1U1ula Sh11'y&r<I Ol"C'U· which t h•Y have -'red ..._ plt8 ~ 1tt•rf',,o; Qn the fnrm rr "Su· 19~1- fl"Tlor 111111.n<l" 11nU u~11 the tacih· Robert It. Carl:lon ti.su. _. t1f'11 ... ·h~re. r raft .,..8,. bullt for t ht! 'A'ith the "'Jlmlnctcm 8-1. W..tg nt:~· ·1~ring tht! 11•r.ond \Vorld J!n 1923_ He and. WIWua L.,..,.. \\itr·. Jt l.'I C'vmpl~t rly equ1pp-e<I for ' J h --• 1• •-t lo • b -1 -d on r. purr. a_.. • ou~ .... uo)lh u1 1hng And rnalnt,.nanre an 194~ Both mf'n .,.. -11 miown u rt'p11lr work nn(l p .... 1111ge"' • nllljor u.Hor11 lrt the 9 met..-UM! Bt,ii, me- hu1ld1ng yard for N°f'Wf'Ort Harbor. 1 C loon ,_ -ta Yt"ORU)-\\'IOt: t"-'MF. l"r .-...,._ ar ,. 11all In the Honolulu r&c4I Oil llJell..-\\'Hn11ngt-0n lloRt \\'ork11 l\u g-111nl'!<I \\'otl<t "''1ote f•u11e for u11 anl IU'lttm'• Mol"!linC Btu. craft th&! It<' llOld undf'r lhl! lra<111 Udo Pen!naul& ~ Wiil nan1e "\\.ilba." Th" y11rU wu nr· orc-r11.t. under Ula n-_....., ... ganli:rd in i9T8 llr\d !)o,ranie !11111· aa a lll!'f'rat1 corpor&UGll ,._ ous aa a yaeht dnd llmAl\ eraft Wl\1nlnl(ton Bo&t Wont&. c..tac. building 11 nd lt'JVllt OJ>f'r•tlon 1n wtll .erv• •• p~t; WIUlua I.. the l..t>H Angf'll'-'I Hllrbor area. Our· Horton, execuU• -no.~t: Ing the 11N:on<1 _\\'orld \\'ar th• Ayr?• .. vlee-~.-..t Uld ,_.. y11r<l hudt 11uh·•'h1tHr". tl'!"C'UI!' rr"-lt m"anarr; Ray R.acker - I bo•l.9 Anti tu,.:a for the .. rn1y and ll reu urer: 0..Y• Pv•ar -ateN- nr.vy. Th,.y h1tve have julll rom· tr.ry ud J-.c• a....,... u ....,.. plf'lf'd a .,.rles of 17\.ft ., non· tendent of UW J'ard. Cops Seize Boy Escapees Probation Given John Stevens in Marijuana Use tbe Wilmington Boat •Works of Loa Angelet1 Harbor .utn a tGot due w. momtnr. ·-Which bu ju& aeqllired the ownenhip of Lido Penin· SA?\"TA ANA f0CN8l -Wb.Oe ~ _.. _. llJcai p.-•"· 8ul& Shipyard. -SWf Photo hi• parent. bruah~ teare from Janont 1(1> OoUt Hl1"b••T lllelo• -----------------------------/their eyra John E. 8te~ne. 18. I.he tlitf• ot CUtt Ka'"'tl, N-.ort 21B 20th St. today wu ST•nlf'd police otncer1 aelmad t-lt·7•r· c Nab 6 • Burglar f lhrte year11' •lral-'ht probation on old e!ICAJl"8 from Jlo)"I' Jt.epublic . ops -. 1n-' . ·J-0 _,_ .&,~~:~~,;~~e~d~b·; ~ .. w • .!lo1Ji"':::0z,~~Wtiliim-Talltott and por l Beach pollrt Jlln. ( &l hi• ChMl•r Cuny •• lM J'OUlh• Broer·1ng's Serv"1ce Stat"1on hon1e. 'r1lf')' r~ported the tind!nc st&n~ IJoftpldll • tl"&llar In • or • bo>•-• p>po '""'"'"'"' m.,,_ ,..,.,,,. lot ot f ~-W..n <ho ;1uuu< u1 the J>011ae1111ion ot tbe pair •• tM olftcera. U..y ran ar-r~n rlant. ll'jJ"OUll:h • lln'lea st&U... Ul4 Into Four youUur -re nabbed Sat· urd•y by l\'ewport police tier11re the bur&"larY ol which they are llUllJ>«~ed wu dlaco1·ered by ~· local orrtcer•. Two more 11uapect• Who e1e1~ when the flrat four were 11rre11red were apprehend<:<I ,-e•lerday at th•lr aennower home11 and booked tor burgl&ry trunk comparl1ntnt hhldl'n und .. r & blanket. Nkhol8 lir,.1 ""''I th•·Y toun<I the t1re1 alon.:1t1d•· 11 road A chrck of local 1t<-rv1ee ,.,,.u,,1111 reVf'lllf'd Counrilrn11n Han1t Llr<'t'r· ln,it 's •talion a t J.l11rln,. Av\' ... nd BayM1d• A ve. wa11 bu1·i.:le,I. t'nder rurlhPr u1ve11llK1tllon. St•·V~n.,, a conin1rr<'.l•l flahrr· tall _.,.,. a' 0.. -.. tlll UM n1Mn. J11tl'r pl4>atle·I KUllty to thf' c urt. 11ecu11&t>err1 and ~0111 h~ 1111 .. <1 marl· Ne~ poU. MUed ,_ ..-t• J11~"" ll" 11n ··r.•r111..-f1'1•1n 1·motlon· llfl('ll and two m .. Jf.,..,._-t ..-t 111 d1rl1• 111111>~ •• r•ni. a Colt.a X-..,. Mid Ooa• J1111~,. Jnhn Snr11 tr,ld Rtt\'rn• 1t11bl1 J"rulk V_ ..... U'fho9d te "~\'t•rythini:: 1n th,. pr<,bll\!on off1CI! en<'.ircle lh• ...... Tba ..,. _,.. r •port IR f11.1·01.11il~ Pltl'<"f'l th., of· found lying Ill Uta wuade.. fr1u•·. \'uur 1111.•oci11t1nn "·[th your/--------------- thinks :\lontf'rt')' 1i <lra.inlng the the C~t Guard by rad.lo. We launchtd off Hunfl"fl~n Bf'o\C'h. tidrh•n,ls tn the "ir•n•ty of th" I didn't know what had ti.pprnf'd at lhe 11tR!t land,. romm ,...,,,,,, ~Pf'Ar· 811nta Ana Ru'<'r," City Manago>r flN!l, thought Ute<"f' m ight be tnore e ntl'" ""nt to Oranf/:" l eounly · .. lhan one non ln•·olved" A• Boa~ uf g11 r,·1 ,..1.,.. off,.nu,.: the J uhn ~1uh1r11 llllLt.i. If tbt at.ate aJ., , • pt!. . · undrr the Juvenlle eode. M11r1 !n11 aald UUi 1lx "''e"' cr1J!ft· In!:" the area "•;hen they Mr!,jPd to br•'llk Into BrOPrlng'• 11taU011 . Ht! r.dn11\ted he t<XJk about Sl.:.O from th<' r ash refll tf't. 1u dl<I llnr. or t ... ·o other3, He ••id 1 .... -0 of the youth• look the Ur .. _. 11n•I put th•m In thr bnek or the car. ftllu''' nu:n he,. ht·Pn f'll!rf'm,.ly good. Thry 1111 "P""k hlJ:"hly or you. Your 11b1l1ly ~11 n111kr fn,.n<I,. anl'I ynur A\l111u!P hlLl'I! 1n1pr"-"'"tf 1111 "''hh hRVP Wo'1rkPi\ "''\\h )'Oii ment wltl\ tbe pt. The probatloe ~ ,.._ Pnmmrnclto!d a j&ll -'-· .._. Jut\8" 8 hea b~ U.. ........ lion. He declar1d1 "Jt'1 lllP UI J"O'L If you ever e-. 1n IMra ..,,..... it "''\\\ m ellJ\ tha penttaaUuy. Y• c:a11 JO <KJt or MA lJUJlldq ,_. pulled one °"' llll -°" Uiat you bav• been S"lftft a ~ break." ,... _, ''"' 10 .... ·11 II> "'I'll lo hi! dnllf'\J nl!llt" the I Nora Ji ate ..,.1ahl'd up to the dock. eounty & flhetc: ln rt'<'O•«'r"" I .. ~. ..., __ .. _. h 11 'eity t1deLa11W. .MJMllf'r'f'J lmmedi· a ,.,,.. .. , Amen c.an reacue e cop-1&n1\11 oU where tht county O\>o"n• a 1 11 ha : 1 drlll offeel '"" kf'pl. on i tand-by ata tua. a l· ] 411·•<"1'4' pRrrel &r.:.1111<1 tht r1\'f'r lete Y •1 \f' 0 an ' had arrh·ed. ' • Th p<-• ''""'~<-II,-,, ...,,.,.,-· ht a•ldrd. f':..:pialning It la ready rnou '" "' -•·~· ~' • · r th Ell C J wr11terly of No•wport •'•ly 111n1t.~ t•.1 11 _prn\·oa1on ° l' • iott ont~ a&EAJL t•olll I'll.OT t he rivPr bndf!'P, rarth· un•l•·r'\\'\\• \\hf'thrr dnunage of 11tatt oil I.I "It w as lucky O\tr (rll/t WM In t t r pllrtlv 11."hll U' bo-lnlt donl' Ill .. matter for ceolo-the ...,_, .. Ftnll -.Id, "u W• ill ' · . . . iti1t11 tu t1«1dt. hr 11lAted. -the kind of "'·ork tflr "'·hlcll we are <1~t:r "t.u.... I , l>Kll..l.Vi"G HAL'IT.D tralninC In the a umllary." Tht landa eori1n111.~1nn tl'f'OTll'!ILy s IU\ rad~Of!d ti.la hoine tJaat of plan. !o IM':t! oil prndut·tu•n .,1r.~1 I . C"fttlJJennf' pollltf'd out an illjunc· m · bll!lf'd Mont,.1..,y "'"lll'I f)<ll!Omf''I unolPr l1<.1n haltf'o(I off·•hnr" dnllin,c Dre:. hi• emf!r1;imey bl'fore he l~. H+f•4 al R1n1:on, 11 1ma.ll sea. Qut .' A 11pokf'llmll1\ for bia C'<>tn· Uw Mvtr mouth llr""· >'<'lwRr•I n . loltl the Xr"'ll·Prn111 Sn1H h The 11t&te hu ln<"lu•ll'<I a ~lr<'t~h <"""-"\ t•--n near S-.nl& Blltbara. pa J f rom 2 to 3 mlltll 111 lo·nl..'1h or tlllf'· C1t1<'11 in lllf' 11~• b-..~hl a1:tion, I"''.. •lo1nir very .. -ell, rt111Ung land!! -ward from Hununicton <"Oflle11t1ng an opinion l1f U\e Statf' euUy. I r I u...... .__ • Other COii.it Guard Auxiliary ~h Slate P•rk , toURh y ron1 ~ -_. _.., -d•Wd o• P•p • BESCtJED AFTER CHASH-Grorge Franklin SmJth.. 30, Maabattu·'lleacb te.t pilol for North American A\-lation Co .. rttei\'f"S finf aid oa lltnteber from &ttendanta ud M&l Fink, aboard N'ora Kate. 35-ft. cabin crui&er, •·hich brou&ht.pilot to Newport Har· bor Coa.st Gu•rd dock Saturda}' alter F·lOO e11:plodt'!d t•:: mi1N off [)Uta ~L Cruiser wu on routine training t rip when Fink. J esa Kaplan, OWllft' af the bl and Jack Wi- ley thange<I their Coa!lt G uard Aulrilia ry training mu.ion to T'ftlCue oren tlon'. -Staff p ...... KOBEllT L. BOYD June 2, 1899. He had been a real· dent of the Nf'wport Harbor area alnre 1932. The fllJTIUy horn• la 11t 1'120 Jaamine Ave., Corona del Mar. Boyd, ti.la w1fe Etlre&ll. Md their M>n•. Rot>cirt L. Jr .• and Jaek, are one or the hc11t known ~·~hUng !•mlll•• on t he \\'t11t Cout. Only rKeu.l,ly noyd and hiR w1te retUl"!I· ed from Nf'1'.' York "''hf'rf! hr. .,. ... in11t1tlled ""' rommander or U. S. Power Squ11tlron. Dt11trlct 13. He t>sd r.lllo srn·ed u eommodore of the Ne.,.·port Ocean Salling A&&o-- clatton an1I rlM:e <'.omm!tl"e eh•lr· man for \ht &nnu&I Ne...,•port·En· Mn11 <1a R11 c••. One •1f Balboft Pov.·rr Sq11Rd· ron'11 !ounderi.. Hoyd hrl<I lh.e 01o•t merit n11o.rk11 po.'l&ibl• to r...:-tlvt! rrom the irroup. He held 11 junior nav1ic11tor r11tin,i::. lk>yd Wll.'l a tflll e11la\e and In· suranl·e broker lllld n111lnt1LLned of. flee• In Coronll del Mar. H e fonn· «ly ti.ad offle,.11 on Martrrer'a M lle. In •ddlllon to hla wife llld their two 110n11, Boyd 11111urv1ved by two brotheni, r.clli11ter and four gni.nd- 11Qn1. He wu • charter member of lhll Newport Harbor LodJll of Elk&. Funrral •ervlcu are pe.ndlnl' at the Ba.Its Mortuary, Col"'OT\a dal Mu. Alhwood 'Caps G- ''' .. yne A•hwood ol Arches Motel told police )'e11terd•y four hub capa were 1toll'n from h!1 car wh\11 It wu p11~ked In frcnt o( lhe molt!L D .. iYert G.....nt9ed DeUvery of the Newport Harbo r Newa-Preu 11 lflJ&r• antt!ed. All areaa of lh• Com• munlty art! npldly beiJ\I" plli«d on c:amer delivery. carrier boy• ...W deUver their paptr• bdora • p.m. on Mon- day and Tbuf"ldlly. If your paper 11 not" deUftnd by that hour p""8.M ..U ll&r'bot! · J&lt and a ~ route man •ill lmmadlatalJ' r • 1 po• d "1th yovr C:CIJIJ' of )'OUT Nt!'WpOrt Harbor New .. p,__ Pollee brought lhe tlr1t four. JQhn Ch•rt .. 11 Martine. 20. nf l..akt!· ... -ootJ: Ron Clayton NichoUt, 18, of Artt111&, a li·)'ellr-ohl boy from no ... ·ney and 17·year-old from Ar· te•ia. to the station tor qu•1llon· Ing on poue11111on or 11.Jcohol. lnveatlg•tlon or th• youths' revl'!aled 1 ... -0 new Ure111 In .. +• - Roth Marllnr and N1rh.ol11 a d· mltled, whllt ;-1d1ng lo Ule p<,IH't" 11.&Uon, they lhl'<'"'' •"'·a y eome or the monf'y lhey took. NEW R081"ft.U. WING-Arcbit.ert'1 c:onception of new St rnillloll Wini propoMd for Hoag Memorial H09pit.al. Pnobyla'lu, ... -fotir lllof)' --al "\'Q11t ronl.l urt lit·~ 11q1u1r .. ty on r our ,.houi.1~r11. l)nn't 1r)' \•1 •h\fl the lq•d otr 11 li·)·tar-01,1 girl. You c1n't bll\me It on <"•Hllp14n101U1hip." AttarnPy /{ob<·rt ll uno·iL& pr•• viou•ly txptaln"d Str1·en11' lnvoh·e· right. It wUI be connttted to exi11ting 11tn1ctuN u4 double 75-bed Jlatie.nt llCcommodat iorui, accordln1 ta ' Dl"elMIDt Dlana. • • i . I l 1 , PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 L---..--;;--::::miic:::t RECIPES TURN UP IN UNEXPECTED PLACES AMATEUR -FLOllSTS INVITED · Realty, ~lldi~ Lectures PlanQecl TO ENTEi FLOWER COMPETITION A Mriu ot m•Unr• for Ntiltorw. lalllc...s at M;tetlRt wtmam SHton ud H. i.. Met· rtdl npr-nted Ole Newport Har· 'bor S.nk at the F•bru&r)' dlnner mHUng of the IJ1df'p.nd•l ..,lk · en Aaaoclatlon of Southern Call· fomla hl'ld rtoefnUy at tha Bllt· more Hotel. Loe An••'•· Mort than J~O b&nkert 'lll'ere 111 attend· anoe re~11entlng the A.ocla· Uon'a mfmberahlp ot over II com· munlty bank• ln the Southland. Novels. ll~phles. Travel Magazines Often Talk of Food Entriei: are now being accepted for the South: bulldere, •flneera, archltf'C!ll and oUMnt l11tere11ted In '"'1 utate and em California Spring Flower Show which will be INlldlnc wtu be held weekly by held in the F1oral Buildinc at tbe Loll Angelea Coun· °" oranc• CounJY Title company ty Fair Grounds in Pomona on April 22, 23, 2f. of aanta Ana. All proceeds derived from the ahow will be u.ed The nrwt mHUna' ta 9Clled11led for charitable purpoee11. • ~ toe' n111nday, Ma.ttb a. 7:30 p.m. By C.um.LE CAMBON Awards will be made for individual arn.llp-In th• c • .E. Pal'ker Con1f'ttnce Room ol Ule company a t 6th and ;;::::::::::::::;::;:;;:;:;:~ menta, potted plant.a, coraagee and 1pecimena, u )(tJ.n -... Santa lala. Sub)ect wtll ' Not all recipee come ·from the cook-book.a, nor from the pen• of profeuional culinery writers. Very often in one's well u for many clauea of floral a.rrangement.a.J!!n· be•mnc Your Product. .11 d tri f -'-" Other meeUnga -.re Ml fOI' CONCRETE caaual reading of novels. biographies or travels 10me new ,• trieti are open to au amateurs an en ea rom ~-Marc1' 10, u , 24 and u . dren are particularly solicited. Children 's entries will be grouped in a •pecial junior abowing for which l'lpecial awarda will be made. Anyone desiring an en- try blank should write Mrs . .!ean Wheeler in charge of amateur exhibit.a If P. 0 . Box 87, Pomona. idea come1 forward crying, to be tried. Sornetimee an author will mention 10me mouth-watering dish but neglect ~d l'nough 4ucrlptlon to do more • crouing the 1&11dy wutea, • than whtt the appellte &nd leave nlah fXhllaratlon without n oxt- a. Mnae of fruatratlol\ and dlaap-cation In a Mohammedan eoclety polntmenl. We like authors who In which alcohol I• prohibited. talk about food and It.a prepara·: IL ta ma.de by putting a hudtUJ tlon, and we like them even bet· ot tea leav• with aa equal quan- ter If they' know what the7 ue lily ot aurar In • llll&U pot hold- talklnc about. • •Ing about a pint of waur. It had SAii.ULA Dl!SDT TEA I better be an tn&raelled pot, or bet- Some year.t a&'o In an a.rtlcle 011 ter yet, an eathenware n cept.ule While the show will feature amateur florist.a, it is open for display purpo.ea to nuraerymen and professional floriatB aa well. Profeaionals, will not compete with amateurs for awards. the Sahara Dt>Mrt.. In lhe Nation· that can be placed dl~clly over '12-looldet fO lu d Gets , it &l Geographic Mago.z;snt, 1tllere the flame. Boil the rnlxlure tor a pa«je ft '/ ~ wu menUon ma4e of a drtnll call-I few minute., then let the leavea Tell Mesa History SACRAMENTO (CNS) _ The ed almply "Tea." Further reading aetlle and Mrv• t.lle bttter--eet llOOR d\apeUed the Idea that Utla liquid atra.lned tnto 111\all ,w....e.. Publication of a 12.page book· M'Cretary oC 1tate'a office hu an- beveraie wu In any ,,...)' ~lated I QUIC& .:wz.oy let outltnlni the hlatory anti gov-nouncf'd lssuanr t of e notary p11b- CABINET CONSOLIDATIS CANS to the emacia ted lnl'Ullon aerved ThJ.a brew la an acquired tute ernmenL of Coal& .Me11a has. been 111c <·ommil!81u11 to 1--rar.ces B. Bun· in our clvUtzaUon. and not tor everyday UM, but apprO\'ed by the Mesa City coun-dy, 428 Banl& Ana Ave. Where and how to store canned goods on easily acces- sible iihelve~ in the modern kitchen is demonstrated above. The convertible, sliding shelves are installed at convenient heights to hQld small or tall ca.na. Shelves eaaily glide out a.nd cnn be re-located in various positions. Thia llQUld la. Intended lo ~ro-once you ha ve trted It you will find c1I. Pr1nllng ot 6000 copies of duce that wakeful 1tat.e of alert· IUI robu.tne• very palatable. and lha bookl«'l al a c-oat of $2~.25 nua nceuary for the traveller u a pick-me-up t or momenta of I wu aulhonud by 1he councll· taU(Ue, It beat.a anythins !lento-'J me~. lut Monday night. anda and acaln c&uae d&ma(e. fore devilled by man, the catfetn City Ma.nar<'r ~rge Coffey 8PllA Y &OJI. TOO ct vine at lmulaUon aad the ,ucar nld he recelvtd Informal blda tor 1 Saturate t.he plant.a thorouchly uJck enerc. I lhe Job. The approved a mou•t and It aom• of the apray material q Another lnterullnc ~pe ~, waa the low bid received. drlPe to the l"f'OUnd, IO much lbe cornea from a Bedouin country .nd better u It w In the aoU that the wu foWld ln a book called "We 1tr1kea ua that theM 1eeda mlrtit lntecll brHd. In fact, apraytng the Married An l::n&'\181Un&n" (l\uth be very good added to other meat I aoll la a r ood practice, upeclally and Helen Holtman) Uia aory ot ste"A·a. GENERAL SHEET METAL WORKS GARD~N AUTHORITY URGES CAREFUL SPRAYING NOW early in th• Muon. • I l.'nder N""" Manac-t care should be ~en to set the twin ctrla ~d the t)uab&nd Of oae CAFE T ~ I underalde of the le&vtl and down ot them, wllo went to live 1A .Ara-Anolhu Idea talcen from a nov-OLESN NPIKEll. ~H • between the eheav .. of plant.a auch bla. Jt 11 one ot lh• meat _.. ... ti la now known to ua aa CUBAN 405·30th Street aa Irle, ctadlol.la, etc., becauae It tnr yarn• tma(tnable &11d no am a ll COFFEE the working recipe for Chewing, Sucking lnsecfs Ready la In theM placu that the ll'IHCl.a put ot Ila tudnatJon ta .upp~ wtilch did not COnM to light ror hide. Thia I.I ea.ally accompUahed by tha talk ot food. veu1 and year•. after we tlrat llllW 1 t Atta k N S i Pl t • by tumlnr th• denector tip on the AaABIAJlf CROP9 it mentioned Put one-haU cup of, 0 c ew pr ng an 1ngs end of the barnl, enabllnr the UI· On• ot their favorite Arab ft-groun<l ('Off~ Into • pot with two er to 1pray up, down or •ldewaya. CIJ>e9 11 for LAMB CHOPS: For rupt of milk and ont cup of crum 81 8TANl..F.V A. llA\'11.:8 1~ave11, deform and dlaf~re the HlnlghthroU~ ~t:;·~~ped.!':.:m.::_;: •llt people buy 12 ~ loln lamb Brtng c&J'f'tully to a boll and aim~\ bl aom~ ne ally reduc plant 8 e e ' ,,_ r hopa. Put to •oak UI water t.o I t fl -•.J s I ln the aprtn~ the averai:c-gar-°"' · · r;e r e mil.a tho apray aoluUon t o come "<C' t dried mer sent. 'I or ve mu11,Jtes, train vlir:or and growth. Apt\11, thr1p11, tr hi JU1t cover 1 ~Jl each 0 through a very fine' aieve and' dener alarta out amblllow.ly and red 11plder mealybup white fltea I out ln a loDI thin a e&m reac nc prunes a prtc,U and ralalna and -'t ' • 20 to ao feet and more. ' 11erve .. , h c~. enthualaatlc&lly to 11petd up the and leaf hoppera, to mtntlon a I Unle• the apnry1nc la done ., one-tourth cup of dried 1-.qe I Thue rl'l'lpu are not Intended proceaa of rPjuv.,aalloo or hla KH· rrw. And. of courst. thtre are !un-11 dt ed above chemloat. are whlt• beana (not llmu)-. AfUr to tllke th• pllre of prime r1bl! den whlch, In me>11t cUf'll, hu loin gu.s dlseasea to contrntl wltll. n-~~! hJ h ' ••R• & i~· of th-have aoaked for aevwal ... 1 1 d. r1n w-......, w c m..-.-~ or .,,. nu>m1nc cup, c-tu an dud and onrmant du C the win· Thl':w> rond1llo11A rail tor a thor-Ume. etlort, materlAla and monty. houra, brown lti. chope tn • lttUe black th~l of us affect. They ter month•. Th,. winter rains fol· oogh reg\Jlu apl"llylng program Only lt proper procedure l.e UHd buttar and lel them cook alowty merely ahow aome lnte~&tJ.nc var. ~~:Wl'ORT .JIEACR Phone HARBOR 2210 FOR t"Rt:E T.STIMATl:S • SHEET METAL HEATING VENTILATING WELDING lowed by the lncr t>ued warlh or 1111\ng the n cellent K&rden chtm• I can you be aur. of ,._tune effec-for U mtnut.H after bl"OW1llnc. latlons on famlllar wmu. the "pnn,i: sun h"IP to rcvllallu 1 1t•al11 that arP avollable ut all g11.r· Uve ipraylnf rwuJll. Salt to tut.a an.d add tile tnlSta ;;~~~~~~~~~;;;:;;;;;;;~=:;:;:;;;:;;:;;=:;:;:;=:;:;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;: th., K1tr<l•n: dl'n l!Upply sto~11. Bul -using I 8A vu TIME ancf t>eana and thf' watu In which llut t hero 111 cultlw t Inn to do, lhrse fine cht•m1cnl11 11 not I' no ugh Ullng the modern hoae apraytra they were 10aked. Add one cup Jlt'W AN'i.13 lllld plant.~ to put ln [ 1n llltlf. The lmporlant thing ta for tn11ect control and L&wn rare-11 1 of walnut halves COvtr and let CAMELLIAS " . ,y " pr ··~ ' '" c uctu&Uy tun, becau11e In a matter this &lmmtr tor two hour11 over low th" "r<mnd will'I nw Mm or mok· thlll th• b onnrtlon•d -r·-1 I . lnlC IL th<' nkt>•I i:.11Jc11 In the-1 Cully In M'COrdllllre with the m&n· 1 u en Lote o( tlM llint quality p16ata mOIWT c--buy. nr1i,:hhu1 "'""I nrd :111 tmrrn,•t>mcnt ura.cturrrs' dlrertlona, thol they of mlnutu you can •pray yo ran. heat. During the Jut hour add one I ft. tall la ••lloa aan• ... tn th!' prop<'rty tha t iuld• hun· bo' lhnrou:hly m1xtc.J a.nd lhtn •P· lire guden. T!'fla ~ho:'n that don! heepl.nc ta.blttpoon o( curry pow· 1 l ll . up drt'dtt, In "°me r&-,..8 thu11'\A11d1, ot pll•«I furTfftly to the plant• guden sprayin: jolm c ~ der lleaa 1f you a1mply 11\Ailll and 1.h•ll"r' '" th,. , .. 111 .. nr hf'lme 1n-· In onl"-fourth t e l e u compar-one--haJC a lime Iii~ vtry thin. \'«'.!llmt'nl. I !i4PRA\'ER~ 81.'ltPLE ed with old-fuhloned method& Se~e thb with rice and thJnk of I Sl'(£<TM AC'TI\ ,.. The new sar<fen hOM 1prayera The betlt plan 11 to apray the en-~hdad betlmea. We Uk• th.la un- . ' noW ava.1Jable v..tly •lmpl.lfy lhe tire gardl'n end to follow a Pn>-1 uaua1 dlaJ\ but think It i. better lt Rut "-" hr wo1 kit nloni:. "" no-Job ot iardtn eprayang. With lhl• irram of 8p.,.ylnr evtry JO day• m1 ed. t l<'f'l! I h.1t In••'< t f'P~l • hllYf' not ri I I th l.xl d ro to two wteka during the «rowing the raal na are 0 ll !Mor n ltll1· <'llhf'r Thf' rlrm warm P nc p '\ he mh ng -~ .P polr-. seL'IOn. For bt'al ~auJt..s spray on The original call1 tor dried pom- d 1 11orl111g 0 1 t e c emir ... a 11u wu er · · le da I t ad ! the ille-rt11 rs br•n~ t>ul 11n 11rmy 11f lnva • are done automaticall '·AA the wa· a warm, l'unny morning, ralhtr egr&na 11~ II.I e 0 <'r~ In "":ii,:" h•~ rm.1" M <I othl'r !Me { t • > 11.rdr•n hose Lh&n lote rn the day. It 11 alllO ed lime, "° If yo11 00''41 been ... on- ,...,.,..t?j>iwntll. t"hl'w\ng' 11nd "'1~nln IT~he ~.p:::i glln 11 <"Omb nl'• W!Je'~ i:...What to do ~Hh pomtgran- lnjt '"-""' t1 thftt • ll rl ani1 •pot the with a measured .;,.,ount ot the ~praying. ales. here 1,, the riddle aolved. It c-hcmt.al drawn up from the Jar. SASANQUA CAMELLIAS \\1Q crow a. full ••n. w,. hu" ..,., .. ral inod , .• r1,.11 ... In 1 and 6 cal-caae. "' ..._ M" lls vartetlf'9 of the new JlETICl'LATA C AXEU.U.S. 5 & 10~ NURSERY Hua ... Newport lllT4 -n:sn.s -CJ-4 n~ ~Kalt ' ILOCKING SERVICE la the FINEST t ''The ~utl!ll&M._ .,_t tilnce 1118" I ~~~ tll Mart11e, Bahloa lal.-d 1601 So. Mnl11 . l!a"t11 A"° -Everybody reada Claaltted Ada. Satisfaction ON-THE-DOT DIUVIRIES TO THE JOI • • • • • N-OW' tlaMl, Ute plec9 Md Ute ""41tliftood ttm,.nt mlstar'fl •• and Jotl ('aD t'1>UJll Oii -...... Uvtor M e ... nid • • • a& a ..vtaa! Uberty 8-2213 BAY READY MIX IN(J. 711 w. 17~ St. COST A lllDIA i R~B ·ERI.f ORBES PHONI: HARBOR 1101 Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.I.ACK BOYER - 2301 w. Balboa Boulevard • Uaoleom • Robber 'l1le • ()ork • Asphalt Tile • Carpet • Formica • Yacht • lmtallatlon Harbor 5389 Newport hach REMLEY & ~AVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RFBU>ENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL OALL RAIUIOB ,, .. roa ESTDIATJ:, WITHOUT OILU&ll& IOI £.BALBOA BL\'D. a.u.llOA Ready Mixed Concrefe Thl11 ls accompllsh,.d by pntenll'd lntc-maJ melrrlng jtl• which U1or- oughly rnuc I he water &n•I C"hrml· cal In • hnmogc-r.lzed blrnd ot PX· ullly lhe right alrtngt.h to kill the IMtrt.. ... but n<>t so conctntnttd u R. Don•IJ H•ll Construction Comp•ny Ot:!"EILAL CO:O."TKActOR8 GOOD NEWS! IZU-D W. Cout llWJ'. ~..-port lk!adl, C.UJ. to f1ftm!l.1tt' or kJll the plant.I. 1 I The •\Ira y "'hit h em<'ri:• 1 from ';;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;~;;;~;;;:==::;:=:::;;;~;;;;;:;~~ the 8p1 ay gun lip la a tin,., tun:e-1;;. 1 rut. f&n°"haped apray wh1C'h dren- .. •plte ol tho c-• 2'1110~· \\'e ~ *k.1111t t:\ef'J~ e r:ttori to s.u_,,, th. . or Our Clrnwint <:ommual t"ur c·a~"''" -(' l"a. WELCH'S READY MIXED CORCRnE IU Commud al w.., OOST A M£8A U 1-Ntt QwA8c1 & Rwy •JIA e-u.cto11 l'ldL Les. Miit cllu the plant. lhuroult'hly. Now -the gardener hu bul to i:o over hla 111~, being sure tu oovt't Uu1 11.nUre garden. "Spol 11pn1ylng" 111 ne,·er recommt>ndtd for l ht re.ton th•H e\·cn thou~h you kill the sn- llol'•ll In Lhe 11na you hll\'' lreat· f'\l, lhe inM!Cll lrom aJjnlnln' pl&n la y,•111 m1grale to lh,. lttated are&, mulUply quickly by the thou· Dll.Al'EJUJ:S -tiPHOLSTE&DiO -SUP CO\"ERS \\'ALL PA.PER -CA&.PE'Tl.'>0 COllPt..rl'I: L,"n_IUOR O~OORATIXO LAMP UGHT SHOP HU I:. Cout Hwy., Corona 61'1 M&r Harbor Hit JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder ... 0eM& lllYcl. OOllONA DEL llAA RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL ·Harbor !Ml MAX W. POPE Inc. ut:St:RAt. COS'TllACTORS "We Arrange flnudag" 401 Bo._ Avf, 11111t ofr Spt. Bhd. al U Ul Newport BeMh l.Jbrrt)' 8-!%111 ARCHITECTS M1Mben of Alllerlca11 l•tltlll'e of Architects J. Herbert Brownell Wilt'41m Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent H•rvey Frederick Hodgdon Georg• Linet Richard Pleger HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROll CRISIS 1 Perhtip1 we hav-. the answer ·BeceuH we do everything here casa pura .. _. Vlt."I: W1'l'lllJlf aomaa -WBL'I N&Uar' OOllPLEl'E IAUNbEllEU wt OLE&Nm IU.allftll1I IOI.II PfSWJ'OltT m&A<:m for All SUNDAY PAINTERS anJ PLUMBERS ,. we are O.PEN all day SUNDAY . We Have TJie Harbor Area's ' Most Complete Se- lection of Galvanized Pipe and Fitf ings. Our Paint Dept. Can Supply All Your Painting Needs. WI CUT, AND THREAD PIPE while you wait SANDERS & FLOOR POLISHERS FOR RENT SAKRETE, Ready Mix Cement, All You Do 11 Add Water Reaew Your Old Upholstery _with the Amazing New FABSPRAY 114 DECORATOR COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Al Forgit Hardware 2205 ..... llYd. We Give SIH Green Sta111p1 Phone Harbor. 116 Newport Hca bor's Finest and Newest Hardware Store .. .. JUST .PUit.C:.U\SEO-Owncrship of Lido P..:ninsula Shipyard was transferred to the proprietors of the Wilmington Boat WorkJ, it was announced today. Indicated by the dotted line is (he 4 acres of the shipyard on what was formerly known as ''Superior laland." The arrow, indicat~ Newport Be.ich's City Hall. Wilmington Boat Works is one of the West's besl known builders of yachts. It will be· a major operator in this area and will maintain the name of ~he Lido P eninsula Shipyard and the company u a separate corporation. - Aerial Photo6raphy by Pacific Air Industries, L o n g Beach ., FULL· TIME MESA CHAMBER OFFICE SEEN POSSlllUTY A fUll·tlme ebamber of comm•r« otttce I.I a ~Jblllty for Colla M-ln th• neer future. U• of the MCU!d n oor office at 105 J:. 18th BL by lb• Downtown Merdian.ta A.Moclatlon cau..d tbe chamber board ot dlncton to Nbmlt a propoeal to th• -*ciaUon durln&' illt. adjourned board -loa TtluMlday noon. 'I'!I• propoeal I.I few the DowntOWll Kercbanll to pay 60 per cent of th• oo.t at maintainlnr an of~9nd eecret.ary wlth Intention of lleeplnc the office open on a tu.ll-Ume baai.t. At pruent, the cb&mbel' office In eo.(a Mea I.I open foul' hour• per dey. OFFSHORE OIL DEAL HIT BY . HARBORITES Kenny Tells Land Comm~sslon 'Island' Drllli11g Ruinous ; ·, Kenny In opposition to "l1land" oil operation• Included John Snet- slnrer, Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce manarer; Selim H. Jo'ranklln, Cott& Mesa, represen- llnJ ANOClated Chamber• ot Com· merce of Orange County, Inc.; • DEATH NOTICI Jl88. rrl'A OONVEUE Funeral •nice• for lb•. llltta Vlol& ConverM, to, 2000 Newport BlVd., Coet& MN&, wen bdd Bat· urday ln Park-Ridley Mortuary Chapd. The RtY. Robert B. pron- lu.nd, putor ot Ule Harbor LuUs- enn CJi1t.rcb otndated: Mn. Convene died WednNday nlpt al Onn.p County General Hospital aftel' a year'1 Uliieu. She -. a naUve of Oxford, Ma.N. and came to Calif om la LI\ 11>38. She lived ln Long B~ach before com- lng to Coata Me• ln 1948. · She !eaVj• no relative. but a hoet al frlenda to mourn htr pul• Ing. She wu a mtmber of the Pythlan Sitler•, the de&'ree ot Pocahonw end member at the Grand Army ot ~e Rt publlc Aux- iliary ln Ma.aaachuiwtl•. Ttle remain• WPre flown to Mu· aacht'uaelta for lntermenL ED~~N BVRO~ LE GATE Funeral aervlcea are ptndlng at Parkea·Rldley Mortuary for Ed· win Byrqn Leeate, 71. 