HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-14 - Newport Balboa PressEASTER WEEK Ci)UEEN CHOSEN r HARBOR PRESS 48th YEAR -NUMBER 13 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, APRD.. H , 18M Pbone Ha.rbor 1818 SECOND GUESSING EASTER WEEK MEET DUE WEDNSDA Y Com• AprtJ 20 and local l:uter Week proano1tlcatoni and pl&JuMrl will naure out what wu rtpt and wron1 with UI• one juat ended. Ka.yor Dora Hill Monday Informed the preN an evalua- tion mMUna' will be held at 7:30 p.m. next Wednellday at city hall wttb all lnter .. t•d folk welcome. Inland 11ehoo.l otflclalJI will be lnvtted to joln the d.Wcu.ulon u will be the Mayor'• J:uter Wffk Control Committee and Balboa llland .block cou.nMlora. lh• u.ld. Tbe Mayor wu pleued with mo1t upecta of Ule •acaUOn period. 1000-ACRE ANNEXATION FOR MESA PROPOSED New Area Lsg1r '1lan ColleCJe Campus. Hale Co. Aclcl~tl0ns City-.. CoUnty Fight on Annexation Due PICKY WOIK lobby Pin Not Key to Situation Monday · Night Zero -Hour for Upper Bay Discussion . Annexation of, Upper-Newport Bay to Newport Beach will be top Item on city council'• agenda at MOQday nilht'• The atmoaphere wu tenae. Tile djo ed tin h O Co ty Bo rd f S men worked quickly with frequent a urn mee I W en range UD & 0 uper- eye •caJUl.lnc the hande of the vi.on' prote« to the plan will be aired. Newport otflc1&1a clock on the wall. are preparing their aide of the cue. A propcMe<I annaatlon to Collta Not 11'\uch wu nld except an 111e board 1\leeda• proteeted In· the county ctOck &l'e& ··-·-• ..._ Mea, lnYOlvlns even more &l"tla 8 c I I ' _.. .,_ t.han one acheduled to come before and·d t OCC&IJ Ona &TOWI or oath which clulon Of COWlty-owned llde and p~ from the -.le t.Mreot an city COW)cil tor public hearlnc I a es e1caJ)t'd Ucbt lip•. One man de-aubmerpd lande In th• propoeed UMd ln the development ot a pab- tached him.HU fn:>m the 1roup Up-Bay annuaUon. A letter Uc ...... k or beach tn tM H· ....... -. Monday Dilttt. wW be eubmilted d d f 1 h ,.... ..-~ to the Oran~• Cowlt1 Boundary Fil f 4 an boma .... ~ a drant c aearc dtllroudeg>h wu ordft9d -t the council. uk· n ill reported the ~ty ltu p&ua I e Or cup ••""· rawera an un r 1n1 annexaUon be abandoned and to --nd the dock -•---•-Comml.Nion 90metlme llonday. 'l'h -..--r ·-.. papera. en Ill' c.Haappeared Into no turtJler proc-1IJI,. be taken. areaa other than u-Ba• or Mape Oil the peopoMd MW annq· th t I hi h 1 '"· d •-rr-· ' e mya r ea w c •Y .,.yon 111• county cl&&ma ownanhlp Of N-port Kanor. atJon were toda.y 1D UM county d 1 -• aurveyor'a otnc.. D·1str•1ct Jobs a no a m tt•nce .. rn. aome l20 a,c,.. Of submer,.ed and Ctty Atlome7 Kart Lynn Da.W Mutned volcea from tha t beyond Lide landa. today ea.Id the cit• lntMMlll to ln· Monday ntpt at 7:30 o'clock the filtered down the lonr hall Sev ' Pretty Coeette Peltzer, Anaheim, center, Jut night wu choeen Que en of Orange County High Sohool teenagera at beauty contat in Rendesvoua Ballroom. On her left, Millie Tonne, Newport Harbor conte.tant, named a prince• u wu J a n l c e Pomato, Brea, right. Some 500 teenagers crowded danceball for conteet, emcee for which wu Ken Cotler, Radio KWlZ ~ jockey, Trio above waa picked from prettie.t candidatel of each county high ecbool. Bathing l\llt and evening clothe. were worn by conte.t- anta. -Ruu Pat.ch Photo Baker St. anaeuUoa 1Dvobt1q eral of the men came in~ vi•,; PoUUcal obeervere lhlnk the troduce evtdmce aa to Lhe nJue 800 acne, la expected to llboot Only candid& e ao ~la~r~lo~li~!· ~e :·~D~an~dht~he~w~oiir:cid.:.:w~asfiiii~rariFco~un~.fi=~~~~~~~~-~t~ala~~·ft Ho~f~th~•~area~~t~o~be~am~-~ed~~wb~tll~------J eo.ta Meea city Um1ta nortMrly the four achool board race• who la Anybody r otla bobby plnT A the dtJ '*-u.e ao tar the council the coun y pnMn p to include tbe Southern Calltomta not an Incumbent 11 W illla.m H. flat one. No, a paper clip or hu ref\&eed to &1ve clear UU• to The council will determine the Bible eou.,., th• count1 fair· Spurgeon ill who wtll run tor the hair pin won't work. Ju.t a nat the old mouth of the Santa Aila valu .. tn\'Olved. 1'1-e ftlidJt1 of Ule &TOUftde. a port.Ion cl the 'Army one aeat on the Newport Beach bobby pin. · River where It touch•• Old Cou.n-county'a prot.Mt apparenUy reet.a Air Bue and u.. Hale COmpany Elementary School Board of True· No dice. They dlaappeared ty Dock. on th• •alue ot the property to be 303 Ach·1evement on 0·11 HAI IT MADE ~-'.iml:..N.m&o oppomtA&llAUon la ex-tff~ •l the May 20 elecUon. Har· •rain but aoon emerged -th• ..... "J:AJUlAJUUNO" annex.ct. The Stat. Code, 8ec:Uon "' "' .---vey D. Peue, incumbent. hu a180 whole c roup amllln&" a little lheep-111e SupeTVlaore wiah ~ MU the 36, ~3 ..-di: filed, according to Information lahly ln the company of a atr&lll'V dock, which 111 fine with the city "At the Ume Mt tor h-.rlnc ~ Marinen lank n.. new a.iut•Htloa, expect.cl to rrom th• county wpertntendent•a Who looked • bit dubl<Na about -lt the county will by reeolullon teat.a th• lestal&UH bod.yah&U Mu ObJ·ec11·ve. Gr·1msley Says· p F. t beoomm~~Oll '!>-~-d~!,'-"cll"',nor• otnce. the WhOll' performance. "earmark" th• dock'• MM priu and pa-. upon all prot.ut. 80 _ _ .... ,, -· In th• Coeta Meaa Union School The atrancer ! A p~er In for development or the propoeed mad•. It pt'OlMt ill ma.de by th• asses In action by the boundary comm• DI.t r I ct. lncumbt-nt.t Chllholm the Newport Beach Jail. 111• county wal4'r par~ rec,...Uon area ownerw ot one half ot the ..&ue of _, lnvol • .-i .... atea 1000 Brown and Albert Ogden filed. J . problem? T ryln• to 0 .,..n b&nd· In Upper Bey. 1th• t•rrttoey u ehowa by t.M 1ut BA.CRAKENTO, APRJL H - '(OCNS) -'n.. Oranc• County Cout.llne Jiu today achieved ~ IO per c._t of IU objec:Uve to ... It• coutilM ~ off abore ell dr11lln&' • ..,.,,. c. on..lq. ..tc.-p,......_t ol ... C-tal .Ana Prl'ltf'Otlw Leacue. Mid tod&)'. ti" refWl"9d to the promlM of J o • •II, ut!Mw ol tM BbeU off Siu., • .lllq bW... to aclude the coe.at.ul area from the northern 11mlta of Newport Beecb to the au I>Mro County line. PILA18U llU&DY Ortmaley . pn.t.ed State lkoat.or John A. Murdy for Ila.ta, done ... MapUl~nl Job." The oil lnduetry. loo, hu been eooperau ve Orlm1ley ll&ld. 8EVl:aA.L SE88IONI Durtni hi• two days ln Sa.era· mt nto Orim1ley had a number or con!erenrea with Shell and lead· eni of th• oll lndu11try. company f'11ecutlft, with a home 1·11• M rk .on, ... ~ ~-.. Y 111 Lfflle 8taffenaen and Judge Don · cuff• on hlll WT'i.la wlth a flat Th• city le prohibit.cl bJ law equau.d • nnant roll. ., lf In ,,,__e Arch Bay .. __ ..... __ OCI• I IOI a ac,. ........ carry .. alcl J Dod .. both ·--·-.. ·n•· 0 t di I -I l I ·--·-• "' ~ ,,.. -It 11-••-t t.o Pa11M4e9 •-.a · •-• """""'""" · "' n bolaby pln before cH8covertn• they romlPO" nc ._ '-~-·-~ .,. C. ..... • .... ' of th• leadera ln lh• flrht to a.e c Y :.;:;1~ the ___. Ui._ tbe Newport H&rbor UnJon Hieb w ... ualq lhe'wronc key.·;.,_., T the Orange County CouUlne. Prealdent l:dpr R. HUI of ~ and --r-.... propcw pper Scbool board aleo tiled Today the OU and Mtnlnc )(anu· lnen Bank today a.nnounc.d lh• B&y --UOll to Newport ....... ...,,. UM Or.nee ~ eon.,,. £mbarrued Newp»rt poUa.. ............. ....... I T R &.-.a. :c.:=n .. ~~~ :.rlu~~i:,:::u:: ~ .... 4:to°'~i::: ~:!.=-.:~:::Cit ,. Zo ••IVIDGIRD n u e ...... oil ladaabj ........ U. ........ an& w-8r o1 .... r More tMll 111M Mm tn#Det9d ~ r 7° W la are -.ot.11 ..-.S _..a.eua.. 'f tre •• Going t t4esa ... OONlflPfGllAll m1.1.9 Jlt ..,.,.. ...... e""'•ed ...... tM ... ta A.a ..... ta --,... C. ... 4-Cee Mft \IDW Wednee-0 ers The ~ Bille eom• &Del cbecltlnc accounta Ill u.. ant prefer to rema1D la tlle oomtJ' .. da;:;p;:n i) to ft1e CIUldldacy at Hean··· Mo1 .. 1y "' aut. Ortmeaq -". TIUn la J.ecs. w.ll'a opsatklL ...,_ .._~ to .._.. to JCew. tM couDly •perlnteadellt'• office • • laUon backed by tM at.ate IAocla Tba P"CJW nportwurudeat ()eal'n: tC • .... • ta ._ta~ H _ _. N-._ ...... •-ft t ., ......, la..-le ...._ ... as ' f tw-. ,__ Com ,__. "---•-• •--~ -1 the tlrat boal'd of dlt'9ct.ora -t· --------------------------e-•n&' on ~-...-~ _,.. ....... .. ......... to w ~.. • ..... -......._, -· flcer:':U~~av';';°';u-;tb.-...;; ta1 held 'l'Ueed&J att.emooe ta U.. 9 D TE SET 10nlnc Monday nlpt wu Ht fw ~ P~: :-::.;::::,. .: ;;;;.; .,.-,...;... i:t;_.-;. that nght with the Cun.n1nl1a&m BW. board room at UM bank. APRIL 2 A next Monda y night'• adjoumed ~ J1U111 ..,_ Uld to tM• -..,. ti9 neut)' u with the Shell Bille be .aid. ''Thie u~~ ac.eeptaace of city council mH lln1 al Jut Mon· the NewportrBalboa V'-t& .,.... of th.. erron ... NO ASStJJLANO& . our new llaDk.lnC fadUU.. ebow'I day'a •elllon. 1 co.ta ....,_ ~ to V. IL x.ecarur added, ~ ,... Ortmaley emp~ that &MD'• Harbor &rM All&denta and bual· In the propoeed Fire Zone 1 a.re MacCutAl:r. pru&dent ot the rr.-l'Und9 an. ~ . .._ a.d con1ent to exclude the Oranp ne.men fMI u we do. that lhi• FOR SALK VACCINE the followtnr areu: Balboa a· dom Tu,,.yere J.Aaa'u•. Inc. aboft the U•.•.•T ~ by County CouUlne 11 no a..urance dl.ltrlct hu JUll befun to pow,'' land -Marine Ave. from North 'Tb• n act tot.al amount belnc lbe couaty --...or. wi.u. ui. that the Leglalature wlll Jl&N the Hill eaJd. addln1, "we are delight· Bay !o'ronl alll'y to the !lnit two refunded, and the number ot hom .. lee.,ae bu flad pblnomea&J INC· mneure u 11\lbmltted. ed at proeJ*:la of Mmnc ao man.y lot.I 110uth of Park Ave. and th• OW11en to recel•e thlM re.f\lnde ceee It 1a by no ..-... curtaWnl 'Tberf' la atlll a chance for a folke eo eoon tn our all-new b&nll." half block on each llde of lllartn• la uaitnow11 at thle Ume," Mac-projecta we are -..liophta' at the clip up but J hne bMn pereonally Newport Banor flnit. and MC• •rff quoted by the dlllt.rkl a.rl' re-Ave. The ferry landln1 l..,. 10 e&rur aald today. "But -do pNMflt and. with an ~ auured t ha t the oil lndu11try wtU D T 0•1 ond l'f&den a.re all Mt to recet•• turna filed prior to the announc,.. Park Ave. on AJat• Ave. I Mt know It la MYen.I Uloueulde of rrouP or YOluatMrn. .,. fMI c«· back Shell'• excepUONI," Grime: eep est I ~ ... _ ... _ ~ Selk menl Tuuday lh6t Or. Jon•• It. u Zoo• 2. dollara and that the refunde vary tain •• wtU acccmpball the aim. their tlret -...,. ~··• Salk'• v---'ne hu proved 11Ucc-In BaJ""· Fll"• Zon 1 lncludM r f lm ••" oil 1 ley 11tated. .....da _.._, .,.... · " • rom a -cuila to a 041t. ....... &11d purpc»M for wtucb ~ ...._,,. I anU·pollo 'l'9CeilMI ahou on r.. y, tuJ 1n extuwve teslJI. the ~ block weel of Palm from Data la Mini complied by the lea-wu lacorporatel," Gr1m1I'>'· hlmulf a rellttd JIAIUNG OONNECTION-Theee drilli.nJ crew membera of a new Kad&ne and Son well of( Cout Highway near Santa Ana River make a new connection on the drill. The wen. in it.a fourth day of drilling. ia now to a depth of 2800 feet. It will test the 0 zone. -Staff Photo · l1yer, 'Player' for Newport A1thorize~ at Council Meet Two mo~ office holder1. a pur- cl'l&llq ...-t and a recttallon director, ._.. authort.aed Monday •1-bt by etty counciil which lD· ltnleted aty Manac-J obn J . lallore to aeek eultab1e talent for the jobcl. The direct.or ill 91't up by ettT charter, be lmorT'Md U.e COUii• eu. 8aJ&rtN of MCfl po9t wtJI be an• noune«t followt.nc a llW'WY now underway on ctty Jobe by a pr1· n t• nrm. n. .....uoa cMnct.or '°" bu b&en Ur&"ed by M••ral local o~n· mllona, lncJUdlnl the Woman'1 Ctvto Leque and clty park. beach Md ~reaUon commi..ton. lellorw, tn ~•1nr the pur-c:iu.anr -.ent a p p o I n t m • n t, broupt out Use city'• annual pur- ch&tlN ~ mOt'ft tban Q00.000 whUe ln•ent.ory nm1 around JTO.· 000. nie otncial 1.ppolnttd could M Y• conlidft'abM auma by "ahop- pln.r " for munkipal ne.de, he ff. ... '4. . ,. ... Well by I .lane April 29. New lnnoculaUon datff for local the ocean \o t.he bey lllld eul to J'M u to th. total amount and Mra. Nlclt Mardulclt, ION "-- • AdmtnllllraUve offlcee ot the younpten were decldl'd lut ntr;hl. the hlllf block eut of Main St. to th4l number of pereon.a lnV'Olved pubUc A"9., en.ta x.... today Eld Of ll•ver elf'.mentar)' acboo1 di.ttr1Cl ald In· the county he&IUI office •aid. Flr1!t A. St. on Balboa Blvd. and on the and wUJ be releaM!d u IOOD u told the Nt'W9-f>ree9 abe ,...lfted Kadan• and Iona' deep tut well beln1 drilled vertically ln the WMt Newport area Juat . oulalde the City of Newport Beach and lnland of the Cout Htcbway bu ruched a depth ln uceea ot 2000 feet, a c- oordlnC to Ray Wrt&'ht. auperin- tendent oa the job. Th• -11 wu IJNdded ln lut Saturday and t98 feet of cuinr bu been ML The Kad&ne tMt well ta l~ feet due wMt of their Kadane numbf'r 1. ll !a tapping' UI• prop- erty underlytnc the property own- ed by the B8n:itn1 ltltate. P rewnl plan.I call for sinltln&" th• tMt hole &000 feet nrtJcaUy Into the aande of th• W• New- port field. Pre'l'loualy UI• com· pany had 1unk a hole to 7000 fMt 1n depth 2000 fel't northeut of t.b1a well Brown Drillln,r Com· pany of Lon• &acb la coatRC~ th• job. Thi• la a aean:h for D 10ne. production. havtn~ already found A. B and C aone pnxlucllon on the nrm·· BaMtng' leaM. Maximum depUI llbould be toOO feet. Local Teacher Hst SANTA. ANA. APRIL H - (OCNSl -Patr1cta Ana McNab, 24., 2010 MonroY1a A.... Costa M ••a, a N.wport elementary ecJ\ool t-e&cber. euff•Ad mtnor ln· juriM when ber car collided with °'\9 operated by Ed McCoy, II, Loa A.nrelH, at RIJh-J II and 8&11 Rd. 111• tnJ\ll"ed woman did not re- qutre bo9ptt&llaUon. e.c«Wdlnc lo the hlCb1ftT patrol. HAllOI WIATHD Oranp County wut!Mr toreca.at. Friday .i.ar, eoaUallM IOol and wtnd7. T-. ........ ._ .... '"'*la UM ...... ..._ ... , .,..._ 1"r1da.J', Aprtl I . ·····• Q 49 Saturday. Aprtl t ·-ta 41 Sunda1. April 10 ·-94 41 MOllda.J, Aprtl 11 -t6 •t Tu-say, Aprtl 11 -'71 4t Wedneeday, Aprtl 1J • '70 5 1 l'IPlnMf 1 Afl'l "' -.. .. dlcaUona potnt t.6 a hlrh percm· aerlu ahota ••Ill bfl rweo to New· bey front al8o. Rema inder of anllable." u aecret&ry ot the l"r'Mdonl Tu· la&'• of Yoluntary partlclpatJot1 In port Harbor rhlll1rt n on April 29 Balbo• la In the No. 2 aone. Tbe monf'y. Maceartn aid. la p.yera ~ Inc. ~ "MY the lmmunla&tloft. Out of &70 ell-I with the aecond 11hnl to follow (n In ~e•'J>Orl area. Ftre Zone 1 ~Inc retunded by Globe llMrow maln reuoe wtiy r rMlpM wu 11ble first and eecond CT&.den In I four weeka on M•y 27. Third and lnrl11tlo McFadden Plac• 1.nd Oo. MacCarttr aid It ··11 nee•· ~uae J JWlt couldn't &(T"M W1tll the elementary 4Lltr1ct'a three final ahot will be irlven iteven Ocean Front to Und St. dlaronally aloned by fa!Jur. ot th• eacrow Mr. MacCarter'a ~Ucs. He had achoola, 4M lnnoculatlon retum• montha arttr t.ht a«ond eboL alonK Balboa Blvd. plUI the half company to prorate lane on Uloee i.t aom• n-• rele&Me IO out that are In. ortlclala ald. Out ot 3& I Tf11a rhflnre from tht ortc'lnal block ot Hnd to 23rd !It. homea purch&Md alter J uly 1. t.he majority ot the board of di~­ eleaibM •t St. Jamee Day School. Apr11 22, 211 and May 27 da tea de-Uqo _ . area la deall· 11114, and prior to IMU&llc. of the tor. didn't know about. Our by• 27 return• are on file. Total per-veloped .., a ruult of tn ta by nated for Fire Zone 1 while all tu bllle by the county. 1111• a.tao la.,,. atate that such muat N ap- c.nta1"9 of partlclpaUon 111 88 per I Salk which aho14·f'CI tht va ccine hu oth~r bua.lneaa dlatrtca are 1110ned wu befort orrant&auon of the pro•ed of bJ Ule majot1ty ot Ule cent for the four ecboola. mater etr,ct .,..hen longer perioda No. S. 1'nedom ~payt:r1 lAllC\M. Inc., board." The dlautct -.1d tel•phon• .,.. 1 occ:µr t>et•l'f'n the .notA, C'Ounty rtn.J1ng conatanUy In Ila office health ott'lclaJ• •1<1. A II 1hota will with calla from pattnla who did I be given at Harbor View Srhool not preYiouely return 'participation and bus tna.n.-portAt1on IJI belnc ar- pennlte for their chUdnn. The fir· ranc-e<t by the dlatncL County Gives Drill Permit to Richfield 8Al'\'"TA. ANA. (0CN8 ) -The Rlcbtle.ld Co. Tuuday cleared Ila laat county 1overnment&l hurdl# enroute to •Inking an ou or 1u well on th.-P'alrvlew State H~ pltal tract t50 feet north of Wll· 10n 8t., north of Costa Meaa. The Oran1'9 County Board of 8uper.t.an sutlalned/the Orange County Plannln. eomln1M1on'1 re· rommend&Uoa Rlchtl•ld be rrant· ad a u• ...nance ~ drUl the well on a 75C>-acre pan:el of land. The actual drtlllnr alle will be 110 by 300 feet and located w1th· ln JOO feet of the Colt& Me1a north border. • All oil producUon equipment wf1l be cowater INJl.k ""derl'J'OU"d. Supervtaor He.Ina Kataer moved the nrtanc-e be apprond. It wu -uaanlmoual7. Ndlfteld hu pwc!IUed m1aeral rtpte to llOO &en1 ta an4 around ea.ta II-. Richard's Meri Stodl Sale Okay SACRAMENTO I (CNS 1 W. H. Stephen1K>n. st.Ate rorptirAtlon comml•loner. today announc:-ed I• 111ance of a pt'rm1t In Rk hard'a J.larket Corpor11t1on. 3433 Via Lido Ave .. Newport Beach. " food mar- kl'l. to aell ~.0(¥> llharea of Mm· mon atock. The atock wllJ not ~ aold lht public, O. W. "Dick" RlchlLl'<'I. me.rt owner, 1&ld. HI' and hi• wife. Jen- nie. will 1>ach rerelve 2~.000 11harea undtr the corporate Rt up. Newport hland Odor btvestlC)Cltion Aslced Odore offendin( noetrlle ot N-· port leland a.nd WNt Newport areu cam• to city council atten· Uon ac&1n Monday night with a letter r·rom Jam• Edwarda. prem· dent of Newport bland, Inc. 8-eoufbt lnYeet.lpUotl of Ule ateach. A motion wu approY9d. rel•ninl' th• letter to the city mp.er with lMtNctlora U•t he bring the matter betof'e Uv watw poUuUGD 41'1Mon ot Lhe ~ nib and Game Depa.rtmeaL s. ...... lecelYN Rte1'tldl ~ wt.II drU1 tn • "ltolMleea. odorS-... lnof· feDll?a." mann«." Bldll for ~ of a MWW' main and coenectloall ta WoeU t Ud 16 ot Beets. t &Del •• BaJboa Mee., 0 .... , ._ i.land Monday n&pt ... beld • Oftl' to ...i ~· adjoUnMd TMft ot a ll·ft.. pant•type dln1· city eounctl.meetSDC lut Monda.1 bJ 'from W a J1q ~t wu nlghL TIM ....,...-wUl oeell reported to poUce hacky ~ N• th~ bktl dllrtQS UM lllt.91m. l4l'W ftll McCoy of Lofte BMcla. Bt IJ !er wu &dwtn L. B&l'ldq wtl.la .a. tn OU'I '""• ...... _.., •u.-.-. ,_... ..... . . 9UllN HOPEFULS FOR COSTA MESA Tbe.e local charm_.. "9 tor ..i.ctJoa u <l.ta M.a'1 candidate for Ora.nie County J'&ir Qaem duriDc -4 uaual A.D-Oab Community Prom-dJnner at --r p.m. • Wecm.day ln Friday Att.enaoon Chab. J'n:Jm Wt to right they are Carolyn Ofennaa. Joan Toue. 8mt'Clll a.. &ad Bnwty Pftrnnum. Another candldat. "Millie 're-.. not pictured. Tlcklta for tM diDDw can be c+t•leec' from c.o.ta U-"'e•het fll c.m ..... at 105 &. Jak. 8t. -.. PWo , " . ' - 'SILVER JUBILEE' MARKS HARBOR HIGH'S 25 YEARS PAGE l ' PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSOA Y, APRIL. 1•, 1955 ' Mesa Parki1c Space Problem Thwarts New 81il~i11 Pla11 In,. t.htre will M ve to 10 on what'• left of lotA after parking la a llow· ed for ev.ry 3~ eq. ft. of construr· Uon. Thia w .. dlteOVf'r~ by Mark Tapacott of 14i 2 Brannon Way. Santa Ana, J.londay night durmg clty plaanlnf commla lon ml'etlng wllen M propoHd erecting a two· ltory lltruc:ture on Newport Ave. adjacent to Cox Market and Ule American i..11on parking lot off lltJ\ Bt. Tap9COlt aid h• had t•o nation· ally known t enant. ttady to "come In • 1-bel9N w. 1l&ft UM bulld"'«." Tapllcoll 1&ld he want•d to ~Ud TO tMt deep on th• 16&106 f t. lot. aJJowta1 16 fMt for a park· inl lot at Ula nar. "You'll ban to ban M partllq apace.," t.h1 eommlaalon1r1 told him. Added Commtaioner &. L. Patter10n, ''Ther•'• a ,re.at need for parktn1 In th•i wbol• block. A parklllr di..lrtct I• th• oely 801utlon to It. No pu klna;. ne1 t•n· anti." ''The new bulldiA& would materi· ally benttlt th• town," Tap«ott eald. Buildtnr Otncilal A. J. Vola polDted out hia propoeed parlllnl lot a l r.ar of th• two-atory build· 1n1 would turnleb only H parklns •pac.._ Buirealiou we ... made by commLulon•r• Ulat Tap.coll etart ott with a atnrl• 1tory 1tructure or try dr1n·ln M.Mm•nt parkl•f· TaJllC'Ott ult! no at'IJacent k>I• wrrt t\'111lablf'. •nc1 \'ola obffrv•d bucmcnt piarkln1 woul4 be pro· hlb1Uve. UnderUnlnir tM tm~ el park 1111, CtlaJnnan Walt Wellner aald he kn•w Lacuna 8Mcll l&MI• Un who drove to a 11 ... 9&111•• wltJ\ ample parklnr taclltU• \e H their lhopplnr "btcaU89 ~ Over 100 Students to Present Drama-Musical April 29, 30 Unlde &dd!Uoll&l ~ .,.c. j downtown ara.a throurb parklnS caa be c:na_.. i. O.t& 11 .. •• 4.latrleta, It appear• bual.neu bulld· would epend moni 111 ... U.e looktnr tor a parklnl ..... &It UfUnl ... "Silver Jubilee," a dramatic mu1lr11 revue with a ca•l of over 100 1tara of 11tage, •ound and c.la.n<·P, will be preuented April 29 Mtl April 30 In the Newport Onlon High School auditorium. CUrt&1n tlmtl 11 8 o'clock, and all HatA a re 80 cent• with no Hate r-rv· rot. Jn calebrallon of Harbor Hlfh'• 2~th annlver Nry, the "J ubllH" w ill feature ll llerlu of vlgnettu from favorite 1how11 In the put quarter century culminating with a brilliant condenaallon of lhe Gil· be rt and l:>ulllvan ope re t ta, "H. M. 8. Pinafore." Ht:RBERT •"AVORITE 8t arr in1 ln a cha rming eplM>de from "The Red Miii," Taccoa Jlflyc11 an<I Mur\'ln Luak will 11lng a \'wtor Herbert duet, while a gay 11cene from "Sweeth1ar t11.. will f!'ature p1cturrsque laundry girltl In a hlllng sung and danrc num· ber, with 1;ay Armstronr aa solo· ll1t. .r.teloJl11u t>ha ron C row I. Ruth Emily Dudl··r. Mary Dudley, Jli11 ba rn I lammumT:' Dever I y Pthlrrman. t:S!!IC l.A•stcr, Helena Ho:lt°cr, ~lary Sinr lnir, and Pat C ragg supply barkground mllllic. "Plrate11 of Penzanrc" affordll a roualng scano with Terry Rrich, Tum J'earMon, Joo Kemper. Kay Larefteld nnd Shf"lby Tunnel ae !Pads. Cyp>:1y music und danclnr in a; •Parlc llntr Mc~en• from "For· tuno Teller" wlll have Cynelle lJynr~ u 110lolat, and a r ay and witty number from "Mlkac1o'' will reveal Lord High Executioner. Ko-ko, Poo Bah and Pl•h T uah ln 110m1 fa1101nallng antlc11. Ol'nnl11 Hen<ll'rson, Lyle Uon· blir&er antl Uavc Lerchey havl' 11010 parts, and chnnll'r• Include Ray Saunders. )(an·in Lusk, Dave Ste.ma. Tom Peauon, J oo Kempu, Alan Rypln11kl, and Gawain Mau· a er. S A.LTV Pl:S-AFORE "H. M. S. P inllfOre" will have Tom l'l'arllOll, Hell'na Boster and Dav1tl Stearn• u leads. with Ted \'on Hemert, Mary Ka y Hehn. Sharon Crowl, Ed Wbson, and Joe l<em1>er also In maJor put.s. A rolllchln&' sullre on tho Brlllllh navy, amt one of Gilbert and Sul· 1lv11n a mO!lt colorCul operE>ttu. "P1nafon:'' ls surl' to recl'ive a humcrou.a und brllhant staging undtr f)l rrctor i\l.1rle Jl1l'b:<1ch. Jn "Thi' r otbollN'." thc mujor drnnmllr. prr11cntatl<Jn, are Carol !{111~. John Eggert. Bob Milum. 81111 Icy Ho11rlg11n. Carol J)oane and l '<'\I' Henderson. wit h Ornnle Hen· 11<•1 ~1111 1.1 t hi' le:1<I 111lc of the lc111po1.L1111:nu•I director. T om N1•1uell•• la 11t1ul•nt direc tor. Jn I ht> @hort iu·,.nr:o drama ~ 11.1 ... ~l.1ry 1,;ny llo>hn. Tom Web· "'"' P.lrk U:tllard. and De1111la c;11 .. 1.r1 "111 rapt ur,. an a ppeallng- m 1n1,.:it t r o m "0n Borrowed T1111I' · ".1ile ln11ghs from ".\ <:""'" ll.an.:11 ll•i h'' ere brteny ca•11'hl wllh llym·lle OyHrt. Dave P 1o\\.rll, Pat Kelle:-, T nna Hughl'I. D.s.-rf"ll lla.rt:ihnrn an.I R r u c t KnlJ.IP lorl11dl'·I In the r u t. rm ~A TOO A m,.morahll' lll'f'ne trom the com,.rty·rhlllf'r "A r11enlc •nd Old L&rc" will fntur• Mllr<'l a Allen. ~ancy Cristy, Su!' !';la..Pn Rnd Ch'n T homu . with 11tudenl dlrrc· tnr Clnrll\ Chapm•n tor th tll' l h I el' ISi Cllf'I "Hoyal F"11mlly'11" rlrh humor wtll be al<lll!ully portr ayed by Sue Ztrlx'. J11n 1't•wk1rl and Tom Slqurlle. umlt'r atll'll'nl director Cora Peter~. The cnt Ire d1 am•tlc e.nd of the produdlon will be under U1e '1lre<'tlon o( olrnma co&l"h Rob· eil \\'!'ntz, w llh M181 Z•lha T11ll· man !\a hrad oC ll'l con.1tr11cllune aml :.takolm Buchanan u hrr u · auaant. Vet Tax ExemptiOM Deputy County A-..or l... H. Shot well w111 •pend th• nut Bal· urday• lhroush April 30 aJdln( \'l'lt'rant w\Ahlnf tax eaemptlona who a pply al Newport Harbo~ Chamber of Commer~ office. (•out Hlr h-y. Hi• houra are 9 a m. to noon. FITZSIMMONS IN HAWAII Kaneoht Bay. T. H. (n{TNC) Marine l at Ll. Raymond r . Fltulmmona, eon of Jotr. and Mn. W. R. F1UAlmmon• of 221 Vlttor1a. Co1ta Meea. and hu .. band of th e fonner MIM Calh· e rlnl' H. P t'nsc of S11n Cit· mrnlr. has beell .... 1gned to l he 11t11Cf (lf the l~l Provis· lon&l Mar lne Alr·Oround TUX 5'CM"ce al the Marine Corpa A ir Station hero. A formrr enlist· ed Marine, he ~ceived hi• CIO.mm.IMlon lD ~bruary, ltoL Dunac World War u . be .. ,.. action in :"\01l h Africa. Sicily and at Satpan. MUL 11-PURPOSi ANTISIPTIC AND MOUTHWASH MEDICALLY APPROVED ADRIENNE · All-PURPOSE CREAM Jt!9!! j?relf· ASPIRIN . Mill Pure 5-1J1ln tlblets. ~ dissolvl~ fnt·wcnin,: 1•T*9tllttln REG. 5" Kills eOfttlctld ''""' whtft used""' ltn,.U.. PMT. REG. 79c lie IOllY PINS, Melle c ... 1, reavllr or tipped, bllCk or bronze. J arn 111 1k TllM Til SllGl WU. 27", bl!Ck. brown or wtllte. 2 ll!l 11c 27c IAUZl IAllDM(,. r 1110 yd!., rolled. 2 for 111 43c -.a Of MllmlA. Rexlll, pint. 2 for 441 1Dc COllllUCIAL DCD.OnS. No.'"-Mitt. 1-. 111 j?naa PlASTIC ADHESIVE TAPE fltlible lllttrprlClf, ... ctlor1d. Stieb Mtttf' less lrritlfflll, l\• 1 IJ*. REI. 2lc FltEST QUALITY -· RUBBING ALCOHOL COMPOUND ~­M, Nllllt- PllT. Ill.lie IHAVI CllAM :61c lllrs ADOSOL ~ .. INSEa REG. 39c EACH Mloeetl, frnh CCIM- pltliOR. ldelf powder base. ~IL REG. $1.00 7lc llDIZO AITISIP11C, spicy el""""°" IMr. Pint I far • l5t C...-S ...... Re111ft, Of!JI ftMrld, 50'L • 2 for ale 1 lc llfT -.OllS. eaaortM colorl. t' Mnks. I for 11 t 1.• ADllEJUll UIDUO LIPSTICKS, l1nolln enriclltd, 6 shldts. Ul IATH POWIO, LIYender, Adrienne Of Glrden Seic1. 1• ,_ .. CllAICOAL WllT1M NPU. 3' pink ..... .., ....... 2A .. 1l1p11. 1£1.15c nt 1£C. 411 ma ct1m1 11111 ms. ,,...,. • "" styles: ,. .. • ...._. *"-he. IOc. I for th ALCHD -• ALClllL P'lllt. lq.4tc. llot ... ....aT Al'C TllUTI, IOO'L lea. 7'k. 2 for lie llllUIA C... ...... 4 et. 11.,. Ste. JI« .. IDAll , .... 4 Ol. 11••· 55c. !for ... IWU mLI. Nfrtslliftl '1t .-, I.,_ .... 6te. Jfw,.. IDAll wnu llZIL ,.._ .... m. 2for • r....u"' ........ '"" .......... I~ ti. .... 75c. If« 1k IWU & ~Otll •Fll:ITlllD. AMts' Mf dll'*-''L JTt. .... 4lc. '"' ... IWll HtlC AC•. ,.,..., • crystala. 4 11. ltt.. llc. 2,., Ml IWU .,..!PS. Junior sln edhtsi.t lftrU1 us uvumu suvt CllAll. 11sut1r or mtnthol1ttd. ELITI LINEN POUND PAPER 50Q ... .. b • .-c•" IO tfl¥tiotln- 1£8.ISc YIMmltl UIO ........ ""'· 50 lllrlt wllitt tllttts. J6 l!Mltptl. ··~ uo. Alllllll UIUT, Olliolt 5'ia. ~ shffts, 6"'110"' ..... ?k. CO-.CIAl DfWJllln:S, wtlitt. No. I~ Jumbo cello peck. lit .. 2k ClllTI• CllllS. AdrieMt split toot.II. '°' leftc or sllOlt styles. •ei. 25<. IDAU 11111 OIL 5 ot. hf. 49c. lforU1 21or • lfet .. 2 f0f lie 2tor Mc 1£Ull CIWI IWI TOIMC, 5 91. ••1-6tc. 2 hf 111 ...... JKE N'1H1. 4 sMdM. ~ '"~or rervl11. It ... 1.00. 21or1.11 IMIOllll UTIOI CLWISntl CIUM. I oz. Itta. 1.50. 2f0t 1.11 neuralCAl cou caum. an.111. Cold• dtllllMll. I Ill. 11t1. 1.2S. 2 lo< 1 JI LAW.U COllUI STICK. 2~ u. ~llllf • tcalptlllcUJ. tlliOl'tllP ". ....... .... .,. ... REL Sic ~lrlllT1IMI MEIFOID LAVENDER M11t•ol1t1• SHAVE CREAM Softlns wtlisklrs far smoother shim. btr1 refrethlftl. una ott MUS MUSS Z far 1.11 2 '« J.St 2f0f1.8 Jeaa TIN OU RE of IODINE Jeap PANOYITE 1£1. 2 311 3.10 .. • KILLER ................ ............... blndaps, 36'•· •••. 39c. llUU. II • n.WITUla 7 ¥llllnl-. !for 4k 11•1· 1.25. 2 fOf 1 JI IDALl SMYIM ltTltll. 6 or. lie .. 59c. J fOf ... FACIAL TISSUES .............. .,.,. •79c ................ .... ., illcludllll Ill, SO't. .... SUS. IAll'I MIT TALC• l•. tin ..... 75c. IDll.lltm ................ Ullit 11 ... 35c. lfot .. I fOf 1k 11£Ull SUW'INI CHAM. uthet " brvshltss. llt&. 4k I f0t ... :~s~•"•· 2 39c JUllllllf. ?~I size. ChrCM91t "'1ed Zfw • SIMI. It .. ltc.. J for IOc LOlll Mrt1•1 SNAY Til'f TIT ...... ,..,..,.., .... l lllflLDS, •n .. WIES', Plestle. f for Zic 0t I '°' Uc IUllLI IATH :: ...... ~ ·: ......... -....... _. .... --:;. 3 .-. 98c ..,..,.....,~,. TJn',H7 TOOTH PASTE HAIR NET ........ -. .... ........ -. ..., . ....,..,., ... ........... .............. Oftr .._,, ........ _or ~ sr•. IOO's. 11 ... »c. ''°' ... .. ... 1.00. 2"' IJ1 IDAU. NlTmJIM, llqui4 Yitlllllttt fOt RPIZI CnlRln IPtlll 5~· 14W dlildrtll. Pint. "'•· l.S9. 2fw ,. O¥al ..... JSc. , lot • ""' ""'°' •n111 ~ed. J et. ....Uc. Zftt ... Mii IHSlllS, ....,. .............. lltlf- r""'41 • cl ... 1111. I 00. 2 for I.fl Fmtll •m ........ ,...,, llew tll111 • wtellSTTU tellSOlt\I 11-..Y, atJll. 20 ...._ _. tlW&. .... 1.00. J ftt 111 lJbrt. .... Ste. 2 tor .. .., .............. _ ... ., ..... , , .. i.w., s • ..,,... a.r.Ji ~of lh• IJdn ~hn~' llAJLaOR.- U()t t:. c-t Rwy., Cornna d•I Mar lt..U.ROA -111 i . Balboa ftlvd., ~ FIRST QUALITY SPUNTEX NYLONS lowe1r•1,... is dtllltf ill ""'"' .......... l 1.51 z for nc 2'°'1JI Z tor lie Zlor .. l lor * 2 lor 211 2 !Of 1 - 2 l0t Z J lor "' 21or .. GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BA YLF.SS Just about everybody knows by now that the BalbOa Bay Club ia altuated on ground owned by the City o( Newport Beach. But who can tell you how much revenue the city de- rtvea from lta lease with the club? The question will prob- ably never come up on a qui& ahow, but the anawer ia im· portant ,t.nyway, eepecially i! you are a taxpayer. In the calendar year of 19M, the BBC paid the city the •um of ~,372.34. Thia ia a whiallinr·aized figure, and it baa produced 110me aurpriaee all the way around. The lease calla for the BBC to pay Newport a percent- . age of the revertue taken in on the premiaea, with a mlnlmum yearly guarantee of $2!5,000. When the club signed the leue, the BBC's founder-builder and director, K. T. Kendall, waa uked when he thought the city could expect to receive reve- nue in excess of the minimum. He replied that if the Club exceeded it in five {ears he would consider it a sign of health~ rrowth. Wei, here we are five years later, and the city's mcome i1 more than double the minimum! And, aaya Mr. Kendall, thia is just the beginning. How does the city use its Balboa Bay Club revenue! It .. earmarked for the Park, Beach and Recreation Depart- ment, and wilK'ly so, we think. Recreation is NeWport'a big- gest "natural resource" as far as the average citizen ia con- cerned, and a means of livelihood to thouaan<b who live here. The city, by plowing back BBC revenues to enrich this re- source, Is practicing "conservation" of the finest type. BBC money ia the largest single item of revenue in the Parle department's budget. Without it. other means would have to be found to keep the department operating at its cur- rent high level. How does the $50,372 paid by the club last year compare with other city income, such as oil? Monterey has brought ln eight wells thus far, but the last one hasn't been produc- ing long enough at this writing to establish an average. From the other seven, the total production for the city is approxi· mately 550 barrels per day and nets approximately $4000 per month or $48,000 a year at the current rate. Roughly, then, the club's present worth to the city treas- ury is that of seven oil wells. And there is every indication of greater revenues from the BBC in the future. * * * You don't have to drill far to strike fun at the BBC, as hundre<la discovered over the Easter week-end. The festivities were well under way by Saturday evening, when a capacity crowd arnved to sample Chef Gabriel's Con- tinental buffet. D~· any standard you care to aet, tbia Satur- day night spread 1s one of the greatest food extravaganzas in existence. The appetizer table start. at one end of the huge main dining room and continues in a straight line to the other end. The distance bt>tween these two points is so great that it takes a Wes Santee to travel it without pausing for breath. And this is only the first lap. The la.st contaillil the en. trees I last Saturday, prime rib and squab chicken stuffed ,.·ith rice). A real miracle mile of cuieine. But this quantity of food i• only important In that it t:'llist'ieH every taste. The quality is the real story, and this superb French cooking must be experienced to be believed. The BBC's corps de chef le maktnc belleven ol ua a1L HOPES FOR LUCK -Mr1. W. Bollman. 308 10th St .. Huntington Beach, la playing it all or nothing in letting drillers on her property with no down payment and everything depending on bJtting oil aand that will pay her a good royalty. -Staff Photo H. B. Oil Boom Continues Despite City's Optimists lly BF.RT nRf)t'TS ALL cold etlltl11tlc11 1how this may bt OpUml1u al Hunllnr;l.On B.-oh wt.hful thlnkinr for 11 dnlllnJt ~lalm Uu1 dn llln1t whl<'h hu ruin· Jlfrmlt1 have ~n IAtuecJ at the 1d the town la on the w&ne, but city hall within the Jut rive dsy1. MAKI us PROVE IT L. L c.1 ... "'We Ila•• •owa lnU7 ac1lomeMle clrt'n',. b-to un .....,, ~ ..... Fann way. 111111 a1n m UM opportaalq to pro,·• to ,.... lM l'.llOIW1 1Avhlp ..... tacN Of Ulfl anl411M dltftrHI plaa ~ .. ,. State y.,_ State Fann Insurance Co. BLOOMlSOTO~. ILL i W. L Laa.ii. 1 ll.1 E. 17th St., CJMta M~ u 8-1011 ' ~nm1 ol tti. t.rrllt>ry that wai t-------------------------b"!wten llle l'lanta Ana P'tet!'lnY ~r::~.a1~:7n:l::~l:~ ~:.~~:~·~!I OUT OF SIGHT. NOT OUT OF t.11~:'::!~ >-.7u be t'JCpand~ to NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS -PART f. PAGE J THURSDAY, ANIL 14, 1 t55 demck• have been taken down and EIR HEARTS tour aouUlbound Ian•• and t-------------------------- the aro cleaned up. ucept tor MIND; ILESS TH northbound. The coet will nan •· hlskJ p I brunette, aaaert• b~ lnoo•• I• pumpa and tanka. but In llOCTII of bout •n,000, accordlnr to J\oad a r mo.-. than 11000 pe,.i monUl and lhtM pla.c .. well• that wuf' not Th11y·re gonf!. Like the provtrbla.I Araba and thelr tent.a-Commlmioner Al Koc!L that ahe hu no lncome. Bhe .._, productnr at lb• atart ..-. btlnf Uke the tld11 of the ~•lhlni; wu. Thf>y"re gont'. 1 aJle1u her mat• paya more •t· rtdrllled. ~ They came without fan fare. TMy 1tayed without flurry. CL1mber Pl111 Fights Bitter tenUon lo lten ... (\rla Ul&lt ... llOLL ~'EEVllA : Abaorbed by the 1trnm ot life, they Jent color and change g dOff to her. Al"fUmc>nl• pro and con ...,. Some ot thl• redrtlllng operation ot pace without creaunc cheos. I( 1 k ff L h cvrted on ti.tor. Superior Oourl I• declared to be JltCeaAry be-They wrote a qu1tt but 1tronr pa1e of bl1lory. It be· IC a IDC DI s It JUCS,. Robert Oardner. ca~ of poor drtllln; by Whit lhf' a1>41alu a new flllth in huniari relatlon1h1pe. Tboee who wrote ll vorce u Llatf'd ln the J~lnt 11tal1 by ti» trade call• "boll weevn" drtUen. ue r onl.', but not from the hl'art1 and memorlN of thOM who Newport Harbor Qlamblr ot pl&inlltf were a bol&N aJld lot at who were In loo much ot a hurry. knew thl• year'• Euler Kida. Commerce WMk bu bMn official· IOI vi. Dijon. Lido 1~ lnterut uaed poor clay and other reuon1. ly de•lrnatld u April ll·H by IANTA ANA (OCNl)-a&rs· In the BalbM PavllliOA Co. and th& l!:l1venth St. la becomlni active Mayor Dora 0 . HUI and u put tnr ber tn&11b&Dd wtUI ..xU&l cS.. boat J'Tontler. lhl• week and three drtll 1ltu had KNOCK, KNOCK at leut •7070. Candldalu wUI or the celebration Ule ohambtr la vtaUon and tOftiar tier to enrqe been cleared ready for derrtcka not be required to Lake a written holdlnr a r~neral mem.,.rahip lit Ula e.cta wlUI her. Mn. Doro•"v b t d 0 f th I t elt&llllnation but will be rated on I b t ,.. N rt u. bo .. ., LaShelle Divorce Charg11 Cruelty y yes er ay. ne o eae 1 nex , t st WIC eon a .... ewpo ..-r r Gronaky ~--· MtU-A to divorce door to the Catholic church, the OS ma er a bull ot an evaluation Qt lhe Yacht Club 't\auday, wlUl Ule ,... • ._,, ... well to be whipped under the bllllneu of profeulonaJ experience ceptJon 1tartlftr at 11 :10. h1.11band Artbur &. Oronlky and church ltaelt. c d •d and train.In&' and their reneraJ fll· Th• apeaker at Ula luacheon will rain ~on ot a Udo Ille On 1 llh St. people are telling an I ' ates n111 for th• poaltlon. be D. w. Campbell, eecret.ary• home, 1portatlahtnr llOat and Ill\ ot one man who wanted to aell Appllcanta muat be between SO manacer ot the Lonr Jkacb ch.am· allepd tat.rut ln UM Balboa IANTA. AN.\ (0CNI) -Art La Bhelle, owner of Chrl1Uan't Hut, 325 E. Edi.water Ave., B&~ boa. yeaterday wu 1ued tor di· von:e by hi• w"•· Camllla. and ret away from the din, IO he s ht H and 63 year1.old unleu they are ber, who w:u tell of eome ot Ula Pavllllon. 1old to hl1 aon·ln-law for ':l:l-00. ou• ere veteran1, when they may be 89. SUCUllH of bll or1anla&Uon. RI• Oronak)' hu lod(ed a counter the buyer turning around and e Thoae lnteruted may obtain ap· aervaUon1 mu1t be made by tel•· ~plaint aratn•t Mra. Gronaky. aelllnr to the driller tor 110,000. Candldate1 wtahlnr to apply tor pllcaUon blanlu at the poat office. phoninr LI 1-1151. 'nl11 luncheon H• ehar111 hi• motlier-In-law, J'ul· Drlller1 are prepartnr to put In a I.he poaltlon of poat.mute-.r New· le the kick-off of a memberahlp ny lkrenbaum, cau.d all U.elr nr. I WI -· f campaign which wtll run tull blut martial dlftlcult)'. H• 1tron•lY d•· One woman on 10th Sl. Mrs. port Beach mWlt have Ulelr p&pt'l"'I Approve derung 0 all during the wet-k. Hay Lan1en· nled hi• mat1"1 accuaat1on of 1ex· Mr1. ~ Shell• charsed meetal crur lly &nJ a.~'l<M for cuatody ot a minor) chilli. M. Bollman, ht ld ott until ahe on flle In W'-ahlngton, D. C .• not North Harbor llvd-helm, aecretary, announced. uaJ lrrerular1tie1. thought llle time had arrived when later .. Ulan May 3, accordlnr o Orange Cowity chapter, Mlll· Orunak)' aao denlea any lntereat The 1~' a~trf a ... rla La Bhelle currenll l mployed by Cinerama. she either bad to get In the game an announcement put out by ANTA ANA (0CN8) -Speed· tary Order ot the World Wars. wlll In the Balboa Pavillion. It aalll!rt· or cet out, Her husband 11 an oU post office bureau. In to meet the anUclpaled Jn· meet Ihle evenlnc at Newport t'dly 11 owned by hi• father, Roy man and con1equently oil m!!n The poaltlon peya $4770 a y£ar crease In traffic, the Orange Coun· Harbor Yacht Club, atartlnr •t Oronaky or the Newport Bay ln· have hounded them to let them and appllcanu must ahow lllat ty Boan! or 8upem1ora bad ap-6:30 o•cJock. C.ll. Arcerbeck of the vutme11t Co. and mak In rxct'U of '2400 & month. The La Shel~• Uve at •M ~· Udo Soud. Lido Ia&.. drill. Monday mom lnr •he told a they have beffl eng1ged for at proved a propoal by Anaheim Navy· Air Station, Loa A lamlto1, The buaband claims he'• only drllll'r that If he had a drill on leut three yeara In offlc .. peyln1 for the wldeninr of Harbor Blvd. will •peak on Jet a viation. lil&larted. Mre. Oransky, attracUve the property In thrH daya be could go ahead. Yuterday the drill wu backed up th• alley. ALL OB NOl'HINO A1ked It ahe got any cash for the site ahe aald no. '"Thia Is a royalty job. All or nothing." Perhapa the bualeat man In the oil field ls Cy Williama, the oil tnapeclor. He trlee to vl.lllt each well every day and It keepa him on the move. Try lo f ind him and you run Into a barrare ot "he waa here a minute ago. He went that a way.'' Polle• are 1UU lflttlnr calla <if blocked 1treet1 and allrya, but they do not ret excited any more. Dy the time thry ret a prowl car free the alley 11 uanlly clear. Thi• week they bad lo make an oil man C'lea.n up after an oil tank wu hit by a derr1ck boom and oll ran all over the lllreel. but since the well blew In Sunday there Jtu bffn Jillie to excite them. Girls Invited to Register for Fish Fry Contest All (irla 16 yeara or over are In· vlted to rf'glster now at 18H .!'>ew- port Blvd., <.:011ta Ml'ea, for the Tenth Annual Uon1 Club Beauty Contest to be hrld at the Lions Club Fl•h Fry, June 4 and 6 In Coll& Meaa Park. Olrla under 21 yeara of ar• mua"T have tbelr par- •t.' conMllt to tile with lbelr ap- plication tor the bea uty contnt. The first tntry In the beauty conteal 11 Dee Dee Cunnln1ham. 50:1 PolnMtlla Ave. MJu Cunnlnc- ham la a etudent at Newport Har- bor Union High School. Lut year'• bf'auly wlnner, Miu Phylll1 Yarwood, wt-nt on to re· ce1v"' other honora. She wu q~ ot the Orange County Fair golng on to Sacramento to repreMnt Orangt County at th• State Fair. Mlaa Yarwood walk•d orr Y.1UI Ule J;nnd prlu , queen Of the C&ll· tornla Stale Fair. Miu Yarwood J11 a aludenl it Newport Harbor Union Hl(h School. Lut ~ar an u tlmated 80,000 attf'ndt-d the two-day t~lsh Fry and Carnival. Thia year an tncreue of eeveral thousand more vl1lton1 la anticipated by tht Lion• Club. All proceed• f rom the Fish Fry 10 to Harb-Or arei' youth acllvlllea. -WANT Ad• Hll homu, boat&. can, furniture. 1ppllancea. etc. 2.t.yw ..... IPICI CAKI ...... COSTA llUA noo N_,_. Bhd. OOllONA DSL MA& 901 Cout Rwy. ACOaD'M LAGt;NA BEACH HI BrCMMtway IU.LBOA 181.A..'liD tOO llarlDe A •e. O\\'PORT BEACH HO c.e.a a..,. 1 . . ~ AVOCADOS ~~ ... ~ CARR01S ;::.::" .. CE~£1RV Crltp and Crunchy. iii ' 1 Thick "'90"1 atallt .. MS Tree l ipened fruit. 1~~~:£S 01 CiaEENOMiOMs WESTFAIR GRAPE JUICE Pur• co"c~d. 144...t 28c SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP&~::;, s .. ~:~d. :.!::; 25 c SEA TRADER TUNA NIWC~~';:~~:.uN• ... ..:; 25' SHREDDED WHEAT":~~o ~;. 11c ·~L 19< FRESH MILK ~~~ :..: 20if ':::.:;· :.::491'2' SOUR CREAM LUCHNI Cuhured hoffpl..t 22c and 'o•l•vrlred. ~ Price effective In local milk area only. SOUTHEIN SPICE CAKE '111mp rohin1; deli· cotely blended im· por1ec:f tpitH pl111 C11thy'1 "home lngrt• dient" baiting. 25c ~ICIAL HIGHWAY BRAND VALUES! APPLE SAUCE 2 '!: 25' CUT GRWI BEAMS '~..:; 15' PEANUT IUTTtl leverly-C1'v1d1t or er.-wy "i!49' 12~33' SURF DETERGENT 1:::· 25c 4:::-49< ........................ ef)reflllll Hlllet-' ............ . ........... ,_,....._,IOH ... fw ................... -.ti ...... :: ' a... l.w prtc.es11wy tty..._ • ...,, w • ....,. I .... ,.. ........... .,. I EMPBQS PIJBE PRESERVES l STIA WBERRY 20-o .. 3~ :. BOYSENBERRY~2s, ,J:39'J BLACKBERRY a.Mi.... 1i.!25c ............. .. hr. ,._ .... -~a.uu . I sg..:' .. .:-.!Sc ""' 9:;29c ._....., 't;J5c 1 ~-----l'llESB·B.4KED BREAD o~M.a,: 28 Multi-'mic•r large at'~ loaf. '!~a~·-25'~":.~olli 23' DEL MONTE CORN ~ PEAR HALVES ==;:: LONG SPAGHml :L ~~ 19c WESSON Oil for ~= .. s==ng. LUNCHEON MEAT 11:~k BEl.,-AIB Pre•I--QllaUty FllO~ FOODS CORN:: COB r_..2,=..·,.. 2 ,.... 25c CUT CORN ~~ 2 = 25• BABY LIMAS v-:~c:='· 1::: I~ CUT GREEN BEANS Nvtr.!!~· 1~: 17' ROUND BONE BOILING BEEF SLICED BACON BEEF SHORT RIBS Ch11dt •0011. "ate Meal. fcanomlcal. Wit.on'• Cot" l l1>9 llngan"• Circle "l .. USDA Choice. To bake or broi11. •· 45c GROUND BEEF N~-::i:n:;::;."· .. 9' •. 39' •. IS' •.39c VEAL IOLLS •.•S• CORNED IEEF="na.•9' Ar,.,011r Slor, boMI .... DRY SALT PORK .. 2s• CHICKlll PAllTI llAFOODI MANOI HOUSI PIOllN CAPTAIN'S CHOICI CHICKENWIKS •. 39' nµnSOLE ::•s· OllCKEN IRWTS .. 89' WHOUWMITING'~39' CHICKEN UGS .. 79' OCEAN POOi .~";.39' Nm llRClM mlS.. flL. UT., 1'll u. tS, f 6, ttSS. &T WIWlf SlOllS I nm Alli. (l\rl Sun4lf ill Slara .,.,. S.lldly) ........ -._...... .......... ..-. ,.... ... ~ ... ··--"·- STOii! HOURS I Dally 8 ..... to 8 p.m. (Friday tll 9 p.m.) Sunday 9 Lm. t.o 6 p.19. 1722 Newport Blv,te, PUNTY OP PARKING ON LAIGI PAYED LOT I Costa Mesa , I '• PAGE :t. PA"T 1-.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRlt: 14, ·1955 NEW PROPELLER INSTALLED Skipper "Chili" Troester, of Se&blacuit from Davey'• Locker, Newport Beach, points to 1natallation of the Morits-Diebl "Albacore Wheel" on the local fiah~g boat. Shown beaide Troester, exhibiting another of the O>sta Meu-made propellers ia "Ollie" Mor- itz, of Morits Brass Fundry, who ia now specializing in commercial boat work change- overs to the revolutionary prop which ia designed for improved functioning of exiating power plants. According to Moritz, "our wheel take. a bigger bite of water, thus per- mitting regular cruising apeed at much leu RPM• on the motor's haul." -Staff Photo Horsemen to Breakfast. Ride Sunday GllMIS GOS LOT AS SOLE llDDD SANTA. .ANA. IOCNB) ·Charll• Grtmea, Tll Golden- rod Ave., Corona de! Mar, TuMday purchued a oounty- owned lot 1n eo.ta M .. tor ' I ANNEXATION !Fire IMpedon o-u. ... ,._ .,,.. ..... Hold Mesa Meet port S.a.cb abould th• Upper Bay 1 Markins the MCOnd lureat a.nnuallon S"O throusb. meetlnc ot tbe orsaniu.uon In rour D..crtption ot the area Involved yura. 107 fi re ln1Pf'.Clora attended In th• n-annexation effort •P-all-day meellnr of Ole Southern proxlmatee tbll: 20th Bl. from Jr-California Confer•nce of Fire ln- vlne to Sant.a Ana An .. northuly apectora In Harbor Hou.1e, Cc-.ita on Banta Ana to Pall ... dea Road, M-. yHtuday. Membera attend· Breakfast and trall rtde will M ... _ minimum prtce ot •a:w>c>. l to A 1 s rth 1 .... • euter y cac a t., no er y ed from u far away u Balcer•· h'ld tbl• Sunday momlns by the Ortmea wu the lone bidder to MacArthur Blvd., eooth on Mac· filed. hon Ralph r.-. nre preven· Meaa Boot. and Saddle Club, ac· cording to pruldent Forreet PauU. on the 61 by lM·ft, lot at 11112 Arthur to po6nt near Ban Joaquin tton officer of Costa Mua. report- Breakfut will be eerved from 8 Maple St. It le located ln a R.o9d and eouthweaterly approx!-t'd. mately one bait mile. Northweeter· Mayor Claire Wei.on and City to 10 a.m. at the Encllah Club, commen:lal aone. Th• county ~ ty alone Meaa Drive to Tustin Manalft'r Geol'ge Coffey gave wel· 17th St. and the eut bank of tht' 0.~..-th• lot alnce 1"2~. It th 1 I 1 -........ • .. Ave., llOU weater y lo a po nt near comlng addreaaea to the convenUon Santa Ana River, Costa Meaa. A.I now h•• .___ -~ne•.,. to S , __ ..__I 8 d th I t I b -_..., -· .... anta ... .,., t. &n ltO\I er y o durtnc th• noon-time dinner break. horsemen and the general pu. lie Co.ta MYL The lot wu UMd 22nd and Irvine. 1 Tbere are lM clUu In the con!er- are Invited, Paull nld. for a road de-... -ent atoras• Sh Id th ti bou d Follow1nc breakfast, rtdera wlll rd r-~~ ou. e annexa on n ar-ence, Lee reported, from Ballent· take to the traila abou.t 10 a.m. I. yw. . lea be approved and Me ... city Of· field to San Diego. The vaup ii Tbex will ride down the rtver to--------------tlclala ahould accept the area tor sponeo~d by the Inter-Mountain k B It h G I pou1ble annexation, majority of Fire Chlefl Aa80claUon. ward the ocean and b&c to Jeng· oe c er e I the realdenta would have to favor Currently, the conference Lw llsb Ranch .. All rtdlnS clubs ln the county will be repreeented, Paull the annexation tn an election. studying ways of dlapoalng of mag- •ld, with l:w> horsemen expected. Job wi·th New nulu.m aa a nre prevention •nd Local county otttclala, riders CITY-COUNTY suppreulon move. The orranlza- from San Bernardino and Rtver-~~::t~r:~u~~1;::· ~~ Junfor College president ot the California State Horaeman'e AmoclaUon a.re In· vlted, he aid. Check Mischief Miu Marte Sander ot 181 I:. 21at St. recenUy noUned Coeta Mesa police ot mail box malicioua ml1eblet. She Mid a cbedr waa re- moved from her mall box, tom 1n half and replaced In the box. Kanneth D. Boettcher, cbalrman protest la rmde by public and prt· ot the dtvialon of tlne and applied vate ownere equal to one half of the value ot the territory propo.t- &rU at Oranr• Oout Collece, hu ed to be annexed u determined accepted the po.IUon of ualetant bt the lepl,atlve body, further auperintendent 1n cbarre of tn-proceedi"I"• aball not be taken." etrucUon at American R lye r 1:8TABU8H VA.LUE Junior Collere. Bacramento, It wu Value of th• property mu.at be eet.a.bllab.ed by expert t .. tlmony. d.lecloeed today.• Should t.lle council determine Boettcher bu been on the lltalf there ta lnan.ltflclent value to the ••. of Orange Oout Coller• •Ince Ila property on which the county'• Deny Van Everys Variance Permit DEATH NOTICE A.. E. Nt101:NT Too Late To Classify beg\nn1nl'. He and b.la wife, protest i. bued, apparenU7 the BU FFERI I Corene, are known throqhout tbla prot•t wtll ban no merlL commu.nity tor thelr parUclpatlon Jt .-ae<t valuation meana lD mu.alcal pertormancu. anytbtns, tbe anneutlon petition· City council denied " variance to permit reaubdlvlelon or property owned by Mr. and Mrs. James Van Every, 3031 Seaview Ave., fol· lowing conalderable d i a cu 1 • I o » Monday night. Vote to uphold city planners' denial ot tht' vartance .,, .. 