HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-09 - Newport Balboa Press.. ·' I - f8th MAR -NUMBER .20 -. '. '~. .. _ .. . . J MONO.\Y, MAY 9, 19&5 PHON~ fU.RBOR 1818 19-acre ·Site ·Early M_ornlng Complaints of Neighbors End In New Arrests I .}fra. Hon •ath LI held on prob•· lion violation. Ru heanng wu ut day nfght led to booking of a 19-year-old mother and a ·24. Monday in Sant• Ana. Roblnaon year--0ld Corona del ·Mar N?Sident on narcQtic charges. They ' wu booked on posuaalon of nal'- J d ' K H ·,....: . cotlca, a felony. McKenzie aald he 1 Complaints o! neighbora about. unusual early-morning activity in an apartment at 532 Center .St., Costa Mesa, Fri-Project .Set are ana eane aye orvath of the Center i:)t. addreu and would be arraigned ·Monday tn Edward Bruce Robl,&laon, 24. of colics. At that time he wu charg-Newport J¥-1lice Cpurl. -~Ua-M~oll! A_!!. Both wete .N Wllh illez.&LJX!llt!aalon ..Q( a 1ly· McKrnzle aaid Mre. liol"Yath'• previously arre.sted and convicted podermfo needle. Friday night, child la apparently atlll being car- ·on narcotic chargea by Newport Robln.eon wu booked .by C:O.ta ed tor by parents ot hl'r husband. Beach poltce. · " Bishop McGucken Reveals Irvine Co. Deal in CdM nRST .lCROss-Again leading the fleet across the finish line Jn Ensenada Harbor wu Howard Ahmanson'a 10-meter Sir-ius Df Newport Harbor Yacht Club with Gabe Giannini's Marie Amelie, also of NHYC, in second place. At lrophy presentation Sat· urday, Ahmanaon collected the first to finish award and the magnifirent Secretary o! • Mrs. Horvath, wife ot Archie Alan Horvath, 20, now eervlng time lo Chino Prla~>n a fter con- • vlctlon of a charge of lllepl J)oa· seaslon of heroin, a felony, la th• mother of an 8-month-old baby. The p&N-W&I arrested along with Roblnaon at IH 1 Fullerton Av~ .. ' Newport. shortly after midnight Dec. 6. 191><&. f'l.~"D NARCOTIOS KIT Roblnaon and Mra. Horvath were 'picked up by Coat& Mesa po· lice la.at nlgnt wbUe alttinl' ln R.obtn.son'a 1941 blue Ford coupe, parked at tt1e rear of.the woman'• apartment. Police Chief Art .Mc· the Mexican Navy trophy for first single stick. -Jacquie Beckner Photo Clift <re ,~........., tr M"""'.e;l'll"JFU....,...;.· ... .,._.,,~r--C-.,..._....,~.,......, ... illiii...,.+'"6~~ ... PQj''94""~~~Mflle'~~-COruJi8tlng of a medicine bottle lid, CAROUSEL WINS · FIRST ON CORRECTED TIME It's Mighty 'Sirius' on Newport • Ensenada Race ... _ Top trophies in the Newport.Ensenada race classic were t aken by Ash Bbwp's Carousel. San Diego Yacht Club, which-won the President of Mexico Trophy for best correct- ~ l\!ne in ocean racjng and Irving Lauman's Tantalus of Del Rey Yacht Club whicll collected the Preimdent ()f the United Stal<'!! Trophy. for' th,. ar-Blos&em, Sllll~na.. Jada, Evenln( bllrary dlvl11l(ln. I Star, Akahi a nd Dlune. • AIOIAX~OS AGAJS The hal of Ocean R&<'ing s.nd ' 1 Arbitrary H\ndtcap Lrophy win· Water Co11nls ..... Show Bacteria Here Nearly Nil an y ropper e needle, was found In their poaae•· sion. "They h&d ju1t picked up the kit," McKeazte aald. The arrflllt followed a atal<eout placed on Mra. Horvath'a apart· ment followtng nelfhborhood com- plaint.II received at. 2 a.m. May ' Since the elimination ot Talbert about "unusual activity" there. Pollre remalne<I etaked out u.nUI drainage from the Santa Ana 1 a.rn. today, but no further ar· River waters, beach <:'ounlll for rest.I resuJte<I. colilom1 bacteria have been re-1 RELEA!ill:D RECENTLY • . Mrl!. Horvath, who 1ecenUy duced t-0. pract1clilly zero. Lee Ne!-completed a 90-day .sentence; ln aon. manager ot the Ora.nge Coun-the c·ounty jail .on the December ty Sanitation District said loday. llr harge, had bem out ot Jail alnce S'alt water bathing !llande..rds al· Mar.ch. Friday nrght.ahe WU Im• low a cbunt "or ten col>fonn per mediately turned over to-Oranc• cubic c<'ntimeter of water 20 County ProbaUon Ottlcer .Kettll per cent ot Ute um.. Tiii! Tai· OoneanftOD and eecorted .to 0....... bert d1-alnage which previo)l31y ~ty JJ.ll. drained out th• mouth of.the San· In hi• December &rn9t by N..,... ta Ana River wu cut overto the port otrtcue. RobtnJMm wu rt,.. old QUl!all ebout tour wee.kl! ago, .a l80·day 1entence In county jail. NPl~on 8&1d. Jt now 18 carried out wlll\ J60 day• awtpended for three 11everal hundred feet offshore. · yeare on condition he not UM nar· Howi..rt.1 A h m a n so n agaln ' nera u compiled by lhe race com· broui:ht hl4 sleek' lO·mcler Sirius mlltee Is li!lted. As of press lime (ti -• Id t Id Prior lo op' eration of. the t reat-ol Newnnrt Harbor YAcht Club the MlCe o c11us cou no prov e M .......__ ~--...1-d ,._ mf!nt plant .Nr>. 2 on the Hunting· esCI nwtne r1UVUW a.-roM the flm!lh line Friday at • complete list of boat.a In order or their hnish but announred It t•m Beach sidP of the rlvrr, r hl·; b W k d S l '08 p.m. lo win the flri!l·b<>a.t· wnultl be rnrthcoimng: The uward• orlnation by Newport-Beach w.. J ff en torm to-fln111h nward. H~ ~ t·ullected luit follows: necruary lo keep coll!orm w1lh· j At reu t one home and. dOUDI the s~·· 1 •·t1H)' of Mexican Na\·y j OCEAN RAC ISO in hmltl!. -The l'ounty health d• I ·of lnl.entectlona were flooct~ in t rnph» r .. r t11t• flr11t ,.ingle 1<t11'k I .. .. . . . partm.-nt requlred chJonnatlon Coat& Me11&. u • result of heavy rlR' H• fin1~h. Ulht•r 1<p<'1·111l 11"ards A -d'tiH'rnor 01 CaJlf. mn!lt o! which wos concentrate<\,i r&Jhs. Fride.y night and Saturday w h1t'h wt•nt to. !\HY<: bo11l11 were Skylark. DeRn Brown. SBYC; du~n~ live nfonlhs of. the year ·morning. Street Superintendent ,tlll!l 1hv1•tl'rl 11~ and flr:1l !wavy ~l•m." •. A·~1"11e. c;abe Guuininf,' dur ng the bathlllg aea.'Oll at a Chuck Heller spent mo11t of the • d11<plnc,.menl by .M11rte Amelie. Nij' ~ · ( fl~!oh Blossom. E. H. collt of $1l .~OO to _Newpqrt Beach. ni11;ht draining water Crom the llk•rrer,.d •b.y l.:r.bril'I Gla.nn1QI. Ha.Jtdfl. LA "i C. of rhlorlne to eliminate one pound 2000 block r>r Maple St. John 1.;11tf11h 11o. lllsi Tiu 1tl1><~11t I "K"-:\layor of En~nada of 11ulfldes. I Frilncu ParlK>n.11 of 2058 Maple NfjYC' \\It>' lbl' first N .. w ft•>rt A k,1h1. Kc.-n ('ro11n, rave: NPl.\"UP rl sewage W1l.I goins St .. reported her house flooded at 0 111t11 H.1.11111: ,,,., .. ,..,.l11111 h·11•l tu Pltrn~. HilWllrd l..aw:-nn. NHYC; through the old Newport Be&ch 2:35 a.m. Saturday. The ~orat flr11,,11. Btt>:llll'llr, Sill Zlll1'llH'yPr, LAYO. treatment plant a l ~hat time and M u a intersections Included the H K."IT IS ROA TS I .. flowing Into the old outfall whk h :;oo block ot Hamilton St .. Wilson ~·1rsl I ~ l)nalM l<l i1nu•h WPrr: "("'-l'rM. of M1•xlro wM too 11hort for the job and had and Fairview, lhe HIOO block of s11 iua. ;\In 11,. AmelJC•. Skyl!lt k, . <:»• ou~ .. 1. Ash Prm n. SflYC: 11pruflg leaks near ttie bell<'h, j Superior SL and the 2200 block \\·l'atw1till Hll'Jn-ta, ;-.1111 Tal. Morn· Pri m& l.J.onnJ!:. Dnnalrl M el.%, hence' the hjgh coll!orm count, he or Newport Ave. "SUltldca do not en.ate or con-teraectlon of FaJrvlew and Wllaon GARDEN GROVE INCORPORATION SCRAP CONTINUES UP TO WIRE GARDEN OROVE -May 9 -IOCNS\ -Lut minute campaigning by the pro and con forcea In thla community'a • lncoi-porallon fight promised to con llnue right up t o the wire 1oinorrow _morning when 14 polll!!l placee will be rndy tor the 7065 registered votere here. · A field of 28 candldatu wprked tur1oualy onr the week· end with ca.mp111gn literature and telephone.. Up to mid· m'ornlng tod&y there have been no withdrawala ln an 'lectlon race which pitted well-known old timers agalnat comparative newcomPrl to this fut growing art&. . Sale of 19 acres o{ Irvin~ Company ranch latliia adj&· cent to Harbor View School for the erection of a new Catho-., lie Church, elementary and high school wu revealed today. Title to the property is being taken in the name o! the Ro- man Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, a corporation 110le. The a.creage Is lmmedliltely ea.at cording t-0 Bllhop McGucken, w1i1 of Harbor Vie~ School and Inland be a church. The elpmant&ly echool at will follow. wlth a rffidence for of Corona def Ma.r. According' l-0 BIJlhop Joaeph T. McCucke.n of the Che.nctry offll'e In Loa Angelea. plans tor the de· veloprn~t of the new property will depe.nd to a large degree upon the s'1'an1 of the State of Califor- nia to open the new hl(hway aec· lion. 9'1nit 1tructure to be built, ac- aehool peraonnel and \.he hi ceedJ"I' for more than a year • t wee.n the Irvine Co. and tJ\4 ot- flce of Jamea ,.rancla Cardinal M.aclntyre of the A~ of Lo. A.ngelee. . Accordlnr to Blahop McGucken, the n.ew chlll'clt wW not eltmtnate any ta.cWty pni..nUy proVtded In ~e community but wlU au,ament f•clllti• for Catholic p&rillblocien. NEFF I SANBORN HIRING DECISION WEDNESDAY . . . -" Cloe1tl Mesa CMc. M11t Opposes Pair's Contracts liberal orpniatlona bu bffn Pini' on ,tor m°" than a year. There waa onc;e an und~tandlng that U\e paJr would be forg1Yen for purported put tranarreulona It they would rel-all connec- tlona with all•edly ausplcloua ,.roupa. Declalve action tr1 th• be.ttle aramat rehiring ot nleo<1on1 Neff, prlnrlpa.l ot Everett Rea School, and Dl1trict Bu.sineu Manager Harrison Sanborn la ellpected dur· In( WtdnHday night'• meeUnl' of the Co11ta Meaa Union School Dla- trict Boud of ;rrwteea. ln the face of hravy attendance expected at thP ~!!Slon when tenure !or Nett 111 Kheduled tor con1ldera- .But in recent weeka lettera have been publlahed In the New•Preu, claiming Nerr and Sanborn have 'lion, Sup••rtnlendenl Everett Rea not '<'omplled with th• reported announced today • the meetlnr agreement. CUlmlnaUon of oppo•l· would be held m Ha.rper School'• mull11"'u1·po11" ron111 al 18th St. and lion action occu~ ll'r1d&y In Tu11lln Av"• <'011ta MtM. I For Cost\ Me11&. when, a prlvai. noon comment. !'l'e Erl1tnrlal P6ge). meeting took pl.ace. Normally. the tnullee!I go lnlo Attendlnr the meeUnr J'rtday 11n11ion 1n lhl' sm111l bu~tneJ<;i of· were mtmbera ot the Me• city t lce11 behlnrt H11rper S«hl)(ll. facing councll. achoo! board, P·TA., cham· on Tustin. B\ll R~a observrd'. her of commerce and lea.dlnr "Chances are. there'll be a crowd Meaa buslneaamen. Amonr thOM thla tlmf'," pruent were Mayor Claire Nelaon ('~TINl'UW BATTLE &nd Co1111cllma.n CharlH TeWlnkle. tng Stn1 . L•·gen<l. OdysMey, Colton : (l'ontlnuC'd 011 f'a&'e i )~ eixpla.lned. I Wllllam George reported the ln· counL" NelJlon explained, "but urday. At~ p.m. S&turday Jamee ----------------------------~ tribute directly to the coll!orm wu still flooded at 8:18 a.m. Sill· The battle O''er 11lleged tnteresta Tom de Forest, r.cenUy reall"'ed -I I \. ' I . they mustt be eliminated first ·In I Set1ton reported the flooded atrut order t o hive any residual chl<>rtne at 348 ~-18th St.. waa a tra.ttlc left with which to dlRrfifect." ' lwu&rd. ~.-. i NewPQrt-Ensenada .Race . i Provides Plenty of Color ·1 El'SENADA. Mex., M11y II - IOC~SJ -The annual Newport to EnsPnada Yacht Race brou ght ~olor a.nd speela.cle to the tiny re· sort ffshi9g viii.age of Ensenada., Mex ico. over lhe wt>ek·end. Some 1000 YllCbtsmen whn played a part 111 lhP a'nual race «rowded th·,. street11 while thPir Y•·SMla !Ille.I the tiny harbor. Th" awe ot the found they hact been puaed by the awt!ler ve11!M'ls. 1'T.W8)(E~ ON HA?\'D I nteresllngly, a corps of newt· men covt>rrd the evrnl for the first time, many driving to the Me.xlcan city. 11llll more sccornp11.nylng the vest1Pl11 lhf'mllelves. Rrpresenta - Uves of Spnrl.11 IUuslrated. Fort- i Continued on Pare 1) . n11t1ve relit1trnl wall r v1•rywhere NO. 7 DUE throughout l ht: community. F rom !H'e· momt>nt the big 1lovp §nus rouml«'d lht! brr&kwster and croll.~!'d l he finish hne lo th!' mo· ment when U1e last veMel-an u n- ldenlifil'cl 18-!oot•'r -came Int o port. small groups of Ensenadans watched 11Joni: the bcarhee &nd from the pil'r-head. )!any sp£·nt U1e night eagrrly eyeing the ,.1,.rk Well No. 9 in for 208-barrel Per Day Supply ves11el11 of th,. ~Nortr AmeriC'anos " Newport !l:o. 9 In the City of "BOGIF." SETS !'All. Newport Beach t1deh1nds lease Many had hopet.l to ratch a under npPra twn by the Monterey glimpse of m otion picture st.Ars 011 Comp11_ny ,came In tor 200 bar· such u Humnhrey Bogart. How· j reli daily over U1e wtekrnd. The ever, most were disappoinll'll. Bo· weU ta a further proof of the va lue gut swung h1a 'white and gold or off shore developmen~ 1.4nder Sant11na about within a frw hour~ I wav !or the ctty. ot '11s arrival and headed for the Pruently under upertmenta· barren ofrshore Island <>f TqdoS' lion with drlll crews rnde•vortng Santoa where ~ spent the week· 1 l o ahut orr \o.·ater I• well No: 7 end. Crews mo.,e<l be.ck ln on No. 1 POLIO -,. Lane Arraignment Neff and Sanborn. have ahown In (C-ontlnaed on Pac-1) Countf Sets-Delayed 1 wee1c RULE FOUND GUILTY ON 1 May 23 for ~;~i1=~:~.:: C0~,~~~~ .~,m.~!! ~£,~ h.~.~~~"""'· S lk Sh t port Beach. on forgery and ,.rand thrtt hour• Thursday. a Superior lnir dill('. a 0 S theft chargu waa continued Fri· Court OepartmPnt 4 jury found R_yle. a 16Mler. wa11 trlf'd on the day to May 13 on requ•t of Atty. Robert George Rulr, 21 . MJn o( 8 acrunllon hf' rorc,.d hlR lnlenllona Max.Hurwlt&. Newport BPach merchant. gii1lly on a l!'l·yPar-old Anaheim Kiri Jut Announcement that anll-pollo Inoculation shots wlU be rP-umed ln Orange County on May 23 ,wu made lhl• morning by E. L. Ru1- 1ell. county health officer. The date tor !\e.,.rport Harbor lnocula· tlon-. haa not bef'..n rPr,lvtd yet. accoTdlng to Mlllll Emma J.1. Mat· till, school nurse. M1s1 Malllll said the aecond consent forms · from fl rel &f\d 1ec- ond grade parents were tabulated tode.y !or the lhrPe Newport Beach elementary db1trlct schools. For Newporl Beach and Corona (Contlnuell on P-.e 1) Lane, out on bail. la accuaeed on one attack c-harirt:' Md Innocent flpr,.mb<>r. Th,. ll1>ft>n1lant te11tlrlPd ot grand theft of $3640 from J. on two olhH attack rount~. hi' drank ]:) or 16 bfoer11 the nlrht Robert Maddox, July 17, 1964: Pretty brunclLe Jury foreman the a.uertetl cr ime occu.rred and forgery ot a conditional aalea con· LoullN' 0 . l'ltrce of S1rnlll Ana rouldn'l rPmemb<>r clt>erly wh&\ tract for $2000 ln an attempt to handP.I the VPrdtC'l t1, Juilg .. R•1but happened. H.e .<lcn1f'd the charirea. defraud C. Robert Perrrman. H. Gardner at 3. rn p.m. Thf' J iii y ron· howev .. r He a IMO alltg1>d the (1rl L. Hetlrlck and the Newport vicled Rule of ntlRCk by thr<>lllA. hllfl &t'VPntl be<'r11. • Harbor Bank, St:'P.L 18; ~anti Jl jutlired th,. <h>fen<IRnl 1nnrn "nl f'ro11ernl!•r KPn neth William• thdt. auto from Elizabeth M. flf i<latutory a llurk and 11ll11ck by !ll<in't C't'llllll .. 'lH•mine Rule. Smith. Sept. 11: mc11n11 or .rorc,. 11nrl v1r.l<'nt'('. Th,. 1tlrl i•lit tm"<I Rult• •truck. Grand theft of $2021.80 from T"nr11 wrllc1t In th .. "Y"H ()( th" hrr In the filer with h~ flit. and ~ewport branch~ Bank of Amer· <lefenrlanl's mother 1111 tlte Vl'r<lil t fr1r<'r<I hr r In ftUbmll 1n81plf' nt h<'r lea . Sept. 13; grand theft of 12000 wu read. pl••l\11 fn 1tn hom ... from Newport Harbor Bank. Au1r. Alty Jamr• M011r•ie mov,.d tor 11 J udi!<' G11.rdnPr releaM>d the de- 26; and grand tMft of $2074.83 probntlon hf.'arln( fr1r h111 cllt<11,, r .. nrl1ol in ~2~ ball. p.-ndt.nc from Roland N. Ll.&'erlof, July 31 , J uoge Gardnt'r eel 11 8 m . May hearing 1n1l •nlf•nrlng. HARBOR WEATHER., 19!4li the &111rted often-occur· Wood Home Ba'ndit ·suspect Booked by. San Diego Cops · Orange County weather fore· cau..,-Mostly clear today, n>· night and Tuead.ay but looal fog or low clouda along lhe cout Isle tonight and Tuesday morning. SUghUy warmer llftemoona. High today 72. • New1>9rt-Balboa weather-Part· ly cloudy. 20-mile v111b11Jty, tx- pectrd hlgh air tempei.tura 16, waler temperature ~- red 111 1954 and concerned car dea.la made by the defendant of Bay Motor•, Newport Beach. Superior Cou~J~dp Jolln Shu ordered Lane to ~tum for ar- raignment ·al, 9 :30 a .m. next Fri· l.2ay. 22 Fire Calls In ~esa D11rint April TttnperahlrH Ute put week la Answarlnc 18 city and four tbe Jlart)or .,_ wen: county calla dui"lhr April •. Coata . '· . \ • I New-port police >today reported a peN10n&llze-ct cht'Ck book. eu!f· Oeor1r• Thomu Soule, 28, San llJl)u and lie ~ara, ln lhe car whlcll l9Ter o, WU arrealed there Slllur· prove<! to bt' rrol)(lrty Of Wood. day on felony chargea Involving With lhlll ""ldence M11.ywood po- a 1tolen car 'anrl th&t h11 apl"'rf· !Ice fluh.-d SM Dl"lo ottlcerw herulon cleared the recent burg'· who &!Teared him w1ttf a car be- lary of the ~oyd a: Wood home. lleved to have bttn taken fl"Olll Wood aurprlacd an armed v.-riuld-Huntington Bf'&< h. " . - ) . THREE tROPHIES-Gabe Giannini's_ beautiful Hono- lu.lµ Race entry, the 59-fL j'awl Mari(' Amelie of New· ~rt Harbor Yacht Club, cros&ed..the finish line at En· Rrrada Harbor in tee0nd place to win the NHYC award- for fil'8t dhided ri.g 11iid trophies for first heavy dis· placen'lent and second in qllll8 "A'' to again pro\•e she i.a no m\an contrnder iri anybody'1 rac$:. ~kner Photo Almost 5000 other Americana when drilling wu complete<! on flooded the re~r1 community to :-lo. 9 late l&St week. No. '1 1a ta· witnesa t.he f1nlah of the n ee. The pected to produce from a new a.one of!}t1.!lt of Ensenada D.rO<t!!.~J1_a ~~DLlhe. pool pretenUy barbl'<'Ue and dancing p11gtanl !or producing Utrouirh eight other Hlp Low Meaa flr'e ·dep&rtment handled Tue1day, :May I ........ 82 ·~ btau. lnv~'@ll property Ya!Ued a t Wednelday. May.4 -· M 411 $3925 w1th,...Jy 11075 loee "port· be bandit In hi• home. 2724 OcellJl John90n &aid New1>2!1.W~ ua------1 J • the vu1tors. tideland.t wella on the· city te&M. Alt hough the la.rgeat number of .Moet ot t h• tight producing yacht.a to tnter this 'll!hlh event ell• at lhl11 time are pumplnit of the Nr'fport·to-Ensen11d& rar e ff'tlm the ~00<>-tL level &Ad 1000 flnlahed' muy pva up wb.en Uley tN\ ot! ahore, \ Thunday, May 6 .. ·-···.. ~_ed.~ OUlC*' Ralnll trnday, May 6 ... -.. -16 M Lee rne&ltad today. Saturday, M&y 7 --·· 64' 63 ll> addition. 1--reported 2T ftre Sunday, May 8 ..: ....... 82 &2 UlvuUptiona made. ~ nre Monday. M•y t ..... ,J... IO M drill• conducted lrt ldloole and R&lnfllll. ~\ay 7-.&4 two drUll for volunteers ,tven to Ma, ._trac. 61 IDlla. I , • Blvd., April 2!.. ~~e-lf• 1111pert haa &dmltUd to lJie · ruldence. He thought a pulling the WOO<I job. Th• rec<rf· aecond man wu with lhe IJU•J>e('L ere<! property "'"" the only loot Maywood police Tu~ay nlrht repon.d 1.aken from Wood. N ... raooverflf a e&r re(11tertd to Port police pie~ a hold on' -.W. "°Ulf', Dl"t 8(\. Leroy llohMOn pendlnJ outcome of hi• proMGU· -.Ml. TM ~ oGiMr'9 loud UGll OD pud UMft. MM ....... ) A I - '· I .. .. ~ PAST PRESIDENT of N ewport Harbor Business ~nd Profe1J&ional W o m e n, Mrs. Irene Mo rritr, (right), pa.eaea d o \Vp the line o f new o fficers during installation cere- m onies Thursday night. From left are Miss J ean H owell, president; M1'8. Marilyn Wheeler , fi.rst vice-president; Mrs. J ohn R. Palen, s econd vice-president: Mrs. Arno ld Naeg eli. r ecording secretary; h idden are Mias L_ldia So uthwo rth, corre spo nding secretary; and Mrs. fWby Stevenson, treas ure r .. -Staff Photo· • .· Hoag's First ~~-:!,!' H'=."L H•tr1.-k And n • .-; C'oyle yt l h• N•Wp<'rt B by D • llubor Ua.nk atlrndtd th• Ar rtl a ay dinner "'H .lnJ (If l he Jndfo pen"l'nt • Ba.nkttar ANO<'latlan of Aouthl'm ,.,._ D. H. C'n.tm. C'halnnan Of Callfl'.lr~a hrld In Loe Al\(•IM lhll Baby Day. annou11ce1 that tnV\• wttkl'nd Mor. l~n 180 ('(Im• taUon• havl' bffn unt to all bf.by munlty ba.nkl'1 a from the 8o11lh· alumni of Hoar Hwipll•I to a lawn land wrr• In a lll'ndan<'f. pu~ on )lay U rrvm 2 to 4 pm , to N held on th• sru. &fta di· 1 t-------------....-tly WHl of the h.>>.p1taL 'I'he Art~ wtll Dt. f'rlJISed, with pot.a or ma,...uerttu --.peclally pown for th.. event by lamea 1 Cowte, hot1pttal "rdnl'r. LllW'IT" ta· blff, .umbrellu a.nd chat,._ will tuml1h a plaC'e tn rHt, baby all· tera wlll be on bond to watch the I r6un(11ll'r1 while thl' partnt• ma y \Ake a. "pldtd" tour lnf().ugh the 1 'ho1p1tal I Ref;-Cabmenu will b.l 1erved and)i ea.:h b11by atlendtnf"'v.·111 be slven a "Hoag\•" pupPfl. ------ UCLA Speaker For St. James Auxiliary Mlaa M a r I a n Scl}attent>err . UCLA senior, will be •peal<er at lht lunC'hton mttllng oJ \ht \Vo- ma.n'• FeUow1hlp oC St. Jamt1 Eple<"opaJ Church on Wrdnuday, 12'30 p.m. Hn 1ubjl'Cl will be, "Project lndl6." St. Joan'• OuUd wm be In charge ot lunchton. ru· enaUon to be made a t Harbor 1230. Ebell Garden Group '!'he Ebell Club Carden Section wlll mert with Book Section No. 2 for lunchton \\'t>dnuday at the clubhou11e, 6Ge' Belboa Blvd. Mrs. Jaclt,. Boylan I• chairman or the rardtn 1ectlon a.nd M re. Bryan THE ORGAN ·t'Oll C.uf rLAY AT ONCE! lM W .... rftal .... ----1 HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Come la •d Prove lttoY....af "'• ...... '1 .. ,.. .. -.. Mid tr'J ... .... • • •• BplMt Ors-l'I ... ........ DANZ· SCHMIDT MRS. GLENN C . MOORE Ste rling D. D itcbey Photo HARBOR ON WORLD CRUISE Well• of the book Mellon. I (\ Cubs at Rodeo E ight membfrt or Newport Inn e. Park 183, Cub Scoull! accom- p1U1ttd 1..: H. V1trllng. cub leader. lo the Rodf'o &lturd"y attemoon a t Municipal Bowl, Santa Ana. BIO PIANO A OaG.uf l'IOU ~for A.I II ... ... Hammoed Orsa-.NEWPORT Moore-Nutter W ear ing an exquisite ballerina len~h gown of lace and ------------------------- PAGE 1-PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955 tulle ove r satin. Miss Do lo res L. Nutter beca m e the brid e nf Glenn C. Moor<' a t a mid-afte rnoo n \'OW ex ch a(lge in Christ Chu n ·h by the &:a. The R ev. R oy Carlson performed the do u b le-r ink crremo ny which u n ited the d a ughter of Mr. a nd -J.011,.ph :>;ut trr P'.!l C•'<l11r l 'lar"·i mC'K•n 'lhe new !\fa. Mnore \\tOl"t l (tista M1·~11. !\no! the "on o ( :\!rll. a ru\''tl hlue '!t'ab1lriltnl' w11t with A rita :llil•irt'. '-"ll ./\nJ:t'h'I\, I rl'd ·tu·cf's.•or11•11 and corgage of l'.\r'Tt:I, t 'ICO( l\l't r,•d rn~11 with st~f)hanot111. She Visit Harbor Duo in Acapulco Aboard Adios ac from thre~ wet>ks in Mex· tatntd by frtf'nda and by Mlsa lco 111e !\Ire. Roy Ktene ot Balboa I J ohnson'• aratrr. M rs. Thomas p, nlnsula nnd !ltls11 ~t J ohn.son Sl!'t>lt a nd hl'r hu•blUld. who had or Hollywo11•I. Thl'y \'tluted many rt'a cht>d tliGt,port f rom Flon da. fntndR In Mexiro City. and wrnt 1 Tht> Sll't'll't left here f l\'e ytara to aome o( U1P tourist ~pots. ror ago on thf'ir 30 flt krt<"h A.hos. It W a3 M1:111 J ohni1on's first tn p built ht re by Jamu Rorick. ThtY bt>lo~· the border. · ~tarted !\round thf' worl•I. 11.oln1t to Al Arapuko th"Y \\'Crf' tnlcr· H~nolulu. Au11tr11lta 11nd th!' Suulh Sea h lands. \\'hllf' lhf' kf'tch was I undergoing t "pa ars artn hitt1n11 ret-fa. the Str<'lu new back lrom l South Africa for · a vu1ll. Birthday For Pamela Davis Th•'Y Mntlnu1>tl a round tht wo1 Id to the Eut Coh t, lh"rt thro11gh thf' I •• 1-41'1 6t0 No. llala ..... Am Miller School· of Charm & Fashion Modeling KJmbf'rl~· ll-6MO lUmbtrly S· HSI ENROLL NOW For Su.nuner Clueee Prr -CollfJge Flnlahlna-8chool Tral•lnr f'uhloa Mod•llna- Mub-n.-b Cl.-. Pn!Mlnallty Projf'«'llon -.Poetore ~Y ('oordlnatlon -Walklnr . Etiquette -ClothH ('oordJaaUoe 416 So. Main Santa Ana C ln daoll. Mto1 kll llnd candrh1b1 a 1 was graduatrtl f rom Abn'\ham ll•lorncd th•• AAnt'\11111 y 11nll 11nlln 1 Lincoln Htgh Schr>ul, l'hlladelphla., lu.w11 111111 11tn• k,:i mark1 ol pew c:nd~. I r n .. uml 1~ ·a m\•n.~r ot Beta z eta l '1u'""''. .. ""' hn•l•: \i· .. rc M l!ill , «ho µttr, Beta S1pna Phi, Santa l.J1ann Strlt kl.inti or Snnta A.na os , Aoo. Her hW!band w iu (lr:idualed mal•I llf hflnCJr, und Miu Sharon from Jophn H.1.-;h Sdioul, Joplin. McK• 111 y of Sant.a . Ana, bna.:.---. • ..,,, ... _.._.. wUl• u... u, maid 'nl• f&nnn 'l"'ON *-""" 8. Air Jl'orce In Llncotn. Nf'b. · 1 , 1 1 1 , , 1 t .ri.•1 1 1n lrillertnA.j --y A birthday party wa.11 gwen lut P11nama Canal 1t.ncl up thf' roM t Wednesday by Mr. and Mra. Clen to Acapulco. which 'they lefl the I Davie, 92-l Oak St .. Costa M~sa.1 11ame Clay 11s Mrs. Kf',.rtP anJ M1~11 1 ror their daughter Pamela on htr I J ohnl'On. Tht y will m.1ke many 1 11th lllrlhday. Game• a nd p r\Zf'S stops and ..-x~<'l to bi> In :-;"rwpqrl .~~~~~ a.nd ·~wy ~~-~:.:=r~=r~•:~:u:t~~:e~fi:~:t~o:t~J:u:~~·~~~========~===~============~ '1ny·· 1ung by a ttroup of tn f'nd11 bf'· • fore aUcln& of a btauW ul d&u ' cake and the n rvtng of Ice cream and punch: J ''• 11 .• I • • 111 I o n11::-•·J:>':f o( ,, ,.,~,,I' .11, '"" 1\h1h: the S • l M • I 1'10 f \'I I ,\ ~ I d,11' j;•I\\,, fn ptnk, pec1a ov1e ;II I'.,.. I .i.' I' 1·lnt. ru•r~. I A ·st. Andrew's I • i ' \\ ·~ I ' ...... 01111 i:•~n nt In ""' 1 HIK h" h1•r rather. H··1 ~~~ 1lul .: .. w:J ".11< J, uul,.J 11·1th lace On !llnr 1~•. 111 7. I.) pm. the 1?..,.h, . lo1rtK ,.,,,,, .. ,1 and wtth df'l'Jl Scmor l h~h \\',;1tmm11tl'r Fellow- ~" ...c·th .u t nt« klan... Lt1< e roses ,.hip 1" 1-j'On."'lln ng the movi~. w•·1 c uppl1qu1 •I 0 11 the bouffant "Str kl,, of th.-l.'• nss · Tl~s p1<ture tulle Ml.art an1l '' t rown nf IJ1r l.' out-Jep1rls lhl' Mrui:s:lc bl'twet n Com- lrncd "alh , .... arls hrltl het 1llu11on rnum!lm onol <'h11i>t1anny an•I lhe ,.,,,1 !'h" 11u111·ol 11 , n'"o.ilf' nf ultimate t nun•rh of the Ohrtbt111.n \\hltc 1 1"1tt1·~. or· hul und Stl'l•hllnu-walne~!". ti!<. Any11nr rn the Harbor llret\ who Cl'rnlJ !\[ :-=1thDI~ o( f .o(ls A n· is lnlt•t e~le•l in 11e1•tng lh11< movat s:eh·~. Ra~· ~' 1111111 .,f 1 '111<ln !lle11n •rnrl J 1\111111.t :>:11tl1·r. h1oth11r t•f tht> hrld1· . .,.Htl" .:r•• 111~1111:11. l.!11·r.n1r .l:11·11h~ " ·~ oq;.1nlst 11nd l\1 r~. I kl· 1 .1 rt F1 • II it)( ~IUlg "At 1 • •\\·111111: ,.,.,,, · n •. , .rn~c .. ,\T (;110111.1.1. 11.\1.J. 11< lr.111.-J lo St. A"nJrew 11 Prcl!A hyten a.n C'hurrb. lJ th and St. An· drew'11 Huat.l. Tht'rt' 111 nn a dn1ls· 1<lon l'h1u i;e bul on "f!et ang w ill 11t' ta k•·n to rnV1•r the \·011t o( the I lrn a.mi to help {lend young peo- pll' t o summer l'nnre1 1•n,·r~. lnchldPtl for the party were Barbara lni:ra:m, Margaret June Coftma.n, Margaret :-=uh. Sandra Of'wey, 'Linda Bnry, !ltaralyn Rob- bins, Sa lly Hauser. Va1Pr1P$ovln. Peggy SoutPn M d . J anlf' Doering. Nightingales. Will Install at June Meet Elccl~on oC officers and prel!lln- tl\tton or membetll who hav .. com- pll'lcd their provl11ional hou rs fea.- 1 urt-d the rnl'l'llng o( NlghtlngG.le Ch\lptcr. Hoag J1011plt11l Auxlliary, ~ merung at the home of Mrs. Cu1·-~1~ "" "" t ••• "' cl 111 c~•10rlell ~ Ralph Holden. 305 V111 Lido So11d. Hall "!th holh m .. thl'IJ\ llJ\Sl!!llni:.JKamaainas to Meet To l:>l' lnilllllll'd on June i at a 1'1110. Nut:•.,. ""r" 11111111 • ry.-.tl\I· \ lunch1•on rnr<>llrti; In lr\'lne Coun- rllt> \\llh llll't' an pnnt'l"l\'< Mylr.1Qn \Vc dnesday lry Club arc: whtlt' '" • f'J\••ir1P<1 11n.i 11 roMtnJ:'" t ._-. MISS GERTRUDE MONT GOMERY, 2117 East Balboa )1me11. Arthur Cr<'wcll, preal- ot pink """"· ~I ,.,. M twlrr ·w11,.. in l K&ma81.na Khtb m~mtl~rJ,.v;lll bf, "''BlvCI. past stale president o( United Daughters of t he rlcnt. Ha rry H. C'aMy. !Its~ n ce- du10ty ru,..• lnr'" \\Ith 1n'y hiue J:lll'J\111 \\t<ln,."4.ltt \' of Mis, Lola ' · . pr••s11l<'nt. \\'tlllam Mirams. sec- ll•'C'l'.-.s nrtt's llJ1•1 ptnk rtl8t' • •r'<UJ:I'. l.vonio. Long 81'al'h. who wlll ,.nlH· ~nfederacy. will be an h onort'!1 guest at the 55tb Rnl}ual tmrl ,,M'·pn:i!1rll"Tlt ; Joe P n!'tntngl't, Cln•l1o>lt 1rnol ")"' k" •11 ·11•tnlCJ.1 Lhe uun 111 ttw-T <>wn Clulr OC'N1n convention of Ca1ifosiia Oi\'ision May· 10-12 a t Ri\'e r-third ,·1c·t--prca1<1ent: J11 <'k <:onr-l11 i l••'s I·•""'· "·1" iUll•h "as ni, .. 1. Tht> rrev1ous mt .. Ung wu side. Emma San som chapter of S a nta A na. founded by t1un:rC1rrl"§l"'n<11ng 1M·rrt11ry . John "''" •"' \11th · the• lhn e-11er .. 1 wed-h.t•I Rt thP h<•me of M rs. Pett " C'. !'wiu-tz, 11•1·1lrrltng N'Cretary. thni;: rnk· !ll1 s. 111rr1,. n U:m1 or i ~!Ar1t' i Kimball. ::>;~ Altso Ave. Miss ~!Ontgomery"s m othe r . will j oin w ith Stone Moun-\\'11l111m c. P11yn•'. trea.:<urer: iuid • S1trt1.t A11a '"'" 111 , h.11.: • • r thl' wh('n c ... 1. '~' "'j<" B BakPt or lain chapter, Los Angeles , as convention hostessC's. ~frs. CJnlllt-St• wart. parllaml"ntarlan. I i:un•t 11•1;1"11~. :::p~1 ,.a1 J."l'"'' ~·"'s 11 n "tut11 ent11talnr1I with C'olorrd Marguerite Blac k J am~s of Glenda le wilJ preside. _ I !\In<. J. H11r11lc! Hl'.llmil. 1r. l'harge Jt.•li n llA.rlan .. r < h• •·rnnr, \\vu., mottnn plctur1·!! t11ken t.lunng Pterl . · or huurs. preio.-1111 d !'••·'· ,, .. n11lio ••-t"r .ti t he hn·• ... ,:r11n111 • H11rb"r •lnyio.. _eo __ 11_ee_n_M_c_c_1_o_e_k_y_._P_h_o_t_o ________________ w('lt:om,.11 to full member!lh1p. F .. r tlw :-;,.,, r 111ia• •~u> lv.n•~" I !llnw> l ' I. Smith, J11h11 :-: ~u.n . W eavers Guild Is M eet"irfg Thursday Tht> u rani:e C.'i11(nty Hnntlwerl\'- ,.r1:1 Cual1i "all hhl1I It ~ M r .. n1I me"'t111..: ·nrnr~.ir1y, !ll11v 1:! 111 lhr• H uundh<lll,... 111 l'n11t1oi.:o l'o tk 1n S.rnla A1111 Ill I JI 111. Mr :1ml M11<, Jlll!ull. h.rnd i-p111n•'1 ~ will ht! i:Ut'"l sprhk<"rll 1111.t w ill Jemon· i trnl1)'oth1 tr t'lltfl. Tilt l;111l1I Ii< lrt\"lltng Ult publh• t o Rll•'nol 1111~ l11•t11re a 11tl to l!t'I! t h .. ,11,.pl..iy of 1 urrt>nt w<irk. · ' New Officers For Kappa Mpha Theta I u1d11y, ?.'fay H , 1 p.m. t o 11·30 fl m I J uhn <: K.n.1pr J)<~11gla• F"nr•·\". • · anJ Sundav, :\In \· 1~. 10. 8 m. to John C. Swttt tz. ;-.; .. Jene Coplen country Club Women The Or&nKe Coun ty KGppa Al-9-30 Th ··Ill b (· k anti F"rllrtl'I'< c l )ll\\f.41{1 Mis. E. H. Cuthit>r 111 new 10C'i1tl rh.1111110.n a t Sontn r\ na Country 1 ·1111.i nn.1 Mr~. A !\·in :;;1a11rrer 111 11!'."l!(lant. ~11 ~. Stuart !Diehl ":111 ~"'"11 11!1 ~1·('1'd•t1 )"l•ea;urt>r. Mr9. I l11bC'rt ~n il will ha nlllc 811nt11 An;t p11bl1<·l:y. while Mn<. Lestrr !~bell wHI be In <"hllrge ot be:1ch publl· rtl)'. Eleltlon was hrltl Thur1<dny phll Theta A.lumnae Club will mPel " P m. erl' " " 1"" par • 1 ShRn ni:; hu~l,.1111 dut1r~ w1lh ~lrl' May 10 al J 1 :30 et the home of Ing. door pnzrs and no arlm1Mion H(lhJ•·n wt>re :lliw :i. !ll ~(Jlf!!S, M M rs. \\'llh• Thomp11on, 39 Emerald I will b(' c.haq~ei.I, A. 'Anlle1:.on anJ C11.i;ey. I Bay. L.11111.111,a Beach. FU ilerton I --------- Thet1111 will entertllln with a 11kll I-=········--··· ..................... ~---·-=--·---- nnd tunche<>n w ill be 11c!"1·rd at 12.30. All Thetu Rre lnvned and 11houlrl CRll the ho.11tel'5, H\'att 4 -6871. i 1 ;:~nc~;:~ Wt'rk .111 the members·, African Violets T l"ll .Jay !or guest9 wtll be ntxl An Atrtra.n violet ahow will b<' with pl11y 11t11rtlng •l htlrl at San Pedro. at the Bop' Club. 13t h and Cabrillo, on Sal· HOUSEHOLD \VARD-ROBE C~ISIS? ~CRISIS? --Perhaps we ha~e the answ~r Because we do everything here cas•· pura ''SERVICE WJTHl~ HOl 'RS -\\1{!::-1 :--r.:EDED" COMJ>LETE LAl'~DERER8 aad CLEM"ERS M \ Rl~f:R•s KTI..E ~ t:\\ PORT Bf:ACR Sale Starts Tuesday MAY 10· SA VE 30 to 40cro on YA R'N Discontinued Dye Spinnerin & Loh Kyr Scotch Yarns II l -Dressy Sock ----..-- 778 W. 19th COSTA MESA Sweater I. 11 Liberty 8-56.22 1 I ,.. SANITONE Solves the . . 'PtNtJI f/---1 .. l'M GLAD I FOUND THE ONE C(EANER THAT GETS WHITES AND PAffELS RE ALLY FRESH! SANITONE Dry Cleaning Floats O·ut ALL the Dirtl )(you lo"e pretty putels, but havt:.had them ~me faded and dirrgyiooking, you'll thrill to what Sanitone Dry Clean.iog can do. Because we get out •II the din, · col.ors come back to life, whites stay white aod char -_, like-new feel and finish is resrored. What's more, 1pou ~foappeaf, perspiration vanishes ~nd gafmenrs are re- turoe~· fresh as a daisy and perfeccly pressed ~1Ty time. See for yourself .,,.·bat a difference when whitn aad pastels .•• 111/ your clothe! ••. are cleaned the .mu,: ingly better Sanitone way! Try us today! LIDO CtEANERS COSTA MESA 1782 ~ewporf Blvd. .. I Llb.erty 8~14 .. • .,, • • • . . Beta · Sigma Phi NEWPORT .H~RBOR ~EW$-P.RESS -PART I • ftA~E l MONQAY, MAY 9, ~955 snd Mr1. Jar k Qularn~rr)' pro-I MAT1'RES8E8 . . U flits -Observe f'Olled the tout.. I n. .. t11 -Homr.11 -Trallen Mno John Slollr; ot Nt>Wl>Orl lrl'l'p lar l'l•llfllN He\Jhls will b.• next hu~t<'M f-Or Ubforty 1-lHI Mu Efll!llon mfmbers. 1t.11d lhf'rl" t'OSTA Mt:SA MArfRF.S8 CO • . Founders' Day ,..,II tw a t<pnker tin h~h tWhill•l %U O s"'"l"'rt llh'd. ~xpanelon. I._ ___________ ,.. LATEST HAIR Sn'LING ' ·· New Members Take .Part • .I , 1 " FOR HOM£ PERMANENTS In Ritual of Jewels -- .A. letter from Walter R088, founder of Beta. Sigma Phi, was read when Mu Epailon and Omjcton Rho chapters met at Kennedy'• to observe · lhe 2•th annlveraary of the . ..-ocla.1 sorority. ' M.ra. Jamea T•ylor. M u EJ>allon preeldent, prulded at a candle· li~ht ritual• of jew el• for Omicron Rho memberm M.m u . Fr&nk Moore · Jr .. Jark Scott. Ira Smith, B. L: McQuet•ney, Douglu Hoskin, Rob· ert Henderson.' Vlvl&n Bodma.n, Boatride and Breakfast . HONORED WITH 'mE RITUAL OF ~ were members of Omicron Rho chapter when thia and t~e parent. Mu Epsilon chapter held a Founder's Day ob-' 9ervance. Left to right are Mmes. Robert Henderaon, Frank Moore Jr., Vivian Bodman, B. L. McQueeny, A breakfa.at boatride to Balboa I.aland wa.a a "fun" event t or Udo Park Club women,~d also mark· ed finale to their year. Meeting at .. 9;"6 -.m. 33 mem beni em· b&rked on boat. aklpp.red by Ray Thorpe, Welcome Wa1'4 a.nd Ken· ny Conell, h&d br-.ldut at the Becki Lou. · Douglas Hoskin, Ira Smith, Misa Jean Vatamanwck, Mrs. Alice Smouse, Mrs. Jack Scott, Miss Sybil Lewis and Mrs, S. T:Vlicker. -Don Bush Photo ' \ . , MEMBERS OF THE WOMAN'S SOCIETY for Christian Service of Balboa I e la nd ,,. Community Methodist Ch_urch mel Wednesday to install officers. shown above: le(t__ to right, Mmes. T. R. Hauser, president: Robert Ibbotson, vice-pre(lident; B. L. Nealy,~­ retary : W. S. Smith. secretary of Cbristia11 social relations and local church activi- ties: Clinton Coane, treasur~r and F. L. Lowe. secretar:y of spiritual li!~.-Staf( Photo New Initiates Of Mesa Bethel Miss Pe11elope Elwinger • I Engaged to Alan flatcli Intl ti. t ion 11111.rkecl lalesl sM;llon : !Daughter For M. H . Willsons I , 'Thc>1 e 1:1 gTeat rejolclni; among four gPn.,rnlln~1s or, kinsmen and I friends of the Murton \V1Uson~ over the b11 th nf a litlle daui;ht~r born j to the couple Sunday 'llornll)g, l A pnl ) ';', al St. J osepti ho11p1tal. Mr~. Willson as the former M ar- garet Harwood Thayt>r, who with her parents, the Alfred Harwood Thayer!! of San Marano, llpeot her sun1nwrM at Balboa prior lo her marraag .... The young Wll.lsons came to U1 e Newport H arbor arl'a after a year or study and trav1·l In Europe to 11 ow In g W1ll.son'is t(raduatlon trom the Harvard Graduate School ot Design. While 1n. England he wu arcua.t.ed with lbe Lonjjon ArcbJt~ur&J A uoclatlon· -Little Sidni.