HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-24 - Newport Balboa Press• ·' r ,. LlllB l'IOLDf c•m-Arthur Silvera, local cabaret oww ud winter-time jewelry ialemnan. examtn• tel• 8COJlo jnelen"~ cue jut like two which were lltolen ~ ID broM daylight right out of hia locked car on llUtDe Aft. while he ahowed ample cOltume jewel· rt t.o Mn. W. D. JohMon, wife of Balboa Illand watch· ...or. -Staff Photo Rental Law Rul~d -Okay Tein·porarily .Easter Week Licensing HUGE N·EW . . 'RVINE CO. TRACT SET·! Multimillion Dollar Site Near T etrace on 'Boards' ' HARBOR D...,_,. n .... d Dell'"'7 et Ule H....-t ....... ,,......,.. .. ...,... . . PRess· utMd. Olntel' NJI wW ... ..,,.. tMlr ,..,.,. ..,... • p.m. -lloMa1 ..... Tlwre-...,. u ,_,. ,.,... s. Mt ... llwNd .,. t.b&t bov .... call ..,..,. ltll .., • ...-.i IOOZE UP Fol IASTiR Wiii OLllNDOltA (OCNll)-..._. lT-~ 11oJ9 omar ' to o--. alilerUr'• llrM ... ,....., tM7 ...... wortll ot ..... tAt .. t.o otMr Ju....U. at lCewpolt 8Mcll ower S..C.-~ a...-t Earl BaU ot ~ a.n DI.mu ....... aid Ule youUMI admitted taldtlC tile li- quor trom u.. llOIDe ol ~­ tnctor IC. J . ~ Bow- .... UM boy9 nporteCQy told depuU.. __.. fOllDd Ullillr ..... place &ad took Ule .. bot:Uae ol ~· '°"'-... wUl ........ ., ,..... • wtUl ,..ar .,, ., JWr H.wpett BarW N .... Pl-. Doubled ~City · Qil Revenue in Sight . DORA'S BACK NIED llAUIES IN MAYOR JOB Monterey . Bringing In 8th Tidelands Well Sahinlay Pirate "-~~ gu 1 u1MOU· SLY Plana to brin1 In' Newport Beach city old well Number '8ft:al nAn 8 In the tidelanda field beiQg produced at West Newport by Cat-. Rllldlltes the Monterey OU Company, were progreuinc today. Accord--" '. = . _ Ing to E. E. Pylell of the operating company, It la apected Ht ' .. s... that No. 8 will be produclnr for the mmUelpallty before l!lat- Becaue a young girt thought her ridJns stableil would W •mu Ult w.u No. 1 11u 11een drm.d to a Ula Udeland.t olf .,,. tMtw.lft No Sought .. C W'd&7 midn!Pt. mend from 11100 to IOOO f..t .ta be l09t in the march of progreu, tile Newa-Pre. learned . ' 11ra..,.... (Din) BID,... un-depth ot "50 fMt 1114 at4IMla •P-MUl ud Und ata. la W• New· exclu.lively the Irvine Co. plan.a a malti-mllllon dollar re.I-OM of tholle pntty itN for .. ......, ~ mayor ol proadmately 1too feet ott llbor'9 port. dentlal denlopment of 80 80me acre. aituated betweeta the which N-e.cta 1a tamom NewJ!Grt Beacla at UM adjoumed tnlo UI• clty t1deludll area. It Iii By Baturdl.7 ......_ ll .. ,.... ~-..-·· ~or u.. dty CCM&ndl Tume-nec1 by xoai.., tut Ute rte preeent Irvine Terrace euterly border and Avocado Ave. will be choeea JI'-N-si6rt e.ar.. c1a,. an-tau.. couacu cllam· tapped to UM Mm• aooe aa w.u wtllch u. drtu.d w.u Mo. a wW WlMD K.aU. DMenbers. 2211 added It deftnit.ely will be h1P ~ °' .i.';6• i.=. toot~ ban. No. • that i. pwnptnc at Ul• rat.a be~ to"..., ....uo. wlMn Bayside Drift, le&med tb• RarN cl.au resldenUal property. CbamMr ot eomm.n., who ulled xouo. for Kn. BW'a elecUoe ot 200 ~ daily. Total prodUc-opwaUona oa Well Mo. t wt11 be- lt.Qlee tD Corona del Jlar .,.. to But back to UM--.. ottldaJle for nomln&tloaa ta a coni,.t to came n-_,,. e.ted couacU· Uon ol UM Udel.aad9 weUa la l'\IDo pa. Upoa ... ,..._ ot Ho. t tt be tora dow1a, 8he acted. wrtttnc =ta U: ~:'9ad= •led th• Pi.U. Qi... for Ulle mu. 1.-Wilder. 0. roll call Nnc appnmtmately Geo bU'rela ~ tbe plan et II~ to ., .. UM N._Prw. She •w UM move of th• plana and .,.. to IDOft comtnr <>ran,. County rau. ;;.;>;;, ":.:.;~ -:',.!: ~ ..,;'=.;o ~ ~ ~~ ..U !fo. T aa4 ftoworll u detrimental to UM horMback M>IDeUme thia llWftllMI'. AD oMclal Cb&nn, polM &Del lleeatJ wtD tMt 1111 ._. ._. •· moatll. Dl'LUfA'D»f _... . determine the stria' •lection. -•-1..1 u.. N -._.._ rldi.nr fratemt~ whJcll woWd han Mid. , ·"-"hel 9lld. wtlh h..t-c•-to • 1-....-. ._,...._ -0,.1Uoee ot K=t _.. to ro to ea.ta X... for thelr "We haw Wt tllem lben u b;°beld :ntlte <> • .-!-:i-0.. A.LI. TA&S O.&'IBa It la bl8 bope Md WW Ulat W.U ta.r -.. wttb ~ c:::m:r-., x .... ipOrt. lollr u we could for their con-a 1 AD_... el Ule eounciJ. MW No. I wW produee ..-&17 u well ,_i Jlwll ,..... ..,....... at A. cMck wtUl JMne Co. otftci&l8 •enlmc. but we now ban oUMr merce alt.er the ~ elate few •w t•ns WOiier, .....,. JUdder-. .. !fo. I &ad lf tat S.., It ._... 1eqt1t to tile ~ 1 auUtuted rwvealed Uie -aabdtftelon la on pl&na tor lbe property." nom.lnatlGu April 1· 8' lntta4 W , llUq ~. Ouace lllc-~)'doable dty aev•w. «tT OllUdl "1 ~ J'dt .,. ~ d~ bouda al· Bo, KaUe will tia-. to tau Ilea.rt orpn1aUona • IMt.W:.~ .._ We. a.a.. .-.t _. J•)' aw--.n. unm. Reootde ol 11 •au.. ... ,.... U1oup detlnlta time t&blee ll&ft la tlw tact lhe'e U't'iq tD aa UM mlt UM W ot ... • at ..,._ tGOll tM'tw. •IM ~ II.ea ot Ule Ulhluda 'ftlle .,. for Ge .......... fl tad to any Ume.beton tM dMcllt• DOl been aet. WbetMr UM new 90 populu that horM9 mu.et IDU• ea.cllda~ mut .. ......_ tM (C SS I • .... ,, drWed to a,e tOIO-ft. ..... ... Ule ....U • ~ ell t • 4 ~· .,._ will be a eoaunuatSon of Ir-room for people, plua UM bope Ute of 11 &Del • &ad rd u ....,,------------------------------------- .ta. TuTace or a eepante .ub-.,.._ • t.be other lllde of tll• t..ca :9u... d~ ot N..J-t ~ fw dl.S.Son a1ao ta not ,et dei.nnined. will be better tor her four--Jen9d at ._. OM ,_.. pdar to April coaapany ,....__ ..sd. TbeJ trtenda. . t . JI.lat N9WpOl't llulMlr wOl rep- KENDALL HWS BAY CLUB • ...._t ..... -at Ule ()nap Coant;y h.lr ... ~ ......... for tbe tttle ot Kim Orelltp ~ ~.-....w.-...,... ........ .,,_u~u..,..... COUNTY ?LANNERS GRANT WEEK'S DELAY ON -MESA OIL APPUCATION AGAIN IN. OFFICER CHANGE Case Set hr. Later Trial ..... . ., tile ••turaa. ............. ,., • ., ~,~ °' u. Jf.-port .. , OllmpaaJ. uuc ur. 1-Oct. ai~ -• ,. ....S, Va.; P. IL Lll8da, ....... DlialaJ'of the tanporary 1n1uftrtinn 80Ugbt aplmt the....._ ... .,......, ot 'a:.!': ._tot LaMar Ltf• ,_ we OD.. we. .. , •• ~ MW leell1c .....-:han--ded ..a-.,.,,_ -••· boa B&J Club, wu ucom.,._. ol Jacboil 1Gaa._ aad waai.r city'• Eute1' Week rental law wu uvwu Ull9 a.i...:::r-uu. ,,.._ wt.en UM uuwa1 meet· lpndler, attona., ~ De.Du, Ta. noon by Superior Court Jud(e Raymond Tbompeon.. He Aid lJIC of UI• llocltholden wu41eld. The two Uf• tmurance compaa- the cue will be tried in court.I later. a.-tiected pr'Mldent and .-•ral 1 .. are atmw. of the Jiu~ 'The caae praent.a eome unuaual constitutional c{uee-rnanqer'"#u K. T. Kendall, tound-Compan&ea. prindpe.1 owner. ot • er·buUder of Ul4 Bay Qub. Bay Club .tocJu.. It la llndentood UOM," J\14se 'Jbompeon a&id. "Tbe I were completed ahorUy before Elect.eel dlnct.on wen Walt.er t.hat tnv•tment ot Clinton Murcbi· moll .nou. ta the provi.lllon '!"" nOP. Judce Thompeon ~n took a. Mellott. pre91dent ot UM South 90n In th• Balbea Bay Cl~ now ·~ nnwra and tenant.a I to .. _. matter under aubmiMlon. ea.a Coutruc:Uon Co.; Co~ nceedll $1.600,000. •IT" to tupection by police and Th• plalntltt'a major complaillta 'n ... 11_.. againat lhe ordinance art': t > llG H •UL ftft 0 oen Al.-. ....._.. lhat It la dl9cr1mln&tory ud I ) ,.. The j)lds-. •Id I.he major prob-that It vlolatu the bill ot rllfhlJI ------a.m of concern I• w~lher that which guard1 agaln1t unlawtul J I c phue Of lbe law confllC'lJI with the 11tatthH without a warrant. Judce ewe ry ases J'ourUl Amendment ot the Conatl· Thompeon Informed the attom4'y1 tuuon. thf" latter obJecUon WU th• 1tron1· Stolen from "Court.a think the temporary In· ut. juDCUon ahould not be ~Id~ Pl•ntltr11 attorney. Robert IWN1\&111y lmt ahould be decided <'<>rlm11n. 1rgued the ordinance c I I d eolitly on the merits of I.he C"'AMl," dl1crlmln&tt'I agalnet h.19 client be· a r on s an Tbomp90n •Id. "'Ttwre 11 no gre11t ouae It srtt'<'ta only the R·2 acne. and lrttpa,..ble dama1e to the The dtff"nee coun.el Karl Lynn Tbect of two jewelry diaplay p&alntitf ju.titylng Injunction In Davi•. Ntwport Beach city at· C&MI whoae content.I are valued thJll caae. nor l• there any 11r11;rnc-y tomry. countc-red the dlacrimlna· at from 12000 to 14000 waa rt· u .~ar u the plalnWf 11 concern-tory r harge by rxplaintnr New· ported TU~y nlcht t.o polJce by ed. be aa!d. part Beach hu olhtr ordlnanct1 Proptrty owner Harry C. Brew· i ovemlnr uni~ ot t.hrtt or mort. Arthur Bllvel"I, aa!ufnan and own. at.er ha~ a tt.acktd tht valt111ty ot He Indicated that mo•t ot the er of the Blue Room. Balboa, after an ordlnanc-e pLUt'd by tht city trouble durlnJ!' lhe holldayt occuni h'4! car -• entered on buay Mar- HarlMW Fh. \\tea• at State Scllool Local fire repreamt&Una were today attendln1 a .tata tire llChool fn Bal<er•tleld tor Uln. day• ot IN1tn1cUona. Leavtns JMterdaY for the -1on were Fire Chief Jan BrltlOO of Ne"J>Ort Beach and R&lph Lff. COllt& M-fir• pre· ventlon officer. t.he lllore, He had .even Jewelry c.... In hit eedan wtllch he told poUce wu locked at &11 Umea. Taklnr about 111 mlnut• to ahow eacJI cue, he took hla third CAM t.o hla car to uc~e It for the fourth when he dl.tcovered th• two u.M eowtctl. Ar,umtnl1 pro and con In lht' 111111llPr untt11. lne Ave. were ta.ken, A, wtnc:twtnr wu left While Silvera allowed h11 warea optn. Seat Stoddard as Alternate J . B. Rtoddard, -ly~lected cioancllman, wu M6i.d lut nlJhl u permantnt alternate tor Mayor Dora Kiii on B&nltaUon Olatrlct.1 Jfo. & .ad t . Councilman Gerald Bennett w111 el«t.ed cM.l nnan of 0'81 rte t & , makl"I' a boa.rd compoeed ot lkn· -urr1nr1. cutmnk•. broochea and I Sllven told paUce he •t.a.rud nttt. and Stoddard •u alternate to 1th• like .... to Mra. J ohnaon, wife 1h°"71nc hla warn about 4:411 p.m .• Mra. Hill! and W1U11 Wamt'r, u of the ownu ot the W. 0 . Johnaon dlec.overrd the theft about ll:M chalrman of Oranre County Board 1 J-elry aton!, 211 M.arlne Ave., p.m. ·Ht aid hla ortlce ml&llt &D- ot Supt'rivaon, rtp.--nUn• unln· car clouten work~ qv.k:kly. The Vflltory the remaizilil1 ca.ea to CS.. corporated territory In the dlltrlcl. car v.·aa pa.riled almoet ln front ot termlnt value of j-elry etokn. Stoddard wtU a1Jlo Hnte aa Mra. I HIU'1 allemate on Di•lrict • board, Ca""ercraft Expands w·1th which la compoeed of Art Mtyua, I f C'helrman 4'11d Wan1er. The dlatricta met at trutment B • 1u•1d N Pl t plant Nn. 1 for • tour of th• In· us1ness; I s ew an stallatlon following thl' meeun1. JOf! Carver. leading .,tr1t of Carvercratt. 1111 r etune ready to move •rain. ~utt&ed out ot h'-1 preMnt home by buelne99 powt!I. He 11 bulldJng a new plant at 1818 Harbor Blvd.. Coit• Me-. It will be &O x 120 feet In elze with eome meuan.Jne floor &pact. The .11te c:ontaJna 11-7 acree which allowa • 25-tt. dri•eway along1lde the bulldln1 lo plenty ot parkinl' 1pace In the rtar. Carvercra.tt tw.ndlta the STia· rudt outboard motoni and Wlsanl emall 00.ta. The com,.ny bu I four-1t&te dlatributlon of Ev1nnlde I pa.rt.a, coverinl' Callromta., An-. I Ne-4& and Ul.IJI. Canu bu been 23 yeara ln the Harbor, hla f1rwt bu11nua belnlf on Udo. Chamber Maps ,.._ for Yw's PrOCJFMR ... IOLl:llNLY 8WFAR"-City'1 new anen council memberw are norn in following .......... of March 1~ election and abeentee ballots. From left, 1tanding, Council- -Budy MacKay, Lee Wilder. Gerald Bennett, Mayor Dora Hill, barely vlaible be- ldnd <lt'r a.'k C. K. Prie.t. Stanley Ridderhof. C. A. Higf)le and J.B. Stoddard. City AttormJ Karl Lynn Davia bu back to camera u doea Deputy City Clerk Mn. Hal ~ -ltatt P!aot.o l'lnt evenlnr meettn• ot the Board of Dtrec:ton of the NeWJ)Ort Harbor Ola.mber ot Commerce wu held Monday at the Villa JlariJla iw.taurant. Plana were &a.Id for enh&nctnr UM memberlhJp ud rleld of •deaYOr of Uie C!Mmber I on bebaJ1 Of UM dt)'. Preetdln• °"' tM ......... Ma~tanJe7, pne6dent. Oueeta ot ho8or we~ the new dty COWl· cu mem'Mn ot N"'1Mnt -..Ch \ ft'tJDY JmW ~ _. ... ,,_ fll U. GaluJ Ouwartdiaa Co.. ... -c.r.. ... 011 , .. . ''Bad" 8u'Mtt of Cu ••tnft I • I 1& ...... .... Canercnft 19 to IDOf9 IM.o abMlt ,,_ 1. "Dtil 11 I ,. OltA.NOll OOUJft"I' WaATllD l'ORllOA.ITt ...U7 .... today tbnltP fttday but late atpt and .arty IDOnl.lq' low elaui6a or fos. UtU. t8mpentlll'e chllnp. Zf..,- port ~ -llollt17 ._ w1th ,...., ot tor la Ute eat!Jr _.. l.np thnUrta rrsday. • J'rtd.a:f, Marcia 11 -1' 8atwda1. Mardi 11 -TJ lllllday, Jl&nlh IO -H lloaday, Jlarcb 21 --11 1'Meda7, Jlarcb 22 ·-81 WedlMeday, JllU"Cb JI ti 'nlunday, llarcb M t1 •1 IO IO " .. .. .. wtaidl 111M .._ at 17BO Newport amt 11Doe 1MO 11 -·-.. u.. boaleftrd to 1988 IW1M>r JRtd. ... U.. wtll be plmtJ of room for apeMqo u UM ...,. PM7 ecet'"w t.o srow. ltatt PIMU . . l • • I 1' •• -. . ~A&e 2 • PART • -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PR~s . Offioen .. of Coad Aaooiation THUltSDAY, MA~ 24, 1955 YOUI MUI•• Pl l•SI 7 'n\e Kirkwood Motel ill Corona dll ~ llu &D 1ID1lrriUd and ltOll·~Uas f\Mlllt Ulal bu -ap a.o... bepbas ba"tbe tel• Jlllonf booth. Kn. a. G. JCDla. maaacu'• wtt' wtro 1e pcUUns at nest, .. ,.. the bird la about tbe 9lae ot a .,.no..., moAly brown, but h.u 110me red on It. Kot ~ a bird watch« ahe ll not aure ot th• awiu.. but aya Ula bird can ba" tree room rent and uae ot Ula ...unmlq pool If aec =ry, u lorlS u needed to ra1M a fa.m.11)' -8tatt ftot.o FREEDOM HOMES FOLK OPPOSE TAX OVERRIDE Clalm lo ... Are litter for Reslclenh of New Subcllvlslon MAD us PIOYI IT LLC..... Amons .,enema receMns Ule e&u. and reporttnc Ule mat.ltt to police ban been Ml"8. 0 . D. t.-mtns, 908 Ar- bor. Mn. Dort.I A.Dder1lo«I. tu Arbc>r and llra. Kary Ann IWnmen ot 112'7 e.mant BL Meu l1rsl1r Strik• Agai1, leb $125 li1g .............. ...,. a ........ ......................... 997. ........... Ii 1 .. , ........ .. ,... ........................ .. ...... ., ........... ~ .... ...... State Fann Insurance Co. W.1~ 111 E. 17dli 8t., C.ta ... .. u 1-1011 1 ' Pla1 .Active Year for Co11ty ~d .._....., of UM oout A.-Uoa of th• new prutdellt, 0.vid IOdatloa met 711terday nooa for Olmacad. NeWJIOrt Bffch. a.nch at N-_ Harbor Taclll Ptan.. wero made for a llmllar ·-r-,,,.. CIOlafuence to be bald April I a.nd au and bepa .plan.I ~cla pro-• r•erat aqoolatloa meeUnc -.. an aeu" J'l&I' Uftder dtrec· April H . PWMlll Machine __ .._,Here Prmsed by Police · . In the meaallme "'em'Mn of lh• board expect to Jay out an In· cluaive plan for development of th• eo&1t line and•protectlon of ltl entertainment featu~1 fqr UH of the rerieral pubnc. Whue the bin· terJano may be devtloplnl' 111ore Ind~ than the cout ciU ... the .,.._,. o1 a pinball mach1De Hubor h•• the rreatHt lndu1try ~ qht or.yuterda,y mom· ot them. all ltl Ill beache1 Md .. ln the Crvw11 N•t ~t. fllhlns. auoclatlon ottl«fW felt. 4'11 ODut 111Pway, II ~ in· ---------- ~ed . by Newport police. "-'-D a--Only a lm&ll amount ot nJckell .,._y on ,......,. wu believed 1tolen, otttcen aid. Cplt& x.. Ctt7 Cowictl Mon· llntry wu ~bly tbroup a day ntpt decided to bold tn abey- ,..,. door wtllcll wu accidentally uu:. dedllon on a requeated aban- lett open. ln•MtlsaUon dllC&oeld donment of Alt.o Ave. wsaJ a machine wu torn open ford· muter drainal'e plan I.I anac~. lalJ' wtUa a flat pteoe of U. wltldl AdjolnJq propert)' ownerw ulled omc.r. found at the aceae_,.Tbe tor abuMlonmaat. M .. dty plan· burslar>' _... re~ b)' Helm D1q cwmntwton recommended de- ...,,_..I 11'11 >•a!tehn Aft., llJal Of tba requ.t becauN the a.ta X.... OWW. lib'Mt WU HCl I U'J for Clr&IUp. IOOIT TOILET TISSUE :sn 9 .. 87c 800lT KLEENEX PAYiESS PAPER TOWELS 6-17c TIDE LUGIC BID J .__@7c CH~ER ~SIU 3 .... ar PUREX oAUA>N• 2,~17c CARMA TION M~LK 8 ... 97c 14 ea..87c \"'ETS DOG FOOD ·PAYLESS Ai.UMINUM FOIL 5 ... p7c WISTE BASKETS '=~ e7c mrA!l"ri TRAINING PANTS ~·4 ,.17c PLANTERS PEANUTS 3_17c III.VD l.IPPU Gin IO Proof T. Y. TA ... 5 . FD'TJI I :ii:-1n r1 ' .•. • BETl'EB BUOllES-Officen of the Cout Aieoaiatton meettnr ~ --at tM Newport ~r Yacht Cub to plan the Jtar'• prqcram an abolrn aboft,.from left, H. F. Kenny, secretary, Balboa; David Olmated, Newport 'Beach. prmldent; Wa. r. G&llieune. Huntington Beach; Capt. Henry Read. San Cleme6te and F. W. Blelrmen, Sear Beach. -Staff Photo n.a ........ ._ ..... ,... _, ........... ,... ........... , ....... . ....... ftlrllL LIDO DRUGS "'OM of tlM Udo a.,.• M81 Via Lido. Newport lleMla HARBOR DRUGS llOl ll ()out ~ .. ()oroaa del ...,. IALIOA DRUGS 718E. ............. friiiOtBY -.... rr ar ORIGINAL 87c•in SALE Specials for Mardi 24, 25 • 26 3 new oil-rich '?""'~ perm~nents by NUTRl-TONIC . ~ ,,,.,. in Uttk • 10 Minuta lMQa.., • oi.o.t ~;. Oil c,... ... ( ,,.,.,.,.,) « Yll. ALmn ~ II ltl c.m UR fttllma The oil~rlcll ~ ......... ,.. ....... ulllnJ lallln..S .._ .... ~-.-JJ. Ouk -tOftlr, -er Ii la rtiell fl'llll die ~-_.... .. -tr HlT llTll-ffllC llYll IDNIWI -- PlllUltic -OWoelrr ....... " N.n. 1baic. c-. ----~-. ... haftbatl. for..._,_.....,,.,.,._.., odlcr pia earl ,. 3 • wnu II LITTLI u II 1111111. Alto Ji._ fu&al ,.. 11 II, ltart to ...... .._ al admiw .,,.._ _,.,.., _ _, pelallmd Oii ere-.... ::.=:. r:::.. s 1 so mlMCRn ~ ...... r._ ............ ..... NUTRI ·TONIC 'PIMJ ~ -;;.;;; witll Oil Cremt! Base (patlltld) ViNCENrs ICE CREAM BOU.OW ..,.,...., • m8'00'.A~ UJllTS COSMETIC SPECIALS FIEll I ....... .....,. "<Wl"nam ~ W!tai .... 0 M el 11.&m. W ....... ,. OOLONIA.L DAiia HAND CREAM JM, . .._ roa O!'lli'LV _ .. • .. TOM••••_ r KOU:Sft.U. WiAI .....,. ... 11.Ua 001''Dl'l'IONING Cl 1•1 & SAW CIEAM -.a ... :i· ~=~ .... -) . 2 ,_ •111 , ..... ------ DOllOl"BY Ga.Al' L\LOX ----·• COLD CHAM HAl9 DB Min a-oat. •1• II.II w P.16 ,...,_ .. ---·---\".._, G'LT ---- DRUG NEEDS Thimnin HYDIOCHLOllDE .. ,"IT, ~---...... ...... -.... ,_ .. __ ,_··--.. _ 11· ._ . ._ __ _ 1 Pt. -1 9f. COMllNATION 97c Double Cones Twin Oaks BottJtd in Bond 100 Prr>ol 1 Jn. Old nrTJr 3s1 ....... • • • Ucle se.. cw, ... Sllally .&rove ...... IO Jltoot nm PllDI OF ltDIANA ' IYn.OM OM ....... nrrll 339 I ... ... HnROCl&O'M 1ft.M·-•-. ._.. _____ ... 'I• .... ______ _ VlfAIWI A ~ atJllWUC-.-..mmn ..... ____ ,4" ..;. '2" VlfAt• A ... , ........... w .... 1x---.-tsnn ~ ::. -=--=-_=:;.,...._ ,. !-.-• -· BOW CLOSE OU TREY GE'l'f-Wben Iii oil rtg really cuddlc!a up to a couple ot howiea It can get eo cloee that OM ot the owners hu to call for the f'll"e department becauee the place geta too hot u lhown above at 211 Ninth St., HuntingtoQ Beach. Women in the houaea ay the noiH la eo continuous and eo lo~d they don't hear It any more. -~tatt Photo • ··Disn1ption Continues in H. B.; Wells Show Pattern three montha and 'hen I\• •• look· ins forward ·w c-rrconatrucUon period. In the meantime he la con· gratulatlnr the city that Ulla boom with Ila atUnd.ant dlerupUon did not happen laat year when tbe city wu oelebratins Ila 60t.h annl· The pattern of drilling at Hunt· wtth ... u. on the back ot their -"-nary=--·-------- lnrton Beach I• belnr e•tabllahed Iota are JOlnS to be happy with ' as two dry weU• have come In on the equJpment that wlll be placed the northern trln&'• ot the ex· there for producUon. Tanka, pwnp1 plaUe4 au&. 'Olen dey well• are and other equipmeiit wUI ret to be al Main and Lake Sta.. 7th and a n eanoe n , Acacia SlJI.. but the Ude of di• atter the drllla have been lone ruptlon contlnura parallel to the rone. be belinea. ahore line. The HunttnrlOii,BilCJl~!lr1::11m""'rf-· Prob&bly the worat tom up area. of Commerce le already making at leut the hud .. t tor tratnc to plan• tor beauutlcaUon of Ula clt,y travel'8e la on Walnut SL On thla when the we.111 are productlng and atreet Mrs. Ruth Ru11lee had to the atreeta repaired. wm. T . Oat· appeal U> the police to atop an oU Uenne, chamber m'l\&(tr, u pecta rlr n-om •praying oil on b.er hoUM th• splurp to be owr within and Lew Willa bad to 1et police ----------help to remove plpea piled In front of hia prase prevenUn• him from THERE'S ALWAYS s ettlnr hla car out. ROOM FOR MORE I Nearby, at 111 Seftftth St., Mra. W. R. MoNatt !'$ported that trucka Ulins the alley had broken up the awfac. eo b&dly that pool.I ell watn formed ther. weA being continually irplubed apinn her apartment by oU truclt& FlllE HAZilD Th• eloeut an oU ns haa been •l up to h~ In tlle pruent dnllln( iplUfle ta at 211 Nlnth SL. wheA the equlpmrnt 11 jammed asa!Jl•t two hoUMa creating a f lNl ILaard. T o date the city bulldlnr de· BW Klot&. 1n.anacer ot Van'a BowUns, 1703 Bupertor, eo.. ta w-. announced t.ocky there'• .uD room for moA ID the .urrun.er bowlln&' l...,ae• now fonninJ'. TllOM w1th openinsa In· elude: Monday, •:611 p.m. •93 Bcr&tcll Tr1o; Tumday, t:•~ p.m~ Lad&. HandJeap; Wed· nelld&y, 5:38 p.m., 8cntch Tr1o; 'ntunday, I :'6 p.m.. J..a.. d1ee 8cratcb Tr1o and rndQ, 1 :'6 p.m., ~ ~"'" partrnent baa la~ 210 drlllln1 ----------permll1. The department clalma !Ml f ew good houa. have bMn DEATH NOTICI demollahed In the procees. lhoee ----------worth while ~Ing moved to other CIL\JlLE8 ~ BABCOCK Jou. P'uneral auvtt'ea tor Charlea !:d· Many people have wondered why wvd 8&bcock. 48, of 28~ Palmrr lhiA &T11a wu not Included In pre-SL. C.O.ta Meea. were held ln Puk· ~0111 oU booma that haw hit e•IUdley Mortuary Tu-s&y. Cecil Huntington Beach. L. Pauon of J. Collin• pve ecnptural readings. 113 Nlnth 8l uplatned prevtOUI M.r. Babcock paued on Sunday drllllnl approached the city tram at Hoar H041pltll alter a five-week the north and that oil -.nda now 111nua. J'rom YpellanU. Mich .. belnr exploited were d r l 11 e d where be worked for the Kah1er throush only to ltr1lt• water ln a Motor factory, Mr. Babcock had deeper formauon. Saxton WU u.. Uved ln eo.ta Me• 11\x weeka. tnr In hla preaenl home at the 8un1von lllclude ~ widow, Ume. Be Mid wha the deeper Su.an o.; aon, JCdward L. of Mich· well failed to produce an attempt lpn: a daupter, Mni. WUll&m wu made to niopen tbe oil at.rue· Tackman. Coeta Mea; tnoth,.r. ture now belnr Uled at 3800 t .. t. )(ra. MlW. Babcock. brother. but It ahowecl etrna ot water and Jamu c. of Coeta Meaa. and a the well wu abandoned. alater, Mra. Robert Keller of )(lch. TREY WON91' LOO; IT Interment took place at Harbor Paxton doH not t hink peal* ft.eel Memorial Cemeury. 1a.1GG AN8& fOOD &.,. ..... , .... 59' ... ....... , ... .... ~----o. ...... COffB CAKll ••• 21' ..... Month End Clearance! on a new -SIMMONS -ENGLANDER -SERTA . TRADE-IN For ~, ou. J Old SprinCJ ancl Mal hen -·No matter HOW old. $4995 PRICED AS LOW AS Both pi-, """ your ,,,. eet AU First 9•1ty U..C•dltlonaly G•ar•taed, Natlonaly Faw ....... • NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. ru;r; DELO-Ul" EA!lll' Tt;IUQ 2620 West Coast Hh)hway Newport leach u 1-1113 ' ' • -----------------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I PAGE l wekcfM Wilton to UMilr ... • GIANT ASKS MASTER .PLAN THURSDAY, MAllCH 24, 1955 ~=~-:.--ltetbeAll~ ----------------~----"-Dr. Horatio Q. Bll'dbaUa wUl M TO SAYE COUNCIL'~ TIMI fflLI leeks M&,111 Da"'.11• 11· : ~.~.:::,':'!'~ Alter' U.Unine to aa Jtour.laq ~ 'nw UM Mu W. • ..., UM clUJdr.. TIM llarp'&,... wW Pope wbdivtalon propoeed betw ... OTuce UMI auta Au Co • 1 • It · • I.... Cr L ~t a oom,aete U.. et ,..._. ....... ott Un4 St. at COit& Mua City OcMlncll ... tiq MGa• mp llil l(llRllll •lrulll ••• Mme to79 and ,.., plOdueta tDr da7 DJpt, J'red Gr&Dt ot M2 m. 11tt Bt. .,,._U7 Sot tUed local Rarw ldMM. ' ot tM w11oi. thins. AMERICAN CHE ......... TOMATOSAua a: 5c BEST IOODS 49 MAYONNAISE r:: ": c FINE GRANULATED 43c a· 5c SUGAR ~ -. ·-.: C•lilUNA = ns:·2 7c ____ _Jle:L.!ft~aae ·Vlilw PEANUT IUTTEI le~..t, a..lr w OoCINl-IYf -:21' '1\1 • . .• \.. )\ ~ I 71 ).\ ~ fllSI •AD MRS. WRIGHTS ~ 26c Slleed-whMter wt.k ...... ..,. ..... 1&. S.D11uts ::' C...D111ts:: STOii H~UIS o.117 ........ ,. .. (l'l'tda7 tm t p. a) 8aada1 I a.m. to Ip.a -------~~~~---~ 1722 MeWport Blwcl., · Costa Mesa PLINTY OP PARKING ON LAl•I PA.YID LOT , • PA&E 4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARIOLNEWS-PRESS THURSDA.Y, MARCH 2'4, f955 • . . ::.:::.::~==11t•'''" l••11tio1 AMlple~ =~~ ................ 1n Meta a.iu Kallltr .,.... Rut •..U.C or ..-Mud .. E,.~~=~~ =: ~J .lo1r~; li1~11Mr U111m1~ , =·:':!.:.:t : .. u:~ rtck &!ld Marlon Grs7. 0 . W. Ali a ~ ......, flt • lUJecl ~ lllloaM appol.ata.t fw _'***1. __________ _ 'Rlc!lard wu Ule lone n~ addl· &l«mmtary DUtrtct ldl9al Board UM re~ ot llJa term ol otnee. Uo::i to the board. of ~ 110.,._,., Ult ~· n. ~ appf'Oftd lbe tt1et•s TM llr•YJ"• CU1Mn are IMMM Pat Helmbola Mrved u •&\l•~ lloa ot 1._ B. ·~ ~ oaatraet ot a. hter lie,.-• ft. .._. ...,__.. ot llMntaC a1nr&tt ot ceNmo.n.lee for Ule 7ouacetera. •Meted ctty councllmaa, wu .. ,.._ RoMrt Baier, IMl&l IMf ato .ulda• dlllt&DM ot ..at .,.. phyelcal actlvlUee eiKltloll ot Ule c.pUld. a•...t.tawt•a ....._ wOHJtle t.edler, wbo i.iea.-. lbe _. ,__.., lMClcn.SWa. prorram. Dick IAComb ottered a :_;;~~;;;-;;;;;;;;.,;;;;--~:;1;~=';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::;;;;=;;;;::;;;:riiiiiiii=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3, wutern number on hie (Ultar and • Chrl1 Thllll..troni a&*\C two num· ~ra. Other h1-'hl1""8 included bu· ketbaU play by Ufl7 youaptere, a box!Jl( bout between Richard and J ... J oe l'lore1 and aquue due· ln( to the ceJl1 of Clltt CUrtla. Promenadlnr the equare lnlrie&· clu were Jan rro.t and J1m CUr· tia, Inrrtd Rohn and Jed Buaton, Roxann• Smith and Mike Patrick alld Donna Bolte and JOA C\lrtll. THROWS BIO lft'SBAll-Pupila from Corona del Mar •w Newport Bel.ch firemen UM one of tbe department pumpen to tllJ'ow a blc .tftam of water, u at a ftre, when they visited the' fire hoUM TuMday in the fire lb· 1pection COUJ'lle. "1tey were accompanied by their teach- er, Mrf. M. E. Brownell. -Staff Photo T\lmblfltr. trampoUn. wreetllq, rope cllmblnr and proclucte con- etructed In the cratt lhop under lnetrucUon ,.f Arch Locke wen al90 exhibited b7 the yowipten, ' MILLION DOLLAR MESA COPS FIND MESA FOWL PLAY IS STRICR Y FOR THE BIRDS MAYOi HILL c. ...... ,... ......... to aaeumlnc otflce before Ule vote for ma7or. SUBDIVISION BARED : l"o.,.,J play encased Co1ta Meaa police force lhle week. Mre.. Hm Nld ebe 'WU Yery And u far aa f'lrecttd retldente of the Meaa are concerned, rratitl,ed her ettorta of lb• put It'• 1tr1ctly tor the blrd.s. year had broun&'bl UsJ• ellowmr •ta.rt ot & million dolJ&r deftlop-wU1 add ff new reeidenc .. to the Four complalnt1 have been received about a chicken-kill• of confidence and that abe would 1nent project In Coet& NMa that community wu re..-led here lhu lnr dor. But aJJ eff6rte of police and Pound Muter C. A. conUnue to do all in Mir power ~WLAWNS or old lawne made n"' b)' "°°" vaUnr and ferUUstnr. General 1'&l'd c1Mn up. Har.· 27Pl·J. 30p32 1"ek. Hunnv ln•ntmenl Co. ot to promote tA. beet intereete of 1 Goodon to come up with the cunnlna canine have fa.I.led. Temple _City will be the name the cltJ. under wlUch UM tract will be d.,. "I think It'• a whole pack of poochu," obaerved Police At N&yor RW'• llllSr .. u.on Jay ~ lt7 JJ, v . Hwutaker and Chief Art McKensle. ''Tbere are too mAll7 chlckeNI Involved Stoddard wu named alternate to Ml a, Rlc:llard. tw one hound." tlie mayor to act tor SanJtaUon Tbe propert)' te located between The four pereoN lnvolnd have Hported a total of 41 Dtetrtcte ti.,. and elx. Wlball and Victoria Ste., weet of cb.lckene and two rabbit.au 'ftctinul of Ule dead.17 doS attack&. B4LLO'I' -ULTB Banor BIM. OD-ot the outetand· They &re Uoyd L. J'emandea or ltoe Orance A .... a Mrf. Prenoue to .. c!Mlloa ot mayor Inc community lmprovement• tt Job,n-. on 19th st.. EmMt J. B09e ot JU lle\lla' Aw., .-id abMlltH ba1Jota were oount.d and wW pro.Sele will be utenelon of Robert Snyder of ie. E. 20th St. ~· tlle otndal ~ UUICMac.d. J'orty· Pomona An. trom lte preeent dead ------------------------etpt .._... ballc* Md bMft end at Wu.on It. to Victoria. 1-ued ot Wblda tour tnre not ,... The t5 homu will be 3 and 4 BOYS' CLUB PAGEANT turned and UlrM towid to be with· bedroom•, each wtt.b two b&tha. · out alpaturu. WfUI .UMM vot.u dou1>fe caragea, hardwood floora ' • added Ule otttc:lal count wu: and ahlnrle roofa. Jt la anticipated Bennett *6, lArr)' Berpron Wuted lhe t lrtl houee will be ll.arled Jn MANY e 1310, Wllllam Kinder 267, Ma.cK&y ----G!!5.:.i~~~:;.:;~;._----·· the neat 10 day• and completed . ._ ....... ._ __ ......... ..._-r-27 191 8a_, MIS.U.tottlemeyv Ttl, Hlll 302', within PO day1 accord1nr to Rich· Mre. Kenneth Coolin( 110, Ridder· ------.... .-.-.... ~-.._.~-··+.,.,_~ Mra. Jobn Nett NI, Bir· Mftt. Sale ot the property wu handled ble 1119, Ban.t Broer1n( 1773, by Ollnr Georse, Coil& Meaa real In an hour and a half prorram to benertte of the ncre&Uon&l ta-Wilder 11.e. A. W. SmlUl UH, IO--MIRttllaaeoue for Sale eetate man. Hunlal<er aald that Mfore hundred.s of parenta Harbor clllty by ehowln6 It. actlvltlee L. o. WaJker 311; Stoddard JJTO, property will be lmproYed with Area Boye• Club bo&rd of dlrectore which ranee all• the way from W. G. Perrow uoa. On Ule propoal· paved ltreeta. curbe and aanltary prnented 1~ annual report ln 1Jv. 11port.e to equare dancuic. Uona Ule wt.e wu, tor Ho. 1, "Yu" 1ewere beto~ conatructlon of lnc. breathlnl' form. Dosen11 ot Culmln&Uon of th• prol'r&f'I\ wu 1~. "No" 2111: No. 2, "Tu" homu 11 1tarted. youn~•tera .rave peraonal wltneee 'f'lectlori ot eeven membera of the 21M, "No" lfit: No. a, ''Yea" POWER TOOLS ... lllUnr ubor table aaw, " hp motor with snnder and 12 .. dl.ec aander. 2t" Bandaw, I,\ hp mpllt phue·mo· tor. All t.h• above mounted on .una Porter-Cable 2" Mil aander, 'it hp motor driven pow· er aprayer wlth connec:Uona. AU ln (OOd condition. Some nearly new. P&O. can al 2300 Cl1tt Dr .• Newport S.Cb.. aot ~ ...... !!!H! ! J"LOAT RJ:NTAL for any lltM bo&t -1709 Channel Place, Newport I.eland. Harbor 1117-J. 30tfc •• .......... Beauttful Irvine Terrace Ownu will be out ol cJt.7 tor ON year. ~•Ire• to IU.M nnr home with an oat.etandln~ view ot b9.)' and ocean. Never occupied. Un· *imlebed. U75 mo. REJl"ER- 1£NCl:8. Harbor 4'48. 30tfc Lido Isle l'Urni.hed I bdrnu. a. •IMJ>ln1 porcl'I, 2 'Ii MUia, J yr. le .... S280 per month. Perfect condl· lion Oft utra wide lot. rbR LI.DO Rl:HTAL8, Come to Hl!ADQUARTERS . p. a. palmer incorporated CIVIL DEFENSE MEET SEES HOW AIR RAID . WARNING SYSTEM WORKS . Steps for Survival Outlined Hiii u..-Local Recilstratlon Dlvtalon of SupplJ ot the Stale Of· flee of Clvll Defen.ee wtio will put throu(tl the ~ue.t. for the eyetem and two walk.le taJkl" to the f-4- eral l'Ovemment. It le expec~ the f~nl rovernment wm pa~ one • ~ ~ tlM Mil alld qelelll maaut~turer wW be ln b&lf UM coet. Ule etate and ctty UCbt .ar nM .......... .,.._ .-cl u.. ~ :£ to eurvey t.he ea.ch a quarter. by clYil defeue ta nent of di.. n.. here. ~ommendatlona -..DE8TllUCJ'JOH AaEA aeter wu wltn.-d Non~7 nll'ht wUJ be to by HUI to B. Vernon Allen of the Lido Tout· by civil dtten.. member. and In-M. Wat.on. ~t.ant chJef oS the muter Club epolce on "Jt Could lel'ellted re.Jdente In the clt7 coun- cil chamber. The meeUnr w u the •cond pnenl orcanla&llon meettnr oall- e.d... tiy AAaletant Coordln&lor Ed· CV HUJ who ouUlned Newport Harbor'a ''ten point lnllUr&nce pro. 1'1'1'\" tor clvUJan u well ae mlli· tary cataerophe. 8 vavrv AL 8TEl'8 Hill ur1 .. all Hartlor ttaldent.a t.o eubecnbe Lo the foUowtnr eur· Y1val etepe: 1. Re1"11l« ln civil de- felUle eo the or1anlu.tton can know who each reaident 11 1111d what ha particular qU&llflcaUoae for uele· lance 1n: 2. Check your plan tor 11Urvlval, lncludln( rald elgnale, tOOd, 11r11t aJd and rMto 1ntorm&- tton 1tallona (f40 or U40); 3. 8poneor t. nelfhbor or fr1ei:u9 to • 331, "No". IOl7; No. '· "Yee" 2829. "No" .of; No. II, "T•" 1927, "No'' 171 . Happen Here." He polDt.ed out an H boma. attack on Loe A.nrelee H&rboc would brine total dutruc· Uon to a l~mlle ndlDe, or u tar u 8QnMt Be&cb &nd wou.ld eau.ee HYere beat and bJut ln a ~mUe radlua. "l"IJloQt wm OCC\ll' bere r.- rar.si.. ol wtnd d1rac:tlon," he clalmed. Ja.ck P\lrcell, Wbo aaw action ln Brtta.ln tn World War D pnJ.d Ute orpniaUoll ot 'B11t.18b dYll deleue fOI' ~ pandemCllllwn, lool.IAr and a1d&ne ln euntY&J. "Our local clVfJ detenae mu.et train and rulde for eumval and control ot retu~:· Purcell aaJd. aw vsa Udo ~ Hubot J&OO 30cSI regiAler In ch'll defenee; 4. Pro- v1de youraelf and tunny with an emerrency food k it; 6. F'umllb .;..;,_~_.;.it----_.;.----· yourwlt and family .-1Ul first 1tld IU!LJABL& vuecuUYe Meda 110,· auppllu. e. Mue up a 1n1. .. ""I 000 2nd on "U7 cholc-e n-'31.· kit to Include blanket, f\uhl1ght, 000 proJH!rty. Wlllln1t to pay tO"' first a l<f kit In car and home; 7. lnterMt ll:IO mo. 111 ctue 3-~ Check the home for huardl; 8. yn. Wr1te P. o. Boir' 34f, BaJ. Tue a llnit ald cou.-.e It you have boa I.tland lmmedl•~ly. 30p32 not had one ln the lut two yean1; WANT TO 81:U. your propntr~ Refined lady 'A'\11 rall at your home tor llfl..ln~. l'tlon.e Mn. F111hb1u:k w ith F. J . HOllVA'nf, REALTOR. U~rty WlOl day• or U 8·3989 1rter &p.rn.. 30p32 9. ~ueet traJnlng In a clv11 de- fen11e traJnlnr ,-roup such u po- Uce, ftr!'. power .quadrot1 or oth- ers. and 10. Requeet emerrency wrvlce a11a1rnmenL OEJIOSSntATJON Chuck Olrvln of the Ptldtlc Trl- ephone 1nd Telegnph Co .. Loe An· gelea offlre. ahowfd the 11udlf'nCf how rada1' a.nd &'round obl ervtnt are constanUy watching-for uni· df'nllfle<I craft. The ~II and lJ~t warnlnit sy11. FINlllT PANOftAMJC VIEW tem II activated from cm t ral cnn- ot HU'bor and hltu1de. a bdrm1., 2~ bat.ti., powMr room. laundry, pat.lo, ranee. Future 11tudlo wttla TI-. 1'll.e modu-11 hOUH ndDc«I for quick .. lf-. Your ac-t «Bu. 3716-J, :tOc llola In Paaad~na. An altem11l control 11tallon to be u~d If th: Pu11.d,na atatlon 111 rlutroyed or out of ope,.uon. I• itomewhtre ln Oran«-County. A N!~lver for t he -m1n11 I• In thf Newport Beach poUce dep.rtment. • • I • ~~ -~ ~ . If . HEY· -,KJDPIES ! ·Grand ·tJ(Jfining . SATURDAY .MARCH 26111 . . • t. . . J GRAND PRIZIS LOOlll • mcl SPICIAL GIFTS GRAND AWARDS TO SOME KIDDIES --A FABULOUS TERRI UE GUAIANTllD .FOi UFI DOLL A $25.00 SCHUCO ELECTRIC CAR· preHnted by Dr. Horatio Q. Birdbath who will appear in person from I I •· m. • 2 p. '1'• -Special Gift for each loy and Girt -who resWen la oar hlrtlMll.y dab -otv• by ov UWe hoet-fllt Uada, Kathy a 8aDy Rupave ud ou lttt.e boet. Dave1 lfarsnve. WE WILL· FEATURE FAMOUS TOYS TIUI LEI DOW DINKY TOYS PINGO PRODUCTS VO&UE DOU.S SCHUCO TOYS MANY OTHDS COME JOIN . THE FUN 'T/l 5:30 P-M. & CORONA DEL MAR Oppealt. AD-Amerteell 3101 lent Coast Highway - Numkr one in a stritS: INCOME " •• .-SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO I Here's another way we serve Orange uunty .•• You m2y not rolizc it but Bank of Amerio pays more thao $1,600,000 anoui.lly in salaries and dividends to cmploycs and . ' stockholders living in Orange County. It contributes every day to growth and development of the Orange area. This money buys food, clothing and other necessities from local merchants. It helps pay city and county taxes. Herc is another way that Bank of Amerio serves Orange County. • 1Juttk of Amerim NATIONAL l1~\TN'S~ ASSOCIATION HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS! CRISIS ! BANKING THAT 1s 1u1LD1No cAuF01N1A ••• banking that is building Orange County ----· --· ...__ Perhaps "e have the answer Because we do everything here ANAHllM llANCM IA\IOA llANCH PUUllTON HANCH LAGUNA llACH l•ANCM casa pura. "BERVlCS WITHIN HOURS -WK£:'\ NEEDED" OOllPLETE IAU1'"DEBER8 aad CLEANERS ' ·. uo1 ... c-..._ 6U leo1....._ .... ~ AaM .. •"4 ...._ 2'0 c .. " ~ s-11 0 .1 ........... . ".M.ltelhr.Met. ".H.W.....,,Mp, M.L~Mp. LA MAHA llANCM NIWPOIT llACM llANCM OIANOI llANCH Pl.ACINTIA llAHCM aw ... c.....A- LM.'--.Mer. SAN CUMINTI llANCM '°' ...... c. ....... L.A.wi.e.....-.. ,,_... V1e ll49 ICn ...,.._ ~.... ...... w ... ._.. ,_ A- .... A. Wtf.... .... O.