HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-14 - Newport Balboa Press.,. 0 TUESDAY Upp,r Bay Annexation Gets Okay I • SANTA ANA MARCH H (0CNS) -The Orange Coun- ty Boundaries Commi88ion shortly before noon today ac- cepted the boWldariea _Qf a proposed 2100-acre Upper Bay annexation to Newport Beach. Superviaor Heinz Kaiaer said a 1urveyor'1 report ahow- ed no dltflcultle• u far u aanl-ceed• alonr Irvine Ave. to MeM talion dl•trlcla are roncemed. At Drive. · lta lul lle.Mlon the boundariee Inland boundary panllela Kea 48Ul YEAR -NUMBER' HARBOR DellYery •• wtaact • PR:ESS ~llYWJ ot the Newi-t Hart>or N.,,..PrMI .. .,..,.. antffd. Carrier boy• will cle- llver. their papen before I p.m. on Monday and Tts..,._ da.y. lt your peper II 110t de- lJftred by that hour p..._ c&U Harbor lilt and a apecial route man 1111U 1mmldtat.ly l'Mpoftd wtlh your copy ol • -· • )'OUr Newport Hartlor N _,.,. Pren. 114 Seek Council I . ... Jobs ·in ·Election THIEF ILOWS WllH llLL 'S GOLD HOIN Theft of a rold plated trumpet from hJa car '111un- day or Friday wu reported to poUc-e Saturday by Bill Cleman of 109 Park Ave. He aald lbt car wu parked ln an alley between Park and Emerald Avn. Jim ll1st1r~ lets lyll•ry Gift for Dee~s 5 Qty Propositions on Ballot for Voters' Okay N~rt ~ach voten1 tomon-ow will cut ballot. for ~·en ei -eet.-f~ta-~,_------t the new city chartf'r and on five propoaiti6n1. Seventeen con• 80lidated precinct• will be Wied in the election. Voten are ~minded they mU8t. cut baliot. for one council candidate ft:'om ea.ch dl•trlct. There are J4 W. Smith attempt to keep 1tJe .at candldatu. whllll L. Gordon Walker, real - Candidate. 11ttklnr ortlce by di.a· late broker and Lelalld L. WllcMr, trict and llated alphabeUcally a,.. public relatlon1 ebunaf'tor, lf'J' to Gerald C. &nnl'lt, lnrumbent and ouet hlm. Dl1trlct 7 baa a two- Lawrence H. ~raeron. retiree!' n1&11 race betw-.n Wiiliam a. Per- flrl'men. both of Dletrlct l . A row. ttUte<t and Jamea B . ltocl· third candidate, William C. Kln-dud, chemical l'nctneer and boerd du Jr .. law 1tudent, recently with· member of Newport Beach Ele- d~ hi• t'Uldidacy In favor of ment.aty School Dlatrlct. •rseron. PropoatUon 1 ulu 'l'Oten to al• .,_..e!1tYl:'1:1\Jmm"'f1rUW1t.r~-----~ lion. In approprlaUnr tunda for eom.mluloft deterred action on the Drive eul to the .ut boundary ot I Newport Harllor Union HI c b f"OJ«led annexation until Sanlta -School Dl•lrlct, eut of the upper I Uon DUitrlcta 5, t and part of 7 parallel with MacArthur' Blvd., Once In a wWle 8DllllUlinC nict bappena wbl~ aaba "W'Y - --.. ...... 9..~LlU.11l.8!!ail~ wonder why M 11.u l/flA u.oupt of doln( IOmeWnc u6 It lllbmeH. fW«ntly 90DW trtf'Odl ot J . J. -~ 1-B.l.Ddl!J. MICKu realtor, m1tcbed aptnat Jay 8tot- tlemyre, a barber Of Balboa,, while Mayor Dora Hiii bu no oppo1'tnt In hn Dlltr1ct I. Councilman St.an· ley I:. RJddtrhof, bulin-f'XKU· live wtth Roean. lnc., 11 oppolHld tor ,..ltttlon In Dilltrkt t by Mn. John (81(Tid S. I Neff. hou~­ Ntwpc1rt Harbor Chamber ot c.om- merce for local promotion. pubU· could be clanfled. halfway between the Upper Ba7 l 'P TO COUNCIL and Ma.cArtllOr Blvd. DOUBLE em' SIZJE Kaiaer aald the propoMl now WW be returned to the Newport 8eacJt City Council for turther acUoL Council meet.a tontcht a.nd WW tlltrodUOI a raolulloa to &n· .-ua. ...-. A hearlnr dat. will Newport ~ach propoMd ~ annuaUon which would ta.Ile tn approxlm.llly 3 tquan mill'• un- der t he Uninhabited Land Act Of 1921. Jt would double the •l.se of the bu.ch city and llU'll~tm out boundar1e9. .. .t. J:dwiJl L. Mun.1ey and Ckorre °"'' wutem boundary or the Hoaa-n, ownera of allchUy ovn- Jln>po9d &IUMHUon l'W\a parallel 120 acn. of land. launched Ule an· .. tM eut eo.t.a 11 ... ctty U.m.lta, na.aUoo procMd1np by ~ wt~ a eoo-n. mpu of land lie-UWr latent to Co tnlo Newport ...... Newport 8eacb &Dd C09ta • BeadL If-. ""'-Une eantlll-.._,I .._~ Oo., wtdcll OWM U.. ln1ae Ave. from lTUl \o 21.t Bt& bullt ot t.bl 1aad wiUl.ln Ule &nna· rt-there t.bl boundar7 pro-auoa ~ "'6oed ao obJea&.'oa& ROLAND BARCUJIE ROLAND BARCUME TO . ATTEND 8TH JAMBOREE 'J1lrff Ea:plor.r Bcouta, one from dent at Newport Harbor R l«h Newport Be.ch, have ~n Mle<-t· Srhool. recrntly received lhe cov. ed to Tl'pn!llf'nl Orang«' E mpire etrd Go<J Md County award In .A-rea Cou nrll at the 8th World $rnutlng Ht la attending Prln- Junbortt of Boy Srouta In Auini1t r 1p11t In :\hs,nurl He Is !ht ll<>n nf et 19:'>3 1n f't. Niagara. C1m1ul!l. :\tnr. Ruth Barcume. ';'07 Ht>Uo- 'nley wne 11tl«'ctt d on th«' b!'l'UI trope Ave, et their ar hltvtml'nt11. rltlunYilp., The Amert.:an rontlngent to the abllltll's anti Sroutln1t l(lu"l11. 8th World J&mborH ha..t bet'n hm· Jlole.nd Barc:uml' ot Troop 81. Hed to 1200 boy1. Orange County .,,c>NK!red by th• Optlml1ta Club boy1 wlll becorne a put of Re- .C Nf"A·port Bo<'h. Alll'n Robin· 1t1nn 12 Sl'C'llon co~nr oC 110 llOn. of l'ost 2~. 1ponton!d by lhe I boya. 15 11COUlmu ter1 a11d four re- ~--lto• Frlrnd1 Church of Oar-g1on&I 1ta.tf memben. ReJ!on 12 4er\ Grov,. &nd ~d l.A'nn, of C'nfl'Uat of CAllCornla, Al110na. Ne-~ 21 "90n1"0rl'd by SMIA Ana I ''ada. ·ta.h, Wut,.m Wyomlnr and ltn.lchta of Columbu• Counr1I No. t.he HawaJl&n Ialllnd1. 1942, will N'PN'~nt t:._, rouncil. A.e Sine. the Rl'Jlon 12 contJqent .Uematea, lht counr ll Klec:tf'd comee from all part.a of a wi<kly Oen• Ml'Canc:lllllh or PCW1t gl Coeta lll'•tte~ arM., the ptt-camp traln- Meea. •ponllOred by lhf' Youth Ser· tnr will bf. done f'ftl"OUte t o can. ftr" A»orl&Uon oC Oranre Coun-f '7 and i.-Hf'ndn ck or r ost 2~. •d&. The Southern C&Jltoma Garden Gnwt'-P'OUP W1U Join '111th other bo,.. ., .... liarcWI)•. a tormn •tu· I HaU.llM Oii f>-ce a \ SHORTWAVE GETS THREE WAY STRETCH 1 Paul MolleS, Jett, of the Orange County Communication• Department, beg an in.talla· tiom i.,.t week which will give Co1ta M~ police three · way abort:wave rad.Jo aya- um. Looking on it Officer J amee F. Sloter. Meea police have been working with AM radio. The new FM radio set-up will allow inter-car communication.a u well u car- to-irt.ation contact. Police Chief Art MacKenzie said it would eliminate pretie.nt heavy traffic which aometimee malce1 it hard to make cont.act during police emergt!Ddea. Tbe improvement cott. roughly $1500, MacKenzie said. -Staff Photo LUTHERANS ANNOUNCE $60,000 CAMPAIGN Wiil lullcl Eclucation Unft as Flnt Phaw of Expansion )Ian la a 11peelal mMUn.c of Ule con- rnsaUon yeellrdl.y aft.m oon. -ben ot Newport Harbor Lu· thenn Church •otad to bold a M0.000 bulldlnc tu.nd c:ampalp In Kay tor a new educaU<111al un1L accord.Inc to lh• Rt"Y. Robert B. Gronlund, putor. Tbou('h no dtflnlte co&J haa u y1l bffn 11tl, preliminary work would indicate a c&mpa.lp target of about M0.000. The campaign wtl1 be cond\.lcted by the Well Or(u.laaUon. world'• I a r r e 1 t churcb tund·raleen. Second acUon of the churdl U· ~bly authorized t h e church couAd l to enrage an an:hiUct and th-In tum a contnctor and other neceeury ~10n1 to pl&n and conatruct the unlL PLAN'S fTRMT PRAIE The building will be the fl rst pball' of a plan which w\ll tVf'n· tually prov1d,. n'w cl1LMTOOma for thl' tnllre Sunday School u well u a rhurch bullflln~-. The pn!Mnt worahip building will thl'n b4' 1184'<1 aa th,. P11rl11h Hall whlrh wu the orlj!1nal lnltntlon ot thr bulldf'ra Siu of th,. flrlll unit wlll bt lllrgt· Jy determlnf'd by the amount r"la· e(j In the May rampalgn. Third ltf'm or rnnirr•'!!llllonal bwllneu Included the approval of the dl1bursin& of 17296 received frotn the eale of a lot 100 feel deep by 242 !eel wide aold to thl' M&Jone E1eclr1cal Oont.ractor1. Fundl derived from the aale wtll be uaed tor preaent property and bulldll\,f lmpronmenl auch u lm- prov~d church and pariah hou11e wlrlng, a new heca unir plant. office equipment, landacaplng, a choir loft. choir robe1, a lt mm mov1r projector and Coldln.f chain . Prtt1ldln1' owr the meetlnit wall RO)' R. McCardle, church chaJr- mlLn and ln!U\lrer. AIJio prucnt were the Rtv. 0-rre Bu.dl,.cker and Rollie Walkn of St. Pttl'r Luthe r an church. Santa Ana. mothn church of the local congn· gallon. C'Hl."RC'H KJ8TORY Newport Harbor Lu l her an Church WH oritant~ In November or 1114~ The prr11l'nl Parish Houae wu ron11trurtf'tl In 111411. the rh•~l In 1049. Mr. Gronlund 11ucct"c-dtd tht> Rt>v. Herbert Roth a.<i mln1eter nt tht' congreirallon In Junl' nf 19:\J Since lhl'n r hurch ml'mbf'r- 11hlp hu almoet tripled tn ovt"r 200 mtmberA and Sunday altend· anc<• Is 11111 tlmt'll itreat.rr lhlln It WM In May of 1953. Ralph Vanderpool, Friend Die as Plane Crashes in Mountains Mountain •t>arch partle1 tod•y lnic _1t round11 near Mojave . rtported finding the bocllr11 or HP leavt11 h111 """"· Manan anri RaJph J. V11nc1rrponl, 34, M OJllV<' lhrlr rhildrl'n. Chri•Une, 4 Md and Dan Alklnt, Boron, wiWI their C"rRlll(. 2: llll ot the home addrrM rruhed llitht pl11nl' ln mountains on Blnr kstonf' St., MnJ""": his nur Indtpt'ndrnce. Vandt'rpool wu1 fathfr. Jf'~ Vanderpool Alksne, the brother-In-law of Mn . Benj11• a ted•~I civil een1ce employtt. min Otta Rf'ddlr-k, Corona Hlith· workrd a t Boron Hie W\fl' a nd lan,11. f3mlly live In P11lo Alto. St"rvlcu tl'ntatlvelv au •late<! for Inj!ll"wood Park Cemetery Co 1. a•d Thursday. n 1nue I s T he mm h11d bttn ma.king aer· 1 lal ,,..rch Cor UTILlllum tn the Mono. Op«>nlng o( buu on llt'Wt'rl for Inyo, Mojave and Blllhop areu lhe MW Victoria SL 11nnu11t1on Th"Y Wt>re to have met Of'an Sal· I to thl' Costa Mt•11111 811nllary 0111· man11, co-owntr or CO&l!l Electron· I trirt b<'ard v.·u <-onunul'd unltl lr1. at Bishop yl'iaterdey afternoon n"x~ Thurll<lay. 1ccMdlng to Chalr- wherw they were to work aom" man Arthur H. .Meytn. A technl· ttall. 1-t nl1othl SAl mMI hnrd callty developed Whl'n It wu ltam· new• the light plan«" Vanderpool eit thfl bid da tfl hsd be,.n ert for <"•"?ll'd had < ruhtd. He wu one March 17. lnatead of March 10, ot th• flrlt 14 rorh the .Ct'ne. Mryrn aa1d .. A Yl'teren of t111val •ervlce In The -rr1 aH echtduled to bf' th• South Pac1flr. V•nderpool ldt lnataJlld In the cllat.r1ct nort.la ot here at dawn Saturday. boUnd tot Victoria St. and eaat of Harbor the uranium ""arch. He wu an Blvd. Tbe di.tnc:t 'lllrU a11ne:ud •leetronl09 epeclallat and wu em· Mnral moaUu ap. A bond elec- ployf'd by North Amertcan AYie· lion held Ma.. t. 1954 a ppl"Oftd lion Co. u a Jl't alrcrll!t technlcl&n I a bol\d IUue of $100,000 \o CIOftf I at J:dWVde Air Fon:•.._ Pf'O"'• U.. aaaaauo&. City lent law Case Co1tin1e~ Until Thurs~ay ArltlJmenu w11J conllnur Thuu - day in Supc-rlor Court on tbe ar- tlon fill'd by Harry C. BreWltrr of Los An11;eles •nd :\05 Amf'thy•t Ave. aJ,'11.lnit the City Council of :-.<ewport 84-arh IJ\d Pollet Chief John UJ>llOn. 81'(!Wlter uka tht courU enJvln the rlty from enforctn1 IM rec,.nt- ly adnrt~ &utf'r Wttk law whlrh requ1rr11 all propt'rty n ... 'n,.,.. rent- ing or f Puln!! In lh•l ~nod to submit to lnvl'sll11:atlon of the quar. ttn• • He rla1m11 It vlolatu the fourth. fifth 1 nil fourtttn lh llm,.ndmt'nt1 of thP Cnn.11ttullon. The cu e atllrtf'd Frldlly. Police Nab 3 Teenagers in Coronado Theft Three teen·age boy• (rom Coro- nado &nd San Dle1to were IU'T'Ntf"d herr Frlllay night by N t"wport ~srh J>')hCI" for two burg1Al1ea rommltted In Coronaf1o. Thl'y '"'en! were rtll'u~ to th,.lr p&.rfnlJI. A uarrh of lhl' youlha' ca r ~ ve8.lt'd two car wh~ll and one tlrt 29 "mall boxu of rMldy and l"ough drnp11 an•I 3.S ban of candy and " C'Oln rha.ncer I Under Interrogation. tbe youlha. 1 15. 16 and J7 yl'ara old, admitted two of lhrm etoll' the candy from a t ru<'k 1n C'ornn11dn nn March ~., Thfy M id thPy hid It In 110me rock• at a bearh thtre. On Frfclay, March I I. tht"'y aa.ld th' lhret> of thPm trlt'd to buy a t lrl' In Palm City W'hen they Wt're not 11ble to make a deal, they 111lld thev atoll' a tire and wheel and PXtra Whttl from the ln1nk of a u r. Two 1111ap blade knlvH were found by oCflcera In the c love compartment of the car. HARIOR WEATHEI Moatly 1unny today and Tue1· day. \\'Ind• OCCL1Jlona1Jy 20 to 20 mUet pu hour In oftemoorui. Utt le change i.n temperature. hlCh today 611 Sewport Beach-ParUy cloudy thla momlnc bttoml~ •unny but windy In alt~moom. HlJh 14. Water tempuature 68. T-~.......,... tlM! ,..t __,. i. ... Hatt.r .,. ~= RI l.- 1'1e9da )'. M&1'dl • . . .• 71 •• w~. March t _ t5 :n 'nlunday, M.arct1 JO e2 M rrtday, Mardl 11 -•.. ts 4t Sa.t.rday. Marcil u _ a · llO SW.7, Mardi U -e1 N Moncky. March 14 -DI M fta&la t.11 ~ 11 -.1, Mu.t~rd. 721 Hellotrope A,,._, Ulourht It would be nice to ~ b.lm a Ultle rttt to let htm U.W they appredatet t.be -rk be doe9 keepl,nr U.. dty llll'Mla llUp atulpe. . ni-p._oplie had °'' rlpt ... and did not atp any --to the letter they aent wt~ UM Sift, 90 )(uat&J'd doee not feel •lf · conaclOUI wtlett be --ol lbem. But ~Y did wnt.e a ldee letter to ro wtlh UM Uttk boa. " c:opy of which followl: city. adnrtl•lnll' and •t.nt.&1nlnf. Prop. 2 ulu If LIM council shall be limited to apendtftc 12400 an- nually for' the aam1 kind of pl"O"' "1fe. motion while Prop. a Mk• lt the ISLASD COl\"Tlln' council may llmtt -"Ch&lnber ap· Balboa bland"• Incumbent, Law-pl"oprUitlooa lo $25.000 for .uch remce s. •Hana) Broerinll' Jr., 11 ctvtc promoUon. No. I rnuat obtain facf'4 "1lh oppoalUon from Clar-more voln t.ban llM t int two to •ce A. HlalM«'. attorney and 1.•· become eftectl••. land ...tdat ln the Dlatrict 5 'l'llllr PllOPORl'IOl'lfW TM:e. l"ropo9tuon 4 deale wtUl amend- .A hot, thrM-way b&tll• ln Dia-Inc U11 cbartn to pr'091de ap- tnct t wUI -Counctbna.n AndnW · .......... • .,.. I GAS SMELLS TRACED, 1200 SIGN PETITION hSomellmee UM dty la ton. nate -sb lo baft -_...,... who I.a fajthtuJ Md eompetemt at 1Ua work, -.ay da7, J'9&r lifter year. A man ""'°• u be warlla. kffpe a k-eye for ........_ II to the Int~ of hia -ployw. and a l.lo whatevu <'OIX-UM people about him. 8uc1I a man bttomu outatan4lnc wben be '°"' out of hla way to -t.bat Newport Beach may be out of the metropolitan 1mog arocll'AI dropped lA UM lllrttt pt emanating from Loa Angelee, but the Harbor area ii a~par-~k to their former OWMn. . . svch a man d••rYn ~. but entJy beee!-by IJ'bome gu known u hydrogen..WphJde whtch doesn't need IL mce b..la can. bu l~l citizena up in anna. honesty and chl'ttful waya brine Petitiona are currently being circulated by membeni of ~eladr owntr-t·•rd.~ cttt wouJrdd 1 u.. Wat Newport Jmprovem~nl Improvement ~Uoa and La,.. """ f'qU& e 0 u,.. ~ OUT f'ell"& Ba for •urh a man. but at leut a "-elation. the Ne•1>0rt laland ry ~ron. •lce-prffldet. ,.__ • "It l9 not aa bad llOW u It W1ll am&ll. 11mple lokm of reapect aad -'->dattoo and lhl' ventral N--._ d _._ th " .__ ... u, ~·II' e au.mnwr, -•"'TOft rrautude attme ill order. port Community Aaaoclatlon. A opla.lned. "But •till lhe odont "So Jim Muatard, will you total ot 1200 •lcnaturei1 hu bet•n Mttle down. parUcularly ta New. pl~iue acctpt _thll lltUe boll. trom collel'ted to dat•. Howard Wrtrht port Het&'ht.e, and becaale 80 bad 110mt' rutdftlta lo our llclme O ty ot tJHl WHt Newport lmproveml'nt u to awa.km people t'roal a -d oa•ho apprec:late .f°'* ~. and AMoclatJon ln(ormed the Newa • 1leep at 2 Lm. 'nw &'Uta bave rount lhe!Mf'lvea •monc your ""-t>ffn known to ,_1 the pe.tnt otf hoet of frtmda." O&IGIN CIAIMEJ> Newport h~ea ·· Oriwtn of the offtnlllve odol"I haa "Nort.hwHt wlnda often blow p~&... Mal• ~ beftl trat>ed to 1ewace faclUUee the attnch tn on Newport Beech." --._... ....... near the 111outh ot lhe Sant. Ana Edwards aaid. "In~ cauae T'hert of a parklft« meter, NO.. R.lwr where lh" Talbert dralnale the CUM to Mttle In Yarioue eec- 110, wu reported to police Friday sylUm and Ole county aewace Uon1 -one time Udo lale, the by Bill Donahue Of city oorpora· u-tment plant are !orated, ac-nut Ume Corona dd Mv." tlon ,.rd. 1t la rn1mlnc trom Ila ~ to Jama ltd-rda Jr., A etatement ~ by th• pcwt at Z2nd and Newport Bl"4. pnlident ot the Weat N-port -.ea.9M -..... I • RING IN NEW, RING OUT OLD am runr. left, accepta the p vel .. muter councilor during lnstaUatLon of Ddfol&y officers. <>ranee COMt OlaJ)Wr. in Co.ta Meu Friday A!temoon Club Saturday ..._ nine. lnst.allinc officer 19 Jerry Thompeon, pu t mult>r c o u n c i I o r ~ Hunt.tncton Beach. Nae ii t.be -ol Mr. and Mn. Hadd Rini of Lido lale. -stA?t n.oc. ""' PAGE 2, -.PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 ··--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darby Loses SS0.000 Case for Damages .. / I ANTA AN A IOCNSI -A d•· fendinr Or1L11&• County Rudy-)lJJr company emeri:ed vlctorlou1 1n a $50,000-plui ptr110n.al lnjury 1uil tn Superior Court Departmellt :-.o. 6 here Thur1day attemoon Dented 1J&magu wa• Roecoe Darby of Coat& Meiiu 0&.rby, a c&rpf'nter. •OUll:ht ll)e judgment a - S•lnst Ralph Er.wn 10n \\°<'kh Ro- bert EmeMon Welch. Harold R. Weich, P1111l Owell and \\ elch'.s R"'1y-Mtx Co. ~ ;ury df'h~,..t~ trom t :12 p m. to S ·JS p_m. Darby bla.mrd lbe *'eMaill.9 tor al\ a«1Mnt JILiy :za. 1"3. In Sant& AD• He tl.itntd tM cleleed- anta' trvr k ""''-optrat.d •C'hr- .nU7 and a pt«. ot tu equlp- rn.lt et.r1.1cll hla toot. bttaktac t.k ankle. • 'l1ae defendanU contftldf'd the ~autt dldn"t c.urc:11e du. caii- llaa. .. 1o-5!111 Hoeorecl Tbe De.an"• Ult ot atudenl.9 at Reuiel&er Polytecludc IMUtuta. , Troy, 1'. ?. wtlldl l'IC'OplZft .... dt'ot.I for ucep:Jc.al mef".t la IChoiar...Uc wortr d~ t.M Ont h-.Jf of thl• college year 1ndudm Ule name of Hari&a L. Bowman. Hlll~ In ClYll ·~rtnc. -flL C. R . Bowlrtan, 22t Coral A-. Too Late To Classify %8-Sltuatlou Waated PR.ACTJ('A~ nuriMe avallabl' day nr night. Llb••rty 8-~637 21'Jp27 4S-Apts. A HoUflelll ror Keat UNVURN. 4-rm hou.!!<'. 1 l'Mlrm. Cenll'r Cosla M<>~I!.. Adult.~. L.J 8-t 9M. ~27 4HB-Hou.ee for BM&. ll'URNISHED LIDO HOME f9.A--a. - CHARMJ:'\"G home ol psduate nurs<e ol"n to l or : d1tcnm1- nat1ng pto0ple, la"alid cotulidrr-• t-d. Brutht.aklnc ~ Jocatotd In Newport a rt'a otfera Ult u1!1- m11te In graM<>u.a h\·ini. Tanff • ,·un.s110tt>nt 11nth quohty. \\'nte Box L48, OU. paper. ~r. LIDO IStE I I \ DISCUSSION -While eating lunch on Huntington Beach High School lawn during lunch hour t.ru. week o ic of the down-town oil boom came u and both Brad Woodillgton, 17 and Pat Bilyk, 16, were unconcern- ed o\·er the fuu, but hoped nothing would be done to hurt the beach and harbor u they do a lot ot· swimming and boating. -Staff Photo 15pactoua home with 6 bedrool'l'lll. $135 month t o June 1~. ,._r. vationa betng-taken for Ult- .ummer. Lido Realty 1400 Via U® Assoc. Har. 4444 ITS DISTL"l:CTIVE STYLL~C aad weU ~floor plan featurea lhl• outaandinc l bdnn. bonw. With 2 Hie baths. lhf' large un- u•ua.I Uvinc It dlnlfll: ana. w1lh a lovely f11Tp~e. 1• d.-hgblful. Compa('t lutchtn and 811M'll bar. paUo. lge. dbl. ga ... ge. WtU worth '31.!'lOO -~ down. MESA DREAM HOME TO 49-Boonu to Bent FRONT room. private entrance, near bua. KJtcben pnvllegu. LI See Ceo. L Slt-wert ""th - . GET NATIONAL PLUG j . Huntington Beach Students Reactions Vary on Oil Boom lllv ..Ja W'ILTO~ monty angle from oil leaua ~·,... "I llk~~d with It Wl'llM "all ri,;ht.'' come 10 m y housc," 1111•1>1'•<"1 \\"hen uke1I tt U1er wue l'Xt'll· Brad W00<hni;ton, 17. Jluuungton ed ovPr the boom tn the town they Beacl\ ·high i;cho.,1 Jlllll«r, \\ ht •I l\nswerrd \h&t It had alwa~·· ~n u~~oj whut he thuu,:ht of 111,. I'll nn ott town 1dncc they l'Ould re- boom eoinG' l•n full IJlast in the I lllt'nlb< r..1untl th' new boom had beach tuwn 11onc.l U1e tal~ uC off· not made mu('h of an tmpre•lon shore drilling. nn them. Woodington adcJl'd. "hope It Drad Woodington .who live. at doun't ruin the beach and •wlm-162el S. G<>ldenw .. t, Mid n00e min(. There WU nol much drill-Of the Olhn atudente aeemed over- ln( Jul year but then• wu ~cited. eg<'ept thoee who lived 1n plent)' of tar tn the water and the actlv1ty area, and mo.t ot on the aand." them had moved away. The high 1chool Jootball and Pat Bllyk. a hlgb aehool Tri· track 1tar waa eatlnr lunch with Ht-Y memb,r, llve1 at 802 Dela· Pat Bllyk, 16 • year -old 1opho-ware Av, .. and think• the ~ more, on th• ca.mpua lawn when llaa ruined ~ "good town" and the ~Ir wu lntervlew9d. t dded that ehe hopea whether a In Mlal Bllyk'1 own words, "I lot or 01.1 11 found, or not, that the thlnk otf-lhore drllllnr will wreck c:ompanlu dolnr the work will not the beach, and hope It ti never leave a meu. allowed to take place ln our city." ------------- Botti'. •lydente we,.. detlnlle ln 01•1 .L,·ne Leak aaylnc city lot drUUnr In down- town Hun Ung-ton Beach w a 1 "pretty meuy" but thou,~t lhe Ca uses Blaze UCLA P l•t• I A core the Narmco Company 11 0 I lcs manutacturlng for the 1ovemment caiaed a $700 fire Jou a t 600 W. • Victoria St .. Co•la Me ... Jut Fri· Cl 0 day, It waa reported by Ralph ass pens Lee. Mna fire prevention officer. Ca11.1e of the blau waa a leakln1 oil line and fans whl.th pwihed the o e World PoUtJCll wUl be ).b• •Ub- Ject In a "'1• of dtecuulon cl&A· • t>ertnntn. T:SO tomorrow nll'bt, March 15 ln tb• Ubrvy a t Orange Cout Collec•. a ccordlnc to Mra. Kenneth Cooltnc and LM WUder, co-leadere ot the cl ... It la an extenaton courae con- ducted by Unlver.tly oC'(:allfor· Ill& •t i.o. ..<nrele• with membera Ontario Man Hurt taklnr part ln dacuaaton of theory COOPERATING-Following the plea of Huntiqto9 ~~~amber ot Commerce urging merchant.a and resi· -~en ta °'.the oil boom town to join the 'fight to k~ down dust cauiled by heavy traffic and drilUng activity many are daily washing off walks and driveways. lira· Mad~ line Witt, 313 Fifth St., is using a garden hoee to wub waUca in front of her house. The housewife told the News-Presa photographer she wishE'<J she recei\'E'<J more profit and less djrt and noise out of oil drilling. -SWr Photo -----~--------2oe:T -YOW' Ad"rti.an« Doll&r• So farthar, do more, eell more. whm you advertlle In. th.la p&IH'r - Pboae Harbor 1616. -Balboa-Bay · Properties Jllf"'tOI: ... ----·~ -~ ty' will be the bywor1I whtn tht" ~ :-.ame The R!!f't'm Dre3m Homl'" rontut by the White Kln11: Soap Compally g-tll under y,·ay. At a re- «ptaon btld ThuNday at Harold's Re~aurent In Costi& M esa, Wil- ham J. Tonnry, v1c~rres1dent of 1~ While King Soap Co.. an- ooun«<l n eitouatlons .ha<1 been .-omplelf'd w1lh tht' Rhf'tm l\fanu· futurinit Co. and lollaa Bulldl'rll Of coei. Mee& to ettct and (1Ve away Ule "'Rheem Ottam Home." and hlatory ot world polltlca. bu-• Crash With ed on l'Mdln&'8 from the Atlantic lft =~:.~:n~:'ur~ ad•. ~~:~e.Uit4'be~::i::e M~:Ji~~f:i: 'Jlar1Gnst9fn;.--» ._0"1-ts"'hore ·0·11 Every major grocer journal wtll Communlat l'ttanlfeato, and other c:arry the Ame ada. More lh&.n documente lmpgrtant In curr,nt Lacera Uona to the forehead and 201000 .combination window ban· and past hl1tory. The role of knee were auffered yealerday by nen featuring the home and It• commuplan. put and pr,.ent IJ a Kenneth Fay Bray. 20, of Ontario location w111 be dlstrlbuted to u featured 1ubject of the coune. when the ear he wu driving wu many of the 3',000 rrocera writ It ti part ot the adult education Involved In an acc:ldent on Cout of the M ... INlppl u po .. lble, with profTam offered at Orange Coast. Hl~hw1y north of Morning Can- anothPr 2 1 .. million luflt'ta lo be The fee le $12 per J>f'rllOn, or 118 yon Road. ty oul/11de thr drilllnc a,_ and hav1> h\·ed h'rt? for :!>'"•"' .. H . c. Wllllam11, BC'IX lJC, Hunt- lnjfttll) S.-aC'h. "lt '1 no good tor th• town when they dnU ta our f~ yard." ·~ w. Balboa Bl . !>0-port Ph~ Har. !H88 TIME TO BUILD TIME ENOUGH TO BUILD a fine Udo home and 'apend next 11ummu in this fine community. We can show you the finest &election or the few fto- maining lots and we're liating aome o! them ~low. SORRY, but we cannot give phone information on these. A Piece of Lido 30' is the smallest lot than can be bailt on oo Udo. Here's the exception -a &bade under 30' for $8000. Two other 30 footers for $8500, one'• Sf' on front. Plus-MYe- which doesn't eound like much but be:he\·e ua it ia.. Here's the nicest or the now rare 35' Joi.: near the clubhouae for $10.~. Life Begins at 40 and begin yours on wonderful, wide Genoa on this 40' for $12.500. We ha\'e pl&ruJ for a perfect .f bed- rm. 2 bath home to go on thill lot. $36.500 complete. The Perfect Lido Lot ia what one builder hu called the 45' loL Tht-y'tt rare but we can show you a Cine one for $12.700 and we will ahow you the aame bw)der'a perfect floo.r pla.n for lhi11 lot. 4 bf.drooma and 2 bath.a. comple~ for about $36,000. Fifty -Fifty Here .. a 50' atreet-to-1tttiet for $13.500 -a buy and a top 50' Nord corner tor $14.500 which ia not a buy -it'• a steal and a real aleeper. We All Agree indeed we do: that t.hia 57' lot ia our ~ at $14,!500 and we have plana for a 4 bedroom, 2 ha.th, 3-ear garage home to go on It for $37,.500 and we don't think you could own a finer home.. Own An Income bere'• one or the vuy rew R--3 Jot. left on Lido. 40' on the front and it'a. an extra 30 fttl deep. Street to ltreet location -build 3 unit.a oo it and li?e in 3 bedrooms and 2 bath.a while the other two unit.a P'1 your w.y. $18,000 cuh. ' Something Special .. thia unusual lot on a Piaua Udo corner. 44 x 100 f or $13,750. Another on the Piuza we can't acfl·er· t.iae -it'a bigger and better ca.ta more too, of COUJ"lle.. Investors look thU package over-4 top lot.-u outatand· in« 4-0' corner plus 2 more 40' on street to IJlreet lo- catJona plu.a 43' street to at.rad& -build on that beautiful corner and every day you can look a t your fine Investment .in the others. $48,900 for the whole package. Bcb Don't Forget-We Have Many Others "Consult l"s !or Lldo'a Finest" LIDO .REALTY Associates - 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (.\CHQSS FHO~ Ril 1L\T:n·:-; \t.\Rf\l:T E. :TP..\~(T.1 • C.ulP..UG!li MET Tormey stated. ··.&a.rly May will -lhe lt&rt of an adnrt1slng and promouona.1 campaign of un- pre<'e.knttd expenditure In the H-)UT hl•tory or Ute While K ang Soap Co." Advt-rt Ising will take In au media •uch aA: 8Ulboanta, mall· trs. aewspe~ni I full page tour C'Olor ads ill rvery major newa· peper wut ot ~ MJul•lppl > and ~ tkan JM radio 1tatlon1 we11t c.t the )flA..Wlppl will bro11t.lc1U1t Ult> m~a,.. fur • total llf 322 hmt'a dally for • •Ix Wf'r k11 prrtl'll to ~ t•rmmat 1on of tht contr11t Ill Junr ~amu th•t hJnol' sprllt'o1 box nf-,-1« rr...einr-"''Ill host the TV pro- irram~ with fumf'd romm,.rdnl11 •in ·'Quh n F tlr A Day," thl' cnllrt l"ali!C1m1a n•twork. "\\'at"r front" out of AlbUQunqur, X l\f . ":\fr. DtltrlC't Attorney." El r11so. TPltllll. -u bl'"ral'f'.'' Tu<'«>n. Aru:.: .. , vd Thrt"" U\"H .. Portlanrt. Ol"t' : .. R8C· kf't Squ.-d" Roirwell. Jll,..,,.. Mrxtt•o. an<t .. Ba'1~e 7 IC'" out of Lol'I An· S"IU, r hO'"nlit. San 0 11'11:0, Srok· ane and Fresno AD sAn ·•An os T or ron!JUm4'r ma11:u lne11 with LEGAL NOTICE SOT1t'"I: Of" f'OLLIX"TIOS AO~CY l.l<'.:S~I: l:XA.'IJS "nos Punu-.nt In the prov11non11 of Ctiar l . DI\· 3 of tht C11llfnm l11 ~,., and Proff'!!lllona Cndt, relating lo the llc:f'n.alng and r<'lt· ulatloll of coUe-cUon •1tl'nc1n. no- tice 111 b.-reby giwn that an ex- aminat.loll for a.11 qualified penion1 W1'o deslr. to •Pl'I)' for a Ileen" to en~e tn the coUecuon agency bwtinHIA or renoa.smon-collt'cllon bu8UI-. or wbo dealre to quall!y for employmtnt tn the manaie· me11t or a coUttlltln agenry will be Mkl In Loe An,~lel, M•y 13, ·~· Tiie a.act Ume and place of o - UIW\&Uol\ wt1l be Jlnn later to tboee eppUc:allta who quality for dl~tnbutf'tl u entry blank1. per couple. and Includes the three He aald he waa golnr north on Ben King, president ot Meaa volumee of ~adlnga. It will con· the 'h11thw1&y about 4~ mil<'• per Bull.dl'n1, will !!Upervlllt' the <'On· tlnue tor 10 weeks. with a two· hour and tlld not 1l'e a car drlv~ 11trucUon of the dream home, '111.•hlch hour dlacu.idon at each meeting. by Marie Mllil•n Steiner, 441 RI· I• tn be' localed •l the com er of Mri. Coollnr lnvttu anyone in-vera Terracl'. pull out Into th•• Cabrillo and Irvine St1., In Coeta tere1ted to attend the Tucllday htJ:hway. Police 11sld the Steiner Mua. a 11t1bdlvlalon re-cently pur-opening 1eulon wit hout charge. car made the 1top before entering chued by Meaa BuUden from l:nrollmenta will be takenfthat the hlithway. New'J)ort Balboa Savlnp and Lo&n. tlma, up to a total of 32 pde, Bray 1&ld he tried to brake the The home wlll feature aJI lbe late· •he •aid. • car but could not 11top In Uml'. 11t built-In equipment et the Rht'em ---------------------------F irm atHI the conteat w111 "Park all the publicity and advtrtl1lnr media at Rheem'• command for 19M. COl ~'TY Bl:NEFITS Klnr atatt'd, "Wtth thl• tremen· doualy agJrtteal Yoe advertlAlng-cam· p&Jgn of two of the We11t'• better known comp11nlea 11lmed 11l the home and Ha location, Orange County will aoon be ln the mlnda of most rtAdH1 and there Will be •n influx ot tourls!JI 11nd new rt•I· dent• far beyond the Imagina- tion of the mo11t progreH1ve plan-nl'r .. DEATH NOTICE ARTHl 'R l~CPH l:\"F.llE~T Arthu r J o,.,ph Ev,.rrat. f11thrr of Mrs. Everett r . £dwud11 ot Shore <"llff11, dll'<I on Marr h D at hi• home In l.a~na B,.ach. He was 8:1 Y<'llr11 old. Jo1lnf'ra• lll'rv1cr1 we~ htl•I Ill lhr family plot at Olav,.. ""'°'"! C-cmetl'ry at R lvt'rside, Sat· urd11y, Mlll''Ch 11 Mr. F:vcrcat. former moyor ()f Monrovia. wu lhe ll()n of tlJram H gv~r"l'l of Hl'rht'llll'r. lnvl'ntor Of the prOf"l'M ot rxtracUng lub· r1<"11lln1t <>II frnm petroleum. On the b•l'l!t or this pr('>(• !l!I Hyram Evt rfst foumlr<l the Vacuum 011 C\•mpAny. whlrh through mf'rgrr w1U1 th,. St11nllan1 Otl r omp•ny of Xew York b••r&rnt th(' prt'A"nUy known Sorony-\"11n111m Oil Com· pAnv. :\tr. Everl'llt It'll\'"• two da ugh· ten. Mrll. F:ltanror E. F:<lward11 of t'orona <lei M1.r &1111 Mr~ Franrt~ E Browntil'ld ot C"nrona Ther• DEAL MADE-WiYiam J. Tormey, vice president of the White King Soap Company congratulates Ben King. prt-- sidcnt of Mt'Sa Builders of Costa Mesa on having been selected as the builder to construct the Rheem Drea m Home in White King·s g ive away contest lo encompass all states west of the Missiiu~ippi. OIL MA~ \"IE"'8 Ruling Brings Mixed Reaction Ja• k Str ibling. Oklahoma C 1t1 011 wu1 ker on Cardlnal Dlt at Now lhat ll'I' Slat" Lands C<>m· Sllllh and Walnut. Hununcton mlalllon h&11 ruled from S•<'ra· I lk"ch. 'Any lbm~ \.hill'• Coud l<>r ment this w't k In tavor of ort-lho u1I bua1nua 11 JCo<>d mou~ll 0 r r n" .. •hol"t' laland oil dr1lllng In the u 1 · utaJ beach and harbor a:-N of Paul Well!. VaC"uum tank tnacll ~0untlniton Bearh, OCNS ukrd drll:t'r fmm Loni ~ach. .. TIMI the que11tton, "What tlo you think cant 1top p1 oirrt11& and If ~ of the off-1hore talantl 011 Wf'li • '" 111 1 uul th••r•· tho-('nmpan1es •ill drlDinit rullnr; ?" ot the "mun un get it.. I dun t thm~. It Wiil h\lt1. the •lrect" 1n the beach town. the tuwn ur l><'ll<'ht• TH E ANSWER!t 312 \\"alnut St. "BuainHI bu btta I Tuny "ardoz.a., l«al barber at A few of the an1'wer-ph k~ at IM•ller ht'rt' In Hunlln«ton BeM--ll random follow: lllnce \Jw dnUu1g atart~ llll4 Mr. •nd M"" Harry Sroka, 917 1 !lhould gl'l heller Y. ltb t•lan4 Ume Av,.., l..onr; BHC'h, "We have 1lrilhng. I don't lh\J\k ll will hu~ been fishing oH the pin here 1n the Harbor and bt'achu" Huntington &ach •Ince 1947. We have done all rlfht with our More automobllf'I enur.4 Call· catches, but take our word tor ll, fomla dur1ng July of 1,t~ t.baD lhOH Off·1hor~ oil w,JU! will drive durlnl an7 olhtr monUa la the &'J'a'Y the flab," year. &C'("()rdln1t to the ~adonal Mr•. Mary Tolbert. 728 Mato S t. Automobile Club. T he total f'1f" HunUngton Bta<"h. "l think It'• July wu 462.617 wh1~ Uw tocaJ all nrht for the 011 companlC'll. but I for AU(lllt. tht M'<'Ond bwiot not r ood for ua who own pru!)t'r· month, wu 434.110. ITS BASEBALL TIME! UtUe Lea«ue UDlforma SHOES -CAPS EQUIPMENT, etc. JtM &wball Rul~ 6 "UtU,. ~~ RulH laMll• & Tndl SHOES also FA.JtOCS HOOD "P-F" ,.\ THIZTIC SllOES A Complf1.e Uae of Top Qua.lit)' SporUn~ Goods Balboa Island Sporting Goods OP"n o..t11 t to I -l'4111tdaJ t to c• Harbor 2641 eaamioallon. Apptieaau muat be clUun1 of the Urui..d Statu over the •tr• of tW'tllty-cne ~ara; muat han ~ ln c:alltom.I& a t lealt one ,_,. prior to llUnr applJcatlon; and mu.rt ban bad at leall one a rt' tour 11ra.n<1clrildr. n. Evrrest Brownfield of Corona. ~frs. Arley E Cal1enht:"ad of Los Alamos.~. M Thoma~ A. F:1lw11rd• of Rl'j;1n11.. !';1111k. anti MIM L.t1dR 1'~1lwRrl1.s oC ~&n Fnnr1scC'I. 11 J01st,.r. Mrs J. <..:. Clem~nlll rof ROC'hf'at er. !lnd t'n .:rot 11ran•khlldren ,..ar oC practical experience ln rrlvale ~erv1ru wtre condu('tcd UM colJ«Uon ai-mc1 b11.1llle.., In F'r ld11y In BalU Mortuary , Co1l11 • comp&nble butilnea, or expert-Ml'M rhapel. ror F:1lmun,1 B'n)am1n For Blanket Coverage of the Entire Coastline Use the mc-e of a character calculated to flt applicant for rolltttlon agency bultnu a. or repouuaton -collec· Uon bu91.neea. H11lmAn, iii. who tl1f'1I Thursllay In th,. gar11 i:t 11( h111 rrs1d"nt·e at 721\ \\". 19th SI Cn~t a M"llll, of 11ppar·rnt cRrbtln ml'nn'l•dl' pol8<>n· In~. lnttrmtnt followed. I Mr. H iiiman h111I 1,,·rd In Cnata ~ft'•I< four year.•. in f°Bllf•>tnia for th' pa~t 3!\ ye11rl! H,. Will! • natl\'~ "' BtlnH, KAn •nil " ('ht'f by pro· f,.ssltm Mr ll1t:man hKd bf'• n ti'· Appl1caUon. for ea.amlnatlon ma.1 be obtained trom Ule office of the S«rttary oC Stat,, Capl· tol BaiUcStnc. Sacramento, or trom omcu of Supertotendent of Col· lectioa A~D<l8. 616 Van :'\UI A"1Ju.e. San Ftane!ICO, or 3~ State BuUdinr. i.o. An(elu. Apo :tr,.•I ror P~\•tral ''1 111 ~ plicaUG\I MUST be mailed to or !';11rvl\·11r.! lnclu;I~ thrrt br,.thers rec:ielTed ta the ornce of th• Stt· And th"'" atMl'n Thrv 11r,. RAiph retary of St&U. ~tnto. at of Tu~lln Alrr"'I nt Kanttu <·11v \'ut nllRTT D•YS PRIOR TO :\fo. C S H .Slmi.n • f l"Alh•n DATE or EXAM1XAT10 :S. Ap-<" 111'. :\tr• H G Kr n(1all 1m•I nUcalloOI poet.marked or f11ed Ml~• fl" ~lllma.n M Ue l(lll, Kan ·~ than 30 dava before the U:·' •n I .Mrtt H. M. Ca.rtu ol J1ur\~a. vmnatton •l":" · ~1:1 not bP 11>-Ok la ~n<Wd. lltJ<"C ., I 1111 an·~ will ------------- "' .,, nnt:flr 1 f'T• r 1 .. t"'~nlln•· • •Gr\ dat ... An u.1Mlna:h'n tee of '2~ m u•· ' ""lrruir ,., ·h 11rr1tr111 "" f'R.A ·:x M J ORl A~ f'"Cr~·an· c•t ~'-•\e "• ~ " t• J •r t ! 7 l ' ...,:, Dkk Katayanpl, S•cto. tlot ro. 11•..il'I o~flc111\ -"An 18·r..,...ol• worklni; on h11 car nlcht an • nlcbt 11 t home 11 not r.a,lly ~· much a ~l•I probl@m u 01~ 1 v,11r·"ld loann1 around 1trett co1 ne11. · COASTAL SHOPPER OVER 21,000 Guarant·eed Circulatlon Covering Newport leach, Balboa. Balboa Island, Corona clel Mew, Costa. Mesa. Laguna. South 1.acJuna and Huntington leadl \ ·QUIJ ,LOOKING, DIOIEIES, MESAN FINDS HOllBT 1111 Dlogenea can quit looking. niat baallllt ... he's been seacbing for with his lighted Juiter. -- ing daylight hours bas turned up. His name ls ~If I:>,-Pa'it.uaoa of 307 7l!a SL. Huntington Beach. He found a wallet heL.-C to B. A. Nereson of 1982 Newpo;t B1vd.... ea.a ...._ and returned it intact Tuetlday at 12:.30 p.a..._. city police reported. Contained in the wallet 'IVU MS? caa and chec kar amounting to $739..55 -a tata1 oL $HOLJi5. LIKE PEAS IN A POD 1u~!'. 91 ...... u .. hit Lair• c: ,.~" tht!y will trun fat' th1 • ...,. ...e-~ tlMtr ~· r =-!~ the J~C'h. I ~ &.t::om U «">UP w1U ..i. ~~ad po(nU . in:~ ~e. lba hl«blli'llt ' '!"LC w1.ll llie tw.:> day• Ul WM! '~ OC.. Wbith U..f .,u w ::ll.t-WJa:.. ...... Oapllail. 1Jn1u l!tll:.-xm.t. l'Nffal ~of 1n 1ft'<tpt'U• Sln!tho•uaa lnalitu ~ C"c~ Ubrwy, Moun! [ ,_ ao'1 a at.a.J..,r .J.Aac'ue b&H· fa.ll< pm.-. .u cu 1-l»o~ UM encamp· m-.r: w'\.11 k 11p1U. l:nto ten •b- l~ _. ~ U. ~lion et • ~ can•ll•n 8co1Jl Pro- ~ wO tu IDca1 ~ u.1ped ::.. ta.. ~amp lmdH Ole dittc· Marine Released as lie ~: ::=~ :.:0 : ..... c. ntplU., depvtJ ftCloluLJ Det t S t 1-.: 5-£ muttw "' ...-ll with ec or uppars .... = =· ~~~~ ~ . c.llllllp tfll ~; Aldrll \\').11t orlJ:inally ap~arl'd to be Oranp eo.mty ~ • ..... ~.Sc.at~ of Buttes ll r~c or U.e crlminAI retum1nc ha'rine ~ u.i. ~-an. ~ ~ dintctor to lhl' 3CPne of h is rrime. turned MeA pollior ~ ............... 91 ............... a Spurseon out to bP a <':l~e or mistaken Iden-.tor:r. Be llad -alal. BP ... ~ Ill. ~ '-rd. Oraace l:hl· l1ty In Costa ~tna Ja.,t wttk. Joff'ta wiUI rna.. a. q'21 d 1!air .... 1 ..... Ar-. ca-cu flt Newpon Pollet' L"h1er Art A!t'Keo!We noU· bely. ~ • ~ .t ,.,.c..i flt'd l ht> Nf'ws-Prf'U today. ln•ellt:Acatbic .alma -6lr Jk--...... • _,. · Pos1l 1Vt'I)' l<lentlfiNI by a rob-Kenzie ~ -1k ~ b1•\-y \'11.'t llll u the man who ht·ld •I.Ory. It -... a or.e4 .,. o.r ......... him u11 in a Costa :t.tua caJe lut bf frlen4a. r-ny ClllP ..,_ -._. Oecembt'r and robbed him of S3l , taii-to D ~ ".F ._ ,.-or. ~ ~a.. _. ....... Mcf· TALBERT SUMP DANGERS-Are learned by nine Harbor area citizens who toured the su.«pl'ct -s arrestl'd by Mesa lbere be -st-a ._. •w ct. -~ •,... nrur.- . 'EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE l MONDAY, MARCH 1•, 1955 YES It's TRUE WE ARE OPEN . All DAY SUNDAY! BrincJ. in YO..r. Sunday Paint Problems We Can Supply All Your Painting Needs the sanitation f a c ilities near Santa Ana River Saturday. Larry Bergeron, vice-prcsi-polln whPn he was Bpottl'd In thf teat. Tbe ....,.Ifie .. ,.. :w .-*'Y .._,. .,... .Jdm Orr. •30 Gol-r-~~~~~d~e~n~t~o~f~t~h~e~N~e=w=po:=:::rt:::=;l~sila~n~di--iA~880C::.=:~ia:if:o~n~.~po:=-;1~n~e.;::;~o~u~t~n;o~t;...;on~ly~ilnl~eg~ea;;.;o~f~e;.n~. ;,v;e;·~am;;..;e~s:--~Mn<l>4'1tt~~~~~~~~~~~~llel'P&e~.a~•-tMie.,._,~._._~azlr'll~H ... ~imi'illa~a.a.141.-..__..,._.a _ _.. .... ..,..a.-J::ioc11.H1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That's the man." the robbfry ~ re-.... . . ... ar.-tnlllll Jlll!llt. fr om the aump, but alllO euy acceaaib ility of the spot t o adventurous children invar-victim told police ... J'd know him Aca-1 .. ~ ~ ....._ .._,- lablv lured by such drainage holes. It's approximately 25 ft. drop from top of bole lo anywhere." U!aer ~ .._ ~ ...-.= ~ _ ... .._ .... ~ man loftl leve.l of oily water below. -Stai! Photo So the 11u11pect, who tuml'd ou.t miut U-.._ Wftlll&--...._,....,_ IW G-.. a tM Hanor to be • Marl~·. M•aM book-' Jn•A _,... • .. _ __........_ ... a ..-....-......--"Alon&' the beach front lll'6T the '"" ~ a "" ......... ....., --· -OAS SMELLS area ·are alao a contributing cau.st' to obnoxloUA odor.. (.lo•tl•aed f..-F1nit r~ Santa Ana RJVt'r mouth, you can poke a ateel rod 2 or 3 feet down Le&l:"\lt of Civic APoclallona of Into the aand and get a gaa which Newport Buch recently read: can be t.&nJted with a match," he •·nw otfenslv,. odors traceable to 11&ld. Nt'\Jlon aald this ls llW'!Ullp this facility I the MWl'r trutmenl gaa which comu from kelp de- l ar1llly at t he mouth of Santa AIM. caye<I after being covl.'red by ll&lld. Lane's Hearing on Thefts, Forgery Set for March 25 ------!Vr r 1 are cau.Mnc a grut deal of The pellUona now be'lng d rcu- d11eomfort and mattti11I loa1 aa lited In the Harbor &rt'& will be well M an ~ute hulth hazard to ~nt to both the Orange County Preliminary hurlng for Gellfgf ff. Lan<', 34, on five chargr1 of grand then and one of tonrery the r1tlvn11 of tht' area. and are Sanitation l>l•lrlct and the Orange U contained in a complaint la- rapidly spreading Into lht Cove11 County Air Pollution Bollrd. Ed-•ued by the Dlatrlct A ttomc y·1 and thl' whole oC Newport Beach, ward8 and Bergnon told the offlr e hu been Ml for , .2 p m. a t timM u far &A Corona del Mer Ntw1-f'rea.. The civic &NOClatlon March 25 In Newport JU.'1t1ce courL a nd Shore Cliff• 11ecl1ons." offlcla.lil aay they have conducted l.anc. ·operator or Bay Molo1'11. Five petition• are out In Nt'W· numrrou11 lnvutlgations 11\to the Coattt Mu a, wu arreated Tueo11day rort 8earh arl'a and a nother hu g11J1Po11a odona over a 11Utth-month on chargu of bilking two local ~l'n tutn lnto tht' 1-~reedom period and ao far have failed to banks snd promlneont Xt'wpon Homt1 1ubd1vblon In Co1ta MeN, ··obtain neceaaary l'orrecllona of Harbor cltlsens. Arraignment look one or lhe clo•ul section• !o tbe lht cfa ngerou• and ofrf l\Jllve con-place In Newport Juatlce court at iiewal(e dl11~I are&. A Satur-d1t1on." 9 a .m. J."'rld•y. dt1 Y 11tteornoon visit to the dl1poaal . PE'rmON REQUEST Lane 111 free on l5000 bail. Ort- a ru by 10 member11 or the civic \I\ hat th• petition and complaint glnaJ bail wu ~t at 110 000 &Mo.t tllOn.a dttermlned major por-ILIJk the county board• to do are: · · t1011 of lhf' "rotten l'(g .. i.mell 1. Rrcognlze the l'ond1tlon. 2. De- orig1ndtl'tl at tnlry of aouthem t.ermlne t.he 11ource. 