HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-12 - Newport Balboa Press, • 80HOOL PAJR THBOUGH -Ted Neff and Hanison Sanborn, foregrouncj, who were !i.J:ed and resigned respectively at last nigbt:s overflow Mesa board of trustees meeting, Im.en to proceedings. Standing at right ia FOR Secretary Riles: -Staff Photo Judge Clears Mrs. Horvath on Dope Rap NEFF FIRED,_ SANBORN RESIGNS SCHOOL . JOB Overflow Crowd Sees Trustees Take Final Adio., at MeetinCJ ... 48th YEAR -NUMBER 21. KEEP IT DARK, CDM FOLK AS~ CITY COUNCIL Polk• alon~ Corona del M..,-'• Ocrlll\ Blvd. don 't want MIY 1lrett Hghte-tha t'1 what 66 1tgnaturea to a petition pre· .ented c:lty council Monday ntght brought out. The ptU· tlon protttted any lnatallatlon ot electric light 1tandarda along tbt ai:rnlc drive. claim· Ing ample Ug'ht la renected by Balboa perrln1ula 1traet lamps among othtl"I. The petition, 9(hlch waa ex· plained by a letur f rom Ml"I. Eileen Wllaon, waa tiled pend· Ina-arrival of any<otherw daal· lng with th• •ltuation. OIL SLUGS Sanitation Districts in SANTA ,ANA (0CN8l -Tear. of joy atrearned down the ch~eks of a pretty 19·yes.t-old Co11ta Me111 mothu Monrtay when Sanlll Emotionally upset teachera warned the Costa Mesa Protest to HI A na • Oranre Municipal court . . . b · h d .. k bl J udgt' Howard Cameron !!flt her Umon School D1str1ct oard or t rustees It a struc & ow A I tt ·, at to th R t-. d · " d d be f h bo d t e e.r 0 prot.e e un t rH after a , narcotic• probation agamst e ucata~n an urge mem rs o t e ar o re-. lnfton Bh.ch City Council rerard· v iolation charr e. I consider their decision not to rehire Theodore Neff, principal inf aluga ot qll appurtnr ln the Dimlnultlve ·brunette Janadeane o[ E R Sch l bli I d' l --...1 l t · ht ln H sewage tntue of t.M County B&ni· Kay Horvath of 623 Centtr St · 1 verett ea 00 • pu C y IBC Oeeu 88 ru~ &r· talion Dlatrlet Treatment plant No. • .. HAR BO a PRESS PHONE HARBOR 1818 I BOMBER THREATENS . MESA WOMAN'S LIFE · Clerk ·Fails to Repor.t Harbor Grab • . , .. Mrs. Delphino. Children Target of Myst~ V~ce Threate of death for bereelt and bomblnr ot 1111 family home at 1623 SE Meu Drive, Santa Ana Hetpta have been reported to the FBI by Mn. Albert J., (Jalia); Delphino. According to Mra. Delphino, the threats ban hem made t o her over the telephone by penona complaJDlne about her ru.nntnr battle wtth t.alltlnr mad• au.re ot b4ir ld•tft1• 1ubveralve organlaatlona and w1th He talked l.n a .ult"""' 'fo6ee. .. . the Jl'ellowah1p ot Reconcilia tion. wu attflll of ht. ......... .. Mn. Delphlno, an Invalid tor aa..ld, "M.ra. O.lphlno ,.,._ .,.. 1'9t • more than 10 ye&l"I conflntd•t o her you a t ho~ alone. we'D taM..,.. bed, ~ kept a runrunr tire r o-of you." Mrw. ,Delphtno ..,.UC Ing ~the acl1v\Uu ot var-the call t o th• r .B.! broke down In the a,rma of a jail per Sc.-hool multJpurpoae room be· poulbly one mo~ carrtul than I 2 wlll be 8tnt uu. wu k by lAe m a tron •ft•r. the judre continued fore an overflow c.-rowd o~11everal have been." . ?W'elaon, manaiu of the datrietA her 3·year probation. I hundretl peuona. · Approximately 30 pereona atood N'ei.e>n wu autllort&ed lut nlpt t f'lllo"D HYPO KIT 1 Board Preaident C. Cblaholm up to apeek durlfl&' the a t-Umu by SanltaUon .DWtnct No. 11 to . lou11 organlutlona ln the COllU AJ"ain l.ul night the an~ Mna area whlcb a re or have bffn phon• c:al.ler C!vtdenUJ' d1&18d Kra. U.ted on the aubvel"llV• report.a Delpht.no'a number, on~ ..... Ole and II.Ila ot the United State. Gov-caller wu caretul to ldantit)' bar . M ra. Horvath wu a rruted Fri-Brown announced aftt-r more than melodramllc meeting. Majority of mue the proteat and requ..t ,_ii day night by llaked·out Coata an hour and a hali of pro and l'On the apeaxrrw were repre11ent.aUv" lnYH tlp tion of the ma tter. City Council Not Posted Mesa police. She and Edward ~ebatin~ concerning Neff'• e.lleged of the Fellow1hlp of Reconciliation Ndaon aa..ld the oU h.u ap~· B nuie Robinson, 24, or 621.,.., Marl· ·liberal leanlnga that the board and the Amtr1can Civil U bertle.e ed in the plant o•er a period ot Sold Aw· .. Corona del Mar, were had previously a grt't d unanimously Union, a llegt"dly IJberaJ ora-anlza-11tveral weeka. H• .. id It ccwld ln a car oul.l!ide the womllll'I rul· 'not to r~hlre. the educator. Uon.a. AccuaaUona made more th&.n come from ovt rflowtnr of IWllpa dence. Offlcera clalmect they found A acattered outbreak of ap· a year ago that Ne.tt and Sanborn In tba ~u:nUnrtOft Beach oU boom a hypodermic kit In Roblnaon'a plau&e cauaed Brown t o call out, belonged to the FOR launched tba area. heavy ra1m or unlawtul ~ vehicle. • "We don't W&nt any clapplna-. furor agalnat the pair. dumpln« <>f 'ftCUWll t&nU into ~s=~~~.~~~~~. PTellrnlnary hearing on poues· There'• notblnf to be p&rt.icularly Among tho 1peakera were Wll-HW&g'e linM. elon of narcotlca a ttJnet Robiraon. proud of." 11c>n Rtlea, FOR regional 11«retary; 'Tb• oU 1• all remO'ftd ill tile la •et tor l :30 p.m. tomorrow on CllU:8 "'SRA:ME:" Cha rlee Mc.'lnto&h, member of the lrMtrnent plant procta1,N N.i.oD J'Tiday the 13th In Newport Ju11t1ce Du1trict Bualne111 Manage.r Har-FOR re(ional committee: J . B. aald, "but it C&U84ll a l"6t .... court. J udge Dona ld J. Dodge In· rlaon Sanborn trnmedlately ukeSI neu. lawyrr "pruentatlve of the and rum• up the worlu," • -Sd formed Robtn90n during Monday from the rear ot the jampacked Loe Angele. branch or Ame rican none or It m lertnr th• plaat pt.I afternoon arralgnm .. nt that a pre· room, ·~rhat decision wu unant· Clv11 Lll>et'tiea Union; Nonnan out on the beacllu. Yloualy auapended l~ daya on a Moua ! Shame on you. Brown!" Taylor, alJt>gwly named on a llal a lmllar c.-harge would alao be taxen I Then 541.nbom carried out ht. pre-of aubverslvu, and Rachtl Stew· Newlllftl'fer Fo&Jncl up tomorrow. Ball wu ut at "000. vioualy announced threat tO hand art. FOR member. R UM decl&nld r-• Mra. Ho~ath prrvloualy a dmit· In hill realgnaUon It Ne!tf WU not Gulffy Oft ,Chllcl t ed the u11e of htroln and had bC!en rehtred. "l wtll atay on the job they -re not there to de.lend U' dlatrl t J Nett and au.born, but to d.tend -te.nc.ed to »a d&>'a I.A county un Vl• . c CAI\ rep ace me -~ij!lllfllblltllnw-Crmnl Jal!. 8h• wu .-.leued on prob&-wtth apoU1er llualneia manqer, OoaUauecl ~ .... .,, - \Ion after dolni-the jail atre'\ch. -------------------------..;._ __ ._ Judge Carntron ob at r v e d : over ·'the complete management, control and operation of Newport Harbor purauant to law," but officially Newport Beach a ty Council bu not been informed, due to omiaslon of its city clerk, C. K. Priest. The Newa-Preu today learned the auperviaors' reeo- luUon of April l t , ~IYed at the told the Newa·Pru1 while pack ing clerk'• eft\oa -later t.haA AprU for hill t.rlp. , M • taz ll&a DOt "-p reHnted Now read t.be relOluUon aa to t h• --ml. Pn.t lod&J' Jltorm. adopted bf U.. Boud ot 811.,er· tbe Jf-Pr--Juat befOT"e TtlOn of On~ OINntJ' R arbor taldnL qtl CllL-6 .cl~-eapen-pttcs Dfatrtct Al!ril lt and malled )Y jw\)16t to ~h• had not the county c.-ltrk'a oftlcie-t.o New· dttmed tt ~tly Important port Beach City CouncU. care of to put Uie reaoluUon copy before Ill city clerk: emment ,,,d. of the State. Ke a id, "Mni: Delphino, I jlllt OON STJTUTION AUS'I\ , w.n t you to know that tbar8 wW An Inveterate nader, uden.t be· be a bomb thrown at. )'OW' l\ouia.." Uever ot the Co111tltullon of the K NOWS 8Un'ERINO United Slalea, Mr11. Dt lphlno hu Mra. Dtlphlno told tha N- kept the public of the arra alerted Prua to<lay "After all what c.-a.n to her behda and flndlnra through they do to me pel'llOnally, t ll:now letter• to thla new.epaper and what iulftrmg ll, I've been eori. other-. fined l() my houee lll nca Motht'r'1 Lear night one of her outatand· Da y 1948. I'm not alrald but lnr ftchl1. that agalnat Harrlaon they've threatened my chlldren Sanborn 1 nd Ted NetC, official.I with a bomb." PHONE TH&EAr nobmt y to ~ the KJnK's • ''There hAvt bttn a lot ot auapl· clous clrt"Umalancea 11hown here today. However, the teetlmony hall Khown ahe apparently la not ISLAND YOUTH . HELD Dellberattnc lit mlnut49 ,-... day afternoon a Superior Court Jury found Fred Henry Miller, 41, 3009 Court Ave., Newport Bea.ch. l'Ullty ot child molMUn&". Superior Court Judr• J ohn 8be& eel a probation hMrln&" for Milin , allaa WllJlarn Kini'. May 31. The cterendant ll In' cualody. the council. Re aald the county'• On motion of 8uperYiaor Fe11· attempt to tal<• over the Harbor therly, duly 1ecundrd and carried, would depend on A tty. Gen. Rob-Contl•ued 08 Pace 4 ert Kenny'• opinion concernln .. ..-,.·------------ and teachtra ln the Coata Meaa The quiet-voiced woma.n went School•. cam• l o a cU mu. Lut on. "It ~ Incredible to me th•t n1ght W14! Ute deadline tor dla· thia could hap~:n In Amtrlca. mla.sal of the pelr u further em· Some ot the lfnorant, unkind call· ployment of lhem would have era have made alurrtnr remark• made them permanent employeu about the IO-and·llO Jtallana." She with tenure. Ted Nett toet bl.a conUAIMd, "You "-UUa cowilry ,...tlcm u prtactpel ot tbe Sftf'ttt w• 11&1M4 for q\lit.e an Italian. a.. achooL bf 'IUIAllUnoua •ot.e ot 9ut th• t\u111y t111n r I• I do not Ule bo&rd of ~rt-ot the lchool haye a.drop oC Italian blood ln my and Har rlaon ~ IWlped at· ........ ra Jln&u.b., my family on tw ui. d1amUilal ot N.tt.. I ..,.. ..._ a.d .._ bona ~~llah J.fn1. Delphlno told the N""'11· wrath. Al fl(r. Delplrlno1 II a full· Preaa tod1y that tut 1'rtda7 ahe !Wooded ?tall.an. and proud of tt." wu called on the phone. The man (0-ttau..d .. Pa~ 'I MANSLAUGHTER RAP ualng heroin. I didn't make It ON sp. ec1flc In the probation-that 1h" l · wun't to a1111ocl11te j.-lth narcotic Uat!ra or anyone connected with narrot1c11. But l wl\1 now. It'll bl' ~: ~~r.~;~~c11~0 ~~r~:~, ~~0 h:~: ~ Cyclist Death Jails Mullins; and 111y I <11ctn't know. I"m giving fa J •1 C rt. M 't"9 Y()U a break lhl!I time." ces uven1 e OU ay 6.1 ~OT A n~t:R N.0\\' T'rob.Hlon Otftcer Keith Conc11.n· non put on thr cast ag11ln11t Mre. Horvath lie admllltd lln Invest!· Jtl\t11m IMl week b)' Dr. Emma ~~nrton of the c.-nunty health Cll!- 1\"rtmf'nl d~l9C'd no nredle m11r1c.it un the Uny mothu. ''I don't think ahe·1 a ueer," he M· arrlj>d, Oil Company Yet Hopeful for New Well J ohn Stoner Mullins, 17, of 113 Grand Canal, wa.s held to answer in juvenile court thia morning on & manslaughter cha·rge followin~ the fatal accident of May 3 on Bayside Drive in which Gary Bent ley Bradford, 20, of 131 ~ !! Albert St.. Costa Mesa. lost his life. He will appear in Juvenile Court r mJay. M11y 2i, for arraignment. on BayahJe Drive .. Evldl'nce ahow· MulHM wu .dnver of the c.-,ar td Mullloe croued the double lint involved In a headon cruh witb when he a ttempted to pa.u the the motorcycle rld\len by Brad· car. police said. Bradford'• motor· ford. The youlh was arrested at cycl .. and the youth'• car c,...hed hi" hom,. Monday 1111(hl by :'\tw· headon. Mu1Un11 aald he attempted port pohc" 11nd brkffl to Onmge to ew~rve to a void the cruh. t.:ounty ~all under s~ooo ball. He Bradford WU thrown from . lll• WM c:h111 jiled under the j\iwnile motorcycle, both 1hot1 be.Jrg C<,de. wrPnched from hla feet. Wr~ge Police •aid Mulltns' car w .. !ol· from the cr&lh wu atrewn aeveral lowing another vehicle gomg north hund1 t>d feet. conduct of lhe local w1tt!'nvay1 on July 19, 19U . Prlut H H1 h .. had wrlll!'n Dep. Atty. Oen. George 0 . Orover tor thle. Miller waa a.ccuaed of molMUnf two Kt rle, 9 and 8 yeara, after GIVEN ATl'OR:SE\' ( aakln1 the.m to hl• apartment to The resolution copy wu given help with the houaekeepln( chorea.. Coty Attorney Karl Lynn Davis The defendant met the Ktrla and only TueadAy \\•hen Davia ukl'd for a juvenile boy along the beach at official notlflcallon to conflicting Newport. He aaatrtedly bought report• he had hurd rei:udlng them Ice cream al a dru1 atore aupervisorll1J 11ctlon on H11rbor and then Invited them to hl11 place. _control. Thl' matter ntvf'r hu bten The otfensea wt're alleg«I to have dlscu1111ed In open or C'loaed c.-oun· occurred April 9. ell mel'tlng, 11ci-orfllng to rrll11ble Miiier admitted two prior con· civic offlclalM. vlcllona -on petty· larceny and "Thrre didn't 1eem to be a ny moleallng. He WU repre•ented In ntl'l'Mlly to bring il up Monday trial by Public Defender brick night ... I don't rec&.11 when 1l Meyer. tthe ruolut1on 1 came In." Prleat Mesa School Board Awards Tenure to 17 of 19 Tutors John Lybarcier of Everett Rea School, Neff Only 2 Released Co11ta Mt>aa Union School Dis· Cuntlnot>d effort.s to bring-In 1°'!'wpull Well .:->t> 7 on the Mon· lerey 011 C.:ompllny·11 cUy tldelllntls lea .II!' h11ve btorn uneuccl's&ful. sc- corJlng to E. E . Pyl,.s. v1ct·prt1I· Mesa Parking District No., 2 Expansion Plan Recommended t1 lrl busrd of trusteu It.Ill n11thl and tax revenue. ln do"'rnto.wn acc1•ptt'd Superintendent Evuelt Co11 ta Mesa. tha t all ro1111iblt mea· Rt>l\'11 rft<111rn1endatlon to gh·e 11utra be takPn to acquire thr en· tenure' to 1 i of 19 tt""achera up tor tire p&rctl tnetded for parklng) or IL The only one Rea recommend· 111' much aa ill t1hanclally poll!· ed not bl' rehired waa J ohn l.y, lbl!' .. :• barg•r of E\'erf'tt Rea School. P rt- dent or the compa.11y, Lut n lr;t ht Expansion of Costa M el!& P11rk· a t 7 :30 o·i-loc.-k rtr11t attl'mpt& werl' In~ ni~t rlct No 2 11nll puss1ble nuulc to p1oduce the w•ll and mtl meth<>lt• of pax.1ng for rPqu11,.d •.-Ith (11ilure. \ parking •• o. nkludlng pRrk1ng The J..11ne Wtll• Company or L<>.11 mPtflrlt, will be reC'omml'nded lo Angell.'ll was called In and ml!rl!' city round l :O.ton1t11y nir;thl. Thi' new prr!urattons of the · cMinl( i-ommls11ion d!'ltrmlntd l1111t M11n· wtth t'itorts to put the well on pro· olay night lhlll lhr Pntlre It lani;:lf' duc.-llan ajlilln being made Just ~· bountle1l on lhl' 11011th1·11~t by :-o;,.w- HARBOR WEATHER Orange County weather tol'C!- cul- Low cloudl with locaj drlule and fol' night and morning but hazy attemoon P11n11hlne <"XPl'Ct"d tomllrrow. Lillie ch11nge In tl'm· f id t ht I port Blwl , c>n the """'t by H111 bflr ore m n K · Blvd. 11onl1 on the north.by \\'. l!lth Thi• mom lJlg further perfora · St. 11ho11ld be 1ncludrd In the 11111· lions M oil dJ\cta w~e ordered by 1 rltL t he rollipan~ And the Pike Drill· Reasons irwtn tor tht' lnc.'lluilon, Ing cnmpany of Lonir Bt'llch pull· inducted: The city formulit of tlllP ad a ll tublnj _tor the work. parkmg llPl!.<'t to u r h 3!'10 11q. n . Poi<l!lblf' methods of a cquiring vlouslv. th\' bo8rd had anno11nr..-d th,. parklnir 11rt8 required were Thto<iore ;;o.;1·ff. principal nt Rea lulled by tilt pl11nn1n1r c.-ommluion School. wou1.1 not be rchlr,.d. p•rat ure.•.. , ?'l:ewport-Balboa -Weather fog- gy, hA:t). aun1hlne tomorrilw. 811 · l A pubhc ht'annir, w1th out· Boar d members aaked Rea. rl1tht pur('ha11e In mlnct. 2. Throuirh "Have you qv,estlonf'd these rec· u11t of' \,rhk le J)l\rklng dl11tr1rt ommended tl'aChl.'ra relal1vt t()ol.the rund!'. the bal11n('!' to be paid oy oritAnl:tatlOM lht'y belonr lo?" Temperat.urn &he pM t 111·~k 1• l''f.-nt'r!' and ltn&nl.4. 3. Exten!tlon Rea 11111! he had. the Harbor .,._ "'f'n: o~ tlml' until .r• • ~Mment of R f:C'f':l\·t: Tt:s1-Rr: propcrtlt'll c11 n crtllle a g-reater Given tenure were Harmon Wt~· RJr h f'rlday, May 8 ...... 83 Don Har• ~. enginor and m&n· of pu.eint'll!! bu1ldln1t1 In the a rea .... a1e• nf operation• on the Jo b tor •·provld~• litll~ n1or~ th1tn enl- t he Mont.erey Company, ht and J. ployee parking. lt'llvlng only a.trt'Pt D. McKlnnry. drilling auperlntl'n· parking for r11stomf'r11 " Tnii-k dt· dent. have ~ on the job con· lh'tr1e11 to tht ru,· of 1toru also Unuoualy t or more than 24 &ura. add to c.-on1t<>11Uo!1. th'i planners Acco~lnr to Pylu , the r..o. 1 decldl'<l. fund undtr thf' V~hlcle Pukinf ton: Mrs. Nila ~nch a nd Marl· Dl1trlct Act at 1943. 4. PoHlble lyn Funk of Main School: Alltn IAt!'r ver!ions Qf euch 1awa, r>. A Paul and Rlchardeon Slncl11lr of par'king ml'tn prog-r11m. Harpt r SC'hool: Raymond Sn)'dtr OTHER annst:ss and Mra. E111bel Kehler, Llnd~rith Jrf othtr bu111ntn laat Monday S~hool; Mn. Margarf't Younghu11· nlJ:"hL the pl11nnln1t C'omml1111lon : I band, Wiiiiam Bushu d, James S11turday, M11y 7 .••....• 84 Sunday, May 8 ......... 82 Monda y, May 9 . . 84 Tuesday. May 10 . . 81 Wedneaday, M11y I l . U Thul"lda y. May 12 • &I Low :>• 03 62 52 M :>:> 01 . ' well 11 llottomed at 8323 reet and 111 W IDER ao1·1.E\.ARO~ whlpatocked to a pprox Im ately Due to htll\")' df'vtlo1;1mtnt alnng 2000 feet oft ahon1. It ta bottom· Harbor Blvd thf'rr 111 a 1tron1 ed t h• turthereat eaaterly of an~! J>ONlbihty the boulenrd will b,. well that the t'Omi'any hu• drlll•d w1dtnf'd, or •all pmrklng bN'lntd from the We~ Newport B•¥h from It ln111dr the conJ?nlrd city dtlll •te. limits. Planner• a rrived at thla _Prod\KJJOG !tom .No. I ..-htch c;oacluaion OA-buia -<)t-o -a-• haa juat bten cornpll'ttd h u drop· County'a muter plan of hlgh~aya, ped noUc.ably from the 200 bu· the Harbor Blvd. tie up with two ftLI tnlUal production to a pproxl· "'-Jor free111•ay1. and location of rnat~IJ 18~ barrel• dally. Tot~ the State Ho8JlltAI. Ori1nge Gout product of the Udelanda opera· College, Dtaneyland and .UtxUvt· tJon ta now run.ntnr approJtlmaltly 1lon and tndu•trl&J fTOWUI alonr too bane.11 daUy. Ila rout•. Pylu M)'I hi• hopea ar"* et ill "With tdue · factor• 1nvelved." )llJh from producUon f rom the No. th• comml1111on hu notified the 7 Wl'll to tmpTOve the o"rall pie· <¥>UDCll, "the plannlnit c.-omml!•slon turr of the Weal Newport pro· c.a.n onl~, C'ondudt th11t In nrd~r to d\AcUon. ,,. aUmulat• relall aa..lea, land n.JuH . ' Stt M11y 23 for cti1cus1lon of Donnelly, Mr11. Esther Llndlty, Ro· . two·t,.nt.&tlve maps In tht naml' of lan•I Schryt'r, J qhn Weltng. Dar· from Orantl' Cou t Colltft be- the Halt Company 1ubdlvlaton . Tht I Jene Plav1n and Mra Hilda Mc· tw~n 11 a.m. and l p.m. durlnf , m11.p1 were 11ubmltted · Monday I Cartney of Rea School, Ro~rt •chool day., at.Artlng next fall. . n11ht by Warreri Meaalnr ot Bulot Brun11. principal of LlndberJh Approted a fly •blltt mtnt pro- Engineers. H t ll&ld they were Beek· School and Anne Hoaper1. g-ram with Ule Clean· Lin• Com·. In,.. guidance and otf·thr-cutf a p· · Rea ~ave' tptclal e'ommendatlon pany a t th• coe't or $~. For thl•+ rmw•l-prior. to da te th.-'t!r(Jordon fmler, p1 l11C'l'pal a t Ml"IJr tum, tlle c0ft'lpany l'Uaranl~ to SL l"o. J annexation i. final School. who wu no-.up for tenure. cut down tllee In the MeA achool Aproved a '\-via.nee ~Mted by Ht eald ~r "had Ule hardeat job. dlatrict. or a.ccept no P61· Wizard Boats, Inc. for conatruc· ouUfde of Nett." Ha added, "!';ext tlon of a 100x200 tt. building al t all, Imltr will have 1200 1t11d,nlll 207~ Ha rbor Bh•d. for light m anu· ln a buJ_ldlng conatructed to han· facturlng. Thi" comml•lon lndlcat -die about 7~0." fJd It wu thlnktni the prope~y OTHE• Bt:.:81~"'1;81 . Heard R.a ~rt that plana t or th• new Khool ·at Placentia A vt and wu.on I L had been approv· ed by t.M l tate ~partment tlf ahould be ruoned conunerclal. • In dthtf bualneaa laat nlr ht. th• Archit~J:ur• and had ~ emt to Dflnl~d a variance reque.ted by Mu• board: the Stat. Allocation Board re-~lbert Payne for c.-11n~tn1~t lon of Accepttd •l«lit re1 p atlona N~ a t"oncrt>tt tile work.ahop at ~3 mllltd by teacher.. qut11t1nr a da te for adnrtlllnr tor W. \~tlaoG I'-A pproved i.... ot a ~ bl.II bid-.. , , ' I • ' MESA FISH FRY BEAUTY ENTRANTS Theae are aome of t he young lovlies who will vie for queC'n honnrs· at .annual Costa lieu Fiah Fry next month. Front row, left to right, Terry Jransnn. Donna Kings- bury and Betty Pat tawon, all Co11ta Mesa. Second row, S a ndra Knighten, Costa Me1aa ; Rozanne CunnJnsham. Corona del Mar: Caro4 Hodge11, Huntmgton &ach ; Back row, Beverly SWfOT'd. Cotta Metia : Janice Pomaco, Brea : Pen y Abbott, Ba.lbok and Marlene Hlckman. Costa Meaa. St.af f. Photo , ' ·' . { \,. ' . .. . . ' PAGE 2 • PARi~URs~~~P~!~ 7t~~~/ NEWS-PRESS [~~,!:;nM~':!:., MESA -PLANNERS DRAW FOR VACCINf FORMS POUR· Sc~:~!~~~.~""'· GOiNGS ON AT THE ~~~~~~~~:::£.y::~~ TERMCStaOMF OCiftyFPllCE LENGTH .J INTO MES. A SCHO. OLS ~~: .. ~;~,:~;:;:::~~~~:::.:: • way, Coala. Mua, recently took oa ea& anning Commission held a --- BALBOA, B art In t i Id 1--.. _ .. I drawing in Newp rt J ti C M d · h rd 'fto_!n the Army'• Amiort>d Ay CLUB P • 11 ...... er ... P tralnlnc 0 U8 ce ourt Qn ay mg L Pollo Inoculation ot puplla In tnoculaUon wtilch wtll tl'kfl 11111ce ma.neuwr with the 7UI Field Ar-No bama bacon of Kew i ~ 11 k O 1 St'hool h.re. Prl\'ltr Scrui;g1 com· llll.,.y Battalion ln Oerinany. • P e uo s were at sta e. n y Newport lk&ch and ~•ta Meaa lA the Main ScllooJ. maklng • . By DAN BAYLESS Operated with a depleted officer terms of office for commi8Sloners. tl.me.ntary achoola la now eched· traneporlatlon pt'Obl .. m In which pletl"d the eC'hool a •• mor track ------------------------11t&ff, the. u~~be wa3 dutrn~ to The winners, depe~ding ~pon bow you look at llled tor May 2t and 27, ae®rdtnc eome of !h• volunt~r• will h~lp., vf'hlcl11 m&Jnl<'Jl&J1CI! ~·our-. ' tut the leader1hlp of the non-it, must have been Walter Weimer, Arthur Meyers lO D. MacDonald of the county r-----------------------., S PODA'I a -'-comm1asioned .ofllcers. 11efrn111ve aJ d J H rt Th 1 h health dapa.rtmen.t. .A.ny puplla Wl'i«> n.' ,_,HORTS: Tne U nited Sta tea Naval Academy's n11uieuvera · }Yt're etrused .., lhe 1 amee a · ey gel. to serve t e two-year fine crew will stay at the BBC when it comes to Newport in I battllllon fact'd a elmulated at.tack. terms .. Robert Wilson, H. C. "Sampson, Barney do not nutve •hot1 on the1e tw~ 1'.l\.. d E L p daya Will ~ lnoculated the toUow-an attempt to r er)eal last year's victory in the Western Sprint Corporal cubblnaon. "''ho attend· £! ,ancque an . . atterson drew the one-year C~mpi~nships. The Middies check in Thursd~y1 May 26, andr~~P~;:-nf; ct::t ~:::!.f1~~;~ a ~=~~~ terms. ln~;ni~;·~:~ ~:p:1~~·11• Coita will get 1D several practice sessions on Balboa Bay before the quarten Batttry. Mayor .Clai~ Nelson re-appointed the entire Meea elementary 1choola Mn. oer· re~atta. Ma~ 28. While.Navy'a; winning streak of 31 conaec-He enterf'd the Army, In 8f'p· commie8ion during council meeting last month on a tnute Mye.ra. health nur11, doea ut1\'e \'ICto nes was snapped by an inspired Penn team last lembf'r, 19153 and arrived overseas stagge_red basis, but left it up to the planners them-l\J>t ex pect more than & per cent last July. l t h" h th week-end, th e future admirats still figure oas the team to se ves as o w JC way ey would stagger. Weimer 10 t&ll to brine trf 11rne<1 coneent bPat .. Th~y're the _r<.fo~re Dame of rowing : .. Pacific Anglers, waa unanimously retained as' chairman. Patterson rorm1 trom 'their parent•. Some ~he BBC ~ "c_lub w1.th1n a club," gets down to the sericus bus-rEpstein Commended was named vice-cha irman. room• h~ve aimed up lOO•per cent, m ess of f18hmg May 14 with the All Fish, All Tackle Tour-Patrolman Ju• t 1 n Epstein's _____________________ ..;... __ she aaya. In the Catholic parochial nament. As the title suggests, anythirg goes in the way of \X.Or" on local narcotics problems Boat License Raps llnd pleaded guilty to a charge ot school 10l5 out· of a poulble 11l5 g~ar used and game caught. It's an all-family affair. too. wu recommended to c.lty council operating hla party !t~hing boat have bro,11rht Ln their 11icned con· With mom, pop and the kids competing for prizes which will J\fond11.y night by the J unior Ebl>ll on Jacklin, Rima without a llcenn. He paid a !Inf' ernt rorm11. Mre. Myers had about be awarded at dinnC'r .... in t he L~ai R oom following the day's ~lub In a letter. It a.aked he be or 11215. 800 1lgned form• yeaterdaf . and fray. Capt. Lorne Rr·ynolds of San .Marino will fire the start. I aae trned full lime to this f~ld, Bitd Jacklin, Ne\lo,>ort Beach Kt>lth Rima races the 111me Mid Utey were aUU coming ln. MAKE · us. PROVE IT L &. Ce lree "We ha\·e llhown many automobll4! drh·en how to ,_, . ., monf'r thf' KU1t4! •••ma; way. .lu.tl (h'e WI the upportunJt,· to prov• to. you the monf'y aa,·ln.r• Mt\'ant•~N of .,_e aD.lqu• dltfHf'Dl plan plontt"'d by 8tat• Fann. State Farin Insurance Co. BLOOMISGTO~. I LL w. L l.all41e lSS E. lith St., Costa Mesa u 8·1011 ing gun a t 8 a .m. from the good tub Lon·ena outaide the j Council referred the requut to fistung boat operator. 11ppeared bf'-t·harge and Is 1cheduled to piead Mr•. Myer11 1ald 11h~ hae 30 vol· j~t~ For tho~ who can't bear an~hing sm~I~ than a l C=h=l=d=J=o=~~U~p~~~00~.·~~~~~~=fu~r:e~J:u:d!~~D:·_J:·~D=~~r~e~M:0:~:a~y~n:~:t~M~oo~d~a~y:·~~~~~~~~u~h~te~e~n~n~a~d~y~to~h~e~~~w~1~th~·~t~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ howitzer. he'll unleas h a barrage of b alloons simultaneously. One of last year'R top awards in the annual fishing derby ":l'nt to 8-year-old Janie Cagle, who made some of the old- sters look more like yachtsm<-'n than fis hermen w herf she M agged <e fat, trophy-winning halibut ... George Shaw . who had made a namC' for himself as one of the West's top swim- min.g direc:t~rs (at Ojai Valley and the Desert Inn, P8..lm ' . Spr:ingsJ : Joins t he BBC staff soon. He'll teach swimming, dJvmg, direct aquacades ... Net Pro Dave Gillam was in last w.eek getting the lay of the tennis courts and· preparlng for h!s professional tennis duties starting May 15 ... The BBC's big main pool is ea.sicr on W.. eye than ever-and in more w ayR than on~now that it has been refinished with Glas l<ote. The recently developed substance provides a smooth, sparkling finish whirh is algae-resistant. Nothing will grow or a9 he1 c to the finish, so \'Cry. lit.tie eye-irritating chlorine is used in the water ... Bay swimmers pav.en't.been forgot-j ton: .e.ither; in the Club's constant program to jmprove its faOJhlK"s. Tqe beach wiJI soon be resanded with hundreds of t ons. of cryst~I silica. About as much car e goes lnto the· pro- ceRsmg of this sand -es the manufacture of'babv food. l t is m inecl and washed and romes out as pure as the driven snow. Bi_g feature. in ad~lition to its obv.iol:JS ~auty, it that it w on't 1 s t1r k to !'and-lolhng bathers, <'hmmatmg the sugar-cookie loo.k ... Lonnie \'ince()t's new son-in-law. R!chard Yost , is a member of the 1955 Walker Cup Team. Dick and bis at-I tractive bride', Lonita, are now honeymooning in England and Scotland while he r epresents the U. S. in the. golfing classic owr ~e! · * * * ~ . '"' PRESS CLIPPINGS: Newspapers aJJ over the state are carrying stories with a Newport dateline this week, thanks t o Ben Reddick's work in bringing the Californja Newspaper Publishers Association's qu~rterly meeting to the city May 6: 7 -8. This was the first ~~eting ever held by the or ganiza.-1 Li on in Orange County, and one of the m ost successful ever h eld anywhere according to the r eports we heard. The news- men were high· in their pr aise of t he attangements Ben made f or <them at the Club where the eeaaiona, partiea and dinnere t oi:>k place amid much camarade.!J". FISH FRY QUEEN CANDIDATE Marilyn Newton la the Co.st.a ~fe11a Lions Club Fish Fry quPen candidate eponMred In th(' tlckt't sale by th!' Costa :O.h>n Bay Cltl99 branch ot tM Call!ornla Nattonnl Fuchsia Society. High Sc;hool Student Body ~ . . Officer Candidates Named 8tuckn1 body otnce,r candldatea at 'Newport Harbor t.Tnlon High School-made tllelr debut ynterday bl th• nomination U1embly e.nJ will ,qvare oft In a concentrated eamp&ip before t,h• May 17 elec· um.---- Hamilton. Denise Nllee. Lorna Boe· ter and Dick Overb)'. For treasurH, Trrry Jay, Dave Tarnur11.. Patti Kelter ,,.a.nd Pete Shulberg v.i ll #1lJl agairat each ot.he~. Thelr-1>acl<Ar.&-Ar•-8hk~y Hourigan, De on I • Fitzpatrick, Brue' Knipp 11.nd Tony Pallferrt. Nominated tor preeldent were Q nJek Kolv!1to and John Hop· k lra. Biu Ring spoke on bthalf of Koh1ato l\nd Olde Jnnmt 11pokt lniury Claim Denied tor Hopkins. k 8 Ith Cit v council den le~ automaU· Thl"ff candldalea. J ae m .. • I Be>b DeLong Md Roy Daniel.I .,;11 cally the claim for I 1100 l\lbmlt· • Yle fC1r \1ce·prt11ident. They wt're IN1 by ~{Ml .. Ethel Jonu, &10 nominated by Gene WAggont r, Je• DtUll!a A\·e, !or lnjurle11 alle&"edly 1 rome DlcatU:r aad Olen Thomu . lnoorred on Carnat ion Ave. whtn The 11r• retar)~• 11pe>t will be · · ' IQll~llt by ="11 ncl ('11mpbrll Marll~·n e.lle rtporttdl}' ft ll nea.r the .ellool. l Hlll. p111 Ail.imll 11n . ,.,,111 :"iqurl l.L' The rlntm wo .reJerred to the 1 ••ho were nt>rnlllllll'J lly V•mna city lnsur1nre C&r)ltr. ,· •• h«>ry or .19dlte CEREAL BOWLS Ivory or JMllte COFFEE MUGS •• Reg. $2.60 Va19e WHIT!: BfLZRDOJl Writing Paper· 120 Sbeeta 89 ·· · &O Envelopea C: KLEENEX aocr. T·V Re9. $1 .95 3~49c TIAYS ' ,29 VET'S DOG FOOD 6 CANS 49c ZEE PAPER TOWELS 2 FOR 29C: GIANT BIZ.! ~ GLASS MIXING BOWLS 29 ~ . PAYLESS .. ' ·.PAYLESS-, .. llootdl l"lald METAL $139 PICNIC BOX Drobn7 LIDO DRUGS "One of t.he Lldu 8bop11" S461 Via Udo, Newport ~ach -1MARBOR DRUGS .SSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar WEEK-E;tD Specials BALBOA ·DRUGS FOR · MAY 12, 13', & 14 THURS., FRI., & SAT. 716 E. Balboa Bh·d., Balboa .. Ca9es CAPE COD "''FROLIC" PICNIC 'UGS ;'~i.:!:,;}i!>; =1 ~ 79 1nwl11ton. Pour spout 1n cap . Reg. 2.19 •NOW ONLY • IAUOll COOL£R -Ont ·p1tct spec11lly lrtaltd 1lut!11num liner, f1bt11l11 .a~ sulll10ft.. Wide top open1n1 fOf foods lllCI nquids. ~eg. 3.95 •NOW ONLY 3.19 ~~ LADIES' ~ SWIMP CAP Molded r~r. 1v.i1tor ilyft . Otfutt 5 ""I se11 to tuaid 111in1t lt1h1•. S"'p chin strtp. :m¥~·~LY 59c- PORTABLE LAUNDRY CARTS Heav~· Cam·u Bae l'wlvtl WhHl11 ,.,.,, $4.9~ Soft Plastic REFUSE CANS ICE CREAM -= lllllllI PLASTIC PUCE MATS DOUBLZ DIP OONEB -······--·--··-·--- HAND 0PAOUD PINTS ...... ·-···-· ····--·- BAND PAOUD QUARTS _ .... ·-·-·-- BULK STYLE ¥.! Gal. Premium Quality ..... . ANY FLAVO• DOROTHY GRAY Hot Weather DEODt:RA~T SPUA \' DOROTHY GRAY HOT \\'EATHt:R (.'OWt•:\"t~ l..&rJ[e A·ob. '"IC· fl.%.\ r•·g. $2.00 LUCIEN Le LO.NG , LIPSTl('K lff~l'd Lip• reg. $1.M HELENA RUBENSTEIN • C:OL01t.'1'11f;OWOO J' ·OWi~ CARA NOME Dl':OOEKA:\'T l,OTIO:-.i ·~·o tor thl'I J>rll'f' j>f o n .. r••I(. $:?.60 F 'REE SOO'• .FACIAL TISSUES "Ith CARA NOME CREAMS • 1.1\0 \·a h.11• s12s 1oc 30~ 59c 79c Liquor Department lpeclals Yt'tl PAY LESS •. 1,/~ . B/\THl:-.il<.. 19 IILVIJl Early Famous EPSOM SALTS 6 lh. hn r_.Yodka MJ9PLI_ nm•• 1BC-Seer zr:-o;c oxmt. ~ 12 - ~~~l~ .~~ ... !249 Gin -01NTMEMT 80~ ltn.lgtlt J -<i&. Tubt! 'fn.Old EXTRA PAI.£ ASCORBI(' ACJD 6Qc . Pt.f\h 80 Proof MProof VITAt,ilN "C" Sto..,. ,., ... ROU,_1>-s198 nrTB l'-41 8lc Pak 100 mit -100'• !~J~ !~BL!.'7 rtf\h s21 SJ'7 2'7 87' ·VITAMIN "A" eumel ftnl•~rec. Jf.n .%60,000 l'SP t nltll _ ...... ----------._......___....._ ___ L_ ---~··~.-' ·--: . . ... ' • r . . relt of Garden Orovt', manager ot • Dr·111 Tower· _ Crushes-11otn· announced today by Hart')' Mar· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA6E J -..==..-' t:he:::sh! -:--T.HURSDA Y;,. MAY 12, I 955 in H. B. as Cab~ Snaps ~.~~~~:~n 11~~~J~~~-~~~·~e; ~~; Clapp Appointed Report . Fire by ,. · .. , . l r ., I ~ '.: : "" ' • r , A houae at lh• c:omer or Or- anre and Sixth Sta ... Huntington Buch. wu crtahed like In e" ¥all Jut Thund•Y when a ral:!le 1napped on a c.rant. dr9pplng a. .heavy drill t owt'r on lhe rnof Fair Bvard. mak1.ng the Or&n~t' OCC Arf y.-.. a... plied for In April ant1 •Ince then County pre5"nlaUon the lugul In ~ .... r· Cal11·ng Har 15 CallfornlB. Rn~• from ltadlnr -well product.ion hu taken a llt trp h ... Oran-C(>u~ eotie ... ,Board Of I ' • decline and tile tnclinallon to put stables tt-.roug out u1e wut are •• ~ •• , $~O.OOO or more Into a well Ullll rt<g14tered for the comblntd Open Tnatet~.t'thtlr tut reflllar meet-lf you wlih w rt,,port , ""' eaU may onlx prc><l_uci> •O burcl.s ~r Show and J unior H~r~ S~O\~, ,,,-"'appointed HownrdD. Clapp as : lflrl>or 1!1, .Fire Cilia( R. J. Brlll• HOME ptPTY The houte wu empty at ti.m e a.nd no one wu lnjure-d. less a I.lay ta w11nlng. PDU'ORMA."H't:S SE_J' -lnstructor In art for the 19:.~-~6 , «>e lll'kt'.1 lort1I ri-sldenta today. tt'• H unttngton Bearh poll<'e are c-..ur pertorrn~ h.ve bun ye.ar commenclnJ SepL 1. ••1 • 11 h ... _ tinrtlng rel~f In the <lecllne In ... v • ~d If you \"a t e 1111 num ... r th• drillth th . b . . schl'duled foJ-e Jumoe-Stw.w. c111r1• tiu bffn teac.hl•8-a.rt In 11j;d In lhr phnne book aa em•ri• g a.s e avellige num "1 0 1 wllh etivt<T t 1unhles to be pre~ent· k HI h Rh I calla ruu drupped ort lrom 16 or ,. · the Burb11n g "" oo enrt eerv-ency e&U ur a&k for the o~-•O' Tbe house belong• to llr. and Mrt. Louis E . Barnett who live next door to the crushed houae. :Mn. Barnett w.u ln lhe ya.rd a t the.time of the accident. The cor- n.er 1.s juat acroaa the atn et trom the city hall and police statlon. and thl.1 wu the tut-of t everaJ wel~ ,ihat have b«n drilled on the propert.y. Only ten well• are being drilled -ln the Hunt(ngton Beach field at j.t1ia time. ln two weeks, If n o new ones are started, t.he big der- rick.a that at one time were lhlc.k --1 ed ri> \\1nneu. There wlJI be 1eVl'n · · ~-• more calls a day to abnut lCI. ~IVT Open Show performancu. nli.;'hlly In!( 8!I r oordlnator: ~r art In the t.he nlla are th.tn routed throup ports of brol<l'Jl tcnct•s, .Dll >SJli.lb Turl!dav urrou~h s'aturdav, w!th secondary .achoola·o! lhat city tor Sant" Ana, and nolay pumpa ~011tt'riue to come. metlne;s Thursday, Saturday and lhe put nine Y"I\"· He hM a bach-"Nln11 ch11ncr3 oilt or 10 Ulat Ill. however. . Sundn). etora dt'grH from Sant a Barban ope re tor will g'h'e the raJJ to the For the first time, t~ere will be College. haa completed i!raduate Oniniie County Fo~Jttry ~p&rt· a class f(lr puiic!;. horae11. with a work at t:Ct.A and ha.a um~ t.ht' mt>nt. t h,.n 11 111u11t bl' relayed, coal· $~00 etake to be .awarded. There , d t Lo A 1 I lni: 11ddlt1nn11I tlm ... " Br111c<>e •Id. \\111 be 12 (lth..r $:)uti i<laiu•a, w.\lr muter 11 egrte a s 11ge ea premiums totaling $12,7~0. State College. G •r1 C • . s11'ow ;ECRt.:TAJll' At lh• preMnt time Clapp 111 I ychst Crash Marr<'ll. usslst1•J by his w1fl'. Beulah, ts show arcretary. We re- turna to stag& his tl!th Or&nfe secr<'!ary ot :he Ca ltfornla WatH Ray I~f"''"r or 302A Monte Color Socltty. He it 3~ year1 of Vista SI . f'o1<1a Mesa, told M.-a osr.' Ls mart.Jed a nd th .. father Of J'IOllCt' Satur<l11y artemoon ·that • -" girl ot opprox1mately 9 ye.vi of . ...