931 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. He wu found dead lo his tra1le1 S.turday night. Arrangement.II 1He pending word from a brother In Florida: JET PILOT Harbor and south Cout off· lhore oil well drilling oppooeni.. led the fight qabut "l.aland" type ocean · petroleum r ecovery at Thuntday'a hearing before the Stale ~di Commltlon. A fl er listening to argument.. for and against offshore oll drllllng In the ocean at Huntlnrton Beach Ule commlalllonera, 1itUng ln Lot An· gelea, took the matter undtr tub- mlulon. William Galllenne, Huntington Contl.nlM'd from Ftn& Pare Beach Chamber of Commerce ex- ecutive 11er.reta.ry: G. H. Undsey. craft. Judy J -4. owned by Harold treuurer; O. W. Carrick, San Cle-Voghl, Los Angeles; Marworth, mentt', Coastal Area ProtecUve owned by Worthington LeP, Balhoa Shoreline Planning Auoclatlon bland; Patsy Fem, Newi>ort, Fred League vlce-pruldent. Hudton, •klpptr and Three Wlnk11. • Mtrvyn Phelan, counael tor Newport, Ken Dlcker1on, •kipper; Richfield Oil Corp., replied to n1Shed to the rescue 1cene to of(t>r Kenny'• prote•l• thus: assistance, Jo"'lnk 1ald. The 83·tl. LAND!-4CAPED "ISi.ANDS'' Cout Guard cutter alto 1lood by . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I· PA&E J MONDAY, FEI. 21, 1955 . cover Ule rem&Ju ot the 8llM' Sabre jet Ulat exploded and ~ lnto the OC'MD SaturdaJ toreaooe oppoait• TbrM A.rch BaJ. A crew ol dlftl"I I.I wor~ to locate t.M eeruatlonally tut lhip that .. tupped" and hit UM wat•. I• .{ ·•""•-"•· If\',, -noRmRn·s -. . ) . ~. -1.i •.•. ""·'fl --~ ' .. ~ ... : " lf lt re•ta on the 8UMl1 1edl9 ;.:::::=:::::::=:=========:::11. that Ulftldil tJOme m.u-Oft· lltore, 11&1vaae will be com.parath•e- ly euy, JAryna pollce w .. told. However, lt It LI ta deep water lt will be llaroer to locate and more difficult to brlftc to the wrtace. PoUce were told a U . I . Na¥Y 11\lp will Hr'Ye U Ult ... al optr• aUona tor Use M!ftp proj.c:L North American A~ation. deve- loper ot th• .uper modenl aabre jet. )Iopa to eum1n. Ole wreck· ar• of the plane to aacert&1n th• cau.e of the cn.i.11. It wu ..Sd. , .... Cracker a.rel 87 CARO EATON HOME .LOANS At Or .... eo-ty'1 LHcli11 H....-L-4'-t Mttt.tf• QUICK 24 HOUR SERvtel LOW LOW "REDUCING"' INTEIUST RA ns EASY While major oil firm• claimed ln presentation• that the 1tale would receive more th&n a billion dollars In royalties. Herbert F. Kenny, Balboa. aecretar}r ot Or· ange Count~ Cout Auoclatlon, and other South Cot.It men oppo•· ed their project. Kenny ta.Id: The yee.ra may come and the yeara may rut, but The tr&clier Barrtl at 128 Apte Ave., Balboa llland, I.a here to •lay rtgbt along with It• proprietor•. Sandy and E leanor Enfield. Not a curio. shoppe, It and the ownen are cur- IOlllllH , and dellchlful onff at that. The latter are expert fram- el"8 ot plct uree, evm have 110me to nil. Eleanor lov• to help you IM!lect Juline l'ln• from a wide 11elecllon. And Sandy I• a fine handcrafLer. And not to be over· looked It you are ob the arty 1lde and like to paint your own water colors or oil•. The Cracker Bar· rel. to put It mildly, hu every- thing In the way of 1Uppllet. Come r ct framed, come and brow1e, come and 1elect a'ffta, come and v1J1lt Ye Olde Cracker Barrel at 128 Acate Ave., Balboa Island. -Adv. '"Orllllng could be carried on lo lend aid. trom only two Islands, one about a __ o_pe_r_a_t_1o_n_1_be_g_an __ t~y-to_l"f'·-·-------------­ half-mlle off 1hore. the other t.tQHTHl Y rA YMlNT'S FRIEIDLY "EPIDEMIC" FEARED "We fear lhil operation not only tot ltaeLf, but for the fact that It would open the nood gatee for an epidemic of s1m.lla.r operatlona that could be effected along all ot our rout wherever oil might be available." Other South Oouter• jotnlnr about a mile, with 100 wella trom each, f1U1.nlng out like 1poku ln a whul. The1e llland• could be landlcaped a nd lighted .at nlghlt, adding lo the acenlc beauty ot the ocean front. 'We need to d,evt'lop thl1 oil re11erve. It lt n«-ceuary to the tlate"a economy and to o~r naUonal defenae." DID YOU KNOW ••• SYMPATHETIC~ '" fAlf """ .,.. GRAND JURY EXPECTED TO DISBAND THURSDAY Spokumen for Superior Oil Co., Union Oil Co. of California, Conu- nmtal 0 11 Qi. and Shell Oil Co. pre1entrd 11lmllar argument.JI on behalf ot offshore drllllng. Estlmatr11 on the 011 value po- tential ranged from 18 to 110 billion of which the •late would get from 20 to 3~ percent In royaltlet, depending upon award of a competitive btd. Mercury is 10 wel.----1--~.,..~....&..--.-- built that 9 out of JO ever sold in the U. S. are still going strong? LAGUNA FEDERAL SA V1NeS I LOAN ASSOCIATION BOOKED AS Bl IWl.ARS-Headed for fingerprinting in Newport jail arc Ron Clayton Nichols. 18, second from left and J ohn Charles Martine. 20, both of whom were arrested in buri;lary of Broering Service Station Saturday by OffiCl'f'S Douglas Dein. left and Justin E pstein. not in picture. Del. Sgt. Leroy J ohnson is at right. -Staff Photo OIL FIGHT? ('nntlnlM'd rrom f'l,..t Part .Atlorn<'y Cl'nrral Sl'&l Beach A-' "filled'" l11nds. Gal· henne 11t11tt'<I. · · He asked how mn thl' 11t.3ll' pro,·e rlr111n11g-e ~O teet "·e~terly nf 1 hr Hunt ing:l••n Hes ch Stale P1uk srra. Hr AA.ttl two dry wtlll!I werl' • unk 111 :'Jr " land St. betwel'n H11nt1njl'lon Beach anJ Santa A r.Q Rt\"er. DEATH NOTICE Issued 12 lndichnents Against 16 People; Still Wants Bonelli SANTA ANA IOCNS) -The Ort.nJ;l' County Grand J ury 1tp· parently hllll !lmAhf'd ll11 probe Cl( allei;ecl liquor hrl'n~r vlolntlon~ In OrRni.;r C'ounty \\"ord from MVl'I a l JUry and 11t· tornry i;eneral"s offi<'e Murces tn· dlc11ted F'ru111y 1r the v1•n1n•nwn c11nnol tlllk tn former 1tate Board "' Equaliz11t1on mf'mbl'r '""llltam G. Bonl'lh. the prt'l!<'nl lleMton will tncl a t lht nl'xt ml' .. tln~ on-'l'hun1· day l l 111 l'Xflf'Ctf'd 11 n,.w pan('] will bl' 11worn 1n 11hnrtly Rrter c;AROIS~K TRIP f'tn1t wnr<I thl' Jllrv probe v.11s over c-Rme from Mr11. vw111 Cart11· nr r. :->rwrort Br11ch mf'mbl'r of the f'll.11!'1 Mn• Gard1nf'r tnld the :'\i-w11·P1 •'" 11h,. plnn11 In leR\'I' on a fnr Plll'ltfrn v11 r:ittr1n cn1!11e with· In lhr no'Xl f<'W W•'C'kll Chi~C As~t1'tsnt Attorney Gen· rrnl Thorno" w. Martin. who hae hr11d1•<1 thr IPni;:thy liquor probe. stlltl'tl to 'OC':-JS, "We'vo• 111 r&pP<.I DEATH NOTICE FR t: I> II. ~ l"l'TO S ~tr rr• d H Sutton Sr. dlt>d Sun· 1111\' momini:-. Jo', b 2i 11l lloai: Ho•· p1tal. ~fr ~11 ttnn, llJ:!'<I 61. r"1Hdl!'d al l 24 Via f'll.lermo wherP he Uved 11lnC'f' hll' f t'l!rrment Cit m 11rll\0I' bu~tn· «11 In l!l:\2 Hr w1111 pre~hl~nl 11.n•I founder of El MnnLI' Auto 1'1111~ Jn<' ;tnil ws~ a ptlllt pre~i· d"nt (I( tht F:I Monte l'h11mtwr of Commrrre H" w1111 al80 p&..,t pre11I· tlrnl an<I a chArtPr mrmber of El l\11tn1 .. Rotnry C'luh, a mf'mher of lhl' IA!lUn1:tnn ~fl\MDIC Lodire. put patron or lhr Lf>x1n1ttnn C'h11ptrr fl( () F: r. .. a ml'mb!'r ot Al lll"la· the bottom ot the barrt'I." He said Tburtday'• -Ion woold b4!l one ot the Jut of the current lle!!lslons_ Jury Foreman Evtrtll RHt1e told OCNS the jury w111 "pro b· ably w ind up It.a actlvllln In the finil part of March." He Hid the jurors wanted to ret ''the whole picture'" In their In· ve1Ugallon of allegt'd liquor II· Cl'nM trregtitar1t1PtJ rn this caunty BOSELU 8TORV Ree.lit' eai<1 ,"Wt'd like to gtt the story from thf man from Ar1zona !Wilham G. Bont"llll.,Some of th" things we wA.nt to know can"t bl' clu aed In the &a.me category •• the San Du~go lnvut11:atlon On,. jtroUp has followed throujth on lhl' Inn st igatlon and u anon u we t-oncludr It we feel u thou1th we wtll have c:-ompleted our IH'r· VICI!'." Dist n et A ttornt'y Robert Kner· llrnd Informed OCNS, "If Bone.Ill I• In C1111torn:a on March 3. we"ll call him before the Jury.'" How· ever, news ~port• lrldlcate Bon· elll will fight extradition from the State ot Arl.zona-a lengthy pro- cet'dlni that may well keep him from California for month1. The present grand jury wiu em· pe.nelt d the flrtt week of March. 19M. Court ob11erver• havt' u ld that the venlrt wu tht' hardut working or any 1lmllar group In Orange County history. Our\n1t their almOlll eight llOlld week• or da lly ht'&r1ngs <1urlni: the liquor probe. the jurymen handf'd down a total of 12 Indictments. n11mln1t 1 S J>"'l'1IOn11. Cou nty clerk'• of· fire per11onnPI 8&.1<1 It I• lh,. great· u t number ot Indictments t vtr retumerl hy an Orange County Grand Jury. r;J.DR.f;D CA~E p alllt'nn<' "8111 1t r• ~ulut 111n of Hunllngt<m 81•111 h l'h:imh"r <Jf Commr rt t' I"' 11cntt>il Th11 r•<1>1V 111 the lllll\1' lat1J11 t""lllOll .. 1"n I nn. tendttl nn .. hm r d rilhni; ; •. r I Ii-· land11 nil ."hnulrt h•' 111 1lnrtl Ht Huntington llt•11rh ""It• 1<.1 lfgun1 d h&llllrd of 11n\0 ht11.:11l1••n "l,1t h ma;v erl~<' ·· rt ''""" h1 1111i:hl .. 111 that l!IW 8Ullll r111l111 ho· Ctll'd h~· oil flm111 If t1tlclR11dll 1~tr<>h•11m 1.0 80llfrhl r.11111 nn·sh11n' wrll:c whil<' drilli ng i:(l('.O 111\l"lltl nrr~hctro', ltl" Cit~· of Hunt 1ni:ton Br 11< h 11n•I P.rl\•8\411 l'lllZ!'n3 1 Oltlt1 '"llt0•'1\"1thly 1\le AC'lil"'n'" tn hnlt prtll"""oltni:io 1k11h l'hrinr 11n1I Mr\"Pd n.., hi>U!f'n· F"uno•rnl :«>n"I<'<'~ for Rny H. ant with thl' lil11ck Stalllon l'alrol. \11•n11r11. 31l. of 2oi:; H11rb<1r Blv.I In addition lo Ulelr 1nvut1gallon of alleged liquor license lrregular1· ties, the group probed county of· flee•. the mysterious death of Mn. Miidred Hain and thf' rtalty de1l· Inga of A. G. Eldred. Eli.Ired w1111 11.lso Indicted by the jury on two aep&nlte indictment.. and au~l'­ quenlly convicted. He 11 preaenUy l!t'rvlng a ~·58 year pr111<>n term. Mr. S11t lon· marril'd Ru .. ln Beeht ('.,.111 ~t1••11. nn• !'"n11tni: ut l':uk· Sutton nf S11fford. An:r.. whtn hr "·' Htdlt•y, ("q 111a ~lr1111 Hr chr.J w11• 11£1lt01' 11>prl'~cnr11t1v•• In !hat ~uddrnl~· Y<'!'trrdriy In 1\\"l'nty ~11110 1or U111hnp And L'o Thry ""''' marr1Nl In Tomb11lone, Ariz. ''n S('pt. 1 ~. 191 ll. Hi-1:1 surv1vrll :'<Ir. Ml'nnea Is SllT°VIVl'd by hi.! b\• hlll WI h•W, " 11on. 1-T"ll H. Sul· Xtnt' Palnu. "t "ILLEH" OR :SOT Stolr lkw n'portctlly MY!< when 11111t ht'r. brolhf'r lind s1:otcr or C'os· oil dr111noi:r IJ founcl. lhr 11t8le ta :\lr!Oll. He WI\.' 1t chsrt.-r m~mber lands r 11n:ml!'J'li1n t1h11l ,tnll frnrn "on·shorr "Ctlll'd0 ' landl'. Que1<t11"1n 111 whl'lhr r lhll! ph~ 11pphrs to drillioltN• rr1>m tht llhnrr 1>r thr ateel .. 1!1l11 nd · b11rl't'l·hk1• 11trut'· turf.!! 11111·h a!' put In the nct 1111 oft St'lll Ot11.-h Opponrntll o! off. ahort' 11nlhn!' d11 1m 11"11 thr fnnn. er. oil f11 m!' rlnlm lt0t1 thr l11llPr. Pal BrN' n. 111.Att AllOmty .itrner· al, 1tt1\01• 11n <•r1mon rt1nrlnn1n1t Monterey 011 Co."• "l11land · l"'ff o ' ·h1• :"ewpo11 ll11rbor Elks Ln<l11e 17ti7 :>tr. Mrnnel< w1111 an ln!l11r11nr r brnktr. Holden Tools Gont ll11qi:l11r~ remO\'ed tools \"slut d Bl $7!'1 from a hnmt' under c:-on- 111n11 t1nn Al 3~6 \"ia U rio Soud, RAiph Holdl'n. 30!1 \°1& Lido ~oud. rl'pnrlf'J to J'Cllite Th1trl!day after· "'~on FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN N.EWPORT HARIOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 MOTOllCTCUt ESCOllT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLleE Uniformed Division of L ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY _L...>..--___ ____.. •I t;1n Jr 1rnrl two irrnn<1<'h tl11rl'n. of Ln Het1111 S rhanrl"• MortUArY of El Monte 1~ 111 • ""' )!• n f C1111rrnl l\r ranRe· mf'nl!I '" hf-hthl M U I h 3 Bl 2 pm. with lnt,.rm.-nl In Roi1e Hlllll Ci-mt lrry, \\1111 t1tr. Arter having held almOll thrtt times u many ae1Mtlon1 u any p~vlOU3 jury, the county clerk'• orttce notes the vtnlrem1.on wtll probably be disbanded within a few hours of the date It waa em· paneled lut yeu. FOREIGN TRAVEL SRVICE 35421/2 E. Coast Hiway eo,.. ... 11ar Harbor 1246 Coline Gibbons • Dorothy McKenna • Marguerite Hughee SpeclalbinK In lndepedent ltbterartee, toan. cl"UIM-• • • • AU plauee of forelp tra•el udreeon~ COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE Opponent• to the otfehore op- erations. contended tuch drilling mo....~ LAGUNA BEACH would dcatroy natural scenic bl'auty, dett1r Southland tourist. from enjoying South Cout recre- a tional opportuntllea and reduce See the '55 Mercury or your Deafer'a. properly \•aluee. GAB lllve• you ~he . . . ' . SW-£~~-~ au'toma'tlc laund~ Mam ~ba't eve.-whizzed you 'tb.-oul&h wa•hda»"·~·:,. ~06~~.? Betlish it from JOUI homr with a New Frttdom Gas uundty. Team up an auto- matic Gu wner hearer ~ tutomaric Gu domes dryn with JOUI •u110mttic ' washt'r, ao<f you'U do J"OUI laundt'riog with fat lt'SS dfort in fat ~ time. Only Gu has the f.uc ~ rue n~dC'd ro k~p up wicb J"OUI aolOCD&tic OnJ.:ir GAS 'ttf ve• wuht'r. Thit is beaux Gu ~f1 wartr rhttt umcs faster than any orhcr prac· tic:il fuel But don't np«t to bt' ··ho< wattr happy" with • w1tl'r bnier dur' t00sm.all for your famjly's nttds. Tht'rt's 1 rig"hl 1iu automatic Gas wam-bfftcr for tttry sitt ol ~ and family. Con· .Wt 7001 de-skis appro'fC'd sizing cbatt wbea tdeaiJai • IWW ooe. '\. ..Jii!L-.~ Gas drlet ~-.,than .. ...,... them in IW\Sb.iot or bf usi.ag uy ~ automttic fuel la pnn.ially DO m. aft t't you taU rinaed IMmdry i.a lft amo- ma tic Gu dothes dqer, )"OU lift OUf dllt Joltest.fl~-tmeil.iag dolbm you· w nu washed. Vilif 911)' G. trppl ...... ~ or J011f CM c.omp..., c:6cit for dna ii' ~ .... eov .. n•• aA• ... .,... you •uoh modern au~matlo applianoe• Norge-Tappan-O'KHfe & Mewfft Gas R•ges Jake's Appliances SAW UIRTY 1-6641-SRYICI 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ... -1' I .. THlS FOREGROUND FOURSOME i.e dancing a.t the ~ to 9 p.m. clau of the Cotillion in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Left to right are Jeffrey Smith, Chriatianne MR. AND MRS. RICHARD HoVTS Hovises Fete Son and Wife Carver, Diana FWier and George Hoag. Latter are child· ren of Pa troneues Mn . William Fiaher &nd Mn. Georie Hoag II. -Beckner Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MR8. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor .,.,._9!'1t~ft'jf("T t -M!W'PORT"l1ARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 BY ENSIGN P-T A Pre sen ta ti on to Richard Hllral'P En~1cn T\trl'nt·Tel<-h,.r A'V1r1at1on prP~tnt N1 0 . \\·. 1 D1C'k I R1r har1I with 11n he>nnr11r~ Ir r~ mPmbrr•h•P fin thP1r N'l'nnd nnnlverss ry or F'ounders' Day, Ff'b. 23 al 7 30 JI m. He WU l!O honored bcc111~,. h1-good worlca u4'mpUfy 110 much the aplnt. of brothl'rhood IU"ld P -TA pollcln . :'llr1< Porter 1'1nrla1r ma.de. the p.... :v>nta llnn Mr• :'\nrm11n Wat.M>n, Founder&' n l\)'. C'httirn111n. pruented t.hrea for· "'Kll f-u111 nt11 1n a n 1ntereatinr pJLl'lf'I d1~uM1nn of l'ducaUonal ~v~t<'mll onrl hv1 ng habit.a 1n their rrsprrtl\'e C'Ountrlu: .AyodeU Tan· 1mnwn, prt'·ml'fltc 1tudent at Chap- m11n C:oll~gr. Orange, who cornea frnrn ::-;1Reru1. Arrloa. Brigitta LA'rtm11a anrl Inge Grund.man at Oran,1te Cu11st College. both rrom G-ern:iany. A ,1tcneral quut1on and 11n~wrr <hsruS111on followed. OFFIC.t::R SLAT!; Thf' nnmtn11 u nr commiltf'e pre- iwnt~ the touowtnr .iat• ot Offl. l".r-11 for thl' nl'Xl. year; for prttl· llrnt. ~tr~ Josrph Olrver: tlnat vlC't'·pre11ldcnt. Mr11. Port"r Sin· clalr; eecond vice·pruident, Mre. J ohn Hau; MCret.ary, Mrs. 0. W. Richard; hlatorlan. Mra. A. Burr Whit.fl. Elecetlon will be a t the March meeUn1. The membera Of the P·TA vot- ed to purC"hue a world 1lobt! for the new tKhool library now under coaetnvtJ.on. Wl.W&m Bil.Ur. prin· clpa.l. will m&Jc• the Mlection. Mre. Dan Hunaker, CMUan fH. fen.ee chairman. announced lhe tonnaUon of a new R.-4 CToM flnlt aid courae with atomic bomb sup- plement •tart.1n.I' Tuuday, March 1 from 9 to 11 a.m . at the Tar Pit. MISS PATRICIA ANN BERGERON -Don Bush Photo Watts-Bergeron W.edding Slated For Summer Young Balboa Couple Engagem ent Announce The annowicement ia being made of the E>ngagement and forthcoming marriage of Miss Patric ia Ann Bergeron. daugh- ter of Mn. Arthur Bergeron and the late ~fr. Bergeron of 1711 Pla.u del Sur. Ba.lboa. to Mr. Frank Edwud Watte, eon of Mr. and Mn1. Coy E. Watts. 2144 Ocean Bh·d., Balboa. Both youn1 people are raduatt'l!I duty "''llh t hr '.\te111ral Corp11 of ot Newport Harbor Union Hl .. h tht Mh R"Rlmrntal \nmh11t t•11m School. Mr. Wa tta a ttended Or· In l<orta Ht' 1~ .. mployf'rl ni1 & ange Coaat Junior College. thr chemlst \\'tlh the Giid !rn Co 1n University of Southern Cal1forn1a Buena Puk. The bnde·elecl ta ,.m. anrl MTVl'd two yl'ar~ of active ploytd a t the Orangf' County Title Bridge Luncheon at Country Club Co. In Sanla Ana 4 late l \&rnrn"r w....Sd1nir 11 plsn· nl'd , Church Receives Charter For Cub Scout Pack 187 Th• Februa ry mt'tllnf of Cub I wolf b•rtae; Randy ~dea; bNr• Scout Pack 187 of Cliff Haven bad&e, bur sold a rrow. and Bayshorea wu a raJa Btu• Outata.ndlng t>ntertalnment wu and Gold banquet held at th• ottered with a colored movtna' pk· Horace En•irn 1chool celebratlnf ture of the Boy Scout Jamboree the tOth anniverury of UIL.BoY et ltGS on the JrVtna ft&ncll. Jt Scout.I of America. The decora· wu announl'e4 that the entire tion1 wer. all made. by the Cuba. Pack la plannlnr a trlp to the e~h table ha\·lnf blue and l'old Oceanarlum on Mardi 1J. plac:e·mata, place-card• and f low· era and the Scout.a and t.helr tam· IHea enjoyed a tl'emendo.ua blue ESA and 1old decorated cake which bouted '3 candles and which wu dooated by St. Jamee Epl1eopal Church. 1pon.1or ot the Pack. Chapter Is En\ertained Openlnf ceremony WU conduc-at Lt.do Home ted by Den 4 CUba, Oennla Bonda, Sam and Biii Dnwnlnf. Donald Grupe, Bruce Trotter, Allan Gray. Richard Holmer a.nd Steven Shedd. Cub Scout aongs. It'd by H. K. Bumett. 1tarled th e fe1llvltln . The new grant charter was pre- aented by H H. Burnett ot St. Jamu Church to carry on the Cub Scout prorram. R$£111tr&tlo11 card11 were prt· ffnted to Bob C&mpbt'll, Cub· Muter; Robert Olanl1er'. ANl1t.ant Cub·Ma1ter: Ran11olph Geddu , tommlttee~n : \'lvlan JohHon. co-ordinator ) and Den · ~{0U1en, Mrnu. Lawrenct' Brown, Sam Downing, George C11rtll. Alberta Smith. Robtrt Crowntr, Randolph Geddu. Mr1. Robert Philbrick, p1'9111dent of the newly ora-a.niaed Eta Et.a thaptn of Ep1llon 811""'& Alpba sorority en terta.lned members at htr home on Udo tale. wtlh their tlr1t project the aaJe ot a atole. The lovely whit• a~ ... do- nated by Mr1. Joaepb Stroup, went lo Mrs. William O. JCennatly of Santa Ana. Proceed& W.re marked tor th• cha pter'• phil&n• throplc proJe<:t, the Harbor Ana Clrl11' Club. Atte.......Vd a IOClal evensq ot brlqe and canaala ,.... ~ by Mmea. Everett Brace, WIDSam Barr, Huby Jordan, Stroup, a.or.. Bubeltan, Rlcha rd 8 t ID p I 0 ll , Philbrick, and a lpedal ,,._. M.ra. Bevwly Johneon, ober\er member of an A.'11kan ~pt,91'. The Bob-Cat ceremony wu con· ducted for Stevt'n Shedd, Gary Bolte, Dou&'laa Coi;dlner, and Ttmmy Williama. Awards included Mra. LaWT'el\M ~;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===:=; Bro\\'Tl'I Den 3; Frtt.I Kott, thrM Bear allver a.rrowa; ·Rtchard Daw· IOD, bear badfe, bear 1old a1Tow. two bear 1llver atTOWI. dennar It.ripe: Tim Brown. two bear allnr arrows; ~lac Rtnfro, wolf 11lvu arrow. aasl11t.ant dennrr •tripe: Bobby Olander. woll h&dgt' '.\fr11. Sam Dowmng'11 Den 4. OoMld crurc. "-'Olf gold arrow, wol! sliver orrow: Bruce. Trotter, 11S111itant de.nnfr 1lri~: Al&n Gray, denner 11trtpt'; ncnnls Bonda, wnlf golt! yrnw; Mn. GenTg1' C1.1rt111..' Qrn.':A B irk StCAJe,.11~ ~IUll,... h8111{1' '.\lr.11 Albt>rta Smith ' Ol'n 7; Rantly ~pagnnlf'll 1, wolf hedge ; C')larlee Hofma.nn. denntr lllrtpe; Alan Gordon, aaalalanl denner stripe. Mra. Robert Crowner'• Den 8; Gary Packer, bfar bad1e: Bna.n Campbell, dennrr 1trtpe; John Macy, aa1l1tant denner 1tr11>9- '.\tr1. Randolph Geddu' Den 10; J amle Chr\atenaen, wolf r o I d arrow, wolf 11lvv arrow; Mike Pella, bear badce: Ra.lph Skinner, Skelton Paintings in Pasadena Show Summer reatdent PhHU. Hepler :o;kelton, who hun1 her -tercolor pa1nt111g1 lut aummtr at tlla Cracktr Barrel, opened a n.ew 11how1nr of her work• F'rlday a t ruadtna Art MuMum. Th• •haw· Inf will conllnu~ lhroufh Marl'h 21. She ruldea on Balboa Wand durtng the awnmera Loe-al 1eenu have provlded her wtth much or her lneplratton tor her work whlC'h bu .drawn cona1d· !'1'9ble comment from Puadenana. TllE OllOA..'111 1'0 11 CAJr PU 'I' AT O!fOIEI UM ec·f ?'II..., HAMMOND CHORD OIGAN c ........ ,. ... lttoY1•Mlf We alM laftte 1W .. -.. &Del b')' ... ... •• • •• asa-• 0r~ ... ......_ DANZ -SCHMIDT BIO PIANO ~ OJIG.if IT09& .......,.,.. for All ..... B·mm_, ~ ID M H t .,. ]lfe...... _._ nllW Fnur Boy &-outa f\"om Troop 81, G,.orge liausu. Bob A.JuSenon. BIU Ferry •nd J oh.n Hottman, under the leadt'uhlp of 8coutm&11tt'r Matthew W&Jdellch. pruented the C'&ll t.o coloni wllh American Creed 11.nl! Thl'>\l1'ht, 1t-or Brotherhood ln Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hovis, 709 Iria Ave., Corona del Mar. Las Ami· gas """ry impr"l'."n·e l"l'remony. _ Th,. Ir atlon wa1 by Re&dl'r Pntcrtained informally at a barbecue on the afternoon of G.-nrr" \\'a 1 !rnm the Chri1llan Runday, Ftb. 20 honoring their son. Richard Hovis and his Plans Tea and ~llN ('(' ,-hurch or :-/l'wport Buch. Flower decoratJona rave a note or 1prtnc to t he table at Banta Ana Country CI u b mtmben' luncheon Thurld&y, F • b. 2•. Br1dl'• and canuta followed lutrch· t'On. P!izea or ~autllul vanity ca._~1 and costume Jewelry r&- warded wlnner1. Hoat.eaaee for the. day were Mmu . Clark Dye. 0 eor1 • Preble and Wllllam Jerome. SPRING CURTAINS bride, the former Miss Janet Thompson of Ben•rly Hille. r,\~T PRESlDl:!'w'T Fash l.On Sh O\V ~r r,. J-!Arny Somera, th• onJy The couple waa married in Reno, Nevada on Feb. 12 sur-rn •t prC'11l.tl'nt. "'u preMllted with r r1•1nc; their rrl&tl\'tl and rrlt nds.1 mother of tht' tx-nedlcl. Don Ho,•111., " r'·TA krv r hun 11nd emblem cor-r. w11l!! prt.lt'nt to ofrt'r fcllclta· 1 brothtr or the new ~nrdlC't and Th,. F ,.hrur1ry mtetins: r1r I h A "', fnr l. r wnrk In t11tabl111htnr ti11n-. lncludrd '.\I r 11n,1 '.\lrs Jam"• hl1 r1anrt. Mt~s '.\11ml Moorhead: l.A4I Amlp:l'I~ C'1rclfl "'"' h•I Jin 1 ~ lh" H or11r e l'.:n$olgn P·T.4. H~ '.\t · 11 '.\I. Ch 1 the hnnnr duo anil th" Mblll and home of Mrs. \\·a rrt'n ""II• i.: I Hn!''Pl'~I' \fnr lh" evenin1 from nn,.~l'y, • r. •0 • rs. •r u l'loattu. \\'ut Balboa Bh•d , ,, ::h '.\Ir '< '.\l r<1 C"'hapr sn·11 Hftnth CTade All11n '-In. Harry JC1hn11. 11rand· Local ~eople See Mexi co By Car avan \\'1ndinc up omi of the n1-t u r 111ng of vacau on tripa this "'""k •re Ute Richard ~. Cunning· •ams of Balboa 111l11nd and the Henry J. Meyera. 2:)21 Second A\'t. Corona del Mar, now on the Jut lap of a 3000-mll• trailer tour down th• wut coa11t of Mexico u ml'mbt'r11 of th,. hl~J:f'St 1 rn.l,.r <'8rn,·a.n t'''"r to takr to lhl' npen m ad The new Mrll Ho,1 !I 111 the RsJph Wal110n u co-hosleu. There 1 rnom rrnlhr ' were the Mml'11. daughtrr of t ht Ellwood Henry• wert H mPmber1 prtllm l 11rt1 twl) Kn1Pn '.\l111~r 'll Bnutlng, M A of &verly Hrlls. "''ho enlt'rtalnl'd ll'\U!llts. E loiae Burk. and Mra. J... ~!TY and fu•' \\'oodworth. for lhe couple 'll<'lth a largt' rock · W. ~ellog. Trophy for ·• mo.t. pat"tnta tatl party. Ht'r hueband ha3 a '.\I r .... Cecil Powell !I'd thill dr vo-p~aent went t' Mr. Dean·a &Ulth largt advert1sin1 firm In San I t.JonnJ and '-Ir• \\'llh._m McDon-f'T'&de room. f'ranclaco. whert thty v•lll make ald the truaurer'1 report.. Mra. ------------- lhtlr future hnrr.f'. Esrl Stoneb&ck outlined acUv1Uee Luncheon Meeting Takes Trip to Death Valley of the WSCS. The gTI>up hu uk· rd ror don&tton• towsrd the pur-of Starbr ight Club chue of a mlm«igraph muhlnt. There \.\"Ill a call for volunteers Some 3~ membera and ruuta to work on a 111ack IUPPf'r and atund~ the monthly luncheon lo help clun cupbosrda in the meet.Ing of St.ubrlfht Club at the kitchen of Goodell Hall. Ma&0nlc lodge hall In Colla )tr~ Mr1. P'n.nk Ptrt'w Sr. of :-it'W· Thu-e wu a imggutioo to \:'I-W~neaday, Ftb. 16. Th• commit· port Beach recentlv a rromp1nled ,.,.~ttgate buying nrw dn!Pf'a for tte In charge of lhe luncheon tn· her aon 11r1'1 hl11 ~11 ,. nn a Wf'l'k'11 thr !'<I !1,1?1' rt G°"drll Hall. I clurled Mrs. Clyde R. Johnson, tnr tn f'pnrh \ .111,.1· r<'ltJ m lnir R• nuu ndrr or thf' m•cting ,.,M cruunnan. Mr11. Harry 01'1ster. t.hl1 wttk . Th" party atopped at lllX'r,t makinK pl61l" fnr the April ! '.\lr1. LeR-Oy An1lenon. Mr1. F'n.nk Furnace Creek e nd t onk suJ. trips Tea and l'uhlon ~hnw lo be hflld Clendenen and Mra. Emtf'll(ln Hill. to noted 1pnt11 I Aptil 20 in Goodell Hllll under the An a.Ile.moon of <:arda followed the The weath<>r wa1 "'onderful, l'UJ>l'f'\i1lon nf Mr11. John Kimble. luncheon and bU$111eU meet.Ing. bf tM fWesidt superlative food, cocktails and service amid old english charm. HURLEY BELL f)ub~ bv fine na.tlonal maita· 1:in,. M a "City on Wheel11," fl~ t tmc11 11.r~,.r than a ny prevloua 9,·11m C.arll\"&1\, the 600 tra.lle!'9 t ook ntr from Noga.IN. ArU. on Jan. 7 a.ni1 reachr11 '.\le.xlro City r11·e W<'~k11 lat~r a!tt'r a journey whlrh many ht1d wamf'd "could with anow on the ranamlnl.11 and Tl\keta \"Ill be 11\·s1lable alter -:;;;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;=:;=:;;;;;;;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;;;;;; nN lit madt " They 11110 \-i.tltcd Alamn11, Aca· J!ulro. Gusymu , mll.lly !Kt'nlc and hlstnrlc 11pnu, wtre greeted by go,·rrnors and mayor• and particl· pa ttd l11 many ft' tea. .,..ann 1unahlne in ll.t ,·allry. the '.\larch l5t.h. Nt'W]>Ort woman reported . The :'\Ir~. Ann Heyman am! Mra. Al late Mr Pert'w Sr. "'"-" a mining·! Obl'rg wlll bl' ho~tc11!o and co·host· man. and his i on arrangt'<l the trip 1 e.1!11 for the March mteoUng. to be tor h1a mother. who had never I held ln the home or Mra. Heyman. 1 seen the hl11tortC' tt>rrltnry. 1921 f",.'-~ B11lbna Blvd. ILepa&re • H.a&aa-ace • l.D1ta.1lattoaa IT AFFORD ft ION n o "NELS and DOC" r;u;cTRICAJ.. CO~TllACl'OILS no-Uben)' lnl'6t Rln ralde AveAue ~e..-pon 8eec* TIHNANS Co,,.,letety R.built TYNWRITllS Outltandlne v.1.,.. s29so 'ortobl• DI low 01 ...• -TYf'EWllTll llNTALS -_.__ .. DR. HAROLD BENTLER DENTISTRY Call Day & NIGHT LI 8-4621 OE:O."Tl'RES Plaatlc -Porcelsln Fn.t.rXGS EXTRACTIONS %67'1 Orange Ave. LA TEST HA IR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIER SHOP aALBOA THEA T1U: BLDG. B.u.BOA 0,.. 'heed&T tlln .....,_, ' \ 102 E. Fourth. Cor. Main Santa Ana Kl 2-9618 OPE." nm>Al'S 'TIL 9:0() P.M. \ aUdatl'd ,.,...,. Pa.rlllnr al e.ll ,,.,,, • r ... 11 .. 