~.Jr~... LM.,_...,..,, SANTA ANA llANCH YOllA UNDA UANOI • • II - ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT BEACH, Jun- Jor Auxiliary, held its luncheon and installation of new officers for~ on Tue&day, March 22 at 12:30 p.m. in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Hoateases were outgoing board membere Mmea. Norman Gamble, Peter Hill, Mor- gan Noble and Hugh Plumb. New officers include: Mrs. Forrest Neal, claa.lrman, who was unable to be present; left to right, Mmee'. Mrs. Ed Chapman Ill, treasurer; Mrs. Jack Broering, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Earl P eterson, first vi ce cbafrman; Mrs. William Ritter. re--------• _ .. carding aecretary; Mra. Roland Lagerlof, liaiaon, and Mrs. Robert-Crowner, second vice chairman. Also on the boai-d are M.mes. Norman Gamble, parliamentarian; Lindaey Youngblood, Dental Clinic; Louis Libbey, Thrift Shop ; Hans Broering, Toy Shop; Dean Bradford, publi· city; Ed Richardson, Women's Exchange; William Ber- tuleit, layettes; Charles Sparkuhl, Hoag Hospital; Wil· Jiam Holstein, property management; Hugh Hutson, Richard's slips; William Lester, welfare; 1.nd Carl Hill- gren Jr., telephone. -SW! Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, MARCH 24, I 955 Betsy Ross to be Summer Bride Mr. and Mrs. Gene Willson Rou, formerly of Weetwood Hills and now of Lldo Isle, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Betsy, t o Philip Brooks McCormick, llOD of Mr. and Mrs. Charle. Ellsworth McCormick ot Dearborn, Michigan. The bride-elect attended Mills college for two yeJra anc1 wsa gradllated from the Uni· 1 Co11190n and her pa~mal (T&nd· vtrttty of Colorado whl're shl' wu J)4lrenta. the late Mr. and Mn. NeJ. a member of K&flpe. Kappa Cam· eon A. Roae, mond to Lo. An· ma. Having taught In Coro~ dd ft lu 1100n after the turn of the Mar, ahe la teecltlng thla ytar ln ~ntury and took acUve part.a 1.n Nf'W London, Conn. the develoP_ment of that city. Betay'a maternal rrandparl'nt.11, Philip waa (T&du&t;ed from the MISS ELIZABETH ANN ROSS the late Mr. and Mra. J ohn M. Unlveretty of Mlchlp.n and bu NEW OFFICERS OF THE ~ISTANCE IZAGUE of Newport Beach ~ WtalJ. ed by Mayor Dora Hill at a meeting held in the Leacue Center. Left to right (ltand· ing) are Mn1. 0. G. Suea, treuurer; Mrs. Edward R. Millett Jr., incoming prnident; Mrs. Roland Wright, retiring preaid~t; Mrs. Lonnie Vincent, recording mecretary. Seated are Mn. Nel80n Neice, fint vice-president; Mn. Arthur Best, corn111ponding secretary; Mrs. Edward J . Brooks, 11eeond vice-president, and Kn. Au 1 t l n Sbute- vant, advisor to the Junior Auxiliary. -Staff Photo · Assistance League Hears Reports, Installs Board ' , Mrs. F~warq Millett Jr. New Presiding Officer On March 15 Mayor Dora Hill installed new officer1 of the Auist&nce League of Newport Beach, an organiza- tion which this put year dispenaed over $20,000 in welfare and community project.. Thia wu brought out u Mrs. Ro- land Wright, retiring president, heard the annual report.I. Attn new ottlcere were inducted eluded fa:nlly Hrvice, H~ Hoe- ahe handed over the gavel lo M.-.. pita!, Harbor AIM Boy•' Club, Olrl Edward R. Mlllell Jr., on, wboee Scout camperahlpa, llCbolanhli-. board wlll be the following: we'Uare and lb• dent.a.I clinic. A'*> Mme.. Neleon Niece, fint vie. lmpreulve wu UI• 22.U O boura pruldent: Edward Brook.a, MCOnd of eervlce gtven In pro,J«:ta. v1ce pru1dent: Lonnie Vln~nl. re-HONORED OUE8T8 cordlnr secretary: Arthur BMt. All UllOCiate, wat&tnlnc and correapondlng ffcretary; O. O. j unJor membera were Invited to Sue ... treuurer; Richard CuUt'. the tea, a lovely 8t. Patrick'• day naUonaJ councU rep,_l&Uv• • atfaJr held at the X.-.U. CWlttr. Roland Wrl.ht, parliamentarian, Amonc the ru•t.a were Mn. Auatln Sturtevant, advaor lo the Edward E . Boudinot. Enclnlt.u, Junior AuxlUary, Dale Ram11ay one (If two life membera of the and Oeorl'• KO&I' 11, delqatea lo Leacue. and Mrw. Wiley Cochran, lbe NaUon&I Aaailt&nce IA&«'"'. a put p~t. Yl.lttlq ben CllAllUO:N fl"om UUno&a. Mra. John Jobrwon w1Jl be chair-Ho.t-weT• Mmu. Dal• man of th• Dent al clinic and Mrw. Ramaey, Kenneth Albrtcbt. Sd· Herbert P9JTLOf the Thrift Shop. &rd BrookJI W o, Buck C. L. Amons otllef'" d\atnnw wW be .. • · • .... m .. J -.. n Boyd •elfare· Mar• Cooper. Oeorse Penney and John -. · ..,... · ' Wet.ter ahall Nledecker. T oy Workahop; ---·---------Edward Broou. way• and mean•; o. o. su-. buqet: Edgar R. Mesa Family HUJ. properllu: Hay Langenheim, pubUclty: Wiiiard KlllJon, hOllJ>I· Mra. Merwin 0,.1,..e, Jlt c.clJ E c Twitch u h P!Jact , Co.ta M.-, le leavtnc Mar. ~aJlty; · · e • ouae; 31 for Fruno to vlail her mot.htr. Harbor House Slates First Fashion Show run. food and tl..lh.lona will be the order ot the evlfting at Ooata Mua'• Harbor ¥oUM thla l'l1da)' nlgbt when beilutlful gtrla .,.....S. IA new •11rtng atyld at Ule rutau· rant'• flr11t fublon ahow ot Ule year. AcUvtUea are elated to pt undu way at I p.m. J'eaturtng door priaee, 11pec:i.al entert.atnment. and the n.-• ln cloth• tor l:allter and 1111rUi.s. Ule llhow wtU be •taced and comma· t&i.d b)' Olona Ficklin~. f&lllUoa Now la,U.. "n.. to lla\'e par FURS RESTYLED I "OH~.!...~ PWow cuee work well u a Ms tor hokUftS ttn• cum•'-wtiu. u..,. p tllroup tll• wuldaS .... cblM. J\111\ put ..... ra1 into .... uc1 tJe UM Ol*l end. RE-LIVE your childhood dre~ms Cruise Down The Mississippi on the "DELTA QUEEN" P'OR COMPLETE INJ'OJUIATION AND RBSERVATIONB SD Coro11 ~el Mir Travel Serwill ......... ., ........ ,...... ... ,...,. "ll'ltl I Joaepb Beell. .cholarabJpe; Row· Mrw. Chariea W1therall. 8he wlll land R. Hodskh\lon. austalJllDI memWnhlp; Leon Yale. party lake lh• two children. PtUWp, I . SANTA ANA RJR CO .. ANY rt nt.18; ForTfft Neal, Junior AWt· and Kathleen. •l1llt monlhl, .lo - lllary rep..-nt&tlve. lbelr (1'1111drnothtr ancS Will be 309 Nortll .... way ...... AM U ,,_, Weltare project. (If boUI Ule gg~o.i~e~t~w~o~w~ee~k&~======~~=====;;=~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ eenlor J.Aac'U• and JW\lor AWi· ; Ulary r • c e l ... • d dlabunement.e under tbe J20,000 total. Tb ... ~· ••• .,,. SPUY IUJOUllT " ... Sta lcoft. Sin Ga~ler W)iite ulf ecaflft on • delic•t.te1tw.d shoe f•brlc. Perfect f .Jiiofi company witl. it's Metchiftq h.ndb.cJ. _______ _......__ ______ --------------------T'l'«?\Uy comple~d a Navy Re--59c 98c • Ill.ti 2l eempetlns can In 1951 Mollllps Eeonemr llun I WIM Grand lweepsbkes fer llOeM *811ht rw I New more than ewer Amerlea'• Ne. I......, w I lll•IWI Clll•HI V-1 ................ TAUi TIP IHIH ..... trWll&ll J SU TM IWPHUUH .. ...,17,4 ..... ,_...,_, Once more, pace·eettiac Studebaker h•• won America'• mo.t COYel'ed s->line economy award ••• the Mobilpil &cooom7 Rua Gnmd ~ 6tan. Trophy I . Over • sruellinc l32S·mil• coww from Loe A~le. to Colondo Sprinp, a 1955 Studebaker Commander V -I took top hooon in s field ol 22 put American can-all equipped with auto- matic tranami19iona. Duplicatea of Studebaker'• Mobllpa Economy Run Swttpetakee winner ere available now at your Studebaker dealer'•· See him ri&ht away I n ..... 1 """" • m 1twn111l·NCU11 _..., • .... • 111•1&111 nu-l• ••mm If -• tlWll JOE NICKEITZ. Local D...., UU \\'. N_,,.,n Bl~ n-a..t1w IH at entl"UIC9 to Udo llef'Ve tour ot duty aa lieutenant C J.J. l on the USS Mancl!Hter ,.. ... ...... &lay wlU return borne the lut Of J une and th• wf'ddln~ will be a mld·llUmmer one al St. And~'• Church. N-,:iort Bach. G•1tdenoft DtWCJ Co. I 17 Main Balboa FREE .. 16 x 20 Seascape. IEE ... Don't Miss .. No obUptloa .. ao pwdlw l*:eravy. Regi8t.er your ume at Martta Funrttare this week whea you vWt the store to . artist Arthur J. Beaubien pe.lntla~ a local IOf'ne Oil a 4' x 6' caavu ha Mu1ia'a whldow • • thJe opportan.lty to Me the artht at work -dOll't mh. this opportualty to reeelve a FREE 18 x 20 panUng . , • AWARD WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT 4:00 p.m.. SATURDAY, MARCH 18&1' OPEN P'ILIDAT E~O Ul\'TIL l:tt P. a I Blue and White and Tout and White 225 .... 17 .. ltt1Mt COLOll CU•D MATCH~ATES by 10.95 KA!eltlHO RAM'DBAO , ... 1'1\11 Fed. tu COsTA MISA • The store wMr. you buy those f •mous EDWARDS Shoes for che1dret1 • .... u 1-2771 ' l • • ) PASE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NE\A.'S-PRESS 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1955 Frankel-Hunt Vows Repeated at CDM Chapel I • ·Double Ring Ceremony For Couple on Sunday White atock and tall candelabra provided setting in Chapel by the Sea on Sunday, March 20, for a two o'clock ceremony which united ~-Jacgueline Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mn. A. A. Robln8on, 16'1?s Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa, and Mr. James M. Frankel, aon. ot Mn. Virgie Frankel, 645 Victoria St., Coat& Meaa. The Rev. Floyd Thompson perform· ed th• double rl~ ae .. mce In which j' centued the bride's table, 1et In tU bride wu given tn keeping by white and allver. Mra. Lyle 1111· h le t th mel'90n. Mu. R. J . Williams and er • P a er. Mn. Phebua uaiJlted in aervlng. Jacqueline wore a ballerina Honored gue~l• were the grand· length princ-sown of pink cry· p&ttnta, Mr. and Mni. J. D. Hunt it&llne allk with l&ce bolero wblcb ot Loa A.qelu. buttoned to the throat. Her pink 'E.S.A. Chapter Fetes Rushees Harflor Eta Sta chap\er ot ltp- •Uon 8111"& Alpha aorortt.7 entn· lalnld rualwu at a It. Patnck • Day ru.aJl party Tbunday ~. March 17 at tll• hn""e ot Jira. Wemer i, Carlaon, -' Oattaa• Place, Coeta Mt'•. Shamrock• carrlad <>ut t.M d~· coraUng Uleme and l'MI'-and 1Mll\bera enjoyt'd an •..W.. c>t ram• and fun to pped wfth a can· t ot tuhlonint' a 1pr1J11 bannt't from a paper plate, tlow.n, toy1 and kJtcben uteuU1. Ratrealunenta wel'9 aen.d by Ule boete.. commltt.H, Mdlnea. Werner J. Carlaon, Bob l"tadbrtck. Sftrett Brace and Don JloCart.ln. Mn. Apaa B&r.W.7, Coat.a Kea. wUl ti. homteu tor ~ Aprtl 1 1 rulb part)' at her Jw>ma. BIG SHAMROCK on comer of the table denotes theme of the St. Patrick'• Day flllh· ion •how and luncheon which wu at.aged by the Catholic Women'• Council u a fUnd raising affair for the proposed Mount Car.nel Pariah School. Watching models dia- play gowns from Lido Fashions are (left to right) Mmes. Victor McLaglen, Bert Feh· ren, Roger Cunningham and Luther Marr. -Don Buah Photo &boulder le~ veil wu held by A navy blue coat drua with pink a tiara ot tulle and pearla and lb• acceuortn and Jardenla coreage ~~awhl~~~~-hl~~~re~m~the~~~~------------------------------------~ a epray ot l'ardenJu. honeymoon, •pent In San Diego. ZONTA GIRL OF MONTH •• IUFFElll Writer · and Friend. . She wu graduated from Newport AUNT A1TEND8 Harbor High School and 111 an em·-----------------------Mra. VlrJU Phebwl, aunt of lhe ployee ot the Pacific Telephone bri<M, wu m&tron ot honor, waa.r. Company. Her huaband waa grad. lng turquolae ta.Itel& with white uated !mm Harbol' High, aerved acceuor:te. and carrylnr a noee-t or two yeera in Korea with the PY of pink carnation-. Armed Force11. IAJ employed by MR. AND MRS. JAMES M. FRANKEL Don Bush Photo Pennies of Junior Ebell to Aid Young Painters D tacoverlng and encoura1lng a rtistic talent are main tuncUon• ot the Federated Junior Women'• Clube .. Penny Art" depart.ment, 1tatewtBe. ll la parUcul1rly 10 of Mra. Thomu Baum, who ta chair· being put forth by Mrs. Don Hay· ton. Mn. Roger Hannaford end Mr1. Baum on ecenery tor a pla.y at a daughter-father function for Brownle troop 6. the play high· lighting lhe Girl Scout annlvt'r· aary. man of the Newport Junlora· Pen· Junior !:bell membeti who have 111 Art a nd who may bl' 11een dur· ~ the J unlora' meettni• puslng done palnllnu Will dllptay lhl'tr her lltUe p.My bl.Ilk among the pictures P'rillay and Saturday. aiembe.1'8 for lhalr art donatlon1. March 2~. 26 in tht windows of the T-. ........ ..... ... I.JI th• .. ,. Departm-t ltore In Ballloa. .....,. ,.... ..... .hllllLlor 1VOfl'laJl'I tbe CJube, So to t.M ltate Penny Art IA reprd to two )'OWll' art· tund a.nd are Wiid to purchAM lltll a t Barbor Hl«ib. Unda Orlf· pa1nUn11 by promal.ng )'OUA( Call· !tth1 and George Moo~. who won t omla arU1t1. Thue picture. art' the Junior E'bell art contut at thtn uaed tor awarda at the Stall' Chriitrnu , It will be o! lnteru t to Junior Women·• CGll\'Ultlon 1(1 know tMlr palntlng1 have bffn on Jiay. )In. Baum ha4,. announced that dllJ)lay al BullO<'k'1 a.nd that thtlr there wllt . bl' a /\rid tnp to the plctun1 ha•e won other awuda 1A1una Bnrh Arl Oellery TUu· aliice they were tint chORn. Mn. day. March 29 Mtmber• who have Baum hoped to have thf'm bacl< not been a bl" to takt' part In pre· 1 vloua field tr1J>1 are particularly tA1 •how t be Junlo1'9 at lbelr lnvlt~ muUng today at Irvine Cout l:&olut •mt tuer artl1try 11 Country Club. Mr. RWIMll Allen, brother-In. Gla.upar CompallJ. law ot th• brldel'l'OOm, 11tood with The couple will realde al 317 hlm a11 beet ma.n. 17th St., Apt. E. Coal& Meaa. Mr11. Kenneth DeU wu organl11t and Mra. Mike Lofl&Tldge aang • ' oh Prom1ee Me .. and nie Lord'• Job1es Assured Prayer. Gueat11 were welcomed at th• f T • t home or th!' bride's parent., when 0 .n p 0 noral decoration• were of atockl In putt! color1. Mra. Roblnaon and San D1·ego Zoo Mrs. Frankel ulll•ted In recelvlnl', the !orme.r wearing a pale blue ahulh with abort bol.ero and matching acceuoriu and the lat· tcr In nevy blue with navy acce .. aorlea. Both wore COrACta of pink camatlo.n1. Thal lnp to San Diego 7Ac> on Saturday la · &1111ured !or Job'• Dauibtua ot Coala Mua Bethel, for they served over 300 at. thl' ham dinner on March 17, even RECEPTION AIDES A three•tlered wedding cake having to tum 3~ bunrry folk CHS Auxiliary Entertained by Laguna Matron ' G/egance ~ine ~urnifure • tn need not be expensive Custom-Made Furniture at Greatly Reduced Prices • Thru •pecial cooperation o! a famous manufactu~r we an able to ma.ke OU. ofCer ! Furniture piece. of unu.ual 11tyle and quality, all custom made with hardwood frames . . . double doweled and double blocked. A eelection of 50 fabric11, colon and patterns to enhance all interion. Theee mpecl&l prices for a limited time only. Wing Back Chair •• 14.tS love Seats ••••• 124.tS Lawson Sofa •... 169.95 Lawson Sectional 198.95 lee oar leleetlo9 of l1ae maple ••• laespellllvel.y prbJd. ARCADE Maple lhop 1750 So. Mal• St. 8uta Aea IN THE ARCADS NEXT TO SEAU IU l..f4M 7'~e CM"" of Y..,.,.,..,. T~ 8en~ of 7'~. r • Miss ·shir.lee Hourigan Honored for Service St., Colt& Mea, were Mi• P eace Kathryne Alvar,a and Mra. Da Limerick Kant olf South.Gate. MJ• Shirlee Hourigan .. dAU1rhter J>f manager, member of the Honor Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hourlga.n Society, member of 8t.udent Court or 414 El Modl'na A vf'!.. r;i:wport team, taklnl the role of Mn. La Beat'h, has been srlected 111 the Rue In the aenlor play, acttnr u Zont& Girl or the Month tor Feb-narrator In the Chri1tm111 play ruary. Shlrle,. Is a ,entor at New-and membt'r1hlp In Tr1 Sigma. port Hai bor High School and wu Mni. R. L. &con ot the Harbor choun bccaus<' or her ouutandtng Zont.a Club prHented Shirlee with 11trvke to tht' !ichoot. good !!porlll· ! ht'r "Z .. pin tut Thurlday. manllhlp. help!ulncM to others. and Umetlck 11 a wt ll known abort .. _ .. story writer, her 1torlea having appee.rtd tor 1everal year1 In lead· Ing magazlnn lhfoughout the country. LEE'·I PHARMACY kmdnua. Ht'r at'llvlllr• a l achoo! a re many. The)' Include membership In the Girls' Athletic Auoclat1on. urvlng 811 G. A. A. Cabmet dance Variety Show of Rea P-TA To clean a badly dlacolond wat· fie Iron, uae a wire brush on the g1 Id• whJle they arc hot. After l"leanlnK, aeuon with a llttll' vtge· table oil. .... Jalu4 IOtlladaeAve. llart.orl188 on Friday JEWELRY FROM ESTATU AYAILAIU If you are seeking Jewelry Items th.t are Scarce Let u1 know ... W • rn.y Buy It For You e lEWELJlY BOUGHT e • • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SH Grocery Depart111ent , .... " APPLE SAUCE ~PECIALS FOR MARCH 24-25-26 Don's Meats FrylDJ 'ftc: CHICKENS ..... " ...... 1i.. 7- LA1MB CHOPS . I~ 6tc ''C'lrdfl K " BACON .... lb. 55c DINER'S CLUI HONORED AT "'(jro'g• S/iop" l>fol Moatf'l 8Ucf.d PEARS . Gloriet&a ftllced PEACHES Bonto IM'ct•- GRAPEFRUIT l...lbby'1 Pf'f!W TOMATOES \·an Camp·a PORK& BEANS All Fla\·o"' JELLO Belt, Croc:Ur • CAKE MIXES ...• llS9UICK Cllldl• O' lllM> Orwa TUNA M••• DJCK'I Green Groceries ,...,...,. Fllf'rtf' 2 25c AVOCADOS . -for iUPEFRu1T . 2 f-23c FM<'7 lt.&Uaa S9UASH M•H---·-• • ~ 1 tc Speclalillftt la Qmlfty ,, ... You Select ••• We Deliver a.. .... , ....... .............. ---. -O.u+W CCJU U f.MCll ••• 21' .......... . ~,..,..._._ THE MARKET IPOT--- 200 MARINI AYENUI IAUOA ISLAND MILESTONE FOR CHILDREN'S SOCIETY-Happy amll~ reflected the emotiona of ,board members and officers of the Childrena'a Home Society of California aa they iooked o~r plans for the proposed remocbling of the· new headquarters at 1505 No. Broadway, Santa Ana. From left to right are Mn. Sam Gendel, .board vice-chairman; Mrs. Art~ur Wade, Mrs. J. H. Riggs, secretary; Mn. WaH1er J. Markell, board mem. ber and chairman of the board, Howard Louden. OCNS Photo KR. AND MRS. EDWARD CHARLES GILL cut tra- cUUonal first slice. -Bernie Alden Photo ST. JAMES FISH FRY IS NEXT WEEK Harbor Folk Nruned to C.H.S. Council Gill-~ieger Vows Spoken ANAHEIM, (OCNS)-Ten prominent Orange County A benefit flah try for the 'tile h · ltee -·---a to 1 f ed annuaJ church summer camp CJ na ave n ~ .erve on a new Y orm local will ~ held Thurld&y, March advisory council to the Children'• Home Society and two .. a1 tn the pariah hall or St. consultants, it wu announced thia week by Manuel Siegel. Jamee Epl1eopal Church, :>:ao Santa Ana, director of the agency in Orange, San Bernardino to 7 :30 p.m. Proceeda will be It was on Sunday, March 20, in a four o'clock candle-usefl for acholuslllps to Camp and Riverside Counties. The aociety w the oldeet and larg'eet light service fu Newport Harbor Lutheran Church with set-Bellows Lodge, formerly Camp private adoption Mrvice In the adopt.Ion Mrvice, hu nlne otftcea ting of white flowers and &&tin ribbona, that Miss Barbara Stevena, at Big Bear La.ke. state. aervin&' every commlialty 1n eau- Joyce B'e d ,., Ed &rd "'-·-) Gill b ed · Tom NortoJl and Harvey Prmdent ot th• council la Bow-tomla. The aa-ency bu ~ al· I ger an a&r. w '"'nae ea exc ang rmga Somerii wtU manage the klt· ard Loudon, publiaher of the .An ... moet 17,000 children for adopUon and vows. The Rev. Robert Gronlund said the words which chen. Mrs. Harvey Somera 11 heJm Bulletin. Vlce-pr.tdent la since lta foundlns ln. Loe Anple1 united the daughter of Mr./.~~ Pnyer. Mr. J . Stanley Farrar wu chairman of the dinner. Mra. Samuel Gendel, ~erton, In 1811. A non-eect.artan aa-ency, Mra. Everett Emeraon Blel'er.~ orpntat. pruid«nt ot th• eoclely'a north It la INPported by prtftte contrt- WHt Coaat Highway, and the 9on &E<JEIVE AT HOME On.nee County chapter and Ion&' buUou and ln Ulla aru reoat•ed Of th• late Mr. and Mn. llic"'--' Two hundred and fl!ty aueata Dom1·n1· Club a volunteer leader Jn the aoclety. much ot lta ttnanclal aupport from ,._. attended th Mn. J. B. R11p, Balboa laland, th• women ot th• 8&A1& A.Ila, Charles Gill of Indiana. e weddlni and recep-civic and pbilaJlthroplc IMder, la n__. ... __ n-.. -"-··-ty, ~_...,.rt Uon, held at the home of the • H }d• ........... ~·-.. v......,.... "--.--Barbara waa ch~ tn her bttda'a parenu. Kim• Marale Tr&-~S O Ing eecreta.ry. • H&tbor and Q&rd.en Grove A.wdlJ. wedc1Jn1 &'Own of white ea.Un with vii, couatn of th• brldf, wu In ·· Other rnamberw of the council, &rt• tt wu reported by Loudon. ru11 lklrt, fitted bodice with yok• charl'• of the au•t book. Lend-F d Sal which wlll help • 1oca.1 ptlosram --· --------- and lonr 11leevu or lue. A aatln lnl' ncepUon aid "(ere Kmea. a 00 e and policy for the p&ralt-counael- cap covered with la.ce he.Id her l'ra.nk Hema.ndea, J'ranJc Mannin•, ln&' and adoption -.ency. are Ev-Detro1·t Couple f'"-rtJp veil and •he wore a MU ft • The Domini Club ot Bt. Joa· arett B&nn1ater Kn. Walter J . -.. ~ ton oxens and the brlde'a , ' H ,.._ • • 8trand or pearls. 1l!t or the aunta Mn Jamee G Tr&vil d chlm I Parl.sh le havtn1 a food Markel, Kn. Yul& oo.re and~. Visits Mes s bridecroom. Her bouquet wae ot Mn. Gayio°rd Norton.' an aaJe Sunday, March 27, to ra.tae Arthur Wade, all ot Banta Ana; an Whit. carnatlona and roaebud1. Special Slfeata Included the money for ~ club treuury. Donald C. Brt~ eo.&a Meea, Kr .and Kn. T . J'. 8cbtts of A1TENDANT8 bride'• uncle and aunt Kr and Put acUvltlea have Included a Jwtce John Sb• and Mra. Martha DetroJ• Klch . ._,.t the weekend ' ' · K, Schumacller Anaheim .. -..-· The bride'• attendant. wore p... Mra. JobJI Blec-r of Buron, 8 . D. anow trip, • roller ekatlng party, Named u ~tan~ to the wttb Kr. and Kn. M. w. Root tel froclca In ballerina length and For tbe IAll Jl"ranclaco honey-a.nd a pl.ua pa.rty. The Domtnl COUDcll were Claufe t>w...a and 6t m Salit.a Ana .\ve., Newport carried 1pray11 or flowel"ll. Mra. moon the J&ew Kra. OIU wore a Club baa also arranged to baby Mac 0 Robb!M, Banta An&. Heiple. They new tn trom De· J•mM Ch&mber1 of Long Beach dreea of •tural raw aUk with alt during the nine o'clock Mau The · eoclety onl atat.wlda trolt March ie. wu ma.tron or honor and Miu navy blue duater,. navy a.cce..or-every Sunday, ao that parent• wtll • Y Xr. Bclmtta enplaned for De· JeanJne Hiit ot BaJceratleld wu 1 .. and wbite rmebur co~e. She be able to parUclpate at M .. With· t.rolt Monday. M.ra. Schnlta estend· brid•am&Jd. WU gnduated from Newport Ba.r-out dJatncUona. F. ch· f I ed bar llt&y, alto vta!Ung her aoo. Mr. Daniel Da.lr oro11 wu beat bior Hifh School and Oranp Cout The Domtnl Club 11 for young ire · le S Kr. and Mn. Dolla!d 8ebntta of· man and uabera were Mr. Jamea College. Her huaband wu &radu-adult. of the parlllll. 18 to 86, m.,.. Ri h Th h Ooet& K-. Chambera ,8'1d Mr. Everett E . Ble-ated from ~&'h 11ehool and a dlee· rled or alngle. The purpoee ta to C er roug ----------- cer Jr., brother of the bride. el eft11neeni a achool, 11 preiienUy promote aoclal acUvltlee under the • 1erv1ns on lhe u. s. s. Clmrna.ron. auaplce• or the cllurch and a.11o Dinner Event Mr9. -Bleger wore navy blue They will make their home at 2938 to lend ald to the parish prie1t.1 ~~~· ~hbu;hi:;ni:~~:~ ~~ Wut Coe.et Btcbway, Apt. 12. whenever ne~ed. ~re Chle! Jan Brt.coe wu the bridegroom, MlllS CUI& Giii and luck.IMt man at the annual dinner Ml11 Kate Giii, were gown~d re· dan':8 ot ~ .Newport Beach Flre- epecUvely In bro3 and maroon men• .Ellatt....held Saturday e"'11nc _.l.U\..J:OM.bud cor ~ -at the Ellu Clubhouae. Not only -w~~w~ Mr. Robert Carr wu aololat dtd be ellp the f lO cub prlui lllto atnglng Because, ali'd The Lord'~ hi.a billfold, but the '3 award u HOME LOANS At Ora"g• Cou"ty'1 LHdi"9 Ho"'• Lendi"9 l"1titution QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE Low · LOW "UDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASl MONTHLY PAYMENTS F·RIElf DL Y SYM,ATHETIC SERVICE WI IUY TlUST OHOS OH WlU LOCATIO HOMU well. Third prize, '61 wmt to BW Thomu. AcUns u muter of ceTemonlee, Ou1 Woodmansee, club pre.tde11t, p~nted H merchandise p~ ._._l"t donated by Harbor merchanta. He a1ao introduced honorary membera and former volunteer member& There were 2~ couple. preeent. OPl.: AN ACCOUNT FOR (J~ FROM LORENZ · 00 LAGUNA A PREn'Y 'COUNTRY COUSIN' Model above ahow1 Alex Colman'• new "Country Coualn" print, the blouee and skirt trimly atfurtng Jritb their ric-rac edging. Bay Department Store in Balboa is show- ing UU. number in rose, blue and violet. Ge11'1t of un"'61ol llrllllaM9 oflCf tlorlty treee •och temltlt.r..i.tont metal Mttillf. Add ._.rtii. to .,our ~flt COltume with thlt tMlnlllt lewelry. FIOERAL SAVIN65 a LOAN ASSOCIATtON LA6UNA BEACH ,._... HY 4-1177 BALTZ MORTUARIES C08TA MllaA CHA.PEL 11•1 8uper1or AYWlue Coeu Neaa. eaw. Ptlone ~Uberty .. 2U1 CH.APEL HY TH.II) UIA MIO C, Cout 8.IYd. Con>q del ...., . Calif. Phone pub«. u LORENZ JIWILDS 1 OJ W. Fem 1• Street u 1-1181 ..,....,... .. .., ............ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E 3 WrtnklM wtu tan out ot a 'NI· THCJRSDA Y, MARCH 2•, 1955 :9 .. ~ 4::'0~ =•.:.:.:': -----,-. ---a few mlnut ... When It i. dry, C·OaSt ~rtl•StS In the coneervattn .-t• color llpUy bruah the nap ot tbe tallrlo n (t'OUp &re Ra Brandt_. with ftilee Upward. atart m; Joan lntns (Mn. Rez -----------in Display at· Orange Show Brandt) with Beadlcomtaen. La Jolla; Mni. Kathertne Kncm, wltb I Ouaca From the H•!&bU. ud Leonard Scheu ot' Latuna BNcJa with TWiJliht tn Ule Motlloer Lode. lli South Coast artJ11u were Sc,heu aao bu a conservaUn on. ,..preaeAted In tho pan.orama of The Ghlradelll Ruin, Homttoa. :',7' .. modern and i;opaervatlve art ln In the IC\&lplure eecUon are ..__. D--"-• 1•~ the All.C.llromta abow held In • .-ww•Y --- conjunction wtth the fOth a:-inual ~onard J. Kaplan witll SM Maid· .t•O.t Jr. Coa41 Br .• COJ"OftG I.el;•• National Ora.n1e ahow now bctn&' en and O.Or&'• Meldrum, ~ Barbor 5011. held In San Bernardino. a modern. Build it, peint It, peper it: "-"'mer it • • • cement it, clffn it, Mn it, put. it ••• whet. ever .the do-it-yotlnelf fob you're plennint we've got the tools end metWiels to help you do the job betterf Come in. WE ARE OPEi ALL DAY SUIDAY! Bring in Your Sunday Paint Problems COMPLETE ·LINE FULLER PAINTS DOING SOME PLUMBING? We have the Harbor Aree'a moat complete aeledion of 9•lv~nf1eCf pipe •nd fittings. Also complete thre•din9 & pipe cutting f•cilitiea WE CUT AND THREAD PIPE WHIU YOU WAIT! ... den & floor poll ... •r••,_ r.t . SAKRETE, ready mix cemellf-1..t acid water bright new color for faded fabrics at your fingertips! Uf u,ll•ll•t Cllller- 1~ .. '*'" 25c ... 1 pl) RENEWS COLOI BEAUTY OF FADED, SOILED, DINGY FABRICS AT THE TOUCH OF YOUR FINIEl rfilj IOfA DIAnllll ~~ CANVAS fUIHnVll CAI INTlllOI a A...... a COHYll11M '°' .. .... 100'1.,, --- Faded chain, eofu, draperies and other po1seasion1 •low •rain with FABSPRA Y It'• not a paint.. tint or d~t ... lt'a a plutic ruln·b&M mineral epra1 that wi.11 not 11tftfen t.uture or blot out pattern1 . Coven 1ain1, faded 1treak.a, wate.r epota (accordin• to color atlectlon). Protecta against wear.'w&tef. 1un-fadinr . Ea11 to appJ7, economical too ... MN91 f#r#1•l/1016• «>II of ""i>bol11.n.1. For beaut1 on a bud•et ~ FABSPRAY todaJ. 14 Declrltlr Colon For R1"-1 lillft1 tMtlAlO «U• • DUltT can • SHctwooo GllUll • •OTAl IWI llACI( • ~ • TM • SllYO oan • WUIOtWOOO aw •to • llOMI • nuow • 1111n • °""" 11oec ~ 0'11M Fal-" Melt Frtda1 lt:IO p. m. Claa.uel I AL FOR GIT HA•DWARI 2205 W: laltoa llYd. Newport 11_. WI CMYI l&H HDN nAMPS NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRESS -THURSDAY, MARCH 2( IM! ., •• o ••••• , W1TH SALLI~ '-rt. beUer to pve $llu to recehe I" 'l"llulm Folger'• ()effee, Lmr'• (.weheo. ..... &raft'• Cb-. Jflft7 lloore'• Dre11bs. lle&la'• 8'aek Hawk ...... Todd'• b a.m, Jlllk ... Clloeollte, ....,. lcedder'• ••J'oa .. atae ud N• Ab-ud Broob flmor- IM._. ... Md Batter 'l'elfte N• Amerleaa Coeky ......, Dwtc!la Cook· ...... ,_ ,....atiq -to p chutac oar ..... Blrtllda1 Velebna&oa • • • Tlau.D .a. to Joe llU'Ua Md Dwtabt . W•ver, tbe awpee&he .._. of ov ....., ... .,..,... .. 4000 CUPI of Folpr'1 cof. fee wen enjoyed by thoee who atopped at oqr HOlteM Booth for a Coffee Break dur-IU their lbopptna •.• On ~ a&y we cut our 100 pond four tier Birthday cake and •rved 1311 plecee • . . In ad- dition we MrYed 480 more • ._~, cake enthuaiuta from 5 large lbeet callee . . . Of the 9000 wbo umpled Bacon and Smoky LlD.b from the Rath Blackhawk lady'• tray, a ton bought ••. eorry, I mean they boQsbt & ton of bacon. they W9l'e 10 thrilled with the l\l• perior quality ... A.1ao 3000 .Klnf'~ 8COOJ>9 of Todd'• Ice Cream in paper C\1119 :2cslied the cool.: ing effect. n when lhop-Jllnc under auch warming COD• attiOna • . . Todd'1 Milk and Chocolate Milk too, whetted whl8tlea to the tune of 90 pl-'ll'.JQlll~ Jou worth ... Wow! Did we Ii" out the eat.I! ~ ......... To me, the moet udt- 111& pleae of -U.S to be Slttf ,...,.. ...... • .... , -~I.-. , ..... ..-. ._ .... __ ... _., ........... . nim ............. .. ...................... tt .. . . • 8lft bpt'>er fw ....... , ........ ~ ----..at.1 ......... ,... .. ,lt.p..eoda,f .... ~ ~ 1 eap -.pr, u.e. add ........ 8eadder'1 1 cap wa&er ~-....... Beat ••• IWle a& l50 ••• la .. ,. .. ll-40 , ...... .. ...., t0-50 ... .... pod eatl11 • () 4\ B •-•~ or 8low9 1 l\e SUGAR .. . i11. u- .....,.. ...... a-. lWMI 'lee: DRESSING . . ... :L 1.1- o.i. ftVIT 1 Ge: eOCKT AIL ·····-···!!. 1- ....,. U.. 8TKAWJIE-Y 'IGc PRESERVES .. . !! £J- $;i6tiirr12:! 25c A.....a. ... t)' 33c EUO RONI ...... !!. utra ,,... produce .,._ toUA -0.,.... • .., 1,_..r ~om.,ar- CABBAGE 8 .. J*J, Navel ORANGES .,..., .... "1pe , , I : I • ,, A hearty ~b ~ • .~ •Hy those Dsted below._ for m¥tna our 7~ Blrll~' Sale such a grand success; and . congratulalfoas. ·. "( . . to •" the 659 prize Winners . e LIDO UIO ... ·~-·~..,...._ e DOllOl'llY IO DAX~ nmN09 ".I. De~~ o/ IM,.,._, 001/ ..... •a••lal'• CO·FFEE ·~·93c e WOOD~ PIAXO 00. · • O&UfG& oo.A.ft qer1acw 'RIO -. •am ~ " «>or• ktfw' Dut-pld BUTTER ~. 59c •&Tri-mu. ..... • llDlllJl'r IOllM e TINm'l'OWN e TODD'S DAlllY eroLOD'8~ "loft QtloMlJf 'aofol ,...,.. .. ltleeaesl'aclal TISSUE ..-.~ ...... Zee WAXED 1 ftc PAPER __ ····-··-·····•11· 7- L~-~~=·····-·······! 37c N-Low ,..,._ ALL ')'Je DETERGENT .... :. .J.J- PiiiEX ······-······· . .-n 1Jc u.uws~ 21c ¥ANO ·····--·-··..-rt uee...,. 2 23c AJAX ......... :! tor ' ..... fooch ~ ... :=:37c Dele'e Delle!-HAWAIIAN 27c FRUIT-·················-~--.!.~ alek.-_, 8-TUNA 5ne DINNERS ............... !!. 7- w ... O&API: 2 31 c JUICE ........ _ .. ! IM TUiKITTiis.:. 23c IUellaorr• I na.... 5ae ICE MILK ........ ~ ,,- 'l'llUUDAY CUP CAKES 6 ,., 26c DiNNn ROLLS _.~, .. 14c FJUDAY MERINGUE PIE _ ............. 5Jc .. HNt Tr.& llOT 6 27c CROSS IUNS -··. ... for ·I e HOLLY 8UOU • 0 • B SUGAa e LULll: llALT LENTEN IDEA Macaroni and Cheese Ca.uerole ......... CH'EisL~! 2 ... 23c New -PUIMu'7 CINNAJION 23C ROLLS ....................... :.!: ,,_ fer c.M:tq TILLAMOOK 55c CHEESE .............. . Jerry Koore'1 Spked Salad Dre.lD& made dunk blltory when 'mixed w l t b cr.m cbee11e .•. Thia deUcloua new dr-.ina with the ketcllup- bleu-Cbeelie combination la the brain food of one of our local boya ••• Hit on the draaing about 5 ye&n ago, while p\l.1'9\lin& hia favorite TOMATOES t2oa. coUo 19c 84TVUA1' .,.......,.. 3 25c COFFEE CAKE .......... ,., . bobby ... cooiin1. I ....................... .. .. dre •• , • .. I _.w ... I& tooll labll ftve ,... to perht u.e ndpe, 90 tlila& It WMld bli9&e U• ac&q Ike tbe ,,... .... .. , be ....... OW1l ~ .•. .lmtlbw&U aao be pa& .... f ..... ue '•& om die market . • • 1111 ............... food I ...,. too! Adda a daant- ,.... &Mte to baaabarsen .,. Mt dopl •.. ••pt,.. .. • • • I& Mio .I08I good wltai lettace. flllCllve ucl ro-...-... "I'iAI •J>rin& ! Thia yean crop of beach towei. are gayer I than ever on our Mesa.nine .. The Euter Bunny i• juat 1 around the oorner, but he left I a group of bia UtUe friend.I up there for Euter giving . . , The fint com on the cob bu made tta appearance ... Al'• \Mil'~ corn on the cob with the I munch that .tnp all the way l down! ~=.;:ri:-:..~ I ... .,, .. ~ .... ..._la ov fnilt 1oMJ for • ~~ .. ldd9 ••• , ..... ta. ... I ner to tile edee of ev ..,.. ..... , ....... . .... _ ....... .. llowl'" We flMl;J fit•I tllle.rtPt-. .......... -.-.. .•. IM.-'tl ........ ,.. ......... .. .......... _...,. ... .. .............. ., lllaTer..I LENTEN IDEA Baked or Broiled Filh Richard' Lido M&rlret II the Grocery Store a.moos the 1Jdo 8bo1>9, located at the en- trance to Lido ble. Newport Beach, California. .. SPEVIAL8 FOR llAR. M_ ~ ...S te. 1850 1 • \ S.. our complete lin• of PYID OVENWAIE .. • =·..,_ LA vii CAKE ___ . __ _. 97c " ~-Owll CARROi' 2ac SALAD .......................... ~!: 7 choice .-11ty meats .. .. ,.hqM4 ~ areew ,._y,. *~ .. u. 8. CIM6ce ...... 89c P'TERHOUSE lb. . . .. T_,.,. ... r.a •I n..r"' u. s. a-lee It .. 89c T-BONES . lb . "A r.~....,.zr. V.l.CIMloe . 79c RIB ROAST lb. .. ,..... .. ~ ..... ,....... ........ ,,.,,..,, • hltr• 81' ... 65c CORNED BEEi lb. . . ........ 11'11°tl•te=Ma ... . ' . . ·ALWAY& A ClB.UIP -Wu Bob 11.athlu, left, at leut to h1a high .chool coach, Vir· sil' JacboD, right. Jaclalon. now a reaident of· Newport Beach, WU largely ?MpOD&ible for llathiu entering decathlon competition which carried him to a pair of Olympic champlonahlpa. The above picture wu taken at the St:&te meet when Mathl.u wu 17. It wu after thW that Mathiu .uceeuively won the decathlon at the Puadena Gamee, Olympic Triala and in the 1948 London Olympic Gamee in bia fiJ"llt three decathlon entriea. COACH Of GREATEST ATHLETE IN WORLD LIVES IN NEWPORT BEACH Ylrtll Jackson Respolll•le for lob Mathias Entering Decathlon ace hlmeelt than UM combined to- tal of all the eleftnl Tu.Jan play- ed. Dllplle hi.I lack Of experience, th• on• MUOD K&lhlae -t out tor tootblll at 8lanfonl, be rated U anyone Jmowe what ca\Uled Bob llathiu to become u one ot the top tuUbecb In th• the peat.Mt athlete in the world. it la Virgil M. Jaclulon of country. OOUU> u no Phte Shell Stock Soars , Due to Win ., ID&T TBOlll'80N It _.... Jmt a UtU. ridleWoua to write aboUt ftYe 10'IQC lllUl, ~ from ltO lti.. up, and C9lJSD&' It a "Cinderella 1tory, .. bu& t.bat'• juet about t.be ._ ot IL To wtt: On.np Cout eou...-crew .tock went etralltlt up after a Pirate fOUl'-OU'ld Uell wtt.b COX• ewa1.n defeat.cl Western &print.a daamplona a-Dteo Rowtns Club qw th• Ban Jlleru'• ~ OOW'M Karch lt. The C>rana'9 Oout four, In th.tr tlnt race of t.be MUoa. OOTered the 2000 meter Coronado lal&nd Cblnnel coune In T m. JI 1. to tbUlb ,pearl}' two llftl'tha ah-S of the 8DRC llbel. nUT -.VAL L088 The def•t WU t.be ftnl t.b&t th• San -Dteco Club Md taken In four yeara of ~ty co111petJUon qainat such tame u Stanford, Callfomt.a. UCLA and U80. Lut Kay In the ~Uc •W..t.em Sprint.a Reptta at Newpart: the Border Ctty qutntet outltroked ONcon State In th• four oered champlonllblpe to win their d1ril- lon. The wlnnlna' Pirate Cl'9W In· eluded Graham atbbonl rowtnc bow oer, Dtck Jol"dan In number two poaUon, Ted J.tfvl• In number three, l'rank Beall at etroke and Bobby OhiMUn at COX• swain. • SEOOND roua TlllaD J.. eecoad OCC four flnllhed Wrd, ...... a~-.U.. back of the Ban Dteco llbell, and .,,,.. manned by Jwry Bandtck, Andy Martin. Tom Plett.a, Rod Norton and co:a'n J..1 ll&ker. ltonday attemoon followtnc their WMkend wtn. the Plrata ioower1 took a day ott from work· out.a to take O'Hr t.belr JOO ft. ocean trontace 1Ylnc aa.t... the Oraqe &mptre· a. kout Bue and th• Balboa Bay Club on Cout Hl&'hway. The )and wu leued to Cout by th• C>raq'9 County Board ot Supenteon Jut eprtnc. Three tanta ..... enctad to 1touae the two etcbt oared llMllll and the on• four that an now owlMd by the Buca. 8AJlf l'DllO !IDT OD&ch Paul -.pt.l.lt.e wtD tu• tbe Coeta x-... to San Pedro April I for twr tint tute of .ipt OMW4 omapettuon, Pinc e.calmt the U'llt•••U~ ot llout.IMm Callfomla. Tbe Plrat. wtll row two •h•Ua wtth both the uec ....,.. .tty and ja,.._ 1512 Tmtttn Ave.. Newport Heigh ta. The strapping, friendly ''Could be pa., profeeelonal Jacbon wu Mathiu' f ootball and track coach at Tulare football T T..... Jaekeon Mid. "U Rl•b School Nor la it bard to get Jaclalon started on h1a Robert eoea Into pro tootblll an.er •-. • · , be .. ta out of the Kann-. and -------------faYOrite M&bject.. COJM. In Bob• ftr'lt dec&Ul1on U..y cl'+'• blm Um• to l'9CCJWI', he'll "l nm~~ tbe '*that competsuoa. -1n the ~ IDU• t.be lftde. H•'• ~.a eat HarL-r __ •-w .•• Jtobert mlpt bl a dec&tb1oll man GalDlil la U -~ ....-eel • dlt-... UV .. 1• eintnrat~tnidl...tM~~-~ ~~ ._....,_,, aa•llHa..,.,.. I __.Ip Pwt.arriUe In .tMT wbea be wu a «o.--....... p.