--aa treea In a forest, will all be COULQ HAPPEN HERE ~ When oil workers a.re t-akfng down one o! the high dril\ing down. County Fair Horse Show Is Expanded County F air Horse Show. Thf' Mureile have manger! 1how11 at Expa.nalon ot the Ora-nge Coun-lhe :'\auonal Date f'eet1val al Indio ty Fii.ir l'\allonal Horie • Show la .and have ~ducted numeroue prl· thrte .:hlh!rrn! age rode 11 blryde Into lhe aid• of his car l'!lrl111r that day. He will be free to all falri:Ot"n , under said UlP 11.-rrolrnt occurred wtl!J• the llln~le aetmiUIO.n policy maln• he and his Wife Were drivilll eouU. talned by the F111r. Main-gate l'd· on Orange Ave. In the 2600 bl.ock. mtse!on permit& all vlsitora to at: The i:lrl l'nlcl 11ht1 wur not hurt. tend feature event• ln the Arena .Lfofever H id, a.nd be did not 19' d I k yth" h 't d"d -h b . h bl b A total or 228 drllllng permit• err c s a11 mg can 11.ppen as 1 1 Ul t e a ove picture w ere a ca e roke and have tieen lsllued at the city h.all dropped tons of at~l onto the-'.roof Of a cottage. This occurred at Sixth and Orange •Ince Jan. l. 17 110 ta.r this month, Sta., in Huntington Beach. -Staff Photo · but Chere .eem.e to be 110me doubt ------------------~--------------------whether these llUlt permits will au vat!! hor11,. shows. They h&\•e lived under way by planning addlUonal on their GarcJen Grove ranch 1lnce performances during tht' 65th An· lll30. COUNTY PLANNERS APPROVE 'Thomps~n Booked 2 MESA SUBD.IVISION MAPS a!~~e!~"~-~~: .. ~. be u11ed. Mollt of them w~re ap· nlver.aary F air. Aug. 9-H , It was AdmL,af"n \o the Hor1e Sho>v and Amphitheater. her name. Two Costa Mesa tent11tlve sub· division maps w,r,~ approved yes- terday by the Or&nl(e County Plan- ning Commlsalon and one subdtvl· alon north of Tm1t1n applied ror by C. E. Meeks of Corona del Mar • wa11 approved. Jn Costa Mua Pr.ultnr S. Fagan .of Cost' Me!'& subm1tte1 & 5-&<:rl' tract 11pllt Into I 1 1111;1glt• tamrly dwelllnf(!I. I..nts are on !hi' westerly 0\ th- erly of 23rd St. A !so In ~e Coi;tA Mesa area, K. W }foll or Costa M elYl rec<'ived a p- proval or hl11 subdi\'ISll'ln coni11:1t· A.nnual ·Fcee.dom Tax-payer Meet Set for June Annual mretlng-of Freedom Taxp11~«·r« Leai:u•· 1111 , ill plan- ned fur the frr~l ""'•·k in Joni.'. the exact datr an.I placf.' p •t to be derided. according t o V. E. Mac- <;artcr, 'prcsrdcnL The league now lnrlu1lr,:1 0101.-1h11n 400 paid up mfmbns, he 11tatcd. Ing ot 40 single family home lots on 9.:1 a crPs 10c8',cd 330 feet north ot 18lh ftt. 81"' extending frM!l Plac:e~tra Ave. to Monrovia A \'I', Mreks' subdivlslnn wh1rh was approved waa for 26 laq~e h ome lots on 7.!'i acr<'s north ot Tustin. NEW CITY FIRE Orclinant'P!I amPnllini:-the f'lt)"s fir<' zc•nes 1111 nutllnt"I 111 the m11mc1pal code W<'I <' r ass- ert to second reading Monday night by city co11nnl. Ore;in frnnt bt•a• h is ln fire zone ?\cl. 1. whir h providr11 any construction un , prlvat" property must b,. <•f Typ.. l ronM r111'L111n. All t:·l. <.'-I h, C·! and C'·:!h n r•·a~ arft In fire Z•ln" Xo. 2. The l'hani;es ar" effl'ctrd by Unlrn11nc1•• 719 11n•I i f>O rrsprrlh'l-ly whll'h am,.nol the m11nlrrp.rl '""~·· lom. Ralph Frederic-k ThompllOn, 38, or l 230 \\', Balboa lllvd. I~ scheduled to appear Monday be- f?re Judge Donalrt J . Dodge tn NewJ1on Justice Court for arraign· ment. ~cwporl pollce arrealed him laat night 11!ter he was apprehen•lc-d by Harold Young of • 122!'J W. Bay Avt' .. dty licen~e colle<'tor. Young ~a.Id he saw U1e ~an prowllnf around houses next to his own and. peering Into win ows. He told e co are 0111 p.son when the latter came out !rom be- t \\'t-l'n two houses. l'pon a rr .. st, Thomp11.on admlttPd to police he went for a walk In lhit evrnfng anrt 101,krrt Into win- dows of \•annu.s hou~es. Kiwanis Club Sets Membership Drive Nrwport Harbor Kiwanl.it Club h:l!i alrrady exr Po•ded Ilic mt'mbt'r· ship gual set at b1•g11mini; (I( the ~· .. a r, · 5 plus 5 for [J~"" It ha.11 bN!n unnroun•" l by Prcs1dt nt Hny Your-• stnnt>: Instead ot 10 new m"mbers SALARIES UP the club now hU H . ' ="ew members or!' Edgar WU, C ~Ol'g'O P"71ney, Vern .. Turner, Or· USDA CHOla GRADE BEEF 7-IOll .,..., ,_ ..-1tuy finer"''"• '"" OR 3 9( Y•cler aheultler ,.na.. -..cl te per. BUDE ftlCtioft encl tr'-ne4 t.efore weltthl119. CUT . ' (RNMI Bone Cut •• •· 45') t . ' ~-OMa ' -SLICED BACON l::. ~·· ~5~~~:3• CANADIAN STYLE BACON '!4.29 Cured, amoktd bo<on prepared from pork lo!n. O.liciou•ly different! BROWN N' SERVE SAUSAGE 1~ 4• Swift'~ brand. Ideal for qui~ ea.ay ~~ _ SKINLESS FRANKS ·Som .. rwt brand. No. l quality. Al a recent m•·l'trng ot the boart1 of dr rPrtor!'I of thP l1•ag11e lh<' boanl !ntM'Vtt"W'"ti -Mtn9Mlttrs-for-f'"1!t· Uon• on elementary and bl.gb l!chool bC1ttrtle anrl emlori<l'd M.r~. Robert \\'1lson for th,.. Costa Mesa elrmentarv school boa.rd a.nd Frank Woodland for !'<t>wport H11rb<1r 1..'nlnn llr~h St'hnnl •ltlltnrt hc•111<l. Orange OU nty . mond Roundtree, '"Carl Boswell, Vincent Salma cla, Joe E . S tarr, Maurie Stanley, F. K11nneth Boi1e, .~ Pol1·11·cal Jobs \'crne snoagra.ss. c ar1 L . Thnma11,.i.---a-Boi1Uu.-... f -.:Ci a.. l!J. R. Thiele, Fioiif Buell and X •• •• .. _ 7" ~45c .Beef Short Ribs-~:;c .... -~­ Ground Beef ~~~:!· .. 39« Get Valuable r aynl' T hayPr. • -Corned Beef :"Sit~ .. •9« lone .... lrlabt, Mrved hot «cold lf'e leon, juicy, flavorfull State lnepected. SACRAMENTO (OC:"\S) -Gov· rrn11r y .. ~t,.r,ln y i'il,'111'11 a bill hik- ini;-tl.e pay or Orange County 11!· C1ctal11. Supervisors ot Orange County all!O are Included in Lhi> salary 111· creases and will hn\'r thl'il' pay checks raised from ~6600 to s~:.:oo ·annµa1Jy. Recent Fatal Traffic · Death Prompts Check • • The bill. by Assemlll)·man E arl W . Stanley bt Balb"a ls,l11nJ and L!'Roy Lyon of Fullerton, nl,o raises the pay ot the c uunty oudi· Th(' constant rise In the accident tor from $9600 to SIO OllO A yl'ar. and 11rC1 ·il•nt dtalh rate for the Cotmty Of Orangl' for the year or 19!1~ Jln~ lhl' tact that Newport Thr District ,\ttor n••y will g,.t $12,000 a year anrl the <"JllfltY &uperlntendent ot !'•'honl11 w1ll·now recl'lve a yearly salary of !H.400 annually. · B~a~h had lt11 first fatal accident oti the ;¥1•ar in which a 2.0-year-old yout h was fotally Injured when hl11 motorcycle w113 atr11c~ head-on by Boat Motor Theft a nother vehicle on Bay.slue Drive, foe ntr,ht of May 3. l9M, promptl'd a ch<'ck of the 11ccldent flgurrs for 1hr \ity ot Newport Beach ANGEL FOOD 3snftc CAKE RING 7- YINDll, FLUPn, 'N' FLAVORFUL- bakect the Curhy'a "home 1,..rectlettt'' woyt (le9ular price, 45c.) Jane Arfftl r11 Im 11 v~t::29« Naltfsco Oreo CookieS 7 v;;.2s• creomy ... xhwe, low In colorln. No artlfldol 1 .. orln9. f11rYOn1 atrowberry, chocol~ or vanl!lo. F11mlly M9nenity ..-ck• LOW NICID. . PIKES lfRCTM Mm.. fll. SAi MAY. n. U, 1'. 19SS, &I WlWll STE ii'ni,lllA. l ith• .. lifolt ,_.,,94, Ne ...... 4oelmt-. ........ ~ ......... ._.. PIANUT aun•• HAL IOAST-5mooth, atebl· IPICIAl.2t. Iii.ad tex111re. Never dry, never 12 .. &. oily . • • yo.u'll. love Ill . t-' IHORTllllllG IOYAL SATI~mul•lrted few IPICIAl.69' lighter coke•. plee, or fried food. a.Ill. (1-llt. c-. 29c) c.. CllUllll TUllA light meot-Newl finer, moc• delicate flavor. CHICKEN :, SEA SEA TRADER ~~::27' > 6:23' GRAPIFRUIT JUICI Pancy quolltyl Your • cholce'Of~tvnrt -swrnect 1111ce. · GIA'9IUll lllCE .... ,.,. ........ ,,..... ....... criapy. ~-... 14 headt te len4 tlellpt tasty ......... ,. '" ......... Mlle vlt ....... \OW PllCIDI ~25' lb. ----f t® lbe...(WILQL.UleJ'.!!r...!£.C~rd­ "t'hert of a 3 hp outboariJ motoP from hiit g11ragr> wu report,.d· to police Monooy by Donald D. An- derson of 2652 ClrclP Drl\'e. He satd-~mo~M w• llCted. Cl!Llh stern (If a small buat m t h<' u1wn gara~l'. 1. ~:~::.: .'' : .. ,. Skylark tliooo tontest • I I lng to C11pt. Harry Lace. Accidents to elate show a break· down or 31 lnJury accidents 8Jld 65 property clama~e accidents !or a total or 96. thl.~ comp&red to Jul Paulas D'31u9hter year of th!' aam,. t rme when 2i Injury 111·c·1tl<'nt:1 ftl1d 4 l property dama~e a~iJ••nt~ were recorJrd 41for A total (If 68, ht> Mid. The :'.\tr nnJ :'.\11 ~. F1hnk I'9'l1 lt1s, 231 E. Bmad\\'11\', ('ollta :\fella , h\•111111C' parenlll .,[ A dn11i;h i.rr J.lny 6 et Hoei:-Hospital. \. mrmth ot .A pr11. tn whirh a total o r 36 B"Clllcnts was rrrorded, was thr hlj!h•'~t count since the month Son for Petten9ills ot A UJ:'ll!\l, 19~·1 whrn 38 nrriclPnts V.'l're n •cnrderl, rerords show. The Ja1•k l:.ettrn1:1lll' "' :1:13 F F urlht•r r hrck" to'\'t'll l thal of 161h SL. t'•'"1" M•'' 1 U<'! ltJlH' p:ri-· •'Ill!< {1f a 11on on. ~l;1y 8 11t H .111i:-t hr tot 111 accldrnt~ for 1-hla year. t-ln~prtal. In H or thP &C'<:l<l<'nl!<. UH"dnver!; -----------had bern drlnkin~ to I\ n•rlAin PX· .... t ent. b11t 'not en6'0&.ti to charl!:e t..1-w Collins Baby t h<'m with an otf,.n se. In nine nt -lhe accidents, the drlvn8 wer(' Th" t:.rrn• ·'·.v .. llini.·' ' ( 8 Br11- ch11rgrJ ,·Ith either drunk .1r1v11111 co.n BRy ht••'ame parents of a or lntoxlretlon. Thi' tndlc-allon i~ •laught!'r at Hoag Hu~prlal un :lta y 1 t hnt d1'l1nl<eneaa behind t he wheel 4· I ts bE'C<'n-)111~ morl' &nrl mo~ ll prob· lem in the HArbor are11, l..tlce that trnd t n ra11{~ the Tl~c In lhl' warned. acddcnl stat1st1cs," Lat'e Mid "Ll>cll.1 otflcera are lnslru"Cti-d to "And a i::Afn. as 11t 'llll tlnH'.!I 1)1,.. be vl'r)' ''Jrtla.nt fuenrorcement or words f.t <'BUI 1C1n nre ,::h·en rr you • the !nfran wna ot the vch10Je col.le dnnk. J on't Jr 1w." ' ~~·······" ~ Y.~~l~l~C~~Po~ ill I COST . .\ &fESA 1700 :Sewport Bhd. COKO:SA DEL MAR 99S (.'oaat Hwy. AC'ORO'S LAtiU:SA BEACH ----t11s BALB01-ISLA..'\-U ?00 Marlne Ave. NJ:\\'PORT BEAClB 820 Coaat Rwy. THE RNEST AND LOWEST PR,ICED Early American _ _:_MAP b-E- FuRN1tuRE • • • • "'1'JW~l!~f _ _, __ .. ./_ 18 OlDSMOIUS &Ml lWl l fR£L Plus tller grlftd prizes! EmY 11.illS & RUW AT SlYURI BREAD SKTIOM AT SlftWAY. Skylark Fresh Breads llAISIN NUT BRr ao IWI -.,... ...... •Ill '"' atd. 28• "" ~ !Mt ltllellrllt 111111 lrllll loaf ENRICHED WHRE OR WHEAT '~:t 28• l .. ular or Sandwich Sllced. 'COLDBROOK YELLOW CUBES MARGAR·INE SPKIAL LOW PllCll 2 t-llt. CirltlS DALEWOOD MARGARINE GOLDIN CUllS. FOIL WRAPPID. • (, CHERUB EVAPoRATED-HOMOGENIZED ANNEDMILK ~ . STOCK UP VALUll 1-lt.. 1ft( carton Y MIRACLE WHIP or DUCHESS Branda 39 ·SA·LAD DRESSING ~ c BEST FOODS or NU ¥ADE BrandJ . . 49 MAYONNAISE 1x 0:A't'A11 -; . C COFFEE ' DEL MONTtSWEO PICKLES SU.PURI BLUE DETERGENT I NOi HILL AIRWAY 'b!i 77c ·~75c ~li LEMONADE ~ GRAPE JUICE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE BLENDED JUICE ~. '::; 10'. 2~29' . '::; 10' ': 10' BISCUIT MIXES --- FLllT MIX llSQUICK ... ·~:37' KITCHEN CRAn FLOUR s.;:;44c 40-oL35c pk9. ~.'!~~~~~~~ESE.~~~l•L 2nc And oh .. tletklova .. toot 7-. FIN.QUALITY PEAS HIGMWAY DIL MONTI 2 1 :::· 25' 1 11 : 11' MELROSE·::~' COOKIES GINGER. LEMON or VANILLA SNAPS 2~49t -· --olVI r-o CONQUH CANCEi • STOIE HOURS Daily 9 LID. t.o 8 p.m. (Friday tU 9 p.m.) Sunday 9 Lm. to 6 p.m. 172a Ne~port Blvd., Costac·Mesa PLENTY OF PAIKING· ON LAIGE PAVED LOT ... ·- ' " II " .. Roltert l.e•dl Soll PA&e .... PART,_ NEWPORT HA~101 News.PRESs lal' Island PO THURSDAY, ~A Y 12, 1955 · BOMB THREATS Pacltta.m. ~YWal 1peuln1 a(&IJult ed rat.bu tball aubj.ct their dill· rehlr1n11t h im dechirtd they w&11ted drtn to any poulblllty of Com· , eomeone who would t11ht tor their mwlllm. Mr. and .Kn. Rober~}Aaoh. 1tM Mr. and Mnt. 0.¥14 D . Wltll of <Joa.-.. ,,._ l1nll ,.... ~hildren If ntcelll&r)' to protect Speak.,.. aa-lNlt Neft Included Church SL eo.ta M-_,..bl•-300I Balboa 81-.id. became pare.nta ______ __..... ____ Lease len~wed ' She Mid' .detlnJtel7 and quleUy, ·them .. Otber1 1&1d they would Tom H~. l'ull•rtOll Ainerlcan ed wtlh a ~ born Maj ~ at Boa1 ot a 'daUfbt•r May I at Boes Hoe- ''Y-. rm ot llDl'liah blood and Al ' rather -two meA'I C&l'Mr9 Nin• lA(lOll. Hoaplla.l. . ~ta.1: l1oflt.allanblood,butweand~.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ anceatora hue been terribly proud !PoUUcaJ ~d..rt.i.ement) (PollUcal A.~tl for 11 Yea·rs ... a.Mwal of Balbo& laland Poet Americana.'' II Loa ud f'oaii . '81! a.Siii for 8-i Otflce leue fdr a 10-ym term . . CONSTANT )VATCH wtut property owner IUcb&rd Cun· 'nl• rBI u keepift&' a comt.ant LOllT--oa Monday, Kay tth,.Oold MSW uaftana. a bdrm. i.ou. le".. nm1ham wu ailDOWlced today by watch on th• D4Jphlno ·borne and IMuelet with a diamoDda, •'4 yd. 'wtu. u.., ..., ecltoo~ and Poet Ottl«1 department rerlonal lt'a wid•ratood th• 8berttt"a ottlce ,......_ ~. ..WAJU>.. tran.apOrtafion. flQ, M. oa l...._ be&dquarten tn San f'rancllco. UI eooper1Un1. The Delplitno home ,,._. lhnor .. lf, l'leOt Anti. J1&1 11 -m Vletorl&, TM 1MM expired Marcb 20 and .. jun OUUldt the City Of COil& Coet& X.... rr. •-eoTI. 61ttt an a tt.mpt to obtain ne., quarter• Me•• In S&nt& .Al\& Re1pta but , -1911p -w.-.. · -did not matert~. i\ertt at th• I• wttbbl.tba OOllta K._ !cllool r;:;, --• Oll tJ\e qu&rUfl WU aet ~t 122& l>tstr1ct. (Political AdvertiMment) .. All ell lion Citizen~/ lr.\Jft'lm ~ ProeMtaat ........ a ... ...... for t.hrM YMl'I and r&iMd to $300 ------------: tw .aapt .~ ...... ·-· a••Y•BYO~ attttat•MtT•.reeentremodellnJ. NEFF SANBORN .: ,_... for tpd mot.Mr. Prlwta l'O ~ "•"'~ , 1be poet O(Qee d•p&rtm•nt aaid ..... htq fNe. ~ front. VIEW UYr cateHM Drt••· ••. ooo. It f1lt th• remod•Unc bad been r DO YOU WANT Higher laxes? P .O. Jlom ••. Balboa i.land. NI l:ftrinm ~ xeaa. paJd for by tM rent ra1H and re· Coll~ ,,._ ~ ..... ________ ...,.. ... 1_1e11_ . (J'rMdora ~). llpM portedly Mttled at $27& per month acc:ua~ of CommunWUc a.an. J under the -eontract with Clm· ln _,.... ... --•-••-· llln(ham. JI a,.~-· .... O·a--· !!'=~B~A~fJ!!te~?!!!!??I!~.,., ---Dl'i(JIUS8 OUT8IDEU 0000 uamo apt. -. --. a11. • Offer :Wanted Harbor 1TH-J. Ila Son for u..n.&.lcls lrvtnc CJark ot Coet& w-a t .,..., ..... one Um• '°" to object to ~c• On Pr.Im· 8 Mr. and 11n. w~. Kaytlekl. of ··au th-,..nu-en tram Lo• 610 P'ullerton A•e., are parent.a ~•·" He declared, '"nlJa ii ot a boy bom Tu..ctay momtn1 at Oran&'• County, and thU la a local rw~~ss1f"°~tvt~~: Bay Shore Home _H_oq __ H_01J>_1t_a1_. ______ =~·.Whf ahoutd -Uai. to Bay Bboru. 61c:M Brown uplatned ~t he Md KAPLJC CAPT. chaJt, 111. a bam· Owner' in Europe ~d wanta HARBOR GRAB ct1eclled wtth th• county cowuel. .......... bltn .. -11 _ .. H bo •23• "He told me Uien wu 1~11-no .....,. '"' ... ""'. ar r ;1~~ Iu'~IA---'-! ...._1_ 1-..__,, ., .,._. _JIUUWJ .t. .a. -... £Wit W 0.tlll-.d lrem Flrft p... way to kMp OUUldera from ilpMk• Ji(AHOO. DU?fCAN PHYP'!! din• lnr tabt. It e ch&lra. Excellent condltJoft. Barptn. LI 1-1023. ...... only. lltp!IS a beautiful (corner) 2 bed-th• followtnr ReaoluUon wu tn1 .h•re tonJcJlt," th• bo&rd preal· adopted: dint Mid. "Otht~M, I ahould 1154 llNDlftUDI:, 111 .h.p. 1210. Xlnt. condition. Extra prop. and eowr, wtll demon.ltrate on out boat. LI 1-112UI. lllc6S room•. 2 bath home with extra utility bdrm. . Com· pletely and llllJUtly fumiah. ed-a.nd nry llnbl._ Wall to wall carpeting -expen- atvely lanc:bcaped. Hu been priced at $32,'500. $27 ,500 might buy lt. Thia ia a real opportunity - SEE IT I THAT WHJ:R.&Aa, t.be Oraap hue required that. Oouaty Barbor Dtatr1tt, bu heN-1'ernnt llpM.kera taYOrtas Nfllt tofor• YOted bonda tor th• dredr· en the bull ot hla acellent l"900l'd tnr and lmpronment of what 11 at RM School included Mn,~ Mal· commonly known u Newport Har· 90lm Reid, prealdent of the Rea bor, and that ~ool P·TA; John t.narpr, a WHEREAS, aal.d Diatriot tnclud-teacher •t Itta. and Kary Covault •• all ot Oranr• County except &nd Patty Smith. Rea 1tudentA. a portJon of the mounta.Jnoua .area. Blcnti. KIM Conult ~~ a and thll'efare au people wtt.hln th• peUtlon •cned by apprOJdmately County of oranr• ..,.. WarUlc th• 100 RM 1tudenta faYOrtnr nten· COit tor the lmproveaitnt of N•w· Uon of Nett. Lybvfar, who deelar- port Harbnr, and that ed ~ releue ?f Ne.tr would be "a blifht on the teaohtnr prote.· WHERJ!:AS, the City of Newport aton.'' WM amonr lt te.cl\eN up BARLJCT D.4 VID90N motorcycle 114T·T4 a.h.Y. Oood 1h&pe U711. to EY1rsr-n. C01ta Mua. (J'reedom Homu). 61p!IS 484-Apta..for Beat · Beach hu been permltt.d ~ tim• for tenure, and the only one oUler pa.It to conduct certa.ln actlYitlea than Nett mit reb!nd by the board Harbor Inve8t-ent within 1&1d Newport Harbor, whlcb after lut n1g1lt'a.publlc meetinr . .u.&' actlvttlea ue by law ve1ted eolely In the Orflfi Count! DI ~o WO N 80U'I11 LAGTJNA-Upper un.fum. Newport BIYd. at 30th It. apl Ocean Ttew, fireplace. Mod· em. 175. mo. Phone Long Beach Newport Beach Phone Har. UIOO 1-oot.2. 61c~8 c ant' -A plea by Neff tor a "healing WHEREAS, ·U la 11.ow detennln· of wbatever wounds may occur ed that the Orange County Har-due to the bo&rd'a declalon here bor Dl1trlct ahould pi:oceed to ope-tonlrht" brou1ht tear1 to the eyea rate and manage Newport Har· o! a 11umber of ...-omen and rtrll bor;' tor which It la and h .. bffn \.II the audience. After BroW11'1 M-BulDeM O,,Ortwdtlea M-Bu.alaea Opportan.ltlee _ paying ta.xea, annwnce ment 4Jat Neff would 'NOW. "1"HEl\El"OltE; -BE lT not ,,. htrel!;"' m:tJI)" ~n anCJ Rli:SOLVED AND ORDERED that cJU&en1, upset by the decl.lion. r• th• Orange County 'Harbor Ola· inaJned tor halt an hour alt•r lrict lntenda to and will talc• over b~akup ot the public ....ion. PARTNER Actiye or not-with ~,000 cash. 14 IN'I'ERES'r-in new company doing an ex.cellent buaineu. Policy diaagreement ia "9p0llaible lor thia once-in'..a-litetime opportunity. We ahould net $100,000 thia year. Party eelect.d muat have good chara.cter references, be cooperative and_ euy to 1et alone with. Repli~ t-held in atrict confidence. Write Box N7e thia paper for a ptnonal interview. 51c53 the complete man.arement, control Many ot the te&Ch•n tn.tormed and operation of Newport Harbor individual memberl of th• board pur1uant to law. of truatee. tbey were "lick" al BE IT FURTHER Rll:80LVED the dedaion. One tnatructor told AND ORDERED that a copy of ~ Al Qs'dcn. ''I'll aerlouaJy thla Re10lutlon be rupeettully have to comlder wbethar I want 1Ubmltted to the City Cou.ncll . of to continue teachlnr ln Coeta . the City of Newport Beach In Hua." Anot.btr warned th• boa.rd. order that It may be adviled ot "You'll ban top ouu&de the Ill.ate 1Uch intention, and that pur1U&J1t tor new u.chera after lhla decl- lhueto conterenc~• may be had alOCI." between th.I.I Board and the Honor- able City Councll or llA repreaent· au ... W'lth a .tew Oi&r tbue be Pnac:tpal ....,.._-..tlalJT made no temporary dl1ruptioa durinr aratoat Nett durlnr the ....ion la.Id-tran .. ctlon period. eoneem.cf bJ1 all•ced bell•!• ln f DO YOU WANl City Revenues Cut? · \ DO. ~ YOU WANT To Be Saddled With Further City Expenditures for Bea~. Park and Recreation . for out of town Citizens ? · · DO YOU WANT to Eliminate a .$30.()00 per ye a r Net ·Income . to the City of Newport Beach· from the Triiler Park in Exchange for a Sl-50,000 Initial Expense for a Park ? If you want good government, Economically administered, make · your wislteLkmtwJLiunclay .nlght-1n .City Caunc1L. ~Chamben to the .. leach. Park and Recreation Commission. ' Tuesday, May 17, at 8 pem. . NEWPORT-.IEACH. TAXPAYERS ASSOCIAnON a._. ........ IPIC .IAL OPEN Saturday & Sunday 125 W aziers, Lido Isle NEW ~nch Regency 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Car- pet~. Glue doora to patio. Luxury kitchen. 2 car ga.race plua boat atorage. $34,000 SPECIAL ,. SPiECIAL p. a. palme·r incorporated ole hanson co., ·sales management 3333 'ri& lido, harbor 1500 11 Meat for Discriminate Palates'' frorii YV SALES ' • RCA VICTOR DEALER . • All Makes -All Parts & Tubes . • Honest Scientific Analysis & Rep•ir • Pr.ompt Service • f{easonable Prices . TARTER TELEVISION • <Jol'Olla del ..... .... E. 0-.t .. ...,. Hanor Mil lestlallery 7 , •SAVORY°' course- 2 Loc1tion1 • LAGU~ llACH lM .. OoMt BmL ,, ..... ~ .... . L ~OION~ DU: MAR qs..o..11w1. .......... YIRG. -DAVIDSON· CHUDACOFF CO. ) . "KINGS OF THE MEAT IUSl"ESS" Corn· Fed Chicago ancl New. York Beef • 80c * AGED PRIME RIB I .... (far Steak 0r ·Roast) •• • • • • • • (Prime -110t CholCe) (NO UMIT) ... * CHOICE N. Y. ST.IPPERS .(with bone In) • • • 1.38 ·-. . ... (NO UMIT) • 19c * CHOIC-B'Nl~ESS CLOD • • • • • • ~:. • • • ~ INO UMIT) • . 0 .pen 'Iii 9p.111. Fri •. • lat.· Sun • PUIUC & DEAURS INVl'nD I , • • ,. "' ' ), ' I· j· . I .. MISS JEAN HOWELL, left. accept.a the gavel ot the Buaine. and Profeaional Women'• Club of Newport Harbor from out-going pr~ident, Mrs. Harold Bird. New officers were m.talled T}Junday night in traditional ceremony at N91VJ>Ort Harbor Yacht Club. -St.aft Photo Jean -Howell .Heads B&PW Club Womeri Installation Held at HarbOr Yacht Cl.uh . -. Spring flowers arranged in basketa and cornueopiu decorat.e<l the tables of Newport Harbor. Yacht Club for the Installation of the new officers of the Busmesa and Profes- aional Women's Club on Thursday evening. May 5. A1 indu~ting ·officer, Mrs. Bert Morris. a former member and past preaident of the club, presented each new officer with lln emblem or hPr offfcf . l Mt11lled were Ml111 J ean Van Wissman: memben1hlp, Mn J ohn Palf!n; programs, M11111 Mllrl· Jfnwt-11. pre11l<1Pnt: M l1114 Marilyn lynn Wh~eler; public affam1, Mra. Whet-ler. flr11l vice prµult nt: )1 M!. Walter F Wright ; aldA to iunall J ohn PalPn, second vtce pre11dl'nt: bulltrll'llll, Mra. Robert John11on. Mr11. Amolrl Nal'jCll, r",.cort11ng Mcrttary ; Mra. Don Southworth, Ctialr~!Wofc:i::1'!i~;:mftiteea correapondlnir 1ecretary, and Mr1. Include: • "-"- EBELL OFFICERS were inatalled Th,ureday at Ameri- can Legion Hall. Left to rif bt are: Mn. Floyd Buell, auditor ; Mrs. S. E. Locke, financial aecretary; Mrs. John Lamar, second vice-preedent ;-lira. C. 14. Dea.kin.I, installing officer and parliamentarian; Mn. Nicholaa Brettner, president; MMI. Baail Petenon, fint vice-preai· NEWPORT HARBOR ' MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11-PAGE I THURSDAY, MAY 12, :1955 t WRITER DEDICATES VERSE 'TO GARDEN TOU.R HOSTS A pleuant aft;>tmath of the garden lour held April 30 and May I by the women'• committee of the chamber of commerce, was. thf' obtaining of lhe following ~m. written during the nuny aftl'mclbn on Saturday. Mrll. Wiifred Bula wu &salgned aa hoate11 In the ~arden of tht A'. f'. Hf'tni: }Tome on Lido Iale. During the rain tht Hl'lnZt'I openNi thrlr gcarden room whtrh lookl!I out Into their <'hl ryrtlng palto1 ·and while 1itting In thl1 room. watching th• rain, Mni. Bt>rlt! wrote thi• poem for the Heuizu, who have 1o:1ven ll to u1 for pulillcaUon. TO MR. AND MRS. HEf~Z Rain In yovr garden w .. pleaaant lo hear, A me11:sag-e to f'Y"· .. well aa to ear. Jluby Steven110n, treuurt~. Mr1. Convention•, Mrli. Alice Bell : J udd Sulhf'rland wlll a ct a_! f•r·. courtfly, fifre; Orrille '8cltlueller; - lilll'llentarlan. . decoratlom, Mr1. N . '-11.1tln Cole; For "worda" gll!stened. on pet•l and leaf and fo'rea~ened the ea1-th u they oelli pped und1meath. The lcreacendo waa .reached Jn spattering 1pla.ah, Wlftd ceued·to wftiaptt, bec~a-btt .,....._ Yet-rain In your prden waa plea.ant to '1ear And ll'1 11lory (lo me) wl>iuierful llnd dear, ON PJU:~RAM hlsto.rlan. .Mra. Bernice Weavtr; M111 Ca.rolyn Overman and J ohn hoapllallly, Mn. Harold Bird ; T rueblood ot Orllnte Coast Collegt March of Dimes, Mra. John Tubb1; rnul!lc deputment. accompanied mu111c, M\,ja .Clara Ellen Spelman: by Mr1. Dell Hllmllton. presenttd r adio and ttlevi11lon. Mrs. Midge a varied and enle(,t.aln1ng m u11cal W1ll!on , ·report coordinator, Mra. ~rogram. • · Al Ma.lthe~-. welfare. Mr•. Bruce Guut.11 'tor lhe .ennlng Included Handy ; yearc book and emblem, )fnlflf. Ethel Fou1e. V a I er I e Mr11. Sydnty· Peck; youth actlvl· Shields: Phylllll Chu,...h. DeMurl Uf11. Mn . Donllld I>ungan: and Lwh. F1orence Howell i nd Ju.n Bo1111e11· Nlte. Mra. Ralph Quinn Young. wtlh Mra. Sydney Peck u co· After prroaenllng the retiring chalnnlln. • pruntl'nt. Mr•. Harold Bird, with Mra. Ellubelh Hu• lt ad the JANE {Mra. WILFRED> BERLI WATCH OUT! L.I.· Yacht Club Dinner And Predicted Log Race t!\P BPW club r ing. tht nrw preal-pledge or alle(lance, Mra. Walter • Lido J1Je Yacht Club throwa oyt, m!>dore'• dinner al th1 clubhouH dent 1Ulnounced hC"r commlllte F. Wrfgbl rrad the collect, a.nd the th't .11oclsl anchor for the l!econd Saturday f'venlng. J,une I 1, when chairmen: rtnance. Mr11. Ralph door pn zrl! Wl'rf' won by MIJ111 L..tn1 lime tomortow nli;:ht with a Fnda)' trophlu w\11 be preM!nted. Qu inn: lnternal\oaal relatl<>111, Ml .. May W1lleey and Ml1111 Phylll• I the 13th rlinnt'r dance. • 'T he Jun~ Rrgatta Is set for th~ R o11e Fenton : leglelatlon, Miu Eva Jack90n. Wllh "Op!'ra\lon renovation" following weekend. June 18· 19. ·-Island W. s·~ C. S. Sea ts Of fic{e_rs atlll In l'CCcct 11 the Lido Club· house. 111le 11electtd 1!11 the VIiia Muina. wh('re Commodore a nd Mrs. M. A. •Andt-raon. membera and gueat#. will , be 11eatt><I at a horae· ahoe-ahapud table llnd try lo dodge the bl11ck •cats, broken mlrror11 Mrs. Roy Sabin Is Hostess and 11pll1ed ••It t~at promise to be at Luncheon In ev1dtnrt . Mandatory enlranr e under a slep·ladcler w ill be lndlca· Mr1. Roy H. Sabln, 1737 Piasa live or thlnga to come. 'del Sur. entertained 11) trlenda •t Mmes. Paul.T. Bulltr and M. J luncheon Tuuday In Park Ave. Lockney are In charge or llcktt• Cllft . Enjoying h<Mlplta.llty or the and reaPry1tlon11. M~. GPorge M1· hoste111 wert Mmell. John Wlllla, • Fourteen officers of the Woma.n's Society of Christian Service ot Balboa laland Community Methodist Church were installed by the Rev. Donald G. Sapl> in services conducted lVednw.ay a!temoon. J.l&y..4,jn-th~~ry. --bawLl.a. ~~ ~d. .vt.ea.l onty-A!'Tlfl'tri;-l!l. Hrl"'rahnr,-A na- t he dtror 111.~lsl t'd by Mr. and Mrs. helm: E ll'anor Waldron.· John Y. year•' aervlce u prea ident by be· Wiiha m Grundy. Wlndlate. S11nta. Ana; H. S. Mc- ing preM"nled a coraage and a girt It'• back to the U do ClubhouH Gregor, B. F' Baum. Roy King, certificate. ·• •for next month's a rtlon packed Georee Stricker. Henry Eggert, N~w prul<fent la MMI. Ted R. Ha.uaer. Sh• w ill be &MIJlted by Mr•.· ·~i>'l>ert-"Jbbotaon, vice-pre111- dent: Mrs. Byron L. Nealy; 11ttre· tary: Mra. Clint.on T. COlllle. Lreaa- uru: Mrs. Oeors-• Bridgman, M<'· retary of p~ri: .Mn. Mat· thew V. W&ldellcb. ~cret&ry Qf JnlNtooary edu~lon a.no Mn'lce: Following th• in&tallation 1er-scl\edule. The SCCA Pre~lcled Log Ger trude Cox. G. M. CMroll, H. vice a pledge service v.u e;ondtJcl· Race '' 11lattd ror Saturd•y after· B. Baetz, H. C. Ahrendt a nd O. ed by Mmea. M,lchael Ca rl. Coane, noon J une l I. Powtr boat ownt-ra A. Gant. Bridgman, Vemop Smith. and lwing m1J Ltilo lalf' who are mem· Bridge wu playl'd. with prize• Sarp. bera of LI YC or llny other recog-going 10 Mrs. C&.rroll. fln l , Mr•. nized yarhl club are eliKJble lo Wlndlate, 1ec:ol1d: and Mn. Cox. tnter ,and 11hould nollty LJYC third. Rec!'lvlng consolation awud Power Boa t Chairman Keith Cord· .. Mn1. McGrt>gor. dent; Mrs, Henry i>el.ter, recording aecM&ry: Mra. Amelia Gamble and Mrs. Jack Boylan, directors. Offi- c!ers not pictured are Mn. Ruth Vedder, treuww;--ud Mn. E. C. Twichell. cort"Mpondinc eecretary, -Staff Photo Miss Belinfante Is Honored At Recital .. Orchestra Conductor Is . Surprised on Birthday When Miaa Frieda Belinfante wu in~te<i to five a re- cital to a group of intimate frienda Tueaday evening at the home of Mrs. Alyne Field.a, Bay Sbore8, abe little expected to find herself honoree at a 1urp~ birthday fete. The conductor ot Oranc• Coun-1 the new audltonum or Orance ly Philharmonic Orche.tr& wu Cdlut College. A. a m atter ot pol; born In Amaterdam to perenta I icy all concf'rta are tree to the who were well known Dutch mu-publlc. · alclan• and bep..n her cello 1tud- le1 at the •re or nlna. When ahe wu 17 lhe wu ll concert art18l l.n her own rlcht and became a .olol1l with· noted European or- chl!l!tru. She a1ao played the viola de1 gamba, predeceuor ot th• eel· lo. and broucht her lratrument t<i th' party, playlnr a part of St: J ohn'• F'U1,on (Bach) 80 Ula.t the audience .mltht dllferenti&t. Ila tonea from that of Ole c.Uo1 Her Mlectlona on the 'later lnelu~ among other compoaltlorf1, 1<>n· a t.. by Bocchertnl and Debuay and Brllhma' E minor aona.t&. . THE 8l.RPR18E Attending the recital and.party were Mmea. Robert A. Grte11&er Jr., Fred HtLrwm, Robert Sattler, Mildred Alley, B. N. Denaenberg, Jl:dwai-d 'Wlllill, Robert A. Craw· ford, Mary Lee Richmond, Kath· ryn Quinn. Reba Crank. Isabelle Kehlor, Mart.ha J. C rook•. Alice and Virginia Ida. Brunnlng. Mr. Carl Schoefter , Ml.. S.llnfanl• .rid th• boet-. Post-nuptial Fete Honors •fter the recital light• went out CD M Couple and an 1llumlna.ted birthday caJu I brought In. to th• 1traina o r "Hap-A buttet dinner and ml.cellan-PY Birthday." Mra. Bellnfante waa I preaenltd • flrt by M{9. Karen I flOUI 1hower at th• home of Mr, Margret• Bruntnr In appreciation and Mra. Htyward C. Balley, 1110 for the fine mu111cal and cultur al I L&rkapur Ave.. honored newly· lnaplratlon •he I• brlng1nr to lhe wed• Mr. llnd •1ra. Robel'l Gran. t I county. · I M Thi• la not the f1rat orchutra or 310 Ms rguerlte Ave. r1. which Ml1111 BelmfQJ\le hu con· 1 Grant, the former FrancN Mealey, ducted. for 11he Had her. own .or· met her husband two year• .a&'O In t:hutra In Holland and It wu Saudi Arabia where both were moat •'!cceHfdl. She had ldt her employed. Grant 11 from Ntw ln11lrumental work to concenlrale York. They were marrl~ April In dlrecUnr and when ahe entered 111 at Mary. S'tar or the Sea an interna tional conducting com-Church In lAifo Jolla. petition with other u plranll, all The young couple received many nfale, wlllked off wllh Clr11t prise, beautiful girt11. Among thOlll! pre•· one1 of the mb1t covete<f honora ent wtre Me1111r11. and Mmu . Fred a vailable l t' Europe&n conductor. Weal. Elmer Poirier, William P olr· of 1ymphonlc mu11lc. _ , ler, Ed Carpenter. George John· ·Coming t o Cllllfomla in 1H7 al-~ 90n. alllO John Klnkll14. Mf111 Dor· tu devol1f\8' her t>nerg!ea to the ''• Long, MIM Mary Ann Parton, underrround durln( ...yorld War ll. Mra. W. P. Meall'y. W. P. Mealey Miil! Bellnfanle directed a 9~·pit'ce I Jr., M1111 Sul' Ann BAllty, Mli<ll orchestra. In New Encland, later Mary Lou Morrl.on of San Yran- came lo Ca.lHornl• where 11ht wu d aco. Mlllll Cku1ce Luther of Sac- U l!Oclated with !:ugt-ne Ormandy ram~nto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jen- and outeu •t the I...&U Arrow-men, Los An~lff. Mr. and Mr11 J . I: ht-ad Mualc Camp. She alM> con-R. Ryan ot Oxnard. Mr. and Mr•. ducted. directed and taught cello J&mu ·Gll11heln or S&n Diego and a t GCLA. the ho1t. AS OPPORTl'SIT'l' I I (.noe ln( to make her home In Helen wolf ord Ill lhl• looaUty. ahe found an oppor-• tumt,y ag-aln to form 1n orcheatra. Hell'n WotrorO. member o{ the ot 1k1lled mu111c1an1. Shf' wu in· local Bu11tne.u and Proreaalonal 1 ~'lt.ed to prutnt a flr!t program Women·!I club. la r ecoverln,c In In Sr.nta Ana ltM than a year Seu 1de Ho!lpllal, Lon( Beach, from q o. rec,.ntly prt11ente<1 the l!ixth s brdk,.n hip ~celved from a re· and flnal r onrert of the 11t&Mn at I ct nt fall. Mr1. Stne Smith, M Cret&ty of Chri•Uan 80ClaJ tt.la Uona and 'lo- cal church acuvtu._u : and Mr•. ~nl L. Lowe, MCret&ty ot 1plr1t· .&.i llf•. Peterpaul Ott S<;ulpture Now on Exhibit f'f'Y or thPlr de11lre to do' ao. A ,•p~lal lna~ucUon~ meet1n1 ~to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be held at the clubhoUN two week1 ( t a&Cu:r.ua;a Otl'l•r offlcer1 include Mra. Jed. Ward Jl'ruet.n. MCrelary of •tu· F eatured exhibitor at Orange Coaat College II Peterp1111I Ott. whoae eculplure claase1 are held ~h Tueaday evf'nin&, 7 w 10 p.m . ln the F ine Art11 bulld~g. In1tructlon ·11 lndh i dual. encour· aging creaUve eX'preaefon bued on three dimeNlonal form•. Student.I - .· prlor1·to ·the race. All .out"lde entrant.I will be In· vited to the ~nual LIYC Com-~ ~ ~ l'i .~ m&,Y work In clay or wood, no ~ V pr4!,;ou11 art tralnlnr 11 neceuary. J • ..... _, · • Pt terpaul Ott ti ... txhlblttd hie . o"~ "' 0 RIG IN AL s wor)< .In gallerlu In the U.S. and a broad. The Art Gallery or the col· -STQR, • WIDE lege 111 ahow1ng hi• .culplure. <trawlng• and print.I currenUy __jent wor~; Mrs. Clyde Shooter, Merelary of youth work;· Mra__ P. r . Balnu, HCret&ry of chlldren'• Work: .Mf'I.. Clarence Bowman, H<I· nt&ty ot. literature and publle&- tl®; Mn. Leona.rd H&r(t'aVe, eec:ret&ty of 1upply work: and 'Mrs. Wayne Hunter • .1ecret&ry of tll• committee on Ule •lAtUI of women. 17'• 11 o'c°k>ca quiet hour wu eonducted by Mra. BowlJl&ll. retlr- 111.r ..c~t.ary ot 1plr1lua.l ~Jfe. Prior to tti. 12:30 luncheon. the women plhered In Dearborn Hall thl'OU(h May 20. Verna Miller ,SChool of ~m & Fashion MoclelinCJ • J ' . \ PRICE .SALE Er-• colored r1t>bon. trom the X bullet m Ule centeT ot tbe At Ute tnd.I ot the rtbbona ...,. ~" 0: Ule four 'clrclM lai.i wtuc:h tM mernbenhlp ot t.he ~Uoa ta d.i.sded.. KEW JlfAKU . ENROLL NOW l'or Summer Claeeea Pre-Co~u• clrclee ...... 11._ UM ot BibUaal ....._ • They Ftnl•hJoc lkhoel TnbUa1 U~UM11i.:.ML.u::UU1 .... aU.~Dle11._..w11in11M•ll-M"'&llll-t<t-----•a-~~---"--• ....... .,. ·thdeltq. aeet durtnC Ule monw.,.; U.. Sub-OM C''-H Xu7 and ~uua ~ aftM'nOOD; hrao-.llty · Proj.-cUo• -Poeture and tha l..JJ1la ctrde, •nnln•. Body C'N>f'1ll11atl• -WaUdar • -.. STARTING TRl."RSDA\', THE 1%th TRBlJ SATURDAY, THE 14th DRESSES • clorro:-:s • SILKS • CO<.:KiAll. DRlt88E8 • COATS .. ~WEATEIU JACKETS e Dt:STER8 e 8~ e JEWEO\T e ff.4,n-e BELTS . l BIGGER with More Selectjon nan E ,. . . ver. .. .. -''/ - At Ule lunclMqn. Mn. P , J'. ~tt•. -C1otalM Oeord.l.D"-~ nt1.riq pNllldenl.. pnMQt· ed Mra. HaUMr •llh UI• pHl and the pruldenllaJ pin. Mr8. Balntt .,.. then boaored fix Mt hrO &i..-rly ...... ~rly 1-nH · 416 So. Main·· Santa Ana COME EARLY A.ND TELL YOUR FRIENDS • ~ ~----__ ,.._ N~PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E t THUR SD A y I MA y 12: 1955 . . rankin's S ·PE.CIAL . ;VA·LU·E DA Y ·S! frlclay &-saturclay,· may 1J, 14 famous name nylon lricot dresses . $12.95 velue 8" .a.htly .lnegul&r; Mlorful print-. Nll)'·t~for ayloa trieot (10n'y "'·e «'an't ~U ~·ou tht1 narnti but you11 recopbe the atylee) 12 to 20 and 1%~ to !%~-- new nylon & orion ,. summer dresses 1peclal purchesel 629 fuhloa print11 on a&\'.)', blue, lllac or ooraJ; coat 1tyles, st.4-p-la lOn'd skirt stylee ! cool, aon .. hrtnk· lnc: wuha!-lf-, needs no lronln1t. 12 to io, J.