HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-21 - Newport Balboa Presst• ... ,.. • "I bavea't been on the t.y or cheeked the tit.lee ••• " (Davi.a, Og'le, Wallaoe) 0 Aueelments by the county reveat • (Goode) " "Valae. for future ••• " (WaJlace) "O. behalf of tbe Ooaaty of Onnp ... " (01t.) NEWPORT9BEACU. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 2~ 1955 Phone Harbor 1616 FIVE CENTS i.., 'em earlier. Blddy. dayll1ht saving time goe1 Into t'fft'cl a t mldnls;ht Sa.turday night &nCJ Lyll' Lucltert. 2037 Tust in Avt .. Coit.a Mua. 111hown teUlng ont o( hill 8000 µay111g heni1 that 11he will bf' expect ed to 1tart hf':r laying l'llrlltr In th" morning come 8unday. 'Wbether be convinced the While, Lc-i;horn and 11he will talte the m-•lt' back to her bW!y matu 11 a question. but It 11 no quuUon that Ntwport Bearh C'IO<'k wetrh..rs hlld bt>ttn t urn their clock• ahead an hour Sundly If they want lo get to rhurch on time. or don't want to be late for thtir favorite radio antl TV prosram•. -Staff Photo ·TO• OR NOT TO BE- Decision on Trailer Park Defe1·1·ed for More Study Aft.er lf'ncthy djecu .. lona and hated ars;umenta from the noor, tbe Newport Bead 1 Park Beach and R~reallon Com ml111lon &ll't'f'd ,..._,.,. nlitbt to defer turthn aetlOfl on the po11slble controveray °"" the 19th St. Municipal Tr&U· er Pull until a committee conl•ni wtth cny M~ J ohn 8&1101"1. Bailon pve a •lt'C>n&' pll'a to tbe commlMlon to reverw Its for· mer at.and and recommend to city oouaeil to keep the trailer park and modemlae It eo rnenue couJd .. tncreued. Tbe commlaaton pll'lr· ~7 adv\Nd th• rouncll to ell· mJ.n&te the traller park and turn tM &"'-at the t>.y and 1111.h SL Into a public park. UPl}Cl'ED Ul'Zllf11J: 1'11• city ~r aaJd IM ~· l6ft9d wflb modernJUUon Ula tnUJ- • park could brtnl a n..nue of .. hreen ~.000 to M0.000 to the city. It 11 now brine1Dr In $40.000 Mt. the city claim .. 8aJlorl llUJ· ,._ted adJattnt P9clflc J:l.ctnc fil'Ol'.'l'l1Y abould be acquired to en- .... the tr&Jler )Mll'k and lnCn'&lle .,....ue wllJcb ta u.d t o Improve ....... and MaChH In UM city. .. llMlq urpcl UM c:oaunl.- t 11ion al•nd on lt11 former dechllon. "We are irr ellng oil money now." he Mid. "That money could be used on lhi> bay. I believe. u hu bor Improvement.a. The money that wou ld be 11pent In modemlza · t1on roul•I be 11awd a n11 turned back to lht people." Hal Glau 11ug~11ted to the com- ml.uton the trallera could be moved back from the bay front and that mi di' OJM'n to the public. He ch&l- lt nged bu11lnt~ men pru•nt If tney did not t hink a "JOOd. year around permanent resident would brine you more revenue than the trailer park ! " FA\'ORABLE OPINIO!I< He wu anr.vered by Al Fof"l'lt who said he h., 31 cha..,. accounte from tra11er p&r~ J"Hkknte In hll hardware 1tore. P'orflt told th«' t"ommllllton It taku money to maJnt&Jn a park and the city would have to .kel'p It clean at It• OWll expenR. Healy augiruted the matt.er be Ji•en mor. atudy. ··1 bA" a peU- tlon •lrnf'd by l~ r l'Ople (If Nf'W· port Beach whlc:b we h•ve never preaentl'd u wt thoua ht thinp _,.. roWnc 11 ....... h• eakl. FIRE ZONE ORDINANCE REDRAFT. ORDERED BY NB CITY COUNCIL Deaplte a 1matterlnr oC pro- teall. Coata Meaa City Council Monday nlrht irave flrat rea.dlnc to an ordinance approvinc the 800- acre B•ker St. annexation. Aller pasaare of the ordinance. M~ city limit. wU tp extended 30 da,_ later to bring f>Uthern California No. 1 Areas to be Eliminated • Except for Beach Front Areas Newport'• numbu one fire zone cot attenUon Mon day night In lhe adjourned mHllng of lhe Newport Stach City Council when that body lnnructed City Attorney Karl Lynn Davta to draft an a.mended ordinance. Councilmen alao ln.tructed City Manager John Sallora to contact the boarct of tlre underwrit ers to conduct an unottlclal .urYey with the ruult to be put Into their ha ndio prior to lhl' upcomil)g bud- gt l pt>rlod. UA\~8 INSTRUCl'ED The city attorney waa lnalnlfled to make the new ordinance i'ud .,.l aJI C plOjNI t)' wUl ~ ia the n umber two tire acme a.nd tM num~r one &Ont be ellmlnated n - cept for ocean front property on the beach. A lc-ttrr from tht 1'ewport Har· .bor Chamber of Commuoe 1lgned • by Maurie Stanley, pre1ldenl. branded the preaent number Ont' fi re llODH In downtown Ba.Ibo& and Newport Be&c.h u a detrtmant to the SJ'Owth of the bUalnue areu . Stanley &180 stat~ the number one ac>ne wu originally dealgned for UM 1n metropolitan ahopplnr cen- ten. '1"be cb&mba'• letter renecll U.. unaalmou1 opinion of people I ba" talked with." Sailora told tlle coundJ. TllAWIC 810NA.L ln CIC.her "'-'-• the council l'f'Cel"Nd to th• city enct-tbe mau.r « wtiether to ba¥9 a tnt-ne .. ,.... at. N......_ • Orclldcl Av.a. 9ft Cout HJpw_,.. htruona with 3&9 1tgnaturea for the Orchid Ave. lnteraectlon were preMntt'd lo the council, u were peUllona OonU.aed oa r.,.. • BIKTHDA Y BUSS-Shapely Sharon Glenn, chosen Ml .. Costa Mesa in Friday Afternoon Clubhouse lut night, gives Mayor Claire NelS-On rew&rding attention in ob- .ervance of Men's second annivenary. Besides Nelaon wu one of three judges of the beauty cont.eaL -Staff Photo HAPPY llRTHDA Y, KID! Lusty Mesan Inf ant Holds Second Annual ObsetYance A. lwty Harbor Area infant, ttie City of Co1ta Me11a. htld tu llt!Cond birthday pmy in the f'rld&y Af· t•rnoon Clubhou.11r w t n ight growing pa ln.11 and llll. Exudlnit famUy frlendltneu .the confldtn<'t of a vital, growlnlf community and ca&Unr •llRht 11\U!plrlon toward bl( brother Newport ~11ch. C<11ta w... clllRJU Joined wlt.b their otnclall for the annual ~ dinner . Mnre t h11n 300 ~niona In at- lf'nd11nt'" J&mp11t kr•I th" clubhou,..-. TIMty .... int.enlted attanU- . whit. clty fathen dlagnOMd every Me1a mAtter from community problema to tlle undeniable pulcrt- tude of Ila comely Oau«titer1. Hlgbllrbt of tlle celebnaUon wu telectton of 11hape.ly Sharon Olrnn. J 7-year-old Harbor High wnlor, u obv1ou11 w ccenor to Phylll• T arwood ae MlM C011ta Me• and ca.ndldate for Pirate Queen llU• at tllJa nmmer'• Ora.np Count,y Fair. M1n ffienn. dark t~ off- Ppr1np; of Mr. and Mra. K~ E. Glenn. ·4ee E. 18th St.. •'U .(CJw' I• f'llp t ) BANDIT RING 7 Bible College, the county fair grounda. a portion of Santa Ana Army Air Bue, Pnd the Hale aub- dlvtalon w1thln city conflnu. Newport, Mesa. County Involved in Contention Second Man Tied in.With Lido len'Or Half a dozen proteell wen heard durlng the public hea.rtnc. but only one proteet wu allowed u belnr within the annexaUon crea. That wu a wrlllen prot.eet lnY'Olv1nC nine acrea of land bear-ing an IUllH!!~ valuation of "30(). It WU a rapid three way play that took pJae. ill a abort Total u 11ea11ed valuaUon or the 1pace of time in Orange County. thia week lnvolYiq the 1800 Baker St. annf'xaUon I• approx.I-acres of Upper Newport Bay which th• Oty of Newport mately $624.500. The other pr0teet.a.nta owned Beach bu voted to annex to tM DWD.ldpallty. A man allered to be the "bral.n1" behlnd a bandit ring which lnclude1 Lido b le robber William F . Al.Ired wu today under lnvut11at1on by Newport 0.-.Cb police depa rtmen t. Detective Serpent V. 1. McMan· 'Pl ..... -i>IA&ot.a .,.. Was - cured q'&JNlt UncollD A. ~ 36. of La Canada. property &dJolnlnr but outalde Ule While Newport Beach'• dty council WU~ Kon- annrxallon area. They Included day nipt to !Mer lbe pl'Gte.ta UM annemaUon t.o lba city of C. M. and D. R. KcCllnt.och. L. 0 . ap.iut lbe ....... ,...,, Oona Upp. N_,,.,rt Bay.~ Joel Ofte, McClure and DaJe Holllnporth. x-007 Couad.l met &lld ~ Ooma~ OouaMI,, ..,.,....... to pro- Their m•ln compalnl wu tbe dt)' to ._. __ Into UMlr ell a .._.. '-tlll • aiae.at fll U. Board of wu cutUnc oft lbe6r acow t.o -u•., -'r... ,....... • 111 ll'Jtl 111 .. &M CIDullQ' fll Qr. water by t&llJnl llM. Ketropoll(u M-.-t llwb. -...._.._ ....._ WU-wttll OSte wu ...., ... ....,...., .. .._•w:oa ...... __ .,........_,.... '• -· 11rcf' n ...... tMa.,.-. __ ._.96 • rt _,. "fe:•------- Sherrlch, wbo claim• to be a termite Inspector. wu arruted ln1 till home Tut11day mom tn& by Lo• Angele1 Sheriff's off1ct>1 ll on the babl.!I or lmphcallon w11h Allred. ~Urt•d, 30. uf IA C&nada , IUrOr· ~d Mr . and Mra. Alf'X Oser or 52!> Via U do Soud MonJay mom· In( and had a 11hootout with po· llct, wounding Olrtcer Willia m Tai· botl In the hand. bt'fore 1ur rt'nder- lnir Police b8Y Sher rlch 11 believed to ha ve donP work for Oat-r In Loa Angelu anti knew of the Lido late hom" of the bulldlnr con· I ra~tor. ll w111 11 ll!O revealed prop- erty from a La C&nall11 hontt. where Allrt'll hu a1lmlltl'll aleallng the gun uMd In the Ow r burglary, wa• alleJ:c-dly found tn Shf'1 r1ch's rest~ncl' • Churgea aga1nat Sh,.rnch. who dl'nlu 'vl'rylhing. may Include coruplracy, burglary 1nd· ~ed robbery. MC'Man1pJ 1&1d. Al the &amt Umt . Allr"d 'f1u't1 poaaable arralrnment l h11 after- noon on cha r1H of a rmed robbf'ry, attempttd mur6-and 11uault wit h dudly wt1pon. Thf' bandit 'Jporlf!'llly 1dmltled annf'd robbery of a Santa An& Tnavel Servi~ of· !Jee to Santa Ana pohce yMlerday. The 1gtnry wa11 h"ld up Jut Wt'l'k by a J:rurf robbn who r om- plalne<l, "This 111 a tnu11y h11UI." while taklnK $12 from thr c1111h rej11sltr. S11nlA Ana pollrt arf' cnn· slderlng felony cha r1tr11 •Rllln11t Allred u result or the a11t'l f'd con· feaalon. Mesan Faces Marijuana Rap in Court Narcotic Officers ..... Easter w ... lllJI From S_,.ct. ,:..;ewport policemen who mad• two "purch-.-" of marijuana from \lauirhn 1Ae Brinkman. "· of :l.4 1 Allao Avt . C01Jla M-. dur.nr Euter Wttk. a rreated him late Sunday night on two counll of lllepl u lee of marlju-.na. He ~ to face preliminary hearinl lhl• &!lemon In N-port Juatlce Court. "' Is free on l&OOO baU. :-.larcotlc offlcera n ld they were lm.roduc('() to him during Euler Week al the Blue Room In Balboa. They u.ld they purchaaed t wo <lln.'1 or manicured marljuan• from him for $20 on April 9 and pur- e.hu ed • haJf a an of roug h marl· J~• from hlrn on April l& for 16. They aald the flu t purch&.M waa m•de a l Adami St. and Bal· boa Blvd. and the •~cond wu made 111 Brink man·• r are at hla horn' PoUce ll&.ld he took them to lht backyard of hiJ! home wnert' he had thl' 1tuff hidden. Brinkman w a 1 arreated at F red'• Dr1ve-ln at 16&2 Newport Blvd., CO.ta MNL CITY COUNCIL CLOSER TOWARD CLOl,TERED MORN MEET TIME Newport Beach Cit y Council ii one meeting cl08Cr to changing it.a meeting time from the eec, ond and fourth Monday nigbta, 7 :30 p.m., to the second and fourth TuC!lldaya, 10 &.m. First reading of the propoeed ordinance amend- ment wu Monday nlght at the adjourned meeting. The ordinance wu paued to second reading ached· ul.ed for this Monday night, 7 :30 in council cham· bera. Objection to the cba.,ge wu n1aed by Hal Gla.M from the audience who reminded-the council that aome organiutiom feel the matter ahould be giYen more coneideration. "CIYic orpniaationa have not bad a chance to dlacuaa thil," be IAUd. "It'• hard for many of ua to make th&\ hour in the moming." The proposed time chanp will COIH up for aec· ood reeding Moodsy rucht at the regular meeting. U p.....S, it will not become ac:Uve for uot.her 30 daya, during which time the council r~" l"Mclnd ita amendment. • ' t Onas-ODmty ,,...: te .... .. --.. , w .... amt apirlat UM at7 ot x~ i..-na.w_,.,,, . ._.-..i.y 8-cb to .... tM ·-·u. ... Otode. ..... pr 1 tNke ...... In &DOtMr 1D09e to .._ eoapaau rmde fw die eU7 lw)' Da'"8 and control of t.be operaUoa ot UM Geode. '!'-..,...,_,. told Ule ba.rbor tl'Onl Newport Beadl.. oouadl M M.4 c.nfUQJ' ,_. oHr OOUNTI' PllO'l'DT8 t.1119 ~ lfl U.. Ilion UnM a t ......... a. .a.cs Ille Md awnlaed N-port Beach Ol)' CaaneU met ln &djounMJd nMet.tllC to bear UM .,. wttJa Oty ....... , l. 8 . protute Crom property OWMn Clll C U I • ..... ' MESA DOCTOR DENIES -- GUILT .IN BUNKO RAP l)r R. ll:velyn Alvord, 00. of 22Sl Paclllc Ave.. Co•ta Meaa plftded Innocent yeaterday ln Newport Jlllllce Court to a buatneu and prof09lon.a code 'riol&Uon. Jt la &aHrted ahe ran la bontory l•te for a Loe Anrelu chiropractor, Norman W. Schlmtt.. ~. 8clµnltt wu arreeted Ttlur«tay of laat week ln Loe Anrelu and charred wttb uainr an unlawful madllne to treat chronic dleeuu and prw.ctlc· 1.nc wtlbout a llcen1e. Sc:bmlt t pleaded not (\Ully Ut l,oe An1ele1 and trial wu Ml ffW May 3 there. Dr. Alvord'• jllr)' trtal wu Ml for J unt 7 In New· port J uatJce Court. Ball Ml at IUO to co•er court ccetl. Co1ta Mn a .police obt&IMd a search warr11nl Monday for t he Pacific Ave. addrea1 and lnvf'atl· i ated her "laboratory" In a ati.d behind the hou11e. Thty plckf'd up pamphlell on t.be curu. dl&C"'oetlc cha rta. lettertiead1 and r nvelopea. they .. Id. Judie Donald J Dodi e la•ued lhl' warran t liped by 8. 8. Wood· ruff, an lnvuucat.or ror UM State Boa rd of Medical l!Jlaminen. Po- llet contacted her yMtttday In a p1r1dnr lot at t.he ,._,. of 111 £. 18th St. Her attorney. Sellln Franklin of Co•ta. Mua. wu with her. At 2 p.m. he 11\lrrendertd her to Chief Art McKeftlle In t.l\e JUIUCe <.'OUrt. SIM clalma U> be aa oat•paUdc ph)'lldan and eurpon w1t.h a llcenM from lllUMoW't. lbe h&I been In tb• Harbor arM tor 10 Jtara. HAllOI WEATHD or.a,. ................... ......... .,_~nl llJrfa ~ rrtday, April 16 . -··· el 44 l&tlU'Clq, A.fwil 1' -·· ti 47 ~ • .April J7 ...... IO '7 ~. Aprtl 11 ····-09 12 ~y. April tt .. et 41 Wednud&y, April 20-to 43 ft~, AprU IL... II '4 R.'EVELYN ALVORD Pleada Not Guilty YAWL SINKS S1omi Strick ly Tinker off Santi larb1r1 l uoml. 4t·ft, yawl. bertbed at Newport Harbor Yacht ~dl•I until eold a few day• •10. wnk lut nl(ht outllde of Banta Bar· b&ra. Sbf' wu hit by a tanker. Accordlnr lo US Co&#t Oua.rd, thoM aboerd wne IOlll. On" body 11 eald to 1>41 reroverf'd today. It 11 not lllno•·n how many or wllo were aboerd. Sb• wu eold by Berlin Ha11 of Olendale, to H•IT)' Melfp of Ian P'ranclaco l&Jlt wetk. Re wft New· port Harbor urly thl• WMk ti) t•ke hn north to out tlt h•r tor Honolulu Race. 1t I• beU~ Me~c• wu not abovd at t.be tlm• of UM &eckll'nt. She WU In dry dock at 9o\IU1 Cout Co. Ju•t before ell• llfl for ... .......... • I ' • ·-. '-• PA&E 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Grocler"J Operation , .. , ... .,. " • •M-•"''"" 111-'"• """" ... u.. """'! ou>•' Aclults I-lit-•• ..,, <lwff """'" ''"""' "'"°"' T lui'... H THURSDA.Y APRIL 2! 1955 -wHftil pro1ram de.tpM torthOM Union. Thert YI a 1rMt demud --, 'lll!f'I ,..,, Dr. tu.ktly .. Id. Tllt ltrm 0 IU OfM · ' '· Pfa••ll l.+allecl min WI W0!'1•• 1Hkln1 .~ career :r t::e~Ii;~~ ::::: For Sprint Term will nm ttum Aprtl 11 to JU111 11. Hush c. M•r•hall took out • GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS From the looka of thlnp,. children a.re about to inherit the earth. The Flying Red HorM turna out to be a mechanical pony the kid.a can r:lde at 1u .tat.tOm. l{jddieland.9 a.re •Pring· Ing up in the few beanfleld.9 left to UI, and giant corporaUone are retooling 110 they can make the nvitcb to cooneldn cape &nd poro 1tlcb without effort on C day. Nobody knowa juat when the adult. are alated lo le.e complete control. Our own private estimate would be aorne· time early thle summer. Well, let it come~We don't intend to be caught napping here at the Balboa Bay Club. By the time .cbOOt la out, we'll be prepared for the on- alaught. .A. we see it, the tinportant thing ia not to let the amall fry know they have the upper hand. Keep them busy and the battle is won-that's our over-all 11t rategy. Tactic· ally we mean to keep them occupied in the swimming pool, on Che tennis col:lrt, at the club house and playground. Actually, our preparaUons started laat year. That'• when we noted that the trend to Jarger families was formfuJ where our own membenhip wu concerned. We vi1ualised a well- organia:ied army of amall people taking over the whole worka, and decided on a policy of containment. The children should have, we figured, their own Sparta Club with its club house swimming pool, and snack bar. These facilities were built an~ opened last June, and they were a hit with kids and pa~t.a alike. Boys and girla·Who can't 11wim learn to do ao, Tha.e who can dive and aplub to their heart's content. In the club house they can play plnf·pong and dance. A a.nack bar atock- td with goodies adjoins. Over on the playground, east of the main BBC building, there Is additional activity. M rs. Certn.ide Girawd super· vises games, crafts and conducts a story hour. Some of the kids make necJtlaca out of ahells and take them home. for their mothers to wear, but that's one of the risks you take when you auume parenthood. Tennis alto will be taught the kid.9 thW year. Dave GU· lam, 1M>On to finish his dutiea at the Palm Sprinr• Racquet Club, 1till start at the BBC May 15. Dave is one of the most 1uccessful teachent of children in the businesa, and thi& ia an outstanding opportunity for tykes to learn the game. He'll organll.e early morning cla.NM for boys and girla from 8 to 13 years of age. And don't be annoyed If Junior beat. you after six lessons with Dave; it happen11 all the time. Theee a.re aome of the step. bein1 taken t o entertain the kid! thla 11ummcr. They'll certainly have their plac,J'l In · the sun at the Balboa Bay Club. And with the offspring tt&lhed aWay, Mom and Pop can play, too. We called on Hay Langenheim at the Chamber of Com- merce the other day to aak how plane for the Western Sprint Champion11hlps are progrCB11ing, and the anfter wu, fine. Thia year, for the flrat time, the University of Wash- ington will enter a cniw in the races. The Naval Academy will reJ>('at with it. 1trong team.. Getting the.e two together is a coup or the f1rat marnitude, and our conrratulatior111 to Hay for pulling it off. Tha rtgatta la growin1 in prominence ta.ch year, and ia br!.nctn1 mucb favorable att.eution to New· port Beach . POLICIMIN MAKE A CATCH ,,.,. t.vre ~• bMA, w~lJhlng rmm 90 to 100 poundll each, wtl"t cau«tit Friday •t 8an FtUpe In th,. Gult al. Mt"-1dco by N-port. pone.men Sri.. John Bloom. Rfly Jolul.1011 and Bob Carter. Two of the fi.\h Wfre lt"-ft behind. The mtn used heavy l&t kle. One of the ft•h rouftlt thrH hour• ~fOt"e belnr bmurht 1n. -Start Photo New W.as Slated Notict.1 of Intention to drill nl!w and Dol.lty ln-....ctlon 13, twp. t otl wtll•, filed with th• Rtlte de--•·· l'lnC• 11 W, and Victor W. partment ot naturaJ tteounN Jn. Pml.&, t.o In .le(:UCJll 18, twp. t alude t•o Ill Weit Nft'pOrt. .a., f'Ull• 10 W, MAKE "'We llan ..... ~ Me-MM dttftft IMnif" .. •Yfl .._.,. .. ••te ....... ~· us I•• "" • t .. opportaalty to pton to PllOVI 1oa , .. -1 •\'lac'I .,,...ta,.._ of dlei ..... lllfr.A..t p&M .. 9MMM lt7 It.le IT ·- State Farm I Insurance Co. . 81.00MnfOTOS, ILL w. L i.-a .. L &. c ....... I !IS E. 17th 8t., Coota 111 ... u 8-1011 l • ' • ln UW nekl ot ntaUlnr. •tat~ ca\Lfornla communtttea. ()pealnC'a eJdat Ln m1.11y ci._1 bulldlnr p.rmit In Cwt. ,..,.... 41 tWr Jut "'l'll&r' meellq', Dr. Bull H. hter90n, Fuident "41clltnUoa wu held We -k and a4ulll may r.,t.wter by report-Aprll 11 tor con•tnK'Uon or a r•~1· Orup o..& OoU..-a...r.s or of lbe coU.c•. "1111 pro1nm will for nar17 1~ adWt clMMa u UI• d!!!nce with 1ttached 1arase at !28 Tr1llUl9 •tabU.lbld 11 aew train-lncli.de tralnlnC' ln the th.cl'}' and Ralph Orte~. U. C. L. A . epnnr Uirm alarte4 at Onnf• lal' to the Admllllatr;aUori Bllild· 1:. •'18th at. &.Umat-4 bulldlnf 1111' Pf'OC1'MD ID ~ 111.Wdlan-pr.c:U~ ot ope.raunr rrocery J>l')'Cbl1trilt -'The part.nt ourbt Cout oou,.., It •u dl8Cio.d •Y lnl' M Ole cou.,.. cam.JH.1•. lnfor· l"Oet I• STll2. ~-IM&NeUca WUI ti. laMltulr 1tons And Wpermarktta." loo be IUperlor, oUMrwlae the child Dr. 'lbotna. A. Bl&ktly, dMa of m1Uo.11. can bll obtain.cl by phon• --~. -------- eel ln U.U field DB\ a,pt.mber. nu. tl'a1Dln1" I• M ina t•tabll•h· wtll neY•r pl to know how toJ adult ed"caUon. lft&' Klmbllrl7 T-4llf. or ~1n1tati Kuy a blf: dM.I llM bMa made ~ CW11eWla bl lf'OCIW7 mer· M ~Unly •Ith mtrchlndl.1· 4-1 wit.ti aulborlty." '11l1• In th• nnal offertq ot Mott. lhrou1h a -.u ,cLutifted a4. • ,_\ PAY LESS_ , . A V · .,". Ivory or lad.JM CERl!AL BOWLS COFFEE MUGS l Qt, V ACIJUM BO'ITLJt; '169 •~1 Ho' b7 Tllermos •139 .,..._, -1 BRIQUm _ __ __ 0 ,.._ 7~ -101 CANDY BARS 3 ... 21c: KiNG EDWARD CIGARS $229 23c: .. , . ., ... ·~~·· ~ 100 ENVELOPES cww-•1 a.. no SUN GLASSES °"" ........... Choe:. Covered Cherrle1 5~ .. n. -I Yr. a ........ -..... '6.N GARDEN HOSE -~=~=-~ ... _"~_n_ott_T_o_ne_•_r_:_~_2_51 RANGE SET U.VT01- ASH TRAYS 2 , .. 15c: .., .. ., &cl • BOOK MATCHES AUTOMATIC TOASTER $10'5 1'111ll c&ar"--C'Oftlrol r'Hiii: ARM SPRINKLER s375 t ........ CHiLDRENS GAMES n• ... ~ .. ,.,. one. SLIPPERS ... ,,. 01;... For ~ • ...._ .. , for lra''"I -A .. 1. ~lo" HOME BARBER KIT "' '" 5645 Contalll• t:1.eoe1rk ('lipper •·ltll Bulf'h a11 .. 111, ~"' ('ornb Qtdlted ...... LADIES SCUFFS ~· 61c .... 1: ,, .. Bl!ACH TOWELS l .N value RMVJ 'l'urtllM T-.-1 In Brfslllt 81rtfN'll "~'-8,._.... ....... WRITING PAPER I.ff ....U. • bl"Mopeil ""'" ..... DINNERWARE sn 1-PU:CZ COMPLETER SET OXLT lo mah-It M• J'tattff. Vf!ff:laillh llewl hfU _, C..-..r. "'I· 11.N s1'' LIDO DRUGS "OM ., .... LUo ....... 5481 Via Lido, N-rt - ·WEEK-END Special~ HARBOR DRUGS S301 ~ C-i Hi. Coruu del Mar IALBOA DRUGS '1811'!.llalboalllvd.......,. • Parakeet _2 95 Ca9es RBO. 4.11 fl' derproo/ • •"~"'•bark I Here'• an amming neio waurproof malerial never before Uled in baby panu ! IT'S ONLY IN PLAYTEX" PoltlDEA PtlFF PANTS l'rtlOOU ....... -maa-- ..nd -W.... ..... la..., ,..ur 0...1.,1• "'P'd.U11• M" aD 11M •ftMM ef h;brtc pl•• die .ttttthin-ind r.1W1f111.61 ol I.Hu/ And bow tM, ••rf •~Ill liUTCOOUB•bttnlM\be feooltr I• 1111 w.1terprMI JMlnbl ..., llTII POI U&TI i't.JMS P-- Polf P1n11 lrt! .. fh.1nnin1 •• they -prKlif&I ... willl 1 wenderl•I tn1ared nrfete _. .. inly w11J,,,.• -.HJepm(n .. 98¢ .......... llrfte, lluw • teP •• ... r-~-------------------------------~ I ,.,_.-'-... ,....., •. "' PUTill9 ,_. M P.-... ,_ ,..,, ..... .. ---...... u ... .,,._ U•ll ... ---........ -- ---DE-a a--au.a. ou. __ .. ............. -·••&. ' \ . FOR APRIL ZI, ZZ & Z3 THUIS., · Fltl. & SAT. • VINCENT'S ICE CREAM ,.----... DOUBU DIP 0011111 ·············-·-···-···- llAKD P.A.OUp 1 ()c: 30C: 59c: 79c: P111T8 ...................... _ HAJm PAOUD QUilTI· ·············--BOLK ITYLB ~ 0•1. Premium. Quality .. An n..a. voa . PAYLESS • Petroleum Jelly ....... Alc:orlllc: Ac:lcl T ableh lOO'a.100 !f· mn.ATll or u -01. l""' Magnesium l1D ..,- lulhlftlJ Epsom Salh . ! Lit .... $J69 Ritz lath Scales .... , .. ' PAYLESS • , OOLOJIUL D&ma HorlllOll' Cream UG. fS,60 -lfOW 175' Pond'1 AllCJel Skin 79• J'LAITIO BO'ITL& UG. Ila Lustre Creme Shampoo 159 .. UQ. '2.00 ·ma.o -ftj&e .,. Oolor.d FACIAL TISSUES BOX Latest Style WHITE JEWELRY 17' Ll9UOR DEPARTMENT Early Pride of Times Indiana ltraicbt ltr•irbt ae Proof 5 yr1. old 'Yn. Old ae Proof FlrTll FIFTH s411 $329 D•OBllT Twin Vodka Oaks lotU..:I ill load IO raoor 100 Proof rlPTll 7 TT•· old FIPTll sr1 $357 J \ ' -- HARBOR GARDEN TOUR SET APRIL 30. MAY 1 ~~~;."vi·.~~: ~~· i:a:d. ~! _TH_O_M_·_s_G_RE __ l _I .-N-.-.-G--W-IN_S __ THURSDAY, NAIL 21, IHS NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>.PRESS -PART I • PASE ] home of Mr. and Kre. J ohn Porter. ~ The 1econd annu1l Newport pathy or materlal and ~ymphony Harbor Oarden Tour. •ponaor.d by of color~ are the leading factore in the woman'• committee Of the •electing the gardeM to be ahown. F.very ana ot the Harbor com· munlty wlll be rt>preeented by out· •landing garden. In !hat area. chamber of commerce. will be opeti to the .public and wtll be held Saturday, April 80 and Sunday, May l. from 1 to 4 p. m. There wut be no conducted tour. Many of the nicut garden11 In the area wtll be open tor lruJ*:tlon on t hoee lwo a rtemoon11 and a hosl· eu from the committee will b6 In chars• a t each itardep. Ticket• and pr<>l'rams will be &vallable at each prden. Mra. Duncan Stewart la chair· man or the woman'• committee of the chamber, and report.a that the prtmary purpose of the tour 111 for eduC'allon and lnspln1lion toward better ~arden11 In the area, and for lhe plea.sure of 1eelng e11peclal· Jy well planned and planted gar· ~n•, which art' also wPll cared f or. Bhe emphulu1 that h&r· mony ot garden and hoW!e, eym· TOUR PllOGRAM Tl<'kete and tour programs, llat· lnrr the open prclcna will be avail· able all next weel< at the chamber or commerce. A IM li~ted here la one garden In eac-h Krea, and ad· vance lnfonnatlon as to wpere progTama and tl:ikets can be H· cured on t he '1ay1 or the tour. One ticket wit be good tor 'all garden.a for both days. A C'omplete list a! garden• to be shown will appear in next week·• News· Presa. However. &mong t.hoae to be ahown, and at which program1 and llckete will bf', but not be.fore Saturday • .April 30 at one o'dock, are in addition lo the chamber ot commerce; In Bay Shores, the home of Mr. and Number 18; B&Jboa laland. t.M home of Mr. and Mr•. C\lrtla Ooeh. SCHOLARSHIP HONORS AT MIT 217 Pearl; Corona del Mar, Ule home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ballebury, 707 &ronta Ave., 8hore Cliff• and Corona HJrhlanda, the home of William Berg. 107 Bhor-. Cliff Road: Balboa, the home of Mr. and Mr9. 8&ndy MM:Kay, 2000 Miramar Drivt>, Lido ule, the home of Mr. and Ml"I. Howard Lewla, 320 Via Udo Soud; Cliff Haven and Newport Hel1ht.e. the home or Mr. and Mra. r . J:. Blau· velt, 621 Klnp Road. ·At the JUcreatlon Hall al Newport Union Hl&be.t ~ i. edMllanhlp ln the JUIUor clue lJi ....._ -.cbw.tta lnftltut.e or Technoloo ha.Ye been won by Thomae Lynn Orettenbers, eon of Mr. and Mre.. Del Orettenberl'. Hll ChaDDel Road, accor<ltnl' to word JW!t received by llldneJ Da~. prtnclpal of N.wport Harbor UnJon Hip kbool. Oretttnbers pduated from the lcx'al hl&b echool In 18!11 and attenCS.d Pomona coU•r• for tbne )'e&n before l'Olnl' eut, ac:cordln&' to hi• father. He le 1tudytns u.nder a •:r.tem where b• attend• 1Chool one •meet.er al\d worlu tor General Electrtc Company one aemHt.er, alt.ernat.el7 tor thrH yeara. wbera he wtll set hi.I muter• dtl"" hi electncal •nstneerlJIS. High School, where the art exhibit -------------~--------­wU be held. the court•:r or th• ownen, at the I -11!!.-.y...-Mi•Ma~g••tt TO 8EB\'E TEA f'e41U•t or the t.our conunltlff. ...... I -,, ...... __ Jn connection with the l'arden Chairman of the sarden Mlectlon. al ..: 1 lut-L tour, will be .erved both after· tommJttee la Kl'9. 0. N. Peue. I erry I ~ ooone In the ranSen of Mt. and Other memben of the woman'• Mr1. Oeorge Silver. 639 Vla Udo commlttH wUl all eerve u ho1l· Soud, and the tea 111 open to the .._ &nd ln IUcJ\ capadll•, u public for a 1mall charge. Funda chatrman of tea, Kra. Earl Stan· derJved from the aale of ticket•, ley; chairman of U.ckele, Mrs. over and a bove the expenus of Ralph Al&rene; b~ )(,., the tour, will be put lJito a fund Fnnk McCormick; ~. :Mr9. to be held by the WC?man's com· Jamee Newlin; ~ Mn. mlllee for 11<>me city beauWlcallon Stanley. will be Mn. Hay Lan~­ project. helm and Mrs. Charle• Lo.mb; All garden11 are shown through aaslatlng Mni. McCormick wm be ,-.rry'1 Bulclt anAOUDCal UUe Wffk that J'ranll IA J'evre I.I DIW manaser of their Newport Beaeb branch a t HU Newport BlTd., where the company I.I ~ lnl' trade-In.I u well u new Bulclu. IA l'evre wu manapr ot a former automobile concem at thll .-me addreee tor "veral years. -----------------------------------Mmu. Cla~ce Higbie, Ted Jkm-T O O LA TE TO BE CLASSIFIED t.:dk~,.=~~~~· Chari• To prevent cb1ld accident.. put eatety plug1 1n un\Uled electric I outlell and keep electric cord1 tn good repatr. _a-__ Bea1 __ ,.,,._ta_te ______ 62-__ e_ea1_&w._.;;.;.;. ____ n-Beal FAtate for the best values in the Harbor . area Balboa COSTA MESA • 4 bdrm.s., 2 baths. W to W carpets, brick planter, Shorecliff s • 3 bdrm., 2-etory furn. two baths-$14,000 landscaped. Brick enclos-• 4 bdrm., pool, 4 baths. ed service yd. $1500 dn. Marble fireplace, black -$12,750. CArarra bar -$64,500. • 3 bdrm., den. Waterfront, NEWPORT exquisitely furn. $69,750 • 3 bdrm., lge. liv. rm., two • Lot _ Peninaula--$:S250 • Duplex · Furn. $9500. two fireplacea, FA beat, lge. bdrm., 1 bdrm. $1500 dn. lot. -$32,000. SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 302 Main St., few doora from Balboa P .O. 14-.. enonaM 32-.Furaltun for Sale ---~~~~-~~~~~ 3EACON 15936 former tele- phone number party, please call Long Beach 4· 7824. --------BABY crib, maltrellS anli baby bugty, ult for SI r>. Dbl. box 11prlng cf< maltrt'""• $1~. Phone Hu . 3681. 42cH 42p ~~~~~~~~~~- ----------SS-Boat.A, Sopelies . ---!&-Help Wuted S·l"I'. BOAT and 2 h p. motor, Wied S hr9. U bcrty 8-et:,9. 42p47 Tel. Harbor 2034 MESAN$ IECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS Margie Robimon (left), born in Scotland, and Godelleva N. Noppe, a native of Belgium, both reaidenta of Coeta Mesa, beam approval u Superior Court Judge Franklin We.t autograpba their naturalization papen. The pai,r waa among 109 who received citizen- ahip certlffcat1on in Santa Ana Wedneaday. Godelieva Noppe came to this cowat.I')' five yean ago. She 19 a nune. Maqte Robin.ton ii a secretary. MIS llft<TM 1mS.. fll. SAT.. Ult t4 u. '" ttss. AT SARW&Y mm • rm uu. ........... ~ .......... ........ ........ .....w ......... ._ FRESH 'EGGS:Al. 52c CllAM O' THI CIOP. ~Uy produced on modenl en roncM.. Undw conetont r~otlon wntU yov bwp. CHERUB MILK -=·· : 1& A VDY GOOD IUYI lvaporated Homoeenlaecl. PORK & BEANS ::::UC9-=:. 21::-33' FLEET MIX '::!e:~~ -.::33' NIBLETS CORN v::r." 2 '?: 25' 1:9' COllN FLAKES 181°"~ 2::27' '~18' MAYDAY OIL ':E!~~~· ~29' :55' Machinists 3.'>-Dop. Oats,. ~!!!..__ _ SI A ME8E KJ"I"1'EKS, C.P' .A.. ref,. $1:1, to good home.. Har 2439·R 42c:H aaA.l. SJ9Qft' ." ..... , !l!tt~J!l ,. 5c Must have instrument or close hydraulic expcrirnce. Want mm who want to make top 1 1 IMA-Apts. for Keat wa~es and nr<' nnt lazy. ---------·--- LO\'EL \' furn 1·1 m. : bdrm. apt. 1729 Superior St., Cosla Mesa '• hlk to Co111.n M.-u bu•ln• ~• Ask for Bob. 42c4·1 1.h8t r1r1. rl'aS<onahh Adult" no pc-t& Liberty s.,:,7sg. 42cH IC.._.'91-..'i'lllAl'll'Ollll' for Sale ---------------·---------Cl,IFF' HA Vf:~. 3 bdrm1t, fir<'· WIN Anson Jackpot, 1et your pltlce. o•k flrll . r atio. fC'nCf'd I STOP THE Music yard & 1Jbl. itnr JM .~UO. JIM)(), down. •n;. loan. 1100 Cloy Sl blanks al RAY FIELDS, Lido Watrh Repair Vtn!'rnl Ontg•, :1181 Via U llo 42cMH WELSH bat>y bug"y, ro11verte lo b&Mlntlt•'. llll tlf'•I A 11rollr r Only r> moa 111<1 $ l:'I :lO I • :Mth SL, .!l:t'WJ'nrt BN• h 42p4• JO.B-A_p_p}~~--- J'\.!'LL SIZE :>;nr~· .. 1 .. ctr1c ranee. ttm~r 4 y.•rll. $60 J'honi' Hu 368.'>· \\ 4 2<' H EAS Y Sptndnn wlll'h• r with •gt· tu.or •r t1on 'trv • ltan and In UtC't>llent cond1t •"11, "''· i03 N•r· c11111u.a. l'oron• a .. 1 Mar Harbor 3337-W 42pH RHWte come trom coN\&111 pnu:uce! An ad rr(U.larlJ lD tbJ1 Llberly 8·4971. 121 47 SCHOOLS WEEK OFFICIAL NOW SACR..AME:-.l'O. lr:'\~1 A JHut lam11t<'n namin1t April 2~ • 30 •• "Publ 1 $1·h0t1lfl Wwk • \\U l.eU('<I tO<l~y by Go"• rnor Goodwill J . Kritcht Th<' C"l' ... rnor uq;~ Callfor· nl ns to bf'rnml' hf>d "r In· lu1 "14'.'l on I hi' problrm... ar· •·omplllllhmrnt• lln•I 111m• uf t he 1cllool1. •Ou r nauonal lnil<'~ndt'nc-r anti ~raonal hbntlt'' cool•! not lung floun•h tr th<' Nlur.i· uon ot our rt•l~ s enerallone , w11rt to ~ neglrrtrd · tht i ovrrnor aa1tl paou •Ill prt)(Suc• ~ fer "°" ----------- Palm Leaf COfFR CAKI • , •• 23'. ,....,,,, .. , • 2-1.oyer Chocolote PICAN CAKI ....... . lhe·••-.1 CU TA Ml: A I '700 Sew-port Bh._ OORON A DEL MAA tOS Cout Rwy. ACORD'~ LACJU~A BEACH ~u Broadwa7 llAJ..804 181.4.''D tto lla.rtlN A ft. Nl:WPOllT BEACH atO C-1 Hwy. In Order to Better Serve Its Rapidly Increasing Clientele South Coast Mortgage Co., Inc. Announces Remove! to A NEW LOCATION et 1600 W. COA~T HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Telephone: Liberty 1-7791 Loen Representative of lenkers Netionel Life lnsurence Co. , Loan R1prestnt1tfves of Winter Mort9e9• Co. Construction end Aefinenct Lo.nt Loen Co,.,..pondent for New Y ort lift lnsuttnet Co. , I ,.....,. :::-·!:'7c Sp1-efli =._ 2 u::_-. 29c &elltil Desserts ~.i l ,.... 22c &.'di .. Flom =-t: 2Sc llolfllDryMlt !:: J6c (\AC-MIX lrond, 3.fb. pltg., n c.) ..... ' ~ 7tc (Sold In lic.n.d 5afewtry1 ontyf) LUF SPllAOI !:' MIXED VHETAKIS Y• 2 ..._ 27C PEAS & CAll01S °"" n tCtHO '. TOU '"'' ONLT Poe'"' MO, TtHOH·IAnMO CIHTH l'OlflOHI TOP SIRLOIN STEAK c::~, .•. 1.25 SLICED BACON DUll::::.T"° .. 49« CORNED BEEF •. 4Sc lofteleHlri*et.MH4C-. <iROUND BEEF •. 39c Pocke4 lft Vltk ..... lttrte IR~. UVER '"' •Sc ,... 19c Mic.4 •• ._. .. MANOR BOIJ8E ClllCKEN CHIClllll PllS QUICK ,.ODN MUOI MOUSE IHi'fidllllty .. • fllftf .. ,. ~-ts. Ju1I I*• ..... llMI ....... CHICKEN LEGS •· 79« 3 8.t Cap&al•'• Ot~ ee. ., .... CHKKEN WINGS . •· .,. HAl.llUT STEAKS .... CHICKEN llEASTS •. a9« FISH STICKS 10.Lpk.39« MELROSE COOKIES FAMILY sm-GLD FASHIONED 2 ... 49c GINOD-UMON Mt or VANIU.A SNAPS. PA•ADI Detergent '::25' '='CJc AIAX =. 2 ':: 2s· CHllR Blue Detergent 1~25• ·~SCJc STORE HOUIS . Dally 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Friday ttl 9 p.&) 8aaday 9 Lm. lo 8 p.a. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ~------- PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT PA&E !4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW°s-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 MESA BANK MERGER IN NEGOTIATION PROCESS c,...pletlon . With u. s. National ~ Expectecl Within 90 Days Negot.iationa are underway for mersn: of eo.ta Kee& Bank with the United State. National Bank of San Die&'O, it wu announced today by C'harlea TeWin.kle, cha1rinan of the Mesa Bank board of dlrectora. After the merger goes thro~h, the local bank will 'be known u the eo.ta Kea Offtce of Ole United St&tea Na.-mlllion. Total ~ of the tion Bank of Ban Dtero. combmed baDU, wlum effected. Dtncton Mid the exiatin. pro-will exceed Jl50 m~ IJ'&Dl for erecuon of a n-mod-TeWlnkle reported loc&1 dlrec- em b&nk buUdinc at the trianr~ tora b&v• 10116 ~ recosntMe! on Harbor BlTIL and Newport the need for apamaon of the Ave. will be continued. Comple-Mea bank and have felt need8 of tion of the merser la expected the community would beat be within 90 daya. The new MeM but .. "ed by brincln&' to Coeta bank bulldlnr la Kheduled for oc-Meaa facwu .. ot a iarser bank. cupancy by latter p&rt of the year. TO BETAIN PlllUION'NEL LAaOll CIUIN The United Btatea National 'nle United Stat.a National Bank Sa pl'9MDUy under direcUon Bank ..ta orpnl.md tD 1913. In ot c. Arnholt Smith, chairman of addiUcdl"" to head offlce ln Ban U&e bee.rd, and Prealdent M. N. Diego, tbe b&nlt maint&lna branch- Wllaoft. WU.On aid all preaent ea In San Dt•ro, MOIV'OYla, Ar-~ bank olflcen and other per-cadia and 1:1 Monte. N-bnnch- -.nel ...id be nt.ained. Pre.ent ea will be opened 1n J'Ullerton be- dinct.on WW conUnue In an ad-fore July 1, 1935 ud in Lemon ~capacity. TeWlnlde, Dennia Grove. SALK VACCINE ARlllYES FOR SHOTS E. L. Ruuell, county health officer, (in white coat), John Ty9ell, chairman of the Orange County Medical Aun. on polio and Mn. Jud Sutherland, Co.ta Meea, eecre- tary of the Prange County chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Pa.ral· · yaia, checked in the first shipment 01 Dr. Jonaa S&lk'a polio vaccine to arrive tn th.la county. Enough of the precious vaceine to hmoculate 15,000 Orange County first and aecond graden was stored in a health department refrigerator in Santa Ana Friday aftembon. Fi.rat ehota will be given fn Newport Harbor April 29. Second injection will be made May 27. A booster abot ia planned next Decem~r. . BIRTHDAY ToMe. ludy Builu, Joan Tonne, Carolyn Overman and Marlene Hidonall. nine. But, un4trtln1ns Uie eonf.,... t'ftCe. ot ute new community, Cof- fey declared U..• "problema can ~ molded Into atepptnr •ton.. of prorreea." Ola.._. hem ftnt ..... 8peaken durtnr th• fe'aUvitlN picked from aa attracUYe ftekl included )(eaa chamber of com-°' ...._ bope1U1 Jonll• alt.er meree Pre&ldent Doa Huddlellon. ..------------ OU'WI ODU6deraticn of •""1 u-Mayor Ne.leon. Ctty Manapr City T k HI&.. C peel ot UM attuaUon by Judpa Georre Coffey, Charfu TeWlllkle, nlC In .. Mayor Claire Nelaon, Scllool au-introduced by Nelaon u "Mr. :t.llnor accident belwMn a ell~ puta~t Everett Rea and Coat.a w ... ; .. Ctty Enpeer Don Newport Hanor JIMUce eo,irt Southworth, co u n c 11 m an Bert truck and a parked car re,.iatered JUd ... Donald J . Dodie. Smith, 'city plannlnl' comml•lon to Kathleen Johneon of Ut 21~ Jn ·lntroduclnr the cb&nn1nr' Chairman Walt Weimer, and Lea Bl., waa reported to police Tu ... cucltdatea, Bellin J'rankbn charg· .Mtller of Newport Harbor Unton day. Th• accident oc<'urred at _..a •"'-• .. , _ _., •·•-Hip School. -.... .., -year a car ..... MW•· Na.n:iuua Ave. and Ooaat Kiri\• paper In a certaln city annexed w ... p1'0blema. pointed out dur-way. Driver or the truck wu ~ Miu Coata Meaa." Besldee tar the brtet add..._, Included Jame. Chari• MonlC'om•ry '° ot Miu Glenn, th!a y9'r'• candidatea expanaion of educational faclll-s.. JC. 111 11th at.. Ooeta' Meea, w.re BH•rly Pftrnnann, MUU• u... dratn.,., 90Dln( and plan-omcera aa.ld. looking.for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? if the Want Acls NEW 9R USED FURNITURE 7 Boqland and Prealdent Paul In addiUon to branch acUvtty, CNSpton will atill Mrve u an the United Stat. National Bank euc:ut1Te committee. Creipton malntainll a fully complemented will remain u Tiff.preilident and tru.t department aftilable to theJ-------------------------• ~:;::i'ti!8:1n:r:= !;:~tz=~:::~~ COSTA MESA TRIES FOR UPPER Gronsky Gets if the Wanl Acls to total re.>urc• of almoet tB fleer. THREE WAY 0-111 .. ,_ Fin• .,... Webb, •tudied map• and peruaed uu-. lie aaid in bJa opinion the land• ~ tM bay were worth ln aoeu of $2,000,000 and that the Ude'•""• of the County of Orange wen of nes~ble value. Preeted by the county counael, Goode ~ the county property wu worth only itJI UM u rlghtJI of W&7 tor naTtcaUon. ln effect, val- uable only u atreet.a. HIGH VALUE AppralMr Wallace for tbe coun- ty Ht a value In exc._ of $2,000,- 000 on lh• county aubmerged land•. Ht1 aaJd he had no knowl- edge of the UUe to the property. Further Wallace atated he had not ,xamlned the property recent- ly but bad knowled(• of lt "over the yean.'' Wallace uSd In hie opinion the county property wu worth more than that of the City or Newport Beach. Following a brief dl.aertaUon to the council in which he Mid It ·...,.,. th• procrua o.i UM «M&nt.y t.q 'keep water rront pro~rty open to 1111 or the pt'Ople, Ogle •trode from the council chambfor followed .cilo8t'ly by Wallace. The county counlltl did not w&lt to he"r the rarrrul appraiaab and evaluation of 11llr11 llf•t forth for t he rouncil h .. n.-rll h\' a ppra18er St11nle\' Uo,,.1.. • A~St:X..\TIOX !"TEP The city co1mr1t plllll'r<I a re11olu· tlon declaring th1·1r !lndlng11 to b" l h llt the value 'lr proprrty t o be anneJu•d. nnt ownl'd bv the rounty far exrredetl the valul' ur that of the County o( Orange. TI1e annexation wu ordered. The city r ouncll will gh·e final rearllng to the ordinance or annu:a tlon l\l lta nPxt meellnl?. Thirty d8,\'ll there· a(tPr fl will berflml' final when certified bv 1 h<' ""<'t.,•tary M lltate. The th!'E'atene<I court t.ctlon by the rounty rould of couree d('l11v the Pntlre JH'<J<:P!tll or nnnexl'tlo~ tor ~""'" time r"nt11ng at1jmllc•· lion Local Can TanCJI• Cara driven hy Gt'raJ w Rich· ard11<>n, 1\2, or 2:1:16 Cresl\1ew Drive t.ntl MrJ. William T allman, 30. of &10 Begonia Ave. wne In- volved tn • minor a ccldt'nt Tueti·· day at D11hlia Ave 11nd Cou t Highway, pollc" u.ld . Rlchard11<>n Mid he ventured out Into Cou t Highway after waiting for traffic to thin out, then lie •lopped and 1tuted aptn. He told otflcen he collld~ with thf' Tallman car which wu making a left 1.um. Crelrhton announced that under date of April 11, letten we ... for- warded to all atockholdera advt. In« them ot the propoeed merpr. FIRE ZONE c..u.... ,,,,. ....... ..... wtth 46 alanatuna for the Narc!> •U• Ave. interHcUon. I.n the rood newa department, the council announced a retund to the city of $3710.47 on the em· ployeea heallh Insurance. Davi• told the council he re- ce.l ved a telephone call f rom Mra. Jamu A. Van Every requeaUnc wtthdrswal of their variance to Haubdlvlde a p&rce.l at 3130 Bea- vtew Ave. The reqUfft wu pre- vtoualy tumed down by the New- port Beach Plann1nr Com.minion and the city council on the ground• the two reaulUnc Iota would vio- late zonlnc ordinance•. ONE NO VOTE Councilman Clarence H I r b I e voted no on the motion to deny appeal or the• re1ubdivialon and no to deny the appe&l made on behalf Of U. v-""-1'7'• attorney. The council aMounced the ap- poiJltment ot J oeeph Guerin lo .erve u tbe tilth member of tlle CJvU Senrlce Commission. Oerual wu (iven to the appeal ot Donald Mets' propoaal that he be allowed to keep bJa controver- sial g-arage wall where It la and erect a one-hour fire realet.a.nt wall. He wu repru ented by Harry BtlXli:ett, former city attorney. Metz: wu requuted by lhe plan· nlng comml11ton to move the wall four frf'l from the aldeltne u It w1111 In violation of the bulldlnJ code when he recently attached It to the houte at 421 M St. BANK MOVE The city approved the appoint· menl of Frank W . Baxter u ad· mln1tlr11tlve aaab tant to lhe plan- ning commlaalon. 1t al.lo approved the mov1ng ot $60,000 in lhe in· Dl'tlve account from the Bank of America to the Marinera Bank. Llcenae• were l.uued to New· port Balboa Mualc Co. to operate a game ot ak1U at 471 Newport Blvd. and to Wllllam 0 . Lovell to operate a amoke fl.ah and ham· bur1ter 11tand at 111 McJ't.dden P lace. Helen M . SchlOueer wu granted a Uoenae to operate an l<'e ere.am fOWltaln at 311 Palm St. RuoluUon authort.zlnir t.be en· g1neer1n1r department t.o accept the low bid or W. Edwin Barkley of SH.09~.40 to replace the eewer9 on 831bot. bland WH adopted.. Bark· l11y -• low bidder. Next mMtlng of the council wtll be Monday. A prtl 2!1, ., :30 p.m. In COllnCll chambera. LEADING EXPERTS WILL DISCUSS YOUR INVESTMENT PROILEMS April 26th -"SUCCESSFUL INVl:STING." Mr. Wm. L. O'Bryon, Economtat for Morcan A Co. May 2nd "l.JCGAL ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL PLAN- NING." Mr. Gordon X. Richmond, Attorney: Senior Partner ot Richmond, Bradley and B&mee. May tth "Sll:CUJUTY ANALYSIS." Mr. John L. Kerr. Pnsldent Kerr It Company. May Jeth "MANAGING YOUR ~." Dr. John C. Clend.nln. Prof-r of rtna.nce, U .C.L..A. May 23rd "FINANCIAL INFORMATION -'AND ROW TO USE IT." Mr. Robert L. Sandifer, A.eei8tant Financial lldltor of lh• Loe Ansel• Tim• ALL •••'l'INGI 1:10 ,,.