3. 01.acover CITY ELECTION Orange County aewace water. Into correct method lo handle the prob- lhf lr~atment plant. from lhe Tai-lt'm. 4. Hold pubUc hea.r'lnjt1. 6 . bert dralnag, hole and from n.tn-Tal<e atep• to abate t.he nu.IMulce. oft ot Lh<' ·, albl'11 '""J aawage wa-Mak1nr the Saturday tour of poln t.menta and tenn11 of local te1'11 Into Santa. Ana R.lvn. l.he acwage tn.oatment ~a beside l'iYlc commlu1ona. PropoaJtlon ~ MAY !Sl'MP t lNSAYE the Santa Ana River were Mart amend• the charter to lncrea.ae lbe Bergc·Fon aJllO polntfd out the Ingelke, Mlle.n 8 . Ma.nn, S F. city planning oommlaaton to nine unaatenua of the Talbert ~ump ' Hood. Lt. Tony Slldger, Marine member11. n&ltlu lhf city enpter whert' children are conceom ed. jt>l pilot from F.I Toro: Wncht, and city attorney and their ... "Anyone can open the sate and Bergeron, J . H. Milla. Balboa alatanta to join commlu lon di• walk m. and we all know how ad-Covu; 4ndre Durocher, from the cUAlon.a but wllltout votes. vtnturou. a lurt auch a place La board Of dlreoctorw of the l'.'lewport District l tncludu In It" poUlnir to chltdrfn." Wlrln« atrunr around laland AMOCl&Uon: Edwana and placc>s preclncta 1. 2~. 2~. 18, 2 '"'~" of the Talb••rl dralnj&l{e holl' Edward T. Healeoy 'of lhe Central and 3 whllt District 2 lnrludu pre-1 Is o!)fn In •pol.JI "'1th an approid-Nt'wport CommunJty A'410ClaUon. clnrla 8. 17. 4, 6, 28 and 19; Dill· mall' 2.:l·ll 1trop down cfment tr1ct 3 cMtama rreclnr ts 28, 11, I •ldu Into oily ..... •ater• draining off Mesa School IUl'CJlary 2i and 11boul hnlC of 16 ; I Orangr Cr..unty lowland• betwun Dtat r1t't 4 lncludN• prfclnct. II. Nf"''port Beoach IUld HunUn&'lon A third burglary In two week11 20. 1:1. 34, 3~• e.nd 38; District fl Buch. occurreod at M11ln Srhool OVPr the hold1 prrclnclll 6. IV. J2, 29 Md l>lrectora of thf Talbfort dra.in· weekl'nrl, Ca..t.a Ml"t1a rlly pour .. half or 18; btatrtd 8 cnntafna p~· •1tt olatr-1ct have r•portedly 1,t a reported. P rinclpttl Gonion W Im· clncu 7. 22. 2:l. 30, 3 1 and 32 I contract t o the Peeleu Concrett' ler of 2~8 Monte Vl1ta. Ca..ta Me1111 Dtalrlct 7 has prrclncls 14. 21 . 33 P llJ>l! Co. or S11 nta Ana to l'hannc>I rl'porl«-<I prlvatr llrawer.• nt lhf' and J.1. Volt'rl have receolveil watf'r from t h!' 11ump into th• joint 1ehool werl' dt1coveorPd ra.nsack<'d ll&lllplc ballots Informing or their I outfall Pf'\.-Pr hn" near Santa Ana Monda y momtni:;, apparl'ntly for pollJnlL' placu . Polla will bf' o~n Rlvr>r •Oulh of W right St Thi• I• mnnry th,. UJ<ual p<'riO'l. 1 a.n1. lo 7 pm a ppartnlly lntl'ntlrll to t'llmlnate ------------------------...:...- the "rottl'n I'll!.. amell resulting from Oralnaif' WILIJte bflnJ dum~d onto U\P 511nrts nf Santa Ana Rlvtr ~d "Weo will LCc•pl the tact the~ l.a &11 odor from the new l l'\'&lmtnt plant during August and Stplem· bfor wht'n tht' 11ulphldea 11re high· e•t " Lee Nell'on. man111t"r r.f the County Sanlt11llon D1strlct of Orar1tf' County, H id, "but al th1• um,. nt yr&r lht're are practJcally no orlnr_. from lhe l rl'atmcnt pkUll . Nelson 1u11J lh,. •tale a.nd coun- ty huJth <lepart menwi have ~c­ ord1' c.r compt&lnta \n11df tu lhem of odor11 be.ton-the trfatmtnt plant wu built. "At lh•l llmt, fhe hl'l\llh •1tfl'lrlm,nts 1111ld the old l'P ... 'p<>n 8'>11r h trl'11lm•nt plant wa .. tht' , .. wN · hi' 1'aJd "The p~ornl plant 1 .. a more refined op- u11llon th11n the Did on~ ... he fX· ph1tnl'd OTHER ODOR A..~G~ ?'"lllOn .Lllld thrre are other po•· alblt neaton1 of odors. 1uch u theo T11l~rt dra!n&gl' i.y~t!'m Into the Santa An11 R1vt'r. oil re!lnerlea from HlmUngton Beach and L<>n1 Beach, Lht AA.It marshfl!I bl'yond Huntington llra<'h 11nt.1 lro\'&mp p.ors from Lile buchu near lht mo11th <'f th• Santa Ana Rtvu. Ht 11a1rt tht Talbert dralna1 e run• high In 1ulphld•a and the odor trom tf' ln<'l"f'IUlt'll u It ta u poffd lo tun lllld h1"11l in hot wulher. Nelton •aid tilt dt11trtct ha• b~n offered UH of tht' old OCNll out. fall by th• .8&llltaU011 dilt.r1ct..I and )a.a &e<'eoptrd the offer but «.o da.t.e a ot made the 8Witeh.. ="t'll!On •atJ lhl' Talbert dra1nair,. lncludu land dnlna&'•. oll flfid br ine Rnd barn •·Ulh!np from two dairlt'I. "Odor ta mor-. noUc~bl• dur1n( a calt'G 'A'hl'n th• •1n<ta art rh&nf;· lnJ rrom in •h•>rt to .. u ahort, · the &1U11ta110.n •na•neer aa.Jd. ··Th11 le usually be'hr .. n JO p.m. and a a.m. dUnnJ the 9Wllm•T month.a. ~ t.hla Ume. lber. are air •rm. and aa.Jma, lbftl JOl1 rtt the edoMI," he aa.ld. B.t l' OAS Bl'BJJ~~ Nelton •Id ca.u wl11ch <'"'1 btt effn bubblinc lhrouch the ba> ... a. &.er lD the Wu t :"twjlort u .. a,h REFRESH YOUR CLOTHES with Our r&!t!!' kinct of l>f!t Cleanin~ f SPOTS VANISH Alt DIRT OUT N1w LOOK RESTORED Ir's GUARANTEED 'AKES OUT PERSPIRATION OooRLE SS EVERYTIME NEATER PlfSS LASTS EcoNoM1cA1 roo .. .. You'll be amazed at how rnch d ea--ott'; brighttt and fresher your clothes will be when dry cleaned our .Uradc Samtooc way. P•ttuos. colota and lrxturr. look likr·new a~air.! Garments hold shape looger too. Try U5 today aod let us prove it to you! LIDO CLEANERS 1782 Newport llYd. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-4014 !1-ilCll •ly s1e9ss .... .., ·-llCA. A. ... ,~ .... C'll9'" ftdww ,.... I a-: ~ et Ulle lowut ..-• ..._.,. ,_ can own .. -Zl..._. RCA Vlct.or TT-: a. jlllC w " I TV lllut ..._ llC4 ~ T....wo.! r . • -...,_., 21-"1th ...... • 7 .. dllMll9 ...... -o.Mia ,.._.. F tdeltt7 a--r J'ldw• • a.a. New high-style mnsole gives JOO a bigger picture in a smaler c:DJet! ICA ,,.._ 1..-. 'll:aP p 0 Cra,...d fl. "'•· ...........,, .._. .-, •""o ""°"-' 21UM with new OVEISIZE NM.a I fllWUre. 526995 .......,... ... ... pnr.-)"Oll l<ll ~ ID RCA Vlctor'• ll--.rs 2 -._.. pnced TV .,_.. ID 1'C.A Vkfer hlltory ! a_,. ~ ltCA Y\d.or'a OY•r- .,. ~ll'a today'a bl«· ...,...C. ~ pf.rtlzrw ln %laln<ll 'TT! -·"If~ ~ ma biln f'Yff)' dttrira-u---... . A.ad ll'• prtc.-ed ~ Ct J'r.111' lllMfce t ! .Mi: -· [)t]Q't r'llLu th•• blir· ~ l!:C4 \1c:tt>r TV ba~aJn: I I TELEVISION CENTER 15,6 So. Mai• St. II J..1377 COMPLETE LINE OF FULUR PAINT •/J__ Neecl to Do lo111e PLUMBING? * We have the Harbor Area's most complete selection of galvanized pipe and flttillCJS. Also complete threading & pipe cutting facilities WE CUT AN~ THREAD PIPE WHILE YOU WAIT! \'·I •1 -;-1/1 I <1:· ·~ • NEED · TOOLS? ~~~ -=8S~; CHECK OUI LARGE STOCK OF NATIONALLY KNOWN IRANDS * Renew your old upholstery with the CIRICllinCJ new FAISPRA Y -14 Decorator Colors To Choose From * Sanders & Floor Polishers for rent * SAKRETE, Ready Mix Cement- All you do is acid water WE GIVE GREIN STAMPS * * * VISIT OUR NEW LY ENLARGED and REMODELED STORE * * * AL FORCilT HARDWARE Harbor 116 2205 W. Balboa llvd. Newport leact. • local Eagles to be Feted at Dinner PASE 4 ·PART1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs..PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 w.c .... STIOOCI & CASHMERE 'COATS by hmlcl! y-.,... wtll .... ._ Ctfllf u ntt, .n.. ..,~..,ta-..... Uielr -wcmr ! • We Pldnrp ud Del.- The St1nd1rd Min saved 1111 1 91llon of 911 In every 81 .Jmt btw> RPM 10.30 Spedal Mob on In~ cu add U,bt truck and you, too, can set up to tbia •Tins in ,.,i.ine. ''RPM 10.30 Special" cuta down dra1 in your 1n1ine In all kinda of weather eo l& doem't baw to wort ., bud, doMn't u. atra .... Few all can, aew ucl old ••• oO •vfnp up to as,; compared to li&bt rradee ••• quiela noiay, aticky h)'- dnulic w!WI • • • ..aer ltlrtin1 • • , ltepped•up poww . •• money .. vin, protec:tiaa ot 8lline pu1a ....... .ill cu meufecturen' NCCJmlDeDdlitlom • • • -oil e0ten srlldea 1ow, ~w. S>. Let~ ten JOU more about Uptown Cleaners hf ............. .., ""'-4 Oii er.,.," c..... ,,...,, .. CLAYTON THOMPSON 1923 Wen Balboa Blvd -Newport lleMll We rp1dsU-la Cleealllc ........ ~ rhi el a...." ... o.tae.e..· ........... ..,.,... 1802 w. Balboa Blvd. Jl&rbor 155 (PoUUcal Advertt.wment 1 IPoUtlcal Ad~ent) t PolttlcaJ Advertleemenl I Political Ad' .-rtl~emenl • Newport Beach, California March 9, 19M D OPEi LEllER TO THE VOTERS OF IEWPORT BEACH: I would like to explain my position regarding the campaign _ material recently distributed by the Harbor Citizens League, i.e. a reprint of one of the colunma I wrote for the ENSIGN under the title, MUCH ADO. Let me first explain that this column no longer appears because Mr. Haapa and I could not come to an agreement on the matter of payment for the writing. I wanted something for it. He offered nothing. Second, let me explain that the column reprinted by the Harbor Citizens League was reproduced without my knowledge or permission. I have never been a camp · follower of the Colonel's, or his league. I am rather hazy as to whether my legal rights have been infring- ed on, but I am sure that the ethics involved stink. Third, I would like to point out that I had planned a series of columns about the Chamber of Commerce, only two of which appeared before the column was stopped. The series of articles would have expressed my view that the Chamber's grant from the City should be left to the discretion of the Council. I hoped to inform the people to the point where they would attend the Council Meetings concerning the grant and express their desires regarding the amount to be given. I regard both the $2,400.00 and the $~,000.00 figures as ridiculous and .without reality. I regard the Chamber and its work in behalf of our City as valu- able and necessary. My objection is only in regard to the amount of money the Chamber allots to the. Services the City contracts for, and the overhead the Chamber operates under. I sincerely believe that in· creased membership and a reduction of unnecessary expenses will enable the Chamber to contribute more to their own support. Finally, I would like to make it clear again that, for what my recommendation is worth, I favor a YES VOTE ON NO. 1 and NO VOTES on NOS. 2 and 3. "!•7 William Francia WILLIAM FRANCIS \ ft '• (Political AdYW'UMment) c PollUcal AdwrUM111~nt) VOTE ,,.,. 0 : M 0 R R TE FOR 0 w . .. IS A VOTE FOR Good Government ! Gerald · C~· Candidate for Re.lection BENNETT CITY COUNCIL FIRST DISTRICT ' • A man whose record proves that he has the best interests ol our whole community at heart • A man whose proven ability lits him lor the iob ! • • Appointed to City Council Sept. 22. 1952 Resident & Business Man in .Newport Beach Since 1937 • • Property Owner since 1944 Co-owner Balboa Transfer since '40 CHECK THIS P~RTIAL LIST OF RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS WHO ENDORSE BENNEn ! FRANK T. KEELER HAROLD D. ARTHUR KATE McCANN TOM W. HENDERSON HADD'RING ROBERT W. SMITH GEO. J. LIND CA.PI'. CYRUS M. TUCKER HAROLD E. DIKF;. 0 . W. RICHARD D AVE FINK EARL R. KING WM. W~D RALPH P. MASKEY RAY Y. COPELIN R. L. PA 'ITERSON ROLAND A. WRIGHT NORM FLEMING W. J. COWAN WALTER M. LONGMOOR GEORGE W. BUSH JR. GUY LE VALLEY HARRY ES~S JOSEPH W. LEIERITZ L. C. TIMMERMAN ERNEST F. McCLELLAN J . M. PELLITIER F. E. FINSTER LOUIS W, BRIGGS MRS. BEULAH H. FINLEY DON A. GUNDERSON HAR~Y B. WIL.SON EDNA C. WILSON HOMER M. SM.ITH ROGER W. Jj.ANNAFORD CAND Afl CITY COUNCIL -MST DISTllCT MYRTLE E . ELLIOTT COYE. WATTS MONTER. GRIMES HERBERT DEWES FLORENCE M. DEWF.S FLORENCE M.GREELEY H . F. KENNY ROSS GREELEY MAURICE D. LAWRENCE ELIZABETH HAGEN JIM GALLAGHER REXFORD E. BRANDT A.E.STOCKTON T . DUNCAN STEWART MRS. J ESSIE HILL RUPERT E. HENDRICKS BRADEN L. FINCH W. C. BUCHTERKJRCHEll ' Remembfor to vote lw tteVM ~ of your choke. ' Riley -Schlegel · Troth Revealed at Los Angeles .... USC Students Plaoning Wedding Rites for June The engagement of Miu Marilyn Joan Schlegil~ to Kr. Roger Edmund Riley waa formally announced Saturday eve- ning, March 12, by her parenta, Mr. and Mr11· William L. Schlegel at a family dinner in their View Park, Los Angele., home. Tiny •crolla concealed in pink and white balloon. later ' revealed the news to her Pi Beta Phi IOrTOrity aisterw. Mias Bchterel, a •raduate of Marlborourh School, i. a junior at the Unlvenilty of Southern Call· tornla. She la vlce·pre1ldent ot her llOrorlty anti a member ot the Col· a.,. ~cktockera of the National Charity Le.rue. Mr. Rll~y. the .on ot M r. and Mra. Jack E . Riley of Corona del Mar, 111 IL dt>ntal atudent at th• Untvenlty of Southern O&llrom la. B ia atflhatlon11 Include Pella Tau l>elta, Ot'lla SIK1T1a Dett ._· l)fontal .-ratemlty and .Alpha Tau ._..,,.lion Dental Honorory. A June wedding !JI belne plan· aed. Irish Fun as H. S. Faculty Wives Elect "Irish Shena.nlga.n1." read the lnvttatlons to the March mf'etlng of the N .H .U.H .S. Faculty Wive.. Hollteuu Mmt11, Jamu Miiier, CuUer Olppell. J ohn McOowen and Wllltam M<'Laughlln kl'pt the even· lllg 1parkhnl{ with a number of samu keyed to the St. Patrick'• Day thf'm'" Prtze-wtnnl'ra were Mmea. Donald Burns and Robert M•KTlu .. on. Mermaids Now Strictly Social Al< a >en,.uiy MaineN meet.inc, tollowlne a potluck dinner a t tbe Olrl Scout Howie Wedneeday Marcb 9, memben of the Mer- maid•, Muonic Wivu group. voted out all projecta for the r.1t of the year and It will ti. a etr1ctly aoclal gT'OUp f rom now on. Seven rueata were preeent.. three of them joining the club that evening. New member• are Mr.. Tom H. Har- wood, Mre. W. E. Ntskell and Mre. !Ae Bame1. Other gueete were 1 Mr1. Frank Clendenen, Mn. Cy· j Ml• TUcker and Ml'll. N. M. Hatch. Membfira attending were Mmea. I Clyde R. Johneon. Dan1~1 Rorera, Watter GuaUn, 0. E . White Jr., r Hazf'I Peet. S.Omlcf' Knlt1, Ro- bert F . Speth, Ruth Milnor, . George Boffley, Arvin Voorheee. Max Owl!n, Robert Otto. Mar- .thall 8. Mairulre, Harry Hilliard, Robert HaJnu. Clifford r.-11, Herman T~dter. Robert Lanon. Wiiiiam Nichol• and Ralph E . Hf'rr. .. ... Gelman Program Pleases L. I. W. C. 'lbe Lido lale Womu'a Qub wu entertained llarcb 8 by Harold Gelman, plan1st., in a return by request musical program. Gelman, introduced by 9rogn.m chaJrm&9, M.ra. Robert Keppen, la wltJl the mumc departmen't of MGM nu. di09. He gave ua Informative, u well u humoroua, lecture on "lluaic in HollywoocJ" and play~~ beaut.itul num. ben. n... luncbeon talllee ..,. loftly, Tour 014 Oarden" and "Small P.- Mch wtt.h IC. miniature ma.manila tree h\IJ\C With men mhamrocU and &'Old flecked ribbon, and run- nen of flowered IT"ft•l'1· J'ayoni were Upet.tcka and mnall botU. or pet'fume. Pl.ANNINO OllOUN The deco...Uon conuntltM wu beaded by Mn. Jam• L. Hollida1 and Kn. Jo~ )(. llarl 'l'be7 were Uo Qu'Clefta Oil Udo" wW be IUb- J•ct• dlec\&eMd by MlM . Elalt Ib- bltt, Jand9capl prdener from La.. &'Un& a.eh. 8peci&J (UMU wwre •Introduced bJ Mn. Tandowllky. They were Mn. Ted Hambrook, pnwtdant of Newport ~r Olrl Scout Court· cu. Oran&'• eout eouece nea.n or Ohu Kre.. Mane How•. and Ml• 'DIATH NOTICI ...._ aaoc &\'ft Mrw ........ "yte, 99, died Mardi iS ln HOA&' Hoeplt&l. She reelded at 312 Orchid A ve. for UI• put ta yean. In C&ltfomta tor J6 y..,.a. She .,_, bona la K'->Ur1. She 11 aurv1vect by Mr h\llbaad, Ch&TI .. Kyte ot tbe born• addr.a. The coupla would b&Y• ~...,..tad their &Olh weddl"I' ann1.,.,.,,. ln A\.ll'U8l of ltM. A1-o eurvl•ln&' are two dau,Jht•111. Mra. Bonnie Paynt1 ot Corona deJ Mar and Mn. Scharlene BarT\'tte ot Santa AN: one •Iller. Mn. IC. L. Henahaw of Oklahoma. f'unttal &rT&ftl'e- menta are pendlq at Balli Mor· tuary. 11&7n With · ualated by ~ea. Allen Loeffler, RalJ'b Abrene, Marpret T. White, H&1TJ Roe~. Paul M. Rocen, .Maxwell 8tUl'(n. Jam.. Kart.ln- clale, and M&tt. 8. Ober Jr. Mra. Gene Kou. decon.Uon cha.lrmu Pried& Belntante, conductor of --pmy Ratal lklml Oranse C'owltJ Phllh&rmoclc Or· 3.03 E. Coad H'JI., C~llO kl llor ch..in.. Harbor 6071 ° for the club, aupervteed a.nan,... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ment.a. Mn. Ralph Tandow•ky m1de eeveral announcemente dunnr the bual{lea -Jon. f'our magutne 1Ubecr1 ptlon.a have been aent to Hoag Hoepltal and '16 voled for Cub Scout equipment. The club cook book w .. deacrlbed and lbe deadµne for eendlq l.n recipe. w .. aet. Plana for a fund raielne rvent acheduled for June mad• at the tr· cent baud met1Un1' In the horn• of I Mn. Lee Barnee were dlecuue<l. GA.JU>ICN TAUl The Garden aecUon ~••Uni' on 'March 22 wm be at Mra. Jrvlnl' Watcher'• home. "Jl'ace Uttlnl' At the Cradler a.rel B7 CARO £ATON The nomtnatlnr c.ommlltee ron• ebtlnr of thla year'11 pN'11ldent, Mra. Robert Pf'rrin: prorram dlalrman. Mn. Rob4-rt Mapua· llOll: eecnl&ry • treaeuru. Mra. John Jotuu1on: and publicity chair· Jnan, Mra. Andttw Ollv.r, offer· eel to t.be Faculty W lvu the n1mt1 for lhe comln& year'• ottlr~ra. Unamlou1ly electf'd were pre11dpnt. MTa. Robert Wood; pirognm chair· 8l&ll, Mre. Vernon Allttn; 11ecre· tary-treuurer; M.nt. Clinton Saw· Ill; publicity chairman. Mr'I. A1hby Powell and the two adv1aora. Mmu. Sidney Oavideon and Joeeph llamblet. NII Women Plan Tree Planting MISS MARILYN JOAN SCHLEGEL, BRIDE-ELECT. -Ray Huf! Studio Would you like to become letU!'-ate~ h there an addr-you'd like to letter n~tly on your mall box, card tile, houee, curbtnl', l'&r· ba.c'e can or what have you 1 Do ou quiver and shrtnk from lb• b became of an unatrady hand or lack of arithmetic In flC"Utt.ne the-_.,proper spacing ! You ca.n now gel atenclle. ranglne from one Inch to •Ix Inch lettere, and other neceuary equipment at Th e Cracker Barri!!, 128 Apte At'e .. 1 the rf'rry 1t.), Balboa hland. Don't hide youJ' addreN under a bu11hel any longer. Who know1, aomll!One may be loolUne for you with a check for a million bucke. And Sandy and Eleanor Enfield, ownen and proprletora of the Barrf'I have gob• of other art auppllu. Plue uprrt tramlnl' and m11tUng of plcturtt•, and prlnte. of which Uley alao have an abWld&nce. -.Adv. The women'• committee ot New- port bland. Inc. wtU meet at 10 a .m. Thuraday at tht1 ruldence of Mr1. John L. Jl'lther, 3818 Chan· nel Place. rt ha• bffn announced by Pl'esldtnt Mn. Nick Warner. ~•dent• ot Newport bland .,..., welcome to attend the aeuloo. The committee expect• to con· Unue dlacuulnr waya and meane ot taunchlnr a t~ planttne pro- ject on the lalai\d. Gristy-Harris Wedding Announced for June 26 HOUSEHOLD \VARDROBE Mr. and Mra. W. A. Grlllty ot 220 Flower St., Colt& Mua. an· nounce the encacemant and forth· rom ln& 11\&J'rlac• of their da\Jehter, Ann. lo Jamea A. Harrt1 Jr., 90ll of Mr. and Mn. Jamee A. Hurta, '8 Balboa Covu , Newport Bl!ach. They will be marntd June 2t at Chr11t Church by the Sta. The bride elect wu (Taduated from Newport Harbor Union Hl&JI School and Ora.nee Cout CoUec•· I Al p~11ent lht • employ~ aa a llf'Creury tor Pl~gtr. Blurock an<I Houpn. archllecll. The groom-to-~ la a (raduate Qf Newport Harbor Unlon Hlg-h School. He eerved two years In the U. 8. Army and le preaenlly at· tendlnc Orange Coaat College, ma· jor\ng In art. The yollllg couple pllln to make their home tn Coeta Meaa aftu their marrla(e. CRISIS? CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer BecauH we do everything here casa pura "Sl'ftVICE WITHIN HOURS -WHE:-1 NEEDED" UOMPLETE LAUNDERERS and CLEANERS MARl:St:R'K Mll.S :0-T.WPORT lll:ACH DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercury is so well built that 9 out of JO • ever sold in the U. S. are •tlll 9oln9 strong? See tit• '.SJ Metc•ry at your Dealer'a. NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 . PAGE I MONDAY, MARCH I~. 1955 MRS. W.P. THOMAS IS NEW GIRL SCOUT EXECUTIVE Mrl. Tl'd Hambrook, prr.11ldr nt or Newport lfarbor Girl Scout Council, haa announced the ruignathm <•f Mr1. E . T . ( itllther) Chapman Jr. 11s l'llf'cullve dtrl'clor 11n•I thr •J'J")lnt· mtnt to the poe1t1on of Mra. W. P. t :-;eva I Thoma.,, 2112 Miramar Drlvr. Mr1. Chapman hu been u aoc1atl'd w1lh Ntwport Coun. cU for 111'11 ytar1, 12 u volunteer leadu lll\d boenl nwml>er, four and a halt years u a prore1111ional executive. Appointment or Mr11. Thomu hu bl'en authortu-d by naUol"l4ll headq11arlt111. She rtef'IVed her B.A . dcgrte In home economlca f rom Kan111U1 State CollrKr 11nd hu had te1chlng experience. She hu bet n a Girl Scout leadrr rnr four yru~. hu Mrvf'd With the l'·TA and Rad Cros11. Is r rN1enlly doing church choir w ork. MU EPSILON Sorority Fashion Show Hoag Hospital Benefit Mu Eplllon Chapll'r of Bet& Sigma Phi 110ror1ty mtt at the home ot M ra. Rey JUnder· knecht. 1530 Ocean Blvd. on March 9, for a potluck 1upptr and rtfol'Ular meeting. Final plana were made tor the .11prln1t brneflt f.uhlon &how which •·Ill ~ htld at Ute Newport Harbor Yacht Club on April H . at '12 noon. Mrs. Enie•t Wl\ltu. chairman of y.oay11 11nc1 mf'llJlll, announcf'd lh•l For Laundry Ease Mn . Ehn h•'th Chllptn will be mod· H t tor. Mrs J R<'k Qul•1>nberry dis· lrtbuted tlCkPU tn lh" mr mbl!ni Pr()('f'eda of this benrfl t w ill be donatf'J to the b11llcUng rund for the 11dd1tion lo Hoag Ho11p1llll, Ticket.. may be purch•~t1 from &n)' meombl!r fl( thl" chaptrr or from Mn . Qu1sttnberry, Wbf'rty 8·e394. The ne1tt rt1rular meet ing w111 l>fo held 11t th,. horn.-or Mr~. Lyl,. Pop1>, 6"l1 C'llff OriVC' on ~tllrrh 23 Fireplace Hod Idea nred of witng a laundry buket Coal hod.I are finding nf'w popu. which lo.kA • 1'ry \l.lllng IL l!'k· I roor gal"anlxed ateel bMktl. Such larlty In the hornll!. M3 ny penplr I kete arr •''a.l\able In ieveral are painting gaJvaniut1 st"'I co..! ua and hava handlte for euy hodll and ual.l\g them u decorative c.TT')'inK. . fireplace rqulpmf'nL -I Dr. Ronald Wood C HllOPRACTOR Announces the opening of HARBOR HEAL TH SERVICE Phytio Therapy • X • rey • Menipuletion • 2104 Newport lhcl. Harbor 4030 Newport leacla Indonesia, Bali Films Scheduled Ball and Jndone1la will be the 1ubjcct of dl11<'m•slon In world poll· lir a on M&n'h I~ when Mr. and Mrs.• J.:uicll!ne ?'\owl.-n will 11how color 11ll1lu at th,. St. Jame• Eple· o1~a111 Grpef i1 our nn-m and 6n~ t'OPftl Church. The No14·Jtn11 recenllv retul'ned r------------- trom R trip w h i<'h took them aroun<t the world in 18 month•. NowlC'n. a gTR•luatf' "' M. LT .. m!lll " th" l11p with h111 w1r~ 10 .-~ quali~ ofering to you. Anniversary u loomed for us by Wbmall in celebration of their 7Sth annivenaiy. You will ~ it bautiful ~. yond beHef in appeallag shades of beige, gray. nutria, spruce grtto and avocado JrftO. See ii--today. 1 .. arn 1«>111elhlng abOu t tht' peaples 1 of lhl" \'llflOUS l'OUnlrlf'I a nt1 tn pRlnt in \\'lllt r colon . j Tht'y will "'how colorf'd alldt'• of lht'tr 1 r31•eol.~ In lndcrn~l!ta to 1llci.I rate lhf'lr 1mpr,.Mwn11 or lhia C'ouncry wh1 ro hA• the-~11tlh larg· e11t population nt itnv n1tlon In lh" V.Ctrltl I Tht' p11hlh 11 lnvll~I to atltod lhr len11r1· whlrh will 11tart al I i 30 Jl m DEATH NOTICE UA \'f: t'R I t:UF.S Hf:R(i F'111ir111 I xt>r v1<'"11 tvr Dev .. Frie· t'lcnb<'r~. llll, n ( :loi F'rrn1ndo St , wo•rf' 1·ootl11t INI Ill 11 a m toclay In r hurch of I h~ Ht><'l'M1 nn11I. to'ornl l.Kwn Mrmflnnl·Pl\I k. Los Angtle~. Mr 1-·c lf'<lf'nt>eri: d11'1! Thuniday Ownrr 11nol "J"'MllOr or 11 cream· I ,.ry conrn n th~ last 3~ yrar11, Mr, f•nrl.lr nboorl' h111I bf'pn a rf'•tdPnl of Soul hrrn f»d1fomla tor 113 \'t'US. SurvlvN 11 lnclttdt' hi!' ..;,.,,,nw .\f11r1t11r .. 1, a 1h111~hlrr .\tr• l/\r· 1aln•• Wlrd~man, two brnlhrrs 11nd 11. 81Alrr .. .\tr F'rt,.d!'nb .. rg \lo'B!I born in f'htcAgn. He w a1 I"' s1.J.,n1 of ll'lf' Los AngflP8 Bull~r 1ind F.gg F.i<· changt', a rh11 In m,.mbf'r of the ~l lf'll Ell• ruth'f'll rhrb ol Lo• An · t::"I""· • ml'mhrr of Hollrnbf'ck lA<lj:f' 311l, F,';A.\f Al MRl111kah Tf'mplr, thr Shrtnf', lhf' Ea11tnn ' S tar. the J1nn11•lan Cr"t In anl.I the Amt hl\ Slrr. t Srh~.1 r111s I THE ORGAN l'OV CAN FLAY AT ONCI:! tlte .. oDderltll ""' HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ~ W1lole ,._.., c.. r1a1 ll WlU.O.\ '-•! Sow! No !Seed .. fak• l-• Come In and Prove It to Yowwlf We ahlo lll~1te 10. to eoate 19 &Oii ·try tt.e ..... RMantoed KplDt& Orr-Now An.llaMe DANZ· SCHMIDT 810 PIASO. oaoA..'l 8TOU H~act11uartera for &JI •...a. Hammond <>r..- IU 1-IUO ~?0 So. Mala Spnt19 t1mr la Cko"i"V Time . OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT is equipped to do the fiiieat • JOb of cleaning of your Rug, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Wall-to· Wall Carpet Cleaned in your Home CALL US ToDAY 8'· , .. •1395 Complete Una of Floor Coverings * Carpet.a 1: Linoleum ff AapbaJt TiJ• j~ Cork .•. Rubber 'nl• .. , 'H Formica ,..._ ........ . , _ ..... . CARPET WORKS 1622 SOUTH MAtN, SANT A ANA Kl 3-1615 'I ear round l~e fove/ieJl o/ all /urJ . • • StolJ CapeJ You will be thrilled with the lttrge selection end the rettsonoble prices ttt Httrris'. Every pelt personelly selected for que li~y a nd color to assure you of only Hie best. . ' PAGE 2·PART11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. MARCH 14, 1955 .MR. It MRS. ALLAN G. HO,SINGTON ORANGE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC Society's execu· ~ committee met Wedneeday for brun ch and listened to Mrs. G. C. Hudson of Long Beach speak on organiza- tion, promotio n and h ow t o reach youth of the county. Mrs. Karen Margreta Bruning, Corona. d el Mat, execu- tive director presided. Shown above, clockwise from the he&d of the table at the right are, Miaa Frieda Belinfante, d irector : Mmes. Edward M i,ieton, ~lerton; Baail J . ' ~ Peterson, l~enneth Boettcher, Charil's Ullman, Moreland Leithold, Fred ric <Thelma) H ope: also Mmes. Albert Payne, Emerald Bay; Clara Morley, As\)za: H o lmes 'W e hrley, Santa Ana. Mis~ Mildrc.'d All«.'y, Santa AM: Mmes. J ack Corn, Balboa Is la n d : Carl Boswell, Bay S ho re: G. R. Winder, Brea ; Fred F erry, Santa Ana : Al· bert Stockton , Corona del Mar: Mrs. Bruning and the epeaker, Mrs. G. C. Hudson . -Staff Photo -·st. Andrew's Fellowship I Has Luncheo11 Meeting Mu . Gl•nn Ball<ty. rr .. •lllc•nt. nC'W <'·•!I•·· ltl'll .. n.I ( "' t In ht' llM'< prl'l!lill'd O\'l'r thl' Man•h bt1lln• ,~ 11111 1111.: l h• 1111·n1lly ""fltt' i;n thrr h \'• f~ 11 j 1111111 l•,.1" •'•'ll 1 h" 1 wo • h111 • h ""r I mf'rltnic of t e omen 1 " ow-. • \"i••tA• r h.-won1.~n "t ·-• 1;"'0 .. ~ Vlnt ahlp !ollowlnir a M&UUfull~ ap· th .. s unctar :;rhu·•I mu<'h·nel'•ll'I potnlt'•t lunrhl'On l'IVtn by thr I tlr.-111,• .·tod:s r..?1•Arh n>nm I mf'mbtra of the Joanna <'Ir< Ir It "'" '"'"' 1m1 ,. I that lhr n .. v I Mr• A1•1 nard P alm mede \hf' '" n· I Jam,.• :; Stf'\\ .1n "111 lrlll1 " :to terple<'f' f1lr f'ach tabll' wh1, h wa~ mlnut• l'I udy ~ii.ti ''" lfrlu r "'I f ' ~• 1 h 1 bf'for•• '"" h 1-'<'lll•""hlp 111n111hl) a 11prA\' o ll",Y lleni..i top.,.u w I mrrtrnir Th" April m1•1•1111r. \\ti 1hamro.:k1 a 11d gohl h11 rp11 tnr thl' h11i··· ll'h•th•·r h1J:hhi:ht \\h1·11 lh• j1 St. Patrick'• Day theme. I pHtor'• mQl hC'r, Mr~. J11mr" K 11 Mr1. J . Lamar John11ton Intro· StPWlll l will p1 e.t•nl •n Ea,.te dU\'ed Mn. I.Atha Crichton wt111 l1 111""~"1:' 11 on lhl' 1otflff or thf' Prr~b\'lf'rlan 1 I NC'i&hborhood Housu In thl' Lo11 11 Ang-elu &r!'a. Kappa Alpha Theta Meets March 22 Mra. Andttw J . 011\'tr ga\'I' lhe , ~tory or "The Might ot 11 Multi· J pllt'tl ~tilt", l'Xplammi; that • Oil'-Or1ni:f' County K1ppa Alphl kle by lt.el'lt won l buy mur h but Th!'lll C'lub will m«-l'l Turnl1y It r ach mrrnbf'r of th.-Pre~byll'r· Marrh 22. 1n the h"llH' of !'ttra E f11n \\ <Jnlt'n " F.-llow1o11r11 "1111ht J . T'u"'l'I. t 291.):! Bi.ti Rtol\\I, ~na put fl\'f' rrnt.t! " 1!;1y 111'1tle f,1r ht'lnl, It ha11 b,.,.n annou111 •••I b) muilllt\n11n· wnrk. Al thl' l'n,t 11r <•n•· th<' prrirnl··~I :'41111. 1°'l'llrr \\'at1101 \'t'&r lht>y W'1Uhl h'I\'<' ,,,.,., $11 1111 1· ,,( lhllllj;I'. l'•!I~• rt will bfl •rn·f'I I i1on. -"' i :lll p 111. l • Mr11 lfrnnr th !'ttrD1v11t i:avr 11\1' Thn,..-in Iii.• 1-'tHVt•r Area wi.ih I d~vot1011s from Lukt', and r1•ad 11 In)( rt~··rv11111ms or tra1111purtath>1 1 po••m by $1. Fi 11n1•ts A "~1$1. '¥• n• 1uk~d t11 •. ,.11 ett ht'r Mn Thia acuv .. group .. r wun1t•n 11 Hru1·,. H .. t t•• rll LI bt•rt y 8·1'1391 01 p1t•M•11t1n.: .St. An.Ir "" '11 1\llh a M1 s Hu1<.•1•ll V1111g, Hllfbor UH I ·Thomas W. Doan, D. D.S. Sally Newland Says Vows at Nevada Church County Philharmonic Units to Function in Cotnmunities laland; Mrs. Albert Stockton, C-0· rona tlel Mar; Mrs. Frtd G. Jo'er· rey, Santa Ana; Mrs. Holmes I \Vl'hrley, Santa Ana; Mn1. A. B. Payne. Emersl Bay; Mrs. F red· rlc I Th!'lma Paddock) Hopi!. I Corona dtl Mar; Mra. Moreland Announces the Opening of His Offirl's For The Gen eral Prar ticl' of Dentistry Al 1879 N ewport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. Hout!'. 8 to ~ &nd By Appoin tment j Phnn• L/orrty 8·7'91 Bridegroom is Player With Cincinnati Reds A breaklut March t initiated what wtll be regular monthly meetings of the chairmen or the Orange County Philharmonic So· clely, repreeentlng the var1ous committees ln the county. Pri>- alded over by executive director, Mn. Karen Margret& Bruning. lhue women, aome who are new chairmen and IOrnl' who have •poke brletly on the dev,lopmtnt of lhe orchulra and Ill 1uatainlng 10Clety and oulllned the duties of the chaJrmen. Each ot the latter wlll plan fund and m!'mberahlp raising actlvltle11 In her rl'lpte· Ume communlly -by a group which will be an auxtllary ot the Philharmonic Socltty or Orange County. · Two local families were united when charming M iss served for IOme time, ihowed I much enthu11ldm In making pl&ru1 Sally Ann Newland walked t o the altar on Saturday, M arch tor development ot the aocl~ty. The IOClety la trying lo Jay a tfrm foundation for wha t la hoped will become a permanent activity, t.nd look• ahead to a long llfe of building, pl&nnlng, a nd Cund rala· ing. 5 to exchange rings and VOWI with Mr. Allan G. H oisingto n AT LOSO BEACH in the Llttle Church of the West, H otel Last Frontier, Las They listened w1lh much Inter· Vegu, Nev. Dr. Coyle, Congregational minister, performe d ut to the gue1t 1peaJ<er, Mr1. G. Ole 11lx o'clock rite which united GUl'J!lll attending the cerl'mony C. H udaon of Long Beach, who the •laughter ot Mr. and Mr11. Al· and staying for cock t.atll lllld t he wu preildent of the Lonr Beach va Ad••ms Newland or Lido Isle wedding dinner at the Flamingo Philharmonic Society. She •poke and the llOn of Mrs. Rob<>rt Kerr. Hotel were Mr. and Mr1. Jo'rt'd of her fund-rau11ng ce.mpat&'ll• for N"WJ'Ort Beach. Joakum Jr., Mr1. ltd McConnell, the Long Beach KTOUp which 111 an Sally, who wu g1vrn In kttp-Mr. and Mra. Robert Kerr, the auxiliary or the Vl.11 Anitelu Phil· t.ng by her Cather. wore a bailer·! John W1laoM, Mr. and Mn1. F red harmonic. She e l110 t'Xprl'Mt'd 111• lentrtJi frock ot white lace Grable and Clinton Suttora. ama.umenl a t the work alrt'ady with bodJce nttect to u.. bJpUD., The ,.... Kre. ~ au.ad· a.cc:ompllebed ln .o ahort a Um• the KOOP Mell aad •hort ....._ ed N.-port Hartlor Rip 8cbool ln Oral\a'e Oounty, parucularl,y In _ .. .,_. with eppllqued lace flow. and UnJver.ity ot KaneM. Her putUns on a p~am of t ree con· SEW TALES'? It la hopel.I that thue monthly meeting• will draw the var1ous communltic.11 clolltr togHhtr In the de11lre lo support the t'lne muaic&J program pl~n~ by Ml111 Bellnfante, 9.'hlch lncludu not only the orchutra but a workshop to denlop new t.&lvil, and alM) a 1erlu of educ:aUonaJ Pf'OITVD8 ....,,.,.-.. cert.e. trr th• lcllool• . • ,.,. A JltUe lace cap htld her huaband attended Van Nuy1 High ahort veU ~d llhe carried white School, 1erved three years with Ute Miu Freida BelJnfante, who I• The chairmen and committee e>rchlds on a white prayC'r book. U. S. Merinl'11 and 11 prreenUy a conductor or the o r ch e •tr a. membtr1 from th• communities Sht' wu attendrd by Mra. Frank ball player with tht' Cincinnati ~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_;_:;~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J oakum Jr., who wore champagne Reda. 11llk a nd ca rrl11d pink cymbldlum.a. The courlo la hontymoonlng Mr. U\wrenre A. Newl8Jld lent In Mexico. will be at home after I bl'lll man ald to h111 brother. May 1 In Columbia, S. C. Junior Club Presidents Plan C onf ere nee Work Prt5ldenll of Junior Woman'• at Hotel' del Coron"'1o on lotay 13 Club, thmughout Orang!' County and H with th~ !'111n Olrgo Coun· hiHI lh••1r p1l"•udrnl11' hr!'&kfaat "' ty clubfl u ho11lea11P11. Orange thr home ot Mrs. LA'Roy Sloll1, County Junlore will b«l In ch&rire 1 pr•"'ldf!nt or Ss.nlA .tna Juntora. or pagea for the conw·nllon and I Th•· rrlmAry pro1blem hefor' lhe wlll donate rrulL •Mr11 Vlrg11 llub prc11ldl'nl.A Ill thl11 llmt' 111 th' Dawit, Anaheim, 111 In r hargr of and :lO, at the Hunlln«ton Sheri- rcp,,rt" for 11ward11 to ~ ~tven a t I favor.. thr Rpring ronftr•nce on April 29 dan In f'a-d,.n11 1ir1'1 Ill th" state -""14~~~~~~...,.'f" cl'lnventJon "Harmony In to• -t"3l(h, FamUy lln•I FedtraUon," 11 Ulc theme fnr 1 hi' "Prln« cont'rent' at "''hlrh llnH• I he Ora.ng~ Count,. Junloni will bt! hOflt-.u. Ml"I!. OaJI &r· 1 nrl I 'ount y J"fflli<1f'nt Ill r;entral rhl\Jrm&n of the <'On\'t'nllon. Mr.. Lh,Yd Mallory. FullHton prest -j L fl,.nt eml hrr r lub llrr In rharjt"e I" ot re~11lr11 trnn. Favora will ~ ~ hMdled by Ute l'An Juan Capt.8-r t rsno and LA.g11n" clubll pegH by C the Nt'Wf"'rl ~A<'h 1'nl1 An11h,.lm I ·~ club!! • •• Mr1. Lyle Shf'nmta.1,.r ot La • • .. 1 FIAbra hl'~ lhe df'<'nr&ltnn com-I • mil t Pl' with Sa nt.a An11. r l•c,.nlla., I C-(lfl!ll Mf'AA, Huntington B•ach, I Sf'RI Bea.ch and Garden Grove ••ork1ni; .... i th her. Amemtlu rhs.lrmM Ill Oran1tt C-Ounty tlnit \'1r~r!'l'!l1!'nl. Mno 1"11H\ne Ve ~I of Brra.. The 11tale convention wtu ~ held Civic Meets League at OCC The Woman·• Civic IA.,-ue meet.a Tu•IKMy at 10 a m. In <:out Collei;:e' Art Center with luncheon foll~1ng the waalm at Ult colltge dlnlna ball. Df. Bu ll Pl'terson. prr!rtdcnt of the c:olJege. will give the prognun, 11howln1r a 1n0Uon picture of coUeie acUvltlN , and ronduc!lng a tour ot Ole campu1. Mil. AND MRS. RANDLE V. NOWELS. 1906 E . Ba.1- baoa Bh'd., announce the engage ment of their daugh- ter Bonnie Diana t o David Irwin Pridham, 100 of Mr. and Mrs. David Pridham ot Costa Mesa. The couple is planning a June wedding. ' . LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAUER SHOP BALBOA TnATRI: BLDG. BALBOA ~ Tuf'9Cla1 tllra Saturday •• • •. shure and won't ye be alter sharin in the SHAMROCll'I St. Patrick's Day P'arty BUFFET 6 -10 p. m. f Paddy'1 O.y) ENTERTAINMENT FAVORS 3 piece combo THE MELODIER8 It's a Great Day! Shamrock CAFE A COCKTAI~ LOCNGE 11n4 Nrwport Bh·d. C'<Wtta Mf'M Mey we sut~ the inclusion of THE SA YING HABIT in your pleM7 R.Pr, systematic wv- ings wil be of CJffft benefit to yo.. end your family. Stop in to '" "' soon. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 111'1 ,...,.. ~ LDettr ..... ,, ......... ~ DWOSlf IN$UllAMCI CO.,OllATION repru enled are the following: Miu Mildred Alley, S&11ta Ana: Mrs. C R. Winder, Brea ; Mu. Car I M. B08wtll, Dalboa Bay Shore•; Mr1. Jack Com, Balboa Lelthold, B&lboa; Mra. Charle&, l:llman. Balboa : Mr1. Kenneth I Boettcher, COJ1ta Mesa; Mra. Ba.1111 I Peter11on, Newport H•lght1 and Mrs. Edward Mlttrlman. Fullerton. SERVEL HEADQUARTERS FOR THE HARBOR AREA 8ervf'I Oatftr'• A &ttll'r lnro hmlture Cnllf'oetor'1 ttl'ma Antlquee 1500 Newport Boulevard ., Liberty 8-5195 Real Cool! FURNITURE APPLIANCES COSTA MESA .. Tiny Gas needle-pilots give split-second lighting ... can barely be seen Youll h1rdly ~lieve your "Yt• th .. ·~r~l lime you ~e the n!'w Gu nttdlt pilots -a hund nrw fraturt on Jr>da) 'A aotr.matic Cu tangl'•. Thr\' ,rive irutantan,ouJ li~litin~. Thty rl'lipht t~mA#l\ltS ii puffed tlOI. And heuu~ the)' 're to \'try 1m1ll, your ranf!e 1t1y1 cool«-r than ntr. OTHU NIW PIATUUS S"t the irlraming n!'w 1utom1tic Gu ranget now on di> play at d!'llt"' or your Cat Comp1ny. I OllTHllN COUNTlll OAS COllHAN't ~ ~ .__, "-'-" -......., ....... -4.,,,,.. .... b« ...... . . / ' in GAS I cooking There's something new Awl••etlc ti••• fer ........... ,., .... c;... .,. ... : .. ,... ... . ,., .... , •• 41 ••• i..M..-~" " .... " ... 'l•o<h t e..4 i..tfw • •.. 11 ~-... 11 ............... , """' •• , .... ,, ••• ,...,., c... .......... ,., ot0tt1c • cHu11111 • ounn au.ma MAOIC CHIJ • MATIAO • O'Hll't & Mlttm ICA UTA" • llMM-WROIWOOO IOPll • fA,,AN • ~'t Norge-Tappan-O'KHfe & Merritt Gas Ranges Jake's Appliances SALES UlllTY 8-6641-SERYICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA ( ) Maddox-Miles Duo NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 ·PAGE l MONDAY, MARCH I ... 1955 >0a4 and Body: PaychomnaUe M~e; J"\ltier, Ballennu of 8adlar'1 Welll; Oeory, Mod4tm •~ 8y11tl'm1; Call DAN'S TV Announce Marriage ff--. Ttanatormallon; Tb• H. Welch Books Story af Modem PuertG RJco; K~n- d&ll, Bi-Fl Hand~; Kimmell, A.da1n1 Klmmel'a ltory: H&NOn. s.rno.-............ Uberty 1-2221 Mr. and Mn. J. Robert Maddox are announcing their marriage on Friday Feb. 25 in a quiet ceremony performed by Judge R-0bert Gardner in hi• Santa Ana office. The Lee- t.er Vierling• of Newport Heighl.11 1tood with the couple. I Noble S&Y&l'f: The Ufe ut Paul G • L • b Oaua'Uin: Kipl&nr. Collectl'd Vera~. Ven 1 rar (,ut); Koeatler, The Jnv1.lible } WrtUn&"; MartJnln. My Zoo Fan1· t Uy; 11... The KIJ\1"1 l:n(land, Lancuhire, \llftl ; Paul. Under• ~ Balboa Bridge Scores Noted Mr. and Mn. H. M. Walllnl"ford wwre eut -'WHt wlnnen ln the M.r. 4 duplicate brld&"e p.me tn Balboa, wbUe north-eoulh hl&"h 8COrera were Mn. rtank Reed and Kn. Peny Jolulaoa. Runnera-up eu t-wett were Mra. llleanor Newcomer and Mn. He.,. ry ll:gsert; Mn. Georr• C&rroll add Mrs. A. o. Doeaburr; runneni- up north-eouth were Mra. Charle• Boardman a11d Joe Wilcox, Fred Morrtaon &nd Andy Tayk>r. Wlnneni of Maater Polnta In Sunday'• tournament were 8ally Browft. and Wetherby, Mn. Mar- 8b&U Ketdlwn and Mn. P'rank J'osel, Mn. )(up.rel ~olmea and Mre. J'rank Reed, Mn. Charle1 Boardman and Mr1. Pauline SaY". P1&ctnr 1econd were Miu ~•lie Fowler and Mr1. Toni Tarleton, Robert Lu•k and Arnold OUMr, Kr. and Mra. Dourlaa Graham. Autin Bevier and Gordon Oar- nett. .. Ralph Grana &114 WlWam Dur· an were eut-we1t wtnnera In Mon- day attemoon'1 p.me while hlrh 8COl'tl'll ndrth-eouth were Mn. Roy &trots and Frank Forel. Runneu· up eaat-weat were Mra. C. E. Ir- vin and Mu. L. K. Wuhbrook, Mni. Geor1e Carroll and Mni. E . J . Munet. Mra. Carl Deneon and Mra. Pauline 81}'Te. · Runneni-up north-eouth were Perey Crawley and Marshall Ket· dlum; Mr•. B. B. Morris and Mr•. I:. J. Wickman; Mra. Lou Ryel and Eldon Bond. The l"fOUp wlll mMt on Friday evening at 4 U JCut Ocean Front In Balboa with play 1tartlng at 7 :30 o'clock. Toastmistress Groups in i\rea Contest Several mem~ni of the Har- bor Toaatmlatre.1 Club attendt>d the area •J>ffCh conteet at Hunt.- tngton Beach C o u nt r y C111b Wednelday evenlnr, March 9. Three Toe.atml1trua croups were repreaented In the 1peakott, Rul- ete tor the Long &-ach area, Nap- leathene tor the N'llpl .. ·SNI Beach area and HuntlnKt<>n Beach for the Harbor area. One of the jud- 1•• for th• conteat wu Selim Franklin of Coeta MCM, tumlah- ed by the Harbor club, beln& a non partlclpanL Winners of the Int.er-d ub con- te1t of the Harbor club l&M. week were Mr1!. Clyde R. JohnllOn for the prep.red speech and Mn. Ar- thur Michaeli tor the Impromptu portion of the conteat. Judr;ea were Mra. Edwud Mirkovich. Mn. J. A. p,..l"Ce and Mr. Selim Fr-anlc· Un, u an nut•h1f' judge. At the nu t Harbor club meet- lng, March 14, a new member. Mr11. Dan Ro,;ert, will gl\•e a dem- on•trallon or the hula da.nce In which 1he received ln1tn.ictlon11 In Kaw&Jl. Tou tmiatre-.., of the eve. nine wlll be t.lni. Mirkovich ; topic ml11tru1, Mn. Albert E. J ohnl!On ; and the educatlone.I Wk wlll be ~ven by Mn. Haael R. Rl•k, prellldenL Book Reviews on Program for B&PWomen Book revlew1 by Mrs. M. C. IDorothr& l Sheely drew a lar1e attentlance of Newport Harbor Bu.ineaa and Profu a1onal Women at the dinner meeunc on March 3 al lhr Newport Harbor v .. cht Club Mr1 Sherly reviewed "The Challence of W-1n1 a WomM: Her Rolt In Modern U fe" by Helw 8herman anti MarJOMP Coe and "Fa.r, F""r from Hume" by Ruth McKinney who wrol,. "M y Sllllt-r Eileen ·• P lana fnr 8'>u e1· ~1ght, 10 be tield M&r1'h 18. and af'ler Uon of a nomlnaunr commlttr" W!'t~ the main point.a of t he b111ine99 ml't'C!