11 .... rtn1a11t• hi atyi... rolo,..., "ldllL,, lenrt.ha aod ,..,,,..,.. to 'ult a.lly wt1td~· or pur-. Prt~• fnr our nr· 11a1111~ dutc-h r urtala• beet• at I 68 a pair and end at '!II !Ii\ fnr ""' trt111.. "1dth n\ l11n 1•rtvlll•"· \\ llhln 1111• 1•rlr40 re.nir,. \\,. ren aho14' you ""'' a thnuaa.nd dltrt'f'l'nt "!'"'" "I) 14',, rolo"' -d ma- 1..,1a1.. Lrt 11• bl'lp ,-ou la ~ nur ..,.. rrh fnr thl' J"l'rll'C"t 'urt!Mn' for ) oar • lndo,.. ""' know you'll ftnd It • ... " ' ' I ,, COLONEL WILLIAM CABELL CHAPTER o~ the DAR honored its first bride !.trs. B. M. (Lucy Pinkley) Adrian, lovely da.ugbter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. PinklC'y of Costa Meu with a brlda.l ahower and Junc~n Wedne&day, Feb. 23. in the Chart Room of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mn. AdriaD, former 1tudent of Newport llarbor High School, the Univen ity of Southern California and the University of Arizona at Tuc- ton. and the groom, Captain B. M. A-drlan, a Naval Aviator ftlationcd 11t El Toro ~la· rine Bue an now making their home In llguna Beach. From left to right are ~in. Carl Hanna, tint vice regent Qt the chapter'; the .honoree. ~tra. Adrian ; }.frs. A. E. Stockton. rqent; Mn . A. L. Pinkley, leCOnd "ice regnit and mother or the bride. -$!alt Photo Lido Cub Pack Charter Given Sponsor Group Blue and Gold P inner Notes Scout Anniversary Lido hie'• Cub Pack 37 celebrated the "5th anitivenary ot Scolltini' ;;_th approximately 225 Cuba and their rue.t11 attending ~be Blue and Gold dinner on Feb, 17 l!ot Villa Mu- ina. Presentation ot the charter WU a feature of the even!D.g. Pack Committee Chairman M. A. Anderson introducell the gueata. lit. Pack comm.tttee Included Herb Rlll!y, CUbmuter, Jarry McCl&J re, ....U:t.ant Cubmaa- ter, Dave CUM\qtiam, John Boyd, Jim ~lutinda.Je, Spalding Eut. mln, ~at Sea.I. Ma.ck Hom and John !lhlelds. Den Mothtra who rc- ct'!vl'd their regiatraUon <"ard11 w<'r<' ~lmea. Eaatman, Harry Gate11, \.l.'ard Lee. WUllarn Clbllon. G. ?>1. ShUl'hter, Albert DonohOE', Jerr)' .M<'Cla1re, Jay Ptl'1Klfl anll Robert Chacon. • John Sh!elda, tn.Ututlonal npre. tt-nt1.Uv1. lntrodueed R. R.. But- ton who p~nted the cha.rt.er to llr11. Rdph T&J'ldow11kl, pJ"llllldent of Ute Lido I11le Women'11 Club. wh!ch 11pon.or11 tM pack. Inapecti!WI, which wu c_onducled by Dl11trlct ComrniMloner Art Reml9Y &nd Button, wu won tor the third tinl• by ~ 1. Jerry McCl.a.lre preH11ted aw&rda to the CUbll u. fol.low1 : ACHU:Vr:MEJlri"Tl!i '"' Oen 1: I..arry CibeOn . bear &<lie; Kent Edll!r, •bear bad1c:; Ch•rll!ll Treea, wolf llllYrr urow. Oen 2 : Bnicei McClalre. hon bad&'P and s old a.now; ·oa,111 Sch· nl~er. bear allvc:r arrow: R h-ha.rd Horn, be&P gold arrow and aul•t.. e.nt drnnu; Miki Man1an, danner; JetTy Adam~. wolf h11dge 11 nrl gold ~·. Den ll: LaJTy Elman. bl!lar Ill Iver arrow: Pete Michaud, Uon bl.dcti: gold UTOW &J'ld two year ••rvic• pin : Larry Lee, beer badre. gold arTCnll &rut dmn•r; Jimmy Cadwal· a<l•r. ual•tant dai1n11r. Ou .t : Sandy Eaatma.n, llon b&dgf!, gold and 11\lver arrov.·11 e.nd dt.nner : Ken t Andt'r110n . lion badge a nd gold arrow; Ricky NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 PAGE 5 Coast Faculty Wives Vi ew N avajo Films Ora.niie C~at Collrf!:e F'11t1.1lty fV'tT'N Chtb rnrt l'9<'flltly on th• oolle1a ca111pu.11. H.:iatr-• w•rei Mm••· Corrc:Uan Thon1p.90n, Jarnell Pillon. Thon111 11 O•b<\rnl'. \\'1t!1an1 Ac kerma n and Ct"ral.I t:lli•. Mr11. \\'\\U an1 K imi'• £&\'" U1a procrani, • alldf' lc1·turu on !h• Monument V11ll<"~' X~\'11Jo 1no1tana. Jn picture• 11nd In \\·,~r•I• sh\' l!llm\\"• ed many ui--la of !hr Uft' of t11la sroup ot Ind~• and th<" y,·orl< Ut-at lll balt1,; dM• •mon1 th""' by ~taao"ar\1111 •"<I oth•r 1"0h111· t~r.11. i'Jaq -re made tor • potlur k Npper and .quare dance !or th" faculty wlYftl anrt their l'lu11b&n.l11 lt1 the eprtn11. M". Hueatt1" Harr• •r and Mra. E.L~ri Ha.II were Ill'• polnte4 aa lhl' commH1 c:e for thl• entertainment.. Oth•r mambl!lr1 preaent bfl'!dra tb• hoe'"-an•I apea.k•r wrre Mn1•. Robert Kr11t.. J11m"" Lo\•f', Ja.me11 \Vyl\P, Robl'rt Otohc)rnP, DudMy Bo)'CI!. Bill PrlNl, J ehn OWl!SlA.-Balli! Peter.on, ~n H11 11. Norman \\'ati!()n, Ba.rrfln Knrcht•I, Eu•tar e Roja11 11n<1 Qnn111<1 Rn<1tr· man. The next mr.un11 w lU be l\ald 11l the Cliff H•Y'tn homa of ?ofr11. Bl!.• •II P..lf'l"llOJI op. Marr h 8. MESA UPHOLSTERING ti~·~ UbutJ •-t'tltl uao N•pl l'lh ·d .. l }Mta KM. Jark~n. wo\t badge. gnld 11rrnw ~ PARKES . RIDLEY a.nd -811l1t.ant dt'nner. llORTV A.RY o.n .5: J lrri Cunnin1tia.m. Uon BRUSH-UP FOR FASHION SHO\\'-Ruby Keeler (?.in. b&df f' -11d \Vebl!l!Oll; Vernon Ed· r-r, GlllAUEL ClllAPEI. ler. lion b•dg" gold and four 1111. John) Lowe of Little Balboa Island (right) bruahea hair ·lll .. .....,. -0.... ..... ""r a.rrow11: John Pa.rkl!r, \\'ebe· of her six-year-old daughter Kathleen to see how 11he ~ a.-aus _. ..,.... .loo;..c.o.p..l/ .................. "<&l-wtt1Hoolrwt!·"":'."'.~~":::'~~~~~"':".~~~-jl~~~~~~~~~t-~~~ an<I gol<I arroY.'. I :: , om 8 : Bu:uy Peraon. bl!ar Patrick's Day e\•ent is to be held b.ta.rch 17 and ia being MR. AND ~fRS. ANDRE\V f'RIEDRICH. 63 Balboa Cove11, are shown &a they arrived at Palm DcM'rt for a recent weekend. Mr . Friedrich waa attending a conven· tion, hi11 wife. who it with the Bay a nd Beach Realty Co., went along tor the fun of it. -W. Lee Wenzlick Photo IT'S THE BEDRAGGLED DRAGON, over 1.t the right, "'ho git·es bis name to the bendit play to be preeented Frid~1y ot i :30 p.m. and Saturday, 2:30 p.m. in Harbor \11ew School auditorium under sponsorship of the Har· bo r \"1cw and Corona del Mar School P·TA's. Jock Mc· Sevney and Billy Calli11 will 11bare fun of occupying Dra- ~on'e grttn-hide, Tommy Smith, aa-Tatt.en. Je!t. ia not to kill poor creature, 11ay1 Urtha lk'.11.tl B Hope), center . -Folsom Photo The Dragon is Bedraggled KEYED TO CHILDREN Mayor J oins Drive Young thespians and equ&!ly young mwuc1ans will be in thr limelight t his "'-'eek when The Bedraggled Dragon i11 For Denta l H ealth presented Friday at 7,30 p.m. and Satu!'day at 2,30 p.m. in Hubor \riew Schoo l auditorium by the Parent-Teacher Aa· hea..Hhy de\'e.Jopn\tnt or lll• child .. •ociationa of this and Corona de! Ma..r Elementary School.! Mayor Dora HJIJ toda.y Joined the Coune\I ot Dentlll Health In Urttnf "JTt'8ler aw•rcncaJ; of the rro\\1rtJI' rrt>bl•m or drntal dl•· •&M •i:i'lont c.hlldren and ,-ruter a tunuon lt'I a rl"l'>lt'ram for pre· we"Uon." The ~tatam•nt .... -111 m•d" In cnn- necllon \\"II !\ I.he h1aua.nt 11 of • prCX'!&malLon <1et1lJ'l'l•Un1 th e """ttk ot ?tt1reh ':'-J2 u ClllldrPn's n.ntal HMllh \\'pek In N'ev.•pnrt Bf'a.ch Ref<1rt1f'li' to a rfeent J;llr· \'CY th• mayor add.ct tha t. on the &•'Pr&fr, C'lrnta.! d!s.a.se &lW-k• 9 out nf ten children. And. •ht ~aid, the perrtntAge I• tncreu!ng. "Thi• •ll1.at1on ex\,tlng tn 11.ny community 11houJd alert every pa.re"t. aduea.tor and civic leadrr to OI• n.lU?9 of Lhe problem Md to • ra&ll&atlon th.at dental he.a.tth playa a vH.J pa.n In the normal, C hildren"• Det>'a.I Health \\'rrk , '-fu!llc&J ~tll!<"tJont will be by Ruth KJ n~ C~ri;:t P'or,;e 1. ~tua.rt 11 dei!ped to tOlllb&t the: p rc;b-rac1dock ''-!r." Arthur• Gibb!t' CooJ't'r, Spark!,., Carol Crum; ll!m of den~.&! 1HHa.at i.n rhlldren Balboa IN.and Viohr. Choir lt In· S tars. Juicl! Betnl!y, Klmb<!rly ot pre·M:.hnol and •chnoL a1e. ltcS elude• John 81!1111 . Robert Schu· Ku~ter. Sherry Martin. Diane f*rUcular objf'CUYl!I 111 to pror..ote nl•Ulll, lmn• Bea.I!. Jimmy Gnun-Hunl11gv.·ay, Donna !\1artin. Ca.thy • betteir undenit1nd1ng or Ul• un-'C<lodm!l.11 Grat:e Buttermott Xie· d I I d I d g~r ·iu:rl Pan1cla Stockll'Pll · • · rr }1ng c.a.wie Q t ilt& 1af'ILAC' ' ky L1pp1tl, Sherry 8"8-ll. Chrl• 11.nd rocu.. atltnunn nn the: 1m ·( !\l11rthf'll11 l :'>lrll J ff I Ra.nda.11 una tic.a, Sherry Thom ..... Su(l.8.n portrinre ot gnod or11l hralth v.•111 '11rr ct Thi" R .. drll~gl<"<I D!"ll· Vc:rBerg. Jam Ct)()!lman and f'a.t. he bita In prevnitlng toolh <l"r•y ~on P-TA rruurm~n are M~ Jo.l ty I..aume. an<! olh~r mouth dla-JO. I Bea.II and :\lr1, Gonion ~!~\la.hon, I na.ma Lorena Kelly · SLl\l"•llc: 1,., tna r .. rec:L mu:lmum errort ,1,lh :i.t r~. Jt"llll!e J-f&111e11 llnd '-'"'· Te f"ian .... ~. Fl · t p t ' w\11 bl mat'!• In br ir.g forth to rry "•"'· a.met "'8· at Y j I ' d "lid ll•~bert HarUcy u co·cl'lalrm~n. o ·arta.n Terry Ann ?itcLAughlln ev•T)" parent. ~ ucator ._n ,.,, ·1 ' · ' bA"tc rK.Omml!ll <la ttnne on mouth Cll11r11r\<'M! lr. lh" co1orfull~· rnl'-N'anc.y ~e Jark11on. Jania Brock. nutrition. Fl!•llll'ld \n thl• pr"O· t11m ed -pl.I;· nre 11 Very Younit AU· l•, ~nny Morcan. Kalhy H&rtlPy, hyg'iPne, Pa rly prl!Yentlve earl! an<l 1 lhor .. T&ml• Ho~: ~c:f'n of I.he ~ati '.'nne Ro~ and Jan.Ice Ed. i;i:rarn w!ll !:Mt the dli lrtbu!lon ot CA.ra•an. Suaa.n ;o\:eeJ.), Pom·P?m, 1 \\ard~. ).ta.ribl!_t:e, Caroline Keeler 2~.000 pa mphleta tD itCnO<ll chil· ;~i::n\.~~~;:~J :0~:m!dsa;:~: ~:~: Md Fumbo. \\endy Dc:_ec:nberg. drm a.nd parenta. and 1per111I dra C".ortv.;n. Ron H all, K!nl Dt._ TJIT.V !'t"PER\ l!'E dental health projet'l11 In &ehonb rribrtg, l,c:l'llr G:i.tl';'!, ~!!Irk Vflrl \\"illllllll T.;1b ltt ta aound t'ngt. at a Vi tal meuur a. tn the OYtornll Dvk" Kath,. \\"a!Yln Krietle ne<'r. '-t'l•s Clara Spelman "'Ill di· health prote<::Uo" of the rhl1<1. Hi-m~trert, !'0nnre St&ll~a..n. Eliot t e<"t ll('>ng~. ?i!TB. Sue '-lartln ud --------------------------Burton, G&ll and Brue.fl Ola.nde.r. Mra. Roy u-a In c:ha.rc• ot danc:e., Eb 11 M b ' s 1 Colll:t:S ORA.GOS and Mn1. Rogu Hope or COlltumM. e em ers to amp e 'The Dragon. J ()(k ).tck\"fl.y &r1d ~= ;:;1;:,:,n\\~.r~.,.~:. ?~~: Billy CAll!ll>: Blo111<om. Janice \VUd. lnirham. Engll.sh Bra.nd of Humor er. Tatters. Tommy Smllh: t:r-:0.lm~a. Kllty Button IUld 8.-~ .. th.a, KnU11. Hope, Tubby Queen, Dt!W.nb<>rg a.re In charce of pro- Ka.tJe ~berg. T'Ubby Pnn-., «tll.ffi/I'., "''h.!le Uckrll! are nuperV\~ I Lynn Thorri~: Tubbtea, Holly ~ by ~tm ef. Sidnt'y G11ynnr. on. lrlrr-zn. Alln Hun1&110fl. Tina Brun. ter J11rk11on. Rfl..lph Troutman and ! lng, Lonie M:ouhnldf r, Unda Pur· J ohn Younc. Houw rnmrr.lttc:e h oe.IJ a.nd Karen Babooon. :O.fr5. Roger H11.rd11c:re a.n <I :o.iN. JOHN P!:TI'LEY A lM h~ new m•mbrr!I, an nll.tblt Of anUqu•, • •pe11ker. and a profTam by \.ha mullic 1ec· lion will f .. tur11 th• Tllurllday m .. Un1 ot Ebell Club. lp.a.kc:r "'1.ll ba John PatUay, lnstnic\or •t W•bb Aci\ool, Claremont. an .Eng· l1Mm.a.n who c:une tD Ulla country to etudy appllcaUon ot mettor· ~ tD rnot.ICll\ plCl\11'111, a.nd wtioee a'f'OC&Uon la to prove th•t th• rn11tah rNlly have • .-iae at humor . )fl'L )(un-ay Rabbitt, cha.inn.ii of Lh• anOqu1111 1ecuon, la in d!&r.J• of th• "pota a.nd pl~" aJ\ibll. 'Miia I• f(r.S. appea.ra.noe of tht mu.le ~Uon. "'htch W111 be o1l· 1 reeled by Mr•. i...ter V1erl1nt" wtth )!rs. Y."1llla.m Trttt u •<· ('(>fl\pllnl~t Tu,. "'"n.•· nr.,.· rn<"mbtni "i.11 ~ l lntroducl!d h)' thr1r 1ponaora. PrtJl'le Mlnl•Ur Cr&c~. K..uiy I Robert Olandpr, wllh Mn. rred N-lud: Vir-.ct'&.l'ka.r rage fl, Kutter ud "'"'" Elborrt 8rnllh &r· Mack Morpn find ROJl!ll' HILl'tley; rangtng publlclty. • BA LTZ MORTUAR IES CUSTA MESA CH.APEL 17.tl SufK!"lor A1'11l U• ,....,ala Me.._ Calli. .'bona LJberty 8-2121 CHA.Pl;L BY Tiii: U.A ~20 E. Coa.at BIVd. Corona dtl Ma.r, Ca.llf. PllOn• Harbor '2 ·the Richard Beeso1 Company Laiidocepe Des ..... "'"' c--- PllOSS BAABOa _161 bad«"· 1old and all\·er a.rrow11 and sponsored by t he Council of Catholic \Vomen of Our denl'W'r: George Mcculley, •1111111t· Lady of tlount Car:rnel and St. John Vianney Pariah. anl denner ; '-like l!ltiuc:bter, wolf 11ilver arrow; Bill L!ndeke, wolf -Staff Photo wol! colci a.rroo.o.'-_ S&y It With D~n 7 : Bob Cha.con, wolf badge mc:m!Mor nf the mecnelne m11n'11 I and rold 1-?T'OW; 8teve Broylu, family. Pu.ehm11.ta.t111., whleh in wolf bad&"I"; Graf Va,n Hoffman. 'En1Uah mean11 Ready Tnc:, &how- aaalalAlllt dc:nnc:r; Ronnie Bodman, ed Indian y,·ar wea pons 11nd co~­ denner. tume11 and told <Jf lndl11n l!fc: and I Charle• Jl&nlctn ..,,.. welcomed tra1nlnr &n<I the way11 of the med· I' l'Jowe!':f Into \he Pa.ck &a a. Bobcat ud ... tclna m.n. H• U,fWtred Ula bo)''' i ''0 "'"'' / • ' ' lfl~ed to~ 4. I question.a and cJCl:l!t'd \\'ilh a Chero-by wil. O!llE W'EllELOS kl!fl prayer. Party Retltal ltem9 Art Remley, di.trlct commia-1 Dc:ri 2 olosed the: meellng amg-·'40" E. Coo.ff Hy .. Co,,_ M l II• aionar, conducted & Weti.loll end• l.n& "Good Ni.tit Cub Scotll5."' , Barbor 6011 Ull.Uon ceremony for Bob Hom. H• j SSOW TIUJ' ============::.~....:==========--told a 1tory of bre.Yl!lf'Y and lc:ad- erahlp In Mlecung a. riew ch.lat I 8now Va.Uay a.nd th. anow beck· a.monr Lhe lAdl&Da •h.o OIM:ll ln· oft.8d the Pack on Saturday, Feb. babltaLed Ca.L&ll.na l•la.nd. Bob 19. and n11U1y or Lhe boy11o a.nd U\e1r wu pruent.611 W\th & Sc.out knlta lather• had a \\'Onder!Ul Unic: on bl!ha.lt of lhe pa.ck commltll!t'. Ul ro\\·1ng ~nO\\'balls 11nd \oboi.:-gan· Sc:out.mu:tc:r WLllla.m ff. Clb110n, lnr doy,·n llie ~lri~s. Patrol Leader DaTld C:ibaon and Tha monthly Pack committee: Troop membl!lni Chuck Remley, mec:Ung Y.'llll hr ld 111 the home cf J!m Martindale: II.lid Al Von Hott· Nat Seal on Jo"<"b. 21 \\'here the man \\'eicomed him Into Troop !>. 1'tarch n1cetin1;5, \\'Ith thf'. t heme :!:ntertatnment wu provided by ot "Kn!ghll! of YoT't'," .,..rre phu1- Cht'roke• 1"<11&11, Pu•h.mat.ui., "flt. SANITONl • &&t!M~#/P~~I We are Pleased to Announce { LIDO CLEANERS } 11M Newport Bk'd., ~ta MMA I Liberty 8...fOJ4. has mtt our rl1oro~; sundud s for cl euinr serYICt, plant facllltles and equipment ... has Insta ll ed Sanitont methods and has bttn accep ted as an aathorlzed SANITON~ Cltantr, 1uarantnln1 spollns, odorless cl11nln1, finer prn1in1 , 1it1ter cart In tht handl in1 of all 1armtnts and fabrics . 11!1! lllUSTlllS, llC. _. LAST 10 DAYS FOR FREE Glm .,_ .......... ,_,,,_"' ........ ··~··· ....... ...... IOtlo ........ .,.. ..... ~ .. -~-..... ....... ............ ,......_,,,. _ ..... --"-"'"' ..... . ci..•-•··" ....... ,. ... _ -•••.oao·-· .. ._ ·-____ ......_ ...... lo _ 1 ... ·"'·· , ....... , ••• ·- _.; .. -.I UOD • -~ .................. -"' -·· GET YOUR GIFT-NOW! ANNOUNCING tr!.,..... poicl Quo,.,.,.ly on Fun 'old CerTificme So¥!..,. Accountl Ma ret! 3l, Ju"• 30, S11p1a1ttb•r 30 ond tfec:·"'~' 20 (i" "-,,. Chrittmotl. ......... .., ,_ ............ c. ...... sm.p: 1. ,_, ......... ..,.. _, , ........ --.... .. -. "" '"'"'"' -2. Tov• ..,.1"'' ara , ... , loch occo.,~• lo ~"' S10,000 by"'• 'ederol So•••Q• ""d ~" l•ou•-Ci!l (D•l>O'O"l!l" 3. ,_ ........ _ • ...,1 ... 11 ... ......... , ...... b.,. -·' ....... ., •• wh••• '"" n,.. II• •Orio ,... P<>r l>Ot'<>G• t>o•J.. ..., ... •• ,_ ··-"" ........ tty .... IO!h ol l'ha "'O'llh, '"'"" MIN YOUI • ,, ' ' • (}overnmenl Gxcepl PAGE 6-PART I NEWPORT HA~IOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 ''God 9rent us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the co~roge to change the things we can end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Careful Consideration Needed There are thoee who would. for their own evil pur· pc>H9, throw th• communltie. of Newport Beach and Coat& Meu at each otberw tbroata; tbne people we de- •pi.e. We have alwa)'8 contended, and do reiterate, that the area around the bay ia, in reality, one ~ommunity. For more than a quarter.century the entire area hu worked together and builded aoundly in one unit, The Newport Harbor Union High School For mott of 'that time the high 1e:hool wu in unincorporated territory outside tlie City o f Newport Beach. But, all during that time the City of Newport Beach furnished water, aewen, and other city aervicea and both communities ahared in the fine inmtution'a growth and victories and achieve- ments. There hu been no difference made d~ to the fact the high achoo\ camplltl, in order to save money for the achool diatrict, wu annexed rmally to Newport Beach. The two communities around the bay, tog ether with Huntington Beach, have worked jointly with the one aim of making OraJige Coast College a line institution-for everybody. There is and hu been no friction. Although for the most part the developed portion of Newport Bay hu been in the City of Newport Beach, the a.uet. have been jointly ahand. Employees of the City of Newport Beach are pr&ctically evenly di':ided in their rNidence between the two cities. Workers in the boat yard.a may work in Newport Beach '&lld reside in Coeta Meu-and who carea? ot Upper Newport' Bay la not going to change the loca- tion, or boundary, or color of the bay. Actually there are only three people who ahould be interested In this pro} ect. They are the three land ownera. The vituperative ravings of hollow·headed, amall· minded. individual9 who would destroy friendly relations that have emted between the twin cities of Newport Beach and Costa lfeea are for their own selfish purpoae. When Coeta Mesa first tried to incorporate u a city tt endeavored to lay ita boundarie. coin cidental with those of the City of Newport Beach. In fact had s ome of the would·be leaden on the Mesa bad their way they would have in their ~ty f or tax pu.rpo11e:a the City of Newport Beach Corporation Yard, water worka and eew· age plant. In .elf defenae the City of Newport Beach an· nexed a abOetltring atrip t o encompau its own property. Sacramento Sidelight 8ACR.A.Mll:NTO (CNS) -Prob· pl&na to Initiate a publicity cam· When the develo~r of Freedom H ome. 1ubdlviaion off•red to annex hla property to Newport Beach he wu refu.led. He wu told he ahould properly annex to Coeta Mesa which could serve him best. When the boundaries of Coeta Mesa finally were aet in the election that did indorporate the city included were the Eatua pa.reel which bu led to a legal battle. The resident. of the area wanted to be in the City of Newport Beach, but Costa Mesa included them. Thia is a aimple matter between the cities; it is a healthy di&· agreement. , The fact that Upper Bay property owners we~ will· ing to bring their: property into the City of Newt><>rt Beach for their own benefit is important. R.egardl~a of who deve lop• the bay·or in which city it is contained will not effect the benefit.a to be earned by all around ~t or change the color pf the water. We believe city councils of both cities have ahown . remarkably good judgment in adminiatering the affairs of their twin communities and we believe thia will con- tinue in 4Je years to come. We hope that the idle mouth· ings of small-minded pip equeaks will not deetroy the good relations that have been built up over the genera- tions past. Government Inherits Millions I Newspapers recently ran a picture entitled "Heireu .. It showed a lucky girl •landing beside a wety de- posit box. Along aide of her, taking out the aecuritiea, were a tax examiner and the at.ate treaaurer. The headline ahould have read "State and Federal Govern'mcnta Inherit Milliona"-becauae they will get the lion's ahare of the money and the girl won't get a thin dime until after their claims are aatisfied. The advocates o! govemqient ownership of buainesa who curse captaliam and private profits never mention that govC'mment today through taxation akima the cream off any profits or savings above the lower brack· eb. Tax exempt government buaineu enterpriilea could not operate u they do without the taxes taken from the profits of p rivate ent.erpriaea. It's time to get the sho e on the right foot. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. MacARTHUR ably no lawe before the C&llfomla pal(1\ probably through a well· IEdllor'a Nol-Thia ~ lhe flral 1-•lature will be u bitterly kno"'"' public con«m an ~ An· ot two artlclr• drallng with th• ~a· • gelu, htaded by Hut'l Junkln11. lk I c-• C 0 . Brown ruled ln effec t.. that re· taJI prlcn or fluid milk ahould be bued to a 1.aw otenl on lhe p CH -pird -for manur.cfur ng m llk. fou1ht thla year aa the me1U1Ure currtnl m1 altuat on in ... 1 or· liy Aaaemb1ymi.rC11l'il'Ce-AUtirOT ~•'-""' ti.,..."" nla'.1 tr the rampalgn• ot a ctrtaln Loa 8&11 Joet, deaJpt(t to • ~l rt· Anrelu ltgl11lator1, whoff vote S ACRAMENTO (CNS) -Somt turn to the etai. ot the Udelan<U tr.-mendou11ly powtrful torcea In I 1 will be a fa('tor In dtlermlnlng oil toyalttH now enJoyf'd ao e y the fate of tht Allrn bill. all probab1hty wlll be unJeuhed by the city ot Lone ~ach. when lhf' California lt glsl&ture P'or 110me month• now, le«•I Adclllionaly, It wu Ll•o learned takf'I up the hl(hly contronnlal •~pa ban ~ under way to dt· Lonr Bta<'h hu obtained thf' aup-' m•ttl'r of milk rontrol •omttlm" t.,mln• whel.her the srant of Ude· port of certain oil lobbyl•lA In Sac-dunng Ila 19!)~ ., .. 1011. Janda to Lons Be.ach back \n 1911 ramento, whote c:ompanlu ha~ On both 11du of t he fe'?lce, pro· by th •• •·•e of California for har-dr11Un1 lea1u on the lld4'land• ducrr a nd dlJllrlbutor u wrll as ..... In quutlon. Thne lobbyU.ta tiave • bor pU.r-poMI only, wu unc.naUtu· 1 di 1 d th IU t .. t ron1umer. IMUH fundament•I In tlonal. In new of the fact I.hat the n ca e .. ry w no appl'lr ou conc:r pl are ~Inc debated. with city, will\ f\early a U00.000,000 Jn front on the Juue. but were the big quratlon being Whl'lher or "'1t'Plua, now dulrea to •J>end lht tmphallc In thrlr Indication that not the •tale ahould continue to . f .. ......_. other Ulan poi,,nt foru 1 would be put on Ire· 11..A.llOr a legalized milk tru1t money or P~ r --I ialator11 to defeat the Allen bill. 1"'"' Jlarbof' it.·nlopmenl. through thr minimum prlce-f\xlng DJtCUJC£8 COMMl:!'io'T Thu1, all faclora taken lnlo c:on-tawa on the 1latute bonka. aldtrallon, the bolling r;lovu a~ roWf:Rt'l'L LOBBY The city. Ce&rful apparently. U\al 1 being lared on to determine a ahow Already. the powerful mllJt di•· the Allul bUI hu a lood chance or powtr. with the 1takea a po· tl1butora' lobby hu been eatebllsh· to paaa the le,Ulature. hu 'hlrtd I tenUal 13 billion worth ot oil. ed 1n Sacramento. and apparently. a lobby\tt. Phil Wllld na. promin· which hu bten estlmat~ to hr 11 rudy t o thwart any effort to n t Sacramento a ttomey and Re· the flt ld'• cap•clty. wl~ 0111 prlce taxing law1, u pm· publican leader. to repreffnt It a t the forthcomlftlt HUion nf lhe If !ht ii.ti' allow• Lon~ Bnch J>Offd by A•,.emblyman Charle• lecl•latur.. Wlllilnt dttllnf'd com· to r•l•ln thla vaat amount ot oil :M .. yera, ot San Jo'"'ranci11eo. menl on h'-atr&tef}' u yel. atat· revenue. t he city would ~ the Al the pruent time. onl)' 13 ot Ins he "-• not wen nollfl~ of· moil favored In California, 1r tht '21 1late11 ""hlch h11d milk price· flclally that hi ta to h.ave the monlu wrre ptt)nllted t.o be u1td flXln&' t.w1 r,.taln the mlllt trual poet. · tor municipa l p11rp010l'8. A court de· 11y1tem. whlC'h virtually guuanltts However. It wu learned that Lons ~•~h w\11 J>OH u a much abv9ed community before the le•- lalature, and Will attempt to aho.., Ulat If the A lltn blll I• adopted llr the lel'l•l•l ure. that the title• to aU gnt.nttd lldrl•nd11 In Call· fomJa clUH and countlH . w\11 be uader a cloud. However. 11<>m• leJ1alatora who fa'rOT' th• Allen bill are ready tor thla conltnllon. and are p~putd to lhow that the Allen meaaure ..SU &lfect Lonr Beach only. PUBUCITT BLUT It wu aJao learned that lJ'lt cJty clslon In all prob1blllly w11J dt'C:lde the di"'trlb11ton1 tht hon'• 1h11r• thi• l11ut. or the t&ke trom the public, and drnlu the competitive tale or one or tht mo1t wlditly UMd commodl- Tht potl'ntl•I rapacity or Uie ur11 1n th" ni1tlon. revtnue, It I• pointed out, UI 11ur-ln view nf lhf' technlcallllu flcll'nt to build two Ful hrr Raver whlrh 1111rround the mllk control ProJ!'Cla. u the c:o1t or one haa l•t,ly bet n <.lrtennlned to br In the neighborhood or a bllllon and a h alt 1.101111 r•. Thia I• a conwrva· lion project.. and the ltglslature dedlcattd a portion of oil reve- nuea to oonaervaUon 10me ytar11 ar o when It allocated ... venty pe,r- «nt to btachea end park•. a1lu1llon 1n C"1lltoml1, It may be w'll to rf'vlew lhe a1luat1on brief· ly. Under lf'gi1 latlon known aa the "Dl'•mond Ar t:' btceuae It origin· ally was Introduced by Senator Earl Dumond. of Sacramento, the 11tate of Calllomla. throu1h lb• 1\.ate deportment or •1Tlcultur1. and lta burt"au or mUJt control. baa not only the nght. but the duty of fixing rl!tall milk prlcu . Pt:RP08fi OF ACT The purpoee ot th• acL aa out· Uned. I• to proY!de a firm Supply of milk to the public a t a ~uon· able pt'lce. and at the aame time, atablltu the prtcu paid to pro- ducer• of milk to &Nun U\em atablllty and pl'Ollpel1ty. The Dumond Act w .. adopt~d during depreaston daya, u were eomewhat •lmllar uu "' oll'ler etataa. In an effort to eliminate the "mlUt wan" whlch brou•hl Prtt D t ..., -...._, ... ftm a.. M N~ Bwlll. aia+tiw-,,rteit doW1\ on a "ta.II basl• ..... lf9W'l'QaT llA&80& PVllU8lllN8 00 ... A.N'Y \4 the point when no one w .. 'I' ts1t r ..,._ WI ma.king money. Mmtw Orrum lfw ;afW .._,,..,,. AlaoelaU.. Mmt• • ....., a....w Awa 'r r .. M D 11 fll 0rMc-Came;, N-. a.ntce ~The bureau of mlllt cont.l'ol wu •l up and brflUI to t\tnctlon .. Thia bur.au endeavored to .m .. at a f11 1r rtt•ll price, by ta.)Qng lnto cx'n•ltlHallon ll'le production &atd d h1lr lbullon coat.I of mUk. ALUEP raODUCTS Following adoption of tht Du - mond Act, comphcattona bl'i;an to ariH. The act aC'compll•htd lt.t purpoM, however. In 11tralghtrnlng out lhe prlce •ltuallon, but like many a.nothu govemment regula· Uon, It •Urled comJ>i'tltlon In the milk Industry, lnllOfar u rt taal aa\u ar·e concerned. Thi• lack of competlUon and a.r· bltrary fixing or prlcu In t.be milk marketing •rf'as of the alate wu lrkaome to Safeway Store1. Jnc., which aome yt'an ai:u con· eluded th•l the rrlce f111"'4 by the •tale wu too has h. CJ1f;AP£B IN 8TORD The 1turra pr .. iientriJ flguru to lhe bureau ot milk contr<1I which lndlc11ted mJlk could bf' aold through that outlr{ al two cents a quut cheaper than lht atale fixed price. The alorea contended, and lh' then head of Ulio bureau ot mil)( rrmtrol l!llld thll Ulla could ~ done. Still, no ortlclaJ action wa11 taken. (To Be cont'd.) (Editor'• Note-Thll 11 tht ffCOnd ot two .. ACtatr• of St.ate" deallng Wllh lhe current milk altuallon In Calltom 1a.I SACRAMENTO IC-:S ) -A• 11 ruult or the contrnll,,na matle by Safeway Storea. that t hl'y could 11ell milk In California two centA cheaper a quart than the glate- fl11td prlre. If permitted II\ do eo. people atartrd ulclng quot Iona about the validity of lhl' DH · mond Act. which demands th•t the •tale fix milk prl('Pll, TOO MrCH PROflT A• a result. CaJlforn1a wu treattd, and 11tlll I• trtat,.d. to th,. peculiar 11lt111ttton In \\'h1rh 11 l11r~,. grorf'ry rhaln •I••• l•t< ~ it 1' m 11ll· Ing too much mon•y nn 11 rom- modlty Thr tt•rt inns wrr" \'Ill'"'' Rl'- prnentauve11 or dlslrlbutnr11 rh11 1 e,- ed that thP ~n""'Y rh11 .n intr nrl•·'I to u11e mllk •.!'" "lnM l""""r" to lht dttrlm<M of pntt~ ti' prodll•l'U Bu t lhf' 11tot •s r int .. nrlr ti t hi! t at the lowl'tf'd pnc~•. Utcy •till couJd make money a11d ptlll pay the produur I.he pl1cu tequ lred under it.at• prlce-tt.m1. A1 ueual. the public beara Ult brunt of beru.ucracy'1 bunsltnc. ror addltlon&J two cent. a quart bu coat the public of Callfomla mtlllona of dollars over the yean It h .. been -lft effect. BEK RllDDICK. P\abliaber WhJle talk ha• ion• on tor aomt Ume conceminf UI• probability of Wlplftc out I.he nU1Jc control law. noUllnl' OeftnJl• baa bel'n doM '""" M .. Moa::a. Utter OIU(OJfD &. ROtnn'lt&&, AdYVUa&.nf Dlnctor Ho.,.