~. to t :H '·"'· r<>MMUl'l'JT'I' OONOll.ZOA.TIONAL CllUllCB 811 BeUotrvpe Corona d•l Mar nEJ: Ne...._......_~ Te Ille .......... nms--., a._.... • .._.,... Val• .. n~ ol lltt.. .. l,_.eM .. br MORGAN & CO. ...... ., u. Lee ............... S.•' Thi. lecture •rl• ooordlnated by Mr. Wia.. L. O'Bryon BAY ANNEX ON SECOND BOUNCE Divorce Rule Co.ta Mesa WU i.u set to cut off Newport SANTA ANA (0CN8)-Arthur Beach expa.nsian into the back bay if Newport city m. Gn>Nlky of Udo Iale and Bal- councll bad dropped the Upper Bay annexation in boa Tuuday wu awarded a di· the face of an Orange Count:t protest Monday night. vorce from hi• wife, Mra. Dorothy Gronaky, after a botly-conteated 'lbe Mesa. city council quickly p~ a reeolu-batU• tn •uperlor court here. tion of intention to annex an approximate 400 acre Judge Robert Gardner ruled the strip across the back bay on a contingency basis. wtfe take nothins a~t the New- Had Newpon Beach. failed to go ahead with it.a an-port Bay lnveat.lllent Co. or the Balboa Pavilion. The buaband wu nexation move, Mesa City Attorney Donald Dungan awarded the tamJ17 car. She la and City Engineer Don Southworth were authorized to receive tumtture and furnllh-to obtai } f th lnp ot the couple'• home, 20t n appro.va o e county boundaries com· Via Dijon, and $1&00 for the in- misaion on the strip in an eftf>rt to block off New· t.ere•l 1n their aporUtlahinr boat port once and for all. The Frontier. 'lbe strip extended from the intersection of 17th Judge Gardner commented: '1 apeclflca.Uy f\nd not to be proven St. and Irvine in Coata Mesa to 19th St. and south-by a preponderance of the evidence east along the edge of Bayside Road. Southworth. the allegation of eexual pe"er-. 1lon on lhe part of the huaband. estimated the area as a half mile wide and three and find thete al1erauona not true. quarters of a mile long. "I have determlned an Inter- locutory decree of divorce abouJd Councilman Charles TeWinkle Immediately be crt.nted to the crou complaint. moved approval of the resolution of intention and It appear• to me that th• mother-rece· ed d f In-law altuaUon broupt on by the IV a secqn rom Bert Smith. The Mesa coon-conatanl preeence of the wtte'• cilman had gone tn a hMdle with the city attom~ mouaer nedend the pomllrillty of on the matter late Monday afternoon. a happy marrtar• out of the quee- -------------------------Uon and p~ted an Intolerable liluatlon to the husband." AN .AmtAcnYE RENTAL? (the Want Ads Whether 7011 wut to baJ or wut to lell, tbe ~ wl s of tMs De1npl'per otter tbe beet oppo$nlty for reRH. ••• A foar ..._ 9" will appear llODday, Wedneeday ud rbanclay la over 18,000 eoplee .for Only s200 • • • ( this YALUll R€Wi'4l~RSss Call · Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker • Nllfflbtr thrtt in a strits; HOME LOANS " ••• SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! Htrt's another way we serve Orange County. • • Lut year we lmncd more than $8,390,000 in home loans to people living in Orange C.ounty. Decisions on these loana were ma.de hm by officers of our 11 Onngc C.owuy branches. This money pro•idcd jobs for local &milics, talcs for loal merchants, income for I~ buildcn and conmaon. This it aoothcr way that Bank of America serves Orange County. 1'unk of Attterina NATIONAL n"vn ASSOCIATION •••tU lltll•" tCI011t(HltlUU Hll.l .. fJt• . BANKING THAT IS IUILDING CALIPOINIA ••• hanking th11t is building Orangt Countz ' AMAHllM llANQI MIO ... c.tw..._. 0.1. ....... Mp. LA MAHA llANCH IDOW ... C......4- LK.Lar-. ... IAl.IOA llANc.'h .................... ... ........... ~UllTON HANCH LAGUNA llACM llANat • ..... "'._...... ltOC-•~ ..... M.M.W-.,..,. N.LC.....,..,. NIWPOIT llACM llANCH OIANOI llANCM Pl.ACINT1A llANCll ....... u. _....11.. ............ tOJ ......_ Olettell ~ w ........ ,. ._ 0. ZWwe14, Jr., Mfr. L M. ....._.., ... IAN CUMINll llANCM SANTA ANA llANCM TOllA UNOA llANCM d02lewltlMMa ...... ,...._,_, .... ........ c..1 ....... L4~ ... I. - ARRIVING AT HOAG HOSPITAL BALL is thia group, which had a jolly time danc- in&' and dining at the annual benefit affair, held in Balboa Bay Club. Left to right are Mr. and Mra. Crellin Griftlth, M.r. and Mrs. Van Clothier, Mr. and .Mrs. A. W. Lewis. -Don Buah Photo ' Gt.TESTS WERE OREEl'ED by thl9 hoet group wlien they arrived at the Benefit Hos- pital Ball on Friday at the Bay Club. Left to right are Harvey Somers, Joe E . Preinin· ger, Ura. Prtininger and Mrs. Somera. -Don Buah Photo To BREAKFAST SESSION Philharmonic ~ociety Extend Conimunity Units The monthly break!ut meeting of all community chair- men of the Orange County Philharmonic Society was held Wedne9day at the Balboa Bay Club. Plans for the Saturday concert and further organization of auxiliary groups in a)) <'ouncll membera or HI <'lllH or Urange Cnuntv ha\'e bt>en an»lled "" honorf'd 1;ruut1. Pre..-nt •l 'the mt'f'tlng-were, M IN Frif'<la n .. 11nrante. Mmu. Jack Calvin, H. H. Hem1haw, Gor· don X. Rlchwlond, Carl M. Bo1<wet1. 1'flldre<t Allf'y, Al P~•nf', ~lorr1• \\', Slu·k, Jr,hn Bishop. Juliette Mllhkl'n, Domina Drak,., 0 . F . S rhullz, Edward MHtelm8n, Opal $hrthan, \\'. Sch~nreld and lvo Sturges. Oran&'• County CltlN '11Vf'1"9 dl1• CUMed. Flna1 arranc-ment. were c.om• pleted tor t.JJe recepbon following UI• 8ympborly C.o~rt on Aprtl County Lions Plan Dance Some Hart>o:-are& couple. are upected to be amon1 the 200 Uou and t.beir w1va from wvcr- al ore.nee County communlllu at· tandlnc U\e c'lll& lnter-aone dance at U.e B&pall R&.nch. north ot P\aoenUa.. rrtday evening. April n. O&lhmn1 tor th• tUllvtUeJJ wlll Mf· UOM &nd t.belr 1-dlef from Br*. Placentia, J"Ullerton, IA Ha· bn:, Analletm and other commu- n.IU... Mulic '°" dancine wW be r~ alabed by UM popular Gordon Su- ter ol"CM9tra from t p.m. unW 1 a.m.. It --. announced by Dick r.n.. elllt1't&1runftlt dlalrm&n. JlaC1la1.I Rancll waa clloem for tM attur becauee ot the lnUmate atmoeplMre, .-Jd Chairman Ferri., a.dd1nc ti.at buffet.-etyle 1111pper W'UI be 11noed toward the latter part ot t.M 9"ftlft1. ............. Sale llaJboa WalMr W . S. C. 8 . wUJ lilold a nam.mac-al• Lii lh• yellow 1tOU9e ant to Ute Coeta M- lluk oa rrtd&y and Saturday. HCllll'W wW be trolft t :IO Lm. on. .._. .,, .... 11&7nw1ua PutJ ...... -,.., ). Cout llW" OMOM U II• llaftor 5071 23 at lhe Ora.nge C"Ol\lll College AudJlor1um. Thia <><'<'a~wn muk1 the C'elebl'&lton or thf' firal yr&r'I annlver .. ry or thf' Philharmonic Society and lhe mn vor1< 11nd ' 11 v Join Dance Club AJI lnvlt•Uon lo Hn 1 bor arf'• Mn1. Mllhktn I• nt>w c<h&lrmen for Lillo 1,1 .. an'1 ~Ir• nrake la 1quare danct t>nthuslut, to Join , h11lnnan ror th~ concert rect p- the nf'W 'I\vlrl n' \\'h1tl 1quare lion. ... dan('e club muting' 111 lhe Farm Bu~au bullc:llnr.on Chapman Av" I Ln orangt. 111 rxtf'nMd by t 'red From Mexico City Pow,.ra. pruld,.nl. R"<'"nUy ori:-n· Mr 11.11'1 M r• John ~uiMn of 1%t•I. the club 1.9 dr•" lni;: mem~no ~ .. 0 _ from all ov'r Oranitf' county l l !l • ortu ._y FTflnl "XPN'l lo Danru 11re held on tllr f1nol 11.1111 r .. turn lo N'""'Jl<ll'l Herb<tr Mon· third Thur8day .. vl'nln(tll of the day night from lhe1r trip lO Me.x· month at 8 o'rlock. lco Clly. • KING-SIZE TRADE-IN ................. " NEW HOOVER ~~ wfth .................. tdi ..... It dee• ttnc. the .,.. ol An)' other cleaner, without -•bat! HOM •ll'etc:hee twice it.I ~h. ,.t lllr• no more e\.or11p epae.• J\19t a foot ill dla-teT from •wive! top t.o ... y.1Ude hue! World'• moec po-rrul clMner -,..c.e -re dirt with H .._ -1r ! Qulclr•t. -•t bar di.np' Birduei•• a..J. ••copmc-ad! ._.•••••••• Ce 11l1te ... -......._,..., and Newport Beach Chapter 1158, Women of the Moose, were hdstesaea t o members of other chapters on Friday at Moote Hall. Left to right are Mmes. Jack Vaughn, junior regent, Newport Beach; Bessie J . Lovitt, graduate grand regent, Long Beach chapter; Belle Crawford, college of regents, Santa Ana 65i; Joe Fowler. senior regent, Pomona; Fred War- NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFR~ BARBRE, Women's Editor • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 ren, aenior regent. Santa Ana Chapter M; John Oldham. junior regent, Pomona chapter; Lydia Bennett, friend- ship chairman, Santa Ana; John Moore, argua, Pomona; • Walter Grohnert, recorder, Newport Beach; Myrtle Humphrey, friend.ihip chairman, Newport Beach, cuttins the cake. -Staff Photo FALL BENEFIT DISCUSSED Summer Dance Plans Of Assistance League To meet the demand& of a rapidly crowing community ip the field of welfare and aervice, plane and activiU. were diBcu.ued for the coming year at the monthly meeting of the Aaaiatance League of Newport Beach on April 19, held in the Lequ• Servt.:e Center. Prulded over by the new prul· dent, Mr.. Edward R. MHlett, Brownie Scouts Think About Sick Children Balboa h&and BrowNM wmed theJr J:uter thou,tlta toward• children kM fortuute t.MA they. Tb.lrd ...... rtrle ot Troop 12 made. decorated and ftUed ~er bullet& Tbelr l•der, Mn. ~Yid MarUa •• to ll tb&t t.ble r-.cMd \be dilldren at Ra.c H09pn.al. hooad ...... Brown!• of Troop II jotn.ed t.belr 1-4er, Mn. 'lbom· u Rafferty, ln a tour of the hoa· 41it&l At tJWI tlme they p....-Ud t.M clliktrell wtt.b the oolomal tray dotU they bad made. ne..vl Relreshiftg a1 an alcohol r.b. . . / yet SMoolhing osoc~ Ii. ' .,...,_.. ............. ,,,. ---Fabulow flide lot yow bafh 0t -------------------------committee report.I were made. Opti-Mrs. Announce Luncheon Sesaion showef I Thia lf'09'Qilf pi'* body lotion MIOOltll fJ1M7'I ofter.ba9ft dryness. Mok• llklft Peek, eo vow stod.iftgs and girdle ~ Otl ....,, "BLACK FLAMINGO" TO BE YOUTH CENTER BENEFIT "L1ghll, action, camera"-lhat w&a ln the mind.I of the ways and meu.na committee of the Woman·1 Civic League when membera met Monday al lhe home \if Mra. Jamea Ray, rhalrman, 64~ Seaward Road. The group 1a lnlere1led In ralalng fun<U lO complete lhe Youlh and Community C enter, and la to p..-nl & play In co•" J1tncllon with Community Playera. The bendlt play, The Black F'lamlngo, will be riven May 27 and 28 In lhe new auditorium a t Coaat Collefe. Mra. Jerry I ManheUa 1 Randall will dJrect. Anyone lntereated In helping the comm1tler or Mrs. R&ndaJJ may r ail Mni. Ray et Harbor 2184-W. Laguna Beach Gallery To Present Sam Hyde Harris Sam Hyd.-Harrla. notl'd Call· alrnoaphere are f11 llhlul tran~rlp­ rornla artlJ!t "'Ill demon11tratf' llon11. painting a lsndst·ape al th,. Art Calltry lhl1 ~11turd&y at 8 p.m. He haa won awards too numt'r· nua to mention over a ,,,.rlod or yr11r11 a nd has hlHI m11ny on,. man 1hm~~ In all p1 omrnf'nL J:llllrrlea HI' 11 a l110 rf'prf'rnted 1n m1ny pt"rman,nl colleat1on11 both public 11n1I pnvalf'. ~arn11 conducl11 •"v· t rill rlBllM'll In l,,os Angrlu an'1 vtr lnlty. Mr. H arri• 1.-a lift me~r and fnrmer <ltrf'r tor of lhe Art A•- 10Ch1lJon. HI' h&s had MVl'Nll Onl' min 11how11 at thf' g~lery. his lul one " yur ago et tracting mu!"h al· tenllon and pronounced by v1111tora onf' of t.ht bot In year1. A pupil of Hin.tan Pulhuff. Har· r1s 111 pracllcally Rlf llughl. H• hu develn~J a technlqu' a ll his The affair 11 free to pa1J up mem~r•. gut>11ta and the publlr w ill be 1111kf'd a amsll donat1un own anl1 h111 bf'aullful dl-11rrt l1nd· I The ~cral of aucceM In lift, la 1c11pr11 c1rn br recognlz1-11 &n)" ... ~ Whf're. F't'w arll1ls a re a blr to tor a m•n to be ready for his op- calrh lbe ~ptnl of the deM'rl aA porlunlly wh'n It come11 BenJ•· h11 dOf'I. his m11tery of light and man Disraeli ATTENTION! ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE CHAIRMEN ----01---- the GORDON BAXTER ORCHESTRA i1 now accepting en9e9ements for DANCES, DINNERS PRIVATE PARTIES ---0--- PHONE EARLY AS POSSIBLE FOR PRICES AND OP£N DATES -0--- 4-piece Combo or Full Orchestra · PHONE KEYSTONE 5-5413 lilting in Yell~ Pages under ORCHESTRAS ' ' amonr them an announcement by Mra. Edward J . Broolu, waye and meana chaJrma.n. lhat well-formed arrangement.. were under way for a 1ummer dinner dance to be held In A uru.t, and a t.e.cu• benent party In the fall. Lutic.heon hoei..e... for the day lncJuded Xnt. Willard KW.lcm, Mn. Lawrence Bl'own, Mn. a.._. L. Cooper, Mn. Au.tin 8t~t. Mr•. Ed1ar Hill and Mra. Leon Yale. STOCK Hart>or OpU-Mra. Will mfft nnanday, .April ta at the Villa Manna. It wW be a luncheon ae• II.Ion wlt.b Mn. Robert Rae l!low· tn1 t'llm• on Puiama. At lh• lat.Mt ....ion OpU·Mn. pve U~ to Ule Coet& M-Glrl Bcout Kouae. the 1111m to be u.aed for t.be purdlue of t~ cb&tn. ...... Carn Mr .... Jira. .i_,ea w. oiaw. uo ... co.ta x... •&.. Olilt& ,. ....... p&nnta of ......... bom April t In 8t. J_,,at llollp(tal. REDUCING LIDO Mil V.. Udo, N_..,. .._. "On• of t.be Lido Shope" • BABBOB -.. OIMe llW7 • 0.-... ..., a.&i.ao.& TU&..._ .... . ..... SALi to meke room for our New Summer Merchandise AT COST Group of conoN & SILK COCKTAIL DllSSES VaJuee to '89.96 ~._ 1481.. 39" Group SHORTEE COATS het.el <Alon v aJoee to 119.95 N_,,. • BILOW COST Grot1p llAS & CINCHBS v .... .., .... Notr 91~ .. •381 Grot1p COTTON Ir SILK ILOUSES Y2 Price Grot1p NEW SILK 2 PIECI SUITS G,.., NIT ClllCI NYLON LON~ FORMALS (8...._ fw ........ W.rll) N..,,r .. 924• Run1111age Table AT 008T ' BELOW 008T SWEATERS-HA TS-KNIT SUITS SHORTS-BRAS-HAND BAGS Lido Fashions 3440 Via ()polto °"· ... lay HarlMr 3671 \ .. PAGE 2 ·PART I I -NEWPORT HAltBOR NEWS-PRESS ALL .\BOARD ON GALLANT LADY V-But Gallant· Lady lul't so&nr. ahe bu come. Th• Roa Cutendycb brought the craft, which wu christened in Chicago, bome via the Panama Canal, were feted by frienda who pt.hered to welcome them. With a new home on Lido Nord, it wu also a housewarming. From Jett to right, tlnt row, Mr. and Mn. -Chari.ea Fi.ehback, Mn. R. E. Welcome For Castendycks Of Lido Isle Couple Returns By Sea With Gallant Lady V • • By MB8. I:. L. 8111'111 At long last the beautiful new Gallant Lady V l.. home, alter cruising up the bay from a five and one halt month trtp from Chicago where her proud owners Kathryn and Roea Cutendyb chrWtened her Jut Nov. 4.. n-nJR~OA.Y, APRlt 21, 1955 Swarthout, Kra. G. H. Salmont, Mn. D. L. Adam8 holding.Tony Adama. Mn. A. L. Cloud, Ml'9. Roaa Cas- tendyck and Mr. Rou Cutendyck. Second row, Gus Sal- mont, Don Adam.a, Al Cloud, Cheri Cutendyck, Joyce Smith and R. E. Swarthout. The ctouda were boat and boate88 to the welcome home. _ .. Staff Photo PASSION PLAY SOLOIST ON FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM , The Women'• P'e.llowahlp ot Corona del Mu Commu- nity Church will meet Wedneaday, April 27 In the 80Clal hall a t 12:30 p.m. Tht Church School Guild will .serve luncheon. Membel'I a.re uk0ed to pleue make rl9ervallora at the church otnce, Harbor 5237. Procnm will bt by Krw. ~rt W. Keen, former 801olat with th• Oberamma,...au Pa•lon Play In Bavt.rt&, who wtU rtve an Wuatra1-d lecture of the preparaUona for, and pre- MJ1taUon of the famou. play. She will appear In her native folk C011tume and will aln1 two _,.. Tb• public U. invited at 3 p.m. for the program. party •tarted at one o'clock with age during •Uch lriaJ1 u a fierce pretty Cheri Cutendyck, overjoy· galr. Flowtra and other houae· c-d at having her pa.~ta home, warming preeenta tilled the new gntUng Ult guuta at the court-home. yard door, and ucortlng them Into Olher1 challini and dining were the entry where her p~nta and Measra. and Mmu. Howard Moort, the Clouds were receiving. Hugh Wallace, Duke Woodward. lllUNO OllTS Ken Kaufman, 'Wendel Osgood. P-TA Folk To Register For State Convention ,..,.,, t.eeonUaf'to Mra. C. 4 . prealdtnta of t'tn P·TA 11nlh •11•1 ..,,..., ....., 9Jeet.ad prealdent. tllelr elttted del"!:•IH V111tl\l 11 et U.. Newport H&rMr Oounctl may rtoe1va conv•ntlon m.1te11 ·1 upon Pllyment 111 N"'":l•ll •hon r. • . ., ,. ... t TMcbar 49'ocla~ •• Mr1. Denni• tfo-;la11d or C'o • I uaJt 1reeadeftta uuL all dtl•(&tN Meaa la ronvl'ntlon r"1lrman I• r ve reitat.rta1 at th• lanl& Alla UM Newport Hubor Are&. II.IP 8ei.o.J bt order to r.celve ___ _ ..,.. detail.. taronnatton about ... llUa .A.Aa\&&l 0on¥entlon or th• · CaUtw1Ua eon.,.... Of Par91lta aad ,......_.,Inc. ,,,.,, ,,.,,, ,,,,, ,,.,,, MN. .A.. ICeaaath lpencer. P"ll· ._t et the CCPT, &nnOWICM UM ec111 ... Uea U\•m• to 1>e: "T~· work 0... It." Tiit. year'1 bead· ~ for the "'"Un' will bt UM ltaU. Hotel, Loa Af\1'11- Philhanno.nic Will Ud ,..ni -'on• wW •n the •omlaa' or .._, • at UM AriM AudJ*1wa. Caal.,_.. ud ........... wUI ooeU.1&1 WIUI UM ~ of Jil&7 t. Dr. IC. W. Kuelal. .... l&ta ...., .... , ot ~· \'ale Dtvtall)' 8deol. Dr. Neb· moad 9&rbour, cllrector of J\lld· aaoe. au Dlep Cit)' k!loola and Kn. Billie D&Yia. wntar and lee· turw, wtll be Ute prtJlclpal .,.U· , Present Violinist When Oranre County Phllfiar· monlo Society preeenta It.a tln&J concert ot th• M&BOn Saturday at 1:15 p. m. ln th• new auditor· tum of Or.nge Cout College. gueat arUat will he the noted vtollnlat, Saacha Jacobaen. playing lht Mendeluohn Concerto. M.l&a Frieda Belln!ante will conduct. of Maalc and wbtn 1 T appe&Nd en. under Walt.er Danuwcb u aolo-Ati.edtnr from UM Newport lat with the N-York 8ympbony Beadl-Ooet& Mtea area wW be Ordl.tra. A tour of ICu~pean and Amari· To p,.wnt clllld accldenu, lcMp ' ' ~' MeDONALD PAINT U'OU 1.,. ..... .,... O..ta ... ...... "' ...... 4 1.l f~I :11 PAINTS I • ' • Dom In Finland ot a mualcal family whkh a tew years later came to America, Jacobaen at the age ot 10 entered J uillard School can clU• followed whta ha payed aU medlclnea out o1 rea.cla ot chil· wtth fl'Ml orch .. tru and famowt dftll. •tc1tc111ea -..,en ordinary coadactorw. He jolnad the tacUltJ Oil• Ilka uplrta &Ad lauU...- ot JulUard Bcbool, then rtctrnad wtUda are bannl ... when t&k• u In 19'1 to coma to Calltomta. Ho dlreeted In&)' Mciome ltt.h&l po- m&ku bla ham• In •Ibo& but uou tor amau dllldNn. «1ntlnuea hla mU8tcal career In ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;_;; Loa Anrelea. Mh.'rgo Beck s ua1.n w1n.11r. Linda Hoatetler. U Suan 8omar1,, Judy Jmaon, CUr· U• A. Elmore, Rorer F11aell, Randy Is Honored at O.ddea, ·rony Faroe, Paul Ender. DennU. CamplMll, Ktuy Camp- N al P bell. Duke aatta and ICnlPt Beck. at arty ,..,,. children tftjoyecl pof!Jlidetl • and Jeep r1dee to '" the ll«:k Guest• at the ninth birth.day nandl. Knlpt and Jllll aom.n party for Margo Beck of ~mon auptntMd g&mM for the younr• Heli;hta Saturday afternoon at the at.en. TIM O&ke wu decorated'Wlth Beck realdence Included claaamatea ltaatar moUf lnel\ldlar buaaJee and trom th• fourth grade at St. Jamee esp. Day School. J d ' Ula A-ldM Thoee who wtahed Marl'o a u 1 en.a woe ean.., happy birthday were Ml• Florence hunt. Mre. H&1'¥97 lomaN ...a.ted Sander. teacher: Gretchen Cole. Mn. Harold -.Ck wtth UM party. UNDER NEW MAN-AGEMENT Happy Day School FOR LITTLE FOLK '4'40 Heliotrope Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 MRS. Jl:AN VA UOHN, l>trwfor Balanced PLAY -WORK -REST For Your Little Toh W 111 Supervised * T r•MpOri•tion At All Times If NecetMry • GOOD LUNCHES SERVED • RH1on1ble R•tes • ALL DAY • HALF DAY Your child's playfttf!t f ~vorihf • .. J • IUDDll IANDALI 'l'WO l'l'OllU 'IO IS&VS YOU CIRCUS JUNIOR IOOTERY .......... 0,.. ~ MPte 'TD • S..ta Aaa Qoeta ..... uu 1o. 11a111 na z. nua at. MM.A. O&HIA 8 ta .. 'nuilty • Alpha ... U 8-2TI8 Amonr t.hoee pruent wne the ~n McCluhen, Paul Lerpae, Carl Oua a&lmoata te.ta)r euteod)'Ck), Tbof"P' Mlt.cll Jiowe, .Fred Col· &Ad U.. POD Ad.am• (J:IMDor ca.-line•. Biii C&.Mlten, Georre Pnepr, Lut Sunday, April 17, J'aanfe and Al Cloud, clOM tendyck). The Cherry Cove crowd Wllllam Rhodea Hrrvt y Jr .. WU· tr1end1 and bouaeruellb ot the Outenc1ycka' lovely new Lido Nord were enmull(! and presented Rol8 llam Newt'U, Buck A)<rH, Byron ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cutendyck1 pthtted tocether home with the Gallant L&d V at with an electric hotplate table and Co d Mr Phlll i y Kathryn with a clevtr "mamr Osburn, m. an a. P a bout 80 f rlendl to welcome home the end ot the pier where ahe wUI mt.rlner'a" diploma for her cour-Wuren and Ole Ed l:lMna. tht returned tr&Ytlen. bt moored. Katb.rJn looked l>eaull· r====~==============:==;:=;; BOUU:W.&.JUIDiQ till. ,owned 1n a wbit. oouon ln- Pvty waa &I.lo 1n I.he wa1 or a formal. SM M.ld ahe felt that ahe lloueewanntnr u lt took place on bad been on a .. _tarl'' ... and the pWc:t:un.que terrace of the that lhe had lov.d It but wu glad ;:::::;::::;:=:::;:======: to ti. home a t lul ,... . JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILAILE If you •r• sHkin9 Jewelry Items th•t •r• Surce Let us know ••• W • m•y Buy It For You HOME LOANS .At Oran9• Cov11ty'1 le.dinfi Home Letulin9 nstitution QUICK 24 HOUR Sllvtel LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHl Y ,AYMENTS FRIEBDLY SYM,ATHETIC SERvtel ~ft~-lOCA TIO ..oM!S LAGUNA FEDER,\L SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOClATION 2n Ocean A.,.... LA6UNA BEACH ,.._ HY4-H77 ' I e f£Wl:LR1' BOUGHT e ROIUTS JEWELERS Alter leavtnc Chlc&10 l.bt Oal· lant Ledy V cnllMd down tbe Mls· 8lulppl to New Orlean.t, then on to Ml&ml, Nuau, Pa.nt.ma, Aca· puJco and bom' over 8000 mllea. The cocktall buffet luncheon ltl ~i Marlae An. -....._ hlaad-Bart»or UU Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Youn to enjoy NOW! When you want it! Choose the car- peUn1 for your home • NOTiilNG DOWN; 3 years to p~y ! 3 Years to Pay Lowest Prices! Finest Quality! Broadloom -Viscose -All Wools -Cottons Pricea Below for App. 40 aq. yda. and lncludea Pad and Tackle911 ln.stallation Fine Cotton Boucle BROADLOOM ONLY All colora. a lone wearinr lnexpenaitva car~lln« to s 13s1 accentuate any decor. ~r Molltla u ,·tq R.o«D, Dt.alftl' Room a Rall - AppM>1:. 40 llq. yda New! Seamless Width VISCOSE In 60 glorloua colont I A dr-ep pile broadJoom that. wean and wean. OHl.Y s1568 Compllmtnta all lnttrlOl"I pu Moat.la U...tns a.-, ....., a-A a.a - Appros. 40 eq. yde Hand Woven All Wool CALIF. TWEED O:\,,V Luxury In flnt Carpeting. Multicolor and eoUdl. $1568 Pvfect for maple and provmclal Interiors. ~r MonU1 uvtnr Room, DtnAar Roem a Ball - ApproL to tq. ydl All Wool Hand Loomed BRAIDS O!\°LY Choice ot cnlora. Excellent quality. The ultimate S 1905 companion for euly American and Provenclal. ~r MonUli U'lhc Roonl, J>la1nr Room a RaJI - Appros. 40 1141. yd• 8ee Oar 8ekdloa of FIDe Maple .••• lnexpeultely Priced ARCADE MAPLE SHOP 1'150 So. Main St. IN TU ARCA.Dr; ?\'"SU TO aEAll8 7'11e C"4nn of Yf'lllN'Jlf'ar -T,.. I~ of T.._,. • • • • Ask ~J Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Depcirt11.,.t IOSCO .... _.-............ . ..... Bln&Md 3 25 IAIY FOOD ... .... .. .... c 8wttra ......... .,. D•Pfd 2 41 C . IAIY MEATS .. ......... for SPECIAL8 FOR APRIL u-n.2a Don's Meats SWISS STEAK ....... lb. Ste 1' awac·• Kandi 'Ge TURKEYS ··-.... -........ 1i.. 1- Honnel'a "Da.lry Brand" 65 BACON . . .. .................. ai.. c DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ·' Qrog· Shop" :45c tJDC.M .... RICE _ .. _ ..... ·-··· IAl-0 .. _ --·-.. . .... _ .2 •o~ 23c CHICKEN PIES . . 27c s-w er., . 17c ORANGE JUICE ...... -.. ~. cOitr.. ~:~--·· ... _.~ ..... _: 15c DOG FOOD .................... 2 lvr 2fc lioep., 'Mk WHITE KING .. --··-· ..... J,._ 1.1- DICK'I • Green Groceries EL Fw7 I ' 2 fMk S9UASH _.--.. ··-· a... I.J- u. & He. 1 HEW 4 25c POTATOES -·--... lioCcou __ A 13c You Select ••• We Dellver """' ..... cona CAKI •••• 21'. ,.... ... _, e 2-~ Chocolaflt PICAN CAK1 ....... . ,... .... , ... .... THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MARINE A YENUI IAUOA ISLAND MISS GRACE STOERMER addreaaea women from many Harbor' clube at a luncheon 1n the Chart Room of Newport Harbor Yacht Club hollt~ by t.he women's com- mittee of the chamber of commen:e. Mi.as Stoermer haa had a diatingulshed career in which she served as secretary of the legislature, vice-president of Ba.nk of Ameri· ca at Los Angeles, with the ch&Jnber of commerce and in many club and civic af- fairs. -Staff Photo Veteran Business Woman Addresses Harbor Grou.p 'What We Can Do' Told m•rce beauuncatlon committee, accompanied Mt.s Stoermer. By Miss Grace Stoehner Mra. ~r Hill, honorary mem· ber of the local committee and Jlla)'Or ot N.wport JH&cll. told ot lhe gOOd behavtour of lttn·t.ie "Don't stop at little thlnga •.. don't .top at big things -vleltora to the area during Eaater It takes persistence," said Miu Grace atoez:mer, w~en ahe w:~ Robert ManhalJ, Lldo i.i. talked to members and cuesta of the women 8 committee of ruident, and who la ch<ic bea uu. the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon ftcaUon chairman tor the Orange meeUl\I' at the Newport. Sar1)or County AlllOClated Chembera of YaCht ClOb tut Friday. their flrat project civic be&utltl· Commerce, announced the dcad- MR. AND MJCs. DAVID PRIDHAM JR. MIN l toermer, who wu preMnt· e&Uon. n. luncheon member• an<t line for partlclpt.Uon ln the coun- ed to the ~roup by the local °"' 1\1..U were told to took around ty-wlde civic bee.utltlcallon contest ranlutlon'a ch.&lmian. Mr& T. o. and aurvey their communlly'1 wu May lt, and that orsanlu.· Stewart, •poke on "The Bu.aln-nt.eda.'' for the nuon of clvto •n· Uon1 wt.bins to follow In UUa pro- Woman 'a View of t.be Chamber of deavor La never Individual." bl.w· Ject were to cont.M:t Mra. John V. Comm•rt'•.'' OM of t.be fowiden port. Hubor women were told Nett. chalrmen for the Newport of the women'• dlvtalon o f UI• Lam "daD'l tor,.t your youth · • • plan Beach clv1c beauun cauon pro-A.n~elee Cbamber of Coaunerce, s'OOd entertainment for them, re-ITalJl. Pridham-Nowels Ring Exchange In Home Rites the apee.ker preft.Md her llUbjec:t •tore P,A"ka, Pre8erve couWnea GAllDEN TOU& with a abort hlato11 ot t.be W!Jt. for the benetlt and pleaaare Md EL CAMINO ILl!AL for the 8t&te or California." Jira. Norman Pea.M. women'a committee member, \nvlted all to attend Lb• Garden Tour of H&r· bor bomee, AprU 30 and May 1 from 1 to II p.ra. She told how t he tlnit mmnbera 001'fDUOT8 BUl!JINE88 had "re·belled" the rnU .. of the Mn. T. D. Stewart, eonunllt.ee El C&mlno Real Hl1hway, of Ult ch&lnnan. conducted a abort bUal· rehabilitation of hlatortc Olvera neu meetl.q, .iid a1ao lntroduc~ Street. or the part played 111 the loc-.1 and out-or-town rueai... Mn. Featlvt.I of .Art.t, t.11d u a reuon J ohn Farrar AndeMIOn, member of tor their belJ\s, whca t.bey weft the Lam ~ .. Chamber of Cona· Rftpollllb1-for luncheon .,.. ,..,,,,ement.. ucS ha.tHllH for the meeUnr were: UckelA. .Mra. Paul Dana; tall&• deeoraUona. .Mrs. Ra.Jpb Allrenl; .....,...uon.a, Mn. Ka.J ~; p!'Olftm, Mra. IC&rl Stanley; fardU tour ticket.I, Mn. Cb&r1-Lalftll and Mnt. ~d Ham brook ; luncheon cht.lrman, Mn. ctlalJel'\ lAad_..; rrcepUon and holptta.IJty, Mr8. Jamea Newlin • and Mn. C'larme9 Blfble. Mr..' Maune IManlq. wit• ot u,. ~I dent al the loeaJ cMlnbu ot cona• Ceremony Performed By The Rev. Thomas Gibson h09tMae• for th• su.ta a t the Olympic Gamea held ln I..o. AA· ~elea. Jllllaa Stoermer, who hu twtce rellr~. ahe at.Id, from clric life, wu at one Ume NCret.ary or I.be Calttornla 8 t • t • LesYU&ture. "Southern Cal11orrua La man-mt.de • , • ~ C&Mlanla .. OM made," aaJd the eat.llUllfutJc apeu er, when ah• r«alled how the Lo1 Angeles women U4 laJlq u Cotillion Sponsors Are Named A whlte latticed archway •twined with feru .and pink and white fl ow<.'rs wu flanked by tall candelabra, forming .ettlng for a beautiful and formal ceremony which united Miu Bonnie Diane Nowela of )Jalboa and Mr. David Irwin Pridham of Costa Mee&. The daughter of Mr. &nd Kra. R. V. Nowela or McCoy. Col. and the daughlt'r's nuptial.I, weartnr for aon of Mr. an1I Mrs. D. C. Prld· the occuloa.& dru1 of powder blue ham, 1~3 Oranice Ave.. Costa Jlntn with while &ngora trim. M .... exchanged rings and vows white acceuortea 'and corugc of before Ule R.-v. Thomu Olbson. white 11hattered camaUons. Mn. atandtn1 under a whit(' weddlnl Pridham wore pink Uncn with bell. The rite wu held ln early whllf' acceuorle• and whlte car- anemoon at tht' home ot Mr. and natton1. Mn. Paul PatT11h al•WT and R~orded mualc wu b&ckfTOund lnvttaUou are la t.M ma1la ad· brother·ln·law of the br1der;room. for the reception. u guclla offe red ltreaeed to the Newport youn1 aet W Monte Vista. Coat a Mesa. fellcltt.tlon11 and were Rrvf'd the from the patronauea of Lb.e N.w· Tb• bride wu given In keeping wedding cake, topp~ by a mlnta· port Harbor Cotllllona for nut by her brother. Mr. Byron V. Now-tun brldr and itroom. Bouquets fall'• Hrlea of danclnr part.lea. el.I. Her ballerina lcn(th 1own tuad of pink and while atocl< decorated Newly choeen cb&lnnen for th• a circular skirt covered with tiny the rooms. four ace gTOUJ>9 wer• cntert&lned double rutflu of nylon tulle, the The new Mra. Pridham atlt>nded by HI.la G. VJrs1nia Oollata. di· hip le11(lh bodice or lace covered achoola In Monrovt111. and Grand rector of Ule tn-ntatlonal ballroom <Mth a lace jacket. Her l'lbow Junction, Col., I• presently a t1t'n· dancing roupa, al luncbeon at the leftl'lh nU wu hrld by a tiara of tor al NPwport Harbor Union High Newport Yacht Club a\ which Ume Med pearla 11nrt ahc c11rrird a ahow· !choot. Ht'r husban1l wu gradual· final plan.a for the comlllr """ .,. bouquet of white rosebud• and ed from Harbor High School. Rrv· •ere dJ.ec:uued. lilllu ot tbe vallry. ] eel three years with th(' army and la Mn. Rarvey &omen wUl ..- Mn. Paul Parrt11h IC&rolyn now a s tudent at Orange Coast bead Lbe CoWUom u ,.....i Pr1dllam}, u matron or honor. Collcgt . chairman. Other palroneuea WUI wore plllk net over taffeta In bat-Thi" couple la living at 104 Eul Include M ~ Charin P. Cotton, Jenna 1en,ui. 11tr11pltll!I 11nd with Bay Ave .. will drlay lht'lr tionPy· chairman. and Mra. Jay Beeae- matching atolt'. Hl'r hl'addrea.~ was moon until summer. my,.r. co-chr.Jrman for the MatiJIH a bend•t.U of horutiatr br11td and Cotillion. J.l ra. Ro~rt C. "3alllbury flower•. and 11he c&rTil'd a cotontal Easter Seal and Mni. Richard sr.i. wW bead bouqu•t ot pink C"arnatlons. the ll•t of patroncaan f .1r the ntt.h Kr. Donald Pridham Jr. atoo4 S 1 C t ' Grade group. while Mn~ William B. w ith hit brother u brst man. & e On lnUeS Clark. anrl Mnt. HowVd IAwton Mn. Nowel11 wM present tor her In an etrort lo reach th• goal \1>111 be In char'°• Cl( the a!xt.11 Mt In Oranee County, lb• chair· Crade clau. DIAMONDS for APRIL man. Mra. George c. 1'1\lock of I Junior CoUUlon patron. chall'- An&helrn. announct'd that the 19~5 men Include Mr. and M19. 0...."I R. ltallter Sul Drive would be tx· 1 Twl~t. and Mr. and Mn. JUQ\ard tended 41ut Eut.er. Mart<'llu~. Pr1:u ch&l.rlaan w lU be The cht.lrman atrclllcd that con· '.\ofra. FAl"'ard LHt•r Smith. wtU. I llAMOlfO• LOOI !trtbutlona for the Ort.n(e County co-dalrman. M n . 0 . W. lot.Ill I ~ 41 Society tor .crtppled Children and R ichard. ~. •al!.Rf •ov11111~ Adulta could at.Ill be aent to the La1t dance of the ad9llll t.hll ;~U111•5' ,.,.,., ~I center at 1007 Logan SL.. S.nta year will he held May 11 a\ lh• r .......... "' \ l I//./ ~ .AJ!a, or by •Imply mallinr It to the Newporl Yacht Clul> at whteil ti.me _ ~' y __........., ..,.. local poaL om~ addreased "J:uttr the youn1aten wlll c.Jellrau W1t.h ~ ' ;....---. _, Seale." • spring party. LORI NZ nwa.&U HIW.•tll. 8utaAaa o.-.. '""-lo I '·"'· ...... '-rlirttlg 11t ""Y Lot J St; ZIPAfcGRrG01 Wr 'sox I I ~ M~ TCHJN& ER TRUNKS oy • s.,., 1. 20 SHIRTS OPDPJNER 22 1 lfl MARINE Glrl1 .. ,.loya BALBOA ISLAND , I Ramblers Take Dairy Tour I Al the laat meetJnr ot Lb• 4·H cl\a!I rroup. the Goat HIU Ramblera. ..... at u.. ._. ot Ray and Daniel Bl"OWn, 411 W. Ht.milt.cm et. t.M project tour of the EJ!cel•lor Dairlq wu plt.nnrd aa a waya and meana project. Deanna Rlctuardaon la pre.aldent and Dannie Brown vice pr.tdent or th• club. About 17 member• co· Joyed the tour or the Exotlalor plant. Ylewlng each step Ill modern mWt proclucUon methoda. Refreall·· meni.. were 1erved by the d&Jry. merce. wu a apeclal rueat. Mra. ll'rank McCormick I• aecret.a.ry ud k n . J ohn V. Nett, In char ge ol publlcJty. Mra. ~ltbt Jau la al· i.mate member. · P-TA Votes Best Film of Month f•thers mother's d•y is • month •w•y give "HER" • well-cleserved vec:.tlon week-end $25 'tound the world $2,500 a t.rlp la a s1.ft luting a Jtfcttme Accordlnr to Ruth B. Hed,... motlOft picture ~ltor of t.he Calt· fonU& Congrus of PTA'•· ''The Loni Oray U ne" la voled Ult beR .N m of the month. The but ntrn made about a t'acher and hta puJ>lla alnce "Goodbye Mr. Chlpa ·· OUt tncludca; Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hara. Robert Francia. Doo.a1d Crbp and Ward Bond . Dl.rect..t by John Ford, Technl· color, Clnemucop.. Bt.ICd on tlv aut~phy lly Marty Mah e r and Narde Rttder Campion and ftlrned at West P oint. cdm travel service 31142~ E. Cout Hw)'. COKO~A DEL MAB Barbor U4• (MutuaJ Theatre Ticket.) All Mcrro buses serving Southern California's 4 hus1· tsr ~ounties optratc with three ffttin objecrivcs. Thek are to get you ro your desrinatio n uftly, s~ed dy ... and romforrably. Merro makes every effort to lllUrc irs ratrons I lmOOth, ttl.uing ride, and friendly, cowteous ttrVi«. To dare Mcrro has put into o~ration 261 new, modern busn tqUippcd with·~ cial fcarurcs, such u "air·SUSpc1'Sion" riding, form.fining scats, rhc latCM in u,bclng and ~t.ilation. MITROPOLITAN COACH LINll ~rvlna \U rommunl\lel Ill Loa All ..... Onnee. R1\'t1s1de and Saft S.merdlno eoutJa 1w Mwe tr-' """"--' ... ... ...... , -. -I Breakfast for Public at Goodell Hall At a rec.nt meetlns oc lhe Mena' Club, a.rt.t Chun.-h by U.. Sea. Boad Freitag, pruldl'llt, outlined pit.nil tor a brcaktaat to be held Saturday, April 30 from 7 to 11 a.m. lo Goodell Hall. 1420 Weal Bal- boa Blvd. The proceeda are lo l>e uled for a new parklnc project. ' Chef "M\llnt" I.Andi• will be In charge. of die kitchen, and F~ltt.I' and hia committee will aaslat. Boy Scouts of 'l'roop II v.111 be In charge of Ule tables. The public la Invited to come aa you a re. tlclteta may be ~ured from Ht.1 -Glul, cht.irm&ll, or a t the 1oor. H•.._• ....... ............ v• 1,.., NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I. PAGE J THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 Fashl.on Models loua do.-r p•i tu wrn .,. prMPntt'd d11rinl' the ,.,·enln.r. I Sh S Str.'•tt111i: sp"ni: and 1ummt'r n ow cene Clothl'I, 11\e show Wiii accrnt !'U llal T · N • and bt>a ••h r .. ~lona, wit h 11 ft'w omorrow 1te rlrPlll'Y C"IN!l'OOll fnr Vllrlf'ty f'&r• llC"lJ'l\llng s tyh' .~h"I'" lrwl11tlr: Potcntlt.I movlf •tarlela wlU r o I Ell.:cne or l\lSlt. M f'l>tl, ..... H••lll • through flhe pacea Friday nl(ht at 11n<I Vai.;t1bonll Ho11..-nf U ,kl lal<', the Harbor Houae e.nacUn1 a 1 K int of Cttllfornla f1om Bl•lb•>ll ecene rrom a forthcomU\J' mo\lon lsllllld. }o"'un F1uhlnn1 o! C'11ro1111 •11'l plctruc In the H&aon'• MCond big M11r a.nd tw•• rrn111 Lt11;"lmn ll1·11<'h . faahlon party called. "J'uhlon Ha:tt'I l'rawtorJ'a H " w o l I a n Olrl." The ahow will be(in at 8 Sliop and M11ri:i.• \\'i-bh ,.m. I Baci<,-rounc1 11111~h~ f11r th<' ft Im Produced bl national ful\lon sequenct' will bt' lh,. w 11rk of Hnr· writer Gloria Fickling. the take· ott en a ,...i movie 111!.l producUon ney Lantz anti Sonny Rudd. T!W'y will feature eight of Or-'1,. Coun· will •leo rmpply thP nott'll fnr danc· ty'e moat beau utul modab. hbu· tnr att•r the •how. You'll ftDd many outatandlq val1lee offered daMq NaUoeal Hardware Wlelr. Comt1 la, brooM arouad. check our bl1 etock. Shop at le1Jve. OPEN SUNDAYS for Your Convenience famou1 BORG Bathroom Scale Uad weicb• """ .......... a.8-s.A_... • .,_ .... t•'e-Je.uid...-... ,_ life_..•~ Yarnmty. ..,...,_. ............ plat ...... 09' .. el ....- Nn• ..W,., ...... 1145 DADY IUJAH.ICUT ~~ CAN OPENER '' I .t I 11 \ -......i.·tw tlfler.-o. .... --'""'"' "'"' .......... -..... c~·.-w..i..w.. .. ,..,,, .... ONLY $2.8' l'IJ'l'I. TRAY CART h• 411•tu II stnlll trerl . " ._,,, --~·~ ......... . .......,.._..,.,._.,.. .... ..... to ....... ,.. ....... -· .. ,.. llip. ll>i" a U)i". a.-i-.... ..... ._iyc-y .............. ......... ...... .,.. -a....I.. Allle ::.·~~ 1nm s91a 7¥ff/OK HAID SAW VALUES .. , ....... ~ ...,.... .... ~ ............. ... .. ,. ..-. ... ~ ......... ... C-..ller~ ........ 4•• , ..... "· ···-... 114 A .... ........... _._ .......... -' .. , •• .,._.... .. l.per .............. . .... ...._. .......... . ..-.. •n ..• nmm•• POii YOUR BARBIQUE llAZIEIS • CUTTING IOAIDS IAllECUE FOllCS • CHARCOAL. etc. Scores of UMful Accessories to Complet.!y Outfit Your Barbecue • VISIT OUI HOUSE-WARES DEPT. ELECTRIC MIXBS •. NRCOLATOIS CUTLERY • DISHES • STEM·WARE Tiie Most Complete Stoel In Tlte Harbor AIM bright new color for faded fabrics .. "'lltj .... _ ,,. a-. 25c .... 1 ...., at your fingertips! n•m COLOR IEAUTY Of FADED, SOILED, DlllY FAlllCS AT TMl TOUCH OF YOUR flN8£R. Al Forgit Hdwee 2205 W. IALIOA ILYD .. NEWPORT IEACH WI CMYI S & H GIDN STAMPS HAllOI 116 ' I NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1915 WITH SALLIE AplW U, 19155 ..... lWWa..p.l •••••Lil ..... .. Callfonlal ••• Wow! Bl&bt ... oar mllk rehlprUor -1 Plutlo ----wttll Todd'• .alk •.. Ta... plullo mllk C..-.... ml' a 6'Ml .. mlk &trim Uon. to t.be bome • • • A far. ~ cry from the time the homewtt'e broagbt oat a -bowl -the ldlldly mPlgpee poand her qao&a _ .............. ·. what d<i.. a plutlc coated aartan mean to'you '! No 1eak- ap ! I ..,, a ll50 pound man lltand on four of them ... no breU9 . . . No wu in your &ilk . , , With the old type Wu coated carton., e&ch little bock on the out.Ude had a Way of chipping off wu on tbe !Mide • • • Thea plutic coated cart.om can be put rtcht in your oven and you can heat & whole quart of chocolate milk if you wiab. ••• Caution! UDMll the openin.s lint. .. Now to IDllb their mllll av.a.hie to the oam &*Ell ... a plMUc-*"d-It .. W!ll,"Y for & mllk _,..y to~·­ Kia& _...... . . • Todd'• dalr.r ................. -............. Tbofarolbe fin& 11111111: «' I V .. Cd· fo,. to have o.e of dame -+ ... wl tllmly ,..at J-. tJlrroa«ll OU ....... OI' -of tb• -*"-*" -.. Orup 0.-ty •ho --•p tbe Todd'• llarketlq: Co., to have 7oar milk 1111 UleN &IN ' Ir ..... ttary, brud mew, was ,,_, ,.. ... --The fint Su.lking ma- chine wu inat.alled in Beau- mondary Dairy ln Cbtcago Cive yun aco ••• The Se&l-1 king machine inatalled in Todd's Dairy lut week la the 1 139t.h lnatallation in the United I Stat.ea ... People from the eut 11.nd middle west have en· 1 joyed milk in the.e plastic coated cartons, lf they hap- pened tO buy milk from one· of the 89 dairies that bad the See.I King machine ... 1 mi~ht add ... The Sealking machine ateriUzes the cart.on at 700 de-. grees at the time It I• filled with milk . . . See thia new Dari.on ... especially handy i8 the new twin pack half pl- Ion • . . So durable without apillll or mUM . • • the new llp<>Ul •.• 'nllap to do um week •• Orange County Philhar- monic Society'• Sixth concertJ under the direction of Frieda I Be.Unla.nte April 23rd ... Orange Cout College auditor-! him .•• 8:15 p.m. Real cJoee , thi9 time . . . right at home • , . Doan't cost a cent ... J1l9t go, ail. listen and be en· IUalled ... s.. MU)' n.nimrgh make with the day model- 1111.g: la our front lobb)• th• week.-cl ... Yoa D\'e ..-I- mind Mary'• objolo d' art •om II •••IM~ TO"' ....... .,....__ .. ,_ ferent kinds of ba!'-b-41•'• ••• Now .. r;., .-lo IN a CM.I~ at work., = ~ ':l..°1.1. ~ I belil'lft. u Wllll u the old- -should •Joy Wll&eb-.... ...., .. Next wMk .. Pllbllc lehool W~k dtnaoat the oalloa ... Vlolt ;raar eblld'• elaaaroom ... 8efi the demoentic method med t.o pl"l!l9Mt tbe currl- -.•. The ...u.u..i thlaldac ta a f.ree way ••• ~---­• hova ••• , at llChool ...,....,. ...... per- ....... The aehoola waet ,.. to --ll>oy do .... -llloy do It ••• Rldlard'• .. one ol the Udo • WAX-FREE - .. ~.ft· \. -. _,.._ LEAKPROOF -SANITARY -DEPENDABLE • AMlllCA'S NEWEST MILK CONTAINll , • • Richord '.1 ii ........ to introduce the ,..olutloMty new lookptaof mili. poaege. Sten1iiod in Todd'• Dairy et the .. .,. time it ;, folod and .... lod. thi1 ""' pecuge ii plemc· co.Jed, inside end out. Gives perfect IMlecl-in protection lo the flavor ind rich ,.......... to tho lines! mill • IT'S GREAT! TRY IT! .. ··· • • • • • "'8n..,c INt flavor" Dartcold 9S KON AA BUTTER 1b.59c ··~ n .... -,,.., .. BnriN a,.. '"" _,,~. BISQUICK .. ._,. ~ -good ,.,.. PrlUilt, LIPt -..& CHUNK TUNA .i .. 23c ~ tin Serve So-tliltMJ Faricy .......... ..,_,_ OA.."llNED 2 49 HAM -···--··········•# .. • lmponed Fl_,_ OOOKTAIL 75; FRANKS ........ •~ · JmportM llaw..U.-llAOA.DAJIIA. 79; NUTS ·······-----······•Ya ..... Public Scloooh W ... . VWt your 8choola APRil. :Iii • SO Delle--. jAcKCHEISE -~ 49' l1tl"4ac'iaC aklilud'I OW. NUIT SALAD -··· 39' CHOWEDWHAM. 79' HUNTS TREASURE HUNT Buat'1 Dtlld1m .._,. PORK & ·aEANS . ······-· ~':.:" H1111t'1 T_.. 1• oa. 2 2SC Catsup ....... • ... Hunt'• HW1t'11 -"'hole 8oUd hM: X o. I Ii ~ 25c Tomatoes . __ _ N-I'* OL 3 '161: Potatoes .. '" 1.1- • • , Frozen Foods Qr&-... POTATO 2 25 PAmES __ _ !! ... c ........,. oa.uroa: 2 27c JUICE -·-··-·--·-·! ,.. .._....._ .. _ 2 35c CUT BEANS __ _: ,.. . .,...,., ........... .,..... 2 45c RHUIAU .... -.... .!! ... -swtM 8TSA& oaomm 9IZFft'SA& PSISD MQUllP • llOA.ft a&D'-7')c DINN_ERS --·-····-·.::. tl-· --llA&.ED 11A11 .,. llEA'I' LO.u' 67C DINNERS . --········-····--···::_ Bakery • ...,_ .. -..... cy.-..... 6 26t DONUTS --·--,. .__ .. _ 1nc COOKIES __ . .-u- MERINGUE PIE ..... 56c iee,c. ..... ..... 'l'le. IREAID .m---------Iii- '"71WIAY arnt!M' aa-= .. ••• 6 ~ ROLLS -----·----.. 1.1,-i-s-,.. • ..,.... --17c LAYER CAKE .