-.nOGa ._ 1--K&UU.. could beeOllM •llMt a •• amp •••• Jlln.lor," JaclUloe ae•.i.d. "'Be* Bla TWare towiwpeople cblpped In prol_.Oll&I rolf• _. a..ball ... entered In UM b1P b\&l'dleS, to eend their 11-,--ild hero to pl&,.r. -Wit.It Ida cr••ltftc:etionl.. Play la-' WeeL ebot and dl.leUa our htp Jamper t.be National AJ..U claampl~,. t.be a-eoeela COllftded. "I t.a M ., a -.m't there. llomebody ~ ud Olymplc trtala at •loom«Wd. oouJ4 beeome a ~ pa.,. ed. 'Why not m ur Kathlu!' I N. J . He captiuecft.be trtala, com· wtth a ~· traanbal'·" 11.aUdu llartMlr ao,.' aaai C. Dud J: sot clearu.ce from tM other peUnc In a downpour ol nm. ltarWd 1*71aS pit ....,Uy wtlile buketllallen nclled up dlamptoa eoadel. aacl ftoblrt won It at I And tM 1'a1an hl&tl 8Cbool boJ, at atmord and IMt ta tM low baDOn tar ... ~ ODua· ft.. 1 la." Ill hi. Wrd deoathlon competJtioa, 10L ty Bo,... aa. u t.be)' ..-d up Cilt1AL QUDY beeame tM world'• claampicm \ID• J~ -tl•td that a the 1JM-66 -1ut ...._ Tbe One cSa,y Jacuon uked Kathlu. der ~ rainy condSUou In duaPtar ... i.. to KaUaLu and 0 team (U-lJ ,_,. olda> def-1· -aow would you like to ent.w 4--UM Olympk:a at Lo1ldom. Dlctud. hie wtfe x.&i.a la M.-c)' ao.pttal ed Natkmal City 6141. b.arwJ •t.bloD compeUUon tn '411" You uk Jacbon. "What made at ... D6eto Wed1Meda7 ... Oddly ~ and Juaiol' ~ ICOl'ed "Whal " It T" Mathlaa uked.. Kathluf" enourh, that wu the bo9pltal IT ud a pomta ....,...,..,, Tbe "l know lt'• ten event.I," Jack-AJIPL& 9llLUION8 Robert waa acMdulecl to be born o cJU (10-11 ~ Olde) -t llOll "plied. "bul I'm not eure .. l'\nlt, hi.I cn&t Ood-clnn uo-In. Tbe Kath1aa tun.117 JllOY9d to to aan Diep tMt 8&tardaJ to Which they an." lly. Then, bel.nc a moddt. unu-Tlalare trom San Dtep 1'.t before come bame wtth a »M cladlk"L Jaekaon told Kathlal b• coWd IWll1nl' likable kid. be could t&JI• b.la lllrt.b." am ~ ICOl'ed ... po&nt.1 .tart wOTklnc on th• neotl, .. ~-And ther. _... a tltrce Bob Mathlu and Jadmce 1ut and BUI Tw11t. Ron PaWerrl and It be liked It. then atte.r four yean compelltln deelre In him maktn1 rot toS'fther when HoU7WOOd WU Buta VIMyard Mell ,.,,,.,.CS ta collt'S•, whO knoW1, "JOU mlpt him better under compeuli.on.·• abootlnc Tbe Bob Katha.. Story. fOUI'. A total ot 11 boy'l ecored tor make the 01,Yce In 1962!" Thia JacUc>n lau(bed. remembeftn&'. But the connectlon ~n &th· Barbor and 111&w acUo11. to the boy w1'o went OD to become "He h~ a heck of a Ume lea.nltnc let. and coach la lalltaC· JlmmJ, &'a ICDOll WDf two-tJme O\ymple D •c al h 1 on to pole null." B• told ure ltory. K&thlaa' youn,... brother, ta an T)ia ll team (l·t ,_,. oidll dlamplon. M.athiu had n..,v competed In aWete at Ocddent&L Weeke.ndl. edpd C&rlabad u Jim eurt.11 .. . . . .. ' . • THE SPOR \ Jt•a always intel"elting to find out why one man suc- ceeda, another f&Ua. Why certain people ri8e to heroic pro- portiona in the face of danger and othera turn tail and nm. And why guya like Willie Maya. Otto Graham, BW Ruuell and Bob Mathiu become the great athlete. th~y are. HAROR IOYS' IASDALL MEET MONDAY NIGHT An orpntaatlon meetlnr tor the ltM Harbor Boya' Club-- Newport Harbor Hlrh Recrea· lion Department 1ummer bue· ball procnm wUl be held Mon- day nlctit itt T:SO p.m. at the Harbor Boya' Club. All per.one lntereated In helpl.nc the prol"am through coaching, umprllng or othf'r meana ani requeeted to attend the meet1n1. Lut eeuon 37 volunteer coachu aided Boys' Club and Recreation worken In conducUnr three buebAll learuee for 608 boy• from the • Harbor Area and Coata Mesa. I can't epe&k· for 14&.'1'1, Or&- b&m and RUMell. But 8irice talk· Inc to VVsU Jacklon ot 112 TUa- tln An., I can pretty well aun up th• euceeae and coure.c• In lb• world'• 1.-t .. t athlete -Kath· lu. Jacluon wu Bob'• football and track coach at '.I'Ula" HJp School and wu oloeely ueoclated with the factore that carried Mathlu to Olymptc decatblon UU.. In the '48 and '62 Gamet. ONLY Tiii: Barr Hhat made M.atblaa the world'• l'fUtfft athlete! J acklon MIJnl It up In three lipltlcant remarkl. 1. God·&'IVen ability. 2. Accept- ance of advice. 3. A fierce com- Pt"tlUve desire. I'm willlnc to ro along wilh thoae lleni1 u the requialte al.lo for 1ucce11 In life tllld courage In the !ace of adver- 1lty, whether In sport.a or any otht'r endeevor. And do you doubt Mathlu rat.toe the accolade or "world'• rreat- eat ?" Then juat take a gander al Plana for the expanded 196:1 profT&JTI will be dlKuued and the echedule of tryout., prac- tice• and league duration• wlll be decided at the meetln. Com- mltteee are aJllO elated to ~ port on winter acUvtUea ln- cludlnr : additional Ughll at Coata Me• Park; taking care of addlUonal player• this aum- mer; added bluball parka; a vaned echedule anowlng "A" lea&'Uere to receive more train· lnr; the poulblllty of ault- tnr up all "B" lef.gue playen and a maximum age for "C" leacue player•. • what • decathlon champ hu to muter -ten event. which run the entire track and field pmut: the 100 mrtere, b!'03d jump, lhot put, high jump, 400 meten1. 110 meter• hurdlt>s, di1c1111, pole vault, javelin and 11~00 meters. I 'm 1>00P· ed. TIE TILT Tars Held to 2-2 Deadlock By Excelsior Jim Newkirk chucked out.al&nd- lnl' ball tor nine 1nnlnJ• al Ex· celllor HJ1h Monday aftA:rnoon, but beat he could ret credit tor wu a 2-2 tie tor the Ta.r nine. lt wu h i• aecond aucce•lve full- len&'lh 10 of the but'ball practice MatlOI\. The 8Wlffl Le&f:ue aeuon open. for Coach Emil Nevne'1 Harbor Hip V&r'llly t~ thll afternoon ..... \Ille ~ BMc.b Oil· -...... A!tb ..... ..,,,..... a --IO praedce record of Ulne wm.. two 1-and one tlf', terrific cbucklnr perfonnancu by New- kirk and BUI Wetul In the lul thne tray• put the Tare ri&'hl In the thick of the pennenl chue. Wet.Ml'1 win wu a eenullonal 1--0 ~hitter t.o.ed •1aln1t Long S..Ch Poly. PAUL PASTSB nuPLE Monday, the Tan anagired their pair of talllu right off the bat. rll'll Sacker Peul LoH.nt.aen baah- ed out a lead off triple, Second ladl.r Lee P'laher and Short11top Dennie P'lt&palrlck •trolled lo load the cu.hlona, and Wetul 1muhed UM talllee acrou with a alnglf'. Wherf'upon riv.I Pitcher Ellllon put on the braku and ahut the local larn.1pet11 out ttat of the way. Excet.lor came up with al ngle .coru In the MCOnd frame on " hit batter and a ain4le, and In the .... nth on two walk.a and • alngle. In all. Newkirk tannf'd 10 battl'ra and pye up thrt:e blnglu. Thf' cont.at wu called at the f'nd or the ninth on acxount of darkJ\Mu1. 10:"8 GOT WEAKNESS'!' Mathlu' major weakneae, Jack- eon &aid, wos hl11 refusal to rut betwren f'Vents wh•n the 17-year- old decided to enter decathlon competition. "I'd flnd him taklnc a high jump, then n.innlnr over to take a broed jump and maybe tossing the ahot on the way back to the high jump pit," hie one time coach rt'Vealed. "Look." Jack80n told Malhlaa, "tal<e the event.a one at a lime. In between ~m. go eomf' plllC41 and die. At the Olympic•. the lhlng that amued the 11porta writ- ers a.bout Robert wu ha ability appart'ntly to fall u lttp betwun c:IKathlon event.a." GOTTA HAVE Ot1T8 In Olhf'r colum"-nf tod1y'1 Harbor aporta p&«e, you'll read how Malh1as o•uca.mf' hit lllck of pole vaulllng technique by juat plain nrWlll to 1top try1nl'. J\\ck- eon admJt. he aeldom watched Bob pole vault. Maybe becauae of knowing It wu not llk lU carrytn1 Mathia.a' body over the bar, but aheer compeUtlve &'Ull . And tor another lnal(ht to .the conllnual practice that ~a l.nto maklnc a •port• champion, Mra. Jackaon told me how Mathlu would u. I.a Md ~ • ~ ~ wp towuel tllle ...... ..,,... 1hould have aeat ~ amount ot plll1tcr Robert knocked ott the celllnc!" ahe 11id. PROl'D ACOOllPU8IDIENT Jackaon al.lo coached another Olympic champ. That wu Sam lnt'ae, po1MPOr ot the 1912 OIJm· pie di.cu.to record Ml 1t ffelajnkl with a tou of 180 ft. e.16 ln. In ·~. lnnt!ll aet the American ree- ord of 190 ft. 7 /I ln. But CSI you blamt' Jack.aon for being m .. t proud of the fact that he wu the coach of Robert M•lh· 1111. world'• gnateet Alb.let•! Mesa AllOll Try? But that wu tM lt&rt of IL lM e'NDL J'lnaUy four daya M-JlmmJ often eomee to Newport pumped Ul.ro\IP lO polnta and Jacluon wrote to the Nation.al ton the PuactU:. o.m., Bob e.cll and workl out at t.be htp Urlrd Jf&der Rudy Vfft pott.d A.AU tw u.e decathlon econnr c..-YaulUd t ft. • tn. Jackmft told ecboOl. .. tune potsatena trom Jack-elJL,,.. otlMr two po&all cam• u Me. "Oil Konda7a and Tueeda.Ya. him b• had the techniqu. -VU.ht. eon on dlecua technique. one of CarleMd'• crew lo9t. bl• -wortleel on the ext.ta ncu.•• In the Pu.dena Gunee, Mathlu' And then la J.a-'1 10UllS d1ncUon &Dd ICOl'ed for UM Mcall. ------------- A po11Slble attf'mpt at IU'1IOn wu r~po• led to Costa Mell& police by E:va Cuater of 2.4 lA Co11t.a ..... St. She told lll•eellga.tln1 offltel'I a burnln.c white candle wa• found ag1ln11t the beck door al approxl· mAti-ly I p.m. Thurllday. 1t htt eon hsd not notlcf'd the light. lhe aa.111, the candle mlcht have caueed a tln. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 • PA&E I THURSO+Y. MARCH 24, 1955· HARIOR ,o~ MISA NINI PIEPS FO{ CLASS C CLUI Tbe MM& Merchant.a bill club t&JIH on Ule Loa Anrelee J:acle1 at Liou J'leld here Bwlday, It wu announced by B\Wae .. Kana&'~f J:d Lane. Then come the pro teama. April S, Lane •Id, a claah 11 echeduled between the Mtr· chute and the Bol.le, Idaho Clue C nine. Kanapr of the Botae boy1 te Lou Strlnrer. lonr lime Infield Illar tn the Pacific Cout League. Pltllilam Sets Stick Record Sophomore apetdater Dave Prid- ham bettered the Orange Cout Coller• 220 low hurdle• 1chool record March 18, at Costa Meaa and then won the 120 highl for good measure 11 Puadena City Collere piled up enourh of a lead ln the remaining runnlnr event• to down the Plralea 72-00 In a nonconrerence dual on the Cout oval. Pridham'• 26 flat clock.1n1 In the low• clipped a tenth of a eec- ond off ot Dick Burna' l~ .ecbool 11tandan:I of 26.1. The two hurdle• win. were the only Orange Coaat vlctorlee In the Individual running event.I, although a •UfJ>rlatn1 mile relay QU&rtet of Ron Wlnterbum , Stan Weaver, Ala.n Hatch and Joe Gogglrui picked up a 3 :39.3 vlc· tory. Coa ch Hueeton Hatpt'r'I weight- men a.nd jumper• won three tlret place. and tied for another In five field eventa, but the YlalUng Lan- cers' depth made the difference. Gary John.Ion lo.ad the ehot 48 tt .. 6 In., ht. t>Ht of th• year, and Nellon VIMI turned In a l2t fl. 2 ~ tn. dllCua heave for an- other Pirate win. Jack Kennedy vaulted 11-41 for top bonore and Wlnterbum ended In a three way Ue for first ln the hip Jump at 6-11. .... .... AT llllYNICI .• •• yeu, fG" en••• wo••••• WALL• Me..tiil• .. , ....... 41" ,...... ... • co1111ioi_I.., of ,.,f..-.4 hor41Me<41 .,.41 _,,., 4114..,... ty;.t of t.oe•" ohell 11tec• .... ffteh, ban ... ell lt1tlat1"y I ..... cho ...... le withcwl ... lh , - .. teol• of .. ., ll114I. l_.. 41ec- .,_, -•..,41 *-IM" ..... ..,_, .. ,..., ..... .__ ...., ,... .,_, ................ .. ....... -................ .... • ... •t<. .... ,. w .. ,., ...... _ ......... _ e-·....----·-.... ., .......... BOYD HARDWARE POI ANY CAI .................. .,. ....... U>e es-eoeela related. "On Wedn-tint pole null compeUtloa. be eon. He wu bona 1n ~-The Afta' tut Saturday'• pm-. da7 and Tbunday, Robert tnlned took flral UtUnc hi.I mipty bodJ' at.tmdlnJ pllY*lan wu Robert'• local playerl -t to the San ,_ Illa resWar eYentl." onr th• b..r-at 11 tt.. I lA. f&Uler. 1b• daU ol Mith T J'eb. l 1. Dtep soo ~Uon wu pro- llS WAa IN Jack.Ion'• tlm ~uon Of "J:leftn," mUMd Jacboa, "ll Rob-Ttded by' pr1Y&t.e care of Georre And .. 14danlJ, J.U-,.used K&Wu wa. u a 11-yeaM>ld too~ ert'• h1P ecbool number ~ l'nldtllnC. BUI TwS.t. Kn. 8ftfl Ute bop wu la. "SYeD t&kiJlc hie ball pia}'er at TUiare. Aa a Junior, bae llnce bMll "tired at 1'1Jan. Brockm&n and Rod KacMllllan IDlnlmum elforte. J. .... ab&e to Jackeon played Bob at wtnpack. Alld the boJ'• -.met Olea Kath· 80'1'8 WllO WJC!lfT J.. ti.re of acrap lumber and truh which pt out of control Thun- day mo~ behind 2U Palmer at., Ooet& Ken. waa ut1ngu1Ahed MARCH MOTOR total up enoactl polata to rea1lu He became the tam'• fl"talt lall J.U-. Boye ma.klD• u. t.rtp ·u.~ Xatblaa coQJd Jn&k• the '411 (l'OUAd piner on jUll one pla.y -CUIUUDfT PICl'Ua& o. .. ftouo. Bryan 1Awla, Dick o.m-." Jacklcla '*'8· "l tried a r.verN that became purally C\lrrelltly, Jaeltlon 11 ID part.. Buttenro~ Mike McCarty John te lllter.t epon. wrttere In hlm, known u "the Mat.Mu ninne." neralltp "1th Ray ~ ot N-· Coftult. Danny Arnold. J~ Hur- aiut no one would lilt.en.." Jad tllOn lhl1ted Bob to tailback u port Beach. Their conoem. tumlnr hf'll. Sten Harper. ~ Rapp. nat condition wu qulcldy over-a eenlor. Mathlu mad• more ya.rd-out ftbnci&M boat.a and plut.lca, Butch Vlnevard Jol\n Brockman bJ eo.ta Mela Volunteers. I Ralpb Lee, f ini preYf'ntlon offi- cer, eaid the property waa owned by R. B. Hammontr...-who wu bumlnc without a pnmJL Lee urg-' ed all retldenl.3 to obtain the nec- eN&ry permit at thf' rlre 11tallon. 121 Rochster St .. Mrore atartinr iCiCXiCii:iiiCiCXiiXXiiCixiCiiXXiiCii:iiiiXXi~~iiiCiCiCiCi~ 19 tocal~ 1et 211 nth st.. eo.t.a ~ • • llllML JacUon alto handl• the P aul Stam. Glenn Gardner, ~n Sportl Plua at Pomona for the Queener, Fred MeO&Yl'U\, Ron Loe All~IH County Fair A.-ocla.-Palaterr1, BIU Twill. Bill l"rueh· Bruce Martin f'OR A.l.J .• TOUR IN8URANCll: NEEDS ~ AlltO-Tncll -Fire-Life UJCAL AO&NT •rdt n omee LlbutJ MOii ......., M5M lM N:;r:! .&!92 <'-*a - Wif C9afANf USI rf UCNtnANHOUNC- Walfla,·CUM O#ICIAU AHO 1MIS Ne ................. l>y ............ c . ·-.. ........... ,.........., .. _.,.._..._. ........................ _.... ............... _.... ......... hltM ...... "' ----.... _,, __ ... "-~ .......... -.................. " .... n...e...1 .. ~t1 .. ~ ~ _...... ~ ..... -,i.yto.e ... .,., , __ ....._. ;-;;;;.;t;-;;;:;::..-.:.-;;;:;-1 l•••w ......... ..__tt.~a.Mi-t I .... ...... ..._ 1911141 OMolel ..._...a.. .... _ .... ...w . .i I -:',J'9.= I ._ ,..._ " ti.a a.. • -_.. --.M. I e.!: '-. 1 !W9I " I IA!P!1911 I \ ' \ cm '°"' nA!I I ~------------------~ t1 Un1. Rudy Ve1t. Jim CUrU•. J on ':~thlaa UY11 at Oceanalde Curti•.rJ... .. 1• nOtU and Jobll Whe.re be teach• Marine l'ICrult.1 Ta11or. UM of the cllaembarklnc Mdder -------------- and how to run the obltacle Trapp Walet Lost coune. "I can't help plcturtllc t.hoee Edward Trapp of 118'1; 2llt St.. poet' recrUSt.a," Jackeon confided. eo.ta Mee&. reported to Mua J>O-, "lmq1ne h&riftS to watch th• Hee Jou of a brown leather wallet rr-t.-t athlete In the world n.in I 8aturday. 'Ille wallet cont&lned that obltacl• COW1le -Ulen try Slf, ptlot'• betMe. drl""'• ll«nae to chaplScate Illa l*fornw.noel.. and m card. Trapp 1&14. U!lde fire•. j There 11 no charge for the per- mit. 'OHN8'rONE'8 Mesa AlltO Wreckers Ueecl Aato Pane ud Aeftll0""'9 ZO'J5 f'lacelltla Ave. UwrtJ l-1tll Coeta M- Summer Leagues MON • TUES. WID • THUi. ~- now forming ENTER NOW 6:45 , ••• 6:45 , ... 5:35 , ... 6:45 , ... 6:45 P·•· "495" Scratcll Trio La61Haadlcap ScNtcla Trio La•• Scratcll Trio Mixed Fe• ...... VAN'S BOWLING 1181 ..,m.. COllla .... t. ' LDertJ&-ltll , . ' 12 POINT OYllHAUL 75 Pont* 6 Part. ud Labor .... Price $122.72 • llG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES• ' •• • I. 1 .. tan New Illa .. 2. IHtall New Plllt.e .._ I, ·•tall Sew ... llNlt•p &. C.omplf'te Valve 0...., a. ~,... Pt•t4M •· oia-BaM c7u..ir Walk 1 ......... 01'-..... 1. Allp c__,.u.. .... t . .0-r~ H.~lp.P.-.. ll. .,._ ......... ~ It,...,,..._.._._. .... Oeoekete 12 MONTHS TO PAY GENUINE FACTORY PAITS (()nqe OoaatT• Okleat ...... l>Mler) ) • I ., ... ; PAM 2 ·PART I II -NEWPORT HAUOlrNEWS.neD THURSDAY, MAR 24, 1955 i nzg OFI' WIN -Typical of Newport Harbor m.h School B ·track actlviU. tht. MUOD u the Tar JJgbtwelpta lltriv• for th• Suuet League •pike cbamplonahip la this mbot of Bob Peeler. What he's doing la brealrlq the tape in the MO agalut Orange heN Tu.tay afternoon. Peeler loped UM diatance in l :31.2. Comlnr in aecond in the neat t. Hartshom of Harbor Bigb. -Stat~ Photo '1 , HARBOR HIGH VARSITY I B. c GIVE • ,,.~ l11k .==-·~=.: ' I ....... DI* ' .... lrl~I~ 41-11 -.. Tiu _. • n-... -. SPIKE SQUEEZE 1TO ORANGE SQUADS· =.:~°!"-.1i ~~~~ .. to Ult ea,. ~ . .bp• Ollb9w· ,........... ......._ teua .,_.. _.,... aM u.. • = la dd: ud It ... a ftnt .-ee U. la lta lNI ........ wt~ a .a..&l U.. 1r ... ~ •P u. MP ,._, w.... Tom Tloe. w1a ...,. u.. *"la 1'l'Clllll at a.II• a ,.u e1 ._.,. ...... c eM uo le, Cbaru. Ber'>' ud Paul Neu· wood, ,.... •'11N> --' IMeNe .. (8'0 mun. Act-U, tM ........... wu .... ). ' .... "' ol Pilate ,.., ... _ ... ' Bart.or High'• Band C t.nek mquadm oontinoM tbelr MIC IASHaS r_,.. Nllaldfted &ato .,.._t mi-. C .... I II•• ~be"". ...t..t ... -ot °"--.-. , __ ... -e.: ..... to ...,.. ...,. u.. ...,. ..--., --a O•••r ms·--~ 9W9ep ~ .._.._~~uOD apaut U. wedl -...,,..._ 0.-A~ J. h"7 el~ Mid on the local clnden aptut Oranp Hilb Tue8day and the Ch•m• Sl1• twllftl' at.le ~ ........ Ooeta 111 .. poltoe WI .. tlllV 'far ftl'llltJ thlncladm copped their first dual triuinpb of the re' • .the at out Ult MMt ott1dalJ7, U1at 'YUldalll Md Wokeo ....... -._ o-n B' bJu•-.1 ,..___ 11-'--' h 77 ti B awilftmlne ... ttacMd. little wtdte •* Oii llUl 8t. WI\ llUOft, •u. ~or • ~ vraup .... t-1 ta ·H, I er.loo O.Ora• t.,ou l**I UI• o.ta al lilOlll'ON wlltQ ........ ..-....... UM C'a tllunked ·-11~ to t~ bJ Ray n..mu. la the century • Ileana wtth tW9 ftnta ( 100 ln4J• l'uT7 •Id...,. a ...al 0-.... -1• ... Ule ftr'aitJ qed out a .... ,. It WU Dick Palat•nl. Oall Nu· F v· I ,wtual mecUe7 aa4 JOO yd. •a· ued at •10. aa4 two ...... .... wta. well and Anthony Roeacb In t.bal or IC ory 9lrolte) aad a )a,p Oii lb• wtaftiq vaJ\led at '1&. W\MCll'99 .. .. Bnac. KAI th B team ord• ill lU. Gecwc• Hood. 8ob ..... ,. r.lay b1o of Alea Boelpa. caMa .... .,,.,..u, ... ...... PP paced e Rice and Howard Smith -•pt the Orsap Cout Colle,. aluued ~ and XnlPt Sooy. out wtUI pluU. TM ......,, tie- wtUI Yktoriee ill the hl&h and low eeo la 1 :~.l. It wu Don WUaon out • 'lC>-1 win over &\n Bemar-j Hod,.. won the 80 ,.... etyle Uld CW'NCI .-..u.e dmtq ,.._,, ltllaHlt.e. Kalpp nabbed Ule bich and ~n Rendenhot lD the low 1 dUlo on the Meu. cUa!N>ftd Tuea-~adl;;;;;;l;;le;;lnm;;;;;;an;;;;;;the;;;;;;';;';;8;;;;'"';;;;;;';;°'=Uld;;;;;;MardL;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;::;::;::lijill=i lltlcka ln t .T u ...,._ RIP ._pt hW"dlas at 14.9. day for \ti• defendui• &uteni r a.. event. JUch&rd 8urmon wu Skltlerinc the ~la)' were Pala· Oonfvence champ'• HCOlld auc· eecond and Bob Smttb W~. Jt ferrl, Fl-an. M~w.U Uld Wll· ceaalve . victory. COM!h Wendell llOG. Don WUllama and Henderahot Ptc:kena' Pirate <'N!W collected waa aleo a eweep la th• low bar· Ued ln the hl&b jwnp al 6 f t, Herb 111lne watu and nine blu Uld took rtudea. Kaipp. P.ie Bendenon Y .. toolt lbe broad JU1p at 18 ft. adv&11tage of flw rtvaJ mtacuH tA> and 'r.. W~ c:uttiJll' Ule tape I lD. with WU.On •cond. Jack Cl'Mnl the opposition. la tllat eider. n-wu lS.t. NewberTJ copped u.. pole vault. Don Le.lgh, wtnnlnce•t cbucker UGlllWEIQlfr L&ADD8 Don WWlama tl,fured lD a ti• for far the Bue b&abert, rot credJt for ~ B wtnnen wen Dodd aecond Ill lb• Mme event. bJa first loop win to run hi• ncord Peanoa In the c.ntury lD l0.9; We 9'ACS 'IVUOllJ:WI' !:t~. vlctorlee aplnat a ain•I• ._ Peeler peeled oft the MO In CGM:b ft&Jph Reed reported atter FACE SPARTANS TODAY i :ai.S; Huey KlWanl rambled lbe the meet: "'nle Tar C'a are prac· Today, lhe Buce ·travel.ed to USC 1uo m a.aa.1; Dick Cuter. Leon· .,,s Lopu and Surmon Ued In the Uc:all7 1n. 'the kle&1 B'a face their tor a practice conteat egalrut th• hlCb Jwnp at a tt. 1 In.; Ole Bu· tOQCMat oompetit1• ta \he Mffl 8C Spartuia a Junior varalty con· I to~ leaped lt ft. I~ Ill. in th• wtU. AnUetm on th• Colanlat'a P.ratJoa. broad Jump; Jamee Bento took th• OY&l. 11 -c•t .,7 tboee aquada, OCC eetu.d UUnp qutekt.1 I poi. .ault Uld tbe "'-7 t.in ot , 111 ,.. ~-Speed mercband Roland Peanon, ._ Baxter, Petenaa and we re • llW drew a walk olf lomnc burler I Buford a.cpc1 Ule wlad·up nent. The Anaheim' dual duel t&Jl• Sam Gardner, then awlped eecond. But.er took Wrd la lb• 100 ptace April 1. Tbe local lad9 ann't Bob WeUel lmmedl•tely bulled yard dub; Darrell Bartlhom and about to UH Ule A-• l'ool' a double to knock Hill acroat. Cbarlee ~ traUed Peeler to ,.._ • then came ln alonr ..tth John Ea· the too tape· Handenon &nd Bu· Joke on them. tr&da on an error and Buddy ter placed ~ t.bre. lD Ule no· J'lnt vanity 'ftcl41C'7 for the Pierce'• •inrte. Oddly enou~ Wal· Jlm ScbloMer' and Andre Rio~ Tan aaw lbe S&Jlon 9COfi.Q• beav; zel'a bl&al wu the Bue.' lone 1111111 of lawn ·1owli111 in Area SEE DONKEY CAGE ~ ay IN GYM were aecoad and lblrd In th• UZO; Uy ln tbe "'l'dlee. blp Jvmp and extra ba..~ hit ot the tray. rllA Pearaon and Dirk Callahan dittoed Cllftance n ina.. For Ula aeoond 'l'WO BIG P"RAMU M•y we suggest the lndusiOft of THE SA VIN& HABIT in your pl•rts? ReCJVl•r, 1ystem.tic MY. ings wiH be of great benefit to you and your fatnily. Stop in to see us soon. In the broad, and NM! ·Metcalf llll'aii"ht meet Don BeaUy atrode Leading mact>men for thl' Mesa· FRIDAY IF YOU WANNA HEE•HAW and Dave Tamura were two, three out ahead al SWlMt loop croae men were Wetzel, Ulrte tor four. In the ahot. counll'J cb&mploo Larry C..t.ro, Hiii and George Blahop. tW1> for Tw•t7 1 .. mben part.tclpai.d In th• Aurtrallan I Jn1lea t.ournament at Newport Beach March l~. Ed WUooa woa nret plae•, Mu. Pear· eon ~ Mt!Ond. Bert Knopf won thlrf with a 10 point pme. 87 aUD lleNAIK the barefoot boy, to down blm in thrr-e. Ill• lnnlnga tor the B\lca Yeepee·tl·Y• and keePM·U·yo will be the about.a heard aqt:qqzrn OUT %:0..8. other A winnera were Tom were the fifth alld alxlh 1t&naa1 COSTA MESA BANK at the donkey buketball ram1 in Newport Harbor High Ji;;t about aD Oruc-could do Murcb Who topped Ui. hip Um· whtn four markers <lented tht School rym at 7:30 p.m. Friday, aa Harbor'• faculty try out In compeUtlon wu sweep the bera ln 11.e ; Ota Bolllli-ln a 63.1 dlat\ In each eph1ode. San Ber4oo'• "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" &hot puL Otherwi.e, It wu all HO; Boward )(Jtehell burdled lbe I lone run WIUI une.,-ned comln• tn their dleclpllne on Ute atubbom beuUea. Thi• l• the f1nt Harbor Rleh. Gtenn Mom.on took low aUclu tn 20.t ; Tod Wblta took the third on an error' and Lett· donkey bu ketball game ataged alnce that hll&rtoua, aide-the 180 yard dull la %0.I followed hla mile 8Pfclalt¥ lD 4:Jt.7 follow· fielder Bill En&'e bt"ile. 1111 Newpert llh'«. iA.rt7 ..... n WIMlll flOllAL 01,0ltt INWIANCI COll'OIATION J.ut lat.urday WU Jl'OC)ery lloi. tournament day al th• New· port Beach Lawn Bowlin&' Oreen11 . .U prl&e1 were purcbaaed al local srocery ltoNI. 'l'be flnt event WU a 8p&de.r, all pla1•n bowlln« one '°wl al alngle target ln Ule center et the petn. Joe Stamp wu th• lucky wluer of that event. In the two same double• touma· 9lent play, BUI Brt.ma won firs\ wtlb a 27 JITOM IK'ore. Mrs. Wheel- er. Mre. Brims 1rnd Walter Pear• eon tied tor aecond place with 2t polnla. Jn lha pl~-otf. Mra. Wheel· er won "cond. Wall•r P•raon third. Mn . Brims (ourlh. lJoyd Staewe .,_ Ule GO"MllU. .,-.. l1rlloa llanl fla~ Servi1e lowli11 Balboa Uona Club captured the Bervlce Club 1-ru.• winttr ~· peUUon champ&onatilp at Van'• BoJwtnc Monday night. Bealde• lbe wlnntnr trophy, the alley team r-lv!• Ufe aew 3tt. hl1ll perpet· ua1 tro~ whlcJI bu to be won a trio of bmea to pin poueulon. Membere of llM triumphant ten· pla t __ w... lNlude Ben WlUl· ma.a. Nora l>w'ltca. Cbar1M J11nl- -. Howard Ba1mu and Capta.llll Jolin ltJmp!IOll. praidenl of the Joep. a....d trophy went to the BJ'Oll ...... 1791,_ eQl'MMd Ilia appreda· Uon to all t• ..Ulllr lh•• ln UI• J&ef\11 ,... tuee.-of Ult wtat ... ...... Bue Spike Team Paces Dw H.,. laata Ana Collac-Den'a and Oranfe Cout Piratea club be" tomonow &Ill th• aecond oontv- •ce track meet of lhe tea.ton f._ Mtll tea.me. Santa Ana will be after It.. 1econd win ot Ule -· 811111 after dropplnc a be&rtb~er t. M t. 8&r1 Antonio two weeka ari. 87_.., and defeating Chaffey, IT to •3. Harbor J C ll09ed out Ule Don.a th.rea weeu -.0· Santa .Ana .LI •tronc in the abot. ._u#, hath Jump, and ja...U.. ftoy Ora7 of Sant.a Ana hip jumped I' 10" at Mt. SAC. Parlier bamon, al.to of 8anta Ana took t.11e' j~vdla fro111 Mt. SAC at 171 ft. 3 ~ In. Don ahot putter Larry Holcombe put the ll'on ball 43 fl. 10 In. Tom Noll bu been runnln.r lhe "O at 12a and Btll 8wtaahelm tied MounU• Jim Kelly ln the 220 al 21.4. •pUlllnr event wu put on by the teachera four year1 aao. The 1am• will be divided Into five aecUon.1 or act.a. Act l will be \he Grand Parade, Jnt.roduclnr auch famoua rider• u Dry Gulch (CUUerj Dlppell, H opalon1 (1.ynne ) Hurhea, TWo Qua (Leonard) Thompeon, Trtgrer (Paul) Caldwell, Flap Jack (Charita) Funnell. Alao to be llllroduc~ will be thoM ptatol packln' mammu Sage BJ'Uah !Helen) Ballard and SluggUI' Slim (Joyce) Andenon and It la rumored Uult tM creat Robin Hood of the old Weat. R.f'd Ryder (Rlgbln) Goerke wUl appear. Many other faculty member• will ulo ride In the ff13, or tr.cu. ln the tecond act, a balloon bunUnr conteat will be held. Each !might (!),mounted on bla 1t1ibbom ateed, will be armed wtlb a lance lD order to •ttack and ellminale Ula balloou- lloC. UM dollkeya.. , um wta .. ..-..a ....... eomrth"ls -.. •.-.i ..... ....,...,_, •irtr• ••• , ..... a ...... cam• et danker polo. .A.ct lV prun!aee to be a c.onteat where an1'h1Jlc aoea. a.n4 aometunea Ule donkey won'L AC\ V a. Ule m&lD nmt. which no one allould ml• - Donke7 BuketballJ TM teama an the math and eclenoe de- parta•ta wnua tbe J:nillab and aoc:lal atudt .. department.- alao \be llbop aad P. Ill.. wnua the foralp laJJcuar• and ad· ll'liAlat.raUon departmeata. <1""-atudenl Vanity baaketball te&m bu ch&Jleqed the winner.) The donk.,.a an abod with rubber aboee, and Mule Skin· ner (Jo.) Hamblet w1U be on hand to eee t..bat everytbinr la conductt!d acco~lnf to Hoyle. Purpoae of the performance la t.o ratae tunda to be uaf'd for publicity ln aupport!As the tax elect.toa Oil Ma7 IO. The elecUoll ia beln• beld to mue poaetble a MC011d hip achool In tbla ...... KIDS DON'T CONCUR Coach Forsees .500 'Season For "attJor Hi Junior Nine With tM •uuet ~ ..... o~ninl on the hlsh .cboot 41a.- mond qainat Hunt.l.QS\Clll Buell today. Coach Rand)' Jt.uida1J of ui. Harbor lll&b Junior Vanlt.J nm• nruru 00 a .600 record In Ule t\na.l loop atandlnra. ·-naat•a my oplnkle-not tM kidt'," Rudall hutened to add. "I llope they do Iota better." In Ult JV'a ftll&l pracllce llUIM agatnft hcelalor rv on the rtftl d1amOlld Monda1. lbe Tare alam· med out a 12st trtumph. "lt wu a 1lu(feat for ue, but not far Ulem," Randall aaJd. The aeon favored the Kartlor balt.rl lM rotng lnto the final •lam&. Ex· cehrtor rot remainder ot lta runa whlle Randall wu r etune every- body In the tilt. Second Backer St.an SclloDea and Catcher Carl ~rreron paced the Tar JV plate power. Bchonea alur- pd out two douW. ta a pa1.r ot at be.ta and Ber••ron a two·~· r•r and elnCle ta four attempt.I. BoUI boy• kllocked la rour ruaa.. lllon.t?p Bob Wlllte sot a double u4 llllls"le "lft"'"tmJr effort.a and Left· n elckr Jlm Scbone• two 1lnglu In ti•• tr1pa plateward. Herb Yee wu the wtnnlnr pltdl- er u P9ta ~Urea, Ray Pion and T...,. Ball •• mound action for Bartior. Jlla1l. ~ chucken for the JV'• thJe lllUOD appear to be Gary Green aad 0.. H11i.Mrd. Ru· da1J 11.,..... on Jlm 8dw>nea. Ray Lamb aad G~ tor the heavy hltllnl'. Centerfletder Lamb gan a good dtm1orulrallon ot ht. 1btUUe1 ta a neent •·• -:1.n 1o\·er Lona a..cJi Poly. Be doutNeG l.n Ule aec· ODd, U1pled ln the MYenlh, knock· eel In three DI'a and had a tno ot putout.a In a .... uonal one· mu uhlblUon. Mi1pl1ce~ Cl1b1 Cause OCC lreens 81y1 to Mia 01 Win WELL 8TOCJ&i:D Batt.Inc order for the JV'• •tack• up pretty aucll WM thl.t: White at .a.art; 8tan ec.onea, eecond; BefS'lroa, catcher; Orttn In Jett· fteld When 11•"• not burllnc: Jlm Sehonea and Chuck Vandu woort ablftlnC between flr11l and r1fbl· tWd, Lamb, ce.nterfleld. with Hub- bard pltdliaf and Htrb Y te re· unt.nc. Coach R&y ltoeM'• Orup match pll,y, with Ricbarda flrinl' ODut Coles• l(Ofera .. ,.. juat u a 78 tor medalial hoecw& Bob .,_ to t.bttr nnt wlA of Ule 1156 Diehl and Sid Tovatt broke even .-.on 1ut +.oeell u • Mt et ml.t· In their palr1iip. 1-1. and AltAID flaced cJuti. atter knotUnr a HX· and Edd.le Ptlrnnan cno. 6) went .. ft'Om ~t Col· .aoNJ-. ..... 11-11 M~ 19 al llanla Ana 0...,. l&.\90S 0Dunt'7 Clut>. Th• Coe.at llnkamen open thelr Nmu 'l'll09ll ()LUU Eutem Conle~nc• •IUOll tomor- ~ .._ ill wide open," re- parteel Randall l.Aadinr candldat· M are Bob Allen, Helke. &rid Larry lbnder. Jfwnber .ax man Ron Winter-row qainat Mt. 8e.n AntOftSo at tam CUM away wit.bout bi. ehaM PaloM'a aoo.. llWI Oowlt17 ~ IDOl'1Wae· and eo .s.ctded Cub. WlDJ-In ala prntowi o~ ... ~ .. tlle 000.Pua· ..... the ~ ....... wtU be ~ track meet Clll the Pirate eUpt la..tt• to mall• UM wt. ...a Uiat att-.ooo (nm p1aoe ..,.. etftle ap1ut u.. penrud&ll7 Ue .. tbe lllP J\llllJ). Bub weak )(oamtaJMtn. Dous ..... ftlled ....... Wlllt.... ... IMioa\9' Ulal Ma ftlwl "A.ad k•p aa •79 • Berreron behlad the plate." advt.Me I.be JV ~ "I/ the kid CUl Oftl"CCNl'll a f9ot fault. lle'll ~ ~ tor a .... \7 ~ Wol'e UM ae&lal ..... aium d ... la AM ud ......., ftft •lli .. wUI .. ~ m..... • M ........ JlllmoM'a Den ~ftll (Up fro• ~ ..-u.>. l(cl.A.ne. ' Dl•hl and Pftmnan. fte llbltll ai• ~ and Bud SJ..a. apet wtll be a to.1 up betw.. tlM Buc'1 number one and two Whlltrbum. Alton, Bob Bef'k and --. ..... t.ek enq M "1M la 8M Watt&. .. " J • I .. , S::::J1t New Chevrolet n Trucks/ It', the idrgat anti finest flttt of trucks nw built by the 1U1tion '.s No. 1 Ind hi/Jn. Wluitna your task or tratk, thett's a _.,., Cltnrokt truclt to mau OT Stitt '°" mowy on tM job. Com~ and loolt 'em om-/ Ntw Onrokt ;,,trod.iw Tm s.,fi.('-• ac:lrum tint/. anat M Ind Mrip. P/u '1C9' C9fiao-ttn' ~-MW O•~rJri•~ -" ~ .,., ,.,... /tJmlttJ --..., tltrOtlpo.tl Hen'a what bappena 11Wbee America'• ltadm1 truck builckr puU. out an .... stops! Here are tnx:ka that are De'W from the drawioa board out! New~ a. tr.d't Fltt1, functional 1CJliD1 tblt a. ,..,... job! For the tint time ia any truck Une, two distinctly cliftcmit 1tylin1 treat· mcnta are oft'CNCl-ooe la liabt· a.Del medftam4uty 9*Ws. anotMr la .... .,,. duty. Your hancbome new ~ tNCt will be• proftt~ble 1dvtttisemcnt· .......... for you &Dd your businaal A new outlook (or the driftl' Truct driYi111 wu·ncvtt like this! The new Flite-Ride cab it evcrythin& a dri~r could wish for, from tb bl1 Swwp-Siaht windshield 10 itl concealed Saf.ry Stq1 that keepe c~ar of mud or lnbwl 1M .. ,. instrumfnt panel and :ontrob a.re the luc 11Word ID truck !rMq convcnitnc:cl su .... ~"-ai,.. Wida • ... J 2·volt ~ tyltete lot .. Im, IUftf oolcl--..cbtr lt&tt- illl MMI lncreMed pMrator capacity! Plul -.. cftklmt oooiill1 eod lubrb.- tioa .,......., ... impn>wd fuel l}'ltni, Hd completely nde.laned enaloe 9*mde .. 1000 Weet CMlt Hl .. Hf NIWPOIT llACH And lllUdi.,,.. tl»t'• ... like the smoothec, ~ride ••• ne• Hieb-Level ventilation .•• tut. less lirn, studard OQ ~ .coa modell . . . Po-r Brakn• for ah ....... eundud in 2-toe modell ••. ..., 11, .. 000 lb. mu. O.V.W. 19 2 .. ...._ And t.bere't a new ~ ol tt a I aioaa. inciucn., .,.. O\w•tw• ISid Hydra2 M1tic•. New '"-........ for all modck. CG111e ill ... -ae nnoat dile• la 1n1cu1 •o,no•"' ntre C.Jt. o_._ ....... ... "'°"°" .,_,_,,, #,.,,..,.,,. -~ .. -' ,_,, _,~. .J • ' DUMA FOil DIDICA!ION ._ D1111111 CWl>. wllo ~ U.. part ot u ~ J'orce cadet. -_.. ~ wtt1a •rue,_ la um -from ''Kar· .... 11& a lw"' .. ai. ,. 1 t• at u.e d9dlcatloa prosram tor -~ 01Mt Olmlfse ·-• 1wa ca lludl ao. Tbe P1QpuD -~ .i ............... to De pullUc. _. ._. • ... ....__.. ...,.i, BannU•l, flllda blmedf a _... ot a. 1 o aw cM.rma at u.. Roman strt. A.m,.U.. ...,.. ................. Uda ... from Jupiter'• DvUn«. ~ 4 t1 ' a • .....,. mucaJ whldl I• to •tart at U.. on-an ........ ll&rp mid Gower Champion and Oeorp a a .._.. .. tM ...... boaon. ........ lallroom. lalboa &ENE NORMAN presents lill Hiley & His Comets Saturday, March 26 DAllC.. t • 1 A. M. THI AllCHll Cefe end Cocktail Lounge Ol'lm M a, DL nmouo• 1 a, DL • .............. c..a....., M&WIWT m&CB • (We ... a... -Dw"*@•). IUDDY IOHNIR in PIANO LOUNGE ( ......... ) C1 s lfwr: • IM St.· a...t, 1-3071 . LAGUNA COAST TO 8' 'HUNG' IN NEW YORK Granclollo 's (fonnerty of Hetnf't ) complete menu for the femi1y PBS.A e U'AGllETl'I e LAAAONA llOJO: • llADS aA TIOLI e STEAD e BA l'OOD r<K>D 1'0 GO 111 •••• 11vc1. IALIOA ... ..., 4131 a.......,. ''Superb Food'' t, •• ' COCICTAl.S OM.. 5-1 t ,.,... cw, (a..I~) • SA1URDA YS • FUN -FOOD-· FASHIONS RRST STYLE SHOW . FRIDAY, MARCH 25th I P. M. DOOi PRIZES • MUSIC • INIMJMR mrr PRID&Yud MTUllD&Y • Al9e • DANCING BAINEY LANTZ & llil -« .... : ..... .-,,.r4rbOT { As•lir *'-' e-' ~-louse, ~tb. S.16'81/ Ass, liiiBE?ffj!jl 2260 H.L. a..i.....l • c-. M-. ('el·'= .... 0,., DapA. ... New ..._ ...... , If al• D1lc:•les Mey w. Sutt-t From Our New FNtw. YUL IQAU.OftlU e '.APMP'A. e .-& •• ,__ ... -...... A s an .... PAITln. IAN9Ulll, • CUii DI• ..,,.. TOl1ll • ,. __ ... HwL•llN.•.._ < I t!>O RT~>~ .. ~, ,, .. . .. , . ' ... .... .-.aur. .... ....._ -&.&nJr &OIW .. _ a•11n-• ~.,~ -ntE GOLDIN rXt:tJ.lii ftA::~ FM• .... IDMll"., ALL~·~?--~ _ .. 7 7 3 2 7 = 2 I I -------... -, ............. -.• -_______ ... _,... ... ...,...;. .. ---... ----------·-··--0....._._ .. __ _., ..... -LI 0 0 --. ...::.: . .,::.-::-..-:· = .... In.am KJIL ... CJIOI .... BIGGEST OF ALL ,,Lr! M-G-M MUSICALS~ I • .. COL.Oii AND~ .· 13 Wa&e+*A·t:r:t --*-• 1W Lne Story of the i ,,· ~ Ba.ty .... the Berbuian I : . ., a.Iii of Armies! : • U.lawan lpectKle ! I -Nna Wen saeb i ---·-~ lighta to tee! : -Es.THER WILLIAMS HOWARD KEEL * MARGE ••d GOWER CHAMPION nm ........ ..,Annnmi!P ................ .._ ........ • ' .. .._,. ____ ""' - .. (;}owmmenl · _JJ.aJ f:xcepl PASE 4 • PART I I NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. ~CH 24, 1955 ••6od 9ranf u1 t~ ter9nity to accept the t~in91 we cannot ~hon9e; ~ couro9e to ch4nge the }hings we con end the wildom to know the differ9ftee." (A. Anon.) • E,D I T 0 R I A L S Hospital ~blic Relations Future o( City Up to PUC Worsen with News Media Karcb 10 wt11 800ll be apoo -. Tbat la a da.Y that cu ctet.mJM ID a 1arp ~the tutare of the .. old d radio to town led.ion" of ~ftport ~ If tbe ~onlla Pub-~ N&dion b)' nenpapen aa Uc Utnltles Commfwlon .,_ the beUefa of the dty a.,.. Ho.pltal . ottldale' effort. at "public relations" that we u dttW'• ha" a right to rano'N from the heart broke Kozadaj folJowta& P...-&tttmpta to ucertalD in· of oar city tbe dillreputable fadlWea of the deteriorat.. juries c. E. Hill. B&ldwtn Park. ncetved Sunday In a fall ~ Padfte Electric~. lt Ja quite pomible that both &t Crwmt Bay. & WU U..ted &t ffcq Ho9pttal. &e-Newport and Balboa BouJnarda coald be Improved with· cordtnc to ambnlanoe attcdaata • took !aim tMre. in the DIXt ,_,. and a haJf. but the lmtltution'• functtonariea could 1lOt COQftrm tJala. It ta celt.aJn that If the mlMrable railway property were ~ by the dty of Newport BMch. pros-ly What mu. it ao diaturublnc ta the t.1Pe of thlnldnc reaUped. clianed up. and after ~ and crom"'O&da wblch one week floata a lofty appMJ for fund·rallmc are properly relocated and ~ of, that the cood to build a aUWon dollu addltloD to the ,,_.t ed1fici. thua creeted woaJd repay Ul)' dty IDw.t:mmt many yet WhOM public appeal Jaeb ho.pita! follow throqh times OYW. It ia cstaiD that the property owned by the -. .. He relatlODe-wWe in pracUc.. railway, Hl!IHll U riPt.of•wa)' and yvda by the Pub- ,__ Uc UtUldea Com•'eekm, does not pay ita way In the Cty When the 8outll Cout Nen. promha«at IAluaa of N..