>y Cathann~ will be welcomed at the fa.m lly home, 1222 Ea11l Balboa Blvtl. by brother Goef- trey. who HI nror·ly two yt'a ri; old. MatPmal i:real·g~anllp11nints a.re Mr. and ~l t;t. Ernest \\'cntworlb Thayer of Soulh Pasadena anrJ Mr. WAUon Vernon o! El CaJon. Plher- nal grandp.arents are Mr. a.net Mrs. Mllrlon HitC'hrock Willson or Dtn· ver, Colo. Parent \Vor~shop Has 10 Openings The psrent er111C'allon workshop ITIPellng-on Monday-from 10 a .m. to 2 pm. c-en acC'nmmoda te ten more r 11rent11, it WU rP\'e&ll'd by Mrs. Alnut 0 Grer n. ln11tructor.' T hey were welcomed by Mra. Margaret Van d9f'. Vort, retlrin« l'hah-roa.n. who Introduced new of· flci.'rs, M ni. K. L Correll, Mr1. Harold Gray, W. Johnaon a nd Florel)ce Peckham. I Birthday Parfy At Mesa Park The t ourtb· birthday p&rty of lit· tle Scotty Shock. llOn of Mr an•l Mrs. W. D. Shoe~. 218 Via Dijon, Lido Jale, was ltlmost rained vu1 Saturday &ftemoon at Costa Mesa Park. Duplte occaalona.1 ahoweni. mot.he1'9 aJ\d younratera enjoyed g-amea In the ahelterei1 picnic arta aJ\d. rdre1hment.1 of homemade Ice cream. ca ndy and mu1lca.1 birthday cake. • . Present were Cindy a nd J udy Spratt, Donnie Kaaader of LOni Beach, R ickie &nd Jlllllce Stoddard of Loe Ansel-. 1-Webb, David Reiley, Muk, Jtmmy and Jfu rh McCoocb, Dl&ne P lumb a nd Tom - my and Scotty •hock . Mot.hen a.nd ~latlvu Included M n . Car l Whit· m&I\ of Rivera. Mr1. 0 . H. Shock a.nd Mra. Joe Stoddard of l..os Ang~lea, Mrs. George -Sweney, M ra. Clarence McColloch, Mn. Je111e Spra tt a.n<t . Mra. W . D. Shock. California Art At Festival Cub prizea totallnr $2000 will be aw&rded in the first "All-Cali- fornia. ExhlblUon" at Lai-una Buch Featlv&l ot A rta, J uly 18 through .Aue. H . All•&rtLll.8 liv· Ing In the 1t•l• &re tnvited to par- ticipate. of Job'11 Oaughler11. CMla ~lull ll was al 11.n informal galher-1 of Porllantl M ... He II a 1ludent Bethel L:i. with honore-<I Queen mg of mem~ni 'of the lmmedhlle at Orange Coa•t Collrge, as i• his Ja111<'e \\ htl<' pre1<1d1ng. A new fam1hP11 11nd close friends that Mr. 1 feature of the C"ffmony WM 111ng, 11m1 Ml'll. Joaf'ph W. Wood, 249~ flll11Cl't>. The wurk11hop mcl'l.s In the Bnyii' C lub of the Hsrbor 11rea, !)49 Center, Cosla Mella, ea.ch Montls y. The wor)<shnp Is dPsai:ned for mothf'rl\ (J( pre-sr hool ch11c!ren be· tween the age11 l\f 2 and 5. TPch- mquf'll or du•rlphne am! pr1nclplea of i;rowth a nd !levPlopment !IN! strN1se•I. Par~nls may reguler In Subminlona w111 be Judctd at the Brugger Art Service, Loe .An· gelu , by a jury whlcl'\ Include• Pro!. Fnderick W ri(ht. director of galleriea at UCLA; J oaipb Ful- l~:m. director of Pa.udena Art M11111um, and Lor1er. ~.fel~el11<>mn, artist and lnatrllctor at Art Cen- ter School. ln1t nf "Gret'n C"11lh.,.<lr11l" b)' t he Crt-slvaew Drive>. snnouneed the choir, Tf•mmy Rurroughl!I accom-N11ta1temenl of tht!lr dau1thli'r, ponying l r•enPlore £lw1nge1'. t" Alan Quan- New "Job1t'" · 11re Ga.al ~tann, by Hal C'h, Mm uf ~Ir. ·amJ ~f rt1. Shlll'on BnJl'i:•. Sharon Edklnt1. l.l>!il.6lone FfoTding Hllkh of Lido ! Kay Miller. ~fanlyn TyrPll, An-ll'lle And Lot! Angt>l•'8. , I t omette Thomp!Kln. Terry Oitwn MtM Elwanger, formerly or Ro· Ro11s. Ro11alle Kay FL~h••r, J oan •·hesler, Mann .. 111 the granddaug'h· I Ma.rte ~'sip, Jt-rr1lyn Warrrn. • to>r of t he latt' Charle!! H ~1ayo, K11lhleen Hurboulk, and Elaine rounder of lhe Mllyo Clim<' Wood. The honored que .. n expres.'<-C'onn•ri<al1on pk«e al lh.-part y ~ al?prec1atlon to Mr. 11nd Mrs. was an antique l<wlng cup· whl<'h Sam Craw ford fur the 'Books Qf : .. hai.l b••en in the Mayo f>'lmily for I J ob whim were preMnted initiates.· 1tenerat10n11 ·an•I Crom whlrh the I On April 2• th.. girls were happy cuuple drank. · (UeJIU of the honored· quffn for The bridegroom-lo-be 11 the bre&kf11.~t. then attended church at l(TM<IAon of Mrs. LA>w1s P . Huston -St.. Andrew 't1, a.a did DeMolay members. To prevent child accldPnt!I, wam your chllrlre11 not to pet strnnRe anima.ls or tease neighborhood pets, even lhol!f' tha t l\ft' wt-II known. PENELOPE ELWINGER Entertain Vets From Hospital . The Euler theme wu carried out In the ·1unct1Wn at w hich Am· eriean Legion AWlllla.ry Unit ·291 entertaln9d the dlMbled n terana ft'oCn Long Bea ch Vet1r8lla Aclmln- 1.t.r&Uon Hoapital Aprtl 20 at the American Legion· Hall, 15th St. Mid WNt Bay An. STEELC-ASE FURNITURl . .- TIM wornen"wi:i.r. p.ily dt100r&ted h.ata for amuMment of th11 vets. Mm•. Gilbert Opel. chairman and Roben J. Bf'.iJia we~ in charge. 'nle M&roh party for the veterans had Mm.... Georp Yeager &nd Walter Malhewe aa h01tffM1. "-e aaailtinc the chairmen w1re Matu. Ralph B ot1d1, Brl.(p . Opel, Oeorce Stn r&rt, c.ot'g'e Ye&g~r. Walter MatheWI, F rank Crooker. •ctrtea Noel. Kemieth JOM80I\, An· 41rww Ba.IT, Roy Bha.f~ and '" II. lol!'•· \ • -.. .... .... Wlre lay Jt Wttb Party Rental Item• 1601 B. C011At RJ1., <:11"t>"11 drl Mar Harbor 50ll ouR STAFF Will HELP YOU PLAN & DESIGN YOU.R QFFICE 'T lC/l llli lll I02 Hort" Mal., I t. Sa.,ta "'"• I< lml)erly 2·23U lau·naromat Special This Week FREE ·with 2 l~ed1 ~f L1undry Y os Shag lllCJ ( ap to-4 x 6 > WASHED & FLUFF DRIED Wltllout Cost with two loads of lau11dry Open 8 a. m. • 6 p. m. Sµnday1 9 . 2 ' Newport 8'ach 2817 Villa Way Harbor. 1507 cla ~ Nrs. Gr1>rn l<a1t). . . . . JUJJUS OBLA TT, Architect Announces tJ.n. Openin9 of his at 500 Via Malaga Ne~poft Beach Phone Harbor 5362 office NOT BLINDFOLDED ! • You wouldn't make • purchese brind- folded 7 Don't p!.n 1 future without "sight." let 1 1ystemetic 11ving pie" .h! your guide . SH Us T od1y I COST A MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 11181 N-.or? 11mL 1..111ertF I-Mn "°f .. t U FlOUAl OlPOSIT 11.SUlANCl COll'OlATIO .. --t .. All<'e SmouH and M1sa Jran \'at- ama.nluck . I DAN ~ S IARIER SHOP . . Ml., Loulae Ollphllnl jtllVe the grace, Mrs. S. T. \">lckers lf''1 In the founc!er'a day pledji;e and Mr~ .• S<'ott ruct•a poem, C'haptt'r h111t01. 1 lu were pre~enle<1 by 1'frs n ob- ert Hendf'rson and Mr,. Lyle Pope; BALBOA THEATRJ.: Bl.DO. BALBOA ()pea TueMSa, . Uuu 8atwdaf Ludlum Carpet Works big, big rug~ at tow, low • prices.-, ••• tu little & in tlie 9'xl2' si~ 19·. 9,5. • I reversible 1 DELTOX RU.GS Think of it-~ Smart woven rugs in the popular 9' x 12' size as low as •• Other standard size"s as large as a whopping 15' x 18' for only Larger ru~s-a_s_ big as you riced-cut ~er, at pri~es lower,t.ha.n you ever <ireaYpe<I ot. ------- The rug that reaJly fits your lh·i~g room is well wit~in your hudlt't. • These are famous Dcltox rugs-'''?'·en of tough. long-wearing kraft fiber •.. and reversible: two "right" sides for twice the wear. In your choice of clear, true colors ... in patterns that harmonize with your own deco- ratl.¥e scheme. At ou r budget-sparing pri<1cs you can afford a new rug in any room that needs one-in en•ry room in your house, if you wishl All Oeltox patterns except Oelfield avail- able also on special order in ""If length in 6 ft.,' 8 ft., 27 in., 34 in. and 5'4 in. width1. Set-Our Large Selection of New All Wool. Carpeting In A Wonderfu\ Array of New Colors. Patterns and Texture9 BANK Tl,MI ·.THREE YEARS TO ·pay OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT v equippld t o ti.a tlMI /l~•t JOb o/ oleat1l"g of )lour Rug, Carpets ~ • nd Upholstered • .._ .. Furniture Wall·t.Wall Ou-pet _.CleMed ta you B~ .. Complete Linl FLqOR COVERINGS ~---·-.. ---·"·- Carpeta u Linoleum Ora"g• Cau,.ty'• lArgett -/'; Asphalt Tile -;~ Cork ·:.r Rubber Tile -::._. Formica _o_ALL_us_ro_oAv___," ,...~~·~;_CARR ET W 0 R KS 1622 So. Main . ~nta 4na . Kl 3·16~5 • Kl2-3171 ·' • . I . 7 ,. • PATIO PLANNING . Al DS TOLD FOR SUMMER COMFOP.Y, 'FUN ll I~ f'JllO p!ann111i; t ime now . r. t ~ 1>111 t•ll'll' 1hm n nn pop• r . ./ut ~11n11n1•1 blltl!llni; V.l'ttthrr \\ .t ,. n to I . re Y 111r J '\llo• ( n ht' m• Jr~t or .. 1. h.11n«'. l:H,.r • r :oni .. !I. Patl<•:o urn '"'J••ln th•· h<lnrt' or bt' • •H• J'h-'1•1\ ""' .. rult-':n-.tal· lllll"n• • . H• 11· o·,,. R frw 11lt•1ti< for sin pit'. 11n.1 111• XJ'~ll h'" Jl1tl0~ llJJ111n1ni: th1• hnmt> Tlw s1111plrs1 I " l<'l I" ' •I • 1 • t l><to :< , flRJi:°>tnnr or !Ir two-by·f~1u1i1 JU~t hi•' 1"1"1Th 1 .. r " '' w· l•;,111~­ rn~ r h1111 ;., ii bralgl' tab It' o r a gnu1•l1-t.1 I,•.. It ~ • ·•1 ,,, .. "'" "' 11 II• w ft1r <11,ilna111• un<lt•tnl'alh ;;nrJ Inv 111 1 wn.11 ... f.11.r11 with ~Jiii\>' bvlWt'Cll l'Udl VOi.i lp kl hl'"l' \\;lt\I 1l1:i.n ,;\\U~ • :"\<'i<l i.l• 11 111 l(I a,JJ ~ \\'UO<l1•n luu\'rt'J 111· .... rn t~ keq> ulf ~un ,.;lun'. F uur·b)'·k111r pu~I • of fir ur , rd:1r \\"Ill ~upp1>1 t R 111n1pl" 111 rt't'll bu lit up of une-by-1ux or """·b~ -<'l~hL Inch hnard11. l'1•rman<•nt woodf'n benC'hl'l! w ith rom1n-r1ahl,, bnt"ks N tn be lnNtallt'd &ll•nK o n\l ur mor" ~1J,·~ ut (11,· palto tluu1 Poruible bnrbl'Clll'll work well or you mar hnv .. 11111 .. 111i.1 morwy to lw1lJ yyur uwn bar l><'tUe pit. StuJ \• pr1 y a1hni.: '' tn1l11 b•·Core ;•ou It!\ &tt' 1l l o ke«p smoke from bl~wrni: into ~"h st!ii' faces. HU!ld it In 11ult your n ee.I of Lhe 8Un {••II ••r h ot - CONCRETE Satisfaction ~ POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVI e •• • Have ua .tm111lf)' your" "onrn'll' work with " 1.-d of pN'C'h1lon -mh1'4 C'"'fll~Dt ••• pl"f'p&l'il'd t o ·your ordl'r al a .,1.,.. • HOME and : PATIO CO.S\"t:RSATIO.S -Mrs. H. A. St orum, left.and Mn;, Alan Gray, Newport Heights. ha\'e a word together during annual garden tour pause. A1rs. Storum's Bay Shores homC' featured new modem gardtm an~ patio with unusWt.lly good form and in- t eresting "tropical plantings' abo\'C'. -Staff PJl oto· Liberty 8-2283 BAY llEADY MJX IS(\ 711 W. 17th St • • • ('OST A MESI\ GAR·DEN GARDENER'S CHECK LIST I e a op kill\('~. Ice p1i:k11, llC"lllSOra and other ·============~~ L•k ·T Hat l To prrvenl cluld acC'ldent.a. ket'p N111l 8 ~wo-hy·fo11r 11long the I sharp k1trh1•n .1n11tn1ments \>ut of -W A )."T Ada MU hom u , boat .. t<lp or yvur red rt'dor ft>nce to the r··~h ct l'.hlldren, csra. rumtture, appUan~a. etc. "'. - pr,.ve'nt the wood011 \\ eathering, thu.« ·nd1hhg longer Hr.:. Th1:1 ht: 0 '- tie to11d1 will al:.o Impart "'-fin~ ' ·FL WERING PLANTS li1h••d look to your renre or fence SHADY DELL IN PLANT WELL . PAGE 4 -PART I NCWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, N1AY 9, 195.5 I. ~lo11t nurrw>rlf't1 art< now ttffr r- lnr lu1M'ruu11 ~onla plant11 \\ h.kh cun ~ tran~plant.t•d In· tu lht' jt'IHth•n, section, wheUll.'r it be of louvtrell, ('ombNI flllk<', hn11rtl 11neJ bonrd or Cl~t:RARIAP • 75r ha.i;;;kCt\4~P,..\"(' t1~~IJ!n. ........ ' ~, ~· • : • • • • 1·Rt~ffLni1 a> oot·eu: Mre. D. M . i•ati1!1-0n. Coron& dcJ. Mar. t•X1Un ineil one of hrr cinerarla p11t plan111 from 11huJe Of 11pn·adlng at·oradn lrl'e. Her Sea\'tt'W Ave. home waif on .. •in annual ga1 dl'n tour whi<'h Pm· poo11lzM gar<len's lovely cu!or, tasteful use of plants and f,>ma THEY DEPEND ON YOU- 2. 1'ft..r1• 1 .. no nt'WI ru,r 1eladfolu11 tn lw• nalno'll hy thrlp11. Local nunwf~ own t·an rN·ommPnd un d f1•<'llH• 1111111 on 11p,..r. Phone Exhibition f>t:Tl.~IAS ••.• : , • , , . KOi--t:I", In fuJI bloom • a (taJ. Call!J • b Pneath l rt'P: -Staff Photo ~ REDUCING SUGGESTIONS FOR FOOD LOVERS .TOLD lndo0r Plants~ Need Extra in Watering and Feeding , - Indoor gardening of f era a cha!· and nwnbt'r of plants contalnl'd . IPnge t hsll 1, twofold. first. the UGHT ('RITICAI~ challengP ot l"Ult1vatang plants for Most house p!anL-; iue jungle By CA~llLLE CAMBON lnJour l'lllllBtH>n: St'<"ond. t he natlveR amt thl'1 .. rur .. a •ll!fu:-e1I. • chan ce to cJeco1 ule the Interior or Co0k-books and other books on gastronomy are often "home w ith plants. aekcllnl' those natural Light is recvrnmended. TLu; can be, obtam "d 1n " pos1t1on near ex·freml'ly entertaining, and in them the name "Brilla~-Sav-1 thal ha"e unu11ual lu! patterns, 8 north wUlcluw-awuy frurn direct a rm" rccurlJ again and'again showing how much later writ-rast bold llhadows or rc>peat the sunlight. It 1s a mlsconcC'ption that . ' , form& In the Hnes o! the room. an occasional visit tu the garden ers owe t o him. His book "The Physiology, of Taste," one of T lwre llrl'. ut courS<>, l"c>rtain outdoors benefits the hoUJSe plant. the first general treaties, makes the best bedtime reading rul~s ot thumb 1 h11t must be fol· The shock or adjustment between lmai;:in8l>le, for the eslkiya thcre-1 out ot she<'r boredom. There ts lowrll for 11ur•·e11stul tndonr Jtar· the two types Qf Pnviormeot Is In are short Md to t he point, more to this than one 'might thmk.1 clcn1ni;. say local nurserymen. The somet1m1U1 !ala.I t o the plant a mul'lng but gentle. not putting The most cxqu1zu te foC¥1s, he garcJrnl'r Ill enllrl'ly respon~ible fnr Tra.nsp1rat1on ia Important t or t 110 rnul h strain upon the mind at Hys, become boring when repeat~ the food llnd wo.tt'r that the Indoor all plantK and }louse plants cover· It:< moml'nt ot algnlng oft. ~led too often. W e get WJed to them plant rrct>lves. Contllin<'r l.'Town ed with dust cannot carry 'On this Th~11e uay range from dlacwi-llnd no longer relah their l llSLt'. plants <'Rnno t llenrl their roots process. Cleanlng with a damp J lun" on the senses. the origins o! It we don't put our minds q wha: decp!'r . or fllftht'r out In •eatch -Clolh ol' epen~e-once o r twice .- i a.!ltronomy, trutnea. tile end o ~lil'i dOihc a: • t.&ble, we ov-1 o! moai1lur(\. nnd food-lh"Y aro m onth la recommended. Pollah t ht> wor\d, to Napoleon, ploua enat.. ,,.or lnatance, why doea re•tra lned by lhe •Idea of th• con-le&vea with a prepare<i leaf pollah. P•'"r le, thl.' du1te1 of the s toma.ch, everyone eat eggs 1n pa.1ra? The talnl'r. 11• ••ring 11,11d dreaming, w ith one Slim Gourmet, who ce&Uy enjoys I , MOISTlfRE IMPORTANT 5 W lls' Aid of the morct lntrriostlnC' "On Cor-the l9.11te o! an egg. doesn't need F or Indoor plant.a w1lh no pro\11· torage a p11h•n1 r" the taste r t>pcated so .soon. 011C'e 11ion for drainage In their c'onta1n· )todem room dt\'lder.s are 11.maz.. llt:f'ORE lllS TL\1£ our COrt'ect weight ts arr1\·ed st. er1-<11sh gard1 ns, for anst&Qll- One 1s amuud at this mlln. who 1 at ia this \•1i;:1lance m pa1nlt'ssly sp1'c1al mixtur•·~ of charcoal, tar· .,, luni; llJ:O and w ith little to go knocking off two o r three hund1 t'tJ ers ot pt'at mvss. tiphagnum moss r. 1 x1 1 JI hill own acute powl.'ra 1 caJ011es a dar thlll maL'ltlUJl.I 1t or punHC•' a1 e plll<.erl !n tltc. bot· ''' 11h11e1, at ion. <'a mo tu the aame at the 11Jeal le.-el. t•Jm tu act as i.pvng~M for moisture. J(ecp1ng lhl' ~pong1• mo111t but not Ing exan1pl"s or .c•>nlpat t 11to roJ(e Idea.a which may also double ror p1eC'elf or furniture. A unique ldPI\ &.e-t?-ha'·e an L-11hap<'d-room di· 3. :-tart frrtlllt.lnit M'ld 11lant11 .. ur.h &11 rhod11tl1·ndron,., &U\· h•u' and C'anwlll.,. nuw \\Ith a good IM'ld plant food. f . .-u r h1•allh.\" ro"'es. IUlu pt a r.·111.11.itr •quay provam-onco P&dl \\N'I". ' II. 1 hl11,.,11loi: plat.nt makt>e an ICJl'al )fol h1•r'11 l>ay gift. What r11uld lw mnr1• \\elrum.-than a fntitrant ro"t' 111 full !'loom: v1dl'r 8!1 tlll' frame and bal"klog for a l-UStum built d1.1\·,.n~rt. or one or any 11ze. I Gs me11. linens, s1Jvei:ware and china i.tos:agc 111 pru\'1deJ on OP,?0-1 11ilt' sides, with entire lnstall~Uon of JO\'t•ly Wl'St CC>Mt hemlock tm- lshed In dt•11r rez to bring out pastel rolnrln~. texture and e ram oc this !1110 w ttud. Local Girls Joi" in Pomona May Day · Amontr lhe P omona College atu· dent.a who took part In the annual May Day Cf'lt'bnaUon on the cam· p1111 Saturday w«>re Andrea Swaan Llnglf', 322 Apolena A ve., who model('() in a fa."hlon tohow • s.nd Joan K1mcoc. 418 Shug Harbor Ro11d, who d1J the prognim draw- ings. M1Jre thl\11 400 high l'C'hN•I ~iris from Southorn Cllhfom1a al· tended the festl«lties .• < •I r1u,1n11s &.• our modem 1cten· 1 t u .1111111\ Lr11111e1I dlrt1t1ans. He A t n .. 1 .i that the ubc"'· l\mong h i• I $ er fr 11·nds ate 1n t umm11n cerlaln I satur.•tl''1 1:1 th•• a im of the lnrloor DRAPERIES -t;PBOLST!:RCXO -SUP CO\"l~R8 WALL PAPER -C.\.Rl'ETL'\"0 COXl'LETE L'\"Tt::RJOK DECORA:rL~O ro .. .i ... ~u,h n• br .. 1111. pastry, rice, LAMP LIGHT SHOP , JI"' n tm • 1>111 ter l\Od ll\l mcab. Whlll' th" thin 111e111ber11 If h1~ lO· l •'r l1 k1 ,. 11 •H 11h:'l\l Hnd •·..:~s •·h··· ,,... I ru ll~. ,..:d.ad~ and \'t'~~· 1 Zinnia Excellent" as All for frl'din.c. one rule of thumb to fllll"w '' ,, mo nthly frt••lln!:' uf a 1lll11t• •I 1111111.1 1t•rl1llzl'r Mo!ll ph111t::1\\111 11\ll "•'I'll a t.:cu1n~ after first plu11t111~ until lh11r rool:. have m•a1 ly I 1llr·d tlu• •·unt,nner. for lhe o rii:innl i)utttng m!Xlllr<' shuul bP 11!-h In n111r 1cntll. Fe .. 1hng l\Chcd· ul1•;i w ill v111y. of C'Otll"lll'. with the %4.U E . Cout Hwy .. Corona dl'I Mar Harbor 6239 tuhl•·s .l'llttu 11l.1rl\' h" n"lt ti thot c t t h· " ''Ii•, "I•· t 11,: 1"111!1111,1t1;m ••f U xt.111h1·· """ "'"P:ll l l•flll•lltlr . Flowers· N•t'llH''I l u J uL 1q1 11hJlt' tut thull ""'.•'Xti )lt•nt a patr r,f <'tit llfl\\'· :'ltZ•· n( t hi' C'lllllll111''1" 1111.J I h•" I ypc 811Y "1 th· "1 h•'1" . 1•1,. :ii. y1111 1·1111 i.;1 t I his 1<1 ll1t' ~ '1111•11lt :1~ ,. Hi.PU 11 !" b• ,\Ulj'," ht· 11p11H111l uf 111;\n\' an • ••ff'r••nc 1' t n 111; •>. h:: "•'1 1 '1~1 111.: llw hnr-a~tcrs B11il 21nni.11t, ~ummE'rllll\I' m un\' uf l'l•>Pn1t,o111 1·,1.1hltshl'•I Rl.1 J.:Rlll• n .1rl<I till ih wi•rll. f1r'I. h• • .. 11•1 all 111 .. 1.11 t• 11f th .. hrt11\• dn 11,.1 , r l 11 J.:.•' "'Jll<1llv lt l The H>t• r Wt»ll s •Int k !(H'•'ll 81,on'lrnl~ ll Ii\" tlll.t1~ llf' ,.,l\:llll•'~: IP~lh<'1~· lraw•;; and blU1'. pink t1r that :>:utur.• hrt1I <11 >l rni•il 111 b" 111 Whit•· iln1,y·llk., fltlWCI .... Vc1y hur· yn11 plrint r nmpl<'lllf'nt111i: a.st"' s 1rnd z111111n In your gartkn. Chct•k w11h lo• .11 nut •1•1 yn1t·n l••r seeds or i;tar tcd pliml~. U1e ~h.idi m•I ll•) nutnmi: ll' more' >1\' Ill .ill t11ras u( th~ 11lalt'. it wall t l .. •1111 11 .. 111 J uly t•1 ~·pl1mhC'r. Jt"s •,JI/iii an hr.i:; 111 ~un a nd lllll~H'll 1<11 ("nn1n1nn ti1ln tit ll•••l '''"h t.hl'~ tw 11wr1.Y \1:y 11.'1r.~111.: ilnd Wlllt h l.tl It,, It I lo-,.1111 " fr ~•i:· ~u..u:. ..... u......_ *>~ir-tfnn'I I 0 ,r1, 1111 • •·J 11r .,, • ! 1r " anJ J•lanl 1t in .\:•I ..... '•oftt1;1\i•""' \\tlh tht-'I.•· J..;.'"tJ.f,,n t:i.•t•!· r~ ',. I ' '''''1ng tho11~hl thal h• i 11nnnt '"' 1111 lhr ant.I arrnni;:rrrwnt.s rn ~our h1111sf', I ·I l\"t~· 1-UI Ff: v:n· n. llal\\f' 11( II.JI\" I \OfJllll1 llL lt"I• l'!I ,.)(. • , •pt 1 h"'' • ' )t,,1 •" ~ , •·n 11 111 !. A fl • '' r'h"'n" c lur r 1·111pan1ut1 In C11n~111 nl 1,1111 "· and .ltohn ~"""'· thP ""t"r I!" tl:e z111nia. R l'!umnwr I l'kl. 1~111~ • r J ',1la1 .. 1 1111.t tit ll'llt• r "111":11 • f • ':1 "'11" h ,ll 1 d 1 n" s ~ I or thl'Tulk~ :":!lf"<'lt·nn'~i.:1·"1llll'qs .\v111l \hJ.• lrtF\·ery cnf1 r hut bhlf', h11d f"'"·•· .t h• fui l' t 1• h•, 111111' .-nr· it lloil ~ h· • n h~ 1)11ti1z1 d tu i:rnw tn pult•nl :t ;.;.t • tl \·a:.1 1\· t1! r .. nu~ 11\\·a.rf ~t .t:s11t:1uz1~1: 111t:Ti-. 1 pump•11"· lllll "f" "11 "'n.< \\Ith itl1.1i:· 1 A '"11.t ltlllrt\' \II !1 I>• Ill<' a l i.;y, curl,.\ p r tfli!ll"1 P•'I••!!'·. ~· n\t' i.: of thr nam.-\.lt1rr11'1< nre l!lllfnr· P1• '•Ill '"11'' 111' .t "'111 tla• 1"'"" mA, !}11t111 l•11~.:.a Flu\\f'tt I, Cai tus of '.11 1~ "' ,. " '' ... v I•• ~lt•tto!< llW'-• I Flow•'"' t\ll I l.1111 iii Ont' Pl ltl•' lll"~t 1•111. rt 111111\lo; • I I ~ r t hl'lh) ·~ ;11111 tan l,Nlcrmsor-who ' Exu•lli Ill c .. r h·•l \\I •• tt~Pr ti "'" hl\ic w11tt1'11 " rha1 11111 ~ littl" ho0•1k 11• i.:1• ''n r11•111 "'''""' 1•1 '" .. i11111i:~ u ndl'f t hr li\.lt• 1,f "Tlw ~lmi l~nu r-1 ·•ntl rf pli1nte1l s•11·cc·s~l\·f'l.v in male! l mrt." llr Ill\':! HI•'•!! upnn Rlllllll· arra:. \\Ill hh>• 111 fn•m ~p11n~ In Ill){ ~h·nJ•'n'1,.8, hy flC'\'cloplllg a C11.1~t. !h~ ·'"" fur. zinn111s ~h .. uld I Uking r. r foot!• "All nnturrl.'' 1111• ~e ennrh ! and \\alf'rr<I b) 1111· a d11rnl'tl h~' "''"h r• .. r •>thi:r fnll•·n-i.:atmg 111 111riu11 s'.M lni: Rild11 11•n•. J«1111ts 11re tt) hr 1'1\1· The z1nn1a dw.1rf fo1:n11 11rP Px-1 e n w1th .. 11t l'llJ;:lll", t•I(). Jn1!<'t'd. It rll, nt f11r i:ar.!l'n bonier;; 11n•I th,.·1 ll<'t>rull thn t In <''tr\' cA.8<' whf'~ Ill lier l'prrunen". n•nrhmi;: lhrt>4! I f ood '' <'••nr•·rnr.I, ·if thrrl' 1• 8 frrt rmmet1ml's, for bP•ldm i;: anrt chc11re of · wll h "r wllhout • one cut tlowt>rs. I mu•t 1011y, • \\ 1th011• ·· 11nd like ll. You • <'n ha\'t' 1111 th<' w:orm 111 h Th111 1"' •h N•ry h1111inr~• rnlnr:o lhl!_l tw~pt>rtk !lll'llm• r w ti"n I H.~ ... ,,, ... r t h"r• arr 11 fpw b n i;:hl· e r no"·"· ~Ir. 1,. <ierma.n I'll \'I' lht're keatly Mixed Concre;e In 1plt11 11f thr Cement S hortas;e W11 Are l'll•klng t:ve ry PoHlble Errort to Satlt!fy tho S eedJI or our lirowlng (iomunmll}'. For Concreu -Call t:e. WELCH'S READY MIXED . . J CONCRETE I 136 Commerdal Way COSTA MESA LI 8-~%! q ulnC'y a Hwy st.48 llunUn1too Bc.b. l..eL t-•tn 11r.•n l 11nv "f •\tl'lllni:• f•«~I .. " •Md "n•durin,: f•• •i,. • All fotvi8 ron- t .un ral11rh l' """ 11<• 1t 1~ Clnh· s n.Atter o! 111mp1,.· a rllhnmtlC' Thal 1 M'lllrl•l11 like t h•• :<Rme Clld cl\Jon e- c:Cluntmg to II' ,r ARCHITE.CTS QI :\I.IT\" l\lrORT \ST ll 1s cl111m to 11111nnHor'1< f&me llr • in the AUi-!~· 11t111n that we 1111 .. uld think m11re of thr qua lity I o f .. ur fovd~. J1•\', lt1r1ng nrw ( 11.11· t l'll anlt Tfl\Tt11xm11; of nu>re ver~ • lrty. ~ ... lha~ \HI ~1n not ~l I I I Members ot• I American Institute of Architects ,. J. Herb'ert Brownell William Blur.ock Philmer J ~· Eller.broek Raymon.d Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Plege r ... t~e Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desi9n and Constru~tipn . , CORONA DEL MAR PHONE HARBOR lM ROBERT FORBES REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDt:STRIAL CAl.L HARBOR 076? FOR r;STDIATE, \\"ITHOl"T Cll.\.ltGE 101 E. BALBOA BL\'D. 8.\.LBOA MAX W. POPE Inc. OF.~trn.u. C"O~TllA('TOJ(~ "We Arran~e Fin:mrin~" CO~)tt:RCIAL • llt. n :1.or•)1t:s 1' 40i Bolsa An-. .Ju.,t off ~pl. Rh d . at 16th S ewport48t'a"h 1.llwrl~ ll·'l"!l!I /lew lDWERCOST PACKAGE BtUI LOlNGS . . . 5 & lOt NURSERY l\lemuc1,,. o f the ""''"' port·D~a R11tarY .-luh Wl)I S•'I' ll llC'll'IQ s ra· t1"11 ;;f th•• us~ of t h1· I eh-plao c-at l he 1 r meet mg l\tay If) .\1rs P hyllls Tomltnbo n. P a.clf1c Tele· phonlf. Opfrutor, will 11how prnper use of telephone equipment u1mally fo11nil 111 offlcra. lO!I So. Sewport Blvd. -TUSTIN -C10Md 'ftn1rld&19 lan'dsc~pin9 is an Investment ••• Invest Wisely c;ardeo landecapiAc properly deal(Md aM planUd by a prof---..a cardeoH. * Full~· Insured Cold Storai;:e Patio Pla.on1Dc • 8pedaltf" So J ob t-Lara'• ff! too_....... * Fittproof \'ault * Moderat4'. Pritt1t Phone //arbor JO J>rompt8~':f u yoar door South Coast Landscape Garden Senlce lltT .,.._ ••• '. SI.nee 1918" !18 Martne, BaJboa laland 2t)f1 l So. ,\/.Iha. ~o 11tn A 11a The Whole , Town's .Ta~king the .wonderful success of Bigelow's Karpet Kare Process for Wall-to-Wall. Carpet Cleani~g in Your Home (hclusive with Us in Orange County) K A ttt: I~ a ,-d11y rt'\'7.luOnnary \'ou'll bl' "'"prl-w1I a nil d••lli.t ht· "d \\Ith lhf' lh11rn111:h dt•lllllnrr. nurrln••'' .. I n a I' anti th .. r•·-1nr11llun "' 1'ul11r. C1tll II~ l 1td11y ! Upholstered FurnitUre and RuCJS Cle~ned ~ In Our Modern Plant ::~~ l'llO~t. G ·U ' ~ • !l f c.... _.. < .,__J Klmberly 2-6400 We have Only One Location l'1·rf••rtl11n In\ lh'tl lrrtll at 11111 .. • I . . - -...... .. . • . ... ~ . ·'.DUSTING HAS ITS SURPRISE ·~ Wbl'n onf' moftl Into a . 1tran.:• houM or ap~nt • and be~na to \lust out the 19f oct·upant, anylhinf on• &1Dd• I~ n ot te>o 11urprl1ung. . ... Bu: Sl&Xa.h E . ~Owen l>( 1701 Ch.ft Orin wa.s rlOt pn·· .pa{<'d tor hl'r tlnJ. Sh\' toht p<>llC'e Wf'Jnes<lay she w11~ duslng ott ll top shPlf Ill tht' adc!Jua when aht tuund a cl111h :.mont'y bag f rom Security Na- tlonnl Dnnk. " !l:o, Lht•re \\'&ii not a wad ot H OO b1U• lnsulr but a 32 callbre ).'Un.rompll'tt' \\,th two bo1 .. •11 oc sheUs. She turned the w .. a pon nver to police ' Marine Breaks Leg in Fall bow·n COM Rocks Rt>&t'U~ v! J;;nlU 0 Durham, 19· yt•ar-c>I J .El Toro Msnnt' who sllpJWtl de>\\'n rocky C'l1tt11 near ' M1uh-lffach yP ... ter,lay 11.11d i11utrf'r· 1 t'd a bivk~n lt>g, wu madt' b)c'. llft'· ~uanls and umbul&nce &tlf'ndlll\U. Uu1 hum wh.s taktn to El T1ii-o dla· J't'lll'llrv. I T'ht' ~tannl' tl'lld roUct' ht' Wlll nn thl' bt-11.-h Ill "bath houlle «W.-" -NEWPoRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I PAGE 5 MONDAY.'MAY 9, 1955 when he d.-c1dt'd lo d1111b tU. I ru• ky cliff. He said ht got two- thil'\1.~ or llw way up when he ahp---------------------------- Jlf'<I 11nrl !t>ll biwk to the brtu•h. r--------------------------- Uurh1un hat a t. ,lge 111 the !all. I 1• .. 111.t> said ht• !di on a portion or bt't11'h 3i1 t ... t>t !!Outh ·0t t he ll1·-,·e1<~11JI·• 11,.,..,h art'll U!ejtUart111 I a.r.J u111bui..11,·1· &lt .. ndanl.3 <'llrr1N ham throui:h th~ 1urt on a st~tch­ .~ ~IOONJJU HT RID•: -Orange County 'coastline ·night bo:lt trip was one of t he outstanding events of last week-end businetis meeting of California Newspaper Publis!wri; Association while in session at Balboa Bay Club. Seventy~ight of the publishers, their wives and guests boarded Frontier at Bay Club guest dock and .. spent two hours cruising aJong the Orange Coun~y coast- line from Newport Beach to Da,na Point. -Staff Photo Bacon's DauCJ._r A daughter was born .May ~ lo Mr and Mr~. Edmund B. ;IH'Oll. ~02 Ja.amlne Ave., ln Sant Ana Community H ospital. She w IKhed• ll lbi1 .• I 1~ oz. ,.r lo get ham ;111t. 2 Women Collide Two womrn, one loca l. WtNl ln- voh·c.J In a two-cur rollllllon hert' on A pr 11 30 •>n Bay S1de n a tve acrni.s rrom Rkhan1.~on'11 Ya<'hl Anchoragt.", polka reporttd A 1·ar 1lrtytn by J oan Ev1>lyn Cau!- I s-10-12 fl. ltllflM 47() Ml I t'18t!ROLA88 l'A~t:u; . ·~·-··-·· .. u lo"' a• n: ,~-=-----------------~-----' Ht:Al'T l t:'S OF Nt:\\'PORT H ARBOR-They were recited to Bal<ersfieltl's Walt e r Kane. front left , president or California Newspaper Publishers Association by other publishers with Newport' Beach connections. front row. Lowell Jesson, former pub- lisher in Anaheim ; Sam Meyer , former publisher of the Newport Harbor News-Press; rear row. left to right, Ralph Turner. publisher of Temple City Times who has a born e in Corona del Mar; B. J. Abraham, publisher of the Bellflo~er Herald Entl'rprisc, who has a home in Corona dcl Mar; and J. Cowell Davia, publisher of Whittier Newa, who ha~ s home on Balboa Island.-Staff Photo · Seek Plane Pilot Who Buzzed Bay The red and whlUI hydroplane j lion toward l..11.gumt Beach. wu reported by WortbJ.na-toa ~ PolJce c.l\Kked 0 1"&1'11'• County Balboa..hland, J ohn Webster, him-and. Long Boch alrporl3 to as- selt a pilot. or B&lbo& B&y Shona cut.ajn the plAne'• owne r but r nhr ,, t1H1ny au•ll"ln the ldl'n(\ty and Peg Bo~wl'll. Also ot Bay "'11.hout 11uccf's.'<. A check ot Loa 01 " ~· 1pl11nP pal"' wh" l\\'irf.' Shores. The' latter rrported lhe Ang••lu Sher1!f 11 Aero SquRd ron lantl• ii ,,,,., 1 ••le •·f f Thu•"d"v plane tried to takf' oH tow&rds and L. A. AlrporL 111 lo be m11de """nln)! 1l1ownw1nt1 e ... Ii tanar in I Upprr Bay but could not mf!-kll \t I tor I.he 1 raft'!! t~nllly. Numbt:·r11 r.: .. n h L11fo n11111nrl N • ra~!.Pn· untter the brldKe. Normal down-Wf'rr tnki>n by watnellllrs from J:Pt" w1•1" 111-1• harired. wlnd would be an euterly dlrec-the plane wing:;. . ---._,,.. --------- ) * COMING SOON! * IT'S THE FIRST ·. -.... First Annual Orange County .ltY LIDO BURGLARY 1 CASE Allred; Sherrick Receive I Arr"ignment . Continuance SA.'\IA A:>t:A 10CNS1 Ar· nl);llllll'nl 1;! lM'O m('n an ronnec-· lion wilh lhe robb• ry. k14napplni; and usault ot 11 Lido l1<le cpuple was contmut'd Fziday by Supf'r1otr Court JudJ;C John ShcJ Public d('!rn·!t'r :-;irk ~tey1 r a :sk· ed tor a wet-k continuance In lhr arrni.r;nment r>t \\'tlham F Allnocl 30, nt I.a Cona'1a. ,\f,) 1•r !'-.llJ he t~ 11e• kin~ lo l!<'l two , hKr~rs, k ul· I naf!pln~ and 11~si1ul.t w1lh a df'ad· ly Wt np<.n. dlO)l)'ll•I. Ht' t-alrt ht' lrn1ln't ht«I 11 di:lm·e In t11ke l ht mat L•'r 111> with tht' J 11,.lrict ,\ t- tum ey but IJ .. laevt•:j th<· p•1hc\• ofrt- Ct'rs \\ 111 i.:•> 11lnn~ \\1th h tm on the 'chari:e iJwpp111g. AJlr,·J alllO 1:1 accuM>J or 1,11~b<·ry an1I h111 gl!ll')'. I le as tn t'U"t°'ly. All)'. Ttwma" J Jr!frrs a :<krtl JuJ.:e Shc·a t o Jpptnnl Ill\ l\l1l'nli1t t" examine hill dlt'nt, Lln('O!n A. Shtrnck, 36, uf La Canada.. IU· ,~rlt.~l UC"C•IOlpll(e of A llr.•d Tho JUd~e unlereol a psychla· 1 lr)~l 8[1poanteJ &.n>I u repnrt ma(lo at S lwrrn:k'>t aa ralgnml'nt May 20. 13(,th defendal\lJI, ln cullto.Jy are charged with ldentJcaJ a.lll'gat1Dn11. They u.aertedly pulled an armed robbery l.n 'lho home ot Mr. a.nd Mn . Alwt Oeer, 626 VI& Ll4o Nord nn April 17. Tht v are llC1:u8ed ot taking $112 In ca.sh, SiO In travel- er• checka, a $200 watch and a $~00 rlnl(. A pnlic.-officer. \\'alh~m Talbot \\'WI shOt In lhe hMd by Alltt't1 ~lr11. Ollt'r' &lltgedly wu ka lnapp<:d Allr,•tl gave htm,,.•·lf up afll•r swun· ming lhe chaMd betw 1·ltn lhP Oaer hom e anJ Lu.lo Peninintln. Sher· rick waa arre1tt>d In hi~ La canarta honw ' fer. :ix. H<,ll,\'Won,1. and one op<'r· · at('d bv C..:l:u I\ Maaie Ba•·on 26. 207 Uu~·x A \'I' cru h .. d. Mrs. Cut1f!rr saacl lihf' had !!lopped ro makt-a left turn to the a'nr horage Wh<'n her auto wa.s 11trurk In the rear by the Bucon car. • • OPES DAU .\' MONDA\" TtlftOl"<iH snmAY 8 a.m. -8 p.m. l\'holr•olr ct Rt t<11I Bu1/dr r• J111rd1mr11 Phone Llbt'rt)·-f4-7855 222 Vlrt.orta St. (nrar Nf'wport Blvd.) C08ta M"-!..._ __________________________________________ .. .... L I D 0 ·* for .~ remodeling ! * to give you a bigger .and better M A I K I T • Biggest"R1ish'' since the ~~ndike ! -~ ,, . .. .. \ * HOME SHOW .1 June. 1st thru 5th IT'S THE FIRST J oin this d istinguished list of Exhibitors , limited exhi b it spa ce still available. -Call Kl 2-3989 ,\,Jur '"I•·• I II(, \ll\\•'ulh• r \lltt11ln11m .\wnlni:" ('n .• 1 Im -. '.'' •• ,1. ,,,,,,,.. ,h,1p .\rru\\ 1.111-. .\. \llrrur ( "· l\urr 1 .11111h!•r ( '" ( al·l 1111•1 lhHtll\ lilrt' ( 'r1. ( nn.•I•· t:•·nlr~· f ''· ( ua •I \llll\\ utl. ~:-:<. ! 11ok ,\ Son• fl••nr• 1 • ( '" l on .. cruC'tlnn Co. ( run•• t n. '1l '-\ I . c .. q .. ,r ... u,,n ll11n1 '' hmldt l'l"nn ('n, llot•r k hi,: F(1lr,ir•\ ltl\nl'h•" 1·r,.nrl' l\rntlu•f'o fi11nt,.n ••rn"' T. '. l 11•h al•·' ( "litlni: ( Hrpnratlon lfa•ttnc• \h11 nln11111 \\\nine• ""'"'' l\1'[11111 f "' ~ llun••• t.n'!h1•·•1r,nu C n .l•n lnt•'rt••r ... '''"""' \ ppli lfll'f' ( "· tlnnt'tl l.umhrr ( umpr•n> I\. I\. II. t 11q>orlltl11n h lrh,. ( ''· uf Or:incr ('ounty h \\ lk-rt '"'""'· In ... lJnil'A~ rncrtn....-rtnr''~'­ )t11rta r1 ...... l n trrl<W'klnc R IOC'k C'I' ~ .. rrl•· l"hrnnn•yr f 'Ort"'"'tlnn ~11-I.&\\ n i-hn11{ Event In The New General Exhibits Building At The Fairgro~ds. S<'<' thti. mammoth showcn~ nf O\'er a million dollars in new 11ro<1uc·ts and th<· latest idt•:1s for modern Jinng. plus world fAm9us r ntertainment on ~ta~e. ....._ Oran1otl!' ( ounty ( h11111t•r-AN'hltrl'h l n,tltul1• ''' Am•·rka 1'111-'ltll•• l'r11J11d• Int'. l 'nltlrr '.\t.1rtgagP ( "· l'omooa Tilt· ,\Ifie. < "· o. s. Hl•·han1 .. l(n•u• H o\\<' 1l<H•rln1r H1L"<'O P rlnw \\'lndow ('o. Jam"• II. Kuswll A "°nn Rhiera t'umlturf' Co. Rancho l.umt>rr Cn .• ~Al111nal l ... IMI {'(I, llul<"h Hov l'&Jnl• l'Alorlr Kit 1·hPn1 Nnftf'f'r Rulhlf',.. t'uppUr~ Jnr. Rlt.,..Ute \ rnt'tl&n Rllnd Cn. Sant& ,~na Lumhl•r C'n. Thf' S('n¥01'J1istn ' Thomas ShMn I; Son• S4\drn Rrfrls-f'ra.tlon "'J>ttlaltlr• Co South '.\laln l>M:-,pratln1t . Snuthl'm ('&Jlfnm la l'l..,.lf'N'l'tl ln,tltutP Sout hr m ('mantlrio Cl&Jl Cn. nr CallfomlA Snnthf'm ( Altrornt• J:dl1nn c 11. ~Ira\\ Hrn\hPr• • Tr .. nd\\11,..., I n<. • \\ ard lurrln~lon l..br. ( n. \\'h!'t't.·Y' ,\ r11llnn(¥' < o. Frr<t Wo!lhun-"Dry" &JI" \Minn'• l 'nr1111Jntt'd t"11mltur10 • o·K .... r .. 1:: :.t,.mtt-fllM "-c" .. Rlu,. t1aml' K lll'h""' Rol"'r (,aa Rallit"• .. SPONSORED BY ORANGE COUNTY BUILDER'S ASSOCIATION \' So head for your Dodge Dealer ••• •nd l•lf• 1ou' pie"/ ., The mon'lenl the n ew Dodge hi t nea\rr.;' o.;h09.TOOms.' the "ru.~h" W~. on: :-.:cw car buyC:rs had struck izol~ ... anrl they bi~ it! Artual !'ale! fi;n1rrc; throughout t~e countrj' show .1hat i;all>s ha\'e dmtbll'd, ()ve~ last year El< Amrrirn ~..,for "The Dig One!'' And wby not? In the nrw nortJZe yo~'ll fin<l ""ohd ~olrl"' luxu"." an<l ,-alul'-rcr ably a few ~oil~ a month ' more than you'd pay for one of the '1ow price three." In It.a claM, it actually C06ta laa than cara up t.o 9 · incbe!I sbqrter. And luft.air-f<Wi~ styling is 111.ealing the "Oh'11" f~l'n ~ ~ting a tboU11&nd dolla.J'I more. The rush i.s on ..• with 17 maiznjt\- ocnt new D6dge modelA to chOOl'!e from. So head for your Dodge dealer'• •• : and ea.t. ~' pick! THE NEW DODGE _ ... -----------------CHIO( YOUI CAI -CMICX ACODENTSI ------------.....;------ •• O!BRIEN MOT.OR 'S , .. . 1680 Newpol't Blvd:' Costa Mesa Ll~rty 8-7272 .. • I ' ' •\ ' • . ·":Jhe . • (}_overnmenl .....) , \ What-~I :Jale~ :J.~m . . '- PAGE 6-PART I NEWPORT t'iARIOR NEWS -PRESS MONDAY, MAY 9~19S5 -.r---- ''God gr&nt us t he serenity to occep,} the things we Cc)nnot chonge; the couroqe to chonqe the things we CM &nc4fhe wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) , . EDITORIALS Let's Plan 6ty's Go1d~n Year for _ September, 19c56 ,, the N ewport Harbor t:Jnion High School District. the Q>•ta Men Elementary School District and the New- port Bea.ch Elemel)tary Sch~l District. T~~ propou.Ja have been made lar gely by Coat.a Mesa citizens and~school officials of that area and of Department beads and ofticia.11 of the City ot N ew· the high 1ehool. We feel h owever , that Costa f.{esa ia port Beac h are busy now prepan1ig their budget for feeling its oats, and becoming very satisfied with the operation ot the municipality for the coming fiscal year. city that they are running, creating. and building. They BRUSH C0UNTRY JOURNAL By. HORAC E PA.UER (Ed. Sow -nJa C'Oluma b7 Nonu¥ l'&tkf'r .. 111 .,.., ""' U.. UtU.-k .. •n• ~I futa k llau dl"Ml:ftl "' la Wt ~ trtpe lato UNI llM'k e<>UD\ry In n'C'f'IU Yf'.arlt) ' Many or our huge. m odem "auper-markt>ts" think they are g-iving the euetom er something new. A cwaUy the "itup<·~ ma.tket" ia nearly as old as American hist ory, on ly the m\fl\f h&1 been chang.ed~ When I was a kid the "ausx-r·m:lrk<'t" wn.s the local general store. And in the rural, genera l sto rt'. prlll'- tll"•llY •II your need.11 wtrf' .... -ved I wh11 r1t111 1•hcck ,., .. n.l.a Kit b111 k- want to control anti adininister their destinies. AJ in yean put, we suppose that each department l!frvtc• w11i-th ... Certainly that is true of the people of the Cit y of lnllt•·•ut .11 thre•• •• 1 r.•u1 """'"' • The awank wu mtPll•I(. but I ht 1tr••11ml 1111.1411• ' OU,T l'lt: I> \!\t I•: ia faced with the demand for m ore money, to con.tinue J Me,1tt. i.l•try rr~ut•u. • l<1th1'1tt· 1 ~t•f'llt 111,.1 ,. 1 11"'"''lll'd "'""Y a •le--Newport Beach. Ir would, the refore seem quite aimple r the services on the same level for the expa nding munici-liNJ•. gto.•en.·a. h1H·l1 wart, 11rm 11111111 rut h11lf hour 1011k ~11111" p1r- t o have a divorcement o f the two elementary school machrn,ry, 15ewtng ma<'hm,.,. 11nd 11iri,. 11"'1 k1u 111'<1 ahn111 111r """n· pa]ity. In addition to that, our city officials s hould be. districts, comprising the New port Harbo r Union High appll•ncea, ahoe•. k~,.._n,, 118,.0 • try. The 111~p111y r1t1·ka at 1h .. 