- lng rond11c:t,.i:I by Ml"l!6 Hu()ld Bird. p~ldent. Club memben were ho1tusea to &"Ue•ts, Mmea. Marloe Olhmer, Da~ Olmsted, Alll'e Jl'arrl.1, Lea· lie M. Gibbons. Jean Young and PhJllp L. John1e>n. Mn John1e>n wu I.be envy of all wtl'n ahe won a c-...role ln the 1hape of a tllh nested In lta own wicker balktt u Ole e.-enlnl'• 1~lal prbl'. Wards on Trip The <;Jeort• Wartta of Udo hie lift hert yeat-rday on a motor tr1p lo St. Louie where they wl~ Yillt their chUdrll, Diane anJ Dick, who \~ :,., Khoo! a t The PrtnclplL 'rllelr lrlp will take them throurti Colortdo, with .tope a t .A.pen and Colorado Spnnra. Tiiey wUI r.tum here April 2 via the llouthun rout' ot Rlrhway M. atopplnJ at Ora11d c.&nyon. The t>nde I• th• former Mra. ll!:arl c. ( ftulhellen) Mlle., 407 Coeta Men St , CMta Meaa. daurhter of Mr. and Mr-.. Edward Thurman of Fullerton. The brlde-rroom le the 80fl of )Ira. c. Rich- ard Maddox of lkverly Hilla and the late Mr. Ma.cfdox. He l• &n at- torney wtlh &11 'ottlce In Beverly Hiiia. Ne'llf boon added to the Newport Beach Public Library 1tand~ the Ji'rench: Rich. lnno-f! (fJI/ during February found the great.eat percentage ot n on·fic-lce11c• Under Ult ~m•: ~ Satur: ,1 rH/BEfTl tlon tit.lea were gifta f~m the c?ll~tion of the late. Harry I ~~e~n~ter ~, Am~ ~~~D.. rop'~~:.. .. "::.J. W elch, donated to the library. Fiction recently acquired in· Manuta.ctu,..ra, 4 volumem; Tre-' AV:\U~ cludee: Albrand, The Muk of Country Heritqe: '11" Stately I vely~, l:n•llah Boclial H I.Wry,; ,\ll QltAllKf (lT, Alt>xander; B~. 'I'll• Dowry; Homea of the Northwat Counuu 1 ((in)' The couple met at Bun Valley, Ida.ho and honeymooned at Squaw Valley. near lAke Ta.hoe, 8un Val- ley l&cklll&" snow. PreeenUy Uvlnl" at th& Coat.a ~e• adctre., the n-ly-wed hope lo et&y here but may move to the city lf commut- ln&" provH too dlttlcull. S.ty, The Four Wlnda: Bowen, and North Waler, (JUt); ·Daatela, ! Vutllu. The Pleuure h ~Inc; A Work! of Love; Brll:k, Eagle The Lile ot Woodrow Wlilon, l&Oe 1 Wallee, M&11ual ot J'ormul&I. Re- of N'·-·a. (YP); C&lton, Ban--1924. Crtft I; Dolle, 4,000 Yun c1pe1, M~fhtoda). andd y8<><:1'!Fl ~!roal· --under the Sea· Dod&"e Time out c-.. 1.. . an our cut'r I nen1 at Shenandoah, (rP); Gunn, tor Turkey ; ~urw. Forty Tbou-;ln;;;;c;;;;ome;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Tu;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;1964;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;..;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; MR. AND MRS. J . ROBERT MADDOX h oneymooned on the ski slopes of Squaw Valley when Sun Valley, ,where they iirat met, wu bare of mow. Mns. Maddox i.8 the former Ruthellen (Mra. Earl C.) Miles. The Sherril of PalnUd Rock; und Quol&Uou, Proae and PoeU- Heyward, Mamba·1 Daurflter, cal, (rift); Droke, The 8pea.k1r'1 ) ; Kauffman. The P erlecUon-Sp«kl Occuion Book; Dunbar, Laurtl&ea, Suaanne; Mar· d, Sincerely, Willia Wayde; occ Lt.hr" an· an ck, The Demon ot Noon; Na· HARBOR PLAYERS Local Duo in Writing Contest Slr'Henry; Oldenbours. Tile c nt6nt; Pearce, The Darby W 11 B k Tr\al; Wibberley, The MOuae that On ar . 00 . Roared; and Yourcmar, MemolTI! 'Mr. Angel' on Center Stage ot Hadrian. £1 WIJU&M HAAUTAJ> Mystery etorle. are by Beneon, " German Military lllteWren«, Sandra ,RePSe, daughter ot :a.tr. d authored by P11.11I Leverkuehn, l1 The Burnlnit F\J1e, t gift); an f ... T a nd Mr s. Richard E. Ree.e, 1001 by Christle,,. 80 Many Stepe to eubJect o lhl1 re.-.ew. en yeani 1 N. Bayfront, Balboa liland. and Otalh. after the e.nd of World War 11 we ' Ro"-rt •t. ';.·fcKlnlry, -n of Mr. AJI find· t he book market becomln1 1 . "" " " ..... Non-tlctlon volwnea are: en, flooded wtth hlstorlea ot thet rreat 11nd Mrs. Murray Gardner McKin-TtelMimUl io Oblivion; .AlUn.Jh&m, rOl}lllct. Jt would alao 1eem that ley, 12:> Via Koron. are partlclpat-Flyl.nr Saucer From ,Mar11; Aa-the ·book.I n<M' appearing are more I Ing In the F orest Lawn Writing bury. ':tie L&Un Quarter, (Sift): accurate and det&Ued t.J\an 10m• 1 Awards <'Onttst tt:l• year. They BaJdW'.11, Gocl'a En r 111 h m • n. ot their earlier predeceaaora. Thl• a.re freshmen a t the University of t pl); &rnay1, Public RelaUona.1 tale of military lnteWgence ll no ~ The po9t-J:uter producUon of nlque very almlllar to that employ- ''Mr. All&•l." the brl1ht. py draw-ed for movie and TV acting. tn1 room comedy ICheduled u the Newport Harbor Community Play- era' third play ot the 1euon, bu berun a regular rehearl&I echedule at the Chapel Theatre With a cut lncludln1 a very promising group of newcomen worklnr along with e1tabll1hed veterana of the gTOUp. In keeping with the Pleyers' policy to encour1ge new talent, Director BUI Fuclk hu been tal- ent-1eoutlng the area tho lut few werk• to discover persons Inter· eeted In pa.rtlclpatlng. He Invitee any pereon 110 lnlere1ted to 1top by the Chapel Theatre at Orange Coast College any night Monday through Thuntday. For "Mr. Angel." a laugh-filled In thl'lr dl'sirc to serve lhe com· R~dlan<!a. (gift): Brtdley, Ha PP I n e • • except.Ion. It 11 a very thorousti mumty through their acUvlllea, Award11 each Yl'&r total $111,000 Through Creative Uvtng; The study ot a hu•h-huah subject. the Player• have devised a 1y11tem with part t o the winning school British He.rttace. (gift); Durlna' the -r the author aerv• whertby clubs nnd group1 of the and t hP rest In Individual prizes Berton. I Married the Klondllce; ed In the German e1plonare HO· area may add lo their t.reaaurle11 to wlnnjng i ludenta. lEntrle!I will Bou tell, Engllah Heraldry, I &ift); Uon, and therefore la lD a (ood with very little work on their part, be Judgtd by a comm! tH cjompo&-Lo Buckle, Hlltory ot Ctvlllzatlon In position to author tacta and not but gtv!ng m uch enjoyment. For ed ot publl•her,!I of the ma or • England 12 TOI~ ,ut): C&tt.on, A fancy. further Information on the club Ange lea newipaperi. Fin&! awardl 8Ullneea at Appomattox· Cecil, .M t~Uns ~ of the plan and tickets, call houee chair-~b be mademat t ~:"~·~~ Melbourne; Chaucer, ~terbury eer:'.! eaplonace durln& lhe war man. Virginia Wells at Harbor h t 1&aaY :° 11 ~8 Tatu (rendered Into modem Eng-are vividly told, and throu(hout ::_u_:;_r_-w_. ___________ 0_•_o_n __ P_r __ · _____ Uah, Crtft); the book the reader doee Dot lack Po1nona Alumni to Hold Annual Dinner Meeting tor lntereat. To menUoa a f"' of Roger Albrl'ght Home the pagu of htatory that are re- told: the lntrlru• wtth tht Orand Roger Albr1gbt. •on of Mr. and MufU ot Jeruae.Jem; ot the men Mni. Paul A.lbr1(ht, 702 Avocado who aerved tn th• "Brandenburt Ave., returned ILl&n:h 4 from Commando•" who operaUd fu i.. Frankfurt, ~rmany, wMre he bas hind l"-Ruallan line. In enemJ lh• Water WhPel, 7842 Euclid been with the demollUon f?'OUP of nulform; the unveWnr ot the 1111- lh• U. 8. Army. Re a.lao 1pent per-Rll.Mlan IJ>Y rtnr wtUUn Ula Ave., Anaheim. Principal speaker eoll'e time on the Csech border. He German Air Induatry -the Rote will be Or. AlvJn Schatt, acUng -- ( The Opening of fhe BROADWAY THEATRE SANTA ANA Wednesday. March 16 • DOORS OPEN 5: 30 POPULAR PRICES • Completely Remodeled . • e Late1+ Lar9e Scteen e Leg Comfort e Air Conditioned e Stereophonic Sound Best • 1n Screen Entertainment comedy pitting mort1ls again1t Plana for the annual dlnner anrellc belnss the Chapel Theatre meeUng of Orange County alum ni 11 bel11g converted Into a theatre-or Pomona College were m1de at In-the-round u the production wlll a recent meeting or the board of be presented In the exciting f.ftd In-dlr!'rtora In the home ot the or- ttmate form of central 11taglng. ga.nlzatlon'11 president, Harold M. For mo11t memben of the cu t thls Beck, 188l E . Lemon Height.a wlll be a new expcrlt'nce and DI· Drive. S&nta Ana. rector Fuclk la t ra ining them \n The dinner mu ting wtU be held thl' 1-cbnlques required-a tech· Wednel!day evenlng, April 27, al ranked u corporal, hu now been Kapelle; the lntrlsuea with • .. m. chairman nf the ~omona College releutM from aerv1ce and p1-n1 I.sh natlonall11:Ai In Bel(ium; the 11oclology dcpar..ment. who will to a ttend Orange Cout Colleg-e. recn.illment of UlU'a1n1&n leaiou dlsc\J-'s "the Communist Threat In He waa rraduated from Hoover to tlctlt on the Jtutem Fro.ft Southeut Aila." ~Hl~C~h~S~ch~oo~l~,~G~le~n~d~al~~'.:._ ___ __!~a~r~ain~at~lh~e~R~UM~l&na~~·----~~============================;;~~~7::==;=~===::==~ Directors ot lhe club and thelr _ cluaes at Pomona 11'Clude Mr. --!.:'P:;:o!!Ut!:!lc!al~A~d~v~e~rt.laem~=•;:;n!,!t..._ __ ..:,1!;P!o!!.lll:;_:l:;,:cal::_,:;:A~d:,:v,:ert.1~ae:m::,:e::,nt:..., __ ..,:<~PolJ.::;~U;:..C&l:::.,.:;A:,;d::.;•;,;el't.l,;,,;,;•;;,;,;m~en;,;,;,;,t ____ ..;.1Po...,.u,.t.,1c;,oal._A_.dv.tttt.__M!_m_en.t_-, Kappas Holding Big Rummage ,Sale Bttk, '40, p resident; Henry Man.9- t1t'ld, '42. Fullerton. vice preal- tlent; M.r1. Robert M. Smith, '37, Sa.nta Ana. necretary; OJeM Matlll11, '29, El Toro ; Mn. M'onte Ro11 Orlmes, '42, Balboa; David Herlihy. '39. La Habra; William Spurgeon. '37, Santa Ana; Mni. Carl Mercer, 't.2, Garden Grove; Glenn Vedder, '23, lAguna Buch; and John Danlell, '•O. Santa Ana. The annual rumma"e aale of prulded a t the buslne111 mreUng. .. th nt put pre1ldent. Kappa Kappa Gamm .. Alumnae Included among ose prPM ------------- ANOClatlon or Snuthem Oranre were Mmn . H ilton. Collier, Bur· County will be hel<t on Friday, her, George s .. mett, and Ro~rt March 18. al 310 No. Spurgeon. W. Shirley of Sanla Ana : Sydney between Third and Fourth St.. a-Handy of Orange; "'.· B. Dlcklnaon. cro1111 from Ule Y~•l Theatre ln Dick Dra.l<e. James B. Stoddard. Santa Ana. Kappe.a have been 1&v-Robert Lenker, and Henry G. Coors tnr and collecting n1mmage tor ot Corona del ).far; Phillip Renick, many wel'kl tn hope• of ma.king J. E. Keim. Robert H. StralUff. lhl• 1ale unusually worthwhlll'. All and i'-r. Dickerson of Newport proceed• w111 go toward prpvldlng Beach, Eltzabeth Buman and Ro- campenhlpa for the Cripple<! Chll· bert Blar kmar uf B&lboa ll'land; dren'11 Socl~ty of Orange Cmmty. Lnul"~ C&llagher of Balboa; n on Final plans were made at a Ca ln" of Collla Men; and George lunchec1n on Thun1day. Ma1-:h 10. Ballt>)' of Lag\Jna Beach. at the home of Mrs. Jack Hilton , • Th!' next meeUng w~ll be held 1018 W. 20th, Santa Ana.. cha ir· on Thunlday. AprU 14, a t the home man Qf thl' rummage a&Je. Her co-of Mra Robe.rt Blackmar, at "''hlch hosle"su were Mr11. Robert vn· Ume offlcer11 will be elected for the ker, Mrl. David Burgu . and Mrs. cnmln~ year. Tom W. Collier. ln tht' abaence of ------------ Mn . Walter G. Hatch, pr ealdent. Mni. J, E . Kelm, v1ce-pre11lednt, Boyvey at Confab Roger~Boyvey, treallman at Deni- Kite Contest . of Island Cubs Sister Visits Oswell Jackson Mn. Clara M. Stockd1le ot Nap- ervUle, Ill. I• Vlllting her bro ther. Oswell Ja~kaon. of Laguna Beach. She will be In Lag'\lna 11tvtral month.I. Tht'y 1>xpt't't to he Jolnrd by their .!!l~ttr, Mra. EmUy J , Smith of Mullkl'gon. Mich. next week Thl8 b the first time they have bel'll to11:rther In 15 year-.. '0 II N s·T 0 NE • S Auto Wreckers t •wd Autn Parta and Ar«'f'UOril'OI 2075 Placentia Ave. Ubforty 8-101S Coda 11- PARKES · RIDLEY MORTUARY P'.,...,_.y ORA UEL 01U.Pl1 110 ......... y -Celta .... Ubef17 &-.SUI aad a.MM son Unlvenilty, Gran.tile. Ohio. ls "Can you malce a k ite! And attending the F our College Con· after ll 11 made, wlU It fly T" The•l' fertnce, OtM>rlln College. Oberlin. are the quuUorui falbeni and IOftlJ Ohio, representing the OOnl.mlcan Qf Cub Scout Pack 81 uked thrm- Republlc. He l• the aon of Mr anrt &elvc1 at their annual kite-flying Mr~. Harold O. Boyv,y, 1139 Wut rontest held on Saturday, March ~===========~ Balboa Blvd. 12. wnt of lhe Ba.Ibo& plr r. The ; only rulu were lhAt ea.ch kite Laguna Beach Art Gallery By OSWELL .IA<'ll80S On nr:xl Sa turday f'nn.lng, ~far. 19 &t 8 o·clock Jennie Crawfortl, or El Monte, whQlll! n oral paJnt- lngs ha\'e been 10 g-r,.aUy edmlr- e<I In ahowa for many yeara. w111 five a demonst ration nf palette knlff' technlqur In flower paint- ing. Thia event 111 f ree to mt-m- bers. the pubUc wtll be aaked a don au on. Mr. and Ml"ll. Emeat HUMt ~ Vienna., Aualria, wer. vtalton to th& Oe.Jlery on Saturday. Mr. Hu- ber 11 a ••ell known art.lat not only In Europe, but hu exhibited hla watercolors throughout AmerlCL Jr. January he had a on&-man ahow at the Palace ot the Ltg1on ot Honor 111 San Franclaco. Th• Huber• apent a tew day• hire and Mr. Huller dld 1ome •ketch.In«. On Thurad&y a delepUon ot 80 members of the Lons Bea.ch State College Faculty Wive. Club .tJd~ ed the O&llery and were (1veu a conducted tour. ..Jo&ne Cromwell bu JI.Lit return- ed trom Wlc:bnbuJ"r, Ana., where ah• want on a 1ketcblftl trip t.o patnt the 8aa'uaroL be made a t home and Utat the kite would get In the air anrt 1tay thl'rr A s11rprllllng amount of Ingenu- ity WILll displayed, with kiln ranr- lng from huge to minute, two 1tlck, BE SURE -INSURE wtaa three 11tlr k M d box typell, a t11.n-~======~~::=::=::=::=::=::=~ dem kite with fringe. and one with MAVIUCE STA.~IZ'T lDAU~ OllJY ..,.nne Harbor "" uu r:. Q)aat Hlchway C"oroaa del ~ 1 hCll!' In lh4l middle that dl'fled clusiflra tlon There were IOITll IUIJl lOIJ.a mom,.nll u a few kite• 1tubbomJ7 retuaed to fly but by adding or 1ubtractlng bit.I ~ clolh or pler f'1 of wood they all finally went aloft. Offlrge Twt.lt won the award for the larirut kite. and Bobby Blackmar for t.he 11nalleat. wtt.h Mel Park a cloM aecond. Jimmy Barnett, Kent Net.hery. and St~ve Gogftn l\ad the belt decoratPd klle1 ; John Scott and Chrla An· der"°n Ued tor lhe bt'lt box; Cbrla Mulle.r had lhe best Ulree 1Uclt; C"hrl1 Mclachlln. the best two 1ttlck, a.nd Jtn1 St&utter W'Oft for lh!' most orl(1nal. Othf'r Cub Scout. part.lclpaUng. plu1 their hard-workln&' rathera. wne Gary Ackerman. BW Saw• yer. Larry Broering.~ en.a.. Tom M.acMuter, and Rodney Can- de.lorl. all of Balboa Ialand. --DEBT-- COLLICTIONI Accoaate -Not.e. -Clalma of -.y kiM of clebtl-..,.....,_ ID Ame~ ''No collwdoM -N• fee." We advanoe all coeta. CREDIT BUR.EAU e6 Weeter• O,_p ~~tr formerly Crf'dlt lllarMo of Newport llMda. ~-8eeda and C'Ol'ta M- '°6 R.lver1lde Ave., P.O. Bos IM NEWPORT BEAClL CALIF. FOR CITY COUNGL District 6, Corona del Mar LELAND L. WILDER A 1938 greduete of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Lee Wild· er is a former writer, editor end publisher who has maintained his own advertisin9 end public relations busineu in Corona del Mar since 1951. He is a succeuful, independent busineuman, with sound practical experience in personnel edmin· istretion and busineu management. As a naval aviator and commanding officer of a naval air station during World War II, he earned a personal commenda- tion from Secretary of the Navy Jemea Forrestel for "enerqJ.t.i-' leadership in solving difficult ~blems f procuring allotments, limiting expenditure~. xped· iting progren and .meeting ~riticel det~1 " bond campaigns. On the subject of aerv· ing ea cou~ilman, he seys: "You will not find me serving any preuura groups, trying to be e dictator among such groups, nor settin9 faction against faction in the affairs of our com- munity. Nor will you see me supported by any anonymous group such es the Harbor Citizens League, whose officers or members ere not identified in their literature of the current campaign. "It is my aim to support calm, cleer thinking about our city's problems, and to work in harmony with our c itizens and -their officials in planning for the future. Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOR AREA CALL UHIGH 9· 1634 M<m>IWl'a.& DOOSr He has served his community through es-siatance in such worthy causes as the Hoeg Hospital fund drive end school "I know that you will support these principles. I hope thet you will vote for me tomorrow -Tu11d1y, March 15th." -~ACK BOYER - UOl W. Balboa 8oalnud • UHleam • Rabber TOe • Oork e .U,balt TDe e Carpet e Formica e Yacht e lutallation Harbor 5319 Newport leach • • • STA TE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Vote for 1 Co11cilmen -One • lft each district ) • I ; Gxcepl PAGE 4 . PART 11 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS • MONDAY. MARCH 14. 1955 ~God grent us the Mr9nity to accept the things we cannot chenge; the courage to chonge the thing1 we co11 end the wisdom to know h difference." (A. Anon.) · EDITORIALS • , ..... New Ordinance Needed . Wbm the Wiota an all counted. the elecUon' re- ,. lW'U certlfled. and the .nen city councilmen of New- pol"l Beach -.ted, there will be undel'.Way a time of de- -cWoa for the fUtun of Newport Beach. Alrudy lltarted la a .Wt for condemnation of the propertM9 of ·the Pacific Electric Railway that blfibt the downtown .,_ ol Newport S-Cb. I>eciaion to carry thia • llU.it to a aucceedul t,ennlnaUon will be made by the new . eoancil. More important howevei" will be the policy on oil operation that the new City Council ot Newport Beach ma.t 8t't. We. and .cone of otben wboee COUD8el we hue eougbt, belieff that a frontal ...wt will be made 'by the State LaDdll Commwmn upon the Big Beach in Corona de1 Kar lot oil deftlopment. The Sf4te Landa eomnu.ioD bu .et lta policy and hu. ia effect. told the State Park Commlmon that rep.rdlelll of the lat- ter'• wiabee, .. natural i.oun:ea" ot the State ot Calif- ornia will be deftloped. The Landa CMDmiMiCJll bu proceeded upon web a policy iJI the offertnc for leue of 32 acne lying off Huntington Beech. In 90 dayw the State Lada Commt. aloa will sfve it. decl&lon in the offer to leue landa near· er te Newport Beach at the Huntington Beach State Park and tn the mouth of thtf Santa Ana River· The State will not concern iblelf u to whether production ia undertaken from on-ahore or from otf-ahore island.. Thill' ia mo.t important to the City of Newport Beech. Thia w ID09t important to the new City Council which wtU be elected tomorro'IV and .oon eeated. Tben an many people wboee eou:nael we have 90Ugbt wbo bellne that the prohibition contained in our Qty Charter apinat all oil operation.a la invalid. For certain the City Council cannot repeal or alter' UU. pro- -Jaibitioa.. Bowe'YU' there la before the State Legislature .,a b01 which would innlidate thia prohlbition:u, u we belleve. the State ot Calif omia will contend that it own.a our tidelands off abore ot the land. which we have"-<!· ed to the State Be&chea and Parka Commiuion both in Newport Beach and ln Corona del Mar, they will under· take to recover whatever oil may be reac.becl underlyinr the.99 landa, OUr prohibl~ would lneff ectual cer- tainly agaiut the state. It • quite likely t any cl~ OUR SENATOR BJ '6BN A. llUSDI' I&. l•1w, 'nie ~ M MW ta .. 'h&. 't1lMlilr JI DJ -1, the 89ClCl6ll ....... l'-.......... Ceuat)' ..aid ....... ....., col· ... -'-'-.... ~ to .,.... ~ frolll --la ... mllM!or-... , al UM ITOO _. .. Ul&t an ~ .,..._ wt wtU. one-foarth ...... S1a1V ,..-.CUW ...ad ot OM c.t fll t.1M tu UI ... eo .. ....... .... ~ ol u.. *'tecl .,...... for cNrtU. .. Will~ ...... ud t..UYtda ud CIOIT«1klM '1'11117 allo Jl"llPOm .. .. *f•let -.. eetioa ta.k-Wa ,.. .. ...-w .,, tbe •-u..... ....... ., .. tu~ OMt-... ....... tM ................... au.. s-kt u.a. ..-.. wW clMI wtUl OOlft.oYSD'•I _.. ~bvftn&al ...... \Ma all ~ p...-,1. adm.ltt.d17 COD• .. Ula .... ......_ ....... c-... t.ronn6a1, la Wac ..,oUated and ....._ n. ~ eo11t.roftrllla1 »-protaoUd '1 UM ..,.,..__. A.. -..... __. ...-i.i,. repon.-MIC'kUoa. u.. O.Worma I-cue ot .. C. 71* '1 t.IM ,,.._ ud '8odlo. CIU.. aacl UM Calttorata btall· a.u&8 TAX mu. __. Aaeodatw 'n.. OD!1 point l'l'oMMJ ... of ta.. ftnt ot oa wtt.lola u.q are •ot la eomp&et.e -mbjec:ta C. .. ........,. "7 -.ne-t la WMUler tbe County .. ~ wUl M U.. Ual-8boV.W nclift UI,)' ot the mODeJ' ......... ,..._ At ,._t UMn ooUected bJ' UM cau-'lb• o.un.. ... llllUiJ' IOO dU. la C&lifonia U.. eoat.n4 tbe7 .,.. ~ ...,_. a ..-tu ot YW7iftC ..,..,. t.e ~ tor UM need)' ~ .._,. ot U.. OlluaU.. al-of tM •Un Couat7, wbether the -.,.. CCl8•der1q uu. l.J'P9 ot cM.rt~ NClpMnt ltY• la \.be au t ~ .._.. and CllJ or tbe Wll.ncorporated .,.._ ..,_ .,.... un11--thod LI and Uaey an, UMNtore. enUUed ....... td UM .... ,. .,.,,.tq tu-to UM eM-four'Ul ot OM eent for • "1W. Md wt\Mat corpont.e ch&rtt&!IM ~Nobody denl.- 191U ~ enete ~ coe.-Ulat UM relW kaad can1ecl by UW ......_ eowiu .. bu r-.ched .ianvtns '11M 8t&1.e .,,..._.., .....,_ proporUoM. '!be 11..c f'lme at W. ._ Me "11.,.ud Ull&l UM lAC· time ill tM\ UM -tmUoll ot the tllMue rrant to U.. O..U. U.. Couat7 ~ .U.OC:tatlo.n ~ ol kT1'AC a aee pw -l wW JM""aU U\d \Ml ..-ntuallJ' ...._ Lall oa a pum181&•• buAa -fOGrth of cme ~t ot lb• ..-,, .ucll tu to M OONd••t bl ..-tax wW M Ml u6de for U\at • Mt.al» w1UI tM at&t.e kMe puf110M. Grass Roots Opinion DENTON, MD., COUNTY RECORD: "Tu inequal-, ltie9 abould be rooted out ot our federal tiacal ayatem . -particularly IO when tbey violate thecardiDal principle of fain>eM and ju8tjce to all alike." A D I tMI ...... I 111 .. fw 0.. rwt7 w_,. ?rt' t I S'fW7 ..__ _. D:u~ .. N_,.,. ........ o.m, 917 ._ ~ ..... ._ PV~.l!llllJlfO <lOlll'~ • TI JD _._ 1111 ....._oa• -~·••...-rr·n ............ . ...._,.._,._...,.._. .. r'M ......... et, Orup OIUaCJ ,..... ~ of our community could contend that hla property wu beinr draJned by wen. now produdnr or later drilled and thua break the clty reatrietion. . Thwetore, we would like to propme the City Coun- cil of the City of Newport Beach at one. proceed to have created a.ad adopted an ordinance that would control and replate, fully aad properly, all oil production with· ill the City of Newport Beach. Thl8 ordin&nce we propoM would not ptrmlt oil driWnc or production within the city -10 long u tbe charter provialon prohibiting oil production ia in force and effect. But, lf that prohibition ahould be declared unconatitutional or ineffectual ap1nat the State of Cal· lforn.ia thea the ordinance whJch the City CoUDC.il could draft and pua would become effective. Any ordinance which the city conmden, ahould be carefully dratted eo u to bring about the moat conaer- vation ot all re.ourc-, publicly or privately owned. It would be an lnaurance policy aplut the defilement of our city in the way that Huntington Beach bu bem bll1hted ln the area of the late.t boom ill it.a city. t: Propositions Are Important . Tomorrow ia election day in Newport &.ch. It la the day when each per10n bu the duty to expreu hia wiabee for the 11electlon of thoee whom he deai.ra to repreeent him on the City Council In Newport Beach tomorrow citizena will al80 be able to determine policiel to govern mimicipal proced· uree from now on. Citizena will be able to restrict by Charter Amend- ment the relatiooa between the City Council and the Chamber o! Commerce ot the City of Newport Bea.ch. Or by the affirmation ot Propo8ition l on the ballot, to leave that verdict with the City Council to meet the vagaries of time u occuion demanda. There are propo- aitiona 2 and 3, both of which would unduly reatrict the council and which are interconnected by • trick m~uun that would defraud the votera of their intent. Propo91Uona and 5 are clarification meuurea that would correct two errora made in the City Charter when it wu dratted and adopted. We recommend~ Yote on Propoeltion 1. NO on Propomtiona 2 and 3. YF.s on Propo9itione • and 5. NO COMMENT BJ WALTEa CHAllBUN I&. WASHINGTON -At the lD· lt3pUon of tbe 8ecr'etary of L&bor Senator Sm.Ith Of New J eney, I.he ~ l\epubllcen on the Benate Labor Com111ltt.ee, bu lntrod!ICeed two bllll of ..t t&l eoncwa to Am_... lean Indu.wtry • OM bOl Down u llle "Coo· tract Work Houn 8t&lld&rd8 Ace," propoMI a eodlncaUOll of all UM ... hour lawL '!be other,~ u th• "~ l&t•t1 Act." would &1" UM lleeret&ry of Labor auth· ortty to reauJate afety bl bldu- Lry. Both bU&. are preeent.ecl u lll line wtth the Pruldenl'• le(1alt.-U•• procnm. SEU MOU 8AP'STY For more UIAll ten yean U\e Department of Labor hae bee.n trJ1nr to ,.l 1~,Ul&Uon lo ma.bl• the Fecl«ral Oonmmenl to p,_ wre tll• .Utu to atep up 1t&t.e admJD.Lltered 1nd\uutrlal l&kty p~ punt. The bOl now before eonrn-a. th• u.uaJ • t.a le (l"All t-ln ·a.I If pro- poel llOla. w1U\ t be P'tderal ao.em- mtt1t paylnr from one-balt to tb.ree fourtha of lh• coet of at.ate afety prorrama-8ucb ti.Ate procram- mu.t be ln aceordance with .taa- d&rda t.o .,. Mt&bllebed by the Secnt&ry ot Labor, or elM UM lkcr.c.&ry 1n&y wtt.bboW the fed· enl pa ym111& unW the .1CAte doe9 comply. The appropriaUoa auu.ortat.toe 11 unlimited; the PrMldellt'• "41-ret reqUffU $2.000,000 for Ui• nnt )'Ur'• operaUOL ni. ~·of t.blll ,.,...,.. OUl• aot be JllAltled.. Tllere bu no al,nlflcant tneniue ln lndua: tri&l acciden ta o.-t.b• put d .. ~; ln fMll, u a ....Wt of at&t.e atety pro,nm1 &lld Tn!Wltuy work be.In« doa• by lndUltry and nnoua olber l"OUJ19, UI• (fl\erlll tr.Id ta lDcha.trtaJ accldenta LI cloWUlwvd. Ol'l'08al0i-I' BICD lndu.t.ry CAil be expected to op- poae eactmmt ot tbl• llpl&Uon beeaue , • • (l) It &1Yel UllDeoM- Ml'J aut.llort\J' to the Federal 0.T· enunt11t •.• (2) The ec>Ct canaot "' Juaut\ecl. Tba Ocmtnct Wortr •oun ltaa- darda .Ut wW affect all employan. w1Ut cer1.&bl minor exceplona. •· peed ta tult\Wq any (lOfltJ'act or .ubeontn.ct. et.c. for aaythinC to be pald for etth• wboUy or bl port by fecs.ral tundl, or from IO&N ~ l.n.urfd or ~­ teed by tbe federal S')nntlMllL Till• would lllcJUde dde"" eoct· tnct&. tontp &ld parcbuM. rm· efsl .upplJ' eontracta. IUtate upen- dJtur. of tedaral srut·bl..sd ll'IOIWJ for public work.a, road eon- ~ etc., and llou.lllas -· 1lnlcllon. •IU\er by the 0-em· ~ of bUed OD federal m or ... -.e ~. OoYer.d amploywe would be .... qu1rH lo pay all laboren and m~hantc.t lime and one·h&lf atter el1ht boun In a11y one day, &nd ..n.er forty houn In any one week. O&macu. flJ'I .. and lmprl110nmenl are provided for Viola~. Induat.rlaJ oppoe!Uon CILll be u · peeled tor two reuol\11 ••• (1) The unwarnuite4 ateulon of f•ral burff.ucracy lnto th• cla)'·tO-daJ openUou 0( &ddlUoaaJ bl&Ddndil ot Ulouandt of ftftpioy9h; (2 ) The unnec_,.,. and unju.Ufled bur· den °" bWldredJI of lh~dal of addlUonal f1nu ln 1r .. p1n1 U\e ad· dlUoaal recorda which UM Depart· mmt ot Labor wW require. NA.Tua&!. O.U ftep. 0Na Ha.rrta, Of Ark&Nu. ..-kl.Dr Democrat oa U.. S- Intentat• and l"orel.p Commerce Committee bu llltndoeed a blJI datcned to clarlt) t.IM .tatu. o1 l!ldependent proctu«n Ud pUI· .,.. ot natunl ,_ luch t\rma ...,.. OC'tstul11 U!ioq21t to .,. out.Ide t.be neld of fedenl replaU. ., tM r.denl ro-r Comml...._ llut a 1'PC nallnC t.o um .aect ... rnel'Cld b)' UM 8qprmi• Oohlrt lut yev. Under the B&nt8 M-n the ortgtnal rPC ruk would be n · affirmed. At tbe .am• Ume, how· enr, the J'ederal Power Oommt.· .,. would be panted .om• •utll· orlty t.o UrnJl tM pnc. t.o be paid tor natural (M produced ud ptb- ered b7 UI• lndepeodelll prodUC• era. Th• bW prucnbee cert.al• ttandalU lo .,. followed bJ' J'PC ln rerwaunc avch pric.a. TIM Bani.I BW la ~ to lie .upported b)' moet ot pi. lll· duatr7 ln~nd. '!be pl1dq , ... tune ,,.... r.comaeded by Ule Pr'ltmdml'1 Adn.Gry OomJtC.. an Daerry, luppU. and ft.eeouru• NkJ, IMadecl .., Def ... M.obW.. e1' Arthur J'1em.lq. SpMker Ray· bum hu endoned \.be meuun. Fanner McCabe Writes ... March H, 1855 Jc read about a pilot who new ln an out of an Atomic Cloud to teAlt lta radioactivity. He led It wun't any more riaky than comin1 home at 2 ua.. 80ID• morn· nine and findinr the little woman ltill waltJnc up te:r him • • • But I dunno, I don't think a tall yarn could ret out outta the danger of radioacUvlty, whseu tt might work with the little woman. lMI npLa ..... ,-( Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -All-Dolwlg a t that time were re3peC· other ln1t.ance or aec~cy In gov-live chairmen of the •enate and ernment, whJch pubUc·•plrtled clU-aaaembly commllt.ee at>l up on lob· s.na and U\e preaa have been fight-bying. Inc around the capitol for & Sood &TILL KEPT SECRET lone Ume, cropped up thlt week All com~ explained It, the when the lobbyt.ng control tecUon policy set by t.he Al>llhlre and Doi· of the leg111&Uve auditor'• office wig comrruueea ha.I! nevtr ~en denied & member of the preu the ch6ng<?d, dtsplte lhe fact that rJ&'hl to Me a.ll papera on a ceru.Jn these two legtslatora are no long· lobbylaL er clialrmen oC ll\e comn11lleH. In 'Ille lobbyt1t In que1tlo11 wu Ray &ny event , the answer to the qut'll· A.d&ru w~ 11 U1ted In the 11.t· aembly'journal aa repre.enllng the lion propoundP<l to Cullin" con· Callf om.I& Motet A.&soclaUon and ceml.ng Adaml' 11 1ttll 1co.:rt't - the Ca.Ufom la Tavern A.!laoclatlon. olfl<'i&lly at lt"alll. H•'• been prom1.nenlly mentioned l\lol!t <>f thto public in C'aliforma In the New•Presa ln connection wa.s under l hl' 1mprt·ll~lun at the with Uquor ,license Jrregularillea. ttme the leg1shttur.• u<Jopled the Under rulee propound.id by the lobbying luwll. whlt'h n'l1u11 tel rt-K· io.by coDlmlttees o! the aenate l.!Jtratrnns and /Jlrng 1( mont hly uid auembly, appllcallon.t for l'Xp<'nse IU'tuunts, that the l11w1 lobbytn,c credential• contain a wttre adnple<l tu fOl'U.9 11llt'ntton que1UOn u t.o whether lh• appll· on the "thlrll hou11e" &l'livltles. cant ever bu been an'UJed on which at th1H lime ha d bo!come char(• otber than minor traftlo In eume Helus, p111 ucula1 ly obnux· Ylol&Uooa. lout to Ute public. &IOHT TO aEOUIATI: But apparentU-. the ""ltlature, 'n)e •t.ate lobbyl.n( law, requlr-which dur tnc the 19!>3 ae.uion vol· lna ,...tetraUon.. bow•••r, doee not ed a bill requiring J<M.'el govt'm · bold that thl.a qu•tlon 8hould be m'nt.I to conduct openlnr '""t· &Med, but It dote rt•• th• com-Inga, and maint.aln opm pubHc mtt.. th• npt to aet up lta own reco~ for peruaal by the peoplie n&lee anct_ nrul&Uona. when and If they wlab to look et 'Ibe nnmpaperman wu refua-the ree<•rd!I. appart'ntly doea not td .A.darn.I' paper• b¥ John Collua be.lleve that l!UCh laws epply to Wbo i. retained by Ute committee tlte legtsloture 1urU. A n1I technl· to Mlldle the ngutraUon and nt· cally, lht btw d._i't. for all of pall9e M:oounta of lobby9-ta. Flnt Ute material In Ult 19:13 proix--<f r~ came from CoUlna' MCre-lawa perta.in1Ag lo Mer~ In tal'J'. al.Ale govt'mment wae "'1ped nut A~ wu one of ow. 1ndlct· of the proposa.la by amendmt'nt . ed and convicted In Ole Southern 8 U OHTLY BUCDDl.£1> Cali!omla Uquor acand&Ja. lndJct· It wouJd appear then, Ulat the ed at th• •~• Ume wu 8&m Col· public bu been pul In the poal· lln.l,,fonner apea.ker of lbe .-in· lion of ellght bduddlemtnl, a.n· bl7 and brother of John Colhns. tldpatlnr on the one hand, that J ohll Collin.I uplalned that Ule the Information t1eCurtd from matter ot aecrecy ot the lobbyl.11( membu a o1 the Ullrd boUM wu recordll of appl1cant. for ereden· open to the publk, llJld finding on U&la, however. wu not 1n th• the other hand. that al IM-lt • provolnce of determination of ht. part of such Wormatlon la office. H• aald lh• policy wu l&ld through a policy only, de.nled to do11m lb 1902 by Sl&te Senator F. IL .A.ctually, clm1ure of •"<'h lnfor• Ababl,., Bono"-county and Rich· me.lion could lflld h> virtually a ard H . Dolwlr . uaemblyman from compl4'tc br ,akdown of lhe ll)bby San Mateo county. Abehi,. and law Intent. READERS WRITE o..r-air: A. &TMt muy people I han both talked to uid beard on Euter Wealr Ileen• fee, have complain· e4 Ul4 pra!eed what our Hart>or .,... le <lolllc. I sum It up u : The Bfft 8ort Of IJwu,..,_ ~ Ucy 7ou e&n buy. Pretty cheap rMe tor all ot lb• added pTOttt· Uon, t'r'ff man power of all the (1'0Upe and people of our town. ApMT Wbere elM could you ret auch an llulurance prote<'Uoa? 1 doubt It you could set auch a cheap rate for the crowci. we wtU handle. I can't -where panonlll rtghll --ftb ILlld 6UI Amendmenu etc. ..,.. betnC t&l!.en care or willfully and lm~r. I can't lff wllere pe,_1 profit more In t.hu• few d&7-kf-more than -.un.rner Ume. Our dty SoTemment had to do 90l'll•lbinf lo 11n property own- tN prot.ec:Uon. We do haft d&m· &&• to both per llOnal and city property. and lf alter yeara o< atudy. lhl• plan gou thruurb and works well, won't It be a (T"t'at Uu1.,~ I noUce tx-fore Euler. '''~r}'· one can hardly wail to f"t't Ul.at alm1ghly dollar. ati.erv.•IU'\1.a lhoae people ydl lhe loudell to city hall and everyone. ·'Why Ca.a't Some· thing' e. Done To Cle&r Up Thue Terri.hie CondlUona." lt'a funny, l•n 't ll ! Bet I have beeJI t.o 11\Mt· Inc• a t City Hall and heard our city conrnmenl people, STOUP' and people ~ak up their Ukn and d.l.ell.kff. But u annya. there la that p oup who never ahow up to th,. .. , "Opai To Public Meetl.np," who Y"ll the loude•l &11d lonpl $10 per houae etc. I• cheap. What If you all had to pay ln tu:-tor all Ule rree man power protect1oa1 yo11'll it•l ~ No one can 11ta.nd ln the way of pr~•· Newport Harbor aru hu l"OW11 up and we ant •preadlnJ our winp In a g'Teat nlr;bl of pro«Tf'" not for a certain JTOUP but tor all ot ua. ''•fl' u cerel7, Mrw. J. R. EMCH, Newport lle&cb Grass Roots Opinion SHARP PABJC. CALIV., OOA.STSIDE TRIBUNE: #ffobody (lncludlq the Jocal newapaper) tbrivee . • • 1n bulrward coaaman.it.Jea that are atraJd to move for- ward, &Del tmnfon pt left behind. Nobody thrivtl9 when propat) ~..._ dwtDdle, wblll t&w are burdea· aom&." PAMPA, TEXAS, DAILY NEWS: "Governmmt ICboola mu.t of neceMity work toward mediocrity, NII· ._tatioD and mmdadty. It la only in the tndepllldmt cbool where opportunity atiD rem.ma tor the IDdMdual to dare to be what be ia, )Umeelt ... , BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL =~RACE PUUB (U. .... -nAI ..._ -...... ...,_, ... ..., ~ ... ............................................. _., at,. ......... ~ .. ,_.,...,.., • "WIDOW JIAllER" -Main abaft into Cajalco "lead" at bue of hill. One of the enigma.a ot the brwlh country are the tin mines of Temcscal. For 30 yeare 1 have beard rumor. of them ranging all the way f rom their being closed do'"1 by En- g lish tin interests who controlled them, to the ore wu not of paying quality and even that the mines were kind of a myth. A few days back with Charley McClintock of Alber· hill, who kno14·1 the C111alco Hilt. I like the paJm of hill hand. 14 e made formt>d which Included Sir Jamn a trip to the "tin mln•'ll .. 0 11,·tng Balfour, h i 11h S4'<'~lary, Sir John northwut from the CaJnko dam Stok•·s. vice prttldf'nt of the Bun throujth lhe bllrft•n hlll3 of the I C1tnsl C<Jmpany antJ other lmport.- T_,m,•aca.I on roui;:h dirt ro:uis we l •U\l Engh&h flnanc:lenJ. audd .. nly cam .. upon • s<'t1ltrr~d I LARGF. l-U'M 8PES1'. plantlni: of \\'1t,.l11n1Jin1a palms In A t in plant Intended for the the t11111ance, J.'r•mlnj.t them aa & Bla(k Hilla of 011.knta wu dlvtrl· bad<tlrnp w11a " fr11wnmg, blark Pd to lh" T1>mri«al. Within the nakt'd hill, with a 11115 .. ru.:ky out·' n~xt two Y"ara it la said over U .· t·rupp1 nl;'. I C00,000 wc•re exp.·ndrd In develop- 01.0 STRl)SG MOO~ Ing the properly. Up until July A• we enll'rgcJ lrom the shallow 1 1892 when the t111 mlnra were tin· mcky <'anyon we hatl be<'n follow-ally cloJM•d down, 138 tons of me• 1ni: we awung Into a planted area talllc lln "''ere produced claimed of tree-hned dirt rua<ll -a ghoat to ~ tht' only tin b&J'a mad• from town without bouaea. The only re·' ore In U1la oountry. main• of • aLNcture wu a •tone I TIN LEGEND llEOIN8 wall built Into th4' hill w ith a On )br<'h 30. 18112. the (Jrll\ doorlu• Iron caJ1ement -all that shipment of Am,rlcan pie lll\ rem&1ne4 ot aome old "at.Tune r.cbed Nt•w York, Thla ahlpment ,_,.. I cau.d the dt1ale.ra ln Londorl t o We d,,,.e up Ute blU and from tele(Tilph their N-York ~pre- 111 top the foundations of th• old Mnta llvu t o l~er the price on mllL'l. 1md ah"'ll werr all about tin plat,.. Thi• wu th1 tin t and ua. t.IMt of tht'rn 1''f'rt' of rock ma-la.."t l!J11pmrnt Ant1 1 h"n the mlnta aonry and Jn excelJl"nl l'f'pil.lr. A l"l<>M'tl •lown, 11n•I tn a frw yrar• d.,.rrttd brltk re~rvolr on the hlU thr ,·alullblr l"<!Ulf'ment &J\d in.ch· tn an old olive urt'.hard. Gl"f'al htll.!! lnrry were lt'•hJ and for nearly 8.'I of "ta1hnga" 1prt>•d out ov('r lhe nani the "tin 1Jl the Ttm,.acal" country auk . A.nd thrn the 11p<10k)'. hll• bfof>n a lf~Pnil. yawning o~n mouth• of t.he old 1 Were t h& followlntr 1latementa 11haft• eurroundffl by •·ove.ii YHre all myth " -} 1<'1llNI 20'; pur'! fcmc•'S lempt(d ll" t1' drop mc'ka un. S upply of orr "aid by t'X))er'l.a that "'"'""d to <lt'1<1 rnd l'ndlu.~ly 10 I><' 1n,xh•u11t1blt'" '!Fmtay. Jl&Jl. Into the b<•'l4•el1 of lhe rarth. Thl11 2.'l, '14't r<>dr lo thf' prlnclpal Ill\ ha<l be,.n no mere "prt111pttt" but minr. 4 mllf'll dletllnl ·-fo\lnd ll r1lhf'r the rema.ln11 or a large &11d a 11rlt>nd1d humbu1t." "( hav,. tnA- bwiy mine community, I ll"'J many a 11amr le of tin In my C'OMFLl:TE t'lLF. day. but never 11ny Ilk" the Un t have rather a conlpl••le flit' on tlun" rnlnttl at Tt'ffil'8('al." "Thll the old Tem4'.Kal n o Mine.a be· or\' 111 a bmwn OJ1ldf', nf vny ht«h <'IUM th<'Y lt't'm to sh11Jlow me In 1 gr&IJe. f rr,. frnm mundl<', wolfl"llnl aJI my h11'tOrl<'lll re11<'11rcti dun nit 1<r~"nl<'. etc., which ere o~jectlon. lhf• raal four yea~. l h\l\'t' photo-.. bit' t•or11hl11at111n.11 In mOllt tJn Orf'll, ~tala from th,. "Hay.·11' S<'n\T'~". Th111 ..,,.., r roducr11 a fine quallty nf In th<' Bancroft Ub1'1'1'y In B<'rkr· lln. a11d l'<JUAI to the ~11t "Com· ley. lJr. C~land. hlatorian for the Wl rd111rd. -10.000 r;ro"' ton. of Hunlln~on Library, pruent~tl me t111 .tQnf' In placr, •· "MA.ny por· w1tb a foleler of iu. notn, and tn I t•<>r.• of the lt'<lge wlll yleM u Ul~ unpubluihed manucnpt ot h1~h u ~ anrt 40'. : the rt11ultant F'rank Rolfe on t hf' Tf'mue&.I me~ met..! bf'lnK \'r ry pul"f'" avalla.b~ to me l8 anothf't <'On<'l.ff I WHAT llAPl'F .. 'liED~ account. Au ordln« to !Jr. Cldand, Whiu h•r1~n1•d :' Were ml4!f..lk"• a 1>no1k abould ~ wnuen <Jn t hem. madt 1n ......... y. a.n•I ,.11llm•l,.11' WA• Bneny tbr un d,.poi11111 """~ ll all a lru• "humbuJ: 7" ••a.a the ehown to Daniel Sc-xton by All Jn· ore nard tn mill· Or have th" d1an In 1~. but 1t "''•• OVf'r l O Bnt1Mi a.nt1 Dutch ,,n monopollH y'ara taler •tter much hl1Jslh•11 •lrazutlrd th~ Trml'""•I tin IJO that U\at lbe UU. to thi.. a rea ,,...,. fin· u,,. l,;ntlt'll St.alr l!, the world'• ally clH red. On July 24, lMQ. an lar~e.t wol'r of Un. <'tLllnot t'«in• Enr;llAh company waA formed with om1ully prtt<lure U•r Wllu,.bl" m t • a cap!lallZ&twn ot 3,:.00,000 pounc21 'I taJ In 1tA own ba.•kyard :' Qulen tlnd wu know11 u the Cal1fom1& fl&be :' And perhap. only th• blac k. Mt11lnc and sm,1unr; C'ompany:·1 '"°"' ntn.: ("a jlllro Hill. locale of Another corporallf)ft know. n u the IJlr lnthl!o n11' "cl,.\'tl <llrt," knowa the San Jacinto &.at.alt', Umlted, wu ilt'Crt't of t.h• T1Jl In ftle Te~acal. 8TROSGROOM-Double iron door guuda doorw~ 1D atore at ~jalco till miDee I I I \ j I . ~ . ' . . r ' . • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .. . ,.!<, • I ·-· ~ . MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 • p ART THREE, PAGE ONE e. 0 0 • r ~ , I - • .. ~ 1 PAGE 2. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS IAONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 PART OF $50,000 ADDITION A-BUILDING RICHARD'S 'BUSTING OUT' . AL~ OVER WITH REMODELING PROJECT · By BILL KOllDI "S~d we're bU9t.1nc out all over," 0 . W. Martin Ordered to Atascadero "Dick" Richard, local market owner, Wd tOO.y u he· •ur· veyed &11 the actioif at Richard'• Udo ~arket. "ActuaJ.JY, we're celebrauii.g our 11eventh annlvenary and our curttnt $:50,000 remodelinc e:ii:pan.tlon program all 8A,..'TA ANA. (OCN'B'I -Sro- ne1t L. Martin. H , v.