&~ to 24 ~. "per ma-lift" ·nylon garter belt 2.50 velue! • 179 1peclaJ aummer 1&\ring! nylon taffeta 1...ter bf.It "1th embroidered sheer panels, comfortable and cool, U-SO. . /owfWlotto..., ~ /'-' "p•Ni-lfft" -··· nylon garter belt • 3s9 5.95 veluef fuhloa-aew waist-dncher type, made to f1attu your ngun.. aheer pyloa -ud power·Det •IMUc H -32. f<>1.,.dnti~. aecolld floor summer-white lacy . knit wool stoles .. 'if:>ecial purchase! 319 rashion-flnd for cool evenings, our 1003 pun wool stoles In wanUJd white ( U.O BOme putel• in lroup) glittery met.alllc thftllldiag on 90me. M ckuieor. itrerl floor princess line cotton sun-dress 10.'~8 value! 591 1ummer-1M'rf('('t ~laud oolton. ~Dlham C"h~ks and banrlan Jlrlnt~. f&"hlon rolon. itquare JJeckllne, sizes 8 to 16. cotton "jumperalls" speeiel purch.1e! .,. pink. red or turquollte aolon: euy to wuh, aefd DO lioaJa1! fa,•orite for \iw:aUoa wear. U-7 to 14 . . seenucker shorts 1'' brl&bt r'!'d ctt.JD1•Lb1De-eot&.oa-euper K• a iiodf<r 1CL11Uner ~ DO-lroalag. 3 to 8 (mMchbll taD-brM, spedal, 1.49) 'th a ayaunoN, ... ta aaa fr9! ,_.int. 5tll & brOad"'C!J • .1 -. ,. ' .. .. . PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, ~AY 12. 1965 A TOUR OF FOUR BEAUTIFt.J.L HARBOR hom~ is being sponsored by Delta Gamma alumnae of Orange County as a benefit for the Nuniery School for Visually Handicapped Children. Here. (left to r ight) .Mrs. Lawrence Gundrum explains Chinese ahields to Mrs. H. Payne Thayer, seated and Mrs. Richard W. Loveland, standing. two of tht' hoste88e8 at her home for the tour on May 27. The Gundrum home is at' 2686 Bayshore Drive. -Staff Photo ' .. Delta Gamma Alums Are Staging TOur of Homes Annual Benefit Event For Handicapped Babies On May 27 the Orange County alumnae of Delli\ Gam- ma wiU hold a Homes Tour in the Harbor a rea from 1 :30 Davenport. Bay Shoru: Baroid Harvty, Lf>mon Hflghl•: Ju~tln Kennfdy, S1111ta An8: Wilham Blurock. Laguna. Beach and Wa.1- tt'r S. Spicer. Harbor llland. Ticket• may be obtained from Mr•. Barnes or Mrs. Spicer. to 5 P·"'!·· proceeds of which will g~support the Nursery Mesa Cub Pack School for VisualJy Handicapped Children in Los Angel<'s. Several Orange County children are no!' in atU'ndance at Issues Bid th• ec.bool, whictf ls o~n to llttlt -I bli nd chlldrtn from the 11nuthern Richard w. Loveland. Arthur Aunt", T c· F halt or the at&te. Thue babit'I nr H Payne Thayf'r. ,J ulltll\ Kennedy Q lrCUS un pre·llChool ag• recelv' phpllrRI, •i;d Robert Hilt. Mm""· GMrgt mental and emoUonaJ lrA•nang tn ~. J ohns . .Tohn M . Thomu . Ed-Cub Seoul Pack 107 ot Coeta llfvelop IOClal independenct. ward Jarvi• and Freeman A. Fow· Mua, In carrying out lhf Clrcu• ltr will ahow U!e home ot .Mr . and theme ot the month, wtll 1et up a Four Harbor Area homu wlll be Mr1. utr. The Krelrer horn«' will vrr1tabl41 midway on FTlday at 7 tncluded In th•, tour: thr Lawrencr be ah wn by Mmea. J ohn L. Glasi1, p.m. ln Main School. Each den will IC. Gundrum& Chinese modern Owtn Ward. J ohn R. CarllOn and have a booth tor ring to11t1, penny born• In Bay Shorn. the PTovlnclal Charin s. Eaton. pitt'h, beanbag toa1 or aldeehow•. horn• of Mr. and M.r•. William T. · •nd Inn 4 will pru!'nl a 1klt. Not Bautr, 11lso Bay Shores. the lo\•tly Condu ting ruutt through the only parents will be eonjoylnr th• home or Mr. and Mn. Woodrow Brokaw ome wtu be Mme.. R. run, but the public 11 lnvlted. 0 . Krelcer, Lido tale, and th• J>u-8. Barnu, Jack E. H Udreth, Wal· Cubm .. tn John Hutton "'111 pre- ln1ul& beyt'ront home ot Mr. aitd ur L. 8plcer. Frank ~erett and aent advancement awardL P lana Mrs. C. S . Brokaw, 'fl'hfre tea will R. R. Dr.nnport. Pouring at the hive already been eompl\oted tor IM! w rnrt. tea t.ablea will be MJnu. H . Payne t he p&ck'a booth at lhe Scout·O· ~lta Gamma hoatea... at the Thayer, B&lboa; L&WNnce K. Rama and theme '\\1U be "Cube In Oundrum. home wru be MlllU. Reynoldl, Em.era.Id Bay; R. R. Action." ZONTA PAST PRESIDENTS were entertained at breakfut by Mrs. Harold (Helen) Robert.an. new pr<'sident of Harbor unit, at her home, 333 Eut Bay Front. Left to right &nt Mmes. Rut.h....!Jarcume, Earl Stanley, the hostcsa, Zonta International Past Prealdent Elizabeth Do~ier (house guest of Mrs. Robert.son). Mmes. Tom N o rt o n, Jamea A.tpin and Albert" Stoclrton. -Mears Photo .. Your whole list of '.'likes": MRS. 0. Z. RCRERTSON lleft). retiring chairman of Gray Ladit>t1. entertained mem- bers at tea in her home, 206 Driftwood Ro'\d. Amon~ tt-e-80 present was this group which includes IL t o R) Mrs. W. Harold F inlt>y, Santa Ana : Mrs. Kay Cadwaladt'r and Mrs. Karl Miller. N'ewport Beach : and Mri.. H. C. Frazt>r of Santa Ana. chairman- ele<:t. -Staff Photo GRAY L'ADIES .GUESTS AT .. TEA IN ROBERTSON HOME Past Chapter Chairman Gives Service Awards ~Mr~. Karl 1'1111..r and Mra. ~on • Yalf . .!"fwport Bea<"h. Mra. H . C. Frazer. Santa Ana, Mra. 0 . Z. Robfrlson Jr. an I M ra. Paul Rob- ertJIOn, Corona del Mar. mft ruuta at the ooor. The annual tea for Gray Ladies ~f the Southern Mn Frurr, ••ho will u sumf Orange County Chapter of the American National Red ~roaa 1 r upona1b\Uly aa ch.airman o! the was held in the· home ·or the retiring chairman. Mrs. O, Z., <"hapter In July, wu introduced Robertson, 206 Driftwood Road, Mav 9. Eighty womt'n at-1 1·byAMn. Ro~r;aont 8 1 r. . -. w&rC• an., • r ~· were pr~ tended. Gray Ladies f~om other chapters who W<'re SJX'Ctal I "'nte<i to all Cray Ladlu who had (UHla lncludf<l : • sC"rve<I their rt qulreJ num~ or Mrs. Ray RlbaJ and Mra. Emul or Rt'<! Crou at Long Beach \lf:l: hour11 durtnit the put yHr by M111. S tonf. Fullerton: Mn. Jean Karate u&na AdmtnlatraUve Hospital. David Carmlchad. Orang,, put d M R b La. dm Lon Mrl!. Shannon Moody anJ Mr! chapter chairman. an ?· u Y n eer. g R•llh Wf'lli., l,ong Rtach; antl Mrs I ------------Buch, voluntNll" repruentatlvu William Kirk Jr • Rolling Hills. I STORE YOUR PRECIOUS FURS Mrs. Laura warrfn, .. xtcutlve l Slumber Party secretary o! Snuthtrn Orant;t Sherr1U Edick, daughter ot Mr County Chapter Mn, F'l"f'd ~'rt!-l\nd Mno. Ed Edick, 408 E. 18th r1nghau1. hf'ad or Blood Oonrr !•,.r· St . crlfbrated ht r Hlh birthda y Vl<"f, and Mra. R. L. Keppfn. vo1un-lut Raturday with a 1lum~r tter chairman or ="'"'port Beach . io i-ty tor a l'T'OllP or fr11'nd•. Pre· J &nd Costa Mt>l!R Brn111h al~o a l·i •f"nt were Ann Vix!•. Rose Mar1f tended as l!pec1al guut.11. Anderi on, Junn!' Bf'nd1g, RO!'t· Assl5tlng !-lr!I. RobcrtS<•n In mary Fuch1e, Carla Donica. Key pouring w.·re: Mr11, E. M. Hall and I Harrie, Je1.11< Hardy and lhe ho1tu 11 Mr11. W . Har<1ld Jo:tnley, Santa Ana; Sherrill Edick. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AYAILAILE If you are see~ing Jewelry Items that ere Scerce Let us ~now ••• We may Buy It For You • n:w~LRV BOl'GRT • ROBERTS JEWELUS U:J • 1 Marine A\'e. -Ralboa lal&nd -Harbor ! 0 3!1 • • • Ask Any Islander • Harbor UnlOft HIJb School Otth••· FAC Worn en I tra w1U play, d.ireeted by Cllnt1111 Sa"'•ln. Th•m• or th• tlay v.rtll tit! "Calltomta tha OC1Lten."' to Install Ttf11.>J unlor C'lub w111 hav• a ' lunC'h4'an May 2~ a l lt \•ln11 Count• v •. club when t,ht'lr otrlc•11 will be Mu. JUuit.n Da)', rec.J1t.ly re· ln•t.alltd. •l•ctld prHldt nt. a nd other otfl·, ------------ cen will be lnttalled at "\he May Moonlight Cruise to meeUn1 or. tbe COila Mua Ftl• I A Saturday nt&_hl moont11ht day Afternoon el-.lt. Ml'9. Al bert cnuw on th• Tom Allen'• Man• lAuner, put pfulCSent Of 8oUth1rn Ann WAI •njO\~.d by t"e Jeri Y •John80n• the E(1 Hum .. and Mr, D11lrtct. Callromla Ffderatlon ot and Mr~. Tom )t.ou o: \.'uc.1. Womtn'• Cluba. wtll be 1.Mlallln&, l'\lelUI of the Jollnt<lnL Brcaktaal ottlcu . waa 1ervt'1 aboard bt'fore th• f'ollowlnw th• luncheon Ne~']>Ort 1 party retumel1 Su.May morntn1 • • th~ 3-'/tjay Lilyette": ·- halter \: ··;\·, t -haller bra a -reitJlar bra ' -backless bra ..~ ~~J .. ... .--.. ·-·~ 4,,,.-··/ . ..... • ~ ~ / , / / r ,·')' \ ' I /' . / I \ ..,.._ ,.. / -''\ I r ' • I ' l ilyette'' d•ver thrH·woy WOtider bro - \ . o hc;er for borebock fo,hlont ,~. o bockleu 1 1 brq with pull.dowl\ tab for evening wear \ 1 •• ~ o bondeou to -or with yotlf, dHpe,t• '• phmge decolletogH. 11•, .a matte; of ----'·-~ ·; 'f•r• M<onda to otloch the extra \101tlc halter atrop ond sec'j• ii about your necklin• for 1un-on~oon comfort onq 1ecurity. Srnooth elo111c inser11 and iny tide boning g11oronte• non-1lip 1n!'gnen. life i' easier with Th• Holter-~ perfeci bro for you in thit changing 0 tell HALTER NECK Eyelet Cotton .-.. -""-( .. -------~. ...__;w::w: __.,....,,,,, .... l03 Main -....Balboa Harbor 509 WITH A PROFES SIONAL FURRIER TREAT YOURSELf TO EASIER SHOP.PING Phone Kl 2-0652 Fur Storage SPECIAL Clean. Glau and Frlglrt Cold Storer• Your Fun !'ow • ~~&o -s99s t; ,_____ _ __, •·r--Mf'~"ncrr Pick -up Bonded: f'rom11t: Call Kim• berly %-<>6'1%. Santa Ana FUR Co. Open Frtday r;,·enlJ?J• 'W t I08 'S. Broadway Kl 1-olft SPECIALS FOR MA\' 12-13-1-1 Don's I Meats FRVl~O CHICKENS ... _ lb. 6'r. Prtm4! 89 SWISS STEAK lb. .c SQUABS I lb. a\'( ........ e .. 165 DINER'S CLUB -HONORED AT •' (}ro:; Shop" . Grocery ' BOSCO ...... . Helaa 8trall1t'd BABY .FOOD RH II~ • DOG FOOD Dd 11..U. Cvt GREEN BEANS °"' Moate TOMATOES . Uadaay f~'~ RIPE OLIVES ..... PIU11burr An1,1 Food CAKE MIX . Ubby'• TOMATO JUICE ............... . 8tokely'a APPLE SAUCE ftlnllM'Yfl Fniun PEAS . ~:, 1Jc 2pkc•. 31c DICll '·I Green Groceries F~ell Tfacler 8-dl CARROTS ..... .. l..Cf· All Green ASPARAGUS . 2tor 11C lb. 27c 4e. l"\Jf'rte AVOCADOS ....... . Spec lalil.lftCJ In 9uality Produce .. .. .. 10C You Select ..... We Dellver Almoncl Orange Ring COFfH CAKI ... 29' (I ... !Sc eaJ · A U~l«tric THE~ MARKET SIPOT--- .. '"r }ifdtnu n1it llomtmakm bat I Ill YOUI DIALll • 200 MARINE AVENUE --•ALBoA ISLAND J ' .. . . .. • ' ' ., \ ( * I ·MRS. JOHN LAMAR, ADVISOR to Junior Ebcll, was hostess at a Tuesday morning brunch honoring local. county and district officers. Silting are (L to R) Mrs. For- rest Allinder. recording secretary f or the local group a n d corresponding sccretary- elect for Southern District; Mrs. Freeman Fish<'r. rn•!\ident-el<'ct. Standing, Mrs~­ mar, Mrs. Sterling Paris. president, and Mrs. Norm :n Watson. ~outhrrn District s· 14erihelect. -~taff Photo . JUNIOR EBELL OFFICERS ALSO ON DISTRIC.T BOARD cal Interest lllld htr dlrecUon ot THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 HARBOR COUNCIL OF P-TA DELEGATES met at the home of Mrs. Case A. Hoffman, Council president, for a briefing before leaving for the state convention of CCPT May 4-6 in Los Angeles. Left to right, standing, are Mmes. J oel Beall, Corona del Mar: G<>rdon McMahon, Harbor View ; Judson Sutherland, Harbor High School; Jack Bradbury, Newport Beach; Susan Martin, Corona del Mar School; Kenneth Wolff, Monte \'ista School; BENTON SCOTT TO SHOW LANDSCAPE TECHNiQUE .Quarterly meeting of Laguna Beach Art Association, to be held at 7 .30 p.m. Saturd&y m tht Arl G&llery, will be foU~wed by demonatratlon of landscape paln!Jng by Bento'n Scott Bwllnua wlll Include election ot a nomtnallng commit· t.e and Jurora for the 3ith An.nu&! Auiu-t·Scptembcr Prt.ze exhibition. Benton Scott, a young California artl•t. wtU btgin hi• demonatratlon al 8 p.m. He hu paJnted llJld exhibited In Parla, and hllld one-ma.n 1howa In many of lhl• country'11 lead- Inf art galltrlea. He hu received H major award• In exhlbl· tlON from New York to Sa.n Francisco llnd 111 1949 won an J&:IO prtu In th• annual l'epai-Cola. Show. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PAGE l Kenneth Leathers, Harper School, Costa Mesa ; Dennie Hogland, Everett A. Rea School, Costa Mesa: William O'Brien, Council ttnirvtc-e:-preaident: Harvey Pease, f~ vice-president high school P·TA. In foreground, the host- ess. Mrs. Hoffman, in wheel chak, and Mrs. Harold Boy- vey. first \'ice-president-, Fourth bi.strict CCPT. -_Staff Photo · Mesa Cub Scout Pack 63 Has Fu11 in Circus Play Both Cubs and parl'nt4 from Cub .en; 9.•olt arrow, Tunny Ortall; Scout Pack 63 of <.:osl& M.ua were bear, David Wilcox ; Uon bMIJ• well accounted for at lh• monthly I and ailver arrow, John Korn. Pack meeting on Ap1 ii 6 al the l Wolf arrowa, Mike 'l\a, Jim Y. s. A. building un Paluadaa Warklngton one go~d arro"".; BUI Road. Drn 6 •tarted the e\·ent by Tuz one gold and one. silver, Dar· preaentlng thf' UJ>l•ning c~rem.on-t rell Keith. Ch~ allver. Warren El· It's. The <.:lrc11s theme wa.s choaen I ll.1on, Jett Sl<et, Fnlncl• Brown, by Uen.t 1, 2 e..nd 3, with Cubs on• sllvtr arrow each: one eUver dre!IM'cl 1111 various animals and bear arrow Hrh to Ricky SmtUa, clownll. Lo make It a color!1.u and Slephen BuUer IM\d Jlm Cra.w'fotd. tunny play. ~er award.I went t.o D&vld ilo•ttt '9 Wit• Patty Rental ltelM ••OJ ~· Ce><ul Bv .. COM>llO 4-el Mor Barbor 50'71 SAVE SAFELY_, At Orange County'• LHding Home lending Institution CONTINUING .TO PAY v:acro All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10.000 AR Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Earn FTom the 1st · LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION ns o.,,-A ... • n-i RY f-1117 LASUNA BEACH . Local Group Elects at Harbor Yacht Club Meet the EbeU Club vocal group. --------------------------A too.at of hot dO.J'I, cold drinU Wileox. JI?' Wa.rldnstoa and M1l&e and popcorn wae •l>..Jed t.o raJM T-le; .-.iant denn•r to "nm -ou.lned Adlf"ir: niia b7 folka The br1dge 8ee:Uon will have Ila l•~l session May 18 &l th• Ebell C"lubhouiw and the IL'lt board NEO:REALIST funds for t he Pack. ""--f'lt.ttenon. "1so a,.. r.ally look1n& to buy. Major Swinford lllld Clarence ---------------------=---=. __ At a recent meeting the Junior Ebell Club unanimously voted in officers to lead the club for 1955-56. The Newport Harbor Yacht Club was the scene for the monthly luncheon- buainesa meeting, the program b<'ing presented by Clinton Wright, deputy narcotics offic{'r for Oral)ge County. meeting for offlce111 whose term• are completed a t the hut rtgular meeung, will be held Ill the home of Mn. C. E. Meek3, In Lt'mon HPlghtll. A.rt Center Presenting Notable Mexican Film Lahodnc· made brief 11peecbea to impress 11p<1n parent.s lhe lmpor- tanc~ of l!Upportlng both Cub Scouting and Y. S. A. acUVJtiea, es a b.•nefll to both community and ch!lrlren. Denners from <'llCh Dll.ll preaent.- t>d, fnr tht>lr {)('n, C"rllm1c gift niad.• by thu <"Ubl! In !,heir Den Mothers to cummernorate Mother'• 01\y. CROWN HARDWARE EnsigI\ P-TA Will Install Monday orrtcen electr11 tn llPr\'e on the i.~edr1 atlon ot \\"omen's Club11. Jun- executl\"e bn1ut.1 •H" "-' roll<>w11: lor lll embershlp. by lhe el"f'tlon eor )tra. F ret' mun rl~lwr pr('IH<ll'nt . \lrJI. \\'a !Jlon (Or pro!lldt'nl of Mr". Don Hn~·tron, f1r,.t \"IC'l'-prr111-Southern District. M111. \\"ot111m Hnracr EMlgil P-TA wlll mtet d"nt: Mr:<. l>Mn G••rt,.n. 11econd appointl't.I •;\!rs. Alhn.tl!'r, 11<·t1ve Munday, ~lay 16, 111 7.30 p.m. v tce-pru1d1 nt. ;\l1s Fnrrest Al· ;l;ewporl -'umor. 83 her t orrcs· -il the ."rhool t·aft-lt'r18 with lnslal· Under._ r"ro1 dmii: Sl'CT• \"ry. Mr11. j pon•llnic 5e<.rPta1y. \ t<ll1nn "' ort1rers on the 11g1 n la. \\'ilUam <:ull~n. rorr!''('{lndmK 1ec-In t h!' large club rt1ni;iu~ !"ew· 1 b J b r"t'lary. Mr" EolwAr.t H. Kelly, I p1>rl Bnu'h Juniors l1•ok II• r·11nd Shu1 l •,;prerhcs w1 I e ma e y lrfuure:-. ~t is. IJnn Peterson, au· llWar.t for hl\torlnn honk ~Ir!'. I H&l\'l'Y r•ease. 11rhool b<>Rrd 1m11m· dltor. lnstallallon will be held at Ray Oorttlld romp1lt>d the history bent. nnd cend111ote \\'111i11m Spur- the M"Y nw.-llng with Mr•. Nor-I of the put club yel\r. Under mu-""°n lll. Spl'ltker for the o>vPnlnlf man \\'11tio"n preeidlng O\'tr lht J ,_ ,1 , • 1 Vt 11 1 w!ll b<' Mrs. M111 le How,,~. Jean of A milestone ln tllm nfaklng wilt be ehown Fr1day. i :30 end 9 p.m. at the Long &act\' Municipal Ar\ Center, 2300 E Ocf'iln etvd.. In the Me~lcan movie "The \\'&Vf'." This film (., a mRJOr fore1 unnrr ot the neo-re&llst mo,·tr~ for wh1rh Italy ha:s be<'ll n'•tt>o.I 111nre World \\'ar U . A rog,.nt tale of the li te of Vera Cni1 f1~herm<'n lln•1 their right tor b"tlu living rond1llons. "The Wave" has been 11lngll'd out tor pictorial beauty and notnble music&! 11co1 e. 'The \\"avf'" was produced anc1 c.-remonll'!I. sic &Wal'(..,,, " rs. ""'8 er er ng I wonwn at Orsn.:" C'oa11t Collei:c. Ebe II J unloi 11 were pa.rttcul•rly 1 received a aper ta I honorable men-whose 'ubJ<>Ct will bo ''Helping the honored at th" Southern Dlatr\cl I lion for her promotion of mwit-Adolescent." Girls May sfg'n _ F .... or Osceola Announcement 111 b4>1ng made by Mrit. Ray F ox. director uf g irls' work for the Orange Co11St Y. M. C. A. g1rls' department, Of the lllgn-up for O\mp O~C'cola on May 19. 4-6 p.m. al Coat.a Mt11a Park The quot& for U1e group comprls· trig 11evcnth, eighth o.nd ninth. graders from the He.rbor dl11trlct 1l! 36 this summer. ;\tr". Fox •tat.ea. The eight days Of camp, June ZS through July ~. will l"O.!lt $26. wtth girl.a able to earn all or part of their expe.Me&. photogr&phNi by Pl\Ul Str:ina r.nr the· Mellican Governmenl Depart- ment of Finl' A1 l!I I •1n•1 1111 ~ w .. r., Fred Zinneman ai1d Gomez ~hmi>I nnd music 111 by S1lvr11tre JU'vurl· ta3. The mm•le 111 oni> ot & l'f'rlt>S nf frtt semi-monthly films cosponsor- ed by the Municipal Art <.:rntPr. 2300 E. Occ&n Bl\ttl., and the Long B"ach Publl<' J.lbrsry. Police Auxiliary Is Entertained Mrs. Layton Comecl, 112 22nd St., <i.·as hoslcl!11 ~t lal.e11t 11CMlon nf Newport Be11ch Women's Po- Uca AwUU&r)•. \lo'Jt.h ~£rru:at WaJtze ~ CO·h•llllt'~ll. A bUl!1neas lnler1m Wll.' rolloW· Th~ !'r<;ut-0-.fbm& poster award walt won by C"ul M11r.11celllll!. His po~trr Will be entered In Lhe t>r&nlfe Empir<' Arta Council con- tei1t. ~tan. Sket', Cubm~~ter and Mr. Sext••n, h111 9351stant. presented the hodJft'I! and award.., lo: Danny a.n<I Mike BuUer. new Bobcats; w91r bl!.di;'<'•. Tunny Or· l(lll, Fre.nrh1 Br.OY(n, Glenn 1\&n• Tom Logue Is New Benedict ed by games. Alter which de~ert A quiet wedding Saturday even· wu l!erved to Mmea. Allan John-Ing united Mrs. Mamie Stockdale, son. HllrrY Lace, v. L. ~~bus. Ed I daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John :., nrh. Bob D,a\"enpnrt. K• nn<'th \\"118nn. 401 El .Modena, a~d Tom- Thompson, \\'11l111m 8nunder11 anti my IJ JRU" oC Newport. The bride Earl Slonebaf'k. wore a. blue outfit wit~ plnk ac· CanaGtian Visitors Leave For Home cesaonea. Atten\l&nta wrre Mr. and Mrs. Peul D11ne11n Nlzu!ty J:Ut!lls atlende4 the !'l'· cepllon whtrh fe>llowfd Oie cere- mony. Mein ornlUTlrnt. on lhe huge welidlng r,1ke wu the one tha t Houaeguest• from Canada and had grac1><1 lhat ot the bride'• par- Alaal<a who have bern vtsnlng •·nts. !>I r~. l..ogue I• employed by r.tn. Florence Connt'r, 1923 :'l;ew-t ht' F:di1ton <omp&ny In Sllllta Ana. :\lr Lt ){lie wurka at Richard'• ~~·8~ GUARANTEED AGAINST IR!AKAOI• .,..~t.l•lf s541 N ,.thct, wwW,\e $8.90 Here 11 •it evtate1uU111 •femry ,..• ... iv. f\illy ~ ~ ... . -ehepe, ridl """'· ....... ...... Wothes ..., by hoi1i ,.._ .__.. ~ •. ....,_ ...-. s.,,ly II......._ Get 2 °' -... todey. Mii., .... --. 1,c...m.fw2 ........ 1..-ell 10H 411t11er ,,., .. , 6~" ltre-4 n4 '"'*"· ..... -4 ...... ,.. c.i.n..s..1.o. o-,. Copper h••· Gof,eie Yenet1; The Harbor group w1U be amp- ing with glrl1 from Anaheim and Orange and will be first to use th• new campsite. Camp theme thla year will be "TM 49ers Gold Rush_ Daze". Those bringing their $~ deposit to the 11lgn-up will be eligible for the bonu. prize. Mn. Fox urgH lb• cJrla to bring their own food u there wW be a. camp- fire program followtnr lh• atrn·up with acmp. atorlea and cabin ak.lla. port Blvll , Costa Mesa. lf'ft Fri-markl't. .1 da'y to rl'tUrn home. Mrs. Connn·s ___ ....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:' brqther, Lloyll Trlnle or Stl'warl " Valley. Sll!l~atchew11n, ha8 be"n here for about four months. Mr. and Mrs. lngra.ho.m of ,Calgary, Ontario, spent the winter here, visiting Mra. Conner and In Palm TH~ ANNUAL CUB SCOUT CARNIVAL at Corona del ¥ar School thia Saturday la ·being. plann<'<l by thi11 committee ot parents. one ot many, which is arranging the many booths and amnsements. Time ill 2 t o 6 p.ru. and during the'&ftemoon 31 prizes donatcJ by merchants will be given out. Above are Mr. and Mra. William O'Brien, Mn. Carl \'enstrom, Mrs. Howard R1ehartia, Mrs. Stacy Morgan. and Mr. Rich&rda. Phillips Daughter .A. <1au1htrr WA.I bo~ May I ~o Mr. and Mrp. Gtorg~ Phillipa, 133 1 JC. 18th St., Costa Mu.a 11t Roe( Ho-s>ttal. Quick -s...v1c. FOR Roller Shadei atancSard Shad• Clothl and Cmtom SpeclaJUee • D r&J"f)" H&rchran • Yeneuan ·8111141 CALL llAA901L IN THE SHADE SHOP 411 l!nd St~ !'l°f'"lK'rt ftHd Bf'AI~ tb4! Pot1t Otnrf' ~orona d•I Mar • Fine. Furniture & Accessories .. Distinctive Decorating Service Balboa Island Spr\nga. the can opener that's GEARED {Or easier can operilng 11~, ~ you've olwayt wonted! ()peN COM of a"y tlte, any shape wi1tl eo1•. Come In. We'd lilt• ~ show yew the ln!por1onc• of gear.cf.octlon. PIVI YIA~ GUAlAHTH '°"-' ~ ....... Of .,.... 2" _..,ic, ... ... 2" ·r-=·~~~~.-,,---,Oii ~, ______ ..,. __ .,_. __ ~~--r.0-.. ;r·~ ~---i-~- , / ( 1 ' for T .. V. I. ,?-SERVICE I I UlJ Mak11 CALI. BOB STEVENS Uberty 8-2301 * \ \ Your Zenith * Emen1on &lld Admiral Dealer * \ \ • We Service all Maket \ \ ~~ADIOS '--'----.. '!' STEVEN},tnt6-SONS lift au.. ..... Co.ta ,._ ----~ ~~~~~ ------------- - I - , • . . PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 WITH SAUIE Kar 12, 1155 ''Attaatioa; Udo hie DP1 Ownen: Are you too bmy to ctve )'0111' doa: ~ exerca.e be aeect.1\Let me, X&nlll Betz, walk you doc for oa.ly 25e aa hoar.' 01111 me at ·Jlu'bor OS88. P. I. I am i2 )'Mn old and loTe dop !" I quote from our. Udo -Jlullotbl )loud oat.Ide om BMerr En- ......... Hua't oo-i.ody aot • do1 ahe au walk! lad'I entbmlum .boa.Id .. eued on ••• BeeldM 4aw1 wlD l9ve It . . . Then theA wu the pooch wha.e p1.wa hit the 1park on our front· door mat that light. the W&y to our 1ilent door opening butler ... Nearly llCared him to piecee ... He ,..owed. ran around in cir- eleti then got a bold of hlm- Mlt ... found the "apark" ap.1n .. , and lay down with paws on the mat. thua holding the door open and bad bimaelf a rood took in11ide at the eoinp on ... IOMry IOve. oompmay l Doa't fonake m plc!ue whlle oar froua food e... are aaderg:o1D1 their fMl&- lltllar ••. a..rrtrenUoa 1o a.trtcate aad CUI.Bot be cbuS;ect over at the flip of a .witch ••. You've beell waltba& to 1ee u. la a meM • • • 110W'• your ab&Dce ••• We cloeed laat 'helday throqb the wont; of ft. bat we're sWI pftty dlKam- bobulated • • , Believe me ldcla. thoash oar .._. ..,... clallse la Mrvlce" may .bave ahaldng underplllalnp for a few day• . . • you'll be ahopplag I• a dream wbft ~It'• all over . • • "Jun good eatin'" to quote our Buck Bean from a l.igD. he whipped up for a put jam display. . . . Don't know whether Welch'• brand New l'ruit-of-the-Vine should be put ln a jam clua or not ... So thick. so.divine, with the large whole concord grapea oozing through It ... Here'•, the perfeet sweet bite to top a bi11euit with ... Practically deveatating u an ice cream topping ... New bciting fla- vor to uae in all recipea that call for ja.m ... in cookies, tarts, 11wirling around in ic- ings, puddings &nd cream · •• ._Put up-in.&ILilD.uaual. ttle jar. pretty enouch to go right on the table and nice enough to eave ... The label i• on the lid, ao when it-is removtd the label ia gone too . . . Keep it handy though, because people will uir: about It ... 1'"'ndt .. Medley! .. New dftlMll coaoodtoD of ou.r -.. ._, .... l'Mt of thtJ .:.&.da take a back oeeat for a ·wblle· •• , i.rt:e lu.clou. !Wad FruJt.e wtth M&nhmallotn ~ a erMmy hold -It· toptber bue that add9 ap to lucl- oua eatlq: ••• Tbe hue II 90U.r cream with jast the rllh~ amoaata of the ricbt Ullap added to tt to ea- banee the fralta. to . make tbem . lut.e like H · tr..lt ..iad that ever croeeed a le«:oce leaf before •. ··"o• could DH It for .S-Ort too ... Or no a pie ciwt wttb It ... or, tut, ... Or the •e•· Kriapy Deli.tee •.• Knmcby llrrNMrt Cups. each coml.1: with a paper dolly ••• ~_l(!!W" ~ C.kt gone1 an mad.a up of • . • Aloe> fOJI .....tng: with, loo cram, Jello [a-rt.a. pUdd .. lnp or any Wad a awm oona w:ID en hanc:e • • • 1''e have .... rood hen . thu aeme • • ', hen 1 at IUc!hard'a Udo lluil11t. oee of the Udo Shos-at tbe Mtraaol to udo bJe .•• :,---~---- • San4...,Chair Sum.._er S~ving ' . .... -$'149 DIVIDENDS AT RICHARD'S 1f--·-···· .. ········-········· ... ······., -M4ll ...... IUebrd'• "-Mpk Save ov., 30°/o Oii Sum_, C011vn1Hcn at lllcllard'1, May 1 Z • Hen'• one tor boe.t, patio or -.n4. Fold.I 'up flat and U1ht .. • t£.t.h.r. through June 30th. Our_, of 1ayln9 ''Thanks" fOr y-pallOll· ..... Come .... fOr youn.it, thne M•aa•IM Shop,. ......... avaHable at nal-savllMJs~lth lllchard'1 1toN wlci. cash ,..11,., NCelprs. • T-V Trays . Buy four at one• and receive convenltnt T-V Tray holdv l~e•. idw.J tor llvinl' room. pauo or bMcA .ervinJ". C0i FF EE~ .. !1.~ 83.c c'iii·s·co 3 ~~~ 7 '9c lb. 25c Pure DeUclou llarpriae NU CO A DROID:DAKV GINGERBREAD lll1X ...... ·-, .251 ~ klMs .-cl Cooktnf WESSON OIL ---·--·49 ( WA.8RDA.T BLEA.CB PUREX ..::. ----271 U::VEa BROS. SURF --· ..... . 551 ---~·········-······~ REYNOLD'S ALUM. FOIL .... 231 .. ... Roll ............ .. CIHnllnn1 • • . • Mu.imwn houaahold cleanll· n .... la a muat In all homea. Rlsht now )'OU can take ona Picnic Basket .... , ..... S469 Now ....... : .......... . • '6(1.to Rlcll&rd'• Reeelpt. • Sliver,• cui-and pl~tu In- cluded. Jdn.l for picnic and Yr.ca tion -ting. An eacel- l«ll slft tor father'• day . llweet, Nfl'lllJ Crep, &.rmaMI-. ONIONS ····--·:··-······-...... -....... •~ • 'THUR8DA l '' Fr-a. Baked BreM CRACKED WHEAT . Rich Dellclcn. POUND CAKE . FRIDAY .••• 241 371 ·-· Ai. Mode! 54' --==ti>;rr.i=:;or.c=i1.,------Al'PLE P~E . .. ........... ,. Uon and cl..nllneu melhoda, \'Ive La Franef> --bJl!I Uaa lh• new Todda all dry FRENCH RO•'LS u_ wax frM 1terill&ed milk coa -:,.. ;; tor tainer11. Enjoy !ht axt ra quality milk featured· on ''Jtlchtttld 8ucce11 B t or y'" and you'll know you'ni drink· tnc Ula nn•l. •• "8v..,, Chit BotM!klat'" 9ATUKDAY llAit 0cLAw~ 3 251 Clloeolalfl ~ ... _ ......... ~..... for LA YER CAKE 871 ...... ,, ... , .............. ..ell ·' Spectator Seat ~ ~~. " " .... ······· ., ...... ~ 119 Md •tt.00 Richard'• Rf'"ttlpl•. Crew Races, Fourth of July and New Yrar'a D•)' Pa r•de call for eu.r lO· carry •Pf:C· tatOT aeat&, Buy one for ita.ch ·of tl'la family. Beach Towel ~ •. U .4t Now and •t.5.00 Beautifully d a co· rated heavy du l )' beach comtOrt youra a.t real aa vln(a. Start t he aummer aU·new In true.aum· mt r fubton. Contour Su.n Chair s109s Richud'• U. 8. Cboloe 8wlM or , ROUND STEAK 79c . lb. Now ............ -.......... . and •110.IM'I lllrhard'e ~~lptL ... Z"f,. ~ ..... ,.,...,.. Jllchanl'• ~ty GROUND :BEEF Rat.b'• Blwikh•wll SLICED BACON 1b.·39c lb. 59c_ 39c 1 ·lb. roll • \ . ~- Thia la IT. Tha one the whole tamlly w!ll enJoy Indoor• or out. Adju1table . Colla palbJe. llrht and ultra. auy lo ffiO\'e aboftt. • - --- 1lenioci.lln9 ••• ll&dewlllk ................... - . .....,_. ·io Wllkll &a. ,,...._ ,_ .. • -llk.oMnl'• Udo-Marlult. Ree Mir - WW.. wide ....... t!Merhl lll!W....._.,........ .. DAAIOOU> IUlTEll PMIMI ............... -•.•• 59' KJCllAllD'll 1LEU-cmsr--r D1lE881NG • . 291 ... ········-···-·····-·······- ZEE PAPER TOWELS ... -··-' -151 llLUE 8K\' TOMATOES : '..~·····--···· 21331 MUPPY ai ....... c-,. PEANUT lunD " 391 "· ....... -.. ~·-····-·······- You'll find a Lido Shop • • • ••• to flt your .every need ! •• SPECIALS FOB llAY lJ, 11 ud U, 19115 ..... -............. ..... ' ' -~---- \ ' .. ' - " I I .. _,. WATER SKI AREA ·ADDED -iocc Golfers !face Tigers 1in Title GO I H ~RIOP. -~o~ Tap Relay Teams Vie i~ LA Meet \ Tiit ~la>' t haroplonahlpe ot UI• SANTA ANA -tOCl'\Sl County Counllt'I ,Joel Ogle Tuesday waa lnatrul'lrc\ by the Or.nge County Boa.rd of Eiu- pervfsora to dra11.· up a ntw ordln&nce desirnated to prn· tect water 1k1e11 m Uppe1 Unbeaten In five • C'Ollferen« rn ntche.s aplt'ce, Oran;e C:O...t Col· lt'~t anlJ RJvtn1lde meet tomorrow aJU'm oon at R.lv<'r<1lde's V1ctorl& ('ullnlry Club wtih the Eaa1ern <'fln(Pr1>nce i;olt clla.mplonsblp ·,t ~take. The hoatln( lnlandi.'ra .a rt dt'tendln11 ohamp11 a.nd the Coat• Mc-aans l9!)3'-\otall11ta. ____ .t:nltf'd S tatu •r• an apt d.attip- N~wport 13ay. ' • T,he Harbor commlstlQn ~ eomn•umd•d t hr ,;kl a1t11 bt· t'Jttendl'Q to the Ora.nge' Coun· ty·0utbo11rd Chtb r1mp lo ptt · mtt thp takeoff and lsn.hni; ot 11k1 .. rs. Supervl110ra went along wltl\ the suggestion ani.t ordered an ordinance prep1u1. IUl() OONTINOE~'T Coa,ch R~ R.ouo will play a uven ' rQan te11m. with thfl top flvP &1."orera CQUntlng In the final 'UPSErrlNG t11lly. lok>·cJ1.plalna Chuck Richard' ' 11n11 Bue! Slt>va. Ron Wlnttrbum. Do. ns Almost ~~hi ~~l~id .:.::~rt .fi1~r°r:i'~keB~: Utf Pirate cont1n11ent. Rlvrn1lde'a lop tlve lncludei< L NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS~ PART 111 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 TAR TANKERS ENTER CIF SPLASH FINALS Reddington Set for lronman Stunt in Three Swim .Events D P• lhrc-e men llhooting cona1stantly ln Ump Irate tho 70'1, and Ros&o hu Indicated that the Cout llnk81Tlt n Will hitVf' Hefty aoph omore lwim nash Don Reddington will at. lo play over their heads to ddut t e mpt an ironman atunt a1 he leads seven other Newport Baseball B•1d lht> Bengalll on thl'lr home courae. Harbor H igh Sch ool mermen into ClF tank champlonabip Laat ye11r the two squa ds met ovtr , the trlcky Victoria links tor thP finals at 7 :30 p .m . tomorrow in El Segundo plunge. Redding- A 1111rprt.ing diamond upset by conr .. rence n own #Id the hoata t-Qn w ill navigate m the 100 and 200 freestyle event. and ... s l An Do Tu d l pl!'ked up a 13•.,.1 i.., winning mar· ... dJ 1 uie an a a na ea ay a • uie me •Y re ay.- 1 I von Hemert were fifth ln the B HILL IN A H URRY -Y ou've h e a rd that o ld so ng, "Did ~ou t;ve r See A Dream moat dumped Coach Wendell Pick-gm. \\lS , PArRISG~ The young aphish aenaat on medley relay In l :tll.4. Whitaker, W~k.ing?" Well, Coach Wendell Pfckens' O~ge Coast College baseball nine presents ena' P1ratea from a cha.nee at their wa.cmed up for the occaaton by 1 Jack Buck and Waldron wire t.h£rd an N1ua1Jy m rv 1 I ht th t f H'll . 11· • R I d H 'll th . H t hird alratght Eaatern Conference The BUC'• llWf'pt four out of tlvt breaklnr; both hla own frttatyle I in lhe c mtdley relay In U .6. Buah ..., IL e OWi S g -_a o . a . l . running, r o In 0 an I , at lS. ere ba•aball bunting. •.a. But lh• lnt!lvldual pa1rln"ll las~ Frldav al h I rd th Tu ... ay af th B b -~ v " ~ "' ' llC 00 reco 5 tn e e... · wu fifth In the lj0 yd, free. Whit· e UC aae 'BCOOt er hu the R1vers1de infield completely fou led up. In fact. culmina-Riverillde Tlgera also ha<& their Santa Ana Country Club to kPt'P ternoon semifinal• at Et Srgundo. I aker waa tltth tn ....ui.~o beck· tJon ot the play found the Tigers throwing the pelota away and allowing th~ tails pulled, 9·:1. by Mt. San An· pacl' with tht> winning Tiiiera by Hf' cop~d ti rat in the 200 • In atroke. The C tour rnan relay wu k l' t 0 th b · f th 13 9· · . _,.. -0 : -~·a nine. That left the B11ca dumping S&n BPmsrdino 11·4. 2·04 J M d lll'd tor fifth In the an er ~ ecore. n e a.sis o e · Win over the T1g,ers recently anq losses by a nd Riverside In a 9•2 tie tor Rlrhuds was occ medall$t ''Ith 100 ·1n !'.>& flat. f ifth. both nines .Tuesday, Pickens' P o kers are d eadlocked w ith R iverside for Eastern Con-Ea11tern Conference top spot. M 80. 1011lng t o San Ber!lno'.i Dick MARK SMASHER ference t op spot. -OCC Photo Heretofore. the only loaats t Uf· Shaler who csrded the day'a. low. . v1·sel Johnson rere<I by th• title contender• oc· a 711. Slf'va, Winterb11m, Watt11 and HUI mark in the ilOO broke hi• t ! 1•urr~d aa result of a eptll bi>lween Alton Wt'r<'. the f'1rste wrnner11. 2:04.6 clockln .. earlier In the le&· ' ~ th• pair. •on. And Reddington cracked the Set for Fresno Bt"C'S GO BOOM LA HABRA GETS 100 tree llmlnr for the third llm~1 EXCHANGE CLUB PLANS ANNUAL BENEFIT-LINKS TOURNEY HERE 11 was t he 18111 ho~ehu1e contPal during lhP year. He lowered It ~ of the sea.son for .the Dons So AAU s) WIMFEST from 66.6 to 66.2 to 66.l to 66 fla . elays Saturday they made il a good p ne. E11~c· The lronlTMln atunt will procted tlon for th• Loe Anc•ltt CollNum R<"l~a th .. n11ht or May 20 •• the hUR• llJU'<'ll<'Ul ar truk and ntM· tut dt•playa th• out•t111d1nr baton p4uln& quarteta ,In tht nation. Th~ milt" N"la~• featuru Okla· hnn1a A4'M. US '. J>0911bly lint• v.-r11\y or Ptttabursh. 0c<'ldental. UCl..A and the Unlvtrelty ot Tnu tum, l!:ac-h tntry 11 capablt Of a 3:12 or taall!'r. •nd Oklahoma, with thf' (real J W Marahb11r;.n al •n• chor, hu already reached S:ll S. The rrunm·an mllf' relay find• thl' plrtM-11 or Oxy. USC .n4 UCLA torlnK lht" mark. Thf' 440 r"lay rind• TnH. Hou•· toh. Occldenrat 11nd use •• lh• leading' entrant11. Tuu and Hou1· t•n u.ch hH run world record llmr or 40.:'l ror thl' llhort relay. The 880·yard relay Ctaturo Okla· homa AltM. Howiton •nd 'J'uaa, Mich.Iran State, •nd Utt local M i l, Oc-cldHitat and use. Jn the lwo • mllr n•nl tt.11.m• entf'red Include Texu , l)'l'acuae, Oklahoma AltM. UCLA and Oc-· cl_ck.nt&J. Sleeper hrre w•ll may be ~ Bnllna ot W•stwood wtth Boll- by 8Hma n "Ill to run Ula ftllal half milt', a lthourh Trxaa and Syracuae will be favored ott Krly aea110n t lmu . Ruernd -•• a re priced a l 12.~ each. Ticktta are now..t oft sale at lool ticket outl•t• In ad· dltlon to the box offlc.. of UIC. UCLA, Occidental. Utt Loi A1119IN eoftaf'um. and all Ka m a A r"tullt alon!a. Mret chaJrman WIW. 0 . Kuter expect. a crowd ot -• IO,OOG •P<'r'l fana. Oiler$ Knock Tars ·out of 1ally ainre the Buc11 Morned out In alon& thue llnea tomorrow night: front for a :1-0 lead In the op~nlng The 19!\~ South Pa.c:lflc AA U .Six even ta after awlmmtns In the Euttrn Conference d I ' c u• Santa 'Ana DOM lWO lnntngs. ~ J untor WomPn'• Outdoor a nd medlry relay. Don will be clllled rh11nip1un Ntlaon VlePI wlll rrp-"' ~-...---r-~T"T:1~1 ~.-i:s:-::"~·a~s:-':'a~n~n~o~11n~r~r~rr"'l't~a~y~~y~t~o~u1~1~11~•y~~>~·:"t:'h~11r.1r~n~1r~n~P~a~1~11--t--mmnWl'l"°'1m'l'"T1!rr'l!l'l"l'"Tll'll"'nr'r'.""llT~-'~1p&1~h~liu.a;,~ilAlw.:.i. ... 111.11h~l~t;....i;:l .wi.t~h1.:...-+'"'mr~"'"~""""-ite._~f,--.,,llef!ohito__.,.fJJtlf~.illi:.a.i:l&.l!...Ca&11J..JC.O:ll&j~J4...t.ha..J.ll,-,.&..--JC N.-.& tal'k Ii,\' gelling on tbrou<"' an P ona P11 "' ""' t 1 n e Coach AJ Irwin report•. "Four IWI"' WT Butlrr 11ncl GN>nie T11rn1'r. The :\°Pwp111 t lm•1ts11unal (-;r.ir ,.... ,. 