-port Beech. Wene than' that it 18 a deplW!lt Beach bf-weekly Denp&plr' prtnta Oil N9 OM of lta Upclll all pmat. prCJS»el tJ tn the whole area. Tu.S.y l.ue the rude ~ lta prw "Pl'•lllt&· N.wport s.ch coaJ4 be belt 9lll'ftd by the ,«>m· tiw. nceivea: whels Radio JCWIZ br>edolm llmUar' re-plete evacaaticm flma tbe town of the Padfte Electric action: and when t.hJ8 11......,.pw ma.It .-Jt tlM former Rafhrl.J. The lalldllc9pe, --=-pe u4 surrowadlnp n ~BB CUTI WI CNC anu. ~ 0# A LOT WIT'"1flT ....,.,... CMt fUllUC ,IOMAM. BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL :um .... (M ., ... -ftll ........ ...._ ...._ .......... \ .............. ,, ..................... __ ................. ~ ...... ,..., UPPED llO&'l'AM -TIMM an ltbl1tAd in ~ country. -Hon.ee Parker notoe two media'• aperllacea ........... .., N ... rr-woul4 an be lmprcmid If the aWit¥ ... to .... it. The Guest Ed 1· t 0 r ca.ea ot the w eype -tbeQ we belieN RM& llolpttal crcaecdm tar w ltetlJ at tbe 8uta Ana Rhoer. How- directon Ul4 QffidaJdom ahouJd tr7 to ... the U,ht. fl9ttr, thl8 la too macb to hope for. By HORACE PAUD • Bow far w111 they pt in their couat)'·wide appeal Newport s.ch bu-. proNI the fact tbat our <i'rcm UM a.c::nm.nto a.. "ID m.• opmJoa." u aid. "t.M 1 wu attting in the entrance of all Indian eaw an a ,_Imada. ulnc free IWftP&pet' apace Uld radio time to towu ia better w viced wttllaat the Pacific Electrlc.. Mareh ll) 1~ abouJd Mt down ,.. boulder strewn hill in the Cahuilla C<pltry. Jut below me promote the NquM for private 111lbeedptioQ la open to Balboa Bmf. 18 the .trtJdals aample of that tnm. Look .utotsona In t.lle law beyond WU a huce sranite alab with three D\ortan in ft. the aJ&b ~---~de~ba~t.a.~W:•:;:woald:::r:•:Y~~p~Ollld~b~ly~to~N~ew~po~rt~Blvd.~~whlch~~-~:e~':~:!~~~:~ft::-:::~::;:~t~~~:.~~~~~ ~ &MM• -ot u.. aUMS. . made tt im.r-t-ltat.e Colltftler a 0 b •rt c. 001nm••1on ehould not So ln any wu a few lncbN off the growu:l. and what ~t of way WU eltmlD•ted u4 the atNet improved. Kirkwood, dl&1nnan o1 UMI ate nent. and Ulen, be:J'Ond UW. ~ wu the. fact the ·~~wa~~h~ad~w~o~rn~!1.!f~~!!~~~~-1 { .I --N~lWt::·:~•h:•:..u::·:·~ .. :·:per;.;nor~.~-~y~otJMr;;~~WO~rth~~tta;._~Tbe:~·:me~~tfrb~ln~l'~ft~iaJd~n~°"~ccu~arrplll~· iajthe;JioeDiiitral~nU..~~QneF.~~~t:~~~~~~~~~~.c 'W' pr1m Uve people. A trt.n4 ot mt.ne ......... t1afi••t1 .... ,,... • •tua fer ...... ., meRJliht OD 'l'il.a&y Dii1i£ PJiiliid &imililf"'iO DQY a tb&t., In any aulJlorl.Jll.Uon ot oil heavier r•ttictlona ln cue• 'When on the srowld beAeeUl tbe mortar who apent mueh ot Ida ,OUU. exude the -th c1rlWQs ln unpro'Nll t l de I a n d we feel tbq are deetrable to bolea \&Ddiaturbed .uice lb• day amons ~ peopa.. of the IOllUl for moN balldSnp tor moN fUDction&rtea to more light lltudard u the tint in lmprovtnc ............ o era uw. tbe 1~ oqhl t.e pn>t.ect. OMhore deftlopmeni. and eome duaky matron roee ln ~t .... hM formed a bU&1 ., ~ offtdoUllM!le In acddellt Injury C&M9 In trbkh the pub-will follow. lnclUde nstd rel'Ulallona and reeour<*, whether reae&llonal, wttb much of th• beUota (a.com CU'T)'tDs a IOQS ..... ot llU1aC lie 191Dt.en9tild. Tbe haspttal, a ntW alowt corporation ' empower the commlM'on to tm-acenic or reeidentlal." meal) lay1ns lo.t under tht bould-collect tn h1a poc:Jr.et and a lmlte. name th • d poee addltloDal N9trtctioM. Tbert would be little or no er. Th... are t.11• _..., toole ot ..,_ wholle walJa .... ram.cs ..,. )'GUI' IDOM1 and .. e Our Easter 'l reek Attitu e KJrkwood ~ lt clear h• i. prot.c:Uoi"l to reetd..nU&l eommun· n waa then I blCaa Ullnltms 'IP\val ln the BouUl .... Ul4 wtUa privda b•1 -hoa8e ot 4*'tlJJl mecUcal practitiooen \'Y 1 not oppoeed to drW1Jls from .,.. IU.. KirkWood went. on. u d no •bout. UMI Southern CallfonU& ln· them u f..a. U1at M cu am,,. -"~ to -• ·~ ,..._._ OW. lta -• pre.ent ~-.... ---'-1. "-__ ·-&.. _, _ __:.upon UL"""--• W'lclal la1aDde ln tlle lll&te Udlt-~,.ucm stven Uie comma.ton dlan and hi• food. 'J'brouebout w.n a maJOr catut.ropbe. _.._ -_. --. .,_... ~ w-. • --.-.._.._ ... _ -l&Dde under cert&tn condtUona Wider eome ot th• propoeala for their lecend.a. myt.ba. chutJI and Perculiarly enous• t.be,. wwe u4 fuba'6 to tlM pabUo whiell &lll'WW9Cl lta ~ fQlld titude that will be wumed by meet of the young peopJ. but. empbul.Md he feele Calltor-expanded drWinC operauone. cc~ Nnl an Wldemanu& c • rt. a l n a al •a 1 a Uaat ..,.,.. dri'9 with cub. N~ llWdla OW9 their ~ --will Jn-A.-our community will be qely a ref1ec. ma pleaain bw:h• muat be 1n Ule Oraq'e County.., r~~ t.boqtlt of tood and AarT&Uon. "TUoo" ._. ~ '•-Glo hill enae ud futan to tM pab11o uawt.e. .... '"" ...-completely prot«ted. Uonal beach ar• from ·~•wpor Food. waur and IW"flnl wu ~ Iad1au. TM die. .,.oca. ....,., tn. tioD of the aWtude tbe7 -. It la urpnt that we of New-Tb• coAlroller noted eame of a.en t.o San Clemente. whlch uraUy uppel'mOK In their mlllde. 8C1Wrnl. p&poa. daft. mod ben. To Mow J'Ga Jaft' loatJa Cout N... ud Jt&ctio port Beech endeawr to be the -..s-y be.t of bo9ts. By all the muy Weland oU billa before lnclud• Lquna Beech, Klrkwooct The food bablt.e of UMI Indian fol· -tie. bu-.rd, n.., ll8ud, fros _............ to _ ... _ _._ tnat. DJejlDa we mUlt be tolerant of t1M.e J'Ounpen wbo are th• leC'"'•tur• would allow almo9t la Inclined t.o believe there O\ll'hl lowed hi. habitat, cout. hill. and tllt'Ue ... not eata. ltal*t.e, JCWm WA m W • _..,, aaooo..--·• \ll\llm.lted wlldcattlq. to be no t.ldeland 1-uni .. mounta1A, and deMrt. And It l'J'OUAd. eqlllrhla, deer, n.b, 41ua1L mm&. r-4 tb8 followtlll ~ w1dU ap,..n4 Ull• p~ DO diff.-mt thUl 10G and 1-Ad tboach that ne landa commlM4on.. he an· there Ill a demoMtraUon of draln· -med •that once UMy wen ec.-mloe, cNcU, ~ ud t.11• reeollectioa JDilht be. · nounc.d. Ill about to employ P.-.... and then only •lult drilllnc qualnlled Wit.II tll• food 1tn1ct.uN Uke were eaten. n. ti.ea mtPt be dlr tM ..... PIP 099 ..._.1tior7: ... _ who i.... wtJl leave t.rolewn couwt.ant.e to make a from onabore locat.lou. .There are 1n a ctven ana lbey were re!uc. routect or brolJed. and tMt WIUch -. Ul tft.ort to --u .. N... ....... with the We bope all WIG 10"11'11".. come tlloroup saney Of th• oll leulnc other northern diatrtct.e wb!ch be ta.al to atray tar trom thl• pa.rtJc· wu not eat.en lm...,19&'9 waa .. .,. ..... _ happ6u thUl Wbe tMf came. '!'bey will DO doubt be ud prod\l.ctke llbli&Uon alone the llk'wiM qu.UoDI that open drW-ular We aone. pounded and crubed bl U.. twk flMD. Tiie N ... WepbcDe4 Hoec ~ Beepltal embuTuled """aome of the utica of--. of Gae bane· ..u.re ~ COMt. WSUl a IDc" alloWd be authormd. ~ ....nn r.-....,. ..,. .._ drie4 tlDr 1tor-.._. &__.• I utMrttill 11DC111Dt91&t!ve to WT .. ....-. flt e. _. -.awe • •• ...,.. ADDO• , ... ..,. mv. ~~-:.:....... .... ""° .. will am.... ~ ... G9;_. lncl·---p---" .uked &bout nflona ver• be Becal.IM t.11• tue ot Ul• Caltto... .... .. ..... ., 1111 (111 ... ._.... ~ - -Tbere will be the emt..,.ry ont'"Uon of riff·mf. .....---• -• •v.,--nJ& 1ndi&n wu llumble and earthy, vanoa. Midi!-.. pUMl"ed and l!nlllM to Ge bcl"*8J Cll' tUt ti., W tnat.d a man m.U.OCS. of oU ecnpany btddtns· ~o:o!:s-" ~~: they -r• del'UIYely crouped by ID&ll7 planta boOed aad eata. Th• ankle. then alwa,. ill. Tbe ame rowdlea wbo In later ,_,. Under t.M pwmt Jaw, the l&Ddl pUeci h ~I .. "rwt.rlcted the UJ'ly Amertcan pioneer u acorn wu a llt&ple tOCld UIOlll wtt!a ea ID.jand ' will follow the CODftlltlcma of nlS*=tiible orsanlzationa OGll\ll\1-ioa 18 prohibited trom ~l:aJ 1111 ~·' ~~Id be permlt-"Diner" lndl&n1. Juat u th• Kea-the bill t.rlbe&. J'1'Glll tt c.bq made .-a-, the K&'9' atteedaat wlM> cb'eve HUI to and embaJTua their f.uow ~ rranttnc n-tldeland leuee un· art In u :' ,1 .. -,.. .. BMcb Ude-lean cluae• aU North A.mer1c&n8 ballot.a, or aoom ftour. Tbe pro· -..-~ •-tben l8 • ahowll\e ot a drain· ~ : ~;p:-;· eome ..,.... ., "srtn.eoe." c-. wu rather a&mplia. n.. aoorne the iao.ptal .-tfte4 tbe fa.eta. No doubt there wtJl be tbe 11111e .-rcaatace of Uquor :.:..::. •:._oil thro\Cb exi..t.lnc ott th:z'v.,:'°ra County lhore. In my mlnd'• e.,_· 1 ln\aCtDed ".,.. pUlved ud ctrted. 'Tbe Neww N119tl the uncooperUtft attitude of the boag.bt.. 80ld and imbibed U ID pnmoaa yean. Tben will ''I bellen tbat 90m• wfJdcat-Th• lulde comm1Nlon bu found what I would dolt l were dropped BA&D BUU OLA<JmZD too be the influx of "hot ca.rso" that will e&u. trouble tlnC ID th• tidel&Dde (drtlllns ln that dr&ln&C• exleu north ot Into •n unlnh&blt.ed Southern Call-Then tlle bard bl.lollc wu enolled Hoac Memorial Bo.pit.al~ •hlcb ia contrary to UIUa1 for u all. But If we aN jadtcloua In criticUm, tolerant unpronn fteJdl) 111 dettr&ble," Newport Beach but hu delayed fomla &lone and naked. Water and remo...ct le&YlnC UM m-.t •tr• -11-ataded tba -" To which Radio KWIZ' atory, an· our at•*-•...._ --.a ,_..,.b'-.tern Jn our __,it of 10rkWood lt&ted. "but I don't any leuU\c acuon pendlnc dec:J&.-would come flnt. you muat ttnd a rounded by a pqlel'7 WM 009Wlllc. ~ r--..... _ .,_. Y r---want to ... Ill l'DO'IP• la Without rat.tone ot lectaJ&Uv• policy on the supply of Ulla ln ordet' to llUl'V1vt. The meetJI were dr1-9 .,aaa and &ddinc otW lnat&De19 lta new.men bad aperienced sood poUdq we c:an baw all Eut. Week thia )'Ur propG' r.trtcUona, prtmart.ly to wbol• drtWDC q\Ml9t.lon. 8ome i.. 11 It any wonder tlle •Prtnc•. Ulla papery ~ NlllOft4. In n.-..W: that ,,W not be the '"Bell Week" that laat ,.r'• heclme be 1ure that we are not ju.t land operaUoaa a m11• ottahore creeka and l&ke1 of the bn&lb tM rock mortant t.be buaed • --. thill ill in ._ JnA-fta..wo-A lett1QI W1Jdcal~ I O Oil U.Y• have been okebed. Klrkwood &dd· COlllltr)' &re the alt.el Of former Ill• ace>ml wen l'?'OUIMS lato a Oour. "Wbat ia Boac Boepltal try1q to bide!'' By tbe Umt .... "#a-._.... J,,___ where wtUM>ut reterenc. to the ed. fu the Bunt.l.Qltoo s..dl cit.-dlan vil1&pe and c:ampef And the Th.la flow' wu IMdled ot 0. Mt.. Tbompeon will probably haft g:iven hill cfedaion u to the welfan of naldmtial and ~ tncL lNl1an tratla follow routu wbl:re ter tannlc add ettlMlr tn a buk't W• would like to Jr:now what lta otftdala are tr)1q en.forceabAJlt)' ot our ao-ca11e4 Jl:lutero Week ordtn•DM, Uon&l ..,..... TM oomm.laallOA'• con.ult.ante, water 11 evail&ble. I eet In a ~ .,._.., or a wa• to do_ wreck th, e 1.natltution'a dme for fwldll along the We doubt wbetber it will ranaiD Oil our books. "ln tU cue ot areaa wbloh the chalrm.ao .xplalned, wUJ be Food would come next, food ter filled bole ,c:ooped In th• already .,.. developed for recr• ulted to ad'tUe on u vez-aJ melh· that one could catch by ha.rid. or atream bed. oak• ot a entJ-eohd South Cout ! Rowevw, the poHciac of oar town la• mutual atfair eUonal or rNidential Q99Ce, I oda ot oU company blddlnl', ln· kill with rocJu or 1Uclu. >.t the muah. Ilk• our own com 111u1 -it take. more than ju8t -poUc-nm It taD!a the tuDeat fed It probably 1l{OUJd be t.t.. ~ t•td ro)'1tJty plue a bonua. aame Um• I would 11.&rt ua.mlnl~ mu.h were ~ ud alU.OUp not Or ia 0.. bospttal lrrttated that Llpna Bqch ia cooperatioD at OQI' citiJlem &ad their aetchbora. The fw the tsme betnC, to "9trtct MW ftMd pereentace royal~y. J1'&dU&t· the plult life te•Unl' Which could I parUcula.rly tut>' llJ modem elan. hQiJdla1 lta own ho.pita! -one wbleh will admit cluly i..... to eituatJona In whlcb eel royalty and (Tllduated royalty be .aten. Shelter would at tlrat 1 da.rde tll~ ._.. ~ DOUftlbJnl'. W1"0D18 that bave been perpetrated. the abu9ea CODI• u. .. II dra1nac9 ot lll&t.e oU and, Wltll a bonua. come from prolf'Cled c:avca l.n lbel My o14e9t -.c... Pat Yd I Ucea.aed pbYlid&U and M&r'ltona to practJce lutMd of mitud coald not ha'N bappmed tf we u cltiw were nc tbeD. to have the d.rl1liQI It 11 the commlNk>n'1 bope, rock.I. Ftre wuuhJ huvl' to be mMSe eome ~ .._-., u.. •-~--pradWonen to those ~ to their ~ willlnl' to do our ab.are iDdh1dually Jn ddendlnc the daa9 from CIMbore at•" Klrkwooct llJ4, that &M conauJt· •lruclc. probabJy ~r1ou.ty •Lrlk· Indian mortar and peat.11. Th• ._.._.. NAJl&a lllT.CD'JO IPOT9 ani. will be able to lqtlltfOWld&· lng two h:Ud rock• togetller 6'JCh flour we leeched in a mueUn .-.ck *""'1' doctor'• UllioD. eood name of our Qty of Newport Beach. Wbll• aa. qrMI tb&t drUl.IQI UoD ror an OC'dc'ly a.nd eat• plan u tl)nt, and hoplnc a •park would I tJed over a .iow drtppUlc ta.uett from arUflctaJ lllande ahould be of Udel&nd oil deftlopment." tell a_nd kindle the lnflammablt and allow1n1 It to leac.b all nlpt. Farmer McCabe Writes ... I ... wti.-e llODM Dairy outtlt f:roa ~baa Mt up three ...... Kllk ~ >(ec"''* ID Ua• ac.t Roo1111 of Demouata ucl ~ ID Cola- ~ • , • Don't know wbat JdDd of lepl&Uoa they G• pect to stt wMll the lawmakins body drlnb,milll, but lttm It am't any betta' ~ wlaat .. pt n. tMy clnU WbiMey why a Wt ot etfort bu belll pne to fw -...... BARBOR PRESS ·A D4 nsitt .... 111:111 111 .. 0.. ..... T_,. S lQ) I .._, ....._ ... -'i. .. ,._,... ...... a... .................... ..,_,IBDfQ 00....&n 't1' ..... lilt 111::. ............ ...-........ 1 2 ., .. ..... ......... o..t., Olilll9I °"' ....... h .... ,. r ' YOUR SENATOR WRITES permitted "wit.hin llmlta." KJrk-"l feel 1:.roncty." he 1t.aled. mnter1aJ I had collected. I we drted It and had bdlota. woocl ~ fl&tq u would not ''lb&t. the commllll&on'• b&nd.t It you follow Ulla thlnt throufh Jn the Lak,vlew a.nd Ela1Jiol'9 f&90r any S&zita Barbara or Le-ahouldn't be Utd ln any U&'l• the chii.ln or aurvivtLJ faJla lnt.o country J tound 110me "llpped-mor- run& Beach ottlhore operatJoru. laUan which lbl1 ae.uton may ptacr. Fired, cl.:iy ol1111 tor atorage tars" wher. aom. ent.uprl81nc BJ IOllN A. 111.18DY D., 8r1tw, ,_ DllUtd The controU'r contended th • pus We O\ll'hl to move In W. ln Umu r,t plenty. Th• roelu about tnbe had \.aUl'ht their wom~ to land.a commlulon oucht. to be whole milter cauuouaty. IC 01• you furnlah mllll, t.ool& and -•-1 uae & emall ahallow mortar adJ•· .uted with llborellne son1nl' au• Udeland oil development la u.n· pons The only means of pruer· I cl'nl to the lar1er mor1.ar to cro- Aa t.be third ...-Ir ol u.e llplills • propoaal to recl&1m more than thor1ty to deatgnate areu whJch dert&ken In pl&nned •lag e •, vatton or rxrl'SA food le d~. ly eruah t.he acorn betore the fin• ....aoo of the I•*brrw dnww S.U0.000.000 la oil reftlluee which llbaJl be open to drillln~ In unprov-there wU be g-reater return to t.Jthu In the 1un or ovl'r the fire, ol grinding In the lurer mort.er. to • do9t.. aome at t.be baportaat U.. dty ot Lana Be&cll ac.cumul&t· en flelda, open with reetrlcllona th• •late In t.lle lonr run and Clolhtn; or t;Ome type from pllllll t h&•e lee.ft hundred• of bedrnd l '-'-are~ to tab~ ed dUriQI t.be per1od •hm Ill• perh.api ag&Jn1t a.land drillll\e, rreatAr protec.Uon Jor our beach· materta!s woven or braided, or th' morlara all over Soul!Mrn Call· AltlltoiuP U.. abject of -tall.a qDl9tloe ot J'ederal ownerabip ot clowd altoseth1r, etc. ea." 1kln.1 or anlnlfllll kJll'd I torni&., but ao far, u-.,.. t.N M.a not rec.t...ct much ~ tM u~ wu I.II doubL Lon6 ____ ,____________________ SL .. \'IVAL CIUDf only "Upped mort.an" l he .. Na tson to date. U.. tleenctel ~ a..c.b omdU 'ft11>roaaly Ulert Thl1 same logical chain of 1Ur-acrou -a wee bit ot •ton.,.,. fadal' UM people ot cantornla. t?Jiat oil-rtdl tJdelande were per• A F F A I R s o F s TAT E ~vaJ eldtt.a epparentl)t amon1 aD lq9nuJty. aad bmc:e the ~ ot ~ ma.-Uy rranted to Lo~ Beach LqUiabare, bu bec:lolD• man pros bJ t.be State. By HENBY (), MaeA&TBlJR llOQnCe4. ONLY l"O& llASllOS f A rwws.w ot all~ W.. But u.e proponent. of the mon U.. ~ *""-tMt O'N1' to piece the oU mooq In the at&t• aad &bo" U.. cm. and a bait Ml· tr.mry cJUm that the l&nd1 were SACRAMENTO <C:-O:S ) -C..11· Actually, moat of the charact~ lklO dollar ~ lflltlWd bf tM tamed °"" to th9 dty for harbor fomla 11 awaiting wtth lnt.ereat a tatlca or the aaloon, lncludlnc Ult .t&t.e ~ .ar1oua m-· dn>elopment P\l1'J>OM• only. Mean· me1NC• Governor Goodwtn J . awduat noon, I.he r,... lunches, W. ot the ~ are MldnS wlafle. 11t.ai. offtclala and reprumt. Knl1ht WUI 11n lhe leflal&ture. Ule back room ror tlle feminine Ma total ot PM.GOe.000 ln .,.c-atl'f'U or pr1nle oU companJea are wpposedly eomeUme thla week. pat.rona, have dluppeartd trom U\t la1 appropriaUona. U aD U.. ~ lr'1ll6 to come up with workable on the 1ubject of liquor. liquor drlnkinr leeM. poi9Je .,... adapt.ed, wlllcla ot lepelaUon tor deftlopment of the The govemor and Jlla elate liq· lt'ST AS DR~"lt OOUl"M l• not Jlkel7, UM 11tat.•1 oO undlr U.. Stat.'• Udelallda. Tb• uor administrator, Ru1111ell Munro. Howevtr, ll ta pointed out that ~ tw the IMSt a..& JMI' lltale Director of J'ln&nce "9a u-.,.. concerned over lhe lack of en-jWlt aa much Uquor can bt con• ~ total ..,.l7 Sl.I00.000.00C>-Um.ated Uiat dnw.loprnenl ot tlde-toreement ot that eecUon ot the Nmed In a modem cockt.aU bar, U. lqpst 1M"l1 ~bare in lilBde oO could 7ltld more tban U coMUtutton which •Y• that II•· and tlle pabou can beoOm• Jwit U. Btat&'J ..._.,, MDaaa In ,....._ to th• et.ate. unr can be aerv'd only ln a bona· u Lntoxtoat.ed u lh•1 tnr were ~ AG& ~ lf.cl9t .. poaeuc. to aucll deftlop-tide rutaur1nt or other eaUJIJ able to do, Nprdl .. of 'tlOlet.ller ......, tllit ,....a .,.,...a.auoa -.t. tt tt eaa be caDld oppoal· place. or not fOOC ii available. Mu. aa w w.. -. old ... ,.... :_bu:;:: ;:1 :;:~.:-= E~TOUllDT LACK KD~: :.~~th:; ~: :iu°:: I .._. ,.._ flO tlo 8100 & .. tll. JnlCllt Mc:ome contaminated and Admittedly, Ule plan to abolleh wcat.e ,.,._.. or altuaUon ot the d an Uded C09t et '86.000,000 & otMrwtat rv.1JM4 tor rtcn&Uonal the old-time aaloon. which wu ad• food r.qUlrementa ln lbe con1tJtu· 1 ,....... T11t1r'9 11 a •11.000.000 -..ro-purpoeu. ftllced by aie Uquor lDlel"Mt.I w1Mll u., Th• lltuaUon may be la.ken fl1atiOD meuure to pro.tdt .c.au prohlbtUOG wu abol.llMd ICft9 !O out of U.. penor'1 Madi, ho•· I aid to pennaaeaU1 ~ pel"-Al8o, 08 th• wbJect ot finance, JUJ'9 ....,, b.U Nied most com· '"'" uu-oup U.. med!um ot bill• ...... ead a SlJ.000.000 appropn&· a Mil provtdinc that ballot meu-pletal1 and mLMrabl)'. due ~ '9tore the ltli*lUN. llut la an.J tson to ftauee 0"9atr'11cUm of ur. caWnc I« -.ddlUoaal at.at• Uy to UMI lack ot entorcem.at llJ event. Ule ebW oeauttft'1 opl.nloa _.au bo&t hanen. OtMr i.paia-apmdlturH tpeclfy whtr. llUch t.11• lt&te board ot equal.laUol\, wtU 0&n7 eciee wetallt wtth tM Uoa woUl Qlpiupil&&a •t0.000.000 weJ ti &a '9 ra1eed eMllll lo be Which up to JIA. 1. bad tM J°' ,Jef1111&bmt. ror wofk ca U.. JLedWoocl B&Pw&Y. ICtUQI ltnes aupport. ol. enforolal UM Uquor Sawa. Meanwtllle. Ule wbject at tood In ... 000.000 f'1fr eonttauatlaa of met· DSAW' P011.D !'fow, UM quuUon 111, wuUMr ban will not be UM only matt.er ...,.Utan dllld c:an caaten.. 111me ~ otJMr l89uel. a bill the l'l"'lfTIOr and hi• coborte In on which the ionmor m.17 ..... P .000.000 for acquitlitJoe ol. beedl· &a outlaw ooamaenlll&l .,.., poluir liquor &dmlniltratlon. will Uk the eomethlq to My . ... aad '° • tie ... Mtl ---I ta Oa1UWma a,,_n to Jack CCl• lel1alature. t.llroush a consUtuUon· ni.r.. II-.. ,,.,...i to add a n,ur-. ..a ...,.rt. l,..Sfl•'lon requlrtns al amendment to the people. to le· UW. ~I ,.._ue to th• One Of t.be in09l eocitrownl&J i. UM CIOOktq ot prllap fed to 1aol9 p.Usa the old·ttlh lllloon once it.ate tll the medium ot a __ _..i............. ........... .............. .,.a. .... ..,.. ~ ....... I ON HDJ.SmE -Tbele 'bottom out" mortan are la rock near Calndlla Indian a..nauoa.. , ..> J I l I • --------·. • a ' '..o "\,,. < ' ,_ '-o •, i > ,. · . • ~.._,._.WIMlhl -, Oii Street .... COAST GUARD CAPTAIN. MAR IN E NE w s LAUDS SQUADRON WORK 1 '.".:".".NiWPOR~T'."'""':":'HAUOlt~NEWs.IUSS~.:...-, ~n ~ 'rDD 'l'Dl:I WDiNl2&-0D!y Ulpptr to cbalt. up a flrtt all ih.' way in the New· Port Harbor Yacht Club Sprlag Gold Cup Regatta wu the fabuloua Peggy Slater of CBYC wbo Mi1ed her Valent.me to a COllUl1Uding lead in the K-38 clue and copped the Rrin award. -Beckner Photo Dosh Attends Chow lerllllJ of New PCllCldena Power s.,-. •1 m o. )I". •••m • RAA Conunaoder Curt Doah bu r.tumed from lut ~· ~ tnct Powar Bquadron contettnc1 -.rttla .... ~ ,_.... UOILal th• 'orpnlUUoil. Among them wu h1I quotat'" trom a talk p._ at th• Saturday nt1ht dlJ\ntr at tltl It.attn llotal. l17 ~ JMa RoU11tree, Commudant ot Ute El...,~Ua U. I . OMA <kMird ~ Captain Rountree, addnealnl Ule conc:ludl.nc aeulon ot th• COn· fer.nee of •II or the California' lquadroM , Hid there were fewer accldenla on U\11 dl11trtet thu In any other U. l'I. Co!:~~ Guard Die~ trlct in lbe COWtlry. I! attrlb\lot.ed much of thl• tine : •oord to the teachin1 prol'ram and ac:Uvltlet ol U11 Power 8quadron1, In their C'Ofl· •I.ant cooperation with the Coaat Guard. PRA18E8 raoo•..ue: Contvenc. llll8llklnl. ..,.. Uriua 8eb, ft.a-, Jlr14p9. ft.a Bru4t. Uncoln. Cl&rk, ft&y Dooald.. J.,... Edwarda Jr., Frank Enntt. De.ft J"Tuer, Joe Quel'Ul. D&vt1 '1rtlL Hal Holt.a:, Leonard HOlll•u.t'. Le• Jonu, l:bner I.A I..an.M: 1- McColloch, Wirnn Potnero7, A.I· but Rylett, Ph11 llmlth, Al\'\n apencer, Jame• ltoddud. Jack Swart and Wllllun Varu1&1. &ach contrtbuW to .om• phue ot the confer.nc.. TIMy were to'4 the He 11poke word11 or pralM for the United BU.lea Plnffr BqU&drCIGll emphul• the ~quadron put• on have ahown the 11r-atut lncn-ue 1&fety, prepariu1neu &11d law-able!· In 20 yeart. wtth the Pf'Ofl"MI made lng practice•. and ~Iced tl\i! a p-thle pa1t year. 1 proval end cooperation of tht LARO& PEJICENTAG& Colitl Guard . ror tht 9f!u&tirnn11' eonunan•r :oo.n·1 ... port. for work i.nd lnnuenclf'. eumple, aboWed that 1n u.. N~- 1 Commander and P.fr1. no.h •l· port. Harbor area alone, on1 out of I tended a dTMer meeting Jn p,... every 2~ re1l11ter..S 'l'O t.frl, I• e«I• d.n., lttl P'rlday night, to ~ pre· n..:ted In tome ww.y wtlh IJI• local aent l l the c"-rttril\J' of the tenlh Squ-.drdn and the local fTOUP Ca!Uomla l'lquadroft. newly torm· ahowed a.JI 11 percent lner...e. ~ In the Crov.·11 City, w1th ~ Emph11lztn1 the rapid rate of pto- member•. Pa .. dena become• the &Tela In the r1port that Balllol JT2nd aquadron In the United Squadron. undll' eonun~ Dolh State•. W1tb Pete Ro,pr1 u lta hu bMn r-.u.ai.d to Ml1n a .... new Commander. Pllot1n1 eourN jq 8a.n BemardU!o. THUllSDAY, MARCH 24, ~- TIDI TAIL.I . ---' -.. -... ....... . ..... .. 1:41a.a -· -· •:•p.a. ... 1:11 p.a ... -10: ...... ... ...... ...... -· IO:•p.a .. •:11,. .. J.1 -u :.a .. -. u ·-.... ...... _., U :141 p.a. .... •=• .... u -------l :t.1 .... ...... -· l:Ol p.m. u a:n ,. .. ... -lt;ll .... ... l:GI .... -<1.1 ........ l :OOp..m.. ... 1:11,. .. u w-l :JI .... ... t :ae.a . ...... _,. 4:U p. a ... t :Ol p.• ... n.-, l :OI a. m. u 10:411 e.m. -<>·• JC&rda JI l :d p. in. .., lO:ff p.m. ... ----... :t @ er • nuT "1U. I.Aft -ClVA.IC'ft:s JIOON cic.urna _,. Kar. JO Apr. I .A.pr. JI ....... ESCAPADE TO DEFEND TITLE IN UPTON . RACE NHYC to Host 4 Challen11n in AnllllCll Cliwsic, Dln.-.r At the saturday D!1tric:t Con· begtnninr nut Sept.ember. wan feren.c:e, aU of Call.tomia'a 8quad· of Balboa SqllM!ron la Diatttet l'Olll ~re r.p"'tenled Tom ll~ne, Publle Re.11.Uona Otnoer and .,... P11t C<lrnmuder ot Santa Mon· ac:tlYii 1.11 I.ha Cont~Cle pT01f9'1'1. N la Bay Squadron. waa el.t<:ted to eiwpon Harbor Tac.lit Club. u l!laDea1na a.a au 1)&eco TC; Llw Balboa ILquadtoDli' qgt ac:UT!ty --• t ••-... --••-----•-p •--the poat of D1•trlel Commudllr, ...---0 .. .., ..,.-co au a ~u,_. .A.....-.-..\e t be port held by Bob Boyd at tha "'a dbaner rneetfAc •.t. 'Ii!.unday Tbomu Upton '"-rpetual l.nJllb1', Of U. '-.\apJell YC; and. Ales time of hla death late ln P'ebru• nl1ht at Newport Harbor Yacht wtll play bo9l to tour' ~ Inlal'•...,.... ot th• Balboa TC. ary. 8tatt C&pta.tna el.cted were Club. Nat CGme. U.. pl.anala1 for Uld a boat of mter.tad cu-ta BaDa1u l.Jld 8p&rllJe an both Adam "eQuat. Put Conunana..r Lha aummer nndlSVOIJI. et C&'.a• ud men:aben thia BaturdaJ ..-.. femur wtnMre tJt u.a tallulou orta--xn1m}-slfttlft6tl. '" ,f!_a.Jld. 1.q Md ...... 7. ~· Torn Rtcha.rda. Put eommuder ru.ororo OOVW Saturdaywtu-tba ln41'\cee1 ~-~~I 4WA&D H•U L. lof Lot!J Beach. Tht Pllottnr eouna now tn pro-Llpton·Troph.7 dbllil« d&lrtq-wtdcll n.. nee, °"" a ~ eow... Oeor1a J'o• ot Balboa 8quad1'0ll. peu le IOOft to eondudll._ Jt ln· onw11 ot U.. -~ lloaY wUI o1t S&Jboe. aad 11_,ort pkn. w1J1 WU n-electert 8eenlU'y Md CWI Cludel & croup Of ... 9-aU trolll be lntroclucied lo ta.-.ttl ..W "" Mart at 1 t..!11.. ...... , o1J U.. a&I• Ackerman, Put Cornmuder o f R.lftlraldil. Tbay .,... Wklns U.. tortunat. eDOaC' to ..S'-UM Ma ._. aad UM tropllf wUI i.. 8a.n Dlel'o Pow.r Squadron traa ilqUa.drolll Ptlotans OOUl'88 lia coa· UlalUc battk • flundi9J° a"-1IOolL ~t.l to u.a ~ boat. a l 9J' JIC&AL BECIUfEa contender• Ill IM Ocean Ra.t.1A11I• cuftomary a t thl1 reptta, dally "Now, tha t w&1 a raratta! ! !" clae1 to place tlrat overall In •pile flrat and leC'Ol'ld placa cupa 1r1 -remark f'r'lliu.eaUy blard tol· of bem1 .cra~b btlat. awarded In additloa to the overall )owtq two da71 ot lhrWlq" aaU-OIWOllDIO FO" aACZ Mrle& wlM.r trophitl. lftl' tor aU band& lD N.-port Har· Gaba la pooadnc Mana Amalk The cornplet. rewltll follow: bor Tac:ht ctub'a Bprtnc Gold C\lp tor th1 'l'l'UW-Padllc r.ce to Bono--Tom l!lkabtU, NHYC, won 1t11 eer1r•. Weathel'--Jl""ltet! Wind -lulu In .July and, U lhla nrirt a.kit· Lehman two-day ltr1ea while C&rl Pfrllct! Turnout-terrific! ~ mlab lwhlch included two other Eichenlaub. BaJboa Yaci!t Club, l'lome JOI enlrlP• In 1:2 cla...,.1 Honolulu Race entr1ea) I• any In· took f!rat ror International 1• <lol led the bfly With whilAI aatlll 'dlea.Uon, J(r. Giannini and hlti Ctu.. I(. F', Staughton, BYC, Wal and rhumlnl" .,. .. kel tllrou1hout 9ieek trat\ will be a deflnlte lhniat flrat In lh1 Mercury fleet while 111e two daya ot racinl' In thlli ln lh•t claaelc. l"red Schenck won tlrat In SnlpM. arinue\ Sprln&" ChampiDnahlp 1vsnL The other "newcomer" la the Nea.I Allen. BYC, ..w11 tiral ln Allholl(h SouUle111t on Saturday boat II.elf 1\nce the &kipper I• the Thl11tle elaaa whlle L. LumJ>" a nrl the c111tonuny We1terly 81411· NtfYC"a own perennial amall boat kin, VYC. woq Jn I.ha AlbatroN day. the Wllld waa quJte fresh all champion. l"redcly Schenck. who clau. Bud G ... e. WYC, took top th• time and th• 1ar1er tioatawent re.oed hl• bra.nd new Snlpa No. honor1 IQ Ludera claall and Geor1• rharglng by .Jim Dtc.'~llOll'a com· 10101 tor the flrat lime In th!• TltlU, NHYC, deaned up the Star mlltec boat. Jubilo. I.lid aero. tbe event a nd took an overall tlr1t cl&a!I. Bob Lamar, NHYC, waa aU.rtlnC lln• ~ the mat. ltia-'ll lll the Mven.•00.t neet b7 a 901id topa In tha PC ra.eea w11.U. Hook at a laat clip. th~·1t0lnt 'll'latJ1ft. PTed -111 oi.. _,...... Hll'TO, -tw. Ila , ADDED A'ITRAL'TION new boat Chmquendequ~. whiC'h 111 Rhodt1 chu1111. Peg-gy Slater, CBTC. A'n added attraction for apec· a CUban c:0Uoq11111.U1m meaning-won the K·38 clu1. tatora '""all the wonderful a.nd "'hot 1tutr'-111.d the boa t "hma '"·rlrrl c:oU~uon or ac1rf1. ahlrt· to be all of that'. ! tall• •nd odrl llOC'kl .,.·ht...-h bloom!'d Dl:OONl:R DASCE t rom ll'fl leecll of verlou., main· Saturrlay evenlni: found Ult Ir•· Bayer Tools Taken I 11ecw TrNlun!r. nectton "1th Uletr prepaf&Uoft tGr O&ifillJlllG CftAJIP ~c ~ u. ...... LO<l •• o-·-•-I.heir Quartumaatar eaam.JnaUou. Od tar. f1I coune. ta D. w.l""'"";;;;;;;;;::;;o..;::;.:.:::; ___ I ......., ~ •EAO The next PUoUar coune WW. bl mliatt.'1 Oalit01'1111a-12 -pnd· A.mam&" Balboa'• 4eJepi-. and Jf.eu bet9. bqinDtn,r In lepUDI· whtdl wU1 111 '*1pp9rld ~ 0.: 'Cl ............ _ ... _,_Q':_"""_,.....:.,._"-'"-'"'-~....:._...,....:.•-"'-·----------1~~'-pr'a wtn i.. a-er-a·. AT CASIU IOCK POC -......., .._ °""""' -..ell YC: OuU ~ PCC OCC Students Attend SCJCA Co.ta Ml!M Bulk WU a..,... lha bid on CharlM BL opaaAac bond& dur'lq' KIM C1t1 ~ mMtiq Moad&y IUPL Ballll ~dle.t P. M. ~ ottc.d tba Cll7 ~T70.N plwl "°" en.ed tat.at.It at • ,.,. Olat phlt • nat pnmlwn ot ta. ...... ,.,. ,_ ~ OOtldl "' sm w ... a. IMta Ana. rowws a wt&tt. ,... DMI' Jl&reor lltld. 11.-r Oftltp Cout OGUas• ~. --... nc. npoNd.. 'ba ....... .ntMltt. ..-ua-·-.,--..... ..... -- JIM WHYTE INSURANCE ~een, M1rlne ind 6ene11I lnlur1nce * Oftle910....._8Mlr .... U:...V a..un --.&illllleal.0.....6111- are qui.et! South Comt Co. 2Jnl a. ........ ....... . .. FAOl'O&T W•ICli ulla when tM ~Jl"'rll belat.edJy dltional lrttormal dinner • duc:to rf'm f'1nbrrrd .tile Cold Cup le one held In I.he main dining room a't t>' lhe rriratt.111 ln ""'blch an owner'• NHTC ... ·Ith el1pa, moor1n11:• a nd (la~ 111 obligatory. ( parkln1 provldC'd for all parllclpat- T\<'O n~·"·romera to Ule neet rc1· lng crart. With t1•10 racea t o be tfr nf !h• Xe1''J"'rt Harll()r Yactrt I 1111.Ue<"I eunday, ect1v1tlta JOl undC'r C!ub tO\'l'r,.d 1hem11tl"f'I wllh' \O'KY r11rly 11nd \he alllpptrl tound g' •f"Y t., their Clr11t Um• out Jn themse!vf'a blcMtd with clear local t-0n1.,r;1~1on, C~be Cla(lnlnl'a ~kit• an'1 f11.lr '"·Inda for the a«ond b•:1ut 1ful r.:..rt yawl. J.lio rie Am1· I 1ucc:C',.~lve day. Tro1)hlt• v.·ere 11re· u~. whlrh hi! jui;t l"rrt.nUy brought ll'nltd· Sunda.y t vt.nlni In the main a~oun'1 trn:n lh,. Ellat COll P.l, 1llow· ldln\ng room pt«""dlng the regular C'd her l':f'rl11 to e1o:ht other "hot". Cold Cup Prl'11Cnl1lion Dinner. At Thtlt of a power .. wand routeT , from outal"8 hl1 ahop wa.e repurted. to police by J.i:k Boyer or 2301 1 W. Balboa Blvd. He n ld U\C' toola were W'lloaded and left in the open door whlle h• a.n1were<l a tl'I•· phone. HI' u ld thf'y WC'TP gone on hi.I return. + AllZNTIO!f llOAT OWMWI A N11vy 1ubma.rlne crl'W muat c.'OD<luct 22!1 lndlvhlual •nrl equlp- r "1( chtcka in otd.tr to 1:.itec:ute a dive. -------- ~IAJDE...._, \'ICTORY-1''int time out in local competl· tion. Gabriel Cianlnnl'• at• new 59·ft. yawl Marie Amalie shoy,·ed hl'r heels to a nlnc·boat neet in New· port H&rbor Yacht Club'• annual Spring Gold Cup Re· gatta to ta.kc fir!lt in the hotly contested Ocean Rae· ing division. ~farie Am11.He Is one of the favored contend· c rs in the coming Tra.ns-Pacific ra.ce to Hawaii. -Beck ner Photo Purse Snatcher Gm Mrs. Dewey's lag SA;";TA A ':>.'A 1oc:o;s1 -)trs. l\lae \\"1lllam Dewry, 3:}4 Clay St .. Nev.·port Be&eh, .... u t he v1ft1rn ot a purae·anatcher v.·h!le dcln1 htr Saturday 1hopp\11g. Comet BurglariMd Theft of a. carbu"'tor and a 1tarler battery from the unlocked engir;e compartment of the bcle.t Comet moored in front or 11n1 W. Bay Avt .. waa rcportrd by ftay K!n1ball o! the same addreaa. -cta11tfle-d Ada ar1 read bJ folka who are re1Uy looki11f to blQ'. ~I r!. De\O·ey told Sa.11ta An& po· LFAD8 'l'HE WAY--Out ln front and dri1ing is the way Bob Lamar kept b ia PC li ce aha waa 11hoppl.ng in a dOl\'Tl·l ;:===========;,J aloop Sinbad during all three races of the Spring Gold Cup Seril!S at Newport Har· lol ... 'TI department •t"""' when a w o. mu "with the meanest eye1 C.V'I bor Yacht Club Jut week.end. Bob BCOrej two t int.II. and a eeeond in the fiee.t or !!'\'er .een" b~ped a.ga.LMt her. 11 boata to win the aertea for NHYC. -&."'Ckner Pboto When llh• looked Into her pune, -;;;;;:=:::===================;;=;;;;;;;::;--:-:---::--:---::--:---1ah11 tound her blllk>ld h&d bMn r t&Jl:en. 'I'll• billfold c:onta.l.l:led ll l<H CaWfllra lack 111d a quutlty of ert'dlt c&rdl. RESIDENTIAl..INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAllGE OR TOO SMALL Ken Cawtht9. 1~1 l &th lt.:·)aa retumed htre frotn Reno tollow· tni a ID-month ati.ence. Wh!la In fteno h• ut.atiUll!led a rwtaurant HA.JU:vl: t:"PBOIAttJUSO BOAT COVEU BALBOA OA.."'IA"U 01IOP ..... ., Dl'h JI .. II. NtWf'Olf lllM:H PAY-LESS --...... _.,. _ __. ........... ...... Yov Aathorl•e• TH ALCO P1bors1Mo Dealer la the Barbor uea.. Bria& yev ftbs. ,.._ problell!" to -. Pacific Fls1rll•• HOt \IV, c-t lfw7. n.. u 1-ttn Aero. from A.ll·America.ft lO:L --11&.. llf ....... --Z6U NIW'""rl'OR ... •T"--_,.,aw.-COITA L 11:':..__...o; 16111 SURPLUS BARGAllS ....... ,...,., ...... .... _, .. .,.., ... ~ ........ ~., .... 0-1111 ... ...... S1•chllthfs 11 v• •s• ~ ,._,. ..... 11 ... .. .._ ...... _, ...... 1 .. llwt .......... ....._, ...... , ..... ....... -........ .,.lifrl-·~~t ......... d ,., ••• ,.... .... 0...,. frwdll n ..--• tM> _, ....._ Ml DDlllt TNdl: ................. tlir.-1111 _,.._ ............... -.... ,. ....... .................................. • I 1' Dldill TNCI: ...... '* ...._ ...... --· -._ ... ~.~.~.~~c1m 0'8RllN MOTORS COSTA 11&4 I St. Andrew's :. Presbyterian ~ . . Qa...., .......... .... ..... ., -...... t:M ... u ..... • at ........ ......,..... ! Cllllnla. a.it .... I--8. IMaiwu& : ... ,.... .. ...,...._ : ...... ,., He. 'nM ....... ~ .......... .,1_., ........ • : ..... 1iua ........ .,, v. ...... . ~ .......... ,. ... .... ..... ~...__.l .. P.. ~--... ... A ,..... , '?P"Q' fll ....... ... ,.. .......... -0-. tJati9 .:· ma•et..& '1hM 0 ,._. :' -...... 1.-.. DMlr. : ftehmlirJllP ........... • W1 ' ' rt• r.auu*• .....,. : ........ , ............ . .,,. ,.,_..,, .. = HAllOI AIEI · CHllOllES c lt7 ......... '11 W. ltu. BL. Coat& K .. Llbert7 M65J Rff, Joeeflb W. McShaM .,.. a-. ., Olltlt tOIO Clllul'Oll Bt.i Ooata Me• LJ1*t7 MT11 ,.. au. Ir.. lllailter a.Ille a-. .,. Tiiie .. Ooe••lb' 11.u.odiat apl'-Shod. at l•~Newport ll&rllor am llADJiit.r: An. Ao7 Cari.mo a&.aw" ~ HM Oran~ An., eo.ta Kea Llbert7 1-1091 Father Tbom&t J . N .. tn . . .. CHOIR TO 81NG--Onnp Cout Collep Cboir will be one of the many vocal poup. to putk:lpat9 In the ~tic:Ja procram f()f' Orange Cout Collep auditorium to be preeented If.arch 30 at 8 p.m. The program will demoD8trate facWtiee of new plant In a reriew of mmlc compcmtloa.. developnent and play writing from 1900 • 195:5. J'int. row (L to R) Robin Jone., Garden Grove; Kary Davila, Coeta Jleea; BonnJe BieK&r, Santa ..... ; Edna Granger, Huntington Be a c Ii; Carolyn Overman, Cotrta Ilea; Barbara Bricby, Newport Beach; Joan w1m.m1, West.min.It.er; and Sharon Moffet, Anaheim. Second row: Gene Bened.ict. Conma del Kar; Paul Osolim, Sant& Ana; John Trueblood. Co.ta Ilea; Carl Sveden, Newport Beach; Lester Davia. Hunt- ington Bea.ch: Dick Stewart, Laguna Beach; Leroy Hornbuckle, Seal Beach; and Uoyd Holqrafe, Belmont $hon.. Outing for Luther.an Young Folk A. wt.Ml' r01A with ~ Cl&lllp+An te-follau ..,.. -tap tor the ewe LuUMI' LMcuea ot Newport Raltlor IAllhtru Cllurdl auda.)' at l :M p.a . Tiit .Juntc,, Leaiu• wm p1q boat ~7 .utue of ao.tq the noeat roller akaUDs part7 Ueket eoa· teat to the 8enlora. OMu'lotte Me· Qua JUDlor LMpe p....._t, la .. cMrs• ot arraapmenta. l'rtday •'Mllllll the Cluan:ll CouncU will meet to &ec:um ....... .. a.rchJteet ,_ the propoMd ..... cau.&l ult audlen..tl ~1 the -......u. tut .... ODmld1 dlalrD\Ul, ~ Kc:CuGe. wd1 p~ aide wltb U.. cllura c:omnatti.. ....un. pru •Illas tM cae..uns Of UM COWldL a.nte. hDda7 at the Newport 11.elPta Cllurdt will ... at Ute aa-.l boun ot l :IO Md· 11 a.m. Paator Robert B. Oroalund will preacll OD tha tbeme, ''II.ow To 'J'&ce n.&tb.." Jl\aalc wtll be pro- vided by the Cbaacel Cbotr ...,.. I.Ill ".A.•e Venun .. ~ JilOMlt. Tise w edneacl&7 •'Nlllnc 1.-taa ..me. "'" l•lmw' u.. Carol Chotr. Paator Ol'CIUand'• IMCl&ta.. lion will clea1 wltb ''TIM Wa7 ot tha ero.: TM Wa.7 of MJectJoa." Permanence of Good Stressed in Sern1on Church Tbe pertormanc. and pertecuon reprdinc the mu blind from of true ~I will keynote Ule Bun· blrth. "Kuter, wt.o did ala. UU. da7 Lemon-Sermon on ·~ty" man. or h1a p&reAt., tut be wu at t.be 8unda7 .. r-nc.a ot all born blllld? Juua auwered, Nelda· Cburcbu ot Cbrllt, 8clenU.t. er bath th1I ma 81Dned. aor h1a ----------------------"Bleaed art thou, O Lorts: paruta: but u.at tbe worlu of PA~E 6 :PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS t.cll me thy atatut• •.