·ho• Jut ad• at onca," he laUJhed. "Tau rn.J1ht th• stor•, Ule only •ll9Wer. to thr .. y W'" don't know lt we're com· H&IOTI -·r. b!1'tinf out all over dr•• waa JHI N1Pwport Aw., lnf or -p lnl' -th<»e· automaUc 11 •• he.¥• to provlda more apaca CO.ti. Ma ... Mu. • wu Jud&'ed a 11-doo~ openln( In front of \II lo 'houae more produt"l.a the f olU M.JE ~ychOJl'UI. and ord•red 10 If we •¥•r. think •bout walklnl( llke. But no m•tt•r how mucti we t In or out of Ute •tore. But ll'• a l"f'OW we never want to Jo.e touch At.a9f•dero 81•1• l\P'PLlal. or a happy confutlon. Whei-11 •IH bllt with our-frl•nda" 90·day obMrvaUon p:i.ne<d. l.n N...,,.port Hartioor could a 1(1.JJ And It'• hard to loae touch with 8u~r1or Court :Judi(• John 8Ma pe.rlay a dream ot. new Idea. on Richard'• -eapeclally wht'n It. ruled on Merttn. He ordered th• food men:handlelnc Into what Ul•y lnVftllor M oft en la that amllln&' defe;nd&nt ratumfd UI court )M" tl!ll me la now • tourlal'• "muat" &"UY who u.cke your l(rocerle., on hi• vi1lt her-.!" 'n'l•n he checlu you thtOU(h the atand In for proceMlnc after l1Mo ho.pita! thout:ht a moment. the Mm• ITOC•r'a Jecket hie col· t reatment. TWO ..doctoni ell&mlnftd. .. .. -l •-bJ M•-J• '"' termed hlni. a ...a ...... "Well. In lh)ll noun t ry, J 1(1.lell• a e11 wear. • "' coa pro.... y • • " .-~ · f•'· w•ll ._,,.. "•' p-··d ta <"opoth, accorllln• to the '""'· It could be ..n"'"'h•re but let'• aay ... "" ""' " • '"" " '" w-• It -yo •-h· '! A • ••yo Martin waa a ccUlold of molNtil'IJ th• market could not be In a bet· -"" ur ..., ""' · • "' -. t•r, II.applet community .. 1, know'••\\'• here owe all our r rowth to a I ! y••r old sJ,rl In a ea.ta w- all ot ua are glad we're herP., .,.,. 0c";';';;";;';;";; .. ;;;· ;';;';-;;,;;';;';;'m;;;;.·;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;~;;';'';';;;;';~;;;;";;;;"';;;;';·;;;;";·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Inc the ae¥•nlh annlve,,_ry of lhe p day we opl'ned our doon." INDUO ORA~FUL He thou&'hl •l•ln, then u ld. "T ou k now, we'\'e oft•.n aald, h•r•· at JU ch&N'a, how &'r•l#ful we ere to our fellow Harbor al'l!'a reaidenta and Orange County hienda for their lcyi;i.I aupport. But, t'ach ye•r •l a time llke thla, the whole at•I'· rerlng 1r.1pact of our frlenda' con· tlnual, con•l•tent acceptanl"e of UU. ma.rket hlla •II or U1 like a ton of brlclu." Lookln.( ovtr hla dMk to the lp&.Cloua fioor .below, Richard eur- veyed th• neaUJ' ur&nfed d11iplilay1 and the aven.r • hu.band01 CTUl cutd• -thoH hup depe.rtmental foOll bo•rdl whlct: pinpoint toca- Uon of 1verythin1: from coffff lo coeonula. He •poke •J:aln: "l C\l•N Or•n&'I! County folke •" .o fond ot epace, Ure at a le\a- urely ytt t fflr lecnl tempo that thf'J' t >...i. .... :ac1atti~..am..J thtm In the be1t environment we ' can provtd~. They have certainly prov9d thta. llPACF. Nt:r:or.o Congratulations to RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET their 7th Anniversary and to LIDO TOYLAND on their 2nd Annivera•ry on LIDO SHAVING MUG IAllllll SHOI' IN BIDWELI-'l . Sf28 V1a Udo Ph. Har. SUI Our best wishes to Richard's -·tido--MMliet--on-tMir.:....7utb11--__ _ anniversary and to Lido Construction ia underway at Richard's on addillor111 that will help take care of .10me of the rush ot bueinta which tbe.iblg at ore handles every day. Above is ab own the sddltlon going up on the eaat aide of the store to hou.e the delicateBSeD on the ground tloor and offices upetaini. -Staff PhOfO .. When you look at thoae a.ddl· Uonal unite we are addl"C" onto W. H. W-l'ays $200 D,_. Driving Fine T oyland on their 2nd. 'LIDO SHOPS, RICHARD'S PLAN BIG WEEK'S ANNIVERSARY ACTIVITY! --------------Ito the lllOW. Job.n s .. ·•ln. D ick HARBOR HI LITES Dorka n, a nd A rle n e Hutt U1orou&'hly tnJoyed t he 11k1Jnc. Keep Cons Cover _ It la dutreroue to O'IW!oa.d • Wllho Edw~rd M1r>IH., 42. of 124 !!. 21et It.. Co1ta Mell&. pleclded cuuty to • drunk drt¥lng charge In Newport Juetlce Court r«:ently. He waa nned •200 w ith. !lo eua- pen.llOA of llcenee. "Consult us for Lido's fin&st" Lido Realty Associates Televislon Stan, Prizes, Free Goodies to 'YOUll9 mid.Old Ready matinee 1t the Lido The«tre where -9 ,. PATnE arTMD:a Abbott and Coatello are In a com· I·-...;"'...;...;.;.;.;;;...;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;. __ I ~ c.n eo that" ll e&n not be eo.ta K-city police &1Te1ted Mela on N-potl Blvd. nea r 23rd Ill. OMcert report•d the ca r Neta wu dflvlng wu ewervlng from Jane to lane. Th•y •ald ..... ~tted drtnkllllC' '-c .... of llMr prior to hla errelt. edy and will be ehown along with conred. Thia lnvll• nid•t.. U.. cartoona. Joul'T!tYlnf to Lo.I Al\f"l'IQ oa Thi blS' -k will tr. .u.mu;ed, M&r. 4 lo enJoy the udt~t Seturday nlrht wll.h the criri'd Olf Clneno.ma _, Chip ft.ecan '1~1 1 • d J-• 1 •• rt H bor' prize a wa rd. Ticket hotdeni wW and Donna Small, Gene W~er tih: A. full \\·'."•'k of h•ppy •c •• Y a 11e .. e u~ or •~ewpo ar •rnoi. hl\'e to be on hanll to "'1n. and Nancy lll'yant . After a vel')' food 111011 11s Rle:hard'a U do :0.larket welcome• It. tl'louand9 of 1--------------ama.alnlf t ime they \'l•lled Donna'• cu.1tc;1n~r~ to help celebrate It. seventh annl'l'tteary. M H h" F.vcr y day the"' w ill b• conl.t'Alll, demonatratlorui and entertain-rs. utc. 1nson n1•nl 11long "'Ith l(ltt1 for young and old. E&cb day ticket• will be J h'<'n \'IAitora for ~ rr•nd prl1e to answer CWltOTTTl'fS' qutetlona Appo1"nted New of the vi·t't'k, a frt'I trip end Wt'ek-about the •t ore atock. •nil ""cation ~L the w inner'• ra-f.'ollowtnr the bu•y a.cllvillu of DCC vorite rr ... 1rt. The prt~e will be Sunday, today and. temorrow, wlll Instructor J:iven Saturday ni1:.h1. •t 6 o'clock be known .. Cotton Ollndy day1 bo t <lunni;; Ute \\'••l'k 11rosp•<'tlv;,, and ev•ryone ••ho cornea to the I Appointment wu made of Mrs v.·1nner11 \\'lll h11•·e " chance to store will have • chance to get hie 1 :O.litll• Har(>'t l lUt<'h l110n to th•· 11tud~· prol'fl'tclu~<'• or fi\'e 11ui;-or h'r fill of the fluffy conff'Ctlon po11itlon of homemakln1 lnstrurtor l<:'"trd \'Rl"et1on 1'p0~11. th11t le 11omehow apun out of 11u-•>n lh,. 11\aff or Orange Coa.~l Col· :'11.\S\' l 'llSTt'.10TM TI1rre w ill be contl';<1lll In t\•t't)' d,.p11rtn1rnt nf the IHK atore 1111 t hrough thl' l\'l:'l'k, "''"'' of them llr.<'Jn\an,.o•l~ lh 1l 9-'I Ll b<e decided d1uly .. nd oth 1'r~ that wlU continue t hr .. ugh l hr \\'N'k. \\0 ln nf'r• or all contrsla "·1U bt' nnt ifled. fi\'ar. Th\1 will be provided by Ho!-J, !.:" fnr lhe 1 9~-!'>6 schl)OI Y'•r. ly Su«ar Co_, while popcorn for l! "·a,. Announced recently, \Vellnu day ,e nd Thund1y will bt , '.'.I r~. Hntr hl110n ha• bt'en A home prn•'ldcd by Leit.Ue S•lt Co. • <'tinnn1ir11 ln1tructor •t Hunung- Thurllday end F riday t he lll11t11ff t,,n BeR <'h H!gh &hool for ll'ven cu11tomer• wlll be pre•l'nlt'd with yr•r11. ~erore thllt 11he Vl'B!I an ln- orchLd1 tu ,..,., aa (tfl a of C • i 11:ructor at l'endl4 on Hlr;h Schr~l. H Sugar Co. She 111 a g radl1te of Halfway UDO SllOP PRIZES t:nlon High School In Oregon, and At !ht" uuun "ntranc• of tht Bill \\'ellh of tht Sti r S hopper nf Orei;:on State Coll•i;•. Addition· 11t nre " h<'~l<'"-~ ho.1th ha• beeii 1'V ahow .... wLU be t he Thur11d•y al-•l 1:r11<1uate "''otk v.·1111 con1plcted bu1lt Y•h•te "P.amblini;; Round .. traction. Rlcl't•rd'• "Lucky Seven" at U.C L.A. and Loni;; Beach Sta te. Salhr and Ad('htidr r or tt't wlll cuetomer1 will be IM'lected on thl1 She hna been a profrM1onal dr<'1•- aerYe e"'l".''lh!ng r mni birthday •how and e•ch \\111 re<'eive an arm niaker and "·1111 ht'ad of thr Co•· cakr to coff<'e rn!l1 All t hroui:h t he lood of pri:r.e• fron1 U do Shop•. tumt Drp11 rtmcnt at H untington ...... k. They v.·1ll Rll'O a_n11v.·er qUm · Dorothy Jo da ne•r11, the Nt'\\'port Bt'•ch High School whrre ahe phtn- l!on11 for ,.,,.,10..,. fl n!I hnnd out 1 Harbor Union High School Or· nf'(I. dr!lli;;ncd end con~trurted t'OJ- c<:'lnte11t tkkf't~. l'hNilra 11nd Oranr l! Cnaat Colle.re 1un1f11 for 11!! play11. mu11!i:lll11 &nrl Throughout th' Wt't'k th•'te will Glee Club .,,·Ill alao entertain 1h.1r-',\•llttr ahow!I. ~ b111loon11, "'hl"'!l~1. lo\~·popt. and lnK the da~·. -------------- {)tht'r •ntt'tta1n1ng 1:1ft11 r .. r t he •·nday, during th• H'<:'.ond BUI Tlre, Wheel Gone 11ma11 fry v.·h" """". w11 h their V.'e'-'h ahow, the "QuMn of the pa rent11, or other adult!!. Annlv,.r•ary" w lU b,. aelected from I R ita \\'illinmaon of 11' Ullo An· . t.mong the "Lucky Seven" end n•x. i a ld a Ure and whf't l were DF.:'llCIS~TRATIOSS wUI tfft\ve a •20 trip lo lhe Lido taken from her preg11 aomellme The 11.nn1''"T"1lry ~alt' a l."O w ill S•lon .of Be.1uly a nll an evening durtng th<' pe1t tv.·o month•. She be a ~ph:nihd op11nr tuna y for for tv.·o •l the 1'foulln Rouge In ••Id •he noticed lhe lo•m yesltr,11y. hOUJ.t'\\'i''"" lo g••t !\Cquainted "·!th Hollyv.-OC>d. a ll lhe produ,·tll Ulat Rlchllrd'1 Sllf:RfFF .IOHS: carrie;<1. Thrr~ "·11! be t'llJX'tL, from Sti.tri!r J ohn w ill m•ke a fM'r - the n1any menuracturlni,: firme to 80na l •rpe•rllnce 11t hig h n1inn llf'monntrate thf'lr product"'.' Sat urd11y. At 2 pm. t he Sheri(f Store 1r>mployl't1 "'''Ii be happy wUI lead the childrrn to • frf't' -. ...... -• -.. • -.... -• ,• • -. The :-:i vy cnnRumed J,':':,0,000,· 000 pound• of food la11l year. rnouJ:h t o fill a frei&ht train rrar hl nll' froin !'e,.·por t. R . I., to i.1111nnor ... 1'1<1. YARDAGE TO MADAM'S TASTE Dick Macker and Jlm Walker of the Dick examine 8ome ml!ltchlng house furnishing tary o! the firm. -Sta!! Photo I ------· ~l aC'ker carpr t m11 \\'ria ls 111t l+ r .. rug atort" r.n Via Udo, :;:i:1cy \, .. 1 lry. serrc · m other \\'ho nstde1 In Lo.I An· ,.1 .... Gay Arm11tronc an!! M•rri• Crain ,i::ave 11. eurpri1e party fOf' Chamt'th · Starer • and Phyllll l\U luin \\'ho cel ebre.ted their birth· d11ya j u• t tll'cent ly. Cha rneth \\:11.9 16 on '.'.larch I. anll Phylll.I \\011a 15 n<"!tl d11y. H owever, Lh11me1h \\'llft 111ck and unabl• to o.\l~n<I lhe pnrty, but "he received a '"'·e•ter along v.·ith F hyllle. a11:T 1111.\ y 1arrs E olltlJ: lee r re11 1n and l\'Cr<': J o~·ce Alber•, :M ona Rae Bario"''· Sue Urov.·n. ~a n c y ' Uryant.. Urenda Barnett. Bet.y I Bl•ckn11r, Cynthia Beltran. Caro- lyn CalU11. S11nUy CoJrman, Le•ter Carr, Di1111e Fea\Jlt'r•tonl', Corolyn Gre•n, Tacra tf1\'f'•. Laurie H•n- Urick11, Trl~h Kn.app, Bev. Lund, J od y i~rrb, Kathy :0.fcAttren, Lyn n :O.far Farlarul. Carol :0.1a rc he ••·1 :-O:an llf'yno\dlo. Dona Sm a I I, Shir'lry Stafford, Dana Torranre, Tl'rry Tt'1ma11, P al Tuttle a nd K1rrn \\'11cner. I John S"·aln l'lviled mo.t of hi• frlend1 nv•r to hi11 home on 811\-' boa lsluid on l-l a.tth f tor anolht'r of hi• popular pertl•• Thome v.·ho rnjoy cider and Jolnf'd ln the danclnf ,.·ere: J ohn and hit date Sue Llu•lcr, llr-.ce Knipp and Sue :>:Juen, Jim !':e.wklrk and Pat l<•lter. Tod \\'hilt and ?d&r- !an h'.Ot!mer. l)(onny FIUp•l rlrk and" J udy Sandi, Bil! Wt t&el a nrl A nita Palm, 8.:lb Milum a nd Laurie Hendrick•, Roy De ntci. and Joanne Sue•9, Ca r!tnn De\\'• 11on 11.JHI Sue, Buddy Thompitqp anti Judy Crorman. 80L.Tll o•· Tfft: BORDF.R Sa n Diero wu the •f'lllng for a picnic ln the U>ll ror Sam Cooper anol l'•t Rltrhl<-, P11U!e Re.Imler and Bill 8h,.elly. Attet viewing All th, •nlmal1 •·lal!ect :0.fcrr.y Ho11pltal. while the boy1 went .to Tijua na . The Rrn<ler:voua D111rloom In Bnlbol "'a a thotnughly p111cked on Marr h f l l I.he Jonc ·•walt- t'd F:11at'rn Conference D•ncf. A f t \\' of the Harbor ,;irl~ v.·ho were I h1ck,v cnou1th to 1 ttend wltb their date• from Orange CoL!lt e nd 1 Santa A na JC'• "'ere: Pat Ritchie I and Sam Cooper, Grace M1cO.r- mott and Ca rval Davey, J ohan Hirth· and Chuck Frl•k, M&raha Moorhead a nd Biii Rffd . TakJng • d ay 1 trip to Pl.Im 8prln1t11 Sunllay w ere: Mickey Retm!<-r nnd J1u'I, Nunan. Bill Shtthy anct your1 trt1ly. We all vl1lttd the R11nrh Club anll e njoy. ed all lh• many 1ighla to be •Hn then. !IA.DIS MWIU'SiJ Don't fors-l tJae unia.J Hawk· Ina Dane. .-11\S 1IP real eocm at the Wwport Barbor mp SChool o,_. a-6riber It la g1rt .. bop, ..... d&te .. la late March. • J uat a fnr el th1 Harbor clan WUI ~ to p up W. Wt tknd uioup fUh•&• cana, wtudl doee-ntU.. cove..., • UIAt will have to ba overloaded. .... - Ce/etraling 3400 VIII Udo ONE OF THE UDO SHOl'S our 2nJ Ani11er:iarg MARCH 10th .thru 19th ~ LIDO -• • I -fil 3442 VIA LIDO -Acrou From lllchard's ..:Ml:::G::;n::et::..;..-__ __;H..;.A;,.,;,;.;R~ • ..;;2954~ Melocller Record Playen Reg. 12.95 os ••u: •T •.95 Y Ollll'J l'eoplft llecorcls 25 N••cllft reg . 251 reg. 1.29-691 2 for 261 DOLLI TONI • HARRIET HUBBARD AYERS HORSMAN AND MANY OTHERS socro OFF BOOKS HARDY BOYS NANCY DllEW ZANE GllEY JUDY IOLTON 20,000 ·95c $1.00 LIONEL TRAINS 1954 MODELS 25Cfo OFF BIKEI 26" GIRLS 59.95 16" CONVERTIBLE 34.95 1 only IOY'S RACER BOOKS SALE 34.50 21.50 22.50 U.S. GllANT DAVEY CllOCKm GEN. CUSTER Enjoyment While Learning GIO. WASHl~GTON THOMAS EDISON IUffALO llLL ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE !· • f, . ' • .. NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111. PAGE l MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 SPECiALS FOR Mon.; Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat •• ,._.arch 14 to lt HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET ·AND . LIDO TOYLAND-MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE! SAVE ON SUNDRIES l'LA9UES Black plaU.kl r..-.. ftve dl•U•ctlvo delllpa. ~ Md lf'11CMJ'. llAHe~ ... ~~~:~~~··· 79'= 84..'lllTA&Y APPa0,""£0 GAltlAGE CANS ·pl.~tJ" ..... 'l'J'~ w-ui.r ..,._t. •1• R«>r· n.• ·····--·--·-·· ....... FOUNTAIN SPECIAL -'{hursday Friday Saturday DOUBLE PATTY HAMBURGER and ANY FLA YOR MAL TED MILK 901 VALUE FOR 59c ~~-1--11.MllLIL--!---HMW--f--tflElf'.7~m -•p1e1At-FOR-AU.-WEEK T Y TAii.Es II K. MfetJ ...... ,,._.,r ~ ~ • • .... w•• .... ~ 9' 19 s11• ....... -.. ------··· -REGULAR 301 c 1 ....... 1au. ... 19th =:i:~ "PAYLESS . . ALDIUNUM l'DCOLATORS 14MI t eup .._ 69' ........ -······-···--·········· RITZ SCALES W ... ll rqU&ll7 wl~ U... Up- Jllf'90lf ..ae.. JCacaltJtac .... 'lN ~ ....-. na. ~-•to PLANno OOATED MJ:TA.L DISH DRAINERS la kJk~• ~OrL ,,, ......... ··--···········-······-.. ASC HOllOLAIJ!l LUNCHEON SET N ptHie llUNlwldl .... ~.... '211 ... ir.NM .... llAk.E "~-TARE CAKE l'AN C-'i or i..lio '8 It.. TU. to rill•rT• ---·· 59' ... ..,·······-. POT HOLDER MITTS AMort'd. C.'0101'"9, ftof&I prt.t ...... VJ' ~ colle>a. 19' .... n.:i . DISH CLOTHS .... lh -· ·' ••• 47' C'ASSOS IATH TOWELS ........... ~ 59' ..... Th . ··---·· - IU.El'rl'ZO Sl'ONGES AU ,...,.._, ,..,..,__,. 2 for 36 e mi.i-.. &es"· l.k - UTIUT\' HOURllOLD lltUSH SET o. ........... d.~ 474' -.................. ··-·-·- DX Lt 1' ELECnUO HEATING l'AD • ..,. -'r' ........... ------··--·---···· ... OYJlllOL RUllD GLOVES .J\'at•rl.I a.t.s. wt .. --.alp n.. '"" .... ,.._ w &es. a.Se --·····--···--- IAnDIES s-1-C: llJ•. .. 2 for 19' ..... Ille -.rfll .. -· WOODl:.S SALAD IOWLS llarft ..... ......., n.. 4 ,... •111 .... o.17 .................. . TRAINING I' ANTS 10• PLA,,TIC SHOWD CAl'S A.•·cL l'Olan le n .. rai .._ 15; .. p .. W.ir. "" ,._.. --··· KLEENEX 300'1 6 ... s100 .......... OILEEN" PIAIJTIC 0,\IU)&N Sl'lllNKLElt ''WHILE SHOPPING IN THIS AREA -DROI' IN FOR LUNCH" SETH THOMAS CLOCKS OM of A-ica's Oldest a11cl Fln .. t Clock Mallen D1800N'DNVED N\JllBEILS . ' ~· ' llAllOGANY FINISH. Jdeol for PROVINCIAL furalshed -R ... s25.oo s16'1 SAYE $8.33 ... l'RAVEL ALARM t. Lather lloloh.7 i-.i.. R ... $15.35 ~5 SAYE $5.70... T7- 1 3 0 F F GLANCE. IUtcheD model la eopper, rN. peen, •ill>'er and block lloral. R... ,,,95 s4'2 SAYE $2.33 ••• KHYHTll MODEL. lo b1oac1o ..... rnaliocuy ......... --era home. R ... s29.95 s21•l SAYE $8.32 ••. OTHER STYLES TO CHOOSE FllOM 8UIMP'..C'? TO r.xrlSE TAX FREE BALLOONS TO THE CHILDRENTH~:~~T . ~POSGF. Rt'ftBF.R SEAT CUSHIONS ~=-.:~ ~rf' -' h-: ....... $149 NOVF.LT\" HA.~"DU: , WHISK IROOMS ................ ......... 1lc: 10:000.-Y FLOORMAT ancl LID COYER ~.:e.-.:=:-.i!r~.::, .......... _ s191 OOU:D STATIONDY .. _,.,--. I• ,,.,. , wtalto ... .i .. ''·°' ............. -~ ... . au mui:a FLOOR MATS LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS •• ................. 35' ..... . ···-··-· .. -···-···-·... { --... F.KOO IGG IEATD ..... 33• ... -·········-·-------·-·-··-·-·····- ronu~ m.vu Twin Shady l'ltlDI FOR YOUR JUnLI Oaks OF BIRTHDAY Gin Grove INDIANA PARTY • ....... Ilene! ·-S'ATUKAU,1' m Ba114 ...... -n:..-.;Ntto ... ,...., 100 Proof "°"""" ITn.OW Pl N K 7 Jn. Old ... PIJ'Tll nm: ·-CHAMPAGN:; rtn:B ......... GARDEN GLOVES .. ,.. ... ___ 19' ...... lh . ·-·-·····--·-··· r1 351 287 3n 21• • Wide AsWll&N9' of 78 Rl'M RECORDS 1/2 off [)r.M:a. Caplw.I, C.rnl. C<Jlumbla. MGJI, aad otlH•,., COSMETIC SPECIALS KOL£8TRA.L HAI&_ . • I l'rl'lNO CREAM R•lr· 11 .00 2 for 1111 .-c• ··• DO ROT KY OR.A Y 8ALQ..'li COLD CREAM ~~~ ::'~ .. ·----······· .. ··········-'1" DOROTHY ORA Y QUICll CLEANER & SATURA l t.%1J 1111 \'alue ..................................... . Rt;BIN'IJTEL'li HAND DEUGHT ~'~ ONLY ...... ·-··-·-·-·· 59' CABA NONE DEODORANT CREAM ~·~':. • ................... _, ....... -........ 90' CARA NOKE LOTJONa WHITE MINK Sl'RINGWOOD 1i.oe ,,.,._ •1oe for •....... . ........... .•. .. ............ - COl..O!'l.'1A L DAMES · HAND CREAM ~l;_~y\'~-.. 79' ROUBJGA!lri"T LIQt'ID SKIN SACHET & EAUDE TOILETTE ~-8: ~~~· .................. ·---·· -r . PAYLESS ' Q..rt. ·····-------' ....... --··. { IULK STYU -~·--·· 1t' DRUG NEEDS ASCOUIC ACI» -vn.a---... ..... •1• ASCOUIC AC. -vrr..cr-• ... ..... •• S-tWW HYDROC:HLCllllll "'\ID, a.a• --... ·--... ,. .... 'r ..... .,.. HYDROC:HLOllDI -vrr .... ,._ .... ... ·--------'1'" ..... - VITAMIN A VITAMIN A e1·?tt'TIIE'nO -..... tllf1n . .... ' •1• I stOc.lr Up on Hotlety Howl _,. J'' I NAffONAU.T 14M<Kfl ,.., , .... I ~?<. NYLONS I First quality DuPont nylon- 5I 1au1e. 15 denier. In l'lfWtlt I Sprinc sllades. L~'..!'~!....-~~------ SHOP HERE FOR MARCH BIRTHDAY GIFTS ONE PARAKEET AND CAGE '4" BoUi ., .. 1, GLASS TltAYS Hold• •Ii si-e.. I~ tot. bn-91., t:-h 11:1-_a,..17 1'rl4. '6'1J Sii• al _, .. , ... _ ~ ....... . oon-i:E CARAFE With r.andlfoc warmer, 11 eap9141Jt COpJl"r, plaltnWA ---····-···- JEWELRY IOXES bi ...,.. i.t._.,.k 8-..... --.. V~t u.N. "'-l'tiM _..,.. ..... 8-vtq" 1/J off l'be ......... .,,_ .... ........ta-•• .,7 .. pniecripllo. .. •• ..... .. tnulatlq ,... ....,_. •• kaowled1e _. alllll •t.o he.nh __ .,.. ..... for ,.ou. Yoa ·ma •111•' Oii Oil for WWW..,_,., ............ --- I ' ,. WITH SAWE "'-"-. ~H,11116 __,. :-mrta.daya .,. a tame far fually wl fdmt to pl toptlaer • • • TM pi I . .. or &be "" tltieJ we ......,... ... -.. ---· .... ..., ..... -- "' ... -.r.11 --.., tile &her ..• s.mrttm1 11 .,..,. .......... ..._ .. -.... broalld to a party .,,...-, .. 111e __ -"-··. rupat It Ilda..., ••. Wble.b -7'l" ,.-r ... a .._,. hrty-IO-...i -..-..i-J'DG u4 .. ,,....., Or. Blrtlld67 hrty-IO ..... -to-lllaloMf Of COUf'K to cWebrat. )'OllJ' btrthd&)' with a friend ma..Jca the event doubly enjoyable. beel•• you c&n five u well u receive. Which all in a very 9imple ehlld0 llke way •uma up ... f-about lhla joint Birthday celebration of OW'Wi aloac wttJi Lido T.,w.I'• ....... u..-... Amlook at the trieDdli p.t.bered ·about ua! ••• I wU1 not ume tbma i..... ..• ---·-throuch tba rest ot thll paper and -what a hie. happy famlly .. .,. ••• A.n4 .,.,,. ao clCIM • • • An wtth!n aae blod< .... S-U-"'1 • all ap ••• · here ta a ntUell .. wtlat "",_.,. te .,._. • • • M• nae bot three a.-......_ .... ~ • eta"rwitrT ud ollb .apply -., a booll: .tore, • men'• ~g: .tore. • ioy .t.on. • ~ hftld an»·nee .ton.. a Door ........ .._,,- • drq; tit.on .-d a poaery a&ore , • • I repMt the word ....... ........ tbey Ill ..... eometblng to .U ... Now let.'• ~ OD with thfl _,... VX.. ... You Min go to the ahow, open a b&nk aecomt or a Sa\.1ap u4 Lou Ao- aout. take oat 90me tmw'· aaee. Jaa\.'fl tbe Mnicea of a hari>er lhop, -porlor or M1"Vb staUoa. 1et your pktGni takeo. rmt. bay or 11e11 a bome U&roq:b tbe -"' three Rial J;o. tote ,,,_ aa4 haw tba '? I , ...... of two lat.win ~ oae of wblcll Ill • A.J.D .... Take a 1\ant'e at Giii' Df!W Udo ShopA Dlr'Ml&ory, eat tt 'oat ud ,_. It bl Y""' lolep- -for'!** .,.,_ · • · Now let'• cet to th• lot a-m and cake! Now rm juat. about the • w e e t • • t thins around here. ., l want you to M SUJ'9 to oome to the Host- -Corner and u y Hi . · · Adelaldl ·-llld l ..w be rtvinl oat !No _,. In tba trontlobbyeveryday ... And ..,ery day ... 'U be ...ms _.t.blllC diffeftZll. Th• If 70u're .Ull buqry step ~ lzl. to the .t.ore wben then will be three different dmionst,. ton flftlrY day rtving out their warw .•. Allo --1< .......... eona. .. ...... CIOllfll ud _ _,fcwtbe-U try. Few tM M..-• • • ()r. ch.Id• .. ftllNday ~ 1'11· day. • Sunday, March 13 to Saturday, March 19 8 A. M· -7 P. M. Wllk4ayo Md S.tw.iay t A.IL-I P.M Scmday ci•a-...o ... .-... CANE SUGAR ____ _ Cooldq H ...... WESSON OIL . ................. 5nc DmRGENT· _____ _. 1- • llJDS SHOW &anlSDAT LIDO ~~-GREENBIOU111E"-,~, . SPE:a&J, uatBDAY Ol'FEll· UD STAR Cured Weed Fr-.. FERTILIZER nJLL %!4 59' llllL ft -·----,-_ .. _ Giant TIDE r ... p.o6o.J ~ Pric•" 7:ioNEROAST lb. 37c 59, .. ,._.... _, IWI ., I u. 8. Cboloe --COFFEE - O·BONE ROAST lb . 47c GRAND PRIZE .. A,. •ztnt f'Ariftr lleal .. U. 8. Cboloe SHORT RIBS .. Oiir a trt"4a11 -'pe~I'' The s.me Top Quality ... Alwa19 GROUND BEEF "Y Ollr P'lltvrite ff11"1 ., Muhattan Old Fuhloaed SmokNI WHOLE HAM --- ., .i N11tiowll ,.,.,,.,n,,.·• s ·uc·ED BACON ~~II to R flfJt eotd 1'.11!" -··--SMOKIES ., BaLe"'! S,eciat . MONDAY & EVEKtDAY . lb . 17c lb. 27c 1b.47c lb. 57c Boa. 3~c FRESH" BREAD --ltc ar-+ or Drurnstic:li TUESDAY filijp COOKIES 2 -27c WEDm;MIAY CiiNAMON ROLLS 6•M17c: TRJGH8 ····--.. ---·-·-Al. lk T_,_ __ ,._ 2 19C: BISCUITS --.. ··-·-··--.... . .. ,_._ rm , ., n-.--,. aou -TulM Uc =· ........... 12c: FRUIT SALAD -------···-····-·•"' ,._............ 49c: CHEDDAR CHEESE _____ .. ~ Dn* '"..\• ,,.._ N.-...1 59c: SWISS CHEESE ........................... -I~ FOLllD'S fiANis _______ , --'~ ~ 7c: COFFEE --··-········· ··-~i~· 3 99 ..__. " .... CANNED HAM 79Clb. JIMs AND JELLl~s ---·~=·· 39c: MEAT PIES ~ -Tnkf'J -fllkk ... ...._." lilaM 1 "9d.y In rat _.,.. -Fm -...., ..-y to ltf'al. TU!n ........... ~-4 1 .. 89; T-V DINNERS Tnrk,.y -Chl<"Xf'a ,-Bfft !'1,.911..,,n'11 nl1151W tak,.·htMJM dlnlll'r. &•1'.'0"'ll"nl. In ba,.,. on h-cl tor WI· f'"Cpf("l f'd 11:.-I •II ti ~ ml••lo •mn r•· 7 3 F 11-oa. ........ "'""' VEGET r--eat 0e --T"fl .. ,... ........... •l peak ,..,. ;:1 :::;~2 =:;. -·-··· '. • 011.a-=· awn JUICE :: 2 ... 3r ----4 100 PWS ~ ... fo"MAtoES ~~ 2 ... nc fOMil'Ofs _~ 2, ... ]]c ulM /-J. /,uJu anJ. ,,.,Ja/k OCllllla ..,. -o..tnl • Pima BANANAS ,......,,, 11',M-illlm•'•......, CARROTS • • rum ~17c S'aUP ~:; 3 ... J9c .-. SALT""':'"___: 2 ·-2Jc _._..TO 4 25c SAUCE _ _! •• .. I , .. CAim 'Mae MIXES ----1.1- .... n: .... mn Jlc CRACKERS ...... ... iUNS""' ~ ltc Mayonnaise 49.qt. •h· 10c 1 n.. ..no .,..u,. Sc lllKDSE'll"E 8UCED S-d11Y, Msch 13 to Saturday, Mcnll 19 I£. .. _, P.11. W11t',. ... •1 ...,. • ..... _ ••••• I l ...... _, TURKEY CRACKERS--a= ••ms r-P"riN"' Puev.,-..._.., CRISCO 3 lh._caa 7 Sc ...... _ •It _, .n.Mot1.- Mi iGARl NE n..-2f .. 35c "'RkAanf'• ~can-· LARGE AA EGGS -.. 53c '"loft q.dty" --1000--TOILET TISSUE "Al_,e 11 .II'~ 7',.,,.. Apple 1-4 APPLESAUCE 2 for 19c No. 303 un 1 Oc GOLp CORN No. 303 -2 for 25c "RMby Rfld 11.wf AppetiM"D'" Ubby'o TOM. JUICE RICILUD'll •ao ..... 2 ._45c , ORANGE JUICE STRAWBERRIES ICE CREAM or SHERBET --.. •el T ... ,,...,,_ x-,.~ C'M ...,, .• UW... •II "'1nlf'r _._,_,.~lkioll"I .,,. .. ·wrrl ... fnr .... "'""· ~::~_25, ·-~-- • Jlfe:w'i 4.i?Ris~ lmlfD&1', MAW(W .L4 15 12.~9 '••········ wml ·SALL.ii ._. ...... -H,JMI ..... ............ .. . ..... ,,t, ..... . Q'Jlaf//flWJl11rt- --.... -... non ....... ..--.. bl ·~ ••• , ....... Bow -·-. tllr""7 ....,., 809..., ... , ........ .. ,.,_, __ ... .,..,.... ,..,,, ...• ,... ... ,? ... .... ,..... ... . ..... . l'M be'.,. .... ~ ...... 'fte ,.,. t"' • """ ., wwn-... 'I'• mlPi .... .... • l"""1' .... .,,... Out • • . 'l'be -~ "1oo wtD ... llOO -....... lllp tor two • , • Yoa caoa. ___ ........ ~em , Wlloh ODCI hlo star ----wtll bo boro T'burodaT ODCI l'rill&7 -lO:llO • 11 :00 ........ T'burodaT, -hdy - wtll .. -with stn. -our Udo Sbos-acrom tM -••• T'bm rrldoy -of tho ladlm will ........ -th. ....a to be ..... oam.- pWe.....,. tno-• at - Udo -of -lily. p1 .. __ to_ODCI_ -attho- =:a-.!'~"di~ ohoo.e •• Tbat'1 Bill Wek.h'• port of tho llllow ••• AJoo OD tho --will be Dorothy Jo DIDoerw from Co. NM del Mar aad a bll.ard al bJch ocllool boya • • • u )'VII can't mate tt. be sure to tum ca. your teleftl:lon .et and ~ tho tun ... "'""""' 11,, rrrv, 10:30 a.m.. ., ..,, ft lff Im ........... __ lJtmlp.a,-lood -oDhlo,_ ......... to ... Udo n..tn to - ....... IUdo-... rt wtllbe-~-1- G;st lit ....... The free abow otter. two nice free hours of lookinl' time, Mom .•• Take In • p6eoe of bome ma.di!! pie and • cup of coffee &t the drug stoNi. then 10 wlodow obopplns ..,,,_ Ille otreet •.. Spend 80IDe time In each ot. our u. ~ Udo Sho,_ ... Find out what each baa to otter, eo you can jot It down in your nwm.. ory tor tutuni reference ••• In each one yoa11 find .,.._ thlnc . • uw. unique In Ille -y of -• ' • Lovely sift bmms with py wrappmp 6- IJIOClal ""7 rf'ing .. • .......... yom"I .. -1-.I cnDed"-. ol --... r.v_...... Row lllipotted spew twww .. -··· b Udo ..... --~ lo """* tho putdac ..... va Opooto ••. ~ 1o tbe word for Lido Puhloai ••• lack !lllhNI'. llton ·- -. oot -'1 --. ho-..-1oo ... AI .. 8oo'lrr I! J'Oll mil .a. ""' poilltlop of -.... -···-·-of· ffft a.. WWW flt& of a deeoro- otor --oD ... dn- per,-ud ......... -8.._ .............. - loo ••• IJdo n..ato lo ... place to take JOU ... ~ a"'ssms for re-p.ar •. , W• ....... en ... typewrtban ... or. no. ...,,,u.s ••• Tbla t. the Grocery Storti among the Lido Shops at llWI ' ... -to Lido Lalo, Colli . • PA" 6·PART111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PnESS MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 • EGG SALES INC~EASE; BUmR TOO· IV.AK W.ALTONS. IOY SCOUTS OISERYE CONSIRVAT10N WllK Co11ty Del1y1 Ch1rch Pl111 IAHT4 .Alf4 (IV'!NI) _ Onq9 ooWat1 1aM11; Walt. r LUIT4 ANA (OCNI) -()r.. -T· _,. 0.-lJ' .......... OOln....._. ....,,.... Pd. ao, llccQt. Oii MU'da I P'Ut.1111 _.. Ulu. IOt lludr. I defunC ....._ - eonunlaalon. Pian• call for llM •~ uon ol/. a 33 by to root mala bulld- illl m th• lmmedlat. rutun at • -t of approalmately 17&.000. Name of th9 church -wd be trppeT Bay Bapu.t Church. n WOl.lld. not be epoMOr'9d by tha rlnt B&pU.t Ctlurch ot Co.ta 11-. &ttOrdlns to th• •ppllc&llL a.... la tM C!-'t'elud N•u.a.I hftR. U,,. ..,.,... CU.· wtwui. t.e ....ctkm • dlurdl ,_ u.. ..-. _.,..., ~ ftoiad M 'C ........ )'OL SapJonn Ualt No. A ... .,,. ._ Tl9ilfl • ... ... ud cy,.._ IL. wtW ot eoe-1.. .,. •-ff ot eo.ta w.-1ep1 •••\.edl U.. ,._... f17. ta ·x-,. TMft of tW9 hult cape ho111 hi.I It WU tM opmiq projtllt la 0. '; Mm W-* ....... 'ft9 4411.-...J WU to ,..it "'94 CV whih putlad ln fToat of hi• -1-1 .. p'-9 to ba d&rtn.d. boma wae NpOIWd March I to &1109 wbidl. ...... llanll 1 .... ?! to1 ...... ...,.. hetiq U.. cbllf'dr. 1eit.e .. tM pollc. bJ Be* Koon, 100 IC. Bay Iaclw.ttld la tha ,.roup '"" -"-....._ A-. ......., No~ Am...tcu. Baptilt Qvcll. A.'1•. con.i1t.ent rrowth In tTO• bu.S-Mllh and Flallert.ea clllM ..a -.·n. ... IM&a "-nae q.arcb. enntlaa.lly bo.,.. to 1-------------n-tor the monlll;m ot .January and ..t Ull'M ~u.... ._ U.. .ite. WMt ' -..S. t.e uallappln-, .,. Ftbruvy ot thi. Y"r C"Ompared Wa!tontlt.L ~ .,... ao obj«Ucma •t a makllll' pltuW'!I the cllltf aU.. ., to tlMo Mme period in 1954 1howl----.... ------------------------l,uk Mu1q Wore the plana1lll' -Wiiii.am lhornmnt• Richard'• Udo Muket ln a sttadyliiiiii'"i.iiiii ellmb. l:ss aalu for la1t Jan\ary w1ra up Ii per cent and «Ille 1 T per cent in hbruary. Re~n,attrlbut· M by BUI Loren.m, mar.t buyer, wu that .. ,. 1upply w11 In pater quanUty and quality~ ranch !'IP· re1Ulttns In lowtr ·prte.1, both or which provided sreater publlc ac· ttptallce. • JltJT'l'l:A INCllEAU Butter "tn · January roM 11 per otnt and 2!i per cent In February OTer tut year, quality belns aqua! but tha prlee per pound lower, ha aald. W'hlle milk and cream a• WI· uaUy pretty good barometer•. their aalee remained at their conai•t· ently 1teady. acUv• levt:l &!though Todd'• produclt are aoomlns In popularity. he reported. Ict c...am. tiowtver, 1howed a marked ln- crt&M of 1:1 per cent. It i. Todd'• Ice cream. oornz UP TOO may . we offer congratulations to Richard's Liclo Market on their 7th Anniversary Sale and to Liclo T oylancl on their 2nd Anniversary Sale• pt:r pound ot coffM w4in up I per cent oYer the mme pu1od tor both montha, laJTelJ' d\HI to prtcu ranatril" tn>m ltl to 15 canta REFRESHMENTS FOR EVERYONE ..... c.n•, ""u -10 .. , ,c, on the two"·month Jllrlod. and extend best wishes for continued Success Buell: a.a. dJ.tplay manqer at Richard'•, ii buildinl a Hosteu Corner, where re· on th.e COMMIUc aide, health frMb!Nllta will be .erved at tbe celebration thi& week. --SWt Photo and beauty atda rw 1:1 per cent ~-----------------~~~~---~~----~~~~--~-,,----·lover Ula lt:ifi l,....month pertod. Lido Shops' Background Shows Growth By 8ALI..IE FLEMISO Crakj Acq•ltted Oii Child Molestl•CJ Rap ll:vert.lt O. CnJr. 334 North Or- &n&"• 8t .. Brea, wl\o wa• charpd with child mole1lalion Jaat Oct. 31 . wa• found not &"Ulity by a jury In .Judge Donald .1. Dod1'e'1 Ntwport Just!~ Court Wedneeday. Tha Jury received the ca1e a t 4 :~ and l'es turned the verdict at 8:2:1 p.m . Thf chargl': w11 brought by t.l\a molht:r ot an 11-year-old Newport Bt:ach C'hlld. • See -51nonJa1bord Table af ANNIYIRSARY SPECIALS I Lido Shop1 are a block of lndl· vldually ownf'd alort.11 locatt.d a t the •ntrance to U<io J1le. lncludf'd in the Lido Shop• are Richard'• Market. Vincent'" Drug, th• Lido The11er. P. A. Pahner. lnc. on one 1ide of Via Lido. Directly across the 1trf'et art' the B11nk of At11Pr- lc1, Lido Toyland. \V il!i111na St•· tiontr•. Dic k M~cker'11, Lido Elf'C- trlc, V111;abond H ou3t', Sh111.ldock'11, Rule1 Sh~11. Llrln Bookc-.iie. Jo"'ulk· erson Interiors, Vogrl Company. crrl wfre in1l11\,.d al an or1anl· i:1t1on dinner Ja1t Aprll· 19: Pn!1\· dl':nt, Dick Richard, of Richard'• Markl':t ; Vli:e-Prt:aldent. Duncan MCAlplnt:, Udo l:ltttric: .acond vlce-pre1ldent. Bob Ram1ey, Vln- Ct>nl'• Drugi: Roland Wright. Sank of America . treuurer; Sel· lie Flf'mlng, ffere1-ry. _ ....... ••• On this teble you will fincl • selection of m•ny ffne items from our re9uler stock If you cen fincl your si'l:e encl the _,.ttems you like, you'n pt some reel honest • to • podne&s b<1r9•ins . in Shirts, Shorts, Socb, Ties encl meny other items. Bldwel1'1 Slt)r• fnr Men, Shiv· inc Mug. LiC:o IMle P TOJl;eTlif'I, w. O. Buck. Inc .. G.-rh11rdt Stud!~ and the Newport Balboa Sav!ng1 and Lo.n. Ovflr on V ia Oporto Udo P'11hlon1 and thf' Udo Salon of Btoauty a re located. King'• Rich· r1eld Sf'rvlce StnUon, and' Nlcker- U Stud~b&.ker r11c111 Xl':wport Blvd. PLASS!:U UISTHICT The Lido Shop• are a plannf'd 11hopplng di~trlct For y,.a.r11 :"lckfrlz Studebakfr, the R1chflel<l S1'r1·icl': Station and tl'lt Lido Th .. at .. r 1'111\',. bcorn fami- liar landmark• to rr1idrnla ot the H•u bor 11rra a11 h11ve the old New· port Ralboa S·•~·l ng~ and Loan and P. A. P 11lmer. lnr. Ll\lo F11shlon,.. Rlch1rd'11 MHr- krl an'I V1nc!'nl'11 Drug too, during 011• pa11t 1'PVPn ."r11r1 hu•·e rna<IP Otl\t:r member• were added to form a total ot nine ml':mbet boa1'd or dlrectot1. They are Jack Bid· well. Bidwell'• Store for Men: JM Nlck•rta. Nlckerta Studebaker; .Manihall Sl\add(>Ck. Shaddock'a; Blanch• Fu.Ike.non. Jl"Ulke._ In· tl':rlo111 and Cl'larloll• Holllnfallead. Sallie P1emtn1. waa declared an ex· orflclo .ecnta.ry, beeauae Ille wu not a •hop own•r. PUIU'08t: Dl9CL08t:D By·law1 and bowldarie• w•N aet up and the purpoae ot the Udo Shop1 A11oclatlon made clear. "\'"e want the people of 0TMIC" County to con1ider u1 aa • Jarl"' department 1tora," l•der11 -.Id. "'W"' ·w1nt to be thou1ht ot aa a wholt:. complete thopp\nf unit Wflfre every llf'm a 1hopper could pou!hly want la ava!lable In one ahort block." Shirts by Hethewey-Enro Sport Coeh by Jeckme• ShoH by T eylor Socks by Cox-Moore -Exeter Ties by Ully Deche-Adrie• BIDWELL'S • STORE FOR MEN Harbor 064I NEW PEa80NALITY -John Rovick, above, better knoWll u Sherifr John to young televi11io n enthusiasts, will make a personal appearance Saturday, ~larch 19, tn IUchud'• Lido Market from noon to 2 p.m. the ir Wl'1l,i;:f' in the landll<""llP"· T hrn ~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dunn~ the Pffll lwo yl':arJO, tht: re~t or tht: Li<lo Shop" havl': m11d1: thelr -- 'SHERIFF JOHN' DUE AT LIDO SHOPS AREA ..11ranre Into !he "hopping r!d. Thry 11l1rll':d "''llh thP Bank or A mf'rica on th• corner and con· llnuf'd lo 11prlnr up Jn rapid 1uc· re11alon unlll they complf'lely llne<I thp ot h .. r Jlldf! of V111 Udo. To makf' th"'m comp!f't ~ l'\Pwporl 811lbo11 !la v1ni:J1 11nd Lo11n mo•·r<l to ltJ1 i:lor1ou~ n•·•.-bullrllni: t'lftf: ;\f ,\K !':~ fll~TCIRl' I Ah<>U! thiJO l <Ul ~ !111\ f''~J". \hi' 0,.. ap«lal hnnor KUt•l of Llrln 1 •h<)w In l\11 third Yf'ffr nvtr KTTV llrt: HI Vinrr n,,. L!<Jo Dn•s.; rn11dc lhope .\&ll()e\atlon ind Rlchard"1 l rrr.n1 ll:.iO11n1 tn 12.:10 pn1 ~nd hi~1111 y. :o-:11 tur~lly a fir!': •"le "''""I Udo Muket Saturday wlll ~ CJ1rtoon Tim". fnur-yParo11ld 11ftf'T • forthconllnJ:. P r1flt to the fire 1>11!!' ~eritt' Jol\n, telPvl1ion rf!\ebnty. noon \l'leca;0i1 T.onntf' V1n,, nt m•·t vnlh thr o"'·n· 1 Wtlo WID make a two-hour llpJ>l':ar· Sht'rlff J ohn ~ta rt('d nut "''Hh 11 ,..,. !•f th" 1·.1rlnu,. Lhlo ~hop.• to anc. fn>fn noon to 2 p.m . He plR.nA 111 n1ple rorn111 t "''hirh hr thnul:'t:I 'u"''I"" th" l"'~·•1bll1Uc• or them to l'f'"l trtrnd1 at th!': """rk,.\, \O'nuld plea'" !h,. ,.,,,,nji.•I~•• and jto1n1n1: "-'Ith h!n1 on th111 f\r" a:tll':. thtn lead cl'lihlrf'n In the l~lrlo j tti.·!r pllt"l'llll. t,....; Thll l f•)rlllll\ In th111 "'a~· l)1e publlr roulll kl'\nW ,,,_tre tor a •pf!Cl•I motion pie· lnrludM th,. ,.tj,1.,.,1n~ or thr,.e thr 1,. I~ nol un!y a drUK ~10tl': flt I tur11 ent.ri.1nm1:n t arr•ni:f'd for I mnV~ rartMnll rl" h •1ill' plu" th• th~ 1·nrner nf \'ia Lido an•I :-....... th.an. formation nf M ·Flin Hi 1i:;~<1· ·• ,,,.. ('flrt Rh·d hut "''"\ .. 22 n!h"r •l<>r· 1 'nit youn.-art.111t , k no .. ·n off-dicllt"d tn , hll ~•ni: i.;l._,,.11 ~n·l l "" ,.. "·rll Th,. l'"•l nf !hr 11hnp;0i .i..,.. aa J ohn Rovtc k. In 11\rt"e rrf'Atln,!l: h11pr1· .. •n111in1t Yl'l•n;:•tr1·, lll<r '1 !h~ >•1"R . . • I ,...,.. •kyrvclleteirl to pup11h1rtty all n•·rr ~n11thrr11 1·a11foni1a ="''"·.I Thr~· ~n1n,.,~ "•th \ !n.-<'nt" nrnK 1 troftl the w«ll of a radio and ll'lt:-II hall JlnO""ballr<l in?n 1 ..,1,-,,.~,.. lnr 11 ~II " ~·~~111 !hlil ! n111il• 1111 'lrilllce announcer to a 11ho"'• of hi• rul rrn'°r~tn "·hwh .. nJn~·,. ih~ ''"nl· .. )1Mn1: .. Cn11n1~' ,.,..a,,. or thr hk>1·1t own by ctf'allnfl' th,. ,.,.i,.n rer-r l,.te T<WlJlf'ratinn "' thr 1.,0_.. ,\n· I or 20 ,.,,m ,. 1nr11\·1•tual ehop" l0<.·11t· ...nty which I\.~ port~~Y•· ""i 11t'l"' Cf!nnty ~hrr·1 tfJ orf1r" nn'1 .. 1 J•f !h,. r11lr"n,. .. ~.,Lido ll'IP, - a covete'tl Emn')' •"'·arit r"alu~~ •t1rh !!'If' !'Arto<in ,,.,.,,.~ 11.• Afl,.r !h" F l•" f'1 .. atJi . the l'!'ai'I· tor Ml chlldt?n"• proirram In 19&3. "Cn1~dfr R11hll 1tr ·· ··Jin• 11 n<l "r" nf \hP v111·t""' 11hop~ mrt 11r11ln aa.n twice dally. hf' ap~11r11 on Jud}' •n T .. l,.l11 n<1," J1n<1 · Th111 Ill tn 'li•c1•~Jt lh" r .. Jult,. o f thf' t'lrf' S)lerttt' J ol\n'• LI.Inch Br1,:iadl': 1 I.hf Slnry" ~·1 ... •u1 Th,. rr•11l1,. \O'fre good. All Li~o Toyland, Richard's Join Birthday Celebration • II Twin A~l"""'t 1h .. y hlld m11<lr mJ1n y nrw fr l•·nrt•, 111n~t nf whnm "'·"r~ <J,.. loJl"h!"t:I "''Ith the ldl'll nt <'0!11plP!I': r·nr-11t ("lp Jtl\orrilnl{. Joc11trd \0°1lhln 11 "hort blnrk. "'\\'hy don't ""*" rorm • l.Jdo S11op~ ""MK"l~llon ?"' Jt&ld the ,·ar - lnu~ l.l""nf'no or th<' Lido Shnpa. And , IUdlard'a Lldn Market on onP I brlii;htly. 11n tl i;:1 vr 0101 " "n)oy· thP)' <htl. A nomln111!ng .. on1mllltt aldit of Via Lido Ci'll'i:..-•lf'J till ml':nt to lholll' 'A·ho bi•tinh\ thrn1 " ""'" n11n•f'rl and t~e rollr• .. ·inie ol'f•· .. .,..th birthday and t,ido Toy-~~~~~~~~~f~~~.., .. ~~~"' I.and aero-th .. 1treet rrlrhrat .. • fr MCGftd blrUutay In thf\ 1111n1e "'erk: "We ..,.. u.anktul th11t "''" h1vr IO ina.nt' ·pod nelg!lbor11:· o . \V. "Dick" !Ucha.rd .. id. "The nu:1:11t "B EAUTY FRO M HEAD TO TOE"' prt..anl we could f'l'er rrl'Pl"e I•! tha tact that thl r1:1t of !hr Lido lhope ban joined w1lh u1 lo maka thl• a truly memorable O<'ra111on m Ule Harbor anL ~"':•;:; ;::,,r~! !i~o;~; CIOUll they be«>m•. A Jroup or I tr1tltdil topther. Uke a Jtoup nf I di.am~ to,.ttier, will ahine mnT? n.. ,~ pleuu~ ··'" w11h · I a u.. cltde of uwl'UI occupaUon. [ -11.r, wn ....w PAULINE CURIUN" Hubor 2679 UfO Via Oporto N'.-port S-C.tl. Call!ornta • • • • • • ••• ' OLD ROOMS CAN IE REIORN AGAIN WITH ••• NEW CARPETS -NEW DRAPERIES NEW UPHOLSTERY ••.• WALTER HOLBROOK, Head .of our Decorating Stall suggests ... *Viscose Nylon CARPETS • Completely lnsteQed Over Heavy Padding $7 .95 sq. yd. • fine furniture • CARPETS 3420 Via Udo • • • • * Beautiful Casement CLOTH DRAPERIES Sl.60 yd. Dick Macker DRAPER,IES • • • * Re-upholster Your Old Furniture Completely Rebuilt and Restyled • complete decorating • service • UPHOLSTERY Phone Hca bw 4328 ' • NEW HOME FOR 'DELI' '. .• J ' • Ir • FROZEN FOOi> VOLUME HIKE CAUSES GROWTH . FICJUNI Show Ashancllng Jump In luyer Acceptance at Mw I !\.-..on f<>T JUcurd'1 Udo Mar- ket'• new, I00.000 remodellnc ell· panmlon hi ch11n7 caQmd by th• ,,...1 popularity or troun roo111, 0. W. "Dick" Rlchardtm&rt OWfl• IN', nport.d toda:J'. A.IU\oUlh the iJlon WU' open two d&p 1-lut January than ln the -.me month or ltM, f'ro9en toad IT<* ..i.. Mow.d a 10 per cant lnCl"MM. A r9COrd·~ fftlAn food MJit ..,,.. :r.bruarJ' or lh1ll ,..,. up ti J>9r etat -the -• period bl 19M. l Nim' Dl:n:LOPlmlft ""With Ult. nther .t&rtUnc MW' O.nlopmerit ... the ~ food .a .. 'lrP4." IUchard .ut, "It wu tmpt1n.U" tit.at -. prvride at laut doullht Sp&C9 for aur new. ca.e. w2llcb wW. ill" at leut IO to ao pet cent moN &.play NP&- city. W1 -111 ha"' two and oae- hajr Umea mor. potenUal la ~ en food.I Ul&ll we now baw. &..l'J"' OM ~· Ufltr to ltJ*ld I .. U!M prep&rin,. miNJ.I, mor. time en· Jo7tnc them arid • Harbor ana'1 many acu.iu.a. llOU CUSl'OMZU CU.tom.er cov.111t t. up 6 pa oeat, ..i .. up 10.H per cet tor Ncb- ani'1 Udo market O'NI' tbl J-U- 1117-hbruary period uu ,..... oomp&Nd to tbl -.me two IDOD\M laat )"Mr. A.""1'9 -'-,... cu.- tom.er u. up a.bout 1J e111t.1 &l- U..uih th• prte. ................ .A. liS per -t Nd m.t -.J• ~ .,... DO\.td for UW-naoaui od w. ,..,. corapued to lut.. 1'llfl4ICt. • pod balaaee tA diet ol nl&l'bt ~ Nab&rd •4. Special Board to Expe•ite Operations of J1venile Hall BANTA. ANA (0CN8) -Re-up a .,.ci&1 boud npfUNll&U" qu•l of Superior Cowt Jude'• Ken-Ulld alt.ematAI to fMllil&t.I Ju ... neth Mom.on. t.h• ONna-• Cowr.tJ nlle aall pl"OOICfW'M. Board of Supe~ lhl'eh t IHt. J'Ude• KOl"l'Uola. jUftlltle court ---------"·---he&d, told ui. aapemmn h• wu •-•Yinp acoounta. U.. _...,. faoed with botU-U ID the; OPI"' lion 11 aao &l.inlnl' 'ftOtlce In th• ation ot JunnU. Hall. He .aid field ot lndu.try, Palmer -.td. H4I lmmlldi&te actlcm wu MC_,,. lndh:at.cl he and hi. •tall are cur-oa tlUI f111AI' and l&irtq ot tm• rently hold.ins dl..::ualona wttll re· PloJ'•• at tbl b&U. ff9"1tolon. M> p,_l&U"9 ot a2 11ew t.udualrl• hN had to wait until th• board on nnanctnr &nd related matt.en. coaftDM on TUt9daJ'L with plan• t~ e1tabUahment of Supe1'Yimr Relnll KUMr wu their pl1.nt.s here In the near f\&t· named prtnelpal and SupenUor ure. C. M'.. Feat.herly u alt.emate. Their GOOD NEWS roa A.LL job w1ll be totentaUftly appron or ~· JU'l'mile Hall appoUlt-me1;U, subject to il.nai action b7 the bo&rd. J oe Martin, manager of the delicateaaen, with Kather· lne Birdaall and Nell Fowler, bia aaaistanta, ia abown looking into the addition being built at Richard.'1 their department. -Staff Photo. tor •·we feel that thili 18 sood newt for all of ua," Palmer rem&rkld. "It meana a 1teM17-S'&1zi ln popv• ll.Uon, and 1Jut1talned. all·Yli'U Ull· ploymmL KO!'e .new bomel, n- bualne• center., ud 1t.M.dy --S.ismog!'aph Gift to Coast ColleCJe NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS, LOAN SEES $10 MILLION GROWTH IN '54 Talks New Under Way to Iring Six Industries to Harbor Area One of the pio"neer firn11 of the Lido Shopa, and a leader In the fut growth of the Orange Coast and Harbor-Mesa a.rea la Nt!wport Balboa Savinge and Loan Association, a $17 mil- lion plua u.vinga inatltution aoon to complete ita first year In a magnificent new bayfront beadquarten at 3366 Via Lido ln Newport Belch. brlgbt •pol in the white .1pot of Founded In 1938 by Prt.1ldent OranJ• county. New pc;irt Balboa Saving• enjoy- P•ul A. P1lml'r and • 1roup ef ed lt.1 grc11tPBt growth during 19~4. civic leadera lo provide home fin· anclnc for local ramlllr1, !\l'wporl Balboa 8evln11 hu enjoy.-:! • phe- :nomenal r oWth 1lnce \\'orld \\'ar JI. Thi.a crowth and It• 1tr1klng- 11ew modrrn building a t the edre of lht bay ha. Mmed tt lntern•- tklaal tame, and focua1eo the 1pot- ll1hl on Newport H•rbor 11 • whrn total a SMlt tncrel.tl!d from undrr 11 0 million u the yl'&r bl'· gan to almo1t 111 mlllion on 0..-C. 31, a ccording to ?ol lu Agnl'I Blom· qu!1t. executh·e llf"'('tPtary and di- rector ot the u !MJC1atlon. She haa btt'n a .member of Its •t•ff from Ule b<og1nnlng. . '"Our 19~ Krov.·th Is continuing 1t a vrry rapld ra1 .. :' Prr1ldcnt Palmer report•. "Our e.uoelaUon h1..1 tnjoycd an overall nlaUve growth ot $1'6 mllllon •Inc. Jan. l , In a period ot ju1t over two month.I. Our new 11vlng1 account.a during the 11me period total $1" million. We have n1ade new loant ot more than a mllllon doll.an dur- lng-that Urue." In a 12-month period, lhe AllSOC- lation 1teff ha.1 lncre&6t!d from 111 to 33 peopll'. "Becauae of the wtde~read at- tention earned by our ne.., buildlnl and ou r 1ervlce1," Palmer .. Jd, '"we are l'njoylng a much wldrr acce ptance, parUcularly f rom 11v- in11 IJ1V1'1tor1. Pubtlc1ty •nd •d· vcrll•lng which hu appeared in 1uch tntema llonaUy kno.,,. pub- llcaUon1 u Fortunfl Ma,._ilne hu m1de 111 kno'A-n to people all ovl'r the country, •routing-lhd r lnter- e1t ln ou r uaoclaUon, our city, l.Tld our county. "Jn ttt:l'nt v.•trk1. we have re- ceb-ed .n-aecowltll ~ Arizona, pe.Mon an ln the otnq', ud the _Nen.da, Kicau,-ui. Ohio, and from picture Jookac ..ery promians for u far -..tu New York. Pennaly-our economy. Faith l.n th1e klad of V&J!.I&, -d rra J:ior1da. Of courw, ellpt..naloO for the Hatbor ead •• haw9 .llLNI-.)' t.YMtors ln forelsn M•• .... lh• malD factor which countnea, too. Tht>y are people 1Wted u. pi..nnl.ns eipt 1Mf'11 ecv who &hare our failh 1n orans• for our own exp&naion." county and ll.I tllture, and want "Alo.as with our npld Sf'O'Nth l.n lo lnTMt Ulelr 1avtnp with WI l'HUOtt:M and NW bwlntu," Pal- bere." ' mer cOllUnUed, ''""• u. flndiq Newport Ba.Ibo& BaYlnp dl.ft11r1 our bulldlAS very etnckrlt, ud froJI\ 10me a.octauou, Palmer well able to talle cue of OW' need.I pointed out, IA .. t.aridlns It.I Mr-lhNuch maziy ye&n of contlnulllt vice• beyond home nnanclng to rrowlh. On1 10urce of pnuiM take ln tndwltlal and commercial pride lo our ltalf and directofll dcvelopmenlAI of m-..ny kinds.' l.1 U..1 fact t.Ut our bulldln&" and '"I'h.1 m09t lmporta.nt field for ll.I equlpm.1nt a.re all pa.Id for, rc!nvc1t.ment with u1, of oourac," from 1avinp which •• have •t he u.ld, "i• the flnuclng-or n•w &aide &om our itarnl.nc• durtns homel , and the p'ureh.Ue or remod-our 19 ycan In bult.neu. A..1 our elln( of balnu already built. 'J'h1I JTOW1.ll oonliA1-. w e wW a1ao field t&ke.1 about 73 per cent of th• tiroe.4-out .. _..•et1oa'1 •"""-:" total numb.fr or IO&ll.I we make Newport Ba1lloa 8&'1np •rYlc- lnto alng-le-famlly re1ldence.1. Our ti now lnclude,Jn,addlllcm to aav- dtr«t or1 fttl that lt 11 the aound-ln(I eccounl.11 and many type1 of e.1t poulble, Jnve1tmcnt for thoac lo•.ru1, a ••fe drpo.tt nult, private who entru1t their aavtnp to u1. coupc;in bcxilh1. · and contrrwice .It. •lmnoen.ph bu befta add9d to the .clence equipment at Oransa CM.at CoU•s-... the ~t al a <1onatkm ~ Kartln '· 11.\arrq, Hununrton S.ach, It bu been dlocl-. Murray i. U.1 po.1t.m..ttr at Huntl.niton S...:h, and -am.WU"r 9Clentltt. H• built the Ml.-norra.ph twn.ett for thli coU.p. It will be llllltalhd In the n-Bclcnce bUlld• ms. when I.hat i. oompl•ted, ac• con:llnc to Jam .. P:ltton, reo1o11 lratructor. Th• •lm'loptpb will be uRd In connttUoa with ln•t.ruc- Uon Ul pbyodcal eclene• and •- IOI')'. NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 • PA&E 7 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 • UMOVIS SANDI • • UMOYIS UNJI 11111.0 ......... NIW 1955 Automatic WAIHIR -tllo -..-Ve ftl.TEJl.n.o AOl'IO"'-, , Oeau and Recle&m Wuh Water Contin110lll11 · U A Wuher Hun't ftl.TEB-n.o, It lm't Kodoni 3424 V1o Udo Habor 47'7 Quality Printing~ Harbor 1616 "AlmO!lt every day, we are bo1a room : a complet• lnsuranc• apn- to vt.1ltor. who w-..nt to Jee our cy ; money orders, travel•r•" bulldln1:· Pre.1ldent Palmrr con· cbecka, collecUon1, U. 8 . Govem- tlnutd. "Somr of lhe.1e are execu-mant Bond.1 department: and a Uve• ot u..vtnp and loan •a.tOCl•-complet.1 c.1crow departmrnt. Thr Uon• Ul other 1tate1 who are sath-aaeocta Uon recently opc:ntd • erlng ldeu for nrw bu!ldlng• ot] branch o.tnce •l 2t0l £. Coalt their own. But many ot lhrm .,.. Hll;'tlway. ---------------------------------------l vac1tlon v\1\lOf8, brought by lh1lr Five ot th• ~l•t!Oll dlrKtor1 friend• who ire all!O fr!enc!t of h•ve eened 11.noe It wu found.ii our1. and who eharc our prlde In In 1931. They .,.. Pllmr r ; \Valtrr our nc1~1 headquartrr9, and v.·1nt S. Spi~r. Vice Prr:ildrnt: Samut>I them to tce It, 100:· Tour1 of the A. Mt7rr, Trealurer: Acne• lllom· building t rt conducted e1ch v.·ttlt qu!1t, ExKuUve Src~t.a.ry: and d11y Al It a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Pal-J o11tph Betk-Dlrtttor Charita \\', mer !!Aid. G uell• have a 1tandlnr TeWlnkle hq Mrved 1lnce 19311. lnv!t•llon to make the.e loura. and Director Ralph P . Mukt>y PLANNING SPACE USE OF tAARKET ~filo G. l..acy, general mannger of Richard's, right and Alfred CU.Olito, manager of the prod uce dep1rtmt>nt. AN' talki ng O\'Cr the addit ion l>t'ing built at Richard'• Lido ~larkct \l."llh Ed llurriaon of the contracting"fi rm. -Staff Photo In n<ld1t!Q!J to 11tlr1tctlni. n111 ny 1!nc1 19:.0. p. L palm~r lnoorpon.W de\·elopct.1 of LJ DO ISLE (lt"F.t:K •1trvth·t1 2 bfo.dranm homP "ev C'lub for 119.)1).00 dowa.. Come to p, a. pelm,.r IMorpor•tM.t ol,. han~nn w . .-J~ m(Tnt. SSSS ,-1• Udo harhor l .'\00 Congratulations To RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET on their 7th Anniversary and to LIDO TOYLAND on their 2nd Anniversary . with Best Wishes lor their continued Success KIN G'S Lido Rlchfleld SllYICE STATION • 3413 Newport llYd. Har. 4827 Mttl !bl T•ylot f1111111J I A.II tllll T1ylon.. ildudin1 Aln Ill. qN 10. John, t. HollJ, '· and 0.-.ld, 2V.. -,.i lhllr 11,1np--..r1111. --ilM!r ud ~,_.,_-their IOQJ uw...t s..~;..,. IDd ~· AwocilllioG. ---"""""-J ou k.now what a Savings and Loan Association can do for Y.our family? n. cs •"• _. .....,. "*"" triT1 ten yau how inawed Sa•lnp and Lou Allociation! are nmr .-vina ll ""/"'1Mofyour fellow Americana -and bow !hey can .-you and JO" fami.17. Q . Ho• tltt yot1 '""'to .,..r A. You an 1W1. with u Utdl •SI to SS. Q. Ho• ""1d """"1 "" ~ ~,, '9"11 r A. You pt !!2!.1!1DS ,.._, '1111.t't becaUll tha ~tlona J.nvmt moll al thllr l\mda la '°"""· """'r·po)'lnl.._ """'PC'L Q, '""1,_.,urn11'1 -frfJ of JO"~'' A. n.y .,. pi o9cled by rood manapment and IUbltantiaJ ,_...._And they In YwuNd t.1p to SIO,tm by tha f'--.i S.vinp and Loan ~ CorporatioD-e.n llCIDC)' o( I.hi U. S. Oowrt111111iiL Q. a-,.,_,; lwN ,,., ...,,_ .sa.+r -' Z...~0..-.' A. Aamtcul .,. no-puntnc man of Chelr saviop account dollan into 1hem than ury- •-hctt CIK1 Q. ....., l'ltfU tlu! A~""''' A. Rmpon!.ible. C•perienoed f"'OPM o( 104" o-rommunity. o. H1wt *-'"" "' /oo1u "1 ~ ""'*' r 1 A. Only property bl(lt-.,llh the m1~ on mortppi ror t\oJna buyinc, buildUlc and alw.tiona. Q, H~ "'f't1NMI .-r dwtr-loon #'nknf A. They an now 1ha nation'• larc-t .mp IOU.roe of home monpge k»M I They make libcnl klanl-quickly and at modcnll: r.1& Q. WAa1'1 tlw 1#.sr tiHw ft1 fPt to*-""'• yow loetd ~ =~ :,::,n:.;~ • ._,,,, ;:! : ::::;.. ~ plaot .u. NEWPORT BALBOA. SAVINQS ond LOAN ASSOCIATION P. /\.. Peh-ne r, Pre5 id•nt lll>6 Vio Udo H1ri..;. 4200 - -< /.,~~: :::..d 1-D rou.da&~A~~:::, ot lhio •d=::~onl lo LIFE, SATIJRDAT EVENING POST ud TDlE. . \ ' • I PAGE 8 ·PART I I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH ' 1•. 1955 Fr11chise 01 Mesa l1s Line ·Up for li.ds -:_· "'TBBOUGH TKESE p0RTALS"-Rich&rd'• t. to have automatic glUI doon for CUA· f.Omer convenience aa a part of the improvement.a being built at the big store. Bud K•1•ahn &nd Keon Fingelsten o( the Channel Glau Co. at left, are ahown putting two of the doors together. -Staff Photo TEL&VIUOX nu -Bill Wf'lah. abov'!', w1 11 pre11ent hi• -Uknown "Star Shopper" teleTiaion .ti.ow from R.lchard'• Udo Jlal'ket Thurllday and rrtday. The• public l• tnvttf'd 10 ... it. Mori-'Caps Gw nu... hubc;aps .... ~ talren from a caz owned b)' Oiarlc• )(Qrrow, 112~ South Bay Front., h• "'" JIOr'ted to poll« J.10flday. The car ... p&rlled nr•r hl• home "''htn U.. then o<"CUrted l!OllleUme Ft'f. ~) or 8at urdey. NO HANDS NEEDED, JUST GO TOWARD DOORS-THEY OPEN! Startled women are going to wonder who ii opening the new glaas doon !or them at Richard'• Lido Afarket. , Customcn no longer will have to look around for help When they try to get out of the big .tore c&rrying groceries in both hands. Married women will not have to look repro&eh· .fully at huabanda who .topped opening doon for them as the honeymoon waned. Richard'a has taken care of all that. The new g\a&s doon are automatic. You walk up to them and presto, you couldn't push t hem if you wanted to. S hove a lull cart load.of gToceries at them and they make way for you to get out to your parked car. You don't even have to be grown up to have tbill couriny •bown you. ChUdren can pt out jut u euiJy: "Look, Ma· No handa.'' PLENTY Of TELEVISION Welsh Show to Emanate From Richard's 2 Days Plrnty or televtalon wtll emanate trom R ichard'• Lido Market Thur.- day and Jl'r1da.y, o . w. "Dick" Rlchatd, ma.rk"t owner, an11oune· e(J 1oday. Bill Wel•h, t'!'lt>vllion penoonal1ty ""'ho -• here Wt year. will pl•)' a return engace· -.ry ~en ... A gnnd awud wUl be • $2~ paid villt to Udo S&lon ot &•uty plua dinner and enter- t.i.nmenl tor two •l I.ha •mart. n- Moulln Rougr. HoUywood. ' Sl~l/,.hUng: hll •ppt1aranr• at Flrhard·., Bill Welah wtll ~ ob- ment with hi• "Star Shopper" aerYlnl' hi• aec<>nd &n11lver•tY show. with t». ma.rket'• lltVtnth. "ft will be the •how of t,tie year:' Rk Mrd aa1d. He .&Jtd that Three Cars Collide vitertainment trom Dorothy J o da11C" •tudlo, a Ha.rbor HIR"h 1ft Rear End Cnnh School mu•lcal rroup and OrU,ff Cout Glee Club will tllfe the 'nlrH cars bumped Wedne9day at •poWghL Cout Highway at1d Poppy Ave., The u.ual Biil Webb contest police said, .nu be fea1ured plua Rk:hanl'a ''Lucky ~vf'n" cont.e.t u a ahow Albert 0.Vid Bell, t3. ot 1&3 W. c \lmu. WU.OU St., Cost. M~ and Jay During Thuraday'1 tlr•t allow Tracey Sprole•. 31, ot Teu.a. both HVtn women wftl be R lect.ed from to.Id police Uuey were •t.opp<td. one U!OM ""'ho •llend. They "11J ~ behind tha QUler, when the third awardf'd ~\·en prtu11 from the car drtven by l"AWU'd COilier At· Udo Shop• AMOclaUon. new, 51. of Banta Ana, hit the The san'le •rven ... 111 mum rrt• 1 re&r end ot lha Sproles car, knock· day to plcll Iha "l'f'&lld annlver-tnc It lnto th•....,. of \.h• Bell e&r. CLEAN DISHES WITHOUT WET HANDS Pretty Loil! Muon ol Lido Electric findl diahwuhtitr a plaawe ln thW Df!'W Genera.I Ele<:llic automatic wuher which aJ.klN out from under oounter. She fl't&nda betore an &ll-f'lcctric kitchen which featW. ru.p at I.rt. .pliKl.ty of counter apace and aip.i .bo&rda abo\'e. -St.a!f Pboto • A.prtl ' wu .. t by eo.ta Me• Oowldl oa KM'Ch T u dead1tn. ror IMdl oa eo.ta 11-8'Jll Oom- '*'7 tn.nch1M •blc:ll wW bl ... WUd9d to Uul hJ.c1Mt9t cMb bidder. Cb&riu B. ftetmjer, open.tlll1 u Ui.e OoRa J(eq, Bu Compuy, h-. appu.d for tM trui~. ll-n:A& n.ANCIDU Tb,. COWICll adopt.do a rMOIUUOI\ rnatinl" u. ~ h'anch1'11 wllhln ea.ta X.. city UJDfta fM 10 J'Mn with p&J'llleAt to UM Cltll: of I per ..at ol rro-auuJ. ~pta. 1111 ot»r .,,., .... ,., th• coUDCU : o,..ttld a Wrd to-<t.y ••~­ •oa to tM Aloala TralMir Park t« C4mlP1-UO. of JI~ MW• ap work wtUll potl1zll' of & QOO bond ~ ~ .May •• a )*\&lly cbu'p of flO pa day wlll b4 lnied for 96Cb e:atendar day lf Ute work Lii riot 71'l don•. BWJdtns Official A. J . Vols i. ported t.M work lll appl'O.iibai.1.7 IO p.r Niit completed an.r two to-day eatemi.<* J>911odll. W. l .. llT. rilJllOM BIDWELL'S LIDO ADDITION PLANNED Jt.feind IUl lnfonnal petJUOft for U1 bnp~t di..trict Oii W. 19th It. to UW ctty .qinMr, ni. petttbl ._. 91.r-d bJ mon th&n eo ..,. ce,i.t or proP9rt.J ow.-n 1n- 9'Cllftd. CltJ AUoneJ Doft&l4 Dun· SU nport4d. · ~" A..Ol»pteid l'ranclliM eheclu of J5NI rr-tM llo'llthenr. OounU. a.. Oolnpuy and 12022.t.5 fl'Oll\ ~Compuy. PrellmiDary U:etcb ahoW'I architect'• conception of new admtion to Bidwell'• Lido Store for Men, 3t28 Via ·Udo· Jack Bidwell, Owner, plan• to add &.8f(;ond atory abov:e the prMent modern atructure. Additional apparel lint111 will be added to inventory. Construct.ion on the new unit will begin next month. -Staff Photo • • • • • * HA YMAKER'S IZOD of London golf dresses * DAVID CRYSTAL * CABANA BEACH WEAR * ANNE FOGARTY • erriving shortly to enhance your summer we rd robe ' MEZZANINE SHOPPE up1tair1 in Richard's Sunbeam Automatic Frypan .~ Sot tho d;of for tho CONTROLLED HEAT. ldHI for . b•con, e99s •ndtii.H the foods you fry! Oeticious W,, perfec,ion ~verytime. lde•I for wukend •nd every· ~ day living . '" -$26.50 451 CANVAS GLOVES RUllER GLOVES ' 9 81 Rllb. DISH DRAINER 1.29 WASTE IASKm SALT • l'El'PERS IARREL MATCHES ·*· 98t 191 211 47< 87• 47' 571 101 M1hog11y Fi1ish Salad Bowls • IMuti!W '"°""9<•y fon;shed ;nc1;. vNluel wooden .. lod I.owls plus a Iorgo '4 • 6 servM!g sin bowl, ' ldoal for .. 1oc1.. snocb, or c....! and priced htra low lo. tllis lir!Woy Special. -$4.94 NOW $22' ... ,, I ..... ,.., .. a.tr..,. -1!' Mid -term Lunch Pails · R•plaee your. child's worn-ou' or lost lunch kit with this Gene Autr•y SP9Ci.J, thermos included, •nd s•nd them to school 9lowin9\y h.ppy for the long months ah .. d. wen $~.91 ,_ NOW $147 t STOI' THE CLOCK! Uaim for the Lucky Rlq ot the m)'lttty clock· 8omtlOM ll9it.b boar --the pn.. If u..,. Stop the Cloclr. VWt the M-nnhMI ... tt may ... ,..... • • Fish Fry Profits 'for Kleis' Benefit M.aa U on1 Club tmth ann-1 . l"ry J un• t -5 will 10 Jnto youtll M'UVIUe.t. It h•• beu. •nnowtord by Lion• Club Ptee;ldent Wall MU· &er. "nla money will be dl•trlbuted amor14 Harbor Area Bo)'ll' Club, !hi Boy 8c<>utA and• other youtll ora&111 ... uon., Mllh!r M.ld. Grand prlh ln the F1ah f'r1 telebl'9.Uon lhla Yee.r wtll be cho4c. ot all-expen.e lrt))' to either Mu• lco City Qr Hawall. 'ticket. for Ui. re1Unl will co.t JJ.2:. . 'nle celtbratLon amunl\lM an- nounce(J by Miiler tnchld• DOit Dunpn, publicity; Jud 61tth.rla.rid. pun:hul.n,f; Art McKenah, ~ lty, and Bn.1ce Na.rt.In, parad1. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCl!8 .---Part.a -Dealer -hrvt.r:. UDO EL&Cl'IUO Ml4 Via Udo -...,.._. '"' AUTOMOBILE DEAlJ!ll!8 N-and uaed Cara NICJIU:ll'l'Z 8TUDE&Am WM 8ffvke Parta 1415 N_,.ort Blvd. -...... 111 BANKS a.all of ~ NT • M MW Via Udo -11Mt1or MU BARBER SHOPS UDO 8114 VINO •va I• lthhnll'• 8&ore lff X. MU \'la Udo -llarttor UM BEAUTY PARLORS UDO 8ALON OF lll:AUTV 144GYJ Via Oporto-Har, 1571 800118 BOOK CA81: 1•11 \'la Udo -~ '404 CAMERAS II Supplleo VINcr.:P.'T LIDO Davos 1411 \'la Udo -Harttor IOOJ CARPETS & DRAPERIES DICK IL\CkER Mit\'la~rUU CATERING RICHAllD'S UDO MARllt:T JtSI Vla. Udo -Hutter Utl!I CLOTHING -Mea'a Be'-'1 111.D"'r.:LL'H f'lffOP FOil M~!li Stt8 \'la Udo -~r Olt8 CLOTHING-Womea'• Beta.u I.JOO f>"AlfKIONM M4e ,, .. Oporte -K..-.. M11 HHADDOCK'S J4lt \'la lJdu -11u1tio1o M17 \'AGAJIO:<rr.'D HOl"itt: · J1nported S port.wear ltt• \'la l.U.. -Jluti.or M&4 DRUG STORES \'l!l/Ct:ST"."' l.IPO DRUGS 1'81 \'la IJdo -H~r IOOI ELECTRIC OONTRACTGRS -1.Joo t:r.t:<THI(' 14t4 \'la IJdu -Harllor .t111 FOUNTAIN, GRILL \·1!1.'Cl':ST':-4 LIDO DRVG.'4 1'411 \'I• IJtlu -Harbor MN FRAMES • ALBUMS (it:RHARPT MTUDI08 I-Ill \"le Udn -Hanoi' &40f FURNITURE PICH. MAGkT.R St?B \"la Udo -Harllof' 4aU GIFT SHOP RICHARD'!>! UDO MARJlr:T Mii \'I• l.Jdo -Harlilor JJl2l INSURANCE AGENTs "'· O. BU<'K, ISr. ltM \'la I~ -Ha.tMr ..... lNTEHIOR DECORATORS JILA.."CKI: FtJJ.KEK80S A.r.n. NII \'la I.Ida -lkrlM!r 6UI DICX lfA(:tlf.f.:R l tt• \'la Udo -aa.-t.or Uta MARKETS KICHAIU>'M LIDO J1A.aarr MU \"la I.Mo -llartoor !JIU NVR8t:RIES RICHAltD'~ J.IDO )IAIUlET Cor...-r.-Table A~enl1 NU \'le I.Mo -HM11oor t"tl PHOTOGRAPH 8TVDI08 Ot:JlHARIYI' 8TliDICM .. ltlt \'la l.Jdo -H.n.w '40t REAL ES'lATE l.100 kl:ALTV A"80CIATrJI U do RRles • Rentall 1400 \'la 1-'do -Hatt.or "" ,_ .. pa.lrr..-r, lnf'Orpo,....... °"" ~ IXI~ .u.... mcmt. 11.U vla lido -lilartior I IOI \'OOt:I. <:OMf'A:<rr."\" Stll \'la I.Ide -HMbor U11 SAVINGS I< LOAN ASSOCIATIONS St:"·l"UK'J' BAI.BOA SAVINO. ~ WAN A~!'-OCIA.TIOS A Savi11g11 1n1tHuUon 1,.,1'1( Ttrm Jiome Loarwi UM , .•• l.Jdo -~ ta• SER VICE ST A TION!I UDO klCHt'IF.LD _..,._ NII !lir.wpnrt al~d..-Jlar. 4117 !.QIOES -Men'• ftlD"'Y.LL'M ,MTUIU: roa Mt:!'f ltill \'la U6o -...,...r M4I l'HY.ATRES UDO THt:A. Tit£ Con1uJt thl11 ~per ror prosn- \'la I.Hu at Newprt ...._ Ha....,r !11• ?0\'8 I.JOO TOVLAXD l4tt \'I• l~o -tt.nier ttM VPHOLSTE&lNG DICK. MAQK£ll IUIV...l."'9----- • AMONG ORANGE COUNTY'S FAIREST CAGERS BUDDY, BELIHE BLAZES OUT THREE WINI IN WATER YET Buddy llelahe -to victory ID th.-dlotaace """""""' event. ID the Oranp Cooat O?Uep pool Tbunday but that wun't enough to overcome J'ul. lerton'1 depth. The Hornet tank team pUed up a M- 31 triumphant margin. Belahe, former Huntington ae.ch and CIP IWim champ, won the 220 in 2;.14.9. F<illowing the diving he returned to win the 100 yard freestyle ID M .3c. After a few more event.a, he entered the k>or 440-yard llwim and won in the fut time of 5:03.&. Puebing the Pirate Ace tlJ the way tn ~e quarter mile wu Fullerton'• Rick Rowland. Rowl&nd wu Umed hi 4;06.U. -Outatanding time of the entire meet wu Jack Webb'1.effort in the 100-yard back1troke. He reeled off a 1 :01.2a., clocking, lhattering the 15-year-old national J C record. • The old mark wu also held by a Hornet, Fred Gut. G&1111 waa clocked in 1 :01.51.,in1940 at Comp- ton's longer pool., Webb'• nc,,.lmark &leo broke the school record, Gau holding it with the above time. HARBOR \)O~ NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-l'RESS -PART IV .·rA&I: I MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 I THE SPORTS WATCH .,. 1111..L PlllLUl'8 " Appattntly you b&ve to be twin.a to ltar bl aporta at Harbor High. Either th&t, or fve got double viaion wheaeYer I &ttend local prep athletic OOlnp. Look at the recent mport. netr11 and you find Paul Neulll&JlQ and Denfty n,t.patrlck pacing the Tan ln· buketb&ll; 1AJTy Cutro and Tod White le&dl!lr th• cl"Ol.&-«luntry pack~ t..hTM new b&Ht.n. nJuM at N Jeny hrquhar and Kvi Boden-each. We b"*• UU... !lab wahMod hoftr bruklns: l'Wlm record•: Jlm at 12 N Ch. W1 ,.W UM t.o llat• Newkirk and Bill We.tsel bearing bo71. &O e•nt• each UMI U.. Ulll,. Sailor bhe.ball hopea ln their 56. Th• te-.m f'Ol 110, Jou. ftsv'9 atrons rllhl arma; and.._.re my It out." l·----------------------------·blfocala pl1.y{n1 trtck1!-b.ere'• Aclually, It wun't that bed, at. VARELLA VERY VICTORIOUS °'" c .. tro ''' WMo •~ ~••· odmttt.,. Th• bot• ud .... .,. lnir to nocon! mark• !or the Tan tur11lahed by Ca«& Maea m...e. 111 track! t.nlll. That I•. atter an .... -a -But ·Bucs Drop 77.54 Go ntA• r ...... ITC1I ..... , 1.o .. hlmMI!. Okay, ao It'• bueball ....,uon I don•t know ....tlet n Ml &llout that'• just cetun,. under w.y, lo.ins a 1•m1. bul It .UW.,.. ,._.. To Sa Benloo Thlncl-els wl'lat with ea.ch Emil NNme'a ee hal'der to dr-14' out btle ...._ n a hlfh IChOOI qlne preppln.c for • • Nlback I• lnYOlv.d. VOil,. ... , Ul\M't League na1 and CO&eh that OM. Why don't we J\lft •'P Leather • Junpr Fred VanUaJ•-------------·lwendell Plekena' Bue batter• bid-It!" &OM th• lnlUal n&etloR. A.ad And the be9t, too! H~. Coln« into. bud~ around lln. Margaret Markel and Edith on.coll; etanding. from c~t\U'ed the rnll• and two-nille STEEVES TOPS dine for • thin! atr•l1ht Ea.Item ~eUmea, wh• a ,,..up.,""""' Melvin o•u6 -coach, with the trophy, and Father Ne.. I f t . ht Bo . .,.____ p . Fr Ti tU•lanCf! fl'1nda ill Orwlp Cout Conference bunUng. And Willie ,,. )"Ol.ln .. ladlll'• ...... lnYOl..C. • ...... ,., el O ng • are nnie "'__.r, eggie aaer, n& Coll.,-e'a Elitern eonrerenee tradr W.•1• Jqt etartM pluckll'l1 ofr W&Cf!ptlb11 1poruwrtwr llk• Pllll• Yin, with the baalu:tball. are the St. Joachim girll who Palaferri, Teresa Beach, Mary Cay Relmier, Annette opener •raJnat 8an Bem.ardi.Qo IN LAWN ROLL poa\ble Cleveland homer• In GLant llP!I •• ofl•n torft i..t .... v· won the lec50 ~ Ci>unty CYO buketbal.I champion-Dallape, Katherine Phillips and Linda Lancaater. -Staff Wedneaday, but th• Buca dropped eprtnJ tr1.tntn1 acfion. But, know and-you know hoW ll '-...._ ahJp for eo.t& ¥--.The -i .. 11, from left tong· ht, Im.eel-Photo the meet 11-64. Vanlla lOUl'ed the Uoyd 8tftY• won nnt what! I'm lteb1n1 tor too1b&11 lo lovel1 youna la.di• .,.. ta.el gu mile ln li.0..1 to ~tout tll&mJD&le pl&e1 ln the -kly Auftrallaa at.art a.Jre&dy. A1 a eaae In point. ui.-;;ID~g~,;are;:-Do-~lo; ... ~~Schon~;,~ ... ~-Be-;;tt~y;Lo~u-;Ra~~Y~·-Caro-:;-l~Ge-;rllett,~;~;--:-::~;--~~~~::;:-:-i:==============I Ht.tch. Teammate Bnndt tn.11.CS •In.,._ tournament at lh• The reuon ! A recent tour 11t the ltl• 8t. Jce..chlm ~·• Varella 111 the ll:SO two inlle Newport S..Ch Lewn Bowl.-luxuriant plfakin •ta.dlurn under buketbol.11 t.Mtn. 'nMJ' ..,... Ul• TAR TANK TEAM TAKES ON SANTA jaunt. lq vee:na Tuf«ll.1. 8t.Y• oonat.ructlon at Or&nl" Caul Col-JIM Oranr-CountJ CTO .... I . . ' occ; IASEIALL OutJilandllli( mark ot the day With tt point& edled Wa.Jter l111e~ Or. Ba.all Pr.teraon uld the c:l\amplONhlp lut -11, ., • ,.. • b j Wood with 12 and l:d Wiicox ture wu IJ'I order. TMn,,~ came on a t ft. :S.,. In. hlf ump 1.nn~ Llona· Club 11.rne ...,·111 de· SLATE SHIFTS leap by San Ber<loo'• JIUllor Bbl.sh. With 11 polnta. d\cate Ute new home of the Ptr· ed by Ole -Mt JOWll" Udllill •- 1tNA FLAILERS TH. ER Atl·JC OUl<olboU otu. ll n<-'· Tyl .. '"' t~rth ,,..,_ w•n •to ""'" ~m• S.ptomb<,, u~ rol....,, I ,_m., °'' "'"' ... E WEDNESDAY od tho pn"1o~ °""'°"din< hip J~ Stamp, J~n-la..... uotly, " """ o wtM IOC .,.,, ol~ botll<d roe tho .... -&hr.dule chuire1 ln. the Or-Bill Brtm1 with 10 potnta ea.eh County c:hamplonahlp. ange Cout Collece b.-e.ball Jump or the youn1 Jaye. aauon Com Un ln. th Waeld • aquad h1 build lheM «11\•11 ata- Alate have been announced by by % ill. Prevtou.a hllh WU held t pe I 1 • ~ dlumL OCC 11 revet•ln1t the trend. CA.Lt. OP' DUTY Sailor Yanity, I, C Squads Sweep to Wins Over hllerton With an ovetwhelming sweep of Fullerton in vanity B and C competition lut Wednesday in the Harbor High tank, Coach Al Jnrin'a Tar pool aharka were today p~pping for •·third Sunaet League trio of triumphs against Santa Ana ln the Saint water ways Wedneeday. Fullerton flailers, re- putedly the •lronge•t In the loop. I :10.9 followt'd by Prl<" S<'hu/berg. fell before the unde!e•ted Sa ilor Bodenhofer. J ohn.on. Rt•ddlnji;tOn nat..tot• 8G-1:!1 ln. varaity •plaeh.lng, a.nd SchulberK n11 bbl!d !he four N-17 In B 1.qua acttaUn1 and :Sl-m1.n relay for H11rbor Hi,rh In 7 ln c water play. 1:41.1. ' Phtl "kerndp &n4 NM 10-. TM ,.,.. ftrwt. ""'-,. rv.u ..... J"ullerton'• Jrt.NlnJt)\ ln lhe var111ly ton came In Ute dlvlne ..iuel With cluh, proved &:ood but not quite J l'rry H ill complllng \~,2.e for top rood •nou11:h. Gerrld1e forced •pol over the Ters Gene Lorine Newport'• Jerry F•rqllhv to Wt-et 1·40~4 ,- ler h~ IMet time In Ui.11 l!tO yard TAK B 8\\'EEPS lndiY1dUAl medle1 by two H-<:onda. l"'U.llerton Ught..,.•elghta came up Farquhar ti.rely nlpp\flg Phil at with a pair or f!rata In B eom- the filliah In 1 :41.1. petition. but l\O.'l'ep11 by !he Tara UDDINO'l'ON 8URPR18r.& ln the hundred yard bolek•lrokl', Bl1 aurptlae of the dual meet the breaatatrokl' and divtnr lhoro- wu lhowtnc of the Tar-e' Don urhly dunk!Pd the ln<'llana. Ernie l\eddillJton In th• 100 yard rrl'e.· Minney .11l'lud the. divine, followed lltyle. fleddlngto11 lle<t With Sallor by De.ve M11ddt'n 1U1<1 Larry Me<i- •tronrboy Ken Bodenhofer for ct.Ir. Mlnney comp1lffl 11 144 acore. tlr.t placto in U\e ev .. nt In 5T.I. J ohn Loeflf'r n•bbed flr.11t 1 In Kl9'er of the 111dlui1 had lo be the 13 yard lndlv1dual mf'dlf')' In •llatied w!th tr..lllns: the H-.c.bor ~1.9 and the hundr'ld yard back- Hllh duo to the. touch. 11trokl' In 1:14.4. Ted Von Hcrnrrt Reddhifto11 a ll-0 led a HMbor took \hf. hundr"tl yar"1 fr""1tyle In Rish -Hp in the 200 yu tl frfl"· I :00.9. In the. huntltf'd yard bre .. t, •tyle • ....,r(1ng the dialal'ICf! In 2:1\. It wa.a Paul Ma.nu. Brure Twlteh- 1 tol~ed by Bob Johnaon and f'll and Freil De.at 111 lh•l ord""· In ltlll MUia. Farquhar took tlr1t, l : Ill.I . Toot Jenaon MCOnd. 1,1vln1t Ker-The B'• a lao •pluhrd th"!' way r1d1e In thin! .pot in the 100 to Victory In t h~ four man rel11y yard breut•lroke. Time w ... 1:08.5 In l :!'I0.2 and th~ m\'dley re.111.y In BODESHORa aaT Bodenholer beat ool Klan•r In 25.l \ft the 50 yard frttatyle. J im Wllll1.m1 paced the Ta.ra t o vtetory hi the 100 yerd b•ck~trnke 1n 1:32 3. OUTS TASDISfi PAIR Irwin report .. d out~tandlng-per- form1.nct1 by Don Waldrnn and Steve Botfe in th,. fle." wel,:ht dual -----. .. i J -· ~ fot" lhl! Tars. Both boyi took att• Coach Wendell Plc:kera. by M011ley of Compton w!.UI a 8 ou.muni::,_ were 1 mam Anyway, th•st~nll h••e put In ''Wh•t,.....yourW1at1tn1 """'9!'° " I n. 3 111.•leap. ol the baw1tnc' dab. their order. "We want a winner~" I aakld. ond plaee1. Boice In the ftO y 11rd ·-• omar, beatJln T\leadly Prl f "Wf bclat 8t. Mar"'• o6 rulliW- k W 13-0 'y .,, Pl•otoo, ._ __ .__ ITp!Jet wu Dav• dham o ha.II been 1c:rlbbled 011 Lil' the black-" b•ck1tro I and 111ldron In the • • ,._ """"" -1 I ton 1:!1-IS!" came the QCltM .._ ~ yard t'.nei lyll!. The thtng la, rep\.&ced on Ml!lrch 24 by the ~ • j"IOtt Beach. holder o one o CO &CH R-'GNS board& In the new Bue nf'ld hollM. Wl!r rrom a~ r.tnlallla thnata. I USC Sp."•••, tho -1·· ju•. lhe ralJteat Ume• of the .. ._ In "' ~ Chalk talk enouch tor Coach Ray both lad• ow .-re<i t heir prevlou1 ,,_.., ••v -· .. .. .. __ ··A•d --t ,... ,. ... I-• I the low burdlm, !&.la. Prl......u Roeao an4 eh.arr••, woukln't you .. ,,. -beat Urn111 by a f ull ll!<!Of!d. or , .. nilly nine. A pme wlll .. M t D • 1eore~." I pu-·~. po-"1 -· wufotc9dtobowto&an mu· a er el .,.t .... .,,.. ..... J W'lt k k 1 1 a lllO be played w ith U'll! Spu-, 211 In th Bc"'ama of pre-taea protalt erry ., a er too f r•t n lh.-lan!I during EutAir Vacation, dLno a McMurn.y ln . e YOU 001' HOBL&.'M81 backalroJce for the S•Hora In 31.l . Plekf'nl •aid. low and 1e.1 m the htru. Mentor Gets we&ked 1!11' peni,--.. .... n.-Other Pirate ftr11ta wen hWll Thia bualneN m1.nactn1 of • ally iMre. Melvin O'H.&rrL -a. O.ry Cook c:•plu ri~d th~ freeatyle CJ.., C profeulona.J eompe--._ up by Ga..., Jolin-wttb a he.Ye town t"am \an't what \l'I c:racked nf thl strla, pn me t1s9 bl'- ' ' •• T D II I t!tlon WM e.dded to th• llChed-., .. I .. •• b 1•-n .. . erry II Rll, e•gtie re-of •• n. In tlMI &bot put·, v1 .. 1 in Other Offen up to . aune.r ..... 1. I • y ... lion. u!e \O.'ll h !ntorm •tlon that a I II •· cord holder. ha.d tn 11etl\e for a Ole dlacu• t-ln< "'' platter 121 t.entn1 lo • .ummaUon o nuiee1 •''"' Ul&t tlwPe'• -~ prut>e.bll! double-header w Ul be t ~ t t s o t -·•-.. •-.. --"" aecond to F'Ull erlun·1 J im Stew -fL 8 ln. &nd Klrklll.nd, pro,,.itui.c " rep .... 0 a recen un •Y r..y •JVrJ> u-. r ... my •1 _.._ pll,ye.d 1.ga.in11t the Bol~"· Ida-1., j•••ol'-I<S n . 1 .'·. SANTA ANA (OCNSI -...... on Lion.a neld featuring the Meaa !JL JO&Cl\lm ..,N Ion tM 1-A.n· "rt Ln the br•·•~t~tn:ikl', hnw("ver. h t lb M d• d " • UI "' •• n ,-.am on e OMa 1.mon · nation ot Thom .. Carter u twad Merehani.. Bualne1• Man.are• Ed I'll• playott to Lt,dJ of. J'attma--Stewart tnured t he :'JO yar<I d!JI· -., 1 t k I d •"-" W&ll 11 llO • t• P 1u·e ur-toolball and trac t coacll of Mater ~"-niported. "We c:ollected I ll 111 t......., It -••ckly, _.rlill t-1'1-i. t•nce 1n J~.t . 1 • t v '' Pl • IA.ml UPI ·-·-•. nK a.a er aca on, c: eJ\I De.I Hl1h SChool hd been . an-fTom th• attendlnJ !•n•. We lolt I flat.a my•lt. The Nf'wport C'• wnppe.d lhinp .. id. • , • nou.nced by the ReY. Doftajd Mon-I::::._:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:.. ______ _;_.:_..:_..:_:,::.:::. _______ _ up With wW In the f<>ucr ma.a. .._I=~;;;;;;=~====-I v-_ ac:bool atMet&ea d~. "'· ..... ~· m""' "'"· .... . ' Bucs Really SE}'EaAL OftOEa o,.._. Carfer 111..1 recelVf!d .everel ot- fera lrom larger Khoot. and ui- Whl RO I nounee.d he hu dt flnllely de-tided P Iva S to make a chok e 1100n. 111 the Oranc!' Coast College ll1tato1'1 Navigate to Tri1mph Over 01y _ me•n!Lm e he noUtlld lht aebool Somf'One ,..verMd • pno-m"'l ot h11 pl•n• ln mike a move •t tht! do pe &heel but O ran1• Coaat Col- 8 Sh t t e.nd of the yf'11r. ao that th,. achoo! ltge -1mmtr1 ''''Tf' 1till 1porUnl( Y U Ou adrnln111tr111or1 would h11 ve amp!t • 60-.14 w in over Oc:cldf'nl•I Col- tlm,. 10 r hou"" his aurciruor. !er e thl1 wer k 1fltr dov .. nln1 Olly"• , ,,. •• ' n . I <> 1 TiJenJ In a du .. I •n~nter a! .. ttl., p••<<i<• \O."IUO 1n ord"r ·., 1 •t ... a •r ~1 ftt " •· ' Ea.rl1 Rock M••<"h 4. The P irate '~r , .. f' Or anre CM S\ College Pl-CoAr h Cffrlrt h•s done Ull a ltT••I u . '" nal•tor1 JOl!lt tour .,vrnta thllt th•Y no te nine on the 1ilt11a dlwmond •~rvl<'e In th' fQr m11 tlon or our hi t ·• Id I« M hall haJ>"U tllr bu1 walkt"(I •way 1T ue.lldtty aft\'moon \O.•hen Palomar ~:o,.;.1~~~~~:·:::~ •~•vii a:·Mll~:; "ilh thi'rr lh111 had Ml'n J!oublt\11 I wa• t•lohhirred 13-0. The vktor y on r.,11~h J i;>e Kroll '• l<'t&l<'h mlltk<"tl th< taurth '"'Ill In •eve.n 0..1 our !1'11/nl "''ert con1d1!l'nl 1<>11-'-1 11heel. Prarth:'.t K!l me• #0 r11r thl• •e.•-er• Slnre hi!< r.om!n1: \<'e n llVt' no • ' I' I Y •_,t THU) Ot'" llF.R<>H 80n tor th .. lle.f1111d!ri,g Eastrm Con-"' 1 •ll!nR: 1.-1aon n •n r v tertn~e chan>pA. th~! he n11• roac:h .. d. S p r Jn t e r 1 r.r1nam Gl bbona. 81'CS BF.l.T '£'.\J l~\"Al.l .ARLF. !olf.:R\'IC:l!: Knti;hl So.oy 11nd Hob l bbollOOn GMH'I!:'' f.li•hoµ. rc:lurning ~l<"-"Vl'hllt la e\""" g1<·•vr. he h""' w"r" tnr h••rup ¢.f th,. ct11y •• Gtb- w•y 11u1r.11an tor '"" Bue/I, hllm-bl't.n or ln\•1lu11ble ... rvfct In the. I bonll "''On !hi! !'.II •nd lOo tree merf'd out • pl lr or tnplr1 and a 1ra111Jni-of cha t•<"lr r 1n1I in In-at yli·~ in ""•r d.-•d heal&. taktne i lnA"le., rlrlvlng \n t RBl"1. Tony duirnr.lnR: our buy• 10 d"""llJJ> Into • )U\IJ:~·,. Ottl•lon over lbbotaion Lombllrdn, ll<'ly!nJI: hia 1o011 nt lg-:voun.g Cntho\IP .i: .. nn .. n1rn. vo,·,. ~1n· ln !hr :>O i nd • tflll.h of a 11eeond nor•Tltt, bl'lte.d 1lut a doublr i nd a ,,., ... ly r,~rrt to ""e f'o&rh C•rler \•\o:tory ovl'r Sooy ln lhe i:e.ntury. •inglc tur J KBl'e, Obv1ou•IY. the lf!&Ve "'" ·· Thi' final rrl•y a lao "·ent to the oth'r OCC tllug i;:e.1tl h•d fun. 1,..:i./ A]"p11 r11tLon,. art curr .. ntly bl'lng C'oa-•t "ntry wit h • founome of I \\\1.ync: f'our ht rr~ y.·orked the 11ccrpled fnr the \•&c•nry ht le&Y-Gibbon•, lbbolllon. Alan Hodre• nr~t thn•,. fri1.mu of the. m•"'"l'l"r' [ r,. on th,. rC111t hlnk •lllff. 11rronhng 1.nrl Bud Bf!l&ht!. f to ga in lhl' triuniph credit. ltr w•! 10 MPrh1rl Hanlon. pr1nd pal. Actually it ....... Ole p~ne• of 'fol\ov.·e<I \o the "">nnd by big J,.r-1 ('rlRCh R1ch11 rd C11ury ha.11 11irnld two Southern C•llforn1a hl11:h ry ric:ir 11nd \1Ule l)nn ~•J:h for 11. "'"'" rontract •nll will rrma\n 11c:hoot champion• on Uw! Ticer lhrirr. inning alinl• In th11t order nn ~!111~r 0..1·; coarhtnir: ~t11ff_ 11quad that lll!l back I.be 811c:1 in · Hl'T t'l\"t: Hl~GLt:s ' th,.tr •~ci•ltlea. unorncial!J Mt i...ii ... awa or-- anc• C.O..t achool .-rd tw the e.vent by -• ti,,. ~ Another Cir tltlllll. IMcUtl'Ok• champ Ken Ko«er flt! ...,_4o HS. 1"4) do"""4 Lr-ta QI. ta- lhvtdual 1119dleJ' al\d ~ ,._.,, 11p Hod~a, U\e Ptn.t..' ..,_llilr Onf! ~JutrobT, \e .. Ulla JOO bolc k. Cout 1.M111 C*ptaia ........ acore!:I. eaay ~ ta U.. DO ..,. 44 0 yud t,,_._1'-t. Ue W!tlr. G1bbona for mMt ~t ..._ Indians Net WlM n.11...LERTON IOCNI) -WU"- t.ll , . .,.aJ.ty tf!am raelJIW. ~. df'ftnlte tmp""""rnent J"Hdla1 -"-'• nOOfl . J'Ullerton H~'• t..m team blallked Pomotla HIP • tM lndla11a' reaerY&Uon. t ·O. The P"ullerton JV \din alao WOft. 1-2. It ir•ve T\illerton aa ~• ,... rord •r•lnat C1trua Belt i-cv- tr1.m1. " they had boUI lo.t t9 Chaff•)' ea.rller In U.. -ai. In •11. 1'11.lom><r n"~h'"<I nut '"'" bingle~ wnlle thr f'1T11le• nr C"•lll <'h \\'end~ll t'lrken~ NXkell out 14 TV, Radio Stolen LYOS'8 t"IRST LCm8 St1n\,.y Mornel'. Southern CLI Hornets Wlft Meet . . READ\' FOR TURN-Ia Pete Schulberg, varsity backl st ro kl' ace at Newport Harbor High. And a !!I you well l<now, one good turn d('ser\'e11 another. Thi11 ehot wlls ta.k en y,·hi!e Schu!berg w o rked out in the Orange Coaat College pool prior to \Vedneaday'a du11I mN't triumph O\'er a strong Fullerton Hi a"·im aquad· --.';;ta ff Photo MAT CHAMPS REPEAT El Camino Matsmen Make N .. Kt pr.u'll .. •• 111!-l·IO on \ 1.la.te 111kt• pl11re 11\ El dl•mond \\'ed1t Ml1y 1;u rglAr1. took I. 10-ln. teleV\a1on w r 11nd porl•ble r1dlo f"""1 the tne BU<' home of \\'and• Rulh Moore, 111 Camino :?lllth Sf 11 he reported to poll« [BUDDY ONLY IUC WINNER B~1d1!y Uel•he wu tl'I~ Jone "''Inner f<)r Qr~ntt:e. COM \ t:ol- h•i.:j.. n1ern1tn 11g•lnat the Vl'r~· .., •lr<>A,; llSC Trvj1n ~"'·1mml'r8 In· th .. 1'>1<'•11 htnk F"ndo.y 1ftt1- nnon. n .. n111de it 111 goOrl '-'n" hy ""ltln1:; ,. new QC(" tr•·.,•d .. r ~ s.~ 3 111 th• 110 ~·1irll rr .. n- •l yl~ Sf11 rt !Jf tne "I"" ,..,, . .,t f,.. ''f1rt <! !hr 1n•·11<h111; Trojan p!uni;er~ 5:.-zo \'trgll :-!c:h•t - fr·• r 11<'ffl tne SC 11111rk y.•ilh " p•!t 1,f flr1!11. He •Llin an- l"h"rell Int triumphant Troy Off With Second Trophy :::::",:;~ :: ~' .;.:~·:;.:.· .:;: Def,nd!ng h1'8d.!lp!nnln1 tJtteholdtra from El Ca mino •ucc:e.iitully JChool m•L l••l;"U<' Ln the El C arn- ptnned down ·. •tcond auc:ce.iut1·e lea m ll\le in the Southf rn C•l lnv1-I lftoh dlllltrlct.11" •,• the o,•,'Y ,''<th I ~c: aQ \O."r'•t nr oop 1n e • • 11, taUonal J C ~·re1U1nr champton11mps 111 th<' Orange Co11t CDllt l '-cym-which mean. lhe J"d' rece1v1 tou r riu lum fo"'"1d1.y nlr ht. • year~ expetltnce btfo re reachln1 El Camino ca ptur.d the repeat rroy.·n with 102 point•. fo1lowfd . Junior c:oHere. bre••latroke ~h•mplho ffQm Jo~hnt­ r ldl"" Mllll11ry Aeerl,.my h•ndi!d OCC"11 Gl'Qrgf Lyontl h\11 fir •I 10 111 of the ye11r ln the. l OO yard hrl'•~I allhQ\Jgh Lynn.11' •"!rQnd pl1.e1 t ime \\'inning-11 ot the JI tn.ct Md n .. 1<1 e• .. n u.. T\ilMrton'1 H°""'ta <IPfU.led ftlv•r •HI• eou..-bl ..,. E._..t,rn Conte.r~nce lflffl J"rlda)' Ofl lh• Horn~t•' tra.ek. r.i"-111'. .. by Mt. S&n Antonio maainen with flr1t1. Mt. SAC and San Dte.go JC Wilton Hand ot LACC ha.II b<Nn :11 .nd San Dll!'fo ..,,.llh ~. C<*ch (T&bbe:d off a wln a p iece. Lo• An-namt'd <'ommiMloner or the JC J im Pttton'• Plr•tr1 •TtACPd 11 r:elem City Collese ,..mere<t 18 1,que with JYM 01->n at 8an Di· polnta for fln.h. A \l"ll"l tlf !\7 rom-polnb for fo11rth \11 the mat ~. e10 JC aecn.,tary and toulT!amf'llt POW! RIGHT ON THE KISSER! pelttoni '1ed tor lnd!vtdU'a..I Wf'lght rn•k1ng tlv1 JC t ntr\n.. director. trnphlea. Nvi.t year. ll w.11" uinouneed. tl Bell OCC could do Jn thla J'IU'• 81:\'l:N OCT or SINE i.. hoped to add th• UCLA. and I chunpl~li» wu • third llJ' Jer. Uon~ ahar• or the 'r't<:torle1 wait San Dlqo 81.atf' fro•h mat tel.l'l\ll ry Shiffer In lhf l :'IT lb. ci..... DARING Dl\'&-Really ian'l eo daring after all. What happened waa the photographer caught Gene Loring,"' Tar apring board artiar.'at the apa of hia pike one &nd a half oft the low board with the high board at Ora.nge Cout College pool in the background. So Gene ian't about to buat his back u It might appear. The picture wu t&ken while Coach Al Irwin'• Hubor High School pool aharb were workinc out at OCC. -St&ff Photo, to £1 Camino .. wrulllnc M!pre-to the rompellllon. • "Nut ,...,.:· Coach Pttton pre- M!.t&tl"M eapturad -""' of nlae Raaon for the oVNWMLlnlnf I dieted,, "Wl"ll do bettir." And away It roea -a 10lid stn1le smacked out or the infield In a recent Orange Cout Collece practice came ac..ui.t Long Betch City College. Ua.11.ing the bll hit la Georp Biabop, ticttted by Coach Wendell Plcll:em of the defendin1 Eutem ConfenMe chalnplon Bue nine for fll"'lt bue dutle1. Th• tilt 0CC lost, 5-0. But when loop ccwp«__L tioD .tart. Mucb 18, Pkita.1 allowl, "We'U be re.&dy !" -0CX: Photo ' • ' • l • • PAGE 2 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 • Analaelm Sluggers Prove Impressive AN AHElN l OCNS l -Led by t"-1enaauonaJ alu1ginc of Dav• Stephenson, the AnAheln1 Colon1•l bonehid•r• ThUr.d.I)' ponudr-d out an lmpfe .. ive 11-t vlt'lory OVl!'I" the C&JUom la Hip School vanilty b&Hball t•&m. The Coloni•l• Wert only behlnd at one point In the gan1e when the Celllomla r rr w 111:ored two runa In the bottom half of "lll• tint 1ruitnr alter. Anaheim had 5"orr<S a lone tally 1n U!elr halt of the finit. The Colonl11J1 tum ed on the 1team In the ~ond and third In - ning& •• tbey bl&nked the Call- forn!a nine, but proeffd,~ to .core ftve rwa in eaeh of lhe lnnlnge. Stephen.on b!Mled a 1in1le, doublt' an(;! a home run to pace the CO!o- nlst 11cor!n~ att&C)\:. Dave aceount· ed for alx RBI'•· An&llelm captain Lupe Goraaltl n!CelvM credit for 2 rura batted 1n "''hen he alngled home two rune In U!e &econd, and J <>e A v\Ua, terrific mpbomore ahorti;top for I.lie Colonlall. •lllO £:Ol 2 RBl'11 when he 1tlngled In • pair of t11l!l~11 ln the third. Whltefi91d Theft RAIN, . NO GAME HOL'S NO WATER ON IRUIN DIAMOND The usual pme-calllns reuon. went put UJe window wben Coach Wendell PickeM took bia de- fending Eut.ern Con!erenoe bueball cbam119 from. Oruge Cout Collep all the way to UCLA. l'rlday afternoon. A.. you very well kDow, the f&ble J091: Rain -DO came. Not Friday &ftemooD. Not at UCLA. Tbe Bruin veralon run1: No pme •• DO fleld! Which'mta.ndi to 'teuoD. The Bruin.a got DO CYDl either. That ia. if rival buketball leaDlll ean be be- lieved. Nevertheleu, OCC'• echediJM diamond fray with the Uclan.1 wu postponed, apparently lndef· ~ltely· "Nm 1e11tOn," aver"I Coach Picken., "the ilrilina can come to the llea.i. for their lum119." Bae honehidere figure they Sot lump1 FridaY NOT pla:S'ing the Bruine. When the Pirates arrived home about • :30 p.m., head buccaneer Pickens dered a tw<>-hour workout. or- --• F1llerto1 Falls Before Panlhen OkiNGE (0CN8) -s.m .. htnr t.o ~I ft'COrQ and •ucc--· twl1 npun1 otf Iruti MAn O.nny kt1:•1•karl. runerton'1 one mu tnck 1-. th• Chapml.l'I epeed· ... rolled. to • pl"lldicted ...... tn.c1c 'f1C\orJ' nwwea,. oe u.. Hornet tnclt. man'• Rtccli ti~ 1t a r~t to .IAeh.