1 Hab Sw Sta hum · F s d c h H · '11\e horrthle baseball Jinx '"'h1ch Hunfington Bt>a ch holds ove1 Ownh Emil Nl'l'me'.1 Tar nlnf' r,.malnrd In effect Tuellday In C:oata M "l'& •~ the 01lera kn(l('kfld Harbor High over for the thlrc1 llmt th•~ 11t'a!Wn. 2·0. The loN droppt'd lh{· Sailors Into a third place Sunset J..Aoagu1• deadlock w1th the Oller11 at si _wlna, five-aetbaeka and csni elh:d out &ny hOJ>41 ot • come.-from·bc-· hind champlon11h.lp 11prlnt by the local la.da In tht final tour gamr~ error. Johnn.v Strada slngl .. d him n w ~ ra im ' sem1trhall.sl1 ell.Ille within one 11ec· rt'ano stur ay. oa.c: uu ton Tourney Toda1y Tflurn.amrnt Wiii bi> icnnn1mrf'd by I he !\'1·w"'>rl H,1rbor 1'::it· Aum1at 13 11nd \' It wa11 1t.n Ha h ... V'··J h ,... ,.. home. In t he second atanza. 1t ,... n ,, • ond. of Reddington'• time. And In rper a.~ snnounc.,.... """ • w o c'1111ni:e Club. acrorthng tu Ptt>~ld .. nl Hol>t-rl J un••. 1 k nounced lod11y. l'r rm1sa1on th· fin·'·. none of the•• boya a n-twlrltd thl' plate 139 ft. 4'\ In. In lookt-<1 I e P ll'ken11 "'lkl'rll had It ~ .... •• c~cb ~aur1-......_ ............ _ •• All pr~ed• Crom th on• da 1~ n II t th ,.. wa.a obtained from thl' AAU lul "'rlda~··s South•m Cal JC .,.. .-. ~ --" _,_ ~· ~ I' ~ • Y ,.ur "Y wi J:T> 0 e wrappert up. Hank DeCasas walk· peal' In any previous event." r -~ An• Coll t __._ 0 t • s 1 r ~ "' 1 ·• Ch ·' by the La Habrs Kiwanis rnel'l at Santa Monica for a fourth es• r•cque -"'pn, •• ran~e ounlv OCll' y or~' 11,,p e.., lluren, Jones 11nn•>11n«· l'il, Blllldy Pitrce and Don uigh STRO'''O ftt'T \'Ol"NO Joyln• thf'lr m oat -·~· .... ·• - I Club to hold thl' lank Spt.'C· "' -place and a qualifying berth In " -~--'"" • ,., . An awsrd c11nn.-r 1s sth.,tlulrd for 8 pm the day or the were sa.!e on aacriflce11 which re· tscular h 1 h h ... 2 son In th• echool'• hlat.ory, were luurnt•y. At th1<t tlrnf' troph1t11 wOI be ptl'114!nlt>d. Including a 11uJtc.>il in Don ml11Cues. Hill doubl· Five event.. 11.fll'r the 200. Don 1 e 11 ste c amplOIUI lpa .... ay 1 al rnterrd In the loutb•rn caJlforal& lance Jl'li)<'lllRI truphy W ~ht' winnrng team bl!Ae•l vn h11mh· etl and Bob Wetul aingll'tl. Fr1ur In a'1dltion, La Habra plans must ''le' In ttle lOO yard~r. "Rrd-Modulo. wll com(letl' In the Jay· JC Tournament a t Paaadena today. • big marker• ma.<1saged the 'Plate. lo hold locsl Agl' group ~ham· dlngton 11 stronr . but younK." Ctt' d111cu1 compelltlon. After walt.alnr ... _,_.. the c p 8Core. p101U1hip11 duMng the· two day 1 · 1 d "Still 1 thl k 1-· h G -~..._ .. E I I h J>O ..... ·s TO ••·oRK rwm commen e . · , n res man a ry Johnaon, run· Ea.tern "--f•-n-un ... -1 .. t ..... In · ach ~e1vl<'e r uh part1c paling 111 t <' tQt1rn1•y wlll br ·'· " meet 1n the high .school plunge. h w1I 11.k ood ~ wi .. """ ·~ ~w .... - hmlted to two team~ uf fi ve m~n e&l'h. Sc1111n11 will bt• 6a.!frd •1n Then the Dons went lo work. Some of Southern Caltfor· 1 1 m e • g 0 • ng nerup In Ule a.II-conference •hot league play, and wtnn.ln1 the ch.lt.m· Thl'y 11ed It up with five 111coru n1a·s Qut11t11ndlng 11wlmmers Joinlnr Reddington In lhe med· put will &tao enter the Freano plonahlp trophy for UM ftnt ttme, t~e Calloway handicap aysteai. m oottom ot the third. Jim Stet· arl' expf'c-ted among the mu• ley r.ce a.re Pete Schulber&. the r h1J111ic In the new F'r•no State the Dona' nwnMr ~ mu, Bill Tomorrow. the two t hird place 11lnu travel Into t he l11lra of the 1 o op I ell d <' r 11. 'fhe Tttrll lakf' on Fullerton whlll' th& OilPr~ r111·P A nt.helm. IC enyune'io lnlPl't'"l"'·I k et place Oran1tt' will bt> Ill all!U ran Santa Ana . rl'l)ll hned one ot Leigh'• tlellverlea entry or AAU cQmpelltoni. A• backalroke 11rtlst. 11.nd Jerry Fu· Colltge Ratcllrtl' Flrld, with aome Reed. went 00 to coll.ct tbe Itut- lnto right field for 8 three·run & llpl'cl&I feature. exhibition quhar. the breuutrokt ace. In 'the 2!),000 apectatoni expected. The e.rn Conferenc• 81.n(IM champion· homer. Frank Grizzel 8 1110 luhed diving will be performeJ by eeml11. the trio ap'f:d the distance meel gets under way at noon, with ahlp at th• eoaterence Tennie one from th• Jot. mrmbrrii of the Loa Angeles ln 1 :26.3 tor fifth. • the •hot ala.rllng at 1 p. m. -.nd Tournament t.a N'IW9&4• wt lat• MEN ON THE MIDGET NINES Summer Baseball Rosters in Leigh managed to 1urvlve the A lhletlc Club. Other' Harbor High 'aqua •Kt· th11 dlacu1 al !) p. m. urday. rowil ng round and chuck the dll· t&tor11 quaUfylns for the tlnala are Vi11e.I qu.Jltled for th• lout.hem Re.S, top ..-led ~., la the lariC'e. But Grin.el drove In the Farquhar. Ted von Hemert, &11d Cal final& out of a netd of 2t ln eont•renc., had Ut U• U.Ubl• c11 .. winning marker In bottom of th• N porten s1·111 lhe c four-ma.n Nlay compoMd of lu t TuHday'a preliminary m-.t poain1 oc L&rTJ M•'-ot JUvet.'- . . Ha rbor Hi, Mesa 'C' Leagues t'"EAKl:O .SA.\IES rour th: That wu It. ln aJI. the ew . Jo. Bu..h, Dave Brtckner. Don al Bent.a Monica wtlb a toM of al.de .IC, dlOHI :C UM ftl"llt .. t a4, rlv&I rapper• got nln• blnitlu to WaJdron Alld Jerry Whitaker. Far· 133 ft. t ln. -.nd then bett.er.S It but nco.wt111 to. takt the nnal Once •gllln II w&.11 (hf' frsred aamea of leyk(tw1kl Md (.;uop11111n who defeate<l the S11llnu T111>•ol11y Boll h:yknwskl hurlf'od h1" t hml triumph ot the ••·Rson over Hai - bor High while Bill <'nnpm11n o11•I the ratchlng . Bill Wptr.rl tw1rl\'t.I a tin~ tour-hlUeF. but Jzykow.-kl'11 tv"o-hllter compll'tf'ly mu f r It d N reme'a kncwkrt 1. 'T'wo tallll'S m th" 11econd tor the Oller• decided Tht" followinir 11re boy1 llll8IJm· I l<r1th 1 .... fl'\'rr. Mike Ml'tthew ... Rill !hf' P irates' eight. Al Bank• got Top Coast Bowl quhar WM third In the \'&ralty 100 by nearly alx feet on hi.a -4 two .... 1-J. "" to <'Joss ( · 1<11mnwr b,111e1Jall l 't'll1l, R11n<I)' R"h<'llll, Donni I Ito-the victor}'. breul In 1 :07.&. Jerry'a Mal mark throw Friday. The t.op tour m• ~ DOM ........ "'° ot 11m 1.-ams Al H1u bor High School not g!!111. ~tanl1•y Sauln. Donny !'F.ASOS'f' ESD In the event -• racked up In· In each nenl qualified tor th• "-ad and BUJ XoU!lc• loft out to p1Pv10u~1y lut"•I, an9 11t Cost11 Stipp•. 'ruminy Thnn'I Jll'ml. Ch>1rlN1 The Buca and Rtverl!ldr end Ute L L 1962 when he set the ac:hool record 11tate meet Ne1-and Harp of JUv.raldt In Mi ".a f'a1 k. {'rarllre get:1 un1le1-W11tl~. Chr11llr G. \\'llsun. Ga1y fl'!rUlar EaJOtnn Conft rcnre lll?Mnn eague on awns of 1:06.2. Compton'• uaual champlorut were the Coatermee Tournament •·S.' .,.,11 v r111 thrlle teams 11.l l he tunes Young F'nda\·. UCC tr!lvPlll to Sa n Ber· \'ON Kt:MERT Fll'TH Ju•t that, t-o ll ln g up 70~ 8-f, and T·:S, but qu aun.s tor th• d d l I d l d ,....u"• "'lr•L p1 n•·t1~• ..... 1•·"a v · ->.fnta lo 66 i.. for S.nta Ana -.nd So. Calltoml& JO T-·-·--t a t an a ('II n IC8 t . : ' v.,-r n n.: -~. • , ~IMJ •• nardino a nd Riverside pl8yl! Ch&f· Thr l'IOcwport Lawn Bowling Club I"' ...... _. .... u s ~C" TEA-'IS June 21. fl 30 a m. Bobby Bf'cker, rr.y. J..t would appear the P lrllt t'll was hOlll to the Coairt Lawn Bowl· Von llemert t1•d tor [itth In th' 61 for Loa Anfelea Ctty Coll••· Puadefta t.od.ay. t.he rray. .,,. Similarly 011lstnndlng mo un d perrormanr1>s wrre t111 n"•t in at A nl\JlPim a11 J o.. V11la"l"n111 out· chth ked Chu les Bn1 ym1tn tor lhr SalnUI. Villa11enor bf'Rl nerrymun J -0 wllh a tw .1•hlltl'r ag;iln~l Churk'a tour·hll J<•b Thi,.,. S11lnl errora' didn't hl'lp Berrym11n • bit. Glll1lls-Fir11l pra('tlCP June 22, Jimmy 8<'1'k1•1 , F.ldon Briggs. havr the tought'llll row to hoc San Ing Leaguf' Sunday on the local B 100 free In 68.4. Thf' C relay \\'pdnl'llday. 9 :30 a.m. Dan Aack-1-'rsnC'I!! Brown. J immy Crawfor!I, Berdoo edged Chaff~y 6.6 Tuea· grerns. Twt lve teams putlcipat_ed. quartet niabbed 11xth In :IO 1. hus, Fred Boyd. Tim Brown. Doug· J ohn Gr.y. Randy Hetrick, \\'11yne d&\'. Tc11.m •coring waa Yf'ry close. Irwin had tour dlvere.entered 1n tu Carc1ml'r, Hugh Mc<.:ullouch, Hou!W'knt'thl. Ba rrir E. ld11n1. Should the lender• remsln In lhl' The largeat plus 11eore wu .10 qu&htlcat1ona a.t El Stgundo this Johnny K1tJs.patr1ck, John ;\l1Cal· G1f'i;ury M l.1mk. Carl M11rct>llns. fir1<t rlace ,Jeadlork, 8 l!ini:le game pom\1.1. Two lfosml! from Newport afternoon. They were Gent Lonng lum. K,.nny :-; .. wlam!. R1~hBr1t tlll-flnn 1'IH11 oll11:-. fl< b"rt :'\u1 t"n. plsyorr will pro}>ably ,.,,1"" 1 hr B,.a1 h tied for 11econd place \\•ith and Ernut Minney In the A cls &- phant, Lsny Rupp. Rroi;l'r Franip-Tmrnw lrtJll, Gat~· Shields. :.1 1ke whnle thing on a neutral rlelrt. 6 point• u ch. • !lfit'atlon 11.nd Da ve Madden ond Garden Grove Captures Third Striig~t With Laguna Victory L>A \ t: IJF.U \ t:lt>' R1ghl F lrhler 011vr Sl•'ph••n<ll'ln d"llvt"rl'd the fourth 11tlln1.1t b11.<t' k nock lhal 11corrd J QI' Avitia with the winning run. Santll Ans t.hrratPnt'd In I h,. t1fr h whc-n Rlld- ford trlplrd. 8111 C°HIC'hl'r F'r:rnk Doreltl picked him nf( third Thb ll'fl th' C'ol11nll'tl'I with 11 loop r"cor4 (lf e1i:ht w tM,• three de!roats. Bue Doubles Duo ton. n.,b S~1nner, Rnlph Sk1nn•·r. Towle. R<'tnt11!V\\'esl, J1011i' \\'llltP ;o\ewport. Buch team of Bill Dave Andretl(a In the B. GARDEN GROVE cOCNSl - J ohn \'l••hrrg. Dennis \Ya Iker, Rog· n ndurr!! Flr~t practwo•, T 11,.9• B H b Wh ler and W A In the prelimlnarlca at Long I Garden Grove'• blllleball team "' •IA\', Junr 23 1 I a.m. Andv Rarr, rlmll. .-r ee · · · F d th S II ... t•r \\'alk•'r. 11."" Jun!' 21 11 a.m. Nat~ B•·nt-Janw! Berki'.elmer. Darryl Ehy. Willard cs me from b!'hlnd lo wln Bearh WU.'IOn rl ay, e a or11 jum~d to an early five run le .... ln.Jl11ns i'tr11l praclke \\'etln1 ~-•ht 1, John CArlC'h. Don F. Gut· , • 8 h 26 to 20 The qusltrttd 14 men tor the 11emlflnal11. and thf'n hu:1g grimly on to edge Dl'lnAl•I l':n1<t"'n. Pa{JI Gt"""· l'hll-rrom ._guna eac · · ... F R-.. dl TU ... day. JunP 22, JI a .m. Bill Rrol'k-rl<l"I'. Jri i_v lh•trli. Danny J"hn· .. ,...,.. f LI ,,. St as Ta}·lor Carr Schul.,..,l"J', arquhar a nd ""' ng. Lal{una Beach. 6·•. htre e .... ay. " lip H 1ln.•, ·J lmmfP Jrnk~. Rn1re tram Cl oy.. "t'V< ' If I h di ... k G d G · rnirn. n ob<•rt D••lahunt, Tnmmv ium, Larry Kitts. Miko KCJJllil Tnm •. , 1 .. 1• "'h •ler had 8 touoh ton were t t.h n l e me •Y re· ThP win mar rd ar en rove • l<ln•mnJ, n onBld Mcl\tuh11n. Ln11l!11 1:1n• ,.,rs. '· .. <'• " ( ['l'rAlainl H1rh>rrrl Gannnn, J 11hn Miu kt•I. John M1trk,.1. J oh' Jay • • 1 1 h R tlo Pa.rk but lily in 1 :2~.8. Fa.rquhar w11.e ti th tPltrd str11lght Orange League Vic-G•·~·;.r, Ch11rles H eatry, Rl<'hnrll M<'CQtlllter, Tim my Mt•yrr/I, Billy :'>trprr. M1rhat'l l'\oeck,11, Ed :\"nnn· batt e w l ecrt'!I n t In the 100 breaal In 1.07.1 and In tory. M 1 B 1 M an GMr~e Noo,.an Merk f'••11r-won out 20 lo 1.4. The tum 0 the tndlvlc1ulll medley In l :46.3. Thr triumph enab1~ the Argo· L11•k . Theddeu• ti er. 11 oorr. Myer11, Gery ·Mk kry, R1lly P lprr, •. on'. l-arrv t;'. ShAfP·r. Ri•rrv ~lni· Clint \\'1.rlfnrd, Nick Brettner ~d Dr•w \\'ebb J ohn :'\t'Ph Rand)' G Sh t o · \\' " -"' .. b • Rrddlngton wu tlr•t In the 200 nll1ll1< lo rema in tll'rt tor loop lead-' . · • .111 y er Z•'r, l'nn111 ai;nl•r, ~n.•on, J l.mmy "\'alt•<'. Gl<'-n \\'ii· J>lrl'. T. c11rr WPre tlt'fratr.. y • ,. ,. "'nr 1 ... •kl L v n n Rf'l•ln ..... r H w " " n • ~ ... t free in 2:0:1 &11d t hird In the 1()(1 er11hln with unbeetrn V1tlencla, "I "'". '" ~ • • Q .. • t'OI y ~ull. son. pn1nt!I by • S11nta Ana team uo& ,. K~nn,.th Schwarz 13111 Scudcler. G 1 . 1 fl fl In 116.1. ThP four man A rtl11y of which 11tlged Pr/'& 4·3. Caplatran_o · 1ent11-1-~ rat pr11cllce. Wi>dne11· '"'""It• Sox -Flr.•l prll~ti~r. Fri· 1<t111 t"•I out 1ke a ou~ a re. B-Ob Srull l!'r R.anrtall B Wllllon "11 ~ " • ' 1 d Btll Miiis, Schull>erg, Chu<'k Kn1. rlrtr11tl'<I Tuatln 7·2 In another · ' · · · · 1lay. June 22. 0:30 a.m. Blllv Ar kn· .. 8y J iine 2.1. 9.30 • m ~. t irhRPI Aftrr three tournAment. Paye , F'll)•nionrt Wilts Bru<'e \\'oorlll 11 " 11 Vllll O and Lftrry Buck were fifth IP11 °11!' fr11.v ·~ • · · m11n. Mark DQlrtlnl', Gvrdnn C'o(lp· Bmar<>c·ol•. Geor"r DBJl!'v, J ohn thr JtAmt>I! won 11ten1 ngs arti "' Rt>d ~"X -F'1r11t pracll('r JllnP 23. R 0 n I .. ~-.. . h 7 R ti n Park In l.46.6. Thr Al j(On111Jl11 Wf'rf' •llowed "r. oger u•rte, r:1mus F. F'l's~-Hanrnck. John H•llnn, ;\flchnel Nrwporl Bea<' . ec-rca o Thur~t111•·. !1:30 11 m. Arnulo1 Rim·· 1 T H rr J ,. • , • 8 a •h 3 Jim Williama, Paul Manti and only r1vl' hit" by Pet,. Hall. Ted · t>r, erry 11 • nhnny Lt'mni;· Hiir.•t. Billv K',..t•. Lanv Laolwi<>. ~. SantA Ana ,, .....,J:llnR e c · If'~. Sl"phtn Brt>~·I"~~ Rol>l'rt fl ~ ,. ., Ch11rnn. Barton Chri.'!tltr Bill wf'll. T~rry Lt'hman, Grant ~aim, Mlrhael 1..:sch, Rnnnle Lutz, Dltk Clonohoe. 3•ndv Ea.,tm1tn' Bill John !1:11 vlnr, Bob Osk1n, Billy I Perry. R•·naltl Rholll'IPll, ·F'rllx Mesans Meet to form F.lmqulat, Lllrry.Glb~n. ,Bob Horn. Palm,,r. Cary Power!<. M irk S1 h-Tnrrttf'r Peter Toelller. Tommy MAY Laureat bit four ~ tour tDr L&- guna. x.. Ptdlntnc and Keith Montee were rocked for 'Jo hit. while their te&mma t.. eOMmttt .. four miecu .. MILIM UMM. 11' J.umpln• to Ul•lr 1-1 MM Ill tour gam ... U\• Af'l'N eoUMt*' their five btnrJ• and Guy Onn •tole home. Plokertn1 irwt.,..S Ullrd. Jn th• nf'Ul, L&JWl& etnaoil lladl. Thl'y acor~ three nme oa tour htt.t. tnctudlnr· a t.rtpl• • •tn• Ramaey, and one nTOr. Mont.. WU In trouble a ttl• tltt.h and ••th. but ~ t.&W lo acort. MAY ley Psul Srhlry, F;van~ T Sm11h.' \\'it~on. · Ci"vi•t D-..£-.nse Unit ~hard Hom. Rlcba.rd .lal'k:<tin J <>t fl k RI h ........ s fl --.., WTW 11m~ • ., 11 •<' • " llru tu ""· Yankel."~ F'lr!ll rrsrtiC'P Frida,v Mike M11ngafl, Rlcl_<y M&rl'lrll11!1 Bob McCl-.ire. Bun PnM>n. Rlrh-In I""~ F11><t pr11cl1rr. Wrdn( · J une U. 1 1:1 m M1rh1wl rl11ford. Planning to orp ntr.e In lhr An Ortu11te co a 1 l Coll<'ftt nrd Vllndervorl. Riii \\'armtnglon. •Ill\'. J unP 22 11 am. John \\·11ha11 J l'lhnnit' Cosman \\"aynP t.:raw· mMn~r ot the l'IOewport Bea.ch doublea t<'am ot C'aplllln Cl'nt' E£~Wllrmlngton. llr11 Y Larry Blollj.tt>lt. Robby Dl'n· '"r•I. F rank Durante .1>'~1111 F'lnr· ~nvp. 19 Costa Mesa p1ckt'd l'IU- T I d J A d Ill!'. Hn.'i Fogn rt.\', A rth11r F rt• • ••ll. Bill\' Func1om. Rnbhv I r11ine11. •nn11 rrpruenung differpnl org.nl· MOTOR-· · IOws Out -of Go ar or a n 1n1 rmi1trong mo\'P 1gnll-~~irst prtl<'tlre Thuni<lev. ~ t l h .1 d t h "' t l'I I -. ( 'hnrlts C1 "'"•. Robm HRn ~1·111 t c·. Hownnu. Char lo-! 1<11 hi~. •11tlona of the commumt.'·, met hut n o t e seconu roun o l e ... a11 • J une 23, 11 A 111. TMJdy Hark•·r. "" "' .. ~ ·' •m JC ConferencP tennis tournll· ~nnls Bon.is. nill Ru rt Sl••\·~n velt 1:1lly H1111n. Ch11rlcs Kint . J,. Hoger I .IJCtrthnlrter. Tn1 ,. ~l('{"l.J· n11:hl al the Legion Hall to form menl Th11rsdAy Bl R1\•trside befor,. Carl!!On, Rnnmr Hnf(anl. <'hurk Ro> l..11 Perle, Skipper ~tnrlAt' 1111<1. f',\ul Mora. J)11nny l'oWPll, a voluntrrr Civilian Odl'n11e unit . bowing nut. The P lr1le team wrnt Hof ml\nn nevlcl L . Kl'ndRll, Da\'ld VPr n :-1.crmnell. Mlc-h11ol ~ ... ff ('hnlnn ~m1th. P11t rlrk L Smith, Fut:owlnl( directives from the three aelll to down 11 S11n Urrnnr· LAJlPrlof. Pnle :-.:ew, BnlC<' 1 ll,rn·I-Jom• 11 I! :'\11r1 HI. ,Ir. Tim Jatri<"ls Tomm.y TR\'lnr. Gorden Thom1t11. otrlrf' or City Manei;:Pr, Gt'Ofge cttno duo 6-2. 4-6. 6·3 In th.-\,·tnd f'r, Robt'l I Ohmdl'r, Ritnd\' I<. '"'" H• '•11. Tim E !:ichor lc. Johnn) IJ&\'l.1 \\'d'!()n. l'offrv, the group, headed by Mrs. up the 191j0 OCC 11e11.11on. l'rior. S cott Smith. J 1mm1r ~ulh-Ti1yl<ll. I Ga1 \'. F rNlnksen: Is al riving to I Lenny s 111ca llu1t anJ Chr t Rhrl-van, !:itr11hun Tl111t<'her, Kevm \\'et· RPd Sox F irst praclkf', Thun-'Boat Booze Burglar unify "rtorta tor toc-111 partic\pa· den t1roppe1! a rlnt round p111n11i: !!i•n. J ohn Wilham,., tla,·. J unP 2:l, 9:30 a m. J11111ny Bis-A hourhon burgl11r tncley \\'ll.1 lion In atatc anti n11llon11.t <'lvihan 1 8·0. 6·9 and Bl.Kalluz, T yle1r 11nol I \,\'htte S!'lx-F'lnl pracUce. F1 I· 8~11, A nrlrcw 'J. 111Rk••h'. ll•H1~1111 hl:<m('ol hv H!'rb Th<1r1H1~. lrvlne d~(l'n!IP. preps rations. lt I• plann~(I Armstronjf wrre all hlllnkPcl In <lay. J unr 21'. 11 11 .m. J 1111 BRrhPI', 111 ii)', Wonllrow Cartt'r Jr .. H11rnlcl C'u. fo r hrl'llklng Jnln th~ 411-fl. lo hohl llll'f'llni;s evrry second alnglu s luta 8-1, 6-1, e .. 1. 7·!) 11.nd t.11.rrv Coll1n11. Ou1<Un Elfnrtl. SL~,.,. Crim. M11 rk Elliott. De11nl11 Ktllr· c11b1n C'm lser Vlde III while It Wednl'l!ds y night tor lhe pruent. t ·l , 6·1. J'rogley, n one Id Goddard, Kobrrt le11. 1.(.-nnrth R. Lenlh"rs Jr., Rich· WR-" mnorrrt at Ntwport Harb11r J ---- Mer key, O<>ofrrey Moor:•.· J'hlllto 11r11 ~lnm·,bn. GtnP Ml'll'ter. Phil· Ya• ht Ul.nrting Slip 10. The boltl<' Ada Cl k "t ken OPrtlv. [lnvld Oiiman, Timm\' k f'll• lip ;\l unoz. Frunk H1wd. C11ry Hob-\\'118 taken by a 1111~1w< t whn ms 0C Q Pair of Playbffs In Lawn Bowling jtlln, • ~tevr Scherer. Carl :'l111m· ln,<•n, Tum Stahr. Larry !'lturitl"lO, "11clwd through a portly open Theft of the clock from twrg. HAnk Thnyer, Botiby Th"mp-St• \'rn Ver l'lanrk, Chrla \\'hilnt'\' r!'ntrr window of the p1lut hnu11e. rlH~hhoard ot her car wa.a report· •nn, Tuty Thnmp80n, .M1ch11l'I Lfwta Ray WIJl'On. fJ"an W. Cn.mpbelJ. 1910 81<y1'lde t'<I to police May 3 by Mra. Ann T rapp, Bill White. Tigers F irst prArllce. Thur· Dnve, <>W~ t h bosl. • Aol:lma of 616 Poppy Ave. N~~~membendth•N~· Yanku -nmp~t1cL Frlds~ ~----~~--------~===-----------~----------------, port Beach Lawn Bowllnl!' Club J une 24. O :io 11 ·m. RfcharJ AnJ,.r-. competed In the Au1trllll11n ~lni;ilrs 11on. J11mr:< H. Brownell Brian 0 p I w t Wttk. The rompf'llllon \\'Ill' !!fl Cllmpbl'll. Jimmy C"n~li:f f'ffrey • . I p' e n . y clM• thllt two plAy·ort11 M d to be 1 llllrk. J amie Crown< r, Chr ts held to decide the wlnner11. , f:lm11; Tom (;Amble, \'inrrnl Hr:1h', Georgl' Peue and MrJO, T~ylnr iR1"hard J uhnioon. J,1hn Mlle)', Hlln- Ca.rr tied for tint with 11 po1nt11 nit :'\oble. Calvin ,pre111on. Randy each. Mn. Cur won the play·(lft. I RICI:!' R\C'k)' Rylett, Michael • Roland B•ll«'y .nd TaylClr Cur SC'huter. tied for ~hlrd place with 10 p<nnta "E~A "C" '."l~"l:S ·-.J Carr w on. the plAy-ott. . Br&\'•< First p1act1ce ~le.nd1y. SATURDAY ancl luRDAY J une 2•1. P 30 a m. T•'m Barrell, DI hy Stol.n Her. Tony Barrett. J ohn. Blsk~. Jerr~· llCJ Bra.r.11. PNer Douglu. Bob G11n1.hl. • ~ A peen and whit~ dinghy. own-011nny Holl, Bill J ohn,.ton. Kt'n· 1 ed by Harold' Johnton. 324 North 1 ll,.th King, Jamu L&Hodny. Oa vtd B&J~m. l"uUert.on, wu ttporttd I Nlrml'ycr, Loul• Ortall. Oscar $1tn- etolen Jrriday night. Emt11t NP· drNK>n. J immy Sf'xton, Butrh bllle, Lonr Bell.Ch, told pohre ht SUcvc. ?.h chacl Tiu.. D.arrtU WAI·. tlo~ tfle bol t fo look at an· laC'e, Kenneth Wlrker. Open All Night SATURDAY ancl SUNDAY other cMLft for aale anrt th&l ht C'Ard1mll~ -First pn1cUce. MQn· locklld the dtnghy to th11 l;'lth St. ilay, J11nP 20. 11 am. Stevan Bra.I-y A N .( 5 B 0 w L I N G pier and left the key With ll ll~t'· 111, f11 h<'rt Sut lrt, Joltn R . C\J'C'o'• . vice 1tatlon · aftrr li11IQ1l' ll. The hlara. R~lf'l'r F.t!war11t. Bruce Hllf- Harbor Drptu unent I• ln,·t11t1gat· ,..nrelll <'1 111 ~ E H"mpton. EdwutJ t ~OS Suprrlor, (' "1\t.a Me" tr,. th• theft. IC. Jackson. Curry Klrkpat.rlc.k, 1 ______________ _ 80.,L KWTZ, Mgr. • 12 POINT OVERHAUL . SPECIAL! REG. $ 75 PRICE f>ontlac f $122.72 Parttl and Labor BIG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES· -~t:E E8TI¥A TES ru:;1t COMPU8810S CHECK J. la•tall New IUap 2. l natall Sew P11to• f'llll I . l n1tal11 Sew Rod 8-rtq• '· Cnmpl•U, \'al,,. Ort.d II. Espaad rtatoM · a. Olau &u.t <'1111M1er \\'a.lie 1. RlqfJ JLe.-CJL l\'alle A. AUp C'._..... .... t . Mlaor Tufte • ap 10. Repl-Ip. Pohlt. 11. AeplaH Maa1to'41 Ouk.ft a U . !Wplaoli H _, .U Pu O..lleta MONTHS TO PA·Y GENUINE FACTORY PARTS WOIK GUAIA"111D ---.. ·- ... - • PAGE 2 ·PART111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . TH.UR SDAY, MAY 12, 1955 PICTUkE OF MAN .TAKING CUT · The man with the mace is Dave Tamura, peppy little third sacker for Coach Emil Neeme'e Tar nine. This shot was taken recently tU Lions Field in Costa Mesa when T amura teed off one against a rival rhuck er. Big day for Dave came against Fuller- t on during second row1d.:..~I~ o~ Sunset League, Tamura tore up the Tribal Pe.fl pas- ture by bashing out four for five, includi n_g a home run. -Staff Photo "ew Dean of Student Personnel BUC BABES KOST ANNUAL .... JAYCEE FEM .S.WIM MEET Undefeated Pirate Meniialds Favored -to Down All' Comers \, ch•r. 8u~t Bf'a rh: Edna Oran1· 1 ul•d '"'"'edlat ely th.r• atter. ft .. er, Hul\lln1ton S.arh Renee El· lay11 and lll\•tn1 will ha,•e no pre• llott Newport BHrh Cynthia llrrlna ry ev•nll, , Strothtr St•I Burh. Janl' Nu· 1 Bwaed on the .e.:.On'• rffUlt• to n•n, l'\rwport Beach, dat•. the Joni <'Oed1 art t'llJH'('ttd C'olltcea tnl~ied in lhe mot l:i· to meet thf'lr •lltfeat t'ompeUUoA I from Lo• An1•lo City Coll•1•. cludr. Compton. M t San Anton1<1, r uadcna Clly Col~s•, and .. nta r a .. d1na C\ly C'ollege, El t'amlno. Mon!. a, a ll ot whom r•,n•latenlly Lo• An11lu C1ty Collt'ft, Slnta 1 put out ttronr ewtmm1nf 1e&m .. Monica City Colkft. Lo8 A naetr. I Swlmmll\1 wlUI a amall but J unJor Coller• ot Bua1J1H4, &44.I ~tent l'roup, OCC h&8 lO date 0 Co Coll • ·1 h h l S th Oranr f' Cout Colll1•. Time trl•I• met e nd ~fHted 1:1 Camino, range ast ege WI 1 oat t e annua ou e"1 are •cht!dultd .Jo r et unde,..•ay a t Compton ·Mt. Sa.n Antonio anti Cali fornia Junior Collt>ge -w-omen._ 1wimmlng meet tomor-t :30 p.m ., with tlnal event.. •cbed-1 Lona Be~t'b . City Coll•i•· row. Attempting to defend the tltlt> won loat year wUl be p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the,.folJowing members of the OCC team : Je&n Toulouse,~ Costa Mesa; Leslie Koivisto. Newport Beach ; Stephanie Bel- ============================================::========= I Get the ~ew~i u d Smarteet ln / the new 100% . . PLAST1C LEA THERE'f.TE• Seat -Covers In 2 color Combinations to metch the new 1955 cers • UNOONDmONALLY GUARANTEED I Seat co1nfort and so good_ looking/ Mni1si~!JWear Nation's Top Time Ciocked By Belshe. iri Metri~ Mile let.~·LIU-.¥Lijuq.J~MIUJ~ ....... ~~--r C-Olon &ril \\'bltt', Red. Bluf', Ol'Hn, l'elJow, , _____ _ Theee handsome white broadcloth sho Mwwngwear he cut /u/7. wiillroomy leg fit and no binding seam in the .cat! Tajlored. of ea.ay-to-launder broadcloth ..• with deep elaatic waistband and smooth no-gap fly . Dr. n.mnlJ E PehlkE' was elPct-!or CollPJ?e ln California, hu aerv- "'' by Ot uni:e Corur;t Cnll..g» Tnt8· Pel a.s director (If guidance and ~ B~· Jt:RR\. TllO)ll'SO~ lo'f• <1l thl'u' IRllt 111• .. 1m~ as lhl' conns,•hng at Boise. Jtlaho Junior ·I nt•\\' •• ~an n( 1<l11ol. nt J'll'I ~unn. I. l>r. Cnlle.i;:" for two yrars. and the pu t Oran~e Coai;t Col11•~e i:;ophomnre Bud Belshe tumerl in I'• hi;,,. \\ 111 1.1k•• "\• r th<' 1e~r"n· yrar ha~ brPn rmployl'd as clinical t he be~t time· in th1• n:111r111 for.a Jllllior C•Jlll'ji!C 1500 m<:tt:r ~1h1h11 .. • nf 1•1 X o 1m1n i-: \\";·t--p><~'cholo~1~t tor thr IJ allo State frec:.t~·lc la:-.t Thur:-1l.1y I'\ 1•11111;; 11s h<' ~ueressfully defend£'d "'11 \\ hu wn~ 11"\·wwily arpn:nl"d D••f'lartn ;ent ot H c.-alth. ;1• a•i.1•tant "UJl• • mt,;nolt'nl an nr. P rhlke wtll a11sume his new his state 1500 tll ll' 111 t hf lll'l'lllllg l'\"1•nt of t he California , 11.1q~1· of aJult 11n.t rn«Rll\;nal f'du-n'>ipon!'!ahtltllt>!'! 81 rout College JC swimmin~ 1·h11mpionshi1•s at Orange Ct)ast. '"'"'" und ;.11mm1 r !'f•!'!i11nn. n.•xt Aug. 1. Hr will be responslblt. Bl'l~hl' 11\\11111 lh·· 6~. IJI 11.••11 1 -.,nr11,.0,,,Ji\·in~dtllll•fl lbl\d< In .nr PohlkP rulll!'.i to 0 1an.l{e for the rnun11rllng a nd ~!dance mllP lll 1'1111 t'• ~1~ • .. , .. I'• \I l!'lf• and 8 " un lt.i, \••Ar, 11111\ • ..,11C11.1.,t \\ll h " u .. nwntl1111s IHH'k · Jlrngr:.im. \'Pll'1·11n 11<lv!11lng, tel!t· llChnol 11nd r ... I rt·• ... • I d· I •·a: Ir i: ( I I ( (th I t I );I lll111ol 11( o•x p••rl1•n.-1• 11ntl Ir Amini:: mg. ~!11drnt rmploynient an rt teach-rn111 1 q1111 1 \"1111( 1 JI A• r n S outh1·rn t '.ol • I .11111• 1 ; •• ,,. 1 ;1 .. u11 l-1 lhlr•I 111 111,. nn-;. nlf•t• r 1 nmp••lltlnn Ht• I••• ti\ ••11 h1~ barlwlor of ;;,·i. "'''' 111~ of p.•yi-holu.l(y. bv n.;a1lv II •••' 11° h· h11.;l11• ln . 1 •• ,6,. 1, 11 "'I tl1·gnr \lllh u rnuJnr in J;'f.'nt>rnl Art·nmpan"tn" Dr P ehlkr tolhe . . . 1 \\11 l •• ,,., d po1nl~ ,\_.. ni111se11 • 0 ,. c· 11 , ,.. · thru· 1•lhc1 I.\ .. ,.. .. 1111; .. Ill Ill<' I I l I t I II '""'"''•' tll l•'J';llll ... tl\11' 0 l'~t.'. H a1br1r a1 ea Wiii be Mrl!l P Phlke • 1t,.l'11n1 p nrP w· 1w i YtPn u lf' T ' . . 1' · t hr••<! tl111· tJ• '" fl'"'"'"J•· 1;, .. 1111ol1< ,. t i t' 1 r . h GI he na.1~ l'r M ,J,.i;r••P w:u1 aw11rc!N lln<I th<'lr two l'lnn" . , .,or 11•1 ll II I urmll ,. 8111l_ll"n 'l'n H h l' ~ I . . . w nn 111 .. ""rl 1111 I 1111 1 ,, I 1 ,.,.,st I'!« f'I 1 ( ,. 11 j h . l 1 1111 hv l ,. n1v .. ri.11y •·f l 11 1furnll\ I -· · • • 1Jr11 1111 l u ' e e "· ,. a l'C'lln · . \\'llh Ho 11'11<' ,. •·l··I ,, •ll)( lhl 1111:'1 Jlfllrl\M. H1111>harrJl ·had 3Ml.7. Ill B•1'rk1•dl··1 nnJl.ithr ·hlrl("tlo'r •·! plul-Gas Tax Request 1L1•lu m .11 k 111 11, •• •;•111 t• 1111 ill' • • 1111•11~ 1y ··.:r<'I' y l ,. nlv• 1.•1ty I l 'l'.ltl I.I '(' \\ 1. \I lit.It . l.o•r 1)(1' Lyon.e r1111m1rtl nut th" 1 nf l tnh nr. l'1•hlkr 1•om plC'l• d ht" SAXTA A'XA tOCNSJ ( t•r-tlL )(1•!1ans ll<Olillg Wllh 8 J?'r&dURt'l' training 1n 11'1• fll'ltl n(I . , . "Tho' "' M' 1111 n '1 lo:·•\ thl' 1 ~ (0111 Lh p1n<" in lht> ln•ltvidw1l 1111.,I· t•ducu!lonal p,;yt•holn~y. :'l:t·wport Bea,h City Council• re-c ild•tlltl I Jlllll'll' 1' 'l••gP~ I'" l P< l I IP\' nnrl a i;llt.th In l ht' 200 Vils. l He holl llt'n:ell 11~ I\ fl"!!lflnll<'I Of-!IOlutlon requeiillnW a pproval Of a cun•ill•"""· ' 11 h "" 1 \ di\.~ ""1h 1 b1.l'asbt1nkl' .\hn H odges ml~s"d (ir .. r In thi' trnltrrt State!'! ~n\·y. a $1 3.2?."t ,_a11 tax fund •llotm~t J '1.frn · ... 1d •• 10t 1t1.111 ,. hB.h•:d down I q11allfylng In the 2!10 bar k11troke 1 vocallonel ("Onll<'lor fQr thl' St alt' was ref err~ Tuesday to the road by night 1al11~. """ th~ .tpltHhC'O! prellm11 but se.l a new 11c1'1ool rrc-1 ot C-11l1fornl& in prlllnn wnrl?. wnl' f'•.•mml~IOnPr by thP Ora nge Coun· l1onk n h 11nt .:r or H 1 \\fl nat Inn-vt d \\ ilh a 2 31. 7 rlol'lung. 1llrertnr nf g11ldanre 1H 1-.Hi<llt'n J un-ty Board nf Supervl110r1. ol J•" 11101 1(~ •• 1·1 j1vr ~t 1tr n~ot<.111 ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- \\l'J t" , .. ,~ti • 1 t,.~,J • t '''"t't"'rtJod, "nl1 1111 I •11 I\'" of 'he \·,,,,,l puol mJrl(s f1'1I I\· lti11 v.un•:•le 1-11111•, • ·1 • ·Ir 1 r• rd nnl\• I hrrt 11 II I fnr.1 11•,, .... I 1l • '~' v 1••t.11n· 1-.1 I II• 11 • r 111 • rown I \" "' lln~ 11r• "• I' t ~ ll'l 111 a •n.I encl thll"ll r• t• 1·-t In 1:111111·1 1p (. ~· 1 t• n ~ 47. T hr h11•' · ; I :111 _.. !111!•he•I ,,.\ cnth \\llh"1!'\ n 111<rr11 ·I \( K 111.'«i' 11•.1,1. Occ·_.. .J<11k BC'll, tv.ue Ea11te1n 110' .• \"( 1111 ..... ~ 1· .. ~1 ·111:111 l•rtlllll&ll' ASSIGNED TO PRIMARY P E~ S AC 0 I./\, FI. A. -(FHT'XL'I -1;rR •hlR't'ct f rom lhr I". ::!. :-'1\"ll l'1,·-Fll~ht S1·h1••l lw1<' \\ 1~ '\"u1 <tl Avl.1- tlon { ·a.i. l" n onC\l·I ~:. J11rob· el'n. J<on ..r I\ .111 ti. J 11roh~.-n of :11'9 :-.-.1n•1q11~. 11., Id now ~11li:neo.J l•l \ 'orry f°lf'l,t l'. s. l\'1n al AuxllHlry A Ir St1111un her" for prtm"r~· !l11;h: 1r11ln-u:: A ims at PCL -'. -j Ol!A ,.,,; dt>c.:. ·:-• • ·1i.1Ch Don 1.1kn,· , ... ,.,.1.111 1 I "• plett ly 1,111 1 11: , f J:. 11 foll1l".\ In.: a thlr.I tr.mu.: rh1.h:u b :n 1'111•.•1:." I! gam.. '" 1 .i 1 1i" .t• '" r" t : ht Panth, .. r. -; t . ::: Ktn 111121 .. w, .. ~1. ca lllld out or1 11tr1kr~ tn t e · • h1rJ ~1 1\m" pro-I tl'.tlt!<l fi nd \"" t~Ji < ut nr tJ1e I Jr&me u the ma.., In hlue •'l•mrt.·1 td lo J'rovo lh,1 t ht J<hC•t:ld be In the ('o1ut 1A.'O):U•. ------H~!,!~~~da !~t~ ~-I curre.! Mo11,1ay 11t Blllbna Blvd. 11nd C.: St'. whf'n Burtis Msrv!n Dorris. 19. of 2110 fJ. Oc.-,.•n Bh·d. S\..-en·ed to avuld an ObJect In the roed. 11ccnrdlnJr to " pnllr" rc>Jlnrt Dorrie' car 111 n1r )< a 1 Ar 1 ~i;t•trrf"! to E llltt f' L"lt!t of I lllO t:. UAl- boa BlvJ. • . i Saturday, -May 14, -8:3() a. m. to 5:30 p. m . W• 1loclty •nMunce tt.1 vl1lt here of Jhe notlenolly fo"'o"' Ilg loy lorbuv• Expert .•• Mr. Harry Hagen wh. will d-onstrol• f0t ytv th• fo1dnetln9 ort ef IMrtMc .. cetklnt -''°"' stortln1 the fire oH the Wfl'I .. fti• fhtl sh. Yo11 Ht1ovory m•ot tvm loo rich 1•lcltft It...-.. II slnlH over 9fowln1 chorcool orwl yew tnhele the totttoh.1ln9 oreM41 tfiot flN1 th4 olr. C•M• ond loin In th• fvn -lt'• yo"' chonct .to.01k tfle npett onythlnt yeu wo1tt I• kn•w obowt borb•c11ln9. Arwl, belt of' all, yov rec•ivt obHlutely free,,_oncl wlthovt obR9otlon, on of· tradtvt •ltd vofvoble~'Htw Te De Ir This Beautiful Brazier Specialiy Prited at s99s ····································'·~·· BOTD~S HARQWARE 2630 W. Coed Blvd. Newport Beach· LIM~· 8-IW .......................................... .. A ny color comblnatton you Specially P_rlcecl For Ten Day1 Alao in solid coloni. prints and fancy palterna ' for the young-in-heart. St.art your collection today! Open Sundays I 0 to 5 N FlftPATRICIC T E·V~7POR I DEPARTMENT STORE O n t hP ()(>ean F ront at !!nd St. O ne S hort R IMk from S ewpor~ Pl,.r NEWPORT BEACH I We Gi e S & J:f Green Stamps Come on In ••• we're TRIDI G TODAY I i· " . ~F~ao··z-.., Op •he l.e•4eP In tj•••itS· a -ft'~· •••••.···P•Pl'oPtn•nc•···•C0~0"' -. --• T'-EO-DORE ROBINS Your FOrd Dealer Sl11ee 1921 -· (On Mariner's Mile) 3100 W. Coast Highway 'Newport leach Liberty 8-3471 TV at ·lta lestl Don't Ml11 ,,..,. n..et..• KICA (4), Thuradey, tilO p. 111. ...: •I ) , - I • ... I ·, I ~. ' .· .. . ' STAR IN CIVIL WAR .FILM John Derek aa John Wllkea Booth forces hl.11 aiater A11Ja, played by E\lzabeth Sellars, to ktep quiet a bout his 1lleglance lo t~e Confedera.cy in thi. dramatic 1ce>ne from ''Prince of Players," 'I"Nentleth Century-Fo11'1 CinemaS1:ope production on the lives ot the •Boo lb acting clan currently at the Lido Theatre . . Clown Goo Goo to Perl orm at , ered shirt wtre tiUi.ea from Uieir room. TAR D.RAMA DUE AT COLLEGE Savings' Party ' The Newport HacbOr Union High School entry in the Orange Coast College one-act play tournament to be presented tomorrow afte111oon and evening will be The Potboiler. Directed by Bob Wentz, the play includee 1tu- denta from L to R, Caro1 King, Carol Doane, Dennis Henderaon. P~te Henderson. Bob Milum uid J ohn Eg- MATHENY'S ' MEANDERINGS By JIM MATHENY Tomorrow 111 F.rldQy tht thlr· s, lcl'.i. he had aoma of thoae au- leenth ! 1f you a re super11t1llous. pt'r-dellcloue Chlneae oven Prime apt'nd a.II your t 1me tomorrow Rlb1>! r ounllng your blessings. You11 Nope, The Crackeor Barrell 11 forget 1t is an elleged "blat•k 1:a t not a place lo eat. It la a. spot day" and the first thing you know wll.,re artlata meet to p&l.nt and you'll be amon'gst the happy din· acquaint. er~ at one of thr Harbor area 's WHERE'S TtlE NHPMYCT awr ll re11taunanl.JI. Speaking or Balboa Laland, b6ve . But don't ,think that F rlellly la you JnvistJg-ated the culalne ot the only <lay for e,nJoyable "e&t· Ch<'I Renry J ones at The Park Ing out :" No sin~e. tht•re 11re sev-A~'eJue":-Alsoatthlshaven ofmoat Pn g1 an1t and 1;ltl flOUll dnys for nt t 1 11.1emberi1 of the B. I. P.· A: t" .. plurellon Into lhe enrl'lantlng S C lib your ho11t "Pl(lkY" Sc,ot~ 1111 est <•( culinary delight:<. ls featuring a n~ policy In eerv-KF.R~HT OS THE Kt:Y!il 11td ot, ~9mplete dtierr'. ll wlll K;ity and t>ack Dent &4'nd word pelJ v~ • inveatlga . ru1 .. 1 their ocron-front C.are In Ea't 'ucl enjoy yo raetf in the Balooa Inn that Kermit Riggs. he otdjplnlng lld!ib IC you are ao In· whv used to play p11rno fnr a guy dined~ ' -~{ named Harry cr .... by. w!ll enter-Admu1 play' tor your entertain· t r.In thl~ wr ek:en<I. ment el the ~Illa M.,.lna. And Tom urniw and Saturday you I here's \!JlllCing Saluf'day eve In m.w ·in ha ir 1<a ll .111 , ·partake hf , l he Aq ll'inum ~oom. The Honey-f·n~ fvo<I eml ~' ''R M'• '-''IJ"Y the •'n..rs prov1~. ln" '°e·tapplng tem- ol•:<tanl.'ll\'P p111n•• i;t,v!1ngs o f Ker· po. } r.·11 tn thl!' cozy, p('lpular Balboa OOS'T M.JSS HOf ln11 Cttfr. , Are you one of t he many who Dorothy 'J\'Pt1b1tl. pelltf' 110ng-k1•ep rsving a~u.t thGt a ct at lt'Mlrr. has hrndert c••u•tward to-.i1d I \"aux'.' Arthur ''.\!adman" Walsh h.,,., s\m 11nrl lfltughter-111-lnw m &r Company pl.a y a p1ur ot showlll b11ng111~ annth•·r V\lH'P lntu thl11 l nightly at th111 Balboa Supper p • flt" v.orl<I oC nur• \,\'.• all join Club. 111 "n<lln" nt•r "t~•l" to the new F'red Krau11e w11nt1 you to know brti>I'. • I "bout that Sunday Brunc;h, too. HOME AT THt~ Ht-T \·aux teaturea what F red ·-.ay1 It A rt La Sht'llt• t:« back a nll 'rhl' "ll r eally big breakfaat from 9 a.m. lh1C'• got h01m . A rtJh1~ been half· 'tit l p.m." at • figure to pleaae way 11rn11nd the-~lobe. fteeing nnP 11nd all. much or the fAr ea~t from ~he Karam• reataurant ia keeping 11k1PS an.d helping an thr: 11hciotlng up ll11 tnvtableo pace of 11erving ot new t'inPram R p111•lm·11uns gtmrmrl8 wh1L'lt the work gof!& on For the moment. al Jrnst., Arl lo makt wily for ntw -parklng •etll<>d hi~ · ft't't nn the.'le solid 11p11ct . ~hun~I &J\d stopped lfy l'I~ Chr1~t -Spe11.king nt wort<. Johnny Vile· tan'• Hut to get a good view of Ile 11how11-off h111 re-modeled bar the Bay from Thf' TahJt'41n Room. w1t n gr.,at pridt. Now that all h\11 -Granclollo 's 1 formerly of H tmrt I comple.te_menu_fo.Lthe family PIZZA e SPAGllETTI e l.M!AGSA HOME· MADI: RA "10Ll e STY.A_)(~ e $£A t'OOD l"OOD TO GO 511 lalboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 Cl~ Monday• nr .L ~ J" ~Upeto-r-OOEI ,,£ PAA&ING SER\l(;E FRO~ Ol'R DOOa gert. (kneeling). The Potboiler wil) be one of eeven plays to be pfe&ented by county high acbools. Performancea will start Friday at 2:30 p.m. and continue-in the eve- ning at 8 p.m. The public is inviled to attend without charge. It wu announced by Andrew Walker of Col!t& Mesa. Savings, that Goo-Goo the Clown will be on h&nd fdt the birthday celebl"8· t1on at Cv8ta Mep Ssvlngl' on May 13, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Jn addition, W&JJter uld, "There wtll be refre1hmenls, <toor priu11 -------------i~and 1_u11t & good time for all when happy gang of co·workera are we hold our first birthday cdebni- be.ck on the job, Mr. V declares SAD BUT' TRUE that he t eele like & vacation. But, ' lion. This is our way of thanking the boaaman of The Archee muat • the re111dents of the Harbor area SrHOOL DATES for their evceUent rel!pon~ given I •lick to hla guna and keep Iha ~ our 11aving11 u11oc1ation. Everyone hung.