HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-07 - Newport Balboa Press. Mass Boat ·Production Visitor Chokes to Dwlh Heie on Bite of Lobster WhJJe four phyaict.an.. and oth• medical attendanla worked tran- tlcally to aave him. John R. Olon· lnc'er, 84 of Pltt.lburrb, PL, chok· ed to deatb Balurday DJcht on a bite of k>IM!t.er. Dlal Bared Polloe reported they wer. caned to the Hurley Bell reetaurant when the victim, who had been W Hveral year• and eutfered from poor nuacul&r coordin&Uon , cas· • l'ed a.i he ate. Hi.I eon·ln·la w, ~-· Ackerman Firm .on Mesa Building New Type Ketch With IDcorporation of Ackerman Boat Works, Inc. for ~.000 eompleted, Clarence E. Ackerman, 1205 W. Balbo•·· Blvd., today announced volume production of a new. 40-ft. ketch model to be known as the "Newporter" at his Costa Mea yarda. De.igned by AckermaQ to carry owners on ' round•th•·wortd cnaiM• the ketch' men. Finn ordera have been plac-1 will M m.. produced, allowing ed on tour or the new models, he much lower pvcllue price than said adding thal the yard Ill set craft Mr U.. normally draw. up to build aboul 2!1 this yeu. Xaown .. a "at.andartud ocean There are pro11pecla ot bulldln~ 40 crutaans ..Ubo&t," the Newporter to &!I Newportera thl11 year. he Will ti. ftller l'l&aa covered. reduc-at.a.ted. but eald Lhe yard can tum 1 lnl' maintenance coeu, Ackerman out only about 25 thla year. The I aaid. I yard can kly 21 keei. at once, he i'1nt ol the aew atock modei. added bul me.xtmum production ta to M lauaeJMcrln about 30 day11. aw&lta the l'lumber o! ordeni. W ith Acbnnan president ot lhe corporaUon, be ta aided by Ol'Orge "E, Mldlaud, Lido J11IC', aa vice· prHident and Cyril 0. Lee, Long 8-ch. u 11eeretary-trea.surer. BOAT Bl'ILDi:K FOR EABY 8AJLINO With a bum ot 13 reel. New· porter modela wlll carry 820 aq. ft. of aall, Marconi or gal! nf• bl'lng opUonal. The craft will sl<'t'P alx ~raona and will be ril'· gtd to take an automatic pilot for hl'r helm. Oeorce J . Fleury, Lido h ie, trted dtalodgtng the tood u d1'd three other doctora who were dlnlnl' at the cate. Police eent an ambulance but Olonlnger exp~ be!ore artJllclal reaplratlon a.nd oxyeen treat- ment•, plua a quick trachetomy could aave him. He had been d.lnlns with hit wife, Cttberlne and FJe.ury. The body wu taken to Balta Mortu- ary, Corona dcl Mar, tor llhlpment to the eaat Where eervicea Will be beld. t 48th YEAR -NUMBER 2 HAllOI WIATHll Newport Beacla _.. Sunny tod&J with h ich temperature near IO.· Water 67 depeee. Te..-.-.-die put week la ~ llutlor .,_ -.n: Bl IAW T\tuday, Karell L .. _ 80 at Wedneeday, Xarcb 1-69 42 Thuraday, March a -80 51 Friday, Karch 4 --80 t 6 Saturday, March 6 ...• 80 U Sun~. Karell t 71 41 Molttl&y, March 1 71 61 • - , HARBOR PRCSS NEWPORT BUCH. CAUl'ORNIA. MONDAY, KARCH 7, 19155 Phone Harbor 1818 Big Mesa Annexation P"rojeCt Up . to Council ,... .. ,... ... u-llalP~·., t 4 Second Hale Tract Reach to Include Yard ,Co. Site t Costa Mesa City Councll ti. expected to try and NMlll the Hale Company aubdlviaion between Baker Sl-and tbe propoeed San Diego (Sepulveda) Freeway tonight with an. other annexation attempt. Route of the propoeed 2 eqllAN mile annexation route la 1uppo1ed to encompau the M Mll'l9 ot Vard Manutacturinl' Compan5' would re•ch the line to ..... land adjacent to the Southern S&l'lta Ana city fatherw ._,... .... Calltomla Bible' Collere. the col· they are tntereeted ln ......... lase cempue, the Oran.re County their city U,mlt.e. J'alr Orounda, the c&mJ)\a or the Pl&OTE8T OUT Orange Cout Collel'e and a por-The prevtoue anneJULLMm ettm '" Uon ot Segentrom Brotbera land. that wu protuted out b)' ~ Elimin ated from Ole annexlltlon owner• would have ai.d9d _.. procfedlng1 which were under· city limit& ot CoM& w.. dM taken 1exeral Wef'ka ago and pro-northward between the ~ t .. led out la Ule property of Ira ot Falrvltw Ave. ud llanor P'rank Capron northerly ot W llaon Blvd. to and lncl1.Milns UM RUe 15t. and between Fat mew Ave. Company pattel wbic:b pa.ta JI-. and Harbor Blvd . hu been allked to au-. ltXTt:.ND LIMJ'l'I_ Ackerman bu built boat1 here for %7 yt&re. having IK't up Udo Pen.IMulia Shlpyardll. D u r I n g Wodd War JI he employed MO men turnJn1 out moni lhnn 100 craft tor lhe army, na''X and the BrlUah. With 15 employee. now worklnf on alx N-portera undf'r conatruc- tlon, Ackerman plarui to hire eventU&l.ly 110me 40 to 60 crati..- A uxlllary power will be rumllll· ed by a 80 hp guoline enfine. Pr<>vldlng the uaual creature c<>m- t ort11, the Newportera will be built ot % .tn Douglu firm marine ply- wood planking. Above and below deck&, her dog bouae will cont.a.In the main cabin. CRASH INJURES J ON MESA ,,. , • fitOriOW-The annexation u p11Dpoeed would u~nd the city limit.a of Co11eta Mua along Newport Blvd. Daniel Peter Mo"'°", 41, el Three peraona were injured and two can were demol· iahed in a colll.aion at Bristol St. and Baker Ave., Coe. ta Meaa, Saturday morning. Pictured above are the two vehicles. th• car at left wu occupied by Dorothy Westover, 59, and Goldie Clark, 61, ~tb of Garden MAN'S DEATH IN BA Yi RULED 'ACCIDENTAL' I. I . Coffs1 ... ·1 loclr Faaucl "FloatlnCJ; Seek Gun 111 llast A!ter nearly rour day• ot lntan· etve lnve•tlg11!Jon by N~rt Bu.ch police. the dealh ot Ruaeell Bedford Coffman. 84, of Lon( Beach today waa termed accident· al. Cof{man'e body WU found noat· ln1t In Newport Harbor Thunday afternoon 1000 fl't'l In trom t ht jl'lly entl"MICI'. H 111 left 11\oulder WM lnJUI l'd by llhOll?'IJn bu\h:U., but according lo Orputy Coronf'r Roi;rr Burnham. the woun<I wu only & d~p gnze and auprrflrlal. liumh&m uld an autop11y fountt doth du" lo uphYl!lll from <lrown· Ing. flU P8 ON ROMl8T cJaarced., 1mock.lnf h1m Into th• -ter." Ht Kid the anrla of the 1hot wu upward, ''W'hlch mean• the fWl WU be.Id beloW the lhould· n ... Be eald powder bum• a round the wound Indicated Ule fWl wu tired cla.e to tlle body. Coffman'• body wu found by JM:k Frrom. 1804! Park Ave. and Joe t...mm, ~10 L.akl' St. They alf'f'ltd lhe Harbor Department and Ll!e1;uard LL Bob Moore. o~r;o MHOTGUN I "I brllrve lhe man 111lpped on lhe rock.a." Det. SKI-McM&ntit'al The dud man·a family lald he owned a 11ngl• 1thot 1hotgun which ht 11<>mt'Umu took w1lh him when fl1hlnl' oft Ole jelly end. They told pollre thty are unable to fll'ld the i;un In the hou9f'. Altl'mpta by diver& to rKOver roaU1111f'd oa Pa«e I MYSTERY DEATH-Deputy Coroner Roger Burnham placea blanket over lifeless fonn of Russell B. Coffman. 64, Long Beach. who was found noating in NC9i"J>Ort Bay TbuMlday evening. Although death came by drown ing. biA body sustained an unexplained, dec-p. sup<>rfici:U ~un­ shot wound across the left clavirle. The gun used has not been found. -Staff Photo Drivjng E1TOr Leads Local Cops to Burglary Suspects A minor tno mr lr.rr11rtlon brouJ;hl Rt>oul me tlownr.111 or Ulree tf'nn·ai;cr8. onr a i;:lrl. ht'll' yeatrrdsy. The t rio wu &rrt'lllfd by Nev.·port . orflcera who •lopped their car tor a traffic v1ol11t ton and round the bock ll"•H loaded Wetherby Kills Self With Gun Death loole ~rge WL1111nJton Welhl'rby, 80. of 34 Balboa Con1. Thursday atlnnor.n after hf' fired a gun Into his mouth, police 11ald. He wu rus.hed lo Hoag Hotapilal. R<»t'oe Darby of Costa Meaa.. but dltd aoon a.!lt'r arn\•al aoui:ht ~.000 rlllm•gea plua pcor· 1 The elderly man. ronnc-r South· l!<m11l tnjm1N• bt<lm t'Wlay In a em Pac1rir F'telght agent 'for San trul In su..,..nor Court. Sant.a Ana.• Gabnel Valley. lf'fl A note tor hill narby. ll carprnle1. &Jiik..(} the tamlly which tol1I of Ill h'alth. judgment 11gllln11t Ralph Emer11on H" mad" his home with hla 1o111fe. Wrkh. ltobf>rt F.mt'rJl()n W"kh and Ell:uabl'th. a n'1 110n. Gf'Orge. H~n•l•I \Vrkh. <1ntn1? bui<lnesi1 8 " Dora Zemkl!, maid in thP home. \\l'lrh ~ Ready Mlll Co an<l a told pohce Mr. W<'lherby. conCin~ compuny •·mploytt Psul Powtll. I to a wht<>I rha lr. ukf'd her lo Thp man '"'Jd a plttr of In.irk ,..,·hef'I h im Into his be'<lroom juat t(jUlpm• nt C.-11 on hi• fnot In t9:i3 bl'fou 1 p. m. She u l(I he dle- IUld tinike ht~ 1tn kln. DArby waa mt1u1ed htr 11nd fl"e mlnult11 later ar employee "" I h" '•lnlllrurtlfln 11he h!'ard " loud cruh She told of lhr J . f'. GrePlf')' !'1 hool In San· officers 11h,. nuihed to the room la Ana. to find him lying on his back. City Building Hits 5571,152 During February Friday Arrai9nment Set for Six Youths Pause, Dockins Jury Hears from Walter Longmoor w1th rour Clk"<'ll oC txoer and a r81e =-:twp°"l B""<"h bulldlnJ? for SANTA ANA MAR. 7 (OCNSI oC wine. F l'bru11ry totalled S~17J ,1.~2. Rr· Two of the elx youth.a arre1ted by Newport Beach police for the burglary of Hane Broering·• ~r­ vlce 1tatlon, will be arnlgned ln Supenor Court FT1day. Mart'.h 11. John Charita Marline, 20. ot lA.ke- wood and Ron Clayton Nichol&, 111. ArteJtla.. are held In county jaJJ on 11000 ball. -The con1plracy to ot111trurl jull· 1 • rordln1t tn Bu1ldln I Supt'nntendent t ir e triaJ of H t'rman PAUii<' And R"hl"rt Irwin Kn1i;thl. llunltnf?'. R. A Gl"nn. Glover Dc:>ckln11 ploc:Jdf'd mf'thool· I lon H"~t h, Ha('hl! r.i I l,•n nAn Ru:o--Thi~ f11t1Jre 1-1 1358.833 un<ltr ca lly along In Super1or Court here ar ll. \\ rstmanJOler 111''1 l.num Jo· J&nuary·i1 tolal or $929.98!>, •ttond ------------- today I ana Buchay . Hunun1o:to11 UNi h, all hll?h bulldinl? to 1111 for that month Delivery Guaralltffd · 18 vc.ra old. wtrt boflk.-11 Rl the In tht' history of the city. Delivery of lhe Newport Alter etuc1Ylng l'Xhlblla for nfllr· Or11°ni;tt' County Jl\11 artrr l'<llnta Fr bruary bulldlnir WU dlvldf''1 1y an hour. the jury hHrd lt'sl I· 1 Ana poller found lhP I rl() bUl"R'· &II roilow11: "'""'le famll" dWf'll· Harbor Nrin-PTue i. ruar-m ony rrom Waller Lon$:TI1<>M .. J anteed, AU arffe of th• Com· r W Q d larlud an l<'e compa nv ""'I 11t •If' ln1:11 20 ~rmll~ 1341823 two muntty ara rapidly bttnr J>rNldenl 0th ttlfm rt ~nnt" :i" h thr 1ntox.lr1111t.. Accord1nt tn N PW· famih· dwrlllni;:i1' flve0 ~rmltt owneHr obof Cealpro~I l y ,?n .,. r port offlet-rs, thf' '·ou nt hs r· ll<hlv I SiO !IOo rtr.a1r11 t~ dwf'lllncra undt; placed on carrter deUnry. the ar r «', a t r .. nown u h · r I><' • .. " Carrier boy1 will dtUnr their l'nu Harbor, Ill locattd In Nt'W· admllttJ the l ctl a lC'r Ing SlOOO. 29 ~rmita. Sll.085; rep11.lr1 papere before I p,m. on Mon· rtgBfftc.b. QUt'Stl'>nll'd. to dWl'lllnjts OV<'r SIOOO. i4 per· d&J and nun.Uy. It JOUI' po r..<.'OND TDl"E lnvratlcaUns Santa Ana police mil&. S5'i.330; MW commtN:l&I paper 111 not dtUn.red by U.t 8 Mld the two boy• en ttrt'd the bulldlnl"., 11lx Pfrmlta. 124.MO; hour p.._ call Barbor 1111 Jamee \Vlndlate. Uquor ronlml butldlng through a u yllfhl whl~ cabanu, flYe perml~ 11400: and a flP9CJal rout. .,.. will etricer ln the Santa Ana ortlt't of lhr girl waited In lhe cu . The llWtJnlnlJ'll' pooi.. one permit. lnUIMdialtlJ r 11p 0 ad wttla the Bo&rd ot Equallu 11on, w·u w111th1 uld, ac<"ordlnl' to oftlceni, Ul'>OO; prtnte praJ•. one ~ your CIOP1 ot JOUI' Jf.wpart aebtred to th• w1tnr1111 11tA11d fnr thr\· m11de the burglary u a mlt, 11100; alsne, three permit.I, Harbor New..,_, --~ .,. Pase I ,· bpur ot lh• moment " move. l lstl. Grove; and the station wagon at right in the ditch wu occupied by Eugene E. Boyurm. 647 W. 17th St., Coat.a Mesa. Mn. Weatover'a addresa wu liated u 13261 Allen Way, Garden Grove. -Staff Photo SNOW IN MESA 7 SNOWIALLS FLY It wun't • hot y.terday. Nol It you 10 by tM ODet& x-police report.I. At l :C» p.m. J1U11ns mot.oT'- 1.et.e compl&lMd to otncen tut .......a llo)'ll ill a elub coupe were malic:tou.ly Ulrow-- tnr enowballal at otltt'r can ill the Mea an&. LETS VOTE Harbor High Students Aid Registration Student body ot Newport Kar· bor Union High School 11 e11cour- ac1nc eligible voten of Newport Harbor lo register tor all future tlf'cUona. The activity t\ part ot lhe ll<'bOOl·wldt proj~t In com- munity clllunahlp. A ltlttr trom Dick lnnent. etu· dent bcX!y pre11tdent. and voter re- glatrallon ln!ormatlon paper• were l3kl'n horn" today by studt'nta to their penonl!I Deputy rt'l(111tran where clUsen• u n ~gi•lf'r to vote are Coat& Mesa. Mra, Marg-wet Murny .. Ctty Hall, 20th St. and Newport Blvd .. LI 8-34111 : Mrs. Dorothy Hiatt, 528 W. 19lh SL. l.l 8-1820; Mn . UI· 1111.n Butler. 175~ Anaheim An~ LI 8-1322; Mra. LouJae 8hf'ldl'n, 19411 OranJe Avl'. L1 8-48111 ; Mra. Lout.. Marde11lch, 2034 Repµbllc Ave., LI 11·32M, and Mr. and Mra. Allan 8. King, 20!14 ConllnutaJ Aft. $21,111 Damage Verdict Favon James Sheppard BANTA ANA COCNB) -A auperlor Court .Juq rrtda)' •• warded Arnet c. lheppard m ot San M&rtno and Newport Harbor U 0.000 wronsful death damaJH and S•OOO pcoraonal Injury damaiea In Ult' <'MUlh which killed hi• wltl', 1'anry Brower Sheppard. on Nov. 23, 19:,J, The pl•lnll!fs alktd more than U 00.000 d11magea agaln11l Lance Du Moucbel. San Cleme11te. J uron failed lo award punitive damaiet. Parent.a o! Mra. Sheppard Ul, Mr and Mra. Horace Browtr of San Marino and Nt'Wp<lrt Harbor al10 were pl•lntlffa In the aull Browt1r i. pre11ldent of Occldenlal U te lnAUrance Co. Thf' jury gave no dama.ce1 lo th~ Browen. Du Mouchel. ronvlctf'd of man· alau11:hlar. admitted liability In thC' head·on rolll1ion on Colll!l High· way. j1111t Wl'~t o! Ntwport Beach. Hr 11«-rv•d th~ month• In county jatl The q uestion btfon' the jury wa" how much damagu lo allow anft to whom. Davis in Gullty Poss.Jsion Plea BANTA ANA IOCNSI -Guilty wu Ule plea of Eugen• R . Da-n1. 111. 1~31 Suenade Terrace, when he 1tood befon 8UJ>f'r1or Court Judce J ohn Shea Friday on a mor- phine poMe•lon charce. Davia. ln cuatody. wu arre1te4 Ff'b. II In Newport &a ch. J ud1f Shea l<'hedul~ a pr1lbatlon hear· Ing for the 1lfnder d<'fendant March 18. 111 Nl'WJ>Ort Bea.eh deputy reg1 .. t.n.111 are city clerk'• office clt,y hall. Harbor 3131; Mra. Julia Mae Eggert. 1808 W. Ocean Front. Har- bqr 19<>3W : Michael 0 . Healy, 438 _ Momlng Canyon Road. HarboJ' llllMJ: Andrew W . Smith, 518 t 0<-e11.n Blvd.. Harbor 393. and • Charlea E. Zube.. Balboa bland nre 1tJIUon. Chrystal Found Dead at Home; Rites Pe1~ing Th• body of o.orse Cllry.tal, et, of 418~ l:aat Bay AYe. WM di9covered by nelfhbore Thunday j alter he had been dead from tour to fl•t week•, police -.Id. t.o Pal.laade• Road and between h.lrvlew and Harbor to the rout- ine ot the prbpoled Freeway par- alle!Jns Ol•ler St. Thi.I would be the• tart.Mat northerly exttnalon ot either New- 152t lrv1ne Ave., Coeta Meea, wu booked on a drunk drlvtJIS dl&rl'• Saturday morntnc by Ntwport police when they IU'A9lad hlm at lrville A Ye. and Clift DrlY.. He port Beach or Coeta Mtea and wu accUMd ot ernUe drtYins. NEW $115,000 CHURCH SET BY LDS MEMBERS Tbe Church of Jena Cbrlat of Latter Day S&Jnta Jiu purchued 2.29 acrea at the corner of 16th and 17th Sts., Coata Meaa, from the Irvine Company at an unspecified price. it wu announced today by Bishop Peter Dalebout. He aaid the church intends to build a plant which will include a cbap- .i.~on hall 11nr1 25 rllllll". Location or tht new church lite room11 at an eallmal~ coet o! 1 t11 behind the Nf'wporl Harbor SI 16,000. I Union Htch School campue, a For the put two and a h.ilf ptt<:t of ground ldl out ot the hip yeani. the ronjfrtgallon of lht achool 1111.f'. Oft-11t~l parlll._ la church. commonly known u' thr planned for approlllmattly 100 Mormon Church. ha11 bt>t-n merllng I cara. The 11lructurl' o! the church In the Coal• Me.u Friday Arter· plllllt w111 be 180x220 rt., accord- noon t:luh. The m!'mbershap lolal11 1ng to Blllhop O.leboUt. approll1m11tely 400 ~rMM. Bishop 1 C<ln1lructlon may not set under· Dalebout IA~. way for a year or more, t.he bUlhop # The n('W <"hun-h, the Bishop •Ill. aald. He added the c~ la wUI bt buill mo11lly by volunlePr lhe propotoed plant would handle la bor, tll,. UAU11l method employrd Sund11y Sr,ttool and vanoua acUYi- by the .Morm<1n 1·h11 rr.h. "~:very-[ tlrs whall' thf' recreation hall ont patrhu In," Bl1thnp O•l<'bolll would bl!" 11Ull•ble !ol' ctanc• u ..,d. well u bMkelbaJI l'&JTIM. 3-Car Crash Injures 3 at Intersection Thre<'l:ara were ln~olved In an accident yesterday on Nev.·port Blvd. 220 ft'el llOUlh or "'" Utlll and a p&1111t'nj!'er In one r1r waJ< treatrd for minor lnJunH 11 Ho11,,; Ho11pllal. Two olhtr ~nion" wrr<' In jured bul not taken to U\e ha.- pltnl. .Mre. Jamu 'Jlhomu Wrtcht. 41, of 1111 Man11t Ave. wu lr•ted for acalp l&ceratlon• ant'! contua· 11lona 11nt1 •b11L11lon1. .T a m•• Thomu Wright. 47. her huab&n4 wu unlnjurf'd, pohre N.ld. Mkha .. 1 Ll'wta. e. or l 101 vt. BaltX>a Hlvtl , N"<"clv"d minor in• J11r1"~· pollrl' 11ald. llut he wu not lrt11ted At lh" hotJpltal. OllC&r Paul ~ll'rrr. 111. ot Oranre, wu abo lnJ11rNJ but nol lrtAted Driver~ of lhr cara bealdee wnghl wn,. PJ rhard Harry My,.ra, 211, of ln!o Angl'IP11 and Edward Andrrw JnCi,.lrl. 17, or Oranr"· . . Larry Hollenbeck, 01 E. Bay Ave. t old police ht could -the man lylng on a couch ln hi• UYlns room and he appeared to be dead. Ofnce.ra entered thfOUCh a cloeed I but unloclced window lo ftnd him lylnl face down. No autopsy .... ordered by the coroner •ho eatd h• appan11U1 died from brollchlal I pneumonia. run....a ~i.. ..... pend· Inc at Balta KomaM'J, Ooroea del Mar. A bnltMI'. loU C. C!lryft&l o1 v~. a. c. .... espec:ted ...... today. a.or.,. Clu'yllta.I. a1eo .... a ... ce. ~ ~ ., ... ,......._, TllllEE c.u& CRASll-Heavy Sunday traffic WU blocked on Newport Blvd. 3(etlterday afternoon between Via Udo and the City fuU. One pen10n received treatment at Hoar Hospital, two were injured, including one 8-year-old child. Shown above u Newport Beach officen llt&rt interviewing drivera involved is damage to two or lbe auio. • .olwd. --st&tt Pb.oto • I B7. IACll KING Regardlu1 of where men come f rom-Texu, Florid&, Nel>raal<a, Ye•, even Callfonua -they au •ttm to have one lhlng In com· mon: lhl'y like potatoea. But, lt'a really a ah&me about potatoes-they ar. treated poor- ly 110 oftl'n. I m Wlt a~t. how· ever, tha t they know ho,r_ to ban· c:lle them with care In >pallu. , Dallas ts not only n~ted for Ne!man-Marcu1, oil millionaires and Cadillacs. Dallaa hu a J1Um· ber of tamed eating pl&ce.. and the town aeema to have 'way more than It.a ahare of lovers oc &bod food. Alway1 well prepared. A ff!W y eara a go, during the Chrlalmu holiday11, the wife and I were Invited lo the ~l'IHM>f one ot lboee Fabulou1 Texans, Dallu Style, that you read and hear •O much about-and this guy, with h~ 1111mptuou1 ahlndlg, v.•a.a worth hadlng and hearing about. Hie home was complete with s old Chrlstmu tree, gold oma· ment11, and evl'n gold tinaei. With all of thh1 and much, much mo~. tan tut! c r ocld. Roa11t pig, on a 11r it. coupled With 11lnplar t1ceountremf'nl11 that include the most f'Xlraordinary vegetabln and potaloe11. Potatou . Dallu Way. POTATOES DALLAS WAY e medium pota tou , peel<'d and thinly 1llced, ._. lb. Swiss cheeae, gr&ll'd, 3 medium onlon1, thinly allced, 1 cup l'onaomme t t cup beet or chlrken In l c-up watt'r ). crumbs. 4 teu ppom1 pre-pared must.art!, • tabli.•11poona margarine or butler, aa.ll and pepper. Line a n ov•'n-proof dish with butter. or mnrgarlne, an(! put a layer of polntoea on the bottom. A dd a layer or 1wlss chl't'se and a Jayer ot onions. Spnnkll' with ult and pepp•·r, anti J ot w1lh 1 t cu poon of pr<'pArl'd mustard and 1 teupoon butlt'r or margar lnl'. Continue until the cuaerole di.lb la full. Pour over the cup of con· eomme. top. with rracker crumbs, a nd bake at 3.'10 d!'b'TC1'5 for 3t'HO nilnuteJ. l b•\wse you hav11 tried to aerve Th" Mun At Home zucchlnl. Rt · gar<IJf';c,. 11f how ll':s prepared, Wt'n "~" uoantmous . they iTf\Ule to eat tn. 1tutt. But try Jt UU• w11y ! W !\E .'ITAlt Zl '('C'HV.'1 4 m1'IJ1u111 zucc:hln1, '• cup crack· r r crumlJ11, 1 cup 11011r c-ream. l tablt'!ip(lun \\'or1·t'11tr riohireo 11aur e. l teu p"on parsley. 118.lt and pep- JK>r. P a rmesan chre11e, J!Tated. Peel the 7.U1 l'hlnl a s you would a carrot. Tht'n ooll ft In 11&lted water until lendrr. a bout a min. Remon , cut len~thwlse &nd cut out centt'rll ancl rllcc. '.Mtx centrra ln a bowl with 110ur cr.-am. \\'or· cesl erllhlre and paraley. Refill c-tn · l en , Mid aalt and peppen.top-with c:rumb!l, then Pa rme...an • hPf'I!'. • Place In a baklnit 1la11h and b1kc- at 325 deveH aoout 20 mUlult'a. BIO ST ATI: PF.AS 1 pa ckago frozen 1•4'11.JO. 3 table· 1poons mart;M rlne. or butler, 4 ouncea Creme de Menlbe. Cook the pt'BI arcordlng to tht dlrectlone on the box. Dram. add the maritarlne, or pull er. J ust I><>· fore you are ready to lt'rvt, 1111'1 the Creme de Ml'nlhe, >ieat 'UI almmerlni: and Hrve. Aid for Gardenen In movlng 6nl&ll trees, 111\Tuba. pl&Cil one-or mort •>f Uu~m ln a •teel bukt'l. Equ1pf>C'd v.-lth two aldr handlt'll, a b11.~kel or this type mAy be c-&rrfrJ by two peraon11. Uud In this w11y. the basket dls - tr lbl!tf'I hl'1wy l<Hh.ls s" tha t lhl'y may be hrul('Jll'd eu..-l1'r, Avoid Paint Splash To &\'old 1pl6ahlng p&Jnt whllt mlltln&' It. UM a gah'anlzed at.eel pail rathtr than the orlgtnal paint c&n1. The avt rage p&Jl will eully hold one p.llon CJf paint and pro- vidH ample mixing space. Oar Kalt l~OCKING SERVICE .. UM nNEST J t11 llartM, ftalboa lslHd H OI 80. 111111 ... Sortto ,, ... .• _, .• Construction Boom to CalTJ Nation's Business Recovery YOUNI IUILDEI BECOMING HERES' HOW. • • CONCRETE KNOWN All CARDINAL HOMES The conatruCUon boom 1eema t.o ~ one of tbe dominant tacton that will &llW'9 a cooUnuaUon ot the nation'• b\wtnua recovery into the latter halt of 19!>5, th• New- port Balboa Bavtnp and Loan A•· 16ciatJon aatd today l.n Ill quar- terl7 ktler, BWllntu &nd JUa1 £e- t.ate Tr.ndol. QuoUnc conatructlon eeUmata by• the De~nll ot Commerce and Labor, lndJcallng a ri.M. of from 17 .2 bUlJon doll&l"I In 19M to 39 blUlon Ul.11 J e&r, th• pubtt· , caUon look.e for commercial and re8'dential building to fP&l'k Ul• private 1eetor. 8chool, highway, water, aewer and 1treet projecll ,11.re expected to ltlmulate publlc con1trucUon. Homa ~. wlth Ill aecond belt year ~balked up ln 19114 ( 1,2111,llOO unit.a 1tarted), conllnutd at hlcb levei. in thl1 yur'a flrat quarter, but volume hu varted wtdely In local .market.a. HOME : ancl : With the policy of trying to give the lowest th· w.etm•t fo'r the maximum return, Jack Com air, 119 E. 23rd St., Costa Mesa, is a young builder who la fast becoming known for hi.a Cardinal Homes. Comair bu been building bis home. in the Newport Harbor area and Orange County for the put two years. Prior to coming here, he built in Ontario. In the last three and four months the young builder bu concentrat~ amoet excJ\laively on the ffarbor area. He will build on the cuatomer'a lot either to thefr plans or a&Siat in planning which will fit the lot. Among construction he is now completing &re two duplexes at «th St. and Balboa Blvd. He pl&JUI .oon to build four duplexes at 36th St. between Lake and Marcus Aves. GARDEN ANNOUNCING ROSEMARY She's Exciting. She's For a fine flnlahlnr J•b, wood mu1t be propul7 1a ed, the aurfac• lllled and -1ed. and thee reauded Mlon, &M Aatl hlab la applied. 0. toiae wooda, •petlallJ thoae with coarM .,.arn, nr- nh h la absorbed unennl7, caualrrr lisht and dark IPOt&. U11nm 1urtae• are a.eant:u- L at.eel when the lnllh la applied. tr It i1 uaually 11eceuary. UM.r.-ton , to tre&i th• wood IUI'< '-Wood flllen apeed op tht fllllahltir job and nelp procfate a moN! bea utiful llnl1h. Liquid s,ealeni •r~ u•l'ct for lnt·&'raloed wood•. 1 llr 1ealer SIAL WOOD SURFACES 11 applied wtlll a bruab, t. the dlrwUoa ., the crain. wii. t~ l iquid ...in llu dried, tt 1hould be aand•d with r..-0 pniet' papu or 00() 11.ftl wool Putt ftllen are aaed for coane-sralned woo41. Tb, ftller ii applied wit.h a bru1h, aerou th• ~n. l:ueu ftlln la reaiond nihl>lll&' acroa1 the rn!• wt buTlap. Theo. the p'-8 11 robbM la U.. di· reetioa ef the rrai.n. When th• flllu bu eet it 1hould be J&ndad, with Ore rrain, with 6-0 pr11tt peper or 000 at.NI wool Tti.ft the a~cle ahould be cleantd before the vaml1h ia appllia. Rub ' with a eloth daiapned trr bert1e11t er alml· lar cleaner. For cltaninll' joint.I, 1rroldlop, eornen, etc., u" a pick In• 1tick -a 1harpentd dowel WT&JI~ In a cloth dampaaed w1tb eleanln« ftald. Shellac t1 commonly uaed aa a ftller. U1uall1 two tJlln coat.t aro applied. Sand tho piece after th• flnt coat ha• dried to remo•re the ahellae from the wood 1urfaee. Uae white 1bel· lac for l~ht eolortd w00<11 or llnl1hfll, and oranp 1hellac for tlie dark 011-. Satisf adion CONCRm MIXED FOR EVERY NEID • • • 1·ou nunf' th" proj«t. If It calla for C'Oft<'rtlf', our .......,. mis o_,.ratlM la your IM-ot ai.t for a -to __.,. .... , Jolt I Uberty 1-2283 BAY RF.ADY Mot L'iO. 711 w. 17tll St. . . Part of Culln~ry Magic Timberib Firm to Build Here -lt J>llYa to read tha want ada. COSTA.., lllJllA PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 BJ j)AMD I.II: OAIDON tortably Into their 1qually lmpor. Tb• herb garden look• llk• tJ\.• ~t-~~ u <:ulll1&r.)' adjunct..-·-Bow the beea Iona btrbel Even breaking up of a bard winter. The a Un7 prden l\lcl\ N thla bWlll lh&lloll are cree~g wtth bl&ck bwlly ln the wann attemoona aphtda, th• paraley while lu.ab and when th• planll are bloomlnr. . JAMii ' D. RAY General Contractor & · Builder 600 Cout Blvd. COKON A DU. MAR PROS'!: RAllBO& 6'11 S""" ln the middle la pale around Every little mauve flower bean , th• edl'•· And then v. all thOM a bee •landing onl Ila h•d, with _, to 1 lta hlnd lep proppUll' up Ill rear T lmbertb Bulldlnr Dlatrlbutors. a new Coal& Meaa company, wl!I bulld at 1718 Placentia Ave., cos- t& Meaa, It wu announced today. Otncer1 of the company are E. 1-'. Z.llm ot Corona del Mar and George R. J ohnaon of Co1ta Me.&. Rep.11"1 • M.inte..._ • 1lutalla&10M 51 AFFORD 6 ION bl&nJt 1pacea w ... unl' rece ve end. ' the aHda of annualA, come March. DABLINO 01" TIDC OAJU>EN Alr-47 tiny: creen 1hoota are poking up out of the old rootl of Rosemary, .one of ~eat Until completion of the 1truc· ture, bu1lne111 wlll be handled a l the yard and office of the E. F . Zllm Conltructlon Company al 1712 Placentla Ave., Coata Mesa. berbe of lht prden, b....-alway1 the coat.mary, no longer • cull been the i )'lnbol of friendahlp. The new company hu ~n ap- nary tierb, but •Ull retalned be-I There are llterall;y l\undredl of ref. pointed Southern California dis· ca~ It bu perfumed every gar· eNincu lo It In the Uteraturta of lributor for Timber Structures. den we have ever had. almost every lantHLge. air Thomu Inc., or PorUand, Oregon. The new Food.I tute lnflnJtely better for More wrote of rosemary. "I lette dtatrlbutor will appoint <1ealers the judicloua UH of herb&. Know· It run ~I over my garden wall•. from Fruno to the Mrxlcan bor· lJ\I' IC)methlng of their h11tory and not only becauae my beea love It, der. Tlm~r Structuru la the th• lore alt.ached to them doe• not but becaute It 11 the herb sacred world'• lar1te1l manufacturrr of 1 ot coul'9e give any &ddlllon&l tla-to remt mbranr t and friend.'lh ip: lom tnu lcJ be:tr 111. tru!l:'•'ll a n<l en· I vor to the dlahea ln whlcb they whence a 1pr1g of It hath a dumb i:1ncerNI wood p ruflurts !or heavy ! are put, but It dou add a flavor langua ge." I C'•ins trucllon. to t he mine.I &nd lnr rt'Ues the t n· Jt 11 eoxtreme1y difficult to de· ------------- joyment of lhoae atahee. iw::rlbe the 11ml'll or lll.ste of any· kttlle one tlve-pou111I 11tewlng "NELS and OOC" El.E(;'TKICAI. <.:ONTRACfOlla 1'11one Llbert7 1·1'61 l 10 Rh•enlde Avenu. Newport 8Mell MAX W. POPE Inc. GE:St:RAL ('O~TRACTOU Kt:SIOF::STIAL e (.'O~MERCIAL e DF.\'EU>PMENT IUSTOR.IO HERBS lhlng In wo rda and the btsl that ' chicken, one C'arrot, orre medium 407 Bo'-A\'••, CRll be donP tor rosemary h1 that onion allccd. a f~w C<'lcry tups, six ._ "' Newport Beeeh ThOUih herbs a re spoken of In tl seems to b<• a crOi\a between nut· s prings nf rarsky, a s111oll i-prli; JU1t off 1'.'pt. Blvd. at 15th Uberty &-1111 H omer o.nd the Bible, there IS meg and plnf'needll'I . lt has a vrry of rost"111Rry, on,. b11y In t. 111ur ========================~==~ aomethln~ t uenU&lJy Elmbelh&11 lni1lstent fl11\'0r snd mu.~t be used l'IO\'el!, two tl'a!!poons C'lf ~alt nnd I ~--------------------------.. about tht m, probably bcca u1e tl1ey I spa rini;:ly , but whet a lllUe of It two quart.t d -lt r. L·nv1•r nnd pin y 11uch a tarce part 111 Eliz.A-dot';, to liunb and pork dlshts or cook until the m•·at falls from the TRY THIS IN YOUR HOME ' Here Is an Idea for 7our room that will meet your tu.rnlture tuhlon rrqulttments. Al the aame time It will give lonr -term comfort. durability, and pleu ure t or the tntlre hou.ehold. The cha nnlnc nook pictured above hu been deslcned to pleue Lb• maa ot th• bou.N and to reo.ct hla b obble.a. Adhering to the CJ'OWinir trend to color In tum ltul"t, the tall· ored chair le done In Caprt blue leather and hu an ottom&n to match. The chaln lde reading table II of aolld cherry. The hard· ware on It 11 br&M. Interpret lhl• setting In your own home. Add a comfortable chair and a ha.ndy table lo a cor.y cornl'r o( your living room. Then d.Llplay hobby equipment auch a.a, the flshlng rOO. and reel• In the ~tllng pk turl"<l abovt . Anothrr intert>ating note In thl1 room la that the uee of lea• lh<'r hu been•C&rTled oul evfn to the matting ot the w11U prints. The color of t he leather la t.he 11&1'1\a u that . ot the chair and ottoman-C'eprl blue. GARDENER'S CHECK LIST I . P rune your fuch11l8J', bou· vardla. pl'largonlum~ tin d gt'mnmms and 8JIY other trnder plants now. 2. Tn bet ler the 11:rowlng con· •llllon11 Cor you r hanging fuchsllul. cut th,.m back and then knock theom out of the lm.ng1 ng po~. rt'move 10m• or the old .. arth and replen· l~h with rtch potllng 8011}' then rep(lt tht plant. 3. Time lo plant tree rn~s­ fnr 81'Ctnt: 4. It Is 1'tlft now to plant aub· trop1ral tn1ll1 11uch u Onlll· ~M, lemons a.n d v apefrull. ~. \\'hl'n clLl1lt lUu arc In full hloom &t the nurstrlu le the .,..,. Home Sold Th" L. C. Brttr home at 1205 North Bay Front wu rrpor ledly M id Jut wt ek to Mn1. Thomas Huter Sr. of Anabrlm for more I han 160,000. Mn . Huter Ii. a member of a pioneer Orangt' Coun· ty family. The property •·aa llated With Multiple U11llng by Mrs. Edith Maroon of the Earl Sl1nlry o!!lce and 801d by Miu J"a~lyn Bruner of the PrPndPrgul nfflcl'. ~el time to 11elect them. Stop In &nd look over your nurseryman's 11upply, MISA UPHOLSTDING DJ*olet.erbls • Drapery l..lllerlJ M '711 tl&O NwpL Bh·d~ Coeta II- R. Donalt/ Hall Construction Com,,.ny GENERAL OOSTJIACl'OR8 I U f.D W. Coaat Bw1. N_,,ort llMda. Oalll. ROBERT FO .RBES ...... PllOR R*..,_ llM RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO L.iRaE OR TOO SMALL UO IOUI St.. Newport ~ , Bart.or USS bcthan deeign and embrolderlu , r11t rou ting chlrkena 11 tndescrlb-1 chicken bonea. I but more i;iart1cularl)' beoauae ot ably good. Rerno,·c t.r.e mt>ftt an1J r«serve It Shakepea re s wondert~ i amllla r-A small' 11pric cut up a nd &llow· ror olht r u1,.~s. ::ilr10ln the broth lty wllh I.hem and e IWePl, rd lo simmer 111 tomat o aauce adda I through a r111e alcvc. Remove &ll gentle n~Cl·1 ~ ~~~ecltal oC great dlstlncllon to the l!pag'hettl rat. A.dd on" lnbleap•>CJn or quick these aoun 1 1 • d Ulan 1P<>· or baked bl'ana on which It 11 eer· cooklni; ta ph1ta an 11omr Cn:ahly etry: Rosemary an rue, mar or-, ved. , ground blac~ 111•1,P•'r Cook unttl &.m, clary, hyssop, aavory, Ulyme, the top1oca ls don•·· Sen-e In ru~ Aqellca. corl&nder, lovqe, m arl· L'liTRODt;81NO &OSEMABY wllh a&lted whlVPl'·I cream f'll!!''-ro;ct. 1dtt~~ ber~bl t ·Here la a fine recipe tor' ROSE· t"<1 aeparat<'IY Thl11 maku about now t~at th~ pr:uce of i:ec:1rci: MARY SOUP : Combine ln a aoup two quarts ot 1oup1. w .. ever dependent upon the herb g•rden, ytt aueh wa.s the cu e and 10me of our mOlt powtrfUJ modem remedlta allll de.rive Crom the ht rb kingdom. But with most herb• their medicinal \lael b&ve &"One the way of other homupun doaagu, and they have n ow 11ettled com· DR.A.PEBIE8 -UPHOLSTE&INO -SUP 00\"1:&8 WALL PAPER -CA&.Pl:Tl..~G OOKPLETE INTl:RIOll Dl:COllATINO LAMP LIGHT SHOP Harbor aut REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL CALL BARBOR 0751 l"OR ESTDIATE, WJTHOL'T CRABOE JOl E. BA.l.80A al.VD, BALBOA ARCHITECTS J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroelc Raymond Kent H.rvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Plegef HOUSEHOLD 'WARDROBE f CRISIS? CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here • f<eady Mixed Cone re le ta 1ptte or tbe ~meet Stio~ We Are MaJdar E very •-aM. Effort t.o 8-U.'7 UM NMda ef 0... Growt.r OommultJ. Fol' "41ocreM -Cell Da. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE ISS Oomntercla.I W&J COSTA ltE8A U 8-61tl QulaeJ • BWJ "IA H1111ttart.on lk'.b. Lu. ~tat Mirr.._. M.. 12511 ..... .. ··-... .,_ ............... """" •1 r ....... Otty 0 ..... . IODT HIT Twle lat ...... '49" :=. '::.. ~ .. ~ rt_-149" .. s,rt., _, .. ....,.. T• HIAD ._.. H-, ...... _ ............. _ ,.... '4.95 ...... 15.95 EVERYDAY BARGAINS HY ACO-'TH8 8 t&rtlal' to blO()fll I Bu.lbe la I " potl , • • • • CJNERARIAS -Loi• of larrl' pla.nt1 I• quart 1 St '1 M c-. .luat 11gbt to wt out I• ) our yard. f'.M'.h dOL TUBE&OUS BEGOXIA 15¢ GLADIOLV8 25 691 B Vl.88, all t.,-pee • colon ...._ S & 101 NURSERY 1•111 Bo. Newport lll•cl. -TUSTIN -C10MC1 ft~19 STOCK REDUCTION 5 'ALE BEAUTIFUL HALL-MACK and DURA • STEEL MEDICINE CAllNETS to be tM>ld at tbNe drutkally reduef'd prkee DURA-STEEL CABINETS H la,s ll IL \\'ood f'runf'd - "Ud111s m-°"°" Reg. $17.95 8Pf!C $10.95 "Ith l'la tr (;r.,.,. Reg. $21.95 Kpc'f'. SI 3.9S 28 In. x 34 In. All M"t•I f'hrom,. t ramN1 ~lldtnr PLATE GLASS DOOR.$ Reg. $1 05. "Pf'C· $63.00 HALLHACK CABINETS 11 In. ll 21 In. AU Meta~llrome FNl!lf'CI Hhllf'f'd Plate <la-l>oora Reg. $18.50 spec. Sll.9..> 1'1lh AdJudab~ M~h·ee Reg. S21.00 "pee. S13.6."i 2.'l ln. x 42 ID. All MP1al - Chrome1 t ·ramf'(l ~114la&' PLATE GLASS DOORS Reg. $125 .. itpec. S74.95 S rtr H a r d w·H r·e • "' ,,,.. , , •1 ..,• -....,, "4• -f II , • Mid Wint.r casa pura "Sll:JtVICI: WITHnf HOt"RS -WHEN NEEDED~ OOllPLEl'E LAt1NDDEll8 Md OLEANEll8 _, __ ,, ... ,,.,.' -'' ,, \. . -• llA1lll'fEll'9 ~ !Ii f!WHMT llEACll t '-\I \ I d --. ' • 11 I \ ) s-t. A .. 0,.. Moa. __.Fri. Tit t • ' AMIGOS. IEW ARE, GH~ST OF CAESAR WA~NS 'TAKE CARE' 0.-U-wu wamed ot the Idee 'ot M.udL Re laU;tied unW embraced b7 Brutua. Every dtiaen who knows th• bot t.r.tb of th• Bureau ot Internal Rftenue.,turka Matth la, rtlla out the UtU. white form wblle •tandlns oa ht. head Uld lookln&' ln a minw. Wlth ht. other head beJftClt.ed tbe mulUpUcaUon table back. wardl and divtd• by two. l:Yery &mlioe, no matt.er how Yi•joe, la waned by Ray Copelin. culUnt.or of the SreeJl lettuce, the ldu w ill fall UJM>I' delinquent munben with a dMth r&tU. to m.aJt• cae.ar'• .. I:! tu Brute" 90W\4 weak. 'mxcommunlcaUon I.a ln .tore for deUnquenta with r .. bl.ltatemerit. lnto Aml&'oe Vlejoe' hll&rte>U.8 famHy by th• rtrora of re-appllcaUon. Richard to Celebrate His 49th Birthday on Return BJ SALLIE FLDUNO ~ you atep off your plane from New York today after your hurried trip to judge the Retailer of the Year awarda. w e'll forgive that perullve look In your eye. A man Chiang May Let Matsu Go· to Reds 87 WALTON TllEOA81US New.·Prea Corttapondmt T AIPEl, FORMOSA, I DELA. Y • ED) (CENSOREOl--OCNS -ln TalPf'I thing• 1ttm very calm. People l(O a bout their bu.alneu u if nothing w•re happening, di•· playing a mood of unrutned wait· lnl('. The flnt "flap" ovtr t he crl1ll In Formosa eeem• to have 1ub- sldl!d. E\'en the war correspoo- der:!..I. a baromtll"r of the new• temperature of a rountry, hllve moelly cleared out and cone else- where In 11oulheast Asia. • • • • hu a rlght to be pen1ive on ha 1!1ii1£r;:;;~!!~~~lJ~i1~~;;:~~;.;;;~~,:_:,:.!;~~-•:•~~ birthday, especially when hi• own There Is a rumor now among correapondcntll that nationalist China may ttuictly withdraw from alt back '-'1d rela.x. You've work-Matsu. the \'lll11t•rr11Jlt> i~lands off ed endle.t111ly and given y our au. the • Ch•n•':1e ct1l\!<L off Foo<'how. Your market 111 everything and After all t la· t r11mpl't Mowing and more than 1ou'd dreamed It could I <'i(LnS"ing or tl1e •"\'mbals al.lout be. But ll'11 seven years old! Get-the 11i)!'nlrit'lllll'<' .or ~tnt.:<u. the ting obeolete! Too small! It has Ch1sni: fori'e>< rnoy ng1un g1\'e up lnconvenlence11. You enlarge It, real estate. you make a complete change over T he t11tr11 of Q11cm0,·, th1• 111· inalde lo make your store more lamt within ar111lt•1-y ra~gc of tht' beautiful, more efficient, tllan any ~n•at nt ,. 1m !ht• 'rhtne~e maln- grocery 11tore, anyone hiu ever land. i,; anut lwr matter Qllt'mc.y bttn In before! Is I.here no end to 111 tou ,·alu111)h· 11 prlzt'. ltm ht•'I\._ Wh~t you will do, to ser\'e peo-lly ctcfo>n1lt><I, a •11l 1.in s1ra1e~irn llv pie · How much can you give? 11ocaLPd at the harbor entram·e ,;, .. " -"•· • ••'*. :::..J birthday colncld'ea ao closely with PICKING BRAND NAME RETAILERS-Of. THE-YEAR th~o~!:. 0:.!~ :r~::rn:>lck ! You made It come true by serving Happy birthday, Dick. Thanks Chlna's grrnteat 11oulht•rn llt'll[IOl"t, for being here and for choosing to be 1rnrrC'ndNl"J l!;;hlh'. \ll lo feel the warmth of your ever-~rtainly, Matsu and Q~moy expanding, ceneroua heart. are the holle11t 11111uu In the l'llr· Members of blue ribbon panel of 23 judges met this week in New York to name win· nera of the national Brand Name Retailer-of-the-Year awards for 1954. Here, eumin· Ing pruientation• at Brand Names Foundation, are, left to right: Lawrence W. J ohn· aon, president, Johnson Caahway Lumber Co., Omaha, Neb.; L. B. Smith Sr., preJi· dent of 'l'horofare Marketa, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.; 0. W. Richard of Richard' a Lido Market, Newport Beach ; and Joseph Cohen of Petty's in Newark, N. J . All firms rep- re11eoted on the judges panel were awarded top plaques at last April's Brand Namea Day, Richard winning top award. Winners named this week will be honored at com- ing Brand Names Day dinner on April 13. other9! Seven yeara ago next week, you opened the doora of your world famou. markeL Public opinion ae.id it couldn't, but It did! Only you could have made It the symbol ot Good Will toward othera It I• today. We're the onea that lhould be penalve, not you. -------------· LIFEGUARD HEAD SEEKING URANIUM rent crlsl1 In southctl.l!t Asia. But tor the present. a drcl!1lon 51'<'mll lo have bf'en po11tponed by both aides. BODY IN BAY 'Ooataaaed from P1nt Fil-OM WHOLE TOWN Happy birthday, Dick, frof'!l the Mayor of Ul• Town, the cop on the beat, the Parent.-Tea.c:hera -'-<>cla· tlon, the Boy Scout.a. the old folk.t; ~ grand ladi•, the n ot ao l'f'&lld renUemen. You've aerved lhcm all. Your cnat love of people and do- lnl' the rl(ht Wnc fQr othera hu ) NEWPORT HARBOR" NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&E J MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 pay Paul Roth 17~ dam&IM 1D an ~·-•••••••••• accldent cllJm on behalf or h la 10n David Roth, 10. Ho-vn, the city IUllUl1I~ no llablllty 1n the mllhap. Attlle Cracker Im rel 87 C.&.llO EA'ION Kalat.hon and DDT, prde (love• and W.. honey bee t Oreenln,-hllla and •parklint-. Three S"U.... where w a·• d rather be! Yup. On the hlUa or aea aboN, lolllflr and forrettlnc the roe• and weeda. Bul coMC.lence being what It la, aore mo.t of th• lime. neede •alviJ\c. So -what better method than taklnl' alone a 1uJ>- ply of water colol'9, papen. can• vuea and olla, bruahea, or juat plain pad and pencll. You'd be doin1 110me eorl of labor. you rould tell yourself. And Eleanor Enfield could help you In 11elecUng auppllu from lhe very adequate atock at The Cracker Barrel, 128 Agate Ave., (the ferry St.I, Bal· boa h1land. And Sandy EnrJeld has a.. gift •for fine C'aatume fram-ing ()( yni1r plrture11. -Adv. U'ORT9'< .. r . • • • . • , ... y CLOSES TUB. "The V a1i1hi1g Prairie" "Down 3 Dirk Streets" "White Feather" P1m 'Fire Over Africa'· 1--.-.~-,.,.-~--~-----~---------th• (Un which II believed to have htli&4-~llOIJ.DCLatlee .. to creed, Jack J on•a. captain of the Newport Beach llferuarda, II enjoying a vacation until March 16. He I• t&klnr a 1tr· h.•• of llhort trlpa out of the H a r b o r area, lncludlnc a .earch for uranium. race or color. Your willing handa -------------· Lois Vogel Suit Settled; Amount" Not Disclosed 11 d allpped down the rock• Into the water, proved tutlle. Moore .. Id he believed turther trln to recover the cun are ueele111. Seven .410 ga. empty 1hotrun ahella were found by police at th• llcht.hoUM where the man'1 fl,lh· lnJ par wu lefL Ballutlc report. 'iald they au came from the am• sun. A papu aack of ahella WU a lllO found alonr with three car- tona ot 1brlmp bait pun:ha.ed from Art Roy Bait Chop, Oil New- port Blvd., Coeta Men. SUlCIDI: 8()()UTr;D Earlier poeatbl11Ue1 of murder or 1ulclde were dl11<:ounted by police. ,.Nothing In tht' man'11 hl11tory polnl11 to au1clde," McManlpl H id. ''a.nd nothing In the family h l•t.ory lndieate1 murder.'' The de-• t.ctlve reuoned lh• cun .... held too cloee to the body and too tar ~low the woundeo •~a to be a 111lclde attempt. Evidence of pow· der burl\I eliminated pollJllhllity or 1nlJX'r 11hoollnr; fr(lm a lll1tance. ortlr ers nlll. and erterveacent brain have em- ~ded 10methlnc rood In every MCtlon of Oranre County. That dream at&rt41d back In 11117. dldn·t It, Dick, when al the ace of 11 you toted crocerlea ln your little borM and buCl'Y· Steppl.nc .ton.ea were the-1trlct dUclpUne of Northwemtem MUltary Ac:&demy, Ulen the llUdy of th• Kint.try for two yean at Northwe.tem College tn Watertown, WI&. Wu It a twi.lt ot fate that m&d• you flnanc1&lly unable to continue the &onr train· ing and tum to Olkoah Bu.Un.e. College u a mo" practical route ln whlcll to eam your llvtnc! You tau(ht buatneaa a.dmlnillratlon for alll years at Oakoah Where you met your wife, Jennie, and you were m&nied ln 11123. TO C ALIJl'OR.NlA , Carl Origlow and Alcinzo Hun· ter both of Long Beach. told po- lice they ot>ettved a man fl.thing from the end of the jetty about 2:30 p.m. They wf'te t\ahlnc from a boat In the bay. They aald Ftrom and Lamm came by them In th•lr boat and told them they found a no.Uni body and were a-olng to ~port It. 0. W. "DICK" RICHARD Ttten 1933, the year of finand&l upe and down.e. luttd you to Cali- fornia. You had tau&'hl bu.tnea1 for yean on paper. For yeara em- bedded wllhln you wu Ule dulre to enter 110me bu1lnH1 that .. rved people. A bu1tncH you could make that lnllnang a reality. You were selling lite lm1ur&11ce tor Metro- politan at the Um• a client men· Uoned an open1nr In a Safeway Store. The (T'O()try bu.elnu11! That'a the one you'd learn! And you did. Your ability .. a trouble 11hooter The t'A'O Lone Beach men tolll offlrf'r• thty found the bag of 1hrlla. flahlnJ gur, bait and hat nt the dead man at the point where they eaw a man rt11hlng earlier. Both men 11afd they heard a 1hol. I put you In five different branehea tlmony. Both were p~Uon during 01934. wltneaiu. The owner of the Newport Pub- Longmoor lt1 rntlrted the lellM'• Uc Market. C. F . Loy, waa look ing on the Harbor Cale later known for aomeone to audit hta book.a all Snuit Harbor. Mr11. Ha~r that aJao had grocery Cllperience. man&gl'd the plll.C'ta after her h1r-Thill w111 you. You took the job Ing by Mr. Rnd Mrs. PauM, ll wu and worked there alongside your brought out. wile for 14 yeara. At IHl ! The Jemes G. Fowlt'r of the Newport ~~ce to put lhat pra.c:Ucal know. Forgery Angle Enters Pause Court Trial Bf!ach branch ot the Bank at ledge to work! You made notea. PAUSE CASE A hand-wr!Unc ex-rt Friday America prCM"nted bank record• atudlrd the want.a and J>&dlcu.lar ,,_ I needs of everyont, obllerved and teaUtled algneturea on document.I Tuesday. Hl11 depotll recorda •how-dreamed. You ware finally able to Coe*-'I ,.._ P'lrat Pace prNented In the Hennen Pauae • t'tl one accowit lilted u.nder four put into act ual prac:Uce your Ideal • Glover Oockin.11 coruplracy t rlal different nam,.s : Harry Burkhardt.. or rW lndlvldua.l Hrvlce. the wcond time 1D llle trial which are forged. John Jorgenun. de-Harbor Cale. Snuir Harbor Catt MARKET Dl&Bt:T 11 In It. fourth wHk. I partmmt of juatl~ examiner, tnld I PaUH. a~nded O~e Coun-thf' court I.hat In hl.t oplnfon. 11g· and Snug tkrbor. Inc. -ln 19'8 you opentd th• doore of ty Uquor cbJef and Dockln•, San· natures on four documenl.t! d1rter-The proeecuUoo brought out Ric'hard'• U do Market.. the reall· t& An.a mu.1lc ma.chine vendor, ed from th<>l!e on tn othn11 h4-ar-the Snug Harbor Care 111 w lthtn zatlon or your dream, the ruult were lndlcted by the• local grand Ing the '111.me or H11rry A. Burk-600 fl'et of a chun:h and alleged of 1t year• of atudy with people. Jury. Tttq -re a.ccuted of con-hardt I Thoee people lil<e you and liked aplracy to obat n1ct ju1tlce In con· Bu;khardt. father of Mra. Nu11e, lh&t wu In vlol&Uon of Board of what you had lo otter. Now atter nec:Uon with lhe operaUon ot Snug hNdt'd tht Harbor Caft>, Nl"wport Equallzallon reculat10111. aeven yean you ahould be able to Harbor Jnc. Pause a .. er~ly u11ed Boch. In 19~1. He dll'd In 19~1. bUI ofn~ t~na.J !"1n. The dtfendan lJ! are accus~ of Lonpoor Id~• ltue on coMplracy to ob1truct Ju•llce and I hi.a premlmea. It waa 11lgned by M~ the adm1nt11lnt1nn nt the law11 1n Clare Btt~. PaUM'• AUit.er. Win· connection "1th the OJ"f'Nlllon or dlate told of the type1 of llcf'n~11 !'tn111t Ht1rbor. lnr INUf'd to the Harbor Cafe and la-PERSOSAL OAJ.S~ ter to Bnur Harbor. Snur Harbor lonk ovn tht Har· UCEN8U HELD bor Ca.ft. T'auN'. 1!t1!1pend,.d Onrnitf' Ke ,..... unable to recall f'X&et County liquor cnntrol ottfctr, 11' dalff. but aald llceNM'• held were alh•g-f'd to h1wt 1111td hl11 pOf11tinn ln lhll order: beer, beer and wlnr, tor per110nal gsln. q..n.erty on .... le general liquor Jorgt'nsen oplntd there w11.1 a aJtd on·.-le gtneni.J liquor , dlffer•nce In Burkhl\rdl 11 11ljrn11· The prMeCUUon aa.ld Ila •xpe<'ll lure nn liquor llct'n11n trtU1ftfrr11. to wind up It. evtdence p.-it.a-appll<"llt lons for liquor llr,.n!W'11 and tloe tomorrow or the next day. atrlda,1l.f!.. The w l tnus lt'~l1f1rd all 111gna- DEATH NOTICE ture1 purported lo be Mrll. Clare ~l"be08 on fl\'!' h<'tn~,. &pphc&· tlon11 and v.·llhtlntwal or appllc11- Uona. Mni. Bffbe. Pau!lf·1 11lflltr. ,.... portedly ......, pr.111r:lenl nf Snur Ja.c'k Wlle7, vice-commodore of H1lrbor. Inc. the 11UI Cout Guard Dtitr1ct, LONOMOOR n rt:KE United Statee Cout Guard Aux-1 \\'alter Longmoor. m11.11aier of lllM7,. dltd Sunday n l(tL Funeral I Welltem Cannt r11. N rwp<1rl Beach, aernua wen held yMterday In wu r ailed lo th!' '' 1tn,.11• it.and LJftwood. Tul'llday In th" • • • I rial nt Mr. WUeJ wu knOWll lD New· Olovu Docklna t,.rma.n • Pauff Loninnoo1 11""" I port Harbor to m.n ol the local atter Mn. Charlott. , "" 7:101 "'9UUa 17. 8M&hore DriYe, ('(Included her te&- loy•'s lalboa Linoleum Co. -'ACK BOYER - 2801 w. Belboa Soaleftrd • l..blolewn • Rob~r 11.le • Cork • A'Pluilt Tfle • Ca rpet • ForDlk'a • 't' edit • lastallatton ......... 5319 Newport leach The Standard Man c111 save you 10~ on 9er11 kllf ers By bu.Yins and taking deliwry durlnf March or April, • you can 1et a JO% d il!COunt on tlleM Standard 1fl'1Di· cidet1 and dJs~ectants. Standard 8•per·Germlte•cr'lll)'lic aolution-&ppro¥- .d by U. 8. D. A. for ofBcia1 diainfection ol li~ premiMs. S tandard Dtp 6 Dt.tnfedaat-a all:round d.lp for f lll'tD &nimala and pou1 try. Sta~ud Poaltrt Houe 8 pray-rida poultry a.,.. of chklten mile9, ticU, 8fee; kiU8 11>iden and ICOrPklna. Order the onea )OU nefd now ••• tab deli"'7 ti.fer the end ol April and Mve 10%. r. W..•111•• • _, ...... OI C....., .. <.-.. ........ CLAYTON THOMPSON 180!W,..,_..._ Phillips' Jury Selection Due in -Mantz Case SAN'rA ANA. MARCH 7 (QC. NS l-Selecllon or a Jljg' to hear teatimony 1J\ the rece!Wnr-1tolen· property trial for Lloyd A. Phil· llpa, 13, Brea rarace owner, be- &'&n In auperlor court hf're thll mornlnr. PhUllpe II linked to the 1111,000 burglary of Paul Manta' Balboa J.sland home Man,. l l, 111~2. Th~ dl.ltricl attorney accused PhUUpa ot receiving a 1hotcun and rlne stolen from Mant&' ~~ldmce. The defendant I• alleged to have n-celved the weapons In Decem- ber. 19:12. when he knew thry were 1tolen. Phillipe 11 repreaented by At· tornty Wiiiiam Wenke, the 11a me man who gained an a.cqu1tt11l tor lhe defendant laat tall on a 11lml- la.r charge. Oewlllt Chateeron Le handling the proHCullon. Among the Item. taken from th• Manta home wu an antique gun collection. Visitor Hmts Neck Sharon LM JohnlOn, l~ of Po- mona. told police yuterday •he In· Jured her neck wht n Aht' fell at Corona del Mar main beach whJle playing ball. SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Prom- inent Newport Beach rut estlll• Broker Loll• T. Vogel 11ettled ll S3297.60 1111ll brought against her by bllll bondsman Hank Wlllla.m1 oulllde of court. William• .. Id he was awom lo llf'Crecy on the amount or the wt· tlemait. Atty. Robert Powf'll alllO declined to dl11eloff the rxact flit· ure, but lndlcatt'd It wu •ubat&n· Ual. Wllllam1. Anrhor Surety Co. re· preffnt.Atlve hr1 I', lod(t'ell the ac· tlon &plnal M1 ~ Vogel In connec· tlon with 1:10,()()(l bond hi' put up tor the frl'f'dllnl M Arthur G. El· drcd, former $Ania Ana rest e11· tale tycoon. The ballbonllama.n <' o n t e n d e d Mr•. Vogt! bar k,.d EldrPd to the tune of I~. but rPfu11rd to make full paymf'nl Mn1. Vogtl te11tH1l'd for the de· fenae tn the Eldred cl.M!. Eldrf'd w11 convlctf'd of three count• ot grand thPrt and pll'11ded guilty to for11:ery H,. Is dolnfl' a :I·~ ynr •trt'lrh al <"hlno prllKln. He Al3o ill tJWil lllng tr111I on a cnn11plracy lnt11ctment Ask Approval of City Settlement on Roth lniury SA:-:TA ANA IOCNSI -Su- J>frior Court htl't' wu uked Fri· day to epprove Ultll'mf'nt nf II dl11putt'd mtnor'11 d11lm m conn,.c-· Uon with a Newport Buch acc1· dtnt. Newport Beach hH arreed to yes! • TONE s.rv1c•· sANI • · ncl ~ II th• dart a ~ gets out 0 _,_... and 41.~ • hteftS CUtV-- 'S•p0t1-bri9. 1,..l tellture ~ restor•s ~·1 TRY IT! ~ to fabr•CS..:.,....a.~ s-e-fot y . are our new spnn9 DRAPERY orr.~ nu. r.n: TIL I Slip Cover and Upholstery FABRICS Springtime and all--ita glory ia hardly a match for lhe 11elecllon ot fabrics we have. F rom the nation'• mOfft famous milh1 we've choeen the best of their accomplishment.A. Patterns that are gay or subdued, in floral. geometric. modernilrtic and plajn colon : material.a that are longtime favorite& plus many new ••ea\•ea to excite you. Price& to de- light, from 89¢ to $2.98 yd. OUR EXPERT DECORATING SERVICE i. •~ a t •• ('Ollt. ftrtq I• 111ar Mec>rau., protl...,_ or pl)Olle for ,.,..,_ .. ..._ '8 mil at JOU r lilolnf'. \'alldaW ntf;J; PARKJSO a t AH 1.ote SANTA ANA 102 EAS:r FOUiTH ST • COi. MAIN I .. . I IT WAS A SURPRISE for Mn. Warren Clemence, pre- aldent of Harbor View P·T A. when abe found the board meeting, held Wedneeday morning at the home of Mn. Norman Car110D, 2908 Cliff Drive, had been turned into a stork •bower for her. Gift box on Uie table contain• a paJr of miniature plutJc cribll, for twina a.re expected, and the real crib. will be.·dtlivered lat.er. Left to right -Staff Photo Mary Topper Weds Pasadenan t '\\ I .,,. (rear row) are lilme&. Fred Kuter, Bo Burnett. Mylet Porter, M. S. Lacy, Baney Plue, Gordon McMahon, Norman Carlaon, Robert Olander and John Neff. Front row, Me.dma. Ilaria Newland, Batph Troutman, Warren Clemence, (Bitting) and If.. Jeme Haine&. Membenl of the boa.rd not pl9ellt are Mm. Aileen Martin. Mn. Jamea Lawa, Mn. Jack Hem and Kn. J. Herbert Brownell NEWPORT HARBOR . ,; "IT'S AT)'RACTIVE" is evident opinion of this group of Harbor women attending the Wednesday fashion show of Patricia's of Santa Ana, staged at a local club. From left to right are Mmes. Gordon McMahon, Robert P. Rea, Vincent Pickup, Ro~rt Olander and Norman C. Carlson. -Don Bush Photo ALUMNAE GROUP Pi Beta Phi to Entertain Grand Council Vice Pres. .. Two evenUI ahare tmporlance on the March calendar for memben of pt Beta Phi. First ta on Friday ot thJa Wffk when the final book mu "B. Frost. Dwight Dunclln and may 11tlend for the full aeulon, R. Allen Behrendt. I or a three-wtek half-session, wtt.h Mra. Earl G. Corkett. 304 Buena boarrt and room •ccomruodattona Vista St., BaJbo.. hoateeud the at the Pl Reta Phi SetUemtnt Feb. 23 coffee aualon. At t.h1a Ume School. review by Mary Greer Scarbor-It wa11 voted to hold only five ------------- ouch will be held et 10:30 &.m. meeta In the corning fiscal year, In Irvine Coa1t Club. Ther-.will morning coffees In September, No-CD M Couples Writers to Lecture at Redlands U. To be beld Matth 11 to JI ca Ole campua of UnJver.1ty ot Reclland• la t.b• 24UI Annual wrtt•r• WHk. when wtdely known euU\01'1 will lectllNl on their fleld9 of W11Ul\I. Amo~ the lt lec:turen wW tie Ad9la Roc•ra 8l. JobM. Karlan Watt, Ray Zeman, Leo Politi. LM- Ue 8avac• Clark, lldWVd Loi\&'· it.nth, Fran Wetmore and Lyle Leverich. March 1t will M jour- nallam day with penel dl8cU891on• moderated by fa'1ulty Jntmbel'9 ot junior and Mnlor coU•ee. c . D.~ M. Europe Orient Line LONG BEACH ro CHEBBOUBG DEPART June 25th Corona ~el Mir Travel Service a1ao be a guest epeaker, Louis vember, Ja.nuary and March, with Cochran, author, lawyer and for--a J'ounder·a Day luncheon In April. v t" AD ,.._ el F ..... ir..... merly a member of Ole F.B.J. All wtll be on the I.Ht Wedne.daya on aca ton ea4 rMOrt "NWIM On Wednud&y, Marcla.%3:-South ot the month.a.' .: "~-..: • • t • Cout Alumnat' Club "111 honor 'nle president. Mn. Geo~ H . Two Corona del M&r coupleia are Mataal Theatre !1tW9 ....,.,__~~-+-Mto ....... W6+1~ . d-...tha.....~uaizleaa ~ta.•an,>•&.&a~IM~..,~~--~-~n .. ~··~~1t-'N1'1!1!:~Vl1Clrllll:&l1Grl:"f--~~ pre:ddent of the grand council of meeting, and &nnounced the elev-cation. farther aouth. The J. w, o range un y'IJ&vonte d&ughtera~'N. ler Topper wu married on Feb. 27 to James Hoyt of Pua- dena. Mn. Hoyt ia well kru>wn in BOCial circles in Newport MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women's Editor and wu formerly interested in Republican political activities -----------------------and 1erved u a former Orange County president of the Re- Pi Phi, who I• maklng her official enth a.nnual er.rt Worluhop. apon- v1:iita lO acth·e chapters and alum-sored by Pl Bet& Phi and the Uni- nae ctub:s. The a!falr wtll be • venatty ot TenneMee, to be held tea held at the home ot Mrs. Sam-June 13 U\rough 16 In Gatllnbu11r. uel Wuvr·r. 221:'1 North Flower TenneMtt. / Cameron• toured Mexfco by air, with atopa •t Guaymu, Herma.II· lo and GusdalGJara.. among other clU~ • ' 35421 I . Comt Hwy. Oppaelte C.D.K. ~om.. ,..... publlmn Women. More recenUy I been moored here for aeveral Mn. Ho:rt haa been e-xec:uUve aee-yeara. PAGE 4 • PARf 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 St .. So.nta Ana. All Pt Phlt1 1n tht> Courses In weavmr, enameling, " The Mathey Conley. of Narcia-county are Invited. metal work, jewelry. pottery de-Hmbor 1246 bU 1 Mr. and Mn. Hoyt ~ now tn ret.&r)' for Ult Repu can .Aaaoc • W-.hincton. D. c. and wtl\ ext.end Thtre will be a b1111lne1111 eeaslon • :sua Ave. are among a larl'e l'f'OUP at the tell, wtth an officer slate coraUve design, and recreational or Callfomlana who ..Ued Sn Feb· a t.N with offloe• ln Lo. Alll'e1N. I their tnp to New York, returning Mr. Hoyt hu been a familiar the tint of Apr1J to Puadena tlcure tn Newport a. hl8 boat haa where they w1ll malre their home. MISS JANE SPELLMAN IS BRIDE OF WILLIAM BLAND reported by the nominating com-I craft.a are being offerC'd for college mlttee which lnrludt>11 Mmes. Tho-I credit o r mert>ly for fun. Studeni.. 'Bon Voyage'·is Farewell for the Elton Halletts It wu a py fartoW.U for the and San Juan. Pu&rto J\lco, and Sltoa H&UeUa ., ..,.._ r.IU4 wve t.o Join at eome port Mr. and whlll Kr Md >Ow. ,..,. o.tett -Kn.. Rolltrt ~ ud daUdNn tertaantd• at a buffet dinner on oe tM er,.t.er yacht Eltc:U. n F eb. 2& at. their home, 231 J:ut few a ~ ot Ult Caribbean. 'n1.e Bay J'rcllt. ~ Electra I WU a partJcl· Th• Hallett. and tMlr Tom, .iu. p.nt in the 19!11 Trau-Pacltlc dent at Hora.ee En.lgn Bdaool. race to Hon?lulu. Mra. CTyater t. Mr. and Mn. Delpbint Gears• Spdlm.an of WNt.mlnat.er are announclnl' the ~ at Uaetr daufht.er. Jane Lei.la. to Mr. W1llJa.m McHenry Bland. 'nle ceremony wu performed Sunday, Feb. 20 tn the Gnieml1ch Wtddi.nc Chapel, NaplH, wtUI Ult receptloa hdd att.enrard at the chapel Mni. John IA.tfert.y •tood wtth tbt bride and Mr. c. v. McCarty WU beat man. 'l1'e llrtdap-.. tbt -of Uae late Mr. and Mn. Wal• lace E. Bland ol San JON. Be bu MTYed WiUI lhf' U. 8 . Army, l8 pr.enUy an agricultmal .mdent at Orange Cout College, Of wtli('h hl8 bride t. -aJumna. 'nle couple 18 now at bom9 111 Corona <tel Mar after a wed· dine trip to Carmd. Baptists Join in Nat. Crusade Hundred• of 8ouUlrrn BapU11t Churcht'I In Southern C&lltorrua are cooperaung with almost 30,000 other~ throughout the Unlttd St&tee and Al.Mk& In a gtant evan· gellsUc nation-wide cMJsade. Marrh 6-20. lf'ft lut. w-.k by plane for .MJaml Mrs. Hallett• alat.er. l:lect.r& II. In ~plica. ~ -------------------------- The F 1 r • t Southern Baptist Church of Coeta Mu. ls entering t his movl'ment with their paator, Or. R lrhard Posft, doing the prtachlng a t nightly 11cn·lcc11. He npent'd tut Sunday with the theme "Onf' Thing I Know" and In the evrn1nr. "Th<> J«V\v11I at Pt>nte- cr>st". Homecoming of the Zonta Club Annual Homecomm1 Day tor all former members of the Zon\& Club of Nrwport Harbor wtll be held on March 10 a t a luncheon meeUnr 1n the Villa MarlnL Many of Ul&M former mmibeu now livtnc In oth· ,.r communltlH and are plannlnf to attend. At the recent. dlnnu meet1n1 at the h.ome of Mra. Albert Stockton. Mmea. J ohn Upeon. J•ck Reinert and H. B. Robert.Aon were appolnt- .ci to repruent Zonta on the NflW- port Harbor CIVIi Ddenae Otst.nl· aallon. the buffet table, llt.1Jtng toward Martinique Oil a blue aea and nap. JtJn r1np were the ahlp'a Ute pre· •rvera. Bon voyage g1fta for the couple were a.-embled wider a U1bted balloon tree on whJch -re hunc mlnlatun pieces of lugiace.. ~home aouven.tn tor the cuut.a. The coclcl&ll table canted out the t.M.me with an Afr1e&n e&· not tilled with camelllu . 8bar1111' In the farewell were MeNra. and Mmu. O. H arold Ma,. ther11t William s. Pin. Robert IA.n1t97, Charlea Han11tn, the hon- or and host couplM. Breakfast For Credit Women RARK TR~ NEED WATER County Granges Join Program to Save Oaks Homemakers to Study Lighting Memben of the Ort.nee County Pomona G~e paa.ed a !"4!90lu- Uon at their la.at meeting. held at the local Grange hall In Costa Ke- a&. to ••ork with Othf'r rh1c mlnd· 4"d Org'&JllM UON tow-a rd P'"'"· Ing the fine atand o( old oak trees In Irvme Park. Tbet11 tre« are dy- tnr off from la.ck of mou1ture, and It l• ho~ 90me means can be pro- vt&d to t&ke ca.r. of tht. need. 'nle n&tural or nonnal aipply hq bttrrcurtaUed by a dam abo\'e the Jerry 'Rodman, Reggie Danlger, COl!ta Mesa Homemakera will John Goode. under U1e very a ble mf'et Fr1d11y. 10 11.m. al the home leadu-abJp Qf Mni. Pat Overly. 1 of Mr11. O. R. J\11lh0Cf, 398 Eut Tll.!!tln Crang!' will br ho:1t to 1 Flower Sl., Cost.a M~11a. with u ck the County Gra.nge March 22 at lunch at noon. l the Ch1c Center In Sant.A Ana on I Home Lighting ts subject for tht Eighth SL month. They will consider the right AU r.~ta Mu.a Grange mem-amount a nd kind or light for va.r· 1 bent are urged to be preaent at the lous tA$ka It' g, reading. sewing, M.arch 10 meetJng, u tht m<>n are I television, and work areu.) They nspcinsib!.e toT the ,.ntert.aJnment wtll dl~cll3& lh') f'ffet:l ot home dee;-I that night. &nd the hat f orating colors on the &mount of Credit Women'• BrYldut Club perk. c rman ° light In a room the commlttte. Funk Parson:1. h!UI Th<' plar!ng nf llghl.9 to control a RUpriM and a treat In 11tore. 11ha dQw11, and glarf' Ult! t hl' 15t'lec- llon ot lamps and hghllng fixtures THE ORGA..'l YOU CA.S Pl.Al' AT oscr:: tbe woDderfUI a- HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Tbe Wlaole f'amU7 c.. P"1 h Wltllout 1-ou! Now! No Need to fake ~ Come In and Prove It to Yourself We aliM> lDvtte you to come In &ad try the nl'w Hammond Spinet Orcaa-:-Oow "''a!J•ble DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIA.'°O & ORGA.'O ~TORE llt adquarte"" for AU Modt>l11 Hammond Orpn..• Kl !-~It() 'Ille loc:aJ club haa been honored for a third time by h•vlnr a m•m· btr appointed to a dlatrict com- mittee. Mra. St.ocl<ton la now a member o! the uitem&Uon&I rela- tJona committee. The othC'r two are Mn. Earl Stanley, who .. rvu u dlab1ct chaJrman of the ~ Ila Earhart Schol&nhjp Fund. and Mni. Rulli Barcume. who le on the public relat10113 commltt,... membeni will hold their next mttt· 1 I n an lmprea1ve aremony, a Ins oii Wednt9day, Much 18, ':':30 nag wu pnaented to the Orange a.m. in Jon'a rutf'lura.nt, Corona I County Pomona G"11ge by the del Mar. All women workinl' foT I Woman'• Relief Corpe of Le Rat>- rtma atendm1 crrdJt are tnv1ted ra. 'nle pre9e11t.&Uon wu ma.ct. by to joln, and employers are lllViteid 1 Mmes. Cram and Kor-eland. Home From Mexico w ill be dl'mon!ltraled I Tht> toot! nf th,. mon h fnr !'.t11rrh 5:?0 !'\o. Main 1\anta Ana W-"Sully" Sullivan and Jilli l~tt~lr_"-----------------------• Bement of Lido Trallt'r F\lrk h&\'e to attend the bl"e4kful. R-r-.·a-1 'nle -..embly wu enlArt&.IDed Uon1 llhould be madt at Liberty I by 8 .local l"'DUl» ot aquare danc. rrturned rrom a recPnl bUE1n"aa 8-303. younptera, whM:h lncladed Dtane and pleuure trip which rook t.htm Pre1tdent Mni. James Mpln a.nd Mrs. Stockton '8''111 hold a ~rles of urd parUea for the bent'flt of th• IntemaUonal RelaUon. funda, whJch i.. to ual•t a delegate to the InternaUonaJ Connnuon to be beld l.n Sun Valley ln 19:18. C08ta Kua merc-hanta donated C-1, Danny ea-el. Robtn zr. througb Artzona and tntn !'.ftxlco gift.a for • recent aa.Je held by the 1 wtn.. TwTy Ja.cot., ._ <>rers... to Maotlan. club at Ure Alpha 81-t& Mark eL Jn ""':;jf=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;::;. A surprl.ee "grandmother for th• tlnt Ume" baby m ower ww.. stven to Mra. Aspln. oomplet.e wttJI et.ork. cake and pa.ck~n. c.1\a.rge Wf're Mmes. Perry Hopltina. . president, Burton Beck, \1ce p~ !lldent: Melwood Berry, trea.llurv: a.nd Clyde Lewl1; al8o MJH M&l"J' Hartaler, Mcret.ary: M.laa MArp._ rite Way. MIS• Bar~ni. Jotuwon Md R\lllMll Jnl'lllaon. Mrs. Mel Berry Surprise Honoree at Birthday Fete Kn. JUlwood &ny wu aur· many c'itl.• and •1ahinc her many pr4• IM!Doree rec.nll.y at a blrtb· happy retuma of the day W'f're tier "1 dlnner bo9t.ed by bu parmta, hu.knd Mel and their c.h.lldzu, Kr. aDd Kn. A. B. McCollum. at Da.W. Thocnaa. Jamu and DI· Udo Iii.. at tMir club. Mra. J:d. a.u; M--. a.nd Mme.. J . WNley WVd WIU l'kltftd complim.8nt. Harriaon. Arthur !lu~rbrook, ear u. 80ft1 and ba&uutul featber Ku Owen. Ray :-:1ei.en. Edward a.... wtddl eentend tile table. ,,. and 90!\ Ted. and the Mc· Wat.elalal Mr. -Barry open ti.' Collwna. N>I MllCHANTS PIOTICTIYI SIRYICI It NIWPOIT HAllOI AIEA CALL LIHHMf f· 1634 lmmOl.8 aoo&'I • • • STA Tl MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST A TE PRIVATE, DETECTIVE AGENCY l DR. HAROLD IENTLER DEN'l'IBTRY DCNTURE8 Plutic -.f>on:el.Un ll'U..LINGS EX'l'RAC1'ION8 <WI ni. a Mpt u s..tat M"T7 Onqe Aft.. DID YOU KNOW ••• More titan a ltalf-mil- llon car huye~ have switched to· Mercury In the last 3 yearaP Tai• Me drift nd pll'll inow wftyf DEPENDABLE FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Since 1902 PACIFIC. WCTllC LINES W. GORDON, Local A_.tnt %60() Balboa Bh·d. -Phone: Harbcw 4 nary on a !57 day Mtdlternlllet.n c ruise aboard the s. 8. Independ- ence. The luxury liner wtll arrive back In New York on April 9. -Your Adft?'tUllDI DoDan IV artbtr, do more. ..u ..... wMa Phon. .Batbor 1811. LAST 10 DAYS FOR FREE Glm y.., wm ""' ,..,,,,. -.. ..._ h ........ tiftt .... ~ 1°'"· ,....... ~ ·~ .-r -lfte""4 MY"°9t -· , .......... ,....._"• ,_ ..... s-i-................ Cloe• •II•• '" ...-,.., --·••.ooo--... ,... .. ,_ ........................... ,_ ,, ••• tt •••••• , •• , •• , ••• ........--uoo .. .... (A ................. ...,. ... _ •• ~1. GET YOUR Gin NOWI ANNOUNCING IMuest pold Quonerly Oft F11ll Poid CenHicote ~ Acco11nt1 Morch 31, J11nt 30, Stpll"'t>.' 30 •' d Dece"'btr 20 (in time fOf Chri1tn10.). llen'I wt.y , .. ....W MW .. c..t. ......... I 1. Yevr NVl"9t .. "' -.1 31-;,,. '"-"' o .,.., ii , ... curret1t ,_ 2. ,..,, ..,,,,,.. .,. .... I Eodl -ii ,,_. .. S 10,000 by Ille federol So¥1n91 Oft4' loon lt11uroM• Corp0rotion 3. Y-r MYl"9t --•9ftl9MI You "'O'f to•• by -ii "41 "'oner wt.e.. you 11 .. ~ wo~ poy -•099 both _.,. 4. ,_, •cc.;vwt ......... ~ .... 10th of,.,._,.,, •onu '" .. '"' ··-.... '" OPIN TOUa ACCOUNT NOWI I ......., ,_.. 4 Me.• -.,. '•" '•·• C•••·fl~-....... 1.c ... ..- • } I ,J -·· • RECIIVING AN AW ARD 01" MERIT fnr outotanding work "1th veteran• la Kn. Ralph Bonds, p?Mident of the N_.