7·1 with Councilman C. A. Higbie voting No. Jack Lande, couneel for the VAn J!Jverye informed the council de· 111•1 of the application would work a hurdahlp on the couple who had aold a portion of their pr11prrty to 11nother family. The city zoning ordlnanre pro- Yldes any property aubthvtdeu for nsldentlal purpo,,n require.< •OOO llQ. ft. tor inter ior lot~. !'>000 •q. ft. for corner Iota, the ht.tter bt'lng the cue at band. The ordinance provide'• alao thAt Iota ot record August. 191113. even though of Iese &rt>a than the flguru 11t•t forth Death from natural caueea wu the verdict st·Hn yeeterday by ZS-Help Wanted three doctors In the death of A . E. Nucent, 83, of 132 Vla Lido \\'ANT lady to C&1"9 for children In Nord. my hom&-part time-regularly. Nug"enl died an hour and five Newport Beach. Phone Harbor LA.KE ARROWHJCA.D LOT with boat dock, 11~ or wtll trade for late 27-ft. b.ouee tra1ler. Ll 8-UM. 39tte m lnutea after hi• three wb .. l In· 4'677. 39c'1 valid chair wu U.pNt on Udo WA NT HOUSEKEEPER -for Bridge, apllllnl' h1m to lhe pave· .-entleman le mother. Live In. .JSA-Apta. for Beat ment. Pollce Mid Nupnt complaln· Oall Liberty 8-8'688 AFTER 8 ---- ed of a bump to hla be&d. but p.m. aecu TWO BEDROOM IV&C• apart- a11ked t o be taken b<>f"• by bl• ment tu.mlllhed. Couple prefer- friend, J ess Hyder, llklpper of the red. Year rent.al. No pet.a. ·UIS~ boat Relmroc. Hyder told police !Z-Fumlture for Sa.le Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. later Nugent died. There will be no HcU coronn's lnve11Ugat1on, pollC'e aid. WOOL rugs, on• 9 x 12, 110. One Chicken Manure Variance Plea Due at Hearing 8 x 10, $6, In fair condition. H .. r. 737-J. 39cu 488-Bomee for Beat BED-COUCH le cha.Ir, 2 end ta· bles. good cond .. all 145. Mii.hog. g-ateleg dln!ng table It 4 chairs, $10. 20272 Orchid A. ve., SW San- ta AnL Kl 2-1867. 39J>41. A.a &Mlat.ant •uperlnt.endent In •I'll and the non-proteatanta are tw• f t chars• ot I.Mt.ruction, Boettcher In the ma.jortty ot value, apparent· ice as as will be char&'ed witb the ruponai-ly. The lrvln• Co. land le ueeaaed blllty ot Mtllnl' up the p~m at '319,000, while Oeort'• Hoal' II'• tn the new Junior colle&"e cflatrtct, &ereare ta '27 70, JCdW1n Munaey'a as asp•1n•n '· to be beaded by Dr. Bill J. Priest. property, S!lllO and the county'• H• will lltart on his new Job July 1. S2M-O. · JUST IN EVEBGRl:EN MA.CADA.MIA. • NUT TREE Oro.-to W $1 ~~,....--, .. LEE'S PHARMACY Balboa bland SM llutae Ave. Harbor 9168 tlon dllC'u•...-1 prob1•m• an4 tir!p9 fin-prev.intlon by crntlnc 1•r l><'t• ter local ordlnancea. accord1nc to 1-. now you can create WO•KlllG WALLS ~&Ofti\e •Peg·loard" .,......_ .,. • co•l>i110ti ... ef ,.,,of'Dle4 ...,...._.. _.. • ..... , tlilf_ .. ry,.. or hooh. •"•" lln<l .... .... ,., "°" , .. all ,,., .. ,.tty ;,.- d~•"l"bte without Rails, ec.r•Wl .,. !ooh of •"Y t,ifttl. lMdi"9 ....._ .. .................... Meta .. it•"'••· ........ , ......... i. ....... !hey P"' yow wollt IO ...... , , • ift ltlo closet, -~ 1hott, .. ,..., •ltcll-.. ••·etc. ..... '• W a .... OI ..... t. ..._ .... c..._. .... • ., ............. 1 ............. ~ ..... ___ .,...... CROWN 8TA.MP8 m11y bl.' wed for building a1tn. Application by MUnac>o Inc. of The Van Everya owned a lot and 2028 Santa Ana Ave., eo.ta Mesa, a rract Ion oC ll lot which they used tor a variance t.o locate a chicken ror u buUding site In an R-2 zone. manure dehydraUnr plant on Oar· Two dwr1ling11 are on the pncrl. n eld An. and Ward St. near the Wh<'n thl' coupll' divided th.t parcel 1C'wage cJlspoaal plant, may mark and 1<nld nne of the family unit•. a tart or A· county wtde fly control this ar tlon 1t•ve u ch unit le!<& committee. The Orange County 1hnn thl' riooo eq. ft. of land re-rtanntnr Comml•lon wlll bold a qulrrd. heartng on the application at 3 A~ailable today (No waiUng) NEW 1955 CADILLAC 55-80 Fleetwood aedan. Air condltlpn· ed. Sabre wheel.I, General punc- ture proot tire.a, only 11'>00 mllu. $8460 I So. Vll over '800 I Factory gu.arantte still In force. 208 Kings Place ---======~======~ Thr •mbdlvl11lon of the lot wu p.m. AprH 27 at S ixth and Birch not put befon• the f'lty plannlnit Sta .. S&11ta Ana. ro111n111111lon ror approval. ot!Jclala Fred )(llD*)n report.d that ff- ""'" Thr buyrr of thl' r"ar llvtnc preuntattv .. of Co1ta Me• Cham· 11n1t apphl'd 10 the bulldtni; de-i,,.r ot Commerce and the county fllll t n.t nt for a permit to rerno<i•'I Jrwn1 Bure&u will be prHUil at 111, '"""'" buL1.WJt...wa11 reruud bt'-.!~ bearinc and have sone on re-u~11~. ti"' 11ti"11ctur~ rellrd to "'~ cord aa favorin&' ot th• dehydrat· "I""',. (()<)taite rrqulrt'mrnta. Then Ing plant In the propo9ed area.. 11.. ;ol11 nner11 Wl'f" tl8l<rd for • O"'NE"8 PROTEST ''•n nnrr to perm1.t or lrg10li~r t ht' Howl!ver. two property owners 11ubdlv1s1nn they 1tlrN11Jy ha<I con-In th,. vicinity have prote1ted tht' 11um111at~d. ac•·or~llnlt' to W 811 .. r va n aJ'lce. Chairman Elgin L. Hall IAn~Mr, commi""'''" r nalnnlUI. nt lh• Mesa ny committee eald. Thi• wu t1t'nl,.d. "The location eeema most de1lt'· Th" F.-rl W, St11nl••J l't<'11I EA· Ablr 111nc" thl' nearHt howie ta bl(. lllte Qrtll't' r11mr Into th•• r t..turr trr tht1n half a mile a -y." wh~n thr t1s~rrnlllym•n'11 lettrr to H11.ll tfp<irled that mvnbera of 1·n11nrll "'"" rt'll•J Mont\11y, a.slu.ng the Farm Bureau attended a Mon· th" v11n•n<'«' h,. ~rant .. rt. l..At,.r, dav ntxht meeting of the ny con· c ·011nr1 lm11 n Hhtbl•. an~t'rln1t trol committee. Heinz Kalen of t ·1111n< 1lm11n J R. Stfl(ldal'<1'11 qllf'A· the <'ounly bOard of aupervllOl"IJ tlon dirt hr RI 11n v ttmt' rrpr"ll"nt w1111 tnvltPd to the Hulon. bu t did l ht' '°"" f:w•n·~ _ .. hi h,. 11111 1101 n"t atttncl. Hall said he had hoped b11 l lh&t h" h11t1 g1vrn lhl' S1anl"Y th" 11upervl.or11 would recomme.nd "CCI"" " i.:t•ll" np1n1nn that thr the Farm Bur .. Au tak~ over orpnl- A11M1v1 .. 1nn dr11I "·011111 b•• lr1r111. 1-tit111n or A county wide ny control Stamp Home Rifled for S 132 i11 Jewels R111glluy or lht' J l.. Stamp h(lm11 111 22i l'Mitl /w11. •nit th•tt or St:l2 v. ••rth o( Jt-w .. lry rrom •n 11p11lnl rt11 1l<'t11nnm TllrMlay l~ b<-lnf tn,·,.11tfi:111N.1 by f)Ollcr ('l(f1rt'rs ~J<l•I thl' r""r 9Crttn 1lt1or •ntl a 1!1&119 tram' door Wt'f4' •r r 11,..nlly opt"n. COLD STORAGE Your FURS NOW SPECIAL .· s3 ............ u. .. o. ... .. OTHJNG TO PAY "ttl ~-T.._ o.t.. Santo Ano FUR CO. jGtl .. fl ..• ~ ... J J J .• ~ ..... y • or1111nl.u lion. HAl.L 8UOOEST10N Ourtng the meellng. lb.ll .ug- ltl'llt"d MeH poultry rtJMra, be&et b.)'° protnla epln.t. ny·crH tln« ml\nure. &cqulr• land far off "In the •t1ckA. wh«"re there'll no chanc• of 1111b<llvteton11 coming ln.'' With "'"'"lopment or ,,.,.t.er. auch a sec· tlon would ~ ~rlect for poultry, Hall dt'dsrt'd. "It'd~ tbe enlutla.1 !or rhlck~"· ~era who'd Ilka to lf"l a Wiiy from th• itquawke-of ad- J<>lnlnit propeTty ownt1ra," Rau de- r\.t!lr~. Car Top Ripped Rl'port that Ole top of bl.a con- verllbl,. wa.• ripped Sunday while psrkl'd 11omeplac11 11n WC'at Blly I Avf' l>PlWt't1n 7 and 9·15 p.m. wu 1 mad,. lo p<1llce Suntlay by Don ~rro11tte Of Santa Ana. Delivery G.......necl Ot'll~ry o{ th11 Nrwport Ha.r1>or News-Prut le suar· antttd. Carrier boys will de- llv"r tht'lr papers ~ore e p m. on Monday and Thur•• dsy. It your pal>f'r Le not d~: llnred by that bour pleaae call Harbor H18 and a 1peclal route man W1ll tmmedta~ly rupoad with JOU.r copy ot your N...,,ort BartM>r N4'W• J>Tea. FOR SALE OR LICA.SJ: wtth oP- llon to buy. Att:ra.cUve 2 bdrm. • den. beam celltnp, arp .tew lot. 'Cliff Havan. Owner, Lon&" BM.ch 900-311. aepem For aale by owner, 3404 Oporto, apL 3, Lido Entrance. Call Har. 3109 morning or after II p.m. 39pfl -For a dependable \&8ed car, ... your local dealll'I' wtlo wtU be ber. TOMORJlOW to back up·wbal JM aeUe TODA.YJ Check UI• u8ed cara tn th• dulltled .et.le. to- 1802 l'OIU> 4-dr. ou.tomU-Md. R le R , no t.ra4es. By private party • t owner). LI 8-4511. Look Duplex + 39cU d&J. CORONA DEL MAR VERY A TIRACTIVE Please Read This Look Duplex Here is really a duplex that doesn't have that "HEMMED IN" feeling because it i8 built on TWO LOTS. Thia gives privacy for each resident plua a large backyard patio. Check all theee fine featurea : One bedroom each unit AU large roome High & dry hardwood floors Flagetone Fireplaces Service porche8 Separate oversise dbl garage By the way. the.re la a nice alze guMt. room. all plastered. in the garage building - Get yourself a REAL GOOD BUY, but HURRY! ALL THIS for only $18,750. Thia property ia clear and we can arranp aceUent financing if eo desired. Duncan Hardestv, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .• N"'port ~ Harbor •718 BROADMOOB TRAILER HOMES I IMO Newport llh'd., Ooeta M-. Calif .... 30-10 A DO foot Iota. Prtvate telephone and natural lltU available!. Cloee to rrocertN, bua een1ce, etc. EJtceUent televl•lon reception. Adulte only, no pet.a. -n>F.AL YEAJt..'RO~ CLIMATE., Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.JACK BOYER - !901 w. Balboa BoaJevwd • U.~ • Rubber Tiie • Cork • Aapb.alt TDe • Oarpet e Forndca e Yacht e ... tallaUon Harbor 5389 Newport lead His F1tare In Your Pennies The newsboy who de- livers your Newport Harbor News -Pren may be starting his f irst million eve r y time you drop some coins in his hand. And even if he' 1 never • millioneire, he will be • better bu• in e • 1 men; • more valuable member of his com- m u n it y w h e n he' 1 grown -for the ex- perience he's gaining now. • Cllp aRd ...a tMs co.,Oll to 2211 lal- • llY4. at NCe to I 11 • r • proc••t •herr .. , •• , ONLY PER MONTH IRINGS IOTH EDmONS OF THI TO YOU -IY CAIRIEI OR IY MAIL ,..------~~-------~--------~-~--~-------------~ I I .. ..., .u.ertllle to U• Newport llal'Mr N.w.PftM, aed ......... ~ I _ ....... ,_. __ I • I aTS&n MRS. WILFRID LEONARD ·BAILIE Harbor Photo Lab Bailie-Morey Vows Spoken At·Mt. Carmel Great-grandmother's Ring Used in Rites It was at 2 p.m. on East<'r Sunday that Miss Mary Ann .Morey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edward Morey, of Torrance. became the bride of Mr. Wilfrid Leonard Bailie, e on of Mrs. Cecelia Bailie of Santa Ana and Mr. William Bailie of Connell, Wuh. The Rev. Stephen Kiley performed the doublr ring rllc in which Mary In~ hat and accea11orlrs and an or- A nn was givPn in kl'<'fllni; by ht•r <'hid corsage. Mrs. Baille wore ~ fath..r. The b r1i1e·11 ring W\\.11 lhAl lnc-e with matC'hlng glovell, navy wom hy hf'r grt'Al·granr'lmother, hlue hat and t1C'CClll!Otic11 and an th<' late M ""· G••wg11 Gould. M rhid corsage. Mary Ann WllJC J!OWnPd In While chiffon, the bri•lire (raturlng dtap· AT l 'ACHT CLt·B Jacobsen Is Soloist With Philharmonic Condudtn&' a llUCCWfu1 WIOD, Oranp County Phil- barmonic· Sodety la preMntinf concert violinilt Such& Ja- eoblen u llO'oilt on Saturday, April 23, 8:15 p.m. in the new auditorium of Orange Cout College. Thia ia the ·first pub~c. affair to be held in the auditorium, . la the aixth con- cert and flrat anntvel'l&r1 event peeled to attend the performance. for the Phllb&rmontc. Th-concert. are preaented with· Jacob.llen, former concert ma. out chars• lo the public 1lllce the ter ot the Lo. Ansel• Philhar-Oranp County PhUharmontc Or- monic and Balboa rNldent, will cheetra la 1Upported entirely by play the Mendeluohn Violin Con-music lover. who five their tlma ~. Ml• Freid& Bellnlante, con-and 1Upport to thl• cultural pro- ductor, has arranged a program Jecl. which allO lncludu Haydn'• Byrn-PenlOnl lntereeted In becomlnc phony In G major, "L& Tempe11ta"; ueocla t.ed with the Pbllharmonlc the Prokofieff'• Claaalcal Byrn· Society and It. work are lnvtted lo phony and Respighi's "The Bird.I"· become patrona, take out a mem- Mayora and councilmen of 1' berablp or five donation•, either Orange County cities have been lnv1ted u honored guealll, w1U be large or 1mall, to ... ure contlnued amonl' more than 1200 person.I ex-w cce• of the orchestra. NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a F.ditor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 ESTHER WARNER LECTURE SLATED AT LAGUNA BEACH "Tribal C raft11man11hip of Africa" la lhe 1ubject of a free art telk by Esther Warner, COllta Meaa author and ceramlat, at the new high achoo! cafetena, ~na Beach, on Monday, April is at 8 p.m. Under the 11pon10r11hlp of the Festival of Artll, MiH War- ntr's illwitrated ta.lk w in be hl&'hlipted by dlllplay1 of AJrl- 1·llfl m.uik1 and printed lE"xUlu by na.tlvea of Liberia. • 1 "Primitive Corcea are •~Ill the atrongeat factor In ln•pirlnl' 01iglnallty in artl11t1c work," clalm11 the talented author~x­ plorer whCMle book11 have been beat aellera In the non-fiction flt'ld. Her volume, "Seven Daya to Lomaland", wu a Boole of the Month selection ln 19~4. Another, titled "New Bong In a Strange L&nd", wu publi1~ed earlier. The writer's huab&nd, Jo Dendel, did the wood carving Ulustratlona for bot.b booka. Before living In Liberia, Wut AJrica, from 1941 to 1943 M111e Warner wu an applied art major at lh e Iowa State Col· Iese. divl11lon of home economl~ Le.l#r ahe wu & ecbolarwhlp student at Columbia and in.tnictor In dMtcn at Ula Univendt)' at M.llUlllM'tL L~dy Kiis Hear J;>rogram by SCBC Group Member• mu.t notlty the b~ ea of their intent to come. ed band11 <'•·011,.1ng ithove 11 be:.1(1,.d 1 Sevcnly-fivr clol!e friends and cumberbun<I. the JCklrt bouffant. rt-lal1vr~ attrndrd the Wt'ddlng and H .-r ,,, ii \'!11 ~ ,,, t•I h\' 11 ,,.,..~ itnd the reN•ptlon. held 11l Ncwport ""'''' ,.1,1w11 :::•11 1·~1 111•<1 " lnrr llarbt•r Yacht Club. Mirhael Mor-The LAdy Kl111 met ~cnUy at hAndktrr hwf w nao h her mnthrr r•y, brothPr of the bride, kept the the home of Mr11. lrv1ne HarrilOn h!HI 1·H1, 1NI nn hl'I Wl'!'l<l•ng <lay guc>lll hook. 1mt1 following a ahorl bual.neel 111,.J 11 wh1tl' pray<'t bntok "" whirh F'nr the honf!ymoon at Carmel m""llng Mr11. Rl<'hllrd Button wu t hv lat,. ~Ir ... <;en1 !;" C1111lrl. The &n•I ~anl\1 Barhara th .. n,.w Mr11. introduced aa a new memhf!r. Pa~l­ C<'rNmrnv Wll • hr••tl ill Q11r Ll\tly of Brull" WOI I' nll\'Y blue and While lne Nobll', Elizabeth Rine. F O- Following the pro1Tam the tol- lowtnr enjoyed the beautifully d~ c:oralf•d lndlvldU&I ca.Jtu and cot· ftt: Mn. Henry Hall and her mother. Mn. Hall; Mmc•. Harry lunour, Hal Hatfield. J.eRoy An- del"llOn, George Coffey. Richard Button. Gordon Imler, Harley Bur- nfltt, ClaJra Nelaon. Don Huddle. ton. Jeffer110n ·BCO't'llle, Han::y Wrlght, JOl!t'f'h Deechenea, Wii- lard Courtney and Burton Te,.. hunt. Mn11 nl Cai nwt vt111rrh I "hnnt11ng, white hat 11nd accu- 1 rence Borgstrom and Bf'nna Hoff-ATft:~U!'4 RtUL>t: "orre,. llnrl white orrhld11. She Wltll man 11&ng-. accompanied al the ~I r~ \\'il11,1111 Arthur Bratlll'y g-ra<luntt"d from Unlvtn1lty <>f piano by Carol Hoffman. Thl'y are Southern Ca lltomu .... nd 111 afflll· !lt1Jdent11 at Southern Ca.llfomla nlrrt with Kappa Kappa Gamma.. Bible College. Dr. Harrlaon, prral· Mo·r huiobAnd 111 also gnu1ualc of Mnl of the colll1ge, 11howl!d colored USC-11nd Garden Grove High slldn taken In Florida, Guatemala S1·honl. Hr 111 t1. mf'mber of Phi and Mexico. w "' mat r11n 11( honor. wen ring pnwd1•1 hhlf' 11 )·11taldl•' and car· ryin,. Amrrlr nn Brauty .-OSl'1'. Mr. J11n1l'11 Bretl w11~ hf'l'l tnl!n 11 n.t usht'rll Wf'1e Me~rs. J J11•k 1'11 trhcll bO<I l>l<'k \\'agnf'f. Dt>lll\ Theta. Thfl next meeUn~ wlJI be May F'or the ccrem<>n_v Mrs. Morey wnn gr11y 11llk faff"l.a with mutdl· Th,. rouplr will rP~lde 11t 43~ 2 with Mr1. M. Aufder-Heldl and ("arnatlnn Ave .. Corona dc-1 Mar. Mr11. Gordon Imler aa co-ho1teuea. FINE COLLECTION Harbor Art Exhibit Now Prominent Cultural Event F:ach vear lhe Annual ~ewporl 18 r•i-turPe rt'SUltlng from .show• liarhor Art Exhibit ·lraw11 lltl!'n·' or thP pAlll trn )'f'llf~ 111 l'X('f'pl\on- ' allv flnr an<I lnrh1r1r" wnrk11 of tlnn n( mort~ &nr1 more well known I ion1nr of th,. brlllll1nt~nun~ 11rll"lll arll~ls of th~ Southland, 11nd t his 8 5 Wf"ll u thOlll' of abll11hl'd re· tenth l.'VPnt 1s no f'Xl'epllon. En· puta tlonl!. trlr11 11rr Already coming-ln for Included are Dun t.utr/ ''Thi' thf' 11hnw. whlrh will be held Apnl Hsrbor." Mtlfnrr'I Znmc·l! .. Point 27 throuith Mll:V I in the irymnu· Ar,.n11:· Rcx Br11ndl0s "Llglit11 on lum of Nl'wport Harbor Union thP Jetty." Joan l rv1n1t'11 .. Rut's H iirh School. Ca11lle." and Phil Dlkt'0& "\\111te Purchase awards hav11 been In· Bi>11ch" creued lhl• yt'&r to $300 ror oils JA<'k Locker'11 "7enf'mf'nl 01.s· and $150 for waltr color11, accord· trlcl" wu v1goroul!ly nrlKJnal and, in&' to Mr11. Fleming, chairman. like RI c h a rd R11ben11' "Paper • Jud1re11 will be Daiz.el Halfleld, Lady," crratt'd controvc-r11y. Fran Joan Irving t Mni. Rex) Bra.ndt Soldrnr11 "Buffoon" 111 liked by and Douglu McClellan. nearly everyon«'. a.!! \11 Eljnar Han· The purchae award collection of aen·11 "Young Boy." Thill wu a CRISIS ? 1962 wlnnl'r, u wu "Breadwtn· n .. r .. hy Francia d'Erdely. L&tut are Jack Zsjac·a "Papaya Vend· or," Dav1d Scott"• "C'tl1trch at San· tlAitn.. and Delmar To&Jcum'• ''BouqueL" IT'S TIME TO STORE YOUR FURS Let •• .,.,.. ...... •• clean your fura. The best MMC8 • no morel • • Have Your Furs Restyled Now at·~ Pnc.e Saturday Event Will Honor Island Matron • A baby 1howtt and luncheoe compllmenttnr Mra. Donald .Clark of Balboa Ill.and. wUI be bOllUd S.turday, April 11 at the Villa ){ar1na by Mra. John JC. Carroll of Balboa ula.nd and her lllter, M111. Franl'la Gorton of Paadena. A.bout 18 gueat.a will be preNnt tor luncheon and bridge. They will Include Mmu. Gere Hurd. Robtrt Wot.coll, Of'an Gorton, Gertrude Ranuey, Robert Cottrell, Ira M•t- IOn, Vlntent Reel, Ralph Olesen. Marfarel Harriman. Arthur OU- man, FrankJln Hoppin. M?n11 Jen.- ae.n. Emut Bruce : M~ PhyW. Mau.on. l:rama C&rroll and the hoR-•a. Mn. Carroll and Mra. Gorton. HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS! COLD ITOIAOI VAULT ON PHMISH Perhaps we have the answer BecauH we do everything here casa pura "SllRVICJ: W!THIH llOUR8 -WHEN NEJ:DJCD" OOMPLETE IAUNDDERS and OLEANER8 • OLIVE M. DULllG FURS s.t. AH Kl 2-1223 • • MRS. DONALD ERNEST WELLS Ollerman Photo · Wells-MCCarthy Vow Exchange Candlelight ritea at 7 :30 p.m. in Corona del Mar Com- munity Church uni~ Miaa Betty J o McCarthy, daughter of Mrs. Jo McCarthy, 19« Continental Ave., Costa Meaa and T ;Sgl. Donald Ernest Wela, IOn · Soderberg WON a l'Old llmptN of Mr. and Mni. H&rold Gordon gown with coront't an.d bouquet. of Pearce of Sealll'. Wuh. The Rev. Tali.mu ~. Brldeamalda, Mra. Edwin Gomke performed the dou-William Rich&l'dl. al.Ur of the ble ring ceremony In which Betty bride, and Mla1e1 Kathleen Hof- J o was glvcn In keeping by her fert and Mikell Sullivan, wore uncle, Mr. Eme11t Boderberr. aqU& with yellow roaea. Pr11cilla The bride wore a formal wed-Da m , u rlng bearer. WOr"I a plnll ding gown of white aatln brocade, frock and nowera. dealrned and ma.de by her moth1r. Pfc. William l\lch&rda MrYad u Jt wu on !lmplre linM with Queen bat man and uabera -re M/Bft. Anne collar and chapel train. A MJke RJnaudo, T /8rta-Chener D. pearl crown held the flftl'erttp veil Scott and A.1 Oreen • and ah• carried white roae. with Mrt-McCarthy wore p.a. plnk llWee of the valley. latte• In l!mplre .t.Jle wttll lllua A.a maid of honor, KIM Jan. hat and~-aad ptnk C)'lll· Lido's Salon Will Move to Boulevard Mra. Paull.ne Herrmann, who opened her Udo'a Sa.Ion of Beauty over four yeara ago. ill Movtnr hec ahop to 3419 Newport Blvd. She II .aM> owner or the B-Vl.11ta Beauty Corral l.n Coat.a Meita. She I• for- m erly of Brawlty, whc-re 11he wu pre.lldent of the Women's Club, member of B. and P. W. and char· ter member of 8oroptoml1L MRS. HERRMANN WIN THIS s24•s "Big Boy" Flip-Grill To le AWARDED Satwclay April 30 5:00 p. rn. bldJWna. Mni. PMrea cbo9e tor the anmon:r a pale aqua lltleath wtth j&clcet which had a collar. Her co~ wu of bronm cymbldluml!. Mn. Lark in Polnaett had &r· rangt'd the flowera In the ch1trch to match yellow ,,.w rtbbona and alao pt.nned dC'COratlon1 tor the socl11I h.all, where WIJHU wer"I ~ cclved. Tebl4! deC"oratlon1 were by Mm•11. PU.(('C', McCarthy &J\d I:, V. Soderberg. Spec1al lfUl'lllli we~ Mra. A.n~ NewmAn and Mr•. Stella Muna, rn.ndmotht>r and r;nat-&W1t of lh4! bridegroom , both from Beatti.. The brldr'a going away gown wae In dr•p &qua and followed atyll! of her bridal robe. She wu (T'&duatf'd from Nl'Wp<>rt Harbor Hlfh School and Ora nr• Coe.at Collt'fe. Her hwiband wu g'Bdu- atl'd from Franklin HIJh School. Suttle, la 11l8lloned at lhe USMC Air Facility, Santa Ana. The C'O\Jl>le wm live a t ~04 Ju- mlna Av~ .. Corona df'I Mar. 8ay It With Party Beatal Item• .tHJ e. c~ B'/ .. c~ fWI •• Barbor 5071 YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN ENTEi NOW -Stop by today for cOldelt hlfonnatloft CROWN HARDWARE Sl07 Cout Rwy. -Banor ISi eo .... del 11ar " it .costs . so_ little to look Lovable 1ketchecl, ] dyles, 32-34 A. I •ncl 36--40, A, I, C cups, Heh notions, lower-level Lovable ringlet sheer •n al occ.1ion bra, fashionecl of lovely al-over embroiclered nylon sheer. ringlet ditch•cl cup1 give • fl.ttering youthful uplih. white only. Lov~ble wired straplea p.rfect uncler your b.red shoulder f .. hionsl clHp plung• neckline, U.dex sides and back: cottCHt witi. nylon net upper bust MCtions, white only. Lovable Ad~-V1nt1ce bra completely ditched cup lined with I /8" foam padcftnt backed with 1mooth-i.,.sey. adds more fullness than contour paddecl br~s. cotton with embroid•r•d cup. ranki'n's 4th & sycamore, sallta a11e1, callfomla I...., claly t :JO-S:JO ••• frlciaYs 'ti ', .... High Quality Printing-Ph. tlar. 1616 PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ITS A. PREVIEW 01' l'illUONS which models Kay Bamfeld and Laurette Petenon (L to R) are giving llJDM Ray Dike, Donald Colrrove, Harry Casey and D. M. Hummell on the lawn at "Smithcliffe", the L. V. Smith ..tate at. Emerald Bay wh~ Hoq Hospital Aux- Garden Party at Emerald Bay Oriental Theme Set for Hospital Benefit Fete Grounds of the Lon V. Smith estate, tree-fringed )a gainst the blue water of Emerald Bay, will provide lovely aetting for the garden party and benefit fa.ahlon ahow which Hoag Hospital Auxiliary ia holding <ll1 May 12. The fashion 1how. by Buctum'a, will be keyed Herbert C. Shetntn and Ellen Mc- to an Oriental lhemf'. Mrs. Frank LeUan. Laguna &each. and Mu. Linnell la general ch&irman. Ml'9. Baroid Bender. Huntlncton Beach. D. M. Hummell. pre11ldenl, and Proct'td& will go towan1 hoepltal nltmbers nf the Laguna Beach e:xpanelon. chapter will act All ho11le-a, a1dld ------------by members of Copa. de Oro, Nlghtlngalcs and Sa.nta Ana chap-At Hobby Show lrr:o. Kr. and Mrs. Ludwig Ort ot 840 ~tn1. Ray Dike 11 Uckel chair-Victoria st .. Co•la Mesa. attendNi man. Mr.1. Charlea Lamb and Mra. the pre .. prl!'-showlng of the Hob- Donold COIJ'rove will have reapon.. by Show at the Shrine Auditorium In Loe Angelu lrult Thur11day. The 111b1l1ty tor table df'coraUona and I Orta are ihowmg their well known fnod. Thty w1U be ual•l•d by I diaplay of wooden mlnlaturu a l )lmu. lrving \\'atl"her. Lldo llle; the 1how Crom Aprtl 22 l o May 1. GENIAL TED GARNETl' of the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub 11Wf enjoys nothing quite ao much as tbe annual Easter E11 party for the NHYC kids. He ia shown with R group of "pme-winnera", all grandchildren of the G. L. Carrington• of Lido Jale. From left : Dale, Christine, Nancy. and tiny Perri. -Beckner Photo lD Arcede ...... .... ...... ~. 'Jlruna., Frt., f'a&. OaJ7 • ~J. fl." • N•''Y • lled . hdet- • l!ll&ee I to I P'or BclK>ol and Play. 8J>0116• In· eol•, supported art'h. C'UllhJon heel. Lll'S IHOll 1776 So. Mela S..111• AINI r1eat7 ef Free l'arldq ,r r THURSQAY, APRIL I', 19~5 iliary will hold a garden party and fuhion parade on May 12. Buffum'a. of Santa Ana will preaent the show on the oval lawn surrounded by graceful eucalypti. Mrs. Hummell ia president of the Auxiliary, othen are on committees. -Gene Rosa Photo SILVER CUPS (painted) a re trophiea for Donald Hart, left, and Mrs. J ohn Broughten. right, who constructed their own Euter hate. Hart'• Hawaiian headgear is adorned with a monster arrow which eeemingly pierces hia forehead. The nrrow lip epre!!ds be-. yond Hart's broad ahouldera and from it drip great drops of "blood". Contest WIU!I fun at the &nnual Eaater brunch boated by the Jerry Helperlns. -Hellyer Photo J oyners Move M.r. ud Mr1. l"N4 H. J•JDt.r, tor- merl1 of 120 lllh It , bave movtd '411 40I 40th it .. N.wport 111 .. ca. HOME . LOANS At Ora119e Ce1111ty'1 lHclin9 Ho"'• l111t1i111 l111tlt11tle11 QUICK 24 HOUll SlllVICI LOW LOW "lliQUCIN&" INTEREST RATH EASY MONTHLY 'AYMlNTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE GOLDEN FLAME AW ARD TO • • BE PRESENTED MAY 23 Jerry Helper1ns. Entertain WE IVY TlUST OHOS ON WELL LOCATtO HOMU Mlaa Marjorie DrlacoU, veteran newapaper woman of Loe -Anrelea, hu been elected by the Calltomla AMoclaUon of Preu Women to receive their highest honor. the Golden Flame A.ward for outAtandtnr ac.hlevement In the field or joumaliam by a C.llfomla woman. It wu announced today by w .. VMan Wtlllta. prealdenl of C. A. P . W . The awvd w1U be pt'e.tented to Miu Drlacoll al the 4th annual Golden Flame luncheon to be (1ven In her honor at the Hollywood Rooaevelt Hotel, Hollywood, on Saturday, Aprll 23, whk h W111 be al· tended by fellow member• of the Loe An1elea pru.a, trlenda anli mambera oC C. A. P. W. Jimmy Starr. well known columnl1t. will acl u muter of caremonlea. Acneu Underwood. city editor of a Loe Atlftltl paper and flrat Oold•ll Flame award wtnnar w1.U pruent the award. Mrs. Pag'gy McCall will Mrve u 1eneral cllalnnan of lht luncheon. Friends at Blinny Brunch The "Bunny Bonnet Brunch" -that'• what the Jerry I Enjoying lhe ront.eat a.nd mtnu. Helperin1 of 112 Via Palermo call the annual affair at which ~!~hit~~~~!. ~n~h~~ncr~:,~:'t;~~= they entert&ln friends aftE'r church on Eaater Sunday. berrlr8 tn a 11ecr1·t white 11&uce. Guesta found themselves playing the part of designers, wlre Mr11srs. a nd Mmr11. R. L. producing an array of strange, beautiful and comical bonnets, Fr&Jlf'y, ~a Blakcal9)'. VliU\ Haya, I LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHn Avenue LAGUNA BEACH 'ho111 HY 4-1177 with which they competed for 1 J ohn HPllyf'r, Dob Philbrick . Genl!' VFW Women at "beat o( brunch" award11, allvf'r-VrPeland. Dlrk .Mal'ker. Arnold '-----------~ paint.ed h ophy cupt1. Men, con-Broylt>a. Gi'Orge Gru~s. a ll or Palm Springs •t.rucUJ'\f intereat.mr tangle. or ' Lido and the ha.t and hOlitu•. nowera &nd muh. opined the wo-, __ _ Arnone th01e alttndln'" the men ot Lido could ltarn the tut r,::=::::::======================~ -It pa91 to rt ad the want a da. luncheon flven In ~onor oC Mrs.1~~;:.t O:na~~n~:~o~ho~e~~f'h~~= JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILAILE SEE FASHIONS Thomu F. HoLE, national president proach of effective almpllctly., ot l.Adlea A u1l1Uary to Vettrans 3punng hi11 palm frond halo w1lh If you ue s•••ing Jewelry Items that ue Scarce ot Foreign Wara, at El Mlrador a huec arrow. lt.1 llp dripptnc take Let us •now .•. We may Buy It For You Al h Ph• El t N Holel. Palm 8prlnca on AprU 7. dro1>9 or blood. For lhla he wu I p a IS ec ew ware Mmee . .1. K. PatlarlOn, Earl st•en a trophy by Ml"ll. H•lperh1. • IEWl':LRY BOCOBT • Darrett Kenntth C Br d •and M,._, J ohn Brourhlon recelv-ROBERTS JEWELERS · · own an I etl another for her nc-11t of "li• Officers at Luncheon Meta Dt.ndlart.. membera or Cout-and crownlnc bunny whJch war1-na• 1 M.rioe An. -BaJbo& lal&nd -Harbor UU ~ll~naiiAiWliillilaryiii3i~i38i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1if'd~l~~hieaid~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'~l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::~iiiiiiiiiiiiii Alpha Phi alumnae not only heard announcement or thelr new otclcen but combined buatnaN with pll'asure when they htld a luncheon meeting a.t VUI& Marina on Thursday. April 17, member• 11nd their 1Weat11 eT1Joy1n1 a 1prtnr taahlon ahow. • O t r I c t r a for th• coming yur wer• announced u Collowa: Prf'sldent. Mrs. R. M. l.Anelera: vlr t·prealdent. Mra, O. Burton Rya- dalt. 11ecrf'tary -t reu urer. Mra, J ohn Blaich ; quarterly correapond- tnt. Mn. TNi Lut'key; publicity. Mn, T . H. Jamn. f'lnns for the annual luncheon of the Southern Calltom la Coun· ('II nf Alrhl Phi al11mn1f' were di•· cu.Md and Mra. Don Andtnon. I H Crttary, announced that lnvita· tlons to the affair, which wlll 1M htld at the Newport Yacht Club Aur. 2, will be In the maJI UU. Wtelc. Mra. R. M. Larulare will be Ule hoateaa tor the next luncheon m .. t. Lnr on Monday. May 2 al her home, 400 Bellevue Lane, Balboa. WOTk for tbe Heart Fund wtll be ruumed at Ulla meeUn(. Alpha Phla and their ru•tA who allended the lunchf'On and fuhlon ahow were M.ma1. 0 . Burton RY•· dale. Don Anderaon. J . H. l\lfp. Nadene M. Coplen. T . H. Jamu, WUUam A. Stone. Janel MarlllCAl. Ted R. Luckey, R . M. Laraelen and ff. H. Hmahaw. B&P Women's Program On Flower Arrangements Spring Clower •~cementa u lntrrpreted by Morrl Molho of Balboa wu timely enlertaJnment tor the Newport Harbor Business and ProfeMlonal Womtn at their ptt-1.:utf'r dlnnf'r mf'~llng on April 7 Rl the Ntwport Harbor Yerhl Cl uh. M11111 J"an Howell. who prulded onr the meeu~ 1n lhe abeent't of Mr,. Harold Bird, pruldent. wu r~clp1ent of the rorreoua Eaater a rra.ni;:"t mant ot white lllaca with romplrmenlary 11prln1' Clowera In a whll .. "'1ckar !>&a.kit prep&red dur- Inc th• demon11tratlon. Molho. of "Flowera by Mon1," wait lntrndur,.•I by ~tr11 Al Mat- lhtw11, who In turn waa preaent~ with a lovely carnation coraaie. It wu clenrly con.1trucled by Moni with the llAS!slant't or his Balboa ahop manacar. Mra. Valerie Shleldl and dt11lfntd to mlnlmJM wtl«ht I a.nd be more comtorl1tbla to wtar. 1 J. A. Ha.mblet, vlre-princlpal of Nl!'wport Harbor Union High S rhool. cl,.l'rnbed thr crow11 .. 11 <nn- dillona of the M"hoot IUld matle an earnNt plea tor help via the bal-' lol bOX. lotion deodorant ---~en, -. ....... n.-.,_, ...._,. • .,...,,.........,.r ban .............. ........... .............. _ ........... ··--·-.~ ........ , ............ ·-- LEI'S PHARMACY ••••• lllRcl 302 Marine A••· Hul'bot Jl 61 ··ti··· ' ' • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Departm.ent SPECIAL8 FOR APRIL J4-U·J8 Don's Meats T·8eM ROAST End Cut PORK CHOPS Ared Clll- TILLAMOOK -· . .,. 59c ~.59c . .,.69c DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT "'qro+g' S/wp" Vu Camp'• PORK & BEANS ~ LIMA BEANS Or~n Ulant PEAS 1,..1 )lont" (·111 GREEN BEANS Ubby'11 rf'f'lf'CI TOMATOES l'lordn "-t Io n• GRAPEFRUIT M..r11n,.Jll Al'f•I,. CIDER and JUICE IJbb> ·-. llah"' PEACHES Oni.. ~llc-~I PINEAPPLE Kr•fl"• l'flll.AOt:l.J'HIA <RF...\'f 31C CHEESE .. ~. DICK'S Gr .. n Grocerl•• rrt•p <J~• ROMAINE ftronui vaf LETI'UCE 2 ,,,, 15C .. 2 for 13C Wl~'TER'~ aANCR oaANOEM YIR~T AT THE :\'ATIONAL 45 ORA~m: "HO\V s TJMy;s c fl-lh. MF.~R BAO Speciallzln9 · in 911ality "odvc• You sea.ct • • • We Deliver Von de Kamps 4J 'f~,..~ SPl(\l\.S Apn' \4, u . ,. THE MARKET SPOl--- 200 MARINI A YINUI IAUOA ISLAND MR. AND MRS. LELAND E. FINLEY cut traditional flrat slice. -Bernie Alden Photo Miss Williams Is . Bride 0 1£ Leland Finley Ring Exchange Unites Two Peninsula Families Pews were decorated with pink stock and ivy, tied with pink bows, chancel baskets held pink and white stock and gladioli. and candles in t all candelabra l!lhed a soft glow for the four o'clock ceremony, held April 9 in Corona de! Mar Community Church. when lovely Patricia Jannetta Williama became the hrlde ot U!land Ed-1 ty, and ot the New Harmony, Ind. ward Finley. Tile 1-t<'"· E th \1111 C. experiment, who also served us ad- Gomke p<·r tnrmild the nte, using v1~or to Prrsidl'nt Lincoln during hMd wroui:ht rlngio <lt·~1gneil hy I lhe Civil War; and from Philippe Clemrnt•·. wh1d 1 united th" 1laug-h· Franrol• Renaud, who came to ter of ~f1 . n r.d Mr!I. Th1lm11s 1 the New World In 1720 with a Reese \\'1l1111n1~. 2121 Easl Oc1•an party of 500 persons and helped Blvd., and tho· .. on ot M r Rntl Mrs. found the City of New Orleana. Leland A. F111lr y, 1108 E~l Bal· 1 BRIDE'S SCHOOLS boa Blvd After altendln1r Newport Har- CAllll.L GOW~ bor High School. the bride wu Patricia "11s lovely an her Ca-graduated Crom Santa Ana High hill wedd111i; ,;uw n &$ she wu u-8c"ool and Ju11lor college, attend- corted tv the.-1tllar by hr r father. 1 ed Arl&ona State and Long a..cb F1uhh11wll of shear Imported w hile Slate College., waa JTaduated organdy, t h\' guwn wa.s designed from Lawton Medical School. She with ttu ed bul11c.-. irulpure 111.ce I was t1.frlltated with Laa Glt&nu, ou1llnlnl{ lll•· , "' 11a..:.. t1nd \lny ('hi Delta Delta and Alpha Eu ,.ll·• ve11 Tlw 1111 • l"f'l''"I tl11: houf· 1 Eta. fanl tik1rl "111, h 11.111 11 lmu.<h 1 Mr. Finley was graduated from t rain, Mat. h111i: ~u1ru1-.• a r11I p;•ttrll• OrM ge t;nlon H igh School, and w H e u11e<l 1 .. r ttH• t 1""11 Whl<'h Unlver11lty or California at Davia, held the f1ni;nl q • 11111:<1 .. n veil. A st>rved wit h the U. S . Anny and not• of r ul"r ""~ J't ll\"l(h«I by ti\<' wns rl'lt u ed Dec. 1, 1954. He I.a C'OIOl\lal b .. 1111111·1 uf pink Carol a fourth generation Ca llfornlan. Amhng ro"' • • onb111ed w1lh white The N111ple wUl be at home In atephbno11 .. 1u .. 1 Mtlln atreamere. Santa Ana. As mah! "' h(lnnr, M1s11 Anne ------------- Bt 11ley n( Lu J11lla wore powder blUtl 1.ryel.Jl<'ll•' ''"'r ll\ffrta. and Harborites In rarrle•J a l''"'""h• ••f ptnk t11llp.11 and whit.-•A• n1111ons. MtM Judy l Off• { SpaulOtt18 o( Snnt.t Ana 1.nd 811.I· lCeS 0 boa Jeh1not, ~ornnty alftrr of the bride. a nti ~It.•• (::\II F lnl(•y, als· 1 White Shrine t r r nf th<' ~rno111, w1.•re brides· n1o lt.la Thr11 h"" n:< •1nplu :1ted l h1<L About 30 m<'mbera and friend• • r l ht ni:11•I ' r honoi. bot were rrorn Hnr hor Star. OES. attended In pluk M1•l tn• 1 flower,. W•·re mirtallAtlon <-rrrmonltll of the Da· wh11e t11l1p11 ""•h pin\< carnutuin~. 11\ll~<'lli< \\'hlle Shrine Friday eftn· \\ ITll OltOOM I u11: Ill the MMonl<-Temple In G1<>0m•1•11 11 1n .. h1dr<J Mr. Jnm<'ll :-innta An". St'veral ot Uie t11com· Roehm of Tu.•: 11 • ''nu l<'nl br~l 1oi:-Shnne otflcrrs are from l,.he man aid, nn I ~;''""' J»hll T11yl1•r llurh11r 8 1,.11 a.ml Rl~hflrll r·r. ··nhali:;h. 11h•u o! 1.<wnl nftl<"Crll f'r6t&lll'd were: Tuaun , f'lyde R. Jr,hn~~ ,o .For her 11.111..;hlr 1 :1 n1111\rnl' Mrs. I Harbor Shnnera club, &a!IOClate \\ llhem1 w on• 1rrlrt1"" ',"' brown wat chman of shepherd•: Mn. Ray 111lk <>r1oranin m 11 1:.r.e1a, with I '.'l:1rt5en. ;unlor pu t matron ot Har- brown C'} 111l11111u111 "" htd.s 11nd bor St Ar ; quet>n ; Rny Nlf'IMn, jun- brown ••·· · 11~11ro• •· ~lrs. Finley tor past patron ot Harbor Star, wore a n·"~ "''.!"' 1<hi•11a1 with b·~· Kin!;"• 1:11nr1l, M rs. Everett Brut' lern, ac,·•nl or ir II "llh Y••llow and I and M r<l Ha ri1M \c\'ll80n. queen'• gray arre"s"rn''I nn•I yrllnw cym-altrnd&nU : Mrs. Clyd11 R. John- bldluma -~"n. bnnnrr bea rer: Harolct Wilson, Gueau wrri• r>'<"<'I Vl'J al I he serond w1~eman. horne nt ttlr b11 I• " I'" ~nla. ttp~-1 The ha!I wu decorated w1th rial honor hr1n•~ &• rorl!ed Ml'll r. F;11~1rr and CRll& llllr11. Re!rt"llh· Ii:. l:ll nnd :.rr" ''· t: F lnl•·y, menlA 11n a ~r•pll'ln followed t..he 1r1 andm111 i11 r" "' th•• hr!1lq; rvom. 111,.t 11ll1t1on. ltar h wnrr a \'Mr1t1<J:" •ine Qt pin k ram a llon11. t he' ••ll1rr flt "·htt" cym-1 bidlums.Rr.n:l'Tws Am May Plans Made Miu J··•<nf"lt" J fth nlll'n 11rt\'ed .. hoetr!l.~ •nd Mr 5. F'rr<Jer1ck for Homemakers Vanderhu rc1. a A01·onty 111~trr, k1•rt th• 1'Ue11t t)M k, lJttle Paul& Tay· lor csrrlr1I 11. white buket tilled w ith 1lalnty tulle-wrapped pack· a1u of rice for dl1tribul lon to l'IHUI. Cnke 11nd punch wera .,.r. ved by Mr!<. Rnh.-n Hat cher. cou- etn of thl' t:ir1d.-, Mr11. D1w1d Stnne, )fl•u Robin Cl"f'M. Ann and l,ln· d.. Blowrr, <-"1t~ln11 of the brlde- JTOOm. For the hnntym oon at Appia Valley a nd Lu Vegu the n"w Mra. nnl~y wore " belJ• IUlt wllh ...Uor collar, a bloW!e ot Imported blue Un.en, and a cor11a_.e of Van- da R.othM:hlldlrui orchids. Sha la d..canded from Sir Robert Owen, founder of the British Labor Par- La.mp •h•tle maklnir teature.d the April 8 mteUnc o! the Coata Mesa Homl'makera a t the Com· munlty Methodist Church. Project leat1er. 111'1're Mrs. 0 . R. Klthoft a.nd Mn. Wlllll\m Nichols. Miu Ma.rlon PrenUM, rounty home ad- vlJ10r, brourht l&mpa. bue., aha.du and rup. The group hu bun lnvit•d by the Tu.tin Home Department to make the tnur of the Wutml1U1ter Mau11oleum on May JO, after lunC'll. A group trip to Farmera' Market tn Loi ~~elea I• rl&Med for Ma1 31. The next club maeunr wm featur. "Taite Care of the Cloth .. J ou Have," t.ht eealoa to be held OU• CLOll·OUT •OOM Ploor samples -dfsc0fttf11HCI stock Items .... In Galore 111 oclcl cllalr cllllalon, etc. HOUSE & GARDEN son w. Cout Hwy. On Mariner'• Mlle ' . J 1i , :.I .. LINDA STANLEY, aitting at head of the table, wondera if ahe can .blow out &11 five candles on the birthday cake, The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurie Stanley, 811 Cliff Drive, was hostess to friends Monday. Present were Shelly Bernard, Kris Boyd, Dana Brainerd, Francie Elms, Linda Niaen, Laurie Patch, Pam Stolz, Karen Thomas, Karen Shorg, Patty Huddleaton. and Debbie Smith. Only Diane L!gtbart wu abHnt. -Stall Photo CHANGE PLANS FOR FAC MEET A ch&nre ot plans for the meet1n1 ot Tr1day Afternoon Club hu been announced by Mn. Reuben Day, pruldent. Or111n&Uy alated for Frtday avenin&' at Harbor Houae, It 11 now to be held at 1 p.m. ln the Friday Afternoon club houee. In1tead ot a apeaker theA will be a 1hort buslnua ee .. 1lon with reporta presented by otncen. 11ecUon chairmen and heada of 1t1.ndlng comm.ltteee. Orticera wtll then be elected. A 1oclal hour will follow. Birthday Party at Park for Sue MacDonald The nJnth birthday ot litUe SUIY MacDonald, daughter of th• John MacDonalds or Corona del Mar, WM celebrated v.1th a birthday party at Costa MeS& Park Satur· day. Sa.ck r·ace1 and "egr on apoon" pmu were played with prlJ:ea rolng to Drew Johnson and Loni Morrl&0n. A "Happy Blrt.hdaJ to Suay" birthday cake, decorated with llla.eter bunn.lea and chlcka, wu accompanied by ice crMJD cone11 and fruit punch. Guest.s preaent were J oan, Janet. John &lid Anton Boetto of New- port Heights; Andrew Jack.eon and Loni Morriaon ot Corona dl'l Mar: Lff. Biiiy, Dickie and Valerte Rovln ot Costa Meaa. Alao prelt'nt were Mr1. Ed Boetto, Mrs. Leo Rovin. Mrs. Edward Mirkovich, Mrs. E ll:ubeth Belmont, the hon- orre. Susy MacDonald a nd her mother, Mrs. John MacDonaJd. at the home of Mrs. lmns Phil· llpa, 870 Conpeaa Ave. at May 28. Anyone Interested In hom~ making may a ttend the club mtet- lnitll. Pretent at the mtetlnr wtre Mmes. Orvllle Mlthott. Wllll&m Nlchol9, Jeee Eva.M, Ralph Taylor, R. M-Updike, Howard McDowell, Lee Jonu, In1nr Phillipa and MIN Prentiss. AT LONG BEACH School of Politics For Republica~ Women Mrs. Lewis Gardner of Newport Beach and Mrs. Walter Parke ot Laguna. Beach, board members of Southern Dlvlalon, California Fed· uaUon of Republican Women, to· e-ether with board membera of Re· publican Women'• Club of New· port Harbor Area, wtll attend the Kappas to Elect at Luncheon Electon of otrlcer1 will feature the monthly luncheon ot local Kappa alumnae, to be held today at the home or Mrs. Robert Bla.ck- mar, 1~7 Abalonti Ave., Balboa Ia- land. A.ulatlnc hoate1111ea wtll M Mn. Straltltr, Mra. o. Caraon Raa- muuen and Mrs. Howard Bryan. Procffda from th• &MU&l nun· mace aa.le held Jut month will be ma4le aftilable to provide cunper. llblpe fer the Orange County Crip- pled Chlldren'a lloctety, U la Ml· nounced. TM Kappa Provt.nc. convenUon ot Kappa Kappa Gamma aororlty will be held on J'rld•y t.nd Satur- day, ot thla week at the Gs.mma Xl c~pter houM, 744 Hllg&rd, We1t Loi Angelu. Ji'rom the Sout.hem Ore.nge County AJumnat' usoclaUon delegat.u will be Mrs. J . E. Krlm 1.nd Mr.7'Robert 8traJt- ltt or Newport and Mrs. Sydllf}' Handy ot Orange. 'The Atll1lnment of Jndivldual and Social Excellence" ls the con• yenUon Ui•me. A number or 111•· cua1ton groupit pert&lnln1 to frat- ernJty problems wtll be beld, 1Uch u philanthropies, rommunlty lead- erahlp, Pan·hellenlo rel&Uon.11. and ~umnae l t'tlvltlea. Clo1lng the .... ions, a banquet wlll M gi,,m at the Bel·Alr Hotel on Saturday evenlnr. annual School of Polltica on Wed- nesday. April 20 at the Wilton Hotel, Long Beach. The aeS11lon ls from 9:30 a .m. to 3 p.m . All In- terested women are Invited. should make re11ervatlons with Mrs. Rich- ard Teachout. Llberty 8-1365. There will be 'discussion or all ph&IU or th• work carTriad on by the club. Luncheon wlll be eerved at 12 noon. when Irving Stone, author of Love ts l:temal, novel about Mary T odd and Abraham Lincoln. will speak on "A Bio· e-rapher Look• at .Politics • and Women." From 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. there will be five school Bessiona, planned for o!flcerll, board mt rn.- ~·· committee chairmen and club membera. Among those attending from here will be Mra. Richard Tea- chout, ·president or the loco I club, and board members Mme:i. Viola Friedman, Sidney Peck, Robert Barnes. Mark Soden, Wilfred Berls, Dan Drl.akel, D. G. Hoyt, Robert C&nl.pbell and Otto CtuU~. Civic League Speaker to be Bill Spurgeon William Spurgeon ill will relate the h~tory a.nd e-rowt.A or Ntw· port Barbot' when he addres.,es t..he Woman'• C1vlo Leacue at 10 a.m. ln VIiia Marina. Thia Is also elec· tton nr omcen. Luncheon will be served at noon. A1 a project to ralu fund• for t..he Youth Center, League mem- ben are plannlng to produc:e Sam Janney'• mtlodrama , "The Black Flamingo," aet at time ot the French Revolution. Mrs. James Ray Is 1n charge and f1rat work- llhop wm M hl'ld at 7 :ao p.m . Monday nlfht In Coast Coller• auditorium. WHO HAS MORE FUN at Newport Harbor Yacht Oub'1 annual Easter Egg hun~ the parent.I or the kldaT It'1 hard to tell. -Beclmer Photo THI FINEST AND LOWDT PRICED Early Amerlcaa MAPLE~ FURNITURE "' .... an,wl•r• 0,... "'*" .... ' I THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NIWS.P•ESS-PART II· PAGE l LIDO ISLE CLUB WOMEN . . TOUR .COAST COLLEGE Garden Group Announces Plans for Benefit Fete Jameoll Thnrnton. \'lrf'-prt'Al•lf'nt nt t he ,•oil .. ~·· !'it:t: t'A~ll'l'!S Bulld1ni:s or;d .t1•part m1t.nt" v1.~1t­ •d w•n·u the •U•lllorlunt. hbr11r~., The Harbor House waa the setting tor the April lunch· IJllblOPSS lhlllllnlStrullun, il r l nnol rn11~1r, I'll k s J<n 111111t 11•11, i<t11cleo11t1<' eon and business meeting of the Lido Isle Woman's Club, u11 11111 r1111J 1-.i, r••tit1oln r.11•111s The over which Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky presided. Afterward there I b .. :auty or the. nwd<'rn lrn11.i111"!1, was a tour of Coast College. , , Ott1r r olor•, Imes aml t11rn1Ah1ni:• gn•fttly lmprPSl<>'d llw LI\\ C A nominating commitfee of three members elected from 1 group. A rinr rn111 on occ wit.Ii the floor, lncludinl' :r.tnt. Phillip ' Harbor 2128·J or Harbor 3847-J . Vlnct>nt Prh."e 11.s n11 rra11•r wu Sl!unbauJh, Mra. R. T. Dlnwlddl• The altemoon program present-shuwn. ud Mra. J . R. Dav1• Jr. At a ed by the Pnll'r&m chairman, Mrs. The garden .ecuon·a regular prevloua board me•Un« M:ra. Char-Robert Keppan, wu a apectally meC't1n~ will take phu-t' April 21 le• A. Lamb wu appointed chair· conducted tour of Orange Cout at tu a.m. al the h•'1n e of Mra. man of this group by the prelll· College. Thl1 '''as In charce of Dr. Vernon l!:dler. 120 Via Yl'lla. dent and the txeouUve boord ap- pointed Mrs. Robert Keppen lo serve also. The committee wu ln- struct!!d to preaent the alate or 19M·&8 elective officers at the May meeUQg. CAaD Pilt'Y It WU J.llllOWlCed by Mra. Irv- ine-Watcher, cll&lrmf.ll,. that the prden section of Ule club wlU hold lt11 Planting Fund benefit card party on Tul1114ay, April 19, 12 noon, at htr hmn•, ~is Via Me.n- tone. For naervat.lotLt telephone Mesans Join Whirl & Twirl >. larp rroup nom ~ )(eaa and the Harbor area i. included a.mon~ member. of th• new Whtrl and Twirl .qu.rc dance club that meet. the first and third Thurs- days of the month at 8 p.m_ at the Farm Bureau buildlni on Chapm1.n Ave. In Ol'&llp. Mr. and Mra. Geor~e AndereoQ of 3080 Continental .Ave., Oo11ta Kua, .,. co-chairman or th• retreahmmt. committee !or the club att1.4ra. Don't Delay See Us Todey • Office Gym c Y cs, uiMn it coma co neac /ootworlt )OW can't btat wn Oomphies! TM,' rt &M flirty link friniia that art havin1 as lon1 a""' ., a hit mwic41. & Home Posture Rest Availab.le Leather, lined with glued chints, pink, turquoise, white. Full and half •ises: 5-81'2 narrow and medium ·-·-·-·--·-----·-··--···69' OPEN EVENINGS MON -WED -THU exclusive in the Harbor er•• with Imported F.mlnine Apperel CORONA DEL MAR 8ll 7 E. Cout HWJ. BALBOA ISLAND Harbor nu 221 Marine Ave. We're Moving! Will Move Tuesday, April 19th 3419 NIWPOIT ILVD. Newport Beach • OD WedD~, APRIL 20th, we will 111en·e Retnelun•t. from 2 p.m. fo ft p.m. • Wt offer complete beauty 1ervict with 1i1 experienced 1killed heir drt1Nrs • Phone for Appointment Same Number Herbor 2576 ~ 3419 NEWPORT Bl VO. '- e Beauty from head to toe If we don't Please -Tell Us end if we Do -Tell Others • • • Harbor 1952 oflJo Salon o/ /Jeaul'I w Oirec+fy Acron Street from But Stop et Vincent's lido OnJ91 --~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -THURSDAY, APRI( ·14, '1955 •100 MAaltlT TAKE THE HELM . WITH SALLIE April ti, 19M of Y••r .. .. . J BRAND NAMF:S DA\' April JS a pod Bnacl .. yoar beet. panatee •.. Actually, If you were to pick up a rock and throw It In the dirflctlon of the Fire Station while you stood In our East parking lot •• the rock would probably land In either of thrtJe very lntrlK11- lng show windows of thne very outstanding a b o p • that have entered our Udo fold ••• I'm a&8umlng that your aim ls u bad as mine and your rock would not end up In a fire truck. but rather lurch t-0 the left a few feet . . . If I told you the three 8hop8 were on Via Ma~a, you'd be eomplete- ly in the dark ... So as you park your car tomorrow, find the fire 8tatlton, look to the left and there you wUI find Via ~a, flanked by La Reine, "Young Set, Smart Set, Fasblou" ••• Malaga lmpor18. Ud ••• CHAMBER of COMMERCE Harbor Tran i Agency • • • ,Bl Malaga Imports, Ltd., own-~ ed by Don Creighton, A.I.A. decorator of Loa Angeles, ill with Bonita Wilson, as his u- aociate. i• one of those little gems where you can find any- thing you want for yottr own home or anybody elaes, but differently! I might add . • . 1ma you will not pay any more if ~ you purchase a rug, lounge chair or bedroom eet through ~811 an A.LA. decorator and you will have the benefit of his college degrees in good lute, line and de11ign t o help you make your selections ... La Reine • . . traulated from the French mean• The Quttn ... Lorraln Daniel. OWDf'r Of La ftelne, alma to do just that! Make you look Ilk,. ont" ! ... She bu an ea- prciall~· fun-lovin11; ar;roup of JM'dal pu!ihen, slim .lim8o blo~ and skirtA", scream- ln11; t o ~ worn rti;ht now •• Harbor Travel Agency ••. Airlines, Steamships, Cruises, Tours, Resorts ... Jim Her- man and Betty McCullough co-owners ... Of courae I don't know why anyone wanta to leave our ~autiful New- port Harbor, but should the travel bug bite you for either business or plea~ure, Harbor Travel Agrncy is your dish of tea ... A Dolt TAJ: Is a meau of identifkaUon. to be hUDI by a cha!n around the IN'Ck. wri!'it or ankle of mf"n, wo- IQt'n and chUdn-n ••• You ma~· put on,. on your dog'• nMk If you wti.h ! Right aow Offidal Ch·U Defeue Jd,.ntlflnation T~ eaa be purchued for 25c through tht1 C'OOPf'ration of p,.t MJlk Company "1th thfl Federal Ch'll l>tff'Dllle Adminhtra.- tion. 1· ou·D '•wp with more peace of mind on the l>Mch If you hue a Do« Tai on f'&eh of your MnaU fry. Fonn• for ordf'riDg caa be found at the Lobby Diftplay. If y9ur face geta red when I mention that the Chamber or Commerce Membership drive 1s on ... hop to the tele- phone a nd JOi n . , . Don·t be, an outsirlrr. b<-one of the ~~!I gang ... How has your Cbt.m· 'I ber of Commerce brought about such rvrnts a.s the ln-""""'"""''-" temational Crew Races, the l En1enada Yacht Race ... to put Newport Harbor on the map. lntemationally '! • • . With the money you pay in each yrar in the form of duea 1 • • • \1 ou and you and you .