·r ver. there wu no regula· about It tn Ula legl1lature until lion of prl<'U ln110rar u manu· Ulla -.ion. when Aeaemblyman factunng milk, whleh 11 uaed Ill Chari .. Me)'tlr, of San F"1lcl9CC>, I l~ream, Chf'of'lN', buu er and Introduced hill meaaure to repeal other dairy pn>duc:ta unrelattd to ll'le ~t. The dlll1r1buton1 of mlUt Ulree -lh• dlal11butlon or fluid milk. Re-havt m1unt.alnl'rl blit 1,.,tib1n11 111 I cenUy. Attome7 Oenua! Edmund 1 Sacramento, and powerful lobbl~ ,,. ) C.O.D. NO COMME·NT By WALTER CHAMBUN .nt. WASHINGTON-A clear ex· the field of operation left to prl- plan&Uon ot Ula real tMuu of the vat• b.1Jalnu 11 . . • . and, If .:ov- Dlllon· Yatea contract baa juat ernm~nt continuu to expand IUI -BRUSH 1 COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PMl&D (M, lllete -fth ODl-8 .,, HoNM Pull-trill ....... the llttJe..U-ldslo'1cla.I i.eta IM llM 4reclaef ap la We ...., ktfe ....... 11119c'k eo-.trJ lll ,.... ,..,... ) CONVERSATION COR~Ef Friends circle f ireplace In Ramada de Loa Amigos. -H orace Parker Photo I lik<' t o call this the sto ry of the "Ramada de toa tu monfY come trom to aLlppvrl • · n 1 e :i y ou 8 e e· mes O a ma r ovtrnm1·nt? 1 Highway from hly llwild to P a lm Sprin~s and approach the '"The real laau• ta "'helher tb• American people want to adopt & n1UonAJ policy that a government a1enc1 ..•. TVA. .... c:rl'ated for lh• purpose oC n.clamauon, flood control and Improvement on n&Y'&'aUon of the Tenneaaee R iver with hydre>-electrk dcvtlopmrnl u an incidental product, ahould now t'Xpand to prov.i.:e He 11ervice For lnat&nCI', It the Dh1on·Yatr11 fool or Santa Rosa Mo untain , ta~e it s low. Keep a.n eye out contract I• kllleJ, the public pow· for I\ si~n that says. "View of Palm Can yon and the ~rt'' er group will try to force Con1trts11 lo vole $110 mllllon to build a new at ea Jn plant for the TV A. Ulla U 10 mlUlon I• money collect- ed In texn. Jr lhe Dixon-Yates conlrart ii not 'klllNt private tn- vu lorll will put up U\t' rn<m!'y 11 nr1 Uie govl'mml'nt will collect tsxr11 on their lnvP11tmf'nt. area 1n perpetuity 'With all t he Natural gas: Another big •lrUg· power It can acc,pt. generated by g\e 14 fonwm In Conc-rees over any meane what11eever'. and •ub· wheth,.r tht reJHal government eldlzed by federal funda. or thr 11tatrll .!lhall t'ltf'ITlse au- TA.XU F()g INDl"STRY lho11l)I over the pm·u cbargl'd by <l'r word' to tha t t lfrrt. Rii.;hl I tlnv Bild othrra larae and labor- e«rOHll th" hti;hwuy from 1t I~ lou8 . wh;1t J call the Ramoda tlr In• I Th Rib'--w...-.. r na.mt .,,,n .,,.., com11a Aml1:o9 It 1~ Rn opt n tront Ph~d-fr11in lh• lnq:e atanll nt l't'd 11h11 nk hkf' 111ma1la m11rtr <'If C't•1111i:11trtl 111 h 1 iron. n·ll J1hank p1)l1·s. 11nd ndar ~ttrrouo "" 1 " ramll • 8 • •nd t he 1 bllrlt <>C thr r• ti 11t111nk h&n1r1 an biu I< In 1U <'•~nf/lr t• " 11111gnlfl-nhtt<•n• 11, 11,,. lhr n1tnit'. "' nt 111a:1r rrr,.rh11 • 1'h13 Is th•• "l•1" n h.•11" 11r the rnnrhrr 111 of Rthhon \\'1wd. 11nd lhf' two pt1 rn&n- e.nl lnhabll~nts or it 111 e \\' t180n H O\Hll a nd Lo111~r T1·111;nr•lrn. YOKt:~T i\U~ltO:K "To adopt wch a policy would producer• of nfttural i u . It wu result In a deliberate taking ot the oplnl(ln ot a majority or Con- i; reu In. paaslng lhe l'O a1u1al G1111 Thttt' ls pl<'nly ut vt111<ln~ In tall money trom people In rvf'ry en.mt o( tht' r11111lllln. 11nr.J Wtltun l'\t'llr ~h .. )Kr .:e r1r .. rlf1Cf' In Uut rarnurtl\ 1,. a t o'tt•lv 1111prly of fi, ,.. wunrl. F'nr lhl' rrllrl. w1•11ry. nr jU•t rt•nti>mrlnlrV•• tl'nvrl!'r the ttr"· rl(\I'" ll! l\l MA Jll!JlOlllll tn kll\•llr a rh"C'I'\' t.1 .. u. J 117." lntn 1111 •ll'pth~ or p1<1 l11ke "' tis wannth. I hnv1• n .. v,•r l"fl t hl! R&m111\11 tlC' I"• l\mlr;:(I" wlth•ml th• frrltni: aectlon ot our country and glvtnr Act or 1038 that 1uch authorlly I would be txtrclst'd by the atatu . Ho"t'll lin" Jll0\1dt"I 11 1d11g .. 11tlut It awa.y to lnduatrta.J, commercla 1,nd oU\rr prlv•t• lnlt rc•t• In JUI! A te('ent Suprf'rne Co11rt dt'CtAIOn, With ., ... 1.1 r•·J> 11nJ II \Ill Jllh ,., F i•I Ill• I " Wiii! l'lnrr rf' rrcrl't at l'llr lra,·•nl(. i nd ni v 111st m~mnrv nr It I• ril\\'11v~ 11 r h,.,.rv C&r"w"ll \\Ill'" Thr11• '" no rn111°m!'rr-l,.ll•111 Ill lttbbon \\"ro<)<I, bnt r11fhrr \1111 frtl Ulr thin!·• nlli•lr """lt•h!" I hl'Yf\ 11 r,. " ~1nrt>rf' ""f\"lr-e for :-'"llr "n)(•\'nl~nl. I however, 11n~el thl• lntNpr,l11Uon the h1111&ry tht1 o Ill " gluM <':t~·· one alng e aectlon of 011r nation. ,. and dlrtl'trd the Ferlrral r owtr of rH111l,1', p<llRto •hap~. Jl"&11ul • Ld ua be frank. To adopt that Commliu ton to rx"rcu•r the au-an•l lilt> Ilk" Thr I"",. ur • arh policy would be rank. unrtlltraln-Ile m 1,. innrl<I' 1 and 1 IH '" 11 ttn ed, unadulttrated Soclallsm." thorny. OAS PRICE t'l'xlSO open lx•X "'ln ch.111~" \\h1·1., yuu Conrrtsalon•I opponenlAI ot the pl8y 11t111rl1,.. , ' o)l \illlr rnn· Dixon· Y'at H conlrart have 110ught Evtr g1 nce the pll11a&ge or lh•• M'l'°ll<'I' en.I 1,1. r 11 h o>o Th••" act l he ctiamp1on1 r;f feller-al cvn-15 no Jll1'3'.lltr:> l<> 1111y, bul 111lhr1 _!..Rf'f: SATl'RAl.1,..T to muddy thr lllllut. Tak1rt1t cop l&· tro \'tr_!b~U~!!.nWl.-l.LlllWWIMlll,.J,o9r-ff-~~"'"'kt-Mf-~.,1't"'J' 111'1'! T,11u1 .. ,. 1c 11nnthrr 1111,. 011 111111· a ?ll'r"ITtuntOn;-ttlt! vonntt expani-1on of TVA\ \\,g11n unh11rr 1rrlly 1mk 111 th• ~1111nltt'" ! 11"1. 11. Jtl(l••il 1:111. hH nu.in lntr1- U\en ll•d lhtA 10 H y· 1 to camp11lgn t n bring natura l f<U b"&llll•''" ,,, th,. hr u~h r1111n11 v J~... r~t 111 in t hr 1>r1111ty "" I 11mll'• - "Tht ba.11lc lll11ue In th1a contro-pro:ucllon uni.In ttr price-l1x1ng <'au•r \\ 11~ n II••"• II 1~ onr 11( lh<' i "'l•n•l111~ nf llv brt••h r1orm trv It veray 111 not the a11lhorlly ot tht aulhortty ot thr F"J>C The l'om· n:itunoh~l!I nr th•• .. ir1n fnrr,1 111 nnt 111111i.11 .. 1 tnr I .. , In "'"rt ,,,,, Proldrnt lo direct the Atomic m111111on IU.-lf i8'111e1I a ruling that Thi' How"ll 11111,110. ~ 1111•1 ... ir ••VN 111lnnt' "ll h 11 I''" krltull nr ,..,..,nul,. En<'r~y Comml11elon to pur11ue the 1 1 rhas prod111't1on w11~ «Pllt'~f'I tron1 2()(iO '" r•·>1 lr•km~ 111 1t 11111,. find 11nt1 1111~1n~. 11 h>~f <1f hr"'"'· " courst o( action whi<'h It did. Tl'I• tn .. act, but lhr Supre,.e Court 11 hnlt uf th,. ''Pl'•·r ,.n 1 of l'lllnt •m11ll • 11nl• "" 11nt1 11. 11.i.:111 111, ,.11• ba11c lu ue ls not the authority of hlL!I hrln olht'l'WIM Clln\• n ,,1 l'llhll ~l't •na.." ''""' lni: 1111.: ,., ,, 11 .. i;:nn" '"' ,,.,,,. rn the Commlulon to contract ror Ju · rh 1 1 t r h power rt qulrl'menta from ellhtr Ga.a lndu&try apokeamt'n hold And "'l"""I r~r up "" s .. n1 & tto1m " rui11o:r• v.1 '"r"'"" ll t .. t11 •- ,, M•111nt111n "" ~u11n<1.. like " ,.rl and mnunl ~rn" 11 1-nnt "" private or public TVA aourcea. that federal price tlxlnc wall di•· ti 1 Wl'lllthy lnlll\ hllt 11r luttlly hi~ "11;"11'1111 11~ ll "'>Un•" i,,.., """" The bulc lu u' 11 not public pow· courare production a nd •alt or Wt'a lth. 1,. v .. iy nl"llt.;l't In Jcilla• i' \A'hrn "'""" !'"'1nrr v rlw .. llo•rl' ""' er vn•ua prlvatr u UllllH , Th• ti..•· natural giu .... Impair comprt· snJ l'PnU, whll" h" mla1ht bl' ron-r u1nic tu rn11.i.:h It thrv U•IH•ll\' le luue I• not lnvaalon of the Ten-lltton ...... an(J ulllmllt'ly r llht'r "'"""'"" 8 mlllinntt lr,.. Ill his •·<1n-I"""" wit h 111tml'cm,. ~htort th,.1r nrSffe Vallt'y A 11lhorlly, nor cur· _ .. u t.. u I f t I '""'"lllllt•ns ot n11111r ... At thr ~ftmt ltto .. rnr.v l\nd ttmr ~<hr1hrll'. tallmt'nl nf hydro power dtnlop· • ~u ca "' • PP Y o na ura ~·· ,. , . h h .• llml' hr 11' not II n•rl•l~t'. l>Ut """ .,.,111111t• •• "" IDm!' re• I advrrt· mt'nl in the Tenne11H Valley." or lncreut prlcta. But hne ag1111n Jo•·• 11,.rtn~ l'''"l'I" rn;uv 11.,111r,. tur<·• On hrr lai-l trf'k ,.11 .. w•u FREE E~-nRPIUSr; Kl'1lT lndu1try 11 confronted with a Thi' m lln )' pllth• lln•I r .., .. 1" h• hiu t ""'' lhni;: hi:llt P\•tn 1r1 rh.. ,.,, The rt port alao could have 1Toup that behevu ln BIS Govtm-coo•1r11r1t.i thrrn1i:1tut1t tt111 i1 .. m .. 1n 11' '''" nr f'ntpt vtnr 11 .. r t ant'""" I•• a1 rn11rd thl• point: Every lime ment . -.. end lhla group claim• srr IHllll "" thAt m/\n m11y f••n· C'lll rlo-...n ••trlr 1 ...,,.i,_:hl lmumu• h the 11ovemment ioe• Into b\ulnt• U\1t federa.I regulaUon la necH-tPmplAI" nntur,. 11nrl not rll•l11rb 11 iu th" •·•lUnlrv WRa •o ruiigrd !'hf! or tlllp&nd1 a bu1lnt1a It curta.lla .. ry to protect the conaumer. 'Tht>y wand 11ro11nrt v"1t"t11 !111n 11n•t ~14~ h,.iVll'll tnr 11 11nr1ni.' whlC'h ro< kt not t ht111111h I hrm If It bt> •h" hrhl nl'1t•r ~n. bill kn...,., "• Farmer McCabe Writes .. e February 28. 1955 Got an euy-go lng neighbor who J.a one of the m ollt likeable guya you ever saw. H ow aome ever he undo ubt· edly bolds the World'• Cbampionah•p on gettin Into Jac k· pots. When I asked him how it 'twas that ~ got into 80 many jama, he jut grinned and Aed "Well. I m eet folka who impreaa me Mth their affability an I ttcllon I mu.at impreaa them with m y gumbility, an the firwt thing I know I'm in a .Jackpot ' . . . Ole Bill ain't by hi88eif on gettin into Jama. The~·· Iota of "BIUA" only they ain't many that'll admit it'a due t o their gullibility. (all right• reurved 1 to thwart any auch atltmpt to rob I pet.la th• Dumond art tand thl• thrm o( wh11t havt bf'"n termed I• llOt held likely becau11e or th!' r11t pr()(1U. p o w• r f u J distributor•' lohbvl. nt.P: n 11·ny ~nT there wlll IM> no net'<! for the court ca~. Mi"11nwh1lt. S11to>way Slol'es ap· pa1 .. ntly u w 1he r11t1hty ot golf.iii SO PRICE BREAK tn thr r111ttorn111 lrg111tu ure for Further com,Jlcatl111 th• 11ltu•- •ntl rtdrr,&s. C'11n~eq11ently, tht tlon wu the recent complaint ot sl•>t u rilrd a •ult in Klnit• roun· th• C•llfomla Milk Produura· t.Y 11111wrh1r • nurl rl•li:nel1 to P'ederaUpn. which ci.Jmed the bU· tf'n thi' ,..;nslltultun•llly "' th• reau ot mllk control was not «1v· milk control law lns producf'fl a 1uff\c:lenl brtak In 11\e ault charred the bureau of prices for 110mt of their Orade A milk C011trol'1 price order ill that mUk production. Thue producera county rwulltd trom a con11plracy charged the bureau wu not en- betwren the ofnclala of lb• C&ll· fordn1 fair marketlnr practlru . fomla Department of .AJrlCulture. and thta complaint wu one ~t th~ an4 certain milk dletrlbuton , In ~ for Altornry G4onn·a1 rMtralllt of trade. ln Y1olaUon of Brown'• nplnlo11 on the r .. lallon· the CallfomJa Cartwrl(ht AJIU-ahlp of markt>t and manutart11n11r Truat IAtr. the P'ederal 8hermu mllll prtcea. Antl·Truat IAwi."41 t.tle Milk Con· 11\e mllk problem. when beret'\ trol Law ltaelr. and that the of 1ta t.c:ltnlcalJtlu 1111d detall11. Klftp eou11ty order la an uncon-, a. quite ample, u other •taV• aUtuUOnal lnW'l'f-c:. with ftOI'-wllloh hn• JuN!ed their ma~ con· mal buatn•• ~UY1ty. trot pnce-tlalns law1 have round. Th• trial baa hen u.ndrr wa1 Bolled dOW'ft. th• !Mue I• whl't.htr for aome mc.U\&, but at th• pr.-or not ll'lllk, lilt• any other oom- aenL i. la nttl9, a21d It '8 not lftOdttr. abould M eotd on lhe bUI• eJtpe<t..d tha t the heann,. Wiii b<e of competition. or wht'th,r th• complett'd until nut wmmn . •late ahould rontlnue to fix prlt fl M-.awbll' Lt the )e,U\ature re· I detnm•t.al \0 the public T rom"• n1·r,..t1urv to t11111u1b 11n 1 "'"•I Ttr"'J h<>t &n•I lh1r•ly •h• anr·i,nl ~tnn~ ll 11, P"'"'tokrngly I llrrt""'I 11 t lh,. •vnoi.r nnlv to fln•I rnov,.d ""rt plll""'I ,.1 !hilt it ap-It •ll 1• rl up Hut wllh h,.,. woot111- ~"'" untll•turbl'rl A 1111nr t 11,r lmfln ln11tin1t and hl<'k •I\" fnun1t up th" tr1111 to lh .. view •If PAim I • h1 "k••n Ah•1V<'I •n•I <llg.r;loir In a r 11 nvnn 1~ 11n rxrdlrtol r !lll mf'll' I llk•lv •1••1 h1I • 11nv lnrll.I• or w111~r " rral hlrt 1111 v .. r. T'•r ~011. rRr.not " TI1c> l\A'n dwrll.,1 1 nr Rlhbnn Top l'Qll In him I# • flll•• IOUJI hrnl•lt" Ltttlr 1'1n\on11 anf\ rrr1· w ,,od ht1l I my r"•i-'L t"r lh"Y vine• on hi• a crr11t" 111·· 11 .. mm,..l 1 •r,. '"'" 1rfHl'..,l'nt11t1v•a nt a r•pld• ttmr a111I Altllln "''' h ... , U•h ""I IY r!tl'IMPl"'"rtn1t r•".. ll\.. brtrah rO<'k rh,.t k rliin1c '" J'""""nl ht•~•vj rmintry ""'"11,.r. poor (1n.11nrl•llY run-orr •nd "rn•u•n In hi• 27 hut rirh lo thrlr loVf• nf nator ... ye11r.11 ot rl'Jl<.l,.nn• 11\ R1bbt>n \\ 00'1 f he h1111 !'Ontl rurt,.tl ltt"r allv hun· !hf' h v" of rla1n 1tv1ng, a nr1 dr,.rla r1f lh"~" 1l11m... :O·"mf' vf:ry fn,.nit~ Rn-:TI(' fARIS-Thui 11' W1l~nn Howell'• cabin at Rib- bon Wood. -Horac• Parker Photo , - GLAD TO BE DOME-Helen Buth, Balboa, beam.a her pleasure at returnini-home to Newport Harbor safely after Goodwill was beached Feb. 17 on Cedroa Ialand aandbar. She atanda on achooner'a gangplank after mooring here Friday afternoon. She aerved aa cook aboard U~e craft. -Staff Photo 1----- • YACHT RETURNS SAFELY Goodwill Returns After "' . Being Blown onto Beach Blown aahore by 11owunr 40.. lrnot wtnd1 onto Cedro. J1l&nd, the Hl·ft. 1chooner Goodwill retumed ately to h tr moorage hf.ore Friday at~moon with l3 pa.ucngera &nd erew memben. They w1nched her Into Old County Dock with only minor acratchu u remlnder11 ot her be&chlng Ftb. 17 on a aand bar a )lalf-m1le off Vlll111tf' Spr1np' pier. 8klppf'r -owntr Ralph t.arrabee, Lido h ie, u .ld U1e nort.ht Ulet"ly Wlnda were too 1lnm1 for hla hurt )"llclll·• engine.. She wu pulling her hook aboard, &nd leaving Ced· roa for Ca~ San Lllc11 w hen •be went on th» bet..c:h aboUl 6:30 A.Jn. Ytb. 17. All ba.nel.I were rou~d to aJrt the 11rhoontr but 1he tllp~d over on her al.&rboard llld• wlUI a 30 to 38-~cr-llAt. f·or :'>2 hour• <.ioodw1U'1 1tul )lull wu pounded by the rial and tall of t1dt 11 whkh banged hf'T bot· tom a(al!Ult th• ba.r. SaJ\d rav• way to rockll duriol' th• poundlq, l'IU tl &nd crew rep<>rll'd. no.ltd t~e Wednuday by Cout Guard Culltr P1rMua and a .vt ry Jllsti Udf', C<>odwlll ~turned here vnd.r hn own power. Lial'T&bee and hi.a mstneel', TordUa V&r8tad, boUa came a1iwr. aleeplul &l)d hal'l'Vd. aaltlttl' havln6 had more th&n atven bours' alffp ln the pr-e. viowi Hven daya. They Jett New- port Ha.rbor a JJtUe more th&n a week before their ntum. No v lalble damage to the hull waa evldl'nt althou(b L&rr&bre plannl'd to have her 1teel plat111 rhi-cked for pomlble sprtnging-. Schroff Probation Hearing Reset SA1'l'A ANA (OCNC)-~ O. • 8cllrott, 24, formerly ot Ntwport l!kac:b. Sant& Au, who admlttl'd perJu..,,, Friday u w S operior COUrt Judge Robert Gardnu con· Unue hi• probaUon hear lnc to Marcll 4. Schroff preYtoaaly admllled he lied at a trtal 1n Newport Beach JueUce C~urt. He wu a.rruted on a charg" of re<:kltaa d.rlvin~ on Balboa Blv\J., ~twttn l&land Ave. flld 22nd St .• July 9, 1954. Schroff twll convJcttd of the c:haJ-se. SAVIN .. SPECIALS FOR TUES. and WED. March 1st and 2nd iifALf AalES: _ ....... 525 ' TV TABLES CLOTHES PINS w ... - fts . ., •-. ALUMINUM FOIL~,.:-19c iiUMiNUM TEA POT 98c Vr-.~--t;,_ DIUGS LIOO-at41 Via Udo, Newport lleacb .. ·-o.. ., ... i.w. ....... llAB80a 8801 E. Cwt Rw;r .. Corona dtl llar BALBOA-111 E. Balboa BITd., Balboa • -."f'--NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRE5S -PART I :PAGE 1 MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 DIATH NOTICI ~R". m~ \\"RITl: Mre. !<la Winlfrf'd Whit"· 78, of 820 Eaal Ct••l•r Avl'., Burbanlc, died Ft"b. 2'\ RI a Gll'ndaJe' aanl• ta.rlum. Shr ha.I m11de hl'r home tor the laat r.-w m1)nlh• wllh a aoa ln Burbank. :-he-I• the "1;lnw of Ute lall' Dr. t111rry Whlt1•. pl''""'r realdent ot lJ11 lb<llll l t<ll\tht and f1>Wider·putn1· n( n11ll'wl11 1Alarid ~· Community Mrthodl•t Ch11rl'tl. l!lh• wu b<>rn on I hf' hie of Ouemaf'y, 11 survtvf'd by IJI~ eona, Horace \\'hltl' of H onolulu, Rertnald of C'11rmtrhal'I t Callf.),· WarNJI of Burbank: 1>ne l'lltf'r, Mrs. Elate Trurblood of Br,.nlwood. three brothers. llcrt Smith of Sun· land, Will Smtih nr lAuN'I C'lln- JOft arid Cedl ~mlt ti of S)'o\\ane. Wub. _,, GOODWILL RETURNS -Owner-Skip~f R&lpn Larrabee. left, pointing, tella Jo. Gutllrie, Balboa Island crew member at winch (bent over) t o wilid in cable, fore- ground, to pull 161-rt. schooner into her. moorage at Old County ~~· Other three men are· guests of Larrabee. Yacht showa no visible damage. Grey amudgea above wa- terline are cau.ed by engines' ~u.t furuea. Craft powered home from Cedroa Is- land where 40-knot wind beached her Feb.17 u ahe waa leavtnr for Cape San Lucas. -Staff Photo s .. rvlcu Wtll ~ hl'ld Tuelday at 2 p.m. at Jl•tlz )lortuary Co- rona del Mar l'ha~J. with lntar- -ment I~ Harbor Rl'1<t MemortaJ Parle n r. 13nyrl' Van Oadl'l al San B<'rnnrdlno will otfltlate. ross1P: OONAHCE Connie Donahu., •. of 111 A Vfllo cado S t . COila w--. dJed ftb. 2' at 8fui<lf' Ho!pltal, Lone Bff<l' u ruult or an automobile .-cldent. He w111 ll truck drt.,.,. &Ml natl" ot Mayrttll. Kall. He Y 1Urvlved by hl1 mother, Mr-. Jull& Donahu• of Hollon, Kan.; a .i.tM", Made• Albrtaht ut Hoyt, Kan.: tour brother11. Frank and Mlehael ol Coat& Ml'lln. O«>ra:• &114 Dona.Id ot Toptka. Kan. RELAX ON RAIL-Joe Guthrie, l~t, and George Ar- thur, both Balboa Island, talk over narrow squeak the llCboooer Goodwill had on her beaching at Ccdros la· land. They went along as deck hands. -Staff Photo VINH:_. Summer Fabric Reg. s14• CRAWLERS 8ffnud1er -Dt-nlma, t to. 88¢ Horse Meat ('fff"~"K or OROl"SD Walter Kendall Fivn & Sturdy Dog Food Kitty Utter • Sanisorb 1arqe Selection of Bird CaCJff & Stands Small Animals • Birds • Tropical & Gold Fish «'7 NMrpOn Blvd., between Npt. Bcb. & C09ta Mesa Ubttty 8-1254. BARGAIN BASKET ASSORTMENT OF L.clies', ClllclrH~I • ...... Shoes ••• la'h--&eel'• -a.sett. l "ABDAGE 8PEC1AL8 STILL ON OPP 9 U1\'1>.('f' 9 HTOI ~esa Cop' Seek ('Till Tapper' 'Who Took $28 ,. Coat& Meaa police t>ecan aearch for two 1uapect11 Tuuday follow- ing a daring daytime till tap at the Golden E agle Ou Station at 1600 N•wport Blvd., Costa Miia. Taken were bllla arooun ting to $28, according to 1latlon ownn Jamea Henry Lockwood of 213 J!:. 21st St.' HOME 18 THE SAii.OR-Mn. Ralph Larrabee, left, had kiss for h'flsband, ekippcr-owne-r of 161-rt. Goodwill when he brought schooner into port here Friday &fter sh~ was benched by high ·winqs on sandbar at Cedros Island Feb. 17. -Stnff Photo Servrct s will be oonduct .. 'nlur11duy a& 9 a .m. at Batu M or- tuary, <.:0111& Mn& cha~I wllh the Rev. Charll's Hand otrlrlaUnc. IA· tr nnPnt will hf' In Jl't. Roeec:ra.u :'{atfona ) C'Pmt't l'ry. r olnt Lom&. InvutlgaUna officer• oblalnl'd Oilen Defeat Laguna Beach de.crtptlon1 ot two dltfl'rent men The SunMl v ague Huntington rl'ported In the vk1nlty al Lhe I Beach Oilers opened their pa .. ct1ce lime the lh1ft allegt'<IJy occurred track M'a..."On 11gainat Laguna Beach at tl 30 a . m. T he llllet rPport-last w ed, w llh \':\ts1ly, li and C e.lly dl'parted lhf' prrml!lt'll tn a ,·iclorh ... •. 1'h.-lll'111t•:1 : Var~tl). 58· dull grey 1941 sedan. 146; D, -;:;.i 1, a nd C, 02·23. • Loc:kwood a&ld he was wor king Jn v:ir:orty cnmpto llllon, Ar<'V3lOI! INlide lUl auto on t he elation park· ot Laguna Rr•vh t·aplul"t't1 th•• f">leo Ing lol prior lo discover ing the vault wllh a 1:: f t. 1c11p tor n nPw lhdt. Offlcn a rw1 \he llUSJ>C<'l 11chool rce<onl. m~t havf' t nll'rtd tbe open front Woodlngtnn ot th" Q1kra won door of the 11taUon arid opened Ult Uae hundred an•I 2:0 da.ahu. He caah nglster by lllllng \ht no lale sped the l (l(l t n l O.:>. the 2:?0 tn key. 23,!). Oth••r 0 1icr11 w1nnf.'r1< were Hill Chief Mentor Penh11ll, 4 10. 6:1.9: 0 f'nder, 11111;:, l'i:l~; 120 low hurdles. Han111, 13 O; 80 high hurdle11, Jone8, 9.2; hl!lh USC head COM'h Je.'8 Hill hall Jump, Llk•, ::i fl. 7 In.; brOll.\J jump, been n&med chief ml·nto r for the next J::ut· We11t Shrine football rune, echeduled for Dec. 31 In San Jl"ranclllco'1 Kcmr Stadhun. Jones, 20 f t. 4 In.: 880 relay, 1.35.:l. L&i,.,1n" B N 1d1 varalty wlnnt'r11 Wll'I' 1)80. Watklnll. 2 :08: lUIOrl· put, Bo~a. 0 ft Jin ., &nil \J11CU1, Stonl'r, l H fL 10 In. DID YOU KNOW ••• The '55 Mercury has so much power it can pull a 4 ton trailer.up San Francisco'• ·Nob Hill? See your Mercury Deol•t for d•tall._ Of THE JUST NORTH ,,. POST OFFICE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF TME MONTM EARN FROM Tl-IE FIRST Office I-lours: . '· For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9: 30 a. m. to 8 p. m. ·- PA&E I· PART 1· -NEWPORT HAllOR NIWS-PllSS MONDAY, FEI. 21, 1915 . . .. ! . . there's a radio station that servei you every clay of the we• ' . • • • WY• you wltlt news of your ...... _s~lal...servlces to WJd __ -------o, .. gi· CoufttY---~---~-. ii1m.... there's only ONE RADIO STATION lllclt serves all of ORANGE COUNTY • • • cincl ORANGE COUNTY ., ONLY! That Station I N80 on the clial ) II • • • • • • • . • " "~ ---·· ~ . on ·· radio KWIZ • • • you hear such outstanding entertainers as • • • Mister Nix HAL DA VIS . . • ''THE MAN WHO GOT AW A Y WITH Ir' • • • radio KWIZ' s early rising manager . . • who sets the tempo for KWIZ's broadcast day with KWIZ's Breakfast NoQk Show ••• • • • and you he• ORANGE COUNTY NEWS every HOUR on the HOUR • • • reported by • KWIZ -NEWS CHIEF • PAT MICHAELS • • • and your Newport Harbor News-Press • • • helps provlcle •id& up • to • the • second news rapoe ts fhrouCJlt ORANGE-COUNTY NEWS SERVICE . • • of which radio KWIZ Is a member! ,. • • • on .radio KWIZ you hear "llstenable" music • • • all clay 1011CJ ••• you win PRIZES ••• via wrlffen and hlephone KWlr1 9u1r1 . • • plus PLA y BY PLA y AC- TION OF ORANGE .COUNTY SPORTS • • • • . . SO LISTEN TO radio KWIZ • ·~ •• the ~ County. ~. station ••• " "The TOP BANANA station· best of the bunch!'' · 1•-on the clal 1480-on the dial 1480-on the dial . . 1480-on the dial "'J ". • • DONN SPENCER gives you ORANGE COUNTY sports every nite at 5:30 p. m.!" .".. • . it's KID COn.ER for ·the Orange County Teenagers on Saturdays . · and Sundays!" ". • • the OLE LAMP .. LITER leaves 'em limp at nite . • . o:; radio KWIZ" ' ... . ,. • ,J • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, ·1955 PART Two: PAGE ONE • • SETTING SIG~ls a trio d! Harbor youth who were among the 340 Orange County studenta who sailed aboard the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Wright. From left, they are Dave Shawhan, Jim·Hargrove and Dick Innerst, Newport Harbor High student body presl~nt. The vea· leJ cruieed ·off Orange County's ehoree from lte Long Beach berth to acquaint county students with Navy . life. -St.alt Photoa by Ro~rt Wilmes. \ 1JNDEB WAY~er U.S.S. Wright, which wu boat craft for Orange County youtha' day-long cruise Waah· ington'a Birthday, presented ~y fa.ceta of navy life for the 340 who went on junket. Thirty-five Newport DISPLAY ot· ARM. Seamen aboard the U.S.S. Wright. aircraft carrier which toured the Orange Coun- ty Cout with 340 &tudent.s. show the different arms and landing gear u&ed by the Navy. Onlookt>re. from left, include Bob Callis, Dick Reddick, Ed Groenendyke, Oar- en Groth, Greg Kelso. Darrel Jnrkson. Bob Milum. Bill Ring. Bob Martin. J erry Shultz. -E<l S)tafer, Paul Breithaupt. H oward King and Bill Abr .. hmson, a ll or the Harbor area. , '. ' ' . Harbor Union High Schoof youths were aboard craft u ahe steamed out of !.ong Beach Naval Shipyard• to New- port Beach where her 4-in. guns fired 21-gun salute honoring nation's first President. -U.S. Navy Photo tTITIXG GEAR-Santa Ana youth&, left and right, chccJ< out deck gear used by flag men who land aircraft on carrier deck. Lieutt'nant in center is f rom Loe Ala- mat os Na\'al Air Station, in charge of na\'81 reserve of· facer procurement. CHOW DOWN-A group o( student.tt on th · Na,·y tour off Orange <Aunty are M"rved steaming quanlillea of t urkty dinn<'r l\boarrl thr :iirrraft rarrirr u .g,i::;, Wrl~ht. Some 340 student.a were eerved the meal whil e th · ship c·ru111ed offshore. CiOl~O l 'l'!--Oran~e County high school and junior 1·0UrJ:"r youths making tnr la~t T ursday on tJ.S.S. \\'right. m fort'gruund ndl· :11rplanc l'lc,·a tor up to flat- top'• launchinr deck. Among spectatora wa~: :1· ig the ucent from deck are two Har~'"t!oatha in thc,'~"~nttr backlJ'OUDd, M1Jle DliaJrel UMl ~ 8uilr, 1'.uaNO 800 Aa-J'ow ot the top-nnklng county people who helped conduct 3f0 student. oa a daJ-lonf uil aboard the aln:ra.ft carrier U.S.S. Wr1ght (&thcr beneath the ah.Jp'• ialand. They are Bob Callis and 0 . w: (Dick) Richard, both Newport Beach, Chad Hanrood. SUt& Ana, and Orange County Superviaor H~ KaJ.r. ' <1·..: ) H" l . • --l---__ ...... _ ...... _._. __ • ' STRF:TCll t'OR SKY-And that's where Don Meredith appears to be heading aa be makea a triumphant pole vault of 9 ft. 6 in. during the Harbor High interclau track mC'ct Wednesday. Meredith is one of the Tar hope- fuls in hurdling event. this season. Beaidea the pole vault, Meredith also n'-bbed the high hurdle event in 16.1. -Staff Photo f1NISHIXG KICK-la demonstrated by Bobby Hilliard ru1 hC' wins tht' R 13~0. in 3 :39 Wednesday during the interclass t r:ick meet at Harbor High. Best available fi~ures Rhnw the juniors won the varsity compelltion while-the sf'nfora copped then title and the eopbomore• the C intrr<."lasa crown. -Staff Photo Juniors Seize Varsity Win In Harbor Interclass Meet J 11nu•rf ":lll11 ped the ~nlor• In & ln. Knipp na~~ the IOW' bur· \\"l'lnr~!11\ 11 mterclu.a track m~t dlu In H naL · Al =""" J"•n ll 1rbor Jllj;h .SC'hnol Othu val'lllty Winnen were f•' "' 10 ••·I" 111r ,·aralty tltlt . The Aurie Oatro~'lltl. unoppoeed In ~ mile run at 4::11.8; l!:d Mirkovich """'"'I' ms n •Ii:•' I to come up ~·llh ln I.he ahot put: Bob Deal, broad I\ 0 \I• IM'\' Whtie the .ophomorM · flrtll~1:•»I \h,. t' <"l"OV.'ll, Al leut, .,.,.,.,,11ni:-to \~c tx-11t &t"llll&ble jump. 18 !L 4 1 .. l.n. and the JWI· tor8 ln the ttla y. 1 UGHTWEJGRT \'lCl'OU !rgllrr•. e "'lnoel"I: Hl(b hurdles. Sur- ' \ll...,IT\' \\D~T.RS ..-1 mon; 100, Ke!My ; MO. Porter; low burdl-. Webtikr; 220, MlllJ· Diin .\Ii rl"\li lh. ·1~ t•enton. k.ln; 1320, Hllllard; ahot put, Hen· ("harllr llcr n.· nnd Drue• Knipp roUn; broad Jump, Callahan: pole pAct"<I fir:<\ 1 l11c1 wlnnera ln var-vault. Newberry and Hiclcman, Ue; ally <'Clmp('\IU(•n. Me~Ul copJ*S and re.Ja,y, 110phomor-.. tho hl$:h hurillu ln l&.l and t.bt C wu\nen: 100, Jl'leman; MO, f'Oll' \'RUil \\'\lh a leap ut 9 ft. e Hood. low hurdlrs, B11MU1; 11hot In. Fc>nl"n fl£\ll l'J flTll tn the I ~"1t Mr.M&n%1'; broad Jumr . Yff: duhr.•. ''"ar'i:: 111,. rc-ntury In 10 11 I high Jump, Ued amonr M&JOl'ell, an'1 thr :U•' m :,"\ ~. BMllv n r · l Stmf'nlK'tl, ~<"Shone and Wll· t u.....,l lh" "''' 1•1 .' 11 11n I th"I \\Jlh 11tali'.J1; J'Ol" t·~ult. I'oll.ll: rrlay. ~JI 111 lhl'I 1.1,.h ump 111 :\ ft ~"rhcon.• rf'!I -,-r ' f ' --\: OCC Nabs Narrow Triumph in Finl Cinder Session Orans• Cout C11ll.-Jo?r trar kmf'n 8ClU .. Ml1 by F.I l 01\111100 on I he rt val oval Frid."' 11 re .. rnoon to "111 their !Int ouhnJo? ,.f lhf' •r•~c>n, 91a, l o &01,, Tn11111rr,,w. l 'M11'h HuM ton Harpl'r " 11t•1ke aqua1I travel• to Harl~•r .If• t\lr " 1•tn1tf'r collla1on. F'lr~t h11mr ml'i>t wttl be the Eu tern 1 ·.u1fl'l'l 'lll'f' lA'•lfl•e opener here wll h K1nmode Frida y. AllE\' Al.OS IOU ca · s F red Arevalu1<, fruh111an 11r from Wl'\Jn• H1•al'l1. wu the hli;' man for the Plr111r rrf'w '" hf' lna&'(t'd vlC'torlt>• 111 boc h I ht! 11111 .. a.nd two mUe runt< Hf' 111mt'<t h a Ume of 4 57 3 In lh<' mllf' a n1I 11.04.3 ln the two. OUier tlr•t plart• men for CX'l~ were Ala.n Hat1•h, ICl\O. 2 13: 1'11''" 'Pridham. 