-y mouths fed. SET ALREADY la lnv1ted." I UST NA.ME n' COllta Meaa Savings Is located a t Like logarlthuma? Or •urfing ! Newport Bff.cb elementary 1872 Newport Blvd. 1 Or rhythm A: blues! Name your achoola. will get under way subject and you'll find a "talter" next tall witb regiatratlon day, to carry on with the amall talk Friday, Sept. 9 and the t irat al Tbf' Pirate. Ma.ny gather 'round day of achool will be the tol- the open flrf to chew the fat and lowing Monday, Sept. 12. ac- quafC of draught brew. lt'a all cordt.nr to the achoo! calen- ln Cun at 1°hfl Ptratf', dar, ju1t lawed. They're occ and runnlng at New mvnber9 ot the teach; OrMtdolfo'a. Down the atretcb they Ing 1t.&ft wtU meet for th• come. It's a Coto tlnlah -luagni, flrat time Tueed&y, SepL e plza and ,1p .. hetU In a dMd heat: Cd the preecbool \n.IUtute for The old-world atmo.phere oL lhlll' ~ taa.chent wtJl be held the 1p& 11 your• to enjoy, but it you '"pt t.o day1, Wednl'lldaY and wlJ!h to enjoy Grandolfo'• food Thur11day. · preparaUon.1 In your own home, juat buu ·em a.nd the:fll arranra fof you t o ta.Ile out. f'LICKER F MLI! Wann& enjoy a movta thla wttk· end? The local cinema parlor• h&ve aoma fancy l'Olnp-on ached· uled Cor your ent.eri,.tnment. To wit: At tba M-. in Cocta Mesa, "Bla.ckboard Jungle" plua the "Cult or the Cobra." 'The Port, in Corona del Mar, abowa "Mambo" along with "T'uey Rode w .. L" The Udo, In Newport Beach. otfera a' twin bill of "Thl' Glaaa Slipper" and "Prince of Playen." Down at the Balboa one ca.n H e "Black Knlg-ht" plua "A Bullel. 11 Watt- tng." Don't tnat your luck when driving. Play it aa.te and u ve a life or limb-maybe youra. Have fun! -TH.I PIRATE 28th St. at Newport Blvd. -Open 10 Lm. dally Tap Beer at the Flrftlcle - B ot Dos• -Rout 'em Younelf Now Open Every Day ID the Week TH I ARCH 1-s-- Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEN 10 A. M. THROUGH I A. M. • Newport Blvd. on Cout HJfb'4'ay NEWPORT REACR • (We are ('IOM'd -111uraday.) Balboa Island CHEF HENllY JONES DlnMr SelttestlOM Park Avenue Sl?_ecial MOlfDAT 'l'IDV aAtamAv otm.l.&D SWORDFISH STEAK c.,. ...... 8Atlft ~ ' CHICKEN cnl -SPA~l11'.t Cat•l•t• Dlliaan "Rende1vo"1 ol the Mariner•,.. Pants, Shirt Taken Burglary ot a tena nt'• room a t the Ocee.n Front Hotel wu report· ed to police Saturday by Mrs. Huel Schwager, manager. Shi' aald Verle and J unior Ty11on told· her~• pa1r of trouaeu and..§-check· lhe bYggest. "J<OMANCE of' the ~1 .. COCKTAILS Dinner 5-1 I p.m. Daily tClol!ed Tul!llday I • FRI. & SAT. • May 13 & 1'4 KERMIT RIGGS at the piano IN BALBOA STARTS FRIDAY Two Big Shows ......... 8LIPPl':ll .. IAMtw• llH .t IO:U "Pll~CE" 1:11 KJDe JUT. 8A'lr •rtl "%RE Ll'ITLP! OIA~T' .------., . \ EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART I I 1-PAGE l THURSDAY, MAY 12 , 1955 Elks SprinCJ Dance Slated on May 28 Ji,• M HI t he nni: 'dropJ't'(I from a pncJ<"t A prll !\O nn thl' Elks Lodt• I arkh1~ lut. It was \u.luoo i t &400. Nev.q><>rt Harbor Elka a nnulll uml·formal aprlni: d inner da.nn• will !?I' held In the group'11 buy- tront. bUlltling Sa.turday e.,·cmng. May .28. A ~lrak dinner "'Ill hf> ~"rveJ from 7 to 9 p.m with 1llU1C'tng l<• the m1o111k of Max Lawrt'n<'e Four· some t rqm 9 p.m. tfl l a.m. Ml'm- bert amt their gut11t11 llrP ln\'lled Ticket• may be obtained In ad· vance fl'OUI Lhe otfoeFI or at the office of the todr. NOW SHOWitf G "MAMBO" l'll.\'.-\:'110 MA~O.\SO MICH,-\t:L RE1'-XIE \T1'TORIO OAS!ilMA!ll SHELLI;·\' WISTl:R8 $400 Rin9 . Lost • Lolls or a diamond rlng Ip a gokl mounUng wu reported to po- lice Friday by ElwOOd F. Shell, 1710 Newport Btyd., Cotta Mc>sL -Plu,-.. "THEY RODI WEST' Al.AS LADD "THE JUACK KNIGHT' · in Technicolor • .ltan Simmon•. -RoF'y Calhoun "A 81'1.U:T IS WAITING .. .. Everyo'ne' s ~aYing A'bout AllnlUR "Madman" WALSH & Company ''Funnier' Than Ever" 2.0 SHOWS NIGHTLY DINING • . DANCING ~ !,,,,;, SUPPER v~~ CLUB IALIOA "our food is the best" RESER\'ATIO:SS: HARBOR UU SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 A. M. - 1 P. M. "• reaJ brHH11t -only, 80f' $Wt .. NOW SHOWING TwoFeattwes THE SCR~AM ,-...... . IN THE ·s ·cHOOLROOM !' She was a teacher who waa in- discreet enough to wear a tight skirt! What happened then could only happen i~ this big-city school where tough _teep-agen ran wild_! As a best-11('1fer and widely read magazine story ... it shocked America! As an M-G-M picture ... it'a terrific, timely entertainment. GLENN FORD. AHNE FRANCIS. LOUIS CALHERN Pt.n~ THJ8 SECOSD t"EATl'Rt': li'ROW li'TART8 f'llJ. Mid MAT. a t t :SO Adult• tl.tO JA. IOc f 'hJld,_ u~ • KIDA MAT. UT. 1 P. M. Abb<>tt and OoeteU. .. "aooml'T'" .. / .• { (}overnmenf Gxcepl PAGE•· PART 111 THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS A OANGEROU~ TAJIA BRUSH. COUNTRY "Goe> qront us the serenity to accept the thing~ we cannot change'; the courage .t.9 chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) _, n~· EDITORIALS JOURNAL llORACt~ PARKE& Trailer Park or Free Beach? Income or Greater Expense? How much of a.n obligation ia there to a amall com- munity t o provide re<:reational facilities for anyone who ma:,: choose to co~ antf'play! Thia U. a problem that th<' City Council of Newport Beach will have to decide. F.limination of simple calculation. and unllerstanding from plans of the Beach. Park and Recreation Commis· sion. 1;f Newport Beach iB evident. The comniiltlion baa proposed to the City. Council of Newport Beach that thP Mu:;icipal Tr ailer Park occupying Bay frontage in tile Nt>wport area be closecl as such and converted into ,. wonderful community of oura when the die was cast. We feel that the people of Newport Beach have ~n aaked to ante up additional money for the Beach, Park and Re<:reation purposes when those asking the money are aee.king to eliminate sources alr~ady at hand. These ]>\'Ople of the Beach, Park and Recreation Commission • are uking you ·and me to raise our taxes by the elimi· nation of the trailer park to make up those funds which bave gone into the general fund, and at the same time these people would have us spend great suma of money to create a ~ost item public r ecreational area in a por- tion of land that hu been a plu1 item generating money for the city trea.aury. To us-it doea not make good sense. We fail to see how it can make good sense until we·have ... ...&. ~ II j F.11. l\'otc--Thl11 C'Ohamn by llomC'tt P"fkr-r \\'Ill dNll wt• the 111t1 .. ·kno,,n hlato11i·1tl f 11l'ta he baa dN'tlcNI up 1af(b.I• ma.r rrtp" Into lhl' bM'k l'ount ry In l'N'f'nl J'"""'·) a pubLic pai·k. To us, th!s seems completely ridiculou•. • . made better use of all those public lands in Ol!r city 'that are presently unused. It is not good sense for any businessman to rent the bui.lding neJit door ta him mere- ly to keep it vacant because one day he might need it. Rather would that businessman b\lild soundly a firet floor so that he could add a second floor. The Beach, Park and Recreation Commiaaion ef Newport Beach ls constantly proposing to the city coun- cil and to the people cost items. They never have been able to aet up a propo11iLI of how their costs ahall be met, nor to figure the irimple fundamentals of value re-0 ceived. Thia ill so very evident in the proposal-which the • city council now has that the trailer park be abandoned u such and converted info a park. We find it absolutely nonsensical to propose that this small community of 20,000 inhabitant8 provide more than 15.000 feet of bay front recreational area for the public. Yea, that i1 true. There are 2 miles of open bay frontage on Balboa Island alone. There is 5QO feet of frontage between 9th and 10th St.s. on the Peninsula. ' There ia 500 feet of frontage between 18th and 19th Sts. on the Newport Beach area and there are 60 ft. lttrips at each street end all along the Newport and Balboa peninsula and around Lido Isle. But this is a small .portion. There too is the China Cove Beach on the Corona del Ma.r side of. the Bay. And in Corona del ·Mar there are 1800 feet of frontage in the Big Beach. ll'rue, thie ie called State Park:but it was provided at Jeaat one-halt by the people of the City of Newport Beach. This ia also true on the 500 feet of Little JiJeach in Corona del Mar and on the 1000 fee( of ocean frontage in,Newport Beach that ia now con- 1idettod State Park. In addition to all thia, the City of Newport Beach 4 provides 6 milea of ocean beach available to the public, to every person who cbooeea to come. · It ii true that we have not developed to ita fullest capacity all the beach, either bay or ocean, in our com· munity. It la true that we need for our own reaidenta many facilitiea. Among the most out.at.anding need if a dry land park.' We have many time• propoled at leut 10 acre11 around or adjacent to the reservoir atop the hill in Corona del Mar. Thia hu not been done. Why? Becau.se it would coet money: ' The Beach, Park and Recreation Committee a! the City of Newport Beach abdicate• its reaponsibility when- ever anyone talka about what ~omethin_g i11 going to coat. Thi• commiuion i1 demanding of the City of Newport Beach that it do away with the Murucipal Trailer _park, a facility that baa brought to our city many aubatantial citlzena, that provides high rental for little-uaed land, and th.at ·1. not only eelf-austaining but is a generator of aizeable funcbl to the city budget. Theee fundl from the Trailer Park go into the General Fund. They go into "the aame General Fund that tHe huge sum of rental from the Balboa Bay Club property goea into. Now, whether thia usage of this land u a trailer park is right or whether the uaage of .the Bay Club property aa a cloeed clnb area ia right, or whether the usage of bay frontage for the American Legion ia right, we will not argue nor do we feel it is a subject for discussio11 at this time. We ha\'e 15.000 feet of water frontage on the bay available for'p"1>1i c use. We have 6 miles of ocean beach of the City of Newport Beach open to J?Ublic use. The . City of Newport Beach has been an equal partner in providing 3300 feet of property on the state beaches for public use. we feel this ia being a good steward of all the gift.a which the Muter Architect desigDed Into thia Grass Roots Opinion ORANGE GROVE, T~. OBSERVER: ''The need and the deaire to aerve have alwaya been and al- way• ~ be a major motivating force of buaineaa. )Jeighbor competea with neighbor . . . ,,. but nearly al- way• to the end of giving the conaumer more and better product., superior service, higher value. 'ThU. is the American tradliton .. " P'ormtrly tht N41wport-S.lboa Nflwe-Tlmu and the Newport-Balboa PreS.1 intered u 8econd-cJw )i'ift;r at the Poet.office In Newport Buch. C&.llfomla un<ter the· Act ot M~h 3, 18'9. ~ l:ftr7 )I~ ud nunct.,. at ~ewport BNch, ci.att. ~ tlM NP'POBl' BARBOR P (;BLlSBING OOMP ANY Tt~f~ Il.Kt»or -1111 ~ .. hllillilll Lepl Nodttti ud Ad~rtl-.nta ff All Iliad• BJ o.er...et • 8aperter Cevt •f <>rue-. Oo. la Acdon So. A-•noi ,._._ C&Worala ~--~r hbl.IMen AMoctatlCMI ....... NaU . ..al FAltort.a Aeeoclatioll MeMMI of o....,. CoutJ Newa 8ervtoe BE~ REDDICK. PUBt.mHER WIU.UJC A. M081:8. l:dtt.« ORMOND JC. ROUN'T'UE . .A!fv•rtlains Dlnctor CHA..RLl:S A. ARMSTRONG, Mtchanlcat 8uperinttndtnt The trailer park in Newport Beach is a foundation. It has been fairly well buJlt. It could be greatly rill'proved. That plot of land could generate much more wealth for the city, for the whole city and every portion of this community. We feel that the aeach. Park and Recreation Com· • mission has been misguided by the selfish interests o( some of those living near the trailer park and havin~ apartments which are vacant because they nave not been•properly maintained or presented. or because they themselves are interested in the operation of adjacent competing facilities. auon ot perhaps S& mllllon, to · Ed. Note: Mr. Davidson'• re .. find anchorage. 10ns a. eet forth a.re all to the best AS IT WAS -The old TemeS<'al Tin Mine as it appeared.- in i891. Picture taken by C. C. Pierce. -Title Ins. and Trust Co. Photo. The City Council of Newport Beach should first consider where the money is coming from to ·replace the money th~y would eliminate, and then where the money is coming from to do that which these people of the Beach, Park and Recreation Commission desire to have done, and then where the tnonC¥ is coming from to go on with the further extension of public uses of public lands in this city for the enjoyment. recreation and ab~olute use of out-of-town residents. That, to our way o( thinking, iB a probJem for the County of Orange and it8 Harbor Commission, which says it is going to take over the waters of the Bay and that it ia going to build a water park for all the people. We, as the City of NeWport Beach, should wait and see the color of their money. Now In 1950 after 25 year• of operatJon ot the Newport Harbor Union High SChool. the uae&.Md valuation of th e Costa Meaa Dla- trlct 111 $19,968.290 and of the New- port Btach School Dl1t.-tct Is S:H ,722,!'il O. and the enrcilment or New port Beach childrtn In the high 11chool 1s approaching the 50 per cent ma.rk. Thull" It can be readily aeen that the lnequa.lltlea <1t are& taxea have actually been proportionately dlmlnl11~lng. Slnce the percentage ot u sesaed vlLlua- tlon from the Cost& Mesa area la now 31 per cent ot t otal In 195!'i as compared with 24 per cent of total In 1929. and the prospect &c· cording to actual 1urvt<y1 11 to· ward an lncreue In the Co11ta Mesa percentage. Thus morally It teems to me the people of Newport Beach have ltss reason tor "divorcement" now thari they did for contracting the marriage in 1929. Costa Mesa citt- zene might further argue that J.he yachta ln the harbor district which of our knowledge sound. arcurate and reuonable from hl1 point of view. However. Mr , Dsvldson does not comment upon the desires express- ed by the Costa Mesa civic leadera repeatedly lo dPtermlne l helr OWn policies and dt>stinlell. ParUcutar- ly hu tht city council 11hown It- t elt to be determined t.o dictate. direct, and control all thing• over which It can ructi. The only ones to be conctrnl'd about thh1 are the people o! .Co,.,la Mesa. The high 8chool district was first organized, ln addition tp the rea- 11011s set forth ~y Mr. Davlds1m. so th11L the twin communities With the exception of a brief ,period of exploration during the 1880's we have hit the highlights of the most famous mine in Riverside County, the Temescal Tin Mine. After 1892 the general public heard little or nothing about . the mine. an aura of mystery hung over it. The rumors began running up and down the bru11h 11943 anothl'r csreful llUl'Vt'Y n111de. country. Rwnora that the entire The only mineable ort• shllol (1>1111cl TemPscal Volley from Alberhill t o In lhl' dlstdcl wa.s In the Cujuh u Corona was underlaid with tin. vein •and exn •pt fnr it· frw p1ll111 s One rumor i;tatect that you could pick up a rock ru1ywhere In t he Temes<'a.l and 1t woulcl have tin In It anrl 1t you thrt'w It, It would ll has bl'en st1ipe1I l'lUI. The vcins In t he Teme:ical <llstrlct have b•«·n U1oroughly sAmple<I And their ore ~rad"" is accurately 'known. also hll tin ure. The "w111e onr!I" Average Rrl\de of vein mater111I would di~t ui<s the t1n mine In a .03 to .U5 1•er cmt wh1r h wo111tl "tipster's whl!lre1" an.J lhr11 wltt•n Yl<'ltl nh•111t mw pouncl n( tin poor you tried to p111 'them d11wn tlwy short l<•n. or•· rrom the C11jat." wo11lc! ~ve ynu thnt old "knowwg" Vl'tn aV<'tHi;t't'd 11hout 2 p<'r ('1'111 lt WIJlk anti :.m ile. ll w11sn't h•ng be-( lhe tin I ·~ In fl ne·gralne1! c11.s~i1- fore I f<)IL[ld out that 1111 the "l':'(· erite wht<'l1 Is en intlmtt.tely inter- perts" l talked with didn't know grown wltl'I tourmaltne that 1t can- a thtnl) ebout T1•n1<'S<'RI Tm. not b~ t>ffrcllvPly iieparatt<t. l'Vtn Concerning B.I. Foot Bridge ar• a 1ubatantJal porUon of the gave no ffrvlce, poor •Upervlalon. Newport Beach uae-d valuaUtlh a.nd whJc.b are lh• result ot .-ovem-and ~d transportation. around Newport Harbor could es· <'BP." from high t&.Xt'll superim- pOll<'d upon thP.m by Santa AnR city sc.hoola. \\'h1le Imposing the taxes. Santa Ana city schools RY.~EAR.CH FOLLOWED with hr&\"Y aolutlon11. l wrote Olar P. Je.nkln1. chief, illere a re 7'• levelit In Ule mine Olvtlllon ot .Mine. for California. with one 11h&ft being 73~ feet deep. A prompt rrply U11t~J a number of Th!!r<' arr 3,89t> ft>t't of tlrl(IJI, 1930 rtteren«f'I! J might co!l-'lult , one feet of cro&e cut.II and the vein wM I ', s. C<ioloRICA I Sur\'<'.V re-vartl"s from o,ne Inch to ~ feet, 10 le&l!e<.l tor "open rah?" f'ntrll<'rl "The •Inches In width. ment 1nve11tment should be taxed As Mr. Davld11<1n points out. .the In behalf of all tl1e children tn the ~We understand local movements for foot bridges across The Grand Canal, linking Balboa Island to Little Island, are in various atages of development. diatrtct as tl W&ll constituted at Newport Harbor Union High the time of the federal improvE'-School tn tta lncepl1011 ctrew ']'J ments. per c••nt of its money. for blul<J-Trlllel!C\:11 1'111 Dl11tnc1. Hrverstrle THESIS NO'f't:f) One island resident, who opposes a foot bridge northerly of the present vehicular and pedestrian cross- ing of Park Ave .. believes a foot bridge could. be insatll- ed without great expense immediately adjoining the p~nt bridge. ( 2 ) Separation ot the district Ing anti administration anrl only ia not at th.ls time legally pou1ble 25 p.,r c1•nt of ils students frvm under any existing law. 'f.he nl'ed Newport Beach. Costa Mesa be-or the high scho~ for ad1.hl1011a.J gah by paying-25 per rent of the classroom fadht1es 1s brcomm~ a.n emergen\'y. Any delay wnat!IO· cost and furn1shlQg 75 prr <'<'nl of County. C11hfornia.." by L, H. r age In tt11• ltl'•tl<Jgy des•a1tmenl nf arid T P Thayer done in 1945, • Po111011a College '"' 11. lTlll.llt"n1 llw· Li.~t wel.'k with thl' a.~s1,,~ance I s1s don" in Hl~•2 by F:a0rl H. f'11m- of l'hff H t~r:>y of Hlv••rstdc a nti peyan enllll<'lf "Cenl11gy of th,. jum•>r 11111ur11; i.:••tth•111st for the UI-Ct•J1llc«• An11 • ---." !Ir. \\'t""I' \'l~hlll I I :'tltn1'6 J <'Xa mmrd this runJ. h1•11d n( thP dl'('Rl lltt"lll, "1- "0J!t'll ftl•·" rn 1ilcir IA1s Anj?:•''''~ h1W•·•I Jrh' t11 ••x111111111• lht.• lh• SI" 0111,·1' l'hC"l' IJ1v~•1nn n r Mlrt('!> 11ntl h••re ai.;alfl 11r1• 111y n11t1•3 fro111 mrn nrl' )>retty ~age~·. thc•y nlfll<t', It: ever in our bulldlng program wlll the students. This makes s.ense. There are, at varying tin)es of the year, a great many persons young and old who could benefit from a foot bridge which has a ·ramp ap- proach at either end. This would care for the aged and infirm who must cross to and from the village shopping center by wheel chair and attendants. It likewiee would serve well and safely the mothers wheeling their infants in strolling-type carts. · result In ca ta:;\ rophe. The Fe will Today. hct·ordlng to Mr. na. vtd· be double sessions in 19:17·58, This 1a not posed •as a thrrat and Is son, ~ewport Beach only providl':> no :.tHl«rn••nls pr1• ••r t•lfl. lh•'Y just I 1,\' lh1· fat l!! hi:f•Jr1· )'"II a11d l<'l y••U .llrllw your 11wn rn111 lt1i.11m,. Tak1n~ R p11~r fn1111 r l11'lr honk hrn• nrc .nty r111Jgh not•·s 1111 Ulls rt•p•1rl F1 nitnr1A.l rt'lu·rns wt>rc v,ry poor In 1i._111 ur tit~ m••ney 1111'1-stP•I. An <'l'lJmah•d i t>:•,000 wurl h of l UI w1u1 rt•n1111···il nt t hi: rxpt'rtl'c· nr a l 1 .... ~t 111x lrrnl':o lhlil 1u n1111nt.,tFr11rn thf' w11l«1 11 re\'&l'w o ( the nwtt!rl11l I only due to the she"r physical 69 per cent of the m11ney a n1t lmpoll!lblllty of stretching present slightly !ells tha n one half or the racilitles Including army barracks lltUdPnts. any further. Additiona1'y, a ramp-type crossing would give no one reason to walk over the bridge's auto roadway. Pres- ently, foot traffic uses the street portion of the bridge casually and consistently. With the occasional hot rod- der dragging the street over the bridge, the danger ia obvious. Ctiniurler what double u11111ons mean, morning lll'llsto11 7 to 12 noon, afternoon sc!U!IOn 12 :40 to !'\:40 p.m. Bu11ses wtll be on the road from 6 a.m . lo 6:40 p.m. tor regular tr1p11. Danger of accident 111 Increased In early morning fog and dudng ~vening dark"°e1111. Stu· dents will have to get all clas11e11 tn five p,.1·lnds with no ch!lnce lo get broatl selection of subjects. Opportunities for parttdpatlon In achoo{ activities 11re prarttc11lly nil. If ll <illble &e~1on11 become n<'cea· sarv J predict trouble both In New- port R<'ar h and In Co11t11 MP.SB. Tl'Pn ai;tcrs h11ve a1om11· energy. W.hPn not f"hann<'ll'd Into worth· while activities ll mny he d1vl'rtNI We hope city officiala will consider advisability of installing a ramp-type footbridge parallel to the Park Ave. bridge and give greater safety and ,convenience to motoriets and pedeslrillJla. With the city budget being prepared, now i• the time to look into this. Into b&d ones. In tht' ·tlln1r run It couhl W<'IJ cost the comm11n1ty READERS WRITE more not lo provide H n .. w high 11<:h(l()l than to proVld<' one. t 3 l \Vlien and tr lt 1s e1!11c11t1on- M&y 10. 1960 Dfar Ben: I have read m01t carefully your editorial entitled "Now'1 Ttmt to Separat• Harbor School Dl•tr!cta" In which you mort or lea1 (Ive encourarement to tht votert ot our 11rta t.o do nothlnr now a bout Har- bor Hlfh'1 congeated enrolment be- cauee, you lrel that the Costa Meaa and Newport Beach echool dfltrtctl 1hould have -a ''dlvor~e­ mcnt" from each other eo far u their affiliations ln t h• N ewport Harbor Union Hlg-h School Dis· tr lcl I• concerned. I expressed ·my dt111trreement to you orally when you 1howed me copy ot this 'dltor- lal before lta publlcatlorvnd you klnctly ottered m f •J>&Ce wtlh Whlcth to arurwtr. My objection! to the proposal for dlvldtns the d1etncta now may be 1ummarlsed under_ thr~Hdlg,111. ( 1) The first IJ a moral objec- tion. 1n 1929 Newport Boch Ele- mentary Dl:ltrlct and the Costa Mua Elementary Dletrk t United to form the Newport Harbor Unton Hlrh School Dlatrlct. Con- <11t10N1 which. brought about llle marrla,re contract were u follows; Tht<re waa general dluatu1f&cllon ",th the educational program the 1tudenta• from the Harbor area wer41 rectlvlnr from the Santa Ana City School Ol11trict and the lran•- portatlon of Harbor AtUdfnlll to MHI rrom A11nt.a Ana Junior High 11nt1 H l r h l'rh""l ..-~ ~ ll:e'!'ertll a.lly 1leslrabll'. legally po11slble nnd unaatlafactory. Furtmirmore, the wanted by the clttte.ns of the com- Newport Beach area wu unhappy munity to separate t he d1sU'll't11, with the fact that lh •ummer a vote for our proposition on May population entirely dlaappeared In 20th wltl not have compltcatPl1 the winter tl!ne. It wu •t.ronrly Mylhlng. In ract a 1!iv1111on of felt that In order to have a year-school property anti ar .. umulated around residential area &l\d ruu1tl dollars woul(l be euu:r to eHel't ant pr01perlty ln Newport Beac~. unt!ef the proposed progTam th11n a high .school wa8 a 11eceaalty. without It. an1I tl't talnlv ('A n be Newport Beach wu glad to have done much ea..q\rr 11n\J1>r ·a pay-a~ l4• Co•t• Meu 111Chool population yo11-1ro plan than by means or to justify the eetabl!ahment of a bond11. The 11ay·M·)'OU·go plan high •chool. The new district' over-whlt'h Is b1•1ni: Wlf•»I up<m is rn· Whelm!Jlfly In both area. voted a HreJy fl,.Xlble &n<I i-nn b"" l"lmnge(l SUO,OQO bond luue with no con-Rny l?"'en Y"ar by a rlj11stmrnt or cern about the~act that aome 76 LhP itf h.0111 bu(ll?rL T h>l\'P 110 ob· P"rCf'nt .llf ( Aueued Valuation Jt'\'tton whRtS<ll'Vl'r t<• the chstrict.s 16,573,970\ n( the d!strlct'.11 tax dlvidin!( 111 ~ntnP <uturr tlm" when .1111pport would come out ·or 'the It m111hl he rr>1s1ble hu·t nuw •~ Newport Beach area an<! 24 per· not 1 h<• ttr11P and lhtll 18 not 11n,1 cent 1Asaessed V11lu&t1on 52,:163.-shn1tlol 1101 h,. sn l111111t tn thl~ 320l from the £o~t a Mt11& area. ~IN'l 1or1 wh1IP 7r> percent 'or lhl' chlldn-n I elrun~ly ui ge vntl'rl o( the woulrl tome from r.,~tl\ Mesa and H11rhnr d1atrlct to rnnttnut to only 2:> pt'rcenl from Newport show tht1r confldenr1• In lhtlr Beach. · sclfonl b<l 11, r1l " 1llajor\ty or wliic1i D\lrlng th!' put 25 yeara !.be &Ima Of 'both rll11tricta ln u tabl11h· hM l\lv. ays r om" fl'nm the :-<cw· pNt BP8Ch S\'hOOI U1st1 lt't. by RIV· Ing the high achool. have_ bttn in1t them lhe i upport necrs~ary In most S1Jccetie!ully acblevt!d. A high carry through the program they echool running economically with have ~tu.Jl1'!<1 and recommenct~d. so an outat&ndlng prorram bat bffn that the educatloMI · nePd.$ ot <1evelo1>41d and bu resulted !n hu.n-youth and th!'1'r prrpAr11t1on for clt\Zrnsh1p· m11v be i-ont1nou1ly dred1 of families locattnr 1>41t· 111.1ppllrrl · ' manentl•· In the N•wport Bea~h J ~ '" GIV4' 111 nr our r h1ldrrn • · yr1 area, thue in tum lllcreulnr Ule Yntt' on May 20t.h. tax b.ue. Alto the federt.l ronm- ment lmprov'd Nl'WJ>"rt Beach by Sincrrely y11111 s. making It poaalble for many SID:'o:EY H. DAVIDSON yaehtr. 'IFllh a total l!ll!"""-"-11_,_·•_h_1·_,._H_fl_._f<' ___ _ Mr. Davldllon ha.a publicly ~H•i · ed that the proposal for a eup1.•r t:.\JtL\' Jtt:('O\ t:ll\' w1111l<I r~t1rnate thAt "'"1ll'Wh1•1·e tax 111 only the l>eRlnmng. Wht>n U••l\'""'., 18!11 .~1:t 1h1'11 "' ,,. rl'· bl'\wN•n SI 11nrl s~i.non (Jun h""" the propoaed new Costa Mesa cnv<'r~rl 12~ .. 141'> tl'in~ nf tin Frum h•'"'' ~1·•·nt 1n lh" htllt< "' lhl' ('•" achool Ill built It will be time to 18(l:!·lll2i lh•' min•• \\'>l!I p11r11prr l J:!k<t 1 \\"hilt' :'>Ir. l'11111r• ~'an wa " fl\ll a nd ('J(l\tlllnnl A n111111l1'r Of •11•1111; htll ftl'lll "'"I k fqr hi!! llW~I~ buHd a third 11Chool~ probRbly in tlm"" Jn l!,27 lhl' Tem•·~rnl Tin h,. i;l:tt"" "llllrtfllt tht,. \\111 k 1hr lhe. Corona 11eL 1dai: area._ \\'Ill 8ynd ... R~<\ wa.a rt·uri:i\nti:l'd 11, lhr l writ••r WAS 11n11llft tr1 rr ncl anything Costa Mesa be will Ing to stay In Amt•ru••n T in v .. 1 f'. In lfl21! 1tntl in a fitin<I 11pl!i'ltlll''1 tl\81-rr•,.rtmll"•I the di11tr1ct. then a nd pay perhaps an even percentage ot the co)!t of that school after .they have 11 11n~rr thr chrrrtt'ln .,f c;"ftt'J;I' \V. thlR or """ oth."'r '"''"'1lpt•"n l•t Bry11nt 1h1111~o nll~ nf 'l'lllllr!i \\"'t" t'IL~,.1t,.t1t"" ~r••nt expl<>rlnj! nnll ~11mplln~ the ~1., ,.r111 tri.w·r~f'~ wr1 r 11111.i,. l•y Ori' 0:1 thl' pt ql\~rt ~ rt1111pt ~·ru1 w11 h A Jltll lu\1lf' ,;, I!' r new Institution for which ;oo.;ewpurt ·~ u ( ti t t 1 1 t J r r""' IC l'Xpt?rtt'flt I' ,, II' ('Ollllll'r, lit ' not illlJ;:" 1•1VI' t , .... w B"each wall have provided 11ppr11icl-Dotll(l' Constqt< tlr.n In,. 1tg1•nt f••r h!l• lti.:1•·11no1 11•m111t \\Iii! Hh.• .. r\"'<I. m11tely 70 prr cent of thr tunil.,7 th•• ~t 1•tal11 H<'1•N W r onip·rny In In 1!;12 "'""nth· l>t•IAr ('r1nslnrr· Mr o8vftla"n 11tales (11,.11, 1,. no l{l,l:l. ''h"n 11110 t .. n11 r,r 1°11• Wl'rl' 1wn ('1,111p11nv 1111ll"d 11011 1.1)!111 "' wey nllw, ll'l(Bll~-. 111 ~Pf\Rl'ntP thr mllll!d lhll'I uh1<J>(Vnt11111 ~P·' 1111111<',, or.: r111111 tha t 11JRl111 Rrl'li llwy 11··- l\\"O dl!itnrr~ If th~a 19 tru;-• thtt "'fh•·~r L•'~fq :ith'1\\1•·tl thut ~ ll.4'!"Uer-1 ,,.,-,•1••i'1 I•'"''-thKn oti• p•111nrl 1.f ''" • 1te r1111ld nnt i.,, 11<1wt>ntrn1r'I <rn111 1 nx1d•. p• r toot! ""'1h l"''""I"' • - tourmRltrw-IJ•,~nni:r r11rk 111 MY RI >-, tll•lh;r mos y '"''11··~· mea1111r"11 tn the path of """It a prncedure 11.n• nwasur"ij luhl)1e;I! lntn law by thP School D1strll'lll 'J'rui;li;-3 Aa11ociatlon and th" teachi>rs union. commonly 1·all1•d th,.. Callfornis Teachen1 A l<:mdR· lion, • pr .. 1111hl•· 411:mfltt•·ll hy • • mm,.r. 1111 lll~TOltlC',\I , :\f\''l'll grllvlty m••thnd~' I cluJbt 11 lh•·t•' '"' A' 11 .1n" 11r Entire p1111!111 111111 WR'< fr«m a .~ln~h· .-11~,.tl••ntP h•·tl~ 111 tlw i ·11 • I ar"I\ HI I 'Jd 1f1>r111A I h111 h,,,. li"•·n J"lt-" M 111r Wr•rkt'tl 11111 1111( the PP lilt ra.r1•f11t ly 'x plori"ll 111111 11111111°11«1 rlifr,.rrnt pct rn•l~. llur rn1m l l.l!ll 1:v,.r nearly 100 Y'""" 1u the T• 111- But, Mr. Devideon rlol'• know to J8fl2. 118 prr 1c1.t of ihP total l'Pl<'<ll T111 M1T1• 1111111' ('><Jiii.'" 11111~. thlll th11 dl11trlcts will '--11e"i1lr-ti 111r -•I t l•t" .. ,~. obtain• ti • "" P n r 1·-'' '"' ~~ J fr,.l ltk,. th•• ltlll" liny "how;,~ able next y<'ar. He only n<'Pd~ to anti thl' mn111 "r•' bn1ly m1n,.11 out. tnld ltt••f'(• Wlll! 11•1 Sltnl!I f'l1t1111 BIHi exlend hill 1111111<> AchetJ ul" nr fr~-LATt:R Rt:('(l\'f:H\' ures with thr' 10 per C'f'nl hnm~s • y1·t wh11 kn .. w11 111•r h:111~ •I•• f' In I he he used tor the propns11I ><rhu•I Bdw~•·n Oduh•r lhlO t11HI Frb-l~K"S <1f tn•• 1·11;1111 •H ill~ lhl't " Cllr>t i<nfilys1~ and hi~ f li;t111,.. w 1 1 .ua1y 1111J. 111x 1<4ua.11• 1ll tli'll I>< :rnul h<'r l111gr1 , nnil rli h••r l••le prl'l.Vi<le the plus $:!1t(lOQ,OO(l 1u•~··i1,.. aru11n1I t~· mine ""r" 1.111•f11lly thAh tll11t \\hi< h "t•~ 111ln••cl O\lt In ' ed valuation for <'0111a M .. 11u ; tl'le mnrkril u11t 11 1111 11<1.lllJ•lt"I. 1rncl ln l l"t11 !!:.! 1000-plu"' 11tu•lent11 (11r <:Al'h 1l1s- tirlrt, <1nrl I.ht> 20 nOO-pli111 popula· hon for eectl en~-. One ba.•11' (undamPntsl t(ll«Slli1n not 1111sw••red 1n 1 hr plun r .. r h1~h 11chnol sup•r lllX<'S nf :.:1 1 1•111 s per $100 •lf 111011e11srd \"nh1at1ori ts when• "-'Ill th" mon!'\' •nm" from to bull<1. PXptUH.I anti· r•int 1nue the dnelopmenl or th" el,.m,.nt11ry "chor.i., or hnth r 1t1•·11 "'•m rr1111n~ th,. ="""-'P"rl Hurtxir t:nion Htih Sr hnol D1:<l11rt ~ Would It not be better tor bl)th :'\'•wport Be.cl\ "nd C0111 11~ M•11a lo h1tvc union ~1·h1,ol •h~lr1<·t11 "'' that t•lt-m,.ntary 11rhoolr.. J•tnlnr high !tf hOOl11 fin<! 11Pntnr h igh achool• rould b<' provided with a C'Ompletl', lnt~itrRterl 1ty8tem CJ! edu<"Atlan for each city: F or Mr. Davidaon 11 • perll<•n11l sat11ta.clion, anct that of all n! tho"" v.·ho dt83 irree Wl1 h llS, WC 1\11'·~ bforn unRb"' to finrl one 11('h()l)I adm1111atrator In whom w.-h11vt cont1denct'. wtin &ifl"~• with thf' tl'nent tha t the 11rhnol <!111tr1ct lhould M rq>ll l. RF'.' ~l'"flnT<'K ' ~ SITE -The old TE>m~i;clll Tm Mtn(} a11 Bad and forlorn in the Cajalc~11J111 Parker Photo > -·- It l!)(Jk l111 lny, Mnl lf111·•r~ • '• I . "' • SPINNAKER PUSHES SYNOVE II . . 35 NEW PILOTS PASS BAL' POWER SQUADRON EXAMS NI... Women Get Certificates; Avalon Rendezvous, Counes .. Told B~· Mb. G. N . PEASE' B_.a.!boa Power Squadron's membership roster ha.a been incre&Bt'd by 35, as this number of men have passed the spring piloting course and become new members. Nine WO·' men became new certificate holders. This group represent:B j part of the 60 persons who took spring piloting examination at Newport Harbor Yacht Club April 25. Elmer La Lanne. chlllnnan or the c6urse, whtci1 Is glvtn r~ .. o! charge by the aqu11dr<•n tw!c., a year. ftJ oQw plRnning another courM to begin ln St>ptember. Ntw men and woml'n pilots wiU rece1\'e their cerUtlcates at the May 26 dinner dance to b" held by the squadron at the Newport Harbor ' Yacht Club. / AVALON CRC'ISl: l'LA!\l~ED F.xamln&liona In englne mechan· lcs, seamll.llabtp and advanced pl· JoU.ng. recently taken or soon l o be ta.ken. will wind up··t he lSpMng schedule Clf cnl1rst>!', l\.'I memb1•rll plM now for the annual rendez· voll\ at A1•alun. June rs and 19. and for thl'lr summPr ~ruti,ang events. , A,, ne~ _21umrner coUl'!!t' 111 ad· vruwed ptlollng ill bNng 111mounc- ed by Comma.1111.:r Cui tis Dosh a nd E<lu<·ati<maJ O!f1rer J arnes Ed· wards. This wilt hi.' the first llmP the i1quadron h1u1 ~;i1·Pn a second cours<' In ad1·anced piloting In one year 1md the r1rst time to give any '-wnmer cour~ This summer class w'lu 1>.,gin J wit· 8 a.l 7 :30 p. m. and will be held m the uld Harbor Department building in B&lbna. It wlll be unrter the ln- .al.f'U-Ouen ·et Wa~n '-'omerny -.,r 3017 Cl,ilY SL, Co~ta Mellll., and wtll conclutle Uec. 7. Ah\'ANC'ED co1·R~ES 'CLEMENTE FIRING AREAS REPORTED Mariners are warned San Clemente Island a reu are dan* i:;eroua to navigation this week 1u usual becaui.e of naval ~­ f1rJ! a.nd bombardment. Co111t Guard officials warn t he fol· lowing wil? be blasted at the day and hour noh•d: Oa.<!tle R ock. t oday and to· morrow from 8 a.m . to mid· ighl and daylight hours of Sat.urday a nd Sunday ; Pyra· mid Cove today frQm 8 a.m. to 10 p.m ctnd from ~ a.nt. to • p.m. tomorrow, tow others to prepar" Cor the navi· gator courseri. Ad1~n<'eil pllnt, 11re 111 i:r.-11t Jemunct 1\1' ob:<ervrrs tn pa NJ1C'tf1l lr1g ra1·C$, and all dead r t>«koning nav1i:ator:s 1n a ll klnd.!I . 1 of race!! and crutsmit evl'nt~. r..1· I h1•v tra1 n 1n drtait obout a ll kinds (If 0he1HingJ1 except ,,,...i, ~• 111 • .rnd I about ttdt> arrt C'Urrent prbblem•. ·1 .. LIKF:s BOATS -Capt. Mike Shannon is 'back in nis home' port. N('wport. Harbor, from where he .has skip- pered many yachts in days past. On. the beach at present he likes to wander around the docks and look over ttie many trim craft he finds there. -Staff Photo WANDERING SAILOR .. , othu placu wllh McCormk'lt lllTJ hi .. ftMflt'llllU Sf'\'Mal tlmf' t t\ry ",.nl 10 Aluka. t<>0, and ot all th<' .-n11:<111i; "lllf',r.t C"11pt. Sh~· n011 . h11.• .n11v11:,8lt•.t. th.-l11ihlt' l'llHlil(t' frOlll g,.11l!lf' t,) l'kl\gWI')' ht' t tl\JlllS II!> !ht• tlflt':<\. 'Tht>11• ~"'" h r.1'f'' 1<001t'lhlhg. , Qu1o1 Wllll'r~. 1111•unt1t1n tnu·k· t"N•un•l8, 1111menM1 (,1N'10l11. wonJ.-r· Cul f1,,hlll.K. .:111\'I"' "· "'11terf11ll11 Jl~ht 111 the w1•\••r11 e·l~f. thtrt I• noth1ni; ltk1• 11 In thC' \\'nr1<1." l&Ol 'SJ;ROATS TOO ll"lnally l~1wmg lht> l:olcrn Capt Sh1utn1'n ('QmmttnJC'd !hr mott>r· Miler H 111l)' 11nJ thl'n tht> f'\ulphln a.nd lhl'n U1t \'l\J(fll.llt. anot.hrr nwt"rs111ll'r l\nd ..o on. l>'mally m· to ll)I' C1<nl:lbcan In a hou~eooat for a numbt•r 11f y.-1u·ii. d1>1l~lng th" kl')'J! 11nd t he trc-1u·h .. rou11 ~•t~ • l 11•11 J)t'\>PI•· hc1.1c th~t are ptan- nm.: 11n 11111i1ng In thn~e w11tt'r~ tn l(l'l thems.itv"" a nalil'l' pilot. Hr <'In steer by the C'C'lor of lhe WI,. ter wl1tn the <'112\l'l ts lmlrftnll•' Sometime. It louk11 hke \ht'rf' I~ plenty or watrr tor mllu 11hr1t1! a nd 1l will n1>l la m ore than a''"" C'.lt'rp. Anfl &ilchC1r a t night, alway• An<'hl'r 11t nt11:ht." •·on!\n:u l'ILOT Capt. ~henn11n Ill not 11C1tn1 a.rt \' ftyrni: nu11. "X•"'Pl to travel. H" J> 1111v.i tfw R .. y11 I Fl)1nl( Corpe 111 \\'orld \\'ar I t\n•I N111tlmi.