-t0Amerlcan Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 291, from lln. Albert Stodrloa of the Col William Caban a.pter of DAR. Lookin& on at the right are diu.bled vet.era:ia Charley Lexow and Frank Cerne from the Lo11g .. ... -- Beach Veterans Ho.pital. Every month the local aux· iliary has been planning aomething different for the vet· eran.e. Thia program and hobo party waa under chair-' manship of Mn. Gilbert Opel.. Furniahing comm.unity singing accompaniment at the piano ia Mrs. Dolly Stew· art of Lido TT&iler Park a118. Palm Springa. -Staff Photo Ovic Beautificaton llra. Robert Ma.rah&JI, cbnteat chair· man. and Mn. John Nett, Newport repreeentative. Beautification Contest Closes " March 15 Civic Planting Projects Eligible from August Entry blank• for the Annual Orange County Civic ~u­ tificatlon Cont.eat rnu.t be filed before March 15, by &11 com- DA R A d 1------------------_,._ ___ lmunltie. wishing to participate, announced Mn. Robert Mar-, war s BOX SUPPER ND 11hall of Newport Bea.ch, cba.irman of the cont.est. . A DAN CE Rulea for thia con,..t, which la opo11BOred by the On.nge county .A.uoclaled Chunben ot 11&, WNtmlruter, Santa Ana, and an.a E·v-·e .. --Il--r-..,,,,~---+"'·.c:ALT ...... I,,I.R~DJ.A.c:LY.._., l.E(;IQN_HAI.I, .. _ eomm•re" wm "'~..., ,, • ..,,.,,,1m """'"' th• m"""•· ttN-e1m11e ~ . &e.utitle&Uon proJ~ta now undrr-s Spellrhradt!d tOWll.rd thl' vet.en n1!( reh&b!lJt.a.tlon tund I• vie BfoauUflcaUon Committee heJd way Ill lhue town• were explainel:!. the publlc old·fuhloned box .upper and dance which the In Santa Ana. Newport &each and Wutmlnllter Ameriai..n Legion Au:11:!U&l)' Unit Zil la at.aging Saturday eve-Repreeent&Uv• f rom Co.ta N e-have alf'Udy flied conte.t f'ntry A.n.11ouncement ot the recipie11t of a certificate for "care ~rvation of the American flag" will be made by 1.-lra. Al'-t Stockton, regent of Col. William Cabell chapter of th• 1. A. R. at the March meeting. There will be a dia:play of vriou.e other award.a which will be made at the meeting. n-Will lnd!Jde the rood elU· rated with a red. w hlllt and blue ..... mt'dU and pin' eerun-umbrella end nut cupa, with a eatel~tory books for IChool IJ-bride'11 <"all:• as piece de ree!11t.anct . breftt. Junior A.alarican Clll&en· Mn11. Cha.rle1 Boardman gave •n eblp I.AA a.ad prUu. Girl Horn• lntert•tlng-report on na Uone.l dt· ma.JtAawardl, hlltory awa.r@ and fenAe and Mra. W. E . Bcwlt 1 an. .Uwr-9P00n•. In addlUon. the nounced the chlldren'1 party htld c.bapt" ha.I pr ... nted ui. Amert· on Feb. 21!1 at the Girl Scout l:louae. A. R H lal Newpor1. Beach. AJI locaJ children an. •• lo O&C a.pl · tllg1bll' tor GAR were lnvttf!d. ll&IDE"I fJHOWEK A.ntunce.rnant of I.he .. a.....i. CHILDR.l:Y...,~ PAR.TY ..,... &de by If.rs. Blockton et A Ylllkea Doodle Hit contu t the 181t -.Ion, held at N--.... tun, With Lynn H.art. Boyd port arbor Yacht Club. It .... Boardman and J oe Gall&nt wln- a tun.Aon and ahoweT keyed lo rilnc the prlze1 for !ht be1t hat& the pll1ot1c theme and honorlrll" Mra. Thom u Kennedy, ~t re· th• clfter'• nnll brldt. Mr11. Bill rent of Patience Wrtg:ht Chapter, ,(Lul!Jf"tftkley) Adrian. Laguna Bea.ch, told the 1t.ory of 'Jbeltm,c:Mon table "'U <!Ko-the capt.un ot >:fa.nn&h D~n by P1111i11 ti ••ild the !Jldi&M, or llow Hannah and. a 1•-ytar-old boy kllll'd the ln- dl.IJu and acalped them. 11'.Cllped u d re tu rned to their tamlU,11. The party wu under the euper- vtaion or Mra. w. E. Bowles •• llllll.ed by Mra. Hart., GAR chalr· man: Mrs. Stockton, rec ent. Mra. J<»eph Call&nt. Mia. Mary AM Bowle. and Mll1 J ane O.trander, who played the piano accompanl- mant for the "°"'' and mu.teal cha! .... OlllL MlOL"'H, TOO n tng at American Lerton H11.ll, l !lth Sl.. and \\'Mt Bay Ave. torma w1th the Aaaoclat.t-d <;ham- ~fra. L. c. Leutwyler and Mr11. Robert J . Brigg1 are in cha.rge. D1"nne' r Part1"es ber1 off~. Mra. John Neff ll c.lvtc Music w ill be provided by a we.Um dance band, beauutlc•tlon repre1entatlve from The rehebl.lltetlon program tnclude. mOfllhly parUee &T· Newport. Mn1. Oavtd McGrew rep.-For Wanl.kl"S re1ent1 We1tm1n1t.er. ran~d for V. A. Ho11pltel tnmate..-1..etut. WM on Feb. 14 when 22 vetU&lll end four Red CrOllll drivers and th.e l"l'lCl'ea,. I Any; beauUlloaUon project at&!"t,. d H b d ed aft.er AUIUlt l , 1.iM or before tlon dir~tor from the h011pltel enjoy~ luncheon. c.ard1 and an US an S May 14, 1 9~ II ellgtble tor com- j!'&ml'll. Ttil11 wa. the fln1t Urn11 Jn four yean ll hM rained peUUon. nn th• day of Ul• vetierat11' p .. rty. , Wanlkl niemban will meet with --------------------------· lthelr Klwmnie hubuldl tor a SL Trophy awa.rda Will be gtveii Ule FUN AT NEWPORT Pack 181 Cubs Perform as Knights in Armor Knlgbl.11, 1qu!ru. and j~r• a t· !Healy. Jimmy Bot.hweU and J ohn- tended the monthly meeting ot TIY Boyer. CUh Scout h.ck 181 1.t the New· Future pl&n1 for the Pa.ck In· port Eltrnentary School auditor- ium •'r1d1y night, Men:h '· Each CUb modeled 1111 "Knlghl.11 ol' Yore" elude an outlng to the bposiUon Pa.rk Muacun1 on March 19. Thl1 rnonth'• them11 Ill ha.Md on conHr- vaUon. with eacb boy bull.dtnc a Patrick'• O..y dinner on Marcb 17 coat.Mt wl.nnen at th• M.ay dimler ln VlUa Matin&. Thef.r February of the ,.._Lated Chamber. of meelln& .,,. .. a pot luclr. d.1nn.1r Comm.re. of Oranre Cowity . held at KbeJl ClubJlowle, Balboa, wtth 111emben1 ot. both clube play- lnlJ card& an-.z.da. Planning _.ion for the event •u at a morn!nc ltalfl!il kt.a.t.ch tio.t.ea-1 by Mra. Max Pop. with )(ra. Sar- f'Y Aabt.on and M.ra. V.-nan ~ ~ aMUUn«. Mra. Oto,... Btrlcker ptttdded. Turkey,Ham Dinner-at Costa Mesa A t the dinner, a ~trioUc theme wu carried out ""1tb red. white and blue teble biol.ha, blue candl•. A complete turkey or ham din- red and white nawers. The clu~ ner will be 11erved by n1unber1 ot houae had be-en deeors.ted by Mra.c I.he Friday Afterntl<»I Club In the Spurgeon·• Girt Scout Troop, club houM from 12:30 lo 5 p.m. Attending were Me.n.. &nd Oll Sund1y, Macci'l 13. The public Mme11. Stricker, Bf!rt Webb, Ver· and ail club member11 •re invited. trlltl4fierred Into ahinlng ILfTTl.Or. non KoepK). Roy Yount.one. Bob 'ncket. c&n be obtained at tht l h J · hould Ch!ldll, John AlbaMan, Karry .Uh· COAlume, wh.lch had been Lhe theme blrdhOUlle to btl di.!lpls yed at next tor tht month. Cardbo&rd wu rnonth"a P.ck meelll'lg. comp etc wtt ol.Jlt..11, 11 e r S door 1t lhrff prtcea, tor adult.., M d b t lale8 Bo n· g Pl ton. Rly Dike. Un.coin Grtndle, gua.r • an reu ·P . .ICU p n ans H b< K -•!NJ and 1mall children, '' ''" 8.1"1£' waiite paper b&3kel.ll !)Kame Dave Nlel•n . er rt UUIY. ,,,-~ "authenllc'" he11d ge&.r. EvEl Robin £ S Harvty Peue. M.u Pope. Jacir: M obtaloed by ca.llin&" Mt11. AIUt Hood 11howed up In ruu co11tume. 0 cout Board Reub, Rev. IJ'ld )Ira. Hert>ert J ohn-Swart.L )ln.. A. R. G lnp-aa ii gen- Htghltghl or a w11rda .,...a.A the 90n.. uaJ elwJ.rman. graduaUon and aeceptlon of Tom Elchteen board member1 of th eJ-------------·!::.:_::=:.::::_.:_ ____ _ :M allard Into Scout Troop~. He re· Newpor1. Harbor Girl Scout Coun-Uonal eon'·entt.on ln San rr-anct--U-n mucnanl.11 a.re tbo• celved hill r;raduaUon ctrtillcate. ell ll'let It the Gtrl Scout HOUie on In November.· adnrti who NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 . MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 WILL ADDRESS A. A. U. WOMEN -·-11'1'1. J .... Hood, ~t to U.. Btl&le 8upertri\9Ddeat of Sci~ w1ll b9 tba qakt r et tba f'IPIN' procnun meet· lft&" ol. Sant& Au BrPch of the Amertcan .A.laoclaUon or Vnl••rsltJ Womaa. Ru -.ib- l'llDCIUl'TION .. • 2ect WUI b9 "'Sqiandlns <>p. ~U• tor a Bau.tytn.c LI.I•"' n.. ...SOC will b9 held Kuch 10 at I p.m. .1n tha Ebell Club HOUie, l&Ql& lla. Prl ...... ........... ., • 1&11'9 AM For Thhl Week Oaly We're celebr&ting our 3rd Birthday with a host of terrific -value•! It'• our way of uytng ''Thank You" for your put patronage! Baby Cribs J 11es. sn.111 F'ull .... •la y..,. erlb.. Dralt proof p anels, adjmt&bla 1prtnc. Non ToJde t In I ah. Automatic aa.fety loclla. ll£0. ftl-00 c am XATl'IUl85 Full Ilise, h•TJ duty IO ooll lnnenprin.s. Extn. b•TJ ~. ....... , .... PLAY YARD *13 95 Heavy duty, euy t o ldl•I'· Plated hardware. Non toK1c tln!Ah. Full ..._ Bott.om·~ Inch• olt th• Ooor. U:O. 11.Lll AlJTO FOLD PL&'I' YAU lrolda automeu.,.117 by .tapplq' on rubber loot pedal. RecJ. 12.95 HIGH CHAIRS '9'6 "2 la 1" HIGH CHA• = :::...·,.., ... •15• Pride Ila~ opec. JI.II.Ill Fold& s..m,, • car _, - Fold& 8- with Market Buk.et JAY'S PATIO SHOP. . IAIY FURNITUU I & 2544 So. Main, s-ta Ana .. Kl~1T 0,-......., ... ~ I •111 If The re!~ent table Wait ad· omed w1t.h a nower filled Uncle Bun'• hat, red. white and blue bal- 100111 and fancy nut CUJlll made by the Girl Scout troop 11ponsored by th11 local DAR. Girl Scout& 11110 ma.da lh• lnvtteUona. \\'ebelos badge 1.nd a Boy Scout The A.mertoa.a Girl Polka W -pal.run.JM tham. knHt. , lofai-ch l for the monthly bualneN belng taught to Girl Scoutli a.nd Jr========================================- Terry ThomptOll wu taken Into ~Mlon. Mt9. Ted Hambrook pre-leade ... naUonally. A 1oc&l atlldlo the Pack and preunted with hl11 lllded llJ\d a 11peclal ,uest, MW. 1-&1Yln( thil lnstrUc:Uoa lo ail 111· Bo~et pin. \Voll a.wa.rdl! Wll'nt tn Jane Abbott. regional communtly tere11t.ed without chal""(e. The n nit Rocky Daniels, Len-y Colllns, ,.nd I le1110n date 111 Miu-ch 30, 10-11 y11r 111? ·-L SATILER s..a.. .... PORA LOW·CO&T llASY·PAYM•NT aUILDllNI LOAN c-. .. -• ----• _ .. _ • ...... ~ ...... -.. , ....... ..u4 • ••••.• " .... ,w .............. 1..-1 .................. • ,.., ...... , __ }_ : . ~-... .....,, .,.,,.,,,.,, { •I ..-r •lfl _......,.. t1at . : W u1,.r folio__. e/J:.: : : "'-.. -&Mir -...i ·--·~--···· -·- Jimmy ~ynold.!I. Donald Culver adv!aor. dlaculled "'1th the group ~rn. received a bear gold 1rrow; Jim· eerta.Ln problem•. Jo======::::::::::::::;::=::;:: my Reynplds and Ste\'t Shemw.11 :Mra. C. W. Crowl, troop cam,p- denner 11trlpe11, &nd Cr!• Ellerman Ing clullrman, IUITIOunced a eamp and Robert Thompson sM!.tant period. lolay 13, 14 lllld 15 to be de.nntr badgea. held In Peters Can)'on to 'll'h.lch Say It W ttb Legion Auxiliary Hears OCC Student Al .:.e r~nt social meeting ot lhe A.Jr • .mcan Leg1ori AU1lllary l.Jn1t 291 he.Id at the American Le- &1on Hall, 15th SL and W, Bly A\'e., Amertcanlam month wu ob- aerved. StaUord I... e..rt.on. • 1tu· dent ot Or1.111:e Coaat College, spoke on "Youth of America:· .Dl-n l had the operung ceremony Lhe public LI ln\'lt.ed. ProgT~ of "-Ith Steve Shtrma.n, Robert Thom-I.he cookie •ale .,...aa presented by &011. Jen-y Thomf»OD, Robert Prea-Mn. A. 0 . Oberg. c.ha.lrman. A loplllcy, LAny eoutna, St~ Har-t.nUnlnl" course ""'-Ill be IJlvea at the 1>y WI•• pt!•. and Jlm Laurence taking part. Scout Hoiae on Ma.rc.h 25 and 27. Party Rental Item. Den 4 rrt~ented. The s word &lid It wu voted to 1end Lhree mcm· J~OJ £. Coo.sf HJI,. COl'"o"° k l lltu The An\·il. 8 1kJt depicUng c-us-ber1 .uid an alt11mate to repre· Harbor 5071 toms nr King Arthur's 011.y. The J M:::;";';';;';•wpo;;;;;;";;;;;"~•;""';_:;;';;;';';"'~•;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;.in., Clayton ThomplOn, chair. m&r1 of the A.merlcaniam program, ..,._ In charge, 1.1111\llle(I h1 Mr•. P. J. Wllllon &nd Mrs. George I!:. ....... kn!gbUy enLt!rtaineni were Tim i:' ~.,-an. Joh.n Story, Paul Yon t.eri, \.\'ally \Velbrock. J oh.a stpie. Da,1d Mac)lahon. Dan Culver and J im· my Edwar6!. The cloe.tng was &1VIUI by Tom 1 MallaTd. lifmie HoUtn1"er. Ed-..<I U LT THEOSOPHY U3' Oo. CoM< Blvd. 1 e -LAG UXA BUCH MEETINGS:-:!: ~rw.2~~5~~~:.P;,~~. Dl_..tq UM! DodrllM'tl Md l'rlAclplH of n--ipllJ PtillLJCl C\"'\'JTED -ADJIDSl\IOS FltE~ -XO OOLLECJ'IO!'ri.1!1 STEELCASE FURNITURE o\llt nAFF Will HRP YOU Pt.AN & DESIGN YOUR OFFICE Ti C!1 n<"< ll°J. LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN' 5 IARlllt SHOP B.u.BOA THEA ftE Ill.DO. B..\LBOA ·OpM~1uu .. ~ "S\\"lrlERLAND" MOD., 8:ZO-Mar. 14 NEWPORT IDGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE ·COATI by hand! Vocu -* wW MM ~l'ltl.,. .,,..,r, ~ our apeid&H•• cnrnpl•t~ u.e&T --d-.-•>rk : s3'° Uptown Cleaners 19!8 Woot ---N ........ -We ........... ~ ................... f)f _. GMtS-' n.. ---..,,...,.1 ........ --· ---------· "Our 36th Year in Long Beach" :J.ur .. tn OSE BLOCK SOUTH or WELCH'S RESTAURANT LONG BEA.CR Alwa}'ll the la~ aelectkm. of flne fun1 , displayed 1n an almOflphcrc of refinement trained personnel or St'Jfe r Our furrien perform min.elem by redying }'Dur faded pelt• and ueembling them into a &ma.rt oew Cape. Jacket, or Stole. You will be amazed how little It con.. Orders re- ceived before March 20th wiU be reedy for r..ut:er. 4260 Atlantic .J!ong • ,_ • - ~1 • t > (}overnmenl f.:xcepl .. .. PA&E 6-PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 ''God grant us the serenity to occept the thing' we cannot change; the courage to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to kno~· the d ifference.'' (A. Anon.) ·-,.. . ' . ' ' .. .. Red Cross Needs You Support of the American Red Crou tnvolv. far more than financial backtns. To carry out lta tunctiona. the Red Crou needs the aid of the tena of thouaanda of volunteer workers who uaift in the military and fet- eran h09pltala, who give time to the eoclal welfare ac- thitlea, the Nurse'• Aid Service, the Motor Service, the Canteen Servi~e, and the many other taceta of Red Crou work. But money la incfulpenaable to the aupport of thla organl.&&tion, and during March the Red Crou la con- ducting ita annual campaign for fund.I. That la where you can be a volunteer -with your dollan. When you give to the Red Crou you are helping not only tha.e in distant placea who may be in need, but y0u are al.:> helping people in your own community, and ahould you ever meet with adversity, that helping hand ta there to aid you, too. It i• aigniflcant that public utU- itiea, banb, lnduatrial concern•, and the like make it a point to give generoualy to the Red Crose. They do thia becauae they recogniu and appreciate the acope ~ im- portance pf ita humanitarian activiti~. But whether you can give much or little, give what you can -all you can. Thia i8 not an expenae, but a aound lzrn9tment ln health, helpfulnesa and happineu ror your . fellow man, Mend Holes in Uncle's Sock Many atate legialaturea and Congrea1 are now in .-ion. The problem of m09t of them i8 deficit. -gov- enunent la •pending more than Ill income. U a private family wu in the aame fix it would have to quit •pending or go broke. Government.a are giving the people 1ervicea for which they haven't the money to'pay. Candidate. tor office talk economy, but when they arrive in office they find economy le unpopular with vot- en wbo have demanded public apending beyond the point '-of pnadence -but they don't want to put up increued tau. to pay for It. The federal government ie now trying to unload 80ID8 of ita varioua operation• which coat the t.upayera billion.a. But it runa into tremendoua oppoallion becauae that atepa on toes that profit by 1overnment apeodin(. One way to reduce public debt and prevent lncreued tax. would be for government to require agenciea rea· derinc eervicea which don't pay their way, to charge eno--.b ao they would be aelf-aupportlns except In mat- te... of a non<ommercial character. · Government. will have to cut •pending or raiae tazea or eventually go bankrupt just the aame u a pri- vate family that continuowily apenda beyond ita meana. If anyone can ficure out a different anawer let him come forward with bia ldeaa. Grass Roots Opinion EL DORADO, KAN., TIKES: "A dilM out of every -·· tu dollar 1oe. to pay tntere.t cbargea alone (low lnter- Nt, too) on the national debt. Maybe aome of the rank and fDe folk ought to worry a bit about that debt, and what It mMna to all of ua u a bounden obligation and Inflationary innueoce, u well u Treuury of!iclala and a fnr otben.'' OKLA.HOMA CITY, OKL.A., YE TOWNE CRYER: ''There ia nothing WTon1 with the abundant life which bu become prevalent in thia country in the put decade or ao, but with it bu come a feeling on the part of many • • . • that the world owe. them a llvin1 and that aome- --how they will be taken care of. ••• ," -~ -------------------------------------------------------~~Farmer McCabe Writes ... -- -... March 8, 19M Well! Well! Well! I aee Congn. baa gone off ball cocked and raiaed their own aalaries again, along with UM Judpa on Proaecutin, Lawyers. Fact.a ia, they je8l about rai8ed all the Federal Employee'• wagea 'ceptin the Kail Carrien an File Clerka ... Now they'll halt& wa.lt till next elecUon to eee if it meet.a with ole J ohn Q. Public'• approval an I'm atbinkln that be ain't aeonna like ll Call rt.pt. r-.ned) JmWPOllT ~ HARBOR RE-W$62 PRESS & a11 tr" a...I II I I ._ fw O.W ,.__ ~..,.. ............ M ... adetc= Ma\~ et U.. P..toMce ta N"')IOrt ...... • C&W9naaa tadtr UM Aet ol M&rc.b a, llTt. · Pd' 0 I ~ .......... ft&..., .. N..,.n ._. o.111- .... wwwroar UAW PUBUSlllNO OOMP&HY ~·•' .... lilt .... I ......... "-91 .,.._ _, U;wtt k Ill AD a... -., .,.._ ........ -*r a... .. ~ 0.. ......... 111 ..... ,,.. 8U99C&IP'n0Jlf &A Tai 11..,..t ......_ !'_..__ 1"w1ea w.-a, • Olllllp o.-t7 ..... ,_ ,_,: P.• ah-.: tl.M .,_-. ~ eil 0nar-c-s, t1.ot P"' v,.r " . Guest Editor About the Harbor and You "By the Way . • . with Bill He.nry" in the Lo9 Angeles Timm of recent date related that famoua jour- naliat'• experiences in a day in our community. It ia re- produced herewith for your enjoyment. It;• a l'ood thine for ua land-Bay Club. 'nMr-. th• heroee can hlbbua In San Pemando Vellty try the aalt wattr of the ~y or who are t9rwer compl!Unl.ne the heated pool o~ jl»t alt t.here about belnl' overnln · by too and watch the yachtamen pul- much clvillz.atlon to journey to terlnl' about or an occasional the othl'I' aide of town and down. elght-oattd crew, like a color- aay, to Newport and Balboa, to fut water bu,, !IJldlng alonr the aee how the aee&"olnr aet Mem watera of the lagoon in prepara- to be making ouL Uon t:>r the fifth annual rept- SPIU:ADl'NG OVT-lt you mU11t ta, May 28. It apln will br1nl" know • they're dolntr fine. together the flneat crew• In the Orange County I• now laylnl' country, plu. a batch of acOI· I t betne lhe futeat-le1'8 auch u J,ck Kelley, who c aim 0 • ta not only the national t'h&m· STOw lntr a rea In Soulbem Call-1 b t t dl•-'-h al p on, u , an even &Te& er -tomla and u you aw.. one -tin~ 1 b th t Screen the Santa Ana Jrre~y and on, • ro er 0 , Harbor Blvd. dQwn to Huntln&"-Star Ora.c:e Kelley, the people • i ton Beach and Newport even choice! the moat population -coneclout1 PLEA.8~ -You ahould hear The Sheet Anchor realdent of our Valley will have Mlke Irvine tell about hla new to admit that there appear to country club l'Olf coune. Kika be aome people left over who aaya too many coul'8• a,. de· aeem happily detennined to en-aimed tor the proa and there- joy them.eelvee elwwben. Down fore dlacout-ace the nm~f-the that.way, too, the oranp mill l'olten. 8o Mike had hi• l'J"OV«e and the catU• 1'&llchd built to mall• th• dutfere hap- are (ivlnl' wey to wbdh1a1onai py-plac9d the trape and ha&· and awarma ot cltJaena anllloua ard• wber-. the ordinary salter Lut WHk I wu dlacumlne Y•r It dipped t:i)l.115 million a cre eome ot the backrround of the feet, meuuN'd a t Lee'a P'erry, the ot the city are taldnc a dvantage of the freeway• which make once-lone dlatancH aeem very ahort. THI! 8SAOOE.U -The foltu down Newport-Balboa way affm determined to enjoy lhem11elve.a -an odd but rut!ul activity In theM days when the e(fhtada and fN.idycat• are t~ne to ecare themaelvea and everyone el• out or tbelr wllJI. Not ao tbe Newport -Balboa crowd. They're llvlne It up! The q.,.e· cation Of bo&IA of all lhapu and alke -the Htlma te of their number run• from •OOO to 8000 -la probably tbe STflt.fllt Ill any .Ungl~ area or It.a 1lae ln the country. They're plannlnir lo expand their harbor Into the ~achea below the bluffa on the land aide of the highway. Mike Jmne. the reformed piano play- tr who own. U1ou11&nda ot tabu- loua actt1, 11 ope:ntne up new homeaits alone 1'1• vaat rea.ch- u ol th• o.m~ Cout. a&IAJlATION -While home bulldtnr i. boomlnl' and people an lltrtklf\S oil ln their back yud• In nearby HunUn(ton Bea.eh, the atmo.phe~ down alone the <.;out 1• anythlnC but frantic. R.elaJLatlon LI the watch- word.. U~ la uay e t th• awank but comCortable Balboa but rlgtit where the blr-run l'Olttr 11 very likely to become hopeleMly foundered. Th• re- ault-the ordinary l'Olfer comea away happy, the atu player la fruetrated! For It la, u a mat- ter of fa.ct, quite a aporty couree. No lo~ uphill drac• to make the CUY who hu had a bad day decide to throw away hi.a clubl. Plenty of upa and downa but not the fatiguing kind. Quite In keepl~ with the euy- eotne atmoaphere. ENTl:aTAINMENT -Where moet eommunltlea are jampadc- ed with orl'Ulla&Uoru ot do- f'OOdv. determined lo wear thtmMlVU and everybody •IM out with uplift projecta, New- port-Balboa'• famoua or,&nla- Uon. Aml&"oe Viejo.. Giata for the aole purpo• of bavln6 Ila mfmbel'I enjoy Ulemaelvea. It mHta balf a dos.en Umea a year, denouncq all th• loc&l stuffed eblrt.. rowit.w lb• city offlcla18. permit.a no 1peeche1. •p•clal pMe.dinp or .tewlne-lth-.alarm. ll leavee all lhllt eort ot atutf to lhe lndivldual1 who are not- ably dvk-mlndad but havt lo keep qu.let about I\ when tbe club meet&. Membera caa do au the food lhey w.nt to, but on tbelr own. Nice way ot lite tbey havt down the,.I rderence to the development of the Upper Coloradot River Duin. At that time It waa IUl'(etiled that Ulla report would conalder lhe cur- rent 1lalu• of the problem. A kw•uit now pendlnl' before the U. S. Supreme Court waa filed by the State of Attaona aeatn•t ~ltomla to clarify eome of th' term1 of the Colorado River Com- pact. The GUa River la a tribu- tary of the Colorado and I• In- cluded within the tema ot t he Compact. Therdore the water whlt'h ArU.ona uwa from thle it.ream LI cht.1'1'1t.ble acaln1t Art- sona'a •hare. Thf quutlon arlM!e then: la tbat 11l&te ch&ra'tabl" with wha t water It actually u.ea plua the return n ow from ll'Tipllon, or the amount or water whlcb would un~r Ila natural •tate have reach- ed the main atem of the Colorado ! The dltferenc• could amount to MVeral twndttd lhouaand acre feet and le of equal Import.a.nee to both natea. INDLUI a10HT8 At\•r the •ult WU tiled, th• u. 8. Governmen t lnttrvened. aaklnc the Court to dt>termlne the rlellt• ot vartoua lndh&n trlbCI u to their •hare of water. ril'hla ••!rich wert not determined at tbe Ume tbe Comp&.ct wu 1tgned. The amount of wat~ which may be detennln- f'd to t>etone to th• lndlt.n• could amount lo a million acre feet per, year. For your conaldt>raUon I NO COMMENT ml,.tit •Y t hat one acre foot amount.a t.o 330.000 &"'allon1 of wa- ter or nearly ten ye&n1' 1111pply for thf' average family. By WALTER CILUIBLIN .IR. Califomla hu petitioned to In- clude the upper Buln at&tu ao that they -.'111 be bound by the d..- ctalon of the Court. The MexlCAn Tr•tY prbvldff that Mexico •haU have flr1t call on a million and a h1tr a cre fHt per ,.ar. Thia ta WAl!IHJNOTON -A me-ce rtaahed tbrourb th• air recently which ln ISO yeara may be u fa· moua u 8e.muel Morae' renowned "What halh God wrou1ht !" It came trom the a tQmlc eet>- martne, NtuUlua. and ll'raely Mid, "Under way on nuclear power." of the HOUM Approprlallont Com- m1Ltee. Mr. Cannon of Mlaeourl, re·1hutned the 1ubcommllteu oC tbl• Important committee. He cr~ated a new Public Worn tbree time. u much H Meslco Subcommittee and de•lpatg baa t'Yer uled. him.elf u It.a chalrm&Q. Thia n-LIMITED WATEa aubcommlttee W1U handle appro-Wben the Compact wu entered pr1aUora tor the Atomic ltnerC)' l11to, It -wu ~Ueved that tbe &v- Commlaalon. the TennffAff Valley ff'&C'e now of the River ,,.. .. In U · Autbor1ly, the Burftlu of ~lam-cy• ot 16 million acne feet, which allon, the Army dvllla11 function• It had anrag-ed tor the ten y.-ar1 I which Include the bullc1tne of pNceedlne. Now wt th a record of dams), the Bonnev1Ue Power Ad-forty-one year1 the &vera«e flow mlnlatrallon, the Southeutem 11 but 13 million acre feet. Lut Power Ad.mlnlatratlon and the and Lower Buln•. Calitom la hu contrectural commitment.. tor over five million acre feet per year. The Upper Buln la puttln(' ao\ne threp million acre feet to buietlclel con- aumptlve uae. Moil of the balaJ'IC'I!' la tn legal dlapul• or physically unavailable. Pendtn, leglelaUon propo&ea t.o authorize 10me l&rge atorage dam• at Olf'n Canyon and Echo Park. ~eae two ruervolre would twive a caparlly of aome 30 million acre feet of water. Thty are located a t a point tu below where any water f rom them could be ustd for bo.ndh:lal consumptive u11 •nd are for power only. Thia LI In vio- lation ot the Compact whlrh pro· vlde• that the Upper Butn cannot withhold water which cannot. be put to co~mpllve u11e. Any water t hat la not pul to beneficial uae la aurplu.1, one·half ot wtllch Calltomla la entitled to, altbouc-h no appropria tive rtrhta can be perfected by It• u11e. The Upper Duin can put It to ben~ rtctal u.e only afltr the Lowfr Buln h111 recelvrd It• 7.& million acre feel per year. and the Up- per Baaln haa not exceedf'd ~ta Comp&.ct alJotmenL The evapora- llon on th~ two re.ervolra would ti.. MYeraJ hundred theuaand acre feet per year. and the le(1alatlon propoeee to charre thl• to the Lower Butn. l!IMAL1.Z11 DAMl!I Th• le,W.Uon alao provide.a for iieveral amaJler' dam• and partlcl- patl~ project.a whlcb would par- tially be support~ from tht nle of power from tbe two wee •lOr· qe dam•. u the project.a are not economically teulble In them· aelvu. Tile cost ot thla pendlne authortaaUon la a blllton and a ha.It dollara. They pravtde Cor tlana-mountaln div•nlon of the upper lz1butarlu wblcb are Ult pureet water. ThLa would raiM the etllne cont.ent of the water comlne down lo CaJtcom la. The water now cont&lna one ton of alt pl'r ~re fool . .a with an lrnpuon or three a.ere leet per ye&r, It would de- poelt three tona of Mll per acre. We r annot permit tbl• ratio to lncttaae . Morae· .. me .... e. you wlll recall. waa tapped out on a clum1y In· 1trument In what was then the old Senate Chambl'r of the ConeTe ... The,. ha ve been vaat cllan(d atnce then ln metboda of tran•· mlaton.. Thtte han t>.e"' equally Vt.at chaneea In th• tblnll.ln1 that preva.lled In the day• of Mor11t end lh• thlnklnr that prevail• in Rooth•eatem Powft' Admb111tra · lion. Pl'BUC POWER PAJA AFFAIRS OF STATE tbe era ot lh• NauUlui, The ma.kt-up ot the Democra tic By HENRY C. MacARTHUR memberahlp of t.hl1 new wbcom· Con&TM11 had appropriated ISO.· mlltee wu wel11hted b.avtly wltb 000 to enable the pra.ctlcally pov· rrtenda of public power. Mr. Can-SACRAMENTO ICNSI -The uty·atrlt'ken MorM to build a non la quoted u u y1.n,-that the hue and cry over the comic book•. tele(Taph line frorn Wuhlnrton purpoee or thla cha.ng-e wu to which enry p.,.tnl know• 110 Wfll. to BalUmo~. Moree wanted the dlllt.rlbute the ,.,·ork of the com-hu been bolled down by thr B.i- ronmment to buy the patenta on mlttee mon evenly, adding: reau or P ublic Ad.mlnlatratlon on hi• IMtrummt and denlop telt· the Bukeley Campua of the Uni· gT&phy. But the Conr-rua ot that '-rite,. Wlll no motive exctpl to ver1lty of California. which hu day would have no part or It and nrroup and readJu•t the aubcom· JU&t relea.wd 1 •urvey m•de under left the dev~opment to Morae and mltteea. We've been going alonit t.hf' direction or l'"rofeqnr 8 11mueJ private enterprlee. 1lnre 1921 without 1ub1t1ntlal c. M•y . chance. There hu not bl'en • rnm· Th hi b 1 1 ti I 00\'l:&Nll&NT "'Oa& • survey. w c • mpar a plete revtt1on and •<'1,.ntlflt' re· In Ila t lndlns;. dl11elo.w1 the fact Now 101 yeera later, with tbe aJlgnment nf com1nHttt1 alnte that the ale of comic books In th• adnnt 61 atomic power, lhert I• then." Unit~ State11 11ver1 ~.-11 ont! btlllon a m.,or aenUment Ill the Con-P'r1tnd• nf fll l\'H t,. Jl""'n d•\'rl· rnpl1'8 • nnua 11) Th111 rf'prf'llf'nll IT'• f&YOr1D( pYemment dtVtl• Opml'nl nf'\ll'1 th1•le10< nb""rvtd I an ,.:q>r ntltlllf" lhf' 11urvry 88yl, opmm t. rather than private de•el-that It wu ot11I hl'lw "" m•ny pub· nf "h<•ul " huodr,.,I m l II Inn dnllar11. opmml, In the atom ic fl•ld. lie P'>"'"'r ••IVO< ll ll's JH~I h•JlPf'nr<I w111rh ., rnnr<' th11n 111 !f"'nt for ConaequenUy, OM of the bis; to g-et on thf 811b·commtttt>t•. I 'ht> ,.nt1 rf' b•>0k 11upJllY fflr el,.· conlroverel• to oome at thl1 .... mtn tary •nJ '"condary •chool1. 11011 will be the ttpt over public ,,..,. ror.-ot th<' publlc·rrlVllf' II IA nl•o '""' linu•• ti), l"Omb1ned v .. prtYa\e den'--ment not onl1. power fll(hl will 'tnt,.r around lt1,. bnn'I r11rrhas1na: b11tl,:rt11 ot •U ~,, DlllOn·Yatr• rontr111t and atom"' Ill 1 b ..,.. of a tomic 11111'1'1 but a1M ot eMc:-r11 1r 1 11•n"" trtcal powtr. pow, .. df'Vl'lt>J'nlenl no w TO Rl:tlt 'l,ATJ: Tbe "'" Conrn-hardly had In farl \\'11~h1n1ton h11• be· Th,. &•rrV")', tltll'<l 'Com1r Bnok anembled on C&f)ltol Hiii before come 90 atom 1c·mlnded that a Re111l1tlon" wrltttn by Edward tJI bU lit d mlddl•a"ed woman. appl)'lnf for L. P'('der. public admlnl1trallon • pu c power p oup tppe ,. anal)·at. ""aa compiled at the r.- boldly lato t.M pictun to at"nflh· a Job with the e ovemment "cent-quot or the California teirti1lature. • It.a poeltioa for Ule comlnJ ly, tUled out her a pplication blank wblch hu bllla before It for the tnJ. Wit.bout tAe .-.ultallml of and oppoelte the word "1ge" ahe rel(lllatlori of comic book•. an __ .,_or_1i._m_ftll_ben. __ UM __ °" __ &1_rm_an __ ""'_ot_•_lll_'_' A_t_o_m_ic_:_· ------Reiulatlon of publica tion• that Grass Roots Opinion 8EA1TLE, WASH., POST-INTELLIGENCER: •'There'• juat one difference between llCM:&lled public ownerabip and ao-c&lled print. ownenhlp, whether it'• fem., tmea or power. IA priftte ownenhip the com- pa.ny sec.a the hampe wbm tbq came. In public own- ef'1'hi~wf th 90 ff!ff exceptlou that the ahine out-YOU s~t t.be lwnps when they com.." ..,,. objl'ctlonabw but not obecene . hnw1ver, may requtrl' addlUon&I •t•t• and l«al action. 8enral a ttempta to draft auch rtculatory ml'UUl'fll. however, have been thrown out by the courU on U\e l'f'OW'd of lnfrlnr· m.nt.I of fl'ftdom of the prtaa. wtilcb la ,.uart.11tMd by the con- allt\luc.t ot both OaUfomla aad tM fedeT&J l°"rftlDUL ni.r. t• tnaufflclcnt. aclmUfk· ally adaptable u1dl'n«. lh• eurreJ •n. .. u..,. to sublltAnllate or ell.- allow the cla.lm that a rela tloMhip nJata between juvenile dellnquen· cy and romlc book readln11. BOOll AJWC-KE!\'T8 The arrummta for comic book•. u .umm9d up ln the 1urny, In· elude: 111ey act u a calh .... 18 and pro- v1de rcleue tor agrrualve bc-hAv· tor: (21 they are educational, pro- vtdlne both t!ntertalnment and amu11emt'nt; 13) only a t11T1all per- centa1e of thl' total are harm- ful; ( 4 l comic• bave a pproval of rit.11y p1ychl•trlata, edur a tora. pey- cholog'iata and other autbor1llu on child developmenti I I'> I the penny dreadtula. detective atolifa and 11plne ch11l.-r11 of put 1enera t1on1 had UtUe or no effect on Junnlle df'llnquency; (8) anU·eoclal bel\a•· tor ruulta "Oflly If the tndlvtdual la nturotlC'; f7 I env tonn of cen- torehlp I• a V10latton of frffdom of 1peeeh and of Ule p~114, Apln11t com1~ book•, t.he aur· ny find•: (a l Comtc11 o•t r•tlmulate the un1lllble child: 121 lbty make cr1mlnala and e.rtmJnal a cta at· t ... cuve; I 3) comlu fN'quently belltUe t ... dlUonal Amerlon llOI"· la1 and pollllc•l IJ\1tltutlon11: 14l u• ot obltceftlty, vui.artty. pro· fanlty and underworld 1l11cn,. 11 J\&rmtuJ: (IH comlca mue children ud many aduJu tmpattent with rood Ute ... tun &11d It.a method of prWefltaUon. thua U\reatenln1 thl' llterary eulblN of 80elety; 181 e rt- work and pf'ln~ mquet1UJ att P9CW' anousta to Jlf'O'P1d• an .,. baard; ( 1) mme aad honor com· Ice an •di.UC, maaochtatlc. 'P1• doua and eomprwUle mo"'1 Jt&n· d8rdL ------------_ _______...,__ :J-rom a, BQRAOE PAMD (JU. N•e. -'nil _,_. 1111 • .,... ....-. ..... ... ... u ................. ....., tact. ...... ....,, ...... * .... trtpe .... ti-. -II'"-"" ....... ~· it ~· ... lt1 t. , PRESERVED HERR AGE -Protected prebiat<l'ic In- dian cave-dwe~s in the Aau.a State Park. -Horae. Parker Photo Some weeka ago I wrote a column on our state and n 1ona par 11 w 1c oug wu a .1 e c tic.al o the state par~ system. In a few days a rather large ·envtlopt was n ceived by the News-Press addressed to me tro~ t~ Division of Beaches and Parks. I expected a verbal apa ing but Jo and bl'hold my view• ._·ere ertt'd. Yt>t actually the 1la p&lk practically parallel w ith the atate 11y11tem In California em acu park Philosophy of Callfomla and lull thin U~ of 1 J>tt ~nt tlle lot.Al at reage In the it.ate d In lhl'· wcakneSll!'s I pointed out l'X· 11)63 4:1 m1lhnn visitor day lat through no wish of tht atfllc I recorded In the CaHfornl park11. I parks whlrh Is nl'arly u Allio l wu •urprt11ed t o learn the nallonaJ park sy1tem t out the United St1te.. the he1d of our •late park1 In Callrom la l1 Newton B. Drury who put ln 11 yure aa h"ad or our national park ayatem. In 19:11, the lht'n Sl'c retary ot Interior. 