• 0pen 0oct abould be mu. mantteet la THURSO •y .. ~ARCH 2..11 1955 thou mill• eyea, that J may bebold him •.. and be anoU&t.d tu .,.. • l'lr'le ...... Qlmft.la ., N....,t "' 1 "" ~. WODdroua thlllp out ot thy law," or t.ht blllld man with Ule cla7, 9-lbo& Bl'fd~ ltth 6 Court Sta., ----------------------~-the OoldtD Tut from And Mid unto blm. Oo, wull IA Newport UNIVERSALJST GROUP IS P-.lma Ult:U ,11). th• pool of llloun, • • • Ile wat ....... 1111 LIMrty 1-IOTJ AccordJll1 to Jobn'• ao.p.J (t:I , bJa -1 turerore, and wubed. ,.....: Renert G. Jolu»on a.•. 1) Jeeua' c!tactpl.ea quutloned and came ...ins." Jf .................. ~ 1601 C11.tt Dr .• Newport Bell!lta LIWt)' .... 1 .....,, AoMrt ~ -....~.u..tW Newport Bl'fd. al BoW. IL, Newport Betsbte JCl4er JUcMrd .. "" ~l-1812 Clllaa9 .. .. ·--um AM'Ph CIMCa X-• Putol': ... ~ WUJl&ma Llbert1 1-n•1 ,,,.. ............ ~ .. w. BunSltoe. eo.ta KM& Llbel'tJ 1-1114 .... : Dr. JUcJrard B. .... .,,....,...a-. ... ._An& An. at Mapoli& Coat.a)(- .....,, P. a. Newnua o.w ........ ~ .. ~ .... (~ Synod) Coeta ,. .. rutor: ..._.,, Lot.h&r Tomow ... ,...s,1111,.a noe vaa Udo. Newport Beach Banc. lZIO Qaate: .....,, Jtalpi. ...... ... ,.... V"-1 Ill lllart.M. B&lbo& lalaDd llal"Mr OIH htJMr 8Wpbell JCOq, Putor ~ a.or.-Pamulua ~mt. PMtor a-1191 .... aru..11 ar.p A-... at llrd at. C....X-.ia.t1MM1 .................. ........... 0 ........ Ill~ A-,. Baa.oa !*"' M'' 1 Ct Rn. Dwld .... STUDYING O'I'HER BELIEFS Mar)' Baker ~ ct.clar .. In R H 11 "8ct.Dc.9 and Health w1lh Key to oa a.da.1. llardl IT, tbe Rn. Frederick IUftp. mlllialer of tbe U~ Communlt)' r.Uowmlp. will preach OD &n- otber tmpartaat amz-tJoa ot the Unlnnallat ratt11. ''TIM Autbortty of Tnllll. Knowa. or to be Kade Known." ID Bun· day aclM>ol UY JUIUor -i.n are lludytnc the three malJl up......ima. ot rellctGe bl tbe UnJt.ed Stat-. CatboUctam. Prole9tantSlm and Judalma. wblle the adUlt rroup la at pre- aent ~ ... .....,.,_ 1be UDJ.....n.t Oomanmlt7 reDotnll.lp meet. each 8\m· d&7 at tbe llbel1 Club 11.oum, 616 W. &Ibo& Blvd. ,.Balboa at lO:JO LDL for lk&Dda7 Kbool &Dd at 11 o'clock tor wonhtp. TMlr ... baDetba bo&nl, wbkll '-tbe ftr8t specj&J project ot uu. new 'elJowlldp, baa been ncenUy erected. and wtll ........ ~JU1Ptto~...-..1r7. Lenten Seminar for Islanders Corona del Mar Church Rites ev. esse . tha lcrtpt\&NI:" "Tbe ,~tlc&l to Speak Here Wednesday heallns ot CbrtaUan kleace re- .Wta now, u la , .... tsme, f?'OCD tbe operation of dl?lne Prtnctple. before W'bidl lllft Md ds.u. loee ~ rea11~7 ~ lmlllaa ~ a.. u4 41.,,_,. .. naturall7 and .. ~7 .. clarlm.-rt... plaoe to lipt aad ... to reformation. How, .. ·U... tJMM mJpt7 WOC'U an aot aupematur· al. but.,......., u.tur&l." (p, at). THI CHURCH OF llU~IOUS SCllNCI ~ ..-... 1...-r, ..U.W.,, tlle ...-.. °'9Cl&N<Df. OF llIN1>" R.v. J.rla Turk, llllnt.t« Topic: 11 L m. Mar. 2T "Love, Tiie Lod•tone of Lite" io :20 a..un, a.mce 11 :OO Jumor Cburch l•1tf« CIMu-clt -bracee .U •IN •bow Jf'lldcrgortew a"4 ta MM at O•rl lteotit Bott.ff, B •11t Drlw et .U"4e11 Thur-.. March 11 1:00 p.m. clue "Orowinr Up Verwu.1 orowtnr Old" LlOUNA IJl:ACB A.AT GA.LLE&I, I0'7 oan DrtY9 Hyatt ... nM pr-.dl a aermae oa "l:ta'naJ Mo- llMftU'° MS\~ la u.. Com· anmltJ Cburc:ll ol Oonlna del Mar. '111ie-cbap«J Cldr' WW rtw a •lec- UOn from ''8tabet Kater" by Roa-~====~-------~========~ lllDi at tJM t :43 WOl"l!llp •l'Ylce aad Ule CMnceJ ~ lbl&• "Lamb ot Goer 1'7 r . Ktllaa Clu1atian.wn at. the U o'dodr aentc.. ,,.. PUcrtm ~ 11\&de 11p ot JUctl acMol aad eollep atu· d9nta. la -mac eott• uCl doq11· •uta oa U.. lawa between lh• dapbcate an'llce9 Of wonrlatp. WSCS Hears Deacone~ From the De Pauw School ' -· The Skill Required Long yeal'll of training and experience have given the • profeeaional penonnel of t he Parkes • Ridley organlution . the degree of skill neceaary to meet unusual situations : this skill is reflected in a \·ia- iblt diffe rence. which haa given our organ.iuUon a repu- tation for aupertor profeuion· al work. ...... rs s•, a .. __ . . ti ;:-~':1 °'M ••Olott1UI • s ....... . IAl l O A • tAllOot. "LAND • 1100 llll . ""*l'Otf llACM • COIOMil . .... t ' .... IS·IT ll.TZR 'l'llAN 'YOV TlllP&? Rf Pt...., JOU Mart la tlcklac •the eecoeda of a llfetime I nm ""'~ roe ... ..... -··· -roe nm ow cm "-C:::....11 ... Wlu.nt ,our willlar It to do-. It le pmDplaa life tlwoqh ,.ar "'• a • appro•lmate rate of 72 beata • mlaate. Ja OM JUI' it will ..... pulaed clOM to JI -----.. "bsf't .... ............. ., ..... 1 • ::t.!1 ---=~ ..... , _ . ...,. ... -::::· .:--... --= milHoa tbcMe-11 1111 '"' ••II. But RppoM your Mart auddealy'etopa tocnonow-or next week-or, at tJM lat· ftt, Hst mont&:-What then 7 ........ -·~ ...... PWt ... -ct:. ...-1r ..... ,., '* -...., "rt -~ .. • ..._ .• ...._ mr :.• '-' ..... ~ .. -.... ,., .._ •• ., 9.. 0:::. a (tJ lom490ae, eomehow, will help 1,011r family pick up the pieces and rftume a life of aorta. But oaly you CM lafd• the dfftllllltion of your eotal. •llldi .... '* .... _,,tllwll. ..... ..,_,,, ---. ....... ..._ .. r,_f .... .. ...... ~ ...... ,.. . . r.=:,; ... :::.. ~ ·--~ ................. . Let JOW' putor aad JOU church abow you the Way. l.ioolr to the future I ......... ~.... • t;!: '"'-~"-----..... ., ~~~-. ,,,_ • 114 .. ···--.... .. ..._.. . ..: It ma1 be later tbu roa think. This Cllurch Feature.Sponsored by 111ese Local lmlneu Finns HAITLllN FLOWRS KOPPIR KOTU ........ Maftll • Slllltll Shel s.mc. Your Corona del .Mar o..lera l801 a MOOE. Cout IDgbQy Barbor U88 ·~······a .... __ Harbor 1110 MAIGAIET'$ CAFE 8,..,...11• la ... Fooda -Onkre to Go 181' Newpert Blvd. Harbor n88 NIWPOIT CLIANllS Dey CJ.,... -L&Ulldry -Preealns 108 T.ua Newport 8eadt • NIWPOIT HAllOI IANK 0....del ..... IOSAN INC. 8-cral& DtvWo. A Forelp Moton Ylllcewt'a lual l>l1MJ Stores TbrM locaUON to Serve You Allee of Uclo IHllty Saloll Hair Btyhns tor lh• lmUvtdwtJ to8 Did ( • tile PO St.) Harbor 1844 IUSSILL W. IANGllT Ul lht 8t. IWI SAIU STATIONRS Of'Mt.l.lls Carda. Boou, Artlat aupptlla IOlllala8t.,IWbM. aan.rm THI CLOTHIS HOISi "lbop ot DlaltncUon" lllllartMA..._ ........... ...... 0'701 81•1NI S•11t Mital W_.. .... llltal -a.a-. -Y-"tt ... ........... •eJhrftlO HOUSI AND GARDIN Compaete Home hnallblap Drapei1ea -~ I011 W. 0..-RW7. IAl!ftJ 1-1111 MAC'S CAR acK Cout Hwy. MAllNI llAUTY SHOP Ptr.ona.1.1-d ~ce lll Hair 8tytJnc S27 llartae Ave.. ...,_ ...... Barbor 151 MAIKIT SPOT 200 llartae Ave., IWboa .... Harbor 1000 NEWPORT FUINn'Ull CO. Complet. Home ~ l810 W. Cout Hwy. 1AertJ I-WI leiwt'a ... .,.,. Dept. Stare "Your Fam11¥ 8t.ore 81Ace ltlt" SEASIDI MALT SHOP ZlOO W. Ocw.a ..,._ IU Newpori ae.e.. I. WASIMILUI Airs CAA "Where all l'ood is Cooked Ill ~ IA YSHOll llCHFllLD F'l'ff Plck up 6 0.U""Y 1'7tb a c.o..t RWJ • (AertJ Nlf.I lopr'1 .. •• U.1111• C.. Linoleum -TUe -Carpet -hrMJea UOl W. 11A1bo9 Blvd. ....._ ._ HAL cowa a SON SIGNAL SR. STATION rr... Pt~ ap 6 ckL -Wlleel ...._ llOl Newport llhd. ..... Ult GIORGI M. GRAHAM ltup Ud ~ lft~A"'9 ........... ............ Higlt Quality Printing-Pit. Har. '''' I l r l • Aid is Given to Children at Holbrook ~t. Na~ IDdiana an pttipg a utt ap1n thll. montb u the Newport-MM& Sev•~__, Adventllt Church 1hlpe another package to the non-profit 1ehool at HQlbrook. Aria., locatM near the Painted n.trt.. J>Fified Fare8t a.ad the eJatnace to Graqd Canyon.· InchadM tn tM 1blpmut will ..._ la ~· fall. 'PPfOl'lma\elJ tot pls' ftanMl ntpteown• and t• )'OllQ ""8 ud ..,, m<Mltq Na• • Jo'• wt ... front other tn• bapt.lamal rolilN, all mad• by UM cl.ad tn nee and llff, IHYI their Dorou Society cwom•n'• -ltaN bowla and h<>san• to com• t.o tit• • croup ot t.h• Adventllt cburcb.) llChoel. Uuw t.My -... de-JoUMd To daW. tM total •11mber Of nlW ..CS ft..a olothu and llle&I. II a sar-\a mw and doaat.d to cblld I°" II°"'• hr a week-end u t.be .-oo& bJ ~ N..,.,.t·Mea theJ .,.. occ..-..i1y allO'llNd w e...,_. a. ... , 200 a\ a ooat of ons do, U.. OHoiWne projec\ llt&l4I $300. nee. ,.trMDta tncfuded vat-wtMa .fie retuma. ctrearr, unWtblnp, apron.a ... SOJIE CAN PAY 111111~ Ma117 .._.. -' ... If they can attord lt. th• cbU· dotlllq b&ve &180 ._ ..i. 419 167 a. Uttl• · w&Uon. U aot. aorRU TU08a u ii we 1a meet euer. \!IQ ooma TM M.wport -M-Ad.,..Us AllJWaY • .,..eyQDe plteea ta to lllo weltrrt beOU'I• lnltreai.cl 1n tM ~ wortl oC the cahteri&. 1-W!dr)'. Holbrook Bdlool about three yerra ud •\b# ~ aco when Kta. S. R. Clryton, 1• RecuJ&r couraet of atud7 for !.:& Road, a member of the Afo padea l to 8 are given alone wltll · 'IOdlty, ritlted MP broth· we>oftlork. aewtne, Bibi• cl&tle• er. WU\Wn Markel. wblf la a taclllo aa4 oooldn(. er th.,.· ancl a1eO 1.8 IR.IJ>ervla1n1 Tit.Lt tut ~ \M 44V•l• Ule ~. al a aew (\rlt' dorml· lrt ch'lll'Oll. rJaas with proalnenl tor, thll y_,.. local Jl'OUP• ud J(r. WUU.. • Church Drama Group to Give 'Family Portrait' THURSDAY, MAR .24, I 955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE 7 Harbor Girls' ClUb ·Now With· National Qrat!tudil at tbe uq rrr et tM w ot r commltlff to 10ok f~ oommunlty to the Jl.utlor A..-,,,,,.rty. for the dub. Olrla' Club bre&kfut ... ~. ttW tbe Maillt of UM CllU'• bUlJd. T • ~ f\md, wu ..., ....... b, u. oastnustress P....,...'-)Ira. cimOl'4 1.ewta. .... G M memben ot the o.o.au .. OOW.• roup eets c1l at J(oDdry nlellt'a..,.. 11Mttt. ~ at th• elubbouM. 8b&ron Bl> Monday .. u WU liftfl prile wtnnll' IA Uck· ' • •t ealM tpr the affair, ercond Barbor Toutmlatreu Club wt1l .-Jilonday •nntnc. Maroll JI. . ud Wr4 prise~'"" Judy at llolpltallty Hou•. Balboa. at Lewti •d Judy 01-oa. T:ao. Women In UM Harbor area Mn. ....a "-aie11 a. " P" tM ed-.UonaJ tall&; KN. r-aaa Mon. t.h• iAYOOaUO. 11114 pledp: Kn. ICdward Mirkovich, Unaer, ua4 Kn. Albert E. John.toll wW M De pearl. MATl'l&SUm ..... _ ...... _.......,. l""'fllolu ...... ~ .... C087A llEM ~ 00. UMN..,....._ Announcement •u _.rt tH lateawted In Toutmlatrrla UU'1· Pi•M~ ... t.tn, of \he ncelpt eC a tele-U.C are Invited lo att.ead. cr&ll1 from tbe nat.loaal ~-Tou&mialreu . Of t.be e'ftll .... 9"I Qf t.be Glrla' Clubt el Am.no. wtll M Mra. J411rell ll. Wolf. Mn. tn 8prtDsfleN, Kue., ftlcoalq 1ArGJ P. Ande~ 11 'l'of'e· t.be a.nor Otrla' ~11111 lato flllJ ...,_ and the ,~r• are MJ• memberahip. Wllh I.he ooa\&llued Chaliotte Bklnur, Mn. J. A. powtb of Ule club and the need p..,_ _. Kn. NadlM Rill. Mn. to expand tac1UUea ,tlle board ap-Arthur klchNll wm bl .ftlua\.or; polated Mrc. Arlie awe&U eUir· ~--::-=::---=====;;;::;======:;;::1c::=S::::;::::; ........................... Baha'i ·Members Celebrate at New Year Feast ected 11y t!lelr putor, tilt Rev. About IS meaa..,. rM .....,da i'rank ID. Butterworth, wbo bu of the llaha'l t&ltll oeletlNt..41 lbe 1M4e r bobtly of 4treoUa• rellrtoue ew ot Naw·R~ Urie BUa'S !few 'Pla1tl cl\artnr \he part l& years. ~ t Uucll dimMr cea.-.,. Ttleb' prosram la .upported entlr.· err. a a po Jy "7 tNe-wm oUerlnp ta>tel'I ta !Joa Monday e,..mna at U-• 1101M -.oh elnarch wlMr• the)' appear. of Mr. and Mra. ....,.... Mtrko- STAfFO•D A 1011 "M'SLa .... oc,)CJ" &LllOftlCAL OOlft'a40IOll9 ..... L.1Wt7._,. l11 ......... A._.. N ............ AITHOIY'S MARKET * -·rte rlAU.Ul SAtJIAOm Mn. ~ pra ... t.4 th• Kim• ot .on.nee Oout Ooll•se. pllrhl ot Urie aearl)'·for1otka Ala• tent tour truclc·load• of ftJtbl'• erlCCll llldlana an41 the wtrk U.. fQr r bl( Chrlatmu party tbat In· .uveattat danc>mla&Uon la t.rytns cluMC tood. c1oth1nl' and toy• to to d• at Jlolbrook and other other •Mdt Navajo• at ta.. ••· ecboo)l lllaoll U tb&t at M4*UllU VeQu.l-e>pe.rated IQooJ aacl c.Ualc fte ''J'oeWfht41t" o1 White local perto~ be(\aalal' a t Vlch 1« Rocheat.er St .. · Colt& ~Jle .Jil•u.octt•t aiu~ tn An•· 7:ao p.111. Mesa Teachers Kua. A'~ ot ..a.ettw N&4o * CMrapW. a... rrAUAN oaooam * DIPOBTED rrAUAN DELIOATEMm Valley, utalt. al MC9UIR•l V&Ue)', Uta Tbe rootll&'bten ta a unique Mlm wUI .,,..,. a~ CluUt. Church drama troupe whkh ha.a won ~ lnp holn vartowi J'eupcina of the &J Uie Sea on Monday evening, lion&! ~Uoa fer Ute high t W k h world follow .. U.. dlnMr. April '·They wU1 JlnMa\ thl fam• quality Of their amateur prodUC· a or s op Prueat W.ft Mr. cM J4rua. oua play by Joyce Cowen and ~-Uona. The entire cul I• of hi .h Intereit l• beln( uown In the Arl Drwnm-4. Al J~. Lee "°" Coffee, "ra.lly Portra.lt." school or college •S•· They at .ve Orange County 8Chool8' creative Rovln, Edward Mlrko'fk1', R. I\. for aemi·prot•ulonal t uallly. and writing workabop 11Cbecful9d tor to· MacDonald, Kenneth ftutea.' Var-ftla will be oae ot a 11erlu of per· carry with ~m a oantully 11elrcl· day ttom 4 to 5 p.m .at Ule com• non AU•. Joa.A MacDaeald, Jew. fw1lnclloea of t!le production In ed wardrobe and propertlet teated munlty Center Auditorium in San· Helen Perkin.a, Kn. &. H. HIMI· ....snc C'burchu throughout tho for historical accurac7 for I.he per· t& Ana. soa, Mtaa Jao• Octtvte, Ki.a Jilar- loutlllud dUrlng the ~tn vac.a· lod depicted by UMllr pJay .. Many Coet& M-educ&tora aervtng Ion P&f'80N. MJ.111 J..U. ~ Ion period. of the player• double back IA du· on the county committee headed RJcMr'd :Mirkovich and Dc..ta. Ttl• play 1\aelt 18 conQltmed ...,1th pllcate roles, and er.a llu an U· ~ J.Uu L&ura Wr1&bt of the l.na· Ronald alMi av.an M.MDonald. eveat.r 1n Ole home 1n Naza.rtlb stpme11t of reapon.rtblUty for cos· belm ach04)la, ar. Mn. Alberta ----------- Call DAM'S TV ....... .._.. ...... ubertya.ma Freeh Made RA VIOU -Ilea& or a...t •ER cutd IMPOITID WINI THIS wurs IPICIALS rD'TB BPl:CIAL MILLOW IUICiUNDY Perfect wtUll 8~ _ ...... ·--·--·--- SPENCER STEAKS _. __ .... W 119 E. l 'rtlt, a. ONMr ef '!'..ala 1a.tJ 1-11'6 Votifla .... 0,.' ~a Weell-,1• a.-t. Mlle .... Wit 04,_ TO 8PO&T ftBlllNG BOATS durln&' and after the pread:Ung twn-. properUH, and •tare-work Ray, Main ICbOOl; Mn. Lovell Leh· mlnlat.ry ot Juu•. and ~cauae of whllo "on the road.'' man. Monte Vista aehool; Mlu Ila rever~nt portrayal of U1e ram· They conduct a prayer 11ervlce Anne Ho•pert, currtoWla coordln&· Uy Uh tt• lett. bel\lnd. tt ltaa be-pr.ceedinC each perfor9'Uoe, and tor. At lbla worlWlop UleH will be eom• one of the bell·kDOWJI rell· "pl'd U.elr eltorlll u a miniatry a pane) dllcu.lioa on '"All Chll· (loua play• of lhe twenUeth oan• ot ctraAaa that .atuc» out to other dren Wr1to" toUow9d t11 r county- tury. The public 11 Invited to the churches. They are pef9Qf1&11Y dlr-wtde exhlbll ot ch1'ctreJi'• oreallva :=.;:..:....~....:...:-----~------~~---~--.--~-•wri~tln~·~'·~---------.!~~~~~::-~~::-~'!:~~~~~~~~~~=..:...~==========================::::~:::l!I:::===~==~ cAne euried a •t4r1 about their -To Show Travel ..,.an•cea. '"'uen .. , Mi. w ... ITUDENTS at Holbrook School, AJUona, come fronl far hoga.na, live at the ICbool which takes both boya ~d glrla. Suppli• &re being .-it them by the Seventh-day Adventt.t Church. -Photo by Mn. E. Jt. Clayton ba.reor. She la a frequent contrt· Film at School =~~ ~~uin• ... .nu Tbe Grt.aJ• Jael.O a vary IUCOaM-AaaeuMelllMt a. made by ~-fill Bt. Pat.noll'• Dry Party IUt A.Me Hotpeta, cumculum coordl· J'rfday eve.n11te. Altbouch • day nttor of the Co•ta Me.a ICbooll apd late.. UM lJ1ah theme ,.... carri9d cllalrma.D of UM JMUlUle COii!-out In the cl•-decerSUGnl aad mll\ff, of \M pruent&llo.:,..:c .! ,.-. w., .,..._ hMk •we n. _............... .... ,.,. • 9't.-.... -..... $300 IN CMH PRI Laguna Gallery to Present Artist Duo Mra. helm McTasprt. eu1118Utut. 8Pldl o1 u.. lllDu'Md lal4L teacher or t.he Me• ac:booLI, aa Detallt for nnl morilh'• party Tueaday, Much :n. from 4:16 to will ba ~ lt.Mr. 5:1:'> at }l~r Kh.OOI muJU·pUr· poet roam. Included ta th• 1Udu and movie wtll be plcturu or Mn. Mc:Tac· prt'a lrlp to Ule Citadel of Port BJ 08wa..L .14CIL80N A u Prlnc:e ta HcJU; Caf&CU, v- OpeainS Oil March ao &Ad continuing throqh April 24 welr: curacoa ln the Netherl&Dda At Costa Mesa Baptist Church . ~ '·-· Beach Art Gallery will praent two outatandJnc Wut Indt••; ...,. Blu i.lrn• "Chrllt"• KnowledC• of Mu" II --.-PaJl&IT\& Cana) and Jamaica. One rmn&' ..rmon IU";.c\ et u.. dhibttioDI, the paint.JAp ol the international artilt. Rol&ild tmtltute credit w111 b9 ctnn ,_ ;:'., P. o. Nwaaan. ,~ Struaer, and tbe SouthlaDd'• fam.oua marine artJlt. A.rUtur att.Ddlnf · ~ al l'lrll BapU.t a.wdl. Beaumont. Roland Btramer ii eon of a J'rench· motlier, edu. eo.ta Meea. At th• 7 :90 ·~ 8 G S .mce th• them• wtll be 'TtM cated tn Vienna. wlwre Illa paa• (om.La Painter• ud lculplur.. rangers ee Device.a of 8atan." WI father wu naturaliaed. Ba la· Club, TM Lons B9acb -'rll•l Oulld 'nl• Chuo.I a.oar WU! 9iftS hert\t ln nch mMaUre tll• Daro-r.ad the IA(Ul\a Beach Art. A• T } F"} b "Teach Me to Pray" at the 11 pean tradition ot ._.p, drau1ht.e-tod&Uon. He hu &Men the ,... rave } ffi y o'clock M.rvlce. There Will aJ.o be m&Mlltp and decoration Kl• faUI· clJIMJll of numeroua award• and ..,.Clal mu.lo al th• evmln1 .. r- .,, •n.w au..er. ~ .. mmt :='!cs~=~ Nell Murbarger ~ we<1nead&J at T:ao p.m. the 9C\l1Jtor, ud prof9hol' at the Ata· IJa the Lowiar o.n.na. the An· Coal& Meaa Or&nl'IN u4 tlMIJ' PralJle and Bible rtudy hour wm dmt;y ot l'ln• A.rta la UM A•trtaa aw -..Slllt ot th• work of Ut• tr1enda \Were earerly lookine tor-be bald. At 8:36 p.m. 0.. nrto111 aa,1t&l, br-4 h1m to art and train· puplll of lM Lqv.nc Beach H"h ward to tble evenlnl whtn foJloW· pra.yer Jf'OUP• .tll a.reetnble . .s au. tn JUI •booL aebeollt wW h held. ft• ubJWt.e me a pot-luck 1111ppu at 1:30 p.m.. ~~_;,_-------- wtD-epea fon'lally wtU. lbe mOllUI· 1111 ~· ba r w\U abow "''C~ While M ..., U"4, pair~ ud IJ tea on 8unday, AprU l, tpoe· ia::n -:ar a :::.nt trtp tnto ~ Old ~Uabed ~ ~bttM "'9t tJt.e 91\Urt work!. tor.d by the Junior 9a4 9t1Uor )(laa Murbarl'er ud ber r.u.er .t.s-eY bM patnunp au companUw.lJ un· P·TA"• ot the Lafuna Beach &114 mother. Mr. and Mn. HarTy AU ltnem wntt.en. Jmown i. ~ Un.lted ltaW. Tbe achooLI c . Lowwberry et Co11a Me• .pent BOWA.&D W. OEBRISR IAcuna a.di Art Gallery f"" . 11 da.,.. on a ea111puie trl• below 1808 N-BlVd . eo.ta M .. ,..,. ful'tuaata ln ~u.. bi. ·-....... WOf'k. Jt II ..... wtl) Urie ..... , Le t M . Ute bof'der. PHONIC umn •11u ....,.. ot rtch Je-1 colon and Den USIC ~n~·~M~arch~~t..aa~~°'~n..rt~~~~~~~~=========== UM llf•llk• qurlltJ of b1" wbje<V. ;::::::;=:;:::;:;;:;:~----------------, llloWlq • u..~--caouai °' and .Sermon at , .............. ~oltk• ¥ crUR ~ .... ~ Christ Church POI MllCHANTS PIOTICnYI SDVICI IN NEWPORT HAllOI AllA · CALL UHIGH 9· 1634 MIT llltlll •so 1011111 TO llYI ........ fHIS IS All YOU HAVI TO 00 ro WINI TIN IUNHRmUP NIZDOf NOW • THI n.tl TO PLANT mmw -a • • ..a. .,.... ~----_ __.1 • .... ... • ~....... O...• --..:---Wll•~ = ~-· ......... 11 r ... 5 ,, 7 ......... _--11 ... AV"'1'&14$• . Pwte ··-·----····· .. --·-· A t1 i.-.. . -°"111'9 ~ 0.t&a4 IAY NUISIRY -.. , .. ,_, ~) 0-. ... • • • STATI MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY w.c1 ... STIOOCI .& CASHMERE COATS byMnlll r .. .., ... .. ... ..,,.. ....... .... :r .. ~'t 1'•• We l'Wnlt ... .,...._ -... Uptown Cleaners lltl W•t IWboa amt -N8WJOft .... W• .. , , I .. ~ :;, ...... Pa *• al W .... __ ......... ....... Fint of all ftnd thil eololUal mauloa and then vi.lit It. Notice everythlnr carefully and take u many not.ea u you need. Then write. ln u IDal\1 worda u you desire, all about It .... tel1 WHERE it ia •.. tell WHAT it ia •.• tell about tht beautifUl IT'CNW • .. tht fnt.eriOT • • • the f urniahln,. ... tht unuaual 00Uector'1 It.em• ••. d. scribe thia houM and rrouda u fully u JOU wWL Judfinr will be.~ m the aptneaa of you1' deterip- tion and naturally .... tneu will be a faclor. '20...., PM CHILDllN'I PllDS OP '10.-.. CONTIST WIU IND AT MIDHIOHJ, Miil 30, 1955 All entries will become the prope.rty of the 1poD1Dr of thia contest and SM>ne will be Ntuned. In _. of a tit, duplicate prises will bt awarded, bat the juct,.•a decision ia ftnal. In the event JOU u• more th.an one aheet of paper be aure to put your name and addnaa oa Uch aheet and number them iQ the upper n,ht hand corner to prnent loll. Children under 11 yeara of are wUJ quallfJ for tht f\nt priM and runnu-up P.risea but in the event the11' t1ntriea do not wia ~ are 1\ve 110 priMI to be awarded In thl1 eatetorY . It you an under 12 ,.an of ICf be 1u" to ataw ,our a.re on ,ovr entrJ. Writ• °" tM ~ of tAe J>GJ>n Ottly, ,,.. •• Emplo,.e of tht apoM01'. tht newapaper ow their families wilJ not be •liJibk Mall lntrle1 Toa "COLONIAL CONTEST" 12141 GUiil l1'lllt GAIDIN GIOVI, CAW. I -( ' ' . r 1 • . ' 3 SILE DAYS! • Iii&• .. ··SAT . m' MAR• U· D· 11 • I U. S. &RADE 'CHOICE' I '6000' EASTERN ST Aa.u:ED STHR 'BEEF . ROAST,~ EASTERN SHORT-SHANK HICKORY -SMOKED · PICNICS ALUAMERICAN'S FAMOUS FltESH,·LEAN - UID BEEF u. I. ..... 'Choice' I "6oocl' lon1l1• EnCJlmh I. BEEF IJIST r= ~SUCB> BACONr=:35'~ ... . I.MN. MEATY IEEF SllJRT RIBS " AtESHl Y &ROUND-SEASONED JUST SOI LAMB ·PATIIES ~~··D-~W.NDW P 'KSAUSAGE COOKED IAIY LmTEIS W I N E S <1 11 d L I Q U 0 R S FRUITS and VEGETABLES , . . . . .. -~ Y.•~s s;1iciiis ~ 24, 25, 26 l~IOG ANO& fOOO • WW-.... , .... 59'. !SUS,._. IMI,._. -----Or-.. loll COf PD CAKD ••• D FROZEN FOODS mIEfs ~3t. .STEAK ·=:us 31t WE 0111 PIYllE•ll PLllTYtf P-1 , DELICATESSEN FUllS . 39: • I I l l ,. -. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS .. -PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH . 24, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE I I " .. .. JM>ll 01' YEAS -Beaming hi8 p-.mi P. A. Palmer holda certificate prWDted him •I ~ n!Pt by Jira. HUold Bild, out-goAnc premdent of Newport Harbor. Buaineu and ProfwlonaJ Women'• Club, right. Palmer uked hll "partner," Agne1 Blomqw.t. left, a club membir, to aliare honor. with him at ceremony held after annual ~ quet In Newport Harbor·Yacht Obb. -Staff Pbotol B&PWShow . . F etes Bosses Honorinf Paul A. Palmer, Lido Ille deftloper, u "&.of the Year," Newport Barbor~ 6 Pro- femional Women'a Cub Friday n.IPt .tqed lta annual Boaea Night banquet In Newport Barbor Yacht Cub with gap. girll, rtni. and guffaw..· Kn. Arnold E. NaecU receiftd "Glrt of the Y-.r" award at the program, cbairmua of which waa Kn. O.rville Schlueter. Table .ttinp by Jira. Ada Karie Dua- ller'a committee hlpllpted 8t. Patrick'• DaJ with tiny ,.,.. Ue4 to ..... ~ Entitled "Ed Sullinn'a Crwt of the Town," B 6 PW Club talent danced. aanc. wi8e-cracked at Harbor ~· complimented apenae after oUlcera for the •· IU.inr year were preeented. Succeedinr Mn. Harold Bird u club ~t ia lliaa Jean Howell, while Ki8I Doria Raef wu preaented u flnt vice-preaidenl Second vice-preaident will be Kn. John Palen, with Kn. Na.egli recording .cretary, Kn. Don Southworth correapond.ing aecretary and Kn. Ruby Steven.Ion treasurer. OW. OI' Tua -Kn. Baroid Bird, club preeident, ~ pn981lt. e.alrl of tbe Year" dophy 'to Kn. Arnold Nupll for b_. oat11tencttn1 work on club'• Chriatmu PN'f .... Practically every facet of ahow buaine.a wu repre- 1ented iby the club'• entertalnera duriq the variety lhow which dreW heavy applau.e from Harbor be-. invited to tbe banquet. BLONDB 80MWftDJ. - Jira. Elwood Roitman, at micropboae, pr•eatld tor- B a PW llOCDJl'l'D 8'1'EP OUT -Htrb kkking cborw line Jed otl aow, 0 F.d Sullivan'• CrUlt of the Town," at annual eo.... Night banquet In Newport Har· bor Yacht Club. From left., dancers are Mra. Sidney Peck. Mn. Orma Crank, Kn. Don Dungan, Kn. PhyW. WU. 11.1.meon., Mn. Ben Reddick, Kn. C. E. Chapman. OIAllOllOUS l'.llCD -Kn. Ralph Quinn. at micro- phone, kept •-so.e. Night'' banquet rueata laughins hilartoualy with a anappy line of patter introducing var- ioua acta or just taking wind out of local buain._,.,.,., aaila.. And they loved it. .. 111188 OOl..LIZN -Kn. Robert . Tracy, above In lriah co.tume, In puto- . mime aanr. '1t'a A Great Day for the lriah," with Ju· dy Guiand'a TOice' for dul- cet aound. Later ahe wu one of thc.e leecUnc com- JDUDlty *'· cxa++fl Mrw• -l>onUaJ Jo-....., Joeal daDoe Sltaiidlllr wlao aided elab maberw la tMlr roatln• for llbow, tapped aat .__rut ... b....at u the •tertam· mmt DIU"94 n. flDUa. day.~ ol -try .,..... wbm • ....,... ..s·· them at ..... Nlcht putJ. llNOINO 00.-EBCIAL -llMry ~ abGw Ital• a commercial but ti-.onpa._ made Ulla OM fet Rk:bard'a Udo llartlet llm palD.fn1 thaa tbe nann, funny ill keeplns with the abow. From left, lll'L Ben.lee w ...... Kn. Alice Bell. Mn. Betty Jant., Kn. l(ldp WU.. u4 Mn. aaair J'oL I '· ' ..... • PAGE 2 ·'PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW$.PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 24, I 955 I NO CONSERYAnON OF ENER&Y FOR CONSIRYATION MOtml ' Cub Scouta from Dena 3 and ' took off on ll&rch Jobmon, Jimmy Reynold.I and Oorlry Elliott. Prom Den 15 to viait the Orange County Fore.try Service ln • were Bernie Ho!finger, F.dward Healy, Jimmy Both· Orange to see moviea on comervation of ·fore.U, water well and Johnny Boyer. Mn. Edward Healy and Mn. and minerala and a demonstration of fire equipment. Jack Boyer drove the boya and they were M:COmpanled Thoae who made the trip from Den 3 were Rocky Dan-by Mn. Betty Reynolds. -Staff Photo tels, Chris Ellerman, Tommy Cole, Frank Averitt, Bob . County BOnd Sales Show 2-Month High Investment. by Oranp OountJ relidenta In U.S. 8&Yln•• ~nd9 over January and Febru&r)' wen the hl1be1t on record for any two- 'month period In the peac.-t1me ht. tory of the Treuury thrUt ~ Sf&m. Thia wu reported today by Rol- and A. Wlight, community cbalr- man of bond actlviUq tn Newport Beach, In announctns the county'• prorru• to~ It.a 1155 p&l ot S:S.04~.160. Total January and J'abn&U7 Alea of the widely own.ct 8eriM Ill )>and and the current tnoome Ber- le• H bond amounted to Sl.OH,llN. Thi•. the local drive cbalrm&n •lat- ed, is 73 per cent hl(ber t.baa aa1el of the two Savinp Bonde Mdee over the correaponcStns a\oat!w of • It~• The percent.ace ratn tn the colmty compares with a uu per cent Increase In Bout.hem C&U· tornla and a 16 per cent lmpl"Oft- mant In the naUon u a whole ia January and Febnaary, Wrlcht added that Oran.-Coun- ty February sales alone ac:countAd tor a pin of Sloe.IN, due luptJo lo a "•trong and aceelerattnr" de- mand for Serie• H bonde by ta- veaton and pereona preferring Ila current tncome feature and attact• ed to the fevorable yield of tlLle re~Uvely 11ew eovemment Mc:u,. rity. Pause, Eldred, Takekoshi Trial Gets New Date BANTA ANA. (OCHS) -Super. IOI' Comt Jadlw n.nklln Wat ~----~~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~---------------------------------------------------Thllnldayeont1Du-4Ulecon.tp&r"M:7 Jury Awards Cotta $2000 in Personal Injury Suit Frank Colt.a.. Co.ta Kea, Fri- day 'lo\'.00 & J20lk) jud(nleDt ln hh per.iona.I lnjury action qa1nat Earl and Bea Tlbblta, operaton of Earl'• Landin•, 711 E . Cout Highway. A Jury tn luperio1 Court Dept. 2 found tn hla favor alter aome thrile ho\119' deUbera· Uon. Cotta. who llOU&'ht Slt,171 trow the landing, cJa1m.cl wu knock ed to the gTOU.nd . 22, JN2 b. a 2-ton motor when • boom oper- ated by the delend&nla broke. He said he wu worklns on b1a boat. May B, berthed at the landln•· :Otta cl&lmed he wu watclllns _be detend&nta hol1t the motor JUt of a boat when the accident iccurred. He claim.cl Uley were ialns ul\A.fe equtpment whUe lll• rlbblta alleged Cotta. un.uked wu kiln( In the holatlns ot t b • 1otor. SALT All COllODD Mll1U I Kt 11 tra ~ met.n tn -td.11,1 order LI oampUc:atad In 1(.,... port -..ela ~ UM -1t .a air. ftle w parUcuJ&rly t.ne with the ..... u.at lltaad ldJe all winter, aeeord.lq to Bill Donabue ot UM eitJ ...,U.. crew, wt.o ta llbown abo'Ye oWq up a met. that 11&1 not be.a Ill UM alnce lut ....._ Tile 9Jt 1.11' ~ the liillp plna and tM7 ba•• to be drtftD out a.nd olled. Doaa!lue 18 ple=ptq Ida Dal trip beck to 8oetoa to ... bla IDOthef WJIO .. IUD cb&pper at IT. He .. la beck to .. be.r rfV7 two ~ l"1t • t1"d ot rtdlns tntn. uc1 II _... pleen .... to ....,. a tnlltr. MESA COUNCIL CUSTODIAN NEARS THEIR PAY BRACKET At 1eut one man bu profited &om the' late hour• kept by eo.ta Kea'• city councilmen. Th.al'• md Bteftu, Newport JU8tlce court cu.\odlan. He uked tor a SlO p«r month p&7 Inc~ "due to th• frequency and lonr houni" of c:owacU and city planning com· mlulon meeUnra. Monday lll(bl M pt It-but Juat barely. Mayor Clain Ne1-aur(Uted, "It he t1nd8 the houn too loft(, perhape Mr. Bt.evel\8 could be relined." 'Oty Kanapr Georre Cott•1 ncommpded th• SlO 1!'1· creue be granted. Agreed Councllmaa A. L. Ptnkley, "I think ll'e worth $10 per month, havtn( to attand the• meeUng1." The '9'0t.e favorln• the ra1-wu 1-2, Kayor Nelaon and Ooundlman Ch&rlea TeWlnlWI 41-.nUns. He iaow 1eta $40 monthly fOit council and Plannlns commi.ton ....iona. Coun· ................ .._.. ... ,. 'COUNCILMAN IA' ·. 'Police Gazette' Fotog Shoots Old. New Members The Police Ouett.e covered eo.-the record. Or, aa City Manqer ta Mee& Ctty CouncU lnfflln• In Georse Cofley put.a It, to compile Newport Ju.Uce court Mond&7 "an tu.torte MlewnulaUon of coun- llS(bt. cilmalll&." ~.,. MM& PoUoe Sgt. ftol'•r ~_~~report.a, "The camenl didn't m. Neth wu preeent with h.la ptnt· r oreaa, either." .._Speed Graphic. Step down. He ebot the couneUmen, too. All ----------------------°' Ulem. J'\nl he took & p&lr of _pk:a of the onstn&l Meaa councU, complel• with Councilman Walter MlDer and KQcw Char1-TeWtn- l&i.. 'n!-be ~ the pre9ent rrovJ>, wtth COWlcllJnan A. L. Ptnllley replaelnr MWer and M•:r· or Claire Net.on oecupymc t.he a..d cb&lr. ~ ot the pk •: To complete $300 Cash Prizes In New Contest Just 5tatl11CJ Then Will be a total of HOO tn cull awarded to the wtnneni of a ..., contMt t.bat .iaru today and anda at midD.IPt .Apt11 10. ........,. tn the p&per you w1ll ftDd Lbe detaill ot th1a aimple con- tMl that bu a S60 caah flrat pn., t.eD prblee ot •20 each, and a qeclal diUdND'• caterory with ftft SlO prLMe. U JOU bow )'OW' Oranc• Coun· tJ J'O'l11 baft DO trouble locaUn( and ldautJlnc t.ba plctund man- llaa ID w. ecmtaet. Then you mut .tell It, wrtt.e all about It. tn lroin u many wor,sil u needed, and sub- mit~ UNY for Judg1n'g. A bo&f4. of loc&I Judgu wm be appotnt.ed to eelect the winners and their decJllon w ill be final. Dupll~t• prtaea will be awuded In cue of a tie. Children under 12 years of age will compete wilb lhe adulUI for the top pm~ aa well aa being eUg1ble tor the tlva $10 award&. Ent.r1 .. Will be Judged on con· tent alone but nealneu will be a factor. It la uked that you write on only one llide of the paper and put your na.me and addnu on each abeeL Probate Soaght In Freel St11t011 w• BANTA ANA (0CNB) -Pro- beta of the Will of the late Fred H. Sutton, 124 Vta Palermo, N-- port Beach, wu IJOU&1lt. tn Super- ior Court hue Friday by bla 111dow Ruel& B. Sutton, 61!. Per90n&l property ln the .. tate wu lllted at S116,000. Jotntns Mn. Button tn the peUUon were Elmer J. Wallhar and the B&nk ot .Amer· le&. 'Ibe enUre t.t&te wu left to Kn. Button. Joel 1'eft .... ID CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 s. c.-llvtl. ftlft ot .. ..... ., .. 1IDd .................... .. un&'O • ._at Ill luta AM ~... ... reported to police Bat· Ul'daJ'.., M. J .............. of 111 •ldlmod An. .,_ atd tile t.btft eceun .. •twee. I p..tn. ,.,_ Ud a:ao Lm. satun1a1. &..; • • •••• ID OIANOY TODAY IOa BIOlllB'I' T&&DZ.IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECt hr Poetiao Dmnoutratloa -t to obetruct' ju.Uee b1al Of Arthur o. Eldred, Herman Paute and Takeo Takikoahi untU May 9. The trtal WU ate<! to g'O here today, tiut llle conttauance wu uked beeauM Pa.uae, IU8pended <>ranre County Uquor c.hlet, ta In another trial Dl•trict Attorney Robert Knee- land had no obje<;Uo11 to the con- tinua.nee. The trio wu lndl~ by the OIW\f• County G~ Jury on an allecaUon It mlabandled the tranater of Jap&nM liquor U- cen.ee& Eldred, former Banta .Ana real utate king pln, wu returned here tor the continuance trom hi.a cell at chino prUon. He wu found guilty by a jury of three count.a ot grand thett. He pleaded guilty to three eoUDta of forsery . • l • JUST NOITH ., POST OFFICE PICTURE OF MEN IN HURRY Hunyinr aboard a apecial Paciftc Eleetrie ear u a ~ewa-Pre.. photographer polnta hia camera are memben of the operating officers' ltaff of the PE railroad. Lecl bJ 0. F. Squires, vice-preeident and pneral manager of the Loll Angeles office, the dmm or so men were in Newport reeenUy. Official Squiree told the Newa • Pl'fJM the Y h It had nothing to do with the P E condemnaUon proc-dinp now underway, uit S. a regular inspection trip for staff cli9cuaiona," Squirea Mid. .,What do you thlDk of the improvements we've made in the ltation !"-Staff Photo Economy at Sacramento Coil~ Save $1,195,411 for Counlians RtpOl't lad t .. cb J'lve bad checka were n,..te4 to eo.ta Meaa police l\Ulda7 by Haro.Id A. Vollmer Of "" Oru•• A••· He uld the ebeekl, totaWns 'The 146.500 people of Orange "'l'he atate can carry on lta pre-SIM, had been accepted from an county will be uved about $1.895.· 1 aent ttandard of aervlcee tor thl• Edward 0 . Haley b)' lfuoold'1 400 tn taaea If the ler~~·. ure bal-cominl' year without the new or Restaurant, H70 Newport 81Yd. anc .. the 195~-:)6 111.a1.. ~udget Iner~ •late tu.;. which the AU of the checu were wrltt. oia without more st.ate ta.x<'a.' Call· Co.ta Mesa Bank, police npon.d. tom la Taypayers' &.11SOCialion mud 1 s ovemor I• dema.ndJng." the Tu-and were marked "~ to locate today. payers' alllOClaUon declared. account." OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST _AIV OA1ce I-lours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ,• _ ... ~ .... c,... HlcJhwct ..... A .wen. ot cme ear te at'Oid a ldpway barricede .,,.._iq caUMd. emall acddmt 1'11day at Cout Hlrhway a.nd Na&"C!imUI Ave., police Kid. Both can w.n Pins -t OG Cout Htrbway wbea the car Clr'lY· en by Ropr .A.lbl1fbt Qoodepeed. ao. 333 Grand can.1 swerved to cup the ,..... of a car clrt'ftn bJ' ROiia 1-8tratt. •t, of .01 AYO- / cado Ave,, police ealdj Mlllrays Hawe Soll Mr. and llra. JOhn Kulray of MO Be.ruJ Lane. eo.ta M-. had a baby boy al Hoq' Hollpltal Bat· urday. UGAL NOTICI O.EltTIJ!'IOATll or BUSINF,88 nO'l'ITIOl18 naM NAME LIGAL .N011CI • -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PA6E J THURSDAY, MARCH. 24, 1955 HU. UMl ..._ m'fd. omo.n: lbon Awau.a. em.... del Mar ------------Mn. J\111& MM a:a-t. IMpect.or. a.cJa. at,. ot Newport a.a.c1'. LIGAL NOTICE UGAL N011CI Mn. JflM IL~. Jadp Mn. Ooaat7 Of <>ru,., State of C&ll· Aunll& N.__, ~· fond&, &Del Ulet tM ~ prtce -----------1·-----------PIWCJJ!fcr NO. a. PndDeW aa tMnol wW be paJd at 10:00 o'c&oclr ta Qt7 Sleetlw-1, T, 10, 11, U , a.m. OB t.be •lll day of April. 1966 H. Jt, 11, 11. II, •• IO, 11, 12. II. at SQ llMlrow Oo .. Jae., 11711 Ha,. (TIMM ~ lDcludll: Balboa bor Blvd., Ctty of Ooeta Me-. Ialaad. 8eacoe liq, Jf&rtM>r Ia1an4. Coua~ of <>ran,., 8t&te ot C.U· 0o ...... de1 Mar). foml&. PoUlas Ptaff: Corona del M.ar Dated lll.arc'h ll, ltllll kbool, 110 CarnaUoa Ave., C:O.: Bay J:ecrow Co., Inc. rona del 11.ar. Of't1ffn: Kn. A.nae IC9crow, Cfow~ IUpector. Mr1. Jane JC. 11715 Harbor Blvd., Morsan. Judp. Kn. Martha K. P. O. Box II Cunnlnpam, Judea.' Coeta KN&, Calif. 1, PRllC'INCT NO .. t . PNclncl.I u CARL G. BllCKER ln Cilf llleeUoiu t , IS, IO, 27. M. RUTH L. BECKER 36, at. (Th-. precinct.a Include: Vendon Newport Helsbt.. CUtr Haven, PAUL 8. LONG ~aw No. S, Bayabone and OZA M. LONG Ba)'abor9 Camp). Vendeee Pollins Place: Horace llulp No. lSC>e N•-Pnu ll/2Vtl~ School, UOO Clift Drt119, Newport CDTll"ICATll OF BU_S_IN-'E_S_8_ Helshta.. Ottlcen: Mn. JCdJla .J. Jooee. IMpector. Mre. Mary Tay· normOU8 FlllH NAME lor, Jude-. Mn. Kary L. Daum, The un~"1dgned doee hereby Juqe. certify that ab• le oonducUnr a by eafd deed ot tnaat the Tn&etee'• fH a_nd erpen.a of eaJe Mllmated at $15UO, torether W1t.b &1\1 IUm8 p&ld and advanced by lh• owner• of aid now In accorduce wlllt tll• pro¥illou ol aid deed of trual, with lnlereet on Mid lut mentioned .um.. NOW THllRD'ORB,° NOTICS ra HEIU:BT GIVEN that the aid 0ru,. County TIU• company, by vtrtue of Ole authority ftaled In It u Truetee tnder eatd deed of truet, will Mil at public auction to the bl(hHl bldder torccuh, law· tut money of the Unlted StatH of America, on lhe 4th day of Aprtl. lllM at the hour of eleftn o'clock a .m. ot u ld day at U\e eouth front door of U\e Orans• County Court Houae ln the city of Banta Ana, C.lltoral&, aU Of the. tnt.enet COD• veyed to It by uld deed of tru1t In and lo all that catain property situated In the County of Oranp. Stat. et CaUtanaJ.. de9c:rDed .. followa: TM NortJJw..eertJ IO feet fll Ute lloutlleut«ly Ill ,... ., t.be N01"tbeutert7 llO teat et ua. eouua-w11 aao te1t ., Lot Tt Of Tncl Ko. ITI. M abOWD Oil • map rMOl'Cled la book 14, pqe Jt ot lli.ce&-laneoue Kapa. ncord9 ., <>..- ..... Oount,y, Oalitonaia. or eo much of ..ad propen;y u aha1I be MCdlarJ' to be IOld to p~de a IWll 11Utnoieat to ~ t.be total amount MCUnd by al4 deed of tnlat. Dated: llarda '· lf!WJ OR.ANGIJ OOUNTT TITLIC OOMP A.NT By OIDORGll A. PAJUDl:R Preatdent By C. W. BAXTD Becrelar)' (Corporate 8eal) No. ISOO N ..... Pl'M9 l/lt. JT, 14 'OONOBATUIA'DON8-Mayor Dora Hill. right, tella Skip Freely, '8CQnd from right, abe ii happy to hear that he. Clinton Sawin, mwsic teacher •t Newport Harbor '"Union Bish SCbool, left and Mona-Rae Barlow, second from left, were honored with invita- tion to play in bud and orchestra at bi-annual California West.em Muaic Educaton NatktJAI Conference next month in Berkeley. The underalped doe• hereb certify that he 1• conducUng a cabinet manufacturlns bu.lneea al 2S71 Newport BlYd., Cott& Meaa. California, under' 1he flcUUoue nrm name of PAct:r'IC CABINET COMPANY and that Kid nrm le compoaed of the followtnr per· 110ne. whoee name• ln tu.U and place9 ot ruldence are aa foDowa. to-wit: ARTHUR M. RAMBO IM9 Dopood, That tile ntume of eatd election real eelate buatneu at 8201 W. wtU be cuYUMCI by UM Oovoemlnr Cou\ Hlshv.-ay, Newport JJeach. Board of •Id 8cJM>o1 Dlmlct on Calli; 3M7 8. Cout Hlpway, Co· the 24th day of Kay, 18M, at tbe ron:a del llar, CalU; llUt Vla Lido. hour of 1:08 o'clock P.M. Newport BHch, Calif; 201 Marine IN WlTN&BS WHERIX>J', w. Avenue, Balboa laland, Callfortlla, haft hereunto Mt our handll w. under the n cutloua firm name of Ulh day of March. ltM. TRl!l VOOIC.L 00. and that eald l>ONALI> J. DODO!: firm LI eomp<19ed of the followtnr ZOii RAii BAJ\LOW peno.n.a. whoee namee and addreu- 1 WANT AD will cost· yo~ only . s2 end it will .run DEATH NOTICE eo.ta Kea. California. Wltne• my band U1l9 tth day of March, 11163. /e/ ARTHUR X. RAXBO STATll or CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OJ' OR.ANGii )•. DONALD DUNGAN u are u follow•, to-wit: H . R. RING LOIS T. VOGEL, 11<>le owner J. L.. ITJ!l1'FEN8EN 1511 Vii Lido Nord, )(ember. of the Board of Tru.-Newport Beach, Callf teu of NEWPORT HARBOR Wltne• my band tba 22nd day UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIS-of Marc.h, 19~ll. in ell , 3 iuu11 2 High School Musicians WIH Play ·at Conference Walter A. (Barney) Beyer, 58, of 22.2 !Cut Del Mar Ave., Coat& Mona-Ru Barlow and William cepted, Cllnton Bawin, mwilc llaa, died Sunday at Boas Hoe· :<Skip) J'reely, membere of the ln-teacher, nported. pltal. Funeral Ml'Vicea were held lltrwnental muetc departmant of Mona-Rae, daucnter or Kr. and at 10:30 Lm. today at McCormick Mn. Ronald Barlow of Balboa ~ Of w. ttb day or March. A. D. lllM, before me, ROBllRT r. WILLKJC8, a Notary Public in and tor t.he eatd Counly and State, re- eldlns therein, duly commllGoned and lllf'Om, penonally appeared AR'nlUR )(. RAMBO known to me to be the penon whoM name I• eublcrtbed to the within lutru· ment. and aclmowledsed to me that he ueauted the ame. TR.ICT O LOIS T. VOOJCL Ca1Uom1Lr OR.ANGii COUNTY, STATE or CALIFORNIA ) No. 1300 COUNTY OF ORANGE )H. New..Pl'M9 8/24 ai 417 ltM On lhla 22nd day of March. A.D .• ' · ' ' 18M, before me, a Notary Public KO'l'ICI: OP 80llOOL ELIXJTION ln and for .. Id County and State, NOTICE IS Hl:RllBY GIVltN to penona.lly a p i; • a red L018 T . the quallfted elector• of Newport VOGEL. known lo m• tq be Ule Barbor Union Bl_.. 8cbool Dl.trict penon who9ie name la eubacrlbed A Minimum ad is 4 PhoM Harbor ,,,, Newport Barbor New9-Pl'Me Moaday and Tba.ndaJ edlUoaa, Pl111 'the Coutal 8bopper, WedHeda19 Une1. N-sic>rt Harbor Un.loll H tr b land, and flnl chair born player Chapel, J"Ullertoo with the Rev. 8cllool, have been accepted to play In the hip .chool concert band, Joeeph McBbane of Cott.a M..a tn band &Bel orehMtra rwpecUve-wtll play In t.he Co.nterence Band. Community Church otflcl&Unr. ly, at the bl-aMuaJ Callfomla-The dl~tor of thle sroup le Mark llr. Heyer bad l'Hlded ln ea.ta Weatem Mu.le Educators Nation-Blndeley, naUonally Jmown mu.le Kea tor •la )'•an, wu formerly aJ Conference In Berkeley April 4, educator and cUreclon of bande at trom J"Ullerton to whlc.h h• cam• I and e. th• Unlnnlty of. DUnole. • ln 11121. He wu a nau,,. of Ar- 1A wltn-wbereof, I haft bere- unto eet my lland and atttud m.y otftclal eea1 th• day and ,...,. tn UIJ.a Certiftcate tlnt abaft wrttt.n. ••• to the within Inetnunent, and of Oranse Count7, CalltGrllfa, that acknowledged to me that abe ln accordance wtt.ll law, an elect..loa executed the -.me. ~===========~===========~ WW be btld on the toth day of In w1tnMI whereof, ! have here-• - Ma7, 1M5, la 8&ld Dlltrict, J>e· unto 11et my band and atttxed my Classa•.at.-...1 1-...1-1 .. P9WlrJ' tweeA tile houre of 7 :00 o'clock ..... nus 17 ~ Memberahlp of lb ... eonftnenae Bk.ip, eon of Mr. and Mn. WU-Jtana., a boat ttn.leher by trade l•I ROBllRT F. WU.I llZ8 Ky CommlMloa ~ NOTem.ber 18, 1t66 .. ... •Rd 7•00 o•c•-'-p ... at official eeal the day and year ln 1 ,..__, .. ....___ 18 8__._. A-n •••• "• -. ~ ' · ..,.... · -·· ... ,_ e-rUflca•-flnt above wrttt.en. ._ "'--.-- No. 1302 New•Pr-1/10, 17, 14, 11, 1856 sroupe LI made up of hl(h echool llam Freely, al90 of Balboa Ialand. and wu a fttMall of World War muaiclane froDl California, Ari· la to P•Y In the Conference Or-n. He le llU'Vlftd by b1I wife, sorua, Nevada, Utah and the Ha· chHtra. He le one of the etudent Roabel B. of the home addreM; wallall IAllande. WIU\ eeveral thou-dlrector1 of the hllb achool Con-one eon. Walt.er IC. of WhltUer and aand playen eompeUn• tor place-I cert Band and al.ao tlret chair two rrandchJJdru; al90 hie fat.her, ment In a band of apprOltlmately t rombone. Conductor tor the or• Albert I:. Beyer of Ft. Smith, Ark.: -N-OTICS--.--0-,.-Dl'l'ENft--.==-:-0-:-,.:--::T0:-:-- 100 mueldane and an orchut.N ch•t.ra le Guy Fruer BanUon, two ltatera, Kra. Ruth Kelley of LU.& or ot comp&~ alU, muelc1aruahlp 1 permanent mu.le dlrector of the rt. Smith and Kn. HatU• Hackett EN~:O~ ~OU _._,_.. -• •'-,........_ -"" ...._ .. ...... ~ ..., I ,.__. _. ---"-• A.._ WM ... ... ru .... -ec.._ ...,_.,.. .. ,.. uw .u..-/a/ ROBERT B. POWELL t ~ Dt:t:n .. A• ... fw lele milted tile qaeftion of ah.all th• No•·-Public •-•Rd for ... "' --a -------•-•-~ ·--f -·d n.i-_ ~~ ... -· tt lt• .. e• a-.. .. &..-.. __ .......... um ra ... --or ... ~--eald County and State. u ......._ ...._... tl A ... 8e"'-tric:t be tncreued from S.75 per No. 1307 11 .._...._, Bente. U Tl'llllln w.!',. s100.oo ... 11,1i00it ..i00 uauon to N-•~ l/2f. Sl, v 1• u , 111~ u ......._.. u ....,...._ St . ..., per ach 1 . a•11ui! H 8llaN y.., Ou t1 W ....... a.t ftlu&Uon for the Kbool ye.ar com-Ciiill'D'IOATI: OF ltU5lNE88 11 "-P*'-aa.. .. ~· .._ ,_ ... mmctnr Juty l , 1166. -.Id lnCTeU-nCl'ITloua n:aar of\A.JR n a.on., ~ tw .... ad tax nte to remain In effect The unCS.rllJned do hereby II .._.., ANa Ma 811111 I• 8- for tile ,...n 1~ to ltea-te, cerUty that they are eonducUq a 11 ...., ... A* '80-Tnlls ..._ and ctliMnlhlp requirement. are Oklahoma Symphoay In Tulaa, and of Hobart, Ind.; three hrothere. Mud! u, ltll utnmely etrlnsent. The local hl&h wt!ll known throufhout muetc edu-Ray, Oeor1• and Ed. all ot To whom It may conc.m: ti • ...._.. ... r.... ..._,_._. lnclualvt, to provide money tor tM puklns lot -.eplnr "rvlce buel· .._. •A ._. ..._ followtas p~: S.45 ot llUCb tn-,,... at 192ll Harbor BJYd., C.O.ta :! =-~ ..... a-a _. Kllool aad the entJre dJJltrkl have cation for hle outetandlftS work at Smith. Subject to l..uance ot th• UcenM won a dleUnct honor by havlnr the world famoua National Mu.lie lnt.erment will be la Loma VI.at.a appUed for, and conunenctns not lb ... two yollnr mualclana ac-Camp at Mlchlfan. Cemetery, Jl'UUerton. 1_ than 16 day• after the date ereued lax rate to be UMd for Me•, Callfo!"nia, under the ncU· tt Help Wuled M ..... 111eo. poeted, noUce le b~by st-ven that th• underalped propc>M8 to Mll alcoholic ~SU at tbeM pre-maee, deec:rlbed u follow•: ecbool buUdtnp. equlpment and Uoua firm . name of COAST It ••-lie a• II...._ a om.. other capital Cf.IU&y, UM remain· SWEE.Pl.NG SllRVICE and that •A ..... .!!"A ••• I o~~r I tnr S.10 to be uMd for operatlns ll&.ld firm le compoeed of Ult fol· .... Ap,..._ -• and maintenance e:irpeuee of the lowtnr penone. wtloH namee ln ll w ....... 89,J II ....... 2814 Newport Blvd., Newport 8"ch. echoole of l&ld Dtetrict. fUIJ and placea of roialdence are u U ...,... .. ,.. ,.,. s.le r, ==··'8:~ ,..:..... J'or the purpc»e of holdtnr eald foUowa, to-wit: :-~~U:.,.. It._ h•tllt:r Punuant to eucb tnwntlon, the undenlped le applyln( to the De· partment of A.lc:ohqllc Beve,_,.. o.uo& for ·-·a·= ~ u-u..f• of &"> akoholle ..._,.... ,._ tlecUon. tlUe .iecuon ahall be and BIIRNA.RD L. BELL. aoa la· 14 .............. TV ........... ·--'MllPl9 It le htnby ordtnd COftllOlldated land Avenue. Balboa, California. I& Doc-. Cla&&. ..._ ft a.a ...... with the 8cbool Truat.e ~lectlon BA.LBOA TRANH'J:R 00., A for tlleM premilee u folloWI: ON-SALE BEER Anyone dHlrlnr to proteet the leeuance of euch UceMe may rue a verttled protut with the Depart· ment of Alco.boUc Beverase Con· trot at Secramento, CallCom la. 11.attnr (TOUnde tor dent.al u pro- v1ded by law. Th~ preml.1u are now llcet11td for the eale of al· cohollc beven.gea. ~~~~~~~~CL6~ill~IE~~-·~.D DLatrkl, which elteUon ellall be boa BJYd., Newport Beach, Call· hekt on tht .me date u ea.Id fomlL - Newport Harbor Uroon Hlsb Wltneu our hande thle 2nd da1 8c.bool Dl •trlct eJecUon; that of Mardi. 1965. ;4.14Ul$1U$ _-.. _ P·z""'?''" noUce of eald Tn!.aleee Elec:Uon /I / BERNARD L. Bl!:LL --•• ••••••-._ - wtU be publtebed In the NEWPORT BALBOA TRANSFER CO .. KATHLEEN A. RAGAN No. 1308 Newa·Prum IJ1.4/~ HAR.BOR NEWS-PRE88 at ie&ll A PARTNER8HlP once a wMk for thl'M coneecuuve By f8/ 0 . C. BENNETT weelu prior to eald election, which STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Not.Ice LI berby referred to for the COUNTY OF ORANGE I•· dUipaUon of elecUOO prectncte Of thla 2nd day ot Marcl\, A. D. and the n&mM ot .tec:Uon otrlcen 1965, before me, ROBERT r lo conduct thle election. \VlLLMES. a Notary PubUc ln an" The relunut of eaJd elecUon will for U\e epld County and State, ,... NOTICE or ELEOTION be canvu.d by th• Oo•errunr lldlns therein. duly conunlMloned NOTICE lS HEREBY orvEN to 8o&.rd on lb• 24th day of May, and .wom, penonally appeared the quaJINed electors of NEW· 1966, al tM hoUr of 1:00 o'ck>cll BICRNARD L. BEU. and 0 . C. PORT RAR.BOR UNION KIOH P.M. Bl:NHl:TT known to me to be the SCHOOL DISTRICT of the Coun· >N WITNJC88 ,WHER.1:9r. w. pereotU whoet namu an eubllcrlb- ty of OranJe, Stat• of C&llfomla. have hereunto .. t our b&nda th1' ed to the within lnelNment, and that ln a.ccordance wltll law an 28th day of rebnJary. lllM. acknowledred to me that they elecUon w!U be held on the 200\ R . R. RING uecui.d the -.me, day of May, Ill~. ln eatd Dl1trlct ZOE RAE BAJlLOW In wllrlHI wh..-.of, I have here· between the hour• of 7:00 o'clodl DONALD J. DODGE Wlto eet my hand and atflaed m~ A. M. and 1 :00 o'clock P. M. dur-J . L. 8'1ID1 LN&LN official Mal the day and year In Inf wllJcJ\ period and betwNn Memben of the OonrninS Lble Certificate flnt above written. whJch hourt the pollll ahall renu1J.n 8o&.rd of NEWPORT BAR.BOR /al ROBllRT F. WlLU.U:S NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS-PUM &Yaf1 MaadQ &Dd 'DrundQ COASTAL SBOPPEB-WeclnMdaJ.9 f u.e. . 1 Paper •• 16 tU.. IPapen IM· ·~ ......... uo CWCAI Slilopper R 'ne.I ~ ..... .._ • ......... or Tll.,....7 ., t' t11D -'AINUllJll AD 18 t LDra u CIMllllW .u. _, i. ,... 1er ~ • ...._ "' pre· r DEADLINE8 for pladns or cancelllns ada ant For Moncsay PubllcaUon -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday PwucalioD -T\aeeda,J I p.m. For Thuraday Publication ..-WedlMaday 1 p.m. open. That eald electJon te hald for UNION HJOH 8CBOOL Dl8· My Commlaelon EJq>lree U\(' ~ of elecUnr 2 memben TR.ICT. NOftlllber lt, lllM of U\e Doud of Tn!.ai-. No. l30f No.. UN 'CHEVY' TAKES TO OPEN SEA Road te9t.8 to the contnry, the Chevy has now taken to the .ea In the form of "i.a.. Chevy," a new cruiser launched just recently by llr. and Mn. Karl Miller (he'• the Miracle Mile Chevrolet dealer, In cue you didn't know). From left: Orval and Mn. Lyon : I.Ire. Miller, and proud akipper, Karl Miller. -Beckner Photo r or the purpoee of bold.In( eald Nnn-Preee 1124• 11 (/'7, lt66 New•~ 1/1. 10, 17, 14. ltM 8_..1 Nodcts elect.Ion, the 8cbool Dlltnct lhall r-- be and It 1e hereby dl..tded tnlo Na. A·Ulll 1'10TICS or SALE or UAL ala election preclJlcte numbered 1 !fOTICE TO c;:aa>ftOU ra-Ol'D'TY BY TllUllTEE to 8, lnclu.i.... and tM penone UNDD DEED OF TR0 8T herein.after named, be.Inc compel• JCetate Of L&STER LESLIE TaU8T NO. m• Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 10---Bmh-O.W. -----· , STUDY HOMI SHOW PLANS Pretty fb.rUla Yarwood. o-ta Me-. Kaid of cautomJa and la.rt yt&l"• Ooaitty ratr Pirate ~. uamlllH mocW. pro~ lhown bJ B'nl'1 C. ODs. ebalrman of hure home allow planned tor coun~ fat~ Jtme 1 lo 6. Show le 9pool0~ by or_,.. Oount,J Builden Aeaoclallon. ... in Cage Coadl Talb at S..ta Ana Fete Tonight ent and quaUOed electon of aid KAUFJ'M.AN decleued. wkl:Ju:As, PAULE. FOSTER. DUtrict and of their l'ffpacU,,. NoUce le hereby si/a to t.be an unm&rr1ed man. and GERALD dec:Uon preclncta. are hereb7 ap-cndlton of and all penon.e bu· L.J'OSTl:R, a an,Je man, by Deed pointed omeue of elecUon u bere-lnr claim.a a(&.llwt lM aa1d dee.-of Trull deted February 10, l tM, lnafter duJpated, to ..,..... tn de!\t or aid •tat.a to ru. them ACOrded J'abru&r)' 11, ltM In book their rMpeCU ... elecUon pNCln~te wllb lh• nec•aary voucben ID Lb• UM, pace 4116 Of OtncLal R..c!orde u htrelnatt.tt eet forth, and aid omce of the Clerk or U.. Superior of Oranr• CountJ, California. did Meet.I eftr'J T1naeday I p.m. Via Oporto -Cenual An. Newport Beach Elwood BIMU. J:xalt.ed Ruler Court of the Btate of CalJfonUa. t --A ... _ -rty ,. ___ h .. _ .. _ Wooden of U'"" ... omCG'll ol elec:Uon abalJ conduct rran ...... con,,.y ..... P·-r -~ ,,..,.... ".._, ID and for the County ot Onuir•. UM 1n d h ID&fter deecribed. &1---'--U ._....._ · .. "' Who .. __ .......__ alt--A•-· t.he I aid elecUon and mue return re an ere U BaHdlel CJlll:JC•~ ~11 1 .... ,,_. .,......... f or to -t the ea.me, wttb the to lb ,,..___...., ""-·-ty Tl'.._ Com .,. ____ ...;;;. ___________________ • naUonal be.lketb&U contennc• at l.btreo pU:l"IUUlt to law. nec~;-;;ucllen. to Ult under-• ...,,_, __ vv.... .._ • Kan ... Clty the laat wMll. wtJJ The YOtin( preclncte' polllns pany, u Truet.e, to eecure. amonf ' •peak 00 rule c.hana• ud lb• placee and electJon ottlc:ere duly ~ad at hil place of buelneu, to-otber obUpUou, tb• pe.yment ot cha.qtnr trendl ot t.be pine tor deelpated and appointed are u HURWITZ A HURWITZ =:;,~ ::~ ';~ ~ 1:'!1 the buketbell banquet at Banta follow.: Attom•"'" at Law Ka ~ a .. b .. __ A d Ana COUese toa.1-llt ln the Stu· PRZCINCT NO. 1. Ca.t& M.. ,_ tber1JM -· uen, ue--.. an General Contracting dent UnJon. Precinct.a No. 1, 2, t. 7, 15. 111 2tll Newport Bouleftrd, wife, aa jotnt tenant.a, or order, 1Unn1ew and that portion ot Newport Be&ch, California for the principal sum of 197(').00. Coach Wooden, named Southern California Coach of th• Year by buketb&ll wrlten and bro&d- cuten of lb• Soulbland att•r ble Bruina won the eout.Mrn dl'Yleton UUe, hu -alJUme eoechlftS r.c- ord of 1111 wtu. M ~ and a perc.nt.qe of .737. Hie teame hn• won n ... dJ~ uu-. two GrwnYUJe lytnc wlthJn the eo.ta wltbla elJC monl.ha attn tile nnt with lnwrwt at the r•w of e per 11-Union Scbool Dletrict. pubUc&Uon of thl• noUce. cent pe.r annum; principal and tn- Pollln1 place: IC. A.. Rea 8cbool Dated 1'ebruary JI. ltM. t~rut due In monthly ln.t.llment. Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA terma. -Bamilloa &Dd Meyer Place .• Ot· OOT ll. WA1T8 of Sie.00 -.ch on the let day of n ccra; Mn. Ulllan Ba.lley, IA· l:acutor of th• ICatat• each month. be(lnnlnr March l , irpector. Xn. Loretta Pansi.a. of aald decedenL 1t61 and coatllluinr untfi January Reeidential and Commm:W Free ~~ and Plan Service Judre. Mn. ROM RJder, Judie. RURwrrz • RURWJTZ 211, ltM at whlcll Um• the enure PRJCC'INCT NO. 2. Ooeta M•• Attomeya at Law Wli-Jd amount of prtnclpaJ and Precinct. 1'o. S. f. o,, t , 10. 11, 12 Mll Newport Bouleftl'd, lnt....t abA1J become due and p&y· ' Newport s.c:b,. CaWornJa _ .. ,, d cout crowm. 11, lt, 17, 21, 22. 14. .., .. ; an · C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-757 6 s •R~-.__, ... t PoWns PJ&e.: Maln School. 1801 No. 1297 WRICR.llA.8, detauit Jiu uecur-Coacb tu ...._ wbo -..._.. Newport Bl.-4. Ofncera: Mra. .A.lice New•Pr ... I/I, 10, 17, H . lt~ Nd In that the payment of Ule l%---8alldlllg 8entee. the Doee from a ~on otl --·-• d aid not. Oft -JJOOC' -..one to fourth pi.ca t.b'9 Jon-. Inepector. Mn. Nellie Os-lfOTl<l9 or INTENTION ,.. --..--11U111 ue °" "'et.r, wtU award bulletb&ll J110DOo den. JUdse. xr.. ....._ L9aM-TO ..... Januuy •. 1864 tiu not been , Are you having troublee! ., berry Judfe .,..,.. .,_Jd; and ~ to o:=111~ ~ PRiicn.rci NO. I. eo.ta ,... NoUce .. benby .... punuant WBB&AS, H. BROWN BUSH Let a Want Ad help you eolff Lan, c,_,.1 .. lAwY. Lee JlaU..... Precinct. No. I. u . 11, JO, 21, 8&¥· to tM p~ ot BecUon 3440.1 aed IUTHICRINIC K. BUiit, own-them! Mtc.bMI O'Brien. mn-ou Palm -n.w No. 1. I , and t.bat portJon ot of the Ch11 Oode of the It.au ot .,. ud lllolden ohaid note. beneto------------- and JlllW St&Uy. :~t! :~ 1Un2k,n~fc,;'~ ~I~~~~~~ ~ ~:':!d-:!dN=: COKPLETE PAINTING Joe Koral. a fonMr Doft OOMll. tdct. don. ot MM 1Uftl'llld9 Dr., CltJ' of ., M, llM duty reoot"ded In Ole It Paper Hanging Service w1I be m.ut• of~ Tbe PoWnc Pl&ce: LlndblrP ldtool, eo.ta II-. Oount7 ot 0raqe. offtoe el tbe CoolllJ Reco,..r of EUGENIC O. 8AUNOER8 •tac dinMr wtU be attended by 2!rd and Orua,. .A.--. omc..n: Btat. of Calilontla. tat.md to ..U aid ODlmtJ, ln booll 2179, p&I• GOO 3Jat Street, NtWJJOrt e.&ch fr1endl of the ooUep and the llre. Sally H1JM9ly, IMpect.ar. Kn. to PAUL a. LO!fO aa4 O&A K. 1U o1 omcAal a.corda tlltreof, a Harbor 2971 or Har. 4441. ttc le&lll membea. Wuuaa Robert., .Judp. 11ba. 0.0.. LONG VtlBdeM. ot 1M1 11ut XU-llOtsce et Aacl dd'ault and of their 4 f•tun ot the bula•t .w tbea D. Mart.la. 1ac1p. 1uu ltnet. at7 of JkJc =«. eleJUca to caw laid propen1 to Painting, Decorating be d&llpla.J of t.be llC&le modll of PRJDCINCT NO. '-PNialncta u Oawlt,. ot Loe ~ It.ate et be llOld and more Ulan u.n. the new Doa ll'IDJ\Ulmn, 'now ta Otf Dletacim 1. I. I. 4, I, I, Ol.lLtorn.la, all tMt eertata ..-.. .. u.. baw .ow elapeed llact the Paper llualiDI wr ~ WbWt w111 Fft u. n. 1a. 11. M, 16. M. a a1 proptf1r eon*'Ulls ~ ot noarlla&m ett Aacl Mtace. TM-= G~". BURKHARDT the u.c ............. (YID tw (,,.... ~ ...... , ·-&D ..... la tnde, ftlrtunll. ....... ., ..... ~ ... llllw.t 6JAJ the ftnt u... T!le 2100 -t N...,..t. Newport. ....._ ud -l of a _,.... fOod ft r 11< U...... ~ Aqut 1. 1tG1 le UCllMSJCD CONTl\AC...'TOR ltnleture wUl be am.s U1e ....,_ Udo Ille), • rt r bowa M B**M'8 DOW dlM. °""'S and ....,.Sd on IJJ IOU! St., Newpurt Bwll -.. U1e 9ouw...d. Pow., ...... H...,.... ....... ~ kYD ft£MD Jfo. I. ........ Md .._.. II _. ....... ..,. l&la.W • U I-MU ... ' CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO aM.U.L II. o. AaclWICla LI 1-eoto Coat& Keea lltle Remodel & Re1:>air CARPICNTRT, CDU:NT lLA.118. palnUq, p-.l#tDa. De,_ l'lab14t • experienced IA all 9'11Ud&ns tradu. Call 1'08TER llR08. Ll 1-2932 or Har. •T .. A. ..,.... House Plam n Ii 111 " I• ' I I lo j ·'' I .1 I[ ,, ... ' • j I;. __ r • l . CARPENTER 'Re~ Work 0... Tour !feed~ or"-~' c.1.1 .. IC. Ubert7 Mt6f AD Worlr 0ual'Ult.d HUe . PAINTING end 'PAPERHANGING H 1-.11111.waw China Painting D&7&M ..... a.... 0.-. Taa.. Jfo. .... t.n.ty ....... HUo • • I ...... llllc r=zenm for ~ . --· --· ··-· BOYD'S HOWE Close Out Ughting Fixtures --. . . • • • .., I ._ ~ .. .., . -. -----... , -, ------'--"""' . w. .. -f • rSS-Boeta. Sapph M-11-.i._llJl.L_a_TV PAGE 4. PART IV-NEWPORT HARIOR News.PRESS 63; iCffoo:iu 1ae1it. a. 11. ;;_ DAUTD'UL ~.;._ ~ THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1915 Mesa Woodcraft HI, rlspd for alllacore fi.hins plqo, lib .......... PIO. Cloe· --------------------- Repainted 6 JUftftile with l'reon ttrrtseraUOll. copper 'ftD.lel ttnu ac..-• I . I Check hes u ed Ca J'urnJtu.re tubtnc. Swt&ble tor so.atn Sea SHA.rllll' K\Mlle Oo.. (a&Qce ll01l Y Y t· e s rs Cruiai.nJ. Ph. EXbrooll f ·l008. ...1 .. -~ ._ __ auta AM """1-W-'-'a S---1·1 ! .. -.-.. .,...__,.. .uu• _. r--SlpSJ PboDe lmabetly 1-GITI 9'l7 frem a Joc&I ,.... wllo wUI M Mn TOJilOIUIOW' Modem Nmloclr. dble. headbd., FOR RENT -dock tor boat. -----------'IODA'fl I cir. Kr. A Jltt .. two I dr. com· Harbor no3·R. Mttc BA>o«oMD Cllol'G....., 1 llSPC.. ______ t.o::..:Mc:=lr:..:oP::....::wt.at..::.;_IM:.:._•_ua _____ . -----mode9. All cheat. with oqter ., l&Md, lib .... Tw OU plQ sutcS.M 6 dow tailed dra-r•. W1tbout a ....._ tt-Funltve for &le --.. -._____.. . ~ ... rt... ... • Boo. u. • Complete ltock lncllld.iq ueeptng 10Ud bnN out.aide tbrturee ~·-··t;·-·p·;;$~~i:" .. .::: TRADE ~~~I:°..., hlJber. B•utltUl TO-ft. awr.. ldlooner. -----------Complete .ta la IOlid maple, lncl. Fully found. io IJl)'Wbere. wtll SEE THESE TIP· TOP CARS BEFORE YOU IUY ANYTHING OOKPLSl'ID QaVJ.c9 for ...U ................... ••'-•t A MIO W. Cout Hwy., N.wport JlcJl. tu ,...., c-,...t. Neflft• 2lclf .-... a.Uel a.,, 1411.w. ----------- SO''xfO .. plate 1au. mirror. SaJ. t&k• eqUity ln propert)' or 1111\al• em ftllJab. ready to UM .•. 1129.60 ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa BITd., Tuma can be arranpd. Newport. Har. aoa2. ucaas l " h O Buy 2111Harbor81vd .. ea.ta Meta rv1erc rgttn I 19M CHRYSLER New Yorkv Club Cpe. ). SPECIAL Jaollb Roy's Maintenance HOUie deuJns-l'loor ..,.._ WaU WUblnJ-wtndOW cleaatq v ... u.. bllnda. Upllo&alAry luund. l'ree s.tlmatee Lnluty 1-1112. PAINTER W 4NTI WOIUC. 15 y .. r, ttpert• etice. N• U!Uon. H011rl7. ~ a-2122. a:lpMH Freah Hearing Aid llA'?TaUD We GI" MR 0...-a Btampt Gunderson Dru2 Co. Mam at. at Jta.lboa Bhd:: Balboa Barbor 6115. Httc FIREWOOD nt.a Da..IVD'f DrJ wood. 11" • H" leastb. Ltbe:rty l•lMJ. 21al TWO PRIVATll J"LOA:TB avail· ON£ ONLY ...... I...... ....... tone lfty, power·~· radio, heater, able • WA TlllRll'RONT 1 bed· •-b W •'9"611 ltM PHILCO refJ1c., It, a nlce room turn. apt. Har SUI. 29p31 IOAat& •J.ectrolUO orpa. lib power rakea, Wa tire. ....................... __..,..,. one, IJIMle tor botU•. "I'-and new. .. .. MOO. JM&t kHper, that erou top OUTBOARD MOTOR. f\6i H. P. ON& ONLY 11M11Uftd "1••" 1953 BUICK Super Rivera, radio, h..W, pow• treeser chut • au at•l ahelvu. M&rtUl ln Sood condlUon, UO. aplnet or,u. UM MW. _...,. '100 er ~. power bnk-. Loo1Ea 6 raD8 ~ 104:" :, •::-::i: :-' .. ~:; Harbor JtM.W. nu oi::.uo~ ~ ...,"; .. ~;:: . like new -···-···-·-····-······-····-····-··-.J$IOIS per ftlOllth. GRA.Y m&rlne eqtne • c7llDcSer, Coll..U.t l.enDa U-V r-' S.. &aupn'• AU W&NhoUM ~J hp.. 1-1 sear. Comp&ete tor IULU1CR'8 JCUllc Oo.. c--. ltoT) 1953 DeSOTO -I Oub ~· 2-toGe ptm. HO So. Main St. I blJt .. ·a of fth It. lnat&ll&Uon, Sood cond1Uon. fia5. fll.fD N. 8J'cUlon. auta 4.aa power at.rtq, WaW, & 10&dld cal' --Slftl ::~u~rPtiC:: ~t1:0~ KeUoes •·2343 · SOc:a~ Phone 1Dmwl7 Mm See Our Many Low Priced Cara available at T 0 Close Estate IN~~ N~ 0 !';· c!c11:! Honest TV Service the beat of terma. m. down and low. bank Call 8. IL ft'ACIO ,,.... llar1ler 101' ....... ~aatl 11&nor Ollw. 21c11 STSVENS • SONS terms on the balance if credit approwd. 1 ... COMPI.E'l'm ROUBllJ'Ul. ot turn. 1-............. ,___ ..._ SW WANT TO BUY ••• --· ~ rl ~ =·~~~~~~ uazo aHIP ro SHORE Ulephon• Ph LlbwtJ a-uo1 nw-ttc LOU R~ED Used Car Lot ----1000 Buatn-carda $3.95 BOOK MATCHD . 111 IDLIOTftOPS, c. D. M. radio. tor lllD&ll boat.. 2'TI Bw7~ ILUOIOND orp.u. all moclela. "Across from Port Orange" nu. • BAT. ONI;'f. npso L&iuna Beach. cau HY ~. ......t t.arma. JOUr old ptaoo Harbor .070 or Barbor 2D61 L. W. WllJTm LI 1-'0ll (ll:ftl. LI Wl&o) pptfc 29c3l accepted In ~ rr... prac-wm.aa *'-" IU. Couch, down -----------Uce. try before you ~ -----------------------• CU11aJeu .Te. Twin mataw. • CHRYILllR Marine eqtne, 4 ~ to D~ 8tc Piaao 6 "'" ... --£-_ _... ---. box llprtap .. •t. Qufftl Ilse 1 redUCUoll , .. r. Orpb Co., 630 N M&Ua, lanta -A•--&.--- mattre• a: Ila .me with head REP'JUOJCRA TOR. 110 volt D. C. A.Ila •• o. -----------•cu. rr. ll!JlVmt.,.. refrtC. 1s boud. -111&. a.auutut· an-IEll JACK HAB.PJ:R at Lido ----------SPftlNG d•lwr• elec. rans•. Uke ·-· tlque ....... luilp. bu~ Shipyard, and of 31at 8trMt. "' MU• otter. ~ ltema ai.o. lba4e STIJ. Twin Jtmpe, like new Newport 8e&ch. 28ttc SPECIAL l30 ftamona nr .• lrvln• Te""°9-••. Mell. lraaU anUqut Pt..i.c CLEANING FOi\ ULll-lNO a.d X.... ,. tt. Xlnl coadltlan. ~ • llhower. Awntar 6 eat.re& a. LIM2UorLI ...... ..._ *'° 2lclO ~-.:.Sa :::lr w!:~r:...~ SLIP RENTALS March Spinet Buys • -• -· -• NICll IT ft. OoloaJal Bame Tn.ll· TWO ,. .. beT• ltte,cl .. and en• each, end tabJu. anttque dla!I.. Maxhnum beam 1·. len~ u · mo uvtNoa IBeJud.lac Kimball. Out They Go er wtUi lara• c.-.., la tna. JlrW' 18" bleycle. All reb\Jilt and otller . mlee. It.ms. Deep AL80 ROWBOAT ~ALB GUillnum, i..t.s u4 W\lrtU&-park with prtvate baUl CID eo..t Ilk• n-. Tour cllelce tor ... 50. treese $100. JUCH.UU>ION'S .AKllRICAN LZGION KALL, 16th er apl.net piuo9. Ubenl tn4e. 13n Orula'e Aft.. ea.ta 11.-. YACHT 1.He110RA01:. RartM!r la hY'ft'ont. Newport 8Mcb. Contoenleat tenu a~ V I Values =: ~~im.--=: I I Alteratl•ons lhlO -or UM. llcllh Harbor '42. PR·tt lllLU'SJt'B llluac Ca. (Blace 190'7) a UeS dy'a De lAIM ~ l'artr. Mll Clood Joc41 rtt.,..c.a m.ua N . BJa,more. auta Ana w Cou\ BlP 11-..pon THOKAB COLL ..... TY D04NJ: ~ 1QW-Lu)< 8uaan m&ple M-11...wL lledlo. A TV ~ Klmllerty 1..otT1. '441 BUICK Super ----.. $175 ~ --.,, 11"111 rer tr" .-Uzui.. call JCI '·13'1· --:,.*' taMe ••; ., eapt.1 -r.r;;-;-;;-=::::z;;--~-;:~;-;-;;;-;--~;-q-;;-;-:;-;-;tii=iiifti=i~i=iiiV~;:jjiiiir8i~rn--gm~~Diiir=-==-mrjf-:-::--:--:--:--------11 ~·"ll':-..... ~ .. 1----• .. ram-~~· .... JN..,O..,_ --41>v:l'f-=-~a -=n-::M.::-::Ln,yr.;--=new=-:~==;i-ir,.;;or.+-.i-... ... _, .. ii< ....... HIM11eielllt:.~ ........ __ ..... ..,..,..T ... __ .... ". -·-•• --UI J>W .... I_..._ ....... ~~: --·47 DUJ\;l!o. conv. --· 1~ ..... _.., __ ;._ -------------...:~~-Kim Of Calif orni& wom_,, la cJUW.._. Kindell'• butdt., Jarp. uad e mos., 8'1. feet condition. Mabo& .• not re-b~ at '87. Sil, f1l6. Mtno .. • .,..._ - - CEMENT 6 BUJLDwiG JU M&J1IMl Harbor ..,1 P&Uo.. mi Cout Blvd.. ow.. n1 °' eoet>. Udo Iale. Harbor llullt. -ndertul tone. tut action apln.u Ql5. •47 PJ..Y. 8edan ___ 195 Ren•-•-Wanted All Kiada ....-. Ia&aad 11p1011 Ml Mar. tac:U OJ?t.K. 2tp31 toucll. Jovel~ Knabe 1pt.Mt la DANZ-8CIDIIDJ' Ilic Piano ltoc-e. UM&S FREE ESTIMATF.S ebony f\lliab, •v• $230. At.o aJO No. Kain. But.a AD& ''8 NA.SB Amb. ------265 We Med aptlt and lillouM9 la d Ex • 'd d OVAL WOOL braided txl 2 n11. Muon la KamUn .-plnet like n_,, eecUoM for bot.II wt-.. ... Liberty s.e109 nu penenc·a p.rG ener l "ov·1e Pro·1ectors ~-ireens-~ "'1~ ... brown, ..!! .. ~1. DANZ-8CHMIDT BJ1 Piano store. te-A._ ... Ti.._ '48 HUDSON 8edan ·-24.5 ,.r ...... t\&ni. or llllt\ll'a. LANDSCA.PlN( IVI ,.._. .. ...,r ....... ......., ~20 No. Maln, 8a.nta Alla --U J"OU b&" a~. and CLEAN UPS .f'Oll lll:MT 41' NASH clb. cpe. _ t9 pboM tod'1 p AINTING I-IOI 1 .. IOI a&.-IOI ANTIQU. raa.bos· pollter bed. MDISHALL Orsau ~lectrontc, 1 Jaguar XK 140 M. C. INTSJUOR-ZXTICIUOlt Liberty 8-18159 1a..-u eom ucs MODl:L ~.!!!'teu.u <;c:t.ouDrbl~ ~ m~ 1 Bdll~de u~ .. S&SoJ7~ up Tri h TR 2 •u BUICK ..... _........... 49 . The Vogel Co. ll1IUCD ,..._ . ~ BUPPLll:B • ..,.,, N .-. . -· ...,.. In •""" con .,on. -... ovox ump • l201 W. a.t. BW)'~ Newport~ rn:="Joh':iaton WANT •-• by "°"'· U ~ °"IW °"""'-shttnl. =~~·~~t~ ~1~=~~: o.!'~i~~en~t1:'°~ Doretti. '41 CHEV clb. cpe ... -12:5 -~r:,-=.,_ ~ 801 • 31st •t. Newport ~ 1-laet iepao Meers Camera op ~tu~--lat, •1:~· ·-~·""' Co.~22_ No.PtM&ln ... S&Atadi Ana.... Hillman '47 OLDS eed&n ·--·-··· 295 PbOM Barbor ... Harber UTI . ... .. c A.-1 COOi[. wu.r, boueemu. l'l'U N.wport BlTd .. ea.ta JC-~. ...u... ma-......... 1.... ...... ano ACOOr ON ....... UOl Couit Wwq, Coroaa clel ..... ---------HanQ au WGllD4 ..._ Loce.I ~ Liberty a-1ou. Prtt amall booked nip. cau W'Mk· up. SEE and DR.IVE theee 19M TERRY'S BUICK Phou Barbor 17'1 H. H. HOLBROOK meracea. Write._ 1..a. u.a. tStd, Liberty .. Tait. aop --------100 Matn st.., 11&1bo& DEPENDABLB: PLUMBING ~per. 2lpl0 IO-B-.&11!::• UPHOL8TDED bed davenport, See Baldwin Piano models today. 2612 Newport Blvd. P1Mlne il&r9-146 ......, ~=--WMd TREE SERVICE ;96& BL.\ClllTON'I: automaUc =e ~=r:-~~Ol"~~·r1~ & Organ Display •l Newport Beach AR~ want. to rftlt ontce. ,,._.1 .__,... Plan~.~• Trtmmtq. waeber, tta UI• beat one. all cue Opal, Balboa I•l&nd. Manor WOODWORTH PIANO CO. HARVEY MAYER MOTORS Harbor 5021 Llberty a.nu. •pao ll01 a.lboa Bh•d. N...,..-t ....-LI 1-1941 It"° uia. eaD LI M7°'-haldaecl lffn. Wlth bts tub. 07'9-ll. 30plJ 1311 Oout Bl'fd.. Corona cs.I Mar 21ST B&rbor 81..S., eo.ta ...._ 29c31 DEPENDA.BL& G.J. tUl"7 wut ----------·-ltpll ~rt:.~'"s1~~~1i,c:;; = TV COMllDf.A.TION, Nfr1J., I cu. Bar ~den lntenor B14s., l~ BUICK lpedat t cir. MdaA. I bdrm. tlouae &rowld April lit. PAINTING flit. No cMb dn. JUllt. pa7 Ul4I f t. Gu ~. ra.lec.. &rt!clM. • II Leo I\ la H. Dyna.flow. WIW u...._ -ll0_1 _0_LD8K __ O_Bl_Ll: __ N_f_dr_.-aedan--. ~. Bar. 6111 d&ya. I liar. • 89 W..... nmta. ot $11.aa per month. M•'• .Wt.I, -...0; ladMa' cloth· LOVELY bunplow upnpl pluo •.. .• -··-. -.. ----MtO. RAH. H1*wUG. B~t. 1917.a. ewe.) 21dl JtJ8T ._ __.. .. AM war.a ....... a,ao, ~ oaMtu.n. • n.. coadluoa, ...._ Twma. ~•11er Ch-let ........ ----------- - --I....-a_,,, ...... -llUtler 1,._M. IOell th a&.UJ ..,. .,. ., u Betp color. New Un9 ...• 1.,..,. 8o. -- - -·-.... S•O. down and JU.60 per mon . 1000 w Oout H'W)' 1161 Hanor '•:11 Ch . 1 Suata AA&. -0pen daUJ t-e Bl:D &van. u 5. Matc:JUac dann· sRAn:R·s Mucc eo. cs1J1C9 1eon Newport 8eaeb · eo.ta M.-a&.iuer evro et lun. 11-1 or Phone JO a-TJOl port. chair and ottoman, NO. U t.f23 N. Syc:amo"· Santa Ana LlMrt:y a-nu l.DertJ 1-aaa 1000 w. co .. t Hwy. 18116 ll&tbor ---~ a e.o.... ror Keat In Corona del Mar Washina Machine aDVlCll 1'l&1J aiM bolt aprinc ... IDDV· Phone Klm~rty 2--0972 N.wport Beadi ea.ta M- aprt.q ~. l'OOd coadJUon, 1960 CHEVROLET ~ toe p6dnap. t.n.rty 1-Jnl Lll»rty ~ = ~_.~tona. ca.ta Mee&. p~~ln:~l~~t~Ull ~~ ~. N-Ura --··. ' M~ -1154--0-l.D-8-.-.. --8-tart-lre--Coll-•-ut-. 2 BD&M.-cw. ..-W ~ ... -. 1.,...,. SQ&nnt.e CID Jobi doQ9 and .. med ....... Mll'4 (l"MI') ".wport Bl .. Coat.a ..... Liberty 8-t.i503 Of' Liberty 8-'327. MUc 7 -aoca2 M V. fl51 on beauWul apl.nell Miller Chevrolet ~. P\111 power, RAH. H)'dre. w1lb ~-. na UI J une. FREEZER deep tt~. the bll Uke new. WurUt.Ar. !Aster. 1000 W. Cout Hwy. lW Harbor WSW Urea. Wire wlMe1a. I~"' 1 BDIUC. furn. apt. below lea· 13~ cu. ft. color tutde hold• n.:her. Knab.. Muon A Sam· NeW'port 8Ndl eo.ta ,._ CMt ..,.. U .IOO. l NOW _ JS2l6. 'ftew', $70. month ow.or no lbs. tood, factory food lln. aome Blonde OU and Salem L1bertJ 1-Ull LlbvtJ l-ata3 MilJer Chevrolet ITUDIO tum. apt. "6 mo. Wlu.d· Pf'Ot*lUce plan alllo. It.a new Maple. 1000 w Cout Hwy JtM li&rtlor inc uWJU•. bu bMn pd. dn. to DSa.U troft'I DANz.8CtoUD1' BIJ Pia.no Store. lMl C4.DILL4C Coupe DtVUle. Newpori Beach . Ooet.a M-1 BDIUt .. partly tum. N6. mllflUI. DJIJl:P ,,..._ Pbllco, I cu. ft., JOOd '4&0. "'1111• ltored. CUb or ,,._,. ~20 No. Main. SaJ'lta Ana IU~N~T~ Ubert.y l-"81 Liberty I-MU W E. fish R It .. new, C09t P60 .. ..u tor aa .... lblt ~.!:. ot 11.uo per month. Hammond OrrU Harbor -or '151. tkJlll ~· lt· ............ ULT -san. De-• er, •• or ll&tbot H&O. aoc __....... '• A s w~ ., •" """ ...._,." _ aou Ea.tt eo.at Jllatiway IJO llo. Main 8t. 8 bUta. S of •Ul It. lAttruction 1161 CREVROL&T Bel Au. t dr. U\'Wed equipped. 1 1 ... ~. Coran& d•I Mar. Harbor HtS rNGmADlll 11 cu. tt. ~ s1ania11~·-._ 0puKid&t!'7!.'1 ClaalcaJ • popu.1ar lllldan. RAK. waw u,.... lold Hauaken Motors, Inc. WAlt'T ........... 11&117 au. 1117 bOllM "' eutt aa,,... Mon. tJma tor, xlat. condition. 1100. 1196 un. .., or ..-uooe ,.,. •v Harbor aa11-w . tkJl new and mn1c:ed by 118 .. SHK. 1112 Ba.rbor Bl'f'd.. eo.t.a .._. CBOJCZ FRONT l bdrm. 11Un1. knta AM ....... Colt& M..... oiti& stu11•c; ooudL Xue. twtn -a.1:11er Chevrolet Phone Uberty 8-60&t 2tdl ctupuon.~~to· ~?.111!:.. ·~ toea,.r·. • We U.O ... pair Md n1buU4 v_. 1'rl. ~I ftrla I A: 10 Uoa bJ1lld&. AU wortl doDe by ... Jn. U ,_.. alter t :SO or .._. 29cll beda. la.t.l ~ U6. Cam-OONNSONATA Orran. juat trad· m.uJ .... .._ ............. -... -----------ed t.n, aave H OO on tht. atmo.t 1000 W. Coul "">'· 1166 8.ar1ior •&-> g=· er ~rt Car tavndry nn. Dnp. tura.. Water 116' 0 ml 12 6 MJllUU'M' raAJe plete bdrm. Ml lnclucliq mal· n-orpn. N.wport BNcb eo.ta M.-"" pd. Kua ... to appne ..... ""°· ~atmeaL P1ioa. now ~ ...._ 2lclO M10l °!jf'I"tw)7 Mn4. ,.tte Jl•UIQ.& ,..._ ,_ ...,. ·~ OM ot t.M nlCMt er aD auto-t,..... aprtJls, 16(). H&r. 1512.J D~8CHXIDT Bl1 P\aiio Store. Llllart1 I-nil LllMwty .... OHi: 0 mU• 11'6. AftJJ. now. UI &. Roe ...... . maUc. lift •-atnuner bunMn. %8}>30 6lO No. Matn. ean1.a A.Ila Ha k •• to-Inc Ooeta x-. U MnJ.. 2lca1 -... 1100 CBllTai.a wt.nd9or. • dr. us en mo .. o, . · 7\1 taaa. a -.. .,..... ..-.....i. 1' .re. a •b C&Ulollc p"'9rnd. u ""'°'· f11ddJ4t In•~.._.~~~: pd.ta· 1936 WJ:DOEWOOD ran,.. tu ua. N'EW RCA VlCTOR. 2l" TV srr aedan. UR Autn drt""' "9!S. 1m Rat1lcW Bl't'd.. Co.ta ,._ ON °• •_....A. ;:;:;;a:;: dlc&tor, ..... u.-. _.. btC OM. all chrome cuitroJ p&nel , • Phon t.Ibfrt 8-30lll ~ &O~U clll. to 1111.M DO CUil Meded • cookiq top, IW.mtT bunMn T&ble D'lodel. Ulled 3 ino ... 1160 Miller Chevrolet ~ , . ·-l18 -,..,.., ... tt JOU Jl&7 U.. l")'tftta. nlf $8.D A irtddle ln t.l\lddle. Ill ~ CP Ca.U Har. 2960· M . 21cSl 1000 W. Cout ff~. 18116 Harbor u_•-•-..._~ ... ._., ,_tall. JK'r IDOllth. all automaue. cloclt. l&m" ll1 ad· ,.._ s.acb eo.ta .._.,.. -=;;;....--_..-.__"""""'"_" __ ._____ NELDA. GIBSON, RM.It.or a.. ..... -· • .... w·-.. -·--r '39~ BUTS lovely lltU. Bab)' --.-• - To wt-n lt ~ ~:··-' ' 2lclO I .. M ~ aftWated BllAUT!ClAlf, l'JU'UtMd 1alar7. W1th Ula Mna Mercury. H&r. 2tf 7. 21e10 Rekfte Sln\peoe ... _ _.a --a -dlUon flu Ulat -11 brolJtr. Lfberty l-2'1111 • ....._._ --~ ..... .., _ _. __ "-. ..,.,_ 1C111 -~--at. I ...... 8 ~ .. th St. •·-Orand; oU\wa U T&. f*, ...., _____ ...__ __ .... _-·_ "'-----.. ..., 1o. _.. --""'.. Bralld •cw but pd. drL to 1111.11. ~ ~otor Overhaul B.U.BO• W.AJCD Tu. 30cit llOUlllDCEEPD. halp W1tb twe Suata AA&. -Open d&U11-1 No ca.ah n.ded 1t you pay Ule etc. Stor, la Clark. Knabe, WW'· '&O CHRYSLER Club Oou~ RAH. IY1 a-. 