•. together are your Chamber of I ~~~ Commerce ... The more youe there are .. , The 11tronger fi- nanc1a.Jly your Chamber of Commerce v.•HI be ••. lnvNt a little piece in Newport Har- bor . . , that place you cboee to set up businesa in! Ric-hard'• Udo Market. MEMIERSHIP WEEK APRIL 11 • 25 " HERE IS WHAT- voUB 19M llEllBER8RIP CARD IN mE NEWPORT BARBOR CHA.MB.EB OF OOllllEBCE MEANS TO YOU - I. You have tlM Ml'Vte!le of tlalrtMe ~ COllUlllU- 2. \'ou llaYe a -pl"f'llllNulve llOllnl8 of a.to......_ -.._. 1 .,._.., ---rclal developmeata, vital teduaklal MIHmle M&a, Md all l'e~ral Mlljec.. aacl f'Vf'Dta. S. You Mve· reprNeatatJon before dty, •ta&e aecl r..se,.a .......,.., bodJea, to protf'd and advaace your laktwtL f. You are Jolnd wttll A00 ot 70Ur fell-....... _ fOP die ... f'C'ODOflllc -d cultural advu-t of yoar _.....,. ... well .. It'• protflrtton and be&aUtklaUOll. THESE SERVICES ARE YOURS • USE TllEMt M.I. B. ADGl'tad9 COFFEE -Pure Vegetable 8laol'tealllc 3 CRISCO llarprtlle NUCOA Richard'• Greea Carto. Freall AA LG. EGGS Coming to Richard's AMEllCA'$btlf MILi COITlllEI! See the new Todd'• le&kproof wax • free Sealright milk conta.ine.ra coming to Rich- ard' a UU. weekend ... Sample real conven- ience, the new TWIN-PAK half gallon way, ao ::l to use -ao convenient to atore -poura ao •mooth a child can do it. Richard's Choice Meats "'rlJJlfJI ""'~ ''••1' V99dob~" lJ. 8. Cbolce lb. 83c lb. can 79c · n,. 25c -.. 49c Del Monte Garden Show Dal .......... 2 •1# Tomatoes .. .J ..... ,.• Del ..... ••etae. et 2 •f# ......... It..... ,_..,' °" .... 21' ,,._ ..... ---·-.-it Del..... 2 25# S-1 .. aal ..... rw s:..:: ... : .. ~ .... 89# • Baking Suppllee nu.a..-aonw OUP 2 25# Cake Mix 11'14--. rw ~NltMlx ........... 17# Pe& ....._ 11..ra& . 25# Dry M• ·--··-_ .. ,.-ea. ......... I\ ._ a.umfO 41' CllocDlat• ..:_ , ...... v ..... ~ 27' ....... ... . 7-BONE ROAST 1b. 43c O~BONE ROAST "Hel,. •Alu o 7'1lri/fJ111..r' u. s. Cllolee lkaelMe STEW MEAT "1'~ 11"4 hlJ of ,...._., tJ. 8. Cbob I.HORT RIBS •· 53c 1b. 69c •· 29c SLic:ID BACON 1~ 59c You'll find a Udo Shop • • • Amf'rica'A t •ntquf' Food Mart. I" on.-of t he Udo 8ho~ loc-atf'd at the ftl- tran<'f' to Udo lsw, New- port 8.-M' h. California. SPECIALS FOR APRIL U. 15 ud 16, 1955 TIRJUDA.T FiUrr IAIS ......... ·-·-··-···········"'-19# DDtNll IOLU 6 14¢ . ··-·······-.•.... lot' RIDAY A,;U PIE 52' ......... ·-··············-·-.. ··•· eeell m llEAD . 23' . .................................... .loaf llATUIU>AY W.rLAWS ···-··-·--·-··3,or 25• °'91119 0-u& . 17# LAY& CAKE .··-· ...... Q1ality Fresh Pr~d1ce NEWPORT HARBOR Delicatessen ~ WleeGMla Bed Sida OllEDDA& 5ne CHEESE ................... --.~ ..... -. 1- 1-'a ~ 8UCJ:D 4ne BOLOGNA ········---·······..._ 1- '"'-'° .,. Plala 'lfte CHEESE WHIZ ...... _ .. !.1.1- 1a,.,w eaw.u.a ooooNUT 43c CHIPS _. .~ i'iPARAGUS lb. 19c GiiP'ii:RUIT .. T.01bb., 39c ~ Cltap, TMder ROMAINE each Sc Handy Helpers Dd•1•• 59' TIDE _____ ~, --21• CLOROX ----~-...,_ :r-l'lf .,_,,... PA.PE& 11' NAPKINS ... -·---·---· New Dtra n.tf)' 75 f ALL _.....,,..., a r 2 n· AJAX __ __,.. .... ,.,,, Cl'** EIMtSe ........ 21 • ST Alf H ···-··-·-·-··-·-·.n .... • Pantry Peta Uptoa•• 39• TEA ...... ·--·--··-·--%·•"'•· .. ~ ........ Mc u,... .• ...,v ...... w 2 29• o~~ _so~ -:r:: ... '~ ... x.ae.e. •# GRAHAMS • UI ........ 25• 1190 DIDSING ···--···...._ Jftw 0 b ........ Off• 2 11• DOG POOD1..._ -'• Jlfww .... 0.-Prtlee 25# SAIDINIS ~-* U'*J'• ~·or ........ Cat Gllu:S 2 ')'Jc BEANS . -· .... !! for .w- UMJ"• .._., UM.AS 2 43c BEANS __ ... !! tor .. !6fc 8w-·1 CBJCKEN LIVERS .. Orderina-lnatrocUona at Richard'11. This 1ervlce i• 11pon11ored by Richard's and Pet Milk CO, In cooperation with the Federal Civil Defenae Administration. See the Civil Defen.e Dlaplay in our lobby . • • • to flt your every need ! \ I l I • l. ROLAND BOLLIN' RAPIDLY -Here's Roland Hill, neet. flybawk for the defending Ea.stem Conference champion Orange Cout College Pirates, making a clean theft of home in Bucs' last loop fray with Fullerton. Thie marked Hill's te.nth 11uccesaCul haaock heist of the aeuon. Tuesday, againet Terminal Island, Hill ran wild, stealing four baga. Thie upped Roland's record to 14. OCC bopped Fullerton 12·2. Terminal Island wu bom- barded 22-1. -OCC Photo THE SPORTS By BILL PHILLIPS WATCH 1SECOND FEM FAIRWAY MATCH AT SANTA ANA One thing I IW<e is headaup baseball and the type of ball player you can just see his ol' think-tank churning away every mjnute. And what with coaches like Emil Neeme of the Newport Harbor High Tars, Wendell Pickens of the Orange Coast College Bucs and Ed Lane of. the Mesa Merchant& l"lne, Santa Ana Damsels Tee Off in Tourney Finale Friday a round to PM!! on their lore, 1 Durocher waa Just like Stanky-Second and final match of the ••Gi!t Acquainted" fem there'• plenty or that llOrl or thing I he couldn't run. couldn't hit, golf tournament between Irvine Coa.st and Santa Ana Coun- t o be seen on the local pea pu-r()uldn't field but that didn't 1t1ne ture11.. I hl11 noggm the least little bit. He lry Cluba geta underway at 8 a.m. tomorrow on the Santa You take thelll.' thlnke ra, they're reprded hlmnJf u one of the Ix-lit Ana greens. First match in the "home-and-home ringer'' dangerous. rnan. n 1..-y alwaya major Jugueni to come down the event took place Tuesday at Irvine. know what they're ronna do be-1 pike, and thought like u It he Winnen ot low l1'0M ta the 8:60, Grandy, Compton. Manton, tore the r hucker leta ro of that a ctually wu. rour ntrht.a TUeaday we.re Mra. CoCtlng; 9 L m .. Weld, Boyle, WU- rock, N ot only that. they generally I Juat to prove It. 1AO landed J Eldon Edea. Cl&aa A, with an 82; h1, Lamm; 9 :10, Forbe11, Foote, have about thrt!t! alternate plan• with thf' New York Yankue to1 Mra. Robert Gardner and MrL Ron Dye, ';le.Jlely; 9:20, Lyman, HdC· ju"l lo rover 11ny cnnlln(f'nrif'~ lh&t I 11tart things off, tht'n mon d over • Smith tied In Ctau B at 93; Mr1. Unger, Danlel, Pattlaon ; 9.30, ocr ur. Tht'l·t''ll not murh f'llle but to th~ St. 1Au1.11 C\trd CH Hou!Oe Ralph Compton and M'.ta. Bart Stepherwon, Jay, Emll!On, Colline; ronlln~""''l"11 "'1h"r whtn 1 h,..M Gang Juat when I.he Dean bo)'11. McHqh deadlocked at 97 In Clau 9:•0, Warde, M. Smllh, P i:;terllOn, t hinklnlt' ball players arf' around. Dtuy and Daffy, 1tarted wtnnJng I c. and Maggie Price. Clue D. 102. Button: 9:60, Edee, Browne, Price, ('RASll'M Cl'TUPM pennant.a. See what I mean ? Thia The tourney la compoeed of one Schmid; 10 a. m. Bake, Olbaon, Ynu'il bf' i1urprli1eJ how much 1 Durochl'r k id WIUI one •mart hlf~~nd one low handicap player Huffman, Cawud; 10:10, McFad· ability a llttlt' <'ritnlum COKll•l llon rookie. Rtmember lhf' p1ycholo1y rrom H <'h club. Pris.a will be den, McHugh, Drury, IA1ter. cover" ln Lh .. cu e or •uch KUY" the punk pulled apln1t the 11111 awarded to wlnnf'nt ln four t11hta. Tenth tee _ 11 a. m .. Mancan, aa J!:ddlr Stanky, ror l.natanrt . or / haled and rflill'ed but a.ctnr all-Actifte u at&rten ror ltruta' Blai.deU, Wlnbtrler, Watkln1: 8 :10, A ti Wlleon You rf'mt'mber Stan· time diamond mat. 1'y"1ll "'->'· ladJee ~on both TMll 1 and Qeoshegan,. Alllch. Hwit, Giffen. ,,; ~"'"'t n'.ientor ot tht' St. Loula mond CobbT Ttt. ftrwt time Cobb 10 were Howard Jl"'lemlnr or La· 8.20, Cheney, Henderson, Couch, ea'n11nali . the numtxor of yean he r.-eched flnit. with Rookie Leo on 1una S..ch and Earl PattlM>n or lrvlne: 8 :30. Nt'al, Jo'o-tU. Grau, cavorted 1u ound ....,ond haM" for 1 the ricll1. down he .ped tor ae«>nd, lrvlne Terrace. Corona dl'I Mar. Legerlotr: 8 :40, Gardtner, P arke. the Bruoklyn Oodgrrs •m1 N1-w lllldlnl{ Into the be.g with hui ram· Play rot und«rway a t 8 L m. and Wll90n, F emlng, 8:~. Street York 1;1anta. Th111 Wll11un'1t ell11 f'd "~1k"" rl&ahlng hlfh In th~ air. the dam.eeta--aU of them--were in MUl:er, Ward. Phllbrtck ; D a. m., t.ctlv" Ai< ~ttnmJ 1<al'k<'r !or the nltln t bother Uppy. The •hllrl•top by 3 p. m. Ayeni, V. Lowe. J ol'e•. Lutz; 9 JO, Porlhlntl B"8Ytr" 11! th" l'aC'lflc lnok the throw >.<nc:.I tagged Ty out. T~otf tlmea tomorrow: Miracle, Youngblood, Preble, Ptleg · Cool h'"I' .. rt er yt'Rrtl nf playln1t i:""n he hr3.ll~lr aslvlMcl thf' Fl nit tee _ 8 L m • ~•eh ling, er: 9 .20, Capera, Grt-rn, Pf't'k, l'hnrl tnr O•kla n<I 11nrl SNltl" I "•nrgla Peach. c.et orr the ~,1_t111• Lenihan, Lowe, Andereon ; 11.10, Cu t illo: 9 .3(), Varl<'y, Hallberg, On the bl\111" 11t purf·dt' 11blllly.1 old m&n, bl'fore you get hurl. Conley, Small. Dtckin110n, N ied· Dlrhl. i''ay: 9 :40, Boylr, Salmal.'Hl, btilh nr ·~m a1e 1\ g1eal b11t n11th· Sl:\'ER B EAT ecker : 8 :20, Price, Pott8, Bolhllm· ftop{l<'r, Albright : 9 .W. Stl!fler, In)( Hut t1>r~ In t hl' fl<'t th".t lhl'y \ So H's a pleu urP lo aee thf' lty, Jackeon. 8:30, HutchlnM>n, WOO<U, Outhier, Tlf!any ; l (I a m .. kn<•W the g11m ... tht> flt>ld sn!I the l hlnl:ll NPem•·. P ll-kens A.nd Lene Cogan. Undqulllt, Smith; 8 ..o, Grohman, Bank.II. Tawney. Wilder. rtval ph•Y"' ~ rrom Abntr Ooubll'· nr\' r111.nln1t a lon1t to the lll<'al kld11 Schmidt. Nolder, Fehren, Ple1er; cloy. fnur11ll'r uf th,. tr 1<y, IO J O(' lo l:l'l 'em thlnkm1t. You don't Zzvl• h. t he rawl'11t b1.18h •~a!rl•e mind " 1()811 ror t he llome rlub, ao rot•kl" llfhl t hrv rr " p111r ot l'"r· lung All t ht-y ·re 11g hl In th!' fray tc,r nwri< "' •'ryb .. •I~· "u•hl'lt Wiil! on ('\'try moment. Llkr the rtcent t he•r l'hl•• Thi\' I htnk It u r '"' the 2·0 l()lllJ to Anahtlm In Sunaet """'" •'lub &n<I 1mnk ll ur '"' thr Uolllt'\lt' rom).>f'titJon at Harbor orplol'tll"n I H IJth. Anaheim w-on It. t nif' Bt1l IJK~t.R\' ('RITTER!'! lhnt didn't 11ll)p the Tara from Thi1t l \'l'f' pl11vt r knov.s every lool<lnl( gl"t'Ql '" <1efe11t. Tht'y hiller 111 tlw jtl\111•·· Th•I v.•11v l h,.v wrrr n•t h1•111, bt'lleve me, just out- hn"•' uni\' 111 mo\'r n 111 ll1• bit lh111 ""nr f'<t. Thn ,.·s a <11t!crtnct -and V.'\IV "r 0a llttlr bit thlll lo 1\111" a next t un e. LOW NET NETS PRIZE FOR PRICE 'Borrowed' Car Found Richard A. lAIA-rence Of JO:> E . Santa Iaabel. Costa Mua .. a ppa r· ently had hl11 auto "horrowl'd" recenUy ror a bit of joy-riding . Meaa po.lice reported. Lawrenre told of!lcera the car wu taken be· tween 10 and I I p. m. rrom Harol<1'11 Club. It wa.a later round near the Sliver Dollar, r rporu 1how. MESA GARNERS STRENGTH FOR SUNDAY FRAY OCC Shells. San Diego in Saturday Row NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 !-! A RI 0 R K eaa Merchant.a take on Hlrhl&nd Pllrk hor•eb ldel'9 on Lion• Field at 2 p.m. Sunday, Bualnna Manager Ed Lane announc~ l oday. The Merch&ntt haw obtain\ ed Ed&e B rown rrom Santa .Ana • to hold down the key - atone aack ln the Sabbath tray. Brown manag~ the Mer· llbanta In "53. He cavorted in the Infield ror Orange during Winter League play. • By 'ERRY THOM'P80N Aiming ror three out ot tour. Coach Paul Baptl1te will l&Jce hla ~o~ Orange Coaat College crew oara· ---------------:!:!:!:!•_--_--.:!~-----~~~~~~ Lane 1ald Drown·a pre11ence would movC' Phil Shafer I u lhl' hot corner, hard hitting Ke.n· py Moats Into the oullieal, and placea Gary Ford m back· atop harneH . Al SanUnl 111 the likely Joc&J 1tarter on the mound, Lane advl9t'd. REAL BALL Pirates Poke Pelota Plenty for 22-1 Win Orang,. Coach Cnllege B 11 c buhera ha.<t a ball agamllt the al· legl'dly atron~ Terminal lsla nt! Naval Base n ine on the r ival dia- mond Tue.!lday. They po111111ed out a 22·1-thal'11 r lght -practk P v1c· tory In-get thi11-!o~OUR frames! A n d the I11l11nttrr11 rerenlly knor ke1! ovf'r the aJway11 pot.ent horMhi<1er11 rrom Camp Pendleton believe It or not. Maybe the Par lric Cout alrea.dy hu that long avrs 1lffi lhlr<1 major league, right here In the Eastern Confer· ence. BATrLE REPORT JW1t to give you an Idea how the battle went, Coach Wendell Picken•' pokera aent 16 battel'9 to the plate In the aecond stanza. That one hair Inning look an hour and 16 mlnutl'a to play. That'• the a.ccount the game WB.11 called men to Coronado Saturday rc;r the lfi:Ond or two encountera with the San Diego Rowing Club on the Border City club's home coune. The P irate rowen will be looking ror their third win I• four atart• lllltr waxing a visiting UCLA freemen crew 1hell laat Saturday. EARLY LEAD Pirates Nab Easter Relay Second Spot Oranre Cou t Collrge Udnclada plac~ In every flrld event but the high jump Saturday at Santa Bar- Rowing t>IJ ht osrt'd ahella. the P lratea took a.n early lead over the Bruin fro~ and won by five lengths. occ·. clocklns over the 2000 m..-ter North U do Ch~nnel In Newport Bay WU a flat T~3. Ho!dlntr a two length margin at bara lUI Coarh Heaton Harper'a the thou.sand meter halfway mat k. charrea rolled up 13 polnta for a I he Bur s pulled steadily away In 1 •econd pl are In the Junior colleie the homr11trt'tch. The Brubabell dlv111lon or the 171.h annual Euter were twelve sf'rond11 behind at 7:25 . .,_1 , ·Pl 8 di '"" ay11 at ._ aya la um. BF.Al.L AT STROKE Frank Beall pullt>d stroke oar ror the Costa Me1111 n11. with Tt'<1 Jpfferirs in n umber two position. Oit'k Jn1vtan thr,.e. Ben Benjamin fn11r. RN! :-.;ortnn """· Tom pJ,.tl.11 "Ix. And\' Martin llP\'en a nd Gr&ham ·Glhboh11 eight. Bobby Chlseltn ctixawalned. Spertator11 watching the ra ce both from th" Newport Heights bluff ovf'rlooklng the rha.nnt'I and nn lht' northrrn f'dge of Lido Ille werf' given an extra 11how when the OCC'11 lnvokf'd an .,,.-old prl· vllegt> and Introduced co:uwaln G hlsf'lln to the chilly channel wateni. Lawn Bowlers Win Loop Rolls A !lret, a .-t'C"ond. two thiida a nd rourt h J.lllef'd t he Bue ovalmf'n to a tie with Santa Barbara JC tor the n 1nnet11up 11pot behind the Pierce .IC Afglu who gamerf'd 391i polnl11 to win the division title. Jark Kennedy "aulted JI ft. & In. to gain a flrat place lie IAi th 8&11 Bt'rnan1mo's Al Dt'lbrook In U1e best P ll'llte performanl'e nf the day. Nl'lllOn Vl1rl finished 11econd In the <11M'ua rompetltlon with a t<>11a ot 130 rt. 11 • .. In. Bill G1u1talaon wu third In the broad jump (21 rL 1 ~ In. I, Gary Johllllon third In the ahot put c 43 n. l' In.\ and fourth In thr dlacua ( 127 ft. 1 ~ In \. and Jerry Klrkla11d fourth In the ja velin I 147 tt. 1 ~ In I. Newport Beach Lawn Bowline Club won two out of three ,amea In tho Cout Lawn Bowling t.ouma- ml'nl on Santa An& greena Bat- Bue Medley Trio Smash Tank Mark In Whittler Go on. urday to maintain top apol ln lea· The elratu' leadln( •lugger, gue 1tandlnra. The Newport.era Alan Hodgea. Bud Belahe and Bob Wetzel, cracked out three ror have five triumph• to R.ecreaUon Knight Sooy booked up to clip four at bata, Including a paJr of Park'• three. Laguna Beach and eltht tentha of a aecond otf of the two-bagger•, for two run• batted Santa Ana have & pair of vie· Oranp Cout Collere medley re- in. Wetzel la wa ving the wand a l torlee. Jay record March 29 u the Co&at a .432 rate. Jamea A1pln, Walter Wood and aquatora downed vlatUng Whittler ! COl'GHTREI: CLOCTS Mn. Brim• came through ln th• College M-28. It wu the elrhth But the ll'adlng laaher a gainst flnala to down Santa Ana 21-19 ln win or the year for the Plratea, the Terminal l Hlf' wu Wayne Cough· a aee-aw same. The team of U oyd alxth In their home pool. tree, the OCC rhucker who 11 on Sleeve•. Herbert Wheeler and Mra. Stranrely enoush. the 3:17.T re· the hotteat atlck •lre,ak of the Pnrson captured third place In cord· breaking medl•Y 'tlv'eNOme 1eaaon. Coughtree connected for total plua acore, defeaUnr LaJUna wu a IHt mlnule choice, with t\lvo for rour. nne a double. to dr ive Beach, 24-UI. Selah• nmnr tn ror f\'eahman In four talllea. On the aeaeon, Clint Wolford, Bill Brim• and O.Orse Lyon• ..,ho didn't lll&ke the Coughtree la batunr .393. Ed Wilcox had the mlafortune to opening event. The o\d 1taadard Jl'rry Rice, the blr tw1rllnc tansie with a hot team fl'Om ..,._ waa S:ll.6 Mt In the BouU..m ho~rul for the Bue•. hurled tht rreatlon Park. The Park outfit-Cal Relay ch&rftplonahlpe Jl'eb. 14 rtnrt two fraznu to rccch•e credit rlobbel"t'd them 24·11. Next Cout al La Habra High by Roda'M for the w1n Rice n.ilne<1 hl11 back l.e&&'\19 tou-)' will be here May L L)'Oea and Sooy. before t he loop llt'll.llon (Ot un1ler· j SHARE TOP ROSOll8 w ay Rnd Tuuday mRrked his nrs t Tar Net Team in Bel•he and WhllUer'a Jerry LA· a p(M'lll anre. J t r ry Jarrtt! the op-B-011te 1hared lhe top honor• tor p<Mlll•1n for t wo hll11 1" four lrip.11 L I §th Spot thf' day with a pair of Individual to thP plate. When R lrf' left the oop $ win" apiece. LaBonte, who flnl.'lh· l.'ontr11t In ra\'Or of Coui;-htree, the -•t Pd to11rth In th• nallon In the Pan Newp<>rl Harbor High'• var .. Y "' Pirates lrrt l6·0 tennis tr nm rndtll rir~t round Sun· Amtrlcan Oamttt tryout11 ror the ROLA:SO ROl.L.~ set i.-gue piny reC'enlly w.lth a 200 metPr bre .. lltroke event lut Rollln' RolanJ H iil w118 simply ll-0 lris11 lo Anahf'lm's flrat place Fetiniarv. l't't two ni:w Whittler wll•I ahout the Tt'rmlnal oh&mon<I. r t1url crew. The Colon l1t racquet Collr 1tt ~l'<'Ord• by winning the 200 And thnt '.!I thf' wl\y h.-ran wll<I. wi .. ld('ra remain undef Patet! In loop yard breaiat aJ?'aln11t the Bur11 and He a r r l'ptrll threl' w elk11. hit a com pellllnn wllh r ive win•. Tht rlnl11hln1t aecon<1 to Bet11he In U1e homer w ith three on and 11lole Ta r:1 a r e In fifth poallion. · lndlv11lual mr•lley. LaBt!nle also four hlUll'll. T hat !MllrN1 H iii's F ullerton wound up m 11eCnn<1 won the 220 rrentyle and Belshe hlUlaO<'k ht'IStlng tn 14 !or the !IPA· pla~. SantA Ana In third arler the thl' 440 free. son. two te&ma plRy<'d to a 4·4 deadlock RACk rs BACKSTROKE Cutt·her Tony Lambartlo sl90 Thur l'Jay. Oran1te dOIA'Tltd Hunt· Hod1u won the 200 yard back· had a '"' ge rtav ror Pk kena. The ln1tlun ~ach 7·2 tor fourth llpot. atroke In a ~onol 2 .36.9 clocklnit back8tnp huhe<I two fnr four, one Tho Oller1 have railed to flail their arter l>l'mK uut nr compelltlon a d(luble, and <lro"I' In three mark· wey tn victory thl11 eeuon. for a week, an1I Jark Bell and ers. Tomorrow tlftemoon. the P ir· ates tangled wit h lhe USC Spar- l\'l'wporl'11 JV'a dropped an 8-1 Dick Undwnll rinl~hed l ·2 In thf' rl1ti1h to the Anaheim junior var-diving. ally tl'nnls rrew Thur9 day. Another win rur the Costa striking ••• in White end Faded Blue , ... .., ...... _ forlclloll•tuMllW .............. ~ ............ ... ..,.._...,,...... .................. .. Wliltllmld. ,. CO!llftrt· Ible • IMy n IQOd ...._1 ........ ru11- m. .. 1~bllfl s.. ow Nltc1iofl tf CtDfor'I ... twill, dtlll111 Sim 2g.3l .. Twi)! 11111 Dtnlms. •460 OX TRT. OCEAN FROST at !!ad 8U-t One abort blocit from the Newport P1er N ewporl Beach • wr: mn: s • R ORF.ES 8TAMP!'4 If<'\'• rAI 11t •T• on wti111 might ••lh• r· I And tht Bur11-well, aay. Th<>IM! "'"'" h•· 11 b'l~<' hit They're <·ute ~1y11 ha,·r unlt'aMi~ a t riple play M•ggle Price of Newport Bt ac.h won the monthly low nl!l trophy at Irvine Coa11t Country Club by •hooting a low net ot 73. The trophy WM donated by Mra. El1le Miller ot S.lboa. tan nine on Lhe Mua diamond. Tl1rs,111y It'll bl' Mt. San Antonio here IA11h the atart of second round Eutem Conrerenca a ction. Mt•1111n11 went to the frt't'11tyle relay ~:-::============~ al lh<' •ll~h too. AIWAY• t rym~ lhla un t hr •h'f••n,1,.,. 111de th111 crncun, DON DELIVERS anil tha t. 11 lw11y11 dl'h''t'ring tltnf'· and hD"<' rrow •I adept at P i<'kt n11' I)'' h•·111 • r 1 ;,r"' t h" klnlf lhnl Aren't favorite play . Thal would be the eXj'W'<"IMI. tiut f\lways do daml!fl'. I tw()-run 11q11u u . With men on Llkt' llll.., 1"elhe Fnx" C'hlnese llt'C'nnd ""'' third anll none or one ltnrr whu h won lllJ't Y"IH'll All· I nut. the runne r1 begin galloping OIANOI COUNTY S ta r ~a111e f•1r the Aml'rkl'n 1 VIII£"'' •fl•·r all the llluggerio J:Ol with th;. pitch Md the baller ay1 t ls r •I knm k lnit pitchers· braln11 nut t>n.-down. By tht' time lhc bunt l nvarl11bl)'. these l'Ullt' d nutt'r8 1.!t flt'ldc'd. t he runnrr f r<>m thin! n rl' thf' hr~I buntt'r§ a round. Wh,n hu nul only c rttssecl the platter, t h• Y i;f'I the elltll, thry knn" h<>w but RlllO \he runner from aecond, t n cQllillP ,1wuv and ,.h<we thAt hall I jll•t 110 h••l'-'t';n rat<htr Rntl pltrh · And lhe halter IS Mte l\t r1r11l.. It'll er tn J:ll"r1tnt t.,. mnvln,; thr~e run-t nO\llth 10 m.~kr ll p1lr h,.r 11rrve up n•'r" e lo•ni: And lnnlt 1tt A rtll'. Ht'• a gopher hall Yr1u tlnn'l have lo bmll up " myth In th" C'Ollst won;r about f1t•lol1nir thlll kln<1. v •It"'•" rh.\l he ran't hit tn n 1thl tlrhl f'\'f n though he • a ..... uthp11w "" 1ni:,.,. ~ .. they pkl\' him to ll'!t a11d w hr nr v,.,. \\"llAAn w 11nt• a double fir triple IMtr lltl of hi!• uio-1 in ua.I slni:lr. 1111 ht''i< Kl'l to Jn 111 pull Competition Kffft Lawn Sin9les Keen rompetll1nn In the weekly Austrllllll.ll 11111glt•1 tournament on Newport Beal'h lawn l)Qwllng R"rttna Tueafll!y, round HI p l11y .. r11 com))('tlng with points ranging rrom 5 lo 13. Mrs. William llrlm1 look hrl'l with 13, n 111 RI lmll l!t'C· e>nd \lli th 12 and Jne Sta mp t hird. S ta mp aml Her~rt Whttlrr tin · the l'"lnta •lown thf' flri<l t>1111,. llnf' Some or tho,,.. nghl f1rtrler• are aitlll chuln~ that ho1"9thlde. Lf;O LlllE\nSE Beatty Runs Ill Win in Laguna Meet Don Beatty ot Newport Harbor Hlg"h ra ptured the 880 run durlnr TuearlAy'11 opening perlormancea In thP flr11t a11nua.1 LAg-una Bl'ach Jnvllat1nn11l track meet. Second hair or the cinder af'u lon wu achedulr<1 for thla a fternoon. Bult v bla.ud the dlataoce In 2 02 8. rnnlinumg rapid lmprovf'· tnt'nl "l11<'h hu round him defeat· Ing lhl' Tani' Sun11et Ll>R(\le cro111<· c:ounlry champion LArry Cutro 11+.>\'eral limes thla Rf'a.11nn. Second place Larry Arro11ca of l"ulltrton wu clocked ln 2:04. Sr hools reprt1ented In the meet lnclu<1t'd Newport, F •JJlerton, Santa Ana , Anaheim, Huntington Beach Oranjte, l..e.guna.. Tuatln, VaJencla. O&rden Grove and Mater D•I. aansa April 30 and May 1 Tidcf't• A ,·aUablP .i SATURDAY & S.UNOAY AFTERNOONS 5''0NSC .. 0 IY THf JUN IO• A$$1~TANCf llAGUt Of IANTA ANA LEE'S l'HAIOtA<·\·, S()! Martae """• BAiboa lllaad Tt'R:SF.R ORI ti c·o .. 2.)42 Wet1t C'.out Hl•""'ay. ~eW)IOrt BMeJt \T:sCF.ST~ LIDO l>Rt·c.~. 3'61 \ l& Udo. ~-port fteM'll CORO~A DEL MAR PHARMACl'. 3101 Coaat Hy, Core-dal Kar Annther lfU('h type ball pl.ayer w&8 11nf' Lippy u o Ourorhf'r. • gent "° amarl he manitd Lorraine Da y and r tune up with a KUY name ot WllJJe Maya for her lo m&nage alons with the New York Olanta. l~t'd ~th JI pol~~ ~l S~mp ~=============~===========================~ won the playo!r. .......... • ..... ....._ • &MtalJAUoM STAFFORD & ION ''NELS and DOC'' ELECTIUCA.L CONTKACl'OU ....... U1lieJ'tJ 1-1'61 &hwwWe A ... • Newport ..... IUIL T ON ~OUI LOT HOIMI -...... U111ta CARDINAL HOMES 119 E. !Srd It. .. Coeta ,.,.. BEi IER HURRY to for SUMMER LEAGUE NOW FORMING MIXED FOURSOME • Thurs. 6:45 pe m. Open Play Saturday and Sunday Open All Night Friday anc/ Saturday VAN'S BO·WLING BILL IU.orz. llgr. Liberty 8-3292 • Now quat lrt or Sooy , Bob Jbbot..on. Bud Tlnit and n tt'k Sturkey Wh(I ea i.11y l•utd1st11nc:ed the Poe11· entry -tt paya to read the want a.a. -Llve mercnanta are tboeo who advtrtl-patronl&e them. AUSTIN -HEALEY Making· Deliveries of the most popular of all high speed SPORTS CARI S2985 standard equipment includes ovet-drive heater, wire wheels and full tonneau cover We Invite you to come In and drive the Auatln-Healey todaY. HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC. Dealer Ill MG and the NEW MG MAGNE'M'E OPDf lmfDA1'• A.HD ZVENINOI 1912 Barbor Blvd., 008TA ~A SEDAN Liberty 8-5051 ' I i 11 • ,. ' I PAGE 2. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NrHS.PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL I .. , 1955 Newport Set for County Legion Loop FULLERTON (OCNSI -April 19 11 deadline for t ntrlea In Or· anre County Junior .American Le· &Ion B&aeball LeagiJl' . 1be Oranr• County leag;&le wa• organized In 1941 and wa1 aetup as a county-wide prolT&J'll. Jn 19&2, the county waa divided into a north and aouth dlYialon. COt;?t."rY·WIDE PBOOBAM HoweYllr, the IAflonnalrea de- cided It would be wt.er t.o l'O back to the eounty·w1de program Oil.I yhr, what with t10 few tea.ma for the north division. Teante now ~heduJtd to enter thla aummer'a learue are: Santa Ana, Anaheim. Garden Grove, Huntington Beach. New· port Beach, Buena Park and Ful· ltrton. For the put eight eeaaona of play, Fulll'rton has won the count v tltl11 lll'Vl'n times. Their lont • ~etback wu In 19!)3 v.·hen Anaheim manared to aneak home the winner. SWIMMING MUSTS TAUGHT TOTS Ed Binea wu appointed com· missioner oC the league. The Gar· den Grove Leelonnalre replacf's Win Tinaley of Hunttn1:ton BeaC'h. Counly tl'IUI\ manag'n al11<> de· clded to hold a r ound-robin dis· trlct playotr tournament. TRRl:E DISTRICTS ME!:T F ollowing the county playoffa. the thrl'e Southern Callrornla dis· trtct wtnntr11 will ml'et. That wUI be composed of the San Dtero County v.1nntr. the Orange Coun· ty winntr, the Riverside and San Bernardillo County wlnnera. Receiving valuable pointers in rules and eafety regulations for swimming areas during .American National Red Cross "Learn to Swim Week", April 11·15, are Tina, David and Bobby RoBSO. Pert instructor is Steph'lnie &>lche;-, member of the Orange Coast College fem swim team. Miss Belcher is also pool lifeguard at OCC where thi1 acene occurred. -OCC Photo . ... ... \ . '"' - • --t Follo"'1ng that, the area cham· pion wUI co to Fruno for the 1tate tournament. Thia la the tlrtt time the area !'hampione wlU meet at one place for the r hrht to re· present the 1ta te l.n the national playt>ffa. Pirate Netters Gain First Win Coach Bob 01borne'1 Oranre CoMt College tennl1 11quad finally made the charmed w1nner1' clrrle laat Thuraday u they collected tlrat win of the 196~ aeasoo by dumpln,; vlaltlng Wverelde 8-3 In Eutern Con!erence mttcb play. The Btlc nelmen proved to b& ln· hol!plt1tble hoata on their home court• u they won four or the alx •Ingles patnnra and two of the three doublu. . J im Arrnatron1. LfMy Bllcatl- llZ and Jack Kennedy ropped their atnjlles Ulla In 11tralght wets while Chet Sheldon drew a toucbJe and had to ,;o three aet.a to decl1lon Riverside'• Bob Murphy 2-&. 8-4. 8·2. Armstrong and Kennedy and Sheldon and Jerry Evana turned In the doublet point.. both IA atl&lpt aeta. INTO THE WILD, BLUE YONDER Doesn't Play, Loses Anyway F ULLERTON (OCNS) -Ful· lf'rton·a Hometa fell In Eaatem Conftr·en~ ti..t'b&ll a t an d In I• Tutaday. althOUfh they didn't plAy ·~e. Probably thC' most up-and-at-'em guy on the Orange Cout College track squad Is J ack Kennc-dy. high flying pole vaulter. A consistent winner for Coach Hueston Har- ~r this cincJrr sC'aRon. Kf'nnedy vaulted 11 ft. 6 in. in the annual Santa Barbara Relaya Saturday fo r thC' bt'Ht Pirate performance o! the day. The leap tied him for first place in the l'\"l'nt. J..:l•nnNly nlso participates in t he high and broad jumps for the Bucs. Thia kid rl'ally knr~ 1t u p and asks for more. -OCC Photo The Homtt.a poaataa a won-lost I muk af 3-3. Chaffey, who had a 2-2 mark. capt"'ed a 18-6 came from ML San AntonJo lO move ln· to third apoL Huntington Beach Seeks to Form Community Fem Softball League Fl t.l.EJ:Tll:\' 1 Ol :\'S 1 l"··r th• I ~I •"I l111y~ood s J'l&na matr rlalln flr•t 1 "·•· "", .. 1 • 111 1111:" l-~1111 •1 c ·1 hral' rnen h•"'e llUCl'l'r•led H. G G111. fi,,lllJMll 1"'"~11" w1u• urgttn· Me..,.rr Ill! thr gua11.l1an of lhf' J7.• I fl1111: 1, • ·1 1:. "h \\ 111 ""'I c·vpre11 .. t•·.lm which l/l•l yrar won : 1 ... 1• l'rl •r n't•I with a l•·"m Joh n th!' I• llg\JI' 1111 .. under the d1recl1011 ~· 1,h.tUrr. '''"IC'·• prl'•1<1 .. n1 !roln "' \\'a ll<'r C'11lltn. I l-11t,1'• n hn11 i.nnounted I "" 1t now l'l1'1'<'llr11. lh• l~gu,. ll•rma n Worthy, nrwly-llppolnl· will be rnmpot<'•I nt Ana h,.1m, r <I llttnl111i;t1 ,, 1: ... h '"""'J""I R11•nl\ r 111 k. C-yprl"M, F'11llrr1nn. 1111 .-. r ,, " I , •· . H , 1 • f1 •1111 a 1.ai:11na Htolh a nti 81anl1'n. Thell' f011r •I ~•~ I '"' 11 •11 ' nf •n i:J< tl'h 1:1 1\.1•11 a po:o111l11llty lh11t ~t1nlA g11h .q t '"'11• n1>. I·•.:•••• 1h11 Am• w ill fl· lol a l"Rm In lhe lnop y• •r '\\"1•rll-\• 1,,.;1• \'t·• \\• 1 Ill\ i.:"n<'• I B p ..L L f111t• •II• 11'rll 1nl"lo t JO '"Ir i; rt' uena a... ynx pt. r q I ... "' ,. ,.. !l 1"·'L"•" Drops Gold Sox "' t-\ \\l•UJI f. l•Jflt• I ~···"' P"''''I tl,.••n . 1.;, n :\!Niis <'Xplam· 1 n·t.LF:RTON IOCXS) -Be· f'<I hind the 1 wn-hlt pllrhlnit of at11rt - \\' '1 draw:\ I nt llunt.ni;ton ~.,ch rr l'11t Snrll:ni;:!I anrt hrr r .. lltf It'·"•• .\n 1hl'llll ~· lhr noly rh&tter ~:tu111t' n 1 .. 1rfrltl. tht' R11nra Park m• 111h• r or th,. l >rllni;:,. County l.ynx blnnkNI f'ul'nte I Gl'ld Snx 1 T r• n·Ai:r Ll'lll."1"' 1'ttll rt'mlllntng T11rll<lny. 1:1-n In 1111~•1 ... ~. U11t htl h f thl' nl1;hl Wall C1rol '".'pr• 8!<0 C'yprtl trs will dertnlll'· 1 P AAnks' homrr In lh!' slxlh. l)' b.• in thl' lrn1111r 11t;mn thi.. 11ca· 1>1111bl<"I Wl'r r hit by Ht I en Miiier, 11<•n. 1r <':.·orge Oykatra'11 a nd Al· I Pat \·1c-rm and Carolyn Cuhman. Hear KWI l's News Chief every hour on the hour ,_ P.t MicUels Is on Radio KWll 1480·1480 Donald W . Dou~IH, Jr., L. A. alrcr9.(L u c<: -"'ll i. the vut op· Umt.m and poa:ttlve app~<'h or private enll'rprlae lhal maJte the outlook ao favorable." In the othn cam,., Rlvrnilde re· malnrd unbealtn In clrc111t rom· ~tJllon u they edsed San Ber· nardlno. 6-3. The Indiana outhtt 1 the T lgen. 7-4, but committed 11 .. vrn trror11. Santa Ana Tent and Awning Co. F or houni and hours of sohd comfort and relaxation, both indoors p.nd out , choose thia Rattan Basket Chair "" tn\·1t1n~ combination "' «olden rattan "Ith l ll"t'l< wrought Iron Jere. A modnn rL•ual lhllt 1oe11 lndoon or out ... Ulle 1n lh•lng room, dtn, la nai. pal10, etc. L.ir•1• -'I S• krllOI\ A"!'tf 1'"1"t' PATIO and GARDEN ··uRNITURE * !Wdwood * Aluablum * BIMk ,,_ 0 * Wlll141 Mf't&I * 1'mbrf'llM AU ~ of ~ftr made to order Free Ddlnry -O~n Friday ~ Moeday to 9 p.m. Santa Ana Tent I Awning tfn6 So. 'Mala St. • BATTING · BIG QUESTION MARK HARBOR HIGH TARS IN LOOP J FOR F1llerto1 Fe01 a.,~ •• 8ro11 11 PLAY 4-2 Fr1y Mod1y U OAN>EN OAOVll (OCHI) -ter, connected n._ JllH In 11 W1Ul • nlnUl lnn1llS Nib' • ..,.. hi• trtpe. lwt. bdiaN ........... CllNaa onlSll 8IO 90ft Orow Al'JOUULI a MN W .... A.n&lleln1'1 liq boyl wl~ Ule f1&l on ua. Oro" -..c ._, bopper U. Dllw ltepbeuon, Wbo da7 altll'llOOll. b°"*'9d and doubled apJDlt N--Mike WMte ..... U.. r.dlaM Batting ability la the que.tlon mark f or the Harbor port, ·••: 1.AI,. Oofl.U.., .Ill and ta Ulelr Pl'CUee ,_. ..._ Ua• Le la J"rulk Do,..ttl, .314. loc&ll by llalftlftl' honl• two NM. High Tani' a.all club when aecond round Sunaet acue P Y "-malnder ot Uie a.cu•'• t.op 10 wl\lle Oer&ld •ftuf\)"Oa ... f'lnt opens tor Coach EmH Neeme'a hor.hiden at Huntington look Wt• U1Ja; Jolalon. HunUJ111.on Buemu Newkirk ....,..t .._. Beach next Thursday If there'• any explanation for the duo Beach. .•u: DUI Protant, lanta a home Nn ap&ec.. '!'be~ • . Ana, .tll; Jedcty Youna. HWl\1ns· 1n p Ul Arp ~ ... of firat round loues Buffered by the fine-fielding local prep ton Beach, .too; amtUi, Oranrw. :.,.: th:i! 1a:1a1 ati. ~ outfit, \t'1 l~k of bue blowa. I .!75; Gerald Runyon, .Ha; MONllO. over a hit an IN\lna The Sailor alu1r1er1 bad their doublee. The ICOrlns came out none Orurw • .337; M~deleno. rwi.r-OaOV&JUt nf t&A.D warclube muffled In the -80n for Newport. two for the rtvaJa.. I ton, .Ml-; Joel Newkirk, hllerton, Oardlft °"'" tools UM a..c ..._. opener when Ollu'11 hurl!'r lzzy 8o there the local Jada an ln , .Siii; RJck Blankm7er, Ana.belJll, the Sullllt Llq\aen 1ft t11e 9MOlld lsykowakl toe.Md a two-hitter. The third place, behind Ued·for-top· .US; lllllott. knt& Ana. .307; 1117. only bln1lu for the Tar1 were tur-•pot ruuerton and .Anaheim. Jt kowakl, HunUn1ton Beath. .SOO; ln~. loc:at. ltd 1·0 untU UI• ~ nlahed by Pitcher Bill Wetzel hlm-1 cornea out that way on th• b&ttln1 I and M-.11oaa. Santa Ana. .300. ltlns Indiana tallied a naa an Ull Hlt and Catcher Dick Mlrkovkh. averacea. too. The T'l1be leada the fourth to tte up lbe ball same. Result . .A 2·1 aetb-.ck for the local leap• wilh '2 hlta In ua at b&ta occ 0 I To break th• tie acore, Gary a ...... lad•. · for .283. Anaheim total• llhow S6 llaftl Adu f _._ .. .E 8TR.\JOHT '\\'IN8 blow• ln lU attempta for .2'8. And r-came boundln1 home to .... th• •• .._. trd Ia 1 N rt H '~bo 5 i Clas Arsonaut.a Ula lead 1·1. ntey bounced right back to de-In th P ce a ewpo at r W m .-. feat Fullerton. Oranie and Santa with 28 rapa In 138 efforts,. That'• ..-. Not aatuntd lo lq behind, tl'll 2M H Un.,.,. Be h Fullerton nine \led up lbe swn• A.n• on a minimum of knocks, a . &\'er.tee. un .. ~n ac in Sprin& Term with lh• help Of Whit-.. 'nit tally their beat outing coming against com~ out with ·186• Sant.a Ana • ~ remained 2·2 until Ula nlnUl Ill• the even weaker hitting Orance ·168 and Oranre .H&. Two twlmmln&' cluaea tor adult.a nlng when the Indiana clubNcl nine. In that one, t.he Tar tapper• ON'J: LOCAL LONER wlll be offered u a part of the ln two ruu to end the s ame. bashed out aeven binglu for four While Fullerton bout.a the loop· a Oranp Cout College a dult edu· MAV ON MOU!\'D run• a.a J im Newkirk twirled a two belt batten to date. and Ana-cation program during the 11prlng Mu Plckerln1 held the mound lh~·hit 1hutout. helm hu th~e leading knoc kera in term, accordlnc to Dr. Thomu .A. tor t h• local•, while Kenny 1'111· Big point In this three·triumph the ti.rat ten men, the firs can Blakely, dean of adult education. chf'I ~ tor Ule li'ullerton club. run wu the tad alk k·fleldlng and point to one lont.> man, Outtltlder A clus wall mee~ on the Orange Both plt rhed lhe full nine lnnlnf•· headaup pky enabled the Sailor• Roy Oanlelll. Danlelll hu fh•e hllll Coast l'ampu11. utilizing" the new The •·2 Joae gave the locale a to edge out Fullerton'a Jndlans 4·3. 1 In lS allempta tor a .384 percent-1 swtmmlntr poola, on Tue1day nen· preview of th• atlff sun.et Learue Aa usua.I, the Tara came up w1•h age. Roy miHell the opening fray. Inga from 7-11. Thia clue will eta.rt oppoalllon tomlng up ne1tl year only six hill!, 11!1 elnglu, white . Funhermorc, the Sailors have May 3 and will be taughl by Brv-when the Argonaut.a move up a Newkirk wu pounder for nine only three batters In the loop's ' erly Campbell and JI)(' Kroll. notch and enter that loop. raps, lncludlnr a homer and double. top 20. Mirkovich hu five tor 1&, Another <"l a111 will meet at the LA.Oil OF MILEAGE .333, and Shortstop Den'ly Ftupat· Newport Harbor Union Hl1h Unfortunately, Nee me' a nine rick five for 17, .293. School pool on Tllunday evening• tailed to g-et the aame maximum Meantime, the Indiana have Sec-from 7.9 beglnnlnit May ~-Al Ir· mlleare here agam11t An&helm Jut ond Sacker Bryant Staffon! lead· win and Zatha Tallman w1U be In· week. Jn that one, the Tara man-Ing Lhe l~e with a .63S average, atnactor,. 1 aged five 1lngleii off Pilcher Joe followed by Mike Jewett'1 .46•. Bolh cla1111P11 will be fnr begin· VillUenor while the Colonl•t clout· Stafford hu the m01t hlta with ntrs. Jnetn1ctlnn w111 be provldfd era pounded Wetzel for nJne 11maah-eight. Jewell, who defa Tribal In t.he AmeriGa.n crawl, b&ckatroke es, lnctudlq a homer e:r1d l~W'l~ M\.WMft Lrip• lo Announcing • • • A NEW LOAN AND FINANCE for Yount Tld .. s Cautht Polloe nabbed two 18-y•r-old youtha Sund&y •• one ff\&!'hed hi• h&nd throu1h the open wtndow or a parkt<1 rar at Adami St. and Bay Av~. &nd T't'moved a elprctt• lighter. The l.u ta were trom Po· II SERVICE SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY To leffer Serve This Growing Area OFFICIAL OPENING APRIL 15, 1955 You Are Cordially Invited to Imped Our Office FINANCING FOR INDIVIDUALS *FURNITURE * AUTOMOBILE *SALARY C. M. GRA\'f:!' O"Mral Manalf"' 2& year•' expt!rlence In C"onimmtt 1011.na anrt !ananrlng. well Vf'~ In modf'm bu .. lne1111 mt lhortll relallng to this !l~ld. 1''. R. WJTVRSPOOS. JR, PrHld,.nt For mMy year• deallnc In aJI phll,•f'• n! ClnanC"lng A r .. 11:t1rnt of this 11rr11 "l'll-ltnn" n In I hl11 vlcln· lly a nd an a rdent 1in(lu . FOR DEALER SALF.8 *FURNITURE * AUTOMOBILE * APPLIANCES r.. R. RAlllMl"""'r.S M&IUICf'r .. A r,.•Ment ot lhl• art• W1lh more than 14 r"" r11 of u p..rience In the lnan fl,ltl. (olw1ll'1rt1 In lfl'"e fa11t and t rtlClf'nt 11trYlce to the public. * Loans from $50.00 to $750.00 or more * Experienced penonnel to assist you in any financial problem * Speclallzing in fast and courteous service to residenh of this area * A new modern office designed for your comfort * Applications may be made In person, by telephone or by mall CALIFORNIA ACCEPTANCE CORPORATtON 1898 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Phone: Liberty 8-7751 OFFICE ROua-.1:00 A.II. TO 5:00 . .P.M.-FRIDAl'S L~'TIL 8:00 P.M. OL08m 8t\TUR.DAV8 " ,. ' , , .... FIRSY TOASTMASTER MEE'hNG IN BUILDING STAlf:s IN TREIB EYiB-c'ommodore Harry Mann of Newport Harbor Yacht Club liatena to po.st-Gold Cup aeriea yak-yak between three of NHYC's hottest akippers who collected thelr awards in the H-boat Star fleet. From left: George Fleits, eer- ie. winner; Don Edler, daily first, and Bill Ficker, daily eecond. Of course, Don might have been telling the boya bow he intends to apply his Star boat tactics to again winning the coveted Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy next month when he takes the helm of D. W. Elliott's Californit-32 Escapade. -Beckner Photo New offtcen of Harbor Toutmuten met for tint time Jut week in Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Auociation'a building. From left, Jack Muln.y, treuurer; Basil de Li.ale, tergeant-at-a.nn.a; Steve Smith,.new preaident; Dave Gardner, retiring preei- dent; Horace Clark, vice-president: Jack Lockwood, aecretary, -Beckner Photo Studebaker Dealer Sees Sales Boost MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS Gom ey 11 the 1klpJM1r of the popU• tar Pirate. Remember TIM A.rdlee 11 cloaed for bualneaa. Employeu are away to play whil•t Vllelle hu to work and atay! Don 't worry. though, Johnny an<l hl• crew will re-open In a couple of week1. thin&'• too aertoualy. Relax at Roeal'e. Lut call to llH Kelly In her award-winning performance In "Country Girl" at the Lido. Sta,rt- tnr Sunday at the Udo 11 "'A Man Called Peter.'' The 111- ahow1 "Untamed" from Bunday on ! Tbe Port, tn Corona del Mar, In continuing Jane Ruaeell In "Underwater."' The Balboa 11 fea· luring a pair of winner&: "Singing In The Rain" plu1 "Valley of tht' HELD OVER 'til A11ril 2C) IKIM DIYI• ACTIOMI AQUA•LU•e Tll•tLLll Sal• ot Btu<lebaker care and truck• during the next three montha will be double thoee ot the aame U\N!e-rnonth period In t9M, 1t wu predicted by J oe Nlckertz. Jiead of the local Studebal<er a ge11- ~y. following his N!turn from Los ~nrele•, where he attended a divl- •ional .. 1u meeUng of the com- pany earller thl• week. By .RM MATHENY We know a couple who make It S. O. P . to entertain their vlalt· Ing relatfvea and friend1 first at TIM! c .. tawayll. According to thla pair they cap ahow·ofC their ffar- bor area to be11t adV11J1tal{e fl'Om the wlndow11 up at Jolly Coburn"• "hill-top rendezvouA." The meetlna. according to the owner of Joe Nlckertz, marked the formal openliig-of the mo1t lnten· •Iva Ille. campaign ever to be launcJied by the SoutJi Bend auto firm. At the conference. he H id, key Studebaker II.lea t'xecutlvu ouUlned the comprehenalvt' sales, advertlAing a.nd merd1andlr.ln1t pro~• to be put Into operation dunn1 tJie campai(ll. The J9M adverti.lng program al11 for an lncrea.e ot 28 per cent in product advt'rtlalng over last 7ear and reptt9ent.I the Jarrut budg'el In 8tudeb&l<et'1 hlatory. he •ld. Mora than $3.6-00,000 ot tht' tot.al appropriation, he add~. w\11 be alJoeatt'd to new•papera. Nlckerta wu Informed by Wll· J:lam A. Keller, .-eneraJ aalee man- ager. that Studebaker sales dur- &ns Ule ftnt two montti. of 19~ wne up 2~ per ct'nt from the pre· Yioua year . ln llne with this In· e.reaaed conaumt'r demand, com- pany production 111Chedulee are at the hl&heat monthly rate of tht' put two yean. Just ln cue you haven't bet'n reminded enougl), permit our oar to dip into the mental jogging and recall that tomorrow I• 00T·D1y.'0 "'T" for tuea due your (both) federal and staH• govt'rnmenta. But. or course, you have accomplished that enjoyitble job 1lro dy, en to- morrow will be a good day to start another fine Wl't>k-end In the granc1 and glor\01111 Harbor arPa. Plan to 11tart your we,.k-end with an t'njoyable dlnnl'r at the res1aur1nt of your choice. Too, there011 always br1'1.kfaat, luncheon. tea11, pre-dtnner gatherings and late snacki.. What you want awalta you-for the uklng-ln our popu- l&r cares. One la.st, parting and kindly remark about Eaater. It h11 t>Hn called to our 1ltt'nUon by a re· presf'nlatlve of the Newport Har- bor OptimiJJt Club that three of our local restaurant owner1 '"went all out" In pi;eparatlon ot the eirK• tor the club's annual Euter egg hunt last Saturday. Our In.formant told u. that "Woody" Holder"• Villa and Bruce Ca.rd"• coffee 1hop a.Ion• with Dick and Kate Dent'• 8alboe 1nJl Cale bolled and dyed go do:s. "*C• I l'ach I an!I were tickled to death to do it. We all thank these nice guy1 &nd gala tor taking time out from their buay chore11 to ht'lp a gt-neroua- tleuted organlr.atlon make It a happy day tor the kldd1N . Rarry Y~ i• on• of th• moet 1 • • '[·J-, --------- I re I~ ':1--\....: • ., •' • .,Aw' I fi]I l I . -. . - . ~ . i. • • ·. ·-------------- THE PIRATE Z8tb 8t. at Newport Blvd. -Open 10 a.m. dalJy Tap 8fo.er at ta.. nretlWe -Hnt l.>f>ca -Roaet '""' l'oarwlf J . CA~TAWAYl IUDD·Y ROHNER rt.A YING NIGHTLY in PIANO LOUNGE (&11« l :M p.-.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Uberty 8-J071 llAL MIXICAN FOOD fLA POST~ II Joa prefer to atay at home to eee your fay~ tieaen.ao. program try our bosecl llutcu diuen or ...-a orden to take owt. Tbey're ned7 to MrVe. rarv An: run aoo• roa L.U&O& r AATl&a UN Newport IUYcL COSTA MESA I Blodl 8ouUI of ~ala A ,_ Cnuntry Oob • 11ncere men yeu've ever talked with when he emotes on the 1ub· Ject of the deluxe lunch aerved at the Chl-CMlno.' Just In caae he can"t 11ell you with words, lt"11 odda-on that the lunch ltaelf will convince you that It comet under the ht'adtng of a "real buy!"" Not to mention tho11e .ucculent barbecue rlba that Harry and hl11 partnn•. Joe and Wah Chong, will prepare tor you to take home. Buddy Rohmer play• nlg'hlly In thP Piano Lounge and thl're·a fine rnoct end/or f'xceltent rtfre11hmenta to blend In with the view. FTanci11 Reynold• la yout host at LaPoata. He epeclallzea In fav- orin1t you with authentic Spanlah· Kings.'" • Once upon a time a man 1&id, ''thtre'• a time and a place for t'verythlng." Maybe we ahould 1p• ply that to our dally driving - take our tlme and kel'p our place. in the tnatflc le.nu-a nd we'll live longer to enjoy more things at the right llm~ and In the right place. H1tve tun! It your tute tor an t'venlnit at home with "Bomethlng different"' challenges you. It might be well to call Frank Grandolfo and atll< him to aee If wlfey Gina wlU prep11re 110me real lWlt.n fare for your conaumpUon. Pwa ! Lasagna? Mexican food plua atmoaphl'~ that T Pit D d mal<ee you feel like 1hout1ng •·ole" ar GnMICJ• when you 111.vor the tsety lid-bit• Jlleg•I entry lnl.O thf' Tar Pit from south of the border. on Ba.lboa Blvd. and minor damage Spaghetti? Nuf Mld! "Mama" and "Papa'' RONI would wu rpportl'd lo policl' Tueaday by Jlke to know and rreet every man. George MPnncy of 628 Santa An• woman and child In the Hartx>r Ave. He aald the entry, unexplaln- area. Tht'y really mean It wf\en ~f'd~,-:oc~c~u~rr~ed~~M~o~n~da~y~n~ig~h~t:_. ----)~~~~~~-'!~!!~~ Me • me -me • me -la • 110 • fa • de • do! 'ScuH pleue. juat Jt'tt.lng the vocal chordl In ah• pe tor a jouat at Ye Olde Ba.lboa Inn thla Saturday eve. Any Saturday you can be a veritable Croaby or they 11y that. Jt you • vent par· taken of their l tallan dlahea and their warm-heartt'd welcome and "1\cere thanu, yofl"re laking Como and "give"' with the volcf'I --------------. that follow ( ! ) Dorothy Neabitl during the old tub.Ion community •Ing-at the Dent"• ''Happy Hunt - ln6 Orounda." 8-m-a-r-a·lc la Karama ~Utd baclcwank, but a.nyway you look at tt t he popularity of the pl.11ce 11 retleetNS In the way In whloh llO many dlffe~nl J>4!0ple t.eU you that It la one of the truly fine placea ael'VU\g "IUJ>4!rb food."' And cocktail•, tool We can"t ae.y farewell to Balboll on our &'&atronom.lcal crulaa with· o\lt puttinl' lnto port at ci.rta...,.'• H1rt on lhe btly and ae.ylng "hello" to Manhall. A•k hlm to tell you about Ramu who 1t&11d1 W1llC'h over Art lAShPlle01 Jl'ood 6 Oroit Emporium. home of the famNI Tahitian Room. Hard by Newpor t Blvd .. on th• 28th nree.t '"•lip" Tttto Ptratfl 11 ... a t anchor. When you are plJ>"d 1bolard )'OU •lip Into a c~y ch1lr. Mittie your tootelu rl<>ff to th" open fire and put out on,. hand for a draft brew and thl' oth"r h1tnd for a tiot dor which you may roaet yourael.f over the lop . J . fJ•~w IAllOA INN • CAFE COOCTAILS Dinner S. I I p.m. Daily (Ct()jled Tllt'llday) • SA TU RDA YS • Dorothy Nesbitt lead1 COMMUNITY SING IN BALBOA LAGUNA BEACH OOMMtiNlTV P1..AYB01-'8E "MY THREE ANGE~" a comedy dlN'<'tetl by MuJone WllH11mto0n APRIL l!S tllrough APRlli U Tkkd. "1J ll.50 • Ill Offa. AVf'. Curtain: 1 :.0 H\'att t -Mft THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge Newport BmS. oa CoMt IQa'1111l I\ NEWPORT BEACH e C'LO!'l:D FOR \"AC'ATIOS llF#"°OP~ APRii, H ''Superb Foot/" PA&&Jll(G a:avsm. no• oua oooa Granclollo. 's (formerly of Hemet) complete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAOHE'ITI e LA8 AONA HOKE · JllADE RAVIOLI e STEA.KS e St.:A FOOD ,OQD TO 00 511 lalltoa llwd. BALBOA Harbor 48J7 C'IOIM!CI Monday• DELUXE LUNCH II:• .,.._ -l:Ot p. m. CHINESE and AMUICAN DISHES 1:00 P• a. -I : .. a. m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Pricfe the Y Mr Around .CHINESE CASINO 111 Ma.la St.., Balboa Harbor 2203 Calilornia' s ~reofest Outdoor Play RAMONA presented EACH SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. APRIL 23 -24 APRIL 30, MAY 1 MAY 7-8 IN BEAUTIFUL RAMONA BOWL HEMET With a Cast of Over 350 People Re1erved S..ts -$2.40, $I .80 and $I .20 Chlldru under JJ, 90c In f l.20 aect.lon only Unel Tul Write or Phon•: Ramona Bowl, Hem.t 61 I I 04' Any Mutual ncket Agency for Reservatiom Given Each Sprint ly the People of Hemet and SM Jac:mto NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I I. f AGE l THURSDAY, APRIL 1'4, 19~5 Offi U I l St. Wiii appeu In l';•wparl Justice cer pson I Court April 18 tu face arr111n• Car Hl•t by Dri·ver I m<"nl on u drunk Jr'.\"lng <'h•rae. She wu arn.•elt.'d Tut•aday by Nl.'w.port pollct' on Balboa Blvd. Two parked care werf' clobberl'<J who a11ld ahe was flrlvlng erratl<'• Friday In front of ·:t.£>6 Bai.xi. Ave ! lllly aml crosl!••d the double Un• when John Stewart Lil tell. 37. ot I ll'~l'ral tlme11. Mu111 GolJrn la free San Ctemente •'P~rently frll •· j on '263 bail. .. alttp at thf' wheel of hi• <"Ir, pollce =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aald. • Littell told offlcen he must have doud oft. He 1&ld he 1tn1<'k a parked car r~g!stered to Robert Upaon, 211·A E. Balboa. Blvd., Newport Beach pollcf' officer. Up· aon·a car w1.e puahl'd Into the rear or the aeeond pal"ktd car reglater· ed to Robt'rt 0. Samplcll or Santa Ana. ------------- Rosella Golden DH In Justice Court Ro.ella C.y Golden. 41. of 2244 W. Cout Highway and 313l-. 32nd Frt. Ul4 Sat. OF.NE IU:Ll.\. DEBBlE RJ.:\"~OLD8 "SINGING IN THI RAIN'~ ROBERT TAYLOR "YAWY OF THE ICINGS" LAST TOO: SAT. See G,_ &eU1 la Ber Award Plet9N Bl.NO CIU>8BY, OaAOE IULLY, WJLLLUI BOLDM "THE COUNTRY GIRL" DANNY KAYE .. .A881GNllENT CHILDREN'" 8TABT8 SUNDAY FOil O~'E WUK . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . , The warm, wonderful story ........ --......... ... that topped the nation's .r best seller-lists for • 128·weeks! L .. younef glow G• ~ lteooMe poft of .. delightfvt lftofion pidwe. It wil put a MW~ in the laftd ••• 0 --twink .. ht Y°"" .,. ..... new .Mile Oft Yfllllt lipa I ~Ge•..,.,_,._ '4 /llt;l~Ca/IM/ Ats/-• •-" .... ..,,, .......... ., ... _ ... ta.ii.., CIN•MAScoFE -c.."'DILUJll RICHARD TODD ·JEAN P£TtRS Thh • the type p6cture Hollywood .. _lroad to --- Let'• See lfore of Than -Tbe .....,_.t llid'a llat. ~ 1:46 '1'BUNDEB PA88" IA.ST TOIE8 SAT. TWO BIG ONES IHlODF.Rl<'I\. C1lA wroao atCllAIU> CONT& "NEW YORK CONnDENTIAL" 8 l 'l'AS BALL. IORS LVND, vrcroa )IATUJlf; ''CHIEF CRAZV HORSE*• -la ~ .. ' • I • ' , 1, GHOSTLY FLEET ·SAILS ROCK. RACE IN SOUP Holiday, LecJencl Win fn Class; Mai Tai First to Finish Run By NEAL BECKNER In direct contrast to the previoua week-end'• •atormy e around.San Clemente Island, the 29 entriee in Newport rbor Yacht Club's annual Ship Rock Race literally groped1 eir way outr o! the fog-aht'outted Newport jetty laet Sat- • urday morning. Ranging in size from Dick Rheem's majestic 98·ft. ketch Morntns St.ar to Bar-to find the Rock without dltflcul· ney Huber'• trim little 32-tt. dou-ty and there were no report.I of ble-endc•r, the fleet gathered off any ot the boatl mlulnl" the fin· tht Balboa pier Lnd crulled cau· llb Une ott the Balboa pier In 1plte 1 1 tloualy back and forth over the ot a number ot wee-•mall hour almqiet completely un-rutned sea tlniahe11. trylnc to determine whether the First boat home wu the bll" light and varla.ble Southwe.llerly yawl Mai Tai, owned end 1klpper· bree• wu rolnr to 1t .. dy up and ed by John GrttClth ot NKYC, ..... , FraduNI An,. 111 Accident Jun• J'. Balley of llOt 8&ftt& All.a Aw., Ooet& M .... llUft_., a tractured. arm whm ~ t..,....t. • h• wu clrtvtnc overturned a t ~ tntenecUon ot Elden and ~ Kar at 11 :08 p.m. April 4, M .. poUc• reporta lhow. WlWa 0. ~y. a PMMftl9r In lb• u to-ette WU unhurt. lnT•t..-Unc omcen l&ld ...al· • ., WU dnvtn1 weet. OQ IDdtn wben hla brakH fallM to bold a t a 1top 1ip. Victor Boddlck wu drlvlnr hll auto • north on ~ M&r at the lime. In an attort to a YOld a co1ll1ton, Balley •wunc th• ca r to on• 1ld• a.ad the vehicle overturned. Newport Buch to San Clemeetl, to attend t111 neKt chambu board 111eet1nr bent. IUUU IWVOLVSD the tor would lift. • which crossed the line at l :()(: 17 WHERE'S THE ~E Lm. Sunday with last year'I win· Because or the tog two 15-min-n er•, Howard Ahman1on'a Slrlu- ute postponement• were necuaary aao of NHYC--only <l m inute.a, 8 before the race committee wu aecond.I behind her. Ten mlnutu able to e11tabUah • •tarting line l.ater came Dick Steele'• Odysaey, long enough to accommodate &;II another NHYC tK>at and winner the! l!nll1ee end 1tlll eee from one ot the ·~2 and ·~3 event.a. NANCY CORKETT ACCEPTS PERPETUAL .. Involved ln the l•ue are tlw it.ate UHmbly blll1 k.nown u th• Sht11l Bills and tour 1Jlate 11enate bllll known 1u1 the CUnnlnghLm 811111. Their 1'11ntary effer l would b.l to cha.nge powere ot th• Slit• Lands Commls.!llon. The CoutLI Art'a Protl'ctlvl' Le1cue 11 oppoe- lng all of the bills. marker flar lo the other. A• It THE WINNERS 19M winner of the coveted Harry March P.!rpetuat ror Lehman dinghy comJ>('tition is the charming Nancy Co rkett of Newport Harbor Yaolt Cl~. shown here as she ac- cepts the award from NHYC trophy chairman Henry Mackel. Third place winner Bill Clark of BYC stands by to ofter congl'8.tulatione. Second place went to Saint Cicero ot NHYC. -Beckner Photo now .y-:.., HOLIDAY FOR TRUE -Winner of Class "B" honors became lncreaalngly evident that bo Y h Cl b' 1 Shi R k ra the 111tuaUon wu not lmprovin&', By dayll&"ht a &"ood number of ------------in Newport Har r ac t u a annua P oc ce the aid of Bart •nd Jan Hender· the boat.a had finished and before lut week-end was Bob Allan's Holiday of NHYC whose 110n crulalnr a round In their little 9 1Lm .. practicLlly everyone wu. elapsed time for the 62-mile event was 16h. 02m. 35s. r un.about wu enll•t.ed to 1tand by' somewh6t tired and damp bUt not -Beckner Photo the leew~rd tlq. At l1 :SO the red too unhappy. Ocean racing •kip- -------------------------t•one Wftll finally hoisted and t.he pera and crewa are a nag&'ed Jot cloaely bunched tl"t 1llpped acl"Ollll and not eully di11cour1tgcd by ad· PAGE 4. PART 111-NEWPO'k.T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS the barely vl1lble line and melted verse weather condition• and 11.ach THURSD Y PRIL I.. 1955 Into the gray cu.rt.in of to&'. minor detalla. . A • A "'• Report.t from va.r1ou1 iklppen Computation ot corrected time -------------------------indicated that the breeze freahen-j1howed the wtnner ·of Cl11.1111 "A" MARINE NEWS e<t nlcl!ly u the boat..e worked their and the Don Lee Perpetual trophy way up the cout but the foe dtd to be Lerend, owned by Chuck not lhln out a ppreciably untll late Ullman ot LA YC. Mal Ta.l and Od- in the afternoon by which time a yuey placed 11eeond &rid third re· -------------------------number of the leaden went round· specll•ely In lhla division. 'CLEMENTE NAVAL FIRING WARNING San Clrmrnte l11land areas wlll hr c11rni; .. 1·nt?'I t•l nevtr<:i- tlon the Cout Guard warned mnrlnr rs tt1tJoy, c·e,.:l•• HM'1< will be bombarded by the ne.vy dally through t omorrO"'! from 8 a.m. to midnight and d11yllghl hours Saturday end Sunday. Pvramld Cove will be blast· td today fTom 7 a.m. to 10 pm. and tomorrow from 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m. TIDE TAILE Ht. TlJne • Ht. Ing Catalina laland'1 Ship Rock NHYC'a Bob Allan pushed hi• end 1tartlnr on th• homeward lee. sleek L-38 sloop Holiday around WHO DAT TJU:JlEf the CU-mile courae tor a <'Orrected ------------Date 1-'rrday Apnl 1!1 Saturday April 18 Sunday April 17 Monday April 18 Tuellday April 19 Wednellday AprU 20 Thuraday AprU 21 Ttme Hl&b 2 12 a. m. &.l6 P· m .• 3:t8 a. m. ~.!12 p. m . 4 :67 a. m. - 6 .H p.m. !l:M a.m. 8:38 p. m. 8:'4 a. m. 7:03 p. m. 7:31 L m. 7:33 p. m. 8:18 L m. 8:08 p. m. rmeT rt1LL Q()AJl'l'll& MOON Apr. 28 May 6 :i.9 3.4 3 9 3.8 •. 1 4.2 f.3 f .7 f.4 11.2 4.5 11.7 4.:1 8.1 L&ft QUA&TI:& .Apr. 16 Low 10:21 a.m. 10:30 p. m. 11:08 a. m. 11:20 p. m. ll:t6 a. m. 12:09 a. m. i2·18 p. m. 12:49 a. m. 12:~ p.m. 1:30 L m. 1:23 p. m. 2:12 a. m. 1:117 f>. "'· • NEW llOON Apr. 22 A1 nlrht fell and the boat..e drew Ume ot 13h. 42m. 31. to win top o.o cla.er to th• mainland, they were honors In Cl.a.as "B" &rid the tam- 2 6 ap.ln "socked ln" aolld and no-oua Soila.nd Viking IV perpetual ' body enjoyed more than a few trophy. Bclrney Huber of BYC took 0 4 boat len(lhl oC vl.llblllty unUl .econd In thLI clua with hl• M&ra 2 l after dawn Sunday. Apparently while Dudley Jarrett ot NHYC 0.3 our local eklppere are pretty 1harp brought his MadC'ap lnto third navlg aton alnce everyone -med place. 1.4 0.3 0.6 0.3 -0.1 0.4 -0.7 o.8 YOUNG MARINER- Ofhmer Skippers Vileehi to Trinidad and Miami Twenty yea re old and th' world to •ee u captain of a wandering ketch. That 11 Rick. O\hmer, llOD of Mr~ Marlot Othmer. 1112 W. Balboa Blvd.. who new In Sw\day nl«bt from Mia.ml to 11eo hla mother and lncldtnta lly atra lghten out hl11 1core wrUi Uncle Sam'• anny. education after hi• tr ip and 11llnt In the armed forces, but feels he 11 r ettlnl" a wonderful education just u It la. Newporten Ask Moniker Switch Bob Pellum on Army Maneuven P'ORT CAMPBELL, KY-PrlY· ate Flrat Clua Robert Pellum, eon or Mra. Marlon Foer11tel, 451 Weatmlnater Ave., Newport Beach. 11 now participating In manueven at Camp Stewart. Ga. He la aulgned to Support Com- pa.ny ot the 188th Airborne Infan· try Regiment of the famed 111..h Airborne Division now 1latloned here at Fort Campbell, Ky. Private F irst Cla11 Pellum re- ceived hl1 Basic Training at F ort Campbell. and v."IUI alao gradu.a~ from the Airborne School at Fort Campbell. He 111 111111lgnl'd to a f.2 Mortar Platoon In Support Com· pany. CunnlnCJham Carport H. J . Cunnlnsham of 810 Gover· nor St., Costa J.tese. Arni l took out a St200 bulldtng permit to erc<'l a carport. Fullerton Favors Offshore Drilling; League Objects FULLERTON (OCNS) -n1e atand taken la.et Wf'l'k by the F11I· lerton Chamber of Comml'rCI' hoard or dlrecton supporting offshore oll drlllln( did ndt meet a good reception ttom the coaatal art a protective lea&Ue. whose ortlclala are 1t lhe Laguna Beach Cham- ber or Commerce. Oland W. Camel<, San Clemente city councilman and vke·preeldent or the leagut. visited Ruseell Brook•, Fullerton <'hamber man- anger, regarding the •Ulnd. "We tl..ke the poaltton." aald Canick, "that the Fullerton Cham- ber ot Col\'\merce wa11 unJu1Ufled In Ill mouon a pproving offahore drUUnr. 8TA..!llD 'VNJrRTIFIF.O' "We bell1•ve It was unjuatlfleli In having only oil com pany reprc· acntallvcs al t he April 7 meeting wtthout hearing from any ut the Your Author he d TH A L C 0 Flberglu1 Dealer In the Harbor area. Bring your ftber· 11aM problem• to ue. Pacific Fiberc)laH MOI W. Cocut Hwy. ~. LI 8-U'Ji Acron from All·Amer1can Mlct. l'OUlll CVlun11. I h.ave told Mr. Brook• that we wtll attend the Ful- krton cl\am~r·~ May <l board meelln( rn a.n attempt to clarify the ml'anlng of the phrue -With proper and adequirte control' of the drl\llng." Carrick eald he expectl from 10 lo 12 coastal a rl!a resident.a. trom Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 the BIG South Coast Co. 2lrd & Newport llvd. H all lt'Of'9 well he will tty t>ac>< to Mtoml within two week• and from there the ketch "Vllttht." Samuel Moni11 owner. will allrt tor lht> MC!dltl'rranea.n end around SAJ.,.A A.."'A 10CNS1-A New-jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ______ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;, port ~~h f~lly t~y wqM ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Superior court a pproval of the r the world. SEWPORT TO PA.'IA."IA The "Vllet'hl" left Newport Beach Dt'c. 11 v"lth Capt. C. A. Flink, pre11enlly t lnit officer ot the "Goodwill" In charg-e. Capt. Flink took the k el<'h t o P11nama from where he r,.tum ed leaving OUuner ln <'harge. Thr ketch etopped MV· •ral Umu cl'lwn the Mf'xlc-an co&1t. 1pendlo1t Chrl11tm&11 In Acapulco. ~:P.1~113l~':lf ...... --.. From Panama Olhmer took the '!1ftr•r1;'&1 lcet<'h to Trinidad where he picked up the (lwner anct hl• wife. Oolnc a cro"" Trrn ldnd the young captain heel a rh11nc<' to trst hi• .eaman· 11hlp. runmnl( Into wtndl up to fOrrl' aeven and blowing out two aalls. t:s.ion+ PORTS In thr Gulr of Mex.le<> the "Vllee- changing or la nam<>. Mr. and Mra. Carlyle Rodney Berkua and children Rrrhard. II. and John 13. of J70!I curr Orlvl', want the court to 11a nctron the name change. They aeek to 1wllch to Cal Rodney Ca rlyle; LoulAe F.mm" Carlyle. J ohn Rodlll!Y Carlyle and Rlcha.rd Allen Carlyll'. Mr. Berkua wu born In Ode.ua. RUNI&. 1n 1~11. Mra. 8erku11 wa.s born ln Frauenfeld. Swit:r..crland, ln 1913. MARl.."1; UPHOLfi'Tt:Rl:Sti BOAT C '0\'f:Rl'I BALBOA C'A:'\'l'AS SHOP Hot .... 201 Nl~~b.:1·~l!~H SOUTH COAST CO. Urd & NeWJIOrt Bh·d. !'IA\'t: O:'\" Al'TO rxs. s11•0 1.-..noo-$1n.nM-4.~.ooo l od1lr •~1..-,.., I ''op Oem•t• h eh l Mo.tho !'41·r non !'fc-('ORD. for l'Rt:Ft;KKED 1~8t'RA:SCF. (All LINU) llH \ k tort.. St.. C<Jllta MMe l'bone l.Jbf'r1y ~'TU• hl" vtsltrd nParly all nf the I•· ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;~~=~=~=~====~ lanrl., M d en1nyrd the .!!lf:hl• u ;;;. well M the loral fruit. OthmH 11 " i:radtmtl' o f the '!111WpMt Harbor Union Hlgfl School a nd attended Orange Coaat Collel(I! a yrar b<'tore &ailing out. He t'l(pl'rts In contln11P his formal 1 HAPPY TO BE BACK AND GOING -Rick Othmer of Newport Beach new io from Miami Sunday night, but he is already planning to Jly back again in a few daya for a start around the world u captain of a yacht. 1 Harold I. Johnson I l'roP"llar JWpa.11'11 Columbl-aDd P,..raJ "'eecy P1'oOI' Hart»or CH 281 l \'Ula Way , Newpon Beedt -Staff Photo · -St:and by your local new11papen they a.re th• but friend• any orJtenlsed community <'Ln have. DAYE SPIES 2.>10 W. Coast llJ&h•'aJ· SPECIALS FOR APRIL • • • 12 v. 55 amp. TROLLING GENERATORS GM 6-71 ST ARTERS AIR HORNS KNIFE SWITCHES CAILE COLUMllAN UNE EWS PAINTS IRASS FITIINGS -----------~ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING TUCKER~STRICKER Whoae.Je MAR IN I ~u1,._a, R..t.all . Sup,U.. 2420 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-6550 See THE SENSATIONAL NEW BAIT TANK by Everguarcl at the LA. SJ!C!r:!, :~~~!~~~ l NEW -REVOLUTIONARY MORITZ • DIEHL "ALBACORE WHEEL" Because of its Revolutionary str aight Trailing Edge -with swept-back blade-the NEW MORITZ -DIEHL "ALBACORE WHEEL'' Eliminates Slippage and Boiling giving you F lat Wake Plus Faster Back Down .... a Straight Jet Water Wake assures you of Fullest Motor Efficiency with LESS RPMs Because th is prop takes a BIGGER "bite of water" for sur ging power when you want it BOATS NOW US ING THE NEW MORITZ· DIEHL ''ALBACORE WHEEL" GET THE SAME CRUISING SPEED WITH UP TO 150 LESS RPMs. IT WILi. PA\. \'Ol ' TO L"\'t;.lo(TJGATt: ~ow. STOP R\" FOR OONVINClll'G ot:MONSTRATIO~ (ff THIS JIARROR ARt:A WHY.Y.L Made in Costa Mesa by MORITZ BRAIS FOUNDRY 133 Industrial Way Specializing Now in Commercial Boats ._ ______________________________________________________________ .... • I " ... I I • r -.- HARBORITES REAP FISH HARVEST Hub Powers, Jett and Harold Waite, both Balboa Island, above are ahown with their catch.last fortnight at Ma- zatlan. Powera caught two marlin at left while Waite caught center marlin and two sailfish at right. Largest sailfish was weighed at 145 lbs. while heaviest marlin weighed 185 lbs., both caught by Waite. The men spent one week at Mazatlan, making catches daily. MEXICO GULF ISLAND DRILLING STUDIED; TECHNIQUES PRAISED Louisiana Bayous Thrive Under Industrial Development Plans they have put In lnlerlocklng stet'I pile driven groins to hold end bUlld thrir bt-ach. BOATISG POPl'LAB There la a Jot ot bo&llnr ht'rl'. 'there are ahnmp boata, oyater boat.a, and 1141.h boat• of a ll deacnp- Uona that ply In lhe back b&yoUJ1 and canal.ti aa well u In th• off ehore ena In the Culf of MeJtJco. One ot the thine• that ta much dtt lermt from our wondcrlul New- port Harbor la the fact that here tho boah, the yachts, are pullffl lnto whlll thry ~all ahed11. Tht'y art> f;f'l':ll hlith roora. R t atop pUM driven Into lhl' bottom of the baYB and lnlt<tl' and the boala are pull,•d In thrre. largrly u a pro· ler llon al:'lllnl'lt thc 1ntrn1"' 11un anrl thr J:"fl'at q11Anllty nC min tha t thry hnve hrrr ln their 11<'11· son :-lo hoat b ll'ft outst•tt' h<'· rau111• n pflllr"ntly no l!rrkini: nnd no va rnish wo11ltl wllhst11nll th,. f'lt"mrnta of rhr Louisia na bayou Tht l\:t"Wl!·Pa elll! today pre1ent.11 1 uen't used 10 met" ting t he net"da lhr '"'I und an & ~1 lo>t1 of report11 on or movie compa.nlrs or bowlng-to how th,. oil Industry operati>a In the whim• and caprices of actors Lou1.•1a n11.'s off 11hore dnllln&. Tht and actreaa•·• .. nd dfrectora and he Newa-PreH publhlher, Ben R~J· wu quJte dlalrfl-.cl. dlC'k. m11de a l'IJ>f'Clal trip for a U>CAL CltARACTt:RI "''er k'" •urv"Y or lhe oU acene In Lou1a1ana tn llchl u! ac1 1ous P"I· rolrum probh•m• aloni: thl' South c"""1 ,..,J "'""" c1.11r. • 1111t 111Je· lllJltla 111,. I• pnll Cullf1\\" n,-nr.~ Rt:unwK T1,.la) "' 1:.,1 111111 l\0111" 11r Am· r t h -':. 1110 t f.an\f'tt" bi•• i< • 1tUnt1 ~ \\I' fu1:11 I t ht· ,,,, ar11Hf "• " bo \ n ll on , "''' I "n•••I wh-il 1 hi' olllf•·11 ·n .. r I~ bl'lw,., :i ,. 1·;.ltf111 nll• ~"""'P 11nit II '<W Rll\j) Ill IA>lll 1111111 \\ .. • 1111\•l{' H lf1t1 ,•,.n !lt 1•ttl" lht• fatn•11~ 1:.1 I n hi I hr OUI )\•mi: C'•' 1r•l l o' 11' :-.:"" nr1 .. un• "''hf'r l' lh• ,.. .,. !I •1·1 rutiulullll 1111 pn•- thlt'' 11 11 .11 '""' hnni; • :.1 11hl111h"d \1·,. 1 1111 1 1. 1 "' '"" llw hn>"" •. , ·, , · •• 1 !. t•t·· T•1n1rl• tantl l.Htl" I ...... ,, .. r<oltl1n !llPatl"" ""''IA•'·"'·'" nn 1 ln<' 1,.·,·v11ll' Bllv I I .. l"il" l.,I\, 1111.I ••lll 111 thl' \' :\' t'll&;<' or II~· G Ill I f ~lf'J<l<"O 11 · .~·1 v ~!11 1<·h1.:1•I Th.I! la \\hPt e r l'I" ; r l 't<• l.lf( Sh11r1• HJ) •'l'Vt'IOJl• r;i nl <' • "r 1-'>lll~IH O.t Cl'Unlry r.-·· t 11 I ... "'· "" lln•I that '" "hl't C th•'\' 11 ·r. • 1 lllni: lhroi1gh lh1• l>Ot· ton; • r th,. G 11( or ~t~ll'u by ml'3n flf l'n~rabncatrd l•lan~. 1141 ,A~I> Pl.ATt·OK\11'1 Tht>\' ar(' g11nl 10tr•I tubr~ weld· c I tnt;t'l hrr wtth J:ltlll !W'Cllonit o( p 11ni. nn·I 11tr11rt11n1I l t!'('I work • I lh1·y hnll1 dnlltng rip Today 1~·" as'"· a tw,, 111ory ho1111(' much 1.1\r tht bl'tn1ck~ of th .. l'lanlll A:is Army Air Bu e. whit h 111 u l high at "thf' top onr or lhn f' drill pl1 tfonn11 and th•l w ill hnu•" the m4!n who wlll wnrk on th!' lig11 In Lt:,. Outr of Mu1 1co \\>',. mrt 11om,. v,.ry lnl,.re11tlng pl'npll' toda y. Ptrhapa th,. mn11t fabulnl~ rharacter of all I• a ma n who la blflJ lntt well to irurpus t.1111 rtputatl<'n ot lhe famou11 l...iF1lle, the pirate. He la &~ Cochrtll who Is the propr1et('lr of t..aFltte'11 l.Andln( way up at thl" hr&ll wa· ttr1 or &r11tarla bar k bay coun· try. He alao run1 the L&Flttf' Yacht Club, with a reputation <'QUlllly ., (ood aa 10me ot tho.ff whtch , JaJm to be «•ntlemtn 1 ctub1 In ou' area. ll wu there that tht y Ju•t nntahed maktnr a mnving picture and Olel"1! Wt'r" a lnt of Califor- n111.ns nut hcrr 11ntl a ll't of thn1<• who h11ve b<i11 t~ on nur l"r"'°p<'rt H11 rbor, and 8 11bt" 'lil'AJ! talking a· bout lhl'm All fl ~•'l'mll t hilt th"Y Stocktoft and Jay Appointed to loard Albert E . Storktnn 11 nt1 T. """" ton J11v were rhn~tn Marrh 28 tor member•hlp to t ... (' rlly c1v1l aerv1C'f' bosrd by city rounC'll from .. nve·mM 1i11t 1111bmltted bv ~ew· port Bf'tlch P'1re ant! P ollrt" Pro- lert!Te Leairut . l!ld Healy 11.nd Lonnie Vlnrent ... ,.. ,.._srpoanttd. Mayor Dora Hill aaJd the tour membflra of the board w11l NJl11m In two wet'kt to eow1c1J. otttnnr na.mte ot ~e p.nona. ont" of "''hlcb wtlJ be named u fifth member. Kat• MC'- CMn'11 lrrm t "Cplru 11nd 11'1• ,.,.. OOTed council lhanlu for ht1 You Set" Babe I• u8ed lo havin1t his way In Jt'rrel"llon Parlah. He 111 qulle H man. Ht' C"nntrol11 vole11, he was 11 body 1t1111rrt ror the gr""t Hury Loni: nnd wr met him 11ome yrllrl! •RO. Wht'n WC had 0C'ca .111on 1" m•kr a plct m· .. or H uPy, and lhrr<· \\<\S R&~. :"'ow hi' run11 hl11 own boat l&ntl· lnK. a boat r!'p&1r ya rd 11nd quite " wl'lntlt'rrul road hou.l!t' and 11ervra t h" 11.•r y be11t 11111fft'll crab Md 11otl shrll 1 rah and Ncllllnps . .11hd m pa 11n 1 "''" tft'lul that "·e havr had lh .. pt.-usurr of e11llng In a Jong lung Umt'. cnuntT'y. Rl'~V H.\.RROR \\'r ..,.w t hP •levrlopml'nt.a that ~·'\•t tl\krn adwtnl&f:t' hr rr ot lnrl11•try 111 b1 ln£1nic lo lhlll l!Tf'at a lfll flf govrmmrnt surpluio pr11f1· b1n ·1111 rounlry or Lo11is1anu. 1'h4' erty t.:•o, snit ll 'i. funny to h t> In Kll1• .. r Al11m1n11m l'lant wht're lh!'l!<' h11you.11 11nd I'll'•' thr J::"f"Jl lhr\· 1\1" turnlnjt nut 11hm11num ho1•tlng mnrhlntll. i;:Tl'lll rrAnrs pli; for l hl'lr rnl11n1: plants r ise· th11.t '""' nnlv 1111w In rnhfnrnill at whrt •' Wr l!AW t he grral gl\ell th,. So uth <"Miii <'ompany l'hlp· p1 oc 1 .. .ing planlll whrre they takr yanlio And Ill <"'111-~htp 11n•I \Ytl't· the 11\'~la llhell of Baratarla Bay I rrn l'lpt• aml Stl'rl In the I.All An- 11nd <lUlrr back country and aell Relrt1 MrbOr arra l\101t of th('nt tt. 1t·11 W<rd In plaC't" of irravel In ar-e mark ed "IJnitcd ~tatPs Gov- rnAd work &nd In llrlve w11y1 and In emmenl P roperty" but thty wn,. lndtatry too. bou1thl out of 11urplu1 and are SHF.LL 1!\"l>t·snY ~1ng put to ,11ood u~e. On Nrwport Bay. lhr y reclRlm It and 8"11 It u htnl! teeth, only 1t'1 ordinarily clam 11b4!1l. We Wert' prt,1lcgt<1 to ny from Bii\' ~far<'hand ovrr the cr11nd It· lane! arta <t( Ll111talana. Jt 1s n grt al beach that •lretchtt ror mllu anrJ mll•·a along the Gulf ot Mrxtco and rlitht orf 111honi arr 1ome of the l11land drilling openi· Ilona or the Humble Oil Co .. anll the C11llrnm1a Company wh1rh 11 a Standard Oil a ffa l111tt. Shtll Is " prOducer In Louisiana too, anti whllr we wert In the 1111 we aaw a planr of th" l"nlon 011 Company or C1tllfom ta 110 It ap· pears t.hat much of e>ur rep11t11- llon will 11p read to this rnuntry whethtr tt bf! ~ood or bad. But the bochet of Loulalan11 are not )~<.t In the mannn that we use hem. The u ceptlon 111 perhapt l Grand bland where It la a \'All stretch of bflach whtre FRIEND THATS IN THE AA.MY STOPPED IN TO REAO OLD ~.SAID HE cou.DN'T THINK ~A BETTER WAY TO CA T'CH UP ON V.'H1'T~ 8££N GOING ON IN TOWN/ There are a lot or ot hrr rormt"r govr mmml vessi>l11 bt'ml' u11e<J down here. 'Otne o re LCM'll, a nd LCT'1 an.ct l~VT1< and a tr!'raft cr111h bo&.t11 ·a.nd re11r up boat:-. But the mo"lt popular Vl'lll!ela are t he mt"tlll vr11•l11 t.hal WPff' built nn our we11t cr11ut an I In l!Omr or l he yar•I~ at Uw erurt cnut. an<1 here at lht' H 1gl(Jns &At Wor k•. 011, PR<>Of(f;._14 The mo.l!lt Ullktd tlf aubjrct In Lou1<1a na todlly !3 011 and Ila pro· ducllon. ThPy lln! ycar11 llhr ad of Caliromill In tbe off 11hor11 oil de· vclopment a nd thry do not hav,. to live ctown the problem c N>a led IWrllOI rt'NI P1llZE8! ~"l!A TREii ! lOllt:!t: r om:r.:: work. j .. ..__.. \ In Huntington Beach. Becauae on some of theee platforms In the Cult of Mexico at least on th<>M that we have been privileged to «et close to, you'd never know It wu oll p roduction unit'• you know what a Cbmtmu tree i•. or wha t a storage tank la, or what a preclplt.ator la. AU of these are contai!Md Oii lh4!11e decks, 40 and M feet abow the wr.tera of the Gulf of ~co and there'11 a good ttuon for them beln« that blr;h. Wa dUl- covtred It today. To the nativea thue wu a am&11 aea runnln~. "Ju1t a amaU -:· but t.o a calltomla.n, It wu wonia than a heavy roU or .. cood to. or .. blc wave lll the Oult ot ca~ Una or the bay ot Cat.alJna or San Pedro Bay whatever anyone ~ ea to call that area I~ bfltween our mainland and our gn .. t ott 11hore 1 .. 1and of Cat.allrui. STl':f:L BOATS ··si;o These wave.I down here mean bualneas. They carry authority and rxnt torce. and thty will pound you agaln•l the 11lde of any onf' o! lh1·sc l11la.nd11 or 11omt ot• th" rock Jetties a nd rip rtlp and they'll bru k a woodtn 11hlp to p l,.ce1. Thal Is why m1\ny of the 11teel craft. tho 11t. •'I vru elit built on our "·ut roa,.t and on the UpPflr r&.l't co111t arr;1 have been bought out govrmmtot 11urplu11 for-w•e down here. Tiwrl! 111 no b1td rtputatlon tn the oil Industry In LoulslanL WI! havl' twcn pltBJtantly 11urpr111f'd. W l"ll IC'll you mnr<' nbout that, ~­ cau1r we are itnlng to gl't out end aboard JllOm e of lhellfl plat· tonna and we are itolng to talk to 90mr ot thl' people along the bflach· ta here, and -what they thin.le about thue l.t1Land1 that got the:lr off 11hore are&. 2 Women Collide on _Bayside Drive M111or A<'cldcnt bclwl'fln CU'9 drlvt>n by Clara Mane Bacon of 201 Onyx Ave. anll J olll\ E. Caul· rcr or Hollywoo<l occurred Satur- day on Bay1lde DrlvP and RJchard· aon·~ Yacht Anchnragt. M 1a11 C11ulrPr AAill 11ha was at· tempting a Jrft t um Into Rlchard· 90n'11 whtn hl'r car wu 1lr\lck ln the u11r b;v the Baron 11uto. Mlq &ron u ld 11hr wu r nundiJI« a curve In the rm11t anll d id not aee th!' othPr c11.r The HARBOR gets up early every day, 7 to 10 A.M. wifll DJ /Javis Oft Radio KWIZ 1480 on the radio dlal SNAKES ALIVE, MEN, THEY'RE CRAWLING FOR A ROUNDUP TUSTIN (OCNS) -Final plans are made for the annu1<l rattleana.ke roundup on t he hui;:r Jrvmt R•nch of Orangr County. An Htlmated 2:'.>0 reptile enth11i;1aau art-upe-ctl'd to converre on lhe aprawllng r&.nl'h on Sunduy, May l . t o corral the cre .. turea ln a one-day outing. The hunt 111 spon- SO!'fld by the Eulalde Reptile Clt1b ot Soulht'm Callrornhl. The evt"nt will bt"gin with a cavalcade of ca rs that wtll rendezvoua al TUlllln and then proceed to the Jrv1nc Ran~h. At 7:30 a .m. the hlltlt will ~gln, with ~!trch parties 11cuu1·ini: Silverado a.rid Santiago Canyon regions of the ranch for tht' > dangerous reptllra. Ila gT&nt lng permlNlon tor the hunt, th~ lrvlnr Cnmp11ny wouJd a cctpt no responsibility for lnjarl4!ll to the hunters by the an&kea. Priua wtll be awarded for the heavli>st ratUPanake. thc Jars'e•t number caught by an lnd1vtdua1 and the anlkc with &M moet .ratuea. Reptilt club oftlciala vipect t o roundup l\t least 250 rattlesnakes In the hunt. All w ill bf' capturt"d alll'e and later mllked of lh\lr venom, The snakcs, wfll th~ bt' lll!lnt to puture ln Florida. Tbe repUle roundup wUJ follow by one month the annual catUe roundup on the huge Orangfl County ranch. Art Festival Asks Donation ·For Municipal Theatre Fund By 811E1LMAN A. PA.DDOOK. LAGUNA BEACH, (0CN8) - Clarence Up11c>n YOIDIC. actlnc on beba.lt of the 11' .. Uftl of .A.rt& A> IOcl&tJoo, on la at Wedneaday told memberw of the dty council th• ~tlOft atanda ready to do- nate all lta net protlta toward a Wahon Victor in Optimist Election Ve.me WataoD hu taken over u Newport. Harbor Opliml.lt Club pt-elldent tollowlnlr April elecUona. WataoQ ed&'ed o.org.. .Bu:rkb&rdt tor the honor. Be "pac. reUrt.nc Pnaldent Kay Phelpa. Othera elected l.nclude Th a o ~ke and Ed Boyd, vic.pre.a- denta, Burkhardt, Ea.rt LlD4aey and Ted RuaaeU, board of dJrec:tora, and 0. 0 . Sueaa, aarseant at arma. Ray's lrakes Grab, Canlnt 3-Car Cras• OrabblD« b ra k e a appannUy cau.ed a t.b.re6-0l.r accident April 6 at RI veratde Ave. and Cout Hll'bway, accordlJlc to pollce. tund tor the con1trucUon of a mu· nlclpal tht"atre In Irvine Bowl, and NCOmmended the city UkEWiu contribute lta 1hue ot the net pro- flta to the same fund. Tbe councll, meeUnl' ln!onnaJJy and not 1n rflgul&r ae..ion, took the matter under con.alderaUon. It la l'enel'9.!Jy believed there wtU be an enthualutlc adoption ol the re- commendation u llOOn 1.1 prellmln- uiea can be worked out. Ottlclal action could not be ta.ken at the ln~onnal pthenng Wednead11.y. The Art. J'etlUval bo&rd ot dlrec- ton f&VOf'8 building the new play- houae on the site now occupied by I.he tenni.a court. In Irvine Bowl and atanda ready to pay the eo1t ot movtng the courta to a lllte pro- '1ded by th• city. It WU agreed Mayor Wharton abould appoint a comm!Uee made up of city councilmen, FeaUval ot Art& dlrectora. the community playfll'll a.nd the ~na Beach Tenn.La Club to consider the whole propoa:IUon and prepare & report COYerinl' It. CCMlftty Democrats Prepare fOr Dance James D. Ray, ot 6H Seaward The Or&nee County Democratic Drive, told ortlcera he tried to c..ntr&l COmmltt .. wtll aporuior a atop for tlle tn.tnc Upt. w1ien his brakea sr&bbed Ud llPWl bia auto coWlty-wld• Democratic dance on lnto cara 4riv1n by John Henry A.pril 23 at t.h• American Lec1on MJUer, 21, Of Wl.lrh1na1.on and Clar-Rall, 313 North Blrch St., S&nta e¥• BO"N&l'd Hubbard, oe. of Sa.n Ana at 9 p.rn. ,.,cketa for lhe Blrnardtn6. MWer and Hubbud dance may be pul"ChaMd from Dale j were stopped fa«" Ula alcnaJ. orn-Botte, 19H Federal SL, Coeta C«'e -.Jd. Me& I ,, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART 111 -PAG£ 5 THURSDAY, APRIL 141 1955 Gorton Guilty of Felonious Drunk Charge I SANTA ANA (OCNSl -Super· tor c.;ourt Judge Raymond Thomp· 30n found fotml'r ~rwport llear h ru<slst11nt chtcf of J>Olk l' Ktnneth ! \\". G<lrton. 61, guilty ot tolonioua drunk dr1vlng Monday. Joctge Thompl!<ln aet probaUon hearing and aentend nar tor April 22 Gorton waa continued on· bail. The fonner police offlct"r wa1 aeclacd of drlving his car acro&Jt the double line on COUt H ighway about a qua rter mile north of BaJ· 0011. Blvd. Aue. 18. 19114. Mr. and Mrs. Willia A. Prat t. 2086 Tburin Ave.. Coeta Me.a. were In the car lnvolved In the crash with Ow:ton'..1. Meanwhile the PJ'lltta Monday flied aulta agaln1t Oorton tol&llD« $300,000. The rouple were !nJur- ed In the tralflc accident wh.lch brou~ht .. bout Gorton'a ureat. DEA TH NOTtCE WILLIAK BUI.LOCK FunMal eervlcea t or WllUam C. Bullock. 82, ot 1>48 Weatmln11ter Ave. were held toda111t 2:30 p.m. In Parku-R!dley Mortuary Cbapt'I. The Rev. B. T. Hender80n, paetor ot P'lrat Mtlhodl1t Church. Hemet, ottkJated. M r. Bullock died . Monday In Santa Ana Community Hoepllal after a.n Ulneu ot two wffk& He Wfl.I a naUve ot Kelt.hburl'. UJ, and came to Ula. Harbor ar'ff. from Ne· bruka tn 1924. He waa a reUred tarmt"r. Burvtvora are hi• wile. Carla; a eon. James L and wlte Ruth. of the home addrua; a brothn. Adrian Shoemaker. ot Wyomlllg; t'IV"O alatera, lira. O~e Vroman of Loa AJl&elea and Mrs. Leeanna Hicks, ot Whittler : al~ one gnuid- d .. ughter, Ubon Bullock. of tbe home addreu. lntumant wu tn Melroae Abbey Cemelt"ry. Dhmorci Ille GOll9 Olen Dlamorl' of l M E. OcMll Front toW police noenu1 a blcyde wu atoltn J.n front ot hb home. The wheel la a pl'a blue bike w1lh no fenders, he aaJd. PARKF-" -RIDl.t:\' &IOUTUAKV •·ormnly (,ftAt•r.t. ('ffAl'l:L 110 Broad"•Y -C'°""' M- Ll~rty !'-SUS aod 11-Hst HOUSC TllAU.£1l INSURANCE ANYWHt:ltE £. A. Tel••1• fMO l'lew11.,.t 81,. ... Coele M- Newport Varkty l'OU& a ... 10 8TOlll! We Give Cln.'11 8..._119 Oc... Fl-oat NNr l"ter l\'l!:WPORT BEACH BE SURE -INSURE . -.itla MAl'lU'.E 8TA.'"LI.:\' lna~ Onl~' P1IOQe tlarbof_H7' Ul6 t;. C-t Wclll-.·a, Corooa d .. I Mar \\'ATER HEATER!'! lAlllS, SllYICI el'd RUAlll Joe ,.tl:a~6Jof J Jui.cs IO PH CENT DOWN ,._ H.,h< UJO llA TTR.E88t;S ao.ta-11--r........ lrnl(Wu 8laapee Uber1y 8-UOS COSTA KESA llA'JTIU:U 00. %150 Ne-.-port Blvd. Call DAN'S TV llenk!e ... tale ....... Ubertyl-2228 quick Service FOR Roller Shades !tanda.rd !hade Cloths and CU.tom Spec:lalUN e Drapery Hardware • Veraetlul BU.Du OALL R4&80a IM THE SHADE SHOP Ut l%lld IL. Newport .... "-'de .... .... Oftlea ~ come front -.taat pnctlc. t An ad NfUJ.ul>' In uu. ,..,_ wW proctuoe .-du tor 70U- Ford leads in sales because Ford leads in value Coli/Omla'1 Cltoltt ~ FtJT I Ford bu led all other mak• in ... b the i-t eighteen month• in California. ln Soutben Cali&nia alOM it out.old iCI ~ eompetitor bJ a btr l2,k2 aniwl 1..«Jdao inV~fTrigger-Torque power, Speed-Triaer Fordomatic, anale-poi!OO suapenaion, UlllM~hed 1tylin.g, other f.flCton mau Ford the outaumding buy! And Ford ii first in re.ule value, tno! It's worth more when you buy it., worth more when you tell it! Qlsts UB.'f (!!Run, Less !Q buI, toot Ford led its "low·pricerl three" oompet.it.on in gas economy in the Mobilgaa Ecxmomy Run in both siJt cylinder Md V-8 cia.91 And it's /fJuv-Rt•prrcrrl. of the three. You can now huy 8 Ford a11 low as $1759• deliver·.d in Southern California. THEODORE ROBINS YOW' Ford Dealer Slee• 1921 -(On 3100 W. Coast Highway Newport leach M.1Mr'1 MleJ Liberty 8-3471 " (}overnmenl ·~rom • PA6E 6-PART t 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL I ·~, t9:S I "God gront us the serenity to accept the things we connot chonge: the courage to ~honge the things we can and thJ BRUSI-I C~)UNTRY wisdom to know the d ifference." IA. Anon.) JOURNAL Ry E'"iD I T 0 R I A L S UOl?/\Ct: PARKER 0 !!. ~~~!a ~~~~~ii~ the~~~f MW· co, If an~; hu benefited navigation and .boating that ia there. Tliere hu been one instance of a fire on an off •bore rte. T.here of course have been instances of minor oil apiU., but, according to the Louiaiana fiah and game offlciala, fiilbing, wild life and conservation have all been greatly benefited by the operations of the petroleum lnduatry in the bayou country. For instance, we aaw, in Galveaton Bay great flight& of roeeate apoonbill.s, a bird the Audubon Society aaid a fe'lf yean ago wu faciqg extinction. Theae bird.a were .een in great numbera arQund what we considered to be a. horrible example of oil production in a body of water. We aay thia becaUM we believe the oil operationa con- c~ntrated near Houston in Galveston Bay, are what moat people think of when they are talking of platforms and barges and rigs. But thia i• not true. Theae wens were drilled many yeara·ago. They are in nry shaUow water that isn't good for boating or fishing or anything elae. It 11 quite a distance removed from the ahip canal between Galveston and Houaton: therefore, we gueaa that it hurts no one, but it hu helped the wild life in thia area. In the Louisiana bayou country, the dredging by the petroleum industry companies in that swampland ha.a brought in better water, baa improved vegetation. The effluent from dredging operations haa created addition· al land, and the land has been overgrown and shelter ia being afforded to birds that migrate into the great federal preserve there. So carefully hu the oil operation here been administered, that the birda,•gee.e and duck have become so gorged and fat that game wardens at times have been worried aa to whether they could ny off in their ~vetse migration to the north country. Thia was not told to ua in a joking way. They had pictures to prove it. We do not propose that oil riga should be put off our shore. We do not propose that platforma ahould be built. We do not propose the City of Newport Beach ahould ask its citizen• to repeal its prohibition against oil operation, but we do believe we should properly pre- pue a forceful ordinance that would protect our ahore land and our off shore arua that are now the property of our community under grant from the State of Cali- fornia. We do believe ordiruuices abould be adopted that would 11ave. us from being another Huntington Beach. We do not believe that the petroleum industry, u an average, or u a whole or in any m~jor part ia in 1ym- pathy or even tolerant of that which baa been done in turning the downtown Huntington Beach area into a t own lot field. But that wu only po8Aible becauae a city council slept and a town that once waa an oil field i11 now a.galn an unre.tricted operation by all of the wild irresponsible riggers and drillers of the United States. Our own URmblyman. Earl Stanley, hu intro· duced a bill that provides in area.a where cltiea have reg- ulation1J go\'eming the exploration and production of oil, that operaton under state contract&, must respect and abid~ by that city's regulations. Thia aame bill also providea that no operator work- ing under a state contract. need ~t any municipal- ity's prohibition against oil operation. That la what we fear for our town. We have attn oil platfonn1 -you can see &n oil island. We have aeen proper production from properly constructed. rigidly controlled and aafely oper- ated, oil platform•. You can ~ a properly constructed oil ialand at Seal Beach. WASHINGTON REPORT By \'our Coa~ JAMES B. U'1'T Thn>UKh the <'nurtuy of the Honorable Edlu w .. Hlo tan<I, Rt· publican <"'o nii:r,.om•n from l..oe .Angelu County J wuh to quote hla follo,.,lnJ l'll<'f'llt nt rl'port. 00 NOTHING CO.SORP.:_,8 ! "The 8-0th Conlre .. , 11ndl'f thf' Rrpubllcan1, who• net achltve· mentwu twice u i rrat u that of the p~vloua COnr"P11• and fully a third crnter than that of Ill auc- ceator. wu dubbl'<I by P ruldtnt Truman .,. lhl' "Do Notl\Jn,; Con· JT•N." Will the prtMnt Democrat Con11reaa actually '""" that de· ecrlptJon f "Under the drlvlnr l1uh of Call· tomla'a Senator Bill Kno-a•l&11d, the ~nst,. lut year, up to April l . h•d paMf'oll 2'22 meaauru .. a· ira.tn•t 82 th la year. It Included 82 Srnate bill• u •l•ln•l 11 ttlla yu r; and 1:11 Senate bills ha d bc-rn reported out aa aplnllt 70 Lhl11 yur The Hou ..... on the other h•n1I, had p&aeed 2811 meu urea IH I year 11p to April I, a nd 23.'I lhla y .. ar. Of Hou.w bllC., H9 had p11J11l'd •«•Inst J3t thl• year. Ot meawru pu sed by the Senate, the HouH approvf'(j !16 aa aplnat 8 tl)l1 Y"lr. "ln one lfn1t-. thla 11 not quit• a fair companann, beca u•e thf M•· Jor1ty Party h11d to reorranlie tht• yu.r But. even compartnr It with ----- ,.,.?I...,. -·•'1' Mt~ at 11_,.... ...... O.W. . li!r .. JdlWlioaT llAABoa PVBLll!IRl.NG OOllPANY 2'11 ·~·-......... ". Neither of theae operations. of themselves is bad, except to those who for their own good reasons. feel there should be no oil exploration of any kind. We re- spect th'eir feelings, but we cannot accept t he steward- ship of this newspaper and continue to go along with them while our city faces a grave danger of its prohibi-~ tion becoming inoperative and bec~se our city was once .\ i!J" ., , • ~ .r .,. • •••. , 't , . ~ '9u8t1c ' 1"' ;'!>11«41)<\ C Ed. Not• -"''• C'O>lumn b~· Hnr•<'ot .. •rlcl'r "Ill .._, wt~ th" lltU1~,l1it0w• nt .. lorll'a.I riu-1 .. "" haa drt'd-=<'d up In Illa naa7 tril>" inln tM bal'k C'1tuntry In rf'«'4'nt yran.. I I waa u ,ked the other day how we planned and made our tours of the bruslt country. These trips are made for fun and needed recrr ation away from the pressure3 of our business life and are NEVER PLANNED. I am one of these char- acters who does his best thinking and work at night and thhefoNt we may not get 11t11rted the waler out and the vlllase had until noon. 1 My old 1940 ruatom· to be abandoneJ. an oil field, once again being a town lot field with doz- ens of riga endeavoring to tap the pool, from which Mon- terey Oil Co. is now operating. There have been too many new developments in the petroleum induatry. In the matter or heating the thick, gooey a.sphaltic mua that ia produced in Newport Beach, heating it BO that it ia profitable to recover it. That would bring oil production again to Newport Beach u a town lot field, if we do not have proper munici pal leg- islation to govern those operations. The State of California bu determined through itJI Lands Commission that it i• going to lease the off shore tidelands at Huntington Beach. The Landa Commiaion'• theory ia that it ia ab1Dlutely mandatory undel' the law that it off aet and protect the interest of all the people of the State of California against the drainage of its off ahore pool from on shore operations. Right or wrong, we cannot argue with that theory, becauae it ia in the law. Therefore, they will call for a bid for an off shore i1- land, or an off ahore platform, and repreaentativee of all the big compa.niea will be there to bid. ... _..., They will endeavor to tap the existing pool or new poola. They will endeavor to produce to the beat of their ability, the greatest amount of petroleum product.a ob- tainable from the off shore areas. This type of opera· • tion i1 something that ia feasible and can be done. It need not be careleuly done, it need not be dangerous to the on shore area, to the maintenance of good, cle&n beaches. They need not be huarda to navigation, nor to fishing, nor to the fullest enjoyment of the coutline. They can be properly situated, and if a pool is found the islands or platforms can be a refuge for 8'!immen car- ried out by the tides, or for boat. that have fallen afoul of the weather or of other accidental happening•. They can be a haven for fishermen; They need not be a hu- ard to anyone. You can aee an ialand producing oil from a man-made mass of land at Seal Beach and I have seen not only this island, but platforms that the industry hu talked about. Both will be pictured in tht. paper. . • -Ben Reddick Good News For Communists lf a aurvey made by the Opinion Research Corpora- tion among aeniora in 86 high achoola, scattered acrosa the country, ~ correct, there ia something alarmingly wrong with American education. According to the result., 82 per cent of these atu· dent• do not believe we have competition in buainea: 60 per cent feel owners get too large a share of the profit.a ; 61 per ce.nt reject the profit motive aa necessary to the survival of our free aystem; M per cent accept the claa- eic communist doctrine of ''from each according to abili- ty, to each according to need•," and 60 per cent think a worker should not produce all he can. Thia would make the men in the Kremlin and our other Ideological enemies happy. For, if auch view• are wjdely held a.nd acted upo• by our citizens of tomorrow, we will destroy this nation from within -which ia what the Communists want beyond anything else. READERS WRITE TO SEE BOX CANYON , laed Plymouth l t'dan Who 1• cur-We want to take e.not,her lr1p rently workln& on her third mo-to the Vallt'<'1to Butterfield Stage tor, 280.000 mllea. and ta I.he only 1 Station which hu been recon- Plymoul.h of that vintage with I 1tructed and take aome photo•. On the way back l want to walk an overdrive that 11 like a good I through the Boll: Canyon whtre th• horM. Glw her her head and •he 1 pioneers on the Yuma trail were will take you pn an adventure. rulU'lelled thru, In hope1 or pkk· On a trip recently we started out Ing up aome relJca and Jet ~me t latt. M cheater Boddy In the photos of the place where Colonel 0 v an , Cooke and hill Mormon Battalion Pauma Valley, he wun•t In hla of-I blasted a way for· their wqona flee. Bo up the Rincon grade we and canon, went With a aide trip to llff &Jain I We are alllo In &elU"Ch ot a can, the Chapel of L& Jolla. thea on to of whlt"h we know the app~lmate location, where a trtend or oura Santa YAbel to vlalt with ht.her found It almost Intact with lndian Jl'Tancl1 and Brother John at that fumlabl11g11. There t1 an olla or chapel. two In It (earthen norap ja.r11) SK Nl:W CHAUCE 1 and a crudt bed or bru•h on a A.a we neared the Chapel ot San· ledge of rocks. In thJ1 mam.e vlcln- ta. YAbel, we 11pled the bla<'k lty ILN' 110me t ine Indian JMllntln1• flowing robea ot Brother J<'hn or which we hope to re~ IOma waUtlns tllong thr hlrhway. We photoa. atopp~ and he 1111.ld the Father On one of our trtpa down there D SI . a.k th ard that much more wun't home and lnal3ted un going the wife llnd dad-In.Jaw walked !n- ear r . m e e c nt ba.ck with u11 to the Chapel We to 11 c•anyon where thl'rl' a.re a. Since the ~port ln the Newport meanlnff\11. It w .. tot th!• pol d talked of the muuitng bell• of San-number M "JndllU\ Tank11." Karl Ha.rbor Newa-Pre .. of the meeting and thll ~Int alone -0 .ry an ta Yaabel and then he pl'oudlv Brnn11• knew of their f'xt.tenC'e a.nd on April 15, 19M, of Ule Newport utilise thl' p~aent •:,~m 8 yearll I •howed ua a new Chalicl' \he ChttP-they found them. A "lank" In the Beach l:lement&ry School Board of e.x~~leTlnce th&ht I1 .... _retuedk mty Ell had purchased In Italy from de11erl 111 a hollowed out hole In w1th rtl 1 t t th remar..... me a ou " ..., a en o di J>ll c: ar r: erenc~ 0 1 11 I explore that poa.slbWty. The J>ro-money thrown Jn to the hot 11pr1ngi. I he gninlte In. a atr1•am bed or .•l rna 1 n 't •Y• em1_,~ .. lnmyae dwul n-..,_d card doe& not for example <at Warnerll. 1t cam<' time to le11ve the base of a dry waterfall, Dur- comp e e, m .. _.. g an nae-,...._, ' a.I f and we took Brother J ohn J nr 4 Ing the Infrequent ralna thetie curate, I feel called upon to make provide fQr aepara.te ev uation ° miles down the road to Santa tanka fill with water. and becauM t.ate t r t lart the bulc qualltlq and character-• . a • men or purpoee 0 c • laUca deet ated tn the put under Y11a~I Indian Resel'Vlllion where of the 1111.nd at them ll mo~ or leM flcatlon. the head!!; of "Growth 111 Per-wtth a clean quart jar he waa protecta them from evaporation, ll'lnit. may I at&te clearly &nd .anal Habit.a and Attitude.." It l'Olng tor a qu11rt of milk. No By digging d(lwn one ran UllUally emphatically that I would refu11e waa my feellnl then a.nd now that doubt .90me religious v1111tallon find 11ome water. Around them one to commit myaelf ln advance to the rt rt hould ~ ade to! went w ith It. win fmd m8ny India.I\ al(lU and acceptance or adoption of a com-evekry the 0 •rt __ _. m w because lh1-la on prtv11.te prop-m& e e repo ._. ... MfVe u a We lht'n awung up to a.m ere f 1 kl mlttee report affectlnr b a• I c _, ... ,_ d h 1 tul Id d Hot S"rlnga. Slowed up for the erty we are In hopee n p c ns ... __ I hool 11 y ... It' v ... ua...... an e P an a an " u •Arna -11·cM, Cuauge n ac po c • ~ media to p&rent and atudent con.. Chapt'I there ttnd then continued P ~ ~ • ~ n 0 V 1 gra.dea or otherwlae, before It hM cemlnc ht. achool accompUah-\_oward Oa.k Gi·ove and Aguanga Our hOlleaa Mr1. u all a way11 been prepared and pre1ent.ct for t ,_ lbl d U laking aonie phota11 enroute. Ar~ hu a number or Indian campaltu _ .. d dl t h o .,,_d men • u .. poaa e an prac ca-wh\~h •re idea.I ("r arrowhead ... u Y. rega.r eaa 0 W 0 c m,,--ble To the extent that the card rived In Temecula Just before the lh ll --. Ill vak d the membenihlp of the committee. c~ reOll<!t the atudent'a grade atoru doled a nd got grub for I un ng. ' 1 "c es~ w wl td eh• a~ or To do ot.herwiae would be an un-•tandlng al'alnit the clua aa a aupper. On this one trip 1 picked 1 two and t e n a ave en warranted deleptlon of powera whole or predetermined standard up the germ for at les.at four fu· lit>advy enouglJ tho Jay backl tth• and reaponalbllitJN of a 1chool M n a we may ave llOme n er· trustee. The rifbt penionally to or norm, and yet reta.ln the cloee-ture yarns. . • fJJtlng hunting. review and .,._ Jud6me.nt gn the at-hand Individual, pen10nal evalu-S~!UNG \IACAT.JOS 1 LOST PALM CANl'ON report and to aubmlt It to parent.a aUon by the teacher. 1 favor a Thi. I• our Spring Vacation and / There I• aleo a "loll JMllm can- and the entln communJtyJ'or their "blendlnr" or comblninc of the the wit• &lid kid.a Jett tonlg-ht tor yon" which very few p.opla bava c<KWlderatlon before tlnal actl<>n 1.8 propoeed and axlaUl\I' (l'a<k ay•-an o¥oemlght atay at lhP C"abln In wand .. red lntn. J •m anxloua to taken I hold ~ra.mount. It la a t.ema. Rot Spring11 Canyon on l.he Or-I ~e wl:lat Wt' run Into here. policy which 18 admlnhrtratlvely ln one fundamental there la tf'g& Highway. Tomorrow th• y·11 AllK'I rurlhf'r down toward11 lhf' sound and recognised by law In the a~ment. Any chance wlllch will I pick up the trailer et T,.men1l" Stt.Jton Sea 1"' a pernllar tort of Ca1lfornla Stale Education Code. Improve our educaUonal s yaUim I and head for the BoreR'O Vallry rodi anll adt>be. I dllubt if nvl'r should be adopt.ed. But precipltou11 land the OuV11tl "Inn• whrrr m1r """ or twn people know of itl ex- Thtrefore, 1n moving that the action which reject. the J>08.llbil· old des11ert gi11dt>. K1.1rl B1•n1111.t. lllt rnre or location. Karl Bennla Board accept the report of the lt y of a. contribution from cun:~nt wlll br w11lll111; for us. Sumloy I Grade Study Committee and defer and paat experience 18 likely to llhall go down.. 111 nnr of them anl1 we hope to vl11· 'definitive action until the next res-prove COlilly a.nd Inadequate. l be-I While down ther,. we hllVe 11 1t It. On top ot m11ny nt the deti· ular School Tru1t ee meetinc, I waa llevt, therefort, that the time tak· 1 ber ( th tn do. Our •l)d r·ri hlll11 art> 11lmnge maua of adherlnJ to aound policy and pro-en by parents and public wQJ be ni m " ing11 perly dlecharslng my rHponalblll-well spent In rarefuJly analyzing 1 frlenll Mr. E1.tlerhrook ha!! prnnl· r0t·k11 li.1c1 out hy the Jn11tan11 and tlea aa an ele<:ted truaue. Thia mllY durlnJ the next 11evual day" the lsed the k irt11 , an l"llrly n111rnlni;: w~ w11nl to 11ee 11ome of thtM'. appear u unnece•ary delay and recommendatloru of the Grade I rabbit hunt. v. e hope 1" vt.~lt i·la Anrt 11trang~l m11y ael'm It) obatr .. -roua action Oil rny pert. If Study Commlt~e. 1 Jeep a l11rg,. Indian vl llagt In the '--~ = ..-Fl11h P.tn11nlalo ~rl'11 Tl111< \•llll1ge you planners and 11<.'he<1ul .. &'UY". If thl• cort11Utute. creation of a By: Harvey D. Pea.ae, Truatte at nne time wM <•n thr Ntge of 11 the weRl h<'r '" lflO hnt or Windy, "•nae", then I will be guilty of of the Newport. Beach Elernen-~1-naoa or n1•1tdo"· 11.· ."••11 rn1°hl " " In th tutu-for I •hall ' ~ ~.. ' " ' •, ,. Wt' 1<h11ll roml' nut 11nrl IOl'l ur "" 11n&&'• e ·~· t&ry School District call il In thl' cle11l'rt 1•ountrv. Y.'11- never knowln(ly or lntentlorally __ ter a nd K!UTJI' """1.,. rl!'•ll•tui. ThPn rnlll'!' ""W 1111ttl'rn nf 11d''"nt 111 '-'" 11acrltlc& my convtcUon1, belief• Of' The New1-Pre1a ta alwaya happy e&ml' lln earthqwl\,. whit'h npl"n"t1 In thr mount111n11 a.rnunt1 Julian. sworn nbUpUona upon the alter t.o print non-llbeloua letlenr from 1 a rift In the ranyrm \h11l 11reinP<1 1 Anrl thn1 llJ:'R•n. m11ybf. Wl''ll of e.xpedtency. It.a readera. A• the editor wrote I Now a.a tn the main l1111Ue: Doel the newa atory to which Mr. Peue lhe adoption of an A. B. C Gracie I nifera. he la prlvl\e(ed wH I\ an- Report Card n~tsaa.rtly mean that awennc the truatee'a clalma. 