- Richard's Delectable Meats PT,llffsE STEAK lb. 98c T.BoNE STEAK I~ 98c •.t ._,~Write• ' ii'ii.01NSTEAK1b. 98c SLmclD BACON·~ 59c ""lwA••-'..,.. . lhritl'• 8rowa ....... SAUSAGE _,, __ 149 COFFIE ............ •~ • MARGAllNI _ 2 ... 151 OoWM.W~ 45• FLOUI ···-··---~"' ........... 271 SOAP POWDD,.. .... 49c O~ So Fresh ••• Prod1ce MARV TROa!'lo'llU.OB SCULPTllSS ·•-..Uil Jtwftn IKd Brf'tllc .. ....... -.f'llll.Pocl PEAS POTATOES_ ··-tt •rlnl /rt•~" -. '""'" Navel ORANGES 3 1b•.25c •111 · M U -rll I• 1Udlarf"1 LoWty ........, .tt........ ... ~"*1' -..., "'"' -tt'I -A-··-171 PEA SOUP ··-····•._ rs..tof!r'1 WW OOC.TA.IL 33• PU.NUTS .......... ..... o.- O-U..\l-......Y.a-291 CAKE MIXIS ... 10-.. " •. .,........ n• KllSPllS .... ····--· ...... Dt"'7 RA..'lfUT 41•· IUTTD. ___ ........ ...... :'!"&. ~~. ~· ~:b:.i~~ You'll find a Udo ShoP . • • ••• to flt your nery need I ., mp1 )"OU to amd yoar 00. uttou toward9 the new wtac !or tbe Ho"I' HooplW lo ..• Boac HOlpltal, New Wing, Newport Bf-ach, California ... One of thNe da)'lt you mlcbt 11o th• ... out 1n tho cold ••• lll'IO"• roa APBU. u. 1:1 w1 11, !IN j f ' • ' - LOOK BALL Tim ~Here're tae victona In al ohm• of the Inter-dub fem fahir•YI tourney be- t... Jn:ine and Santa Ana Country clubs. From Jett to rfaht are Mn. Maggie Price, holding perpetual plaque tor ber 81 low net of the field; Mrs. George Freuhllng, Mn. Jack Blaiadell, Kn. Ron Smith, Mn. Robert Gard- ner, Mn. Allen Ungquiat, Mrs. George Ward and Mrs. George Preble. The ladies all look nice on the linb, too. -Staff Photo HARIOR Sunset Loop Tank 0..- Yie in Bue Pool Next Week Suneet' Leape IWimminc c:hampionahJp. for 18G5 are eet for the excellent Onqe Cout O:>llege pool Wednemay and Tbunday of next week, it wu announced today by Meet Ka.nacer Al lnrin, coach of the Harbor High Tan. Prelimi· nariM in the fut 76ft. lonr Pirate plunge get underway at THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 l :JO p.m . Weda..s.y. 'nl• nnt1and Jlm William. In the B'a, and NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE I al.s P'-q-Wy ~,..for Ul•10uy Oook , Terry Dallu and Jer- -------------------------::. ttnala come 2:30 p.m. Thun· ry Wbltaker In the C'a m&lte the BUC OARS IN Irwin cndited cooperation of SaJlor c..-wa favorttea In all dh·1. OCc IO •srs· • . 00C with malr..l.nc UM of UM co1., alona. Jn addition 11 the fact tl.e Ill , Tan au.-,.d t hrouith learue .1uol DEFEAT EVEN ~~e~ ~ u!•h~; t~:'~~= =:,.,~mpe~Uon u ndefeated thla WIWAM TELL • meet anywhere but In Bdnaet --------- One ot tl>• leading archera In the United Statea la a facul· ty mtmbn at Orange Cout Collese. accordinc to the laleat raUng1 releued by the Na- tional Archery A.Hoclatlon. J. Robert Keat, apeech and drama ln.1tn.1ctor at the col· ll'ge, Is ll•ted 29th t.n the na- tion ln leading York Round M'oru reportf'd by the aaaocl&· lion. He hold• a r>5 ra lln&' a- mong t he leading Am«"rlcan Round Scorea for senior men. 1 Lat.au• poola,.. Irwin Mid. SEASON MARK ~r-:~c=~~~~; t~ Spl~ Wltll Saa Dlet0 In Choppy Coronado Water enter two evenu and one relay or two relaya and one event. Entrtee cloee Jl'rlday. Mtdala w111 be awarded for the flrat five placea In the tlnala. Each achool muat turn!ah two official• for th• pre· llminartu, Dependln~ oa wbkh eventa lr-By .JEllRV THOMP80N win achedulea Don Redd1Dston, Split& just &e4!m to be in the the Tu'• terrific aophomora aqua cards for Orange Cout .Col-tluh could crack 80ID• mlsbty po- lege crew. Saturday &ft.er-tent f..-tyle recorda In th• an-nual tank c:lualc. The pa.Ir of rae- noon at San Diego, the Co.ta orda Reddln(1on aet for Harbor Meaa oarsmen evened their High thla •euon exc-S ~· ------------seu on r«"cord at tw'l win• and two Meet maru eat&l>Uahad by OCC'a WIN PLA'-'UE IOIJllU &nd their 1ertu with the All·Amertcan aplubar Budd~:.Bel· Ku t Is apon110r of thl' col· lege Archery Club and \1 alao ~Cl'l'tary ot the National ' A rchery AIMIOClation. T San Diego Rowlnc Club at one ahe when Bu4dy 8W&m for HWlt.- and one by ltM1ln1 to the Border lngton Beac.h. Low Net for City team In a choppy Coronado Raddin&'lOn romped t.be J.00 yd. Channel dlatance at M.2 earlier lhl. y.ar · and th• 22 yd. reute in 2 :OUJ. Bel· ROUGH 8TUFI" abe'a loop recon1a lltand at 81.t Magg.le Gets The san o1esana. beaten by ln the 100 and s:oo.3 in the 100 coach Paul Baptlate'• OCC chars• Buch lada u Jarry J'uquh&r, Private Police· i • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL: COMMllCIAI: SICUR11Y. PA1RO&; Kl 2-70%1 fo\!r weeka A&'O, took adva.nt&c• Ken Bodenboter and Peta Schai- of unfavorable condlUona all the bera ln th• vanity, Bob Jolmaoa, lrv·1ne Prize way around to win by lhHe-quar-Bni• 'l'#lcbell. Tad Vae B..urt ·-------... tera of a lellj'th over a Cout four- oarE'd •hell with couwain ta a •••••••••••-•••••••••••-Macrte Price of Newport Beach 7 :H clocking for th• 2000 meter won low net of 61 1n the fem "Get courte. Both •heli. balU.CS a ma- Aoquaint.ed" llnka tourney be· dlwn wind &lid • low nannJns tween Irvine COUt and Santa Ana ground awella rolled up b)' llarbor ,_fATIY. KNIPP .SMASH SAILOR CINDER MARKS Hmbor Racen Nab Show, Place In Sports Ccn Harbor Ar. aporta car ~U>u. lute came up w1t.h aom• nnl per· ronnanca ln laat WffkelMS'• ncea at Pebble Beach. Joh.a Porur'• Aardvark &pedal pl.&cad aeoond in 0... H eompaUtlon while Bob Holbrook came ta third In hla Crolley 8pedal. Both men are or Newport Bea.c;b. Country cluti. Friday to baa' • traffic, m<MiUy Navy. perpetual plaque for Irvin«'. She The awnber ope Plrat.e abell had will be the t>nit to have her name Graham Glbbona 1n number one lnacrtbed on the plaque. •tot. Dick Jordan two, 'hd J.t· The award will remain a t Irvine firlu three. Frank Beall st.roll.a Country Club until the two teanu oar and Bobby Ohl•lin ~aln. ot women r olfera compete for It The Buca' Ume wu a 7:M, twalYa A&'aln next year. Final match of aeconda back. the two day compettuon look TAKE THl&D, TOO place on Santa Ana greena aftC'r A al'cond OCC four flnUlhad , • Two Barbor High acbool cinder recorda were amuhed u Newport'• B and C aquada copped division triumpba dur- inr a trlanp1ar track meet at Excelsior Tuesday. The var- aity thinda,da came in third behind victorious Torrance and Excelaiol'. With Euter Vacation auet worked off in this one, CoulMe ltalpb ~ and Don I _.. .;..... .. H·oraaoad UMlr '1o-C'1 with w1na ID the 1IO yd. -,_.ea tba )Ow !limn.. OU.. ftea. ~and wa!Uns for 8UDMt Lea-•ellllt Ttctora were O.Orse Hood, pe MUvtU• &t 1'1.lltrton Tuel-, 1:11.J ln the MO; John Henrotln, day and J'rt_,, a B ft. toaa with the ahot put, Jlacord amuhera •-BNCe I arld Jim Newbury with a t ft. e ln. Knipp IA the B loW hurdle. and po_le_•_a_ul_t. ________ _ Don Jleatl7 in the nrstty uo. \ Qr . ....1 lad Knipp 11AC*1 Uae uptwetpt.a to 1lnCje I mftC-- \'ictorJ by IC1->r~ th• 120 yd. J Classl T i..1.a low slklu la 13.I and th• blrh c on ., •• timben ta ·~ Hla clocltln& 1n theJ ORA.NOi: .(OCNS ) _ Ch&lnnan Iowa broke t.be 11.T mark Mt by of Ute Oamea CommJttee, Don J:ddje Miller ta UHi and• tied by Perldn11, briefed memMrt of Or- JobD Martl.n In 1946. ange 20-SO TUe~y .. final touch- IXl'ILOV&llE.NT PAT.Orr ea were put oo pl&na for tonlrhl'• BNtt;r. ~ hardaet worktnc• Oranr• In'l'ttaUon&L I eplk ... r on the Harbor Hlrh cam-1 p1.11, demONrt.rat.ad the pay-otf of The prorram r eta underway at Ida conal&Dt Improvement by bl&a-8 p.m. 1n the Chapman ata<llum u Inc the half mil• In 1:01. Thia clot>-five lndependt nl collegea compete Mrad Sd Kina''• 2.<>3.6 Umlng aet for the Southern Ca.llfornia track la 19N. Deepit.e tw.ll1nc t.he local cbamplon~Jp amid a n array of tnark, a-tty daMlhaated w1th R1· the world• top tracJt men enterl'd Ya1 H•t.r of Torrellce and the In th• al.s lnvttaUonal event.a. ~ awarded ftnt to H•tar. Dick Dor.ey or 8anta Monk a ·l.A.n7 Cutro, Buuet i.....,. CC, a lut m inute f'l\try ID t be ln· cru.-eoaat.17 cb&mploa. wu ere-YltaUonal Junior CoUef e century. dJt.d wtth a 2:00.I IA the ennt rounda out • field of •printers that -.ru-Ulla -..on, but tMt tum-makea thl1 the top ennt of Ila ad OUl to be ta error. Cutro'a ac· kind ~ anywhere thla year. tual UJM ... 2:02.a. Running a lletlMllOn•I 9.5, Fri· Beatt;r'a a.rd work, wbkb found day , Doraey aet the beat tlme aeen the lithe lo8d nmniz1C "-2!t on In Southern Callfom la thl• 11e•· tlU'ouSb Sluter V&eaUOll by cop-aon and recorded the aeoond beat -p&ns both the mile and halt mile llm11 In the naUon. D-MONSTRA TES FORM AT OCC One or the out.at.uidin« gotr profe1111onat1 tn 'Ule Un6ted State.a. George La.ke. public ~laUona representaUve of the PGA. w\11 ahow a ~If tum and conduct demonlltr&Uon.a 'during open hou11e at Orange Cout College W e d n e • d a y night. .... Lake baa been UM muter of ceremonlu at many ~If cllnlca and la known .. a ~h of c.h&mplona. He will show a film demonatrating llhota by aome of the master• of the game throuj!hout the world u well aa lnatrucUoaa for be- &lnnera. L&ke will be a.lated by Bill Parker, El Toro; Kurt A~I. Laguna Beach Country Club: Bill Mut. San Clemen~; Jay NWIAally. Sant.a Ana Country Club: a nd Art R.owt. Jmne Country Club. The procram w1l1 at.art at 7 p.m. ln the new audlt.ortum. Jt ~·Ill be open to the public free of ch&rg«'. cturtq the lACUD& Ba&ch Invtta-p;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Uona1. ......S h1m a raUnc belida the Tara top miler, Tod Whl~ n-boya an apacUd to be Ute _. Newport Hartlor enlrt• ln 8&tW'd&y'a Compton InvttaUonal. 1'0P PDl'OUIANCW:S RINDdlft&' out lop Yanity per• fonn&DOl9 at DlceJak>C' ware White wtt.h a t :U..t mile; DOii Meredith, 15.I la the hlP b&nicadea, &nd Tom Troo6en, cle&rtnc I ft. 10 ln. to tJ• for ftl"lll In the lqta Jwnp. .A.Jdl.nl ltntpp'a performance w1th ftnta tor U.. 8&ll« B'a wen BW Pin w1Ua a a :au c:lockUlc tn the 1110; Olefta Buford, 1t ft. 2 tn. In th.e lll'oed JUlllp, and l>trk Canahan, ca.utas 6 ft. 7 tn. tn ate b"" Jmnp to tie for tap apot. ftod wu.a. . .,ukad the local .. ,.. .... Gm n.tt ~ ol ,uoun. aipboeed tr'Olll oae Of tM U. a. Pa9t. OU\ce tnaa. pu1led la the rev of tha Oof'Oft& del Jllar poet offtC. WU re. pan.eel to pollH .A.prll • by v.,. Wa'-, 111 Ooldmrod AYe., ,. ....... ()Al.lo ··-w ' THE SHADE SHOP .......... !f..,...e ..... ........... om. \J DON'T GET --STUCK! 11 --. "A ... L .r -.:::,.· For a Good 8entc.ble FMCe Yem Need Qmlty lla&erlala ud ExperieaClf!CI .. How To Do It" Advice YOU 01:'1' llOTB AT QUALITY FENCE, INC. 5 ft. Redwood fence, Installed $1.39 per ft. . DO IT YOUUELP' .um llA \"E ..... pM "' Chain Link fence, Installed $1.15 per ft. DO IT YOCU&LF AND IA\"& , , • Me pu ft. ' -SEE US nDS WEEK - -Open All Day Suaday- QUALITY FENa Inc. COSTA MF.SA l '79 E. 17th St. L{berty 8-4M5 Haney MA7er of eo.ta Mea WU IJMJ9d of tl>a tlaJd dlU'inC the race, but falJad to fln1ab when hla DoretU did a blt of cutUn1 ur-. ~ -,_,.. .... Mayw llroQPt -.t UM ftnit forelp can ta to Uae Butlor A,,... Other N.wporten partlclpattns ln UM ouUns from wbkh all pro- the first round occurred on the third th ·e leit(1.ha ha.ck ot the Irvine courae. h<Milln&' SDRC abtll. Jerry Ban· LOW QR088 dlclt rowed one, Andy KarUn two, Low l'T08a champ of the fteld Tommy Piette three and Rod wu Kra. Georr e Fruehllnr of Lauter atroke wllh Al Baker u Sant.a Ana. She ahot a 76 l.n co11-aln. . Clue A . Taktnr Clua A IOw net The loca.la lay ott for a ~ to wttb 62 In the "home-and-home concentrate on .ua.tsbl workouta, rlnpr'' eYent wu Mra. Jack Blaia· and then p t M.ck Into competi- dell of Santa Ana. lion a t B&Jlooa en.lit (Piaya dal Irvin•'• COUt'a Mn. Ron Smith Rey) acainat Ula UIUYanlty ot WU Cl&M B low STOU wUh 8' and Loe Ang'de9 treehm• ~l IO. Mn. Robert Gardner low net with ... Othtt 01.ua B'a were Mra. Robert ~ lrr1IM. .,, ..... Mn. w. & Dtckheon, n \ti. ,.,..,· Evel"l'll Tawney, el, and Vellta Warde, 69, all Santa Ana. OTllEJl WL~ISIERS IUB'r OP .. / J'VUfft'VD REFINl8JDNG 8BOP Clua C low pou went to Mra. cffda went to the cancer Fund Allen lJ.nqulat, Jn1ot. 88. Mra. PaeJa ....,....,. were Tef"7 Cox ln ~ Triumph-Qeorg-e Ward, Sant.A An•. 62. took ............ aad • lldwanl .. r IA hla MB low n.t. Mr&. PJlce WIJ.8 Clue D .• Jl'tnHt BynUletlc. lCn&maJ Special. low grflllll with 91. Low net went Vaml.ab or Stain LL Col 8kJp Swartley ot ~-to Mrio Georre Preblt, Santa Ana. ~ BMcb fl.ni.bed flrat ln hi.a 'fV!lh 63. c1-at the ~ He wu tooUns Jn all. tbtn' were 24 winner-. 12 an Oeca. from u ch club. ....... s3so 5 piecee $15.00 W • B swcWa.&e I" ANTIQUE & ZOIATON.: rtNISID.8 Phone Yor i:.timatee It Plclll·up a.me. A UBREY ELLSWOBTH na...._.u. UWrty .. TNl llaltiet' .. .,. . io•fw1Mh Munsingwear STUTCHY-SEAT UJUS ...... ..,,__,.., ,,,.,_ ., --' ... "',..,.. 'l ON TD OCL\.X J'll01l'I' a&dM ....... On• ahort block ,,,. Ule N.wport PW N.wport 8.-dl • • wa om:••• OIUIZK ftAMl'a "nil...., ........ ol ..... ••• lmM with 6ne .. "·nm•t.bea- ....,.. OOW»WT l'OUCJL ..... .._ .... .u.i... •-Ire , _. .-.. ~& ft.Y. it.le el lone wearla1 lOq~ U1ht· ....... IB&W eoHoD ..,.._...., ...... a.. ....... ._ ~-=-.:.?r' • ......... .... ----- AUSTIN -HEALEY for *Sm.rt Styling ,., .. ~ .... ~·· J OUr eoar w'IU. tlww laUol"M -t MIVI',.. of plaatk: ~•f'd ftbl"f'. D • r a b I "~ w a t e r • ,...pela...t. Cholcie ot colon. * Positi~• Protection PLAmc COATED FllRE 5 Pass. Ccn • • • • • l'"STALLED J Pass. Ccn • • • • SARAN PLASTIC 5 Pass. Ccn • • • • J Pass. Ccn • • • • l:SSTALLED • • • • • FREE! With Every S.at Cover Sold This w .. 1 - FLOOR MAT Sia a .. utiful Colon From Which to Choose Now Making Dellwerles of the most popular of all high 1peed IPOllTI CARI 12985 • standard equipment 111cludea over-drive heater, wire wbeela and full tonneau cover We lnvt~ 7011· to come In and drive tM A..U.-B.ue1·todaJ. HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC. DeUlr' Ill MO ...a U.. NEW lfG MAGNETTI: la>Alf Ol'Df RJJID.AD .AJt'D ZVDJllfGA ·- lift B~r Blvd., = 008TA lfl&!. -...,Llbel'tf 8-f!OI! -- - PAGE 2·PART111-NEWPOflT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS . THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS 87 IOI llATRENl' There eeema to be a combination of reeult. from the equinox, vernal happening• and occurancea in Sacramento that will t hr·ow WI into a tizzy come midnight Sunday. Or, will it a ctually be m idnight· Sunday! Anyhoo, we will grup our little yatcbes and clockl ln our firm handa and tum -1 with that LoulalannJ accent. let'11 11t'e now, do w~ turn FOR-lo, If you're aavortnc aome Bay- W ARD. or do we turn BACK-ou country mentu teeturu why not WARDS! kill a pair of tealhered 'blrda with WlUC'H WA\'! a alngle pebble and attend llalbOa Do we caln or loee llleep 1 Illa Oale'• S~turday night Com- Oawah, what an awful predlca-munlty Sing T" ment! So we pi.n to do SOME-"Draw one by the fl~;· la the THING about It this comlnc Sun-way Jack Gosney ordera your fa- day, or \jondBy ayem, and In the vorlte tep brew to be aerved coz- meantlme decide to rnjoy somr of ily by the open tlreslde at the the 11&\'ory food and rerruhment rtrate where many meet to eat a vailable In our goodly Harbor and 11ip and exchange pleuantrlea a rea restauranta and lounge11• 1 about tht11 and that. Fix· your own Memo 'rrom Fred Krau~ of · hot dog O\'er the blue at the l hamrock fame: He haa ocq~lred 1rtratt'. It's fun! Vaux' Supper Club In B&Jboa., Ll'RU'AL A~OSPHl:.1'E Port tftleatre announce• a two week ron of the movie "!:ut of Eden" bued on J ohn Stelnbeck'11 aucceaaful publication. Accordlnf to Johnny Oltford, manager of the Corona deJ Mar clnema-houal', "Jamea Dean. the crealeat lltar discovery of the year tuma In a very a peel al performance ln his very tlr11t picture." "Eut of Eden" 11tarta It• ron Wedneadoy, April 20. Shown a bove lrom scene of movie a re Julie Hanis a.nd Dl'sn. LIDO SONG WRITER PLANS TO PAY OFF DEBT NOT HIS OWN Xntuae m!Qml3 us that he hu tr you're a. CrustrRted l!IOng wr!t- booked a return en1ar;ement ot er and cannot think of a theme the scneatlonal rom<'dlan Arthur I how'11 about atopplng by Cbrl8- ••J.1ad Mftn'' WaL1h beginning at 'I t!AQ'a Hut one c\'e 11<1on ! Work Vaux' Tuesday. AprU 26. There on tht'se: Food A Grog. On the Will be a pair ot ahowa nightly. I Bay at Balboa. Tahitian Room. A debt not of his doing is slated to be paid off lJlnlnc and danclnf will be a jChlneae oven Roasted Pnme Bet'f. by Song Writer J ohnny Mer cer of 108 Via Koron, n gulal'ly achedu~d program ror Exot ic South Setlll drinks-. Got It! Vaux patrvu. A hlghlig-ht or Fred Nur aald! Lido Isle. Mercer, starring in Musical Chairs on lrnwic'a pl&Mlnf fe the S11mJ11y Don't• let lhe cara perked In K'l'TV and Saturday night seen on the Donald Brunch, aerttd from t :OO fl.m. 'l\l front of th11 Ardll•t1 fool yo. J ohn-O'C l . . h J :OO p.m. Tllke F'red'• word for It, ny Vllelle'a coast Hlghw11y 11pa 11 o nnor tc ev1s1on s ow, is putting up $300,000 to "lt'a a really bl., brrakfasl _for 11Ull cloaed. ?ttr. V 111 aroun d and clear a 28-year-old debt. laaathan a buck!" about getting really for the re-Th d bt b in 1927 h J ohn Majurl, out at Hubor oprnlnr on the 29th. JOJ!t think of e e came 8 out w en the song Rouw, made up hi• mtnd t1> have all the r ood food he'll h&ve ready writer was fa his teens. Johnny's father, the late another Fun, Fuhlon and Food f~r you and In the meantime r H George A. Mercer, incurred the debt in the liquida- FroUc athr the cn.nd auccue or C'OOd •nd hungry and thinly!· tion of hi1 real estate and investment business in tbe lnlUaJ 4-F affllln So, come P. S. Those parked cars mu.11t thl• Friday eve at 8 0 • thtre wm !belonr; t o. the gnomn and lf'pra-Savannah, Ga .. at that time. be a aecon4 1'1'Jld p&nd• of beau-chauna who are aldlnl' J ohnny In "This isn't a one-man thing," Mercer eaid when tt"Ou• modela, music. entertain-I W. work about the Aror1'..., he arrive<l in California f rom New York Jaat w eek. rnf'nt, prtue, fine food and plt'll.11-DINNEll A.LA IVOlllE8 D . ant ertna for all tboM In alll'nd-1 You can l'njoy Buddy Rohner In eta1I•, he aald, should come from hi1 brothens, a.nee wtio wtab to ,.,iak•. th• Plano Lounl'' at TIMl caaia-George, W alter and Hugh Mercer in Savannah. or Make It a date for H. II. tomor-_.,.. nlsbUy before or &!Ur you President Oeorge Hunt of the Chatham Savings row eve. Danclnl' la now every have your dinner at Jolly Coburn'• k th lllgh\ -..pt MODda)r Md T\IMday "ffUltop Rende:rvo~." Ban ere. Hunt i• liqyidating agent of the com- out at ~ Jlullor Bh•cS. "How.t." Buddy furnishes jWlt lhe ril'ht p a ny. DOW1l pMt i.,una Beach a kind of muslca.l backdrop for the The elde r .Me r cer died in 1940. "He wished he Aort llLUllbo JOU'U t1nd ~ mo.t enjoyable scene of the e,nUre Id k i,.... ........... L ftonnle R&rtlor area as tt untold'• 'neath cou ma e all the debt.a good," hi1 song writing Jeat'• Trto pni"4k dance mu•lc your tappln1 feet. son said. "He made good all he could. I'm just try- and entertainment nl1bUy from Hu anyone net told you that lng to finish it up. t :IO p.m. to l :00 a.m. Other mem-a..-, In BaJOO.. la a "mu•t" for ------------~------------ben o/. the Trio are Hal Ji"laher bualneum•n from thla area and , 1 and Kary Allen al.lo from L. A. "110 entertain lm· Lut Um• for 'A Man Called l'lart et Orange Cout Colltge on Open every d~y except Wednu· porta.nt cllenta 'lll'ho have to be Im· Petrr" la Salurday at the Udo. Tu-lay 7:30 p. m. May 10, It wu day 8-fant •It• high on the LA· preu ed '! Sunday atarta "The !Ucen." The announced today by Or. Thomu pna llhoru eamlng Its tlUe ITALIA.N CHAA.\f Balboa 111 ,.showing a twin bill of A. Blakely, dean of adult educa- "•howplaco of the cout .. Don't cet lh• Idea that O,..._ "Man With A MIWon'' plu1 ··oown Uon. · olfo'a ha.I only food \o t.all• out. 'nlre• De.rk Street.a.'' The Pon The lecture 1t>rlH la entitled MEE MEE 1'1£1: MU True, they love to prepan r..i Theatre, In Corona del Mar, ii fea.-"Europe in 3-D." Vivid colored Dick and Kate Dent advlaea ua 11.allun plua (or complete dinner turtnl' "l:ul Of Eden." pictures will be projected of the t hat all the •lnl'lnl' down a t thelr I tor your home UM, but Frank and Wonder If .we all rem. embe.r De-Shakeapeare Country, Scotland, Balboa Inn c.fe l1n't under the Gtna eacerly aw&lt your arrival cember l5lh lut, which wu t•I· the mountain• and fjords of Nor· d1rertlon of Dorothy Neablll on at their cozy spot on Balboa Blvd. Jed "S·D Day" when we all re-way, the Gennan Rhineland, Saturd-.1y night a. No •lrtt, thl.a l l'• for the 11Vhole family, too! aolved \o m&kl' EVERY DAY fiwltzerland, and the Fr enc b pupular pair of Blllbo&l\JI uplaln An~ ""' for °'" ct.nema ? At the 8A1''E DRIVING DAY Play'! It RJvlera. t h:11 ther~·11 ll gonJly 1upply of Ml'1o1:, .1 C-011lil Mu.a, you may aee ea!e, but do have tun. atone&U O'Brien, artlat. photo.r· •ln);'lng oC the prallt'I of Chef "Unw .1ed" through Saturday raphe,r, traveler ancJ lecturer, will Set Public Schools. Clean _ · Up Week ·1n· Newport~ Mesa The e.nnual atag dinner of the Balboa Angling Club wUI be held tomorrow at the Irvine Country Club atartlng at 8:30 p.m. Plan• for the comlnl' year will be outlined at the dinner, theee to Include a llrht tackle marlin toumamtnt whlrh wu w ch • INC· ce111 whtn the club held It 1 .. t year. acconlln( to Fr1d Her11hom, president. IALIOA INN • CAff COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m. Deily (Cloal'd Tueaday) • SATURDAYS • Dorothy Nesbitt 1 .. d1 COMMUNITY SING IN BALBOA NOW SHOWING l\{>ORT~~~ .... ~-t . . . . ... '\ Henry Junes' 1.Mectable dl1hu "The Bl' Combo· fitUU Sunday: E L be the apea.ker for the aerlu pre· 1rope ecture. aentt<l In the Art Center Gallery.'::==~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~ The lttture1 wUl continue on i.tay ;: -----s • SI t 'd 11, 24. and 31. Those having PIAN ST ORGANIST ··-~ ~ . .,_ .. ' I "" •·'. ~ -~ . --:-. •~-we • I~ ;.;j .. f ; ,• ~ .. " J!· .. ' ~ ' .. .JI ' , NIW STAI AT UDO THIATIE A new '°"11 o1 &be ICl'elG la, Bella Dant, lA one of ber ttnt plctWM, ·on. ftaoen." Tiie plctun 18 p1'ytn1 at Ule U4o Tbutn ._.,.,, 'nae MCOll4 Mt\ln on u.e procnm la, "'Land ot f'ur7,• a picture tum.s I.ft New f.M!and 111111ic •lthtty 9:30 to 1 :00 a.111. • ENTERTAJ'NXENT AND DANCING WITH Ronnie Kent's Trio Roa!IM K .. t. Bal Flllilfor, x.r, .&Ilea PHONlll HYATT 4-MOS FOR Rll8Cl\VATION8 OPEN EVERY DAT EXCEPT WEDN,l!:SDA Y Pt:NIMO ftOOM OPmN8 AT S P. K. "shewplac• of tlte coast" f I \ er1e1 a e polarold glLlllll'll are asked lo brln1; them. Thoae not hu•lnr polarold A lec:tur• Mrl• fe&tur\nr three-,..._ may purch&ae them at the dlm•n.lon•l color photognJIPll wm lect ure roi'" 2!5 centa. GranJo/lo 's - (formerly of Hemt't\ complete menu for the family , PIZZA e 8PAGJTE'ITI e \-A8 AOSA HOMJ: ·MADE KA \'IOU e MT.A.KS e SEA F<>OD FOOD TO 00 ' 511 1a1Hf llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 --1 $1 = = =::.: ~~~ -..... w ~ . -Jj:tGGia • -• rm:wmj BUDDY ROHNER PLAYING NIGHn Y in PIANO LOUNGE (~r 8 :10 p. m.) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Llb9rty 8·3071 "Superb Foot:/" •~o BD\'lt. .. ftOll ova oooa ., Well·known W~t Coast Blind A.rtiat Will Be A v ailable April 2!itb tor the Seuon. Ooatad DON ORANGE& --Lollg a.ch '7'"8ti88 • ageat for ll~ Yarborough THE PIRATE %8th St. at Newport Blvd. -Opell 10 a.m. daDy Tap Beer a& Ule '1reelcle -Rot Dop -._.. ·-Youaelf THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge Newport 111..s. • C-t lllP-.r ~'Y;WPOR'I lt&ACB • CLOSED f"OR \'ACATJOS RJ~·OPf:X APRIL tt On~ Again for l.'our Pkasure John !Uajurl is Proud to PN't'W'nt FUN -FOOD -FASHIONS Fridar. April 22 -8 p.m. OOOR PRIZES • t:NTERTAL~MF.NT • MUSIC e AlllO e ~\'t:RY NlOHT DANCING Ut't'llt Mon. a Tun. ~ BARNEY LANTZ & his music 9 to l :SO a.m. 1f•rarbor .. JI ~ou.s~.1.t~. { "-'"'"'*" -(Joo/,ltN/ .t .. "',. 7" ...,_ --~ ----::. --_• -= 'C. tiliirltS-1!@r8 2260 Harbor Boulevard • Co•t. ~ c.Ji!onU. Open 7 Da19 A Week New Men• ll1cludes Italian DeHcacln May We Suggest From Our New FHtures VEAL ICAILOPUfl e LASAGNA e ra&A PAITIIS, IANQUm, « CLUI DINNBS PBOl'l'S J'Ot;& ama\'ATJOSI !'OW Hwllot lhcl. -wa.. Liberty 1-1543 HOISUY VICTOI IN MOTOI SUIT Divorce PIW LueuJe ~ ftW ., la lan- t.a .... ~ ODurt fw ·~ rrom JUela&nl c. ...... ot Hew• ) o.cli60ll WU made In (a~r ol d•fendant J'r'9CI Hor•7, IOl &mp JloU, a. & 8\Jlt eb&rt- Ull' mlar"Pl' .... talJclll In Ula &ale ot a boat. llorale.y, ac· co~ to the allepUou of Kr. and Mn. ~ Plen, and Illa .. ent A. J:. JUcUrdaon had told the Ptera that the en-ctn• In tbe boat "Merry H" wu a 18~2 model. Actually the couple coa- lended the boat motor wla a lilt& model. In the tore part of t he action Jud•• Raymon Thompaon dl1mlaaed the ac- tion ... lnat Rlchardaon and h.U ente~ hie Ju~ment In !AYO~ Of Horaley. port Be&cb. ,,.. .... , ... l'rff apU~ _.. 'N•htl in• tereet tHta tor 9d\&Jt1 MU M ad• mint.tu~ a t <>reap Olut O>I· Iese on T\Maday Wlllilll. APl1l ll al 1 p.m. In leience 10, &l wu announced today. 'J1M tMY &N .,iwn ae a part ot \ht adu!l •· cation counMllns &Ad pktuce procram In order that a.d\llta ._., ~· t.belr •trenctJ18 and weak• MUii. B ll l B : : A'~, , . ; / 8T UTll NEXT WSDJllUDA V "CON9Um OF' SPA.CF' Last Time Sat. . aJOllAP TODD, n:A.'11 pnr.u "A MAN, CALLED. PETER" AD\ 6.~·ri Kt: l'l("TI 'Rf: • MAN'S LAST PAGAN WILDERNESS ••• dtfJl•I clwlNut• wltll 111 fta ,..,.""' .... , •• , ,...,. . ' JlCI lllWllNS. GLms JOOS I t' I ' J I I I ' I I j NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111-PA6E J THURSDAY, APRIL 21 , 1955 JOHN SCUDDERS IN - MANUFACTURING FIRM · New AnaMlm Plant of Window, AN!:'(!:-':! .=. ~~-'=~r R~-~ 0. RuMU CQ, of CleTeland, lead· dow Oo., at Tuatlli, a dl•trlbUUns I a... JDUUfactunr In th• natJon of .uNldiary of th• manufacturtnc aluminum windowa and doora, will plant. 1 .tart t.mmediata conatnacdon of a The new plant will employ about ta,000 eq. f t. manufaetunn1 plant 100 J*>Ple, Connolly Mid, and be at the clt7 limita ot Anaheim to •rect.d on a 12-acre 1ile at ~ ..,.,17 tt. wut ~ di.tnbutinl' eoutbwe1t com er of B&ll Road and IDtaruta, It wu cll.11eloMd. LewU St. In , the count.)'. Future EVIRS'UARD UNE AT SHOW Da .... ., for loftl Born to Ma1"tllf Cpl. Ro~rt J, LOve •nrt Mrs. Love or Coeta Mua. a f1rl at the Coron. Naval hosplt.al April 7. ' BE SURE· INSURE .. .. .. llA VRIC'E ~TANL.1:1' ........... o.i, ...... HarMI ,.,. UIS r.. C-.t RIPWQ' <.'oroaa ..,, Mar Ne~ Variety l'OVR A aad JO 8TOU W e Gin Crow. siam.- °'-a t 'roat Neer PW NEWPORT BEACH MISA UPHOLSTERING c, ........... ~ LDe1tJ M11l " H088El .F.88 CABBJAOE llEET8 BUFFALO-When Newport Beach B.oneJw Car- Tilt property wu r~Uy pur-plan• Include a 75,000 1quare foot cU.Md by J obA H. an · Valerte ~on. accordinc &p CoMoUy. 8cudder of US North B& J'ront. A variance to conetruct the B&lbo& laland. who'b&ve an Inter· plant at the location· hu already Ht In the corporaUon. been cranted by the Orange Coun· &n,tneer• of Scudden l'ood Pl'o-ty Plannlnc Commlaalon. ducll Inc., are coutdertnc • tract The J:vergua rd Ma.rlne Line, dl1trlbuttd throughout the United State1 and In .everal fGrelgn countrle1 from Newport &at'b, 11 repruented currently at the Sport-Boat Show in Loa An• geles. "Nal" Seal, 1hown above In the Ever&"Uard booth at the popular 11how. bl'em• with pride over the ruponlfl to hw Uva bait tank. A.crordlng to Seal, "It actually keepa llv• baJt freah longer." South Cout Co. and "Vic" Barry are local deaJer1 for the Evl'rgu1rd bait lenk. Boat fenders a.nd bumpers and dock bumpera end wheels are additional product. featuring the l!lverguard name. The display or theae a:nd other ltenu made by the local marine 1upply firm will be ave.ilable to vtellore to the Sportsman Show. llH N9'p&. IMN.. o.a. ..._ riace Club held it.a first drive Sunday part d the trip wu around the winding roads of Buffalo Ranch on MacArthur Blvd., where the drivera could eee the buffaloes and right back at you. Above la the 1906 lix-cylinder Ford driven by Nelson Holmwood, V.:hlch, with lta big wheel.I, galloped around the prairie like a bronco. -Staff Photo or 11 acrea In Anaheim at 1oe22 Highway 101 u a 29.!Jlble 1tte for a new factory, tt wu learned. Plana to oonatruct the plant were announced by Jamee ll. Con· PIONEER VEHICLES IN I CLASH WITH BIG BISON PtoneeN et the a uto lndu.try 11\lxed with pion.era ot the fttal American plain• Sunday' when 33 example1 of the output of the lhen 1tru111Inr auto plant• chugged around the Buffalo Ranch u part of the !Int meeting or the Ht>nie- 1 .. 11.1 Carriage club ot Newport Beach. Tiie meeting waa under direction of NelllOn Holmwood, 308 Holm· wood DrlYe. who had !Ive ot the early care \n the parade. The urliut car ahown c1at.d back to 1900 and wa• known u the "Autobur" In thoae day11. Jn reality It wu a pepped up bUff'Y or the type lrnown aa "Gig" a monC' the tef'n arerw and theolr g•I•. only the 1hattt had btien takl'n away and undem e&th a two <'yllndeor. 1lx-hor1e power ,.. engine bad been ln1talled. TtM!y even forgot to take the whip 1ocket off. The 1u t•nk wu undl'r th• Onl' ..at. ANCU:~T AUTOIHiO The Autobuft waa driven Sunday by J im Hetlln, 4:19 Holmwood Dnve. with hi• daughter Mary, art 1tudent at Orenge Coaat Col· lege. Thi• car l1 the property of Holmwood u wu th" early DodgP which hi• wire drovt'. Pl'rhapa Lhe moat sptttAcular r •r In the exhibit w11 lht' Mc Far· l11n, a 1923 product which ca.l $14.~ nl'W, It had bet'J) built tor \he theft actor W ..uac. 1'all. \M ctoeed·ln rur itectlon havlnr • 1puktn1 tube IO lhat the own,.r C'OUld communicate w1th the <'hauf· feur Without •ny 11ndJ(Dlrled ral•· Ing M hla voice. There were alllO flower viue11 and nlher llttlt trin· • )(l'te lo makto It la..de-da. Thia t'ar Abo ti.loaa:e lo Holmwoed and wu driven by ht• "°"· 8£11-L UBllJCJATOR Holmwood hlmaelf drove a rari- ty. a ttoe Ford wllh Ila cylinders. Mo.t p.ople renwmber Henry Ford nf lhoee d•Y• for the Model-T and few l"eallU that h• ventur•d into the •la ,cyllnder rwld. Perhapa the moet outltAndlnf thing about the car la the lubrlcaUon 1y11tem. which wu dealgnl'd afll'r tholf' tlaed on 1tation.ry 1tl'am l'nginu In thoM daya. U <'h cylinder hlv· Ing Ila own oil llne connecl11d to a drip cup ao lhal ll wu pop lble !or the dr1vl'r lo ""' and rl'1tulatf' Just the amount of oil each cylln· dl'r wu gelllnit. They had •ttam CUI lD lhOH d•Y• and George R. ~ad of 2488 Rlven ld41 Drive, Santa Ana. wu <'ardWly toolln1 a 1904 Stanley 8teaml'r arourf<I l.he rench Sunday With Ill Ouh boiler and powerful enlrfne Ud1 u r h•l1 u llttll' t rouble malting the ateep hllla •nd aharp cul"lu at Lhe r•nch u any of Ule nollca. Another car that wu amon1 the first of a fine lint' ot can and truck• ot t.bo8e da)'I wu U'le ttot While driven by Geor1e Shaler of 8&n Ber1\&rdlno. CAN'T Ori' TffUI NO MORE A •howy ca.r wltb Ila 1hlny bnMll name plate all ovn lhe front ot the round radiator wu Ole Reo, a 1907 model driven by B. L. Mar. ton or 709 Poppy Drive. Earl Bruah, or 42& Poln .. tua. had a 1111~ Model-T Ford on which he had done a lot of work the nl&ht before and up to the time he had leU for the ranch and he 1tlU had the greue on hie hand• and whl1ker1 on hla race to prove bow bu.y he had been. Few people or thl1 (eneration have heard of the Flandere, but there wu one •t the show, driven by Kenneth Manley of Lo• An· geles. The cu WM buJlt 1n 1911. The Hor1elu11 Ca.rriage Club Is planning to join the national club and on rettlnl" ILi charter wlll hold an orcanlzallon meeting and elect orncer•. u cordinl" to Holm· wood. Juet how .oc>n lhla wlJI be he wu not IO certain. He believe• there a re m any more early car1 In thl' Orenre county area which wm turn out at another meellnc . College Appoints 1 New T eachen Seven nl'W ln•tructora have ~ appoinltd tor lhe 190~·641 IChool yu.r by the b<Hard or truatee1 of Ora.n&e COasl Colle&•· They In· ..... l\obert a . rCllt'dt "-Wuh· tn.ion State Coller• ae Instruct.or 1n !:n11l1h. Stephen lM&C from Ontario .rhoola u cou:nMlor end lnatructor In p1ycholOfY, Fr!lncu M. lAwrence Crom San Franclaco Slate College to teech bu.aln•• tducallnn, Ruth E. Muon from M"11o-A therlop Hlg~ School u lnat.ruclor 1n phyalcaJ educaUon, n-vln J. Koran from Blanford Unlvtrally u lnatructor ln elec- tronic• and mathemallca, Lucian D. S<:ott trom Taft Junior College u tnatructor In dra.ma and Enf· ll•h and Dr. Ja.ne R. Ma~n from Ea.st Contra Coeta Junior College to tf'ach ptychology and M'nte aa counselor. Thole appolnltd are a porUon of the twelve addlUonal tn1tructon ••hlrh t.he truatffl have authoriz· ed the admlnl1lratlon to .eek. It 111 anticipated lhat enrollment at Oran1e Cout Collere wlll be In excl'M or 1200 In recular day ('lauea next fill. County Receives Feb. Tax Share SACRAME:\'1'0 -(CSSI Sta te Controller Robert C. KfTk· wood toda y M noWJced a pporUon· ment or 1116.973 to Oranre county u ll• ah•re ot guollne tuea col· lectl'd dut1ng February. Hlfh""•Y u1u1 revenue for tht month totaled $30.t u .2u. or which $5,281.883 went to counUH . 12,. 00.481 to cltil'I. and 122,783.090 to the ltate hlrhw•y fUnd for road coNtn.lcUon. SHE KNOWS HER GROCERIES SHE KNOWS WHERE AND WHAT AND HOW TO BUY TO MAKE HER FOOD MONEY GO FURTHER. SHE ALSO KNOWS HOW TO SAYE EYEiY WEEK She depolih • ret"'-r amount Heh pey-dey to heap make her fernify'a drHms come truel COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ,.., "........ ..... LDHt1 .._..,, WlMIH N OH.,_l Ol~Mt IMWl AMCl COO OIAflOM April Shower Dance Tomorrow at OCC Opens College Social Whirl Th• April 8how,n Dance 11ehed- uled tor tomorrow evenif\S a t Or- anre Cout COUece wtll uaher In an &ctlve eoclal HU<>n for local collea1ana. accordln&' to De&n Marie v. How•. Th• April Shower D&nce la a traditional event on the Cout IOClal calendar. Next 0CC IOCl&l affair wlll be the Shipwreck B&ll, at.aced annu.ally on Pirate'• 0&7. FORMALLY aPONllOUD Th• dance ll betnC fonn&lly 9J>011aored by the lntar-Club Coun· cll. Chu . .Maler, ICC pnaident, I• seneral cbalrm1n .. a.led by Dardle Bch&efer. Dean M ar I e Bowu and MJaa Dor18 Raef art advt.o1'8. The "Eequlru ," ten plec. combo from Montl'beUo, will provide the melodlu In the Student Center from t p. m. unUI midnlr ht. Ad· mlulon la frN to 1tudent body card holders, 23 oenlAI per pt"r-an wllbout. UMBULIA TllEID: Vari-colored ~h umbrellu will be u9ed u decoraUon1 to ('&rr)' out lhe theme of th• dance. Each umpllll club will decorate an umbrella ln the compeUtion for priaea for the most appropriate entrtu. Club11 which ar11 e lf}>fcted to Prep Play Joist Set for College Stage on May 13 A one·&ct play toumammt for Orange County high 1choola wlll be stared on the ntw auditorium a t Orange Cout CoUere oo Jtlay 13, It WU dlecloeed today by J. Robert Kut, college drama dlrec· tor. F.ntrlea have been received from eight high achOole In t he county. Plana call tor four play• to be pre· Mnted FTlday 11rternoon, May 13, •nd four to ~ preaented Friday evenlnc. A dJnner for partl::lpant. will be held In the Student Cent..r ~twffn the two 1t'cllon1 of Ult toumaml'nt. Awaf'U wlll be preMnled to Ult wtnnlnJ 11ehool1 and to oui.ta.ndln& actore llnd at'lre11ea. Knt. aald. Thoee high Khool• which have entered play• are: J'Ullerton. Nl'W· port Harbor, Garden Grove, Cap· l1tnno, Lacuna Beach, Anaheim. La Habra and HunU:n(ton Beach No adm1Mlon char1e 1.8 belnr made lo t.he tournament and the public 11 cordially lnvtt.ed to att«1d. Keet -.ld. particlpat.e are Alpb& Gamma s~ Pedq'oeuu . F1Jcker1, BlacJc ICMlp, BusinMI Leaden. Btolou, Archery, lnt.em&Uona.J RelaUon1, Student Cbr1aUan Auoclatton, Ski. Youns Fannen , Eta Beta Pl, s..runc and Drama. ORANGE COASTERS TO SEAT OFFICERS Oranl"• Cout A.NoolaUon will meet tomorrow noon a t Newport JJ,arbor Yacht Club. New orttcen wlU be lnataU-4. Dave Olmlte&d oC Newport Harbor will •rva u prest. dent, Bill O&lllenne of Hunt· l~ Beach and P'. W. Hick- man of Seal Beach are V1ce· pruldenll. H. r. K.nny, New· port Harbor, will conUnue to 8erva u eecret&ry-t.reaaunr. Mapplnl' of pl&u and pro- ,.ram• tor the year will take up UM bUollneM meetlnr . CM Man Meets Tragic Death in Mud Film Mari&ao 8. 0aueta. II, ot 2111~ Harbor Blvd., Coeta M•ea; drown· ed while clea.niJlr out a 1000 rat· Ion water 1torac• tank ln Norwalk at mldnl(ht Monday. There were two lnchH of mud MMI water In the tank. Guacln wu work\na with a crew employ•d by the Banta Ana Paci· fie W•ter Company. A fellow worker reported the taJl)( had bttn drained when Oaucln went lnelde to clean out the mud. J:le aald the victim •tarted 1haJc1n1". ftnall)• fallinr face down. Th• co-worker attempted to pull O&udn ouL Shenfr1 depuUu found l.he vk - tlm'• body 1tuck In the tAnk, hl11 Jep 1Ucklng out of a U.lnch drain hole at the •Ide. lt took lhJ'ef' dtpullee ten mlnuw to r •l thf' body ouL Artificial ruplraUon and UN or a ~eulcltator taJled to re· vive Ga ucin. Initiate loyve1 Ropr Boyvey, the aon 0( Mr. and Mn. Harold 0. Boyvey, 1139 1 Weit Bal boa Blvd .. hu beet\ 1t' tla t · ed Into the Ohio Mu Cb.apter of Sip .a Alpha EplPlon tratemlly J:le 11 a treahman at Denntton Unl.,er1dty, Granville. Ohio. Semi-Annual REMIAIT SALE! Beautiful Ru91 end Carpets frorn • amen throw rug to • room sin rug. WOOL. RA YON AND COTTON Many, Many Colors, SiHs ertd QuelitiM 40'Yo off FOR EXAMPLE ••• 12 11 t 2 HEAVY VISCOSE RA YON a.1. Slto.to. !llOW 12 ll I 0 COlTON PLUSH PILE ....... tt,NOW 12 11 15 ALL WOOL 1141S .... M ,1'0W Dick Macker ~ CARPEIS UPNOUTUY • Of lftW UDO SMOPftNG CPTU J420 YM LWo • Newport HAllOI 4Jn Anderson Judged Sex Psycho; Will Receive Treal111enf. BANTA. ANA (0CN8) -A 90· da7 ltale h08plta1 period Of treat• ment wu ordered Friday for Rich- ard O. Anderaon, 2t, who ,.ave hi• addreu a t Ume ot arreet on a morala charge u ~ Anchor Trail- er Court., Coet& Meu. Andenon pleaded ruilty to mo- 1Mttnc two Sant& An& boya, U and nine Je&n old. Andel'llOft wu judc ed a M ii: J>llY· chop&th by two eumlnlnl doctoni. Bbt.h wrr•ted h• mll'bt benefit f rom J>11Ych1atrlc treatment. Crimi· nal proceedJnp have been eu.- pended pendlnC' the 1"911ulta oC PeY· chlatrtc tre&tment. lay Ave. Truck U1e Set for Earty Time Truck uae of Bay Ave. betwHn Maln and A Sta. henceforth will be made durinl" very early mom· lnc houre, city council wu Inform· ed Monday night by the traffic committee. The report recom· mended thla new arraniement, negot.lated by the commllt\e with Standard OH Co., be tried beforl' truck tramc reatrlctlona a.re im· poled. OPENING TUESDAY, APRIL 26 Vau; SUPPER CLUB --,...· IALIOA • Return of ARTHUR "Madman" WALSH "Funnier Then Ever" 2 SNOWS NIGHTLY DINING • D.ANCING "our food is the best" ll£8DVAftON81 BAllBOa 118' 'SUNDAY •UNCH f A. M. -I P. M. "• rHI bre•kfest -only IO'" fl · wers .:., v, ,, 11 HURRY TV ancl Home Appliance WJN.re You aa.o,. la OONnDENCE ud BUY tor LE88 SHOPPERS! SAVE! We are loMed wit.II UM flow --'• BepOHNt lo• ud ... team ....... A LL FULLY GUAl&4NTEl:D • A LL MAXES AND 81ZE8 19 95-P1llCl:D A8 LOW A8 •••• , • • • • , • e llA.RGAIN8 OALO&lt-0. all ao.. An" 1 1 ...._ ...&aewaaa.. ...... ~--..........._ ...... _. Deep n-ra. No l>ow1' p.,_\ ......... ~ We ......... U9der 8eM ••• 8Md U1 A O......._ .&.m .._.. A 0..... om. DI-.\ to le"'-r-.ae: OPEN 8UNDAY8 AND l:VZllT lmVD'DfO 11lnD.. t i• RELIANCE HOMI APPLIANCI •VICI CO. FACTS PRE>VE IT! GET THE FACTS ON "ALL 3" LOW-PRICE CARS AND YOU'LL HAVE PROOF PLYMOUTH IS FIRST& ftalT Df Illa-By acwa1 ~ anent. UM 19116 P\rlllouUl II tbe ~cu ol UM Jow.pnoe I . 11''1 ..,_ tqser than UM medl11Jll•pr1ce can.) Plymoutb Iii tnllJ' a .!!!I car ..• n feet klllf I ft&ST Df aOOlllJOH-PlJmout.h II allo UM ~car tn.i~, wtt.h UM rreat- • blp rooai and 1 .. room. Won comfort few 1001 And Plymout.h'I Uimk II bJ far UM l&rplt In lta ftald. na1T IN 'Ylll•ILITT-Ooapar1toD prcnw &.ba$ ptrmouUJ'I sWnorwl new Pull-Vie• .indshlekt-wtt.h coroerpoet.I swept back both ~P and bot~-11¥M you I.be rreat.eA v1llblllt1 of "&;11 a.• FOIST Df BEAUT'f-COmpue ltYUnf and aee •llJ Charm. a le.dine fuhlon ~utne. ehoae Plymouth "BeautJ BUT of the Year.M t>\1mou\.b'a Iona. lletk 1'onrvd Look wtm over the haod·rne-down AJl-iiii'Ot the "other 2MI nasT Df ICONOJIY -llmoothel& and thriftiest enl(tne of 1111 That'a ~ fut- 1tepp1na new t ...cylillder .PowwP'low U T. BllT BUY NEWi BETTER TRADE·IN, TOOi PLYMOUTH LOU RllD & UIOCIAftl 4J2J W. Cwt Hl .. wcrr Ha••4070 AfW ... , ht ........ ,, ................. "· 0.... .,_...,. Iu Cbrcme .. led Aotaoa llftm "'9 .... \homandl ot troable·fne mUea. n:aaT Df oomoaT..:~ .... JOU the IDOi& -ron&bie J1de JOU 9"r upertenced In • Jow-prioe car. Onl.J &he blaett oar In UM io.-...pnce n.ld eaa 11" JOU a. tiec·~ rtdlnl OGlnfon.. n&IT Df DTaA 'YALCS-PblDClllllllll rtvea JOU m&llJ atl'a·fthae feat.ulw &.hat I.be Motbel' r Jaw.prtce can cloll 't ba..., came 111 toda1 and Jet 111 lbow rou """ P!Jmout.b II ~for ...W.I I I ' GA' • ANT DY V LIVES UP TO ·PR UD MONIKER Castendpes Complete l4iOO Mlle Voyage From Chicago to Newport Gallant Lady V bu lived up to her name declare the J., Rau Cuteodyke., 618 Via Lido Nord, who returned Jut week with their new yacht after a trip which ltarted in Chi- cago, circled Cuba and included the Panama Canal. .. Gallant Lady, in~. and tbey 8bould know alter 8600 mllM and buckl.ns 100 mile plea • In a trip t.Aat took five ud a half ble. Tb97 were amazed a t the eise moothL Now Ued up at the CU-of }he mach!nery beln&' employed t~dyke dock the y&qit 1ooJu u and U1e lpeed wlUI which the dlrt trim u ahe mun have wben ata.rt-waa removed. Ing down the Chlc&&'O river, for there la hardly a mark oo her •hapely hull to •how th• bUfteUnr ah• took. At Panama they picked up Al PAGE '4 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21 , 1955 MARINE NEWS Tl DI TA ILE o.e. ....... . llt. 'ftme a ..... Low J'rtday t :OI L m. f .3 J :D& L m. -1.l AprU 22 l :U p.m. e.s 2 :Sl p. m. o.t Saturday t :6f Lm. •. o 3 :U a.m . -U Aprtl 13 t :n p. m.. ••• 3:09 p. m. 1.1 Sunday 10:6' .: m. • 3.a f ;JS L m. -1.S April U • lO:OT p. zn. e.2 3 :&1 p.m. . 1.• DAYLIGHT SAVING TOO: Monday H :OOp.m. 3.5 • ... 5 :28 a. m. -1.S April 25 10:17 p. m. 5.8 4 :39 p. m. 2.0 Tu-Say 1:1' p . m. · &.3 8 :32 a. m . --0.8 Aprtl 2' n :• p.m. u 5:42 p.m. 2.S Wedneeday ................. 7:U a.m. -0.5 AprU 27 2:ff p.m.,. 