11 .. or ,.,_.IQ 1-TJOl pJDlt.. or ft.10 5Jt!T month. lltar, K1mhall ln SaWn M&ple, Golng o~ mUlt ..i1. make -----------dUl4ran. li•• ~Local,..,.,..,. AJcobolkw Aw.Jmoua ,,.... P. 0. a. m Jf.-,.rt a.ca. O&IU. ftlM ........ ,,. c. ~ Bar. MU. 2lc'aO See Bauc!m'• AU W&ttbou.. Luter, Xcl'bail AJwa)'I lOO offu . Harbor 1888. 2tp30 XENKOU ,... ran,-. re,war no eo. MaJn 8L • bl1ca. a ot fth at. ptano. to chooee t?om. NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * CORONA DEL MAR TWo t>,-drm. duplell tum. 1 bile. from Bay F'Urn&.C'• Mal. M6. mo. °" -.. '52t lea<rt-. WANT boueak f u. .._ U.. tAJl&e top, f bamar. Clean S&At.a ~ _Open dailJ 1_. DANZ-SC'BlODT Blc Pia.no Store. eeper or ,. _,.. 6 s'CIOd. BoJ'I bib. ia." tni.l'tJ Sun. 11-1 or Pbcme JO 1·7201 "° No. M&ln, Santa Alla Oorooa da1 Kar. Kuat haft OW9 a.eNl-n 70 Padtle. c. M. 2tpS1 ------------------------traMpottatJon. ~Bu. JC19.M. -----------00 USED planoe wanted for our -----------•-nmtap. llal ~ reft11wrat.or t.M iq U 1111!:;:!B~n~19~t..!.!_!8a!J--.-a-rJP.!!!..___ Nlltal dept. Tnde your old plano a. , &IL ~T llUlt be ..... 11,..... au. It. double door, sold color la· ~. -a= on new electt1c orp.n. 1p1Mt or ·, !! !•=tw &Ya ~ ~ -,_ i.nor. automat ic ~. SNIPE, No. «U. In rood coadi· .fnlld piano. R11ht11t allowan«. -:.x. --to ~ W'Ol!Ma'• batter IM'T• lion. t•60. Phone u M7M. DANZ-8CRMIDT B1r Ptano Store. S chandl• ru.u or_ .. Um .. a-. ~la dOOI' Is two ..,..tallle c11•perfluoua u-:-r-· ......-..... -... 1•-.....__ _... • n eH ~to No. Main. Sa.nta Ana '" ~ ~ In penan or JIY• quall!lc:a--..,...ra. ... - -mo. Pa •-sq,_.... a.. tw uoaa la nnt i.u.r. O'Mllllf.. but,......_ pd. dn. to UM.51 iii•iiiiii!i!ii!iiii;!iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!;;;miii;i;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!iiiiiii;;m;;m;&iiiiimiii!iiiiiiij .,_, .... ltrntiwww ... Mir aPIDClA.LTT 8ROP, IOU mp.t tram SUI. No dn.. PJllL Ju.t .... ••r Ho ... l1Nllllln1. Coul BWy., Corona d•I tirar. ,..,. tile PJlllt&. fJlf SU.Tl Jler mo. m.&.aN L. •T .t.JfT IL a JlartM>r JM1. 2leM ... ...,.., AM WarebouM Udo'1 .._ f6 .... t:J SU. •11 llO ao. Mam llt. I Mb I et fth 8t. ... om&. t• ,_...i det1c&l wotts. Saata AA&. -0pa '-Qr M ~ '-a111. to l1Jl8. ruu w 1-. u .. • .._. IQ 1-T101 ,.n tame. .\ppl.J la penon -1M quaJlne&UCIQI tn fll'1lt let*-. ... ........ O'llNlllra U'llClALT'f llBOP, :::;.:s:: • u;r )T~ ~ ~~ 1811 mut Cout Rwy .. Cofone WID do palntmr In adaanp -....., ... fttPtm•d ,..._... ... Mar. Barbor 2111.. 2lolO for CN13piq trailer. Pete ~IntM ~ =.:: • _, :n •••• ror ,..._ P8t-, LI l-8002. .. __, 2tp30 uw~ ... ,. .... to 1t00 1>91-u--. o1d dllM, aa 11u1, -----------Jllda TtnMe. lhl1 ~ .aUISe boa. ...... ....... ,.._... "1o·a· bnc. ............... ,_ .... \'\alt 1117 lup MW ltOft. I a1-o blq 6 trade. Pleue a.ia, ,_.. GA.n'l:a8 .. ~ ,..,... it. It.I.I a cau11e Da.U, 1101 &. llru4 ... , UM IMiat ... W" ... PIANO TEACHER ....... llt. I.-. ~ lllOut M' -Ur ........ ftl! .. lq • IN -.at. .-. ..... ""'* 6 bit nzrn1A JU.TIWllWa c OftlL N. a to s.u•.n from •-111F el ~ _, 1-GA.a lllLU .... lsllra 101ie MW .. ; ..... ·-. Jfa. da. ~t. Juat •••• u ..-. *" to )T. old 9'eUa.,... caMtu.a ..,. u.n ,,. .. ai au,. mo. --.pt aeede reltrtqlq. -.. ...._.,, AM Wanbo\1111 R I Est t Sch I t.IJlar9 ...... Md1 -llo. ...... 8L • Wk& • ot •Ul 8t. .. a • 00 ..... AM. -0,. ~ ·-· • • AMT ...... ....._ flat ftJl pUlat a.a. u• ., .... ID 1-Tlt>l lft r -nt• ~-a •kll•t. a.ao pa.. a.on.----------~ l"V1 .... ,._ IUI rr... ..__ .,_ TV 1UPL11 OOlfllOt&, doon. lT' --WCll8' ........ ~..... . -... =trn.. =· ...... ,_ ..._. wtu. ...... .._.... dat. pkltln -Maple dlM 6 -,.._ •AJWOA PADrr emf. cMtr PIS., W \"la .Juar, Udo ~ ... ...... --,__ w-.... k. JflWpllft I.a.. JIU'W u.-w lk31 =:a.5·~ ...... a...... ..... • 8Dm RD ~·wttll app. ..... llllla 8eld. ~ • PAJJl Of ..,..._t Ire tordMI. 6 mM., l'ood ......_ a.a... "A Letter from Kansas N..,_...,..,N.,.....,_ nu..._ ..... lf9"p0rt ...... OallL Dear Kn. Oole: II • • • fll&rall U, 1116 n..p& JM ...... M .. ._ ..... -.r .._, ........ ., ..,. ~~ ta ,._. CIMll1le4 MCISea. I .,.. la &IM .._, e9ta&e ....._ la 8M&a Aaa fer H ,..,.., CllcrAmN a SKITll). u-NllrM ter ',..... ... --.... .,.... tldl otftee '-ntelltM .... n. ...... .-_ ............... ...... ..... & , .... -y, ..,,.. .. c-ea ........... It ...........,._. ....... of Mila ... w.... ,,_ .. fv..., .. 8-ttk. TM ..t w.lr .,. ....,..._, a.......,. ,........., .............. _ ....... na.-.---. .. _, ...... letten ........ a ,..,,, ,,... .. tu..., .. a..-. .U&f-'&ef ...... ..,.,... .. , .. ..,... .,. Mft a Ma& .t II tie• .. .,.._. p111,1d1 la all el IQ' a,_'1 a. ,_. ...... I ..._ r..a lllie'111C ... ~ lllP II le da a0n.. .... ~,_,_,.._ I 1 IP. v.,....,,..,... ua.a.. ........ MJ.904 .... PllOPD'l'lll:8 ................... ........ Qlllfua ....... ,.. ...... -.. ~ .. ....., °""'" aa. ...._ wm ...._ ,_ ......._ ..._ ••• QU.u'IT~l ........ ftlr--...U....... Toll -au.p. ~ w. ....... ....... ~ ,..,. .._ llllaablte, '11" •· a,_. Id~ tU1e. &ar. JUl.K • JDat. ceM. OU Dnr7 ~ U ~ la 1-lTU. "* --""" llcll 1-7-1. .. •• ____________________ __ Olll ..... l ..... '* -........... '_1..'.£:.!!__o_ --- tHI 'CHEVROLET A,.ro. R.adlo and Beaur. -·-·-·· -· 1M5, Miller Chevrolet a ey& "'as '9pl1 8 CJ& psas RENTAL YJ lac&uda DoQ la.bar ud p&ru. 1000 W. Cout Rwy 18111 llatbor Sewport BNdl eo.t& M.a Llberl7 1-2111 LlMc'ty 1-.aa ,. .. IUlp. wn.t .... .u.. SPECIALISTS S11D11, Ott.Ulp al 111&111 aad rod Oall l*aa 0ra&a ··~'-~ ~~ ~: =:r ~= .::W ,.:::=: Blanche Gates, Rltr. .... --··--···· .......... -····-·--· fl1J5,. INO MOHrf DOWN). Ill MaltM Aft . Miller Chevrolet R.JCBUaT ENGINr.S 1t&111oa lalaAd. a.r. 1171 "* 1000 W. Coul Hwy. lW Hwbor -UP co 11 KUHTIU TO PAT-NEWLY ruft.N. A: dllcont.ed l Newport Beat.JI eo.ta MM& BuUt la our own factory 117 MlJled bdrm. llouM. Prtftte 7Vd. ll8Q. Lllwrty 8-11'1 UHrty 1-oa! 11wd'ln'N. Don't catt.md wttll ALIO turn. 1 bdrm. dupla. ~ ... b UM mSdcDa maa. 1111;1 41red. 41.-p. S.Ch fT3 mo., lad. llUI. lt63 ~SOTO V Flredomt Clu lll:B~T aD4 INSTAJJ.m iim-~ Jaunlne, 0oroaa del coupe. run power. MH. LI.Jr• Mar. Pbou Har • .118'-.J. ltol6 n-. . ·····-··-·-·-_ ..... __ 51185. &HORT 8LOCa Miller Chevrolet ~ 11•..., 2 Bt>JUC. dupi.a Oii am 1>11-. CldVJWLrl' Sltl.&J 1 -.. ,___.., ............ 1000 W. Oout Rwy. lW B&nor PLTM. A OODG& ll.66 t.ce. I "· rm.. ..., .. , - -N.wport 8ee1cb Colla Meea nr.pi-. beam ~ _..... LtbertJ 1-ntl LlbelrtJ a-oaa CIQtTa • D& 801'0 -.ll7U 1araie. I.Aue uallam. flOO. llT'UDDAKl:P ·· -.1170 Harbor •T&l d&J'I. Mell 1900 1'0JU> del-.e aed.an. Radio.. OLDa a PONTt.A.C I !1'70 orilla&I paUIL Good 11MCban1-BUICk --11~ c:ally, 1485. auo•oM a.na Lou Car ...... Tewtna Hauaken Motors, Inc. KEW CAA oAA.UtTD 8aocJI ltlUlt meet out 9'&DdarOe 1NI Banor ...... oa.ta ..... f"I• taaee. ,...eta ..,.. oU ftone LlWt7 ~l 20cD ep. Bv.adaJ 10 LA to I p.a. 1Ht l'Ol\D V., CUatom cleluu . O'DrM. Jnr. Xlllt. mecJL ooa· BELLES ENGINE dltsoa. ··--·-·--··--.. -· .. 11125, Miller Chevrolet REBUILDERS 1000 W. 0oaa 1iw7. ltN llal1lor O,. OeJJ.7 I to T 8tat.e ......, =--~ ~--= NEW LOCATION 1 .... MONUa aa.. JlaUla 310 Eut 3rd St. Cboiee WlDt.el' Reotala oa B&Jbo9 l8laDd • Udo I.lie 8mall 6 eclQ ar llUp A ..._ .,. to ... --~ VOGEL CO • IOI lla.rtM ......... ...... ..._ ..,.. ... • llart. an AM. 11ar. nea-aa • t.1 -...T .... ,.._ &Alf'TA Alf.A ..... -~. I.Mr.......,._ 2 BEDROOM nIRNlllmD DU· ·~ a _,_., ..aptl IO -J'or a ck]IUdable -.cl ear, ... rn Oor.a del Kar, eoGtb of a1lal \o SM .-U-. llMI. J'llU1' ic-1 dleler Wllo wW be MN llJW&J. 1100 IMDt.b 1neL uUL Ha··-'--Moto-Inc TOMOIUtOW to lle.clr.I up Whal be Xlla. KAY, Bar. ~ IU• UINL'"" • D' • alla TODA T ! Cb«a ~ UMd 1N1 llu'W 8t'fl&.. eo. ...._ cian ta Ule e.&MaltJed ..etlon to-Tou rMd t.be otAiar ftl.lon WA.JCT .... LDlitl' ..-a ... -· .U; ... .aa ... ,_ I t ( l I J I •• l , \ , ~pte.a RoUMl9 11-11ea1 r..we ~~!!I! !!.-Beal mMtl !!!! !E.. a a.a ......... ___ _ ~ummer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Front. + C)tber choice propertie. Harbor lal&nd, Bay aborM, Bea· con Bay, qualltled cllenta only. Harbor Investment Co. Harbor 180ll f P!., ... LI 1 .. 631t) 27tfc • RENTALS bAJ:)QUAllTERS for 1ummu -.tall In the Harbor area. UY'NJ-ROMES-INOOJOJ LOCATOR or C&Jlfomla toT JC. Balboa Blvd., Har. HTI LET US LOCATE FOR YOU CORON A DEL MAR.-J'um. apt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES lLUlKET -top location • w~ eC&bliahed. Showa l1"089 $100,000 lut year. Leue $1!50 mo. One fam· Uy operation.. Full price $18~. CAFE -Report. a gnm of $28.000. Rent ~ me. New property, owner will improve bldg. 6 area. Full price $4SOO. REST ~URA.NT -Well eatabllahed • ezcellat Joea.. tion • long leue, $300 mo. Owner dolq good bum· ne&1 but •pent Jut month in ho.pltal. Will ACrifice. for much Jeu than price of rurturea. $9000. -A Good Deal! For the1e and othera see - THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt. Bch. t.n>erty 8-Mal Evenings Liberty 8;-3.W) on yearly ~ or moet.h to mo. 9-A-Buehw• Beata.ls I SS-&.oree ~ Oft1C9 '60. rent. To mee call J'ttmnonia, H&.rbor 21:12. 20c:U AV AlLABLE -About 8000 eq. New Luxury Kedical ~ter . • n. ll .. ht lnduatly llP&Ctl on i..t A to be constructed.. Choice BAYSHORES !: ~~~ta!" .. ~ff:~:!. 1~ Ample private parking, •Ummer rental8. or any part • remodel to .Wt centrally located. TRADE FOR LIDO HOME Large view Jot in Alta.den& for $7000 equity in 5 or 3 bdrm., bath A ~ Lido llle home. AL8G WE WANT -A Bayfront Home ba eacb.anp for clear Culver Clty Motel worth SM,000. Good Income. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-M8l VACANT or IMPROVED WANT commerciaJ or M·l property. BA VE clear duplex on corner, 2 Iota. aood MC:tion ot Co.ta Meaa. WllI uaume.. CALL RUSS FORD, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-Mal. Eft. LI 8-3580 . 30c32 CLAIRE VAN HORN, Rltr. tem.nt. VOtJel eo .. 1418 Via Udo. Layout to tenants order. CHOICE INCOME mt w. Cout Hwy .. Npt. Bcb. Harbor •971· 2Sttc For Information, 3 untta -'$2f,750 11-.... !'Mate !!~!'I!_ BALBOA ISLAND, 115 No. Bay Front. Yr. old modern. ~.000; take Pu1dena or Palm Sprinp for part. Liberty M217 Liberty •:i ~Ind....-. Beata.la LIOO REALTY Auociatee * Grouee $5500 yearly TRADE PO!l HOKE wtth pier and float and mnall tneome. Offnd Nt1rtnr from bu.II· n-. WILL TRADE uneacumbend 9 unit lltUcoo motel with owner'• qua.rt.era. All fur- niahed. In tip thp ahalie OD ma.in highway in Culver a. ty. Well located and Mt&b- Uahed buain.. doiq over $8000 with low upenae. Your tncoine start.a at on~ Let me· know what you baft. Owner Erneiat Zim· llW'm&ll, 2907 South Coch· ran Ave., Loa An1e1ea 18. Phone WHitney S981. Cour. teay to brokers. 17c30 SOLD bv Multiple Listing V' Lot ,Cor. Orchid • Sea'riew, Oonlna del Mar .. ae.J -aa.aoo.ooo 1n ·aa" ----------3400 Via Lido Har. ~44 if owner managed I NSW UNITS near Udo &hop~ QUON&.m'T BUT8. 21x48' 5:1(). mo. 15tfc dl11lr1ct. Built In electric 1tona. Inq. P1&oent1a ~ A: St.or-DRIVE BY NORM WHITE, 6l50 N. Hill, c H. hi d Puadena SY 2-11'8. 27~ Orona 19 an S sarbap dlapoa&ll. separate Jaun-... Cente:r 1922 Pla~t·· near 3 OFFICE 1pace9 for leue. Ap-lBll W Balboa Blvd. dry room1. Upper unit $76. yrly. -.~ ' -prox. 17'&M' each. In Udo Shop-• Lower unit t bedroorna, fl.repl.. llt.h St.. (eo.ta MeM) or c&ll plnc ana. :soo Via Malap. Har. Delwct' ipadoa.t 2 bdrm. Jlome S bdrm., 1" bat.bl, F. A. beat, forced alr heat. $90, yrly. Adulte. Harbor 38-W. 25c30 3327. llltfc renting to repeat t.anant.a for wtt.h II atall JtoNe ban1. tack na, no pet.. U4 w. Terrac. St., HOO mo. ID amuner, Ul4 two MP-a rm. apt. oa I~ &1!1'19 llXCHANGJ!! New I bdrm.. t baUa home - WlTB A VlmWI ltfll time to C h 0 0 I 11 Int.tor deooratlona. &bake root, r~ hut, fir. place It llWO' atna. S•.TllO. Alt.adena,, SY 1~. :ecM 6' !!::!-::! Omwwm.ttM. 56-MftM! to Lou equall7 desirabJ. unit.a which faced A era. feoced. l:sch. for =;;;= =s:r;:;.===. --~ brln& tn '* and saoo month. ll bdrm. hom• tn Harbor ,tr.a. In c· oron• del M•r COF'FU SHOP. L4GUNA BCH. Thi. pftll)erty, betns cloee to By owav. Ph. ox T·lm. 24.eaTb v u H 1toola. J'or a.ale rwonable.. NO COMMI~IQN ~ andt.o ~t. will alw&)'9 be ~t. Be•ch 2 bdrm. bom• wtUl ftNpl&ca. p.,.. Balboa Island Clot .. yearl7 and summu rat&la. Good local bu.lnHI!. Ph. owner. No Appra.ial Fee .._, ..... u Ual Ttsw. lhiq1e roof, 1~ bllr& now available. HYaU 4·199f> 29d4 SALE8 _ REFIN~CE See ua to !Ypect ' INOO UNrrB n-.r bay, In· to~· Total prtoe ODl7 Ut,600. DORIS BRAT. Rultor OONS'ntUCTION We b&ve tbe key. come SUO. mo. Want 2 bdrm. $a:soo dOWD wtll b&Adle. 216 Marin• Avt' .. 881bca 111.ud 48A-Apt&. for Beat cat1 for P'r'M ROY GREENLEAF JJt hM. In Harbor ana. Pr. P1.1SO. --A'!TRAcnvm tv.nWMd moct.m Fut Commitmenta &nd .u.octat.-. Paul c. Jones Reat!l w. E. Fisher, Realtor ' . ' NEWPORT HAllOR News.PRESS-PART IV· 'A&E I THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 19'5 .__.... ....... THE TOAST OF THE TOWN That'• •bat we're ottertnc th1I week tn Coroaa dll Kar -~USIVELY. 'So. ot Hwy., 2 bdrm. R.utic, llhak• roof, uaed brick ftreplace. carpeted w to w, fenced yard. dbl pr. &-2 ione, could have nntal. Only $18,'500 with very low moatbly pymt.. • 2 bdrm. hosne, carpeted W to W, tS,eplaee, NMoe porch, dbl. pr., fenced ya.rd. Only $1MO down and unda" SlOO per month. Duplex89 - 1 for $13.,!500, 1 for $13,()00 (OD a tev.J corner), 1 for $H,000 (cloM to mtorea). 2 extra Spedala, 1 for $20,GOO 6 tbe otber at $23,'500. lilany ot!Mn ja.t .. iood-• k R. L STRICKLER, Realtor BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. .,. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 5 le~. Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now RMdJ to Mo1'9 In Seftl'I In ad paid Garbap ~ Encl09ed prape Kitchen fana atudlo ..... UUUt1es ...... d. °" Realdeneea &lld Unita only ... ..,,. Ne....,.rt Blv" ""p• and AISOCIATl:a .&MA-•Pllf. for ~ul r-r-• ....., -..--n ... IOlt E-ut ~ ~ --~~--~,..-....--------------------+-llw.-.MM~£~B~ot ~~~~~~(';;1t1rlf1r1--1t11rJ11rlblftrU'1Fr~~~~!&...--':,'::._=::;:-o~~~~~~~~~~~:==:~~~:.::::~~r-~llnti'"'"'~-OCEA.' fRONT 4 nn. apt. Nicely SO• Cout Hwy .• Corona_ dd M&T l"'.r>ln-4 ~ Birch C&btaet. ~·-m~&paria: • .... furn .• lge. llv. nn. A bdrm .. every Har. 0863-R or LI 8·7117. 27c40 &-Beal !'Ata&e II Peal We Piion• BaRor UU comfort. $66. mo. IJlcl. ulll. 1704 RE.AJJONABLY pnced, clean l 173 E. 17th St. s.. owner llTlnl-at m Palmer St. ott Santa Ana .... W. O<"un Front. Newport ~rh. A 2 bedrm. furn. apt.a. UUL pd. COBTA Xl!:8A LIOO ISLE Harbor 4J73·W, 2tp31 Laundry room. Playground for LI S.~l LI S.6M2 BY OWNER -'°'n. lot -street Bay Front Income . IN OOITA MZSA-Betw-..i U5th 8t. and 18th ... I BDRM. unfurn. apt .. open bt'am· ed ceilings. lltffi cablnet.t. prb. cll~po~al. Patio. Oarase A: at.or· age Utundry rm. Adulta. 310 c.hUdttn. Blue Top Apt11. 403 to tlrad&. I bdrm., 2 bath home. Newport BlYd., Newport Buch. WOULD Uke to btq J,at &lld 2nd Wall to wall carpettnr. natural I Ullit.-3 6 a DeCll'lallll, ftlnl. IUed. Pier, aa.t Uld prtvau CleeclL 1000 .. 8alboe m..s.. BalboL Clwt'ftft' 1IN4. Oom-- t.., to llloba 1ltfe 2 Lots 252 Palmer St. u 8-1139 Above the Arcbe&. l Otfc Tnaat ~ Call Har. 2326• blrTh kit.chm, built.In at.o.,.., •&Uc Oce&n V1- TWO lb20I n.. lot.a. one on & QOr"" ncr. all uW. In. Paved 1treet. a.wen. Submit U .000 doWn. ' Larkspur, Coron& d f'I Mar. 29c34 CLEAN rum .. I l>dnn. apL, ulll. pd gar. &. wuher, real nlre. M !'I. 134 w. Wl1119n. LI 8-5•8<. :;rat $.'>(l rt'dt'Corated unfum. 1 bt'drm. tluplex. 111du1llna rdr1 J . Water M 222 \n~111 ~r .. ,.~ ~' . c. M L.lh"•·i1· ~.1:n 1 19c31 f'l'R~. ST\;OIU Af'T . ~o. mo. .1 rl~• Utllllll'" p&fd. 202 SevenU1 St , Balbo8 HBr. 0084·M. 29c31 Unfum. 2 bdrm. apt. Top Balboa Location !'tovP It r,.fng. $100 mo. on leUt'. Nothing ntrer nn the P <'n1nsul11 Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 Vt" Ll'1n H11rbnr 44-44 30c32 MODERN 1 bdrm. apt. w1lh 1'81\ge s.nd rf'frlg. Carpcirt and pn Vlle f'lltlo. See mgr. m Apt. r , 2620 Avon ~t... NPWJ>Orl Beach. Har. •e10.J. 24tfc HARBOR AP'l'S. Modern fumiahed ap~. day, week or month Nt'&r b\111, tl.oTWI A: bay. R.NaonabM l"ILtea. 104 r;, Bey Aw .. BALBOA H&rbor 6344. 17tfc ·UB Ila P'OR RENT-ti not aolt1 by Apn l l •l Un.turn. 3 bdrm. Corona Hlghlanca family horn~ w /W c:arprUna. drapn. cozy u-i brlck flreplace, nuled beart.b, birch J>8neled kitchen. ~ VI~ ~· yard. Stove. retn. .. au tom&Uc W'Uber Included If O<"!:A N P"RONT~I. furn. knot· tlt!!lrl'd SH now 1Ml4 Sea..-ant I~· Jilli" T'riv p11 • io. low•ly ya rd Road. Corona. <kl Mar. 24clah $~ VTly . utll pt!. 1&04 W"'t ------------ fl1•n n P'ronl. Newport. S0p32 l"EW Two bt'tlrm. llOUH. All lanr;· Mtll)ERN unfum I hdrm. durltll '"'' Rl'ln~ lt ..iove fUtn 2:18 .,, '• ~i . ('n1<1a Mrl!&. W 8·3i13. 30..32 t'r room1. Garag-e. ,.,,,o blot-ks tn M .. an. 208 • 34th ~L P:,, ~r mo. Yrly Har. 3f:l&O.J 2111 rc FURNISHED UDO HOME Fl 'RN. barhtlor apt. 160. mo. yrly 2 bf1r1171L, 2 batha for 8 mniith11, t-v1, rn 1 'f"r1r11~r11~ rnr,,na 1111.Artlng Apnl 1111 136') mn. 0"1 Mu 3°'°32 Lido Realty Assoc. flTl'OJ() apt furl' Or~an v1-w :t41Wl \'l1t Lll'lo Har UH $'•0. mo., yrly rtnt&J UUI pat'1 2.8tfc N,..,..r<'rt Heijfht~ LI !l·ll'77 CORONA DrL MAJt-Unfurn. 2 30.-32 I '\ roRO:'\ A Dl!:L MAR-2 bdnn bf1rm. houae. 1 blnck llOUlh tit hirhway, ntar 11tort11 It ~atre. Phone LJbt'rty 8"'40211 21Uc 11"f11m 11 pt Reaaonable rt'nt C1<ll F'ttzrnnrr i• R,.111t:v Co. Har. 11~2 2k42h LEASE l )T . 3 bdrm. brand new 11nf11m homr. Balbi\& V1$t.& L.AR0£ 2 BDfUt. Ul'l'URN .. fire· v .. rv rr11!<'7T!abl,. ror l'TT\&.ll tam· rl,.,.,. gerh •ll~p Prl\•. 1arace 1ly. OwnPr. LJ 8-!>2117. """'a. 23lfr ,~1.IFF' HA \'f::" Libert)' 1·3864.. ~._..'PORT HEIGLrT"!'; 2 bfodrm. 29r:U •c..n n• ::ti NC':LF: A T"T rum 13!\. ml)nth ''clv 1 a1e, unlltllea pd. 309. E. Rio\ Aw-A11 lbl'11 Pt11rr ,. Apt11. H"rnnr H .\.\.\ 21tr30 C'OSTA MESA. 3 rm &pl . tum. nr un(urn 1nr1ur1 .. 11 111 illtlHI. CAii HY!ltl 4-4~t. 28lfc flJNGLE APT. ror 1..Sy or rmUe· m11 n $4.'I. mo., uUL pd. No pet.a. ln11. rn rru lU E. 19lb SL, n111ta Mua a!tf.r 5 p.m. lllUc YEARLY ~nt&J. P'Um. 1tudlo apt. One ~raon only. ~ mo. Incl. 11111 Availabli, April 10th. LouJae A p!.41 . JOI C &rn&UDll. nr. S... v1~w. Cornn• rtrl Mar. Harbor 4016. 28tte Yeare~ unfurn. home. atov., • l"l'frlg. rum ;,.int. nt"l&hborllOod $9:1. month. :'>4l Fulluton LI 8· i !l08 altl'r noon or lll'et'k mdL ~ BALBOA SM. mo., yf'arly. t:nfum. eotta,e, ll\"tng-room, d lnl'tl" kitchenette, 2 bdnns. Hot le t"nM Ahowu. Ou • wavr pa.JI!. No pt>tlt 108 Arisrru R11rhnr 1924·)( 29c"31 MODli:lll't lovers will leAM" with option to buy 3 bdrm , 2 bath Contemporary home on but et. In Coll<ta Mrl!A. Lot.a of rt'dwuotl a.nd t;lau with flagstOM and Carpeted 0ool"I. 461 ~Ul 20th St .. LJberty 8-7148. 29t/c BRAND Jlo"EW 3 bdrm. home, un· turn.. P'r.-,.dom Homt' &rt'a, 18(), rnoaUi, BJUND NEW 3 bdrm. bome. atowe LOAN~ TO BUll.J>. DCPROVE BUY. MODJ:RNlZI:, OR REFINANCE We Bity Trmt Deeda NEWPORT BALBOA 8A VING8 • LOAN ASSOClA TIO.N • 3Jee Via Udo. Ph. Bar. UOO u. LOANS for Homes fan It prb. dlap. P'UU pnc. - 128.000. Har. 6139. 26c39 ONLY $9500 Ideal !or worldn&' or retired couple 3 bdrm. tunciUonal modern. euy to maintain. 14600 down. Bal- ance l60 mo. A location ot dt.· Unction. Hu. 887 or HN-W. 21tfe BY OWNER I" -_, Tf. LDuoa New Freedom home, a bclnla., C prb. diap., carpeted W to W, onstruction Loans rnrtlen W1nd9. a.au .. nmt. Owner i.a...mr town. ~ Pr-Mt· SU BOB BA. TnJCR dent Pl., Coeta M-. LI 8-IU6 ~EA.ST COAST BLVD. 28p30 COraDa CSel Mar Harbor Ula -----~~--~-­Rep. PODWtR llORTOAGS CO. BY OWNER. Lge. Blvd. k>l and Metro ui. LM. ~ KL Ul& pttllmlnary plana for ti unit ar· UUc cade. C.D.M. Harbor 29111·R. 29al REAL ~ATE LOANS $7950. Interest Rate ~~" NEW I bedroom. hdwd. floor• on Loalla qw~y ma.de tu Uw Bay lot 82.xHO' -283 Avocado St.. ~and Coeta .,_ Blngle or Costa Me11&. LI 8-7!!07. 29tl mulUple unite. New or old. Be ------------wtae and ... by ~flll&Dd.llg JOU!' pft9ellt loul. llinLmWD Cll · pmae. N o chaf&'• for prellml· n&17 apprallal Ptlone Santa Ana Klmberl.Y J..4933 or ""1te ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.&qe l.o&A ~t Ocddent&I We lmuraDc• Co. BALBOA-Attrac. mod. bome. A- i' cond. L&e. llv. nn. Oeea.n view 1hru plct. w1ndow11. 3 bednn• .. ri bJe. gar. N r. IChoola. beaches. T~ia property hu rood Income opportunity. Non·re•. owner. Com!' anytlmf'. 1229 W. Balboa Blvd. 21p34h 933 South Mai• Banta A.Ila P'U.'l:ST IN CORONA Dl!L KAR pp Home plua 3 unJIA, plua ~t nn. -----------6 ga.ragt'I!. ~toragti antl laundry PRIV Am party wiD bQ)' rood lllt Trust DHd8 at cUacount up to 120,000. Ba.r. 24:i0. 31\c 56 llwr Waated rnu1. Lot 110 x 118. Exclualve with - G B. lM\ THROP. 38M p;, Cout Hwy .• Corona d•l Mar. Harbor ~ (llar. 361W evn.1 30c32 COSTA MESA NEWLY decorated modem 1 bed· rm. 1tucco bame on rear of Jot. Room tar addJUoll&l ualt tn imt.. Pa'Nd alley• ..wer. Pr. M:soo. ~uy term• :nm HA U8Zll. 20n HARBOR BLVD., coeTA MEaA Se• Breeze Realty Cor. ltltb • Pl&eeDU&, c. ..... D&,. • ..... Pb. Libert)' &-MIS 29clO LI M781. 2k.IO -s -0 L-D - Interested in a Lovely Home In Gudm Gron? . b lluJtlnl T .1 .... 1.,.- Heated Pool :~ ~ .. ~~~ 4 BEDROOMS, 2 batha. Ja-e. acll· vtty room, patio. W to W ~L i..a,.,. lot landac:aped 6 fenced. sze.600. Mn. Lorent.an, LI 8- 8678, or LEhJcb S-1S33, 22U R-2 LOT 30 x 86 In Newport $2600. Hart»or •391·W. 27p32 85' View· CORONA mOHLANDS new, 3 bc:!rm. 2 bath, family room. 2 ca.r p.race A: car port. Lea. loL La.ndleaped A fenced. Owner Harbor 411911-M. %8p40 SOLD by Multiple Listing 411 Snur H&rbor. Clltt Haven "Oo&J -$8,1100.000 ill 'Mw BY OW7'-.:R OPEN HOUSES 12 • 5, Sat. A Sunday 535 De Anu Drive Corona Highlands l:llpecl&1ly nice - 3 bdrma.. 2 bat.ha, prb. dJ•p .. dtahwuher. Fenced lot _,,f2t,OOO ALSO 328 Polneettla I bdnnt., 1 ~ Iota.. Oueat apt. S I termai. G. ff, LA11f.ROP, 3836 I:. Cout BWJ.., Corona del Mar. Kar. 6442 (l>ne. Rv. 3511.J I IOc.32 SOLD Udo IIW, 117 Vta ft.aftllna CUtt Rawn. UO Klar• Road The LOCATOR BEAt.rrIFUL 31'x12' Cabana RAVE a.ceU!mt ouUeta for prl· CUTE 2 bdrm. houae. near ocean ~7 E. 8&l. Blvd., Har. 4418 \-ate mooey "" lat lt 2nl! Tru8t lt 3~' i.... 0 be:!""· t nlilu • ~~ I A: channel. BBQ In flagstone Dwda. cail plet.ely tunUabed. mrpet.ed, --patJo brick walla throughout. LICI' US LOCATE FOR YOU DON L KUDDL.ESTON terlront lot, beacl\, boat dock I saertnce for $11.9~0. or large __________ 28cl __ 1 RaJ l!'At&te Loam iwatlable. Bnck l&n.al, carport. boat. 208 ·Hat., Nt'wporl Buch. NEWPORT KEJQHTS-3 bedrm. r;3 E. 1-;'lh. ca.ta ,,._ F'U1I price 187~. Udo VIilage Harbor 4633. 29p43 home, 1 ~ bath•. near IChoola. Lrberty S.~1 ' 2.ltfc Tra.ller Park. ?OO -31st 8~ Hdwd. floors A: ma.ny nJc. fe&· ~ewport Besrti. Lot No. 3&. Har Dri b 235 u-li turea. lmmedlate pell n io111 - MONl!:T W A!lo'TED for flnrt mort· _1_09_8_-M_. _______ mt_c ve Y -.gno a Sl~.eoo. Rnaonal>ly low dOWTI P«"' loan °" two bdrm. bomt' BY OWNER Costa Meu payment. Eut 8tde, 01sta Mna. <>wner, Olt.e &: corr bome _ 2 bdrm. A: NllWPORT HEJQHTB -J bdrm. LI 8-2932 JJt~~ I Pm. nr ~k· D~~~~OSN~~~~D~ pancl!"tl dt'n with flr .. place. wall • den home. ICXctl. loc&tion. 1 f'ndt. 29p!H to wall c•..-t. Ve.-v cloee 111. yr. old. Ru 2 balha. nreplM:•, (8.1Tl1ly home. Co&y ~td brick -.-"# --•-t __ ,. fl •~"'--"" Uranium Prospector HE&DS GRUJMITAK:ll. U you have , $100, a.re wtlllns to 1pecu.late, Ulen bear my IJtory •.. Proll· pecta look rooct. havw ucell~t retu.rice. .lt ·~ lntereatetl wnte 80ll N-M. tllll peper. for tnwm-. 29<:34 113.000. Phone Liberty 8·6282. -c ..,... 001'9, .u,...... _... fireplace, raised hearth. Central 23ttc Inc rl.Ua doorl. I.arr• IWl&b.lny heat. Charmtn1 birch pantled ldt.c.htn, wr• cto1ea. WO yda. w kltcht'n. Dl11pasal, carpeted. Lee. OCEAN Vl.W modern 2 bednn. to w carpetlnr. 119.1500. Can be yard, v1fw. 118,1100. See any· · home with extra room and ~ P'HA ftnanced. Jmton B&mttt, ume. S04 k award Road. a&caa bath on double garage. A•kinr Realtor. LI 8·2172; or ev111. LI 125.000. Low down payment or S.71Ge. 19o32Jf SOLD by Multiple Listing w1 ll t&ke J'tnt Tn1st Deed in trade. 2712 Clift Drive (adjacent vacant lot avallablt') Ph owner. LI 11-2532 23ttc SOLD bv Multiple Listing ~ Lot Oor. a...,.. 6: ltUG&. The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spaciotla home ot ' bdnDL 6 din. Trul7 a bome for sracloua Uvtnc. A. puo,n.mic Tlew of Bay 6 Ocean from evsy room. Sola Jlue tn Uvtac room. alid· ing doon to 2 IUJl decka. Built-in Tb.-mador range It oveo, dtahwubel', ~ lars9 pub'J, I'. A. heat. 3 luzario• bathl, 2 tlreplac-. BeautJtul c&r· pet and ma.-IDcl~ In price of '88,800.. ~--an....-L Open JDnry Sat. ~ Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p. JD. Call tor Addiw 6 Appcaata•wat to S.. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1M5 W. B&lboa Blvd.. Newport Be&ch. Har. 1188 CORONA DEL MAR GOING, GOING, GONE. Don't wait lt you want a lot cloee to the beach. TheM are the only two Iota available South of the boulevard on H.uel Drift. Wonderful vtew-$5000 each. Corner location with ample room to baDd yoar home. Now bu pnce apartment wtth atra room &: '% bath neat to twcM:ar pnp. See thia today, o~ -$12.B. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) M44 E. ~ Bl•d·, O>!'ona del Mar Harbor 2281 LIDO ISLE A NEW • bdrm., 2•h bath, lee. living room, brick fireplace. drapee, w to w carpeting. 2300 .q. tL OwD.er will eell for $33,MO or TRADE for lilt• amount in Westwood, Brentwood or Beverl.ywood. 2 bdrm. home. 1arb&ge d.iapoeal. lge. llvinl room. dbl prace. Only $22,!500, with $:5000 down. N. B. C. REALTY CO. 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. U-06 LIDO ISLE Peace & Serenity OCEAN l'"ftONt Al"J 2 bedrm. cxquialte "'t• • tur· nlahlnp. RMI t tura. or UlltW"n. UUL pd. XUST .. to apprecJ&te Harbor to&l for appolntmect. A ,,.,,...,., 190. month. LI S.WJ. 80 29d0 302 · 3Q4 ~a. Corona del Mar .. Goal -$8.600,000 ln 'M" CLIFF HAVEN Wo Ial• "Goal -'8.500.000 Ill ...... Attention Builders! ot thla spadoua 2 bdrm., 1% bath It lanai boiq on a iS.tt. lot, teatlllea to ita UvabWty. Carpeted liv· ins room, 2-i x 28 with lovely fireplace. Appf'OJd. mately 5 yre. old. "Lucky you." Yea, you still have 21c33 M6 Ti!ARLY, prMtk'Mi7 MW ooe bdrm. apta., turn. 6 Wltum.. Bar •toola. r&DI"• • retnc. rum 48C-Tniler Spece ----- A ~110N : Mod. tra.Uera lA> ~· 1!5-0. from Npt. Blvd. A: at.on& ltS mo. no nra charre f« 2 ch.lldren. C. M.. KI :l-107t. 27c:29 Oeeen 1141 at ~· Rel ------------Mrta Apll lat.. 801 1'.-nle&I, Corcma del M&r. Hell Cb&r'llliq Barbor Haven Apartmmta • Patloe HEW ' ROOM. ltreet lenl. Neu llCboola. abopptns dtabict.. QWea. pa.aant, aclWll,,., G&rbace di> .-.4 llMIDdry, .ionc• rooma. ........ '82.&o up. <>ccitpMa en· , Ure ltrfft. Oood IUpervlalon. Mer.. 1601 Raftlll Pla~ 1 Block &out.la ot ll1ltl lcbool AL80 l'UJUOSRED A.l'TS. WINTD RATES ltfc ?\,Cll COMFORT ABLE rm. i.a.r,. clothu clo•L Prtftte mtrallce.. l il • 28~ I L. ?'f~rt ~ ~ ttc pAJI LOANS INCOME ' DICLUXIC .A.PTS. 1 bL to ocean Nra. Corona dcl Mar net.a U 7c. o.tf U1 .000. t.rma. LOCATOR IOT E, Bal B1Yd.. Bar. ._. 78 or 184. ".. 29c31 BALBOA INCOME BUUTIFUL cuatom built rucb bome. O'Ycrlooklnl Harbor, 4 bed· rm• .. 3 bat.ti., drn. 2 tln?placu . ALSO 2 bdrm. epL, wlUI prtn.lll patio. S49.!5-00. CaU OW'Jler, u S.3221. 29c42h BEA trrlFUL l••el lota, near rdlt courme. on Kt • Dr!.,.. l50x234 lrnsuJar. connecting lot 50x1!5-0 . l:nlnllc. on 2 9t.netA. tot&! pr. 18600. Owner, LI 8·888&. Cour· '-1 to broker&. 29c31 LARGE LOT on curt Dnve t.n COST A MESA EAST SIDE Cllff Bnen. I BDRM. bou.. bdw4. Doon. pr. ALSO 110.900. 471 Jl'lower BL, Colta 40 tL lltreet lA> atrfft lot on O.n09, Mea. ~rty 1-Jel!e. ~Uc U do late I 2nd lol from Udo Soud, w1lh vttw ot bay) & t11'CTJ'9-0l"-r proper'tJ et111t.nJ• _M_r_1-_A.h_rt11_a._R&r_._01_e_1_. _2a_tt_c ., toe~ 1 '-bl1al.. lA> beart ol Ba.I· boa. GtU. rm. Jun reduc~ to US.300 for qUldc a&le.. ~ dn Owntt Rarbor llM.. 16Uc BY OWNER Col"Oll& B~blUdl -I bdnl.. J bath f&rmbOUM, IJ'llA commit· m1111t. P!I. Barbor 11-J. ttttc OWNER Mlllnc modern 3 bdrm .. 2 llet.h bome at top of Corona del Mar, Mortpr• ~ tura. ,ar. apL, auto. dlab wub•r. w..uwir machlne. nnr 1tove, r•· friC., dl"apea A Door covertnp tncluded. Many built In•. Ioli ot room for kid•. Wallctor dlaia-. to 9C.hool, S~.000. Har. aeot·M. 17Uc SOLD by Multiple Listing GlO I. 8q l'ria&. Balboa laland -ao.i -suoo.ooo • ... $1,500 Down WILL BUY U-Ja mo<1t1'11 Mach bouN Ju& \6 blocll lA> Ult water. compleM.11 t\lmiabed Nady for Use IUlllml!r. a chance to eee lt. Furniahed u per lnveatory for 126.~. The Vogel Co. -Udo Office 34.16 Via Udo, Newport Beach Har. 4971 • 49'72 Paul C. Jones Realtv - :1120 Newport Bl•d., Npt. BJ. EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERING Barbor U13. 2k31 J'()Jl SALE by OWNER. 120 Collina ATe., Balboa Ialand.. BUILDER. a yn. old, 2 4 bedroom. 1 full, 1 • % and·2 · 1h baths. StronstJ bdrm. home. 232 M•pHa, builL Well malnt&lned. Good rental. COM belt ea.ta Meaa. IOc32 ~h. -$28,000, tMma. IP4CIOUI HOMS ud l\Ml9t er Call Barbor tm 1Mo1M apt. I UM baUl9. ltal1 ~a-::;--,•~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor =-·a la-•• c...a_.: • MlrtDll ._ .... .._ I.MM * , 'A"'. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS !!;:-~-~~----~~_ ... __ .. _____ a-_._ ... _.111_ ..... ____ ._ a ·-· r:------~ll-:::!R4~Ml!!._!l!'.ata~!! .. !!_ ___ ~a~·~-!!1·~ ... ~~ .. ~--- THURSDAY, MARCH 24,· 1955 PENINSUtA $2600 down. Fum. 2 bdrm. home. Large patio. Near Jetty. Balance $125 per month. Also Near Jetty ' yr. old, 8 bdrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. floors, F. A. heat. fireplace, nice patio, Owner moving inland. ruu price ·$19,!MlO. Good term• to right buyer. 6 Bdrm. OCEAN FRONT A wonderful family fun house and all for $23,500 furn. ' INCOME -BALBOA 4 1ota -Near Grammar School • Room for 4 more unit.. 9 units, ahow excellent return. Practically full time 100% occupancy. Beautifully furn. Private patios, 2 garage1, 11 carports. -$74,000. , BA YFRONT LOT No telephone information will be given. R-2 lot W. Ne1VJ>Ort, 3Q x 85 Cloee to ocean -$2650. BAY & BEACH REALTY 14:50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 1~ 1 'Eve. Harbor 1856 v Corona del Mar Best Buys ·1. SHORE CLIFFS -3 BDRM. & DEN HOME, plua large rumpus room, 2 fireplace., 3 baths, view of ocean, canyon & hilla. Completely furn· iahed. A bargain at $4:S,OOO. Property located at 318 Morning Canyon Rd. gP~.JJOUSE EV~! DAY UNTIL SOL~~ 2. VIEW OF CANYON 6 HILLS. 2 bdrm. home plua large rumpua room, built-in atove & oven. Attractive fl.replace, nicely decorated. Large double garage, only 1 year. old. Reduced from '23,500 to $19,9M for immediately .te. Ownu bu moved. Better hurry. 3. CLOSE TO OCEAN I& BEACH.-This attractive modern 2 bdrm. home plua parlor off living room. Suitable for a muaic room. Double garage. Fenced yard I& only 1 blk. to ocean front. Reduced to $18,900. Euy terms. We have the key. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTlPLB LI8TING REALTOR 307 E. Cout Hwy .. C4rona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located nest door to Corona del Mar Ba.nk) BALBOA ISLAND JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER! NEW EXCLU· SIVE LISTING ! 2 bdrma .. lge. liv. rm., big patio, atep to Bay and Villace. Full price $20,000, furn. TERMS. '18. 750 -Darling modem 2 bdrm. home, beam ceilinp, fireplace, nice.ly fumiahed, room to build another unit. CORONA DEL MAR EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!! $5000 down! Spic and apan 2 bdrm. home. Only 3 yn. old. Beaut. pa~ xlnt. location So. of Hwy., yet near ahopplng center. OWNER LEAVING, SAYS S&LL. Full price $15,500. BEi"IER HURRY! MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Karine, Balboa 'bland Harbor 4781 Do you want the best buy in Newport Heights 1 ... HERE IT IS ! OPEN HOUSE 1·5 P.M. 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 bdrma., 2 bath.a, F. A. heat. Di.ahmuter, garb. dis· pou.l, elec. fan. Touch latch ayatem on cupboards. Mercury switches. 4-car garages fitted with 220 volt wiring. Entirely aurrounded by concrete block wall11. Carpet& I& drapea Included. AU for $19.950. COSTA MESA U you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price $12,950 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th 6 Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2884 Evea. LI 8-7056 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUSINESS PROPERTY -$32,000 investment. buya a 1r<>e9 income of $6700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equipl. Teniflc Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with aome view of bay. Completely furqiahed. $3500 bandlH. P'or "9Dina information phone Harbor 3059-M. BE US for eeveral extra apecially fine BA YFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa )»land Hllrbor 4H CLIFF HAVEN 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Ea~· BILL'S BEST BUYS ''C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" moMAs "C' THOMAS Artistic Modern A RUSTIC that 11 dlfferenL You'll be dellghtl'd with the novel treatment comblne-d with lhe runcUonal character ot thla lge. Lbrt'e bedroom , 1' bath home with eeparate dlnlng-room, cov· e red lal'lat 6: paUo, breeseway to extra large garage. Everything t hat ·~ti. Quality, deel(n A: re· Unement, $28,9:1-0. A Million Lights GLISTEN LIKIC DIAMONDS from thla nearly new ahake roor, cape Cod view home wtlh 3 large bed· roottu, 21~ balha, 2 uaed brick fireplace•. built In k it. range. Every luxury ltt'm you desire la In this 2400 aq. fL mutt'rplece ot arehltectual d&llgn A: con· Newport Heights Fruit treea. full buement -ht.rdwQod noon -fire- place -garden apace • 60' lot • fen'ted • well built 12' x 17' dining room -large living room -flab amoker -laundry room -plutered wall.a -b~ut room -fioor furnace -berries • wonderful location grapee • perm& flagstone exterior • taxe. approx. $112. -$4750 down • loan $6500 at SM mo., e~. C-1 BUSINESS LOT with 2 bdnn. home,_;:lo.e in. Sleeping porch, ae.wer in It paid: $8500 fflll price. NEWPORT HEIGH'fS 2 bdrm. older home furn. ished with guest house on 50' x 127' lot with a 4'peek-a-boo view of ocean $69M FULL PRICE. $1500 down. atructlon, $29,750 fuU prlu In· Lots Lots Lots Lots (and Lots more) eluding wall to wall carpet.I 6: drapu. I ' R-{ RNidential, choice location. full ltreet, curb CO_ ST A MESA • sewer. 66 x lQO ·······-······-·····-·--····--·-·····-··~ M-1 Industrial, Placentia near 17th, 60 x 126 29M Feel Like Falling c.2 su.tneaa, 50 x HO ···············----····-···-····-3500 A-1 Agriculture, 2 acres ···-····-·····---·-8500 IN LOVE AGAIN ? Here I.a your chance! Charmin( family home or 3 bdrma., I% batha. crl911 col· or 11rheme throughout. Modem design Cor modern day lhinc with ITllJ>Ut&ke fenced patio G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu. Lt 8-1601 fireplace, bar kitchen. forced air -------------------- heat, parquet !loora, p.rbage dUipoeal, 2 car garace. Unequal· ed value at $12,000. To A' Small Boy HOME la juat a filling ataUon, but lo Mom and Dad lt'a much more -here Is auch a home that of· fera everything -only a hop •kip and jump to ahoppln1 ce.n· ter and achoo! ... Yea. It la Marly new and haa S bed.room• and fireplace. Price! $10,!lll-O w1 th ju.It $1000 down I I * VIEW HOME NEWPORT HEIGirrs -CLIFF LOT Spacious 1 yr. old home, 2 bdrm.a., convertible pan- eled den, 2 baths. Floor-to-ceiling windows leedtns to veranda. Panoramic view of bay and Catallna apparent from the liv. rm .. din. rm. 6 model kttehen. This pleasing home haa much attractive We. n.illed brick fireplace, neweet featurea in kttcben. forced air heat, new beautiful drapes and carpetiq. $23,500. (~ot a leuebold) Bay & Beach Realty • •-• u Dllld.....co.t&...K&I& ~ LI 8·lltl J:vu. LI 8·31~ * VIEW LOT Cliff Haven Area -Level Lot Unobatructed view. Not a leuehold. SOLD bv Multiple Listing d°"~ C.maUon, COron.