1>.1t·k -;"dful that our beaut1'ful blo .. oming city, is' com ing ·r·ed h 1 d. t · ts of lhf' "1•l rt are "" •'ant .. ai; ancl """ ~ School district. and create 'two un t 1 BC oo is n c line and lht like weal' <'nly • ft>w rach S1<tOr•IAy nlghl an ••Id tame lnto its g olden year. We will celebrate the golden anni-in piace of the present 'three distric~s. ot the bulc neceull•t• nowdl'd uam .. ,11 ht>ld Fvlkio g11 thrr trn111 . f , ~ under one r\Vlf. 11111u 1 1r·vund l'Vt'n "" .ur OjJ< ~An verury of the City of Newport Beach in _September o CQsta Mesa w ants to dictate its own policies and 1 1· made a trip from Jat•uml>A 1u 01, RO t1nd Lo,. An1:"'"' 10 •h<ttre 1956. • adm in~ter its affairs whi~h it has a perfect honorable Ce.mpo the other dsy °" St•lt' to · r't'eor1111" play .. 11 """r • Mm~ d I Id be · t eed' H1rhway 94 thro111<h l!(>me 11trnn11r t 11111111.,. ~l>rhkti 11y11tl'm. We should begin at this time, the compiling and and complet e right t o 0 • t W QU a JUB proc mg couritn" I ~11y Htr•ngl!', b.-.,1u11.. Up<10 ot'rlUllon • 10..·111 1111•h1·11t1 11 · · 1 h then._ for them t o have their own high school district, this pall or Southern t:'ahromla will 1111u mble 11nd fumi1oh '"" mu- preparation of our g olden book, (it ahou d be m ore t an .and it certainly would permit them to better plan the In S&n Oil'go County "long the 111e. Mr. relk. howe""'· ""'" a hl- just a f igurative name) while there t.re still those future needs and requireme nts of their over-all school Oh My Acbi•..,, Back I Mexican bord1>r •• •n •~··• 11let'p· 1 ue nd about h111 or.-t1eo11tr". d 1 '!' • ed In history, with rolhng 011k Seem11 hk~ two or the mertJb• ra ~angst Ull whose memories are vivid and fresh a.n picture and pr obably would permit the more judicious cove~ h1ll1, anct numra ou1 little quarreled over a ur•mum · 11tr•k• who are physically able to compile a golden book that uee of facilities which they hav~ and must build. Thia green rtbnegu. The hurry and the and o-.e of th~m ended up under-· N Be h HARBOR HI LITES bu.atle ot the city hu to a large gnund. Thia kln<l Of put a cnmp wo uld please and generate pride for all of us. W e ill true also in ewport ac · · utenl pasa1>d It by. It 11 • qultt In hlt or<'ht1tra ror the preHTlt. 1hould begin to chronicle their remembrances. lf an agreement could be artived at by elections • -country and 1eem11 to ale<'p In the Mr. Pe1k la an old Army flyer · within the Newport Harbor Union High Sch ool Dis-By PATl'IE RETMIER warm, brifht. 11Un"1lnf'. and or rouree thl' uranium fevf'r 1we speak o f men like Sam Meyer at one time "<'RO&SR.QADS TO lt..r:LL" hu titt thft brush country. With • ' f' . trict, certainly then N ewport Beach would pay to help hi• 11clntlllator he tlew o\•er muc·h publi11he,r of this n ewspaper , a man who had a de in1te, create the Costa Mesa H igh School District ill the same Atter lnqulrinr Around all lut Hickman. Sam Cooper and Pat Thi• peacd ulneatdI kno~ trom of th• territory finally loc..llng • determined part in the d evelopment of our Newport ~ week I rrnally mHaged lo find Ritchie, Mikey Retmter and Barb hletory ta mlilea Ing cau11e "hot •JXJt " Rt•tumlng on foot tu proportion that its $51 ,000,000 tax aaaessment ia to the out most of tht-couplu who went Haye., Joel Leonard a.nd Lynn there tiu bten more •trite and the aput hf' 11111rtl'd 1toln1t over It. Harbor. Of course there is A . B . Roueaelle who took ot over-all $71,000,000 ~t the district . N o w, while the atu-to the play April 211 .and 30. A Peaae. Paul Neumann. Denny bloodah~<l In tl}e Tecatt> roun try There w1111 no r'OC:k apparent anJ h. b · t f ' h th f h d ' t · · 1 Id be h!w ot those •etn watching the Fitzpatrick and Mareleni Ecerer. around Campo than nearly any thl' lle'inllllator Jumped all ovrr l..,,..~__;~:7;--:;~~~::~~~~~~~;•;;~u~s;1~n~eaa;;-~o~~t~tJ!~e~~-;d~e~n~t~orr;u~l~ait~io~n~o~t~e~t:w~o~~1s~n~c~ts~1~s~eq~u~a~,~~wo;u~.;:...._µ,~~~~~~;!~~~~:i~~;;:.~~~~.::~~::-;_:_~:i~~·h~·~~~n~e~•~~~t 1n ·the ~6te. 1 call . "Sliver Jut.llee'' were· Tom Pesr· Tom Weblter'1 home wu the ~ th .. pil•<'e when he pointed It at a cause of dreaming better drums for the c!ty that he a good time t o am e a A "°" . It the ·'cr~roada to hell" but thla clUl\'lP M bushea. loved. And Jim Webster, who can chronicle the New-proportionate t o the equity of b oth communities in it. Stea rne and Gloria Chapman. Den·J gue.1L1 were those listed above. I• 1l110ttler 1 ory. •'RRl'!O I ROOTS liTRlkT." • N ow w ould be the time before a ten -year program 1 nv Hender10n &nd Perle Holland. BATTER l 'P I atopped al C1mero1f 1 Come,.. Alter a tot of exploration and pqrt Harbor Yacht Club and J . B. McNally and J . A . . r ? .. te Schulberg and Carol King. IThe '~·· H11rbor tan• who can a couplea miles Hll of· Ca.mpo cogllittlon lhcy duft' tl.t lhe ba1'e Beek h i 11 d ed ed rt· f h H bo of s uper tax conatruction is undertaken ° set up!'-Cos-Jack Smtlh and Shelby Tunnell, be round at mo11t of lhr bueb&JI to Jet direction. to the old Gu· or lht> bush a.nd a ledge waa n · w 0 pra~t ca Y r g po tons_ 0 t e ar r ta Meea High School. Divide the school district upon ~he Tom Nlqudte and Judy Sanda, 'gamu are: Don Thompson. Judy kill atore. Whf'n I entend th~ po11ed • One might call thlt tll• with their fingernails. And o f coune, we muan't forget cit'! limit lines, and thus ~llminate one school district Tom Web8ter and t.e.ter. Carr I Sleeper, J ohn Murphy, Gene w.-,. genera'.! alOre It 11ttmed I had J "bruah root a strike ·· 1 f h h · Mike Bartlett and Sand.!" Davie. r onei. K~ith Pollll. Jack Smith. 1tepped back 40 yeara. Herr I• l know •tlsolutely nothln& a bout t hose who ooked out acrou u11 rom t eir 11pot on t e by making each school dtstrict a union echqol district Bob Hul!man, and Patty Clem-\'an Polmeroy, John Henrolln, thlll httle out-of·lhe-way apol Ur'llfltu'°"' anJ scrntllla.tora. and 1 hill. but who always were there t o help and t o build and and having only t,he Newport Beach Union Sch ool in· t111ce. Bruce Knipp, Sue Ma.nron, Tony was a typlNI country, general j 11m atral1t tn IH!cwne 1'11tere11tl'd to-encourage and to cheer. Such men a.s Willard 8 . eluding the elem entary school and the high !IChool and Glenn Thomu &11d Caryn· Eger· P&ltterrl, Bruce Barton, Anita 11lor~. actively run by Mr. and becaun I would prob&bly •tart Mellott and Donald J . Dodge and acorea of otheN whose . Sc l l di th I t er. Charlie Reich and A.nn Allen, Palm. J08Jlne Suea1. Pat Krlter. Mrs. Arnold Pctk. Thlnga were di•· off on another hobby. Wh-.n ha the Cos t&! Mesa Union hoo inc U ng e e em~n a ry Bill Reed a.nd M.arcl11 Mooreheal:I. Marian Koerner. 'Olane 011.aon. played in the hapl}az.ard m&nner I pointetl thl• 11hlny gadget •t 11 names 11lip OUT' memory at thi11 time. • achoo! and a new•higb achoo!, This would simplify trans-Carrol Havenitleld and •. Arlt'ne P.llle RetmleT. Chuck Ko1vtato. that so typified t~i, type o< ear-1 sample of th\.11 particular, huvy h · b d · bl portation. It would si_mplify administration. I t w ould aim· . Hurt. Paul Lofent.n a.nd Sue ~I•· Jody Lieb, Diane Featheratone. ly merchandl11tng' The 11tor~keep· 1 rock t rom the "brullh root•' 1 But we I ould include in our city U get, a 11zea e 1en, Biii Wetzel t.nd Anita Palm. Pat T1.1u1e .• J1·rry Cro11a, Rod Swle-er had on hi• whlte·blbb!'d eprnn obaerved the ne1•dl• hit the r11r f und, t o underwrite the pr eparation of all of thefle plify tax structures and growt;h and certainly would pro· Bob Miium and Cham~lh Star-bl'I. Bill Potta. Pete Lardner, Jim a nd WaJi figuring olll acC'Ount11 at sttle ot the "caJ... • things for the proper observance of a golden year. A ... vide the new city of Costa Mesa with the fullest auto· ere. Dick Inner.11t, Martin Gr,.en. E\'er3on, Bill Bartlett, Paul. Neu· a 1ow deak with hi• hat pushed P1led tgalnl!t the y.oall ot th• 'nomy that it could uk and the complete administration John Swain. 'Bruce Knipp, Phll mann. Bob Milum, Tod White, bno:k t•n hi• head. west i01te of the stori· 1n ah,11le g olden year that would see our residents and our com-Kiimer, Stl'Ve Watcher, Btll Ring. Olenn Thomu , Bob McClui1ky, Both nt the Pclks wrre cordial or a huge oak Is 11n l'ntere•tlnf and 't · f tt' f th h h th' th t h ' of its destiny school-wise. mum y orge mg many o e an mgs a ave · John Egrer(. Mike Dl•kel, Mike Tom Murch, Albert Yaru and 11.11d g5 ve J><'f110nallty to th<' 11tore, tremendoua dJerl•y ot empty t>eu • tranapired ~be put few yeara while we have •uffe~ We propose this not 8.1 a measure in criticism of Valle, Judy Stewart, Eddie Pope, Mike V•ll• and LATry Ha.rJMr. which 111 1arae1y io.t 1n t.be mod· c&n11. Since a.mv1n1r hOme Lhl• hu our cnoowing pains. ._ __ ......1 • f Alan,RypUUckl. c.·o~GRATI'LATIOS~ PR\'t.LJ~ ern auper-market wlt.h 1ta ma. 1 intr1i;11ed me no end and J wt .. h ,.. any school plant, uu.u~ or diltrict, but in the intere.t O "'-Al' OOER8 John Swain Invited a few or hi• chine-like m'rchandl•tng met~• that I had exllmtnl'Q lhl• beautl· We should see all thoughts and all o~ration1 di· good gove'11ment and our bellef that each community Dick Campbell &nd Manlyn trlend1 over Lo hl11 home lut Fri· where volume and protll over· tul "dl1p1ay some 10 ·I~ teet 1n bea f I 1 b · should have the complete and uninhibited'right to govern Oret'n, J ohn Murphy and Judy day evening tor a 1n1rprl1e party shadow the human factor. A trip height more N tdull.v. Be,11ul'4! reeled towards a uti U Cf e ration to coqtmemorate Sleeper. Rod Whelle an'1 Sue tor P,hyllis f arwo00 on her 18th to the gene.al 1torl' tn the old daya e1•en now J try tn puule 0111 h11w those who spent their lives here and their 1J10ney and and d etermine its pathways of growth and policies of Thomu. Bob Thomu . Chuck Bur: birthday. Among thoae •houtlng w38 a pleuant adventure. 110me· th'Y made tht can• aland up and,. their time in building a better Newport Harbor area. expansion. Jin and Sue Zerbe. R11y Bandera aurprlae were John t.nd Phyllia. thing to llnge1 ovPr, wh1il' mod· cllng 10 the wall. Thia 11.lonf' 111 and Rurh Dudley, Jerry Ci-oea and Bruce Knln" and Nickle NUN. ern -arketlnr •-•ft lnt•ft .. 1rab coln( to ma.k• ma rMtum and We are particularly fortunate in that many ot these ,.,. '" .. -· ~·~ • · ~ , Kayla Hurat, Jim Newkirk and John Murrey and Judy Sleeper. brng of bargam.1 from Inanimate solwe thJ1 myatery et the old. cen- people are retired or semi-retired and there are many Mesa School Dec1·s1·on Due Piil Kelter, Jo"n Brunln( and Sal· Sally Ptl11ter 11.Jld John Brunnlng, dlepkl.ya, with • llymphony ot eral 1tore at Ca.meron'• Cornen. of whom we can take advanta.ge for thia celebration. ly Pft1ter, Mike Handshaw and Diane GtlAOn -.nd Ronnte Newlon. Miiiie Tonnie. Dick Overby and Pat Ritchie and Sam Cooper Such m en u David Olmstead who is well grounded and Ad • • • p • Beverly Ptlrrmann. Buddy Thomp· Contr•l!Jl•Uons g·o tQ Lynn th'orougl'\ly experienced in Harbor operations and pro-on m1n1stra t1ve air . 80n and J u<ly Corfman, Howard Pean who WU Uf\•nlmowily elec· motions lnd city management. He i• retired from U\e Mitchell and Pat Tuttle, Bob Kel· led girl'• league preal<lent for next T 1ey and Jane Stelaon. year Md to Dick . Ovf'rby a.nd City of Long Beach. We should plan. this observance <;harges, counter charges and rumors are flowing saity Grten and Brenda Bar· Beverly Pflrrmann, Gloria Chap· carefully, w ith an eye t owards creating good will, not ho t and h eavy in Costa Mesa this week, Reason for most nett, Pete Henderaon and Mary man and Dave Steam.a ""'ho are only within o ur t own but witffbut it too. It should .be Peralta. Tom Hatch and Darlene now going •te&dy, alao t.o Char· . , b d of the conv.ersation is the Costa Mesa Elementary School Gr~en, Joe RoberlJI end Sandy Mc-nelh Starege. J ody Ueb, cynlhl• included in proper proportions in our municipal u get Board llnd the meeting which it will hold Wednesday. At Jnur... Grant Qulzell and Mary Beltran. Jane Enn rht. Jan Blum, in that m is-named fund called "advertising." Carnell. Bob Cantu aJld M11rlene 1tnd Phyllls Miium, who are n@w the meeting the board ill supposed t o make its decision Dudle.'. Diane Bangert., Chuck member• ot ~ura Kl. Now 's Tim~ to Separate Harbor School Districts I ., There i11 now underway in Costa Mesa. and •oon will be in Newport Beach. a special federl}I cen11ua in the two cities comprising the Newport Harbor Union High School DistricL We are convinced this special cen sus will credit both Newport Beach. and Costa M('Sa as cities with population in excess of 20.000. It ia also ce rtain that at the next tax as&e88men t lirqe Costa Mesa will have in e~ess of $20,000.000 use88ed valuat ion which is required in order to estab- lish a high sch ool district. • F or the put several year11 e fforts h ave been made at various tirnee to eliminate at least one acho9l board in this community around N ewpo rt Harbor. The thought wu that all o{ the schools could be merged under a unified echool dietr:ict t hat would encompa~ Formerly the Newport-Bilbo& New1·Tlme.1 an~d lbe Newport-Balboa Preaa l:ntered u &econd-CIUe Matter at the Poetortlce ln Newport 'Beach, CaltromJa under the Act ot March 3. 18ill. hb&JMed ETilr'J' )II~ aiMt 'nand&1 &t s f'Wport BMcll, Oal.lf. '-1 .._ !\"EWPORT JIAAiloa Pt."BlJ~HlNG COMP.U.'l' Teleplleal Banor 111e Qwn!trecll ......... Lipa Notleee Mel Ad'''~" of All lll-41 •1 ~"tile S.,.rtor °"'" •f Ortiac'e Co. la A~UOll ~··A-Inn •-• c.m.n1a Nww1silJM Pntl91Mre "A~u" II_._ N.u-1 Edhorte.lt.:"~1aUoa .._.._ el Of'llllCW C-tr ~--8f'n1t'- BmN REDDICK. PUBLISHER V.-n...LlA.X A. ~081:8, Editor '-(2RXO~ Z; 1\~ Adnrttams OtTfttOT' __ CH.AJU..E8 A. ARMSTRONG, M,c,hanlcal Suptrirllfnctent , • au'8clu:n1'.s ~rts: Ntwp0rt Hanor s ...... p-. Twl~ "Hkl7 r. Oruir-Coaty, M.00 pH ,--r: u .oe ""mo&.: 11..\n 111,_ mae. • .o.teacie of ON.1• '\-~ 9'.00 ~' 7ftlr ' -,. . known on the retention or d ismissal of Harrison Sand· born and T ed Neff.· The pair have been sore bones of contention for years in the Mesa echool pictu~ More than a year ago the pair said they would resign from organization• which ha\'e bee n the subject of much controversy and distrust. • Accordmg to r ecent reports, they continue as mem- beni. The organizations continue to be listed and their names appear in questionable connect.ions. If the school board does not ·pass j udgment this week Lite pair becom e pe~nent staff m embers under tenure and then little leas than charges of murder could bring a bout their dismissal, .~ Rumo rs on the Mesa are continually flying that pe· titians are being cir culated for the dismissal of Everett Rea. 'difftrict euperinte,ndent . At-preea time we have been unable to find anyone who hu a ctuallx seen, circulated or signed 1uch ·a petition. '• WASHINGTON REPORT ""'hut whtrh 1tlck to the 11lde1 1upporl11 aa being rupon11lble tor Of {h,. 8hlp by r e11110n or humidity. the pl lg ht of the farmer 11nd tor The 1tratn c11nnot be turned over hl11 Inability to receive a fair In· and therefore begin11 to «Weal. Bul com!', Yel their Vt'f'Y 11rgumtnl1 CCC H Y" we don't pay any r"nl are lhi' b!'l!t rt11M>nl! why rigid on the 11hlpa while it would coal supporL• llh ould not bf' returned. ua S6 11 yo r per ton lo atorr the Flexible 1upporta went tnto errect whe11t In prlvrite warehou11e1, Actu· only thla year. 11nd there hu been ally It COllll them more lD store no time to mt'1u1ure the reaull.1. It In ships, but through devioua The tarmera h11ve come to their means ot 1tccounttng they ran prellent dltflcultles <1ur1ng th• time provf' thlll It does not. wnen they were operaltnlt under F'or example, they 11&)' the 10~11 the very pl11 n that was ehmlnatMI of $3,000.000 worth of wh~at 18 not 1 lut y~ar and whtr h .. rnr ~lrlctly an oper•ll"!,B lou becilu!W' the pohttcal re••<m1<, pr11J><tnt .. 111 are wheal 111 aurplUll. Neither 11 th" trYtnlt to I f'·Utablu•h. wheal t)l&t sticks to thP w•ll~ or I will c"rta1nly ~·x .. rt every et· lhe ship an opef•tlng lou. lhl'y Cort to Jtfeat :hl11 lt:ji;llll11t11m claim , bf'c11u11 .. lt I~ 1urplu11 How -------------long do you think you roultl run your .own buatnf'Ss th11t w11y ! CCC 111 evf'n propnlltn1t tp ,move 50,000 tons or whf'At which ·~ now 11tore~111 K"rn County In • private wart>houu cltar up to Portland to 1loa In thr liberty AFFAIRS OF STATE 11hips. The rost (If lo&dln1t and By HEN-R\' (.'. MACARTH•'K unloading th111 whe11t 11 1econd Ume 11nd the trrlght to Port.land would SACRAM ENTO 1CNS I -Th" b" more than equal to two ye11r11' •late legislature'.> move to ~CO\'rr rent. and tn thl• rent of S8 pu the rich 011 rrvenuu now pounnc Lon tht Government 111 protecl~d 1 1~0 the i·nffer11 of the rily nf IAn1t hy ln~cr11nr" frir I'll'" or. flAm•it." Bf!arh 111 a step ahtlld thll' wl'ek, 1111<1 for :ohrtnk.111:" "11 <.:hatrman a11 the re•ult of a.ctton on AB 3i62 11( t~e A1:11r111lu1r C'ommtlt~r ot 1 by A11111•mb1ym11n Bruce Allrn, ot • (hr <.'ll llforn1\1 Ot>lrgAUon, I am 1 Ran Jo11r. taken In the t.ll&embly ---------------------------ll•in.t tv,,ry ,,.rtnrt 11 \'lillllble to commlttf!C' on .:on1erval1on 11 1111 ~l'lni: tht., m1tllt• 1ra10 tt11 rroPf>r 1 plannln1t. By Your CongnNman JAMt.;S R. t :rr On Monday I dl1cuaeed lhe poU· Ue&J maneuverlnr In U'I• matter of con1lrucUn1 a (T&ln elevator in Pa.kl1tan. Another m&ltf'r 11Hect· 1n1 Call!omt11 In th• 1tora1te of aurplu1 ST•in In our country, The Government hu a lonc·tenn leaae on a l&rJ• warehouae II\ Oakl*1!d upon wl\lch It la paylnl' over 1100.· 000 • rear "nt. Thia W&rehOUM 11 not hill! tull. llnd Ure rertt&I on the vac1111t ~h Ill .ciual to 176,· 000 a year. \ The leue la !Mld by the CHneral Servtcea · AdmlnlAtrallon. which ha1 otfeJed th• •pare to the Com· munlty Credit Corporatton for the atorage or grain. How~ver th,. CCC ~~fl:! ft• UlO' lTI~ TJb,,rfy Mlpe which are In mot hball1 tn lh• Su1111n 8"y an S.n .. ~r,nrt~<>. decontaminate them. tllw them to PorUand. and atoni wheat In them up therr. It will ~l the C<.:C U 0,000 per 1h1r to d!'t·ontnmtn>.t r I h""' 1\111• Sl~.000 to '""' tji • ., 1 t•1 Po I , The actual ~o,,tlor dl'rnnl11n11r.at · 1ng one Of th"l'P sh1,n• 1.1 111 I s2~.ooo b111 "111 .. cce ho ~ 1w1 ~11· nd th• ~l1.r11 m .. C r>11n1.• 1 ·n t•1 , It for $10,000 anJ bury a $1~.000 lo .. In the Maritime Cnmm1111111m Ju•t tht aame ll Is c0ttlng the tax· payen a total of 12~.000 ph11 tow· lnr although the CCC will 11ho" on It• booka that It 11 co1trn1 thf!m only $10,000 The-11 bure&U('rall r.ally knnw how to )Ugitl• t.h1 tlgur"I Motf'Qver, alort1gt ot wh l'AI tn Ll~rlY MIPI! II mo~t 11111111tl8'11r· lory and.ex~n1lt'fo_ Lui l'tar Ct\!C colTlplft' shiploalla wtr-e ruined b) u lt ""·•ttr l'•k•lf'I' r111111ln1t thr lou "' 13.()()(1 000 ""'ort h or wh .. • I '''""' Anol \\Ill trr 111 ~t or this I .. 1.· ., 111An·hni: · Thi! Allf!n btll, wh11•h would pro- , 8\' I>'. 1 lll\1' lhi• 1 "JlOI t Ill pub· vtde that •II mrmlf'• from nil and ~h~r! ~: 1!,i 12 \\di 11 ,,.,.911y have 11a11 revf'nue tr om the l.nna Bea.ch N'n 111 tPd llfl'lll by thf' H·m~r Thia Tideland oll Wt'll.s he tumcd oHr .•tll fl" f'I"~~ h> ,.,.1 r111 01 pnct lo the at all' 111 h<-C11r·e lht a.u,.m- ~uport11 It a rlltid 90 ptr rent or oly ~·ommtttre on w .. y~ a nd me&n~ ;iarlty and would lhul! rf'vrrse lht over the vehem••nt prote11t.B nl "Ction of !Ht year whlCh !lit up Long Bnr h city I nd CIVIC Offl 1ex1blt 11upporla or trom 75 per clalA. ent to Si pu cent. J Ht:GE l!U"MS AT ~TAKE I •Lrongly 1upport the fl f!tlible Hui e w ma are 1nvolvtd In ti "lro1tr1tm 11nd wlll oppoM H. R, f2 lerlalatton. tint a fund 1 row1n •n the P'loor of the Hou"• How· cloaf' to 1200 mtll\on dollar1 tin \'er, I dor.'l 1>4-Jteve w .. on dt!elll .econd, potenlt.1J revf'nue from 11\ hla meuure In either the HoUH tideland" eetlmated a t two blllt" ·r Stnate Th'e vote will be clo1e dollan. 00\tgh llnd while It wtll no ct.oubt Already: ll -.. 1n11Jcated In \" reach Ult Pr"91dfnl'• desk, he I• llmony «lven before the tu1Mmh 11 atroni 1111pporter of Aplcultur~ commlltte. Long ~•rh la rec<1• ~ecretary !Yn80n'11 ntJtlbll' · pro· ell~ to lo11lnr 60 per rent of ll It waa not tvf'n u~ablf tor chtck· gram ant! will veto H R. 12 1 1)11 revenue, and all of It.II rt venu en fttd. Hl1 veto cannot be overridden. , Crom dry «U. In ac~rd1111te wltl Vermin control 11 expenalve and Proponenta of H R. 12 ar" loud a nillnf ot the atat,. ll\lp!"tmt rou1 there are alway• "''"r•I inchu of to their rond'f'mnauon of nelllbl.e Ill th• Mallon oa1111, which t.l;t• • INTERJOR--Peik General Store at Cameron's Comera, in southern San Diego Co unty. -Hor ace Parker Photo "nurl rf!fu11rd l•J r••ht111 Is~• w'et>k. 1 way" 1tpd m~n• N1mm1tt.-. u Il a Tht ll!ll11eo11 "ur1n11n1hn1t 1 he Lo~ sup110rt?rs • vnfil1• nlly rxptl'l II IG ~ch oil i11lu11t1on arr 11>1 hntr11I <In. thf'T!' """II b' Anlllher bii bat· 11nd rnnl11~1n~ In the '"""'Yl'I ~ 111• 11 .. 1n I hr """"mt.Iv Alr"'":ly. lht w .. 11 "~ to lh•· l11 ym,,n. How .. vl'r. Jl"lol ~lttff ''' LnnK Beach lt1hby- boi}••d duwn tu "~'"nt111l1<. the "nly '"ti' ttll••r n•·y11. pubhr rrl,.lltlna qur11tlon •-wh••thl'r lhl' r lt v 1.( lnl'll 11ntl wnmm An•I ~It)' 11ftl<'lal1 l..nng Bt111 h 11h11ll rC't11111 1111•111 h.,,.,. 1('111" In work nn th,. 1"11:1.•111-t'I v1111t 11um111 "' mnnC'y 11n the tur• an a n 11•trmr1 tn kill lhe bill 11lrC"n1tth ot l 1dels nd11 11;r11nl ma•I,. nn t ht O•>tir n@llrly 30 )'P\lr11 b<-t111t ·•)•I wM 1.h1<· \\1th thf' 111 mng r••nl 1n1tent of co\·,red, l••r lh\' f'XJll<'ll~ purr•111r ,...,...mblyan<'n from U•11 Angl'lr• nt 1lrv .. 1or lna A h"rbor, 11r whrlhl'1 101111ty, n11111t..or wh11m 11r" exp;oct- thr 111t8'tt ot Cu ltror n1e ~hAll 1111t "" 1<1 '"l•fll>l l Lrm1t B"al'h aga1n11l l11"' ~venut to whh h All,.n onn• ttif' rt''' M thr penpl" or tb" 1t•le, • nds It 111 Ju .. ll)' "n11tl• d, tor pur· 11 '" •'XP"• t!!•I lhllt th!! t lr.,>r vote "~" Y"t to b!' tl•t l'rm1n,.•I w lll br , I"~" H'lwPvl'r, t hfl 111r· I.OS<; ffY.ACll llO l•f;~ ,1~irl•r. rol th" All"n btll hi''" plrk· Obv111u11ly thr \ 1ty 111 I.lint{ "" 11p ~··m" othet South"rn Cal l· : .. a<"h want11 tu k"l'I' 1111 c•f the Ml '"' n111 ~11ppor'I. nut11bly S11n D lf'IO rvtnue 11 p<11111lbly. t"1n. "n th,. '"~•·mhl) "'""· wt:t;, hf'lp~d vnlt the mlent ion th11 t lh" 11t11tr K"''" II till! r111t 1,r rommttte,. ,,. ltdPl"nlia tn trllAl hRrk 1n Ill! I Ut;1.t:(:ATIOS KPLIT ti lh4!n•f11rt rur•1111 nt.,;o "uh11t·. £, "n th• 1...011 Ana"'"" • <1unt1 ttnl le111,.;11t1"n II 111 t nttll"•I lo •ltl• 1>t"''"n "' ~1111 11n Lh" llllU", "' •<>nd thl' m•rn"Y l•·r mu nu 1rH1I AN1••l'lhlym1111 Wn\ A Munnell, of 1rp<>11e11 M•mtl'h.,1111 '~:ot a vhti> In com- Thlrlef'n m"mo• 111 "'th" 111vm. 111111 .. f' air1t1n•t lhe l.An1t Beach j i::onl'UYa Uun a.JUI pl;a.t1Mflp:' ,,...,.111"'1. Ill' lfTlt ?1:.-uoeiillilymali A.l· .nmllll"t. h'•W"''t'r 11., ""' th1r k l"n ).IJll•1 .,r Slln fi',.mandn With only \""'""" 1111,.,. n"!'•I· c·/1n111'qt1r 111 ly th" blU 11 txJ>f>Cl· 1,.10 Ktt th" I Allen 1>111 n111 nf \oi lU l""Jlh th~' h•>1111# ll It rl0f'11n I, mmtller 11upp.1 l• r) "' lht All,.n S • 111<l••t l<•·n ~· Hui~. of lmper1<t.l II (Ill Me \ ot~ more than n"' o .-• •,unt). • h11ll n1.11n r1( th11 powerful 11rv tn th• tati. (I( the lurlftr op• _ .. ,,,.j,. """"' ~ 1·11mmlttf#, hM a ·~·lti<•n put u'I bv.l,.ran1t a ..... h '"" p11n1 .. n btll, all ~lld)' to Ultro- Whtn lh• Allen b1U Jell Olll ol duct ' .. -., CNPAMembers Counly DistrictS-A-ffected \y .NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PAGE 7 MONOAY. MAY 9, 1955 E th 0 Sanila t~o n · B~lls in Assembly n use ver Two billa Of permlSAl\'e 1CCll• !UlU Wbrl'e alllalga111atJon would be laUon wbirh r ould l\ff\'cl the Or· l•lr lhtotr ~Mn bl'~t lnll't rn. Thf're DEATH NOTICE \\'ll.U 0 1 H. PRICE Harbor Vis•1t :inge County Sa.n1la11on 01,trl<'l~ 11rto n\lw el,l:ht dallrlc:a with 3• of· are now up for auembly votr in (h'l'I cin lht1 f:'lght ~arJa tilled by Sacrllll'lento and. a thud bill bi 10 6 20 mrn, nri f'1>111t11t1nr one man Funrral •fl"\'IN'J tor \\'llllam H Senate commll lf'f', !At> :'\rlaon, dl&• :o 11rrw 0'1 IHllrf' lh11.n one board Pnce, 7•,. of Calallna J1land will "Finer tacllltle.t than lh11· Royal Hawe.llpl" wu the wf/y Walle1 Kane, pniatden~ of the Callfom1a !l:aw11paper Publlahtra AalOd&Uon Lrfrt manager, said. I The lhud b II which I~ •lilt In be htld \\'ednn Jay al 2 p m. In ... n.llC' ('•111111111,lNI W\IUhl pt>rmlt a • ·Elks Commemorate Mother's Daj at Rites in Lodge Th•· ~•'" r"11 l·h roor Lod.:f' or £111• "'"' h•"I I•• u\'rr 1~ mt-ml» ra 1tn,1 l(lh i>I Thu1,.day night for 11n- nul\I "''' '••'l' 1 urnmtomllrat1n1;,MC1th• "' ' I •a \ • 1 ducnbt<I tbt eeaalon ot hi• uso· I ctauon In Newport Beach over tbto 1 recent w~k end. More than JOO 'membett of the auoclaUon, wive.a, The bHll an propoUll amtnd· <.llSlrlcl to l&kf' a IC't ldue (If mont>y I MC'lr'ON A bbf'y Mauaol('\un. Tht' mf'nlll to the San1l&llon Dlattl••ts Crom the aalr of bcnib voled for Elka ltl(li;e will ronduc,l '""''"e"' Act and were propo..-•I by th~ l'<lMtrncllon and UJIC it tor buUd-1 with &Ju Mortuary•, Corona del county tanltatlCln dl!llriC'tll 0~ In,:: addtllunal 1,.wrrt In the s&ftlt' M;ir, In ch&rgt'. A 11 tllk 11lnr-r V>lllJ .,..l""t'd ri-~nr wou14 permit a 1.argc dt11tnct tum , I . l1• 1 hr • 1•• ••1111 "' c •n 111, l".1' lw I "<• • tamUIM and guut• met at th• Balboa Bay Club whe:re they wPre houeed, ~tertalned, 'and conducted Uietr bualnua meeUns a. The oc· u 0 1.1tdcl11 2, 3 or 1which 1ncfu,1 .. ·~~~a. ~r h v~tf!. ~~r/''w ~·t• no':; M Ml'. Pr;~• ~ltd YHtfn1ay In !r '11.11 ... 1 rl ul• r \ll1o 1t !llllt h .. w~ anJ unincorporated and undevrlopt>J io ~ilc 1 r::i~y~d 11101 ~Hhl -•ary e oap tal In Long nearh h .. r•11v~ 11( 11ffl«'"" A •h1>1t t1ill\ a~u. to be 111bdlslrtct~d for bond r _n• irin1t • n seven ug ... ter a brlet lllnua. !'fe wu 1 I" .. " ,fd1\1••1t• I liv t'••I .I. H"l•tl'l· ·i .. uu which would artrC't only uw d J1;111~·~1 :l1li;~t be In cr1uc11.I 1 re111rttont or Avalon, Cllta ltna II· ~"" 1.11,11,1,, 11 1 1 UM J\,,,., 11 certa in portlona of the t'nllre Jla· nt~ 0th~ b~ll~naor::.~:~:a ln tl'.e ' ~d ro~ thboe put 11L~ yurt. ~ffdr F:lk1 t.oJ.i:e. MHKlc •n4 ·~lal I rUllon WIUI the rerular quarterly &MeUn~ of the board ot directors. trlct. .,. ce lllU rn ln .. roalbng, ,. "''111:-"'''" P••i-lllt'•I h\ lh<' 1i11lli;· ~ . ~nate, tho fl rat two havln' pan-and c.ame to the \\tut Coaal. He J<'<:I ~ \h•icl•i• .. ,111rt• t ,1 "h• KAM. publlahtr of The Baleen· Cleld Cailfornla.n. hu jual returned The M<'Ond bdt would permit 11<1 through the Al'nate rommltttt wu a '1tte mtmber of lht> Sa.n · " un er co1U10lldat1on ot Uvo or more dl11· and vote and lhroufh the uaerpbly Pedro Elka.' dhfi ll"n I'( Hlllh Anm.tron~. NEW 'OFFICERS HEAD OC. -.COAST GROUP 1 trorn a convenUon tour of the Hawaiian a landa. Rt and a dozen plher mem~l"I of the or,anlu Uon who were on the laitnd• crulae paid J IOw1nl' pr&.IM to the beau· ttea and facilitlH ot the Newport Harbor area and part.lcularty Ole ,11e rv1c .. and accommodation• of the Bay Club where all were houa· ed. There are new officera, 1plrit and. life at the head of the Orange County Coast As· aociation. Installed to head the coastal boosters is David Olmsted of Lido Isle who re- plac~ Henry T. Read of San Clemente, as president. First vlce·president i• William Gallienne of Huntington Beach, with Herbert Kenny ot Balboa as secretary·Lreasurer. Olmsted baa been a member ot the Orange County Coast Association for nearly 20 years although he is a newly arrived resi-ent of t he City of Newport Beach. He is a.lao secretary of the Roads to Romance Association. The installation was condueted at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. -Staff Photo ~There were two particular hlfh· llghlll of th• quart6rly bu.lne.aa eeu Jon. One wu the moonll,ht crulae along the Orans e County couWn• f rom N!WJIC>rt to Dana Polnt aboard Frciuer of the Bal- boa Pavtlllon. Arthur Gronaky piloted the large craft and run· nlng commentarlea were k11pt ailve ' . Mesan .seeks by a half dozen publltht'n ori lhe cruise. mtom~n1 of the Orange County unit of lhe CNPA. The 11econd highlight of the $30"500 ·1n four·d&y meet wu.the buffet dl n· LJ ntor danct party arranged by lhe Bay Club Saturday night. Otoll· Damage Su•1t ~acl:;dof~u~~~eaae1:vc;; ~='~ . ll<Hb. lonr bu ffet table ju.et oft the SANTA ANA (OCNSI _\\'hilt ma.In dining room by peraonnel of one of the prlnrlpala, Major F. the awank h011telry. . Leach of Costa Meaa Ilea In Nor· . 'I'No H d portl~n• of the •e&••'" walk hoapt\al with a 11erfoua brain I were the pualnir of reaolullona condition. 6 ault to 11 t SJ02 • memoriall%1ng, the death of former co ec · Governor Frank F . Merriam, a tricta with 1lmllar local problt>ma commlllee. Bicyclist Hurt in Fall in C.DM Abrasion to hl1 right tlbow WH luffered Wedn11day by Dustin Cartu Dardnell. 13, of 219 Poppy Ave. when he lost control Of the bicycle ht wu riding, a ccording to police. Alan F. Rypl.nskl, 16, of •1U3 Fll"lt Ave.,1 to\d police he wu drlYln~ l.n ll car 11<1uth on Mar· guerlte Ave._in the 200 block and youn, Darnell wu r iding hi• bi- cycle In Ole same direction. Rypln· •xi aald Damtll atarted a lett tum then loat control or the whnl wht>n h• trle-1 to avoid an accident. POLIO SHOTS· ENSENADA . RACE Continued from Plnt Pa~ nl~ht fUld oth'r magazlnea wer1' on hand. Radio coverage wu given by Sllnta A}la'a ra1do KWlZ. two Lo~ Angeles radio station• and tht Columbia Broadcasun, S) item. The lnrreaud lnl11reat In Nie an· nual evl'nt wu affn u yachtlnr'• return to the tore u a lei.du among world 1porl1. "More people have more money," H id NewJ)ort Yacht Broker Al W11bber. "and the color or a race llke thla hu taken on new lmportanct>." Wtbber felt more people were lntt>ruted ln boatlng now, "BecauH of ch"1per bo11t1 and the lntroducUon Into Ult ynchUng field of the automlblle lnduatry'11 ame.Jl down payment, smllll monthly payment, purchue plan." CoattJnaecl from flnl& Pap ~IA.''Y 1't"l.:W CB.APT del Mar Schoola. the return In-I Aa proof of Webber'• ••tementa dk ate• 72 per Cf'nl of the eligible wu the lremend'oui number of 378 youngster• In the two Khoola wm paruc1pate. Thia b compared boat.a being raced for the flrat lo 9e per rent of the enrollment lime by nnv OW)'lerl . ln the two 1chool11 when the first !>tany ot lha era.ft, &JTlvinC over consent fonn11 were l'"tumed prior the flm11h line long after the ot fl· to the national atop on the 1nocula· clal end of the n ee on Saturday. He la 1ul'Ylved by, hi.a wile. Groce Price 'ot Avalon and a dau~htu, t.tra. Ruthe Lytle of 311l Poppy Ave. l'ARK t:~ -RIDl.EY ~10RTl 'ARl' Fomlf'rly c •HA l 't:I. CHAPEi. The family hu .. tabh•hed a I lfi llr•••d" a\ _ C'o!'lta .. _ memorial In the name or the Can· cer Society. 1 ... Ul~r•y ll·!U!l:I -d a-H H ... 1ti9,.an • ~lah1"'n•nt'<! • •-...u.ct-S" AFFORD & ION "NJ:..L.S llnJ ·DOC" l:~'TtUt 'AI. <'O ,'liTHACTOU l'b1,ne Ubforty 8·U 61 llt Rl\'erMde Aw•aH ~ Ne'llll'J)Ort * * ·• ~OME TO THE• .; PARTYr * Friday, May 13.1955 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM * * * • •• * 000 dam11ges Is In fin~ &r!"Jnlef\l former newspsper ·publlllht~; and today 11)-supt•rlor court. lt wu ex-ot J ose h A. Vur aaon u t resl· lion program. ·turned uound lmmedlauly Miss Mattlll aald the coutt\4-~MMlled~~-.c.iJ.aJw.$da.~fg~---~ ar r cw 11 u enu Wlf!I "l!Ot a1mosrs1t-e11mr-Tl'1Mt. to·retum morrow morning completed by early today. "We to Newpor t Harbor under power. Selection of JUror1 to hear tes· feel howevtr, that tht two ll('hool11 llmony In which a cros11·cOml'ialnt counted will renect the ptcture tn s hns been filed conJlumed •II morn· NEFF, SANBORN Harbor Vlev•," •ht' e1tplalned. Mesa treet lng St. Jamu Day School which will Plaintiff In the action I• the alao paruclpate In· tht local lnocu· PsC'lflc Telephonto and Telerraph Coatlniwd fr-P1nt Pap • 0 laUon prog-ram l• 1llll accepung Pl w k Co. ll aetoka damage• for per· president ot the Meaa llChool aeconJ coriMnt tonne f'tom par-an or 11onal lnjurie1 lo one ot Ila em· board due to movtns hl1 rellldence entl. Th• tchool reported u fOMJll ployH, uach, damagea and em· outalde the dt.trlct, -.. al«> pree· weT"e ~lved to date from 311 ellc · pioyee'a claim.m under th• labor ent. c. Chlaholm Brown. CUl'Tt nt Ible fJnt and MCODd sradtn. N' ow Underway I!~. ac:_hool bo&rd p~dent, talked at ------------- Leach wu a 30·yeat employee the meetlnc. , RACE RESULTS with tha teleJ:\hone ~ompany. TO AID TRUWl'&ES City Enl'lnffr Don Bouthwo·rth Named detend&nt by lhe tel.. Don Huddluton, pruldt nt of Co•tiDlled rrorn Fin i rap wu today at work on a muter -phone Company wu Wallace L. the Mea chamber, --•d .... ~--.l· f C6 M \ dent of alltorr.la New!!p&per P\lb· Uahert Au ociatlon. Sh t ...., t 0 d .., u•~ "-" CBYC,· N....,ph, Brue• Smllh, plan o ala eaa cit)' etrfft.a Or. Arn~~~.I(~~. ~~do ~.~~~~~ 0f~~tnunenl 11v~~iv1n;':1ne.W..;tngt='• an ::Y :;-.'h~=t~.-:C:oor--'~ so;>-' ~_.--... ~~~ru~;:r ~~!i~:"~~/\~~:1:; Shup.i hu Cl'Oll -filed a~t on a tou.a'h tpe>l." a. eatd the .--took quick ..t'BDU.C-ot a com- firm !waring-his name and Inventor of heUcaJ pNCJ..loe potenUo-Major Leech ln ccrmeeu on wtOI a -ion wu called ln an effort to KaN. B&rney Buber, BTC; mlllee named b)' Kea city COWi· meter. re<:l'lws first 20·y1•ar Ht•llpot Corporation pin from Don colllsion bt'tween their truck.a. He MrVe th• community. Synove II. Al Rocen, NH YC; Med-ell ia.t Monday DJahl. The com- 011nC'11n. genC'rsl ma11nger of Hehp<1t, a divl.aion of Beckmsn •ttlu 118,0:IO for perwonal lnJurtu "We tried to set u ~te ley, o.n Harrell. LAYC. mtttee. com~ ot UM p&amwt~ 1n~tr11m,.nt". In\:. Hehpul jilnn11 tn move onto ill! l:i-acre Newport and property damage. a CJ'O&l·McUon ot community A&BITaAllY comrntalon, City Manager ~re• 11lte n<'or Hoag Hospital In mld·19:ill :when Ila $2-mllllon plant The ault •lema from 11 cruh feeling u ·poMlble," H udd1eaton "A"-Pf'Mldeat of U. 8. Coffey and Southworth, eel up a will b .. rnmpl· \• d MP arlclh ~d at NRewpod rt Blvd. andd reported. "We tried lo keep th• T&nta.lua, Irvlnc Lauman. Oto! program Friday mo~ for the 11 •a e 1 0 • • Shupe rn radical elem·"• ou• alt down In Rey YC; Truant, Waltf'r Clark, city en'lneer to ..,ortl up. • • L h w•r• behind th t I """' "' SDYC; Wlnd'fall, Robert W1lllam11, " Boy Hurt on. Bike Richard Hamel. 7, of 213 Ju· mine A ve. auffere<l minor a bras· Iona to hh1 right elbow and left aide when hj> wu lm·olved In a minor 1.c·clJent Thursday with a car In the 200 block on Margue· rite I< vt. while riding h11 blrycle. Mr11. Burt Proctor. •02 Coldrn· rod A \'t' .. driver or the car, t old pollce ahe did not see Rlchud come out of a n allty on hla bl· cycle. l;J.lchard wna Created tor hl11 brulllf'll al a doctor'!\ office. eac ~ ~ e • eer "I' private and. ~ve al a fair, 10-The committee del!!gnated~ere whef'll of th e Involved vehlciea, l~on."[or thla Hilson, Huddl••-BYC. . • EaC'h biamu the olhtr for ca re-~ ''B"-Oo\·. ot Baja ('aUf. It lhout,ht all Coat.a ¥eaa ••re I d ll l d I... t aa! , •the pre•a waa barred Common Senl!e ·111, Arthur should go, Including extenakma 4.nit eu M neg gen r ving. rrom the •••a.Ion. • . Deny Dehydrator The Bank ol Amt>rl~ a!llo 1• 1 Huddles~ aald that report. ~rui:~: c:;i: ~~e;1~7eC:~·t.Ru::!: ~:c-:: ~~~Jd •t~~ec::~·h~ • t11kln~ part In• tht ar tlon agalnat teltlng Ole vote a&ain•t rehirtng •top lndlvfdu&la from butldin' I Shupf'. The bank la &'U&J'dlan for Nett and Sanbol-n u l7·S wu ln· Hunit>, BYC. bouaea on the property lnvolv~. The Orang-e County Planning Leach. • cornet. 