19~3. ,when we had the reorpnls· tnr to do, certain production fig· ure1 a.re lntere1tlng. The Houae, 11p t.o March l. 111~3. had puaed 6~ HoUJ1e blll11 aa aga ln•t 311 thla year, anf1 had reported out 81 u against 32 th l1 year, over the aame per1od. L&1t year. rl'member, we hlld a mar(1n in the HOWie averag• Inf only thr.,e. and during moi l of the Sfflllon, o! mlnua on• ln the Senate. Undf'r the leaderllhlp of the other Party, only 18 bllla have puled both Houan and ione to the Whtie HoWle, and I'm wre i,hey don't brae about all of them. all ldeaa and experltnce of the pre-1 Two penion11, one prtlll!nt, one sent ft'l.dLnr 11yet.em ahall be U· 1abaent from th,. meeting ducrlb- to JeOO and $1200. and had to paa cludf'd, prohibited and reJecud? I ed. thought the rra.dlnr ayitem It over a Truman veto to do 10. thlnlc not. Thia quelltlon should be itory particularly objectlYe and But they tlad baJanced the budget clurly dl11t1ngulahed from ano01er I dlapualonate. William. R . Spur-. thf'n and could rf'lif've the Income one with which It may ~ eaally 1 r eon m , who pre11ented hla Jra.dt ta.x payer• without creating-lnfla-contulled. na.mely: De we adopt an itudy committee report to the tlon. They r al•ed the exemption tor A. B, C Grade Repo!1' Card or keep board, thought the ivwaator y well people ovtr 8~ Crllm l .'100 to it 200 t he preaent. ey1tem. There wu no ! done and ob)ectlve In treatment. i..Jctnc ovl'r 1,400.000 people ofC doubt In my mind then nor now 1 Councilman J. B. Stoddard, not at th!' tax roll• entirely. During 24 that the Board of Truateea ahould the meetll\I'. but a former truatee of the 28 years the ~mocrata had adopt a form of A., B, C re,POrt I prior to ht. election. Informed the control of Congreu, they falled to card. 'Mi•l dedalon wu made writer tti.t, the report card etory live with.in their Income. In the patenUy clear and virtually &Ulo-waa atng-ula.rly well wnllen and laat 20 yu.n they were 111 power, matlc by th• vote preference which dlev-lonate In trM.tment. In hi• they raiaed the Income lax for tile the parent& Indicated. It I• lo that opinion. "Not all Commltteo were 1low In cettlng •tar ted. Way1 and Mean• rush.d throurh the 120 In- come TtJt handout blJl without tven holdlnr hearlnft. In my judg-- ment. thl• 120 "relief," ainc• kill· ed, would l\ave •ctually penalized the anrag .. worker and thole in the lower Income grnup by Infla- tion and permanent lncrea1ed cOllt of living. Thia would have hurt hlm·tar more than the 40c a WHk per dependent could poaeJbly h elp him on a on1-ttm1 refund. ''The problem• taclnJ the Con- JT~• are indeed l•rie. If we keep proddlnc the ltad•nhlp of the other Party coMl.t«1tly and firm- ly, we may be &ble to l'flt th• ac- tion w. need. TAX 1'avoll09 "Koet of the thouaanda ot rood Dtmocrata wbo read thJa bulletin will appr'eclate a qutc.lc clance a t the t.u. r.corm or UM two part1e1. Durfnr the 41-yea.r hJatory ot the lncome tu law11. there have been U lncraaau under Democrat Ad· mlnl«ratlona, and only 2 W\<hlr Republican . Ot th• JO tax reduc· Uona, t wtte made by Rapubllcana and only 1 by ~ocrat.a. lowest Income fTOUpe 4 percent point that I am quoted by Inter· The atory wu aa complete aa to 22 pe.rce.nt. ence and lmpllcaUon aa beln( com· I .pace allowed, 'coneldering Mr. "Why do I ta.Uc ao much about pletely oppallt'od to the adoption of Ip-gave forth at conalderable money, about budgets. about tu-the A, B. C oard wher ein I &m length 1n board dl9Cuseton on the u 1 JU1t thl-ln addition to being 1ald to raise the f quot.e J "main ob-' matter. Whtie we re&llr.e Mr. the root of all evil. money 111 the jecllon, uklng whether tht preaent I Peaae i. a candidate to aucceed Soclallllta' gn1te1t and most ey•t.em'1 years of experience ' hlmaelf ~e aubmlt the atory wu powertlJJ aecret weapon. 1hould be discarded In favor of the written' down the middle. Mr. "Amencanlam va. Soclall•m wlll, card wbmltted," Whether dellber· Pease hu had atYeral months In In my judgment. be the gn,llt l11s11e atf'ly nr lneplly, that statement whlcll to atudy the committee'• In the next poli tical l'amp3lgn. waa taken completely .out ol con-thlnklnc and research before the During the J>13t two yrar11 we were text. report wu tumed In. We do not able to atop the growth ot !IOclal· I 1taled that J _, not oppoeed wlah to He any tru1tee relinquish i1m colll. thu11 reveralng tht> trf'nd to the A. B, C report card. Fur-hla riJht to review ~d pus judg- •larted yurs ago when the Nf.'w lhern1orr. I m11dr 11peclllc refer-ment on any report prorrly pre-~111 took over. But the plrt11r~ encr to the ract t ha t J had lnlU-aented to him. ha.s changed. The &U a<>k from lhl' !\led the (ormBlion by otClclal ac- aoclallata, well-financed and well· t10n of lhe tru11tee11 of the Union organlz<'d, 111 on. High School, C011ta Mua and Ntw· "Lenln onC'e 11111<l that th~ w11y po1 t Beach Element·a.ry 11e)1ool dia- to c-onquer " cn1mtry 1~ to w1eck t rlet• of a Clll.zenll Education Com- lta economy by debaurh111g IB ·cu r· mitt~ compol!<'d of t l'achera and rency. That he knew whA l he wu p11rcnta of tho11e resperth •e dla- ta.lklntc about lft l'Vld~nt when one tl'ICl.11 whoae. purpoae. among oth· looka upon what la happening-en, waa to 1tudy and recommend or rather hu happened-In Europe chAngee In the (l'ade •Y•lem which and which we are datermlried will would brlflS about ck>ler coordlna- not hapJNn In the United Statea. tlon betWHn UM hlJh Khool and elementary l'f'ld•· (That I made BM.J:AA CAMPAJO.N thl• •U&'JMtlon la arnrmed by th• 'The pubUc acofflnJ by a Wa.t mlnutea of the flnit meeting of Vlrgtnla Senator ot the Prealdent'• that c.ommlttea, dated ..,iune 17. tellgioua alncertty 11, I am told, 1'~3.) wttllout precedent In our bl1tory. On the other hand, I malnt.&ln.t It •bocked &11d outra1ed Demo-ttiat l could find no mand&t.e 11t'hlcll crata a.nd R1p11bllcan1 altkt . When before han we had u Prealdenl. declared that everyth.ln• pert&tn- Th• "anar" be refer• to doH not apply to any one penion or thing , the 30-day dela_y action ot the board beln1 occuloned by the qu .. uon of wb.ther to put an "F" on the report card u y.reU aa Mr. p-·· deetra to have additional time to at~ Ule whole problem. Thia waa lndlcated cleuly ln the 1tory. The "blendinc'' of old and naw 1yatema of JT'Sdln« waa clear- ly rnenUonld w1tbout ,01nr In to the ape.ca Mr. P-doee a bove. The auperlntendent'• oplnJon ot l\lc!l blendl.ns waa atated. NEW CHAUCE -This waa purchased by Chapel of Santa Ysabel from funds thrown into hot aprinp at Warnel'9. -Horace Parker Photo READERS Aprtl 14, 1966 1 th ink the City Council lhould Of'ar Mr Reddlr k· ~Akt 11tep11 to a.e" what th" J>C*I· IR189ClllPnON &Afta: N.wpen Raner N...._..._, Twt.,. w.-a,, • 0....-0.-tT, ..... ,. ~; ........ -.; ....... ,. -. °"..... •l 0.-...• c.i.-t7 .,... ,.., , .. , "When the Democrat• took over In 1933. lhe exemption tor !l mar· rled couple waa u~. The.. •Jt· empUon.e ... ,. 1lMdUJ cut down witll lHI. lo an all·llm• Jow of ·10-00 pet lndlY!dual, 11000 for a to\lple. Your Rl'publlcan llOth Con- IT-lncrMMd Ul'aa axemptlon1 We reSftt apace prohlb<te41 rUnntn1 Mr. P-...·a tull renuiru at the mMl&n&'. OUI« pereon•' full at&llmtnt.9 Ullo bad to be cropped. tng to Ute preeent .,.tern wu all a hither exa.mpl• to youth In tbe bad and ahould be a.rbltrartlf romblnatlon 11t the very topa In thrown out. "'mply bec:au.ae It wu Hence, tM writer cannot accept military, pollUC&I and aplntual la-the pnetnt •Y•tem. U . tn a ddition Mr. ,..._ .• cont.nllon the llt.ory teaTtt7? '"'9 a tta ck ahow• how and .upplement&l to the Pf'OJl9Md wu tnc~ ~"'' aad 1.11- low 90me pollttc1an1 w'tMn they are a .. ~r• 191\M," A, 8, C card .oma 'penot1al, tndt· accul"&ta. vldual evaluation of th• 1tudent•a llsnad performance by the teacher could • be noted Oft the card, It would Wl1".,." A. MM""· ~Ito' l a m a prop,.rly owner In the hlli\11'11 are tll encc.urage lhla ty~ City of Newix•rt Beach anti lllAO of clt>vl'l<1pmen t. J 11.m a.trlLld that own property 1n • nel1thborln1t 1r nottilng 111 dnne to J>"l'mlt driU.. city. Several of th-"" l<'.>\11 arc> Al· 1n1t thot y11ur prt11ent ordlnan<:4!1 ready beln1t drilled s.nd l sm a mlRl\t nol atana up If chaUllf\Cad firm believer In the lf\lld own"r tle· m rt)Urt lh"n we would hllve town rlv1nJ the benefit.I of th~ ml ne ral lot tlrill111~ •l•rt up ovemlcht. right.a under hl11 own J>r"'P"rty I 8p.>nd my 11umme"' and va<' ..... I a.m 1gaJn11t thr mrtli•i.13 u~d l1•1n• a t rny Harhor horn• bUt re- in ttll• neiJhborlnl city and I Aid-in t:pla.nd. whue I am tn ~ would Uk• to -the city of New· I ne.H. port. IHaf'h take •ome eUlrmallve at.ape to lttlfall'.e eontrolll'd diree-1 uonal drilling fr,..m lndu111r1aJ i 11r-ll11 Phf'tlll•; M" P"Lrl J. 8m1Ul 420 I:. 8eYenlb It... Cpland, C&lit. Tuk~ lh tk , • . ' I \ I ' I . I ,. ,. , Will Preach DR. EWING S. HUDSON T.H. Films .., on Program at Church 0!'~r~~t~e .. n: .... COMES TO ST. ANDREW'S .. nno111 on "Or.at M~n ot Old" .nn be pruehed .,,. lb•~·· Don· B h M Will B 1M O. kpp al t.ba 9:IO Ul4 11 &.m. Long eaC an e Anitle• In many capaclU., lnclud· lJ\I' lh• m~tonlhtp. Colored moUon plcturu ot the Hawaiian Iala.nd.s will be 1bown next Wedne1day, April 20, at lhe monthly F'amlly Nf&ht procrain of the Balboa b land Communlt)' Methodlal Chur<'h. Part.rtloner1 will '" the movlea taken by the Rev. and Mre. Frank E. Butter· wort.h of the White Temple Meth· odlal Churcl\, An&htlm. eierttc• Sunday at the Balbo6 LI· land eommunJty xethodat Cburch. Assistant to Pastor Thl8 luncUy• topic ta ''Tbe Men Atur Qoc1'• Heart." Ttl• choir w1U alnl under the direction of Le1\J• Van Dyke. NUr9ery care will be provided for 11m&IJ dlildren at the 11 o'clock Mrvtce. Dr. Hudaon wtU 9har. In all the putora.1 duUH, but wlU have •i>e· clal r.,ponaibWU" ln ~ tleldrof puc.oral ca111nc. putonl counael· 1n( &nd men ·a work. Directory of HAllOI AREA CHUICHES aL Aa4rews ..,..,...... ClhM itth It. Ir BL Andrew• Rd., &Cr'ON trom BJp 8chool Liberty WT71 • Putor: Jtey, JamN 8. Btewart c-ny x: ..... ...--"o w. 1eth --""-1t.. Ll'be MM2 a.v. J h W. Mc8hueo n. Clludl ., Cllrta& 1060 Church St.. Cotta M .. Libert, 1-6711 Tom Baku Jr.. )(JDUter <l'lut8& Clnuda BJ n.. a- Commuaity Methodt.t Balboa Blvd. at UUI, N.wport Harbor 612t Mlntatfl': l\eY. Roy Carlaon BL ~OMlabll Clavdl 19" Oralle• An., Colt& Me• Liberty 8-1091 J'athtt Thomu J . Nevin .,,.., ll&ptte& Cllurcb of Ne..,,On Balboa Blvd., 19th A Court Sta .• Newport Harbor "33 Liberty 8-3072 Paator : Herbert 0. Johnaoll The Rev. Ewing S. Hud110n of Long Beach tomorrow will uaume dutle. of auiatant p~or of St. Andrew'• Presby· terian Church, according to announcement of the board of eldera. lt wu at the January congregational meeting that declaion wu nade and the board authorised to MCunt an A dinner honortlls ~. and Mnt. Hud9on wm be held on May 9. ft.ee. erntlon• can be made at the church otnce. DR. E. S. HUDSON ..Utant to &1d Ule puU>r, the • Rn. Jam .. '· sr.-•rt. th• Pru-Fund Dnve bytel"J ot Loe Alt(elee concurrinJ. Dr. Hudlon WU born In M•r--t c 1 t 8h&ll, Ko., and WU l!'&dut.ted 0 om p e e from Mluourl Valley Colle&• ln 1t011. a. Sf'&duatecS rrom Mccor· Camp Osceola mlck Tbeolo(tcaJ Seminary In 1911 and wu ord&lned b7 t.be Pre1by- t.ry of Chlcaco ln May of that Y M C A ottlci&18 'ti.re cla1m 7ear. FoUowinc a ~t.oftto In Ule hundred& ot boya ud rtrll ln rtm Pniebytertan Cburcb In llelJ. t.M Or&f"" Cout .,. will bene- ID(ham, Wub.,. he HrY"4 u a nt' from the naw Camp O.Ceola YMCA. cb&pl&1n tn t.be ~ Dlvl-· 8ior\ or the .American ~lion-planMd to be optlled Uli.I 7-.r. ary Force Pl J'nnce *World Th• old camp 1lto, becauae of wa-- War I, and ln Germ th the ter condition• and other tactor11, A.nny of Occup&Uon. ntum· hu bed\ condellllled b)' th• U. S. flll t.o UU. country be ~ed vart-ror..t 8erT1cea. It wu operated OU1 Chlll'Ch .. tn IDbMM &!Id Ohio and tn 1930 ,,. .. called u paltt>r b1 t.bo TM and YWCA. of th• kcoad Prffb)'Urt.an Cburch "'• new .ata la ~n hllh• ID LoQc Beadl, wtucb church he sroiua4. &t about TOOO toot level .. n'ed unW Jan. 1 ot W. Je&r. and cont.alna ia acrM of ba.uWUJ· 0w1q bl& loal and etlecUva 1Y wooded rorut. 1n1n1llry In Loq BNch, Dr. Hud-Two 7Ml'8 -.-0 tundl were aol- aon Nrved lb• Pnlbytery of Loe lcted with which .. ore t.baia ll&lf ~~~--~~------------------------~--~~----- -------------------------ol th• camp bWldlnp and eqllip. ment haw been provided. To take care ot UU. year'1 campere lt will be nec&lll&I')' to exp«nd •pproxt· mat.ely $111,000 and a camp&lp for thla "Camp O.Ceola Completion hncl" ta belnr aJT&ll&'td for April 21 to Ma7 11. Senator Thoml'!I Kuchel baa a.cc:Alpt.ed t.be hon·. - ery chalmuuuhlp of the cempal;,,n. Joe w. John10n ot Fullerton 11 1en•ral chairman ancl Vernon The Butterworth& han ,m•dt 1everal lrlpl to the lllanclt and .,.. lnUmately acquainted with the work of the HawaUan Methodllt Ml11lon. The JlrOlf&m will be held at 7 :SO ln the church aanctuery. It will toUow a poUuck aupper. Both the aupper and the procnm are open to th• public. Ministers to Exchange Their Pulpits On Sunday, April 17, Untveraal· l•t and Unltartlln mini.ten of Southern California wlll excban1e pulpli.o Th• Rev. Jam• M. Beck· er, mJ.nJst.er of the Unlvenalllt reuowab.lp of La Jolla, will ape&)< Ill Balboa at the Unlveraalt.t Com· mwuty Fellowlhlp. Thl• meete at the 1CbeU Club Houee, 515 Balboa Blvd. each Sunday mom1nl' at 10:30 a.m. tor Sunday 1tehool, and 11:0 a.m. for momlnc wonhlp. Rev. Frederick Rlnire. mlnlater of the Fellowablp, will be epealtlnJ at the UnlveraaU1t Church lJ\ Banta Pallla next Sunday. • -------------------------Lui&"•nbeck of Hunlln(t.on Bea.ch J( n RatMr IAtlleraa Cllarclll la the county-wide aaoclate chalr-~~litf Dr .. Newport Helcht.e NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 111·PAGE7 man. Th6 crowtnc Sunday achoo! la accomodatln1 lt.Mlf to all age croupe end t.hey Invite parent& to brlnr cbJldren whtre they will n· ceJve Ule kind ot approach to rell- rton Md Ute that will not he ve to be dlecarded or re·lnle.rpreted when Uley go to colleire later In Liberty 8·3831 THURSOA Y, APRIL 14, 1955 "Ron" Birtcher la cha.llrnan of R.ev. Robert OronJ\lld t.he Newport Beach and Harbor life. -Dr. Frank Mcintyre will lead the adult irroup In reviewing "Rell· gion ln th• land of Confuctua," uanr .. the bula for dlacuaalon the article found In the April 4 luue of Life magazine. ~mbl1 ot 09' J2nd St. A: Elden Ave., Coat& Meaa Liberty 8·3781 ftevtrend M. C. Cronic, Putor aeftaUll-day A4vuU.& Newport Blvd. at BolK St., Newport Helf1!te Sider IUchard kma Liberty 1-1612 Cllvdl of UM N...,.. 1116 AJ\&Mtm, Colt& Mu& Putor: l\eY. CU•• WlWama Uberty 1-7181 --' u ..... ,.....~ r.uo....wp l:bell ClubhouM, 61D Balboa Blvd. Mlnlater: Rev. r . W. IUnp '1n\ &o.Ullen ..,..., Ctior~ 830 w. Hamilton, Co1ta M•• LJberly •tU. Putor: Dr. Richard H. POM Coro .. !kl JI.al' ODmmllAltJ Claardl Concre1auonal 111 Rellolrop. A.'fe. Harbor 6237 Putor: ~v. J:dwln C. Oomk• ,....., ....... ai.,.. Sant.a Ana An. at Mepolla Ca-ta MHa l\.eY, P. o. Neumann ClnaN or Om 1MJ of Mt. CenMI lUl W. Balboa Blvd., Newport HMtlor 021' Fallin 8tepben KUey, Putor rather Oeorc• Parnu8U.I AMt. Putor a.ta• IAtMnll aaoeai ., 0-ta ..... (MINOU.rt Synod) Oo9\a Mua Putor: "-"· Lot.bu Tom~ ... , ..... I:,..,.... UOI Vt.a Udo, Newport Beacla RartloT 1UO Curate: fte•. ftalph p .... 8&. 1.a. VIM!le7 ua Marin•. B&Jtio. atand H&Tbor 02.a ht.Mr ltqbe" Kll«y. Putor Fat.her o.orr• Paf"DUN8 A.rt. Putor Oea&ftl Bible Clllll'l'h Ora.nee Ave. at 23rd St. Coeta Mee&. Liberty 8·~30S A. A. Kaden, Pulor IWboe ltllaad ()emnnaalty Metbodlat 11& Apt• Ave., Balboa bland Mini.Iler: Rev. Donald S•pp a..rdl ., 1'ellc*t• ~ "Science of Mind" IA&'Un& Be&cb Art Gallery IOT Cliff Dri-RT&tl '·T2M Jt.Y. Irta 1\Jrk, M:laWtu CIHlrdi ot , ... ~a& of IA&w Oaf ...... .. Friday Anemoon Club Hou" C<Nrta MeM Llberty 8-3181 Blahop: Peter D&lebo\ll -------------------------area. Thro\lfb cenero81ty of Wal· LOCAL PASTOR TO PREACH ~:.. ~~t. .. :~er:tq~::.: SERMON AT CONVENTION Berry Farm. P .. tor Robert B. Gronlund of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church hu beaa chOMn lo deUvn Lbe Hrmon at the opentnc Matw eel'Ytc. tor Ule ann\al connnUon ot the Callfornl& Dlatrlcl or the Amwicaa LuU..ran C1N.rdl al tJ\e nrwt Luther· an Cl\urch, Incl.wood, on AprU 19. To conUnue tor tour daya, the connnUon wU1 brine to. ,..ther mlniaUft and lay cklec&tee trom '16 Calltomla and Arllona cb\ll'dl ... otieen1nc th• S&t.b ui.nl•_,.y ot the toundlne of t.b• Amertcan Lutheran Church, th• conHDUon will baVe Ule annJ~ Uleme ''Thank God ltw the Cllurdl". Mr. Oroo.Jwad'e .. ,_ UDdu UIMI llMIM wU1 be "'1'bank Ood 1'or 'nle C!IJ1.8l", 'nle l\e'r, 8~ CUdow of 1-Aq91ee wU1 •n• u Ul\U'1rlat tor UM eenice. • Loma Linda Chaplaill To Preach H·er~ Bervtcea at t.be local chlll'Ch will be held al 8:30 LU\. &nd 11 a.m. Sunday with Putor Oronlun.d pr'9&Chlns OD tJ\e theme "DoubUns Thomu". Guest 1peaker th.la Saturday, April 16, at the 11 o'clock eerrice of the Newport-Me.a Seventh-day Adventlat Church trill be Elder Frank A. Moran, father-ln·law of Richard F. 811ndey eventnc the JWllor anll lenJor Luther LMpu Will mttl topther for an tnfonnal pot-luc.k wpper bef1An1nJ a t & o'clock. All YOWll people are lnY1t.ed to attelld. Serna. put.or. U~ Roi:nau &:23 u the main tat for bl• aermon PASTOR IN EAST "Thew._. .. of lln," l:lder Moran wlll pr-t Ood'• ~•ra to que•· Uon.1 .ucb u "How can we know whether a c.rt&ln eel la lllntUl or not!" and "Row cal\ we foruH lh• u!Um•t• r.,uJtl ot 'llt'bat we do?" Mesa Baptists to Hear Fuller Seminary Man The r-t llp.&ker LI a chapl&ln at lb• Loma Und& 8&ntl&rtum uid K01Pllal &nd al80 ~late pro- fMllOT' ot reU(\on at lh• Oolles• of Medical J:n~lllta at Loru Un· d&. At th• l'lnl Bapt1't Cllurcb ot Co1ta Meaa, Comer Mapolla and S&nt& Ana Ave:nuu. thl• comlnr Lord'• Day et the eJenn o'clock worabip M"1ce, Clarmce '?'wt((. dlvtnlty 1tudenl at P'Ulln 8eml· nary, will be the trpea)cer In the abtence of the paator, the Rev. P. o. Neumann, now conducttns a campalp In ~troll, Mich. for a two week puiod. Junior ChW"ch for chlJdren be· twMen t.ha ._. .. of tJlJl and ei.ve "'111 be held al 11 a.m. In Ui• edu· caUonal unit of the church. At 9:4r> a.m . 81111day Bcbool conYen•, wtth cla~• tor all &JU, and at e:ao p.m .. TTaWnc Union JT'OUJ>e for all •irea. i:.....unc worahlp eemce at 7:IO p.m. w111 be In ch&r(e oft.be )'OIJt.b, under Ule leadenlllp ot Btll Acton. director. Special mU1lc la betnr proYlded by the )'OUD( people. A nunery la available for cJllldr«n Lesson Sermon on Atonement ''Th• Son of ma.n came not to be mlnl1tered unto, but to mlnlat· er, and to givt h111 life a ranaom for many." Tbls vtrae from Marti ( 10:45 l Y.111 be the Golden Tat In the Sund"Y Lt11«>n·Sennon on "Doctrine of Atonement" In all Chrh1tlan Science churches. Tb• II~ Import Of JHUI' atonemenl a11d lb prmrt1r11l •r- pllcaUon to hurna.n arra.1r1 1.1 polnt· ed out by J ohn In his rlnl ep11lle (2:1, 2) When he aaye. "My lit· Ue chll'd~n. . . . tt any man •ln. we bave an advocate wtll\ thf P'ather, JHU1 Chrllt the rlrhteoue: And he 11 the proplUeUon for our 11lna: and not tor our'• only, but lllao tor th1 1ln1 ot Ula Whole tvarld." ''MAii c&l\llol exceed dlY1ne Lon. and IO at.ooe Cor hlm .. lt," writ.ell Mary Baktr J:dtf~ "l cl•nce and Health With Key io the lkrlp. turu." She conUnuee, "Jew. aided In nconcUtn( man to God by rt•· Ills man • truer nnee ot Lo"• th• di'Y\n• Pnnc.lple ot Jtwl t-.cb-tnce. and t.hJ1 truu .. .,.. ot Lon redttm• mllJI from !ht Jew of mat· ter. 11ln, and dnth by the law of Splrlt.-lhe l•w of dlvlne Lon" Ip. 191. up to flYI y«an of &I'•· Wedneeda)' at 1:IO p.m., Pra1M ancl Bibi• Study hour, tollowtd at 8 :Ja b1 preyer mMUn,.. of the •parate rroupa or Y&rioua cSepartmmt.1 or Ule church. Thured•Y' at 7:•:1 p.m. lb• Tounc Women'• MlNionary Ctrcle wUI meet a t Uie home ot Mra. Thelma Reade. 28245 J'alnray Drl'ff. Colt& Mea. AU younf women ot the church an cordially lnY1ted to at- tend. Participate in Good Friday Services Thi.I tll.llltuUon, no'lll' eelebrat- lnc lta &Olb &DDIYerMl'Y. II owned and operated non-pront b)' lb• BeY&nth-day Adnntl.lt denomln&- tlon. Th• annlnvenary theme. "To Mak• Men Wbole" renec1t• Ila •bole p\111)01t, namety. to MrY• eftl"J bwnUl ~ of body, m1ad end 1Plrtt. 1:1d«r and Mn. Kor&A w111 al.a proY1de Ule .,.e1a1 mumc. Th• topic to.r ~oa ot UM church at 1tud1 WhJch COD..,.. at 9:30 a..m. Saturday, wW be ·~ T\me or The Znd." b&Md on th• '°°lu of UMt Blt»e, Danlel and fte- nl&Uon. The Yene to be memorta· ad .. D&nl•l 12 :4. The public la alwa)'I welcome t.o attend all •"1ce1. An l.alpNeelY• t.bne--bour Good a junior maJortas ln plilloeophJ at rrt4"y 8en1ce wu h1ld by the Pomona. N.wport Harbor Council ot Cburcb-N~rt Beadl, JO&Jt &. KJm ... .. at Ula Colt.a Mea. Metllodllt dauchter ot Mr. and Mr1-William cburdl. The "Benn Word.I" mu--J'. Klm ... 4 tt anus Harbor Road. ...., were (1•en 117 t.be ~ a aopbomore tnnller tram Or&n~t Roy Oartaon. Cbnat Cllurdl b)' tM Oout Junior Coll«(• and a lt63 Sea, Mtt.hodl1t: Edwtn Oomk•. Co-rr•duale ot Newport Harbor Hl(h rona del Mar, ConrrepUonaJ; School; and bena C. Morna . .an Herbert JohNon. Newport J'1nt of Mr. and Mre. E're~tt Mo"1a, B&puet; M. C. Qontc, Ooet.a MM& A-mbly of Ood; Richard S.ma. Sennth-day .AdnnU.t; Donald Sapp, Balboa bland Metbodlat: 121 Via Venema. a 1952 (T&duele ot Fllntrtdr• Pr«paratory School ln La Canad&. M111 Kim• LI e.n Jo 1 • p • Melhane, C!o1ta Me.a art major a nd Morr11, a Junior, 11 Methodilt. a mu&lc major al the collere. The .. rvice wu planned b)' the ---------------Rev. Jamu Btnrut, of 8 t. An· d...,.., dlatnn&ft Of ipeltal .,.. Oerrtt Bruine WU orpDJ•t and Mn. Lelli• Frlet.ar. Stuart Prtce and Marva!" Moody Nn(. Judr• Allen o .. Nonia, Alameda County JuvenU. Court-"Perhap1 lh• moot lmportanl 1ln11e factor In controWnc Juvenile dellnqueacy l• tlle force ot & (God example of bJJh moral lt&nd&td• and r., 1poMlblJlty In lhe tiome. ~ ELDER MOR.AN To Participate In Conventions The N~rt·Coela Mea ctln· snpUon of Jehovah'• WltnfSM'I! I contl'mplattll a blK convention llf'A· 10n this yP1r. Flnit on l'Chtdult l11 the Clttu!t AlllMIYlbly 11et for April 22·24 et the Sa.n' DlP(o Collffum. I J'ollowlnr thl1 thr majorHy wlll be deleratP1 at the Lot1 Angeltll NeUonal Aattmbly July 0·10; "'1111• two have re~ervat1ont1 to •t· tend Ute Hrit'• nr convtntlon1 In •11 European clUu during July and August A fell euembly 111 a.190 expected. The purpoM of all convenllOf\1. accordlnc to Mr. V. A. Abbott presiding mlnl~er here. Is to ef. ford aid to Bible undtntandlng. &nil to ctve practical hutructlon to the delesatu. About 100 will eo from the local congreJ•Uon. In Concert at Pemotia CHURCH OF llUGIOUS SCIENCE a......a Oraqe Coaat1 ltudeu wtll 1tn1 ln the Famona. Col.Ilse Cbolr'1 annual 8prtnc Cone•~ at Br1d(M Hall of Mualc O'D the Cam· ~ 8unAy, Aprtl lT. Identical Ernul Holmu, founder, author o( "lclenc• of Mind." SUNDAY SDVICES 11 a.JL Jalor Charm ... Nmw,z,~ 11 a.a "4!v. ... ' Twtr. Ll\Ot:sA. KACH ART G.uLE.RY HVaU •·'71N I01 CUU Dr. Pl'OfTWM ot all •eNd mU1lc 'Will ~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ be prteented at 1 :30 and 8:U p.m. ::; by Ule 1to .,olce dw>lr. Clllolr memben ll'Od onn,. Cb9t7 Include: lAfua S-dl. Bqb 8. Wln, 8CID ef Kr. and M.... H. C. Wire. 171 Apte. a l9~2 paduate of La, ,,.. ~ Jflp 8cllool. .... BALTZ MORTUARIES 008T A MEI.A. CH.U'SL 1741 8upenor Annue C4et& MN&, Calli. ~· Liberty 8-2121 CHAnt. BY TU B!!A. 1620 E. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar. C&ltt. Phone Ha.rbor 42 \1 Naturally, they're pl .... cl aboat (t-lt'a \' their first bankbook. Thia la aomtthlnc \ \ they've manaced tocethtr. They've Mved DI QUaQ POI AU. ••• \\\1 for the thine• the1 want, and al10 for that AU roa 1'BI caoac:a ~\\ .. rainy day." ... "':,. ~: ~" ~:.. t. \' ............... * :.:!. \ It'• wiu to .. .,. for a raln1 dly. But 't'a • • -.i.ewww., ~ 11 \\\I alao wilt to remember that drou1ht can be eu~~ ·=-d ............. \~'\' ju1t aa denatatlnc aa rain ••• paticuwl1 _... .... ~ -._...: ~ ,_ ..... , . ...,. ,.._....... ,, \ \ \ \ a pl ritual drouc1Jt. ~ ....... ~~.,.,111y,. :!,..'m Faith la the balance ,ou•n llnd in 10ur •o.--<*> -l \\\\1\1 ., Ille ..... "',_...... \"1 \ ,, 1plrltual bankbook. It i1 •ometbinc that r .. the-=:":"'.. ~.9;. ...!: ,, \ ~\, 1ou can renew, aomethinc that 7ou can •111ci. ....s1 11111 _... _. \ •'\I d hin tha 'll leflcll Ill-"-.. - \ \1 \ add to, an aomtt I t wt pay ,ou ~~~,. ·., 94 ,... .. ,.: ~\ \' lmmeal\11·able di't'idtnde. Where elu can -~' \1\,\ \\ auch faith bt renewed and developed than ........ !;:_a..., y.._ \~ l \·' \'\ in the Hou11 of the Lord-your Church? ~~·:.~1.... :! 1~:: \\ ,, \ Wt4•nd'rL11k• .: at-:. ~ \ \ x \ ~ '\ ~Et:::ft7:.:• ~: ::.~ \~ ~\\~'\\\~\~}~\\~\,~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \' \W'~~'·L-.•. :~~ :.'-·-·· ~~ \\\\\ \ \ '"' \ \\\\\;\ \, \ \\ \ ''·''""'"~'"'''"u'"''''"~ ,,. This Church ~ Sponsored by n..se Local lusineu Firms MARGAID'S CAFI Speclal.l.M ln Sea Foodl -Order• to 0o • MH Newport Blvd. Barbor n8I NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry Cleanlll( -Laundry -Preaai~I 106 Tuadn • Newport BMcb NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Coroaa cleJ Mar ROSAN INC. 8Hcnft DMlloa ~ Forelp Motora Vincent'1 Rexall D1119 Stores ThrH loeatlone to Serve You Newport Beach, Balboa, Corona cJel Mar Alice of Udo leauty Salon H&lr 8tyUnr tor th• Individual 408 SZad (on tbe PO St.) ll&rbor %844 RUSSELL W. IANGERT Heatlnr, V~nUlaUnc 6 Sheet Metal '11 Sht SL Jla.rbor "'6 ILUE SAILS STATIONERS GrffUnf Cardi, Book1, Artlll BuppUea S06 Ma.la St., BalboL Barbor 818 THI CLOTHES 1fOISE "Shop •f Dt.tll'ctJon" Zl5 Marine AYI., Balboa 1.W.d Barbor 0707 G•...,.I Sheet Metal Worb Sheet Mela.I -ff••Unc -VenlllaUnc Uvbor %210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS • !"or All Occ&l1ona MOS I!. CoMt Hwy., COM. Harbor 50'71 KOPPIR KmLI ..... lllud Ma11• & Smith SW Senfce Your Corona deJ Mar Dealen %801 a 3800 E. eo..t 111Pn1 Harbor 6168 _a_ lluMr 2'710 ' MARllT SPOT IOO llartne Aft., ..... lallll4 llart»or 1000 NEWPORT FURNRVIE CO. Complete Home J'w'nSabJn,.. l6to W. Cout HWJ. Liberty 8-WI lel11ert's Newport Dept. Store "Your FamUy It.ore llnce lt14" Oceea Froat at 22nd. SEASIDE MALT SHOP 1100 w. Ocean Banor Ill Newport BeMll R. WASEMILl.IR ''The Workl.npan'• ltort !004 W. Balboa Rivet:. Barbor 5111 Airs CAFE "Whe-re all Food I.I Coolted In Butu.-' SOS6 W. Cout Hwy. IA YSHOIE RICHFIELD FTee Pkk up A DtU•ery 17th t. Oout Hwy. loyer's lalboa Unoleum to. Linoleum -Tllo -Carpel -i'onnlca UOl W. Balboa Bh·d. HAL COWER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free P\clc up 6 drl. -Wheel Balance UOl Newport Blvd. Harbor 5550 GEORGE M. GRAHAM RUJ11 an<1' Carpet• 1 Zt A1ate Ave., Balboa hlaad lla.rbor 3256 HOUSE AND GARDEN Complete Home l'lirniahlns• Drapertn -Ru1• son w. eo..t 11.,.. Liberty B·Mt8 MAC'S CAFE F'lnt on rtcbt toward HunUn~n 84iuh 8204 Cout Hwy. Harbor 225'"°8 MAllNE l!AUTY SHOP P«NOD&lia«d a.rvtc. ill Ha.I r 8tyllnK 12'7 llarille Avr., Balboa 1NMd Barhor l til High . Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 • •• • ; I \ PA~E I· PART 11.1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 1955 1 LOOKING OVER PLANS FOR RE-MODELING -Manny Siegel, tri-<:ounty director for the California Children'• Home ~iety, checks over plana for re-modeling of the society's new headquarters with Mn. Walter Markel, building committee chairman. and Walter Markel, whose firm has donated complete contractoral facilities for re-mo- deling the building at 1505 North Broadway, Sant& Ana. Funda for purchase of the buJldlng were donated by the Irvine Foundation and many public 11pirited citizens of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The tri-<:ounty society will _operate from the new headquarters, placing adoptable children in homes throughout the three counties. ~S Photo Twin Girls For Rudy M1 .. nrl :.t ~, Ru.iv C&11tllA11 are p1u rr11-of twin 1la11~hl..rJ1. a C'l·ord· mt I' wor•I r<'r t•1v<'d by hla par- f'nl •. )fr n:i<I Mric f' )f ra•11l1u1 J : 7 1\ ""' adu St. C'unn M<'~H. H<1o v 111 f'l """ntly r••pnrt,.r nn a \ nlo.11111\ d 11iy II•• I~ ro it• 01h1All' r :-;. '"I'"' t ll:i1 b111 l'naom Hli!h ~··h•••I 11nol 11nwi:•· ro111<t Colll'~f' i.nol tlrl tu. t1mr in l\or1·11 d111111g thl" "••I'\ 11' !ht• l1j..lt1111K lhf'I" Tl11 tv.1nl< "'' n~·m~ I Snra P11111t1~ 1111 I l<•ucn S11 orl11 Toastmasters Take Business as Tabletopic L 1tli. ,,,_,,...,It It l 'fi Jlh-l TUft~•lRy n ;,lit 1•\ 11 111•·• l l•w•I' w1lh t 'h1wk ,, r, pt . "Jtl•n · '1 ~. , .. • 1 ~" '''uM UNITED CHURCH WOMEN PLAN MAY OBSERVANCE Unlt.ed Church Wom~n·a May Fellowahlp Day will be h"lcl May 6, 11tart mg at 1 :30 p.m. I.II Chrillt Church by the Sea. The lhtme W1U be "Ruporudl>le Cllrtatlan Family" and Mnt. J!iver- l'lt Rpa wm be chatrma.n. Dttallrd plans for lhe mt>etlng were mode at a aeulon held In lht women's lounge FriJay at the Cotta Mell& Methodist churl"h. An PJtt'<'uhvt board mtt>llng waa al80 hrld Friday w1lh M ra Chester F\l!htr. pruldenl, prt11ld~g. }1r11. Rolx'rt Kep- pl'n. t'1vll dtft'Me t'ha.irma n. told of the Civil Ddtnu 11.J'td Red l'rnM program11 In t he Harbor srl'&. Officers of t he council and key w omen from M ven local l"hun·he• ollending Included Mmes. Chc11lt'r F'l,.her , \V. A. Mc- HrldP, Mary Elmo~. Loyd t'ol!IOm, P. F . Balnu, Th~. Hau- ~r. (\fflrge Burkhardt. Ruth Allen. Hugh Batn1. J . E. S&dlelr, Everr tt Rea and M.la!I El.II.le Newla.nd. PRESBYTERIANS Local Citizens Named t•··'~tr. ,,.l•• hrd t11tJl1 hf'tts nut•· G I A bl I• r I' .1< II rmnn \\ 1n1thum T t•J'H' to enera ssem y Cut t. •I • n \\I\• '\\ '1:" ''" , .... th 11k •11°· I • • • •• 11111! "k '' 1u1 I Loo i du:una will la takinc a.rt l Member1 ot thll! community 11•• '" '1 In· .. ,.,.,, •. w th lh" 111'1 iwuv,. Art In !ht> Im rtanl 167th takmg part In rommittt>r work 8re • r 11>1 ":11 I' "'' · !"• .. n•l •uh 1r• t . P po Rot><-rl Campbell Lido bit-Com· w • t. • 1 , 1 , , 1, 1,111,.nl.,. .. uhl 1,,.nrntl Auembly nf thl' Prt1by· H 11 ' _,. Bo · rn1ttee on o yw • .vu wl prn· ) JI ,, , • > "' '• ,. 11111.... t,.11an C-h1.r~h ' in Ult' l ' S A .. to motion: an<I lhl' Rev J 11rnf',. 8 • • •I(• .. ' l • j( ''I"' 'l\tn '"' ht M In l..oJI Angl'11"fl ~·a~· 19-~. Stt"WILrt pAlltOr. St. Anflrl'Wll Prt"•· r: h• t .1 ,., •• t ·I T 'tt \ • I '' I· H ''rt~ nnnnun(·t> I today bv Hf'V byteraa n Church. ( h&trman. com· n . • 1• I 1• · '•" n• "11 '1 1,,~ I) :-, rl t Mr F arl11nd. r h11lrm11.n of mlttrr OD 1r1in rP<'fJ)tlnn J11'• • lo • ., • ·'• • t,t•n•'1 1<( • 1a-11 ... ~· nt'rlll commltltt' Add to loc11l Clllun11 \\'K2·18-2• '"' r • ,.,,." "''" 1 II "'II 1akt" 11,n1t"s or commit· Thr Crnrrnl ..\.'"8f'mbly. -..hlrh "' '1 •' ''' 1 I<" i ... ~hi~. IM'~ nnd hunJJt'(I• 11' cnmm1ll"r haa been mPf'Ung rl'gul11rly e\'Pry !' '' ' 1111 '''""" •n 1 '"''lull-,., from th<' l'nltrt' Lo11 An· )l'ar '"'"" 1789. la lhl'I Mlprt'me [;rt ~· 1?"11'• I 'r • ~bylny 111 ""· whit h ""· i:overn1111>? body of thr P rrFbytf'r• :·. • " Ii 1 • 1111 •11'1 •llll· , "ml'll'"' 11 rnol't er( So uUiNn l · • .J1· 1a.n t'hll1C'h. and lh!! focu• nf Ill! t •t 1" :••r t 'w "1' • 1 • 1 ' br fnrn111 t•• h:rndl• the lhOu$1ln<h acuvit11•11 In mlL"!ton•. rhrl!lt1an h ' I •• 1 ""·'I' I I llH bu• \ It I ( , r 1mporlnnt ''"'""I• nl'Cellll3't'y for erlUC'"t1C\n, evangt>litml, M .J m any c ·~u h 7 ' I •1 -'1 1 I 1'' 'l n 111 .. 11111 , .... rul r11nrt1on or 110 v .. A1 other rtrlds or relig1ou11 en<it>avor t... ~ th, r '"'"' • ""I a;u• •I• will 11n 11111·rnaUnn11I ronvrnllon," l!llld a round the g lobe. at:t)n·l .i\11 r ,u l"ntJ •. ,,.t! nrr he pry thf'rf' Thou"3n•l11 "''11 a lltnd c·omtng Camp Essay Contest For Catholic Youth To l'nrnura~t ynuni:~t Pr• to a t- tend iummer camp th<' St. \'In· «nt <111 PAlll l'IOC'lf't~· Will ronrl11ct ltl Ml'<'t•nd t'Rmr ""~"Y l nnl!'11t ror boy11. IL wu 11nno11nrrd by tht' Rt. Rt'V. MJ11?r Jamr.• E. Dolan. A rchdlOC-t'llln camp dlrl'<'lor. Tht r<tntl'i<l nf>4'n' to.lay on a non-111'c-Ln11Rn b1um1 ror boyl! ag-rd 9 tn I i )'1'111'8 rr1?Ar(lle!'ll or color, race or rnPrJ, M ~Jlr. Dolan &aid. ,,..,. w111ner will rl'f'l'h't a week'11 ft<'llllnn Rt t he """'' Sl. Vlncrnt de P aul R.&nr h Camp, lhe formrr Gent> Autry Mtlody tunch, In up- ptr San F't'rnando VllJlty, Jn Ml word• or lu11. ••ch <'on- lfttant mu11t uplaln: "I -.nt t o So to 11ummrr c11mp becauN ... " Xarne. add~ll!. phone number, a,p and 1ehooJ ot each boy muat a o comp a n y l'MAY• au~ed. lwdfUlr Will be done by an lmpar· UaJ committee of newtpapefftMll. £.&ya MOUid ~ •t>nl to Camp abntetrt., 717 8. Burlington Aft .. Loe Anplt.a 07, po11tmark~d no later than MAy 27. ar .. ~·l "'""Y mrmbrr,. of varlou~ from 1111 OVl'r the l nltr•l l-'lalt·t l'1r111)1•ttraan C:hun hl'll willing tn n.n•I from a hirge numl>t'r of for· hrlp t>lgn ('OUntri!'s. Anaheim Matron,to Head County Catholic Women The library of St. Cat.hulne'• Military S<"hool. Anaheim, wa.1 aet· t111g tor the bltnnla.l election or offlcen for the Orange County Deanery ef the A rchdlocN&n Counr ll of C'alhoUc Woml'n. Under the direcUon of the ArchdJoceMD <"haJrman of e.lttUona, M111. Ed· wsrd !Aiat. deleptu fro111 18 pu- l1'ht'1 throurhout Orange County elected Mra. Carleton Cromie of Anahelm . pruldent; Mra. F ranlt Ba!'elren• of Oranire. vice pre1l- dent and Mra. Vincent J>ollMr, ~rim. aa w crl'tary of the DeM•ry for the neat t'"> yearw. SOO ependlng money, but the spon· 110ring family i1 expecl!'d lo f\lr· nuh lh~lr room and bo11rt1. &nd welcome them u r.gular memben of t.he ramtly. Salvatio11 Arn1y Needs Home Cleaning Castoffs l'\ewport 8f'a('h clulk'll< 111111 i:11r· age. C!Ontaln caatorr clothing untt other artJ1;lu !hilt can brtni: 111•11· hopt• to homelt'N and hamlit'1&rl"''' mf'n. I T.be di11Carda will bt' aought •lu1 • Ing the annual Salvat10n Army I Salva1e Week C'lllllpalicn ht>rl' May 9-14. A 11peclal rtett or Red Shleltl trudca will ant!Wer tell'phonl' r ails from local rnldenl• v.•ho wiah tu make doo•liona. The artlclea will b,. rt'<'Ondltkm· 'ed in workahops of lhf' big SRlvu· lion Army Soclitl Servke C('nlt·1 that wrvt>• lhl• area. This provld('· a vital 80Clal rt'habllltatlon pro· gram for hundreds ot llf'1"110n1. t Brtradier Wiiiiam J . Parkins. , manager of the C.nter, 1>olnt1•C: out Usat continuance or the pro· 1ram I• d~pcmdtnt upon the <"on· tr1buUons of dlllC'arded but •Ull uaable articles. The ~nter 'requires a contlnu· oua lnnow of uMd clolhlnr. •hol'I!, furniture, dlahe1. mattreuea. bed· dlnf, k itchen utenslla, home 11p· pllancea, 111Jverwart. •tovtll, rad· lo8, ra1•. ruga, books and brlt'·•· brae. Brt(Mller· Parkin• aaid all re- ceipts trom aale of the recondl- Uoned utlclH In Salvation Army Tbrttt 8torM above actual OJ>t'r&t- lnC coata are retumt'd to the homf'· leH and handicapped who eeek aid. Hu\' Langc'Uhl'llll 1·hairman ot tht' 1·111z1•ns l'u11m11ll1•e lhitt 111 a11- 111,.l1ni: 111 1h,• .snlvoi;•· campi&ign, 111,.f' I J.w:il rdr•1J,.nl~ to 83\'t' thf'tr t-.1~lnfr 11ni. t,,, lo>J thf' Salv111ion Anny 11!\<I tu lt•lo•ph1•lll! Llbforty M· t t~!\ f.tt a lk ·1 !'h1~lct trur k dur- ing U11• 1tn 1·1· Master Point Play at Bal boa Mr11 <'111'1 Den11.1n 1111<.I M.-.. t:ln· ny Lll ux w .. r,• "Inner a or Ma•lf'P Puint11 pl11yl11i; e&>it·wut while t Sally 81\>wn anJ S1an Huskey won them playing norih·110lllh ln F'rl• J 11y cVl'n111g'a gamf' In 3albo11. ttunn,•n ·up PUl·We8t wer. Mra. Junett" St0<·kmar and Glen!\ Rul!t ; Mr. a.nd Mrs. W . A. Stnn- bni:; Mr11. Pearl Allison and Mra, A. 0 . WPlhPrby. n 11nnt'r 8·Up north- south Wt'rf' )fr1<. 8 . M. Wilson and Rol>l'rl Lusk : Mr. and Mra, A. W . TummPI; Mrio. Libby Lawa an1I A. 0. WPlherby. F.811! ·Wt'~t v.'1nn.,ri-In J11ond11y·1 ~aftlp Wf'rr M rs. A. W . Tummel and Mrs. C'1rl Bf'nl!On. while hi1th scoN"r11 norlh-to0ulh Wt're Sally Brown 11nd FN"d Morrl•; Runnf'r:<- up ri1Hl·WP11t wl'rf' Dr. an'1 Mr ... W. A. Slernbf'rg: Ralph Grav"" and Frank Fo1tf'I; MrA. C. I!:. Ir- vin and Mr11. M . 8oderbf'r1t tyinlt' with Mr11. Cbarlu Brande and Andy Mablf'y. HARBOR WOMEN are joining with othen from Orange County in eerving ~ modela for the fuhion show to be held tomorrow (Friday) at the Y.W.C.A. building, 1411 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. The ahow begins at 10:~ a.m. and will feature ltyles from Mary Millerick'a. Child care will be provided. Ltft to right are Mn. G. F. Krauae in blue &ilk print; Mn. D. V. Hayes in bla.ck, and Mrs. Robert Welch, publicity chairman, in black and 'white print. Mn Charlea Briaeo, Y.W.C.A. preaident, ia general chair- man. -OCNS Photo Ohioans Here For Easter Vacation Mra. Harold C. Blum and daugh- ter•, Coruat&nce and Virginia. n,.w In from Cle\'tllllld, O.. Jut Wl't'k ~nd t o 11ptnd E&11ter vacation with John and Toppy Carroll al 127 Apte Ave .. returnlnr by pklne on Sunday. Other Sunday guest• 11t the C&rroll homl' were Mr. and Mn. William Peete of Alta.denL Runneni-up norlh·aoulh wf're Mra. 8 . B. Morrl1 and Mra. Harry Sc-hlllln1t: Mr. a.nd Mrw. Frank RM"rt; Mn. Arnold Guwr and Stan H1.111kry: Marshall Ketchum amt rrrc-y Crawlry. The group will ml'el on Frld11y f'venlng al 414 Ea11l Ocean Front tn• Balboll with play 1tarUn• at 7:30 o'<"lock. ,, • ,. . r I See how Mercury costs you less_ gives you more for you~ money • ., --,r--··1·--··· ---....--""l / ; .. -lflllll!·---~ ·~'9'tt"' ·• - tL._ ..... _. • ._~ik .......... ~~:.;-....·•M .... .,...__.. ........ oiiolO .. iM ...... llilllil11i;,ejW..,...._"'"°'::.W.;;..:l~ .. ~~~lilliiolj;j~;;;..-.""""'""'..;;;;"""'.;;,,. ...... _...-;. -· ...... 4t d' ~ ............... ...___ .... ~~-........ -... ---.. . ..- HIRl'I WHAT YOU on lxctu.I•• styflna-There'• no mistaking 1 Mercury. lt1 1tyling is distincliYe-deaignecl for Mercury ~d Mercury alone. I~ V-1 ,.ww-Mercury't perform. ance i1 u unique u ita 1tyling. Honepower 11 up to 188 in all Custom• and Mootereyt and 198 in the Montclain. But mon important 11 the new w1y Mercury put• this power to work for everyday driviJ18. You enjoy far mon uable power for lightning-quick getaways. Spec ......................... -Flght of HIRl'S HOW YOU SAVI 1. You mn ... fftore for your ,,....., cor. Our hltlh •llewances .. MMd ... h .. .,,..., .......... 2. Memny•s low prices ""'9 bolew U Modolt In tho low-price ftoW• • 3. Yow ..,,. .,. 1p1twMnt1 eott. with Mercury'• feMou1 econotny •nd low .,,...,. 4. Yev ,.-ct """'9"-'o-fn velue. Mercury c.........ey .._., Its fleld IT PAYS TO OWN A mERCURY FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER o .... , .,,;" ~ "''' .. , .... , ... "" 14 Svlll•••'• "l O"Sf 0, THI TOWN,. .. Mercury•• elnen model• o«er dual nhauata u 1tanda.rd equipmeoL AU modelt have 4-banel carbureton, b&ll-joint tuapealioa, and 1peciaJ hi6}1«llllpnllioa .,.k pl• .... '!'M .. ~ S..•d., ••"''"'· IM ,. t ,• Stall .. aHKT, a,..,,... I ...... .....,_.,_ ..... 111....,.,., • ....., ....... JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln Adult. <'&n help provide e&mi>«r- llbipe for bo)'9 from Ina pr1Vll1trd netcllborhooda by IH'ndlnJ[ ron- lr1butlon11 to C11mptrwhlp F\Jnd a t SM above addrH1. Featured o11peakn a t the mom· Inc HN!on WU Mrw.. Roland &.Id- ler, p~eident of the Loe AllJtlel Ardl.dlOCH&A Councll ot Catholic Women. Mra. kldJtt explained lb• German .tud~nt proaram to the mf'mberw. Under the apoMOnh.lp of the State l>epartml!lllt. ~rman boya and stria of high ICbool &(e •~nd a year W1UI an American fa.mlJy and attend hip echool be". Tht' Stat11 Departmtnt paya lhtlr tranaportaUon and \My an .. ven Featuf'9d at the lunchron meet· Ing waa a panel dJ11<:11111lon undtr the direction of Mni. John r. Mc· Mann, In which )(ra. J . A. Rr ndtr, Mrw. Edwud Lelat and Mrs. K . Cary Clem dlKu.ed a Code for Pa.rents. prepand lhrou11h the Jolnl ertorta ot Ule Archd1ocu1n Council of C&thollo Womrn and th• Ardldloceean Board or Edu· cation. Other bonored IJlll'lt11 at lhe luncheon Included the Rev._ Anthony Du't'al, A8118t&nt pulor ot 8L Boniface Church; Stephen Rlley, putor of ML Carmel Church of Newport Buch: F'nt.n<'•s O'· B~. p&.9UW of SL Jollf'ph Church of Plactntia; Mrw. J . A. S. Tappl'. chairman Of altar and 9J>lr1tual drvelopment t'ommlttee of I.he Archdlooeaan CouncU; Mn. M. J . RJnu, prul~t ot lb• Loni U,•ch Deanery and M". Wllll•m K rom, irrand pruldent ot Ui• Y OWi( W41M lnaUtu t.e. 900 W. Cwt Highway NIWPORT llACH ·Mercury Ub11tr 8-5545 AcrOll ,,_ l9y Chllt ' • , \ I .... ·, SAFETY FACTOR -"Yes, this i.s what guarantees that a well will be shut off from 200 feet underground," says Max Snyder, superintendent on one of the platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. The Otis Pressure-Lock Packer is lowered into the drilled well when it i.s put on production. It is held fast in the casing. U pressure changes occur, beyond the tolerances of the instrument, it expands and shuts down the operation. Thus oil would not be per· mitted to boil free from a well if casing were ruptured. OIL LINl'.:8 -Into tbe.e rtnet aD wells producing on the platform off shore bf Loui.elana flow. B. A. Smith of San Pedro is shown eyeing the complicated system of valves and meters that constantly monitors the individual well and combined platfrom production. CU>SE 1J P -Pictured here is a pressure operated blow out preventer that is supposed to shut down the well at• the platform in case of damage to the transit pipeline carrying oil ashore. It would also function if the plat· form were damaged. The instrument is delicately con- trolled and cAn be operated from distant shore stations. from the landing for boats at the platform or from deck. HERE 18 AN OFF SHORE DRILLING PLATFORM. A forest of 8teel ca.sings driven into the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and welded and Interconnected to form a stur· dy structure for production of oil. On the platform are two complete oil derricks wit'1 all apurtenant equipment operating. Auxiliary temporary platfonna are pictured that hold equipment and aupplies neceuary during the . drilling operation. Included ii a giant crane to hoiat aup- pliea aboard. In the background on the ditltant l>latform toward the left of the picture is a two-atory a.tr condi· tioned bunkhouse to hoU&e the workers on the project. Note the lifeboat swinging from the aide on regular ahipe davits. When drilling is completed the derricb and other equipment are removed, leaving a level platform about 75 fL mquare. -All SWf Pbotoe OFF SHORE OIL DRILL SITES B)· BEN REDDICK Oil islands are a thing of the present. They are poasible. They are operative. They are in existence. Whether these oil islands are of the-so·called permanent, man·made f1Ued islands like the one off shore of the boun- dary line between Long Beach and Seal &>ach or whether they are platfonrui a.a used in the Gulf of Mexico, both are here to stay. In order to inform the readers of the ORANGE COUN- TY NEWS SER VICE a.a to what is an island, we recently made a trip to the Gulf of Mexico where we were privi leged to examine the island8, there called platforms, being oper- ated by the California Company of Louisiana. It ie a sub- sidiary of the Standard Oil Company of Californi11 whose guesl at the scene. we were. We can report that apparenlly. the Louisiana platforms and the Texas platforms, that arc producing oil from 88 far out in the Gulf n~ !'fexko RR 48 miles. are equally as clean, apparently as efficient, and cer- tainly as large, u the man·made. rilled island built as a joint \•enture by the Monterey Oil Company and the Texas Com· pany off shore of Long Beach. In the State of California at this time. only the Monte- rey·type Island would be permitted in the state--owned tide· lands. We presume it ia the only type of structure that would be permitted in the municipal or county-owned tidelands within the State of California. But there is :it this time under way leasing arrangements between the fC'deral government and the oil companies for explorations off shore of Ca!ifor- nia in federal land where drilling platforms can and WllJ be used. For that reason. we felt that we and you should know what they art" like. Drilling platfortn8 are huge structures. They are com- posed of 26-in. steel casings, welded into a solid structure wit h cross member caBings and lateral supports and through these huge casings hollow pilings are dri\'en through the 40 to 80 feet of underlying water into the bottom of the Gull of Mexico. Some of the pilings are 300 feet in length by the time they are dri\'en u far as they can be driven by the pile drivers. Upon these islands. tht' customary drill rigs are erected. Complete der ricks. We have pictured on this page two typea of operations. using the derrickA on platforms. In one pic- ture we show two derricks operating from one platform, while an adjacent temporary platform has a giant crane on it, and a complete bunk house. The side of the platform ia equipped with davits from which is slung a life boat for the use of the workmen who man the oil well producing rig1. Also on this page are pictures of the Monterey Texu island, off shore of Long Beach and Seal Beach boundary. One picture shows the template t hro'!f::h Which interlocking sheet steel pilin~ is driven to enclose a 15-ft. wide circle which ultimately will be the off shore island. Other pictures show th<' view of th<' island as the encircling piling is being fill~ and in the background is the shor~ lin<' of the City or Long Beach. Finally, we show a picture of the derrick op:?rating on this island from which have been drilled eight wells. These wc11s are averaging more than 300 barrels daily. of 26 gravity clean oil: out of the Long Beach tidelands. That island la therefor<' here to stav. It "';)) ultimatelv hold 75 wells. We believe this -page of .pictures and this accompanying story would be inl<'rC'sting to th!' people of Orange County becauee of the fact that the Stal<> Lands Commission hu gone on re-- cord in favor of an off shore i~land at Huntington Beach. It is presumed they will offer other locations. We think you !lhould know what the future holds a.s of this time. Also. on this page is a picture of a derrick on the beach in Texu with an oil derrick platform off shore, both ahowing ln the picture that 1l is a m::itter of which i.s better -derrlcka on lhe beach or platforms off shore. You mul'lt draw your own conclusions. TEXAS RIG -On the beach on Padre Ialand -one oil derrick t. mhown where operatora are attempting to reach an off ahore pool by the whip.tocit"metbod. Off .bore LI the faint outline of another derrick working on a platform in about •o feet of water. Ia this what faces Orange County. whipstock from on shore beachf'B, or production from oU ahore illaoda ! SKILL NEEDED -It ta.kea heavy equipment and a good boat cnrw to remove the workers from the plalfor;n's catwalka jwlt above the surface of the waten of th• Gulf of Mexico off shore of Louil'liana. Wooden veset"l8 out of :~avy IUl'plU. were quickly battered to piece~ a~ainst the Btcel members of the drilling platform. Now steel bo&ta only are uaoo because of Lhe heu·y runninc aca. 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 WOB& BEGINS -California'• tll'llt oft abore laland bom which to explore for oil in the tJdelanda la pictured u it began to take ahape. Regular creoeoted wood pilinp were finlt driven into the bottom of the San Pedro Ba! offahore at Seal Beach. A template, 75 feet in diameter; wu then futened around the pWnp. 8'1'RENGm ADDED -Through the template that formed the ahape of the Monterey-Tena Co .. island were driven Interlocking sheet steel pilings to form the can from above the 11\Jrface of the water to the mud and silt on the bott~. Pictured above is bucket crane on a barce pouring sand int.:> the endrtlerj iGlnnd to be. WORK OON'DNUES -Operations still proceed In the creation of the man-made island off 11hore Seal Bach with this picture lhowlng Long Beach shore line m!re than 8,100 feet away. OOllPLE'l'E RIG -Here la the accompliahed fact, rlg. tank&, Island complete with dock for equipment and ten- der along aide with a buge at hand to receive crnuent. :r~ ~! shore island, man·made at Seal Beach Is a auc- ceu. -All picturea above by Pacific Air Indultrte., Lone Beach. ~ ' ' PAGE 2 -PAR T IV . 11':'"~.:'"'T '.'•.~BO~ NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, J.Pr>ll_ I", lf'l.'