08oor Ch1pm1J1, forced· hU. resignation becauae Newton Drury protested The objective ot• •tale to ronserve •reaa of hi ll(:e nlc and natuoJ lnle.tt tt'Ct t he wlhlllte thel"l'ln pr<o· vlde for the enjoyment of l111ton1 as long as 1t leavea the lmpalrt'd for the t'njoyme ture gern>raUnrut. Jt .tio the turning or our national parka vldr modem man an op Into big-lime recre&tlona l u eaa lo relax end conl•mplate beau- !Conty b la.nda). piercing them lies nf nature In u near!lahual with high •Pfl'd highways and surroundlng1 u poealble. wrloua othf'r typc>11 or romml'r· I DQLLAM \'tf. NAftE c1aham. J have faJlb in Newlon With lllf• ubJl'ctlvr In •nd the e. Drury. I whine or an angry bullet,.,e i..11. Inc or a torl'.t!t mona rrf catllf' ltl'l1\TL"'G IN PAllKl'J iruing on t!esert wtld rljr,era or Jl:ow 1anothr r Ito tt'nlfll 1 .. being the JM:Arrlng of a hll!Ald.wlth a made In the preaent California leg· I mine dump are . tar OUOd• Uie Lalalure to pr°"lltute the 1t11te •~o~ of Ollr 1ttate par"k Ptto0phy. ~f'lther doe• tht dan<'e h aw1m- park.t1, According to Senate Biii 1 mlng pool an<I cocktail Jr ce be· No. 1 i93. thl' 1lale park• woulll long In our at•te perk•. be opened lo h\mllns;. Now thert! I And to brlnrc It rloM"r h e. n .. 1. la no one who llku to hunt bf't · ther do we wa nt 011r t·ou e do' - ter th•n I 1 own hlgh·p<>Wf'N'd r led wllh m11n·mAdl' l11laru rifles, .22's. p110l•J1"' uni! 1hot11:un11 Ing a few mra.n dolla.r1 nil fl'"'"' bf'nnth the oc,. a.nd have put t'hUt'U 11 hunllns: fl. fAN' Tht're are ~ime th rtnu nrarly P\'ery yfar. Uut I 11.11 human Ifft e nd tH-a u that frankly J hav;on'l "hot eny ic•lll" I >1hn11lfl nut bt' g1wrrn1•11 by 11 &Joi· for over 10 yrar11 bt't·Ku11e I 11m lar "1i:n atrah1 tl'I hunt A fr1 .. i1 J m111hl IX' ~ lhol or 11hool anoth;or p<-rM>n I And mAy we not W'I' th" UJh· ter of "t1tml' tJeer" •U<'h tiap· I rtmember the Intl •••nt,.nce pt'ntd -m tht Jdyllw1ld 1ntry In a weekly pa~r w tut rm lut -yrar, so that nnw u yo rive Walihlnglon that bl'gan. "The first i •long not an a.nlmel 111 IH And hunttr of tht l!f'UOn wu 11hot at may Karl S.-nnls wh,, hu ,..,<1u· 6 • m. on openlng morning, " , ed th,. df'a"rt for nver ::{..,._ Im1111:1nr tr you will our 11t.11r p11rk• """ hi• first mountaJp •h Of>"nl'd 111 h11nt!ng, w1t.h r1t v fnl k . bl11~1nr away al 1.n)'thlng. tbat I Rot: SO \'OT E muvu , The only w11y we < 11uld en-A• " <lye1Hn·lh• .. wool hnter jQy l~ parks wnuld bt' In a fnx· Anfl r111h,.rman 1,.t •s hnpe II\ th• holr. Tht' "dwn-dum" bullet i. "II· vfry nor tutur~ IArge • Ill legal" In v.•1rCare Yl'l 1 ""' n a "" ,,.l u 1•I,. rir nH11le a\'1l.lhib fnr 3!I Rt>mlnirton ca rbtn,. that lit"" a 200 CT&tn lafl·n•>Md bullf't Jr lhl hUnlf'r a nt1 lhe flahern In I hit you In Lhe arm with It, It would literally tear yo"' lllm off lhtllr now UIN!lt'All tiunUng ind In the body It wo11ld "" "<'Ur-I fl11t11n i;r It• •'rut"~ But let'11 luv t11n11 .. w.. hav.. to flrr 11111"h 11 he1vy bullt'l bec11 uM mn•t n( u1 ~18l" 'I"" k.1< ''" you and I t.11d • •~ "city hunll'ni" WJlh nn rl111n('r !>fr11 11ml !hf lcH1rt _,,d l h,.lr of yto11.r 'round ta rget pr Alll1·r 11n1I 11\n ,.,.r n11t.11" •• IL one!' .... lrultead nf woun111ng 11..nll J1111ln1t whl'r" 111 , , 11n ptrh/f\11 l ('I' a d~, • ::e ';~~h :..:~~ht;~0~u~~et 11';;~.:~:~"; a '".\Ill•• i•r pt-rhAJl• a covey 1 power tn knock the an1ma.l <l11wn 'lU81l, a buuArd and a cotlrm lt no mallt'r whtrl' w" hit It. 11hb1\. an •lk or antelope Md ~ PRE14"t'RIP:M BROnurT h11p" "ven a mountain lion. \ Effort•' ar' ct1n11tantly twlni; v t" trll our 9lAle le(111lat11r11 made to o~n the 11talt park11 111 I vlll• !"fl •In s.-n1lr Biii 17113. " "razlnic. mlnln1t. lo1r.in1t aNt lhf' kf'l'J'I hunllnit nut of our 1ta like. ~mfndou11 pre1111Urr 111 "K· f'hl k~ wh<'r• It l11W>11n't bt'lonir ,... :. / ,l ......... BLENDING WITH NATURE -Camptr'I ram&da a the Palm Canyon An&& State Park c~mpground. -Hero ace Parker Pbot.o I A I' • -- • ~· NHUHS STUDENTS ENTHUSED OVER NEW HOME ARTS LAB MONDAY. MAI. 7, 1955 NEWPORT HAltlOll NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PA6E l_ lulldlng Emphasizes Callfonla Outdoor Uvlng. Useful Crafts . 1n Cautornla wfll be ta.ucllt. 8oJ9 ot lh• aptculture departmeat &N now ln the pl"OCN9 ot a.Nt ... pl-c UU. petlo. Tb• bWldinr ia Cautornta .iyte., year, I.I now one ot lh• bumHt one •tory wtlh W.. root &Dd - parts ot the btr pl&Dl, wtth boy• cret.e CONtrucUoa. It bu tt. - and rlrl8 enjoyinr the be&utltul a_utomallc heatlnr "9)'lllem aad &U l&boratorlH Uad •plendtd anulp-ot Ule ·llCIM>ol Mn1c.. b&,,. .._ _, utuded to lt. At eepedt7 tt wtJI BJ BERT BIUl~"l'N ALL Newport Harbor Union Kip School'• n~ home arta buJldJnr, W'lder con.tructJoa tor the Jut ment provided for them. bllnCO. about JOO P'Q'fla. 'nle new bulldinr con P•5,UC Tbe food laboratories are ~ and wu built with tu money••· equJpped With ...,_ ki~. wtMre u.. strw are taapt ...,. ed from the .chool'• operatinr •!'· anrte of cooldac &ca food ....,. peiuea b1 a prorram of J1r1d ~ plnl' throufb to Jl"9ll&l'tac ..... onomy Mt up by UI• board. 'nltra and •tUar t&blee all4 eerftac· will iiot be any more each money CUT OWN ,....,., ~~ ... • • ·; ;~: ,., tor ooiutrucUon. Superintendent In the clot.hlllr di""'-UM pa- A.'!111.-'1 ., Sidney DaYld.on oplnH, u th• In~ plla are now cutUnc tWr owa ..,.. .. -COOKING• Le · b "' . ~ cre&M ln the number ot student.a t&Uor.d dreMM Ul4 -V la llq n DA& .., • T"" ammg not to urn the toast or let the cocoa atick on the elJml that. plan to etace a t~ ._ ro bottom of the kettle are Sandy Deardorff, M7 Poppy Ave. and Sandra Davia, 1 hu upped co.ts to .nate rt'!'9 their pareta ~ :-~ Via Yella. They are a part of• group of 28 girla _under Mn. Laura Lane, who re OUTDOOR LIVING . :''::-.::.~ . ..tfi&Dtac- buay. getting a lunch of cinn&mon toaat, cocoa and fruit cup, Like the girl.I in the la~r!ton~:. ~~~~r ~=·c1!:;: 'nle1 craft dlvtaloa .... , • ..._ ..tr clothing department they are intrigued. with all the new and modern eq~pment pro-tnr. art and cratta, beaidea two IA otramlca, Se&ther, ratt.ut. &11111 v1ded for their ln•truction. -Staff Photo ctua room.a, locker room.a and eer--met&la. 1be puplla make all lmMlm yice rooma. The Wbole 9tnlctura ot u.aetul thlnp tot" tbMr OW1I t1 arranged uoW'ld a paUo whera war and t.belr bomee. iacl1ll1iltc g'enlal outdoor Jiving' aa practiced lamp1, belta, hllmmered p&..- JUDGE RULES and leather b&gL The art deput· men t al8o nma to the prartk:&I lide. 11 TOP---·-TMe• Lie Crw, 2018 S. W. Birch St.. Suta ~ Jlefpb, wbo wu ~tly announced u wiaDe1' o1 the Betti' CroeUr Homemaker of Tomorrow award. ii abawa in tJae ta1Jorinc dam at the ~h IChool with Supt. Sidney Darid9oa.. Diana received the ~h· at 8COft in a written examination which tffted the homen•king lmow)edn of the Mllior girls .and la now eligible to enter the ate eonteat for the title of All- A.mericaa Bmnznka-. -Std Photo Schroff Gets PAUSE PETITION FILED Pro~ion in WITH TOP STA TE COURT abown lD Srud jury tran.crlpt between Pau.n and the allel'ed co- coneptnton WU Ordinary bu.al· Mm -Uft&9 ~We«n PaUM U IMIU« eaatrol ottlcer an.d the ap- plicant.a. .Attonae,. for Pauee claim tb• oa1y tnttm&UGG ot prtY&te ratn "' tM p1Yl4 JUiy tranacztpt 11 wh ... ArtHr Oordoa sw.nd l•utled (' t ~ a per¥ld ot 10 )'-.r'8 be made Yarloua stfta to Pama. It Schroff. 22, SILnla Ana and form· on Writ by 4111 Dlsl1 lct Caa I ~ ~ ';!In:· ~-~ erly or Newport Beach, wu g:ant· .,. ... _ sttta and unaoUctted by ed three yeua probation Friday Petltloll to the 8uprane Court Mil eftlci9 111r )ll1Tal.e ..-la cm--Pauae. after hla guilty plea on a perjury of Calltornt& wu tued r~~ JI, ~ wtlJli J lltila fll llllac Tbe ,.Ulloa tO \be Supre!M charge. uk111' a helU"Ull' Lo nft1'we u.e ...._. i.e. a ?f-i-"t ~· Court Of Cal.ltoml& a1ao cla1ma the I Superior Court Judge Robert declalon of the Fourth DWtnct ~ ....._ ~ tM crud ~ Jiuy cannot Alum an ln· dietm•l acept on -om teat.I· Gardner butt.a.nUy dealt out the Court of Appe&ls to deny a w11I ~ we 1 61 • b ~ a la· ...,7 ~ that tM preeenoe ot probation "1 th the comment: "lt or prohibition lo Herm&D Pauae. --:-C Paw ....,. ...,,, Wt -~ penona before tlle your version 1• true and I haven't u-Oran&e COW1t1 ~ c.itrol ~ • ....... ~ .._ ~ tM ~ ,_.., lnvalld&tu proceed- HOME . LOANS At Ore~~·, LH4h'1. ..... , .. .. .......... QUICI 24 HOUR SOYK:I LOW LOW "REOUCI .... INTHEST lA1U EASY MONTHLY PA YMINTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SHVICI [;-----ON W8.L LOCA19 IDm I LAGUNA FIOElAL SAVINeS a LOAN ASSOCIATICN 222 0.... ,..,_ LA6UNA BEACH .............. ...._ -._ --=' I t. rw-• heard the other aide, you went to officer. P.Ut.loa WM toed by~ UMre ... 90 ~7 to :lng~a. _ _:...._ ______ ___::===========~ a lawyer (Oeor1e Chula of San-Bµrwtta and Hurw1t& ot l'iewpon riolale a la• amd u.. pmat code BRUSH RESULTS-Mrs. Shirley Rice, art instructor in the Harbor High School's new home arts buildings compares work done by different pupils. With her are Ralph How- ell, 514-A Jasmine Ave., Dianne Lund, 69 Beacon Bay and Jane Enrig ht. 630 ViaJ.Jdo Nord. During the same hour the class had been comparing the effect of co Io r • of clothing on diff.erent complexions, which, ln the c a• e of boy stu<jents, produced a bright sunrise effect on their faces. -SWf Photo Sparke Sentence Suspended. Hospital -Treatment Asked gra>na ot Hf'roln on his penion when arre.ated. He later reported- ly admitted having a two-to-three capaule·a·dlly habit. 9" TO I <:RA.~CE Judge Shea Mid "lhJ• i. one of the most palhet'lc cu e. l'va seen. You've •~nt 88 day1 ln BANTA ANA (0CN8) -Com· with all rulu utabU.hed on pro-Jail already. You know what ta Ana) and he told you at Jeut Bea.ch, attoJ"M)'9 for lM re.-do9 Mt...., t• u.. llhaUoe IJI. O:::ICllCXXICX:ICX::ICICX:Xll:XICX::ICICX::m=IC:X:ICX:IClllCll::lalCICllCICICIQ partially what to do. I can't pun-liquor control otncer. ............. 3 • 0 • 7 co .I.lee s Lop Wl you for llOIJ\Cthin&' someone Pau.ae wu l.Dcl6et.ed by tM ()r. 'fte au__,. flllrtMr dalJn ff 1 n ~~~ probably had a parU&l b&Dd anr-0owit1 a,_. Jury t• a1-= ;t11 *::~ 411..::.":; MAIN mm -IALIOA Now Under New Management le,edly UlllnC bill otnce tor ,.,.._ law aa tt • .,,.... to u.. catifonU& Schrott wu tried ln Newport eon&I l'a1na conDeCtacl wflh l.be a.-4 \:mlAd 8lat• ea..titutlGna Beach JuaUce Court on a rtclliut u. f\IUi amid mau. .__... drlvtnr ch&rj9. He wu conYlcted. tranater ot J~ ~ Uc:am- Later he adinltted rtvtnr talae -. Re la Kbaduled top to trW mmt.a. tuUmony. Ln 8 uper1or Court Ka.rdl JL <NIDIXA.KY at.·~-r;ss IREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNIR Jud1• Gardner noted "d~rtnr LO<lA.L CA.I'S AJrGI.& .._ dlilllll9 ie ...... __. Week Daya 9 a.m.-J p.m. Sundaya 9-5 the tut five monlb.a 7ou'Te man• .u aw9ltcmed ta t111e lndlc:tmnt aged to at&y out of trouble for Pau. la DOW -trial la UM fiDd i:o ~ ID r-ad Jury CLOSED WSDNDDA Ta the flrat tune alnce cblldbood. It DocJdna. BaD\a Ala& mu.le ma-,,. tmony. n la "'1rUler d&1med lJocicx:.cclCl::x:ICICX:.CCllOCXllCIC:ICICX:ICll:ICICEICICCDZllZd lntrl.,uea me." cllJne nndcJr, ffw ~ uinc by the p.Ullcm lM Uly ~OILMdioft ,. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MUA CBAPl!!L 17U Supertor AYenU• Coeta M-. cant. Phone l.lbert,J 1-2121 CBA.PCL n ~ mA -&. a... ..... Oo.-del Mar. o.m. PbaDellutliarCJ. 1 Political AdvertlMment) mentlnr "lhls Ui J. one of the moat batlon. wllhdrawala are. Everythlnr 1n unu11ual case• I've ever aeen," Spa rk• wu arr.led by New-W• cue indicated you are ad· Superior Court Judi'• John Sbea port Beach police Dec. 7, 196', ln d ieted to aomethlnr you can't con· today orderf'd cont~ narcoUca the Newport Helrhts home of trol. You appattnUy sincerely UNr Don T. Sperke. ~. Lonr Archie and Janedeane Horvath. have tried to r et tway rrom It." .. ..::::=::;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:==============~ Beach. to the •tat• prllon tor the Archie aubeequenUy p I ea d • 4 ,._ ,... d l&red • rd -term prHcrlbed by law. • ne Ju.,.e ec 'reco • VOTE FOR A BUSINESS MAN TO REPRESENT rullty to poeMe•lon of heroin 'and abow naroot1c• ~···• .... ....,t Then. In the next breath, Jud&• •--,_ ""' Bhea aua-nded the aentence on wu fflltenced to prilon for the handled by penitentiary eentencea .-term preecrlbed by law. HI• pretty follow.... by na..,..Je .-r1...,.· Tbt cond1uon 8parke voluntarily •ub-""' r--r-...... wife pleaded ruuty to Uff of odd• ·-9"" to 1 a-tft•t you. mil to treatment In Camsrlllo •--v 11• •--heroln and wu rtven a 90-day J&U Doctors aay """ da"'" ln ,..._ ..... .,o Hoaptlat for a 90-d&y perlOl:I. '"' J -..,..,,.. ... l'ROBATION REPORT term. might tum the trick. I'm wtllln&' OOllONA D&L IU.& PllONS ••..-.. the Richard leeso1 Co•,l•Y Lae~ape DesltR -4 Ca:natutxtl1• Spark• &Mertedly had four to .rive lt a try." • The Ju~e ordered Spe.rke to re. ·---------------------------------------------· port to the probation department immediately after hi• hoapll&I •tay Ui completed and to comply 1 Call DAN'S TV I a..lee • ReBtala • l!l&ln l Liberty 8-2228 I MAti'KU.SnJ ~H-rn.u.r. lneplar 8....,_ Lllwrtv M-I IOI Ooeta .. _ Matirwa 0.. !llWt s~wpnr1 ..... BE SURE • INSURE wfl.11 MAU KICl: t!!T"-'\'lZl' ••• ,.,,_ 0a1,. PbOH Harbor U'74 8315 F~ C.O..t Rtrtnny C'nrona del Mar PARKES · RIDLEY MORTUARY ronaera, OICAUEL CBAPEl. •••• ...,,.., -Ooata - l.n..rty ..SUS .......... WATER tmAnKS lALU. WVtCt •"" U PAllS Jo" IJ.c~lo/J I PL~O I rn~r:.~~WN ' DIBT I " COLUCTIONI I A--ta -N.._ -a.lm9 of .., klll4I ., ........,,. ...... Amert.. 411• ~ -No ' •-" "'• ....... all cee-. CUDIT Bua.EAU ef WMlln OrMp Coatf ~17 c,..., ...... ., N'ew"'1 ~ ..__ a..dl ... c-ta .. _ Mt Alvenilde A•"-· P.O."'" IN XEWPORT BE"CH. CAUt·. I /tS His Business.~.· Yes ••• It's Ills btlllws lo •aw. ~ Newpout Harbor Ne....,.. .. ,.. door each Monday mcl ,.....,. It's his bniwess to clo • good ... .... , .. , ........... ~ JOll ,,...,..,, ... .. toocl WMllloa. His lob.,. ..... ... senlce ... N•clen llis ". If CllSl'OIMrl~ ,.. Iii ~ llOt ............ scriber,• Ollt ... 1•b1crlptloll below alldw••atmtde- llY-r at ..ce. .. , -------------·-·-----~-,-----, i. Clrclllatloft Dept. ! I I I ' ! Newport Hart»or ...... ""' ! ! Z%11....,_Ave.. N~.,_. ! ! Attia; ClreaJaUoa Dept. ! I ' l I hereby wish to wbecrlbe to the New- : port Harbor Newm-Prtm, and ac:ree to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only t5oc a moath). Street ~~~~~~~~~--­ Clty -----------_________ , ______ _ YOUR INTERESTS! tf c ....... Slilce 1'28 • Tea Payer • Properly Owner Sandy F. MacKa CITY COUNCILMAN District No. 2-15th Street to Channel Road, Balboa Peninsula ! • EXPERIENCED IN: IEAL EST ATl-INSURANCE-IANKING • EN'l'llUSIASTICALLl" ENDORSED 81": ....... ..._..t .... ll. CJltlMe 0.. 0..1 w °"'&.•au. ........ Mra. Vktor r . Orue lln. ll. ...,,,. 'na.1• n.ty H.,nbcy .... McOua Jamee T. Van o,ti• Dr. Albert Stockton R.lchard Pl~tr Ja&n Brandt T . Duncan 8l"'8ort Maurie Stanier Roland A. Wf1Pt Harold 0 . .utl!UT M I'll. Robert &. ftOll John T. BoJ'd, lr. Tom~ I ' ' / ., • r i..&E-•. PART, -NEwl'oRT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. MAR. 1. 1955 -,co-,-1E-1-,-A-SS_E_N_a_E_R_FL-1-8H-T--·'Buffer Zone' HURRY SHOPPERS! - BIACK GOLD-There·a oil in Huntington &uh~ in the street.-'... the above : photo proves with a pool reftectiQg a picket fence in front of a neighboring bowie .-In 100 block on Second St. The ecan on palm tree at right, which _.. planted be- fore the firat oil boom in the beach city, will be there when the third boom comes, according to a man on the' street. -Staff Photo ~OF OIL-Spill.a from leaking pipe liw -·oil tank eonnectiom have cau.ed ~la of wute oil reeembling oil field aumpm in downtown a e c t l o n of Huntington -~ach during current city lot drilling. An effort baa been made to cover the spllla :. with dirt in the alley 1.nd back y&rd of 101 Walnut SL The result of the work baa-.... turned area into a quagmire and Lyndon Welht, of above add:reu. h.u complained to po-\ lice. -St&(( Photo Oil Strike Brings Damage tO Huntington Beach Area (Ed. Note-Th.la UI IUlOl.her In Ule ecriu on lllm~ Bearh oU d•velopmf'nt an'1 ll11 ruulta on city hfe) 117 BOB WILTOS Crtme ln the oil boom town or HanUnston S-cti I• by and 111 rge not metropolitan In compart.on w1UI major CiU•• und tall11 Into tbt nuJMnc. cl&.u but IJ1 .or vital mwortance to THld"tlla In th" a-. accordlnr to report.a flied U. Wffk wtlh lh• polloe depart· lftllftt of UlW dty, Complaint. on ou leak• a.nd -WW-In 11trfft. and alley1 lea.de oOlen tl'n·l<M>n• on the police log of the Rnu~nitton BP11rh df'J'lll"t· mlllt. 8PATl'a.8 CAM Ja llaUnc a ftw of Ult nu1u.n<" eaa. to Ule police detlk Tuelday qd Wedneeday I.II wb.lc.b mo.l of Ule cltlMJu maklnK the T'f'pol'U ,_. the attwaUoo le ~yond the ~ce 8\.aft• and fut bf'comloi:; a 4dtnfte h.u.ard. a. rt'port ,..,.., mlde to poh<'f' that oil And mud 1191 bel'n iq>allrn-d on cars .ltorf'd for repair lD t.be Ford Guagc. F1fth and OIJw Sta. Olher11 ID lbe -11·a ~ of rompl&lnla were L)'Ddoe WeU.. 101 Walnut St_ who told police oil from a -~u opeMLUon h&d ~ spilled In the allry badl of hi. property and a qua.nUty Oftr part of ht. ya.rd. A ~ aleo wu flH-d on a teak t..-a liJw wtds oU spl"Mdlag O'ttf -U.. -A.\.lan\.a belw~n Hunlin,.to. Att.' -1 HIJhway 39. f'rank BraJ, U1 8ecoed SL ,.. ported to police an oil rte betDc moftd at Second and Oran,.c Sta. had d,ama.rtd palm ....._ along t.be 1trttt that bad bd.uUflf'd the an. •inc• before oil had fant been produced In Suntiqtoft 8-cb. OM d Uun ot llae 8ecOll4 8t. area told OCNS that be and hb ~ bad autfn.d lbe DOi.- &lld dJrt that baa come to uw d t7 •'lt.b t..M oU ~. a.nd added tM dNt.rucUon ot proprrty and LIM crowtnc nn huard ... -- thine that WOQJd not be toln-at.d lo~. ace ADDS TO COMMUNITY .... ~SET WITH AUDITORIUM --Speech Arts BuildilNJ Hw bars RevolvinCJ StacJes, Musicians Hill E1pl1i11 Ciril lefe1se 11 i111r11ce A lar&'• CTOWd of Newport 8"dl du.en. listened to Edcv Hill, a.iata.nt dlr~tor, civil d• f-f« !l:CW110rt 8-c:h w~ day uplalll that clril &!feruie All ~ SUl'VIVOr l~ t.e aheorb the •lloc:lt ol warfare w olb« dlautcr. Ch1c leMen 1at.1Mnd to ~ lher orttanlze Ute unit hue and meet dlvtaton heada. Hill lntro- duted John Sallora.. director: Fire Chief Jan B~. fi re: Polle. ChJd John L.. \Jp90n, law IUld Ofdtt; City Enclnttr Bert Webb, ftl&incertnc; Urblln Bdl. water tranaport.aUon: Tt'd Hambrook. c:ommunk:a~: J ohn Boyd, aup- pll-and Cil7 Clt'rk Charlca Priemt. tntormaUon. .. ln the not war we ~ the onca wbo -.111 be flrat hJt," HilJ .ucs ... w. arc not wom ed about W'Ar but WI' ahould C'On.sldn What -would do lf ll came." cu.a~ wbo attl'ndl'd slKTif'd up w1Ul t he Yal"IOUll .ctlon commit· t-undo Ute dlTI.lion ~d• They W111 lhorouchly lnvnU~11te aD pba8e9 o( c·111ll deft'llM 0111;11.11Ju- Uou pnor lo m&klng a rf'port a t the nut ,m"t'lmg 5"l for Monday, :litan:h 21 In thl' <'lly hll.11. Copelin Home lurCJlarizecl Or'anl• COll.'lt College u M tn-1 Slnce educaUon ta a life-loft« Burglary , of Ui. Ra:r W . \opc- ......_bl• community ai<M'l WM f'm· N'O('eu_ P et"900 polnted out occ Ian home Al 21~ 4 bl Sl .. 111 belnJ pbMtud by Dr. llA~11 II 1·o1 l'r-fulfaJl..s thi8 rommunJty need '1 1nvull1;1'ltNi by N•wport .}'?lice . .._ dUrlnlo! a i;·r b 2r-i J'rt'"• prt'-Coprhn. •member or the N \\port .,... of the l11tN1l ramp1111 Im-lhrough It. adult ec:tuc.auon I Bl'ach PLa.n.nlnir; Comml.a.'Olon. Mid Jlf'9"Wl'Jllllt _ the 1390.130 SP<'f'Ch r ouraf.'a. the burjtlary occurred ~entl)'. -"" Bulld1ra1. The tunulngly CClllllPlet• 1tructuno ronaiat.a or a.n udtorium -uni ~1200 J'f't'90n.a,, U.. rot.a.Un« l'ta,:e1. an outdoor ua.er. mua1c bulldlntr IUl•I l I ln- ..Wu11l l'<'llnd pmoff'rl J'NtCl lce ....... Dedlcallun uf t he tli-aignated •c:ip111munlly" auditorium a n d ..,. facWUea hu been 9et foT MUch 23. Dr . J'eteMIOn. pre"ldmt &ad dialrict 1Upertntf'1ldftt ot , OOC::. aiinouncl.'\.I A! ltul three ~unaly d11tf'11 for llH of Ule a .. tor1um havP llll'f'Ady been •~ l'alll"'d. r f'tf'l'90n Mid. ""nllt ne'°'' 11tructure," Pet.r90tl tcM "port.en. ""11o'W'I upan8'on ot OC'C'• proirra.ni of ectucauoo u a eomml.ll\lly C'olk'ge." l't'IM"1!on . .,..._, out I.ht ""mpu. aw1mming .,_a. library. tf nnla courte and c1-n>oma had &ln'ad.J bet'n I tJINW1l opftl for community u11e. 1 ..,,... an a ~lsUc coller:· lh• ' ,,,_.dent dcclll.Nd. "We try to meet t.he nffd• of the atude,nt.s.. Marw than hall of tht'm are In vo- caU9n&J Ntacallon. Thia mMna U.., C'an l'llrn thf'lr llvlntr In thtlr I :tmrn rJelda 'tll'Mn they leave Lhtt ........ ' ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompaniments ITALIAN DINNERS "" fliaoo Go to ROSSI CAFE ro s~!!!~~!~·!~~.~'!!~! Change tor . Board approved helicopter .ervtce. routes a.nd tariff Mesa Offered pattema for p&aeQpr fltght to.begin in the next 30 daya in. 80Utldantl cities, including Orange, it wu announccm March 2. The cities, which will be added to Loa Angelee Airways Service, include Orange, Anaheim, Fuller- ton, Pomona, North Hollywood, San Bernardino, Ri· vent,de, Ontario, Fontana and Corona. rService to Orange from International Airport pro~bly will be first, according to Claren~e Belinn, president of the airways. The county owned heli- port. to be ueed here wu given approval by the Or· ange County Board of Supervi8ors. A propoeed "buffer 10n•" amendment to t.be l&n4 UM ordl.n· ance on Feb. 21 wu re!erl'ed to the city attorney and cll7 m&J'\•&er for further 1tudy by th• Coata Mesa City Council. CH:y Attorney Don Dun1an mad• a re· port on the matter at th• reque1t of the Mesa city plannln1 commla· alon. City Manacer Oeor re Coffey ln· formed lhe councilmen, "l can Me all kinda of compllcaUon1 arl1lnc from 1uch an amend_mtnL" ----------------------------------------...---------BUFFER ZONE USE ON HIT-RUN Gorton Plea~s · ln1ocent, Gets Trial April 11 SANTA A.NA COCNS) -Ex· Newport Beach Policeman Ken· neth W. Gorton ll'eb. 2:i pleaded In· ~t to a felony hlt·and·run dr1v· tnr charce when he appeared be· tore Superior Court Judl'e John Shea here. Gorton uked for a juty trial. Alter conaulUn1 with Gorton'• a t· tomey, Bert Weet and Dlat. Ally. Robert Kneeland, Judce Weat 11t t.be trial tor 9 :SO a.m. April 11. Gorton wu arrcettd Aur. 18, 19M, atter hi• car allecedly plow· ed into another a half-mile north of Balboa Blvd., on HIJbway 101, Newport Beach. Two pu.onAI re· portedly were Injured In the olheT vebJcle. Ottl«ni claimed Oort.on wu DEATH NOTICE JORN a. GLONTNGER drtvln&' under tnnuence of lntoxl- caUnr liquor. A civil damage 1u1t has bffn. flll'd ln Superior Court here a· l(ainn Gorton In connection with the accident. T he def~d&nt ii free on bail. betwttn 7:111 11nd -8:30 o'clock . Oftlcera u ld a acreen to the bathroom wu cut ani:t then un- latched and the wlndow r&iaed to ga.ln entry . Twenty-five dollara In amall chance, a brown leather w~Jet. 1tlver Ue clup and Loa Anrelea 8her1tra badge No. 882 were taken from a dreaffr drawer. Copelin ..td. Ten Eycks File 9ulet ntt. Sult on H. I. Land SANTA ANA (OCNS) -A complaint for quiet Utle wu loclg· cd In Superior Court h ere on F eb. 22 In connf'CUon vd th the owner· ahlp ot a piece or HunUngton Beach property. Dunpn explained putpoae o~ the "buffer zone" waa to put 140 !eel ot "dead" apace bctwHn r e•ldent· lal and lndualr1al aanea. A8 an u- a.mple the city attorney relerTed to Vnd, Inc. which plan11 an In· dwitraaJ pla.nt between Newport Blv4.• 11,r1d< Fi.lrvltw Road. D~n 11ald the councJli•nd city plailirn would control uae of the buffn zont>, that noth~ could be built In 11ul'h an area'·~lll}out approval of t he l'lly official.. Coffey pointed out that. under pre11ent c1rcum11tancca, the city could enforce lhc buffer sone only within the city llmlt11. Undl'r 1uch an amendment, the city manageT said. annexation ot lndu1trlal lltea might rompUc;•t•JI tulure 1ubdlvt· •Ions. The but procedure woµld be 11et-backa, he .. Id. OTHER BUSINESS Jn olht-r bualneu. city council: Approved pul'C'hase of a 'pt.ck-up truck for 1trttt department a t $1,389.26. Including ulee tax. Hurd Police ChJef Art McKen· zlr. a <'0-Chalnnan In the Mua March of Dlmu , Teport thla year'• collf'ctlon had reached 12731, bet· tt r than last year, and ahould reach the 13000 quota. Moved that a n ordlna.nce be dr11wn by the city attorney -..tllnr tl'nns or office for membcra or the city planning commlu lon on a 1tagjtut'd basl1. Approved a variance allowlnr the Orange Publl•hlng Co. to UM electrical power In exce1111 of five hor1epower In a C-2 zone for a proposed new Globe·Herald build· lng a t lhe norlheut corner of Thurln and Bay. Heard Mu Pope and Perk RELIANCE IV SALE luy a 1955 Model TV aad Rec.aft a Valuable Gift Pim O• Senice G.....-t11d --Xour Choice of Our Many Fine lines MOTOROLA PACKARD BELL HOFFMAN CROSLEY RCA VICTOR ADMIRAL ZENITH SENTINEL RAYTHEON OLYMPIC .. DOUGLAS Chairside Control :, . Huge Trade ARowa11C• Easr ,.,.. WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD WE RENT TELEVISIONS •· the first two months rent can be applied on the purchase of any TV or MAJOR HOME APPLIANCE I We are loaded with used TVs. IARGAINS GALOIE All Rec ...... 1dl Al Gw ... 11cll Al Mak" mcl S-.! Some ...... 1 PRJC'ED AM 19.95 LOW AK NO DOWN PA.YllENT OPEN SUNDAYS a EVERY E~'ING UN'ftL t :• . . HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. RELIANCE Kl S-11• %102 N. MAIN ST. · S4'NTA. AN-' -Ill Z.lW John Rincsold Oloaln1er, 64, died suddenly March 5. A resident ot Pttllbur'rh. PL He wu vl.lltlnc h1I daurbter, Mn. Gecrge J . Fku· ry Jr.. Ocean Blvd.. Balboa and had been t\_ere for five day1. He wu born tn'\oplttaburgh. whert> he wu owenr of a bTlck company. He i. aurvived by h i• wife. Cather· Inc, who accompanied hln\ here; three llOllA, • Jarnea. David and Hufb, all of Plttlburgb; another daugttter, Mra. Deni• McAuley Jr. Of Pitt.burgh. Remaln.1 w111 be flown to Pttllburch tor 11ervtcca and lDt.erment. Ball& Mortuary 1n charl'• of &rr&n(l'JJ\l'J\ ta. Bringing tht> action wue Mr. and Mra. Floyd R. Ten EyC'k of 2649 Orange St.. Costa Mua. Namt>d defendAnta Wl're Mr. and Mni. Ga brl el 8. GoodmlUlM>n, MT. and Mr11. ATlhur Schnltgtr, Theo- dore amt Lena Rlenan. Ma bel Lam· bu t. 0. R. OIHn. Paw Nord, Clara Laraon. P'. H. F elberg, Emma Fel· berg, Mr. and Mra. Arthur C. Nord, Minnie M. Beuer. Eva F . Fleming. Frank L. Bua7er. George F. Col· trln. 4rthur H . Coltrin, J. B. Stal· ford, M. M. Spencer. Theodora Spencer and tbe Santa. Ana Busl· neuml'n'a A11aoclat1on. Ba.I nu. re pruenta llvu of the Or· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ange Empire Council, th&nk the ': councll tor allowing Boy Seoul• to .temporarily sit In It. place and wllneH "the city govern.menl ln action.'' The plalntltta want the court to rule out Ally clalma on the prop- erty by the defendanta. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 NEW 198·HP BEAUTY PICKS UP SPEED CLIMBING 28% GRADE -More power where it counts from Mercury's new Dual.-Exhaust SUPER-TORQUE V-8 engine There'• a lot of i.lk about hnrMpower thl"e dayw. The numbt'n go up and up. But what dOf'!I all thu ntn powrr do for you? The picture abon trlll part of the atory. There·a 10 much poweT ~li~ered 1t the whttl~ of thit new 198-horsepower Mercury Moo1cl1i1 that you can actually ptci up spttd whilr climbing the 1tttpeft hill you CAD 6nd. This ta one graphic .-y of dcmon1tnting Mercury·• new kind of 1uper·t0Tque power • Mon top 1peed it o( little nhae to _.t motorittJ& Can already can go r .. ter thin mo1t legal 1peed limill. Wbere you want ntra power i& in the ~day 1peed rangu wl-icte you do 95 per ~nt of your drhing. And that•• eJM:tly where the 1955 Mtrcury givet it to you •.. for tlUtaltl pickup, 111/er pe11i0« power, tG8in hill climhi~. We'n uid nothing here about 1tyling- and now then im·t room. But ~rcury'• IT PAYS TO OWll A mERCURY _FOR FUTURE ST,LHIG, SUPER POWEi Jell'S·lhl'ati dr1ign ill AJll'akin~ for itllelf ngltt ••• t 111111 ti.. ~' le1H1';.,. ~It. 14 l.1 i•••, 'TOAST OF THI IOWM.• ' no,, a& oor abowroom. Stop io today. h•or ..... ,... •• .. He, "..i"" 111onn. c.....-t ., JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln ,.·Meircu;y 900 W. Cwt HhJlaway NEWPORT •ACH · .. ~ 1-5545 Acrou ,,_ In CW. I • \ - I NEWPORT HARBOR iJEWS-PRESS MONDAY,-MARCH 7, 1955 PART ·!fWO, PAGE O~ I . TOP HIGH SCHOOL GIRL SPEAKER Wianer ot W•rwek1'• apeelrin&' eont.t at Balboa Bay Liona Oub meeting wu Lau- rel Woodloa. Corona cW Kar, juaior at Newport Harbor UnJop High School, atanding at Jett. r.r row. Other eonie.tant. from Wt. Patricia Roney, Newport Height., junior and Judy at.wart. Corona del liar, a .enior. Seated from left. C. A. Higbie, program ehairman, Kn. Al C'lemence and Oemence, 1 •• Miss Woodson will go to "apealt- off' at Orange Cout College, competinc with high 8Chool ltudent.a from ~untington Beach, s-i a.ch and Oudm Or'Oft. -ltatt Photo UDO LEADERS DISCUSS PLANS Members of Udo Shopt Auociation above di8CUH pl.ins for forthcoming joint Lido ShoJ>ll "birthday celebration" 11et for week of March 13, Under diecUASion were two· hour appearance of Sheriff John, free kids' ahow at Lido Theatre, B 111 Welch TV abow, orchida for women, plua free Tinkertown ride for small fry. Other top prlie8 will be awarded. Standing ill Leon Williams, William Stationers; 11eated from left, Jan Davia, The Bookcue: Sallie Fleming. Richard's Lido Market ; Irma Marple, Vagabond Houae: Jim Walk.er, Macker Floor Coverings; Jack Bidwell, Bidwell'• Store for Men : Loia Muon, Udo Eleetric. , NeWs in Pictures WR0'8 WHO-Bill Uewenyn. B&lbo4l, hu been nounect t.hat he hu bffn el'lected for ln· clu1lon In WHO'S WHO JN AMERICAN CO LLEO lt8 AND UNIVERSIT I ES. an· nual publlcaUoa eelec:Unr olit· 11.andtnc 1tude.nt.a acroa th,. naUon. Selectlona a re llml~ to junlora. 11enlon1 and ~u­ ale 1tudent1 and were made on bull or rour polnta: n · ctUtnce and • I n c e r I t y ln llCholarahlp. ~aderahlp and partlclpatlon ln extrao<um· cular acUY1llea. clUunlh.lp and ~rvl.e, proml94> of f\1ture ~fulnu1 to bwlnua and llOClety. UeweUyn I• a irt u- df'nt of Mexico City Coller whPre he wUI rttelve hll Maa- 1 .. r of Art.t dtl{rH In J unt of 1 ll!Wl. He I• a fomtr atudf-nt of F'ulll'rtl'n Junior Colltgt. and tJI,. t• n I l e d ~ta tu C'ou t Ouo1 •t A ~11tl""''' :"rw !A ndon, Conn &TITCH IN TDIE--General view of a tailoring cl&M In the home ma.ki ng deputmcrit at the Newport Harbor Un.Joa Hilb Scbool'1 new home art. bu.Udinr . Thla c:lul la beaded by Mrs. E. L. Eari<er. TI1 • i1 h :-r · r .1~ · -; out dreaetl which they will model at a f lo be bead ta Mq --.U.P1*o llOW TO DO ft--Orapbie dep6ctioa ol ....._ and -~ tutJcm fw ~ ol tM Newport BlYd. Freeway tbn>QP OMta 11-...... la u. two aerial ~ reproduced a t left and rjpt. Pboto at rtpt lllaow9 U.. de- 'ftlo~t of mcti-7 st ex· teDdlllg tnJand at B•Uncton lleadl. Tiie lat.neeUO. at bottom ceatn ol * picture at aishl ll BtstftraF st (Ham· 8lartr9 Drift) wtt.ll Jndianopolla 8tnet and Huatlqton Drift. Note t.bat ~ la po99itle from all aide ~tnei. In ,Cldlt· • ~ and left tuna lann are provided la ~J deft)op- meaL Blpwa7 st la 8lloWn CID State DtYialon of Hlp· way Ka .. u a u.roupJma· Jor .Ute ~ trom . It. inte...ctioa witll Oout Hlp· way at Bwluact-a.ch to WJUtt.ler and throucb A.aua ud Ban OalarW CaaJOll to an lalenecUOll wit.h ~ cre.t Hlgb-y at Wrtpt· wood. Btpway M wbkb ,la ~tloll of Newport Bhd. ~ Banta .A.Da ..,_.. _, 't Tmt1la and proceeda to an lnt.enectioll with SUila Ana C&nJOD J'reeway near OU-. -Pneent p~ of tbe State DntlliGD of HlebwaJI ~ permit ~ to N-· port BlTd. "-p~ lm· prowment aidlq all t.broUl'h and lnJand ma eo.ta Ilea. U elate plan le c:an1ed tJuoug1l It would l8olate eut and l'Ml .we. of the lie• from eaeb other from J'alr· YI-A 'ft. to Pa.UmdN l'lo9d. Bee-.-of objec:Uoe of City of Costa »-to propoeed limited acceu lmproftllMnt tbe dnt!liop-t hu beeD tall· • of! ealendar tor at leut the DUt two JMl"I. -Aer1&1 PbotoeraJIM bJ Padftc Air Jadu9triN, Lone e-cla ., LOCA•-.U WDl-N.wport Harbor Yacht Club aldppen chalked up a on~two-th,_ la tbe Rhodes fleet eompetJtJon al the three-day Midwinter Regatta at L. A. Harbor. George Fleits with bia famoua Hanabuli (right) came up over-all winner with Hook BeardaJee"a Sea Bee in 8eCOnd and Strat Enright'• Witch (left) a 10lid th1nL -Beckner Photo AB. PART OF AIUIO& WEEK plan• a tree wu started growing in Costa Meaa Wed- ne9day at the corner of Eut 22nd St. and Rural Lane. Shown above taking part in the ceremonies are, left to right, Paul Dunlap, chairman of the cleanup and beautifi· cation committee of the Chamber of ·Commerce; Harrison Sanborn, chairman of the Citizen'• Council; Mn. Clem LowlAberry, chairman of the committee for the tree plantil'g; Mra. Kelvin Dawy on whoee property the t ree was planted; L. D. Shotwell, superintendent of puka: Frank Bh18ell. park district commissioner and Bruce Mar· tin. city councilman: all of Coeta Meu. -Staff Photo ~------------~------------------------------ Pel"IOUl Appearuce Everyday -March 11-lt 0. W. 