120 high 1turdle11, te 4: 1~ULL THAT BABOE. SHOOT THAT SHOT-That'a 'the way they aing 01' Man Rj. ver duiinc the track aeason. And that' a the way Neal Metcalf put. that abot. At least, he did during the Ha.rbor High intercla.ss •pike meet on the local prep cinden Wedn•· da.y. Thia particular above by Metcalf aailed hunk of lroa 39 ft. 10 in. ~taff Photo Gary Johrulon, •ht•l put. •3 tt. 10 In.; Bob Klrklan1I. <hsr111, l tT rt. 6 In.: Bill Lamh. pc>lr \'&ult. 1 l ti , ~d Nate Varn"'' f'l\\lf'd up In " th~e-way Ue fnr lhf' hlllth Jump at & fl, 7 " In s •·s sJ:T l'lllOT RE<'OllP . , UP .AND OVER-Goes Bruce Knipp u he cleara the hiih jump bar during Wednesday's inte~laaa track meet at Newport Harbor High School oval. Knipp wound up in a tie for varai'ty flnJt in this event with Charlie Berry at 5 ft. 6 In. The Tars are mainly depending on Knipp in the hurdle events this sea.son. Knipp nabbed the low bur. dle race Wednesday in 14s. fla,t. -Staff Photo HARBOR ~,O~ PAGE 2 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 HARBOR HIGH WA YER FLEAS NAB WHITTIER RELAYS WIN Three Man C Medley Team Off Record By Two-tenths Second Pirate Rve Ends Season With Losses With Ron Wlnterbum 11uf· ft.ring a.n off-night, the Ora.ngl' Cout College buketball quintet ended the Ea.tern Conferenr e •ta· IOn Frida y nll'ht with a f!O.M aet· back at the hand.a of Santa AnL Wlnt.erbu m , 00c'• le&dlll&' bu.clce- teu, collected only 10 polnts. Coach MUM Z.ton reported the HUon'a flllaA wu botti "plea.a- lnr and dt.appolntln(." He aald th• Ptrat• played ona of Uie but pm.. of the MUOO, out.9Cor lnc Santa Ana by two field goala. The tou came at th• foul llne where the rival tlve eprtnected on~ 20 of 27 attempt. while OCC hlt on 8 ot 20 ettort.. · Wednelday ntghl, the Buce !'Ost to San Bemardlno 70-l!fl In an- other loop contul. Wlnterbum collected hl(b acortn1 honon with 22 points. M&mbtn of the Bue liuketba.11 team held their annual dinner Sat· urday nl(ht In Lona-Beach and 1.ttended the aecond fray betw.en UCLA and use cuab& team. ln Lons Bea.ch City College l)'mnU· lum. MOUNTIES. FULLERTON MEET • FOR EASTERN CROWN TONITE Hornets Fall Before Chaffey In Friday Fray for Loop Tie FULLERTON, (OCNS)-Succumbing to the Chaffey Panthera in the final minutea of the Ea.stern Conference finale Friday, Fullerton'• Hornet. cagers found themselve1 on the short end of a 71-69 count to fall into a lie wit~ Mt. Pridham ~·I \'Arnty are Nf'w· port Bea<'h boy11. Johnaon, from Oranae High S1·ho11I, hold• lh,. Suna.t Lt•l(Ur ahnt put re<"1'r•l -.1th a hC'llV<' of l\4 ft. 11 In. In othrr pra1·UC'e muta lnvoh·· In« Eutern Cnnfrrf'nl'f' C'lnrt"r 11q11a.d1, Santa Ana loat to Harhnr. U-e-0, while Ml. S11n Anlonlci 8Uf· fer,.d a fl8·63 d,.tut hy the O<'cl· dental Fro11h ·0tto In Exit O\to Grahhni. on11 of th,. tor Jla'""'r" anti t•·flm lt11dH11 In f"ft. llonal l"ootb•ll IA'Ag"Ue hl11tory. ho ~nounci11 h1-retirement &ftn lea dtnr Uie Cl•veland Browna to . •Ix le.,-ue champlonahlpe and nine dlvl91on.tltle. In nine yNl"I. Oeor1e San Antonio for the loop crown. Mt. San Antonio which was Rattennan, the league'• M1hut Idle Friday, will meet th• Hometa th t th t f I h .. pald suti11t1tute, I• upected to re-a no o er earn ° m ne au lace Graham at UI• Cleveland tonlfbt on Chattey'• court. O&tne· to underco." I ~uart.erback alot ne11.t aea.an. · Ume i. M t tor 8 p.m. Fullerton had won the put 13 The ccrehamplona ar. mettly ~ea from Chaffey in loop play. ~ Sa U meeUnc to determine who will rep. It wu a crowning •ucceu to Pan-~ • •ltCJ les p 1 Uler Coach Harvey Shirk, who resent th• J:u tem Conference In coached hla n nal cage pme at the th• State pl&yoffa. Th• pla.yoffa c0Ue1e alter nine wuona. 1tart Ttlurwday nlrht In rrano. IP'Uu.EllTON LEADS TWO 811.AJUC TITLE Th• flnaJ •tandlnp found only two ah&rlnl f or th• UUe, u Rtv· eralde, Jut ptac .. team In Uie loop, pulled oft a 11UrprlM and but San Bernardino. The Indian. c.ncluded pl&)' tn Ullrd •pot. "'nit. 19 one of my beat te&IM," Coach Alex Omalev N!lated aller Ui• came. Stand1nr out.aide the .i1ent drualnr room, th• Homtt P'Ullerton led throu1h moat of lhe fl r•t half, aa much u J 1 a t one pol.nt. HaltUm• •core wu 38- 29, Fullarton out In front. By the time Bill Eblen, Cha.ffey center, t oultd out, the ac:ore waa 81°1!9, Fullerton atlll out In front. With leq than four minutes to play, the game WU lied up, &6-&:I. 8ACRAMJ!:NTO (CNS) -The atate department of flah and ram• reported revenue from anrllnr ll· cenae aalea In 19M hit U .113.U O, ~ lncreaae ot 4.1 per cent over 1953. The d,p!lrtment .aJd huntlnr JI. cente aalu for Ula curnnt tlKA I year 10 far total 'l ,820,5N, about 2.2 rercent ahead of th• p rwvtoWt >'"·'· Newport Harbor High School'• th ree man medley C wa· ter fleas •pluhed their way to a sensational victor)lfin the Whittier relays Friday. Winning the aqua. race by four body lengtb.9, the local lads came within two-tentba ot a 11eeond ot the Southern California record. aon aniacs.ct th1rd ln the mtday Nlay. ni. four man treeetyle t.or renal.d, "Allboulb Ule com~ o( Johnaon. Henry Hill. Ted rtty of lll• play•re wve f"'9h· Neal Stoner W•• the aena&llon tor the Hornet.I with hi• Jong fft 1hota. He wound up with 20 point.I . Chuck Greer made 18 whUe Jim Hldcoa mad• 11 point.. Eblee ec:ored 1t • wh119 Clark Ooodwt.n. Chaffey forward, 1co~ 21. Th• Carlton l:n!lald• of Balboa b land returned )lome Thurllday trom & trip to th• Colorado River a-.. Parker, .Art&. wheN they INrft,...S llOme propert7 llMf pur· chued re«nUy lhert. Von Hemert and Dave Allen took men, they played undef preMUN h~Ml~t~ n~ D~u lhe Tur~lm~~o~W~fl~The~~~~~~&b ---------------------·-------------------- and Gary Cook or the d<'fendtng nt'i<•lity In the HunUn(ton Beach Hawarth and John Loetler placed SUll.llet ~R('Ut' water rhamp1ons 'tank wllh c·oa<'h Al Irwtn'a mtr• lllxth In I.he alx m~ frtt•tyle. toured the dl.lllance In :,s 9 \\'haL men f&v11red t o sweep the dual Irwin aald, "Con•lderln( 38 made the vlC'tory operlally start• ev<'nt. achooS. entered thelr be9t .wim · ling ~ the fact the Ha.rhar In olh<'r C result.a from the mera ln t.h• rtlaye. I'd aay we did aplaahel"8 ahced two 11e<:ond.s ort \\'h1tt1o>r Hl'lay,., the four man t a.Ir." their fourth 11pol qu!U1f)'ll\1' J'O!U· backstroke t"am ot Orin Wade, lion In lhe \\'l'tlne.sday prellmln· Stev.-&tt·r, Chip FIU...ater and artea. .)r rry \\'h1\akcr rlnlahed third u 0 SQUAD FOURTH <h•I lhP lliX m&n freulyl• iroup In overall WhllllPr Relays com-or J., .. Bush, llon Waldron, How· JleUllon. the Newport C'a wound. ant 1 •etl'rso11, Gary Cook, Peyton up fourth, the B'a fifth and lh• 1 n e"d 11nrt \\'hl!Jlker. The tour man Tar Y&nlly ln nl.nth poalUon. Win· fr<'elltylr of Bu!lh, W..tdron, Pettr· nerw wera Lon&' &ach Wll.aon. A ; ~n nnJ {'O<)k wound up alxth Lons Beach Jordan, B. and \\.hit-ruoni: \nth the rnu r ma.11 bre ... t· Uer, C. 111 rolt<-r~. Herry Von Hemerl, Pet- Sunael 1..e&&"Ue compellUon for .-nmn. 1<1111 1;1r1"-"' r and Dallu. IAT IARRAGI. Bucs Knock Compton Over For 11-3 Win P\ndlnK baUinr e~ all ln a bunch, Coach Wendell Ptcltcna· Pirate n tne pulverla.e1 Compton on the OCC diamond, 10-3. Frtdav llltemoon. Ttla victory marked the MCOnd win or the practice -.on for tha Duct, both of them over Comp~. w .. t,.m Slat~ Conrertnce f hampe. Tomot row, OCC cluhu with Hsrbor JC's nlne on the lhaa. AJIPLIJ FOURTH A blg fourth frame 11ettlt'd the luue when the Mt'.'amcn unlelltlh· ed their plate pow•r acaJnat I.he offertnp of riVl.l chucken Ed LundbfrS and Bill GuJu. Mixed amona four 91.r\llN for the Buca were trtpl• by Th1rf Sacker Johnny l:ltnlda and lecond Bue- man Buddy Pierce 1.nd a double by 8hori.top Bob Wetsel. The eeven hlu .-t nln• rul\I cla tter- ln( ACJ'OM tlle plattw. T .\H T t:.u1s Pl.M 't; The two vr1r~1ty l "Bfllll ph1ced In I he final~. K<'n Hn•l<'nl10(<'1 Chuck K •1l\'ls\n, Lara)' llrn k &n•l Don Rr•l•hn£"\••fl f'( lh<' :-=nllor ~Y1 lrn- mrr11 ''"'k filth in lh<' rnur mnn frrr~tyl•· lh111I J•lllt'" In the m• •1• lcy rel11y ""~ 1ak· n by f'Pt,. Sehul· beri; J, rry F'arquhnr ll nd U11<lrn· hnfrr Th" Harbor B f •Ur mn.n b&ck· !llM'lke l1 nm c1f John l~ner. Paul Hr< 1' h A•1r1. I ••""' lfrnd .. r~nn' a.nd Jim \\'1lham!I tuol< ,., c•nnd \Vil· harnti, D.C"k CartC'r a.nd lJ<1b J ohn· 011. ,.,,,,,,~~lit•,.,. o.,., flom,.,,,>lrln > .._ ... ~·~·· ( "l\1{"'11 N , fll"Ot <., C l,.'4t ~"t.,, •Pt- ' .. .,._.,,..,.., ..... ,11111_1(.,.. -Also- M-O-M'1 TWIMINDOUI TIN·ITAlt DRAMA I DliiifE sum BE SURE -INSURE wt Ur MAURICE gTAJiiU:l' l•u.raoc. Oll.ly Pho•e Harbor 2' "• UIS r" "-'l Rtrllway ('lorona del Mar WATEK tU:ATEKS IALH 111\'ICI ••d tf'AIU Joe l?"ctto/J PLl !'IBl~H ffl "'~ oO 'U ClMI OOWN Ph on• H•r bar 13.JO MATIRESSF~ eo.1-Hom~ fralltni lr~1(11Jar SU~ Uberty IJ· I.SOS (.'oe1a -"-Mat U"eea (Jo. 11.SO Newport Blvd. Call DAN'S TV Semot • Relltal• • 8&1ee Uberty 8-2228 ---DEBT-- COLLICTIOlll Aocowat• -Not.ea -c ....... Of M7 lldJtd Of cleb ..... ywlilere la A.Merle& ,.No coUeeU.• -Ne ,_.. We Mlvaoc. all coe.., OUDIT BUREAU of W•lenl Orup C:O..t7 fonnerl7 Cft'tl• ...,.. af N...-pon Beedl, l.arua ~ Utd Coata ·-IM IUveralde Ave.. P.O. Bos IM NEWPOU BEACH. CALIF. Tha only olhar Pint• tally emerged rrom tbJrd tnnJ.nc actM- Uu when P,al Roberta doubled ud .cored on an en-or. Don Letrta. mountJns uae mound for OCC durlnc the ftr9t .t.x cantoe. allowed but on.a Compton run. 'nat ca.me tn th• fourth on a walk and a double by nm &.man Gldeoa J U"ria. Balboa Fun Zone WATiirs WILD W&yne ~tree took Oft:T h ill dUU• fot the Pint• 1D the MVGUI and bad trouble ttndJns tM dl.alL Aft4I' lhne atnilht 1t.roU. came 1. hlt be.tt.er, topped off by a alnl'• by OWer, but two ma.rllen we" all Compton could manace. IORN8TONE •S Mesa AlltO Wrecken Ull!d .\ ......... , MdA~ 20'7~ PlataUa Ave. Ulw-rty 1-791 J c... .... OPEN SAT. • SUN. ALL WINTER Do you know what a Savings and Loan Association can do for Y.our family? nit 49!1lloM ... ...,... below win tell vou how inJured Savings and Loan Associations are now ~ing fl mill/oft.I of your fe llow Americana -and how ~ can lefVC you and yow family. Q. How do you ''"'' to 11tlW 1 A. You can start with as little as SI 10 S5. Q. How muc'ls '"""") do aa•l'\f • O('('OIOIU rant 1 A. You get uccl~t returns. ni.r1 becauw the ~tion1 cnvut most o( their funds In 1<>und. atady·peying home modpp. Q . W11at SlltU011l~1 IM •f~ty o/.vo"' '°~'' A.. They an protected by~ rnanagwnent and aibltanb1 I reaavea. And tMy 1n insured up to SIO.<XX> by the Federal S.vings &nd Loan I~ Corporation-an agency o< the U. S. Govemma1L Q. How popldtu /tow IM '1c.rtlttd Sa""'81 llltll Looic Auo<i4t'°"1 lwcowv , A.. ArT*icanl .,. now putting more o< their aavings IKX:Ount doOan into than !Mn any· where elJe! Q. Wllo ,_, tlv Aaoc '6llotrl 1 A. Reaponsible., upa1C1111Ced poop .. ol your o...,, community. Q . ""'°'Ir.IN/<>/ inaltl do ,,,,.., ,.,.,, ' A. Only property k>9n.-w1th the emf'huit on mongaga for home bvyinc, build.inc anJ alterations. Q. How lmp<lrta"t arr t~lr k"'1I #PYkn t A. 1My are now the nat1on·1 lupt elng\e eourct of home mor1pg't loe.n1 ! n.y mah liberal loans-quickly and 1t moderate rum. A. Right now! Dror in today -and -what 1 fine place it ii to do bu11na. I NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ •nd Vie ))b6 NEWPORT P. A. Palmer, Pre~ident J-n Lido Harbor 4'200 BEACH CALIFORNIA M~mber of the Saving• a.nd Loan Foundlltion, lnc .. •Ponsnr r>f thu1 adverti11cm<'nt in Un:. SA TIJRDA Y EVENL'JG POST a.nd TI.ME. WHO LEFT THAT GATE WiDE OPEN 7 That's what Frank Navarro, left. and Bill Wetzel, right, seem to be asking as Anaheim's Lew Bushey dribbles be-tween thC'm during the recent playoff fray bel~een Newport Harbor High School's Tar quintet and the Colonials. The two teams endC'd in a tie f or Sunset Leagtte second spot behind champi ,~ Hu~in~on ~e_a5h. Bul AE..aheim co,pped the playoff 68-60 to move into CIF Central Group competition starting today. -OC NS Photo WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN Th:it's the theory r<'pe:ltC'Jly dcmonslratC'd In thP recent playoff cage fray between Harbor H1gh's T:-.rs a nd· An:lhcim's Colonis~s. The only difforence is that. more often, the·b:ls kC'tba lli thrown by the Colonists pro\'cd more apt to go through t he hoop on it11 way down. Whic h accounts for Anaheim winning a playoff game with the Tara a nd g11m~ into the CW Central Group playoffs , starling today. --OCNS Photo -·-···········--·····--~=================.1 1 IT'S BASEBALL TIME ! Uttlf' I~ l'nlforms IHOll 4.95 Baseball & Track SHOES bJ' M~GREOOR a l90 FAMOU8 HOOD "P·F" CAPS· F.QUIPMENT, Pk. A Tfn.F.TIC SHO~ A Oomp~ Une of Top Quality Spo~ Goods . Balboa Island Sporting Goods Os.-O..Uy • to I -lllanday t to • m Marinf' An" Harhor 26-41 RaJboa bland Recent Green Bowling Resulh A tot.al of 18' playerm tnter.d the wet kly .\u~tr&Jla.n Single. touma. ment at the Newport Beach Le"''TI Bowlin~ Grtrna Jut TueJOdfty, Dr. W. A. \\'lll1trd won ht pla<'• with A H plua 1cort . Walter Prar10n W..-. af'<'Ond Vii th 10 pl1.11. F or thJrd there ~ three tltd with 9 pl~ In the play-Off Rol&nd &!Jey won fm m M111. Br1m1 a.nd Mn. Pt&r·· llOn. \\'t-dne!IClay Long Beach Lawn Bowling Club \'111tt<'d th• Newport Booch Gret'N for a.n altemoon Of bowlil1J . Six mat.chi'& _,.. playl"d. =-:eWflC)rl 8ee.ch Club won four mat<'hu. tltd one and I~ one. 1----sc Spike Captains I Howa.rd Bugbee. H ermoea Beach 11rr1nt,.r and o .. , KOC'h. dlll<'u1 thmw<-r, wiU oaptaln Ule 1866 \:SC !1;..;i&;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;:i;=;;;;;;=;....-;~=--~:.O.-;,o-;,.,.;-;;;.._....;;===---.0-o.;;;-..._-=--.=;..l I track lf'&m. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 • PAGE 3 MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 With R&rbor High ready to open the track lleUOn ln lhe Santa Ana Rel&y1 Friday, the baton pueera have been pracUclng up under dOH I Jrvey of Co-Coa.chea Ralph Reed and Don Buma. Since 11142, the Tar trackmen have captured fll"lt place honora upon eight occe.alont. Laat yur, the Tt.re won the re-· lays paced by TOd White and IArry Cutro, distance runne1'11 . ..:...statf Plfoto • Steelhead Safe From Overharvest Harbor Boys' Five Wins F Championship NEUMANN MAKES OCNS ALL-LEAGUE Exchanging congratulations upon receipt o! the Orange County News Service cert.ifi· cate iaflued to Sunset League basketball al!·star selections of OCNS sportswriters are left, Paul Neumann, and Jules Gage, coach o( the Newport Harbor High Tars. Neu- mann was chosen on the all-loop five on the basis of his consistent bucket pottin' for the Sailors all season long. Other mem~rs of the OCNS all-star squad were Jeddy Young and Butch Coopman of the champion Huntington Beach Oileni, mighty Mike Beach of the Anaheim Colonists and Joel Newkirk of Fullerton. -Staff Photo WINNING TEAM NEEDED NEXT lush New Pirate F4olball Stadium Ready This Fall Actually, the ntw OCC 1tadlum 111 con11t ruct ed more tor the -siec· l&tor than the pl11yt>r. With a sunken Jleld a nd a 11llrht curved concrtte bleAchtr arrangtll\enl on bolh j<ldrs cir t h ,. f trlrl. a ptrfect Vll'W i.11 JW0\•1Jr•I from each INiet.. Hl'Mt' IS MIDOl.F. Work on the Ju11h nfW football The atadlum 111 ahaplng up a11 The f1tlJ lt11t lf 111 humped In the nud•lle to prnl'hl1> lht• be~t poaslble stadium at Orange Cout College the ~st football field In Orange driunag,., whilf' t•ulvf'rlll alonr the 11 procel!<ling on achedule, It wu County and the Eutem Confer-l"<l(;"l"ll of the r;ru1iron wOJ ca rry announced today by Or. Da11il H. enee, l'cler80n felt conrlrlent. Po•· ram walf'r q111r kly frnm the •ta· Peterson, OCC prt>11dent und rtt llf'MM w ith rompl•te fl•ld hou!H' rllunt f'f'tf'rsnn prl'filct11 the fteld trict 11u \)4'rmtendt-nl. He .. i.ld th' fac1 htu•11 for the Bucs anrt visiting hghl anll' w ill be lht lx'al poaalble field would definitely be rrally for te11m11, the 11tad1um w ill s!'at 7600 while the fl'"l<A hnx wlll rate ,I fie• The Harbor Area Boys' Club lhe annual Li.,n1!' Club gs mc J>('rllOns In comfort lh1a fall. on•\ to nnne m I hill arl'a, California 1.nrlera f rom 39 coun· defeated HuntlnJton Bea~h "1...&. agalnsl Eut c~n~i:.A ~Q31,f~ _:;,£,-~,_..~....,....,.°""""'ftl~ttlr.t-"'X'.lf14"·,.niM'l,o go with It."·;;-- lll'• cau&!!l. .L~~ll~OJ.lrJ.b_ ol Hi l · · ·-w et!~fie new home of the "11t'a t1ng ('8n be .e;icpanded to a 11ervc-d Peter80n, •·11 a wtnntnr thea tulhud trout maklnr thla r1 llng 2:1·24 fray In Costa Mesa Pirate eleven come Sepl. 23. potential or 20.000 pt'l·11on1 " team." ·~~• S«~cn~ R~er N n, ~lday n~ht to ~n l hc ~xth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but are not overhaneatlng the (T&de champlonllhl!) ln F compe- tJati. according to the Department tltlon of the fourth annual Kl· ot Fish and ' Game. Thcsl' prellml· nary figurf'a were dt lermlned WI.Illa lnvltational bll..'!ketball tour. Crom 11tudlu made or the rtver namenl. The toumry for Orani;e 1 from Fremont Wdr near SAera-County boya 11 11pon80re~ by the mento t8 Rl'<ldlng, the beat aterl· Coeta Meaa Klw8Jlls Club tngPther head waters of the entire atream. with lhe Harbor Boys' Club. The 11tud1ea alao revealed that In other <'hamplon11hlp brarkelll. hatchery-reared •tet'lhead yeAr• Anaheim defeated Buena Park, lings planted durinK the paat two 20·13. In E while the D title went years accounted for eight percent to Buena Park with a 32-17 1r1- of the adult. In, the run. Baaed on umph over Anaheim. In con110la- 11lfflhead trapped and tagged at lion game&. Huntington ~ch Fremont Weir, the department ea· down~ Laguna Buch, 411-16, E. Umated that the 19~-~~ run u and S&nta Ana won the F fray by ot' the t>nd ot January waa 34.000 default and the D with a 32-21 fish or more than double the pre· win over Huntington Bu<'h. v1ous y ear'• tot11l of 14.000. Trophlt'11 were awarded lo all 8TEELllEAD TAOOED · ch.amplon11hlp qulnleta. Touma- The clPpartment tAgg"d 5,088 ment dirtttor wu Cordon lml<'r. wild and hatchery-re-are<! steel· Mii,.~ Eaton wa..~ chalnnarf of the head al Fremont WC'lr dunnR the ottlclale' rom mltt~ u 1<1 Biil John· run. and' l2Sf or z:i per rent ur the IM>n or conce8!11nns. Tom di' For- ta.ga were rcturnl'd by anRll'n . t'llll la pr r .. tdf'nl of the KlwllJl\11 Membt'n1 of tht 11tudy team .,,. Club lleve that po11111bly anoth,.r 1 .. n percent wl'rP caught but nnt rf'· Clipn... Plans Tou. turned by ftshf'nn,.n. r-· -· \\'h1le lhf' 11ppl'r Sacram,.nto Rlvrr 11 nol a11 wl'll kno..,·n a ltt'elhl"Ad 111r"a.m "" &re lllt' Kia· mAt h anll E~I. at 111 r11 p1r1ly 1t11ln· In~ prom lnf'nCf' and f:\\•or, lntl'r· uttni:ly rnough, Lr•~ An,:rl"I Y&nku C'hppt>r Joe 01~1&«~0 1., mAk1ng plal\3 to t our I taly a.ltt'r this yr11r'11 World Sf'rles with 2:1 b11ll play ,.,.,. nf lta.lla.n de11eent. A mrr1ran d111mond 1tar1 fXp«tl'd to m&kf' t hf' tour lnclud" Joe'" 1 County AC<'ounted for th1rt1 pis•·" brothl'rl'. Vlnrl' &nd Dom: Yogi 1 SAVE NOW! 25°/o-50°/o CLEARANCE SALE 1rs STORE WIDE* SAVE UP TO 504'Q ON MJD.r A££U lllKJAr LI/AS l\lany Kinds of LINES BRAIDED -MONO To make room for new items we have reduced prices up to ONE-HALF includinr braided line. glass and spinning rodi:;, t1olid and feather lurea, jig1, salt water reels, fins. knrvcs, sn<'lled hooks and m~ny other fishing needtl. Seasport Bait & Tac/tie Seasport Landing among the 39 counllt11 reprr~l'nl· Berra. R.&lph Branca, Phil Rizzuto., ed by e.nglr ni. with Tl'ham11 11nd F"n1.11k C'rOl!etti, Sill MagUI', C&rl Shut a in the heart or th" 111, .. 1. 1 F\mlln an•I J ohn A.ntonelll. hr ad ~"Linn, lopping thl' 1181 · i~ilili-illiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiii;ii;;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;ii-i;;jjjj;;iijjiiii Whr n I he 11t11dy progr11m. fin· anr cd by Dingell-Johnson Ar t fl'd· - 26JJ W. Coast Hwy. tra\ aid fund.A, be Ran In I 9:,2. 7 4 male Alld 74 femalr 11t~lheart were spawned a t Col•man Hatchery on Battle C rt'tk ln Shuta County Slnce 11.lmo1l 400.000 yearling 1terl head have ~en relea8ed experl· m Pntally in the r1vrr In a ro- o~ratlve pro1rram bf'lween th,. Ot'parlment of Fish 11nd Camf!. the U. S. Fiah and W ildlife Serv1r•. and Kamloopa. Inc.. a northern Callfom 1a 11ponitman'11 <•rg-1tnlz.a· lion. lfOR!; ADl:LT Ff~H Already adult 11~lbead In gTt'ater number• than upecU!cj ha\•e returned to the rtver 1yatem. Jn fact. the Department vipecta a few 11teelhl"ad fni*t the or1~nal 1952 pla.nt to return tor tht'l r flnal 11p11.wntng u late u 1959 In the tint year. In 1plte of th' fa<'l tha t the fish W!'rt' releurd tar upstream and m1U1:v wrrt' caught by trout flllhtnnrn, thry ret\1med as adulta In the ratio of three for every brOOd fl11h . Jn the P1trly 19~.f plant. the etrelllesd wer e rt"leMf'd dOwt18lream a t Princeton. Coluaa Countv. and the r11.Uo ot retumeea to b~ood atock lncre&.1111ed to five-to-one. Fllhtr1u mf'n were llW'prlsed that 110 many r~turned u two-yt'ar-olda alnee mo:ct natur&lly spawned eome back u ,th,_ or four-year-old11 MAJORITY WILD The percentage of hatchtr')'· l"Mrt-d fillh In the total catch w1111 th~ percent In tht 19~3-M Ma· llOn, and elg-ht percent ln tht let· llOn Whl<"h ~nde thla month. Thu1, Wild fish pret1ently form P2 pf'r· C#nt ot th" t •>l.al run What part hatdlery fl1h w!U come to pla)' ln the tutun ii Ill)'· body·, gu.,..., But the departlllent crews are flndlnir the answen .. With the help of a ng'ler1 tntert1e•-1 ed on Ute atrea.m and thee. who return the tap u d report fish marked by cllpp.d flJla. So when )'OU land a bll' eea- KOlnJ rainbow wtlh a tac alt&ch· e<:I, don't kt"P It a MCt'eL By eend· In& U.. lntonnatioa to the depart· mMt )'OU~Wlll be contrlbuUnc to lf?MlU knowledl' .. and lo UM! de- VNoJ>ftltlll °' •bat mar .ooa be one of Uie ....... Oa..t ••U.nd t11Mr1ee.. • It's His Business. •• Yes ••• It's his bnl11e1s to def Iver your Newport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monday and Thursday. It's his business to do a CJOOd iob too. Your paper must reach you promptly, and In CJood condition. His iob depends upon the service he renders his customen. If you "!r• not a reciular sub- s c r i b e r, fill out the 1 ubscr ip tion below and we wHI start de· livery at once. :-----~-~-·--··········-········-···~~-1 : Circulation Dept. 1 Newport Harbor News· Press -2211 Balboa ,\\'f',, Sf'Wpe>rt Beech Attn; Circulation De-pt. 1 hereby wis h t o subscnb<.' to the New. port Harbor News-Prei;R , and agree to ·pay the Carrier monthly. !Home de!Jvered only 5-0e a month). .. . ··-~---...................... -:----·--- itreet City ___ , __ _ ----··-----·------------· PAGE .t • PUT I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS. THE GREAT CLU'M'F.:~An oil derrick. a sump hole. and clutter o f pipes anci limbers are all that can be i:;ePn from on~ s1d~ of the hous<' in the 100 block nn Wa lnut MONDAY. FEB. 28. I 955 St., Huntington Beach. Serious fire hazards and pitfalls that cnc1<1ngrr life and limb are prevalent in the uncon- t rolltd oil nperatiom1. --.~taff Photo --·---" EVER1'TRING BLOCKED-All entrances to the Hunt- ington Beach emergenry hoapital office of Dr. Ralph Hawes were blocktd as pictured above while crews laid pipes from oil drill site to refinery in Huntington Beach. -Staff Photo TOO MANY HOLES Oil Boom Brings Potential LEGAL NOTICE ( . l!Tll'h -.Tt: 11: 1, "" f""l' 1·u l !.r 1111. 1.ti 1 :-\·11. 1-'.,·1<.t""' Firm Namt T ,. , .. :i tv ti' 1' t , • u 1,1 '1r1J,: " .. t I•\ TH .. : t ':-\['II-H:'IGXED dou h•N"- h\' , "1111\ 1h111 _h,. i. <'Onductln« II hhlll \• • 11<111 l>lltoln ... at 3419 :-\r "(''li 111\'d . Xf'wport S.ach. c s h 10 1 nt 1. un,l"r th• ttcUUou• rm n M lllt' of LIOO'S SALON OF' b..:.t ~sni: .. n-1 • 1 ,.; .. ~ 1 , hu ... lnt·~!l Ill 411 • :1:.?,-I l'I :'\ \\ 1•n1 I UMdl, C:illf1rr. ... v1 !.1 t." ttC'tt1.•t11> rlrr.1 ru11~ I' r: TA) l.t'P.·fll 'lL1' HOMES 11r.J tha: '""'·I !mn 1s BEAl.I Y 11nd 1h1t .. Id nrra I• ('ompol'l'd nf tht' Ctlllnw1ng rrr11l>n~. I who11t nan .• ~ in f.tlt anti pla<'t'll of 1't'111deoncl' art' a • f,•tlnwi<, to-wit : WJLUAl\I \\' TAYLOR. JR, 2520 Ocun Blvd . Corf'ns dtl '.\fa.r. Cah· ,·om roll<'<1 flt t hi' followtftl per- 8Cln!'. "ho&t namPI In tull and pl•<'"" o! rtllt1f'n<'• •re u tollow9. tO·Wll Pauline Hnrm1nn f!1m 111 638 \\'. 181h St. \\'1tntu mr hand this 2nd da.~· rnala Mt>ea., Calif. or FPbrunry. lM~ I WITNESS my hand lhll UUI .. , ,. WILLJAM W. TAYLOR. J R n( f"f'brttary, 1911~ STATE OF CALlFORXIA I N H·--~ ... -COl'~TY OF ORA::-.'Gfl: \1111. '' P AULI IC .. ~,, ... • • !'Isle of Cl\llfomla I Of lhl.~ 2nd day of F ebrnuy. C t t 0 nae 111 • A. L' 1!1!1!\ hrforf' mP, ROB~RT o~~ ~~IS ~~th day. ot l'ebruarY F . \\'ILL.MES .. " :-<ota?' Public In A. P . !S:'I:). ~fore me, ROBDT 11nl1 tor the l'<lltt1 C0ount~ and Sll\tl'. F . WILLMES. a Notary Public 111 rta1dlng therein ... uly comm1sslbn· a nd (or the aald County and et.AU, td snd sworn. pt>r~onally 11pptared h 1 d 1 1.-ion WILLIAM \\' TAYLOR. JR. l't'l!ldlng t ert n. u y comm .• rd ttnd l!WOrn, peraonall7 appeAnd kno\IUI to me to ~ lht' ~r:oon PAL"LI="E HERRMANN imo.'1\ whose name 111 11ubscribtd tn the be h ~ wllhm ln11trumt'nt. an<1 l <'know-to me to t • perlOD In ledged to mt that he txecuttd the namt la eubacrlbed to the with · 1n1trument. and aclcnow1ede94 to sa~~e~ntnl"ss wherrot I ha\·e hnl'· '"" lhal 11he executed the -"· , unto ,et m \' h11nd 1111d aff1xtd my J:'\ WJT:'\ESS WHEJllEOF, J ba•: ofhcal 11e11i the day and yt11r ln htrrunt.o ~t my. hand an& atftD r ll11• Ccrllf1n11r t1rM 11bovt \Hillen my orticlal -1 the day and ,... II ROBERT F. WILL~tES In th11 Cerurica.te ttrat abaft wrtt• My Commis~l6n Expires ttn. l •I ROBERT J'. 'WJU.MJ:ll ·:--=o,·tmbtr U!.· 105!'1 :'\o. Ml :'\cw11·P.[t~~ "J 7. H . 21. 28. 19~:1 CERTfflCATE OF et·~1sr;~8 f"ICTITIOl 'S FIR'.\I SA'.\tt: My CommlNlon Elqlir.9 Mftml• ~r 18. 19~. :>:o. !'168 Nf'Wll·PT-211'·11·11 1/11111 Thr 11nll<'r!l1~C'd rlou hrrrby M'19 rtrl 1ry th11t 1<hP ls Mn<l11 cting a SOTICE OP' Do'TENTION TO Ladil'll rracly·tO•V.'l'DI' orr11rf'l b1m· CHA1TEL MOaTOAOI: ne1111 l\t .'JOO \'111 Malaga. l"ewport Notice 11 hereby rtwn ~t Bl'a<'h. Californ111. 11ndt>r the tic· to th11 provt1lon1 of 8ec:Uoo 1640 11tinu11 f1nn· name of LA REll"E nf thl' Civil Code of t.he et.ate at 11nrt lh11t i;a1d firm t~ compoetd Ce ll tomla.. tt\,l\l llIOH HAHN, nf Death With Great Clutter ~~~:: 1~01;,~~··~~" r;.:~e:\t~::.~ ~~1r~·~~nt:r !~ .. u:~w;;;~:=: ,.,. tltnce ar" a11 follow1<. to-wit· ntM kno"-n a11 "llIOR KAHN 1 Ell ~ote: Thia 11 1nother In I.hi' I du,. 1n<l rlt1t11>rtrl wtll pr'l\l>ahlv hf LORRAI~E DA~~EL. ~20 Dlllna GARAGl:"." 11 n'1 !orated at 409 !:. 11tnf'11 of artlcleti on lhe Huntin1;· th•r" Fltll 1n Jlllt a r1>w .''l'IHll 1f l La n~" CoMa Mesa. c a hf . 29th l'l .. ;\°t'wport Beach. C&l1f, ton Bur h oil boom\ th111 lla~h f1etrl fP''f'B out ltke \\ 1tneu my hA nd this IOU1 rla) inlend1.1 to place 11 <'halt.el morl· By Bl:!'\ ll!:DDICK mcst s11ch sl~tkr& rlo Th,. hnlr1< or F'rhrnuy. t!lf~ ,:agt> upon ftxturPa, equlpm,.11t, HUNTINGTON BEACH. F'l'b will he ll'ft anti tlnally an lralt> 5 ' LORRAI:"E OA.~IEI.. m11<'hlnl'ry 11nl1 CO()(\(! located •t -----~--#--jf..Mi-L~_.._•_8.),...Ibtr• !. d .. ,tb 11 'he t9-"t• if!~·Nl"""---~-H-HIM>M •bf....,.,,,. ..... __ ~----1 ------------·-----··""'-crossroads ln Huntington Beach- OIANGE COUNTY FAMIUES .OF ALL FAITHS Mottell's and Peek Mortuaries Colonial funeral Home For neatly fifty years MOtteTr s and Peek mortuaries haYe aerTed families of all faiths with unercelled funeral aerTice and facilities MOST COMPLETELY MOST RF .