-1n lb• blah jun1p. ctiap- men went one, two. tbt'M 1n tll• broe.d Jump u Rl(p, Immel and ·S.ck•trom -" award.ct aln• valuable pCll'lll towafde Ul4 CO """· . J"Ulierton ,....pt lbe remalnlq ft•ld eY91\t.a Wlt.l'I FJC'• 'Cbue ptcltlnc up i s polaill. ICll1''1&&UT aWSST TtM Hora•t.11 remarillU&e amwt .. kart .troll a U :t mli.. a l .N tlt.t b.alt and r&n a i.1 er Uii• a.n :I) wWl.1116 mile ...ay u he WrMd ln anot.b•r of ha per1ttt peortonn• an.OM. 8•1t tlll Ctl&pmaa .. u.&4 Gf only 11 n--.re •ble to ooa· aa.u.nu1 pt MCClllda..ll'ld u.1nt1 Ln moet e"nt.a to 9dp U& Hornet.a tn t.l'l•~ovenll KOrln1. hllowtnr th• pc"e-m"t tOl'fl'I lllMat .itrlo.l i.o the Mtter \ha Puu.n rwwrot.e their perlOna.I ~ book. Dick Imm•~ .. t a new KMol. tto ncord t1ll &0.• u d Kan a,.,., ftA1IJWti' .-ond to J'ullvtoll'I ildlWl.•ltart 1rti the llO tn l :N .7, brolt1 1. 1e year old ...... 1-~~~~~~~~~~ llP&Df'l'INO BOMOU It .,y rau.t and a.eu'trom ln th• 100 ud no w1tll <>wm nnllh-lnr wn1 ln u.. no .. th• Pulh· tr• took 1.11 the !lonor1 ta U11 ipr1nta. ,...J1 Watll u.d Ad4leman w•r• oee, two I.a th b11M"and Iowa and Ad· delman add9d 1. M-4 In th• poll vault 11\d a third ln \bl J•,.tllA. Noonu o( l'\lllertor. and Chap- o ..... Chis Sq•- . ORA:NOS <OCNB t -Oranr• KIP kbool baiteb&llen. Y"t•r¥Y toolt a drubblnc at th• h•ndm of RMlandl on thl '11ctor• t1eld. r1,ad1n1 lhe .. t cnae lnn~ld a ftaldlAI h&ndlcap ll'I• OHS PutMra pv. up • errors all kl cnklat epoU to 10 down on the lhort end of f le to I econ. RECORD BREAXEK8 -At bome breaking recordJi or in the breakera are Coach Al Irwin's star Tar twins, Jerry Farquhar, left, and Ken Bodenhofer. Bodenhofer balds aix hJgh 1ehool awim mark11 plus the Sunaet League 200-yard freestyle. Farquhar ia a N-;~~:~!~~!or Olympic record holder with three Her~r High markl to his credit. Harry Whll,..field ot 2801 B•Y· More Orivt told police M.ar. e 1. tool klt and a qu11rt,..r horll'poy.·er 1-----.;_---------------------1 electrtc drill Wf're ta.ken from bil Wllocked 1ar1.re. He valued tb.e Balboa fun Zone OPIN SAT. • SUN. ALL WINTER OILERS EDGED FROM CIF -CAGE PLAYOFFS It's all over for the Sunset League buketball champs. The Huntington Oilers were edged out Tue8day night In CIF quarter final J>layoffa of the Central Group, 55-53, by the San Diego Cavemen. Victory of the Cavemen five amounted to an upset, marking the fint lou for the Oilers since Mt . Carmel. defending CIF champion, dpned the Sun- aet loop f\\'e In 1u1 e11rly 11e1110n practice t r1y. 1-'00H. FlJtST IL\U" Rat"d ·a,, p\1yorf tl•rk hor~ Ix>· hind litt'lt anntl l.Ud Ventur.. thl11 .-euon, • poor t!rsl h11Jr. J1C111lllbly accounted tor by 11trange •U:e o! th• San D iego Hoover court where the game w ... pl1yt:d, c•111t lhe Oll· tr1 • Cll'' chan1pionthip h\tl. Re· port.I lhow that the lto.i v••r court ii 94 tL long, wh,..nl!lll th• Oiler~ ha•e ~"n pt'rformlng on 8\ fl. noo~ . 'I'he C11vtn1en quintet jun1petl tnto ll 17·1• f!r~t qu1u1cr le.Id, e:it- panding th!11 lo a JG-23 ma rgin at h&lt'tlmf'. Alter lntenn111ion. how- •ver. the OLl•ra returned to out- acore the !:Ian Dlef:'O contender•, 13:11 In the thlni qu11rter 11nd 17-1·1 In t·he final 1·11nto. but not lnlMlCh t o overcome the t'l.rly Caveman J-.t, \'Ol"NG JQGll POIJ<i'T Center Jtd<ly YounK. un11nlmoua Ch<uce on the OCNS All·SUnMt Vague 1 .. 1.111. >A'il.!I tl!ll'h point m&.n for Hunlll'lglon ~•eh >A·i th 15 polntt , hltllnll' on Uve out of eight fl,..l<l 1l'0&I• attemPted and f ive out of alx rrM throw ... But.ch Coop- rnan, &lat') an oc:.is o:holce. and D"'1l Ph!IUpy h!t for 10 •pltte. Anaheim Drops Before Vikings AXA.HE!)! (OC'NS) -I.ad; t .uck ju11t w•tm't 11m1tl n~ on Coech John \\'1111\n 1.nrl hi• Anahdm bu,.._ httlt r r""'' F'rldAy all th•y went llown In 1l,.fr11t to the Do"''nty Vlk· lnir11 bv a 9-1 acore. The Vlkr11 •la tlf'd !he on1l•u11"hl tn !he ~ord lnnlnJC a. thl!y ~ptallr.td on thrtt Anahr.lm •rror~ thtP'! bt11,.. hltl, <"nt bll.ae on bll.tl.11 •nd one baiter 1'11t by 11 plt rhNl bill to •hov,.. •- croaa a lotnt of •e\·cn run11. Then In the third rram• the Dow11 •y .ciuad continued the 1COrln1; >A·tth CRUSADERS CIF UPSET Defending Cll' Central Group ba11ketbllll champa, the Mt, t..:armtl Cn1111tder11, wert up!ll'l !n "'"ml·rln11J play Frl- d11y nli;ht In the Long S.•1ch City Collf'i;te eymn.a~ium by Alhl~mbni.'e Mvotll, tl:!-~8. Th• lvSll put an entl to a 2j-gam• "''In 11treak "''hich lncludC>d vie· torle1 ov.,.r Newport Harbor llli;h ~chool, last year'• Sun- 11ct l...e&Kue (•han1pa, and Hunt· ln gton &tch. th\11 year'11 Sun- 11•t loop UtleholderM. V1cw ry t':itlendl'd th" ~toor'• vk tury ake!n to 22 In a row. S1tn 0 1,..go. which tlcft'>.ll,..d the Oiler• !n thl.!1 &e~u11'11 qu11.rter - t1,..J pla,)'olf•, &Ill> W•nt. dOWZI to det...i 1n UI• ...ru:., d.J'Op- plng 1. 59-~ f r•)' to Bur- rou~ha. NO TARS HERE So Fullerton Pool Splashers In Field Day Fullerton Union ltli;h S<;;hoc\'1 ~ln11ner1 h•d 11 field day F'rldly •lll'moon In their own pool. >A'hl'n all three ot th,..!r teem• e1a.11y dunkeol Ch•tr~y In 11 no:>n-l~gue countt r. Fullerton'• varalty won their mec~ ~6-29. de1p!t,.. Conch U t Arth moving h!1 p...raonn,..\ Into ned and dl!!erent positions. Th .. lndlans• '4'0n their match. 6j·8. and the C made It • eompltlt' llWefp with I lltlr 3~ victory. \\'e<ll'lellday, the Indiana re1111m~ •rllon ln the sun11tt Le•ll'\l"'· They pl11y ho1t to Huntington ~ach. t.>A'O rnore tall1t1 (rt>ulnr the pl&.tf' Ch c II Anaheln\'1 lone run c&n1e In the apman 0 ege third tnnln&-y.·tien Rlch Bl11nk· n>eyrr. Boh Scholl.I. an(! Rn,v \\·e11 -I N1"ne 1' n Setback ver all dr"" ""•lk11, I nd lh•n C1p· tlln Lupe GonU.IPll '4'311 al~n y.·alk· ORAXGE . 911 to ff!T(t BJ1nkm .. yer In from -10CXS/ -Chapman third. College butbl.lltn droppffl their tooll at ••~. PITCJI MAN-And man, docs little Don Leigh of t.he defending Eul.E'rn Conference champion bueba11 Bue• know how! After winning • trio of tilt1 during 1pring practice frays, Leigh is ready to bolster 'Coach Wendell Pickens' mound &taf( during regular season game11, 11tarting March 18 on the Mt. San Antonio diamond. -Staff Photo YOUTH BIKE-HAPPY;, PEDDLES FROM FRANCE TO FULLERTON F L"LLERTO:"lo' IOC~Sl -H undrtd1 of ch....cr!ng •ludffll• t urned out Tuealley 10 w,..lccm1f Guy Chaa11gn•rd. y.•ho r,..11ch· ed FUilerton on a b1cyrle trlp rrom Parla. l''nnc,... He ta jlUtat or lAwrf'nl:e Jrifyers. F'Ullrrton Union IUlh School. ln~tructor "'ho mt t him ln Fr•nl:e Jut year. Cha .. •gn11rd lelt hl1 hom,.. In P1rl1 l1111t July and h•• pe-0&.l,..d •ppro .. Jmately (>000 m!lt1 on h!• b1k,.., · t a m p leued to arr1•·e ln 11-voa rm country-loo >A'arm," ha u ld. He w ore ahort pant.I. • loud •hlrt >A'lt.h. a co>A·boy ktr- ehlef. and & huga ~!t buckle emblazoned w1t.h. the word "Ttltll~.'' H! plan1 \O go to Sllll Franel11ro, thtn r~tum t o T'llllerton, "''h"r• Iha l 9·ye•r-old 1tuden\ hope1 to enter hli:h llf'hool. SPA SET FOR SPEEDY RUNS Th• Colonlll\J co!l~ttd l)nly ont Tue,.l1y opener to a •trong LonK hit dUrlll( the rntlrt b•IJ g&.mf'. BMch l:!tate nine by • clOH 2 l o 0 1. tnfle.id 111ns1,.. by ~ophnmor .. J(l(' 11cot~. Todlly w11a b•ttlng prl~llcf Avilla. The Oownev 11rorf'r~. ho"·-~!he P•nthrr team Attempt• t.o Palm Springs Road Races al •ve c:alltd lh•· pi.;.y an rrror on bol!!'!rr thr1r Y.'f'llk hl!tln.,K ln pr< .. ""';,,.. • .....,..,. th•nb• "''" pu•Uoo '". "''"'Y m"Ung with At'rporl Announced for 26-27 IUftl' UMlr tam w1tia 1. ni>-tiltter. the Full,..rton Hornet.II. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii j Able to get only t'll·o hit• ln )'t•· u>ORT9'~.,,,,, ...... , "' •,;> STARTS WID. "6 •ldges To Cross" trrday'1 light d uf'I, u th,.. St.a te Ken Mlle11. of Hollrwood. and Starter D•vl1 "'f'nt the route 10 Gtorge e ... 1.vlt, ot Lrnwood. l>A'O f'llttnd the Long Be•ch 1treak to or t.he m oat potent 1porU c:ar drlv- four •t.n..l«ht. the Ch•pm1.n hor1e-tr• In the1e part., tod11y became hider• exhibited near n•wlttl rntrant.a tor the Pa-lm f:prlnJ:!I fltld!nJ. roe.d racu 1chf'duled tor thr •p•·1 Tha lhl'te pltchtt11 uatd 1truek •lrport COUtlMI Saturday &nd Sun· out • total or 10 State b1.t1m,..n. day, M11r(h 2e-21. But the 1!nrl• tn'Or by F'roeh ft.U lt•. an EncUshman who Is Short.atop TerTy Arnold and U!e pre•ldent ot th• 1poneorlnr Ca l!· Inability to br1n1 around any of rornl1 Sport.a Car Club, '4111 ~ lh• fin atr&ndtd M.Mnmnen wtth making hi1 HCond it.art tn hi! on•! ftlower th•n Bill Pol11ck '1 Bl.Id wln $~r l11.!, the 4700t·c >A'lnner tn the over-lriOOcc m•!n evrnl , If h!11 ear l1 right, 1't1 l~s wll! t ven bti • lhre11t In th~ big-bore r11c,.., Although the odt.111 •re he&v· Hy 11~11inst him. he once did l t"Orfl 11 11l11r·~tuddtd tloublt. Thl• w .. lut 7'[!1}' 11.t B1k~rsrleltl , where lle c1ptur,..il the un<l~r·l!'>OQco! ~~,. Bucs Swamp Naval Tank - Team. 60-23 Glrls' Softball MHtlllfJ Called FULLEllTON fOCNl l-A.n ar- ,..nlU.llo11al m"Unl ot tll• Or. anre Empire Girl.-8 o t tb a I I !.tacu• hu been called tor to- morn1W ilt J'ull•rton'• Amertp Park, John N eubauer ot th• clly Oranr• Coat Collect IWimrntn park department recr,..•Uon llllt IW"'pt nln• out ot t,..n tlr1t place• announ,t ed today. and en.eked two .chool record• ht Re on M•n:h 3 at Co.ta M-&a Tht v. Roy I:. OUl.llpte of Bellnower wa• In J'ullertarl lut ~=~.~~~~~g v:!!~1t"e~ :.;3~1;~~ 'I\•e"d•y. He conferred with Vtrn win 111ve coach JOf! Kroll'& Herrmann te&"&rdlnc the tonna· •--b·-• , <w· •"· ,., •. ,, lion or • new ,-1r111• aottball a llsn· ~~ ~ 0 ·•••• " ~ . 11euon llHll°k-M't•f' iplit.tlnt: .&-pal.r. ment which had It.a «pni•Uonal l••t week by downing Mt. San m·,etln,-Batllrtl&: · A n tonio and loslnc to defend.Inc HttnnUJn ii man-.e:r ot th• •lite ehampion11 Full,..rton. SwNlhff.rtl. The te1.n1 ls a mtrn- B£UHE IDOtl 8VOHltB btr ot , the f3s.n Gabriel Valty Le~f, the old .. t womtn'e IOft-Bud u ... istie wu the h!fh 11corer bell allrnment In ll'le country. tor I.lit OCC na tator• with three 1nd!vltl11al win•, ant in record Um('. The llOphomort fllllh won the 100, 220 11nd 440 yard me •lylea, cracking Chuck Atklnaon'• year · old llT.O 100 reco rd >A'lth a ~!'l.6 effort. 1••re1hman A lan Hodi;ta 1u:- counled tor the oth'r new m •rk u he lowered hla O>A·n b11ekstroke rn1rk from 2:41 to 2 :3•.6. Other lndlvldual wins Included a double by George Lyon&,· who captured both th e 200 yard brt v.1l· stroke and the 1ndlvldu11.I medley. anti w!nm l)y Cou:t ln the medley rel1y IHod&t•. Lyons and Knight Sooy) and In the tr,..,..atyle relay !Sooy, Dick Herr1110n, Bob lbbot· llOn and Hodge&). BELL HISGS IT J'aek S.U, SouUlam ca.I J C 41v- ln.I champ for OCC t.ck In 19411, put on one of the ttne•t t .. hJbi· Uona of divine Ill JC cornpeUUon thll 1tuon u he defeated NTC'• C. D. H&lne., a• e .. cellent board- rnan In hla own ri(hl, w ith 216.I pt.. Out or Bell'• tlve dlvta, h• t&.lled lo receive It.. than • •Lil 1.wal'd trom the three Judrea. and he eloMd with a 1-e-1 award tor a M•uUtul doubl• twilUfll' on• ane one half from th• blch boa.rd. The Plntes ho•l Lone Beach City COilec• a.nd F\lllerton·1 Hor· net.a .tn a three-w•y attair Jn Ult OCC pool Otis afternoon. Tomor- row they journey to Loe An&"•lte to meet the Unlvenlty ot South· ... m Ca!Uomla vanity In tl'le Tro- J•n tank. Chap,,,..n Ylctorlous ORANGE iOCNSI -O\apman Colle,. with a blf four run UUl lnnlnit dcrwned Ult F\llltrton JC <;;!ub Friday by a e to ~ .con . Sta ving off a Hom•t rally ln the 7th tnntnc ot the •bb~ttd llfair Chapman'• Clyd• North notch'4 hls rt rmt w\11 ot t.l'le ln.fUlt H-. Granclslam Blow SHngs Hornets FUL.ILRTON COCN&) -1-d- ing 11-<l r olnr Into Ul• bottom of .h .. alxth lnnln••· Fullerton'• Hor- net• ran once too orttn Into Don Col•, lel'U1elder, and he .itrl09l 1lns lehandedly detfllttd th• Yel· low J•ck•lll. Behind Col1'1 srand-elam homer In Ute •lxth, hl1 trlple •nd double. •·unerton '• Hornets· bl.aeb1ll tt&m feU to \\'hillier College Tuelday &tternoon on the Poet1• diamond. 11-T. Louil Zunta"& w.. lh• •tal'Ur tor UM HorneU. U>d d&4 N.v. a rouch ttrat lnntnr. However, Jl"ul· l•rton w11 IMdll\I' whm be l•tt I.ht came, 110 T\no 8&va!a, BrM. reeelv«I cl"tdlt t or the ION. ams A&Omm TBS 11.&1' 1mm.t.n 1rs BASEBALL TIME! laHball & Track SHOES Ultlo '-"" Unit°""" SHOii 4.95 allO F AlllOU& HOOD "P-F" CAPS -EQUIPMENT, et., ATRLETIO UIOIU A Oompletti Uae of Top Quality spo-.: Good• Balboa Island Sporting Goods Opeo H% Karine A\·e.. Dally • to • -SaHAJ Harbor 2641 I lo"- ( Pollllc11 AdvertlHrTlent I 'for Councilman District 7 (Corou 'deJ Mar) Elect mil• r o ud thm cam• back to top th• b!c Jobe In th• 60·rnil• fea· t ur1 when tnelnt trouJlle fOl'ced S terllnr Edwardl' FerT•rl. t.h• ee.rly leader. out or t.l'I• race. Kb UUABLE James B. Stoddard In January, 19.'14, Mlle• won Ula under·1500cc Palm Sprtng1 te&· tut• and took third bthlnd Ed· wa rd11 and Chuck Dalsh 1n th• blr race. H• eonUnd1 rell1blllt1 le the paramount featur• of the MG. S...a..is alway• h•• befn toU&"h to beat In hll tltUe Ofty . He won the :IO-l1pper It Willow II.It mo11 th, •ver1 i;lng 72.8 mph. ;.:,ar ly 200 ,..nlrle• 1.re expected by Riie• Chairman J oe w ... 1uman lllld Ray Frui for the two-<l•Y ! P<1lm 8prtnr• llhow of 1 t ra"'•· i nine on S1turday •n<1 rive on Sun· day. C'loi.lng dltf' for ,..ntrle• I'• ~fn rch 21. He has the TIME and EXPERIENCE • INOE~NOENT, sponsored by no on• group or i111dividu•I. • NATIVE CALIFORNIAN, 9reduete of Celifornie lnsti· tuie of T echnolo9y in 1935 end • visitor to Newport B•ech for 25 yeer1 . • RESIDENT •nd PROPERTY OWNER fo, the l•tl nino yeen. • MEMBER, School Boerd Newport Beech sine• 1952. • BOAT OWNER, n•tionally known for worli: in United St•tes Power SquMJrons. -much n...-dtd clutch hlttinc coet •lttk. low-1lun1 JC.Mee ~IG Sp•"· tht Pl.lllM1'11 the ~·· lal, while Beav11. al1n.ye e roujlh -------=-------lthN!lt Jn t h1 under-l~c T11crs. Orange HI Downed wtll pllot hi• li87cc S...1v11 Offen- h11U1er. OR.ANGE C0CN8) -Oranp HIP School'• tmN1 t.eam l'r1daJ weibt doWlll to 1. 1 to 3 der.t•t a t the h&Ad1 ot P1ctna Hlch. DID YOU KNOW.:. • INTERVIEWED on curr•nt issues: ''I believe the Council should be 9iven the power to 9rent or deny reque1t1 for te1 money from eny proper source including the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE •nd I tuppo<i PROPOSITION NO. I." "Operation Manhunt'' --..- ComllHJI March 23 BIO TSCD'JOOLO& ll«!IC..U. "Hit the Ded" ' PlaJ'Ulc u odd elntlt• match. 0r&np Joet all bUt 8th e&ncln and split with Paeifte In UM doubl"" wtth Romprt1 and P\i?'cell wln· nlfts UM ..eond doub11'1 match 8-2 ..... M . on TROUBLE At Willow 8pr1nr1 tut month, Mll•I' n-rr-bomb denlop~d oll trouble, tort:lrlg him out. but not btfon pr'O'Ylnr that h• c 1n t:UJ.lJ 900ln. He t.our'9d tll.'1 MIC'&•d 2.5-rnLlt Willow courM 1zl 1 :~3. r.pr.entlnr an •"'°"• of 19.e mph. Tftll tJma .,Y ori.IJ ont HC- TillNANI C-,......, lllltvllt TYPIWRITBS Ovtlfrondlnt Vol"" s29so ,..,...tHlow• .... -TYPIWllTB mn'AU - ..... -.. for 3 straight years Mercury has returned more of its original cost at trade-in time than any other car in its field? Seo your Morcery Doafor for deralfe. "I em opposed to Oil DEVELOPMENT within the re1ide'1- tiel li mits of N•wporf end from profe11ionel ••perience e1 ·en •ngineer I em competent to dreft and implement eny further restriction• to our CHARTER when, 11 •nd if necessery to keep our city end its en,.irons cle1r of this menece.'' "RHI TAX ECONOMY It roquirod BUT t11 money i1 • MUST.'' VO TE FOR: Training -Experience • Fortl11iglrt Integrity •] NEWPORT HARBOR NEwS-PRESS -PART IV • PASE S MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 'Loven Lane• Thug Takes 519 and Wedding Ring from Couple • .. Al "!oven' iane~bandlt Fnd•)' banged Oii ui1 csr, n..hed • Ughl 1 rllfht beld up a a.nt& An• couple I In their eyH and A.Id : puked at CUft/Drtve Uld El Mo-'Thi• iJI a holdup. rt~ me your dena. poll1:11 repprt.-d. The ~t pUTM." They pve him her pu,.. e.ca_,, with Ill tn ca.ah and a and Luter'• W1lllet after which the Ri~hard Beeson Compa1y LandiCapeDesltll •d Cwllwtloa KIWANtANS CONSIDER FFA 'CALYES . VWtiq·the Newport Harbor :HJgh School ta.rm '11lurs-- day wee membeni of the Costa J.leu Klwania CJub. Bob Perrin, high llChool agr:leulture te&eber, left, a.lded by Gene Wt"°ner, FFA atudent, and Bob Martin. FFA prsident. explained the working• of the farm in rep.rd to calf n.taing. Showing caJve1 to the Kiwanlam were Bob B&xter, John Hau, Ronnie ChriateDem and Wally Pinkley. -SWf Photo Highway Usen Tax For County Hits $105,669 SACRAMEl'.'TO -Ro~rt C. Kirkwood, State ControilPr, today announced apJ)Q!ntniente of Ht1h· way Ua,era Tax.-e In the amount of $21 ,0Ml,018 tor the month e11d- ed JB11uary 31, 19:1:1. Thia naure Wll JSMl,OTO uude1 tttr1'ot:cc111b¥1 J"'4 apportionment, but 11128,400 above the apportionment for Janu- ary, 19:14.. Ot the 121,0:18,018 appotUOlled. Callrornla'1 68 counUe1 received 1:1.042.12~. Oninge COU{ltY'I eht.tt' w1e 1100.6119.81 . 1114 State Hl1h- way Fund ror cltl.-a received Sl.- 1140.:198 and the State Hlghw•y Fund for Ex~lldltur.-011 Hl1h- w1ya received $14,07:1,29:). REALTORS DIG IN FOR NEW HOME The apportionment. were derlv· ed dul'lnc the month of January from the follow:t111r 110Urce1: Net Ga*ll!lle TA $18.1129,744; Uite 1Dle~IJ Fuel Tu:. ll,002,93:1; Tra111ftr from Motor Vehicle Tran11portaUon Tax Jl"Und. ll,412,· Ot:I; a11d Ml11eellaneou1, $13.294, Ground breaking ritel for new home ot local reaJton' boa.rd AW tumout •t a.lte on Tbu.nday. It will riae on Ne!}>Ort Blvd. jult above the Ar ch e 1 in new so-called "'Crouroada Shopping C.enter." Uoyd: Howard will build new edifice. At grandbreak- lng above are, from left, Hub Powera, Carl Thomu, building committee chairman; J'arel Walker, executive 1eeretary; Katherine Ollton, A. J. VicceWo and President Cbariea Hart. -l Mull Photo The rttall prlc. ot the averaga $2000 automobile include• $:,~ ln Federal, it.ate, and locU t.uea. •c· cordlng to tha NaUOllal Automo- bile Club. Mesa Chamber Encourages Drainage. Street Districts co.ta Meaa Chamber of Com-p"'aent ba"lante ot the Meta cham· II 1r1e.roe boUd. of d\rec.tora hu JIYen bet at 1!132.43. a ·'boo9t lo tha lmproveme.nt d i.I· Approved peymtnt of up to 12:1 tTtcl method of aolvln« th• Meaa'• to th• chamber'• beautlf'lcaUon 11iajor community problem• -committee for the purchaae of drainag:e and 1tre<l!t lmprovemenll. po11ter1 announclnc M..-N. cle1..11.-up Tburaia)' noon the board JlMMd well!k March 21 -26. a moUon t ncoor111n1 the CO.ta 1-----------11-pubUt to btlcome acquainted -1th the opportun!Uea now o~ll for 1.mprovtng nal1hborhood1 throu1h the Improvement dl1tr1ct matbod. lMUg'ated throuch advice or CltJ Attomey l)oQ&ld Dun1an. cHJ councU r.cenUy mad• It ~· ltN• to launch JmproYement dl.- trlcta IA O»ta .w.-by m.ana of -Wonnal peUUOQ llped by 110 pa:r QUl.t ot the property owneni tawilved. PrnTIONI &UaaoTl'ED Al~ 9Udl Ulform.i petition. haw M.n 11Jbmltt.ed to councU for W . 19th IL and Cba.flM St. Ch.amber Prealdenl Ooa Huddlea- ton eu11•ted the chamber bo&Td &aka .oma lldlon to encourage" ap- pllcaUOQa for ttnpro.,"'menl dia- trlct. to ptennll Uie cltJ rull "4• nntac'e of 1t.al4 qutatmu Trtt tunda and Orance County drain-&..iO CAIUllU..0 ap flulda available. lnV1taUon. """ out to clv1c or- "Wb.J Cin't the city .ta.rt the ftclalli and n~permeo of Or- ,ettUone!" a.Ued Tom de Forert. anre County to attend the eeeood '"Tiie cltJ' can't 1tart the PSU· annual PteN Brea.kfut of the San· Uona,"' Dungan Informed rhlm. ll Ana MOCl9C!. Lodce. The ctvtc at- "'Propllrty (IWTlen mllllL All lhi!! te.lr will be held at 10 Lm .• Sun- elly can do le encourq:e them."' day, April I In the Mooae hall, o. l"OT'#t noted. ··1r th• pett-22:11.\ North Broad-y, Santa An•. J t~ don't l"l around, the city Leo Carrl!ro fl.ll'lO\a character wni ha.a a JOod out for not l'et-•ctor of l\al'fl 'and -.cl'ilPn iand ni.· UJlf Uie job done." d!o wlU ba th• gue.t 1peaker. c..r- UNAJll"DIOUI \'OTE rtllo. rutdeflt of Banta Monie .. I• Jim Allan moved th• chamber known aa Ol'I• of th"' mo.t famoue encOUtaJe lmpro~enl dlatr1c t.a. of Calllornla '• colorful clti&ena and Gil 8-1 MJpplied lhe MCOnd. Vot• I• pr..-.nUy Mtvtl'll' u a member lty I.be board wu un.anlmoua. of th• lit.ate of Calllomla Bee.di In other bualn-. !he chamMr and Pule Commllalon. lot.rd" ' u..:n H\ldd&Nton appotnt a no-R.&y Hoftmu_ SCJVltnor of th• .. rnaunc oommltt. com~ ot. 11-Lodp le chairman at th• .AJl&ll. 9-1.o Lout. Markel &11d Oil ci-"'-'-'_'~_'·------­ Bnlwa. VoUnc" wt.II bt by mall With ...uota rel'f1'T'able by May 1:1. fisher lrHks Leg Nominated tor the 11 dLreclor poat.a opg wW .bl 26-2& chamber Orv.i K. Flaihfr. 43, of IOI E . rn-bara. n. armual membanh.lp OceMI Yront, .Monday nlpt t.U 1ne.U.. bU bMll Mt tor Ule MC• trom lht btcyckt he wu rldinl' ..a Tburad&7 ta J&Ay. .Jone th9 ocean front and broll.• N...-a.uni rr-lllla. dltWictor, bi. 1... which atr.dy -ln a and r. a. ow.n. .itMn&Le. to brace. irueoe "ported. Rt wu .. ,.,. • nro-,...,. term °" ~ taken to: Hoac Ho11pltaJ. •f u. On.a&-OCl\&Qt7 .A.ocl&tad C'bam..... Fru.lUln 11 prnhknt Do tM truUI you bow and ,.. .,. U.. .-oetatlld du.mbera. ahall 1-.m Uta tf'MUI yoo nertd to A~ • •tatement .. ttiq kftaw. -Qaorse Macdonald BALTZ MORTUARIES • OOft'.A M&IA CllAPEL 11•1 lupll\Or A.._ .. ec.ta 11-. Callt. PlloDe Lnlilrt;J t-IUl • • CIBP&L BT THE au 1620 C:. Cout Blvd. Ocmxla del Mat, Calif. Pbone R&rbor ,2 1 Political Advertl.em .. nt I •Political Adwrtlaement I VOTE TUES·DAY MARCH 15th FOR ONE CANDIDA TE IN EACH DISTRICT IA\\'&&NC); "H . .\.'\'.'O'" BJWr:.&L'-'Q (lac-enbeal) Lawrence "Hans" Broerln9 WILL IE ASSURANCE OF A CONTINUED EFFORT TO KEEP NEWPORT BEACH ( A CITY WE ARE PROUD TO UYE IN PROD ••• .... 111 t-"" the 1u1~t. who had a woal .carf ~===================== f!OO weddinr rlnc. tied over hiJI head 11.nd knotted _ Ron.ld O.U Lfflt'r, lSl:U Shel· beneath hi• c:ttln, fled on foot bto· ton Bt. and Lot'l'&lne Nay Blod· IWf!f'P twn hou.e• '' 2400 and 240t High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 1e1t, f08 N. G~d. both SazitA Clift Drive. , Ana told police they •ere parked r--:::;;;::::::::;:;:::::::::::-:.. -~-:.;:::::..;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:o-- on El Modena when the bandit A ~ Pfhlel• looked .., ~ ur.t18\i ~ .. ·,. ••• DIWlk Drlvl119 Rap William Patrick Offaleln of 4111 Hudlng et. wtll face atn.lirnment rrtday, March 11 ln N •'l'FpOrl J u.1- tlce Court on • drunk drlvtn( chlirce. ff• wu ure•ted l".-b. 27 by Newport polLc•. Otttceni •Id they ob .. rved hll car cocnlnl' onto the Balboa lloland brl.df" from the Ullanct •Ide. ThPy "•Id Ua c.r .imo.t hit the brldgP. He W'N .topped •l 17th St. end cout Highway. Otfeleln po1led f2~ ball. -···""--'"' ... _ COMPARE·. WE INVITE • • comparison of the Newport Harbor News -Press with any end ell n'ewspapers circu· ([._lated in the Harbor area, and you will find the "News-PrHs" CQM PL ET E '")1-M-·~--·-----t----7 Yes, complete in every detail. Local News, well written and reported fairly anil im· partially by our editorial staff, ell residents of this community, THE FINEST PICTURE COVERAGE Peges replete with interestinq--pictures of local happ&nings, whether it be an eccl·, dent or a wedding, or perhaps a Feature page of the local bell club in action. RfPRESENTATIVE ADVERTISING The columns of the "News -Press'' carry the advertising message of repr111ntetive merchants throughout the eree, both in clauified end display. You will want to check these advertisements for velues on all commodities. EDITORIALS Every iuue of the Newport Harbor News -Preu curios an Editorial page which ileal1 with both local and National iuueo. Editorials expreuing hopes for the future, com- menting upon the problems of the present, end endeavoring to offer• solution. y Es WE D 0 INVITE COMPARISON BECAUSE ••• ' . Aft« JOI' chacll pate by pate with AU other newspapers clrculullw9 i. ... - JOI'·• -to ••bscrlbe promptly to the COlllflle•e "Wlf'lllM'·,.. am....,..... ht IM entlie ., ... Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of each week pays for one year's subscription which brings both papers (Monday & Thursday I to you 'by mail or carrier. P1eue eater ..,. •abecrlptlon to the NF.\l'PORT HABllOB NEWS· PB!'Jlrl for one year. I andentand I •hall ncelve both llOllday Md Thanda7 ..._.tor .Uy '8.00 per year. NAME ADDRJ!ll8 ' , . If you desire you may pay yow CCII 1 ler. boy 50c: each monlh. Just call Hwbor 1616 and ask for CIRCULATION DEn. • • ' ' ( I' • • -PA6E 4 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 . LIGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICE llEIOLVl'IOlf OP TD"4M)AU of MJd Block N ; lhene. OF •t1PlaVJ.IOa or oN...•OS N 0 rt .b. & • t. r l y alone MUI ClOCM'IT, CAUFOL'(IA louth...-erl7 .ud No r th· NMe11i 1, LIN ..,..,,,. U.. ot -.14 Bloek N On motion ot au~ Ka!Mr, to lU potnt of ~I· duly MOOnded aad c&rri.cf, Ur.w fol· Bl: IT "11\nu:R R&SOLVED to.1.ns ~uUon ... adopWI!: AND OJ\DER.ED Ulat ~eday. llUOLV&D tMt It U th• bll.ft.• Ula &th 4a7 Of ApitJ., lt65, •l the ,... or WI Btlud to &Mm to hour ot 11 :00 o'd'Jeit A.M .. beln• County l&nit&tloD ~t No. I a umw Ml i.. Uwl thirty 1ao1 tM t.mto17 IMlf'l'la&fter dekrlblC. u,. an• UWi adoptloft of thl• -...ich -.J.d ttn1tory !JI ~ ftboluUGll, ln UM Chamben ot to County a...&taUota Dlltrkt Na. Ule BMl'd of llu,_......fll tn th• 6 or the c ... t,. of ()nap, .... Courl llOUM tn UI• city ot Santa net lnclu•1d tn any o\ber lulR&-Ana. couatJ of Ol'UI.... !!tat. of Uon Dtatrict. or. otMT dldrkt California. U h1r1by nud u thP tonn..:t tor lllmllat pm"J111r; Ur.at u-..,... and Ula pl&« when; UM boUn~ .til tM lwrttill'r obJ.cttc:a. i. ~ aanexaUon of ln~nded to tie unead an ..... ll&ld lent._,. to ODWltJ Sanitation crtb9d u tone...: ' Dtmt:rkt !"._ I of Ule County of Tllat portlOft ot Tr-.n ,.._ Oraa1• llt'W M ... rd. 1237, u ,., m6P 1.-.M la BE IT. r\JRIREll llSSOLVED Ml.e. Napa, Book to, ..... AND OJU>l:RSD tUt th• County 19 ud 20. tt.eom ef ..s4 Ontt aM .. ~ Cini.: of Ult• ONq. County. ~· ao.N M &ad .. la .. ,...,. o~r.d 1ytn1 outadit ot tM ~ to publlab U.S. tt.otuu-at learth of County l&Ait&ti• DUtrict lA at IMlt two (II ~" t.· No. 6 ot Orup Coupl.7, u W.• lA U.. lf.-,ort J1anOr N.,... U.. --. ntn.d oa ,..._,,. ...._ a ....,..,... ot .. nual tll"- 1, lNll, ud in.,. ,.rt1ir11!4rly culaUon pubU1hH wtthln lb• 4-oribM .. foilowa: OOunty .t 0ran,., .. Id pubUu- 1kf1;•ntnc at th• lnterN("llon lion to tll9 cOJ11.pl8te4 not more of UI• line that run1 South·_ than thirty (SO) nor 1-than t•n -.iterly and North1utirrly ' 1101 daye prtor to the d.al• of thntu_lh th• center or Block he•rinr. N of tlU! lrvlne"1 SUtldlvl· A TES: SUPUVISORB Hl:INZ KAISER. •l•n, u Jtlr map r.eord~ In ac.e. JUcord JQpa Boo• l, ..... u ,1 ~rds ot Oran .. County, CaUfoni.!a ud tJ\e Northierly line or Tract No. WM. H. HIJtSTC!N. C. M . I'S.A. THJ:l'lL T, 1t.ALPH J. loCcP'ADl>ZN l:P7 u l"'r map reeordP41 tn NOie!: Wlt.Lll!!I ff, W ARNEil SU1'J:JtV180ftt'I "ONE Ml.ceUan.ou1 Map BooM •O. Pare• 111 and 20. ft.t'Cordf •f ae.ld Or.n11 CoU!\ty: t h.nte Non.h 10• •o· Ea1t eloq the North1rly lln1 of M.ld T"-tl No. 1317 to &n &rill• poi1lt lfl -.td Tnct No. 1237: theftce Soqth M" 12' Eut •IOlll the 'o. 1237, a dl1t.aJ\te of 301.93': th1nc1 Bouth o· 12' 20·· E1,t 1lon1 the boluldary or .. 111 Tract No. 1237, a d11tanc1 or- 383.11 feet; th111ee ,8outh 23' 12' 20" !:ut alone the bound· 1ry or M id Tnct No. 1237 ~ an lnterwrt!on with the Soulh· w1eterly line ot Block H or Mid Irvine"• Sub<lli\"l nlon; lh•nce Northw••l•rly •lone th• 8oulhwe1terly llne of Mid Block H to an tnt•rwetion wtth th• e.tonMld ttn.. run· nine Southwe1t.eJ"I' and North· f'Uterly lhroueh the tinter Classified Index 1 r..n!N~ I <:VII el TUaka ,.....,..,........ 10. ·--a... ll....wtll1Matedala It lkllld1mi a.me- lt Plnoa.!1 I& IMni Your CW JIT~ .. _ .. __ ---.II 1-t U1 .. .... It......_._.. .. . SlfM--W..W tt.,, ....... MMW·'b m ......... IO-B A.pplla-. II w ..... to 8a1 It ........ ..,.. for llaae U·o\h~ ........ U 11..a-.I. TV 16 ~ l'eta. P.c. AB!ENT: IUPE!lVlBOftf!i NON"J: IJTATE or CAUJ'OftNJA COU1'.'TT or OftANCIE ..... I. 8 . J . 8MlJ"H. County Cl•rk •nd u:-otttclo Cl•rli of th• Boald or Supen'l"'n or Oru1e County. C h!ornle.. ereb rerUfy tkat th• 1bo\"I! an ore10 g e 'I'•• duly and repiarly 1dopted by thf' aald Boe.rd •t a rerular mfl1tin1 ther~r }11ld on the lat day ot M.erch, 19M, and puMd by a un1nlmou. vot1 of aaJd Boe.rd. If\" WITNESS WHEr\EOJ', t have herirunto Ml my h&nd and .... 1 thi• lat 41y or March, liM. oll••ll B. J . IMJTH County Clerk and ••·otf!.elo Cl•rk or th .. Bo4rd ot Suparvtlion or Oran1• County, C11ltorn1• No. :168 NPwa-PHN 3/14 , 17, 19~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Mo.day and Thur.clay COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Lian l Paper S .'75 4 Uae. 2 Papen 1J50 • u... s .._.. 2.00 c:-.1e1 ISllOPSl'r c~ AM .... ,.. .. Ula ..... , or n.,..., Pubti-u.. MJNIMVll .lD llt ' UJfU AU a...&.I A• mual lie pMd tor CllN L9 .. .._ of ,.a.a-u... NEWPORT H~BOR P VBUSHINO 00. HI l ll•H•oe. BJvd., N-po" ae.c•. cauro...a.. ..... _,_ . -----ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM l 1.Mtall Ulw •bove chMper t.Aan moat. A.llO ..U Tll• 6 Linoleum. Non-union. 28 )'M.ta upt:rlencw. ComP9r• and -- BILL COKER LI l~Ot 'Tttc CARPENTER Repair Work Do.a Tour Rome Nl'ld l\tlpalrlnf or ftanodl.Unl f Call FTank. LlbutJ' 1--1'64 All WOl'll ~ T•tte PAINW,~ 18--1UtU..tt!>m 'l'Uted ! U.-HNn Wuttld ·--. ··------······----Experienc'd l{ardeger 01Rcs- LANDSCAl'ING JUST and CLEAN UPS ~ Liberty 8·1659 JOB! lk:lPH MORE THAN THAT-An oppor- ------------tunlty to work In an JnllrMlinf HOUSEKEEPER -Govern'''· Jndu1try Which 11 expandlfll and Uve In. Local Rferenc:e•. Prefer otter•" advancem.mt opportunlt7 Lido or Balboa 11llnd. Llberly J qualltll'd younr worn.a. OPENIXGa NO\\" .A.fl: 8·•082. 2&p27 l A·l -COOK. butl1r, hou1eman. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Handy all around m.&11 . t.o<:al reference•. Write Box t-415. lh\1 CLEl\lCAL WORKERS Jl&P""· %11p27 ('J'Yplfl&" it.qutred), -APPLY- 6t•i., N, Main IL JCXPERT J&f"dner hU a few open. lnp for repla.r c111tomera. Call Hut.or 1516-W. 25p27 INTl:IUOI\ -RlOft LICENSED -INSURED f!-1'!· 211 -1&.ni. AJ'& Mon. thro\i(h Fri. t :OO lo •:OO p.m. Glenn JOhnston REFINED crandm.oth•r dUl.rq Ml -31•t St. Newport 8ueb. ' Baby S' ting title PACIFIC TELEPHONE .-ffllrbor 3178 2:rttc O.y or•""•· i.I ~ . 2•p21 1---------------....:.~'.:'._'.,'.'.:'._ __ _'.:'.:::j-'---,-----'1-,-..:..-FR.El: RENT of nJRN. APT. tor Alteratl•O S ""''" ....... 36. no clilldnn, In PAINTING Pa.inting I: Paper Hanring "The Bat Money Can Buy" · Svmpson & Noller 6{2 llUa It., N9W20rt a.acb PHONE BA.R.aeft 2•ot Kim .' RUTTt.Jl<IG of California H&rbor,!481 llp30H CUSTOM Roy's Maintenance Builder of Homes 8 -"-"'•-""'" '""""' Wal.I -ahtn1-'Nlndow cluntnc and Boats Ven1Uaa bUnda. Upholltery Illaund. rr.. Eatirnate1 o. Homer RarJ1"0", LI a.mo I..Jbut7 ..i.1m. '"""1-~~~--~~~-~~ lUc 1=-~c-:-~-::---,.~ Painting, Decorating Paper llang;ng GEO. BURKHARDT LZC%N8SD OONTR.AL""I'OR 611 30tb 8t., Ninrpun Be&ch &a.r. 2'18-W or Ll a.tU2 uc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palm•r e t.. eo.ta w .. Phon1 ~berty t-n:u. e1uc Remo e epe1r CARPEJ\"TRY. CEM.ENT SL.A.BS. pa.Jntlng, plut.1r1n1. Dirpendabl1 • •ltJ>frl.nc:ird Ill all bulldlflf lrade•. Cali J'08TJ:R 91\08. LI 1-:1932 or Har. 3978·R. 23pMb Painting-A: Paperhanging We do the work oureelvu. JO yn.n u-peri.nea Lleaii.Md • lnwred. l&Ulfaet.lon iuan.nteird. Eat11nate1 rr... cau Jollna11, LI 8-2687 &. LI 8·~289 81tlc FOR RENT Siu.II Sa.,,., E1ec. Drilll, PoUaUn. a ll cyp.. or Bandera, Wb-.lb&r· row•. ate. BOYD'S HDWE. 2f.JO W. COA.8T !UGBW.A.Y Liberey 1-3"15. Newport Bc:ll Jltfe House Plans '"'' PAINTING end PAPERHANGING Good local ret1renca THOMAS COLL P'r:ir trN ~Umete, call KI 1·11141. 11pMh AlcohoUC8 Anoa.ymoaa !f'rlte P. O. Boz Ill N.wp«t a.eJa. C.W. LlCJ:NSml •kipper -April Oru e.,t.. WMlmlda onl.)t. BevlRI yean upa11nee, lmow• lqeal ti.htn1 cniunita. will malntaln • operate power ~t up to 8D rt. Pl!on• Harbor 2921 • W 22pl1 M.A.JUNJl •rtne 1neeh&nle. Gu. dl.eMI, or outbo&rd moton. Wrtte Jon11, 1833 W. 17th St .. Santa .\D&. Klm.barly 7.,JCM. 2llp:ul N!:W LAWNS Old 1&wn1 ~newed. ceneral yvd e&r•. Rfnov1tln1 .t. t1rt1\l1ln•· -EAl'l.L CONN'OllS Har. 19:'>9·W Har. 2191-J, Eva. atl.f!r ~-23pl!5 Bookkeeping COMPL.ETI: SERVICE for bu•ln.., lncludln1 1Utement • tax. torma. Competent. ~•.on· 1b1e. confidential. Har. J.181.w. 23cHb Experienced carptnt.t:r wanu work. Ca.II LI 8·2932, 23p28 YACHT WORK. Skipper Uc. Deck ha.nd. Patn11111. w.mlthlng. Rl1· cln1. Low monUily rate. Uberty M9M. 23p:ll ._BeJp Wut.I w .A.?'n' LADY try cook • wait.- re... Ba.lbna I.Ila.lid. Statfl U:· pertene• .t. Nferencu. Write boll ""''· Ulla papv. 2•at Ol'l.ANG"ll OOUNTY DEALl!R In 2 tep General Moton !Inn NEEDS IA..LEaMJ:N. Y.'e can otter e•clllul worklnr condl· UOM, tratnln• pntrram. f>lrtlcl· patien Ill bouae deal•, .t. c:1otitn1 help to 11'.r~nlve man. Should have r~tall 1el!ln1 ~:11:penence tn 110me 11n ... Apply to Dtclr. Moore, WJ.U,JAMS CHEVROLET, 302 Oce11n A.,.., Hunllncton Beach. 24c:JI WANT WOM.A.N-Prat1Rbly Uve In. Help mother wtth hOWte work u d ~all rhl1dr9n for about 2 montlla. Ubotrt.7 M 191. 24cJ8 Phalli Ha.rtlor •m tfe WANT woman for wuhin(, =--::--:=---::=,...----Iron.Ing 6 clea.nillg 1 day Don't Fly to N.Y.! weekly. Must be tJ[pe.rienc· Hear Edna StNrn1 Dayton ed. Ntwport &ach. Har. revitw BTOAdway Play 5:568. 24c26 u:chu11 tor part Urn• hllp of wife with haework. Har. 21111W. 2~1:11 WA.NT FofAlln ear autoQlobll• Mleam.an. Expertanc1 not enUre- ly nae-ry. Mut be wtlltn.c to wark. 8-Jack Hatl.U:eM, HA USKl:NS MOTORS INC. 1932 Harbor Blvd., c.oeta. ..... Liberty 8-:solll 2•!.'.28 FIREWOOD FJUCI: Oa:.z..IVDY Ory ..-ood. 11" -2••• len&'lJI. C&IJ B. R. &TAGG Phon• Harbor lOlfi E11enln11 Harbor !iJll '"' Fresh Hearing Aid B.A.TI'EJUD \\'1 Give MH GrMn Stamp• Gunderson Drue: Co. Main St. at Balboa !11.d:"'. Balboa Harbor 111:'>. tettc 81Uet"I enamel whlle wpply !Uta. Barp.Ln1 tn UlfJd bruah•. 412 - 32nd St .. Newpon. Beach. Phone Har. 2838. 16e27H DELTA Hornoecni.ft bandaaw. V.. h. p. motor, 180. C. !:. ironer. UHd &ix month•. J)O. DOUBLE oQVEN Unlvarul ele.ct. r•nre, e11rellmt condition. $90. H1rbor 39, 24p2~ KITCHEN or ,.....,, euphoardll, wood box nr garba1e can con- tl.lner, door 2••80, 1 pr. out.door ahutten, waah buln. e.ntlque pin• lamp table, 1tnall anUqce lrnn 9tov1. Har. 137•·M. 24c28 STEAM Iron. f ood condition. $1.~ • aquarium 8" • J2" urllh 1 lr- utor, $6.; Har. 300j, 2k Don't Fly to N .Y.! Hear F.dna Steam.1 Dayton review Broadw1y Play Lido Theatno, March 24th - 10;30 L m· Zp29 QUONl!E'I' HlJT8. 2lx41' JllO. rno. Inq. Placentia lnd111trlal • Stor· age C...nt~r. 1922 Placentia, near 191h St.. iCo1ta l>feM.) or c•ll fl•rbor 38-W. 251:30 SO-B-Ape ....... WESTINGHOUSE a u lo m a t i c: waaher, brand new: unerated but ••VPr deUYe"'1:1: •1• cad l'Jr \ake payment. o! orlly ... 00 mnnth: p•Y onl)' aale1 tu; down ; we wtll tn1tall ant! give t -yea.r (ll•r•ntff PR.EE. · JESSEE APPLIANC E COMPANY 1013 s . Ma.In, Santa AU O~n •111 It p.m. IOt2~ Lido Theatn, March 24th - 10:30 a. m. 25p29 RP:AL !!STATE SALP:8M.A.N Ll:lr-.. -.-.--o-·K-,·_-,-,-.--&--l<EIUU'IT---- ...... u locetert office. Prefer IOme-rane~. Thoe bl&" CP •ll autom1t1c, 15--8.bare Your Ou DRlVJNO Int.ii L.A., Via ,.,_.y • Sleu-n to Wutern Ave. from Co•ta w-. Hour• 11-15. DiratTe rtrter1. LI 1·2990. 23c215 on., wlth knowtertre ot Harbor Jflddle. in middle. • nice mu Rrf'll.. \\"rile Bo11 0-tO. thl1 papirr broiler ltt been pd dn. to 23e211 $128.17. No cash nttdld JUAt pey W.L...-T R.e.oport1Lble baby •ltter In the pyml•. or $1.M per month. my hom ~. ~Ion., Wed .. ThUT~ .... Sf'~ Baughn1 A • S Warehouae, F"rt. 3 chlldren. LJherty 15-2951. 220 S. !of11n St., Santa Ana., 2&c27 15 blocks mouth of 4th IL Open Ev'• 'tH t , Sun. 11·11 Automatic Washers llECONOlTIONED FULL T GU AR.ANl'Ea:I ABC-0-MATIC ········-··-··-·-···· • OE.i.:ER..A.L l:LEC11\.IC ···-·" " K.ltNMORZ -·····-.. ····-··-··--71 BENDIX ,_ .......... -·-···-····---·• 71 ECONOMA T ............ ,_,,,,,,,,_,,... 'ft THOR -···········•············-··-··--111 and J!i othan trom .-hfdl "' ... _ LOW M.OZ.."TllL'f Tl:ltJU JESSEE APPLI.A.NCll OOMPA>fY 1011 •• Maln, B&nt&-.A..M Optn 'Ul I p.m. IOeJll OAP'n::ft.IJ • l.A.TTLl:R rani-. Brand n-. B1a tO" dll~. auto- mauc oven clock. almma:r burn· era, Y&nlablnr &Nlt, • Ulat bil" ~h. broil Q\l'INI, lU bMD. pd. dn. lo llU.77 trom $AO.OO. No dn. p)'ttlllt. JUlt. pay tM p,mta. ot St.10 month. ... Baqbna A • 8 WanlloUN, 210 ,a~ M&ua St., lall.t& Ana. 8 b1ocb mouth ot •u:i BL Opan EYff 'W 1: Sim. 11•5 or Phone Klmberly 3·"1'201 O'KEEH • MICRRJTI' pa rUfl, 8 bumar1 and 1rtU.. VuU 1iH Oven and pull out broiler. 8tor· ap drawer. Harbor 2111-R. 22Uc BENDIX wuhl.n1 maclllne, ll yp.. ol4, .. 0. Har. ·IJ66:. 26p27 Weshinq Machine sdVICll l·JaU suuutee oa joba dme Md Oil IJ.Md wubar9. 1&1114, (NU) Newport Bl., CO.ta ...... Liberty 8-4503 ot Uberty 8-i321. &t:Uc 11116 PHILCO retrtpn.tor, the bl& 2 door. one that hu dalr, bar . e • . ira, .. bi1 t'N&Mr c.hMt. It. autornaUe d~1. a"' "1t pd .• dfl. to Pll.17 trom about $MIO. No dfl, pyial. Ju.t pay lhl pyrnt.. of 118.U pv month. a.. Bauchm A .. I Wanbouaa, 120 a. Waln St., ~ta Ana, 8 block• .oulh Of •th Ill. Open 1:va ·w 1. l\Ul.. 11-6 or PbOlll KlmMrly S.7101 D-hnlltve tor llole " n-r.r.ttan tor - .Axm.lntita:r Nf, • x 1•. IDUOOlli, S27.llO, htl pad. 11.&0. Two W rr•y eotton ™• 1'111• 110 . .._ ThrM turq\loLae cotton ab&.I n111, lxl-U.60. a~.&O. •d. _......., !!"'!, a TV See Baldwin P" .. no & Organ Olaplay WOODWORTH PlANO 00. ST.M. 81&ck ovt.I ,..._ top col• 1111 Oout ..... OClrw9. .. Miit tM Uble 06, #t"' .qu&re IWoDda (,,..._ latM1ot ..... ciarr .. tabla 11&. ftatt&ll coft'M ll&r. uu • • table • cnair 11& eac11. Bad I i:>vii;;;;;ii;;i;N;;;;";;;;;;;; OiftA Q:I, l'W1rl HoU,ywood lleUtSAVll llltuttlAIJ mutwla W 'a with bollta:r1 P5 eadl, IJoOI" ~ • ,.._ oN. lu:lp P . Ns.c. IJrk..&.._... aa4 W.AlfT TO IWAP 1111' .......... phkn toolA I.& h.p. oudloud ..._. ..,_. 1-.x. Ms motor. UO. R.A.JtBOft 1M1·W. tlcll WEDGEWOOD nap. Its dM llAI CP all automatic •O" witla Ml u:tr& wot.I ~ bufer ... mer tlw'MN, 6 We o.e. ..-. pd. da. to 116&•1 from NI0.00. No dn. pmt., Juat Jl&1 \he pym.t. ot N .07 per JnO. lee Bauc»:a A 6 I W~ no S. ltt.lfl It., IUta Ana. t bloc:kll .out1' ot 4th It. Open l:YM 'W I, ha. 11-6 or PhOM JClmbelV &-ftOl .ADUq\le orpna. '50, old wall ~ phon1 ,,l~ cuclcOo eloell '61JIO. ant:Sque lrM bed.II Ill&, addlna; madlirl• .. 2.50, tlrtpl •t 112. electric fed'uctnc macll. "2-00- Apt. rrtric:. 1311, anUqu• i;:ow"Doy outtlt Jll6, old pboaoppb JI&, electric orc&n 112~. electric table top 1tov1 _(near n-l 1711.!0, anUqua rocker 110, eluilt Ot draWVI JI. LOTS of anllquu, old china. el.t". We al1a buy and trade. CHA.RUE DAVIS 1800 I:. >.Jla.tr.elrn. Lon( lleaela C.B. 830-139. JlcJI SI B••C.. s.r,-=""=--- 15.rr. OUTBOARD, 11\•tt.r ca.- bin, bottom tlbettla.Md. ln\&l1 motor and oua. U7a.. Harbor 1N1•J. 2CH ·•0th, Newport Bch. "'" rRJ:J:M.A.N AUTO PILOT, I mo'•· .SPECIAL M1rch Spinet Buys mGl4VDfOa ........... .... ~~ ........ .... a:r ._t ,..._ u-.a '""'-o...-t tam. at.- MJ:NllLU.L °'Pal ••b 1 ' l m&Ms .. 1 ma... OM NTI .. 1111 pod o.dtUOL Ua.1 ...,._ Orpa atWll••t i. ptw '1JO. DA.JfS.8CIDGDT Piano 6 Ot'fla eo .. aao Ko. Ka& 8uta ._ 110 .._ 1't9ftD 4tw I,_. -... KD'Eu....-.,.._~ ,.ta.I to appbt • namra ,... ---IBA1'D ·• iru..c O». c amoa uon tlt..f,23 N. lreunore. But& A1I& Phona Klmbarly 2.oe1:a IT&D."W.AY Orudt l. trioO. m,.,.. teet eondJUOD. llalloc .. not ,.. bullt. WOIMkrfVJ t.oaa, tut MUotl touch, Joftl7 ...... ..... .. •bQnJ" ttru&. ... 1111),. .u.o Muon • Hamlla 9pZDet. UM ...., DANZ.llCllKIDT Bia~ ..... UO No. Kam,, 8uta AM Ill&. 20 w. Apak:o. Ship to ahore P'OJl IALC-Touc °""· 176 ..... n· boet-nablr Gr.y LI ....... 1MO ~ ... motor "60. lkl6 NJ:WPOftT BOAT IALl:B l!!:~~~::!i!.!::!!~i::: Jt27 W. Cout Hwy. U MtTl &0-Atdoe ... %i IH uao - XLNT. t2' DIESEL FISHJNG BOAT. Fully equlpt. A $14,· 000 \'alue for $MOO. Terna, trade. Phone owner, DIA· YONO 7-3187. 22p27 TRADE Bee.uti!u.I 70-tt. aux. achoontt. · Fully found. go anywhert. WLLl take eq\llty Ln property or •mal· l!!t boat. 1220 W. Balbi)& BIYd.. N!!wport. H&r. 3032. 