'nle . vo\'e' wu 7~. Hud· "C"-Mayor of Newport 8e.c:1t C"ommllllllon Wedne,.day afltrnoon l , UtUe Dipper, Bud Oeatnberg, Ori(tn&lly, Ule pl&nntl"I requut- Commlaslon yeatudlly altemoon _ _:a.. _ dl~ton l&Jd. More pert<>na th9n BYC; MaJ<oa. Donald Cilium, ed council to l'J'l'll permlaalon for tumtd down Mun11<>n Ma(ic Co.'1 lscmelle Bowles' lO went there, the cha&bu preal· SDYC; O.Jypeo,• Jack M.orrl.on, hlrln& ot a conaull&l'lt with a Um- btd ror t-le&rance lo lnalall a den$ reported, but eome I.ft !>&-BWYC. It of appros.lmately 11000 on ere· chicken manure dehydrating plant Work Commen'led fore lhe vote j.o<>k pi.ct and eev-.. D"--8ptd&I &Ung lh• etnet lnf&Ler plan. In· near Elli.a An. and &uita Ana • • , er&l did not vote. Jene~. W illiam HoVUlg, BWYC; It.tad, eouncll named lb• commit· River, near Costa l\tellL In K1nderllll'llll'lr+en _ .DECISION DllLAYED Cibola, Eric Er1cit.on, BWYC: ee. to work out th• problema and The commlMlon took the vsrl· '2-A half·dO%en people •bowed up Cl\ant1y, Cmdr. R. R . MaUiewa detdgnated no definite amount tor na Insured Saving• Account ~ There'll b. free refrflhmenh1 coffee, coke, cookie& and punch. · ~ Giff batloona for the kld1. ~ "Goo-Goo ttle Clown" will b9 there, too. Ale,e LOA N (4.80 CIA T I O.N lln .. POii. an. • cosr& lllSA, CAUF. Lm.ty.1.-3491 Too Late to Be Classified ance request by Mun.110n .. under Jubclle Bowlet. ttacher ot Kin· at trut Aprl.J C011ta Me• 11<1hool Jr., cor. YC. Ult Jcb. • ll u brh I 11sl on tor II. wtt k. Surround. de r ga rt ton In Newport Schoo I, wlll board m eeUng when tenure o ri gl. =jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiim••.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In g property ownt'rs protested the end her productive <'&rf'tt Wtth nally wu alattd for conelderatlon'. I 1,"'alion of the ·plant In their the local eltmentary 11chool di•· At that Ume, Superintendent R~ mfd•t. It would bf' ert up i dJa· tr1C't with the pra1!1e and commen· lnfqrmed them tenure would not C'"nt to the sewer trelltmrnt plant. •latlnn or hl'r l!r hool board. admln· 6e l.Al<en up until Ule May lleJI· Odor a ml Inv. ermg ot properly 111trator ll nd fel,ow tt"achrrs. Roy 11ion. \\'hen regular boftrd mffl· ,"lllut!'I W!!'re the prime ob)ecl lnn. 0 . And<'ISrn, superlnl .. ndent. 111ld Ing bl13lness concludtd that nllfhl. 1 C'1•~R !ll esa schoof repreaenta· l0<kly. Rea called for an executive 11«'9· 2~ituatton11 Wanted :ELDERLY mlln would hke to In· ctta-'t' 11m111l monthly. (lC'ns111n . by doing 0<ld Jobs or ~hat h11vt' you. H1\Ye tnol~ aj>'I own lr11ne· portalton. JtNHI thf'Rllh l\n1I AC· t lvt> .. Adcl,...,.s Bnx Hold1·r H2, Co11ta Mr1111. 49p!ll ll\'f'I', 'lhP health deputmPnt and Sine.-19-17 she has taught the 11lnn to con11lder penionnel prob- .,,Arm Bur.au.-wer" In f11vor ot yo~trrs juH ~lllrllfl&' lhelr lime. No -0fflclal action rsn bt!- 1?'1\'lng lhf" compllliy Rt ltMl a ~chool hre, but flnslly, decided t&kan during exeeutlve llffllion. "lrlai n m." enou"h wa.s enough. llO 11ubmllltod During Aprlra ~gular board -------------1 hrr rl'l!1KJlalloo which the board meeting, Rt>& Informed the lrw!l• 32-Fum iture for Sale Newport Poli~e Book 4 Youths or trulftc•es accPpl ed with gtnulne "t'll he would recommtnd four rPgrel at lh1• hut board meeting te11.Chers not be rehired. It ie not A 11pec!11l ll'lter or tha!W<s lo her know If Nerr w1u Included among for her mnny contributions waa these. Se.nbom Is non-rertlfled • 11uthor lu d aenl. peM!Onnl'I. hired from July to _J_u_IY_·--------~-~i HOLLYWOOD beJ, cnmplelt'. Ex· ~ellen~ rondlllon.. $2~. Harbor, Four Bloom1n11ton boy• wert' 6 Treated for 1•~·\\ 49• ~I l)< ... l<rd Tu~~!l11y l;ly :-;twporl po· Lohan Motor The~ I --I h r!' !.ir p1•11y thtfl unller thr JUY,1'· SS--Boat.'I Supplies I' n11 ... rnJl' and relPllSE'1I lo Ort1ngt Monox1·de Gas ' ' t'nunt ,. Jll\'rn1IP authorltit!l. 211 HP GRA YMARIN'E Sesscnut Pl 11. B. Ycrtni:ton or 31 l!l E Co:ut Six ptoraons on the boat Lo Le cu. In. 1!117, S3~0. D. F ral'ler. 6fk11 ll1i.:hwsy w11• holding two boys Do. four c,( them" f rom Newport St. J11m••1t Pl., H&r. 5223 -LI for pollcl' They both d«nlt'd llny Harbor. were given oxygen yest.er· 8·046~. 19p!H thdt and di>sLrib.-11 Lhrcc 11lhPrl J!\y hv t hr ':"\ewporl Bcll<·h fire 211' ('llAR1'ER or sport fi11h"r boys who had left the iwene •llipartinent. tor monoxide gu alck · In r heck tng the car of ont' of thl' nei1s. · Ntw t"hrylllt>r, comp. equlpt. plllr. pollr,. l!Bltl thry found thret I Mr, 11nd Mrs. Dougl .. Lee of 333 111' f'lywo.•d fishing d...ry, 111'1''18 b h J ..,.. Thtfl of a two horsepower ga.s- obne utility motor valued at H O wa.a reported to Costa Mua po· llce Saturday by John Oontlld Lo· han of 2201 Ne"l'port Ave. Lohan said the motor wu removed from & weed cutter t>ealde hie hou!IB ~·' twee·n II p.m. P'nday lllld 8 a.m. Saturday. 4 • work Sll\Jlderd 011 !ll anne OO<'k , sw••atl•rl!-4'WO llt ing 81111!1 a.n a Via Lido Soud. owntrs of tbe cratt. 814 E. Rav A\'t .. &Jt>oe. •flC'M bll)rnl<1. ornrrra llpprehentll',1 the and their gueat1, Mr. and Mrs. .----DI B 1---..r. thrrc other boy~ and Int. rrog"at1on Warrton Bre&mer:. of 240 M.omlnc nt the Ctve rt'\'talrd lhl\l !nut: a d· CRnyon Road and Mr. and Mrw. f2-Trail~n milted 11tealing thr ilrmll fl "lm I Andrew Seablon ot J..oe Angelea COLLICTIONI . Yarmgton·a itlore and Or<>0kUn,'P! told police and firemen thty be· Aceouta _ Now. _ caaam. of ~GAi:'\ l!l:li 14 -rt. varslll'ln \'11rlrl}' 11lorc nearby. Only four of rs me 111ck while r11tumlng from ally ldDd of deb.._u ,,..lilere tn trailer. 11lm11~l . n,.w, Blrrh W l'od thr b(I\·~ WC't!' chllqzrd. f. 11 F I " -lnltr1or . T'rwate partv. S:l9:1.j . , .n11en11 a. umea appartnt y et· Amfo~ ":'lio collectlolMI -No Hartior 3 l2·\\' • f 9l,51 C'llped from thr engine Into th• fee." We advu cce all cot1t.. -. -Local Woman ·1n bunt. firemen 111111. CR!:DfT BUREAU of \\'eat.em Orans e Coa1U7 '8S-Housea ror Rent ·2-car Collision I Seeley Tells Theh ~=~ ,,;~'t .. ;:~ UNFURN. rol~ir"· v.llth enrlo.~ed I Theft ot a Jig uw from a iarar t and Voeta M- patlo 6' lrutai. nmnni. \\'sll to "llnor accident occurred yulel'-al l ll Via Sa.n Remo wu rt>pMlt>d ICK RJvenlde Ave.~ P.O. Bos SM we.JI C&rpl!l, \'f'netJan bllndti. rtay on CoMl H lfh\\'llY nPar • lo-lO police Tut~dll)I by T. HorJ See-;\"!:\\'PORT BEACH. CAJ.IF. t Cloet'lo Lido 11hopio. R.f'uonahlt> 1'&1 rlub between cart drh·tn by l ~e;y;;o;f;l;3;0;7~E;;;. ;Bal;;bo.;;;;;;B;l;v;d·;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~;;~;;~~;;~ by yea r, lldult.a. 312. 3~lh St., Barbara J o Ann May. 20. of l 7 ,~ Newport Beach. 49r:i1 F:. Wll9'0n St., C<>11ta MM& And H<)Wllrd Psul Rog-ers, 23. of San VJ:RY nlct furn. 2 bdnn. C'Clltage Dltgo. Modem. SM mo. Cir pre 11ummrr M1~• May 1&1d she wu atopped • "''Illy r&lt>a. 304·32nrt Bl . NI"\\•• tor a lt>ft turn and Roger• Mid port Bu~. Lr 8-711113 evr~ I ht'wiu linable-to 11top In llmt to 49N1 11\'l'ld a rear·end colllslon. bALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPF.L l':'U Supertor Avenue Costa Mell&. C'1!1 t. Phnne Llberty 8·2121 CHAPE.L BY THE 8J:A 3520 E. Coul SlYd. Corona df'l Star. C&Jlf. Phone Harbor 42 LOCKERS SPECIAL -Locken ( app. 125 lb.) 11.15 p . "'I: fT.A Tt'IU: ~t:U:CTED ,.RDIE antl C'HOH 'r: !llt:AT8 •111 • S()tll !'t. ;\T,\\ roRT BEA C'R RartMr OTIS It's · -His Business. •• REW~4PRE:ss Yft ••• It's his business to deliver your '\-Newport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monday and Thursday. It's •is business to ~ a CJood iob too. Your paper must reach you promptly, and In good condition. His iob •depends upon the service he renden his customers. If you crre not a regular sub· s c r i b e r, fill out the , subscri ption below an_. we will start de· livery at once. ,...-----·--------· ·-· -· --.. ---.. ---·. --. --. -· ..... I I I I • I ' l I I t i: . Circulation Dept. Newport '"'arbor News • Press i 21 l Balboa Avf'., S f'w11or1 Rf'Mh Attn; Circulation DPpt. I hereby wish to 1rnbscr1b<.· lo the New· port Harbor Newi>·Prc»:., ~n<I agr ce to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 50c a mo,,th 1. . .. . . ---· . l Name . . "--••-·•••,.-••••oe• .. •••--••••••--•••••••...,.-• : • • .. . i i tniet ------·-~-·-.. ·-··-·-···-····-• 1211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor • 1616 ll City ---·-···-·--·-··--~·-r. • I ·-----·------·--·-·-··-·-:-··-···--_J ' -· '• , r .. ~· • ... • • Colliert loat T.U. Th.rt of a u -n. tio.t -1ued at 11~ wu Nported April 30 to poUce by .Marian Colbert, 300 'nle Grand Canal. lh• A id lhe crall bu. !>Mn mlN lnf fro.ti Ila ca.n&l" anoorlns elnc• lut Sunday. . ~ ' I PA'GE 8 -f'~RT I -NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRESS . . ' '· • MONDAY, MAY 9, 19~ • J Diinen1io~1I Col.or Photography ~--:-1 Used lo Illustrate OCC Talks The dlmtrulonel color photo· gnphy wlU be uwd to llhut ratt lnsvl'l talk• on Eur<•pto 1larttng a t Ora.nee Cout Collricr a t 1:30 p m tomoTrow In thr Art Cmter Gal· lf'ry. • Mayhew Sues . for S52.000 Aiainst Pif. SA!\'TA, ANA (OCNS) -4 Newport Hnch man Thur9day alk• Lll)O sHoPs C L A 5·5 I F I E D I Four tra vel t11lk11 have tw=t'n ~h-r.d\ilPd •tutln~· Wiii\ "Hli;h Spots of Europ•"' lvd1ty. Color 1111.!Pa ~Ill bt• ,;hown Of r welvt counlnes. Scenea will lncl11111' photngTaph1 tuken In Southh11mn· -ton. London. Oxford, Rl111k .. 11por,>'a country , F.di11bu;·gh. lhe mountalm1 and fjord11 ot Ncwwey. enJ the Scan<lmavurn ca p1l11l11. . Holland, Beli.;lum. the c .. 1 nyin lthtneland, 5...,'ltze1 hmd, ~ t n I c t, Florence. UomP and the Bay or !';aplu fol· low. The i<e<'nP1 Wiii be allo"''ll ot t"d moNO than •~2.000. d""'ICN la connt't'lw.tl wJ\h. • Mlll•lon be.• lwffn ht1 cu an•I a Parlflc l:M- tr1<· J1.allwa~: 1raJn dlt.ael Jen. 1' 'r In L& K11bre. DIRECTORY &PPUANCE8 -Houebold Paru -DealeT -Service LI DO F.LECT'll 10 UH Vla Udo -llarlM>r Ut'J AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and uMd Cant N IC(lf:Rn l'ITVDEBAUR MaJe9 5erv11ce Part• lfl& Newport IMvcl. -Har. &It BANKS 11aak of ~ :l\'T & KA If« Vla Udo -HarbQr 1616 BARBER SHOPS UDO 8RAVLSO Ml'O la llWwell'• Store for Ml!a lfJI Via lJ4o -ltarbor HM BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO 8ALOS ot• t\t:Al'TY lfla Npt. IMvd. -Har. H,. - 8TONJ:ilL O'BIUEN Ptt'tur.-lA-c-turf'r th.-R1v1era. Paris, Spain, a,_i Ct· Explorer II Towed braltar. I Baca. Into Harbor Tht lt'cturer 11 StoneaJI O'Brien, -.. -ScO'kJng Ult damAJl'I •••• Ha,.. olol JI'. M•yhew Ht nan1f'<I Jefend• ants Pacific Elrc-tr1c. Mtrt'lll Q, ~t ra/, 1. E. N1cholloon, 0. L. Price. W. Jo'. Silver• and W. J. <;lark. M11yh<'w rharau th• d.-rrndanta Wt"r• guilty of ca~lt'M a.nd neglla· t'ncr in thl" cr11Ah which occurred ~ fePl w1>11t of Fullerton Road al thl" PF: tn1cka and Jrnpertal Hl1h- w11y. The plaintiff c-la lma h• 11uttere4 lnjuno In lhl' nu•h•I' art1st·pholographt'r, who has b<·en A C'08Jll Guard Boot Thu~llY County Peace a tnweler In We111\'m Europe OVl'r night towed tht' 24;/_t power 1><111t a pt'11od ot mort' than 3:'> ytar11. H<' Explortr II. ownl'll by Hui:h Gar· on· G sta1 ted photol:"l'aphln g tn llttr,.o m don Lawrenre. Santa Ana, bark to 1cer rou p 1919 11nd la t"ated a p1ont'er In mod· crn .S·D. port when the cr&!l "a engine fAlleJ. O'Bntn'11 8pt'c1al lnltre1~ In \\"ht'n. LawrPnce and his party Gives Warning llOOK.8 BOOK VA.81! . BIG iLUFF TURNOUT FOR RACE Western Europe 18 bued on the of tl\•e plLlll!l'ngera ahouttd tor •Id. fact that a large percentage ot and theft' flag "''"" sttn flytng up· Amencana tra<'e their a nceBtry l!ldt' down. l.ocal resldtnt. calltd and their cultural bt1ckgToundi· 10 pohcl" who rPlayed the word to the that part ot the world Ht!! Intl· Co1111l Ouard. Explorer U was mate knowll'dge or Eur~pe and his 't.al<en In tow about a mlle off the deep arrecllon tor It a rt rdlected jelly, between Newport pier and In his commentary. the horbor rntranC'e. No ~uon for Oranl(a County' PeeC'e Offlc:rr'• Asaoc111tlon <>f hrial• tod11y warnf'd count.f merc:hKnls lo beware of an 11ut~1rt .. &gt'n<"Y whlC'h la pllr('Ortf'd• ly rt'prteenlln1t llllelt u the Or- ange Count y Peace Otftceni Auoc· lat Ion. Ml~Vla Udo -Harbor HM • @AMEKA.8 Ii Supplies VlNCE.."'i'r UDO DRU(}~ Mtl \'la Udo -Harbor llOOI Proof of hundreda of penona lined Corona del Mar bluffs tQ watch start of May 5 Newport-Eneenada race ·is sho~ above by-cars puked\ bumper to bumj:>er <>Ver· looking jetty &nd Balboa Pier. Race entries got oft to bunched up 1tart with alight winds, m urky skies., - SWf Photo " • The forthcoming eeriu or ltC· tures le aa.id to offt'r the next-beat thing to making a l!luropean tnp, with a vivid atnae of being right on ° lht1 ~ene. Olhtr lecture. will be May 17, "The Rhineland and the Netherlands," •tay 24, "Scan- dmavia.n Highlight.I," and Mey lit, ''The R1vlrraa of France and Italy." engine failure wH given. No dam. age wu reported. Lt. WlllllUTI Burchlt of Fulll'r· ton, president. IUlld 80me Orange C'ount y mf'rch11nlll h11ve already bren ~cvit11cted.~y the out1ldt rf'- preM'ntallvea. Tht'y do not reprf'• ~nl lht-Oranj.ll' County Pnce Of· f1cl'r'11 Aaeoclatlon, ht' addtd. CABPEl'8 Ii DRAPERIES DIC& \IAcua MM Vla l.Jdo--Harbor uia CATERING IUCllAJLD'8 LIDO MARKET MU \'la Udo -Harbor UH State 1111· to Aid Mesa School· Taxes County Receives $110,363 Share of Gas Taxes 363, St.ate Controller Robert C. gTOh guollne tax collections' tor Kirkwood reported Thuraday. March, which totaled $20,113.833, Kirkwood .. Id ·$19,33.,644 wu more than a million und~r 1' ~lJru· ary. Btlt, he aald, collections were almOlt a m1ltlon over March a yl'U dlalrlbuted from the highway UHra lax tund during .lhe month. ot thia amount. $4,942,052 went to counuu. $1,895,111 to dtin, a.nd $12,491,381 to the 1tate h lrhwey ~onetructlon fund. · ago. " Y oun«J in Kansas OLATRE. Kan,'I, cFHTNGl - Marine MSgt. floward l.. Young, huaband ot lhe rormtr MIM' Betty M. Scotten or Cost' Meaa.. Ill •t· tepdlng the Ground ControlJtd Ap· p'roach .School. Le1o:ltlm11te mPmbf'r11 ot th• u • eoclatlon have beM furnl1hed with 11dequale credf'ntlale bearln1t 'the Orange County Puc. Offlcera Aa- llOClallon na.me and a letter from the varioU.1 county law enforce· SACRAMEl\'TO -\'CNS) OT· CLOTBING -lleo'i Retail BIDWl:LL'8 SHOP t•oR MES lfJI \'la UM -Harbor Old ante eounty'a aha.re of lb• ~tat• To prevent child accidentll, keel? f!ru .. rma e_nd ammun.IUon under The lecture.• a.re optn to the pub· lie. Polaroid glaaeu .may be pur· chased for 2~. or tho" a ttend- ing may;bring lhelr own. The courae providee leboralery and field trai_!!1ng for o!flcera and enlisted per90nnel. LIDO FA8BJOS8 M.e v.. Opono -Harbor Mn 811ADDOCll'8 MU Via Udo -Harbor Mn VA0.....01'o'D BOV8E ' JlllpoTted Sporuwear Mlt Vla Udo -H&rt>or %~ ~DRUG STORES VL~CENT8 UDO DRUOM ._.., \"la Udo -H&rbor IOOI DECORA1'0R8 DOS CREJOH'1'01'f A. J. D. Matap lrppone 60CI Via Malap -Jlartlor un £LEorRJo OO)l'TRACT0B8 LIDO ELECTRIC . , UH Via Lido -Harbor •'7t'7 A bill now before· the eenau In Sacramnilo allowinl' postf>Ont· menl of repaymenta oo stat. Joana to IChoola by improf'iabrd diatr1cta will aa\le t.u:payera 1n C09t.& MeA Union School Dlatrtct about 14 centa ~r $100 of Nllffffd Y&lua- Uon next year, accordlnc to Super· lntendent Everett Rea. The bW haa been puaed· by Ult. assembly 'ana Rea upecta It to be paa11ed by the aenate. Thia meuure la to remedy In· equlUea In lhe exlatlng law,· ac· cording to Re&. 'nl• preeenl act provides lhat tmpoverlahed di•· trtcla paying more than 40 cent.a ~r $100 on bonded l.ndebtAdllua do not b.&ft to make p&Jlllm\a -FOUN'IAl!f, OlllLL \'J~Cr;l'\1"8 LIDO ORUG8 U'l "fla Ude -Bartoor .... ' exiallng elate bonda, but lnlereat FRAMF.8 Ii .&.LBUll8 GERHARDT STUDIOS lfltJ \'la Udo -Harl>or ..et FURNITURE DICK MACKEil U!O Via Udo -Barbor &SU OIFI' SHOP JUCllAJLD'8 UDO MA.RKrr MU Via Udo -Harbor '"' INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. BUCK, L'l<.:. lfOO Via Udo -Hatbor 6'4-' I INTERIOR DECORATORS BLANCHE FULKERSON A.1.0. Mii \"la Udo -Harbor &SM Dlt:K MACKER WO \'la Udo -Harbor UH JIABKET8 . &JCllAJU)'8 UDO tiAJul.ET MU Via Udo -RaTbor 18%11 NUBSEKIES IUCllAJU>'8 LIDO KA.RUT Corsac--Table ArT~ementl MU -~Ja Udo -Harbor 1811 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OERBAJlDT STt:lUO!f NJt Via Udo -Hanor uot UAL ESTATE LIDO ILEAL TY A8SOCIA TES aad .lnatallmellte ---bonda were added to ~ paj'mellta a.nd wllb lhe •ew Coetr Kua loana Rea expected the redempUOft tu· u to nlll et oenta nat year. Jnstnd, nurt yeu'a lntereat and bond redemption-t.axea wtll be about 47 centll, Rea II&)' .. To thla will be added the 90 cent.I per $100 aaau&ed valuation foT m&.1n· tenance and ceaeral opeir&llon coats. The bill wu wrttt.en by lbendan N. Heglabd of L& Meaa. who eald pU88ge or lhe bill would gu&ra.n· tee that home ownera a.od email bwilnea11men will not be compelled to pay ever pyramidinit hlfher property taxea for echool con· strucllon. Jn return for po1t.ponf'· menl of loan payment.JI, Heitland aalJ. school d!stricta will have to re11lra111 thtmae.Jvea to a.n a uatertty building program with major •m- ph&lll11 nn cla~room1. OCC Hires 2 .New Musk: Teachen · Two nrw mua10 lnatructora for Orange Coaat Colltg• wrre _em· ployed by th• board of trua~ al their April 25 meetlnl', DT. Butl H. Pltereon-eald tOO.y. Udo Sa.le .. .It Rentals Howard A. Kay bu been ... MOO \'la Udo -Hanor ""' 1lgnl!d to ln1lTUJDent&l mu.etc. Kay p. a. palmer, a.corponM-d ha.a taught. for two yean at 'tbe .a. Mlllloa co .. M1ee m.J111l. Colll!ge or Siln Mateo: for four llU via Udo -llarllor 1600 yeara at Palomu College, for abl VOOEL COM.PA..'"Y yura al Hoover H~h School bl Mlt Via Udo -ttlartior MU Olepdale, and for two yean at ll.ZI· BAY A..~D BEACH REALTY id•raon Clark Junior Hieb Scbool. Via Udo B~ Olftce He la a andua te of Glendale Col· 1111 LAF.,-ecu -JlartKlr HU lege. received a' a.·A. from UCLA. IA VJNGS & LOAN and wu granted an M. A. trom S11n DleJO Sµte. ASSOCIATIONS Jamu s. Fitzgerald Jr .. tnatruc- DWPORT BALBOA 8A VINOS tor In music for the put five •LOAN A8~1ATION H ,...__, J•·-•-A. Savtnga .IJlatltutlon yee.ra at orace --rn .. mur Lone 't•rm Home Loan• High School In New.port B .. ch. .,. \'la Ude ~ Ranor (100 ~ th• other appointee. u:BVloE STATIONS Fll.zJerald haa...,taugbt 1n the ·ll· dull l!ducatlon program at Oranf• LIDO llJCHFJll:LD" C!>Ul College and haa H"ed u MU Nrwport Bh•d.-llar. '81'7 choir' director at St. Andr9Wa PN• IBOES -Men'1 'BID""ELL'S STORJt FOR KEN NII \"la Udo -BuWr OMI l'OY8 UDO TOYLA..'VD MU \'la Lido -&.nor nN I'll.A VEL ACENCIF..8 • llAJUl()ll" TllA \"EL AOENCl' Mt• !ff_,.,. IUwl Hu. llU t7PBOL8TEBING Dial JllAO&ER Hit V.. Udo -ft.artM)r &Sii WEARING APPABEL -womeu' LA REINE ,..\1aM~r'610 WINDOW · OOVERING no; 8RADE 8ROP ... .. .,., °" ..... "' byterla.n Church. He hu bachrlor ot mualc a.nd mutrr of i:nuslc de- (Teea from lhe University of Soul.hem Callfoi:nla aa well u wbe~uent gniduat• study at LonJ a..ch St11te Cdllege. ~lncp Finn Makes Wal 5trHt Jo.Ml A Newport ~ M viDJ• 19· 1UtuUon made troat J>&S• neww In tht Wall Stnet Joum&I rtC*lt· ly wb•n Newpo;t. Balboa 8u1np • a.o.d-Loan .U.O.ClllUon'a Jarc• MW bayf'ront headqua.rt.,.. wu ~.,,.. prominent mention ·u an outat.and· lng mo<!t'm fln&nclal buildiar. The alory wu Ul• ltad fMtur• article on pe.i-. 1 ot lh• Aprll 21 I.we, a.nd d•alt wtUl UMt national trend to'IV&rd modemt&aUClft ot bank• a.nd oUlu f1naaclal' wtttu- Uon•. Newport Balboa a.nn11· 1 new building wu on• of fo\W plc- tuN'd to Illustrate Ult tr•d'ot n..- l d..ip. . mt'nl agl!nc1u . - ' ~. -Punch-line to tlie-_year~ hottest power story-~ .Chevrolet ''Turbo-Fire VS"! There'B only one way you'll really dis- cover the hottest power story of the year. ~t aboard a new Chevrolet that packs a bundle of velvety TNT under the bood'- the.new ~bo-P'tn VS"! ror am .. tlie ..,... that'• wrtdnt. .We new ehapter 111 &.tae book of a.a. mobile ~-••ee reeordl. Tldl t. U.• ..,._e Uaa& U. ll&ock car t1aert doin1 a •do9ble take'' at &.heir •-watclle• wlM:re•• n,ert. p&.taer le cea,_. &.ta•. ablUU. el UM 1 NI can. fer aallfile, hi die reent !USC.AR' .._. car ••petltioa at ~Jtou ~ ,,....., Onroid llterall7 ru an7 _. fro• "flrJ odaer ar ta Ua dua-ucl a nil ot ~--belWeL .. tlte eH·all• ltralptawa7 nan r• lo•-pckM ., ..... ; first two plate~and 1it of the flr11t ten- went to CbeTI'oleta. And ln accelerallon runa rrom a trtandlng 1tart ag1i08t 111 comer11, Chnrolet beat all other low- priced can-uu H«J b.lgb·pricecl car ucept qael Wbat'1 behind this bluing perfonn- anceT A compact boney or a VS that only the world'1 leading prod11cer of valve-in-head engines can build. Chev- rolet's new "Turbo-Fire VS" baa the abortellt piston stroke In ,the induatry (that meana Jes piston tntvel , •• longer engine life) I And it delivers the highest power per pound of any VS i.n the low- priced 6tld. Jt,'1 10 efficient that it requirt'9 only four quaiU of oil instead O( the U8Ual five - nf'(><ls l~ss radiator coolant, too. It's the most modern VS under antr bod1l • hood I I . But IM thing JIOU'll lib moat la the wa11 it puta a nelD kind of fun in 11our driving IUe. You're In charge of 162 hlgh·•pirltrd horaepotMr IDltl& the MID "Turbo-Fire VS" and u 11ou're • looking for ~n more pdte~nl, th<' MIO "Sa per Turbo-Fire J18" (optional at ~tra coat) puta 180 h.p. undrr "'*' t«. Pick the one you'd rather have fun with, then come in and get behind the wheel. You 'II !!('e why the Motoramic Chevrolet ill ahowinlf it.a bee\A to every- one elae O"n the road I •• (tHftblne your MW Chevro.., ,.. ... ~ yeur veadlen pl.nil °''" • -0. ...... ..-... a......,_ t • • ~ ....... ,......._ -0.¥1.,.... ""91. I \ ----. ,., ........... ,... ..... a.-... ,. ........ , td ... .,,.. ................... No other low-priced~• hat~- no high-priced car hat all- of lh•H great Chevrolet featu,...I Bodv br TW.er-You tee It on 80me of the bigheat·priced C&l"I. Nint e?t{liM>- drir« cltw n i11 on" llllldtl-The irreat- ert c:hoic:e 1tolng. 1 !-«11/ t1'rtrVcl IQ/"~"' -Tieut the voltage of other low-priced can. Arili-Dir. brokin11"'TA Chevrolet ucluaive for beach-up lltipe. 01dri1J~ rwr 1prifl1Jt-Wid~ced for ste.d7 cornerinr. Ball -"Rau ltttri"IJ;.... TurM on ball bearing1. H111ft.-l/ttl wmilatiml -Cleaner, frPflht'f air. Dotibl.e-A rde covl ~lldwn:-Extra rrtrenrth and ulety. MILLER . CHlVROLIT COMPANY NIWPOIT RACH I i.1rty l-Z261. • ' -. -~ HARIOR ---,~~ THE. SP.ORTS WATC .H By BILL emLUPS ,. • List of 13 ~A,._ for Trout Ang~ Close ~to Harbor With the.trout •f'aaon In It• 11tt· 1 _ onJ wt>ek. the A utomobile Club ot I'rp gtad, I tell ·you, glad. After -.u the teapot tempest Southf'm ('allfoi--n1a tooa y named over Archie Moore's murmuring pump, the ancient ring vet i3 trout aN:u <nr an•lf'n •·ho don't want to tnwtl more Ul&n proved it lot. bigger than the pre.night atorm blown up by uo miles from Lo11 An,,elea. · a bunch of lapQOky aporbrwriten. He dt>monatrat.ed 1t9 Lleted by \ 11" clllb'• t>uunr B u· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 •PAGE· I staunchne88 in La.a Vegaa laat week when he convincingly reau wett: San Gabrtd Rlvn, Cry· ..... ONDAY .... AY e f l!l55 -j atal La.kt, f.tttle Rock ReMCVOlr. m . • m "• " -• · Qutpolnted Nino Valdft;' only the a th.le tea ot tha • M~ and Ot.on Jack80n J,.alct', .,& rro-."llead, Btr ---------------------·--------· '~o. I "hallenger (or RO('k)' Mar-type. Bdt Lakt. Greirory t:Akt. Offp BANDIDOS .. BELT KID Mix1co ' WITH LAGUNA HOME BREAK-IN . 8AN!f-' ANA (OCNS) -Burglary of the Laruoa Bea~b &rea home of !onner boxing champ1on •IUld •ambler ''Kid Mex· lco" 11 under tnve•tlgatlon by lherirt'• deputiH. Kld Mexico wu e.n out1tandlnr California welttrwelrht In tll'• 1920'1 and later promottd amateur box1nf ln Santa Ana.. Tod Copeland Faulkner !Kid Mexico) told depulle• ap· proximately $743.9:1 worth ot clothing and other hou.whold articles have been 1tolen from hl1 place e.t J 1 Lagunlta. 1 ~lllno·s heavywe1gllt crown. The &'UY J refer to I• Don ~tty, Crt••k. Ht'nwt L8ke, F\llmore Lakt, Perhaps I havt a peculiar rntth· and I'd hke ta. nomlruttt him btr. Supe River. MaUllja Reaervoir oo o! keeplnr book. but right here and now u track stu of the year ·and t..J<" Cacl\uma. . In_ my book it aaye, and I quote. an the Harbqr An.•a. The reaaon: , Th• rlub al11<>~autloned clam dlf· "When r-&n ,unranked man beat• He made up hie mind to become the rera of' the followlnr replat.lon• the No. 1 man. that maku the un· ~It h&lt mlln In th• SunNt ~a-reg-ardlng Pl~mo rlam11: ran"hd man No. 1." That'• .wfiat gue this aeuon. and damed It he -t. nu~y must be five Inch .. or It says: So l munta.ln Moor.. en· dhh1't! Thll ln the face ot Larry lj).at In dlamete.r and no 1nore larg~ tlckf'r a nd all. deNrvea a Ca.atro, the loop croae·country 1.ban ~O ma)' be taken. llhot at M.arclano·1·crown. But 11 i;hamp. ~Ing dwenate.d No, l boy 2. An angling lkl'nse le rtqulred. I.his what'• elated to happen! Oh, In the 880. Which brlng1 us to the .3. IAJal hour11 tr. from on ... hall my no. Moore now hu to abM ~cord. !four bt'lbre 1unrlM· to on.a-half 23• pounda ,b ... hefted hlmaelt up HARO ON WOU hour after 1unaet. ' with to enter heavyweight' ranks Sl>LASH INTO OIF_:_That'a what 25 ot Coach Al Irwin's Harbor High swimmers did Friday night in Long Bea~h Wilson's tank as ClF preliminaries. got underway. Includ- ed in the Tar splash brigade is everyone who placed in recent Sunset League Meet in Orange Coast College pool. ClF semifinals sta~ tomorrow afternoon at 3 :30 in the El Segundo water lanes. ClF finals take place there starting at 7 :30 p.m. Friday. - Sta!! Photo The retired pugilist .aid the summer beach home wu entered by amuhlng a window pane In a door to the hall.- way. Listed in the stolen Hema were ceram1c1 &nd record.II. Deputlea reported the burgla.ra tlttenipttd to rip out a built-In phonograph 11ystem and aucceeded. In y&nkinf looae Wire to one ot the r:ooma. Faulkner, who alsQ hu a home at 1392 Pueo de Ana, Palm Springs, wu linked to the Signal Hill blnro 1amea • few rears ago, according-to deputies. 110 that he cu meet the 17:1 lb. Take a look. Beatty bt'camt the har<leat w.orklng thlndad on the llghtheavy cla u ltlca tlon. Thi• will Harbor High ca mpua. Th• flnit • allow A rchie to defend hle light· coupl• of times he tanr"le.d wtU\ heavy crown ag-alnet BobO Oleon Cutro, Do.n went down to deftat. lh11 .ummer. • PASSINO STRANGE Now I would Ukt to aay lhal this la a 1trange demand to mal<e on a gent pronounced u being on hi• last leg1. Tt1la old m&n 11 vy!nr w ilh ;Jack Benny t o decide who can stay 39 the longnt and eom• medic. aay h e's coming apart at the auma. Thi• appears to be an International pl.ot to hulen the proceu. At leut, Moore the mar· nlflcent at long Jut r et. hl1 chanc• at a big New York p te . .All they got to do 11 wheel hla decrt!plt car- ~ua Into, the 1qufied circle. He ju1t worked harder. Th¥ ht •~rted beatlnr C.Ut.ro and -hla Ume1 Improved. Finally, ap.ln1t Elloel.alor, Beatty blazed the di ... t&nce In 2:01. .Thia fairly clob~red ltd Klng'1 1chool record ot 2:03.:1 11t for Newport tn 1934. t!>ORT~;~ ... ~, f '.; ............... , .. , STARTS WID. J~OOP THE LOOP-It's easy in midair. That is, if you a re a board man with Coach Al Irwin's tank team like Va\'e Andrews. Herc'the B di\'er, who nabbed third place in Stm~et League swim ch~mpionship!! recently. does a practt<·~ spin from the Orange Coast College high board. .ClF diving-pr<'limina ries toll k place at Long Beach Wil- !:.!On Friday night. ~emifinals in di\'ing starts at 3 :30 p.m. WC'dnesday in El Segundo. -Staff Photo WHITE;' ·-BEATTY . CRACK TAR DISTANCE MARKS Burns Takes Do.zen Harb__ar tfigb_ Hopefuls to -CIF Meet Saturday Tucker New Fullerton Grid Coach FULLERTON COC:NS)-Direct- or of athletics.. at Fullerton Union H1gtvSc:honl. Joe Merlo. Thuri;day appoi'nu-d Gil '(ucl$er as head foot· ball c-oach. 11ut•ceec1mg himself as ringmaster or the Indiana' football d"stines. Tu.,kl'r, a gred~le of Manual Ar'ts H1i.:h Srhuol 1n Los AnReles and a maliter's degree h older from t11c L'nl\'cl".!'lty 01 Solltht>rn CRll- rornia. conrhrJ l h«> lnd11ms' Junior varsity footb111l and basketball teams th1:1 pn.~t ·season. \\'IXSl~O :\U:STOR The J\' grid lt>am unClffklalty won the Sunset League t1lle. u they deft>aled all IMp competition. His cui.:e 11qua<1 won t hf' lt>ague rrown. in h1a (1r11t yt>11r as a roach tn Fullerton "81.1ii1cally." Tucker rf'lated, ''1 p!An to USP the 1!8me type Of for- nlflliOn that has l)een Sff'n In Ful· lert11n for the put ~\'" year>- Uie Mrai~ht T. However." he con- l ln111·ot, "J plan to xtre11s more pa3- 11in~. Ttwrt> will ht> no radical chauge>1 1n the style of -pl11y." he' eonehided. BJTSR I.IN~ COACH Tucker'• line coach will be Jim Bush. who worked in the ume spot lattt season for Merlo. Turkt>r will dnll with the backs. a1 ht .did the pest season. • Merlo revealed today that head baslr !tball one! he11d bueball du· ties !or next sea!!On v.i U continue to bt• tilled by J ohn Valentin, ~·h1lf.''Vern Wngh tson w!ll con tin- UI! t<> coRch the JV basebell team. Lo>e Arth iis U> remain u he_ad sw11nm1n~ 11nd diving c·ouch at the high flchool, with Bush continuing on ss hrad t rark and field coach. DA YE DOES IT A0GAIN Stephenso[ Hurl~ One-Hit 2~ 1 Win for Anaheim Nine A golden opportunity to move in to a f1,..t place tie In Sunaet Leagu~ barbs II standings went begging F'rulay aCternoon at Ana.helm when Coach Emil Neeme's Sailor nine la!!t to the Colonist. 2-1 ln a sen.sallonal hurling duel. The fray marked end or second hlllt play and gavt the Tara a aeuonal loop spree ag&inst Fullerton w1th .323. m&rk of alx . victories, four set-llllKE BAT JUNO backs and ,third place. ..Topping the loop a t 1Wlng!ng Fullerto"h s 1urprlee 4-2 loll t o that mace were the Fullerton Santa Ana sent the Tribe ba,s:k in-bash twins. Mike J ewett and Bry- to a 7-3 first place tie with Ana· ant Stafford. Je-wett led with .U:I. helm. One good thing about this •t11fford boll8ted a .417 mark. Fill· tum of events. It left Harbor patrick ranked 1Pvent.h amon,-the High within rtrlklng d istance with top IO Sunset League r~rutan. only five games remalnlng ln the Tamura was No. 11 In the 1Wat leuol'I. race. STEPHl:NSON HOT Third and final round play Tht Friday pitching clash waa alarta tomo1·row afternoon when between J im Newkirk of 1'ewport the Tars are 11Ch'eduled to take on and Davt. '>• ~phenaon 'of Anaheim. Hun\!ngt<>n Beach at U on1 Fitld. Stephenson got the nod on baala Costa Mesa. Two of th• four SaJJ. on a alerting one-h itter. But &fler or setbacll• have come ·a t t)).e giving up bolt\ T~ In the flrat hands of Pitcher Bob l.%ykowak1 frame, Newkirk wu untouch,ble. and the Coopm!lll brothers, Butch Tht ltll 1enlor tossed ahu~out ball and Blll. The Tars are detemlned rut or the way. It marked hl• lightning won't s{r')ke for the fm1t setback of the IM!&aon after lh1rd time. e)!f>t'clally since Oranr• three straight victories. beat the 'Oiler• 2·0 Friday. The lat11t argument I've run acrou a&ainlt Moore retUnr a chance with Marciano ii: It he could be hit by V&ldes, he could be hit by Marciano; "nd it he couldn't knock Valdes out, h• couldn't . ~o Rocky. Thia ta aucb quaint rtuonlnr that l 'm mlndtd ot a baggy panta TV routtne. Flr1t the expert. 1eream at M.oore, "You got a bad het.rt. Don't tlrht Yal· dez. You'll die." Then. after Archie win1 the 11Crap, Ulty ecream "Why didn't you knock the bum out. you bum?" NO sorr TOJJCH J won't come out a.nd aay Moore will lick Bobo, but I'll take thl• stand without hedrtnr : It'll be the tou,rhe.t bout Olaon. th• middle· welrht m-tro, bu had 1lnce he received a boxing le1100 from the then middleweight champ Sugar Ray Rob(n&0n. Trouble la, t h• tight to ma.X e that weight limit alter balloonl.ng UP. ao hur• la Ilable to take more out of Moore than he can afford. Moore 11 good, but IQ ls Oleon, and the advantare w1ll all be on Bobo'• aide. .All 01-9n hu to do la tra1ft tor U.. bout. He won't have to worry about ma.kin&' the wat1ht. Oddly •l»Ulh, ~ tw. pya are practically In the aame boat Lionettes Lay·· Out u rar ... Nle.ir ltgillmate d1v1.1oni are•concerned; Since Robinson re· Stephen.ton. who alwa.y• II-. Othu UIUI al9.ted tomorrow ftnd field day1 agaln1t the &allora "t Santa Ana at ·Anaheim &nd Fuller-- the plate, wu hia uaual Ml!. H• ton .. t Oran1'9. tripled home Lupe Gonulu for-------------- the first t&lly. then scored on bat· tery inate F rRnk Dorettl'a ba!ll knock. The i\Jenllcal 11tuatlon oc- curred in first round play when Anaheim deft>ated the Tars 2·0. . That lime Stephenson homered, then !!COred later on Al Story'a smash. Only difference was, Sleph· enson didn't do the twirling. 0 1'"'1: LOSE Rl'S The lone run of tho. seayn the Sailors scored against th Colo· nlst11 to date t·eme In the third fr&me as reirnlt of a l!Ucceuful Lynx N•lne By ~-2 tired. Oleon. hu had no oppo1tt1on ~ worthy ot Ult name in middle- . weight rank11. The .a.me 11 lrut of BUENA PARK 10CNSJ -The ·Moore a mong the '11ghtheav1ea. So Orange Llonl'tlf's picked up one both of lhem aimed at the notchPK run tn the seventh Inning to break aboVdJ 'em. But poor Archie had to the tl~aJl01·k and defeat t ht Buena fluctuate hke an elevator. going Perk Lynx 3-2. Thur11d•y night up to become a heavyweight. then ht're to evrn tht: srnea between .t he down to tangle with Olson. No two tl'llms. wonder the medics can't fathom double steal. Tl wa• une11rned. And In 9.-4 for the hlgh1 and a slow that wu the old ball li(&me. The 1411. fiat In the lows. Dodd Pe11r-Tats hla.d plenty of ones but no son rambled }?i11 .bri:;t r!O<'klng to v.'.Jn-one run. one hit a~ one tr- date m the 220. taking St>COnd ror. Line11cor_!! !or the Colonists plare In 22 8. Augie Ostrowski was wu more twosome-two runs, Starting hul"ler ror the Lynx was h111 pumper. Mo(lre's got the Mme Pat Snellings, who yielded to Elo1-lroubl<'11 as Jt'l pilote. Sudden se B1elfelrl in the 11evrnth. Midge changl.'11 of a!Utude! Hall c1141ght· the Pnllre g11me. L~> WITH MOX.IE Br.rlha RAJ::'Rn went all the way for the LlonettNJ. C11rol Spanks' Speili'r g or hea rt and moxie, Whu;h we Are when we yak of important run bat te,1 in dtd th<' l\toorp and Olllon. Harbor High hu damoJ!e Lo the Lynx. · a l&d which comes tn mtnd m thirrl fn the 132(1 m 3 :25 1 and th~e hits and ·two errors. Glt>n Bufo1·d fourth with a 19 ft. Going Into this conteat. Harbor 1 in. pffort In the broad Jllmp. ,High had bool!tr<I its team b11ttlng J ack ):t>wberry had a bad day ·average trnmendnualy, moving In· whtn trouble cropped up with his to 11econd 11lht heh11;1d Fullerton . M11rl<'. H<' had t o i;rttle for-fourth The Tara i;howed an ove-rall .224 Buenll P11rk 's Kathy Bielefeld of Anaheim 11cored after ~he walked similar vein. :l:o, he's not a ftghll'( and WM cf'riven hnme by a trtplr. In the ring &f'nst'. but In th,. tnu:k off the bat of J ohnne Moore. 11en~e. An•J I'll bet you'll be aur-prtsl'(I whrn I tell you I'm not ~rot In t~e pol" ve11lt when ,.l>est mark, based on 2:io at bats and ri6 'A--L-:_ Neffen hf' cmtM dear was 9 ft-. tt m i11t•. RU119'1n.- ~p,.akmg <•f Toll While. th'· Ta rs lt-rn!ic mllrr . .\\'hlte IA dtfinitely set 1n the heart and moxie depart- ments, but he's a natural, Ju•t llke OTHER F.STRIES TRIBE TOPS LOOP Burns enr1 AUrleuc Dirertor The Indians paced the loop with Defeat Sailon "MAMBO" 8eem1 llkt th.e Uthe lad abould have been aatlafled wtt.h that. But he wun't. Emulating the terrific Tod, Beatty lmmedlately bepn brea)dnr hie own mark with each ouunr. He rot" 1ldetracked Into runrunr the B 8eO ln th.e Sun11l League Me.et, eo wtiat did he do! Broke th.e loop mark by nearly two aeconda with a 1:23.9 clocking. Tbm, 1~1t-Thunday, Beatty tx· ceeded hie beat In tht val"llty 880 • aptii by touring the routt In 1 ::19.7. Now. Don jolne White u the .two .ttarbor Hlfh var1lty aplkea~n moat lllcl ly to w ccted tn CIP' com- peUllon which 1tart.a Saturda y. Sort ot a rag1 to r~ord1 yarn. 8IL VA NO JIA...'lf O .ufO MJCHAEL UNND Vl'ITOJUO· OAHllAN 8HELLE\" WINTERS .. -Plus- "THEY RODI WEST~. '" ' Technicolor-· wouldn't you aay? ,. . The Standard Man .showed me how to save 10~ on. floor waxes By bayta• and ta.kfnr deli wry any time durinf MtY '" or June, you can 1et a 103 cli8oaunt on Standard floor wana and preservatives. TheM four prodaeta ara all included in tbia apec1aJ offer: Standard Sell-Poliahini Wu Jiv... a luetroua film that resiata wear; Standard Wu Floor Spray has aeaJin1 qualitiee of floor wax and helps control dust; Standard Shinrle and Floor Oil peMtntea wood, replaces dried-out natural oils, renewa lire ol old shingles and soft wood-tloora; S-tandard Floor Hardt>ne.r lengthens floor life by harden.ins and ...i. in11 the wood. Buy a yeer'1 1Upply (or more) now ••• take d elive.ri durin1 May or Juot ••• and MW 103. '" lll!ttlllotlen 011 1ny S111141f4 Oil Cetl""Y tf C.llfw• '"'9tf, al CLAYTON THOMPSON IAA2 W. Balb<la Bh:d. Hubor 155 Quality Printing, Harbor 1~16 Ralph Reed md1r111ed they hoped a .302 ~rental~ Beh!nLtJir.. -~'_Confidant. t.hatr a.b leaJit....a-pair of var&i~ perwrrneF!l to_e.t:ll.eL a-1...-~n<>~-¥>l!fH.·11p1k~ ,+9T,S"lf1Ttl\ na .160. Orlin e .147. ANAHEll'>f'"(OC"NSr-The Ana- . i-terl! tn the Satunlay CJF prt>hm•. S1ulor11 cam1• Huntln11ton Bea.ch he1m Colonist tennis· tea-01 ended -MAY ' have a good chance of going as far as the slate prep meet 1n<'h11.ltng the Tar c no!Ry trRm. an11, 1mrprlll1n1:"ly. An11helm last the 11ecoml round of league play in Los Angeles.~Coach Don Burns will take a team of approx-H11rnll r•'ported Don Meredith. var· with & Jl1Pre .HO. 1'eedless to 11Sy, Fr iday u tlM.y deff'Blt'd lhe New· imately a dozen Harbor High track mcn to the CIF prelim-~11v hl!?h stlrk hopeful. harl with· StPphenMn \\'Bii rtoing ,.nough port Tars ~-2 here. Thi' win Ri vM · rtrawn from the SAn O!el(o prP· damage All b~· hla lontaome with Anaheul\ a nine wine And Qnl' l11s11 inaries in San Diego Saturday. In an exhibition meet be-11111s in fswor· or F't1tu1P F"srmPr a .3M 11t1ck mark. record for tir11t place in the Sun- twetn Sunset League and C1tn1s a ole11n11.:', ~11t 1·111!1•r 111 l'IF 10111· .nmpet1trnn erhNlnlM fnr that Pacing l'\ewport at the platP set ua.i:i1e. Bl'lt !mah11t 1 on Mt. ·san Antonio Pf'l tt1••n Thi~ 11111111·· '<h· same •lay. Wll!I Shortstop Denny FIUplltnrk. The Colt•m!llS had on ea.•y Ume C'ln•ll'IJ'Rlh~ Thur~da)", 11 T11r thin-... 1 ht• own ~·'hfl\)I mnrk or 2 01. rn th .. · CIF prel!minarie~. Reed T he !Ihle !l\\'al~mtth WH~ mll!l!Ulj?-of It IL'! thry won 11.U five single~ cla rh! nRb~t'd five firsts 11.nd rol· Oth"r H •n h"I I l.i.11 , "' . ,.,.., Rli11I, 18 mrn wi~ie In t!lrh track Ing the pe!Na Al a .367 rate with 11nl1 t11>uble~. 1'·!1ke Bouck and 1 )t>rlerl i2 pntnt11 in all thrre cla11s1-rtlfk.,•I up 111 l' 1·Ank" Rn.t \\" 1 l~•·n llnrt f1el(I f'V<'nt. :"me-will go Into 11 hill! m :10 ell Prnpt11. Thlrol 8&!'1'· l Steve Mn1·rl.-;, who · han yet to firat1ons. tm•k the JQ(I ~··I. •IMh 1n l!ls. flnt. the 11ua1ti>r-hnal11 Ill Huntlni;:tron mRn n ave Tamura follo<A•ed on ]()lie tn 10 ·lr!lgue ma tchr11, won Thr \'Rrs1l\' performers who may nnd 111 .. 0 sr111,.i111 1h'1rd 1n thl' l•ow Se11d1 May 1; whne 18 mPn will baJ1111 of a ~ni111linnal !our for !Ive their ;11n~lell' matr h<'! very easily. f"O 811 thr WRY art• 11rner. T'ld hur<IJrll .J11hn Hrnrrot Ill. holol1•r or ni:ain ronl!'nrt In ('llf11 <'vent. ThP \\'h!le 11nd Hnlf-Mill'r Don Be1Hly. lh" S11n~.-t lo"r 11hnt p11t lt'cord. L{•p n111., trrom ht're qu11hry for the Both boy!! spnrklerl Thur11day with brll<'H''1 1h11t 111111k with a ht·~'" ftnlllJJ et Chaffey. 11n'1 tht> br"t apt>edy rec•>rrl·brPektng vlc-tnriN In rof ~ii !I. II In. f'lr 111)1 '"P"t tn the titre~ f rom the f1nRls becom" e,1g- . " thPlr ~pl'rtc1ltlra. \\'htlo R"f\llOpP<l l'\'!'111 G1>o1r~I' H()Od tied rM fir~t tblt> fnr thr 11tate mt>el. the milt> m 4 :26c6, ""rond bl'llt CIF" 1n lhr 660 In l .:i:i fl. 13ob R1re Jn Th11rll•1av'11 mPPt wtlh the•ett- }frep t 11ue recordod this eell.l!On In cam«' 111 tl)lrtl. r1111 Hrlt"rio. 'the rlv11l11 l!Wl'pt all U\f' SouthhmJ. The clocking brnke Ksrrr 1'EC<1s o 1hr-o>r J1vl1110ns from the Sun!ltlt \\'l\ltf''s i"''n 11ehool mark for IM Jn . B 'comp,.11t 11111, Hl'111·p Knipp l<·.i~11ers · Th".Y Mpped thr \•11rsity umptl"lh t1inn th1!1 yeAr. gamererl llN'Onds in !he hti;:h and ~.-1-l!l, the B's 67-23 11nd the C'a.39· UOS OELl\"t:Wii low bRrrirltdPL'. B urn.,• t .111 ... 1 Knipp • :!!I. Beat!\', who ~tat tf'•I slow but c ame on fllsl Ullll fil'!ISOn, t oured the 880 In I .MT 7, "mnklnR the lad WATf:R HY.ATERS l ALU . HlVICl ••d l VAllS 1 ' Jo~ r#.::.6Jofcf I I I TUMS It rn Cl,.1 DOWN •~o•• H1•k • U)O ---- Call b AM'S TV~· 8entee • ...a.a. • a.Ma Ubertyl-2228 -- IORNIT~E 'S Mesa AlltO recken t 'Md A• .. Pa.nil aa4 Aft!N90rt.. 20'75 Pllittatla ATf'. Uboerty .. , • ., ('oataM..a t• . - DID YOU_ KNOW ••• . Mercury is t,..e only car in its field wi.th dual 'exhausts as standard _equipment on f!'.lo-.t -models at no -e~tra cost? Try if of 1,0ur Mercury dealer'al 11. ,. ' ----------- 117 Pounds of Music •j and fun for Orange County ' • IS on Radio KWIZ 1480 on the dlal .. r I i ($ MOTOR - 12 POINT OVERHAUL SPECIAL! 75 P ontiac I Pa.rta and Labor REG. PRICE t ... $122.72 t . 1nd•ll. S"w Rlnr• 2. ·tllllttll:\'l!w-P111to11 rtna I . lnatall N-RMI Bf'arlnr• '· ('omplf'i.fl \'ak·e Grind ~. t:xpi'-nd Plat-on• .. 6. ! lla&.11 Bu•t l'yllAder Wa.11• BIG SAVINGS ON ALL· MAKES '1. Kldre "-CyL Wall• It. AUp CollllM'Uoa Rod9 t . Minor Tun"· up Io. Repl-.f'fl l('L Pointe .1 11. Rtpl&NI Manltolcl / ' FREF. !:STOIA TES f'1ll:I: OOKPU:SSIQN C~ o .. iuta n . Rtpi-HMd and PMS GMketa MONTHS TO ·PAY GENUINE FACTORY PARts WORK GUARANTOD I. .. i, '. - , • r.\GE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955 OCC.\SJO~AJ, ~IP-.Not the quaffing k illd of nip, but ~he bal>t'ball kind is dl'pictcd hl're as J ohnny Estrada, Bue oulfi<.'ld<.'r, is nipp<'d at first 'in a recent f.ray. This doesn't happC'n oft<.'n thc.>se days, because -Estrada has dri\·c·n in :? r uns off th<.' season and upped his batting O\'erage nbu\'<I the .:mo mark during the. Pirat<.'S 13-7 win F riday onr uml<.'fca ted Riverside. That ~nt Coach Wendell Pickens' pokrrs in a first place tie for Eastern Conference top i:;pot. OC(; is defending champ nine in the loop, aiming at its third straight bunting. -OCC P hoto .. BUD IEATS SWIM JINX REBUILD JOB FACES IRWIN ON TAR Santa Ana Do~s S1rp~se With . · , . , Second Place 1n JC Sp1kefest ~ Buddy Selah• 1&1Md 1<>ma re\'t'ng• O\•er 0.-ne CroWld• ot Santa Monica City Colltlt'I In openlnf event ot the State J u o Io r Collece swlmmufg d141.mplon1hlp1 at 0 ran g e COUt Cotter• Thurilday. The· OCC All·Amerk1n t.-.lyle FOOTBALL ELEVEN S FORWARD WALL .. ~.~";.~ ~.~·.~~·: .. -; .. R: ... ~.: .~!:::.~\:.'..°!..~~-= , • the Soul.hem Callfomla J unior mHt te<'Ord. of 9 39, ·ace w ece111tfuUy -Oefen~ hi• 1600 tnPter title by ~&Uni Grounds tn 111:49 a. . Durl~ the re,gular tank 11euon, Crounda tw1ce out- 1pluhed Belahe In t he 1~00 mt'ter. 'nle Santa Monica mer- man allO ~at Btlshe in t he 220 and H O f reutyle cv,ent• u pon ee.ch ~cuton they ta.ng~ . led. LUCKY ll BucsGointo ·First Place Ye,eran Baclcfie CJ Quart~t Set For Return to Gridiron Warfcwe Sa.llol"I had to aurce from behind. Colltc• track flnala at S&nta , 99 ydr. a nd the C"O·ahUd H Vtn, In tot.al ttam polntl. r J<rlpp duhed ovtr tor th• tlr•t Monll~a Jrr\day nlf'ht. Santa Ana'• Tar TO a.nJ puud to Btrry tor Wldt rrated Oon1 rurpr1N d th• I t~ 1«<>nd. With P arden Grove tra""k ftlberta by taktnc M<'(lnd to ahud l l ·H , Berry b)-oke looae for the powtrful Conipt~ JC 11quad I A ready made veteran bnrkfleld but a depicted forward ' O,CtL 22. Newport •2. H\lnUn(tOri With BIQ 8w1Uhelm teadlnf Utt , wall appear& w be the situation facing Harbor High fool· BMeh 7: Knl~p pltC'htd on• to way. Coach J ohn Wud'• boy• out· I ball Coach Al Irwin with start of sinin•T pigskin practice 0 0 I Charlie Reich for lh• flr1t Tar r aced t rack team• enter.ct from n tourhdoWn. The rest were 11corf'd Lonr Buch, Santa lotonlca, San the Sailor campue today. The s~me qua rtet which opened on 1 tn thll order by Milum, Berry. Ml· Antonto. Fullerton. Loi An~IM. offense for the Tar varsity in last ee::l80n's final game tum. Tamura and C&1tro. Mlrko-Paaadena and Glendale. In plad n1 ag,ilrust Anaheim 11 up~rletl to be lo:.a 111n,•e thl' t hree-we•'k l'prfni: vleh ra.n hla etrlnr <to l~ 1tralght 1eeond to the Tart.&ra from Comp- on ha.nd oncl' 1tg&1n t.vllle tall. grldl,r\ln drlll:t are htwJleJ without coavtr1lona. the Tare to tour con-ton. StarUnir against A n11hl'IOl lut II~<' or any equipment othtr than teeuUve wlna. '8w111helm. lmprovlng-wUh •re. :>:ov. 19 were Ctorge Mt'hu1tt at 1 the porkhldt' lt.M•lf 8A1TEN DOWN llATC'lfl:S &haltered the Santa Monica 1ta• quanerba<"k, halfbacks l.Al rry C'11~-1 \\'ASTt:u : A TOE Oct. 29. Fullerton 28, Nrwport T. d1um ~cord and met't record In tht tro and Dave Tamu1a: ancl F\111· One t>1 the bl!f problt'ms ta1•1ng Mlrko\'lt'h made It 181 but tha low hurdlu, v.1nnl.n1 In time of b34'k Charlie Berry. They're all Irwin 1s a n-plnrement tor pllH " Sailors tailed t o mal<e It five 81 23 3· due bac k u aemor11 nut IM.'Mon, kirking ap•cluhat ,M11 kO\'lch. \:J'hc vlslon1 of a Sumet g rid diumpiort--------------- u.suring Ule Sa.Hora of llne amash· bl~ lat"hh• '''8!\ The To..-for asl ship went ghmmenor. The Jndlsn• lhty eam~ tt'" on t.h• ha.a*• of ml:' 1t{;Wt>r fror~ lS<'H)'. brf'R k·awa)• y,ur·:s llurbor H1gt1 clc~•'n. :O.l1~hty smuhed giplng holl'I In the Tar numeroue long caln. by •Roy spN••I from L¥tro and Tamurn. M1rk <'11\nt'decl <in 16 ~l 1 1ui:ht forward w1tll. "fl• nv scor .. il the \\'rft\'tr, ).t11 kry Flynn and Mlt'k· and hc.-ady signal calhng anJ pn,.1-ron\'•'ri<lefos '*foll' m1si11ng ''""·I lnnt> local TD afttr ~ewk1rli bl.wk-PY Gouyd. J:Sut thf' Tan proved fhg rln,·s~c bv Sc.-hu1tt. For thr 1i\:rrnll sf'nsun, U1•·k •Ii· ed a kit·k no pushO\'f'r with a .11econd hall . n . .\CKtTt:LD J..OS~ h\'f'rt't1 nn :!I 11u t of :!I allf'Oll'l:< ,.ft, .• Sa.nt A ... 6 ._. t rally. UrhmJ 3i ·O at halftime Brr· • h I ·''' . ;,. a na , ... e~ por 1'ot -lh11t the Tani o ren't 10~1ng wit 11:< tl'>l1l:11e. :?O It lookt•I hkt th<' 511111114 111111 ry brokr thr Tar g~e·eyg. Mtrk . Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HAR~OR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY . .PATROL Kl 2-7027 badtfi~ld strt'ngth by way of grsd· By way of retres~lng your mt>m· it. 20.19. even with Mtrk(IVll·h mll!lltd fdt t he third lime of the u111on. Quiirtert,;,ck Hru"" 1.-n1pp 'ry on h~w the :S111l11rs did la.~l nmwnng hlS flr:-t f'Xlro point. But yeQr Tamura tot ed tho 1phr re and halfb1ek11 Bob Milum and Tod Y<'&r. here" Q irame by g1~vi1t run· th" Salnls r<>fUl't'•I tu 1.J,. itt-nu·cl a<'l<':!.', 11nd thrn 81'rry mR•f,. lht' \\'hlte wlll no longer be around 1:cwn~ S<pt. 21 =--:ewport •.Exe'>!-Herry d.ished t-.'"i till for th,. 111111 fln11I TD c•f the lll'Uon. M1rk con- ror tall grid 'tw•tron1rs l:illll thC'ir l'lf•r • lkrry it•·ure.t for the T.1rs TR "° th > 1 I 1• \'trl,.d both or tht'm. I Ht ld t o one hit through t he f~rst rrplBC"em ts ire artrq111\t t' f llft"r " bll'\"k<.'•I punt. M1rko\ ll'h ll('r~e:, ~"11·• 6''!1 r' 'II '1'1 I\ "IJJilp t.::=.==========....,.;a::m~ th·~ framM &lid ~hind ~-0 to un· 'n \ \\' h d 1 f ' "' ~8 • •>r H' 8• r<1n• · 1 r ohtlcal Ad\'t rtltemtnt 1 1 J>olltlcal A1h•4'rtl1f'me.nt I dc>fPllttd Rh·erslde, the <ttfPnding Bul Irwin. t1lnni:-with Llnl' ron\'trtln~. ll two Bt<'nn i< r t \\'hlte launcht'd 1111 aPrll!ll lllt&ck League Tie Eult'rn Ct>nferPnce . rh11mplon, c-.1aC"h J ohn !l!rl~O'l\'fln, faCf'll r~· 1n the flr11t half. Exrt'l!lor Ht1lf· to ltt>i<'h llAd l,nr•·ntZ<'I\ to ~t't up Orange Co8l!t collegP nine. erupt· plnc!'rnent probll'Tn,. 11r tranf.. Rr· 1 b11ck Cory C'rorr>"r tnto>rrt>pled 11n a !ale llllly hy rramurn. But It •VOTE FOR OR. ROBERT H. OLANDER ' ed for 13 hit• and 13 ruM and a turnl'l'I< from th11t An31tPlm lllll't· ncrlol anrt rsmbled ~ll yd11. to lie I Wlllln't tnough. r-. loud •• Tnaat .. 3 7 r1 h F d ~1 ing hneup lndUdt' only Paul Lt>r· lhP llCOJ'(', Or--.,._. eou.-.-1 • l ump n ay on the "P8&1 r. • REllRV FOR TWO OS E ~IORE \'ICTOR\" ... -. .,. .,._, ....,,.. collt•ge t1larnond. The win mo\•f'd tnt:t('n a t end and ,. Dtem11 at I • • 1 , 1 . . . e A o•o•e&uo••• ·,.,0 oueliliecl ..., Coach Wendell Plnc:ktn11' pokus 1 1 guard. CnnP are fUl'h 11tolw11rt11 _ Oct . 1. Newport ·21 . Montt"br llo T Nov. 12. N ~d11 po11rt 13. U~ l\Jl~P 0 .duc•l•o• end ••e>e1tence. 1 111 flr k 1 d 11 as enrls Chari<"\' Rei<'h an'1 r;l'rry 1. John HopklM smr1shell ov"r for amura 1cort' o an enu l\\t'l'p. e ..,cltv• ,,. ,ommunltv ••d ~utll l ntok ll 'th. h 11t 1 Pal~ce f oop R "'' • Andre.son· gu11'rds Glen n ioma11 thP f1r11t Tur truly, Berry for the ~!!rkO\'lrh mlMt'd h111 8!'CQnd con· ' wo•k ,,. the Ora•o• Cout "'••· oc w1 l t r v 11 11 ter 1ver-' • 1 ,.. c E ,.,;rs1on • f the Whit i lde had copped nine In " row. Bill Ring and Bruce Barton: tac-ot itr l \\ o. 'O· 11pt111n gg<'rl re-' S<'lll!On. e ra.s;-ce Fou• cotleci• deq• .. ., ln<ludinq a WA \'JllE ALL WAY klf's DIC'k Jlllrkovlrh. J im N,.w-1 ro\·Hert a. tumble to 111>l up lht' t>d lt> Lorent:t<'n for the lanky tnJ ~ l Mall•• 1 O.,qr .. '" 1he field .. Wayne CoughtreP wtnt all the kirk and Tony j'alaferr1 and Ctn-, first l!Cnrl'. Jll lrkO\'ll'h did the c1m· first TD of his prep caretr. Mlrk fdvu l•o•. way for the blUlhlng Buca. ll wu ter J ohn Eg!l'ert. ''ertlng and jolnt'd T homas -.,~th!' ma.di' lhe bonus digit. e P1edQ•d lo m•••'••• the hl4~ his 11 evtnth w in ag&.nat two de-A.."\CHORJSG 80l'GHT big men In thf' hnr. Lor'lDl t n'11 :"ov. 19. Anaht>im 40, Nrwport 1ta•d11d ol O•••<J• c.. .. 1 Col· fPat.s ott t he llt'&JIOn. He ~ve up Th1a 11pnng. Jrwm anrt M~GO\\'• p11M llflllj{g1nir. the ru'!.nlnir o Co-20. Tho Colonll>ll alreai.ly fh1d th•• l ••a• · 11 hlt8 while his teammatf's•were <ln ho~ to cOml' up Mth 1ome (~&plain e ob Milum Rnt1 the p8S5-loop title With a 2i·H l r1UmJ'h Or. Robert et.~., ~1:u:::,~·~6~Elt:~.N~.~l~~~'~ ~u~i~~m a ~~I~ 14. w~I roM~c~d ~w~me~ w~ l~~K~pp a~k~utl~~fN· o.v.~t~r~~=ll:e:rt:o:n~·-Th~e:y~ti:h:o:"~·e~d~h:o:w~~==========================~ Rlveralda hlld rolled UJl & •·O w1Jl atd .even returning llntmrn turl'd t he fray. - lh d, two of the tallles Wl:amed, In 1nchoring thn.t forward wall. I Ort. 8. Ntwport H . John Mu.Ir and "pfl('ared to llftve t he Pirates An a pproximate 1:1 mt n rnn,·lng 8. Ta.mura Md Bury did the acor- lhll('klod and thf' Eu tf'm Confer· up t rom Jhe junior va.rl!ll)' 11re ex· lnir T1homu blocked_ a pu_nt lo 11el en~f' bunUng wra ped u and pected to rumlllh dfplh requlrrd Brrry 11 points up. !Sewklrk wa:< a lurked &way. Unlll ~e Bu~ wtnt up front and by backfield (°CJ&Ch· b11ll of fire on dPftn11e. Ml~\lt·h to work In the alxlh. <'ll Bill Bernau IU1'1 Don Bums. · rtn his extra poJnt at ring t n six Leadoff spetdllter Roland HUI Irwin flgµ,res some ot hl11 bettt'r •lralg'ht. . , and Bob weu"I wall<ed. J ohMY prospects will not. tum out rlltht \\ L..,., BV l'URK Estrada doubled a.nd Catcher Tony away for 11prlng practice. F we let-Oct. J:I. :-;,.wpor t ~l, Gardtn Lomb&rdo hit a homer. HAnk De-trrmen are playing bll.!leball 11nd CNll'e 19. Mirkovich a IH'\'l'nth. \Ms followed with ll etngle. Then others are on the 1wlmmlng and I eighth lllld nint h <'pnver11,1onlt 1n Eel Ewlltll replaced Riverside ltarl-lt'Mlll team11. There will be lltllc a row, u surt'd victory as tht er Bob Lane and ahut lhe door. Not before lhe 1cora waa knolled MEN ON THE MIDGET NINES at •·• on the three hlta for tour "l see a man ..• he's driving a c:ir . • an OK Used Carl ... Wait, I'll SH if he 's got a friendl" Pirate. Splashers Set 4 New nJ=~~~u~~~ ~~~~long. SCL.ool sw·m M. k ~ M t ~h~ ':nit~~:· .::::~~u~~~. ~u~~~ Corona Harbor H1· Summer Baseball Rosten in 'C' Loops " I ar s m ee ~l~a "!!!11 an~~~!!1 :t~!:::: ' . "1'J. Lombardo a.nd t>eCa..u l!lngled. The follow1ng-are the boy• ... 1 ham, J cibn CWlnlnpam. Billy Srlnt.a Monica'• Oena Orounda t.hra event., but eqll.cte<S a n u Mike Scht'ntk walked a.nd Jerry 11lgned to Chuu1 C 1ummer bueball poyle, Chuck Gardntr, David Hl'n· drft'11tr<.I Orang-e Co.ut College'•( bua at lhe 8&n Dlel'O rletcber Re· Rice, replacing Pierce In r1,rttt tuma a t the Corona del Mar drlckllOl\, Harold Marita, Shep ?ifc- 11, f• n.ting champion Buol l:Wlahe In lit) a t.hree wef'k.9 •ito and haa been field. lllng-led. Thia mad• lt ll_. Youth CPnter a.nd l!Ome of thP Cook. Robert Pre11lopsky, J immy thr<•., l \ ,. 11 l 11 n ·t <'nlly tu •Opture I Thf)Plow h 1 1shbe11dt times e~r-'a1r:,,ce. ror the Buc1. teams at Harbor High School. !Uynolds. T,lm R ysdale. J ohn . e man an leap facing the p UC Juat for ln.uranc:e, however, Prat't!C'e gtt!I undrr way In J une Story, Randy Warren.· John We· 8 ' •I in th" ~ .. ull•l'l 11 l'alllurnta I phomore h1_1s b~tn Ills lnabihly Wendell'• wand "'vtra conjured ft>r these lt'llf!lll a t the tlmta and ber. David-\\'lllla. Jt · •.. \ 1 t 1.; • h:1111 .r,!. 1 • 111,..h· l•l r,.i:am wmd and enduranro for up a final four <'ountera ln the ·dates Indicated: Cuba-Flrlt practice Tuesday, 1 ... • 1 1 II) Tl" i::1n•a :O.loi111 a 1 thr 1.1u!'hng 1~•00 "metr1r l'nllr" elght.h. Ctorge Bn1hop doubled, Ell-C'OROSA IJf:L lllAR June 21 , 9.30 a.m. Don ' Bendia. 8 " '° ,. 11,., 1;A'" 1._, t('r ·;1, till) h' 1 .md tre ... ho1 ter J8·1ap quartl'ml1lc trada lllngled, Coughtree walked, Br&\'PS-Ftrst practlc.e Monday, Ronney w. Blatt, Biiiy F lt'tdttr. lh1• .:.: 1 '·" 1 ft 1, unil tlw tf1.n1 tf'r· )1£TEK :\lt:t.£E BE~T Lombardo 1lngled Schenck walk-June 20. 9 .JO a m. Chr1• Anderson. Jat'k i.·telcher, Stevl'n Flt>lch ... r. ed ·and Rlc• ~tred hi.a aecond Larry Br~rlng. David Connell. Tommy Hazlett. C:eorge J tnkm11 1n1I · • 1 • r H1·l~h<' t•n IUC('t''ll"'" Ot thti three rares b"lWt en Bel· blngle. Charles ?uenlher, Jackie Kimble, J immy Ketler, i.~rank Moore. Tom n1i:t.t~ • r the t hrrr-!11v rl111mpl"n· she and Gro11n·I~. lhe up~nln1; 1:.00 Riverside rallied ln lop ot the Tony, Koppt . Ca1lton, Lowen. Mulroy, Engcne Oppltek , Morton eliq, 111 l.t•r'I::' ll;arh J •tJan High on Thurstl,iy n11o:hl was prubabl> ninth. The lh~ marlltni lltored Chn• l>!cLat"hlln, Robert B. J';raly. Oplltt>k, Nicky Robrrts, );ell Sa\'· At 1.t -"·'.!'·:ill. lhe best. B• lshe W<'nl out fa11t and on tour hlta proved too little t oo Krnt :"\ether)'. lt'r&, Ro~rt Sc:hcpe, Gary Smith. J,, ·,, · ' ~ H•~I l1t11llst In all lr•I fnr 2:.!tJ ya1 !!', then we:ikrn"d late. CAROlNALS -First practice Kenny Swllnll<'n, Philip Timber· ___ .::::.:'-ft. S~n A11tou11/s Brian St11ort LOTS OF BASHES !lfonday. J une 20. I 1 a.m. Cary tal<e. HOME LOANS • At Ora n90 C ounty'1 l eading Homo Lending ln,titulion QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE BUY TRUST DEEDS ON WELL LOCA TIO HOMU LACiU-NA FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHn A""4M ·LAGUNA BEACH \ l\\h11 ~.11111da,\• lll"hl set a nn,1· A~kftrman Bobby Bl.,·knlat RI..., ' " ' Big ba.~hrr11 for t he Buc1 ..,eni ~ ' • '" · '"" Oodger-F1r1l • practice Tuea· nnt111nul J l" J ut) -'"l•I b1ea~tstrok• ard B-drord J 4 " Crawfo~• ,,_,,, -' 6 dune a doz.en. Estrada 11lam-·-· •w• iu, .... , ...... day. June 21. 11 B IT\· Engene Alna· 1e1·111.J1 madt! his btd an•I l'ar"" n·y Cand•lor1 John ' -w· .,ohnny " met.I out two for three, upped hi~ < ~ • ...,, ,., ., worth. Sle\'l'n Andrt'WS. Michael li•·t h l\rl.11•• nnd G1«111nol:s f!Jr the RBI'• for the 11taJl'on to 28 and O'Brien. Kim Oviatt. Tonv P Mle. Brueert, Jo~ph Cllrullelle. Larry ,., 'It H O ~·nrd st1'l'lrh. ht. b&llelng aver11ge O\'er the .300 Brut'e P reHon, J ohn R1ctiw1ne. lJarl, Edward Gallant, J oseph C. t:n 1intl~ 111•wrrl 1111» thp lead 1n rr.ark tor the f1r11t time. Lombardo Al,.xu.ndcr Ttrnbinger. , Ga)lant, Danii>I C. GOOd.man, Rlch- thh !:nr.t ~JtJ nn·I B<•l1<h•1 r:im•• 11p hammeri.>d out three> blowa In fl\'e Cubs-First practice Tufrllay. I ard HMl!Chel, Roy A. Hanschfl, "n Lia· I> I' h J:ltn hµ tu l"1me ol f tries. H I• four RBr1 Friday made June 21. 9 30 a. m. Bill n m<.'s. I Harold Hoffman, Steva Hurw1L:t, the fmal turn almo11 f>Ven w1tb t h" hl11 11..:1..1on·1 tot.al In this calt'gury 1-'r<'drly Bandel, Jni.Jy Brll, Martin I David R Kaatortf Terry Lt>ma.x S~I( 'C 11pln.•h"r llolh m,.n 11h(lwr'1 2 1. Douglas, TCldd Cuan.hn, Jimmy I Ronald 0 Prr1·tra, '0onali:l Seel!'&: II I r('m1 II I >llS k11 l1 '•ll lhP r~ln~ ~ Big Jerry Rice provett .. reru Grubbs. Muun J ohnson. Ru:hard John ScelH . Steven Slaughter. "'Print, with Crvund:1 \\1nnl~ by t'aUl1un. P.cplBt.:lng the ahi:hllY In· :O.tsi;n"r. Fran~ls Homero, John Tim W1lharn11. n lY'llnl tli1.-e 1.,n'h!I of I\ lil'n>nJ. Jured l'terc111 II\ rrghl field In Ute c §~ - - ------==------=== l!'n •. ;,ci ·.~. to R,.lioh<" s 19 ~. S. sevtnth wh1lo the Bucs "-re bat· bollbl'i's-F lrst pr11.C'llco Tue•· Ung around, tho erslwhlle-chucker d~y. June 21. ll a.m. DILie Coker, Bl 'CS TAKE STII proved real hot wtt.h the mace. He \\ oyne R. Gault, Rogtr .J ohn110n. rn11s• ftni•hrJ ~ix:b In the tcsm C(llltC'tt'd tv.o !!ln(;IU ln two tr1pa Bruce K11llan, Kenneth KornwP I· •taruhni-:• \\1th 32 r·mnts (ll• Ft.I· and dl"9\'e In t hree runl!. I bt"I. ;\{ack Morgan. Mlt'h&~I I 1~nn I t JW'l(»•I Hl' ltnm C'hAmps. The Orl!.Jlgc <.:oL'lt nine-tangles O'Brien, Cl'Orge L. P11rant. Tim l•J-111 01·er 11econd vta ce Santa with Santa Ana on the r1'"1ll field Rlcharc1s, Jan Thrilkeld . )lo.ulca. J ack Bell captured third tomorrow a.!temoon. t.ben mwiL ClanU-F'lr11t pracuce \\ l'dnu· BE SURE -INSURE with MAt:RIE· S~~'Lt.:\' lo~uran~ OnJy Pbone Harbor %Ut 131~ E. Coaat ffl(b1UT Coron.a dt'I '9.81' f'IArf' "l'"t~ in both the one meter play a nuikl'up i:nme ;>''Ith San <lay, .June . 2Z. 9'30 am. Marci an I thl'l't' m<':• r d1\'lng, and •cort'd fJernardmo. Hiwrsulo 19 scheduled Blackwt'll. Gary Brocnni;. Ro,;er -------------- t h" hlt:hr.st m 'h'hll1'11 award In agaJnst Chaffpy and Ml. Sqn An· Grable. Mike H aines. U e Mar11ton. 'h.i l\111 d1y 1· • .m~p· tlt1on. colle<Ung tunlo t•> finish out Its regular Ill'&· C'ralg ;-,;pnJ. P.1t OTOOi, Chllflell 18 point ~ nn I\ n!'ai ly p~rfl'.'rt nin· !Ion. ~hould the dradlock betwrcn Pl!Ck. FlMh Rothwell, Andy Smtlh. MESA UPHOLSTERING run~ .1,,uhlt'·tw1sttni;-1 •, p.ke !;om· tho nine r emll.ln In .-ffet"t, 11 play-lndlan!!-F lr!'l pr11ct1re Wetlne1· Uplaola&ert.DI ,.. DraperJ <'r!la11!t uff the hlgh board Sat· off wW be neceNary on 11 neutral day, Jun,. 22, 11 a-.m. M1k~ F lsnf'· urdily nli?ht. field. gin. Ronnie Fulwellu , t.l1chael UbertJ M'Jlll T-" H B o H ISM Nwi>t. Blvd~ Costa lileaa Fifth placi;>s went to Al11n Hod· Greene, uud t'M. airy . 08· '--------------' Br .lmS Brelm Over kin!<, ere" Maccn11vr11y. J 1tml!'a s:rs In tht' 11)0 yard bnck11trok!'. 1..;C'(lr~" Lyon" tn b<Hh tho 200 Ray, Engcne SchUlea. J ohn Shed- h w·th T Bo 1· a kt'r, Lowrv Thnmp~nn. rl'll~t qtrok" nnd lhil lndlvld11:1l I op w 1ng .. ~ "(••• TE.-\~IS nwd!.y. end 1,. \hi' OCC m<>rll1>v 'rlny lrio of 11 ,Ji:,·~. Lyons and !.Ir Md Mrs Biii Brim• ra • Brave1~Ftrsl prs.c-llce Mond&y, f.;nii:ht Sooy. w1id in Ute Weekly Australian Sin~ June 20, 9:80 a .m . .Merle Bl!lbl, Bil· 1-\mr new school recor118 wP-nt !Z'll!3 at the Ntwport Beach bowl-~ra~~d;~~~l~ic~~~P~unJ:r~· ~~1n~ Into the books. fur tho Plratrs: In-lng greens ,TuE-sday. E ighteen J ames Kampert. Lacy Phillip• . < lu<tlng Bel she'" 19 58 s In the mer~~'? palrllcdlpltatted. • b k Paul Lt>Gakell, Jeffrey Lt>wP. Mlch-.,.,, .. ,g n eren, rac els, 1 p 1;'100, Hn..li: .. s' qu:ihfylng tlmt• nf .the Br1na tied tor fll"lt place with ael P t?lls, Chr 11topher 1ckup. • -,, -Mark Ritter, Steven Sht'dd. Randy l 111; , RnJ 2 3. S In the 100 snd l • ~Int& Biii B rima w~n ln the Spa¢noletll, Dwight Tipping. Bill :?l>O yard backstroke e,·,.nts end n pln~-off. Mrs. Taylor l.'ah' won \\' lk r thlr•I with 11 polnUI I.Aw Pettit a " · 3 16 2 by the Bue ffi('<lley 11 10 in C 8 Rudd d Ta ·1 C ' Ca.rd111al.s--f'lral practice J.tnn- 1 . . an y or arr Uf'd 20 o J h B th1·1r qun.ll!ylnl' heat~ tor fourth placo with 11 in•-h day. J une . l : 0 a.m. Jo n oy· . po . ""'esc · 4!T• Donald Runntll. John A. Burn· ,.YOU S~E 10% •• y..., PRESCRIPTIONS f'lll,.d 'tll 10 p. m. Prlngles Balboa Fun~ Zone RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCiAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SK.ALL 2SO SOtb s-. Newpori ~ Barbor 1511 \ OPEN SAT4 & SUN. ALL WINTER •I Look for the red tJk. Togf It's ckar as a crystal why fortune 1miJcs on the man wbo drives an OK Used Car. Thi: red OK Tag tells him be can drive with confidence in a car that's inspected and M:ientifica'lly recondi- tioned fo r performance, safety. and value. lt'a warranted in wrilin& by the c;tcalc'r. - Sold only by an Authorized Chevrolet Dealer ; . MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. C0ast Hi9hway Uberty 8-2261 Newpon Beach LOOK ·AT THESE USED CAR BARGAINS 1952 Olds "88" Doi ('Pf' .. R. ll. Hydra. j lone \\', ~. \\', TlrP11 !'\tltd nl'IV by Ull $1895 1954 Chev. 4-Dr. 81&. Wag .. R .. H .. Po"K n -Olldfo EZ-1 <ll•••· Ukti Df''lt' ln•llde and (IUt $2095 1951 Che~· foltylf'llnf'. '"-dnnr, Pf'rll't't TI!rou(b(lut $765 1953 DeSoto nub ('Pf' .. FlrrdOme \'8. Radio, tll'al,.r. Ant.omatlr Or., l'ow"r .!'<frtr1nr. l'C\w"r Rrai<t••, Loral On~ Own.rr .. $1595 1fi50 Studebaker Champ ( un\. c Pf'.. "·· II. \\', "· \\'. Th·.,,. and that J&•·HVln( overdrh·p $465 1954 Ford ( ountr,\' l"qulrr T}l,. thr,.,. '"'alPr 11lth Radio. llut"r t 'ort1omaUr. Pov."' ,..,,.,.rA;i:-. 1·•n" ,.,. 8,.kf'•, EZ·I C.I~'· \\.I'.\\'. Ttr"" and l?,llOO l1w>al mllr,, ('o,.t S~llOO tut ) •'•r. :'\ow $2465 1954 Chev 2-Door ,K.000 artual m1i.~ SJ585 ) 1950 Ford V-8 C'u•tom %-door, R .. IL \\'. ~. \\. tln't, .Sew palQt Jo• $665 1950 Plymoufh- nub. C'Pf'., tc".. H . W . Ill. \\'. ~r"•· All Or1i1.._. l'l'rfN"t MN'h&11l~ly $695 1953 Chev. 4-Door' ~dan, %-tu"" l[rtta., R., IL \\. i.. W. Tlr,.,., f:Z-1 m-. •-· than 111.000 IM'tual mil,.• $1325 1950 Chev. StyllH U.-IUllf' !-dr. R .. H .. P-r11J4e. ~ 'O" % t 1111C! paint Job 8lld ~lfte O'\'erlliwl lo our ••op ' $695 USED ,TRUCKS AT SE~SATIONAL SAYINGS 1000 We Coast H~e . ' · llberty . . Newport l1adl 8-2261 • .. • ... ' .. "' Brinkman Dope Triai Slated June 13 as Innocence Pleaded SANTA ANA IOCNSI Acc•ut.-111Hte11ly mi.Cl.-mariJU&na buy•, N d of pt'<ldllng.. narcnt1c10 m thl' Imm 8r1nkn11rn an April 9 &nd Ntiwport Bet • .:h •ru. Vaughn L.-c•; Ar,!°~ lkS k d f . n• .n man &Ji e o r a JUry tr111.I Brinkman. '"24. 321 Al1ao,_1'ewpori.l th1ough Ally. Martell Thompson. Helfht! pleacn-d lnnoc-ent tn Super· 1 lut1g<'J h\•& iil&led lhe tri.11 tor Jor Court here Friday. J. 9 ·30 lf...m .. June 13 ffnd Mntlnued Undn·cOVt'r l><W atJthantiM \'~· the defendant In S:JOOO baU. .... LEG~L NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE AD\'ERTl!;EMES T hue RIUS Notice Ill hereby ~'IVen that the lio11rd of Tru~tees ot thv Orange ~<>&at J unlor C<.llll'(le D1•lrict or Orange County, herelnBHPr refrrred t o u the ··owner," w.lll> r<l(' .. IVI' up t•>. but not late-r than 2 :(){) P.M., June 2. J9~:t. MparatP l'ellJed b!ds:for the itward or contract to~ 111 rt'· model the Upbohllery Burld1ng ~h1ch will tn!!lude, among other work, cal.111on drilling, connl'le. carpentry. mti>cl'llaneoua iron, dry wall con- 1lrucllon Interior, and tire door11; 12 I strengthen structure and lnsu.JI chain operated roUlng. doors tn Bui< Barn which will include, among other work, caisaon drilling, concrete, carpomtry, and m1stellanetJu• Iron; I 31 or a combl.nallon htd ot 1 Jl and I 21 above. Such bids shall be received In the office of the Ownt-;. 1n the A1tm1n1istr&Uon Bu1ldutiif, Orange C'0Ri1t Collt>it t', 19951 South Hat bor Boule\'arrl. nl'llr (.'ui;ta M!'sa. Oranite ('011'nty, Cal1forn111.. anc1 11hall be opened and r11hhl'ly r eao 11lo11d a t the •above 3latr<I time tn the Board .Room (lf the Admm1strallon Building. . Each bid muat conform and be reRponSJvr to this 1nv1'tallon. Lhl' plaza, 1ptclfwat11>n11, and all other documents compmnng the pertinent contract document•. Coples of the Contract Oocument11 are now on fil<' and open to pul}llc Inspect ton In the Hid om ces o! the Owner, i111d ot J>arker, Zehnder and A!llOclates. Struc1ntal Engineers, lo<'ated at 2379 Glttnd&l1 Boulevard in t ile Clly of Los Angeles, In 1111td County and Sl8te and may~ obt.alned'at l'llher place by deposilln..-n5.00 for each set Tllla depo•it w1lr be rPfunded tf lhe si>~ or set11 of Oint1·11ct DoC"uments delivered an relumed. !Jl good condition within !1ve days after the bid opening. Work to be com pl.: led between J une J 3th a nd Septembt>r 15th, 1955. A 1latement o! financial condtllon 1U1d deposit o! 10':-of the tolal bid by cer·tlfled check, cashler'11 check. or bid bond is required with each bid;, labor and mall'rlals bond and performanre bond reqt11red of lhe contractor selected. EaC'h bid shall ~ made oul on a form to be obtamt'd rll <'ll her of t he aald offlC('ll In which the Contract Documtlnts are on ftlt'. •Each bid "hall be act·ompanae.t by 8 cert1f1ed or ca.sitter's chet-k payable to lhe Ov.-ner. or aat1A!artory Bid Bond in f~r or the Owner. execult•d by lhe b1dd1n as pr lnc1pal and a gatlsfaC'lory sun•ty <·ompany Ill surety, 111 ll n amount not less than ten perc .. nt of" the bid. The rher k or bid bnnd 8ha ll he given as a guarant.•e thllt th!' bwll~r will •·xec11tc the Contn1ct tr 1t be swarded to h1qi m conformity -wllh lbe C-ontrad Documents an(I will provide the !lllrt>ly b<ind or bonds 11s spo·<'r fil!d t h•·r<'.-p ln within five days aft"r notlftcatlon of the award of lhE' eontract to the bidder . The Owner 1·r11«rves th~ privilege of reJecling tony and all lml11 or to waive any u-r.:gularitles or 1nform1thtws rn any bid or in the btclcling. . f'ur:<unnt to the Labor C•xle of the Stall! of-C..:111tfornia. the ·said ' B~ard ,,f 'fntsto>e11 ha11 ascerla1n, .. 1 the general pn•v9.1hng rat.· of po:r I diem wai:.'f' fo r each r1 flft or type of w1>rkmen ne"ut'f1 to l'XN'llt<' the conlrliclsfwhtl'h will be awarutd lho.: sUC•-'•·~~!111 b1ddo•1's: .and lh<'se prevuiltng l'lll•'ll a1t• •·011la1ned m i1a1J SIJt'<'lf1cat1ons a1h1pted by the Bv1u<l. 01111 a1 e a~ follows; t'l.Al'Ol'll FIC'ATIO:'\; APPHENTICES : May be employed in conforn11ty wllh Sectton 1777,5 ot lhr C:altfo1 nia LabM C'Ocli'. CARPE:"TERS; Carprnt••r J•loorl"l~·er ......... $2.775 ... ~ ..... , ........ 2.97:1 Tablt-Power Saw Operelor CEME;>;T FINISHERS: ................................................. 2 855 L'r,,Hml Flnlsh••r Cl'ment F!nlioher t Composition or Mastic 1 IRON w o n.KEHS: Hi>1n1 .. r•"n~ Jrun \\'orko•r Mt'IRI !':in ~1·t!t t Jlf, t:i l Pan .Seller \\'011 king M"tal f'an SettPr Helf>"r 1'(1 U• tur.ol Iron W orkr1· LABOKl::KS ForPmen 1. . .i, .. 11•rh (j('rl\•1 nl nl' (.'1111:<11 m·tt"n 2 70 2.82 2 85 2.38 2.55 2.17 2 85 2 075 01w1 at111.~ """ Tt•ll•h·I:. 111 Pnc11inat 1{' and El~elrtc Tool~. V1h1·11toni; Jllsu·huw.~ fin•! ~11111lar mt>r hanical ton!!<. 11f•l :-t~·pftt;tl••l\' l•l;i.:t.,l(i't•d h•'I• ltl 2 285 l'PmNll 011mpe1 I lllJ I yd. 111 ho :"r n11xo•rs and h11nriltn1; bill k l'l'lllrnl I . t•cou t ••lt· {'llt\'f Jutp111\·1<>uS' n1r1111b1~n1• Drlll<'rs ; (~Ill'<'. 01:or•IPIHI. or• \\'1oi.:t1n I flnllrn. 1 All ••th• r.<t OPERAT ING E:-.-c1:q;~:RS ~ll 0·11mpri·~•or npnRtnr C:vne1 ett• Jll tx"r Op1•1·a tor Heavy dnly rep1111 nrnn Mllhde 1111xer . Ht•a\'Y !tuly n•pa11·m11n -h••lp1•1 S~lp lnadt'r OpPl'Hj or -wtv el type :? 28~ 2.2~~ .,2.525 2.365 2 68 .. 2 37 2,82 • 2.76 2 25 2 ~2 -.. ' LOCAL FLORIST WINS A WARD Admiring the "C1rn1s Ball,.t'' 'ar<' tL to R I Its crt'ntor. Mr~. J ohn Hartlein and Mlsa Sue\J.·1e·kt>t·, al Las Fluri~tas Headdress Ball on A pril 22 tn lhe Cor·nanut Hoom at t he Al11bassador. Hold. Judged the "rnoi1t bl'au1rful," t he award-is the s1Xth !or' Mrs. Jiorlh•1n stnl'e sh~ orwned hl'r rshop In Corona del Ma~ !l\•e monlhll ago. The cup 1s perched atop the slyhzed t•1rcus tent.II of daffQ\hl and C\lma Llun petals. Lt-a dang the horse. fasllin~ed of white camallons, is a ha1Hlmlldo> papler mache' ballet dan· CPr in costume ot carn11111>n And stauce. .. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART Ir -PAGE MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955 31Name Officers for Business Group' in Mesa TOM HOLTZ MAKES HARVARD HONORS Among 1463 Harvard Uni· verslty students who ranJted on •.he Dea_n'• Lurt a_t midyear 'was Tom Holtz of 306 Apo· lttna A ve. The llat 11 • Har· vard 1cholastlc honor roll. Young Holtz, graduate of Nl'W]>ort H&rbor Union H igh School. 11 a 10phomore. Morr! MolhO, of Flowtora by .Morr! a~ps In !'\cwport Bt.~C''f('"'.. and Coata Mesa, •·ppliu tml~hmg tou!'he!! to a !'ent.:rp1ro·I.' ""' tered recl'ntly in the' La11 rloristas Headc1rt•s11 81111 In LC>ii A ngt>ltl AmbU11ador Hotl'l. The entry won a· prize M "most exotic arrangement." Bue 01 the cenlerpit.'c-e Is co\·t>red with purple atock florets. The' dancil11{ pink t>lt"ph11.nt11 lire t'O\'t't'NI w ilh pln.k roee petals. Skeldomi:,~11 magnolia leaves, baby pink Hawll.lle.n authur lma and f\l<"hsai ramattons from the 81mu· lated clrcu1 tent. Tht' rnp<'ll a re ot fuch"la carnllllun pela.ls. -Staff Photo , Fish Fry Queen feafto,.~ Record C d•d t ""'F•I ·Wilh Brure Mart In as l'halrman. Many glrl11 havt' alr.'a<ly sti;ncot1 up for th(' beiiuty pmtest, J.>rrm Rima, chairman, aq,nounc .. s. l'lnd c-h1lclren are entennit th,.ir pets for the ~t parnde to bt' hrltl th•' Mme da.v as th" l?"n"rHi p11rao!r Mr. and M rs. Carl Thoma.a. local an I a es I e r ealtor couple, left recently Palm Sprln111 vacation. on a Two contutanta tor poiiltion ot Theyc queen ot the Cosla Mt'sa L!o1141 ~et proc••••d; <•( 1lw f111h fry will be llllt"tl by lhl' chtb ror youth v. .. 1. far!' work. 1111!! year•i1 f'Vent prC>· <lul'inJ: $81100 v.:h1t·h wrnl for 1,11•al youth w1•lf11r ... took their horaea along. Lola Vogel and Gloder; Fay have been vaca Uoning In Enaenada. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toblu, Har- bor realtor couple. have taken a piant" trip to Texas. New member• of-Newport Har· bor Board of Realtor• Include George Stewart, an'4Ssociate w ith BaJboa Bay ProperUe11 1tnd Albert Cornelius •. uaoclate with Balboa ~atty Co . Cha.rlee Fr&ncl1 recently Bent po1t ci.rda to fTfenda ln the New· port Harbor telllnr of bla adven· ture1 In Peruvian watera on the craft Toluca. Fra.ncla and lhe pu· MD&'•n and crew aboard the yacht expect to return to N~rt by Jnue 1. Club fish try have illrnady f!ll'cl 1tnd are hf.'ld In the tlPld to win the coveted placA-. Thry Hre Jli<ly Bond. entered by lhe J unior Fri· day Aftl'rnoon and Vlvtan 1''vans, candidate QJ Boots B.ftd Saddles club. Bur9lar Gets $25 Tickets for the tOlh annual fish 811q:l111 v of u r, from lhf' <'R~h try, which Is scheduled for JunP bnx · in th1• t1ff1ce u( tho:> Phrt 4 and 5, are available to clubs· at Theatre w1t11 n<:P"l'to·d lo pnhce Ray Hartzler'• office in city ha ll Satunlsyoy J11h11 uxrn11I. · 11.nd club1 selling the tickets .are • Offa···r~ Raid entry to lhe thee· ellglble to enter queen ca.nJillai<'s. Ire wa~ i:ainP<I hy j1mm;vlnf; a Last ytar'• quetn. 1'ona liry1mt. s1d1-emer~t'm·y exit do11r. The of- wru given a vacation for two flee tll){Jr ansldr t he theatre was at La.ke Arrowhead l<xlge and' el!IO" Jimmll'd, p111it•e 11ald. the Lions are planning an yqually \ va.luable prize !or thia ~¥.ear's queen. Walt Miller. Llone presldPrrt. Is heading 11 general dlv1slons w hich are making pla~ for the two dayii ot tun. The parade WW be b eta lhe mornlnf of the nrwt day, S11tuTday, DEATH . NOTICE BIUAS Mr MAl'ffS Brian \\"ard McManus, two ~ WSONS LOSE SUIT ye&r1 and nine mont.hl, died May :I lat H oag H ospital. Re ta lha ,IK>n ot Mr. and Mra. Jerry McManu1, 211 East Balboa Blvd. Beside. his parenl!I he la 11UrviVed by t wo brnthers. P11ul s n<I De&n. Servlcel! w ill be hel<I Saturday Rt 11 a .m., Jn Baltz :.tflrluary, Corona del Mar Ch· ... pt>l With thP R•'\', W111lsm C. Ge>1rh or St. J ohn's Luther11-n t 'hurch, Orange, 1)fttc1atmg. Cre- ma lion will follow. Fullerton Builder Wins JPdgment of $12.884 Rnbert c ..... wr11rd Wllll 'nlunklay ttlec ted pru1d!'nt of thll Coeta MeSll Downtown 'Bul'lnf' .. ml'n'1 k aJ1o••l111l('ln. Sr''<'ll othtir mem'bera ot the &11M)('lat1on'11 board of dlrec-· tOl'll WCI'\' aU.o l'<'IKlf'rl. Th1 w.it. flanl"t•d. ln<'•Wf'Or•t4'ol (lr,a_nlutll>n I• •·urrt•ntly c1'm111111(-<1 of 3:1 mem- ber" fr<\111 lo>HdinK Jllna •tore1. \\'r-• Harrt>«111. Housr of HU '- nwoy. wa,, l'ho.,en. vjrtr·Pt"'ic1e1'1!: J oe C'. H111:nphno o! Ted W. Brown ~lets, t reuurer: Mra. J . \\'. R o'inl'rt o>( ltl'inert'•, MCn!- 1 tarv; and bnard mPmb#r9 al lar.:e Mr!!. Jo;vdyn Green, local I propc'rty ownt>r, Kf'rm Rima ot lh•• hu<lware l!tort: Sam Ct-&wfont I ot th•· phumrh'y, "nd G. N. Wel111, I relll f'l!tRtf'. , l '11drr 11t11ct;v 111 hinng of a man· 'ag<'r Mid RPJ'Olnlmrnt nt many more <"l•mmiltrl' ,.h,.1rrne11. Chair- men • alrt"&'1y 111•lectf'tl Include Wells, parking publiC'lly: Mn . Le- Roy Andtr!l(ln, new mtrch&nt•' W••lrnmlng •·nmmlt tttl'; Humphr1f' .. publicity c·h11lrm"n: R. D, Fl&her· ty, prnniotlon ; and Stewar;t Prtct , historian. Thi' jt"roup ha_, deC'ldtd to antn & rftr or float In the Lion•' Fti.h ~'ry f"tr1t11e Junt 4. PurpoM nt tht' or~am:tat Ion IA to S!llmulale, rr"'note 11ncl dev1•lop the down· town Mru JOhopping district and publicize •\'llll&ble perking faclll- Ues. Escrow Officer Praises teagiie for, Tax Vigil C•1mmrnda\1on has been rttc,lv· r11 f rom R. M. Rrown, prn11ident of l.lobt> Es1·row c.1m p1rny, by the FrN•dont TaxpA)'•'r~ i'A11gue Inc., it w1111 1tnnuunce<l IAJ1t wel'k by V. L. Ma('Carto•r. pre11lrll'nt of the lAa· J:llP. M11<·c·11nrr' 111Ud Brown &n· ll!lllnr1t\'1 rP(Und of OVt'rP'U'.!fll!Til or uue3 to 88 pllrrhuer11 0?"1TMne1 In the Newport Vis ta Tract at the 11ame lime. ThP lell<'r fTorn Brown. u ~­ ll'Rse(! by MacCartH . said the 1um re f 11 ia ct e d the 88 purcha~r• amounttcl to $2232.17. "Your com- mlllee ill t o bf' commenMd upon the result• or t;1e concerted action ta.ken by you tu eorn ct th1! ob· vtously Inequitable taxation ln lh• project In which you re1lde," M&c- Carter quoted from Brown'• let· t~. Golf for Local loys Ray Ro11st la't1Upervl1lng a l""!>llP ot 40 Haroor. Boys' Club goiter• each Thurflday att~n at Or- ani:e Coa..-,t College. Buie funda- ml'ntsls or golt are demon11traltd IUld practiced by the icroup. Boy1' Club bu• t11.ku the boy1 oul to th• colltge a t 3:4:1 and retucn1 at 6 :15 p.m. SANTA AN A !OC~SI -A Fullerton contractor Thuniday at· temoon waa awarde"d a SU.884.83 judgment U"Blnat a Newport Beach eouple In cbnneclton wHh a dispute over a• rl'modellng jo9. ENJOY • Superloi:., Court Judge J ohn Sbea round In favor o! E'. J . H erberl over Mr. a.nd Mrs. -Howsrd B. Lllw· ao~. The platntlft eought the $12.· 884.83 'which he claJmed· wu the unpa.ld j>a.lance of & '37.154.59 re· modeling tuk he performed on the Laweon houae, 1220 W. Bay Ave. -' . HENRY CLAYS '1 i-::=.:..--====T1 at·t .. r ..!J.llt.U<l.!.!£ B11lld11Z(·r. tamvu. sci·apec or ·dr,ag type 11hnvtl or 60onliiTiachmi>nt~·-_--• 2.~ CROSS. OOMPL.Ul\"T Tha LawiOna bad a crou-com· plaint before Judg• Shea, charring breach• of co'ltract and uklng f<>r dll.mag.s. They · 10ught $8507.~ whirh th,y userled wu the dif· terence between what the job wu worth a.nd what Herbert charged lhttm. They a.ISQ. uked 115,000 ff'n· er-Al (iamAg"el. That w11.11 th-e •· mount they aald It would take to rclltore the premise• to the de· ~Ired condition. Le.wllOn la a pro· minenl Harbor arl't1. rul estate d~veloper. FAVORED· I TRUCK DRJ\'ERS. • Dnvl'l'A of dump tnicks-IPSll than 4 yds. w11ter l<'Vt>I Llrt\'Prll of dump lrucks -4 y<ls. but less than 8 yds. wat<'r level . Drivers of dllmp tniC'ks -8 yds. but lells thAn 12 yds. w"t<'r IP\'el . PAINTERS : Rr~1h1r b.ruah patntn !ton, strPI sn<I brtoli:,P . Ronfl'I' Rnnf Pr r orem11n Shi'<'\ m<'llll worki>r !SOT!<:: All of lhl' sbl've C'i11r1 s AllhJPC't t•l <r1n,1:e b1•nf'ft1s. . 2 18 2 21 2.28 2 ,iO 2 :i:. :! 87 3 12fl :l 00 OVERTIME RATES F()R SIX BASIC TRAVES: lnC'tdental lo tne 1rart Involved. O\·Prtlmt shell b<' p1ud for work rerforml'd in PXl'PSS of th!' rei:uhir cf1ty 's 01· \\"f.'l'k 's w ork and at the rAlf.' rur t1Vf.'rt1me uf the craft mvulved. Hnhday11 ss htr<'ln rpfnT!'d to sh11ll be <iel'mo>d to b,.·:-;,.w YPar's Day, Der111·11t1nn Day. lndPt~ntlenC'e Day, l..11b••r D11y, Anmsuce Day. Thllnk~givinir Day, 11nd Christmas. lf any ''' the ll bo\'e hollda.ys fall on Sunf!A)'. thr MondRy follow1n,:: 1:111a11 be ron!<1d~1 I'd a li•i:al holiday. It shsll bt mand11tory upon lhe Contrn~tor to whbm 11 contrsct is a waroit•1, 11no1 upon 111! subcont ractors under Mm, to pRy not less t h11n aald gen<'ral pre\·a 11!ng rates of per c!_1t'm \\'Bf.rl'll to 1111 workml'n I'm· ployl'd 1n thP Pxtrut1011 or th<' contrAt'l l'o b1cldt-r ml\y \\'ilhdl'll\\' h11' btd fnr 11 pr1 Ind of 30 1fay3 Aftt•r th~ date l!t't for the 11pt'ntng e>f bids. BMrd of T rw•lt'es, Orange Co11st JuntCtr rcolltge Dl!trtct. Orange County. <"111iform11 S1,1merl : B. H PETERSON. St'crrl1tr\' Publish: J\111~1 ll encl 16. l M1:'!. Open: J11nt' 2. J!l~:I -2·110 P M No. MIS :'\t'W~·l'r .. ~s HAPPY MO~tEXT-Mra. Bernard Bell, Laguna Beach, smashes bottle of champagne against prow-of the Bells' new ketch, Aquila. Saturday. This first model of New- porter was launched at Lido Peninsula Shipyards. Bell watches wife crack the bottle. -Staff Photo First "Newporter" Christened Here ' by Laguna .Beach C.ouple DEATH NOTICE :.trio. Bl'rnard Bell, wife l'f the I builder, Lag-unR Br111•h SA111nl11y C'hrL~tent>d lhe f1r~t "~ewp•1rlPr," a 1 ---------------rwlllJ 11111del a11xrlt11rv sailing kelc-h bu1lt0 at Costa Jlfesa and lorol JOllS I. BECKER \'11ru~ bv·cia renco Arlt!'rman. She Funernl 11en·1cr11 for John L. ~a.nw~ ·the · yi1<ht Aqul11l. which B•'• kt'r. 'ii, of 23:!:1 E lofon Ave .. frnm Lllttn llter111ly lr11n11latcs 1 ·,.io1R M··AA. wrr·e hPld Sunll~y &t "r.n!tk n F:ogle. ' Th111 ll>Hlt•• ts r>·· ~ :lfl I'm, in PArk!'l'·Ritlley :'>tor· ni-t>ted hy 11 goh1 emblem l'f th,. . 1 , blr<I \\ hn11e ''mi::~ a re ramJ'll nt tw11y < hRpd. ( ""1~ .M ... ~a. with an os.$ the msho1:any iot"rn. j the R•'\', R!'bf'rt 'n Gtonlun<I, JXls· To ny t he &!boa YRl'hl Club tnr of :'\<'WP"rt Lulhl'l'!ln C"hllrrh, burgec, ~ Aqqila la not Uw m1r .. err .. tat•ni:: flri<l va_chL TI1ev former Iv nwnrrl I . thl! ,;loop Glrn~I" II. The nPw Mr. Bl't'kt'r dte~ \\ ~dnr~day _ 11t boAt 111 40 fePt Inn!(. "1 th ~ l:l·fl. I hi~ hf'mP 11ftf'r ft ~1orl illnl'I'!\. He llP1tnt i1nrl rlrAw!' r, rrrt. 8 tnrhu . wAi; 11 r.alt\'P nf ~bl~y. Ill .. and Hnbert·1 complaint called for toreclo1111re of & matertalman'a lien a.nd money. Herbert contended he ente~d In· to a.n agrettmen't April l , '19!13, w ith the (lefenda.nt1\on the co11t of rt'modellng the lattU•' place. He 11ubmltted a s20.ooo t., 12~.ooo c-oat esllm11te. , ·91u.s P~ Work was slarte<i and bill• per· lndtcally pa.id by thl' derend11ntJJ up to and l"'ludlng July 9, 1,953, according to !he plfilntlff. The de· r~ndanta later paid 15000 on an $8073.41 atatment. the .plaintiff said. On his total cl&lm , or $37,· 154 59. howher. the deft'ndant• p1wl only f24.269.78. He aald the 1·011t wtont up because the defend· ants !!Ought a ddltlona a.nd chanr· u .. ,,.. (}w;,, e;. .. ~ ... _ ra111e to 11\u• rnmmumty .!!!-X year.11 ro-----------------------------------------.. :·a.·"'· HA we-' 11. r"ttr.••l fnrmPr and Th11 dffendanll arrued t.hett wer11 error• ln the ~h&rgu made by H"t bert. that they made dlract payment.I to materialmen and workmtn and that l ha bllla didn't rnnform with th• bill of partteu· larir:" ..... _ .. __ .., .. _ ---__ ..... n1Pmhiir of 1'1'wpoTt H11.rbor LU· t h·•111n Ch111 ch, Ht t• 11un·1\·ed by l lt• wift-E:l<'se t .. of tht"h .. mt' ad· t'r•M Inl< rment wa11 htlt1 11'1d11y .H J "p m In. H11rllnr Rut Mtm· , 1 .nl f'11 rk C"m"l"ry. "lU..IA'.\t \\'. Gt'THRIE The lh/•ndAnU a.clm1tt.ed uklq tor 10ma c.l1a.n1ee bUt elaimad tll• amount char~ for them wu ... CMl-lllve. F'un•ral ... , \ 1t "~ hr \\'rlham \\'. had lived hara f(W 9lpt ,...... a. r.uthrie, 7:1 nr llllO \\'ut l ith St , wu a tttlred .meclUnill. 8""1YOnt Co.ts Jl!q ,.,, wPrl' held 8atunlay .,. thiM aona, 'WIUtam W. ot Coe- -.rl1 a-nr m-P11rbs·7'tld:l!!y M'~· ta WW, L; B: ot lAlll ~ ia4 't\1&ry. I "nots M!-"3., I he RP\'. Ch&r-M. E. cof Bak•rlltleld; a du&fhltt, 1 ... fo', Hand off1n11llng . Mr. Guth-Mra. Dicll!l ,V0,.1 ot Loe ~­ Mt .,ted Thur..tay In a :'Jorw11lk an.d a ... Mn. 1'ctwell ot .._ h<'llf'ttll..I flfl"t "In "lll•n'1f''1 ttlnf'~"· kerllfl•ld ; aJ80 tour l"'ftdehllclNn. H,. w11• 11. nattVI' uf R11 hhlll M", f'rlv1t• lnunn•l WM w•..- Mn:le c.o C..Worn&6 &a 1n1 M4 l •ood OlllDit\er7. WHISKEY! The greatest name in bourbon-hist.oric favorite of famous men-now in a lighter, milder, lower-priced 86 Proof bottling as a companion to the world-renowned 100 Proof Bottled in Bondi 88 PROOF' Kentucky Str•i•ht Bo111bon Whirlcey c.dcbrac.d Q!d Crow-lighttt. mildq,.ancl lower-priced than die •• Proof Bocded in Bond ao'nL•D IN aoN'D 100 ~ROOfl' IC•m.:k7 Straifhl ~"'~ . ,1\e --bout ci"-W bo.dioal nm1able .. wual Mey is National T -lvern Month Ask for Old Crow at your fav~rite taver:n ! tMI OkD. c•ow OllTILLllY C.OllPAN'Y. FIANK'O.RT •• ~IN!..-.Clf \ • ' . ' .,. .. - I\ .. PAGE~. PART It -NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS l_~_!'_;~~l!~.E &>n l<:,.t;"-4"'-"...._-' SO-~tbN·Uaorou" 3:1-~1 1 .. r1 llan1·ou~ !O-.~i111'f'llan,.ou~ for Sa~ • MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955. C AR p EN T E R "-----~---·---------------L-1 ;~Qt ·£;---~~~;.~ft~~"-~11 11 11· Che ck these Used Cars Bob Skiles is Sefl ing but-. · I .:'"·' 1111 1·• 01.1 P"111r•• .1 ... k"I I> • H I} r .. II •• I " .. '" .• 1 "I ' \\ 'I I ,. ht'l I' Tl t!.lltRnl'i\\ '" I 1h o1 111• "Ii.it 111' ,.,.JI• T<IJ 1A \' 1 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTfCE Repair Work · · · l'-r~·11"" 1t·11 ·r· 1• ·: •11 The followm~ must be '>ol1I imml'\hah I~,.. f • Hm:' to .1 .. 11,.,,. Ch.i•I" l1~"" DIM!• \'uur Home "'ed .R'pa.lnn& B l'tl.'I E Ar..1111110 N, l ~•llG or Remodeling'! Nearly new pow~r mowe-r . '4 1 <'fllW. Bui~r· •>X u .. a .. n s.-~i:1:• ivu, -------- fo-Aut.os a.ntt Trucks ( F.ttTlt'l('A1'Y. Of' Dt'!Sl~l':SS • t he ~l"\•lee on you nt lhb mim· t"IC'TITH>l , •"lllM S AME mons. II aen ·ed w 1lhi;t \hi' Countv T b. un•I 11u~nhl ito hertby cerll·, n.t Orangt, or "1thln thlrlY dayt1 If f\ 1ha!.. u1, \' uh' l urulUL.lmi: 11 !t.Ui, ioervt'<! ell!f'wh'r'· An rt y N 1 11rr n °11 J•llclWh' nn•I albarore procl'sstni; I f1rd that unlu.s you 110 appear a:n11 l'ltRll""' .. "' :!111·20th Stn·,.t. l':t·1f· I "1urw'r u abow• l <'quln"I, th•• 1., t • l~ral'li rnllfnrnlll, undr r ttle I plaintiff w\11 lllk<" Jtufgm•n t rnr fl• t ,, 1,.11~ 11101 nnm " nf E:Lt.I S 11ny mnn"'y nr damagr~ 1lrm1tnol- ,\ll,\ Lft-.:t-: ('OMI' A:'\Y anrt that) rd In lbe Complaint. 1u &risrni: ,. 1,.i fin•\ i• 1"'°'I"'"" 1 of thr fn\. 1 upon <'ontract. or w ill 11ppl\• to th1• h·w•t11oC fl• 1,..,1,1. 14h°""' nau1ca In <'ourt tor 11ny other relit'! tk m an<I· (••II unol 1•111• •'II nf rrl'trl•'""' are a11 ell In lhr complain\." t• •111•1 ~ tto·Wlt · Glvl'n undrr my hanrl 11n.t1 ,.rr.i 1.\:-.n:s ,, ~:1 .1.1~ l fl.'\11 FNlf'lnl or lht' Superior Court of \hP ('nlln· l'°'''" · A',.•tn ;\l"llll. t 'nllfom111 ly nr Orrt nj:•'. Sltll,. C'f C'aliforni11 I' \TIW 'IA M EJ.1.1 ~-l'tR!I thlll l~ <1ay <Jf A1ml. 19.'i~ I• 1 •• 1 l'tl"• t ('l'l~ta Mr1<1\ Rh· '"'fl .• \\ ,• M••, Mor )Hln1l~ lh11 l:lt h 1l:ty rr ,\J•lil .111~·. f.\~I F:\ J> ELI.IS 1·a THh'IA M .. :1.1.1s :0-1 \T F: rn-· <.\I ll"P H:-;IA t • o(' I Y f1F 111:.·\;\l:t· I•' B. J . S"U'fH. r o11nt v Clhk 11nrl r1r1 k or th" Suprrunr ('0111 l nl the ~11111' Ill Ca l1fnm1s. In anil lnr the C"OUJ\l.Y "' Ot tlOJ:t' Rv '" \\'A Y:'\F. A. T'RA• :F:R l •rr••' y '\OTIC't: Af'l'f;\P.\~IT ii. CaJJ f'r&nl(. w1>e.r..r a-t 9M trailer. Ii<'. pd. 16-ft. outboartl 100tor bont. Com= ------------ All Work C:ua rant1cd Htrc~ bl F, !'tll ril r:i:::-:n \l>,J': "' l ' b,n,h Painting & ,Paperhanging We. J o the work ours<:lves. 30 > 1•ars expenenc• J.1ccn•<'d & insurf'd. So.t1•!11<'t1on ~u11ritptccd. Est101a1cs tree. Ca1J Joh~nle. LI -26 7 & LI 8-(>2 ~ Sltk ~ ------COMPLE'J'f<j PAINTING & Paper Hanging t:ervice El'Ct-:~1-: 0 SAL':'\DEKS ' :100 :11~1 St11•N. !l:~wpmt oe&l'h Hulinr :!\l~tl tor llnr. 4 \16 trc plete set drums, f'~tra bits. tl :-um. P orta e .~ty !:dlr 'lll<fil I! wffk~ vnly ,., 1111 organ. 2 \"lolins. mo,ndolln. pri\l'licr-xyloplfon4.'. , 1 ",q, .. 1.1 pi.•IU• \1111 i.1n1tn.i: Commercial double wafflo-iron. 4 burner hnmburgt'r ilua:.Un. LI iHiOOJ. Har. 31.1:? gJ'ill. Large coffee urn. P1s hrnj; pcil<'. trunks. ~ box: es tools. 3 house doors. J. .. ge. curbonrd. old drei;ser. oil heater . odds & cr.d~ rlishcs. Compll"te rlectric p~int spray like ucw. ~ clothesline poles & line. Shovels. spades. hallt'rl', bridles. sidt· saddle & hun· cirett other articles. Pract icallv at ~·Ctur own pn t'<' - Call at t railer -1517 ~u1wnor A\'f:., C~•sta Mesa. • • ' 4.9<·:-11 ~ ,~,, 1, 1 ·:-; H)H ~J\ l1F. f' 11'k• r 11\,ll,. ti.111. I 16 j.'11 .... 1111t Jo:LIO 1-:)(11 I· I· nt , .. 11,1111 •• n. l)tll t>\'""· 11 .. rlmt . -~.1,.\V 1'. iilf1 Sil· ll-A ppli11nt'ft -; -----.. ----..--------... --0 ·1.-EEFE & "tt,;lt lU'M' rnl\ge, Nii t r1111, i;m11I 1·11n•l •11111 I 6 '11 ft :'<•I \"c•I g8.i rl'ft I); ~'II tOg•'lho•I 111• H'l•llllllt•. H ttt. 3:'160·:11. <lltt:1 I -. - PAINTING I ~-1--Schools, lnstnictlon 29-Hrlp Want~ LF:\\ YT \ac uurn dNUl"r, nll &c· 1 t'"''" " -I I.I roll· 1111~c1. b"'' n in ,.t .. r.tl?•' $1"1. Ph. H n r 3!177 Ex!F.n10R 1:-:TF:R1o n Real F & ft M!";l..LO I .... """" 1 in l.'ill~ ln'Jn<' Avr call "' , . ., Llwrly .1:w 1. 43t!c Estate School Santa Ana • •lk~l Washing Machine C:ER\'lC'C -- SEE THESE TIP·-TOP CARS B~EFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING HH!.1 l tl'DSON t-clr.. :! lone. Radio & heatet . An ext·t·ll<"nl transportation cur . . .... S 42!\ Hl53 lHRY8LER lmp<'r inl. 4-door tl<"dan. 2· \lllW J:l'~<:n. An <'X~t'ptinnnl car with all the cxlras ............... $1993 J!'l5l ~HR YSLER. New Yorker 4-dr. Llght .)!r'l'i'n. automatic tranmit1sion. R & H . A onc--ownrr car . . ... S124:J Hl5 t CHRYSL E R New Yorker Deluxe O ub Cpe. ~-tone gray. Radio. heater. pown st<'<'rini::. New W.8.W. tir<'8. An ~xctl· lent buy ......• _ ....... $2595 LOU REED ., 11( 1 •1 nth tl&v 1 r Ap11I A " 1'1 . 1:. f• 1• 1• •• W)llErn H 11 1 I(\\ IT'/. to '"I •rv 1'11h.1t In s n•I ft r th.. t I ( 011n'\ hntl s· t'• I• .. :-•tin..,. th•'' an tlulv • '"" .~ .. u.n• ! IU t 24\\•'rl. J1t•l1oittl1hl1\ Hpp 1•U••d J ,\.\IES I • Fl.I.IS 11n•I I' \'I Ith "IA M 1-:Ll.IS l.nc1wn '" 111• 1 .. "" th1 APf'"llr• tn :in 111·11«n \\h,.n he ,11.•· ,,., ·~ 11· 111111• ur ... !\'I .'I 111 .. ,.,, n-GENERAL co TRAL"I'lNG ~fE:S & \'\'OM.E:'ll prtpare In 1p11re llmt for unhmlte<1 npportunit1u In R eal Est11te. Nrw rlu M!1 weekly. Al Tyler instructing. At- tend flr~l e1·rntni:; frl'e 11 nc1 !ram about \his gr'111 field. Call or write now rur lnro1 mat111n. IJusr· n's:s l n!illtut,, 415 i, ~. S1:t'll· more. K l 3-17~3. 74tfc Cosmetic~· Treatment l ·~~ar i;uar.rnh··· un )Qbs d''"' ant! or, US<'•I \\&Sht'rs 21881• 1rt•ar1 Newp<>rl Bl . l:O!illl !llt'aa Llbt·rty ~· 1503 or Lllx•rty i-.-13~7. .G Ille 1~00 \\'1•st Coa:;t Highway. Ph<lne Liberty 8-3488 •1rr w11tt1'n nroti"· .,( '" ·1nr• 81·' F111111n1t & F'nunilfttl"n~ .,, • • • ''I • n n 11''1111"'' "''' Fi~•' E -11018 11 s & 1'11\n Sl'f\'I<'\' Used Car De p'artqient Now Located"at Our New Building ~~'.'.' .. ,,·.:1. :: ~·:··; :~·.. '' 1 111'=·.. C. Sherm Allen 1~·1 I t,. Saleswomen .\n \\,roe tar '' :1 ' l ,., , r~ r-ctln'6 \\ l·t1'-• f1,ll ,t-. •ti,. ~llh~ n •\ 11t1r •• Uf"l1\ 1,\1 '" ril ,. I t , '11•· 11 1 • 111 m t 11111u n t 1 •11.1 k 11n1l n. 1,111.11 Ir·!~• •I I > nw thll. th• Y w•th 111.. Liberty s.7576 11 •. r r••1111 • '• n~ H., ... 1f4•\, 1 h• 1•Jl • unn•'''' .. • t •·•·1ft t t ••in.Ju · •n. S:!'I~> !Oh[ 060 I I.I b•l\IJ(l1. 11,lfhHI WE DON 'T SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Us~d Cars '"~~I :-;.w l 'f•''· l'X•' 11'~d I ,. >-tll ,.• /, '• t#l 21 Jtl tt fl, l.i In ,,,,.,,"" \\h•·ll·•1f, 1 h,"''' h '•'''• 7 ,: l!•_.-,;1 ... . " -J\!11 ""''' ••: 1: .. l ''"I 11nol .1111i.1 1l 111y l _______________ _ (•f lt• I ol • al th• d.1:· """ \• II Ill ( l"HTIFH' \TF: 0 1· r11·..;'"":"'s I t h i< l. 1111 .. 111. 'l''L ...... , •• \\I 11"11 l'l('TTT!Ol '"I Fllt\I '\,\\ff: I llCIJll :HT It. Hl 'H\\Tl'Z , Th•• ll•l•io'r<o , .. .i ,•.,,•Q •hro•h1• \\\' C'1 ri.ftJ ..... 1un Jo >i.f•IJ•"' r•1111' 1htn ~h•• 1 i 11n•\rht1rH:." .\I I\' .. I 1~1 ·1:1 •I.I\• n•ll'" n• .'I )H>ool 1• I Ill flo•lio· ~•'":'• 1 l111•r" ,,\\:nn~ 1·rr1n t di ~\nr. 1'••\\'.'"l·P Jt• .... "" l~ :!.•. fi '2. ~•. H1~•:.. t'allfu rntu 111uk1 th•• fu tit u-. I '\" T ttt: "'I l't.IClllll < 11 1 llT 111· ·rnt: 'T \Tl. 111· I \l.11·111"1 \ I:'\ A!\U' 1'1 111 Tift: C 0 1 ;\T\' Cl"llll" ••4 ll t1•p1• )l:l\" S1h1u•I ,1nl lt1kt .itd hu~ui.·.:~ '" ' .. ,,,, .... ~·1l •1f r H•· f •IJ''"·ir,i..: p...-.. ~·n '' h "''. u:'1t1•\ 1nol plnr • of 1 r•1olrr11 •• k1" "" fhl· 0 1' O IC \ "• t: ,;\u, ll\1 1~ 31lfc . I :?8---S_ih1~_tlons __ w an __ t_t-_d _ CEME~T & BUILDING ------- 1 l.ARlJE:"'l:'\G ;\JI l\ln•I~ FREF: ESTrMATES Liberty 8-610!) For That SPF:CIAL 1'1\ l:'\T \\"ALLf'Al'F:R DF:C'ORA'l l:"'C JOH CALL Wm. Rahr. 1\1 5-3621 2:uw l'llltl'D•IM R I . ~ A H UI !GARDE:>; MAINTE:-:AXC'F:, yn1d ··Iran up c "nil Klmb··• ly ;1.:iu2~ u11 y~ 01· Harbor 3031 oltc•r 4 4i pl!i .. :Xf'i:Hlt:::"\1 'ED ydt hl I 11pllltll Any s ize -t.11o'S1•\ ur ~ai., ~u1l m puwi-r. J.;wal 11nol nttl!.,n.11 11~f1•1 • enl'»~. :'\un .1nnk,,1· l'nn n1<<1n· J!irn <le np• nH c• up to 60 rt nlnnr Capt. Shsnnnn. l.l 8·6:!il. 4ip~9 F qr a lC'a d in g Santa -=-• .i .• :: 4"r·,o Dept. .. Store. Ana Must have experi- ence in selling bet - ter-na me lines. Sala r :t!_:._F11rnit11rt' for Salf'I ' Mes.a Woodcraft l 'npaintl•d & JU\'C"11ilc Furnitur<' FIRST A nnin•rsary ~ALE! THrn WEEK ONLY •5:~ BUICK Super-Riviera , Sharp! 'f°>3 F'ORD CustoJn 4-dr. R & li. O'drivt . A crt'am puff ! 5:l MERCURY Montrrey. 4-dr. Manual 11~ift. Above avl.!rage. '5:? RUICK Convert. C'OUpt'. Dyna .. R & ""H, A·l . '51 ICK Roadrnaster 4-dr D • a. R &. H . A beauty! ZOLOTONE I House clcll111ng-F loor w1.1icrng A f ' I tOfu"' .\ \'••ntl•. (_'1 r•lJ1fl d' I ~tar. r llo n 1>r1111c.:h1 11 l hr i-111wr or 1 'ali(ot iW\. Lit• nwd 10 llllrbor arra \\'all washmf(-W1nt.1ow l•lt:oning < ourl "' llw < "''"') "' Urr•ni:•" \"cnt:tu1n bhnJs, t:pholstcry Please write, giving full details, t o Box E 69, this paper. 45c50 '\\'f:s TEH:-; J•1:-; .. : '.!6"·~~r , r•:; 16 {l:o 21\"-<t llr. J<•J! 11 !<;, 26"-3 <1r. "'b 12 !•~• Cll~'":ST~ $11 !1~ $12 .11~ $109:'1 See us for a real deal on a NEW '55 BUlCK. a n LI c om1>la inl fil•"ll In lhr O ffh'\' \\ ·'n• ·• nw hJnol ttns l f'h ll·•Y ____________ 4_1_'60_h l lnsu1·ed. Frt'e E~tlmllln or l ht• ( l1·rk or ""' '""'•ri"r C'11ur1 ' ( Af'1tl I!i-.·, LJ"'-rty ~·1 332. ltfc ,--.1~:A :'\ F \'.\l"t:HX ""' 0 .. , ..,.,.i ' """', · H Pl J t:VE~JU!:· c1tr.~Tnom:. r l='· I!;H EO !\Afl\1'1''. n•>: s:i;,. $:?fl :.O TERRY'S ·BUICK STATr: f oF 1·,\!.Fl •lt:-;IA ouse ans ' n J 1.:~'1~;~ r,·, ... ~~,i!;~:.~."~~ ~;~:1~~~ c<it·xn· rw oH,,x<.;r. 1 ~-~· j Expe[~nii~g.JfrJ~ener 10', off on all chc·st.s on floor, Pine. hardwoods and RC'mi-J,IS AllAL(1'F:t 'll~ll'¥\;\"Y l'l.1 .n· IJ11 lhl• l ltholll) 111 ·'1'11 l .. 1o LIBERTY 8·62!:#1 1>r1111 " l!H' 11 :'\111n· 1· 1'11lllll' tn and lOUc and CLEAN UP~ 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport &?ach Hnr. 5021 , ~ r .. r ~11·•l l" .. 11n:y 1111tJ !'ta1 .. "·1tltn,1.: I Llberty 8-1659 1-·rnsT CLAS.S :111, han11·11 w antl'tl. HOY F. \\'EHll 1111>1 l'llAIU.E~ 1hr to Ill, cllllV I •1111111~"'"11• I .11\I T•ME TO PAINT 0 f TOt>• ~I \L'L"' ' 8 1 c I 1·00L"" . ._' :-:.:-:.~r•·u GRl.""" DER E H\' 111111 \lw ,., ,,1.\ '"l\l'('K E YI·::· i<'.\'111 n p1·1;;1°n;lllv "!'I" to I J, 111 I "' ,_..,, c.:.... " t1rr, hardwo~Js. S:llAl.L l>~~1 ·u~IT.S wdl 11 .. 1.1 Rn) II rill lo> (A few blks East of Newport City Hall) 34-Mu.-.ical, Radio, It T \' -10-Aut.oe for Sale c..; .. 1t1fi.1110• "' ,,,,.,1.J ,-.;.,, :.!il,!127, F. \'aui:h11, 1111"11 11 tu"'" lol b« lh•' M. \V. ROSS I B OOK KEEPF.ft will do p.>8tlng, TUHRl':f' LATH E MAl..'Hl:'\IST u .. r. 111111 Ill " I'"' !<(Ill \\ h11«· llllllh' " lHI ri .. l 1""'' I 11\0llll ly' >1latemenl>1 or k 't•n t:::O.:C'l :-:~· LA't'HF :\1 • 'H l :-.: !ST 2 1::!1 H.,rb<1r Rini . ('11.,ta ~lt·•11 u ...... A l 1.11nl1111: & fl•' .. 1.1l1n,.: 1 • • ' ,. • • :• • • • V'L . • Tho pettpli• ,,, lh" Ht.1(1• of C'nl1-lo tlw \11th1n 111,,1rur11 .. n\. •111°' :t• • Llbi·lly 1'·:1'l2l or Hrt rbor 30&!l·M b"tJkil for rwvc-ral lll\IRll firm" l lftll.L PHF.SS {.)PERATOft fo l n1~ l\\'ftol ..... ,.ltll"H t.. I knn\1'1"•1)."''' t u 111" lhl\t i.h,• • X• nit-I nut lll't'•hll"' 11. full t1n11• bknr p I Al'"L\' Tun• '18 \0 ll ... n " ,. ~ 2bU J\n1r11dn, ('oStR Mell:\ " "· 'I J ·~· " Y • ''•n".t•n W b1·rty 1<·161.o 471 II' -. . . . .. l'St:lJ Hf:lll!Ul.l;\l s~:T. Xlnt. t ,,;,·. tJ1l11•11. , hc.q• S•" ttl 1;, Balh"a 1· .. v,•o.. )1;1r l lli\l·W >It-• :10 1 1n• 1•111o11n11n11y. une f111111o11~ ( "h• 1ru u1 i:an. µc1 f<'< l umJ1l tun IJll•• II t11nmon<I ~ pl11d Ur"""· 2 l<o y\JHllHj~. (J<1n l "·Ill Ii ymt Volkswagen •HOY I" \\'l;:BI!. ('llAIU,l·:S EAY. 1.J lhl' »Ith" huit·' lln•I ••II•• l.il l.wt>n~<'d & Cull lllMllt'd. JSpSl 0. B11x 161, Newpo1t Bt'a<h. l l ll m & 6 p.rn llOJ f'lar1·nt111 v1-:ssr:L 'lll'C'KF:Y~~ ... <"·l'l1!wi.1r l W11n .. ,.,, mr ., I 4!1r~o . Cosla "1c1m. ~111· ot Aw.trol ='"· 271112i. l •rf,ntl.i.nt ... 1 ~"'11 R ----Ym 1 Kl't" •hr..•rlNl to llpp1•nr in nn i;/ ~tABEL FlTZ:llOHltl~ 1 CARPENT Y COUPL1': DES1RE CAR!i:TAK· WANTl':l> A ruuplt> .• "" 1111111•n1 I 1'1' !'F:t'l lll:'\AI, l tl • !\t1~t· 11ru,.n b1 1t11<>h l R~l\ln"t '.·1111 hv. \hi' :o-;11\aiv l'ubhc 1n an•! tu1 , EHS UUTIES ln eicc hsng<' fur tv help rare tor bea<'h .cabins t.1111 .. ;1 & r:.1" "·'"'h1·1. w11111:1·r w1~h to malt!.' a g"'"' i111vrni: "" Ill" w 111 J,1 ,1 ttn,.~t 1111{.1111< f'AS Z-S<"IDlll•T H""'" .. r the ' Trade·ins ,. · ~UNOR REP AlR WORK r h ., 1 t $'111 a bove n11nw11 plHmt1ff. 111 th•· Su· ,.al•I Cuun1y an•I !':(nli' '' fret> rent 0 spt. or 0118<'· .,en Ma.n mey halo'e olll"11l• •'"""'" · .1·1w. I:""'' ' '"' 1 wn, • 11.1m n11111ol ori:1111. r.20 X<>-M11m, pi:nnr·C'nurt •if the Sl.oll" 01 C..ll· M)' •ommuuoon .xpnea l':O J OB TUO SMALL local rererence11. Har. 0746-J. ,menl. Wom an to ht•lp w1u1 l'cnt· Llt.o..rty 8·ili.!1 li't 4fl Hrnra Anu. c .,.,.1 lc•rms. f"miR. In anol '"' lh,. l'<1unh• · <>f O..·t 8. l!I!>~ r. H . o1:.,.And •1,.,o1n , 4~111 al• A cleaning. Free re.nl and HQLLYWOOO bf"<!, limed o.lc f:RA ... n PIA". •o.o m•n_v 11 .. _ n-·•. '5 I F ORD 8 Cwrtom cl111> l'VUJI", OranJ:•'. an.I IO a AAl4'rr lhe ~om· No. Mil . 1 JOH r. B.i 1111A U I"• • llalh<1a llOIM y l'nlll Ot·t l 'l C'Jll H:ll • " .• ~ ~ . "v r " R & H F f M I ~ 2 tr. J955 Harbor 2450 83tfc W CE:'\SEIJ ya.,·hl '811l. 1''\JU iwa· bo :107 U 2 30 48 50 \)i .. ilh ~,,.. hcuilho"1 '1 1 >v"d ll•i<l · St1•1nw11\ Ex•• II• nt <'t10•l1tJnn 1 ''' Onllll<' rAllltl u plalnt therein w ithin l'" day • alter New•·PreM 4 18. 25. "' • · 800. \\!k-enda. Motor t'll~rlence. r • ttr : p.m . ' trN•l! & btlx ~pnnjtll f. l fl L I b1•1 Iv 1 ll••hr "••• , n 1Jla1·k , . .,lur $~ •, r -B"aut 1f11 I H1t,. ...,. Painting, Decorating Csllf. ro&J!t . Full rrrerrnre . At-F F:MAl,E ~cveral ,.{,n<•!< !;1 ... no· >l·l!.lu'i I"• :,o ,.11, Kn.cl.. \.rancl. n<rr• .,1 DELIYERJ GUARANTEED Delh•cry ot the Newport H arbor News-Pr<'ss 1s guarantr<'d_. Carrier boys will dcli,·cr t heir papers be- fo re 6 p.m. on ~londay and Thursday. 11 your paper i!I not d<'hvr rcd by \hat hour plraS<' call Harbor 1616 and your c.'a rricr will bring your .papt'r. tends 1J1eiiPI :..:hool wk. d.1yll. I bo,,kkPc(H.'1 g1·11·1 urt..'•· -<n~t < $ 1•0 , . l :,3 1'1.\',.tOUT ll , luh 1: /1; lh•,. Paper Hanging J92t). Sn BiuacJw .. y, I..w. An· I 1111,1JO_. nm. Lhtne, 1 .. 1111,...s ,., v. 1 s 1:-i1;L": h1~1. ~pnq:• & m1•ltr• .. ~_. 11°·r a.1'111 n .. 111\IY l ., .... ve y GEO. BURKHARDT gele~ 37, P h. Ad&ll\3 3.92 !l f'r.tl Junw~tlc• . I'> T.•p•• '' ·• •l• r Ilk· n1•14 . ~~.. 1 ···'P" <.1.1nol :II •h••11n11\' ca~e '4!) r l • '7·!! nu .. tfl'rn l,;UUt h s-;:, Al'tu 1\1\(· lhth •\t\•l 1l.\\u~n ltnty ·S-tt•"1 _____________ r;· ~IALF: ~:ll1•s, pln:!lh'!I f'X p OoJ·1 (.{ft .. & ,,,, '"""'" 411 lhlb11111 \n 1hr 1 c:111nol only sn!t "lany ·~111 r n xTIAC II '''''""l'ltt. It~ II. t.K T.:'\SET' <.:O:-.TRACTOR 87 \\'. J lh St . Colll& Me.sa l.ltx-rt y 8·86:.!8 FOR RENT I S E1:P.l-:TARlAL. full lllne. !I •l:iy <hlnc> ~hhp ··i.p I C-11 •·• • l!lr51 •'lr•r \\ .. r.ol•1l11l h 11y:-.n G1u1.~:. we"k. 10 ~·r". ,xreru•nct. Cnm. JL·:-;r_: F AJ:J<,\H E :'<IPl.OY '\~CY -•.• "-• -, • • I' 1 •' l,., •k' pit mt ('apotbli .,, a•i<uming 1,.. 1112• •• ;;:lntl. X1\\f•••1 t B•h l;\1Cn r:-:c. \\II.I. s f.LI, 1 w11 Jtnl-[1,\,7.-~<·11:1111 1T J!ti: r ....... St•11 • liJ"ll ~ihihtv :-;,81 pun• lll:tl .,,1 n .4i11t1t"s ttum \'tty H Jlll <171 1:1 rol • h•·iry • IJ'IHtn' • '1•• I• $:.!~ ~: .. r.1 J\1111 ;,zu ;o.;, "I 1111 t ra.n purlaltC•n. liar -1531·J ~ t.1 h :! c·h.r•\' • h• h . ..!6 II 'llltt I' 1 ,. lf,,n ", f fhr· ll11m11111nd COTION GOFF Skill l:)nwi1, E li·c. lJnlls, Polishers. oll t ) pr~ of Sandcr!I, \\'hrclbnr- J =::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:======~=====~I BQ~ci)'S HOWE. 26:10 \\', 1.'.'0AST lllGHWA \' 1..lb1·rty ~:u:i;,, Sl."wport Bch 28tlc 4:;p:-ol 1\ Til-:NT ll):-; Al.,I, BO\'S '.!:.' \\' 11 I • <',!;, • 1• h ~"hol c r• 111 -------------o :'\•·\\~·l'rc•l'<l\ lOlrJll•r 1b11tf' &rl' nuw t l•tr\' h• c11> ... 1rol •hc•I r .. 1 llhl I --- or•n Ill :<01111• netJ:hborhc><><b -h••I, ~Ill ~ h1.w1 !.\lip lk" II .I ~Pl:::ClA L Bt.:Y~ Volkswagen Deakr B11lb1111. \\\.<t :-;rwpnrt Halbntt l q11 c111 ) .. d11 k •1:1:,.111'11 1lrq"1<"11•,1:CJ.,(,\' l.•1111\ U1,.1n" Lalo· :?Ill\ Xr"""'' 1111.,1 ;\'•\\ ,,,,1 ll•li. I:<l!incl. No•wpu1 l H1•1i; 11\S ~d 1 111 t11r .,! or• h ""'""'''"· rn•llllo(h I 1 111 .,,.1 :-. "" ~) 1111 1·.,n\1•n11•11t I 1· 1 Con•nA ch•I M>1r an'1 l"11 111 MP"'a 1o1r ::.:1 hnhh•~lh, ~·111. llxl I on-1 r. '"" 111 H 111 l1'1r II I.II• ·•I 29-Help \\'anted MEN NE\\' PORT HARBOR NE\lS-PRFSS I 1 General Contractor 1.1C"1::-;sr:1 • ....... N~·w \Vork -R~odcling J. MILTON ~td.:l-:NZI E If ,V!lll 11rt• l:?;t:i ).'"· "'"· have a ! ll'Jlk 1;11kh11 r;1 1111:,' h"•IUllfUI J.:111\l-'l 'H . .; ;\l11• .. "'' 1Strt•"' 1!11•7 1 b1i:yl'h'. !'l'P'Y 111-12 8.ln. or 4.5 Wll\I• ...... r. $<!IHI, tlo11)1rlc• 11101 -1 1::1-1:.!.: ': :-;,, •II•"'" !'111111 A11.1 - p.m, only. nt t'cr«11lat11m Di'Pt.. tr""" tf•!·•nt• h11x ~"''""' JJ.ncl I ''h"n'· Kl 11ot .... i 1v :.!·•'Iii~ ~ ¥t1U-ha\.•c·n.'l li w•d-'ttl you\o N!'Wf'l.1 1 l Hll rlln r :-leW!\·Pre!l!I, Cran\•', s::r .. l'hunr 11.irl'ktj :111ii' -. • I I . ti A I I Nl::W . ::?ll 1 Balh11u Ul\'r!. ;'l;ewpurt T 111rr11 .l.\:-..'!'~::'\" 0 1:1 ;,,:-;c) ·1 ti .. purntt .rnol · 1 rl\t'll W J' • BNll'h. H111hnr 1616.. 39lfc -------------I •1••lrH 1 '•~·'11 11• '11' .n,tr ll· 1, • nl. ~· ld I••• ''1' 1 $!.''o•IC1 Clur HILLMAN MINX COASTAL SHOPPER-\\7ednesda~·s I Aorbor 3t:t!-R H p5ih For Construction Work Garage Men . I.A liGt-; loni; "'tllblt11h .. d n•ul es-'l~Boats, !Suppllf!ll · I' IC " ~lil'i T"' la Al.'<" """ t111•· !11111 """''~ , 111,,...1,.,K, .. 1 8.oFT. lJl~C::ll~··14~~1-7,,~.-j.1 ;,, J 1 .. 1111•1wl J·.1•" t1U!l1L \Ju:a1L LiJtc ::;,.;r; ancJ IJIUVJi; 11t -tt1,.,..,,,,"·''""h~l4'r•·~1<··rr . n-1· .. 14, .. t "'''' $"" 11 u ::::i:• •-.1:1011·1 10"''" ~··11·••!'n.ak~ Ha rvey.' Mayer Mtrl'. Chlinl111l \\11t1 U11'l X•lP lh1,. 111,~ •• '"" I "" "11 <,;.,, Thfl,~ "':.!Li rl1111>11r Hlvd , 1 ',~tA ~lo " 1111p1 r. P l•""' •\.<I" 1p1llllfh A· 1 • ' '' , , , • r • d i fcor 1l•·11111n>l r1111t111 a 1 I.I 1 .1t11n~ 111 tull ~6tf•· 11 1-·r JlO,\T A TH\111 '1! ~l111 k I •\:"\/. "'''11\lll •T '.'" •""·", • • "·~~~111 ""' ,., " l.in"~ t l'aper ~1.o<i ___ I Elec. Tool Repair _. Unc~ 2 l'a(~r.t J..\fl I 1.inr!'t 3 Papers '.!.110 l ou t.Ill ~h"ppN (.'la"'lflr1I Ad11 mu•I run In the .\lont!ay .. r Thu~v l'ubUcat1110 . . \US L\H \t A U IS • LISE~ lJEAOl.IXEs :. r pl>1uni: or C'llnr • lllni; at!~ ar• : FoJr ~'""" \\ l'ublh 11111 n -:'.•tllrJav :'\• vn F ·r \\"<> """" ·~ 1·1m.: at11m -Tur!< lay :: rm h •r Thu1 .•day l'ubll, at1u11 -\\'!'ulll SUll)' l p.m. -Classified Index I t 'unr ral :'\ollr •'ll 2 Card of Th .. nk11 .a t'un••rnl l>lrN·t11ni HI l\ll'<lno·"" (lul•lt' 11 R11llLllni.: ~latl'rlnl• I '! Hult.Uni: S•·n ·k 1•11 1.a l'rr,;unal~ I :. S hnrt• \'our (.'ar 16 Tran,.pnrtatlon l 1 l(4'01inr; 114 l'lt•auly Aid• 20 lfoalth Ahl• :?l? l.c>"l and t·owtd :?.a i-c hool•. ln1tn>r tloa !1' 1'411Uatlon• \\'antl'd :?9 Hrlp \\ .. "°t.1 M Ml~llanf'Ou• ~C). A !4wap11 31).R AppU.- St \\"utt~ to 81&1 $'! t'umJtutt for i'altt :t'!-A An~ !.s Boat~ ~urpue. . ·~ ~· Mualaal. Kadlo, T \' !U 1)( ...... ""'' p.,.,, ~6 l'oull r\• 31 l.h ... ,,;,l'k :\H i-11<·c·lal AnnolM'lC<'m rnt 38 Aut1111 \\ antrd •o .\111.,,. f(tr 1<111t· 4Cl·A T lr"" 'l.· l'arlll 41 Ault• S1•n11" "*''? l'rallr ,... •:1 ,\lq11'tn1·" 4 'l \\ a nll'rl f 11 Rt·nt 414 Apt... ,\. Hou•.,., rnr ft<"nt •11 . .f-Aph. for Kf'nt •llH--llou!W!> Jnr Kr nt" •8C-T~ltr l'i(l1tl't' •9 Room" rnr t<r nt •&-A Rnt Homr ' 49-8 Room ~ l\na rd 641 Rrol. Mlto<". M ~to1" • Otoe ... 53·A 8dNDf"'ll Rl'nlal' 6• Bu11lo4'811 Oppnrt U'bltlH M Mo~· l o 1,,,an .... MoMy \\ uted ~' K<>aJ t:111at" \\ a ntf'd IO lnootnf' rro(>l'r1~ 61 R<"a l Elllatr t::rdl&Dc• I! IRfoaJ t: .. , .... --~---~-~~-~~-----~-~ y l':ewport Ha1rbor Mr~la ~vtr\' v1, OporU> B. P. 0 . E. "1767 Thura..1ay a pm. -C'entnu Ave. :'\t"' J"(lrt Urach Albert H MA:!ht\\a t.:.u lt.-d Ruler r ASPHA LT TILE LI~OLEl '~t 12--Baildini Srn~ PAINTL~G Paint.Ulg & Pnrcr H anging "The Best Moo<'y Can B uy" ~i~~~?.~-.:~~ po~~!:' .M-10 :'\E ... AHBUR 2~04 ttc PAThTTING ~111! l' '" ~ 1'1111• ~11n•l•·1~ (JL"ll'~ :->l"H\'(1 ~: .LEWCO ...i·:u :cTH IC co. 1:.1) :'\u. :'\• q, •t Bhol 1,1'>• !J..\' ... ·'. .\:S\U~E \\.~1.1 •II.,. F'11d14\ .\J ttl .:11 .t' I .tJ J•rt•, !': o•\\ f">l l 1:11 I ,\. I: I k• I SI , )Horth ,.( I ' "'la :II""'' fol• I•• •di 11r • 11n t111 l lltll ll1llm .u ... c ", :!t121 ;'\ M(llll Sl. ~.1•1• I \I•• l1h11nl• l\J:nh•·tl\ -;.·,·.!~1tl II• d Alcohohcs Anonymous Write P. 1>. Box':!lll NC'wport l$tnch. Calif. f'hyne m 1rbor 479~ 1 o~o f' ~,1r•t s· ~.1nll• A n.1 I i1 4!lh 1 Frc~h Hearing Aid l!\t1~1~n.s • \\ •• (, \•' :-;&u <":r1·1,.11 Sth.thp1 G un derson Drug Co. I ~h tn ~I ;ct \:.)!b"a l~h .. 1~ ... f ... :1 ff 11 l>Ur :.;.. !1-,1 11 20 ~1• r,1u ' n1• '"' Uk• n• \\ n• ~ \1 1 ,,..·11 :'\• \t 1n 11"'1~ .• '"'"·tt t:.·.11 -I ~ -____ !'l'l:-.:ET :-;1•EC1AT.~'. 34---~IUJtlcaJ, Radio, ~ T \' ~ l • ' t .... ' >lT"ADE ,,~ .. -~,,,' t ii tt\lt· .1.J t I.• 11t ....,._ _____ ,.. ________ __ ~ ·' 1,., , , , 11 , It• :i S 11;;. I Sl'I Xl.T. l'IA:'\() T he m•>1<l b>·1t1i· , 11 .. 11.1 r 1 1 \ 1 1 11 1 .1 1• I\ 1 •1 .. ,11 ~l ,, , 1 I 1f11I 1u11r.•• In lh" w•1rltl 1111:111 • t ,,,, l' I ~I ,;It.· .. 1 •• I • \\ II ft I I, 1 • t t ' ...... \, \~II:: I.• t\ I I ' h I 111• •" !'-J' 11• I f' inn ''"" 1\ll ''"'' ,\ .... 1 '"''. J 11•l I ' ,, II•.... " IJ "•1 I 11 t .. I .. I n u .. • t t11 , I ~ • .; • • t \ , 11 • rl' ti· J .!.•t \\ Ii 1111 '·' Ulr+l Ii • ,1 ... .'•, *•fl • ,,. • f I I !' I\ s I ..... t f 111 1• '''" t•<t l 111 l .! ,"' f I \ t f f fl •• f II,._ 1tf ' 1' '_. J , _ ' • • .... \ .11 •• l • =' t( ' ' J. ~•IUff l:'t \I I P utt •) ~1 .. r., I' ,1 ",,.hi " h :!-•in:.: Yll -Fl ~~T llr11\>intn1t IU ·4'.l, I ----A:>f .. ~I 1111111 Ur<•1k a 1 2'~1\ _. \ll'1 ~.,, .. 1 ,,f \"'~••'''·•n'••11•1t1,1lt I I 111 \ Al• pl.to• 1 . •'ruun 22' ('" ., • '' q " t ., t '(,,j 11 ·," ,, ', t!.,._ ...... ,•·•'fl ft1' I' i'h•·tl "l~'"'~j r lri HJ ~nc.1011:~ ~. ,.,, it ,,. 1.1. utt f ,,1, 1 ·'1t111t•0 1 r ,.,,, 1. 1u r i \\I ' ll itli'• I' tra!;• f•~J ,,~··u' ).,•·•"'' ( f •1•1 1'1 II ti " . I 1 1~ \ ' '' "" l'h ! I• •1 • '" ol , .. n• '' I '.1"7i' • ~ ' 'l I •1 I.I I'' 1 1 1,\'•~·~l 'll \lllfl ":.!to \'•I ~!.1 I 11! I 11 1 Ii •, ~111>'11 ,,,, • 111-:,\l'T IFl'l, ~l••rnw11:v M i.O• I ii. < rrt:'\ '"I ' it ,\t. , ••• ,., '• ,,, <', , . , ~, --~ •• -, •• ,.._ . .-: ,,Ht11•• Jn p,..t~··· t "'"'s;11• 11. 11 1,n r 1 ~1-~·1 1 ·•' 1 1 11 :O•l\•"'•lhMlf .,f ll•141Jll•t'i.I WI;\; A rtl'IOll J arkl1< t , j{l't Y'•lll' n 1·1-1<11;l.l(\Tl •I! I' I\ I' I • ,. I I.·• p,, k II.· 1'"'" '11 ':0-111\Ft.rt !'i ~lu••• , ... 1S1rc 11 1Dll71 l~Rf-al!!:):.._~!!f_!______ IT'S A STOP THE .,MUSIC ,::~:~: I At·~ II \1'1'1"1! 11 t. l.1I1 """ •• "' " 11 ''"'' 1 ' 1 '"'"" " 11 "' l:.?1 -1.l'I ;::\ l'l)c •llH•" ~1111 1' /\I " --------------I -C IHl,S Superfluous Hal·r GIRL'S \VORLD'. .'-to 1 u11 • , .r , r ol" J.:''"' • 1 •'· •; "" I'·"., .. J·• ·n··~ si:i., 1·1 .. 11 .. 1<11111,.•rly 2·'>G72 bl ,k l n \\' "'I F~LO<' :-;, 'l ,. l ~· "II :.!h' r I \l l/•\ $1 711 $;'•~1 r ti ,. { JI s a "' r , ....... _ _I I •\' :-.• I I '.II I• I ll1~ l'oan • ~l"P e"ruuiro Y rtmo,·e... rom tau A"nt! , 11u u •i:-rr~ wh• n l"lll hrcu 1 • S 8 Id • p• """'· lt~I. Eytbrowa anl! halt uf lhl' Ill""' J b 'T'I t !11 ~...... L 1dt1 '.\',1t1 h H 1·1•o1l l' 3 1--'.\ft1'li<'al, Radio. ,,. T ,. I ~~:·.·. ':·~~·,;~ ·;~·: .. ~. :'<lnir ee a Win 1ano llnc sh11prd-N o niore l14't!l'llt g ror c.i11a l.(11·u} 111.1: "l11MC In \ ""'' 111 ·~-.• 1'1 \I l.l•V• '--··---··--··· ·-··---1, . & Organ Display Wd~:1:.~nt..oro~~~T H~:t:~:.;6 1 ·vur b~.n· ,, t ... 1.1~ t i.:.:>1H M-W TV Service :-1 '; ,',' ';''~;~~!: ~:·;"~ .. ::::;: WO<JIJ\\'UfiTH l'LA:O.:O co . He OPf!':\'.J:'\C:~ ':\"fl\\" f'(IR I: It '\'I I.Es "'"'' !..•: .. 1.1 "' I •1 1 r , , , •• , , , , •. 131 fl l.'01ut Ulvd . C'orun11 tltl Mu ---------------TELEPH0 :\1:: orF:RATORS I': I·~\ ·•·I ,, •. \l.l•' l{ .. :i.rn.i:· l'I :-\•I t :-11,.1 1: ~1 ..... , ... •!'tnl l' l:.tlJ7 1 1T h3dl'O lnlrr.trr Uldg ,. At f l)' ;\l1 r '" II t; 'h l-1 •• ., I 1H " ... ( t ' I h \ 1!1 I II .. ~ 2 M u . l~ I 1,·,. 111111 ·' I.I·-."\ •I '. :'•U'" ,,r .. ar. .... 0 ,.. I I r • k 1· tj .,. I•,, !'>II ~;.1 •t. ,' , .. , .. ,n, l-' ~ .,~r,, •t f'A.ml•.q •Jt 1 J ,, .\1tHl =""'' '.!2-~t ud Found • 11 I \ 1• 1..ns r '' All~t run'&.r 1nr ( lt4h IU'!. p .,. .... I h\ I unr •fl Ill l'l\J r .. ' llf\ H· ,.. • • Hu1•"1 2 11 l'nrtjJ ;\I " lll\•tl· ' I h II•-.. .: .~ :l•i· t•• n J ... k~ ·r 1·n;•, 1 :-•11t• • r· d • PACI f it• TELI::PllO~P. J ·, ,\:llA :".\ t. • 11 r 1" r' < .n 1 fo;ullt I :!ll,!l 11111~ r. f'n•' 1 .!\\• ..,, J •tc•• c....cr .... , ~ Kt' 1,. n , .t • l.lb<rl\· ·fl'-~.! I<•" tr I I '~•'' ZZt.f I "' !· 14••~ •' 1ril• ,1 •• r. _p.;t U lST-:·,~l\1'11 l 11.1r,;~ ... W_A..'tT b...~k-,f""'r ft' l11'11lf. , .... ,. .-niir'I r .n• •II••'. c'" I rnr Rr14'Ar<l l.lbo 11'. ·1·11 s tn l (tfh•• fX}1'f l R•rl d (11f'• 11•01• I l •7•\l .,... l ~f'll· • l~•.~•l Pretfr ""' &1 !'XI'•' I VJ' ~..Jl\V "T\\ fl lo<r ,:. I•"'" ••I f~"bl• 'I \ll"l't!K U O\l mo. I'",. I 111 d"l••l8 1n l~l l• r I' lJ II '\ tll•I', <..'11•tl4 :lit'•• 4111 :~· In 14 hit• 11 rn.11 ... 1 "11 h bill• I• "'"°'' 311• Cl !J'l:1 I ( .1n11J. H"ll'"' h l11r ! 11 .. r. 1 IP7-W. •I•• ,,l ?4-."<'hMl!I>, ID!'truction --.-.-. __ ..,,. __ \\"A:-iT l'X J>l'rl.,n<f'd W"!l~"t ;\ f'pl~· 1.1'1" Park r at,. • "1 l.! It• T'noll· r 'f"'rk 1 2 I·· :llat St, N..,.. J"'l't ~·· h 4llp61 & ti.• h•,. & 1 ,,hp r J"• • ar r• ~' J 11 ,. ~·· • ,11 H• ,. • , ,.~, 17111 • !'frwr .. rt Rl\<l , "''"'" "fr•. • ~o ORIGINALS •~ktatl, •llnnrr '1~·,...• " f'<l(1Mtn•1,., CU.1tnm OregmalC\nit r " \"' r •• tr • '• o:-..f: DAY SERVICE I' n•• c · l.l:x 0·46.lU II J l ~•\'•rn• 1!"·11\1 _: .\t 1·' Huntlnl(' ·n B""' '1 .11\p 19 f:h~T •Ill ot~.Ul " r • t 1 t:, -st I~ I t1a•t .. t•f f UU 1•1 "' 't 1 n ru111re I' ,1 _H A-Ff~~ )ll•••• c·' •!line" lll<•i • t ~l -tz., :. :-11 "mr.1 ... i-anta An11 Phu n .. l\Jrnbo<rl) .l 1~~2 ~· •r a 'i"! .. r;.1,.bl w• I f ar, ,..,. .. ,, Jr i ... ~1 ., .. ._: .. r """ ... m i. ..,,, Tf).\tU RHn W It> Nldc U}'I WM tt• .. • T< 1f I \'' <'ttf'l lt lh• II 'J •"" In lh• ctu tir l. t1on It. . EAJ, f'.ST ATP: sa.lnwoman &11'1 \'~rt t m I' M f1r• °" nrkl"I' l'a11\ Rnt .... 1, 1'>MI J uan t:"ar11tr\r.t 1 lf'I .. 172. 6tQ2 -ll paJ't \A> rM4 U.. •U t &4a. la) l'I ., ...:1 t I f '' :! .,.., I! l ll \11.1. I' \VII I{ 1•":, f I' f I I t i ' ~' , '. ol ..... cl l 'v I 1\f, I ~-:11. • " I , •• ,. ~ , ,. f f'F. X •1f•) ltn • r k l\ , i .,,. " t .... , \. ,. .. ,. t f,,t ... r 1 '••· ·' I ., • :II >' LI '" l'IH RESULTS 1,t:r IH:/oll"J.T~' rt • """'•·J'I,.,• pull 1•hr1 ltl•I• I •'•l All• 1h111. 111.~ ••'I • S I l'.1-.l l 'I -''''~ \II 14 ,.r .. 11 rl ,I I ·, '' ,n -tuu 1rt f,.. 1 .td••• ,..,,,,r. ., ., ~1;111 narr, Th' t uk,. 1., ( " ..... (JI ,.. ' ••• '; I .. t I 'Tlm:r n •r .... !'1°11 .. • , • Tv "ll<r". n11'hrr 11 •Pl" :if' ti 1'1•7 t, tT •I"' ft-~ I\ r ~ • ' t , I • • f n I II\' .\1 ~I 'I , 1 • It ICo'J' '" ,, ... I •Ill,,' l ... 11 .. \A.' • ~iJW'•' li.~'/."t 'lfM H •T 1\1.' !•1tno k ',, .. "" !"~ .,, ~~'· ,'.;t. ,,._., . " s•" · • A 1 ~ • ·1 n t'11 t:•• . II • r.t n • lti11rrr<;1 I '1r~"""· Ht• n t,. !'Ir 1101 • l ''" ••v11 J:.'6 ,_., 'l"'r 1n lt,• "' "" Th·• "ll •li'flll 1Jl "'"' t l\'lllW"'I l ... 1 llUV =""''•·f'r.. '"""°''1 ... 1 A,; ~~1 lJ• F:l.Y 111 ;-;n1.1.11w p ,:I ' ,,.,,1u · · I · ,, .• ,,,. 1n t1ntt • r.riJ .,,,n l • 1n •l HA rhnr 1614 M V 'l ~'ant It) sz·.~·, ''""°" t11 J'.p.rmn af.. t 4'tt • e 1·1._,,,,,..I .r\Jt 11r I -·~" ~lf AYI ~.II \t11 I' I:• 1 1'1111 ~ 1"7 • •'1•••r1 •lnJ ~ I.JI.a rorn1111 )'?l.lr r c21·12l ' lh1 .. m1.r .. 8&111.& A.I • ... ,. f'lltoM IU.mWI( .... TJ I• ·. \ J U-AptA. ~ RomH . , \ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFER$ DeUgh•'ul Ji\·lng. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities with Yacht slip accomodati<?na. Daily, weelHy, monthly, yearly. For appt . or rcservatJon. Call. Har. 2992. paid. 34tfc 40-Auws and TruC'.b 47-Wan~d to Rent . ~----------~~~ '49 STt.;01::.RA KF:'R plrk-11p, '/\3 \\'ANT ED -Small apt. In Cn!!tll motl)r . ovddrh•t . S~9~ 110 In· Mt"-. Cl08l' In by J une \, }'Htr ly. .. • 4~Art"·~-~~for_~!~!. 1 ~u.,inC't lOpf>?rtunlti«'S M-Bu~ln't&t ~rtultiN ,, ,~A·BUslnt'fis Op'tlf-8·w.,_w <.:Ult();\" A I •FL ~I \R :? ltolrm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ) \\'!SH TO Bl "Y lnt(I aimall bu•lnt .. p;Lrlly fi.111 hu11-.:, d•1&t h> ..Lop· ~&~"PC>rl. Balb<la. lA&lJn& art&. Pin.It 11n•l lo 111 '1 S!I'. o.n "'' pr,.f.•rably mannl' hanfware nr )\'11 1 "'"•' '116 1--.rn1nic. l ll~t' OWNER RETUJlNED TO HOSPITAL says Jduce wuppho Qr! A• wQrkinit parl· U b··rt\' . G&ll •• '11 t his 50 seat Restaurant with S20.000 worth or equip-nn Submit offtn to Box H·iO .. ~ thla pA~r. .•II~\ l BOR~ts u 11Cum. 1t111a gt Mon ment to '89,oo<J for quick sale. Doin5 good•busine6a. ltfn~ \\'otl'r ... ~Iii \ rhll·I C• k I COFFEE SHOP ·seats 2A -shows $26,000 groea - 7."13 \\'. !:Ith ~~ C:O,UI Mt>-11 I I 0 ( Lt ~-6!17l ur LI <fl·:l:I U/. <tl lfc newt)· decorat ed -good' equipment. pen or a LIDO 18LE 't;:-;i;:l'H.:"o;l~H ~:I • ~f·l\rly lt"a~~ s. bJnn., :.! b&th, 11\'IO" rnum ;!Ox:IO 2 p11ll1111 ,1111 nl'r <I B\H.,ln•. S~:'>O l V• r month. ~ Bay & Beach Rc~ilty. 11•1n \\'. H.1!1Jul\ l!l\'tl, [\a\h11a I Harbor 126·1 Rf'asonable offer. NURSERY -landscaping contracts. Well esta.blist\· ed retail business ~ l!lhows $45,000 gr~s. llenl Si5 mo. Asking S15,000, For these and others se(' - I M-Honel. t.o Lou ILOANS for Home~ ' ~'!lo -20 yr. Loan.a . . . 1 Construction loans SEE BOB SATt'l.l:R 2~1~ EAST COASl' BLVD. Corona del Mar Harl'M a888. Rep." POffil ER MORTGAOI: CO Metro Ll!e lna. 0F\Jnd1 Kl. 3·618(1 cJuatrtlll Way, Coat& Mee.&. Llbe.rty 8-~l6. f lk'[lt 4RA--AntA. for R~nt •Sc!.O ,. I The Vogel Company 3201 W. Coast Highway, Llberty 8-3481 Newport Beach_ E\"CS. Llberty 8-3580 !Slit' ]!)11 F"OfH> bui1tn··~I\ Cl'Upe. 6 cyl .. r1vh11. h• :•I• r i.ln'. mt .:hll11aC'&I r11nd1l1011 1 • .. 11 l\l!er II wt eklluy~. ~I M JJ ~-1'1!"1!1 ~010 :0.1nnrn\'ll\, ('o,. ft ;\1•''"· 4!ll((' l '•'d C'llt"\'HOLF:r ~-ilr Iulo\ . mll••lll:• I 1•.tl f'r. I lar 2!•(•"·J Rentals Wanted We need aptJa a.nd hou*a In LI.I eec:Uona {Or bulh WI.Iller and yu.r'a leue. Furn. or llnfUrn. lt yQu have a ''acaney, phone today The Vogel Co. 27 I I \\'. 1 >• 1 an t ront ~9c/\I 3201 Br h. N--F.-.\\-.-,-.F.-.-n-Y-.... -,-TI'-R_A_\_T_l\-'E_f_u_r-n. I 11pl CarhHJ:I' tll•pt.l•lll. $70 ln<'I. ullhtlf ~ 111 , 'nt<'r .. t Corona rlt•I Mar llRr Ob~•:l-H. l Oltc ~ JIARROR APTS. M11<lrrn furn[shcd apt s. day. Wt·ek 11r month :-;,.nr hH-'1. "'"" ~ & b.1}'. H 1•ru, TI 1i.1 .. Q_t=-ln('ome Pro~rty 60-ln"ome Pro(>!rty APARTMENT COURT 15 l':\'ITS -S24 .500 down. NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fre SALES -t1F:Fl:OO:ANCP.: CO:'\SIB t:CTJO~ C'all for Frve Fast Commitments on Ht>sldemes 11nd Units only NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E S MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955 DEAR PUBLIC: If you want to sell in a hurry, Without any trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor.' insisting· On Multiple Listing. . I Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Bea~h "' •6tt• . Mi: ~2 ~"\\ pi; 111 "I°"' a11I f'lll-'· 111 t11p 1 "11t .. ,.l • l\r in Orang,. ('.,UJ\I}". ti 1rl>-•r J:.t2·J . -491·M W. Cal. Hwy., l\.'.ev.-poq Phone ~rly 8-34.81 208 Marine. Balbo3 1s1.1ncJ Phore H11r bor fH l66i E . C'OIUll Hy . Corona d,·I \l.ir P hon .. Hart>or 174 if rlltl.'s Jiii f~ 8'1\' A\"t' .. BALlll 1 \ Harhor ;,:,11 • "l7ttc TOP yrar ro\lnd Balboa location. 9200 sq. ft. of li\'- ing area. All tn first class Fondition. Income potentiality f'XCN'ds Sl 1.000 yearly. Don I. Huddleston ',_. BALBOA ISLAND •:1~ :'11C TF', "l~l\11 wlri• wherll\, s:wo ft r • rtllltV. I~ >t-it32. 19• 61 See The All New Hillma·n .~usky $1445 sr:t: and I •HIVE Ill Lltlfl (Hf1e1., 34 ~6 \'111 't-''', HArbor 4971_ , )J21fl List Your Rentals \\'ITH US. \\"e hnve g001 I 1 .. m1n1~ Jl"ST 111 11\"l In the JJ 1o1hor 1u• ,~ 1•11•111 for \\or k111i: mun c•r \\ • IT• Ill :-;111i;lt.' HJ I walh klld11 II· I dl", T\' flll\11\1' b1th, llllrn.l ••·•· \'H " IJ111,p•I \\,. kly ratP~. ;!..;1111 W. OC'f'ltl\ lo ru11t, ~ .. wpnrt B,h, 3:.tfr \\0111llng.cor both p1>rr.nnn• nt 1tn•y Jo:X<'El'T :'\ll'E: f1.,11t 1 11o11111 ;,ummPr rPnlJIJ11. ' • · "' )>un1;11l .. 11' 1!11pl")( ~'II", l,11111t11 ~- R R h R It 1wm1, 111.q••·~ \\·at ... r Jl•l. {,1u1tt Harve.v Ma yer l\1 t rs. . ex ec s, ea or blll r lMr lo bus ·~l. 8PU (H • 23()7 \\'. Dallxia Blvd. ;'l;<'\\'P"' I 11ppr1 r ~':~ !(n; h1•:.l"I". <' ~I 21 ·:;-H111l111r Bl\'d • 1'""1" '-1"s8 Harbor 1\1511 nr H.ar. {1 7. Hllf1 1.lb11tv 8·6ft7:1 17• l'l ••!' , Ill t"r rl~mnn~trnllnn 111 I.I _ ----------- 8;i:.!'16 ~~"M ;t.;?--:\\" ·:,r, 1,.1 ~r<u.~ Ce1p11, 4 r1 .. or, 1111\ !'''"''r $1wl' 'hunrln•1!11 nt t!111l111:< \\di lukt' ~J'l:•·•I IW•al 01 l•ldoor 111•.,l<'I r11r a11 ''""' n !'"'" 1 .• 111 s, ,. 111 ~h· 11 st .1 ... n. :u•lh h =--fll Bl\ I II H 4 1~ ~irlll 48-Apts. & Hou~---- Summer Rentals o n Lido l s!e ant\ other t me Harbor homu. Lido Bayfront NEW 3 bdrms.. 2 baths. 1mmacu. TOTAL PRICE -~5.000 .. T his is' THE BL'Y OF THE YEAR! EXCLUSJ\'E WfTH - Greenleaf-Severts Realty 3112 Newport BJ., Npt. Bch. Har. 2551 (eves. LI 8-3186 . GO·A. Commc"rclnl, lndustrlaJOO·A • Commrrclal. Industrial ATTENTION : Owner Operators -Jr\\"est ors -Speculators. Here's a Steal ! t!OR SALE OR LEASE 173 E. J,7t h St. COSTA MESA I .LI 8-~~i 1 LJ 8-6~>62 WOt.;LD like to buy lSt ILnd 2nd T!"U,'l Dttdr. Call H ar. 2326 48ttr .Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto. salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Applleauon may be m ade In ptr· aon, by pl)one or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE BEAUTIFUL 2 bdnn .. 2 bath home n('ar. village. Studio type liv. rm .. frpl. din. rm .. lge. patio with BBQ. Dbl. gar. Comp'I furn. In xlnt. ta.ate. $29,500 LlBERAL TERMS if desired. OWNER SAYS SEU. EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES THlS WEEK'S LEAQER ! Opportunity knocka a gain! Join the smart. set and move Into a life.time of comfortable living in this 2 bdrm .. 2 bath beaut.y. Gorgeoua patio--dining la nai. Priced right $2•1,7~ with terms to suit. .. M t:iit'l"H \" · 1-; Pl.l 'll 1•ngmr n·· PE:Xl:XSJ.ll.A f'Ol:'\T HO~IE a.---·""4< ... , ..... 11-'-11_,._:-; •• ~· hrakic, \\'~\\. H&H 2 l>vdrms .. ron.'f'rttble dPn l.llJ''Jl\" !--At7:! 4KP:•O C'omplt'tdy C11rn1~hc..,I Ol'-!F:DIA TF. I'< rnpa ncy ftir 6 n•n Modern 2-store bldg. C-1 location, street to alley. f lately furn. apt. I H ub of Booming Busin<'ss Centre pm111i Arr. :!'-rn to Oct :?t!th approx. 2600 sq. ft. F ireproof. rought'd in for plumb· · S:!""0 ing and winng for apts. or offices a bove. Next to a CORPORATION 18!18 Harbor Blvd .. Costa 1\1.:81\ Ll ~-i7:tl -Opl'n F rida)• tlll 8 . Corona ~el Mar -·ocean Front Gorgeous 4 bdrm .. 2 bath beauty. 2 tirepla.ces, eiec. kitchen, lots of flagstone, F. A.. h('al. WONDERFUL BUY WITH LIFETIME \'IEW ! . . . ·. J!lt;, re· ~IC xl• nt ron1ht1nn n••w 1 111~ l•'l' ttn•t ,.., t•• c'ttf'n.,. t:x· tno• $I :i ,n Har .l!W • ~ r:1u ~1 11 t:\ \' t h-••IJ111t :-;, \Y yl'l· low l'~lr1 1t11uhl•• plp".!1. All ll('t f.,r l"l'na1gl'r'11 rnr Ph. liar bur :1:.12-J •17pl9 '!>i FOi~! l Hanrh \\"al(••n. 1•1 lvat•• SI J,'.0. for lhe ... umrncr A wp locallon.J'a top hQmr Furn. Apls. tor aummer Fine Lid<> l.Axatlnn B11chelors & 1 bdrm. S400 -StJ(JO monlh Some rlghl on the B&)rfront LIDO REALTY l~C'l..l'DES 1 nt•r•· ~unutwr ~l'"""n , :?25,000 entc>rprise. See to ap1)rCCiate. Phone Ha r. ="u p. i-. :'\11 1 h11tlr1 n. Shv\\'n l1y AJ•P•··n·1,.,11 •inh · 5093 for appointment. Courtesy to brokers. 48p50 1 WANS Tu BUl.W>. tMPRuV£ llMt~OI~ 1x n :sntf.XT rn Bu"Y, MUDl::lt.NIZE, OR l'h11nt Hn1. lfiOO IC\••·~ ll11r. l'.!101 4 11ec 62-Real Estate 62-ReaJ Estate REFINANCE I ---------------------------, We Buy Trust Deeca I NE\\'PURT BALllUA SA VlNCS 1 \\'a~~=r~:~:!a~~tnls Corona Highlands Vogel Value !3~ ~~~:~s~~ci;:~0~_oou. ClnM·d Salunl8)S-4Jl(c I ,flt\' :.:!'-:! Sln'" :'t , l 0Hllt8 ~1 ..... a 3~1'\0 Vau Lido HArbo r HH 181 !11 Ac-r08s . rn.1m Rlchanl's l\ti;rk,•l RATl-:S hy \\1•k. ni111:th 11r s10•1h. 3706 ChnJlll• I l'l, II.tr. J217-J , • •trc 1 BRAND NEW -VIEW HOME 60-lncome ~perty.._ __ _ 41-.Auto Sc:rv1ce ----------·----AT'I'ENTION Nash -Hudson owners REASONABLY pncea, C'lea.n 1 & 2 bdrm. turn. apts. Utll 11aTJ. L.aundr y r oom. l'l-ftygrc1unJ I• r ch1hln.n. Blue T up ArL.ll. 4tt:I N I!\\ por t Blvd., Newport Brii.·11. Abo\'e the Arehea. 4!1Uo \"f;,\HL)' 11171urn . .l b~1111. llJ•l. \\4\h i:;i1.11:1' fm lh11n t~l;i-nn. 11 ·1r. :l•i, ,.w or Llh11\\' b·l 118, :1 .1 fc 3 bedrooms & la rge rumpus room. 2 baths, entry hall. Quali.ty construction throughoµt. Beautiful kitchen with built-in range, oven &. BBQ. Ash cab· inets. Inlaid linoleum, large dining area. Enclosed aun porch with penn&nent ocean view. Income Property CONSlS'l"lNO-of-<me -2 bt'droom srurro. t' dupltx 11nrt 3 car gsr· ei;e. Room fQr % morr umt11. Terms can bo> srrarig ed. Phope U berty &-ee&:i • •eclil Rioh Hahn's Garage RENTAL v CUSTA ~J:: • .;A, :I I 11\. ll)ll., !urn. or unrun1 .. tncludea ullllllt•. C&U HYatt -1.4.;:,-;. 2bUo All we ask is that· you coi;ne lo see it &nd.. convince yourself. Total price, only $29,500, with xlot. finan. 61-.ReaJ Estate Excbaa~­ WANT TO TR_ADE'--Mounaln 1'tome. fuUy furn.. ~ bdrm~. 2 baths It tw,1 h&IC ·blllhs. S).P· arate earelllker'11 quarters. Frte wall'r, on' two full lot.S a t For- nst Homt•s, Calaf. Phone Oxford 41~..()H or Hur. 3116. 49e:,1 .\ 11• 1 ' 117• I I ' 111 ~ I. Rm•11.-SPECIALISTS 11! ,, 1; .... 1 Ir 1n •pto1l1H1Un Ch'tqning Harbor Ha\"('n ~partm1·nts • Patios THE VOGEL CO. 1 ••. , t r .Siii•• Call Edna Craig 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona dt'l Mar Ha r 17-11 -14i7 Auto Rauio. R~a\r Blanche Gates, Rltr. E h 311 Marine A\•e. 409 . 29t t. »alboa laland. Har. 16":1 12Uc ~ 4 ROO:O.!, •trcrt level );1·ar iod1oolll, ~h• ·l'I''")! 1h~lrll'I. Q111rt, plea1<1U1l. PXl IU'\1\"I'. 1.:arh .. i:c· d11· J>Q 01. loun.iry. l'lvrnc:e moms. Just Enjoy the ·Income ;-.: ·" '"" 1 l3"1u h. Har. • ;z~. 3:;1rc Motor Overhaul '.':O ~tO!';EY 00\\':-.l * with this ad *, 6 ('yl;-. S4 .68 1" l'yls. 1111 111.i. ~ 111.• h t.111 .. r l\n I p1111 ~ ;\". 1\ 11 • '' u~t Jilll". viii\'<' .:11nd. t1l\1111.:• 111 n1"m 11ntl 11•ll !1,..11111i:>-~;1'1 '"' ~ ~1 1\"r \Ullf' UJ"I !ln . .iuy ••r 4 111111 111al ttuft1·11nt"'' 1 ;"'ii ~Hl:'\1'~Y IJO\ ' I RF.BUILT ENClNES 1 ·1· '" 1;1 11111:x·n1s Tl> I'-'\' n uri1 111 '''" nwn f111 t.•1 ,. hy hklllf•I mC1•htn1:<l •, 111 n l 11111tcnrl with 1ht' I ltofd" I , t 1111\" •111 .. t ~F.\\" nEt..l"XF; 2 boltm 1l11pl• x. i;:nrllJ:I'. ~~.! ~.o 111 Qr.,11pll'S i·n· 1 l 'nfum. hJw<I: fh ~ .. firepl, i.;.trb Ur•• blt!'• I Gn11•I Sllf't r.·u•1on. dl'P· Sun Jeckio. Laun lry rn11m~. ~li:r. I ; .. 11 I I ""' n l'la• e \ <':ttraJ:f'!', TV an1 .. nn:i11 Atlull~. l Rln1.k S"Hlh of ll1i:h Srhoul nn J>'lll. 71lUA-l llUl:S A r a1 1r1, L"o· A!.-.O 1-TP.;\"IS llEI> AP.IS. rnna d1 i.t-1.u. Ownrr -;112 Ar 11rtn. \\ 1:-\TF:R RATES 1L"rrrr apt I J"hnne H.1r.17 .. !i-J . • Jl!c ......--\.. • :mrcl -}--.-BY ~10~Tll (.Ill Y~;1\I<-on \\l\·1 I ' terrrnnl l''ur n 2 hJa m. Af'l • i.:ar· l Summer Rent a s I llS.:t'. Lilt'. I· n!0•'Tl\'ll t•I :1~i01 ~an..: • E l · B F l I I•\". :'\u\pnrl ll• l\. J111r. :;7,.,1 .r xc usn·~1 ay ron ~ I <eisp:-,u other choice properties ~L-;.:1.-1 ·nN I~HF:D. 2 ,bel1r•1<1111 I llnrbor l sland ,\Bay Shorn. Bea-11pa1lnl"nt wit h ~AIAI!•'. ''.1 .. 11~ from this t'X.Ccllent property (nD . rent' to pay). Located in choice rental district, 100 ft. from ocean. There arc 3 units -1a new duplex· and a 5-room house on 2 loUI. 2 units are furnished and rented on yearly basi$. Owner's home a\·ailable n~w. Three garagc>s on alley. Pr('scnt income can be subslan· tialfy lncrNtscd. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPI::CTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beacb Harbor 1013 •·on Bnv, qual!Cird "t·Uents only. 1111 '1t1<in f<1r •·ombin11 t1on II\ in,. • . nnd QfflCI' hJ'lll"I' or ns nff11 " 4u I f Re 4~ Rooms for Rent I"'" "!°"'~:~~s. ,.,,J ·"'BY 91 & 466 "• m ill! from I KnQll8 Caliro Mine Cho11t T own de\'elupmenl. n e Ar Bart1t•>W. Wond<'rful prQll~lll for fulure bu1<1n1•1111 and reRtdmUal Aub1ll- v1..~1on. Wiii t'Xchnnge anrl Bii· i aume on good Income or vaco nt commerc·IG.1 L. A. or Orangt ~ Count1r11. Fish.er & Company Harbor Investment Cu. Nf1;'t" 1 •• '<,:lu~av•·l~· Apply 1.:ll 1)8-l ~~1'CS-~---~~- Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8·~:1 6) :i:J11.J St . :'\pl .Lhh 41i<.'o0 i H!Jlt~I. lmu,,~. CJtt•an Front, Jul n1~ I T employtd la<ly 10 rent ml. i :l603 Newport Bl . Newport ~arh lovely new home. i;t>leel Harbor 4~29 • '8.:~0 y \\"AX -------------& AUj;~l. Jtjeal h••\ISf fur CUDJ . In REBl:lLT ::ind INSTALLED CORO="A Ut:L MAM s ouutand· :O:llllltT HIA>CK Ing 2 bllrm apt. OCNln itlde HI\:·. \'l•'"" Cu\•f'ly ,·arprl<'d lt\"lo<· nn. 488-Housu for Kent ILPr tun. <.:lus• 111. l!ALUO A 1; \ Y J'ROPJ::RTlf'SS, 1;,0[. \\"es Oii i;libnr'hood. Rl'fc1 encei, R(!B· 1 l!!ln 11blr rent. Phon• Har. 1036R 62--Rea.I Estate ~~~--------------~ t -f9e:i~ -----------FO It 11 • S I zr1 r.o " L• •rm•r t 111•plat ... lia r ha RI! ~llll· EXTl1A 111«e 2 l>tl• 111 nnfurn h••U'e Balboa P.h•t1. H11r, .51'-~. 49c!i w!lh 2 h11!1.s t. , r.• 111•• ti ra1 m. l 1 'HF.\· 11111/i~r .• S 1111 ;.11 l 'I. \"~I "' Jlt1l ••:t: SIS:\ pos&I. P11uo & K811ltc" SI JO nu. '""arl\'. unCum ~ -4 '7:> mo !1111·:?'•111 ~L ~111pun IX F'l~E£1 •11\J llt1~l t: AHi:'A ., llarbor 1~·:!7·J. 4:1 ;.i LJH.\:\l.J XJ-:1\ ;; li·!.11 .. h1111w un RC-TraiJer Spa~ Open · H ouse 10 a.m. -8 p.m. l'Hlt\"S ,i,, Jlt: SUTO · ·-· · St":O .\rl"RLEL 1•1::-.-0 VEH H~11-l111r ~Tl"Of:Bi\Kl:H · Slill Call Harbor 461() 1-;, 19 fun1. ~-;~. ,,,,.r.th ~I) F.XTRA c hu.rge !or • h1ldrcn to m11nenl l!•nants. 50·fl l'f'ltl" s I ~pact' var. 30x66 :.pa1 '" nnv Arr<!S, 111 ~ \\"tlMn. C M . OLl>S ,t, 1'1°'1--:TtAC 6 .... $1i0 ------------- rrr l::n< f•>r :-. 'n 111n•1i,. '"" pl.•l• ly 111111 O\VNERS HOME :I l"l•IL\I tfCJ\IJ,: '111\1 .Ir l •'flll: $!111 month " H l0H·r.; ...... Sli:i H l'!1S1~~ .... $17:> IA1r1n \'ur F rt'<' T owing 'W\\' <.'i\R CL"ARA:\"Tt:f; n 1 .. , k 11111•' rnr<'l our· 11tantlttn1~ I 'h•I' t"x'""· '").'l•Akeu n nd tnl ('ft• 1\ S1m.1r11· l lf ll ni. tn 2 Jl rn. BELLES EN NE REBUILDER o p1·11 I •n th· 8 10 7 NEv\' LOCATIO ~Hr East 3rd St. o :0: \:-;T A A~A MAY SPECtAL For~n Car Tune-up $3.95 & u p l"lua paru lt ntc:umr\·. W e p , k up & Jf'llv.r. BE A wr.'-'!\'l:R WtTli-. Hausken Motors Inc. .l 932 liMI'< r l\lv<I., C~tA '-In" Liti.rty 8-Ml~L •7o.')&h 0 . Choice Summer Rentals on ~.!:.n m.. 11 u. 1111 • un•"TI. n•' I 'h"n" Ll b• 1 t v 1< .. 1iG3 ;r r 5 I 3 I . Balboa Island & Lido Isle •lllh ""' •I t'• • fr•' 7.•'I .111!11 \ltl;f: Hu~a: l r n nt "" llarb• Small & cozy or large & demxe \I :i h• 1 In• ' ·" \\ti tJ ' ' 111 1:1\ 1. a ·,,.,1.1 ~1 . "" sw1,1llle ro S7~ .lo ·$300 month 1·a11>•·1~. 11,r. :.H.l, i v•·!( II II. llnm .. & t.1 •• 111.-., "' p111!• '~tun VOGEL CO :i:.ii-r. 41,, •I H• '""~"''"''' 1,. ,,., c·,.n~1"~·~ • • LIJ:'\1: Ht:~\C'H l'i•n,11 lJC•·.in F l i 1 ',tll ••'·' n 1 I I \· • ,7 ~ 1'-t~ 208 Marlne Ave., Bal6ot\ l~l.U\J 1.,,,,, iv 1>1•w z U.!r '" l:11mP U· .all· 1------------ Ph. Harbor 4H or Harbor 21[.1! 1i1u11;· f11111 .. ,, .. ho!, ~ .• 1. IA -•~" [IQQ ISLE Su • ~ic19 -----------~-1 3--Stor<'s 8' Offict>9 ----u 1•r" FFICE 11pacu for lease. Ap· x. 17 x:1;1· r;wh. In Lhlo Shop· ~ arta. :;ou Vla Malagu. Hnr. '· H>t!c plll 3:1:: 509 De Corona Anza Dr. Highl~nds THIS LOVEL \" new res11lc11ce l.\1lh :i bl'lll"lJ(>m~. lari;e pl11yr0'1m, 2 baths. LiVlni; rm. utrul1g rn•m1, solan•Jm. One Qr the nirf'llt k tl· . TWO Rell. Har. l786·R or Hnr. 311.'jll-~I Sti.:,.° 11111 , I I~ .. Il l· 1!1°, t!•1 , I 6Htc ROOM Ot'Jo'ICE. Sir .. month. cher.q .with all ns h 1 .tblntl.tt. -------------'LllT:.. lllJ~I F: In l kilh•tH ( ""'"~ fllr I. :.: IJ1-lllo1\:11s. ~ lll\lhr . r-;c·A.~ H/\H[JE,.T\", Hf'alt .. r Buill·llt HolLy l'lll\"1.' n m! 0\'l'I), Ill' :!(if'~ 11111 Gar·den Court 1 11·11t ·in 11i:.~1 1·111 v A1·:11111hte 'J. 4 u·-.111" "" ~ 1>.11•1• Xt \\"P"rt rnv.i . :xpt. H• h. ssc.i 16 rt. tile t1ru1nboard. n1i1- .1i.i--. """ .~ S•·r1. u1,n ... 1, 1t11r 1·11 .. 111• 1111 11 1 .. 11• l.111r 4 i l ~. ~7l·t9 11oul " fi.i1. V1t:w-<1t &ra frnm r l~An c e to ocean and bay -l~b1<1-~t . ' 1 I , ;,I) • ..11 wmJow~. Lot 87' wide· •• uoo Here ·ou'U relax and plar. I-:-, . .-. .-.-b-· --. -1 EARL W. STANLEY, Realto GE HOME for ~·11t ''n ~11rbor i<4 ft. ur house ll11d rxtra 111ri:r h. Bl\" h11 • -~. CNrltt=--l~HrJll 3 •·•hna l ornn,1 :l 1!:1~,w1•u1 \ Ulvt.X1·\\fH•ttB1 i.l .. • ... ta; Mesa $t11 U.ble f,,, double gara i:e. Small down. :.10 ' RF.ASO:'\A 1.E RATF.:S Hnr 01'.lj Hr.,hlands Csmilv hnmc \\' \\ Lf b ~,1.1 "It m!' & hu>'tn l'•• nr prorrs.~11.n r1· nr II'" £. Balbo Bl d II "' <.? .. • I T oil 11r • , .,, yr. loan 8l !°>' (. Bu11<1er. Httrl>Or ..., a v , Ha "'1\. "·'"'"~I <'Afl'<lln>·· •!rap•~ '"1~· U:<l'•J r 11,.,.,gabk L<'ll.S•· cons\dl"lo··I 4625-JK. ~hiy Ulkt "°me trad1• <.:al • br!1k flnphrr, llll•••l tirnrth "'EW , d l uWnPr ,Ll-8·3.7172 4 ~1'1 I' · ·"""'Ul' •"If " SF.ARLY XEW moJ,.rn 2 l)oJrn, htrrh rnnd<'t1 kit• h· n. llrl' '" " Jl('\"er Ot:CUpte o. or am ....... , ,y. ..., c 11. ·" 5S·A duplvx. un!u~.. with ~1trni;r'I' \'l<'ll". t~r. ~·<\nl. S~n1·,._ 1rfraJ<. vt·r.~ \\" \\' \ 111" ·~· '.! bt <lrr !..ARCE LOT_o_n C l-1!-I -lJ-rt-,.-, In 1 Cot ta Mesa. \\ ater pd :-;., I h1l· 811l0011\l ll w:i•hl'r I'\\ ll!fll'd II & <l• n. P:\lh & •. 11'' ·' un~ -Busin~i9 Rf'ntab cnrr Hllvtn. . AVA dren. J67~0 mo, t'111l l.l 1,.111111 •lt.•trt>•I ~ •. ,. r"\\' l\f'I Sf'AW.ild 1.1t1v. l•'1cr l 11.rlw:il r.:•1•\111\ fl.ABLE -Aboul 8000 sq. ALSO .i7Hc H1...,J.l"c1r1n~ll·l.\t.ir l'h. llYA'~t 1 3~~ .~l~·ll'I )l•lllni.; 1 •ni•n ft. hght industry 11rat·e on lst lt 40 ft.5tn·et lO•lr<'ll lotonCen~a 4·!'>61'1 ~ _ ~rt P.o.'ltl. 0 '1"1118 •Id ,\:~r 4"' !>ti Znil flr)flr. L" s H.lghwa)' 101 Lido U.le and C·2 \Qt on :'\ewport •BDRM. un!\JrnUhtd. yearh· Inst. -----anJ u y .r rQnt.age. \\"111 leu e all Blvd . .Mrs. Ahrt>n/I, Har. 0191. I on LJrto U OO. Pl'1 C'l.IFF" ll A\·~;;-.:, ~\•I' i,n! irn • , SU~1¥ER RENT AL <•r a.n•· part It r,.model to sutt 1 23trc h<1rm hr1~1•t. , • \\ lv p1111llr•' • .. '1 -' Ft:Jl...,., 1<1ngle apt 5;;\ ''" ll'111e r1r tpla ct' l111r ~l ;\6 1>r H tr l• 7 I::'<• 111!11\'e Bayfnml •hom" Bl' neon tenant. Vogel CD• SH& Via Udo. A HOME to hve IA until you buiid . ntar U tlb. • :i:": B.1r "' .11. ih!r • r July & Au· liar bor 41171 26tfc: on front of 6-room knotty·Pln", I B DRJ.l. i--:rt ly t\lrn. Oil l ~ l'I M SIOO. n.w Udo. AVAILABLE NOW 1-11.,l 1:. 1111,:1111:· fun 1~h! I. Ci;r· l ri!<lw00'1 and •ldlng O\'<'r double t.:1~(> •!!·r • ti d.•l\IA•hn. II•·· r 5-~Bu .. ine!JS Op.J>2rtwl.lh ~ar Darkroom. l11undry l\nd fr· Z•' :!-• i1 ~•11••1.'• ;\ ••rli~ no1 \lOro ronm. t:n1ny b!JC lr<lfllrl\I $36,750 -good terms. MARINERS . ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Islarid Harbor 4781 LIDO ISLE Brand New Beautiful Hawaiian Modern Bay Front Luxury Home A,. world o! pleaaure'a in at.ore for the family who b uys this beautiful, deluxe Bay F:rtmt home. A few yards· from your easy armchair, sail and power boa\.a aldm by your door. En.joy t.h9 beauty of the bay and ocean /rom your beacb·eide tern.ce. Ba.ek in the •unabioeion the beach at your door. Beautiful interiors a.re, W to W viacoee nylon rub- ber underpadCling carpeting: floating .taircut; tropical planting; 2· huge •tone fireplacee; dream kitchen with s~rving bar, built-in electric range, dishwasher. Three bdrma. plua conv /panelled den : 3 bas. F)tll large glasa window wa.lla with aUclliig doors opening. to upper and· 10.Wer sun deck•. A home for you who enjoy truly fine things. Excellent value. See by app't, ph Har.bar 5093 . Courtesy to brokeni •Sp:)() NOW IS THE TIME ! ! I North Bay Front Oversize piC'r and float. T he house is sturdy-but MC'ds an artist's touch to mnke a b<'autiful Bay Front home. An Income unit may· b<' addC'd 'with little expense -$45,000. -3 ctl oree1lonms-·on the __ _ Little Isla n d $28,500 -S45,000 D 0 R I S B R A~ , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & E venings · Nona Hyc>r -Chet Salisbury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Sail Boat Races From Your Den You'll be amazed at tbr magnificent vi ew from lhia outstanding 3 bdrm. and d<'n Cliff Jin ven H 11mc un a to · front kvel lot NOT leasehold. 1~ has 2 bnlhs. r r1rcplaces, separate dining r oom, beautiful li\"lnJ( room. breakfast nook in" a large k1tcher't. 1..otH of cupboarU space. Lovely fenced playyard for children with patio. Reduced t o $32.500. Let \IR try any reasonable offer, The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Liberty 8.3481 Eves. Liberty 8-351'\0 WHERE . CAN YOU FIND two 2 bdrm~ bouf!f's and a bllch• !or apt.. WKE NEW -on an extra large corner lot -\'ery beet lotat.Jon -(lncome $2550 ori a yearly basl.8) -f_o r S21,000? ·~ BOl...Ei EN8&NA.DA :22 fl .boMM ~, LUtr · ,,_., 4'Mtl'T" A ahwr . .J;JH r• r.. 11 ~-Sr• l\t 1991 N c>'lll']'Ort Avf'., C'rtel a Mt'M, or call HArbnr ':O:R n1·J1. 47tfr &~Beach Re~ty Lido . Office \.f:RY :-; IC:F :! t. Ira. 1.r (111 n. ' ,,1,H LI lo 1>h .. 1·r·~•il 1 .. n1W. F \ '1"61. ftr!'plJ\l't , l(A 1 bllp• tl1•p1>• I •ll,hml\..c\rr. 1!11111>1.• II"' 11:r \ lrufl SI 111. n!••. l 11 Tf'Ppt11>A.t • r~11plr. l'":" H.ir. :.'.171 , < •Ullt'•\ I 1 nufacturiog p&t\o now. l bllo!. from L11lo ,,~rn·. ----~t+M--..,MiiiU<11-.U.1~.w.i1..M.N.4t---·4-.,...,,"'"'...-~,.. ......... --·. "-., ... o ... ,~.,..,.l"t"'d; ONLY $5000 DOWN J'OR RENT With OJ•llno to pur· cha.e Ot' .for Ml• 3 m\, <'Oltl\i:~ I nlilf't, t i«'. l"ffr1f.'. 11pt. atO\ 1 f\IUy f\un. 8lf..tJI 4 S7?'\ \Mm~ 1'811\ M •I Or&.nl:'" .<'O•la M· Nt •: r•" l'M A l..1, Ul 11!• V \tllll• r \\ 1 h hlr·h an I 11, 1 •r, °F ' )I.., :71• I \..... 4111 ~· 3 112 L.afa)'t'lle, !\"~-port Hsr1><1r 3643-Evt1. H inbor 2$1£•~ Juat to I.he n ioiht (>( Lido b 1 r1df• t1ntrttnet1 171 t i' Balboa Island ChG\ce yearly an<t 1t11nme'r Nnlal .. · nl°lw 11\'lilllablt. norus ltRA \'. Rl'111tn· :'Iii \IA11nt A 't. ~b. .& I• otr Harbur :iu 9..ill• I '·ALL o"rn• r . Ll ·3~~ for 11r1 ' "~' .. 0 1.F:A:-o;, f'l"l\:'\. 1 1><11 rn. 111 • F .1111 ht II l .,.,, Ito ~l· Cl\ h· I .a~ t • ritcr, l'trm .. nt! •• lo.JV 1 ' ' 1 "I' .r .-11,,,. rm1r11-. JZ' • • •• \,I " f ~ £.,., 1 > bvJy ru .~ t..:IANUteJ ,.,.,. • It LEASE rROFlT ABL.E Ir growfnr. ~gbt St., :'\twJ)Ort ~.arh.. H&.rbor .•\U HEACTIFL'.L new Irvine m• t11I prortuct•, •1th nAl'L ealea 4308-J. • 49p61 1 t>rt f• ,. un!ut n. va•\V h11:rat·1t. I I. ORM s . 2 bl\ l lul and m:ne:<11s .. 2 bs:hs. ill H 1r1. r 177,, Ctr Hl.1 bor •HS -.\Ht. \\". STA:"LE\' R"l\ltor ro11111bt11 llu . :\t::ED par lntr <A·llh rn1c. or &&.Ju (')( pl'rlPnce. S 1 o.000 r•qulrfld. H arbor H 67. H cill B\.:S COMFA:'\Y with toni t erm Jn"'" ·r. ITI\• r ~>f! tee rranehtte 1n tut growlJ\g Costa 1· • ' ,\ 1. ~l11r. 33tfc ltc1111 .. Phone OWl'ER. W btrt)' .. , 8-:\6113 or Lfberty ~~223. ~7t'4P ·1 ~,,, •t> ~ •rllt" In , '" I h Kl :,.11n;P -Cl\ll H11rbor 181 8 to p~ yow 67ctll l A4 oe Ulla pep WANT ? men y,·\th S230 ta l.o huy I;,. l.nt. In 10 acru above Bia.ck St&r C&nyon. Clevrla.nd"NaL For· e.~t MJ.nenJ Mfht. Yrly. key to fore«.. p&rtn. wat.4'T'. W 8·1038. ·~51 TWO ad,jo1n1Jlf lot. ln o.t& M&M l:Asl stde: Jn NWf r rtllt. Each 8o Jt l 3ff EAcPi S~ ca.ah nr t.crma. L.l 6-7112.. • O ctil WE &NOW WHERE! You won't believe you see this beautiful prop<>rtr, See Lila B. ')ikf aJTen with - It wba BALBOA BAY.,.PROJ>ERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 3786,0T 2~17-M-­ <Next lo th~ Doll HoUM) Everyt>Gdy Reads 'the CLASS 1-1E0 ' ' . ' ... . .. ·PAG"E 6. PARl I' -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS C-Bfal r..tat...;;;___, __ r ___ ._ •• _r.. __ ta_t .. _____ n-: __ BMJ r.s_tate ______ U-RMI .!A!~.!! I ~~ -~~!'. ______ a-Keel l'_w_._ .. ___ _ MONDAY, MAY 9, 1955 -----I LIDO REALTY I ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acrou from Richard'• Market Entrance) When You Buy-Sell-Rent-Lease ON LIDO ISLE .. a vail Yourstlf of Experienced P ersonnel. W. G. (Bill) Ke mpton-Broker Joseph H. Grohman -Sales Manager Gene M . Vreetand -Sales Virginia Manson -Sales Thomas Campbell -Sales When its Lido Island-Consult with Lido Realty We arrange for 5't-20 year Joana. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acron from Richard's Market Entrance) 49cM · Corona del ·Mar Duplexes We have 2 honeys on Jasmine ONE HAS two 1 bdrm. units plUA a nice bdrm. attached to the garage -situated on 2 Iota to give plenty of elbo.w room. $18,750 THE OTHER HAS 2 large bdrms., a large den and a huge living room, 15 x 26 on 2 lots. PLUS a 1 bdrm. unit with a large 2-car, garage d own under. Each .hu its own private ya.rd. $24,500 Both are exceptional bargains a.od won't last long! Excellent financing available. TOM PAYNE JEAN SMITH DUNCAN-~HARDESl~ RealtDr 2602 W. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 48c50 BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS . It'a a shake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. h ome. Has !=l.a baths, dining room. break.fa.st room, large living r oom with maasive fireplace. Thermodor etec: tric range & oven, beamed ceilings. cedar panelled walls. turnate. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. lt'a fenced and landscaped and bu a patio. Space prohibits the mentioning of the many other .features except to add that it is surrounded with quality built ra~h homes, PriceC1 definitely below value at $23,750 EARL W. STANLEY, Real tor . 15th & Irvine, NewilOrt Beach Phone Liberty 8-2664 or eves. LI.8-6300 STOP! r OPEN HOUSE . · COROttA HIGHLANDS The Chips Are Down Panoramjc view A new houM too' One of the WAS IH:"OO 113.~00 '• the ntw • CAJl for app't to ~ 1969 Maple St. 41ll!: TOU TIRED O( buytnr prop· erty for ao~• tlM ! Then •top and '" thl• new 2 bdrm. tiom• appr. I bloclu from new •hopplna area, OPEN HOUSE Call fot app't to aee 182 Cabr illo St. LrKI: LlVlNG up town T Thia 3 bdrm. home I• very ~ood. Loe1,t- ed In an area that •hould plrk , up ln val ut , Sl0,600. ' WOVLD YOU 1.IKJt TO OWN A 0QUALITY HOME' Call UI lo aee 206 061 Mar. 3 bdrm .. l ~. bath. Japant11t &$ paneling. fireplace. SO Jl:lCE, MAK E OUR~i'"''CE -YOU R M. I. HEADQUAflTERS Jndu1trial Land Buytte! Let ua ahow you the but M. I. In t.hl1 artlL. We h•ve the ~erv1ce. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 16e6 N~wporl 81\'d. Coata Mtaa, Calif. U 8-3792 . . BALBOA Bay Front Duplex Fumlahed and within walking dl11· t•nce of the library l.n Balboa. 134.1100, TERMS. Duplex in Balboa ' BA y A VE.. blk. from bay. Completely furn • . cellent rental area. Walking d••· lance to hbrary. 2 bedroom hou•e plU• 1 bedrm apt. $21,500. TERMS. Costa Mesa NICE 2 BED~. HOUSE on ~x- 140' lot. W.lking distance to •lOrH It C&lholic achoo!. 113,000. EXCELLENT TERMS. Coast Properties' :101 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2658, 2697 and 4600. BY OWNER EARLY AMERICAN ranch 1tylt, 3 bdrm , 2 tile battu1. COMPLETELY FE!': CED. R.418ED uMd brick Clreplace. BEAM CElLlNO. KNOTY'Y PINE kitchen, garb. laat choice location• in Corona Highl&nda, Fiaber r~uced prict Ownu 111-muat built. 3 bdrm.a., l~. baths. abake roof, dbl. garage. ael~ An appo llna s bdrm. hOOlt I W d f 2 bd h So _, H on • buu11tully landlK'•ped cor· Ul consider tra e or rm. ou.e · &n wy. ner 1ot'11h the mo.t attractive OPEN HOUSE 1-.5 EVERY DAY pat10* anc1 e.a.Q. you've eve.r 448 RJVERA0 TERRACE -"'We r.,..al 113.~00! Kay Wt .. Besf in the Back Bay Greatest value -Loweat pri~e l . One acre of property 2. Complete and aeparate gue1t houae, alps. 4 3. 3 bdrm. hou.ae . 4. Large rumpua ·room, 5. Double garage, • 8 . 50-ft. enclosed filtered swimming pool with aeparate dreaa\ng room• and shower, 7. Plenty or room tor stables and horsea. All of "the above can be purchased for u low aa S5000 down. Full price, $27,500. Call tor Appointment. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. Fireplace, dbl. garage. Only 3 yrs. old. Can move in immediately. $3500 dn. will handJe $1 •.200 full price. Courtesy to brokera. Call Mr. Pattison -• W. E. FISHER. Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3034 E. Coast Hwy .. ~rona del Mar Har.. 2443. LI o·o Is LE ahow you ~·uouch ! • • • I Another Reduction ! Was $15,600- Now $14,350. , fT WOULD 11\00 EED b4' Mother'• Day If 11he would move Into th111 lovtly home. 3 bdrm., hdwd floors. Clrtph,ce -3 yr•. old. Plue! Patio. B.B Q, and L-ahaped 1W1mmlng pool! Once In a llfe· time buy! Hurry! Sn lhle buy In th111 but Eut8h1e loullon. $14.3:>0 -Ex<"ell•nl ltnn• . . . Cliff' Haven Artistic Moderne A RUSTlC THAT JS dltfertnt. You'll ~ drllshted wi th the novel treatment combined with the runcllonal charactn or lhl• large three bedroom. l 'lo bath home with atparate dlnlngroom, cover•d la.nal -.id patlo-brttze· way to extra large p ragt - evtrythlng lh•t spell• 9uallJy, de.aim and reClnemel\l. Ull,9:>0. • • • .,. . Bay & Beach Realty J896 Newport Blvd. Costa Meaa, Ca llf. Llberty 8·1181. Evea, 1.1 8·31:>8 BACK BAY ALL YOU NEED ia your family and personal be- longing• to move into thia one year old, lovely 4 bdrm. one story home. Large living rm. with atone fireplace, separate dining rm., modem kitchen with all conveniences. 3 car garfge plus lad.ndry and deep ~ AC. RUSTIC. 2 br. It den. lge. 1 ~•.-o.-..1. -.·~·fieo-tp.1Jii.-··~·'9"'41114t~-~~ll-~t-P1J.--·~··-...u·<'IJ.r] -~·~-"~'-ll..&Aa~rn..._-J.~.,.,~~~2;.1 .reeee area. etm~...-.-1"4n • over gllrage. Carpeted and f urniahed fo! $39,500 •,, AC. 2 br. atucco farmhouH, nearly new, fruit trtea, view with exceptional term.a. Compare this! Ctom •undeck. CAL-VET lo&n, LIDO BAY FRONT ~-.-· ·u;~8~rnucr~o ·~~~ Extremely nice 3 bdrm., 3 bath. Completely redeco--01 bay · ·· · ... nuoo. · ted & t• 1 f · h d H •th i d » AC. near country club, 2 br. ra attrac ive Y unua e -ome WI · P er an house, furnished -room for large slip-Thi' one has a pe.tio al~ untt• .. ... ...... .. I MOO. And a very ni_ce buy for $58,500. -n AC. nr. c. c .. nud• rtpalr. s br. I"' Real buy Cor cun. VERY LA TEST BAYSHORES, 2 br. PLUS gar. unit. knotty pine Interior. 2 patio•. SEI!: THIS 121 .~oo. lmagine a 3 year old 2 bdrm. home on lovely Lido, completely furnished for juet $20,500. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are liat9d e-xcluaively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach . Har. 4971 or 4972 . Eves . Har. 2191-M or LI 8-~297 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2131 W. CoUt Rwy. W 8-•~77 LOCATE dlipo-.1. -------------.... ---------LANDSCAPED. 8r1ck Patio. BUNDRllD8 o r J"OLK.8 are MV• lng time A monty by lftllng U• locate wnat they wanl- HOW ABOUT YOU! ~ PRICE $16 000. U 8-5766 47c49 $13.000 BY OW~ER. 3 bdrm•., din. rm .. atta. rar. W lO W carpet., hwd. rlra., thermo heal, -~rb. dlsp . .-kitchen fan. Incl. nrl)' new auto wuher It dryer. refrig. "'- gu ran-ge. 11500 dn, SiOOO C. I. loan. Wiii consider 2nd contract. 329 Broadway. Co~ta Mesa.. 40c~2H BY OWNER -3 berm,, close to •hoppin g, etc., on quiet St. Hwd. Cira., fl'nced lot, 11~wna, garb. d1..,p .. alley rear. Jtuom for In· come. New p1unt. 4"'c loan at 16• pe>r nio .. · lnclurllng tues A: lnau. Price 113.2:>0. 1189 Park Drlvt, Co1t11 Mrs11. 40Ui: Bay Front 1n~ome v SHORECLIFF S . FIRST TIME OFFERED Quality built ranch type home with outstanding vie\!{ o( ocean and hills. Z bdnna. and den PLUS maid's room. 2 baths. Carpeted wall to wall. Cua· to.m drapes. immacuiate condition. Forced air heat. Garbage disposal. Built-in dishwasher. Lota of tile, nicely arranged kitchen. Shake roof, paved patio. 4fi'Beautifully landscaped. Only 3 years old. YES , the price will amaze you -Includes carpet- , ing & drapes for only $38,000. Lciw down payment will handle. • Thls ocean view home ia a bargain and at t hia price ' it won't laat long! OUTSTANDING BACK BAY I., ACRE $3,750., C·2 COSTA MESA, 60icl~O. H .600. $2,000 down M-1 !"EWPORT. 2 apU and gar- •it. $14.000. OCEAN VlEW, 1 bdrm., $11,000. $2,000 down PANORAZC VlEW, Kang• Place, large home, t30,0<>0. CHA NNE DUPLEX, Pier and no&t, 122.000. BEA UTIFUL bay view lot $8.000. MA NY, MA NY OTHERS /' The Locator of Calif. .r>-07 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 311~. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST s s s s I BEACH lot 1:.: bUc .. from Blue Pacific. Full price, juat $22:)0 cub. Lot ion~ R-2, alae 30 ll l<K. s $ $ ' , 19th .ST. Acroaa ·from market It drug et.ore, 100 ft. front. A apeculative piece. Ready .for improvement·. · Wlae lnveatment. ·here ia bound to ma.ke you money. $ s s BRAND new view home. 1420 Kings R~d. I love- ly bdrm.a .. 2 pullman bat.he. carpeted, view kltcbtn. Landscaped yard. Open daily 1 to 5 except Monday and TuMday. s s s • RESTRICTED Back Bay luxurlou. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Just ready for immediate occupancy. Com- plete Hot point kitchen. Nat'l aah cupboa.rda p.lore, hwd. floors. Thermo beat, fireplace, sliding glue door to cement patio. e~tric eye 1arage door. $24,500. temui. 2~~~~~~s~~~o~~~ 1857 Newport Ave·, eo.ta MNt. Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO Evee. ' '530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Call for app 't to see Don't fail to see th&. charming 3 bdrm., 2 bath • home. You'll love the excellent floor -plan, large plc· ture window. W to W carpet. Well arranged kitchen with loads of cupboards. Many, many other fea· tures .that ~-e'll .be happy to ahow you. • • SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. . . This you must see in Corona del Mar Call for app't to see . . We have juat listed a lovely 2 bdrm. with forced- air heat, flagstone fireplace. at a price that we think is a "st~a l" -$13,WO and we can g et you good terms. FRANK. JAMES & LINWOOD VICK .. <\· B . Rues, Wm. G. Schmidt , R. W. Rayle, Asaoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa lsJand ·Harbor 2042 A Full Load of Living FOR YOUR F AMfLY ia pr ovided in thla lovely home. Want a private beach ! Need a place to keep your cruiser! Prefer close in location near Lido Shopa, C'lc. ! Buy this ideal 2 bdrm. home in Balboa Bay Cove• right on the.waterfront, only 3 yrs. old. Lota of Ule, parquet floors, F. A. heat, dbl. garage. nice feature&. Pier & slip pri.Yileges. A real val'ue at $26.250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnished -good rental diatrict. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -FuJJ Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 1013 ' . At Our Office and LOOK! 3 UNITS 2 A. 3 bedroom•. furn· l1hed. Pier. no11t and private ~tit:-100& E. Balboe-Blvd,, - Balboa. C'rutvlew 186411. Cour· OCEAN FRONT PRICE T. McCUISTION LOT 30x95, umt d R-4. Locat~ be· ·'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS t.IULTIPLE US'i'!Nrr""Rrn"TOR tw~err-Nl'wpo1t • &&10oa. , At this attractive 10 unit near ly new quality built a parllJlent on 2 Iota tn Balboa's choicest ren~l area. lPe)' to brokere. 13tfc 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 )>rice $7950 Cash ~Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) NO TRADES, orfer• or terma. EXCLU-Sl VE BA YSHORES LISTEN 343 Ramona Place ----------------------No PHO:'\E 1:-:r oRMATror.:. I 4 BEDROOMS. 2 balhl!. Brand • SEE LILA B. McF ARR EN n<'w. largl' lot on Circle street. BEFORE YO~ BUY _ • ~aJboa Bay Properties · $19,500 Furnished to what we have to tell you about thia completely & beautifully furnished in\·eatment property. Built for euy maintenance. S32.000 will handJe. nut door lQ Newport Sch()()I. 419 E Balboa Blvd , Balbo& $1.900 doW1'1."full pricf' lnrxt to lht Doll 1;touae 1 47cU $ 1 2 , 3 5 o Be sure to see these NEW HOMES-Lovely MODERN 2 Mrm. P LUS den-dbnn. off garage completely and att.;activefy fu_rnished. W to W-carpeting, drapes, delightful bright kitchen, in· direet lighting in liv. rm. & dm. area. buJlt-in plant· -· VOGEL CO . Main Office, 3201 Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 -Eves. Harbor 5142 Exclusive Listing BALBOA ISLAND Two bedroom house One bedroom apartment Two-car '!&rage Fireplace. each unit Execellent l0cation ·S tep from Bay , AU for $23.000. WM. W. SANFORD , -Realtor And Auociat_;. · Park at M~rine, Balboa Ialand -Harbor 2462 Outstanding Oce~n View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 21,z bath.a, lge.)ivin'r room, 11eparate dininc room, large knotty pifl• den with c ALL ownu at Llbtrty 8-6i6l nr Liberty 8-2103 47c49 Newport Beach 2.BDRM. turn. i,.11 ch homt> 1, blk to ocu n. Full Price $!,950 Homei: Shafer, Rltr. 1oe McFadden Pl . Npt. Bch. Hubor HO, f'V('!I., Har. 1137-M or Ha.rbor 2:'>29-M 48c~O 208 Kings Place FOR SAU: OR LEA SE with op- tion to buy. Attractive 2 bdrm. It den, be&m ce1Hng1, llllrga view lot. C'llff Ha ven. Owner, Lonr a.ach 800-317. 39p:121i HOUSE FOR SALE:- 1 ROOMS, 2 bedrOOl'Dt : flrepl&ct. Tile •Ink, paUo. Obi. prage, o k for bulldlnr apt. 711 Irl• !-Vf'. Corona dd Mar. $12,500. Ownf'r. Phone ATl&nUo l-6983. 47c50 built-In bar, lounge, 2 !ire~ace., basement with • , ---·-t69.ooo BTt.Humadr.~pe111nr1 capeted--wan to .-.......-: on lrvme A ve. wall t hru-out. Oarbage diapou.l and diabwuber. Lovely I bdrm .• I baUl home. New HoUN 6 yra.' o)d. La.rge doubl~ ga.r&ge with laun· wa.1.1 to wall cupeUns &nd tni· dry, radio-controlled door. Lot 50 x H2'. Well land· ver11• drapariea. Bloclt we.ti ahd l&nctacaped. 115,7~. dwnu, LI ecaped. Thi. home must be seen to be appreciated. l ·IH37. H cS1K Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNE~LL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER BY OWNER balh fa.rmhOOM. FHA commit· 3 bdrm.a., 1~·2 bath hometi Cloae to everything, Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Llberty ~-7976 33tfc --------~--~~~ VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Don't wait until it's too late to aee thia distinctive 3 bdrm. 4 bath beauty s ituated on a lovely corner lot on beautiful Balboa Peninsula. Unsurpused view o! Harbor Crom Liv!!!~ ~m. Ir M~ter Bdrm. Shake 1 roof. Interior pH elling. Lots of eJ1tfru. Will pleue the mo·at discriminating buyer. $49,500. Term.a to qualif.ied buyer. ("' THE VOGEL CO. 3201 .W. Coaat Highway, NeffPOrt Beach U 8-3481 Ev ea. Har\><)r !> 1 t2 1 ' This Is Value-,~--.--.... On BALBOA ISLAND we or!er excluaively an unua· ually deairable t bdrm. multi·batb home. Delightful ·living room, large dining r oom. Maximum aquare footage. Close to beat beach. Can only be.. appre<:iated by inapection. · Call Harbor 1775 Eve11. H arbor 5359 ·Shown by a~pointdlent only corona H11111ande -a bdnn .• 2 Ph~ne OwtJer, Har r 34M 47c5.l ma.nt. Pb.. H.arbor 7&-J. 91Hk AOVER"'SJNG IS THE BEST L~Eo1uu-DL! H bo -Oau1Cl.cl Art. a.re read by Colk• E"'RL w. STANLEY. Realtor · " M rYt-f'"nvne e r r 1616 wbo a.re l'MllJ iooJWis Lo i.u,. ·~ M~e Ave., Balboa lllazid , \ . . . t ook at this I bdrm .. , hwd. floor.. flrtplac~. dlspo11al. Wired tor tl.c:lric •tovt. Fenced, located at 2048 FLlrway. 'Dr., Coal& Mt11a. $11 ,250. Ph. Har. 3541-J. Slll!c CORON~ DEL MAR er. fireplace, large lot with abundance of paved parking ~rea, nicely landscaped. A REAL BUY -SEE THlS ONE~ "C" THOMAS, Realtor C.fiOICE LOT on Lark11pur, 111 blk. from the ocean, 16,760. 224 W. Coast Highway, Ne·wport Bach Llberty 8-M27 STANLEY A. SMlTH, Rltor . "C'; THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS 2647 E. C4?ut Hwy ., Corona dfl Mar. Harbor 882. 47c49 OCEAN VlEW modem 2 bedrn1. home with ex tr& room and '-. bath on double garas~. Prlct $23.500 Low down payment or will take Fir~ Tru1t Dud In lnde. • / 2712 •CJttt Drlva (adJ•ceont vacant lot avLllablt) Ph. owner, U 1-2~32 23ttc CORONA DEL MAR . ' 2 bedroom home. Extra large 2-ca!.....iarage with space for hobby ahop and stresaed'Ior apartment. Carpeted living room. with fireplace. handy dinin1 area off kitchen, &er\'ice porch. tile bath. Plea.a· ant surroundings. This wtll not last. See 1t today. • $12.980. RAY REALTY CO. .SY OWNEft-Cute, 1 bdrm. houn ln a lovely nti«hborhood. neer Hl(h School. Wall lo will eu · .,euns. Lot 110 ll too. Ouuide 3444 E . Coa.st!>vd:J?>rona del Mar Harbor 2288 need• a llttle p&lnt. Ori•• by 379 ---£ ~ IA Perle Place or caU LI 8-48511. >" · _____ -....;...,,_1ce_oh s E WHAT WE FOUNc;> OUT OP' TOWN owner •Y• "1et EXCEPTIONALL ATI'RACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. ortn" on corner <luplu Bo. of Hiway. One un!W1llahad •part~ me.nt hu S b4-<lroom•. one fur- nl•.bad atudlo apartme.nt prage. AU tn good oondruon. cau Mi .. Koh.l•ladt. Har. 21~1 ...... Har. 0829·.R. 1136 Coallt Blvd,. C.D M I •4ttc NJ:W I BDRM. on 'ii acre, 17.t&O 283 A voc-ado, Cqfta Maea Ph 6TUc -, Panelled ·~iving rop111 and small dining room, car· peted wall to wall, _good kitchen, breakfu t apace and eervice porch. Ample cupboards and atorage apa.ce. Oversiud 2-oar garage. 1Nlce encloled ·patio. Moat convenient comer location . i bike. fro m Clt1 · Hall. Newport Beach. On~ $12,000. ~RL W. STANLEY. Realtor 1113 N~ Blvd., N~rt Bea.ch Har. 1011 • -- II .. • .· I I) • I 8ALB.OA ISLAND A HAPPY COMBINATION ot Ellerbroek and Bal· boa laland -4 bdrm., 3 bath. To a qualified !am· Uy who can handle a high monthly payment, we otter about $5000 down. ~ GR.AND CANAL -2 unit.J\ · a large patio, fenced. Attractively fumiahed. $10,000 doWJ\. 80 !t. of BAY FRONT -Pier, float. 4 bdnM. Lovely grounds. Thia home 111 priced low at $78,000. • 4 BDRMS .. 2:1, baths. New furniture. TV. BBQ. J"forth Bay mooring. Good family home. All for $24,9~. DELIGHTFUL small vacation home. Double garage. Fetching. $15,750. BEACON BAY LOVELY 4 bdrm., 3 bath home on Yawl Rd. $33.500 BAY ·sHORES )\ We offer the only available Bay Front home with pier & noat. 165 ft. frontage. Most exceptional. Shown by app't only· . · CALL HARBOR 1775 • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. ' LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm. home on R-3 lot. Room to add unit for income. $23,500 -S8000 dn. bal. SlOO m onth. INCOME -BALBOA T Unit.a (6 furnished) -Private Patios. Has ex· ceUent income record -$52.000. ~I.a -Adjoining nicely furnished duplex & extra lot. S22.000. te.rme. BALBOA PENINSULA Attractive 4-year-old 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace, roomy kitchen, patio. $16,000, terma. BAY A VE. BEACH. HOME Near Library-$3800 down buys partially furnish- ed 4 bdrm. home. Cloee to bathing beach. Full price -$15,750. BAY & BEACH REALTY H:W W. Bal~a Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 . BUY YOUR LOT · NOW I :t For Your Dream Home = For investment :: For Speculation CAMBRIDGE ESTATES 16th & Irvine Costa Meaa'a Finest Location G 0 I N G FA S T --See us quick S3650 . Phil Sullivan, Owner · ' George T. Everson -Exclusive Agent 1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Llberty 8-6761 Eve11. Harbor 4366 • Llberty 8-2103 ., S!SOO down and $85 per month i.a all that it takes to buy this very nicely located 2 bedroom home in Newport Height.a. The full price ia only Sll.500. Ask to aee _ thia home, combination of price and terms a.re hard to beat. TRADE 4 tumlabed u.n.ita on two Iota in Newport, income '1a $250 per month, price ia $22,500. Will trade for amall beach home.or Red.lands prope,rty. - . 62-~aJ FAtate ~~------~----..--1 -. p. ·a:·palmer in~orpor~ted NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA~E 1 MONDAY, MAY 9, 1965 developers of Lido Isle LIDO . -LOTS -LIDO LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Outlltandlng, ao don't dream too long! On a large ---~ tr comer, Lido lot with a good BAYVIEW. Down ... ' .. 1talra there are two. 2 bdrm. apQI., both leued u.nfurn. ~ the year. Upstaira the owner's apt. la a truly outstanding 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with over· 1ized tiled bar in snack room. Large rooml and pie· ture windowa give a fine BA YVTEW. It la a. rare bargain at $57,500 with excellel"lt terme. " We have 4 new homes juat being ~ompleted. 2 are 4 bdrm11. and 2 a.re 3 bdnns. All are carpeted, have sliding glaea doors t o patios, Thermo. oven an~ ranges, forced air thermo controlled furnaces and 2 or 3 baths. They are in d~ferynt locations and are different 1tylee. Before buying, you should aee theae. -----~ We have many well located lots at this time, aleo rentalll b y the year or t or the summer. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 "'\ . HAS YOUR FAMIL y GROWN I If ao, then be 11ure to see thi.9 tine family home. Th1a la the fu.t. time. thia pr.o~rty h_u evu been, offend =-1·~ for aa1e, ao don't make the mlat.ake 4f thinking you b'ave seen It before. Four good al:&ed bedroom.a, one downetalrs and three upstaira. Living room H ~ x 28', tremendous family room 20' x 20'. paf,lo 12' x 27'-Electric kitcqen, oak.floors, shingle roof and 1hingle exterior-2400 sq. ft. in the bou.e. U you are looking for a good SJ?A! house with a comfort-. able feeling be certain to call us. Price $29,7:W. Location-Cliff Haven-(not leasehold) HURRY ! BALBOA .ISLAND SLEEPER! Just a step to the bay -3 bdnns., 2 batha plus swimmer'e dressing room and shower. Charming patio with barbeque. Usable, Cadillac-eize, 2~ar garage. Ea.ay terms on a low price of $19,500. Ask for Da,·e Osburn. CLIFF ~A VEN CUTIE Three bedroom and two bath, nearly new view home. This one has 2 patioe, 11 beautifully landscaped and has a large back yard all fenced. Price of $24,500 includes carpets and drapes. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 1410 KING~ ROAD When you call ask for Bill Farnsworth. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co,, sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 ONE .. HERE IS A SPECIAL oo~r Jot -a tlne lup one -1".rwar in ahape. Permane'Dt view of th9 • bay. A. i.a1 buy at $16,:SOO. TWO HERE IS ANOTHER large one • almoet 80-tt. A. atrada to atreet lot for .$16,000. We ha\•e a perfect eet Qf plane for a 4 bdrm. h~me deef'gned by a prominent buUder. See this lot & look o\'er the plan. THREE STILL ANOTHER BEAUTY -40-ft. atreet to .•t.reet. -And a top location, too. $1'2.750 full price. Shore . Cliff Lot · A large, well located homesitt>. $16,000 ca.sh -Better eee it! A acatte item -Very few Jett. ' CLIFF HAVEN (Leasehold -55 yn. -$250 yr.) A fine lot with a permanent view acroes the Mea to Mt. Santiago. -$3500 full price. An Unusual Bargain ! ''CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCJD) .. , \ Bea~h Home! BALBOA ISLAND Houston Values QUALITY HOME -------~---~~~,~~------'- YOU WIU... WANT TO SIGN ON THE OO'l'TED UN E when you u e thh1 comfortable home ... ldtal tor ~ach or yu r a.round lMng Dandy locallon, cloee to the :-;HYC' Hu 3 bedrooms a.nd 11, batM. Some fu,..,,lture In· cludf'd. S 12.~00 and Only 14,000 down, Newport Hejshts Home! YOU WILL LIKE THIS 2 BED- ROOM HOME with a runt r90m with bath. 50xl27 fl. loL You don't fln!1 property In lhl• loca· lion every day al S 13,900. C&ll today tor particular-a. Ocean Front Home THE BEST VALUl!I ON THE PENINSULA. You muat •1TH t.hat, a 2 bedroom horn,, tumllfi· Take the Land~ord off your pay~oll ! Here is a 2 bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm. home for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. Take low down payment & terms. $5000 down moves you in -. . to 3 bdrm., 2 bath completely furn, home. Lovely I patio. BBQ. Ideal spot for year-round living. $18,500 full price, . ~ See this , ~CULA TE 2 bdrm. home, well located on· cor- ner lot with apace to build ln front. Comp. furn., new etove & refrlg. Lovely patio. Only $17,500, $MOO down. We have aome real ntc.e bayfront boniea available for llWllmer rent.. VOGEL co. 208 Marin~ Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 444 t d. w1lh a terr1flc patio, double -----------------~---­ sarage and cloM lo the j'tty le an out.landing value at '18.~. Balb~a Duplex! SPACI OUS UPP I: R APART· ME:>.'T. turol&hed, with :I bed· rooma and a 1 bedroom lowu 11partment completely modern· !zed ..• and cute u the dlckena. There 11 room for another unit. too, on t h ts !arr• R·3 lot, I UI.~ and term•. Balboa R-3 Lots!· HERE JS A REAL "PICI< UP." 3 dandy R-3 lot.II, 1lde by aide. on Balboa Boulevard . • In the hrort of town. T~y can't Jut at 119.~00 tot all three. Balboa Realty ·co. Ro.1 Oreel'Y Al Comellua Ed Lff Jack P inkham J OHphlne Webb 700 E. 8&100. Blvd,. Balboa Phone Harbor 3271. OPEN· HOUSE DA.Il.Y l~ DOWN PAYMENT $4,000. 1574 Ocean Blvd. , l_ALBOA PENINSYLA POINT ONLY 3 ~RS OtD. You wi'u love it from 'p~e salmon out11ide walll with white iron trim to inalde with hardwood fl oors throughout. Full dining rm. Lafge living room, with fireplace. 2 bedrooms. Bath with t ub and stall shower. 2 car garage. Fenced p~Stove, refrigeretor, and drape11"tncluded at 0 y $17,500. ,... WPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim & Sally Newlin ~15 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 MODER:": 3 bdrrp. home, $3.000 dn. I> It. In onn A 11tovt, garb tl1.sp . dbl gar . pa Uo, sewer•. et<'. a l Sl3.900 It Is worth 1ttlng, worth buying . Con~ider the Price $6,2:.0-l"l<.:E 2 bdrm. borne at 169 Merril P l,. only I U>OO dn. and S:iO. J1'r month. LIKE NEW 3 BDRM. Colont11 on AUao et., ?\pl. Height.a at IH.~. Pay't. only $63. 7~ per month. FOR EVE. l NFORM.ATlON on above. Ph. LYTLE, U 8-2~42. Facing Golf Course LARGE 2 bdrm., HdO lJY. room. hnpla<'t' a.nd a large l~x30 alum. work ahop. About 1300 1q. IL BILL'S BEST BUYS Must Sacrifice-See This Thia ..3 bdrm., H 2 bath home, only 4 mos. cStd, muat go. 63' x 106' lot on curbed & paved atrcet. Sewen in & paid !or. Close to schools & tranaportatlon. Immediate po88e8sion with SlOOO down. Full p~ce $9400, $67.50 mo, • Only Four to Go-Soon No More- Theae 4 bdrm., 13~ bath FHA Mme1 are nearly aold out. Many extra fine features, eo you'd bettM' hurry. Im.mediate poaseasion. FuU price $9750-$650 dn-$69.50 mo. Inc, taxes It ina, l Bdrm. qome & Guest Hous~ Woocs' noora, wall ·to wall carpet, d.raJ>e9. plutered tnterfora, fenced, flowen, tree.e, nJce lawn1, curb- ed It faved street. Connected to .ewer. Cloee tn. Price $7000 -Tenna. - .. Must be seen, fa.r ~low replac•· • -INDUSTRIAL ACREAGF--- Local M·l zoning. 1 to 10 acre8, $5000 an acre and up. ment coat. Lot 70x234. Arna.zing at St6.~00. good terme. 2 acres & fine Home • J UST Of'Jo' HARBOR BLVD., per· f~rt for 1JUb-dlvidln1. ucell~nt value wll h good 6~ loan. Full price S24,700. See thla, rtt ·de- taJls from us. It 111 Hot. /a,nother Dilly ON 82 1~x234 ~LOT. Bea utiful 2 bdrm., Mesa Drive, 1~ baths. ha11 1780 eq. feet l See to apprec· late.Epolntment only. EVE;S: Pnone PETrrTE LI 1-5487. M-1 APPROX. 4 .ACRES. Fut grow- ing Paular1no 11ctlon. An lnvut· ment. •:J~.200 per acre. •, dn. Balboa Duplex EXCL. BA y A VE. Fine rental location. 2 br. up, l br. dn. Dbl gar &: big rumpua 'fm.. B .. B.Q. at 'xtru . 14.500 .down. W. A. TOBIAS and A8SOClA TES, REAL TOR ''you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th SL, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-113D LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA Spacloua ·• New • Bay Front • 4 large bdrms., 3 bathe, 3 ~rm., 2 bath, abake roof muter bdrm. looks QUt over the water and you can .ee ~very thing that is going on. Lovely fire- place, carpeted wall to wall, built-in Therm. * ·</:: Unrivaled Family Home - home in the Back Bay, 16 x 24' Uv. room, knotty pine kitchen, hwd·. tloor11, 1 year old. Ftsii price - $2~.950. f; 3 bdrma., 2 bat.ha. flag· We have 2 excellent plecea 1tone fireplace, just 2 of M-1 Acreage, one· l.t .. Parade of yean old on a 44-ft. lot. 2 y3 acre, one ia 5 &CN9. Priced at $31,500 with E\'ES, Call BENl"ER Har. 41911 . LID 0 Features . ·1 l· RelaJtlnJ home location -on Balboa Jsl11nl'wtth rencPd yard1 •had• lrM, paved a.hd with aa..nd too. .;.Open Saturday & Sunday 1 f o 5 U you can use a 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on Lido, you are making the mistake or your life if you buy anything before seeing . 218 VIA PALERMO 3 Building Lots excellent terms. Both plecea priced rtiht. CLOSE 1:-; W. SIDE. Paved 1trMt. ~ GE . utilities. Must be 1old torether. Call UI for ORAN COUNTY Ba.rg-a1n at SMOO ca.a~ • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. • ACRESB:o:~N~aiND wtlh Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Off ice view. Will d(vlde or trade for oa,,.J Har IMVV\ small farm land In area. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. ~J, . 4'171717 evN. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor, , r ', J. Ynr round comfort-Two well Large lig~t & airy bedroo~ large living room· and ,,. muaive fireplace. ~5-fL lot, large sunny south patio. EVES., SEYMOUR Har. 0298-W. Ju.t to the right of Lido Bridge Entranc. . Houston Realty , ..... 2e20 Newport Blvd., Newpont Beach Har. 2313 COSTA MESA j Owner sJys "SELL" J Thill la your oppo0rtunity to purchase a nice 3 bdrm. home In good location. EMt ~ta Mesa. Ea.ay term.a. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1:5th It Irvine, Newport Bea~h Llberty 8-2664 (Eves. LI 8-7056) '· ·~47 furnished bedroom1; bathtub with ahower nvtr; panelled II·· 1n1 room with vanled heater. S· Cay Interior -Complete elec• tnca.Uy equipped tonnlca barf\ kitchen, wall pt.pered. AU tor llT,950. All this for only $23,500 and as little as $8500 dwn. Thia is the very be8t exclusive Hating on Lido. Drop by our office anytime. We have the key and .the property ia vacant. 1 Duncan HardestY, ·Realtor Call Powere or Lake, ~r app'L ~2 ~·Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach Har. 4718 Barbortl --~~-~---~---------~~ i J. A. BEEK, Realtor SO~E OF THESE PAYS . ~ . '• & Associates ' 509 Center St. .u 8-6flt 1 Coat& Men LI 1·77S. The Right ·· · INVESTMENT la equal to· a ijf etime ot toil! Here°llJll your chane&-Cl0&e to beach Ii ahopplng, CORONA DEL MAR Are You A Fixer Upper? Do you like to remodel and increue the value or property! Do you have original ldeu that can put extra money In your bank account T If the Answer is Yes a,. all mean.a iee thia t z it Income that can be bought !or $6000 down. Balboa Bay Properties 1~ W. Balboa"Blvd., ~ewport Beach Har. 5188 I\ ) I • \ ~-----~.---~--~-------~ ~OIParkAnnlM Balboa Ia.laiid We. will be .. aying "there are NO lot.a for sale," but in tbe meantime, hen are tht best, all exclusives. Vogel Value -~sy to Buy -Ea.sy to Pay for ... Build a Home on your. vacant lot ANI;> DERIVE eome income from that Investment 1244 aq. fL home, -······-···-·-.............................. $9100 FUlly f1Ifanced . 19 yr. Bldg.~ Loan. Forced-oair heat. Hwd. floors. lndividu~l GI lOOct. financing . St.a ... Veteran $8500 3 '."0 -$49 month. MARSHALL HOMES Modela o,,Cn -Newport Bh·d. & Mlt ~h~ll, Tustin Kl 7-3293-KI 2~9 & (E\'es. LI 8·40i3J tlc54H COROr-:A DEL MAR INCOME Var!ou1 unit.I A prlcu to me.l your wanta, 113.000 lo H 0,000. ALSO ..,... bdnn. hom. ~mpi.ul)' fuml&hed. double garage Sl V •OO CALL MW Kohlatldt Hu. 21~2 313~ Cout Hwy., C.O.M. E .... Har. 082t-R. llcal BAT FRO:•n• new modun home boe t •lit : l ~ BaJtio. Covu I Owner Harbor 1100-W. "tic SHORECLIFFS, lowea} priced lot Hated, 55 x 130 x 80. Best location, 11urrounded by new homea .• CORONA HIGHLANDS. Corner, away up high. , . ' Sweeping view. Offer might buy. -CORONA. HIOHLltNDS, one 'Of h best, hl'gbetrt A blggeat. room tor pool, maybe a Poto ficlc>. -- View clear to Samoa-SamoL 1!".ach 'prtced under SIS,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor ~ 3622 £. Coaat Hwy .• Corona dtl Mu liar 271• 2 YR. OLD-DUPLEX. 1..0VEL Y 2 BDRM. APT. PLUS 1paclou1 1 bdrm. apt. DOUBt.E garage -patio. OUTSTANDlll:O Vl.E'\V. ONLY 118.000 -TERMS, 1.!Ufle.l M. Ptnover, RUltot 2604 Newport Bl'ld., N.wport Bch £uy Parkl.nJ. Harbor 4810 · •7c4~ )CEAN VIEW ROME, 2704, CUft Drive. Pull prlc~ 111,000, term• Sl~ Clown. Owuer, LI 1·2~32 SSUC! 60 ft. of R-3 Right on Balboa Blvd. on the Bayside. Wit,h cute little bouae and overaiu garage on rear ot loL Plenty of~e to build more rental units. Prict w $11,600 -bu Joan of $10,00o payable only $50 per' month Incl. 5% lnter'Ht. Submit you.r down payment. • The Vogel-Co. 3201-W. Cout 9!1bway Newpo~ach LlbertJ 8-Mal -. .~ . ' ' ' . . . ,. \ .. • · '~<* 8-PART 11-NEWPORT HA"RBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY; MAY 9, 1955 MESA . POLICE. A noRNEY TO PROBE ANNEXATION LETTER ·. Al~ed. mJarepreMntaUon by Mra. Myrtle Alll'n of 13892 J:, Baller St.. during' recent protest bearing on the Bakf t SL. M1.11e1'1Ltlon Monday nl(ht caused Cost~ Me1<,; City Council ttn1U1Tm0ir.Ty Co ~all for an tnve11tiption. C.unl'•llll&n Cba.du TaWb:ude . nW\•ed that City Attornt'y Donald Ounj!'lln and Police Chief Art McKt>n&le find out the reuaona f9r Mr11. Al· Jen claiming to epeaJ< for owner ot 9 a cres or leml wl!h1n t.ha 800-arre annexation. Dungan Md McK<'nEle were o1cht>d· uled to confer J>r\ 'h• matter today. Youth Cen·ter Work Day_Set for · May· 21 ... <'hric <'lubt and ot>11>roepmut1ona Bit> tn tw abkt'd to •rpt•tnt m""'' ~Ill -lo tlw h<IAf\I• U( the \'.ouU\ \'t'nt• r ""' th111 1h" "''""r m11v b•• K t 11,ly • '1111111Hl\ll.Y p1'CIJN"\. • T it .. \\ 0111~11. l 'IVh Lt>.1j1Ut' 1\11• noum•r r1 p n><'o\•••b !rum 8 pl8y, thl' 'BIR1 k Fla nllnj(<>, 10 17i• gwen by C'HU:tlUnlty l · ... ,) 1·:-s .tl l ll sn ~:• Coi.11t Collf'ge M11y 21·28. \\ill be u:seJ tor tht' Youth Crntl"r NewpOrt Rece,pft AllocatiOft Share Nt"WJ-.Ort n .. 111 h hu 11'<'('1\'f'd $1cl 196 ::!'I In 11ll111'11tton ,,r 1th'o. h<lltf \1r\ \'rllj.:<' il<'t"n•e lc-t'• tC'INl!I· "'' tu 1•lllt•• 1o.r11I co11nt1e.!I 11! \ '1111· ru11111t 11-.IRy ny R11~•c-ll 1'1111"" ,,,.. pAl I lllf'lll tlf llkoh .. Jf<' IH!I t'raj1a l'Ontn\I 1.1r11ni: .. l'nunty r~wf'd a 1n1 111 nt S9':!.!l 1 7f wtth S!il.· Membl'r-11 of l'IY\c ~tuHf'" around Nt>wpurt ~itrh 11n1I (.'u11in11 d<'I R lph I __ , faAL-,\\GI 11 i;mnr In umnc-o11~•1 Atf'd '"1'1Jt' hA\"'I! •t Saturd. •)".·!\lay 21. a ..... s nwwr Art'A:< th1 n11i:h tht' c-<•11ntr 6:0 \"•'rft• llll'nl las work d•y on the. ~iouml• or th8Dies in Colorado ·-T hr fun.t" l'l'J'r.....nt m 11nlt"a col-Cummunny Youth Centt'r, 1t w11s • 11nnouncMt at 1l m('(•tlng o/ -t Ot••th or Ralph 1,.e ... father of lfi"lt'•I lnr lh'"""r frrt1 rn 111ro1 por- Youth Crnll•r 0 1>8r<I Monday nll:ht. <'01ta M1•11a fire prl'\'l'ntlnn oH!l'er a lt'tl llthl umnrclrpor1tH<1J area Th,. Women·11 (.'Ivie Ll'a~u.-wtll Ralph Lee, wu Ll'arncd by Illa eon 1 11·h1• h lh<-urtll1•••lly 11"· ret.urn<'<l to , ,I NIW OFFICERS OF UDO TOASTMASTERS TeWlnkle'e motion followed readlng of a letl!'r from Hubert Barker 1tat1n1 that "1 and my brother Hoyt wleh to co on record u favorlng the annexation." A lone wrttt.en pro- teat aJ&fnlt the annexation ~u re<:elved 'by the council dUT· tac th• April 111 proteet. hearing, apparently algned by Hoyt and l!lether Barker. 111'1"\l<l coffee 11nd 1111111lw1rhr~ to last lltorhll\y. Mr. u·.,~1:1, r..t11'l'd. t the r1t1e9 flntl rountl"S to ~l!!t ·Ill t'heer the work,•1s a J,1ng 11nt1 It Is dll'd 1n l'nloracln Sprlnjls, ('olo. Pl'· I puymrnt nt .. nfon·t'rnent 1>( the hopPd lo erPl'l w11l111 for th<' ator· cell.'lt'i.I Wll• In the p11rnt bu111111•aa lllcoholtc ht\'l'r11g" •·1>ntrol •rt. age amt rt>st Hlllm 111 \ht' l·t'nler. ll1r nt8ny years. • The six men above Wlft 1utall,.S at banquet ...-tly u new otflcen of Lido Toaat- mutera. From Wt. Ray LT.c.luM, MCODd vi~t ; F.d ·Soule, eergeant-at-a.rm1: Cbarlee Ary, put prmident, hendlnC pvel to Vernon Allen, new preaident: Robert Perrln, tint l'b-p!'Midmt and Al Cu.ioUto, U..WW. -HQlb Mynatt Photo Al Clf'OJl'n<'e told the ffit't'tmg Mr. L<'t''I .tOn drOVt' to e olorado the Lions club will l(el the )ball Spnn~s fur runenll IM'rv1ce1. Ht' diamond In ahl\f't' for use o( tJ1e rs an onlf ion. Olht'r survivor• lioys Ll>agut by May 1~ ll was rnr lu1le a slltf'r of lltr. Lee who To prevtnl child •r<'1d"ill'". pro- vide 11f>t'<'IAI 11p1tl'i' wh<'te ahllrp garJt'n lmpltnwnt• and hwl" au<'h 1111 mowt'rt, rak .. •,· h•M-1'. u wa. and lathn may bf' put under padloclL County Rood tontrol . Pl-~ Sees S42;.milli0n Solution ,· ' Report Stresses ChanMI W~ for . Haibor, Ollwr Districts BoluUon ol OT&q'• CountJ'• 467,000; Paul&rino ab&nnel, fU7,· flooc\ control problem w111 e09l ~ Lacuna canyon channel, f0,820,000, the county ·board of US~.250; Eaat N-port Helg1lt1 "aupervh1or.!' 1nnowrced lut week cbanntl. S25,000; on receipt of a voluminoua engine· MESA OllANN&L8 er'• report. The bp&rd indica ted It . . , would ca.IJ for a vote on a bond Eaat Coel& Mt• channel, 12~.- l.laue but did not IM!t"a date tor tbe 000; &ut Coeta Mua-lTtb St.. tJection, channel, •~.~ Del Mar dun, $20,· .,._ .... ,. . H&rrUon and Wool y 000; Bitck OlilJy Beach outJet. $23.-..... &~·t•rl e ooo· Loa Trancoe beach outlt't aubmltted ff'Qer&l p.lau, •f*:iall· i1~'000· Moro Canyon beach out: eallon1, and eeUmated corll\ n>r let.' 110:000; Laguna Canyon beach rlght•of-way and coNtnictlon tor outlet, $40.000; Blue Bird Canyon cSralnafl' and nood control. channt'l, $80,000; AlilO Canyon PKOTZC'l'ION' FAOET ~ach outlet. M0.000: Al.lao Can· Jn 1ubmlttlng' their report U-e yon lower . ret&rdlJ16 buln, no.- engineer• called attention to I.be 000~ AllllO Canyon dam, $~.000: JOH of tour 1Jve1 ln tlood.1 In 1918 AllJIO Canyon channel, $8-0,()()(): and 4~ llvea In 1937 when 3000 l>'!r· Salt Creek beach outlet, $30,000. eon• were driven from their homee. The 'Paularlno and Fatrvltw 2100 homu damaged and damagu channel• an planned to l&ka ca.re co•t IJ4,000,000. ot the dralnage of much of the ter· With an estimated county popu· rltory Included In recvil annexa· )atlon or' 340,000 by 1980 lh• en· Uon pl&n1 of Costa Meaa. Fair- J'ln"n polnted out dp..mage from a view channel •tart• at Ada.ma St., almll&r nood would be tremendoUI runa 700 fttt to Harbor Blvd. and The Inadequacy of prHent chan· then north to the CrHnvUle Ban· riel1 and dltchea bu been demon· nrng ch~I which runa. Into th• atrat4:(S In comparatively dry year11. ocean at th• Sant& Ana river. the ,.port atate•. Conservation of Paulsrlno cbann-;l beg1na 200 waler hu been con.aldered a prime feet eut ot Hartlor Blvd., run1 factor In the nood control dulgn eut along t.M eide or t.h• old a ir and lncludtd In th• channt'I pro-baae, then eout.h 1000 fffl and Ult .r-am. · 1400 feet to empty into the ~lbl Channell which will a.trect local channel. Th• eaet • Coata Mel& or 1urroundlng t err1tory and their cha.Mela 'llriU take care of aome of con lncludt' Huntington Bt&cb thll ne:w territory and eolve the Channel. •u n .ooo: 'I'l~rt ~-p.....at ~ u.at ~ 1111 wtU! M l, '274,000; Qrunville-Bannlnlf every hf*Y)' nW1 on the eut etdi channel, $1.783,00o: Fairview chan· of the M-dty, the report nel. 198,000; Sant.a Ana nnr. '4,· cJ&bn•. Marine's Manslaugher Trial 'n Mesan's Death Due May 16 BANTA ANA 10CNS I -For- mer Marine Pfc. Roy Cf&Jg AUen. 22. will go on trtal In Santa Ana· Orana-e Municipal Court May 18 on a manslaughter charge tnvolv- lnJ a Coeta Meaa youth. Judge Howard Cameron Ml the trial dale Thur~ay. Allen, an u· aerted duerter from the Marine Corpa, wu operating a car which collided with another un Coaet Htc hway south of Huntlnl('ton Beach Sl'pt. 21, 1954. Wiifred J. Denna Jr.. of 21 H Wutmlnater Lant>. Costa ¥e1&. wu fatally lnjurl'd In th• crruh. He wa. riding In the car atruck Mn. Franklin Trip Mr1. Edna Franklin of iOJ Lark· 1pur Avt. W\U · leAve tamOT'T'O'W n!cht by plane for a flvt·Wffk Wit with relatives and frlendl In Plttaburgh. by Allen'•. aocordlng to lha high· way patrol. Allen wu releued on hi.a own recognlzanc• pendlnJ trial "'1 court. Sleeper Fined $50 for Punching Man A guJlly plea mad• by RJchard Sleepu, 111, of 222T~ Pacific I t •. Co1ta Meaa. to a battery com· pllJnt brou&'h t a $60 tin• from Judge Donald J . Podge ln Nt'W• port Ju1tlce Court recently. Ken Williama of t2T Oahlla Ave. told police Sleeper punched him In the lat eye April 9 while he wu parked ln hia car at a local drive In. WlllJam1 •lftled the complaint a(&lnst. Bleeper on l'ueaday. una Him IN-Ho..-TOWN ' , 1 t wu a fertlv. oc-culon ln O.mln.r. New Mwco. reeellllJ ""'- Cl)'lM w.,..,., rtpt. abo.a, returned to IUe ~ to 'tel u mu t<'r ·of ~-f0tr Ule Und annual Old Tlmen Rfunton.. M11ytr wu honored u muter of Ul"f"'oNM and h1a father kenry, 88. wu Mflored u th• town'• oldelt l"Mldent 11\d one or th• found· ·~ of the futln occuion..,Meytr la a ""dent ol Nnv~ Buen and nt'w to hi• former homt town to partJ'ctJ)1lt• ln the cele~Uon. He I• pl«UTl!"d aboVf With Will Hall, lett. wtlom .. tnltMled .. • pnadelll ol _Ui• l}emi.Qa Old nmer. .u1od .. Uon. •' al3o announrt'~ l.hllt tbe vu1ous resi.lu 1n San Matf'O • 1935 1955 TREAS.URE SHOP I ANTIQUES · 1-••• ol • • • I GIFTW ARES I . LAGUNA BEACH )t ~-' 1 * IMPORTERS NOW) .•• eee .. ••· -~ SELLING OUT!!. ~ * t NOW 'V DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP·!!~ "SELLING OUT THEIR ENTIRE srocK OF DOMESTIC . . • I & IMPORTED I . S-LVERWARE • ANT·l(i)UES • JEWELRY • FURNITUllE • LINENS e at PORC-LAINS· PAINTINGS • ETC; II IMPORTANT" NOTICE! M1rch1ndi11 to Be Off•r•d at Thi1 Sale Will Include 6ood1 From Our Former Lot An9elH StMe and All P1non1I Collections lelo119in9 to Eaeh Partner. NOTICE • NOTICE • NOTICE • This is not .a FORCED SALE. In ord.er to legally d!ssol~e a partnership existing for over 20 years, we, the partners involved, voluntarily appealed to the .Superior Court of this State for a Court Order to dissolve said partnership. · In order to expedite the di1posal of· this vast stock and also to use this gesture to reciprocate the thousands of our customers for their past patronage, we have decided on this unique method of selling the stock. · Up to this announcement, our customers have been paying our prices. Those in attendance at OUR AUCTION will b~ 9led to know that we ere game enough to sell each article, no matter whatit was formerly priced at, to the party who bids the most money. Thanking you for your kind ,attention with anticipation of seeing you at t~e sale. Free ••• DIAMOND RINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY DURING S1'LE No ObUgation to Buy! I , We ere sincerely yours, LUCILE & A. J . DIX SALE STARTS Thursddy, May l2th Free ••.• 1:30;:::.. * 1:'F'fs.m. AINI Wll c..tt .. lhlny et 5-le HOWi, ~eptt .. S•dcrys Uwtfl Al Sehl. _ SILVER SETS TO BE ,GIVEN AWAY DURING SALE HO rURCHASI NICIS~lY TO QUALIFY PR~VIEW: \YEDNESD~Y ~Y~Nl.f.til~.._ ~~ Y '11th at 7 P. M. DIX'S .TREASURE SHOP --~\235-NORTH-COAST-· ttlGHWAY LAGUNA BEACN, . CALIE~___._,_ ~ ' • • ·' 1 • . ... · . "' . ... •