~SONJ\BLY ~tteill atd Peelv -,""'•""•""o-u~.~~11~""eo""ut.,..,.tv""A""'•""1>- 7801 l . &OLSA NIE.. JtnT WUT Of ~llAOlllWD. (NWY.39) StMiNjJlll TDDflOflCU WUTMJNSTEA5231 OI UHITH 5231 ( NO TOU CHAIS£. ) • lowest Funeral Prices in Southe1n C•'11ornia • l!::==========================================================:::.IJ .. and quJte ofttn In the backy1u-d and In the 11trecl. Open t1itcht11. twlated plpt&, aump holts anti mecha.nlcal contrivances thal dtfy the deacrlpt1on o! ordlna.ry \'tr· bia&e clutter every nook &nd cran.ny of the city's e11.11ts1'1t' where uncontrolle<I drllllng 11< holdln,r 11way in the latl'5l 011 boom. J!:ven the 11lmple ob&t'rvancra of common dtc:ency h11ve bf'Pn for· s otten by the drlllcrs In their wlid aea.rch !or ''black gold " There are rew barrlcadts a.nd nn warn· Ing light.a and watchmen 11re not needed bt'ca us!' l'fle clatter anti chuc&inr and banitlni and whln· Ing o! the drill rl(11 would 1<care away the ordinary prowler DA!'IG!:R Lt:R~<i But there i11 da.ngl'r lurking in th' honeycomb of holea and clut· tu tn Hunllntrton 'Bflacb tor chll· dren antt 11tranger11. Yes. thtre Is proba bly da.ngtr for anyone living In t.he arf'a "-'here more than 11 too new wrll& ue beinit t1nllt>rl nr produre<I. At the lut t'lly counrll me,.tinit In Huntington Btach lhe <'It~· flrt' C'hltr. Ot lbert H1i:;glnll. reque111 "'1 permission Io lltl a.tire the olrl wooden derrlck11 that a rf' r•mn11ntll or an e11rller boom. Bonm on,.. t~. thrte anti up to !fl. DPrr1rk11 erected. used. ltll,. and 11bandnnM and !cf~ to hmtler the prngrru nf & plea.. .. 11111 little community. Thtlll' hnl"" now htlng dri11"'1 Semple Heads Naval Reserve Division 11-28 Lcdr. Gardntr E:. S"mplt' of Cnr· del Mar "111 to.kt comma.net nf :"a. val Rrlll'r\'e Surface Olvlll1on 11 · 28, Santo A n & • tnn1ght 11t Ch&ngr n( Comm11nrl rtrtmon· lf'A tn tlke pla ce a' !l.30 nrln<k nn the p.aradt grnuntlll nf '.\".i,·al Rt&l'rve Center !ora ted nn the ronner :o;&ntll Anll L11thtrr Than Air Au,. I ·ttr S<'mpl~ will , ... llevto L<'M. H11.I r . l'nlle\' nr Pla- centia who h111< rnmrlr trt1 th" ml!'\· lmwn lhre11 ytar:o 11. .. rnmmnntlm1: otrlcer nf & :-;11,·111 R'"•"f"'" ""'I· llnn. Ledr T E ~rT1·1. :o;11rr11r" Prn· lffll.ITI Otflrer or I h" El,.,·.,nt h :'\ 11 • ,.a.J D1~tnc:t wtll rf'nr,..,n• rh" Dill· t.rlC'l romman•hinl "' th" .... r<"· monies. C'dr S"mrlt>. \\'nrlrt W11r 11 ,.,.,. "l'&Jl nt tour yoor11 In I h,. Partf1r 11.TP&. hall bern & ml'm!H'f n! l'nr· race Dtvlslon t t-28 ,.p,·rn .\'1'•11 • aervlnit f1r11t 11... ln!ltrt1rtnr I h,.n u r11v111lon Mrlrrr. 11nr1, f.,r 1)-,. lut thrrr yt 1u111 A.ti .. x.-r11f l\'P '''· fleer. A11 comma.nd1nj!' nrrir"r of n 1,·1. alon l 1·28, Cdr. Sempl.-"·111 tltr!'rt a Rul'rve D1v111lon wtth n cnmplt'· ment ot 19 ot!lcer11 and 175 enlt .. t- ,.d ml'n, all en1ta1t'd In & tralninii profrr&m dut,nerl to ta.ke the raw recruit and lead him to techntcal competucy Ill one or the foUow- lnr; apeclall.lea: mtlal1m1Ul, en. Jin• mec.b&nlc, quarter muter or • elect.ronla technician. Laguna Cadet Mokes West. Point Honors WUT POINT, :0:. 'f. -Cadtt John B. Clayton m , 23, whose father llft8 at 120 R.oc.kJedJe Ter· rau . IA(U11a Beach, -• recently ll&mPd to the ~an·1 Ullt tor tht rtrat eemester of the 19~·:15 a.c&· demlc ,.ar at the U. S. MWtary Acadamy ltl WMt Point. N. Y. cadet Claytoa'e academJc 1t&11d· tnr plae*5 him oe t.he top 40 per- oe t ot hla elUI. Cla)'t.o11 ..... appotnW to the aeademJ ~ ftep. H ubbert B. Scudder of Callfomla'1 lit O>n· s:r•••&I Diatrtct. <'II tn nnlnleo th" law Hnl1 ;n11t1uct COl':'\TY OF' ORA~CJo:: 1111< r1ty'rr<'WS to r1.-:1n t1r pr1\'lllt1 Of lhl!< IO'h day n ( F'tbru11 1~ . proptrty anti tin aw11~· \\ llh the A D tlll'\:i brfnre mP. ROBERT "Kathy r lll<'UI Tombs." F'. \\'ILL~tES. a Xotary Public In ore; , . ., i-T.\KTI' Rut in t he mcantlmr r rr"tt are dlg'ging up the 11trt t ta. 11hovP1lng ,.arrow holes alrea'1y c<>nt111nlng dozens or pipes In 11n ,.!fort to lay pipe tines rut tnough lo <'Arry the pre11ent prorlurtlon nnrt C'lt· recte<I oil troni rlrlll 111tt to rt'· flntry. City rules ar" forg otltn. winked a t or unlntorc,11 Bi< oil 111rellnr crews haphaz111·dty hlock nllf',\'8 1Ll\t1 11trl'Pt11 11nrl nC!ICl'I' In I hr1r frantic mo\'t'mrnts 11ncl for lht' i.a1•I County anrl Stat,. r<':<1dins lh1 tem, rtuly romm\:<,.!On· l'cl nnct i<Wnrn, p!'1!'nMlly nppe11rrol LORRAI="E DA:'-"lEL known lo me t o bl' the, rtrson whoM naml' 111 11ubscrlbed to thr wlthm ln11tru· mtnl. and acknowll'd.l:<'d t_o me that she extcuttd the 11amt. In wllne11s whl'rt'of. l h:ivt htrt· unto 11et my hand 11nd 11 f!lxed my orffclal l!CAI tht' d11y and yt'ar 111 thl11 Certificate flr11t abovP wriltf'n I~' ROBERT F . \\'lLLMES My Comm11111l on F.xplrt>• !'\ovember 16. 1!1~."I No. ~6:1 n .. mortai.it" nr lht' aald pror · ..rty 111 l"ACIFJC n NANCF. l.OAXS. fir 1788 Nl"Wp<>rt Blvd, C"n11t& M"11a. CAltf Thl' 11a1rl mnr1i.:111e will be u· •'<'Ull"d 11nd thr rnn11ldt rat1on thf'rP• tor will br pa.Ir! on. lht llt"U th day ot Mar<'h. 19~. at the hour or 10:00 o'clock A.M .. et Pa.clf1c f"ln11nce Lol\1\a 1788 Newport Blvd , Colllll Ml'M, Ca lif. Dalt rt Ftb. 23. 19M. Rioh Hahn Gara11e Mortagor and1nr r1<'1!lc Fln•nc" Loan1 By E. G. SW ANlllON Mort1gee Parlfh• l"ll'IMK'le 1-a t 188 l\'e"-por1 Bh·lt., CO!lta ~~ Calif. Slime anrl 11l11'11tP Antt oil ro,·tr11 'l.lld co11t11 JllJ'l'lll anti rt11chl'ft anl1 !'\rwi1-Prl's11 2 14, 21. 28. ~ '7, 111~~ ~n M7 X'"Wll·l"rl'all 2 211 /\~ hOUl!tl' a nd 11trN•t11 ...., lhf' 11nron· trolled oil exploration In Hunting· ton Beach contlnllM. High Quality Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 ·How our 125 "dry holes" last year I helped keep you on wheels U you're anythinl( like the average motorit1t. you'll UMl about 690 galloM of 1tat1oline thj11 year. And that'll jUBt a beginnin~. K~ping you on wheel11 and 11upplying you with thP thou11and and one "oil-born" produrt11 sn vital to modern living reqwrt>s 2 gnlJons of petro.leum s day for every man, v.•oman and rhild in th<.' U.S. -an inrreaM> of 58 r ~ sin re 1941. H elping to keep thi11 oil flowing to you i1 Standard Oil Company of California '11 bi11e11t, mo11t crpenaive, lea1t predictable job. In fact, we p lan t-0 inveet !200 million d urin1 1955 alone in uploring for new oil 6eld1 and developin1 exiltin1 one11, to help replace the petroleum you ·u UM!. ~me 700 timee tb.ia ye11r, Standard drillen v.•ill 11t.A.Tt b itt111pinnipg. A1 much aa 16.000 fN't of piiw m11 v folJow the hit be-fore oil U. found or the well i11 n bandoned. Eithf'r wsy ii 's A ro11tly holt .. drilling 11n oil weU ma:v run from $125,000 t-0 o ver$ I rn.ilJion. And evt"ry one ill a r~k-only 1 not 'i e very 9 weUa d rt.llecl in the lJ. S. in 11 pr omi11in1 but un- p rovPn :irea turn11 out tn hf! 11n oil produC"«'. Yel n<'w tonurre11 of oil mult be found to kPep our nat ion·,. 11uppl'irt1 from dwindlin1. Ri11kin1t "dry hole11" i11 t.he only way to ftnd thPm. So the 125 "dry bole.-" we drilled tut year ue good evidence of the job 8t.&ndud d~11 to he lp keep you on wbeel11. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA \ Newport Pollce Nab Woodland HHl1 loys l t--Bolldla,; "1foniee9 • ' it-Help Wanted SS-__ &._ta. __ sa .... ~-----B-&o.tw.. SoppllN Two teen·•&• bo~ from Pacific Lod1e. Woodland Hill11. were pick· ed up h~· Xewport police at 2 :30 Wednrl!ol'.la y momtnr and rtlt&Md to Oranl:'e County Juvenlle H&JI A11thor111ea. The hoy11 reportedly admitted to police they at.ole the car Uley were dnv1nr tn front ot th' Rtdondo Beach Edlaon Co. ?>:either yolllh, 13 and U yeare old, could product a driven llceruM Tht car wu regtetered to Velice Daryle Mar- tin of Torn.nc:fl. House Plans UBERTT 11-82~1 t I l Ottc CARPENTRY NIC!l APPEARING. tnteW,.,t aaleama.n or aa.lu woman With late model ca.r to demonJtrat~ In the NeW"port R arbor area.- one ot the ouut.andinr automo- tive ....Uona of the decad .. Either tuU or part time -no competlUon -w bst&nUal com· m1-lon -a pply, rtYinc your eJl'J)Ulellte, your c:ar male•, model and year-'-to box C-39. th1a paper. l7cl9 HERE'S A ·v ALUE ! . I FREE INSTALLATION on ell new NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 5 MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 2~ HP\.:;M ln\1nl'Ullt; elec. etarter, run 1 hr. CLF1 6 2 tanl<i. U &O. tor equity. Har. 81, 18"2() Worlc Car Specials .1 WANT AD will cost you only ·52 end it will run in ell 3 iuues A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 ·Newport Harbor Netn-PreM Monday and ThUl'lday edltioa., Plus ~ . the CoutaJ Sbop~r. Wf'Clneadays NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Mond.ay end Thuraday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Lines 1 Paper S .7~ 4 Unes · ! Papen 1.50 4 l..lnee S Papers 2.00 Coutal 8hoppn CL&aeUled Ada muet rua In the Monday or T!lunday Publlc:atloa !\DNDIUM AD 18 ' U!l."'£5 All Clae•I~ Ada moet be ~d for Caeh ln adnnce of puhllc:atlon. NEWPORT RA.JtBOR P t;BUS HINO CO. %111 ~ 8.lvd.. Newport BMcb, C&WonaJa. !!EADLINES for placlnf or canceUln« ada are: For Monday PublicaUon -Monday 9 a.m. For Wedneaday Publlc:aUon -Tuuday 2 p.m. For Thund11y Publication -Wedneaday 1 p.m. 'I'.h• publlllhers will not he rl"aponslble tor more Ulan one tncorrl"ct ln.ertlon of an ad, reserve the right to correctly c:lasaity a ny and all a d.I and to ~Jee~ any ad not contorminr to rulee and regulatlona. Special N ottcee CONTRACT BRii...>GE GAMES. Lessons daily. 2025 Anaheim, Coata Mesa. Liberty 8-1530 16):>18 IZ-Bulld.lng Senlcett Special N oticee The boat Apache, official No. 251,947, is being sold. Pre· sent all bills to Frank Sim- on A.aaocia~a. Berth 205A or P. 0 . Box 834, Wilming- ton, Calif .• prior to 10 a.m .. March 4, 1955. 19c21 12-Bu.lldlng Semcee WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18x20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room additions and remodeling for over 8 yrs. F HA Ter ms -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3-8274 87plH General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations F H A term11. Residential and Commercial Free Estimates and Plan ~erv1ri> C. Sherm Allen, Liberty' 8-7576 y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mtet1 every Thun day 8 p.nt. Via Or ·rto -Central A\"e. Xewrort Bt11ch Elwood Shl"ll. Exalted Ruler lZ-BulldlnJ Se~--­ BOLLISTE R BROS. NURSE RY l'\ew la wn. reuonable or DO lT T Ol "RSELF-WJi': TILL It GJU.DE \.'OUR SEED MjD ROl..L t,;..-OER OUR Gt.lD· ASC"ll. -LI 8-t:s&2. lOc.-nR AS! ·HALT TILE LINOLEUM J 1n11lJ!D th• a bove chu per tha.n mo1t Al90 Mil Tile It Linoleum. 1'on·11n on. 26 y ea.r1 experience. Cnmpare and •~ - BILL COKER U 8-820• 71.tc CARPENTER Repair Work o.,.. Tour Rom• Nffd ReptJrtnr or Remodelinc ! Call f'roank. Ubtrty M tM All Wark Guaranteed 74 UC" Phone LI l-18i2 l!:vff. LI 8_.l20 COMPLETE PAINTING A Paptt Hanging Service EUQL'fl: O. 8.AUNDERS 100 l l lt Strfft. NnfPOrt s.c!I ll&rti. lt7W . '1c&4 CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats O. Homer H&rrro .... LI 8..Si7Cl Ucl6b Exp. Gardener Yard CIP&n up R~r111ntln i; Lawn M1unte1UU1ce Ph LI 8·3980 nr L1 8-~~·98 J!)p21 !~~.T!~~~ Rl'11ldl"ntlel & C"ommrrr111I \\, rk Llc .. nN"'1 C-onlract.or11 Call ux'ln~on 11·4!H8 rollrCI 111rr~o General Contract~ng REPAIRS, remodrttni and 1tlterA· tlon v.·ork. Ru ldPnt111l and com· merclal bu1ldlni;5, Qua lity Work Gu&ra.ntel"d Har 311>1 d11y1, Har. 2480-J evts 99trc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., Coste Mesa Phone Wberty 8-2928 6;t.!t Painting & Paperhanging We do the work oursel\'es. 30 yeara experience Llc:enMd • lmmrtd. Satl•!actlon £1111ru teed. E1Um&tu frel". Call .Jnhnnte. LI 8·2687 & LI ~-5289 8ltlc Painting, Decorating Paper H&nginc GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRACTOR 1111 80Lb St., Newport BMCb R&T. 2'18-W or U 8-8432 tic ' PAINTING Painting le Paper Hanging "The Beat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38UI SL. Newport Beacll PRO=""E HARBOR 2404 I tic MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SKALL H. O. AMVllOD U 8-908& Colt& M ... u uc FOR RENT Skill Saw1, !:lee. Drllla, Poliahen, all typu of •andeca, Wheelbar· row•. elc. BOYD'S HDWE. • CHRYSLER marine engines purchued from Feb. 211t thru M&rch 7th lncluaive FROM I Industrial Ma~ine Engines Inc. INT. 1'. romp. rreondlUoned. Two eull.8 aatb. nylon •plnaller, cov- n , lfJ>ntY Ahlel!l, aan.d dolly. Hu 37~1-R .-vea, • wkenda. 18c20 30·Jl"T CR UIZON ExpN"M crulJler. 14~ Nordberg with reduc. F1btt- gl&ued. 81pa. •· A.we. prL dinghy, bait tank, M -watl radio. ('11'8.n, asklng l!IOOO. Harbor !3 ... 4-W. Kl 3-063~. l k24 1947 OLnS:\toBILE PA ~l'lllln - Sood mrch&n1c:•lly, R. 11n11 H., Hydra_ $1!1~. 1 ... 7 CHEVROLET d,.luxe ' rtn"r Mdan, clran ·-· I J9). 19!19 P LYMOt'Tll sr.111n. \'ny clean --....... ... . -..... . ..... -·-10). Htusken Motors, Inc. 19.32 Harbor ~lvrt., l.'M l3 Mf'•& Phone Llbrrty 8·!'it~·.1 ·"!' 10 J OBS OPEN N,OW FOR Bk'kpn., 1teno'1, MCHt.artM. bk.kp • poet. mach. oper&ton, boUM- 2630 W. COAST HJGHWAY keepeni 6 coolu. TlilS Includes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials, :42-F urnitur .. tor Sale ~ty 3-3'3~. Newport Bch 28ttc BE SURE TO CHECK WITH -H BlJJCK 1~d11.nrt1e, r1111io •n<1 I' Experienc'd.Jardener June Farrar Agency LANDSC ING EMPLOYMENT and CLEAN UPS 402"9 32nd St .. Npt. Bch. 17c:19 Crowns, Crown Specials & Imperials. MAHOG. TABLES, rhe•t•, drtU· tr. dC'sk, bookcue11. bec1, b(lx l!rnn~ mn t trP118,, maple c1reaiwr. flat 11tPrllng. china , mlrroni, WICkt•r M'I. e ll H'llllOnabll'. - H YBll •·71•U . 19<"21 hl"&l t r . f\Jll rrtrr . • $7!1 77 Rioh Hahn's Garage Llberty 8-1659 GJRLB - Good News EXAMPLE-BRAND NEW Chrysler Ace sells for $1095 (plus sales tax) F.0 .B. your boa,t. This is the t otal cost to you placed in your boat r ea dy t o enjoy. H111bor i 125 10c23R 14-Personale Alcobolica Anonymoua Write P. 0 . Boll 3a1 Newport Buch, CaJIL Phone Barbor '79~ Uo ~Beauty_~l_d_s~~----- Superfluous· Hair Perma.nently removed from fact arm1, ltga. Eyl!browa and hair Una anaped-No more tweuinr . Eu.EN L. BRYANT R. JC.. Lldo'a Sa.Ion of Beauty Har. 2~t8 ttc ZZ-Lo.t and Found LOST -Male red Cocker Spaniel. 10 yn. olt!. Fanuly peL Coron& del Mar, reward. Har. 6596. 18C20 China Painting Day and Evmtna C1&lea Ordera Talcen Now Phone Liberty 8-~MI SKUo Good jobti - Good aa.lary - With fl'9qllent lnc:re&Mm - Opportunity for e.dvancemmt. · Some opening a now tor you.ni This Special Off er incl UdeS: women In Newport Beach otrlc:e: TEL!:PHONE OPERA T 0 R l'I, 1. Preparing engine beda, CLERICAL WORKERS CtyplnJ required). 2. Aligning and bolting down engine, Apply 1514% N. Main SL, <Room 2111 Santa Ana 3. Co!lnectJ.nc and furnishing all paru for wa- Monday thru P'rlday, 9_. p.m. ter ayatem. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 19M :'\ORGt:: retrlg1'rt1.tor. b1c 11 1 , •'u. tt. 90-lb. fr<'e:r.er chu t, automatic defrost. The very beat onc-Sht h't'!I In dl)()r, roll out 1<hl'IV<':<. two wi;c. crllper•. Jl'e brand n~w, t111t p<I. dn. to $279 23 fr'•m orig. U 2!l. No caah dn., jU3t pay SH.21 pu mo. Sci' B11ughns A • s W8.rl'bOUM. 220 S. Main, Sa.nta Ana Open 9 -9 Kl 3-1:l01. CHESTS, bed, dlnf'lll" t C'I. llv. mi. 1938 CHF.V. 2 tlnnr, ri,11111 gnnd. New homt1111u1e p11lnt Job. Xlrl .. tn.naport.aUon c:u _ ...... -SH 46 Rioh~ Hahn's Garage 29th 6-Newport Harbor nas '7ttc {. Connecting and furnishing all engine wiring. chair. e ll". -1121 "1 Camatlon Aw • Co1 ona Itel Mer. Harbor 43i!l-R i!k-21 1939 OODGE-N-rl"bullt mntc>r. WOMEN wanted. tamporary, 1iJt ~. Connecting throttle and clutch control. 195!1 \\'EDGEWOOD rangr, The g00<1 work riir. Lt 8·4ft7.''I aft,.r :i pm, 17p21 mont.M. MA11 p<Mltcard.I. Good h1g dr luxe c-r all nutnmaltr, h.andwrltlng or t.ypewrtter. Boll l!:nfine &Dd t.nstallation Carrie!! 1-yr. guarantee. chmme top. griddle cl th11t real MOVING _ MUST S ltLt:l"H • '7. Watertown, Mau. J,8pl3 rill b l Pd .. I 0 nJC"e If ro1 er. · .. n. 0 Dodge dub rp.-. Almo1t new APPLICATIONS bein&' talr.e.n tor AJl WOrk done at OUT SbOp Sl6S.77 N~ ca.~h ctn ' ju"l pey Ura.,, exctU. cond. 127~ Ha.rbru' part le tUll time dllb-..hen. tn,. pymt& o! l lU O per mo. 484tl-J . 19<"21 Berth 205A C · Ch J g,.., Baughn• A It S W1n howie, ALSO need part tJme bu.a t1o7. errJtOS , a nne 220 :.; :\tam. ~nnta Ana O""n 9 _.,. 2305 !!. Cout Highway, Corona , • -l :'>:t r vRD V-8 Country eedan. d·• ~--. 18c.,O En · -'-d t f ' t If i ll-!l KI :l-i:?Ol. Radio, heall"r. FnrdC"1m1111r.. one ,... ........ • cme .. ,ow room an newea , in~ • se serv ce owner, low mUear. Stw.111. EXPERIENCED marlne paintet1 marine hardware atore In this area. St-Musical, Radio, .t TV 1t martne en.w mech&n1c&. 0o Hausken Motors, Inc. not apply uruu. apenenced •1.~~_J!lfll.4..~aJll.1'~al~in~i;trr\l\i1'.llHlifl~~""~~~~~~~Tf-£~~~~~~~i-:1~0ii:~tj~t:i~~~au.J':~~~~~~ recenUy employed. Ref. J:!N,....l'he_ Phone U herty 8-~t. ~·· LocJcer, 2'31 Welt Cout Btghway, Newport Beach. All engine types at models in atock. '60 FORD V-8 Cuatom 3-door. R Apply to Ala M.tlton. l&aO Fin · 'l bl H11 mmon1' Hea'1q1111rtl"r11 for Or· It B • o·o. epoWgbt, n.ot nr re• aDCJng &V&l & f>. t"ondlllnnN1. Good rub~r. Ori_.• anji?P County :">20 No. Main, S. A. e• Real Estate School SO-MIMWle.aeoila for We naJ owner. :71 Mangold. C"11mna All lnatallation.a subject t o approval oC. our ONE o :-:L y Drmona..,..tor mod,. I flrl Mar. Momlnp or a.ttm-a sn marine qineer, A. M. "Gus" Walker Low11y Organo. Save. S9:S. Co.n-p.m. lPrJt Vl'n1<"nt tenn11 Al in Santa Ana AlE'1 It WOM.!:N prepare ln .pan Ume for u.nUmlted opportunltl• In Real Estate. New claue1 weekly. AJ Tyler ln1tructin~. A t- tend flrat evenlng tree ana le&rtl about tbl• rreat field. Call or write now for lnformatlon. Bu.ti· Dell Jn1Utut.e. '1~~ N. Syca- more. Kl 3-17~. U Uc FIREWOOD f1UC!: DELIVERY Dry Wood, 18" • 24" le,n(th. Industrial Marine Engines, Inc. SHAf"Elt'S :'>fui<lc Co. !Since 19071 ~21-42.1 ,.;. Sycamore, Sant& Ana Phunt Klmberly 2--08i2. BEA U'flJo't:t, SPINET PIANOS. ftrnt to buy. All of U.rm rent allnwNl. Practice planoe &1 low II!' S~ prr m 11. ·~ FORD 8 Ranch Wagon Radio, heater. dlNCtlonal •lgnal•, wtndahll'ld wuher, epot\Jrht. t ply u,.., 11Pt blu. coio... CalJ B. R. l'ITAOO Phone Harbor 1014 Evenlnr• Ha.rbor 6391 19lt 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington, Calif. 2(-hour Phone Service DAXZ·St'H~UDT Big Plano Stor l". :'l:!O :O:n Main. S11nta An& '48 PL TKOUTH 8pec1&1. del\011.• club coupe. Radio 6 hl"ater I 19:'i POTIER y &-ginning claH Mon. & w.-rt. 10-12 a.m. Ca.lit. CtrL l.nstrucl.or. 687 So. Cout Blvd .. L&gun& ~arh. 19p21 60' t OFF on Boyam p&lnta a.nd SUleni l"na.mel while supply 1ut11. Barg-alna In UMd bruab•. 412 • 32nd St .. N~rt S.Ch. Phone Hu . 2&18. lec27B TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 l6p21 HA VE htlaullful Baldwin acn»onlc •aa Clfl!V. O<JUl>e, n1na sQOd i:w> Sptn,.t, • yra. old. !8-Situadona Wanted RESPONSIBLE couple will manage apartment h oW!le jn return fnr rent. Refer- ences furnished. Bond if required. WRITE Box P -26 this paper. 4tf RE,ML.,.GTO!'\ typewriter, recent· S0-8-AlP'!;M- Jy ovtrh11uJtl1, SM . Her. M '2. 17c:19 BEAUTIFUL com er maboc . c,hina <'&bln~t. r hl"ap '100. ma.hos . liq- uor cabtne~ S20. W.wUnghouM ov!'n & ltand 120 304. Arnethy111. 84.lboa lllla.nd. HM. 1761 11ftrr l\•lO p.m. 17ct9 Fres h Hear ing Aid BATTERIES WllSTl!lRN-HOLLY 1111 range Je" wide: 4 burner•. CTlddJe, oven 6 broiler. Exc:.ellent condlUon. '60, -201Hl6tA SL. NpL Bch. Phona R&rbor 3931-M. 17cl9 l flM O'K.El!rl!: 6 MERRITf r.ng•. The btr CP !Ill 11utoma- Uc, clock. lamp, chrome top • rrtddle. Alao ha• Utt top • gnll brollrr. U11td I mo .. pd. ·fin. ti! 1188. No dn. pJmL, jU1t pa:,t. the pyml.8. of 19.~ per mo. l9M O'KEEP"Bl MERRITT l'lU\l'l"· High brolln . chronitt t<1p. Pd. dn. to 1189.~ll. No dn. pymt. See Bau.Jhns A • S Warc-hou1e. 220 8. Main, S&nta Ana Open 9-9 KI 3-i 201 \\'ANT TO SW AP for (r&nd p11u10 l'hone Harbor 1088-M. ttfc RTEIXWA \' GRAND. Lllce new, B1J; 53v1ni;s. AllO Kna be. Kim· hat F'l~htr, Muon • Hamlin M&.ny Olhtr .. PrecUc• pLanoe u lc>V.' ,.. ss..-.. DA:>\Z·SCllMfDT Bl& Plano Store. ~:!O !:':n Mnln, Santa An& PRJ\CT!Cf: phlntt, $30. l!nti VlrtOrll\, COlll• Mua l.lb<'rty 8· i07l. 18'"20 Cotton Goff Volbwageo-Porache Dir. 2118 NpL Bl~ewport Be11rh Pbone ff.arbor 8 l i rlll '•7 FORD CONVJ:RTJllL!l. Re- bW.ll mot.or. WW ea.en/Ice, f :l6:"i. 82• ·11th St., .l:funUn(ton """' h Ph.. Lex. f·S8:12. 1Sp10 11M7 FORD Station Wairon, ~ .. ,..I ttrl'a, good nl()tOr. '37~. Harbor •IM-W . W ANT houae tnUifr. SWA P fnr piano, wuhn, reCriJ? , ele. r h. H Yatt •· 1~16. l8c:2\I REA I T llT L Eltc:tron1c Or1an. hl••n"" 1 a:-" nlmMt 11rw Mu1<t 19:'>4 f'ORO V-8 V1~t'lrlll. H11•ll11, Roy's Maintenance House l'li-.an!ng-FToor wa.xlng \\'all 1o.·allhmg -window cleanmg \'cnetlsn l>lm•ls. l:phota1ery lnsurM F'rcn p;i;t1m11t<"a LllX>lly c--t3:J:? \\'e Give SAii Green Stamp1 Gunderson Drug Co. See Baurhn1 A. • 8 W•r .. boume, !%--Furniture for Sale 220 S. Ma.In. Sant.a Ana Open ~,,. ritl• r Onr nnlr B ii;' eav· hNllrr, ~dn. Power -1.t-··rtt1ir:. 1n,.~ Powtr brake&, ono O•'ller, $224!1, [11\:--Z-~t'H:'>tlDT Grl'at 811le, ltfc E:XPERJF.XCEO typ111t, ~lt'no .. t>nok k"• l"'r ll~~lrl'I! ruu nr p11 rl t •m~ ofllC'e wnrk Ph. H11r. :1:.~2J l\ltrr '>. 17cl fl Experienc'd 'gardener LANDSCMING anct CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 18c:29H 1...ICE:"~ED, up .. nenC'rd 1'k1pper 11\'lllla.bll'. 1'1 Har. !129-W 11ft .. r 6 rm., 19f'2l HOME CANNING Maln St. at Balboa Blvd., 84.lboa Harbor 51:1. 98tlc THERM.A.DOR port. tl.ec. room hrall'r, $8. t:prlghl Hoover vac- 11wn, Stl Ra<!lsnt ga11 he&ttr. SlO lior. :175l·R evt ". • WkMtl•. 18c20 TWO new quilted K at .coplllff aad· dirt<, 1 Roy Rog,.r11 /l&ddl~. red & .vtllow ear br11lli·~. br•&at col· larll', lnn bohcat ~ wolf 11klnll, JOO burlap bags. 381 E 18th St., Costa ~ft'!IA. 18c20 llU .RTI.1' 8-0: 7 hp. outboard, 145. W iza.rd J 2· boat wltla oe.nt, $1 7~ C-hri~ Craft 8' tllnghy, flb.-rgla..,s rm bottom. $7~. Tr&Jler. U o Padillf'board. SZ> \\'ebst.er .,.,..,re P'Mrtl,.r. port model. $~0. Arc: WPlder, C1'3flf'nan, 7:'> amp. SZ>~ t,fberty 8-~2. 18tlc 9. 9 Kl 3.17201. Wl:DOJ:'\.VOOD rae ran.-.. $41) Ll 8-7t32. l{k- REFRlO!:R.A.TOR apt . .-1u , ~ cu. ft XlnL cond. MO. Rhevn watn 90ften.r. !'\early nrw. LJ 8 ... 980. 19p21 l I CUBIC FOOT M. W. two door ntfrlgM'Ator In &ood c:ondJuon •~ -452 Mendosa Ter~. Corona del Mu, Harbor 03M·R. l7pUI . 19M HOTPOINT retncentor. Bl& 12 cu. fL two-door, automatic tSefr01Un1 . lllll"lvee In door. Jt'a new but pd. dn. to 12118. from I~. Cuh or pey the r ymt..s. of 113.26 per mo. W l L!, CA:-: vnur chtcl<en meal & t11h. ALSO f>tJUPll .t. MtWll Klmb<rly :!·lil.\. H cJ9 AC0t.:5TICO:'\ HEARJXG AIDE. model A·l20. Hand v1bretor. con· vmle11(rnt w&lkrr, 8.dJustable ho!plt&l typ' Bert A 2 bathnn. 11'&1 hl'llt<'r~ Pru t<l reaeon1ble lor l')l•lck H I.-808 Seawa rd Rd . C"0Nln11 tlPJ M11r. J7c:19 Bau&hn• A 6 8 Warehoute, 220 8. Ma.In. Sant& An.a Open 9 -9 KI 3-7201. DEPE!'o:DA BLE eemt·rrUrtd ro1tp· le Exu-llenl local re.Jert'nce11, dr- s1re pennanent po•itlnn u cart· tnktr11 nC home nr apt 1n exr h.. fr>r apt. cl ntary. Write Box B-38 thl~ rnpt"r. 17p19 Yard Maintenance EXPERIE>'C-ED GARDE':\""ER CLEAN hU'l(J rrorhrted round rag rugft. Room "tu 329 E. I Sith, C"Oi!ta MeM. l7c:l 8 Washing Machine SmRVJCE 1-yur (U&.r&Jll ff on Jobe 4on• and on \lied wuhen 24811 ~ ( t Ml'I Newport 81 . OoelA M--. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty S.W7. 64Uc C-1111 l.J 8·Ml8. Ir nr1 answer HENK! SKI BOOTS rall U 8-2100 l7p19 :-0:£\\', worn onrr. $3~. M 8 Be&· 19M NORGE waah,r , autom&Uc push button, bl& tub, artt.ator. oYUflow r1nse. Ueed 2 weeks. Pd. dn. to UM.IM. No dn. pym t., JUlt ?91 u.. pymta. o! 18.M per mo. WASHING 11.Dd trontnr llone a: h1>me. \\'Ill call for It tlellv.•r u 8-11482. 18p20 Alterations REST'Yt.D\Q Kim of California 212 Mann@ Harbor 3'81 Balbna lsl&nt1 l llp30H I 29-Belp Wanted OOOD SA Lf:S;:\{A." "'Ult.6d, In t11· ta.blianlld otfk t -I Call BOB JONES, H&rbor 2313 I 17cJ9 ward Road. Coron11 d .. I Mar Harbnr 0432-W. l8cJ8 f l.A "iHOlJSE 8 " 10 1"9dwood, with floor. g la&1 w\ndotva, hlng - . cd door , euUy movrd. $7!5. WeU con.•tn1cted. Har. -184 [)-J. l8tlc S« Ba\l6h Da A. It I WatthoUM. 220 8. Main, Sant.a Ana Open 9. 9 Kl 3-7201. The More You TELL , the more you SELL! SomeUmet -· ArfJ ... ed ~' do ~ ... low • U-for a ""4lmum dlaau""d ad!" w~ be1fe,·e oDft of the ...._.. N.-...-- rlUlllft~ Mitt a"' r.oatomarllJ aocoeMfld I• .,._ cao..~ "·e eJICOU,.,e U.. !Mlvenuer to a:1ft com- plete latonnaUoQ lD la1I 94. "r 11e a f ~ lldJedh'ee • • • ••& n plldt • • • ( SALE FLOOR SAMPLES 10 Piece Set Rattan, Wrought lron, :0:w Xn. :\h11n. Santa An& See Baldwin Piano & Orga n Display WOODWORTH P IA.NU CO. lJ 18 c ·011.at Blw1 , <.:oruna dtl t.iu 1 I h11d.-n lnt~rlur Blcta I Hn.r :i:1e1 1'16 tic Haus ken Motors, Inc. J !l32 li11rlYlr l31vtl , C"l".l•lA M11~a Phone Llberty 8-50tll 141 II\ llHft lft"DSON Com II.• dnl'll' tiNlan, rtuilo, hr\llt.er. new M'flt 1·11w r11. full prlr" only f l I t U Transportauon Cllra nf AJI Kmdtl Mod<'rn AIRFOAM CUSHIONS ~I' I '\ ~.:T Pl ~"0 Lovely lone a.nd w .. e 'nly !38~·. Tl'rma Other Rioh Hahn Is Garage wondtr(uJ har1ta1n~ in I rntal rt'· turn,, ~ra.dt. in on ors ana. ttr • 2lllh cl ~~'4'pcirt Harbor 4 •2~ Si.v• nil mt rely ellc htly 1teratch· :'\ew1•urt 8eaUI ZIPPER COVERS ed In t1hlpn t.nt 19;,.1 MOHR!~ 1 • •nvr-r-t1-bl-e-. _o_n_• 1-Magulne Table .... _,_ $2USO DAX Z·3C.:H~UDT 3 "' BG d l ·Arm Chair -------$72.50 520 ::.. ~1.1111 bantA An11 1-0ttoman . ·····-~---· S::?6.50 LO\ ELY L.eJ•er 11pinr~ piano ln l·Coffce Tat le ···--·· S21.50 fln1• cor.oiuun. H 95. T• rm11. ,~,o 2 I down & $18 rnnnt-h. ·End Tablea .. ·-···-··-S45.00 SH.A FEI ~ s ~tw1r co. 1s1nc .. 19071 1.1wn1 r. l.,.J m11~"' l t" uc· t1un. Haus ken Motors, Inc. 1932 llub••r filv•t, (.~081..4 1'\llo'Ul P)'lone I Jt>rrtv 8-M."JI. U rlt 1-Corncr Table ·---·-· S29 95 •21 ~:.1 :-.:. Syu .. mtirP s .. nlA Ana J.Piece Scct:onaJ --·· Sl69.9:> 1·1i nr hlm brrly 2-0672 4J-Auto t.>t-n_•Nlf' _____ _ __ , Regular P n ce ·--·--$386.90 Practice Piano 875. 3AVE · ·-------·-··· $96.90 GOOD c;u:-o:D. :,12 St"award H<1•d SPECIAL ·-···----···· !290.00 2 o :-.:LY Spln•t tvpe. upr1,ht r••· The Ll.ghthouse noa in J>f'rf Prt ""nr1'tton 1 m11ple & l !Jlrmdr l • r rt:~ $HI down, 515 I::. BaJboa. Blvd .. Balboa SJ.I Jlf'r mn Bl AHAIT.R ~ M •~II'(°() fl'1n•,. l90i) Harbor 1607 17cl 0 121-na . • Syr nmt>ir s11nt11 Ann 1-'~ ... nr Klm™'rlv 2-0'!72 DROP LEAF Ilg' ht m&.hQgany d in· lnr table • • roun" "'1ckcr chr' 4~Aatot for Sale 160 . 8 rl'Akf1111t 11tt $10. -------·-·· ---- Liberty 8-6S-0'7 17, 19 ,MC1V1:'\r: rr.u~t aeil 1h11 week ! 801' A 6 CHAIR $65. or but o! fer. Occulonal lAblc Si. Fnl•l· tnr 11trel cut. new S 1 ~. 1 v .2 1.11 k s11r • r w v1..rA Jyn11 · rlvw R &. H T1111 ed gl9113. LICt· $11111r I t 11 • • v .. 