.11\ ASSEMBLY APPROVES USE OF Phillips Asks RADAR IN CATCHING SPEEDERS New Trial In SACRA.MENTO -The auembly voted M to 7 yeeterday !or a bill which authoriae9 the Califor- nia Highway Patrol to u1e radar in trapping traffic speed violaton. The bill by ASBemblyman Earl W. Stanley (R- Balboa llland) ia similar to meuurea which bave failed to paaa in previous eeulona. It now goea to the eenate for final action. Stanley aaid the bill would permit courta to re- ceive as evidence apeed violations determined with radar. He aaid the officer aleo would have to prove that the speed constituted a vlolat.jon. HEART BREAKER IROKEN 1was a Good Story While It Lasted; or, Jig's Up Mantz Charge SANTA ANA (OCNl )-lu_,.r. lor Court Jud&'• KeMelh I:. Mor- rteon yeeterday d•layed hla decl•· Ion on whethC'r to .,-ant a new I trial to Uoyd Phtlllp1, as. ., .. ' 1ara1e keeper, con\1Cled ot con· cnll.nl 1tQl1n trood•. Judi• Morrl10n 1&ld he weuld rule on a ne'A' trial .. motion and hear probation reporta at t :ao a. m. April 20. Phllllp1 wu con\'lct~ of havtnr received runa taken In the 1111.· 000 bu)'clary of Iha PauJ Mantz Baltic>« llland home Defel\.ff Counael Otto Jat-ob• arrued lhl• momlnf hta client 1hould set a new trial bacauaeo there wu a lack of evident-• agaln1t him. He ai.o contended Phillipa' attorney William Wenke'• firm handll'd Ma.nu' ln1urance. Deputy District Atlornfy Oeo· Witte Chatterton argued evident-• asalnet Phillip• wu aubatantlal. Two chipped tront teeth, a bl-an emerrency notice of a mlHlnl He dwellec! on the fact Phillipi cycle, a 1erap of paper and a pur;-11-yeu-old boy from Pasadena. He could not Identify the man from left home on hi• bicycle Friday whom he auertedly purchued the z:led police sergeant yesterday t'Jt· and u had two ch.lpped tront run•. ploded the forlom atory of a little ~lh. Hi5 name wu Edward · Chatterton polntect out. howe\'l'r. l>oy who nld he was abandoned Gt'ralrt Ynung. but hi• tc-amm&ll'" that Fred P rintz:, 20, of Brea. al~<> by hla puenta In Newport Beach. on the Puadena LllllP Uague convicted In the MMl& buralan·. The lad. who gave hl• name u baseball team called him Jed. ldenttrled Phllllpt1 u th• man to .. SIXTH GRADERS HAYE THRIU..A·MINUTE TOUR OF SHIP Powell Will Filed John Phelp•. 11 yean old, told Officer Robert Carter tumed up _w_h_o_m_h_e_•_01_d_t_h_e_iu_n1_. ---- local offlcera hilt parents aband-a 1erap of paper In the 1quad oned him on C•at Highway Mon· room. lt wu the paper police rave day. It wu a Nd 1tory he told. the boy to doodle on after he told PupU. of the sixth &Tade at Horace Enaign School were treated to a vtalt aboard the heavy cnlller U~ Pitta· burgh (CA 72) on April 8. They were conducted on ~urs of the ahip and then hustled. into life jacket.a (an extreme precautionary measure) and taken for a ride in the cap- tain'• boat. Thie wu followed by a picnic-type luncheon on the main deck. The a.i.xth grade came aboard u guesta of the veasel'a commanding officer, Captain W. G. Chap- ple, USN, and the officers and men of the 11hlp. Here the atudent.a pose beside the maip turret of the ahip. The large "E" on the side of the turret waa earned for excellence in gunnery. To the right of the group of chil- NEW OCC ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES OPEN ON MONDAY A new ~oup ot adult education rlani:-s will lltlu l at Orange Coµt Collei;e on April 18 to m ntlnuc through J une ll. It was announc- t>d today by Dr. Thomu A. Blake- ly. dean of auull education. RPJ:illlnil Ion for Lhue cl1.111ea Will 11tart April 18 at 1>:00 p.m. ln the 1t11denl center. Those dtalrlnR t o rr11:1atcr tor cll.lSJ!CI tor which fl'N• nr•• c11n1 ,1:r•I "''•II rtgieter at thllt Un>I'. Hn:istrnllon tor alJ oth~r l'IR:<>"'ll "'di be held In the J If St ti•·~IO/I O( C'8t'h class. Thr i.<·he"ule nC l'lasses snrludc· d1,.: c1h" !lrnr" t}:>rg1nnlnc a.nd ad- \'t11w d 1. Dc·u t;hort, Mont11ly and 'l'h •lta~ 7-!l pm, dn\'t'r edu· 1 .c .1 •II .:C'clrogy. Jame• Pillon. Wrdnelidi\y, 7-10 p m.~ golt tech· 111q11I', Rny R OM O, Wednesday, 3-r. pm.; pollc c pa lrol and obser11a- t1on, 1'i;l. l'hcfr. Wc-dneaday, 12·3 pm. or 6·9 p.m.: swimming, Al l rwln and Zatha Tallman, Thur1- d11y, 7-9 pm, N. H. U. H. S. (be· i;:mnlng M11y 6): swimming, Joe Kroll and llc\'erly Campbell, Tut's· day, 7.9 r m. o.c.c .. (bt'glnnlng May 3 J: Workl Polil IC'I , Gllea llruwn, Tuesday , 7 30·9;30 p.m .. lit J a mu Church, Ntwport Dt&ch. tTR:SITnn: Cl.Al'!4 F\lrn1111re Rt'nn~hlng. Alfrtd P ayn<'. M1mdny and Wrdnesday. 9· 12 a m., an I Slgh•r Park, Wt11t· mln1H r ; furniture rt'f1n111h1nr . .Al· frec1 Paynt>, MC1nc1ay and Wednu- '1ay, 14 p m .. o c. c .• gardentnr . Lane. W<'1lnt~1luy. 7 .30-0-30: I~ 1 • I lnr ,,, • ,., ":Inn rt .. ,,, rir \(. Mcm· 11,H' n.nd \\'rclnt,..!11y. ,i .30·!1 30: lnmpahsdr m l\lt1ng, Ah.l,n. Mc.n- cl:i\, 1·4 fl Ill. ;\h1nday 0-12 II.In. 111 ·I l··ri 1:1\' l I pm . mnth.-r nnd l11t' n u • 1\n•I• t flin n, ~ti ~nda)', 7 ,,1.tl :IO I' 11 I 11t•111 "li11 1l111n '" rk11hor t:i• • n. ~lon<IA>. 1•1 "· m. to 2 p m a n•I 1'111'111IAy l•I "· m. to 2 I' m Ruj('Tllakmit. Harrison. c btgln- ning 1. Munda)'. 9-12 a.m and 1 .30- • :30 p.m.: W l'dnuday 7 ·IO p m .. taUorlng, Malhew1, Miller, Monday and Thunady, 7-10 p.m.; t:phol- atery, Shaw, J.fonday and Wrdnu- day, T-10 p.m.: Monday a.nd Wtd· neaday, 1-4 p.m.: Monday and Wtd- nuday, 9·12 a.m.: 1\1e1d1y and Thunday, 9-12 am.; Friday. 9-12 a.m. and l-4 p.m.: Tue.day and Thursday, 1-4 p.m.; vcx:aUonal c~tertnr and putry maklng Mau· erhan, (beginning and intermed· late) Fttday, t -12 a.m.; Wedne~ day, t -12 a.m.; Thur1day, t-12 Lm.; I>Am.a. Randall .. P'uelk. Monday. TuC'lday and Thunday, 7:30-8 :30 p.m.; pa!nlln&', Buahman, Cbulcl. TUNCS&y and Thunday, T-10 p.m.: painting and dra~. Hope, (ad· vanced) Monday and Wedneaday, 7-10 p. m.; p.11110, leharla, (lntlr- medlat.e and beglnnlns> J.londay, 7-9 p.m. and Tueaday, T-9 p.m.: j!CuJpturtng. Ott.. Tut lday. 1-10 p.m.: woman'• chocua, 8tetfenHn, TUelda,y, t -11 : Artwa.re potter, Payne, Thun· day, 7-10 p.m.: ceramlCI and por- celain, Ho1kln1, .Monday, 7-10 p. m .; Thunday, 9·12 Lm.; chlna ratnUnr. Payna, Wednuday, 7-10 and Thursday, 2-• p.m .; weaving, Barkley, Monday and Wedneaday, 0· 12 a .m, and 1-4 p.m., and T-10 p.m.; WRITING, 8PEAJUNO Correct wriUng and ipeakln(, Kut, Monday, 7·9 p.m.; creallve wrltmr, Anderton, Wedneeday, 7- 10 p.m.; En1ll1h refrelher, Nett, Tuesday and Thurllday, 7-9 p.m .: French, Everett, (Intermediate) 'J'\ieaday and Thur9day, 7:30-9:30 p.m.: read Inc •peed laboratory, Kroll, Monday, 7·9 p m.; RUNla.n. Safonov, Thunday, 7-9 p.m .; 8pan- lah, Hoffman, ( beglnnlnf) Tues- day anti Thursday, 7·9 p.m.: (in· tt'rmedlato) Monday and Wed.nes· d&y, 7-9 p.m.; (beginning) Mon· day and Thur9day, 12:10-2:30. Carpentry, Owena, Imler, Mltch- ell. Cochren, (flr1t., MCOnd, third and fourth year) 1\Je.aday and Thursday 7.9 p.m .; lathlnf, Hollo- way, (apprentice and journeyman) Tue1c11y and Tb,urlday, 7-t p.m..; Monday. 7-9 p.m.; mill cabinet. Belli• .Monday and Wedneaday, 7· 9 p.m.: t.tlt'Yislon elec:tronic1, Ray. Tunday and Thunday, 7-10 p.m .; Wt'ldlng, Rock~y. Mond.ay and WednraJ•r. 7·10 p.m.; woodwork- lnK, Moir, MrGowan, Tuelday and Thurllday, 7·10 p.m.; Thur9day, 7- 10 pm.: Bookkeeplnr. Wuttr. llnh!rml'<I· t~te) Monday and Tuuday, T·t p.m.; tiu.tneH opportnnltlu law, 8c1\wara, Monday, 7-10 p.m.; lead· enbip tralntn1 or auperri.al"ll. Long, Monday and Thuraday, 7- 11 pm.: office machlnea, Sauer&, 'J'\IN1!11y a.nd Thuraday. 7.9 p.m.; office practice, Dallu, Wednuclay, 7-10 p.m .; real ellt.ate law. Duncan. \\'•nlne~day. 7-10 p.m.: 1horthand. ChaboUa and Osbomt', I adV11J1ced and tntl!rmedialC'I Monday anti \\'~dnesdny, 7-8 :30 pm.; Mon(Jay and Wednesday, 8:30-10 p.m.; typ- lnK. Chabolla, Oabomt', Randall. t lnt"med11te and bertnn1ng> .Mon- day and Wtdnea<!ay, 8 :30-10 p.m.: Monday and Wedneaday, 7-8:30 p. m.; Tuesday and Thufllday, 7·9 p.m. Harris Appointed OCC Instructor An addition to Ule tedlnolol)' faculty at Onutg• Cout Coller• tor next year wUl be Kenneth I!:: Harrll, wbo wu appo1At.8d a burld- tnr oon1truct1on tnatructor at the tut board meeUnr. Harri• ll a .,.aduate of Lons Beach 8tata Collere. Fullerton Jun- ior College and A.nabelJn Hieb School. Be bu tau1ht carpaatry at ru..uerton J unior Coller• and metal tradea at Garden OroYe 8l(h 8cllool. He I• a1.o a Journeyman carpenter and bu eompi.tad ap- prenuce tralllJng u a 1J1acllinllt. At Oranr-Cout Coller• he wW tea.ell bulldJnr conat.ructlon clulM. Lee Repoe Is Mesa Fire Adlvities p .m.j craft workahop, Kirby, TUaa-Jllalpb .A. i-, tin P"""Uon of. day, 7-JO p.m.; jewelry enameUna. f1C91' for Ula Clty of Coat& M._ Pond. (advanced) Thunda.y, t -12 ftVM t.bJ.I report &etlvtUee ot Co. "-m.; Jewelry malt.Ins , Pond and ta Mea nn Department tcw Ule Baniett. (beg1.Jllliq and adftll-1) mont..b ot Maret& tnclude11: '1\1..s.y, 1_. and T-10 p.JD.j Tllun-~ to 11 city calla and dA}', 7-10 p.m.: jewelry, Yoc&Uon· tv."O county calla. There wue two al, Pond. Wedneeday, T·10 p.m.: i.lM el&rm• and on• reecue e&ll, lapidary, Pond. (~and ln· ~ftYe tnapecUona were made termedJ.atel TUMday, t•ll a.m. and and 22 fire lan.tipUona, The~ 7-10 p.m.; Thuraday. 7-10 pJn.; '"" tw., d.rllla for Yoh.mt.Hra. J>hoto&'f'aphy. Heldman, Monday Out tlf a property valu~ of SJ3.- and WPdnl'~day, 2·4 pm. 11nd 7-10 I 000, a 1099 of Se360 wu e&UMCS bJ p.m. a.n~ 12.30-2 p.m.: 1\Juday ftn. t Bninns Law Coune for lroken Offered dren la the newest part of the ahip -the new bow which wu inatalled after the original wu broken oU during a typhoon at the battle of Iwo Jlma in lfM:S. Pictured from left in the back row are Sue Baker, DoJ;lD& Puck- ette, Judy Douglu, Donna White, Kathy Wilcox, Melinda Hoag, Teacher Miu Loia Swift, Fern Koerner, Sharon Hayden, Rachel Godlnee, Christin Neal t.nd Abby Oquiat. In the front row are (from left) lrlike Norton, John Nor- ton, Larry Groha, Ken Beattie, Bill Carpenter, Dennia McFarland, Lon-en Fletcher, Richard Hoffman, Bill Spurl<><!k, Allen Williama, Ken Doesburg, Arnold Broylea. SANT.A .AN.A (OCNS) -The A life of wandering with hi• par-them his aad atory. Jn a tiny w111 of Alice B. Powell of Newport enta In • car. Of having no friend• scrawl were the worde, "My name ae.cb. who died April 1, wu·iub-or chlldrtn to play wtth. or par-la Jed Young." Pnb who •aid they didn't want .no 1·p FOR .n:o mltted lo 11Uperlor court for pro-him. A telephone call by Bloom t o bate Tue.day by 10n Robert B. COPS B&OllE DOWN Jed at the juvenile home wu all B1111lneu opportunity law will bl' a new a<lult eduratlon <"n11r11e alutlng at Oranre Cout Coller• on April 18. Powell, '9. A dwelling and lot He wrun~ the hearts of the uru-that wu neceuary to let Jed know at t18 W. Ocean J'ront. Newport ally gruff poUcemen. One Mid he the jig wu up. Jed nld he lied e.&cb, wu Included ln the ut.ate. would like to mL~e a home tor becaulM! he did not want to go him with hi• family. And IO J ohn bl(:)( home. The clau will be tau&11t by Bradley Srhw&l'z, a local attomtv. ll 11 designed to prepare thrnie who are preparlns to take the California llcenae eumlnatlon for bu11lneu opportunity brokers. -U.S. Navy Photo PereonaJ property WU e.Ulnated wu takl"n to juvenlle hall for boy1. But Jed'• teammate1 want him "ln excua of 110,000." Annual ln· But Sit-J ohn Bloom was not back for 1prtng tralnlns on the come from the Mtate wu peg1ed convtnced. A thorough aearch bueball team and hi• catcher'• -------+.....-_. ..... .-------''--'--+-.. PiS\1....-...,ffi .... t'='ll"'e .... typa-""'n.a.po""ftl_.,,Tllu~ ap -portmm Tl mn otl' The courM wUJ mHt Konday ifTltl ttOm 1-10 p.m. Come in and see 'em! NEW CHEVROLET Taslt·Force TRUCKS with a whole truckload of new ad'Yantages for you! 3 Hnt'J what hap~s whnt Ammai's No. 1 trMd bMilJn Jnllls ofll oil the $fops! Htrt o~ Kmrt of IM""' otlYanuj rtaJy to wori for ""' riglal ... New Chevrolet Task-Force Trucb do mom.jQbs;.f.U'kr, better and with new economy. If you've got a job for a truck. we've got the modern truck for vour job! Look over the new features and advanca highJiahfed • hue-no otbCf truckJ offer '° much tbaft new. Then come In and look over thCIC Tuk-Force Trucks in perso!'I. Su MW "lsigh-Yoltagt,, nttiMS All feature a 12-volt electrical system for fMter, 1urer StartJ; increued aenerator c:apacity-plua man1 aduaive advanca. •• 4 TM c11b u os nni as tlet -rirw New S-..p·Sight wind~hicld-plu1 mnre 1lut all around. New H1gh·l cvcl \•cntila- tion. New aofter JCab -ml•re comfort. 7 Nnr Ownlri~ ""Hydrt1-Mt1tk Ovmtrive ii available u an utn.('l(Jlt optioo on ~-too modell and truclt Hydr1·Matic OG \.i·, '4,, and I~ jobe.. 8 Nnr Powr Brdts ""'1 T..Nlm tirts POW'a' Brakea staJI~ 2- t.on modall-optiooaJ at atra cOlt on othen. T'*lla Id ICUClatd OD ~«in. J Nnr ltyling in trwci, 5 Jt'1 Work.Stylin1-an uclusivt devtlop- ment in truck dn1pi Wllh twn d11tinc- t1vely cWferaic 1tyha1 tr~atmtnlJ. A smoothn, lood-stutl1 riJt New 1U1penslons front and rur provide a smoother ride. New ' concealed Saftty Steps suard apinat mud. 1oow, or ice. 9 N"' ~ ,._ ..W. Pown SlttrUIJ Cbnrolet Power Stcerin1 k DOW a-0.ble cm Ill Qwm>ld T~­ POl'Cl9 Tncb, opCioeal at atn COit. 2 Nrw 18,000 lb. G.V.W. capoci17 Ne'¥ Tuk.-Force Trucks are built to ll•n- dle loada of all llln. Capacitia now IC> all I.he way up to 18.000 lb-. G.V.W. 6 Nrw stanJord-wUlth fro"'a All modclt now have MW ladder.type frames of standard width, with larpr tull- lenJt.h parallel 11de mcmMn . J 0 Ntw1 ~olo~s I Nrw two-tOM combsnohons T1.ke your choice ol a loapr.c.ban.wr litt of attnctiw ... colon Md combinatioM. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 West ~t HI .. .,._, t NIWPOIT RACH Uberty 1-2261 , . ; , .. YA BIG BULLY!'" ..:... Theae might be the worda of Newport HarboJ"'Yacbt aub'a Commodore Harry Mann (right) aa he reluctantly relinquished NHYC -LAYC Challenge Trophy to Commodore Ralph Phillips of Loa J.ngelee YC following the annual series held last Satur- day. In the formal races LAYC chalked up 115~~ points to 991 :! for Newport. in a 5 race series which is always accompanied by jocular insults and ''dire'' threats. The Commodore's "Race" which winds up the afternoon was sailed over the "long course" t from one stal!ting flag to the other) during which Commodore Mann was lapped twice by Commodore Phillips. -Beckner Photo . Fair lo Feature Gay Nineties UGAL Ni>ncE that ahe executed ttle ume. In wltneaa whf'rtof. I have ht're- untn H t my hand anft atnxe<l my omni -• Ulf' rtay a nd year In thla Ctrt1!1C"a te flnt a bove v.•rlt-, trn. ~' ROBERT F. WILLMES My rnmm111,.ion Explr~11 I :O.:nvembt"r HY,;JM~ i No. 1310 I Nf'Wa·PreH 4 14. :Zl , 28. !'1,!I, \9!\5 CERTlnC'ATt: o •· Bnasr.~s fl'ICTJTIOl '!ij f'IR~f s .on: The undnslgn,.'1 rtoPs he1 •by certify that 11he I• cond11ct1ng a real eatate buslnua at 32111 W. I Cof\1t Hl(hwsy, Newport Benr h , Cell!; 2e87 8. Cout Highway. Co· 1 rona dt l Mar, Call!; 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Calif; 208 Marine Avenue. Balboa hl11.11d, Callromla , under the flctltloue firm name of THE VOGEL CO. and that aatd firm la compoaed of the tollowlnr ~raona. whoee nAmea and addrea11· ea are aa follow11, to·wlt: LOIS T. VOGEL, llOle ownf'r &18 Vla Lido Nord, Newport Beach. Ca lif. Wltnesa my hand thl• 22nd day ot March, 19:S:S. LOIS T. VOGEL STATIC OF CAUFORNIA. COUNTY OF OR.ANGE >111. On thf1 22nd day or March. A.D .. 19:55, befol"I! me, a Notary Public ln and for .. Id County and State, peraonally appeared LOIS T. VOGEL. known to me to be the pen on who11e name 11 aubecrlb~ to the within lnatrument, and aclfnowledgf'd to me that she executed the aame. 1n wltneaa whereof, I have here- unto eet my hand and affixed my official aeal the day and year in thl• certJflcate Clrat above written. /t/ ROBl!lRT B. POWELL Notsry Public ln and for Nld Co1mty and State. No. 1307 1 WANT AD will coft you only s2 and it will run in all 3 iuuea ~·· A Mini mum ed ia PhoH Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Ne1''9•Preu -Monday and Thunday edttloalj, Pit• t he Coutal Shopper, Wedaeedaya NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every MODdaJ and TbUradaJ COASTAL SHOPPE R-Wednesdays 4 Unes 1 Paper $1.00 4 Unee Z Papen 1.50 4 U am S Papen 2.00 Co.ata f 811opper Clualftecl Acl9 mmt naa tn. t1111 Mollda1 or Tburada7 PubUC9tl1111 HINIMVM AD 18 ' UNE8 All Claa•lftecl Ada m u1t I» p&ld for Culll ln a.dvaace ot pabltcauoa. DEADLINES for placlnr or cancelllns ada are: For Monday Publication -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday Put>ncatfon -Tueaday 2 p.m. For 1burllday Publication -Wednuclay 1 p.m. , ..... I t!-hl1d181 S..rvtt.9 TIME TO PA INT N. W. Ross P1ur.1tni A ~·QrattnJ Ubuty 8·3321 or H•rbor 30811·M 280 Av(;('adO. COllta Mua Lll'l'nlll'd Ir tull lneurl'd 38p61 PAINTING Paintmg & Paper Hanging "'The Beat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 1112 3Slh Et., Newport 8"cb P HONE HARBOR 24<K Uc GENERAL CONTRACTING Framing Ir Foundation• f'ree Eet\matea Ir Plan Service C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 31t!c Painting &. Paperhanginr We do the work oun5elvea. 30 yeare experience Llcenlled .l lnaur~. 8atlatactlon a uaranteed. Eatlmatee frH. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 &. LI 8-5289 8ltfc FOR R ENT Sk:UI Bawa, Elec. Drtlla, Pollaheni, all type. of Bandera, WhHlbar· row1, etc. BOYD'S HDWE: 2830 W. COAST HIGHWAY Uberty 8·3U5, Newport Ben 28llc Paperhanging Painting N EWPO TH R S:PRESS -PART IV • PA&E J APRIL 14, 1955 A~OR NEW T URSDAY, lZ-!!.!!!1 ~ CARPENTRY • MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL H. o . Allcerwon t 10 1' E. ~lboll Blvd .• Balboa Harbor 2460 83tf COMPLETE PAINTING &. Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS MO Slat St reef, ,Newport BU <" Harbor 2978 or Har. 408. h c tf House Plans LIBERTY 8-t201 lOtfc 14-Penoaala AJcobolica Anonymoua Write P. 0 . Boll At N eW})Ort Beacll. Calif. Pbooe Harbor 47~ ti. l~Beao!l _Aldj_ Superfluous Hair PannanenUy removed from face a rma. lep. Eyebrow. and b.a1J' Une abaped-.No more lweuin1. ELL.EN L BRYANT A.. I:. U do'a Salon of Beauty Har. 2678 lfo 22-Lo.t and Foancl LOST -Blue Cardigan swut...r in Corona del Mar Tuesday - 722 Ooldrnrod, Har. 4070-M or Harbor 3381. 39c41 Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen COSMETICI AN pre· ferred. Must be ex· perienced in selling better -name lines. Sa lary open. WRITE giving full deta ils. to Box T-56, t his paper. I TcU WANT expPrlenced r~al a.tat• aaleaman or broker familiar with Harbor Area for Wi'll utabllahed bu11IMU. Hox U-117, thla pa per. ll7c!9 Period for &5th Annivenary The gay nlnel 1<'11 p .. rlod in Or· ange County w111 b•· rl'c1111e.1 this year c.lurlng the 66lh Annlwrsary Orange Cuunty Fair. Au.:. 9·H . according to 1''1 ank V. Cran.,, pr .. a· !dent or lhe Fa"lr Board. Newe-Preu 3/24. 31, 4/1, 14, 1955 t'F.RTIFICATE OF BUSINESS t"ICTITIOt 'S t'l.KM NAME The undel'91gn~. doea hereby certify that a he la conductlnjC" an The publillhera will not be reaponalble for mor. than one Incorrect Insertion of an ad, ~ltrve lhe rlrht to correctly cl&alify a.ny and au ad.I and to r eject any ad not conforming to ruJea and recuJatlona. Kimberly 7-1121 3lp46 i4-8choola, lutruetloa Real-Ed.te SchooJ LOCAi.. High School Boya -1'·11 years. after echool A Sat. work. Av<.'rare nrnlnra 1.2& to 1.M Pt"r hr. Write P.O. Box I U, C.O· rvna. del Mar. ITplt OIRL.S- Slox1m of the IM!\ Fair will bP "6:J Yt11r11 or ProJCr••ss 111 Ora nge County," emphasizing .,_-rowth In agriculture, Industry, culture and population. The hl11lury of Or&J1&e County expo11lt1nn11 and civic cdebrallon11 haa b<'tn vai 1t>d The Oral fair wa11 hrld In S11nts An.1 In 1890. \\'Ith tht' Exhibit nrl'R tn t he old Opt-ra HOll!or• Ill r 1iurth 11nd Bu11h 8t~. The llvt11to«k 1<h1,w •n•I horse racing wtrl' coal111cted 11t thr oltl raretral'k nt Bri11l nl and Bu11h Sl11., II trlH'k llllld<• r11lllOUS by the explo1t11 "' ~llkwu<l(I. thi-worl.f'8 fu,.lf'•l I rot I llli;' ht1r.1!. All!'r WmJil \\'11r I, l111ntlngton B•·toc·h Wd8 tht• 8Pllin.: rrJr th,. County 1-'Hlr (111 two yeHl'l', And 1n thl' !'1trly twr nl '"" lhl' tent11 were loratc•tl •Ill r• ult SI nc-•r Poln11N· t1a :>t. In 1'11111111 Ana. lAlf'r th" LEGAL NOTICE SOTlCF. l..S\'lTISO 81 0~ Interior and d"1tgnlng business 111e Board of Tru11leu of the with almllar related acUvitlu at :O.: .. w1)Cj1·t Beach School Ol11tract or 2820 Avon, Newport Beach, Or· Orange County will receive bids a l 11n1e Coun ty, CaHrornla. undn the the Bu:<ine-ss Orne... HOO Cliff fk llt1ou11 rtrm namf' or designa- Ora\'e. Ni>wport Beach, Callrom1a. lion which don not ahow the true up lo 8:00 p.m. May 3, 19~ for namf' o• names of the ~nrons In· gymnasium lockers. library rurnl· tneatrd In N ld bualnus. t o-wit: lure and clU8l'O(lm furniture u "JEANE' C ARROLLE follows : 189 metal g-ymnulum INTERIORS" room locken: librar.y furniture. In and that N ld firm la compoffd of cludrn1 ahelvlng, table.11, chairs, the following peraon, only whose check 011'!. deak, magazine rack, name and addreaa la u followa: book ca rt, cal"(f retalogue and ml11· N. JEAN BROWN cell11neo11s llbrarv furniture: 160 2820 Avon, <'hair desks for 7th Ir 8th grade: Newport Buch, Callfomla. 1~ • two • pl1u:e tablc11 ror lllt Wltne"" my hand thla ht day of itra<lfo: :JO rirst grade r halr11: April, l~M. !lo 2nd gra(!(' chalrM: flfl unlveNY1l N. JP:AN BROWN dt8ks for 11h gradt'; 36 umv..r~al STATE OF CALJFORNIA .-1r,.l<:i tor l'it h gr11clP ; 3 11lx-plare Cou;-o;TY OF ORANGE \u. l111)J1>1<: 20 ~<'Vl'nll'f'n·ln<"h d tUll' On thla the let day or April, room rhalr": 7 tr11r h••r11 •lel!k~: 7 iO:'l!'I. betor; me, CARRIE V. OU().. tr11cher t•ha lt'M. LEY, a Notary Public In 1tnd for Bu.111 will be arceptt>d on. all or 11 11alf1 Cllunty and Statf', J>Pr-Mlnally p11rl or the abovt' lllllt'd Jtem1 and aJ)pParrd r.;, JEAN BROWN, contrart• will "" 11war<1ed \Jpon known to me to ~ the prl"llnn fa;u;:1"11111I• ""'1'' t'<l abll1<h••I n••nr qunllt y or .. ampll'll 11hown. Who114! n11m!' Ill 1ubK rlbed to the Pini 1>nth1 u1H <'l1:1pt11K11 /\\'"11. ,.. s r 11 II .. _ f I I within lnt1trumf'nt. and a dmnw· 1 '"'· • JI""' 11'11 nn,. w1 ,,... on 1 I' n bnlll Wht'lt' Ill" (Ii llnj:e I ri In ll1•• 0111•1n•'l•l! Ortlt'f' 11t 1100 C liff ltd(el1 to me thal ahe f'Xttllted lh,.1111,. 111ow ,.11111•1~ I l"n\'t>, :"\l'Wf>Ort Brar h. C'l1hf. thf' ""RI". \I•• \\'wlol W11f 11 rn11• 1•11 Th,. 01>11rrt nr Trt1"'"''" c•r lhr \\'ltneH my hand and ot!1cla l w ... h• Iii 111 lh•• ~ •nll\ Ann 1·.,111· ;>.:rwrort BPH• h S•·h~ Ol11t rlrt r"· ~111. rn11111 •• ' l'cnl• 1. 1111of 11n11th• 1 "'"" ,.,.,.., .• lh" llRhl tll r,.1;.,.t 11ny ,., f"ARRIE V DUDLEY 11111111111 .. 1 \\1111 t h" l\1111h<'t11 11 ti· 11 11 hut• 11r wKlv,. 11ny 1nronn11t11y !l;ot11ry Puhllr in anft for tc11•r "" 1-. 1""' rn .. 111,1 1wr· an" h11I I ""1<1 l'ounty and 81•1~. n1.cnl'nl ll1M1t ~" I ounl\ ~·"'' '"'" ll AHVF:Y f'I T'EA~E M.\' rnmml11..,1on •XPll"t'll ~,1.,hll•hr•I ,.1 llw f'"'"'nl 1;·,.1 r·tr1k. =""w~rt R,.11.-11 Nn\•, lfl. 19~;&. "' • I-JO 1.:11°11n • oon ;\<'\\I'"'' ~,.h..,,I p 1,t 1'\n 1.100 Hiio! Ill lhl•I, h\' lho .~1111 .... ,, .. I T'1111h-h . Arn i " ... 2 1 Ill~... >iPWll·Prt'l'll 4 7. H . 21 , 28. 19~~ NEWPORT KA&BOK PUBU8HING CO. t !U a.lboa Blvd .. Newport 8-11. Calllonlia. Put Pep in the PoCketbook by Putting Profitable Want ~da to Work 8pedal NoUeee y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet.a nery 'nlunday I p.m. Vla Oporto -Central Ave. Newport ~&eh JClwood 8hell, ICulted Ruler A~111 •••ltit~l A~~•H 1All'''1 ~··"r~'' ~At ~r Sru·~-rr~'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'h1114 t..•••f'h rth fll• 11111 , "U t 1n• ~u t:ll 1 '"111" 11"11 11 "111 '·1". I...... I la" Ill.•' -.-.-,.;-R_T_l_t __ l_C .-A-T_r._. -,-,-•• -R-,-.)'4-,-N-' E-.-s .-s (""11111' l ·~iolrut~ 1"1111''"·"1: l'•lill·I t1C'T1TI0 1'l'l FIRM SAMP: rt.iy ; 1111' ttll I ,._,,,.,_.,1111n~ \.\ 111 h•• "-'~lt·oui•••I h\' .. A .. ,,, ••lftr tltLw Ul c '•n· 111•1I1"11 "1111 I h• 1:11 II\ HHlll'o'l ,..cl>" 11h1<1~,' "'". '"'tH41 ''"' 111hrn•ld , .... 11- 1 ~rll'ol '" 111 .. ''"" """"•· 211:101 S•''' I'"' I IJl vol . ld 1'f'hnn" I< lm h,.1 ly :1.1-21;, Cpl. Dinter Takes Leave From Korea Th" 11nt1,.r~11;nNI rlnl'~ hPr~by •·rrt1lr \h>il ~11 .. I• t•on1lurl1ni; 11 ,.,.~1a11rn11t h11111n""'' al 1694 N,.w· pnrl Blw1. ('n,.111 Me1111. C.:iillfomh1. 11r10lrr I hi' fir tit 1nus firm n11 m" or HEHT'S <'AF'F. Anti thal Mid firm l '" C'fllll J''ll"''I of t he rollowlnit pl'r• I ~·111• whm1C' nAmt'JI In rull a nll "'""'"' 11{ rr11ltlrni:e •re 11a Collow A. lO·Wll ' T OKYO DOROTHY S . .EDWARDS. 187~ AnAhf'Jm. ('oiitll Mu a . California l"rl Rnhf'rt n Dan· \\'llnl'~ my hand thl• l I th day ll"r. 2ll, lll'Q or M1J1 El ht l P tnKl'r. of April. lllri:'l. 320 E l~th Sl , t•o,cta M•J111, r,.., I DOROTH Y S E DWARDS t'Pntly ~f'('nl a \HPk'~ '""''" In STATE OF' CALJF'OR:""IA I 1 CO\::"\TY OF' ORA:"GE IN . T~lcyo from hl11 untl In Korre I On this 11 th rlav of April. A. o r,1rporal Dlnj,l"I , """ 1\1 rl\'f'•I 1r·.;, bf-fOrf' n1; ROBERT F'. n, .. ,,. ... ,, In M><y u1:11 '" lf'l:lllll ilV I \\"11.L~ll::~ .• ="••lKry l'ubllc In "'"I"''""' 1n Korr• In (.'nlllpMny An.,i fnr thl' 11a1d County and State, B .. r thr 711\ lnf1tn1ry Owl.-111n 11 rNll•hn!t thl'rtln, <tuly r ommlMlon· ';(1 th OrdnA.nc ,. Dt1t111ll11n ~.J eniJ .•worn, per ... inally a ppearrd Brfr•re f'nttran11: lhe Army 1n OOROTl-LY S. EDWARDS known ('\{-111h('r. 19t•3. ht wa11 itra•hllll•••l I tP n,., ti1 be• the prrsnn whnM> nAme f r11na :\"f'wpart Harbor t 'n1on High I'" t111b9rnbP1.l t n lht within lnslrll· !khool 1111•nt, a11d ar knowl!'dJ:l'l1 to me 117 Pounds of Music and Fun for Orange County looking for a BARGAIN1 PERHAPS A USED CAR? if the Want Acls • . NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 ( the Want Acls AN ATTRACTIVE RENTAL 7 (the Want Acls Paintin~, Decorating Paper Haaging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRA<.."TOR 878 W. 18th St., Coeta Mu• Llberty 8-8628 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNORY n s d . WIU come to your home, take down your venetian bllnd1, take them lo our laundry. Launder the alata t&~•. corde, 11parkllnr clea with our new machine procet method. Return your blind• an "·lnllkll them In 24 hour• Price vtry reuonable. The aver age 2 tape re•lttenllal bllnd- Only $1.00 We at.o repair and rebuild •ene- tlon bllnda. All work done by ap. polntment. Phone now Ubert y • S.6701 or Kimberly 3·1274. rpu c H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Pbooe: Ha.rbor 4824 ?801 Balboa Blvd., Newpurt ~acb J>A'p PAINTING PAPER HANGING Jtf'aldmll&I • C'ommerclel Work U ctnMd <"ontrilctor11 Call l.Axinl'ton fl·494fl colle<"t. H unt1n1 ton Beach CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES L.Jberty 8-6109 29lf CA RPEN T ER Repair Wor k Do.a rour Hom• NMCS RepaJnnr or Rcmoddinc r Call rranit. lJbeny ll·tll:S• AU Work Guarantffd 7tllc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 1 wtall U\e above cheaper Ula.n moat. Alao ff.II Tile A Ll.noleum. Non·Wlion, 26 yeara experience. Compare and He - Bll.J.. COKER L1 8-6204 7l!c FAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn J ohnston 501 • 318t St. Newport Buch Harbor 3178 221fc -F or a dependable uaed car, roee your local deaJer who wl!l bl here TOMORROW to back up what ht 11ell1 TODAY! Chttk lht urord cara ln the <"IHAlflt"d •e<"t1on to· d•y. • Santa Ana 1n MEN Ir WOMEN prepan In time for unlimited opponun 91>f.re JU ea a&Ha At· earn l or Bu1I· )'c&• 74llc In Rtal Estate . .New cJ w eekly. AJ Tyler ln1trucUn1. tend ttrat evening !rH and 1 a bout thla gre.at field. Cal w rite now !or tnformauon.. n ... ln11Utute. o:s~ N. 8 more. IQ 3·1753. China Painting Da1 &nd Evenln1 Ordera Talcen Now Phone Liberty 8·5848 9Hlc PIANO TEACA-1 ER PR.18CILLA MA.TrHEW Formerly or Oltca10 IMld .An1elea, Ll l ·StM. ~ltuatlo• Wutecl Thl'ff baby aHten avail& bl• ror ewnl111111 Phone Llberty S.2722. !~ p38H FORMER TF.ACHE.R A11<1 "ll l't'rl· e<'k· f'nr~rl SJTTER. by hour nr w JUST A JOB! l.fOR.E THAN THAT-A.a opJIOl'- tunlly to work In an lnl4rMt.ta• indu11try whlrh I• upandtnr and offtra adv11ncemrnt opporlwUl7 to qualified younr womftl. OPENl~GS SOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -APPLY- :SU '" N. Main St. Rm. 211 -S.nla Alla Mon. t.hrouicb Frl. 11 :00 to 4 :00 p .m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Utt• CON8TRUCTl01'f 8lJPEl\Vl80Jl wanted for Oran11 Count)' YMCA Ca.mp. Bartoa n&t.a ana ln 8a.n Bernardino mouat.atu. MUBT be a.ble lo r-4 bluepl'Uat.a la order material Oarl>entf)' • olber con19t.t'Ucllon akllla nK- eary. W ork to beictn lmmedl•t•IJ -ea to tO day Job, Wltly. aalary. Board • room optional JNl'J!:JlVJJl;W by appl, C&U YMCA LAmbert G·!ll!\2 or Kl 7-4114. UMO end a Harb<1r 3921-R . 4:'Jpr WAJl<'T: Comblna uon npuaUon A rnuntfr .-irl. l"lfth "L 0-r .. PAINTER WA~'TII WORK. l~ y .. 11r11 ex fn<'~. 1'\1>n union. Hourly 2 18 !'Ith l'tt, HuntlnftOI\ ~­ Up3t ~r1· J LADY with rar fnr AVl'.ln product• Ubt'rty 8-2';22. 3:'J p.lflH In N"WT'tlfl ar.-• ~r-ellent PJ'O- fll : Call IM aprL Kt 1-dt1. 0 I .. oy s Maintenan ce HouH clranlng-F loor wuttn Wall waaning-"'1ndow l'lf'an v VrnrUan blind•. Uphollotfr. ln1urt<1. Jo'rl'e E•tlmalu Liberty it-1332. ltrc Experienc'd Jarde LANDSCA ING ner and CLEAN UPS Llbt-rty 8·1659 3 OtrC' TTJ"J="IC, my l'lome. Rea.on a blf', tut It arrurat,. Manu,.,·ri Jlh lk----... Bnokk""P'r thr11 trlaJ, _,.. ~n. ,.l'V..ral lltl'nll'11 We.re OJI'" M~'11ral ,_.t'y -hkkpr. Top ._._. Pnmut If r<>JJll 1nn•, Uve In an4 t111y wnrk"r~ Jl':>.IE F'o\l"t RAR J:mplnyma11l 4021.., • :l2M Al . N~rt Bflar" 1 A<'rn•" ~l. from Ctt1 Halh J&c40 T'O~ITIO:-." OPP:!'/ fnr new °" ~ r •r •11 lf'11.man Alen lubncatln" "'"n A11rly at T,.rry·a Bukk, !'11 h A> \\'11ln11t, HunUn,.-ton Bd 1. Ur40 I'll'. T'hone V>nK 8 r 11rh i08-Oi2 Rf:\.r:RAI. n!RI-<; tn addr'MA, nr wn1 .. 8"11 n rf J•1hn"'1n W. 17th Sl , A pl. 2. 14J!IC U t lSll mail ~,,,.,..,b !'lf\llr~ time •very "'8.th W""k \\'nl l' lt"x l&I, ~lmonl. 2flp Jl:l9 M•~ S4p-42 H OU SF.WORK, E O Aljl'iRESSl\IE REAr~ ESl;,ATl.I EXP£RIE~C R"r"r,.nc .. a ()v.· n l raruo l'O n "t inn ~ALF:~MA:'I: ftor W"ll ln(al~ nf· f 1.50 per hnur Ph LI 8..f 64ll tu ,. R'"IC R,.rh Rttilty. Karbl:lr 3fl p40 !'lt~-H•r fl87 iauo . WANT JRONI:"<G r:-; MY HO MP. rtO Wberty 8·307• 311 Z&-llelf Wu ted WAST BABY SITTER for 3 mo !'I to art olll b11by. my horn,. Hr11. 7 .4. .1 .•-' Monday thru f"rld•y• Si Apr 18 2063 Mnplr, C:OiltJ< M I'll.II J8 p-40 WAST cnllrgt boy for part ti m,. WMk . 3 half d•Y' a Wff'k SF:F; Jay Ptrry. ('irc11l1llnn D f'Jll ... ,. N<'wport Harbor P hnn,. Harbor 1616. or 4-:'J pm, only. :'l:f'WIJ·Pr 1()0 12 11 m ilh 39r W.A :o\T moth,.r& h•IP'·r, "'hlte, II•• In ""f"'C l11fly ~t)n(! With Chlt• clrf'n I >r, 10 yra. • 12 yra. Movinii to C'nrona dtl MAr I" J unr r, otny \<'""I< Salary 1210. rrrnnU1 Jll11• t'llr •nd ••J>'nw•. f'hon" oxror.1 9·3176. J8c60 \\'A N'r a1110 1111lr~m11n tn .. u n....,., l''c111IA 11nt1 UJ"i'll 1 ar1. Jt1epertenc:• ,.IJ m11.n preft·rr1>1I THP.<m<mF: ROHINS, P'ord Dir .• :ll(lO W. C-1111 s l Hwy. ="IJJl. S-cl\. LI l>Prt y 8·317 1 3to WANT m11n II) work In balrery. I M M i M i i M M M I h M i i I M M 8 I M 8 8 eze I 8 M:M i 8 H i I )l&:Jil Mu~! ~ 11til• tn dn ve. We will train 1"1111 l1m11 work. Good • h1.n1 11 r1°r 11ch•11.11rtment. g:-; AC"K RHOP, 2306 F.. C0Mt Hlffhway. Corona dtl Mar. Hc61 "I was dumf ounded A LL BOTS Whether 109 wut to buy or want to aeU, the Clutdtled colamu of tb18 DeW"Sp&per offer the beat opportualty for ruu.IU ••• A foar U.e ad trill .,.,..,. lloadar, WedJleedar and Thanda1 la over 18,000 eopiee l at the response from· th is ad! C-amf'r rout ... ar11 now OP" la \•n11r n"l1rhhnrh()l>lf 1t ..you &rf!I 12 tn 1:-, )"llra old. call th• r 1r,.11l11!111n 1l•p&rtm .. nt, Ha.rt.or l fl HI, fnr ~our ~11wport H&l'bor :\"""' ,.f'r""R 1 nrt Caul.al !!'lopper roUll' lfU is on Radio KWIZ 1480 on the dlal "l'Yf' ..tftl'UIN!cl ~fON Mid u ... ya ~ lood r-ulf• ffflftl ynu.r s-pen lltwt t .... 9d '811 Jnt -""'" and I bad an A.MAZl:-00 a..a..r of .,. .... ,.._ Ttt..n It wu Ju.t a tnaltff of w ...,.tlll& the r11•t t-.L Ta.. ·~ I• ~ eow for a )'l'&r ao y11u rna1 C'&8ttl mr Mt." this VALUE I • • • ,,_ .. a OOPJ of "'· C. IU•clf'l"'a ad - x€WiwlPRBSss :~i~t,i~~~. tum. or unf'tlrn., utll. paid. Harbor --34tfc Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker ~=~ .. .:~:1-~=t~'0• ............ r~· ............... ;a..,,~'ff"-........................................................................... ~1)lli---.: icx::ic1:1cx::icEc~.acx:~::ic1C1::X:1~•=1c•~ ... :IC•a.11:1C:E:i'ocr•'~heC.:adi:::t~a1c:X:.Er~.cx:::ic1:1cx::." KATEY DOANE Nrw • nurly nf'w a pp1rel ~ womtn • / hlMr"n KtnrSell'• f'al 1'' 2i2l f:out Blvd , Corona •f"I M11 r 28cn f"ANNrN<; RfZP: pre1u1ur~ ~. 1 Rmall walnut marhl" toppPd t a blf', t'llld welnut burrett. tour f'Mt rolurtd Villante ~ LI• ti.rt1 8-7e t7. ' l tcat T ,, ··~J _1 PAGE 4 . PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .fO;-A~-~~-~­ . THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 1955 32-Fumt~ for Sale 82-Fumtture for Sale ' . ( (CHECK THESE USED CARS lO-Aab and TNC!b --Transportation ------------------• Bay Furniture Gives You Lifetime ·BUY 1fl POl\'TIAC S••tlanette. Ratlil lleater It: a eolid gootl runnln· car, . $Cllltl No llon.-y Down ~uy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up whot he sells TODAY! Specials Buys of a During our remodeling sale I NEW Bunk beds, ~wd. comp. with 2 innerspring mat. $129.50 value .. . ...................... at Bay $79.50 8-pc. bedroom group, complete with gu~ranteed in- nerspring mattress and box springs $199.50 value -··· ..... ...... .. .......... at Bay $139.50 Innerspring mattress & box spring sets, matching. Guaranteed construction. $99.50 value . .. ..... _ ... .... .. at Bay $59.50 9-pc. living room groups, choice of styles, includ- ing bcd-di\•,an, matching chair & ottoman, or husock ; 2 step-~·nd tables, l coffee table. 2 table lamps, 1 floor lamp. $319.50 value atBay $199.50 Bay Furniture Warehouse Annex must make room for new .. . Must dispose of present stock of used .. . No reasonable cash & carry offer refused BAY FURNITURE 427 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa (between Tustin & ln'ine) Free Storefront Parking -Terms Open Eves. till 8 p.m. • -------·------- FIREWOOD FH.EE DELIVERY llry w11t1J, ~· • :!<I" length. Call B. H. STAGG Phom• HarbQr t tlH f:\•1minJ.!11 Hul'b<>r :1:1!•1 J!lt f BIC Y~l.ES,--;01.J~Z.·11lth-n.tllO, I VntltH'\\'UtH.l l)'fk\\'I 1l l'I Rt•1i11111:· ton eler. "hit v .. r , .. .,,.,1 h· 1dy. tlbl. .11<1lh1 rod< rnupl1• li··il. !'Il l E-.1sl On'llll Frw11, 1·<11 nt·r of I 'nlm. Balboa. Ph. Har. a2:a1 :iGcHJ Fresh Hearing BA 1'TB:RIES Aid We Give S&H (.;r N•n Stamps ~0-8--Appllan~~~--~- CA RRl F;R L'PRIGHT <IN'p fr!'t!ZP. l3f1ughl 2 ,vr". 111:0 for $67:-i. \\'111 St'll for $I 7ri. H R r. 2867. 30c-t I ESTATE RCA. l!;lt·c;rlc Stove - H• •I point washrr. ·~2 model - Hotpo1nl t!ryl'r, $1[.0. t ak!'a 1111 1111 '''" Her. J r155. 37~·39 Automatics $39.50 to $99.50 Vd1vt•rf'll ln11la llt•d . guaranlt•cd No eirtra chorge We Service All Appliances , Specializing in Automatics Auto. Washer Enterprises Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Ba.lboa Blvd , Balboa H arbor t>I:J. 98trc :!6~8 NE'Wport Rtv1l ' ('Ml& M1·~11 Llt>crty 8·6:.!118 1 Ne11r Golf Cour~" 1 pp·l8 ~--~----·~~~~ 19t•~• Wl::IJGE\\'000 rang•· lleluxr. The b1g.:t•11l I< bt•1<t w1lh aulo· m11t1c -ovrn clock. vsni11hlng ~heir. i:rllldle In flll(llllt'. &: h•G A 17 P ONTIAC Seuanette. Radio. heater. Clean aa a hounda tooth .. . ... ..... .. $369. No Mone~ Down SAFE >7 CHRYSLER club coupe. Looks & runs good. Good t1ru & rt'· duced to only .... .... .... . ..... $209, No Money Down BUY 1950 PACKARD ' door. !l:ew tin· 1!lh, good tnglne. Plastic cov<'rR & runs like 10.000 dollar~. you puy <.inly .. _......... .. . s:.99. ko Money Down USED 52 C ADILLAC Fleetwood. Fully equipped. Nea.r new and what a buy. Soll! for over $5,600, yours for . .... ... ... .. ..... $2.799. CAR 52 FORD Ranch Wagon. Heater. overdrive. light blue t111lsh. A perfect all purpose rar .. $1499. AND 63 FORD 4 dr. Radio. heater. ovP1" drive. low mileage, reduced '200 for 881" thla week . $1299. No Money Down SAVE 53 MERC. 2 door. rac11o, heater A Mt>re•>rn"ll<l. 01'lglnal A t'lt>an .. $1499 1'1'> Monl'y Down at Johnson & Son Lincoln • Mercury 900 w. Coe.st Hlgh1¥8Y Newport BrR<'h Liberty 8-~:'> •·on !'!ALE C HEAP-4 panel c1oor:i 2·.11", 2'-6". :r-o". two 2'·6"x .. 6'·11" glUA C'ompl. with St'hfJ!.Re lO<'ka. 213 38th St . Newl)')rt Bch. new 1wterto grill broll nven. ll.>1 ------------- 37p30 10ofl EMBOSSED buslnua cards. 1:1.90-3 line rubber stamp $1 .()() '4 Jin~ rub~r slnmp with eul '2 00 (884 t'Ul81. BQnk matches. L. W, WHITf: I.I 8"1011 f'VU , LI 8-M!it'l pptfr, WOO!J BORING drill". n111nter· Blnk1'. multl~pur bttll, nugt'r3 at do11e-nut prlc1•H. Jlartx>r P11lnt Center. 412 · 32mJ St., Newport 0.-aC"h. H nr. 28:18 34<'30H ---- A NTIQUES --Olt.l furniture. cut g l11u, lurnp•, nl<l pH'hlr~~. d nrk11 f'l <'· 81\rg"8ln11 gAlhtl' Rli: dl!I· count.~ to 11NL.ler1>. C"hH rite Oa vi~. 18~ F.. An11h1·1n1 St. Lt1ng B,.ar h. f!:'I0-13!1. 29Hl USEI.> 1•orri-;ny ~mt.us, com· pr1tMOr. b11rrt'l~. ml"t'r klln". 2 c1•·l'lkS an1I mlA<, r f1ll1f\m"11l S.1mr f1111~hl'i1 p11, .. ,. 1.1 R· 1:!ri1 bMlnd new but pc1. dn. to $278.27 fr·om vMg. $396. No dn. pymnt. J1ti.t pay the pymta. ur $U.tf! per month. sc., Baughn's A&S Warehouse 220 So, Milin St. t blka. S ot Ub St. S£tnla Ana. -OJWn dally 9.9 Sun, I H5 or Phrlne Kl 3·7201 S2-Funatture for Sale 19r,,; t;;F.:'\ERAL ELEC'TRlC rd· l'l!l'"rBll'lr. The big, deluxe modl'I with rev<:'lvlnr; shelves. hu"'c 1 1 ''~ top tre• Zl'r Clll'sl. 11helves tn •lt')()r & twn apollt>Ss poret•latn 1·11!<pers ltlr VPl't:tables. H u all t'olor mtr11or lts new but pd. dn. t•1 $:![>8 lli Crom $380. Sn dn. pymnt. If yoi; pay the pymt11. of $13.40 r"r month. ~rr Biwghn'• A&S Warchouee 220 So. M3ln St. 6 blks S or 4th St. Sranta Ana. -Open c1a.lly 9-9 Sun. 11·5 or f'hone KI 3-7201 83-Boata, Suppllee TRADE &lautltul 70-tt. awt. Khooner. Fully found, g-o anywhrre. Will ta ke equity In Jlroper1.y or smal- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd,, NewporL Har. 3032. 39tfc CHRYSLER Marine engtne, 4 'ii to l rrc1ucUon gear. REFR1GERATOR. 110 volt D . C. SEE JACK H AR PER at Lido Shtpyart!. end of 3ltt Street, Newpnrt B(>af'h. 29trc BOAT trailer, SSS, Chris Craft 8· tt. dlnithy, f1btor1tlll8.I bottom, with oara, H5. Phone Llbrrty 8·2!\32. 36t!c 26' SPORT or CO~fMERCIAI,. best offl'r llMve $2,000, Marine lnd11slrlal. Ford 6-Kohler 3~ h.p. bait engine -3 12 llCOOp tank. 381 40 BLEACHED Phlllpptne m11hoiz:any Mnonn11. •kl ff and p 111 n k. '"Ad ll .__ h "7" Hllrbor 0499-M, 38p39 M OVIXG EAST C11nt11•I" <?I " T V twin ""' 11• van y, ,,.,no · • "'· 1110, ~I'''"'· IH»•l~t I:\ lit•. h ... o k-!\CM> Ora.nit•·"'"'· Nt'wporl Hitt:o DOCK F'OR RENT-Will take up nM llf>, 2 ptrt11r,.. ~10 :\ plnnt· __ Uherty 8 •1084· 37ca9 to 20 ft. boat, $20. Har. 5078. era. flllt'tl, $1~•. :l ll\hlt• l11mrs I~. lll:.a ()'KEEFE & MERRITT :!8c40 floor lamp $1:>. tl11th"" }10111"•'r • ·rh b ("l' 'II 1 t -------------,. '""it" " 1g " 1111 "Ill""" MATCHED PAC'R Chry1lrr . Roy-S3. 11tOrl\tl:i' h11.t1<u1 1¢ Sil, • htl•J ll I 111 t d II lift I " 1tr • 1 e n m1 • P, op anu als, 2 lo 1 reduction, both '400. l!"llrtor 11:1. ALSO <ll11h1 ~ pan' nl<"•· jo!rlll broiln. Ull•'<l only 1 Harbor 1914.J, 38c43 etc. Phon" Harh"r 21n·,. \\' hrn. l'd tin. lo $I l 8.ii2. :"\n dn :lSr H• pyn1L If you psy the pyml11. o( Movie Projectors F OR Rf.NT a..M.~ 16·M~I l il·MM 'HOBB\' a.no MODEL AIRPLANE Sl'f'l'LIES ALSO G t1i;•r l'uunll'n fur rent Mears Camera Shop 1782 l'~·flhrl Blvo <"Mia ~'""" $!! Jl• prr m11nLh. !'1·" llnughn·11 A&S \\'arf'hou11e :?\!11 ~''·Main St 6 blk!. S or 4th St. ~.1nla /\na. -Open dally 9·9 S•m. 11·~ or Phone Kl 3-7201 SLIP RENTALS MllXlmum beam 8'. lengtb 32' ALSO ROWBOAT RENTALS All!EnICAN LEGrON HALL. 16th 4' Baytronl, Newport Beach. Harbor 452. PR·lf 20 IT UTILITY with remov11blr canvatt top. Gray Marine En· iitne. S660. cuh or tem1J1 11r- r1U11tt'd. LI 8-7384 39c41 40-Ay_tos and Truc~s__ 40~atos for Sale N 0 T ~ A Fire S~ N 0 T -A Spring Cleanup! N 0 T -Going out of Business! Just Some Good Buys in A-1 Used Cars! ' 1950 Pontiac 4-dr. Sedan radio • heater hydra $845. 1950 Nash 4-dr. Sedan R & H, Hydra Clean inside & out $695. 1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan Must ~ to appreciate $1095. 1954 Plymouth Plaza 4-dr. Sedan Needs paint and some other minor work $895. 1953 Ford V -8 Coupe Converted to a Club Coupe. New paint and seat covers $1345. 1947 Ford V-8 4-dr. Sedan Good transportaticm Bank terms $295. 1951 Chevrolet Fleetline Dlx. 2-dr. with Powerglid'e Radio &. Heater $995. 1952 Ford V-8 1 .. ton Panel Radio and heat~ Good paint $995. 1953 Chevrolet ~ :.i ton Pie kup 4-speed transmission 15,000 actual miles $1095. 1953 Ford Convertible Radio, heater, Fordo New tubeless WW $1745. 1952 Ford 6·cyl. :i , ton Pick up 3-speed synchro. trans. $945. ,, 1951 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon R-H. O'd $1095. 1951 Ford 6-cyl Coupe J\fotor recently overhauled $745. 1952 Ford V-8 Customline 2-dr. Heater & Fordomatic A perefrct family car $1245. 1949 Buick Super Estate Wagon A nice rar inside and out $645. 1952 Ford Crestline Convertible Radio. Heater & Fordo- mat ic, dual carb, rac. hds. Red $1445. 1949 Ford Convertible Black top and white interior $595. 1952 Ford Consul 4-dr. Sedan A real gas saver See this one! $595. 1953 International 1 :.: ton Pickup Excellent condition throug~ut $995. 1951 Ford 6-cyl. 1:.: ton Pickup Deluxe Cab Valves just ground $895. 1951 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop R-H, Hydra Good tires $1095. 1949 Ford 6-cyl. 1 ton Stake Good condition $595. THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford. Dealer Since "ON THE MARINERS' ~fl .. E" 1921 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8·3471. Phon• LJbl'rty 8·i012. Pr tt 1p5;, r•1111,co n ·frlgnator, The bi g l fl 1 u !t ~"'I' lari:-e <'l"Ol!!t top r1,..,.z, r rhe~t. beaullful lll\lry hl\r 11hel·;, .. In dour. ntcP "'":it • h1llt'1 I rnv '11111r VP~ <"rtsprr •1,.111~~ 11,. brand new but pil. •111 t" $221< 112 ft 11111 'lr1~ $::HI .'\11 (In, p~ m nt, H ynu l'"Y thc- f'\ m t.•. l1r 1 11.(1 I f)I r m1111th. S~fPE. ;o.;o. H JJ, In good rnnl'll· 34-Moslcal, Radio, II TV !H-MWl.ic.al. Radio, &: T \I SO-S-AfJ».,!lan.~-CH~~--~- 111&:1 CEXJiRAL .F.LECTRIC HlllO· m11t1c Wllshf'r, Thr h1i; btillll iful tllter now m od<'I w lt h ncltRlnr. s .. ,. Ba11ghn'11 A&R W&rC'hOIJ51' 220 So Main St 6 blk~. S ot Hh St. !'<nnta Ana. ~ Open dnlly 9.9 !'llln. 11-6 nr l'h•·nc-KI 3-';2(11 llnn. $100. Phone Liberty 8~~i:161 TV SERVICE WE RE:\'T port.able recnn.I ,pl11yrr11 A ampllrlera, Also P . A . 11ystc-111s. STEVE1'S 11.ntl SONS l8i9 Harbor CllvJ., Costa Mi-1!4 Liberty 8·2301. 32tfrpp April Spinf't Sprcials ! BEALJ'IFT t. 11 . ){llllha11 ~rln('I r 1ano, like nrw, MW· $2n:? LOVELY H nll••l & fl3\'lll IO" FJllnPt llkP rww, .11av•• $130. 40-Aotoe and Trucks SPRING ! ·SPRING ! Time to spring for that 0 Ked Used Car - and LOOK at these Bargains! 1955 FORD Customline 2-dr. sedan, R & H, Fortiomatic, WSW tires, many other ex- tras. Less than 3000 actual miles .......... $2245 1955 CHEVROLET Belaire 4-dr. V-8 sedan. Fully equipped. Executive car . . .. .$2395 1953 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. R & H . WSW tires. Sold n~w and serviced by us .. $1345 1954 FORD Country Squire, R & H. Fordo- matic, power steering, power brakes. W S W tires ................................. .. . . . . $249!1 1951 HILLMAN MINX convertible serlan. Heater, new top, new paint job, Good rubber ....... ..... ............ .... ... . .... ... $ 595 1953 DESOTO Firedome V-8 club coupe. R & H, auto drive, power steering, power bra kes, EZ eye glass. Local one owner $1595 1952 CHEVROLET St.yleline 2-dr., R & H $ 895 1949 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-dr. sedan, R & H Hydra, new paint job . $ 595 1951 STU['EBAKER Champion 4-dr. sedan. Many economical miles left in this one ... $ 525 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain deluxe 4-dr, sedan. R & H, Hydra., 2-tone paint. A 1 owner car that Jooks & runs like new .. . . . .. $ 695 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 deluxe 4-dr. sedan. R & H , Hydra, . .. . ....... .. ....... $1165 1950 STUOEBAKER Champion co11pe. R & H , O'drive, W Will paint to suit customer . convertible S W tires. ... 'M~ 1953 CHEVROLET 1 .. ton Pickup. 4000 ac- tual miles . . ... Sll95 J950 CHEVROLET club coupe. R & H, 2-tone paint . . ... . . . .. S 665 194.9 BUICK Super Sedanett.e, R & H, W S W tires, rtt> Dyna fl. .. . ... .. .. ..... S •195 1947 NASH 4-door ..... -................................. $ 95 MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa LJberty 8-6633 SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. 2-tone brown. Radio, heater, overdrive. Runs good . . $1025 1953 FORD 4· :ir. sedan. 2-tone green. Over- drive, Radio, healer, tubeless tin·s. dual pipes. only 18,000 miles $1495 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Club Cpe. :.:!-tone gray. Radio. hcatt'r. powt'r steerin ~. New W.S.W. tires. An exrf'I· lent buy S2795 1953 BUICK Super Ri\'ier·a, radio, htr. pow· er steering, power brakes, Looks & runs like new . .. .. . .. Sl 995 LOU REED J 200 West Coast Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Building S4-Muslca&. ~~· II T V REN'T an oi i;an <'r f'I• nn 1\·1 th unt11l to apply on future pur· r ha.se nt- S HAFF;R'S M1111lc Co. l!'lnr" 1(1071 &0-Aulott and Truck8 l!l!1 l BL1'F: ('A flll4LAC" rnnvli'rt· 1hlr, :t!t fl()() m11~,. n riRiM I nwn· .. ... IZ Cl:,O. C11ll Har. :1 131 at ti J'I. m :1Rp10 •121-42:1 X . Syrnmorr, Santa. An11 - Phone KJmbcrly 2·06i2 111:11 l lt•SOTn rustom IM'!.ln.n H"" rnilm. ht•ntt'r. auto. trani;m1s.1111in. L:or11J t1rr• R1 N'11tlv uv1 •r)IA1d••tl 1H7 FORD • dr .. RA.H, ........ Sl'6. 11137 PACKARD. • dr . .-dul, U· rt1ptlonal condition, o~ OW'SI• er' 1 1ervtN1 manual ........ --.-Ha . I H l DODGE • dr. Mdaa, 1"111• \1erlul tr~port&Uon car, W8W Urea ....................... -... ··--·-1196. I COTTON GOFF Vout_.,._ Dealer 2118 Newport Bl.cl., Npt. llMch Phone Harbor I . 1Tcl9 ' 1950 NASH StalMman Brousbun. Radio • o'drtve. Ful! prtc. Ut&. Hausken Motors, IDc.' 1932 Harbor Blvd., ea.ta lleea Phone Liberty 1·60:51. a&ca7 1049 OLDS 88 convertible, R A H . WSW Urea. Phone Harbor 101 for appt. to lnap<'<'l. Utrc NEW 1955 RENAULT Mdan. De· llvrred equipped, $129!1. Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 H arbor Blvd .. Cost& Mua Phone Llberty 8·6061 29c31 il-Aato 8emce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyla. US.88 8 Cyi.. $58.88 lndudea bot.b labor and par1a. New rinp, wr11t pl.u, ftlY• p-ind, fltUnp ot main and rod bearillp. Expert motor tune up. to-d.,. or •.ooo mile suarantee. (NO MONEY OOWNJ. REBtJaT ENGINE.s -UP to 16 MONTB.8 TO PAY- Bullt ln our Ollt'1I tactol'J by *1lled machlnt•ta. Don't contend wtlb the middle man. Buy direct. REBUU.T and INSTAU..ED SHORT BLOCK FORD -· $Ut.60 CHEVROLET •u9.6U PL YM. .t. DODGE -· $ 1M CRRYS . .t. DE SOTO $170 STUD EB.AXER $170 OLDS .t. PONTIAC I $170 BUJCK •17S HUDS,ON •111 Lo&n Car Free Towtns NEW CAR OAR.ANTEE Block muat meet our llta.nd&rd• PIUll t&H•, gullet. Uld oU Open Sunday 10 LfQ. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 St.ate Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3'rd St. BANTA ANA A'ITENTJON Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage A11U1orizrd Parl11 & Servlre al.110 Goriri Tran11porta uun Carll F or Sate Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. ;o.:.,w·port &ach. Har . 4725. llfllfc SACRJP'ICE 20 fl. sn aluminum trailer, 1letp11 •. 11tatnlu11 •lMI kllrhf'n unit. Ell'<'t brakt.a, ma· hu1:11ny f111111h, irood tlrr11 -- Harbor M 49·J. 38r40 14' ( 'AMPSTER. alumJ.num, wry llithl, .11leeJ19 l . Ice boit, $100. 123 "th SL, Newport BeMlh. llp40 47-Wuted to Beat Rentals Wanted We nffd apt.a and bOQele In .a 11ec:Uon.1 for both wtnt.er Md 7Mr'e 1-. htD. w Ulllihlm. U JOU ha" & .,.....,, phone today The Vogel Co. l201 W. c.t. Hwy .. Newport .. Phone Uberty W4l1 208 Martne, B&Jboa l'1and Phone Barbor '" 2887 E. ("Otll!t Hy .. Corona dtll Mu Phone Harbor 1741 Lido Ottlc., M.H Via Udo Hiubor '971 32tto ow•rflow r11111~ • b11t 1!? th. 1ub ------------ Jl" brand nC'w bot pct dn, to 1(1:.r. :-.nw:F. wn!r.wr mortr l AW- 1239.63 from orli:-innt $:Ho. :o.;0 41):'\'. Ju~t pul'h I h•• butron, Hnti dn. p~•mnt. t( you pny thr pvmlJI hu: tub. ll);'lalor. now rtnll" It!