•1! t o1 f1J:hl for the B ratt:<h un1 it the l int· l•••I S!llt•'S W•'nl 1nt11 tho n mfllrt whl'll It" tr11n:srrr1't•d lo hl11 o"-n rt11i:. Aflt'r !hi' wa1 he .tourc•I thr 1·011n lry llp1•Rk111g for th!' luslng ('!\ll~I' or t ryln1:· lv h i\\'!' thlll ('(11111· try b11d\J 11r A st ronl(' 11 Ir f11rc1• Thl'n h !' w .. nt bAck II' ht• f1n1l lOVt'. tht' "''" ~··w ho> Ill back 1n N~ort ·R ra1 h .. lonkani; fnr "a tAijf1<htp " Ht' knnw,. whl're to find the "1tar to 1<1Hl ht•r by·• Sporting one of the Newport-Ensenada race fleet'a most distinctive spinnakers, Al R<?gers' Synove Il of the Newport }farbor Yacht Club crossed the line ·io. ·Ensenada Harbor to collect second in Class "D" Ocean Racitig. -Beckner Photo • • ,~ L T hill course Is a prerequisite for junior navigator and navigator coursea and the reason for giving th'P aummer course la to allow the new pltnts to go on with their nau- Ucal education at once, Md to al· Mike Shannon· Returns From World Adventu~s The new member g roup mdade:< :si>veral Sea Scouts and th!'tr lt>ad· ers, all of whom have taken pilot-I Ing with the ~tatement lh!ll Utey fey! It ht'lpa them In llµ:>r. Sea Scout work. New boat.a addl'd to lhr fleet roster are Clement Adams' Celerity. Fred Christen· ~r:i·• Ca pri. Raymond <.:orn'a ll·lr Do, George Fleury's Zodiac, Paul F011ter'a Cha nn. John Fry'• -::Jo- Wa.nla.n. Richard Holder'• Da-De· Bo. Donuld KJ mball'a Tahoma. Philip Maurer's Ktttlweke. H&rold Maybee'll Mahala. Clarence Men-deM.aU'a ChtquJt.a, "n d James By BF.RT RRfST:SJ\LL Coleen J\loore. f or a Wt'ddln g pre· fJ'ohn) Pott:o' Charm. Renvv1ck I must go dnl''n to the sea ags tn. aenl. Out ot hne she salted wHh NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 1-PAGE 5 THURSOA Y, MAY 12, 1955 • TIDE Date Ttme IDtb Friday ..... ..... ~ ...... May 13 3:36 p. m. Saturdav J ;l2 a.m. 'May j , • ;ll p.m. Sunday 2:47 a.. m. May 15 4:42 p. m. Monday 4 '13 a . m. Ma y 16 5 ·13 p.m. Tuesday !'1:2!'1 a.m. May'l7 • !'1;44 p.m. V\'edn,es<lay fi. 211 a .m. May 18 11.J!l p.m. Thursday 7.:!2 n . n1. :\lny 19 6.~8 p, m. DAYLIGHT -~ @ , FIRST f'CiLL QUARTER MOO.S M11y :ZS J 1me b TA 8 LE flt. 3.4 3.8 3.7 3.6 4.1 36 4 6 37 !'12 3.8 Time l..ow 8:04 a. m. 7 :!'17 p. m. • 8:159 a. m. 9 44 p. m. 9:50 a.m. 10:1'>3 p. m. 10:35 a. m. 11 :44 p. m. 11: 18 "'"m. 12:31 a. m. Ht. 0.'4 2.9 0-3 2.!5 0.7 l .8 0.8 l .1 o~ 0.3 5.1> 11 />9 a.'~ J.('I 311 1 17 11..m. -06 6.3 12 39p.m. ll SA\'l:'\G TI.ME (f • LAST NE\l' QUARTER l\IOON :\lay J4 May 21 POWER SQUADRON NAMES NEW MEMBERS FROM SPRING CLASS New m1•111b,•111 vf th,• BBlboa P .. 1w r Sq11:111ton -who have passed the sp11111: Jii!Ollng rour!l<' nre C lement K. 1\d11m~. :>:t'W· _por~ Bl'aC'h: Fn•d_ H. <;~rl~ten.;"!_!1. ~ll!)?'~r; Ra~mon. H. ~<2!,!1. __ Newport Bt'llrh; Ch11rlrs F.. J)11vi11 l'lfljlf CMh1111 Da1,ll, C1orontt: John Dub11., Ci;ista Mesa. r.i>or,Re Erickson, Lido Isle; :-iorman Essig, l.aJ!una Beach; Geori:P Fleury. Lido Jsle: P aul Foi1ter, Cot1l.a Ml'sa : .John F . F n•. Rlvet~ld••: Richard Garrett. Anaht>lm . Lincoln Grindle. Co;-onn del Mar: 'William Hilt. H wiung-ton l~&ch . H1ch1ml Hnld•'r. B11tbo11 Jilland: Clyde Horn. Lillo Jsle. C'..arroll Hudson, :-Je11·port B••ach: Henry J om's. CoislR MPsa: Frederick Kellog~. LOnJr BNtd1: Don11ld K imball, Ba) kerl:!field: J ohn Klnirstey, I.iclo Isle: Philip :>.!a11rrr. Hidboa Island: Ha.rold Maytwe. San Bernardino: Llnyd McCulley, L1clo Jsle ; Clarence ~endenh111l. La!runa Hl'll<'h. James 0 . Pott.JI, Full<>rton. George Ra.baa, Balboa; Robert R• n. I 'Muna <lei Mar. R obert Scho.enleber. Lagiina. Be11ch: Renw1rk Sc->lt. R11·er· •ide; Albert St. Clair, B&tboa llllMd; :>:orman Stock~. La HI' bra; Virgil Thompson, Arllni;ton: Edw in \\'rii;hl. Vlsl.Jl: Rnbfrt Jayred. Balboa and Cutler Dippelt. Balboa lsl~nd. :'\e~: woml'n's certtriC'11to hnlrtPrs 11rP, MiuJms. C K Acl11m~. • R. H. Com. John Duba., Ca rroll Hudi<on. Frl'tlef1fk K11ll11i;i;r. Ha.rolfl Rnban. a ncl the M IMt'• Cl11r11 F:1·11ns nil J1111rt Gr<'•'h, Marines Slate Ope sr -House lay Sc>uthern Cl\Jlforn\,1 l•ll:tf'll.!I ere ln1·1tC'rl to 1•0111e nh,,Rrr! C'11mp P r n· dt'llon S1t11ntay. May 21. whc.n "\)pl"n Hou~•·" 1~ hr ld 1n !'b~f'f''· 'an1't' of Aimed Forrrs Dlly. "Power fnr l'rttre." ll1l'111<' <'( tht' 1!•571 Am 1Pd F<>rt'rt< n11y C'<'ll"bra· t 1r>11. w111 be demontral<'d through· MA Rl:St; n •u oa.sTERI:SO no AT con : as ll \I.RO.\. C'.\'.\°''AS !'HOI' "•rbor :aT Nl~"ba;"~•l!·c ... out lhe da. when M>lrines or the 1111 l\f11rlnP D1\'1s!on. Foret! Tro"pM a nd l\larme C\1rps Ua..,e < .. •mbin!? I LQ. aho.v.· huw ~·Armed !-~recs 1 as tl'l\llllnK J>"l ~11n111 I 1:. build a. p.;111:e-tune f1,::ht1n~ !one. \'our A u t Ii o r i z e d T H A L C 0 FHlt'rglus Dealer in t he Har_bor aru. Bring your nber· gluH prohlf'mtt t-0 U8. Pacific Fiberglass 264U-l\'~ Cou.t Ha-,._ J'h. I.I 8-'!t~? MARINE CARBURETORS Rr pni,.,.. -Salf'14 -Part .. zt:~m• ,. ~TROMRERG GEO. J. MEACHEM '?4!49 \\'. C'oa."t tll~hwa~ Ul1t>rt~· ~-1343 MAI T Al PUSHES TO FINISH fi'irst NOSA entry to fmtsh. and' 111xth ocrO!l.'I thr hn,. on elap~•l time \\'ai. J ohn Griffith's big y11wl Mal Tai fiymg· burgee of .:-;ew· r"rt Harhor Y:1.f'ht C!uh. -Ul!<'kner Photo Beecher in Rorida I Al t hP enJ 11f the lino in KC'y I V\'e:1t, F'la., ts Charles BePchrr. Pl"· n<'•'r hoalmA n nf the M11 1 tn• r < :\ftl!'. Deerher Is tnurln~ lhe snuth itnrl Allnntlc Cvast to ~tudy boal10, boatini;r and m(lrtn:is. Harold I. John son l'ro1W.llar ftep11.lr11 C'olumblan and FPdt•ml AJ;l'DC~' Pbon" Harh<lr 620 2111 l \'Illa \\'1'~" ~<'wporl ~at-h J,o·k Ms r o KE ' s Mesci Auto Wreckers , .• !'I'd Autn J'arl11 ft'nd-Af~<l()r~ 207;; PIM'<'Dtla A \'I'. LJ!J('rty ll· 7013 C •.-ta ;\I•·,.. RtolD ,.Q..a.MW. ,. SOUTH COAST 00. 2Srd &: ~el\'J>Ort Dhd. TRAILERITES for ('001. Prll'l\t'\' C'lo11e Your 8llntl1' -Open Your "LAWSON SKYLIGKT. ~ ?r"!::.::.",:;,., ;.~~ ____ .OJ!tlom_Made for Flnr TrallPn1. f'nhan&A or u,,nJ,.~. \\'rlf" J . I... I'. O. l\o 'I if!<&, Balhna GLUtD LAMIN AT[D ME.MBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPAN, AFFORDING GQEAT STQE'f1f'GTH A.T LO'W'E.R LU--~-_.. C OST. COMPLETE ~UILOJ NG UTILITV DELIVERED TO Joe SITE FQOM ~!~PER.SO.FT. OR COMD\..ETELY ERECTED, INCLUDING' ~L"~' FROM $I !! P£R. 50. FT. FOR . C°"'HERCl .... L, • .. FA.RM OR IH~TRW. U$C. AIWWHCflC IN .50. c.ALIF'. - Scott's J o-Wanian ll1ld Norman Th" lnoely 81'11 and the llky; the happy_wrddlng party for All•· Stocks' A-La-Carte. trait& &nd l he South Patlft('. l'fl".MBERSIUP GROWS • And llll l a sk Ill ll tat! ah1p-RATF.~ Al.ASK.\ T6PS N&llonal ftgurea n<>W'l!how there And so J ohn Murlleld dP!!C'rlbed Thre;• times a round lhe world are l81 UnJted Stale3 Power the status or Mlkt• S h11nnnn. skip· j Capt. Shannon took the Coleen and Squ&dr<>ru!, 20 c!i:rtrlcli! &.nd 24,503 per i>xtr1,111rdlnary ent1 on~ time many Umea Into the Mt!<lh.-rane11n member11. That number .or mem· "Darl'de1·1t" or the a ir wbt'n he I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil be111 will be increll.llt>d w1U1 the shot llown ~8 planl>1f 11nd pirkt>t1 up 1 I grach.16tell ot aprtng ctaSJ1e11, just 1~ medal• including five wounfl aa Balboa Power Squadron'• mem· str1pt>t1. bershlp now la nearly 300 with the Fnr Capt. Shannon le "home acldtUon ot the 36 new men. again" aa he uya after putting Balboa. aquadron will 1upervtae In the put few year• In Caribbean and provide m.tructor• for a new waters. Southern California, and pUoUoc CO\ll'ite to be elven ln San parttculatly Ntwport Bea.ch, I• Bema.rdlno In September. So many home to'Capt. Shannon. for It wu members of the course given here around .Ae1e that the 189 foot Co- he.ve been coming from San 84'r· lrrn &lwa.y11 ca.mr back when her nardlno. Rlver!!lde, Arlington, Po-world trui.fs Wt•re rtmshel1, Caflt. mona, Redlands and nearby C'llft's, Shannon 11k1ppered the Colt-en f or that It i.. felt there will be enough 16 year!!, In that u ea to m11ke up a separate The Colren brlnJlgt'd t o J ohn Mc· cour!K'. Commander Dosh ot Blll· 'cormlck nf m ovmi; pfctur~ fame. boll. l!quadron hM bet>n asked by H r ltnd the yacht built In Ger· CalJ.1.ornlll dl11trtC't officers to many am! 1fa1·" riu to his brtde. provide the organtzatfon for this course. MO!lt or the meml>i'NI from lhnt area keep lht'ir bna\5 In New- port H arbor a.nd 11pt>nd much lime he~. ' Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROl CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 DAVE SPIES. 2510 W. Coast Highway .. 117 Pounds of Music and Fun for OranCJ8 County • IS on 1ac1 .... _, __ ,..,_ KWIZ 1480 Oft the dial . . ' High style at low cost HILLMAN .. C•lltornlan" ~ ...... .-rlor fith1ngf Sman, CIOMpact, nght· weight, fita right In lfl9 trunk of y0ur car. JoJnpodced with big· motor features ••• lf900fh ••• and QUIET! Come on In Oftd ... ft'9 $VJ tocfoy. Then, /ef'1 go. fiihing t Buy now, UM ovr time pa y• HARDTOP "' ·u Ill'-,,_ ...._.. ..., -IMH.....,_ ... ..., .,_. ...-. '" ... "' .. .., .. Harvey Ma~·er Moton \! 131 Harbor Blvd. C'.011t.a J\lpq .lairuar-Triumph Ouri>ll f·Hlllmrrn * nient pion. · South Coast Co • 23rd & Ne wport Blvd. J11/J1111111 Su·HorH Outboard Motofl * * -* COME _IO JJIE _!_ ' A N D L 0 A N -PARTY _., * Friday, May 13, 1955 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM * * * ~ Win a $25.00 Insured Saving• A,:count ~ There'll be frH refr.shment11 coff M, cake, cookie' a nd punch. ~-Gift balloon1 for the kids. ~ "Goo-Goo the Clown" .will b.e..there, too. * A eeO C I ATI ON 11n .. POIT •YD. • COSTA M~ WIJ. Lllerty l-Mt1 ' I I I ' I I , .. ' ' Untversalist Fellowship .. ,. ll Well with Thtt ~" w\1.1 ~ ..... mon topic •l the Unlnraallat ~ "0W1munlty Fellowahlp. There la aJao a chlldri'n'1 Nrmonette near openln1 of the Mrvic. a.ft4r which tbe chlldren are d11m1-d to en· Joy wp.rvtatd recreation. The Fellowehlp meet1 at the Eb.II Club HOUM, llU W. Balboa Blvd .. Baltic. for Sunday IChool at JO:ao end momlnc wor1hlp at n a .m. The Sunday echool adul\ .,-oup will djecuH Mohamedenl1m u It. la pre11ented for atudy tn Ll.f• M•IJulne. Th• Rev. FredericlJ Rinse la mlnl1t,er Directory of HARBOR AREA ·CHURCHES Mt. Mlclrewa rr.b~riaa Ourda Jllth $t. 6: St. Andrew• Rd., aero" from H l&h School Liberty 8·3773 PHtor: Rev. J&mu S. Stewart Commualty Metb9dlat UO W. 19th St .. Co1ta Mu a Llberty 8-•~2 Rev. Jouph W . McShane TM Cln1ttla of Clartel 1060 Church St., Coeta Mu& Liberty 8·5711 Tom Beker Jr .. Mlnjater ciuw Olauttla B1 The See Community Methodl1t •&Jbo& Blvd. at 14th. Newport Harbor t>229 Mml1ter: Rev. Roy Carl.on St. 'Modilm ChllrCll 1"4 Oranae Au .• Co1ta Mu• Liberty 8·1091 rather Thomu J , Nevin • Jl'\nt BapUal C1'urc-h of ~t"''Port Balboa Blv·d. 19th 6: Court SU .. Ni>wport HarbOr 3563 Liberty 8·3072 Putor: Herbert G. John10n Newport ~t111eL Claurcb l&Ol Cliff Dr .. Newport Helchu Liberty 8-31131 IUv. Robert Gronlund ~ ... ,Of Ood tJnd SL• Eldi'n Ave., C09ta Meaa Ubtrty 8-3761 Reverend M. C. Cronic. Putor 8"e11tla-day Aclveatl•l Newpor t Blvd. at Bolaa 8L, Newport Helghll lllder RJchard St rn• , Liberty 8-1~32 · Clallrdl pf u.e' !'laaattM 188~ A11&helm, Co1ta Mua Putor: Rev. Clive William• Liberty 8-7181 t'lnt Ut""* of Clutat. SdenUlt 3303 Vla Lido. Newport Beach Harbor 2428 l 'atnnal.l•t (;ommunlty t'elloWllhl p E~ll Clubhou11e, ~1 ~ !:Ji.Ibo• Blvd Mlnllt tr: Rev. F. W. Ring• ~ Fin' 8ouUlua BapU•' Chlllcla ~o W. Hamilton, Co1ta Mua Llberly 8·2413 Putor: Dr. Richard H. P o11 Corona del MAr Uvmnnanlt)' (;burcll Congregational .. 6\l Heliotrope Ave. HarbOr 6237 Pattor : Rev. Edwin C. Gomkt • l"lnt Bapt1at Church Santa Ana Ave. al Magnolia Coal a Z,1 ua Rtv. P G. !'rnmann Churt•h of Our Lady of ML Cannd HU w. Balboa Blvd .. Newt><>rl Haibof 02H - Falhfr Stl'phtn K iiey. Putor Fathtr George Pamu1u1 AMt. P11tor Clartll l,uthtran C'hurch of Coit.a ~C'M 'Ml1'10Url Synod I o•t• MPSA Putor : Rev. Lothar T ornow St. 'Mnn Epl11eo119I 3208 Via Lid(•. 1'ewpo1 l lll'it<'h HarbM 1230 Curet• Rev. Ralph Po~e i:ti. .lohn \ l&nn") 31~ Marine.' B11lboa l1land Harbor 0214 Father Slcph•n Kllry, Putor rather Gi'Orge f'llrnU!UI Aul Putor C.Ot.ral 1Jlbtt1 l'hurrh Oranre Avt . 1t 23rd St Coeta Mu•. Liberty 8·~03 A. A. Kadfn, Ptuitor B&Jboa •• ,~ C'om111untt1 MtthodJal 11& Apt• A Vf., Belboa hland )(lnl1ter: Rev. Donald Sapp a....eai or RoeU(to119 8de11ee "Science of Mind" L&a"un• Boch Art Gallery J 07 CUff Drtve-HYatt t ·728t Jl••· Jr11 TUrlc, Mlnl1ttr <llludll of ,.._ Olri•' ot La*Wr oa,. Sai•ta rrtday Aftemoon Club HouM eNt& MeM Uberty 1·3768 BUhop: PtteT ~bout P'IU'T OHl!RCH OF CIOU8T .80lt::llo"TJ8T ... ¥11 l 14-, Ntw ... rt 1 .. ca A ~ -' ,... ........ Clivrc•. n..• Jlrot a..tt• 9f Clwht, k l•tttltl, I• hit•• ....... 'C-.......... •. ............. - --,1, ..... ....., S.."4ct -• II· .. 1 "' w--.. ..... "" ...... 1... • ... " "' IM41"' ... .., i.cott4 .t Ull Vie l'•• ... .,,.,. ._., It ·-..... ,.,, ,, .... , ••• "' .. , .... "' ............. !" 1 •• ~ , .......... ,. , .... ,. .... , .... 7 .. . C•e .. 4 H•l1•1t• fie .. -He •' c••41ieH\ lu •ed •• ....... ... ~c,_lt ,..,.,,.. ••• "" .... • ,. -.q -· ST. ANDREW'S CONGREG.~_TJON coqJbined a ~ep· tion for the new assistant pastor and hi&. wife with the ninth •anniveraar.y dlnJ1er o( the church on Monday night. Above are Mrs. Hudson and the Rev. Ewing Hud- son, aasistant pastor: the Rev. James S. Stewart, putor, and Mrs. Stewart. -Gt:ne Roaa ~hoto Southern Baptist ·Plans N eW Chapel PAGE 6 ·PART J JI -NEWPORT HARBOR ~EWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 CONFERENCE CAMP TALK • • & PICTURES ANNOUNCED "U t'1 Go to Camp" will b<' lhe thfl'llt> of an llluslra.l.t'd talk to be given at the Fan1lly :\Jj:ht ~upper of tht' Balboa 111- l•nd Community Method18l Church on \\'i>dneis•tay, M ay 18. The Rt»-V. James DIDkl'I, m1n1bt•·1 uf the Richland A\'e. Method111l ChurC'h, Sa.nl& A na , wlll 8how rolut rrl i<lltJts of the camping program of the Southern C1tliC11rnut·A 11zona Conft'r · fnce of lhe Methodist Churt'h. M1, 1J1nkel 111 1Dl1m11tl!'ly. ac· quaintrd with the surnnwr C'ITTllp~. H e IS (knuwn In th111 areA for hi" out11ta.nd1Dg work with youth in his own l'hut <'h The program, which will bei.:1n al 1 30, will bl' fH t'ceded by • potluck auppl'r •l 6:30 Both th" suprer and the pn>g1 am are .open lo the public-. BRINGS HEALING .True Being Is Immortal Sunday Lesson Declares Plans are unJf'rway tor itround talned their molherl wlUI a te• at breakmg tOT' thi' nl'w t'ltapel a t the t'hurch. On Friday lhey ... tltild the First Southern Baptist Church, a 8 p.m. ballquet tor all the Olrta' C11sta Me:iil. This t'h•~I la tn have Auxlllar1t1 In the Southern Sap· a '11e1llm1t ('3paclly Of ~. 0hurch tlat Churche1 of Orange County at offices, a fellowship Jlall and edu· the 8r111tol St. Church. Santa Ana . cauonal spaLe will be 1nt'ludtd In lht< :<truclure. I , A softball ltam for thl' mi'n WI S Cost M orira.ntzed recently. •nd th1• group I a esa haa e. game with ffifn of th,. First 1 • ~aptist Church, -Wt'stmln11ter, on First Baptist !'iaturday. The i:aml' be,cina et 7 301 pm in S1s11lt>r Park, \\'rstminsltr. At t he J 1 o'clock aervice t he Th~ J unior and Inttrmed1ate Rev P. G. Nwma.nn will 1t4ve 11 G1rl!i Au111hant!'I are obsfrtms-I hia theriifl for the aeeond In the Focu.o,l Week, Moy 8· 11 This series on "The Model Prayer," group was given sptc111I recoirn1 -"~d Ua Not Into Temptation." n on 1H the momlng aervlt'e la11t Sunday. ·ruesday night they t>nter· Sunday 1chool ll a l 9 :45 •· m. Island Youth Ask Donation~ For Indians w ith cluau for all age •. A l 11:30 p. m, the Trelnlnc Union group•. open to all per10na, wtll meet. Also at 11:3~ p. m. the putor'a In· slrucllon Clu1 will meeL Youth group• of the church. Un· der the dlrec_t.!9'\ of Bill Acton. wll\ have charge of tht 7:30 p. m service. Member& of the Methodlal Youth The nureery le open durln1 all Fl'llow«hlp or 8 alb<1a 181an<I will be worahtp .ervleH. On Monday, May condut'l1ni: a door to tluur rtt'a for 16th anrl continuing to and 1n- resen:nt1un lntJtans on tht' P1unlPd eluding Friday at 8" p.m., Sermon1 Desert. f1 on1 Srlence will be demonstrat· The ch1lJ1<•n, whu will ,c1rry i'd In 11Clentlf1c wonder• by Dr. prop ... r 1drnlltlu1t1on, will uk for George Speaki' ><taple foo<l!'I, t'lothmg or cul\, thP Thflle demon1tratJon1. 11ya Dr l11t lt'r to be u:oer1 to p11rchs1<e mtrll· Speake, a re findings of aclentl1t11 1•1nes. over the yur11 ind will demon· I The g1 011p 11 coopt1atlng with 1tralf that m any lhing1 whtt'h are The thought tltat tht hithl of i,h1tll n11l w11lk In rlarknei-11, bul Uar.itl f'1tvt>y o r Simt.• Ana. whl• looked upon by some u Biblical the knowledge of G1>1l.' taught by ~n .. 11 hnvt' thl' light of life . . Ht' I will t ruck the surplu.•1 to duf'rl myth.II (Rn be 11upported by act•n· Chrlat Jf'&1l!!, -!!plrHua lly unrter· thllt Ill l)f Gnt1 tip..rrth Go<l'!I n11smm11 for J1$tnb11llon Anyonf 1 •trtc fact11: and tha t the na tural •tood and put into prart1cr-brlng11 \vo1 rt~" • h11 \'lng rlonatlnhft may-r1tll Harbor law a of the unlverlf 1mbatantlate htaltnl{ and dominion Into human "Mortal11 111 t' the rounterf,.11~ 11173-J a·nr l'\'Pntn11. lhe •Plritua l law• of God. exper1e_nr e, is dt'velopf<I In the Io! 1mmu1 tel11,: wrllet! Me.ry Baker I -- lmmorlAls .. rt ad In all <"httr('hrs "SctrncP 1tnd Hf'lllh with Key to ven tis ts i' 11 Hear 1.A!s!IOn·Sermon on "Mm tals anfl F:Jdy In a t'Orrrlatl\'f p11•1111ge from Ad • w of Christ, Scientis t, Sunday. the Scnpl11H'1'," A11;1lln she ,..~·~. The Golclen Text 111 from I Cor· "The 1<J>1rllusl men'1 con!r:IOu:"'· llllh1ans t 1:'1 :481: "A1' 111 lhP t'llrlhy, nl'1'11 l\nd lndlv11tuallty llfe ref!~ ... the '·vo1· ce of Youth" &llch are t hey al:"'O that are t ll rthy: I tic1n11 of Gnd. Th•'Y Ar.I' th<' t'manll· and &io 1s the heavenly. euC'h llf<' tl••ns nf H im who 111 L.1fe, Truth tht'y 111,.o that a1 e ht>avcnly." anrl Lovl' Jmmort11l man IA n1>l In J ohn'11 Gospel 18 !2.4it and nt\/Pr wu m11tp1·1111. bt1t 1<1· Tht:' Vo1H'\' of Youth radio br<iad· 1 h1y movement. conducti'd by l.ay t'R!ll ~pe8kt'r, Ori Ht'1 r11•k. will workers. OU1er features of the ~p1·111< th•" !'<Jlturilay. ~f .. ~· 14. at broadcut are a lll·vOlci' male cho· tht> 11 "" lor k ~t>rVll'" n( th" NPw· ua and the Challenrer Quarlette. Jrsul! dt'cl11re11, "I am lhe ltirhl nf w11y8 11plr1tu11I 11nd rtern&l " t pp. thr world: hP thllt followi'th me 0 6, 3361. port·~fe8a l'il'Vl'nth·dK,\' Atlvrn1111t The ·toplc of di t t h C'hurrh scu11 on o r t e . Church at Study. Sa turday w11' be l !<1ni: tht tenth chRpttr of R<>· "Stgn11 of the End Multi I .. ba d vt'latton 11.11 hi!' t .. xl Mr Herritk on ~ew T•l!hm• t phy 1 lief . II k ,. ~ • "" ~n prop l'C ti o "'' :>.Jlea un thr. topic '\'hi' t .rPat Chr1i1t·11 return. Dl!IHf'r"'ntmf'nt T he l'r•·Hkt>r will --------------rr··,.1·11t t Ile r11·nn11t thin • th" fro~,, Ill nu! l'rlllll~h lo 1111\'f' Bn\'• N. B. Bap' tist Chu_ rch ""'' rh" int .. 1 c""~1on nf Chrl"\ ;n J •lllt'd v. ith 1111 11111111 .. 1 11r•.ur" 10 n.An 11 h .. h111( in th" •anrt u111 v I ht' nlltl<on 111 oln nh•Prvant I' or >tOo\'ll ll> •IS e!<l!f'nl1al lO lht' rllln Of Youth Runi.111) OJn•l 1111 """<! t111• ~·•""'""n 8 11 w&1' th,. <leslh "" th,. '1\nlP lhPlllt' 'Th" rt""" :O:tnr ~ ' uu,.~ Uy lhs death lie b••1111n that Y ou11g Episcopalians Aid Nevada Mission Cht1rches \\ h1>n tlw Younj.? Prnple's i-~rl· \ow~h1p touk O\'~r th" mnrnlni;t wm Khlp :01·1 vice a l St JH 111r5 F:r1s· crtp11I <.:hurrh la~l S11n1lay. lht'~ Visiting Nurse Group ·Qare T he 1 ••i.:11111 1 meeting ot thr V1s1l· 1ng :-:111-. ~ Aio~tx'IBllnn of Ornni:<' 1 ·ounty w1111 ht•lol ftn Mnn•tny. MRY II. Ill thr L'11mm11nlly l°l'lll"I Bullrt· 't11m <"htl•I•. 111••1•l0·nt of the wr.rk which afll'f Hl1 rP~t>ni>rllon, lrn·111 ,. r· ~-, '"'"' The Reno He 1111<'rn1l<'•l to rompl•·tt' tn htll· !'-tul \ "" 11 ,. "rl mun, Thi• ~tu1 v \'rn 1 ~ 1• o ' 1•1111~. m11t1r on Renn •·hurC'h•."s · The Voll'<> ctf Youll\ bro11dt a10l. f.,r e11I with ri11t-o•f-11tate yo11n,i.: h"'"'I Jn 1h1~ Arfll at Ii :rn s rn. f"'"PI•· who fl<•t k tu the :>:<'\/Ada Sun.ta). 6!10 nn lht> 1 al!lo (11111 or On .Monday. May 16. 7 pm .. th!' Men's Brotherhood of F irst Bap- ll11t Churr h of l'ewport Bu.ch "'''II mtl'l for a pol lut'k dinner at the Jamu Edgar homf. Thi' \.\'om,.n·a Sodety m«'l Mon- 11Ry Of this wlt'k 1l the home of Mrs. W, S. H11M11ker, with 1 pro· g rsm nr rolortd 11hdtio. 111Ar111h:t'·enol·•h\'n1c1• ,.,,nter Rl 10 .30 11 m Sunday at 1370 S · t '"ll"l'lltin.. In RJI Ep1:4ropal Ol'lf{lnated fO\lr itnd I 0 h1Jf year~ c1ence Program on of the Air d11m1110,.fM1h1>n11t1,,nfur1h11l'"'r· agn in ~dinglon 11t t h•· firm of,Church 1·11 " \\ 111 ~n tu lhl' F:p1~rnp8l m1,.. whwh H1>rnc\\ Is m1rnAi;:er. ll •~ a ' •11>n tl1!!tr'1rt nf :--.. v11cl11, \\'hlrh "~t'nt>•th God's S ht'llerlng Wing" ..1 .. <.t1 !\I'll h1wc th<' ftn&ni:tsl rv· 111 the subJl'l'l of a Ch rll1llan Sclf'n· ~'"" Alfr""" L'"nu·l,.on. n111·s1n,i.: ,.,,11rres n••r,.M•Rt y tn 1.11.-e. fl'lr tht' Loy· alty Sunday·-· l ('e pro!{r11m to b' Jl"lven on eo1'upi- •hr,.r t11r 1 .. ported nn lhl'" •'C>npt>rll· ~tillnit'll'r!I wtlhln 1111 •'Rl"'I. The hlll 0 ll Church of the .Air over KNX 1ni: 1n Sants An11. tll'ln b<"lW••en the \',:'\'A 1111d "lh•'I " IF M h nn Sunday. Mlly 1:1, at 7:30 a.m . ftl;('n<'ll'l• In thl' county In ~r··u11ng mHn<'y \\'Ill prov1rle en U!!l~l&nl or et odists Colonel R1•bert Elll• Kl'y, Editor t hi' h<''l rnsstblt' ~t'r\"IC'e fHr 1111 p11~1or f"r T11n1\y Ch11rrh 111. Reno I of the Chrt11llRn St't!'nci' rehglou.11 patient!' <'llr!'rl fnr by thf" Alll!n('11l· Anrl 11ld ror St. ~tephPnll. t•nivtr·\ "A 1...1~-' In T1u11t ' w11f f)" lilt' P""'"ltl'll-, will b~ lbe 1pP&.ku . llC>n . " <>ern1•1n J&llhdl 111 t'l111•I ('hl"rh In llltrn t th .... b Cl >llY nf ~('\'&118. It w11l pro\•11k for J •· .. "' ' ' ' '' e 11 .... rf"Bll y o • Til" \"l~1 t111g Xur~s A11~0('111lion t BY lh·· f;-R •f'nmm11n1t•· ~irthn<l• """' l<,.y lhE' progr11m \&'111 fetlUTI' m ade H 3 v1s1U! IRtl month ll t!'I r o11n11f"lhn1< 11rrv1rt. r11yt'h1atnc •~1 1 Th• p,,.,. R•J\' ,1: r11rl•un. ,,ni;1ni: by lhP famou~ opt'r&tlc thi' work of tht&! nur!l<'S to p!O\'ldt' hrlp ll.Jld ll'b1ary m11letlal on fllm• Will Jlrt1frh Ill fl ~0 a n•t \1 11 m t"nor F1f'•l"ll'k Jlg"I. 1tnt1 by 1 proff'Mton1I nursinjl cait nn an tly ltfe and 11lhPd topll'l!. I Tht> SAnt'lll.try L'ho>1r w ill io1ni.: thr ;.pee tdl quArlt't. The program Y.111 hourly b1s11 tn the patient 11 own 0 4 snthl'm ''Ho E\•P1 ,.,.,.,. Th111 nni:in11lt from Bo11tC1n. M••· ltiE"r mfllnberl! t11kinj.t p11rt were T.. t h • · home and undi'r the direction of .. tr!! f'l . st th• ~,.rnn1I ~rr\'11" the pallf nl'.9 OV\c'TI phv11d an Th•~ Pivirl A llen. ~lit' Fllzgt'rfl lrl Th!' ('ni~arln Ynuth <.'ll,.iT'Will "nit Onr hsrkward 1tfp. one relln· care l'nlblu mtlny 'rrtt1t'ally 111 1 J tani'lle Marst1r, Virsrinia FuJ1:il , at t~I' ••&i ly ~"n'l<I' qu111hmt nt of right tn an evil hour, P.<"OPlt' to be cared for at homl J o11n \\'11ggoner Oit'k Bt>rrymRn Thi" "'11 b• ub~t'l\'i'rl 11• l.fJHI· nnt (8.tlhll'M (¥ry1ng. ha.a t o rn th• who would otherw1ae havt lo bf' ~uMn C-hllds &nr1 D111nl' J\farAAc ty Sundlly." act'ordinit Co ~tr (;arl· laurel from many a brow and re· ho11pltahze,1. Jt •IN> enablt~ p11t· I ""f\'~"! u u~hrr11 and Clt'n Hub· '!'ln A campaign to rr•t'h &II mf'm· J>OIM' from many a heart.-Ma.ry lents to ri'tum home from lhl' hoi · ' bt>rll of lht• t'hllr<'h JOt1rt11 undeo r Baker Eddy pltal P•rller; It gre&lly btnefll~ bani wu Rcnlyt~ I r~a1rmaMhl~ of H11rolc1 Arthur. -:;;;;;;======:;;=:;;=;;;;;;;;. m oth..,-11 and nt'w born infant:&. \ it11ta11on lPAm~ w ill t>o<g1n r ail· t G•rt fo Lo d m~ on church IRm1l1l'll to 1n!orm PARKES RIDLEY Thi• COUJlty-wtde llt'l"Virl' •• Ob· ' r U, ens thl!m nf wnrk Of thP rlPntrm1na1ton -. {&Jnabte by-t.klpbomng the Vta1l· Thr L.nrro !Audi na l&P 11 E lSth IU\ w!'ll 11~ rr.,irriun nf th" lor&I MORTUARl' Ing N11r11e A111ocl&llon offlc• 11t -• • • • h11n h 'In lit" m11nn•·r·"4\I' ho> f . I GR t • L 1104 Weill Eighth St In Sa.n lR I St • ~ ,,, .. a ~1··~8 RI I' 1'1l!llnj: lhl'-t --"h ~ pe orm r 1 A E (.'HAJ'EL I 11 rt>ac our c·nC1r.-m1>f11brnili1p" 110 8 ___ .. Alla, or tsy ukt"' tht doctor to I birth ot 11 d11uirhtl'f. May 6 111 Ho1tg I 1n 1 hM irnp<irlllnt rii.m,..111110 .. .-.-way ,-Coet.a MM9 telephone and re~utlt 11 nuru. HnllJ'll\111: ! r~;:t&;:t;:e;:ll;:,;:M;:r~. ;:C~a;:r;:ls=o=n===r=:;;;;;;;;:;~;L;;;llM';;rt;y;;;8-;3;t;S;l;;M;;cl;;8-;;H;S4;;~ BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA •C HAPEi. 1741 Supe1111r A' rnue Cost• ~lr.114.1, C'111tf T'l111nr Lllit 1 ly !\ 21:: I CHAPEi. l:J \' THE SEA 3:120 E COR~t Bh·l <: .. run11 <11'1 ~llH, l·a1 I I'll Ml I' !1111 !>01 4 !? CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCJENCE Ernest Holmf'8, foun.Jn. a uthor of "Science of Mind " Sl'XVA \' SERVICES 11 Lm. Juntor Churth and Nurwry Care 11 Lm. R"'. l rl• Turk, )f1ola~r L.\lrl ;\.\Bl.AC It \llT 1,\J.1..ERV H\'att t--128' I01 Cliff Dr. • _ ... STAIRWAY TO GOD Since th• tif&\nnlna of dmc .. m&n bu recocn1nd the nffd for divine wonh1p. He hat~ eou1ht 11t1irway to Goel. • F~nearly two thouund yun tb• Chriatian reli1ion h .. pointed min 10 auch a · 1t1irway. And thro11ch the centuries million• hllYc climbed it. • But mil· honl hue ndt l And tht reaeon they havt not i• the most Mriout pro&lem th1t f1ce1 the Church.and the world today: • Vou see. the onlr•t11rway to Cod l• FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. HIS SON. And Faith i1 not aomtthinc which men un poaae11 colltetlvcly. u all Am.crican1 J>ONC .. frffdom. Pl.ith 11 aomtthinc wi' can only pouc11 indlvidu•11T like life h'Nlf. Tht man who lacu it ia dead. even thouch million• 1round him pouna 1t. • The feith of your wife, or your father. or your aon. or your,n1tion ii noc-for you-a stairway to Ood. Chriat hH civen you the Chur~h to plant and culti· v1te faith in your hurt. But the Church muat have yo11r hurt -in pen.on! This Church Feature Spons~ by These Local Business Firms ROSAN INC. &acraft Dh·tslon & Fortlp Moton Vincent's Rexall DrvCJ Stores Th1·ee locallon1 to Sen•i' You Newport Beach, Balboa. Corona dJ'I Mar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon · Hair Styllnr for t he Indl\'ldual ' 408 S2nd (on the PO St .. ) Harbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT 01 Slst St. Harbor 406 BLUE SAILS STA r10NERS Greeting Cards. Book a, A rt11t Suprhu S06 Ma1n St., BalboL Harbor 678 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of Dl11t1rct1on" 215 Marine An., Balboa Island Harbor 0107 1 General Sheet Metal Works Sheet Mt'tal -Holing -\'t'ntll1tlng 105 SOth Strt'f!t,, Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS 1 FCj>r All Orculon1 S40S E. Cout Hwy., CDM. Harbor 5071 -KO._PPEfl KmLE Ba.lboa l•land Mann & 5"'ith Shell Service Your Corona t1el M11'r L1ealer1 2801 & S600 E. Coast Hll(hwa~· Harbor 5S68 • ........ & ........ Harbor 2110 NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry C1eanm1 -Laundry -P rui11n1 106 Tusttn MARGARn'S CAFE Specialise In Sea 'Food1 t614 Newport Blvd • OrdeT1 to Go Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HAR~OR IANK SEASIDE MALT SHOP %100 w. Ooeaa ..,...,. tu N~wport ~h R. WASEMILLER "The Wor k1nrman'1 Store WM W. Balboa Bh·d., Harbor &SU ART'S ·CAFE . "Where all Food 11 Cooked In Butttt" S036 W. Coa.4t H"·y. Liberty 8-9062 BA YSHORE RICHFIELD l'·r1>e Pick up 6 Deltvery 11th & Co&Ht Hwy. Liberty 8-9145 Boyer's Balboa Llnoteum Co. Linoleum -T ile -Carpel -F ormica 2301 W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor 5S89 HAL COLLIER & SON · SIGNAL SER. STATION Fret! P lrk up 6 11•1, -WhHI Balance 5301 Sewport Bh·d. Harbor 6MO GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rug1 a.nd Carpet.I, 12? Agate An.. Balboa bland Harbor S2~ HOUSE AND GARDEN Complete Home F uml11flnp Ur11Jlerle11 -R uga S01'7 \\'. Coa..t Hwy. U~rty 8·5518 MAC'S CAFI i-·~-on right toward Hunttn(t.On Bu.c.h 6204 Coast HW)'. Harbor 22.51-& MARINE IEAUTY SHOP Pent<>nallv-11 8 en·lt'• tn Ha!r 8 tylln1 S27 M&rine A\·~.. Balboa laLua4 Harbor 1'51 ' N~WPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Home F umiahlnp 2620 \\'. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-WI MARKET SPOT 200 Marine A ''e., Harbor 1000 Reinert's Nfwport Dept: 5for9 ' "Your l''amlly 8lore 81nce l9t•'" Oca.a t •l'CMlt at 22nd. Harbor 181 ~_High_ Quali~ Prinfin -Ph. Har. 1616 .. .. j FIRST COMMUNION was admini8tered to ~hese child· ren by the Rev. Stepnen A. Kiley at the ,8 a.m. Mass on Mother's Day in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. Left to right (front row) are'Claire Williams'. Barbara Sabo, piana Gervis, Evelyn Sorenson, Linda Cua.umano, Janet Bobbett, and Hillary Hutson; aecond row, Richard White, Frank Marshall, Billy RoU.1Ch, Ro- bert Sorenson, Dwitin Elford, Bria.ft Fi8her; rear !'OW, are Fr. Kiley and two altar boys. -Ph oto by Colleen Master Point Bridge Friday e a up ca e Club 'A111 hold a M-,ter f olnt aama at 4H Eut Ocean Front on Jl'rl· I . THUflSDA Y, MAY 12, 1955 · NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111·PA$E7 HARBOR LUTHERANS BEGIN . . $65,000 PLEDG:E CAMPAIGN Loyalty Dinner to Open Building Expansion Driv~ will '9 pl'OwYld at t.be LutllM'M 1 droppad to 90 by 1une ot 1.., CJ\UJ'dl IOI all UIGM req1.1•Un1 It. wll~n Mr. Gronlund. ordal;ed the Ba.uel t.a&Jrmu ror Ula d1M•r week prevlout. ~<'JI"• the eacoftd i. Mn. WUKam Carnett wttb Mra .. putor. Olann Walk• .. arraqe~enta NEW M t:M&F.R8 chUnnuL Under hl~ le.aderahlp, ld adult• A ~M,000 campaign for fund.a for a "1!Jioua educ&· o.urvAM TDJO baum• mtmb#ra or Nt wporl Har- tion unit . d debt retirement WU begun by Newport Harbor Dtnaw Uleme a.nd &llo e&n•ua, bor Luthersn Churl'h In the pu t Ulamt W111 bt "'nl&nk Ood For , 12 month•. Jn ach11tlon a clllJl• ot ll Lutheran Chun:h Sunday, Putor Robert B. Gronlund &n• Tb• Qlureh," Sith Anll.lver~ I tean-&«er• ·will be con.,!lrmtd June nounced today. motto of Ula American LuU\er~n 12 alttr two year• of tn1tr11cllM. · . be C'b'll'Ch, wtUl Whlc!I the local con-I and adult rt .. • or 111 11 takln1 Uui The proposed building for whic h fund. a.r. Inc JTecaUen u atnllated. The phrua ten·ftek Jnqulr•n cour111 u 1d ad· ra.laed will houae claurooma !or the Sunday School. .Batur-a.· dou~ IM&ll1rllful u 11163 11 ' dttlona.1 new m•mb•n ,..,II be r11- day School and Vacation Bible church otflce. There wW be no aJ.o the tenth ahnrversary of th• <'l'lvl'd on J 11nc 111. the llf'•'onJ an• •~hool -· wall u provtde m~tlng N'twpert H~t.a dn&rch. nlvernrr r1f l'l'~tor Cttinluml'1 -' .. H charge for lh• dinner nor · &117 room for adult or1anJ1&Uona and mollcit.aU on of funda. NWMr)' care Becwl ln Novem~r of \1'5 by minist ry hrr,. ~ Ola ftnr. Harbert RoU\, the &>ft(Te• Conalderable pmper1y and fl· adult lnatructlon cl&MH. p Uoa ~ property on Clllf nanclal 11111 11 .. ,... ala<> bet>n Culver Heaton of Puadena. who F1"nal Workshop Drift. erac:ted two buJld~• and a chte\'l'd In l ht' \WO r ears 1pa.n. tor the put thn a y..,.. bu won IT9W to onr 100 confirmed mem· with the Jl"f'llrnt bulldln1t drive top a ward tn th• naUon tor pron\t..1116 a n~w era for th• ten· church dMlrn. hu been enracad Su' nday N1· ght bu• by March. 1952 when r u tor year old rongrtf&Uon. and ... u the architect for the atructure. . R.otA accepted a call lo Pltllbur(. preaalnr ronrrrtl'ly the member•' Two of th-thrff awatda were Ha'tina no putor. mftnberahlp thank.a to~O<! f or the church. tor Lutheran church•. Th• third a.ad t1nal prorram of the "Family Workahop h n.t'' at A8K PLEDOEe Cbrlat Chutch By Ula S• lJl N-· Walter P . Halbert of the We.Ila Orranlaatlon. world'• I a· r r e 1 t church tund·ra.ller1, 11 dkecttnr the canvua which wtll .allcit l&-0 week pledru for the new unit trom church memben and UMrs. Ona yaar pledr• for th• church budr et of .115,000 wUJ be raqueat- ad tn addlUon lo the axpe.Mlon and debt ratl"menl roai of H5,· 000. P'aatura of the campe.lrn will be a Loyalty dlnner for all memben and J.r1end1 ·of Ula church, Wed- aeeday, May 11, a t l :ac> p. m. To bl held at the Social Hall of the Coat& M•a Community MethodUt Church, lha dinner wt.II be t.he larf H t IA lha hlatory ot the con· port Beach wUI be ti.Id from I to 8 :1~ p.m. on Sunday. Two •PIC· laJ dlAK:uMlon rroupa are ·offend a t I o'clock. Dr. Barnard J. Otlftr wUI lead parent.a ud lntereatad &dullll In the d1acUMion of "Par-~nal DtrtlculUea In Karri•('• and Family Llta." Dr. Donald Bndr- man of Cout Collere w1U lead Ola youth.,n a di.acu11lon on "OelllnJ Along With Our Parenti." 'A. tellowahlp pert~ at T p.m. provtd .. a bAalt batw11n Ula cU• CUMlon hour and the prorram ln th'-. aanctuary. Th• dc*nr ~ STIAl w1 U be a penal di..cu..son conalattnr ot Dr. Oliver, Dr. Bndf'- man, Mu . Cal\Otn I Ullwell M d Richard McDonald. TM penal wUl I ht.II of the ~ op. HURRY TV Gncl Home Appliance . SHOPPERS! tn.n'l' ...... la OOHPll>llNCS ... SAVEi BUY for LEU day evening \\1th play 1tarttng It ~------------------------.. 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Robert Ro111 arrd All Aluminum '19" I "• ................. 1156 ftoor ..... &ja111 rt & _. ...S Wco.._ .... AU. "11..LY QU.a.a.unml:D ' Mrs. Henry Eggert were aul· CHAISE LOVXGE ... -... ··-··--··--.. ·· Rea. •tt.~ gt~=~ ....... ·. 19.91 COUNTY·s LA RC EST CONVENTlON SET-Discussing plane for the forthcoming annual conveution of Christian Churches to be held in Orange from July 20 to 24 are, kfl to right/Dr. Geor~e N. Ree,·es, president of Chapman College, where the con· \'<'ntion will be held; R. W. BlaCkburn. president of the con\'ention, and Gi!rtit Stuur- mans. secretary-manager of the Orange Chamber of Commerce. CRristian· Churches Conference .. Slated at· Chapman -College The l11ri:r•l ('On\'cntlon l'\'er 11tlll:•'•I In Orange' County will be h1>l I 1n Or11onge ft om July :20 to 21. \.1•111> \\'htlt'. preitldrnl of lhl' 01 • An1:" l'hnmb• r of C.:ommcn·e Rn· nr11111rrd l!nl11\' Thl' 67th Annual ( ·,,n\'rnt1on 11( Christian Chur<'hes wtll (lrrn nt thHl tlmt' Rt Chapman ('"11•'1:•' in Or11n,1:r AIH1 ph\JtM url' b1 lllJC 111•.tr II• W<'knme 7:,oo dl'I<'· i:nt•' 111 lhr rtl)', Whll<" "xplatned l·'lnn• \11>rr 1 omplrtril al n r•'- rrol n .. ·rttnl( ('Ir R \\'. ~l.1rkb11rn. p.i.::iJ1knl 1 ( the Chn~tlan l'on\'<'n· t11•n, l •r Crf'll 1,r ;>; Ren·r11. P'""'" d1•nl 1•f ChApman C11llrJ:P. 11.nd Ger· rtt Stuurman11. ~erretary-m11 n11Jt'er I hl'ld In the coUege' audltor1um and or the Oranl(e Chi1111 bt>r ot Com-the larger l l:'Hlons on Saturd11y mPrC'P. • 11nc1 sanciay evening• wlll be l'.