1 ,. "''on rn r On,. uwn1 r SH~~. liar •64v-J. 111<'2 1 Motor Overhaul NO MONE Y DO WN * with this ad * 8 Cyls. 8 CyU.. ____ $48.88 ---S51:S.88 Int IUcJ•. OOth labOr and part.. New nni;•. wr 1at p1111, valve c nna, r1u 1ng1 ut inu in Md rod b('ar111g1 £xpert rnol.01 tW•e up. IXl·Cl•Y ot 4.000 mile iuuant.e.. (NU MuNEY UU\\ ~ 1. R l!:BU ILT ENGINES -UI lu to MU1 '1111:> Iv l 'AT- Bu11t 1n loUr o••n f11cl•1ry lly "kllltd n111A./\.rual11 l.11111 L 1:11t1Ll n•l "''ltA the tT11'1t11e m1111 Buy dtr .. ct 208 Fairway Pla.oe. C•Jst a :\tesa l 7pll! BY O\\'XF:H 1:• •'1 Bu1rk ~r,,rl11I. REBUILT and INSTALLED ~~~~~~~~~~~ P'REEZICR, deep t~ezr, lt'1 the big 13 ·,. <'\I fL color lptcr,Qr, holda 620 lb!i food lt'I' brnn•I new • It • M'laily a buy Pd. d1. to 1248 32 from 1460 Cu b or P9Y the pymta. ot U l 31 per mo See Baur hns A • s Wanhousr 220 8. Ma1n, S&nta An.a Open •• ~ Kl 3-7Z01 <.'On\' 71•1() acl1.1..U m1lea. !::very· SHUltT BUX'K 111 ng bu• •lei lric unit,, $2790 •·uR.t> _ ... _. _. ---· l l21i ~II ll 1, I •• n• v :!o,'l; ~ ~lain. 1 llL noLET . ----I H • ~.J ~t'1 AM. 19pZl 1'1...Y.M Ir 1.XJl><;f:; ·---· SI ,, C,\l.;lLL.AL.. :,1.i;:,i blark • <lt>or, ..,•, Ir!" w1mlc11o.11 & ar8'' f'U \· 1r•1 '"•l r1•Y•1• \\'S\\, nrw car ,. r :1:.1.r l l'•!I:. Jlub"r w:a J 7c Ill l ~•:i:l t:AIJll...1..\C 6J i llr -ed:ut • 'l'H \';, a LIE 81J1'0 __ i , ;o 1 UlJl:.liAKEP ---11 ilJ I 1LlJS a l'UNTlAC t ---• 1 iO IH'lCk .. -. .!It ~ lll 'IJl)1•N $11~ Loan car ,..,ttt Towtn1 COMPLETJil baby equip A maple I;,..,,. tha.n 16.000 ml. ;:\L•k t c.r:rr. :-;..:w CAR GARA~TF.F' Rl!:AL ESTATE SAU!:SMA.X I!\ well lnr&ted oCtlct. Prt!ilr 1nme· one 'lll'IU\ knowll'dge ot Harbor area. "'rite boll 040, \hi& rap ... _r l 7c19 -~~~~~~~~~~~~' .. State pr1ee • • • .. ·Glve 1-UO. • • • "llle.hadfl ..._ ........ ,.._ .. I col'fff table. MIJIC.. tv 1n11. Har. 116 \'1• ltha<&. U d11 h i• ~"" ~. 19c21 Sunday only 1!•'24 BIO< II m u.t n1t!rl our l't&.nrJ1u 1.i. Plu• LUI!~. gull .. 1.11 t.nCI 011 Open H11nd•Y I ll • m to 2 p.m.. DESIRE middle &&'ed liedy nr J*!· I We .aw_,.. .nt.e. ~ 11M ,,...,. alonv to cook tor •ml-lnY1Llid "'l1le Mon ,_ TELL, tile .aft 1M SELi.:°' lady. In u:ch~ for comfOI'· 8e .._ '°" ~ ~ ~ ..t. Ifft \able horn.. board • mw.t all .... lafen=·etee ,_ ...... wUI ~ ..,..._ 8-. tMT•W, 19p21 I ......... Ga YOt.~G )f~" tor 1toc:k wnrk -U 1"9 ... ..., .. "1ttalts,..... ed. ... H&rbbr Paint Cenw, •U 3tnd • CALL BAaao& 1111 ... _.. 111!r *-AD-TUES. I t.. Newpoi-L lk.21 1 a::icx::x:icx:x;ia:x:x:::ia:x:s::ICl:X:ICl:X:ICICICE:ICIC:&:ICIC:&:IClll:~Clll::ICdJ \. l8e6 PHJLCO "'1r1J., b1f two-doer Ill~ CHEVHOLET B•I Arre, OOn\• automatic defl"Olt. ahtJve1 In I hydra .. radl? 6 htr W . W. tube· door. two v er . crlapera, adJuAa· lt H tlrea. 1~96. terma. LJberty ble &ht.Ina. evvythlnJ . Pd. dn. &-121t. lllc2i to 1294 '71. ~o r &&b dn., j'uat p&7 tll• pyrnta. of 11~. per mo. 1 19af CHrV. model 210 RltH. 7eoo !\ff B80'1Ull A It S Wa.rthOUM. mllu . 2 t.onl\, 3 dr. $18r1(J Har· 220 " Main, Santa Ana Open bor 1~38-W betweu I • I p..in. ••• Kl 11-7201. 17oli BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 0 P"1l Dally II to 7 Stat. Bond .. NE\V LOCATION 310 E ast 3rd St. LUC°TA AMA ,, PAGE 6 ·PART It -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 '8-Apta. !_!lo08el for Reid 1$1,500 DOWN l \ v v Check these Used Cars Buy tn>m a local dealer ~o will be here TOMORROW to back up what b• Mil• TODAY! WHAT IS MY CAR WORTH1 Its worth more th111 you think at Lou Reed & Associates Olryaler • Plymouth Dealer lr9 emu aatural for the •verace car owner to be thor· .upty ccbfueed about the value of hla automobile. He llCU1ll the uud car a4a dally, but Hnde that the adver· URd pric .. for hi• car vary by $300 to $40-0 .. He drlvea from one d .. ler to another and dlacover• their ueed car Iota jammed with care for aale, many Juet like the car ha owna, and eYerywhere he' 1eta the aarne Hd •tory about uHd can not ee1Un1. hla car not belJ\& worth what h• bellrvea, In fact a thouaand and one J1torlee that pro- J>OM to 11reak down hi• morale. Not IO at LOU R~ED II A880CIA TES. Our Used Car Lot is almost empty ! At the moment thla ad la beln1 written, we have only JO poet war ueed c.ars on our lot. Come out and count them. Comeq,uenUy -- - ·WE NEED USED CARS NOBODY CAN OFFER MORE! • Be aure to bring your title! • Bring along the family, too! • We deal so we'll aurpriae you! LOU REED & As,ociates CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH DEALER .:J23 W. c.out Hwy. -NEW CAR SHO\', .'')JM 1200 W. Cout Hwy, -USED CAR LOT Phone Harbor 4070 MOVING DAY SPECIALS NOW -We Moved Our USED CAR LOT To ••our New Building Site," 1200 West Coast Highway, acrou from the Balboa Bay Club l~ CHRYSLER New Yorker Newport De- luxe. Fully equipped, wire wheela, R & H, Torque Drive, power Ateering, only . .. . . $2495 l~ CHRYSLER Windaor Club Cpe. Light green, radio, power steering. An excel- lent buy, for . . ..... $1695 1950 DeSOTO Sport.aman, Radio, heater, light beige, WSW tiret, only ···-·······-·········--··--$ 995 LOU REED & Associates CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER '323 W. Coa.st Hwy. -NEW CAR SHOWitCOM 1200 W. Cout Hwy. -USED CAR LOT Phone Hubor 4070 to-Aaioa and rruaa I ~-~!-'I~ '° Re1..1t '61 M'EJ\C club cou~. 1100. 3~1 WANT TO RENT A HOUSE Cout KJpway. Corona del Mar UNFURN. Ruponaibl.e am. Cam· at Kay F'lnch c .. r.ml<"•· ).el< for lly aeek• nmta l of 3 or 4 bdrm. o.o,.e. 18c20 houee. Will le&lle If prier iruf· lHI PONTIAC a t'Onvert. coupe ftadlo. htr, Hydra. w a.w. tlru Clclently atlracll:ve. Wnte Box A·J7. l hla paper. . l 7pl9 one 0 ""1tr S:\9!'.i WANT TO RENT 2 b<lrm, turn. or H unt um. houee or apt No chil· ausken Motors, Inc. I dren or pet.ii. Nf'ed g-arage. 1132 Harbor Blvd .. Co3tt. Mua I Ph. ~rty 8-4371. 17pUI P!1<me LJ~rty 1-llOM. Helf! '8--Apta. A Hou1e9 '52 Singer Sport Car --B--l·b· ·-1-1---d- oNE OW:-IER. MOO mllr~ $89!'.i.1 a 0c9 S an · H k M Cholca yevly and 11Ummer rent.&Ja. &US en otors, Inc, now avaJlable. lt31 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu DORlS BRAY. Realtor Piton• l.Jberty 1·6001 14cl8 :ne Martne .Ave .. Balbo& I.aland UAU'l'11'tJL Eutern built 30·ft. bouee trailer. Cab&.na, W1lh prlv. bath. Oralla• Cout Tnuler Pk. 1... Wlllttl.r. Lot •. c. Mel& 17p2.2 Rent&la Wanted We ...S ape. aacl i.o.a... ta al .eUGm Im ~ ""8W UUI ,_,.. • ..._ hnL or Wll\lnL U ,_ ba•e 'a YaCUq, ..... today The Vogel Co. .. W. C.. BW"J .. Newport 8dL .... ~ 14.at IOI Kanae,. ~ l.aJud ..... Kuti« ... UOl ODut Blway, Oorcna _. Mar l'Mne Banor 17'1 100 Mala Ill., BAJ~ ~ Bara-1'6 ate WANT TO l\ENT one car raniw 1paea la Yidn.lty ol Via 8u RMno. Lido lale. Hat1M>r MTO. 17c19 IUCaPONIJIBLll r.uaLY wanta' H•rbor 20 9:1tlc O.N BALOOA ISLA.ND ea ua ror ,_,17 Uld ,,..aon&I re11\a.la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor lot llartne 4 Ye. Harbor ~ BALBOA laL.UrI> 1tlo Corona del Mar l BllDfUf. "1RN. APT., ~ blk. to lleacb. '76. mo. tJUI , paJd. I Bl:DRM. turn. apt. ~ blk. trom beach. lt:'J. rno, Utll paid. W. E. Fisher, Realtor IOH E. Cout Ky., COrOCI& del Mar Barbor IUS Cboiee Winter Rentala OD Ba.Jboa Ialand It Udo Lale 8maU Ii COSJ or Jars• A delllM ITll to POO moath VOGEL CO. IOI Mar1M A~ Balboa WaM P1L. RU'bor '" cw llar1Klr 1161 RN. B&r. 1718-ftK or LI l..ut'f .. tt.i I BllDROO)( f'UJ\NtlRED DU· IMlnn. homt, tum. or unfum~ PLl:X, Corona del Mar. llOUth nf wlU pay up to I~ mo. for y .. ar·~ Hlway 1100 month Incl. utll, leua, Ph. oxroro 1-111~ llJ'23 , KRa. KAT. Har. a77t·J 6ttc Outstanding YEARLY LEASE CLEAN le MODERN 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX FURNISHED 160-fl to BATHING BEACH BAY VIEW, FROM PORCH 323 ANADE, BALBOA LEASE ...................... $85. Mo. Newport Harbor Realty 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 17c19 Z6·M'. LIVlNG room, 1 bdrm., Ule •tall •hower, with outalde entrance. Bathrm. 18x36. ·Patio A BBQ. Complelt>ly furn. M111t be seen to be' appreciated. Har. 2360-W. ltc21 BAY SHORE PARK BEACH FRONT tum. knotty pine cottage $80. month. March 1 to June 1. $8:1. mo., year lease. Gu A water Incl. Shown by appt. only. -Harbor 4668. J8c20 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna CraJ1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. 8&lboa 131and, Bar. US71 72ttc -18A-Apta. for Rent Charming Harbor Haven Apartment& -Patios NltW • ROOM, atreet level Near pleasant, exclusive. Garbage dla- poaal, lall!ldry. storage· room1, garage, $82.60 up. occuplee en- Ure •treet. Good eupervtalon. Mgr.. 1~01 Haven Place 1 Block South ot High School ALSO FURNL';HED APTS. WINTER RATES 3ttc YEARLY RENTAL-2 bedrm. un- furn .. newly decorated. near Lido Shop1. $6:J. mo. Harbor 6093 or Harbor 0~92. J7p19 F URN. :J BDRM. APT.. I~. to July 1st. ALSO bachelor apl . yearly. • 3706 Channel P lace. Npl laland Harbor 1217-J . J0c21 UPPER 2 bdrm. un1um. apt.. 2 bathe. gar. dlep., •love II retrl1. Auto. washer II dryer avail., car space. U OO mo. uUI Incl. leu e. 308 Eut Balboa Blvd. J7c22 MODERN one bedrm. apl. with car port II priv. patio. R.an1e II refrlg. lnrl. Avail. March 1. lnq. Apt. C-2620 Avon, Npt. Bch. or Harbor 4670-J. I TU RE•SON ABL l pnced, clean 1 A 2 bedrm. turn . apl3. UUJ. pd. Laundry room. PlaygToun d for children. Blue Top Apt.8. 403 Nt>wport Blvd., Nt>wporl Beach. Above the Arc.he1. IOtfc FURN. bacoelor apt., $~ rno. 719 Weal Balboa Blvd. P'or key• and ln!ormauon fke Bay It Beach Realty, 1'160 W. Bl\lboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 1214. ~tic C03TA MESA. nPar golf club. C'Omfortable turnlshrd l bdrm. ouplex. Only $:'>2.80 mo. Phone Kimberl)'. 2-9418. 18c21 CLEAN attractive up1tam1. large l bdrm. apt. A: gar. Stove and ref rig . !urn. Overlooking Santa Ana Cnuntry Club. Arlull3. nn pel.3-$7~. mo. -14~ Mesa Dr .• Uoala M~11a. J 7c19 ,, CLIFF HAVEN -G. I. RESALE Thia attractive 3 bedrm. home ia located on one of the finesratreeta in the Harbor area, OD a 60'xHO' lol You will be amazed at the many fme featurea you'll aee in thia "so easy to buy" home. Call now for an appbintment to Aee. The VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Uberty 8-M81 BALBOA ISLAND Only $4000~0 Two bedroom home, PLUSjtudi pt. Soundly epu- atructed and vecy 1 located. Full price $16,l500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Asaociatea Park at Marine, Balboa Ialand -Harbor M62 60-__ lll_co_m_e_Pro_,.,._e!_'!Y~--60-lacome ~ CHOICE BALBOA INCOME $9't50 Income from 9 unfurnished apt&. on yearly leues -Total price is $76,000 -with only $25,000 down and the balance at 5 7o interest. The building ..,la leu than 2 yra. old and ia located in the best rental district at the beach. See The Vogel Co. _ 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Boat & tackle rental -six 28' ateel hull cruiaen new 1952. CoAt $36,000 all in good ahape le glass rods. reels &: boat franchise -aeaaon atarta now, Steady clientele • established 8 yra. Income $~6.000 small over~ead -ground rent $150 mo. Full price $25,500 terDUI. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-3481. Eve. LI 8-3580 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Beach Concession • $18,200 groaa. Short boun. Leue 10%. Price $8500 terma. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., NpL Bcll. LI 8·3-t81. Eve. Isl 8-3580 6S-8torea It Offlcee ----------------·--- FOR LEASE ATTENTION * * Doctors or Dentists Profeuional quarters now available in Corona del Mar suitable for one or more Doctors or Dentists. Building hu been continuoUsly occupied as medi- cal offices by a successful and promment general practitioner who is now leaving for special research work. The location is definitely one of the best known in the Harbor area. 1''or inspection and lease particulars, &ee or call FRED J. CROSIER & ASSOC. 3530 E. Coa.at Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 3571 488-Houws for Rent BALBOA JM. mo., yrly. un!um. c:ottage. Uvlng rm , dining rm . kitchenette A'. :.i bdrm Hnt New Luxury Medical Center to be constructed. STUDlO apt. Good IOcallon, new. 11howu In wuhroom. Cu 6 Ample private parking, centrally located. ly !urn. Auto wuhPr, t rlevlJ1lon. wa t,.r p<l. l'o pets. Har l924·M. By owner. leaving for eul. Rea· 1 J7c19 11onal>le leue to right party. LJ 8-48G:.I. l9p21 NEW 2 bdrm. hou~e. un!urn. eer· vice porch. Garage. J.'enceJ yd. Reaaonable, lr>60 T\J11Un, C. Mu • Llberty 8·1668. 17c19 tJNFURN. 2 bdrm. home. S8:S. mo. Layout to tenants or~er. For Information, UDO REALTY A88ociatee 3400 Via Lido Har. 44f4 DON·T min this one! sa:, yearly I bdrm. unfurn. duplf'X Bar •t.ool3, rdng. II 11tove. furn. Ocean side of Highway. 607 i,, F,.mlear. corona del Mu . Hu. 829. 19clll 1996 Anaheim, COllta Mua. 15tfc LEASE. 1111.fum. 2 Mrm. 11psta1ra duplex. Nr. but bay .ti: ocean tx-arh. Sun drck. Wiii <lecnnt,.. Harbur 1148-J. l9p21 FURN. STUDIO APTS.. Ocean view UO. mo. utll. pd. Avail. Feb. 27. Lllx-rty 8·182i. l7cl9 1 BDRM. !um. apt.. tlrepl.. con· venlent to •hopping, 410t, Helio- trope. Corona drl Mar. 169. yrly. Aval!. March let. Llbt'rty 8·'834. 17cl9 NICELY FURNISHED, one bdrm. apL on. b1y front. Lido lllle. Yearty rental only. Call HMbor 3082·W. l7p22 BALBOA modern turn. apt.I . '36. mo. A up. UUL pd. ~ daily It weekly ratea. Near hue., atorea A bay. 104 llut. Bay Ave., Balboa Phone Harbor 13H 17tfc llNOLIJ APT. for lady or 1enUe· man U~ mo., uUL p4. Ho pet.e. lnq. la ru.r 18' E. 19UI St.. CO.ta w._ alter 6 p.m. 18tfc BALBOA fUn\. apt&, m . mo. 6 up until Juna. Laundry nn. wtth mac:b1ne. 917 IC. B&lboa Blvd .• Balboa. HarboT 1191. J 8c20 J"OR 1.&ASI:: Small upetahw apt. .AY&JL now; a1ao I -room down- lltaira apt., avaJL Much 16. l'Uhl., S4I per mo. plua aha.re ot util. 317 Conloado, Balboa. Call Liberty 8·1397. 17cl9 NEW 3 bdrm. unfurn. home for •dull ramtly. Only S8~. month: Owner, U 8·:'J2117 evu. l 7c19 NICE 3 bdrm. home untum .. N.E. H cllon, Ii,, bath•. dble, ta~ie. Fenced yd .. 1100. month. l.Jberty 1·&>48. l 7c19 YEAJU:Y LEASE-Lovely Jge. 2 bdrm. apl .. unfurn .. $8!'.i. month. ALSO LARGE.2 bdrm. rum . apt. New It newly ruml11hNI. Car· peted. l blk. to Lido Shop., $100 mo .. yearly. CALL Art Kl1Uer. 2901 Newport Blvd., Ntttport Buch. Har. 622e 17c19 NEWPORT BEACH. 2 bdrm. tum. hOUM .. car.. $70 .. yearly, SM. wlnter .• J:lar. 0839·R after • p.m. · 17c J9 WILL RENT 11rand new I bedi,n. 2 bath, unlUrn. l'lume tn IRVlNll: TER.R.ACJ: at 1100. per moaua wtlb 1 yr. 1-Ca.II Harbcx «U for further dtt&lla. .. Uc THREIC BDR.MB., J ~ bathe, un· tum. modem. 90~• View, on Avocado SL In corona del Mar. Tearl.y on le ... at 1125. month. Call Harbor 1800. J 7ttc ONE BDRM. l\ouae. Uki 11«W; turn. Seo. mo., utll lJa.id. Adult. only 26'3 Orance, Co.ta M•L LI 1-A7M. llc20 BUSINESS OtrFJCE, eacellent k>- catlon -.crou the atreet from Corona del Mar Pbet Ort~. Idul for loan repreaentaUve, contractor, .eam•traa. art or Jewelry bWllne•. UtU. pd. Onl)' a.o. month. CALL Ben Whitman, Har. 1812. Ji:vee. Harbor Hll Ht.tc S OFFICE apacee tor 1-. Ap· pro•. 17'•3!!' each. In Udo Shop- ping-areL :iOO Via Malara. Har: 3327. Jllttc BALBOA ISLAND -lde&I loca- tion on Marine Ave., office or abop. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt . All tor 112:S m o. Har. 2042. llttc NOW LEASING. avalla~e 11uel· nee• ottlce •pacea. Center of Co- rona del Mar. •ultable for CP~ denll•t or t Call at a'2• Cout H9'7. lllfc tl\B-Bomee for Beat WILL LEASE BY TEAR REA· SONABLE. N ew unfurn. front dup&a. 2 bdrma., UvtftS room, kitchen, beth. l&r&&'•· WW MU J 2t ·'9th St., N9WJl01'1. Key. •tone 11_..70. 19c2l NEW ' bdrm~ J ll&UI unJ'unL l9 lonly Newport Ht& 11Ubd-m .• Ule lbowar, rart.. disp .• etc. 1100 mo. OwMr Uberty 1-1717. llc21 or write own.er, HYatt 4-4!!7i NEW S bdrm. antum. bome. I071 Veda L. Martlr("'85 UaUn Ave .. , Monro"" o.t.a N.., Xey8tone I 1-,-wia Beac.h. 1k20 ....... 1hll NCW a Wnn. uhlmlatled J'ree. doa bcme. lee It at '80 .A.nor at.. eo.ta MeeL 170. water pd. CUat. T.-.1 ooUect. ltcJO LAGUNA BEACH CK.ARKINO ArtiaUc 2 br. ~tt&p Ideal IDC.'aUOD OD ~. Hlr& larg-e lot, prlnte pand •trHt. no ltepe, a.chided yet doM ll• buatn .. d.l.tritt, J peUoa otter complete privacy, weU land· ecaped It compiet.ely tum.lahed. room to eN&rce. BM Dr. A.tam. boom at .UIH ISucUtt Drift. So. J.Acuna Sunday 11 to I Get key from Marty Ra7, •)'time Gyp•y 15101 dayw HT U l~ nu. ! Hpll Bay Front incomlt I Umt.-1 la I .._. D-.. tw9· '8bed. Pier. tW.t Ud prt.,... oe.cll. 1000 .. ....... Blwd.. BalbolL CnilltlEW ,... OOur- t.-y to ........ -•auc Eapeclally n&ce •COll'le property In C.orona del :Mar. Owner 1'111 accept 2 or S bdrm. home u part. Prder Corona Hi1hlande or Shore Cliff•. G. H. Lathrop, ~ E. Cat. H•-y .• C. D. M.. Har. 5442 !:Yea Har. Mtl-J . 17cll By Owner- sMALL l bdrm. ~ on Santa Ana Ave. It addltJonal 1 room bld1. on ~ acre. $2950 total price Uberty 8-8"1. 17cJI BACK BAY SANTA ANA HElGBTS REDUCED tor qulclt ale. tttmL 1 acre, fenced, I 1-1-Room for more income. 17 YUieUea of fruit u-.. Har. 1221-J. or Llbt'rty 8-1804. 17cll BY OWNER . bath rarmboll9C!. 11'1.A. C<lllllnit- menL Ph. Harbor 78-J_ 9ttfc 3 BDRM. bOUM, bwd. flc>on, pr. $10,900. 471 Flowtor St., eo.ta ..... Liberty ~. 1k21 MOTOR It: amaU eD,11114 ttpa.ls· men attenuon. A Ute ume opp. to obtaln established buaaneu ror price or a am. lD~tory. 'SH- eon la here, locatJoo 4 put lu· craUve buauieaa utabbabed. Earl Tibl>f't ... at Earl"• l.Andtnc 2827 W . Cout Klgtiway l.Jberty 3-2012. Newport l7clt M-•0.1 .. ~---­ LOANS for Homes 1,.. -IO yr. '-n8 Construciton Loans ail& 808 BA Tn.&R 261~ EA.ST COAST BLVD. Coruoa <kl Nat tl&IDu.t ~ l«p. PULRL£k MOKTGAGE l..~ Metro Ute Ina. F\mda Kl. 1-~J~ '8Uc LUA.~t> lv t:Jl...!L{j. l.JU"RUV£ BUY. i.1Ul>£R..'1;1Z£. OR R.EFlN AJ'lf CE We Buy l'nlat ~ NEWPUR1 BAl..DUA SA VJ:SGS _. WA.1' ASSUClATIUN &HI Via Udo Ph. Har. 42al tic LOANS PROXPI' SERVICE II,,_ flrwt tnnt Clttde 20 yean Orange Coast Properties 18.57 Nn.-purt Ave . t:ona .Me• LI 8-1632, u s~t •OO E\'t't!.. t!IUc WUUl..O like Lo buy l•t &11<1 ~ Truet Deed& Ca.11 Hu. 2326 .S.llr 66-llOMf Waa~---­ FOR SALE-FlTS\ Tntat Deed. local propert)". well w cured $32. · 000 a t eq.. payab~ u~ pt>r mn. Lrberty 9-2~32. l!'.iUc- WANT TO BUY Vacant lot, or parUaJ acre, at lf!Ut 70' front. w · dwp M~l. Asncullural or COmmvcla.J SOii· ln1. P\e~ q110te total pnce. term. and location. Prh••l• par· ty. Write Box T i6 thia paper. u PRIVATE PARTY-Wanta to buy rMldence lot ror C'&ah-Nuet be ctoee ln, Newport. Balboa. are&. five locaUon and partlculan Wrlt.e Boll Q27. UU. paptt. 7pll WANT TO BUY cHOUSEI. Vete.ra.n wuta J or •·bdrm. llw. wblcll la 0 .1. f1na.D«d. or equal· ly tavorabt. moalbly peymeau. Prefer d.l.rect ck&1 wiUI prtnu own.r. -Wrtt. Boll A-37. thla paper. 17pll .. a.care rra,a&) BE CONVINCED I The Be5t 3 Bdrm. Home· in Costa .. Mesa KNOWELL PLACE Open House at 2073 Maplt Street Only a few left Hardwood floora Forttd Air Heat Two Batb11 Plastt-r Walls Sewers, curbs Full size dining room Beaut iful kitchen Two car garage $950 Down Hurry-Going Faat Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1~ Newport Blvd., CoAta Mesa (Acroaa From CostA Meaa Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Evea. Har. 4366-U 8-2103 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See thia beautiful home on Cliff Prive 3 bedrma., 2 batlul, Thermador kitchen, dlAhwuher, garbage disposal. Many other excellent featurea. • 1 yr. old. A real value at $23,950. COSTA MESA ll you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, ;iye ba\•e it. Situated on E&Bt 19th St., Price $12,950 Call Liberty 8-2664. (Eves. Liberty 8-1056)} EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave.. Newport Beach BA YFRONT OR OCEAN FRONT CHARMING Lido bayf ront at a realistic price of S42.50Q. 5 bedf'ooms. 2 baths, and many nice features. No pier and float, but permitted in this area. SMALLER ocean front home on Balboa Peninwla. Only two bedrooms, but priced right at $23,500 including stove and rf'fri~erator. To see either of above listings 9t many others, call or 8<'e LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 80 "SCARCE AS A STRADIVARIUS'' Immaculate 3 bed.rm. 2 bath · 3 stall showers. Ceil- ing higfl fireplace . large 2 car garage • sunny patio -choice location. Should sell over weekend -only $24,750 VOGEL CO. 3:!01 W. Coast Hwy .. Npl . Bch. Liberty 8-3481 PAPA GOT TIRED Wh<'n he was 11a rtly t l1rough rcmodt>lhng this hou~ and he> JUSt quit ! Why can't you fimsh it up 11nd make a llt tlc money? Don't wait tno lonJi( t o f:lf'e thi1t. They'r<' sC'lling fa..,t. 1 ~ ACRE WNF:D R -l Good location. Room for plrnt y mor1· rrntal units. Only S52:l0. SSOO down. CALL Lil;i H MrF'arnm a t Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Balbna Blvd .. Bafboa Har. 3786 or 2517-M VOGEL VALUE WITH A VIEW W e m.-an a bt.>aut iful ocean view. 3 'beclroom1J -bath &.' :', • burned cc1lings & picture view window11. Gor- geous hrirkrd & landscaped patio. At $23,R50 thi11 is pricf'<l to mO\·e real fast . with a new FHA Loan to ht'lp. I The Vogel Co. 3201 w. Coat1t Hwy., N j>l. Be n. Llberty 8-3481 . Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 unilll. new duplex and 5-room house on 2 lot.JI. Choice rental du1tricl. Just 100, fret from ocean. 2 units an furn1shed and rented on yearly basis. Own- er'" homl' available now. Thrtt garages on alley. Pr('S(>nt income can be substantiAlly increucd. $5.000 will handle. FOR fNS".'ECTlON CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bearh. Har. 1013 1 Acre of Ground COSTA MESA BALBOA INCOME wttb tW'O large Jlr1UM>•, now rf'nt· 6 UNIT8-0kter ptVPWty eeatn.l· 1 Ing 2 blk~ rrom 1•11tht>l11 2 B DRM JHJl.'flE, fnm l11btd. O.r .. 111111,. W'>tk 11h11p I ·AC ahlclt.-i h tHUh:t ly toe.. l~ WU. u, beut of Bal· K hool. 2 blka from bat'k b•y boa. UtU. rm. J\Mt reduced to I blk11. tr!lm I it h Sl . I blk IU.&00 tor quJck ea.k. ~ dn from !'\l'wpllrt Av" MllPI •-II °"1Mr' 11aJ11or UN,. T&tlc irotn, PA•t. Wnte Box Z lllS, lhl' 11_._. ........ Esc+np 60-M'. HACH rr..i.ap. Nall• ....._ Tra.dit -&---. Balboa. N..-port unlta, dupla.. Pbon~ Lm ...... AJ1& ._..,._ 19p21 IO LOTS, K1JlpaA. ~ l2 mln. tra1ldftC diltalloe from City Hall .A.a dawn ,..,-ment.. Balbcoa unit. or Newpan. An&. •11211., lAI A.nsaJ-ltp21 paJ>4!r. 11Sr 2 I Ultra modern Bae~ Bay area hom~ -Redwood & gla~I! -2 bedMM. & den. Flag· atone noors. 2 baths. 2 pa· liOll, $25.000. 461 ~t 20th St.., Costa Me.u.. Ll 8· 7148 I 11t1c $1'1r.l)O with TPrm1 The l.,c,cator of Calif. 1 ~· H11rb<,r l:Slvcl, ('(>11.& M8& l.lbPrly IHMt Helt What a View ! ! ! f-u,m lhl11 ATTRM,-IVE BAT A ..-F.. H(JME, t:pal111re It down . r~11lt1rful. 111·t111t1•· wallpa per de- ""r l:">TY.IUUR fi~R-B-QUE, I HEF s nE1.1r;HT s unn y llnr-k,.,I l'l\llo w flh &;rf'enrry an'1 Vtn"9. Uwn11r r<ell1n1. Ql!» W. B•Y Ave. he &11)"Ume. ilcll:ih ·' f v •' n-~-·~ a-........ .._._ ____ -----------··---------------------- VIEW HOME Newport Heights Area (not a leuebold) \ 3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths $23,500. IF A VIEW i.a what you are loolrinc for don't fail to see thia lovely home. It Lt one ~ old, Immacu- late In and out and wita lt'a floor to ceiling win- dows, leading to a veranda, the ocean ~ew Lt via- 1 ble from the minute you enter the front door. Thia extremely livable home col:De9 equipped 'with .a garbage <U.poeal. diahmaater, Thermador range, forced air beat and beautiful new draperiea ud wall to wall carpeting. The owner atatea her view kitchen i. a marvel of etficiency and her home with It'• con.WerabJe view area ia Ideal for entert.aming. R~v Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3)12 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2:552 BALBOA ISLAND Ch.arming 2 bdrm. home on Little Ialand with fire- pla.ce and unit heat with cute 1 bdrm. cottage on rear. Thia property shows dcellent inco1X1e, well fumi.ahed. $25,000. Year-round or exc. rental property i.a th~ 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths, fully carpeted and fumi.abed. Room to build on rear of Jot. BAYSHORES Completely charming 2 bdrm., 2 bath home, all beautifully wood panelled and carpeted, delightful patio and you will want to move right In thia. "\ $28,000. Spa.cloua 3 bdrm. 2 bath home -Large patio and garage. Beautifully carpeted and ahuttera through- out. Everything in a home you will be proud to own. . $27,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor ~2 -Eves. 2306-R BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unite, 2 bdrm.8. each, a REAL buy at $31,500, $10,0C!i down. I No. Bay front modem 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely fumiabed. Asking $45,750 and ONLY $5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely fumiahed and in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, terma. 2 bdrm. furulahed and in good condition, to be eold aa la tor only $17,9~ and ret tbia; $12."50 down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Harbor 444 (Eves. Harbor 1786-R) Don't Let Your Wife See This! Charming, modern BEAOON BAY home .•• SHE'LL WANT JT! A anap to clean, heaps of ward· robes & closets & loaded with bwlt·ins! There's a eeparate eewing Ir laundry rdom ... A dream kit- chen with a PANTRY, Thermador range and oven, F ormica count.era. A lovely living room with huge flagstone !irepla.ce : a sunny patio; wonderful mas- ter bedroom suite, a d~n for you. guest room le powder room. 2 more gay bedrooms ups!.aira each with lta own lavatory and ANOTHER bath. Your children are safe \n Beacon Bay! And you'll all en- joy lhf wide, private aandy beacll ball-a-block away with a pier to lle your ''put-put" to. Thia 4 bedroom. 3 bath home la PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY at $33,500. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine, Balboa Iala.nd Harbor 4781 CORONA DEL MAR Home with income, thia bu character 11ticking out all over. Color. color, color throughout. Ir you want a amall home with a rental to help, eee thla excluaive $13,600. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Here is that hard to find 3 br., In the right price bracket. plus a G.I. loa.n with everything included ln the payments. Plenty of yard apace, near ecboola. $16,200. RAY REALTY CO. (ACJ\OSS FROM THE BANK) 3H4 E. Cout Blvd , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY !or aale wtth & Multiple Lifting Broker. Did you know t.h.i.a immedJately put.I 200 experta to work on your property! ALSO, for your protection. alW&yw buy thru a ''Realtor.'' Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport 8e&cb a_-_a._ea1_m._11e11_....;.,. ______ n-_•_eei1 __ ,.. __ .. ____ a a.a ...._.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE·,_ MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1955 NEW & MODERN BEITER LIVING BIOOlllT llAUIOA JSL.'1\'D Ya1. la comfortable llYinc ID wd planned I br. boaie. WiUI com pletely ~td apL OYH 4bl prac•. Load8 of wardrobe spec.e. lh.anny paUo. wall td' ..all C&.~t, fUnl&ce beat and nrepL If lookinc ln the $2~.ooo to 530. • 000 ranee. be .ure to -thia i.>me and 1nco1n .. Contact Hub Powen- J. A BEEK, Realtor Harbor S3 603 Park Ave Balboa l.aland Lido Bay Front 5 Bl!:DROOM 1JU~rior l~1on. Lowest pnccd one &\'&.!able Only $42,SOO. Balboa Island 4 BEDRM. HOME. pier. float Sacrifice now at $33,7!IO. Chahnel Front SEVERAL CHOICE BUYS, 6 duplexes. • homes. Now Ill the time-buy belo" •prtng ralu In prices.. Business bldg income CORNER atore 'bide. A 2 apart· menl.ll. All nnttd. hlch percent ace Income. Thl8 la a aluper N. B. C. REAL TY 3%nd A Newport Blvd~ NpL Bc.