< M-Maak91, Radio, II TV SO USED PIANOS wanted batlly fnr our rl'nlal dept. Hl~hewt cuh lllowance In trade on nrw piano or organ. Wanted to Buy F /\.MO!'S MAl<F. l'llll'm mRpl" ~plnrt 7w 1nu only 4 mo!'. t•lol. ~:t\'t' Sl !lt~. ... SPECIAL April Organ Buys 1111:>. M-Aeta. a ea.. Hausken Motors. Inc. of 112.10 r "r mon!h hra.n.t ne-.... but r ·I dn. to l lll!l !2 8ee Daughn'11 A&S \\'ftrt•hnu11e !l:o lln. fl~ mnt. Just P"Y lht:' DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano A Orp.n Co .. :'120 No. M&in, Santa Ana UPRIGHT PIA ~OS not over 50" In hl'il:'hl for our rt'ntal dept Hli;hest trRtle allowancu or cash prlre at- 220 Bo. Mntn ~t 6 l)lk• S nr 4th St ryml.I!. or 18 t>R f>"r m (l11th. SMta Ana. _ Qpi'n <folly 11•9 Seo Baughn's AlrS Warf'house SPECIAL Sun. 11-.ll ar Phrme Kl :l-i201 220 So. l\t11in St. 6 blks. S of (th St. s:inta Ana. -orrn 11a11y 0.9 Accord.an B ys I - Washing Machine Sl!:RVJCE l -ye&r ,:;uarant<'il on job1 done and on u11ed wuherA. 2488 ~ trru) Newport Bl., Costa ~tell&. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64Uc 19!'1.'i T'll!L("O refristt>rate>r. Tht• J11tr~t rrou top frN•ur rh,.~t m•xlfl with apar e for bot tle•. altt0 nlc• veir • mr11l k Hprr. Jt~ l\C'}" but r d. c1n. to ,122 :18. N11 11111. ~nt. J118l pay lhf' pymt.s. ot '8.64 p• r m onu1. 8E"e Bau1hn'a A•s Wan-houu 220 So. Ma.In St. fl blk&. s or 4lh St. S&nta An11, -OJlf'n dlllly 11·9 Sun. 11-~ M Ph Cine KI 3· i21lt 8.Ji:NDIX auto. wuber. !lat top modC'I, MIC'f'llenl <'Ond1t1o n. SH1. St'e to a pp1 ct• 1atr 827 J'lu m :i::. 's ·~·" """' " ~~-;:~I ' Sun 11 ·5 or Phnne K l 3· i201 I U • Four used 120 bU8 accordion. In A TTRArTl \'E bltinde cllnetll' llf't fi ne condi uon. CMe Included. ~ uph l'hA 1r,.1 b11 ffrt. lnhlr nn•I Your rholce, $i5. Term1 UO C'ln. 2 h>ll\'C'"· Ex1 ell l'lln<l. S\3~·. and ~ prr month at l'phol. a.rm chai r J:, Hu. 5(127\\' SHAFER'S Mwilc Co. (Since 1907) !l8H 121·423 N . Sycamore, Santa A na BLl "E \\'OOL Rl'G llxl2, IRr!:'I! Phone Klmberly 2-0872. SHA F'ER'S Muslc C'o. 1Smre l!.IOil 421-•23 .'\. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phon.. KJmb•rly 2·00i2 CONXSONATA Elettrlr Ori:-1rn, 1111,hlly 11Md. S11ve '4()() on I.his beautiful ori;tan. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIR" P i11no StoTe. 520 ?\o. Main, Sant:i. An11 ch111r And hlU!ll()C'k. A b11rrel rh11lr, _S_l_EJJ-._M_"A_Y_G_RA_N-.D-. _ln_w_o_n_de-r· ------------- ! I t bl ~I'd m h v GUITAR, blonde. VeKa model 168. ll:B e "g 11 c<, ~-' 11 oi:an_ · tul -ndltlon. 0 •• and ... ar lhl• · Lib 8 •031 38 •o ~" ~ "" 1 185. lt\rlude. l'U e. Hnrbor erty .., <'• Immortal lnltntmenL All on~n- CRYSTAL 11herbt't:o, punr.h howl rup.ii. t'Mdle hnlrtena, t n1y mirror. 8A\'Rri11n rhlna. r.11 E. Ocran F ront. cornrr or l'alm. Bslboft.. Hsrbor 3238. 37c42 f'LOAT RENTAL for any elu lx>Al -. :li06 Cl111nnel Place, Nt•wr'<1rt l •l11nd. Harbor 1217 -J. 30tl• ' : 773-W . 34c39 al cood1tlon and material. This ~ ~.:n~~1111~!i~~: ~te~~ See Baldwin Piano m any oth~r9 at KJ"CAt. aavtng.11. & 0 o· 1 Really! JOO pianp1 from ,..h1ch rgan l8p ay to chooa.-. WOODWORTll PIANO CO. DA=-<Z·SCH:MIDT Big P lano Store, 1318 Cout Bl'fd., Corona del Mar !120 No. )fain, Santa Ana (Thaden Interior Blds.) 'STUDJO PIANO. A hard to gel p1a.no. Perfect condition, '396. term-. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bllf Plano .t Organ Co,. 620 No. Main, Banta A.A.a Bar. 3382 68 tte HA.MMO?'D CHORD organ demon· 11trator, with n1>w auarantH, Bis 1111vlng. DA."IZ..SCJOUDT Bir Plano llort, 630 Nor l&Dt& AD& .... BLONDE \\'urhtzl'r 1<ptn1 t. like "''"" "" "'' $2Gll LOVELY 38" Ch1pp!'nll11.le walnut l<lmb111l 11plnN, like n1 w, 11&ve $i?:l I 1 O:\'.l.Y full k1•yl11111r1I Ll'~trr l!plnrl In 1111•• 1 n nd1l111n ~ 16;,, C1mv1 nlrnl t• rm' nt - SHAFF.R'S Mu~1rC1,, 1~111"" 1!107) 421-123 N. ~yramorr, Santll A na Ph<1ne Krtnhr1 ly 2·0072 M-W TV Service Ph1lro R C A Of'nt'ral Ell'f'I rw Ant/nnaA Sylvania K11y1< H11thert Admlral IOAtallrt.I ONE O~l.Y rull 2 r11nn1111I l otrn· 11001\lll •·lcl"tronlr Ol'gun , l1k•· "''"" l:ia 1·r $11 "I 0:->f: 0:0.:LY bl'au 1 iful M1n•hnll 11ptn('t 01 gAn. llkl' n"". i'K\'1 JjtlQ O~E O~l,Y s1ni.:1,. rna111111I :\11n- ~haJJ OrK&Jl, like nf'W. Sav .. $2CJO t'vnv••ntl'lll term!! at - SHAFER'S Mu11Jc Co. f ~lnrr 1!1071 121·12:1 :>:. Sy<amcu r , ~a rfa A11a Ph•ml! Klmbtrly 2·0ff72 HAMMO:'\O ()RGA:"S. Compl"t" llnf' ee~y tPrm,. Your 11111 p!<tn<> taken Jn exr hangf ·rr:v hd •1rr yc:,,1 hu~· .. F'r1•e rouma hl'fe fflr pr11C'l1r e DA:->Z-SC:H~flD'J' Big Piano St'>r•, ONE DAY SERVICE 620 :-.o. Ma10, Sant.A Ann Phone Coll\·<'t LEx ~·4630 _B_A_l.D_\.\_'_l_X_A_cr_o_~-llr.-.!-c_S_p-ln-,-.l-P_1_11_n'' H. J . L&Ver ne (C'urly l J U8t like new. Yl'.lu can Mve nn 322 Main, HunUntton Beach thls. Beauttrul Art M•>tlel Sfllnrt llf!pO only $386. Another Spinet M11J1. ca.~e. Lovely ton .. 11nly SH!7 Al· wnya Iota ot wond1•rf\1l ~11rgal.M at -- -------------$~1.00 Pl':H MO. renl11 itooll pra<'lil'I' piano. Trrm rent &J'lpllr a 1f you buy. Good practice p1M o1 $8!1. 110, 19:5. DANZ-SCH!'YllOT Big P lane Store. ~ No. J4&1A. oan\a Ana DANZ.8CHVIDT Big P lano Stnrc 520 No. Main, Sarita Ana JOO PIMOll to choohe from, Eiuy a.nu. Op.a ... ,., ~ 9'"' tft:l'.l Hlll'bor Rlv1t . Costa Mellll 1·11,,nr LJ1>r1 tv 11.:,orit. :lllr 40 •5:1 1-;'\'r;LJ~lt F"nnri 1·.m~11111rtlnn, fl •1111) "'1i..1n11t mll,.~. l own .. r :'\ • ·' f flt W I <lnthl 11111. • ... J81)(i, Choice BAYSHOrpr.8 aummer rentala ALSO COST A M:l'..SA~ br. Clhok'e eulllldr, lge. yd., f9fte~, tie. garagt. Hauskcn Motors. Inc. CLAIRE VAN HORN. Rltr. 111:1:.: 11 n, lltir Blvd ' ( 0hlllA. ~I ••kll 2731 w. Coaut Hwy .. N_,ort B<;h. J'h"ll" I.lb•' t.v f!.;,w,1 :i:.":17 L iberty 8-4277. 18c40 lll:1'.! 111 '11:->t.J;-.." 1111r11~1 ,.,.dan, 2· 1 .. ne fm1"h. Hyd,.a . Jl&.H, tlntr<I .:IM•ll <'If' S111"'' h c.inrlit lrm 'Sl8~• Xu •IH\\ n run nitont f'vt. tr\\'Of) H111 b"r ::v1;1 :l8p4() 10'.ol :\11-.IWl'RY harc1 lop con- v• I llbl•'. 'J 111n•'. • itl """'· l\Jbt-ltlll! t11··~ n Hl•I IA fl·7::~H 38c40 Choice Yearly Rental• ("LIFF HAVEN-Lc"e. 2 br., encl. p8llo, «•rt.1tt, '87 .llO unturn. r'CJltONA DEL MAR-2 br, fll'"•• pl&I'~. s1nag1'. 175. 11nf11rnh1ht tl .. Muriel M. P lnover, Realtor 26fl4 ~"wport Blvd., l'\"wport Bl'h RMbor 4810 38'-40 OOISI; II\ ~:H~l".A~. n1u~t "'JI, I H•'.·, Mr:. F'ull\• Nt111 r 1•1''' s,.e BDRM. HOI 'SE 1111tsbl,. tnr 1 or :l 11rt11llJI rarUy rum .. '47 M. Gu & w11ter p<t. f\O!\ Vktor1•. C'<111t I\ MN&. LI S. 7073. 38'-•0 11t l!l6i Annh.-1m ~I i pm In o p.m. A "'"ek end1. ll8c40 SO-~, C.t., P_. __ _ GREAT nA:O.:F:, Cawn w ll h bl11rk m1uk. C'h11mp1on 11how 11tn1 k. ii mnntlu1 ol<.I, trlmm,.'1 • 1111 nl.'CU • 111i;· &hot~. AK(' r•·Rl~tr·1 NI !'1111 - rlflr,. 131& Sn Cr•JUll Blvd , t.a- l\ID& Buch. HTatt •·9002 llo6l Lido Isle Rentals TWO St:MMER and one YEAR1.Y' "~ntAL All hAVe 3 bfldroom1 and Cl!•~" tll Cluh BALBOA REALTY. CO. 700 I:. B&lboa BlYd.. Ha ISTT "°" l I ' ' I I I I I ' .; I - ' ~r 11 '·' 11 .1 ,: t . I I ' f \ , ·-. ' I -. U--Apts . .t Ro~ ____ 4_8-__ A..:.p_t•.~·-&_R_o_ .... __ ._.. __ , M-StorH ~ Off'IOM Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht allp accomodationa. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tlc .. '8-AP!: a•-for Beat Summer Rentals on Udo Iale and other tine Harbor home•. FURNISHED LIDO HOME :a bdrma., 2 b&Ut1 for a month.I, a~ April 11t. J350 mo. 2 bdrm., lower duplex Newport Heights -unfum. J.. pe.rfect 1tree 1 really nice! $80. mo~nh o leue. Lido Re y Assoc. UOO Via Udo Barbor .UO 37c39 Balboa Island Choice yearly and 1W11rner rent&l., now avail&ble. DORIS !'?RAY, Realtor 211 M.artne .Ave., Balboa llland Harbor 20 95tfc I NEW DEL'uxE 2 bdrm. duplex, Unfurn. hdwd. flra., tlrepl., g'&rb. d lsp. Sun decks. Laundry rooma. O&ragea, TV antennu. Adult.I. no pet.. 700A-700B Acacia, Co- rona del Mar. Owner 702 Acacia, (Upper apt.) Phone Har. 1736-J. 33tfc F URN. l bdnn. house. Abo tum. rm. with private bath. Harbor 2M9·R afte r 5 :30 w~. daya. 619 ';: Poppy. Corona del ){ar. 38p40 l'F.ARLY RENTAL, Balboa bland. furn.. I b<lnn. lower duplex. Modern Ir c-omrortable. N11arly nr•w. Rra110n11.ble. Har. 2927-W. 38c40 BRA~D NEW 3 bedroom homf, 11nfurn . $80, month. Nf':AflLY NEW, 3 bedroom boml'. 11to\•e A: rf'frlg , 190, month. l,Jberty 8·3663. 38c39 BEA UT. FRONT, l bdrm, u..1furn. <;Ar•ite, 11111ndry rm .. (trapea. \VJL. ter pd. Near bua. dlaL Muat see t" itprrerlat~ -238 Roc.hult'r. LI berly S..6117:!. -38c40 ON BALBOA ISLAND as:a ue for ,.arlJ aDd --·· f'<tll\ak. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 108 Manne Ave. Harbor 602 BA UIOA raLA.N0 1tto 48~-Apta. for Beat Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NEW • ROOM, atreet level Near 1Choola, &hopping di.strict. Quiet. plea.iant. uchllive. Garbage dla- poaal, la undry, 11.orage room1, prap, $82.50 up. Occupies en- tire atrfft. Good supervtaion. Mgr., l!IOl Haven Place l Bk>ck South of High School ALSO FURNISHED API'S. WfNTER R.A TES 3Uc YEARLY unfurn. l bdnn. apt., with garage. Balboa Ialand. Har. 26~-W or Liberty 8-H38. ~tfc COSTA MESA. 3 nn. apt., furn. or untum .. indudea utlhttea. CaU HYatt 4-4357. 28Uc NEW ..\PI'. Bullt·ln 11tove. gerbage dlapoeal. 311 1 ~ 33rd St. Syca· more 7·3336. Har. 1067-J 37p39 HARBOR APTS. Modern furnished apts. day, week or month Near bua, atores .t: bay. Reaaonable rat.ea. 104 E. Bay Ave., BALBOA Harbor 53H. 17ttc OCEAN FRONT. near Newport pier. lin&le apt. with kitchenette Ir bath. Maid service, utll. pd. TV. $15. per wttll. Har. ~11'>6 or Harbor 987. 35lfc A 'M'RACTIVE furnished modem studio apt.I. Utilities paid. SUMMER or YEARLY rates. 3424 Cout Hwy., Corona rlel Mar Har. 0853·R or LI 8·7177. 27c40 MO~R."I; 1 bdrm. Hpts, l rum. It l untum. with refrlg. It stove. Rea10nable yrly. rent. 607 Fc-rn· lt'af. Corona dd Mar. 34c39 lN CORONA DEL MAR-2 bdrm. unfum. apt. Rl'&110nable rrnt. L:1r.ll Fltzrnorr11l Heally Co .. Har. 21:12. 2(}c42h NICELY FURN. 4 rc,.1m Cl bdrm,) 11pt.. 1.., blk. to Co11ta Mrsa bw1I· ne"3 dl.llrlct. A1l111t•. No pets. Phone Liberty 8-~i68. 39cH 488-Bomea for Keat NEW 4 BDRMS .• 2 b3th11. unturn. WalJ to wa.U carpet, Npt. HI.JI. Liberty 8-797•. 37c39 JrOR L.EASE TWO BEAUTlP'UL new Jrvltle Terrace unft..m. view nome11. I BDRM. turn. It 1 bdrm. UAfum. <h1pl11x. Ch1ld~n welcome. South ot Hl11;hway. Corona del Mar. M~ ~y. Har 3'i7t-J. llUc Choice Summer Re ntals on B11lboa Island & Lldu Is le Smllll & cory ur l&r(e It deluxe 17!'> to l :lOO month J BDRMS .. 2 balhll and I 2 8EDRlil8., 2 bathll. CAii Harbor 1775 or Harbor H .. 8. VOGEL CO. EARL. W . STANLEY, HeAllOr J rvi "" TrlTllce Office Corons dN •to. 33ttr UNFURX. 3 bdrm house, large 2t>a Manne Ave .. e.lbua lsla.nd tencrd yard. 3tr> Pirate R.d . Clltr l'h Hsrb<lr Ht or Harbor 2151 H11Vf'n. :ltlctl n .. ~ Hll1 liM·R or H11r 30!i9·M l'XFURNlSFJED J t>c·•lrm. Coronll __ 6tUc I H1ghl•nda fa111Jly home. W , W BA LBllA ISl-A ND 2 hiirm~ I r&rfH'Un11:. drllfl<.'1• cn:ty used brlr k llrtplace, rahw•I hearth, unru.ni Flreplll rl'. enclllfM'd pa\10. I blrC'h Jmneled kltchr n. Ocean 6 1no11Hh• to YNlr true, $12!'1 mo. I vlt-w. lge. yanl Stove refrtg , t~RA="K .IA.MF.fl. Ha rbor Zt\.12 • 1111tomal lc WMhl'r Included 11 ' 34r39H desired. See now 60• St'award Come to thP. Garden Court I Road. Coron!\ dl'I M8t Ph, HYatt to hvf.'-for fub and sport, 1 _•_·!'l6_9_1 ________ 3_i_t_rr close t 0 ocean and ba v -C I.I FF" HA VEN. 11+0 unfum. 2 . · I hdrm. house. :o-;rw ly palnlr<I, Hne you II relax and play. . flrl'place. H11.r. 5156 or Har. 9&7. Rf:.\ St)NABLE R.A TE S Hll.r 0823 3~lfc ~r. F RAlbo& l:'lv<1 Aalb<WI . 39•~·2 2 BOH3'1 turnahed. SOO. month nn yu rly l"11.11e by tit!' month. 1't I btk. from bey. 2 blk.11 ti) ..><'Hn. 31H •~4 th 5' • S ,wport 8P&C'h. H11r 23•4·J ;\g(<52H BEACON BAY 3 bclrm.11 .. 2 ba. vi<'w home. Summer only. BA LROA PE~l~Sl~LA :I b<lrml'. 11, b11 1'"11rn •Pl YR t..EAllE . . . TH F:~f; PROPF:RTIF.~ Art JU!lt • ""'"I'll' nt thl' wtd• ranir" nf prtr ... lorllllon A 'ar<'omodlltl~s """ have ll1ted. The Beaumont Co. 434 ·32nd I t,. l"eW'J'Ort Bu rh Harbor Utt. 33<'45 RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS cau Edaa Cr&Jc Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Martne An . BaJboa lal&nd, Bar. 1871 72tlo Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Fronts + oth« choice properties Barbor Jal&nd, Bay ShO~I, !Ju. con Bay, qualified cUent-3 C>nly. Harbor lnvMtmmt C-0. Barbor 1900 (!:TH . LI S-1538e ) • 27tfc Jif1CW VERY A Tl'RACTIVm tum. a.pt. ~ dlapoe&I. 170 Incl. uUUU. la omter ol Corona deJ Mar. Bar. OAl-R. lOUo OCEAN FRONT month to month. .Aftilable 2 bdrm. 16:S. ldl July Utll pd. Dlcl<*'d paUn. 8f'f' at 7304 W. Ocean Front, :'\tv.-porl Ulfc NEW 3 BDRM. hOUM, untum. S~O. wate1 pd.. F reedom TBd. See at MO A rtxtr, CN<t.a 1'1l'll&. Phonr CUnton 7 ·:'1941 Ct>llet't. 3ic39 l'EWPORT BEACH i:;·um. l bt-d· room .t: 1un pnr(:h wll h JtAr:ige. Cll'lln. Y'•rly r l'ntal J!\9 mnnt h. 106 • 28t h SL F:ARL W. STA!'l.,~EY. Realtor lll:l Newport Blv•I., ='rt. Brit. Hubor 1013. 38r40 SMAl-L HOl'S& -Xo l><>dr1>oms. ~l'Wly fllm. 1n1•I. TV Xke Inc . Co111a Mr~ .S6'.: ~ill lhe11r•·r nn yesr .. h ..,,~ L I 8-1862 i ¥·•CI YEARLY "\"ll·P 3 bdrm h••U.•f' l"llrP"l1'. Vrnl't111n blm'1!1. tlrnp· 1'!<. "'"" rang... g11rh dl!f>'"'A\. Xh·e ya 11! with ••<'rllll VIC'W $81'1. mn. t-r 8-3~i2. :l8trr l BOR~t. unfum ., n>ar hous11. ya r•I Co11pl,. A rhth1 okay. SHI. mo 1:11·23nl, Coal11 Mrsn. H u ;i;,n.R 3?r4l YEARLY LEASE 16.";. mo. l hPcl· room house. 1 child ok. l li ·Hrd ~t.. 1',wport. St'" wttkt'ncl ur <'1111 LArayf'tt• 78U. ~9p ~~-'-T __ raJ_~_r_S~flM'!--~~~· Trailer Space STATE APPROVED for Cabana, large lou. 11par e fnr cu•tom lot11. 9w1mm4Jlit pool by J une lit. Adults It chUdren ov•r H UDO VlLLAGE, 700 31st St.. N--port &ach. 3fc48 49 Rooma for Rot TWO LA.ROE BEDROOMS on gn:iuad noor. Prlv. entrllnce anti b1tb. 'ii blk. trom ocNn, neiw Bay. OenUemm pretenyct. Kar . ~-36c41 SMALL 1lnKI• room for worklng m11n. Comfort.Able tx-d. hot a nd cold ,..,s trr. U wk, Prl• entr 1~3·28lh ~t •• l'\~wport Br ll<'h 32pp3J I o rnCE ..,.cu t or leue. Ap- prox. i 1·x~· each. ln Lido Shop· ping area. IW)() Via Ma!Ap. Har. 3327. 115ttc AV All.ABLE -About 8000 IQ. Ct. l.lcht Industry apace on lat .t: 2nd. floor. U. S. Highway 101 &nd Bay Frontage. WW leue a.u or any part .t: rel1)odel to 1u1t tenw1L Vogel Co., 3416 Via Udo. Harbor 4971. 26ttc . AVAILABLE ~EW STORE BLDG. 1200 aq. ft. oppoaite Balboa Bay Club. Ample parking. Ph. LI 8-1373. £5c48h 5SB-lndustrlal Rentals 50 FT. OR MORE FRONTAGE on ° W. 17th. Long leue. 770 W. 17th, Cotita M esa. 38ct0 FOR LEASE on Harbot Blvd - Large house on 60x375' grounda. 1 Commercial) facing 2 streets, (next to Plastic Boat Plant). All or part. LI 8·3572. 38tfc M-BuslaeM !'J!P!>rtanltlM - COFFU sdoP. LAGUNA BCH. H atoola. For sale rea1<>nable. Good local business. Ph. owner, HYatt 4·2995. 35c40 SP )RTlNG GOODS atore and boat .t: Motor Agency located 1n duert. nea.r rivers Ir lakea. Good opportunity for outboard motor· man. Will sell for Inventory pnce due to olher bu.inua lntt>r· tJllta. Write Bo:a R-M, tJis. paper. • 3•p•7 ' LOANS for Homes IS"J' -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans SEE BOB SA.TM.ZR 2515 EA.ST COAST BLVD. 100°/o INCREASE IN SAL~! More than a MiDlon Dolla111 in Multiple Li.ting Salee durinC the month of Karch: $1, 147,061.00 Compared to $578,305.00 for March of lut year. In BUYING or SELLING aee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS BEFORE \ou BUY -See these homea in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. Open Daily 11 a.m. io 6 p.m. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Immediate Poaaesaion Sewers in and paid Enclosed garages ·Colored rock roofs Garbage Diapoaal Kitchen fan1 Birch Cabinet. Tow Price, $U,450 See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Oft Santa Ana Ave. Between 15th St. and 16th St. Corona CSeJ Mar Harbor 3888 nep. POIRIER MORTGAGE co. 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 Metro Life Ina. Fllnd1 Kl. 3-5185 --------------------------'8ttc NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SA.LES -REFINANCE co:-;sntuCTION Call tor Free Fast Commitments on Realrlencu and Units only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA.MESA LI 8-5541 LI 8-6562 LOA.NS TO BUl.LV. IKPROVE BUT, MODllRNIZll, OR IUD'INANCll . We Buy Truat Deedl N'JCWPORT BALnOA S A VIN GS .._LOAN ASSOCIATION UM Via Udo. Ph. Bar. '200 tto WOULD like le buy llll and 2nd Trust Deeds. cau Har. 2326. '8t1c REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-51/2~ Loan.I quickly made ln the Bay Atta and Cotta MeML Slngle or •• tuJUple unit... Ne• or old. Be wlae and ave by re-flnallclng your prtKDt loan. M.lnlmum ex· peruie.. No charge for prellml· nary appraiaal. Phone Santa Ana Klmberly 3-6933 or writ.a ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan CorTeapond~t Occidental Ute In.lur&nce Co. 9S3 South Main Banta Ana pp 56-Mo~y \\'anW ___ _ HA VE excellent ouUets for prt· vate money on l.lt It 2nd Tnat Ofol'ds, caJ I DON J. HUD DLESTON Rea I Estate LoanJI 173 E . 17th. Co.it.a M ea Liberty 8·5541 57-IW.al Eata~ Wf\llted 26tfc W . .\~ED-Lf'v!'I lot Corona dPI M11r R·2 or R·3 north aide of 101 H14;'. Olve 81.ZI', price • adllrus. Reply Box V-68 lhLI pa per. 38p40 60-lnoome Property Business Location With Res. Income FOt.."R BUSI'NESS LOT S centrally loc-ated ln Xev.rport Br 11rh. P11rt or property lmpro\·ec:t w1th one 3 br .. 2 bat h apt. 2-1 br. • b1.1th art.. plus 2 cott&gca with balh. All are C11rn. Very neat and Clean. II r arages and txtra large bMement recreation rm. P reJient lnC'ome plua future development mnkr9 lnvc>stmf'nt In this prop· erty Vf'l"'f attractlve. $30,()00 on "-1!1' term1. Ralph P. Maskey Ruiter 8411 N.-'POrt Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Hubor 402 3 units, 3 years old Don·t mla11 lhl8 imper buy! Tt>p Prnlnirul11. lnc11tlc"1. Immacu- late! A atul at IU .nlO. Phon& Harbor 2~.:il. En •s, Ll~rty 8 -3186 3i c39 -Cl&Hltled AM are rud by rollu who are really looklnlf lo buy. -Jl pey1 to r ead the want ad.I. SPACIOUS STURDY BALBOA iSLAND. We otter excluaively an unus- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi.bath home. Delightful living room, large dining room. Maximum square footage. Close to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inapection. Call Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:5 Marine Ave., Balboa laland FOR THE FAMILY THAT NEEDS MORE ROOM 3 bdrm. home on a 60-ft. lot in Co.ta Meea, furnished or unfurnished. Only $2000 down. IN CORONA DEL MAR -One of the moet attrac- t ive boueea you ever saw -living room 13 x 16 and a dining room approximately 9 x 11. Large single garage. Price $11,900. FITZMORRIS REAL TY COMPANY Realtors Multiple Llating Businea Brokers 3135 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 VOGEL VALUE YOU'LL NEVER KNOW -How much you can buy ON LIDO -For only $24.950 with a small down payment until you let ua show you this S bdrm., 2 bath Rancho Beauty. VOGEL CO. Ma.in Office, 3201 Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8..3481 For Sale by Owner CORO:"A DEL. MAR -2 11tory combination. Gar. 6: 1.., batb. ls t fluor. 2nd noor ha.11 large llv. room. l)ell111 rd ceilings, bedroom. shower, llet11xe kitchen. Snack llnr, irlaMell in l!'Un porch, li:e. pal1o ,..ncl. Wlt.h 6·fL brick w11.U. $1:l 000. Tenn., to wit. P..(.IOm lo built! on lronL 702 Aca· «'IA. ('nron" d~I M&r. or phone Klmball 9266, Huntington Par k . 33tlc 61-rBeal Estate bchanJ! BALBOA ISLAND. 115 No. Bay Front. Yr. old modern, S65,000 ; take Pasadena or Palm Spr ings for part. NORM WlllTE. 650 N. Hill, Pasadena. SY 2-1148. 27c40 COSTA MESA rum. 2 bdrm. home, wall to wall carpet, hwd. fir3 .. Ct'ment pAtlO, fenced yard. 11<"Wer11 In Full prlre 111,600. S3,77tl. down. Ll 8·2i22 35c48H OCEAN FRONT LOT-30 x 10:>. R-4. Th• Jut avnllablc l<>t b"- tween l Mh Ir ?\t'wport plt>r. Pr. 110.~oo. ter~. HOMER SHAFER REALTOR 106 McFad(Jen P l. 1'rwport .lknch Har. HO 1eve1. Har. 1137·M) 3Sc40 Owner's Sacrifice LARGE 2 bdrm. house, 1., block to Bay. 2 blocks to bualne11s crn· tt>r, 19 500 at !'il.6·36th S~reet, Newport Bf'&<'h. Ph. ownrr SYcamore 8·3657. :l2pd5h TitADE for NEWPORT. BeautlCul 12:i,OOO home In L& Ctucent8.. BY OWNER 8 bdnn. boulle. l~rge Churchtll 1Ml804. 30p42pr fenced yant (Or will kMl')- 315 Pll'le Rd., Cllrt H11.Ven. 6'.t-8-1 Esta~ H c49h BY OW~ER CUTE :i bdrm. house. near oce&JI A channrl. BBQ In tla irstone p11t10. brick w11.lla throughout. SRcrHlc.-for 1 11.1!50. or large boat. 206 • 411t.., Nev.--porl Beach. Harbor 4~33. 29p43 BY OWNER -3 bllnn., l lii btltb hn\Ue on dbl, LEVEL loL La.rr• rms. lhruout. Flrl'place. patio, fenced yd., dbl. i a r. Ntw 1 b<lnn. hntal!le on Ne.r or lol f01' Income. HAT. OHI·M. 61!) Jasmine, Cor- oru' del Mar. 39c41 FOR SA.LE Jn.teruud tn a hOme &: ~,.1 Phone ownn Lt 8-&•M. JtpU :-JEWPORT HEIGHTS-See thl' brand new ' bdrm., 2 bath home Wa.11 to wall carpet for $11,9:10 before you buy &n)"ll•here - Har. 8~16 or LI 8·7976. 37c39 CORONA RIGBLANI> LOTB - Cbolce 81tM Aft11abi. C&11 BAl1>or SIM Uttc 111.000. NICWLY PA.INTJ:D 2 bed· l'OOm 1tueco home on corner, 4 yrs. old. Smalt enclo!IM paUo. Harbor 6166 or liar. 987. 3Stfc 3 BDRM.. dining rm.. hardwood noon, H .:l!IO -288 A v()(ado St., eo.ta Maea. IC 2-2&22. 39tlc ' . • Open House Every Afternoon 706 Larkspur Corona del Mar RJ!lRE'S A DANDY lltlle 2 bdnn. w1th llreplace on R ·2 loL Obie. carace la dealjttled to build ln· come unit above. Priced to sell fut and only $2,500 down. Nothing Like it JUST TAKE A LOOK at 630 Klngs Rd., Cliff Hann. There's nothing to compare with thl11 outft.antt· Ing 3 bd(ITI., 2 bath home. Fe&· turea caJore, and lt'a underprlced at 122,7110. Xlnt tenna. Call Harbor 2042 now !or appt. Builders Special TWO LEVEL R·3 LOTS ON HAVEN PLACE, SlOOO EACH Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Ruas, Wm. G. Schmidt, Auoc 312 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 2042 Corona del Mar IF YOU'VE TRIED TO BUY a level 40 tt. R·2 lot In the Sea- view area, Soutb of the High· way, t.b11 3 bdrm., 1% bath home with room to build ln front la your buy of the year. $1~,1500. Only $7,000 down. Muriel M. Pinover RllALTOR 280. Newport Blvd., N"'J)Ort Bc.h. Free Parklng Harbor •&10 38c40 OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1-5 1321 W. Bay Ave. FURN. DUPLEX. 2 br. up It 1 dn, Lge. rumpu.s nn. with fi.repl. 6: B.B.Q. Obie. gar., on beautlfui Bay Ave., JUI!. a atep from the beach. Ex. inc. $20,500. -$4 .llOO. Down For appt. ti) &et'. call HOUSTON REALTY tl09 Center Co11t.a Mesa LI 8-6911 LI 8·7784 39c Ocean View 2 LOTS on paved street with ll'W· era A: all ulllltlca. Submit $2,000 down. Sea Breeze Realty ear. 18th.• PJ.acenua, eo.ta Meaa Daya It Evea. LI 8·3663. S8c39 FOR SALE OR TRADE BY BUILDER Jl.~W RANCH STYLE ADOBE, 3 large bdrm•.. 2 tile baths, 1tucco .l plHtl'r, Spacloua hv. rm,. llrepl. galJey kitC'hPn, din. rm., dbhi. g&r. at tachetl. Wiii take clear Int.a, car. houff, or whllt hav(' you. 172 E. \\'if.son, Costa. Mt'N . LI 8-2932 ILfter 6 p.m. or wee.kentl8. 37p42 Look at this 3 bdm1 .. , hwd. n oon1, flrepl&ee, dJ11pouJ. W1rrd for tlectrlc atove. Fenct•d, loc".ted 11t 2M9 Falrway Dr., Costa Mesa. 111.250. Ph. Har. :ir,11-.1. a11uc Drive by 235 Magnolia Costa Mesa Cute It co:r:y home -2 bdrm. Ac paneled Mn Wllh flrrplacr, v. nll to walJ ca.rpeL Very close In. 113,000. Phone Liberty 8-6282 23lCc Need Larger Home MUST SELL nearly new 3 bdrm, hou.t1e. larse corner lot. Rwd. floora thruuut. flrephu:e. Patio la enelosed 3 all!e". DRIVE BY 222l Santa A119 A VC • Coit.a Mesa. Ph. owner LI 8-7136. 33p4llli BY YEAR-BALBOA ISLA:-:D C IOite tn 11hop11. A vall11.blti May ht. ='Olce aln)(le fllmlly. 2 hdnn home with llbll'. !fPrai:e. Furn . Sl50. mo, to rtght family. CALL Jlllrbor 63. J . A. BEE i< (lCflC"· (>03 Park A11 ... , Ba.loo& Island. 38<:40 COROXA DJ!:L MAR L"<COMF. V11.rlou11 unit.a & pr!Cf'll to mr "l your w11.nta, 113.000 to $60.000. ALSO 2 bdnn. hume compll'trly fuml11hed. double garagl! tu.r,oo CALL Mf!la Kohl~tedt Har 2tr.2 313:S Ct>ast Hwy., C D.M Ev<' Hu . 0829-R. :l8<':it Corona del Mar DRIVE SLOWLY BT 1518 Jumlnr -look over tha.t freshly paJnLed 2 bdrm. bomr w1th hwll. n r...,rs 8.11•1 pn.g'I'. THEN r &.11 G. N, \\ELLS at Llbt'rty 8-1601 nr your f&vorltP Mnlttplc 1.1wtlng broker for an appolnln)rnt. 3k39 CLIFF HAVEN BEA 1.TMF'UL custam built r11.11r h home, overlooklnJ: ftar bt>r, 4 b,.rJ. rm11 . 3 bath•, de.n, 2 flrl'placu . A.UtO 2 bdrm, apL, with pr1Tatl' plltlo. S.9.MO. ca11 ownt r. LI &-3:1:11. 2~c42h For sale by owner DUPLEX on R·2 Iota. 812 6 81' Jumlne, Corona ~I MAr. Prloed r lfht. Call Har. 2919-R after 6 p.m.061~ ·~ - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PA&! S THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 . • • BAY SHORES • • 2 Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1-5 Exclusive Llstings • Comer Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. e Bay Shoret1' Cleverest Ranch Type Rome 2 bdrm., rai8ed uaied brick fireplace, diahwuber, diapoaal. Charmingly decorated. Cnaahed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, terma. AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrma., 2 batba, bay view home -All electrte house. Built·in range and ovea Carpetod and drap. ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relatione or frieod8. Full price $29,'500 -Term&. For preview •howinp, call Harbor 1600 - (Eve.. Liberty~>: HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach $23,500 LIDO BEST BUY $23,500 218 Via Palermo -Open Daily 1to4 Two bedroom with two bat.ha on ~ ft. lot COMPARE THIS 2% yr. old charming home and larle aunny pa.tio- WITH any home with 80 many fee.tur. at anywhere near th1a price on Beauutul Udo lale. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd.,. Newport Beacll. Phone Bar. •718 . Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Open House Sat. & Sun. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 2316 Pacific Drive (Drive to end ot Acacla &: turn left) DELIGHTFUL 2 bdrm. le den, 1 ~ bath home - Some ocean Ir bay view. W to W carpeting, cut.om drapes. Color bath finw:., handy kitchen, C01SJ den. Service porch, beautiful cyclone fenced yard. Room to add extra bdrm. A bath or Income. Reduced to $21,'500 to .Ul THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout H"Y., O>rona de1MarBar1741-1477 TAKE TIME TO LIVE Want a private beach!. Need a place to keep your cnti8er1 Pre.fer close in location near Lido Shope, eto. f Buy thi1 ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa S.y Co"8 right on the waterfront. only 3 yra. old. Lota of tile, parquet floors, F. A. beat.. dbl garage, nice featurea. Pier & slip privileges. A real value at $26,250 -Terms . Excellent Newport Income Duplex fumlabed • good rent.al district. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10.500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Private Pier & Float. Choice North Bay Frout. nnrt time oHert.>d. Small, well built home. U:S,000. DORIS BRAY Nona Hyer Chet Saltabury Harbor 20 -Harbor 64 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Ieland IT ISN'T DONE WITH MIRRORS Rut here l S the impoeslble. A 2 bdrm. home, hwd. floors, fire.place. best location, cute u can be, Lo- cated on a lot 60 x 118. nicely fonccrl, room for pool and lots of gardening. South of Hwy. within 11piltin' distance of Little Corona. N() call.!!. ple8.8(', just come and take a look. Exluaive with R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 277' BACK BAY Cornrr or M"ll" Drive & Cyprell!. 6 y1 !I nltl, hrautlful view b8.3 ir 11 ;, Int. :l bdl'nll'. l.:c U x 20 k.ltrh1•11. wnll 11, w111l rar-pl'l. Mnh1I l'uml blr..-Mn~truct1on. "'11111'11 patio. Lntll of room f flr lnrnnw addition "·1th bey Ytew. P rlvatt party. I l!i.000. I'h. Ll 8·~·8~8 fur 11ppolntment. 32p45 LIDO ISLE BY OWNER -40-lt. lot -atrel't to 11trada. 3 bdrm. 2 b(l.lh twmt , \\"all tn w&IJ C'&rpetlnit, nlltur11l hlrch k1lrh~n. bullt·l.n 11ton , f&n lk prb. dh!IJ'. l"'ull prlN' - $28.000. Har. ~1311, :u.c39 O<.:EA:" VIF.W HOMi:. 2704 CUtt Drlv,.. Jrull price 111.000. terma, Sl~OO down, O\\:ntr, LI 8·:1.">32 JaUo •• 85' View COROZ.:A HJ<":HLA~ns new, 3 Mrm. :l b11th. f1 m1ly room 2 o r 11:ara1;r cf;. r11r r~·rl. Lge. loL r.nntl/lr11.pe'I Ir f.-n,.,.'1, Owlltor 4!16 C-abr111o Trrra<'P, O:>Mr• Hl1hlani1I. J8pi0 Bay Front Income I UnJ t.-2 A I Ded.l'\.oma, turrto i.hed. Pier, Ooat &Ad prtvate beech. 1000 E U&JOO. Bhd. Balbu&. Cre.tt'f1e• 18e4&. Cour• lfoll'Y to brokett. Utle $65,000. TERMS Hnm,. pl1111 • unit.." lot 80 x 11'1 t., !lllty. 6-car 111r , 1 '' blk.11. to rJthrr 11h rf or quiet water. C""l l11cat1<Jn. (J If I.A. mROP. 363!'1 It. (•1.ut Hllf'hway, Corona d•I XU. Hu . Z.02, f\Vn . 1611-J • • lk40 I I ' I i I i I I~ ii ~! 1 • ' '•• , . ,• , i I ; I I PAGE 6. PART IV -NEWPMT HARIOll( NEWS-PRESS It-RMI Eeta&e ~._. r.tate THURSDAY,,\PR'L 14, 1955 ---------- BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It'• a ahake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu 1 ~~ bath., dining room, breakfut room, large l.lving room with muaive fireplace. Thermodor elec· tric range It oven, beamed ceilinp. cedar panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall ~arpet and drapea. lt'a fenced and Janet.caped and hu a patio. Space prohibit. the mentioning of the many other featutff except to add that it la •urrounded with quality built ranch bomea. Priced definitely below value at $23,750 KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view - 2 bdrma., 3 bath•. Large living rm., dining rm., huge den, patio, laundry rm. and aewing rm. Radio electric garage door oper· ator. Wall to wall e&rpet and drapes. Extra large garage. Exterior flood light.. 'fliermador gu range and oven and large built in refrigerator. The gueat bdrm. i• completely furniahed. Price $36,500 with euy terma. CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL Only $1500 down. 3 bdrma. with partially completed den or nunpua room. Full price $13,500. Better hurry on thla one! CLIFF HAVEN R-2 LOT On Cliff Drive. MxllO -price $7000 Cliff Haven Iota are u acarce u hen• teeth, better grab thia one while you can ! Call FRED BARKER at EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 15th Is Irvine, Newpo~ Beach Phone Liberty 8-2664 or Liberty 8-6300 BEST BUY BACK BAY + JUST BEING COMPLETED + Wonderfully Planned Home -Check Some Featurea A • 3 lup bdrma., 2 with Mr. and lfn. cl09et. B • 2 tiled, heated baths, glue encloeed doon. C -Hot Point electric kitchen. Stove It oven built in. Dlahwuher, diapoeal, . exhaust fan, cup- boarda galore. Finiahed in nat1 ub. Large breakf ut area. D • Luge livinr room, ftreplace, Arcadia aliding doon opening onto cement patio. J: • Big aervic• porch, cupboar~. plumbed for wuher. P' • Hwd. fl.rs. Forcer air Thermo beat. Entry hall. a • 20x20 attached garage with electric door. Thia bargain only $24,500 -•uitabJe tenna. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INBUR.ANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 18:57 Newport A Ve·, Co.ta Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evee. IMPORTANT INFORMATION for aomeone wanting a beautiful home in Balboa at a right price- 1. '°-ft. lot on Balboa Peninau1a m<>t1t beaut. at.reel. 2. 3 lovely h<irma. -2 with ocean view. 3. 3 batha - 2 ahowen. 4. Large beamed celling living room looking out on a terrlfic patio. :i. Full ailed dining room and nice kitchen. 8. Quality built by owner 2 yn1. ago-Thia home hu overaized beam11, tongue & groove flooring. heavy ateel girder, Rheem F. A. water aortener, etc. 7. Thf'ff ca.r dbl. atttsaed garage plumbed for apt. 8. Strictly a beautiful quality home for $29,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .• Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Homes Listed Today at Reaf Sale Prices . Some of the fineet home vaJuea in Coat.a Meaa await your inapection. Keeping in mind the price A terma your !amily can afford. we may be able to ~om· mend aome top value.. You'll find newer home.a, in· come unit.a, even homes with acrea~. It will pay you to check. Remember -there is one perfect home for you -and it may be llated with ua. Call Liberty 8-1601 and tell ua your need.a, or drop by our office at: 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu. LI 8-1801 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE with tbe income from thitl excellent property located ln cboltt rental diatrtct. Juat 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unit.a -a n"' duplu and a 5-room bou.ee on 2 Iota. 2 unJta are furniahed and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. Three p.rare. on alley. Pn.ent incopie can be wh.tan- Ually increued. $5000 Wul handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 1113 Newl)Ort Blvd., Newport Beach I Harbor 1013 ' .. BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS "' BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONTS On Little Ialand - A home that la really different. Deeigned and built by Ellerbroek. 4 bdrma., 3 batha. Very attractive living room, unuaual fireplace. )(it· chen all elec., with built-in BBQ. Owner will make terms attractive to qualified buyer. Unfurn. except for all appliances. $(t),000. BAY A VE. -62' Corner lot. Pier & allp: 3 bdrma. plua maid'a room, 3 batha. Nicely landscaped patio. Thia home wu designed by Neutra and ia one of the finest homea in the Harbor Area. Shown by app't. Partially furn. $125.000. EXCLUSIVE BALBOA -BAY AVE. * * * * R-2 Lot. Good location. Firm Price -$8500 cash. BAY A VE. -Sandy Beach. 5 bdrm. home, recent· * * • * ly decorated, 2 fireplacea. -$60,000. * * * * NEWPORT BEACH LIDO -3 lidrm., 2 bath•, pier & slip. Furnished. Ocean Front -$12,800. Cute beach cottage. Lota of yard. Wonderful beach.. Only $f000 down. $49,500 ~ Terma. * * * * ALSO ON LIDO -2 bdrm. le den. Pier It float. Large attractive living room, full dining( room. * * • * Close to OCean -Small beach houae. Neat u a pin. Partly furn. Full price $8500. Reduced to $49,500. Submit on term.11. NEWPORT ISLAND -EXCLUSIVE Income -Plua nice home, cloae to beach. 2 bdrm. home, newly decorate<t, nicely located with 1 bdrm. apt. for income. Full price $16,500. BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bdnm., 1 Y2 bath home, with nice patio wtlled for privacy. Excel. nlue. Full price $16,~. BALBOA -INCOME * • * * 9 Unite -Showa xlnt. income, furn., private patiOtl, plUB add'l vacant lot, room for 4 more units. ~ear Grammar School -$74,000. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. parquet fioor thruout. Nice kitchen, fireplace, F. A. heat, lot. of cloeeta. Cloae to Jetty. $19,500. Lown dn. pymt. will handle. BALBOA -OCEAN FRONT . * * * * . Wonderful home for large family -2 apacloua liv- ing rooma, 2 fireplaQee. 4 bdrm.a., 31h .batha, beauti- . ful glau encJoeed patio. Dlneu forces aale. Owner hu moved inland and i.a anxioua to aell nice- Aaking $35,000. Tenna to •ult buyer. ly fumiahed ultra modern home' on large lot near · bathing beach. 3 bdrma., 2 batha. Full price $21,500 -$5000 .;u handle. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 WEST BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI S.1774 W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E . B. Chue -H~. 2762-J Katherine Olaon -Har. 4134 Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Dividend paying Real Estate CORONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX, 80. of Hwy. on Marguerite. Spaclou• 2 br., with flrepl•ce: 2 lovely 1 br- apta. View of ocean from sun deck • patio. Triple rar. Extra laundry rm., completely furn .. '35.000. tenn•. Fully rented, ao call to Me. TWIN DUPLl:XE8-2 run loll. ' eJlcellent 2 br. aplA .. each wit.ti own flrep.-ce, hdwd. floou A: rarace. 1296. achf'duled monlhly Income. P"ull pr. J27.&00, tor all. '6.000 down. CLIFF HAVEN 2 8PACIOU8 2 bdrm. apt11. for homf' and lncom•. ntA loan. $78.63 mo. Include• In•. 6: luH Ot~r •Ide rented '87.&-0 month F'. P. S 19.000 (not ll'uehold 1. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2804 N-port Blvd., Newport Bch !'.Aay Puklnc Harbor 4610 38c40 Here's a Beach Home All CUTE A: CLEAN aa tht pro· nrblal bur'• .. rt 1 bdrm .. llV1n1 rm .. kitchen, partly furn .. lar1tt front enck»td patio. Obie 1ar. and only $1.&00. Balboa Triplex • BDRM. HOUSE. 2 bdrm. and a 1 bdrm. apt., •II tum. Juel a few atepe from the Bay. Qnp nf Ule beat rental .ectton1 In BAiboa Now Available - TWO VERY BEA UTlF'Ut. build· IJ\1 .ttea on the Point. Coast Properties Co. 101 E. Ba.Ibo& Bl•d.. Balboa Harbor HM. 2!197 and HOO. Lido Island Open Hou.e. Sat. 6 Sun. 12-5 FOUR THAT WILL GO! on Balboa Island "ONE FOR THE MONEY1' ••• Darling, little mod· em 2 bdrm. home. Good corner location with room to build another unit. Fireplace, beamed ceilings, and nJcely furnlahed. An exceptional value $18,750 ''TWO FOR 'I1fE SHOW" • • . And loaded with CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round liv- ing. Beamed ceilings, huge room.. grand patio with BBQ. Two bdrma, two batha. Completely furnished ....................... -.. ·-·--·· ·-·· .... -........... $29,500 "THREE TO GET SET" ... For 1ummer living, that i.a! A good two bdrm. home located hall-blk to beach and cloee to village. Fumlshed. An U· cellent value ............ ·-................. . . .. -· $20,000 "FOUR TO GO'' ••• A glua fronted modem 4 bdrm. BAYFRONT home. grand kitchen, bkfL bar, patio with BBQ. F. I'-· heat. two bath•. PLUS 1 bdrm. view apt. Both furniahed. Terrific buy at $45,000 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Hubor 4781 CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner lot 3 bdrm., 3 bath home. immaculately and complete· ly rurni1hed including deep rreei.e. wuhing machine, TV, linens. blanketa. dishes le silverware. No phone information. Shown by appointment onl y. Full Price $39,500. ALSO 2 bdrm., 2 bath plu• guetit room immaculately and completely furnished such u di11hea. eilverware, TV. Expensively carpeted and draped. Clever landscap· ing. Large comer lot. Full price - $32.500 -Ten1111. For preview ahowinga, call Harbor 1600 - <Evea. Uberty 8··5386> HARBOR INVESTMENT CO .. REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach 126 Via Trieete --- TWO BEDROOM:, 2 bath houae, l yr. old. Built ln Thermador oven 6 atove. OuUelJI for Hl·rl. I.And· acaped. • doon from Club Houee near tuuila court&. Jl:ll~Uent ftnanctnr. S2&. 760. Newport Heights Open Houae, Sat. It Sun. 12-~ 400 Kinga Place WE RA VI: a btaut7, J br .. and den wtt.b 1 '41 INlt.111, time and 8pa.c. WW DOt pennJt WI to te.IJ yoe all Ute n~ Ullftp about OU. beauutul home. "1LI.. PIUC'E SH.600. TJ:IUll5 "ART" ADAIR R.:ALTQR HM Newport BlYd .. Coit.a Me.a L{berty 1-37112. BUILDING .LOTS S &djaunt lot. 50 • 23•. 1 lrTefU· lar. on w-drtve, neu Country Club. U250 cuh each or wtU con•lder offer on all Ulree. OWNER tJ 8·8W, 11 a.m to 11 g.m. Nc40 Accent on Value placed rightly here On thla modern 4 bdrm. bayfront hom' with l bdrm. apt. over garage, $45.000. Good financing. This is just one of the many VOGEL V ALU~ we have to show you. VOGEL CO . 208 Marine Ave., Balboa uland Harbor 4« ~~~ A~~~~.~~~~~~ta!~ f.;,"'s• bdnna .. 2 batha on corner with ocean view. Fire- place. BBQ, patio, diahwuher, Thennador atove, garbage diapoeal Quality conatliJction. 483 MORNING CANYON Rd., Corona Hi1hlanda. $18,500. 328 POINSE'ITIA. Corona del liar. 5 mu., 11'1 Iota G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Coast Hwy., Cf ona del Mar Har 5412 (eves. Har. J:SlJ.J) Ocean Front! PENINSULA LOCATION, View at boat acUv1ty. 2 bedroom1, double prar• lncludlnJ nice beach ahower, Terrific p•tlo. But po .. lble value. $11,500, rompletely turnl1hed. West Ocean Front ! 3 BEDROOM HOME, FURN. 8f'll· Ulore colony but ocean frllnl locaUon. LAr1f' llvln1t room, Yf'ntt d hHl and lonly flreplar,. 8 month• old and only $18,000 Peninsula Duplex ! 3 BEDROOMS A TWO BATHS IN EACH UNIT r umlahed and In (ood conrt1rton. Lar1tl' <'Orner lot and nlr,. patil) 8wtll tor hom" with lnr.t1m,. or tor r~ntal1 only. U11,71\0, N .700 down. Balboa Duplex ! CLOSE TO BAY AND OCEA~ !I .,.droom• and th,, urper 11 rum1•hf'd. Hu room tor nn .. m lll'T unit and a irvait•. Lower hu ~n completely modeml:ud. SI•.~ ind (ood term•. 11 B!iR~!!nt ~.0'!',.~s Pf'nln s11la Jonllon. v .. ry itnod condition and h&1 pl"r r11thl.I $44.500. Peninsula Income ! 2 It l BEDROOMS ON ONE LEVEL. 2 bf>drnom •Pl. In rear • I bf'droom apt. In front. Nlre atucco proJ>"rl)' an'4. a 2 car i•ral" Surely a prl"ferrf'd renl· al lllt'atlon '18.~ ind rood term1. Newport Heights ! 2 BEDROOM llTUCCO HOME WITH GUEST ROOM It BATH lb 18 Uvtnr room, nonr furnace and nice p•llo. A Jood value at 11 3,t()() and temH. Balboa Realty Co. Rou O~ley Al Comtllwt Ed ve Jack Pinkham J OHphln" Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Phone Hubor !1277 BAYSHORES CHARMING 2 br.. knotty pine lntt'rlor. lft. II•. rm., romparl kit. w/bkf11t. bu. PLUS IJf' pt rm. over pr 2 patlot1, 121,:100 BACK BAY BEA UTll'UL 4 br. w. den. 2 rlrt · placu. View. A1k1n1 pr. 132.~ RUSTIC RANCH HOUSE on \i, acre w/Vlew. S br . u ... .J brick fir.place. din. rm., patio, room tor hon1u, 122,500, I ACRIC chicken ranch w/•lnt. 2 b$. f'lome. Good locaUOfl. l:lt ab- llahed routM. Claire Van Horn 1 , REALTOR 27S1 W. Cout Hwy. LI l-U77 --.---. ---- BY OWNER CoroM fflJhland• -I bdnn.. 2 M th tarmhoUM. FHA commit• ment. Ph. Harbor '11JJ. t9trc ... . 'C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BA YSHORES VIEW HOME An unobatructf'd view or the Bay is only one of tht many attractive fe11tun'11 of this 2 bdrm. & convert- ible den home on Bayshore Dr. It bu an entrance hall, spacious rooms, fireplace in liv. room le ma- hogany paneled den. F, A. heat. deep cedar-lined wardrobes. 2:.~ baths. de luxe kitchen with dish· wuher, calcinator & extra bar sink, 2 patioa. 1 with fireplace & grill, large 2 car prage & dr;euing room for bathera. A beautiful home for the deecrim.inat· ing buyer. $48.000 * * * * * Horne-and Business Property 100 ft. zoned C-2 juat 1 block from 17th A Newport Blvd. Fine 2 bdrm. home only 7 yra. old. Property baa excellent poaibilitiea for many typM of busineu. INVESTIGATE! $19,750 -Term• * * * * * CLIFF HAVEN Excellent family home -3 bdrm•. large nunpua rm. with fireplace -HdYid. fioon -Bay window in UT- ing room -lovely fenced yard -Good location. $16,500 * * * • * See Us for 2 & 3 Bedroom Summer Rent.at. in Bayshnres "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 w. Cout mgbway, Newport Beach Liberty~ "C" THOMAS "C'' 'I1fOMAS "C" moMAS "C" TBOKA.9 GOOD LIVING starts ' at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisf tely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. When you inapect theae model bomee, you will not.a they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL or the planning and thought that reaulted ln tbia rema.rkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace familiea for m&ny )'MJ°9· Permanent realrictions guarantee you will alway. be proud of your home here. > To the home buyer who wi.ehea to pul'Chue in the $22,000 to $35,000 cl&.118 we aincerely recommend the Irvine Eatates overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace i1 located on Cout Highway oppo11iu the new Irvine Coast Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnformaUon * For Recommendation. we refer you to anyone who hotd11 a IA'asehold Elltate in Irvine Terrace. CONSIDER THESE They're Beautiful Properties and Well Worth Seeing ( 11 View of jetty. One of t~ tlneat homee oo ocean front. 3 BR! and den. Illness fo~ sale. ( 2) Lido Isle. B<-autirully built and decorated S BR .. 2 t ile baths. Large walled patio. Every- thing for gracious living. $31 .500. Tenna. (3) Bay view at inside price. Very attractive 3 BR. 1 ·', baths. Nicely furniabed in ratt&n. 21" TV. 2 patios. $27.500. ( 4) 6 months old duplex in CofJta Meu.. 2 BR . .uh side. Nice patio. Sl 7,250. Only $3500 down. (51 Triplex. 1 BR. each. Very clean and well locat· ed. $21 .500. Terms. (6) Bay front 3 BR. and den, 31 2 bath•. Beaut!· fully fum11hed. Total price $69,750. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Charming Farm House 2 bdrnu .. hwd. noon , fireplace. Dutch door. )arge living room. cedar roof. nice redwood fenced yard. Dbl. garage. Jaundy. Ocean side of Hwy. We are proud to show this nice home for only $12.750. 4 r; GI Loan THE · VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 1741-H77 YACHTSMEN'S ATTENTION ! ON BALBOA-ISLAND'S choice Eaat Bayfront - An exotic ''spot ashore'' with all the featurea you aeek -a channing home with eeparate gut11t quar· tel"'ll -private pier and float -extra wide frontage accommodatin1t craft of over 50 feet L. 0 . A. - auperb aunny location on "LltUe Ieland'a" aheltered Eut Qay. You'll want to ln11pect thia delightful haven. ownen requc111t by app't pleHe. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOClatea Park at Marine, Balboa hland -Harbor 2"3 ... I . I : ' I I I I l l -----------------------------------------~--~~~~~~~~~' }, 10 I ' ' , I ' I . -.. - ._._..._. a .... ...._ __ __,;.;_.,_-.. ........... ___________ _-;.:.,;:.;~------- ON LIDO ISlE Open House -1 to .4 p. m. 339 UDO SOUD TbJI aorseoua 3 bdrm.. 2 bath furnilhed home ""'~ looking beautiful Udo Bay bu a Pier Is Slip an~ an atra large encloMd yard. A rul family home for U9,500 * * * * AS YOU LIKE IT! Clever; captivaUng; thia charming two bdrm. turn. home with It. U8ed brick fireplace, cedar cloeet., beamed ceiling, and nice patio, bu plenty of eye appeal. It ia already to move into for only $21,500. * * * * YOUR HOME IS YOU! TJUa dusling clean two bdrm., 1% bath home with • a nice yard la IW'e to meet with th• approval of every member of your family. Carpet., drapee, c:Ua- poe&J. and it ia atreued for two story for juat $25,500. * * * * . See Us for Lots and Rentals * * * * BAY & BEACH REALTY 3112 Lafayette, N.wport Bar. 3M3 ·Bar. 2999 ev-. Jaat to th• rtsht of Udo Brtdp r.ntnnce ' .t' FIRST TIME OFFERED !. J UN1T8 oomplltely turn. Oil eo ft. lot. Thia i.I _ truly a bup1n In home and income. Front unit eon.mt. of 2 bdrma. with large living room with flagstone fireplace, .eparate dining room, hwd. flra. throughout, 1 ~ batha and built around a large beautiful bricked patio with built-in barbe- que. Ttro incm:ne unit. are 1 bdrm. MCh -aleo completely furniahed. Three aeparate pn.19. Thia property i.I being offered by out of town owner at far below replacement colt. Should aell· quick at $26,500. Immed. poa. ls we have key. 2. VIEW of CANYON AND HJIJ-S-2 bdrm. home plua Jarp rumpua room. ~in .tove and oven. Attractive fireplace. Nicely decorated. Large dbl. garage and only 1 year old. Reduced from $23,500 to $19,950 for immediate ule. 8. SOUTH of IDGHWAY-Will take trade. 3 bdrm. and den. Large covered lanaf, 2 batha. Owner hu moved -immediate poae8Bion. Will take an.all home or vacant lot u part pymt. Price, $2•,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING RJC.AL'OOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar Harbor 47 f()ftfoe located aat door to 0.-.. '91 Kar Baak) THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Farm 80 acres between Costa w .... and Santa A.na. Rudy for beana, tomaioe. or lettuce. $3000 acre. .14 down -Barpin Buy 129x•7•, all M-1 Zone, Plaomtia Ave. Will leue for 10 y-.ra. Submit terma. $1500 dn. 3 bdrm., 2 bath ranch .tyle new bome. Stove A oven built in. UMd brick I' .P. Unit heat. Hwd. fin. Panelling in living room. ec>&.UO ft. lot. . . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES . INSURANCE -~ -LOANS -~ERS 1857 Newport Ave., eo.ta Me.a Liberty 8-1632 Liberty S-1400 Ev& CORONA DEL MAR I 1. ~ 2 bdrm.. home on Kuipld Ave. Hu 2~ car prace. hwd. f1oon and tile. R-2 lot with rodlD for additional dwelllnc. Onl,J $12, 7:50 with SU500 down. Balance like rent. I %. Very nice 2 bclrm.., cloee in. Hu npoeed beam9. foroed air beat, f1aptone fireplace and ltre9Md prap. l'ull price $H,t500. a. Lup ....., a bdnn. and playroom. (1~ 1q. tt. > Bu beautltw 'riew. Wood ahake roof, 2 baths and all attnctlvely tinl8hed. Open dally. 509 DE ANZA. OORONA IDGHLANDS EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 15'2 & Cout Hwy., Corcna del Mar Barbor 18&2 BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES- a bdrm&., 1"' beth hom• • • Cl098 to ..,...,uimr. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL KR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phou Liberty 8-7976-~ 33tfo p. a. palmer incorporated developerJ ~f Lido Isle , OPEN SAT. & SUN. 10 to 5 123 Via Genoa, I.Jdo Iale New and extremely beautiful 3 large bdnu. and 2 hmuioua b&thl, 11.iding glau doors to patio from dining area and muter bdrm. Therm. oven and range, fully carpeting and land.caped. 3-car garage. ALMOST J'INISBED-deaigned for gracloua living. New Orleau wrought iron and ahutt.n add to the graceful line. making thla outstandingly Inviting. Charmine entry, .iate fireplace, fully carpeted, 3 bdrma., 2 batha. encloled patio, every extra. 125 Via Wuier11, which la about a perfeet location. $M,OOO. ARCBITF£T Is BUILDER worked overtime to make thil luxurioua smaller BAYFRONT HOME with pier and allp a home of d18tinction. Every room radiate. quality and thought in planninr. 2 ~ma and 2 batM. All the above homea are exclwilve with u1, and we are IO·proud of them we would like you to 1ee each one. Remember, we' are the developen of Lido Iale, Come to Headqu.arterw. • p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 vi• Udo, harbor 1500 LOOKING? Read This WILL TRADE 7ts acre. fine alfalfa land, all equipment, 1prtnJder •)'Item, etc. for 3 bed.room beach property. Some , c:uh required. Deal lnvolvee ~.ooo. Alk for Hodcldmon BEAUTIFUL BATHING BEACH Ocea\ front, lbake roof, n.nch ltyle1 2 bdrm. home. . Plua 1 bdrm. ~t. 2 patloe, barbeque. Open Sundajr--'208 Seubore Drive Call or come 1ee Dave O.bvn CLIFF HA VEN VIEW Beaut.lful new~ bedroom and den home with 2~ batm, 2 ftrep ... and many other outatandlnc fea· turea, IUCh u tully carpeted. built-In cooking facW- , t.te. and many more. $29,750, good terms. 1 AU for Bill tarn.worth FAMIJ,Y HOUSE for a family of ' to e. That'• the l.mpreuion we have of thi.I home. A family room with a fireplace and barbeque for the eveninp. A living room with a • tlreplace. Be81de1 thi.I 3 bedrooma and 1 % batu. Aak for BW Meaenrer p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., ea.lea management 1700 w. cout htchway -liberty 8-8878 CLIFF HAVEN A Million Lights BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values W .u.KING DIST ANCJ:l to Down· town COit& Meaa. NEW 3 bdrm., 11h bath under coutruction, curbed Ii paved streets. Three blocka from downtown. Your choice o! floor plana and colors if you act now, PoMeUlon May 15th Full Price $9 ,000 Only $350 Down LOVE LY 2 'br .• 1~ pl. youq. Hdwd. tin., Ute kit., rr· 8t.8. paved, curbed A ..-•r1 In. A real buy at lt,950. Only U .000 dn. A real value. Owner mov:lnr to Glendale • mun tell. V{I: HA VE I PJECEa of ch°'4ll M·l propeft7. Don't faU to ... lheM. J!:xc. l ocaUona A: pl1ced NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PA$E 7 ~ THURSDAY, APRIL 14; 1955 a a.air.we a a..a r.atate Balboa Island MOOR YOUR eo.rr. boat to your own pmate pllr and ftoat Ill front of thia dellshttul .• bdrm. "Uttle ~d'' Balboan-aa.Uah home. Price about m.ooo. J'OUR BEDROOM, 1"' bath home near South Sq, Larp Uvtnr room. All on one floor. DrutScally r.- ducecl. Pricie $29,800 -ff,500 handlee. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, larp Uvin1 rm., aJoe11 turn. bome. fteady to move in at $21,500. NEAR NOR'm BAY. Peat~hou.e bdrm., pl• th...- othen, 3 batha, 1potle-. pS,500. CUTE, CLEAN, DELIGRITUL vacation home. 1 bdnf., dbl pr. Patio, den. Charmlq. S15,Teo. aa~ · \ mit your down payment. Balboa Island Income TWO older untta neu South Bay. Good lnCOIM. Submit down. Price $1',900. . J'IR8T OJTERINO of WI outataDdlnc South Sq home, o.lped for tmJl'f!diate oonvehalon Ccloee 1 door) to two unlta. P9zfect buy for executlft .,.. luation and tu relief. Two Uvtn, rooma, flreplao9. 5 bdrm.I., 8 batha, 2 Jdtchena. Price about se&,000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyoua Jt'ltDc room, large dining room in main unit. Priced OOll• 1ervaUYely at '35,008. Beacon Bav ONE of BJUCON BAY'S wperior hom• 4 Mnu., 3 batha. Ab9olutely eueptlon&l Uvin1 room. f..S yard. -$32,000 •. VISIT EUROPE thi.I 1UJ111Der FREE on Income from this beautiful Beacon bayfront 8 bdrm. home Is apt., 3-car rarare. BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -Con.wt ua for acl~ desirable homea. CALL HARBOR 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland. GLISTEN LIICll DIAMONDS from thl.I nearly n-ab&ke roof Cape Cod view home w ith a larre bed· room.a, 2% beth.9, I Uaed brick ttrepl&cea, built ln kitchen ranre. Evvy luxury ltem you delir• I• In thl.I 2400 •quare feet muter· piece ot arch!tectural 4ulp and oonstructson. Priced below re- production ooat at J29.7llO In· chldlnr w.11 to w&ll carpet. and '19.peL 20 NEW • bdrm., 1 % bath.I. Some avail in two wk.I. Colored tropical roofs, carages, FHA financinr. rlJht. 1·108x.200 ON SUPERIOR, near ------------------- • • • Artistic Moderne A KUll'nC that a. dlttermL Tou'U N dehJ'bted wit.ht.be DOftl treat· ment ooma.tned with Ule f~e­ Uonal character of th1a Ws- thne hdroom, 1" 1-th bom• wtua M.,.r&te clin1nr room, COY· end 1anal and patlo-breneway to extra larr• ~very­ thinl tJl&t 1P9U. .-Jit1, dMIP and rdl.nemmt. SM.NO. • • • COSTA MESA Feel L1ce Falling JM LOVll AO.\IK T Ben la your chancel Cllanntnr famUJ born• ot I bdnu., 1 ~ bath.a. cn.p oolor ~ Uuoupout. Modern da7 11~ wtt!l (Tapeetalc• tenc- ~ paUo. tlreplac'e, bu kit.alum., to'"4 air heat, parquet floon, pr1>a.r9 ds.po.a1. 2 ear p.nc- uaequaled YaJue at JU.0001 • • • To a Small Boy BOID U JUST A nLLlNO ITATION, but to Mom and Dad tl'1 nnldl mOff-Jlere IAI IUCh a a.ome that ottuw •nr)'Ulln1- &.11d only a hop, aklp and jump to abopplnr center and •cbool. Yu. . It I• nearly M'\IF and bu 3 bed· rootM -d flre)>l&ce. Price T fl0.900, with low, low down. Bay & Beach Realty 1 ... Newport BIYd. o..ta x-. OaUt. UWt:1 •UIL .._ Ll ~1111 This Old House ON A 8 USIND8 LOT IO :a to. I llloeke tram J"Un f.one, Jt.'80. unu. Commercial Bld.p. llSAJtT 01' LU.80.4 -1 It.on. I rat.ala. IUD .._ Meda ftDr. na.aoo .. •a.aoo wtn ....._ More than half aold now -Better Burry l Full price only $9, 750 Down $650 J89.~ mo. pymt.., incl prin. inl, tuM A lnaur. Eastern Owner Says "SELL NOW!" Drive by •-ta Magnolla -(Do not dlsturb tenant.) Call ua for appointmmt to 1ee th.la 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. flrw., 2<ar pr. on alley. Comp f.aced back yd. Outside it'• nice -f700 mutic paint job -tmide it'• a meu? Need.I complete paint job. Do it younelf or haft It done -either way it'• $2000 under m.a.r· ket at $9600. GI•% loan. $62.50 mo. lnclud.M inter- elt, t&ul -lnaurance. Submit reuonabi. d.own. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCl.A TES "You'll Like Our Friendly Service" 893 E. 17th St., eo.t& Meea. Liberty 8-1139 SlmDOWN BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. home with 2 f\l1J bath8 . Hwd. tlopns, forced air heat. prbage d.lapoa.l, 2· car rarage. Vacant, move in today. Ft.JU PIUCE $11.750 4 Bedroom -2 Baths On a very nice street. 2 bdrm. home. 1200 sq. ft. Garbage diapoaal, garace, beautl!ul lot. $1950 down and balmce like ,.,t. FULL PRICE -$12,SSO PhiJ Sullivan & Geo. Everson l~ Newport Blvd., Costa M9'& ( Acrou J'rom Costa Meaa Bank> Phone Liberty 8-8781 Evea. Har. -t3M-LI 8-2103 WOULD YOU new HelJpot JocaUOa tor Ollly 110,llOO. 2·16 a 175 ON SUPICIUOR, MU 17tb St. with lar1e I br. bome plu• rm. tor abope. On MWer. llZ.900. with low down. 3-7 ~ ACRES 1D fut l"f'O'wtns In· du1lrial ...-. Jvlll 1 bill. off Newport Blvd. Le• than ~.ooo an acre. t ACllD BACK BAY. e.&ut1tul rollin1 land wtUI 'riew of mt.I. .A. real buy at fa,000 an UN. LOVELY S BR. HOME on!:. ltth. Bit. tn oven A rana-e. prb. d1lrp. Sewn in, paft<f paUo, dble. pr, Only $1,000 down. U ,000 FULL P RICll. "' &C1'9 near rotf coune. with l br. home. Room to build add. unit.. A real bu7. lk• uu. quick. Low down. Houston Realty Co. le ASSOCIATES ll09 Oellter Bl. Ll a-.HU LI ~778' Costa M .. For Ew. lnlormatlon cau - LyUe-Ll ~26U lknne1"-H&r. ltll P.tltt-Ll a..6617 .. 11110111"-B&r. 6••w REAL VALUES a BR. HOMJC 18 mo. old.. L&rp room1, We k itchen and ti.th. Eztra W,. lot with 8 f t. Ad· wood tmce eoclollnr beck ylU'd. 11,000 wtUl very euy dn. pyiat, How About This t 1i ACRJtS with un1Urp.t..llled ocea.n vi-. TbUI propert1 hu t•mnc poMll»WUH tor IAcomt de .... Jopment and t. located n..,. larc• pn:>po.ed 1nduatl1&J de.., lopmt nt. Baa a two br. bou. A a dupla nev1)' tlniabed •room for at leu t e moni unit. - Only ll!l,000 -fl,l!OO Dowlll • -•• BUY A 0000 SKA.LL aousE. all tum11h-B. A. Nereson "You'll Want It" when you eee It, for here la a Top Lido buy ready to be moved Into for $2-l,225 full price. 3 bedrooma and 2 baths, completely fumilhed right down to a deep freae, wuher and dryer. It'• on a wonderful ltreet a atep away from the beach. Street to lltreet lot. MOtlt p1-atng Inter. lo"' with a brick fl.replace and open plan. A veru.tile bome, It can be a fine family home for year round living, or the perfect summer home, or buy it for income -(summer rent• ahead). We can work out excellent terma for you. Ezclualve with ua. LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) LIDO ISLE BA Yf RONTS 3 bdrm., 2 bath tumiabed, pier 1c slip ----U9.500 4 bdrm. • den Ii maid'• room, l !fl lot., pier 6 .Up on Lido Nord ···············-·-·····----'89,500 3 bdnm., 2 bath1, one ltory, pier 6 float --$49,500 3 bdrma., 2 batha, lovely muter 1uite, 2 year1 old, Lido Nord, pier Is float ---------...$59.800 Another Choice Lido Home When the p1'Ment ownerw bad thia lovely home com- pleted, they never expected to ae.ll It, ao here la a new liltfug ot a one year old ol bdrm. home that la juat about the finest on Lido. A 4.6-ft. ltreet to atreet lot, a 3-car garage plus laundry area. Com· pletely ~urniahed and offered for leas than cost at $39,500 with $13,500 down and bal. at $2-t~. mo. Best lowerpriced Udo home Charmlnr 3 bdrm., 2 bath. 2 year old Ranch type home -vacant and ready for Immediate occupancy -lovely location on the l.aland. On.ly S2'.960. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 1 ITOKU. 1 ..,_ Nit&la wtt>i ed.. in tJp top ahape, cto.e-in Balboa, good location REALTOR TV, "8.000. for $6.2:50 ? SURE YOU WOULD! 1112 Newport. BlTd., eo.ta ,._... _ OOUft'l'mT TO DOlalJW Piion• Ll ~1172 ~ LI 8-6417 ------------------___;; 3"18 Via Udo, Newport Be&cb Har. •971 or W72 -We Have 4 of Them-(TWO DUPLEXES) --------BALBOA ISLAND The Locator of Call?. for $25,000 -EZ terms IO'T llut a.nut. Bl't'd.. ~ Barw MOI. SIMO Corona del Mar . LOVllLT eorw llM'le AfUt· _, ....... ,.,..... ... '° ~ .... -,,_, ., Sot. M1ce ~A mtra...-..-•UL All ...U..t .,. ats S1l.llO. Ray R•alty Co. ( A.croel h'oaa ua. BanJc) ...... ODUt. Ocmlna dtl Mu Ot cou.rM you can't buy them one at a time but you can buy all four at once. A 1ood deal for aome one -let ua abow you. SEE Lila B. McFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES · •1~ E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 3788 or 2S17·M $12,000 Business & Home 2 BDRM. HOUSJI:. plu• extra JoL M·1 aone, low prlct, eu y terma. 3 BDRM, HOUSE. near CIYtc Cen· \er, '7.800, Jow down pa)'111enL BEACH HOME 11.~ dOWll CHANNEL J'RONT I BDRM. HOME, pier and no.t. 18,900 down. • SPACIOUS livinr room with fireplace, 1 bdrm., 1 ~ baths, bright kitchen -ANO ama1l bachelor apt. • f3500 down -J'ull prtCI' $16.000. CH.ARlllNG bayfront home -ol large bd.rmJ., I batha. Exlnt. heat· with deligbltul rent.al unit. "9.500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Karine Ave., Balboa Ialand Barbor 502 -Ev•. Harbor 2308-R N. B. C. Realty Co. 3Znd It Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. ------------------~ VOGEL v ALUE-NEWPORT HEIGHTS __ Har_bor_ 2 --- LAJU111 LO'I' ... attr Drtw In Clltt Rann. First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALLY A'l'TIUCI'IVE 2 bdrm. home. "Cle&n u a whiltle." Pan.elled Uvin.I room and 9ID&ll dining room, carpeted trall to wall, good kitchen, bre&kf ut 1p&ce and ~ce porch. Ample cupbouda Ir ltorap 1pace. Oveniaed 2-car pnp. Nice en· OCliN VIEW mode.m 2 bednn. bome with u tra room and ~ beth on double rarace. Pr1c. sa.eoo. Law dowa pa7ftM11t or wUl take Wtnt Tna.l Deed In NEWPORT HEIGHTS OCEAN VIEW HOKE -located &nn>npt the tree. in the excluaiYe CUff Drive and Santa Ana Ave. uu.. 27 tt. llvtDf room, itudy, 2 bdrim., kar su- ap. Only S8800 down. Call u1 for the low ptiee. Pride in Ownership -Located on quiet, beautiful ltreet t.mong other quaUty home.. JAftly I bdrm., 2 bath ho!M with rtau dool'9 from living room to a Uuly lovely patio and private buk yard. Pleue He thia at $21,950. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-M81 A.IA() •o tt. ltr'Mt to 1tnet Jot oa Genoa. Udo 111• and 0-1 lot cm 1fftrl'Ort Bl-.d. Kn. A.bNl.I, Bar. 0111. 13ttc BT OWNma, crvt. 1 Wnn. bov-. Jlfe&r ~ lcboO&. Room to build. Lot tox.100, prfoe 17,100. •Uto CIOWn. f40, ... LI M66t, llo60 clOMd paUo. Molt connnimt corner location. 2 blka. from Qty Hill, Newport Beech. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1111 N.wport 8tfd., Nft'POl'l BMall Har. lf' trade. 2112 Cll.tt Drm (~t ftCUt lot aftllUle) ft. OWDll', LI •WJ 21tte BT OWJCD ~ Ira& bMcll bOUM, 111,960. Oood tenu. 610. ... ...... Drt... ....... 17ot-W. OoartMJ lo 8ro1Hn. ..... (Not a leuehold) GREENLEAF-SEY.ERTS REALTY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 N..-port mvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2Mt (ICY& LDaertJ 1-8188), 17c8f ~ ' I ' . . . • PAGE 8 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 1-4, 1955 USAF JET· JOCKIES ON FORMOSA ALERT John lrauchlann Only Ora11ge County Man In \31 lth Squadron 1ocal ctvfl def-Jll'Gl"UI', a ""' Red ~ • nm aid C'OUl'M w111 llt&rt Apr1J 20, ~ l() tbe CJvil detenae ofn~. The courw will be If"• ln the Tar Pit on Baltio. Blvd. trom 9 L ~ noon. The eta. la 1UJI op9il~...Wenta lnt«'Mted. It la de1crl b e d .. a coacmtrated, ltrMm·llned couhe. . Smltll Conertlble Destroyed by Fin B1 WALTON ft&OA81UB hoped and prayed tbere would be ORANGE, (()CNS> - A 1949 OCN8 Newa ronep no war over F onnON. but, lhould Co,,...o•dH& Amerlcw become involved In a oonvertlble. r.ciltered to Pett' war, he hoped he'd be the ftnt 1n Smith of 29ll Bro9d St., Newport CHIA·I AIR BASii -SOUTH· Beach, w.. deetroyed by namu l:RN J'ORMOSA ({>CNS) APRIL It. tht. morftl.ns on CulVfl' Road near 11-Uncle Saru'• botl..t Jet pllota llchter tban aJr bue where ll a p- .,.. 1te.nd1ns Suard ovar our ally, New First Aid Clau parently had bttn abandoned. J'ormoea, th ... daya. One equad· ron at a Ume, the J'U't.b Alr J'orce S A....a 20 Red Hlll foreet era responde<1 to lo tart ...,.... the call. but aa.ld the car WM a l'·M B&ber·Jetl are belplnc to total lou when they arrivf'd/ Tht'y =k Forma. llkt• qainlt red BecaUH of numeroua requ.ll reported 1t had been alon( the Mesi E1gi1een in Sllll lreac~ Co1tr1ct S1it SANTA ANA (0CN8l-Wllllam L. St. Clair con1tniC'llun and -. clneerUic •renc-y ot Co.\& w .. yu tfrday flied a breach ot COD• tract eull ht're agalnet TOl\f Vu Dleat. Anthony \'lln Dint, ~ bualnHa u Van Dl~•t Brothera. The plalnllffa claim lhe defend- ant& broke t he term• of an .. r ... ment made Aur. 18. J9Clt , OYer lll• hooking' up of houau to MWW main• In the Morro Bay 8anlt&17 Ol1trlcl. More t han $9000 damaiea Ill uked. tor ftnt aid tratniq .~ the ro&delde atnce noon Thursday. ~ the9e ~~jockJ-CW'-l~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ rmU, at.andln&' "1tr1p alert" here II at Cbl&-I ta a Banta An& youth. Lt. J ohn B. Brauckm&nn, 22, u the only Southern Calltornla man ln bta equadron. "Jadt" told UI he " t.h• )'OWll'llt pl.lot ln h1AI mtire wtQa-, the Ntb tschtins· bomber wtna'. 111Ua ftchtu'-bomber equadron. Bil eqll&dron. bued ln I Korea. t. h.. on rot.&Uon. prac-tlolnc almulated rnluiorua with KatsoDalllt troope. Irr FIGllTEU' 'l'bei. an MOO Americana bere CIQ J'onnoea, malnly mlllt.ary ... ldat&Dce ~ poup and J'OA penormel. Th• jell at C!ll.a·I, and the Mventb fleet. mall• up all ot th• ''operaUonal" ftlbU.C tore•. Jack'• equadroft II quarteNd tn t.entl, eaUns thelr tteld raUom out o.f m ... kill, ln lln• witb Ge1d lllarle ParlrldS•'• policy ot facile moblllty. Thue men neYer really "dil' 1n"-they are ready to mon quJckly to any trouble-•pot tn the Bring Us Your Prollle•s Whether its • smell iob or bi9 project you . are stertln9, we can help you .. We're M¥9f' too b\lsy to talk it over. ( WEARE OPEN SUNDAY ENSIGN STUDENTS 'SHIP' ABOARD USS PITI'SIURGH i'ar E .. t. Jack B rauckmann ta acttns u public relation.a ottlcer tor h1AI equa.dron. H e 9"ml happy with Ulla extra duty, and 1&ya he pre- tera Formoea to Korea. He llk• the warmer cllmate and th• Chin-peopt.. '"l'be Chin ... an much ftner people," he at&Ud. Doing Plumlbln9? It wu a big day for these local yopnpten when they were guest. of the USS Eittaburgb, heavy cruiaer ber· thed in Long Beach. From left (toward ll&ilor) Pam Thompson, Jill Stoffer, Barbara Flory, Roy St. Clair, MICKEY SAYS LIQUOR CHIEFS SPLIT MONEY Claims Bonelli, 60-40 'Take' on SANTA ANA (0CNS 1 -WU· !!nm G. I Dt~ Bill) Bonelli. for mer fc>11rl h dull rh't liquor cznr who 111 ftghllni.; ('XII ndll ton from Arizona. w .... 111l•·1:1·Jly to .:tt 60 per cent of th•· urani:c Cuunty liquor II· ... 11>1' .\h11l1C'llow n •• , su,,pl"ndeJ dis- t. 1 ·t l 11111ur rhl• f H E. Ml\<"i<rnz1e " lk llllJll'" ... ly I ll I [ikl' In 40 ~r ~~ ft~ ~· .. I•··: 1111'•1 ttw proi«"culion·s k· ''!In• •.•. 1'11 • F.ls1e J onee 1 ~· , h• • : ''" o Monday In the 111111••1 , ... ,,, .... \" trial or Mac· h • n 1· 11 1.i .:;.111ta Ano barownt'r (.; • ~· A'"''" Tt•'V are arc1111t"d of 111 111:'11.\ 1111 1:1k111~ or 18000 from J' 1·,,, 11n·l Si~iOO from J11ck ~: 1 I of ( 'n•ta MC~ll for I'll· ~;\, .. ,1111~ 1on ·11.1l1• ~tnt-1111 liquor lll'rn .• ' io>c thr lattl'r patr Th· ",1 "''"" "' u:1nall;v wa11 na11to·•I :n n r1nn1I j11r;v indtC'lml'nl 11 11111~ \\.ll11 ~lnd<cnzll' s nd Av1111. but ~lw 11110011 -1it(''11 t'Vlllf'nce. Ch1.1t 1 , •• 11":1lt•l<I h1•1 W f•Jf' 11ropped by s11r••r11ur <'•1111 t Judi;.<' K,.nnet.h E Mnr·11~011 l ~Uf:R l\l"l SIT\' 1'1 rs J rino•11 1 .. 11uf '"'I :'oilun1lay l!he wn~ 1•llr11•1I 1mn111n1 tv hv A11~l11tanl A llllf ru•y C1•no'ral Th'r1mi1t1 \\". :'oitar· tm. 1 ..... 1t r "' lhf' ~11uthlt1ml liquor 111'"0"" fl! 111"' If •h" Wfllll<I fOOper· a t. The \\ 111'1•'"'" ' l1t1111• •I ~lncl<enzJt" ca.rt' 1., h•r 1'11 11t1w 11p11rlmtnt in i-; .. r1 • 11•b· •• 1'1:,2 ~1w 11:<.•t'rtl'd .dl1• l,n.•w lh•• fur lll t'I hqunt l'IUJl('r· vb nr , f (11 lln);•', ~.in Brrn11l'<llno an rl r.l\·1'1 •1 Ir !°«>lllltl"~ for 2:'! or 30 \• ... , ~h .. AAHI ~lnr"<>nz1r told h PC ht' w11• '"" i 11\•·• fut 8111 \onkl' w1, .. h ••I 1• •I Hr "~"<'rtetlly lolll ht'r · 11 .. n••ll1 l?»l~ 60 p<-r rf'nl of th~ llllln• \ •• n.t I ~"' • ., rer l'o'Ol .. ~h·· \ l'l11'W1l :-.111rl<l'nZIP A~kt"ll h<"r 111 Wt•th \\llh hun M r~ Jronf'~ NJ1I :'oil11• K .. nzl" 1 .. 1 .. phonl'<I ht-r al Cn·,1 1trw In 11... l fl.•2, 11nrl a11kr1I )tcr tn • nnta1 l R r11r1y In U1t' Ant· leu ""'"' ~.,., 111 11111rdlno Llltl'r. llhr (1111n1I It WA~ (iray. t"11 p111I r&no hotel OWOo'f 'lt:t:Tl ~c; 1\UKA~c;r.n Th~ w11n1·"" 1 .. i.1 the C"ou rl 11he lnform1'd MHl'l\••n7.ll' 11hr l"Olllil me<'l lhl' rn.111 111 11 drl\·,.·111 al the fool of thr :'lnh B•'rnnnhn<> ml)11n- e.1n11. Sh" 11llt'it<'ll 1thl" trlt>phnntd Gray al the Anllt'rll Hnrl t hPn m t'l him al l hi' drlVt'·ln. Mr11. J un1·1 l1'~\1fled 1he told On y tl Wmlld ('Oil I 000 ror a hq· uor hr eM#. $ht 11ald MacKenzie told htr Lo quote that figure. Sbe MacKenzie in License Fees aald eht' explained to the hot elman hc would be contacted and t old wht'n tc> apply for a llct'n11e. Later, she te1tlfled, MacKenzie told her the llcenee application could go ahead a.nd for hrr lo 11range a meel w ith Gray a l the MaJPsUc Bar (Ava·1 plaee ). S8000 ALLEGEDLY PAID Mrs. J onea aald 1he met Gray on a Monday morning. took hl11 16000 in caah and gave It t o Mac- Ken:z.1e s t her Crelltllne place tha t nig ht. She cl'"1ted ahe received none of the money. The witneu alleged lht' confer- n-d w ith MacKenzie at Crutllne O\"cr the possibility (lf Avai. gt>lllng an on·we llquot-lkt'n~ lnr his l'lllabllithmenl whlrh waa opera ting with a beer permit. S he said MacKenzie told her Bon- elli wu l{ivlng two licensee to each ot hl11 a dm lnletra lorll to handle u they plt>&Md, but they had to be put In eomtone'a name. Mr8. J one1 11ald MacKenzie pro· posed they tell Avu .tie (Jont'") w11.a pulling up "4000 for the II· cenM a nd t.hen g el A vu lo put up $4000. too. T he wllnel!J! n ld 1he told Ma c· Kt>nzte she did not we why A vu ~hould pay $4000 wht'n the llct'flM wu nol costing the dlalrlcl llq· uor ehtt'f anything. '"I thought thl'y wue fr1!'nd..!."' llhe 41eclared. Shi" contt>nded she later went t o Avu and revealed the MacKl'nZlt' pla.n. The w1tneu N id MacKt'nzlt' wan ted to put the r.(aje11tlc llC'l'ni<e In her narn,., but 11he derhn,.•1 ~., .. 1e~l1f1ed M a c K t' n z I e told her '"We'll have to rut J . s ·a naml' nn It lht'n." She 11&.Jd ehe thought J . H. was J . B. Sheper deon. Earllf'r, J udge Morrieon u pht'ld a (lt'frn.H objection Oil the bring· lni.r in of a companion caae u evldenct'. Tht'y charged It would bf> preJutllcal. as no prtma ftlcla conMplrary had been l'lllabllsh ed. The cl.!e concerned the allei:-ed payment or $8000 by Ray T revor· row of ;-o;ewport Bear h S11n J uan Ca pl11t rano for a liquor llc,.nae for his Bay Shore ca te, Newport Beach. Trevorrow told the Orange Coun· ty Grand J ury be paid Mr1. J ones 18000 for a Ileen•. Ht' Informed the Jury the paymt>nt wa1 made ln the MajeaUc cafe. The protieeuUon wanted to brln( In the Trevorrow caae to ahow common adleme, plan and deelp . RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMAIJ. UO 30th St.. Newport 8-cJa llarbol' WI ,. ) • William BaC90 (aailor) Cam Weed, Linda WeU., Albert von Hoof;ian. Jeff Gla.811, Jack Chapple, Bruce McDon· aid and J on Wheeler (extreme right). Get Fire Permits at Mesa Station Fire permlll for Q>eta Meaa reetdenla may be obtained at the Mell& tire 1tallon on R.ocheater SL between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m . Monday through Friday and up till n oon Saturday, Fire Prt>venllon Of!lct'r Ralph Lt'e reminded toda y. Burn- ing houn are between 6 a .m. and 10 a.m. '"Pcrmlte are needed for any Op<'n flre11," Lee announct'd. He added If the fire prevention offi· cer wu not In the ataUon, Lea PelerA, the county fore1Jter al the station, could l88ue the pr rmlts. 26 Business Checks Taken from Studios A delayed burglary report wu received by COllla Meu cit y po- lice March 24. Bea Irwin of 345 E. 19th St., Colla J.teaa. told po- lice 26 bualnc• chtck• had been 1tolen from Marbel' Studios a t 1926 Placentia Ave. The burglary apparently occurred Feb. 24, po- lice N ld. Harbor U quor Store h.U aJrudy cubed one of the atolen checlta, according to P olice Chief Art Mc· Kenz ie. It wu algned with the name of J ohn .Alexander, Buaineal checu ltolen included No. l~ lhrouch 1M5, 1495 through 1504 llld 1521 throucb 1531, rt'portl 1how. Seek Admi11lstratioft SANT A AN A <OCNS)-SpeclaJ letter• of admlnl1tratlon In the est a te of A. V. Andrew•, who died March 31, were eoucht In Su~ tor court here April 7 by widow Ella Mary Andrew•. 821 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach, and the Farme111 a nd Merchant.I National Bank of Loll Ang'elea. Pereonal property wu eatlmated ln uc.e Of 110,000. Retmier WIM lid Charlea B. Retmler, operatJns u the Costa Meaa BUI Company, WM just rect>nUy awarded the city bu• franchlae for lt'n yeara by Co1ta ~ea• City Council. Ret- m ler 11t.1bmllled the lone bid ..,.. ce1ved -110. The franchl" waa granted for 10 years wit.h pa)'· ment to the ctty of 2 pet" unt ot grou annual receipt.. at once Jadt apoke oftu of hta Ume ln Santa .Ana. Tbouch he wu born In New York, he call9 Santa Ana hll home. He told U9 he riltted ht. Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Kre .. Eurtn• S weeny, 20112 Boaa 8t., "Not 1-than two Um• each year," and 1pent eYery minute he could wtt.b hla relatlvM. Tennitl, r olf, .wlmminl' and beach 'time at Balboa broug'ht on a devotion to th• Oranc• County area. FOUO:ll BOSTON BRAVE Jack'• favorite aport II bueball, thoU(h he told UI when he bu time ott here, "I eat , drtnli and be tnerry." In 1962, he injured hi• lhoulder durlng' sprtnc train· Ins with th• Boeton Brav-. In the 1&m• day, he WM hit by two baMb&llll aDd one ........ai bat. Be left the Bl"U• traln1ng' camp and enlilted ln the aJr force. Ke WU be.Md 1n DenYtr, San An· tonk>. Pboentx. Ba.lnbrtdp. Ga.: Del Rio. T ex.; 8&mpeon. N. Y., and Bryan, Tex. Three montha q-o he came to K-2, ln Korea. With moet of hla enll9lment Ume behind hlm now, Jadt 1peak1 ot hll plan. to c o to law 9Chool. '"rd like to Co lnto poUtlc.-J don't know whether I 'll be Repul>- lleaa or O.mocrat." He -.Id II• 20 OLDSMOllLES CHEVROLETS PLYMOUTHS . BONUS ALLOWQCE UP TO $850 OVER IOOK ALLOWANCE A GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF •• • • ON ANY USED CAR. DRIVE IT IN, OR TOW IT IN BUT TRADE IT IN ON A NEW 1955 PONTIAC V-8 AND ONLY • • • • • • •2686 20 wtn ba,J a brsnd ""'' Pnntlac! II <'Yllnlkr wdu, deUn~ la 8-llta AM wttlt • ll7dnm&fte e Radio e Twla 8ua V1Nnl e au-. Ora.,.. Oaarda e ~ Bum,.r G_,... • Dlrtttloaal i;llpai• e C'hronw-Trunk Claud• e Ann ~a (F"'81t-"-r) e F~ric C1ptttt41 l.4lat#r e Mii TNT <tf'Mt-..-.r) We Mean Business The Harbor Area '1 most complete stock of galvanized pipe end fittin9s. Also complete threading end pipe cutting f ec:ilities. WE CUT AND THREAD PIPE WHILE YOU WAIT. RePairing or Bullcling? .A good job requires good tools. Y ou'I find just the t~ you n..cl from our big dock here. Netionefty known items, end priced ri9ht I Builden' hardware • specietty et For9it'1. Painting? We can supply ALL your paintin9 needs. A complete line of FULLER PAINTS for your selection. Look over our big line of quality BRUSHES. ALL SIZES end ALL PRICES. FAISPRA Y -Renew Your Old Upholstery -14 Colors SANDERS -FLOOR POLISHERS FOR RENT. PATCHING PLASTER SAKRETI-"Just acid water" AND EQUIPMENT FOR GREEN THUMBERS It's \.STRAWBERRY TIME .. . YES-WE SELL 'EM ly the IOX or CRATE! Al Forgit Hdwe. 2205 W. IAUOA ILYD .. NEWPORT IEACH WI CMYI S I H &lllN STAMPS HARIOR 116 - MISS MARIANNE PEARCY -Beckner Photo Pearcy-N utten Rites Planned For Early Fall _ -· Young People Prominent In Yachting Circles When Mr. and Mrs. Harold William P earcy of San Mar ino and i13 W('st Bay Ave. entertained recently at a bon voyage buffet for Mrs. Pcarcy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Em1m- uel Jungquh;t who left last week for Europe, guesta also lenmNI ot th(' engeg«'mcrH of their lry L. Nutten or Los Angclee and dou~hlt'r '-l"rmnne lo Mr. Donald tho la te Mrs. Nutten, and ot the C11mPriin :-.:utll"n. 1 h•l" M~. and Mrs. Donald M. Cam- :"\\ r l '• n ,., y Is v1re rommodore eron ot Detroit. of : "'· i"" l I larhor Yuchl Club I As John Pearcy will crew on ar,\J t •w f111 ur.-IH-n" lll'l 111 the son &gatelle In the Trans-Pacific or "\' ron•I :l\1 11. \'.0c'4lly Nutten yaC"ht race and hls parenta will be Jr 11f L:1·:1•rly 11111~. also well m Hawaii for the finish, the wtd· kn<m 11 In lhr l lllrbfl r 11rc11. ding Is being planned tor fall. .\1 .,,. l'1:1 r ,. w.1.< i;1.1olunll'll frnm \\'1 nil~·· ~. """' f. ~ <:1rb. will h<' I Ph "}h . P "'l11 atr d !:11111 I '111~1'r11rly ot } armontc i-. 11! 111111 ( ·.1htu1mll in June. She I• 11 1 ••• '"'" r .. r Alpha !'hi a nd an 1 M be D • Ar• •• t y:1dllqw11111a11. sailing with em r nve li"r btotht r John In lh«'1r Rhodu • ""'I \\him lo takl' di\..~ chsm-at Bayshores p1onship 'Of ~h" loc·al fle~t. John l Clew from \\ aC'~, Te~ · "hl'nt ht Opening the membenihlp drt•e li alltndtng Bn)lor t:nlvcr11ty, to tor .. Friends of the Phllhannonlc 11ttend the party. o! Bayshorea," a serle1 of lhne "Ir. Nutt•·n "'"11 gra.duat.ed from cotrHs will be held thl1 week at f'ek School. 11crve11 four years tn 10.30 a.m. Frieda Bellnfante, con· the Navy and Is prl'senlly A 1op. duclor of the Orange County Phil· Iv more Rl Umvl'n11ly of C:nllfornl\~. harmonic Orchestra. will ·~ to H•• 111 afflllnled wtlh Theta Delta l'&c h group on the proirreu and l "hi. He !!I lh!' 1:ran<l80n of WN•· future plana of the phllhannonlc At the Cracker Barrel Ry ('A HO t :ATOS orchestra. On Tuesday. Mrs. Lawrence K. Gundrum, 2686 Baylbore Drive. will be hosteu; on Wedne8day, Mrs. Wllllam T. Bautr. 247a Arbor Drive, and on Tburl!CJay Mrs. Henry M. Fr~nch, 2701 B~•hore Drh•f' w!ll enter tain another group. Bsy11hore re1idente who have not a11 yet been contacted are wel· coml!d to one of lhese cotteu by r1111ing )frs.. Cari M. Boewell. Bay- 1hore chalrman. at Liberty S-2'487. '•\"t <'C1111t1n·t hllvt bN•n roorl! ex· tit~ m·,•r ll ftnol 111nlr11s It might be an 011 wrll In lhe back yard) than ti••' wnndrrCul ropt"ctlon of 111lk I!• I• ('II r• lnlK Ill THe <.:rack er Barn•I. l:!tc .Agate A\"t'. llhe ferry ~l 1 t;alb<>ll .llllaml MOllly on the f leganl modern 11lde In rolor and 1HlhJ•·c I rnn • 1 rr, thr~·· rm·• r a ""I'll' flo>hl I •1 ·'""I 11 .. 1, llt<•n T11\\ny l 1,• .. parol· tin<"'· h()lll•I rnnlht'nl Coast Faculty f luWlnjit thl Ollj;h IU•h fOllB);I' b rll· 1 '""" 1a1l th'" ate c h1nb'-' 1op1c4. Wives Plan Fete 1111.1 n11\n\0 mnr.-. I ., n11m • rttu11 tn 1 ··nllon · \\I' wcnl lhro11i:h Uh' I Orange Coast C'oUrgl' Faculty "t1"J.· t "II"' 11•11 an.t n1 <' 111111 <llzzy \\"ivt's C'lub 111 enl<'rlalnlng hu11· 1,,1.1 olanlf"l \\ lov ''"' <lror in bAm111 Ill a pol luck sUpJ>l!r and t:il<f' " lnoo<. ni,k .. ft c·hnlr<' lln<I 10()1m1 P danre st the SluJenl Crn· pl~ut s n•·" dt. 'u1 for a J non1 ur • '''" built ar< •ind lhel!<.'. Liiv a nd l<"r bmJ.lln~ at lhr college on \\ed-~.1mh· Enl lrl.t \\ 111 ~ itln1t lo n .. 11.ioy Ill I rm. Ho~l('lll'f'll Will be 11,.•1.•i In ,..-1.-1 t 1un an•I t"'C<'"lll'nl ~lmt>1' H11Plllnn Har ~r. Elgin Holl, rr.1111mi.:. Tl·o l"rn1 kt r Bflrrc.1.1 .E:1•~los Ho1ja:1, and Jsmr11 Thorn· Bruboa bl.11111. -Arlv. ton. April Clearance Dresses (regular and half sizes) Skirts Blouses Cashmere Sweaters //,e C/at/,"J JJor~~ • Balboa Island EDELL MUSIC S~ON hu been one of ttte popular units of the club aince ita orgMizatlon. Members not only joined with other 1ingera at a diatrict 11et1Sion held at Mission Inn, Riverside, but will appear locally at Ebell's Spring Festival In front row (L to R) are Mmes. John NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1955 STEPHENS GRADUATES · FORMING ALUMNAE CLUB Linson, chairman; James Beattie, John Lamar, Jack Curnow, C. D. Cunningham, Holt Condon and Leater Vierling, director. In rear are Mmes. Ruth Vedder, Ba- sil Peterson, Irving Watcher, William B. Tritt, accom- panist; Clarence Dodd and Thomas Letto. -Staff Photo Ebell Choralists Invited to Sing at Riverside Parti~ipate With Units In Federation Program The Newport Beach Ebell Choral Society made an ap- pearance "by request'' April 14 at Mission Inn, Riverside. SANTA .ANA, (DCMS) -A1mfA.-toward the orpnl.A· lion ot a St•phena CoUe1• Alwnnu Club, craduatee of tti. Columbia, .Mo., ecbool wlU hold their eecond meetinl" a t 7 :30 p.m. Tueaday In the horn• of Mia Barbera J:llerbroek, 19002 Dodie Drive, Sant& Ana. This newly formed group of 17, a section of Ebell Club, hu u its chairman Mrs. J ohn Linson and is directed by Mrs. Leater Vlerllnr. Mra. W. B. Tritt I that lunch will be served prompt· la accompanl.at. Jy at noon and t'llrde will start at • While a guut a t Newport Boch 2 p:m. lndh•ldual table prizes will Mra. Airer Ravn, pruldl!nt of I be Included In the price of admil- Southem DIJllrlct Federated Wo-slon and numerou1 door prtze1 wm men'e Club1, uktd the society to be awarded. Tran.porta tlon to the ret-to-('etl'ler bu been offered In the Newport and FuIJerton re1lone by Mra. Myron Bernard, Llberty 8-:172:1; and Mrs. Robert Feriueon. LA. 6-9778. All former "Suzlu" are lnvtted.. Telephone Barbara Eller- broek at Kl :S-ee.48 for addtUonal detalle. Brandt Named To Academy Newest California artist entitled to put the coveted perform u a pert of th• program I Mrs. Nlcholu Bretlner, prul· which cloaea her year In ottlce. dent ot EbeU Club, &nnounced that Southern District. ii eompoeed ot procecda ot the a!taJr will arain Oranr e. Rlvenlde, San Dle10. S&n-1 be u.sed tor echolar11hlpa. Home l& Barbara and Imperial Counties. cooked foods, costume jewelry and Membera of I.he local alnging attractive aprona will t-e on uJe fT'OUP are Mmea. John Llnaon, during the afternoon. Jack Cumeau, Lee Barnes, E. T. F KOM RAJNBOW .MWUK'y, Rulh Ve<ldtt, Jamee S. Theme for lhe party un which Beattle .. Clarence Dodd, Joh.n La-Mrs. Gamble and her committee 1Tl6r, Holt Condon, E . C. Cunnln&· have been worklnJ ls ··Pot O Gold" ham. TOOmu Letto, S. E. Locke, with ratnbow decor. TtckeUI may I lrvlng Watcher, A. E . Nt'eb Jr., be had from Mrs. Byron Welle and and Bull Peleraon. M1'11. Clarence l.>odd and 94\Y eec- AT FE~Tl\"AL lion chairman. On thr planning On April 21 the g roup wlU be 1commlltec with Mr11. Gamble are heard again on the progTam pre-1 Mmea. \\'1•1111, Dodd, c. M. Dt aklna, eented a t. Ebell Club's Spring Fes· Charle• Euton, Melvln Becker, Uval. Gl"neral chairman, Mn. Ru&ell (;1\iJg, W. B. Trilt and Amelia ~ble, hu announced Tbomu S. Smith. A.N.A. after his name is Rex Brandt, according to a mid-Ca.nyon, and the almple, clee.ncut b N ti On the Bottom For H alibut. Peters Daughter night telephone call he received Wednesday from t e a on-Rex Brandt la rated aa Olle of al Academy of Design. Phil Dike and Eliot O'Hara are other the moat dl.stlnguiahed watercol- well l<nown Academician.a. they are featuring & 1how by orlata In Amcnca. He is a ml!mber The honor <'Oml'll moet aWlpld· Brandt, hlil tlr1t In 10 y ears. oC 13 a.rt group11 and ls co-rounder oualy with Ule Cowie Galleries· E!li8ENADA RACE ot the Brandt-Dike Summer Sch0ol 20th Anniversary Uhlblt lD which The coUecUon lncludee 17 water-o( Painting. He hu won t2 awards colors of acenu wh.l ch range from and hl1 paintings are hung tn 17 La J olla to M t. Le.aaen, .-id there muaeum11 and public coUecUona ire four olla of beach acenes. An· MA.."'l' SH0\\'8 otht r group ot 10 watercolora 11 He has exhlbltf'd by Invitation .Mr. and Mra. !Aalle Peter1, 121 Rochesl('r St. Costa M "l!ll· Wl'I· comed a 7 lb. :l I;, oz. girl on April If. She waa born In St. Joaeph Hoaplta.J. Bethel Mothers Change Plans mf'mbl"ra are o l<td to e ttf'nc'I If l'<'ll~lble. Change of pla<'e hu bt't'n a n· nounc~ Cor nut mtellng or th<' !ay It Wltl\ Mra. W1t1Ja.m Sequl1t will be bo11l· /oUJer.f Mothere' Club ot Job'• D11ughl<'t• 'f l"U on '\\'ednl"8day a t hrr l11m11' 161 ••o••" Laurtl Plau, al i :30 p m. Mr". I b• "'·'• Edward Hobl"I and Mr:i. Hsrol t Party R4-nt.a1 ltea. WllllH'y will be Asllistlng hosl<•J\.~t's., .t~O.J I!.. Cc-.-r llv . l'uron4.4d Mor This Is an 1mportanl 11wP11n;.: Harbor 5011 wHh offlcera to be tltcted 1rnd all -=---::::=::=::== UNDER NEW'-MANAGEMENT Happy Day School FOR LITTLE FOLK -440 Heliotrope Corona del Mer Harbor 4369 MRS. JEAN VAUGl;IN, Dfrf'Ctor Balanced PLAY -WORK -REST For Your Little Toh Wen Supervised * Transportation At All Times If Neceuary • GOOD LUNCHES SERVED • Reasonable . Rates • ALL DAY • HALF DAY ATTENTION! ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE CHAIRMEN the GORDON BAXTER ORCHESTRA is now acceptin9 en9a9emenh for DANCES, DINNERS PRIVATE PARTIES PHONE EARLY AS POSSIBLE FOR PRICES AND OPEN DA TES 4-piece Combo or Full Orchestra PHONE KEYSTONE 5-5413 Listing in Yellow Pages under ORCHESTRAS devottd exclualvely. lo a&ilboat.a tn 11how" which }nclude Chicago, and racing. Particularly lmprH· atatu of MusachusetUI, Mlnne- elve la EnMnada Race Serlu; 30 sol&. Texu. Colorado, New Hamp- ~nda Attn the Gun, a eprud ehlrl'. Montana and Indian&, with ot wind-tilled salt. !Ive f ttl long many In California. He ha.a 21 and one hlgh. Companleln to this one-man ahowa and uhlblted In le Ten Seconds to the Start. ahow· many comJ>f'tltlons. Including tho11e ing the yach~ Jock4!y1n~ for p<>-I l'Jf tho Mrtropolltan Muaeum. Sen altlon. Fr1<nC'laco MWll!um and Golden Extremely lnlereallng i.. the ' Gate lnternallonal Expo11ltlon, Let our S~ SeJWW, REX BRANDT w1d11 aweep ot Coldl!n Gate No. 3, 11h11w11 In Boston. Philadelphia. It.a geometric patterns 110 differ· SeatUf. WuhlnKton, D. C. a.monr ent from the nowtng hills. Carbon I many In CaJtforn1a. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE Bl.DO. BALBOA Open ~,. Uiru 8&t~rday .d:W. • • we think th1t mr. &perry i nd mr. hutchin1on hid 1 mighty fine idt1 b1ck In 1196 ••• Jn f1et, Hn1ible spending ind 1y1tem1tic uvin9 with a. ind h. 9rHn 1t1mpe mt1n1 ev1n more to you tod1y. , yo11 will find the merch1nt who givH yo11 1. ind h. 9rH11 at1mp1J'11st t he kind you like to o b111in1u with ,.. .. ,.._ ... .,,. .. ..__ ... .. .. ...._ .. , .. Lighten Your Loadl I ·~ I . 'I N~. dlff'erent ••• NOW a bmer kind o( , 1 dry cleaning that has all the futuru • ' you•ve been l ooking for. You'll be -·1 -=--= amazed at the resulu! At last 111/ th~ dirt } comes out of slip covers, draperies, and blankets ••• even eml>Wded grime thac dims folors and patterns! No disagree- able, dinging dry cluning odors! Every- thfog looks and feels Jjke oew again. lt't ao easy ••• just ull us! LIDO Cl IANERS COSTA MESA 1782 Newport Blvd. ' .' ' Uberty 8-4014 ·' ,I .. ' I , ' .J , "' I J •• Beek-Beh Vow Exchange Is At St. James· Wedding Breakfast Is Held at ·Irvine Club Only relative. and a few close friends were preaent on Saturday morning at St. J ames Episcopal Church for mar· riage of Miu Jean Agnes Beh a nd Mr. Joseph Allan Beek J r. The Rev. Ralph Pease, curate, performed the single ring r1te which united the dllughter of She waa gnduated from Unlver- Mr. and M111. Urban Beh. 2701 Cir-ally or CalltornJa, Loe Anrdu cle Drive:. Bayahoru, and the j campua. u an ert major, la prea- 90n of Mr. and .Mn . Jolll'ph Allan ently on the faculty of Coro')• del Beek, ~2& South Bay Front. I Mar School Sprlnr tlow•r11 decoratl'd the church. pale yellow predomlnatlnc •nd yellow utln rlbbon11 marked pathway for the bride .u 11he wu e 11eorted to the altar by h<'r rather. She wore pale blue peeu I.le 11ole w ith full tlanng 11klr t In ballerina length. A <'Orone\ of the 111lk held th• 1hort Vl'll and 11he carried y•I· low tlowl'r!I with blul' forget-me· 110tl', ATTEND IIBWE M1.u Helen Llmneos of Whittler. Mr. Bel'k received his devee ln phyllcs from California Inatitute of Technology. where he wu af- filiated with the Gnome Club. He waa al!lo graduated from Oal\tor· nla Maritime Academy, and ii an oCflcer in th• U. S. Naval Reaerve. The couple will reside In Cor· ona del Mar until June, when they will go to Redondo Beach where ?.fr. Bttk 111 uaockl.ted with Lo«· l11tlc11 RHearch Co. inald oC honor, wore belge tame N B k Q In baUermu length anrl cu rled a eW 00 fl harmonli.lng bouqurt. Mr. Barton Beek, ell.ler brother Last Words of of the brlder room, served u beat man. U11hen1 wl're Mr. Seymour F F lk B eek and Mr. Richard Beh, brother affiOUS 0 of the brlde. who flew from Loul11I· 1 ana for tht' wedding. , Book review by William Haar- Both Mr11. Beh anti Mrl. Beek I lltad, Orange C<>!-•t College llbrar· wore navy blul', thl' former com· l&n. on Dictionary or L&llt Word11 plement1ng her costume with a by Edward 8. LeComte (Compiler). con. age of ranunculu while Mn., From time to time many Inter· Beek '11 corNge wu of rladloll rstlng referen~ books are added p«la111. to tht cdlll'Ctlon at Orange Coast. Mra. Pearl Weidman played Dictionary ot La11t Words la no Bach Nlectiona u prelude to Ule exception. weddlnr march. The work contalna the !&at 1pok- The c:eremony, held at 11 o'clock, en word• of famous flguru of w&1 f ollowed by • weddlnc 'break· hl.atory. Obvlou11ly the compiler tut a t Irvine CO&lt Country Club. h1111 done a tremendoua amount of research, becauae the work la • ON DE8UT quite complete. and almost every ~ new Mra. Beek wore a black tl,W.e of any hl1torical Importance and white check coetume tor th• la Included. honeymoon, spent on the · deeert. Mesa M a tron Honored at . Bon Voyage A boll voy~ ptt.rty wu held Jut Thund&y tor. M111. Ned Ha- dr1c)-of eo.ta M.-. "'"°left yu- tarday by &Jr for HawaJI, lit ~· home of Mrs. Leo Rovln, 2094 P'l'd· erat Ave. Nel1hbora were praent and brourht rut. for the bonotee. A combined airplane .. nd Hawa.I· \an mout waa ueed ln the decora- Uon• -d reftt•hmtnta. Some ot the tnlereatlng pa.a.· agea Include: Al~rl. Prince (of Victoria), "Good little woman"; Barrymore. John (to U onel), "You heard me. Mike"; Bonaparte, P auline (1l1ter of Napoleon l ) (looking at her · •elf ln a mirror) ''I alway• wu beautiful!"; Leopold ll of Belctum, "I am )loL" • MRS. JOSEPH ALLAN BEEK JR. -Gene Rosa Photo St. Andrew's Fellowship Hears Mrs. J . K. Stewart Infant Care Course at OCC A bulc courH of Instruction dutgned to help prospective par· ent1 undl'ratand· the care of the mother'• tntant wJJJ be ottered at Orance Cout CoUes•. 1tart!nr Tul'aday ennlnc. April 11 from 7:30 to 9:30 fro a •Ix -le pttiod. The clue ln mot.bu and beby Cj&re wtu be tauaht by Mn. Quea- ml• Ander'IOG, voe&Uonal Duni~ l.Datructor at t.be cioJJe ... Health probloema o• UM child, family and coaununlty are 1.Dclwt~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 1 MONDAY, APRIL II, 1955 Silver Tea and Book Review The readinc ~-tun croup of the OommUJllty OOqrepUonal ctlUJ't'..h, Corona Ml Mar. will (iv. a .Uwr tea Wedneeday, April 20 at J p.m. In Ull' church 1odaJ hall. Mra. Horace H. Benjamla of Balboa wtU N"vtew PHrl Buck'• new boolc. My S•veraJ Worlda. Ewryona la lnvlted \o coma •d enjoy the proinm. THURSDAY, APRIL 21st NEWPORT JEWELERS at our NEW LOCATION 17TO Newport lou .. v-1 COSTA MESA Just two doors from Safeway llf Ill fl H 4 We wish to thank our many friends and customer1 for their generous patronage over the years and to advise that we welcome you all to our new store ... J ust a couple of doors north of our old one. We will 1'eature fine diamonds, •tunning eng&Je- ment rings. wedding banda and fine watches, which we will be most pleased to •how you at any time. ELWOOD SHELL and ROBERTA SHELL HAMlLTON WATCRr:S • Expert \\'•frh ~ptllrtar • M.n. Jamu K. Stewart, mother ot the Rev. J amea S. Stewart, pu- tor of St . .\ndrew'1 Pre•byt•rian Church, wu gueat of honor and 1~aker at the April runchl'on meeunr of the Women'• Fellow· dllp. chairman, opened the meeting. Mn. Nellon Statford Jr. cave the devotion• and r.rports were rtad by )fra. Edward Fleh, 1ecretary, and Mra. Berth& TIUot..on, trl'a· 1Urer. M.ra. J ohn MacMWen and mem· bent from Eather circle aervad the bea ulltully appolnt.ed luncheon ln the church lounge. F\owera adorn· l'd the lounre and each table had an Easter centerpiece made by Mr•. Petu l'\olln& and committee. Mn. Jean Purdy and Mr11. Oudl«'y Boyce were In charge ot the PAT.10 Furniture Specials!· Mr1. J. Lamar John1ton, pro- CTam chairman, pruented Mr1. Stewart at the afternoon 1e .. ton, held In thl' 1anctuary. Mra. Stf'w- art atttnded lhl' World Council ot Churchn In Evan11ton, Ill. Jut Auiuat with her hiab&nd, Dr. Stewart, putor ot Beverly Vl11ta Community Church. and her talk wu on convl'nllon highlight.I. M111. 011.'n BaUey, FeJlow11hlp luncheon. . Next meeting wilJ be May 4. • Pr-nt were Mmea. J ohn Heil, Thomu Gorman, Robfort Albert-'°"· Phillip VUI TrH•, Daniel Le!tle. Ed'lll&rd Mirkovich. Leo Rovtn. J o h n Rudd. Clanmce R&lnN, Joe KOMn•kl, Maben Hill a nd the honorer, M1'11. Hl'drlck. LepdleUer de S&Jnt l"arcu u, Fren!b 'poUUclan; UIU.lnated on ew ol eucu t:Jon of Louil XVl, "I am ~Id"; Long, Sena tor Huey P . ( ..... atn.at.ed) "I wonder why he llhot me"; Louil XIV (of Jrrance; to bla domeatlca j "Why do you weep ! Did you tJUnk I wu Im· mortal!"; Mu.olinl, ~ito (to the man who wu aimln&' al him) "But ... but ... Mr. Colonel .. " Raleigh. Sir Walter (to th• u:e· ;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::; Scout Budget Is Approved The Newport Harbor Olrl Scout board m•t April :) •t the Uttie HoUN tor lta usual monthly H•· 11on. M r1. Tl'd Hlldbrook, .prul· ckn\. pre11lded. F\~ce chairman. M r1. E. 0 . Do&M. preAlellted tbe 19M-'6f bud1et for approval. Summer da y camp, the tt•ponlll· blllty ot M.ra. Sidney Sanden. wu announced for June 20. Them• thla year will be "Wild Wut Cowboy1." The tllte wtll be on Irvine propl'rt)' ln Nl'wport Hl'lfhts, Mn Robert L. Trtmbley hu be4'n appointed u chairman of the nomlnau nr commlttel'. Proirram chairman. Mn. RAiph Wilcox. de· 11eri~d Euter favou mad' by troop memberl tor Hoar Hc>11pltal. Tbe quarterly AlllCXl&llon meet• N W'&1 announc~ for April 2e. Prlffnl Wl're Mmee. John Oert· ly. Ewrl'lt Nunan, Ted Hambrook. Jack QUlffnberry, Frank McCor· mtck . WUllam Humuon. E. O. C\IUon n I "What dollt thou fear! Slrllte, m an, strike!"; Sh a w, Georre Bernard (to the nurMI "Sli ter, you're trylnr to keep me alive u an old cunoatty, but rm done, I'm flnlahed, rm golnf to die." A. a reference work ot unU.tUal nature UU• book II of rreat value IJl nottnr Item• about famoua peo· pie. There la no other comparable work In the field. -'llch a.rain makea thl1 work Ya.luable. Highly recommended &1 a refe.r· enc• work. Ray Nielsens Honor Daughter Honort.nc the 26th birthday of thelr dau1hter. Mnt. Charlu Sld- na m ot San Clemente, Mr. and Mn. Ray Nl•ben of 332 Holm· wood Drive were )loall at a fam· lly dinner celebration at the Cap- latnno Bea.chcombe111 Club re- cenUy. A ape<:lal birthday cake In the form of an Euter bonn•t with plnk ro•u and blue ribbon• J.nd toppl'd by %5 candlu .,., brought In. P l"l'.ll'nt were Mr. and M.n. Sldnam. MN!. HUda ·Warner t.nd the hoata, Mr. and Mrs. Nlelffll. Doane. Waynl' Crowl, Dan Cum· ------------- mlnp. Ralph Wilcox. Sidney S&11d- e r1. W. P. Thomu, H. E. Nack, Burke Thom..., A. O. Ot>err . Smith N-bel'TY and W. B. Tritt. A rt Gallery Opens In Statler Hotel aouUMm CalJ!omla wlU haw an Important addition to Ill cultural Cacllltiu w1th th• openin1 today flt the American OaJJery In the Loe Ancwle1 StaUer Holl'!. The ..., art e1tabllahment. directed by l obn Bauer, will preMftl exbibl- tloftl ot palnllnp, .culpture. clraw1n11 and print. by dll· tmptllled A n1ertcan and European a rtJMA. Ita Interior wu deelped bJ William Beckett. A.I.A. It wtll Ila open. tr-.. t o the public. 11 a.m. '° • p.m .. Mond&ra tlu'oqll f'r1· .. ,.. ...,.,. Pri<'• To Hostess Highlanders M.ra. Carl Artbofer wtll be hoet· e .. on Wednellday lo ml'mben of the Highlander. club. A pre'l'iou• 1e11lon wu held at the home or Mr1. Don A.ndrew1, l~t.h SL, Co•· ta Me-. wtth Mn . Emll Daum and Mra. Georse Marlin u u 1l1t- lng ho11teue1. Euler erg• were decorated and pmu were played. prtsee JOln• to Mmea. Ray MJlchell, Ed P'en· ton and Arthofer. Decoratlona and retruhmenta earned out the theme. M111. Robert Taraowmke pre1lded. Other• attendtn1 wen Mme1. Keith Rlma. Joe Ro~n. Robert Guyer, WUJlaJn Charlton. C1y<M Bttbe, Don Iv• and Mack Kulan . Balboa House of Bea"ty e . ' l 1tfrod .. rlo..17 NAOMI GUEST Hair Styli•t • f or A PP°'"flfM>1tf can Jlartlor !I '7 MU L llalboA Bh ·d. ........ GRANTS KNOWN FOR VALUES You'll Eniov Workinq at GRANTS Want en interestin9 job in pleesant surroundings ..• with plenty of opportunity for advancement 1 Then, Grants is the piece for you. ,e You Get Excellent TraininCJ at Grants Whether you're en old hand or • beginner, we'R train you ·~d help you. • You Receive a Good StartinCJ Salary at Grants And salary increases end promotions based on your individual merit. e You Work With ConCJenial People Grant people ere naturally friendly, neighborly. Ask the ones who work here. • You Get Many Additional Ben.tits Paid vec.tions, sick pey, employees' di1eount, insur· ence, retirement pl•n. YOU CAN GO A LONG WAY AT GRANTS Why Not Stop In At Our Employmellf Office Today! We Te GRANT CO. 201 I. 4111 St. Santa AM . DELUXE UMBBEUA CH ARCOAL F olding BRAZIER Hardwood OD whee'8 ... Adjustable Hea\')' DIRECTOR'S I Nick~ GrtD U" Dlanwt~r CHAm sncIALs 14 95 CANVA..8 BACK AND SEAT •• (!Mintier .. ru-trsUoe) ldKI for Patio ROOD -..... $5.95 or &o.l MOTOR and SPECIAL s79s SPIT -··-·-$1S.95 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO • 2620 West Coad Hl«Jhway ·Newport leach PhoM Ub1rty 8-1113.