'Dick.' RICHARD says: NEW CONTEST AND PRIZES, EVERYDAY, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PIUZES. OOME .IUST FOB FUN. SHOP A.ND SA VE! 7th -.mTHDA Y CELEllATION SUNDAY, llAJICR U TKRU MARCH 19. '7 Bi« Da79 of FU -0-t.eet -Prbelt -Treat. l t OILERS ENTER CIF THIRD ROUND AT SAN DIEGO TOMORROW NIGHT r-w• ' WEBB PROVES ADEPT WHEN PADDLING THROUGH WATER No doubt about it -it takes a Webb to really paddle through the aqua lane.. And if you have any doubt.a about it, refer to the accompliahment.a or one Jack Webb of Fullerton JC in the water ways. BUCS DOWN RIVERSIDE ON CINDERS H ntlllCJI I ch lo C f th• ,OUen, had to overcome a U ~nl~ pl OY llCI 20-a nnt quartu J~ad plied up } Out ._., Playoffs ly 79 LJa WI by Kart Friday nlrht lo emerre ~ VT ..-. n with a 77-4141 wtn and enter the third round of play. Ventura, co- The Huntington Beach Oilers, Sunset League buket- ball champs, travel to San Diego tomorrow night for a C1F ~ntral Group plJyoff game agairult San Diego High School Millers. Site will be the Hoover High gymnasium, time 8 p.m. favortte wllh Mt. Cumel, wu up- Hl U -St by Centennial. TALLY TRIO The 20-year-old Webb bu bro~en four jayaee 9Wim recorda already thia .euon. Early thia year, Webb wu timed in 1 :32.2 in the 15<>-yard individual medley ln a _25.yard tank. The old record : 1 :36.2. Then Webb really warmed up to hia chorea tha w~kend. Friday at Stan!ord, the mermen eet a new 120-yard indivHiual medley record of 1 ;08.9 and a 200-yard backstroke mark of 2:14.9, both in 20-yard pools. The old records: 1 :14 and 2:19.3. Orans-• CO&lt ('allritl' lr•<"kmen capturl'c& thrlr f'lol •:a11tt•1 n C(ln• fl'renrl' dual mfft "In of th1• 1¥1'•· aon •a•ln.wt Rl\·1•r-., .. 1 .. Jl • ,,n the Ml'J&a f'rtday, but "'1•11n1I up H • • ond In a tn,.ngular M'l to .. ·hh'h Included Charm"n t•ullf'i;•" <X.."t~ dt'feat.f'd Rlvt nd•I ... 111·3!• 1n loop c:oll\l)etllion, The trlani:ular ts.lly ran C'hapruan. 74 occ. 6A and ruv,nlde, 20. VWTORY VIASP-Ia engaged in . by the HuntlnP>n Beach Olien, Sunaet League buket1-ll champlona, prior to traveling to San Diego for a third round C1F Central ~up playoff game tomorrow night. Bearing only a aingle defeat thia aeuon, ·and that at t he bands of CIF defending champ Mt. Carmel, playoff favorite, the Oil- en 1 rate u CIF d&rkhorae. Friday night, the Oilera defeated Covina in eecond round competition, 79-64. at Garden Grove. From left to right in the victory clup' are: Bob (Butch) Coopm&n, George Thornton, Jeddy Young, Gary Harbin and Dean Phillipy. Coopman and Young were named on the Sun.set League all-star quintet by OCNS 1portswrltera. -Staff Photo TAR MERMEN TANGLE WITH INDIANS HERE· WEDNESDAY Huntington lecich Oilers Go Under Before Local Tanken · With Hunt ington,. Beach Oilers pollahed off by comfort- able margirul, Coach Al Irwin'• Newport Harbor High 'School swim leatJU1 continue Suuet League dual meet competition at home against Fullerton flailen Wedneaday afternoon. The aqua agitation in the prep~ get.a underway at 3 p.m. The Harbor H igh va.rally and B 2:1.2, and the JOO yard freestyle, tr 1umphl!I ovtr Ule Oller mermen 57.2. The Tar team of J im WU- Uame. Larry Buck and J erT)' Far-in lht• nnll pool Jut Wednesday quh&r nabbed l.h• medley ln 2:U . wu prt>llY l.'Onvlnclng, but lb• Farquhw" also took the 100 yard Tar \\lllrr fleu made It downr1 ht TIJke tn J:1~ fotiowetl by onl":<1tlr•I Tlwy 11phl.shrd the Hunt· Tom Jeneon. ln~lon Jlr"' h <..:'11 Into 1ubmlsafon Th th ....... .... In A co ... • e o er ....... nner .... 3·h .1. peUllon wu Don Rt<ld1nrton, 200 PllACTll"ALLY 8Ht.'TOUT yard free1lyle, 2 :10.5. Harbor Kiib In 1 ue It'• not obvtou., lhle n1e1U1a the Ollere wtre pracUcalJy "hutouL The local fleawelgbt.a cop- p••<I t.he medl~y and four-man re- lH ~'.Gary Cook nabbed the 110 yard f1!'estyle; J~rry WhJlal<tr the 110 y11rd ~ck 1troke and Ttrry Dal- 1111', loop record holder. the 60 yard br .. M l. Which pretty near made lt unantmou.. The Sa.llor B'• out-aurfcd the Oilers &2·23. Harbor High llght- welght11 1wepl the 200 yard Crffo. a tyle a nd diving and won the med- lf'y anlJ four-man reh•y. Tim~ for thfl m edlry V.'lla 2:17.3. Bob Jotm· •on pa c.d Henry HUI t• th• touch In the 200 ya.rd frtutyle In 2:ltA. ~ne LorlnK. Bob Callla and Paul J.fetcalee awepl the diving tor N1>wport. T WlTCHl:LL TIU\, ')IP1tA .. ,"T Brll• e Twllchelt took th~ 100 '.\'Al •I br.&ll In l :16 8 ahead Of fl11 k Carter. D•vc Allen toolt the 100 ya rd fr~e,.tyle In l :02 3 traUt'd by Tr'1 \'"n Uemrrt. l"<'wporl \"\lr&1ty dunked the OU- ,.r-63·2~ paced by Ktn BoJenhof· t r"11 w1n11 In the ~ yard freestyle, Championship Rodeo Set For Santa Ana A rtXlro of wnrll1 ch11mplt>n11hlr c:llllber wtll ~ 1tagr d In Santa Ana'11 Mtmlclpal Bowl April 30 and May 1. It ha.a beC'n announced by Rodeo Chalrm&n Mr11. Waltf'r Ran- ney Jr. n ( the Santa An& J unior AUi.at.a.nee Le&l{Ue. Proceeds v.111 be uM<S In the •'1deep....,.d charity progran1 <>f tJw lea.cue-A1111Y Jaure(Ui of New- ball. Qlle of the but kno..-.-n rod~ proc:tuc~n 111 the wnt. will put on the allow. Only matinee ~,.._ t ormancee of the t1'>'e>-hour 11how wm be gi•en. won &he four-man relay wtth Bo· denhofer, Red41ngton, Buck and Chuck Kolvist.o. Bue Tennis Team Aims for Vidory Coaah Bob Oabome'• Orance Coa.st Coll~ge tennis conUngent will be aiming at their first win of the 11156 campaign Tuuday when lhey travel to Long Buch for Ute flrst of a home and home Hrlea with tl\• t9'er11. Lone Bucb City Collere. rated nwnber OM tn the Metropolitan Con!erwnce. downed th• Pirate net- men 7 ·2 1n the OCC MUOn opener Friday on the eo.t.& Mt • court.a by ..... wplnr the doublq competi- tion and t.aldnr four ot th• lls etnclu p&lrlnp. Letterman Dlc>r Kanaen and frelhman Lenny Blacanua. up from Kuntln(lon Beach HS, won thel.r alnglea matchea In et.n.tghl aet.a, HanMn wlnn1n( fJ-2. 7-5 and 81.1- calluz 8~. fJ-1. Summary: Ht.rl'U011 (LB) def. Tylt>r (QC) 11·2, 6·1: Benlah (LB) def. Anru1tron1r (OC I 6·2, 7·6: Bl.callu:z lOC) det. McCracken tLBI 8·6, 6-1: Goodw i.n !LB) def. Sheldon (OC) 6·2, 6 -0; Ha1uen 1oc1 def. Wuka (LB) 8-2. 7-6: McKee !LB) dd . li:vana IOC) 8-1, 6·0; Ha.rrtaon -Benllh I LB) def. Ran111>n·K~nnedy (OCI by default; Week1·McCrack11n (LB) tJC'f. Arm- lltrong·Sbeldon IOC) 6·0. 8·2; Goodwin-McKee ( 1..8) deC. Evan•· Tyler t OC I '5·2. 6·2. Safety Aid Told Store flammable llqulda In gal- .-anised steel tuel <'IUUI, not In itlaN botUea or jaT1!. fire otrlclal1 a d- ,·tse. Gia..~ bre&X11 too ea.~lly. Balboa Fun Zone OPIN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTR Pa<;ed by Bob (Butch) Coopman's 26 point.a, the Oilen copped their lnlllal playoff fray and a unanlmou1 pick for the J'tlday night In the Garden Grove OCNS all·slar quintet •. pnk 15 l')'ltlnaalum with a 79-H victory dl(1ta.Dean PhllUpy 13. Oary Kar· over Covina. The Sunaet loop bln 12 and George Thornton 10. champt hu.etled Into a two-point Hat Ume adv1111ta1• went to the tint quarter lead, 18-18, and wete Oilers, 40-28. Mt. Sac In JC Casaba finals Play And awimtning in a dual eplashfest againat California Saturday, Webb did the 200-yard back- stroke in 2:15.6. Thia broke the old record of 2 :16.9 set lut year by Walter Reeves of Loa Angeles City never beaded by the rtvau. CRABTllEE JOOR POINT Frtd Crabtree. the prtp scoring 11tneaUon. kept Covt.na In the game. coonectlnc for eight buc- ket• and 14 tree toues, a total ot 30 polnlJI. Coopman, Sunset League choice on the OCNS all- 1tar five, outacored Crabtree from the floor, 1lnking l l nettings but only 4 frnm the free throw line. Jeddy Young, Oller pivot man MEET CLASSIC SET SATURDAY Th1nctadll will hold forth next Saturday In the Hth an- nual Southern CounUea Track meet to be held from 12 to Ii p .m. at the Huntln1ton Beach high 11chool field. Track and field men from 410 leadlJlC SoUthtl"!!_ Call!ornla high 1ehoola will vie for hon- or• In the cJu1lc. GREEN LAWNS Not Just for Show; Also for Bowling Located a t llith 8l and Bay Front 19 the Harbor area·• munJ- clp&l bowllnr ,reen. It 19 open tor play e.ch d.ay In th• week, tx· cept Mond.aya and '11luredaya. And the Newport Beach L&wn Bowl· Ing Club welcomea re,.ular bowl- en and be(lnner11 to Join them ln havlnC tun and be&lthtul recna- tlon. , NO PUV ATI: IA W1'n Thia la th• word from Walter C. Pea.non, ramu chairman of the local bowline club. "There an no private lawn bowllnr rreena In 8outMm C&UtomJa." P eanon pointed out. "Th• 21 bowtlnr cluba a.re located on public grounds. Eacil club merely conduct.a tbe bowling actlvlUee and help• mainl&in bowl- In~ grcen1 In each public park." The game la played In smglea a.nd team play wtth men and wo- men competJnc on &n equal baa11 and uatnc one Mt of rulee. "It la one of lh• oldest and ftneet com- peUUYe pmee," Pevaon ciaupa. "You play your eldll agalnat an opponent'• 1ktll You 11ner c ..... flghtlns-to make each •hot better. The came LI a eporUnc challen,. to the Jut ahoL" MORE IM'POBT ANT 1l Declaru Pcaraon: "In your youth you are taugbl the three r'1 wtre the moat tsMJIUal thing• for a full and aucce .. rut life. The vlt&llly of youth found recreation In many different 1rames and 1poru. J'oUowlnc your echool daya. you were too buey worktnc for that auceua and neclected your parUclpaUon In a cUve 1amea and sport&. But you really nenr loat lnterwt, for you becauM a •J>tCt&- tor watchlnr othera perfonn or J1.111t readlnc about c amea on the sport.a pqu. 'Then comea the Um• when you b&•• more lel.IUr• time. Now Ole a r'a are aot .. lmport&nt .... the R for recreiaUon. Wl\Ue there &rt' many torma of recrea llon-hob- blea, ~ and rame-thert le DOthJDI like an out-ot-doora com- peUU" came llke lawn boWlln(, tor kttn lntereet and healthluJ exerclae." l11e1 Ill Win s....- Orange Cout College llWLm • mel'8 liL.ll a wlnnln1 1trlde over the weekend. Coach Joe Kroll'a Bue mermen 11urged over San Dl•ro NTC, 90-23 and out..plubed Occld~t.a.I. 60-3•. JUVERSIDE DOWNED San Diego moved up ln CIF competition Saturday nlrht, beat· ln&' Riverside 49·39. Halt time ecore favored the Hiiiers, 20-18. M t. Carmel'• dd~ndln( CIF champs. thl' last quintet to defeat Harbor High Nabs Santa Ana Relays For the second etralrht year. lh• Newport Harbor Hl(h School track team ran off wllll lhe Dl- vlaion 2 title In the annual Sant& .Ana Relay•. The Tar 1plklter1 compiled 30 point• on the bul1 of tour triumphant racea on the Santa Ana cinders Friday. Bm.LFLOWER TR.AlL8 Trailing the local thlnclada wt'rt Bellflower, 16; Fontana, H ; Co· vtna. 10; Gard~n Grovt, 9; RMI· lan<S., 9; Paramount, 8 a.nd Citrus 3. The victory of tile Sailor cb&r(ea ot Co·Coachea Ralph Reed and Don Burna marked the ninth occaaton aloce 1942 that HM"bor Hl(h'• Jeathf'r-lungers have lug· Ced home the bacon. They have been eecond thrice and fourth lwlce. Oddly enough, Newport'• 1terl· Inc effort wu In a toeing cause. Top SaUor Miler Tod Whitt 1pe.t the dlllt&nce In f .33 In the four· man medley, but Newport wound up MCODd to Redlands. In Jast year'• nlay11 White toured the mu. In 4:39, unofficially bfeaklng the tchool r ecord by 1enn aec- onc21L No oomrr u:n Tbe SaJlora left no doub'-aa to the.Ir lntenUon.1, nabblnc the !lrll two dJYialon eventa Jl'rlday. Don MeredJlb, Jiopklne. Howu d )(It· cbe1l and Bruce Knipp defeated Bellflower ln the four-man abut· U. low hurdlea In 57.~. Bob Deal, Milum, Grltfllh. Charlie Berry, Fenton, MllchcU, Peanoo and OU1 Bollng captW'ed the eight- man mile from Fontana ln 3:12. Oth'r vlctorlu for the Tar• came In the tour-man ahort med- le7 and the tour-man mile. But- ard, Grlf!lth, Harper a nd Larry Cutro teamed up for the former over ~llnower In 3 :33.3. The lat- ter victory came lhroUCb the ef· fort. or J . Smith, Deal, Berry and MerC'dlth In lleklng Covina with a tlrne of 3 :36.5. RIVERSIDE WINNER Riverside won the DJvU•ion l bracket ot tho relay1 F.nday wllh 24 polJ\lll. Trailing were Pomona. 20 Whittler. l ll: Santa Ana, 16; Compton. 9; Chaffe)'. i : Fuller· ton, 4 and San Bcrna.rdlno a. Rlv- eralde anJ WhHtlH •ct the tone record11. These came wtien Rlvtf'- 1lde nabbed thl' four-man mile In 3:27.2 tor a ~1.8 averago and Whlttltr took the four-man two mUe l.n 8.13 7 for an a "rar• or 2:03 4 Centennial captured the Dlvl- lion 3 uue. breaklnr lhrff meet record11 In the proceae. 1be Ap&dl· e1 •~t mark• In th• t our-man ahutUe hunllu, e ight-man mil• and four • man mile white ecor1ng 28 points.. Huntln,;ton Beach oould amua only ~1ght polnta In th• competition whlle Orup coUtct· ed ltJt. • FIR8T LOOP DllAL P omona Cathoflr eelzed t he Dl· vision 4 crown with l9 points. In thl11 bra.cket, Tustin wountl up with 13, Laguna Beach 11, La Ha· bra II and Brea 1. Flr11t Sunset IAague du&! meet comes up Tue!lday el Hunting· ton Beach for the tlreleea Tar track and fltld athletu. FRESNO -Powered by the po- tent ecqrlng trio oi C'ntu J ohn Hendtnon, Guard Jim Doh~rty and Forward Buddy Munoz, the Mt. San Antonio Mounties reach- ed the nnai. ot the C&llfomia ~College. In the face of Webb'• accomplishments: jt really makes no difference, but Stanford dunked Fullerton 69-14 while Califomqi. beat 'em 49 1:: to 33\::. ~. HARBOR Late J 11nlor Collt(~ .\l'Uk~tball playoff• htre over "1~ w~ekend. Oppo1lt1011 In the champlonat.lp bracket laliomi-fiiri\-TI'_.mo: -· ·· ... ..,~o~ llJ:NDEll80N B9T Henderaon poured 2~ potnta throuch the hoop Thureday nl1bt u th• Mounuea rode over Grant Tech , Tl-71, In a •"11d and woolly overUme Ult. The fray hl1hllfhled openlnr round competition In the tourn~y. The Mountie& led, 34·26 at half· time, but Grant Tech raJlle<t an~ lied It up at fJ6 point.I l'ach at the conclualon of rrgulallon Ume T~ch'a pivot man Nordt with 20 markera and Rolfe wit}\ 19 kept the rival• In the &'•me. FERGt:80S HITS U TraUlnr Hendel"'90n for Mt. SAC PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 BUCS SUFFER SHUTOUT Pickens' Crew Takes On Palomar Here TolllOITOw were Fer(U•On with 15 a.nd Ciohn· With Ray Ramlru hurling th• d!Jltance. tbe Oranr:e Co .. t Cot-ty with 14. Otht r flrat round •<'oru found Weit Contra co~ta Jer e baaeball nine wu ahut out :l·O on the Mesa diamond Friday. The dobMrlng Antelope Valley. 93-72. setback marked the third Ion of the practice .cuon by the Bue F rl'ano beating Loa Anrelu Val-honehlden alonr with a trio oC triumphs. ley, 8e·73 and Ventur& "tumbling Tomo~row afternoon, Coa ch Wendell Pk kena' crrw takea on Palo- Mtnlo, 81-70. mar al OCC. Frldny, the Buca 1 en1 wu able to work up about the Ve11tura gave the Eutern Con· travel to UCLA to tangle with the fray wu the ahowing of JerT)' fuence co-champs overtime t rnll· BnJJna. RIC'e on the ant.hJll Rice follow~ ble Friday nlj!ht In anothtr thrill· [ OUT OF OAS Lel(h to the mound and •hut out er. The Mounties. paet>d by thtlr Arter chucklnc aµ thr•e P irate the oppoaltlon dunng lht thrtf' big thrtt; htld a 36-3!'> halfttmf' wtns tbli aeaaon, Don Leigh ran canto• he ¥Worked. Rice baa Juat lead, but were 11nable to hold nrt out or ru. Totin( the rubber tor compl~ted buketbaU play for Vt'ntura. R~gulatlon score wu the tint three framu aralnat OCC. 61-fJl. Lonr Buch a1uner1. Leigh a llow-RA..'IIJn;z STISGY PRIDHAM ?'lTA&i P irate atar or thr .-v .. nu rrovt'd to be Dave Pridha111 w 11 h "'"-In the hl1th and l••W h11rdl•·1 t'n•t- haln lK"lallO)N'J thr 1::v tll11h• In 1:19 anJ the 180 Iv"• 1n 2~• 6 Other flnt plac«'• ra.-k.-.1 ur an the th~"'•)' com1ll'llllon includ- ed Gary JohnlOll In the ahot put wllh a htave or 43 n . • m.: Kun- laawa \4•lth a 2 11 I ctO<'kln1t la the 880 run; \'IHI .. 1th a 12!'1 ft., 8 ln. tou In the dliw•ut. a t ae tor rtrat In the poleo \'ault by John Kennedy al 12 tt. and the mil• relay In 3:43.J. 0111i:a ar:~t'LT8 ln other i!:aaltf'm Conterft!U track competition. Mt. San An- tonio ckfeaUd Jl'ullt'rton. ~t. and Sant.a Ana <lumrll'd C'haftf'y, 87-43. Fullf'r1on'a Danny SC'hwel• kl'rt edged Chuck Kirkby of lb• Mount1r1 ln a t :lt.6 mile and 1 :~.7 b&Jf mi&.. J im C lyer of Banta .Ana Captur- ed the mlll' •1taln~ Chatley. ln 4:US and lbe 880 Ill 1::17.&. Bill Sw1uh~lm. Orange CounlJ'• P"P Athlete or lb• Year ln '64. woo the C'"ntury ln 10 2 and Ole 220 ID 21 9. ~ext kAcue compttlUoa for th• Buca of CoaC'h Hllfftoa Harper taku p~ at Saa B«n.ardiDo Marcb l l . GA~~~~OP (f.o"-.' " ••• ._., St ...... , GO .. PUTI 11111 lollMCI IHUILOIN. • WAJll... AU WADS 1611 O....p Aft. U ._l'rtl c..ta ·- POTENT THREESO~ With Henderaon, Doherty and Munoz pltchlnr 'em in, howevn. ed three ma.rker1 to crou the plat~. Juat about the only «low Pick· Wayne Coughlrre flnWled orr the hurling rttnta, (1vlng up a ' 0 H N 8 T 0 N E • 8 plllr ''' r u11ntH:t. Actunlly. wha t Mesa AlltO Wreckers the MounUM m ade a rout or the • overtime period. Doherty par~ I occ Mermaids lbe Mt. SAC 1eor~r• wllh 23 polnt.a. Munos buc'k1>1N1 22. H~n· In Aqua Meets der90n 21. I Jrr.eno defeaud West Contra Swlmn\ln1t prart1c11 hu 1tar~d Colla 8&·82 to enter the finals for the Ora nge Coaal (;ollri•' Wcr ~aln.rt the Mounuu. Alco1 n of men's awlm t e .. m. ac1:onh111: l tt Fremo and Bank.a n! Cnnt ra <.:n11-Miu Beverly C3mpbdl. ln11ln.tr l11r t& Ued tor top acortng w ith 29 Climax of lhfl ~t'U<>n "''Ill h" th" each. However, Yre."110'9 Hr nson Soulhnn C'all!or1o1 a J11n1 •I t 'ult• ;,.r netted 2t and J ohnlllln 23. Half· 11 .. 11mm1ni;r mcrl May 13 Ume 11cor11 favored Fr1>sno, 46·32 MrC'tll havr t>ern 111>l !or March 1 22 with Pornonll Cl)ltr gc. As•nl l 2 G d G with Compton College. Aprll 2fJ ar en rovers with Ml. S11n Antonio an1I May 3 with El Camino. Rd u1111n,; team ml'mber• end Swamp Knights IJltlr evtntJi Include V• l{ovlelfl, Newport Beach. trrc~tylc ev1•11111 GARDEN GROVE tOCNS) - Pact<I by Ron C&lhha m. the \"&r· 111ty A r1:on1111t11 "w&mf)f'<I lhl!' ~rw· men H igh KnightA 66·41! Monday nl&llt In tile flr11>l ro11ntJ or the C IF Pl.lyoffs. Calliham hurt t he KnlghlJI by pumping In a total ot 28 polnte to take garn e honors. T he Knll{htl 11ttJ'lpt'<I 011t of their claae when t hf'y t0<Jk on the itrove qulntet. T hry w"nt unJ l'r dunnr the tlrat quartrr. 15·6 "Ith the Orovflra t.ak,Jng a nlre nln~ point lead.. Arter working up a nine point Ind In the first 11tAnza the Grovtn tallied 15 point.a dur· Ing Ule w eond period v.·hlle the lagg1nr Kl'tlfhla "·ere htld to 19 point.a, brlnglnlf the half to a 39·19 doee wtUi the A•run1uta on top. The Arronaut. rl'nlly got rolling tn the third rrame and made the p me hot for the :"ewman quintet, by dropplnr In 18 polnta durinp; Ole period. while the Font11naM 1n,.akM In 9 pomla, to end the third atanu t8·2:1. Aa the lagglnlf Fontan.nan.a 11&w their CIF <'h&ncee 11llpplng away. th~y made • tln&J bid for the rame In the lul quarter when they tallied 23 points white the Argoa pumped In .18 to end t he one-1ldcd conte1t 66 -48. and rel1y. Je&n T•1ulou..,, r r••lll. Meea.. brea.at.etrokr. fre,.~tylro 1rntl relay; Sttphanlr DelchM, 8un•<'l ~ach. back1trok~. diving and 1r· lay; Becky Grangrr. Huntlngt11n Beach, relay; a nd n,wcnmeu J11nc Nunan. baekatroke a.nd mtdll'y re- relay and RtnPe Elllott, breut· stroke and m«llty relay of Nrw- porl Beach: Cynthia Strnlheni. Seal Beach. dlvtnr and relay; Bar· bar-a Mar llnovkh. free1t :vie .iid re- l1y; and Robln J onea, Huntington Beach. bac:Jull'Oke. the h11rle1 ~ did had llttl<' ben.-tnc i , ..... _. ... Puta nn th#' f;IHl'P fur lh<' But·~ Thf' aed A~rtr. hllltrt (;•>Ultl 1"111111!' up '"'llh but 207S P18ieieatla A.._ rnur b1n~lrJ vrr th .. 11t•nfY offer· I u.,..11,. 1-1eu c.ea ..._ ln~11 or R1mln-z ~-----==-=====~ DID YOU KNOW ••• the '55 Mercury will climb a 28% grade in high gear? · S•• your Mercury Deolet for defalfa. • Penonal Appeuuoe Than. & Frt. 10:80 A.H. .. BILL WELSH says: ' DON'T 11188 OUR ALL-STAR SHOPPER TV SHOW AT RIQIA&D'8 TBUBSDAY AND FRI- DAY, MARCii 1 '1 AND 18. YOU II.A Y BE ONE· OF THE ''LUCllY SEVEN!" 7tll llRTHDA y CILDllA noN SUNDAY, 11AR<1B 11 'l'llSU llA8Cll 19. '1 Bl1 Days of Fa -0-t.Nt -Pn--Tr'flata 1' .. 111••11•--·1r f•r w I• .l ... a y ... t:l it"H .... Motorist.II in Cali· fom.ia can now report accident.I or other hiibway emerienciee eaaicr and futtt under a new plan worbd out by the Calilornia Hifhway Patrol and, Pacific Telephone. Simply call or dial .. Operator" and uk for ZEnith 1·2000. At any time of day or ni-:ht. you11 reach the Hiibway Patrol'• nca.rmt ndio dispatch center. TlUa humber ahouJd be U8ed only lot hichway emeriendes out.side cities and towna. Good idea to jot it down and keep it handy in the glove compartm<'nt of your car. 'Ibere's no char&e to the call&n1 party for calla to ZEnitb 1-~ Pad4o Telepbo-. . ' t ' 1 ,. I ( -· ·. • RON WINTE~~rJ RN LONE PIRATE ALL·EASTERN CONFERENCE PICK Chaffey's 1111 Eiben Only Repeater On Loop Selection Ron Winterburn, bucket star of the Orange Coast Col- lege Pirate quintet, was aelected on the first All-Eastern Conference basketball quintet by the loop's sportswriters. Previowily, Winterburn had been namedl>n the OCNS coun- ty all-star five. P.:LBEN REPEATS Making the a.II-conference tet.m for the aecond 1tralght year wa1 Chaffey'a tall cen ter, Bill Eiben. Rounding out th1 flnt atrlng were -· Chuck Greer. Fullerton: J ohn Hen· deraon, Mt. San Antonio, and Jun- ior Singh of San Bernardino. Highlight ot the annual poll wu telecllon ot nine freshmen on the REGULATIONS SET ON ·~5· f ISHING, GAME Rules Deer Faalure Season, Longer Sierra Opeh Sacramento no County; Melonea Reaervolr. Calaveraa and Tuolumne Counties; and Ba.1111 Lake, Madera county. ~o <·1n-~1~11sc:1 c u nt ,,,hlnr anJ hunting nogula· tlone tor 1950 wlll be ft'&lured by a wel'k longer Sierra deer aea llOn. an added ala day1 or phe1L1111nt htmtlng, a 11talc-wldl' ban nn The commi1111lon outlawed the practice ot chumming throughout rhummlng and oprntng or the the atate except In San Franr\Mco Sacramento Rlvl'r to trout and anli San Pablo Bays, and the sac- ulmon flahlng the yeu arountl. rarnrnto. San J oaquin Delta . Jt The rei;utationa wue eel by the flxed the upper llmll!J of the Del· Ft11h a nd Game Commla1ltJn a t IU! la at the M Strert Bridge in Sac· regular meellnc In S11n f.'ranctsro ramento and the Hl~hway ~O reoenlly a fter arorPa or 11poru-Bridge over the San J oaquin R1v- men aired their vlew11. r r near Tracy. EMEKGESCY ACTlOS It also fixed lhe bag limit on Effective date for the new reg-strl~d baas at four flth, only two ulallon• will be April l , with the or whl<'h may be more lhnn 25 exception or a ban on poll!lt':unon ill('l)t'll Ion~. The romm 1sslon a lso ot undrr11lzcd oc1•an 1almon. which I banned tht' practice or kt'epmg w ill go 111lo effect March 10 un -str1pe rs allvP aJtrr taking by der t'mer~ency action. means or 1<trtng, line water ron- Flve d1Ht1 .. nt ttuut openings taln,.r or other Jevicr. Tht> m ml· were at't, Including an unprecc-mun:i. a1ze llm1 l rema ln11 at 12 In· Ml~Ufl'M MIZE SET dm~ed April 16 openinc tor San ches. D1t>go County a nd an Ap ril 30 openln~ tor mo8l or the real ot A IAO b11J1nt'd was t he pracUce or ke!'ptng <1ne undersluJ ocean salmon. This regulation goe11 mto effect Marrh JO und<'r e mt'l'(;!'ncy powt•rs. The minimum Atze limit r emains al 22 lnchea. the 1talt' TROVT MEASOS8 April 2 to October 31 -Topaz I.Ake. Mono County. April 16 lo October 31 -San D iego County. May J4 to October 31-Counllea or Alpine, Built', Et Doradu, Pla- cer , Nevada. Sierra. Yuba 11.J\d Plum&1. lncludini: liuck.8 Lake and Butt Lake and )j()c.-a ft('8ervolr In ner Lake anti Boca Hellt'rvolr In Ni-va<la t:uunty. May :.!!! t<> October 31 -Del Nurte t:oU11ty, Eel RJv..r drain· ag,. e11ccpt P1ll11bury t...ke In Lake eoun• y and tributaries abuve the d•m. a nli alt ot H umboldt Coun- ty t'XCt'pt the lagoons. April 30 to October 31-Balance of alat t, 1n1•lud1ng l'tll•bury t...ke and l•goon• tn Humb<il•lt t •ounty. H\':'\TISO MIEASO~~ The commtsston also Mt a bag llmtt or three trout or salmon, with no rlolled se&Mn, m the tide· watr•·~ or the Mattolt', Bear, .Eel. E lk. Mad, Little, Klamath and Smith R 1vt'ra a.rid Frt'!Jhwater and Redwond Crel'ks. all In HUmboldt County. Tldewatn11 ot the followlllic MeMlocfno County atrearn1 were opent>d to salmon t lahlng betwt"t'n October I and October 3 l, with a bag limit of thrt't' salmon . G1111- lala, Carcia. l'\avllrro. Albion, Big Noyo and Ten Mlle R ivera. The Big Rlvn 11 o~n~ to 11um- me1 trout fishing April to Oo to- b<'r :11 ebove t hr-mouth ot Two three teams named w1lh only alx •poll td t ror the eaperl"nced soph· omore11. lndln1Uon 111 that next aea· son 1hould be one of the loop'• beat. SECOSD Ql'L''TET Secom! team member• were Jimmy Hickok, Fullerton; Chuck ~I• ot Santa Ana; Jerry Dueker ot R1v1'r11ldr; Clark Goodwin of Chaffey, and J im p oherty of Mt. San Antonio. Third team members: Neal Ston- er, Fullerton; J lrn Stanley, Santa Ana; Buddy Munos ot the Moun· ties; Blake Neal, S11n Berdoo, and Bobby Gate~. Chaffey. Indians Nab 6-4 Victory F ULLERTON, (OCNS I -Be· hind the euperb ahut-out pitching of Mike J ewett. Fullerton Union High School'a lndl&NI jumprd out to a rive-run lead In the first ln· nlng Friday and / rolled on to a tine 6·4 win over El Monte. PlayNI on the Junior college di&· mond, FullH ton captured thi?l r In· ltlal J..'1lme of the a .. ason In highly· ple11sln~ mannt'r. The game wu not ea close aa the acor e might In· dlcalt'. Jcwd l. rlghthandi>d 11ophomore 11ensa tlon. workeJ only the tlnit four Innings, but twirled a ma.&· terplect'. Hr didn't allow a run and gave up only two singles. Petricevich Guilty; Asks Probation SANTA ANA l<><;NS) .:_ De· ltberatlng lwo houra and alx min· ult'• Thuraday a Superior Court jury round Anthony George Pel· rtrcvlrh. 30. or 3 11 Sanla Ana Ave. guilty of a~ult. The dl'fendllnl asked tor a pro- bation hrarlng. J udge Robert Ga rd- nr r tel lhr h!'urlni; and eentenctng down for I I 11.m. Msrch 11. The judge conllnueJ ball at $:'>00-0. Petrtcevlrh wu tried on the ac· cusutton h" struck Mra. Bernice Warrurn. ~2. 61 7 St. James Pl .. with hie fists Nov. 7. He contrnded the u 11,.rt4'd victim had ta.lien and caused her lnJurtea. The allegf'd vlcl1n: ~taJmed P et· rlcrvtch struck her and threa tened lO kill her. It w11.1 the .l4"co~t1 trial for Pel• rlctvlch on lho charge. J udge Oarflntr 1erenlly called a m111lrtaJ whtn a w1tnriu1 ~ave teat1mon,y whtl'h wt111 not r >l1111Stl8ble. Coe.at.al deer Ma.on -Augu•l Log l're"k I lo Septl'ml>f'r 18 for the .ame f"'Rf;r; l'l"SF'l~R ()(.l!:AS Rf:<H'IATIO="S a rra u tut yl'u wllh pc>1 t1 ons The bag limit wu tAkt'n off Important ocean r1•hlll& rt'gula- nt Humbollll. Lo• Angeles and I U11h11h evt'rywhrre but Lake Hrn-lion~ tndude. Saft Di•10 Countlee add•d Uag . Prohibition ag&l.Ju1t use of hooka -· ~ ~ · 'haw in San Diego County, wherr anll puSMnWn limit, two bnckt., It will 1 r m n a l 25 fi~h. With lllOI e lh&n ont< potnl while f<>r ked hurn or better. 1 "rhe daily : ~i; hml' CJO catfish trolling ln the oru.n bt>twetn To- Slerra dl'er ffaa<>n -Sl'plem bl'r was lnrr a•l'li fl om J~ to 30 fish In ma.lrll Point, Marin <.:ounty. and 2' to October 30. Bar and poaau · the Counlie!I o r Siskiyou M"" Yankrt Pmnt. Monlert>y O>unty. al II 'I t b k t k-" h ' ..... oc. A 111zt1 t1m1l or 111a Inches on aJI on mi . wo uc •. 01 "" om l.11Men. ShMIA " 1d P tumu. Trol· or bettn In aame area u )1U1l ling for aturgrt.n wu prohibitrll. 8Pt•c.-1u O( ablllQnc• nnt rover"d by year: one buck. rorked horn ur th•• rrf>i•·nt r rttulatton. BOUNTY HUNTERS ILISSFUL .. AS CROW, MAGPIE TAPE CUT SAS FRANC18CO -CTow and maeple bunten apply! Inc (or the at.ale boWllY of. l"f'spect.in.ly, 15 and ten centa pu each. caia collect their rewarda wttll a Utt.le le• red t&pe now. The c auromta Flail and Oame Commt•lon rTCent ly modified the bounty-collectmc procedure ao that bunten may check their bag-a with the nureat came warden or uaiatant game manacer. tnatead or Mndlfts OM r~rtd evidence to Department of 1'1ah and Game oftl~•· -... The commi.lon, in other acuw: I Approv..t\ carp ~ucllon pennlt for thl' Smfth-Fernrt Ftshnll'al ~mpany, fflnlng' the trull flab trom I.Ake Al· manor. Approved a permit for Wdtem Gulf Oil Company to make ael.amlc uploraUon for oil on tideland.a between Point COn- ~ptlon and the Orecon border for three month•. but prohib- ited operatloNI near Jofonlerey and San Francl11eo bay1, the Farallon hlanda and Double Point, and the Calltor111a M!a otter retuge. Okayed a permit l or the Un,lon OU Company ~ make oil llU"eya from Point Goneeptlon 80Ulhward to the Mexico line, but with no aei.mlc work eut and aoutll of Goleta alter May 1. Seven application.a for prhrate Ucenaed C'&Jll• bl.rd club pennlta were approyed and procedure• a dopted ~mine the lmport&Uon into c.lUornla ot slUJ'Sfllll,~ wbole or in paclr•ced Jl&!_la. GREATEST IN HISTORY? US Water Polo Team Aims At Crown In Pan-Am Fete FULLERTON (0CN8) -Re- port.edly the g-reateat water polo team In hletory bu left the United States for Mellico, Where they wtll compete ln lhe aecond annual Pan American Gamee in .M.exlco City. The actU&l camea' oompellUon lltuta Saturday and they wtll be ln proceae until March 26. 1be &th· letee will Uye In Un!Yentty VU· lage, on campua at Unlveralty City, 110me 12 mllea out ot Mexico City, D. F. ARGE!\"TIN A WINS In the flrat Pan American Gamea. El· SefUDd<> ~prnenled the U. 8 .. ln ArcentlnL Ttl• ho1t country won the water polo title. However. thle cun-ent team h&f Hornets Prove Home Team Nine FULLERTON (OCN8) -.. ff we could Jiul play the rut of our games 1n Fullerton, we could nry well have a tlne aeaaon," wu the way Coach Bud Daweon referred to the 11·1 beatlnr hie Hometa look al the hand.I and balJI of Ea.at Loi Angeles Friday attemoon. The Hornet. have lo1t every Ume they have ldl town. but b.att won a.JI their camu on lhetr own dlamonu. Yeaterday, the Hualdea stopped a two-cam• wtn 1t~ for the HomelJI u they captured their aecond ~· trom F\allertoa thla H&801l. Tomorrow Fullerton travei. to Wb!Wer to meet the COUl'ge Poet.a. Gamellme la Mt for I p m. ;.rovers I• TriallC)le GARDEN GROVE IOCJ'\SI F or lhe eecond meet ot the 11ea110n for Garden Grove'• thmcladlt. V1lencta. Brea and Ga.rdl'n Grove "''Ill ml!f't ln a lriangullir meet tomorrow l\fternoon at 3 on either Ga rden Grove's or Valencia'• clnderpat h. been tabbed by polo eaperta u belnc much 1t.ronger with more uper1ence behind them. Three of the memben on tb.11 te&m -re member• on thet team -J'\lllerton'• Marvin Burn• and ICI Segundo'• pair-Bob Hughea &11d Rt.rry Bllbee. Burn1 went u an alternative that time, whllr Hughea and Blt1bee tranl Ulla time u alttmatlvea. TEAM PERSO~"?'io'"EL B«'alde• Bum11, the flnt team etacl<1 up with the following per- sonnel: Dl'an For~n at forward. Wally Wolf a t 1prlnt and Bob Frojt'n al ct'nterback. Guardtl will be Tom Oilman and Bill Rol<ll wlt?I Bob Honi ln the ga.1. Burn• 18 the other forward. IRclicnl .JY NIM Down E Mo.te FULLERTON (OCNS) -After io.tnc to Montebello ln their open- er, 13-T. nolhlnc could contain Coach Vent Wrlghtaon·1 Junior n.nlty bueb&ll playen u they completely controlled play in FTi· day'• game with El Monte. Played on the Fullerton dia- mond, the Indiana hammered out 11 hit.a. Ttlal re•ulted In 13 run11 for l'ullerton. El Monte wu held to elg'bt htlJI and four l'Una. better ln balance of &re•. t hH~e F14hlng with live chub minnows A b&lf limit ot ·20 nizor ctiim11 polnlJI or better In dlit.rlct l"6. n11llve to the water tnvolvr d ..c>IJI prr day. lee• ycle ..._.-.&.. Told September 24 to October 23 In be 11 llow~d tn •II watl'ra of l.11yo lncreue In the rock cod bag I l'ISIT Jnyo and Mono Counuu. and Mono Coun tiu ra~t or Hlith· llmlt• to 20 fl11h rl'1:ardle11 or 11iu. Theft or hl'r !laughter'• bike Pheur.nl sea.eon • November way 39!>. No carp will M a.llowed A llmlt111on of 6 •.. lnchca on from Ute top ot the hill on Cliff 19 lo December •; bag and po•· Also, • com plete pro'1ibltlon of thl' male cra b•. and banning UJM" of Drive ne&r thl' Luther&n Church MH IOn limit len male pheuant1 u11e or rerp and 1<oldf111h u live trapa in H umboldt Bay, TrlnJd&d wu reported to police Wednt•· or nlne male and one hen pl'r lie&· ba.Jt w ill bf' In force u repl In the Bay, Crnct nt City Harbor, and day by Mn. Pat Schlndl,.r of 41~ aon, two b1rde per day or l'tlher Coloracto River, and there only mouth• or the Eel, l\'oyo anti Big El Modena Ave. She •Jd the whttl aea In lhe counllu oC Monten·y. carp will be allowed. Rlv,.rs and adjacl'nl ocean ""·at,.rL la black and baa no !enderL San Lule Obl•po, Kem . .:ian B"r· ;;;;;::-:::;;:--::=:-=--::=:--=:--=--=--=------------......:..--_:____:......:._=::..:..:...::._ __ mardtno anti all counlln to lhl' .outb, or ten per 1te&.110n. BAO ON BEAMS Bear aeaeon -ea rly deer Ill'&· aon a ru. Aucu-t I to January 1:., bee tlmll 2 beara: Inland dttr au- .-,n a~ e vcept Humboldt Coun-I ty, Sfptnnber 24 lo January I~. I baic limit 2 beani, no cloaert """• .on nor ba c limn In Humboldt C(l11nty C hulcar pertrtdie -Novt'mber lll to December 4 In rounlll'I of l Mono. Inyo. San Bern&rd•no. Riv· I er1tde. lmpertal. San Dlc:~o. 1 Or&111e. Loa Angelu, Ventura And portions of San Lula Obl11po, San· ta Barbara , P'Te1no 11nq Kem Countlu; blllf limit • per day. Quall aea.!!01\11 -October 29 to ~ember li t tn north and ct'n· trt.I cou•tlu: November 19 to December 10 In northeutern countiee: November 19 lo O..cem- ber ll In balance of atate. Moun· ta1n qwlil October' a t o October HI In Plumaa, Botti', Sierra. Al· pin•. Plac .. r, Eldorado, Madera. F're1mo, and parta or J...uMn, Ne· YJlda and Tulare Counties. Shoottnc houn for uplancl ~e W1llbe a Lm. to •·30 p.m. from Nonmbe.r J9 to Decflnber • ex- cept lsa Ole eouthem two-hen pbeua.nt area. wti.r. they will be from one-hall hour befor. auruue to one h.alf hour attn llUfl•l. !'10 llVCIUUUIOT u .. of llhotpne u•nc up ehap wW be eprmlltad ln bll' PIM llWlt.tn.,.. but &o buelmftot will .. pannitted. • LAM Taboe wu opened &o ,_r aroWlll &ilUnl wttll a UmJt ot tin t.rout « almon or combination, and Mvw.I other lak• _,. add- ed to Ule Jtt.r round li.t. With 1ommer t.rout N(UJ&Uou lJl fil• feet. Ttle• include x..wic.11 Ruer· votr , !but.a County lnbella Reaervotr. Kera Oowity; Pbot11IJ1 Lakt1, Tuolumne County: DallM • W ar• • r Re11ervolr. Slaltt.-111111 Counl.7; PllM J'Jat Re~. o- MARCH MOTOR MARCH $ 12 POINT OVERHAUL 75 .... Price $122.72 • llG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES• t: • l. IMt.11 N-ILlllp 1.1.uteUNew...._Plllll I. lmtalJ N-fted 8-rtnp '-CGmp'* V-'" Ort.cl A. I:• .... Pl•tGM • l.Otaq ..... Cyllllder Wall• T.1U4r'8 ..... c,LW.a. LAllp C~ ... •· lllaor Tue-.. te.~lp.hllate lL Repa-e II_.,... ~ 1 •. ~ ...... .... OMlr..ts 12 MONTHS 10 PAY 51NUINI F~CTORY PAITI JUST flORTll •' POST OFFICE Hubert to Play in Occlclental Douclaae I:. Hu~rt. a truhman maJorillg In commerce and tlnance at Occidental Colll'(f!, will take part ln lhe annual Occldmlal Or- cheatra concert ln Thorne Hall on the carnpua March lS at 8:U p.m. Laurll L. Jonr1 will dl~ct. The public l1 cordlaUy Invited to a t· ll'nd. Hut>.rt, a mem~r of the clari- net Mel lon or the orrhl'stra, ta the aon of Mr. llnd Mn. Clar<-nce War- ren Hubert of 2491 Cre11tvtew Drive. The progTam wilt Include Sym- phony In E Flat by Stamll.Z, "Good Friday Spell" from "P11nlfal" by Wagner, Con~erto In C Minor by Marcella, and Overture to "Der Frelchuu .. by von Weber. Fullerton Net Squad Triumphs F ULLERTON, ~OC1'SI -Cap- turing •lx of the aeven matchea Friday afternoon, Coach Jack Fal· lon'1 lndlana defea ted El Monte'• tennl1 team, 8·1 on the Fullerton courts. Fullt>rton·a JV'a won their match, 7-2. In varsity play, Jack Melling and M11rshall St l'nton te1mrd .up ror a three-aet, :>-7, 6·1, 6-2 vic- tory. The eecond doubles tl'am of Brian Barrette and Ken Cooper won their match tn two ael:i, 7-!>. 6-1. Tomorrow , the Fullt'rton H11ih tennle team got'll tu Onta1·10 to meet the Ch11 trey T ige1·a. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR&SS MONDAY, MARCH 7, PART 11-PA6.E J 1955 ARGONAUTS ABSORB COUGAR CLAWING IN CIF .PLAYOFFS Citrus l1ats Gsclen Grove To Take On Mar Vista Hi Tonicjht GARDEN GROVE, (OCNS)-Varalty Arit0nauta 1tumbl~ tn~ the wronc lair Friday u tht y t.Pok a 9S·5• clawing from the Clt.n19 Cougare In the quarter flnala for the ClP' playoff•. Both teama 1howed champlonahlp po131blllttea during the tlrd playoff r~e aa Garden Grove aalled through their ,-ame with t:MI Newman KnlChlll e&-48 and the Cltru11 five nAlled the Carlabed An'l\1'- Na vy Academy 69·3S. way to a 31 point ll'aa. a lead tW While Garden Grove la out of wa1 not to be cut down In Uae ,... the pJayoft1, Citrus will Co acatnat malnder or the icame. ln the tlrat Mar Vista tonight for another three mlnutrw of the quarter, tM •lt'p toward the champlonahlp. The Cltrua quintet had 11eon•d 12 polnu Cltrua quintet, at th• HJ>ellM of while thr Argona uta were held i. Garden Grove a nd with the help a alngll' baaktl. or Jim Gate•. manared to break, Jim Oatn paced the Coupn the achool 11eorlng record by qnl' by racking up 33 point• and t.aJdftS point. The record wu ~t earlier game honon For the Araonaut.a tt thla ffUOn aga inst CoronL was Ron Calliham who tallled 11 Cllrua eta'1ed rolllng In the tint points. quarter when they cracked the -------------- Grove defrn11e by taking and mak-C J In~ long llel !!hole. while Garden ar umps Curb, Hits Grove wu 11toppe.J by the t1ghl Wall On Udo Isle man to man defenae S('t up by th!' Cougars. The Citn11 five rt.eked Po~lble ater rtng wheel failure up 2:'> polnl.11 <Whtie the Arganouta or hl'r rar c·11uioed NorA Mary were1held to a mere 8 polnlJI. O'Connor of El S4'gundo to !OM rorGARS !<TAV AHEAD control or h ••r rar 1tt Via Lido 8oud anti Via Mrntone T11rMll1y. The Argon1111ts ralll<'cl and short· Pollre 11ald thl' r11r Jumped the enl'd the jt8p to 12 points at hatr-rurb 36 feet wr11l or Via Mt'nt.one, time with the Cougarit on top, at crot1aefl th!'. t1hlt'walk and atrucll 40-28. it conrrt•lt' blnt•k wall 1tt the home Durln.: that h il;h l!cortng third of Owt'n Chan.t ier, 101 Via Meno frame t he Cougars battled thl'lr 1 tone. ., Pe~I A~peal"all<'e Sat., March 19 -12 • 2 P.H. SHERIFF JOHN says: SEE ME AT RICHARD'S ON SATURDAY, MARCH 19th. ENTERTAINMF..NT GALORE -FOODS -DRINKS -SAMPLES. FREE KIDS MATINEE SATURDAY. A CELEBRA· TION FOR EVERYONE. 7th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION SUNDAY, MARCH 13 THRU MARCH 19. '1 Big Daya of Fun -Conte.t -Prbee -Treat.a or THE All FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. • • PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT ~RBOR NEWS-PRESS loclman Resi&ns MONDAY. MAICH 7, 1955 ~ Mrs. .Edward G. Robinson Flies Sutt tor D1,oree 8A.NTA MONICA, f0CN8> -U. · Btnc:e t.hen he hu broadc .. t Bult for dl1'0f'N fr'Om maCiaa pk.-la DlM la.n.cuaaH for the govern- t ure 11.&r Edward G. Robluoe wu ment and NCOrcltd for the Sta te tiled reb. 2:1 by Ml wtte ot SI o.part.mmt tn ala lansuagea. ,_,.. Glad)'a Lloyd JlobUl8en. Who'a \\-'boon the Padflc cnut. They wtre w..s Jan. 21. 1m and llata h1a homa aa 910 Rexford lsa'nl cine -.. Cdward o. Drive. Beverly Hilla. Ttl• ault wu flied an UM Banta KODka DlvWoll of Superior Court, County "' I.-A.a&'91-. by .Attor- ney Samuel HllfWlU. of Huntr;lt.a and Fau.at, Oran1e law ftnn. School Position RHl~atlen of Jo. Bodman. wperlntendenl 'Of m&l.J\tenance for the Newport &•ch l',lementary School Olalncl tor the put 2:"> yun. wu accepted with rl'gTtl T\lesday nlr ht by the board of lNllte.11. Bodman's rtslgna llon. prompted by Ill health, came only thrt'P monU\1 before he wu to retire frOIT\ the dl1lrlrl. He uw the dis· trlcl and hla rupon1lbHltlea grow from 011e •chool to the pru ent tour aehools. Mni. Roblnaon allesn mental cruelty. and llala communJty pro~ erty of three and a bait mtllloG doUa.ra. She I.Isla Robl_., eam- lac• u from $20.000 to m .ooo • rrionth. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS OOU.ECTION INCLUDED The community property 1n- rlu<2s a mllll.on dollar art collec· lion. Every Monday and Thuraday C,OASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 1 Piper 2 Papers 3 Papen $ .'75 1.50 2.00 An order lo abow cauae and to aet attorney fees will ~ heard at t .30 L m. Karel; • In lhe Santa Monica court. I Mn. Robin-la well known alone the South Cout for ber t'll· tublta of paintlnp which •he hu dt..,ia¥ed at ~ BMch An· nual Y•tlvaJ ot Arts. Sb• la k.nown u an a rUat of ta.Jrnt. C-tal Sllopper Cl.aaalfted Ada lllllllt nia la the Moad.aJ ur Tlluncla7 PubUcaUoa KINIMUN A.D 18 t UNE8 • .\JI C1-af1ed Ach muat be paid for <.'Mh tn advuce of pubUeatloa. NEWPORT HAR80R P l,JBUSHJNO CO. UJI Balboe Blvd., Newport BeM:ll, CaUfonU&. Roblraon. bom the 80n of Mor· ria and Sarah Goldberg-In Buch•· ~ Roumanla. on Ott. 12. 1893. come to thl• country In 1902. HI• tbeatrk aJ rar"n started Wi th hi• fiflll rroff'11.ional apiwa rance .. &to ln "Pall'I In Full ... at Blq- ha.mpton, :". Y. In 1913. Then fol- Jowt'11 a r a ref'r whkh saw him act- tn~ In acort• of rlayw and hla fllm appearancu ,..·hkh 1nrh1df'd hla tlrat t&1kin1 plctu~ an 1929. DEADLINES tor placln1 or cancelUns ada are: For Monday PubUcaUcm -Monday 9 Lm. For Wedneaday Publication -TUellday 2 p.m. F or Thurlday Pllbllcai1on -Wednellday 1 p.m, 8peciaJ NoUo. y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. -1767 Many 01 hf'r film ap~arancea I Meeu every 'Iburaday 8 p.rn. follo"•f'd. 1 Via Oporto -Central Ave. io.t:a\'l;o IS .SA\'"\' Newport Be&c.b He aen<ed In the U. S. Navy 1n Elw~ Shell. Exalted Ruler World War J • ...,.. ••1th ilie-....Ofn..fi.-c-e·t---- J 0-Buslneu 'Gulde ~~~~~---~~- Mechanical Sweeping Service PARKlNO LOTS, super markets, Drive.Ins, etc. Ratrs by week or mont.W. COAST SWEEPING SERV. ~ 192!1 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mua :_ -"' •~tt. ··--of War lnfonnauon In Wor14 War --------------- 12-Bnlldln& Servae Ce••ty I ... Deatll Toi~ to 78 8ACJU.'MENTO cCNSI -'nle O.lltom Ja H1gh•-ay ratrol today telt'aard a bnaJuSown on n.i raJ t111hway duth• and lnjur1ta for 19~. General Contracting The death loll an the O rance County petrol an"& wu 71. <'Oii\· pa.ttd with 111 the yMr before. Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA terms. Injuries ln the ume area totaled 1901. compared with 1868 the pre- \•1ou1 ynr. ~ported tntnc acxl· dPnt• numbf'l"f'd 1140. an lncttUe l'f 40 over I 943. Residential and Commercial Free Estimates and Plan Service C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-1576 LKAL NOTICE <"Ea'DnCATE OF B1181NU& nrnnon~ n&.'I SA..'IK FOR RENT IUdl1 SCWa, .Elec. OrtU., Poliaber•. all type. of Sanden, Wbeelbar- J'OW'I, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. KIO W . CO.\ST WGHW A Y Llbut.Y a.ua&. N.wport Bch 28tfc Tbt' undu-ais;Md dou lttreby cert.Uy that w 1• cooduct1n1 a ~· rudy-to-wea.r aPJ19rel bUll&-n.,. at :'Joe)() Via Malaga. 1'..-pcwl Beach. Callfomla.. under Ule ftc. UUoua firm name of LA RICINIC and that Mitt firm le ('Olll~ Painting, Decora . mg ' of lhe tollowillr penona. wboee Paper Ba.osing n&IOa tn ruu anct p1aca of fdl· GEO BURKHARDT dtmce are u follow•. to-w1t: • LORRAINE DANIEL. "O Dlana LlCl:NBED C.."ONTR.A<..'"l'UR L&l1,. QJ9ta Mu a, Calli. 611 IOtJl It.. Newpurt Beach Wltn-my hand lhla lOUI day Bar. 24.11-W OI' LI 1-6832 Uc of P'ebn.la.ry. 19M. /I/ LORRAJ!\"E DANIEL STATE OF C ALIFORNIA COUNTT OF' ORANGE lsa PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 211 Palmer St., Costa Mesa House Plans l Otfc Experienc' d J?ardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-lMe 10c23H PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Good local referencea THOMAS COL.L Of UW 10th day of Febl'Uary A. O. 1~. beJore mf'. ROBERT Phone Liberty 8-2928. 67Uc For frr' esUmate. c111l KI 7·15'1. 2Jp34h F. WU.I.MES. a Notary Public ln Painting 6 Paperhanging and tow UM said Count>• and State We d o the work ourselves. rel!ldUIJ lllereln. duly commta.ton- f'd -d nmm . per_.Jly appearf'd JO ytan experience JA>RJlAJNll: DA~lEL known to l.Joenad • ln•urtd. m" to bf' the ptl'l'()n ,,,..ho11e name satlatartlon cuaranteed. t.. aub9crlbed to the wiUun tnllnl· s.tlmatea free. Call Johnnie. mt'nt. and a.cJmowl4-dgt'd to me lh•t LI 8-2687 It LI 8-5289 8 ltfc ahe u ecuttd UM UJl\f'. In "'1t.neu wtlueof, l have here· unto w t my hand and affui:td my offtda.1 wal t he day and year In tlll• Crr1Jflra te first above writan.. 1 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM COMPLETE PA1NTING Ir Paper Hanging Service l:UOJtN'IC O. SA UND&RS 600 a111 St,rfft. Newport Be.ch Ra.rbor l97e-J. '1c:M SPECIAL! BEDSPREAD laUlldered free with 2 loads, U\lt! Wet'k. H ALF HOUR l..AUNDRY 2317 Villa Way, Newport Bt'ach 22p24 ~ ROBf:RT F. WILUIES My CommlMlon Elrplrft Xo•·r mbt'r 16. 19~"> No.~ lftalall the above clleaper than moft.. Alao Mil Ttle A: Unoleum. Non-unJon. " years vcpnltnce. Compare and aee - Bll..L COKER L1 a.ea°' •rttc 14-Penoaalll Ne-PTeN 2 H . 21. 23. 3 7. HM CEaTIFJC.\TI: OF Bl'SL~t:89 f1c1Jlloua F\rm Namf' THE \i~"DERSJG!\'ED dou ber«'- by certify thal llht' ta tonductinr a beauty uJl'n bu.t.neea at 3411 Newport Blwl.. :'\ewport ~adl C&lttom!a. undn lbe flcUUoua f irm name of LIDO'S SALON OF BEAUTY and t.bat MW firm ii rompoad of the foUowtn1 per· 110n~ whoM namea In tu11 and pl&cee ot ruMf'nct ani aa folloW'I, to-1111t . P~ He:rnnann 831 w. 18th !It. C09la Me-. C&.Ul. \\'lTNESS my h&nd Ulla 11 lh' day ot February, l~ ,a/ P AULO>E ~'N Stale Of caJJ.lornia Couaty of Oranp ... or nus uth day ot rebnlal)t A. 0. 1116. W_.. me. Jt0mT F . WtUMJrA. a Nota1'7 Pui.ISc .. a nd tor tbe aid Couat)' aad •~ ruJdillS Ulenla. ftl7 eocnm•wfm· •d ud ......, .--.n1 appeared PA l1LlNS BJ:IUUlA.NN lmow1l to .._ to be Ute pet"IOll .,..... n.me ia 11Ubecrlbed to lhe W1t:hl11 tn.stnmamt. and 9dmow1edpd to me u.t lbe ...c:uted Ule aam .. I" WITNICU WBJ:R.llOP', I b&ft bere1111to •l my bead ud afftud my aftlda1 ..a lhe dQ ILDd ,.r tn Ul1a ~te tl1'llt daft wr'lt- ten. /a/ ROBalT r . wxu MJr:ll My Collun1191oa IClrpll'M NOWllD- ~r 11. 11156. J':o. .,.. N.w.Pr .. &11 .. ZJ •• l,lf/11 ' CARPENTER Repair Work Doae Yoar Home !Seed Repa1rtnl or Remodellnc ! Call Fran&. Liberty a-eeM All WOl'll Ouarantffd 74tfo PAINTING L~Tl!:RIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -DlSURED Glenn Johnston &ol -311t St. Newport Beach Harbor lU 1e 22tk CUSTOM Builder of Homes -----~-------~-------AlooboUca ADonymou.a Wrtte P. 0. Boa Ill Newport 8eac.b. C&l1f. Pbooe Ha.rbor '7N !!::Beaut)' -'l~d·~----~- Su perfl uo us Hair Pennaraent~ removed trom face aniv, lep. l:yebf'OW'I IUl4 balr Une -..pe6-No more t.euln1. ELLEN L. BltY A.NT R. J:.. Udo'a ll&loa ot Beauty Bar. 2678 ttc 22-Loet and FOUDd and Boats U>ST-Ladlu modernJstJo plal1· num, diamond Ao ruby lltUe fin-j 0. Rbmer Harrrove, LI 8·117i0 rer rtng. Jttward. Har. 1823·M. • l 2c.28b 21c23 ---~----------"··-------------~ PAINTING Paintiq 6 Paper Hancing 'The Best Money Can Buy" Svmpson & Nollar Ill l8tll st.. Newport 8eacb PBONlC &UlBOK "°' Mlle China Painting DaJ and £Tenm1 Clalleee Orckra Ta&en Now PboDe LJbertJ 1-&&'8 ________ tto Real Estate School Santa Ana CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR. WORK HO JOB TOO &MALL B. 0. AncMnoa LI 1-eoeo eo.t.a M-lltlc An you having trouble.! ,Let a Want Ad help you .,in UMID! ' • '" KJllN It WOMOI pnpe.n ID lfPaft Um• tor uattm.lted opportwUtl• In RM1 li"Alata. N-c1uMa weekly • .\J 'J'ya.r t.nalnloUnC· A~ tend ft.nt ...an, fr'M ud leana . allout Ulla ,...l fteld. C&ll « wnte now tor IDfllmDaUcm.. .a.a- ... InaUtute. ua~ M. •JS- .,..., la .. 1"" "* . .. _...,. .. ___ ..... _____ ---~···---......, , %8-Situatie>m Wanted.~-_. r '?9-·Relp Wanted __________ ..,. _____ t --------------~'!uNt-al.~ATV 32-Fumltul"f' for s.Je Roy's Maintenance WANT l.ady '" do cleaning' enry mllmlnl? In 6111311 Ntwp<ort tintf'I 1111'11 (nr wife of w oi king hu!· bllMI Art 11va.l. Har. 269•·\\' :?1c2J ' SPECIAL SALE MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE! -.0 l'SED r1ano. wantf'<l for l'Ut rf'nt al dt'Jlt l't9df' )'Our old pltnn "n n,.w f'lf4'1 n c orJ•n. •J'ln•t nr a:1•n•I pl•nn H1ghu t at10111·a nr, OA...,.Z-S("HMIDT BIJ Plano St"r"· '\20 :"C'I )latn. Santa Ana Hou.ee clean1nr-1-1oor waxlnr Wall waahln:;-,..-indow clHnlng Ventuan bllnJ a. tJphol•tery Inaured. Frett Eat11natu Liberty 6-1332. I \\'O!'>tE:'I: wanti'd, lt'mporary, 11x life m onthA Mall poSllatdll. Go"LI Old walnut plantation deak. old walnut kitchtin cup- board. old walnut drop leaf table, 4 poster bf'd. car· pets, da\'enport & chairs. wicker fumitul"t', old shut- tera, marble'top table, cut glass, f arm bell, brua le copper, mirron, lamp ahades. che11t of drun•rs trunk. paintings. cooking utt>nsila. odds ~ enda. REAR GARAGE. 346 No .Coast Bl\'d., Laguna Bch u REXTS i on<t rractlt'~ piano or buy at $57. Siil. $12!\. Mtrro Sp1ntt1 12~. _T_R_A_C_T_Q_R--W--Q-R_K_ h11ndwrit1ng or lYpt'Wrtler. Brue 47. Watertown. Masio. l 8f23 DI5Cl:'\G, PLOWJ!l:G, MOWl~G Wm. •Pett" P11n&:lt' :-.'L'RSERY SCHOOL TEACH ER LI 8·2827, evN1 LI 8·1766. 22r24 "':inle<I. pall timr . experienced llA="Z·SC"HMIDT Bts P lano 8tOJ", :1?0 :"C'I. )fatn. Sanua Ana --nnly WrJtlen apphcallon!I ('On· LlCENSED Pxptrlen~r1IA11k1pper l<id<'l f'd. Wr1tt-to 190 East 15th Rf::'\T an oq:an or piano w!U. rl'ntal to a rply on f\lt\IJ'e pur· C'h ... •t-avallable. Ph. Har. 11 :.?~V 1tfl<'r I St., Costa Mesa. 2(1c22 e p.m. 22p2• I ------------ LICE NSED sklp~r -April thru ' SO-Mlscellaneou!t for Sale SO·B-AppliuCM ___ _ %1r 23 n.-Funlltare for Sele S HAFER'S MIWc Co. C8tnce tto7l '21-.f23 N. Sycamor•, &ulta An• Phone KlJnberly 2·Ge72 Sept.. wet'kcnds Ol)ly. Severid years experience. knows 10('111 fi.sh lng grounds. will mainluln & operate power boat up lo 61) fl Phone Harbor 2927 · W 22p27 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 l8c29H Alterations RESTYWNG Kim of California 212 Marini' Balboa Island Harbor 3481 18p30H HOUSEWORK aod cooking. live In. -Lexington 8·2628. 20p22 ROTOTILLlNG. renovating. ferlll- lzlng It general y ard clean up. New lawns. H11rbo1· 279 1-J . EARL CONNORS. 20p22 COMPAN ION-Sf'cretsry -Somt practical nur11lng. H11vr mam1· acrlpt 'xperll'nce. Ml<Sdle •sell. free to t ravel, have own car. Be11t of referencl'll. LI 8· 70i3 or P. 0 . Box 416. Newport Beac·h. 20p22 WANT mending A minor allern· tlon11 on men'11 rlothtng. J 28 - 43rd SL, Newport Bea1:h 20p22 FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Dry wood. 16" -24" l«'ngth. Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor l OU EV'C!nlngs Harbor 5391 191f F'OR ~A LE --Bargain. new 6 cu. ft. Philen refrlg .. Rof"'r 1·angf', J!'Rl', l'l'ahog. dror leaf •lining table. 4 chlllrll, 1 maple <linen, tahlr. 4 chairs, 1 maple rorfN' htbh-. lari;c O\'Cnstuffcll chair. Ill 1 Kings Rd. S.E , N.-wport Beach. 22p23 50'~ OFF on Boysen paJnts and Slllcrs·cn:tmel whlle .. upply lasts. &rgalns In usei1 brusht'~. 412 • 3:?nd St., N ewpotl Beach. Phnne Har. 2838. 16c27H Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES Wo Give S&H Green Stamps Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. al Balboa Blvd .. Balboa H!lrbor 515. 98t.fc Wb:STIXGHOUiiE t'ler. stove, fast 11n1t11 $!00. K'lvlnator refrtK .. II 1'11. rt. with Cr».-zcr comnartn1l'nt $Ii;,, Terry Hemhler J';' rt. lrlr. on :-:.•wport lol. rxcellcnt eon11. Ph. K lmb<"t ly 2·9~60 days ,.,. · Hai b11r 41•3 I· W ev<'"· 20c22 Automatic Washers RECONDITIONED FULLY GUARANTEED ' Thrifty Buys at Bay New ABC'·O·MA T IC .... ... I 89 Bar •lool11. hdw Sal~m n n .. 2•" GEN ERAL ELEp-RIC ........ 99 1 J."> 88 KENMORE ......... ..... ... 79 Bar 1110011. lid"'·· Sa~m f in 30" HA?tUIOSO or1ana, ail modela, euleet tuna. your old piano acct'pted In tpxctlange. 1'tM pru- tlce. try before you bUJ. DA!''Z·SCHMinT Bl~ Ptaao 6 Orean eo .. :120 No. Main, 8anta Ana BEX DIX . ......................... 79 1 . $8.9!1 EcoNo MAT ........... -.............. -79 6 w. nK lamp. rt.utic a11aa~ r..1:1 See Baldwin Piano -· THOR . _... . .. -....... 1111 Cr1,·kl't cllair. whd rnapl~ $1~.~ & Organ Display and. 3f) oth<'r:i from wh1,•h T\' rhn1rs. frtr:u ro\·~r . _ $1~ to choose :, pl' bndi:e set. m<'lal '"'' $19 9!1 WOODW01'nf PIANO 00. LOW MO:'\THLY TERMS Swt-\'i•I 11rm r<X ken $?9.9~ l!U OOUt Bl'l'd... Coron& d.a Mar JESSEE Mod d1•i.k, tmlf! oak or dark f1n1AI\. ('!'bade IDtertor Bide.) S29 9~ Bar. 3Sl2 M ttc :. pt \'hr. din. set. foam rubber APPl.lA:'\CE COMPA:-.'Y M-.11 chairs _ ~';'.00 1013 s. !'>lum. sanlll Ana 13 I'" marl•' l>C'lroom group. 6 dr. Op!'n 'lll 9 p.ni. 2<k2!> dble c11 <'&Ser, marror t>ookca.e hearlboar<t . 181~ • dr. <'hrsts walnut. maplr, blonde finish $1:1.95 COOD VSED R EF'RIG. Ml'd. 11lit•, 11ew motor unit u :i. -:111 &· -gonla , Corona Jet Mar. Harbor 3fl';' ... J . 20c22 2 P<'· &ecL with ('OT. table $1111.~ 2 pc. bed divan sell 188.00 1055 O'KEEFE A: MERRITT 3 pc. mod. -.•ood arm. Provincial rangt-. High broiler, chrome tnp. living room group ...• $139.50 Pd. dn. tn $169 58. No dn. pymt. See Baughns A & S W11N'houM, 220 S. Main. i:lanta Ana Open 9 · 9 Kl 3-i201. WESTINGHOUSE Ii u lo ma l I c Sofa·hcd with full l!.lU innrnrpnn1 mattre&e. pure foam rubber cu. hlon . ·---$187.00 BAY FURNITURE wu11ht1r. branrl new; um·raled 427 E. I ';'th St Crust& Mt!S& L11t newr df'llvered; I 199 cuh ~ 11r take pnyrnenta of only $9.50 1 . 1 ~IW•'<·n T1111l1n It lrvtne) month: pay o!'lly 11ales tax down; F'r\e Store-s ad<' parking-Terms LOVEL T 1-Ur apblel ptano \n flne coad1Uon. 1486. Tenn.I. ~ down It 118 month. SHAFER'S Kasie Co. (llblce 1907) 421...al N . Sycamore, Bult.a .Ana Pbone Kimberly 2-4872. HAJOIO. ly~ •1t.hout DANZ-SC 520 No. LOVELY ahall el Save I venlent ltnn• at- SHAFER'S Mu.ale Co. (8in« 19071 t%l-U 3 N. Sycamore, Aanta An• Phone Klmbarly 2--0e72 EFFICIENT dolhu mending any ANTIQ L'J-:~. ""'ti <11rnltu1<', brac- and all kinda. My home vr I ll·bl oll', r ower tCl?b. old rlo«i<~. >"ouu....!l 36 per bn11r Q A DI 1'1 1 l"n1r1•, r l• tur-.-·~!llttt'.-1"tt 3 p.m. Ll 8-3006. 20p22 1tl•1111i. b.ib\' f11m. mls• WI' wall lni;t11 II trnll give 1-ycar Oren £\'I'&. 'Iii s . STEJ;\"W A Y Oranda 2. both In per · guarancec Fl~EE. __ •• ff'Ct condlU..4 M&bos.nDOl rt· J Es s-f FREEZER. t.lttp frtt.U, It' th b\u ll ,,,.·ondtrtul tone. fut a.ct1on"°~ _ -·-• e ._ . lo"'• KMlle l'!lla•t -· tng u 1, ~. re ca1cr-m,"'""" ,, liul!M :,20 lbs. food. It'a brand f'bon)' Onl.ah. .... $230. Ab o ~Help Wanted GIRLS- JUST A JOB? MORE THAN THAT-An oppor · tunily to work In an tnl~rullng 1ndwtry which Is expanding anti offers advancl'mcnl opporlun1ty lo quaJl<ied young women. OPENT~GS NOW AR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS CLERICAL WORKERS ITyp1ng Rt'qutrt>d) -APPLY- 5141, N. M111n SI R m. 211 -Sanl!l An8 Mon. lhrOllfth r l I. 11 ·00 '" 4 ·oo rm PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc ARE \"OU ~A TISF'JEO W11 h your rrt'sent earnings a.nl'I al'IW•nrl'· mrnl '! Opportunity fnr nnl 11r· p'artng man. 2:i·3fl. R• deall'r for Fullt!r Bm~h Cfl. an l'\ .. wpnrl &11.ch. Earning $100. fl'r wrrk 11nd up. \\'p work by llproinl· m t'nl. S o coM ronva11sln~ CALL Klmbt!rly :1-2100 after 6 p.m. tor oppolntm1>nl 22r:?t \\'ANTED -by :-.'ewport Br11ch Elem en t11ry School D1111rkt ll"r- retary, bll.!llnl'~ll om~... 11hnrt• hand requ1rttl, 711lnlm11m ;.11l11ry $220. Apply 1100 C-hff Ortve. Nt'WlX>rt H<'ll:ht11 2:1r2<t WANTED HONEST luln1 \\'nrklnJ: ma n \<1th real r~tal P J11\le1< t>xperlt'nce. M u~t know H11rtwir llrP!l 11nl'I how to '111' up pro1pecl11 \\'Ill r11y hlght'lll 1·omml11t11on .!1phl rnn.!ll&trnl with gnott bUStnl'!I.~ Dt::"C1\:-.' HARDE~TY. Realtor 2802 :"f'wpllrt Blvtl . :"pl Bd: Harbor 4 71 2:?r 24 HOt:SF'.KEEPEH. Newpcirt Brh. 2 acllnol a~e ji:lrl11. • l'lay11 per week. Employed pa.rents.. Htirb<lr 3986-R a.llt!r 1 pm. 221't4 WA!IJT girl lo clMn •·rm. houpe 1n Nt'wport Sal mom1Jlg11, no laundry, 12 00 Har. li6.'>-M ,,,.u. 22p24 TYPIST -lllt'nO . 11tenn -hk'kJ"r bookkeepl.nJ?: mach. opr., m!l1e malnten&ncr , m11nr.r palntl're; EJectronlc's lechnk111n. l'<i>veraJ llve·ln ltot111Pk,rfl('n•. 1·ook11 June Farrar Agency EM:PLOY!'\IEST 402i., -32nl!, Xrwp0rt U.-a('h i Arro~s frnm C'lty Hall 1 _...__ REAL ESTATE Hl~ama.n. :\tuat have C'al1<nrnla llc,nse. Apftly In penmn 10 • 4 al -419 Ea.st BaJ- boa Blvd., &lbna.. 20r 22 B t:Y, ~ELL &. TRADE. \'1s1l Chatlu• Oa\'l!I' (lari:c n~w 11to1 1 I ~ii~~~A~;I~. ~~~~=AA~~ nl'w & at'a rwJJy a buy. Ptl. dn. Muon It Hamlin spinet like ftf'W to $248.32 <rom $460. Cash or OA:-.'Z·SCftMII>T 811 Piano 8torf', pay the pymti<. or $11.31 Pt'r mo ~20 :'\o. Jitaln. Santa Ana 4 180:"> E Annht'1m SL, l..ong B1·h O , I 9 "Oc2"' Phont• 650·130. 2(k :?2 P»n ll I'm ' ., . _ I 19~ HOTPOJl"T rl'fr1gf'rator. Big s .. ~ Baughns A Ir S \\'arebowie. _. ___ _. --..... ::20 S. ;\1am. Sanla Ana Opell '6--A .. -..., .a~ 9. 9 Kl 3.;201. MARTIS 60: • hp. vutlwartl. S65. 1 l~ tu. ft. two-door automatic Wizard 12' bout \<1th oa rs. $175 defrOJJtlng. 8.helvu 1~ 1loor. ll's Chr111 C'r11fl 8' ~lnghy. fl~ri;la.-s I new but pJ. I.In lo $288. from F l"R:'l:ITL"RE CLOSE Ot;T on l>o\lom. $<0. Ttailrr. $l:i. S~OO. C:uh or p!I}' the pymla. ot AT REDUCED PRJCES Padrllt•board. J:i. Webster w11 e ~ta 2"' per mo . La • JL c~ftd . I ""0 . • · " · rg" ha•·,npurt • t~ir. ·-· f()('01rlrr, ro1t mol'le • •" · A rc 1··111••hn1 A & S \\'11rt'hous<' I Ra h I -·"' 11 C f .... •• ~ " o · • µ11111 ma ng. • ru:.er. ,, ... ,ng. "'" r er. 111 tsman, '" amr .. ••''' 220 S. Mnln SHnta Ana O""'n b Ltbrrl 8-2~32. !Sl!c ' ..-ta IC'JI., l'j"!C'n OOr>k~lM .... mlrror11. y 9' 9 J(j 3. 7201. B!l'rl. fill! \I l t \\Ilk<'-J'At tll Work Specia~ ·• 1 B\JJCK Sedan -· ...... _ I 80 '4:' OLDS. 8 Sedan . .. 129: •. ·4; PLYMOUTH Stdan -·· l181J. '48 PO:-.llAC 1Sharp' .... S19b MANLEY POPCORN MA-11,.t , kitchen C'ablnf'U!, m1M' HY CHINE. Very Reasonablr. Washing Machine •·710· 22'"~ Terry's Buick H a r bor 728. 20c22 SERVIC E MOVIXG. ML"3T SELL. Laundra· G. M. A. c. Tenn• BABY CRIB. Kant \\'"l mallrc-~ll. 1-ytar g1111runtee on Jobi done m11t, f'ns;:1d111n-, 0 Kr,.fe It MPr· 2612 Ne t 81.... ,., L ... h a.no on Wied wuhl'r• 2488'<6 Hlt 11tm"t•. dblf'. lM-d. mattr"M It wpor ....... p """'" J:O<><I fOntl, Boy... 2(l ' ~!'11\\·1 nn lreari Newport Bl , ('(Isla Mesa h••l\ i.pnn1t~ bl<,ntle h!'edl:Jlard. Harbor 6021 Llberty g.4503 or Liberty Rllttnn ~I rndudtns:: 30. ll 30" A''STJ."' J;l•u tor bridge tabJ ... t 11<k "" ... 111~ Good collfl. Low 1111 blkt'. 3~1 Br<iatlway, CnHll Mesa. 2Jc2:1 XE\\' black l':ngh~h n rllng Jock,l. lnl11r' .s1v Io. H, ~21l Bl:ll'k Jfl•l- phur bool10, $~. LI 8-69 {l. 2tr 23 8-4327. 64Uc • hllini Anti r .. 1.1 ... 1 urhol•lf'r~ 30 mllff iraJJon. $880.-T I Mll• , h111t tl""r tamr C'.,11 Hnt>nr e;~ Suahore Or 22r2• rnOENCYCLOPEDIA Americana 411 \'l'htm"•· l'llCrtrtrc. $1 00 \\'nl<' Bnx F-n. lhls p8p<'r Zlr23 1'>.\t :'\(JRt;E w11ch~r. 1111lOmfll1c ru•h bill!< n 1>11: tub, 111:11..ntor, :!IO:t 20c22 "'" rrJnw rtn"'. l"•,.<1 2 Wttk~ l>A \'t:::"\J>OP.T. lunJUOtlW' " 111h·rr Pd 11n In S 1:~ !H ~n dn pymt • uphol8tr1td ltke n..,.,. S IOO Jll~l p.i)' th,. r.> mt .. t•f ! 06 J'C'r Harbor Mt3.J 20pn mn. !------------~ :, " Baughn" A k ~ \\'11rr hnu t', 2:?ra s :-.101n. S1Lnt a An11 O~n ~~Boat~ Suppln CRAIG f'r OJ'l'ln ·Edit.Or <or "10\'l .. I D. 9 Kl 3.;2111 -----------T ~"]·~-~~!~~ hlrn. mOfl"I KE . nr,·u brt,, I \\' AXTEO T ra1lt'r to h11ul 11 rt used, S:JI). H11r. 1797-!'\1. 2lp23 ! ._.. tt.<Hor h.>111 312 <:amat1e>n. C-~ 2612 ---Sl-\V&B&.t"U to BUT 1<1n3 .J .. I !'>lat. Htir. 37~:. 20r%2 ~ewport Blvd .. Npt. Harbor 6021 LADIE!'I CLOTHES, 111u IO •\II ------------- Ilk" nc". Phflni-Hu 02311.\\' WANTED -l '11< d t Leh nru, rork~ XLl\"T. 12. DIESEL FISHI:'\G 111:.3 f'AOll~C 82 ' dr. aed.ftn 22r24 &. i;la1''1 n n11t11 Stair pr1rc, Jiil" Lc-114 lhan 16.000 ml. Powd"r 11nd wn,·r. Write Bnx G-i 3. th1e BOAT. Fully eqwpt. A $U,-blue. •'Ully eqwpt. Tinted Jl&M HlliH ('HAIR 111111 plityrrn In i:ood P"J"rr. nr ()()() valu<' for S..CGOO. Tc-nns, rowrr 11tett'ln1 window Uftl. air cnnd1Uon 1..1 8-39i6. 22r2~ condttfoMd. pre.m.lum tlre.. LlfP · t rad1.• Phnne o wne r , DLA· .-uard tubu. Call Har. 48. 19c24 HA="n \\'l'.:A\'IXG tahl.e loom. 8 1 32-t"uml~u~-~1.!..:._ MO:-.o 7-3167. 22p27 h11rn~•~. :ll 11•rd. 12 ' Wl'avlni;, __ _ •rarr. 3:1:! Popl111 . Laguna Brh. M W d f I 11r,t t H1:.o n p21 esa oo era t 31-)lwoi~••· ~o. 1: T ,. Nt'w it.ems JUSI rCC<'l\'C'd -n;.:, Rl \'~ IOVf'I}' full k")'bt>artt SO-A ~~p~ . . I sr1nf'I r 1 .. M o •nt .. 1 1u::rCR='S . . I All hemlock & B<'m1-ha rdw ds. Ni•" 11:,1 ''" bl'1111tHul t<f'O\l•t • wn.L DO painting In ex-Drnr ht! rfl'•k lint •' l'Mn~t n1 p·, hi<~ nrw. \\ urlll~r v-~1n, ~hange for camping trailer. \\·an1: nht. JRxr2x.? 1 3 , ~.n ~ f.'1 h,., K nrin. ~'"~" • Ham- LJb rt 8 t\ru'\') ?2 ?4 l.11 • m•• R lm1'1" <"laic ll,•t !'="l•m e Y -:PU"1-. -P-C1Jm• r <"UpbnoH.1 2fl ,.. :11 1tlaia~ !'>ll 1, SERVEL gu rcfni;i . medium 111u (;O<\•I '" nd1t 1on ~';:O Har 4 l M I~·.' nnly 22c21 ELt;r1Rw RAXGE I hurnf'I~ lf!Lel umt<1 110.I drrp well Com· plrl<!'I)' 111111,m.1!11' 1111 \'u\ Anti· bn. Lido l•lr Jl&r. OZ~l 22c2t • 0 KEEF"E & MERRJT'T ~as range, II l'l 1rn,.r!i 11n11 gr111. 1''11U 111u 11\·rn an•I pull out br111lrr SI.or· ap,. c1ra~·.-r H11rbor 2111-R. 22tlc t1oors 2i !Vl DAX.t-l'C'lf;\tJl"T B1.i: P 1ann ~rnr•. H .. l\1lb<11r.S', C-11lnni.i l mnrff'rn.1 ~12<• :\11 .\tiur ~""'" Anll ",th ~lldlni; ,,.,. rs l:l :J11 & up • dnlWH Zll. 'lt~Jr~. l tlp •J1awer $39~ ut·\'~ 111, .. •ly It'll.. Bab\• t11vi !• rJ 21 00 Gr11r .. 1 " t• r' ,l;;, S'nfl. MM Ut1ltty 't.r st• tic I 11pboar I' for f'tC :'I• I\ & n. )(-Kn bf' Wur-h~lhll"•m & k1tr h"n ,,., & ur I ':t• r ti '" h~'l .. , ~"I"" lapl". \I c:i C'h f V •'• 1 Mrl'lntl Ah'll'~ Jf'i() . any ~Pita tn OOl'r T(lm Pollll'°" lt• t hr.n~ frnm :1121 ll11rb<"tr Hl\'tl f"<1,ti< \I• SI OA!l.Z..S('H;\tlDT Rag r 111no Stnrr, Lfberty 8-164:'> l :'120 Xl'I. !'>lll11 Santa Ana t{l:,.'i PHILCO ~fr11r .. bl1t lWO·door automatu· dC'fr011t, sh,lvta an SPECIAL ooor. two veg. crUptrio, adjuat&· ble llhl'l~e•. everythlnl? 1·d. dn March Spinet B~s tn i.294 .1. No cuh dn .. ju.11t J>llY lllM O'Kf:F.:FE a, !'>fERRITI the pymt11. of $lf1. r"r m,;. Bir: l'lAVIXr.~ 1nclud11'11Z K im II. I r.uJhran• .. n v 'trr 11n1f \\'urlltz-rl\Jl!>' The big CP ell :rntnmil· !'1,. H1111ghna A & :-; W11r1 hous.-. ttr rlock, lomr. ctirome tnp & 1 1 220 !' l\laan. Santa Ana Op<"n ,.r i.pln• 1 plnn• • L•t>-nil trat1., gndc1Je. At.co has llft top .t: grill 11 _ 9 KJ :i-';'2c,1 Convtinlf'nt lt'nn11 a t - hrnll<•r. (.;11rd 1 mo., p<I. 1t n ti> SHAFER'S Mll~IC Cti (Slnr-.. 19071 Sl68. :'\n <In. pymt~ JllSl pay the CH E3TS, hi>t1, dln .. llt1 tort. u\• rm '21·423 ~. l'yr amnr" ~MIA ~· rymt.a. ol 19.o:; per mo. I rho Ir, ,.f.l' -:;21 •, C11 rn1111"n Phonr Klmhf'rly 2-oe:2 Sl I' B11ughn• A 6t S \.\'aro·hnU5t, Avt. Coronn l'lrl Mar. Harbor 2.!0 S Ma.IJt. Santa Ana O~n 4379-R 19r21 !I -{I Kl 3-';'llJI MINSHALL OrK'l\8 ,.l .. ctronlc. 1 maJini:. I Blnnde Oa.k $6i5 up l!l.:'11 l'ORca::. rl'rrtgrrator, btg In soot.I tondll.J(ln. 1·11,. I 3olovo11. 11 1, ru. fl. PO·lb. frrezf'r ch,.1<l, -:>rca.n a ttar.hment to r1ano I J!iO ------C'Al>JLl.AC M-82 bluk ' door E'lectnc wtndow1 • Mat.a. ~ t(\m Se•t c",,.."'· WSW, n,.w r&r c<>ncUtlon. Bellt ·:11 tn Oranrr rAW1t y. Sitt~. Bar. 4tt7. 10r22 t o FORD. 2-dr, ~ O t'&n tr&n, >J. la. :.8 AB en1V1e. Jl • H. LI 8-7203 from 6 to &. • 22c2• 19~ F"ORD Country~. t.utbnP Fordoma tic. Unted claa. beal#r, 6-ply u ...... Ut eJ'll&l'd tu bee, '°"" mil~ Perfect COfldltlae. J>r1. ,·ate party. I~. Nonna.n D Grant. 30 P'Temont at.. L ida rark, l"rwport 8-dL IOp22 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e ey1a. W• 8 Cyla. ""81 lnUudea boUa labof ud ...,.... New nnea. W11lt pt-. ..a.e mod. fit~· ot maiD ... rod bearlnlL £aper1. ~ lQae llp. llO-day or 4,000 mu. .-.atee. CNO MOHl:l' 00\VN). REBUILT ENGINJ:I Only ethical advertisements accepted a utom11Uc drfrMl. Th~ very bt'1<t DANZ·f'O f!.UD1' Plan" 6' Or("&n one.. Sbelvee In door, roll out Co., 620 :-.'11 Mam, Sa.n:.a Ar.• 11helvu. tv.•o veir. cr18pera.· It 11 1 120 BAM P tan11 ACCOJ'1!1orut I ll!\ brand nl'W, bUl ptl. dn. lo $279 2J ur from or1r $429 No ouh dn., 1 ------------- JUM p11y $14.21 ~r mo. l A !'>fl:SICIA:'\ S l:"STRL'M£:''T' -UP to 16 llONTB.8 TO P.&.T- BaUt ln Olli' own ~ b1 llldlJed ~ Don't coet.md wtt.b • U1e middle lnaA. au, dlNet. REBUD..T &Dd INSTAU.I'.[) BllWlT BLOC& FORD '1• fO CH.EVROL.l:'I' S' .. .M Your Ne,rport Harbor 1'f'ws-Pret'l!ll cattfu.Dy ICl'M'U a8 duslfled ad\'f'rti!H"mtnt~ before attept- tng them for publication. t:'Mod car ... bma-oppor1unltleit aad hf'IJ'I waatilld a.da are particul&tt)' r~k@d for any ph~ t.h&t mletlt be m»INcllar. df'q.,.thP nr rnwduJr nt. So ''nlldcUfl ...... pnt.a-a. '4&.nt• to mN>l ('nnirc-nlal """"-" adA an 9\'f'r ~u-4. To • bed of nar aibUlt7 -prtnt on~ boatll't, lltnlirtll forward cl...a.""4 ech·~1nr from ~pHld· 0 llMe ft,_ ... ...,......_,L 'ft.la Ml'litt ~ "8fort!lld ro• YOUll PllO'l'IJCl'ION' _. f' 1" 110 Bl-Y WITll OO~'ftDDCll tllroan •~ a..1.... ..,.._ of ... N..,,..n .._._, ~ .... r,..., . n-llMtmr 1111 ... Mk f « 111111 Ad Tellf'r .. ,.._,... dlmtnfod .. today. St,. llaui;:hna A a, R War<'hnutll'. ~·,.ly buntt11 lnw upro~ht pia.no 220 s. Ma.tn, S11nta Ana Open In f111~ c• n•:i•1rm $?!>"• Ttt'm- 1 9 -9 Kl 3-i201. I $30 d'l111'11 LDd u I ;o r~r mo. at SHAFF:R'S ~fwitr C-t> 18 """!~i i 19;,~ WEDGE\\'000 ra.n(•. Tho 421·121 ~-:'\'r amr,,-.. ~:<1'1 11 Ana hlR t.lelUX" C'P 1111 automat IC, rhonr Klmi,;rly 2--0872 tnromr top. i;riddl" At thAt rra l • ------------- ru~I' grUI bm1ln. I'd <Jn. to CO:":-.'l'OXATA Orran. JUst t.rad· 1188 77 No cuh dn , Julll J'WIY ,.d 1n. 1111ve $1'10 on thlB almnr. th11 pymta. of 19.10 p.-r mo. new orpn. See Bauchnl'I A 6i 8 War,.houae, DAXZ..Sr'RM1D1' 811 P l•nn Stor~ 220 S. Milin. Santa Ana Opm !120 :"\n. Ma.In. S"nta Ana II -9 JO 3· 7201. OOMJl'ORTABLJ; o Yer It u f f e d chair, 120. Ph. LI 1-7150. 20c22 TWL"i SIZE lnnenipnnir mattnu and box 1pnnr. Hllllyw00'1 fr Ve.!Y tflll110n1bl~ %904 Broad Rt , NiWport H ei1hta. L1 ·~· IOc22 HAVE ~a!ltltul Bald"'.1.n acr090llJC Spinet. 4 yra nlc1. WANT TO SWA P for IT&lld piano Phone Ha rbor lot3-M. t tfc TWO Web•t~r 3 "Pf'~ rroc.oT'I chM J'I"'. 'l<"!UI r&rtrld~rp (;or.ti eondit1on. $111. ~ Ha.t. 463 JOc.22 PLTM.. .. DODOIC IJ~ CRRY8 A 01: 80TO l l'IU STUDOAJtr:lt 1170 CJL.08 6 PONTIAC I l 17u BUICK 17l l:fl:DSON 176 Lou ear ,.,_ Tew1.ac NEW CAR ~ ~ m\mt mfft oar ~ Pim ta.a-. ,...._. ILDd .O OS-11\&ndaJ 10 Liil. to I ..._ BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS OP"" O..U1 I to T 8ta&a 9aei~d NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd-St. &UITA AllA J ( • 1 Check these Used Cars Huy f rom a lex-al dealer who will ~ here TOMORROW tn back up what he ~11• TODAY! .O.-Aot.09 and Truck• 40-Aat. and Trucb Miller Chevrolet's r Pre· Spring Sale .&8.:\-A .... for mnt ------- ALSO Ft.'R.'\"lSHED A.PJ'S. Y..L'"I'ER RA TEii We a re giving s~h liberal t rade allowances 47-Waated to a-i;:;.;_ __ 3tlc l\""ICEL Y FL "R.."\"lSllED, one bdJm, a pL oa bay front. Udo t.le. We need apt.a and ~ ln .a \"early rent.al -.ly. Call Harbor Mellon.I for both winter ud lOU-W . 17p%2 on new Chevrolets & Oldsmobiles t h at WE Rentals Wanted MU~T MOVE 60 used cars IMMEDI ATELY! 1953 Ford Conv. 1953 Chev year' a leue.. Furu. or unfurA.. u you have a ''&CUCJ, BALBOA modern furn. apt.a. phone toda' W . mo. • up. UUL pd. R le H, Fordo., WSW Tires 4-dt. Sedan. R & H. EZ eye Th V } Co ALSO daily 6 weekly rat.ea.. $1695 glua, WSW tires. 2-tone e oge · ......... 3201 W. CaL Hwy~ Newport BclL ,_ear bus.. lllora --Y· paint. 15,000 act. mi., Phone Ubttty l-3tS1 Io.t Ea.at Bay A n .• Balboa $1345 208 Marlllc, Balboa l.ila.Dd P!iooe BarboT ~· 17lfc 1952 Cad Phone B.a.rbor «4 z BDR.lil. umum.. dupkx. open Fleetwood 4-dr. AU Cad. 1301 Coast Hiway. Corona cW Ku bl'am Cftlmg, attt1 cabl.net.. prb. 1951 Old Phone Harbor 17U .,., u acceaa., new tubelua tires S ru.p.. -... dttor.. pa o. pr. H d 100 Main St~ Balboa • ~e.. I..aandry room. $2495 .. 98 4-dr.. R & , Hy ra Phone eara.-H~ nuc Adulta. :uo Larbpur. corona del $1195 RESPO="SIBLE FA.VILT ~ta t :u&r. Bar. 20&4-M. 22d4 1952 Ch bdrm. horn«'. !urn. or UllfUnl_ ITP-"". 1 ~ e.pL JtT.!IO month ev 10 3 Ch will pav up tn $500 mo. fOT ,,c.ar'• 1 to Juty 1st. AUo bac.bdor •PL. Styleline 2-dr., R & H f 5 ev le&M. Ph. oxroro 9·31i~ 18p~ '\'f'arlv, S8 Wttk. 37oe Cb&Dnel Sft05 Station Wagon, R & H Piaee: ,_nrpon laland. Harbor 77 EZ eye glags 48-Apts. ~ Home8____ i21;-.1. 22c3I 1952 Plymouth $1695 RENTAL v SL~LE~APT~~~~-N~~ O'd SPECIALISTS J.nq. m ,_.. 134 E. l9tb St.. 2-dr., R & . 1952 Buick Call Edna craic Costa Kea after ~ p.m.. 18tlc $845 Super Rivera 4-dr .. R & H Blanche Gates, Rltr. A.TIP.ACTIVE tunuahed modem mJd1o apta. UUllU. paid. ~ 1953 Mere Dyna., WSW Tires and s~ moathly. m.tc 51-lf~ to Loa;:;,._ _ _.. LOANS for Homes o• -IO 1", Laue Construction Loans SD BOB SA TrLl:lt 15U JtA.ST OOAJIT BLVD. c,o,_. cSeJ Mar B&rtJor aaaa Rep. POIJUER MQltTOACD 00. Metro Lit• Im. J\mda IQ., ·~16 ~ '8Uc W.AJll~ TO Bl11U>. DIPROVE BUY, MODERNJZJ:. Olt REJ'INA..Ncm We BuJ Tn1ft ~ HZWPORT BALBOA BAVINOI 6 LOAN A.SSOCl.A.TlON S3M Vla Udo. Pb. Bar. '200 Uo TRADf FOR HOME with pier and float and am.all income. Owner reUrint from buai- neu. WILL TRADE unencumbered 9 wtit atucco motel with owner'• quuten. All fur- nished. In tip top ehape on ma.in highway in Culver Ci- ty. Well located and eata~­ Uahed business doing over t:: $8000 with low expense. NO COMMl:::sSION _,, Your income starts at once. No Apprai.ul Fee Let me know what you BALES -REFINANCE have. Owner Ernest Zim-CO!'\STRUC'I'ION Call for Fne mennan, 2907 South Coch- Fut Commitments ran Ave .• Los Angeles 16. on Realden<:fla and Unit.a only Phone WHitney 5961. Cour-Don I. Huddleston _te21y t o brokel"'8. 17c3oh 173 E. 17th Sf. COSTA MESA LI l-M41 LI 8~562 WOULD lllle to buy lit and 2nd Truat DffdJL C&ll Hu. 2328 Uttc FOR SAU-Flnlt Trwrt Deed, local property, ..,ell aecured $32.· 000 at 8'j;., payable $3~. per mo. LJ~rty 8-2532. l~tlc SOLD I ' 1716 Whltuer , Cosl.8 Mesa By C. E. JONES wlUI W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor and Membfor of Multiple Listing'Service $.5.000. SMALL HOUSE. LARGE LOT. Good Coal& Meaa Loc11llon. Tenns. See This~ CALL Lila B. McFarren at NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART I I • PA MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1955 I The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values - Delightful 3 bdrm. 1 ~~ bath ranch type. 2 yeara old. Panelled liv. rm., large uaed brick fiN'place. Excellent location, nr. beach. Vac&nt. Re<!Uced to $2f,950ior quick 11,le. ' $20,500 FURNISHED. A nearly new 2 bedrm. home u attractive u can be, both Inside and out. Thi• home bu bad real good care and l8 priced to aell. BAYFRONT -On Lido Nord with pier & alip • 4 bedrma .• Den • Maid'• Rm. Extra large lot. A very nice home with large muter Br. & Sitting Room . Facing the Bay -tilome i.a a value at a price µiat will aurpriae you. The Vogel Co. -Lido Ofrtee 3-416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or f972 NEW PRICE! Open House Daily THIS BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm. &: den home located in exclusive Shore Cliffa baa beef\ drastically re- duced for a quick aa.le. Be certain to aee thJa and ask our courteous representative for full detalla. 280 Evening Canyon Road $1195 312• eout swy_ Coroaa deJ Kar Balboa Bay Sport cpe. R & H, O'D. 0;1; LIDO JS LE-J !>Minn. tu.m... Pll. Llbuty s.n77 daya. :nc:ze WANT TO BUY w s w Tiree ye6T'11 1UM. $300 mo. · Properties I · $1695 1951 Plymouth CORO!l:A HJG HLAl'"DS s ~ Yearlv Vacant lot, or partial acre. al P· a. pa mer, inc. unfum house. yt'&r'a lt'--.. $1~ ;~{ 1Net TO' front, 125' deep M·l. 419 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa t Cranbrook 4-dr. Sedan month. <>CEA.~ FRO:'\ APT. Agricultural or Cornmerc:ia! %OD· Harbor 3788 or 2~17-M ole hanson co., sales managemen : bt'c1nn.. nqui»OI te view • f ur- l 49 Ch I R & H ALSO rum. • untum. apta. $70. 1 n~v.. Rent turn. or unfum. Ing. Pleuf' quote total prtce. 1700 w. coast highway_ liberty 8-5573 9 rys er , $795 to $100. t.:Ul. pc1 XUST -to appreciate terma and locauon. Private par-Interested in a Lovely Home Wl.nd•"r "dr. eo-..aan G. H. LATHROP .,._..._ ~l t tm t.. ty. Write Box y 35 thla paper. . G d G ? .,..., ,... ~ 363:1 E C'sL Hwy~ Corona df!I )lar ~-t or a ppol.ll en Lt lD a.r en rove. h b b .. 5 -$495 -1951 Hillman Minx ""· ""· ,.,.._ "::~,_, Jc--' ........ ........_ .:.": He"'t"d P.oQj Do you want t e est uy ------~--a~-·--+---t ... "'-·ftb-oa~•-.1r1. --------...::.: n~ct!•!:::!!'•!r!9!!•!!'~4--~-~!!!r.:-J :::::z, :Tr""' lftn"lraO~ge.7c~ki..,...,,n --~'ewport e19 s ... ~lT IS ! 1950 Chev 4~ r. ~<UI ~-.,g DJ ::.;;.: ~~··.;;.o;;·.Y&ll.:~ • UNJTS In SANTA ANA. vlty room, patio.wt.ow carpet'. N ncru; $495 Choice yearly a.nd summer nst.als. le: New 1 bedroom. La.r&"e lot landscaped 6: fenced. OPEN HOUSE 1.« P.11.•. Conv .. R & H , WSW, Tires now aval!Able.. I ~-~1°!.~ ~~tncl. 11~ S2MOO. Mni. Lort'ntun. LI 8-" .. $645 D<»i.JS' BRA~ 8-Jtor .-~ ~ 1 ~::.~:b~~~~...=!. seooo yr. ~78. or LEhlgh 9·1333. 22u 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1952 Ford 1/2-ton 216 Marine A'\•e_ Balboa hluld R.£.ASO.XABLl pnced, dfall 1 BUSINESS PROP .• and 2 a pts.. AN EXCELLENT cusro11.• BUILT hom• W1'th 3 Harbor 20 9.StJc • 2 becUm. turu.. apt& UUl. pd. next to Port Thl'alre. C.D.M. C t M ~ "' 1949 Bu.ICk Pickup, Htr .. spotlight ---Laundry room. PlaJ'P'OUlld t« lk>at otrtr wtth s15.000 down OS a esa bdrms., 2 baths, F. A. beat. Diihmaater, garb. dia- $845 I BDRM. Ft'RX. DUPLEX .-ttb-chJJdrm... Blue Top, A,pt&. t 03 t.aku It! Super Sedanelte f ire-place $70 roo. on--.. t:tiJ. 1 :'\'...rport Bh'd.. ,_ewpart •ach. TR.Alt.ER PARK. 40 •paces. 8 2 BEDR.M. HOt;SE. woo<t noon . posal, elec. fan. Touch lat.ch ayslem on cupboard•. R & H. WSW ltiu extra.. __ Abaft the Arcbes. lOUc tum. apta. 3 bedrm. home $1.800 2 car «a.rairt'. UOOO dn. Paymta. Mercury switches. 4-car garages fitted with 220 volt. S 1950 Chev 'l·ROO'I ~----AGE 1n Ba)'Slde 1 ... r.. ..... 1 , tlttpL cc.1 month Income. !Ike rent. Immtdlate ro1111e11•lon. wiring. Entirely aurrounded by concrete block walla. 545 ., ""'• • ~ urn. ap.._ ' • TR.All.ER PARK 80 units, Har· , .. ton pickup. R & H Tra1ltr Park.. Will ka.ae f« yr. ft'llialt to *1pptng. •to~ Hello-bor area. Sl.500 month Income.. The Locator of Calif. Carpets & drape• included.. All for $19,950. &t $35 per month. r.rop.. Ooroaa clod Mar .... yrly. ANG 1 1951 D d $645 E F h R It A Tail. Mardi 1.t. Llbttty a-t834. w ANT EXCH ES. OUI, -1884 Harbor Bl.' Costa Mesa EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor o ge W. . is er, ea or a!teT :. or wkena 20U• mi.t deeds, liquor •lore. Coronet Club Coupe. R & H 30:t4 E . Coa st Ry •• ~nma c»J ){a.r ----------SANDY STEINER Llberty 8-1661 20c22 Auto. Drive'. nrw motor. ~ Jeep Harbor zu.3 Real Eat.ate and BY OWNER-HER.E'S A STEAL! BU1lnt'u Opportunity Broker 3 BEDRM .. 2 bath home. Lesa Lhan new paint job CHAR...\O~G nearly n~· ~- $845 ton Pickup, 4·wheel dnve i·1a.1 durtr ... unturn l bdrl'n-. rn· THREE .BOfUllS... I "4 batba. Ull• furn. mocj,m. llOlll• new. on A"f"OClldo SL Ul Corona deJ Kar. Tnrb' on k'L"«' at $1~. moat.h. Call B&rtlc:>r 1600. 17Uc 1912 W. Cout Hl,tbw-.y, Npt. Bch . l yr. old 2 ca r aarsi1e. Lovely Llbtrty 8·1.521. 20c22 patio. Complelt'ly lsndacaped Comp. motor overhaul \'all' i:a.r nl'a.r ~ad1('A. AA<lpp1ng 1949 Ford VS $545 ~~:.~. bua. Rar. S%u -J ~ BALBOA INCOME Cul!t. '1-dr .. R & H. O'D 1940 Chev Panel All or1~inal $545 $95 These and 40 more outstanding bargains MUST GO this week ! CORONA DEL •UR.-P\u'n. a pL BALBOA lSLA..'-0--Tearty. nice nn )'"&rl~· b1ua <>r m""lh to mo ~-flnplano A patJo. Re.a.non- S'.O rf'nt Tn ,...... caU ~ucmorru. able Lo Ille!' adult&. no pelAI. turbor z1:.2 20c.33 Pbooe l..Lbrrty &-782•. 2tc23 ~ UNTTS-Oldtt property central· ly Joe., 1 n bllu.. to heart of Ba.I· ~ Utll. rm. Ju.rt reduced to $23,500 for quick Nie. ~ dn. Ownn Ra.rbor 1898. 75Uc ON BALBOA ISLAND ism ua for ,..n,. _. -...a f't91UL NELDA GIBSON, Rea1tar' .(X>ROXA DEL MAR-U ntum. 2 bdrm. tourr • l blnc:ll south of C--Real Estate b1,ch1"y ll'U storn • lbeatn. Pbcme Llbttty M02J8.. 2tt.tc JOI MariDe Aft. ~ 681 ~"'£\\-3 bttrm. ~unlum. hnme fnr BAL.BOA taLAJC1> ntc adlllt tanuly Ooly $8..">. month. SOLD Miller Chevrolet Co. Clll ....... ~ u W297 .. ,,(' .. 20t.fc 1000 \V. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Ll~rty S·2261 2 BErlR.00)1 F"l'"R:"lSHED DC-1855 Harbor Blvd. rLE.X, coron11 llel Mar. _,gtJI nt C t Mesa H 1WD\' $1!\0 mntith UX'L otiL 3 B ORla. UOl"'f:.. COT'OfUI !11'1 Mar ~~ Ocea.n Avl'~ Cornn& del Mar By LESTER JO~ES with PRICE M.cCU1STlON. Rf'altnr and Mf'mbr r of OS a "ms. KAY. H11r 3i~9-.J ~tic SlO'l't • r• tnii;. furn. S90 mn Multiple Listing Service Liberty ~-~ Ut>-o~\"' ~~WI ZOf22 Choice Wmter Rent.a.la on What a View ! ! ! LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS J949 FORD 2-door Sedan. Light gTay, radio. hPater, O\"erdrh·e. new aeat C'O\'ers. A ~nod dr pend&ble family rar S !l9!l 1050 nrSOTO Sportmian -Crea m C"olored. Radin, healer, W SW ~ OO!l Balboa bland 6 Lido Isle Sma.IJ A; co%y or ~e A deJ\me $7!\ to S300 maath VOGEL CO. CALL :"OW for a 4 br It <len tun.. J:oa1ry bouv w ith pool. <"t!IU'I YI~"' )IA•1" for c hlldrTn 6- 10 1r:on.1111 tl'tll&l from J un,. t!\. Ba:bcir ~ 1z· .. J 20p24 F'rom lhla A TTRACTl VE BAY AVE. H OME. t"pst.alr!' .t: down. <'.olorful, arU11lll' wallpaper de· ror l::\'TERJOR BAR·B-QUl:, CHE:F"S DELIGHT. 8 u D n y 2M M.llrtne Aw~ Ba.lboa Uland Ph. Harbor 4 u or H.artior 2S~I ::\"EWPORT BF..AC"H -rum. 2 brll'kf'd J'allo .. 011.h grt'en"ry anrt Rt s.. Har. 1786-RK or u ~~ bdrm..• ,..,,n h,..m,. nil'f' enclosed ...-"lntl! OWTier u lhng 91~ W. Bay M Uc yard Wlt.h la.-n • &bade lr'ffe. I Ave. Ste anytime. 13<"25h ~~... $i 5 m'> t• r 41 monthl!o • \ ·:-; ~ 0 R:\ Z "dnn d•fJ'\'°' flr- rl.trl' J'ftll' i:a-rrni--r It-:.. s·~ m"nlh, y• arh· 1 ......... fb.,,_,r :100 1 :\tr F'llUT'W'f'l'h,... ZlcZ& k-"-~ "T "N>,At'l'C' H:ar. 41SI. 21 c23 CORO;-;A DEL MAR. Oc"an v1t'W · 1 4 unit!' furn. 1·4 BR. 2 ha .. 1·2 HARaoR BL\'l). 2 bdrm. un.tu.m 8.. R... 2-1 B. R. xtrs l~t!. Uv. rm tv,ir~· 1~ Hsrbtlr Blvd. Garb. d•-'P· 5 pr. ~Ice p11t10. )lc).lA.."\"'l:S. L,J fl.:\.1._'\3 22r2t 111m "eek. nr b<'h. Potf'nUaJ lnr . back yard enclos"d by grap4'· stake f!'nre. Losd1 ot <"Upboard llJ)M:I' ! Flr4'plsr f', ir•rb. til8'pnM I. Stwr 1-11 E111t 11lt1t' on lrvlnt Avt . Sl.5.71\0., t l'rm~ -LI 8·8'1:17 21p23 BY OWNER DESIRABLE :\ bedm<1m, bath ... '1· CORO!': A HJGHL.A1\"DS tam- 1ly homl'. Cozy lll!l'd brtr k ftrt'· pl11rt, ral11l't1 ht'arth Ciontr11I hl'aL Charming btn:h pan,.11'<1 kitchen. DispoMI. raljM'tf'd Litl' ysrd, view $18,f>OO Sl't' any· tlmt, 80• St'award R.oatl 22p27 SOLD lot, bl L tr 1118 Miramar Dr 8111 By J t."'OY HU :-:TER Wllh J, M. MJLJJER. Rultor and Mrmb4'r M Multiple Li!!ting Service ONLY $9500 Idea.I for working or retired couple 2 bdrm. runcllon•I modem. "6-"Y t.n malnt.aJn. Si~OO down Bal· a.nre S50 mn. A loca tion ot die· Unctlctn. Ha.r. 987 or 289t ·W 2ltfc lP~ MERCURY 4-rlnor Sedan. Dark gm•n. A really fine car. ln perfect condtt1on at " very low pncP S n-t fl 1951 MERCURY Station Wagon. Overdrive. radio, wood is in excellrnt cond1t1011. A .:-.=tcF.L. Y (urn. n"8rlv fl'4"W d~ n-,. bo'rn1 flpt. H...-tl n~. Ul,. b&lh .It k1lrhf"r lltllr&r K". n;r A'1Ull • 'nly H at. 3:'>4i-~~ ~·n fl :\II r rr 2;~ CrJ!OTA )tE~\ l·~:11m 2 t)olrm !'; ~ 2 '11r ,,·ag .. with w gt h :..:-y r<>ul"' ::-; re ya rd s;~. rr." ~ at ~· :\-a>Ort Bl'l'd. U~rty 8-~'H 22c24 ~. $10000 v.111 h11ndl,. con- t11rt owner. 4:\0 Avocado. Har · F u.BOA-AUrac mot.I hnme A· bnr 0102. 10.-22 1 1 cond Lge II\· rm OcN1.n vii'\\' lhru plcL "''indow11 3 br<lrms . WATER F"RONT PROPERTIES dble. gu :-;r. echoola. bl-nrhf11 2 bdrm. 1 ucco. plf'r A float, Thu• pmpert)' hu i:ood lncoml' $.5,M)() down. nrport11n1ty :"on-rH nwnrr Com<" a.nytJmr. 12211 ~-. Aalhn" very good f>uy • . $1 H1·, t.0\'E~Y l._tr unfum.. ·~ W1U:. ------------ 2 t> lrtr••. '"., : halt. \\ 11 S: ,-. -,:e Q•-•· Offi h:<lf mrnf'U r-.lt If r"'?'f'M b-T 0 -~-------·--kft-----50 FEET WATER FROl"T P 1"r Blv<I ' 21 p3i h ~larrh I~. H'lr o:;7;;.J '...lr:?.l See These Cars at Xew Luxury )fc-dtcl'I Center I~ m~t:."A -2 bdrm. fu~ l o be constructed. LOU REED Used Car Lot "Acr oss from Port Orange" ff.arbor .f-070 or Harbor 2561 llfll An<i Z b<ln"' furn. l:rUY r.ul Klmbc'rb· 2-!HH! :T.lc !'I F:f: THIS •I KST! 2 bdnr. 'lf'- ~t.'lln duplra.. 1mf'urn \\'aU rn wall rarprt. SUI\ d~ \·~;-iJJ d,._ rrir st• Rriul'na bl .. no~t mi bf' FN1 \\" ~lbna Bl'°r'• Rsr l 11&-J 22T2• '.'14 F'ORD C"\u•tom R.a.nrh Wsgon. '&2 FORD custom 8 2·dr .. o rt. R. .isA-Afth. for Rat & H. SiP:> tnt11l prlrl'. !lil'ed.11 ....... ------ J"ll.lnt I - Ample pri,·ate rarking, c-e-ntrally located. Layout to tenants order. For Information, LIDO RF.ALTY ASMlclatet1 3400 \la Lido Har. 4444 15t!c FordomaUc. R A: H, U o&">. \\.111 !rlldl' down. 01 Mornll'\$( C&n· ynn Rd~ C. D. M. Hu. 3624-J 2(1('22 :\~"PORT REArH -2 l>Mnr- f'um. a pt., utll. & ~ tncl 3 Of'FlCE ';:-aru tor lcll.M' Ap· '37 PACKARD ""'111n t "Wnf'r T'nnel !"'I\' hf'A1 $;"')!'\ rt:l'D'h 1-f:-"'-1: ••• •ll•~ 111 U rto Shop· car. $P!\. J une 20th. T'h. u &-Hee Tr...!r I r.:-c &rf'A. MO ,.IA lt&lagu.. H11r. 33:17. l~tle Cotton Goff <"LrF'F HA\"~ 2 bdrn"..s. ttm·1c "' flo11t 2 bdrm. IJlUCCO, $27.500 82 FEET WATER FR.O?\"T. P1tr & noat. duplex $26.500. SR AP"ER. lOG Mrl"ll<Mf'n P lace. Newport Bch. ta t the P1rr Har. 140. 20r22 Ultra modem Back Bay area home -Redwood & glaf!S -2 bedrm8. & drn. Flag- stone floors. 2 baths. 2 pa- tios. s~.000. 461 East 20th St., eo.ta MCM. LI 8-il48 18tf c CORONA HIUHLA!'JD U.trs - Cho1le S•tC'• A v111 aiw. Call Harbor 2328 1 11~ FORD V ·8 Vlctor1L RAdlo, hr&ttr, FC\rdo. Powu 1tttrin1t J'nwtr br11krP, one owntr. $2245. Hausken Motors. Inc. Volkswagen.Porsche Dlr. 2118 Npt.. B\\'d . !l:rw·port ~rh ri,.pl.8<"1'. :"atural 1rOOd cablt,.·• BALBOA l~l.A!"l> -I lul lou · t.Aundn; l"N'!r' cu·b d~ Gr t#·n 'n ll --. .. A,·('. off1re nr ------------Ubfor1~ 8·7Ml~ llflc ~ ?2(";!7 ~<; i'LI ' 2 Mrm a pt AU Bay Front 1'ncome ~' r S: Z) ;:-i' H i:-. 21112. 1 ltfc 1932 ~rbor Bh"d . Cott& )IMA Phone Llbtrty 8-!>0!'11 20e22 Phnne Ha.rbor 8 22r24 LTN> BA rntO:-."T APT -,.~ • UnH• ·2 It a bedruOm8. tum I'd. s M nn•. 2 bath. W-lll .ub-5.S-.\-fto!i.t~• Kf-1ttall' latled. Pier. float and prtvau 19~3 MORRI ~ Oxtnrd 1taUon "''a~n, one o"'-ntr. Low mlleag-e l'trlcU'.f a caroroer'• 11~11,ht ! 80 1949 P01'"TJAC 5 cnn\'f'rt. roupi' R.adio. htr .• Hyrtni.. w JI w. u rrio one owner . ··-· s:iP!'o l"AM', J unf' l 5UJ '" Oc'I. 28th. beach. 1000 !: Balboa Blvd .. $4 2~ J'I'!' m tmlh Ph"'"'" R.a:bc:lf . RARROR RL\"t'. 2 b<1rm un~Ul'TI BalboL Cttatvltw 18846. Cour· 7!1 Z:Of< t>c..-nJmr f'"r~ff' fr r hu~in• ~Jt I~ lf broker• Utlr I l~ Ruhr. 1'1~ j . ~tr.\IA ="L"S J BDRM hOU8t, hwd flnol"!I. icar C'ORO~A l'f:l, ~!AR-Fm?: b3rh· L~:'"~· ~.--1-22<'24 Sl0.000 471 FlowPr SL, C'ollta H k M t I 1932 ff.arbor Blvd .. Coit& ~lr~ l'lnr 11r t • n•.,•·1" '1N' •n1tr-1 t:;..l. Mui\. LJl><'rty 8-3656 22c24 a US en 0 OrS, nC. Phone Lfbt'rty 8-M:>l ~fk12 J'd S4'>. mo . 1 bllt toUth ~ ;~:· 5..">-Jlom-t' to Lo.a mllf'• In the fl'll.l\nn! S13P:I. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvdy __ C'"o11ta lieu t.Tbl'rh· ~-402'i. .l..< I ·~-------- Phnne t.Iberty 8·:'!061 20c22 . LO~ ANS 152 Singer Sport Car -Yor • drpent1able uvd l'M, _. 1 19113 OL.DSMOBTLE PS 4 dr. fldn. ONE OW':\"'E'R, MOO m il"' ll!tl~ your !oral M al,.r who ~11 bt t f:-" f'P.O)ff"T l'E:R\"IC E Xlnt. conl1. Ont' OW'Tlf r . 14.300 m l TO~IORRO'W to bM:k ur ~h•1 "·' : • , !.·t: l."\ll~ •!« 1s 20 year• ~~r.~9~;8~;:,.rRJ-:~~t 1 Hausken Motors, lnc.l ~11s TODAT' Of'<'ll lh• ~ Orang~ Cout Properties Llkt MW Luvm i: C'<'ll:-tn· I 11132 R11rhnr Blw! C'l'.lsta Mill& I C31"!' In ~e clu_«ified --",..., •~ ; ·-: :-;<"llT'rt An. f'<ut,a Mt ... mu1l ..U. H&r. 009l·J. 22c2~ Phone Liberty l-:l061. dll)· U 8-l6J2. U HOO ~-~t:tc SOLD JOtll or~11n Frnnt. B&lbn& By GLOOE:\' FAY w1th 1 BAY It BEACH REALTY an" ~f,.mh,.r o( Multiple Listini'S£rvice NEWPORT HEIGHTS-3 b4'dnn home. 1 'lo ba~. neu achonla H11wd. Ooono 6 ma.ny nlr,. ffla· turf's lmmfdJat.e JX'll1'f'll"nn - $15.600. Rl'ILllOn&bly low down paymrnl. !':~\\."PORT HEIGHT!; -2 b<lrm. .t: dtn home. E,.;("~I. loc&Uon. l yr old H 8JI 2 bat h11. r 1 rcr lllf'f', lll'lect oak floors. Arc.Oii\ 11llcl· Ing glu11 door11. larj;fl :nin11hln\' kltchrn, largt <IOll('lll. 100 yd.II.\\' tn W r3rpr1lnlf. SID.!'100 C"n b• FHA nnanced. Elton Barnett. Re&Jtor. LI 8·2i72. or ~Vea. LI 8-71:16. 19c32H PRIZES for Cash to Loan A.UTO!:'ITE It Ft;R..-.:JSHl:'\<':S w1th 11unny 2 bdrm. hom,. F.n· dOC!ed BBQ. lgt 1e11r. Wallr.I ~uo. Lot ~,o " 208 f'~rc111 BC!"t y,·11ter ~ur H srbnr RI" I mkt and h•1~. Total pnce SI :I 0·10 U btrty 8·4818 2Clr 22 HOME -INCOME w~u bulll tum 3 Mrm . 11 yni nld homt. Plu" 2 ,,n,. 1>-lrr1 11. •I' ,. nn t .. ·o R-2 1 .. 1,. T11r lnC'l l lnr. Cllr'Ona dtl M11r T'ror"r1Y 1~ d ear, worth 130,000. S11r r1flre t~ 1mmedil1l,. 11111 .. S22.M ll F11r app't call VJ!:RRTNOER, H11rhrlr 4293, eve.a. Hsr. S4i7, 11\ltt: BT vW?o<"ER R-3 ZONE. lhTl't ""m l·hlll•M~ _,,. Jolntnc lot.II, 7100 tq. fL 7950 11q. ti. if'i~ aq. f:. S11ra Bi-rnardtnn "' · Avon :0.-twport Htllrhl• Llberty 1·17•8. 1k23 15th &t Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2664 Evea. LI 8-70M LIDO WATERFRONT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF! Thia home h.u 4 bdrms., 2 bath•, living rm. and den, lounge, bar, dining rm .. all electric kitchen and brea.kfut room. Laundry with wuher Ir dryer. 3 fireplaces, PIER 6 SLIP. Fully tumlahed. A beauty for only $53,000. $20.000 down.. CALL Lila B. Mc.Fa.mm at Balboa Bay Properties 419 E . Balboa Blvd., Ba.Ibo& Ha.r. 378& or 2517-M EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See this beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 .bedrms .. 2 baths, Therm&dor kitchen, dl8hwuhu. garbage disposal. Many other excellent featurM. 1 yr. old . A real value at $23,950. COSTA MESA tr you are looking for a r ood 3 bdr'tn. family hom~. we ha,·e it. Situated on Eut 19th St .. PricP $12,950 Call Llberty 8·2664. <Evea. L.Iberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY. Realto r at 15th a.nd 1n;ne Ave., Newport Beach CURT DOSH announces his association with 223 JOHN B. PRENDERGAST Realtor -Since 1924 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Office Harbor 1331 ~111id<'nre Harbor 2373·J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1.ift Shoppe in new shopping 11.N'a . ~nt $~ mn. Modern attractive home fumlRhi ng~. A romfrirtable h\'ing for a one person operation Full prier Mf)()(). Bar & Restaurant -Grot'leing $110.000. Well c~Ulb­ lished. Owner has made mon~y and wanl11 to enjoy 1t. Will Mcrifice for $45.000. Rent $4 50 mo. Fixturee Wte new. We have othen. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. CO&at Hwv., N~rt Beach Liberty S.-M81 Evet. LiberQt 8-3580 .. I ' ,j I I ' • PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _!n~:::!!-~.!-~'!_ __ _ _____ 1.10N __ o_A_Y_._MA_R_c_H~7..:,_l 9_s_s ____ l"C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS . _ ...... a • ..,....,. .. v Best Values in Ocean View Homes CORONA DEL MAR ' . / 1. OCEAN FRONT ,, THIS QUALITY' BUILT HOME bu 2 bdrms. plu• large den, 2 i.Uui, hardwood floors and carpeted wall to wall Forced 11.lt beat, Mercury awltcbe.. Garbap ctiilposal. wired for electric range. Sptink- n aystein, automatic rarage door. Sun proof clua in liviDc room. Muiy other fine feature• and out· Ill.anding Tiew of ocean, beach and breaken. Built oa. tta.r of oceq front IoL Priced at 1$32,750. 2. VIEW OF HILLS and CANYON Thi9 dehlu 2 bdrm. and den home, reduced from $23,500 to $19,900 for immediate l&le. Home ii only 1 :fUI' old and owner bu moved. Hu built-in •love and oven, G. E. diahwuber and garbage ·m.pou.1. ....,.P comer fireplace. Lota of wood panelling in hinc room. Oveniaed double garage. Bricked patio and fenced yd. Built on 40-ft, JoL Thia ia a bargain; BE l"I ER HURRY! Easy terna. PRICE T. McCUISTION llULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR M4T E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar Harbor 47 (Offtee located next door to Corona de1 Mar Bank) On Palmer bet.ween Santa An& &. Orange SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes S895 Down $11,450 Full Price Balance like renL Check them quality fea\ures : Sewen in and paid Encki9ed garage. Colored rock roof• Garbage di8poeala Kitchen fana Stred. will be curbed and paved W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friend1y .ervice" •• 393 E.. 17th SL, Colla Mesa Liberty 8-1139 CHINA COVE Exciting View of Harbor Entrance SO YARDS FROM BEACH. Attractive mod. home demgned for week-end fun or year-round comfort. 2 bdrm&.. den. unfiniahed guest room. Sun deck, bobby a.bop, 11:: tiled bat ha, colored fixture:e, m ir- ror doon. 2-car garage. Delightful kitchen, dlapo8&1, diahm.uter. Colored range bu double oven ; double broiler: Servel. Co\•e linoleum, Formica, ventilating fan. •ilmt nritchn, central gravity heat with ther- mo.tat. Unique diaappearing bar. Completely and llittly fumished. In this SUPERB location, truJy an unu.11ual value at $28,500. KEYS al 2Mi Eut Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor Corona del Mar Vogel Value BEAU'I1FUL EARLY AMERICAN Z bdrm. 1.1 , b.th \1EW home, plwi large garage penlhouse for (UNla or aerv-ants, on. 45-ft. Jot near ocean. Entry hall. Panrlled Ji\·1ng rm .. raised brick fire place, for- ced air fumacl', dining alcove. T ile sink and kitchen walla. &n·ke porch, automatic laundry. Large bed · rooma. tilt-baths. co\'erro g lflS.!I patio opens to lovely walled yard. Double garage and parking area. Qual· ity and charm throughout. Only $30,500. Good Terms. THE VOGEL. CO. 21117 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-14.77 THE MOST FOR THE LEAST , -J On Marperite, near e\'erJrthing. 2 bdrm. ptua den. ... ty dtt .. liT. nn .. din. area. 6: hall carp. W to W. ¥n'IY patio, overaise dbl. gar. Beet of term•. Only $15.500. 2 bdrm., bwd. flra.. dbl. gar. Built for apt. over. So. of Hiwy. Couldn't duplicate tor thr price of $14,000. 2. bdnn .. 2 bt.th, bwd. firL, F A beat, garb, dilp. ~ft. Joe. brand nnr, only blk. to beach. PricN right E:l'cluaivn wit~ R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3122: E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har 2774 YOU ASKED FOR IT! "--90den • bed.rm. bome, large lot. rood real· clmtial lllCUoo.. c.o.ta M-.a -enly $10,900, with "°° down. "-'•net ...,.. CALL LILA B. McFUTen with Balboa Bay P;operties tll E. &.lboe Blvd. Balbc;>a Hubor 3786 or ~li-M • LIDO ISLE Swi111.ming Pool EXCl!:PTJOS AL \1 tb1a IGvely a bdrm. A ruinpWI room home on a lge. :'i2 ~~ fl. •tll!et to 1tnet c<)r. lot on LIDO N ORD. AP· pe•Ung trom both within and wtthout Ull• homl! otter• the MOST tor re•I llv!nc. All larl'e r00m1, l~u128 \Iv. room, I'° bath•, attractive kltchr.n v.·lth di•poMI. dl1bwuMr A 220 w ir- 11\C'. only :~ yra. old, l"ompletf'· ly w•Ued patio, w lo w carpel· inc. 1!'>1137~ ft. Anthony 11W!n1- mlnc pool -JMAGlNE! ALL THIS for $4.2,~Terml. CLIFF HAVEN Only $2,000. DoWn lJNBELJEVEA8LE! ll'I true that thl1 3 bdnn. horu• on one of the beat alrttll ·ln Cliff Haven can be boug'tlt .for only 12.000 down. 80 tt. lot, complelt ly fenced and nicely J1.11daca~d. hclwd. floor•. .:; lo w carpeting, drape• Includ- ed. Near 1chool&. IMMEDIAn f'08S1t8SION! -To-day1 BEST VALUE• Corona del Mar lots 30 ft . So. ol Hlw•y R-2 ,,_ 1~00 65 rt. So. of HLw&y R-2 .... ~ CHECK WITH US FOR GOOD BA YSHORE PROPERTIES ""C" THOMAS REALTOR 224 W. Cout H!way, Npt. Bch. LJberty 8·ti:'i27 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS SOLD 19 River -.ec. vu. lot on 38th!ft. NB By .Judy H UNTER w ith J .M. J.tlLL~:R, Realtor and Mf'mlw.r of Multlple Listing Service Yes sir- New & Clean BIGGEST BALBOA JSLAND Till. In comfortable living In ...,en planned l Qr. born•, wllh com· pletf'ly tuml•hf'd a pt. over d.bl. garafi:I'. Lo•!a of wardrobe 1pa<"t. Sunny p1.tlo, waU to wall ca1]>"\, furnaca bt at arid f lnpl. If looking In the 12~.000 la $30,· 000 ranse, boa 1urc to •• thl• hom1 and incomf', Contact Hub P ower•- J. A. BEEK, Realtor :l-OJ P •rk Ave. Balboa t1land • Newport Hts. MODERN l l:>l'tlrnom hon1e S Hl.9.'.Xl OCEA ~ •-itOl''T l UNIT S. furnl~hrd . t:11.c .. Uent buy 114.000 E:LEGA:"-1' 2 bf'l.lro<lrn hOftll', •ate beach. only l l i ,!XJ-0, ('O~l)IERC:I A I .• PRO I' ERTi ES 8ev,r•I J:f'JOol buy~ In 11:00<l loc•· t!"n~ A ~k about th,m. N. B. C. REAL TY J2nd A r;,.v.·port Bh·d., !'pt. Bell . !'hone H11rbo r t •O~. SOLD 2024 O<-••n &ulrvan;j , &lbM. f.ly t1LODE:-.' FA\' With BA\' • BEACH R~:A.LTY and M'm b<'r ot Multiple Liating Service Best Buy in Newport 4 BR. turn l•h~. ne,.rly new. 'nit pr1t • 11 r!khl, 119.M<i-Term1. ML 4998, NEAR !'OE\'.'PORT PIER. t furn •tuccQ unit.II. Be11t rt"nlal loea· 1ton. Sl9,000 -Ttrn11. 2 BR. unrum. 1tucco. prlu d richt a t J9,t100, with a1<tra lot, $11.000, Homer E. Shafer REALTOR "1()8 McFadden P la.:1 !At the X1wpott P ler ) Har. 140. £"1. Har. 1137-M. AaJI t or H•rald G. Splf'-4 l0c22 Leaving State 8 Um'f COURT i. ca.ta w-. Excellmt lncom•. Sma.ll d<"FTI pa.yment han'1e•. AUIO OCEAN rRONT R.l:STAU· RANT In !'--port Beach. Sea· .:!ft Juat .urtinc. Oond monf7 mu er.- CA.LL Ltbarty t-JlH, ~-. ...... .. -----. TH! GREAT ORANGE COAST. LOTS -Residential comer. l blk. to atorea A: Newport Blvd ............. ----··········· .............. $2500 70x130 E. aide, water Ir. fruit treea on lot $2250 :SOX.200 on Elden Ave. Build 3 unita here $2000 Dntn. Coeta.Meaa 150-ft., all C-2 zone at $95 ft. Harbor Blvd. 60x300 ripe to develop ... $12,500 Placentia Ave. M-~ frontage 127' varied depth at ..................................... ,, ......... $70 ft. 60xl40 Restricted R-1, all imprc,ivement.s $27~ <f"-CRES--M-1 Ir: R-4 zoning, 2 1/5 A. hilleide $4500 Close in 5 acre plot, beat investment .... $15,000 10 acrea corner near new projects ........ $35,000 HOMES -Furnished 1 bdrm. trailer house with bath and cabana added -Located on close-in Elden Ave. ''2 acre. Out of town owner must cash out ~750 fnly, lilu even'lhing. Ranch style,' 2 bdrm., den, 2 611.th home, atove & overr built-in, fan, garbage diei)oaal, forced heat, used brick fireplace and log lie.ht.er. Hwd. floors, heavy ehake roof. Lot11 of tile & panelling. Attached dbl. garage. Brand new and only $14,500 with $3000 do\IVl1. King• Road panorama view home. Adorable 2 bdrm., hwd. floors, Pullman bath, Formica kitchen, dining room, fil't'place. forced air heat, lanai, patio, quick poueuion. Juet $5000 down. Leasehold $250 year. a ._, Dlmlt a .... ,....... Three Balboa Peninsula ·Duplexes! NO. 1. BOTH. APARTMl::'lo'TS HA\'E 3 BalROOMS: J BAntS Xlc•ly tumlllhM. Sltuatf!d 011 lar1• C'<lm .. r krt. si-c-laua· dry and saract'. 129.71M), M.800 1 down, No, ?, LOVELT S'T't.JCOO and pl;a•tflrf!d, 2 1tory buildlnc Wllfl 3 bedroom. up and 2 ~·n. F'ur· niturt Uld "p ropt"rty tn·JA -1 ron- d1tion. Mo•t of drapn, <"~lm;: and fi:ii.lur•• art' ""''"'-Dand:!' l or home 'A"Jlh lnC'omt or for ~ntal only. 127,:xkl. Monthly paym .. nu lnclud.., Ln l•r .. •t. IAI•• and in· auranc•. No. 3, ONLY e TF.ARS OU>, on Y.1ramar Drlvoi . • 2 bed,l"Ol)m rt1ar apartment ano:l 1 bedroom front . , . on ol\r lf'V<'I. f"uml~ of C'our-.. and hu 2 car p ra,:f' Good iflt'Ome pro~rtJ, $20.000 Peninsula Homes ! T\VO BEDROOM STUCCO HOME. Seit valuf! on the .. palnL ~ Din- etta, fir•platoe . dCtUble 1an.ge <11nd l•rie p•tlo. Only I yea r• old. Bf'•t ll If you can tor S14,:!00. $4,000 do1•;n. . p. a. palmer incorporated , developers of lido ;;!;, offer: On a 591:: :ir. 88 foot <'Oml'r. a atone·• throw from thr Club. a bomr with "Old World" charm -even hu a bN.ring oli\•r tree in the lo"rly patio. 2 bdrmp. and i.th plus makl'• room and ;\ l bath plua ~, batb for i.the-r.. $30.000 and $10.000 down will handle. On a 45 ir 88 1trttt·to-11trfft Jot, 4 bdrm .. 2 baith, dining room. hardwood Ooors, nice patio, an attrac• ti,·e large-ol<kr home that invitr11 you t o relax Jls an euy way. $29,750. l."SED BRICK fireplacl", papered dining room. plant· N patio a.nd forf'ed air furnace in thia Nl!."W 4 bdrm .• 2 bath home that is ready to rnove into. Thia ia a fine home and thr price ill unbelievable at S..">6,750. 'Yil" don't know of any better! FOR LEA.SE -Nl"W beautiful BAYFRONT APTS. Carpeted. draperim, fittplaeee. fumi~hed or untur- nishM, 3 bdrm., 2 bath or 2 bdrm.: 1 bath. Thert-{J none finer. Pil"r A: alip.. p. a. p~lmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales managenient 3333 \ia lido barbor 1500 HF.:RE'S ANOTHER OlITSTANJ>.1--------------------..J..--- lNG V ALU E on the Pf'nln&UIL l bedrOQma and d.en. larJ:" ··•11- l'd. patio. and rectally repamt· VIEW ,HOME ed.. EllcepUon&lly well ~ill prop-.BUSINESS LOCATIONS Beautiful, delightful ~rty. The pr1,.., 11 only $1 4.000 A home. 2 bdrms., den, dining room, fireplsce, can br bou~ht for •~.:.oo doY.'TI Newport Heights Area hwd. floors, dbl. garage. Business location and •nd S&t .lO '•onthly. tnot a leaaehotd) home at aame addreu . Eaay to buy, $5000 dn., \\'E HAVE sEVE:RAL OTHER 3 Bedrooms _ 2 Bathe no finance charges, aeller will carry balance to NlCE HOMES ON THE P'-NINSULA. cr-23 500 au.it. Large lot, 75' front, eaved alley, sewers AND ALL GOOD VALUES. ~ ' • in and paid. SEE us PTRST. l.F A \,E\V is what you are looking for don't fail Gro88 income $375 month. 2 at ores and 2 bd .. nn~. --j..l:lialll:).O<S-~e<iUl'f--l...Cl,.-f--i'oii,"";:]i~th'iiii•~lo~';i.'r''~· ~h~orm~•~·nl~t-iirsioln~e~y~e~alroo~l~d~. ITimii";im~a~oTiu~·-----apt. LOCated acroBS alreet from large new Dui1 -le tn an nut an w1 1 s oor o ce1 1ng w1n- 1oppna!te B•nk of Am .. ,.,,al •-d. d th · · · ing provram. Thia inve11tment now paying bl"t-dua'!I • .._-a tng to a "'er-an 11, e ocran view Is vu1-&·-~l,.mbo'I'~ . .llult1pl .. ~lin1: ter than 14%. Room for 2 unita on dbl. front-Roft.11 G reeley f'.d IA'# ible from tht' milfute you l'ntt'r the front door. g 1 t J•~k P1nk ha 1a J <lfll<'pblnr \\'"bb a e 0 · 700 •:. Balboa Bh·,1. t.ta iiw.. This extrl'mt'l_v li,·ablc home romcs equipJ*d with a ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS J 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa ~!eu Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. LIDO ISLE 100/o down On a fine 2 bedroom, 2 bath single story corner Stnda home. 2 yn. old. Priced at $25,000, which lncludee Servel refrigerator, electric range, dining room furniture, venetian blinda and drape11. Drive in to our free parking lot. Let's ehow you the best of Lido. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718 21c23 LOOKING FOR ~THESE? BALBOA ISLAND- 'LittJe IRia nd', 3 bdrm., l :i , plal'e, and apt .......... --... batha, hwd. floors, fire- .$26.500 Beautiful little 2 bdrm, home. Perfec t remodel- ed Provincial ... ····~---........... -.... $19.500 Say view from this 3 bd11n., l 1 ~ bath home. Nl"W- ly redecorated, carpeU and Heinley ahutter11, tenna ' ....... _ ........................................... _ ......... ~24.500 CLIFF HAVEN Drive by 402 Kings Road and 11ee the quality con- .11truction. a nd out.standing features of this 3 bdrm., 2 bath, plus den-dining room home. Ful- ly landscaped •nd beautiful pool for only $34,500 Terms. AIBO on Kings Road, with vi ew, with lots of pine panelling, 3 bdrm .. 1 :!.-baths ··-·-..... -........ $24,250 WALDRON Realty 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Jsland Har. 0234' CORONA DEL MAR TO SETl'LE ESTATE, Widow will sell nice 2 bc:lnn. home, ] I~. block11 from ahopping center. Has Joie of tile, bea.meod ceilings, furnace heat, beautiful flag. atone fireplace and garage is stressed for apt. O\'f'r . A 5"C. insurance Co. loan with Payments of ~.39 per mont h. \\'ill sell furniehed, if desired. Only $12,500. Exclusi\'e Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 35-42 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar BALBOA ISLAND Har. 1862 Attractive 2 bdrm. cottage, 2-ca.r pragt. Elt~l­ lent location near North Bay Ir: •hopping center. Price $18,500 -Low down payment WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Atilocia.l• Put o.t MoriM, ll&lboo. ~ ...:. llarbo< -~ Phont H111t><>r 3:77. garbaJ:e dii!posal, dishmast£'r, Thermador range, SOLD 508 J•lllr1u1r A ~·e., Coron• df,I M•r By L1':STF.R JONl:S wllll PP.ICE ~lrCl;.'ISTION. tt•·•ll""r an~ "1 embrr or Multiple Listing Service. One of the last REMAINING COMMERCIAL loU on Bklbo• J."114nd. SS:,00, tennm. Move in WITH NO OO"'N PATME:'-7: [...Qvely n .. w hom .. 1n Co.ta M""• Many f'Xlraa. Landiol':.•~. Excellent income property 1 doing $225 per month dur- ing winter . • Triplex Clu• 1.., l hl! OCNn. Sh•kf' ~ N .. arJ y n .. .,... 8 u>lt by 1•1'C'..-nt Oll'nP r. W. b. Fisher, Realtor ""lid ASSOClA TES 3034 F:a•t Cout H Lgb.-ay Corona drl Mar Phone Harbor 2443 Cliff Haven Duplex T\\'O •SPAC J bdrm. apu . fnr tK>mf A inc. 1711,t•l mo.. pa)·• FHA LO&ll. 1na. A l.allM. OU...r ahff' N>nt .. 11 J87 YI mn F . P J IS,000. i not lf'...,hohtt . ~ th1a A lf't '• 1.Alk tf'rm• Muriel M. Pinover REA.LTOR 26<H Ne,,..·porl Blvd,, :>:<:'wpor1 Bcti F ree Park.In&' Harbor •111 0 """ SOLD \'ac lot . blk. C. U. till, Bal~ By J UDY Jflr.''TER .. llb ), M. MILLER. Rf'ahorl fl.ltd Membrr of Multiple Li.ting Service Laguna Beach Ocean Frpnt Lookers THIS I• yvur Jiaricr t o Jet • au·al on the 0<.'-11 •ldf. : bt1rm. cot· ta.:• e1<tra lars e lot, fumlN\"11 ;r enclllffd P.uos. ~ludf'<l r~t clO•t: lo •lon-•. Xo •~J>'ll. A vi ew from here to e~mity, !i1:1t priced for trade tr.it ml1:ht .,.. <;epl •mall bouM and ra11h IJ(ltll'I dmlnl. [)rj~ dO'A'n and ta.k" a ll)O k •t- 31696 Seacliff Drive. South Laguna THEN con!a~t nwnrr. Dl:ftlu tll 9·6711. 289 1 "'. t lh St., 1.,c,. Ancel••· 21tJr Vl l!:W ! '. BATFRONT-1 BEA.OOH BA'/ H OME IM\d lMCOM&-run-ti'f"d t bd.mu.. S Mlha. and J bdrm apt. G~ di~ d4ab· waahf'r, J c.r l'&n.C't. f"nv•:" be&<::tl. Pier, t\oat. taanla court pr1'1i.p.~ 8\UI deck.a, patkl. • • • l.'Ot;H.n:.'5Y TO~ K&ttlar ZM1 • Yt'. JkJ• • fon'i'd air hl"al anct beauliful new draperies and wall to wall l'a~ting. The 011.-ner atall'S her \·icw kitl'hen is a marvel of efrit·imcy and h rr home \\'ith it's coneiderable view art•a ia ideal for f'ntertaining. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3 112 Xl'~•port BJ,·d., l"l'wport Beach Har. 25.52 MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES G. I. Rt-sale nr. Countr)' Club. Out of elate owner h:a.s autho rir.ed sa.le pr1ct' or Sll.500 \\'1th only $1750 dwn. $86 mo. pymta. incl. t.ax("ll, ins .. interest and pr1ocipal. 3 bdmui., fireplace, hwd, fln. 2-car dc- tachOO. gar.igl". 66 x 120 lot. See thiA today ! NE\\-PORT Ii EIGHTS -Nee<l Elbow Room! - Lel us Ji.how you this 4 bdrm., 1:i 1 balh home with .._A, h(-a t. r1replace. garbage disp. Large 2-c:ar gar • 63 x 110 Int. FuU price $13,850 1''ith only $2600 dn. LIDO ISl_.E -Sr. Clubhouse ~ s.5000 do'A-n will buy lh1s thrtt year old 3 b..lrm .. 2 bath home. Parquet noors. wann wood 11anelhnJ::. firr plate, l>uilt·in book· c-aMS. o p<>n bf-am<'tl rt>llinge. ~parate dining room with lc.u,·re..-1 dooni. Gara~e str1·s!Wd (or 2nd •tory or sund('('k •·it h bay \'Lt''A'. Full price $27,500. Another \'ogt'I Co. exclusive IUJting ! VOGEL CO. }.lain Offi<'l', 3201 CoaEt Highway, Newport Beach l~Jberty 8-3481 A Phooe Call \\'ill l{i''t! you further 1nfomlafion "-'J:ard1n~ thu1 prorert)". Triplex Exceptionally well kept, n1cl'i)' furnished tile kit- chenis &: stall 11howers. 3 garag('I!. G(K)(J rental area. Shows good profit. !,21,500. Only .$.'>000 dr.wn. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 \\', Balbo;i Bl,·d .. Xt-•·port Bf'arh Har. 5188 or 1983 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME J unita, ~w duplex and 5-mom house nn 2 lolfl. ("ho1r-.-rental d11~tr-1r-t. J uat 100 f N t from OC<'an. 2 un1\JI art' fumu1hf'd and rt:nlt'<i nn yca'rly b&llifl. Own· er·s hClml' a\'a1\able no•·. Three gara ge11 nn •lley, PttSe:nt mcume can bt.• subRt<1 ntially increased. S.S.000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALI .. HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY . REAI4TOR 3113 Jl'ewport Rlvd .. Ne•·pon ~ac h. liar. 1013 l{Al.BOA ISLAND Beautiful No. Bay Front Colonial 4 bdrma .. Z bath11 - CHARM'.'. r)EP .... t;O:"' A LJ TY ! '. . Y.'r ll fum111hcd . t :n1 ! hf'lt l . Sp«1ally .priced S·l·1,750 DOR IS BR A Y. Realtor Phone Harbor. 20 Days & Evening• Nona ff)'PI' C."ht·t Sali11bury 216 llaru:le A\·,., Balboa Ia1aAd I. I .1 MONDAY, MARCH. 7, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11·PAGE7 C.:-a...J f'..tate a RMI r..tat.e --------------------------' REALTY BAY AND BEACH -REALTORS COST A MESA OFFICE COSTA MESA NearlY. new 3 bdrm. home with fireplace, breezie. way, on a quiet 1treet in excellent neighborhood cloee in to town -All for just $10,950. $1000 dn. will buy UU. property if you act quickly. We· have the key. CLIFF HAVEN Open H ouses -Sat. &. Sun. 600 Cliff Drive Large 3 bdfb?.~· 2 bath home on beautifully land- acaped 'comer lot. Priced reduced to $26,950. 1001 Cliff Drive Nearly new 3 bdrm., 21 ~ bath home with Panoramic View. Wall tn wall carpeting -$29,750. with ·three offices · to serve you NEWPORT -BALBOA OFFICE BALBOA OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE LISTING -BA YFRONT .c bd(ma., 2 living rooim -Beautiful Conaervatory 'l'atio. Excellent terms to Qualified Buyer. Be sure to LOOK AT THIS ONE! \Vat.ufroot Lot-$8500. Room for large. ~at. Nice View Beautiful modem home on Balboa ~~r;iln8ula. D1neu in family necessitates sale at sacrifice price or will trade for smaller house. Owner must move u eoon a.a possible to l•tory home. Will consider all offers. •• I ~ i'.icf 3 bdrm. den home on 1 Yz Iota. Newly decorated. ' Wonderful large patio. Full price -$24,500. Open Houses daily 1-4 P. M. 60 Ft. on Bay Ave. -Pier & Slip Com er lot -Walled for privacy. Nicely Jan~ in tropical planting• and fruit treee. Thia 3 bdrm. one-story home wu deaigned by R. J . Neutra and la one of the fine.et homfe in the Harbor Area. Living room I.a spacious with lots of glua and an unuaual fireplace that ~ add~ to the charm of the dining room. The kitchen· ia all electric with a brick BBQ and elec. epit. In addition to the 3 bdnns. & 2 batha there are servant's quarters with a aeparate patio. Thia ta Ind~ a home for a diacriminating buyer who wanta the best. Shown by appointment to quali- fied buyer.. Partially furnished. -$125,000. 2000 E. OCEAN BLVD. 417 Snug Harbor 2 bdrm., large patio_ $19,500 Exclusive Listing BALBOA PENINSULA Immaculate 2 bdrm. home built around patio and ALSO lanai. Wall to wall carpeting, com er fireplace. 2 bdrm. home comfortably fum . Close to Jetty. Full roll~ liOl E . BALBOA BLVD .. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, dining LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE LIDO 2 bdrm., larre living room. Thia home will be vacant • right after achool la ouL Full Price -$19,995. • 4 bdrm., panelled living room. 35.ft. lot. Street to 1t.reet. $19,000, with a low down payment. New 3 bdrm. and den, 2 bath. Provincial Style ca a vef'y nice 1treet. Can't be duplJcated at "' $26,750. I Here I.I one of the beat buys In a good 11.Je lot. Approx. M x 88 ft. on Centro $15,500. Furn. Bayfront with lge. pier Ir allp. 3 bclrms., I bat.he. Lge. n.arking area. $4~500. Xlnt. buy at $14,850 with r nA financing. price $13,750. $3750 down. $100 mo. Why pay rent f ------=~~S"1"'1Etw;:>orr-~~;--C~~rfyfe!$a"-------roo--n ___ ~_1_·7_50_-_XIn_L __ ri_u~ncinf5Cgro4n~bot.th.--f!tati'11lr-Bh~:--Et-aftbetis-----------------------3~1~1~2~L~a:f:a~y:ette 1 Newport Beach at'hor-JMS-. ---~ , I Liberty 8-1161 HARBOR 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: FOR .. EVENING .. INFORMATION .. CALL: R. F. Geddea -LI 8-3158 T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8-17U W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E. B. Cha.le· Har. 2762-J A. Tietz -U 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 Gloden Fay -Har. lSM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS MULTIPtf · LISTING BROKERS LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT-Pier & slip. Only 1 yr. old. 3 bedrqts., 3 baths, elcc. kit., built-in dishwasher, garbage dis· posal, W to W carp<.'ts. drapes & new 20' Century motorboat inc. in price. This ia a honey! Price $70,000. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier le eUp privileges. 3 yun old. 2 bdrm., J 1 ·, balh. Iota o( tile. Parquet nra .• dbl. gar .. F , A. hC'ut. Now Is the time to buy for next summl'r or yrarly occupancy. A real value at this price. $26,250 -NEWPORT Duplex furnished • good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10.500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach Har. 1013 CORONA DEL MAR Are you lookinf tor a home and BOme income'! Here are two excellent buys $13,500 Small home, beautifully decorated, fencro yard. patio. complete pn\'Bcy. plus small apartmenL Hu G. J. Loan. Apartment fumi8hed. $12,250 Garage Rpartmrnt. with barhclor apt. bt-!09', ha"8 a view, carpeted. On corner lot with room in front to bwld your homt>. G. I. Loan. $13,350 Two 30' Iota. corner of Orchid and Sea\'inr. in heart ot R-l dietrict. Priced to sell SEE RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM TifE BANI{) 3444 E . Coast Bh·d, Corona dt'I Mar Harbor Z28S BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm.., P & bath home. on exclusl\'e Kings Rd. Charming design and all rooms t.te well arrangrd, light and spacious. Large ahd· ing doora from dining room to outdoor patio. W to W carpeting, forcf'd air heating. indoor plan~r. dbL gara~e. attracUvf'ly landscaped and aprink.ler 8)-S- tcm. This home 9t•i ll pleue the most discriminating buyer. Priced at only S22,7:i0 . .,;th nry attract.in~ terma. Multirle Listing No. 5300. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. RuSB. \\ m. r.. !'chm1dt. As110<'1:1tell 312 Marine A ve., Balboa bland Harb..•r ?<H 2 . FHA Approved CLOSE J:S • F"..ast.itte location. Im· maculatf' tw-o ~room home. a. u tLful fff,rled h dwo1. floora. Hu a <Jlnm11: ruom plus a large lutcl>fn wttb chllettf' area. 'I1wR m a .me. room. Bfodrooma art large Tbb home J\at palntl'd. Sf:paralf' garage and a baC!k· >•rd you1l llkf'. 1':400. F. H. A rommotmf'nt w1ltl II . per mo. J>l'\"1nf'n·• f: x r E PT I 0 llO AL Bl-Y AT O:SLY $10,250 Very Nice-1 B. R. HERE lS A I.ARC!:: "n'° br<lroum bom~ 'lll'itb • br ,r b'm,.: n'IOm. f .rf'plAc,.. ~ n1r~ k•lrh•n a.nrl ... n1f'e ruom. '"Hh l)iu a t ub plu.. a •para'" atall ar.owtr. l'lv"tt u a t-c•r ,u;1s;e •l· I u•I', l Tb4' ~ LI ..,.ll d.>a1gn· • I r• nJ a ti r11ct1v" 0...-1,..r I• anx1~ to """ and •1U m•kt a I:~. 1 d4-al to a bu}• r (':in ~ tiv !'< I r • a •:? '" .1-....;\ n ln· '~h,:At~ Urot• .. t"'I) au ratu,-• bt•~ Phil Sullivan & George Everson ta:-6 :Snrport Blvd . Co.la Mt l'lll f aero .. '"'m (.'usta :\ltsa Banlc 1 P l:oM U M76l f:vu Har. 436e ~~ 1-2103 SOLD 3.13 Walnut St , C-cwrt.a MtA av r E JO:-.:ES wilh W A. TOBLAS. JWaJtor and ~f.-m~r ot l foltipte Listing Semce OO:TA ~IESA 2 M" S.r k Bay w1tll ,...::tal• ·-SU.000 J ar rhk k•n ranrh. tully ... 1u1rf"' l. Ask.anit rrar• i.o.ooo J t1~ r lll< h hou..... l LC 122 .:ioQ BAYSHORES Rw1h' 3 bdrm. 2 bltlb $2.1.!'JOO f'\Jtt' 2 btirm • l=lJ~·t rm S2l ~ Xlnt cor an H1trbnr i•.o a l !lO --M~.000 ~ x t50 lln Cst. Rwy. .. 12.2.000 - s· r;00<1 l"u on ,...~"'' llde. Claire Van Horn REALTOR r.31 W'. C-nut Hwy. LI Mm SOLD 20U2 Orchid S-ta Ana B.tttita Bv c I: Jo:-.r:s wttb W. A. TOBIAS. Rltltor Mid ).(,.mb-r of VuJtipie u.t.mg Sen-ic• ~!~~w,e~~o~!: I all w-1111 ('( Mr.&ll"r.t N'"&n "'"' a.r.J al!Ja r,.r.t t·• <"II\' l'irl! Onr l'°:"'IW l"":••!r'"?\ '"'" t>trm and No'i'\ tn:JI •·l•l.t ~ rm. .,,,, •• 1 N th Oil double i:U•i:e.. ll~am f'i!.l..::i.f't. nrw S. In wtnJoli<'t , ~~Ollf' ftnplaC(. r,04.:;•- ('U!t Qrt "'· tncJ\llll T'a. I to"'· .nr '"' f t' J 11 f•>"\ \\,ti 1\.vMe. \\Ill • c:~· &""" r.~t Tnist °"~' ta tnc. ' a.mer. LI ~2632.. llUc ,; CENTRAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICI' ~Fr. FRONTAGE ON SUPERIOR near 17th St. Large 3 bdrm. home for living & ~~ acre for ahop1 & building. M·l on eewer. $12,900 with tenm. Eve. information PETITTE LI 8-5487 --BACK BAY ACREAGE 4 ac~ rolling land facing mta. Beautiful unob- .tructed view. WW make beautiful eatate or can be divided. S20.000 with 1 ~ down. 2 So. a crea can be bouaht eep. for $8000 with $300 down. Eves. information SEYMOUR Har. 5298·W 2 BDRM. FURNISHED HOME Centrally located. Newly decorated, lovely maple fwn. A really nice home ready to move in. Only $8950 -Term.e. En. information BENNER Har. 1611 COSTA MESA DOWNTOWN AREA 1 yr. old, 2 bctftn-·• hwd. flra.. aewer, gar., curbs Ir pa\•iog. Own~r moving to Glendale. Sac. at S9950, only $1500 dn. Hurry. Eve. information PE'TI1TE LI 8-5487 FOUR UNIT APT. CHOICE N. E. COST A MESA New three 1 bdrm. & one 2 bdrm. apts. Nr. college, Lransp .. shopping. 3 apts. rented. 2 on yr's lease. • Exe. invest. $10,000 or leu will handle. E\'e, information SEYMOUR Har. 5298-W CLIFF HAVEN SPECIAJ, Wonderful home for children. Beautiful 3 bdrm. home w1lh big rumpus & hobby room. Lovely en- closed yard. At $19,950 asking price. NOT LEASE- HOLD. f,50()() with handle. Shown by appt. only. For eve, information, LYTLE LI 8-2542 HOUSTON REAL TY & Associates 009 Center St., Costa Meaa. Liberty 8.-6911 $25 PER MONTH THAT'S THE PAYMENT on thia cute 1 bedroom home on lovely Eut 15th St. It bu atucco exterior, plutered walls, oak noors, patio and barbecue. Garage and fenced yard. Loan Co. says ita s0Lid and that penaionetB can qualify .. TOTAL PRICE $5,500-$2,950. DOWN GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 135 E. 17lb St., Coat.a Meaa, LI 8-7781, eve11. 8-3186 Hear Ye!' Hear Ye! ON KINGS PLACE EGAD. we have a beaut;r, 2 bdrm. & den and bath le 1 ::. Time & space will not permit u1 to teU you all the nice thinp about this beautiful home. Hurry for this. $26,500 full price, terma. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 t-.:1•wport Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·3792 $1500 DOWN 2 STORY DUPLEX. 2 bedrma. e&ch 1ide. 'lose m Newport Beach. Total price $1:>,000. Call U4 for further det&ila. p. a. palmer, inc. ole h"nson co., sales management 1700 w. cout bJchwa, -libert7 1-6573 BILL'S BEST BUYS OPEN DAILY ' BDRM .. 2 BA TH HOM!: 415 HOLLY LANE . Nrar :-.ewporl High School FlREPLACE, forcf'<l air furnAce 2 car 1nra11. aewera, curbs an~ atrt rl In and paid, full price. $13 8~ .• TERMS RANCHO Near Country Club HAl~fo, ACHI::, tence.i, lot. ot n ow· rrii. 11hrub11 It 18 ~11rln1t fruit lrtt~ 2 bdrm It den homf' Out bulldln« for horM or ahop. $13.0~•Ci. l rrm1 ran bt arTLll&«'ll • SMALL HOME. lAr&• lot. 6&lt222. Good tut aide clo11e In louUon. $~.000 tuU prlct. Subml~ dOIA'll EXCEPTIONAL Income Buy DUPLEX .. 1ie<'plnr roorn cluM In. Pn-ffnl lncome I l3j naonUily Only 1115()0, With arna.U down It $6~. monthly. S.tter Hurry! W. A. TOBIAS &11d ASSOCJAT!:S REALTOR "you'll like ollr friendly 1ervlce" 393 E. 1'1lh !t.. Costa MtH Ubcrty 8·11311 SOLD 1711 ~lJ ram&r Ori ve, n.Jtx.. Dy GLOOE..'ll FAY wilh BAY It BEACH REALTY &nd Member or Multiple Li8Ung Service BALBOA Bay Front Duplex •·umlahed and .-IUWI -.Udn1 &. l&nc• of the Ub,.,,. ln B&lbo&. uuoo. Tl:IUll. 2 B. R. & Den Home Near end ot Pu1Mula. Untura· tabed. m ... lanai. ft.replace u.s Barbeque. Cb&nael ....., -~ Jent. TERMI. ID,000. Coast Properties RUTH .JA.YJ\ED. Rl&ltor·Mfr. K•~• 01-. Kll4red IUQa. Oeors• Ra.bu. A.-odata. IOl &. ltelbo& Bl•d., S&lboa ButJor ... Bar. "°° 1atl SOLD eoo Orchld ..... 0oroea deJ Mar BJ LE8TD .JONU .tlb PJUCll MeCUUTION, it.alt.or ud Xmiber of Multiple u.tin&' Bervloe OWND •Wac modena I bdrm .. J beth bom• at top of Coron• del Mu. Korta-P p&rtq f\ml. rar. apt., auto. 4Llb waaher. wuhlnr madlln•. n-1t0Ye, r. trti.. clrapu It floor conrtnp Included. M11n7 built lnA. Iola of room for JrldJI. Walldnr .i1taac• to .cbooL S».000. Hat. J60t-M. lTUc BY OWNER ICon>na Rt1~ -I bdrm~ t b9lh farrohou.1 ... P'ffA emnmlt· menl Ph. Ba.rbor Tt-J. tel!c FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL 1 R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J. Kimble -H&r. 1087·1l R. Norton -Har . .035-W P. Tenj -Har. U33 . BEAUTIFUL BA YFRONT Brand New for $75,000 Just Completed at 373 Udo Soud CONSIDER THESE FEATURES • 3 huge bedrooma • larg"e den -cyprw. panelin~ • 3 lovely baths • colo~ fixtures • dream kitchen • every luxury • thermador range and ovf'n built-in • dishwasher • disposal • panoramic view from rnut~r bedroom • whJt~ atone fittpla.ce in muter • d osf'ts galore \ • a view from e\'cry room • Bouquet Canyon Atone fireplace • deU~bt!ul colon throughout • Mercury 1witc hea • profeseion&I IRJldKaping • complt>t l' <'arpetin~ We 1uggcst you make an early appointment to see this Haw1.han Mod<'rn show pl&ce. It will be open next Sunday the 13th from one to five in the afternoon. We can arrange an excelJent 5~( loan to a qual.ltied buyer Wt' 11re thr f'itclusive agent.a LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) BALBOA ISLAND . VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. B&y two unlta, 2 bdrma. each, a REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front modenl a bdrm., 2 bath~ wtt1a view from every room. Completely tW"lliabed. Aakinr $66,7GO and ONLY leooo down. Near new ' bdrm. hoZM ud apartment completAIJ turn.Jabed and ln u.celleat cond!Uon. run price sae.eoo. term.1. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine AYe., Balboa laland Harbor "' (Eve.. Harbor 1786-R) BALBOA ISLAND "SPACIOUS and cbarmJnc'' deecrtbe. th1-year- round or excellent income home. 3 larce bdnna., 2 baths, dining nn-plne panelled and fully car· pcted. Furnace heat. tlroplace, dlapoaal. Lota of cl<>Mt and atorage apace. AND there ia room to add a complete room on the rear. A corner locaUon nr. South Bay. And the financing can be arransed euier than rent, Furnlab~. -$2$,600. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine Aft., Balboa Island Phoni Harbor 002 • Eve.. 2306-R ' PAGE I· PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY', t-1ARCH 7, 1955 WORK AHEAD FOR NORTON Job well done -Begin again wu the admonition to Tom Norton, vice-president of California State Elke Anociation when be made his ho1T1ecoming visit to Newport Barbor Elka Lodge Thunl<lay night. Ordinarly the home lodge visit ia the last visit of an Elka official, but, not with Norton. With weekend of March 19 and 20 there will be two new Elks Lodgea instituted. at Garden Gro\"e and at Huntington Beach. From Jett above are Frank Linnell, PODGER ; L. A. "Fay" Lewis, of Anaheim, Past Grand Exalted Ruler ; and Norton. -Staff Photo First Mesa Tree Planting for Contest Draws Leaders City Employees Save ·Toi From Watery Grave -~------------------------------------------~~--~ GRAND JURY PROPOSES STUDY OF COUNTY OFFICIAL: WAGES ' SANTA ANA (0CNS)-0range County Gnnd Thunday endorsed plans for an over-all study o! top county officials salaries. A special grand jury committee conferred with Board of Superviaora Chairman·WilJis Warner and Personnel Dir.ector William C. Hart, to review coun- ty official pay problem. It reportedly was Ullani· mously agreed it would be hard to keep top .level positions tilled with competent employees at the current salary range. The rapid expansion of county departments · coupled with incrcaae in responsibility in depart- ment heads has not seen salary increases in pro- portions, the grand jury said. The study i11 expect- ed to be undertaken aa soon as feasible. CAI ROllER Marine Gets Sentence on Taxi Stickup SANTA ANA (0CN8) -A youth who ''hu everything with which to gel a long except respect for the lawa of eoclety" Friday wu eenunced t o the C&llfomla Youth Author1ty by Suf)f'rllor Court Judge J ohn Shf'a. Judge She. denied probaUon to Kany R. Ryler, 11. & Camp l'.i1· dleton Marine who pleadf'd guilty to flrat de~e robbery. ~?' admitted t&klng part. In llle robbery of four cab driver•. on.e tn Oranp eovnty. The wtld week-end IJ>fff took place Jan. 21, 22 and 23. Three 011tlckupa occur· red In Loa An~lea County. Tyler'• partner. Jamea A. Snapp, 11, another Pendleton Martne. al- Deny R.etrial as Adams Asks Probation SANTA ANA IOCl'\Sl -First man mdicted by the Orange Coun- ty'• ltquor ...... censel probing gT&nd jury and the first "convicted, Ray Adams. ~. of GIC'ndale w,. denied a moUon for & new tr!&I Tueaday. Supnlor Court J udgt Kl'nnf'th F.. Morr111<1n tuml'd down the bid tor a new trial. Adam• was permit· led to file an appllcaUon for pro· batlon hearing set for 9 a. m. March 18. Pronounctment of judg- ment alllO waa •la ted for thf' aame datt. Adam11. Sacramento and Waah. D. c. l~bbylat, waa convicted or a con.piracy count on advice of Judgl' Morrlaon. -· ..... • ~· ..... 1!1151 ....... ...) EASTERN -CONFERENCE 9UEENS CHOSEN Elected as queen of their respect.i\'e collcg;?s Friday night at thr Eastern Conference dance in Rendez\·oWJ Ballroom •·ere from J ~ft. J eanette Ort('z, Santa Ana College; Mil- licent Chamberlain, Orange Coast Collt-ge ; Jeanne Reynolds, Full<'rlon Ju11.ior College. Rear row, from left, student body rcprcsen~:itives who crow<'d th<'m an d presented them to the dancers a.re Charlie Ha rring, SAC Associatt'd Studrnt Body president; Don Maget:, ASB president. OCC; Al Bot h.tCr, Fllllcrton stud<'nt council \'icl'prosident. -Rua Pat.ch Photo To1stmasten Disc1ss Reasons For Co1stit1tio1al Amendment 158, 139 Vehicles Lisied in County !MC'RA~!E:'.'>TO, ICNS\ -The The Udo Toaatmastus llM't a l ,,.t,,p rhs1rman 1s \'"me Allt'n liar· Harbor H oUllf' on Feb n with b<>r 39 1:\.-\\' lll:tlt• •kpartment o r motor vehl<-lu rim of f'ight trtta to ~ plant· .. on Eut 22nd si .. Coata Mua. .tarun~ at Rural Lant wu put •to Ole ~ound \Vtdnuday a ftl'r· 900n with apµrnpriatl' c1•rtmonlr9 rlaon Sanborn, chairman of the C1t1zen'a Council; all ot Costa Mua. Thl' trt4" plantmg wu a p11rl of tht Orang" County A1&0c 111ted Ch&mbflrs or Commf'rC'e bt•flUtifl('ll· lion C'Onte8t which la won Nll'h year by tht city maktnir tht' nHJst perm11 nent beautification. Alcrtnt•1111 on the part of thl'ff ready la dotns time In county Jail Newport Bnch city employeea In connecUon wttb the robber11'•. fo'eb. 28 111 a1·Lllll'd with saving He aJ90 pleaded (Uilty. Adam• wa11 &CCUffd of tht Un · lawful taking of I~ from J.feli- tu Foraur ot Laguna Be.ach for Engineering an on-aale gmeraJ liquor Ucente from hf'r San Juan Capistrano bar. He 111 free on bail. Chuck A ry prl'11d1ng. ~ ~ (' rnpNllion was """'' :1111,1111: nn11•1Ull<'<'•I tlw 1111111b<'r or vthlrlN1 for the Colll!tllullonaJ Amend· lhrtt .:ood ap.-aker s l'arl J11nl';<, 1 n•i;:1:ot<'r"•' 111 lh rm.:<· ('ounty dur- menla ~Ing crratf'd wl're d.lsc'uu-I Hui:h lotyni-lh· 11nd But'ton H•·• k In!( I!•~•• totnh'<I 14~ !:'Ill. f'd at tht table topic Pf>riod under IA'llh lhP llltll'r IA!flnf'r H is :ouhjt'\'l l o r tllf'llf', 1~'(,064 \\l'l'f' nutomn- d1rttllon of Tom Soull'. table topic ,...u "What 1s Crc>1hl" Ernh1otoor~ hll1·11, tfl,:lt 7 t nwki< anol 13.16!1 Taking part in t he planting we~ llruel' Martin. rf'prruntini;: I he dl,y r ounrll: Mrs. Bl'l!Xlt' Lnun11- blwry. Herrtary of thl' Cil1Zt'n'11 ~('U and l'halrman or Its trl't ,....tins comm1tt,.f': F rank Hllll<('ll. P9rk DI.It net: L. n. Shot wt ll. mputnttndl'nt ot parks . Paul Dun- liap. dllalrm11n ot tht rli>anup Anrt ... utJflcatlon l'flmm ltter o r th4" et..mtM>r of C'nmmerre an<I Har· Daniel Rlmpau Su le, 20 mont.ha&. The pair owned up to robblng 1°r 320 Onyx Ave. from drowning. Cabble Hennan Bransford of 113 Iii' wn11 tl't'11ted. bv " doctor. In caah and a ~ watch, then Gu11 Ritter, 212 °39th St.: Char-leavtnr Ule drl'NI' tru111ed In an lts F. Gl&M, 1989 Harbor Blvd., Oranc-County ditch. Ntwport sml Cherlei. Richard Schorb, SH Beach Poll~ and C&llfornl& High· H""mlllon St., both Co11la Me.a, way Patral ~ the duo f'arly maJ!ttr. Wt>re \'prnr All,.n. Ray L'Et'lll~I' trnllc1 "· Jan. 23 llft<'r a C'h&l!t. TylPr tint wu referrl'd to juvt· nlle court. but w1111 con•ldel'l'd un- fit to hlllldle Ulere. Toa11tma11ttr Char~s Harron and Chuck Ary Sandy Sl!!11wr :-;t.ll•·11·1•lto, thP t1•t 11l rPi:ll1troll"n conductcd lhr mHtln1t and it was IA'IU• 1trnr r11I l'\'alutor. n •111•h•'•i ti 11:1,'.!11~ In• l11d1111r 4.!1411,· 11ugge11tN! that lhf' ml'mbrrs bnng Xo>xt mt'0'\1ng Merl'h t, 7 rm. flltl 11111011, ti7~,4{13 trul'~ll, and more guf'~la eal'h hmf'. Membf'r-1 at H ubor llnu.sr H "i !17:! I rt1ll1•r!!. ( A Jacaranda wu plllntM1. The rom milt1'4", Mrs. Loun11bcrry stat- t>d, fll&n11 to put In 200 trl'f'S In All duMJ1g A rbor \\'rt>k, Including: Wl'n! leavlng the Balboa lal&nd ~------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~----~---------------~-----------~~--~~~~ Southl'm Magnolla . J 11car11nda.. S ilk Oak, C&pe C'hl'etnut, lndla· l1turl'll. Fl~ and Carob. br1dge In their tn.tck when u..,. Mid lhey nollced aometh.bl,s 1n UM water. Prob1tion Hearing Continued for Mantz Burglary Suspects The chJld waa pullad from tbe water and g1nn nnt aid unUl Capt. Ed Zube of the Balboa le- llU\d flre deparlm•-11t UT'IW!d w1~ the lnhal&tor trudl to talta OYS, Mra. Jame. 8ea1a, molber ol U.. child, aald 11he mlued th• young- Ater &nd Willi.am AJden Seal•. 3"' yrar-old brother, while alte wu hfl.ngtng up clothe& She a.Id Abe 11can:hed lhP nelithborhood and ll'Bmed or the arrldent when 11he uw a large l'rowd or peopll' oa the beach in front of 1407 Nortll BANTA ANA roc:-.s) -Four ,_,,It mf'n llnk•d lo the lt:0,.000 tlur~lnry M t&mrd Paul Mt1ntz' ~""· 301 F.. ~y f'ront, May 11. J9()2, fo"rnlay hHr•I lht>1r probation llaann1r• ronllnurd to March 18. '"14" dl'fl'ndantt a re Charlu F . Printz, 2 I RrPa r h11r1:ed with bur r;la ry. P i>I• r J li&n,,.n. 2:l. Pl"• f'nta..t, Ju' u1111. •I t1( ,..,.,.,Ivan.-: at.ii· n rroofWI l)' Thotl1811 Han3Cn. 13. twin bnllh• r u( l'etl'r "' lhr Mll14" adtJrP~•. • h:.r>:<><l with b11r- 1Lary, an•! ftll ha rd A . D11r11n, 1!1. u-t...J by pollr.-11~ ~·r1rnn!I F. K l'!· ttt of I :'I Br u nn P.n \' hJl.-rton. •11•·.:··•I tu h11 n <"On· C"'llfli and w lth·hl"lil •tol••n rr<>p· wty. AU four plo-1uJe;J s:u1lty t o lhe 9'1>,,e rhar 1;rJi I •ur.o n II •" r h.,Jly ~ prnbat1oon ,,r111r111 ··1 rr• l'IV•"' Jacl Clark Now at Hawaiian Post SCHOFIELD BARRACKS. TH Almy Pvt. Jar k \\', Clark, "bclfll" wtlf'. Jt'&nnr , nn1l partnl~. Mr. llllll Mn. WaJter B. Cl3rk. hve at ~3l) Watminstu. AVf' .. ~ewpqrt S..ach. 1'8ttnUv a rnvffi at Sr hof1,.ld 811r- l9tk.I. 0T. H . aoJ I• no~· a m .. rn. '-of thl' 2:ith Infantry D1V11110n. ,,,. ''Tropl<" Ltghtninit" .11vu1on • c:onUnulnK •l• posl-lru<"•' train· -~m Utllng \'1tlu .. hl4" •-X· pwtenc. plnM In Korea. Prt.,.te Clark, a member or The· " Cit.I rraterntly, l'nl•red th• .&nny Jut Septembn and compltt· el bulc tralnlnv; at F'ort Ord. thti good1 to do a favor for a rrten!I. I didn't It.now U'ltv wcre 11tnl<'n." He alll'it,.dly admltle<l M"lllng a diamond atuddrd Mantz cli:-11r c&M valutd a t 11000 for l~O Oftlc,.ni l'hum 18700 or the Manta property 1Ull la mlQtnr. Public de!C'nder Nick Mey.-r a.ak~I thl' ('nurt to hf'ar his pr1'3f'ntal1fln nf the P r1nU ca M lll'Jla rall'ly. but Jurlgt' J ohn S hu. tum1>d down the r<'<1urat. Heath Injured in Cycle Crash Bay r1'or!L DEATH NOTICE <tr..OROE W. WETl lJ'..JlSY Funl'r8l llC'l'VI.,,.,,. for Of'orc-e Waiihlngton Wetherby, 80, of 31 BAl~oa Cov.-~ were hrl<J tod11y at BA It 7. Mor1oory, Corona t1tl Mar l'hapd w1th thl' Rr v, Roy \11rh1on 11rr1rtaUnJr. Entombment wu In M,.lrr111(' Ahbl'y :O.t1111Ml,.um. Sur• \\·1111am Wt6ton Hl'Ath ot Cost11 ''"'''"' lnrlutlf' hi" w1r,. Ellubl't.b, Mrea 1rnfrf'"'d ma1or inJUM~ 11t 'or th" h nmf' a<lfin'flio and a #!fl, 4 . 11 pm, Tuf'lday wht'n 1 hf' mul<•I · r..-nr1:1• T . a lM O"lf 't hi' hnm,. Mro• \\', tht•rby was born in Mor-ry<'ll' hi' wa.s ndrng m 11uht<J lntn tnn, Mil<I!, Ht• 11\•d ruldtd hC'r. Uie 111Lle of a cu on lrV1ne Av • ., at ror th rre and a haJr yC-ars. In P&.11&· Dro11,fway St. In Cll8tll Mu a, ar-1ll'na (fir 44 yl'ani. Hr wu 1H11tr1 t't ronllnJ( to pohc1> rr1>11rts. • H••8th f'll.".•t·nl{<'r 11gent for thl' Ho11th4"m waa tAkfn tu El T oro MPrlnl' UA•"' l'11<'Hlr Hft1lrn11rt ond had !w(•n rt·· t lrf'd 111nce 1946. Ho w .. a <'hllrter H oapotaJ by u. s_ Navy &mbul&nl'I'. nwnit>l'r or the f'IUOl\dt"rl& K1wan111 Dnvtr or the a uto lnvolv,••I ""'" Jam n A lvln Nl'IA'klrk Jr , 16. uf 166 E. 23rd St .. Co11ta 1'1ua. Thi' l"f'V.'port Ha rbor H igh S<"hool atu· JC'nt ,....,. traveling north 011 It· v1n<' IA'hen hP sttrmptPd I\ h rt lum "nto Broadway. HI" l"ld of- flcerll h•· di<I not makP 11n Arm •11o."Tla.l. Huth. 20. a worker. 1919 PIA· cenlla Ave .. Coata Mus. wad JtOin~ north on Irvine when thf' <'YC'le 11trucJ< the lt ft atde of lhl' r" r . Rt,;!11ttr4"d ownl'r of lht auto w1111 ('111h, And wa.s rornwrly aJ•Aodattd w ith the F.lkll I01lce nr ttmt r lty. Harbor Can Crash ~o lnJunel! wt're rl'portf'd by \~ta ~l,.:011 police u ru11lt or a 11nd I ~.th SL r,.,.,,nth· JnvolvN:I wo>rr a utos rtnvrn by Jimmy 01111' twn-f'AT collll'lon 11t On1.ng1' A\'t <'Rrl' "'""" ctri\'rn frnl'T' th,. ,.,.,,n,. hv th" nw11rr,., polit'f' 11A1d ' Concll t. 22. ~23 \\'('11lmlntter Avl'. 1u 1cl Ollvr• ~farg1urt l';r hnrlo> 46 233 Rs nta lioab>'I l"t , l'f'l•!A ~1.-0A.Tloth RED CROSS DR1YE "Chairmen and captains for the coming Amt'rican Red Crosa fund campaign exchange Information 11nd campaign materiRI at the Red Cr o 8 1 breakfut Tuesday morning. From left. William ()'Bryon. captain for the Corona drl ~tar b\lsine11s sertion; Mark ~Ml . r hainnan of the Newport Beach-Costa MC'sa Rrd Cross chaptrr: Chari<'& Mc- Kinnnn, rnptain Balboa Island business secti<'n: Edwud H<'lll ~ptain of Newport JWac-h :i r.•n and tht> R<'\'. JAmE'fJ Strwart. &-11tC'<.I. ~tni. l.A'\\lf' (;ardin<'r. <'ampnign f und l'<'<'f• t.1 ry and Mnr. Robert kepp<-n. a.uistant cba.mnan of t.he campaign fund. -Don BU:>h l 'h11t<> • PEOPLE ' BC>'OG Ford passenger-car sales. to customers outnumbered those of any other make by thousands* Ami> rril ~TO SEE 'WHY! Ford is t he leader in ride r ord WM firwt in its field to introduce Ball -Joint Front Suspension-the great.Mt adv1mce in chA1111is d~i~ in 20 yuna. And, for '55, it'a even better. Sprinp Are .. t st sn rmgle to tnnooth out even the tinief!t bumpe. l t'a tbe rww Ford Angle-Poilled Ride. roan •• THE :..E•DER •N AK, ... THE FEA.TVRE• THAT MAKE 'YO'UR CAR 'WORTH NIOBE 'WHEN 'YOV mVYrr•'WORTH MORE WHIEN YOV •11:-... •T Ford is t he leader i n styling Motorial8 know th11t f ord hl\8 aet the s tyle tn>nd in the indlmtry for y.-11~. Anrl now. with 11tylin1t insp1rr<l bv the fabulous Thunderbird, Ford is fonher out front. than eH•rl Ford is t he leader in V-8 power Ford waa first in iU: field •by 2:J yennn' ti) nmvine the fl d· vantAge111 or V-8 power. Since that time. Frml hnR buil t over 14.000,000 V -R enf{inee more tlu:Jn all nlhrr mnkrr3 mmb1n4'dl For 195.S, f ord nffert! tu.'O new anti mi1thlv V-H'~. a11 well 1111 s mo«l modem SiK -1111 with the Rpli t-t1e~ond l'e1'poruie of Tri&p:r-Torque power~ • Ar(:Olf'diP.9 •o reg1t••ot aro "ctv'" ........... d b, • L. 'o" ~ c,.,..,po•y ,.c ... Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 Phone Liberty 8~471 '