}eld Blarkburn, prominent la)(. leader I In U10 ath<'lellc atarltum on the In the Chrli<t111n Church and past colle1it11 campu1. Dr . .Rt't'VU point- pre~ldrnt (1f the Californl& Farm ed out that the $:'10,000 remodelln( BureAu FrdPratlnn, exp~a1neJ lh8l prhgram ruriently under way on arrsni:ements ere ht•tni; m&df' tn the nu•lltorlum 111 being 11peeded Arcnmmodale ov1•r 2000 drlPJ:llll'" up 11nil til tit lni: JCfvf'n pr1ortty In In holrll'. mutrls and pr4,\'Ale l hl' mot r t h:in $2~111.000 1 rconstrur· honieio not only tn Ornni:<'. bu! in t wn proirrnm for the l'ntlre college. n"arb): romm11mt 1r~ i.urh as ~Ant11 Thill m11rks the first:" time the Ana. Annhr1m. F ulf<ort••n. GartJrn con\0ent1on has ~l'n held In Or· Gro,·c, l'n!la ~lrlll\ on1I :>:~wport" ani:r Courrt y an1l del"g&tes from B11lboa area. 1 C'hrl11li11n Churrlies In :-\ewport ~P~lltons durini: thr wrl'k wlll bt Jlarbor anrl vicinity will. atttnd. west winner• In Fttday evenlng'11 game while north-south high scor- er• were Andy Taylor and Fred Morrison. I Runners-up ea&L-• wut were M'rs. A. G. Doesburg and Gertrude Cox ; M rs. E. J . Muraet and Mra. Ed Mur11et Jr.: ALP. am.I Mra. Don Wallacl'. Runnera-up north-aouth were Mra. L. H. Wa11hbrook and A. D. Wetherby; Mr!!. Peggy Johnson and Mn1. Ednll MacMutera; Mra. Ja<'k C'1r'tor and Stan Hualc17. Mn . Tbomaa QIU and Mn. C. ll. lrvln were eu t-w .. t wtnllan Mon· day ·aft.m oon, wbll• hJP llCOl'en north·mouth were P ercy cr&wlay and Mllrahall Ket.chum. Runnare- up eut-we1t wen Jllr1. Mildred LyU1 and Mra. E . J. MurMt; Mn . Pa.tune Sayre and Mn. Fred Job.Mon: Mn. Ruth Hooker a.nd Frank Forel. Runner .. up north· aouth were Mn. Carl Po1"11 and Eldon Bond: Mra. B. B. Morna and Mn. E. J . Wlcltman; Mrs Henry Eggert and Mn. Carl Ben.Ion. Salvage Week F br Castoffs S&lv&Uon Army R*1 8hltM trucka are maldn r collactlona thU week In the annual Newport lka dl Sa.lvage Week campalr n, whlcb contlnuea throurh Saturday. C~teff a rtlclu which the truck& pick up will be reconditioned In workahopa of the Salvation Anny Social Service Center that N rve• thl1 area. ThJ1 provid11 a llOC1al rehabllltallon prognm for needy and handicapped men. Br1gadler WllJla.m J . Parklna urged local realdtnts who have not yet contrlbute<l to telephone Ll· berly 8-11!1!1 for a Red Shield truck. ~ ~D i scuss Wom en As Mini ster s· l 1n l!H6. Thts was tlefeat,.d by thr -------------------------- prl'•byteiies. lh·· \'<tit' hl'ing IOO 'SERMO.NS FROM SCIENCE' for. 12 11i:111nl!t anJ r ight rt<'Om· llll'lllhni.: "" llr'lnn SERIES AT COST A MESA A prt•poi-111 that tlw c>·n•lllut1nn or lh·· l'll'•h)l••liHn <'hunh In t ltr l' ~ A he 111111 n1!t-d '\o p••rm1t "'"'"'"n to b••r1:m., ''' t1111n1•d m ini· Coast Credit \Vomen Hear Roland \Vright The \r1•d1l \\'1.mPn· .. nr.·Rkr1u l 1Ltr 1 ll or lhl' go~prl will be pre~enl · (.'lull ,.1 Olllnl!" 1 uttf>l h• l•I lta "'I to tl.P Gen .. r111 A11..•,.mhly of month!\' hrp.1kf.1~! 111rrt111i; a t the rhuri h wh .. n II nw1•t11 In Los J ltn·9 1n c .. r .. nR <1 .. 1 :-.111r H •l11nt1 A n;irll'll M11y lll·Z:1 I \\'r'h:ht. · mnrlllg• r 11! x .. wpnrt Jr t hi' lllf'll$11ft' 111 11pprO\'t>•I, It Ul'I\• h Bt 1111• h II.ink • .C A 111• 111 r•. wtll b1· lt1rw111 l•'.t t .. 11,.. ~;,6 ptl'~ ~·as g110°>'I J<l'• ,,k,·r "n · tn.-talh11 • nt b\ l• ti"' (1•1 nrttun. Jr n nlllJllrllY l.o'n,1tn11 " ~ .. ,., 1.ol t.11• •1•. 11•p1 1'· r ;lurn " tll\'••rehtc \'<llP. !hr 111111 nrl· ~f'nttni; lnuil bu~.nc,.., ''' • .•. \1rt1• mf'nl will bi> t11C'Orporat~1I In th., prelk'nt lo !:Par th1,. t11IK C'1,n11tltut1<'n, foll<'w!ni: fn.u tmrnt Alto At th• t1111•in""' "''JO•lt•n by next yt11r'• AJ19•'mbly. plan" .,.,., r• ~11111.-.1 t •• 11 .. 11 1< hnm The IP.It time a prol'oaal to nr-j Jlnner tor m~n.l>rr~ •n•I i:ut•U 11t d lltn v.o.,m•n IU f'JllfOri w11>11 rnt ro-r tllf' l\1 •m f' f'f ~1~ ~11'1Wtll"'1 B!'rry duc<'d wu at lht GIJll'l 111 A11~111b~ IAl.r tn tht' ~wnlb I RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO J.OB TOO t.ARGE Oft.TOO SMALL t11 lllll 8t.. ~"'-port e..itlt Ha.r1M>r tlS3 . . Armed with over 2000 tbs. of 1peclallzed laboratory equipment, Dr. Gt'<>rge Spe&kJ. former :"B\'y flyt>r with per- manrnt r&nk u Co~mandtr. t.:.S.K R .. \1.111 present a '1erte1 of "Sermon• From Science" nl'xl week at Flrat Baptist Church. Co&ta MeH. &(Inning Monday at 8 pm . the lecturu continue nightly up to and Including Friday. Thi' public i.. lnvltr1t. Dr. llpeake, who rrC'eived hi• B. S. ctcgreee from the Uni· ,.,.nlly or Penn•yl\11n1a, hria won awards for his 1clenUflc 11• h1e\'l'mrnl~. de•1i.:n1·<1 Md bu.lit aome of t.he equipment which h•• will 1111e. Ho npp.•are J 110m• yurs ag,.. at :-=e"'porl Ht;rbor H111h School with th1•M demonstrations. which are 1pon110red by the M~y Jnatltuta of S.¢.ence, Wut Loa Angele•. HO U SEHOLD \VARDROBE CRISIS ! CRISIS ? . Perhaps we have t~e answer Bec•us• we c:le everything h.ere casa pura ''Sl:R ncz WITHIN HOl '1\8 -WHEN NEEDED" COMPUTE IA~DEUU w1 CLEANER8 ?\"S-WPORT BEACH 8-10-12 ft. len('lhl 470 14-I n8UGLA88 PA:SEL8 ... -._ .. _ ..... _ u low aa It. , _ __,1..._ ___________ ..... ________ , OPEN DAILY MONDAY TIDOUGR SUNDA Y I .. m. -I p.m." 'WMiu.w. 4 '<Bet4U Bt!Uder1 Hardwore -Plaome LlberiJ 8-7865 In Vlctolta M. (..._ N..,.ort Bml.) CPolltJcaJ Ad•ar'Uamen.t (PolttJoal .A4ftrt.1-\ent) B.A.aOADI O.&LOU -Oa all .... .App%sr lfo ......_ ..... w ........ .,,,.... .................. ... .,.., rr-n. • Jf• DeWll ~· ••• l:M7 'I'--. ........ ,. .... U.S. laY •• ; 8aM Ue AC...._ Aat ....... .A. O_,.. ~ .,._. '9 .. ntea People. CJl'IDf 8Uln>A.ft .un> SVDY fiMDN 11Wftl. l 1M RELIANCE HOMI APPUANCI SIRYICI CO. NEW HIGH SCHOOL WAKE llP· · 1 Mr. VOTER. IT TAKES • i V!AR TO PLAN • .1 -YEAR TO BUILD A N!W SCJiOOL WHY Q.UIBBLE ABOUT THE METHOD OF FINANCE - - - WAKE UP AND VOTE YOUR KIDS . ~ A BREAK/ ( Jlemember thi liltfe r~d s~hool~e on the hill when you were a kid? NEW HIGH SCHOOL MUST CARRY OR WE. WlLL B! FORCED UiTO DOUBLE SESSION IN '57 NO lONCltR A .LlTTLE R.ED SC.HOOL HOUSE 8UT A GR.E~T SIG CROWOEO HIC,H SO~OOL WHERE Ei~PANSlON IS NEEDED NOW.' r Thii apace donated by Newport Harbor Newa -Pren The certoon does not neceuerily reflect the opinion o~ thia ne~spaper • .--- , . ' ' I PAGE 8 -PART I I I -NEV.'PORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS THURSDAY , MAY 12, 19ss I . Scout -0 -Rarria to Initiate New Fair Grounds Building First usera of the newly-completed $250.000 ex- h ibita ballding at the Orange County Fair will be'the Orange Emrzre Council of Boy Scouts, staging the annual Scout-0-Rama on Saturday, May 21. Hund.reda of Scouts will participate in the event, with the new building as a display building for their exhibits and dem0,nstrations. The entertainment program will be held in the adjacent feature exh.lbij,s building. ' FLOOD WATERS IN COSTA MESA The spacious li\'estoc1c area will be used Saturday and Sunday for the second annual spring show of the Orange County Dairy Goat Asaociation, claimed to be the largest goat show in the state. Superin- tendent of the show fa Ervin R. Forst ot ~reas. Here'• the way the intenection at Orange Ave. and 20th St. appef,J'ed in Coeta M-esa- after the overnight rain 1tonn May 7. 'nle reeidence of Mra. Jack McMahan, 1997 Or- ange Ave .. at the corner where the stop aign ii located, wu virtually surrounded by water. Autoe. u ahown in the picture, aJmoet required water · winga to navigate the atreet. -Statr Photo -while JiliiieS D. P~mbroof< ·of Anaheim Ls ju_dct. Bangert Booked on Fight Case . TOPS HIGH SCHOOL PREP PHOTOGRAPHERS From left are Russ Patch, Hi Maguine publi8her; Roger Dumm of G~rden Grove High School, and O. W. (Dick) Richard of ij.ichard's Lido Market. Newport Beach. Roger has juat received the Perpetual Photographers Award as the beet all around high school lenshound. Roger WU a.1lo recently honored w i t h the Orange Count~ i;>ress Club trophy for Best Sport. Photo of the yen. T~e new award. eponsorf<i by Richard'• ·Market, is open to all high tehool photographers in O'range County anc.l will be featured in the winner's achoo! for one year. -Hugh Mynatt Photo INCORPORATION FAILS , IN GARDEN GROVE VOTE 370 Ballots Decide Outcome~ .. Future Attempt Now· Pending GARDEN ORO'fE IOCNS> -Incorporation failed ln Cerden Grove TIJHd&,Y by 370 YOtU as 72 per cent of the communaty'a 7000 nrt•tert'd volera IM!tlled the luue wh~ch ha.a •"1'ed the town tor two ,...,., Althoufb th• vote was hair llne close in each ot the H precinct.a. tbe 11nt11 carTltd all but three or the precinct. in a turnout that kept ~--_..IK..IJ.W:L...J1.UJ.1:WL.JllLll.X-J"'1.[Jll.Lll;.IUl:W..,-'IQ.&.ac1-&4i!lWi.at-;!Gn:nlnr a c1 ty while 216:1 voted In favor. TREND APPAREST Len Brown, one of the ouupok· The hot inter-community battle en leader• of the antJ·!,ncorporallon llln.mered down 11hortly a!tt r the I group aald yuterday mominc the poUa cl<>at'd and f'Arly r~lllrne rt"11UIU V1ndlcated the fl(ht agaJnal tilllowed that the trend wu u1s11nct· home rule which ht. ton:H waged. tr again.It. ..CORREC l' DECISIOS" Twenty-11Jc candld&l<'• wert" In a aplr1ttd ra.ce 'tor five :.l'&tl, but when the teeue fa.lied the ruulU tl6med out to be a popularity tally -'X· Lead.ere In tho field wc-r~ H. Liula Lake, Du.n EaatmM, Ken- neth Dun&'&JI. Elmer Mylar and R. I>. Elliot. "l beheve Uut lhle I• another ot tho.te cue• where the thinking people, If told the truth and given fact• on an luut. wilt alway• ma1ce a conect decision." he aaJd. Bro~ wu the only commu,nlty leader who predicted Incorpora tion would CaJI lo carry. _,A ~cord total or 6300 voters -wwnt to the polle wh.re 283:1 Lele 'J\luday nifht there wu talk or trying th• laaue a gain .. • .. NEXT YEAR'S V AMS -C. H. Mc Vay, 1695 Irvine St., Costa M<'sa, looks over one of the thouunds of. yam• which is producing next year's crop in one of his hot· bedll. McVay is working with the state ag_xjcultural de- partment to improve the yam strain, trying to grow 1 ~iRMe resistant yams with better color. IYER HEAR A YAM SING? C. H. McVay Weds Plants to Morning' Glory Roots ""'lien a bird can 11nr and won't .m. It abould bl' made to •lnr ." l"9 an old adaie and• Southrrn Oalltomla acncuJtunat. t.Mnll t.he de ahoWd be true of yama. .A yarn plant will not blo.om ti IUI oofrn CrM wtll In order to lmpro,.a )-&ma, mau UMm more dlMue reliatant ad ti better colot' ~de and out, tt la MCHa&ry to have lh•m bloom, ao ~ tM •lalMNI~ CICl9o ... lated. GLUT 108 Imne St., Coeta Mea, who plant• a cre. and a.ere. of yama every )'ear, I.I trytns out 110me of the eeeda that h.a•t &ttn e volved t.hrourh th• mornlnr (\ory·yam marrtace. He hqpea lo pt a new variety that will have a fine ~ akin and brlfhl yellow nHh and pl«ity ot wpr. But o.t of croea pollnaUon you can p t mG11t any. ~ and ~ do, McVay uya. -MoaE 'l'll&M lllLLJON -0..-11\1' J&ma i-a proeeaa ln It.Hit. 'n. tube'-are Ht out Ln 1D ~ bed&. l&ch one JT'OWW' a .bunch of aboota wh:lch can be broken oil and Mt. out ln O\a field. The tuben ..... Ulkl reeet and rrow a ~ and then a t.bird 8et ct plant.a. McV.,-MU out more Ulan eoon u the law required yur of walllnr b\d paued, but no mem- wr of th• clt1%ei\a committee for Incorporation would l11u.e a •tate- ment. "We loat-let'• let It r o at tbat tor the time being," •aid Hal An- aell. chairman or the pro-group. Ronald Rowe on Leave in Tokyo TOKYO -Pfc. ROMld W. Rowt'. 2l, eon ot M.re. Leona M. Keuhnert. 7H W. 20th St., Costa Meaa, recently apend a week'• lea.ve In Tokyo from hi• unit In Korea. " Rowe, a mechanic In the 514th Tranaport&tlon Truck Company, entered the Anny In October, 111:12 lllld arrived overae .. ln J an- uary. -i9ll4. He attended Newport Ha.rbor Union High School. nu DIV .. OICRMANY -Pvt. Cecil D. WU.On.· eon of Mr. and Mra. C. J. Wll.aon, 2S3 W. Wit.on St.. Co•ta Mt11&, re«.nUy arrived In Germany and l• now a member ot the 11th Infantry Dlvt.lon. Aa pa.rt of t.be U. s. se·vent.b Anny, the 11th Dlvt.lon conduct.I rlsoroua tralnJnf exercise• lnclud· Ing reallellc maneuver• and field problema 1n aouthem o.r,,iany. WU.On. who antered the Army lut November. completed baelc training at Fort Ord. He l• a lllM fttduate ot Newport. Harbor UnJon Hlfb &:hoot. $56 Camera Tak•• Booked tor dl1turt>tns th• peace when found flghUna: ln the 1treet at Main St. and Balbo& Blvd. 8Ull· day, Ruaeell William Bansert, 3&. 411 Slit 8t. will face arnJpment Monday II\ Newport Ju1tlce Court. Police u ld they arrived to flnd Bangert rolllng I~ the •treet and School Furn·~tur'e active n1t'rnber nr th.. Balboa flghtl.ng with Richard Esperry D~TH NOTICE Power Sq111Ulron. Mangan. 34, ot Hollywood. om-Bou-" by Board Survlvorll tnl'llld!' hll w1Ce. cert aald Bangert wu on lop ot 'J" 1 Ruth; " l"tn, L.Rwren('t, t•f IJl'n• Manran •triking him In thl' face I. FORD Pll:R80N \'er; Cllur ,·11111~hl•'111. Mr11. Dtul when t hey arrived t.o break up th• Furniture for addltlon1 to Hor-S11wla1r .. r "'"" n B"'" M r.i.. Hk h· •~· Ensign ·-d H ""' Vl•w Won.I wa.11 n.•t't'lved hi>rl' Ihle fl~ht. <"0 .,, ar,.,,,r ~ arcl H11nt1n,Rlnf1 or Oakhm.t, Ml"'I schools wu purrha11ed at Frlday'a w••k of the d•ath on "'rldsv MA" N 1~ r L' d ·•1 · Ma.ng..,, pleaded rullty Monday ~~ • r , · , • un Irr ~on " n•ntal18 11n " ra. adjournNI mtttlng oc ?\t'wporl • r f L .• J 1 !c!A t c 1 L 1 r L' 111 k b t"' In Newport Juat1ce Court to die-'" o a ormt'r luO s e ru .. n • a1 u• I' o r 11 In>•• • a ro n • Beach Elementary School Board. ... 111 r B k 1 t 1 turtftnv t he ""M'e and received Lawrence Ford Pleraqn ot Carmel. l'r, ., 1 am. n rr tty. wo • •· " ... -~· Three hundred locken with lock& ~ .,. A t o k Tb•tt ol a camera Valued &l JM a •uapended M'ntence and 12::; tine were ordered from Worley Locker Pleuon, who was 88 yea.re of agt. tler11d,,. l rt1I. ,"", •lg11pr •,•nnrll~I o • t. -·· -.....rted lo poUce ....... A.y ~ from Judge Donald J . Dodi•· an anc .. IJO:o "" in,. n11on o ---~ .. -r ..... I Co .• for 13000. ,,ttlnp for the IUlfer~ a flnal4\eart attack whUe C 1 d 10 11 hll<l Mrs. Kathleen Robll\80l'I, 021 llbra.ry at Horace En.llgn school he and h1a wife were at Wlnelow. armr 811 it ran r · rtn. Marlpld Ave. She aaJ• tM cam-I could never think well 9t man'.!!A.J.Wu.t:~IUll:CU:G....J.tom_Jts.eJ:IWJ~U4-»'JUlll-.n.1114¥lllfl~An-C--Jl"1ol~..Ullc+....,;,.,M;;.e;..,m~or1111 ar1-,.·1re• wlll be hrld era &nd CMe were taken Crom a intellectuaJ or moral character, If Rand for ~8.66 and ctwroom thelr annual crulu alonv; the rout 11 ay 11£ 0 11khio•l 'rhr Camlt~ li:'a rear bedroom poulbly when Ule he wu habitually unfallh/Ul to hi• furniture from aevH'&l vendon tor of British Colutnbla. He wu a.n m~mQnlll W1th th• hoUN w .. unlocked. •appolnt.r.enta.-NathanleJ Emmona 110,340.•8. ardent yecht11man and formerly an New • •• (Low Ca& Forwartl) • t CheYrOlet Task·Force Truc'ks . .. \ • • .. . ' Powered by the most !!!!!!/.~'!; VS· in ·any ~ck ••• Cherrolet's new Taskmaster VS engine! Olewo~ grat MW LCP. modeJI bdna 7'0ll all the advantages of a C.O.E.-plua a long list of impOrtant new adv~ f09 won't 6od any- where e1aeJ aomcr by far than any C.0.B. ewir baild What's more , in an L.CP. you ltill get the easy ma- neuverability Ot. c.o.e.-plus sturdier frames, new sUspen.siooa and many more modem- throagti the big. broad panoramic wtndshleld. QWcker, aimpler maintenance II another big advantage ofteted by Qcvrolct'I new L.C.F. models.· Everything'• easier to ruch ln the For ex.ample, lhc cab la a full """ lncbea lower than fonnu C.O.E. model&.~ it bu only two step. ins.tead of the uaj three f0r C.O.E."I. Just think of the time and dfort this will l&Ye t)le driver avery time bl aeta in and mrt lJI me cab! Also, the Jaw t...:C.F. 11 band- truck katwn. , -~ ~e J...CP ... new f'Dabt-Rlde cab bn a level floor with pleaty of .. ~.. leg room and often tho Nme driver coo'ftlllience you'll find in all new Chevrolet trucb. The driver bas a command.in& view of tbi road- I • roomy to~ compartment. U yoa don't get the all-modern 1ctrantage1 offered by the DeW Tuk-Force trucb, you're &'Cttina ID Old-fuh.iooed truck and ltand to Jote _m9DCJ OQ tbl· job and at ~ift...time, too. Com. -tbe IDC)ll modern truckl of all! Year after year, AmnU:ti'1 bot selling tJwlt ! "*'"' StrMe VI ef Am The new Tutmuter V8-.the most modem va · ,.,.a money can buy-powen the new , L.CP.I It bu a J 2-volt clectric&J aya.- ~ (tw~ the "steam" for ltartln&!). -" Tb.roulh ,._,.. of ape'l'lmanUn& •• .,.ncuitur1.ata have found that It Oley fl'&ft. a yam plant on a ~ flory root the yam ~In aplt. of lt..at. Xa)'tJe UM 9Dl'lliq J1ory .. P n-11• the yam lillo actJon tarlier In the ~ ao -tt bu ttme to Ulblk about bloom· .... .\Jlybow, C. ff. Mcya y. 1890 a mllUon plant.a Mch 7-.r and reta about 400 Ju,t -33 pound.I t o th• • tuc -tc th• ac~. lh rohllf'~ ti.la JTOWld with bladt-qed bean&. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY NIWPORT llACH • f .. . ' . • I • I ,. . ' .... ,-' NEWPOI~T HARBOR .NEWS~PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 \ PART FOUR, PAGE ONE -~ • ... E~SENA A HARBOR-The l 3 boats which coin pris- ed the racing and escort fleet which gathered in Ensen- Jlda at the completion of the 1955 race found ample' room in the quiet anchorage provided by tl1e new break· watC'r which has now r~ached the final stage of com· plction. -ALI Beckner Pliot9s ·NECK AND NECK-Battle wu staged by Bob Miller'• NHYC entry Westward (left) and Owen Rybum'1 Coro- nado YC contender Hilaria (right) throughout the en· tire last half of the race. Each craft held the lead on several occaJ!1oM with Westward finally leading her. ad- ver8ary acrou the finish line by lesa than a minute to end up fourth and fifth respectively in the fleet. Hilaria received a fine trophy for being the fint Coronado YC filliaber. - r .-.-r . . r .. ' INSPIRING ARRAY-Ar.oericans and Mex :ini; :tli kC' ar 1, i '1 ral'r·l with the l"':ignifi· cent display of trophies as the preR<'ntat1on C'l'l"l·.nrn;1 1111 1.'r \."~•:· 111 t h r.·ntrnl picnic grounds in ·Ensenada. . . LUCIO' \\'INNER-Bud. Desenberg of Balboa YC llr ft ) wal'I winnc r bitrary with hie Little DJpper for which he' receind the Mayor 01 trophy 1>re8entt'd by th<' C'h11rminJr Mayor Dom Hill in r ·1 i:nn. ~I Emen&da atood by to offer congratulatfon ;, • { C'b s.1 ~ ;l'Wpr , l':n i ti r c·· Ar- Beach la of " FIRST AGAIN -Howard Ahmanson's sleek 10-meter slpop Sirius. of Newport Harbor YaC'ht Club, once again ll•d the" flrrt into ~nsenada Rafbor lo win tile NOSA fi11il·to-fin1:-h trophy an<! the huge Secretary of Mexi· can r\a\"y t rnphy for the first i:ingle-masted \·essel. ~i r 1u,s f:ul,.ol to !::ave her time on some of the 11maller boalR, howC\"<'r. so hnrl l<• be satiRfied with c..nly two ~n:~IORl/'i.I. Tt~Ji'll\·-Balboa YiCF.t Club'• award for first BY.c"boat to finish the·.Eruenada Race ii a atunn- , ing per~tual honoring the memory of Robert Boyd, staff-commod9re of BYC and past preeident ot the NOSA, an'<!. aa such, la destint-d to become one ot the most valued trophiea in competiti~n for BYC members . Al Shln-n. 11Rillng hie K-38. Shenanigu1. Wu the 1~ winner <'· •,.,award prr'K'nted by NOSA prexy Salvato~ Monalo ,· ________ _. ,. ~-­ > trophies this time instead of 1954'1 clean sweep. Shown here, admiring their "hardware" are (L to R): Tom • Webi;tcr. BotT Smith, 6eorge-Strom, -skipper-Howard and first mate Dotty Ahmanson ; Capt. Honero Calle. who prl'Sented the Secretary of the Mexican Navy a ward : Bill Ahmanson and Dick· Dickson. .. - • Al.MOST TOO MANY-Gabe Giannini( right) of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.had to enlist the a id of tht gracious ~rs. Giannini in carrying home the Wl\rd1 won by hi s 58-ft. Honolulu'·Race entry, Marie Amelie, in the En~nada Race. Commodore Richard Fenton pre.tented Gtbe with the NOSA trophy for finit heavy d.lapW:. ment, the New York YC (of which Gabe is alao a mem· ber ) t rophy for first divided rig e.nd the award tor MC· ond !'1.ci.r "A" Ocean Racl.nc on corrected time. . .. ... . . • . . i • • \..· .. PAGE 2 -PART IV -~EWP-ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY. MAY 12 . 1955 HIGH ROTARY QFFICIALS VISIT HERE Top Rotary Club officers held two-day district assem- b!y hc•rn la~t Wf'f'k-end. From left, Stuart A. Coulter. n,,·ma. gnwrnor-nominee for District 162: Roland N. T .ni::trlnf. prNmfrnl or Newport-Balboa Rotary Club which hosted event; P. A. ''Bob" Rowe. Rotary Inter- national Director, !ipC'cial guest: J . Dor.aid Locke, Long Beach governor of District 162. -Gene R oss Photo Bird CGcies Asked I GREEN, ZIRll IN for Casa-Collna : . .,.HE CRUCIBLE" Rope Throws Hitch ·I Into Car Driving MISA UPHOLSTERING l 'pltol1tf'rlD1 • OraperJ U~r11 ._.,., An uraent call for unueed or broken bird cacu i. belnc mad«' byJlm Oarvty for t.bt children at Cua Collna Convalucent Home. The ca&H art rtpalred and re-· modtled at the home . by the chll· drffl a nd eold. 'the home ca ru for e<invaleacent ca!r• or cerebral pal· ay. s>pllo ltftd arthrlll• and la a pnvat• ln1t11utlon 1upported by public c6ntr1bullon• &lld f1(ta. Oa rv«'y, a member or the Mua Boota a nd Sa ddle Club, whose men1~r& have been arttvely aup~ PoTtlllf the home, w1ll go-anywhrr1> 1n Oral)gt County to collect. cages otfer,.d tor thla projrct. He may be reach«'d, aflrr Ii a.m. 11t LJ 8-3061 or at hla home 1970 Fe<ltoral Avr. Sal•m witch triw or th• 17th Century wm be br<>UJ hl to lite on Holmtt Hall 1ta1• at Pomona Coll•&• In th• tol· ltl• Orama ProducUona' prt'· yntatlon ot Arthur Miiier'• play ''The Crucible" on Th11n · day, l"'l"lday and Saturda)'. M.ay lS, U and 16 at l :lD p.m • Partlctpaunr ln Ule play a re: Marli.n L. Or·u n, IOD ot Mr1. Loulae SchMer. 19e~ Sa nta Ana Ave .. Coata t.fua, P o- mona trnhman and 19114 graduate of Newport Harbor High School, and Anthony J . Zerbr. lion ot Mr. and Mra, A. I... Ze1·~. 87 Beacon Bay,' a Pomona rruhtnan a nd atao 1964 graduate ot Nt>wport Harbor High School. A ro~ atl"etC'hPd a«'ros.t Balb<\t Blvd. al 0 St raua.-d a n11nor acel· dent Tuesday Whf'n a .. ,.r dnven by Arthur Ed-rd Grnnaky. 34 • of 21S4 Miramar Drive drovt Into lh• at rand. poUea aa.1<1. Orontky told police lhtrt wu no n.._ on the rope nor a Harman on duty. 'nit rope waa 1t~tchtd bt'tw•~ a Kntpt'l opel'fltrd by Wtlllam Brumback. city emplo)'l'i'. In an 11l1V1d, and a rlly ti ud< acrol!ll Balboa Blvd, The •<·r11rer wu 1wun1 into tho!' ba C"k of Gron• 1ky'1 car, officers aald. Honeback Ordinance Amendment Passe~ SANTA ANA (()("NSI On 1160 N"P'" IMvd., tloaca ..... 120-Local Boys and Girls Hop· at Boys' Club Dan~e Saturday rl'qUUl of the At110Cla ll'd Qrangl' County RldlnK Club• tht County Board of Supervt110ra Tuuday amtnded t he Sa nlll Ana Riv.er levte "horaebark " ordinance. The amrndmtnl 1tatu a valid permit hohJrr will not be allowt'd to take mort lllan lh«'e gueat.a with him along the lt'\'H tra ll1 M· twttn 17th St and Hamilton Sta. ·" One hundred and twrnty boy• and (lrl1 from local achoola a t- 'tended the !a turday . night Boy•' Club dance. Fo'r the flrtt time live mualc wu fumlahed by Pat Patenon·a dance combo from Long Beach. H t'retofore mut1lc' had btrn ot the record varle\y t or the monthly aock hop11 In the Boya' Club gym. Th• gym wu decorat· e<1 with c:olored ll(hla, balloon• flld crepe paper. Chaperone• at the dance lnclud· ed M r. and Mn. 0 . Burton Rys· d"lt of Balboa, Mr. and Mre. Herb Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Carlaon of Harprr achoo!. Mr. a nd Mn1. Jamu Kindred of Rea achoo!, Mr. and Mn. Richard Schllcken· mayer. Mr. ant'! Mrs. Arthur Kllta. Kenneth Kitti and Meadamea ktU, Pecgy Rae. George Mcll'ar- land, Nancy Mangan. Oary Morri- aon, Nancy Ward. Wayn• Whit· ney and Pt>nny Speth. ASD MORE IUD8 SAVE 50% FOAM Rubber • Rlch.ard Leonard. Prnny Dollar, BOAT Bl':SK8. rt'RNITl'IUll Stephen Lewl1, Carole Youns. PILL0\\'8, I NSl'LATIO:S Mike Inrram., .Anita Thompaon. WAR SURPLUS Darrrll Brook•. L&e Lonnie Tay- lor, Roy Yamtll. Jamea Hayu, Cor. Ne...,,ort a ff&rbor Blvde. Danny Ca.urll, J oAnn Shrader, <'08TA MESA Steve Rieman. Sydney Hart. Tom-I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;~::;: my Carey, J udy ~rm1tronr. J oe 11 McMiiian. Myrna Lloyd, Wayne Wedeking. Katherine P h I I I I p 1, Eddy Fredette, Dia n& Whitney, Clurnce Mlller. Ca rolyn Oarrtaon. Anno.uncement JULIUS OBLA Tr, Architect Announces the Openin9 of his office I Marla McMiiian, 0 . K. Maxwell. Robert Hand wne 4lao there. Roger O.orre. Janett J ordan, Richard Steck and Ruth Grl'l1er. Charin Taylor. Judy Ralnea. Rich- a rd Schltchenmayer. Mary Hard· Inc. Dick Ralnea, Pat Walthtr, Pelt Tonti. DI~• Larten, Steve Ntlson, Linda Sue Carpenter. Dick Wells. Kay Hetrick, Rlrhard~oort. , · et 500 Via 'Malaga Newport Beach HERE'S. REAL JOE NOEL J (!l!rph Norl'a mothtr, Mrs. Atlnan L. 1'oe lof 923 Ever- lo:' een Plal'r, Costa ;\lesn, saw her snn'a p1ctur1 In thr :'\twa l'rN11 alOJ'\l:l!lde en lntervl1>w with him In llt11nlla by OC:'\S corJ Te1'rondent Walton Tr<'i:11sk1e. she did a double take. That waa not Joe. A quick lonk st the otht'r nei:at1\'e1' which arnved from Manila al.:>njt with the one labeled Joseph !'Of'I rewalf'<I the rral J nl', abo""· He 1s th" son 0( Mr. 11nd Mr:1. :'\net 11n'1 the brothrr of Bob X~I of lhP hnme address. -Welton Tie aski. Pholo DlUNE COMES ACROSS ... UNE Howar l'J.t\waon·a tr!m P. P. C. sloop D1une wu l ht aecond h .. 111 "' h• r type to frnl11h a n•1 placed second In ClaH B of the n •. :w 1(11, 1ntt c1lv1slon t o colll"ct anothl'r trophy for thr :'\r\Oo-port I h '" · \ ,, Ill f'luh fll'l't -Dtcknt'r Photo $1875 Check Forged Local Bank Reports Call DAN'S TV,: Highway Taxes Hit $2,214,900 A forged check a mounting to $187:'>.17. drawn on the Balboa branch, Bank of A merica on Mar. 18, today WQ.3 under pollce lnvra- llgatlon. Hrrb Holkcr, bank man· ager, nlrt It w11s m1ute payable t.o a Jean Cuy Beaudin by Irene Crawford, 1310 W. B<ly A1•1>. Holk- SAC'RAME:'\TO. CALIF'. -M~y J c-r tolc1 pollre he RJ•PfO\'C'd the 12 -Rptfrrl C. Kirkwood. ~tatr I rhec:k after cheeking ht'r 111gnature I ' 8ervtce • Rent.ah • Salee I Ll_!>e'!Y ~-~228 I -------- l\lATTRESSElS Boat• -Home. -TralJel'9 Irregular Rhapu . Liberty 8-l:IOS COSTA MESA MATIRE~S CO. 2130 Sewport Bh·d. ControUer. ha.a a dnsed Lhe Boa1d ot 'su~rvl~rs that OrMge f'oun· card. 1----------'-------. IV will rt'celn $2,~lt.JlJXl 1n .JP· .Sha Wld pollce...6ht.JlJld Jl<lt wd \\:.a.I.ERJU:ATt:R~ 1'.\l'I. \I. :-11t:t.T"' :-M1t••ln1t Urnft•mRn HARBOR BOY GRADUATES portl'>nmml.3-ot highway user11 ten the , herk nn11 dt<I n• L know SALH . suv1cE ••d u'"'n taxes and motor \'l'hll le lk •'031: Ulo rnycr tJfl l(' rll I rp<>I tPtl hP r J n I 1 1 f ffll during the fi!!Cill ytAr l!l:'>:'>· home Wiii! hllr,ltlllMZP<I .ll\n1 2, l!l!\1 01! l'l~.)l')lB•l!CJ•."··lolold :'>6, prcwldt>tl ur tual revenUl'I nH'et ILJ'\d a blank rhrck m11y he\'e !><•en . _ _, cun,•nt t>lltrmalPs. 111krn tU MS 10 ,n ClNT 00·wN K1rkWtlo"1 t•iat1mat.-q lhal l11gh-P•o•• H••bor ~))0 w:.,· l·~Ptll Tax Ft1ml 11p1•111 n· • 10.~11· , • '"''"t'"" r1urmi.: 111." o•-Hit, Run Reported 1 .1 ~·:<r h•pr.nmi: J uly 1. \\•II I -1 1111 :'•ii 10,7 ·""' r ,, An lll<l'l'&.•1· ••f 1 ll1t anr1tun 1!am11i:P to a pa1kP•1 ~;;.:11 '""' <•\o>r th•· <Urrt'rt ~{'3t. In 1,1r In (runt or hrr hnme \\A• f('· I ".~·"' I ·II ll;t>l <'r \'Ph." 11• llt t'Olll' .~"· .. r·•t tl"I tn pr hr .. S:1• IT·lll,\' by :.1r11 I ' 111 111 ' 111.X' l"I\ mt nt« l ri ' un· H• m" Schroedtr ot :10S \\·. Bay t i··~ f•tt the t un,1n.._: \l'Jr 8Jt1 • ,... ~ 'llmlltcol Al ~38.917,:10•), up ~I l!l,· AH ::,:11 .. :..,Id It WM r"JillllPrtd lo :!Oo o\'cr !.his !i~cal year. ~ :0-fr"ll :0-1"1"1 l'11lrs. I An nUt"1'0Wlh of the pert2_!!_tll propPrly tax origmally lrvtt<I o'n Newport Varitty BE SURE -INSURE \\Ith 111.\rRIE STA:'l•l..t:\" ln\Ufl\O('P Only Phone Harbor in • 3JIS t:. ('out lli~bway Corona del Mar L j motor \'l'hl('lt•s by the countlts a nil I'ORT Hl'ENF::O.IE, ( Flii;'l;f' 1 clllf"S e.r.d subsequently l!'vled by --Craduntr<I f rrim the ;o,;3\'111 the St.Il le t.n a•'hleve un1f<11 mlty, w., c.h" Crown Slam rs \ Ol'Jt :I and 10 RTORF:,. l>ra.ft8rnl\li'1' S1·h<)fll nt tho i MntM' \'rhil'lc Liccn.oie F l't'S t "ln 01·1•11n t'ront ~Par rl1•r Coll#tn1rtln11 nattallon ('C'ntrr I Lieu" Tll.x• are ll'\'ICd at t he rate ~t.\\l'ORT n EA('ll he~ March 2.1 "'"8 J'aul :.1. "t S2 P• r hundred 1lollart< or Q11\r· ~===:::=~;;;_:;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~hel'l.8, drnftiomnn ,.Nllllan, t• ht 1·a1ue of each vthlcle. /(ppor-i: SN, 110n of Mri1. lfrlan R. 131111• llonml'nts to cities and rnuntlu t>Y ot 104 Vla H~ rt'. Li•I·' l11le. Hetore t'ntertng tho :'\,l\·~· In June.-, 1{1:'14 he Wl\A j('flldualt'd from Newpurt Harbor. L'nlon High Sc:h0<•l. D11ring th,• 12· wt>t>k ro11r11r hr WM t1111i;ht how to m11kc map.! 11n1I , h111 I'S from rough or dl't"lll'd 11krtrh· u: to .make blutprlntA; "l'fr- rue printing marhlnr1 U1'<'•1 In rtprodu<'llnn of drawlng11; du lettui.ng, sketching &nd cnm- putatlon.s l't'qulrl'd of & dr&!t.9- man. 11re nrnd•• <·n & per capita b1111111. I Water S11pply T atk I R (lwn: ·1 C-nwk,., "' crel•ir'··mnn· B~er ''' thr Urnn~o Co11nty.W11t rr 1 ll1•ru1rtmf:'nt. F ke c>n t he aubJt'rl •ls Uur Wa:rr Supplv lns11rt'd:''' 1l11 nni: :'\rwp.. t t Harbor Klwanu1 Club I .r, ht'•'" In \'111& :\larlhn lh~t1111r.tnt The :\lay 26 K1wa~ls · h.nrhf'On \l'1ll rtaturt' Dr. G.lt'll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I llrown. Brown "ill 11how plcturo takt'n h1m21eir entlUrd, "liurma." Hub Caps Taken E arl Rlc.hal:dl of ..Loa .An$1'~· tnld !X'llN' <our hub r11r11 werr t11ken frt'm h111 rar 11·hllto It \v'l\.l! ps.rkl'd In Rlchllrd'a 11\t bf>t\•~n P and 11 :H> pm. S11turJ11y. 01 d Established ln.su ranc. Agency -Mi -Hnn-:~. HOl}"A.RD W. GERtUSH 08 :-:r\\·port BlvJ. l'•'sta Mei-a. rno~-i: UBf:RT\' l'l·Ul'? R~Pl'!r• • Mablunaace • ln.taJlallona . ~ STAFFORD & ION "1''ELS and DOC" F.LECTRJCAL ·CO~TRACTORS Phone LllM>rty 8-14~9 110 Rh~r1lde An11ue Sewport Beacb • .. LOCKERS [ SPECIAL -Lodoers (app. 125 lb.~ Si.75 yr. \\"f;. fT.ATl'Rt: :-.f:l,F:(. n :o P,Rl~E and < HOIC't; )IEATS Clll -SOtb l!lt. ~T.WPORT REACR Harbor 0'7111 -······--· Homes ~ Income ·units J'ko11l r oJOl'!blt' l 'lniuwlnar Ar~ged CARDINAL HOMES 119 E. 23rd St. in Costa MN& Daya Open Ens. by Appt. , -. • TtlERE WERE KIDS Boy1 and g'lrla attrnding wtre: Ll:r. wart', Pal Han•h•w. suaan Jim CaUac:her, Judy Davenport, Hottman. Steve Slmor.aon. Darllng Cary Evans. Diane Hogland, Ted-Klngibury. Dennis Longlry, J udi <ly HaddO<'k, Mary Mertmn. Hen 1 Hand, Miki' llf cC'lellan, Barbnra Hugrl, G11lle BurorJ. Gary Mor11l', Le\Ooia, Mike Hayes, Sue Ttaut· Sandra Chamberlain, Bob !lie· weln, Corll1 Ankrny, Cindy Smith, Laughlin. n onna Hamilton. Don Sharon Lyman, Stua rt Br u . Ca thy Smith. Manlyn Holley. Brent Hel· Sturtrvant, Kirt Hall. Pat Helm· a~ngtor, Luci Ill! A ~k1ni1on. Borth holr:. Peggy Fraur. J ohn Beck, ll'orman. Lorraine Srhllrhl'nmayrr, 1 Kathryn LelrrH:r., Bob Slegel, Bon· Jrrry Hehn, Vicki Austin. I nle 1-~rasrr, Richard Tonti, Sonya Phone Harbor 5362 VOTE FOR OR. ROBERT H. OLANDER Albert Yard, Chai IN~ Zrnthrr. Myhre. Sam Edny and Ca rolyn Larry Cen~lP, Ava Lee Young. \'erm!lya. Mlckry Queen. Nancy Maxwell. ---~-----------­ Doug Vallt'y, Sharon Edkins. Ron· nle Haehn , Aa1 bai a Kirkpatrick, Larry Lawrence, Darlrne Dunb8'. Rlch11rd O'Brll'n, ll1ar1Jean Mortlz, Cary Warren, Rosalie Fischer. Pete Stoddard, Pat Bueh, Grant Horn~ck, David Pope. John Haa·· ( Pollllc&I Advu-tJMroeril Sumrell ~aughter Mr. and lllrs. Clay Sumrell, 1969 Monrovia Ave., Costa Men , be· came parents ot a g irl May !'l at Sl. J oarph Hoapltal. Tht' new dauchter welched In at 8 Iba .. 8 ca. (Political .AdvtrU..n1ent > r. 1· ' :..-"--.. ,J Dr. Robert Otuder (PollUca..1 Adveruaement loard of T'nut- Oraap Coaa\ CoUep • /\ D•OllU•O"•' .... ". G••' load b y educef1on end ••D-•'1•t1c• e "•''"• '" co.,,mJ11tty erd '"''~ wo•I •• th• Orena• Coo11 ""'••· e fou• collaa• doa• .. 1. '"•"•d •a t Mt1ta• o Ooq• .. •• rha I o'd ol Edwcal•on. • Pladd'•d to "'"1111 n tf a I •ll~ of8"dt rd of Oran9a Coo1I Col· laqo. ' THIS IS AN lt.4,0ll~ANT HECTION If SUlE TO VOTE ....... , 20. ms rPolltlcal Adverllllf'mrnl Vote Yes May· 20th FOR HIGH SCH.OOL EXPANSION • • • • YES -oo Newport Harbor Is Growing Our . High School Will. Soon Be Too Small In order to avoip double sessions we must plan now to bu ild in I 9Sb for 600 new students in 1957. Vote yes for the High s,hool tu u the most economical means of providing 'for this neceuary. expansio n. ' llfr11. Kt'nnrth Coollnr Mrs. Judd Sutherllll'\d C'o-rhalrmen Melwood Berry * *------- Harbor Hi9h C iti1ens Committee Lff W Uder Dr. E. W. Miium M r1. Donald Dun Ran Rtv. Jolt'ph Mr Shane Mra. Richard LlllenlhaJ· Edward Hraly Mr1. Donald Smith Arthur PeterJO<>n Mra 011\·rr 0 . Howell Bruce Martin Mre. John Fef'ley Orant HnwaM llfre. John Nttf llfr1. P . F' Balnet The following residents of the Newport Harbor Union High School District recommend your yes vote. ~' •~d "-''• Gordo"' I Ji,.dlel ... , •"d Mt\ JI""'•• J Vt11t 0, ... ~, •111d "'411 Ho.-etd Me119r ..,, •"'d ..,_,, Ttd Hernbroo• ..,, •"d M t\ lert Webb ~r •"d ""'' f'lere·tt l tt ...,, l t'!d M" f:d91, t1ift ... , •"ct Mr, Pewl 0 Oe•lt ~; :~: ~:: ::t.~"~~r. ... pett M1 °"d Mn Lloyd l ••ddV Mt t ll'ld Mr\ l elt "d 0 ,,,tt M, u1d Mtt Oo11i PfllilU91 Mt •nd M't1 Verl'te W•holllt ~: ::~ ~:: ~!~,:, ~opiw'"'" ~: ::~tt;:, ~=~4-t; vc,~:r!,4 ...,, ,,.d ...,,, I 0 f l1her-t, ..,, '"d lw'n J1t1• 0 lti1h Mr •"'d ._,.r, I C St1••1"1 Mt •r'd ._,.,, Hv9lil I . Oa•it ~~l'lld M,, C Chitl\o,... Ire.,. .._.. ,,.d ""'' Watter "" Her .,,..,_ ~ ... d ...... .... ••• •••d .,_, •"'d ..,,,, .41 Hadl11 ..,, •"d M rt l 1U l•owtt .,_., •"'d ..,,, J(.,,... w li""'• .... , •"d ..., •• ''"' c. Jo,. .. ..,, .... d ..,,, c ( .Ad·•tl'ftlllt .,_. ef'ld ..,,, l •l•"'d J-1ftfey ...,, t "d M,, l't cflty II(. Sctrii•1'1 !::: :~: :::: t~:''•~~!H~ •• ..,. • "'d "''' W• • L Tllo.,.,...• ..,, •""d ""'' ~.r+;11t T. OelM ..,, e"d ""*• ( H VO~ f"tMIMtt ...t •"d ... ,. J .... ,(0"'°1 ••;d Mt. end Mr,, J.,.,., :11l11t1•1'11\ ._,., t lllld Mtt Ht reld J S•l "'l\01111 Mr t l'ld Mtt l ebert A $ti1u1t Jt. M• ,,.d Mr1. Or•tl l le,d Mr a flld M,, .Alb•rt 0 9d111t M, •~d Mtt J •d I Ovltet"ben y M' e l'ld twtr1. Jee• ''•db"'' Mt '"d Mr,, l o11d,••ti1 Sl"'""Oftt Mr •"d hh1 '•wl I Weber M1 ••4 M" •ob•rt J W•llt <t M' •"d Mtt Joh11t J. H\lhtf\l't Mr •f'd Mr1. l obert A Crewford ..,_, •'Id Mrt Joteph l N1ct1,.h Mr •"'d M't Do" H'ldd••tto"' ~;: ::: :~·· ~:r~· .. ,':::~d M r •"d M,. I M D•ttl'lb•'t Ot t f'd Mrt. 0 5' S"'" I•• •"d Mu Ja"'•t S it.wa rt D, tl'ld M'1 0''"' 0 Cred •••· ••d M,1 la~ett I ~•o••••41 Ot a.-tt Mtt Fred I S1"'P••l'I Ot e11d Mu l obtrl Oleflldt t Col , ... d ._,,, Ht"'• C O•••t Or (hor91 I Mec&111utl1 01 •..i., S l"'Oto ._,.,, lo"i' J Cu l'lt' M rt .6rtfrlvt Mcl(1,.tf1 Mtt M1ytft lle "4•1tho• M" Hetl't\t t't H Ce•I..-. Mrs. I( A McO'••" .. , ... c Ar ... _,, ··""''' Mrt 81rt1tf F ,,,,.,.. ._,,, ~,...._,,· A U-.d1•• .... .. ••• ,. 