2tc:31H Tran11port:atiob Cal'll Rich Halm Garage 29th & Newport Harbor •726 19" o.eo1'0 I ,._,.,. time. boellent rubba:r • lllOl#. lMkli lllle a rraJ' peat. IMat 411- llke a drum. fa.a.I tor haut1111 p&Ntn .. n to W'llrM A ND ONL y . lt&O. Ul:AVINO ell)', aa.critlce for calh tine fllmt.hinp c:.ona1.uq of aolid dark Philippine mahO(· any, Provincial twin bedroom 1>el. 7 pltte1 plut nn .. t box 1prinp • &!eley m1ttre.111e1 ind cu.ttom 1preadl. On1. coat 1700, Al!!.ll !nr Sa211. Solid blonde oak, 15-pe. d!nlnc IW't , ~. O'Kfffe and Mirrrltt 30.in. atove, Ilk• MATKE\\'S cabin cnu.er. 31 rt. new, JM, All poroelaln' P'rl11-Slcepe 8. T\o.•tn aerew. Brup Ulofe da.lr• 1% euhtc ft., auto. defro1t, • r•dlo. dlr1ct1on finder, auto. pl· $911. Chine.at Oriental nic. or!c, )Ot. Moorln( t.tlnlfl!r&blf. 81.l!lt COit l?llO., MU I~ AJao eh.II.In, • INl. COmpktely ~ ~ lam~ end tabju, 1te. N~ to 'I' ~ •1a.aoo. ~ 1947 PLYMOUTH ' door. "-d10, heat.tr • compWt.a.ly nbullt rnotor. Good rubber and utr• tle&ll ................... ,,_. 131!. M&n y ot.Mn t'rm'I UI. on up. ftJOH HAHN GAil.A.GE ttUt • N_,...t ....... N ....... ,_ ... , l'l•Aar •Ttis. 23t 211 p.in. IOD~ ClubbOUM .~v1-., New· t18!1.' Zllp27 port Beach. Her. 0391-Y.'. 23p2~ TWO day bed• $15 each. dble bed, oomplelr 126, 11e. rue . ~- PH. Harbor 1844. Zlr.211 19~ NORGE wa&ber. A11tomaUc pWll:I button, bll" tub, Sg1tator, OY'trllow rin .... lt.1 new but pd. dn. to 1137.20. No ,.,,h do. It you pay U'le pymt.. of 17.82 per -"'· ... Ba1111:u1& A • S WaAAou.w. 220 S. Ma.In It., .. nte An•, 8 hlot"k• l!IOUU1 of 4fh Sl. Open E ve.• 'UI t , Sun. II·~ or Phone Klmhf'rly 3·7201 MATCHED VlCTORlA~· l)'J!* lo•·e ee1t and w\ng chair 1" g•y Pto- vlncl•I pr!"t 1rnt1-11157 .:.01 l.ike n-. 18~. Hu. i4•2-R 23<:25 19~ Phl!co r•trlc1n1tnr. Btg tr<»• top tnieur cheat mod11I Sp1c-e f(lr battl~•. butter, Vf'f:. Ac meat ke,.~r Ila brirn p11id dn. 1n $13t .915. !\"o dn. pmt. J u~t l"".Y U,e pymta ot P .27 J>"r mn. See Ba.urlula A .t. S \\'1rPhou-e. 22() S. M1tn .St. S&11ta Ana, Open Evt1 '1.11 11. Sun. 11·."! 8 bloc.kl llOU lh Of tlh St. or Phone Klmbf'rly l -1201 F'OR SALi: -Dolphin II. Fully f'qulpt. ror t hart.ert.. New Chrya- lrr motor. Phone Har. 1174 or <'1111 1110 E. ~an. Balboa. 25p27 M-M .... cal, Radio,· £: r V lfAMMO:"D Cnor'1 or11n. I •lt1bt- ly UIOf!<J, hk1 ne1o1•. \"nu t•n pl•Y wnhout • i"l'Mln. DANZ·SCHJ.llDT Dl1 P11 n-0 Slore, 112() No. M11n. Santa Ana '52 Buick Roadm'!tr. CON\'. w,w. llre1. P"\lU Pawer. R-ed with black lnp. Pert..c.t eoD41UOn.. $1,6915. Terry's Buick 2812 N1-wport Blvd., Npt. lkh. G. M. A. C. ,-.rma Harbor 3021. SkU 131"1\. BUYS lo•·e ly f1!1J kf)'board CADILLAC-$1895. Spinet pt"no. rent•l RETUR.'\"S 'l'iJ • 82 bladt fi dr. eirdan. w.1.w. ,..ve $1~1 Qn be1uliful 1plnet• ELlot . w"lndowii ek . A Balboe Hke new. \\turlltaet. Le•t.lr. J&land 11pec:lal. Harbor •117. f"lech.er. Knabe. Muon • Ham· 23c:l5 hn, 10me Blonde 0.)f an<t Salem I ~,-.,,,.,,..-,,,,...,OO=-=c-,0n'°"1-1°'"000'°" '51 ... AD. t """" y 1, Maple. ml. All •<!IXtna. 1 "'"""r, Prtv. DA.NZ·SCHMIDT BIJ Plano Stnr,., party. LJbartJ .. 9011 atter • p. :'>20 No, Mein. S&nta Ana m. rrr W'Hlrll!l'ldl. •plT CONN80NATA Orran. Ju.l l.r1d- ird In. 1<1v1 1400 on lhl• •lmoat n"" orr•n D.A.NZ·SCHt.flDT 8 11 P11no Store, ~20 :No. M•tn. fl•nta An• HOJ'F"MAN 18"' tablir mo<kl T V. Call Harbor 0215·J. 24e2e 1900 GMC trudt, I ~ fllt*lal dump Ndl Fln.a thapa. JllOO. PJI. Hubor 101' Or ... ..-at •1 8hore Pa.rk, 17th • cu.a ~· .-.y, C. H--. Lot Il. MpM '39 PL TMOtJTH ~., 15 pod u..- Ru.na coo4. JM, nc.1 Lt'batV f.1141 . Mdt ~Beauty Alch lpodol N.U-Superfluous Hair W.U.'"T \VOMAX to r.lean Thurs. or Phone Kimberly 3·7201 In Dr.nU•l'I of!Lc:e, !\'~wport Beh. 1'1UG1DAIRE, 12 cu. ft., $Jjll; HAM.Mo:-.·o or1an1, .U modl:ll. I-------------eule1l term•. your old piano accept.Id In eM:h•nee. FrN pn.c· l'1!!:-Aato=:!!!!!!..!! ... !!!'."'!!!•!!_ ____ _ Newport H&rbor 8 . P.O. E . 1767 M•t.. 1v.ry TllundQ I JI.& Vla Oporto -Cedtnl A'"· "!"':""" ._.. ~hell, Exalted Rulirr Mechanical Sweepinq Service PA.RKJNG LOT( -.per mark•ta. Ort ... ·tna. •tc:. llate• by •Mk or monlll. COAST SWEEPING SER V. I~ liarbor Blvd , C.:o•t.11. MeM Wbirrty 8-Mf.1. 21cl! u ................. General Contracting Modemizetion Framing end Foundations FHAtum.. Reoidmtlal and CommercW Free Eotlma'" and Plan Service C. Sherm Allen, Liberty S.7576 Aro )'OU ba'f!nf -.-! IAt a Want Ad help )'OU IO!Yt -! COMPIEl'E P AJNTING • Paper llMstnc 8a •lee EUGE1""J: 0 . SA\.Ji\'t>ER8 MO 3111 ltnat, N•.,.,1JOrt 8eadl ~ lt1t fl/I Bar. ....... Uc PermanenU)' t$mOYed rrom f11e1 arma, lep. i:,.tlrow• and llair Une allaped-No inore t•l!!UUlf . ltLLEN 1... BR Y AST R.. E. U do'1 llalcm at BMutJ' R&r. 2&71 ... LOST Roy..! HUl'lter. maroou and Wh ile btt)'tle. REWARD. Har. •01118-W. 23c.z:i 24 Reel Estate School in Senta Ana MEN • WOJil..CM pr.pare ID 9])Art Ume for unlimited opportunlt111 In Real Ellale. N..-eia-1 WMkly. AJ Tyter UlltrucUn1. Al· tend tint l"Nnin1 tr. and learn Movt t.bta cr-t n.k!. OtJJ or write now· tor lllform.aUoa. Bual· n1111& IMUtut.a, •13% N. 8yea. mort. Kl &-1111& T•tte Chine Painting Day a.nd c..ms au.. 01'"der1i TU• Howr U l-SU7,--. LI ~1711. •Ptf --w ...... TRACTOR WORK Dl~O. PLOWING, MOWING. \\'111. "Pata" Puc:J. U I-KIT, ...._ Lr ... l'f81. n;N LICENll:D f'XJIJANfloed aid,,. •nilaltla. Ph. Hu. 1111-1'-"-' White Box K·41. U,la paper. ELECTROLUX refrigerator l'11n 1prin11 • mattrellll, $2() per l:le.27 aet • I dbl: modern 3 pc. lltt· lice. try betore you buy. 0 Af';Z·SCHMIDT Biii" PL1no • Organ Co .. ::i2n :"o. Maln. l'!"nta Ano & Magic Chef stove. Both uona1, ne&rly n~; m•ple tl.ble.111, HOUSEKE!:PEJ't • companJon tor in good condition. CHEAP. I blond• oaJt dlning table• 4 capt woman eon-Uaeirnt.. 11•1" only. 1529 W . Balboa Blvd. Har. chalra upMI In ~d. 190: rluh Cell LI 8-4141 before ~ nr LZ t halr . .i111" chair, millC'. IA.bl .. JS Rr:NT8 1ood practice pLQI<) of ;;g.;;;;70;;7;;';;"";;;;;;';;';;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"";;;;;;';i;;;;;;5568;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2;;4c;;2'1'ij 1 • lamps. ff.Ir. 311111. l~2j buy •I •&7, Ill\. $125. MLn-o Sp1n1ta Jl3-'" 19&4 O'ICl:EJ'E 6 M!:RRJTI' D.A.. .... Z·SCHM.IOT BtJ Pi&no Bl.t"ln'. "A Letter from Kansas N"ewpoft llartlor s_...rr-• Ull ....... Btvd .. N.wpert 8-c:fl. cant. 0..... lll"-Oolir : " •• Mardi 11. 1165 /, "nM:ICl1llt yno mlrhl lNo 1111 .. .-t'!d tn h...,. a.b<:>ul thf' """It nf my &dftrttalnir In ynnr r 1 ..... 1nrod _.tloa. I -lll tb<o. ,,_. Ml ... .,...._ Lal SUit.a A.na tnr 16 ,_,.., !lllf'TAKllEN A 8mTRJ, lh1;>n "'tlrM for ' ,._,. UM1 •-h.aTf! oipeaed thl!I ofnf'f' t..-n mnnl.h• .... '1'41 ~omd -61 we ""ft In hulllae. •·11 ld\"f!r· U!IM I hnme Ofl 1,, MN la C'-Mla M-aad aold It bn-41a&e17-HMI do~ at l'&Jl1 ud Miters ,_ .. , ....... , .. 8Mttle. Tiie M.lll Wfek '? ~ a 1lmU4r ~y Md Mkl tMt ttwt --.e weak tno. Tille dnH. ...... the _, talla a.aid lelMn ... had • l"r'pl7 """'" .. far •'"'1' .. a..-. u a ~t or tbfl • .,,..,....&" tn yolll' papar -Mve a , .. , or is ta JO •J:f'f'llNll pr.,.Pf"Cla. In au er my expr,rSMee bl r....:i ... ta•• 1 11c~·e, ,_.. MY1q" Ud lwotter ra~ l<J 1'1-lned Alla. nan. 11111 '"' your ~. ,.f!l'J _.., 7oan, uaa a. •cF.,.,.. BAJAOo\ BA 1· raonani::s •11 ....... Bt1"4., ........ c.u .. ..... 1'-......~..,..__ .... _.."'7~ r .. .,...... .. ..... ,... ,_.... too, .•• q U .u.nT llUVl.n: . a.a ...,.,,, 1111 ...... '°'" llM ........ ranre. 111 the branrl nf''I" 40"" 1130 ~o. ){1ln, S•nta A.na deluxe CP all ~utnmAllc r:iv11n I------------- clocM, fi&N door, 'itt r1 grl!le· M h S • I valor hf'ol.I ll'ftn, .t •II 11t,el arc P8Cla lflddla In m.lddi~ tt• ~rn f>d. 2 ONL.T lovely mftl'Ot type up- dn. to 11117.0ll from J306.0fl. Nu rtght p1anoa. l m&fll•, l hloflde dn. pyrnL n,..,.dt d. Ju•t p1y the BOTH WKI!! N!:V.'. pyml• nf $10 o:i per mo. Term& $30. di\. • 110. per mo at I 1'"1' Baugh.n8 A A: S Y.'1rr.hOUH , SHAFER'S Mu1\c CO. (Slneir 19071 220 S. M11 ln St., Santa A1111. 421-423 N. !ycamore. Santa Ji.JI• ~ blnek1 llOUlh ot 40, St. Phone Klmberly 2-081:1 Open Eve• 'tll Ii, Sun. 11·."> or Pho11e Klmhf'rly 3·7201 A!'io'TJQ UE cherry 7-dn..,.,•er chP.11l, I 1100 ; maple Y.'!ndN.lr chair. $12.150; dr-r. ~111 \ drt.1u1lng tfl: tile a.Jr, P ; maple ~ Suaan cottee table, $11; 4 rnaho(. ud tabl•. I T each; Uer tabl~. $10: RCA 12""" TV table m<:>del •nd ll..ble, '30: lawn 11W1nc. $18: blr- beque table • brnt.ht•, $12.~: 2 redurood t heir•• t.ahlr.. $\2.15() H&!11or 1760. 24c28 f.1815 BUTl!I Jov .. 11 lltU.. Baby Grand: other• $47~. '5&0, M86 f!tc. Story • CJ11 rk. Kn.ab&, Wur- IHur. Kimball tn S1lem M1pl11, Let:t ~r," McPtiall Alway& JOO pi•no• to chooM rrorn. DANZ-SCHMIDT P11 Plano at.on, :'>20 Xo. Main. Banta An• STEJNW A Y GR..A..!\'D, forty ,_,... old, 11450. Phone Hwbor Ji. l•p215 LOVELY SINGLE manua.l Min· ROUND uralnut dining table • 8 •hall electronic orran. Uke n1w. clla1N, a&....o, blcycle, very re... 9av1 1200. Liberal tr.ti•. Olm· aon•ble. 2HMI Orange Ave .. eo~ ....n.i1nt l#Mn• •I- t.a )(eaa. 2.1p25 .SHAr~·a NUiie OD. rBtnce 1907) 421-ttl ?f. Sycamorr., &u!ta .Ana 0000 USED anli uaed r>od tum· Pbmie KJmtwrly 2·0872 It.UM!. RI.if•, tan hack chain, 1------------- LaWflOn aota. club chair and ot· 50 USJ!:D p11noe .... nw for 01Jr Inman. S Lf'llle Hollywood berta, r~ntaJ dept. 1'ra4e your f>ld pl~ dbl. l'le&dboard, 11.m.pa. t.b~. on n-eleetrlc or1a.n.. spln.et or •tove • re.r n 1 , ml~ ~ South cr•nd plario H11he11t a \lowa.ne,. ...... .....·11.~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--...11 Bay Front. Salhoa Uland. H.r. DA'."Z·SCllloCIDT Bit Plano l tor e. 27~. or Har. TS. Ue28 l5XI t.."o. M&Ln, S&nU All& • • Motor Overheul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * s Cyia, .... s Cyla. pay lnc.IUONI boUI ...... ... .... N-rtnp, ..,_ ..... ..a.. rrtzad. nu.mp o1. au ud ,.. baiartnp. l:rpart ..c.-tlais' ... 90-dl.y or •.OOO -.De ,_,_,.., (NO MOH'ST DOW'NJ. REBUILT ENGINDI -UP to 11 MON1'B8 TO. PAY- Bul.ll In our ~ fM:Cor7 lllJ ~ madlJ,lllll& Daa't cx:iat.ed ... ui. mkSdNI mu. 8'47 .... REBUU.T aDd INSTA t 1.11> UIOllT BLOCS l'OIU> --··------~ .. ~·..,·· c:Hl:VIWLrr ____ ..... M PLTM. • COOCH: f'• CKRTl!I. • D& llOTO llft ITU DEB~ Tl· OLDI • PO!i'r'U.C I "ft BlTICX 11 KUDllOM ----..,--.,-~•1' L.a.a car ,.,_ ,._.. HEW C.U cwt.un9 lllodl mut m.Nt CIW' •·=11+ Pim tu.a, 1..au ud CIG 0,. luad&J 10 UL '9 t .... BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS I ()pm DaL1J I to T 9t&t. ..... NEW LOCATION 310 Eaat 3rd St. 'a.utr• .... ' " •• I • ' ""Check These Used -Cars t8A-Apta. for Rnt ~5~t=!ll!!'!"!!!!=!!..!!0!Ffl!!'!!!!!' !!!F!!'""!!..· !IMl!:::!ll!!!!!"~m~!!!!.!lF!!!'.!!' !!!F!!•!... I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV· PAGE S MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 Buy from a local dealer who will be htre TOMORROW to back up what he eeU. TODAY! Charming Harbor Haven Ap&rtmenU -Patio. ?\'EW 4 ROOK. ru~t '-"L N'e&r .cboola. aboppllls .u.tr1cl. Qul•t. pleuuit. eJLClu5ve. C&rNa• ~ pou..l, 1-undry,, etorac• roomt. ...,..... &a.~ up. oocup.. ta· Business Opportunities -Vogel Values l'a~~··!!'!.'r.~• '!!_ ___ ~a-!:=!!a.~ .... ~-~!--- Beacb ~ S"' l!i:I Oftl" $18.000 tn an 8 hour day at peak of. ---Ya)' bi Diil One ot best locatlona. BeautttWly eqaipped and lald out tor volume with rrtntma-help. Owmr- and wtfe ha" hem ba.pitaU:llPd ud doctor •J9 to ..u. Full ""'"1b price --Ttnlla to TIME-6:30 , "Low Bridge" ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! Ster+s Mondey, Merch 14th p.m. Report SUBJECT -Fish_ing ST A TION -KWIZ Mondey thru Fridey ANNOUNCER-Gorden Hittenme SPONSOR: • LOU REED & ASSOCIATES CHRii'SLER -PLYMOUTH 4323 W. Cout. H11hway, Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2Ml Newport Beo<h 43-Apta. A RomN tiA lt:J'ML Good -~ ) x.,.., 1 ~1 Havo. p'tac. L.-- 1 Block South of H.lp ~ AI.80 Jl"UR.''18HZD APT8. \ WTh"TlCR RATES "" A 'l"I'ft.A.CTIVE • ~ mod9ra etudlo epi... UtJlltJ• pe.!4. '6ll and ITll monthly. St:U eo.ct Jhry., Conaa 491. Kar Ph. Liberty l-Tlf7 di.~ 2l c38 REASONABL'! pnc-.:1, ci.n 1 • 2 bedrm. turn.. &pU. uw. pd. Laundry f'OQm. Playsniund t or dllld:rel'I. Blue T op Apt s. f.M N'eY.-port Blvd .. Newport e..cll. Abo~·e tt:e Archea. lOtlc 488-HolJ:Mlli for Beat C.ORO!'l A DEL l.tAJt. -:I bdrm. unt um . ·bou.M with 1a.rq•. J7:1 qualitled ........ Water Front ~ _,. be buned down $100,000 tor W. cboice location. Be will sift ,a l~year leue at $800 per month for ue :o1 land and allp. any imprvwmenta ccaatructed would pa.rant.ea good inmme Many powl!Di- tie. on thia. _ Anchorage for • ef'0e ·8-yfront -proper!}". O.W will Iu.e lM ft. to ~ \'acht Brok"". Waterfront and all .t.ip1 plua sale9 of&e for straight rent (no pereent.acel. See The 3201 W. Cout Hwy., LI 8-3481 Vogel Co. Newport Beach "-. LI 8-3580 on 1...._ OoMJ1 •Id• Of H'Wy-1-------------------------- !117 Acacia, Pt\. Ru. 38M-W. 1~::::!!!!!'!!!!!!..!'.I~!!!!'!!!!!!... 2tc2t I lls.'!!!:~ .. ~~-~~-~!..! ... !!!~-~--5t n I • °''' 1 Mh+ -~~~~~~~-P'O R RENT April lat on 1-. BUSINESS mi., 1737YI Superior o r not llOld by th&t da.tel. Ave., ea.ta MelL 1330 IQ. ft. OMint.b.te tully turnlshed 3 bdrm. equlpJ>9d 110 6 220 d l'K:. power. Corona HlPJ&nda family hOUM. Skyllcbte. load park1q-. Har. Cozy 1.-.d brick l'lHplaca, btn:h U11-R. Courteay tO accnta. 2tc3111 pane.led ldtchcn, \qll to wall ------------- eupeun1 , automat.lc •aahin& AVAILABLE _A.bout 8000 aq. machine. )&e. yard, view. ldM.t n. llsht !ndu.try apaoa cm i.t 6 for chil<iAn. Sea anfUnl.e, 604 2nd. floor. u. I. RJ,trw..y 101 81111.~ Rd., Corona del Mu. ASSOCIATE Adj.. -not. -proauct n-adJ' tor marll.eL _pleUI,. tn(ed • .,.__ 8baaW _...,. Mt 1100.- 000 ftnl. ,_,._ Will .tand rictd lnl~ At.ohat.i ptool at " DRAMATIC VIEW * at ocan, canyon, beach, cltffs. L&rge bdrm.s., 1~, bath. DD_,. p&Uo. Spacloua living fuo m.· Look· tng right down on beach. Beat acenic 1ilt In Corona , cW Kar, For quick ule, $25,&IO. Call Harbor 1 m E'vea. Harbor M59 EARL W~ANLEY, Realtor 22S Aft., Balboa Ialand OUTSTANDING BALBOA INCOME • 9 dehu:e, near new apartmenta on beautiful Balbo1t Peninsula... Unfurnished income on yearly JeaM".s over $9500. CoWd be subetanlially increased by talc:· ing summer rent.ala. Only $76,000 -and out of town owner will take $26,000 down a.nd carry bai. ance at 5%. Absolutely the best income buy in the entire Harbor Area. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Rwy .. Npt . Bch. LI 8-3-f.81 . Eve. LI 8-lMI GOOD INVESTMENT 20ACRES Good Farm Land -Near Ooea.n $3000 -Acre SEE THESE TIP. TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING In Corone del Mer 2,c38H and Bay Front.ac-e. Wlll I-all or any part • remodel l(I -.ilt 2 BDRM. untum., llvtn&" mi., din. tt-111.nt. Vo1el Co., 3t.ll Vla Lldo. rra., kitcherl 6-wuh rm. JIO. Harbor t.871. 23r~ rll'lll: m~. nte ta• dl&.I:ce Ph I S I~ ~ "'-·~ ~ ~-.. i u uven & George Everson I BDRM. turn. a.pt. by ocean. 1M3 DeSOTO V-8 club cpe. 2-tone green. JM. tin Junt. mo... 121 -23rd St.. COllla Meu.. Harbor 3608. 24 p28 For leese upstairs in•"fft l.l!WIO cut.! for "'I tntn--IBM Newport Blvd., Coata Meea est. D:-awtnc accolUl.t u .ctt...... (Acrou From eo.ta~M.eaa Bank) New W•W tirH, radio, huter. power 1 BDR-\f. tw-n. •PL blllow IN· view, 171l. month. 1teering .............. ··-············ ······· · .. _ ... $1895 1 B ORM. turn. apt. on H"'Uotropt , FUR-.~lSHED (Xltl&l"fl, lure LoL y,arly l!IO month for 2 adult.. 41 3 P"eml~. Corona del Mar. 24p21 800 Sq. ft. •ulta.ble for buld.neu. 1tudio or otnoa • livl.nc quart· era. 21~ Marine An.~ 8&lboa 11. Owner J39 N. Bay P"ront. Bal- boa r,1and. 23p2:111 A.1-o!ute!y r.o teeptMJn• Ulfor-- mauon. xo um. toe CW'lomtJ ___ Ph~o_oe_Llbo __ ,._Y:_s.<1_7_6_1_Ev_eo. __ H_ar_._<_3_66-__ LI_S._21_0_3 __ -ura. Pvty .Jttt.-d mu5l rumWI. cha.rkta n:f~ca and be ..,-to pt .iar..-tnth. n .. m&J -ll bl lhe 1ut ad !'OU '"11 _. need ._._ For penoaal in~ pbcma L B 1-tlll. Roun 10 a Ill. to P P~--:teM 17~. month. 1901 STUDEBAKER. cream colond, radio, 2 BDRM. unturn . houae on Orctud 1953 PONTIAC 2-door aeda.tl. Hydl"&matic, dual range, radio, heat.@r, 2-tone green $1~95 -.,...._ ....... .U.>-trL ... ..onlj<----~'L8~9~5L_-t-~·~100()():_._'m~oo~<~h:_. ----~--0co~RGN A DEL MA.R-Untum. :a W. E. F01sher, Re•ltor """"""''" ' ....... ---~-·~-=· D~-~-g h!g-hwsy. nru •tote& a: thP.a!Te. 1 ~=::..--=:as=:~:.:::::-:.::.:-=:_ __ , and. A8$0CLATE8 Phone Llbarty M OU . 21lfc 1949 FORD 2.d.oor aedan, overdrive, n.d.io, hea.ter, new 11e&t coven .. ···-··············-·-·$ .595 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" H1.rbor 4070 or Harbor ~1 J!l.'iO P'OftD delwo;e M'd&rl. ft.e.dlo. or111:1n11I p11 1nt. Good mldl&nl· r•!I)'. $t9:'J. fi-WaaUJd to But WANT TO RENT-RiX>m A: b&th for maid on BaJOO. Penln11ll• Polnl. folay A: J11rtP.. C-.11 H11.rbor 3131 an.r Tllunday. 23p2!1 303t E. Cout Hy., Corona del Ma r Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2tt:S ON BALBOA ISLAND ea u•eor~11uc1 ---NELDA GIBSON, Reo1tor SOI M.arlll• A,,._ Butior !Md ELU.BOA uu...Urm Ttta BALBOA J:\S, month Y'uly un· furn. cottec11. liv1nc rm., d.lneu,, kltchene~. 2 bdrm., bot •ho-r. Cu &nd "'·a t.t:r pd. 108 Ad.am~. Harbor 11124-M. 23e2~ Jl,·Ew S bdmi. u.ntum. horn. for adult family. Only $M. month. on I-Owner LI 8-3:91 f!Vltll. '°"' HARBOR BLVD., 2 bdrm. untum. bunplaW. 1"9 Harbor m ... 11.. MeM.A..NUS, LI 8-3333. 2k21 LEA.SE 1 yr. :S bdrm. N"and new unturn. h«n•, Ralboa V i1la tr11et. I&. mOnlh. °'"1.rr, LI 8·1'>297, ,~.. 23Ue 2 BDRM. rum. home. tu-epl~. Wiil heat. rncJ.o..:I pat.Jo. U11UI J WI .. 11'> 11~. or sso. Y'U ly. 10 n!llpnn&lble pflr ly. )11 E .Balboe Blvd. 23a!I Ml 2 ACRES 178 n.. !rontq-9 on P1ac.DU. !!It. E:xctUent retaJI ouUet. Fnr Uue or will build fOT reliabi.!I ttaanL Owner LI M710 or 1.l WJIM. 2ttfc LOANS PN>WPT SERVICE SHOE OUTLET' \\'llL ~"'T :"'. "·~ comer 17th 6 <>nD.re-Xdl' Alpt.a Beta ._ Tbrtn,........cau JA.Mr.S Ha.t"°' J(M.2. 23c2$ CAFE -· ..$2600 e"" ttr1t IJ"Ult d~ 20 y.n ...... ~ c~ Ora.nge Coa.&t Properties ......ar .£.. ---· O<JlolV 18:11 N ewport Av.... eo.ta x-. DONUT SBOP ---'i'500 u s-1sn. LJ 8-1400 ~ 9~uc BEER PARLOR ----50001 NEWPORT HEIGHTS SCX>TCHMAN'S SPECIAL -Ne-ver 90 much for ao little~ Juat a .tone's throw from tbe bluff11 off Bea- con. Thiti 6-rm· home with it& king-size bdnns., oak noon, a.nd lanai plus patio, ia really a Scotchman'• drum at $12,950. -$4000 down. GORDON SEVERTS REALTY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 135 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa.. Ll 8· 7781, evee. 8-8188 COSTA MESA :-:i REE b.dl'CIOlll., FIL\. hom1, J )TL oJ.d. otn1n1 room. hd,,.T_ n ra. l'lu.a.I turn., suaie. te.nc...,j yll.l"d. Sewer · m. CkJM to C.tholle Chun:a $9,800, iaatl 17,2~. l'Z.200 4owQ.. '37.21 p.-month TRADE FOR HOME with pier &lid float and anall lilcomf!. Owner ~g from bu111. .... Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 H•rbor Blvd .. COlte )lu• rhrin• wn .. rty 8·~1 2n.-2:r w A NT TO 1U!INT -2 or 3 bdrm.. h®M w1th I.need play YIU'd In or near Corona del MIU'. To $100 ptr month on leue. Mllllt bl! cle&n. 1-.,,. 111--c• al Harbor 4l&li. l4p21 Choice Winter Re.llt.&111 on Balboa laland la: Lldo tale Small • cmy or ta.rs• 6 de.IUQ 2 BEDROOM. 1tn/Unll-'11ed newlJ' palllled-MIO. p..-monlb. WOtJLD Ilka to buy 1111. and t9d ~ 0-U. Call Har. 23211 "Art" Ad~·... Rltr. I u incl. tu 6 tn•. ·:;; POflD 2 dr. Very cleu. N•W p•lnl. Xlnt. r urmllll 6cm&Uon. !PIP i;\•lvtl LIM. ~Hubor H 111:hl1nri"&I Co~!• Mf'N . al'tP.r .., r m. :13':2!') F d C t ml. RENTAL r'. 1954 or us o me SPECIALISTS C"l"b coupe, Por4omaUc • hP.&ter. L •k• nl'"'". 8.~ ..-ual ml111. $1,795. Buick B<h. UK>I F'OflD \"·I V1el.orlL RadlD. he•ter. P'a rrlri. Pow•r 11il<!t'lnc . can Edna er.is Blanche Gates, Rltr. Ill Mu1n• Aft. 8&1~ lala.ntJ. Hu. 1171 ""' r--EWLY FURN. 6-dl!-Coraled l bdrm. houa. PT\val P. yard. BBQ. ALSO furn. l bdrm. dMplt ;ir;, 1arb. dl"fl· f',ach J71'> mo .. 1nel util. ~l·!l<M Jumll:le. Coi-on1 dl'I Mu. Phon• Osborne 1·3723. 23e28 r ""''"r hrflk61'. on~ owner. 122t ~-1-------------CHOICE BA YSHORES 1um-Ha us ken Motors, Inc. mer rental.I. ,76 to POO monl.JI VOGEL CO. :IOI Marini An... B&lboa lalaAd Ph. uvbor 4t.t o r H.a:rbor 2.l~l Ru. H.ar. 1116-RX or LJ UJ97 .... , m COSTA Ml:SA -:l bdml· tuna apt. and 2 bdrm. fum. houaoo. C&ll Klmtler1y 2·94.11. 22ttc 212 CB:brlllo. C<111ta. Meta. Llbf'rty I-704~. :l:SC:r.8 PR.JV A T E rt1R.N. 2 bdrm. "°""9- Enclolled yard. now..ra. fnill t ree• & ver. rardarl. TV. dbl ... f ll.l'. A. A_ Arnir&u.lt. 170 l:ul 18t h. c.oeta 1-t•M. Ll 8-11197 . 23p2~ CORONA DEL M.AR, unrum. 3 bdrm .• 2 bath hM"J•. On 1- 1136. •mo. Call Harbor t 3ll. '"'' '8A-Apta. for Beet ---~---------!FURNISHED l bdrm. hou ... MODJtllN FUR.-... APT. UpAt.&tra. a.rlult.a. no pet.a. JM mo. Loov-ely vhrw. Adult.. $7:1. month. A LSO bachelor tu rn. apt. ~ mo. UUL UICI. Yr.)-. Avail. Apr. 3. uUJ.. pd. 1119 '-. Poppy, Cornna de! LOUI SE APTS.. 308 Carnation, Mar. ca\l H•r. ~9-R. 26p:l1 !Neu &Y."1,wl Corona de! Ma.r. Harbor t o111. 231:21 \\'ILL L.EASE J bdrm. curr R•vtn home $1 U'.o. mnnth. LI &.:Wt7. SL ... GLE A.PT. ror tadJ" 01' ~tie-23p211 man •~ mo .• uUl pd.. No J>llU. lnq. In rear 13t E, ltlb St. ~E\\'PORT ffp;rcRTS-2 ~drm. Co.la Meaa after e p.m. 18tfc unf11rn homr. R!Q\'r A rel'rir. furn. X:lnt. nrlJhlx>rhood. 111:"1. . ..... NO COMMISSION • No Appnisa.I Fer IA.LES -REFI X ASCZ. ·_,' cossraucno:-: _ C.11 tor~ '-Fut. Commitment.I on Re11d1nou and 1.,inll1 only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COl!ITA M ESA u 8-~tl u ~ LOA.JI/ii TO BUlU). Dll'RUVE BUT, MODl:R:..'1ZI:, OR REFINANCE We Buy Trun 0..- NEWPORT B.A..LBOA L\YnCGS • LOA..~ ASSOCUTIO!'ll llld Via U do.. Ph. Har. dOO ... ttN S"~ Bl.Yd., Co.ta )(eaa -U~r1)' WTr.I • uae n \"O BDRM. ._ dan olAar bome, film.. d c.e Lo bull • sood mJcU. ~ In. Lot IM)dlOO.. Oi&rac"L f"'UU pno::e ffl.!'IOO, •., (IUll\. l '"''!:~-~·!!!•c.••"!"'!'''"~-·---- SOLD George V. Fox by Multiple Listing eRoK<R ti.) RJ~de. !"-imrt lk'vb 1-;'7 Jo: 17th SL. COit.i Mt • -Gall.l -l&YJl'.l.000 111 .,.,_,~ l.Jbf>rty 8·2811 ·--!------'------- Leaving State 8 c:..n rot.-RT ui C'~a >l~ E::s;ctilrnt ~ Sn-.aU d<> ... -n s-ym.ail bad~ Al.SO OC£AX f"RO!\I RE:STAl.'· RA.''T ia !"~ Bneh Su· CLIFF HAVEN \\'ITH EXCELLEN'T \l.lEW of bay A ocean. DP.l\'E BY 402 K ui,i:1 R.o1i1 llr.l'I see the qua.I ll)' o:.netruo:-UOn. &rJd l\Ulatandil'lt fMtllfM nf tbl• 8 t..1nn .. 2 bath. plwi dlln·dlninr rt'f'lm hnm~. J-UJ]y !•n•!Rt'aped and boo•ut1 t11I lb31" ,.11 .. 1mm1l'll'. pcY>I lot e>n1y J34,.'>00. Tf"rm a . HARBOR A.PTS. mnnlh ~~2 f'U lliortnn LI 8-7908 Hfl.J..TOP LOC'ATIOX a!Vr noon nr ..,.,...k end•. :lli<"..30 Al.SO on Klnr.:1 Road,, 111·1th •1~1li. rn TRADE unencumbered 9 unit •tucco mot.ti ~.;th owner'• qaart--. .4JJ tur- ftisbed. In tip top •hApe nn main bich•ay in Culver Ci - ty. Well located and MlAb- liahed buaine&1 doing ovf'r $8000 with low ex pt>n11C, Your income st.arts 1.t on<'r. Let me know what ynu have. Owner Em eat Zim. me rman. 2907 South Coch. ran Ave., Loe Angeles 16. Phone WHJtney 5961. Cl>llr· teay to broken. 17e30h SOLD bv Multipl e Listing °20.18 E. Ocu.n F'tOl'lt, Ualht\Jl ··c-....u -U .XI0.000 tn ·~~·· 1!1:11 H~bor Bh'd. Col'-Mel& r r..1n t Ubforly 8-~1 2<k:l2 Make reeervatiorui npw. CLAIRE VAN HORN REALTOR P..fodern furnished apta. LOANS for Hom-F"C"CED yvd. , .. -.; .. r-:10. ....ii d k th g,. 10 -.u a.qioeu.nr . 1pa.rkll1:11: With loll f)f pine ri-n,.ilnr.:. a 1------------- t8 HL'D!O:"I' S300 cuh. E:i;cell. , nnrl x~w 11raa atid -t .-ov.,Ta. H~rtv•r 1son. :?,'\cJS 2731 w. Co.at Hwy. U M m 2lt":l!I ~1 -~~~~~~~~ Belboe lslend \9'11 ,\!ORR.IS Oll.f(lrd •l•llon ""l '•n. one ,..,.,"1\l'T. Low m1leace- -f'.1ricUy a campl'r'a dlllrtit! 30 mil"! 1., lhP. g:allt"1 ! S1 3%. Ctlolea y.e.rly &lid •ummer rentala. now •vallabl•. OOJUS BRAT, R.Mltor ~"". t \. hath• S:!• z~o ay, Wte or m on 48C--Traller Spaori 0 ., •---•·bite Care rM rotla•"· Tl ynu Near bua, a'. •rN. bay. Reuonablt -".0-.-'"-'=0...-"'~"------1 "' -TT . ..._... ~H:~~-!~~.·.· .. e.,. A.Ye., BALBO,-,.~, A'm:h'TIO!": Up tn t .5 or so fL Construction Loans :::.. = Ul~!=I = WALDRON Realty ~"'•..., u 1r11..1lr r, huge IOU, pr!va.t• t.n• at (lftly StO!ll~ i, ~. t.l..n,... Jl\8 Me.tlfll> A n .. Balboa lala:nrl CLIFF HAVEX-tr.\"'rL"RS. APT. Spar1ou• 2 bdrma. C.ub dl•P comrr wlndo111·1. Firt pl, g>U"&.(• lA11rtdr) room. Pa!lo, sa:i. mo. Liberty 1-1843. 2lc2!1 ll"fUIN'!L l.'i>O IL frt>m !"f'V.110rt a n BOB SAT"l'tZR MO mnr.th H11-rbor ll23t Bh«i "" 11tnr,.11. Only s~o mn~ no 2~1~ EAST COAST ULVD. OPE:'\" FOR \"'Ol.'R P.:Sf>EC'TlOX ---------'------- .. hfl.n;:e frir l or 2 chllrtrtn Ct.sla Corona de.J Mar HarDOr 3888 :;10 x .... i:<irt Bl~t. )l~ea. Kl 2-1n7,. Zl c21 Rep. POllUER MOf\TCAGE ···o • -· ""' :":""J'Of; He!.11,'."hts. Ml U .............., W.U'O Uf• la& l"mlda Kl. ... :-,1 s:i J.3p211 41\!e -------------SOLD View Lot Corone del Mer OUT O f" STATE ""''Iler Wllllt.11 h"~I nff• r 10 1-'lllh out" ~hn1ce !IU'J,:8 rnrnrr 1"1 l.1\11 huil•l ~ bnm,.a. racJI wHh oort'"n \"l .. ,,. .. SEE STA:--·LP.Y ~'-l lTH Hausken Motors, Inc. :a1a Mar1Jle Aft_ Balboa Ifliand ff.arbor 20 9~tfc FREE REZ\'T DI Jl"UllN. APT. tor -~·-------------1 !!l(l:I KubOr Blvd.. Colt&. MIM I-------------roupi.. undrr s:i. no children. In VACA:":CY rot r,.rinr· •ldl'rly ~come Pru ...... SOLD b M I . J L 2647 F; c"""' Hh:t:"'·"y, r "mn" Y U tlp e isling 1lr! ~fR r H~rhnr b.!!2 23r2:\ P hc>n" 1.lhl'tly S.~1 20c2'Z d exch&n(e for part ttmt-help of lady In b~·flul1ful hon1r t ll,nt ~ X o. ~2 BaJOO. Cova . Ne.,.,"porl fkh 1----------- Li o Rentals wtfe w'l th ~rk. R•r. ~llW. toe'!d It c•r .. Bit gard• ; v etc. B LBO INCO E ·52 Singer Sport Car WE HAVE MANY EXCEi,.1 _________ ,_'"-' HY•u '"'"· "'" A A M by Multiple Listing o~E O\.'>•NEfl. .eoo mtlH •~~-LENT RENTALS l'OR SUM-LIDO BA YP'fto:.-r AM'". tl.Ll'Di •h· -------------I e t.'NlTS-Older p~pttty c~tral·j lnt.. "'°' St., :<"l!'W'pOn. lkacb MER & YEAR AROUND. ed. :s bdrm&., 2 bath. wu1 r.ub-5.S-8Ui1ta ~ Offttta 11 Joe., l ~ii bllu. to heart ot &I· __ ·_·aa. __ •_-__ "-_"'°__:_··""°--'"_.,._-~ Hausken Motors, Inc. 1-· JUJ1p l~th lo Oct. :llllb. New L uxury MM.ic al Center boa Ubl. nu. JIJllt te(l.UCllQ to . ··eo.1 -18.:IOO.OOO In "I\.~" LARGE LOT on Chff J)r11·" in Ch!t Heve:n. ALSO 40 n. l!r..,i: to atr~•t lot on C<"n•J&., Lid<· 1.1.. i 'Znrl l"t tt"m t.rrlo FOR THE IU)O{XR J11rt t!oUI lO U2!o par month. Phot1• Harbnr $23.M>O for qu1c-k l'alf', 13000 <1n 11lJ2 Har~r Blvd., Co1ta w.-!epL l~th Be&tlt . rur:L•h"1, 3 7'111. _ 22ttc to be constructed. OwTirr K&rbor 1898. i!otlc SQurl v.•11-h ..,,.,., or b1 \·1 r hone Llbtrt.Y 11·)061. blfnn . 2 bl.th. 'nirM monlhL ,\mple private puking, f'rum Uua Al"TRACT1';E BAT __ ._M_~_._,_,_~_"_'_· _H_u __ ,_,_,_,._,_,_u_, Whet e View!!! ~IC'E 27 rt. ColN'Jal MINN TrUI· "T Y.11!1 larp Cab&a&, li:D tnJkr r~rk wLt.h pn"-t• bath on C0&&t '111i:t1'•"•Y· SeP. '-tanacer . FinAnce •r tMJ td l.Jlwrty 8·1f!:tl . !an· •I ~'• D1 1.Aul:• i'nller Pw11.. 2812 \\· '""'<\ Hltrhw•y, Newport ~earh. 21f'33H '-fl"ST SEL..L 11 onr•'. 27 IL ~l· .. rn ttflll<'r In 'u r ll.nt condition. \\"1!.JI or wtU.OU.t ·#Ol>d rlu• and rom~ plrrood eahanL $1 !\00 Ca ll Lrb<-rty 8--4!!81. 2.k.l.'i '60 -ftad«'oMltl'd unl'\Jm. 1 be<'!· Gl n--• ~~ ~ h •v 0 HOM.I: c-.. ·-6 dmirTI. l lMIO U I •--' --E.>9-le LAC: MJ"_ " -~-· • · m=om. Incl. Ntr1J. W11.t1or pl.id. centra y oca1.a.1. O'>kJrflLI. ~ .-.Upa,pe:r .se- A....-OTHEPt 4 bdrm., UJ\lurnlahed. r-r around a.t uoo. J>f'T monU\. n2 Cf>•• Meu St • Cotita MHA w A..._'T Lido Bay P'ront.. H.a•·e (Ir r.or_ ~~Oft BAR·B-Qt.'"E.. LI 8-1234 att.r 3 p.m. Uc23 Layout to tenants order. : bc!rnl .. nl'My c.&rpr~d. and I CKEF"S DEUGRT. sun n y MODERN 1 bdrm.·apL wttb NAC• Fnt Informa tion, '"'fY nlu on Udo In ~xeha...,,, I bnrluid PaUo witll f r-tr.fry anrl Bay & Beach Realty and re_frtlf. carport u d print • c"-'h tor d\11,renrf ~"I •--m~ O.,,;,, ~nmc 91~ \V. Ba>' 3112 t,.afaJ'8lte, ~ewpor1 , patio. S• msr. hi ApL c, 2e2o LIDO REAl .. TY ~iat.8 "nly. Submit. \\·rn .. &a J-111. Aft.~ anyttrr... Jl<·Uil'I Harbor 3M3. R,J.r. ma .. ,,.. A\"l1!1 I L, Newport 8-'h. Hat. 3400 V ia Lido Har. 4444 thJ!I PI P''· 2!oP27 I Just to UM f1i"bt of tll• 411G-J. 24uc ,l!itlc £XCHA:.O'G& HOME -INCOXE Lido Brld,.. Entn.nct w-ll lN.fl nam. 3 bdrm. t 23cZ!I tooKING for • Uttll plae• j'l»l -------------111 bdnn., l ti4 baUU. F. A h•L, e t • ,..,... for one Of two! I ha•• •bat J, OF-CE •"•er• fr>r ltUll. A"'· w!Ui 3 ~tall hnrM barn. tacit nn. !)ld home.R"!~,' M•TM~ •r, '• ON UDO t8LE-:S Mdrm. turn . '"' ,. ,. Mp. 3 rm •pt. on 2'ii aern im two ., "ta. "P "~"'t t:Jt yaar'• Jea., J600 mo. i;:. n~ = ~ ~ut!~ pmx. 17'1<3"•' "•ch. In Lldn Shop· tenretl .I. rrnM fencf'<I ~ch for C~ del >fa.r Prop-My ~ CORONA H.JC HLA!\'DS J Md.rm . ping ueL Ml() \'la M.alap.. Kar. 3 b.1rm. home 11:1 Harbor atta u.r. W"Dr\h ll0.000. Saentl~ Balboa I.and. 7u.rly, Harbor 3327. lllttc • 32-2 •,--om:n"'11.at. _. 1220.00 F"r ullfUm bout.e. 7ta.r'1 1 ..... Jl~ U'" >• .. By OWTI~. Ph OX •·I •· t t"S7h "" ZZIQll.UL -p •pp't t"a.ll \·ERR.r.'-Ol:lt, t!•rbo::Jt AUK> tum. • unturn. apt.. 170. SIN'CLI: APT. f'\lrn. 133 per rno. 5$-A-Bualneu Beat.all CHOICE PROP ERlY -8&.rlta tKJ, .,._ Har. i.;;. l&trc tio 9100. JW.l"IJ nt. uUhUee pd. 809 E . Ana. 8 large room•. 1 ~ baUU. • -·'"'=~W.:::oa::::tod:::.""""" .. ;:;:_::;_ ____ , 0 . H. l..AnlAOP e..,. Ave., BllboL ~ Apta. FOR LEA," .. Blv~l'I prof)l'rty. t\lrn1'Ce helll. clOM ill l.(no•n. TU" 'Interested m a Lovely Home ~ M!.$.3 E. C.-aL Hwy .. Coron• ct.I XU Kar. 7t.&-W. 2Sp27 ru1t.oib lt or auty np or mi.. trall'r u Jll.rt pymL Kl 7·21811 in GUde:o Gro,·e'.' R tala W ted bu11nrS11 tnc lud'~ lar,e UYlng 23 x, · en an Har. &f.U. ~ Har. 3811.J. OOSTA ME&A. I rm.. apL. fUrrL rnom. 2 brtrm .. kitchen, allO ln· p Heated Pool W• nHd apta and ~ \n ..U MODER." l bdrm. unrum. duplex M llnl'\u'rl. llldudN atllltiM. ram .. gu. a pt. Pflrkln1> tacilJUea . ...::UC*I fr.w both wtlltM and W1tb ('VA.II and laundry . .Sae O.U H'Y"att 4-438~. 2Sa21 Very rt.AAo.in•bl• !112~=·~-~IJEo~la~IAl'!,_ _____ .lt BEDROOld. :t MUN. 1(-. .ct!· ,...,.., i.a-. "'1lL. or ~ )IOT 1Jden A,,.. ,ea.ta w-.1 ·------------Bradley fl t HY1t t t --6&42 23c2.!I '1ty ronm. J>UIG \\. to "" ca~t. " ,.. ..... -· LI ·----LJ ..... ,. y I GI R I .... '-I w .. lo< , ............ , .. ~ .. \. ..-t.odl,J :lkln 81111r ~ \\'ORK BHOP (ltf Cout H.lcb-y, 8541 8 •"'IV Oan 1111,!IOO. Mt&. Lorll'al.mtn. U 1- . Tbe Vogel Co. COltOS• o-~... OCEAN rao;.; APT. ,',~_:t, rt. "",1 ra~!~',r.•m•or, -~71 °' LEhlctl t-1m . 22'.t . ... ---....-rum. apt. I beodrrn. r-iqu11llt1 n,,_ 6 tur· a..OC'U or •pr Y .,..,.,u-i ...... :a bdn.... Mlila. n-11. oaon. lot •• llOl W. Ort. ...,. .. N.-pon 911&1 CJ11 ,._,Jy .._ e>r moot2' to mn. nlahta11. Rent f\l.rn. or unl'Um.. Llbl!rty 8-!1!118. J~ i; t M. ftr' -L P9.ymll!flta -~-·--~"!!!-~_.. I .SO. rYll t. To -eal1 1"1tamorr11. UUI. J><1. Mt:!IT .,_.,to •PP~te &eo.lti mCIC'IUI. -....,..,..., --... -H S2 -For a d1pand•bl1 uMd cu , .-arbor 21 . 20cl3 Ka.rbrir •~1 for •ppotntmenL FULL PIUCll: lllOO. ,...... llutlor... '1clS yD'llt loca.I dealer who wtil i,. hel'f! l.I01 OOut H!•ll)', eor-dial Kar 2 BEDROOM P"t'Jl.,,SKED OU-_____________ 1TOMORRO\\" to bac.) up •hat h• ''Art" Ad • Rltr Phon• 8altiof' 17•1 l"LEX. O:iron1 d•I ~1 1 r, -..ut h of l.,...rt.:it.'· Dl -PLEX I ~rm .. a lJJ, TODAY' Chttit th' ua.ed air, • SOLD J OO Main St •. lla.lboa H\IO."I Y •100 TT\"!'\\h Intl. utll. l~S. m(lnth -tt11' Ooh!lfntf'd. ~•nri l.n lba claa-1M.O ..,.\JOll to-lMI ~ewport ., OMrta M- "1Kme ..... ..,... 111 aklo ~-KAY, Mar. a;;~J S\Jc corona dt.l )lu, Pel~ dq. I Llber1.J 1-liH McJt j B ALBOA-A ttrloC. mod. horn' A· I t"Onrt 4 .,_ Jtv. rm. O<-"•n vl•w !hn1 plrt. "'1ndo,.,·1 3 t"1hm~, •!hl" 1rar !"r. l\Chool.11, tx!arh'•· Tt .. • prop<'r ty llfl~ ll'"°'1 in~""'" "PP"rtuni1~· !"nn·n'J ''""net •"•>m" &n}"llme. 12211 \\'. Bllllhl•• Bl "•! 2lr:l4h SOLD Dri\'t by 23.'i Magn olia Cl'lfrt..8 ~f eM Cute lo et•l:)' hon1io -2 tvtrm. • pR nr l,.,1 ""l'I ""l ~h flT"'~r,. .•. " 11 1" w•!I r .!U"Jlft.. v .. r . ei .... in. SJ.1 N\fl Phori" Lfl'w-rlv 15.>;]·~ ZJ!le O\t"XER ~lhng mol'l,,tn S Mr.m . l b41h hrirne 11 Wr> nf rnrr,nA drl ,\l11r, Mnrt ll'~i>e: l•~y1n i: furn. "''IUlhino: m11ehln,. n,.w •IOV• r•- f1 1~. dr~p~•"" nn»t cnv .. nnfi{• lnclul'le-d. )II.fl}' hwl t In~. 1o11 rir rr>0m fHt 111•1• \\"•lkln.r; dl•t&nr~ to •rhonl. $2:...ooo. Jfar 2~M-~t. l 7trc OC£A~· v1~:\\" 110 Mt:, 2104 c urr Dr'I"• F'\l!l pn l'OI! '11 or.o. IJ!1'TT1 L S o ~ reqU1rad. 0-"Mr. I.I a.~ llUC t .. ... , - , J PAGE 6 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS11!-._, FAtatf. MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 -------------62-RHI Estate 6%-BMI Eetat.e ------------------------------~ BILL'S BEST BUYS FULL PRICE $7800. 2 BDRM. & DEN. ITS NICE. Ea.at side Cos ta Mesa. Sewen in. ONLY $2000 D~. BAL. $58.25 MO. Eves. inform. Petitte LI 8-5487 Outstanding Values "C' THOMAS "C' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS' .. <.. ... moMAs READY NOW -IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS ON PALMER ST. -off Santa Ana A,·e. between 15th St. II. 16tb SL Owner on property from 1-5 p.m SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes S895 Down $11,450 Full Price Bal&n~ like ft!Dt. ·' Check the9e quality futurea: Sewers in and paid Encl06ed garages Colo~ rock roofa Garbage dispoala Kitchen fans Street will be cu~ and pned W. A TOBIAS and ASSOClA TES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly ~nice .. 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Llbttty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT! Spaciom family home, 4 bdrms., 31 :! baths. rumpus room. ~-li\"'. room with frpl. A CHARMER near So. B~y. ~.500 BUT ACT PROMPrLY~ Lido Isle LIVE GRAND PI.ANO STYLE! in this lonly BAY FRONT home. Puab-buUon kitchen loaded writb gad- gets and d,,signed to let you mix business with pleas- ure! Large living room all glass lo bay. PIER fr F LOAT. You·u drool at this and ~~will pie~ you too~ $59,500. Exclusive Bay Shores SUPERLATIVE CHARM and ringing tritb pnde ~ l! you're thinking about happy family lim1g. this i• it! 2 lovely bdnns .. 2 baths. F . A.. beat. g~ lanai, beaut. patio. Ex.citingly priced -S2t. '50. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine. Balboa laland Barbor 4781 THE MOST FOR THE LEAST On Marguerite, 2 bdrm., plus ckn. all bf'Wly det .• with low ly patio and ovtt'Sisted pr. Bst of tenm. Only SU..500. South or Highway, COM finest St_ 2 bdrm_ lnnl floors, good carpeting. roomy ltit.cben. 4!>-ft. lot, nicely fenced. a.tmo.t a tiew. too. $.22,500 with good terms. Duplexes! We have 3 beaut.>es. 1 on a eoTMr. J near th~ Ocean and 1 with lot.. and Iota ol room. AU PriCf'd Rig-bL We can truly aay "We're Loaaed .. ritb Good Bu)"&.. ' Come in and rnaie \Ill pron it. R. L STRICKLER, Realt0r 3622 E . Coast Rwy.., Corona del Mar Har mt Corona del Mar Vogel Values RESIDENCE & INCOME Duplex located just ooe b&k.. lo main ~ in best yearly Ir 11ummer renW area. Ea.ch urut bas 2 bdrmA .. fireplace Ir W to W ca~t.Js. (h·ef' 1900 9e1. rt. on a 40.fL lot. This is a real bu)· at S23.500 and owner says, "'Get ~ a "'~nable offt>r. -l"ruta haw rmted for $1:'0 n cb per month. Panoramic View Residence Ocean Blvd., bluff. 2 bdnn. b~. Picture wtnda.rs look out over mam ~acb. ~ewport Hbr. fr Cata- lina. Extra lot. Wf'U bit .. beamed tttlings. Pnced at only $2i.500. Good Lenna. THE VOGEL CO. 2661 E. Coast ff•')'.. Corona del Mar Har. 17.(J.J.li"i WHO LOVES A VIEW 7 Who Love5 Fresh Air 1 A MIL LION LIGHTS GLISTEN like a diamond from th111 brand new ~.-ood A abaJie roof bomt' 3 l>Mroorns. 2 bath11, 100.000 BTt: furnatt. The pn~~ -S~.':'50 '.:'. D 0 R I S 8 RAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyt'r Chet Sa1-bury 214 MariM A'~ .. Balboa laland Builders, Attention! On. actt acroM from golf ('OQJW_ Can bt dhid.cl Into ~ Iota. Hu good lfrabW 2 bdrm. ~­ Full PriN" ~- "ART" ADAIR Realtor 16e6 ~twport Blvd., ~ )leu Ltberty S.3792 Furnished or Unfurn. SE\'"E~ yr old, 2 bJrm. Wl'll car~d tor hom~ wtlh patio and BBQ. Th,.rmo controlh~rl hut • work •llOp <ln ban jo atr~el, cl<ne In. J"um 1Abtrt S89~10 U nfum1sht"d s-,1~. Ttnn~ ~In)( arran_i:;ed. WANT TO BUILD? D£Al.T'rrn :L. lot 60x200 surtound- .. ,1 II&' rl'al nloe.I' homea. Ownn ni-...U Sl.000 cu b uown. Re1l11c- ..,, prtCI' U 7M. Tenns. Aleo fll)Xl80 lot in S ewport Heights tor '2.9~. Trrm• can be ar· ranKt'd. \Ye al~ have other• for .talf' You Can't Beat This Ft."R..,.13HEO dupka. present in- come SIJ:'l. monthly. Listed prke S9.!W)I) wllh small down and $~ pa~·ml'nU. Ownr r movtnr East. Submit offer. A DINGB·AT J B£0ROOMS. ~.000. on about t, a eon . Su~ It needa paint • a lot ot «iood htrd work to clean If up. Ft nit com~: !Inst 11erved. Newport Heights t BDR.MS., :Z BATHS OPEX -l to 4 :30 ' 41:1 Holly Lane 'Bet Wl'l'l'l Tlalln " Irvin" I Full price $13.MO. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClA TES RE ALTOR "you'll !Jke our fr1tndly •ervlce" 393 E. 17th St. Coata Meea LJMrty 8·1J39 ·S 0 L D by Multiple Listing Lot. Ot-"an Blvd. Corona del Mar "Go&I -ss.~.ooo m ·~·· Yes sir- New & Clean Bl CC EST BAL.BOA I SL.AND Hlu.r 111 comfortable hv1.nr in well plann~d 2 bdrm. homf', with 2 ONE BDRM. UNITS on beaut. t:.: acre. Near Country Club. Room for 6 more ren~ls. Inc. $110. 1 mo. $3000 h1rndlcs. Full price $11 ,500 .. Eve. information LI 8-5487 TWO HOUSES ON LOVELY 1 •• ACRE. Deluxe 2 bdrm. & den h~me plus neat 2 bdr'°m. rental. Can rent both for $150. mo. Ideal location for children. $4800 dn. & EZ terms. A pleasure t o show . Eve. information L ytle -U 8-2542 BACK BAY ACREAGE. 4. acres rolling land. Beaut . view. S20,000 with '·~ down. Eve. inform. Seymour, Har. :S298-W M-1 ACREAGE -Buy it now at right price. 8 acres at $5000 an acre. 1~ down. We ba\'e several excellent buya in 2 & 3 bdrm. homes in close-in area of Costa Mesa 1md .( Salesmen arud· oua to show them to you. Drop in our oftice. HOUSTON REALTY 509 Center St., Coeta Meaa Llberty 8-6911 p. a. palmer incorporated DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE ' offer .... ___ t ,: A prestige hqme, one ot Lido's loveliest, '11 intimate patio for solit ude or gay compapy. 3 bedrma., 2 baths. Furnished with rate f eeling and t&Ate. $39,00<> BAYFRONT, pier and slip, plua a wide beach, u there ia 54 feet ol' BAYFRONT. Many featureti tor gracious living, including a fiesta room, dining room, 5 bedrms., 5 baths, stone terrace overlooking the bay. In fact .. you just .have to see this home to know it's a tine value at $85,500, with excellent terms. NEW LIDO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BUILDING to be built on Via Lido between the Church and Shearson, Hammill Ii Co. Leuee now being made. Come in and see t he model and floor plans. This is to be one of the out.etanding buildings in Southern Ca lifornia. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales 'mgmt. 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 •CLIFP' HA\'El'>-We htVP Ju1t ll~tPtl ont ot the finrst homo on ndualvf' K ln1t,1 Rd • 3 nt<'f' bedrma.. 1 ~ ba lha. \\'a U to wall carp,.tan11 . rorr td air hra11n1 sv~tem and a .r;alally of ft a turH n us homt 11 only one y .. ar old so l0Jay·1 buyer w ill bt'nl'fit py t he a ttra ctive laJ\tbcaptn~. pll(lo apnnklt r 11y1lo>m, .. 1c. li.-1ure and 1ee thl~ home before you buy. Only S22.750 .,...,th low dn. l'•)"mt'nl . 0BEA COI\' BAY -Oul:1ta11.J1n1 3 bdrm. plua very attracllve rf'nl· al a pt. Enrlost'd p11 t10. Near thf private bNICh an1t hlU a dude for llmllll boat. Can b• h•ndl .. d ror $5.0-00 rto.,..-n . ·BE ACON BA \'-Very allract1v• 2 bedrm. plu1 (\lt1t 0 unit. Beam celling, mahogany paM llng, Obi. 11ara1tP with electric r;ar. door1. Pr1vatr patio. Wt cor.dt r thl• a real bariun at S21 500, full prtr ... •LITTLE !St.AND-Try &ii.I bu t lhl11 bergaln. Charming 2 b"drm. plu11 I bt'drm rental or ma id• apt.. all f11rn1ahrd. The Iron\ houu haa a fireplace. a nd tht proprrty Is all fl'nCPd Showe an Income Cf U .300 yr. Juat priced al $23.000 with low dn. pymt. •BALI*>.