& del .Mar "Goal -13.~.000 In 'M" Facts not Fiction WE PROUDLY OFFER the fol· lowing properllea u the aound e•t v&luea In the Harbor Area. * 714 ST. JAMES RD. CLIFF HA VEN -110' Lot ExceptJonal home offering view. IArge attract!Ye living rm., 3 bdrma. Beautiful fencing, patio. $15,900. Rov Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har. 2:S52 ~---------------------- ANDTY FOR THE THRIJl'TY AT NUO, lln ln U.. Mat 2 bdrm. A coli.ct $67. moathlJ for tum. unit ltOW rent..t. Tea. that w rtpt. 2 Ullll.9 Oil tlxllO lot. Rm. fen bone. chlckena. rabbtta and p.rdeA. Term.1 Ula. WARNING- 00 INVEm'IGATE - DUI: TO DlllE clrcwmtancu owner muat .. u at once. NffdJI a little tldytn1 up but th1a 2 bdnn., 1 % bath home on end ot banjo at,...t can be had for u little u $17:1-0. down. 1'.lll price $7700. DON'T BE A KILLIONAIRE LIVE LDCJC ONr. Tbla 2 bdrm. 6: den rancho oa comer lot In NpL m.. hu all the nne teatu~• you're k>okln1 for. Bullt-1.11 ran1e 6: OftD, 12() Wit.I, l'l&g• aloft• tlreplac-e A: many otheTS. ll'UU price 81t.9~ with only MOOG down. NOT A SACRIFICE - ITS A STEAL - BUILT·L~ HOLLY range~ onn, I bdrm.. 2 b&Ul borne 1n sood cloM-tn 1Cut·81de locaUca. Near. 1.r -· •1s.1SOO. Ir YOU WANT TO BUILD- LOTB AV AJLABL&: Coner to.· 102, 8850; Newport H.e!Pta. IMbtllO. •2950; 2 comer lot.I 11 Tsl It, $4000; cbotce Bade 8&7 reebicted lot., $3930 and up. W. A. TOBIAS u4 AaaocuTSll UALTOR "Jou'U Wl.e our trtmc!ly •rTlce" ltl I:.. 17t.b Bl., Co.ta M,tM LlbertJ 1-1131 SOLD by Multiple Listing JOI VI& wuaen, Udo bl• "Oo&l -11.aoo.000 ln '66" You Can Afford a Better Home &njoy the modem UTillg of thla .,... .Wry, J bdrm. home wtth completely tumlal>ed apt. over doublt prq-.. Balboa Island . This home provides many opportunities ~~ ..... ~!~.· ;:~:: SPACIOUS 2 bdnn. apt. over dble ... ~ ••o.a -..- LIDO BAY FRONT Pier and Float · Attractively FURmsil:Eo 3 bdrm., ~home. ready to move into. Only S yrs. old. W to W ~ peting. F. A. heat, buftt·in barbeque., encloeed patio. $58,500 -Good term&. CLIFF HAVEN VIEW HOME Swimming Pool ENJOY th~ terrific VIEW from the huge plctme window• in liv. room, den 6 muter bdrm. 'l'bla custom built OWNER'S home offera the ftDM - 2 flreplacea, F . A. heat, thermador kitchen. cUn1na room, lovely patio around kldney~ped nrtm.aWas pool, 92 ft. lot. SEE thia today! PRICED at $42,SOO. Submit Offer BAYSHOltES No. 1-3 bdrm .. 1% bathe. Ip. Uvfns room. dtalq room. ONLY $18,SOO. No. 2 -Very attractive I bdrm. It den, 1% bath home. Reeently redecorated. Drape9 6 W to W carpeting, lge. fenced Jot. near beach. All GOil· lent VALUE at $32,MO. "C" THOMAS Realtor 224 W. J:out Highway, NewPort 1 Beaeh Liberty 8-552T ''C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" TBOMAI . • I • BAY SHORES • • (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -S . New Exclusive Listings • Corner Gircle Dr. & Vista Dr. • Choice Farm Style Home 3 bdrma., 2 bath.a, wall to wall carpeting. Separate dining room. Two lovely patioe for outdoor Uvtns. Full price $29,500, terma. AND • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shorea' Cleve.reat Ranch Type Hom• 2 bdrm., raiaed uaed brick fireplace, diahwuher, diapoaal. Charmingly decorated. Cruahed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, tenm. For preview ahowinp, c&ll Harbor 1600 - (Eve& Liberty 8-5388) ~· + su•t room It bath on II . l!f beat and fireplace aDcl 1o.d8 of rear of choice lot. Hug~ brick to rea y en1oy ,, -wardrobe ..-c--HARBOR INVES'"'~'"' co., REALTORS p&tlo pl&nted A fenced tor pr1•· .L~l, .L acy. A re&! buJ. l tt.700 t\trn. Want a private beach! Hen a. bow • • • Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach $8000 will handle. Room to build Need a .place to keep your crui.eer! In CtonL SHOWN BT APP'T Cliff Haven t Duplex 2 SPACIOUS 2 br. apt.I. for home It Inc. $78.53 mo. J>4lY• FH.A Jou ln1. 6: tuea. Other •Ide ~nted $37.&0 mo. Full price $19.000 (not leue.hold). Corona del Mar 2for1 TWIN DUPLEXJ:S -2 full lot.a. • ucell 2 bdnn. apt•. e&. wlUl own tlrepl. 6: ~ar. Hdwd. Ora $29~. ached. mo. Income. Loan pymt. u~. mo. F\111 price '27.500. •~.000 wlll h•ndle. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR Prefer cloee in location near Lido Shope. etc.! Buy thia Ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Cove. right on the waterfront. only 3 yn. old. Lota of tile. parquet floors, F. A. heat, dbl garage, nice featu.rea. Pier I& alip privilqea. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnl.ahed • good rental diatrict. Ocean and Bay both clOM by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,5oo EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1011 2804 Newport BIYd., Newport Bcltl. ---------------------- P'Tff Parking Harbor •~1 L I D o SOLD by Multiple Listing 316 Canal St .. Newport "Goll.I -18.500.000 ln . ., .. REAL VALUES · 3 B.R. Home on Two Lots PALISADES ROAD EXCELLENT location that wlll ln· c:rf'll.lle In v&Jue. NO, Ila not new but very comfortable and at· tractive. A bar1raln at $9ll-OO tt-nn•. Not Just a House 3 BR. HOM~. I yra. old on a quiet 1tnet lu. than a block from the Blvd. The t ropical land1capln« I• a work or love and art. 2 car garqe. nreptace, hdwd. A: We carpeted. l"utl price IH.M>O - Wuber A dryer Included. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport BIYd., Colla MHa Phone LI 8-1872 l:vq.. LI s-.M87 Corona del Mar :i."ESTLED CL081C to the htll1 111 Ulla !only 2 bdrm. homf', art.ts UcaJly decoratf'd. which exude11 chum rrom lta art brick fronl and bnrht red donr, lu lo.-ely floor plan a nd IU !lower atrewn patio. Oversized 1'blt. p n.rr •t rn11ed fnr 2nd floor, 113. ~O. tenm•. Call M~tll :\••Ison ownl'r. H1nbo1 61'>80, or 1 ome to OPEN HOlll'IF. DAlLY, 707 Jrt1 An., 29Uc CORON A HJOl:IL.AND LO'nl - Choke Silt'• 411allable Ca11 Harbor 2336 &IUo The very bMt e:xcluaive u.tJnc on Udo lUe. L&rp 2 bdrm., 2 beth mng&e story home on a ~ft. lot, overalud garage with laundry. Forced air beat, big living room and farepl.ace. Spacioaa South patio where you may relax and .oak up the 8UD. You will have to niab to pt th1a one! Open Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo $23,500. Hu a new $15,000 loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 BALBOA ISLAND $3500 DOWN 2 units in excellent location NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 502 -Evea. H&rbor 2306-R " d I " you ma e me ove you -• - THAT la what you'll aay wben you 8M Um eatt little cottage. '" blk. from the ocean. (Yee, It bu a view) l h blka. from bay. 11•2 bllul from Balboa Pier. Completely furnilhed with extra 1ood turni- ture including a piano. Yard with Iota of now... and 11hruba and a amall p11tio. THE PRICE! Only $9750. $2750 down. SEE LUa B. McFarreo at Balboa Bay Properties UV E. Balboa Blvd.. Bal'boa Har. 378' or 2'1l·M 11le MCOll4 llftit -& DI« apt. br111ga •noo 7e&rly at w. cholc. Bala.a. blaad locatJon. Corona del Mar Vogel Value ~-,:; ~.=·~ ~ Beaut. Home for the Discriminating Buyer pod U.t.ng. J. A. BEEK, Realtor SOLD by Multiple Listing .. ~Bela.a. "o.I -M,I00,000 ... • .... BUSINl:88 A HOKE f'Oll $4900 rt1LL PIUC& a l W. rm. oa a C-2 lot. tollHO jullt off Newport &ml. Taba cml'f Sl .000 da. Caa do llett.w w1Ut more dn. TMa ta a sood deal.. 11:-fwntnp. Peuu. u 1-6487. PULL ACRE 6 !NCOME NLUl GOLF OOUR8J:.. Room for • mGr'e 1*t&. "'1.1 pnce •11.:wio. wt~ only U.000 down. Income -•110 ,... -UI. from u. 2 -U ~ a-tNa oae. ETH. Pd.Ille, LI 1-6417. 388 E. 19th ST. AUI09T MEW I bdrm. qualj~ IMJllM. O&rb. dt.p., forced air IM&L lkl.Ul·ln OftD &ad ra.np. dreun kltcML Dble. gar. and patio. Pne.d to eell, U ,000 d.n. l:ft9. Pll. LI 1-2&42. L;rUe. BLDG. LOTS I. W . CORNER T\MIUn A: Co1ta Ilea BL 50xl31. $31:1-0. a.-. U 1-2141 L,.U.. I BLDO. LOT9 116i1113. CUrbe. plll'· lnS A uUI. AU tor JM()() cuh Hurry. Ewa. Pb. SEYMOUR. Rarllor &291-w. Houston Realty Co. 6 ASSOCIATES BEAt.mF'lJL C-1 location Oil Cliapman A.,.. wul of Or ans•· fC1t1). run bloc" 2tox 152~ wtlll frooatas• Oft I I U 141,500. ()wnar wtll COMld~ treM fW elear Udo or olhe. ~ ..... , • .,.tJ. ... ... u...~· ... ,.,._ "-.......... allL •tr.) JtU Near ocean. Vermont elate entry hall. oak paneled den, lovely living room opena to patio, Roman brick fireplace, built-in clock. Aocouatic pl.uter. 12' a 1!5• dining room opena to patio. Dream k:itcben bu Mahogany cabinets, diahwuher, clispoeal, built-in laundry. Lota of cabinets,.cupboard. A cloeeta thru· out. Wall-to-Wall carpeting, cuatom drapes. large "'F. A. furnace. 2 unuaually large bdrma., each with own luxurlou. bath. Muter control lighting tyStem. Beautilul landacaping, walled yard. Electric prap door. Sprinkling ayatem. A t.ruly fiM home for the particular buyer. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Bar. 1741-HTf A PHONE CALL will &ive you information on theM propertile- 1. Duplex, 1 BR. eacb aid., S yean old. Sll.500. 2. 2 BR. hou.ae 6 atudio apt. 1 blk. to bay. $12,500. 3. Ocean front duplex, 1 BR. each. Room for house in front. $1:s,:500 4. Ideal ocean front playhowie. 5 BR, lge. liv. nn. Well loc. $17,SOO S. Close to bey. 2 BR. houae and 2 BR. apt. to pay upkeep. Very nice. $20,000 e. Triplex, near bay It ocean. 1 BR. ea. Always rented. Well furniahed. Priced at $21,600. 7. 7 unit income property. Exoelleot income. $29,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Bcb. Har. 5188 or 1981 LIDO BAY FRONT Home, environment that approachee the Ideal I lovely bdrma.. 1 ~.. baths, separate dining room. pa.rtly furn .. alBO carpet.a & drape•. Graceful U.- ing is the keynote with pi<'r Ii float. A 8 yr. old home with today's atmo11pher~ throughout. Full Price $55,000. 3 bdrma. plua maid'• room, completely furnJabed in •plendid condition lhru-out. 211:t batha, foroed &Jr heat. On Lido Nord In good location. Only ~9,000. Conaider trade u part. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office a.ue v .. Lido, Newport a.ch Hat. Wfl • W72, • a Real r...tate BLANCt:iE A. GATES. Realtor· MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND , YOU'LL BE SURPRISED at the low price of th1a charming 2 bdrm. home,'nr North Bay on Ameth)'lll PLUS beaut. modern 1 bdrm. apt. lfotii uniu turn. Then there ia a lovely cue.t !'OOJD and bath ott a beautiful patJo. Two-ear gara1e. An unuually good property and price la right. Terma. . v Corona del Mar Best Buys 11. 2 BDRM. HOME. PLUS BLDG. SITE. 2 bdrm. home, dbl; garage, built on the rear of a 50-ft. lot. Cholce location. Room to build addition&l unit in front. Full price $11,500. $3000 down . will handle. Exclusive with ua. 2. DUPLEX BARGAIN -Front unit bu 3 bdrma., 1% batha, fireplace, dining area. Rear unit bu 2 bdnns. built over dbl garage. View from rear unit. Separate laundry room. Needa some paint It yard work, but pric~ to .ell at $16,500. Eaay t.erma. We have the key. 3. SO. OF THE WGHWAY, WILL TAKE TRADE Thia home built on 60-ft. comer lot bu 3 bdrma plua den. Large covered lanai, 2 batha, fenced yard, l&r&'e llv. rm. with fireplace. ·Forced air heat, •rvice porch, hwd. tloora. Owner bu mov- ed. Will give immediate poaaeaion Ir wiabee to aell quicltly. Will take amall home, vacant lot or truat deed.I in trade. Loan committment ot $"5,000 at ~%. 20 year. Priced to .ell at $2'~. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor •7 (0Uice located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS PRIDE IN OWNERSHIP -Located on quiet, beautiful street amonr other quality homes. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with gla.u doora from living room to a truly lovely patio and private back yard. Pl<'Ue see this at $21,950. THE LAST TWO R·3 Lota available on the beautiful Balbo• ~enln· sula 'Point.· The price of $19.500 includes completed plans for 6 Deluxe 3 bdnn. 2 bath unit.a. VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE -245 Evening Canyon Road Shorecliffs, Corona del Mar Only your inspection will enable you to evaluate its merits. See it today! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. C'oa11t Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Two Story Newport Heights IMMACULATE 2-itory home that ii a DREAM! Larie living room with a mll88ive fireplace, plenty of room for a piano and lots o! furniture. Entrance haU with attractive stairway. Large aeparate dining room. A kitchen with dinette apace It also wired for el.ectrlc range. ~ porch. Top floor hu a mu- te.r bdrm. plua 2 olher bdrms. and a small room. 2-car garage with aun deck area. Unit beat. What a back yard-! Hu unusual brick fence with a barbeque and an outside fireplace. You'll really 1'0 crazy over tha fine home!! ! The price ta only $18,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson l&M Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (Acrou From Coeta Meaa Banlt) Phone Liberty M'761 Efta. Har, 43M-LI 8-2103 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE WHEN INVESTED in quality income property lo- cated In choice rental dilt. Just 100 tt. from ocean. There are 3 un.lta -& new duplex and a 5-room houae OD l lota. 2 unite ue furniabed and rented on yearly bul.a. Owner'• home available now. Thl"M garapa on alley. Preeent income can be sublt&ntially lnclUM<i. $5000 will handle. roR INSPECTION CALL HAR.BOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY Rl!!ALTOR 1113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har.1013 ATTENTION -BUSINESS MEN J We baYe tor we 3 of th• ma.t attracUve downtown JocatJona 1n Coeta Mee&. Unfoneen cireWMtances f Ol'Cllll ale. Tenna an u low u 29 ~ down. la th1a the opportunity you have beeit waltlng for! GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 136 E. 17th St., Coeta Meaa, LI 8-7781, eves. 8-3186 , p. a. palmer A sparkling iewel ! LIDO BA YFRONT incorporated WANTED Ellerbroek, AIA, designed. Perfect condition from boat aUp to front gate. Luxury smaller home with every luxury featlJre. Carpeting and 4rapee. Diah- wuher, built-in Thermador oven and range. Even diapoaal In .ervice y&rd sink for fiah and vegetable cleaning. Territi~ clo.et., cupboa.rds and built-in 2 Bed Rm. or 2. and Den To. $25,000 cash PHONE NQW for quic.k appraisal Absolutely no obligation. feature•. Whit~ shingle tile roof,, Our buyers have money. We can. sell your home fast. ll you would like a lovely home on the BA YFRONT see this now! $5:5,000, terms. Exclusive with us! COMPARE! WHICH IS YOURS? New 4 bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, Therm. oven It range, comer lot, . landscaped, patio 35x23, plu.e BAYVIEW sun deck. Lido living at its best. a $37,000 -Terms. DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE 2 bednn., 3 bedrm., 4 bedrm., Duplex, 4 Units, $21,500 Lido $22,500 Lido $29,500 Lido $18,000 Corona del Mar 0 $34,95 Corona del Mar p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, inc. 7 Unit Income Property T UNIT APARTKJ:NT BLOO. S..t Balboa rental area, close to Bay, 2 bedroom owner'• 1pt.. 3 doublea, 3 alnglea. All tum. Potential Income •~:!00. $29,&00, only •10,000 down. Balboa Duplex! f6000 SPENT LAST YE.AR TO "ODICRNIZll Ulla property. 2 Mdrooma up ,one down. Upper tumtabed llJ'ld rented. R-3 lol. room for llJ'IOlher unit. JUl,1100 rood term•. Bay Front! Ii BEDROOM. 3"' BATH HOME. Temftc Bay vtew and In dandy oondlUon. Pier rl1hl.I. '"·~00. le rm a. Bay Front Duplex! POSM'IVEL Y A WONDERFUL VALUE . , . lf you will do a UlUe fix'ln. 2 ~nn•. up. 2 dn. !Hit Balboa rut.al areL Private beach and pier. Ima(tne a Bay tront at U9,T50 and soocS terma. Peninsula Home! 2 BEDROOM AND DEN HOMI!:. Larp walled i-Uo. Vwy sood l'Onrtltlon and repainted. Regular round&Uon ,2 car sa,...-e. Low· eel priced home on the p>rnln· 1UIL '14.000 unrurn., fH.750. Jl'umllbed. Sii~ down. Balboa Realty Co. (Opposite Bank of America) Memberw, Multiple Lt.ling ROH Greeley Ed Lee Jack P ltlllham JoMphJne Wrbb 700 E. Balboa Blv8., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. SOLD by Multiple Listing 1000 E. Ocean l''ront. Balboa "Goal -'8,&00,000 In 'M " ole hanson co., sales mana~ement 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Eves. Harbor 4923-J WHY LOOK FURTHER 1 Just drive by 530 KINGS ROAD UP In beautiful CLIFF HA VEN and then call ua for an appointment to see this lovely home. It hu 3 well aJTanged bdrms., I=!~ baths. The master bdrm. ha.a large alicling glass doora that open into t he patio with an unobstructed view toward the new Irvine Country Club. The extra large living room baa W to W carpeting, charming fireplace and large "picture window'' with a view ot the outer harbor. The very pleasant dining area ia smartly arranged beside a clrcular indoor planter. The kitchen ia light and bu a moet delight!ul ar- rangement of cupboards, all bavinr the euy push-type hardware. We consider this to be the beat buy on Kings Road at $22,750 with moat convenient terma. MULTIPLE LISTING NO. 5390 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Ru.., Wm. G. Schmidt, AMoclates 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand -Harbor 20t2 EXCLUSIVE VALUES Lido • SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM home on ample 58- f ft. lot. Room for your elbowa. Extra larse living room, dining room, lanal, aervice porch, kitchen with break!ut bar. Wonderful patio hu barbeque & large glau covered area. A-1 construction & extra rooma can eaaily be added. Price ii only $31,500 fumUibed, $9500 down. $200 per month including In· tereet on balance. Balboa Coves • A NEW HOME (now building) with charm and aparkle. See it now Ir aelect your penonal finiahing touches. Thu la on the water with a place tor a BOAT SLIP. _, Price ia $28,500, term.a. Newport Heights .vE HA VE a lteauly, 2 br., and den with 1 '~ batha, time and apace will n ot permit ua to leU .you all the nice things about thla buuUful home. FULL PRICE $29,000, TERMS G. I. Resale 4~o loan 2 BR. HOME, hdwd. Ooora, lot 7h190. ft., ~ne. Pyml.I. S00.25 pel'. m onth. FULL PRICE aa.Ci00--12.000 DN. Is there a Wheel Chair in Your Family 1 COUNTRY HOMll wtt.b door1. ram~ a: crlp built _,,.el.Uy for whrtl chair owner. t br., den. l % bathe. 1.03 Ao fNlt lre• cQmpletely fenced. CJoae to Counlr)' Qub • Baclt Bay. Own· rr1 Kid to Mil. Reduced from '22,.'\00 lo low price of Sl9,000, u: twm1. 2 New Duplexes 1400 l!IQUAJU!l nDST JCACR. Plua garagea. Sll.000 tulJ price. 13.000 doW'ft each. Only Two Le~ $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. & Sun. 12 -~ Jltt 6 Orange An., I bdnn , l •;. bathl, brealtfut and dining Arf'L Full price $10,700. LOT, NEWPORT KEIOHTS $3,000 M·l Lot on Placentia _ $13.000 C-2 Lot on Newport ···-110,1\00 C-2 Lol on 17th St., ···-SJ 2.1100 3 R-4 Loll ln Coeta Mua ·-S7,200 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· 'A&E 7 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1955 a .... , ........ .. BA YSHORES HOMES Many attractive born-. SUS,000, S17.~ Ir other& Gorpdua Bay rroot .. ·----$107,000 Balbo• Island BA YFRONTS UNUSUAL ' bdrm. bou.ae. Private pier Ir float, lar~ rooma and paUo, JCxcellat for tarp family. All OD on• tloor acept preeent ownen bobby room. AaJdns --·-·····---···--····-----$80,000 Bayfront home, pier Ir float ·····---····---•· 7GO a bdrm., 2 bath bayfront, pler rlshta, 2 bdrm. apt. . ........................... --.. -..... ............ . ... $M,OOO See u. for a SoOd 1electlon of Bayfront home.. Bal.boa Island BARGAINS You ilave been looklq for a aW1 vacation homt, here It ti! 1 bdrm., convertible den, % bath. lntef\. e.t.lng Interior. Some work to ftnlah at ----SU5,'m0 2 unita, older, rood lncome ........ ·-····-·······--·SH,900 NEAR SOt.mf BAY, 4 bdrm., 1~ bat.U, turn., 1 floor hou.ae, well deaigned -····-· •. t28,~ Balboa Island Income 2 unitJS, nr. North Bay. 3 bdn:na. ll den, 1% batba In front ~lt unfurn. except upstaira carpets and drapea. PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. furn. Price .. _ .... $35,000 Reduced $2000. 2 unita, LitUe lale. One 2 bdrm., one 1 bdrm. Both unita tum. Price ··········--··$23,000 Near No. Bay, 3 bdrm. It 2 bdrm. apt. SU,800 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OD all th-tine propertiea, call Harbor 177~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22e Marine Ave.. Balboa l.tand THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BETWEEN Coeta Meea It Santa Ana -lM acre parcel • Excellent bean or celery land • Some lighter IOil auitable for y&rna or peanuts • Home, buu. eheda, good 1n1ll • $2000 acre, terms. DE81RA.BLE R-t lot. 70 z 130. Wat.er meter and fruit treee -1 blook to .toree It trans. S22SO cuh. 60 ll 300 HARBOR BLVD. Real value at $12,500. T.rma C-1 WNE, 1~tt. frootap, Joftly 2 bdrm., den. clining room home. Hwd. fin., fireplace. Ideal eetup tor home Ir buaineas. Situated on eut 18th. Euy to buy. Sellen will carry balance due. Asking $5000 down. 2 STORES, partly funtiabed 2 bdrm. apt. Good location. Better income -Leases available • Should grou l4 %. Cent.er of active bid&. program. $32,000. Terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALF.S -LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 Ne~rt Ave-, Co.ta lieu Liberty 8-1632 Liberty S.HOO Ev& VOGEL VALUES in Investments Home with extra lot Balboa Peninsula TheM are Exclu.tvu with How Can You Miss? • HARBOR INVESTMENT co., REALTORS e unit.a .. cale on C-2 loUI. u11•om• Business Bay Front, On West Coast Blvd. TWO BEDROOM, tlreplooe, dbl!!. Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach. Har. 1600 approxlmately $400, "111 price, The m09t deairable type of property in Harbor AnL Hu t.enific potential. prar. Pr1Cf! '21.:SOO. -----.,,.,..--------------- Balboa Bay Front lNCOME OUPU:X. S bedroom• up&taln, 1 bedroom downat&Jnt. 1bow1 won· derf\11 re.ntal aper1ence. ,!W,500 Newport Island Income TWO BEDROOM Isome, IUld a nice 1 bedJ'oom apt. lr'V I CV pr. •1uoo. Coast Properties Co. 301 ll. Balboa BIYd., Balboe Barbor 2'88. t!J9T &11d 4800. Corona del Mar ON TOP OF THll WORLD - Brand """ I bdrm., 2 ~th home. h.l1b up LD Corona Hlghland1. Puonmlc Yiew, Can ltlll dlooet coJor Of W.. ate. C&U Mr. R. PatUllOD at-- W. E. Fisher, Realtor and AS80Cl.ATU 303' a Cout l:IJ' .. Corona clel Mar Corona del Mu ..J'bont Hatbor 2441 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1110 l'U'fer'lld• Ave., Newport He!«hll "Oo&l -H .&00.000 ta •aa .. Channel Front Lot "You can't hardlJ pt th-now'' MarCUI A ... under Ten 0. DON NORMAHDY 1·303I or 41\0t Steahore Dr. Wffkend.t. J&tlc ON LIDO ISLE Nearly new 3 bdrm., 2 bath. near Club Howie. Good patio, Provincial, owner l.Dldoua, low down. See ua to .ee. Priced rtgbt. Beautiful 2 bdrm .. 2 bath, carpet. and drape.a - Tbermador kitchen. Leu than 2 yra. old. $23,750. 1 -~· lot on excellent street.. $12,600 full price. Owner u00oua. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to the riaht of the Udo Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 384.3 (evea H. 2999) CORONA DEL MAR JUST LIKE NEW! 2 bdrm. bom. wit.b unfin.labed out.door living room. Beautiful kitchen with Jou ot tile and built-ln.e, dilposal DeUgbttul corner loca· tion. Room to build another unit. Elrclualve wlth - STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 364 7 E. Cout Hwy., Coro.na del Mar Harbor 882 IN CORONA DEL MAR Unturn. bou.e on 1\.-2 lot. Room for another unit ..... -.. ······-··-··--·--·· ················-······--$8800 Exchqe equity 1n fine motel ln Pboen.iz, A.Nona t or income propel\y In any part of Newport Beach. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Real ton Bualoeae Broker 3136 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2152 130,1100. h TumL "ART" ADAIR ru:ALToR 25.4 °lo Net Return on $21,000 Investment lSM Newport Blvd.. Colla Me .. t.Jbcrly 8-3792, 29t31 SOLD by Multiple Listing 100 AllUbN. Udo lale "Goa.I -H .500.000 in ·~" BAYSHORES CHARMJ!l\O 2 br., knotty pin• lnttrtor, IJ•· llv. room, compact kit. w/bkft1. bar. PLUS lge. get. rm. owr pr. t patto1, S21 ,C.00. I BR .. 2 bath, nutJe, •tw ~l, dlJlhwuh•r, dJabmut.u, dllpoaal, nice patio. U3,600. BACK BAY Bl:A.tJTI.rUL 4 br. W/dcl, 2 fin· places. View. A.1ltln1 pr. $32,:JOO. 1 A.CR.II chkken ranch w /Cood 2 br. home. Ill. tAt 1L <>.mer le&•· ln( artL 2 acre• w jNnlall. Aakins pr1ct S14.000. Claire Van Horn UAL TOR 2731 W. Cout HW7. Ll 1-427', 2 BDJUIS. 6 DEN, bet". floor. yard fenced. Ga.tb. .U.,. '°1"11 palnted. Lare• lot. Room tor Ir. OOIJle, 4% loaa. Cbote. llocal1011 ao.. to ~. Pr. 113.251 J:quJty IMOC). 119 Park Dr1v Coeta Kua. OWNtR. 29c:l )CE.AN VIEW HOMJ:. 27~ Cll Dr! ... l'Vll prtee $11.000, tPrm No cub requ1nd. Own•r. L l-J6U. •uo This deluxe l 5 month old Balboa property conm.t. of 6 apaciou. 2 bdrm. apt.a. and 4 lovely 1 bdrm. aplll. -all trilh front It rear entrance. g ranc-. plua storage room, laundry room and beautiful 8Wl deck over garage.. Preamt income ia $9480. on Ull• furnished yearly 1eue buis. 'Ille price of $76,000 18 considerably ~low reproduction cost. Takes only $21,000 caab and out-of-town owner will carry the balance at 5%. This ii exclualft with VOGEL CO. Main omce. 3201 Cout W,bway. Newport BeWa Llberty S.3481 BALBOA IS'1.AND Attractive modern 2 bdrm. fumiabed home. OoocS corner location. Room for guest or income apt. OD rear of lot. Price $18,7~, term.. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And ASIOCi&tel Park at Marine, Bal* laland -Harbor 2fe2 BALBOA ISLAND SEE THIS -GOOD 2 bdrm. home. Bu large patio Ir a aun porch. Nicely furnilhed. $21,500. D 0 R IS BR A Y. Realtor ?hone Harbor 20 Days & Evening\ Nona Hyer Chet Sa.UabulJ' 211 lilartDe ....... Balboa lllud PAQE I· PAIT IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1955 IN AND OUT -Retire the preaident and welcome the ntw wu the program ·of the Balboa. Improvement .AIJ- 80Ciation at •their annual meeting at the Newport Har- bor Yacht Club Tueaday night. Bill Thompson, left, was elected preeident, to 1ucceed Coy Wattl, who bu eerved for the put year. -Staff Photo Bue Netters Lose Hanson LettM'm&D Dick Hauan WU Jcl9t to the C>ranc• Cout Colles• i.asa 8Quad tor the nma!nder of Pirate nelmen a rude lea.sue open- hi&' .. they invept both the alngl• and doublea compeUUon tor a 9-0 win. Jerry Evana, t.he 11xt.h OCC aingle. entrant, w .. the only local bealdea H&laon to ro more lhan two Hta. li:vana took the tint, 1 M , from the visitor .. Dave Peta· ntcJr. and then io.t two ln a row, 2-e, a-e. tM ...... Frida.>' when h• acrra· l'ull.WA uavade9 the Pirate fttad a pulled Jar c&rtiJllC• court.a tomorrow attenroon tor an-~ Mt. ·San Antonio on th• other conference match. and wW Oollta XM&M' home courta. Han· be rated on the bul.8 of Otelr .OD had bem out. tor two week&, •t.l'oftl' third plaee fl.nlab Jut. aea· ltul bad 'bMll rtY•ll a doctor'• OK ton to extend the OCC loahl&' \e '*" tM J.ec a tri&I nm, and •treak to five at.ratpt. Co&ch wu 1-.dinc Jilt. SAC'• Joha l:d-Bob O.born•'• fll'llt a men wwd9 •·1 In the third Mt Of & qa.lnat the Hornet.a probably wU1 .uial• palrlnr when he pulled up be Jim Armt1tronc. Gene Tyle.r, lame. moviD1 up lnto H&naon'I alot, Tbe MounUea, deCen~ J:ut. Leonard Blae&11u.s, Jack Kennedy, em Conference champa. ga•• lh• Chet Sheldon and l:n.na. Pope Subdivision Answer Delayed by Mesa Council eo.ta Me•'• "headache" Iota I recommend lta approval. There .U 22nd Sl. between Or~• e.nd 1.8 no reuon to hold up my plan." ll&nta Ana AvQ. conUnued aivinr "l! you pTefer," Mayor Claire II.a clt7 council Iota or he&d&cbea Nei.on Mid, "we c:a.n vote on your aocs.y, proposal tonlfht. l 'd vole no. l .A.t th• fernnt requeal of Max think we've tried to move w\th ~ w. Pope, wi,OM proposed •3-lot apeed poulble. I hope you'll bear IUWJva.ion ln that area ta at With u• and that the delay will not ll&Ua. U.. council Monday Dlfht cancel the aubc11vlalon." ~ tM matter over for two more Barney Francque of the city .,..au. Indication waa a declalon planning commlulon warned the W9UJd be made at that Ume. council It.a declalon would eatabllah a&A90NABLE t:'8ET a precedent wh.lch might deter· "'1 aubmll my propoul la reuon· Pie land uae," Pope laahed out anar a ~ .... ion ot wrt.n· ~ between the aubdl't'ider and prot.eet.11\s property owneni, "and CCICJY c...-Cops loy's New Casaba mme the fate or ~ to 1000 Iota In Coat& Meaa. "Subdivider• have a a k • d clarlflcaUon," J'rancque .aid. "Your ded alon htre may well be th• anawer." LO'l'8 "IN BOLE" The city planner polnted ou\., ''Thie 40-acre ana la a good ex- ample Of Iota 'laid in the hole.' Our recommendation tor cha.ngea In th• Norm FIUgerald. 12. 1oe Jade aubdlYlmon wu planned ao the .A.•,. .. told pollce March 12 a col· moat lot.a could be aal~ed.'' Jes-·ace boy ran ott with ha new Francque aald th• pl&nntnr com- buk•tba.11 whHe he wt.a abooUnc mlaalon'a propoeed map o< the a.ru lluket.a In the allt y by Orud would a&Jnc• approximately 30 Canal. Iota. MalJ1 complaint of 22nd St. Tbe YlcUm Mid the un1denWled prvperty owners adjoinllll the l\lb· bo ulced him If be coUld make dlvl1ton la their rear Jot.a will face y buk••· lhu alter be ahot Into the beck yarda of Pope'• aome -. bomea &!lout three, he caupt the ball Co~an A. L.. Pinllley aa!d, and "-" for hia cac pUked near-"We haYe a pl&nnl.n&' commllMllon. b7. Flts&trald aMd the OU' bad • and I believe If tt'a practical to Unlvtraliy of Soutbeni C&llfoml& aaJnc• eJl)'Where from t lw to 30 aUck!-'r on /t. Iota we should lllnatJpte the plan I . MDA UPHOtSTBING thoro~bly." AOR&E.M:ENT ON 8TUET Selim H. Franklin. r.preaenUng the 22nd St. property owners, r~ v ........ a ~ ported u ~l clrculall!d l.Dert7 M111 Monday momtn1 bad bwn lllsned 1111 N-.L .. ..._ o.ta .._ by eo per cent of the penona ln· ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Yolved. Tb• arreement cov•nJ dedl· ;; e.aUon of a b&lt alreet at the rear of ~lr Iota and tmprovement of the propeeed alreeL Should thl1 &'O Ulrourh. council la expected to Lnalal upon Pope'• homu facln1 the atr.et., with the aubdlvtder de- dicallnr the other ball of t.be tll"ffL Newport Y..Mty YOOR 6 ... It 8TOU We OIYe Crowa St.mpe ~ rr-& N_,. !"er , ?aWPO&T ll&ACB -=~· ~=======~ Jrvln1 Clark Informed councll, ; "l'U be lnlereeted l.n aubdMdinl p4aaa . &ml.ET llOaTIJ.Uf ~ O&&Cl:L OllAl'SI. , .... ......,-o..a .... U!WtJa.Mll ... ~ the 22nd St. rear lota If Pope'a hou•ea face the at.reeL" Oov. Goodwin J. Knight-"Tbe pracUce of looklng elawhen Cor aulat.ance that aho11ld be provided nrhl at home lead• lnnltably to ;;;;======;;:;::=~ 8oclallam." BE SURE • INSURE .. K.t.USl<l& 8'rANL&Y ----o.17 .,._ Rartlor 1411 ¥'11 &. ONM mp.., 0o ........ Mar ;;=======;;;;;;;. 9•1ck Senlce FOR Roller Shades Staad&rd 8IWle Cloth• and Custom Sp.clalU• • Dra~r) Herdware • Venetian Blind.!! I CALL llAAll09' NI THE SHADE SHOP 1 m nec1 "'~ ~ewpon a.edl • .... UMI PCMll omce I ' Starts Thlirsclay, March 24 at Sears Santa Ana Hurry, hurry Clown to Seara, Santa Ana for the big 'Spring Bargains'. There are drastic price reductions end special purchases in every de· pertment. Drive to Seara today ••• there' a plenty of free perking. 1H.tl C..- 2l•lft. TY 16_9" Th• i.1, 21.111.Jt ,1, . hlN h "'''"'· ., .. ,, ...... ., •, • awt.fMMI ,.....;,., ... • .. j .. t-· Mtllt SPECIAL ..... ,. J6.IL Gas RancJe 14,. All+•M•llully ..... i..,, rl~•.. u" ,,1wrlH fer H w ••ah "'' "-"-' '" • J(, .. ,. ti11tet "'•'· ........ _. .. Watch land 1" Y .. 1u't effer" to '"" ., '"" ~ " ..,. t.feft'I a..11 I 1"' •I 1tyl11. At s .. , .. ....... Dusters 3" ,., ~ .. 11,,, ··"·"·· r. ... c•lt•" fl.,.,..1,, ......... ..tt.11 ,i;. .. , •• .,. .... flet1l ,,;~ ... MA SAVINGS FOR THE HOME 6.95 v-. T1lepllw stmld •..... 4.99 Reg. 29e llllt •11ger ............. 19e ~,. aclcH-wlcltll pin hooks 14 for 79c Reg. 2.25 lnlalcl lhlel•-6 ~. wicltll 1.69 ICI• yd. 9x12 feet ADlllMter ...... 38.18 eacll Reg. 2.19 P•tel Mmlin sheets. Twin size • $1.99 .... 7.95 Foalll a..tn pmows .... 5.95 Yallles from 79c to 89e yd. 36 In. cotton . prillt -43e yd. .... 62.95 CClla.all rocller ...... 59.81 let. 56. 95 Swlwl roaer ....... 52.81 SALE ON APPLIANCES 10 CL ft. ,......,. ............ 239.'91 f.2 CL~. Coldtpot. A.,,_ .. Jlt.a 11.2 C•. ~. "C:::.-C:,. s.p.n.art"349.81 I••.,. Portable, .. Madlin• 44.44 Fomwrfy 69.95 Roto ._, '400' ... 24.81 119. 19.95 Wflter Heater 20 ...... 71.81 Reg. 64.95 Tlllt ....._. ....... 49.88 .... 1.45 (locket ...... Head) so ~- of lead .•. J.95 199. 6.05 (Y·cw AlltWMI HICldJ SO~. of lead ... 4.55 GARDENING NEEDS R ... 109.50 Power Moww ...... 9't.tr9 let. 5.45 1e ... 1a11 Peat Moll .... 4.66 .... 4.75 so ~. plastlc .... . .... 3.66 Ecowny ~ r.-9"'· .Only 5.99 .... 1.19 ...... 6o IK.J ..... 1.44 .... 68c G_.. Tool Mt •••. 4 for 43c .... 129.95 loto·Splldlr ...... 113.88 .... 42. 95 Gym set ............ 32.88 SI. 95 vol. Gym Mt ............ 36.88 Rea. 6.95 Fohllnca chair .......... 5.88 SA VE! BUILDING BUYS I ... 6.25 MOiiie palllt ..... 4.,., galOll 1-.. 26. 95 NI Doww Ut11t A.-. 11.11 10°/e off Chclht U... hftchlg 36, 48, 60, 72 Inell lllfght .... 7.50 Mfxlag ta.cit ......... 5.88 10°/o off on labor Wld materials HOlnClrt Shl11tfes 119. 45c sq. ~. Plastic tile ... J7c sq. ~. let. 16t.t5 3 pc. bat1a e11semble 144.18 9. 90 -.. .._bed ICflltl door . 9.10 1.47 l'ock Wool Pellts 25 • •.... 1.29 .... 6.45 Reflectfft ........ . ... S.85 . Li.;Tm. 11t.tl , .. ,._ a.•oom 21r 99" bl.nu '"' fM-.1 Sofa bH, r • c ~ • r. ler9• "••Iii• .., .. _ cecHell taltt• .,.; ....._ wlth .,;,, .. , 41• f .. t-... , ... , .. ~, ... i. .. ,,, .... , ... c., .. 11111 ,.,,.,, \ . - BARGAINS FOR WOMEN .... J.n w .... ·• 111p1. •••.•••• 2.77 12.95 Gllf's 100•;. Wool Toppen .1.66 • ... 9.91 Nyto. ................ 7.77 l14J. 1.00 M• nl-llltdl ..,_ .•..•• 77c Reg. 1.15 12 D1lller, Siiier Nylcm •. 17e 1.00 wlllte cOlf•w lewelrY. . 2 fw 1.00 W01M1111 Welglltlesi Slwls ...... 5.95 .... 3.98 T ... .,. Rats ........ J.44 119. 2 for 29e Soft Ply Thl9e I for lie SPECIALS FOR BOYS , GIRLS R ... ISc Glrt's Nyloe ,_,... . .... 66c llCJ. 79c Polo s1111ts. Sims 1-61 2 for 1.00 1.79 ....................... 1.00 .... 4. 91 CWld'1 Dreuy St1aps ••• J. ff 1.49 Y .. Cottoll llllrts .......•. He l14J. 39e TralnlwcJ Pcmies 1-4 4 for 1.00 HOHywckle Ecnt9r chs111 1. 91 to J. 91 199. 49c lay• P...-4-6 . . . . . . 39e Come 111 Giid '" the 1955 NW cNIJga1 111 Easter d~ WMI ........ for C)lrls and WOIMll! ~ VALUES IN MEN'5 WEAR 2.39 Y.. Plaicl Delliln Shirt ..... 1.;,J Reg. 1.79 W..11 lclllCI T ........ 1.5t Reg. 3. 91 Faded DllHllJ tlcdttl ... 2.11 .... 3.79 Faded .,.. ... 9acks .... 2.11 119. 1.49 Sport SWrts for Ollly .•. 1.29 199. 1.29 Cottoft and pllsse Sport Slllrts •.... He Mitt's Slar+toc. C•••I• ...... 5.95 .... 2.98 ....... p ............. 1." • ... 34.95 ............. Wt,,.. pair RalllNI Wts. pin .......... 3t.ll 199. 79e Me11'1 ,... Sodrs. Nowl 2 ,_ $1 MISCELLANEOUS BUYS lt14J. 4.49 D•cillt l•rl11 ....... 3.11 .... 2.50 SlcllWtllk Skates .....•. 1.ff llCJ. 3.95 Tower COIRI,. ........ 2.11 ..... 11.25 Sec.tty .... . ...... 9.11 .... 9.75 lattery, 12 .............. 7.75 199. 15.95 Plastic Seat Conr ... 9.99 • ... 'for 2.94 Spark ........ 'fw 1.91 llCJ. 19. 95 I Play GJlll set ...... 15.11 Fonwty 120.00 Sp.ldlflt '°" .... Wld lrolts ... 69.M .... 14.95 loat -Pier Rod ...•. 9.H 79.tl ....... lox SprllMJ 5,- W• '••'t It-ef uy c-r.'··· wltll 11.H. ......... ,. fat , ....... ••• 1.. ... ,1+. ..... • 1111 ..... tlll1 ....... ...... , ....... 1..,.111 l .,,M, Meler. Clw-• ,,..... .,111 ........ 1001. ... fll ,...._ .... ,.,, ........ __ ~·-r•Wl#oe J'fNA,lllfJMI' Id"~ ........ , ... ....., ,,.._. ,.., ..... - ., .. ,... lte114 .111 t .. .................... ·t::.tw .... ., *-• • .r .. 11 •• t .HDNw Draperies 7:- v ....... , • ., .. ,., •• , .. ,, • , 2 , ........ (11..,.;IOt f11~ift9 0 • llu4 , • .,... ,.,.,.,;.,, Tool lox 4 ... f ,,,. .. , .. ' . .... ttwrdyl Hol41 11 •• I 00 toc~•tt I Ht~1t ., .... ~ '""· •