3.4 7:11 p. m. 2.e Thursday •1 :12 a.. m. 4.7 1:08 a.m. -03 ·AfrU SS f :Ot p . m. 3.7 9 :09 p.m. 2.5 IOATMAN AIDS PAIR ADRIFT IN OUDOARD <>ut o1 ... two au. on u.. jetty, OW. TomU..-Ud ft. W. Kottmu, llo" cl Nor- walk, ....,.. towed ta tbelr out· board motort.oat ..... to m- 111 Landina by J .. ICaplaa recenUy. Kaplaa ID .. Nora Kale wu dlrect.41 to tM w~ board by .. al~ Kaplan la a .. _... fll J1ot1lla U ot N.wpart ~ and la vtoe-commodore of the 11 lh Dtatl1c:t. u. .. Oout Guard Awdll&ry. Wbea be wu IMaa:Md b7 die airplane., liCaplu bucked a J0- 1 mlle .'Wind to tlnd Ole Olltbo&rd motorboat llblpplnr -t.r and drltunc farther ott --.. The boatmen, who expected their 15-foot craft to ...,..p m-.. ent.arily, were happy to •l•P ozito dry land aptn. NO Dll'FICtJLftU Cloud who had flown 1Qutb w. Cheri for-the trlJ! north. Com1D1 north U}n hit their hlaheat wind, over 100 mllea a.n hour and bucked It tor fl hours before ma>tin1 port. A&'aln Gallant I.Ady did her pa.rt. MANA.NA 8UVICE Two tJUnc9 impre&Md euten· d1k•. Be bad heard ao much about tJ th Y&ri • lt wu on their way north that ROME AT IABT-A!ter 8600 miles Gallant Lady V liea at her home pier in New- port Harbor. Bltilt fn Chicago for the J . Ro88 Caatendykea, Gallant.. Lady V .. w the Miuiaaippi River and two oceane before me wu tJed up at Lido ISle. -Staff Photo > Ci) n&8T rut.I. QU4.ST&Jl llO(>N Apr. 28 M•y e (f LA.8'l' QUA&TE& May u •• NEW 1100111 Apr. 22 Mesa Marl•······ Amonl' Ole SIT veleNU ot the Flnt Marine .Alrwtns I.bat arrived Tuellda~ at San l'r'anciaco wu T/Sgt. Charin I:. Howard. 9M Weat 17th St., Coeta Kea. difnc:u.I ea wt papers J.n oua they towid out that offklala along :;JfU but came to Und that ottl-the way, while 1lUI polite, do not clala, American and foretsn, ~re recognize any of the hurry which lloth court~ua and efficient. Thia 11 considered t'aeentlal In Newport wu etrpeclally true In Ban Dteco Beach. They ran Into a port and ' when the yacht antned after the were Ulured I.hat quarantine of· lot11' trip. They were lhrourh al· fklala would be ril'ht down. They moet before they 1t.arted. were. nearly aix houn1 later. Then ''Bani', ban&'· blul&'· Juat Wce' tht"y moved over to furl dock. They ttlat arul we were throu1b," Cu-gqt their d!'IMl oil the nt'xl day tendyke reported. •bout noon. M).nana, The aecond thin&' wu that food Arriving at Acapulco, tht' first In hla home town reatauranu la thing tht'y kntow they met up with eo much better lhr.n In famoua J.tr. and Mn. Phil Warn.I\ on beanarlee lie had bet'n told about We11twood. A day or two later .or had rud of ln piunphJeta and they found Mr. and Mr1. Willis f iction. C'.<>lng down th3 MIHiaaippl Hunt on & yacht near them. Also thry ltopped at xenlc polnta, Bl In lhe harbor were Malabu, Five Lout.I, Mempbl.I and naturally Bella. Talluca, Obaerver and South- made Ule -11 known apot.1 in New wind. Orleans. "We set better food rl&'bt here In Newport Beach. Corona del Mar and Laguna than In any of them," Cutendyke Mid. OUEST8 ABOAaD <'ll'annK the rut l'ncl of C\I.,_ "'*>' rt.n In at Halli and lhc-n J11ma1~a. Jt waa 11t K1nc1ton lhat 1hry f'llplodl'd !hi' old m yth ot ' BMllah 11l1ffnC'M lowanl forel~er11 Thl'y were trr•led 80 roya.lly a t the J amaica yarht club \.here that thty are 11tlll talkln1t about IL No- thin1t wu loo much to do tor th1m. Th<'r<' wu alway• a car waJUll( to take them Wherever they want· rd to ,-o, and a BrtU.h couple .. t up much of the nlrhl belfllnl' Mn. <:utendyke and Mnt. Hender-eon J<'l Ollr pe.uare lo Parut.rnL The J . Jl. H~«Mreona of Laa y,.,._. ha.cl JotMd the yadlt at Mh1.ml for the trip to Panama. bUt It wa~ decided that th• two wtw• ahoulrl avoid the Irma trip acrou thf' ltlllf. One bund~ &nd fitly boata In 17 c&a.Mea made 8&1bo& Y M:1't Club's 196~ l:U\.tlr l\4'ptl& a hleh- ly w cccHful event. Although thing• wrre a bit du.sty for the outside cluaH on Sunday, u far .. the 11klpf>\'r3 w40re conC4'rned n. Just mild!" ror ~ller ~Ung. . Ju baa ~tn lncrtaaingly evldtnl IA n cent ytan, Ole •lway1 cxclt· lnl Star boat claaa la back In force and topp«I the t'ntry U1t ln the oulalOe division with 14 con· tat.ant.a while 72 PcniuJIU ovr r- ab.adowed other cl&AMM!• In the .,_y aalUJlc compeUUo1t. Only aklppu to rtpeat a 19~ Ylctory was N.wport Harbor Y•cht Club's crack •klpperette. Mariann,. P~y. who took two firsts and a .-cond In th• J ~boet Rhodf'• tlttt to cop th«' t rophy by • i., point• onr NHTC'a Hook ~ardll4'r who led third place winner St.r&t En· rirbl. a.l.o ot NRYC. by a mPrt '\ po1nL Complete ruulta wt'~ u Col· Iowa: Arbltr&ry . Wind~on. K L. In t ... t u lp Gallant Lady a.pin provt"d ber ability to take It. Hlt- 111\11' a cro. W\nd, t.be yacht rolled tor dA.y9 while the mm had 1n •ll on the deck and brace themeel•H while UMy ~ned CUI.I of food and a ir Jn "J)itt nf lh,. p ie anli tht r(llling and the current• tht'y hit Panama ri1tht on the 11~. ON TOP-Becoming a pretty coru1i•tent performer ln the Thi.t.le clu. ii Neal Allen of Balboa Yacht Club who again &ailed hi.I ThJaUe Doon to victory in the BYC Euter Regatta lut wet'k-rnd. -BcclmC'r Photo Dol1nK. B'fC. Tu.er, Dave Grant. NH1:C: Evita. Larey Court,.r. BYC. PC Cl .... Chellen.J't. Dick On- vu, BTC; Palay Ann. Jar k Toon BYC. Caylln, 0 . G. Suea11. BYC. Rhn<lf'~ Whim. M11riann .. Pl'11r· r ), NHYT. ~""~.Hook 1V>11rd~· ll'f', ~HYC. W1tt'h. Rtrn F.nn~hl. :-.'HTC. "l juat flgurwd out lb• dlrtf'r~t elemeni.. a.r'l(I put bl"r on the a uto- matlc pilot. •nd Ul1l wu It." elf· plain• Cutendyk .. "He cati. It lock, but be can't M lucky evny Ume and he &l-11 hilt It.." a.ddf"d Mr L CaataldJ'ke. proudly. AGAIN 8t;IU"al.8ED Ag&in the Caatendyke1 ..,,,.. aurprllled by the offlcl•I treatment. not on.ly at quaranu.ne and entry. but In the canal. Tiiey bad hMl'd that yachll wtre handled rouplJ' In lbe locka. only lo get au of the care In the world. CUJebra CUl had Juat bffn d tared ..-a1n and \hey found the men bull)' tMrtnc down another mount&ln that. rnJg'bt allele l.n a t 80me tutur• time and male• trou· SecOlld MetG Police AlltO ltt Collisloft Marklnc the ffCOftd C<Ntla Mraa police car lnvolvf'd In a traffic accident dunng a ont·d•y period Apnl 6, Dia.le Jean T&¥lor. 22. of 13811 l.&urel, Santa An11. was In- volved In a colli.lon With I.lie ve- hicle dri~ by Otrletr Davlc1 Cole.mall Cre11 al the lnter-MC- Uon of Ne,,.'pGrt Blvd. and Jeth I t... Tlm• of lht' accld61t wu 8:17 p. m. No ln)url• were reported. O~g Mld he atartt'd lo enter the lll&'hway Wt'~l ott 19lh I'll. The Taylor auto ltrUclf the police car l.n the r!Jhl bll.lld lane while trav· ellnr 90uth. he aald. Then the Taylor auto vtered &cl'OM .the hlchwey 92 fttt to lh• Jett band ~ "~" IDWlRC05T ~cs = J IWJC,IQBUL~...S ••••O•-~ COST. C011PUU f>UILDtl«J _z. GL~O LAM lNAT[O MU1MRS, GrYI! ~[AA ~. -"'OQOINO GQlAT m1g STQ~MGTH Ji..'T \..OWU~ a;;i OEUV!.QtO TO JO& St'Tt fAOM t i!! PEA.SO.FT. OR COMPL!T!LY £RtCT!.O, INCLUDING 3LA&. fQOM ti 9 ~R . SQ. rt. FOSl COt'\Ml.RCl~l.. fARM.~ INDVtTRW. 9K. AllYWllM• "' "'. CM.IF. I lane where It struck a.notl\n car ltri\'l'n llOUth on Nf'wport Blvo1 by Norman Cha.rlea Pen>ul. 29. ot ~n. police report~. All th~ vrhlclee were dtl\'tn from the .1tt'nt. Special s19•s BLUE OU!E~ l'l!LLOW !'at,._. con,. t..urltni: ~t. YA.I Elvnbl'UI~. BYC. Vlxtn, J nhn R u r n d a I I. I NHYC. Oer&nlum, R uUI H"1<ell, ~HTC. Stu: Ch&llerbnll. M11lln Burn· Wiii Not Rust -lOOo/o Aluminum OROUTE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES GARDENING TOOLS • MASONRY SUPPLIES • FULLER PAINTS RED-E-CRETE OPl:S DAJL\" MO~"DA \' THROI <.H ~ll'XUA \' • .. ... -• p. llL • Sc~uftz-JJu/terl /Jui/Jer6 Suppf'J Pbooe Liberty 8-78M m Victoria 8t. (aear Newport Bml) went to Jlalln Burnham and Lowell North, both of San Diego YC, and Don Edler of Newport Barbor YC. Beckner Photo ham. SDYC; North Star ll. Lowell Nort.b, SDYC; Wench lll, Don Edler, NHYC. Mt'rcury: Minnow. M. JI'. Stoug'h- ton, BYC: Mlachlef. A. B. Smith. CBYC; Louette, Chd WbeelH, BYC. PenlJUUl: Su Pa J, Std Exley. ABYC, S peedl1r on z a l c1, Don Adt.ml, MBYC, Susie Too. s. B. Thomu, ABYC. TbJ1Uc: Thl.-tlo Doon. Nt'a.I Al· lt n. HYC ; PbalaroJ>IP, Earl Gilman. CYC; Spend Rooaler, Harry Bour· celoa, BYC. SabOt : ~· Slipper, Chuck Weber. ABYC: No Name. Martlyn Mat.on. ABYC; Eltoro, Ron kit· dorf, ABYC. . Flatlie: Stormy, A. PttJ>IU, CBYC, CamboJecr. lrt. R.obla.nd, CBYC. Nationlll'Onc: RueUt'r. Dick Rtl.Mt'll. ABYC. Ml'ltalf One: Oo'er. Lloyd Johnsnn. BYC P'irc-ny. Lit · Ue J ohn. Andy I~lttlejohn. CBYC Rnlpe: :'l:o :>:ame. J l'rry Thorrtp. .on, AB\T . Chequt1ndequr Jo"red S('hrnr k. NHYC L.1,i:htnm,1:. A•IOIJI. W1lhAm Pirl ... MBYr : Wright' Ont. 0.vld ,,.\'rt!Ol'ht, \YC-. Rrlnmpo. Arf'hie W11lkf'r, MBYC. 8nowb1rrl Putldlejum~r. Ran'1y H iii. NliVC lnl 14 · ('a ro1111rl, Pttrr G111lu. BYC. F oxy Too. Wilha m O<luirlu. eve- Plumber Booked For Mesan Bilk SANTA.ANA (OCNS) -Alvin Perry Hawklna, ~year-old Sant.a Ana plumber was ane1ted In Ana- helm tor Sant.a Ana pollee on aua- plclon of 1tron1 um robbvy chargu early Sunday. Hawldna wat boOkcd on the complalnt ot Nell Stewar t Llnam, 2230 Falrview Road, Coata M:ua. Llnam told poli<'t he had met Hawklna. hi.I wtte &nd anothe.r ('ouple at a Santa Ana bar. Hewk- lna a.uertcdly asked Unam It ht would like to &'0 with them to an Anahtlm ba.Jlroom. Unam told po- lice be &Krec>d, left hi• car In San- ta Ana and lTaveled with the fTOUp lo Anaheim. Later wbtn he wanted to tttum Cor hi• car. Llnam eaid, the qua.rt· ette ot ntw·Cound friend• offered t.o drtve him ba.ck lo Santa 4na. However, Unarn chuged, when they re tumt'd to Santa Ana tht' 1u11pect dt'mandrd J l 0 tor the 1 id!' Th' Vl<"llm M!K'rt•d that Hawkin• got 0111 or the ca r and ll>ttatenl'd bJm \\'Ith vloll'nce Ltnlt-a1o tht monty was pa id. LIJ\am ae1<J hf' ir:av .. lht' plumber lhl' JI 0 an<1 the quarttotte drov,. awey in the auto. l..tnam <"•lltd rollr" t1n<I lhf' itroup WU Btnpped In An&Jlf'im. Hawkina w111 bookl!'<l al the Oninir:r County Jail on 1111s· plclon nf felony charir;f'41, MARINE CARIURETORS R4-~rs -8alN -Part.. Zf,.SITH Ii STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2439 \\'. Cout Hl,:thwar Lltwrty K·l ~4S ~ TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America Newport leach lranch llolond A. W right, Me ...... LIKE TO LEARN A NEW GAME? Want." and thr u•bolt (11 cao play it I fine. c ao ovtt·•ll amount, SIOO, USO or SS uk nch member of you family ro cboow totllla.b:Ulrf ~ waors. for hi.a share ol tbr tOf1l lM rest is simple-scan a B of A~ Accoant and i.ave J711niw1ir"1l7, making deposlu ol $2, •~or $10 a Week for one year. lo this way you'll ha'" the IDODl7Wort1C"I k.oow it! Ifs •llO • fine way co ..,... fot a vac:atioa trip ot .... ocbcc lupec:Ua filmi17 ~ HARIOR MASTER MAKES 198 CAW Harbor Muter Russell Jo:. Crall' reporta hllving 191 talla • In March. He made 28 a1TUta, 15 of them for apeedlng. an- awen-d one fire raJI and three rescue calla and ualalcd 12 boats. Durinf the month. elghl row boat.a were reported lo1t and not recovered and 12 were found and returned. The of- fice received ~H compl&ln\.a, lix of them for 1peed. Three ve.Hela were veeted aa &'UH\.a and three moortnl'a lnat&lled. Eleven derellcta were deatroy- ed. lay Shores Man in $20,000 Suit Against lalboan BANTA .ANA (OCNS) -C. 8 . Ruaa ot S.y Shorea today tUed a PO,()()().plua coeu suit ln Superior Court bere J'rida,y on behalf 0( bill dau&'bler, Sblriey Rum, 20. RUA named Dorothy G"tt.en- berg ot Balboa defendant. 1'le plalnWt claJma Shirley wu a .,_.. MDl'er ln a car driven by tb• de- fendant on KJ&'h-Y ff near Le- bee. C&Ut .. Jan. 29. The plalnUff allegee the defen- dant drove careleuly and nerU.- genUy and cauaed ber car to col- lide with a truck traJler. Perma· nent and disfiguring lnjUrl• &re claJmed by the plaintiff. ~ SOUTH COAST CO. Uni A Newport Bini. h's nxtar·· most powerfu production outboard. the Mercury Mark 5.5! Super. . amoo1h powrr n ow, u::; compln~ en11ne ~----._ aiJenclna. ~ lle'W Dyna..f'loet ~mtor ..._ luper qwe1 fl · oon withou:'f:. of performance. • .. " w ...ii. With Full :=:-.t.. Jeweled P~r•f J5'72M DAVE SPIES 2510 W. Coa..t Hlchway Herold I. Johnson Proptlllar aep.ln eoa-w.. ... .....,.. noae"f.:rao 1811 VUla Wa.r, Newpon .... Yoar Autborhecl TBALOO l'lbapwa o.ler la tbe a.Dor area. Brtas ~ fiber. PY. problem9 to .. Pacific ....... ,, ... w. 0.... ~. ... u '""'" Acroea from il-Amctm.a Kirt. M.,.wt.ofefllOWfw """"'' S...011, CIOMPO<f, liehf· weitfit, flt. ritflt lit ttt. tMlt of yO'lt cor. JGf'llPocbcl wiltl bit- lllOtor feotvr ..... IMOOth ... on4 QUIET! Come on In ottcl ... ttt. 5 ~ focloy. Tti.n, ,.,., fO fitlting/ luy now, we ovr .We pay- .-pion. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llYd. J1/J1111111 ~--------------------------- DOES YOUR HOME NEED ATIENTION? If IO, hen'• good °"" ! You cao fut a leaky roof, build a pacio. or make IDOte than I~ ocher home ttpairs and im- pto•amntl with conveaiel'.lt, low-a>tt )1 ~l,r 6.nanc:ing. bo ii...., aod P-Y out of income ia small rnonthJy i.a.stalmefttl-you M'f"e up to 36 monthe to pay. financing attangemeau caa be made through your 7....,.. dealer or conttadOr-or ac ~r bank. ? Bof A ()viz ~A ? DtD TOU KNOW THAT you an enjoy the convenience of• Teoplan checking account It our bank without having llO "°"Y aboat a mini.mum be laoa? TM only "'°Ol1 you need keep oa depotit is enough co cowr the chedJ yoa write. T•p,Lu aa111 oe1J ft-" f« e.c:b t..llk ol cm ct.ka. - I " ' . GLOVED 8LADIATOIS PUT SOCK INTO SCHOOLS WEEK TUESDAY Highlight of Public Schools Week on the 1po~ front will be the All-School Boxing tournament in Newport Harbor High School gymnuium at 8 p.m. Tuetlday. The gloved gladiatora will compete tor medals in eight dMaiona, from the 100 lb. pape ... weighta through the heavyweight cluaiflicatlon.a. Coach Ralph aero announ~ preliminariee would be held after school today in order to nar- row the field to the final tour contenders in each division. 'Pueeday night's big event will aee 21 acraps going on -a regular pugillatic three-ring cireu. with three bo11ta underway at a time. But that'• not will be tumbling ex- hibition.a and ch pionsbip contention in the rope climb and log ride. All H r Area Service clube have been invited to attend the... Tue.day night ath- letic cluaic. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE I 1 THURSDA y I APRIL 21 , .1955 Gals Cop Gadgets lAd,y rollen1 won th.ree or tb~ tour priaff In a 1pec1al Oadcfl tourn~y on the Newport Beuh !Awn Bowl!~ fT"l18 lut week. Mra. Taylor Carr wu flf'lt wtth 2t polnta. Mra: William BrlJN cama In MCOOd, Bill Bri11U1 third and Irene Boaomwort.h tourth. Pri&M were holllehold radewl• purchued tor the toumey from loe&I h&rdwue .tor.. Two pmH were played wttb the er-9COC'e detennln~ wtnn ... Rudd Rolls Wiii C. B. Rudd captUNd ttnt plM'• In the weekly Au.t.ralJ&n 811\(lea tournament at Newport Beach bowUnl' peena 1ut WHll. Pal'- Uclpe.tlnr In the ram•• were 1t rollera. Rudd cam11 up with a polnta a(&inat Walt Pearaon'a 11 U oylt Stecove1 was third wtth 10 point.a. -WANT Ada Mil homu., boaU.. cara. rumltur<', appllancea. etc. HOUSlt TllAltia INSUllANCI'. ANYWHEllE ~. 4. T•l•a .. ""° ..... _ ........ c ......... "'ATER HEATERS SALIS, SHVICl ••d HPAIU Joe P§:.~f f of J TlU.IS 10 PH CIHT OOWH "'-H..-.. WI I llATl'IU:8Sl:8 .,.., -a--TralJen &npl&r ..... IAert)' ...... 008TA. lllESA. llA1TU:88 00. 1150 Newpon Blvd. , OIANc;E COUNTY ELKS LAUNCH NEW LEAGUE THE SPORTS WATCH Alter all, you can't apend all your Ume 1'Ul1A1nc arolmd loolLlna' tor a l'ood ueed cryetat b&.11, now. cu --- I C~I DAtfS-TV Rady for the Orange County Elka League alley opening 2 qllintet ia Joe McKee, Roy Tousley, Dale Whitacre, you! April 8 in Van'1 Bowl, ea.ta Keu, were tenpin tumbling Bill Abbott and L. Whitaker. Other teams in the roll loop By BILL PRJJ.I.IP8 I'll even pu.w alone tbe m&jor league darkhor.ea -thoee clubl who ju1t could upeet the lMdplpe Okay, IO Ted Herrera, ex-Orange Coast College pitching clnchea. Tt\11 w&y, even It you &re teams from all over the county. Newport Beach baa two are from Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Laguna Beach, Ana-I ...................... . ....,, .. ~ teama entered. No. 1 five includes Earl Tu{ner, Jim heim and Huntington Beach. Doyetenike. Elmo Gates, Mel Wat.on and C. Druck. No. L great, didn't stick with the Oakland Oake in the Pacific llllrJ>riaed, you won't be. The dark- Cout ' .............. hJa fint crack at professional baseball But horse. are·-Whupe! Htt a •llrht ~_, emoe bank here. WeU UU lhla maybe that wu an overaight on the part of Manag~r Lefty I cryatal clear. up a l-t-t.t-1-e bit O'Doul Eepecially lince hurling woee have felled the mighty more. There, now. 'nle Waahlnrton Senato"' ln the Amerlc&n circuit Oab into little buement Acoma right off the bat. BecaUlle and the ChJcaco Cube tn th• Na-I Old r.tabllebed J,uaraee A19DC)' A.11 1lne9 ..-rlUM. i' BOWARD W. GER818B 1108 Newport BIYd., eo.t.a K- 1 Pirates Rap Rivals With 10"2 Defeat look wtiat Ted dJd In hi• openlnr bert had an tntertor club b&ddnl' UoaaL You ma7 not be .urp!Ued. . 1 errort Jn the Calltomla Lea(ue. him up. bu...:.:t:..l:..:am.=---------2 ============r Juat. turned In the ouc.tandlnr WJI0'8 A BUM' PHONE l..IBl9n'T 1-1.IU COUCJhtree ·Cops Fourth Straight League Victory SUH on hi• chucking and clout· Ing streak, Wayne Coughtree paced lhe Orange Coast diamond Pirates to a 10-2 Eut<'rn C'>n· tndlYidu&l performance In the loop, Not that the Olanta are Interior, I• all. Just twirled a two-hitter you undentand, but I don't Me them repeatlnr tn the N&Uonal. •oat detendJnr champion Ko-.A.aide trom Antonelli, there'a too de1to, that'• all. Jtat won a 7·1 bl&' a quuUon mark wtth Hm&in- b&ll game for Stockton. la what. der of Uppy'a pltchlnr at.att. Mac- Henera keepe that up, and maybe lie'• ratting old, UddJe needa too the Ca.llfoml& bulh loop will pro•• much rut and Gomu it.art.. •rv- no more than a atepplnr atone on l.n( S'Qpben atter the ttn.h or the way up. A atop over at o.Jt. alXth lnnln(. land for a cuppa coffee and, who So who'• the National choice? knows -next atDp, th• Nnr Tork Brooklyn. I think them Bume rot Y~kees. You've heard ot •em 1 one more rreat year tn their c:ol- fl'rrnce tri11mph over ML S&n ALL OVJ:& NOW Antonio Tu~y on the Meta col· I've heard of t.bem. Ulled to wtn FOAM RUBBER Save 50% BOAT llUNU Jl'URN1TUBll PILLOW8 IN8UIA'l'IO!f WAR suaPLlls l"ge pea puturc. The mound win all the pennanta and champlon- &'ave Coughtree a 4--0 record In ehJp. around, didn't they? But all loop ou tings, wllh f ive wina, two lb.at. la over wtlh. I won't even loases oct the 11cuon. keep you walUnl' wtlh bated breath lecUvely ~r bonea. But. aft.er they loee to Cleveland tn the World I Serie• thJ• fall, that. ball club needa a nbuUd job. Guys llke iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jackie Robln11<>n, Roy C&mpaneUa. 00 Hod(e9, Pee Wff Reeae wtD lltiU ~ worth their weight. ln .-old to other outtfta, and look at all the talented ldda that dou(b could pick up t or a )'OWi( diamond crww built, ay, around Cent tttWder Dub lnicler and Second 8ackar Cougbtree &lao connected with a until 8eUOl1'• end oa that acore - damagin g double In a teanome Herb, that la. 'Ille Yanke io.t out five-run nrst frame u.nleuec:l by to Cle•llAand lut 1ear, and tbat'• Co&ch Wendell PlckeM' two-Um• the way little ol' llall'a l'C*D& detencllnr champa. Matter of tact. bounce OACe acam, the p.me wu over juat aa quick Did J'Oll catcb a look~ at Berti u the Bue• could get their belta. Icon wben the hal'd baa'ftnc roo-Junlor Gilliam. caYsT.u. OLEA.a BALL I BUILT ON YOUR LOT Hw1-lllco1neUlllts CARDINAL HOMIS ' BLOW BY BLOW kle aoulhpaw gnllmbend acatnat 111 IL Uni IL ID CJo.ta .._ CAVORTIN' CAYUSn1f -And aboard thla leapin' wbirlwind ia one Casey Tibbs, only the world champion all 'round cowboy. Tibbs is seeking to avoid a tumble from the bac.k of Nuggett, one of the cbamp'a favorite mounta. Tibbe beads a parade of western stars slated to appear at the rodeo in Santa Ana Municipal ~wl April 30 and May 1. Leadott batter Roland Hill walk· UpPJ' Leo'• World Ownpton N- ed, atole aecond and ecored on a York Olanta 1n • TVed practb double by Bob Wetzel. Wetael fr&y Wore th• major MUOll op. ankled acrou thAI dl.Jlh when the ened f Cbalk up 16-to wtu rtsM Mt. SAC chucker waaed Ule pelot.a there -pure (T&YJ OWJ' and mto centelllleld on a pick-oft at· above atm1J.ar rnar1La bJ lhd.lan tempt. Gayle Herbel doubl9d. John vet.a Lemon, Garcia. Wynn, et al. Ellrad& smacked &n Infield llinl'le. W11.7, Score'• a1moet u tut aa and Coughtree bounced out hla Oevel&nd'• orw-Ume ttret.Uer, two-bacet!r. ~ r.u.. "'-t'• fMt ......_ s.t lb.at'• a ht&' load oft your mlDd. I mee.n. all th.at w.tpenM &bout who'll wtn UI• major 1~ bnnflnp and hoW the World B.n. wU1 come out cui. ret a rU¥ down. . 0,. 'J .,.,. 0,. E.... by App&. BUDDY BELSHE GRABS FIRST WIN FOR BUCS IN CHAMPIONSHIP SWIM Thcn with two oul and two -. A* DuroalMr. :rlnt Ume lie ~ Buddy Pierce wu sate on an er· r.uar, be U.c-ed to a pair ~ ror and both n1n1111COTed. With the Krtkea Wb1ne put and aJ)6oda tnto Lally 5-0 on ftv,-. hlla &nd & pair, UMI catdler'e mitt, thea bun1edJ7 of miscues, the lnntng Cln&11y con-headed tor the du.-out. When the eluded. f"Tom that point. It wu umpire reminded Leo then wu & brttu. one .ville to ro. Durocblr Mid. AU.OW S 111'1'8 uyoa talte IL" . Fullerton Favored for Crown in Final 10 Events This Afternoon Buddy Bclshc of Orange Coast was favored to capture high pumt honors in completion of Eastern Conference Swim- m11r Champ1onsbipa in thr Mesa college plunge today after wm ~ the 1500 meler freestyle race Monday. Final 10 ,.,, th" 11fl•l't10fP1encl" l'pln11h· I l'11ntv11 unJ Mt. SIU\ Antonio, with fl' 11n1•,.1~·11v 1hh1 ufLNnO<•n lhe locnl:o and lhr Mo11ntlr11 lll'l to 1 .. 1 .. 11,. ~11 •1:"11 lh10111th tht! wat1•1 1:<• •II 11ul for 1<<'ton1I pince honors. l•nt! Mondu v in 20 20 !t lo ><nnrlt l.3~t Y"'" \ 'm1t'h JUt• KrolJ's h1~ • '"'"' .. 11111i;ht a,:u1,1 n11 .. 1a1 tn tl\••la.:lani; l'm<la Mf'-.anl' beat out I h" .. vl'n :lml ' , • Pl""I 111.. ~" I h" ~l111mtalll• • '" fot iu•rond pin cl' 11111t year nlll<I Ill' t'"'' lbl y1•a1 art1•1 l hf' r omon&ns hacl heh\ the with f'ullt't l•ll\1' J.m !:'l•\en•ttn Im 111nnl'rllllfl JOoj'Ol f••r llvf' con11NU· lrtl' M'f'rt r ·,; bron:t•• 1nr1IAI I'",. 1M•acon.• Th1'4 )'l"RI t>oth llOR~f;l'S a~ l.t:AO l'qunda '" <' 1o1t•1njit>r 1111d deepl'r. ()l'11r11" thr <1pton1n~ 1!ny t1 t11111ph 11nrl rnm !l nf lhl' tl"rlding mrui:ln hV R..t11h .. , th,. Ho1nrt" hl'ltl ., 1 wlll r..,•l "" th,. "11trrtme o! lht' IOhRht point leACI Uu1111~ ~ ~In ~"' I" 0 I f'IR,\'I' ""th l'\l'n fWllnl• lt1 lh<' Pll1tlfl'• TOOA\":-4 1'1.ATt; 8 111 the Hnm ,.t• •ror"'1 "litht Th .. 10 .. "ent 11l•t<' jtOt undrrw11y ~1nt11M F'ullntnn 11 Rlrk Rn\\ 111n11 , 11L 1 fl m '"' lu1J1J1J,t th .. :100 yar<f rhtcl'\I third. Boh· Wr11thl fourth me•llry rpJ11y. :.0. HIO, 220 end H O M d Dave :-:e~'llll•t !llXth y11rd rn .. •l)'lf'I', 200 )Afll btf'8111· Tht' olhf-r '"'" rt.u rr~ in thr 1 •lr•1kl' 200 yu<f bar k•lrokr. l:>O lnitlal evf!JI~ wrrr ~It San An· yanl lnlll\'hlu11l 1111'11lry, tllvlng anrl l<>nio'11 Brlllll f:t111<1 l. "hv plarl'tl tht' 11\0 Ylll'•I (rrr~tylr rl'llly. ,.,.<·nnd and Charrry·11 Harry The· Among It',. 10 t'Vf'nt1 ~latt'd. url'r, who flnllltlM f1!Ul. The win· '''"t!n h11d J'I r·nlr<'l fll\'<>nle1 lo cop nlng lime wu 80me r.:, M'conds lh" bh1,-. nbbnn• Hoth rrlay11 Wl're alnwer than the loop record Thf' slated tor Lhr fin .. F'Ulll'rton Pn· fOnference mark wu .cl bv c .. rry rr1 .. 1, with J1u·k Wt'bb probably McNaniee In Anahr1m durlng th<' Bd<l ini: two mu1 r in t hP lndlVtdual 111!\2 champlonshlp.<1. medll'y And 200 yArJ b&C'kstroke. were touups &mong a host nf Hor- ntt aquau..1 a. but • wide open thrlll,.r ah11ped tip In lhe 200 yard brraJ1lJ1trokr. t:sually lhe 11lowcst and mo11l unrventrul race or the day, the 200 breast boaalerl OCC'a George Lyons. Mt. SAC'a Perry Jon .. 11 """' F'Ull~rlnfl'll ·Monte El· LIOU. all wllh nea.rly ldrntlcal tlm•·ll. Othl'r Cout 11ntrl<'11 lntlude Clb· b<IM, H.unaon, Knight Sooy, Bob lbbot1tnn. Jnck Steinman. Sll'rllng CN'. Dave Bt>ylcs and Dkk Lind· wall. Merchants Face Los Angeles Nine on Mesa Sunday Coughlrt'e workf'd six 1t&nzu with Jerry Rice hurllnr Lhe tl.nal CHUCKING OHO&!: canto. Thl'Y gave up but three Now, there'• been• raft ot com- blnglea. Herbel bu1led a two run ment a.bout Jobnny Antonelli ot homer wtlh two oul In th• nn.h the Olanu betnc tM flnl Natloa.IJ to wind up the 1corihg end tor J..eaa'ue chucker lllnice Dtzsy Deall the Bucs. lt wu the 11tlc.ker'1 third to rack up 30 triwnplla 1n a ailn&le round t rlflrt"r or th,. aeuon. When eeuon. Juet rem.mber that wu IUt ION n, lhf' hllll WU llO&rlft( 21 )'e&n "CO Whan 0 1' DI.a did tbe nver the t•·tt tleld rcnce, 34~ feet trick, and then JI.I.It orice. Before from the dl1h. him, you rott.a r o ti.ck to 1917 The tr 1umph Jett the Pirate• In w!MJn Alex&nder the 0..-t, Gronr 11econd pine<:, b<'hlnd undefea ted Cleveland h lmae.U, copped 30. 01' Rlvcraldt. Rlvl'rl!idr clC1bbt>red San· Pete dJd It three 1traJ1bt yeara. 31 ta Ana 13·!'1. ChaHey N'm&lncd the ln 191~, 33 ln 'le and JO e-.-ln thln1 1pot with a 9-2 "1ct.ory over '17. So )'OU (et the Idea. AAloD.- fOUrlh plA('C F\illtrton. San Bu· eUI'• 1ot a l'OU&'h row lo hoe. T&U nerdino Is fifth while Santa Ana h1a tlf'lt two ouUnp. Both lo9aea. tell Into a bul'mf'nt Ue w1th Mt. Both to Robtn Robert.a of U'9 SAC PhiWea. Friday, T'lcktns' pokera t.nt.vel lo Sure, Jobnn.)"a dlM lo (rab hie San !Yr'1oo. abate. Be'• a (OOd port.llder. But, • u the Giant.a' 20-p.rne winner taat were rle&Med f rom their ayalam eeuon, AAtoneW wW ba•• to face R•., nr•I" look a nOlW! ruve In the aga.inat Highland Park. MJghl the be9t clwckerw In the loop eYV)' ~·mng rllr!'<'ll<>AA M Llon.11 F lf'ld weU be the Merchant macemen wfU Uma be toee U>e ru!tber. l:&cb club Sunrta,· That ui. u far u the ba out for a bll or revenge. will throw their be9t a t him. Be- Coata • M f'U Merchant. were cnn· I Al San Uni 1t&rUd for the Meaa alike, AntoneW hun 't UM1 blindlnc c•ml'(f Wor11e thlni: that hap-nine lut Sun~ and worked three apeed th.at Hema neceel&I')' for the pf'nN, or coune. WM Highland f r & m es. K e n n y M o a t • took modem-day 10.pme wlnnl!T. And Park batter!'(! out a 23-10 dtamnnd over whJlo It waa st.Ill a Uc )'OU w11nt t'> keep In rnlnd that ,·1rtnry nver the hnme tOTcea game. He luted two atal\lAU and even Feller nevtr won 30. 'lbe ft&- Mu a :\IJU\ager Ed Lane report· got aluck w1lh the loH. New· .-on there _. be bad to talce on ed. "Thi~ 111 tht' mnst mna evt>r comer Doyle and Gary Ford tr1ed all the lop harlen. and Rapid Ro- ac:orf<I on the M"rcllant.11, u far lo fool ·,.m for & pa.Jr or lnnln(• ------------... u 1 know " Lane A&Jd lhe 19 apiece. Ford and Moat.s took car. '0 H N 8 1' 0 N E • 8 wll.llUI whl<'h wrre llO fret>ly paved of the olher haH of the ballery, out by Meaa mounrt•ml'n during too. Ford donned the tools ot Mesa Amto wrec1r ... the fray wu al80 a new hi~. The lgnor&n<'e for five <'antoe, Moala Uaed Auto Parta Get In on this SENSATIONAL • OFFER WHILE THEY '1M"'1-LAST/ All-Nylon Cord TUBELESS DOUBLE EAGLE •Y GOOD/iEAR 2 FORTHE 1 PRICE OF ALL SIZES Courtney & Lester 1596 Newpott llYd. Costa Mes. TOP LOOP P<HU. \Vl'hb hulds tbr nat1nn11l Jll)'1'f'e re- Thr mttt wu orltrtnally A<'ht>d· cords ror both evrnu1. 11lr•I for La Habra Hlith. but 11uf S.-l1<he WllJI <>d1b-on pick to rt· to thf' t•old waler, the mttt wu ))<'At Ills ·~1 wans tn lhe 220 moved to the Ptralea' rool. OranJ:e HO y1&rJ f~rslylu And a ne"" <'Nll't poueaM-• the top pool In Plralc entry wM aeeJed In lhe thl' ronfuence. rorm of &0ph diver J ack Bell. &II old mu.rk waa 18 doled out clur· for four. 9Dd A.~rte. Ing rlay-Mfs at I nglrwood In 111:'13. Out of lhla Meaa ma.rc.b lo lh• l~~!0;'1~5~PllM;~eeat~Ua;;A~ve~. ;11111111111111111111111!1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 SVOHEMA~Tt:RS :\T.XT hill. tho rival 1luggera pounded LJ'Mrty 8-TOIJ Ooeta Keea Thi• romlng Sabbath <'nme 2 out 17 hll11 and C'aplt&llud on four p. m. the Merd1ant.1 l&Jc e on local errora. MranUme, the Mer- Prl"r11oru· Scoremutera Crom Loll clulnta romplled a creditable l t Anj!'l'lt'!I on the Mr.11& diamond. ba.H knock• off winner pltcheT Al They trwit all horwehlde flaws L uninger of Highland Park. With Fullerton pracLlcaUy u -wiu «t.11te JC c.h&mp beck ln 1949 •ur~d of their perennlAl team and la back at Costa Me.sa at'ter a o·ha.mplonAhlp, feature or the P im· allnt In the service. ming today fell on the ho1Un1 The 6-0 and 100 tree RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL m JOtJli St.. NewPort 8-clt ll&rbor WS ' HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS? C RISIS ? Perhaps we have the an1wer Because we do everything here casa pur.a "8DWJCI: wmuN HOURS -WHEN :-."EEDED" OOMPLl:l'E IAUNDERERS ud CLEA.NEB8 PERH.4PS THE YELlOW PAGES CAN HELP ME LEARN THE STEP FOR DANCING ACADEMIES IT !fl.S TO LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIED." PART Of YOUR TELEPHONE SOOK • ~ 'roaatmlstrMS Meet Monday HarW T~ Chi" wW mMt Monda7 ...U.S. AprU ta, at T:ao p.m. at llollpttallt)' Homa ID Balboa. Kn. ~ Jolulma wlD -~otu.....-,.; Interim Pastor Is Called To . .,..u.n .... Kn. .... Mon. IDs. 1Aro>' Aader9ala ud Kn. An..t C. D. M. Church • \ · a..,,...__ Kn. J...U a. Wolf ' ' wt11 ... •ftluat.or ... llra. Jf..U.. .. KW. ~; Kn. A.rtllur Klebull, tuner ud aWU'd ....... ...... Mn. fta7 ~ ...... Uoa .,.U..; Mn. ...,.,.. laJb. ~ID~ aDd pMdp .-cl Mn. ..... Jt.1111. .-rt. The Rev. Edwin C. Gomke Given Pennanen;.t_Status The Rev. Edwin C. Gomke, lnterim putor of the Cor- ona del Mar Community Church, Congresation, wu unani- moualy· elected by the church membenhip to be the perma- nent mlniater, He waa called at a meeting Sunday morning and aucceeda the Rev. Paul E . Beb~tt. who left here Jan. 1 to take the putorat• of the Con-Oomke bu had 15 yeera preach· &"Nl'atlonal Church at Shafter, lnl' expertuce. Dlrectety of HAllOI AIU CHUICHES Ca.Jlf. A1D8 IN IAOUNA ... ........... .. ..., ..... Ollllln6 11th It. A ~ .udrewl Jtd., acroee tram m,a. lchoo1 Lllterty MTTI THE REV. AND MRS. EDWIN GOMKE and eon Char: lea, who will occupy the manae . at Corona del Mar Church: ARMY CHAPLAIN The Gomk'ea are rutdtnc &t La· The new miJllater wu fBdu&t· sun.a Beach Whel'e Mra. ~k• ed from Yankton Collere, Soutla bu bffn putoral ..U.t&nt at the ----~---------------------Daltota in ltU and a year later Nelpborhood Community Church JllMtor: Rn. J.... I . at.wart C IQ' lldl1&t •IO W. ltth It., cmt& X... • ~M&Q .... JOMpll w. Kclbane TM m.,.. ., aarw lGIO ctwrU at .• Coet& Kua Liberty MTll Tom ll&ker Jr., Klnlat.er m.w <Jlauda By ~ .. Commun!t7 Methodt.i ~ Blvd. at Hth, Nnrport Harbor 522t ~r: lteY. Roy C&r1-on ... '"*'-OUll'da llM On.nr• A.... Coeta Me• Llberty 1-1011 rat.her Tbomu J. Nevtn l"lnt ~ Cllardt of Newp>rt Balboa Blvd., 19th A Court St.I., Newport ~ 1661 Uberty 1-8072 l'Mtot: Bftbert G. JoJuutoa . ...,.,....._, .......... ~ l801 Clltf Dr.. Newport Hetrbta Liberty I-Mal Rn. Robert Gronlund Arr mW,, el OM Und at. • l:kleD Ave., Co.ta Me• Liberty 1-1781 Jteyennd M. C. Croeic, Put.or an-tai.-,, A • ._ .. Nnrport BlYd. at Bola at., N.wport Rejpll Zld9r JUcUrd a.rm Liberty 1-IW Chr±,of tM N..,.... 1116 Anaheim. Co.ta ..... Put.or: Jtey, Clln Wllli&ma Uberty l·Tltl ftl'M c...-.. ~ • 0 ... U03 Via U do, Newport Be&c!I Harbor 2UI V!Uvel'Mlla& Oomw&alt, FelllnnWp EMU Clubbo\&ae, $16 Balboa BlYd. Mlnlmte.r: fteY. r . W. R1np Finl ................ ~ l80 w. KusUtaa. Ooeta llle9 Ubert7 I-Ult P&ll«: Dr. ~ B. ··- c.,_ ... ..., 0 '11' a.rca. ConrnladoD&l I l l Heliotrope An. Harbor 6217 rs.tor': ftey, J:dwlD C. OomM Pint ....... aiu... a&nt& Ana A ft. aL Mapc>lia co.ta,.. .. .... P . G. Neum&Nl ~ ot Oar LM7 • ., ... ()um9I HU W. Balboa BlYd., Nnrport Barbor 021' hUler lt.epba Jelley, Putor htMr Oeora• Pa.rDuawl A89t. Put.or OdallA ....... ~1111 •• CMla .... ( MIMourl S)'DOd) Coeta Mua Put.or: Rn. Lot.bar Tomow •'-,.._ v-....y 116 M&rtn•. Balboa laland Bu1M>r 021t ratMr WLepben Kiley, Put.or hUMr Oeor'p Pa....-· A.Mt. Putor OIMlral ...... (:.8rd 0ruc9 Ave. at Slrd St. o.ca M-. Llberty ·~ A. A. ltaden. Putor ............ 0 '11' ....... 111 Apte Aft .. Balboa I*nd Xbdllter: Rn. DouJd kpp ~., .............. "8c1.-C. ot Kllld" Lapa& 8ttGJa Art Oe.Dlly IO'f CJltt Drt...,_BTatt f-'IJM .... b19 'IW1I. ~ trom the School of TheoloSY with while Mr. Oomke bu been t&Jdnr a Bachelor ot Art.a and Bachelor poet-paduat.e wort( at Unlverwity ot TheolOI)' desreea. After hla of Southern Oallfomla ' School of marnare to F em J enaen In 11M3, ReUcton. One llOrl, Douflaa, wu he entered Chicago TheoloStcal born In 1944 . Seminary and continued to 1tudy It. 11 expected ~ u eoon u until IJl' 1944 he wu commlNloned the achool Huon en,lfa at Lacuna u chaplain In the army and first the famUy will occupy the ID&1IM autsned to the 10th Mount&.ln DI· that the church bu provided for vi.ion.. t hem at Corona del Mar. PAGE 6 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 Alter the Po Valley campaJrn In Italy he returned to ChtcaPI and three year• later to Berea- Cord, 8 . D. from where he wu re- called to active duty In Korea with the Finl Cavalry Dlvt•fon, then to Fort Bennlnr. Ga. u chapl&in at Conference For Island "THE MAN WHO SAID NO" TOPIC AT ISLAND CHURCH o nscere c andldat• scttooL -;:. Methodists Bah a 'is Hold The Fourth QUarterly Confer- en ce, annual bu1lneN mMtinr of the Balboa llland Community Methodlat Church. hu been eched· "The Man Who 8ald .No" la the eennon topic eelecte<I by the Rev. Donald G. Sapp for the 9:30 and 11 L O'\. Sunday Mr· Ylc• at the Balboa b land Community Methodl•t Church. The .ennon I• t.be wcond In a eerie. ot tour bloeraphlcaJ talka on "Great Men ot Old.'' Convention Announcement 11 made ot the *d for Friday evenlnr, April 29. 4Tlh annual Baha'i Na tional Con· The meetlnr will beclJ) with a venUon to bf' held at the Baha'i church IUpper at 8:30 p.m. Dinner Kouee ot Worehlp In Wilmette, arrangement. are bf'lnr made by The dlolr will lllnr under the direction ot Le.lie Van Dyke. the Wom1111'1 8oclet1 ot Chrtatlan Ill .. April 18 to May 1· Several Service under the dl~tlon of M.n, hundred dflegatu from the U.S.A., Ted R. HaUMr. Nunery care tor amall chlldr-en will be provided at th• 11 o'clock aen1ce. Aluka and Hawaii wlU rather to Conductlnr the bualneu -Ion At ~:30 p.m. membera ot the lnlt>rmedtate .Methodlet Youth Fdlowahlp will me.t at the church. review prof1't'N In the eecond year ot the Baha'i SplritU&l Cruaade. will be the Rev. Dr. Maurice o. Climax ot the convention will Ballen•er. auperlnt«ldent of Met.b· be the Feut of Radvln on Satur-,odlll chun:hea In the 8an Dlero FROM UTAH Dt1tr1ct. Reporta will be made by day, Aprtl 30, the 92nd annlver-preeldenta d hai f II eary of th• public clecJ&raUon by an c nnen o a BYU Madrigal Slate Concert Singers at OCC the founder ot the Baha'i J'a.lth, cbu.rch oryanl.&atton. The ftomlnat· B&ha'u'Ua!L On May 2 1883 he lnc oommlttM. under the cha.lr- made hi• propbeUo ann~un~ent manahJp ot Mn. Clint.on T. Coa.ne, of a M W rella1oua dtapenaatlon. Wlll report. Dr. ClaJr B. Bamett, o~Unr a Unlvenal Cycle ot cb&irmu of the commta.ton on world brotherhood and peace. tlnance, Will •ubmlt the ltM·M B&ha'IJI bepn their world-wide buclawt tor approval ol. the con· crepuon. The Brtcham Y~ Unlverelty Madripl Slnren, ia atudellt·a.rt.- lata Mlect.ed by caretUl audJtlon by Director Dr. John R. Halliday, will joumey to Boutbenl C&lllomia t.b1a 7-.r Oft u..&r aanllal tour from l"rcJIWo. Utah. nM STOUP wttt ap- pear aL On.ns• Cout Coller• In CoMa M-oa May I , at 1:15 p.m. lpODIOred by Church of JelUI Ou1at ot Latter Day Sa.Int.. One ol tbe beet knowu of Wli· ftl'litJ en..nbMe, the choir .,,e· clal1-ln the a1nctnc of madrl- pll. addln1 hlrht1 entert&lnln& nonlty nwnbem ol all perloda, l.n- etu.dinS contemporary mu.le of tll.&1\ q u&ll t y. Madn1a1 e1.nr1nr on,.tn.ated tn Italy In the 14t h cenhu y. By the 11th c'ntury It had become an Im· portanL eoclal tunctlon when fl'OUpe ot people met tos•Ulf'r to .. tor their °"'" entert.&lnment. Madrtpi. nnre trom tour to etpt parta on va.rtoua MliecUona. ln wblcl\ eadl part caniu a d11tlnc· live melody .r ltl·own. Dr. Halliday, In addJUon t.o di· rec~ the Madrtral Sincere. I.a dalrman of the deputmenL of mu· 1lc at BYU and lt recosnJMd Jud- Social Night For Adventists er 1n l\la tletd. h&vlnc aerved at one time u ... 11tant conductor of the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir. It wu h• who orranlMd lhe Madr1,.U 81ftl'erw In 1902. Jn addlUon to t.be madrlpla, the .n..mtR• wttt .sns Bach'• "O Ft. .)Olce Ye Cllrl•tlana," "HaJJeJIOah Chorua" from Beethoven'• "Mount of Olives" and a rroup of folk 110n11 from vertoua counlriea. Ad· mlNlon la fl"ff, cruade to promete and Implement on,. R ,..___, .. G 8a tat tbe1r te&chinp on Ole fundamen· "· ~ · PP 1 •• t.al oneMM of reli.ton and the one-tbaL a apeclaJ effort I.a be1.n1 made nraa ot mankind at the dedication t.o ret all loc&l chu~ member• of the Hou .. ot Worlhlp ln May lo aLtetld. Non-member• are tn· 11163. • vlted 1111d encouracel to attend Local 8'ha'I• bold dlec:Ulllion u well. cia... on the Baha'i Faith and ------------- aleo •lUdy other reuctona. AA,yOne p st E t lntere1ted In attendlnl' may con· 0 -as er tact Mr1. ~ Rovin, Coet& Meea. LI 8-3216 or Mre. J ohn MacDon· aid. Corona d•I Ma.r, Har, 0810-J. Mariners Slate Talk By Expert On Stained Glass Sermon Series at Christ Church "R opea R.t-0~" will be the eermon4UbJec:t at Chr1Jrt Church by Lh• 8M (CommunlLy Method· lat) In Newport Buch on Sunday , April 24. '?lie JWv. Roy A. Carl. The Martnere ot St. Andrew• lltory t h•l the Capitol hu had IN>n, mlnlller, I• ctvlnr a Hl1ee ot Prubyurtan Ch urch nexL Monday a 9J>eCl&I prayer room. poel·Euter Mnnona on the renew· ennlng a l 8 o'clock. w ill bear To quot. Ttme Map&lne ot Inf lnlluei>c• ot th• i:a.ter Ma· Ml"ll. Horace Ju<leon on the art April 4-"A lulln1 monument to eon. Dupllcal4 Mrvlc .. of worahlp a.nd pl"O(e.111ng of etalned 11 ... lhe U n1 Conl'tt .. may well pron are h@ld each Sunday at 9:80 and wlndowa. to be the •lmplt , eecloded room In 111 Lm. Mr. and Mra. J udaon. boll\ popu· the Capitol tha t open'4 lu t wrk. I The 8anctuary Choir. directed by lar epeaktra on;lh11 riu·l' art, are Tht r&m'11 purpoee. prayer and Mre. A. ,J . Ruttu, will •In& the much ln dtmand In the So11lhland ml'dltaUon " I anthem. 'Build Thee Mon Stale · area. On a recent tour of Europe '?lie only window In the room ly Manalona" (Mark-Andrew•> al Oley photOJTllphed the mol'l beau· la ot elalned glu9 <lealsrned and I th• aecond eervlc.. Mrs. WlUia tlf\11 eu mplu ot •l•lnl'd gl&U executed by the .J ud1M>11 Studio Flelda wW 11ln1 a eoprano eolo, "Be windows. many of Which had bffn and de pl cling the Seal ot lht I WIUI Ui SUll" I MMffnet ) · Th• I made h'r• and •hipped to Europe UnJted Statee and th' k.nnlln g J unior Hlfh Youlh Choir will alftf by \.be Judeon SLudto. tlrur• ot Oeorce WaJlhlnston A at the u rly Mrvlct. J udaon. a thlrd-~nerallon mu · rolor n-productlon of thl• window ' The annual meeu.nr a.nd quarter- ter cratt.wJnan In thi• profeaalon, appu,.. In the above luut of Tlmr. I IY conte~oce °,r the church a~ r~nll)' rtct>lnd an a ward for the-Mu. J udeon wu ln,,tted to 1pealc I echeduled tor \\ ednudlly evenlnr . lovel)' 1talnt'd i hu1 w1nrlow In thP el St. Andrew• by Mr. and Mn . April 27. A famlly-cUnner will be newly dedica ted C&plt;il Prayer I Jack Sf'Clec!lund ot Baphort• wllo hl'ld flr•t Mgtnnlni •l 8.15 pm Membtre of the Newport-Mo• Room In We•hin(ton D C Thl11 are clo.te penonaJ fMf'nda · and Dr Mau rice Balll'fller. duitr1ct Seventh-day AdYentll'l Church I• tht' tln1t i tme tn ·th,· n~tlon'11 tonner ru ldl'nll ot Puadtn•' 'JJuperlnlendtnt. w111 pre.ldt for wm .)Oln 1n table gamu . volley I tht bUJ1lneu mH Unl'. Report. ot b&JI, and other acUYltlU t.ncludlng the put yea.r·a actlVttlt.t will ~ movtnr plcturea and rdruhmentll. B ] b J I d w s c s preHnttd by Y&4fOUI leedtr1 of thi1 Saturday nlrht. April 23, It a oa s an • • • • the local confTtp t ton. elonf wtUI the Methodl•l Community Hall al llOme pllLNI for t.hr yeer ahNd.. 7:3o Pm. H Id Off• El Youth feUow1hJp r roupe for AL the 11 o'clock Ml'V1~ Bal· O S teer ect1• on Junior Hlfh 1111d lltnlor Hlr h youth urday momtn1. ltlder Varner Johna meet each Sl.ll'lday al the church of Arllnrton. and mlnl•t erlaJ eec· At the AprlJ mttUnc ol. Uv Federation: Mre. T. R H•ulln M(lnntnr at 8 p.m. ntary of lhr Soullleutem Call· ;.==-==========.. rom la Conterttnt'e ot Sevenlh·day Women'• Society ot Chrt.U&n epoke on World Community Day Adventlltl, wlJI be ruut 9J>t&ker Service of UM Balbo& l1land Mtrth· and Mn. Berth.a Tillotaon un lht Hoa,s Ho•pltaJ Auslllery The topic of dlecuuton tor the odlal Church. field April U a t lhe The bualneH aeu ton waa al 11 I church at •tudy w ill be "Th• Jude· church. oftlcen tor lhe etaUlnJ IOI M p Bain menL HouT Mt ... re," another lea· L1ft. w n . ercy " Pf'I· yur were nominated and elected. llldl r Pl ... _ t th IOI\ from t.be propheclea ot Dant•l n . &M were m....., or e ' Mn. Neal Donker reported for a --• t .. _ h Id A 11 .,., and Ren~tlon. The ve~ to .... rumrn I• _,, o ""' • pr ~ , ·-""" the nomlnatlnr committee a nd the d .. ~ ln Co •· u 1 th 11 PABKQ · UDLEY llORTllill' FeNMrt,J O&AU&L OBAl'U I It .,....'"" -v... .... ....... ,.., .................. memorllled 11 ftenlaUon te:t and an "' ,.,. .... ua n "ye ow I followln«' were choaen: hoUH neat to the ba nk Report.a ~~==========~ 1. '?lie 1tudy btClnl al t :IO a_m. J'or plTSldent. )("' Ted Hauatt; from varlou• offlcrr11 were J'lven. 1be pllbllc II alwaya welcome. vtet1 prealdent. Mn. Robert Ibbot· The Quiet Ho11r wu hclll at J 2 Will Show Slides Of Singapore eon: r.cordln1 acntary, Mra. By· noon In lhf M nc:tuery with M 111 ron Nealy; tn..lrtr, Mre. Clinton Sara Bowman. 1p1rltuJ1I Itri> rhair· Coane : MCntary of prontoUon. man, leadln r . Lun~heon at 12 30 Mre. 0.0,..,i Br1dcman; MCretarJ wu aerved by Circle Ont Tht of mi.klnary education, ~. prorram followed. Mattllftr WaJdeHch; MCret.ry of Chr1.UU 80CiaJ Nl&ttona and loeal cburcb aeth1UM,, Mra. Stepbelt Smtt.b; 9flCNt&r)' o1. el&UdJwl'• work, Kn. Percy Bain•: .er.· tary Of lapplJ work. Mn.. 1--.rd n. Rn .... 11n. r. o.--.. ~: ~ ot ltDdeftt MA \'I: OS A l"TO INS. s1.1•0 ~.OM--410.~.ooe .. .,a, ••l.,.y a "'9p o ....... l.c.~ .......... 8"o BOB McCORD, fOY PREFERREDINRURANCE lilll LIHH I IN Viet.fta 8t.. Coeta ...._ ..... ~ .. ,- ~ ., ,_ Olltlt ward. • .......,_ to a&appon . ......ti. MR. Sd& nm1t1e; _... et ~ Dir ......_ WUI lie 1bowtQs cokll'eCI .... OILU'7 tary ot 109U. wor-, Kn. Cl7de ftt4&7 A..ftll'Dooa oiu~ Bow 1M9e • tM bfe la a•ap..-at leMotel': WNtal7 ot llpt.rltual p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ · o.ea,.... LIWtJ' M1U U. AalemW, et God Olnlreli., .,. bfe, Ifft. ro.t I.owes Ut..atun CHUICH OP llU•IOUS SCllNCI -...opi ..._ DalMcllt 0... ftocat ta N"'JICll't ~ Uld pvhllMttoN, Kn. aar.c. ....,, AprD M at 11 &.a.. tM l!llowmaa; &D4L atatw crl ~. 11r...t 11o1-. founder, auUMlr Gt "lldmee Gt Mlnd." nan an7llal .. a=-..... o. Bopklu ........ A--. Mn, w.,.. --· IUND.lY u::avwa 11 .... .....,.'l'lft o~ then wt11 11e colonel w 11w,.,,.,.... ot u. _,.,.. ,..._ lalor Cl'-"* Md N......,. Cue 11 a.a -"-u.., ~h\C ........., tbe ,...,.,..Uou f« UM -led bJ Mn. Lowe. prosnm .... 1111 'IWtl. Ill.Miter L":': &.:-.:. ~ ..:::: !UIMd ..... ·~ ... cMlnnu., -''Olun:ll Wome. lD L&OtTlU m&ACB A&T OALL&aY llYM& 6-TIM llT ma .... ....... • • .,.,. tllie ODauaanlty" and~ of ....., :::: '111•• Kn. ... ward, datlPter ol mt. a puiel ot lpeUen. Mra. l?nNtt =::::.... ................ -·~= :: llonarie9, ..... lllom la CblnL Mr ........ Of Kay "9llowlblp day. ....._ ._...-.. .. •II "8 u.. S.warcl wu llon la 8aa P9dro Mn. W. A. McBnde oa Wor'4 :"'"'~' .. t.::\~ :,-: W::..: t: ~ bM ~ rwldtnr lD the Jiu. 0.7 ot ~. Mn. °'__. ~- ..... -. .. ,,. .. -. • ......, _., .. t. .,.... ..,._ • ... 8@1warda plan t.o ,., Oft r.leaae time edue&UOll.. ....... Cl_. .......,.. Mii tor Stng•rore thl• wmmt r. John E lliott. Ylce pnlldent of the ,,.. "-C:::,C ~-.:., -.::"... .. ,=:: Mr. Hopkins 111111 .. ~ that the pvb-San Otego l'lhltr1ct of the W.S.C.8, -lie 11 lnvlt• d. toll'! of the lmport.&lla. el Woli4 I BALTZ MORTUARIES a1A.PSL BT Tllll DA •• .. Oout lllYd. Ooroea ct.) Mu, Calli. ..... Ila.not 61 ' • Oo4 ii •Hr)'Wbert I A .. ,.. - ' ... ,k of a chucll aa G~1 R.-.. Wall, mae la ••tfJ'Wber• Hie plane• Mar Ibo•• tllle cl ..... lllla . •lnea t111U1tl tbroqti tbe ••nll. late rall1 1pen -!Itel• ... plaJM, lUt ahipe 1111 tllle M•• MIL AM J'lt, ••HJ' ... cberielMe tbt one ,i1ct be call• h... He clMrithu It not few It• Joca. tloa or e,,..reace, Mt for tt.t lo .. U4I cempul..W, be · 11.u nperleace4 tber1 . la abnllar eplrlt -• 11.u tllourht It no bta111h-J' to call tacll church tlt• Hooae of God. For He Wllo made ... I• HI• own lmar• mun 1 .. 1 the "m• lmpellins 1ttrac- tlot1 for tlle acue of H I• COlllJftwUOft witll t1'oM He lonL Tiie 1TMtt1t bonor 10• caa 1"1tow on • friend 11 to In· Yiu laim lato 1011r llome. Sacb bo•r of wonadp God ln'l'itn )'04I late Hla. This Church Feature Sponsored by n.se Local Business Finns NEWPORT CLIANERS 106 TuaUa Newport Beach NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Corona del Mu ROSAN INC. 8eecraft DM•loa A Foreip Motors Vl11eHt'1 Rnal DnMJ Stores 'Tll rM locallone lo lltrve Y 011 Newport Beach. Balbda, Corona d~t Mar Allee of Udo leauty Salon H&Jr Sty llnr for thl' Jnc11v1rtu111 408 Shd (on the PO St.) Harbor 2844 .. RUSSELL W. IANGERT Heatln&'. Vt ntlla t1n1 It 8he<-I Met11.I UI 31st St . Harbor 44t6 ILUE SAILS STATIONERS CreeUnr Card•. Book•. Art1•1 !'.lupphc.w soe Mala st.. BaJboe. Harbor 618 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop or Dh1llrct1on•· it5 Marine Ave., Balboa bland • Harbor 0707 General $hHt Mm.I Works Sheet MtlaJ -Heat1n1 -Ventllallng '°5 SOtb 8~t. Harbor %%10 HARTLEIN FLOWERS f'or All Oct>ulons NOSE. CoMt H"f,. CDM. Harbor 5071 ..._ & Smltt9 Shell Service Y0\11' Corona del Mar Dealen1 teol a MOO E. Cout Highway ........ 6MI -·-·-a -·-··· Harbor %710 "11' Mm la ._ rooct. -Ordnw to Go NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Fumlahtnr• 2620 W. Cout Hwy • Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Family Store Since 191' .. Ocean Front at 22nd. SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ottu Hart>ot 919 R. WASEMILLEI . Z004 W. Balboa Blvd., Barbor 6SU ARY-S CAFE "Whrrl' 1111 F'()()(t I• Cooked In Butter" Liberty 8-808! IA YSHORE RICHFIELD 1-°fi"f' f'1<lc 1111 It Delivery lith A· C'oai.t II"~· Llbf>rt~· 8-9145 loyer's Balboa UROteam Co. LinnlP11m -T1l,. -rarpPt -Formlt'a ?:WI W. BaJboa Bh·d. HAL COWER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Fr,., Pick up It d,.l, -Wheel Balann \3411 S e"·port Bh·d. Barbor MSG GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rui 11 and CarJ>f't.e 122 A iate A,.,... Balboa blud Harbor 3%!'>6 HOUSE AND GARDIN Complele Home Yum h1hln•• Ort1pt'r11>11 -RUftll SOl7 W. COMt Hwy. Uberty 8-5519 MAC'S CAFI F1111t on rlfhL toward HunUJ\ctoo Beac!I 8204 COMt Hwy. MARINE IEAUTY SHOP P tr90n1ll&ed Service In Hair 8tylt.nl' 127 Marble A\·e.. Balboa ...... JIM'bor 151 MARKET SPOT ZOO Marne A \•e., IWboa ..._. Hart.or 1000 High Quality ~tinting-Ph. Har. f 616 I . . ... -- I AT THE SILVER TEA to be held Tueeday at the How- anl lAWBOn home, 1220 .West Bay Ave., Mrs. J. E. Cole (right) will model this cotton shantung in navy and white, made by Taffy. Here it is previewed for (L to R) Mmee. Kenneth Starege, tea chairman; ff. Payne Thay- . er, president of Harbor Auxiliary, children'• Home So- ciety, which ii eporworing the tea; Mrs. O. G. Suesa, faahion sh'ow chairman, and Mn. M. S. Bemard, ticket chairman. Gowm will be from Shaddock'• and flowers in gold and white will provide background. -Start Photo CTA IN ACTION Teachers to Fight Report Senate I . Ruling on Cards Kingery Wblten,ck, • c I enc• reprd lo the t.eachlnl' of the t .. cher a t Newport Harbor Union Unlwt Natlone aad U• Orianlza- latlon favored by the teachel"ll don not provide for cen.sonhlp "by delf-appolnted ralnor1ty gToupa." Hl1h School, waa delerate to the tJone." C&llforrua Tuchere ADociaUon, Thi• policy r.commended lhal whlcti on April II went on record auch proredure ahould follow pre- on two hl11hly controverelal Juuu vlou1ly adopted CTA reCODUJlenda· pertaining to public education. TbJa Uon1 that "It le the obUpUon ot waa the report card •ylltem which lh4I public ecboole to eee to It that aroUMd a turore ln Newport children are lau&'bl bow to exa· 11Chool•. mlJae and dlecuu •ubjecta ot a F.Lr£T BY WARD8 Aho favored ~u les1•laUon wh.lch would provide for the elec· Uon of Junior collere board mem· be.re by warc:t. rat.her lha1I at Jar~. Two new elate dlnctora of CT A were elected by lbe CouncU. Tbey were Ml"ll. Helen von Garden of Anrwtn (Napa Count.J), and Ben Kelmer. m. ~ ll1P School. J . llulle7 Brode, Loe An· 1elu teacher, -. reelected. The CT A Slate Council, policy controveralal nature," but which maJdnc IK>dy for Ila 73,000 mem-warned 91'&in.et lndoclriuUo.n. bfin, took llh•rp lawe With Uie Tbe aMocaUon went. OD record recently pwbUllhed etalement of In •upport of leplallon which the St.ate Senate lnlerlm Commit· hu bffn Introduced •t Sa.cramen- tee on lllducatlon re1ardln1 report to to require that echool board• card• .. The Benate Committee de-aOopl rea-ulatloru ln rupecl lo N· cl&r!td that reporU to parent.a lec Uon and review of book• uaed ellould follow the tr&dillonal pro-In the public 11Chool1. Tbe lep- Mra. Kasel Blanchard, rtteno elementary principal, wa1 elected NaUonaJ Education A.No<:laUon director, repreH.ntlnl' C&llfomiL cedur. ot revealinl' only a 11lu· -------------------------- dent'• etandl.Df In comparUlon with oUler children. and ob]ec!Ad to teacber-pel"t'llt. conler•nce~ ~ CTA 1'99ltlon la that "Ule parenta need ~ kl'low where their chlld elande, not only In relation to hie ,,roup, but ai.o In relation to bla own ability; not only In tenna ot academic accompllahmenl but ell!O In tenna of per90nal 1 rowl.ll." The anawer to the problem of reportln«. lht' CTA 1t.atement de· clar.d, "I• not. an 'either-or' pro- poaillon but mu•l Involve eeveral tactore." .UWUT t:. N. The CoWlcll adopted a n com· mendatlon of lte lnttrnauonal RI'· laUoaa Commlltte that 11ehool boarde l.hrou1hout lhe elate be uryed to eel&bUeh a policy "with Team Of Four Game Sunday Lindbergh P-T A Installs Tonight The last meet.inc of the executive boa.rd of Undbergh P-TA was held at the Cost.a Meaa Park on April 18 aa a pot luck luncheon followed by the bu.ainea meeting. Mn. Arthur Kitt.A, preaident, annowiced that the lut meeting of the unit will be tonight at the Lindbergh School. The election and in- atallatlon or ottlcPr1 ror the com-Schciola WPek" The P-TA wlll 1ell Ing yur will take pl&Cf', with Mrs.· cnrtu. mllk and dour;llnute durlng Arthur Thron11on aa lnstelllnc ot-thr Pvenlng. fleer. j F'.illowln( the buslneu meeUnc ChleJ ot Police Arthur McKenzie a gttt from lhV<>al"rl wa.a p rewenl· will !>(I lhe 11peal<er ut the evening I ed to Mr1. K!Wli, who haa ~u1ded and wm talk on "Sa!ety." the unit thmugh a plt H11nl &11d The children ot the echool have succeu!ul ynr. bffn making "Safely" ~ter11 I Present at lhe lunch~n wne which will be Judged by a commit-, :Mr. BruM. Mear!amu Arthur Kille. tee to delenntoe lbe three but In R. G. M1rk!'y, Lou.is Glese111<amp. lhe lower lllrH 1radu anl1 lllrtt Charlu J acob&, R. E. lnrmun&0n, be11l In tile upp•·r ,.radea. Thue ' Cordon lmltr, Ellward Card, C. L. w1nnr r1 will be anne>uncNS al the I Thoml !I. J. M. Pell eller, c. E. meeting Thut llday n1~ht. Ba F 8 ff 1 tt t1 .. _ l'On, . , AZ e , n tnry ,..,-Mr11. Kltt1 reporttd on lhe fln· anclal outcome ot the Mardi Grae beru, Janet Thoma.a. C. 0 . An- Ebell Has Awards at Convention ~ All award w._ won by the If-· port Beacb Ebell Club tor dril detenae 1n Amencaniml tor 1'oun by It. manbera. 'I1ls. award wu preeented local delet'at.H at lb• Dwtrtct connnUon beld in Rh,•· .tde •t the Mt.Ion Irui Ga April 12, 13 and 1'. Another awl.I'd wu siven t.o Xre. c. )(. De&kJnll • flnt on h• ,.tntin6, a lucacape ~ and •till anotber award oa a ,.inc,. in&' of a P.tunJ&. The Choral STOUP dl"O"ff up on Thunday lo pr.ent 80me ol lbetr numbera and the Swan Sona wu -. t.o Mra. ...... Rava, ....... dent ot the llouthem Dtarict Fed· erated Women'• Cluba, at her own r.qu..i. Memti.n of th• Choral lloelety .,..; Mn. Leiter Vlerlln&'. dlrec· tor: Mra. William Tritt. accom· panlut; Mm~. John LI n •on, Jamu S..lUe, John Lamar, Jack Curneau, E. C. CUnnln&ham, Holl CoDdon, Clarence Dodd, Thomu Letlo, Ruth Vedder, BuU Peter· eon and Irvln& Watcher. Mn. Nlcholu Bre~tner, preal· dent and Mra. Byron Wella, at.- tcided tha thrff day convention. Trio Attends Song Workshop Three member• ot Newport Hu>· bor Girl Scout COUJ1cll. Mra. Hup Godwin. leader of troop 29, Mra. Albert Ryltlt and Mrt. E. C. Chap- man Jr , alunded a recl'nt artl tound11Uon eonl' workshop tn ldyU- wUd. Proper leaching and elnitlnir o r Girl Scout eong-1 wu purpoee of the weekend coune. Mr. and Mr11. Max ltr-.l1lfJ h .. d Ole accredited Khool wbl<'h toolr many yean to accompli11h Mr. Krone formf'rly headed the depart- ment ot music al \;SC and now Leachet apec!&J clu.se• lhert. All a.rtu ot Soulhnn Ca-UfomJa were r.rprtllented by lhoH al\«nd· Ing lhe clM'!t~ ot lnaln1cl1on 1n eingtng, harmony, uisll'umente and drama. The Balboa Duplicate bridge Club will hold Ill 9-Mual Team of Four City Champ1on•htp touma· ment on Sunday afternoon and e•enlng at the ltbell Club HouM In Balboa. The iirat tt•lon will •tart at 1 :10 o'clock and t..tie uenrnr ~n at e:ao. held on AprU 2. dtrl!On anll Fnink Overleu. Robert Bruna. rnnc1pal of Lind-;=.===============================::::; T1Mi l"OUP w1U meet at 4U Eut Oc.-n Front In Balboa for the ref'llar Fr1d•1 evulnl' same with play atartlng at 7 :30 o"clock. Kansas Cousins Visit Mesans While on Tour Mrirh. announcNS t.hal the ecbool WQJild tiold open hou.e on )fonday, April 26 Crom i .30 to II 00 p.m. Thi• I• ln connection with "Public harvut.a. At flrwt Uley .tarted out In an old model-T Ford but hue ,-rac:tuated to modem car, He bu collected onr 1000 pie· turee and 2900 auto,,rapha trom peopk ln all walU of lUe, l'O"f'- non. MDatora, mJni.tera. rich. poor, lpotU and mcm• It.an. JI• ,,.. o. R. MIU.OU., ltl 111. now-baa alpaturu of 275 bUeMU Pla7· • 8t., eo.ta M-tlan had ln· en ln one of hll ecrapboolla. · te...uas '1.llt.on Ulla pMt WMk, One of Na lat.et plclW'fl9 wu BROADMOOR TRAILER HOMES ·1· ~ . I . toeo Ne" port Blvd., COllt.a MH&. ('aJlfo,.la 30-40 It 50 foot Iota. Private telephone and natural gu a vallabk Close to grocerlea, bu11 11en·kt . etc E11cellent televlalon rcoeplJon. Adulu only, no peta. "IDCAL YEAa-·aoc::-m CUM.\TJ:" ..,..,. • ..... ...._ • loat.aa•u- I • . , /'a.<.'..~ "· ~ .... 1. i; I llAFFORD 6 SON MNll:.l..8 and l>UC" m.-11'1llCA.L ( 'ONTUACTOR.8 ,..... u.rv a-aw ... • llt .,..,..._ Av-N-port 8eadl ». and Kra. Joe A. rttta. who taken with tlle 112·)'t&r-old Cl'fll -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;._ an ooualaa tr'Olll Ila,., Kan. Wat nt.eran wbom be .utted lut r ». hita. a WIMat tanner, bu m•l)\ ID J'raDklln. Tua.a. Thie a ~ Of tra....U.C ud collect· ftt.raa'1 wtte 19 U . 'nMJ ban 11 .._ ~ ai. motto 11. "IM dtJJdnn and are UYtnr wtlh Ule ...._ J"lftt" &ad be bu done )'OUJ\l•t eon. ,._ ta.at. • a.,. Witted enry TIM Kauana left borne on Jan. It.ate oapUal ta t6e United 8t&tee. 5 and .,..1 mm• Um• la nortda. bM ... e. M.-Hlo, Oenada. AIU-w1Mn tM.7 wer.on TV. J'rom Coa- lra ... ~ and *"' OOMldent ta llMa thq are Soin• Up tlle ...... -... ...i J'Mt. oout . to Orefan aad Br1Uall ... _. 1111 wtttt, Dalq, ban OolwUI& ud npect w ba i.ome ............... 1111 ~ ._. U.. la May. • ..,_., .. oa Unoleum Co. -IAC& BOYD-•1 "· ........ ,.,. • ........... • Rabbet' Tiie • Cork • 4 1Pllalt 'l'De • ()arpet • Formliea • Yacld • i..talla&Joa HclNr Int Newpoit leach -· CONCRETE ILOCKS Kl 2.0754 PUm-BLde& C>OICP.U-1Y -tslt B. Jha. at.. ... ta Aaa PVJOO& -CINDI:& A.ND OON<;aETE BLOOU a&INP'OBCINO H1EL uni aUPPUU Bruce Martin LOCAL AODT ••lbw Offtee ' Liberty MOU LlbertJ 8-5554 '1... '1~~-~~.!;:; ~~ .~na ~----­--~------- ... THURSDAY, APRIL 21, f955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 I. PA&E J Youth ·work Told Auxiliary Burma Lecture To Aid Model U.N. Delegates 1 h~.m~~is~~~!~~~~~o~an April 13 at St. Jatne. Epiac·opal Church. heard an lnaplriDc talk by Mn. Gilbert Prince on the llUDUller work project foe On Apnl 22 at I p.m. Dr. GUM Brown of Or~I'• Cout CoU•r• wtU rtve a lecture on Bunn& lh the new choral room ot the mUlllo young people. Mrs. Prince, wile ot the r.ctor at lhe bottom el Ute Grand can- of St. Jamee l!placopal Church tn yon. It wu here that a quonMt hut South Puadena and daua1l~r of wu flowa ln • ,_ yrara a:o to lhe late Biahop llteveu, le In be made lnto a chapal. Tbe In· cb&rre of thla new project which dlan1 haY• made • •lone tront tor tlnda opportunltlM tor lntarut.ed It now. rour otheni wen ... t to boy1 and· irtrt. to participate acu-Ill.beta, Wyo,. wbere they worked •ely ln the mlulonary f\eld Of lbe wtlb tlle Arapalloe and ltloabone church. lndlau. SM b.-icllea all lb• appUc:&UOllol, The )'O\lq peopl4I ant eo lntm.e- whlcb Include three lett.era ot rec· ly lnter•t.ed ~ belnl' a part ot the ommendaUon from thelr rector, Church at work ill the ml•lonary ' achool leaclter, an_e an adult. ln fteld, and their enlhu.tum la eo addition to llletr own letter •tatin& lft&l, that rnon appllcatiou are their quaUttcaUon• and leaderehlp bel•I' received JIOW' than there a.re ablllllH. EmoUon&l •tablllty and Immediate ·p~ce11 for them to fill. the abWty to meet and talk with Mrs. Prince etae.d. Junior and people are vwy nec.._ry, and all ...Uor coUDMUo,.. help out each thoee who are M t are cho.-eummer at Camp Ill.even. ln Uae with preat care. San Dlero mountalna, and they Thie project et • wW aleo ....a.t the 1'n. Jolua H . lntereat ot lhe Prlncea' Ht n. M . Tamaa.kt of at. Mary'• Mia- Gil Jr., who t.wo aummen qo did .ion, at the Inter-racial day camp maintenance work at the HudlOll which be orpnlHd to help under· Stuck Memorl•I HNJ>lt&l ln Fort prtvtlered cblldren ln JCut Loi Yukon, Alaeka. Lut aummer a An&"elea. junior medlcat •tudent went to rt. The Gilbert Prine .. are Ule par· Yukon where he worked wilh th• enta of •vm chJldr\!11, one adopted. lndlane there t.hree-tourth• of Tllelr dau(bter Diana wUI be le&v• whom have tuberculoet. which wae lnl' late next month for Sn11&Ad, broug1tt ln by the white people. where llhe will b4i • repreaent.allve The lndl&Ae are not equipped to of the Loa AngelN DlooeM ot the cope with thle dlMaae. Few Eakl· &plecopal Church at lb•· World moe live In thla region ot Aluka. Auembly ot lbe Glr1-J'rtendly TO HONOLULU Society. Four young people were •ent to BAZAAa WOU the eummer camp cround• at Mo-A lunc:Jleon wu Mrved to t.be kulata, out.Ide Honolulu, HawatL Awdllary by It. · c.c.11&'• Guild l'our more wen~ lo Supat, Arizona., of BaJbpa bland. The b\ulla ... Many New Books 1 bulldlnl'. He will rtve flrlll hand vtewa and will ehow alldea whlcb be look while In Burma tut wm. mer. Thie lecture I• l>eln&' •pon· tored by th• JntemaUoeal ftela. llOM Club ot Orur-Clout Col- l•l'f'· 1 j 81.nee Wor1d War D Dr. Brown I U. been t.o Europe three Ume., t.o North Atrtca, the Middle ma.et and AM. He hu lntem-.d 1n1ch world IMdere u th• prtJne m!nle- tera of Paltwtan and TUUand, lh• prealdent ot Lebanon, Uae vice· • JUDITH CRANE mMt!nl' followed, Mra. J. H. Rll'P preeldlnl'. All 1Ullde are hard al work Oft preparaUon• tor th• an- nual Awdltary benefit buu.r achaduled tor Weclneaday, J uly 20. ICTeryone le &eked particularly t o •n art.lclea for the "wbite ele- phut" booth. The next Awdllary maetJns will be held Wedneaday, May 11, the epeal(er to be MJae Marlon Shat- tenb\ttl'. lbe waa born ln RawaU wh.,.. her father ta a doctor, and ah• ia now a Mnk>r at UCLA, m•· Jorin1 in lnternaUonl relaUoaa. Her top&o wW ba "Project llldl&." ploe•ldent of lndl' lb• foreign I mtnlet•r• ot the Met!Mrland, Ub- y, Turkey, J:cypt and many othel"ll. Dr. Brown bu talked will\ the edltora. tucheft, buebl_,,en and lbe ordinary mu oe the •lreet The reuon for lhle lecture I• that thle year tlle lnteniaUonal Relallona Club le repnaentml' Bur- ma ln the P'lftb Model Ublted Na- tlona of the mat Pacltlo w .. t. 'nil• i. to h<I held Oft the eampua of lbe Untvenlty ot Baa .l'ran- claco tile flnt we.k ot Kay. 'nil• year th• club le MlldlftS ex dele- l'atea: Dwain Oatterdam, P9uly Kftver, In.. Orundmuui. Max Gro.amann, Franct. Hurtaoa &11d John Sharp. Alter the lectura there wUl be u opportunity tat e&Q penon lo make a donaUon. 'nl-donaUOftll wtll l'O t owarde pa7ln1' U.e •· renaea of th• delept.ee l'OIDa to the Model UN. aun. aman Bualn .. ; undberp. Pot-luck For Oltt rretn The ha; MaoI>utfle, ~=~ ~0~ = Scout Troop 81 KJlnMibcbey; KeGlnley, The Lon Frida DI bt. .,..._I Latten; M&CLMa, Praaldmt IUM! y I' .. _., 1 Will baft a faml17 ntpt pot·luell .upper, to eoa,n.; Ounler, 'he Bo7 ~ W.lcome Tom °'8ale)', MMN'Rork Stoey; Sktnller, Botlolu Up!; ud &Ad Joel J'ruebaa, IDto u.. Troop Stocker, Artmona: A Outde to u Tenderfoot ecouta. Want to bear a ta1-about an A H~ry of Tbe Qwade .... a Euler U9tn1'. The mot.hen of U.. ,a~t lead· alll'ator by the name of Datay; volumea. •n. Mn. Jolla ~p. Mn. .Jim At the Library find Out how your c:htld can leam Mix· ed Bn·dge Gu.trap, Mn. Ted RUMll aad Blol'l'apble1 are. Baiabridp, Mn Orr1J1 w.i"""'t. _,. ... to read; bow lo tutall J'OUI' °"" Ovbo; Bemelm&IU, To 'nl• One 1 • • .... -... ...ve Hl·R. OI' leant Uout Ruaala T You Lon; Brooka, Joaut aJoaa; Cwill· d o• cMrp of U.. pot.-IUcll IUppw. wtll find book.I OD lbue 1n1bject., Llaallt, n. ,.......-....... --.... an inner 8eo\at Kuter MaUlew WaJdellcb -..-~·--aanounced t.ba.t enlwt.alnm•t for a11d many more, amon1 the booka 81'.lp; rerml, A.Loma in TM ram-~J nentnr, AprU tl. 11.u lbe'eftlllns wtD ba asta b)' each receatl)' Ml~ by Ule PUbUe Uy; R&hn, Clltaaa ICal·llMk; Lad· beea c:Ma9a aa "mJud brldre" ot o. four patro&L Tba main Library. N-ftcUoa bu -)' er, TM Karpret lkncw •tm-7: llicllt at kDt& Ana Country Club. .._t wt1l M Uae padU&Uon of lb• Dew 'YOlume .. 1ncludtns: McCormick, Lady JsuUn.llter; .. d A party dinner 'tlflll ba •rnd ID three caa41dat. to T.iderfoot AleJtander, And Let Tiie Credit Martin., Bob R•'• OwD Story: l.ll• louns-at T p.tn. ab&rp, w1U. and tJMtr aoceptanoe tnto the Oo; Appel, J'ortraM In tlle lky: II•" TWr., Wlll Trani. bridl'• and canuta to foUow. AU troop. Ban.ala ... Tbe Dowry; Brecltllftl', KlectU&neoua ftlWnN aN; llet· rNenaUou Meuld ba "*'-.. ,. ..41ae pot-!ac.k .......... nenta Walk In Beau~; CadeU. Money to t• Homa• la Gudeu' Diet Book; tomorrow (T\Maday). lltlllber"I wt1l ba bald at the n,.w.r meet· Bum; Cobein, l...on C&n be Dan· w!lo wlell t o attend attar 4Jnner tns pJaee of Troop 11, tM Jlalboa ruwe: SW-. rm OwWl B&n1· rwtune Mapan., TM CMastal' an ~ to • llt&te W'bea Ialand 0-..... t)' II et 1l o cl l 1 l IOll ~; OorcSoa. Tbe cap-AJDerie&D Marlht; i..-r. How to maiw.. ~Uom. Cbu.rcb.. taln'•Table; Oorbam. Tbe<loWof -;;;:::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:=,. Thell' Bod*; A DO'ftl about G&U· F l'dal Oralaaa, TM ._. ot i.e ...,_ oock; Grtttllh, T!I• O&d19t Maker: Henry, Paloma; Hobart. Venture Into Darlm-; Km_nedy, Act of Ood; KA1nyoe. Jeam&; Lockwood, I The Maa From Meeabl; lAWTe.Dee., The Galea of Lhla1; Mann, A I Room IA Put.; M.ut.ere. Coroman· dfl!; Murphy, Bride of Nnr Or· loeane; NIW'lllan, Tbe Autumn'• Brlfhllle•; Norrie, Ml• Hamel ToWMbmd; Rotten, ne PaJe Door: aapn. Bonjour Trtateae: Seifert. A Doc· tor In lbe Family; Tem>t.. AA AJ- Uptor Named Daley; Walller, The Curlew'• Cry; Weldm&a. Tour Daurhter lrla. I N.w tor younr people are two bool1 of fiction, Browln, Tht ' Whozlta: and Ll'May, 'nle Bearch· era. Also In non·ttcUon. Peale.' The Power or PoelUve Tbinkln tor younc peoplt'; •'-d Jven1. Stor- lu P'rom 5eYentHn. I My.tf'r1U lrlclulk: AlUngham Thi' Eatate of Ule Beckontn1 Lady: J Bush, The Caae of Ule Red Brun· 1 e\ tt; The Onrdona, 'nle Cue of the Tetklnr B111t: MacDonald. Ou.eta I tn ThP Houst; Muon. Two T ickets tnr Tangier ; R elm&n, Vamp Till I Rudy; Simenon. Mal(ftl h New Tork'• Underworld : and V&11der-I cook. Murdf'r In TrtDldad. 1 Non-rlcUon u WN&l I• m<* prQmJn.enL Rqal'dlnl children. volume• a". Ll'v1Mon. The Men- l.311y Jteta.rde<1 Child: McJ!:athron,' T1>ur Child Cn.n LMrn to ~d:: llntl Teld:cr, Your Child and HI• Probll'ml ' On mental health; Bluemel P•Y·' chlatry a nd <..:ommon Senlf': Fl&h· 1 beln, Succusrul )(1rrla;;e: Mo1.· lry. The T)le('IOjcy nt Albert Sch· I wrluer tor ChrleUan Inqulren. and Rogtrt1, My Spiritual Diu y. General ln!ormallon book11 are, C(lll'I'' and Pr1vste lkhool Dire<:• Lory of the tJnlt"d ltatea and C&Jlad&; Collocott.. The MacMIUan World Gaz~tteer and Geoi;rapblcal DlcUon111ry: Menke. The Jl!ncyclo- pedla ot Sporll, R11nJ McNall.1 Commercia l AU•• and MarkeUng- Ouldt; Rand McNally Special Rn11d Atlae; Unltl'd Stlltee, Canada and Mexico; and Bun11tt MacuLne: DIJcovery Trlpa tn Callfomla. Speclallud Information la con- tain~ tn the following: Chue, America'• Ml.Ille: J'rom the PU· 1Tlm1 to the Preeent; Gibb• • Smith, The Alrcrart Reeopltlon MuuaJ: Green, The World'• npt· lnr P1allet; Herkimer, B:ngtnewa' ntustrat.ed 'n!Naunll; Ha•• 1· S?lowen J'or AU Oc:culon•: Popular BcJenc., How to na Your Ow1I TV, Jtadlo aod -.mP-, t'Hllt; Proctor, Uranfbm. Wbert ft ta and How to nnd It; Jt&mRY. I hcte You D ould Know About ' Ura.DNm; Uruluna ~ Handbook. Mariner'• Comer la.U tbrM Ml· dlUOll&. DcNba. 'Uft41enfater 11\m~ lq; Monk. WlaCJ.,.,.. ....... lq; ft!Wpa-Btrt. Np ud .U.· llJll of Yacbta. Ri.tory IM1"e noelftd: lal11. A Short ChronolofY ot American ADORABLE! 2 PIECE WASHABLE PONGEE DRESSES $ 84 (Pl• 1Je Tlw!e) PRINTS·POLKA DOTS-WHITES~PASTELS Cute ,feeveleu blouses with matching fufl s~irt et a price 10 low ( $3.84 for the complete set!) you will want uverel. Sizes I 0 to 16. Bi9 selection. "Serve Yourself." ..__MAC & MAC---eom., 3rd & SycmtlON SANTA ANA wam 11"9 l'OK m uavm TOUDU, metory, 1H2·1llllO; &Del J\UDctman, ._ __________________________________ ..... ' \ . J (lovernmenl l:xcepl PAGE 1·. PART 111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to accept the thin91 we cannot change; the coure9e to change the things we con end the wisdom to ~now the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS . Vigilance on Oil Important Newj,ort Beach and it& tideland oil revenue. have gone beyond thftonfines of our city and ot our county in interat. It t. no eecttt any longer in the State ot Calltornia that there ~ accruing to the City of Newport Beach a small amount of revenue from lta tideland oU weU. drilled by the Monterey Oil Company. Therelore It now becomes most important in Newport Beach that all of lta re.identa apd ita city officials reaffirm their determination that there ahall be no oil exploration with- in tbe City of Newport Beach. Or, we mUBt prepare our- 1telvea for the invasion of the unlJrtdled horde that bu aw~t through our neighboring community of H~­ tngton Beach. We have contended' for some time that we have little confidence in the charter restriction agalut oil exploration. We believe our feelinga are well founded. But we and everyone in the City of Newport Beach should be ready and willing and determined to fight for the perpetua.tion of that prohibition against oil drill- ing and exploration within the City of Newport Beach. We have contended that the City of Newport Beach •hould prepare and have ready for adoption a reatric- tion ordinance controlUng the exploration for oil with- in the City of Newport Beach if and when our prohibi- tion might become inoperative. Tbue are now before the legislature in Sacramento two meuures vitally important to the City of Newport Beach and lta program of oil development. Both of theee meuun!ll are proposed by Earl W. Stanley, the ueem- blyman from the 14th District. Both of them are hon- eet measurea, honorably proposed and ardently fought for by thoee who would protect our coastline. One of the measures provides that any contractor operating upon a grant from the State of California for off-llhore exj,loration must abide by the rules, ttgula- tiona and laws of any community except where euch meuurea would forbid the exploration for oil. A second measure forbids the exploration for oil in the atate tideland.I of California between the Santa Ana River and the San Diego County line. Thi.t would forbid any off-shore operat.klne at Newport Beach un- Jeu the state felt that ita tidelands were being drained by an on-llhore locatlodi Mr. Stanley hu also introduced into the legislature a bill permitting the City of Newport Beach to sue the State of California to recover the title to blocks A H and 15 on our Newport Beach ocean front, Thi.t title '• waa WT'Ollgfully conoreyed to the Btate Beuh and Park · Comnti88ion in violation of reaolutiona adopted by the City of Newport. This we alleged and ahouted loudly about in this newspaper. We are glad to see that the state has ta.ken note of this infringement upon the tide- lands which were granted to the City of Newport Beach in 1919., We hope that the City of Newport Beach will exert every effort t o extend a legal battle into and through the courtil of the State of California to have thia wrong- ful conveyance of title corrected. It is the safeguard we must have to protect our beaches. But either we u a City of Newport Beach join hands to ardently fight against any encroachment upon our boundariea of oil exploration crew• or we are faced with a town lot lit- uation such u baa blighted Huntington 8-cb. Either we continue to fight any exploration or we prepare for unbridled exploration unless we have pre- pared and ready_ for emergency adoption a city ordi- nance properly rel!llricting and controlling to the gftat- eet measure po88ible the exploration for oil in our tide- lands or from any surfacea within our city. The city attorney of Newport Beach tel.la us that we cannot adopt an ordinance controlling oil, .a Jong u the restricted measure against any oil exploration rema.ina in our charter. That charter ia our conatlution. We aball agree and abide by the information provided by the city attorney. But we hope that the city officiala of Newport Beach and its city attorney wilJ prepare moat expeditiously a control measure to govern the explora- tion for oil, if and when the charter meuure ahould be declared unconstitutional. We feel t hat we &U mlfilt stand firmly, aolidly and determinately against any exploration of oil within our city. That we muat be ready to fight to we-guard the confines of our community against oil exploration. We will have the opportunjty to eee the operation and con- atruction of off-s~ore platform.11 or i.111ailda at Hunting- ton Beach. The.e will give us a more clear determination of JO!WPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W.$,PRESS Formerly the Newport-Balboa N.,,._Tlm• and th• Newport-Balboa Pre. Ente~ u Sttond-CIUI Matter at the Poetotfke In N.-port Beach, California undtr the Act of March a, 1119. ~ 1;,,.ry M~ Md 'ft1anda7 a( N_,.n ..... 01i111. by the l\'l.:WPOaT BA.JUN)• PUBU8111NG oomA.NY 'l'l!h••-· ........... BEN REDDICK. PUBLmHl:ft WILLLUf A. MOSES, Sdltor ORMOND E . ROUN'l'REE, ~~ D1Nat.or CJIAJU.ICa A. ARM'S'mONO, Kechan.IO&I 8\1.,.nntmdent • r what to apect in our off-ehore tldelanda if the State or Callfora.la la 11UcceMful in ret.ainins to it. our tlfSe. landa otf-tlbon fl'OID Newport Beach. But lf we are aucceuful under Mr. Stanley'• bill of recovering the title to the tideland.I of Block A H and A 15 off-ehore of the Newport Beach area, we will then be able to determine our own destiny in thia re-- gard, and forbid any exploration to the·statutory th.ree- mile limit or within the city llmitB of Newport Beach. • There ia no 4'&lld reuon apparent to ua why all of the reaervee now known in the tldelanda in our area can.not be recovered from the preeent operationa of the Monterey OU Company, inland of the city, weaterly of Mth St. However, we should keep il)formed and be pre- pared for any eventuality. Cer\&1J11Y thia t. true of our city government and of our city manager, they ahould keep more than the ordi- nary llW'Velllance upon our tideland.I. our beacbea and in our community. We aboald putlcularly watch tha.e placee where oil operatlona were previoualy conducted and where the black gooey uphaltic meu bu boiled up into the yarda of citit.en9 in timee put. We. abould carefully watch and control their effort. to keep their yvda and communitte. clee.n. Counsel Counsels Council The City of Newport Bea.ch wu mis-treated to a brazen nade performance of the County -of Orange Mon- day night. Our city council aw the horrible example of the conduct or a petty bureaucrat carrying the words of hia superiors. We apea.k about the performance of Joel Ogle, county coun.ael before our city council. Oc:caaion for the cheap ahow wu th• hearing by the city upon the meas- ure to annex to the Oty of Newport Beach, the 1800 acree in the Upper Bay. The County of Orange prou.ted thia annaatJon. conteading' that it. tideland pro~rty comprUed more than one-half the value of the propoeed annexation. The sr-t contrut in the act.a 6t the 8how wu evidenced by the performance of the city attorney of Newport Beach, Mr. Karl Lynn Davill and hJa hind ap- praller, Kr. Stanley Goode on the one hand and the COUDty COUDMl and hJa Jllred'appra.t.er, Jack Wallace OD the other hand. Kr. Goode pve a echolarly dellcrtptlon of tbe property. He told the council that be wu banc:U· capped by abort not.lee. Ha told the council that be bad INl"N,,ec1 the property, that h• had meuured tt, that he made a tour of it with our city tn&ineer. & .aicl that he had carefully arrived at value. bued at Jeut iD. part upon the tax aneror'a valaatlona of the area. Mr. W&JW:e, appearing and bei.nc que.tioned by· Mr. Ogle, at.at.ed that he bad not recently eeen the prop- erty. That be hadn't been on the Back Bay tn a lonr, long time. That he ha~·~ looked at it. That be didn't bne my knowledge of the title of the property or whether the tJtJe wu merchantable. He aa1d that he had talked to the enrineer who prepared a county re- port and from that and lu. previoua experieace, he drew hi.a concluaiona. Mr. Goode uid that the value of the property nr. roundins the Upper Bay wu in ex~ of two million doll&n. Thia wu born out by the tax Hte-.ment ftpre of $336,000. Mr. Goode aaid that the value of the county. property wu nil beeauae it wu in effect. merely a right of way for transit aimilar to a pu.1bJic ltreet. There were arguments of courie p~ted by both sidle. But Mr. Ogle made a great fanfare and ahow of waring anu aaying that our bay bad been deveJ. oped by all of Orange County encompuaed in the Orange County Harbor Diatrict. Mr. Ogle Ald that it wu the duty of the county to protect the inter.ti of all the people. But Mt. Ogle did not My what county Jandl had been held open for the enjoyment or uae of all the people. Mr. ~Le did not aay why the county wu propoe- ing to aeU into private ownerahip, the eo-called county dock area. He did not aay why a fence had been put a.round the area on the cout highway that belongs to the county. Mr. <>ci. did not aay why there hu been a vut 8Wll of money expended for an Orange County Harbor IMtrict office on the bay, clOling' off a great portion of the bay to public uae, and he d.kt not aay why thoee facllit.iee owned and operated by the county Har- bor in.trict are not available to the people. No, Kr. Ogle made a poor preaentat.lon. And t.Mn, lib a apoiled child, wrongfully n1led by nerlectful parents. turned ou hia heela with hia Mr. Wal- lace at hia co~tall and strode from the council cham- bers of the City of Newport Beach, before the cue wu concluded or the bearing ended. We are ubamed for the County of Oranre. We are proud of the City of Newport Beach and all of tbOM who puticipated in the hearing becau.e they took no note of the craa rudenea of the pompou. Mr. Ogle who came to the county ringing the bell ot a Pacific EJectric rallwaycar and ud to aay thoee can no longer leave to tum.lab him puaage away. Tb• Qty of Newport Beach found tlM county ob- jection unfounded. 'nle city council ot Newport Beach. littJnc u an evaluation board determined that the nlu- atlon ot the land nrroundi.nl tbe county tJdelanct., wu far ID ace. ot the tidelanda if &!11· ~ •oted to pr<>-: oeecl with the •nnention. f And they UDoeOTered the ~ that bad beeli •tered into by th• County of <>rue-. with the Costa Meea City Council wherein that body -.rUer on the ame eftlllnc while th• Nf'W'POrt Be&cb at,, Council wu in lle98ion, voted to incorporate withbl tt. city. a portion of th• .,.. alrudy under annexation proceedings by the Cit)' of Newport Beach. Tbia ia a poitt-.J pot.pourri W.U wortb7 of watcbtnc. It's A Two-~y Stre~I READERS Durtn1 the p&lt y-.r l haw re&d a ,,_t clet.l coocwnill1 UM hi· Jowulp of ReconclltaUOD and UM American ChU UbertlM tlnloe. Tbe cltaUOft.I t.11... or.-anl&aUona ha" recsftd. and tM record9 ot U. perlOM Ule7 ha•• ~ we deftnlt.1.J wid•rable. ann thou1h Mr. •Nett and M:r. 8UllM>m pubUcly &nDOUD~ tMt tM7 wCIWd netp from UM r.o.a.. t.M7 ban not .e..red lb~lr u- 90Cl&Uoa and their ...Ud• rtma&ll tM mt.1M-J do aot thiU I\ le ,_ Ible t!iat Mr. Nfllt _. i.ch With• out proJecUnl' hia l4Ma Md a. Um to UM atudlnu. Tbeal two .. .... ~ t.o 'l'HINJt Wllitt tJaeJ ..... 11111\ u.1 IMuld llOt lie la ow eeboola. .... dD DOt .. , Olar ~·a alada ~law ta.. P"'h raplll• ~ u.. 4.C.L.t7 .... ~ F.OA Mia. OIDOltQlA llcCl•.J•M Ill ll.apoll& ,. .... Coeta Kela WJaat do I WnJI a'°Vt U. Neff. 8Ul.bon aUDkT Well. I Ullnll ~y abould be 'boot..S OUL° ni. ftrJ bet c-., daa't ,..... )a Lbe fMe WRITE ... :Jrom BRUSH COUNTRY J URNAL ENTRANCE-To Split Mountain. one of the ptewaJll to adventure and th• Lost Pegleg Mine. -Horace Park.- er Photo TYPICAL-n..t Wub bl tbe PesJec country. a..tJ, rocky, choked wtth mnoh tnee and rbmned wtt.b eoa- t.W u4 eroW 11114 ...... -son. Pu1lilr .... ., , • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE I• ' • '. ·( EARLY MORNING·START-Part of the canoe party of the Explorer Scouta ia silhouetted against the water of the Colorado River u we got an "n"'~· ~t.,, · :--~ m0rn- ing after our aecond night's camp. This is the river be- low Squaw Dam. ON THE MOVE-Here's a shot of some of the kidil packing up at Loet Lake, re.ady to move on. Bob Poli- ter from Coeta Mesa ia in the back, with Hilford Dahl and Jack Hoy of Santa Ana forward. Explorers In ,Canoe Trek 81. N<>l•: Tile ptchm:~ of tile Om11ge Bmp(nJ Cowtl(!tl Ezpkn'n Seo.I Eiuter Wef'k •co11oc trek 4otc11 tile Col.- oro4o .lfhie-r toere takf'll bjl .Dta11 PVTct, Eaui. B~oNt alld •.rplortl" BcOttf of N e'ICpOrl Beocl~ POllt 5. Tile elofl/ of t.\e trek '-told '" Da11 '.t 011111 tCOrda. By DAN PIERCE Dear Joe: Some of the Explorers here in Orange County juat went on a great canoe trek down the Colorado River. The trip wu really "dark green." Mo.t of U1 met at tbe Boy Scout Office in Santa Ana at 7 :00 a.m. on Sunday for the Easter •unri• llel'ie vice. Thia wu provided especially for ua u we had to leave early in the morning. Rev. Paul Neumann of the First Baptiat Chun:h in Co.ta MeM WU the guest 1peaker. He empbaaiU!d that the risen Chriat ia in the world all about us. We left promptly at 8 a.m. from the Scout office. Denn.la Cole and I rode in the two pickup truck• that were each hauling a trailer of aix canoes. There wu another pjckup that piclced up ita load of canoea in Blythe. baWic been left thett by a previoua expedition. The majority of the boya rode in a bue owned by one of the unita. The pickupe and the bussea also carried the food and packa. At noon everybody 1topped at ln· dio and ate lunch. We brought a sack lunch but the men ate at a re.taurant. We then continued to Jonea River Lodge aniving It 4 :30 p.m. The Explorel"ll camped there along the river about two mllee below Parker Dam. Most of ua turned ln about 8 p.m. after the long drive although there were 110me night owi.. The guya were up at 1unriee and break· fut wu between 6 and 7 p.m. The group waa divided up into four crews eacb baving about eight boys. Each crew did all its own cook- lq and deenlnc up. An outalandini thing about thia READY TO GO-Here we are, ready to put lnto the water at Lost Lake camp site. Lost Lake Lodge ia in the background acrosa the river. Theae Explorers are all from the Orange Empire CounclL YOUNG CHEFS-Cooking breaklut wu great llpOrt. Thia wu at Jonee' RJYW Lod&'e. Here are Milford Dahl, Jay Romita, Jack Hoy, Andy Bennett and Lee Hendrick. campsite waa the fine river ailt. It was ln everything. When everything wu all aet to go we went in trucka to Parker Dam. Thia wa1 a very interesting excusion ta.king about an hour. The canoes were put in the river at about 9 :15 a .m. A 1trong wind prevailed in the morn- ing making travel alow. The river curre.nt is said to be about 5 miles an hour and we found that without paddling the wind would hold us still aga.inat the current. SOme boys just beginning to get the feel of things bad a hard time. We arrived at Squaw Dam at about noon whl"T(' we ate and then ported canoea and gear for about 300 yards around the dam. We played around and some went in swimming. We left Squaw Dam at about 3 p.m. and traveled down the river to the first nighfs ca mp arriving at about 5 p.m. Dinner soon started and some again went for a swim in t he chilly Colorado Rh·er. \Ve hit the hay between and 7 and 8 p.m. under a beautiful evening 9ky. r_::_ Up again at sunrise rested after a hard day yestt'r- day. After ealini the canoea were put into the water I at 8 a.m. and after a short three hours paddle through numerous snags we arri\'ed at Lost Lake, our third night's camp. This was off the river about a quarter mile and wu therefore dead water free from the main river's current. Thia proved fine for swimming and prac- lice canoing. Some of us rigged up a sail out o[ a ground clotit and the mast out of a Jong paddle and ha'd a nice sail. Many of us went across the small lagoon and had ham- burgers and pop. a plt'asant change from dehydrated foods. We ate at 6 p.m. and saw Mme movies et the lodge between 7 and 8 o"clock. Most of us were in bed at 9 p.m. but there were some night owls. The morn- ing sun woke us up and we were again paddling at 8 a.m. There WBII some shallow water and many danger- :>us snags. . In the middle 0f the morning we stopped and reat- rd and some of tht· guys had a swim. We arrived at Rffer B<>nd al 1 ::!:3~J where we brought the canoes out of the water. We r.t e lunch and Doug Walton, Boy Scout field man for the Harbor arra. and Fred Hamilton, ca- noe trek 1P·nsor, prN;mted the canoe trek patchea. We left River &nd at 2 p.m. all riding the ~WI thia time ·becau.ae the trucka hauled the canoee up acatn to .Jonee River Lodge for the 11eeond trek. At ?r o'clock and halt way between Beaumont and Rivenide the bWI broke down. Upon examlninc the en- gine we found a bole ln the head with water spwtinc from the water jacket . We Rnt two boy. from Orange down to Riverside with a puaing motoriat who called the Scout offici&W in Orange .. bout a bua believed to be available. Two more boy• went down the bill for food bringing it back up at 9 :30. The bua arrived abort- ly after. After a three hour delay we continued on to the Scout of!ic.e in Santa Ana at midnight. From here we called our pa.rent.a for tranaporation home. Thia trek which meuured by road to be nearly 70 miles turned out to be by river route to be •lightly over 40 miles. There were 13 canoea each with two Exploren in them and two other canoes belonging to the Red CJ'081 me.n that acted u guides, two kayaks were al9o used. There were no cuualties and all the boy1 agreed they had a wonderful experience. See ya, Dan OD WOll&-We unloeded the canoee from tnllera when we aft'hPed at the rhw. S.., Wt to rtpt, an Dlnnia Cole. Bob Potter and me. t did that wt~ mJ.rron. INIUN STYLE-It wu tun paddling down the Colorado. Made u.a feel like real explort'rs. In- diana too. Wish you c..1111rl have been there. WE OOT OU& UDOD-PatdMll for the cruoe trek wwe clftn to all tlle ldda at the river bend. Doq Walton, 8covtt n.&d mu for tbe Harbor u., and Fred Bamllto1l, trek advl80r. gave them out. Yoa can ... them fNm left to ri&'bt: WaJtOG, Ca rt Green. Pete Ulyatt. Hamilton, Ernie Wakeham. Ronald Ftcken, Jim W•beimw, Lee ff.eDd,. rick, Jack Hoy, ~~(' Bigler, Dennia ~. Bob Potter' a.ad. Jack BGmlU. -;.f , ' ii PAGn-PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSJ)A Y, APRIL 2 r. r 95! ANNUAL SALVAGE WEEK DRIVE MESA COUNCIL PASSES NEW BY 'SALVATION ARMY MAY 9-14 TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE UDO SHOPS OFFICERS 1 AKE OVER NEW DUTIES Elected to bead the Lido Shope bu.eineu uaoclatlon for the coming year were the officers pictured above, eeat- ed left to right, 0 . W. "Dick" Richard, preaident; Sal- lie Fleming, 1eCretary; Duncan MacAlpine and Robert Ramaay, vice preaidenta. Rear row directora are Dick Macker, Jack Bidwell, Marshall Shaddocl<, Joe Nickertz LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Loraine Daniel and Leon Will1aml. A program of adver- ti~ing for the coming year on a monthly budget partt. cipatlon for ea&h &bop ln the Lido area wu preeented for the consideration of the members of the Lido Shope Aaaociation. -Staff 'Photo Out-of-use articlea in Newport Beach homM can be put to 1ood UM tn ~ Salvation Army S.. clal Service Center mervtnr thla area. The article• can provide vital occupational therapy for homelee. and handicapped mtn who rt- pair them in workahop. of the blr center, Th~y will be 90ugbt dwinc the annual Salv.,. Week drive here May 9-14, when Salyttion Army Red Shlelcl trucka will call In reepoD.M to telephone calll from local rMidenta who have dilcarda to donate. Proceeds from ule of the reconditioned articlea a.re Wied to feed. clothe and bo~ bundreda ot men who call upon the center for help. Cutoff• donated in 1964 enabled the center to provide 288,6:50 bo1lrl of work therapy, 80,180 meala and 20,1'50 lodglnp. Brigadier Willl&m J. Parkina, manapr of the center, uid the 110Cial rehabilitation program re- quires a contlnuo\18 inflow of uaable material.I auch u clothing, shoes, furniture, diabea, mattreue., bedding, kitchen utensila, home appliancea, .Uver- W&rf, atovea, radio., rap, rug•, booka and bric-a- brat. Hay Langenheim, chairman ot the 1~ citl- aena committee uaiat.ing in Salvage Week, urged refldenta to telephone Liberty 8-1.lM for a Red sbleld truck during the camJ1&}gn. Visitor's 'Car Jwnps CW'bllMJ lllto FHce A aharp curve on Bayside Drtn and an unllshted pU. of plpea by the aide ot lh• road were apparent- ly the cauee of a minor a ccident Tuuday, according to police. curva and plpe1. He ll&ld hit C§' hit the plpea and jumped the curb Into the tenc.. Funds for Attorney Offser Jmineu Includes 18 • Lol Subdivision, Drainage, New Car Wlth a number of tn.Uer park people UPft9lq •uatacUon with U.. Oranse County traUel park ordln&ace, Coeta Me• City Coun· cil Monday rusht decided tn talc• up tlnal p ... 1e ot a city trailer ordlAance May 2. w ... councll gave nnt readln1 to a trail.fr par~ ordinance weeks -.o. then held' It up pendlnl' • uniform county ordlnancl'. <:lty Menaser O.Orr • Coffey r•ported t.bar .. wel"9 111 trailer couri. lat&de Ooeta xua c1ty Umtt.a. In other 11ua1n-. the OOIUICU: Approved ttnal map of an l8- lot 11UbdMaon ortstnally aubmlt- ted ltHt May. Louted betwMn Or-an•• and Sant& Ana a\ lnteraec- Uon of Wutmluter Awi. ~11th St .. Ule tract bu chanpd OW1\el"' lhlp. o.ctl R. Powell put up a 111,700 bond to COftr lmprove- 11>«1ta.· BMrd OouncUmaa Bert .. IUI ....-J. for perllOn.t to help b1m ctrculat. in.formal .,.UUon• tor CNaUoa ot a dralnage;and atrHt lmpronmehla act betwettn 11th an4 ltth Sta. WHt of Barbor Blvd. bearlns on a ruomn~ r.-qut'"t bf Vant, Jnc. Set June e a~ ,1 .. te for pnilrsl hffrlnf on 1tl"9•t ••r ('lllD&' ru•ts on Vlr1ln1a, Cecil an.I A I but Plau a between OranJe 111HI Sanlu Ana Avu, Total e1llnwtc-1I c<1sl ''' the lmprowmrnt dht11('t w111 SS2.i~O. accordtnr to City F.n):&Ml'r C'on Southwe>rth. btlhlt Refresher Cowse Announced A ,.treaher courae In Encll•JI tundamentai. will I><' offt>r!'d 1t11r- \n1' uie IJlrlnl' term In the artnlt educaUon • prof'Tilm al Orana• Cout Coll••· 'rht Instructor "''ll be Dr. JoUI Ntff. lnatructor In llnsllah at the college. Thia 11 a bulc ooune d•ll'ned to Improve written and oral exprt"111lnn. Cl&uN wUI be hf'lrt on Tueaday and Tia~ evenln11 from T to t ' bestanl.nc A pell 19. Priest lolld Down Bond on City Tl" .. urt>r C. K . Prieet wu red\a<'ed from 1100.000 to S28,000 Mo.nday ntl'ht by city council on recoinmendatlon ot Sallore and City A(tomey Lynn SaUor• and Clyt A ttornry Lynn Davia. Welinslci DallC)hter • NOTICE IN\'lTISO BIOS CERTlnCATE OF BUSINESS The Board ot Truatee11 or the FICTITIOt 8 FIRM :SAME Hall Sentenced on Check Charge on Fflday at 2 p. m . "'1th the Rev. Dallu Turner, putor ot the Com- munity l>reabyter lan Church, o!- !lclatlng. Jnterment will be ln Fairhaven Cemetery. Terni.nce Edmund Phllllpa, 31, o! San Juan Caplatrano, told oftlcer1 he waa travellns about 20 mile.a piT-hour when he came to the A •um of $2000 tor extra lesal aervtcea by the city attorney wu expended Monday nJ1bt from the cont1n1ency fund by city council. Jt wu needed, the city m~r aa.ld, bee&u.ae of more trlaJ work than uaual. Oa'N Q>ttey oulhortty to pur- ellaM a car from Miller Ch~vrol•t at ln.fonnal bid price of $1 TOll.•O. Tbe whJcle will replace one total· ly wrecked In a recent accident by Uie Mna police department. Cof- fey alto wu aulhorl.&ed to obtain Informal blda on a deak. chair. typewriter and file !or the fire de· part.ment, and a !Ire proof safe, typewriter and adding machine tor the city hall. Navy HMC and Mr11. Alphon1• ' • J ohn Wellnskl ot Coate MeM are pai-.•nts o! a daughlf'r born Mar~h Newport Bt>ach School District of The underalgn!'d, doee hereby SANTA ANA (0CNS) -Form- Oruire County will receive bide at certify that 1he 11 conducunr an er Newport Harbor Union H igh t.h• Bumn.a Otflce, 1400 Cliff interior and de.Asntnc bualne .. School 1tudent Leonard W. Hall, Drift, Newport Beach. CaUfoml&, with almllar related acUvillea at 23, a tranalent, Fr1day waa d•nll'd up to 8:00 p.m. May 3, 111~5 !or ~20 Avon, Newport Beach, Or-probation on two forced check gymD&llwn Jocken, library fuml-ans• County, C&IUornla, under the ch&rsea and 1entenced to prtaon ture and clauroom turnlture u ftcUtlou•· nrm name or deatsna-for the term preacr1bed by law. tollowa: 119 met.al n-mnulum Uon which do. not ahow the true Superior Court Judie John" Shea room Jockers; library turnlture, ln name or namu of the penont In· puaed aentence. ch.ldlns abelvtns. tablea, chain. tenated In aid bu.tneu. to-wtt: Hall admitted J>UAln&' the check out deak, ma.-ulne rack. ''JEANE" CA.RROLLJ: checka. H• aao ww.a ldenUtled u book cart, card cat.alosu• and mi. INTERIORS" a ,11U1ptel In a Coeta M-holdup. rellaneou. library tumltu.re; 180 and Uuit aid tlrm i. compoeed of Hi waa anwted b7 Lu Vebu po- r ha1r dalta for TUl A Ith ,rade; the fo"owtns penon, ool7 whoea lice and atrad.Jted b7 Newport 1~ • two -place t.abJea for lit name ud add..._ 11 u toUowa: police. 1 • g-ra.de; 30 tint ~ c!Wra; N. JEAN BROWN Hall h&a .en a !fold pliaced on 90 2nd srade chair•; e6 unlveral 2t20 Avon. him b7 1:1 C.nt.ro auµ.oriu-. deelta tor 4th sr&d•: 3& unlwral Newport Beach, Calltbnlia. cha.rins five forsery oowita. San deab tor 6th ,nde; S •~·place Wltne11 my hand thW lat day ol FrUlciaco police al.lo are lnterat- tablea; 20 .nenteen-tnch ca. April, lllM. ed In him on & 1Nralary. room chalra; 7 teachel"I dulu; 7 N. JEAN BROWN The defendant. reportedly pau- teacller cbalra.. ST A Tiil or CALIFORNIA ed thne payroll type checlu lot&l• Sida will be accepted on all or a COUNTY OJ' ORA.NOii: )•. lq $284.72 ln 0l"&nl'• County. part ot the above U.ted ltem1 and On lbi. th• lat da7 of April. Jude• Shea ordered bit Rntence c-nntract.8 w lJJ be awarded upon 1115-5, betore me. CAJUU.11 V. DUD-to rwl concurrently wtth any quality ot aamplHI ahown. LEY, a NoLar)' P\lbUo ln and for others pendinl' ln connecUon wltll SpeeJflc&Uon. will be on tU. tn ll&ld County and Stat., penonaUy the ti.d check 91>ree. the Bu1lnum otnc. at HOO CUft .......... N. ~ -.OWM, Drive, Newport Beach, Calif. known to me to be the peraon The Board ot Truateea ot the whoee name la wb11er1bed t o th• Newport Beach SCbool Dlatrlct r..-within Jn.trument, and acknow· 1>ervea the rtsbt to reject any or ledsed to me Uuit ah• aecuted all bld1 or walve any lntonnallty the tame. In a bid. Wltneu my band and omclal OCC Hikers on lcsren MofCIYe HARVEY D. PEASE teal HUdnc enthualuta from Oranre Cout College 1pe1>t three daya durtns Eaater vacation neidnr tbelr muaclea ln Death Valley. Five easer Hiking Club membeni. ac- companied by their advtaor, Dr. Jamea McCauley, departed on Apr)l 10 for the b&r"'n Mojave. They 1pe,nt their !lnt night In the campJTOund at Calleo. The nut day (hey took In Baker. Sho· aboM, Bad Water (231 feet below aea lenl>. Furnace Creek, Stove- pipe Well.I eod Wlldroee Canyon. That nltht wu spent ln the Char- coal ltllnt ln the Panamtnt Moun- taln•. Olerk, Newport Beach School Dial. Publiah: Apr1l H It 21, 19~ Newport HarbOr New11·Prea1 No. 131 l CERTIFICATE Of' Bt'Sl:0.'1:8!1 HC11TIOt:8 n1u1 SAX£ The undersigned dou hereby ccrttry that 11hc Is conducting a re1taurant bu.lnua at 1894 New- port Blvd., Coat.a Meu, Calltomla. under U.. flcUUOU. flrm name of BERT"& CAFE and Uuit aald tlrm la compoMd ot the tollowlns pt>r- aon1, wb<>H names In f\111 and pl.a.oat of reeldf'nce art u !ollowa. to-wit: DOROTHY S. EDWARDS, 1875 Analltlm, Cotta Mn•. CalltornlL Wltne. my hand lhl1 11th day of Aprll, 111:'>6. /I/ DOROTHY 8. EDWARDS 8T A TE OF CALJFORNlA COUNTY OP' ORANGE ) 11. On Ulla 11th clay of April. A. D. 19~. before mt, ROBERT F. WlLLMJ!l8, a Notary Publ.lc In and tor the aid County and St.ale. rulding U:lereln, duly comml11ion- ed and sworn, pen!!Onally appeared DOROTHY S. EDWARDS known to me to be tbe peraon whoee name la 1ubllcrtbed to the within lnstru· menl, and acknowledgecl to me that &he eJtecutcd the aame. ln wltne11 wh«-rec>!, I have here- unto 1et my hand and a.tfix'6 my orrtcal aeal the day and year ln t.hl1 Certlllcate f irst above "''Tlt- tfn. /I/ ROBERT F. 'WILLMES My OommLNlon Expl"'' Nonmber 18, 11163 No. 1310 Nnva·PrfU '11'· 11. II, &15. lllM CARRIE V. DUDLl:Y Notary Public ln and for aald County a.nd State. My commlallon elfplres Nov. 18, 19~. ?>;o. 1309 New1·Pre11 4/T. U , 21, 28, 11155 CEICtiP'ICATE or BUSINESS nCTITIOUS na11 NAME The undersl(llt'd dou hereby certity Uuit he 11 con.dueling a real .. tat• bu.ainea. at 2305 Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beach, California. undtr the flcUUoua firm name of BA YVlEW RltALTORS and that said firm I.a compoeed ot the !ol· lowing peraon1. whoae narnea ln tun and placea of rutdencc-are u followa. to-wtt: PBJLIP J. RAPP, a1112 Cbannel Pl.. Newport Beach, Calltomla. Wltnee1 my band thl• 18th day ot Apnl. ltM. PHILIP J . RAPP STATE OF CALlFOR.NlA COUNTY or ORANGE tu. The nut d.&y the atudent..t cllmb- .ci Teleaoope Peak, blghe1t pro· montory IA the Pa.namint ranee. That evenin1. the lut before re· turnins borne, ..-.. ~nt on the daert OM.I' China l.A.ke. ~ maklnS 0-e trip were:. Larry Wrl1ht. HunUnston Beach; Bob Kaune, Lacuna &acll; Unneu VlottJ. eo.ta M-; Joe.ii Petty- (TO"'t, Oran,e; and .Ann Wame.r, Santa AD&. Of lhl.I 11th day ot April. A. D. ------------ 1965, before ma, ROBERT F. \\'ILUUl:S, a Notary Public In and for the Aid County and State, resldlnf therein, duly commlaaloned DEATH 'NOTICE OEOaGI: ,_'"E.L80S PEC'K and 1wom, penonaUy appt>ared Oeorse NeJ.on Peck, 84.. of 918 PRTLIP J. RAPP known to me to South Parton St., S&nta .Ana died be the peraon whoee name I.a 1ub-early yuterday at bta homt. Ht tcribed to the "'1thln lrutrument. wu a native of Monroe, WI.:. and a cknowled(ed to me that he and bad UYed l.n I..acuna Beach for executed the llU'l\e. 22 y..,... IU wu a retired car· ln wltneu whereot, I b&ve here-pent.er and contractor. He 11 1ur· unto aet my hand and affixed my, vlved by hi.a wife. Mary, o! the official •eaJ the day and year ln home addreu; two '°""· Glen A. thla Certificate first above WTltten. of Anahelm and Henry T. of La- ROBERT F. WILL.MES guna ~ach; one dauglller. Mra. My Comrnlatlon JCxplttl Reliance Ooddard ot C.Orona del Nowmb4r 19, 19~ Mar. No. 1312 Funeral MrV1cet trom KcOor- Newa-PreM 4/21, 21. 6/5. 12. lllM mldt Cbapel. J'Ulkrton are to be Spring Sale PRICES! Estra 8pedall 4 Pieces 2 :r:=: ,79.0 2 llOX U'UNCJe Tr. 0tlON9't .. •~ ~ ..... c~, KESTIU'IS llATl'U:U ... II!_. BOX SPlllNO, Twl8 .... • , , , . ~ PluUe ()oinred ......... 9'.16 1900 So. Main SANTA ANA Kl 7·1150 0,.. Fri. I Mon. 'ti t -~ I -- \ , Set May 2 u date for pubUc 28 In U. S. Naval Hoapltal. Corona. Announcing America's newest, lowest, smartest 4-door Sedan Newest model in Mercury's Montclair Series lets you •nioy "hardtop" beauty with 4-door convenience ft"1 the-ncwe11 Mercury of them all-the Montr lair 4-door Stdan, and the photognph 11hows you that not one bit of the original Mnn1r la1r hardtop be.uty hu been Iott. h hu the !amr dramatic lown~s-only 58~ incbrs from road lo roof. And tee how connnient it is to fl"I in and out. £yeryone who admires hardtop 1ty~. but wantl the roomioete and rnnvf'nienoe of a 4-door model, can now eal hi& cake, and hue it tool 1"-"1t Sv,.,..T~ V;.J wtM. ... ..-... , Seldom bu an engine caUHd 11 much ea· thusi11tic com.meat from auto editon. And once you dri.-. • Moatcla.ir, 7ou"U tee wb7. It ~Vel JOU instant, OD·the .. pot pickup •t every •peed-from 11ro to1uper·hicfiw1yllal.._ A four.barrel carburetor, unique new high· compraeioa •perk plup. and du.I nhaaat1 are yomt at no atn eoet. f•tune like tbeee are uauallJ atn on medium-priced ~ . lxclualve HW ,...., lvllft..eMft 1lves ~ury .W..t chelce ef ,..., .....,,.. Tbe Mercury Montclair ofen 1 new optional power fuhue-power lubrication. And It'• uduaiYe with Mercury tn the medium·prioe field. You pu1h 1 button oo the datbboard and vital pert• of your ear are 1utorutic:&lly lcabri- ca1td. You can alto chooee optional power 1teering, power windoww, power bnkft, 4-way powf'r teal and Merc.O.MAtio DriYe. Why ..c come In and tee thit neweat ~ Mercury? It coata 1 lot a...~ 7ou think. And your preeent ca 11 worth a lot more than J011 think OD • tnde·iD It 1our tit.ow, c1ea.1er· .. IT PAYS TO OWN A m E 8 cu RY-FOR FUTURE STYLING. SUPER POWER he't .._ ,.. 11>1• .. 1"4"-•a r ~ s.111 ••••• "'lOASf Ofl H fOWM," ......, ......., •• 1e •• ...._ INIT, o.... 1 JOHNSON & SON, LlncOln • 900 We Coast Highway NIWPORT •ACH Mercury Ub1rty 1-5145 AcrouhM ..,Clllt , • " LIGAL NdrlCE ADVJ:STqE1fl:!\'T roa IUD8 Mollee 11 hereby civen that the lto&rd Of Tnattu of the Oran1t Cout Junior Collea• Dl•trlct of Cruce County. here.11Ulfter rder· l'!ld to u th• "OWner", WIU re-1 celve up to. but not later than DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of ttle Newport Harbor News-Presa is guaranteed. Carrie't-boys will deliver their papers b&- fore 6 p.m. on'Monday and Thur11dny. If your paper ia not d~livt-re<i by that hour p!eaire call Harbor 1616 and ll 1pecia1 route m1rn will immediately respond with your 1 :00 P .11., .._y 9. 19~ .... ated bide ":=~======================°=:! t or tbe a ward ot contract for tan(I· _ copy of your Newport Harbor News-Preas. 14-Pel"llOUla ----· .. EVERYBODY LO~ a good Book Review. Don't miaa Edna St.ea.ma Dayton, Lido Theater, April 28-10:30&.m. 42c44 AJcobolica Anooymoua Wnte P. O. Boa Sit Nnrpnrt Beach, CaUt Phone Harbor '785 tte !!::8-uty ~~ Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from face arma, lep. llyebrowa and bair Ready to wear Saleswomen .... - l~ARJE8, atenoe • book· keepen TOP JOBS OPllN NOW ALSO MYeNI domNUC joba. JUNE r AIUlAR AGENCY Emeloyment 402;, 32nd SL, Newport Beach Acroaa Bt. from City Hall 4lc43 90-MJeeel!pNO" for a.le PAJU(l:R dbl. barreled ahot,un, 111 cause. 1ooa condition. Har. 88H·W alter p.m. 40c42 FIREWOOD J'R.JllE DEUVE.RY NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART fV. • PA6E J THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 SO-llt.eel .. •eoaa for SU. U-Fumlta,.. for Sale SOLD MY BEACH HOM~ A TTRACflW blonde dinette wt TWO I-ft. Jl'ri,tdalrea. S7ll t"a. Uni· g uph. cha.In) buffet., table and versal ,.. ran1e. 1100. WedJl'· 2 leavea. Eat'tU. cond. •1~. wood ru ranp, '60. Rattan uti U)>hol arm cha.Ir $5. Har, ll027W dln. table. 4 cba.lra, 1126. 2 Utt couchu, 125. each. Set of mlac. maple plee ... Jood condition. 94 BLONDli modem dbla. ""4. boll Beacon Bay. Har. JtM.J or sprtnir • matt. Good oond .• u~. Ryan 1.t0&7, can be -Tuea., Ph. Liberty 1-7938. •1co Wed. 6 'nlun. 40p'2 ~ SO.B-APf!!!!I!! U-A--U!!CJ_. CRYSTAL therbet.a. pWlda llowl Washinq Machine <'\lpe, candle hoJden, tn7 mlrror, Bavarian ch.Ina. 111' E. ~n llC•Plnl ot U>e IUdlum. 8uch b1d1 llltlall be r-tftd In the oftlce of th• Owner, tn the Ad.mtn18tratlon a uUdinf, Onanie Cout Collese. 199~1 South Harbor Boulevard. 11ear Oollt& Keea. Orange County, C&Ufom.la, and ahall be opened and publicly read ak>Ud at the aboft .iatad time In the Boa.rd Room ot the Admllll.tratton Bulld· Uir. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Une ahaped-No more tweestn1. ELL&N L. BR YA.NT R. I:. Must be experienced. Dry wood, lS" -24" lenctll. Call B. R. ST AGO Phone Harbor 101' SICRVICJD Front, comer of Palm. Balboa. 1-year'l\l&r&ntM on joti. done Harbor 3138. 17c4.J wuber9 1"8'il and on UMd JC&ch bJd m~ conform &nd be rHponalM to thla lnY!t&Uon, the plane, apeclftcaUona, and all oU>er documeata comprl8ln1 the pert- inent eontract documenta. Coplea of Ula Contract Document. are now on ftl• and open to public In· apec:tlcc In ,.the aaJd ottlcee ot the Owner, and of l!:ckbo, Royaton 6 Williama, locatM at DU Woader· Jand Park Avenue, Loe .tnplee 48 jn Mid County and Btate and may be obtained at either place by di'· ))Otlltln1 $10.00 for each met. Thi• depo1lt wtll be refunded If the Ht or aeta of Contract Document. de- Every r.1ond8y and 'nluraday COASTAL SHOPP~R-Wednesdays Udo'a Balon ot Beaut7 Bar. 26711 Uc Referenc~s requir-(rear) N-port Bl.1 Ooeta Mea. SS Boat.. Sa!fllee Llberty 8-4503 or Liberty Evenlnra Ha.rbor ~391 l9tf 4 Unes 1 Paper Sl.00 4 Une8 2 Papen l.50 4 Unes S Papen 2.00 Coutal 81topper <.'l&Mlllrd Ada muat nm IJI tM KoedaJ' or Tluu.Uy PubUc:aUoa • MINIMUM AD 18 ' LINl:S AU C ..... fted A• muat be pald for ca.ta la advaec. of pabllcatloa. DEADLINES tor placinr or c:ancelllnr ad& are: For Monday PubUcaUon -Saturday Noon For Wedne&day Pln>ncalloo -TUeaday 2 p.m. For Thursday Publication -Wedneada7 1 p.m. Jtvered are returned ln 1ood condl· -------------------------- t ton within flvf" day. alter the bid opening. Speelal Notbe ZZ-Loet ud Foaad LOST-Boy'• Jeana on run Zone bl'acJy Apr. Hth. Badly nttd "Y• ilasae., watch, blll!old, w1t.h Important papen ln pocket. Keep money pleaee. Return to Moore, 39tl E. 211t.. Tl-Ir. ... Co•ta Meaa. Call LI 8-9044 40p42 LOST-Apr. 8th, white pur... con· talnlng glaa1e1, wallet 6 house keya. Costa Mfa& area. Reward. CaJI Harbor 07-W. 40c42 STRAYED C'f.Y .. white lone h&l.rad cat, male. Sm..U hole In 'ed Salary open. Write giving full details to Box Y-61, this . paper. 41c43 Completion time requet1ted lo be eet by btddera. .A. •tatement of f inancial cond.IUon, and depoeit ot 10% of the total bid by certified check. cuhler'1 check, or bid bond Newport Harbor GENERAL CONTRACTING tip of left ear. Name Smc.key. A TTl:NTION ALL BOYS - Newe-Pl'ea8 earner route are now o~n In aome neighborhoods - Balboa, We11t Newport, Balboa uland, Newport Hel,-hll and Coeta Meaa. B. P. 0 . E. 1767 18 required with each bid; labor Meet• every 1bunday I p.m. and matenat. bond and perform-Via Oporto -Central Ave. anee bond required of contractor Newport Beach 9elected. Elwood Shell, Eu.lW Rulu ICach btd &all be made out on a ------------- form to be obtained at •lther of Ule Mid ofncH In which the con· t ract document• are on file. Each bid ahall be accompanied by a cerUned or caahler'a check payable to the Ownl'r, or Mllatac- t.ory Bid Bond In favor of the _ Owner, execut6d by the bidder u ·· prtnclpal and a ntt..factory aurety rompany u eurety, In an amount PAINTING INTERIOR -.EXTERIOR LlCllNSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 3llt St. Newport Beach Harbor 8178 22tfc .n.ot leu than ttn ~rcent of lhl' ------------- bid. n.., dl•C'k or bid bond .hall House Plans l>e given .. a cuarantf'e that the blrlder. The Owner re&ervf. the prlvlltge UBE:RTT 1-e2111 10t1c COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper .Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS bll:Mtr wlll execute lhf' Contract st It be awarded to him In con· formlty with lht Contract Docu· mtnl8 and will provide the eurtlY bond or bond11 u r;;:~•fltd therein •lthln five d11 y11 11fter notlflC"atlnn of th• award of the contract to tht'I or r•Jecttnr .111y anf1 all bids or Jo ------------- waive 11ny lrr•g11larltles or Inform· H. H. HOLBROOK &Jltleti In any blrt or m the blddlnt: DEPENDABLE pr rn1nING Pur11u11nl to the LAbor C"ode of L4V.nu;> ~ 311t Street, Newport Beath Harbor 2971 or Kar. 4448. Uc t he Stat" ot California. the u.ld A Prompt Board of Tru11tt'n haa U<"erta.lnr•I Repair Service Maintained the g!'ntritl prev1tfhng rat• of per Phooe: Harbor 4824 d iem wai:u tor each rr11rt or type 1101 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beaci'I of WOI kmen Ot'edfd to l'Xt'CULI' lhl' pA:p contraclJI which wlll be awarded ------------- the 11ucc~ul bidder•: and thue prevatlln..: ratN are C"ontalned In aa111 "r>•rlflcatlon11 adoptl'd by the Board, and are Ill f0Uow11 · CLAM~tnCATIOS ; Introductory SPECIAL Fra.mlng A Foundation• Free EaUmatee A: Plan Service C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 31Uc; TIME TO PAINT M. W. Ross PaJntlni 6 Oeeoratlng LitM>rty 8-3321 or Harbor 3089-M 280 Avocado, COila Men. 1.Jcenaed Ir tuU inaured 38pat Painting Ii Paperhanging We do the work ouraelvee. 30 yun rxperience LlcenM<t Ir insured. SatJatacUon 1uaranteed. E1Umatea tree. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 Ii LL 8-5289 81tfc PAINTING Painting 6 Paper Hanrtng ''The Best Money Can Buy" ~X':!e~?.~e~po~~!!r PHONE HARBOR 2404 Uc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H . 0 . Ane!eraon 101' r.:. B&lbo& Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24.llO 83tfc FOR RENT APPRENTICES: May be rm· ployt'd 111 conformity with St'ctlon 1777 :. of the Callromla Labor PATIO FURNITURE re.flnl1hed, Sktll 8aw1, Elec. Orllla, Poll.then, flnut ayntMltc en&mel vaml•h all type.ii ot Sander•, Wheelbar· or ataln. A1 low u -row•, etc. Codi' LABORERS: Laborer., Genrral or Con11ll'\lcllon . _ -·.. . 2 07~ ?'olt . P'oregolnr crart.1 •ubJect lo fringe benefits. OVERTIME KATEM t'OR BA~U· TRADES: Overtime lhall be pa.Id for work performed In n cea• of th• rtrular day'• or wttk'1 work and at the rate for overtime of the crllft In· "'°lved. Hol.Jday1 aa he~ln rtferred lo $3.50 5 pcs. $15.00 W1 apeclallze In antique and Zolatone flnl.ahu Phone tor E8Umate11 6 Pickup Srrvtce , Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Placentia. Colla Meaa. LI 8-7961 H ar 1378 •Op4~ ab&ll be deemed to be New Year'• Painting, •Decorating D&y, ~lion Day, Ind•~nd· p Hanving 4!1lCf Day. Labot' Day, Arm1sll<'t aper D - n.y, Th ank•rlvlnr Day andlGEQ. BURKHARDT Chriatmu. U any of the above UCENSED CONTR.A<..~R holidays fall Oft Swidaf, the Mon-1178 w. 18th St., Coeta Mesa day foU~ ahaJl be consldertd Uberty 8-8628 a lepl holiday. Jt ah&Jl be mandatory upon tht CEMENT le BUILDING Coatractor to whom a coni.ntct 11 AJJ Klnd11 a warded, a.nd upon a11 IN boon· FREE ESTIMATES traaton under hlm. to pay n ot In~ Liberty 8-6109 Ulan Mid pner&I prevatlln« ratn of per diem warN to all workmen e mployed In the necuUon of ~ contract. No bidder may withdraw hiJI bid f or a per1od of 30 daya alter the date eel for lh• OJ>f>nln1 of the •1<1a. Boe rd Of 'l'rultftl, Ota.n&'f Cout Junior Colle&'" DUU1ct. 0ran,. County C&htomla.. Biped; B . K . Prrl:R80N, Seer• tar)' Publlab: April n and 18, 195S Open: My e, ltM-3:00 p .m. No. 1313 New•Pre.• Htf CARPEN T ER Repair Work DOM Tour Home N«G RepairtJll or RamodeJlnf ! Call ~ Ubuty l-t954 All Work Guaranteed 74tto ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM in.tall lite above chea~r than moat. Aleo eeU TUe It Llnoleum. Non-uruon. 20 yea.re expe.rtence. Compare and aff - BILL COKER LI 8~204 7tfc PAY-LESS 0... W&DATa.-..n BOYD'S HDWE. 2'30 W. COAST HlOHWAT UbertJ 1·3436. Nflr'POrt Deb 28tfc Paperhanging Painting Klmberly 7-1121 llpte "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Wtll come to your home, take down your wneuan bllnda, take t.ham to our laundry. Launder the 1lat1, tepee, cords, 1parkllng clean wtth our new machine procHe method. Return your bllnda and re-ln1tall thl'.m In 24 hour•. Pr1ce very reaM>nable. The avtr· a~• 2 tape ru tdentlal bllnd- Onl y $1.00 We al8o repair and rebuUd nn .. lion bllnda. All work done by ap- polntml'.nl. Phone now Liberty 8-S701 ~r Kimberly 3·8274. ppUc PAINTING PAPER HANGING Realdenu..t Ir Commercial Work Uc.need Contractor• Call Lnlng'tQn Mt48 collect. ffunUnston Beach AaOll MOMWAT ..,. MOM M091tM ..w.c>RT -IOI NIM'OIT •n. -COSTA IL1ISA Uberty 8-8S4 7. 40c42 U-8choo19. 1.utraetioa Real Estate School • Santa Ana '" MEN Ir WOMJCN prepare ln apare Ume tor unlimited opportunltlu In Real Estate. New claue1 weekly. Al Tyler ln1truct1n1. Al· lend tint evenlnJ free and learn about th18 ,reat field. Call or write now tor information. Bual· nu1 In1Ututt, 4111~ N. Syca· more. KI 8-1753. Tfttc China Painting 0.1 and l:ventn1 0.... Ordera T&Jcen Now Phone Liberty 8·64MI Httc 28--81tuaUoas Wuted GARDENING Garden maintenance, yard clean up. Call Klmberly 3.3025 or Har. 3034 alter 4. 40p42 Roy's Maintenance Houae cleantnr-rloor -.tn1 Wall wuhl.n1-willdow cleantn1 Venetian blind& Upbolltery Inaured. Free z.tlmatu Llbert1 •·1382. lUc Expe~ci1ener a.o.,t CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1M9 30tlc ELDERLY MAN draw1n1 11JT1all penalon. acuve. rood health, de- 11rt1 poelUon u tntchman or what have you to offer. Good rl'fl'rtncu. Write Boxholder tt2. ea.ta Mesa. 4.0e42 PAINTER WANTS WORK. UI yeare l'J[}l<'r1· ence. Non union. Hourly. LibertJ 8-2722. 35p3eH COOK .. all al'OWld tll'9t clua maid. Beat of mertncee. Waru $176 • $200 mo, ReMly for work April 211. Write P. 0 . Boll SSM, Metro Statton, Loe Anrele. ~. 40p42 WOMAN eJt~rienced ln l'lllmat· Ing, 1e1Unr. -ln1 and om c• work, want• work lo Orap•ry Shop. U 8-3003 or Har. 4270 after S. 40p42 KAN A WOMAN wtll do reneral houeework, floor wulng, win· dow cleaning. P'ut workers. whJte. JIH E. 20th St .. Cotta Mesa.. LI 8-2683. pptt Three baby alt ten naJlable for eventnp Phone Lrberty 1-2722. 36p3eH GARDENER wan ta permanent Job. Ell~r1enced, Phone K.Ellogr 1-H08. '2p44 YOUNG LADY, 18. dealr u ten'I, ornce. po111t1on -typlnr. flllnr. l'lC -Or PBX. Ubl'rty 8-7UO. •2p44 REAL ESTATE BROKER wanted u 1ponaor for hwy wt11hlng to take real utate llale.man'1 uam. Call Ha.rbor 4296-W alter 6 p.m '2c44 PAINTING Ex~r1enced palnter by lh• daJ or hour. Extl'rlor or tnter1or. Small Jobe ok. LI 8-2137. 41c43 P'OR H.IRE-Elc-p. aktpper for prt- vate yacht. Sober, reliable. 'nloro. ••P· In maJntenance and operation. Excrllent ehlpe cook and rlllherman. LI 1-2337 Op43 CLEANING 6 IRONING by tbe day. Eitper1enced. Balbo& Ialand preferrf'd. Kl 3-eoN 41p43 WABHJ.NO • trontnr done at home at 711c per hr. WIU call for and deliver. Tele. LI 14491. . '11>'3 It you are 12·16 y ra. old. have a bicycle, apply 10-12 Lm. or 4-5 p.m. only at Circulation Dept., Newport Harbor New•·Pnu, 2211 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea.ch. Harbor 11111. 39tfc WANT BABY SITIER mornings. dalty, a<> cent. hour. Har. 3278-J tlc42 WANT auto uJeaman to aell new Ford• and UIH!d cara. Ex~rlenc­ ed man prefl'n-ed. THEODORE ROBINS, Ford Dir., 3100 W. Co&11t Hwy., Npt. Beach Liberty 8-34 71. tlc43H Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen COSMETICIAN pre- ferred. Must be ex- perienced in selling better -name lines. Salary open. WRITE giving full details. to Box T-56, this paper. OIRLS- JUST A JOB! 37c42 MOR.I! THAN TH.A T-A.n oppor· tun!ty to worlt tn an lnterutlng lnduet.ry whlch la upandlng and offers advanct.mMt opportunUy to quaJtnec:t youn~ women. OPENINOS NOW AS : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -APPLT- ~U 1ii N. Maln St. Rm. 211 -Santa Ana .Mon. through F ri. 9 :00 to 4·00 pm. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22ltc SEVERAL GIRLS to addru11. malt po1tcan:ta. Spare time l'very week. Wr1le Box Jiil, Belmont. Mau. 34p42 WANTED rellable rtrl or woman from t Lm. to J2 noon dally for ltgtlt hoUttWork. Mu11l b11vt own tranaport.atlon. LI 8-4309. 40c42 AGGRESSIVE REAL F.STATE SALESMAN for well located of· flee. Rl'X Rech. Realty. Harbor 5108-Har. 987. J:strc WAITRESS W ANTED-Cocklail11 and food. 2!130 W , Coul Rwy .. Newport Bch, apply dter S p.m . I U c42 LARGE LOCAL rul eetale firm I n~d• ellpertl'.ncfd Mluman. All I an.awera kept confldentlll.J. Write box X-tO. lhl1 paper. Pll'AM ital.a qua llflcaUona In fulJ. 4 lc43 W AJ."T H. 8. or Colleie student for pa.rt Ume kmnel work. alt.er- noona. IOM Harbor Blvd., ao.ta llua. 41c0 WANT upenmoed M1-n&n. fam· A&i&r with ffa.rbor are&. EllMllel opportunity tor r1(ht man. Wrtte Boa WH, Ulla p&ptr . t lpU EXPERIENCICD bookkMpa • typ. w~ PJ)()PLll to come to bnla.klaat S&tW'daJ, Apnl SOU! from 7:00 to 11 :00 Lm. Qocld.u llal1, ChNt Chllr'Ctl By Uta .... 100 W• Balboa Blvd. hrnd by tM Mella' Club. 'Mc· Itel.a 7 Geo '°1>45 1st chalre11 perm. poldUon. Local reatdent. han tnneportaUon. Alao exp. ln ready to --.r, Of· nee Ir ealea. Har. '<>7W. 6.lJKI ---F'ORJR.R TE.ACH.l:R and aper!· mc.d SrM'ER, by bour or -1r· endJI. Barbor lt2l·R. '6pr -Cl~ctd Ada are rMd by folb "110 .,.. rtally k>olt1J11 to bu7. QIN. tfw part time for emaU ol· ~ Oen'l ottl~ ap. requlnd. llppl1 bttwwn 11:30 A I p.m. BJCYCLES, tabl11 Zenith radio, Underwood ty~wrttl'r. Remlng ton elec. ahaver. Ford body, dbl. eolld nM'k maple bl'd, 1114 !'Mat 1 Ocean Front, corner of Palm. Balboa. Ph. Har. 3238. 36c49 ANTIQUES -Old furniture, cut gl&aa, hlmpa, old plcture8. clocka elf Ba.rgaln1 galore. Big dia counl8 to dea1er8. Charlie Davis, 18~ E. Anaheim SL, Long Beach. 650-i:l9. 29tfc FOR SALE BY OW~ER - Frigidaire, 5 yr11. old S86. Frlgi· ckllre l'lrc. range, 2 yrs. old, U 15 Several bedapreads, like n«'w. Modem ~fl. bath tub, like new, $20. Green dlv1rn, excellent n>n· dillon, $35. Heavy c.luly trailer. 11mall alze. $65. Srt' at 215 Via Mentonl'. Lldo l!!lr. Call Harbor 4328 or Har. 0247-W. 41c43 Movie Proiectors FOR Rl'NT 8·MM lS·MM 35-MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES ALSO Gelger Countera tor rent. Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd .• Coeta Me• Phone L.Tberty 8-7042. Pr U OE WALT SAW 3 hp., 11lnglc pha1t, II blAdN•. 2 l!NI! of Dado hrad, 2 gua"111. S:\50, 282 Del Mar. Co8la MPaa. Llbrrty 8·!'1123 aflf'r 3:30 p.m. 42C'H BARGAI NS In ~11uty. ChotcP an Uquu a t big reductions. NOW at "T H I NG 8 BEA UTIF'UL' 8-4327. &Ute 18 CUBIC FOOT chellt·lYJle lrel'· ur, good condition. 1923 Hick· ory St.. Santa AnL Call Klm- berly 2·2582. 40p4a GAFFERS 6 SATTLER gu range A Frlgidalr~ Both for SSO. or be3l orrer. Phone LI 1-7908, af· t«i>rnoons .tt Wt>t>k ends. 42cH Automatics S39 .50 to S99 .50 Oeliverf'd ln1talled, guuantl"t!d. No extra charge We Service All Appliances Specializ.ing in Automati~a Auto. Washer Enterprises 2648 Newport Blvd .. Co11ta McSA Uberty 8-7808 (Near Golf Courl!l'I pp48 GOOD USED NORGE rrfl'tg., S3:S. Harbl>r 38:1:>-M. 4lp43 Only $1090. All Frigidair:e Equip. FOR SALE. BY QW~E.R; 1&.1.06 R,.frlJ!'t'r&tor, RS-70 double oven t>lt!e. range, WO-SS waah!'r, TR· 60 drytr, HH· 11 7 home frt'e.ur All good II.JI m•w. For SI090 Osig. retail approx. Sl750-0r "'111 ~II aeparately. fl'1ne «'quJp- mf'nl. Sn In home by 1ppolnt· menl. Hat bor 26•4. 41p43 lcloll"d Frldsy11I South Lagun& at the signal. 42c !2--Furalta.re for Sale Come sneak a peek Anytime this w~k Find aome things antique Othert just unique. SOME Vl'ry 1u1•ful thlng11, too (Cloeln1 out rema!rul of &Jl ut.at.e In gai age al 3411 No. Cout Blvd Lapna Beach, Caltf. U c43 KATEY DOANE Nl'w 6 nearly nt'W apparel for woml'n • chlMren Ktndcll'1 ratio. 2721 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Mar. 28c42 1000 EMBOSSED bU81nl'lls card11, 13 99-3 line rubbt-r 1tamp 51 00 4 llne rubbl'r 11tamp with cul S2 00 C884 cul.ti. Book matche• L. W . WHITE LJ 8-4011 eve.. Ll 8-Sl:.O. ppllc BLUE METALJC couch, Sl!I. Lge formic• cotfu table, S3S. Two modern end lvblu. 125 each. Sln gle bl'd, boll 1pr1ng1 A m11ltret111, I $•S. Ullllty lraJlt>r. S75. HArbor Mesa Woodcra~ Unpainted & Juvenile Furn. SPECIALS THIS WEEK 4-dr. atudmt dult ..... . .. sia.18 Ullllly cabinet.a, wllh al.ldlnf dooni . .cveraJ 1lu. $17.50 Ir up Bookcut' headboard.I -.. 11.96 6 up IO" lllllr et-a. ......... ··-·-.. · 19.98 2121 Harbor, Coeta Me ... LI 1·1'4 6 '4lcU ,. LAW80N OM>fa, aJlp cover tUI Dbl... bl'd. &aut)'T'Ut msll. • 11prtng~. jtke new .. . . . $30 A tso grtty broadloom Ml( &ad pad. llxl2-Ph. Har. 12~M •lc•2 HARD ROCK M'lt1'1 • .,;' bad dlv8..n and chair, coffef' tablt ...... $35 :11:> Pirate' Roa d, Clllf Haven. Liberty 8· il04. Uc:-43 HF:f>WOOD CHAISE LOUNOE power ''wing machine', 4 p&lr nPW dr11w t1rapr11 H 131, Wnt B11y Ave., SpL Bch , Har. 388:iM 4lc'3 ! A BARCAJN F'Ofl SOME 0:-'E 8 rms 11f Early Amrrlcan furnl· tun· lnt'hnlln1< stovl" .t r11trtg .SIOOO. <'all H 3flP or .a~. 12..:H 3279-J . 40 S.lbo .. Cove11. 4h'42 P.\ IH 11r F'rem h l'ruv1nc:tal love -2 111•At11. hlith wing b•<'k, cu.tom OF.-JCE FURNITURE. 3 dr•ks in:ulP Hurb<lr :>337. U C"U 11Wtvel chall'll. 6 orrwc chalr11 Priced lo ffll Sl'e &tlt'moon• Al.MOST n"w mattl't'~ for doubll' only. 447 Mormnr t:a.nyon Road h~l. SS. Phone U ber1y 8-~987 . TRADE Beautltu.I 70-ft. aull. achooner. Fully found, l'O anywheN. Will take equity tn property or mnaJ- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 39tfo i.aHRYSLER Marine rnstne, '"9 to 1 reduction gear. REFRIOEIUTOR. 110 volt I>. C'. SEE JACK KARPER at Udo Shipyard, l'nd of Sht •treet, Newport Bea<'h. 29tfc BOAT trailer, M6, Chr1a Crall 8· fL dinghy, fl~laaa bottom, with oan, $M. Phone i..,n,erty 1-2~32. M tfo MATCHED PAIR Chryaler Roy· all, 2 lo 1 reduction, both $400. Harbor 1914-J . llc'3 SNIPE, No. 4433, fn Jood condl· ~lion, $100. Phone Liberty M7H.. Ill>'• 111' CRUJZON '64 Jlueed Mah. d~k 111.!l'ty 11u. W/8 19511 Evinrude Aqua.onlc remote ~ trot•. Many other extraa. Owner LI 8-8230 '1e'3 SNIPE No. 6934 ln ellcl ahape, •a.Ill. new cover, traller, MOO. Phone Harbor a<l2 day-. llOll·R -------nett SAlLBOAT-18 ft. 8nlpe. llxcel· Jent C'ondltton. ·Ph. Ll 1-lllllO. alter 6. UcU Mer.: H ·ft. Ftber1ta. bnat. Wln~ AhltM, •teerlJ\I wheel • oon- troll. JO hp JohMOn nearly new. CHEAP. .87 Municipal Traner Park, Newport. Up4.8 H-JT GLA.88 boat • 10 bp Kar· cury outboard. rtr.t elaM condl· ttoa. Har. UM. '1tle SUP RENTALS Maximum beam 1·, Ja\cth ar AL80 ROWB0.4 T RENT A.LS AMEIUCA.N LIXJJON HALL. U • Ba yfrot'I t. Newport Beac Harbor '62. PR-- M-M•lc!!i '?'b A r v IO tram> PIA..H09 -t.ct bed f« our .-taJ dept. mp.- a.Uowaace In trade on new plan or orran. DANZ·8CHKJDT Plano • Orr Co., 620 No. Main, Sanla Ana SPECIAL Accordian Buys! l'our uaect 120 baM accordlone tn nne condition. Cue tncluded. Your choice, S7!1. Tuma SlO dn. a.nd l!I per month at SHAFER'S M1111tc Co. (Since lt07) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Banta Ana Phone Klmbe.rlJ 2-0.72. STEINWAY GRAND. 1n WOOckl'- tul con di t Ion. 8"9 and hear Ulla lmmorW«lltruml'n't. AU ort«tn· al condition and mater1at Thi• 1s no rebullt piano. Alao Knabe, M1130n .. Hllmlln, Later and many othns al irreat aavln1•· RraJly~ J 00 planue from wbicb to rhO(ll!r DANZ ·SC'H.MlDT Bir Plano ltcw•. Corona del Mar. 41c43 U cH :120 No. M•ln, Santa Ana Fresh Hearing Aid I H E L P ! BATTERIES MOVl!"G TO ~MALI.ER QUART· We Olve 8.tH Crcen Stnmp' ~;Rs. Ml'!'4T R~L.L' Bendix Gunderson Drug Co. WllJlhl'r ., h I I (' 0 rPtrt11 .. rator, Ma.In St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa rnuna · 11nttcr1e Colonh1I tablP. Harbor 5l:i. llStrc 1 ln\'r V'lll, C'hlll&P, m111r chs1re I'm LJ\blr B~ ti.ble, m18c omt· FURNITURE REF'tNISHERS: mrnt~ &. p1(1Url'I. l 2 hp out· lacquer aand1n11 aealer f111t 11tml l)(•lltd itl~ 6 hl·glou lll('(l\lt'r 'H•ith • (H"R 1'EW }{ClME 11 ca"Jlf'll'd .o ul qu.llty. lowut pric""· Hir-1 w" hllvf' yvrtAI lnr i:r· 11l11:e tt<>lld bor Palnl Cl'nler, 412 32nd !;t., ""lmrit 111J,i•. 11nd 114'V.,ral irm11ll· N~port Bell<'h Har. 2838 1>r A Orl,.nl 111 throw t!k runner• •11N:.H fr,r llllh• EVERY30DY LOVES a good Book Review. Don't miss Edna Stearns Dayton. Lldo Theater, April 28-10:30a.m. 42c44 TIIURSDAY AT 3 P.M. !'F'~: AT 3:104 VIJ\ l.l1l n •n &put· Ill• nl jUl't b .. , .. , ,. \ 1111r I "'"II lhl' hr 1tli:r l•l l~l•lu bl• Tt l~phon,. Ji,,, h<>r 134 1.J. 42tr1· 1u:nuc:F:rtATCIK. r·n1ct~p11t. l'IP11n Or•·11 k fit" ,..., & ptffu, Phnn" l.lh4'rl.v -23117 42cH "Haven't even had breakfast yet!" 8AJD TRI!~ AD\"t;RTl!ill:R. "l'\'f' had an many <'&Ila I r&11't tlo aa,.tlltec but MIWl'r th~ phon .. an;t '"" door. l'\I' aJ. ~J' aokf M'VfrU Ullq•. ~«''''"' "'!Wl'l.-d aUC'h ~-­ d4!rhl l't"lponw :" llERE'8'.~ COPY OF Rl:R An: SO-M19cel.l&Deou1 for Sale REA80NABW::. Roll aw11y b..._, da11enport. lamp-. gu hf'.&ll't3 UnlvenaJ 11emt &111om1llc wuh- er, kltchl'.n table A 4 ~·h1Llr1. O<·· culonal ch&tr, 2 occu lonal la· blee, kidney -aha~l1 "anlty dr-r. roaaip bench, 91(12 wall tent., 2 lantema. 2 rot. 6 Cole· man ai-LI 8- ~ 'T"' ...._ • .... -r ltwl1 t laaelftfoct -1toe wGl ~ ,_ ,_, ... too-Qt' AUT\' .-uJt •: ()911...,,__ Hll ... Mk fff U.. .. t.aku. STt:OIO PIANO. A hard to ~l pl•no Perfect conclJUon. $39S. term•. DA:"Z·.SC1fM1DT Blir Plano Ir Ort;an Co.. :120 ~o. Ma.In, Sant.a Ana 20 INCH MUNTZ TV, rood con.- dltlon Hcml'y color, Sis. Harbor 3087-J, '1c42 TV SERVICE WP: RE:-;T port.able record plaJtnl 6 ampllrlC"r11, ai..o P. A . .,.1.em .. STEVF:X~ •nd SONS 11179 Hubnr Blvd., Co1ta MM& l-lbtorly 8-2301. 32tlcpp S~ no PJo:R MO. rtnl8 Jood pracUca r111no. Tl'rm rmt appllu If 1ou buy. C:OW rr111'1 ll'I' J)IM Oll S89, lJO, 19:1. OANZ~SCHMU>T tillt Plano ltore, r,20 No . .Main, Sanla Ana I Wanted to Buy UPRIGHT PIANOR not over &O" 1n hrti:ht ft;r our rental dept. Hl1:h,.11t tr11'1e all,,wancee or l'!111h prlr11 •t - J HAFF:R'S Mu11lc Co. 1Slnc:a 1f071 'Ul-42:1 :-\, 8ycamOrf', Santa Ana I rhone Klmberly 2-0672 I CONN SON AT A F:ltrtr1~ Ors•l'\o •llithll)' u...-I. Sa ve $400 on thll I ~autlful nri:an • OANZ.·SCKM1DT Big Plt1no llOlf', r120 No. Main. ~"Ill" An" See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH P LA NO CO. 1311 Co11•t Blvl1., Cnrvn• de.I M 111 IThndC'll lntl'rlur Bid( I Har. 3382 M tic H.AMMO:->L• f'llO HD "r~an dtm••n· •ltialvr, wllh n1-w cuaninl••· li111 •avin~ -Jl pqa to r.a tbe wut ~ '°'""~ ,..wport. Up l!::.:==========================:.! OA:'llz..t5f'HM1DT BIJ r ta no ltOf" 020 No. Xalll, Santa Ana • ,.,. • ' • 'I ,, ,, Ir ,, PAGE 4 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 21 , 1955 ' April Spinet Speclala~· Bl!AtrnnJL U 'l Klrnhall .p&net ptaao, llke -. an SI02. 40-Aatoe and Truaka $25.00 r AXOUB KAKJD Salmi maple spinet piano only ' mo'L old, •'8 PONTIAC B~anette, Radio, aave U26. he&lel' A: a •ood llOlld ~nnlng LOVllLY SI" C'htppendalll walnut car ... .. . . . ..• ........ . $699. Kimball sp&aet, Wet· new, MYe '63 l'ORD 4dr. Kadlo. hHter, over· $291. drtve, Jow mileage. Reduced $200 l ONLY full keyboud i-ter for ale this week ........... $1299. 1plnet In fine coDd!Uon f-'16. .. Convenient te.mui at-DOWN 8HAFmR'8 llualc Co. (8tnce 110'1) 421...U N. Sycamore, Baata Alla Phone Kimberly 2-0872 M-W Philco RCA TV Service General !Jlectl'lc SylY&nla Kaye Halbert • Admiral Anteanu lnatalled 'Ml LINCOLN 4 dr. radio, heatt>r, :~-=c: ..... ~~~ .... ~.~~·-· ~·;:~~ 'M MERCURY Monterey Convt. Radio, heater, o'drlve, power brakes, one ownl'r and nea.r new .. _ .. •.... . $2699. S-UYS A ONE DAY SERV1'!E l'hone Collect LEx r..e30 'S5 MERCURY Monter<'y coup<:. H. J. LaVeme (Curly) Fully equipped, near new. Save 322 Main, Huntington Beach over ........ ·-·· .. ·-·---·· ····· ····· · $600. ll6p411 '47 POJ\'TIAC Sedanette, radio, -------------heater. clt'an a s a bounds SPECIAL tooth .. $369. GOOD April Organ Buys ONl!l ONLY tull 2 manual conn· ':10 PACKARD 4-dr. Nrw eonata electl'Onlc organ, like new. Save $400. tinlsb. good engine. Plutlc cover• and runs like 10,000 dollura, you pay only ... ·-·-···· .... . ...... $!\99. ONE ONLY beautiful Mlnehall •plnet organ, Uke new. Save $100 ONE ONLY ainrle manual Min· ahall orsan. Uke new. Save $200. Convt'nient terms at- 8HAFER'S Mu1ic Co.'lSlncc 1907) 421-428 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana l'hone Kimberly 2.og72 HAMMOND ORGANS. Complete line easy terms. Your old piano taken in exchange. Try before you buy. Free room1 here tor practice. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT Bis Plano Store. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana JU!:NT an organ or piano with rental to appl,y on future pur- chue at.- SHAFER'S Musto Co. (Since 1907 J f21-423 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0e72 BALDWIN Acro1<>nlc Spinet Plano Just like new. You can save on this. Bt-autlful Art Model Spinet only 13&>. Another Spinet Mah. cue. Lovely tone only $491. Al· way1 lots ot wondertul b&rpJn• at -- DANZ-SCHMIDT Bir Plano Store. 1'>20 No. Main, Santa Ana • 100 Piano• to chooee from. Easy ~erma. Open every ll'rlday eve. ~Pt c.a.. Pet. II CUTE kittens, about 7 wk.e .. old, to be ctven awa7. Call LI 8-7Mll 40c42 FRENCH POODLE, fem.a.le. Call Liberty 8-3097 after 11 p.m . Uc43 I ~lal A.wuacement WANTE~ PJCOPt...E to come to break.tut Saturday, April 30lh from 7 :00 to 11 :00 L m. Goodell Hall, Chrilt C."burcb By the Se&. 1420 Wut Balboll Blvd. Served by the Mm•' Club. Tic· keta 71k. 40p411 '62 FORD Ranch Wagon, ht'&ter, o'dnve. Llghl blue finish. A per· feet all purpo!fe car .. ... $1499. SAFE BUY 'li3 MERCURY 2 dr., radio, heater 4 Mercomattc. Original and clean ..... ... .. . $H99. '50 FORD 2 dr. Radio Ir healer. New 1eat covers. Good rubber. nana isnd J()()ks goon Reduct'd to .. . . 11199. USED CAR '50 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 dr. Near new motor, A steal at .... . ..... .. . .... 1•99. MECHANICS SPECIAL ''1 PONTIAC Sedanette, real clean-Nced.s aome mechanical work. A real bug-al~ at $199. at Johnson & Son Lt.ocoln -Mercury 1100 W. Coast Highway Newport 8e11cb Llberty 8-!'\546 G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '41 FORD '°' T . PlCKUP. '441 FORD ·~ T . PA?'EL. '4!1 STudeb!Uter. \1 T. f>lt'kup. '!\O FORD 1., T. PICKUP. 'l\O Chevrolet, '~ T. Pickup. 'l'>O FORD F6. MO gal. l.Ank anti pump. ~ 11pM>d. 8·25/20 111'•'8. '(11 FORD F6, 12' lx'd, 8:2:-i t ins. 2 apee1.h1. v' v' Check these Used Cars Buy from a iocal deaJer who wUI be> hl're TOMORROW to back up what ne aelh1 TODAY : ~Auto. and Truck• 40-Auto• and Truek.e SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. 2-tone brown. Radio, heater, overdrive. Runs good ............. $1025 1951 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-dr. Light green, automatic tranmission. R & H. A one-owner car $1245 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Club Cpe. 2-tone gray. Radiq. heater, power steering, New W.S.W. tire8. An excel- lent buy .. . . . ....... . .. . ... .. ..... . .... .$2595 lent buy ................... .......... . . . ... $2795 1953 BUICK Super ruviera, radio, htr. pow- er st41ering, power brake1:1. Looks & runs Jike new .... . .................................. , ........... $1995 LOU REED 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone. LTberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at .. Our New Building For the Best Deal In The Harbor Area '53 HUDSON Horn<'t Twin "H" power. Loaded 13,000 miles. A steal! '53 BUICK Super Riviera. Fully equip. Sharp! '52 MERC. 2-dr .. Merc-o-matic, R&H, above aver. '51 BUICK Roadmaster 4-dr. Fully equipt. A-1. '48 BUICK Road.master. Fully equipt & recondi. '47 PLY. spec. dlx. 4.-dr. A cood one, low priced No Reasonable Offer Refused on any car in stock. See us for a "real" deal on a new '55 Buick . TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5021 CA few blks. East of Newport City Hall) 4lc43 42-'l'ra.Uen Port Orange Trailer Sales • NEW 16 ft. to 24 ft. Travel Trailers. NEW 35 ft. to 45 ft. Mobile Homes. We invite you to inspect them at 2200 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-4420 4lc43H LAKE ARROWHEAD LOT with boat tlf>t'k. $1 ~00 or will trade 'to1· late 27·ft. house tnl.ller, LI 8·-: 41'>:1. 39trc 30·M'. PAN AMERICAN 1951, Xlnl. <'Ondltion with S x 20 Alum-11-Room cabu.na. $2100 or will 1cll ca.ba.na ror Sl'>OO ca.sh. Lido Tr&Jler Pa.rk, 47 Dl"llke St., Newport Beach. 4 lp1C:S Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * · 6 Cyla. -$48.88 8 Cy la. $58.88 tm:ludcs both labor and parts. Vacation Specials ·~ JAGUAR XX12-0 Ro&d1t.er, bl&clt paint. rfi'I • blt1e:ull lea. ther upholatery - \V!J have 111) types of und trudo &n•I yf)u Will save llrne a.nll 19:'>4-H FT. VACATION Tr:11ler. monty by 8eelng WI !lut, Phone Harbor 3~-W. 4 IP'l3 New ringa, wrist pins, valve grind, tlltlnp of malD and rod bearing•. Expert motor tune up. 90-day or 4,000 mUe l'\l&HJltu. ~NO MUNEY DOWN J. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY- Built In our own tactory by llkllle<I machlnlsts. Don't cont.end wtUI the middle man. Buy direct. '1'>4 TRnJMPK TIU, red p&lnt, black~rt')' lntl'rlor, xlnt. ahepe '1'>3 HILLMAN 4--0r. -dlln. Low mUe1"e. A nice clean cu AU can guarantM<I. I.Aw <!OWll payments. Bank tlnanclnJ. Buy a torelrn car f rom a reco1· ntud roretrn car d-.lu. Harvey Mayer Motors, Inc. 2131 Ha_rbor Blvd .. Cn«lll Mua Phone Ll~rty 8-22M 40t-•2 MUST 8El..L 191'>1 Bulc-k Riviera. Uke new , one own.-r, low m.Ue- &r · All extru. Sacrifice. Wiil finance. Ha.r. 3174. H c43 BUICK '1111 Centuey Rlvlerl& 2- door tul.l power 11tJect ro.ntc radio. Jow mile&fe $3200.lncls. tax Ir llce:n:M. Pr1nte p&rty. Call after e or lff Saturday and Sunday. 3l2 ca.mauon Ave., c. D. M. Hst1>or 372l'J. 4lp43 )9:\1 DeSOTO ew1tam lleda.n. Hu radJo, beater, auto. t.ran11mlalon. Good Ut.s. RecenUy oYierbauled ............. --· ··-·············· .. ······ $796. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd, Coat& M ... · Pl'lone Liberty 8-00Sl. 38ct0 W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 616-19 E . Hh St . Sa.la A11a Open Sunday a.rri. Ttuck 1'14'11t1quartt rs for Or11ng11 Co. MO 10:,1. Per recL con.i. Only 29.000 mile.•. ~,...... Uri's, ll('!IMC IC· 1131411. Prtce $973. Prlv, party. See nt HorvAl h /, Parker. Foreign Car Ser., 116 l ndu!trlal Way, Cott.a Mtu. 42c44 19110 MO T.D Real clean. Spe"ls l lbls wer k . $1195. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Hubor Blvd .. Costa Me11n Phone Llber~y 8-00~1 . • 1cta 1 9~,o :'I/ASH Sl.Jltl'sman BN>ugha.m. Radio Ir o·drlvc. Full price $495. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 H111rbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Llberly 8-0051. 35c37 11152 NASH RAmbler, one owner. 1900. Phone Har. 0869-W. 4 l c43 1H9 OLDS 88 ronvertlblc, RA H WSW lire•. f'hone H1ubor 30 1 for appt. to lnsprcl 38lfr 'M PONTI.M: 4·dr., new brakes, Hydramattc-. Ul"lll, chrome, gliua A: ahlne, Ince.I ow,ner, Horbnr 4056 or see cu et Union Oil Station. 2201 1!:. CO&St Hwy. Jl476. 40c42 19.47 FORD club coupe. $195. ------------- Phone LI 1·1329 beton •:10 p.m. 1152 PLYMOUTH convertible, wtlh Oc extn.3. Exce.Uent condition. Hal'- 11112 l"QRD t-d'" eu.tomllne eed. R • H . M 'tndes. By private pe.rty (1 owner). LI 1~11. 3tc'4 '411 FORD C!OllftrtJblt In rood condition, clean. R.adJo. heater. a nd 1poUIJbt, SM~. cau Liberty 8-11282. Upts bor 3637-J . 4lc43 1964 P01'"TIAC i ·dr. (coat new $3609) power brakes Ir all extru, UIOO. 126 E. Ocean J;'ront. Balboa. Har. 3839-J 4 lc43 11142 PACKARD Clipper, m. rood t ranl'pOrtAtlon, 222 Ag-ale, Bal- boa i.land. Herbor 2488-M. 40r.42 1953 Plymouth CL~·n COUPE. Radin, n'drivr, i:-noct I irrs. Exr cllent rom.hllon. S995 COTTON GOFF Volkswa~en Dealrr 2116 Newport Blvd., Newport Br h Harbor ,8. 4k13 NEW 1956 RENAULT 11cdan. Dt· livered eqt1lpfled, $1295. Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbor BJvtl., Costa Mesll Phon11 LTberty 8-5051 20r31 WlLL SACRlFICE 1948 Slurle· baku deluxe aedan. Rae ALL .-xtru, everything! 123141 4:lrtl . ~ewportBeac.h 4lp43 '50 STCDE. CMDR. sedan, Lnnrl Cnils~r, good work ra.r, 111110 . tr&n~. htr. . .... 138: •. Tax A llccnar pald. Prtv. party. Lrberty S-.3580. O c43 ATI'ENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authorised Parts cl: ~ervlr~ alllo Good Tr1tn~porl.Qtlon Cara For Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. ·~ ENGLISH FORD CoMUJ .ed&n. 8.~ orlctnal mllu. 1 OWl\f'r. Near new condition.-·-·-· Sit~ Hausken Motors, Inc! Are you having troublea? Newport Beat•h. Har, fi211. :tr.ttc- REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD -·-·"··· ..11211.60 <..:HEVRULET -· fHll.50 PLYM. 6: DODGE Sl5:l CHllYS. 4 DE SOTO --.1170 STUD£.BAKER -·-·... .$170 OLDS 6: PONT1AC t -1170 BUlCK ..... ... $In HUDSON ----Sl'Tll Lo&n Car Free Towing NEW CAR OARANTE.E Blodt mtat meet our ltandarCS. Plus taxea, gukets and oil Open Sunday 10 Lm.. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 1 Stat.e Bondecl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA ANA 4'7-Wanted to Beat Rentals Wanted We need apt.a and bou1M tn &IJ aecUons for both winter and 7ear' 1 leaae. Film. or un!urn. U you have a "acancy, phone lod&y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cst. Hwy., Newport Bch. Pbone Liberty 8-3481 208 M.utne, Balboa lslanCS Pbone Barbar '44 2887 E . Coast Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor l H l Udo Ott!~. 3U8 Via Lido Harbor 49i 1 33ttc 48-Apts. a RoOMl9 for Rent 2 BDRM. tum. • 2 bdrm. untum. duplc-x. Children welcomt . South nf Highway, Corona del Mar. Mn. Kay. Kar 37i9-J. ISUc ON BALBOA ISLAND aa ua tur ,.ari, uc1 ..,.,..a.1 rent&Ja. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 11132 Harbor Blvd. Coal& Mua Phone Llbe.rt.7 i-:I061. 15clt7 Let & Want Ad help you solve -Call Harbor 1s1s them! Ad OD th.I.I pap. to place your I JUI Martne A•&. Bartlor lliU2 &U.llOA Jal.AMI> TU• ' I tR-.\1•tA. ! !!.°..u!!! ____ -13_-_A_p __ tA_. _a_H_ll_ ..... ____ _ . Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS ' Delightful living. Apt.-Caba.nas. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodations. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 48-Apt..~UIM!tl·~--~­ Summer Rentals on U do l31e and ulher fine Harbor homn. TOP LIDO APT. 3 bdrms., 2 bl'ths Unturnl&hed -ground tloor A Home In Every respect $160 mo. on least. Unfurnished 2 bdrm. apt, 48A-Apt&. tor Rent Lido Bayf ront NEW 3 bdrl'WI., 2 baths, immacu-, lately furn. apt. lMMEDlATE occupancy for 6 mo. period. Apr. 28th to Oct. 28th. "-U8:m. INCLUDES entm1 11ummt'r 11eaion. No pet!!. No children. Shown by appointment only. HARBOR l NVESTMENT CO. for IMPORTANT INFORMATION someone wanting a beautiful in · Balboa at a right price- home 1. 40-ft. lot on Balboa Penin•ula most beaut. •treet. 2. 3 lovely bdnna. -2 with ocean view. 3. 3 baths -2 showers. 4. Large beamed celling living room lookinr out on a teni!ic patio. 5. Full sized dining room and nice kitchen. 6. Quality built by owner 2 yra. ago-Thia home bu oversized beams, tongue Ir groove flooring, hea-.y steel ,girder, Rheem F. A. water aottener, ltc. 7. Three car dbL stressed garage plumbed for apt. 8. Strictly a beautiful quality home t't>r $29,MO. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. Llberty 8-:WSt 54-BDAlaelf ~rtunltlell M-1'='•-~'!'! • . t'Top Balboa Location Stove and refrigerator $100 mo. on lease Phone Har. 1600 (eves Har. 1210) 41tfc OCEAN FRONT, near Newport pier, 1lngle apt. with kitchenette & .t>ath. Maid service, util. pd. TV. $15. per week. Har. 1'>158 or Harbor 987. 3liUc TO seLL, TO BUY, TO LEASE Nothing nicer on Peninsula. Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 Via Lido H&rbor 4tH Orange County business opportunities, IM Bud Leahy or John Kimble with 40d2 1N CORONA DEL MAR-2 bdrm. I BAY & BEACH REALTY ~----~~------Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island &. Lido Isle Sm&ll cl: cozy or large cl: de.luxe $71'> to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balbo& blanll Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2151 Res, Har. 1786-R or Har. 3059-M IUttc Garden Court close to ocean and bay - Here you'll relax and play. REASONABLE RA TES. Har. 0823 925 E. Ualboa Blvd .. Balboa. 39cl'>2 NEW DELUXE 2 bdrm. duplex, Untum. bdwd. firs., flrepl, garb. disp. Sun decks. Laundry rooms. Garages, TV antennas. Adults. no pet1. 700A-700B Acacia, Co· r ona del Mar. Owner 702 Acacia, (Upper apt.) Phone Har. 1736-J. 33tfc BEACON BAY 3 bdrms., 2 ba. view home. Summer only. . . . BALBOA PENINSULA. 2 bdrm11., 1 ~i ba. Furn. apl. YR. LEASE. unturn. apt. Reasonable rent. Call Fitzmorrla Realty Co .. Har. 21~2. 29c42h Lido Bridge Office-Harbor 3M3 NEW VERY ATTRACTIVE turn. apt. Garbage disposal. $70 lncl. utilities in center of Corona <lei 488-Ho~• for Rent Ma.r. Har. 08:>3-R. lOtto ------------- BEAUT. FRONT. 1 bdrm. unturn. Garage, laundry rm., drapes. Wa- ter pd. Near bus. dist. Muat mee to appreciate. -238 Rocbfster. Coat.a Meaa. LI 8·6973. 41?42 YEARLY, nearly new 1 bdrm. furn. duplex apt. Tile kitchen cl: bath, garage. Adult.I only, $65. mo. Harbor 3647-W. 40c42 SINGLE APT., furn. $3li. month. Yearly rate Including utllltle1. Harbor U:S-W. 309 Eaat Bay Ave .. 13alboa. f0c42 HARBOR A.PrS. Modem furnished apta. day, week. or month Ne&r bua, store• 6: bay. Reuonable rate1. 104 E. Bey Ave., BALBOA Harbor 6344. 17ttc BACHELOR. Charmin&' new pr . apt., tile bath 1un dt>ck. $66 utll. paid. 703 Jumlne, C. D. M. Har. 3494 41ct 2 FOR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvtne Terrace untum. view home1. 3 BDRMS., 2 bath.I and 2 BEDRMS., 2 bath.I. Call H&rbor 1776 or Harbor 4448. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Irvine Terrace Office Corona del Mar. 33ttc FURN. ! bdnn., 2 bath, Udo lsle home. A vatlable from May 1 to June 1. Ph. Hubor 4eeli. 40<:42 NEWPORT BEACH-Furn. l bed· room • sun porch wtth garage. Clean, yearly rental $119. month. 1oe -28th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Npt. Be~. Harbor 1013. 38ttc NICE 2 bdrm. duplex on CllJf Drive. Dllposal, pr&~e, hwd. . tloora, uaed brick flrepla~. $1011 on leue. Har. '78l days. Liberty 8·6418 nltea. Uc4ll • M-Baaba-9!P6!~ SPORTING 00008 ltore encl Boat • Motor Asucy locat.d la d .. ert. near rtvera 6 ~ Good opportunity tor out~ llMMor- man. WUl a~ tor tnwat.,,, price due to oUler lnWntll9 tat.er. est.a. Write Box R-64, t2a1a paper. 3'(>47 SMALL GROCERY STORll and restaurant with Uvln• quarter• located ln a very tut CTOWlnl new 1hopplnf area. Excellent spot for a liquor at.ore 6: on 1&le beer It wlne. C-:.11 owner at Liberty 8-SM3. "tctll Emplastron Therapy • • • UNFURN. 2 bdrm. apt., $80 mo. YEARLY untum. 2 bd.nn. boUlle. Dbl. gar&&'e, $75 mo. 1689 Orange Ave., COllta Meu.. LI 8·33tO. t lttc WANT-10 J.adl•• or pnts Who .utter from arthrtU., rbaumat· lsm, aclattca. and allied eondJ· lions, who want permanent re• lief. Tried and 'J>roven. After treatmen t& It you are 1&U1fled, to lnv111t $2000 tor a ahort per1od and receive a very IOOd profit In caab plus doln~ rood for othen. Drop a card for appoint- ment. THESE PROPERTIES are juat a 430 Narc.Wu1. Corona del Mar. NICHOLAS P. W AGNltR sample ot the Wlde ranre. of Phone Harbor 2640·R U c46 301 8 . Sprlns St., Elatnore, Calif . 42cH price, location cl: accomodallone we .have listed. The Beaumont Co. 434·32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor 4299. 33c415 MODERN UN1' ll'RN. 1 bdrm. apt. with rdrl&'. 6: alove. Reuona.ble yearly renL 607~ Fernleaf, Co· ron& del Mar. 41c43 NEW MODERN f\Jm. 2 bdrm. house. $70 mo. till summer. 304 32nd St., Newporl. Beach. 41p42 GIFT SHOP READY TO GO UNFURN. 3 bedrm. houae $80 MerchandlM Ir flxturu. $1000, mo .. lea.10 preferred. Water pd. terms. Low rent. $60 monlll. 20.29 Republic, Coeta Mesa. Call Heart of Balboa. Illne&s In Jam- Newport Island $70-2 BDRM. Triplex, garbage Waterfront Summer Rentals di.Ip. Fan over stove. Between H igh 11cbool Ac J r. High. Water pd. Owner, Liberty 8-27T6. OUc DY YEAR-Balboa llland. Cloee to 1hop1. Available May lat- Nice alngle family, 2 bedroom home with dble. garage. Furn. $1:>0. mo. to right family. CALL HARBOR 63. J. A. BEEK offflcl'. 603 Pa.rk Ave., Balboa bland. 4 lc43 IN BALBOA -Furn. nearly new upper duplex. Close to Bay and tra.ne. $60. mo. until Jum• lli or yrly lease et $75. Har. 1317-W -arter 11 a .m. 4lc43 Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts - + other choice properties Harbor Island. Bay ShOl't'll, Bea- con Bay, quall!led cllents only. Harbor Investment Co. Harbor 1600 (Evu. LI 8-15386) 27Uc Choice Yearly Rentals CLIFF HA VEN-Lg!!. 2 br., encl. patio, garage, $87.50 unfurn. CORON A DEL MAR-2 br .. rtrt· plaee. g11r11~r. srn . .unf\1ml~hed. Muriel M. Pinover, Realtor 2604 1'111\'J't.rl Blvd .. Xewpurl l>t'h Harbor <1610. Hc43 2 BDR~f. !urnlshetl, $90. month on yenrly leHe by lhe month. ~ blk. from b11y. 2 blki< to ocean. 30-. ..:JHh St,, Newport Beach. lfir. 2344-J. 39c52H RENTAL v' SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crate Bla nche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave . ~boa l sl&nd, Har. 1671 Balboa Island 72ttc Choice yearly and summer rentala, now available. DORJS BRAY, Realtor 218 Marine Ave .. Balboa llland Harbor 20 115tfc 2 WOMEN TEACHERS w111 11hare 2 b<lrm. apt. nn Balboa Lsland. Cu port A: Patin. Hn. 1274-W. '1c43 COMPL. FURN. BOMlli. 1 bedrm. Ir aleeplng porch. Patio It gar· age. Closl' ln, Costa Mesa, Phone I~Iberty 8-2833. 42cH 2 BDRM. tum. duplex. $100 mo. 1nclude1 ulllitll'a. south ot Hlway. Corona del Mar, Xra. Kay, Harb. 3779-J . 6tfc -For a dependable med car, llff your loeal dealer wbo will be bere TOMORROW lo back up what he eelll TODAY! Chtw'k the uffd cars In the cluatfle<J NCUon to- da7. - RATES by week, month or 11eason. 3706 Channel Pl. Har. 1217-J. 41tfc arter 6 p. m.. ATl&ntlc 4-0662 lly. 4lc43 Owner, 607 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. _F_U_R_N_, __ H_O_U_S_E---2-b-ed-. rm-.-.-an-d a&<>e. OcU CHARMlNO PROVINCIAL duplex untllm 2 bdrms., nearly new.· Near .9torc11, beach It bu1. Prlv. garage. Cal.I LI 8-3f28, or Har. ~2H·J. 41tfc rumpuii rm. Newport Helghll!. Phone Llberty 8·1329, call ~rore ~Monez to LcNm t :30 p.m. '2c ~LO ....... AN-. -8-T~O'--B-l11L1>--. -LMPR.0---V-JC EXCEPTIONALLY nlce 2 bedrm. Untum. apt. Garbage diapoaal, garage, lawn, yearly. Newport Heights. L1 8-1'26 U c43 NEWPORT HTS.-Sma.IJ h nu9e unfum. Suitable for one or cple. $50. mo. on lease tir11 t It last mo. In advance. LI 8·3119. 421:44 Corona del Mar BUT, MOD.ICRN~ OR JU:J'IN ARCS We Buy Tru8t Oee4a .NEWPORT BA.l.BOA 8AVIN08 a WA..N ABBOCIA 110N 33et Via Udo. Ph. Bar. UOO ll• Charming Harbor Haven NEWLY decorated 2 bedrm. home, • un furnished. Garsgr. 3 doors WOULD IUre to buy Ut and 2nd from r)cean. Yurlv rent.al. Call "' Tnut Deeu Call Har. 2121. Apartment.. -Patios NEW 4 ROOM, street level. Near 1cbool.s, shopping dlstrlcL Quiet, plea.sant. e.xclll.live. Garbage dl•· poy.1, launclry, atorage rooma. gara1e. $82.50 up. occupies en- tire street. Good 1uperv1s1on. Har. OMO or Inquire 217 4Tk· ..Uo spur. •2ctt LOANS for Homes 48C-;..;;..;;;._..:;.T..:;.ra..,.Ue~r~S~paee-----· CJ" -JO yr. Loull Construction Loans Mgr.. 1001 Haven Place 1 Block South ot High School ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATES 3ttc YEARLY w1rurn. 1 bd'm1. apl.. Y-ilh garage. Balboa Island. Har. 2655-W or Llbe.rty 8-4488, Trailer Space STATE APPROVED for Cabana, large lots. space t vr custom lots. swimming pool by J un1• In. Aclult1 & children over 14. LIUO Vlt.LAGF., 700 31st St . 1'ewport Bt•ach. 3•c48 35Uc 49-Rooms for ~--~~--~~----Rent COST A MESA. 3 rm. apt., turn. or unfurn .. lnrludea Ulilltlea. Call HYatt •·4357. 28Uc KNOTTY PI.NE, Oc..-an view, !um. lower 1 room cl: full kitchen. Shower, $37.liO mo. or ,..;11 lclUlc ulll pald. :U 7i8 Mh Ave,. South Lagi1na. HY 4-5838. 42p4'1 BALBOA lSLAND-Lovely small 11ludio apL furn .. ytarly 11'11.St", S~>O. Ulll, pd. Empl. lady or gcn- tlPmM . WrJte 1128 Lornin Rel , Sa.n Marino. or Call A Tlant le 1-03611. 42C43 488--Boaees for Bent LIDO ISLE 2 YEARLY RENTALS UNFURN. 1. 2 bedrooms, 2 balh11. 2. ' beclroom1, 2 b&U1•. Choice locatlon1. EARL W, STAi-JLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., NC!Wport Bch. Harbor 1013 40t!c BALBOA lSLANlJ private ruom & bath, kitchent"lte. Wlll 1!3C. tnr $9 wk. slni;lr, or $10 wk for 2 -l1ll J une l at or 15th. H11rbnr 1626-J "" Hai 2128·M 40tfc' NICE tor working man. pr'l\•ate enlranr,.. IM3 Orange Ave. (;o~ta Mr.sa. 40tfc SMALL ~Ingle room for worlUng mnn. Comtor111bl1~ br<l, hot an1I colrl walrr, 17 wk. l'rlv entr. HJ-28th St., Nc1.-·port Beach. 32pp33 3 OFFICE llJ>llCH for leaae. Ap- prox. J7'x3~' each. 1n Udo Shop· ptnr art L C>OO VIA Maiap. Hu. 3327. l~lfc 53-A-BU&llH!!M ReaW. ----AVAILABLE -Abol .t 8000 ... ft. llghl lndustry a,>ace on lat • 2nd. floor. U S. Klghway 191 a nd Bay Frontage. Wlll Ieue 'h or any part Ir. rtmodel to suat SD BOB 8ATn.mft 2515 EAST COAST BLVD. Corooa Gel Mar H&Ror ,... Rep. POllUl:R KORTO.A.Qa 00. Metro Ute Ina. runes. KL Mlll ...,.. NO COMMISSION 1 No Appraisal Fee SAL.ES -REFINANCE CONSntUCTION Call for Free Fast Commitment.a on Re1ldenc~1 and Unlu only Don I. Huddleston l 73 E. 17th St. L COSTAMESA LI 8~ 1 1:-1 M61J REAL ~ATE LOANS Intereet Rate 5-6~" Loana qutcJtlJ .made ta Ulla 9Q Aru a.nd eo.ta Memo ltlllle or DIWUple 1mU.a. Nnr -old. .. wt.a a.nd ave b7 i.ft•eetns your praeent loan. Min'.._, -.. penae. No ch&rp r~ ,...um&- DU'J appni.L P2tCll9 a.ta Ana ID.mbert7 ..-as ar Witt.- ARTHUR A.. KAY Mortgage Loan eon.., il'lldmt Occidental Ute lnlu.ranc. Co. 133 Bouth Main 8uta Alla pp BOARD A: ROOM for 1 or 2 adults or parent and child. oa.u at 620 Ina, Corona deJ Mar. Uc48 ~t. Vogel Co., 34.H Via UdO. ------------- Harbor 497 J. 2etlc UNFURNISKICD a bedrm. Corona ------------ Hlfhlanda fa'"!'lilJ home. W /W carpetlnc, drape.a, co-q wted AVAILABLE brick fireplace, nJaed hearth, NEW STORE BLIXJ. 1200 aq, tt.. birch pe.neled litltcben. Ooean oppoalte Balboa Bay Club. Ample view, lge. yard. Bton, Nfrt&',. parktnc. Pb. LI 11·1373. 15dlh automatic wuber tnclllded U -------------c1Mlred. See now to• Be&ward Road. Corona del Mar. Ph. BYatt ISB-ladtlltrlal 8-tale 4·1Se111. ITttc l'OR L&A811 on Hartlor BJ'f'd - CLIFF "-' Vil:N, Ito. untum. I LMye hOUH on IOXl75 poUllda. bdrm, hou•. Newly patnted. (Commerctal1 fac;jnr 2 ltreeta. fireplace. Har. 5115t OI' Bar. NT. (Dal to Pluue Boat Plaat). •tt• All ar put. U 1-1672. latte Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One d•Y aervl". Application may b4t rnad11 ln per· IOll, by phnne or by mall. Calif. Acceptance CORPORATION t•I Htrbor BIN., COllt& Mea LI .. 7761 -Open l'rMlilla WI I c:ao..t ~ c1r. •Uto I I t I I I I ' ' ' I I I ' ,. I I I = --....J ; t Bayfront 156 Fee Beautiful, Unique Desirable Bayfront Res idence tute and re-To the yachting family of exacting quirementa we offer a marine residen tional merit on 156 feet of Newport H desirable leuebold Bay Front. • ce ot excep- arbor'a most vanced tune-Vigorou1 contemporary conception, ad tioo&l deaign ind equipment. 5 bedroo 24 ft. x 24 ft. view living room. View from expan.aive muter bedroom. Large completely equipped luxury view kit fireplace. An on one level terrazo an floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. system Movie projection room. Planned area f ms, 3 baths. and privacy dining room, chen, marble d carpeted. throughout. or swimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead, moor your 100-ft yacht to skillfully engineered, well lig ., or larger. pier and float. hted private intment only. This bayfront residence shown by appo Call John Macnab, Harbor 1775 or H arbor 5359. EARL W. ST AN LEY ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island LI DO Open Sunday 1 -5 p . m. Lovely 2 J>drm., 2 bath, with a large sunny patio. 218 Via Palermo ALSO 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, new. nal. ront. I - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, exceptio 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, waterf 45 ft. waterfront lot with pi a bargain!· er privileges DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd. Newpo rt Beach 42c44 One of Balboa's Be st! nns .• and a 8 U1'TIS-Two 2 bednns., five 1 bed bachtlor. AU completely furnished. W carpets, furnace heat, full tile baths. La ious rooms with plenty or closet space. all to Wall rge, spac· Extra fine location on P cninsu la VACANCY RECORD very low. All ren stantial busineaa and working people, trouble or fuss. Very easy to care for. led to sub- No noise, Property in exccDer1 t condition. nt tenants. INCOME $8.000 per yr. from pennane Price S57,500. Take clear home and s1on w rash for equity. SEE Lila B. McFarren with-- BALBOA BAY PROPER TIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balbo Harbor 3i, 6 or 2517-M or 17 a 25 Quality Lots s Cambridge Estate 16th & Irvine (ACROSS FROM HlGH SCHOO L' 75' Frontage Highly Restricted For Custom Built Ho mes S3500 All Utilities In on Property. GOING FAST -• • er Phil Sullivan -Own George T. Everson -Exclus ive Agent rty R-6i6l l 856 Newport. Blvd., C'.osta MPsa LI be Eves. Harbor 4366 ·Liberty 8-2 103 LOADED WITH HIDDEN VALUES Jy an UnU8· BALBOA ISLAND. We offer exclusive Ulllly desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home living r oom, large dining r oom. Miutim . Delightful um square footage. Close to best beach. Can appreciated by inspection. only be Call Harbor 1775 Eves. H arbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realto r 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ENJOY THE WOO OS a a11d bunk at the bea~. Small cottage. 2 bedroom room. on wooded Jot in canyon. 2 block Bay, Corona del Mar. Spic-and~pan con niahed. FULL PRICE ~950, only $ Here ia permanent answer to your v11ca s from the dition. Fur- 1600 down : Won ne<'ds! STANLEY A. SMITH, R ealtor 2647 E . Coa.at Hwy .. Corona d~l Ma r Harbor 882 ·WANTED \.\'£ HAVE CVSTO?tU:RS tor V8• l'Ml .t improved, In buslne1111 zone 26th Sl. to 3Znd ln New- 1x.rt. AIMo w11nt arr.:ace Coata Meaa arell N. B. C. Realtv Co. 32ntl &: N rwpnrt Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Harbor HO!) BU8inesa ls GOOD. Let us sell your property JAMES-VICK -Har ~43 (Multiple Listing Brokers) 41c43 WANTED S MALL VAC ANT buslnPM lot- Newpor·t or Co11ta Meaa. State 1•11sh price anll/or tenns. Also .111zc, location tind zo1111. Own••rs or ai:ents. Wri te P 0. Box 173 :-.t•wport Beach. 42rH ~lnrome Property For Sale by Owner COROl'\A OEl.J MAR -2 11lory com bination. Cur. .t: ·~ bath. l st tlo1tr, 2nd floor hi.LS large hv. room, betuned ce11in~s. bedroom, 11hower, deluxe kitchen. Snack bar, glassed in .sun porch, IJ.~e. patio encl with 8-lt. brick wall. Sl3,000. Terms to 11u1t. Room to build on front. 702 Ac11· f'la. Coronu tlel Mar. or phone Klmball 02~. Huntington Park. 33tfc 60·A -Commercial, lnduatrlaJ -----------F'J!'l:E DUPLE)( on 30x100 ft. M·l lut, !\'l'wport Brh. Incl. 60 ft. tor furl her Improvements, Exrel- lent loc:at1on tor mfg. or? Pre· sent Income $110. month. Full prlct' $14,000. terms. G. H. LATHROP. 3635 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. H1&rbor r>HZ. <Eves. Har. 3lHl·J) 42C41 6 EXCHANGES s mall home, Corona del Mar, tor Santa Ana Income. H OME In Oce1UU1de fo r duplrx, local or V&11 Nuya. 2 bdrm. $8000. Coata Mc8tl home for newer or beach prOJX'rty. s Qbmlt your trades, s1w11 !ncome ta.xe11. N. 8. C. Realtv Co. 3 Znd A Nrwport Blvd .. NpL Bch. T RADE !or NEWJ'O.KT. BeallllfuJ $2~.ooo home In L& Creeeenta. Churchill 9·9804. 30p42pr ~ FOR SALE OR TRADE BY BUILDER 8%-Real IAIW. ------- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST ~HOME+ RANCH STYLE BACK BAY HOME • Should be sold before noon at this price -'Brand new 3 bdrm., 2 baths • AU eleclric kitchen -hwd. flooni -fireplace. Hu every feature a home should have. $24,500, lml. + C-1 + 100 foot frontage on 19th, directly acroaa street from new market & drug store at 19th Ii Placentia. A speculation price at $10,500. Submit eome terme. + MANUFACTURE + 127 f oot on Placentia, 1:.: block north of 19th. Depth varies from 103 ft. to 290 ft. to alley. $70 foot. +FARM+ 80 acres all rtr?ady to plant to beans, tomatoes. yama or celery. Houses, sheds, barns le well. Priced at $3000 acre. Liberal t erms. Imm. pou. Opport.. here. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES l tlSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -Bun.DERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 \Llberty 8-1400 Eves. BEFORE YOU BUY -SEE THESE HOMF.S IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Open Daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 252 P aimer St. $650 DOWN ANO S76 MONTHLY Only 3 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sewers in and paid Garbage Disposal Enclosed garages Kitchen fana Colored rock roof• Birch Cabinets TOTAL PRICE lll,450 I See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. between 15th St. It 16th St. ., 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 SEE THESE NOW l . ~25 CATALINA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm. stucco, good neighborhood. Fireplace, partly fen- ced, 3•,:: yra old. $11,750. SEE between 1It5 p.m. 2. 136 BROADWAY, COSTA MESA -110' on Broadway -125' on Fullerton to alley. Ideal f or business or professional development. Include• a 2 bdrm. frame dwelling with prage. $30,000. Terms. OPEN HOUSE from 1 to 5 p.m. 3. NEWPORT BEACH-2 bdrm. stucco -ample rm. to build Income unit. Cloee to ocean, bay and park. $10,500, term.. ALSO : Bea.ch home on two lot.a-a bdrma., $7350. Beach home, 2 bdrma. -two Iota ···········-···$10,500 Beach home -3 bdrma. -·········-·········-·---$ 9,500 Ew RA~cH sTYt.E AoonE. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 3 lurge bdrm•. 2 lllP bath11. N .-tucn• .t: plasitr. Spaclou3 uv. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1428 ru1 .• r1repl. glllley kltchin, din. 2216 Newnort. Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5. 101 m1 .. flbl ... gu. altachl'<l. Will _____ .. _f-----------------take cl•'sr l1Jl.8. c&r. hou11e, or what huve you. 172 E. Wilson. Costa Meaa. Lt 8·2032 aCler 6 p.m. or weekends. 37p42 Bay Front income • Unl ta--2 A a bedr\loma, fUnl • loahed. Pier, noat a.nd prtvai. be&cb. 1000 E. B&lboa BIYd~ Balboa. Cratnew 11WH8. Cour- tesy to brokera. 13ttc ' 9.~00. N'EWLY l'A.11\"TEO 2 ~­ mom stucro home on 1•11mer, 4 yr:1 nld. !'mnJI encfO!l('d f'OllO Hnrbnr ~I~ or Hnr. tJ 7. 3:'it fr 208 Kings Place F OR SALE OR LF.ASE w1lh OP· lion to buy. Allr3t'lJ''e 2 bdnn. A: d4'n. ~am cl'tlin.:!i. Wlrge view !tit. Cliff H&\'en. 0w1,,.r, Lnnja' B.-nrh ooo-:n7. 39p!\21t c ORCl~A UEL MAR !:"COME \'3 11nus unit.I It pnLl'll to m••rl your wants. $13.••00 lo !l!O 000 LRO 2 btlrm. J\.,me complrt ,.Jy tuml.shPtl. dnublt> i:;arni;ft SI l,!'100. ALI, :'thn Koh!J<trll t ll11r. 2152. A c 313:'1 (""f1t1st H w)·., CV M Eve. Hs r. Ofl21A-H. 3~~.t HOC~E FOR RAL.E, -r. rQ:'llTUI. 2 b.·1lroum8. f1repl&rr t11 .. suik. pdllO, lible, i:ar11{e OK. for builtHni;-apt 71 l Jn1> Ave, Corona df'I :'tlar. Sl2.r100. Owrwr, I'hone A Tian lie l -~111!3 42c~!'i BY OWNER ., Coron& Highland• -3 bdrm., 2 b11th farmhou.~r. F'lf A comm II· menl. Ph. Hatbor 78-J . P9trc 100°/o !MCREASE IN· SALES! More than a Million Dollars in Multiple Listing Salee during the month o! March : $1,147,061.00 Compared to $578.305.00 for March of lut year. In BUYING or SELLING aee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS Choice Location Good Bargains Excell ent Income Possibilities HAPPY SUMMERS ! ! 4 bdrms .. 2 baths, furnished ·····-···-··--··----S29,500 3 bdrms., 1 ·', balh. Little Island ··----··---$35,000 2 bdrms. N . B. front. Pi<'r & float ........... -.$<15,000 3 bdrms., 3 baths, furn. Little Island ·····-····$28,500 D 0 R I S B RAY , Realtor For sale by owner Phone Harbor 20 Days & E~enings Nona Hyer Chet Salilbury DUPLEX on R·l lul l. 612 • SH 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Jumlne. Corona del Mar. Priced right. Call Har. 2919-R after 6 p.m. or Sundllys. J:!p4~h •VOGEL VALUE-NEWPORT HEIGHTS L.A.RGE LOT on c1arr Drive l.n Clift R avt>n. AT..SO • Oft. 11trPel tn 11lrt•rt lot on Gnioa . Udo l&le anti C-·2 lot OD l':ewport Blvd. Mni. Ahrt'nl!, Har. 0191. 23Uc THREE BDRM. fr11.m(' nn •o, arr,. f'rult trl't'll, etc. 2620 Eh!tn Av,. .. Co~ta Mf'.!tll. Ow~··r, rLymnuth ~-:,02t-'10JM2 B LA(""K !'TAR ,.,\:'\Yl)'\. nrn1 Snfl,Jl(' &t·k .Ml. 10 8f rrs. m11"· ntni-rnl view. .!lprlni;: ldra l ror hunlln~ ltt11J:r nr hi I· A\\ny. $16110 or tritd(' '"' \ .. 1k~w.-i;en. o"·iirr Htllbor o .'1!•·W. 41c~3 Pride in Own<'rship -Located on quiet, beautiful slrect among other quality homes. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with glass dool"B from living room to & truly lovely patio and private back yard. Please see this at $21,950. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach LI 8·3481 Everybody Reads the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Phone Herbor 1616 OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX 00 MPLETELY FURN. Only $300<' handl.ea. Tforrlflc buy at $11.~0. DUPLEX ~~ block to ocean. I LARGE tJNl1' PLUS :lnd unit \:Ompl. turn. Only $10.800. BALBOA J UNITS lf'URN. 11'int1t rent11l area. Excellent' value. Cluse to be&l'h. Our business is good, we need more liltings. PHONE-HAR. 022fl or come in 2901 Ne-:vport Blvd., Newport Bch. Art C. Kistler Co. 42c4• Business & Home 2 BORK. HOUSE, plu• .-xtra lot. M·l zone, low price. euy terms. ' S BDRM. HOUSE. nl'ar Clv1c Cl'n· ter, $7.MO, low down payment. BEACH HOME $1,!500 down CHANNEL FRONT 3 BDRM. HOME, pier and float, ia,900 down. N. B. C. Realty Co. 32nd .t: Newport Blvd .. Npt. Beh. OPEN 6903 Se~shore Or. 3 BR. BEACH HOME. Encloeed patio 4' all the u1ual atuff, $10,lSOO price, $4,000 dn. Con· elder Ex l >r amall equity ln S. A. home A 1ome cuh. Bayview Realtors 2305 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bch. Rarbot 3371. '2c4f Need Larger Home MUST SELL nearly new 3 bdrm. houae, large corner lot. Hwd. tloor1 thruout. rtreplace. Patio 1a encloeed 3 aldea. DRIVE BY 2221 Santa Ana Ave .. Coit& Mea&. Ph. owner LI 8·7138. 33p411H By owner-Costa Mesa ~ BEDRM.. Almo1t new-Near 17th St. The tlnell neighborhood for yoer chlldren~n a banjo 1treet. Price $10,950. only $1 ,IWO down. Parquet A uphah Uhl noon. B •a med ceUlnp throuabouL 8padoua c:loMt&. rllwplace. Be· low co.l. Bacrltlce by owner. Harbor 10~2 day8 only. 42c44h BACK BAY Comer ol Mr sa Drive A Cyprea. 8 yre. old. beaut.l!ul view. 88.3 x HS' lot. 3 bdrm.a., lge. a x 20 kltche.n, wall to wa.11 carpet. SoUd Puml bloo construction, walled patio. Lot.I or room for Income addition with bay view. Private party. $1.6,900. Ph. LJ 8·5848 for aprolntmenl. 32p4~ $13.000, FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bdmu., din . rm .. alt.Ached ger· age. W to W carpeting. hwd. nr11 .. Thermoetat heat, garb. dt.p kitchen !11.Jl. Includill~ nearly NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV. PA&E 5 THURSDAY, APRIL 21 , 1955 12--ReaJ r...tate GOOD LIVING start) at IRVINE TERRACE We cordi~lly invite you to inspect these model bome-s, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plan.s. When you inapect theae model home., you will note they include every coin!ort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that resulted fl) thi.I remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace families for many yeara. Permanent restrictions guuantee you will alway. be proud of your !lome here. To the home buyer who wiahet1 to purchue In the $22,000 to ~.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway oppoait. the new Irvine Coaat Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor i-448 For Further Inform&tlon * For Recommend&Uon, we refer you to anyoM who holda & Leaaehold Eat.ate ln Irvine Terraoe. CORONA DEL MAR 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Marigold Ave. Hu 11Az car garage, hwd. ftool"8 and tile. R-2 Jot with room for &dditlonal dwelling. Only $12,750 with $1~ down. Balance like rent. Open HoU18 Sat. Ii Sun. &t 712 Heliotrope, C. D. IL 2. Very nice 2 bdrm., cloee In. Hu apo98d beam.I, forced air heat, flagstone fireplace and ltre.Md gar&p. P'ull price $13,750. 3. Large new 3 bdrm. t.nd playroom. (19SO eq, ft.) Hae be&utiful view. Wood aha.ke root, 2 bath• and all attractively fi.n.iahed. Open daily. l- 509 DE ANZA, OORONA mGHLANDa EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. M42 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 ~-~---~-~--~~~~~~~~~ BALBOA ISLAND CH.ARKING piJM paneled a bdrm. home. Ueed br1ok fireplace, 2 ~tu. J.car garage. Lota ot cloeet and storage apace and a l bdrm. apt. All furniahed in good taste. Xlnt. financing. $29,500. $3500 DOWN and you will have a wonderful .wn- m<'r cottage. Rent it in the winter, and the ln.Ci>me apt. upetaina, and jt will pay for itaelt. 4 bedroom Bay Front -$45,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 502 -Eves. Harbor 2306-R new auto. wuh4r A dryer, refrlg ------------ • gaa 11Ulge. u~ dn.. 11000 GI loan. Will r.onslder 2nd con· traeL 329 Broadway, Coat.a Metia 40c62 331/2 ACRES VDtY PRODUC11VE LAND In beautiful valley inland frum Oceanside. Coovenlt!lll to b1.111i- nras I< echoola. Ripe for tubdl· vl.slon, xlnl. water system. A realdcnce to $15.000 In Newrort a~ ~-IU be cOllJlidue<J &a part pymt. Owner 2300 CllCt Drlvr. Ncwrort. 40c42 BY OWNER -3 bdrm., l'IOlle to shopping, etc .. on quiet SL Hwd. flni.. fenced lot, llll'Wera, ir;arb. a.i..p.. alley ru.r. Room for in- come. New paint. •"'o loan 11t $64 per mo., 1nc.ludlng ta.xt'-9 A lnsu. Pnce $J3,:l60. 1189 Park Drive, Cost.a Mesa. 40t1c B\" OWNER -3 lldrm .. I !a bath house on dbl. LEVEL Jot. Lnrge rms. thruout. Fireplace. pallo. renced yd .. llbl. gur. New l. bdnn. houae on rear of lot ror 1.ncome. Har, OHl·M. 61!1 Jumlnr. t:o- rona I.lei Mar. t 2e:iofh BY OWl'>E.R CUTE I bdrm. bouae. near ocean • channel. BBQ 1n !lag1lone patlo, brick \. allt lhrou~oul. Sacrtnce tor $ 11.950. or large boat. 208 -4l1l., Newport Beach. Harbor 4633. 29p43 OCEAN VlEW modem 2 bedrm. home with extra room and " balb on double &"U•ce. Prtce 123.500. Low down payment or Wiii t&ke Finl Tru8t Deed ln trade. 2712 CU.tt Drin (adJa.oent fte&Dt lot an.Uable) Ph. owner, LI 8-W2 23ltc Drive by 235 ll&polla Com Meu. C\l\.e .ti COil}' horo. -2 bdrm. • paneled den with flrt'pl•• r, wall to waU carpet. Vuy cloH !Jl. ,lS,000. Phone l..lbu\¥ 1-6282. Utlc TAKE TIME TO LIVE Want a private beach? Need a place to keep your cruiser! Prefer close in location near Lido Shopa, etc.! Buy this ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Cove9 right on the waterfront. only 3 yrs. old. Lots ot We, parquet flool"8, F. A. beat. dbl. garage. nice feature.. Pier & slip privileges. A real value at $26.250 -Terms . Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnished -good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by, $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 E~RL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3~13 l{_ewport Blvd., Newport Beach !far. 1013 BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 bd.rme., 1 'h bath h omes · Close to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GAT~, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8-7976 33tfc Accent on Value placed rightly here • On tht. modem .f bdrm. bayfront home with 1 bdnn. apt. over garage, $45,000. Good financing. This is just one of t he many VOGEL VAL~ we have to show you. VOGEL co ~ 208 M&rine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 6" , SS PA6E 6 ·PART IV-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRE THURSOA Y. APRIL 21 , 1955 62-ftflal Estate st-RMI r...t.19 a •• ,...._ FOUR THAT WILL GO! 1on Balboa Island "ONE P'OR THE MONEY'' ... Darling, little mod- ern 2 bdrm. home. Good corner location with room to build another unit. Fireplace, beamed ceilinga, and nicely furnilhed. An exceptional value $18,760 'TWO J'OR THE SHOW" • • . And loaded with CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round liv- ing. Beamed ceillnp, huge rooms, grand patio with BBQ. Two bdrma, two batb.. Completely fumlahed ............... ········-··········· ................ _.$29,500 "THREE TO GET SET" . , . . For aummer living, that la! A 1good two bdrm, home located half·blk to beach and cloee to village, Fumillhed. An ex- cellent value .................................................... $20,000 "FOUR TO GO" ... A glaaa fronted modem 4 bdrm. BA YP'RONT home, grand kitchen, bkft. bar, patio with BBQ, F. A. beat. two baths. PLUS 1 bdrm. view apt. Both fumlahed. Terrific buy at $45,000 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 4781 EXTRA · ORDINARY BUYS COSTA MESA $1000 Own. Lovely 3 bdrm. home, only 10 mos. old, beautiful new carpeting in living rm, hall and muter bdrm. F .H.A. loan, $61.00 per month, partial ocean view. Only ............................ $.9,275. $2,000 DOWN. Unuaual 3 bdrm. home with fireplace, oak floora, automatic heat, breezeway, lovely land- acaping, F. H. A. loan at $64.44 per month. Only . ... ........... ...... ...... . .. . ............... $10,750 $2,111 DOWN. Spaciou1 3 bdrm. near Santa Ana golf club. Hdwd. floors, fenced, extra large bdrm.. Only .... ....................... . ... .... . ............ $11.500. INVESTORS DREAM. 1 bdrm., very liveable 'home on E. 15th St. Bbq, garage, fenced. 11tucco and plaiter. Only . . . ... ~.500 .. total price GREENLEAF. SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor ~2 <Evea. Liberty 8-3186) CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner lot 3 bdrm .. ? bath home, immaculately and complete· ly furnh1hed including deep freeze, washing machine, TV, linen•. blanket.II, dillhea & 1ilverware. No phone information. Shown by appointment only. Full Price $39,500. ALSO 2 bdnn .. 2 bath plua gueat room Lmmaculately and completely fumi11hed 11uch u d1she11, silverware, TV. Expen&vely carpeted and draped. Clever landscap- ing. Large corner lot. Full price - S32,500 -Term.11. For preview 1howings, call Harbor 1600 - ( Eve11. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO .. REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St.. Newport Beach SPRING CLEARANCE Only one to a customer ~ BEDROOM older home near the beach. bu a aleeplng porch and a prage and ia completely fur- nilhed, euy walk to the pier, jUAt $7,500 and $2.500 down. 1 BEDROOM home juet i ti block to the water. com- pletely furnished. rudy for the 11ummer, only $6,900. and Sl.500 down. VACANT LOT. 30 x 85, JUST $2,650. 2 BEDROOM home with large den. comp. furn. ju.at a block from the city hall and the bu11., Price $12,9~ with $2,500 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 "Clean as a Whistle" EXCEPTION.ALLY A 'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and amall d ining room. car· peted wall to wall, Sood kitchen, breakfut space and aervice porch. Ample cupboard• and atorage ap&ee. Ovenbed 2~ar sa.rage. Nice enclosed patio. Moct convenient corner location. 2 blka. from City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 . BUILDERS -LOOK ! OnJy 2 adjolnins R-3 Iota available on the moet de- alrou1 Balboa Penin1ula "Point" -OK. for de.luxe 8 unit A 6 garagea. We have plan1 for a deluxe 8 unit. -~ thia today. . TME VOGEL CO. 3~1 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Llbe.rty 8-3'l81 I~ • p. a. palmer incorporated . developers of Lido Isle OPEN ·sAT. & SUN. 10 TO 5 123 Via Genoa, Udo Isle NEW and extremely beautilu\ 3 large bdrme. and 2 luxurioua bathe, sliding gl~ doors to patio from dining a~a and maater bedroom. Themi. oven and range, fully carpeted and landscaped. 3-car garage. .. WHITE CAST ironwork entrance, maasive raiaed- hearth fireplace, carpeting of ba.nd-Joomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dishwasher, dilpoaal, hood over range and louvred shutten to close off the pus-through to dining area. Sliding glau doors to patio from both living room and muter bdrm. Located on one of Lido's finest com ers to in11ure privacy. 3 bdrma. and 2 well appointed bath11. You ca.n't build for lea and this itl perfecL -$33,500. ULTRA-SMART modem with 2 bdrm. and den, 2 baths, the living room features a handsome alump- atone fireplace &: beamed ceilings. The kitchen has oak cupboards In 1Ulltrou1 natural finish, d.raw fan, disposal and bar eeparating dining area. Sliding glaas walls from both the den and dining area to the la.rge, sunny sheltered patio. See this now, as the price j11 only $27 ,500. Come to Headquarters p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneon co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor ,»00 Houston Values NOW HEAR THIS RIGHT ON THE OCEAN Don't ju1t drive by 3317 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar -Call ua and let u1 show you this sturdily constructed home with the mo1t exciting 3-story floor plan. Extra feature9 galore -IL~ definitely a must see. Ask for Dan Jacobsen or Bill MeMenger EXCELLENT VALUE Comfortable 2 bedroom, large kit~ chen, dining room, patio with barbe- que, beautiful yard. Here is the best value in Newport Heights. $13,500 Ask for Hodgkinson CLIFF HA VEN VIEW Beautiful new 2 bedroom and den Ranch style home, dining room, 2V2 baths. Shake roof, 2 fireplaces, built-in range, fully carpeted plus numerous other features. Fee 1imple lot. Open Sunday. 1001 Cliff Dr. Call or come see Dave Os~um p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coaat highway -liberty 8-5573 M-1 ON SUPERIOR -110 toot fronta.ge with nlcl' 2 bdrm. home S~l'ra In • pcld. $10.600, Lenna Thia 111 HOT ! • • BAY SHORES • • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING Spacious Peninsula Home! A8GRACOU8AHOME AS ANY CITY COULD BOAST. Roomy. 4 bedroom11, 2 bllth11. One bed· room and bath d6wn ala.Ira. Situ· a ted on 2 comer Iota tota.llng 70Jd02 f('f't. L&nre living rm. Wilh fl~place. Full lot patio. badminton court. bf'a11tlfully landecaJ>f'd. Truly a lovely homt . $32.~. t.erma. 3 BDRM. NEAR GOLF COURSE. Lovely cornn. fenc11d. dbl. gu .. fl rl'pktre. hwr1. floors. 112.~. Low r1n. 6 ' ~ "'(. IOAn. 8 MALL 2 BDRM. HOME H2llO. '• F' Nke E. 111de Joe. EZ term1. AC. WJTH 2 NEAR.LT NEW HOUSES. Bfo11t ll. •Ide loc. Can b4! ll&G lncnme nr live ln on!' 6 lrt othtr rental pay loa.n. 113,8()() Make offer . • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shorea' Clevereat Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raieed .uaed brick fireplace, di1hwasher, diapoeal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, term1. AND LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1-5 p.m. NEW USTING Peninsula Duplex! NO ONE ABOVE OR BENEATH YOU JN THIS SEJ.U ·DETACH· ED DU PLEX. :i bt'droom11 11nd 2 bat h• ln f'llrh unit. L&rgl" cor· ner lot. Nlctly f\Jmlahed. Swell for hnmt with lncomP nr for rentall1. $29,7!\0, 18700 down. Ocean Front! , --·-------- BILL'S BEST BUYS Being Drafted -Must Sell 3 bdnna. with 11 :! baths only 4. m08. old. Lot abe 63 x 106. new paved and curbed 11trHt, mewer, cloee in and on bus line. Near Grammar and Intennedf. ate Schools. Immediate po88e118ion. Full price- $9400 -with only $1000 dn. Ir $61.~ mo. If You Can Paint Here is a SLEEPER. 3 bdrm., 7 yr. old hODM on 60 x 125 lot with paved alley. Nice ree.identlal area. dbl. gar., chain link fence and on .ewer. Full prtee $9500 • with $3350 down, maybe leu. $62.43 mo. inc. 4 '"f. int ., taxee A Ina. . Indoor and Outdoor Living This is it! 2 large bdrms. with large wardrot>e. and lovely screened porch, fireplace, wall to wall carpet. beautiful lawns and shrubs, many fniit tree., 2 orchid trees. bird house and atorage room on Eut side 1 :.! sere .near bus line and marketa. -........... $12,500-with terma. Modern Style Ranch Home 4 bdnns .. 2 baths, fireplace, forced air heat. I~ garage on large Jot. Our best buy i.n NEWPORT HEJGHTS. Full price $13,850 with $~ doW'A. Immediate Po118e98ion. Duplex -Choice Location 2 bdrms. on each side. Only 1 yr. old. Next to Catholic school, close to transportation and ahop- ping. One unit available by C'lose of f'8C row. P'ull price $13,950 ·with only $2350 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice'• 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 ON LIDO ISLE Open House Daily 1 to 4 :30 P. M. Are you tired of looking at Ordinary Houees ?. Then let WI 11how you this charming Provincial-J bdrm., 1;'\1 bath home with uaed brick fireplace, natural wood kitchen, thermadore, garbage dispoeal, lovely draperies and carpeted. $23,750. fr 1.-1:i 'THIS WEEK'S LEADER! Cozy 2 bdrm., and extra room, l '12 batha, $18,000 -tr ...,·, -tr See us for Choice Lota and RentalL BAY & BEACH REALTY UU. ACRE WITH 2 SEP. Rll:N· TALS. Room to build add. unlu. We hava the plllllll, ro•t It fl· na.n<'ln1t. A ruJ lnveatment ln lood "91\taJ a,,._. • Corner of Lido Soud and Via Zurich • PENINSULA LOCATION • . 3112 Wayette, Newport Har. 3643. 2999 evee. 3 B BR. ="EWPORT HTS. l ta oldf'T but nlct, on lovrly 11L at only $6.MO, with 11,:0.00 c1o,,.'Tl. A Y AVE -NEWPORT BEACH DUPLEX. Exe. ~ntaJ loc. 2 bcSTme. up. l bdrm. dn. J ulll a atep to waleT. Dbl. pr. 6 .ep. rumpu. rm. wllh BBQ. Nffda ~mt paint. Bul Ml\t bargain at U 0.500. Only $4.500 down. EXQUISITE 3 bdrm., 2 bath year -round home. cleverly decorated. Nicely landscaped. Floor cover- ings & drapes. $32,500, terme. For preview 11howing11 to qualified clienta, call Harbor 1600 (Evea. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS ~ewport Blvd .. at 30th St., Newport Beach CLOSE ro Jlt"M'Y. 2 BED· "Ju11t to the Right of Lido Bridge Entrance" ROOMS, nice Uvlng room with -----------------------flreplact' anr1 rum l11hf'd. Spac· lowi pal lo. 2 c11r itarage. Our ben Ocean front value. 118.~0 Home with Income! BALBOA VOGEL VALUE Hou!t~*!~ Co. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' DON'T W ORRY ABOUT OUT· GO .• , ht'rt''• Income to off.set lt. Beautiful Weal Bay Avenuoe 3 bedroom home with a 2 ~­ room &pllrtm,.nt ovtr a 3 cl!lr 1·ara1re. plus a l'\ll'lll room wtlh bath. Only 2 yea.re old. You can't find a ~ter value. 132.M>O. tenna. Exquisite Home Priced to Sell 4 BDRMS. & DEN. 2 baths, 15' x 28' living room, with French doors openmg to patio. Very expeD11ive W to W carpets thruout, cuatom drapee, btauti- fully decorated. Large dl'n with built-in mack bar. Very lovely master bdnn. opens to covered glua- enclose<i sun porch. Bdrm. No. 3 opena to rear aun deck. Extra IRrge kitchen with di11hwuher Ir room for deep freeze & auto laundry. One of the most plush homes in the arl'a. Fu!J price only $32,000. G Oii Ctnter St. LI 8--1\911 u 8-7784 Coeta Meaa F or Eve, lnfonn11t11)n •a ll Lyllr-LI 8~2M2 Bennf'r-Har. 181 t Pelltte-LJ 8·M97 Seymour-Har. O~fl8·W I nstantly Appealing B I• lhla "Come Hllher House·· A p1cturuque Ru.allc which of· f.-r~ a rruhnt u you Hldom M"e on a city lot 'J'Wo lar1te bedrma. amt drn np!'nlnit Into a bt'aullrul tndosed patln '"'tlh covtred lan111 s .. p11rate •• bAlh, work or laundry rnom Mf ltA 2 car itar· •ICP Yu . fln>plACl', hdwt! Ort., dlnln~ It brtakfaf!t ueu' And the loca tion 111 TOPS. $13.950 with txct llent ll'nnll. Better hurry nn th1•! Fresh as a Daisy An ap~11lln1t 3 bed room horn~ compll'tl'ly rl'p1tntf'l1 anrl rt· drcoratrd, unbeatabl" value - perfect lo<'•llton ... Ju1t $13 ~oo: M11y ''"' .. how you through ? Do You Like lo pick your own color erheme a nd w1Ll1 P•p!'r? Then here's your chanct lo ,.uptrvllM! the tlnlahtng toul'hu of thla nearly r omplt>ll'd 3 bdnn., 2 bath Red· wood Ru.wtlc home with an un- obatructtd View Of Ule blly from your own rooftop obHrvatory ln the choice location of Cliff Hllvt"n. Ui!.500! ay & Beach Realty 189t Newport Blvd. Coeta Men. Calif. UMrty 1-1181. Evu. Ll 1-31M COSTA MESA FU m . J bdrm. home, wall to wall ca~t. hwd. UTI., ~ment pauo, fencf!d yard, 1fl'tlll'era In . .Full price 19.GOO. 13,771). do .. ·n. Ll 8-2722 35c48H c ORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. homl'. 4 yn. old, lovely Yltw ocean 6 blly. Tile, fenced J>4ltlo, dbl. gu , reinforced for 2nd noor R·2 lot . .Mu11t be aold to M'llle estate. Opc!n • b08 Avo- cado. 40QJ Bu1!1neaa corner, Newport Blvd. Commercial bJdr. and 2 lavatories. $10,500, with beet of terms. 2 bdrm. h ome, aervice porch, fenced yard. A real bargain at $5750 but will need cash. NEWPORT HEIGHTS.-2 bdrm. home -Large din· ing rm. & living room. Fireplace. hwd. floora. Full basement. $11,250. ONE ACRE -3 bdnn11. & den home. Dbl. garage and workshop. $13,500, with lerm1. INCOME PROPERTY -Busi.neu frontage 132 fL, plus 8 units . . . ..•.. .. ..... .. . .. ... . . . $47,500 4 bdrms .. 2 baths. Fireplace. bwd. n oors. dbl. gar· age. Swimming pool. com er location. Completely furnished. $17,000 with term•. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa. LI 8-1601 Outstanding Ocean View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm .. 21.:i batb11, lge. living room, 1eparate dining room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. ,Expensively carpeted wall to waJI thru-out. Garbage di11poeal and dishwasher. House "ti yrs. old. Large double garage with laun- dry, radio-controlled door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well land- scaped. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Located al 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar OWNER WILL A CCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Ocean Front Duplex SBiASHORIC C 0 L 0 NY. FUL L OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY. Specially ·dei!lgnC'd 2 bedroom aputmenu ... each a llt'parate home. forced air and vented helH. Fireplace In lower. Out11t&ndln11 view. dandy beach. Only 10 month• ol!I. You will havt to _ hu1Ty ... '27.500, lenna. Balboa Realty Co. RoN Crttll'y Al Cornelius Et! v r Jack Pinkha m Jo11l'ph1nl' Wtbb 700 E . Balboa Blvd . Bl!llboa Phone Harbor 3277. Open House 10 a .m. -8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands THlS LOVELY nt w 1Tlldenc:e with 3 bedrooms, large playroom. 2 b11th11. Living rm .. dlnlnjt" room, aolarium. One of the nlce~t kit· chens with all uh cablnPlll. Built In Holly ran1te • ovl'n, BBQ. 18 ft. tilt dra1nbosrd 0 111· poHI 6 fllJl. View 1:1t 11eA f1 om all wlndow1. Lot 87" wld•'. 19VO 11q. rt. ot house a.nil utra IAr1tr doubl' gAnC"· Full prlrt only 129.500. Small down. 20 yr. loan at 0'1. Builder. Har 4&2r1-JK May t&k-e some lr&dP-lot or email equity. 41 Uc Shown by appointment only .... ACRI: Back Bay. Ruallc charm View. 2 br. 6 den. Patio S22,!'>QO Phone Owner, Har9,<>r 3435 40c45 ----·------------------4 BR. BACK BAY. View U2:;00 ~ Too High -Outrageous • Ridiculous Big com er lot, AWAY up in Corona Higblanda. Unobstructed view. Price --Too High. Extra large lot, almoet level, at top of Corona High· Jand1, room for pool. View clear to Pago-Pago. Price -Outrageou1. The ONLY level-lot In Shoqecliff. View, room for pool. Best surrounding11. 'Price -Ridiculous! BUT -They can't be dupU~ted.. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona de1 Mar Har 277t S BR.. 2 bath. Xlnl. loca llon 122.9:>0 CUTE l '' br. Bal. ll'l&nd 115 7:,0 M-1 BL.DC. N pt. Sch. 80x93- 8&J. or 1 .. ...,t'. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. Ll &-•~77 . OCEA N Vll:W HOME, 2704 Cllff Dr1ve. Full price l ll,000, term•. 11600 down. Owner, Ll 1·2532. 23llc OWNltR·s n9&rly new 3 bedroom Jl'rffdom Home, choice location. landacaped. tiled, fl'nctd. redf'· corated. Prtca U,IOO. Klmberly 1·2t21. 40c0 Terms. Can be bought fuml1hed. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona de) Mar. Har. 1741-1477 CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A new house too! One of the last chuice locations in Corona Highlands. 3 bdrma., 1 11 baths. shake roof. dbl. garage, Plenty of tile in bath, form1ca kitchen. Will sell or trade for 2 bdrm. house. South of Hwy. i.n Corona del Mar. . . . . On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. F ireplace, dbl garage. Only 3 yrs. old. 83500 down will handle. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard 303·1 E . Coa~t Hwy .. Corona del Mar Pat Pattleon Har. 244.3 ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE with the income from this excellent property located tn choice rental district. Just 100 fl. from ocean. Therl' are 3 un its -a new duplex and a tS-room houf'e on 2 lots. 2 units are furnished and rented on yearly ba1:1is. Owner's home available now. ThrM garagt'8 on alley. Present income can be aut.tan- t 1ally increa~cd. $5000 will handle. FOR TNSPECTION CALL HARBOR 101S EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Hsrbor 1011 ------------------ 3 BDRM . HOME in COST A MESA, on 60-ft. lo\. Furnished or unfurnished. Only S2000 down. JN CORONA DEL MAR -On comer lot, Garage apartment with room for another unit on front of lot. -Price $11 ,500. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors Multiple Listing RusineM Brokera 3135 E . Coaal Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 J .. BLANCHE A. GATES, Re.altor MEMBERS OP' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island • P~ne Harbor 1871 or 1872 BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Sacrific.e Sale Account of Illness DUPLEX! Each charminr unit baa 2 bedroom1. One bu 2 batha. One bu 3 batht, Each bu Its own aun deck &t patio. Chanmngly fu111iahed throughout. Thia la one of our BE.Ch' INCOME properties, and NOW la the tiln.e to BUY u the high aurnruer rentala will be youra. Come in and let ua 1bow you wbat thla $33, 7!50 in- ve.tment will mean to you in DO~ profits. You may buy thia on a low down payment lf you wiah. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! CORONA DEL MAR In Beautiful Shore Cliffs "Blue Heaven" It'• a puaport to paradiae if you own key to this rambling.Bermuda modern, crowning sunny slopes of beautiful Shorecllffs. Luxuriate in its spacious living room and Its four master 1uitee each with Its own Juxurioua bath. Spend giy hours by the beautiful pool with its ocean view, or dream by the elqant marble fireplace as you gue over lovely can- yons. It'a the house of your dreams. Let u1 tell you more. HOME OR INCOME ON LOVELY LIDO -A home that we feel ia the beat buy around, and you may compare them all. Aa neat as a pin, 3 yrs. old, 2 h<lnns., completely funtiahed home, well located and priced td sell, $20,SOO, includes tht: furniture. For the Larger Family A four bdrm. furnished home on a street to street lot with 45' of frontage. One year new, all on one floor. Built-in range, carpeted, stone fireplace and many other exceptional features including a 3-car garage. $39,500 with excellent terms. LIDO NORD 2 bdrm. home, large lot. $8200 handles. Full price $23,500. ALSO New Bayfront home. We can't say enbugh about thia lovely four bedroom home. Juat completed and ready for you to enjoy the summers. Let's go look! Full price $75,000. · The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971-4972 Look Duplex CORONA DEL MAR VERY ATIRACTIVE Look Duplex + Please Read This + Here is really a duplex that doesn't have that "HEMMED IN" feeling because it is bu!U on TWO LOTS. This gives privacy for each resident plus a large backyard patio. Check all these fine features: v' One bedroom each unit v' A II large rooms v' High & dry hardwood floors v' Flagstone Fireplaces •/ Service porches r' Separate oversize dbl. garage By the way, there is a nice size guest room. all plastered, in the garage building - Get yourself a REAL GOOD BUY, but HURRY I ALL THIS for only $18,750. Thia property is clear and we can arrange excellent financing if ao de.ired.. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 Open 1 -5 Every Day 1961 Irvine Ave., Costa IQlesa Picturesque 2 bedroom and den Early American home under the shade of the giant Eucalyptus trees. Upon entering the living room you will be welcomed by the soft music of the built·in Hi-Fidelity system and the cozy warmth of the braided wall to wall carpet and large fireplace. The den is complete with Jta pot belly stove. Beautiful kitchen with excellent cabinets and built-in Western-Holly oven and range. 2 very large bedrooma and 2 bathroom•, one with a large dressing room. Large plate glaaa doors open· Ing onto a large patio from the muter bedrt>om, living room and den. Thia home la built for the beet ln California living. Hope you are the O&e'to enjoy thla wonderful home. LEON WHITE, Realtor Liberty 8-(011 Evee. Llberty 8·~11SO CORONA DEL MAR 2 Iota OD Hazel Drive, South or Boulevard. ldenl for Summer Home. View. Lut 2 available. $.')()()() each WANT INCOME? Build your home on front of this comer lot then rent present &a.rage apartment. Hu living room, bedroom, kitchen It bath pha room It bath off 2-car garage. Nice patio. -$12,250. RAY REALTY CO. U4" E . Cout Blvd , Corona del Mar r .>0r 2288 • ............. BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS TRADES BALBOA -BAY AVENUE R·2 Lot. Good location. F'.rm price. $8600 cub. Call Mr. Cox for detaill. ThrM well located homes in Puadena. Will trade One, Two or Three OD Newport Harbor Income. BALBOA -DUPL:EX -VIEW Call Mn. Olson for detalla. .. · Cloee to Bay -Near Grammar School Plua addi- tional 1<¢ with room to add four more unlll. Furnished Price -$22,000. • Ahlo ad~.inJnl' property conaistins ot 1 Units. . 6 furniahed. Showa xlnt. income -$52,000. Owner of 3 bdrm. borne on Peninsula wlshea to trade equJty JRr 3 or 4 bdrm. home with apartment or duptex on or near wa.ter .or Corona del Mar. Near Library -Cloee to Bay. • bdrm. beach bou.e. $3800 down. Newport ff.ellhll Triplex -Will trade for Buain ... Income. Call Neal Martin for detalll. ,. It Ain't New and It Ain't Pre!ty! 4 apta. Plua 4 aeparate bedrooms. Summer income $3000. Full price $15,500 -low down Aak for Mr. Bradford · I' New 2700 1q. tt. home. Lota of wood paneUnr. V~ of Ocean. WW trade tor income in Glendale, Pua.- den& or local. -Call Mn. Fay for detailL NEWPORT BEACH CJoae to Ocean • Small Beach House. Neat u a pin. ' Partly furn. Full price $8500. 1.Jdo Ba,yfront -WW take "What Have You" u partial payment. -$56,000. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 WEST BALBOA BLVD. 1 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8-177-' W. Bradford -Har. 0289..J E. B. Chue -Har. 2762..J Katherine Ollon -Har. '19' Gloden Fay -Har. 18Se BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS . -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Shore Cliffs 2 BDRM., 1 balh. Approx. 1300 sq. ft. $27,1)00. Ter~. ALSO A Beauutul View Lot -$18,000 Cliff Haven St. Jam~ 3 bdrm. home. Approx. 1"0 sq. ft. -$29,1)00, AL 8 0 KINGS RD 3 bdrm. home. 2 bat.ha $24,llOO. La.nd leue $220' YT· Balboa Island DUPLEX, fumh1hed. Wondertul Income. Price $20,000. Corona Highlands •09 Colum"'111 Clrcl• Open All Day Sunday 2 bdrm., l 1li beth, patio. beautt- ful view, Cub $15000 down. J'rice $215,800. Don Cameron "'Ucen1ed Real Eittate Brokt-r · 310 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 2093 41~43 This Old House ON A BUSINESS LOT 30 x 90. 2 bloclu from F un Zone. $9.4~. term•. Commercial Bldgs. HEART OF BALBOA -1 ~lore, BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS '\ It's a ahake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu 1 % baths, din.\ng room. breakfut room, large living room with mUaive f'ireplace. Tbermodor elec- tric range le oven. beamed ce1linp, cedar panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. It'• fenced and land.8Caped and bu a pal,io. Space prohlbita the mentioning of the many other featurea except to add that it 19 IUITOUDded with qualfty built ranch bomea. Priced definitely below value at $23, 7eG KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view - 2 bdnna., 3 bat.ha. Lars'• living rm., diniDc rm.., hap den, patio,~undry rm. and sewing rm. Radio electric garage door oper- ator, Wall to wall ~ and drapee. 1:xtra large garage. Exterior flood lights. Thermador gu range and oven and large built in refrigerator. The guMt bdrm. la completely furniahed. Price $36,GOO with euy terma. CLIFF HA VEN R .. 2 LOT On Cliff Drive. 65z110 -price $7000 Cliff Haven Iota are u scarce u hena teeth, better grab thla one while you can! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th cit Irvine. Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8·266' or evea. LI 8-6300 3 rental11, i:un rteck. nre<l11 fixing. -------------,.--------$1 8.000 .. $!'>,000 wlll handle. BERl:'B a 2 bdrm. wttll f\replace, Mam celUnr. NMt It clean u a pin. J uat redecorated, owner want. acuon.. -·--f2,000 dcnm. $12,000 Will Buy 2 BDRM. HOMll wltll ttreplaee, 820 Hellotrope. Room for atn Income unit on thl• lot. Excllllln liltlnr. 2 Bdrm. Furn. Home on D&hl1a, C.D.M. Onl)' ....... t\ill prtce. a.tier llurTJI on tbM one! I Frank James · Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B . RUM, Wm. 0 . Bchlllldl, AMOC 112 Marine An., Balboa hland Harbor 20'2 Here's a Beach Home A8 C'lTI'JI: • CLEAN u lhe pro- verblal bus'• earl 1 bdrm., Uytq rm .• kitchen, partly turn., 1ar19 front enclOetd paUo. Dbl• IV· an4 only p ,600. Balboa Trip lex NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV -PAGE 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 21 • 1955 Balboa Island 20 1" increue in bldg. material coata . No increue yet on our good liatings. MOOR YOUR eo.JT. boat to your own printe pMI' and floet tn front ot Wa delllhttul' bdrm. "Uttl• hl&nd'• Balboan-~ home. Price about $18,000. FOUR BEDROOM, 1 ~ bath home near South 8-)'. Large U~ room. All on one noor. Drut!cally .... duced. Price $26,ISOO -$7,eo<> handlee. TWO BEDROOM, OM baUl, larp 1Mq rm., nloel1 turn. bome. Rady to mo~in at $21,500. NEAR NOR'ftl BAY. Put boue bdnn., plu. thrM othen. a bat.ha. 1poU... PS.&00. • CUTE. CLZAN, DILIOHTl'UL ncaticm home. 1 bdrm., dbl pr. Patio, de&. ~. $18,150. Sub- mit your down paJIDIDt. Balboa Island Income J'IRllr OJTIDUNG ot WI oatatandlng South BaJ' home, Dmped for tmmedl1t. oonftl'&lon (cloH 1 door) to two unlta. Perfect bu1 tor ezecuttn r.. luaticm and tu reliel. Two 1h1q rooma, nr.pau.. 15 bdrma., a bath&, 2. kitcheu. PriM about 185,000. TWO UNITS N!!il NOltTR BAY. Joyoaa U.taa room. larp dininr room 1n main unit. Priced OOD• MrTt.tJftly at $35,000, Beacon Bay ONll of BEAOON BA Ttt! 1Uperfor Mme.. f bdnna., a bat.M. At.olutely exceptJonal living room, tenoed )'ard. -$32,000. VISIT EUROPE thla IWDIDer FREE OD lDeome from thla beautiful Beacon bayfront 8 bdrm. bome Ir &pt., 3<ar jvqe. BAY SHORES WE 8PllClALIZE -Conault ua for exduaive, d811rable hom-. CALL HARBOR 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22S Marine Ave., Balboa Ia1and. SUMMERTIME la just about here and we have two fine exclualv• u.t1np that are i.41 to move rlrht in -older bomea with 2 bedrooma on large lo~ lflth nice land· mcaptq and mG paUo.. The full price fUrnlahed la 522,500 for each home Ir we will work out tenm. "Y ou'H Want It" wban JOU_. ft. for ia... • & Top Lido bu7 ....sy to be moW1C1 lato for SU.225 tun price. a bedl'OOID9 and 2 batha, completely tum.lahed right down to a deep freeze, wuhe.r and dryer. It'a on a wonderful ~t a atep away from the beach. Street to ltreet lot. Moat pleasing inter- ior with a brick fireplace and open plan. A Yenatile home. it can be a fine family home for year round Urine, or the perfect summer home, or buy it for income -(aummer rent.a ahead). We can work out euiellent terma for you. Excluaive with u.. "CONSULT US J'OR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO REALTY .Associates 3400 .;fia Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS J'ROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) 2 STORES, 5 deluxe rental.I with TV. '4!1.000. Get ready for summer ! 4 BDRM. HOU8JD, 2 bdrm. and a DEL ~ 'AR 1 bdrm. apt .. , &JI turn. Juat a y BEST BUYS IN CORONA IV1 few itep. trom UI• Ba7. One~ 1. DUPLEX BARGAIN, out.of.town owner aayw tlle but rent.al ..ctlo111 ln B&J...,. COURTESY TO BROKERS The Locator of Calif. 1\07 Eut Balboa Blvd., B&lboa Harbor 3606 · O c43 REAL VALUES Want to be close in 1 2 BDRM. STUCC_QJ-Only 1 blk. from Newport Bird. Full price only $6,700, tttrN. Now hear this ! 3 BDRM. H OME-18 monlla old. Lrr. rooma. Extra lea. lot with e tt. ndwood tenoe encloelnf back yard. Tlle kitch• • bath. ,9,000: Low dowu ~ent. ·B. A NERESON RllALTO.R 190 Newport Bl1"d .. Co.ta M .. , LI 1·1872, Ena. LI 1-6417 Corona del Mar IF YOU'VE TR.I.ED TO BUT a level 40 ft. R·2 lot lA Use Bea- Y11w area, Bout.h ot Use Rll'b· way, thla a bdnn., 1 ~ bath bom1 with room to bulld la front 18 your bUJ Of the par, .15,DOO. Onl7 fT,000 dowa. Muriel M. Pinover RE.Al.TOR 260. Newport Blvd., Newport Bdl. Frq Part<mc Harbor •e10 41c43 3 BDRM., dln1ng nn., hardwood flOOMI, $8,360 -238 Avocado St., Colta Mell&. KI 2·2122. lttfe CLIFF HAVEN BEAUTlFUL CNllom built rancll home, o•erloolrtnr Harbor, 4 bed· rm• .. 3 bn.tha. den. 2 flreplac•. ALSO 2 bdrm apt.. wnll prlftte path., 10,000. Call owneT. U 8·3l2L 4 BDRM. HOME with $1,000,000 view for UNDER $40,000. Beautifully built on 2 levela. 3 batha, 2 1un declul, Thermo kitchen, carpets, drape.a. Consider trade on amall, clear income property. C~2 LOT on Harbor Blvd., near 19th St. In heart of Costa Mesa'• new commercial development. Lot 58x143. Priced right, terms. 3 BDRMS. and extra 1.arce den. Brand new. Fine mahogany and African cherry paneling. 2400 sq ft. Every convenience. Beautiful ocean view. Good loan committment. $27 ,500. BAY VIEW, Bay Shore.. Newly painted furnlab- ed borne. 3 bdrma., 1 % bat.ha, 2 patios. Rattan fur. niture and 21" TV aeL See this before buying. $27,GOO. Terms can be arranged. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blyd. Harbor 6188 125 Feet on ·101 Highway IMPROVEMENTS conailt 'of modern automotive garage bldg. (2400 .q. ft.) and modern 2 bdrm. home with large patio. Uae of 3 piers and noata, plua marine wayw, 'ferrific poealbiUty for operator. Prlce $l50,000 and look at thia, only i1s,ooo down. "" THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 Build a Home on your vacant lot AND DERIVE some Income from that tnveetment 124t 1q. ft. home, -···-························ ............... $9100 Fully financed. 19 yr. Bldg. It Loan. Forced air heat. Hwd. floors, Individual GI 100% financing. St4t. Vetttan $8500 3~ -U8 month. , MARSHALL HOMES Models open -Newport Blvd. It Mitchell, Tmt1n KI 7.S293-KI 2-~ It (Eva Ll 8-4073) UcMH Now Available - TWO VE.RT Blitmnn. bulld tnr lllel OD Ole PotnL Coast Properties Co. 301 E. B&lboa Blvd., B&lboa Harbor H~. 21l97 and •&OO. Udo Island Call for App't to See 126 Via Trle.te TWO BECil.OOM, 2 bat.b houae. l yr. old. Built In Thermador oven • l lOVt. OuUet.1 tor H1-FI. Land· 1caped. • doon from Club Hou1c near tennl1 courta. Exc:elltnt tlnanclnr. $215.7~0. !aoo J:. DEL MAR. A quality home. - Copper plumblnf, Jap&nne uh panellng. Flrl'place, a bedroom•. 11' batha. Beautiful kitchen. Price i 1e.ooo. Thi• I• cood. 112 CA.BRILLO 3 bdrm., 110.500 full price. $1,500 dn. at • % Int. "ART" ADAIR R.ll.ALTOR 1888 Newport Blvd., Coit.a Mea Llberty 8·3792. Look at this a bdrm •.• llwd. noora, fir.pi.-. ~· Wlred for electrle 1toYa. Ji'mced, located at 25'1 J'atnra7 Dr,. C:O.t.a M ... fU,J:IO. P1L. Har. IMJ...J. Hlfe Owner's Sacrifice LA.ROii ll ....... ........ ~ Moell toB&1,IWoek.lto.,._.w._. .. .•• llOO at ll~Ua •tn1t. Newport a..cb. ft. OWMr &Tceaore ...eoT. _,.,.... "Sell;' t.hia nearly new two 1eparate units. Both hwd. floors and 2 bedroom each. Modem design, lots of windoWI and aome ocea.n view from both. Bailt on high corner lot. Separate garagea. Priced at $21,500. Olmer anxious. Low down payment wW handle. See this today. 2. SHORE CLIFFS. We have 1eVeral Tiew bomel la Shore Olffa. See ua for betit nluea. 3. VIEW OF OCEAN AND BEACH and al8o .tew ot brulcera from t.hia three bedroom, 2 bath home. Carpeted wall to wall. Deluxe in every cS.. tail. Priced at $32,7!50. Should ro In a hu.rl'1. We have the key! PRICE T. McCUISTION \ MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 84H E . Cout Hwy., Corona dcl Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door lo Corona del Mar Bank) BALBOA INCOME Herc's that investment you've been looking for-10 units nearly new. In one of &lboa'1 choicest rental areas. Beautiful tile In batha Ir kitchens. Hwd. floors, wool c&rpet.a. Completely furnJahed. Come & look at thla. $68,000, terms. See The Vogel Co. &201 W. Coaat Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Evea. Pbone Harbor 5142 BALBOA ISLAND J bedroom modern, completely furnished. Good co,... ner looatioD 6 room to build income apt. Price, $1~,7~, xlnt. tenna. WM. W. SANFORD. Realtor .u4 Aa9odata Pvtr at KuiDe, lla.lboa laLud -Barben Im _,, PA~E I · PART IV-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY·, APRIL ,2 1, 1955 1 FASHION SHOW STYLES CHOSEN The eecond fuhion 8how-dinner of the -..on will be held at the Harbor Home ae.t&urant in. eo.ta Ilea& tht. Friday, April 22, starting at 8:30 p.m. Many local merchant.ti will display spring enseihblea for milady while music for the show, and for dancing afterward will be provided by Barney Lants and h11 popular group. Seen here, selecting some of the newest in C&8U&l clothea from Ellgenes of Costa Meaa they will show, are Mn. Phillipe and Mrs. Mildred Davt., the store manager. - Beckner Photo OVERRIDE ENDORSEMENT? Davidson Seeks Backing Of Mesa Chamber Board Co1ta Mesa Ch&lhb«r ot Com- ml'rce IJoArd ot dlrectol"9 will take up cnJorsemenl ot th• override lax melhod o! paying for a new hl&b llCbool l.n tA. N~ Har- bor Union Rig')\ l!lchool dllltrtct at its ~t.y Meellnar. No a ctJon wu pou lbll' Tbur9day noon durln~ ap- pearance ot Supl'rlntendent Sidney Oaviilson and t:ivlc1 . lnstnlctor l,4'8hl' Miller due to lack of a quorum, accordlni: to cha.m~r P1 et111lrnl Don Huddleston. Davidson reported there were many r.·usons why the Cill..&ena' Comm1ltt>e recomml'nded the ovl'r- rlde tax tnelead of a bond iMue tor the planned new high echool. One reason Is poRslblllty of an ex· p11n drd 01111 rict 11\ lh<-nellr future. Davld8on 1&14 11 Paul&rino School Dtatrtct an4 territory between Newport Buch and Leruna Btach came Into the Harbor High Dl1- trtct.. taxpayeni In thoee areu _..mot M ''!alt at all i.y a tio..s 1-.le, bat wUl b&,,. t.o pay UMtr ah&,.. of th• o""1de t&Jl." Dat1d-p-4 out a u.t of 17 California hip llChool d.llt.rtcU with more than 1000 ADA, au of which •mploy ~ ovamde tax sysll'm. T he tax of tho1e !lated ran from 00 cent.I to fl.lie. But Davld.tOa obeerved that \be big luue wu not a queaUon ot mt thod, but of need ln tlle local hlfh achoo! dilt11ct. '-rbe 1-ot bulldlnr a new hJp 1cbool la at>- &0lutely critical to the welfan of the community," Davldeon 1ald. HARBOR HI -LITES By PA'ITIE Rl."TMJEB The Rebels anll th1•1r <lates 1ou1 · J oyce Chunr, Jallen Oreen, Ken nled t o Weetmlnater April 9 for liodenhoelter, Tom Jen1en. Clint their annual box l!O<'lal. Marian H0011e, Tony P.iaterrt. Koerner and Anita Palm'11 buket Betty Beck, who wu home from .aid for lhe gi-and 11um of 110 to 00..rdlnr achoo! In San Fra.ncl.eco Alan Ryp1.n.sJu and Sunny Cowie, lut week, broucht htr roommate ,_,ho thoroughly enjoyed the chic· Maria home wtth ber. Belore l•v· ken a nd polalo H IM.I. mr tor achoo! acaui. Betty lnvtt~ Among thoM danclnr and N l· 1 ed a few of bu t rtenda to dinner In& were: Bill Wet&el •nd Anita at Knott'• &>n")' Faom After en- Palm, Denny tritspa.trlr k arid ,,._..r. JOYtnC a wonderl\4 eteak dinner, lane Ergut, Olen Thomaa and I Betty, Maria o.phlne, BUI Beck, CaryU Eggart, Alan Ryplnakl and I Lynn p .. .-, Patlla Retmler, Judi Marian Koerner, 8uale Nlum and Sleeper, all went to · tM pUce to Paul L..orent.zeo, Pal Kelter and nde on the roll7 couter, J im Newkirk, Nell Metcalf and , A alwnberlem ntchl wu anJo7· Jenny Lund. Don Waldron and I ed b 8 """-•• Ann St ... Ju. dy John Henrotln and Phy Illa Y ue • ......._ . ••-.. Al~ Roy Daniell and Jody Ueb Ruthy DudkJ' and Mary Jau Carol Calli. and Bob Whll4t. Bru~ Arm.8troll&', at Ule home of J ane Knipp and Pat Smith J ohn Swata I 81.etaon on Balboa bland Tuud&7 ' evenin(. ~e :~u~~·ton.B~~! Many Fullerton &VLI ...Wed la Vall• and Diane P'-.tberstone. • home on Coral A.ft. th'-p&mL Tf>e -· •Venln( AM 81-art WMk. Manon Daffy, JDddia Pftrr.. lnvtt.ed a few of b•r trtenda over muua, Jim Newtlrllt, Brue. ~ ton. John Ji:C'prt. John Swala, to her home In COltta Mua. Altw Ch k Kolvtlrto Mlk B rti.U dancing for a while. Ann and uc an • a Charlie Herrinr. Chuck Frisk and were s ll .aeen playing plnit pong Johan Hirth Bill RMd anti Mar-or' jual havi~ a Cood time the,.. ci. Mooreh:ad, E'al RllC'hl•. and lul Wedneeday evening. Sam t:ooper. Eddie Lovac and Ann The Sport.Iman Show In Loa An- went to a 11hop and t hen 11Pffd gel•• wu vlatled by • few of the boat ridlnj!. Harbor clan thla put wu k. Thoee The IK'ach In rronl of Chuck wanderlna around the Pal'\ raclllc Kolv11lo'.s hou11e provided an lde&l wtre: Mike VaUe, Jack Smith and ffllang for th!' lA-• CarconR bea<'h Sue Duuler, Van Polmeroy and party Aptll JO. S~n ro1U1Ung hot Charneth Stare~e. J ot.n H irth and dog11 and marahmellows were: Ted Hirth. Chu<'k and Maxine Chung, Ch•~ Glenn 'IlM>mu ln'Vited eom• ot net h Starege and Marlen Davey, hla lrlenda over tor dinner April Dick v verby Wld Be.-erly Ptlrr· 10. Dlnnlnr at hia home In Coata mann, Kayla Hurst and Jerry MM& were: Olenn and hla date Crou. Bill WeUC'I and Anita Palm, u Enart. Denny Fltzpalrlcll l'aul Neumann IUld Olen6''1 Queen, and Marlene Errart. Biii Reed and Denny to'ltzpatrlt'k and Marla.11 Marcia Moonhe&d. KCMn.cr, Allan Rypln11kl and Sue Some atucknta 11P9Dt thalr va.ca.- Mangv•1. Uon.e wor~r to MV• money far Lynn Peue wu hoet.e.. to • varlou.1 lhlnp. A.t th• Jolty Raser few r1rr.. Monday evenlns 1n ber oa UM Ill&nd 7ou could find home on Balboa bland. Thoee try-m&DY &Via MrVinS the me&la. 11.ke: tnc to catch a wink ot alffp were: Taccoa Ha7e., Jean Swan.on, ~nn. Betty &-ck, Marta O..,Jlna, Carol Reran, Jean Jonea, Olorta Carol Crain, Toni Burrough-, 9u• Cb&pman. Carol Crain. Diane and Buuler, Gloria Chapm611. Jan Jenny Lund, Trudy TudeU, Cann7 Blum. While eome of the ctrla Sanda Terry Reran. and Deccy tried lo aleep, UI• othera painted Bl'OW'IL At U. Variety Stew. M&l'- 1..)'nn'• pun1e. cl& Koo~ Ann Allen or Pat- Followtng lhe !aahlon of ptq ty CkmeM& could halp you f1rul aw11y uurtng "acaUon, ~ few Har-what you need. U you heppenfld bor1te .. ln\"adc:'<l Palm Sprtnp for to go Into t.be Vasabond Hou. a w•·•k of run. The tun b&thl'ra or Surf and Sand you pmb•bl7 Wl.'re :\tu isn K~mer. Joanne found Sue Bel&. Sue NU.en. SIMI S\1"1'11 An11" J'alm, Alan Ryplnskl, Thomu. fiJa Totilll anJ )'OUr'I Carll .. 11 :>Rwson, J oyce Ville, t ruly. ( ··..1 EDWARDS TAKES SQUADRON'S ' . FIRST PREDIOED LOG RACE Also Becomes Ffnt Eclueatlonal Officer to Supervise Training JUMm &dwarda Jr., Ueut. Cmdr. ol BUbo& Power Squadron, takea top lltlllnr w. ~. b7 wtna&nc th• 8quadron'• tll'llt pr.ctioted loC race 1ut SWMSay and by h1a ap- polubnent to the newly cnated po.t ~Uta aquadr'Oll'a admlnS.. tnttve l'J'OUP• I. Metro Coach In Request to Raise Fare Metropolitan Coach U nn haa fllf'd with the N-port Beacb city rouncll a requut tor tare lnc~a•­ ea ran1ln1t from t> to U centa. or an a vera1e ot 22 p..r N!nt. The rlty council J ld not talle any ac- tion on the propoaal .. lncludetl In the eppllcat1on IA • atalt'ment ot th• tlnanc:lal poalllon ot U1e company which ftiow1 that at the propruM!d lncr•ue the com· pany would haw a net retum of J .2 per C'tnt, which It J• claimed la not auff'lcient. iiut that the ratee will be u mui:;h •• the prelle!nt patron&«" •hou1d be required to pay lo tn•ure adequate etandard aervtce. Thto company la pre .. nlly aeno. Commander euru. ~ bu made JCdwardl th• tint educa- tional otncv or the local aquad- ron. In t.hla position he will eup. ervt.M all of the COW'Mtl or lutrue- Uon which UM rroup often. ooor- dinatJns the enUre teachln~ pro- pam. lldwarda bolda Ule hl(h•l rrade th• aquadron a ward• for compl•Uon ·of COW'MI of .tudy. Tba &'f&d• of navi(ator la th• top rrade, and mea.na that he haa alao taken pllollnf, Mamanahlp, ad· Yanced pUoUn&', junior navtc&tor and navtptor counea. In addl· Uon to thla &ccomplialunent, be baa alao pa.Med UM eqtM main- tenance COUJ'M and found ttme to carry on hla duUea u entertain- ment chairman and to teach 1n Ule pllotin&' couree. FIB8T SRIPllENT -Three of the new line of Correct Craft arrived at the South Cout Co. lut week. Bob Ensign (left) manager ot yacht sales for South Coast Co. and Ray Cedann, aales manager of C. J. Handry Co., distributon, inapect the new boats which. are now on display here. -Beckner Photo Inc M atatJon1 In Southern Call- tornla. The comp11.ny propoae• to IYUe lO·rlde commutation book• which would rl'prearnt a 1&v1nc ot l:'.> per cent over t.ht orfe way tare wheni It la 36 centa or mon. Th~ tranaportatlon company •l•tea It bu IOU(hl to Improve Ila urvtct , buylns 230 modem motor C'oachea •Ince October, 11163 a t a co11t of l~.312.000, while a t the ll&Jlle UJ1\JI two reneral ~· ln- cre&al'I havt' upped Ole oollC ef o~raUon by about 1700,000 • year. Added to thla. lncre&Md taJt· ea and other coata have re.ulted In the lnterurban llnea betns op- erated at a aubatahtlal loea, lb• C'ompany 1tatn. Lut Sunday'• predicted le>« race WU under the 1upervialon of chairman Dean Campbell. and wu run over a l&-mlle ooune trom the bell buoy to Hunt ington Beach and back with aev.ral check polnB alone the COUrM. Sunday WU a choppy day, 1¥hlch makee predlc· t.tona hardw to meet. but even eo, rMUlta weN u follcnn: Flnt, Jamee J:dwa.rda' M1N Bee n with an error of 2.&e; aecond Dean Campbell'• Vlde ID. wror 2. 72; Tbomu A.JI•'• Kary A., enor T.211; CUrt Doah'• BUiter, error, &.98; Ray Brldp•' Ooken. error 7.&f; Howard Petenone Jodaro, error 8:5S; Jack Huthey'1 Drift· wood, error 11.INI: W. H. Steln- kamp'a Viola, error i :llT; and JAMES EDWARDS JR. McKenzie Hopes MESA PLANNING COMMISSION To Attend Meet REAPPOINTED BY COUNCIL Appointed to Poet Coeta Mesa Polle• Chief Art McKen&l• hu a ruervaUon to at· Worthlnrton l.Ae'a ManrorUl, •· tend th• Peace Otflcera' Admlnll· ror 20.78. Aa lnt.ereetlnr feature ot tll• tratJve Iruitltute In Lo.I An(elea race, wu t hat Olli l• the flnt April 29·28. He Mid he "hoped" ot auch conteate, t.hroucb which to attend, duUea permlttlnr . membere can put into pncUce Th• Malton will.,. held ln audl-wbat they have leamed 1n their · cow.a, and crew• tncJWS. many tonum of the Loe Anreie. .A..d.m.1n- non·boat ownlnr members. Ulua latNUon Bulldl.nr, 100 North Loe (lvtng everyone, wtio wt.ah• It., An(elm St. In cooperation with practical expertenc• 1n accurala tM Stale Department• ot ll:duca. boat operaUoa There wer• two navtgaton to aach boat and aach tJon &Ad Juatlce, the P'eden.1 Bu- had ona obeerver. all from the n au ot lnv•Usatlon and the Loe membe.rahlp. ~-Polle. Depa.rt.menl. Here's W~y Chevrolet out-V8's ~veryhody! These featu.rel and adnntages are the mea. ure of • truly modern VB engine ••• and onJy CbeYrolet hH them in the low•price field. Moet aren't even found in high-priced can. Th.i'1 why Cbew olet ii etealing eTerybody'• 1h11ncln with the molt modern V8 on the road! Rt-appointment of the prntnt Co1ta Mesa City Plannln« Commlu 1on and comm11sioner1 In parking dl1lrlct No. \ wa• made by Mayor Claire Nelton Monday nlcht. Crediting the planning commlasioneu with a "very com- mendable job," Mayor Nelaon nominated Walt Wtlmer, Barney P'ranC'que, I:. L. Patltreon, H. C. Sampaon, Bob Wllaon, Jamee Hart and Art Meyer1. Councilman A . L. Pinkley oblerved, "They have taken undeaerved ~et," and moved t.beir rea p- pointment. Council ~pproval wu unanimous. New laclaH Wei Upon reappointment of Mrs. Evelyn Orl'en. 8. R. P'ruer and Roy MacCardle to the parklnc dlatrlct commlulon, Councilman Btort Smith commended the trio on "!lnally cul· mlnatlns a Collla Me• park.In~ di.trlcl." 0 . E . Kad&na I& Ilona .. drtWq a new w.U on the auu.tns ._.., w•t of Newport Baach. aoeordlq to J. a. Gllatrap, manacer. ~ wlU be "ell No. 96 on the leue and It II within lM> IMt-<Jf the orlctnal Elliott No. t wall drilled In 19'4. Thla orlamal weu ta not betnr pumped al phMnt. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • e • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Modem 12-volt electrleal systeml The only car in the low-,rice field with the extra energy o 12 volts • . . twice the punch for today's drivin1 need&! Faster, stronger cranking for cold- wcailwr stan~ and a "fatter" spark for faulllellS high-speed operation. Highest stonclonl compression ratio In Its fWdl Chevrolet'• comprcsaion ntio ia 8 to I. to wriaa ewiy pOaible ounce of power and extra ~ out of nay 1alloo ot au. ii ii iiii D Reqvf NS onfy four quarts of olll Chevrolet's V8 engines are 10 efti- cicn1 they ileed only four quarts of oil . . , so you save money on every oil cbanael Hlgh"t honepower per pound! Thcte great V8'1 weigh far Jess than any similar engine in America, top the low-<:o&t field in power per pound! Shortest piston stn»lre In the f ndustryf Three-inch stroke reduces cylinder· wall friction, generates less heat, permits more compact. lighter-weight engine design. The pistons do far leu traveling per mile ... that mean~ less engine wear, lighter loads on bearings, loogct life. ft'• th• valve-In-head VI a1 only the valve-In-head leHer can bulld ltl . ..,_, ... ....,_ ..... , ...... ,... ......... --~·.-.............. IN, ....... ' • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DON'T IUY ~ YI UNTIL YOU'YI Tl,., CHMOLIT'S llCOID ·SMASHING ''TUllO ·All YI" I Mod Mo.-. .. D•I•, Lowest .. Price MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 West C~ H..._, NIWPOIT llACH • . , , • -