-b Phoae Harbor H~. Corona del ... Mar 2 bednn l'\LIUC type home wtlJI fireplace. Double ran«•· fled. wood fenced on lkgonf.a. J ~ bUta. above C&maUon. Low c1n. l:uy financing. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN Wonderful home for children. Be&aut\al 3 B.R. bome with big rumpua Ir hobby room. Lovely encloeed yard. At $19,950 uJdnc-price. NOT LEASEHOLD;· $5000 will handle. Shown by appt. only. For Eve. Information, LYTLE LI S..2M2. OO&"TA ~ -~ GOLF COURSE HOME A INCOME. 2 Hou.ea on lovely Y2 acre. ldeal for growing children in uf e big yard. 2 B.R. Ir Den home Ir 2 B.R. home. BU8 at door. $4800 dn. A $72.~ mo. Mu.t aee lnaide to appreciate. For Eve. lnformatl®, LYTLE, LI S..2M2. .. ' . M-1 CENTER OF TOWN BUSINESS & INCOME. Big 3 B.R. home on Sfi acre . i5 ft. on Superior. Room for ahope Ir bulldingw. 1'Ua ia a choice manuf. site A will lncreue ln value. $12,- 1, 900 Y(ith liberal terms. For EYe. information, PETITl'E, LI 8-5487. . I CO&"TA MESA-WALKING DISTANCE DOWNTOWN Nea.t 2 B.R., hwd flrs., sewer, curba & paving on Roche.tu. Owner aacrif. at $9995. with only $l:SOO dn., or trade comparable in G~e. lt'a new and nice. For Eve. information, PETITTE, LI 8-5487:' BALBOA ISLAND MONEY. MAKER BUSINESS & INCOME on waterfront near ferry landing. Large, fully equipped Hamburger &: Food stand. Paddle Board Rentals & 3 fum. Apts. Room & plans for additional store & apt. expansion. Gro88- ed over $12,000 in 3 mo's. operation. Can be doubled See thia before Easter Week & get a full aeaaon. SM.000 with approx. ~:1 ~ For Eve. information, SEYMOUR, Har. 5298-W. GOOD close in comer Jot Mxl.37 • East side $2250 cash HOUSTON REALTY & Associates 509 Center St., Costa Meaa.. Liberty 8-.6911 v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. DUPLEX -HOME & INCOME Cute one bdrm. home, newly decorated. Nice patio .. fenced yard, plus immaculate studio apt., complete- ly furnished, close to rnarketa & only $13,500. G. I. Loan. 2. $1000. DOWN· Buya thi.a 2 bdrm. home, dbl garage. fenced yard. Total price $11,500. Only $1000 down. Garage built for apt. above. TRIPLEX I ,_, th 3. $3000. DOWN w th •teady nn ...... lncome at wUI make the peymeotJL Cle»e Buys thn 2, bdrm. home ptus dbl. garage. Brick to the beach. Reuonably prtc:ed. patio, fenced. Butlt on rear of 50' lot. Choice loca- Lovely 3 br. home In 8bore currs.. Xearinc comple-uoo. Chance lo still pick colon. Wondufl.al view. Two tinplaceL 2 bath& Reaeoruably priced. CaU Mr. PatU8011. w ith- W. E. Rsher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES J034 Eut Oout a1,11wa7 Corona del Kar Phone Harllor 2HS ~Interested in Something Different HF.RE IS A TRUl.Y )IODE:R..~ 2 bdnn. home Ulal 15 mo•~ un· u~1•I In duign. It fe•lU~• rom~ plywood l.n.lldt' a.nd out. h11~ a lari;e roof overballg, anJ a black kitchen •1th le.'ltMr up- hol~l~l"'li br~akfast ~r Hu J 1nlng lable. IMult Into wall. F1&4fSl.onf' flrepla«. l'\lC'e pal.JO, dblt. ~arage. Fmttd yard. $11,500 full price Mt.'L TIPLE LlSTl~O Phil Sullivan & George Everson l~ Nnrport Bl...S... ea.la Mesa ( acrou from eo.ta Mna Bank 1 Pilon• LI 1-4761 Eve.a, Ha.r. ~ Liberty 8-2103 OOSTA MESA 2 ac. Baclr Ba7 wtlh rent.al.e •.. -· --··--· 114 .oro 1 ac. chkbo ranch. rtllly equipped ---·· .M0.000 BAYSHORFS Ruatlc I bdrm l batb .... 123.500 Cu~ 2 bdrm. • gue1t rm '21.~ Xlnt eor. on H&rbor uo I( sto . ·--.. --1~.ooo &o ll .ao on C.C.. K'WJ. -'21.000 Claire Van Hom REALTOR r.s 1 W. Cout BWJ. LI "4177 OWNER ..utnc lncMkn • bdrm .. 2 ba lb bome at top of Corona del Kar. JCortPCe peJtnc flam. 1u. apt.. auto. d1ll'I W"&AMr. tio~ in Corona del Mar. Room to build another home fn front of lot. See thi. now for a good buy. EXCLUSIVE wmI US PRICE T. McCUISTION J.fULTJPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del .Mar Bank) CHINA COVE Exciting View of Harbor Entrance 50 YARDS FROM BE ACH. Attractive mod. home deRignt>d for week-end fun or year-round comfort. 2 bdrms., den. unfinished guest room. Sun deck, bobby shop, l ' :.t tiled bath.a, colored fixture.a, mir- ror doors. 2-car garage. Delightful kitchen, di.apoaal, dishmaster. Colo~ range hu double oven; double broiler: Serv<'J. Cove linoleum, Formica, ventilating fan, &i.lent switches, central gravity heat wilh lher· most.al. Urtique disappearing bar. Completely and nicely furnished. Jn this SUPERB location, truly an unusual vatue at $28,500. KE."'\'S at 2M7 East Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor LOVELY 2 bedrm. home 1 :! blk. off Balboa Blvd., only 3 yra. old. Fireplace, garage. Out.et.anding value. $2500 handles. Full price $11,~. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1521 W. Balboa Blvd. with outatanding view Nearly new 3 bd.nn. home, $5000 handia! A Steal on Alvarado Place! 2 bdrm. home, beautifully fum.iabed, only 2 yrs. old. Full price $15,7~. $37~ down, Balance SlOO month. RED HOTI ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. '5228 WUIWI« ma.cb1ne. MW et.oft. ,..._ ---------------------trtc .• drape1 A ac>or CO?StnC11 lllduded. ~ bunt lM. Iota of nom for lr.1d&. Walldq dlatanre t. ICllaoL S2S.CIOO. Mu. 2:M>l-M. 1Ttlc NEWPORT BEiaHTS -l bdrm. .. den bome.. £xtt.1. loc&Uon. 1 yr. NS. H.u I bath&. tlrep&are. Mlec:t oallt noon, A l"Callt. alid. lq sl&u dooD. la.rge awiabln)' kJlclMD. la.rs• ~lL 100 Jda. w to W e&rpeUllK. llt.:500 CU ~ rBA t\nanttd. Elton Bernett, Rf'"-'tnr. Ll a.-:r;a; or "'"· Lr ltc32B OPEN DAil Y 1-5 1201 Cliff Drive, Newport Heights 3 bedr1&om, 2 bath, home The Vogel Co. , 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Dividend Paying REAL ESTATE OORO~A DEL MAR LUXURY DUPLEX <South of Highway) •ludlo 2 bdnn. apt.a. M&lllmum pnYM:y for home and lncom•. OR can be • bdnn., 2 bath home. View. Owner MAY· Inc. Quick aale price, · $23~. ALSO TWIN DUPLEXES 4 UNITS. 2 bednna. eacll. Hdwd. floor.. tlreplace. O.race. Sched. arou $3:WO. ()v.•ntr n y• "SELL" $27,000 tor both! CLIFF HAVEN TWO SPACIOUS 2 bedrm. unlta. Quiet atl'fft. Ont aide now avail· able rtrat time tor owner. Live RENT FREE. Income u:ceeda low FHA payment. $74.~3 mo. Full prtce $19,000. Low down. Muriel M. Pino\>er REALTOR 260~ Newport Blvd., N ewport Bch. Free Parking Harbor f 610 18c20 "C" THOMAS ..• "C" THOMA~ BA YSHORES-Custom built Ber· muda Ranch •lyle home. 3 lgt>. btlrms., 2 baths. PRIZE winning LIDO ISLE BAY Jl'RONT-Pier Ir allp. Only l yr. old. 3 bedrma .. a batha, •lee. kit., built-in di.ahwuber, garbage dla- ~I. W to W carpet.a, drapee 6 new ~ Century motorboat inc. in price. This la a honey! Price $70,000. BALBOA BAY COVES . Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier & slip privileges. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm., 1 ~~ bath, lot.a of tile. Parquf't fll'll., dbl. gar., F. A. heat. Now ia the time to buy for next summer or yearly occupancy. A real value at this price. $26,250 J NEWPORT Duplex furnished -good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport &ach Har. 1013 kitchen. t.lm. rm. plua bar. rats· --------------------- and hearth l1teplact , entry hall, many extra&. Priced at 138.2~. LIDO lSI.E-Oui..tan<llng Value! 3 bdrms .. nimpua rm. 10"28, llv. rm. 02 12 rt .. aL to at. cor. lot. PLu S 15x.37'2 ft. Anthony built swim. pool. Only 2 '~ yr11 old. ASKlNO PRICE $42.~00. LOTS • LOTS • LOTS • LOTS Kine• Rd., so ft., View ·-$6~00. Kings Rd., 70 ft., View -····· ~2!IO. NpL JitJL 00 ft ....... ·-·-····· . $3800. Lido J11le, •~ ft .......... 113.~00. Coron& del Mar. So. or Hi&hway. e!SllllS, zoned R-2. tem1e, $6MO. 'C" THOMAS Rl!:ALTOR 22' W. Coast Hlway. i"pL Bch. Liberty 8-~~2T "C" THO\{AS •.. "C" THOMAS Look This Over! 4 FUR?'USHED UNITS. Income can be $2~. mo. Be11t rent.al location, near Newport Pier. $19,000 -Terms 2 BR. FURN. BEACH COTI'AGE. near thl• oftlcr. $5750 -Terms TO CE"J' P ROMPT A~ON whrn 1wll1ng your prdl~rty, list with ui•. Ask ror Hua.Id a. Splet1. OR Homer E. Shafer RF.Al.TOR 100 Mr F111Mr:1 PIAl'f' "At the Newport Ple.r" Har. H O E vca. H&r. 1137·:\f Newport Heights $10.500 -···········-···-· Furnished Small do.vn ··-··· $69· M,o SUNNY 2 bedroom modem home. be&uUfUlly decorated. In It ouL Hu hdwd. floor•. 1016 beol1m .. pleuln1r llv1nlf room. rtr1rlt>nt kite.hen, auto. h"At. The gTOUndt 11r1· nicely lancUc.aped and ff'nC· i!c.I, Lhe aurrvundtnc homu ex· Since 1935 Way back In 1935, p. a. palmer incorporated wu here on Lido Isle. We are the developera, and tiave specialized in Lido lsle aalea and rentals ever since. We have worked for 'Lido ale continuou.aly, and loved every minute of It. Because of this unbroken specialization throughout the years, we know the property, its worth and lt.a limitations. We are thankful that we 'live here, and know most of the Lido Iale ownen feel the aame way. Considering everything, there ia.n't a finer place to make your home. We have a number of good buys in Jota, homea and Income property. We also have a few good rentala by the year or for the summer. We do not handle Easter Week rentala. p. a. palmer, ir1c. I rue hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido harbor 1500 Corona del Mar VOGEL VALUES 2 Bedroom Residence & 1 Bedroom Apt. Ideally . located nl'ar shopping ln a quiet neighbor- hood with the finest surroundings. Fireplace, FA heating,.drapes & W to W carp<'lins. All one story. Ideal for couple who have responsibility of elderly pa.rent.a or 1''ho want income. Owner anxiou.a, mu.et aeJ1 ~ thia today. AND The ¥ost for the Least 2 bedroom!'I. sc;i. dinin~ rm., Jge. J!ving room. Tl sets nt the back of the lot with plenty of room In front for another ho111tl'. Range, retrit. Ir auto. washer includrd in total price of $8900 and ONLY $1300 down. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. CoHt Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 reptlonlllly l'(IOd. Thill l1 tht' but A PHONE CALL ~IJY In Ulr Height!!.. • oy& ~is=~ Jr. and we will show you one of the better built m 2 Nt'WpOrt Btvd., Newport nch.. and designed homes -- HH'bor 2562. Beautiful Cliff Haven Nearing Completion 3 bednn.s, 2 batha, view. gbted ~ pool ln patio any built-ins. Choose your own colors and finh~hea. Priced to aell. $34,500 Waldron Realty 108 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 0234 Leaving State I UNIT COURT ln ea.ta MNL Ellcellmt Income. Small down payment baadlH. ALSO OCEAN FRONT RE8TAU· RANT In Newport s.&ch. llH· aon Jult 11t.arttnr. Good money makt'r. ON LIDO ISLE The large living room with lta fireplace i. very attractive. A Youngstown kitchen wlll delight the lady of the house. Three lovely bdrms.1 2 tUc l>ath11, dining area, forced air heating. patio, dbl. gara,ee. S8500 will handle. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Nev.'}>Ort Beach Hu. 5188 SPECIALS for today -GOOD ONES I 6 bedrooms, 2 batlUI, dbl. garage, large fenced yard. Choice location, fully furnlabed. $29,7:w>. '-·' Beautiful 2-itory Colon1al. 3 bedrooma, 3 bath&. Patio -$28,500. Choice Bay Front lot.a on PentMulL DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20-0ffice & Residence Nona Hytr Chet SalJ.bUl'J' 216 Marine Ave., Balboa bland CALL LJbertJ J.SUS, owner. ---------------------llc.2411 CORONA D&L 1UR. Oc.u Ylew • unite tum. 1-4 B. R., 2 ba,. 1·2 8. R .. 2·1 B. R. lrtra Ira. IJ.,., nn. O&rb. ~-I pr. Nice patio, -dec:lt, nr. be>&. Potenu.J tnc. '3000. $ll.000 Will b.udle. coo· tact owner, 00 A90C&da Har- bor 0102. 10c22 OORON A RJOHl Alf'D LO'IW - Cholc. 8tt. A ..U.W. OIJl ll.aJ1liw 2IJI I Mtlc LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT SPANISH harlenda on the wlltt>T, ~ bedrmR., pin and float privilf'geti. Needs aome remodeling. Only$42.~ We have the key, The Vogel Co. 3201 W. c.out HWJ., Newport Beach LI S..Mll • •' . · I "4 • , • . ' ' . . PA6E a •. PART 11-NEWPORT HAlllOll NEWS-PRESS IMD~•~_,~ .... ~~1e!-__ _.:..~~a~•!!!ee1~~ ..... !!~ .. !-----• ..., r.w. MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1915 a.,. ...... a Btalr.eate .......... THE GREAT ORANGE COAST "WORTH READING AND BlCEDING" A-Commerdal IM' froatap, Newport Bnd. don lOl'JL -toot, term&. • B-Manulacturinr. Placentia juft North 19th. 12'7 front. •10. toot. C-Remdmtl&l -~1 rt8tricUoa. ~ street, eo- froat. miso. D-tO x 300 Harbor Bhd. Bulila-ICllled. $12,fSOO, 112 euh. .. &-ee s 330 - 2 bdrm. Rancho. 2UU prap. Needa paint. $7~, terma. F-New S bdrm., 2 t.th. ~ otave 11 ..... Foned .,air ~ uaed brick . P. Lota of tOt A puellinJ. Bwd. fJoo attadied dbl. pr. J'ull price $H,MO, with down. G-Ezcttinr 2 bdrm., den. d1nlnf room home on 1~' froJlan bul;n .. lot. Just re-soned. !fave your home and bualneu at one location. $19,MO. $5000 down. Sellens will earry balance. H-'JCRhudn Holmwood Drive. Wonderful home, wonderful view. 3 eartra nice bdrma., 2 tiled bat.hi, W to W carpetinc, 'CUtom dn.pea. Tint· ed view picture windoWI, f1aptone n1Md heutb fireplace. Thermo gravity heating, built. ill 'br.kfut nook. l•nd8C&ped. Jut $28.~ . Tmm. , I-lnoome atore bldg. 3 unit.a near new market belnr coiwtructed. $32,000 F. P. Inft9tment 11&Y1Dr H+ % on quo~ price. • J-Larp bWlinea locati~n. Boat building, tntckinc whae., lumber yard, manufacturing, Jarg~ mpa.ce for open storage or parking. 2 parcel8 rented, income $250 + a month besides above. 2 a.crea Harbor Blvd. Arch truued bldg. 80' x 108'. Price $69,500 with $22,500 down. I ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSuRANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS· 1857 Newport A~·, Costa lie.a Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. DON'T WAIT MUCH LONGER IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD! A beautiful view from thl9 comer 1ot. A neat 2 -bdrm. home standa on the rear with gJau eocloeed p&tio A BBQ and there'• room ln front to build your dNam houe with the bay and ocean at YoV feet. All thia for $11,500 with reuooable don p&yment and owner will fluance or trade on buaiDtlfl ptop'ty. Thia beautiful Jot .ta.nm hich overlooklnc the entire bay. Included in the price are $l500 worth of plau and •pece. for 4 unit.a. There are few wc5 Iota left. ho adjoin1nc lot., each Ms 1~. with unot.truct. ed new of b&y. Theee are a prllle and only $'™>0 ea. A beautiful leuehold on Klnp Road at $e000. Tl feet on ocean front ln nne.t r.identiaJ location, $12,:500. Owner will take $2o6o and carry balance. All R-2 lot ln Cliff Haven (not leuebold) where J"OU en build a duplex or rental unit and home · at M800. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1!506 W. B&Jboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Har. 5188 or Har. 1983 VOGEL VALUE r Check This one! 1. AlmM new, 4 bedroom&. 2. Bath It % ( IWl abower') I. Beamed c.illnga 4. Beautltul finiab work a.. Larp natural wood kitehen e. e ft. redwood fence T. WonderfW location w.r ecbooll.. 8. Price CDlJ $14, 'TSO • VERY low down. , Thia won't tut! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. C.out Hwy., Npt. Beh. Llberty A-3U1 BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD ONE or THE ~ 3 bdrm., 1* bath bomea on aclu.ive Klnp Rd. Cbarmlnr dealgn and all rooma are well anupd. light and specioua. Lure alid- ing doors from dining room to oat.door patio. W to W carpeUnr. forced air heaUnr. indoor planter, dbl. canre: attractiwJy land.caped and 1prtnkler .,.. tem. Thia home will pleue the most dJecrlmlnatinJ ~yer. Priced at only $22,TISO. wtth Tery attractrte tenu. Better call for appointment rt1bt now. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK ' REALTORS C. B. Rum, Wm. G. Schmidt, A.oelat. 312 Marine Aft., Balboa llJand Harbor ~2 1.03 ACRES RANCH "ART'' ADAIR Realtor leet Newport Bh'd., Co.ta Me.a LlbartJ U192 ' ; BEACH REALTY BAY AND - with three offices to serve you COSTA· MESA OFFICE NEWPORT.JALBOA OFFICE 1.:,- Beautltul 3 bdrm. home with hwd. tloon, flreplace. Jotl ot We and do.et space, dbl prqe. Ezcellmt neighborhood on Eutatde. $12,900 full price with a. I. Joan payable iee. Ptr mo., fnc1. taxee Ir ina. BALBO A DUPLEX Beet Rental "'--Attractively tum., cloee to bch, ltoree, tn.n.portation. Owner movin& to Hawaii. We have the key! ' Mu.t 8ell. uklnr price $118,9C50, tenna. 3 bcir;m-. hwd. tloon, fireplace, ~bt pr., faced. 41h% loan. $11,000. "Tenna. TRADE Owner wi8hea to trade beautiful new 3 bdrm. home nlue $33,000 for income property L. A.., P~ or locally. 2'· bclnm., hwd. tlool'll, Jge. kitchen, dbl. pr., beau- t!tul patio Ir BBQ. $9950 fuD Rrice with xlot ~tennl. BALBOA OCEAN FRONT Ne.,ly new 3 bdrm. home with wall to wall car- pet., 220-TOlt Jn kitchen. t.Ddlcaped and fenced, lge. lot with 'f'iew. All for jut $10,'500 with only 4 bdnm., 2 Urine rooma. Beautitul comervatory patio. 'Excellent tenm to qualified buyer. BAY AVE. DUPLEX -EXCLUSIVE $1500 down and it bu-a 41h% J'HA loan. $83. per mo., Incl taxe. Ir Ina. A real buy! Escellent income record. Furn. Price $26,500. $eMO down • 1696 Newport .81\ld., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1181. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 12M FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: FOR. EVENING INFORMATION CALL: T. C.OX-LI 8-7281 N. Martin -LI 8-1774 W. "Bradtord • lf¥. 0288-J E. B. Chue • Har. 2762-J R. F. Geddie -LI 8-31M A. Tiet& -LI 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8· 7221 Gloden Jl'ay -Har. 1858 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS Newport Heights View Homes! I BllDROOM. t'K bath llome. Hao tiq. feet tn thla unUIU&l and beau· utu1 property. Xahopny..etucco exterM>r. Bpedal conatruc:Uon thniufbout. Hardwood IMlde A: out. lb23 Uvtnr room. ,28,760, tenna. HERE'S ~ otber view home on K1np Road. curt Haven. A charming, 2 bdnn,, 1% beth home, Nicely lanci.c&ped. l!'.A. h•t. flreplac.. SH.~, tum&. Balboa Duplex ! '6000 iipellt )a.It year to modernise UW property. 2 bedroom• up and one down. Upper rumlahed ud rented. Situated on a.a k>t, room tor one more unit. Dandy eoadltioll. •H.600, l'ood terma. Peninsula Homes! T'be I Mt YallMlll oe the "poUit." I lledroom IWceo bome. Olnelte. J'lreplace, double prage and Ip. ,.tio. • 1n.r• cMd. •1uoo. HOOO dcnn. J Bl!DROOM, I ... u... J 8tol7 home. rum. Nice paUo. Terrttlc nae-ton• tl"'J>l&ee. Thia home Sa "dlttermt" &lld e111l7 U0,500, tanna. ' MAKE AN Off ER WE KNOW th1a bou.e can be bought for, u low u Sl~down. WE KNOW the hou.e ia worth $1',000. WE KNOW thia bouae ii on the be8t 1treet in Coeta Meaa. WE KNOW it bu 3 bedrootm and a 1 bdrm. rental in the rear. WE KNOW the owner bu to move clONr to hl9 bwlineu. The only thing WE DON'T KNOW 19 bow much you will pay. 1702 Orchard, Sant., Ana Heights Free Country Uviq. Distreee Sale, owner must go eut tor health treatment.a. \ ' Let 4\la llbow you UU. C01J 2 bdrm. home, oom,plete- ly fumLshed ready to mOTe in.. Hone.hoe drive"ay. 8-utifuJ patio with larp n1mmin1 pool, all fenced for privacy. Tht. property includes 3 utra Jot.a, 2 of them on Orchard street and one aouth of the home Wied for horM corn!. hone included. p. a. palmer, inc. -MUlTIPLE What Do We Mean BILL'S BEST BUYS? , Al .. .,.. memben Of MULTIPLE LlSTINO 81:RVICI: we l'•t all of tbe' mulUple Uattnp r~ more than 200 Broken and aale1 men. We tben ecnen lhem and •Ject tbe onea we corwlder out- atandlnf buye and tho• that qualify a.re BlLL'S BEST BUYS DOES TIU8 MAKIC BENSE! • • • W ANT-AN-OJL-WELL-ll'RJIS T Buy tht. cute beach houM ud you can have a producln,-•ell In the back yard with the equip- ment to handle It. Haa avera.red '126 month net laat 6 montha. WUl take about iaooo to handle. 11m f\IJI price-A good deal for ~tired couple. Will bear ln"nSU- gaUon. ' • • • SMALL RANCH Nl:AR COUN· TRY CLUB. RANCHY 2 bdrm. home and den on halt acre, '16dlt. Larr• paUo tor real Cowitry UYing. H&Jf Of lot 18 fmc.s, Ideal for bol'Ma and pec... Workallop tor ltorac't or et.able. 11 be•rtng fruit treu. ruu price '13.950,. wtth terma. • • • DUPLEX NEAR CEJ'CTl:R or COSTA MESA SHOPPING DIS- TRICT. 2 bdrm. each side. wired for electric r&n'1!. Only one yr. old. J'Ull price 113,t~. S3000 dn. • • • REALTORS LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 -4 P. M. I a 339 Lido Soud FurA. B&yfront with pier It alip. 3 bdrm1., 2 batha. ' Lee. parking area. $49,500. ' 3 bdrm.a., 2 baUw. F. A. beat, on 2 Stradu. Flag- .atone finplace, very large panelled living room. We have the key. $3500 down. 2 bclnna. on 36-tt. lot. Dbl. garage, 5 yeal'S old. Drapee included. All for $19,995,. with good tenm. 4 bdnna., upaide down hou.e. Large pine panelled living roem, excellent terms. $19,950. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3M3 FOlt EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J. Kimble -Har. 1087-R R. Norton -Har. i035-W P. Terry-Har. 4931 LISTING BROKERS two fine family homes Both on Lido -Both on Via Koron No. 1 Wonderful brand new home with 3 bclnn.s., 2 are fuU 1ize and the muter is extra.large. 2 tiled bath1, muter ·bedroom carpeted and sliding door open from it onto a magnificent aundeck. Beautiful kitch· en with built-in oven and range. dispoaal and dish· waaher. Separate dining area. Used brick fireplace, paneling, fine wallpapers, and special light fixtures throughout. It' a extr& nice and excluaive with ua for $29,500 full price with excellent terms available. No. 2 Juat step wide thi• cheerful home and you'll want to move right in. Provlncit.1 interior throughout with panelling and a u.ed brick fireplace in both Uv- lnr l'OOlll ud m&IWr bedroom. • bdrma. or 3 and den, 2 bath8, perfect tiled kitchen. Street to street Jot a atep fTom the 1*lt. beach. $28.~. ''CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3-400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) .. I Bl:DROOM and den home. I..al'l'f WaUed p&Uo. Vtry rood condi· Uoa and rel)&lnt~. Low•t prlc• ed home on th• Penlnwla , , . ole hanson co., sales management 1100 w. oout hichway -Uberty 8.:5673 114.000 and only SMOG down. ------------------- Jlll!AR THRJM'T AND ALPHA --------------------- Balboa Realty Go. (Oppo.ita Bull ot America) Membera. MultJple U.llllr Ro. Greeley l:d Lee Jullt PSnkham .IOMph1ne Webb 10t 11:. 8&1boa Bln. B&Jt>oa Phone ltutM>r 1217. MOTEL 9 atueco unit.a, uneacumbeftd on Highway ln Culver City. Air conditioned. Fine park- ing lot. loads of neon aigna. wen eatabliahed bumne.., 1 yrs. uld. In Up top ahape. All furn., incl. plenty linena Income 'ftl1 OVeJ" $8000. £1[. pen.e. $2000 include SMO tuea. $55,000. Owner r. tirtn&'. WW trade for clear inaome pl'OJ)elV with pier • &at. nu. will bear ftllJ lnftllltip. tion. Owner, EnM.t Zim. merman, 2907 So. Cochran A"-. Lo. .An... 18. Whitney 8Nl. Cowtay to broken. 17 c30B ''Let u. Locate for You" ,_ ...._ ~1 •.. , and ....,., ODilta M..._ 0.-... del Mar .............. Tiie LOCA.TOR ot c.ut. ..__ amc., UN .....,_. IJmS. a.ea .......... Ll l-1Ml. rnto Sl:LJI' SUPPORTING a.n. ......... Top -.u-. aor.& ~ Mar, .. ft. h'Otlt. I ,.._I k!Cll.. Well built I 1-tl"OOln --la fl'oet. J ualta • pr. .. ~. ftocm tor •t.111 tllllt. ftla ... --..,....._ at m.aoo. wtt.ll tlO,OOI ....._ Uattl WW .-1 ._ 6 t.uM. OaD J"ord V..n.t- w, llar. UU...., llllif. Mn. llU• HAR~OR VIEW * '"1'1le only available home in Jta clul." Panoramic view of the entire Harbor Ana from thia new 4 bedroom plWI den, 3 bathroom, exceed- ingly cheerful, euily maintained Oiff home. Two balconiea, a permanent vtew from every room. Plate gtu. windoW'I and lliding doora. Carpet., drapes, workabop. Extra larJ'e ~a.rage. 2 fireplaces. Ready to move in. Aaklng price U0.000. Thi.8 lovely home mu.st eeU. To a qualified buyer we will ai.o fin&rK:e with a real low down. Call John Macnab, Harbor l77e or~ anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Karine An., Balboa Jaland ·------------ LIOOrlSLE Very larre 2 bdrm., 2 b9th and den home, with bunt-in deep treae. cabinet. and cupboarcba. Thl9 l1 on a 1ge ~rt. tot and ia a beautiful home. $35,000 Also You should IM th1a 3 bdrm., 1% bath b6me that we are off erlng under the ca.t of replacement In order to mOTe qulck.ly. $2(,7~ with 1ood terma. W• ai.o have a beautiful 45-Jot on Udo Soud where you may have your own pier A allp at leu than $1000 per ft. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2e02 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX Very choice location, nJcely furnlahed. 2 bctrml. .-ch unit. $23,600. Term&. BJJTA, DrlYe by 1727 Onuiire. Ulen call u. for appt. to eee, 3 bdnna., dble. s...-.e. nloe )'d. run price 110.m . • • • NEWPORT H&JOBT8, N'llARL T llo'"EW. ' bdrm• .. tt3.~. 20x20 prace. Forced aJr beat. 2 beth•. tl~plau. d~. •wen. Lot MJtllO. N•w 1treet. • • • INDOOR It OUTDOOR LJVINO Beaut1ru1 I bdrm. bome and den With 1"' batha, picture wtndow. suut Jlouae, patJo. BBQ, work ahop. dble, pr., tJood IJaht.. cone. blk. fen<:e A: olber fM· lUl''H, Jl4,9&0. w1UI '4000 down. Nice l~auon.. t % loan at H9.21 monthly. ln<!I. w.. and lfta, You'U Uk• lt. W. A. TOBIAS and ANOCIATU UAL TOR "J"DO'U llll• our tr1endl1 -.nice" Ill &. lTU. St.. Coeta M .. LlbertJ 1-un BALBOA Bay Front Duplex f'un1lahed and.,~ W&Dl\ng' dl.a- ta.nc:• ot the Ub,.,,. In 8&lbot., "4,BOO, TlllU"8. 2 B. R. & Den Home NIU' md ot P9NIWW&. Untllrn- Uhed. Glue lual. ftNl>IMe an.I Bu1Mqlae. Cl\arulel Ylnr uoe&. .... Coast -Properties IU1TB J A TIUCD, ft.H.ltof'olilf\'. Kat!win• oi.ain. Mlld1" ftins, Oeorf• R.Ue.n. Auoclat•. 1()1 &, B&lbo. 81Y4., B&Jboe H~ M6I A: Har. 4100 11U 'lz Ac. Newport Hts T'RltD LOTI • TWO Bouaa, &U wt~ pena&oenl oc..a Yl-ALSQ and ..,._t to 017 Park. Oil• .._ lnOdml. two bdnll. and NICE 2 BDRJI. A DEN HOME jUlt two blocb from Mt11 wtlll eddtuonal ra. tad ~ Ncharda. Comp ........ ~ SJl,,IOO. Mu. -....... ...,.... a..m . ..,-v ....... 'fWw ... ... .... PAUL C. JONES, Realtor . 1 . ~::..=== . 2820 Newport Blff., Newport Beach. Harbor 2113 r. P. 141,000. "-'lll accqt pod 16cll ~'IN& ~ a. tr.de~ .. The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values- Delightful 3 bdrm. ! a-' bath ranch type. t 7ean old. Panelltd liv. rm.. large uaed brick fireplace. Excellent location. nr. beach. Vacant. Reduced to $2(,9!>(} tor quick aale.. $20,!500 FURNISHED • A nearly new 2 bedrm. home u attractive u can be, both inaide and out. Thb home bu had real good care ~ ia priced to .ell BA YFRONT • On Lido Nord with pier Ir alip • 4 bednna. • Den • Maid's Rm. Extra large Jot. A very nice home with large muter Br. & Sitting Room. Facing the Bay· Home ia a value at a price that will aurpri8e you. The V 09el Co. -Lido Office 3US Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 ONLY $10,700 4f 8. R. 2 Bath Landaca~. w·w carpet, uphalt t.lle Ir other xt.ru. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. -1989 Continental, Costa Meaa -SEE THlS ! BALBOA INCOME 3 unit., fumiabed, heart of Balboa, grolla inc. $3200. Sch. net $2900. Xlnt. cond. Proven monc>y·malter. ONLY $18,000 -$6,000 Wll..L HANDLE FISHER and COMPANY 2e03 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4429 Forget About the Taxes . The rent from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. will mO"tr- than pay the t.a.xee. ina., & upktep while YOU live comfort.ably in the 2 bdrm. It den house. Hwd. flrw., 2 tlftplacea, BBQ, g-arb. diap. le other F.xtn.11 make lhia anal Home. A pleasure to show. Pl-.. Pbone -Our Exclu1ive R. L STRICKLER, Realtor