-\. JS.U..'l{O.w-Bualnr11 In- com~ right on Marine A vt. plut 2 bed rm. a putmPn t with tire· plac,. and lovely patio. $29.TlOO. ~d term11. ;r Open Hou~ Sunday I ·:'I p.m Call U11 ror A.ddrr .. or tht• Honu!, •NqIJbRT H EIGHTS SUBDVN. $850 down for lhle no" • bdrn1 .. 1 ~ blllh homr. New lawn and land~c11plng. Garal(e, 1l11posal, etc. Don't min aeelng lhl• one Th!' !ull prlcf' I• only $11.9:i0. S9:i. month. W1lkln1t dfatanc!' to Chi' High School. •BCILDJNG LOTS-We have Ju~t Hated 2 nll'e 1,.vel leasehold Iola tn Newport Helichta. Sl.000 eo,.h. and we han tht only R-2 lt\I ltft oo the cliff. rriced at l:i.000 Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C 8 Ru111. Wm. G. Schm11lt, A!ll''<' 312 M 11 1nt AVf•., Balboa hlanil Harbor 2042 SOLD C"ompl!>tt>ly t unalshed apt. over ---------------------- by Multiple Listing 12!'> Via Zurich. Lll'lo bit "Co.I -$8.!'>00,000 In ':i~·· lb1ubl~ 1arage. Loada or ward-OPEN r<* 1pac.-. Sunny patio, w&ll w HOUSES-Call for App't to See LIDO BAYFRONT -11 c:•f'P". furnace heat and flnplau . If looklnr in th~ '2:1.000 t4 $30,000 Bl!(e , ~ ..,,.. t o -Ulla home and ln· J. A BEEK, Realtor Harbor 63 ~3 Parlt Ave. Balboa laland SOLD by Multiple Listing 428 E. J8th St., CC>lll& Mel& ~eo.1 -l &.MX>.000 tn ':i!>" THIS & THAT SORT THESE OVER: you may find what you want here - '• •er+ 2 nh1 bldits. C M $~2M ~ "re.I nr. J oshua tr~~ I~ "e ac,.... old 8-nn. ho~c a A. :>000 TRADES 3 bttrm $12.000 dVllTltwrl Balbo9 f'OR SAnta An&. J bdrm 117 .000, Pmlneula f"OR :'I or 10 arrte.. 3 bt1rm . 11~.ooo. Paudena f'OR 8&J boA- :> bdrm., 116.000, FuUertoo FOR BaJboL BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES t:\00 W. &lbcM Bl.. N-,,ort Bet\, H ubot' 6191 $1,850 down a BEDROOM bomt . MM Qftc ~nwr, on)7 IT .l60. $1500 down I BEDROOM lloUM .... oe- A.~ NI prioe.. Bayfront Home BAl.804JALAKD.•BEDR00)(.9 ptrr • n~t. 8om• fl~ will mue moe., Oii ,.._. NI. 700. pod~a~ N. B. C. REAL TY ttnd A 1'.wport BIYd., Npt. II& PllOCMI B&rblW HM. BY OWNER DESIR.ABU:: a ~roam • .,.th • ., CORONA HfC RLAr-;os ra m- Uy bom•. Coay UHid brick fir..· plJlt'•, r&lllf'd hearth. C•ntral huL Olamunr Mrcfl p&11"le<J kiuh"n fli•p.,M_I r&'f'<'l ed. L«e HNI. \' • ... s 111 -.~1 g,, &l'l\"- :.me. 6J' ~· """' I Rt1acl i2p27 103 Via Lido Soud. (Cr0811 over the bridge and turn left). BALBOA PENINSULA Outetandfog two-atory home 1~76 E . Ocean Blvd., 4 bd.rms. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL 245 Evening Canyon Road OPEN DAJLY l • 5 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH HOME 206 4l8t St. (reduced to sell) See above Vogel Values-Cell for App't. The VOGEL CO. 320 1 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. Llberty 8-3481 LI DO The very best excluaive listing on Lido Isle. Large 2 bdr m., 2 bath single story home on a 45-ft. lot, overaized garage with laundry. Forced air heat, big living room and f ireplace. Spacioua South patio where you may relax and aoak up the sun. You will have to nuh to get thit! one! Open Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo · $23,500. Hu a new $15,000 loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Harbor 4718 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME Beach 21c23 3 unit.I, new duplu and 5-room houte on 2 lots. Choice rental diatrict. JUlt 100 feet from ocean. 2 unJU UI funlllbed and rented on yearl1 buia. Own· er'• home a..U.ble now. Tbr.e garage. on a.Dey, Pwt tncome 9U be RbM&nU&lly lnctMMd. $5,000 "°1 haDdk ro• INSP~ON CALL HARBOR 1011 EARL W. STANLEY 8.ULTOR :-· · .. :-:<'wport Bmt, H..-port ~ Har 1!113 LIDO ISLE .J • If ~ • 11 • 11·~·d 4 bdrm., It dee, I batla home wtt.h a lge. ll\'lng room. attractive "kitchen. cltnJnl .,.._ ..,... vice porcll and doubS. sarace. wall to wall oarpet and drapes, •• can poattively offer you a rare oppor- tunity. SHOWN by appointment oaly, phoat ~ L. St.wwt with -" BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES )j(J5 W. B&lboa Bl. ,f • ?\pt B1:h. Har. i5188 or 1983 Someone's Gonna Be Sorry ! CORONA DEL M~R-Ttll1 lr1pln um1 •nou~h lo Id yo1J relu and go tlllhlnr; -<'loM ta oru n on D•hha . $27.~ B•tter purchoe bdor~ aummrr rl'nl a l1 Newport Heights 3 BEDROOMS. :Z balh. Ownrr built tor own homr Many ~xtru PMl!lrd In maple. JncJudu dr.p· ••. built In nven a.nd ra.ngt'. Ov~r t.400 1q. fl. • car gu agt. Mu•t bt aeen to appreclatr : $1 ,000,000 View FROM St00.000 HOME overlook- ing "Lilli• Corona" beach. Trop· lcal land11e•plnc with J•pan•At moa1 lawn. 2 t>.<trma., 2 b11U1a. with (\It'll room and bath Thi• ta your dream hO\J~ tor retlrl'• m ent. S:.O.OOG with hrni1 W. E. Fisher, Realtor and AS80CU TES 303• .Eut Cout HJ1hway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot, Marcu. Ave., N-port ~Cb "Goal -'8.:I00.000 In '6:1" A Whale of a Home For the Money in Costa Men NEW, ' bdrm11. :Z bath•. tlOrner lot Thi• home 1'.H.A. built . .EJrtn lor 1tucco, lnlerlor plurer. Stand· ard color•d plumbinr flxturn . Al lh• toal prir• of Sl0.:100 Thll hom• tlru~• 11.50 J>tr ~ tt. or lmpra,,.manl• plue $2.%00 f or comer lot -77'-.106', ori wtdt p&.ed .trwta. curb• and M-rt ltt&I Good Term• Bay & Beach Realty UllO w. "-lbc>9 BIYd .• Balboa N•I ~. Martin llanor 1M6-llYH. LI -.1TTt HmWPORT REIOK'MJ-a t».drm • llome. 1 ~ b&Ula. nur IChonl• Rdwd. noorw 6 Jna.ny nice fM· t.ne. lnunedJat. po .. eHlon - fll.&00. a-.oaabl1 loW down - p&J1NBl. NmwJ"OftT RZl<JllT9 -I bdrm. 6 ._ born.. Die.I. loc&Uon. 1 ,,. ftl. Ku • b&th.I, !lreplac• . ..... --noon. .Aro.di& •lid· tq s1u9 4oors. kf'S'• wnahlny ldtdMa. ~ d o-.ta. 100 ydl. w tow -~unr. Sit.~. Ca.n ~ PllA tlnallced. Elton &amett, RMlt.or. Ll 1·21711 or •••· Lt -.11M.. Jfc32H SPACIOUS H OME and rum or lnoom• apt. 2 U'le batl'll. it.all 1hown1 Hdwd. noon . a rum ac· •a. prb d1,p. Only 2 yre. olii Owner. I02 Jumtne, Corona d"I ~ 23p36b KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME SWIMMING POOL Channing cuatom built 2 bdrm. ll d<'n home. TERRJFIC VJEW of entitt Harbor • apac1oua liv· ing room with large picture windows • :? fireplac" thermador kitchen -din. room -built around a beau· tiful patio and wonderful SWIMMING POOL. s•t c:~;· :::::· •o _, NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING -Lo\'ely 3 bdrm. home on Kings Place :_ 15 x 2:s f t. rumpu. room with fireplace, barbeque, attractJvriy landacaped ienced yard, patio, xlnt. cond. Owner tn.nafernd. Only $16,500 Terms BAYSHORES Attractive modern 3 bdrm. It den home 'trith 1arp living room and dining roomJ ReceoUy ~rated iMide a.nd out. W to W carpeting and drapee IM. A stone'• thr6w to privat~ beech. A GOOD BUY AT $32,500. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport &acb Liberty 8-M2'1 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C' molLU DID YOU KNOW 7 That at The VOGEL CO. Lido Office you will find the very best selection of Bay Front propertiea! Lido's best Bay Fronts priced from $42,MO. nu. week we are featuring a 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home priced for sale or trade at $58,000. Operation Face Lift Or shall we say it wu "Rej uvenated!*' nu. re- modeljng job waa most effective. May we abow you this charming 2 bdrm., 2 bath older home fUl'1liab· ed on a 45-tt. lot on exdusive Lido ale for S24.~. Terms if d~ir-M. • Rugged Strength -Rustic Beauty Thats what you will fi nd in thia 3 bdrm., 1 % bath ranch type home, on Lido Iale. lt'a built to .• ..,. well -bring peace and happineu to the proud owner for only $24.,950. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido. Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Shore Cliffs -Buyer's Attention! FIRST TIME OFFERED -Thia quality 4 bdrm. home plUA large d en, 2 fireplaces, 3 bathm, c&rpft· ed wall to wall. Home bu magnir1eeot new al ocean, canyon & hill. Being aold furnished complete. Furniture includes 2 televis ions, 2 deep rree-. automatic washer and dryer and complete hou.ehoid furniture. Thia ie an AMAZING OFFER! Owner leaving area and wiAbea lo eell quickly. Shown by appointment only. This should eeU fut ! Full pnce $45.000 fumiabf'd. l owner will conllider IK'Uing unlurnlthed.) PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor4f <Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ON BALBOA ISLAND A SPACIOUS HOME Of superb deaign: you ·u love it bee.au. it ia ., • .,... a.tile. ao comfort.able A roomy. eo Jeoel'OU wtth C'loset & "'ardrobe s pace -Also attractive &put· ment for gue11tR or income. Excellent location, cloee to bay with ahorf' moonnc included. Price $35,000, term.. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A 11111<Kiale9 Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 24&2 CORONA DEL MAR TO SE'ITLE ESTATE, Widow will eell n.ic.e 2 bdrm.. home. 11 :1 blocka from shopping center. Hu Iota ol tile, beame-d ceiling•. furnace heat. beautiful f13c· stone Cireplace I nd ga.rag~ ill at~ for ap'-ov.r. A S ~;. insurance Co. loan with payment. ol ~ 39 per month. Will aell furn111hed. if desired. Only $12.5'00. Exclual•e Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates I "BUSI.NE.5S IS GOOD" JS42 E. Cou t Hwy., Corona dt'I Mer Har. 1882 A REAL BUY * Corona del Mar -View Duplex -2 bdl"1D8. -.ch unit. one furniahed. Sound condition. Drutic&D1 ,. duced t~ $14 .~. Submit down. Call Harbor 177S Eve.. Harbor 519 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor • • ) ~82"'"--""'"-'·='..:F.A=•·""'-----'6::2-=Roal:-; .... ,,, .. = .. =------Real r..tato 62-.... EoWe n-•.i -~~-----NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PA&E 7 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 Bay & Beach Realty-Realtors LUXURY AT LOW COST BA YFRONT -PIER & SLIP Home Plu11 Income , Let UB show yo u the .fines! income pro~rty dn,.the BAYFRONT. Nearly new, modem, nicely furnished tki ree unit1:1. The !Jrice and terms will aurprise you. HO?.t E FOR FREE On Bay !Avenue. Live in one unit - let the income from the other make the payments. Only $6500 dn. LIDO BA YFRONT -PIER AND SLIP NOT A SACR IFI CE'. NOT A BARGAIN! IT 'S 1\ S T E AL ! Heire\.ant action~ Jo:.<;tatc mui:;t be settled. 3 bdnn., 2 bath hon1C'. Furnished price $·19,500. Ali Offf•rs \loill be 11ubmitt.ed. BALBOA -OCEAN FRONT A truly gracious home with Jots of airy rooms and a heated, tropic-planted cons('r.•atory lhat is U ally "out of thi11 world." The price? Ask for details. BALBOA PENINSULA PRIVACY is unique on a 3.-1-ft. lol, but t his 3 bdrm. l ~'.i. bath home haB plen ty of it, a.nd the price of $16.950 is Rl GHT. \Vaterfront lol -Corner. Pier privilege. Full price $8500. Room for large boat. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 w. Bal boa Blvd., Oa!bna, Calif. Hq.rbor l 264 Eve. Har bor 1~ CLIFF HAVEN $16,200 You can't beat this, you can 't even match this. Three Bedroom home. hardwood floor11, huge liv ing room "''ith fi repl1tcl'. Patio, huge G. f. Loan. com- pletely lani..l11caped, room for s \\•in1ming pool. $3500 down. ?o.1ul tiplc No. 5105. CORONA DEL MAR ~13.350 The rt' aren't any lt·ft. E'T.t•ryonc ha11 already told _y()u t his. BUT '>''1' h :1\·e lls!t'd t1''o 30 x 11 8 L otg on corn£'r of On:hid & &>a vie""'. "·h en thes£' are ,eonc thi•r(' JUl:ll ain't no mo re. $12,250 Sl\Vf' your rent whllf' you art'.' building. Garage apart- n1c nt y,·11h \'1•'"'· rt•om t o bu ild on fron t of 1·orner lot. This !:> anol hL"r g nud buy y,•orth looking into. RAY REALTY CO. I ACROSS Fr{O~I THE BANK ) 3141 E . Coaet Rl\·d , Corona dt·I .\tar Harbor 2288 COUNTRY LIVING !\'ire 2 bdrn1 h• inc. complett•ly furnished . Includes 1111 furnJturi", sl...,\'t", refrLg(·rator, .... ·asher, d ryer, frt•('Zl'r ,.\Jl tht' things it nnrmatl y ta~c11 a few ycarfl to accumulal£'. ,.\]so inl•ludctl a r1· 3 lut s. lbcl'!ides the nne the hou11e is on) a horst', saddle, bridle and if nit this 1i;n't enough, it ha1< a sy,·lmming pool sur· rounded by a hi~h grapestake fe nce f or pnvacy. \\'di l rsulc <>r &ell for $18,000. LIDO ISLE S1950 DN . 2 bdrm . home S20 .950 balance like rent. REMEMBEI!, you don't have mill io11ai re to li ve like one! p. a. palm er, . inc. to be ole hanson co .. sa lrs manngement 1100 v.·. £'Oa1<t h1~h'>'·ny -J1bt>r1y ~-55i3 WALKING?? Just the spot f,,,. yrou, ~ bl\)('ks t o the t.1(10 Shnp- pin,5; cent er 11 nrl l h!p,;Jc to bot h bu,., hnt"s. 2 bdrrns. and a 0('11 , i'nmr. fun1 .. JU!it ~1~.D30 and ::;,31)()\l Jn. Al.~0 :-:~:I·: Tl l J·;:-:~: 3 nlJ u ni t ~ 11c·:ir p1<l'. $.l ;jUP. $1.-,()() dn\\"ll. & 2 bdnn111 .. 11: b111h. S'".'iln. $3000 rinv.·n. .. 112 bd. rm!'. ~6P<l0, ~l !".>00 do.,..'11. UL C. JONES , Realtor 2620 l"C'"'ll\.l rt l~l\'d . :-,:, \\1>1 1rt l~•'.1• h. ll:i rbo•r ~313 Grandpa 's Home stead SAfAl.L OhDER HOUSE. lirable nov.•, C";l.n \){' m:idC' into a r ute 2 bdr n1, "'·ith a liltli:! Y."Qrk a 11d 1•lann1nJ;. Larg~ lot, f ruit t rc<'6. Good Custa ~t rsa IQC"at1 on, Only $4950. 1 ~ cash. Balboa Bay Properties •1g E. ll&lboa. BlvJ., Ba.lbua liar. 3!b6 or 2511-~t a WANT TO BUY Small Homes We have an investor who wants to buy several small homes or income units in Newport Beach. P referably near t he ocean or bay.1. They must be units that will stand ·improving or expaJ?ding. • He will buy them, fix t hem up and either rent or sell them at a profit-It's that simple-Pr ic es should be well under $10,000 but if· you have a real barg ain-PRESENT IT. ,. Quote us your lowest net price wi th nothing added. Our investor will pay our commissio n. An appraiser will loo k at your property and if it's a bargain, you· have a deal ! ' 2602 Newport CLIFF HAVEN DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Blvd., Newport Beach, California Phone Harbor 4 718 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BUSINESS ZONE 150 ft. downtown ea.ta Meu... Balboa Income · Property! 1 UNIT APARTMENT bulldlnJI'.. ............. ' BEAUTIFUL BA YFRONT Brand New for $75,000 Just Completed at 371 Udo Scud OO!ISIDER THESE FUTURES • I bup bedrooma • tarp 4m .. cYPne1 panellllf • a loVlll:r bat.ha .. colonel ftzture. a dream ldtcben • ..,.., luury • thwmador ~ ud ovm built·ln • cllohwuber ·dho-1 • p&00ramic view from muter bedroom • wll.lte ltooe tlnplact1 ID muter • cloeeta plol'\I • a view from every room • Bouquet Canyon ltone fireplace • .deli1btlul colon thrOqhout • Mercury awttchm • prot ... lon&l lancUcapl.ng, • complete ca.rpetlnl' We 11Uggeat you make an early appointment to see tbll Hawallan Modem ahow plaoe. We can am.nee a.a excellent 5~ loan to a qualif'ied. bUJIW We are the exclualve arenta • LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 !1\CROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Open Houses- Sa t. & Sun. C1ear , trade for busineu or rental property will assume submit your trade, 2 bf'droom owner'• apt., 3 dbt1. ------------_ BF: St:RE and ff4! thf'!le houee• "t tl !~tlnrt1ve mrr11 lo th!a BhH" ll•bOOn f·ornmunJty! 1001 Cliff Drive NEARLY '.'.'E:~V :i h<lrm , 2'~ bath With Panorun1\C Yl• W or ltarbor. :-,:.,t li1111ehold. S29,7l!O. X!nt. lem1• 600 Cliff Drive THIS t.AllGE 3 bdnn., 2 bfolh h•lr>l<" vdth lana i dln1ni.; roorn i-h41\.,ng<"• con1parlson 1t 12'&.9:iO 4 17 Snug Harbor IM .MA CULATt: 2 bdrm. home bnl!t aro11n(I a 1u11urtou11 patio \\'111! to "'•!I c11rpet11 and corner r1rep!ar.e add 10 1t1 charm - $1~,!i:.o "'Ith F'llA t1n11nt:-ln.r Charm Personified VER\' St:LDOM 1tr" ""' tor\un11te ••nr>u&h ~u li~l a. hull"' wilh auch "Pf"'•l-Jt you arf' Ur~ ot loolol· 1n.: 11l ",,rt11n11ry hou11e1 th<"n h•l Ull ~how yuu \h111 2, bdl'nl. a11d •l~·n, 2' bath 1nUl<"r111"C'!I oC arch- 11,tt\IT'lll ,1 ... ..i~n 1tnd tun~U'\IC• t u•11 In the bcmt art"ll or l\'~"1>0r1 ll•'l~ht~. $111,950. . . . A Vista of Beauty Fl'l 0~1 EVERY' \.\'J'.'.'00\\' lhl1 11u- (l<"t b r1LnOr11no1~ Harbor \'ltW hnmr w1t h 4 bdrm11 .. and 1\en and 2 b11 th11 -3,000 •'I• tt. Ru~uc P.nn•·h h c>1111!! ot elletpll1>nlll l'le- 1111o;n IU!d r•1n91rucllor1 on 2 larg~ J1ndl'Cap.ffl lolJI \Ol1 lh T'Q!lm tor 1lelu11t vie"' 11pt11 -P'licrd at lt2.~00 wlll> lllnt. te.nn11 . . . ,. A Horse, A Boy 1111f'l h \9 <1nJ. Groun<' !!2'11.234' C"ilm• plrtrly (rncf'd, 1pr1nk!<"r ll corral, kla bl,., plu• thl• ye.,.,r'1 modtl ..hake mot Ranchy 2 bdrm. " ,1 .. n horn .. ""'it h 1111 thit l.rlmm!np ln<::I , ~hop or playroom off ra.r, S'lZ~. • • • This Week 's Leader OPPORTUNITY knoc:k11 11gLln! $1.000 do"'" wiU move you Into a Lll••\1n1• of romfor!.ab!e Jiving In th1~ nt'a rly nrw ~ t:ll!lm1 , 1J()r•blr fl\mll)' hnme ~n t 11.cel- Jrnt ""'c htw>rl>t>IXI. c:o~e 1n Eul· Jlde ~·i repla<::t. pkrqut t floon.. bre<"UW•Y· Pa.t"• ffllln g vlllu• •t SlO 9,,0' Bay & Beach Realty lf'i!'tl Xtn•:porl Blvd .. Cn1ta J.feaa l,lhrrty 8-11 61 Eve•. LI !!-:11118 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1 ~1 0 :.taple A•·t .. Co11a Alt~• "t;,,.11 $11.~00 OO('I 1n •1111- BAYSHORES Ru~tlc 3 hr , 2 bath 123.MO. (·hnrmln11: ~hr . gar. a pt. l l.1!100. BACK BA\' z hr. u~n. ·~ 1e.n , beauty 22.300 2 l\rtr~ ntl\r Khoo\ wi\ll T'Wll· nl~ 11 ,000. Bf:;\CON BAY :l br r1a• l br ii:~r 11rt Zl.9~ Claire Van Horn KF.:ALTOR 2::0 ¥.'. l'OMI lHwy, 1.J &!4277 SOLD by Multiple Listing Joe -:iot\l¥ Coral, Ba.Ibo& Jal&nd "('.<'ltl.J -18.:.00,0()0 Ill '~" COHu.'<A 1111..0H.L.ANO WT8 - Choice Silt • A.,...Uabla C&l! Hubor 132' ... OWNER WANTS to .ell. Only R-2 available on Kings Rd. M yr. leasehold at $240 yr. OutM.tanding view Jot. INCOME UNITS -Perfect income record. t furn- niahed 1 bdrm., garage• between. Sewen, clear. Owner carries ha.lance at $125 mo. Income $260 month -$4500 down. $4.750 FULL PRICE. Trailer home with bath and cabb.fla added. Beautiful '12 acre on Elden Ave. ·Furnished, even include9 power lawn mower. M-1 P lacentia nr 19th, l 27'x103'x290. Buy at $70 ft. R-4 Corner, 1 blk. t o tram. & atorea 70xl30 $2500 5 acre11 Back Bay at S3000 acre, good buy .... $15,000 C J on 18th St. 2 bdrm. home, office · bua. $5000 dn HOLMWPQD DRlVE. heel con1tructed 3 bdrm., 2 balh home, ha.a everything a newer lat clau home flhould have. Carpeting, drapes, built-in brealrfaat nook , etc. Harbor Ir: Ocean unexceUed view. 2 8tore., 2 bdrm. apt. Income 14% mo. F, P. $32,000 Ran. at yle 3 bdrm., 2 bath, uecd brick, new $3000 dn. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUil.DERS l s:i7 Newport Ave·, Coeta Me... L.Iberty 8-1032 Liberty 8-1400 Ewa. BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So, Bay two unit111, 2 bdrm.s. ea.ch, a REAL buy at $37.500, $10,000 down. ~ No. Bay front modern 3 bdr.n., 2 bath home with view Crom every room, Completely furnilbed. Mldng $45,750 and ONLY~ down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment compl etely fum iehed and In exctllent condition. Full price $36,500, t.enna. VOGEL CO. 208 Marizle Ave., Balboa IBlalld Harbor +« (Evet1. Harbor l786-R) There's Value Here Owner drop1 hie prict' 52000, Thi.a moat attract)~ 2 bdrm, home on Little laland PLUS 1 bdrm. (UCl't cottage-. SJ0.0001dov.·n and ownf'r will carry b&lanct. Attractively furnished. $23,000. BAYFRONT-Pier &. fl oat -4. bdrma. -$33,7~. To build that dream home -we have an ovenized lot -SlS.000. NELDA GIBSON , Realtor 306 ~tarine A\·e .. Balboa lflland Har. 50 2· evefl. 2306-R SCOTCHMANS' SPECIAL $2500 dn. Never M> mu<'h for so little, A word to the wi.i!c ia s uf{icienL Better hurry! 2 bdrm., 35-ft . lot, So. patio, firepla.ce & batbeq\le. Jtcduccd to $20JJ50. DO HURRY 111.'hile the owner ifl weak It willlng. 30·ft. lot on a good street.. '8100. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "J uat to the right of y-.e Lido Bridge" 3112 L&f~ette, Newport Bch. Har. 3M3 (•v• H. 29W( A: S ein~I"•· A II fum l•hed. Clo1e to Bay, Mii poulbl.e rMt.w.I &rTa. 1-'olenUal lnrome l~ y1ar, $%9.:IOO. $10,000 down. Wiil t n.<1f equity tor .wnall Balboa home. Newport Duplex ! CLOSF. TO OCEAN FRONT . Al· tracUve pro~rty. Furnl1htd. 2 bedroom~ up •nil 1 down. l tLrt· p lar ... $16.~. 17.:1-00 doom. I Peninsula Duplex! LOVELY 2 1tory with 3 btdrm1. up •nd two down. Well furnllJh- 'tJ, mr4t r.t cat"Pttlnr •nd dr•p- ea nfw. 127.~. Payment• o f 1 1~ pt"r nionth. lnclude1 lnten'•l, taxea and ln1ur1 nr:e. Peninsula Homes! TWO BEDROOM STUCCO h o1nr. Beat value on the "point," din· ette, rtreplaee, llouble l&MliJe 6 nice patio -all r um l'h'"d too Can be bought for 114,!100 and -•y 14,000 dO'llm. HERE·s l'lt£ OTHE R OlrT- STANDl.NG VA LUE ON Tlff: PENINSULA. 2 ~droum 6 den home ... -1.ui larl(e walled paUo. H.ttenUy re--'-'M and propert y In dan\1y condl!lo'h. An Uonally well built proprrl7 114.000, S~.!IOO down, g.,.., them both. Balboa Realty Co. IOppoalte Bank ot Anlerica) M(·ml)i,r., !ofulllplt l~t11tlng Ro.a Greel"Y Ed Le' Jat k P inkham Joaepblne "'ebb • TOO I:. B&lbo& Blvd .. ll&lboa P hone Harbor 32T7. SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot. W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa "Gt.a.I -M .600.000 In '3~" Balboa Penin$ula 3 8 EOJU(. hom• With 1.ar~e rwn· put room. 2 n r f'pluu . 11.lnl. tam· Uy l'tom•. CI0941 to ti.y 6 oc:tan. Only l 2Z 300. Excellent 8 Units ON OCEA V l'"RONT. Com,r Jut. ·~ block from hay Ha• nne !n· ('Onie ~Ord. Six 1 bedrm. apts. PLl'S '1 bd rm t•·•~rtrnce nn Z 1.-,u.. Eu\ H11y Ave Uoobttrtlt:-!ed \1e.,.· of ~y rrom rf1ldtnce. 11 .... .-.00 .~wn. 3'/4 acres fenced JN OR.ANOE J'A.RK ACRES Cnly..lli..8)0. r CoA~t f!>ropert ies M11 El. bl.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa Phoiie'. Harbor ~eOo 83llc SOLD by Multiple Listing 812 Sc.. BAyfront . Ilfl.lbna l•l<ln1I "C".ooal ....:.. 18,M0.000 !n ·~~ .. Back Bay Area $1700 down J BORM. llOl:S&.. Rdw ct fl<YJr~ 2 rar i;11r11.ge. nr•placit. lmm'l<l po-aa. io"'ULL PR.J C!: S11.M>O The Locator of Calif. 18M Harh9r BL. Coat.a MeRt Llber1.f S-1661 23c2.".1 FOR SALi: or uade, n-I bdnn. 2 bath. Doubl• prq1 at tac::~. J"luter lnllld• 6 OUL ~·1u tre.d• tor older b~ dtar Int.a, car. boat , or .mat h•v~ yo11. ~lf/d a t 172 I!:, \\'l\80n, CO!lt• w..._ ca1J LI t-naJ, 23p2t MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES CHECK THIS BARGAIN: 1. Three nice bcdroom11 -bath & 1 ~. 2. Beautiful Living Room with Birrh Paneling & Fireplace. 1 3. Siidin1 Gl&aH Doon to attractive egg crate patio 4. Real nice kitchen -extra lar~e service poreh 5. Here is t he payoff ! -F'ully & n icely furnished l! --for only $16,500 and in a Top Newport Height.a location ! PRIZE BAYVIEW ! Yes, a view from alm0&t every room. f. lovely bed- rooms & den. Beautifu1 large Jiving room with 1un dec k. Three baths. If y9u are honest ly looking for & quality vi ew home in the Harbor Area. please take a look at Uta beauty. Price $4.0,000. OUTSTANDING BALBOA PENINSULA HOME! (reduced $8 ,500) The owner of lbls most deelrable 1 bedroom home le moving to.._ the Bayf ront and bu rOOuced the price to below reproduction coet. Large living room deco- rated to provide a beautiful background for Chine11e modern furniture, the kind or apacious 11unny kitrh· en you've dreaml'f:I of with Beating facilitie1 for t"ight people. paneled study, large Hnwaiia n n.tmpua room v.·ith wet bar, luxurious sundeck off master bedroom with ocean ''icw. W to W carpeting and cuatom draperies includt"d at $31 ,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-3481. Eve. LI 8-3580 Do you want the best buy in Newport Heights 7 ; .. HERE IT IS! OPEN HOUSE 1~5 P.M. 324 EL MODEN A, NE\VPORT HElGHTS AN EXCELLENT CURTO~l BUILT home with 3 bdrmll .. 2 bath••\..f. A. hcht. !Jil\hn1al'!ter, garb, dia- pos.'.11, elec. fan. Touch J:1tch system on cupboards. 1iercury sv.•itchc11. 4-car g-ar;tgt·s fi tted with 220 volt wiring. Entirely surrounrlf·d by concrete block walls. Carpeti! & drap!"a in<'l Udl'tl. All for S19.950. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN SN.' this bf'nullful h 11n1c oo Clifr Drive 3 btdrma., 2 bath!\, Thcrmndor k 1lc hen , d1!>hv.·uher , g arbage dlspowal. ~!any <!thr·r <'k<"l'!ll'l\t feat ure:s. 1 yr. old . A real v;iluc at $23.B!Sn. COSTA MESA tr you are loo11:ing for a g1.r1cl 3 bd rrn. family home, v.•c ha\•e Jl. Si tuatt:"(l on r;ai;t J!Jth St., Pri,..,, $1 2,950 EARL W. STANLEY , Realto r 15th & Irvine. l\"1:v.·11ort P.1•ach Pbone LI 8-2664 E\'t·~. L I 8-i056 Santa Ana Heights Four Re ~ales-For you to choose from! Nf'w di~vclopmt·nt nt ar upper 811.ek Bny. All 3 bedroom11. 1'~enccd and !Attcbt(:1p•'d. Small do~·n 11aym1,;11 ts or uSe your G. I. Prices $10,950 -$12,500 Come out Pa.lieadcs Road from Newport Blvd· to ne.w area.. 1'~ouow Ol'EN rlOUSJ.: 1ugn• to Rita \Vrit er with BOLES REALTY 11 0 No. Broadway, Santa Anft. Phone Kl 2-1914. or Kl, 2-6327 • ) ., ' ,\ •, , • ,. • " .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---HUr Real Estate ., Permits Granted ' . . , . •• . ITS ALMOST TIME FOR BERRIES If your strawben-y plot looka like thia, then you can expect a big picking of Juicy, flavorful berries in a.· few weeka. Amilio Bautista, kneeling, and Antonio Canpan&i are abown cultivating part of the Costa Mesa acreage of Al Forgit which they have farmed for 8 years. Forgit advisetJ now is the time to stop nitro~n foods and atart pot.ash dusting. This insures the bloaaoms staying tightly on the plant to produce large and tasty berries. He recommends an 0-16-12 commercial fertilizer. It should be applied generously along the rows not too close to the plant.B. CUltivate the plant. u BautistR and Canpanai are doing to krep them free from weeds. -Staff Photo PROBLEM SPOTS BECOME COLOR l\REAS WITH GAUDY CINERARIAS Plants Shady Will Tltrive Places with in Coal, Rich Bloams Mention a cool shady garden 8.nd thought.a of ci neraria come to mind. They rank first for shade garden planting in Ca lifornia. The st andard recomm~ndation for the north l!lide of buildings. ""'alls and fences and the problem spot.a that exist under trees and ovcrt'langing massetJ of !!hrubbery 1s to plaJ1t 11 flat of cincrarias. nurserymen adviiic, t:A!'i\' TO l iRI)""'. Cin,.n•n·•" >0rt• •l•'"''l'l ••'<'l'! 11tor-t1on, J:<'nerowo amnuntll nf wat<'r. dy. 1-·,,.i.:1le In ll!'ll""rt•n•' ... ..-.nee l\n!I rontrol or 11lug~, "'1All~. llllt.!I, w .. n ,.11rnhll~h,.d. Lh ry ,.r<. 1thl•• to J1ph1d11. white fly, red 11p1tler and 0\'1·n·orn~ f rf'l'7~'.• 1!1R1 \\'Ill k11l off leat n1inrr. all 1 .. 1 i:l'""'th, u>l«h'•·rt11nt l'hop-Cineni.rills ~ a garden .11ubjeet plnK \hut. f'Ulll ,,1f J•rHi•lirally nll "re unknown to tnany C11Ufomla ClNERARIA their ro••t 1<lnWIU!f', nn•I pt·dud' I newcon1"r11 who have l'f'en lh"m CJf <!rr,n t h th1t t ... 111 '"'•'r•·nrnt• n111.ny U~<'d onl;r as .no~i~t pot planl9 rota and Jilter Into II Inch a11d even of 1tl"•r ~t 111rl l<·r 1•,....kinJ: pl;uit "11 h ll •oniparatl••ly high pTl r.t 6 inch Jl'l'>l.8. T he 1argier lllllrd pota C(>l1.~il'I•, t I\~. \\'hlle 1·iner11Mll-'I ni1d1r t'11re1-J .•hnlll(L only be .et 11art way Into ••f •"•Ur.••, th•Y ot .. "''1 thrl•'<' on lf'nl pot planl!! f,.,r a rl'IOI N10m , lh+• ~)I\ and the palling rnlxture •1f h ahu~ .... but f'Rth•·r , vr11L rt•· lhf'Y 11re "\'"n morP u.•l'ful •11 11 .•hould be at lrlLllt one half humua l fl'""'I I:'• n•·"'"'l.>' '" .i:•••I t:are. )l"artl~n plant. Sln.e;le plaota ""i ll to in11ure light mixture and good whwh 1n1•11n< 11 ,.n .• ,1 .. 1r~at 1<•n, a fill out 8 rull 111111111'1! foot of bed dr111n11i;;e. No ap«ital care 19 re- a(•\I l'""l"'rl'•l 1•·1 th ,.,,..half tu nne 11p1tr i• and ll ~1ni;I" flat ""'.111 h1111dlie jq11ir"d 11nd the r111ull.ll ar• reward- thin l ,.r ,i: .. n<\ ••l'l!·Hllf' 1Hllnu11, a n1n1t of the 11h11t1e £'!.lrtlf'n. hf'itlllng 1 ini;:. monthly !••,hn11: \\!\h 11.n iu·i;.J li· plant rf'QUlr~n•enl.!1 for the !.l\'etagl'1-------------- quul !erti ll;o:~t . 11111•· "r ii.• rulli\·a-~m11.ll horn•·. -;;;=======:::;! "Y ··~"'"' • , ... 0 ' '"' ""'. Ro t'1ne Chores r d1('r pl11n~ In I\ Hll.l II Ill po.°"!ibll' u Ready Mixed Concrele la aplte ol lh" t~mr nl S ho rtal'I! "·e Arii Maklflll' t;\'t ry l'O!l~lble. Efforl t<1 l'lathofy lhr S,..Nl• of Our ciro"·lnll' l.'ufllnlunl1y. • t"or CnDrn'le -t:all l'a. t o grfl"' polled nn,.r11.riu in thl' uJWn ""rd""· Pklnt!I ~houict be f1rsl Made Easy Wi'th ~~l Into 3 inrh JX,1t11 and pluni::ed Into \hr "01 1. \\'h,.n rootbounrt they '" 0 "'" "" "'""" "' •·• • '"'" Household Hints GARDENER'S CHECK LIST Dan'l Jet that urge for dolnc ,,.,·hat r o nlr11 w!.h crlap "''ather wear you do .. ·n. Tht rie 11rie alwsy1 tllAY way9 ll> do lh•ng"'-Here are ll fe"· tip11 to help ma.M h(ht at 11·--------------lyour chote1. 1. \\'hrn ~""' plant o(Ahlhu n- hnn .. Tnf'&t ancl ~laJ<I' at plant- lnl' HTl>I'. !. t;t .. Uolu• p&Mltrd at t"·n-~·-k lnh•nal~ 11-lll pn>d1w,. I\ lnnl '"4!f'f'f'~•l"n of bl')(lm~. I. f'nr a ~)· rnrner &l'-.ll'M •r.. an """"llo·n1 l'hOll',. •" Ulof')' er" In hlit6m D•'"", n\&Ji- lnl' IW'l•'<'tlfl.11 f'IUI)'. To l0011en l ll:'ht .crt'""'• or bolta. put a ft""' dl"J!I~ nf pero111de on thf'nl 11n:I let 11 aotUc. for a fiew n1omenta. Thfy'll come All'ay muctl .. ulfr. Nall 8 nJbb<'r titiel ti) the bottom of }'uur l!.idd<'r or ~tool lee• and lhty .. ·on't a]lp. PA.In ling your 11tep1 ! Do every other nne. lhl'n ll'l thern dry eo you ran witlk on thiem "·hlle you pa.Int SHARP TOOLS, INSECTICIDES CAN CAUSE GARDEN HAZARDS Gardening ta.lee. ill toll ea.ch year a.I a contribu- tor to home accident. Gardea toola left on paths a.re • atumbling hazard. Sharp.edged toola att especially dangeroua, auch aa pruning ahean, rakes and hoes. Lean garden toola aga.in.1t a wall or fence "·ith sharp edgee down wben tbey arc not in u~. Put •pray materials and insect poisona away in a safe place after uaing them. Broken glass, rusty nails, broken fence poets with nails sticking out of them, or loo&e a~pping stonei& are all garden dan- gen, e.peci&lly to the children of t he family. If there children that play in the yard, it is bet· tor not to plant poiaonoua shrubti, such aa oleander or caator beana in the areas where tht>y play. HOME and : • • GARDEN TRY A NEW FURNITURE IDEA PAGE 8. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1955 WINTER PASSES INTO SPRING; ·FISH ABOUND Thie ,.,11 ll·lu-.,.·11.1t 111·rang,.m<'nt 111 fJnl' fu1 c11rp .. 1111~. bu! orra~lon· a lly 1t l;l'li; rnonotonou11 .,..h .. n UM'd for furnl!ur ... Thi' "f1nl11hrtl- ,·,n·a.U-11ide11" !rieH1tnf'nt l!'iVfll \hi' horn .. rnAkf'r i;rt11l lff""''Y f"r ln t~r .. 11llni; furn1l11r .. 11l'L'11ni;1·n1rnts in l1\'1n1;. J1nln1; or b('drl>c>nL The <l~llk 111 lhi11 colonial 11ettin1 proves fhf'rr 111 no loni.:t r 11oy neied to ~t•trit·t ln111g1nat ion with 11tandarrt hu·niture 11 ri·ani;e· m .. nt~. Thl.'1 de11k l'nJ0)·11 thie unique. fieatur., or ~lni:-fully flnlsh~d In b!M'k 1U1 well "" In tront. A• 11hown. f'llher a \\'1ndll<)r ch111 r .of a c•pla1 n'a chair i11 Ideal ror thla part1e111ar atyle tJ f dN1k. The de11k provldl'• an adequate working aurf11ce and 1ufficlient 1tora1:e 11paet. The •rr•!'IKen1ient 111 -deC'Oratlvf' and unuaual. There a re •rvera.I maple and cherry ttnlahe• avaHa bLf. The wood 11 1olld birch. Savory Zestful, Lenten Menu GlnfJ1rbl'Hd Includes Dessert By CAJIILLE CAMBON What ever happened t.o ao many of the songs that UAed to be iM> popular with glee clubli of the put generation? Maybe they are mu being sung for &II we know· But we vivid- ly remember a group of eameat, determined youth11, inap- propriately but geaeroualy called the "Men'a Glee Club" ex- erclGnr thie\r splendid, pliable tune• on a aplrtled ditty that W'l!l'lt: "Spr1n,('• in Ow air. boys. Bin«! 'nae winter~ like a dream." That phra.MI and lh• tune UU.t went with. It recur over and OV•r lh.i9 t\ne warm day. a YOU ILEADl'f 'nae wlnt•r JIP&M .U rigtlL You can ev.n notice It in our ediblee. Lobslfll' ,._ i. Mer alJ too mon, and lhe R mont.N for oytlerw are- a•t tar behUld.. But eheer up! The n.h marllet. and the dorJ' rtM"'" men have mme beauUM rtpt now, freetl and ahlnin&'· Unleu tJG• 11 really very fond ot flah. I.he delicate white-fie.hied varlet.I• are the belt chljiloe: llllth neh u noundier, turbot,. rock-cod and chaNlel-cod (lhwe pop-eyed red-aklnl, and .,culpln ot UM vt· cloua •plniea. ll waa IOY aauee, and now lt i. aour cream. Thi• Ume nie11t year that too w111 probably have gone the -Y ot old c lee-club 110np. But h~w l'OOd all theee U\ing1 are -'r.en led with dillcmlon and ""'~ . And ow tor a M1ad to round out ou riep&lt. H ere i.. one, new to ua. t hu aprlflC' 1n lta lute. Brown % C'UP of dry breaa cnunbll In a little butter In a akll· let, or 1n the ovM while ll ta run· nine t0r -.ielhl~ •"--'· Rernov• from the hee.t &nd let r et lhor- ough.ly cold. Rub a a&l&d bowl wllh caruc. and tn It place cleanfld 11pt11a ot wat..rc~ 1111d torn \Jp l11ttuce luvea. Sprinkle with Nit and ptp· per and Ac'cient and dreu with a plain ~nch drt11B ing to which 1 tableapoon of horee-radl1h haa bttn added. aprinkle In the but- teried crumb9 and 101111 ilg"htly. GINGER TIU:A.'1'8 Tree Roses Give Beauty at Eye-Level The 11per1•1 appeal of trr11 rn.11 1111 I• their height, r111.chil\g almoat tour f11l!'t they offer fr•i;:rt.nce you c&h rra<:h and l!'ye-levt>I appeal. Therr la atlll a 11horl tlm11 10; do 1om11 ban! root pt1.nt1n1t of 1re11 ro!M'1, adv!.1111 nur11f'rymen. Exct1· lent ~l,.<:llona ln Lh111 IYJ># of rum" in iihade1 of rf'd a re Bravo, Char· Lotte A rm1trnn11:. Chry11ltr, H ~art'll °'""Irr, N Of'turne 11nd S1tn F1'rn11n· do. Blendlng-colorll or pink and roae can be had with theite ro..ea: F lrat Lovt, Helen Tra.buel. Pinklr and Show Girl. If your choice for tret roar' l~ "''h1lc yo11 can 11elect fron1 McGredy'a lvory, 8.lloWb\n:I or Whll.41 w1nr1. ('(ILOK RU:~D!I Shade• of-yellow will add verve to your ro!W! p rdPn 11.ntl ~lr-G1·edy'1 Yrllo.,.o. ~I r,.. F.. P. Thorn anti P"•re "''UL ~11111 you \•anou11 bltnd11 or th111 color. I n pl11n ting the trre r(H•e11-a11 with 1no~t other IYP"• or """""· " .. t t hf' plant '"'Ith the crown at IOll ltvl'l. 111 !ht' a!llllf' l"•·rL IL wlLll planlf'd 11t In the nur11.,ry. !"l.'u~rymen r,.<."flmrn,.n!l no con1- Any of lheae can be tW.uct, rol- led 1n flour 11pu7, tried rsi.Uy 1n butter unUl dellcat.ly browned on I.he bottom Iida: then dot ""1th mor. butter and al.Ip under the broil.er flame lo cook the top •Ide. Of COUl"M, ealt a.nd pepper and a epr1ftltle of Ac'cent ahould be add- od. ~ to df'Pf'rt. If you have fol'-mt"r1cal fert1Ui.er1 be addt<I to lh~ cone the 90\lr crf'am, you can let llO!L until th" plant la wf'll along yourwel! 1 0 a bit mo""; &nil aln<'e 1n lt.'1 growth. I.he dlnn1tr !or Vie m011t pa.rt. Me l'eat n10M or C'ompoat may bto been rat.her blllnd and delicate In m ixed Into the 11011 ~forr plllnt- flavor, aomet/\ihl w1\h a pl'Ol'\ounc-u1g, howt\'tt. \\'hen a 11ubatant1al IN GOOD SHAPE ed t&11te WCIUld be plf'MAlll. a amount or nl'w growth hu drve- Thi. method of prep&T&Uon ellm-l\omr-rrfade GINGERBREAD fr>r loped you m a y l!prlnkle fertl!iter lnat .. 1 lurnlnJ the f !1h aver durln&' ~pl"; on the 1urfare or lhe 1Qll around c<>0ku11 and leuena the d&n(er of Put I cup of moll.Mf'.'1 Into a the plan! a nd water It In . Thu11 •P· ittndlnr Jt to table In a ma.ngled mlxln( bowl wilh onr-hal! cup or piled It w1ll ft ed lhe ro11ie ""'llhout condition.. If It la a.rved in the ihort.rnJnc and one-hair cup of m -burning ILi nf""' root.t. container In which It .., .. cooked, rar. Pour over lhia t cup qt boll-i-it'PJ~JRT "'t:U ao mueh th• bcotter. Ge.ml.-h with Ing 11nler w1lh l level de1111trt-W1til tree rosea prop~r 1takln1 panley and a few lemon wed1• •poon or llOda d lu olved In It. Stir 11 very important. \\'hen plAnt· &11d Voll&! a dl11h. that •'I'm a tllh· weU and cooL Add 1 cup ot WILi· Ing, lle the plant to thie 1\ake hat•r will love. nu~ choppe-d. l cup or ra.!aln.11, l with burlap or ca.nvaa 1tnp1 llnd Th.la 1prlng IOfll' ntoeca a nicely t~poon of cLntlftmon, 1 teupoon •"curie 1i 1n t""·o pl1cea if lhett trunk a.nd place the 1t&ke aouth 1ldl' ot !hie plant to it frorn the. 1un. on lhe protect CALIFORNIA HOME DESIGNERS PLAN LONG BEACH SHOW An tllhlbHlon ot lht n•w~t In C1Utom la home furnlRhlnga will be open 111 mid-July a t the Long S..ar h A rt Center. It wa1 announced thl1 wrek. Ovtr 1000 Cjlllfornla d11slgn- t rs and m•nufacturtn1 ar t ie11- piected lo 1ubmit tntr1e~ ranl:'· 1ng from furniture a nd fabnca to acces1orie1. tablieware and home appUance&. CONCRETE Satisfaction WHEN TIME IS MONEY, SAYE BOTH • • • • • "'"'''·" r nt I.be man·po"'' ~ ' .. qulprnr nt lo •upply ml1rd-lo- •i--·U1<·ellon l"On<"ff'I"' rtirhl kl y9ur job: ~,·e Umf', mnltf'7. Llbefty 8-228] BAY Rt:A.O\' .... IS('. SAC"RA1'1E!'\TO 1C:\'S1 -1' fl. \\'atl<On, •l&lt 1rt1.l l'l'\&lr <"dlnn111· •lnnrr. -.1111 .. un,-N '""''J:<n<'I' o l rt al l'ata111 bn)ktr h ... ,.n,...~ 1,. :\I"" \\', p.,r .... t t•~ 11,,1~1 A•· .. ,a n ' \\ 11ham ..o. l\1'lllJll·•n. '.\llll' \'1a 1. .. 1., Thr rvnll111»l!ll11't 1li<1• "nruiunr · f'\\ 1!1 .. •IUlll~f' "' l'f'•I <'~t .. 11' ..alf'•n1aJt hr1·n""• 1" Hv" l"n,1.,. H H0t11k1n· • ... n. lJl J \'111 1.,,11,_ an.1 )\11ry R. c 1,.11ry an,1 !<''''"n l ), \'hr11t r 1\M'n, J (.~(I Li•ih<>N. Jll\••I. eAtl BLANKt:T8 Rf'IMllilully Dry Clfouf"d aad J'l'lo..-.d la du .. t·pr.>0r (',.Un,.._.. rwkacf' "1be Snulhtu.d'• ri-• !ii-,,, ... !la~aan.-....... •6or so. 11111 ... 8111111• A- ,') HOME LOANS QUICK M HOUl SYYICI LOW EASY MONTI-ft. Y PA 't'M9fn ' FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETK: SErnc::I WI .,., TIIUST oml& ON WIU lOCATID ..,.. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 0c-......... LAGUNA BEACH ,..._ HY4.tt77 boUed potato roiled ln butter l.l\4 of rtnc-r, 21..o cupe of rr.Jur. and I are high w1ntl11. one It not In very 711 W. 17th St. p&nliey u &n obUgato. and tt you Jut.17 2 weU·-beal.#n egp. Bake In hot a rt111 "'·r11p burl1p around the C'Ol!ITA. ;\fZ8A. don't ca rie what happen• to you. a ehauow p1.n In a 330 derree oven t~i::(:{~f:i::~IJ~~U• I !;;::;;::;;::~~~:i:;~~~;;::;;::;;::~~;;::;;:::;:::;:::;::;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::~ you ma7 add • apoontul ot -.ir I until n ahrtnk11 •llJhlly from tht · cream t.o th.at obUpto. However, aldu ol the pan, and •J1:ring11 bl\ck that 11 • rt!ekl-n-that neecU top lli prePf'd '"'lth'"l.he caretul -tchinc. We coou ..._ to run In (tQOYea. BE 018CUET A.while at:o It wu ~ppl• - ,,.,·iere pulling on •~; then llA1"11W18E8 eo.t. -e--n.uen --UIMrtJ 1-llOI COST A llESA. IL\ 'ITUM 00. llN Newport Bl't'd. ROBERT FORBES Bu Heier rHO!'lo"E RAKROR 1108 Aepli.lre • MalelrDalK'I • IMtallello• STAFFORD & ION WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE '· !olpnar~ up )'nur la .. ·n : ,,.,.N'ld 11 .i .. \O.llb a Jlflray or du~I . t•.....t II .. "·Uh • ~ ("()mm<-rll'&1 lhe re1nainlng hll.I!. I ~;;:;;;::;;:;;;:;;;::;;:;;;:;~~===~ To pr .. vent 1potUng hln1ee °"I 1 111.t rhf'a "'hen punUnc a door. rub MESX- D. RAY General Contractor & Builder "NEU! a n<t uoc· ClLLTKlt:AL t_'t J!'\TRACT\lllA Mto-Ubl!rtJ 1-IW 110 RJ'l'erelde "''ea 1Mt s-·po11 ._. 1 :-1~ c.--m~n-iaJ ,, .• ,. COSTA ~lt:SA 1.1 8-U'?'t QWnl'y • 11,.·y "_'8 HllllUn,:lon Rcla. I.rs. 1-41.SI. f ff'rtJllt,.r. ~. To rt rid <ti -rwtil"' <lu"t "·Uh llndan" nr f"hlortdant du~l oa u ... planl11 and aur- roU11dtel' aoll. Belk..,., a,·a.11- abl• - RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE 08 TOO SMALL 2SO 301 h SI., :\'e"'J'Ort ~h Harbor !5" • • little prtrolieum jielly on thtm fl r11L Stniy paint will then rub off UPHOLSTERING with 11. wisp ot cloth. UplMtllt ..... ,. D~ T'our m"lt.f'd peraff!n In the bot· Ube.rtJ M111 tom of your (t.rbei• can Lo pre.. llH NwpL .,"-c.ata ._ veot.. r1111t. DLU'EJUES -UPBOLlft&DlQ -II.IP OOVEQ WA.LL PAPE& -CARPETING OOllPL&TE L'"?Eaa0& DECOM.TDIO LAMP UGHT SHOP :r•t.s !:. eo .. t H"·y .• t.'orona df.'I ._ llarMr lllD MAX W. POPE Inc. GESIERAL 00!'.'TRACl'OU Rt:~IDJ:XTI.AL e COIDIERCIAL e Dl:\.'ELOPllKMT 40~ Bol• A,.,.. """' g fl Spt. Rh•d. at I.St.ti MtC..t Bini. CORONA DEL llAA REMLEY & DAVIS · PAINTING CONTRACTORS BF.SIDENTIAL -IND~STRIAL CALL RAABU• 01at roa ESTDU.TI:, "1THOL'T CllAAGE 101 £. llALBOA. BL\"D. B.u.BOA \ Cineraria Show Starts Sunday -March 13th Hundreds of Plenh All colors-in bloom 5 & 101 NURSERY 14111 --i"fl-s.. Newport Bl't'L -TUntN -a... n ..... ,.. R. Don;1/il Hall Construction Company l.it:Sr::RAL COXTKAC.T(,RS 22f8-D \\', COut H'll'J· l.lhl'l"'IJ ll·!MI s-iion 8"'wtl, Ca tu. ARCHITECTS Memben of American IMtitute of An:hitftts J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J . ~llerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger •