HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-25 - Newport Balboa Pressno: DIPFEBENOE--Sh.aded area in map above is the portion of the Upper Bay &n· naation to the City of Newport Beach which the _county aays far outvalue. the re- maining properties of Irvine Company, George Hoag and F.dwin L. Muuey. The prop- erty the county daima t. the tideland.a of the Upper Bay which wu granted in t.ni.t to the oouaty for ".na~tion and fiaberiem" by th• State of Ca1Jtona4a. City of New- port a.eta .,....t the onlinanee throU&'h MCOnd re&diJas annexing' the propertie. and will tab dpaJ action &t their next meeting. County of Orange hu voted ta.go to eourt to block the city atenalon. 'llhe dark line ahon the boundary of the mt1re ...,. oaau.a of ..... than 1800 ~ nearly three 8qQ&l"tl .u... The ....n dutrwd area at the lower right of the map la Coney laland whoee ownen want it annexed to the C'ity of Newport Bea.ch. The double line to the right of Coney Ialand and extend- ing from the bulge of the Upper Bay downward to the Cout Highway Indicate. the original area of annexation which the City of Newport Beaeh propoeed. CONEY ISLAND OWNERS PETITION FOR NEWPORT BEACH ANNEXATION Papers lesinCJ 1 SiCJnafures Set for City Council ToniC)ht Petitions aaking for the annexation of Coney Island in Upper Newport Bay were to be presented to the Newport Beach City Council t onight. The petitions bear seven signa- turea of ownera of 94 of the lots on the small island which la inland of the Coast Highway and easterly of the earlier Upper Bay Annexation. 81paluru affixed to the petl- Uona are lho.e of Eucene Atwa- ter, Orris H~gea, Glen CrO.fl. A. N. Miller. Maurice Zuberano, Er- llUl R. John.eon and Lena V. HQll· ltlna: There la a total of 154 par- cel• of land ln the area of Coney ·Jaland and the aeiren per'8C>n• own t4 ot the paretlA. In Ula orig19&1 draft for annexa- tion of the U pper Bay to the City or Newport ~cb Ult. area and thf' portion of t.he Upper Bay Resignation Made From lax league Kn. W. L. CMarre> Kabl• of tta a...DoJ' et., Coet.a Me.a. Fri- ...,. annouraced her rffl(lla tlon aa AIM Cb&.lnn&n ln t he Freedom l'arp&19n Leacue. Inc. which the count.)1 had propo11ell to I include In a water park W«'r<' In· eluded. A II Of the portlnns or land, Including Coney Island were de· leted al the request of the county. Many monlh11 ago the Board ot Superv18Qr11 lndl('ated lh<'Y were lnte.ndlng to UM! port.Jon• of Conty l•land In t hf'ir devel01>ment. They directed thl' county counffl to start <'Ondemn&tlon proceedlnp. but. according to the propt'rty owners, they have never had a ELKS BALL TO HONOR RULER, NEW OFFICERS The Elk11 Inaugural ball wlll bf' held In the Newport Harbor EU<1' Lodge Saturday nli:ht. Member• and their wlvea will dance to the mil.lie oC Max Lawrence Trio. It commerorat· e• the Installation o ( Exalted Ruler Al Matthews and ht• officers. Mn. Kahla told the News-Presa llM wu rulplnc "because I can· • Mt allow myaelt to participate In , er be a part of any orpnlzallon wbereb7 an individual ~comu a pappet Oil a atrtnc. I• upectPd to accept UM word of lb• presldtnt. .... bu to nu a reprimand when •t word i9 queaUont'd. nEEDO• BREECH •""'-9 metlloda &re a breech of ...-n and a aacrUece of demo- enq. I r.rnt leamc Tn1ct 1842 .-ttlw>ut a voice ln the league, but "91&t pod ta a voice that will not .. beard." communlcaUon of any ktnd from tbe county. Although the county hall thrut- ened a lawsuit to atop annexation ot thf' Uppu Bay to the City of Newport Buch. no oaper1 had ~en eerved on the city council or llA &gent. at a late hour t.oday. The council waa expectt>d to take Ila final annexation action tonight on the 1800 acre pen:t'I wh1ch lhe county prolHlll. ROBERT H. OLANDER occ Board HARBOR ·1 • PR.ess f8th YEAR -NIDIBER lS NEWPORT BEJ\CH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, APRIL 25, 19M Phone Harbor 1618 FIVE CENTS $30 ,000 ,000 MESA SUBDIVISIONS TOLD . KENNETH W. GORTON Get.a 60 Days in J&il Gets Three Years Probation for Drunk Drive Rap BANTA ANA (OCNS)-Former Newport ~ach AMt.tant Police Chief Kenneth W. Gorton, 51, 2l1 20th St., Newport ~ach, la In County J&il for 60 day• and will be put on three year'• probation on hla relee.te after hls conviction on a felonlou. dru.nk-drivtng charie Friday. Superior Court Jud&'• Raymond Thompeon paued a.ntence on Corton, who realped from the Newport Beach police force ln 1960. He bad been nduoed te tM rank ot patrolman an.-&n UMrt· ed drtnJdn ........ LEST rc>aca Oort.on -rt.db' told ~ ~ Mu.a be ........ oil tM ~ ..._... .. 6tllotwaatte ... .,.,,.... tl. Judp 'lboml*"l ob9er9e4: -i'be ..... u. "99ft .. 997-... ~ta a lilt flf« I IOI ... 'ftle ~t Sa a pod--. but._ bad -aJoobol p~ .. fg .. he'• cone.med, be pro~ hu been puntahe4 enoup. It'• hard to ratlon&llse tbJa c .... "Drlnlttnc and drtYlnl' ta .Smllar to pl&Jins RuMS&n roulette. May- be you ... t home ud maybe 10'1 (Ore ... _.• Pap I ) SPECIAL MESA, NB CENSUS START SOON New Counts Ordered for State Fund Aids; Expect Increases What ia the size of the new City of Costa Mesa? That ia a queetion that aoon can be answered accurately. Actu- ally the growing, newest city of Orange County bas had rather an indefinite population. In fact its boundaries have even been questionable pending outcome of the Superior Court cue to determine whtther the Estus parcel or Se.aqulst an. nexallon &.re part. or Newport Beach or Costa Mesa. Population however will be & definite thing when a new cen.eua about to be started, ti completed. City Man.ager Geor(e Cottey la endeavoring to recruit halt a hun· dnd able &nd willing workera to spend two wee.Q with Elijah B. Lewi.a or the B11ttau of the Cell· .ua In tabulating the, town. FOIL 8TATIJ AIDS The apeclal cenaua bu been au· U\orized by the eo.ta Mesa City Council 1n order to reap full bene-nt. from ,.. tax ~d olllw •late apport.1-t fwlda. A n--bu al*> beerl au· thortaed tor N-s-t Beach. Ctty llanapr John aaaJon t.oday an· ~ .-!pt at a letter trom UM -el C:--. _,... the i......-.m-wm~UM dty In UM D.U natun. Wba tM 1'60 ~ WU taJit. -OIMta x-.... u.aoo popa-i.a.a: ......... alt;, -._... porai.d the Illa&. • credlt.s Ule Mesa wttb 11,6M populaUon on a bul9 ot uUUty t.abul&Uona. Wac-en are now belnC taken on t.he Meaa that the new cenAIWI will hit al· IDOlll 2&,000. WOIUl.EIUI WANTED Accol"dlnC to Ctly Manqtt Cof- fey, Lewia wtU train a corpe of k>- HQRACE PARKER occ Bot.rd cal worker• to canvass the City of Coi!t& Mes11. Returns will then be analyzed and t11buh1tec1 with a new ct'rtified cmsu1 lo follow. Per.one wl11hln~ to apply for the temporary jobs of census r numerators may contact Mra. Murray In hi9 otflce, Coffey said. NATURAL GAS RATE BOOST AUTHORIZED Cu11tomenr of the Southern Countlea Caa Co. wtll atart p<Aying 12.070.600 annually more for Ufelr caa u n!Wlt of a booat '" natural cu rate. recently authorlsed by the Calltomta uUUUee com.miMk>ft. Thia will amount to a.bout 20 c.nta a mont.b few \he a..,..... llouabo&der. Th• hlfher rates wen au· U\orlJled to otfeeL a booel In the pnoe ~ 8ouu..ta Oourt-u.. o.. 0. ... to...,. ..... Puo Hat11"9J Ou Co. Tiie lat- er t'Oflcem'a raicle haa not been confirmed by the federal pow- er commlMlon, ao It I.II poulble the rall1e will be refunded Abnuld the frderal commllllllon rerUff the-El Paao company'• applicat.lon. THIRTEEN CANDIDATES FILE FOR SCHOOL BOARD SEATS May 20 Election Set for Newport, Costa Mesa. Higl\ School, OCC FlnaJ flllngs tor f andidalt11 run· M11y 20 election. Seats are bt'init nlng ror 11ea1A on the rour school flllt'<I ln the boards of tru9l<'ea or board9 ot the Newport Harbor dis· Or11nge Coaal Colltge, Ntwport trlct found one woman snc1 12 men Btnrh Elf'mentary School Dl11lrlct announce their candidacy for lht and <.:011ta Mua Union School 011· tnr t. ThC\~e riling for lhe rolltge llC'als are an• umbenutA LoulM Conrady an<I Hornc:e Psc ker •rn<I new <'an· dldlll" Robt-rt H. Olanrter. 600 St. Andrt'Wll Road. Five Cl\n<1lclatt1t are running-for thf' high srhonl bo1rnl Th"Y lnc-lude lncumbent1< J . l.A>slle Steffensen anti Ju1lge Oon11M J L'<•dg•. anti nPw entrll's Roberl L. Allen, 940 Rf'publlc&n St.. Co"ta Meea. a purchulng agC'nt : Edward W. Milum, 2641 I Clrr le Drive and Fnnk L. Wood· land. 301 Tustin Ave .. lnvl'•tment broker. d For the Newport Beach Ele"I n- tary Dlatrlcl, Incumbent H ey O. P eue Will run agaln1l candl· date Wlllam H. Spurgeon JU tor the one Yacancy. J. LESLIE STEFFENSEN NHL HS Board 2500 New Homes Planned • Shopping Center Mapped A new $•.000.000 subdivision on 70 acl"H ot. Meu lan6 formerly owned by George H. Capron of Newport Be&eb. was today revealed by the Murray-Sanders Company of San· ta Ana. This shot development.a planned for the Coeta Jleu area to $30.000,000 and . created approximately 2:500 new. homes being planned on the' Meaa.. Murray ed 'Honer announeed, A trio ot 1ubdlvidera are Involved "We hope to enter Oo«& MNa In trannctlona that will aee u eventually." Capton, former OWB• many 11ew 1ubdlvlalona underway er of the 2e4l acrea north flll Oasta bC'fore the end of 19M. Meaa boundary, wu on• ot the Ian Murra.y of 104 Via Mentone, C'hlef prot!slant. In the deteatl!4 Lido Jale announced eompletlc>n of annexation attempt which tndDd- pl11na by 'the oranre County build· ed m,uch of Ulla aame a:. aeTen1 er• tor 3:>0 large three and four monlha ago. bedroom luxury homu on the tract I One of the ftnMt ol UM deftl- between the prevloualy announced . opments will be a 11.260.000 de-s l:i,000.000 A lll1on Honer Com-velopment creaUnc l 11 new hom• pany Mua tract of 1300 new at the nort.hweat comer ot Meyer homea and OrlLQl'e Cout College. Pla.ce and 19th Bt. 0.Ye)open l:A Plana tor a •hopping center In the the 23-acre site will be Dlk• and Murray-Sanden tract w-.a alllO an-Colf'g'l"OVe. AcCOf'd1n&' to Ray Dlke nounced. hla firm will dneJop U>e property ANNEXATION TO FOLLOW with atreeta, •ldewalka and curt. Annex•Uon or the tracta, l.nclud· wilh all aanltary -•rw to be In- Ing Orange cout Collece. Into !It.ailed. 'nle homea to be bullt wtll Costa Meaa city Umlta la expected I be the 116,000 to 120.000 claaa and to follow In the near future. Both • <C-U. ... • Piie-I) FAITH IN PUIUc EDUCATION I & P Wo1111 i1 l..t1tio1 W.1 P1,lil lllaoola. Week °""'2 fWWW el ....... lkJllloola ---........ ~ & l"MOlU• Week, April ~o. la 1ll'pd 117 uaa au.. u. ~ 1atere.t Call-__ ,," flf« UJ. NMrj..t ........ a .................. ..... • a a .... .. a rr I ~ ... -, ..... ~ ..,., .. .. ...... a1i • Stiellia .... Jll-• ...... _. .. Am rrae·-- old ard, p1....._t. At a ~t olf aova t. Schools Open to Visitors In ctltbratlon of Public fkhool Week.. U\111 wrtk, Newport Buch elementary sc:h ool• wlll hold open house to par1!111la &nd r1'11ldenta or I the community. Supertntendent RQy 0 . Anderal'n announced. Horace-Enaign wilt be open to vl•ltor11 Wednuday, from 7 t o 9 p.m. !l:ewport &a<'h EltmentAry School will be open Thuntday, 7 tn 9 p.m. flnd Coron.a del Mar and Harbor View Srhool11 wlU be oi:wn Friday. 7 to 9 p.m. Anden1en ftsld tea.chrra wJll hr In lh,.lr ('la.its· rooms to mret the public ll1!d di&· play11 of the chllclren'ft work wUI be on display In all room~. EDWARD W. MILUM NHUHS Board '!be club ~• ..... to ''Reattlrm our faJth In tile lnaUtuUon of unlveraally freA public education u a comer.et.one In the structure of our American .oclety." and urrea the public to vt•lt the .choola that undentandln( of them will be lmprov~ &11d the.Ir hlfh •t.andardl o( f'ducaUon, which ha ve become a tndltlon In Callfomla. be main· t.alned. HARIOI WEATHER Tl"mJN'r&lW"ff Ute put .-'eek la lite HartN>r .,,_ Weft: Rlrll I.ow Tunday, April 111 . ~9 41 We<lnellday, April 20. 60 43 Th11r11day. April 21 . l'~riday, April 22 . .. !'ill Sllt11r1l&y, A prll 23 .... 60 R11nd11y, April 24 ........ 62 Monc1ay, April .l6 ........ 69 • !H 48 ~ :\3 WILLIAM H. SPURGEON III NB Board n.uurer Frank C. Owen, Sec·. l9tary Mn. Nick Mardealch, ~­ eoc'\lt"I' Secretary ""9tda Wells and ~ mem~r Richard sarcent re- 8'caed from UM taap&yera' league ..nr ot 41.ncton recently. They .ac tbe)' wen unabl• to "we eye (0-tla ... • P~ I ) ALBERT OGDEN CM Board MRS. ROBERT M. WILSON CM~ CHISHOLM BROWN CM Board In the Coeta Mna dlatrlct. In- cumbent• Chisholm Brown a nd Albert Og'den will aquare off &«aln•t Mni. ·Robert M. Wilton • 499 Flower St., Coat.a Mea, hou.e-.u .. FRANK L. WOODLAND NHUHS Board JUDGE DONALD J. DODGE NHUHS Board r HARVEY D. PEAS• NB Board ) t ] l • i ' j .. , •PAGE 2 • PARl I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRt~~ MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 Patricia Toepher and· ·willirun Taylor 'Scout Duo Tells Of Home Means with C.,.t on More MRS. HOWARD DANIEL f.ISHER " A. Walter McMurray Photo Fisher-Warford Vow Exchange Held In North Shortly to return from a honeymoon in Mexico City and Acapulco Is Mr. Howard Daniel Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Fisher o! Newport Beach and hi• bride, the form- er Miu Janice Warford of San Francisco, daughter of Mr. and Mr9. Glenn Warford, Olympia, Wuh. Marriage vows w ere 11poken In the J!:plecopal Church or St. Mary Ule Vlrirln, San Fraocteco. before the !Wv. Keppel W. Htll. Mr. Warlord trlving ht. dauirhter ln keeplnir ln an &Iler- noon d.ouble-rlng rite. J&11lca wore nylon tulle over tatteta with Ch&11UUy lace border- 1n&' th• portrait neckUne and top- plnl' lbe accordion pleateJ flounce which edged the waltz length •kirt. H er elbow length veil was confined by a halo ot pearls and orange blo11soms. At hrr throat wu a 11trand o! pearls which had belonged to her grandmother, and ahe carried a white prayer book on which wus a white orchid with ..... -••11111>phanoU11 and u lln Btreameni. l!llrln. white hat and flovH and her while orchid conaage. A gTadu- ate ot Whitman College, Walla Walla, the bride I• 11ecretary with Mall!on Navigation Company while hl'r husband la punier with Ameri- can President Linea, Ltd. He wu graduated from University of California, Lolt Angelea campu•. Southern Californianis attending th.-. wedding were Mr. and Mr!I Howard L. Fisher, Mr. end Mr11. William C. F1sher. Cecelia, Billy and Howard. Costa Ml'Sa; Mr. and Mr11. Robert Pre11cott. Fullerton; Mr. and Mu. Rob1•rt Fran!'ls, Johnny and Danny, Loa Angelo , and Messrs. Whelen •g:! Elsner. l\IAID8 IN BLUE G. I t Cl b MIA111 Shlrlcy ClauRSen or SeaUle, tr S U Delta Gamma eororlty elater of tl\e bride, waa maid ot honor and MIN Doloree Lealch of Hoquiam, Waah., W\U brlde.'lmaid. They were .,owned 1n pale blue nylon tulle, ~ Je~ tuhlOlled with )'OrtnJJt DecJillDH and Cull akJrt.a. Their pearl and rhfneetone ear- ~· were g l!tH ot lh" bride. Miaa Cecellta Filiher oC \08ta Mesa, ll.lece ot the bridegroom. was jun· lor br1«Sesm&ld. Her blue tulle Ewn wa.e in noor length and h<'r de'a gift wu a gold heart shaped ket. The trio carried noeei;ays and Amtrtcan Beauty ro~l'll, Mr. Peter Babin of Richmond, Theta Delta Chi fraternity brolh· u of t he bndegroom. wu b<-st rna.n. Alll<l t niternity brotheu werr other ~oomsmen, MeMl"S. J11C'k Wl1alen and Jame. Elsner ot Lo11 Angeln. JIW'I Warford. young b rother or the bride, tscorted hls mother to her seat. Has ~ew Craft, Changes Hours One or th• new craft fl'OUpe formed at lht' Glrla' Club of the Harbor Area, It wu announced at lhe executJve boaru meet Ing" Mon- day evening at the clubhouae. Is tho new plutercralt ",::lass. Gene S~hleg!'I. student at ~arbor lllgh ~hool. ls Inst ructln the gruup whencvl'r po11Hlble. ome or the !lgurc11 11.re p1'0ductd 1 from m9ld11 thnt have been given ;to the club, other9 are original. • A decision t o clo11~ the Glrla' Club on Satur.lay11, 'ii.nrJ remain Clpcn rm Tuesday evenings rrom 7 to 9 IMtead, ha• bt'!'n clt'eml'd advisable. The usual 7 to 9 houre on 1-'rlday evening wlll bi! co'n- tlnurd. A l'heck tor S~O for tht' rlub from R1r hsrd'11 Market wu receive<! by the board. .\I ri<. \\'1u/onl wor" for lhe <'C r· emony pale hlue lsre. full sk irt· ed. ~t·oop nerklme and Jong aleeves. Jirr hat wa.~ oC pal" b lue uni.I col· Plnns wr re disrussel1 tor a ells· or IH'C'enl wns 1 .. nl l.Jy pale pink play nt the llarp•'r ~1·11001 PTA glnve8• Mre. Fisher wore nBvy la('e mr1•tlng on M11y 10. Mrs F·r11nk with tull ftkirt, llhor·t akevu and I Hls11ell wn ... appotnted rhairmnn of 11eo<>p nrckhnl'. I a !'Ommlttee to a rrange tor a Glrl:1' Club t•ntry In the Fl1'h Frv ('HURCH FLOWERS pnralle In J une>. :'-tis. Wlllla~1 It wa..'I a candlelight artem non O'Rni-n, <halrman. J\1111. a rl P iper ceremony. Altar flowent were 11nd Mr11. J ohn ~uzum were e p- whlt& atock and brua window pointed as a non1tnatlng commit· boitH ln lhe atal.ned glau window.11 t"e to report a t the board meeting were filled with whJte dalsJe1. 1n May. The 200 iueet.a -re received In the Oolden Empire Room ot the Mark Hopkin.a Hotel. Mrt. L. Wayne Bennett of Stockton. al11- t Pr ot the bridegroom. aMltled Mrs. Warford In hostesa dutin, and another 1d.eter. Mr9. Robert New Grandson In Owen Home Francl• ot Loa Angele!<, w&.11 In New arrival at the Rou Owen charge or the guest book. The bride'• table had two klrge home. 35 Balboa Covt's, I! Brad- •rrancemenu of whfte flowera and the cake t&ble bore a wreath ot white tlowera which 11urrounded th• tiered wedding cake. a.ED Allo'D WIDTE For going away tht' new Mni. F laher wore a 11pring •ult In red and white tweed effect, red a ccea- ford Edwin Greiner, grandson ot tho Owens. "ho \\'IU born April 14 In Corona :-.;aval Hoapltal. He weighed 8 lbs. and 4 oz. The baby Is 110n ot Mr. and Mrl!. llfnry U rrlner. firs t child for t he couplf end flral grandson for the grand· JlBrentt. PARISH HOUSE ST. JAMES CHURCH Thtnday, April 28 5:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Children 75f -Adults $1 .00 \'la Lieto at Wed in C. M. Church Couple Leaves For Texas Where Groom is Stationed A churcll ceremony of a ttracllw detail WU that held on & n<'eftt Sunday mld-aftemoon In J.~lrat Baptl•t Church, Coata Me ... when MIN Patricia Mary Toapher be· came the bride of Mr. Robert WU· Uam Taylor. The Rev. P. 0. Nau- mann performed the double r ing rite Which united. the daurhtu of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Hawley, 40:> Flower St .. Costa MeM, and the 80n of Mr."and Mrs. Wllllam A. Taylor, l:il Monte Vl•t.a St .• eo.ta Men.. Patricia. who wu irtven ln kttP· Ing by her father. wore a ballerina length gown detailed with Chan· I Illy lace bodice _,,d tiered nylon net 11kirt. A capf>t white n owt'rs held folds ot her veil and ahe rar· nett a bouquet ot gardenlu and llllea of the valley. A1TEXD8 BJUDE Standing with her 11later·ln·law as matron of honor w .. Mr11. Nina Toepher, who wore aqua nt>t with tiered bouffant 11klrt.. a Juliet cap to match and caml!'d white car - natlon.1. Mr. Charlea Taylor ••l•led hla brother u be1t man. TUllp11. gladioli and llllea formed background for the ceremony. Ml1111 Joann Neum11.nn .ang Be- cause, and The Lord'• Prayrr. Oue.alB were received ln the 80• clal hall lmmedlalt'ly aftt'r the C'eremony. Standing wnh the younit coupll' were the mother•, Mrs. Hawley wearing a mt><'ha knit suit with brown acceuonu and corsage of pale yellow carnation•. Mu. Taylor wore a powder blul' •ult with .,.hit• acceuorlee and gardenia corsage. cat·Rc ll RECf:PTIOS Flowrrs adomt'd the hall and pink camaUon. were on lht' table w1licll bore the Uered hf'&rt·llhaped weddJnc cak• topped by a bride and groom. The lltUt ct.>ramlc f l1t· urea were made by a friend, Waltl'r Parker, and were exact llkeneue1 of the couple. Mrs. V<'nfl11. Hl11lns ot Coata Mella anc1 M.r11. En1ml'r11on Went· ull of Newport Beach a111l•ted with reception deta lla. The young people, both ot whom were graduatj'd trom Newport Harbor H IJilh School, Jett afterward by motor for Wichita FalJs, Texas, •lopping at polnta of Interest en route. For the tl1p the new Mrs. Taylor wore a 1traw colored linen 11uit with white a ccessorlu and the iiardeniu froru her wedding bouquet. The couple wllJ reside In Wich- ita Falla, where the bridegroom 11 atatlone<I at Sheppard Field, U. S. Army Air Force Baae. NE WPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'1 Editor DAYTON BOOK REVIEW TO BE LAST OF THE SEASON Last program or the Edna Stearna Dayton Book Review aerlea, 11ponaored by the NlghUngale Chapter of th• Awrillary or Hoag Hoapltal, will be given on Thuraday, April 28, at the Lido Theatre, 10:30 a.m . The Nlghtlngalu will have 11urpr1ee1 for patrona or lhrlr aeriee at thla meeting, lovtly door prlzea, which will be l'lven away at this time. They •nnnunce th8"t ticket.a tor th!a book review will bl' available at the door from Mni. Dike and Mr .. Stewart. The provl11lon.ala ot the Nlghlingalee, under the wper- vlsion ot Mra. J ohn M. Quint; have Mrwd aa Wlhere tor th• aertea of rev1-a. Mn. Ha.rt.leln I• again donattn1 the flowers for the •tap decoration. NEW OFFICERS Saturday Dance Opens Year For Surfsiders Inaugun.J event for tha eighth 1 dent. turned the 1avet over to char- year of Surfaldera Club, Harbor I ter member. Bob Boyd. Other of· area •oclal ITOU p of young mar· Cicen are Willi.am Berlulelt, vtca rled couple.I, I• the aprlnr Informal pruldenl: Pat lMni. Don ) Feriru- llance to be hrld at Balboa Bay eon, eec:retary; William rrwood. Club on Saturday. Bld1 are out. treaaurtr. npproprlately In the form of •urf· Other board m•mber1, who will hoards. New members will be wel· aerve u chairmen of varloua com· romed and new ottlcera and board mlttee11, Include : Don f"uiruaon, mPmbers Introduced. Bob Blair. Don Anc1eraon. Ted When the new board met at the Fln1tcr. Paul Caldwell and Wll· home ot Mr. and Mr11. Don Fer· llam Stabler. JitUSOn, Ted F inster. outgoing prr11i-Many Informal dancu have been Mary Price Balboa House of Beauty • T"trodwci"g NAOMI GUEST Hair Stylist • /or A.ppof"lnuml Call Jlarbor %1•1 Mil l:. Balboa Bh·d. Balboa MR. & MRS. R. W. TAYLOR Mesan Heads Camp Fire Leaders' Group Zoo'I'rip I luan Froet and Jan Bobbitt N- port. for Girl Scout Troop a&.' thelr trip to the 8an Diego aoo. I On Saturday our troop went to j th• Ian Dle10 aoo with Troop 37. We left for th• plaC'e we were to ' meet at around 7:30 a.m. By the time we arrived at th• depot and called th• roll we dleeovered that Valerie Popejoy _, mlMlnJ. We ru1hed to the telephone and ln about ten mlnutt'e alter we called her, llhe arrived at the •talion. We had to wait for the t rain about h8"1J an hour. When It arrived we 1ot on and diecovered there was no reae"ed car for ua u we had plaJlned, 80 we doubled up with IM>m• puaencer11 and were on our way. A man waa aemng candy bara and ma.t ot the firll bou1ht some. Pres1dlng o\·tr her final -·slon When we arrived at San Dle10 Bl! chairman or the Or•ngr County we all cot on a buN and left for Ca.mp F ire Girl' Leaders' Assocla-1 the zoo. We ate our lunch and twn, Mnt. W11Uam Borland of San-I looked around. Wa divided Into ta Ana handed the ganl to the I groups ot five end elM:h group Jlewly.elected chairman. Mr11. Ern-went their own way. Th• first est A. LauMn. •2~ Elost 16th St.. I bird• we noticed were th• beautiful Coata Mf'~ln11tallallon w1111 held plnk tl&mlngo. The runn'y lookinr In Orange Wednnday morning., ant eater caught our eye allo. We Taking o IC'o with Mrs. Laurin aaw trick btara pertormlnc and were Mr11. Paul Roget, 123 East 10 many blrda we couldn't count Balboa Blvd . vlC'e C'halrm\ln; Mrs. them. !Aland Plyme11ser, Santa Ana , aec· J After a while we .. t on the 1ttary; and Mn. Frederic GUii, bleachers and watched the trick W e11tmll'l.1tu. trea.suru. Retiring monkey1 and aK.11 perform. The oftlcera are Mme11. Borland, L~ T. lleall allot for buket.a very well. Gle11enkamp. Coeta Men; Mflvln I Later we went v.adlnf tn a pond. M&ncll, Oran('e and T. H. Ha1np-, 8oma of t.h• rroupe took th• bu• ton, WeetmlnstPr. ride a round the zoo. At 3 p.m. we Plan.a were completed for the met al the pt• and left tor the comlng annunl Camp Fire Girl• train. Peanut .. 1e, to be held from May On the ride beck we had our 1 to 18. own car. The r1da -mad ahortar Sped&I gueat.. Included MIN -maybe becaUM we were tJnd Gwen Harper of Loll An1elem, and hot. We had eo much candy O&mp F1ra field advleor, and th• 1 and IJ\.ll'ar on the train that prob- new Bluebird leader. Mr9. Allee ably vary few of UI ate dinner tbat Bartchard, ot Anaheim. Jtlpt. We arrlved ln Santa Au Consultants Talk to P-TA The Harbor View P-TA meeUn1 wa.. held In thf' 11Chool auditorium on A pril 19. The fl•I 1alute w .. led by Cub Pack 8. Den 3. whose Den Molhl'r le MMI. Je .. H &lnea. Cuba particl pellng were; Roger Crablr. C'ttarle11 reek, Lee Mar· ston. Todd Hca.11. Lowry Thompeon. J.hke Halnre, Pat Toole and Mike Greene. The Inspirational readln1 wu g1vtn by fourth grade teacher. Mrt. JuJlth PeMy. Pre1ldent Mra. Warren Clemence called the 11hort butllne• meeting to order ond tt waa voled to }>Ol't- pone the in1tallaUon ot new ottl· cera Wltll the l"f'gular May •e .. lon. Gueat apeakera Cor the eventn1'1 program were: Miu ~Ith Hol- a~er. coNIUltant-.lementary edu- caUOll, Mr9. Verna Breit\holl. -- INlt.anl-.,...cb educaUon. and WU. lard H. 8auoemMU1, dir~tor ot ln- atrucUon. Their to pic wu ''How We Learn To Read.'' Hoate1111ea ror the meettn1 were afternoon 11tulon klnder1arten room motht ra Mmea. John Broufh· ten, Kenneth Hickman. Robert Frailey and Geor ge Orupa. planned. lnclu4lng a aum'ier bam dance. Th• club bu a mdlberWblp ot DO oouplea. at 1:1~ and were gla.d to -OW' mother• waltlne tor ue. Wa all had a real sood time. It wu Ule flnt train ride for a lot ol th• stria. Thursday Fish Fry .Another benefit tllh try for the children'• camp f\lnd of St. Jam .. Church wlU be held Thunday a t the Par11h Houae. 11 :30 to T:30 p m. Jl'lAh try Chefa Tom Norton and Harvey Somera wt!! preatde, tickeu may be obt.alned a t the door. TllE oauAN l'OV CAN FIA'f AT ONCE: ....... rftll .... HAMMOND CHOID ORGAN COIM la •d PrOff It to YHrHlf "'• .... a.rl&e 709 .. --la Md tr)' UM -llammoed 8,._. Ors-No• A...U.W. DANZ ·SCHMIDT BIO PIA.SO a OllOAllf llTOU: e.,ac14uartere for A.D Modela RammoDd Or.- IU 1-IHt the Floor For one room or for every room in the house. Now you can enjoy quality Carpeting. New Bank terms. Nothing down end up to 3 Yrs •. to Pay a study in tweed and the unique heather.y charm of wool wilton by HOLMES '""8 new t-thery ahad-. ~hardy yet invitin1 tatunor Random Tes broadloom, add adelichtlul (eelinc or COl:ineaa t.o your livin1 room. Random Tes doea wonderful thin1a t.o any room, by drama· ti&i.n1 ite beet fealUN8 and by 11ettin1 off fumiah· ln1a in a lovely new li1ht. We have Random Tes in new multi·t.onfl9 l iVfnl )'OU a wider choice Of tweed eft'ecte tbJ ever before. All thia. plWI famowi wilton re.i.atanoa to weer, i.a youn at a 1urpri.sin1ly low price, Come in .oon and -· ONLY sq. yd. Comes in 9, 12, •nd 15 ft. widths Bprl"gUme II Clt(lnlNg Time OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT Cl .. qwlpped to do tlle /1Nret Job of cl"o"l"g of 11~1r Rug, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Wan.to-Wall Cupet Cleued .. 7oar Home CALL Kl 3-1615 TODAY Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS '(:; Linoleum tr C&rpeta Om.,ge Co""'Jf'I l.Alrgt1I "oor C:o1•t"rl".ll Store ~: Rubber Tile "h· Asphalt Tile "" 1622 So. Main, Santa Ana {; Formica ·,·.-Cork Tile Kl A-lfl.U Kl %-JU11t IH N ....... High Qualify Printing-Ph. Hor.-1616 In Order Better to Serve Its Rapidly Increasing Clientele Cape Cottage South Coast Mortgage Co., Inc. Announces Removal to A NEW LOCATION at 1600 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Telephone: liberty 8-7791 LOAN CORRESPONDENT FOR Bankers National Life Insurance Company F. H. A. Approved Mort919H J LOAN REPRESENTATIVE OF Winter Mortgage ComP41nys Correspondent for New York life Insurance ComP41ny Construction end Refinance loans • early amtrican bedroom furniture for young budgeta. combining t he beauty and charm of a time honored style with the proportions and generous sizes needed for today's homf'11. 1bemlock wood, aalem finish , gT&Cefully turned leg1 a.nd antique brus hardware at aurpriaingly low price•. p. a. I It b creen ltampa Of COW'M - NATIONAL STUDENTS' ART SHOW AT HIGH SCHOOL A national collection or 31 drawtng1 and pa.lntlnp by dllldren through l'lemenlary and hlJ"h achool vadu will be on di.play on Thuraday only during 1chool houra In the new home art• building at ltle high achool, room ltt7, Exhlblta a re rrom Hawaii aa wdl aa continental United ltatea and tiave been Hlectl'd and carefully 11e:reened by the American Junior Re<1 Croa• and National Art Education Aa· aodaUon to lllu.1trat" ,community life and lntuuta. Thl'y will be aent overaeu aa a method ot communica tion between achoot children ot lbe world. On P'rtday the collection will be dll1ptayed In thl' art room at Horace Enalrn School. TELLS OF TRIP English Guest Speaks At Zonta Luncheon MIM Dorothy l'lndon of Klddt<r· mlnater, Worceaterahire County. l:ng'land, waa gueat 1peaker a t the luncheon meeting' of lhl' Zonta Club or Newport Harbor laat Tbur9day at the VIila Marina. The attractive couain of Mra. J . W. Reinert. Newport Beach, enter· talned the group with a reaume of h u voyage aboard the Donge· dyke, Rolland American Line, leav. IDjr England· March 19 a.nd arrlv· Ing In America April 12 via the Panama Canal. Her vh11ltor'1 per· mil will en&ble Mias Flndon time to aee and enjoy Calllomla before 1he r eturn• to England by plane the Jut of July. Mra. Betty Pace ot The Brat Shop, Coata Meaa. under the cla111I· ncauon ot merchandising, Infant.a and children'• clothing, waa Initial· ed and welcomed u a nrw mem· ber. Other guuta Included Helen Trotter, Ml'll. Wiiliam 0 . J ohneon and M lea Jane 01~der, a "Zonta Mesa Youngster Olrl or the month"' from Newport Harbor Hlrh School. Helen RobertaoQ, pro&'l'am chair· man. reported plan• were complete for takln1 the •·oauoplng Gavel" to Long Buch April 21 where Newport Zontlana put o• the pro- irram at Viet.or Hugo for the Zonta Cl~b or Long Beach. t• Announcement wu m,de of the ln1tallatlon dinner, Thur.day, April 28 at the Villa Marina, Aquarium Room. social hour 8'30 to 7 :30 with dinner at 8 p.m. The door prize waa won by Mra. Carlton Meara. Party Night At Grange Hall Coat& Mee& Oran1e held a Whoopee Party on Saturday, Aprll 23, a t 8 p. m. A• uaual. the Grange Hall. corner or Victoria and Thurln Strttta, wu the ac.ne or ruuv1t1ea. Women or the Home Economlca Club have partially completed the year·• project at lhe County Hoa· pltal. CUl"l&ina have been made and hung a t the wtndowa of the T~ Oliver Odette home at 113 sun room connected wtth Oeriatrlc Arbor st. Coat& Meaa. wu the Ward •O. NEWPORT HARBc;:>R NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE 3 MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 at th• home ot Vl"L ftuMet ~. Cra.I ... 112 D&hlia Ave., coroo& dl'I J.tar. All Thf'lu an cordially In. Ylll'd and are rl'QUHled to call the holl""', Harbor 1941. Newport Matron·tb Head Kappa Kappa Gamma BE SURE -INSURE . "''Ith llllAt'IUE ~TASU:Y 1-....... 0.1,y At the luncheon meet1n1 of Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae AllllOClatlon of Soulht'm Oran1• County on Thurllday, April 14, alee· lion of officer• wu held, wtlh Mra. Robert H. Stralllff of Newport Beach t'lected pruldent for the coming year. Vlce·prealdent will be Mra. Jack D. Hiiton and 11ttretary J.fra. Tom W . Colllar, both of Santa Ana. Miu Ruth R . MllXwell or Co· rona del Mar will be treuurer. The provam waa pre1ented by Mn. P'. Paul Dl<'kereon or Newport Beach, who •poke on her expfrl· encea In Ubya. where hPr huaband, Col. l>lckeraon, waa ala tloned at Wheelua Air Force Ba11e In Tri· poll. Her talk <'OVf'rrd many f••· cl.nallng native cu1toma. ran~lng from funerals an<1 wedding• to cave·dwellf'l'll. Two camperahlpe will be glVt'n to the Ora~e County Crippled Chll· drens' Society from prOCef'eda of the Kappa rummage sate. All members were urged to register for civil defenaP. Those pruent Included Mmea. Olckeraon, Straltltr, Phillip Renick. J . E. Kelm, Howard Bryan, Walter G. Hatch, Richard Stewart, Don· aid Caine. Robert Blackmar. Eliza· belh Buman, Barton Bffk. Wll· llam F. IngleH, Tom W. Collier, George B&rnett, Jack 0 . Hilton. David A . Burger. Thomu Swan· l!IAVE ON AUTO INS. s11•0 sa.--.10.too-1a.tot k411y l•l"'Y I "•~· o.,.. ... lech 6 M-h• 8"' BOB McCORD, tvr PKEP'l:aKEDJN8URANCE CALL LINH) IN Victoria 8t.. eo.ta 11- Plloae LlbertJ' I-TU. ·--DIBT-- COLLICTIONS aon. A. 8. Handy Jr., 0 . Car9on Rumuaeen, Miu Anne Benjamin. MIN Mattie B. Lacy, Miu Ruth R. Maxwell, Mm.a. Dick Drake, J amea B. Stoddard, Robert H. Lenker and W. B. Olcklnaon, all of the county, and Mni. Mary Lou Tonnuen of Bevuly Hilt.. Mra. Blackmar wu luncheon hoate., uatated by Mmea. Strai· tiff, Bryan and Ra1muuen. The ... _ lbnor HH Illa t:. C.-t Itta'•~ Corona ~ ...,.. PARKES. RIDLEY MORTUARY FertDMt1 GllAUEL C11A.PSL lit Broedwa,J 1-C-la 11- LD1ttt7 a.NU ... ... .... n•xt meetln.. will be on May • 12 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;~ at the Balboa home of Mn. Loulae r Oallaghu. K. A. T. Alumnae The Oranfe County Kappa Al· pha Theta Al~mn1,. Club will meet tomorrow, Tuellday, at 8 p.m. MESA UPHOLSTlllNG .,,,.~taltlis • OftlfJ9l7 lAert7 M111 llMNwp&. ...... o.ta._ ~argie Webb lt&I So. Cout Blvd. LAfuaa ~ L a r u n •'• nationally known designer, manu- facturer of hlirh·atyle aeparatea and dr- lnvttea you to drop In- to her newly opened retail ahop. Many • x c I t I n .. bar- fa.lnll available In dla- conUnued aamplee and model •IH• for •Prin. and ~wear. "• MttnlW AT MY ffOUSI, IVIRnHING IUT Ml GOIS TO THI MR. AND MRS. ALLAN ROBERT MOLLISON Gerhardt Photo acene ot a birthday celebration At the Jut meeUnf of the Saturday when 10 children and Oranfe, Ralph Lee, Coat& Meaa alx mothel'8 honored llttla Billy fir• prevenUon otrtcer. 1•v• a Jee· Odette on hta fourth birthday. The lure on avoldln1 fir. In the home. ~nter Of a tt.racUon wu a hup He a.lao preaented two short fllma, birthday ca.Ice w1th a carouael and one ot which explained how to 10 d ftgilt poulble fine ln cue ot an A-ta -Not. -C..... et Ul7 ld9d ., .......,,,..,.. .. Ame~ wNo eollecti--Ne t ... " We adV-.U OMta. SANITONE can 'T horee• on It. Fruit punch enemv atta.ck and the oth• etfec. Sarah Preston Becomes Bride In Ceremony At Saint Andrew's and Ice aream were alao aerved. o1 tlvely told the tmportance of a Ouaata we.... VlckJe Lynn. Btlly modem ti.... deputment to the Reid, Da'ria Oono and Tonja Clark community. trom Lon.. Beach: Linda Colbunl 1( from Mtdway Qty and Palrtci& ext meeUn .. ot UM Orana-• wW OB.EDIT BMEAV of w..ier. Ones• OoatJ ~ Cftdll ....... ., N_.port ~. ~ .._.. ... Ooe\a .._ IN a& ....... Awe..P.o.a.. .. NSWPOllT BEACH, OAJ.a, and Br&dle7 Bou..rceqta, BobbT Oor-be held at lb• On.A .. • Hall. April 28. don, .Jenn7 a.nd .Jlmm.y Mello and ---------.,....----~===========-=!. Brian MU.On. eo.ta Ma9. ----4 WOIU.D T&AVELOOUK OOLOll-nur---- ••re&•••••• Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mollison N ow On Honeymoon Travels Preceded by a bevy of pretty attendants, MiH Sarah Preston walked t o thP altar of !'it. Andrcw·s Presbyterian Church at four o'c.lock in the afternoon on Saturday, April 23, to mec•t her bridegroom. Mr. Allan Robert. Mollison. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Platt Preston, 107 via Cordova. and the son or Mr. 11nrt I trod~ nr while organc1y over p ink M n . AIPitllnrl••r C Mo11uion lit LHlo lafret1t. 11.ntl carrlC'd a b811kf'l or Park, exl·hani.:ed rm1111 and vow• whltP. 11we"t Pt'lll'I. In• c1U1tll••ll1:hl C"l'l'~mony IJ"'rf«11 m· Mr. W1llla111 o. Moll1aon lent ~ by th,. Rev JAme!I ~ StPwa11 1><·~1 man 11 111 to hts brother and The brht... worl' a fltlNI gown I u"hers Wtl" ~lra.irs. David Ndson. of ca.ndlf'llRht p;'au dr l'lnle w1th I Onn11ld Pie11l<m, ?\el.I B111in11;11 a.nd bodice top of heirloom il uchf'SM Oe1rn G1lbt'rl. ro11epolnt lace from Brlgium. Hn For her d1rnghll'r·1 wt'ddlnit ~Ira. '\'t!ll W8Jl hrh1 by a llmnll cr<1wn of peart11 11nd 11f'iju11111, which 11he hacl des igned and made. She wore l'lhOrt I Newport Island white 1tlovf'11 a.nd c&rritd white II· Jae• with white baby Clrrhid~ t,:~TCH .RAM: Attendant~ wt<rt' ~l1lll Barb~u ,. .Jonr1, a Phi SC'la Phi al UCLA and cousin or thP brlrlf'. "" mahl of honor: brldeam&ida Ml111trs Ltn· da P~l!ton. cousin uf th,. bride; Jena Lynne Tyler. a Pl B#ta Phi .ororlty 11ater: Mary Bateman. IC cla..'81Tlatr ; anti Shtllll Mr:"t<lll. Bani.a Barbsra St.All' Collrge. All were gnwnl'1I alike In pmk t'ry!'t1tl· ette with f1llt>d bo<lice11 and bout· fanl sklrt11. a nd carried whitr II· lacs wllh pink roi<t>ll. Pslll Ann MolUl'IOn. niece or the bridegroom, WU fJOWC'r girl. Sh~ wore a. long EbelJ Garden Section Outing Home IUld Garden aect1nn or Women to Elect !otrs. Cathenne F'111her wu hoet· es11 un Aprll 21 to thf' womt'n'a commlllel' of Nrwport l11land, Inc., at her homf', :l8t8 Channf'I Placr. Appointed to 11elect a new r.IBle or offlrrrs WC'rc :\tmrs. P. F'. Fernan, J im F..dw&rds M d R. P. R Ol:N'll Otfll"l'I & will be elPctrd al the mr~ti.ng or ~tsy HI. to bf' hl'ld al 8 pm. in the home of M no. E<J. wardt!. :\900 ChannC"I l'lacr AJl women "h•1 &rl' re1ml~nU! of NC'w- port ~l1n<I •~ Invited lo attend. -------=-===::::::=::::::: Say It With Zbell Club wtU mrel Al 10 a.m W~netlday •t lht> l'lubhou~ on Balboa Blvd. fnr IUI outln,;. Thf' I Jto••" SJ'OUJ' ••Ill lfO to lrvlne Park for ., ""'"• lunch and lhM viatt Padden'• Jrl1 Party ~nt&I Items ~ O.y LlllH lf&rdf'n. Mr11. Ryron l•OI K. C01111t Hy., Coro"" del Jlo1 Well• ill lft eh&rg-e ot tru111porta· Harbor 50'71 lion. DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercury is so. well built that 9 out of JO ever sold in th• u. s. are 1tlll going strong? See tit• 'JJ Mercury at your Dealer'•· Preston wore Dior blut1 peau de aol!' w\t.b plnk hat and acc•eeoriea, and pink ro-. Kn. lilOUl1M>n matched acceuortea to her pink allk dreu, llulgned with long lOlllO line•. and lent accent With camel roae1. WEDDING TKJP For the honeymoon In Arl.zona. Utah and Nevada, the new Mrs. Molllaon wore a ault of light welf(ht wool In tout shade with brown 1tcce11J10r1e1. white hat and gloves. She wu graduated from Alhambra Hlith School and University of Southern c a11rom1a. wu a880Clat- ,.d w1lh Pi Beta Phi rrat,.mltv. Her husband graduated from P~ mona HtRh School and Oranire Coast College. Thr couple will be at home In Newport Beach afle; May Ui. Buffet Honors Pasadena Guest Several Coata M-friend• ralhered a t a buffet aupper at th• Albl'rt E. J ohnaon home, 400 Weal Wllaon SL, Co1ta M"eaa. Sunday afternoon to mt'et Mra. John.eon'• mother. Mn. George W. Brandel ot P ... denL She W1ll accomp&nl· ed by Mr. and Mr1. Edward ,4lley. al-o of PaNd,na. Preaent were M.ra. Leroy Ander· aon, Miu Anne Hoapel'8, Mn. Lawrence Frednkaen. Mra . .Edward Mirkovich. MIH Charlotte Skin· ner. Mr. and Mra. Alley, Mn. Bl1Ul· del and the hott.a, Mr. and Mn. J ohnaon. LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAUER SHOP HURRY TV•and Home Appliance COSYIDr.:NCE Md BU \. tor Ll:M8 SHOPPERS! SAVE! We are loeded with ISM floor mod• 8epo.eoee8ioU ud 1l8ed televWola eeta ALL Fl.LL\' OVAllANTEED ' ALL 111.uu:s A.."D l't1ZE8 19 95 P&JCl:D A8 LOW A8 •• , ••• , • , • • e llAROA~8 GAi.ORE -0. all Home A~ Awt.- madc Wullen _. l>rJ'era, ._cea. Refric......,. ... DHp FrttMn. :Sn Dow• Pa,.._t ·, .. EMy ,-.,,.... WfJ l'llell Not .. ,,_., Mold , •• twed l "1 A c•a-r AM ._.. ... A t •whll CUit. Dt-ut to 8f'rvk'tl PNplfJ. OPEN Rt1''1>Al'8 AND J:Yr.RY l:VZ!lf1."i0 t:~ l :M RELIANCE UM N. Main .. . HOME APPUANCI SDYICE CO. Kl t-1651 Ill S-'7100 "BRAZIL" ::: MAY 2 vi.1t _ ... ._.,,, ...__ .,......._ .._..,.. ~~ ..... ?~~ ~~·i:r~e1 • .:;-.,,,"C...~itl .. L •aoi"nlf~el..!::::: Nl:WPOllT RJOB l!JCROOI. AllDITOalVll Tkli•to at c.. .... 4el W•r Trenl S-.lce. Tloe a..keM, U4e .......... c-1 ...... Office, ..... , ef fll•. •Al, .M, t.a. t.N NAIL DOWN YOUR FUTURE Bui1din9 the found•tion for fin•nci•I security is •s euy H driving • n•ill Just eermerk • c•rt•in tum eech wffk for "w ving," depotit in your sev- ings KCount • • • •nd sit beck end w•tch your dollera growl SEE US TODA YI COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1111 N-.on 81•4. Mlwtft 'IOllAL OIPOSIT INSUIANCI COUOlAllOIC . .................... , .. . ,.. .... .... 111'r ~SlllTOll ltnlcMs ... nel1 f~ffy"''I .......... .. Yc1-Sani1ooc ii a na1 b.dpt auec.c.ba becalaM JOU clothea come back 10 many, maay times •idl di., oric- inal ttore·frcth look t.Uy ratorfll Saa.icoac'• deep- dowa dcan1ing actioo nally geu out All tbe dlrt- n erJ tpot-~ery traceolpcnpiratioo. 0 Uk•aewf.rnb- aca1 of colon. pattern• and telfl\lttt ii rlttortd widl each Saa.itone Dry Cl•n.1•1. •oo. T ry it ..• Saoitooe cott1 oo more thao o...tia&ry dry cJua.ie11. Lido Cleaners 1712 Newport llvcl., C0tta Mesa Liberty 1-4014 IAD~ SUMMER SKIMMERS Comes in white, tangerine, yellow, red, pink, blue $299 and baby blue ........... . Terrific Values LAD~ SANDALS -Tongue 4 different styles-$199 MEN'S .. CASU~ Canvas top, Cushion innersoles - ~!itiu.~-~.~--~· $299 ' . ... • • • Golden '"r· . I r CORNER SEA TS CONVERT TO TWIN OR DOUBLE BEDS Comer -ting unit.a now convert to dual sleeping ac- eommodationa without completely moving one of the Metlona. For the fint time, through an exclusive ·pivot feat ure, M&Ung-aleepillc portion of both right and left corner 8eetionala can be rolled out at any angle on pat- ented metal track concealed a t bue of unit.. Beds can be U8ed aingly, u twm.. or rolled torether to form over- COASTAL ·CUMATE GOOD Fuchsias Thrive In Coot Areas; Prune In Spring The tuoM&a la a '1ardmlq de- Jlcllt to ~ &Ad advaDotd I'~ ........ I• It JU....., -to 11.i,. It• l1'0WW ...... Th1a flowtr1n1 lhrub S. named tor a 11.JltMnth century O.nnan profeMOr, Leona.rd Fuchll, who wu a ltadlnf h•rballllt u d work- "d hard \.o •t abli.h a JMthod of bc>tanle&l terminolo1Y. Th• tuch- •la LI native to Cenlr&l and Bouth Amertca. Ma1co and lb• WMt In- dies. n.... s eosraphlcaJ areu w1ll ~duy,.1.ndlc&te the type of Krowtnc oondl UOM lbe tUChalA neect.: humldlt)'. paruaJ 1hade, rnui.ture and Iota of food. ln Calltomla th-condlllona are but mel a!on1 the coa.t, althouc h. ae a contradiction to this, J10mt varteUn ot t uchlllu do vtrv well in U1c Interior valley• of the sta le. \ AJUAal.t.: P L.U iT and bloominl' .... on, aJwa)'a mak· uw wre th• llOll lll mo41t betore- Jaucl Uld that -t•r i. ,.._ after t.be fMdln .... <nnerally •pealtlftl', b ta l t b y tuchlllu an re.l&Uvely t ree of In· MOU and 41....._· It you have any trouble. nurHrymen recom· mend · UM of aame 1pray• on the tuchalaa aa u.1ed on other prden plant.L l'uchai&a &houJd be pruned In the mprlnc at the flrat aim of new fTOWth, when no more damap g froeta are apected. Divis Students Available for County Farming Studenl.!t attendanit California Un1verlity'a Collt'I • oC Agr1cult11rl' at Dl\Vlll are avallHble for jobs 1m rarma In Oran,11 C:ounty thlll IUOI· mer, Harry 0 . Wi lker. director of farm practice al thr college 11latc11. 1dzed double bed with smooth unbroken 11urlace. One or both may be completely detached from track and rolled into another room it deeired, while bacb remain stationary to eliminate cwnbel'BOme movement and fur- niture rearrangement.a. Available at Newport Furniture in Mariner's Mile. --~ -" HOME : anti : GARDEN PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, .APRIL 25, 1955 LOCAL DECORATOR ~TYLING CLAYTON· HOME IN HOUSTON Blanche Fulk•raon, Lido Interior decorator, wiU leave $11turday tor Hou.ton, where •h• ia decorating a new howie tor Benjamin Clayton, owner ot the yacht Valor of Newport Beech. Ml.Ill FuJkeraon u pecte to be gone a week th .. trip, but when th!' hoUM i. nearing compleUon the wlll 1pend eome time there. The new hot111e, Mlae Fulkeraon n pol'U, haa 10 maJn mom-. Including three bedroom.. and also hu urvant'11 quar- t••r11 end a large lanaJ. 8o tar •h• hG..I IX!rn working mMlly rrum l>lueprlnlll. She dou not upect the Clayt.ona to 1~n<I l•>O m11~·h time In Ultlr Texu home u they h1we a ranch In New M cXI('() which takea .orne or their lime, b('l!icles the tour months a yea.r they u11\.Kllly cruise on the Valor. Fuchslu may be planted IUI up· right' sh1 ub•, aaeLnaL trelli.u. trailing In a rock s arden or over a sloping 11rca. ln hanging ba11ket11, or cumblna.?r.or the Ideal tuch1la· irowlnK a f-t. the coutal locales. try Blue Flame I violet, blue an.i rou1 ur Mauve Beauty (lilac rot' and red) u your bu.sh varleUea. Hf: Is now arranging ph:t~mrnt of -------------------------- Grown again.et trelll.u Lucky Strike I blue. ro .. and plnJ< I and Pally Evan1 1 whl~. pink and rose 1 are excellent• T r a I 11 n g tuchalu can be uaell w..-11 In rock c arden.s, over walls and In hllly areu. Some good choices among thue a.re Amapola I orchid • rose J and Murtel (rosy lilac anJ 1carle~J •.. both nne for th• cou t. U bullet. fuchlllu are your d .. Ucht Ur. John QaJl,.•11y (white and red) and Pan America Cllght pink and r ed) are good. Cullure·wlae fuchalu require &'ood ~· ln a llOll that I• rich ln bumu. and on the acid llde. s.c&uH Uley are fut-p wtns and perpetually bk>mlnc thry need a COIYlant wpply of moisture for t.he root.I and wW alao a ppreciate o~heed 1prtn.kllnp dally. A m ch of peat or leat mold will k thtir toe. cool •-zEDL~O DIPOaTANT U the toil S. rtch and there are no JrHd1 nttrhbon, th• tuchllla plUlt requlrea no u tra food tht tint year. After that, apply ftir· tlU.W c\W1"C th• main Jr0w11\1' 1tudenta tor the •ummer in ordl"r lh•l lht>y may g1un frum exprn- en• c in their ch1:1H,n field. f'ul f'Xpenenc~· with students plarrd by the cnllt'ge h&.ll llhuwn thut farmers who hllve employed them hllVC' been plea.aed with lht1r wurk. l>av1a 1ay1. .StudenUI hu vc hlld practical lratn1n11: with farm machlnery illld prolilenw •l echool .. wen I.JI their acholu llc wol'k. Wlllller ta.ku a 9Wllll around the 11t11te every summer lo rheck on ht. placement• and hu ~rn sue-I cr11aful In f itting atudent11 Into P<>· I 111Uon. where lhtlr training has I been a pprttll\ted. Grimes Changes I Name of Office South a>ut Realty .tr lnvesment I Co. la the new name of Monte Orimu' ottlce at 302 Main St., he 1tat ... Jamee B. Owen wlll be an &MO· elate In the rtal estate depart· mtnt. Thia oCflce Is a member o1 the Newport H&rbor multiple llst- 1111' •ervice. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL llO 30t.aa a&.. Newport 8-da llal'bor WS Flemings Have Girt ~Ir. antJ .Mrs. Geor&e Fleming, 286 WPst \'lctorla St., Cost.a Mella, btt11me parenu of an 8 lb., 2h oz. girl. April 20. In SL JOI· eph011 ho~pllal Ill Orange. We .Are Speclallste la KNIT ILOCKING • CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e ' , • l . . Ba·H WI lltmpllty your C'ODCre&e work wt~ a 1094 or p~ttAoe-nuirf'd ~t .•• prepal'f'd to 7oar order al • q,·lnar. Uberty 8-2283 BAY RF.ADV MIX 1:-.il:. • • • 711 W. 17th St. CO~TA MESA SMOOTH ENTERTAINING MEAN$ PREPAREDNESS Ounce of Forethought Is litter than Pound of Late Thlnlllnt L By CAMILLE CAllBON a servantleu household, there le certainly no royal road to entertaining. You can depend upon it, that even though your hostess greets you at the door wi~h a amiling, unruffled appearance of ease and lei.sure, and givee you a dinner to remember, with hardly an inkling of the effort in- volved, 1om,tlme bdort your ar- rival ahe wu daahlng around the k lt.chen w1th her apron string• cracking. There seem to be two extremea In h<111tee.u, thoae whOH tlrst thought la of I.JI• food t hey will aerw, and thoae who t hink o! What they wtll wear to tht party. BetwffD th• two polH are varl· oua &dmtxturea or theM two point. ot view, and aome •m&rt women are actually able to think or bot.11 UlJ.Dga at once. 1JNEXnlCl'£D OUEErl'S Thtn ther9 la th&t jewel amonl' ~v• who can a.rwwer an un- i expected rlnc of the door -bell, Mnlle with pl .. ure at drop -In gu•t.a. and with the l'reat.dt ~Yoir-fa!re extend an lnvit&Uon 'to dinner, MCUre 1n tb• knowleqe that her emercency •helt &lid re- trtg-erator, or treu er1 a re well- lllocked tor ju11l 1uch ILn occaaon. The moral here t. that an ounce of torehandedn..., Hen out ot & can, la worth more Ulan a pound ot almoet &n7thln&' elM JOU c&n lh1nk of at Ult lut minute. BEKl!MBElt TBJ8 AN OMELm', made with care Mid .. rved with-a aauce, maku a l'ood COW'M for an unexpected meal, If your cueal.I aren't. too numtrou.s. F or two pe1'110n1, break four egrs Into a bowl. Add Mil and pepper and one-fourth or half-and-hall. Beat. wllh a fork until well blended. In a 11mooth- bottom •J<illet melt a one-In.ch •lice from a cube or butler. When lhJ.e lll bubbl1n1r and very hot, pour ln the el'ira. Give the whole thin&' a quick .Ur ~d then C!Ontent your- .elf with Upplnl' the pan f rom llde to-fide and llttlnr the omelet around the edre. u It 11et.1, ao that ~ liquid, uncooked part can run down under to r each the p&n. Wfghinwww Elect.cl as Ne• Secretmr William T. Wtptmaa, Newport 8-cb, adYieorJ' UU. ontcer In UM 'nU. In.Ill~ • Tnl8t Co.'1 Ban- ta .Ana office, hu bean tlec:led u- •l.lt.ant Meretary of the flrm, W. H . Allen, boaTd chairman, an· nouncu . Wl1htma.n Joined tJi. firm In lt 2! In Loe An&'91-and mowd to lh• 8anta Ana office In llNIO. Paint Contract Goes to Sargent Contract for paJnUnc addition• to l h1 Horace E nalsn and Harbor View achool11 was a wa rded to J . R. Sa rg,nt, Santa Ana painting con tractor at a pricl' or $10,17~ at a n adjourned mMUn( ot lht GARDINER'S CHECK LIST 1. PracUcaUy all f\owertn1 btdd~ pian t. can be wt ln now. ln a dlUon to Ult pop- ular typt1, w eb u mape. p&IUlu and petutllu , lr7 IOITI• or th• 1-commonly planted vartetlu . :t. It your lawn h&• not bffn fetUllM'd thlm aprtn1. I\ need.t It. A well-fertUllltd• vlCOl"OWI lawn m&rumlmu lawn web worm Injury. 3. Don ·t cut your lawn lower than l '11 lnchH. Short mowlnc frequently ea u.ea laWIU to turn brown due to 1unbumln1. '· Watch for lawn moth d&m- a1e. Control them by th• UH of chlordane or d leldtln. 6. Are your pear or apple tree• black on tht tlpe of t.he branchu? Jr .o, your lreet have bacterial tire bllcht. Your nurMryman wlU t ell you h ow to combat t.hla. the lowut of fin bide. The board tlien adjoumtd to bold a private meetlnc to dlacUN achoo! perM>Mel, their flndlnC• to be acted on at the next recul&r board meetln1. May. a. F<t!;.,d'J Mix11d CfJncrr1 111 WELCH' I llADY MIXED CONCRETE oos~f ~ ~"leas Qalac1 a Hwy •J& Bu~BcL Lea. Ml• P-.Dftlll1t1 Emil HorvaUl took out & •H.MO Co.ta MN& tNlldlnf l*'ftllt tor a .... 1c1ence and atlaohtd tvac• at 1 Tl W&lllut Place .Apnl 11. HOME LOANS Q·UJCI 24 HOUR SIRVICI LOW LOW •1t10UC ..... INTlllST RA TU El SY FRIEIDLY SYWA1'mlC 1C9 LAGUNA FIOHAL SAW.I • lOAH ASSOCIA1'CM mo.---. LAGUNA BEACH When the bolt.om ~ aet and the top port1ona have reached a trem- ul~ Jtlly·llk• at&h. tum oft the heat and with a •tul& fold the om.i.t over, Ulll~ th• pan to fa.- clllt&te matter&. Let It real a few HCOJldl to MlUe It.flt into It. new poeiUon, t hen let It .Ude out onto a hot MVlnC pl&le. G&rnlllll wilb p&nley and eltber pua a auce Mparatel)-W pour It aJ"Olmd the omelet on the platter. Newport Beach ell'mentary achool '=========================~ board. a cc:ord.ing to Roy O. Ander· ; lll'n. 11uperintendent. Sar11ent'• wu Omelet. llhould not be made In luger quanUtlc. than thill. lt y ou &re maJ<inc th'm tor four peoplr, UM two aklllel.I. Sa uc.:ee U.t co well with them are muahroom, ch-, oy.Ur, shrimp or tomato. Creamed !reAll vecet.ablea are allo l'OOd accompanlment..e. but be .urt they u e all mado and hot betore II.al'~~ to cook the e, .... DELIOHTFl 'L QUICIUJ: OREEN OAOI! PLUM'S make a dell~httul qulek de-rt.. llmpt)' the fruit f rom the can. lnto a ihallow o•m·proof dlllh, •pnn.kJe liberally wtlb brown wear. dot with butter and ba.ke tn a moder- ate oven until very hot and the •ynip bu reduced ll<>m-hat. S.. tore 11ervln1r them lrJlOOn a lltUe wa rm •herry or rum o•er them. COEUR A LA CREME I• a !rood dea~rt at th .. Umt ot year. For three per80n.fl, blend a three ounce JUST OPBN.1 FUBNITUBE aEnNIBBING 8BOP OP"'""" Bpednl Patio Funaltun tt.-flnlalted Jo'incat 8ynthellc. Enamel Vamlllll or Blain w. ·~·"" '" ANTIQUE & ZOIATONE fTh'l811.EK Phone For ICatimatH It Pick-up l!krv'lc• AUBREY ELLSWORTH '!OS! l'lacrat I& Llber't7 8-Tt6l Hartilor llJ '71 D&AJ'EJUE8 -VPHOLSTEIU.~O -8UI' OOVJ:U WALL PA.PU -CA.&PETINO OOM.PLl:TI: 11'1'"1'1:.RJOR DECOllA TINO LAMP UGHT SHOP %U S E. Cout Hwy., Corona ct.l Mar Ua.r1»or llUt R. Don.It/ H•ll (onstrurtion Catn,,.ny OS!'lt'gLU. CONTRACTORS H 2S..D W. C-t BWJ. S ewport Bf-M.11, Calif. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS For a lot of <-olor la your yard tllla _... .. r. SeedUnc pl&et•, cl\olee of ~W.. Carnation. J"k.otH nr bul&el IJpe. 111 lll'paratl" rolol"I or mbf'd. Wl' •LW laavf' a few bulk from l&c 5 & 10~ NURSERY ~'1!1 So. S e"'J><lrt Bl•cL -TtllJTIN -Cloeed TlnmNlaya ARCHITECTS M1111ben of America• IMtitwte of Arcllltects J. Herbert Brownell . William Blurock Philmer J , Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richa rd Pfeger ROBERT FORBES ...... l'901fll .......... the Richard leeso1 Comp1ny La11chcape Desitla •d C1Mttoctf1• ooaoNA on KA.a l'BOlQI ......... IAMll D. General Contractor I Builder ... c-...... OOSONA DEL llAJI Pll01'll •• ...... Boyer's lalboa Linoleum Co. -'-'CK BOYER - 2801 w. Balboa Boalnard • Llnoleum • Rubber 11.le • Cork • .UpbaJt ~ e Carpet • Fonnlea • ,. &cht • lutallaUoa Harbor 5319 NewpcNt leac• REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTIACTOIS BE80>ENT1AL -lNDUSTIUAL CALL HAJl801l 01a! roa E8TIJtA7E. WITBOVT CllA&GS lOl E. BALBOA BL\'D. BAUIOA MAX W. POPE Inc. REl'llDt:~Tl.AL • OOMM£ACI AJ. • DEVJ:LOPllENT 4ff7 Roi• Av. ~""·port Beach 11 .. 1 off S pt. fth·d. at JMll 1.lbforty ~tUU -(f];t J_ A l•I O ~llA~ G LUtO LAMI N,.._T[O Hf.M SE R S, GIVE C LEAR SDA.N, ,t.FFOR DI NG GQE•T S T Q E.N G TH AT l OWEQ COST . COHPLET E &UILOING UTl\.IT V DELIVERED TO JO& !>ITE. FQOM•t l ~ PER .SO.FT. OQ COMPlETtLY £.RtCTlO, INCLUOING ~L•&, FQOM • 1 9 PER. !>Q. FT. FOR COMMtQCl~L. FARM oq INOU~TRIAL ~t. AW'WHllU IN .SO. CM.IF. ) I , GUNS TAKEN FtlOM KIWY CAR, HOME :aoRTON I Coattnued ...... Flnt Pap dun't. Then lhu• ia the factor ot DEATH NOTICE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . 'A•E I MONDAY. APRIL 25, 1955 Theft ot three ~ from hla car or houae in Lhe put two month• wu reported to police Monday by A. E . KeJJey ot U l Via Udo Soud. He aaJd the mlaamr w.a- pona are a 30-30 rlllt, a 12 l'aUge double barrel ahot cun and a .410 three-ahot ahotiun. SUBDIVISIONS Coatlauecl from Flnt Pap wW be of three and four bedroom al.M. llALE IS CIT\' nu:o w.u :ros public example. After conalderinl' 1-~1111..ral 1<t'r\'1C'u tot J.'r•'J \\'al· DEATH NOTICE I all the tactora. I've dedd~ to ton, 78, or Kline D1 Ive. Costa ------------a-rant the defendant lhree yeara I ba I HI d I , lJ 1 Mr u . will !><.' ht'lJ T11f'~Jay In L w LACD"'U:LD pro t on. • r ver a cenae, • • I uf coun1e. will be au1pended. One Parkf' -Rullt-y Mortuary < hap<'l at IAl\llle Woollruw Lace!1eJ.J, 0 , ot the tentl.a ot probation la that 111 a.m. w ith lhl' Rev. M ~· C'ro~ic, ot 2131 Elden A vt .. Coata Ml'!UI, he abi1taln from un of lntoxlcat-putor of thl' A~s.·mbl~ ot God I dl<'d Jrrlctay. He wu born In CO\'l'. I lnr liquor. J Chur<-h: Cc•s lu :\lt>;<ll; ••ffh iallni:. Ark. anJ haJ llveJ In lhla conunun-1 Al110 he will ~rve eo d&ya In Mr "1111011 dlc·tl \\ ednPi.cluy 10 1ty ror lht' past 8"Vl'n y4.'11r11. In jaJI," I Aubu_rn oflcr an ex1 .. r11Je'1 llln'.'as. CalHornla for ia ye11re. Ill' w iu He \188 a native ot Omaha, l'\rb. the OWTlt>r or Woody'a All tC\ Body THRf:E L'\.ll'Rt:O anJ ha,t hvc•I m Cost& Me111l for Shop, Coeta J.ft'sa. I Corton wa.s arrnted after hla 20 )'t'an1. Sur\'n·o1 s ar<> two ba nth· car collldf'd with one driven by en, Claudt> of Catalina bland and WIUl&m A. Pratt, w ith hi• wife, Roa<.'r of Costa l leaa. Jnt.rmi-nt Mt.rgaret Pratt, 208e Thurtn Ave., will ~ In Harbor Rut Memorial Co11t.a Meaa, aa pauenger. The a r-Park. cldent occurred In Auruat, 1954, ------------ on Coaat H l1hway a quarter mlle RESIGNATION north ot B&lboa Blvd. Coatteaed from '11'11t 1Pace to eye" with Prealde:at \'. E. Mac- Carter on certain policies. DIFt~ERESCES Ht' 11 1un1vf'd by hia wlfe, J ean, and OM daughter, Kay, both of t.be homr: two brolhen, J ack or C'oeta Mesa and Lf'e ot Oregon: a l!iall'r, Mre. Pearl Pruitt of Lllytonvtlle. and his mother, Mu. JuiM·phlne l...acerleld, Costa Mesa. ServiC'ea 1\'t're conducted today at 2 p.m. '\t Balta Mort-.ry, Costa Mt'aa Chapel, wllh the Rev. JOHph McShane officiating. Inte ent wu 1n Hubor Real Me or1al Park. Both Pratte were hurt. 1iley since have tiled auit arainat Cor- ton for $300,000 damac-ea. Gorton aurvived aerloua lnJurtu hlmaelt. He haa been employed aa chief ln- apector ln the Amencan Pla.nt ProtecUon Co. ot Loni' Beach. • The league was tonnt>d 1tvt>ral • ------------,month• ago to lnVC'Sll!flll11 1111dJen posing the ~&-cent tax "override" Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL ·CALL COMMllCIAL SICUllTY PATROL Kl 2-7077 Costa Meaa City I• expected to complete It.a annexation ot the H&Je Company tract north ot Baker and eut of Harbor Blvd., thl.a month. Th&. ac.reage w111 be divided lnt.o 800 homeallea. More than •10,000.000 wtll be involved 1n th• project by the time It ta com· pi.led. 'nle Hale Company proj. ect ta t.nl&nd of the Of&ll6• Cout College campua a.nd runa up to the propoaed rtrht of way tor the San Dlel'O (Sepulveda) Freeway that will form a natural boundary ror the inland expanalon of the City ot Costa Meu. tu! lncreuu ln monthly paymtnts method proposed for ttnanctn« The Navy aubmarlne USS Tunny belnJ made on ntw homes lri tht• conatrucllon of a new Nf'W)'.>OT't a.;;=;;;:;;;;ili&iiSliO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m---~ ha.a been modJfl~ to enable It to Freedom Homes traC'l. Dlftert>nces Harbor Union High &:hoot Dia· ------------ launch Re(Ulu.a ru.lded mlallea. bef&n to develop when MacCarttr trlct 1chool In the Coal.a Mesa Many a b1-deal bu beea m9de luued public announcement op-areL lhroup a mla1l claMltled 94. ReacUTatton of the propoaed T La OoUece Manor aubdlvtalon on 200 00 fe fO .. a.er. ot th• Capron property ~ Claulfled twMn FalrVI-A v e., Harbor Blvd., Inland of \Wlaon St. and con-------------Uruoua to the Murray-Sa11dera tract wu revealed th.la week. 22--Loet Md FomMI )fore than a year ago the Dlller-J'OUND-Ladi• W11.t watdl In Kalsma.n Company of Bever!' IUDa Corona del Kar. Owner may four ht a aubdJvtalon map throurh claim by ldenuncatton Ir pay-the Orani-County Planning Com· mtaa!on provld.1111" for tha develop-ment of thla ad. Bos C-8:1, thla merit of that property into 1300 _P_a_pe_r_. -------•-3_1>4_5 ballding 11lt.e1 cont.ainin&' &000 .ii. tt. ot land. !8--8ltuaUw Wut.ecl CAPRON' PJIOPl:&TY orncm WOIUCl:K, aperlence4 Acc()rding to lntonnaUon a t tn penon.neL 8ecNtar1&l Ir Mlea band now th• pror'rt.y hu been work. Call Shannon, Bar. SMJ..J MARTIN . FURNITURE of COSTA MISA ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT ., CLEAN ALLEY-Under direction of Fire Marab&l W. C. Noller and Fire Inspector R. L. Humphreya members of Harbor Boy Scout Troops cleaned up one of the alleys in Newport Beach last week aa a start on Spring Clean-Up Week which 11tarted Satur· cfay and runi1 &JI this week. At top, they are shown busily gathering up the rubbish and at bottom they have lined up for inspection ot their job. Shown left to right arc Dan Pirrcc. Chuck Remley, L. E. Cock, Post Five Advisor; Art Remley, district com- mander of Harbor District Boy Scouts: John Cock and Doug Long. At the left arc the two fire officials. -Staff Photo aold by Capron to AlUaon Honer 43p4e Company ot Sant.a Ana and that ------------company plan• to develop It al once. More t.han $1:'>,000,000 wW SI-Wanted to '!!l be 11pr nt In tha home-bulldin,r proJ· rrt. A bu11lneM development wut a.1110 be created by Honer along the Harbor Blvd. frontage. The Col- lege Manor development will t&c:e the Soulhem California Bible Col- lege on the eut and the Fairview St.ate .Mental Hoepltal on the weat. WANT TO BUY-(or wtll trade! for) SrrWJ abl1>9 cloek. Boz c-&. thl• paper. 41p4tl WANT TO BUY PRIVATE PARTY lnter.ted ln buy1ng equity tn bo&t to 40 feeL Call Tracy at POplar 6-un. NORGE DEALER For the Harbor Area Special Introductory Offer - SPRING CLEAN UP-Nor1.h ~ 61o&6 Sewer tacllitlea already exlat on the property and It. ta In the area ------------ ot the former Sant.a Ana Army 32---.--for a.le SCOUfS Join firemen in NI SCHOOL BONDS UP FOR LOW llD Air Ba.le Which WU Included In .. IU9ilt~ tha MetropoUt.&11 Water Di.trtct. THau:-YEAA PllOOILUI SANTA ANA WCNSJ When tlle DIUer-K.alamaA Com-..... Local Move Against Trash Advertialng t or bide on '870,-pany propoeed denlopment ot Ule 000 worth of achoo! bond.a wu ,tract they planned to Jean tWQ !·~~·~-~91~!_!Dl:!!W.!!!t~•~---­lota for an addlUOllal ec.ta X-. uked by the Or&Jll'e County nn ataUon and a •t. focr & -TWO BllDllOOK. IC!fOITT l'Dfm Soard of 8upervl..aon ~y. e1-Mat&ry 8Cbool In t.IMlr 9U.bdS-L. ll., Ule b&u., a&aotna ldtcJlae. Mt1•t 1\1)111,. r11 e11 wciuld newr lhe alley1 lhal could well be clean-'filllon. Wh.U.. tile eaUre eollllllat.. ~ ....._.. tlulu 11 r 't•m. ll•pJ~n u evPryone k1·pl his home •d up. In th• party wue Dan A total ot ~.ooo 111 N.w-meat.a ol the tonner ....._..,. dr7. ~)Up TaOl'ICAL an11 yard n 1bbl•h rl'f't!. Pierce, Chud< Remley, John Cock port Bea.ch bonda wtU be aold propoa&lll will be MftW out ~ patao. x..,._ ~ ..,.. .,._ to the low•t bidder. Aleo up ........_ •-to -.. .__ This le lhr opinion M Fire CJuef 1md Doug Lon«. with L. ll. Cock. for a&le are $UO,OOO worth H-r bu not ,_. announced. ,._. --.. -· n J Uri1Ku". who 111 anJJouncing Post No. 5 advieor and Art Rem-of Garden Orove bond&. Honer Mid h1a wbole project wUl aeaped boat, UJ,600. tundtbed. l•y. dDttrlcl commander of Har-be ti--4 -• U.-.~r .., ~a a-. ....,._ .,.t. aprln& clean-up week, whkb •tart· bor Dlatr1ct Boy 8oouta. • n&opma8t ~ ...,... M!Salurd~y andrunat'hrough tb~ :..:._::..::.::..:.:.:_::.:.::_~:..:..::..:...... ___________________ ...;_ ________ ~~~~~~--~~~ w""k i\moni.: ('hid li11,..,,,.. ... blll(l:C?•· 1111111• a"' 111111 y11u 11·1n1.la.ily dlll· I I'""" 111 11<1'.R uld c101h1nii:. mat· 11 0 1w1, l111n1lu1 .. , lamp~h1Hlts anJ I ru1r.,.r• Kt'"r, your ~rounds l'l't• .. r r1N,•I s:.1 a,.,.~ "''••I' kn•1 tt .. ~h • .lllt t 111: T t1t:1»t: 1111~ 111.:' "'"' •lu .t '"''I'" "huuld I .,,. kr1•t 111 lllf'I KI 1•onta1ni-1s, 11n•I ,.,,.,, !lu "t' ICofll~. a ppllRnrl'l! I\.:' ;,,,.,,., • hull I I lw M• pt 11rrvlrNI 1111<1 "'' i\11 1<t11I oh! 1.r d11mn"""' •fll•l• 'h1111lt1 hi' '"J1ll1<Nl. Ir you1 ru .... ,. "'"" 1 •·r ln1 •· 1 hc-rn with Ir, 11mrhr1 • 11 n I r 'hr11• h!nw , all an elN'\ 111 urn Keep your "'oodwork w\'11 paml· ,.ti Knd In good repair, lncludln( I ,·nur roof • nd lhll1 •hould be pru- j e<"Ll''1 with flrP rt'11l111ant 11h1nglf'11. 111r1111. 11la1" 111 .. ur 1111bf'.t1to11 roof·' '"ir I tror you1 v1tllu1 • havP plenty • or uh traya availa ble. w .. 11 df't1lf11 · I'd and of 1uftlclent capacity YC>Ur furnace. chimney and heat- ln1t •Y•l4'm ahould bf' chttk"'1 and rlr11ne<I •t leut onre a yrar \1.U :V C'HF,C"K A• a I'"•: ur l IN111-11p week mem· IJ<'ra ot lhe Scout troopt are check- lnR allt) • in ="!!wport Bf'll< h 11nd Thunlday a 1roup or them Wf'nt out wllh W. C. Noller, flrp mar· ~hall and R. I... Humphrey&, fire ina~ctor. to look over 10me of HOUH. rllAJU ll INIVllANCI. AllfYWHU. .. A I el•••• .......... " ., ••• c ......... . Call DAN'S TV ~ -lte•tala . SaJft Uberty 8-2228 KATTRF.SSES ao.t. -HomH -Tral~n I ""'l"l lar Mllapf-e , LIMrt7 "·IMI 008TA MElllA llA1TRF88 CO. !I~ S__,ort Blvd. WA'n:A to:ATt:R!i SAlU . HlVIC' ••~ 11,AIU Joe P(j:;.~!o/J na,_.S It PU CfNT OOWN "'• .. H••M UM YOU WILL GET A BETTER DEAL from YOUR LOCAL DEALER HE is in business as a permanent part of your community ... His stability depends upon his reputation. HE expects you to be completely satisfied because his future depends on you. HE will meet any competition because he wan.ts repeat busi- ness -not "one timers .. • HE maintains a service plete satisfactio~ department that assures you of com- .,. • lft NEW CARS You Will Get a Cotton Goff Hausken Motors, Inc. Johnson & Son MiUer Chevrolet Lou Reed &. Assoc. Theodore Robins i II USED CARS Better Deal at Ho111e VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE M·G AUSTIN-HEALEY LINCOLN MERCURY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER PY MOUTH FORD .. Siace 1921 ot 2116 Newport llYd. other fo~lf'l make ca.re Salee a 8en1ce Harbor I 1932~1tvd. Costa Mesa 900 W. Coast Hwy. Llbefty 1-5545 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 1-2261 4323 w. c-• Hwy. Hal1Mw 4070 3100 W. Cont Hwy. (on Mariner'• )llltl Uberty 1-3471 l F R E E W1TH PURCHASE OF 1966 NORG& MOOS.: CS.1060 For • limited time only A 5 PllCI DINll 11 sn To Acquaint You with MARTIN FURNITURFS Complete New Une of 1955 Norp Afipl1nc• YOURS AT 110 New ••• Met .. DINITTI SIT lad 1'rn T.W. a .f a.... fonnlaa Tep TaW. Plastic C.•..d Cheirs . Reg. 569'5 value IXTRA COIT When you buy this NORGE ,RefriCJerator NEW 1955 NORGE "CUSTOMATIC" REFRIGERATOR·Dff ZER COMBINATION! ........ ...,,, ....... -~ .... .............. fl ·------..... .... ,llJI/ Cn;I rah AMl•lllle Mi ...... " ... ., ........ ~ .. <••poet ·-,_ All kJIMhef,..., PAYMINTS AS LOW Al $3.85 ::a o,... Friday lvetlifHJ 'ti 9:00 p. "'· (}overnmenl NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS. PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 25 , 1955 ''God 9rent UI the "renity to accept the things we cannot chal'ge· the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.)/ - ----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~ The Councl·1 BelongEs D I T 0 ~.~.~.~ •• 8 be (home with their !amlli ... Thie It a noble aim -but the city council wu holding it.a meet- ing. at night on Monday at 7 :30 when this city council to the Residents WU elected. They knew what they were getting into. Plam an UDderway by the City of Newport Beach Qty Coandl to chanp the meetin& of that rovernmen- tal body of thla oom.munity from Jta Monday night aea- aion to one on Tue9day mornlnr. To many this might IMlll unimportant. but to ua, and to a very large num- ber of property ownera of the City of Newport Beach, thla could well be a major cat.utrophe. The whole theory of government In thia republic of OW'll 18 to take the rovernment to the people; to per· mit the people in the lowest po.sible unit.a of govem- ment to participate in the control of their community, their county. their at.ate and their nation. 'the effort of the Newport Beach City Council to change ill ordinary meeting date and time from Mon- day night to Tueeday morning ia one that would of neceuity preclude the poaalbility of the ordJnary citi- aen partaking in hie local government. · We are a city that for a large part ill composed of a'beentee owners. That hu become le.. true in recent yean. And wi'th the advent of local owners we have become a city of part-time reprMentatlon. There ill with- in our community, a great number ot local tax-paying, voting reaidenll wboee occupation requirea that they abaent themaelvea from thill communJty durinr most of the daylight houra. Thia ia not true of our city council. Our city council in thi• City o3wport Beach ia compoeed of local peo· ple. Local in ence and of employment and persona who apend prac c•lly all of their day and night-time houra in this city. lt would aeem grouly unfair to u., for our city council. newly elected, to change ill meeting hour and date. Reeidenll and ta.xpayen of thia community have become accuatomed to the Monday night evening meet- inr. Thia 18 most evident to all who attend city councn meetinp. Our city council meeting ia much better at- tended than that of any other town of which we have information. We feel thla la a bMlthy altuaUon. Thal ll abouJd be encounced at all co.ta by the city officlala and ~­ denll of the City ot Newport Beach. We would like tQ point out -'" hope with pudonable pride -that Jt _... the aupport of the .o-called at.entee ownen which defeated the ~nt effort to trade off a portion or our public beach to Wle State of Califomia. We feel that everyone in th'8 city la now glad' that thia wu done. We have teen proved in the Jegialature of the State of California atatemenll that we made in the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRESS that oil waa at the bottom of the effort of the state to acquire .everal additional block. of our beach. Local i.Jdenll felt that the beach in our area of the town abou1't be preeuved at all coet.a. They did not think of the creat co.t they were conai~ring. But It wu th• caretul contemplation upon the aubject by ao- called out-of-town ownera who came here and fought ardently for tht protect.Ion of that which they have tried for yeara to protecL It waa the effort or thoee owners who hurried back from their Loe Angele. officea or their Hollywood buai- ne911 placee or their Puadena eatabliahmenll who forced the city councll to undertake a program of cuh acqui- •IUon, rather than a trading propo&ltion . We feel that the City of Newport Beach and ill city council abould at all timea encourage the attendance at, and participation In city council meetings. Adequate participation cannot be expected of the buain.ea man or bi.a wife IF the city council meeting ta to be held at 10 o'clock in the morning on any mom- tnr on any day ln the City of Newport. Beach. A buaineee man who muat make hi11 living in Hol- lywood or Loa Angeles or Puadena or even in thia com- munity la long gone about hia day's routine when 11uch a meetinr would get underway. A housewife cannot reaaonably .ee her apouae off to work, her children t o acbool. and prepare henelf for a public met'ling by that 10 o'clock deadline. No, we feel that thia ia an unfair meuun prompted perbape by the deaire or our city A Dr1 n' t' i.... ._......_ tw 0..r r91't7 y..,. • I •.tw;t ~..:::.·=w..~--t._ M.a I eil 0rMse o-(7 N-. S."'IN DK Rmlll>ICI[, P'UBLDHEft WJJ.UA)( A. Mou:a, Ult.or OIUttllMD &. lltOtnn'lt&.m. Acf\oert.lllnc Director C8AJU.ll8 A.. 4JUISTRONG, Mec.banlcaJ 8upertntendent They knew of the liabilities that they were assuming. And it is their bounden duty to discharge their obliga- tion u councilmen to the people of the City of Newport Beach under the same reasonable circumstances that prevailed at the time they were elected. The greatest service to the people can be renderd by an evening meeting. late enough 110 that a man can be home from work, early enough 11<> that all will be reasonably freJJh for the evening'• duties. And yet. '&Vall- able enough that each voter can take part in his unit of government of the City of Newport Beach. We believe that the change contemplated by the City of Newport Beach ia a wrongful program and will only lead to the deterioration of local government. The greateat strength in this democratic form of govern- ment of our Republic of theR United Stat.ea ia the amalleet unit of government, the ~-rooll, the city and town. Eliminate the Unnecessary Eda. N'ote: The f'Ollowbag 19 a reprint of an editorial whleb appeared Im the Fullertoe Daby Newa Tri· buae, April U, 19M. At a time when the Orange County Board of Su-. pervieon ahould be aerioualy considering ita pocket- book and finding waya and meana to economize in every way it aeems to-tiave failed to learn the fact.a of life. Tueaday the Board of Superviaon voted to proteat the inclualon into the City of Newport Bea.ch by annex- ation of the approximate 620 acres underlying the Upper Bay. Why, ia beyond our eomprehenaion. Are the Board of Superviaora and it.a Orange Count- ty Harbor Commiaaion afraid that they might la.e aome amall area of the doma.in they rule-even it that domain ia ahaJlow awamp Jand occupied by moequitoea and carp! It would eeem to ua ln the north portion of Ora.np County that the Orange County Board of Superviaora ahouJd be trying to find way• to abed ltaelf and the population of the county wit,h the re.ponaibility of the Ora.op County Harbor DiatricL Now la the time when that taxing agency should be diaeolved. We believe it logicaJly should be abandoned to the City of Newport Beach. That community bu come into aome amall •hue of tideland oil revenue and If we understand the laws correctly. thoee revenues can only be u.eed for the de- velopment of the "harbor and fiaheriea." Certainly Newport Beac!l will not be Inclined to inveat city funda in the development of the Upper Bay if it la not within the city. Thia i11 probably why the Irvine Company ia interested in seeing 11<>me of ita land around the bay annexed to Newport Beach-at leut they have not been heard to protest. The Orange County Harbor District wu formed to develop Newport Harbor, practically every square inch ot the county la In the district and voted for bonds for the work. The work is done, the bonds paid and in fair- neu to the beach community it ahould be pointed out that it hu paid more than it.a share of taxes to th~ county. In fact the bonds have never coat the county- you and me-one cenL Revenue8 from taxation on the boat.a moored in the Harbor have more than paid the bill. Why not end even the small charge now on the tax bill? Why not dlasolve the Harbor District, abandon all ill rights and prerogatives and possessions to the City of Newport Beach in ·the interest of county harmony and economy? Why should we of the north county area pay any more for unnecessary employees duplicating the work t hat city employees must do when that city ia well able to pay it.a own way? The county would still gamer for it.a treasury all the property lax now levied and personal taxes too. It could eliminate dozen• of jobs on the county payroll, and quitclaim it8 property in the area permitting New- port Beach· to d~velop It.I own future and facilities for the benefit of the entire county. That aounda Uke good buaineu to u1. Farmer McCabe Writes ... It'a gettin tougher and tougher fer the guy who hu to drive a car theee dayf ... what with all the car mak- era turning out can that'll go futer and faster. and all the cltia poeting 15 and 25 mile Speed Limit sigrui. And on top of all that, the police all over are equipping their cara with e.lectronio gadgell that'll record any car's apeed automatically ... It'• no wonder that ole J ohn Q. Public bu got a 1-d cue of Driving Jittera here lately. Farmer McCabe. (all rtrhta r..:rved) Grass Roots Opinion ClilSHOLM, MINN., TRmUNE-HERALD: ''The new French Government's milk campaign ill designed to curb alcoholism ... The government cniaade ia a noble one, but u•e all cruaadee it will not be acceptf'd eully. The French people, like all othera in the free world, dia- llke belng tolJ what to dMnk by their governmPnt.'' -. .. ,/ ... ./,. '. / :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY J 0 URN AL :~RACE PARKER 1E4. Nolr -Thl• ~wn• by HnrM'(' Parkrr wlll ._. wt .. , ... llUl&oknowa lll•lori<'al fM•t• he ha.a dl'Mf1!CI up ta Illa ...._, &rtpe Into Ute t.c-k eooatry In ffttnt YM"-) One of the stories of the desert that seared itself on my mind aa a kid waa the one about tht sidewinder and the night operator. When the "tower" at Hick1 on the Santa Fe Railroad near Barstow was in its heyday three "tricks" of operators kl'pl 1l open 24 houri per d11y., lePd water prepa~. In l"nt't1tl, Train ordrr.s Wt're phone•I to the 1n1111en1e lht' mrmh<'r b1llen 11r \'lrouus nre1 Blnri, by l h«' <1111p1ll'h· l!tUnlf in lhe 11'1'<1 Wiiler ""'II bo•· e1• 1n ..:1.o1 n"1 n111d1110 11nd U1111 Is yon1t th" tocoetlon of thfo llpture. what ko•pl th<' ltl:\lr111 runn1111t m TIME \•ARJF.8 order and nol mto e11rh oth,.r 1 "I. Aftl'r the hand, or other CettirtB 1"e Poinl The 01d,r11 wl're then 11m1pped ml'mbcr, haa been In lhl' k-ed WM· under a spring 011 a "hoop" which I ter .for fl\'11 rnlnutet1, the llgat 11r11 waa a circle of wood with a han-m~ be n-moved, but the hand 1a die. The opl'rator would atand In kl',.. In the k ed w11ll'r for a t 14',.hL front of hl11 1tatlon In the flood-I two hour11-If the 1ttacklna 111- llrht• and a11 Lhe tral.r\ came M<'t waa one of the two ltitlu•I throurh rather 1lowly, fl~11t the 111eorp101u, no u rloua df~ta will fireman •nd then the conductor be t'Xperlenced alter Ulla Ume. Y . r would ~rup a hoop ln their crook-rattll'snak.. or other ptt-vlpna, ed arm11, remove the ineaaa&"" and the l!me element will depend upu11 tOlll It b1.ck to be picked up by the 11.ze oC t he atl&cklnr animal. the operator. By the Ume the mea· At leaat alx boura wlll h. necea- HJe had been removed and hoop Ar)' 1n order to prevent MriOU8 toued beck again lt wu u1U6lly dutnictlon ot tl•ue. J'or a large a 100 or 1~0 yard.a down the r11ht· rattleanake the patient raay h1.ve of-way. lo be treated fOC" H to IO boura. READERS WRITE 8NA.llE BITE Owing tbla time lt l8 lmperaUve One ntrht one of the operatora that th• pallent tM kept warm llO In retrievln1 hi• hoop. fell a •harp that circulation throup all parl.8 Dear Editor, thl9 letter 19 ln reply to one 1 received from the FOR. I want any correspondence with that orrantutJon to be very publtc. I would appreciate your publlllhlnf th.la llO there can be no mlaundenit.andtnr. Thank•, JULIA DELPHJNO Open Letter l'ellow ot Reconciliation OM SunMl Blvd .. Lo• Ancelet 29, C&llfoml• OenUemen: Many thank• for the l11t of your Rertonal Committee. In my work every blt of Information 11 Uat>ful In traclnC the intricate pattern and lnterloc>Onc acUviUea of dif- ferent lndJvtduai. and orpnln.· tlon1. The ll•l hu been very help- ful u a prellmlnary check 1how1 that at leut alJr oC the 1' namu on lt have been cited at eome Ume. A.a JOU muet nallM, ruearc:hlne u-._.. a. Ions and arduou. worll .-4 l 111&-'t ba4 U.. Uln• to do Ul&e M 79t; lwwutw, P-... bear wtth me and 1 a.mure you that I wlll r•t al"OWld to dolnc the complete ll•t. eventually. For quite aome time I have been lnteruled In the record of A. J . MuaL.e, your Nallonal Secre· tary. accordtnr to the leaflet di•· Lr1buted alt.he March l. 19:s6 meet· lnr. I am v-ery happy to 1hare my tlndlnp with you. Will you plea.e remember that th11e citation• and the wordtnc of them· i re not my worda but thoee of duly cooatltut· ed commltte .. and lhe wllne•e• that appeared before lhoM com· mltff• ! May I 1u11ut that any- one who I• lnnocent hu only to .eek r edreH In th• court.I and theM commlltH• will be obUptAd to clear the Innocent pereon? Rather than be an&TY at me for bellevl"-and copytnr public docu· menta, why not cont.act lhue committee. and ltffk redre• ! You 1eem to be objecUnr to ··guilt by ueoclatlon" bill whether In bt>haU of Mr. Sanborn and Mr. N"ff or In ~alt ot the ACl.U and the FOR la not clear. Permit me to quote from a U. S. Supreme Court ruHn1: "A teacher work• In a een•IUve area In a .choolroom. There he 1hap.!• the atUtude of young mind• toward the JW>Clety In which thl'Y live. In thl1, the atate haa a vll.&I concern. lt musl pn1· &erve the l11tc:1rlty of the Khoola. Th•l the .chool eulhorlltu have th" right and duly to ecrun t.he <>ftlclt.11, Leachera &nd .. mployee• u to their f1tneh t o malntAJn the lnte'1'lty of L:ie achoob u a part ot ordered llOCiety. cannot be doubted. o n .. ·• •.oclalu .. ,.at .. d prewat, u wl'll aa one·1 conduct. may properly ~ c<>n•ldered In delerml11ln1 f1Lnn1 and loyally. f'rom tlm" lmm .. monal. ont''11 ni· puta tlon ha11 tH-en tletf'rmlned in rart by the c<>mpany he keep" Ln the employment of official• 1.nd tuchen of the 11ehool 1y1Lem, the 111.&te may nry properly Inquire Into the company they kf'ep, and we know of no rule. con11tttutlonal or otherwlllt', that prcnnu the etet... whf'n df'tlrmlnln,; thl' flt· n""" and l(•Vlllty of PUCh pl'r11on•. (1 om conJ01dHlnf: Otl' orpnlr.aU- and Pl'"'on• "'·Ith whom *""'1 ... 10oclat4-." IThe empha..111 Ill mine.) AA for Mr M111'te, 1 heve two full Pill:'~• rif 11tand1rd typewriter ~h,.rt~ flllrol with reff'rencu on him, •nd nf rr•urio .. rannol poll•lbly luwr th• m t1ll prlntl'd. You may sUld)• th" 11sn1• r'poru. 1f you rtoubt my veracity. He le l11ted 11s a member ot the Al"l"nsemenu Crom.mlttee of the American Lea· '?Ill' Agalnat War and J'udam. 1 Jnvullgallon of Un • American Propapnda AcUYltle• In th• Unit· rd Statu-Speclal Commlttff on Un·Americ:an Acllvlllf'-Hou,.. ot Rt'prt:.entallvea -ApJ>endlx part IX, p. 428. l The American Le•lf'M A111:ain1t War and J'a.ac:l1m hu bel'n dted u aubvem•e and Com· munlat by the Attomt'y Gentral ''even rl1 a tlon1 liltf'd In tht Gulde tn Sub~nlve Orranl&aUona, pp. 1'· 20 I . "On pare 771-AppendlA IX-we rtnlt that Rn. A J MulJle. Ameri· ran U.hnr T,.mplr, "''U a 11~aktr on P&J\'I JI -"The Church and th• Challen,.. to Democracy" -oC Greater New Tork Jr.mercency Conference on Inalienable Rt1hu, Room 6-08. 2 Wut Ord Street. New York, held Feb. 12. 1940. What • Uncoln Dey celebration and what a ahame that Rev. Mu1te didn't know the Or·eater New York :Emer- gency Conference on Inalienable Rlfht.11 wu a Communl1t Jl'ront! (Gulde to Subvenlve Orsanl&a· Uon1. p . M .) Thia ienlleman'e acUvttlu may be traced turlher by read!.."IS pp. 1109, llU, 1170, 1309, 1529 of tbl1 Mme Appendix IX. He la al.80 found on p. 48 of the California 11th Report, Senate Inveatlgatlng Committee on Education. AllO th.e 4lh Report, Un-American Actlvt· llee In tllf. taku note of the gen· Ueman n p, 109. Don't go away, thl• I• ly the beJlnnlnr! Turn. now. to Index v-cwnutaUve In· du to PubllcaUona of the Commit· t.. on Un-Amertcan AcUYitlM <W~. D .C.), .January lt, 1961. '111.-. -ftlMI ...,.,..,,.. to the DIM fteport-pp. 112.f, 627, 528. 531. 535. 638. 683-~. e-01, 829. 831. see. 8&e. 890. 101-102. with !'9Ctrrnce1 to ('onflrmlnr tf'1llmony pp. 2189. 2173, 2183. 29i8, 3022 and 3023. On p. 683 of thl• rl'port wit find that Brookwood Collt(f' waa ee· ta.bll1hed under the le•der1hlp of A. J . Mu1te and on pp. 701 and 702 we find much lnureatlng Informa- tion. He I• ll1te•l H vlce pruldent and treaairrr ot Brookwood. Let'• con81der Brookwood Collere brld· ly: It v.·u e1tabll1hed In 11121. The December 1. 1921 l•u• ot Inter· natnonal Labor New1, official or- ran Of the American Jl'edeBtlon of Labor, contalned an article "labor Coller• 11 revealed by Woll and o,..,n u Jl'r1md and Advocate of Communl1m." Vice Pruldent Woll 11.&ted th1.t A. J ?o(uate wa• a Communl1t member. An article In th• Auru•t 9, 1928 luue of the Stu , Wuhlng'ton. D. C.: "Ba.n Labor School u Communlet - American FederaUon of LAbor aak1 Unlon11 to wtlbdraw •upport of Brookwood College. The flll"<'U· live counril of the A mf'ric.an Fede· ration of C..bor hu ordPred a ban placed on Brookwood Colltl(t . at K.tonab, N. Y. Brookwood 11 pat- temed 1.ftl'r the f11mou11 Ruskin College and h11 b,...n called th,. 11ul of labor lu.rnln1t1 In Amf'rlca. Thtt charre apin•t Brookwood ll, of courM, that It 111 out or a ccord with the pr1nclplu and pollcln ot the AFt... which mean• that It.a teechlnfll are C'ommunl11t " of the body euept the po&.oned blt4 on hla wri.st and the 1ur1e member be Cood. It UM lndlYidual of blood through hla body made him feel u If he were on fire. He la bitten on an area other than died before he could reach the 11ta.-the extremltlee, a tarp lc•pack Uon. Next m orning when they of finely divided Ice may be used. found the body, the S·•haped It ettlyl chloride la avall1.ble, t$ck of the eldcwlnder led over lhf' temperature of Ula lnvolved the llOft Hnd and Into the desert. tlNUe can be reduced more quick· The "bile" wu plainly vlelble on ly. An area approximately thr«'e hi• wriaL Whether he died of a lnchea around and lncludtnr Ute heart attack or the venom no one 11lle of the bite or •Unc c».n be wlll ever know. 11prayed, taking care not to freeze Jn the February l9:13 laaue of the tls•ue. Ti1la can be accom- "Arisona Highway•" 11 • rtprinl pll11hed by epraylnf only to the 01 an artklt' by Hr rbert L. St.thn-point of fro11t formation. Aftf'r ke PhD, frum, lhe "American this has di.appeared, the proceaa Jo~mal ot Tropical Medicine and 11hould be repeated. When an ar"a HyJiene." In which he dtacribu 1 he.a been thorourhlY chilled, It can his "l-C Tnatmtnt oC Venomoua bt' held In lhat condition wllh an Biles and Slings." He clalm.t the Ice-pack. Jn ca.ae of 111ake pollon- 110-called ''cut-and-11ucllon" t r"f'at-Ing, whtre the awelllnc Nia •d· menl la not very effective. Brief· vanced beyond the 1lte of th• bite. ly he worke on th& theory that by the appendag-e •hould be lmmer11l'J u11lnJ a ligature then chilling the In lr,ed w~ter, or pa.eked 1n cru11h· ere• Involved with either le' or ed 1 1::i· v. ell above th~ &,.. of ethyl chloride. the activity ot lhe 1We bffl'L CHLOIWDS Yenom la !Uowed down, the Ice cuta down clrcul&Uon and the In ualnr cryotherapy, the l.llJUaJ body'a def•-can eventually paJ.n upeneoced dvrtr-.r LIM flnrt OY'ercom• UM po'-'. rive minul• mu.t not lllie O«tfua- JCE Tll&ATKENT .ect w1U\ Ute action of the ,,.,,om. •. Ukl'WIM, there la no danrr of 1. Place a Upture. 1 llfht tour-frotit bite where the lced w1.L.,.,, nlquet.1 at once betwl'en t.hl' •Ile wilh nolhlnS added, Ill u.ed. When nC I he bile or •ting and tht' b«ly. KOlng Into wild rou ntry, the camp. but u nur the point of entr11nce tr hunt~r or eclenlllll can i·arry of the venom &a polliubl.-. A heavy 11e~traJ metal tube.I of ethyl chlnr- plece of 1tr1 n~ "r llhoe-t.,ir.-wlll 1d,. to b~ used In lieu of let . Jt aerve very well L'< a llg11ture Tht Ule procedure ouUlned •bove 111 ligature can ~ df!'tlf'd by "''Tip-uaed, one tube ran be made to lut ping the atring thre" or four about 30 mlnute1. ThUtt, two lube11, llmH around the fln1i;er and then 1 under normal condltlona, would twl1L1nc It tightly, lo lhe point of ftve wftlcltmt Ume to fet to "'" J-aln, by mun1 of • •ma ll 11Uck. 11.nd or a phye.lclan.'' nail. or Olher 1ulta ble obJl'<'l. Do This 11 "an11.ke 11eaaon" end If no' nuuu• _, lnC'lalon11 at the •Ill' you and the k lda are r otnr Into of t'"' bUe or •tlnf. thr bruah country and deaert ll "2. Now place a piece of lee might Jl'il.Y you to dJllt'UAe thl11 on the 11lle whllt prt'panng a 11ult· l'm4'rgency t~atment with your able ve.,el oC cn.i11hed ice and wa-loc1J phy11tatan and carry e couple ter. of metal tubf-9 of ethyl chloride "3. Plau th,. entire hand In the with you -J do. Of couree, you MY ' "''' IHI" pac1r11t11, .. 1 would like to jflve an added note to lhlll ~c;;tlm 11. Communl"l control of the "pNce movement" outalde of Rus~1• wu , "'vl'a.led Jn a rrporl of the Stv,.nth World Cong-rue of Y.e Comm1111.11t International h .. ld In Mo11eo•• In lll2~. In whlrh It wu ataled th11l l "wl' mu11t penetr11t1' amon1 th" pacifist muee• and ra.rry out thl' work of f'nllrhtml'nt a moni th,.m . 1111lnt form• or ori;anlutlon incl action, which are adaptet1 to thr. lenl or con.clou8tleM of thf'M mauea and which (Ive them th,. poaalblllly of taklnlP; the rlr•t 11tep In the effective 11tniggle aralMt war and capltallem. We m111l Vlke two lhlngw Into account. The tlr.t I• that the orpnlzaUon of the paclfl•t muau cannot and mu•t not be a Communl1t orcan11:allon; the 1econd la that In worklr.& In thl1 orl'Jll&&Uon Communl1ta m111t neHr Jive up uplalnlng with the C"&tUl patience and ln11l11tl'nce the!? oWTI view point on 1111 prob- lem• ot thl• 11trug-glt 1plnat wer." -J would like to ca.II you:-•I· tenUon to one.. more quote, thl1 onr from the Ca.lit. lllh Report. s .. n- ate JnYe1t1cat1•1 Commltt"" on Education. On p. 81, •It.er •nera.I Jlal'"" of name1 of the 1lpeni of • dublou1 o~n letter, We rt"" tht foUowtnr In bfavy type: "TI:;: rom- mlllf'e notu wjlh • rrut deal ot oonc.m that nearly ail of tht 1lin· en are elth~ profe..,,.. or cler(Y· men .•• ni. Communlllt Party, u hu prevtoualy bffn noted. la di· rectlnc tu major etton. toward lnnltratln« f!duc:allon and rell(ion The 111rn1.tnl"M of 0111 ~tltlon "'°"Id lftdJcate U\e IHl'Dkn CJ( ' ONLY PART OF Tlfli;M -These rattle9 of over 400 enakea were killed in th<' past 40 yeara by Leonard Smohl in the Auld Country near Murrieta. -Horace Park• Photo thoee profu11lon1 are llO blind to lhl1 dang,.r a11 to tho11ghtle11ly p t' Co algn Rllltl'ml'tilll In Whll'h th"Y llo oe s mer not bell""" And wh1rh r1rn not !)" pr<>~-" Gentlemen. I 1.m wondtr· t In h w mt1n art blind and lilPRl-.c; TUfr. OS THE Dt:l'UT C 0 Y 8prlnir; llml' on t ht lltll'!rt. dle thoughtle1111 and h•JW many 11 re a ir llO ht;hl and frtof' worklnr tor Ru11111a. :-:ow dt> nf'>t SunnAe o rr I.he mount.a.In t~ ~y that I called 1nyonl' a Crim· a glonrou• 1111tht t•> twf' munl11t. I h•ve given yo11not•r,.nr ·1 \\'1th •II lhl' colnr1 of th• ,..,._ bl1w biulnl( (•'"r the 11k v ,.,. and I crrlllnly h11pe lh•H )'OU Anti '"' thf ,.arly tla\\'n br•a](1 are •blf to rnd lln•I tmt.l .. 1•llln•t lhrn11~h. yrou no l••n 1t"r hru Vie c-ommlttee rrporlll 1: th""" re-t11yolf' l'ry. port• &rf •l fault rontar l th" I Anti now anoth"'" day a tM!IW'o v&nou• rommittt r•' ant1 fr"' "'" y•111 "•Ill .... 1h"' fl .. wrt'11 m)'ftle alghl rl'cord atralghl. Othnwt,.•• 111" , ,.. j ()( th• c ar\llll 1111 In bloom, penll, c11rd 11t1.1td•. By the way, Jlll•l "''hy gnl11 1n11 whlll' IH" you IO up In "'m" o""r th"'" A11 th• 1111nPt r1 f'"PI o'• th• t"''I> Jfntl"m"n 1n " 11m111l "' hool mo11nt111n tnp with • b1Jutn1 trail • "f i;rilt1 dlf\rlcl · ·rh"n ynu'll ~nJOY tM r~• Ve17 truly y!lur". ~t,.11 11n11: n'"r th,. d11~r1. bt'IM. JHLIA OELPHJ,.:f) By BE8SIE SUTHDU-Uit>. llU Mue Drift. 217-Und ltreet '· . ' Spud in Oil Well Outside Mesa Limits R lrhfielol'• No. 1 1·0,.111 ~'"~" "''ell ,. ... ~ 11 putldf'd ln Thur•<l•Y ju~t unrth at !he <'ily b1nll11 an,t fl.St of l'lar••ntla St. T~.e ~ ... ,.,.i,.,. 1>\f'" w1111 dr\Jl<."d !n !• and s"t bv "'"ktu .. n nr ~l ~~lul!rn C'on11tn:r1ion C'll .• nt IP ni: Bl'1r·h. 1n ll f!<'ld which had brf'n rt1·enlly !)ulll\oi:,.d "n•l [l'\'l'le1I off for con· a·tnLC'1!on r u1pn""ll. OIL BAN BILL BY ASSEMBLY: ON TO SENATE SACRAMESTO -1'w: A1- 11embly Tuf'.aday approvt'd a bill 1.1·hich would prohibit all .._&.r:!_lling from affahor-.! taland1 a!a ng the 11outhern half of 0:-e.nc• County'• toaatline tor the neKt 20 yl'art. Th• me .. _, ure·11 author. A-mb\)•man E1rl \\'. St•nley of Baltio. I•· !1tnd •&yl the bill v.·oull\ •P· r ty from the mouth of th• Sant11. Ana R lv~r aouth, The bill would •llow devel• orim.,nt of oil Ln the lidt'land1 oft the 11<11.1lhtrn half of the <'ll\Ull)' only lrom a al1nt drill· !n~ method. 'nle Senate mli.lt approve lhe mf!uute. . HAR BO RI AREA CAFEMAN RECITES LIQUOR DEAL Ray Trevarrow Alle«Jes Payoffs For Licenses in Majestic Bar BANTA A!'JA (OCNSl-Durin1 lhe llqu<i°r Ucense COl\,!lp1racy trial Monday af H. E. ?.lacKenzia and George A'·u one Nt•o:port BraC'h ca.tt'man told at •lltged payorr.- tor llcemu. a nd ?.fac.KPnl lt', but chargfll 111·er<1 dropptd wh.,n ahe !Uml'd 1l•le'1 l'l'ltllt'U. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&E 1 MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 • ~pUrt • Mai•l"'"'"nre • laatal-.U..m ST AFFORD & SON 110 "N t;u '""I I •UL"' f:l.f.:l 'Tt(I( '-' L I '11.' .. T llAC 'TOKll l'hnn .. l .l ho·rly 8-14.\9 Rh· .. n hle A\'f'IHll' !l.tl'o"(>Ofl ._., TlllNANS Completely leb1.1 ilt T'l',EWRITllS Ovntandin11 Volua1 $-,,950 'ortobl• QI low QI • • • • £ -TY,IWR11ll RlNlAlS - I i.C!l nc~ 1u -·-•-H. US Bonds u·p for Orange County Or&n1a tounty rcaldenll tnve.t. I)~\;;:::::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;!::;:;:;;;:=:;::::==========:::::::::;~ T~.!.• 111 The \\·•·II f<'r wlur h !hf' R1<hru·hl c ... rr,•rntly obtolllNI a C'OlHTly ~·11r utnr(l on 1· .. romnu•11d11· tlon or th" Cnhlll !Toi ~~" l'!:inn1ng •Commill~inn. The. <'O•np11ny took th<! pl11nn1n1; l'(>f)1n1i.•111.-111 to I.Ong Bf'.1th rtrrntl.\" 111111 ~hn,.·r.t p1r· tun•s nf h,,...,. a wrll r11n bl' Oflf>l'll\"d 1.1·1!lu,ut .,,.,.,01n1ni; 11 nni~>Lll<'o.' to· the nl'1J::hbo1h'">Qt1a!on1;111·11h op<'H•- tlon nf ~uC'!I eq ulpllll'nt r.n !hf! carnpany'11 l.ong Bl'11rh \l'l'lls. MacKenzie. •Uspended liquor •d· mlnlatrator or Orange. R1••era!cte and San Bem11rdlno counl\r1, and A.vu. Santa An• bar owner, •r' accuffd ot the unlawful ~king ot --------------1111'1.llOO for arra.ngtnc on·••!t l'n· ~d n1ore n1on<'y 111 U, S. uvlng11 bonds In "farch than in any n1onth 11nC'e the 111·or, a<":cord1nl( to Rolan<\ A. \Vrlgl1t. C'o1nmun\\y a11vlng1 bond chair1nan of Ne111·port Bf!11.ch. RICHFIELD STARTS CM WELL Spudding in of the new Richfield \VC'll just north of the Costa Mesa city limits started rarly Thuri>dny morning when Dick Recd and E. Coffman. both of I~ong Beach set up a drilling n1achinc tn ('l'1·(·t the scr\'iC'C' pipe. 1'hey ar~ shown above taking out t he firt;t dirt of the oil \\'C'lt. -Staff Photo ' ' I I ) .. . ' ' ~ ..... "•,,t,."I!~~~~'. ' ' I --- Frl•m thl.'1 ,..,.ll ~!Ir thf' r nn1 p11ny haR ~Hh! it cnn "'hlp~tuck 11nd1·r An)" of it11 prtal'nl ltll~t~. ,~~~~~~~~~~ McKenzie Hosts 100 Policemen TRIBUTE Week Heralds Investment in America Th11 week or April 2:1 w'lll m11.rk th.A fifth annual 0~111rv•nc• ot Invest In America V.'eek, accord· ing to \\'m. L. O"Bryon, of Mor1an a: Co. w ith otn cea In Corona de! Co;.ta ~fl'.'lll Poli<'e Chif'f Art l-far. 1'lcK1'nZlr •w•s h"~I \" eppr.ixl· 1n1111·ly 1no nll'•nbfr.'I or 11r11 ni;:e l"(,Un!y Pe;ire Offi<:l'r.\ A S.'IO<'l!H lon "1ur1ni; 111nnthly nit•etlni;: Jn l!a.r· Colncldentally "1th thla n•Uon· wide tribute to American tnve•l· mrnt1 O'llryon announl't'I a lll!rle• of local meeUng11 dealgnftd to di• <'UIS lndlvldual lnv111lment prob-hnr llou&e \\"e<l11,.~day n1i;:ht. Harry !Tolayron, n<'wly llJlpalnted f"HI ~rerinl lll:•'nl "'Ith nffkl" tn S11 n Diego wa11 Introduced. F.nlr1·1;11n- nirnt \\'B~ ['lro\•frttd by J)irk 8<'1"f,\'• n1 /ln Rn rl Gary l.1 n1·l>1"1'1")" l'f llrlr• hnr H igh Sc.~\. d11.nc1'r1:1 f1on1 lhe l)nrolh.v Jn StnJio J.nJ 1>•n1>•'r t:hris Thun.,tron1. • •> •• ... • • " ltma. StartLnr neKt ~lontt.y and con· tlnulng throu1h Ma.y 23 tree ad· mit111!on aeuto111 wlll be hrld ln th• Community Conrr•r&Uon11 ChurC'h In Coron• drl Mar. !:~"11 suc~1111lv• ?.lond•Y durinr 111 .~- • '. . --• •. lntt.. .............. 1br n,.,,. l'lR.hnr"1'"'""'"' \J ,.,..,," \\t-.111r!•ir ~ 5'd..--~I ----nvm!•·1 111 \lrrc:ury '1 ~-tty~ Moold.u-&el- Now-Mercury Montclair 'Dream Car styling in Americas lowest-silhouette 4c1oor sedan n.. some beauty !hot hos mode the Mercury Montclair hardtop Coupe one of the year's hott•st cars is now avail- oble in a 4-door model. "!"lit' \i"nl• J.1ir li:ir,lt"f' j".,upr h ~• \,rrn r111J,.,l An,,•rir,1·! nH•<T 1~:i111i!t1l r.u. ~l.u1y 1• 11,.:!11 11 "11 ~ii:l1 1. ~I.any .,fhrr• .. n11!•"I '" l·u~· IL 11111 11.ry hn.I 111,,: f11milie<. Tli1·y 1o .1rt1'"l rh .. t~'Jlfl)" <'f ll1r )1nn t.1.11r Lui ncrdt'tl 1l1t r f•l1't'lli•·O··r 1•f II r .. ur-<!"<" Ill<"'"" :\, .... tlu.,:.f' f't'"l'r~ r.iu liJ,.,. 1hrir ca~r :ind r ,ll II '''°· f 1•f this r .. pular )l,.11tl'l,1it ;. I!•"'' 11lfn l\'ail.i!·lr ~ 1 d1•t1n<;l1 \'e •1-<"\o"f ~r,!.111. And nnl Pnf' P!•·c:J,. lnth or 1h .. nrir1nal ~f,,ntclJir 1 ... auty hu 1-·tn u cnfiet>CI 111 thi1 nf!W mo.kl. Th-1tt-• ~nf"YI' ~f'f 'tl'TI bm thal Jo.. .J'tn. ~n1 .. r1 ~dl11•uf'tl••-•)nly 58!' inchet hi~h. The line1 nr<• 1 .. n~ 11nd rl•':in-unclull<'r,.,j by bric-1-br1c. It'• ~1 1!u1g 1h.1 l i~ <'J.\'"lu•i •1• .-ith Men:ury-11bared hy no ndirr rar on 1)1 .. rn:irl. l\nrl 1]1,.r('·I ti<'"' pcr(nrtn.W1Cf! to ma1r:h. For un<W.r 1h,. h""'l 1hrre'1 1 198-hnrsf p<JW"M' ~Tf:R ·TOR?l!t.: VJI ''"!!1n ... ;\rw fr1tur•'t l1k,. du~ 1'.'JOhin.1319 •nd high· """'l'T'""•i••n ~1·arl plui::• pul more 1•f lotr rru ry·~ lu~h h.-,r~··!"'•f't to worlt for your ""'7Mr dri~•ng. You J.•n'I nttd a 'uptrhighway to use it. llu1 Jll11ce your onll'.'r 10<111 if you want early deliTery. ·n iit n,.w ~lonlclair ~IOOI' it p:oing so be in big d··m.Yld. R,.m,.rnhc r, too, that there 1r11 10 more rn~<'lt in 3 ...-rie11 to rh~ fr.-.rn . A Mrrcury f.,r l''"'"r"Y ner•I and M1rl,,:,.1. \ff' in"itf' you tn cnmf' in anti !('f'. 1ry, &lid rriee the Mrrru~ th111 ~1111• ynll t.-t. IT PAY S TO OWN A m E.R·cu av-FDR FUTURE STYLI NG. SUPER POWER JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln-Mercury er&l liquor Ucenu1 for Ron Gr11y and JaC"k Kennf'dy or Coat. Me111.. Ra.y Tr-.!\'arrow of Bay Short• Cate, Newport ~&ch, told the jUry h.e p&l.d Mra. El.!!!e 1Mlckty) Jonta f8000 In Avu · Majeatic Bar al'ltr having betn C'Ontactcd by a Joe Pl•tt. Ha aald Mr•. Jone1 told hlm tha price would be $8000 at one meetlng lhl! next time l\e met ht r he had the c .. h. TrevatTow 111.td. The pr~e<'ution lndicattd It w!ll take Ute rt'Bl of the 111•rrk to con- clude prt'aentatlo n of it• e\idence. Mn. Jont'1 111·ui named In the lf&lld jury Indictment wlth AVBI abov• lnclu1Jve. date11 Iha merlin( tlma will be from 7:30 p, nl, ui 9:00 p. rn. , 8<'rlr1 E and H bond purchue11 for the month an1nul'J!e-d to S6P6.· • 62J. an lncrt'a-'e of 62.8 pl'r C'tnt . or more lhan 1 quarter or a ml!- Uo n dollar~ ovrr the prevlou1 ?.larch. Thia w~• nesrly tight ! tlmea greater 1han thfl natlonal avera1r. Tb.\1 ,~ought the f\r1t quarter of I the )"f!!\r ll&lf'I to Sl.771,214, I C• conllng1 to \\"rif ht. or mare lhan I $700,000 above lht. 1an1t prrlod 1 hu t yrjir. Ser!fll H bond• hl.\"f': "ho111•n lncre11.~rd popular1t~·. •um~ amounting to $6815,000 for the first quarter. up 114.':' per r~nt over lll.'14. Marc:h •rrle1 II 1alr1 wert $284,:100. UJ'I S\20.000. O"Bryan po!nt1 out lhat h1 ad· d(Uon lo advtaory and ln1tructh·.11 1 -------------- ti.lb by out1tanding ri11ancl•l and econom!o leader• ot the 11outhland. t here will ba •vallable to tha11 ln att,ndanca tp_ lh11 aerie• an av.·ard ot 11'1&rea valued ln the amount of i100. Liberal Trades Easy • Terms To pr,vent chlld accident•, check vour kHchel'l lhoroughly 10 lt'e tha0 \ houM>ho\d po :aon•, 11uch u b\f!ache1, lyt', unmonla and fuml· ture pollah. are out ot the re1ch ot chlldrf'n. ru1zt:s! Tl~lt:: \\'E., TKER I .aOKJ:S! Uberly 8-M2S HARBOR . 9ets up early I every day, to 10 A.M. The 7 with Hal IJavis on Radio YOUR LEADING HARBOR AREA WEDGEWOOD APPLIANCE DEALER RANGES WEDGEWOOD DRYERS Magic minder! • : ! CJ New Gas top burner turns itself off when cooking time 1s up Rr:ally dot! ~nund likf! mag.ic. d°"n'I it? Simply pu1 1 pan of 1oup,t auc' C\t "h3tf\"t1 <Jn the burner-turn on 1he blur flame 111d !~I lhl' 11mrt. Y"ur food 1oill cook for t'ltctly; the length of lim"' ~ou fhof'•(', Thrn-11ul nm1tic a\ly-1he burner •Ill !urn il•r!f r.ifT. (A ,,1,·~·•11l-~oun1l 111g It'll~ t ill! r ou f(l thr r•nrt.) Sl'r 11/ lh"' new fr~Turf• on l(lda) ·~ autonialir Ca! 11ngc1 •t ,.our d<!akr ·• or ) our G.u (omp1ny. ..... ..., .... i... ...... . .... 1 •• 11, ... ~ ...... .. 11 ... ;"t ........... ,.,, Not~l •·•il •!O t••• 1~1,1-uco•d !.9~•·~1- lto•• ••"~•• coo<o-. s ~,.•··•"''" c •• ••••\f! .. D\ .. bt•o!••• <>~·ti " o•<l .,,.., II l"'h .. t,, 11 .,~,, •·~~•tt. "" ..,1 , • ..,.,;,..,1~11 Co• ••~ .. dool..,. t.o10t1C • C>o•.~11 ... • llCot"'t •I•'"" tOUTMl lM COUHTllS Gas toM•A"rGAS ! There's something new 1n I cooking <=;;;;., • ,.,., .......... <•" ......... -01<"" ....... , . ><• '""' ....... . --. -·· ................. ..._. Norge-Tappan-O'KHt. & M.mtt-Wed9ewood Ga1Ron1J" Jake's Appliances SAUS UllERTY 8-6641-SIERVICE 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Across from the Boy Club LIBERTY 8-5545 I 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .... ____ .. • PAGE 8 ·PART T -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 r 2 DOWN 1 TO GO-/,-~ ' One CM Parking District -Set Up; .Second Halted \\'h1l£ Cm1ta Mesa Parking Dts· t rkt No. 2 c reaked to ll atand· liltll, M••sa parking district .No. 1 )lad llJ.. long la11l become a reality, city ..-ounc1l learned Monday night. City Attorney Donald Dungan re- poncd the final parcel of land had bet>n obtained 'tor dllltrlct No. 1 a11d thr t•ommlssioner·a coulcl pro. ceed w1U1 a.sneHment of the 11.rc:a involved. Meanwhile, the No. 2 parking f!ft••n was referred ba<'k tn the dty phu1111ng wmmllll!aon ruul the LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HouSf'hold P art11 -Dealer -Si>rni-e LIDO t;LECTRIC 1424 \'la Udo -Harbor 4791 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and u:ie!I C"ar~ Nl('KJ:KT'I. sTnumAKt:tt 1"alf'ti St>rvlr· .. l'arh 341:> .Srwport Blvd. -liar. 5 10 BANKS Bank nf Amerka :\ T If.: SA 1'44 Via U 1to -U11rhor s.;~~ BARBER SHOPS Lmo SHA \·1.su ;\f{"(; Jn Bldwell'" Slnr~ for .\lo·n 14%8 \'la Lltlo -llarhur :!'.?36 BEAUTY PAIU..ORS public h1>arlng on the 11ubJert con-• linueu until May 2. CoMt or •'r;<>u· ting A triangulnr di11tru:l ofC l'9th St. 11.n<l Harbor ,Blvd. a ppeared proh1bilive. Attorney G~rgl! Pt>n· ney ot Newport Beach, repre11e11- tlng Ur . William Cowan. l'Onllnued to ma mtain the city should pur· chase Cowan'" entire 100x300 Ct. lot on 19lh St. Cowan is one of three propert)' owners whose land was p1t.rlaally required for creation · or the parking area. ) •.. ,.. Ci _ ......... ••• ~·· :< ... ". The city planners were request· 1.'d to conduct a 11tud~' determ ln· ing how many parking spaceJ!I ·* business builtlmgs on Newpv1 t ,,,. ........ 1. Ave. wUI ulumately require, in•fl· __.._ -1 cati11g a much larger parking dis· ,.;.-.!J -'· f t rli-t. \ ~ ........ For parking district No. 1, C'1ty • ~ engineer Dnn Southworth was ap-'It pomteil street supcrmtenclent anrl •' ~ requestrll to mak•• an asllessment:1 -'• -:.. (:,~'\ "un·ey. A ::; rent prr Slllll lax ~ wal! 11J1proved fnr a l<lies,;ment nn lhl' preopcrty to pay for hla.-ktop-pin~. A requPst that 1·th, • couni al ~ 1ttl,·anr" the money tn 1m1kt> the1 _,._. • ·~"' ~ lmp1·ovem,·nls was tukt•n oand"r , ~ 8lwlv untl Southworth ask<'d lo . . nrnk<' a rrrort haf'k. Lido Couple File Breach of Contract '• . .. -· ~ t • .,.. ,. ( • . i ' • . l , ........... t ~ ..... -~ .. ! '. ' Next Saturday will be la~t chu1ce tor Nf'lli'JlOrl Beach vpteran1 to confer with L. W . Shotwell ot l.lle county a.Ml· aor1 off:ce tf'gardtnir I ax ex· emptions at Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Cout Hlfhway, It wu announced t o- de.y. Shotwell 14111 be here April 30 ~tween 9 a.m. apd tu!'Tled to th• ta!a.nda to atudy ftle Huk revolt. 14·111 1peak at th• an· nua l dln,nu meettnr ot th• Oranre County Alumni Club ot P om ona at the Wa\u \\'he.I Apnl 27. Harold M . Be.-k, Santa An&, prealdenl of th• club will prHide . lta,:• Mol•f 'T'uNda:f et 1821 Co.ut Hlchway, o"'11er llldwln Mun.aey toldNewport pollc•. OftJ· ce,.. Mid entrane'9 wu pined ~y t.earlnr a •l·r~n and ralllbl• r uo.Jockf'd \O.'lndow. A moqir thou on the commlttff $8296 p t. GI plannln~ thf' a.ffatr 11 Mn. Monte enftn" YH Robb GHmea, 110 Miramar Dr1n. Arlan D. AenlM(S"r r.a t&Jten out an 18298 bulldlnc permit ti. Motel Uneris Taken Coat& Meaa tor cof\lltn.tctlon or • ' noon. I : Mn. Grimes Aids Pom'na Group BeddJng and towel• valued at realdence an<\, att•'*'•d ~· &i $40 were ~ported taken fro m the 2418 Elden AVe. I •'.\' Ii /I I BROADMOOR TRAILER HOMES I HM N-i»ort IU\•d., Coeta ...... CalUonl.a 80·..-i 6 &O toot Iota. Prtvate telephone and natural ru av&ilable. CIOM to r rocerlea, bl.II aervlee, etc. Ellcellent televialon reception. .Adulta only, no pet.a. HIDEAL YEAJl.'JlOUND CUJIATE" [Ir. Alvin H. ScalC. o r Pomona Collt>ge facultY., wh11 wu a captive ot the Japaneae In t he Philippines I during the war an(1 since had rf'· !---------------------------~ N E W O.:_WNER 'S .SERVICE FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Now Available at a Special Price ONLY s77s YEARLY T a~iAg advantage of our services, discriminate shoppers are •ssur· ed top-quality meats cut, quick-frozen, packaged .and stored for convenience •nd savings in our modern frozen food storage pl•nt. Many. owners of home-free1in9 units have availed themselves of our meat cutting, pada9ing and freeting service ••. finding it thrifty and convenient. LIDO l'ALO~ OF llEA l .T\' HtO:j \'la Oporlo-llar. 25i6 Carmaratas Name '· • ~~...:+-----_,_,,..:.· ....... :•:....-._;;:..:: ....... -~~~~~~~;:---· """~_..,,,,..~~..-....~-H1 +---wtMH._.autP-1;~,ker Now Before the Summer Ruslt BOOK CA~F. Stl6 \la f.ltlo -llarhor HO~ CAMERAS & Suppli1•s \'l.SC.'EST 1.100 l>"I "" H61 na Ullo -r llarhur :!003 CARPJ.;TS & DUAPERU:S DICK MACKt.:lt 5420 \'la Llllo--H&rbor 4:i2K CATERING RICHARll'S 1.100 MARKF:T 3t38 , . .,. Lillo -llarbor :!l!'!il CWTHJNG -Men'• RetaU IUIJWELI.'~ SHOI' FOR MF.X 114'.!ll \'Ila Lido -tlarhor 064K Cl.OTIUNG-Women'a Retail 1.mo t'Asmo:-.s :IHll \'la Oporto -Hiarbor 3811 SllAl>r>O<"K'S :u 1 ·~ \ '" U1lo -lfarh<1r 3671 \ .\t •. \IU)SU HOn·•· lllli"•I lf'd ~pP1 t;;WP(lt" :11·.rn na l.iilo -llarhor 200• nun• sTOR•:s \'IXl t:S T'S 1.100 UlffGS :1461 \ Ii• Lltl11 -llllrhur 3003 El.t:CTIUC t 'OXTltACTORS UDO t:U :CTltU' li'l4 na Lltlo -ll11rbor .-w1 FOUNTAIN, GIUU. Vl;"IOC t:.ST'S 1.11>0 UH I 1,s )HI \'la Udo -Harbor :m11:1 FRAMES & ALBUMS Gt:RllARl>T STl 'OIU:-1 3-418 \'la Udo -Harbor 4406 l·'URNITURt; DIC'K MAC'hl:R S'\20 \ 11, l.111" -llarbor I !l'!K GIFT SHOP RICllAKO'S LIDO MARKF:T U SS \'la Lltlo -Harbor :lll'l ll IN~URA.~CE AGt.:NTS \\'. O. Bl:l'K, JS(.', HOO \'la Lldn -111.rbor UH INTERIOR DECORATORS B,J.A."IO('llJ-: tTl.Kt:Rso~ A.l.U. MJ6 'la Uclo -H arbor 1'1336 l'>Kk M.AC 'Kt:K I WO \la IJilo -lfarhM 45'!8 MA.RKETS RICHARD'S LIDO MARK.ET SUS \'la l.ltlo -Harbor 28'!8 NURSt:RU~ JUCllARO's LIDO MARKET ~.\:->TA A~,\ !OC':->S1-A Lltll) l•h ,., tq.f,. '1'11• •1l.1y fil"J I\ hr·•·uda 11( 1·t1nl1"'H t !--Ull tn .. Sup• nnr ( "t1u1 t lw••· u.;u1 11.1 : 1t1Jtht 1· •<Hlplr wl.u A.<;,~r-rtNJly 111:111" a 11Plll for prc1p· <'tLV a l J:.!I Via Qutnlu, Laliu lbl('. The· pla inllffs o..r.-.IM•·ph (',•. rahli H. C1u·111aral11. Named ll••frn· dant!; nre Cha ril's Hn1I Mnry IA'· v .. rl'. The plalnl1ff11 ullcge they ll"nter· rd into a cnnlrl\cl with t.hi> tle!en· oJ11nl1' Marr h 29. The def Pndanls osscr tedly wrre to pay $27.000 for the '12~ \'aa Qurntn prl)perly, Acconlmg to the con1pla1nt, the tl'C..ndants al1>0 wel'e t o ll.68Ume fir11t and Ml'Ond 1n1sl dl'eda and po.v $21100 Into e11rrt1w. Thf' phtln· tlrt1 claim the 1leCentlM~ lwwe br~schrd the conlrRC't and refui<t•d lo .-ntt>r into escrow. The phu ntifr11 W'k $1 3r10 da.m· 111.t<'s as rel\1'!onabl4' ri>ntal on lhe ph.u r 11nd •·11rnmll'l'11'n owed by lhe ph11ni.rr to Hny 11110 Beal'h Rt'11lty 1 ·1 •• c1f Newporl Ht'•H'h Mesa Drainage Solution Told Cnt!Pri:11111111 I t!ra.Jnai;e aynem~ 11r.: a • .... ~uar. •I 111 111rPe n1ajor tireM rtC l'v~lt• M ••ira, City Eng1.neer o .,n Snut hwnrth 11.1,h ·L'<Ctl t'tta:ic•ns ·a t· tentltng \.\"rdne!lday niJ;ht 11 annual lll"l!a prvi;r4'A>t 1hnner m F r iday A ftrrnoon l 'lubh11Wll' "ft•,,r"Jlll\ltun of UllJ•f,1\'1 01• nt thl- l r11 t.; l\r<' the nmi<t NjUll11blr way Ill ll11noJl1• tll'l\llli\1;1' 11!1 W<'li 1.18 •Ir"' t 1mrr"\'• lll"rtl"" lhe caty en· lo.llll <'r I• pn1 ll .. J. "llul lhe 1mprove- 1111.nti< mu...t bl' 11. •an...J by the peo· pl,, lh• 1111<rlvr " l=lc>uthwnrth ,;aid •·1h·1ng ••f •Ii 11111ai:r anti Jotrert p1uhJ"m' In th11t way wnuld llll'O 1•rAdt1•atll traffll' hautrdll 1n the uly. ,\ta\'nr Cl11Jre Nel-'IOn 11dded raty nffa c hdll wou1.1 t.H! gll\d lro mel'l With Int• n'J!l•'t.l elli~ns II.nil clarl· Cy l•rtJt'l'.'I.~• 11 for forming Improve· mrnt rl1«trJeLs~ PROPOSED NEW ANNEXATION .TO MESA Phone Harbor 0178 A battle is developing between proponents and opponents of proposed annexation of approxiniatt'ly 800 acres bounded roughly by Irvine Ave., Santa Ana Ave., Palisadea Road, MacArthur Blvd., M0sa Drive and Tustin Ave. The Orange County Boundaries Commission has r eturned the m. ap to tiacke.r.s f9r corrections involving objectionable creation of an ''island" of county land bet~ Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Res· idents who oppose annexation into the City of Costa Mesa have slated a ma.u meet- ing in Santa Ana Country Club Wednesday night. G 0 Harb Gr FROZIN FOOD LOCKER. JUNIOR TOUCH - SUSPECTED IN BOTTLED PLEA A bottle wtt.b an SOS mea- 1111.ge inslcle wrltt<-n on a J>jlge frlirn the Saturllny F:ven.l.ng Post ill bl'ltevt'd by N1·wport pc ii are to h1• the w ork or Ju· \'C'llile:<. ~fr·~. J ane Robl'rtio of 2608 rove ~l. l'&Jtl i>h•• found 1 he htott le 1'11•-.~•lh v h11bbing an the 1111rf 11••a r h»r h 111111•. <>n I\ p»i;e .. r I he lllllj:::lZIO•' \I'll h l hl' Jol\rllel <'late "!"ov 1:1 . , . •; W• f(' lhe 1<<'';-awlr<I worcls, "SOS WI' Brt• Slf)kang nrr lh• fllttHt" nf ,,11lshna. Hurry. Ho~rt Chiise ... Packs Pistol Punch SANTA A ~A IOC".:"'81 -Mnrlnr TPl'hnirnl f'"ri:rant W1lllam F.. Eubank of lhl' El Toro Murant C'11rp11 A Ir Sll.Ll1on ordanre 11••r11on, WAlkt>f1 l\WA)' wllh t)onr1n1 Al thr :!7th r1nn 11B I Cahrom l& S l.Jotf' l '1Mol f 'hamp111n~hip 011\lchPll hl'I I IA!ll "'''"k••nof Ill 111..-J•1•il('1• l'••lol Roni;". S11n Dil"i;o. ghnollnl:' IH• a memb• r flf thl' El Toro pa~lol tt>arn. J-~11oonlc won hcmora In Uw expert d ll.Sl!, tAkm~ a wny eight mrdal:i. To prev•'Tlt <.'h.1111 a ccl<!ent ~. kr"r mnt<'IJPe, and caga1 Pll11 light• r". uut o t the reac:h "r 11r11:11l l'hl!•ll cn. TrR.l'b ol(lrr l'h1J<l n·n hnw to u~r and reirprl't f1rl'. 418 30th St. Six New Ways to Take Your "Holiday" ---.:11--- Newport lwll • • Cor~aj?rll-Tu ble A rl'ltnitem ••nu U ll3 \la Lldn -lfRrh<lr '.!ll'Zll PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OF.RHAROT s TrOIOS 3418 \la IJdo -llarlW)r 4tl)t ,t REAL ESTATt: I ' I UDO Rt:Al.T\' A'SOCIATF.S L11Jo Slllt\.'I & Rrnlnl.~ MOO \'la l.t.lo -llaroor 4.a.U p. L JUlJmr r. lnrorvora trd olf> han11-0n l"'o .• aalf'• mcmt. SS3S 'la lido -harhor 1.\00 \'OOt:I. <-C>MPAX\' HUI \'la Udo -111'rhor t9H SAV~GS &: WAN ASSOCIATIOXS :"\F.\\ l'ORT ttAl.80.\ SA\ IXGS Iii l,OAX ASS()('l,\'flO~· A Sli\·1ni-:" Jn11tlt11t111n Long Tl'I m Home t.11nn1 UM \ la l.ldo -lf1Hbo r 4100 SER\'ICt: STATIONS I.ID<> RH'llt'U;U> SUS X l'WJ)l•rt l\hd.-Har. '8'U SHOES -Meo'a BID\\'t:l.l . .'S STORY. FOR MES SU8 \ la Udo -UU"bor 0841 m:EATRES LJOO 'fHEA TR.E Consult thi.11 paper f()r progra.m \'la U4o at x_,,..r. mrtt. Ha~r Jll4 roYS LIDO TO\"LA~TI HU \la Udo -Harbor 2tM UPHOLSTERING DICK MACKE R NH \la Udo -Harbor U '.?8 HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS! CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura "SER\'IC'E WJTill?\ HOURS -W]IEN l'\'E&DED'' COMPLETE LAUNDERERS and CLEA1'"ERS ~' \lll~t:n·s ~llLE ~"l:WPOl1T BEACH 1000 OLDa~o•tL• 11ocK•T• ·AH'IAD. IN HAllDTOf' f'Of'ULAlllTV WITH TH• •IOO•aT LIN••UPI O" HOLIDAY HITa •Y•lll Mnre lo m-'"-; 11...,.... tbm Wllrl h'1 th.-1moocl~t ••• -..ieat . , • W..., ~rt; llnlida~ !Ofltttillft in hilit«yl Now eeda d..bin1 lloli1t.~ Cour' h1a a ~•mor-MW~ aetie- tht 'll""i°'"'• parW-new 4.o._ lloliday Sec1..J ~o quNtion 100ut it-ytiQ'D find the Holiday th1t'1 ri«ht for yl'N. ia nr.ry way-beca-oely Okl~moh1le nffen 1 Coo~ ud a 4-Door 8olM1a1 .. n ery price ranp! Stop tt ew eho~:f{_ fo~ • dt'mno1tntioa. M 1ke y-choice Sed10 or ~I lloclet 1w1y ill • Holideyl . OLC)SMO "BI LE Ill YOVI NIAlllT OLDSMOllll DIALll w .. ,~~~!R CHl!!!».~!1 COMPAN!, 1-2261 ,--I H I 0 0 I N 0 ' 1. 0 I I A I i a i I N A ••I 0 C I I f I'! - •' \ ,. I , J NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS· MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE • -... --. I AMIGOS VEDJOS CAVORT WITl-1 B!.SFfALO AT R.~~~~M There was a new location and bill of fare for members of the "Amigos Viejos" when they met for lunch at t he Buffalo Ranch last week. l l was a special preparr<i noon-• day luncheon that was served with barbecued buffalo as the main course. Ranch beans and salad completed lhe courses. The participants in the party are pic't urcd in the newly arranged party grounds 0 11 the Buffalo Ranch. -Staff Photo NEWS IN PICTURES MA \"OR NELSON EYES BIRTHDAY CAKE MESA ANNIVERSARY-It looks like Mayor Claire N('l!'!on iR in an excellent position where Costa Mesa's second anniversary birthday cake is concerned. More than 300 MN& citizens and officials gathered in Friday Aft.ernMn Clubhouse WedneRday night to hear city fathers diagnose every Mesa matter from problems to pukritude. Highlight of the evening waa election of Miss ~haron Glenn, comely. offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E . Glenn, 466 E. 18th St .. as Miss Costa MeM. Mavor Nelson was in an envi- . able P,OBition in that choice. too. He was one of the threl" beauty conlf'llt judges. - Sta.ff Photo . ' MESA'S VISITING FIREMEN The yard at Harbor Houl!Ml was full of red wa~ons Just recently ss about 110 mrm- bera of th• Southern California Conference of F ire Prenntion Inspectors got undt'r way. Above are, left to right, Charles Brague. secretary of the association from Riv· ... ide; Ralph Lee. Costa Mesa fire pre\'t>ntaon officer who arranJ:ied lhe conference: ud Cl!.W Harty Wainwright. p?'Mident, from San Bernardino. -Sta!! Photo SHARON GLENN HArbnr H 11:h ~ut.f• nl "''"' ~11•• Co.•tll ~'""" t 1t l1• 11n1 l will h"" 1nnd1c1ale f••r tho f'J11t tr t.1•1f'•'n lltll' tn r PIJl n ,., .. r 111~ t1r11ner ('nun1y h ill Shr ~11.­ rrrd~ P hylll' Y11 1v•n•"l wh11 h• • £An h,.r itf•Anl.v rttntr"-l 'AT .. Pr 11• !\Ii.•~ r o.•ll\ Mr.._. 1 •l<l ,1,.~1. Starr f'hnto t t • HO~ll:~AJlL'°O I N IT lltT - T OR -Mni. Mlnll Harpitr Hut· chlso n W1l.ll appoiJ'lte4 lnstnie· tor 11t Or11n1t~ Cout Colltlf~ f'\r I h~ 11•:'1."l-Mi ~· )1111'11 y t11 r. ~Ira. liutr•1•"•l1 t n r m er I y t.au~hl at "ttunlln(tnn 8'>11d1 R tri, ~ • p ,. .. · .-1t· .I ~--~ ARRIVING IN STYLE FOR VIEJOS SPREE Modes o! transportation were as primitive as the surroundings on the Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranch when members of Amigos Viejos met there for lunch last Wet'k. Pio- turt>d arn \'ing for lunch are Bill Henry upper left an1 Myford Irvine, upper right. -Staff Photo CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DRIVE LAUNCHED ~ohnny "n the spot for new members in the Newport Harbor Chamber of CommPrcc. Maurie Stanley, president. and Hay Langenheim, executive secretary, a i g n up the nrwl~'-npr:1ed Mariner's Bank. While President Edgar Hill put h is signature lo t he membr r,;hip blank, Gerry Richardson, executive vice-president, approves of the move. -Staff Photo · WHEELER FETED BY HONOLULU ROTARY HONOLULU, HAWAII-The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, member of the Rotary Club o( Newport Beach, Calif., is presented with the traditional Hawaiian lei of fr1f'n<h1hip by Duke K.a.b.a.namolru. Honolul11 Rotarian. Mr. Wh<'elcr, one of 450 Rolarianlf f rom 40 st.alee and 12 foreign co\Ultrlea entertained in recent month• by the Honolulu club, mPt well-known Island businest1men of this city of a quarter mill ion J.COple at th• Wf'<'kly lunchrrm of Honolulu Rotary. He left St. J ames Episcopal Church in N<'wport ''t Beach in Frhr.11~ry to accept a call to St. O env.nt.s in Honolulu. -Hawaiian Vi.e!tpr1 R11r""'" · • l'l('l\OFF ATTEMPT-Tar chuck l'r Bill Wetzel makes a quick throw to Firet Sacker Paul l~rC'ntun, 10, in an effort to pick a Santa Ana r'Unner off f irst base during r.e- Cl'nl Sunset League ball game herC'. The runnC'r got back u.fcly, but to no avail. Wet· ZC'I l \\'irled a two-hit shutout as the Tars won 2·0. -Staff Photo ·--· I JIUNT HACK•'llCt::.~ -Tar Second Sac ker L«e Fishl'r tries to Jay one down again11t ~un~t League ri\"al on Hnrbor liigh diamond recently. Jni>tead. Lee left ba!J hanging r ight bt:nealh bat in midair while heading f nr sanctuary at first. Fiaher had to~m to the plnte and try again. -Staff Phnt o , ~ ----~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--- EASTERN CONFERENCE TRACK MEET . SET FOR HUNTINGTON BEACH OVAL Favorite Role Mountain-rs in to Cop Saturday Championships II.'· .ft:Jcltl " TllO)ll'SOS h•m l bolh hurdl~1), Cary John-on t ~hot, t1i.M"u1 ~. Vlfo.>I (dJM:Ull , J••'ii· llnl, J erry K irkla nd 1j11vrh n. 1h11· <"t1~1. Jaek K "nnedy ([>nll' ,-.ult, hroi .. 1 Jump. hli:h junip), Rill L11 m b •pole. v ault !, Bill G11~laf110n 1broad Jumpl. !"11t" Va m~r (broed Jump. hit h JUmr1 11.n<I llnn \\'lnttrburn ·r h,• 1+f f1l·1a1 pr••i.:ratn w nn 't snv 110 but flp<'<'tlllOr s at t he •h11:h ;un111>. Go11:1t1n1, Kuni"""'•• • , • • .' . . 1 \'11.rn~y 11 nrl Al~n llnl<'h wLJI n1•kt l·.:i~h·rn JL: ~ 11nf,•r1•1'1r r tra<:k and fickl eham1•1on1;h1ps At 111, 11,. l'or•I~ nil\e 1.,111y quartet . l l u1n1n~l ••tl J~,;1r h h1~h 1u•honl ~al u rd11 y :1r" ~nin~ to t;f'<' • BELSHE, TIE FOR WEBB TOPS \\'Ith l hll'•' WU!~ lt)JJ .. rt, Uuddy Ht•l>·t1 .. ut 0 : .. nge C.111111 Colle.;" "nd J ;or k \\', bb of F ul- l~1 !nn J l: t1NI f"I' hii:ll l <Ol'f )\f•tll•I'• '" \!~·· f'.11.-\o'r n Cnnfrr- Pll• I! •WI!!\ < h1t <l1IH"n.<h1p1 h,.hl 111 th•' lilH' !""!Th urs.I&}'. Thlll 1~ th" ..,.,."n-t .~~r11oi:hl )ot.11r flpl5)\P h~ll hA,J 1,1, Shl!lrl" If.I" ~P<'<'l~I ll t'lm~ lt WNr,l for top \A lllf'T, HARBOR HIGH ~ TANK TEAM SINKS I WHITTIER IN 43RD STRAIGHT WIN . Reddhiqton, farouloN Rack Up Double Yidorles lut A's Lose Gr n e Lonn11:. 1".<vt A n•h·~,,.·~ 1111"1 Paul lof•tr11ie-. 1w er1t thr ''".:ii: 111 t hal ord.-r .I J r rry \\"hl\11.k<'r "'"II II'•• 1,,," J:'f'.,.·por t Jlllt'IJ<•r \'l• l<>r la ln•ll•'I· dual C comp.-1111on. llf' nabbt'•I \hi> . , blll'k11l n•k~ \11 3Z .~ 11.n,\ 1 ~1111.-J 11p On l 'lf\" 1~1 '" l European Trip A.< t f:11 hJ liu rr~ "' ll11Jh"" "n ! (h,.>r !\\ • rl J!•1rl':i ~.\- !'"'·: !11 ,.., 1 a 1n J 11ll· f"'f'm th~lr l·••t"!'""ll 11 •1· •h·> 1,11 :-; ...... !..,... I 11 ... l" 1 l.1 'I \\ ... ti . 'o ,.l,.h•• \\u!l l!\" 1:.00 !llt'l"fl, lh" 2:!~1 f1 "' •t ) It• a1al t h1• 41 0 frt'est1 IP. \l',•bll "'"" the ~,(I rr .. ei> .. t h•· 1:,01 1rhl11·1•i\1:1 I 1111·d · h·y 1tnol !11" ::11•! back.~l l'vk.-. \\"f'bb l<<.'t n,.,,.. I•" or,\~ in \""" ev1·n1 .~ n nd \1<"\\ tlw rt'cord Jn the othrr. Coach Al Inidn's B sv.·1m ttam "edneaday afternoon w ith 51~1.1• B"t"" anct 11,.11 \\'111.!- Y•on its 43rl.! str3i~ht dual 1neet by defeatin~ the Whittier ron to l:'"''n 11 T11r II"-"'it!' \\'u11 - lighl"'f'ig hts in Fitzpatri<'k ~ftmorial pool o n the Harbor, ll<'r !n th• nieollf'y rt'l11y. ,11 !h~t .I I . , !he duPI w&• 111 d vub t 11nt1I f1111tl I High campus. 5·1-21. At the same timl', the Nt'\11i'po rt C tank e v•nt 0 11 the prui;.:1·a m \\'hittl··•·I J .1ca1n .sufft•rcd ilt! first dual llt'lback of the aca.son, 23 1 ~ -.. ·nn th• l our tn•n r .. 1ay to pick 11p 1 1:.•~. "''hilP l h,. H11 11><1r H1i:h \'Br· the tour n1.1n r .. 111,1· from U\1! ln.·•\l lhf' de.:ioll'<' inati;:in. ) \\'~bh pnced thl' Horn ~!~ l o & con(·lu,.11'<· trhu npl\. 1o·uuer- t<1n 1n1 .. .i up l :l~• pulnts to 6:l !or Ut'N"J.! .. !.'.i!1t i<I, ~3 !Or )otl. San Ant,,nl<>. 2~• !or Ch11tr~y and 4 fnr H11·1·1~"'"· WHAT, AGAIN? Same . Story: Oilers Edge Harbor High Coach E mil · N('{'me'a f ar baseball nine aJ"C' firnl bclicv· ers in hi11torv ri'peating itsi'lf after dropping a 6·:'> Sunset Leaj:'UC fray t o the Hunting- ton Beach Oil('rs on the rival diamond Thursday.1'1ain\y be- 1 cause t hf' santc ~1_.t of circum'".. 1ta.ru.:cs that 1;lyn1icd ll arbor liigh in t h<> loop opener ~l arch :~ c•o1nl1111u·•! f,. 11tsrl nf i;<'<'o n•I WC"'k• pr<•\'1t1I "''I th round r ill)' Thm•I' 1·irCUl!l$l!lnf'e11 whwh rr - sulte•1 In n ~·I ()11<-r '"l<"lury in ~1:orrh :!I '!If\ IW ~•Hl'itnt'!\ up l hll:S• \y; U"b 1 1,~·ktiwl<kl 11'1 ri !hf! l_"n'o p• 1n11n hnilh<'r~. Hu!•·h II.nil Bill. IZ,I" knw~ki hurl,.,! 11 '"''«·lu1\~r. Uut• h C'oo 1unan r•·pt>:itr<l!y ">hbf'<l !;~ilnr 11lJ-1:8,l:.er~ o f b>11<e kn .. c k,. 1111<1 biddy huii.1y n 1u buh"d In th11 1nun1ph.· 11nt tl\.11~'. S.\.Mt: 01,D KOSO Su "'hat t>o•prwned A prU 21 ! t ey- k<>"'"'it1 •lQ<:I! t ho twlrlln1, Butch !ll'lllo hfrnlt' w111l I.he tylnjt' run In b>•1t•1m "' the 11'\'l'nth 1~.L& &n4 bl<l1ly huoldy Holl double• h ome lzy. k ov.·11ki v.·Hh the 1r1umph11.nt tally In 111 .. n\'t r\11111• Cl\Olo. And .. u lhl& 11 fttr S ev.·port h11.rl •pp1renUy e•p- tUr•·rt the gain! ... ·tth • pai r of cou11tf'r& Jn '"I" o f lhe aevtnth. A•·tulllly. the \lerb\ve. fec!or .., .... faU111,. nt lh" pr1v~o1111ly •ll(il (1 ~1111111( ~ ... 1.,r11 lu m11.!nt1..1n I.heir ~klll 1•11 \h" 011,r pl!& pe•tur,. The Tanr, urn1u1 ttrJ ri~• ni111eu r• which n1nr" !hll " o1fr~··t three Huntln~ l.~11,.h ""or~. I ~lly <ll'opp ... l 1t s s1•runrt J1u1! ou t1ni;. la<I~. b ut ltedd1n1;:\on brt!Pred N ~w -) ~!!'~-~s ·,. qu11t ln thr l•r t11.-y v.ent e.g•!n•t Fullerton Tops c _. -'--~ . • u.·~pn e t1\e •1rubb1n ~~. 1rv•tn .:·a ;:,_h,,""',h,,•,,", ,.,,,,,., •• '"' ,,,., >wo Las v-as Nine _~:~!~ii \\"&~ tll"I'<' thun ~B !i~l 1<•d \\'l!h ~huw-,. " ,.,_. ,. -'211 -· I . I int: of h•s f'hsri;•·s aftl'r hit sptini.: f1r.•l1 i;.:ll tTIP red by N°l'"'·rort. He I ...,., 1·11\·auon lflyflff and pronnunl'ed t hl! coppPd n1,. 100 br•llJLtt in 1.0Dl &nil F ULLERTO N (OC!"S • -The W · : '' Sulll!<'I Lr:oi;:u•• d ual ll•llk rha :11ptt the in tl1vldu•l n1e1\ley In l :~8.9. l tidl8Jl nine rlO\\ n , .. 1 l_.11 ~ \ <'1:11 " I ·. "":!.,, : ::: ·- l\•;iol ;> fl•r !hi.~ \\'••ck':! IV"I' 111,,,., on \\"hll ti.·r ~nar>'d f•r~t• In thP H l ~h 6-2 1o·iHlal' Il l An1, rti.:t l'oJrk NOW-"""""' May 7 On1n:.;0 C"»~t t'ol\ef;.i' ph1n;.: ... All !10 fTi'!'. HJ{'I ba .. k 11.nd d1v1ng _ \\'hct·c Hituni:: s l11r tor lo'11ll1•1t••n \\'B~ J"••! thrco· H.1rbor Jl1i;h 1IJ1'1Mo11,; will t~.f')' t1·un l hl' rnePt ,,. .•• in a n .. ar Xe,,. k irk, \\ho cul le~~,1 lh rl'" h•t11 8 1a,e1 Turs tti1u f 11,P,-~r1 nit) 30 prn b,. fll\'Of<•o l 1n J~at.:U•' runipt•titio n !IWt'l'I" of e~o n1 l mpolr. }\'hile the in lhre" •t hat ~. C'll l'~nn\l\if.\on I !I f..C~\ 5'1u1lli1)~. :'c~t 1,;~ I 00 p I'll wh"ll pr1•111nonari1·.~ i:et underv.·11y l'OC't 11qun 11i;i 1t1torJLt i:r•hh••d off w1.a 1n1trurn.·nt11t In the l't«lorr ,.o ... "<IWPO•'·••l lO• O· .• ~~.1~ ~· Jn 111 .. J.1~~11 ,.,.>lle i;e t11.nk 11 t 2::10 11ix; runnc rup pl1t ctr, H11.rbor H 111:h'r w ith fine pl11y Rt .third. • ! >+·e•·•• 1g1 •o ,..,.,-•• , J• '·'." ••o" '" p n1. \\'t',\11,•sd")" Fnu11~ ~\Bl\ <ti Inn., !lecond .,., .• !I turnl ~hed by Pf!t! In the 111'<'•111\) 'frs nH'. 1hP fi i·~t ;:~e,~~:r, !:,.:0 ,.,~,·::'\ .. ~~:;•:.;~ •• ~:·0'0'· t h!! >IBnie t11ne \\'~i!n<'~d~_1·. Sr hulbel',1:_' In t hr bAt;kst rnkt. t wo he llt r& foir :-;,,l'llolll h"n1tl'r,11 lJO.'" ASIJ Jt:RRY ~HO"' OF J'()"T,R <lvtr tile ll'rtfu•ld ff!n<'t . T h" ln- 1 Jrw1n's .o.oph\>rnnr" fla11h. D11n The Tar n·a rr11 ,-Ui-al!y ran the rt l11 n11 lo111:ht bark w ith t Pn lnnjl'.1•'11. l't·•·•!ol ln~l{)ll. JOuied \"l't J ,.rry F !ll'· r1vals out ot. t he lilt"'"· Th~y 111,.r k1n1: th~ !Hth ~tn1.11:h t ~Hin" I <p1h;1r in k""/l!ng :\'e.,.,·port 1n •'Un · S\\'t•p\ all ftr•I pl llr"~ but lht• t our thf! Tn!JI' ha~ t'nlle<"l!'!I <'l'r r nin•· t••nll"n 11i::un"t the htrnni: l'""t n'""'-rr l:1~·. J in1 \\'it!l1n1f 11a cPd hlo"''" p!'t ron1P•I. '!'he "'In pl11r0·1l i' i<rh'll'h•·r, \\'p(\n!110!;1y. R<•<lth oi;:t"n the s a ilo r ~ho,,.· "' po .. ·rr. rapt11r-thr lt 11-n1·s l\'rn-to~! m•rk for t h<' had no\ h"P n 1n th•· l\'ll ll'r fl)I' 12 inl( the inr1,.•1duul 111<'<1!<'}' ln ~>O 9, HP•.o.nn >ti 13-4. dn y 11 _ a nd w Rll s pp1·nx 11u 111 "J y 1 h 1 t'f' I he t.m r k ~! ro ke l n l :09 9 11 "d sw • ,,, . 1 j;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;.,,;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:_ ......... ~ .. N·-· "•'<'On d,. off f•11·n1. Yet the potrnl mini.: "n tllf! l rlu111ph11nt n1ed!f~· 1 rro.o.p .. ,·t tn sh•llr r Sunwl IQ!'P relay l ••sm "''it h Pau l >ol•nt y 1.11d j rru11ks in the 100 11.n'I 200 lr~e-Bo b John11on . - 11t.vle Pver.t11 \hnrf' d11n ked Nrv." 1of11.nlz won t he bre•sl In 1 :1!1.2. qu 1~t. \\'hi1 ti~r·11 CIF 11wlrn ch11.mp J ohn11.nn thf' 200 fl"('" in 2;18 3, T•·d fr<1n1 111..0.t ~·,•ur. Von H.-n1~1-t t he .'JO rre<' Jn 27B. R l'drl1 nj:'tron .o.url!.'"'1 In 11hrsd or i nd !ht 100 In :'18 D .,.;hi\e l"a\·e .'\'1•wq11l~t 1n t h" 2()1'1 In 2 :07.l 11nct Allen nal!"d down 111·cond •pot. in ln t ho 100 in !;8.4. \.\'h1\Urr nabbo.~d the 200 •11d 100 fn•f'l!lt)'il' t•l:es. ( HARBOR ~o~ PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDA Y, APRIL 25, 1955 THEM'S ROUGHEST KIND Buckin' Broncs Ready for Champ Cowpokes in Rodeo A cut or rough·ridin' et ar perlormen, headed by Cuey Tibbs, v.·orld champion all-'round cowboy, will appear at the upcoming profesi:.ional \ll Orld championship Oraage County rod~o slated for Santa Ana ~iunicipal Bowl April 30, May l . The wcatcm spect acle, fint of its kind held in Orange Counly, la 1ponk >r,.d by the Sai1t& 1U1d Sherman Cr1ne of Midway An• J unlor Aa11i.•tan<'t1J..,.ai;ue i nd , Ctt y, Arn,.rlca'1 No. 1 rodeo cloWfl prorli.. w ill ~ u~t'd to t'Ont111u c th<' wh o '"'Ill kef'p the fun moving at IT'S BASEBALL TIME! ' I l.ITTl.f: "·"""•'·'· SHOES 4' TKA('K nv Mar4;rr1:11r ai,.,. )CA.\li)l'l'i HOOD "P·F" Uniforms • Caps Shoes • Equipment ' l!I.\.\ tt.a.•ehnll llul•·• ATHU:TIC ~HOt:!f 61: "I.Jiii,. l.<1!•"""" 11111"• A Con•pll'lr l.lnr of Tnp llt111l il)' Sporlini:; (iood~ Balboa Island Sporting Goods 1 OJ'f'n Dally Z22 Marlnfl A\·r . t to 9-liliunday 9 tn 4 Harhor 2611 Ralbqa l~land -':0.-~ •. ;;,..o;..;o;;, • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WHAT'S DOING 1. M. Hambrook, your Telephone M•naeer 1n Newport Bea~h • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'.\•• 1111, 1,-t.1r t ill' 1•ru't· ,1 f onr . On onf' ~idl', lhf' J;iant~ nf N I tl1o · J•:11:~!1•1'n t'lt't'llll l kmi•ni.; thP lwl'l in t hr t1lalf'), Santa An11 I ava l'()Oft \\'I.LUA.." growlng charity pr·~n1n1 pf th,.: a fut clip durinl' t h• two-hour A d D'lt \\'t'lltfl .,...,,. 11tuck With the f;'n>Up. Matinee [W'rfnrm1 ncr~ only •how . ca emy Ir"~ It ~l'l'ITTJI no 1n att er where b1c wUJ bf! CiVel\. Sho .... · lltne IJI 2 J'Ml.I T'lt"kt'I& a..re on u le •l VIUll&ge Bill • h111•k,, Al home or &b roa.d, t!M'h day, point• t hroug hout Oran1:e County The telephone call that made Joanie's heart jump 1 ,., .. '' -'' "..'." 1 •' l".•r '' '"n "''"• T n•n D f c he~ lh" i.:uy ""'ho i:uUe ct.. lhi1 Mt-LOAl)[;() \\'ITll l.A)(lT 11nd •re prlct'd at $1 2!\ for &d.ulU. ,. ' ' ... ,, ..... ' ...... ''"" "· e ends rown ' '' · · ' • ,, •. _ ., """ ~. /\ \nf"'e .-,Ill <'r e ..., " ,,bb.'1 11 lo&d"d wo\h a wards 11 nd a.nd 7::i centa for kid• under 12 . '" ,1, ·.r:~1 1nnf1•!•1hl"l''"'~""·•flh,. I .,,.,,~meabout I , , ,,,i: ! I•" lr1<t:11" 1 .. nu1 ~ v.·1•1 t"' ~•t<t" 11n11l w ith \\'•17."l "nth,. hlll. He reee lv-w u named wvr Jd illJ ·,.,,.,11d en,,.·· • •i.:•n, 1•. r "1 11 , ... t"''•I• ·H '11 1.t: ~l't:l1' \("l'Li\ll T h.-US ?\e1·111 A r•d~my t li:ht rd 4,rc•llt f"r )j"t nne \'IC!ory, t he , . ,_. ,_ )1rtt. \\filter Ranney J r. la rodeo " '" ' I ' " ' ' . " I U•" "111:'11" llt';\:«in " " Ulle• .,.,·o n .1n th•· ro•h'" 11.t,.1111.. He RODEO OFFICIAL°' k l ' hoy for l9!\2, J9 .. ;\ llll•l 13 .. ~ u ) lue ch&lr m11.n of I.he Junior A.w!1t&nce l'ul'• II • t ., •,.,.I .\! '"' • h""'' Tl • n>>I• , .. ,, .,11 , ""''''' '' nar"d Cff'"' "'"Ill bt-.f)n hll nt! to tJ ... (llhf'r '""" i:•·•ng In rhuc n( m e .. 1 1 ••-~ 1 ., 1 \ 1 on , I ' y "'" • . I n r rue ...,.,11. n e'"' "" '"""<''11 ' 1-"'lll;lH'. Sub-ch•lrm •n ar<' ~!1·11, '1'"' l '"'' i·,· '''"1 1 1"~ ''" "f'"•lllllllar ,,.1111 ~·1.111,.11 011 ; ""' d .. n1! Lt1 l••I yr11r • ••:1n In th•• J in' :.:.-... kirk. \\' t 1 tnd "'•• pr~11tonll'd lh' 1 .... ,·1-1'11 a.•1 Ho"'·a.r<I rupp J r end Mr• Trd J oa n might be the g irl next lloor. A t 14. shf''IL • cul" u anything. And you 11h ould ha1·e llCf'n the loo k fln hf'r ra(e the night J!'>f'. fin!' or the fell OIO"ll in hr r r lu s, rallt!d to i1>••lt1! her 10 thr nC'xt 11ch1KJI dan ce . Ou111o·nrdly, J011 nie PJl"C'lllt'fl 1 aln1. Rul "'hen hrr ri:u l no•!· dcd ··~I'll .. In her. l'hC v.·u alm r1s1 '-!lf'-l'rhlMl!I. Aftl'r a ll 11 (\rst d :1t(' h l\!'l'<'nll but uncl.' A nd ""'hC'n you 1u o11 to Th ink 1 ··• n •'\"' 1 " '' l l '' '"'" I;~.,. ·,,1 1,r, I' r h n 111 11 I u n I •a11ny I\\' e • t,. r n Sprint f'h11 mpL>•n •h1p .,_1:.>n~!v~~=~~~~~1:i·~~,::~I• 0~,:~. Gold 11.t1d Sll•·e r Burki•• f,,~ w 1~n~n1t e nhrt, pr .. .-ram: ;,,11, l.1nr;I n.1 11•>1,'rlt ..; I \\••Ht.JI -:-<chw,.lkn•I 11 l~l ',1 ll'N'lllll: K lf k• r~cr~ "rhrrlu!"'' !nr :>:nr1 h \~J,\u ~ • -1 t h• Utle \hr''' llllCC<'!!l'l\<I! ~l'Kt~. l'llll'&n anrl Mr" Halph !lli\wer A·, •t•hn,: 1 , 1 ,. , ""''I" ,.1,.,1 "'' , t l''"' "' " 1l11•ll"1 ,\n«th.-r i fhlllH'l<'I In :-; .. ,,.1>',rt H11rbor 1'11.t-1111:,, h•·,,.·r•••r 111 tha t (lute, 1 0wa_• 1 'I'l bbfl. 2.~. J,. 11 L hvn11' in !he ,'<.1(1rtl" tk kt tll ~1ri< O..ir~·ln .\!"'"" lltlvrr: I 1 111: ;••l·•n ,1, • . .; tJ, .. •''""! ~:1111 h .. '1t1 • o! 1 .. ~· n•11n 1h•· ur.111y, !.lay : • l'tr"ni:: r .. n1p .. 11. 11t:1<tly 11 """ "11111 11how u :~I' 1and It• a f111·orll~ or lY•th y ouni: l!!nnr · ·a nd 'M r• Ge ontco Llunton I• '• ·~· , r•, r •·•U•t• 1, 10 , , 1011.11 ,1• I 1 '""" r ""a'-~ ~ 11u 1• r 11h•· 1i·l h,,,.,. ''.'Jn ,,.·,11 I><! off,.rt <l b)' 1 'ahfnr n1~. :-1 .. rt1.-n":•n r1111P'. d ~ ho~•er •n • an•I nl<I rodeo tan11. J r, .;r•n1:,.m rnt~. I th I" -i'h•I . I n.:• 1111,1 •i~'" 11~lhll l; Ill lh,. '"'" 1111!" ,.fl«r I n l•·"r1<1ty of Bntl•l'I r·,,111mh111. d1n.1hl•· lhut,.oll\). \ ft z.e i;&vt up , Th.-l'h"w I! l<llt\r\1,1n,.,I by \hf ~ ton llll, .nrr i ,. ,. , 111,.~t . J"·~t1t110 4 ll ·.: 11 , 111 z,,.r \th • .l «•r Oro·i:: .. n f':late, Rt11nrnt<!, 1·i:;r-. 1n·e hl\ll ,o 1 rY ll"""~k\ 1 •lx. l iy 1 Rodeo C'owbo)'" A"~'" utUnn .,,,.1 .\leln ob;ect1\'tt of !he l""IU~ I• f J t;c·1 A a n <I \\'a!oh!n,1on 111r.11f'•I 1'! li~ll,.,...,. to \\'eltel'• ... 0,1, ,,11,, ... 111 •-"' ''''' '" 11 Jl"nlfln•l11.('rl ch11t1ly. ••r l" i;Jv,. 1, lh ., 1.1,.,.1,11, 1 , n !/Ir '""""' ! I'" '" lh,. n11t 1nn nr ~•."•·• • -· --..._. ,_ 1 • ,.1i::t-.t lt.>lh b<•.1'• c11·1 up fh•e <•f 11ld wh•re nl' r> i• not fort,,<·r>1nlni;;-1.nllr.•'"'" \l••'•"l ••I'"''" "'' <l:hf'r ru11nlng f!\'"nl l'lrk11 e rr \\-1111hini;:ton'eJ1hr1\\11 rnl"t"'lfnr m01t e•'l'nlt A.nil>' J1<un•t;'U1 Th !\ n1: r 11 r• t 1 .. 1 <I.:.· •11 u~; ,, •. n 1u l'iw1 ... hf'l1tl ,.,, ~ant a~ /\ni1 in lhe f1r11t t ime In t he ="""""l'Ull lldl · inilk• SewMU. "'ho h•11 11r•ounl•·•I fr,r from nl.hrr •JUrt:f'JI •rf' •r" 4 •-, , "'In, ,, ''' T" ll 1 h 11 \\ ,. l>"fJ\'-"8 ,, .. ,-1 , ., Ang•>•• ,.,,,,,,, nf-m .. mb<c r11 ut the s ..,,t& Ana jC IY!Up , l<l\t•l••l••ill:•••f••·r•"'"T l '•l••1lo ll 8 1 11n<l:t~•l•~l i t "" n-i.: £ n. "" r11• , r. r. ., .. ...,,, "> h- ' I I I I Col"mbln ""<•m•n ••• 1, , ''''-"•no .. , •·lh<< •·••lorn ,,.,an,! "'1ch one h~~ 'l'n a.,~•ji:_nrd ,. •1 1 111" .n • "" ,,., ''"'" \ •r • \ \h<'>H.h th" .. .,....1· r tlt<\.11it v.·11 hl\'" .. ·-w,,n u ie . .i ' · AP '1.ln't th,. rr11t of Ui• circuit, '"" .... · h I 1.• 1n I " 11.~11 1111 1 1., ... , •t I '" t" •! J.l~A (" • J im Krll•" .~; !Mh 1'::mplrf! cha mpl,,nllhlp in \"11 n-lw'.~t r ot rhin..: prrf<'rm•nC• or tllr travaganz.u, .,.,.,u produr e thr r>1.· job 1" <"<lnnectl(in ""Ith 1 "rr>f i:n. · \\ ., 1n1•' t h n. '-'•!• 1 ~. 1,. I 11 ": · ",, /1 1• •11·1 • 1n It " , .. 111111 ,. •n·! j <o111\'"r l111t )'f'&r. Any "' lhf' ''""'•I ~uni~t L"•i.:u" ,,. "" t u m ed tn by h!bll\On. "!tl • 11•1 ,.;~nt•1 .\ 1 I" .,.,. r 'I\• '1 •I, 1' 11 il • \• r ,1i;11 " "'"'h rnul·I rflp 1he }f•!m11 Tr,,phy v.·h1rh t h" llt>fll r rnf'nl ll•l!rd S tt ph.en.on. OTIIER. TUI'\\ .\11111 1:~ .I 0 H S ~ T 0 S f: 'S •J ,,,, .... r,.•-r ,., ~·" 1 ~ ... , "' ... '• nff• 1 • 1 .. ~1.-1iu111 t1 i:1 • ., in 1hr 1l a t Ft:ik•. 111,. h11r,1-111n 1ni:: m O\lndJlm11.n un-Sharing h onor• w1ttl Tihb~ in tht Mesa Auto Wreckers '•"''""!" 1 I~ I •rn •1 •1·1,r• I{ 1kbv •I~ I \ 1n ,h• :-;. w 111 II! fifth yr11r, t h., l•oe-•I 1,.l\N1,.,\ 11 l'nt-h!\l"t 1.1 t h& Colon· •ren& .,.,,,u be eevr1 1'l uth"r lnp J"'r• • 11 ~' ... ' t t 11 , • 1-'•'•Ill"' ~r I 11 I ., r nf ~I •U!'t"lfl· , t"i;:•tt" h1111 t11ken IU. p!11-r" ,,... 1~~ ~ <I• ,,.,.l,.•I S..nla A na 3-1. An•· tonner&. They Jrirh1<J" .\lonty .\ton-1· ... d Autn l'&rl" and ArN"~'<lrl.-,. !I!••• • 1 ·.;. 'h "\ • 1-11t• • .. I ·1r·1:, '" ' • l Ali•n .n t~ .. •irl" th11 ·~lrrn 1<p1 1r1t1 •"d th" h"lrtl hit-I tn -"'111<'t7." home the win-\IU\&, t.rif k n ~r 11.n•I r<1r>rn g ar1i11t; 111.: ''"' , t 1r.•• JI 111 •111.:• .,, 1;" l1~h• .. 11 I•, hi•! J.!1rkry ,\!11r· n•tlonal rtcalla. 111 Syr11t"U~" fl<"· n ini:: ni n~ 111 bo •!t im of thl' •1,.t h t.o l:iuf k n ulhl-rfl•ril. al..,, fa mou11 for I 207."> Placc-ntla A.\'I', it• h '•·•I•' 'r 11·• ! • • '" 111• h1n>rr '-'~ ~. u'\ !ti " 220 I r "~ Jol t g•tta Dlrtt"l{)r ll~y Lftn~enht1m 0 ,,.rr .. m r th" l'1'1r!I~. h\11 feet~ 1.11 11.n 1111 '•••und cowboy: ... .Jlhl•n, ,.r 1 11 .,, '' 4, "•-• 1• in I:<\(' ~1> .. 01 1 111•" i::11r11"r '"" r"l•Y a membt'-r or l h" US Olympic ~\illl'rl••ll 111;,1nl•ln"d tu. first Llb<f>M,-8-101J ("M ia .\I.-- 1• .. "n 1 ""''!!, •1 'l••i ••n· tih•" 111·''""1 H.nv.·ll'l rc Committee. h&! •i::11 1n .. e. J'1A<" t ie\/> 111 .. 11tand1nJi:' "'l!h '··,r111~ \ 1:--,.I, :'\O. 1 rur,.ct ...,rvicri of Cl!lforct T. C""! AnM .. ,m h\' i-.. n1nl( Or.Ilg" 8 -1\ l'Rt:l.l,\I~ \\ t.ll.' r, .. 11 \ \ 1 ·u.o•: • , "" :-;,.111,,,, \'"• 1 I• r>f :..·ew York. chairman "' lh" Th" .'-:ghty. !.Irk••. \\'h it" llrtct Jew - L:S Olympie Jtow1ni;: Comm ttt,. ... In f'tl, ,.111•1h,.•I l t•pll'll 11nd J<'rry P i,.hn ' "'111 b<' I\~ In··~ J11,· In 1111 .. r ... 1 ... 1 n "mb"r 'n" ln th" •l1 ~cui a t"t 11 rr f!t .. e nf 111 .. ri•re~ J>on F••h• 1 han i::•· 1 ,,11: a <loul)Je In p•c- 11 ,.v .. n!• •nd in .. I q., I 1'-'t•n• ... th a -··"n . h<>•I ': 1:1" ft G f • u II r11nt o "•I e v.•1 11 ..... 111\. lni::,. nlrf'·h•I 111111~k for th~ TMM.. .,, nl • "'r r..,• ! ,. ,. .!. ""' 1•111e r .uo. O thrr ft\<•l d f'_. rn•-;'I"" l"'rr~· ' I A t otal of n ln' 1•ee1 111 ~<h«I· ~1 .. 11nllmc, ,"!'Tun.-hurll'r, Ger-l•!. I r .. 1 .. , , .. :·.·~.-U" h·I "'~' 11: 11,.lrnmh .. 1S11.nt11 ""' :.111, I 1.~ th .. • ., \ u\,.,\ bl't,.-e,.n 11 11.11'1. ••~..! ~ :10 •\<l Jt11n1·o>n t l'am .. ,J ur .,.-:th Jrrw· :'.' '',on ! .1 rn• '''!'' 1 1·,1~ ~1• ~hvt . J·~rk,.r fllJ<ll'•n •l<f•n111 An•. r> m .. !n(lud!nl:' \'1r11ly f!!Khl.•, JUIJ· f'\t t" hr·l,J f)rlVll:" 1.-. l"''n h!l.,.. "''" qa;olJ f\' 1" 11 .. 11 .. lt 11n-I "l~·ht i ;.\.Jl,o 1n t h·· J·"·•!i n 1'h1trl"" ct '" th-lf•I i••"• r r ~ll tl<r•!•\ A S r•I ·~•nt" ,,1111 :'1-!il in lhP lor •·arJLtlty f'l(hl!t, four w ith <"oJC -Runl·<'n v.·11.11 ob,·101u•ly rcmn\"P J · h llW•in and t1ngle1. The \\'f'~l .. rn earl~ In lh" nne-•ld"d ~onte•l to1 l ir,1• •'11rl1ni:: at lhr ,.,,, .. 11m .. ~ b1 n11 I )lln'\f'. 11n1"t ~int IS;1: ' ' ' , h Sprlnt1 &r t &pon.or.,1 by the .-..,;l h1rn up tor th" Tar.o It wu Th" 1r11l cl11~• I~ Ill th" !ll•lanrP H"rn11 r.lin". · •' In lhP I II f ' C SouOlv.•rt t R o.,.,·lnl)' AtllLCtc\11llon . pr('rh1<h\y :-ev.·k !rk \·.o Runyon In ra1,.,, .,..,U\ the t 11Hni1t,. •h•rm• j111n r . 11 n •t,.. .. 111• .I! !'I A 112.e1 1 ·••--• f:dwtn L. H•t bach of Lo• Ani;,.lr t Ult ~-'uU~rt ,,n c 1.1<h hrr • u > .. -..-hll" tht' h"lle•~ p\•<'nt "' l h" tnf•I. 111 th" P"le v1u1H I r•ni::1ni:: '"J>"rhrr th" Lhif'e '"r l'it&l" ~ntnr• v,iJL be Uob Hot>k· ""1 n.tnn"rll In Southrrn C1<l:lnm l11. l11qd 1IM·Z:Z0 1, J oe Gn1:i:;1n1 0440 1. Joi' ::i11c"11 ('h urk J<ir~y. whn 111.fl l Rny J.\1,nl!<A w11 ·~~O •. J.'r,.,t,hP 11 -rk ))(olltrf',I lh" n111 1onH1 J C r ~-\'A1P\& •mil,., :?0 md•1, t'rf'•\ Ate· ' 'I W\\h II f;\lJU\<'U& I :'>26. wlU ··•lo• 1n111 ... :-":ilrl. 011.Vtt l'r 1d· Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER RlDF. AROl"SD Tiii: ftA'f ~,-,.-OAl"!!r • DID YOU KNOW ••• for 3 straight years Mercury has returned more of Its original cost at trade-in time than any other car in its field? See your Mercury Dealer lor detallL for tM YOU Haircut want. Now ~ Two Mastar Barbert llAHOLI> '-'"ILHf:L\111' ROft t:l.l.IC'KMAS LIDO BARBER SHOP 1 ~ri<t d r>Ot to Po1t Offlcr J l.,\Dlf:S TUIMM A !lf'r.CIALTl' < ......... f..;.;.;;'RE;;;;;'El...,'E,._I( YOUR Fl SH We Freeze Yopr "Catch" Filet & Wrap Frozen fo r Your Own Home Freezer or Locker Storage Special -Locker $7.75 Year Harbor Frozen Food Lockers 41 R • ~Olh St, :\'r14·port Bl-M'h Harbor 071R a ( it. i~n·1 H lrUI" lhl\f 1f'lrph"n" <":ll!J< hrr:o!d m .1ny n 1>1:.: nir,mrnt in nur li •'I'.• r"un1nn11. "'"'dd1111:.«, tur1 b~ ., y,., r .. n!'1·l ~r h '•W lil!!t y nur 1rlc11ho1ic 11.ctua lly ca&tll for 11ll !he "''II}'• 11 .~rf'\"I you . t11r.'t II nne of loday·11 hr!it buy•~ P11c1fic T e lephone w ork1 t o m&lte your telephone I bigger vailue ev,ry d.1y. Harbar Central Office Gets Addition We&tem E ltetrlr. Comp•nr , "''Hh • ~''\l"n ,,, !tl r l.!,.!n~ 1n~l 11 llr<I Jn t!Jr )h oll••·! •' -,· .I <•:!1·•· n1tw "'Ill 1 •r ~n t 1:. I". , ... , U1• continued i r""-th 1n the Ii~"· 1 : ... • 11 •• : • •• ····''.'" ,,, .,.! I a\JI J>"'l ll1ron.• o r l• .. 111 ,,,.·rt,.hhn~•"l• J ,, 1.1 ·· •: , ..... • ..... , • ''''I ont ·11.,~ I"'' ',, .~·1nl' 11 ppt o.o.l m11tPl y 1~1 1 ""n, I• r>r···~•••1·; '''" 11.o 1 ~: ., 11 ! •.•1•·i•e W p !11nn""i In !h r f u'<ir.. H• ... ~.~r \! I~ '\l"'' ., I 11 • 'I I j, .. Ui• l&ll rit\r.forctm~nt tlr.t!l lh• •o!fl'r !• r•.,11~11 •'1 '"•II d • l"'f ~llon.. M o&\ of !h t wor~ I• Lt1nt <1<>1'1" <1ur.nu: t h.-~·1•,,!n1t I ""· "'h"n th1 bu&rde 11.r!I lu~ buay, .._, •~ n•·l It> ln• 1>n 1·•r.i• n1 e 11, .. "I" r ~lur Il l 1"'CH k . ~I t. ~;,r 0\r1!,, "!·•· !•' J•<'ll•"'A; !t .. ~ V.• 1k r•,r \\, .. tern f:l,.c!nc (:"111 1••11''· !11 •I•-ol on "'·'' J,·,,, ,.,·t. 1 ,~ 1•.!~ ,\l ~rl&.n a l Jl 4. Cnllln_. Al .. M"ll". H~ I•·\ l •l.1 r.·1 ~>-~·1 th•· 1~11 J.1.• ""ork t11k-.11 h im to r 1tlr • !11n1·1~~ .... ,, ,.,, ••• r ,l;r, .·~L'!ll '' t•·l'f1111, h• l 1k-~ n1e )l\'l'1J.: t.~1 " ~·1 11. ·' h 11..0: /,~ I.~, u111•1" I •• l:"Tr·• her& for \Ji• put 20 )'•ra. , I .. ' I I. 1MESA PATROLMAN EXAM SET; MAY 13 FILING DEADLINE J;::xaminations for p:1 trolmcn openings in Costa ~l('sa police department "·ill be held ?day 14, it waa announcc•d today by Chit:f A11 ~fcKcnzie. Thi.' last day for filing applit•ations is 5 p.m. ).lay 13, ).tcKf.'n- 1.1c !;aid. A \11ritten IQ tet>l V.'dl be gi\'cn by Orange Coa•t Cullegc H~ 9 a.m. ).f ay 14. Eligible applicants Y>'ill be consid<:rcJ on the basia o{ being 21 or over, possessini a high school education or equivalent, and being freC' from disabling ailments as determin· eJ by a physical f.'Xa mination. Per.:ipns v.·anting 1nfor1nation were advised to ontac·t ~fchenzie at the Costa .\f esa police sta- tion. ~l c henz1c pointl'd out that last time such ex- Spring Shift of Vacation Time Advised Prop....,I MaJe To Easter Wfflc Commlttff MHt LOCKWOOD WINS SPEECH CUI' Jack 1..0.·k .... ·ood or thf !"•w· po1t H11rbor Taa11n1•~t•1 • Clllb V.'llh h1.s tra"•lo"llf' •peech. "C • tal l n • l.sla n,r · ap-e tlbound n1f rn bt'r1 nt l h• •f)l'l,.l'h ~rour a11fl1tlf'ntly t o be 1w1.rdf'il the beal 'ptakfr lrnrlly T11rll\\11y n1.,:hl. D11vr G•r;lnrr v.·a~ pr .. ..ent- e11 thf' mo~t unpro\·e1! Mp••ktr rup ror his t11!k •·<'•n It H,. S topl'f'd ~" no lh,. ""bJfrt nt J111·,n1le drl1nqt1l'nr )·. rt11n~ V."frf' !1id tnr the ml'l'I• ln,r o r ne>i! wr•k whrn livf! rn .. mbrr• "''ill be •-"-'ll:nf<l tor· I;·,, f(lr <11,.,·111<1<H•n 111k•n fr1>n1 lhf' d11.y• vll•I qu .. ~tion•. Thi11. groun rneft~ tvrrr Tu .. :ld•)• <'Vl'nlhg In thl' r h11 rt ro.•rn nr the ~·rwporl f111rb<lt Y•tht Club, ( NEWPORT HARBOR rfEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PAGE I MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivf'r)' or the Nev.·port Hitrbor Nt'~·s-Jlrcs1 11 guMrantC't"<l. Carrit•r boy11 v.·ill dt•l1ver tl11•1r p1tpt•r t1 be· Core 6 p.m. on Monday and Thursd"ay. If your paper i• not dt>h\'l'rf'd by th1:1.t hour pleasc <·all l-l nrbor 1616 and a Bll{'{'i11 I routt> man v.·ill immc...Jiately n •11_pnnd with. your copy of your ~ev.•port }harbor Nl"\\·s-P?t•s11. NE\VPORT HARBOR NE\\"S-P RESS in· t1~-.,~·t·re conducted, more than 200 took the "A'ritten examination, tht• li11t was reduced t o 80 for an oral t c·i;t, and from the final list of 30, 13 officers v.·cre h ir ed. F.tim1nal(' th.. dtpi'n<.!111\1·.. or "Spnnr Varatlnn" on Ea1t<:-r a nd tak., the holult.~· at the c loa"' of 11.fhool11 third quart•r, v.·1u1 lhf rr - <"on1mendalion of Jo.. H &.mbl,.tl, •·ice prlnclpal of Nrwport Harbor lin1un High School. Hambl..,tt ma de lt•~ proposal before a packed 1e•- a1on of the loh1yo r'a E&ater '\'eek conin1ittee J!Ult night In the New-I·---------------' I port Beach City Hall. LEGAL NOTICE Evl!ry P..lond1y •nd Thurlld11y COASTAL SHOPPER-\\"ednesdays ----------------,----------------1 ?.lore than a half hundred re11i-I·---------------I t Un~ 1 Pa(W'r · $1.f)(} l .flO 'l.IMI Cpl. Jim Lanndale "0-'N"'-S;;.T;;.A...;;;G;.:E;.-_ """or "" Hubo' '"' '"'"'"' ':II -to r .. port and hear re11.ult11 or th"' Set for Maneuver M1'kado Tunes ""''" w .. k ·""''" •"'"" '" S ewport ~11.:h.. Pracl1c1.\ly a\1 F'OltT LE\\'lS \\'A~H . -f 'J•L bualne1111 mrn rerortf'd \h11t bua\~ J~"'"" A. l.:u11::•1111P, 21 . 1101\ of ;\I r. to be G1'ven ""~· ........ off grnrr1.1ly. Pracuc- 1111•1 .\frl'<. H11rr_y A . L1111i:rl,1li', Ji\;! Riiy R.\1 11".hf'<lt off1c1!ll' 11n<1 panonl• f'l"\\'"r :-:1 • '.1,.1 :.i .\f,·•a. 1,. >1 1n"n~ in atlenrl11nr" rt-porll'd th!' p"rlod ~fl.fl(lf) ,.,,l,ll•'r.• .•ll•t•'•! t" plLrTH 1· by St. James ho>fnre th" J.,.-111 11chool varlltlon r11t.• 1n ~:,,.,,,.,., ..... Arri .. J 11f'k <h11· 11nd durin~ H "''a1:1 thP n11"'t or<Jerly ln;: Mil\' ;;1 t!w \'a\\1ma F 1r1n1: E.R•fer \\'tek nn r"rord. CPnl"r, \\'11,.h .\prl•' J1t• k ll'lll tr.-r rh .. · ,.f1 ,.·r· 1•n('y tJf lnfnlllt'Y 111:.i ~upp<il'l 11 nlt11 In Tilfluntainnu,. Hn<I llr.-.•rt t err111n. Th·· 111n•t1l11I•''' "~" ,,f "'""u r 1.1.'»a• 1"'"" will h·· """of lht' cnnolit1.,n.~ <if ll'lf! l')(l'r<'llll' J';u!Jiv11.n n~r~tta J(l\'l'I\ \\'Pdl\t•~rl11y the Gilbfort and '-fik11.d9 will be for 11tudent. of St. Janlt'll Day Srhool hy ><!ud.,nt. or the !iflh . !'lxth, 11.ev~nth and eiJ:hlh i.:-r arlr•. Roy 0 . An1!,r11,.n, 1111pennt,11dent of U\e N',v.•port 'Bf-•ch Elem<"ntary School Dlstnct. l'"P<Jl1."d that it "''II.II "''!th i(rll\"e trepldati\'ln tha l h l11 <Jrgani:r.11\lon l'entnred.1nto t::i.11t,.r \.\'eek. H11 rtP"Orted. however . lh11t 9<'hool bu~a got through on lime ao<t l hat no untoward incident• llt;Rt: Tl1t:1· ARt: -(;rat\d pri7.C' fo r t he Costa ~lesa Fi!<h Fry tn bl' 11 c\d June 1 and 5 v.·i\l be tv.·o all-cxpensc t ours to H nOA·:iii. l'ingc·ry \V hileneek. right, rC'presenting thr-Corona dc·l 11111r Tra\'I') f-:.ervi<'c prcs('nls the ti1·k\~ts ,tu \\'a lt ~lrllf'r. prt·~idcnt ,,( the ('usta ~iesa Lions Club. ("pJ. Lan~llftll', fl dL!llllJ{ /'00"1 11r1!.,rly 1n t ht-J.:Crl•·r~ l'J< 1ue~11 f•f !lie :!nrl lrua ntry IJ11·i11inn, t'nler- "d th•· Arn1y 1n !>la~'. J 9~3. 111l\l 1r- "''I~"(\ !HUii(' t tll.ll\111J;" lit Cll.'111' ltr1hrrt11. LAn1t"<l11t P 1t!le11•t .. d Ornni.:e Cu11st ~ "ollt'J:tr bt!ton~ eu· Co11rlt"'11 to be wng 11re Ml-Ya J';11·!>f11., 1r You \\'11.nt t o Kno\O' \.\'ho wer 11 1u rfered. \\'~ Arf'?, The 1n lhtt Spring Fort une. i.~Jower• that Bloon1 a11d !ole y Ali Good Dick Stahlrr v.111 take the part Costa Mesa fish Fry Swings Into Gear; Name Committees l•'1 1n~ I ll•• A rn1y, !';n111h ; l•lt'llti!)n of o r l\1:1ti11h.a, daughter-ln·l1tw elect a nd uf the ?.likv ld v.·ho I• to be 11Uptr· 11u1t•ff by Yun1-Yuni. J'•<•rr11ton1 will be Charle• JJ.e ll 11nff Knight Bf'c~. l><>t•tllK, Art ,\l;o1·er.i: 11lan,\ }'"!'• ""ll!l«\. ,\uhr"y Uhg«r Knd Jat k 11 1111 .. r: 11tnri'k1·i'p1•r, Ar)J,. ~Wll<'l7.. .IU•l•t :->11thf'rl1u1•I. Ail !>li'lil't'!7.ll' .. n.i l11 1J !-!1ddl>•lo>n "''Jll h·· In i·11,,r.t .. or p111·1·h1t.•1111: wt11le n,,,.. .. , !>1>1r1 •ri un•l n .. h ~i .. vrn.~ w•11 1'<' ! ')1;111 Ill· 11 .. r ::11 '"""'"' t• •" /llh! t 'lu '• M1\11•t' .... 11•l, U" pnlntr•I It> ,.1,.ITJ.:r .. ; 111,. ,,,111,(t'. !>\ttrl In lln•t 11111•·• '"1.11111 I•,.. l••I I ti" \••11111 "''" ~~"'~' "j,.,.h hn:o ''"''JI <tl'l r 1l1U\1'•! "•~ II 'I I " I ,, r\'"!I" l'•t ><' 11~•1:<{1'< on 1n11 rr,.. n11" ,•,, !,1 )\••a t .. ·•fl·' l•,t• !·· 11 I•• \/II ""'~ "'"l\111•11 •""""''1!" '" 1h••,10~ ,.,.,,1 hl1n•LI< 111• J<'~" L uk•• ~·1y 111\d l "i11!1•\,ol I\•,,. 'lll""lUI• ,II ,tl••il '" th• Jtlflt• ,,/,.nth.• t,,Jlh"'" I 1· d \\ l hi~ \\,.,1, 1, \\.,:: "Jlt.•t 1,,,_.,. "'"!Ii•• 1,,,: "'"'"'·'!....-.. "'" •11rii:110 11n Ar t .' r.-·rr11 11 1·e 111 f'hll r$:r "f puhllril y ll l1'1 d'""' •,., 111° 1. ... .., .. •"I 11o •• 1.1 11··•1-:-;,.,,.,ni:-\\ti ll 11·;1lt ~1 .u .. r In th>' •1 u•·•·n f'<lnl r~l i~ unt1••t H11y f'thl ''l '!l'-1·t1 "I II '''"'''"'11\I' j'l"n!l"l;l; l~•""•lt l l\ll·~\ '""! •ht\!\1•1' )L!1tl7.lrr, 1..r<J (.<"•', Arli<l' S"""llrli, ,.,.)••I •' 1"11 ~11 '•'1 j,, ,ll\IH' ~ 111\I .irr l· .. 1·1 ···t ~· .. ,.t ... 1, 1t•IU01n1~t1.o· Al llolll~\••t fl!l<I p.11J !-lr ;\lllOUY: f>. ~•n•\, f•t "nk llr u1.1 , "••n>(J>1r t1nn: ~)'C:f'llll <'Vt•nt,.. J,,..1:1!>hlltr 11 nd Boh Thi.•''" (·-·~In !>l•"h !""k \\!I! ~··T "I' "!Ill ' l•··•ll·"I" ~·r·:111 k ll1~,.,.JI, f:ronJun•1: 1 ••·~ p11 111ole. f1Jll lfro\\•n ; b• I'~' t ''' l•ll••·.1 111" 1••••1•/" '" t"•·n 1:11:1• htl'I Hll"k Thotn.~tnun: 1,..1101.i· , . .,0:,.~t. Kt"rnl R lnu1.: bllby rHih >. I lit· "'"!-'•' "'"'"I" \\II ht>U\ """' •"J'l>J'!l,,.n!, Fr11nk )1 1117.H , ~"' , "111,.><\. Jl Ll,1 !-lf>llt',.; lltft.\f'r or 1)1 .. 11~ ... 11 \II '" '·ll·lllLJ: .. ~ 1IU!• r 11111, ·''l !>lr l>'.t'l\~1·· ••tl'll\11!\I•"· , ..... :.1111 .. r. l'lf'f'\Tl<"•I. 1r1i.:: ,,, l'\ I' ··~ I .' ,, I j J~d .. 11 U!h] l\•'11 !"n1>th \\'lll ' ,!o'I t'Y J_,,1·•·.1"Y· !lf'Un•I <'flll!pnlfflt !'•, • '" • • Ii "I' It,. ,111n. 1! ti,), \,,. 1n •lo.II~~ pf t h•• < t<:!llllll "'lh li01h ~hl•Ti'\• r11• ''Ill I"•"< I '" ".Jlf'J ~·I' "t I ii•• f••ll.,\\ltLl( ~U h•t'<•!llllllt!>'""· l lfuli Ji;~11it'I'• J>erennl..J fl~h fry '"•d\U 11 1,,111• • '" lh" II 1•f•r1 t•H11n .. r ~"Ir~. l'H!ll /'1'rk'.~· IY1r1lh rtl•·r, .,.,111 hr11•I •·onking 1111rt <llnini.:: Kl,'• ''1'"' ''''"''"1' ,,/ 1h.-1.1 .. n• ,,.,!•·>' Alli•· :-;.,.'Mf l7. ""'' H• rt .1orr11ngt"1nl'n\ILI 1111 a1n th!11 Y'~r. ·--............... MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE .\f,.mber!I o r th11 choru11 wil! be Kn!j.:'ht H"t k, J11rn1'11 Bm.,.·n. G11ry Couch. Tin1 Cur"· V1nC•!nl H~11ly, Hicharff lng,,ld. '-lanuel J1rrett, f'11.•n•·l1t Lt>n1cr. P..larty L<:x:knty. J Qhn M•ckty, Jo n Martin , Jennlf"r HoAch. John Robin l'IOn. G1:1il Sali•· bt1ry, !-f,.rk Scudder. fArry Somer•. Tnm Tl'lorkilr\11 .. n, Bl ll Wakeman 11nd Dlt k St11hltr. • Ente11 Rifle Meet Uob B1t1llnger. J10n of Mr. a.nd !>Ir•. T. D. ~tewart. 183 Sho nocUrr !toad, u d K11rl Sta.I, llOfl nr Mr. 11nd Mn. Llr• St1I. l\19 Marigold St .. both Coron• del Mar. have enl<"red the Junior Rf'('lment R lt\e Mttt Saturday al Loa An1e1 .... Bot h hoya ar11 m ember&" o f 0\11 l'louth CQ&Jlt Rlfl• &11d P 11tol Club. All FUNOS REC£1Vm I l JUST MOt!TW ,, POST OfFICf ON OR BEFORE TM' 10th OF THE MONTM EAAN FROM THli FIRST For Your Convenience We a re open every Fri. 9:30 o.m. to 8 p.m. - TRt:Ascy l)()"'S' Hamble!t, .peaking for the high St::hool. reporlt<I actual t ruancy at the 1chool waa .at a lower levf'l Chan onhnarily. Th11 •Chool offlc1at n~port"d h !11 1Una.:r. .. rnent lhl!.t theJ'f' were •ctu11lly fewer ''vi111tor~" vn th11 ~chool c11mpu11 And in the bullth11g~ than or dinarily v.·ould be e>ipecte<I. Jtrry Thomp90n, preaident or the student bo.Jy al Or11.nge C011•t College. rtporled 11bftr nres at U\I' collfJ:t were •l an U1'1P11prt<'d low during the p11.rly F.ttll1Pr 1.1.'l'l'k or othl'r .schnnla. (', A. 'Vc11t pht1.1. proprietor ot hotel and a 1>9rtment.a at Balboa. reported hi11 hu111nte11 WU grratly oft during the h0Ud11y. He rurther 11tatel1 U\at in 20 years ttr11t he ha• been In b11•ine1111 ln t,_he com1nun!ly he hu neV1r ca lled pollc<' bec•UMi or dl80rckrly youn,.. JH'Ople. \\'e1t· phal 11atd Ural Jn his opinion Euter week trouble. wer11 cauMd by "adult dtllnquency" ralher that m laoonduct of juvenile•. We11lplll.I and oth"r bu•in ... men lad by Orvlll•Jkll.lueter urged a program of arnu9em<!.n l a nd re- cu1t10Q be worked out for the enUrtalnment or vl•lllnJ youni; people. 8chl11tl•r aid Uiia would encoura111 lh• propar type nf younc people at1 ff that hoodlumt -...Id not be tnUtt•led. BV81NES8 AFFr..cn:o Kennath Nlcho hi ~ Balboa l•· land r1ported hi• bualnee• surftr· I'd (Tt'&tly durlnJ thl• Eut.ttr week.. Ha Mid di.iring hl• 10 year• of OPf!r&Uona htre he h1111 ejectr.<1 from hl1 e•tabh•hmt nl do&en• or adulta but only a h•lt dozen younrt· •ler•. N'Jchol• ffecrled the ract that th• city prnrrram M d c11,11e<1 a lot or d,cent people to fe"I unwrlcomt In Newpon Be1ch. MayOT Dora H1 ll'1 commltlM on Jta.ttr week .... 111 report to • m eet- 1n1t of the Oran«• county •r hool orrtolal• In Ur11 11e11t rew d•Y• th11t there wu a 1ucct •t'ul handling of what fonn1rly wa• con111dered. by tbr.m a m&)OC' problem of UI• ccon1· munity. A~C(ltdln( to Mr 1. Hill by °''' lime ne1t )·ear r--e wpor_t Beach will have • proree1lon111 rl'c~tlon d!· rl!'t'lor Ol'I Ol e payroll who w ill work out deta.lL• for t ntert•tnmt nt and recrea tion for younr Yl•1tor1 dur· tn1 8pr1ng Vac1.t1on i J.l 'I ~. \'ESA.Tl>R Ma.kf't Jl,.t 8<1lo '• ON WAY TO HIS NAVY WINGS !>llLTON , •·L.A. (FHT:>iC1 - A r1r1t IO!O n lJ:hl hU bf'fn made at lhfl \\'h1t1ni f'1,.ld i;, S. ;>:11val All111l11.ry Air St•· llon her11 by !\'1.v1l A \1&tlon t"11d"t Lui J . \'enatr.t , tl{)n CJf !>Ir. and Mr•. L. C. Vena.tor n! II Be11.ron Bl)'. He attendrd the Unlver11Hy o f Ca 11romlil 10 Bt rkele1 ht-fo re ent('r\ng !he f!lght train1nr prog:r1.•n U\roflgh the Lo• A111.ml!o11 ~aval Alr Sta tion 11t Long ~arh. '''tth t h11 1n 1t111I ph11•" of N1va l Aviation 1ra1n1nl{ rompl<!!Pd h1 v.•111 r e-ce1vl'l 1:1· •truttion in pr<'c\111on a ir "'"ur)c. along "'1th hl1 rri;ul•r it0lo ru«bl.J ... 1.nnth•r 1\•p \(lv,•ard &Un!n,& ..... 1'l•v1 "\\"ln&• or """'"" ('F.RTl•'IC".4.TP: OY ffl'STSF:!'~ FIC'TfT!Of'~ nR~ SA)fJ: .a IJne.i 2 l'aJILl"n .a Llnf'!I :i Papen> Coa1i.J Shnr1,..r C'lall11ULr...t AtlR mu~t n111 I" the '.\londay or ThurMl.ly l'ubllraUnn )llSl':\ll")I AO IS • l.JSF.... l All Cl .. 1tn~ Adi n1u~t bl' 11&Jd fnr ('1.~h In .,1 .. ~nl'fl <1f p11hllr•ti<1a o~:ADLlNES for pl•c·•nli:' or r11nc·<'l!111i; 11.<la 1'rf': For ~lori.lay 1'11hh<'llll••n -Snll>I •\.•~· ~·~'n F'<ir \\'<"tlnt"d"y l'<1trll<'11.l1un -Tu,.~(!ny 2 p.111. •·nr Thllr:ld11)' f'ubhc11t1011 -l\'Pdil•'~l~y l p 111. The un<trrlfll:ne<1 ..,,,.,,. htr,hy l'Prtlfy !hilt "h" 111 r nn<'lu<"tlnr • rt~v nlll'!!l'r•· ~rh..,n1 RI •·If! Hrllo· !rnnlf Avennf', r "rnn11 t1rl "l111r, C11.Hfnrnl11. 11n<f"r th" nctilit>u~ n .. m .. of H11 ror~· n11r J';rhn<>I 11n'1 th11t Mi l<! hu•in<'"" IR rnmr<>·""" nf !h'" rn!1n...,·ln1:: l""r""n ll'hn11r nRm" lfn<t p111r" of r<',.1'11'ncri lllr" "'" fo\- 1<1"''": 1----------------------------- JF.AN F . VAUC:HN, ~4(\ H rlin· trnr' Avenu ... ComnA drl P..11.r. C1'1!fornl111. \\'II"""" mv hRnd thi" 14th ""'Y of April, 111~."t. /1!1/ JEAN F . VAllGHN STAT'P: OF CALFIOftl"lA COU!\"TY' OJ!' .ORA!'\'C:l!: '""· On th!R 14lh t111y of April. 111."i:':i. be.fore me 1. Not1ry Pt1btlr in 11nl1 for 1<11ld Cnunty 11nd !'ltllf', ttlllidlnr lhl'r<'1n. duly eommll!llllonPft 111nt1 ~·nrn. ~r!lllnlllly appPA•lfd Je11n F. V11ughn. known to nit Ir> hf' thf J)f'rllnn who&• .\llme \9 11Ubl!rrlb..<1 to l he within lnlftn1ment ... nrt ,.,.. knn.,.,·tf'ffl('l'd lo mr. th11t 1hf' e11etlll· ed lhl' Ml mf'. \\'llnlfftll my h11n<t 11n<1 offk \11.\ Hll. Special Notlttt11 Newport Harbor 8 , P. 0. E. 1767 Mett1 ev"ry Thur1d1'y !I p.m. Via Oporto -Centr11I Ave. Newport 81'11.ch Alb"rt H. Malthev.·•, Exalted Ruh•r PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LlCE!\'S!:D -l:'\Sl'HED Glenn Johnston • 3111t SL Newport Be11rh H11rbt'lr :\li6 2Ztrt'! PAINTING l::XTER1(1tl 1:0-:Tl!:RIOR F .. & S '-!t'.l.LO J.wrn"r'l 1!111:1 l!'\'\F!•' """· C"~ll f\'••K, Llllr rly ll-4:UM. 4Mftli PAINTING Painting & Papcr HMging "The Best J.fonry Can B uy'' Sympson & Nollar 012 311th St ., Ne .... ·port Reacb rHONE HARBOR. 2•04 ... Paintini.: & J1aJ'<'rh11.nging \'~e do tht' v.·ork oUrMelve•. JR/ MARF.L FITZMORRIS N'ot•ry Pub!lc !n 11nt1 for 11111111 County """ !'!!Ille. )f.Y C't>mmll!,.lon rlfplN'lll (kt. 8, 111~:'.I No. l'i!ll New111-Pre"' 4 ,18. 2.~. :'.1/2. II. IP!i!l 30 y .. 11r5 f'llf"'rlenra House P~ l.1r ... 11~r<I • 1naurr d. ns S11llRf11rt1nn i "11 r11.otfrd. E~\1n1stea frt'... Call J ohnn'-. LlBERTY 8·8 .I LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5280 Sltfo l Otfc l-----' __ -oc=o'"'M=PL'"ET=E=-oPccA~INT=1=NG FOR RENT & Pape r Hanging Service Skill Saw~. •:ltc. Dnlla, 1•,1\1.ahsn, EUGENE o. SAIJ:\'DERS 11.ll lYfll'l'l.S'! Sande r•. \\'heelbat'· In the Sup<"r1or C'nurl 1•f the SIA I<' o! ('a1ilo m 1s In and for th• !100 31 •t Stref't, Se~·port Bea(h H1rbor 2976 or liar. 4~~6. lfr. Introductory SPECIAL PATIO FURNJ'I'VRE r f'fln\11hed. t lnt •t aynlhl'llC enttm<'I \-.m!sh or 1111\n. A• lo.,.. ..,_ $3.50 5 pcs. $15.00 W1 11pl"cl11.1Ju: 1n Alltlque and Zolalnne l1n111he11. rhonf! for Elltlm1.tea • r1ckup S<"rvtre CARPENTER Repair \V ork OO<l',. Your Home !l;" .. o 1t .. pa1rtn1 or Remodehng ? Ca.II F'ra.nk. Llfll'r~y 8·69:\4 All \\"ork Gu1r11.nlf<!'d j t Uc Cn11nty nf t,o,. An)!tle~ I ----ccc=70C-C-::-c=~~--- ln th" ma tt._.r or the .. 111l'ltt o f ASPHALT TILF: U !"OA N'~H LS. a rn1 nor. LIN'QLEl;~I :0.'oUce 11 hl'rf'l:ty ll'lVen U\1t the I ln•taJJ t h._. 11001.,. rh••np<'r t h8n Un•lt.r1111('11•d \\"ALTER BF:NSET mo•t. Al"O ,. .. 11 Ti!e & 1.1nr;l .. un1 1'\'E'Ht-"i, Guardian of lhf' e~t11le of :O.:on ·unir.n, '.,!~ ~·"~'• ""'1'"1,riu'•" LlNOA NEHLS . s minor, w1ll •I'll C<'.lmpa•• And 1,., _ 11t prlv•te a11 1 ... to the h!fi:'ht1<t hill· HILL CQlit:ft L I l\·ti~f•t i tlr dl'r. upon lh~ ttnna arr<l <"Pn(!Hlon• 1,"°°""'~~c-~co~:----= 11 .. r .. 1n•t1rr ment1onrd an•! •ubJ .. ct GENERAL CO:'li;i'RAL."'T ING F'r11 1nlno: ... Ftn 1n 1l11 Jn·n~ f"ree 1'.:~t 1n111tr11 • 1'11n s,r.·ice ro1.1.·1, r1~ · BOYD'S HDWE. ?631> \\', COAST 1-tJGH\\'AY UbettJ 8·343:':1. Newtiort Bch l8t fo Paperhanging Painting K imberly 1·11 21 3lp(9 Alcoholica Anonymou.1 Wnta P. O. Bo• 311 l'••ewporc lk11cn, Cal!L P?lon1 ll&rbor 4f9S 24---Sc-hool"' ln!Lltmctlon ... Real Estate School in Sarita Ana '-I E!" A: \\"0!>1£:0.: f>l'"P"re ln Ip.a,.. tun~ !nr un!L1n11 ... 1 "rrurtllnHIM 1n P.r11I F."l"i". :.;,..,.,, tl&.'llfa W<'l'k11'. /\I TylPt ln~trurUng. Al· l"Fl'I flrr L e•••·n1ni: frre and lram 1bo •11t t h1" ,-r .. ~t r1"l•l. C'111! or ""r11r n"'"' f• r ln!<>rm11.u .. n. H111I• ne~· ln•taur~. 41:.•._ N. Syc•· rntu•· Kl :1-17:,,1. T4tl• China Painting D1y and t:vtnin11 o .. - 0"!"'" T11k•n Novt l'hnn" l.lh,.rt v .'J .,~IHlll G4ll• to conflrmsu nn by lh• 1111<1 Su· ptr uo r Court. on nr a ttrr the 10th d11.y of ~f11.y . Ill~•:\, 111 11 24 Fair 0 1.k11 Avenu ... City of South P/IJUI· dtnll. Counly o f l.n1 Anrrlf'~.S111tf' of cio.urorni11.. a ll th" r11:"ht. tltl" and 1nt.,re11t nr •a id min or, 1n Jl.llrl tTI 111 tl'\11 t c .. rt11ln ~•1 p!Ylf"'TIY particul11.r!y de!O.Crib<l'<'t •~ toll!J"''"· C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 3 11 r~ 2X-.~iluat lon~ "·anted ------------------------ lO•w lt ~ An und\Vldt d OF!l'·•IK!h In· ttr..~t Jn Lot 2 In Bt1>1:k 241 or Coron11. d"I :i.111r. at BotJk 3 Pal{e11 41·4'l of 11ol!!W;,.ll•ne"IJ.!t Mllp11. Or11.nse Coun!)', b"1n11 •!tua led In ·ttr .. City of ;-..·,..,., .• prirt Ue,.rh, County nf Orin~"· State o! C1l1rl)rn11t. Ttrm~ 6 f S •lt ('.311h 1n l11w1111 Rlt1• o r 1;1fr•r11 Ir> t,.. 10 v.·ntint.: and will be r"'"'l\'•d 1'l lh" a forf'· !&Id opffi rt I L any 11nlf' •fl"r !h• !1r~l p11hlir11.\1nn h,.r,,or"11r.d hf>r111.- d.lt11 nl -.1, 011.tf:d April 22. t9~~' ''"ALTER Bt;:-,·:-;>~ :>:E lll,." C:u11r<ll11 n of lh" f'.11t11.tt "' 1.J:-;'OA XF:lll-~. 11 n11 n•1r, ~!'.'Y OEH. a.nrt f'LF:Tr JI ER. anQ o·~·EIL 112t F'•1r r . o. &11; Oa k1 '" Soulh P1.11.&d<'n•. C•i1fom!1 A tlorn,.y ro r Gua nll•n No. Ill H-.rr-. Wal, 11. 1,/1, I TIME TO PAINT M. \V. Ross P111nl1n11; &-''"rr.rM!1r.c Llb,.l'\Y B<l3:11 nr ll8rllor ;\u~~··!>I 2~ A''OC'l!.•I". 1 ·,,~1~ !>!"'" J,\~f'rl1'"11 .It lull 111,..\HNI CARPENTRY !.11:-.:on B.£1•,\11t \\'o'i{I\ N() J(Jl1 TUl• S~IAl.J. II u ,\n•:"'"'"n 1~•1 It•'·' /!11 I . H 1Hlo< r 21•"1 Put Pr p 111 the Poc.ktlhl'K.o k hy Putting 1~rofttable Want Ads t.o Work • a o11.,.~ ' Roy's Maintenance I u.,u~~ 1·!r t1.nlnK -fll'>nt wa11ln1 \\·1111 .,.,.l'l,h1nc -wln•lt>w .-1r1111ln1 \',.n.,11110 ~.11n•18, ! ·phlll11t .. ry l n,..u r•••I ~·r ,.e f:ellma le1 1.l h~r\}' "·l l.12 "" Expc ricnc"d g-ardener (,A:"-.:D~C.Al'l fl'G an d (·1.t-:A:-: 1·r s l.l bt·rty ~-16!'"il• !OJ.to (;,\l !IJ~;:.~,J{ 11·u ·~ f" !n'l·•nr nl j'•I> ~'.~pr1 1 ~fh r•I, l 'h'>I " )(F ll'fj.:j:' • 17•1~ 4:111•• \•d "" I.Al •\• ,,.,' ! 11 .. ]•)'' 1 ~ •:•• ,_., ~···n 'L ' I r..: '1iJ,r If:, 1 I•• • J0.7"\". 4 :•1 11 ---~~--~--- 1 l\t;A I. t.!"'f \Th 1:1\f 11\ ~fl Wllnt,.•l ~· ~r-111 • · , 1a•t " • 1ni.: 11, !~\>', 1•~ •••1' Jl.1••1' • APi<!l.lll. •l"r ~p m . ..... \ I • j I PAGE -4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~_!!l~ll~~r 8:1''" . 1 SS-Boab, Supplies ' MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 P'l'RNJTL'R E REll'l ~ISHF.RS: --FT BOAT and 2 hp, motor, use-cl HAND lronlnr In my hnml' at 3M W. Wllaon, t:oat& M'-'la. (Bring hanr"-a" 43p-l:J YOUNG LADY, 24, dealre1 full time, y.ar.round office work. Very a.ccurate With flgiaes. bookkC't>plng It ren.~tttce w ork. • l111'1uc1 SIU'ldlng .ees ler flat, IH'trJ.! 1 '3 Ii:-• Llb~rty 8·61~(!. 4 :1~··~ 29--U I W led i.:l •l>~ & h1 -g: .• ~,. 1.11·qu~r. M1itfv e p ~D-,.81 qu .. llt y low~.'ll prices. H;1r· ;5AILl~OAT-16 '1 Snipe. Ex('el· WANTED-~00 PEOPLE to c·rime bor l ':onl Crnkr. ~12 :l:!utl St, lrnl rondlt1on. l'h. Ll 8-!l!'J!'Jl). lo b~akf1.4t Saturday, 1A r11l :-lewpon 8 !'1H:h. Har. 2b3ts. 1111 .. r ~. "Jc~:i 30th from 7 :OO to 11 :00 a.m., 40c4 ~1f ="ICE H-fl~Fiberi;I&."-~ boat. Wind· GoodeU Hall. Christ Church By ~hael<l, ati•enng "hl't>I .tr con. the Su, 1420 W r st Balboa i;u1·ct. EVERYBODY LO\'ES a good trc Is 10 hi' J uhnsur\ n. 111·1y n,.11• Strved by th' Mt'ns' Club. T1•·· Book Review. Don't miss I ('!IE AI' :ii :>.tunaripuJ Tr1111. 1 ket.1 7!'Jc. 40p J~ Ed S D t L'd l'nrk, ~··w1>1irt. Hp4;1 na tenrm1 ny on, 1 o 9 y~r11 bookktepln« Ir cashier's SECRETARIES, stenns llt bu"k· uperlenc,. Reply Box A ·93, thl9 'i . ketpers TOP J OBS OPF;N NOW Theater, April 28-10:30a.m. J l·F'T GLASS boat & lll hp Mer· •!Irv •111tb1111r I First datSB t111Hl•· 1111i. liar. :! 10~. 4 tt!c paper. t 3p45 A LSO 11evt'rol dome11tt;-jnt)I'. 42c-1·1 COMPLETE expert hOUM t'lean- lnr. SpeclaJl1l ln n oor wa.xlng. Modern method&, m odem equip., and moderate prices. Free e11tl- matee. Call LI 8-18Je. 43p4!S JUNIC F ARRAR AGENCY Employment 402') 32nd St., N'wport Beach 30-B-Appllan<!!l ~Mosi .. al, Radio, ll T \' Ft!LL SIZE Nor.,e electric rang .. , tun1•r & w~ll. $60. l'ho11 .. HHt :l6lSf)-\Y. 42d I PAi l'{T1NG Experienced pafot'r by the <lay or hc)ur. Exterior or llllt'nor. Small job11 ok. LI 8-2137. 4tc43 F'l)ll HJTtE-f_;xp. 11k lpper for prl· vate ya.rht. Sober, reliablt. Thoro. rxp, 1n rn11111tenan(•e 1111<1 opern) l()n. E xcellent ~hips cook a ml fishel'man. t.I 8-2:::17 A cr081 St. from City Hall 4 I N3 ------------·-- WIN Anson Jackpot , get your STOP THE MUSIC blanks at. RAY FIE:LDS, Lido Watch Repair V1nr1•11L Drug11, 3461 \'ta Ltdf) 42d\IH EASY Spln•lt'ier w11shcr with ai:i· utor aNiun. Vl'ry rlt'an an<! 111 •·X1.,•lll.'nt rond1uon, $65 70:1 =-:111 · r111s11~, \•lrnna tll'I Mar. Harb"r 38:.Si-\\', 42pl4 ... _..,.~ W ashinq Machine ~ERV1CE 1-y:oar guara11t1•e on jobs done -----a.nd on use(t washt\rs 2488'• Wl::LSH h11by buggy, t·onvl'r t:; to 1 rear> Newport Bl .. Costa Mesa. CL~;ANJNG & IRO~t:>:G Ly u1~ ha1<s1ne1te, 1·t11· hl'd &. m1'.ll~1. L lberf,y 8-4503 or Liberty day J::xJ)eri• ll<'Pol BaltxH1. hltmtl I Only ~ nms. o l<I. !-15. J(JI :._·:pl~h1 8_4327_ 6'1Uc prcferrt'd. Kl 3-6096 4lJ14:1 1 St., Nl'wport Bt•.t<'h. .. , :10 USED PIANOS w11nttod ba<11.Y fnr our rt>ntal d1•rt. H IJ:IH'st Cll!lh allowam·c 111 tratl .. on new piano ur urJ:an, DAN7.-SC'H~nnT P 111no & Organ Co .. ~20 No, Main, S1111ta Ana SPECIAL Accordian Buys ! Four used 120 ba!l8 accordlon1 In fine cond1lio11. Crum lnclud1·d. Your (•holce, $i5. Term1 $10 dn. and S5 per m onth at S HAFEH'S Music Co. !Since 1907) 421-423 N. Svciunorf', Soult& An& Phone J<lmhe°rly 2-0672. v' v Check these Used Cars Uu1· from a lo('al deall'r who will be here TOMORROW ' to bar k ur what ne aetta TOOA Y ! -l~Autos and Trucks SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. 2·tone brown. Radio, heater, owrdri\'e. Runs good . .. ... . . .... . ............ 1 . .... $1025 I 1951 CHRYSLER New YCJrker 4-dr. Light 1954 green, automatic t ranmission. R & H. A one-owner car .. ..... . .. .. $1245 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Club Cpe. 2-tone gray. Radio, heater, power steering. New W.S. W. tires. An excel- lent buy ................................................ $2595 lent buy ................... -..................... ... . ... $2795 1953 BUICK Super Riviera, radio, hlr. pow- er l'lteering, power brakes. Looks & runs like new ............................. ·-······-·············$1995 LOU REED 1200 W.eat Coa.at Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 ~Apt11. ~ llOU9M Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East.31st St., Npt. Bch. Delightful living. O~FERS Apt.-Cabanaa. Utiliti• paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or resen•ation, C&ll Har. 2992. Mtto -~_otor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad'* &8-Apta.AB...- BEACON BAY 3 bdrma., 2 ba. view home. Summer only. • • • • • 6 Cyla. "8.8.8 BALBOA PENINSULA. I-bclnla. 8 Cyla.. $58.M' 1 ''t ba. J'ur;'. !Pl~ Tit. LS>.IS. lncludu both labor and parta. New rtnea. wrtat plna, valve (l'in<l, flttlnp ot malJl and rod bearlnra. l!:lfpert motor tune up. 80-day or 4,000 mile cuarantee. (NO MONEY OOWNJ. PROPERTIU an Jut a ot the wtd• nnre of prtc•. Ion A accornodaU.. we have 111 The Beau NEW DELUXE 2 bdnn. dupltX. WASHING & Ironing d111l!' 11t -------------118 C'L'BH' FOUT 1•hc•.>\l-lyp1~ fre"· home at 7~c P"r hr. Wiii f'nll fnr 7 RIKES •n A·I c·nnditlon. 2 1:111~ 7.CI'. J;<>od t·onrl1linn. l!l23 H lrk· STEl:\"\\'AY CRA:i':D. In wonder· Used Car Department Now Located at Cul condition. See and hear tiu1 } REBUILT ENGINES -UP t4 10 MONTHS TO PAY- BuUt l.n our own factory by a.killed m&chlnl.ata. Don't conttnd with the middle man. Buy direct. REBUll.T and INSTALLED • Unfurn, hdwd. flra .. tl.-.pl., sub. dl•P· Sun decka. Laundry room.a. Garagea, TV ant.e.nnH. Adul~ no ptt.I. 700A-7008 Acacia. Co- rona del Mar. Ownt r 702 .AeMt.a. (Upper apt.) Phone Bar. 1TSW. and dell Hr. T ri<". LI 8·816:!. bik"• & :l bnys btk>'>1 at S:!!< ;,o n ry St, Santa Anli, Call Kim· 41 p-13 <'fll'h. 2 boy~ lli;htweight l.Hk1•1> bi>rly 2-2:182. 40p45 1n1m ortal instrument. All origin· Our New Bui ding SHORT BLOCK FORD ----··-·-· .$12UU -------------t :i2 :rn rrtr h. All llk•· nr11'. al cont.II! ion and material. This --------------------------- EXPERIE:>:CELJ ho•1kk1•ep'r -lyp- l:it <lesir•es perut. position. Local 1 ~•71 OranJ.;e Avt•. \c•sta ~lt:~a. C..:A FPP:HS & SA'rTLEH l(ll~ range & Frlgldalr<'. Both !'or $60. 11r hest offt>1'. Phone LT 8·i908. af· t1•rnocms & w,•rk rr1.!;;. 42r~4 Is no r ebuilt pl1111<>. Also Knabe For the Best Deal Ma111m & Hamlin. Lester and CHEVROLET _... SU9 ~u PLYM. A OODGIC -· .$15~ C"RRYS. A DE SOTO --.$170 llltfo rr~ldenl, ha Vt' tranRpor l\l lion, !Al110 exp. In rllatly tu wear. •)f· BROADLOOM Rt.:G 1 ;xu, m etul f11•e & 11ales. Har. 4073-J. 4 l p43 t f Plephnne rhair. dnor, Iron <:hcllt, n1any oth"T8 al &~al savings. • Th H b Really! 100 planois from whlrh In e ar or Area STUDIC8~ ......... ---·'170 Balboa Island A 'M'l!:NTION ALL BOYS - 1':t•w!!-Pr<'1u1 carrier route are now Opt•n ln some n<'l~hbnrhoo1I~ 1 Balboa, W1·~t Ntwpnrl, Bslbnr< l!<la.nd, ="'•'WJl'lrl Heights and t'osta :>.t .. sa. Jr you arf' 12-1!'> yrs. <>Id, ha·1e a bicycle. up ply J(J. I :.i a.Ill. 111· ~-5 p.nt. only al ('lrruhtllull lJi'pt., N~W)ICJI l Hllrhnr Nl'l\'8·l'r1•11i;, 2211 Balboa lil\'d,. .Newµo1 t I J:kach. Harbor 1616 39tfc \\'ANT auto 11alPsm:i1~ ;)~ F 0Nh1 11nd llsNl c·ar>1 F.;o;peru•n1·- •'d nurn prefl'I rl'ct. TH EODORE ROB! NS, F ord Dir . :1 100 W , ('nut Hwy , Npt. Bi>ar h Liberty 8-3471 4tr<l:IH __ ......_ GllU • .S- J UST I A JOB? t•n1°crt"d Rl'llnlte kl'tlle, 8quar•• m1rro1·, etc, LI 8-4-;'~8. 43c4~1 CORNER breakr11~t booth & tabl1· mnlr htng whul-nut shelvl's, oh.I s~wmg mnchtn•'. tlrapci;, spn•ads, Bi~!'lt'I l<WN'Pf't. l:lx8 g re1•11 Mo· hl\\\'k n rj? R•·11~on~1hl. 1!111°bor :1!!!11 :!3 Beacon Bay, N"wporl. 43pH :-;o ROOM In the winJow for lh••se .•hut ts It peJ.tl µu.hers, to size <11 nt S2 98 & $:1.19, D•m•hl~in·s Five It Ten 300 Mam St.. Balboli 1:k48 A BAR(;AJN AT $50.! 6 ft. f;lll~S Mhll W ca!K'. -!!I I Marin' A, .... 8 ulb111.t lslan<t. f'hont• H.111. 21\I l :ll'll Only $1090. All Frigidaire Equip. FOR SALE, BY OW:>;ER: IS-106 R~!rlgo•rator, RS-70 double oven t'li>r. 1 angc, \\'O·llf> wash1•r, TR- 60 dryer, HH·ll 7 homd freezer. A II .: uotl l\ll 111'1\ • F ur $1090. Ong. rel all apprrix. $ l 7j0-or will 11ell 101·parulely. Fine .. quip· ni. nl. S1·t> 111 home by appoint· nw11t. Hat bur 26H. -'lp-13 S2-Fumltuna for Sall! BABY C"rlb, rnattn•ss and b~by buggy, o il .f .. r $15, Ubl. b"x .-.pranK &: mal Lre1111, S 15. Pho11r H ar. 3681. 42cH Mesa Woodcraft ('A NVAS tnuler cab1 no, 95 x 20'. · I Fu wall•, win•low~. tloor. iilrt•I ~rrp· Unpainted & Ju\leni e rn. pnrtt<. $6r>: 4 R111111uin 111t>tal ; SPECIAL8 THIS WEEK • hn irl'. S•I ea<·h. Anrud. 22 An· •·•1r, 1'tll<ll'nt rteMk $13.88 nu, LJdo f'11rk , Newport Br111'h. Utility ri1h1net.t, wllh l'lld1ng 4:lp~5 dn.1rit, l'l~w·111t "1u1 $17.:10 & up MORE THAN THAT-An oppor· -------------Roo'\<111J1r hr11rlboarct.o . $89~ & 11p lun1ly In work tn an intereaUng BJC'\'CLES, t ahlr Zenith ralltn, ;l(I .. ht•r ~l nolii 12.95 to t hnose. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P lano Store. ::.20 :->o. Main, Santa Anl\ STL'DIO PIA:-.o. A hard to get pl11n11, Perfect condition, $395 t<'rms. DANZ-SCHMinT Big Plano & Organ Co .. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana $~00 PER MO. rt'nts goocl pract lct p1nno. TPrrn rl'nt applil's lf you buy Good precUce pill11011 S89. 110, 19!'; DA:\"Z·S<'H!\UDT Big Plano Store, ;,20 l"'o. Main, Santa Ana Wanted to Buy UPRIGHT PIANOS not over 50" tn hell(hl f11r our rental dept H lght>st trade allowances or cuh price at- S H AFER'S Music Co. (Slnct 1907) 421·423 :-\. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmb,rly 2-0672 C:O:-tXSONATA Eleetrk Or1an slightly Ul!efl. Save $400 cm th11 bt>1111t1t 11I orir11 n. DA~Z-SCKMIDT Big P lano Start .'>20 ?\'n. Mttln. Ra.nl& AnA ln.f11:.t1 y wh1<'h 111 cxp1U1Jm11 and t'nrlHW""ct lyprw nt.-r Rl'llltnJt· 2121 llarbnr, r1111tl\ ~fl'"" Ll 8·194r> •·11r1 ~ ·'"""n• ''lll"n' "Pfl'll'Lunuy '"" .. re .... .m11w'r . Ynr•1 body, •lhl. 4Jc43 See Baldwin Piano 111 q 1111l1'l1!1l )ntl11g women. .v•lid rr,, k 11111ple Md, ~l ·I F .. 1~1 lll'F:N l'."t;s ~O\\' AS . ' o . f'ltn Front. cornrr of f'fllm. HARD ROf'K MAPLE ~'1 dtvtln & Organ Display TELEPHONE OP ERATORS J R&Jboa. l 'h. H11r. 32Jll, 3~9 1 ""'' • hirn. •nffrr l•hl" ~9 WOODWORTH P IA.NO CO. .'lll'l Plratl' Road, Clift H11ve . J3ll Cout Bl't'd .. Corona dt>I Mat -APPLY -ANTI"l'ES Old turnllurr, <'lit J l .. ·r1v "110• c'3 "' ' ,,.. · .,. ... , 1'111aden tnteriO!' Bids .> :,11 r. '\ Main SI. i.;I~~~. h"nl'~ nltl p1r t11r«",, 1•ln1 k11 m:owoon ('HAISE LOUNGE. Har. 3382 61 tto R 111 211 -San Ill Am, • t1 A1&rg1nn11 jt>tlnre. li1g <hA· Mnn 1ht<1\110th F"t t ll foll I•• 4 110 f' Ill rount1t to fll'all'rl!. ('ha rite O avl11, 1i;,n~ F: Anllh\'IOI St . Lnn~ lll"ll f"h fl~0-1 :;:• ~lltfl' fl<>wc'r "<'wt11i: 111Al'h tn•'. 4 pslr ------------- 11,.w d tMw c!rllP""· Hl31, We~I HAMMOND CHORD <>rl&n demon· R11 v Av" :'l:fil. R•h., Har. ;{68.'!~1 111 rntor, wllh nrw iruarantee. Big l'Al'JFIC' TELEPHONY, ---~---~-~-~--4 1"~3 M vlnJ:'. I i\I(<;~; It 11 Al. t • Q( ••Jlll\IC' Orn fH"'"" ,-.~f"'rl•ru ,•t ..,,,,...,111\n i\J, """"' '" k• r1 , •11r1·t~11111d \\'r tl• ""' >-·Iii! tl'c, I "l'"' l'l"A•• ... 1.1t1 q 1utl•f11 tl t11th t1' JHU l t• 1 . l-'ri..:1•IHtr r . ~yr,. nl<I $.&'>. l-'n i:1· tltift•r l(1 IAHjtf'1 :!~·r1o nlrt.SJl;, ~"""tlll br•11lprr11'1' ltkr n!'w. )\f<H lr1n ~-ll h11th tu h. ltkc Ill'\\. ~!It r,, ... n d1v·111 "1l><'~llr11l (''Ill· •ltll"~. $:lt1, If. !I\','" •1111 ~· I r11llr1 i\ R H()A I~ 1-~0R SOME <'l;>;F;! I\'"'' nC Eatly Amrr k an fuml· 1111. 1n1 l111lln1< "L•Wf' k l't"frlir $10011, Call H :lllO l •t 41 ~>8. 42rH !'lmtt11 JttfA• SA~, !",.. ul 2t"1 \'ht l'J\Hl ••l F rf'nl'fl ('r11v1orllll lo\'e 111'1tl1<. high "ini: b•r k, ('Uatom n•u•I• Htu b"r r.:l:l'i ~2• H \\ A;o./T "'lr•·r,.•ni·•it '"1'""" 1' 1·•!1'· M1•11tun,• l.t•lu l •I•· ('nil l huhor 11 •r 111111 ll111l1<or nr"a ~:Ju•ll•nt n:.:~ "' Ha1. n::c.\\'. ,.1, t:l i\J ,MO~T n~w n1nllr"M for t11iuhle "l'l'"1 lu1111y tor P llhl 111nr1 h•'d SA J 'hnne J,l bl'rty ll·i98i. \\I JI(' n .. , \\ '''· I hr. l'"P" I •I. ,\ \I 1 ~" \\ t h r -ina;l1 I 42('44 l IJ•l.I rha c , ~ t>lli Ir :l H b ol l ln<IO ------l 1trr11114 z 1:11,.1.1. ~:it~) :ll42 D• t Rt.n:-;nE moctl'I n 1lhlP. tw-il. t><>,ir ~1~r I'•• 1 1 M· ~11 l.Jh..,•v 11.:o1~·1 l"prtni: ~ mart r.w111 rnnit S2·'.· I """ :( :111 I'"' l:!"'I l 'h I !lot'l l)' 1'·7Sl:lfl. ~1 1'4.I Machinists HELP! MO\'l~Cl 'l'O ~~tAt,1.~:R QllART- DA:'iZ-SC'liMIDT Bt' P iano Stan !'.!20 No. Main, S11nlA Ana April Spinet Speci&ls! BEAL"TrFt:L • , .. Klmball 9'Jlnel r iAn(I, Ilk .. TIC'W, NVO $202. FAMOUS MAKf: Sall'm maple 11pinet p uino nnly ' mo·1. old ,.111·" s12: •. LOVELY 38" Glllp~nt.lal,. walnut Kamha.11 •J'lnt't, hke nrw, aave U ll 1. l O!'l:LY f\Jll. k~·bnard IAllll'f 11p1n .. 1 In fll1,. rondlt 1or1 $48~ C"onv<'nlent term• 111- SHAf-'P:R'~ Mu111c Co. (8lllC'11 19071 121-~23 ~ Sv1 om111r, 8 11nla Ana f'honn Klmbt.rly 2-o.172 Muat ha\'(' instr11mrnt 11r l'h)sC hydraulic t'XJ)('rt<'ll<'l', Want m1'n w ho w1rnt fo rnnkr l 11f'. ""ill:('!' !lnrl nN' nM ln;i:~-. t 'ome !\nrak a pl'<'k A nytimr t111s we(·k Fmd some thin g~ nnt lflll<' Oth<'r!' Jll~l uniqu<'. l<H!' !ttl'ST l'EJ,t.! Rr nollX M w "'i'lllhPr f' h I Ir n rrt11i:;r1111 n1 . I -TV Service r"llll•I ,1nt1q 1e (;nlrinl1'1 l;>hl•, '"'" ~··nt • h.11"<'. ''""" 'h1111.N. f'htlro P nrt<thlt> Bfl~ t,1bl1'. mt~l'o 11rn11. R r· A Sylva.nla K11ye Hal~rt • Artm111ll mrn! • "° pt!'ttrrr~. I 2 hp n1tl· G rnl'rlll Y.lr 1'I rte I i~J Su fl{' nor ~t , ( ·,,~1 11 ~f ri;a sn:-.lf: '""' "" t111 thins:;•. tt'Wl 11,,"1 1 Aflk for Rob ·12r '11 1 '' ·t .. •ini:; n11: rrmu11111 or 11n r.l'l1it 0 • Ol'lt ~~:w HOME 1~ r 11.rpt>lt>1I .... In i:~r 11~ .. 11t :\16 ~" (' "'"l Hl\''l \\,. hllV •· ,. .. , ... rRI l1t r1t·· :.tlll' l'Olld --------1 , , It r••d 111~~. Rlltl 11rvrr1'l 11m.1ll· :-;;T A Y ·AT·HO~lf:~IAK F:n w.rnt"•I 1"' IHl>l Hrai h, Cllllf 1 i.·t:l ••r k Onent•l throw Ir runn,.r11 '" 111 r•·pc c .. u,. tor 1<111.111 phonr tur Mir. ~M" ~n11 ~ •"1 "~" Ph l.Jlwr 1Y I SFf: AT :l'Hll "'" L\olo, 11n 11pflrl· S-9(}H , I .l(l t'I " P_111 '4:lp 41'1 Or~·11~E 1o·11R;-JITURE:. :l (fr~k'-. Z mr nt JH~t h• fMr your r1·r>~11 thr 1;JltL tor p1u1 run" tor 11n1Hll hf· ~" ""' • htu1~. :I o<r11 c c h;,11 :0 t111•h:I' I" J.lrlo Jiilr. T"ll'J'lhM•" Ill•'. lirn I otl"e rxr 1r q111r.-cl I l'11<et.I Iv i.•·11 S•,. 1<£lf!rnov r ... 1 H Arbnr ·1:144-J 4:.!tfr Arpl" b<'l "'«'"ll 1:? 3•J " 2 r rn 1 11nl) t 17 :-.1 .. rn1ng l.'8/lyron fw ><tl. ----. _ jOl-211th , ~'"l"'!I t2i•i4 I l.'oi ona cJrl Msr l lr4:J REl-RIGErtATOR. COld11pot, d ."e n Hr,.:tkfML l"'I II p lt'Ct'll, Phnn!' -ror a rtt'r enctab1 .. "~"'1 ('11r , 11t" Fresh Hearing Al'd L l bl'l IY 8-23Qi, 42l 4 I your lonll dt alr r who will b' h<'rr BA TT£R1£S TOMORROW lo bar·k up wh11l hi' We Give S&H Grt<•n S tamps t1t'll11 TODAY! <'hr•k the us"'' Gunderson Drug Co. c:ar.o In the rlu111tltt1 lll't'tlon t<>· I MAlll SL al Balboa Blvd .. B1lhf'l8 d11.y. Harbor 51!'>. 98trc THURSDAY AT 3 P.M. "Haven't even had breakfast yet!" SAID TID8 AD\'ERTl8ER. ''l'w• had 110 many <'all11 I can't do ~tna but ADJl"'f'r tlte phonr and fhP c:Jnor. l '\'f' al· ~ -.old uv•Bl fbJnc•. ~I'\ n ""ll""t r11 1111rb "on- derlul "'1lpon~ !" lll:RE'8 .A C'OPT' OP' HER AD1 SO-llllloeillaneoaa for 8.aJe REASONABLE. Roll awe.,· bc'd daVt'nport. lamps. gu nl-at. rt.. OnfVera.t w ml automauc wa~ti ­ er, kitchen table It • ch&Jt!l 11, • culonal cha ir, 2 occu lonal IA· bin. kldnty • 1h11pt1l '"r ::'· <lr-r. g011slp ~ch, 9x12 "lltl unt. 2 lantern•. 2 l'Ots It c .. :i'-mars •to"9. LI 8- 1lflla&eftr 7ov 8Mda. .... 111 ou.r Unl1 rlaa•lflMI "'t'tlon wUJ •rtnr '°" ,_.,.., ~,-.U.fTl' ff•ulh : C'alJ Harbor lite .. d .. 11 fnr thf' Mt tak"t TRADE 8"8.Utrful ;o.ft. au1t. achoontr. Fully rountl. go Ao.ywhere. \"i1U take eqw1 y In proprrty or am•I· ler boat. 1220 \o\', Balboa Blvd., Nt>wport. H u . 3032. 39tfc CHRY ~LER MBnne r ninne, 4 11 to I rr<.hlC"lton g<'ar. RE:fi'Rt(a :RATOR. t 10 f oll D . (', SF.E JA\K HARPER al 1.11.1\l ~htpyanl. rn1l of 31st Sl re•'I Ntwport Beach. 2!1 tfr BOAT I r11ller, S6:1, Ch~·, Craft 8· 1 f t. dtni:-hy, tlbergtu.. !)nttom. \\'t 1 b ol\rl!, S6!S. P.hone Lih••rt y 8-2!'J32. ...J!tfc MATCHED PAJ~ Chry1ln Roy· a.11, 2 t(l 1 rtrluctlon, both S4 00 Harbor {pt(.J, J8ct:l SXlPE. ;:>;u. 4433. tn Jood condl· lion. S 100 P honr L.Jbt'rty 8·47:!6. 3Pp44 JG' <·RerzuN '!\~ gluse<l ·"llh t.IN'k 11.&fety $1 111.U \\' S lll:l!I Ev1nrude AQU&.!!Onlc N"mote con· tmlt. Many ouiu ext~. Own•r L.I lHl230 4 1.-43 SXlPE X e. 5934 1n f>Xt'I. ah.a,,. lta.ll8, nrw rovtr. t rallc-r. $800 Phone Harbor &02 day, 23C>e·R ""° •lcU AntrnmUI ln1tallt"d ONE DAY SERVICE P!Jone t:olltct LE.x 6-4930 H J . LaVerne IC~rty) 322 Maln. H untinrton Beach 38p48 SPECIAL April Organ Buys ONE ONLY full 2 manual conn- •onata f'lt'ctronlc orr&n, like new, Save 1400 ONE ONLY beaut1rul MJrahall 1plnet orgsn. like new. Save $100 ON'lt ONLY 111n&le tnanual Mln· aha.11 organ, like n<'w. Save 1200 Coov-n1'nt lenn1 at- SHA F'ER'S Mu11lc Co. (Since 1907) 42 l·4:.!3 X. Svr11 morr, Sant& Ana P hl'lne Klm~rly 2-()672 HA~fMOXD ORGANS. Complet<' llnr l'll~y l1>rm~ Ynur o ld piano lnken In f'xrhan~r. Try bt!orc- )"<l.l .buy. Ftrt room11 here (or praC'ttce. OA:>;Z-SCRMIDT Big Plano Store :,2() !'«o . .Ma!n. Santa Ana REXT on orgon or pl11no "1th rrnt11 I to npply on future pur · chue 11t - SHAFER'S Mu1ic Co. (Sll1ce 1907) 421 -423 X. Sycamore. Santa Ana l'hcine Klmbr rly 2·0672 BA LOWIN A crosonk Sp!nt't Pl&l\O J ul!t like n~w. Yo u can save on t hl l, Rf'AllttfUI Art Model Splntt c.only S38S. Anothtr Spln't Mah cue. Lovely toM <'Inly $4t7. Al· w11y1 Jots of wonlltrtul barpin.I &t -- DAXZ·SCIDCIDT Bl~ PJ'Ano lton. :.20 :>:o Main. Santa Ana 100 Plano1 to choo.e trom. l:aq Wm&. Open ne.r-, ~ ne '53 HUDSON Hornet Twin "H'' power. Loaded 13,000 miles. A ateal ! '53 BUICK Super Rivie.ra. Fully eqwp. Sharp! '52 MERC. 2-dr., Merc-o-matic, R&H, above aver. '51 BUICK Roadmaster 4-dr. Fully equipt. A-1. '48 BUlCK Roadmaater. Fully equipt & recondJ. '47 PLY. spec. dlx. 4-dr. A good one, low priced OLDS• PO~LAC I -1170 BUICK -·-S17:'1 HUDSON ----···-·---··17~ Loa.ti Car Free T owtng NEW C AR GARANTEE Block mu•t meet our •tandarda Plut t&Xea, ~uketa and oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS No Reasonable Offer Refused on any car in atock. See us for a ''real" deal on a new '55 Buick Open Daily 8 to 7 S tate Bonded + NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. • TERRY'S· BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. :>021 CA few blka. East o! Newport City Hall) 4lc43 Port Orange Trailer Sales NEW 16 ft. to 24 ft. Travel Trailers. NEW 35 ft. to 45 ft. Mobile Homes. We Invite you to inspect them at 2200 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty R·4420 U c43H MG 191'>1, J'<'rfN"I conct. Only :11.000 m1lr11. Nl'w tlrc11, Jlrtnae IC· fl3118. Prt<'e S97!'J. Pr1v. party 5,.,. at Horvath le rukf'r. Pt11·P1gn Citr Ser •• I HI Jndll~lrrltl Way. Cnt1IA Me~a. 4 2('H '49 F OR{) r onvertlblr In itontl rondlt1nn, rlean. RAdto, hP11.ter, a nll. •pnlll(ht, S!:>t6. Call Llherty 8-~282. 4 I p43 8A.NTA ANA. LAKE ARR°rWHE AD L OT with boat dot' k . $ t 500 or w ill t ra1te tor l11te 27-ft. hou.ee tra1le1. LI 8-H53. 39trc ~---~-~-~---30-FT. J'AN AMERICAN J9j t , XJnL condtlton with 8 x 20 Alum·<>·Room ('1tobana. $Zi00 or wlll aelt cabana fvr $600 l ll~h, l:.ddo Trailtr Park, 47 Dr.Xe-!il., Newport Beu h. 41p•O 195'4-tt FT. VACATIO N 1'r11lll'r. P hflne H11rbor 3812· W 4 I p43 47-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We nffd apta and houaea ln all MCtiONI for both w1nur and rear'• 1.-a..c. Furn. or unfurn. lf you have a vae&ncy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W . C11t. Hwy~ Newport. Bt'.h Phcmo Llbnty 8~481 208 Manne, &llboa JalJ\nd Phone Ha rbor 4H i667 F:. C'1111•t H v , C<or'lnll del \fA · l'hona H'arb<•r I : 41 1.i.111 Otfl•'•', 34111 \'11i L toln H n r h<•r rn; J :121 le 19(>0 Mn T.D. Real clean. 8J>f'C•al thlll Wf'l'k .. ,,_ ,, __ $90~. 1049 OLDS S. rnnvrrt.tblt>, R & H WSW tlru. Phone Harbor :int tor appl. to lllll'p~c:l. 38tfr --'!11.--AJ.!l~. £: B'""'" 1862 PLYMOUTH converlthle. with -----Hausken Motors, Inc. 111:12 flu bor 81\•d .. COllt.a Me• f'hnnp Llbt"rty 8-:,0!';t. •lc43 19.'IO l"ASH f;t11tr111n11n Brou~h,.m RacJto A o'drln . Pull rrlc:~ sum Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd, C'osta Me'" Phonn Llbet'ty S-!'K1:11. 3:11-:11 e.atral'. ExcelJt'nl condlt1nn. H•r· bor 3937-J. • tre3 llU~' PONTIAC •·itr. \101'l n"w IJ:')l lllJ pnwrr hr11kr1t .t 1111 Summer Rentals ''" 1,.11,; 1111~ ""ct Mtru. S2 1M, 126 F: Or"IUl F'l~I-: 1.1111 1 tl>•:IH: Front, Balboa. Hu. 311311·J ·:i hr•t1.,,,,,1~ z hllth~. 41 " 43 ~·111 n111h"<1 JI :Ill. mn nn ,,.,,.,. \\'tll r on ... hlrr renllnp (nr aumm" 19:'>2 NASH R&mblc-r. nnr owner, '4i CADlLl~AC 4 11.oor R Ao H S900. Phnne Kar. 08:'lll-\\'. 4l<'•:J Ma ke nff,..r. J"hM,. HIH :12:.11.J MUST SELL 1951 Buick Rl••tera. Ilk" n•w. on~ owner. low m1J,. &gt>. AU f'Xt ra~ R&er1flc~ W iii hnan<'t . Ha.r. :011 41<'43 BL"lt'K '!';:I Century Rlvl.-rla 2· door full power scl<'ctronic rt1dlo. low mlltng" S3200.lncll'. tax 4' ltccnSt". P r1vatc part_v. C1tll a!t~r 6 or l'eil Sa t11rrt11y nnr1 Sun<ln\'. :11 2 C:a.rnAtlon A"" (" I\ M Hiorhnr :172r,, ~1 r1 :1 10:'>1 U!'SOl'<J C'Ul'lOm 81!1fan H a11 r11d tl'>, hr •trr. l\Uln I ran.\m19a1nn G0<1\.1 Ure" J{P< rnllv 1w•·1h11u1 .. c1 . $ill~ •. Hausken Motors. Inc. 1032 Harbor Blvd., Coa~ Me1111 Phone Llberty ll·:i061. :lfh 40 1962 FORD 4 ·llr C'u9t omtlne IH'd. R It H. no ll'lld<'ll By pnv1ttr re.rt y ( 1 owner I. LI 8-451 l. J9cH -----------~ -'!'>3 ENGLISH FORP Con~ul 11erl8n, 6.1100 orlginnl miles I ownt'r 43r 1'1 1953 Plymouth Llnfum1shed 2 bdrm. llpt. Top Balboa Lornt1nn Swv, a otl rdrljit'1·r•l<1r SI 1 ll m t• <m IC'• ~1· :->0111111g nlr~r f\n l'l'nln,ula CLUB OOl'l'F: Rlldrn. o'rlr lVf' Lido Realty Assoc. good ti~•. EX<'t'llo•rtl 1 on•lttlon 31'10 V tf\ L Mn Harbnr 4114 S995 COTTON GOFF Vnlkaw&jt"n OrHlrr 2116 :-O:rw7mrt Blwl , :'\l'WJ'°rt Br h H8roor 8. 4J r 13 l\'EW 111~.'\ REJ'l:A1JLT 1<r•J1n. De· livered l'qulpped. S l 29~> Hausken Motors Inc. 1982 H1u·t:>nr Btvil, C-o~ll\ M~11a P t:on" L.lb•'rty 8·~10:-,1 211t':ll ri .... 19~6 .10-F"T ,\1 1\YJ-'LO\\F:R F'ull bath. 111111\· ('-ttr.•• l"•l'tl le-~" l h11'1 30 011 \'1' Ii '••Ft )'\l<l\~11 J"y,r,.. i cu,,, H•fll ~··"r~"' u1,o1, c ..... Ill MMA \' " F tH,.·:J, Sp111 r I! I .II~• rtv 11.i.11\•I• ·l:lp11\ Cho1c() ~ummC'r R<'ntal11 on Balboa laland & L1tlu h<le SmaJI &r c:o:r.y vr large It deluae $7:. 11'1 $300 mon lh VOGEL CO. 208 Mi. n ne A vr • B•lt;oa blan<I Ph. lflU'b(')r H • fir Harbor :.:1:.1 R<'~ 11111 pi.11.Jt tor l!ltr .111'\ll·M 6 H!c Cholre yearly and aummer rental., now available. oorus BRAY, ·Realtor 219 Marine Ave., Balboa bl&nd Harbor 20 8:1tfo 2 \\'OMEN TEACHERS Will Jhare 2 bdrm. a pt. on Balboa lalant.I, t'ar port A Patio. Har. 1374-W. 4lcU :! liDKM. tum. duplex, $100 mo. Include• utll1Ue1. South of Hlway, C'nronu t.11'1 Mar, Mrll. Kny, H 11rb. 3779-J . llHu $70-2 Br>RM . 1'r1plex. garb&&• cll11p. f 'an over •tovr. Bl'IWf'fn H igh 1chool • .)r. High. Water pd. Owner, Llberty t!-2776. 4tttc BY YEAR-~alboa laland. CloM- to llhOp•. Available M11y ht Nie~ •Ingle f11mlly. 2 ~room home wllh dbfr . .:er111ote. Furn. $1110. mo, to rl1otM ta.mlly, CALI~ HARAOR 9:1, J . A. RF.F:K nffflrf'. llOJ Park Avr• .. Balbna Jstand. O t-•:I IN BALBOA -ll'um. nearly new urf>n dupleJC. CloM tu Bay and tri.na. '4!10. mo. unit) .lunt 1:, n•· yrly lt"U<' •l $7~. Har. 1317-W after 11·a..m. 4 tr43 Summer Rentals • E xcluaive Bay Front11 I ot hf'r choice pro111.·rt 1r11 Ha rhur blerirt, 811:; Shnll'll, 9 ,.,.. con B"~" <JC1,.hf1 .. •I f'ltrnt" nnly Harbor ln\IE'Rtment Cn. H111 bor ltl!lll ( ~;""" I.I 11-:1311" I ;lTt ft l'ho1rr Y c•arly RE'ntal11 ('I.HF llA\'t-::-.-L1t1' :.: hr t•111l I'"'"'· i:•n """· Sii> r,n unf 11111 C()JH1SA I'>t-:J, ~f AR-2 br .. f ll• • r11t( ... i:nr a i:r $ ;:. ltnf11m 111lird, Mund M. Pinuver, R«>altnr 21\\)t ;'-c•Wf"lf I Rlvd . :'\rwpor I I>.• h Harh()r 41110. •tr U ·&HA-Aptat. for IWnt Newport Island Watrrfrnnl Summf•r R<'nlAh1 HA'l I-:!« hv "'" • k , month nr ,., ... ..,,.,, :Iii~ l'h11l'nrl I 'I H11r. 1217.,J. 4 llfr 1-:x•~El"TJll:-.IAJ,l.Y nice 2 tw-<trm. ur1111r 11 ><Pl 1;,., h11g 11 dl~po1111t, l(i\l llj,'.• Ill"'"· }'l'IHly ;'l.',.w,,.n t 11 .. 1;:111• LI s-:z·4;lfl 41 r 43 Chiu-ming H arbor Haven Apartments -Patios NEW • HOOM, atrrrt ltvtl Near arhoo!JO. ahopplni: dlirtric L Quiet. pltuant, "Xf lu111v ... 1...iarba1e11 di .. pnH I, t11<1nrtn', .11tnrn1<:• rooma. ltl'Mlf;t'. JN:.! jl) up Ocruplu tn• t1r11 •trrt>t. c;"o'1 •UJ>'rvlllon. M,.r.. l '.101 Jt11vl'n J'lace 1 Blnrk Ro11th flt Htith S<'hool Al.SO FTHNISH EI.> A PT8. Wl:-.ll':R RATP.:8 Lido Bayfront NEW 11Uo 3 bdrms .. 2 baths. imm&cu. latP-ly furn. apt. IMMF:PIATE orcupa nry f'lr 6 m•. G d C rt r• rl•·•l .Apr . 2!1l h '" OC'l . 28th. ar en OU rnc"n :-;rnr 114'\\' eondtllnn.. . $8!l~ \\'II.I, S A\Mlf"l("F. 10 111 Stu It· Hausken Motors, Inc. hakt'r lll"lux .. ""<Inn Hu A1.1. l ll32 Ha rbnr Blvd . t ·1Jsta Me>& J'hon• Llb<'rty 8-:10:;1, 3:'K'3i FRENCH POODLE, temaJ,, Ca ll Llbt'r11 8-3ot7 a.t~r 6 p .m . 41c4a "Xlras, ev1•ryth1ng'. 1:i:i1 . •'Ire! :i':ewport U"IH h 4 t p4a I :>;<'J.T'DES "ntire l llll'll'tt,.r -.iuon. close tn ocean 1111\1 bay -, ;-:0 f""'' :-;., r htl•lr•·n Shown b1 Herc you'll r,•Jax and pl:.y. "t·P•·•nt1"""' .,,,1,1 '[>0 STIJDE. l'MDR. ~t'd&n, Land RF:AS(J~,\ l!Llt: HA H~S ll:cr 11~;:1 11 A ltllC)lt I ~•v1-:sTME:'l;T co. Cruti1tr, go111l W»rk car, auto.,1125£.Balbuv.Bl\'d ,Ha.llma 3111 :,2 l'htmr Hu 1 60-01en~Har,l210) tran1 .. htr. .. .... ... . '3M . -U tr• Tu A llcen1e paid. Pr!•. pa.rty 2 BDRM. furnl>'llf'•l $!HJ month Llberty 8·3.">80. 41~3 on ye!lTly IP11.,. hy t h1• nw11th. '• SIAMESE KITI'EN8, C.F ..A. rt(., tJ.-Auto 8enioe SI:'>, to Sood homea. Har 24U·R blk. fT11ITI hAy, 2 hlk~ 10 l\tf'An, 304 • :H t h St., .... «owport 8f'At h Har. 2344-J. 39c02H NEW VERY A TTR.A.CTIVll f\lm. apL Garba,e dt.poaaJ. '70 tnrl. uttlllll'• In center er Corona 111'1 Mar. Har. OM3·R. .lOt.te '2c44 PURE BR.&D lrlab -Ur llp&l\Jela tor ale. nnest cun dop, won- derful peta for cJllldrel\. Ph.One Llbt'rt)' l -U26. 0Cf8 SS-Spec;.la! .. _____ , W ANTED-600 PIX>PLll to come to breakfut •~turd&)', April 30th from 7:00 to ll:OO .a.in. Goodell eau. OuUt Cburcll BJ' the s,, 1'20 Wm Balboa 81"4. Strnd by tlle )(eM' ctub. Tt~- A'lTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's 'Garage A.uthoriad Part. t. &emff al.lo Good Trauportf Uoa Car• r or lale Auto Radio Repair ~ E. 29th St. keta 7Gc. ~6 Newport Beacal, B&t. '7& ,*lo ' RENTAL v SPECIALISTS C&Jl t;dna Cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manne A •t. ltalboa LI land, Har. 1t 71 T2Uo ON BALBOA lS'l:.AND -oa tor ,_," Ud _..., reataM. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor lot Ma.rlae AH. 8&rtlor 502 MUie>.&. w.&.MI> 1U. HARBOR AYI'S. Modern !umished apt.. day, week or month S ear llwl, 11torn • bay. Reuon&ble ratea. 10' E . a..,. Ave., 841.804 HarbOr 634•. lTUe v'NFt:RN. 2 bdrm. apt .. hO mo. 430 Narci.u., Corona d•I Mar. Pbone lfarbor 2MO·R UHi MODERN UNYL'RN. 1 bdrm. apt. wtt.b retr11. A .iove. ~bl• Y"ar ly r,.n I ll07 .... f'ernlMI. Co· rou Ml Ma-. MMI \ .. f .. l -- ~nn"1-~~~-·---·--,~----R-_a1_r->_ta_t<o ______ ft-__ R_~_r .. tst". _._.Jo ___ _ ll"~R•al 1'!'_a!! ____ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 . PA&E 5 Prime Investment Opportunity * * * Owner moving forces sale of this mo.t at- t ractive, modern triplex, located in high-income &f'('& on Balboa Blvd." Spaciou1 unit.a, beautifully furnlah- ed, &11d ~~ alone'a throw from beach. Age four yean, 11.ll firat-clas1 condition. Priced below the cqirt of re-oduction at only $24.750. Xlnt. Term~. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 Newpor\ Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2552 (Eve1. Liberty 8-3186) TO SELL, TO BUY, TO LEASE Orange County business opportunities, see Bud Leahy or John Kimble with BAY & BEACH REAL TY Lido Bridge Office-Harbor 36·13 LOANS 70 BUILU. WPRUVE I euY. >1uouN1z•. o• Bayfront 156 Feet Rl!:rIN~CE We Buy Tnm. De-4& B "f I U • NEWPORT BALDOA SA VINOS eauti u ' ntque A LO"-~ ASSOClATJON "" \'la Udo. p~ e~. ""° . Desirable Bayfront Residence "' \VOIJLD llk1 to buy ut &lid fftd Truat Detda Call Har. 2321 LOANS for Homes O':"o -:ZO yr. l.o.Nl Construction Loans SEE DOB SA 'rrLJ!:R 2::.1:;. EAST COAST BLVD. Corona dtl Mat Hartlor 3888 Rep. POIRIER t.10RTCACB: CO. Metro We Ira. Fwid• KI. 5.:;.18::. 41tte NO COMMISSION No Appraisnl Fre SAJ.F:S -REF'INANC!: CO'.\'STRUCTlON Call for 1-'r"" ·Fast Commitments f\n Rc111 trnet~ anrl Unlt1 only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St, To .the yachting family of exacting tute and re. quiremcnta we offer a marine residence of excep- tional merit on 156 ft'et of Newport Harbor'• mo.rt. de11irable leuehold Bay Front. Vigorou& contemporary conception, advanced func- tional design and equipment. 5 bedroom11, 3 baths. 24 ft. x 24 fL view living room. View and privacy' from expansi\•e master bedroom. Large dining room, completely equipped luxury view kitchen, marble fiN'place. All on one le,·el terrazo, and carpeted. floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. system throughout. Alovie projection room, Planned area for swimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead, moor your 100-ft., or larger, yacht to skillfully engineered, well lighted private pier and float. This bayfront residence shown by appointment only. Call John Macnab, Harbor 1775 or Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY 48A-Apta. for Rent 49-B-Room & Board • COSTA ?.!ESA 225 ?.tarine Ave .. Balboa Island -------IH_O_AR--;;-&_R_0_0_1'f;.;;;~;;~-;:;;; LI 8-j~,41 LI S-6!>62 LOVELY turn. 4-nn., : bdnn. a pt. 's blk. to COl'lta )'.le&a hu!lln••S! di&tl'll't, t l'll.l!Onabl('. Aflltl!J<, no P<'tJ>· Ll~rty 8,.")768. 4~c44. J UST arriv"d In the Harbol' lll'•"ll ~ I deal fo,. working ma.n or wo- man -Singh; 11pt. · ... 1th kitchen· Pttt>, TV, pn\'(lte bath, maid a<'r- vlce. ul.!1, pd. V.'eekly ra1A11. 230G OI' pan·nt ant.I (hlld. Cull Ins, Corona d<'l !\lnr. at ~20 ~ l r ·\:J . 3 OFFIC E apace• tor lr•se. Ap· prox.. 17'x~· each . ln Lldo Shop· ping 11.f"t'L !),O() \'La ?oflllngu. H11r. 3J27. 1:.tfc \V. Occ1n Front, Ne.,.,-port Bch. I--------------- 3~t!c 53-A-Bwdneu Rentals YEARLY unfurn. I bdrrn, 11p1 , I ·----~~~~~~~--­~'1th "1arll,;f'. g 11 tboa 1111and. AVAJUBLE -About 8000 8q. Ha r. 2s::.~-\\' or Lll>t'rty 8·4·1.18. ft. lighl lndu•try ap•ce on lat A :l:>tf<: 2nrt. tloor. U. S. H lchway 101 Quick Cash Loans on furniturl'. Coto. salary. $50. to S750. or more. . One llRy arrvl«. Applif11.Uon may be made In per· l!Dn, by phone or 1:-y raall. Calif. Acceptance CORPORATION 1898 J-la r bclr Blvd., Co~ta .Mt'SA 1..J 8·77::.1 -Open Frtd•Y• UIL 8 Cl.:i~d Saturday!!-41lfe COSTA J',IESA, 3 rm. apt., furn. or 1..1nf1..1m .• inctudt'• utlliUea. Call HYatt ""'3~1•. Z8trc Rnd Brty Frontng~. \\'ll1 lca11t nll or llfl)' part 4-. remodel to ~ult teoo.nL. Vogel Co., 3·116 Via Lhlo. H1trbor 41171 26trc 1 _5_7_-_R.-~•-l_E_ •• _IA_te_w_ .. _™' __ _ K:-.OTTY PINE. 0Ct'll.ll v1rw, t urn. lo~·er I ronm & roll k llt hl•n ' Shnwf'r. S:l7.~.0 n10. <lr v.·HI lta11f t.ltll. p•ld. 3 17i¥ :.th Ave , South L1a1un11.. HY 4·~>838. 42p44 BALBOA IS LA:"D-1.o\'Ply 11m11.ll 11tud10 11.pt. turn .. ye•rly leRM'. $,•,o. Ut!l. pJ. E n1pl. l1ttly or g tn· t lr1n11n. \\'nte 1128 IAra1n RJ., S11n ~larino. ,...r <~1111 ATla n!tc AVAILABLE NE\\' STOit£ BLDG. 1200 sq, rr---WANTED OPP'"'''" B11!boa l3ay Club Allllll" \\.'E HAVE CUSTO~IERS park1nr . l'h. Ll 8·1373. 3r-<'tlih ror ,.a. FO H. LEA$1'~ on 1-larbor Hlv'I l..arge h()u•e on fSOx.37~ ,.:llflund' 1Con1n1e re111 l1 fsc1n1: 2 1Hrt'et11. 1n,.xt lo P la,.tir. Boat l 'lant) All or l'art. l.l .11·3~i'2. 3str~ l'ILnl & lmpro\'td, In buiunt'al mn'" 281h St. to 32nd ln New· porl. Al'o ,.·ant a,creage Cost• 11rrR. 1.oJ&:i. 42c4ll------------- ~ -CJIAR?.llNG J•ROVTNCIAL duplex uof urro 2 b'lrn•IJ. n1'11rly n,.w . r.-.. ar 1l '11'r11. tw111'll & hu.•. l'ri\', lf"JrAlf"P. <:•11 Lr 11·3428, or Har . _t·2~1 ·J. •1 1~\.. Distributorship. Fran<"hi11r Bw;in {'t;.11 Is GOOD. I ..e t us 11<'11 your property JA~fES-VICK -Har Z0.13 Quality Lots Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine (ACROSS FROAi HIGH SCHOOL) For 75' Frontage Highly Restricted Custom Built Homes S3500 All Utilities In on Property. GOING FAST --- Phil Sullivan -Owner George T. Everson -Exclusive Agent 1856 Newport Blvd., Coata Meaa. Liberty 8·6761 Eves. Harbor 4366 -Liberty 8-2103 ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE with the income from thill excellent property located in choice rental district. Just 100 n. from ocean. There are 3 unit.a -a new duplex and a ~room hCluse on ~ Iota. 2 unit.. are fumished and rented on yearly baai11. Owner'• home ava11able now. Three ~arage.i on alley. PreH:nt income can be auhltan- OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX •· COMl'LETEL \' ._"t:R:o;. Only J3000 handl1a. ~rrl flc buy at 511.~0 DUPLEX 1,; block to ocean, 1 LARGE UXIT PLUS 2nd compL furn. On!y $1~,BOO. BALBOA u nit 3 U!\"ITS F'l:Rr\', P'lnf1l rtnlll arra. EKC<'l!enl \"llluP. Clo><e to bear.h. Our bu1i1inrss is good, we need ·niore listings. PHO:.O'E HAR. :>226 "' cun1" In :?901 Nrw1•,,rt Bl\'J ., :-;1-wport Heh Art C. Kistler Co. -'21'11 Busir:iess. & Home 2 BDR.~. H Ol.'S E, pl1111 1•11.t ra lnt. M-1 r.bfic, lov; prl<:P. ~Rl'y t.•rinR J BDRM. HOl!~E. nrar C l\'ic Ct>n · \er, S7.8:.o. lnv.• tlown p~ym~nL BEACH HOP.IE $1 .~00 llClv.'n CHANNEL FRONT 3 BDR~I. H0~1t:. pi<'r 11.nd fl oat, $8,900 tloY;n. N. B. C. Realty Co. 32nd .r. N t"-'port 81\'d,, Npt. Ekh. Call for App't. to see - 6903 Seashore Dr. J BR.' BEA CJ{ HOME. Enc lo~ ._ patio f<. all the u&un l 1!t.1tf, $10.::.00' prlr~. $4,000 dn. Con· •Ider £:.; for 1mall t"qulty ln. S . A. home A 11on1p l"a sh. Bayview Realtors 2301'> B•lboa Blvd .• Newport. Ekh. Harb<ll' 3371. 4:?c44 Need Larger Home ~T BELL nearly new 3 bdrm. h~ llrl'.• corner loL Hwd. floor• thrt.lnut, f!rPplace. Pa!Lq 111, enclo11ed\:J 1lde11. DR.IVE eY 2221 811.l!W. Ana Avc .. Coeu. .McN.. Ph. own..-LI 11·71311. 33p-laH By owner-Costa Mesa 3 BEDRM. A lmo•t n ....... -~Par l"?t.h St. The flnr•l ne1g:hborhood rnr ynt.1r c-hildrtn--on 11. ha.nJo atr'"•t. Price $10.9."lO, only $1.600 do.,.,·n. MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 -r GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE ·TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. \Vhrn you lnapect theae model homea, you wtU note they include evf'ry comfort and convenlf'nce for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that resulted in thiH remarkable community ¥.·ill pro\•idE' GOOD l .. TVJNG for lrvine Terrace famlliee for many yean. Permanent restrictions gllarantea you will always be proud of your home bere. To the home buyer who wishe• to PiW"Chaae In the $22.000 to $35,000 claas we aincerely recommend the Irvine Estatea ·overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace IB located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. * EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-448 For Further Information. For Recommendation, we refer yoa. to anyone who bolda a Leuebold Estate ln bTtn8 Ternoe. • 100% INCREASE IN SALES I More than a Million Dollat".11 In Multiple Jhtlnr 1&1-• during the month of Marchi $1,147,061.00 Compared to ~78.305.00 for ~ of lut ,_.., Jn BUYING or SELLING ..e 70u:r MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS (P.tult1ple J .. i11t1nJ; Brokt>rs) 41 (:43 tially lncreued. $.')000 will handle. Parquet A 1U1phalt Ule floor,,.1----------------------------- WANTED St.f A I.I. \'A(,' A ~1' hU•ll'lf'NI lnl- :-.'f'Wporl nr c .. ~111. P.lf'!<A. f'l11 l" , "~h pru·~ 11.ndf nr 1 .. rmA. A l!KI Jo'OR lNSPECI10N CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 ~ltl'. lrwallOl'l 111(! 7.nnt . fl.,. M•'fll 1----------------------------- ly 11u1nrt your r11:ld 1n\· .. ~1 1i.:.,1 1nn "!"'' )'O'lr ba.nk«r"11 "Pl"'"\'~I II "T "1:•·n111. \\"nle J'O, Bo:11 1;3, :.;""'l"'''t Bt-11.cl1. 4lc~4 ;>.fo;\\'. 1 ·:-;..-1 ·tt~ ~;RR. nnu,.,.. SAA 1 ... ~. nn tr"""· I..-.1i.:11 )'llfd. ru•11r •• h •"•l tr;in•µ A: o.Lor~11. 1>72 \",. t•111~ :-;· r·,"!R ~l~•ll FH """"' ~··,.urlly. J'"l'f!llln,.n<" k 1---------------1 ~••I ; I .~;,\~!: T\\\1 l!~:AL'.Tl •'l'I. nP"'' "lrr•t•"'' 11nJ •11n. ''l"W hun1··~. 111'""''" 11hr>\'r S2fl.lllXl flr•t Y<'"t· 1n p11rl•t'~ •"lrrtF•t Arr""""'~ n .. ,.., nnt be r11))f"rl• nrNI >t..• v.·r f'l""l"r In !f"ll ln u1>•!rr 011r rrn'•"n fl'l'\h.-.1~ :'I !>IJll~ll"',:: b 11h.• lt!l"I Tn Ql 'A 1 .l~·y Z Hf:f\lt \1~. 2 t> .. lh• Ynoi run-l h111 . i:n•"I ,,,.,lot >t n•t 4'Mll ll11rt><•r 1;;""1 "r Jlatbor t11i:i •hlll "''"' ,,.,,., ... n,.,.,., n .. 1•bl,. 1'1 F.,\H l. IV, i.;r .\~'1.1 :r . H,, .. !tur f•,lln"· •·UI' pl1.ruo tn '!hr T I••· lt"\'111" l '•11n,,. nif1t'" \"•'1" 1 .. 11 llm<' 1n !h.• bu.~'"'"'"• ,.,..,,,.,/\ •I• I !>f~r 13trl' .,n,I J01l['f'l1• IZ "!•'"I r ll'h In ...-o 111t :'\l•"F".-.r·l;;;-;-:;-I -,1~,j,1~ -;::,~(."l,f f 111111 .. 1 1nv .. n1nr\._ l •,.u· ... f'll,!""NIL, 1-:111">'1:", hw•I I tTHlS IS XOT \"f::-,;pJ ;'\4:o r1 .... ,.,., u~·"t h11 .. ll f1r••r l•·· ... 1 111~ For Sale by Owner i'l'HlOXA J•l<;I. MAH --Z ~!nry r.,n1b1n11t1011. i:.1r. & '1 bllth. l >t flOl•I'. :.>not nrw>r hll" 1 .. ,~ .. )1\' r~'"'· be11m,.d Cf'lhni: ... tle•h,-orn. "h•Jw~r . 1l<'l11xc. k•tl'h<'n. Hnnrk b 1r. til""""'' "' '""n 1M>1<'h, l.t•· p1111n .. ncl. <1th 6-rt. bnek """JI $1 3.000. Tf'l'A\11 If.I lOllLt. n ..... '"' tn b1t1lft c.n r ronL i02 Aea.· , 111 1·"'""" <Ir \ !\I"' Pr r tll•n<' _1-\lrnbllll 11261i, J-l untlnll'l"n l'1n ·k 3JUr ,,11 !~"~ .. llM• 10 .. 1 oh<,\'• l,ll,..ll~· !"! .... Cf.R f~ l'F:HS(l;'\'!" lt.:o.1r1ni;: II S-IH IR nil<'•. 11•~4 J I rr"lll1.t1t .. 111,. lnn io: hu111n• '"· "t'" tl!r"\ lh•• "IM•\'o' f1'Pt l1ftCll·l -------------- V'f",\ltf!Y -unf1ITl'I· 2 IMlr~•;--hn!t'" I l l"nl> .. , ... ln\·11 .. d 1" "'l'h' s .. n!I !•t•1 ~llt ll ~r. SO', mn 1~'"9 h•1r r "'~uni"' If.• l'hfoTII' 11u.,1hl'r In 11 .... ,~ .. ,,,,. '"•'Ill )Ir~ I.I 1'·3:1 111 11\J • 1':-.:tl 'ltN, J b>'drm . huul>(' 11"0 "' 1<'11.•" J'r•l<'rro•! \\.Rtrr pfl _: .. ;:9 Hl'jJllblu l'n":" ~'"""' 1 ·1111 .,,, .. r ff p 'Tl .ATlnn!I<' 4-0~:'1:! 4 I cl-': \\ t:!<·r t"UA:O I' Ht;1:1c1SAI. PlkJ.:•~roH v.·r1h1 J.1<•11 lJ-3~ th111 n<'.,.,·1p.q~1 & l"'~"n~I ITil<'I'\''"""" "ill II<' n1· r an~"'! Th111 m "y "'t'll h<' th• lllfl ,.,1 Y'"'" f,.,.,. n.-.. .i 11n•v. • r GO·A -Commf'reiaJ, Jndu!lllrta.I Fl ~t: n t·1·1.t:x "n :i.,1o.1()11 n '-1-1 loL ..... M';pnr1 J:kh. ln•·I, 1\0 n '"' ru11 l'lfr 11npro1 , on .. n! •. t:xro·I· i.-n t lo~alu,n1 lnr "''"-or ~ l 'rr · Mn! ln<'Clrn .. $11fl mnnlh• t~ull ri 1 .. ,. s 1 1.~·00 tern•• G. II LATHROP. ;'",fi1:. E c .. u t Hv.·\·, Coto,na fl"l "1 nt H"rt,or !<1 1~. j~:\"r4, Har. a..">l l·J I ~:r il ENJOY THE WOODS st the beach. Small cottage, 2 bedmoma a.nd bunk room, on wooded Jot in canyon. 2 blocks from the Bay, Corona del Mar. Spic-and-apan condition. Fur- nh1hed . Jo"ULL PRlCE $8950, only $1600 doY.·n ~ 11 ... rc is pr.rma.nent answer to your vacation need11! STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 26•1'7 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 882 BUILDERS -LOOK ! OnJy 2 adjoining R-3 lot. available on the m011t de· Jl!iroue Balboa Penin•ulll "Point" -OK. for deluxe 6 unit &: 6 garagea. w~ have plana for a deluxe 6 unit. -See this t oday. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \\'. Coa.at Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8·3481 nn~1Jrt1 S1utn1JI,• f11r ''" .. cir 1·1•lr $ '" n•n "" l<'ll •<' ftr« & \A•t n1•1 '" "'h"n,r I.I 1'.:11111 1-;?r~I GOl'"ll)S ~, ___________ , ____ _ f>lid o• Rnd --~~~~~~~~~~- Corona del Mar ..... Fl\l.Yrtr...,r~1,.~:.!h·'1rm h•n.t 11nr11.-n1:oh".t \;nr1i.;• :I •h~•r­ tl"nl ""'""!' \"<'nth; tf'n\~1 ('n11 II •1 '•·Al• <•t· 1n!l"ll'" '..:17 i.fl l k· ~I011t Ao .\t .. i.r Ai.:rn•y l• .. i.t,.d11n <t""'"t rw"r "'"t<r• Iii l11k""· 1:0<0-J •1rport111t11)' f<or outt>r..1rrl rnot,.Jr · tllAn. l\111 "fll 1,..,. lfl\••t1l!o1y "'" r •!UP t" "Iii• r h"""'' 'II int• r - EXCHANGES ·~!11 \\'r1t .. Bo10. l'.-:.1. Uu~ ,,.,l' .. r. f n111.U /)Orne, Cc.ronll fl"I !\liu-, ror .!Ip•; Sa.nls Ana ln~vn>•. -HU~lt: In Ot''""""'lle. f,•r .1.,rl"X. ln<'al v r \'an N H)'M 8 '-I Al.I, c:ltVCEll ~· S'!'(11<1•: :.nil HIDDEN VALUES BALBOA ISLAND. We offer exclusively an unus· ual\y desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful JivinJ: room, large dinlng r oom. Mu.imum square Reamed Fril!ni11 lhrd'Ul:'hnut. ~r•c1ou1 clo11el11. F'irPpla,. .. , O.· !nw coal. s ... r1f1,.e by O.,.,'Tl .. t. H•rbol' J l'>.~2 d ay11 only. 42,.•th • BACK BAY Cnmer ot M<'•• Dr1 \'fJ • Cyr•·""" 6 yr•. nld. b<>1<u11 rul \·1t..,.,'. be J Jl 1~:;.· Jot. 3 hllrni.-., l,.:c. 11 x 20 klh'li"A . wnll to "·all <"lllf'l'I. Solid l 'lutH hi"'· \'o>A11\ru• t1on, ~·all<'•I p1r1 ... 1 ... ,l11 nr rf>O m !or 1nrr1n1•· adiutll'>n ~·11 h b•Y ''1-·. Pr'lvate p11.rty. $1~\100. f')\. LI l ·:)f48 lnr "ppclnln1Mlt. 32pl:;. Sl3.000. YOR 84.Llt HY O\\'Nt,;lt 3 b<J1·m11 . din nn., aua~'ht'd ,...,. •Rr. \\" tn \\' •-1tq wuni.::. h.,.,d rlrii., Tht"rm(l•l•l 11~11t. 1t1trb. <h ~I' k.Lll'h"-n ran. lncl11dlnK nt ,.tly nl'lW a uto. wuht.r A. !\!")'er, rtrri,; A-sa.a ta.nae. 51:,00 •In., 1;000 GI l"lln \\"111 l'Qn•1dt.r 2nd r on. IT'1l rl, 32"9 Broadwt<~', C-,n1<tfl ~h ~" 40cl2 BY OWNER -3 bt'lnn., r'°"" to •hnppinc. etc .. nn qulc•t St. Jtv.·.t. flt'I!. fcnct'd l11t. -"'!.,.,.,.r•. J"rb dlllp , allry rPar, RQOm for tn. o:on11'. ="PW paint. ,,.,,_ ltwi at $&1 pr-r m" .. 1~11..111 1n1: tur~ & h111u. l'nef $\:l.2:;.0. 1\119 l '•rk OM\'e, C011la ~1 .. ..a. 40trc UY O\\.'NEH --!I b!trn1. 1 •1 h .. tn hOU"t on dbl l.l':\"•;1, Jot. t..r·a-.. rm1. thruout. •~tft'f'lll.C't', f'llll". rcnct'<l yd., tlbl. itar ........ .,.,. I bdrn1 hun~ on re•r "' l"l for !ocno11~ .,,.,. 0141-~1. 81 ~ J•11n1ln,. 1·0· rnn" lltl ~'""· 42r ."o4h fl\' O\\"~ER C lJTE 2 bdrm. ho111'('. nc11r ,,..,an • (ha nn"I. BBQ In rlag ... tonP pt.Uo. br.rk v.·1!111 !hrou i;h,.ul. Sarnllt" ror $11,!l:OO, nr l"rJ !I for IMPORTANT INFORMATION someone wanting a beautiful m Balboa at a right home J. 40-ft. lot on Blllboa Peninsula ma1t beaut. .tr.et. 2. 3 lovely bdmu. -2 wtth oc.n Tiewr. 3. 3 baths -2 ahowen. 4. J .. argc bl'amcd ceili ng living room lookhlg out on a terrific patjo. !">. Full sized dining room and n1ce kitchen. 6. QuaJity buill by owner 2 yra. ag~ThiA home bu oversized ~am1;, tongue &: groove Ooori.ng, hea.vy Mlcel girder, Rbeem F. A. water t10ftener, etc. , . Three car dbl. Rtree.00 garage plumbed for apL 8. Strictly a beautiful quality home fOJ" '29,!500. TH_E VOGEL CO. • 3201 W. Coa.at· Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-MSt ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ Choice Location Good Bargains Excellent Income Possibilitlea HAPPY SUM1-JERS 1 I 4 bdrma .. 2 batha, furnished .-··-·· .. ··-·-·----.$29,500 3 bd rpia., l ·~l bath, Little Island ... --.. -... $.M.000 2 bdrms. N. B. front. Pier & float ...... -.. -... M~.000 3 bdrrn11 .• 3 baths, furn. J .. itlle Island ···--··--$28,500 DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nonn Hy"r -I Chet Sali•bury 216 Marin .. Ave., Balboa I1Jlanrt LIDO ISLE lf'SlllUt•nl "~1.11 11 \·111"1 •1•111.t.U.n !"rft\r,j 1n • \"~l'f ra~l i;1 u111 n11:" """"' ~h·11•p:ni: 11r"" T:-1 • "llrnt ~J'•'t f<•r ~ liquor J.t .. 1r A-"n 11nl,. l..tl. $.!IOOO, ('l'IAta )lr1111 ~ome f, •r t-v.'"r llr he11rn rropl'rty S uhm t...,.yotit trlde~. •"• ln\:11n1e footagl'. C1011e to beat ~ach. Can only be apprecialed by inspection. h!:">llt 2oe -4111t., :-; .. wporl Bc1trl1 1----------------------------- -YEAHL\' HE;\"TA I.~ l:":'\f'l'lt;\".I I 2 ,.,.,,r,.....,m.•. 2 ba ll"\.•. 2 •I J>,•,Jrn<•TTI~. 2 hnth1<. l·ho1,t· l"l'a tl'ln1 b<'<'r .. wino •"·,11 ""•no I' •I l.llJ•'I"!) 8·:166:1 ~ 11'1:1 i;:;ARL \\'. ST1\~LE\·, Realtor 111:i '.\"· "·ro11 ~1 .... 1. ~ .. 1\'J'Orl n r h 1 Emp' lastron Ha.r bor 1013 40\Jc Therapy l'="f11'RNISHl';D 3 b<'rtrm. Cf>H)n-11 \\'A :\""T-10 llli.U t • <lr ,11"t1ll t1< "h'l Hlghl•ntl• family home. \\' \\' ~urrer lr(•1n a rlhrotis. rhlun1at - l'arpet1nr. <lt Rptl. 1-.,1y UJJl'd 1.,m, ~. 1RllC.1. 1t.ncl Hlt11•t.1 • 0nih· brick r1rep!lll'"• u1 t~ ... 1 h""r\h, t1c.ns. w~.(I \\"fi n! pC'rm11nri:t n •· t>1rch r11np!'<S kllrht n. 0<-.. l'ln hrf. Ttl'"•I II.lid prt.o\'• u A ~trr \'ltv.•, lge. yro n:I. S te.,·•· refr!g , trr11U11rnt~ \r yo11 ~1·c llHisrtMI. •utom1ttc .,.11.Aht't Included It '" 1:1ve1t $2~l0 /or • 1hn rt p«noJ dN ll'll:I. 5ff now 604 S..ll"''l lJ ~n I rt C'l'l\"t" ll \'rry gutJJ pn•tll R oall, Co r ona .Jpl MRr. Ph. HY•11 in c-~h plu• do1111 J:~'°'l ror 4-~oflill. :l7t!c !"'lhtr9, Dr.•p a t'11.rd tor appouit- CLIFt' H.AV£N, SIKI. wifW"lt. 2 bdrm. hou1e. :-;,..,.,.ly pll.lnttil. f 1r.p\.e-e, Kar. SI~ or Hflr. 987. 111,.nl. :>.'lt.:HOL.AS P \\'AG:'\EH :lfll S. S pnng Sl . E\•\l)or., C..llt. 4.2r44 ,.,,,, ______________ _ ~~~~~~~~- 48<'--Traller Space '-"-'"-''-=~~~=-'~~-- Trailer Space , IT.A.TE APPR0 \0 E D ror Gab~ l"rr e l<.•1•, ~pact' rror • 1:~1-0111 I 11• 8 "'1mmlni; po<•I h• Juli" l•l A•hiH ~ A Fh ll.!rr·, <'\'f r 11 t.UX > \'JLL/\t ;f;, ;v.;i 3 1~1 rit :-.'t11-port Belch. :l •c~l!> GIFT SHOP REA'O\" TO GO ~ltrt hll.n•!•N A fl:o.tur··~ l<'rn1 I ~)\\' r"n\ J6'• 11 .. 1.rt o:or IV.!f)f,A IUnt .... ,,, c1' 11 .. r, ~v; i;. a .. u,.. ... Dh·J 2.iM. Harbor 4;;J3 2lipl:\ Call Harbor 1775 Evl'I!. Harbor 53.59 N. B: C. Realtv Co. EARL :!2nd 6. :-:,.,,.·port Blvd., ~pL Hf'.h. W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marini' Ave., Balboa Laland OC&A." VIE\\' nu:>t11rn 2 hr•lre1 horn" With eiitroa rnorn an•I ... ba1h on doubl~ ir11 r~i; ... l'tl<"" S2~.:-.00. L<iw down Jlll}'ment ••: wtll tak1t J'"lr~t TnL•l 0P<l'd In Vrry nice home oo L1do clr:lll' for b11~\nP.!.• prop<"rty, Corona del :\l 11r, Coet..l. 1"1tM or Corut Hi1<h· ~·•}. Tni.d• up •nd llllllnm~ or pay l'fU!h d!ffr~n~t Ol\'Tlrr• .,nJy. \\"Ml• Box Z.-42, thtA JIRl'llr. 4Jp+6 Ba-/ Front Income J Unli..-2 • 3 bedn.ooma. t'laD• lllbed. Pter, flOlt and pr1nl41 MKll. 1000 IE. &IJboa. Bml~ u.JboL erui. .. 1e• tH.e. cow-. t..,. to bn>k-lJUIC 208 Kings Place liJG BEAR 1-AKE -Alln'4t lwo a.c rt•, J.l etcalt B•~". 2 n .. w 1·ab- 1ra, 2 oioer, tral.Jer J'llrk, l'ro- pa.n• ,...._. 1~·1t .. 1n, eltttlir ity, F'OR SALE OR l-EASE .,.,.lUt op- hnt llltl cold w•lt r, pr11·ate lion lo buy. A ttrllcUl'e 2 bdrm. v.· .. H1 with plenty c.r ""'11.lf't. ldllll.1 • d«n. b<'am C('\hng•. loi.rgt view 10.~uon. 513.0Su, !frm1<, or .,.,,u lut. curr Ha\·•n. Owner. Lona !rad• tor H•rbor aru P"'P'"rtr 0..ach 900-3li. 39¢1H Chad T-.1;1eh,U, ll•rb.:•r 3Y~:., • f'\'8'9, Hatbclr l 317·J, •3c4ii CORO'.\"A D!:I. MA.R IXCOMI: \'anou• un1t1 • pl"lee• to m11et your .,.,.11.nl•. $1 3,000 to 550,000 ALliO 2 btlrm. hwmo cUmpietrl)' r11 ml!lheJ. a.oubl~ ~•r3 KP I t• :')(.IQ. t'"'(lm -1UC<'I'.' ~ .,,. on ,.. r:-~r ~ ,.A r.L !\hf>I K 'll'll~ttdl H11r. 216:Z. ~·r~ •I!\ i-'ITT,..11 •n<l"~"d p~t!i, ll3::0 t'l'>RJ1t H w·y., CD.:o.t. Ht.rt>nr :.1:.6 or Har. 9117. a:.iu c E•1. lia.r. OIU9·K.. Uc41 HOUSE FOR SAW!'::- .5 room•. 2 t.-droom1. tlreplac~. t 11.. 'Ink. r•t1n, dbl,, rar11.1e. O.K. fo r bu1ldlng a pL 711 lrl• Av1., Coron• II.Pl Mar. 112.500. Owner, Phone ATlanttc 1-.·,913. •2<:46 BY OWNER corona Htab.lallm -1 bdnn.. t tra,IP. 2712 C!Jrf Drive 111.ljll <'•'nl v11r 11.n t lol 1·•a.Uablt l Ph. o"''Tlt't, LI 8·'l:.3 ~ 2Jtr•· Drive by 235 ~!agnolia Collta Mt>s a Cut• 6 cor.y l)ome -2 bdrm. • pt.n•lt't1 llf'n With flr,.p!a< •, V.11.l) to .,., .• 11 cafpct. v .. ry clMf! tn. Sl!.000. Phone Llbt'rly ll-~21t~ 23tic bll.lh farrDbome. FHA commH·l -,,.----7-7------m~L p~ ....... '8·J. '"" For sale by owner l.4.ROE LOT OD Clft Drl" 1n OL'PLVC on R ·2 1r.t11 812 "' 81~ Oltt Ha.,... JumiNI. Corona ~I Mar. P rlc .. d A.L80 rtsb.,t. Call K&r. :18lD·R atltl' 8 fO n. ltrfft to •treft lot OP! Oenoa. p..m.. « Suadlya. 32p4t;h Lido lailt afll1 C-t krt on Newport. BLACK STA..R CA..''YON, nefl.r 8 1\'d. Mn. AJ\ren•. Har. Ottl. Saddl• Back Ml. 10 acre•. "'""" 23tf< ~~~~~---~~ -Ca ll Harbor 1511 t.o place ~ A4 OA. UIJ.I ~ nlllcent YlfW, 1prtn1. ldt al for Pluntlnr lod«t or hldPaw1;. $1900 ~ tn• fCJ'I" Volk--C611.. Ownt'r. 11.ubor OIN-W. t 10(3 ' A LOT of Dirt - r·or~ THE ~fONEY -well loc:itcd 1 arre in new dcvclopmt'nl. (iood KOiJ. Plenty of good cheap water. Prict.:d l('!:ls than a. city lot at $3000. S£<e Lila B. Mcfo'arren wllh BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Ba lboa Bl ., Balbtla Har. 3786 or 2517-M ( NcX"t to the Doll Hou8C I Accent on Value , placed rightly here On t his modern 4 bclnn. bayfront homt· \\'ith l bdrm. apt. O\'IPr garag . ~45.000. Good f in1uu:ing. ~ This is jus one of the many VOGEL VALUE~ we hav~ show you. VOG ?t co\.. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa i.J.a.nd Harbor t-« ' f , . • HOME OR INCOME , ON LOVELY LIDO -A home that we ree1h. the I beat buy around, and you may compare them all. Am ne,t aa a pin, 3 yrs, old, 2 bdrm.a., completely fumlehed home, well located and priced to sell, $20,500, includes the !umiture. For the Larger Family A four bdrm. furnillhed home on a 1treet to 1treel lot with 4.5' o( frontage. One ye&r new, all on one floor. Bullt-in range, carpeted, atone fireplace and many other exceptional feature8 including a 3-car carage. $39,500 with excellent term11 . 2 bdrm. LIDO NORD home, large Jot. $8200 Full price $23,500. ALSO handleH. New Bayfronl home. We can't aa.y enough about thi• lovely four bedroom home. Ju11l completed and rtady for you to enjoy the aumtnera. Let'• go look! Full price· $75,000. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office ~ 3418 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4.971. 4972 SPRING CLEARANCE Only one ta .a customer BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS • BALBOA -BAY AVENUE R·2 Lot. Good location. Fii'm price. $8500 caah. Call Mr. Cox for det&illl. / BALBOA -DUPLEX -VIEW C\oae t o Bay -Near Grammar School. Plua addi· tional lot. with room to add four more unit.a .. Fumi•hed Price -$22,000. Alao adjoining property consisting ot 7 Unit.a. 6 furni•hed. Showa xlnt. income -~2.000. Near Library· Ooae to Bay. 4 bdrm. beach house. $3800 down. Jt Ain 't New and it Ain't Pretty! 4 a.pta. Plua 4 iteparate bedrooms. Summer income $3000. Full price $1!5,500. low down Aak for Mr. Bradford NEWPORT BEACH Close to Ocean· Small Beach Houe. Neat ac 11 pin. Partly furn. Full price $8500. • TRADES I Three well located home. in Pasadena. Will trade One, Two or Three on Newport Harbor Income. Call Ml"9. Ollon (or details. Owner of 3 bdnn. home on Peninaula wiahes to trade equity for 3 or 4 bdrm. home with apartment or duplex on or near water or Corona de! Mar. Newport Height.a Triplex -Will trade for.~ Buaineu Income. CaJI Neal Martin for detaile. New 2700 9<1. ft. home. Lot.11 of wood paneling. Vit'w of Ocean. Will trade for income in Glendale, Pua- dena or local. -Cal l Mrs. Fay for de!Wh. Lido Bayfront -Will take "What Ha\'e partial payment. -$55,000. You" a11 BAY & BEACH REALTY l;M WEST BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL : • T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8-1774 Katherine Oleon -Har. 4134. W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J Balboa Island 20 ';,.. in crease in bldg. material costs . No increase yet on our good listings. MOOR YOUR 60-FT. boat to your o\.\'n prh·ate pier and fl oat 'in front of this deli gh tful 4 bdrm. "l .. ittle Island" Balboan-English home. Price about $78.000. FOUR BEDROOP.f , 11 -; bath home ni>a r South Ra~'. Large•li,·ing room. AU on one n oor. Draatically rf'· duc<'d. Price $26.500 -$7,500 handle• . ' TWO BEDROOP.f, one bath. large li\'ing rm .. ni ctlY furn. horoe. Ready to mo,·p in 11t $21 .500. NEAR NORTH BA\'. Pent house bdrm .. plus thrtt othl"ni, 3 baths, spot lf'KS. $26,500. CUTE, CLEAN. DELIGHTFUL vacation home. 1 bdrm .. dbl. gar. Palio. den. Charming. $15,750. Sub· mil your down payment. Balboa Island Income FIRST OFFERING of this out1tanding South Bay home, Design~ for immediate convl'nion {c:ln"e 1 door) to two unitR. Perfttt buy tor executh,,. rt'· laxation and tax reli<'f. Two living room•. fiN')llare, 5 hdrms., 3 bRths. 2 kitchen•. Prire 11.bout $65.000, TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyou11 li\'ing . room. large dining room in main unit. Priced con-- M"n•ativf'ly 11t $35,000. Beacon Bay . ONE of BEACON BAY'S 8Uperior homH. 4 bdrm&., 3 bath11. Absolutely exceptional living room, fenced yard. -$32,000. \'ISIT EUROPE this eummer FREE on lncom• from thia beautiful Beacon bayfront e bdrm. hom• & apt., 3-i:ar garage .. 2 BEDROOM older bo!Jle near the beach, ha11 & •lttping porch and a gt-rage and ill corupletely fur- ni1hed, e.uy walk to the pier, juet $7,500 and $2,MO down, l BEDROOM h'ome just '!:: block to the water, com· 'pletely fumi1hed, ready !or the aummer, only $6,000. and $1,500 down. E , B. Chue -Har. 2762-J Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING. BROKERS · BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -Consult us for excluaive, desirable homes. VACANT LOT, 30 x s:;, JUST $2,650. . 2 BEDROOM home with large den, comp. furn. juat a block from the city hall and the bua .. Price $12,930 with $2,500 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2820 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST .... HOME+ UNCH STYLE BACK BAY HOME -SJ1ould be IO!d befort! noon at thia price • Brand new 3 bdrm., 2 b&th11 . All electric kitchen. hwd. n oorw. fittplace. Hu every feature & home 1hould have. $24.,500, tma. .... C-1 + 100 foot frontage on 19th, directly acroe1 str~t from new market &: drug atoni 1.t 19th Ii Pl1.centia.. A speculation prict at $10,500. Submit aome term•. ..... MANUFACTURE .+ 127 foot on Placentia, '.~block north of 19th. Depth va ries from 103 fL to 290 ft. to alley. $70 fool. +FARM+ 80 1.cree all ready lo plant to bean1, tomaton, yama or ctlery. Hou.ea, 11heda, bama & well. Priced al $3000 acre. Liberal lrnna. lmm. pou. Opport. here. ' ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SAL~ -LOANS -BUIT;DERS 1857 Newporlt. Ave., Colt.a Me.a Llbl'rty B-1632 • Liberty 8-t•oo E\'es. BEFORE YOU !\UY -SEE THESE HOMES IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Open Daily 11 a.m. to 252 Palmer St. 6 p.m. $650...DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 3 left Better Hurry ' 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sewer. in and paid Garbage Diepo&A I Enclosed garages Kitchen fana Colored rock roof1 Birch Cabinet. TOTAL PRICE $11.450 See owner Living at 252 Palmer St. Orr Sa.nta Ana Ave. between l~th St. &: 16th Sl. 252 Palmer St. ' Ll..9-7976 .. LI DO ~ Open Sunday 1 -5 p. m. Lovely 2 bdrm., :il bath, with a large••unny patio. 218 Via Palermo Shore Cliffs 2 BDRM .. 1 bath. Appros. 1300 aq. rt. t27.300. Tftma. AU!O A """~"l1i;~·wH~ve:•~ I S t. Jllmt• 3 bdrm. homt . .Appl"Oll. 1$60 .tq. f l. -$29,&00. A L 8 0 KINGS RD 3 bdrm. homt. 2 Uthl $24 .&00. LA.nd ltue 1223 yr. Balboa Island DUPLEX, furni•hed. Wond•rluJ tntome. Pnte t20,000. -Corona Highlands t09 Columbu• Ctrr l<r O~n A U Day Sun<ay 2 bdrn1., 11 .. ti.th. patio, bf.aull- tul vlfw. Cuh $3()()(1 down. Price 1'1&.800. Don Cameron lJt el\M'd Real Elot-.te Broktr 310 Manne Ave., &Ibo& 1"1and Harbor 2~3 t lttJ This Old House 0 :-1 A B USl !>:F;S!'I LOT JO ..: to. 2 block• from Fun Zone, 19,t MI. ttrms. Commercial Bldgs. HEART Of' BALBOA -t •!orr. l rrntall. t un deck. nffdt na1n1. $11,300., 1:1,M>O wtll tl&nd.11. I STORl!:.8. :'I dr luae nont-1• •1ltl T'o', $4:1.000. COURTI:il T TO BROKER.a The Locator of Calif. :1()7 &•1t Btlboa 8l¥d., Balboa H•tbo!'-3804! 41c4l BALBOA Bay Front Duplex f'umlehed &nd wtlhln w11Jktn1 di•· t•nc" tJt \h" llbr•ry In BalOO... 1:14,:100, TERMS . Duplex in Balboa ON EAST BA'!: A VI: .. t blk fl""lm bay. Completely fum i1hf'd. £...:· t tllrnt rental t rr&. '\'11-lklng dl1· tancr lo hbrary. 2 bedn::>Om hou1e plu1 1 l»ctrm &pL t'll,M>Q, TERMS. Costa Mesa NICE 2 BEDRM. HOUSE on !'.OJr.. ltO' lot. W1.\klng dlat.&llc~ to 1tor•• It Catholic *"hoot 111.000. EXC"l!:LLENT TERMS. Coast Properties Co. JOI E. Balboa B lvd.. B&lboa Harbor' 1663. 2:197 and 411-00. BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS lt'c a 11hake roof typie&I ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu l :Y4 bathe, dininc room, breakfaat room, large living room with mauive fireplace. Thermodor elec· tric range A oven, beamed ceilings. cedar panelled wall1. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. Jl'11 fenced and landscaped a.nd hu a patio. Space prohibita the mentioning of the, ma.ny other !eaturea except to add that it iii aurrounded with quality built ranch home•. Priced definitely below value al $23,750 KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view -2 bdrm.., 3 bath•. ·Large living rm., dining nn., huge den, patio, l&undry rm. and aewing nn. Radio electric garage door oper· ator. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. Extra large garage. Exterior flood light&. Thttmador gu range and oven a.nd large built in refrigerator. The glleal bdrm. ia completely furn.i•hed. Price S36.:SOO with ea.ay term•. CLIFF HAVEN R-2 LOT On Cliff Drive. 65xl 10 -price $7000 Cliff Haven lot. are u .carce a• hena teeth, better grab thi.a one while you can ! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l'th A Irvine, Newport Beach Phonl'. LJbf'rty 8-2664 or ~vea. LI 8-6300 SEE THESE NOW 1. 5~ CATALINA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm_ stucco, cood n'-ighborhood. Fireplace, partly fen- ced. 31h yn old. Sll,750. SEE between 1 & 5 p.m. 2. 136 BROAD\VAY, OOSTA MESA -110' qn Broadway. 125' on Fullerton t o a.Hey. Ideal for bU11ine .. or profeuion.al de\'eJopment. lnc.ludH a 2 bdrm. frame dwelUng with garage. $30.000. Term11. OPEN HOUSE from 1 to 5 p.m. 3. NEWPORT BEACH-2 bdrm. stucco · ample rm. to build income uniL Cloee to ocean, bay and park. SJ0,500, ternu. Al.SO ; Beach home on two Iota. 3 bdrme., $7350. Bl'ach home, 2 bdnrw. ·two lot.a ....... --....... $10,500 Be.11.ch h ome · 3 bdrma ...... -............... --~·---S 9.500 FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newpok Beach Har. 1428 2216 Newport Blvd .. Coat.a MW Uberty 8-5101 -----------------~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 lot11 on Hue! Drlve, South of Boulevard. Ideal for Summer Home. View. Lut 2 11.vailable. $5000 each WANT INCO~tE ! Build your home on front of thiti corner lot then rtnt pruent garage apartment. Halj living room, bedroom. kitchen IJ bath plu• room I: bath off 2-car garage. Nice pa.Lio. -$12.2M>. RAY REALTY CO. OPEN HOUSE Call for app't. 706 LARKSPUR CORONA DEL MAR HERE'S a 2 brtrm. "'Ith !1rl'p\at r-. M'ln1 f"1l1n11. l"t•l • rlean •• a pin, J u•t rrdecoriltf'il, own•r w1nt1 I C'l!OI\. . . ll.M)(') dow n. $12,000 Will Buy 2 BORJ.1 . HOJ.fE with fireplace, 1120 H'IJolroJlf'. ftl)Om tor r-..:lra lncomr-unit on th11 lot. F.J1clut1Ve U1Unx. - 2 Bdrm! Furn. Home on Dll.tlll&, C-D.M. Onlr $1.9:\0. tull pritl!'. B~ttrr hurry on lh11 on"': ! Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C. 8 RUM. Wm, G. Schmidt. AMOt 3\l Mar ina Avt ., B1lboa l•la.nd H-.rbor 20t l Lido Island Call for App·t t o See 126 Via Trieste T\\'0 BE:DllOOM. 2 bath houM, 1 yr. old. B uilt 1n Thrrmador ovttn 4l •loYr. Oullr~ for HJ .Fl. I.and· .c.aped. t dOOT"1 f M'Jm Club Hou•f' nl'.'•r tennl1 C'l\Urtt . E•ct U,nt tln1.nc1n1'. $2:'1,7:">0. 30~ E , DEL MAR. A qua llly hnmf'. CopP<'r plumbln1. J 1p&n<':H aah p1.nrUn1. f'lrf'pl1C!', 3 bt'd1l)f)m1, 1-\ bath• 8r•uUful k itchen. Price fl«.500. Th!1 I• 1oo..1. 112 CA8R..lt.LO J bdrm. 110.)00, tull pr1ct . 11.:)00 dn. at , .... ,. int. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR t&M N•wport 8 1¥d., C..•l• Mesa LIMrly 1-3792. Open House 10 a.m. -8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands T~flS l.OV£J.Y new rt•ldtnce with 3 bffirqom a. larre pla yroom, 2 bt.lht. Uvtna-rm., d1n1n1 N>Qm, 1()1.trlum. Ona or th• nlee1t kit· chl!ll• with all u h cabtntt.. Built In Holly 1"&111• • o.,.n, BBQ. HI rt. Ute draJ11bot1d. DI•· ro-aJ • tan. View ot At• f rom 11-ll wtndi.wa. Lot 17' w1clt1. 2000 1q. n. O f hOUM V.d plr• lllrJe double r•nl•· ruu prlt • only tit.:)00. 8mal1 down. 20 )'r. 1oa11 •t !1'1-. Builder, Har. te2:'1-JK. May t.a'ka ~• tr..:de-k>t or •m all r-qulty. t ltfr look at this · 3444 E. Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 J bdnn .. , h .... d. n oor1. nrepl•c•. ' }w:.,rlrnnms 2 bath& neW hnl, I bdrm. homt. wall lo wall dl1J!09&1. Y.'!rM ror tlectrlt COSTA MESA ALSO .--:r--I 1 0 carpel, l\Wd. n...-.. ttmf'nt p&UO, ----------------------) 1tovr, f'eneil'd, ~I.ltd &I 2.549 3 bedrooms,2tiaths,exceptional. ftnt .-dJard.lll'WIU"llUl.f'u.Uprlea 125 Feet on 101 H' h f'a.lrway Dr .. CO.I& Me ... • t9.MIO. t:J.11&. down. u 1.2122. rg way ,,, ,~ -H•• , •• ,, ,,.,, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, waterfront. 35c•&H · ""'· ..-... · .... · · · JMPROVEME1'.'TS con•i•l of modern automot.Q<e 45 ft, Waterfront }Ot With pier privileges CLJr'f' HAVEN . J bdnna., n r.. garage bldg, (2400 aq. rt.l and modern 2 bdrm, a bargain! pl~r. oa)I t'lrt., paUo. ft.nerd home with large patio. UN of 3 pier. and noat.t, DUNCAN HARDESTY, "Lido Specialilt" Harbor 4718 llll02 Nowport Bl•d. )·•rd • 11bl. a•r, $1 4.~. $4:.00 1 . T ·r· Realto down. t •; 1 .... n. 1100 CMy st. P u11 m;inne Wa)'ll, em 1c pouibility for operator. r Wbtrt )"l-~9;1. 42c47 Price s:>o.000 and look al thia. only S18,000 down. TKREE BEDROOM tram• Oft l'l&ll acre. et a JOO. nvn t..rffa. rte. 2t2t Eidtn. en.ta M-. I...lbel"\r M101. now. U 14918. 6.Sptl • THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout B"J'. Hft'PG"t llMdl J Llbwty 8-3'11 Owner's Sacrifice LAH.GP: 2 bdrm. hou ... !-Ii blO<')I to 81.1. 2 block• lo bUJ1\nes1 cen· trr. $9,:loOO 1.t 619·l6th fllrt-fl. Newport Bea.eh. Ph. nwnf'r 8Tcamore l ·lt:!7. 32pt~h l BDR)(., du11n1 nn., h&rCwood noon, 179'0. -SH A-61> ·~ Collla )(.-. Kl .JUI. Jet.I& CALL HARBOR 177~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Avf'., Balboa Island. v BEST BUYS IN CORONA DEL MAR 1. DUPLEX BARGAIN, out-or-town owner u y1 "5<'11 ," this nearly new two .eparate uni~. Both hwd. floors and 2 bc-droom each. Modern design, Iota of \.\'indowg and some ocean view from both. Built on high com er lot. Separate garage.. Priced at $21.500. O\.\·ner anxiou11. Low down payment \.\'ill handle. See thiK today . 2. SHORE CLIFFS. We have several view homes ln Shore Oiffs. See us fo D beat valuea. 3. VIEW OF OCEAN AND BEACH and alllO view of brt":akera from thia three b4ltl room, :il balh home. Carpeted ws// to wall. Deluxe in every de- tail . Priced at $32,750. Should go in a hurry. We have the key ! • PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har. 47 I Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Outstanding Or.ean View T\\'O STORY, 2 bdrm .. 21 :! bal hl!I, lge. living room. ll('parate d1 n1ng room, h~rge knotty pin1 den with bu1ll -in ba r. lounge. 2 fireplaces, basement with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expen11ively carpeted wall to wall thru -ouL Garbage <li11posal and diJi1hwa11her. House 6 yrs. olc'I . l..a rge double garage wilh laun- dry, r adlo-controllf'd door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well Jand- scapt><l . Thia home must be KE'en to be appreciated. l..ocated at 3312 Ocl'&n Blvd., Corona del Mar O\\'NER \V ll~L ACCEPT AN\" REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only f'hone O"'·ner, Harbor 3435 40c<I.' ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Too High -Outrageous -Ridiculous Big comer lot. AW 1\ Y up in Corona Highland11. l'nohPtn1cted v1l'w. Price -T oo High. Extra large lot, almOMt le"el, at top of Corona High- land11. room for pool. \'1cw clear to Pago-Pago. Price -Outragffiua. The QNLY level lot rn Shoreclifr. View, room for pr>ol. Ek-st Mu rroundinJ:'M. Price -Ridiculous~ BUT -They can't be d uplicated. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. o;al'it H1~ry., Corona del Mar . Har 2774: "Clean as a Whistle" EXCEP'I'lONALL\' ATIRAC'J'lVE 2 bd rm. home. Panelled liv in g room and small dining roo m, car· ~tcd v.·all to wall, good kitchen. brcia kfiu~t apar.e and ll<'rvice porch. Am ple cupboards a nd atorage 11pace. Overeized 2-car garage. Nice enclo.00 pa'-. ).foet convenient com er location. 2 blk1. from Ci'ty Hall, Nc"'·port Bea ch. Only $12.000. ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport 8!\'d .• Ne .. ·p0rt Beach Har. 1013 BALBOA INCOME Here's that investment you've been loo king for-10 units nearly new. In one t:1r Balbol\'s chl•lct·:l l rrnt~I area1-1 . t3eaut.1fuJ tile in bath11 & k1tch!:'nR. }fwd . floor11, wrYil i;.a rpet.11. O:impletely fum u•ht:d. Come & IM.k al t hi11. $6~.000. termP. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coul Hwy., Newport &ach LI 8-3481 Ev• Pbooe Harbor 51U ' ,. \ ' , I • I • a • • • • • .. u •• ... R •• m -•• •• ,. ~ I - • I FOUR THAT WILL GO! . on Balboa Island -ONE FOR THE AfONEY" ... Darling, little mod· em 2 bdnn. home. Good corner location wilh room lo build another unit. Fireplace, beamC'd ceilings.- and nicely furnished. An exceptional \'slue SIS,750 ' ''TWO FOR 'I1IE SHOW" ... And loaded "'ith CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round lh~­ lng. Beamed ceiling11, huge rooms, grand patio with BBQ. Two bdrms, two' baths. Completely furnished ···-·······-········· ..... ___ ._ ...... : ... .,., ....... S29,500 - "THREE TO GET SET" •.. For summer living, that is~ A good two bdrm. h orne located half-blk to beach and close to villag('. Furnished. An f'X- cellent value ........ -······· ............ -.. -.. $20,000 "FOUR TO GO" ... A glass fronted modern 4 bctnn. BA YF'RONT h ome, grand kitchen, bk!t. bar, patio with BBQ, F . A. heat. t\\'o baths. PLUS 1 bdrm. view· apt. Both furnish('d, Terrific buy at -$45,000 • MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Afarine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 4781 · CORONA DEL MAR l . Nice 2 bdrm. home on ?o.larigold.Ave. I-l as 2 1~ car garage, hY1d. fl oor;; 1111J,A.ile .. R-2 lot .... ·ith room !or additionnl dwelling. Only $12,750 \\'ith ~1 500 down. Balance like rent. Open Hou1>c Sat. & Sun. at 712 Heliotrope, C. D. ~t. 2. Very nice 2 bdrm., t•lose in . Has t:'xposed lx'ams, forced sir heat, flagstone firt plat·e and stressed garage. FuU price $13,750. 3. Large new 3 b<lrffi. and playroom. t 1950 aq. rt.) Has beautiful view. \Vood sha ke r oor, 2 baths and all nttracth·tly finished. OpC'n dallr. 509 DE ANZA. CORONA 1-IIGflLANDS EXCLUSIVE \.vith . BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 3542 E. COR!lt Hwy., Corona drl ?-.fa r Harbor 1862 ON-l:JDO ISLE Open House Daily 1 to 4 :30 P. M. 220 Via Palermo Are you tired of looking at Ordinary Houses? Then let Ui'l ehow you thi!5 charn1i11g Provincial 2 bdnn., 1:1.l bath hoine v•ith u:;cd br!ck fireplace, natural \\'Oiid kitchen. thermadorc., g:irb;Jge disposal, IO\'l'ly drapC"ri<'s anti carpclC'd. S::!3,i50. ~I.' • • THIS WEEK'S LEADER! Co7.y ::? bdrn1 ,, ancl f'xtra r0t1 m, 1' ~ bathi'l. SlS,Of"I(} ~C'f' u!I f or Ch oirr J.nts Rncl ltental.s. BAY & BEACH REALTY 311:! l.af11~·r·ttl', N1·"·port l-lt!r. 3G 13-2999 e,·es. "Just tn thl' ll1 ghL f1f I.ido J{rhl;::e Entrance'' ------- T A~E TIME TO LIVE \.\'ant n pi-1 valc bC"ai·h ~ Nt•£•d a !'la r..: t0 k1 ·1 p ~·nu r rruisl'r ? Prert'J" rl o~1· 111 lnt atiun ·near Lido Shops. C'lc.? Buy this 11.h'a! 2 btlr~n1. b n mc in Ralbua J3:iy Co\'£'!1 right \111 lhl' 1\":J I C'rfr11nt. nnly 3 yr:i. old. l.ot!I of tile, r nrriut·t fl nnr;.;, F. A. heat. dbl. g'Hrai;c-, 1111'(' r0olur£'S. Pirr & :<lip pri,·1[l'J:!l'!<. A rea l val ue at ~26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income l""lt:plC'x furni;;hed -~ood rental dilltrict. J Occrin ani.l l~ay b'1th close' by. S~500 Down -F'ull Price Sl0.500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 311;1 Ne\\·pnrt Bh·d., Ne\\'pt>rt Bench Har, 1013 BALBOA ISLAND CJ-f,\H~fl:"\i; Jlllh' p:1n£'l ed 3 bdrm. homt:. U11l'd brick f ir1'r•lni·1', :! bath:<, ::.car ~11rs i;e. I .. ols of el oset and i:;tnr:q:•' ~p:1 1 •' .;n1d a 1 bdrm. npl. All furnished in J<<lnd t:•:<I!'. Xlnt. f1nanc1ng. $2!'1,500. ----- $3.'"}()(l DO\\'N :ind y111J \\'Ill hn\'(' a \\"OnUrrful sum- mr r cot!nge. J"{1•11t 1l i1 1 t h<' '''intr r. rind thr inrO ml' 11 !'1. tq•li l :lll'!<. :ind JI \\"I ll pa~· f11 r it!<f'lL 4 h<>d room B:ir Front -$15.0M. N~~~~,;,~f.5.~~~aRI~I~~!or Hnrbo r 502 -E\'f'!I, f-lnrb.1r :?306-R BEFORE YOlT BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 bdrms .. 11~ bath homes Close to everything. Only $400 down and S70 per month CALL MR . GATES, \\"ith DIKE & COLEGROVE Pbone Uberty S-i9i6 33lfo • \ ~~ -~~~---!82~=•!•!!!..' _!:11:.!_!la~-~---_!6!::~--0 .. :::"*":::'"=---- p . a. pa .lmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Call for app't to see 123 Via Genoa, Lido Isle NOW HEAR IS RIGHT ON THE 0 AN. • NEW and £"xtrcmely beautiful. 3 large txl.rms. and Don't juat dri\•e by 3317 Ocun Blvd,, na del Mar -Call us and let u1 ahow you tbll • nllly constructed home with the meet excltini 3-1 2 luxurious. baths, aliding...gla.88 doore to patio rrom dining area and maBter bedroom. Therm. o\•en r.nd range, fully carpeted and landecaped. 3-ear garage. \VHITE CAST ironwork entrance, ma.ssfve rai11~· hearth fireplace, carpeting of hand-loomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dishwasher, disposal, hood O\'er range and louvred shutters to close off the pass-through to dining area. Sliding gla11s doors to patio from both living room and master bdnn. Located on one ot Lido's finc£l corners to insure privacy, _3 bdrms. and 2 well floor plan. Extra feature. galore--It ll definitely a muat aee. appointed baths. You can't build for lees and ' this is perfecL -$331500. ULTRA-SMART modem with 2 bdrrri. and den, 2 baths, the li\·ing room features a handsome .Jump. stone fireplace &. bcilmed cei,lltl'gf. The kitchen hu oak cupboards in lustrous naturi!J fini11h , draw fan, disposal and bar BPparntini dfl'ling area. Sliding glaSK walls from both the den and dining aiea to the large, sunny sheltered patio. See this now, as the price is only $27,500. ~ Come lo Headquarten Aak (or Dan Jacobsen or Bill Meaenger EXCELLENT VALUE Comfortable 2 bedroom, large kit- ,,chen, dini!\g room, patio with barbe- que, beautiful yard. Here is the best value in Newport Heights. $13,500 · Ask for Hodgkinson CLIFF, HAVEN VIE\V . Beautiful nnf 2 bedroom and den a.nch etyle home, dining room.., 2 ~~ baths. Shake roof, 2 flreplace1, built-in rang~4 fully carpeted plua nwneroua other !eatui'e11. Fee simple lot. Open Sunday. 1001 Clift Dr. Call or come see Daw Otburn p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty a.&573 Houston Values ~f-1 O:\' ~UPERIOR -110 foot frontal':~ w fth nlcf' 2 bdrm. hnme S•weri1 In & pa!d. 510,600, term• Thi• !~ HOT~ J HDRf.t. NEAR OOLF COURSE. Lov,Jy com•r. ftnc,d, dbl. ,11;ar., t1r.l'plu1·('. hW<I. tlori r.. 512.!IOO. e Lo\\· Lin. &. <l ~~ ':"~ loan. For the best values in the .Harbor area Balboa 3 bdrm., ~-.1tory furn. two '1atha-Sl f ,000 COSTA MESA • 4 bdrmB., 2 baths. \V lo W carpet., brick plant.er, landecaped. Brick encloe-• 4 ed eervice yd. $1500 dn. -$12,7M. Shorecliff s bdnn., pool, 4 baths. Muble fireplace, black Cararra bar -SM,500. S~tALL 2 DDR1'1. HO'-!E 51260. Nice E . 91,1, 10<'. EZ t'rm .. • 3 bdrm .• den, Waterfront, NEWPORT • 3 bdrm., lge. liv. nn., two fireplaces, 1-~A heat, lge. lot. -$32.000. '~ A C. \\'ITH Z !\'EARLY NE\V HOU$"ES. lll;l't JI:. lllde loc. Can be SIS:! Lnl"om" f•r Uve In on' a: l<'l other rf'ntnl rny loan. $13,SOO r.tak" ilff(·r. Fl"LL ACHE \\"ITH 2 SEP. REN· TAl..S. Hoon1 10 build llrlll, 11n1tl!. \\'e hn\'e t he rJ~"· roi;t It fl• nlUlf'lni;::. A re"l l n1•ti1tm,nt In gvod r~ntal art•. 3 nn. :\'t:\VPORT HTS. lt• old'r but nlco:. on lovely !IL •t only J•l :.oo. """1 \h it .~100 dny,·n. nA Y A Vt: · :\'F.\\'l'ORT BEACt-f D Ul'LEX. F.11." tent11l ICI<" 2 b'lrn1~ llf'. I brltn1, dn Ju.•t • ~t('r '" water. /1b1. ~111. & ll<""J'. 1un1pu~ nn. "'Ith ABQ. :\'eel.It exqui11itely furn'. $69,750 ' . • Lot -Peninsula-SS250 ;· Duplex • P'um. $9MO. two bdrm., l bdrm. $1500 dn. SOUTH COAST REALTY · & INVESTMENT CO. 302 Main St., few dooni from Balboa P .O. Open 1.5 Every Day 1961 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Tel. Harbor 2034 Spacious Peninsula Home!· ~<>nh· 1in1nl But 111r" bnq.;;11n 11.\ , Picturl'SQUt' 2 bedroom &nd den Early American home under the shade of the giant Eucal}'ptu11 trees. Upon enterin~ living room you will be welcomed by the aof-t'"lnusic of the built-in Hi-Fidelity system and thf' cozy warmth of the b~ded wall to wall carpet and large fireplace. The den i• complete with its pot belly etove. Beautiful kitchen with excellent cabinete and built-in Western-Holly oven a.nd n.ngc. 2 very large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, one with a large dreuin1 room. Lar&:e plate 11.&.u doon open· ing onto ii large patio from the muter bedroom, li\'ing room and den. Thia home is built for the best .\S GRAC'IOl;!-'i A llO~fF: A S A!'>Y GIT Y ("(J L'l..O HflA5T_ Hoomy. <l b<-dr<~>m •. Z t.athl. On" bo'J· rolOTn a nd bJoth 1111"' n 11.t111r•. S1tu- 11 ttd "" 2 comer lot• 1otahng 75/IOJ ,, .. t , Lari;e !lvtn ~ rm. with Mreplal':t. !'"\Ill lnl ptr.tiO: badn1Ln1an court. br•ullfUIJ)' luid•CApt'\I Truly . IC\'fl)' homc, 131.WO. trr1119. s20.~ov. ()nly s 1,~,r·o '''"''"· Houston·Realty Co. & ASSOCIATES · !109 Ctnler SL L.l 8-691 1 LI 8·7784 Co1t11. t.fft9 F'lir Evr. lnror1n•U 1Qn c;,11 - L)"tll'-Ll 8·2S~2 flenner-H•r. 161 1 1• .. t1tte-LI s.:,~s• ~~rmour-H11r. ~298-\\' Instantly Appealing L• lhll "Como: H lthe;r Hou!lt. ·• in California livin.c. Hope you are the one t o enjoy th1.I wonderful home. 1 LEON WHITE, Realtor Uberty 8-t-011 Evea. Ubtrty 8-5150 Peninsula Duplex! NO ONE ABOVE OR BENEATH YOU fN THIS SE!of.l·OICT.ACH· ED DUl"LEX. J b9droom9 a.nd 2 bath• ln ••ch un•L Large cor- ner kit . Nloaly funalalMd. 8well tm-home With lneome or tor r,.n1a..1a. an::w. se100 d()WJl. Ocean Front! PESINI ULA LOCATION' .... A p1<:t•ir~•qu"' Ru111e ""·hir h or-1~----------------------­CLOal: TO J!:TTT. I 91:D- ROOM8, nJet1 Uvtn1 room with f lrepla.ce u d fumlllht>d. lpac· lo\YI ,.uo. 2 car ....,.... our bt-1\ Oc-u front Vlll ue. 511,tJOO. re.r" a ltfahnl'H yo11 •"ldun1 wo: tin " city loL Two l:tt.i:e. bt<lrm~. and de.n Qptnlnll' Into a bt11.uu ru1 e.nclOl!f'd pal!o y,•llh <"O\'rro:d h1na.I. Separ•te "• b11th, wn11\ r•r )J1W1dry rl"f>m cofr 1~5 1 <'l•t .:•r· •Jr", '"'~. 11rcrl"<"~. h•h•·1I fl r~. •hn1n1: A· l!rr11hf=-~t nrra~· And 111" 1<1r11 th•n 19 TOI'~. Sl:'l ?:•Q v.1:h r'lr•IJ.,nt ttrms. Brtt.er Fresh as a Daisy An llflf'l'nl1 ng J Mdroom home '01np! .. t r ly rrr11.1 111,..,1 1U1<1 r<:· •lr<'nrn te.d: unhr11t11 bl(' ,·nlue. - r r rfcct ll)(:atlon ... Ju~L Sil ,o;()(I ~ Jil•y .... e. 1how you through? Do You Like lo plck your O\\"n <"Oler •chemt •n<I y,•1t ll )\aprr 7 Then ht'r9'!1 ynur r hAnCI:' la 11ur,.n·1_,.. th~ f!n!~hini;:-to11th•J or thl3 ntRrh· c"n1pl~1e-d J bdrm,. 2 bath Jted·· "'""'J RU!!llc hom e l••lth ILi\ un· ob~Jruc tcd ''i'"'' of the.bay from your Cl"''" rootuip ob+erTl.l.01"")' ln the. rhntce locatlo11 of CUtt Ha"en S26,1Hl01 Bay & Beach Realty l 69ft N'wport Bl1'<1. C"l!ll\ Me111._ c..J!t • U~rl y 8·1161. 1-::Ve11. LI 8·3158 Corona del Mar If' YOU'Ylil TRUID TO BUY a !eve.I •O I'-R·2 lot Liii the k•· vie..., aru.. South ot tM Hlrh· way. thl• I bdrm .. 1 ~ b11tb homt y,·ith r<"'Om to/bull(! In frorit I• )'(>Ur buy or he. )"t•r, 1 1:..~. Only s;,ooo dCM·n. Muriel M. Pinover JlJ:ALTOJl 26()4 :-.·~,.·J'l'rl lil\'d., :\'twp<>rt Bch. 1-"'rtt l'ukuia-H&rbor 4610 ., ... CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A. n..-house too! Ohe of the last choice locations In Corona Highlands. 3 bdnns .. 1~ 1 baths, shake roof. dbl. garage. Plenty, or tile in bath. rormica kitchen. WiU sell or trade for 2 bdnn. house. South of Hwy. in Corona de! Mar. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. P1replaoe. dbl. garage. Only 3 yni:. old. $3500 down will handle. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder ~;: ~-"~~l H wy •. Corona ~el Mar Pa1.t~:~~~~ Build a f-lome on your vacant lot • • AND DERIVE some income !rom that invcatmenl 124.4 eq. ft. home, ..................... .,-..................... $9100 Fully financed. 19 )T, Bldg. & Loan. Forced air heat. HQ. Ooon. lndJvtdual GI lOO';ll financin1. Sttte Vetenn $8500 !JO -$49 month. MARSHALL HOMES M.odela open -Newport Blv'd. & Mitchell, Tuatln h., 7·32H3-Kt 2-3569 & (Evct:. LI 8-4073} 41c54H BALBOA ISLAND 2 bedroom modern, cmnplet.ely f'UnlL~ed. Oood. cor· ner location & room to b'uild Income apt . Price, $18,750, xlnL terma. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor . . And Auoclate. Park al Marino, ll&lbo. lalaad -Hu1>or :Itel . ' Home with Income! DO ?\°'T \\"ORRY ABOL"T OUT· G"O • , , htre'• lnc.'um• l o off."'t It. 8eAUtlru1 '''1•t D•y Avt<nue J brdroom hon1e. w1lh • 1 botd· room ap•rtm~t -r • I car c..,...1e. plua • rueet room with bath. Only t y..-1 nld. Tou c:m.n•t flnd • bf!tttr value. S:J:Z,000, Ocean Front Duplex SEASHORE COLONY, ruLJ.. OCEAN rR0:'\"1' PROPERTY. SptCllllly d•lrigno>d 2 br<lroom 11p•rtmrn\.I .. , l'•ch • •o:p11r1te home. roroed alr and vtnted heat. nntplat" ln lower. OuUtandinc vlr\\', d11nlly be•eh Only 10 mon\.h9 old y ,.,,, 1•.'ll! h•ve to hurry ..• S27.~. trrm•. Balboa Realty Co . RoM O!'Wley Al Co""ILu1 Ed ~ Jack Ptnkham J099phln• Wtbb 700 Z:. llalboe Blvd .. s..lbo& Phone H•tbot 3277. '.1 A CRr. Bet k B•y. Ruatic chRrm. View. Z br. 6 de.n, P11l10 122.~00 _ .. BR. BACK BAY. \•1,-.. 132.500 l BR. 2 balh. Xlnt~loc•Uon S22.9:'10. etrrE l'-' br. Bal b land 115,T~. M·l BUXJ. N'pt. 9 c:h. Mhrll-- Ba.lt or leue. Claire Van Horn RJCALTOR 11Sl W. cio..t Hwy. U M277 QCEA.-.: Vll:W ftOMZ, t'l'Ot Clilf Dr1\fe. Full ptl09 lll.000. \41nnl. 11.600 d.oWL QwMr, Ll •2l31. DU< NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 BILL'S BEST BUYS Being Drafted -Must Se II 3 bdrma. with 111, balha only 4 moa. old. Lot al&e G3 x 106, hew paved and curbed .1trttt, sewer, clOM ·tn and · On bua line. Near Grammar and Intennedl- ate Schoola. Immediate poMHRion. Full pri~ $tHQO ·with only $1000 dn, &: $67 .50 mo. If You Can Paint Here la a SLEEPER. 3 bdrm.., 7 yr. old home on 60 x 125 lot w1til pav~ alley. Nice reaidentla.I area. dbl. tar., cb&Jn Unk fence &nd on aeftr. Full price . $9000 • with ~ down, maybe ltu. $e2.43 mo. inc. 4% Int., taxe. A ina. Indoor and Outdoor Living Thia I• It ! 2 larce bdrm a. with lUge wardrobe. and lovely acrffned porch, fi.n!place, wall to wall c~ beautiful lawna and ahrub9, many fruit l1'eN, I orchid tree•, bird houae and ator.a"ge room on FA.It a.Ide ~) aCre n-.r bull tine and market.. $12,!500-wlth - Modern Style Ranch Home 4. bdnM., 2 bath1, fireplace, forced air beat. 2-ear -1i.ra1e on Larp lot. Our DiNt bU:y In NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Full price $IS.MO ,.tth ~ down. Immediat• 1':11111'on. Duplex -Choice Location . · 2 bdnnL on oaeh aldo. Only 1 yr. old. Nut to C&th,olto schl>ol, clOM to tranaportation and ahOP" pinr. One unit av&Uable by cloee of MC.rOW. l'ull pri~ $13,9:w> • with only $23ftO down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ''you'll like our friCndly service'' 393 E. 17th St., Costa Men Liberty 8-1139 "You'll Want It" when you mee It, for here la a Top Lido buy ready to be moved In to for $24 ,225 full price. 1. 3 bedrooma and 2 batha, completely furnished 1 right down to a deep ft'C'<'ze, washer and dryer. It's on 11. wonderful atreet a 1tep away (rom the beach. Slrl'et to street Jot. }.fost pleasing inter· ior \1rilh a brick Ci.replace and open plan. A versatile home , it can be a fine fan1lly home for year round living, or the perfect summer honie, or buy it for income -(summer rents ahead). We can work out excellent tenna for you. Exclusive with us - A \VONDERFUL BRA.ND NEW HO~fE with thrcr bdrma. ·2 are fuU aiz.e and the master is cxtrn larg<'. 2 tilC'd bath.1, ma11ter bf>droom ca~ted 11.nd sliding doors open from it onto a magnificrnt sundc1.:k. Beautiful kitchen "'ith built-in oven a.ntl range, d 1i-1- posal and dis h\\·asher. Separate dini1Jg a.rt'a. Us..d br1cit firrplnce, pan()li ng, fine \\'allp:ipers and-sperial lig ht fixture!! throughout. It's C'Xlra nice and exclu- sive "'ith us for S29.:>00 ftill price with f'xcellcnt tcnna available. Shore Cliff Lot A lnrge Wf'il loc llte<l homesitc. $16.000 ca!lh -Beller ~ee it! A scarce item -\'cry fe left. "'CONSULT US FOR I.IDO'S flNEST" · LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FRO~f RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Choice Bay Shores Properties AttraCt.Jve 3 br., 2 bath hou1e, PLUS combination xtn luge rumpu.-bedroom with additional bath over garag'e. Laree living room wi th fireplace, alKo _ unit heat. Complete built-in kitchen, inch,1des wa.'4h· er, drier , sto,•e, refrigerat or. dishwa!lher. S29,500. Tenns can be srrangl'd. Exclusive Beautiful pat..io in this unwiual 3 bdrm: home· 2 bath11. 11~ lot.. $1!5,000 will handJe. Shown by appolntme,,t only. Eve•. LI 8-15373. Ba y ,·iew at $27 ,500. 3 bdrm. & 1 :i l baths, 2 pstlofl. Nicely fu rnish<:'<I in rattan, including 21 " TV set, Tenn1 can be arranged. Corner lot 40 x 100. Excellent location. Summl'r and yearly rental11. Exclusive area with private swimming beach. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Ba.Jboa Blvd .. Newport Bch. lfar. 51.liS BALBOA VOGEL VALUE Exquisite Home Priced to Sell 4 BDH.l.!S. &. 'DEN. 2 balhR. 15' x 2.~· li\'lng room, with French c..loors opening to patio. \'cry C'Xpen~ve \V to \V carpela thruout, cust om dra.pcti, lx'autl· fuUy ffcorated. Large den \lo'ilh built-in Rna ck bar. Very lovely muter bdrm. opens t o cn\'('rt·d ~lai;11- io:ncl~ aun porch. Bdnn. No. 3 op(~l\R lo r1·ar MUD dec k. Extra large kjlchen with JiKh.,.,·a11h1·t, & room for deep freeie & autn laundry. One of th" moflt plWlh home11 In the area. P'ull price only S32.000. Term.a. Can be bought fumi11hcd . THE VOGEL COMPANY JM1 E. Cout. Hwy., Coron.a del Mar. Har. 17~1·1'T1 \ ,. I J ) \ • ,AGE 8 ·PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PttE5S MONDAY. APRIL 25, 1955 1 MESA COUNCIL COOL. -COFFEY -HOT OYER CITY HALL °"'R A a11lhod whereby C.O.t& w ... ooUl4 obtain a city hall wor'\.hy ot the name rec.tved a cool recepUon from c1-,. coun· ailmen Monday alpt and dr-a hMt.d comment from Clty Manacer Geol'J't Coffey. Coffey report4d that coplu ot a William J . Moran Co. propoeal had been .ent to all members of Meaa city council ahowin&' bow the dty mJpt aecure a city hall. "The propoeal m .. ts a pt...nt need Which wlli have to be met In the near fllture,'' Oottey •Id. Cotf97 -.Id the Moran Co. otre~ plans and ~lficaUon1 tor conatnsction ot a city ball upon which competitive .bid• could be procured. FoUJ' ditterent organization.a Interested ln bUildlng the city hall had already contac ted him, the city mana .. r revealed. The Moran Co. would rent the structure b&ck to th• city under a 20-~ year leue. OcM.mcllman Charlea Tt'Wlnkle Mid the annual rental nqulred wu beyond community meant. Councllman Bert Smith coacurred. Grants to Open New Santa A11 Store; Complete Services Toi~ T. V. Maddlpn, ma narer, has announced completion of plan• tor th• opening of a blf, new Grant 1tore In Sant.a Ana on Thunday, April 28. Thia Will be the elptMn· th Grant at.ore ta California. Loca ted at th• comu of ll:&at Fourth and Buah Sta., th• new ~rant wlll Incorporate every de· vie. known to modem ret.atllng Cor quick, convenient •hopplnr. Sellin( will be done on two "easy· to-r~t·around" street and down· 11tatu floora. The la test In •clen- tltlc dh1play counter• and fixtures will apotllrht the tremendou11 aa- aortment• of new aprlng and aum- mu merchandise. WELL U T Daybrlght nuoruc~nt li(htln( will reveal true color11. Thl' pewe11t alr-condJtloning will flltr r air ottered ln nay ...,....._'-Dool' prlAs will be it..a away lDchad- lng a 21'' TV aet. snany ~ Y&luable prisea. Maddlpn has been wtth t.M company .tnce ltlT u d ILu 8Ut"o ed u man&&'• In aucll Or.at lltOl'M u Stamford and M trlUn. 0.-.. Spokan::+, Washlnaton and LJa· brook, w Tork. He and Mrw. Maddi an now maktnr U..lr horn• In Santa An~ · John Ackerman and Jamu Gol· mer, who have been with th• Grant orpnlaUon In v&rioua e&• pacltiu for a number of y·ea.ra. are aasl•tant manarera of th• new,...... •tori. .,,. T. \'. K ADDIOAN dre111 to the probation ottleera. Coffey rOM to heatedly declare, "lt la not out ot our m-.ns. J'raAJdy, I belleve that In the face ot preaent poor public -d peraonnel relation•. 11000 per month I• cheap, We have been dt.acuulng movement ot the police departm2nt to another location July 1 to ca.In that added apace. Our preaent 1e ... haa 18 moa ths to run. I !eel an additional 11000 ' throurhout the •lore at all tlmea. Phillips Given· Suspended Term A 1uperior court jury found Phl.lllpa guilty of receiving run• atolen In the '16,000 bUr r lary of the home. BACJK IN B OllE PORT-Suaan, Melisa& and Cameron Foster are ehown with Mra. S. W. i'oeter reeting on the Privateer after a t rip in which the two masted schooner was held up by light winda and a crippled engine. Supplies are already being stored for the long trip to Boston which will be started shortly. Oxy Alumni Sets Friday Club Meet The Occidental College Alumni Club of Orange County, plua wlvu and husbands, will hold Its &nnual d1Dner mel!tlng In the Flnt Pres· byt.,rla.n Church of Orange. Fri· doy. April 211 at 7 pm., a ccording tn Donall! 8pcncer or Placentia, rhs 1rma11 of the <'XecuUve commit· U-1• .. Occidental Today" I• t he topic ot t~ program to be presented by Dr. Melvtn Angell, director or ad· mfl1alona, and Dr. Ro~rt Fenix, comptroller. Carlisle Becomes Kappa Alpha Head Jay Carllille, 27 Harbor Island. 11 Junior majoring In forel1t11 trade at the Unlvera1ty oC Soulh1•m Ca.llfomla, hru r~ently be<"n In· stalled M pretildt'nt or Kapp& Al· pha aocllu fraternity . Yacht, Ship Brokerage to Mnt Wednesday Soclet y of Ship Brok era will mt'el for dinner Wednesday eve· nlng al 7.30 al Villa Marina, ac- corcting to June Farrar, attrelary· treasurer. Paul Hrrkoltz, Cove rcprcscntat1,·e o! the Santa Cata· Jina Co . will outline plana or the compa.ny for a.ccommodatlon11 to ya.chU!men In the various cov~~ ot the Island !or the <'omlng year. CommuniliJ , or $1200 for an adequate city hall would be quite economical." Councilman Bruce M.artl.n suggested consideration of a new' city hall site would "take quite a little atudy." • SHE'S 1-!0ME, ALL'S WELL . Privateer Becalmed off : o,na Point Three Days --rh• inyateey ot the 11ehooner PrtV&teer, which worrie4 about everyone in Newport Beach except ~ 8. W. F0tters who were on the two muted yacht, wu aolved last week when the craft finally came Into port after drift.inf oft o.na Polnt tor nearly three days. The Foetera .tarted tor San Diego on a llha.kedown cruiM the morning ot April 11, bUt ran Into light winda and used the engine rnc»t at th• way. HJttins the~ kind of weathe r coming b&ck they had eonnectiq rod trouble In th• kicker and drifted with the cur- rfntll. Finally looated by the Cout ~&rd plane (hey INJllalled they t.bey did not need ustlltance b Foeter was determined to come In· to port under •all, It poutbl6. Wind came to help them Juat u \hey began to nin short ot food. "It wu Ureaome be.Inf batted around by aw.ii. and current.a, but we were In no daJli'er and not wor· rled. There were lot• ot planea and at on• time w1 were In the midst of a naval maneuver with lhree dHtroyera and a 1Ubrnartne,'' relates Mra. Foater. On the bo&t with thei.r parent.a were Cameron. 13; Suaan, 12 and MellN&. 21.li; lhe Foeter children. The Fo9t.era are planning to 11ta.rt for the •&st coaat by way ot Paname. Canal u llOOI\ u th.ey can get away. They have been • • saying "In two week•." for a month and a h.a1I now, bul expect to make 1l aoon. PLAN TRIP They are going to M.11 down the cout, stopptnc at a ll lntere1ting points, hit the cout of South .America aft•r they ret through the canal and then take ln all the l.alands In the Ca.rrtbean that are poulbHI with the w1nda they set. Throufh the Inland waterway they expect t.o aatl up th• east. cout u ta r u Marblehead, M ..... and will visit In eo.t.oG Where l!"oe· ter'• parent.e live. PE, METRO GO ON DAYLIGHT SAYINGS TIME Metropolitan Coach UnM and Pacltlc Grayhound llnu are now on daylight aavtng time and all of their achedulet will be th• sarn• as under atandard time. officials or lhote companlee announce. A.rrlvala and departure. and the number ot tripe will ~­ main the aam• u before the • time change and clocks ln depot. will be advanced eo that the publle may check 1chedulet u before. Wide, roomy al11le1 will permit an 1>uy flow of c1111tomer traffic, Maddigan •aid. Grant'• credit mervke will be Introduced, he said. Participant~ In thla plan uae credit coupona like cuh tor anything thl'y want, any· where In the atore. There ia no down paymt'nt lnvolvt'd. ' L UNCH Sf:R11C'E .Another feature o.f thf' new Grants will be the Installation of a luncheonette where meala and 1111acka will be aervtd. Maddlgan alllO aa.td Gra.nle will celebrate the opening ot thl1 new store with a three-day opening sale during which 1peclal1 will be SANTA iANA (OCNSl-Lloyd Alvin Phi Ip•. 33, B~• rarage keeper. We nudey W!ll rtven a stx. months 11u11pen<leJ Jail aentence after hla conviction of receiving good• 11tolen In the Paul Manll Balboa bland home burglary. Supulor Court Judge Kenneth E. Morrison denied a plea tor a ne~ trial. He a.lao turned down a probation plea . While Phllllps waa not placed on formal proba"tlon. ht' will be under the probation dt'parlmt'nt'1 1Uper· v111lon ror thrte year11. He Wt• or- dt>red to report< a ny change of ad· MONTH END Specials!,, •" I 100'7• Nylon "Honehalr" PEmCOATS NYLON SLIPS • llodlClfJ u4 R-P'--Pen:naneat Pbl Pleet. -...._ U to te re(. •.N 8PSCIAL 2'1S'1 Eut Cout H11hway Coroaa del Mar OUR harbor citizens neeJ YOUR Jirection The C of C is the "vehicle" that unites All of Us in ·the growth and proJress of our wonderful City • You will GREATLY .~enefit by JOINING NOW! .. ,. Phillipa was tri.d bere lu t tall on another recelvtns •lolen pror· erty charlJ• and 'acquitted by a jury In the court of Judi-~rt Gardner. Four other. linked tb the ManU burglary have been rt~ JaU een· tence.. · l!>ORT~:" ... ' • • ' .... .., t ..,,. I•. I '""•., NOW SHOWING *' OOJllNO 800N 'Stra ... Lady • Towa' nz ?Why ........ Oeler _.. o•,... DUA AllW& _ .... ~. "A' lace ,_ Uf9" ·CH4_MBER OF· COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP WEEK ~ I . ; .• .. ' I • .3- ./