0 .,, .... .1 .... J..... ..... 1 .... J .. c.. ... ,. .... h"y • ..,..., ... * * M r1 Verl'IOft fdler. ;, Mo W , M1rid 1I Mtt l I ;,,. l 11ft1t Mr1 ... ,.,..,.. Sp1r-ht ""'' l •o"e'd -, .... Mr1 ..,..,,,_, l lo••" Mn G'•<• A. ,o,rler ~::· ~~;:: ~·,i:,:~·, ''"'"'"~ ~:.• Jo~phc~~!~~?' ..,.,. a •• ,,o. E ""•hOll' M r. '"d '-4'' C•'• "' c;. ,.,_.._. Mt t l'ld ~'' Do,,• d 0 Al'lder1011 ... , l l'td ..,,,, ,..... .. ..-. .. " ...,, •"Id .,.,, Joi\"' J St t9q ._,, •""d ..,.,, ffleodo'• lob"' ...,, •~d ,,.,., Joi\,, ••~•' ..,, •"d ..,.,, '° ~-f •h •1t1r .,_., l l'ld lrii'11 W' 11~ II ttet ..,, e"d ..,,, •ob•·• Zl•q'•' ._., l "d M11 '•'"' Ctetq-.•01111 Mt •"d ._.,.,, l••I \•1~ •v· ..,, •"d ..... J•-·· ... ._,, ,,.d ._.,.,, c ... ,J Po•• 11 :::: :~ ~',: ~:::t ~.::;: .,,., •"d Wr-1 0 W I c"••d .... l flld U •t Joft,. I-••-b I ~· t "'d ._,.,, ,._ G Sw1 1111 ... , •"d ... ,. c t-1 le'•~• """ l f\d ...,_., • f .Af""•'"'O~f Mr t "'d Utt V rqil(. Pe.,.cflrl .._,, •"d twltt Ho• •cf Q.1° tt. .... tl'd ... ,. Cltrt"llC• M ... I. M t ..-d ~" "°"'"t Althtdtr ..., .,.4 ..,,, W'lll•"' o·•,'•• Mr •"'4 M" Her ... y 0 P1111 * Towt1 Mfftlngs Mt t f'd Mtt MIC • •e-.fre Mr e-.d M" T W11•0" Jef Mt t f'd Mr• J6 l h 1t .,., ,,.,, M11 D•"'" • Hot lu 1d Mr t l'ld Mu. l olt fllld A Wt o"t Mt t f'd ._.,,_, Leroy f'11d.,tof'I Mr •"d Mrt Ar1~wr Ptft UOfll "'""• I f""t••o• Merold ~ ~t•o •:ibert f l •o•• c J ""•• • $11be•• s .. 1 N H C1tt1t1-. c ( o ..... C M l(h e••' f:,~:~ol ""'c.~:~ia Co • f Al'lcf•'•O" -1.~ .. d c c.1.,1, J, W l well ••r c c ••• 1 e •• ,,. • ••••••• Jed C P!1t<"•' Ht "f M J•1d1rlc' w .11 e"' i Li fe.,., c "' ''•• Wll'lt"' l le•41 Id Jo-•• (. t •ff\tt f t ett ........ "'•"t•• ' ... .,. "'e'• I ref•" Nv111•" • .... ".,.. ... S•t•ert .. w ..... ,. • lit• l Mell 0 N W e 1 l t ecf11t Jl•tllt w.11,.4 ""'• '•" l wu T '"'•"••" Main School AudltorflMI, 1901 Newpott ltvd., Costa Mesa ·.Monday, May·16, 7:30 p.m: ·-Council Chambers, CltJ Hall Newport leach -Wednesday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. • * * * Vote Yes ~ay 20 For High Sdtool • • • • • lalboan Makes Plea in Hit-Run, latt•ry DELIVERY • I GUARANTEED Au u~··•I 11f 1,11tl"'~ end hll 81111· Dell\•ery of the Newport Harbor N e w s-Press is 1 un df l\'ini: \\'ilh11m l'111rn k Veit· guaranteed. Car rier boys w ill deli\'er their papers be· 1 .. in. 21, 4:.?0 E Hay A1·c-, Hal~,"" ptu11 ... 1 1nno1 .. nl f-'n 1lky 1n Hanh• fore 6 p .m . o n M onday and Thursday. lf yo u r paper is A na Mun1r1pa.1 <·ourt a nd renu .. 111. n o t. d elivered by that h o ur please call H arbo r 1616 and "'' a ..1Jury truu. JuJ g• K'ui.urct your carrier will brihg yo ur paper. (·11m•·r~n lttt trial for 10 a m M11y 31 1 ~=========================================================================! Od1'1eln WIJIC'rll'dU' acr11t)b1•<t l\nO foundlf'd V1v1a.n Wh .. l•ll of the l CLAlii!~ I ED l"alar• Ho tel aa she r llnibt'd Lne 11ta1r~ 11r )H:r plllr ,. or rtsldenrf' I • 1'!1r tn• l•l•·nt Alh-~t·dly n((•llr~tl ·s_~ ,~ •• few minut.-11 befure Otfeletn·a I IJ•1ii1$U•J -~ 1?_1 • •1§4.J.ii'J:ihii fl , nr reportedly ramm~ Into a .._.. -_....-- pa.rkeJ an• ownf'd by LI-a C' Ntl· eon. Su.nlll Ana. The accl!lenr IX'Currl'd at Spur· Jt••on and Third Su , according to r<>h<'t' who arrtste<l OC'teltln aft"r he '-Jlegtdly drove on w1thn111 leaving hta na.mt. • Ntl1<1n'• auto wu unauencJl'd. Farmer McCabe Wins Cash on TV Show NE\\'PORT HARBOR NE\\18-PRESS E very Monday and Thur,llda.y COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays --...-----------------------4 Llne8 I Paper $1.00 4 Uoes 2 Papen 1.50 .a Lines S Papen 2.00 Coutaa Shopper C1-ll~d Ad11 muet rua la tbe ~londay or T111tl"llday Publication ~D!'l"L1'1UM AD IS ' LJ~f!S A.II Clualtl .. d Ada mu.it be p&ld for t aah In adunce Of publication • -----------------------DEADLlf"ES tor placing or cal"IL·elltn( a da a re: For Mon•1ay P ubltcatlCJn -Saturday ::"oon For Wednesday P1.1t1ncal1on -TuMd11y 2 p.m . F or Thursday Publlc:aUon -Wednu day 1 p m. Farmer McCati.o. w hol'f' p1lh\' .. oun try • 1tyle commtnta appt11r frl'queotly on thr l'dator111I p11ge nr t he :'\pwport Harbl'r l\:('WI· P tf'it.11, will II.-At'l'n 11n lh~ Mtiv 21\ I Gr .. u rho Mai x 1eltv1a1nn •how F'umer report1 hf' l<'ft tltr •hqw w n h $17:1 for 11n11wtnn,.; q11 .. 11lln'111 The pubhahtrs wtll not l>e rt sponslble tor more tltan o ne mcorrtct 8 n11 a hf'althy r "11 p f' r I ror Insertion of a n lid, reserve the right to c:orr e<:ll)' cla1111ry a ny and all ''Grourhl''~ a hillty lo tlllk 'tm " ad.I and to rejer l any ad,not contorrn1ng to nilea and rtgulallone. LEGAL NOTICE IN THI': Jt'l'ITIC't: C'Ol 'RT ~r:WPORT RY.A<'H Jl'OICIAI. Oll'ITRIC'T ('Ol'STV OY ORAS<:t: STATF. Ot ' ('Al.IFOR'\IA ('nur-t S11. 11 '!i t'llf' S o. llfWI;\ COSl'ITAffl.P:'l'I SA 1.t: ..-oTrcr: oY ~.\ u : Ot' RF.Al. l'ROPF.RT\' a·snr.R Y.XF.Cl'TIO ... C-LARF::'\C-F: IVlAllf"IMA:" PIAtnlltr \• Lil.LIA:-; FOX nr1~n•lu111 t:ntl,.r An<1 tw v1r111 .. n( An 1-:x,.cu· tlnn '~'"'"<1 nut nt th,. Ju~tlt't C-0111 I n ( :-;""'1'"rl R1 h Jw t I'••· l rirl th" <"n111l1\' nt OrRnl(" ~llllt nf ('11 ht nr ntA v. h .. 1 ••I n C'LA fl f::'\{ ·,..; BOARC'l~IA:'\ l'l111n11rr lln•I I.IL- .. I.IA!': F'OX J'• fl'ntl.tnl llp<•n II J 1u11:m1-n1 ri•noltrt••I th,. 2111 h •IRy nf Ar11I l!l'.!') tM lht' "lltn nl T•"• h•tnl1t•·•I n1n1·I\ 1wn 111nc1 ~:? 11w1 ••• P "l1111•, tll'•ltt•A rn~l~ •1 I 1111 ,.11·,1, I~ n""' 1 ti lhr. •!Ill" n• 'I'>'< ~'Il l I tit 11111111' tlll•• nn 1'111<1 J1J'~ I h11w on lhl' Hh 11!1y nt M11y 1fl;,', lt>\'1 "'1 Ill'' II All lh<• 0lll(hi, !ltlr, dA1111 11nol 111!··1··~1 n( ~Apl 1ll'f,.n<1· Ant 1n 11~1d tr"" l ht1 tnltn',\ tn.,: tlr· •·rnhr1J 14•.1d ••!iltht•• lo Wll 1,.01 2:1 11( T rH• 1 fl/I'../, r-,11•onA •l"I !>lur 1111 r11•1 M1tp on l'Aj.!t I" i;llfl A\'"' nrlo1 ~t C-oronA 11.-1 \l.11, c'.1hft•rn1n :\'11ilf'" 111 hPt•·bv 1nw•n thal on .,.,,,. 11• 11'\. l''?l •l•1\ nf Jun .. 1!1:'1~ ,11 2 Ull 1,'1 lodc r> M to( 1111111 t\8 \' Iv. II I"'" ,.,.f1tn1'"11 Al ('111111 H"li'" ',lj7 \\' I RI h ~l C'n~lll M"·~ l'•l1f1 1nlA "' P ubh1 A11r· 1111n 1 ro 111 .. h1..: h"'•l h1<1ol"r l•1r 1 "sh 1n 111\\flol nnn.-1· 1•( lh" t 'n•l•"I S1 ''"· Rll 111.-r11:h1 1111 .. • l ttm anti tnlC'I • 111 .. ; "'"" olrl• n1l.;nt 1 I Ill Ml I 1.. lhl' Ml)<•\'< •l··~o·rthl'•I prnp•tlV "' ~u O\Uth th•'t.-n f tt .. mA\ h•· "'''''"''' '•' r:u-.11 ~uf· f 10• nt 1.1 .. ~11•f1· •>'I-I 111 htm,.nr "'1th '"''''''"' ind 1 ... ,t.• r.~'''" un '"' n"· hnn•I lhi-11\lh d"\ .,r 't ., tf\r.·. ~ It \ :-; ., ,. A 1·1;11 '\ I •· ,n ... tnf,1.-11f· thr .lu•ttt •1 •. •UI 1 h: fl'ttd .J 11.t)1 1~1 I~''"' t ll\ I. H \".\ l'1:1t:O-: P "I'"''' ,. ,, 111t :nir. ,\lf11rnry f,., l'l11 1r11 1tr ~~!1 :ll1111n" Avr R11lh••8 ~EWPORT HARUUR Pl BW8 H.UliG (.'0. UI l Balboa Blvd., ~ewport. ~ach.~,,Callfornl&. Classified Index 1 t'untral !II ollcee t Card 11f Thank• • t'un .. ra.1 Ul~t.on 10 Bualnua Gulde 11 Bulldlnc Maltrtal.1 It Rulldlnc Sen·lcee 14 PtnM1nal11 I.\ li\hare \'.our Car 16 TraJuportatlon 17 Hoofing lit O....uty Alda 20 Hl'alth AJds 2'? lA>At and t'ound !4 l'i<"hoola, ln11truetlnn 211 1"1tuatlnD!I Wanted !9 Hf'lp \\ ant .. d llO !\ll11t'f'llaneo1t11 Sf._A SW&fl" :10·8 AppUanCM SI Wantl'd to Buy S! t'urnltqre for Sale 3'?·A AntlqlM'tl 38 Roat11, :SuppUea s• MUJ1lcaJ, Kadl.9. T \' • S.\ 0 011:11. CBI"· Pfl1• Spttla.l Notice11 Newport Harbo r B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mf'f'tll every Thursday 8 p m . •Vie. Opurt.o -Central Ave. Newport Beach A lhfll H Matthe.ws, Exel led Ruler 1 2-BuUdJn~ Service. PAINTING Paintlllg & Paper Hanging "The Best M o ney Can Buy" . Sympson & Nollar !>12 38th SL, Newport Beac:b PHOl"E HARBOR 2404 trc "A's " VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY \\ill 1•ume lo yuur hume. t11 kt d own }"'llr v .. nf'l 111n blinds. take th!'m 10 uur l1111nllry. l..llundc'r lhe sl11ts. 111fl•'!'I, ron!~. 1<p11rkhn1t cl!'an w11h 011r n1>w lllH<"hlne pro<:"'' mMhn1 I Return your bhnd!I t111d r,..,n,,1all th~m in 2~ hourn Pt If<' v1>rv rtaeon11hle. T he a v••r· 111:e 2 t~pe re.'lhlenlial blind- SI Poultry 37 L.lveiilMk SIS 1'4pN'lat Announoem .. nt 39 AUt·tllO \\&ntM •o Aulo11 for Salt> •O·A Ttr ... A l'art11 '1 Auto Sfon·lce '% Tralltn •:1 A:lrplanf'I U Wantl'd tll R4'nt •II Apt ... ~ HoulM"a tor K.tnt •BA-Apt.. for fknt . f'llB-HoUM'll for Rent •11C-TraJln S pace '9 Koom1 for Htnt •A Rteat Romra '9·R Hoom • Board :W Reat, Ml"<'· &s Sto,.... a Offl"'9 M·A Bu11lnH• ftental1 64 Buai-11 0p1¥1rtunJUe1 M MOM1 t o l..oan Ill Monry "antf'd :17 HM! Ealate \fantf'd flO lnromf' Propt'rt)' II ReaJ t:•t•te r:11:chAn1e I! Rf'al E!ltat11 12-Buildlng Servi~ COMPLETE PAINTING & P aper H anging Service Et'\;ENE t). SAl,;NDERS !)00 31 st Strtrt, Newport Bcarh Hu bnr 2976 <•r H11r. ~ H 6, tft A S PHALT T1LE •• LINOLEUM 1 lnet111l the above chea,,.r than moat. Alao ull Tiie A Linoleum. !'on-union. 21) y!'are CJ14>erltnce. l.:ompare 11nd If'~ - BILL COKER LI 8·6204 7trc PAINTING l ~'TERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -1:-:SURED Glenn Johnston ~01 • 31st St. :-.!twport ~acb H arbor 3176 22tfc CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Your Home Nted Rep&1r1nJ o r R,t modeling ? Call F'rank. Wbtrly 8·89~• All W ork Guara.ntttd HUc CEMENT & BUILDING All K1no1.o FREE ESTrMATES Liberty 8-6109 -·· o .!_2-Bullding _~~~<'~---IO-M ltttt llanf'Ous NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART rv -PAGE l THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 SO-Mlst't>llantto \l!L 1 Microfilming BF. 5'AFE, sa\'p 'I'"" Thi' mo!111n • WB\' lo •Hl"l:ttRn.i \OUr rtC°'an b CALL KE)lltone ~.j:,~3 or K E :I-OH:> 0 RA:'\CE C'Ol":<.'TY Ml OF'll.~tl!l:C s~:R\'IC'E 1712 A n11he1m·Uh\'t! RJ . Anahdm I ~lc8:1h F o r That S PECTAL PAl:'\'T -· \\'AIJLPAPi;:R DE<"'ORATl~C JOB CALL Wm. Bake r KI 5-3621 2~112 Paltsaolu RJ . S. A. lils. Allk u~ About ZOLOTONE . L1t~nsed m Harbor 1ut>ll 48p60h Bob Skiles is Selling Out- The follo w ing must'be "Old immed111 t<>ly . N early new pOWt>r m o w e r. '-I 1 con\'. Buu·k . Box trailer, he. pd. 16-ft. outboard m u to r b oat. Com- plete a;et drums, extrQ bass drum. P o rtable E s ty o rga n . 2 \'IOlins, mando lin. prnrt1re xylopho nl!. Commerc ial do'\lble waffle iron. 4 burner hambu rger grill. L a rge coffee urn. Fishing p o le. \runk11 2 bo x- es t ools, 3 h ouse doors. Lge. cupboanl. lll<l rln 'slU'r . o il heater. odds '& er.tis d is.hes. Compkl<' t·k•ct ric point spray lil<e n ew . 2 clo thesli1w poks & line. Sho vt>ls , spades. halters. bridles. side saddle & hun· CJred o ther artic les. Practically at your own price - Call at trailer -15 17 Super ior At,·e .. Oostn M t•sa . i!l1'.n House Plans 23-SltWt.tloDA Want«"d SO---Mlsc-ellaneou1 for ~ LIBERTY 8-82:11 tOttc l-l--Pe1"80nals CONFIDENTIAL ---- GARDENER; YHEE ESTl~tATES All yu d r lr11n up Pleai<e r ail •vl'nlng1 LJ 8-1 848 or LI 8-•iOS. G ANTIQt..:"ES -Old turn1lun• rut glus. k\m p11 old p1<·tur<'11, ~ lv1 ks t'lt' Buglllns 11:alon •. B11: •h•· c:ounU to d.-11lers t 'h11rhe L>ll\'lll, , 180~· E. An11lrem1 St, Lung 8 1•ach. 650-139 <19111: =>0~ I Fresh Hearing Aid OOUPLE DESIRE CARETAK;i BATI'ERIES ERS DL'TI E S tn tx<·hangt for We Give S &H Grten Suimpa -... St-Fumltutt for Sa&e 3'!-•'urnltul'f' for~ House Cl.eaning Sale Just look at these prices! ~ Servel r efrig .. each ................... ·-····---··--···$29.50 K t>lv1nator latt." model 5 cu, tt. apt. size --A!l.50 :? (.\>k lspot r<'frig .. each . .. . . . ......... -... ·--!?ll.50 121 ::" S tln•rto ne TV, table m odel ... _ ..... _ ........ 2tl.50 B f'ndix li" TY Cous o lc . • .................. -.--49.50 Apl. si:te gns-rangt>, oven. r cgulltwr · ........... 39.50 THESE ARB ALL GL'ARANTEED 0 . K. W o nde rful selet."t ion in chests, tables, mattre&1e.. a11d all k inds of furniture. ~ , \Ve're Really ·qeaniqg House! DALE'S FURNITURE 1 i-1 H arbor Blvd. C"nsta M~a S2-FumltUN1 for Sale M-Ml18lcaJ, Radio, ~ T V Ha,·rng reaJ l'ltlllt t roublu ! DI· veorce. Cf!(llh or JllSl lltrapped ftll' n10n1>y ? p .,rh11p11 I can help you. Phone or writ I'. f1 ee rent or 11pt. or huuse. But !oral reftr!'n<"t'8. H ar. Oi46-J. 49p61 A -A -Ahoy ! ! ! ! Gunderson Drug Co. Fl~Hi :-;-· 1.,r '""' ""'"~· Mlltn St. Ill B11lbo& Blvd . R11lbClll RF.EL I:'\ 11n lht'~ .. l<H'1n;:~- Ha1·1>or :i1:i. 98tfc M l'SEO Pl A :"OS v. ant!'d tor 1111r l'f'ntsl •l;·pl H1~h,. .. 1 r tu•h ellnw- 8 n• •' U;a ll H !t• (0 1 t•I ~1401'. ~IH1 ' '"""!4 '"' t .. r•n•·1 ... P A :'\:Z :O:t'll~ll lll' :1:11 :-.;,, Mlltn YOV:-;G WOMA:'\, rollt>j:e grr.'111· REX RECHS, Rltr. lilt>. tl~!lltl' p11rt time otflr e 2307 ,W • .$1f.lboa Bl . N"WJ"'rl Be work. F.xpe1 l!'ncf'd Ex <' f I I en t H ubor IHM -H11rbor 987 t>Oco~2+-....,.t "1ru'r:'~r.'t\'rl'lt''eox M·i:I. t h1s ANYCl::"E w1tnes~1nloi 11~r1denl on 1'"11t1ay, April 29, al ~ .30 p.m., Ne11·1'>0rt Blv<I. &. .Be.kPr St., north of C'osta M l'se, plt•ue •'all or contal't H iii-Hiiiman & Co., 21>21 ?-; J\ta1n St , S11nt11 Ana. Phone Kimberly i ·525,6. i 9c!>l AJcoho!Jcs Anooymou1 Write P. 0 . Bos 381 Ntwport Beath, C&llt. Pbone Harbor •711:S n1-wspapt'r. llOp:i l 29-Help Wanted G IRLS - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD ! Anti you'll 11g1ee whl'n you ho>!lr or lhC' m.1ny J•'b opportu.n1tl1·~ fn r q11ahf1rd young wurntn 1n our b11 .. 1nN!ll toJay tto ori::rrn-.cs :"\OW FOR : ~~~~~~~~~-TEL~PHONE OPE RATORS IK-BNUty Aids Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from face a r1J1.1, leg& Eyebrowa and hYr Une aha~-No more tweuin1 . '!:LLEN L. BRYANT R. E . U do'• Salon of Beauty Har. 2576 tlo 22-LotJt .na Found A pply-MnnllAy thrqugh Frid ay :'1 14 '• 1'o. ~lain Sl. P 00 lO 4 00 p m. Room 211. S11nt11. Ana PAC IFIC TELEPH ONE 22tfc WA :'\T -Janitor p11rl·l1mt. F.x· prrlf'nced. Morning' .t evening w ork J OH NSON & SON l.lnroln Mtrcury, 1100 W. Coast Hwy , ::"rwpo n Bur h. ~Ocr>I LOST -1, C'll.rot mt>n'a 11111mond rang. RewRrd. Wberty 8-<1~11 . 49cill LOCAL privt1te l'<J • t"tlucatlonal ~ i day .11c:hool w11nlA 2 women WST 1n 1:311._v, lO·ft. n:>wbo&t, 1 t .. 11.Chrrs for elt'mcntary gradea while, trimmed with blu!'. re· I 4lh .t: 7lh) SJ\lllry a d•quale. wud. J 10 Grand C11.nal. Balboa Phorft Harbor 3989. 50c52 hland. He.r. Hll7·W. 49cCH L-OST-Gray long ha.lrt'd ml'll! cat nee.r Snug Hart>or 1'rall!'r Park LI IHH& alt<'r 4 30 pm. l\lp~3 Z4-8choota. Instruction Real . in Estate School Santa Ana A 'ITEN'TION ALL( BOYS - Ntw11-Pre.i1 carrier ro ute are now open m llOme ne1ghborhooJa •- Balboa, Wut Newport, Balboa Jsland. Newport Heighta Md Cor ona del Jo1tir and Cni.ta .M•sa. It you are J2·10 yu. old. ha,·e a bicycle, a pply 10-12 a .m . or 4-:S p.m . only Ill Clrcull1t1on Dept., N twporl H11rbor New11-Pre1<~. 2211 B'a.lbotl< Blvd.. Newport Beach. 0 H 11rbor 1616 39ttc MEN .t WOMEN prepare In 1pan Ume tor unlimited opportun1Uu In Real Estate. New claues I WANT •xrertenred waHresa - wetkJv. Al Tyler lnatrucllni;. Al· Apply Lido l'11rk Cafe tend first e~nlng tree IU'ld learn \Ill L1rto Tre1ll.'r Park l about th111 great field. C11ll or 2801 • J iit St., N~w~Jrt Bearh write now fo r tnformatlon. Bull· 411p:'>l neu Jnstttult . 0 5t,; N. S,Y'Ca· more. Kl 3.17:,3, 74lfc China Painting De.y and Evening Clu se1 Order.a Taken Now Phone Llbtrly &-6tH8 REAL E STATF: 11lluwo man 1111d p111 t llmf' of Ike wnrkl'r. P11uJ H..rbold. Sl\n Juan Capl1tr11no. ltlt'. 172. 49c:i2 WA NT txpt-r1tnred rtal <'SlAte 19 F'T. l'PRl(.;HT AMA::"A 11'•'"1" l'r flPI f1·f'I '" nth lion. RNi-on· abll'. be-aut 1(111 m11ho1: I\\ 111 bo•ds & nww. a 1.llqu<' r111•l'e.~. rh~p Har 1371 -M or H.~r 1216 r111pr12 IOOO Ef-fBOSSF:n Rll-"111<'1'-" ('1mh1 s:i fl9 8 Lan~ H11lilw1 !'tlllllJI ~I ()0 Hn~k ~l1tlrh1-~ LEO:" Wl:ilTF:, 21\l~ \\'1ll11w l.1<n•', l'u818 Mr~a 1 nrt l'E'I Miu· A \'P I l.lh.-1 t\' b-:11:.u 11r Ll)k1 ty -1n1 t :oOtfr Bay Furniture NF:W 8 rt· LIV ROOM cmon '\ Hril • olt\'fln, m11tl'l1ln1; 1'!101r, 2 •tl'l'"'llil & I l'llfrl'P labll', 2 l11hlr IArllp~. I s1ic-w11y· fir lamp $I toll :'Ill Vtd w>, 81 BH 1· • $14 1 ~0 8 I'\ \\'ro11ghl 1r"n .llv rm. 11.1 n11p A r111 ('Plll'h, 4 '· .. ('1111' IC•ltnt rtth· lwr cushwn. 1or k1·r. 2 iotrp-1-ntl I< I '"""" tllhlt· t plas111· tnr 0 • 2 t 11i>1,. l11mp• 1 fl•11•r I.imp U 1fl :'IO ,·11 111•. e l H .. y s 1M• r,11 SF:TTl :-;G tor 12 C11mn1un11v !'II· 8 P(' !'!f-:1 wl'IO:-\AI. I. H r.IHH'P ver Wiit< tnlllltl B'. l'ize 1'6 2 P•' M l'lloonfll '' 11nn;a1;o lntr\ !I' 11rl'll•t'• !'"<'kt .. 11 ~UJ\ •Ir •"~•'·• suits. Re11110n11ble, rHll l'V• ~ Hsr •trr.1-J. Mr•~>2 Movie Projectors FOR RENT 8·MM 16·MM 3~·MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLA:'\E St:l'PLIES ALSO Geig11r Co11n1t>ra t or rent Mears Camera Shop 1782 N ewport Blvd .. Cor!la Mt-11• Phone Llbtrty 8· i042. Pr U S0-8-Appnan_cea~~~~~ Washing Machine SERVICE l ·ycar guarantee on Joba done and on U11ed w11Sh trt1 2~88~ \rear) Newport Bl., Co.t.a Meaa. Lfberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64Uc LE\\'YT veruum 'ltlln• r . 1111 11r· u•Monei. Horl11y 11~•1, h• • n In 11torttj;f'. S3!t T'h Ha r JU77 4!k"ll O'KEEFE & .MERRIIT rAnlle, rt d trim, gooJlJ • on•1 s nd 4 6 1 u It Ser.\·~J ll"" r• fa1i:. !'I'll 10J:l'1hn or 11<-p11.rntl' Hr11. 3:,110-~t 49r!'ll .Used Automatics $39.50 to $99.50 Dellvrn•<1 ln11t11llt-•l, JlllAl'llnli>erl. !"o txtrll ,·her!!e h• 11 '1•rn• 1 en hit>, 2 "'"P • • n•1 & I ,., ff.,,. t11hh• 2 t a hit lnmp~ $27!lll0 \J.h h>, Al f\•1y. $1 700 8 pr MA l'I E '"'"ti :irm i:iflloll' f:,11 h· A m+'111 •111 -.t 1·1,.,1 \.;0'{11 d(tb rhl\11 rt11tfCl1111 rrn k• r. 'i "lt•p· ""'' ;.. t f•11j(r .. ~~~'""' h•I '" 1111'1 pl<' latnJ •II 11 ufrttd ~hAtll'll 1. $:1 1!1 :10 v11haP at B11y .... Si!lll ~O H Ol.I~ Y\\'OO D bed, twin a1ze 1311") 4 'v" purl' roam rublX'r. m11tt.re~. hox 11pn n1:11, pla11l1c ht'!ldbfl>trcl. ITit'tlll fl'Hnlt'. $1 Hi ~Q \'lllUP, Ill li>ty -$69.~0 8 l'C. B F:DROOM GROUP ll.dr. plll..l!llC top dre1111er, mirror, bo<Jkr l\8e hea dboard. 4.0:'> coil ln- nc1·aprtni m allr. A box 11prlng1. 10 yr. guar11ntu. 2 bO\Jdol.r lamp11. $239.~0 valut!. at Bay ...... '1611.~0 Bay Furniture 42i E. l ith SI .. Coal11 Mrl'& 1 belween Tustin & Irvine I F'ree Sturefronl l'u1 k lnJ: -Terms Op .. n E \'t'll. 1111 8 p.m . 3-pc. Se<-tinnal, S50, Phon e Kimberly 5-3614 / .lll'IC!'.12 ~Boata, Mopp1Hl9 TRADE RN111l1f11I i O·ft. aux. 11chooner. "ully 101111d. go anywherr. \\'111 111kt• Pq111t y In prnpP11~: nr 11111al- lrr h1111t. J 220 \\'. Balboa Blvd., !':1•w1,,11 t . llar. :111:1z :u11rc :llF:IH'l'P.Y l'LO\lf'. T r<iphy win- 111' t"Jl 1<hnp1~ t ni1Tl'r. Sllnll\ ,\1 I l:RA;\'I' l'I ;\'tlS m~nv Ilk• n!'W. :-1r1rt""'.'' E'C \'••ll••nl' conc1ll lt>tl B••HUI 1f11l H• hi l\111,, 1.)111•,.n i.l\lf', l\111<h" C:11111ol OH1c·a1<I tlpt'I u. JlllllH•. 11111\ $' ...i ,,o IA,\'f'ly c ••'T'~ t;r;1n~l ~I 1hn>i:nr1y 1.·&lift, I ltn~ '""" 1111.t '" 1111i,, 11nl.'' l l!l~ Annt hrr 1.n1t11I ••Ill\' f1 :1:1 M11nv 11tllo·r \\ond1·1f11I h11~11·in CrAn<l1. DA :\Z·~t'll ~ll PT Ht~ r 111no Storf'. ~11n " Ann :.~q -"" ~lnrn . l(\H 1'11111 .. ~ H••llll' uf 1h•• Hammond I Ii i:11n. l'llHT A HI.~: l'IV"''l:'·' ph. 3 'l't-tl~. \'.\I • h11ni.:• r :-Oh I ""llrrtlnn J1'll r, o II I• l "IH \\'1',.l 0l'Pftn F 1n11I, ;\011J1•tl lllh, A pl 4 !\Op!'\2 ~l-TIAl4 BUY! 0:0-:F. (1:\1.Y 1 ~'""'" Orj(knn. t..At~­ ,.l n1111l1•I s .ave $ l(ltt-4 ·on\1f'nt.-nl • t .. 1m• t;I JA:-\gi.;,...; UHGA:'\() 1 hl' pt11nn a nd l'I••• lrir 01 ~Hll 111 flll" \llWI l 11· m.-r1l. S11lit fnr <Wf'r • 1 !\00. Our prir e • 87. T"' 11111. Al.110 11nt t>nuWu1 Eleciron1c 0r(811. l..Jk.• 111•w, .Blnnrl l1nu.h "'""'""io m 11k•• Out pilt w onlt $61\.'I, Think or t h>tl ~ # DANZ·SCHMlfl,-Bii§ T'lllno C11. Santa An11, ~20 No. Matn. BE AUTIFUL m11 ple m irror lype upnghl pl11no In perfl'rl C'Ond1- tton. T em'• 136 37 down and $11.7~ p.-r m onth at - SHAFER'S .Mu11lo Co. (Sin<'" 111071 421-421 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 1·08i2 HAMMOXD ORGA::'\8 Ul<'d. A rare opportunity. Onl! fllmo111 Chord Orga.n. J'f'rffCl <'nn•hllon One Hammonrt i:!p1nf'l Ori:11n. 2 )lpybol'rd11.. Don't WRlt If Y"" wish to m ake a s:ood n vtnit "n th<' wor111·1 nnut 111 gan~ DASZ·SC'HMIDT. H11m" r•f the Ht1mn111n1I Ors:11n. :>io No. M11111, S11nt11 A n11. G°"'I t •'I m11 SPINET S PEC IALS! 'J:-\E OXl.Y full k··~h.,a1tl Leost H Splntt in fin•• rnnt11l1nn, S.61\, BEAUTlf'CL ~11' l.(1111h111l Rl'rnirt P"'""· l.ik" n""" s"'"' $2t12 LO\.ELY K11nb11lll'l ll' ~pln"l p111nn onlr llO •loya uld. l;Ave S 100. / ~OIW•'lllt>nl !Mll1' Ill SH.A Ff-;R'S 1'l 11•lv ('"· I ~fil"C 1907) 421·42:1 ::". Svr 11m11"'. :::.11nta A nf\ r h"no• Klrnlt••J ly :t·tHF2 I llintl (',1llf Only $1.00 "' 29tt 23-Situations Wanted 94tfc , 11al!'anurn, real opportunity Jn- torm11llon ronfhlenl14ll. W nt.e qu11 hf1rl'l1on11 Box L-74, thui nrw~paper. 60c:iz We Service All ApplJan cea Specializing in Auto m atics . Auto. Washer Ente rprises . .$(17:, HYllll 1-;111117. !'.1-0lfc Sl'I Xl-:T l'I A:'\US. All w11nd,rf11l ,~-- l'o 1:n!l ?",."'·11-l'rt-.!'!11 :1 tZ l!l. 2ij, 6 Z t!l~1;1 ('F.RTlt'ICATF. OF n1·q, ... r:~s t 'lC'TITl(H 1" t1R~t :-0.A\lt, Thi· 11n•l"r~11otn" t """" h• r"'h' ,.,.rt1f\ thl\I h<' I" r11n•h1t llni\ 8 .rcaJ cllllllt b11,.11v•1" Al :?:l!.'!'I Rnlhu11 B h'll :'\:I'\\ p<•rl RPftt'h. Cohfornlft untl.-r th<' fl<"lll11111~ (irni n"m" of BA \'\'If:\\' Rf:ALTORS 11nd th11t 11111<1 firm 1• r11mrn•"t1 M 1h .. fnl· lu\\ 1ri: l'l'I •• n!' "h11:0.-n11mM tn full lln•I plt~rt'" 01! IP•atlf'no" ArP 11~ f111l11v.~ lo-\\lt l'Hll.II' J R 1\l'P :1!112 l'hrllln<'I r 1. '..-~wpnrt R"A• h 1 ·1111r.irn11~ \\'1\nP'<I' nl\' 1-Rnol \hlll lq\h olA~ rf A p11I I P~'o l'lllLll0 J RAl'r STAT!': 0 1" C'ALIFOlt:\'IA C'Ol':\'TY 1'1-· ORA:O-:t;~: 1 .. ~ 0( lht~ l 'lth o!A \' 11f A p11l, A JI Hl:lr1 h.-fl"! ,, nl• llOllF:RT 1-· wiLLMF:~. " :\'1•tnr" l'11hhr In a n.( for !hi' 111111 ('1111n.1v1111•1 SIJ'•'. rt'1<11lln.: rh,.reln, 1l11lv 1·nmm1M1toJ10•1I and swnrn'. prr~t,nAth· 11ppl.'11 r r.t PHILIP .J RAPP k nCIWn to mt In be tht pt'r 8•"1 who~P n.;mp •~ llllb· arrlbttl to th•' \\'I I hln In:<' 111men1 anJ 11cknowlt•ll!l'<I to nit' thlll hP t Xt'CUltcl !hi' ltlllllP In wltnu8 whl're11f, I hA\'t hlt°P· u nlo 'l!el my hAnd 11n1I 11lflxo•·I my OtflC'llll ,. .... 1 t ht' d11y 11n1I y.-A r In t hl• Ctrtl(H"l'tt' first 1100\'f' w1111tn ROBERT F' \\'ICUIES My C'omrnt'tlnn ExplrP11 !l:tw,.mht'r \~. 111~:1 N o l:l12 z.,i...,.·1·P rr M 4 21 211 !'I :o. 12 lll!\!\ \\'P Also ri•pB1r 11nd rl'b1uld '\'tnt· lion blinds. All wor k done by •P· , pomtml'nt. Phont now Uberty 8·5701 or Klmbtrly 3·8274. ppllc H. H . HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service MaJnt11.l.l'led Phone : H11rbor 4624 28UI 811.lbua 81\'d., :-;ewpur1 Bt'ach p.tp PAINTING PAT'ER HANGING R• MJPnt1111 t. C11mrnt"rctal \\'Mk l.l•'Pnl'rtl (',;ntrndnrl'I l.l'x1n1:1<1n 6-4!1 16 r·1>llt<'t. Huntin1:1 .. n l:!c>111 h • :.9ppl!l\h 0 Painting & P ape rhanging W e do the w o rk o urselves. :10 yPRn PXpl'rlenre L1.:en~e11 &-1ns11n•1l. S1111sre ct1on gua rsnterd. E~Umate~ t ree Call J ohnnie, LI 8-26 i & LI 8-52 9 81t(c FOR RENT Skill Sav.'s, Elo>c. Dnlls, Poh11htr1. 11ll type.a or Sander•. \\'he.lbar· f'O\lo'I, tlc. SOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COA ST HlGHW A Y Uberty 8-343~. !':tv.1>0rt Bch 28tfc General Contractor LICE:-;'SED New W ork -R em odeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 44p5ih TIME TO PAINT M. W. ROSS Lfbtrty 8·3321 or Harbor 3089-M 280 N\loodo, Coet,. Mn11 LIC<'n11•<1 &. full insured. 38p:H CARPENTRY >.UNOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. O. An<!"rl!On l<\U E. 811lbo11. Blvd., B11lbo11 Hu bor 2460 83ltc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT Lll.'E:'\SED CONTIUCTOR 878 W, l8lh St, Co~t11 MP~ll Llberh· 8· 628 Elec. Tool Repair Skll s,wa. Drilla. Simdtra Q v,CK SERVIC E LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4M l"o. :'\~wport Blvd, Npt. Brh Ut>.rty 8·8383. 44tfc 26~8 Nf'"''ll''" Rlv1I , 1·•11•1 R M•·i<ll 8,.,'T 'l iJ ~l~HY with u:I $11 ", YOU:'\G m11n. 33, nNl llflptu lng, EXC'ELLE:"\T r1pport lintly for r<'lll U be1 ty 8· 7 llb t :":<'Ill Gr11f l.-.1111 ,,. P·wlllt 111•!1" !~II HR1 , :127!1 . .f • ' 4!li !)\ tX·l'S~C pch•l . 3 yrl'I. Wllh l1111l t~late &alf'11m11n In active nff1c1> rr·I .. mpl1>yPr t locAl 1 m!'ellnl! pubhc I :io:i. E. Coo t HIJ1:hw11y. Corona AAd h11ndllng m onty. Rt ferenrts, Ml M11r. H11r. 2H3 or tvrell Her. Qt..:JC-KF'REEZE fr eezer \\'111 11 .. 111 IS-FT 1;1.,\S=-'F:L>. tjhq,,11., g,1,.1 w ill 11.1 cepl roatllon u n1le h()-1 21 20· W . :>Oc:l2 up lo :l!'ll) I tis In 1100<1 n1nn1nii 11,11111: b•" 1 """ t 1 r ,.,1, r A 11 tel or motel <1c11k rn11n or Alml· ......_ , ronl1, S:•O J.J 8-2i~I :.tt'iJ f .. r ~1 .011 1 •. ,,, .. 1 ~ ••• 327 \\·evl lar nite work in South C•>&11t WA :\'T t:ombinalton lot At p1rk· bo • b .,, \\ 11~ .. n~ t ·.,,.l" ~t. '" !\111 ~2 uu. '\\'nte or wire P . 0 . Box llp Y-.. 1uaL e eiqie.ne.nc"". .A l-JUH NSO~ ,, sox Sl-Wllltru to Boy t 27, 1..11.guna Bl'lleh. :iop~2 1 • • 14 ·F ca.A!'S """1 & 111 h p ~!· r- 1 Lincoln Mercury. 900 \\'. Coast \\'A:-\T T n 0-l'Y 1·1ie11r tnhl,. 1111 ,. ,.11•11,1..r ~·11 H tl"""'''•nll1· CLEASl:'\G & IROSl:-;'G by the Hwy , ::"twport Buch. llOc~l modtl T\' in l-"'"' 1.,nr1t•1"n tin ril2·3 th S! ;\';,"P•oll •11h <18)'. ExptrltnC'ec1. Balbo& bland Ph. ll11rhnr l'\1111-~I 41u .. 1 !• Am 41' ! Pn!fl'rrtd Kl 3·60il6. !'\Op:t2 W AXT rut e.11111te broker or M.l"l" 11' me.n with IOC"al f Xpn itnre for :'>11• ~·2 R I M • t the U do Bndi:t offlrtt-_--WANT TO B ·y a Mild •1•1lly fl'lr OY S atn enance BAY A Bf:At:H REALTY a .19-tt. HllhflAt. l'h LI l!·lliU . H ouH cleaning-Floor wulnf l't>e Mr. C:11>,.r, :i 112 LAtayrt11> l\or:'ll Walt washing-window cle&nln( Ave . N~\\ port Rl'ar h Har 3643 \' rnt'ltan bhntls. t.:pholMery :i 1 t':'l3 T HRF:E 11· .. n 111.p~ l••r r1 nt $M1 · m1111th 11! l.1tln \\'h11rf Y.11 hi ~.An•llr ~ :1 116 \'ut c'l'"lt" l'h I.I h•'l I\' .f11111t•. ~61 RO ----------CllH Y~t.1-:tt :0.111 1111,. C'rll:ine, ~ •, lo hu\~ ~h.:lit lv 11•••11 )1,.1ny 1<'nlAI 1 "1 '·' n~ 1 •nt in 1 .. 011 11t1r111 Jo:IJ,,n}' f-1111 11111• narllo 'I hi"' anl\kt' 1181>1! h\' I' fl It-•> I lr1l\' $3!1•1, l.,t1\'l'ly /11 111• r T"I'" !"1 •n• '· univ Slll!'I, hflflil •I llolo f--".1an1•h $~\fl7 ()n,. 1• ., ''-1 hi· A~ r ,j., 1r11r ~run~l onl v $I>. t :ltAI\' olht'I l:ll'lll hll)ll. 11111 1 ·a.rn ' fl' ni wl If h l'• C'h?Q11e, n·"' & "" ! [l,\ :":Z·l"' 'II :1111 •T 1-\tJ;' 1'111nn 6 r11~·•n :-:1 •t, ~:.>•1 ::"u ~'"'"· :-Rnll\ An" (IJ" n 1-'ll i::Vf', I l"m" nf 1 lw H1m1mont1 Orir1n11. Jll•·n l• :-:• a·lit1 I''"' 'l l'H\'11 121\!\, lnl'ured. F'Tte Est 1malt11 3~f'urnlture for Sale 1\tc CH RISTIAN l9dy to 1Mk el'Pn1ng - See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display 1 1 •·•t11. t•· n I'" or. WOOD\\'OHTll PIANO CO. Li berty 6-1332. ml'lll lor lll1ult f11 m1ly 1n rxch. J SINGLE bed, Aprlr.i;:e t\ n1111 t rl'~~. REFHll;f·:l:AT!1R 11'1 \'<>ll D r 1318 Cnn~l Rlv•I .. C''lron11 del Mu St-:E ,f,\t 'l( ltt\ln 'U< 8 l Li•l11 1Th11d!!n Interior Bldg.I Experienc'd gardener LANDS CAPING tor rne11I~ & prl. rn"m & ooth 1n ~I!\. T8pl' r"f'C11'1ll'r, llkt-!:'S"· $8:"> bPAUt 1r111 BRy Jo"rol"l humt , Hal. I 1 ·fl. m1xJem 1·11111'1\, $ · ·'· 1\ 1110 l'h1p}111 I, ri ol 0 f :n .. t S11""' Hnr. 3;i11;.i tie lf• N•"1·r .. 1 t ll•·n• n '.l!li C• • TV SERVICE llll11n(I. \\'lll !)P c•~ni111lered a r nffee At encl' t•thll'I'. 41J Hn ll>nll part of fe.rn1ly. H11.r. 26114·\\' CoveA. • 411• :'I I 2:l Hf' <;HA Y ~IAHl::"E S"to~t:r111t !i i a nd CLEAN UP S Liberty 8-1659 jtk~2 I M<:>Vl l'G. \\'ILL SJo::LL-Two ~111. 'II it. 11' 17 ~;1r)11 I I, ~ "'"''r. fl1111 \\'~: llr::>;T 111•1 t&lil" t"rcortl pll1yera --------------Ht .J11.n11 ~ ,., . 11 ,.r ~.;,i:t:1 I.I lit. IU111llfo•1q "'~"I ' A. 11.v1tem ... 30tfc LARGF. Ion~ e11l11bhshtd reRI t'~· 1J c;ht'rr)' C"1tplA m~ 1hit111< S2~ ,, 'l i..:\ lti~1 , 'I'·' -~I i.;i. i.;, ~ 1tn·I SUNS --------------1Ate firm 111•<'1ts "X(1,<•r1t'nt1"I •'R<'ll · 2 t hl'llY 1 hP•t•. :ltl H . LIC"E:":S F:D YRrhl Cllpt. F ull 11"11• ~ul•·~nrnn. ,\II 11n~wo>r11 kPpl ~"n· 22 ' \\'. 11 · lJ $2~ '"'<Ii ~ 111•1 211 1 'llA ltT~:H ur 3pn1 t fll'!1< r - ionn \\'k ·entls. ~lotnr l'Xp!'rlenr t I I \\' I' X6 1 h 1 h ,... l l'Ahf~('toll!lt Full rrfer~nre · Al· p&rt>r f>li•ll<tl' 11lAl" 411ahfu-11-hPoJ, $~0. 2 brs..•" lllnlfl.' lb" II , 16 1'1\·v..,11tl f1~l11ng rlriry, n•·r1ls fl• enllf\ rttc ,ox •. l tl!I ,. 1~1 ry C'A• ••o1lr•1 I ho M ftor tlb. :'\t>w f'h1 y~l"r • un.p eq111r I l<>nds Diesel llC'hool wk d9Y" 1-.1t1on11 1n 11111 46tf1· $10 l!lll:h : fltuk C'Jl~!"ht'll •lrar'• I w11rk S11111•!111 .1 1111 ~la.11ne l >rn k, i l'lt>a 37. f'h. Ad11ms 3·92 9 1 • for 2-3 h• olronm~ $1n i.x 11 11n ---• :1{•26 Rfl, Hm s !lwi.y. Loll An· I <'Ill f .. r :t'.l lnr h w111oln\\ 11 , n••111:h I I £ Hay A 1" Uulht.i<. 4\i 'i i -----------46_P_~_l ~~i!l<'f'll&nf'_o_u.!' · llttue Bokh11ra rui.:. h<>1<11l ,f11I SLIP RENTALS SECRETARIAL, full lime, 6 d11y WIN Anso n Jackpot, get y o ur v.,n• cr,trir. '200. Pr HM 1:17i w~rk, IU yri< rxptrlrnn Com-I 1r•r'ol P":s nt <"epablr of ll!'lllUffilng rt· STOP THE MUSIC I HCJLl~Y\\'000 h#tl. ~nmplel" l'!X· 1por.51b1h:~· :-.:.-. punr tu11I. own blanks a t RA y FIELD&. I l'o>lltnl r1.on•!il1on. SZ'1 H irtlr r trllnl'J'Orlll.Uon. Hu •• 4:134-J. R . ii!\.\\', 4<1t ~I •:1~1 Lido Watch epair .,.. _ Mi.xm.um h• Am .o . J,.r.e'lh 32' ALS(I J~(J\\Ht1AI 1u::•rA 1.s A:ltEP.IC'A:'\ l,F.til'•!I: HALL. l~lh -' Jl11 \'f P•r ·, :-~wpr,rt Bt llt'n. H 111 bo1r 4~2. f'R·lf V1nctnl Drugs, 3461 \'la Ll<ln O \.AL BP.1\1l•F.I• 1~1·.; l!'CI• '"''· El.flERLY ll\1\11 would like to In-'2cM H l;tl>l'll .t-br ..... r Tv.t. p1111 1 ..... 11. s.i-Mu~l<'al, Radio, ~ T v C'rP!l!l' 11m111l n·onlhly pen111on, urul ltn,.<1 rh111 ·2 t ... h111k ~rRI""• --------------- bv dn1 ng O<ld jobs or whal have 1 ORIGINALS H11rl1<ir 1i;~J.\\ ~:IP Rf'.:0-:T "" 1o1i;kn r r plRnn wa.h \'OU Ha"• tnnl<r a.nit nwn tran11· rrn'.1! 1ri Hj 1·?y 1 n 111·11re pur· r <>rt1t1nn g M l1 h!'Allh .:nd ac:IAF'T'F.R:-:on:-;-, C'orklllll, dlnn<>r l •BLF. HElt \\llh "'""' hux •1•11n.:•. •hA ... Kl • I I\'". Atl~re11a 8 flX ,Holdtr 142, I.Ir•·•~~ .t ConrrtlnAll's . mAllr,.~s ol 11·•·ln1t 1111,"' in11•· SH A F~:H :' ~IU •lr ("., l ~lnr,.19fl7 1 I co~la MPH . 4llp~I C usto m Dressm11k tng 11bl• for 11t11t1 .. nl ,1,.',k a nti " ~. 1lJ-n :1 :-. ~\ Af11"l " ~9 l'IU Ann · PA1NTER WANTS WORK. l~ yurs expert· enc~. :"on u nion. Hourly~ Ltberty 8-Z.72l. '7p'8h P h. H1n bnr ~268-R 49p~l dr11v.·cr th .. ~· Wtlh m111 '' All l 'hnn" h"'l11 lo•tl\' ;i .1111;2 Gl'S FUR SALE~rarker ab1f.' b11M'tl, lff R•· 11hnt gu n. Excel· l11nt rondlllon. Ca ll t Vl'a. Harbo r 2o:I· W'<. 4 7tfc ~fon'<?r~y atj.)t>, ~"'"" •• rr .. r 1;1,~ Liuk~rur "''"' ,.,.,,,11" ,1,.1 M11r t'.«r:r• ,('IA M~1 1i:-.11 S1·1n•t r.rifAn Hu . :.133:1 cir HAr. :\l\:i6·ft. ~•l• ~.2 ,r, f,;,. •• :. 1111•011 Bi. iiiH.11 ~i. ' Jl\'""1' nt ''tr:.•,.• YELLOW Chrome tltn"ll" 111bll'. 2 S H A~ ~;H • ~I n<11 ! 'o 1 Sine" 11107 1 chair,_ ltke new. Har. OMX·,I J21-l:i3 :.; :-, . .,.,,,,,,., Rani !\ Al 11 r1ut:,1 l'hr1nP Klmt.•·r I~ :i 1"17 l 1'<711 ll11tlo1 t Hlvol , Cll,lll M"llFI 1.l11•·r•v II :t'llll. &3cMK Sl0l :\'~:·1 t·l,\:'\rJ. The mo1t bl'au· t it ii pll11t•1 1n the world. Hlgh,.11l J:IM•!• All !r11)l\1•ot1•I CAM' Ju11l ltk" no • A t> •"I 11 1 "l vi Thi• ''"r1 .. tr:'~ f•ul ,~n,;, l•vi s·i.r . 0 1\. ·z ~r"llMI OT r llffi()lll Planlt ~·"r" 811nt11 An11 :,2f) ::"o. Main. -· . HI . n !"FT -Brovmlng RJ·•2. A ~I. F:ll tuner, Ur<lOkl l22A 1r1w t1111pl1!1.-r J~n~,.n 222 , .,_ 11'h1~I "l'""k"' 1n k J "nrloa11r11. !41" 11t1• • f• r 'l !:l'I. l"h. Harhr,r 3977. . •O• •l lif-:At 'TWl't. !il<'lnWA\ Modlll U, 1: • 16J·1 p111rr, In pl'1 fl'rl 9',ndll t• n. l">c\,. "'•I h1ill •1f ll"W prtr" •• SH i\ ~ 1-;1: S M11•tr '"1 1 Since Jilt 7 1 111 ·111 .'\ :-:1•1JT1"I'', ~nc a Ar " f'h•.:..u. Kl mli••r ly :t-v,ni~ $!o 1•1-:1t M•a 1~111• ~""'' p111•t1••· "'""'' VI the k1•Mll'I • le11m. A II l "r'lll l "l•I ~ll<1w1 I If )'Oii h 'IV '"'' r '•'•' I 1 '"' fu •• p1"'n'1• 11.,", S l IFI 117" J ll•:\ :-.J It WOMAN wttl do g-.nen..l ouM••ork. floor wu:1ng. win· o•· c:ltanlng. ' l"Ut workera. BF:OROOM SICT-Boltd mAhog , 8 pea, twin bed1. Hartman ward· m ile trunk, I am&ll 1{t1UT1tr warl'.lr11bt trunk• 404 Bel vu~ LNia, Ba.Ibo&. Ha.r. &Ul. 60~1 SIMMO:-;'S ~t\J""" cour h I mllk"• • :-:1-:w A('( 'llH f >I')" 1211 h•-..• 2 fl A •. z w·11 :1111 'r All( ri1U1n !!:rofl' doublf' bl-ol o I'1 lce 130. 1.r t11v•1. ~II i;rtc• St:.i:.. Lit.• rl" I 11111 1 .. an••• ''r111 :"o_ ,;lain. w h1tr . 194 E: .. :ao~ It... Coat• · a .... u a.MN. pplf ~ l.l'berty i ·liTD. 0~2 8·~b•. 6t>c~2 8&11\.& An&. Term&. . ' .. ,. PAGE 4 ·PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 12. 1955 BY POPULAR DEMAND . ANOTHER ' "Do It Yourself" SALE !· 1950 OLDS 88 4-dr. with H ydramati<! • Mech anically s ound, but n\eds paint job , aeat covera an·d better tire11. $580 1953 FORD 6 -cy l. Mainline 4-dr. -All this car needs is bettt>r lire11 a nd a little m etal &. paint work. 4-door sedan. s tra ig hten and ·$990 1947 FORD Upholster y work. better tires. paint one fender w ill put this c ar in good shape! C.. $170 1951 NASH Statesman 4 -dr. w ith O\'erdrive -A doo r latch, and a g ood home will ans w e r this car's nl"e<ls ! $490 1946 FORD S tation Wagon -The wood is in poor condition, the tirf's need tread but it is in g ood mec hanica l condi- tio n • Alas. a perfect wo rk car ! $210 1942 FORD 2-dr !'lcd an • :'\1>eds a ca r efuJ driver and a kind w ord. . $9(} We also have excellent buys in A-1 reconditioned used cars. THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer _Since 1921 "ON THE MARINERS' MILE" 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LlBERTY 8-3471 .- -WE DON'T SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars '53 FORD 8 4-dr . custom , o'drive. R & H , '!S3 B UICK S uper R i\'iera. Full equipt. '5 1 OLDS super 88 4-dr. Fully eq~ipt. '51 B\JICK 4-dr. Special. R &. H , Manual shift. '47 PLYMOUTH 4 -dr . Hurry, LOW PRICE! S ee us for a real d eal on a NEW '5~UICK. TERRY'S · BUICK / i · 2612 N ew port Blvd., ~ewport Beach Har. 5021 (A few bike Easl o! Newport City Half) . 40--~-l~ and Trut'k!'l ·i -10--Aatoe for SaJe ;;;;~RO~~T 4-rlr .-low 1!1:'14 •2 T0:-1 lnlern&tnat'I' truck. 111ll1>11i.;r, hl'A!e r H1<1 2{l!l6·J . Rl'rlt'!I R· l l(l, RArH. o'h . over· 27 14 \\'. Ot1•11n Jo'rnnl 411!<11 tnad isprf{a., t rarlf'r hrtch. •lblf'. -E11~I<' nyl<•n tire·~. 01Pllll lirrAln l P~ 1 I l F: :-; >Tn I tl1 ~•"I H11.t1 .. I "'' k & i.ta kr 1111·k. JI ,!'100 - nn<I """'"r :, I(• "•I 1 11~• S7"• 31:'1 <"&n&I. \\'psl Newpnrt. Har. H~rbur 311•1,l·J ~1.:,,1 1 4n:'li :'10p:l2 ,1911 F'ORll bu~lll"'"" C'OUJ'•. 6 •·yl . r1v11• hr &tr 1 'lln• 1111'• h.tnu nl t"""n•ht1nn <"1111 l'fl .. r A """'l'k•l&vio, ·:;:1 M<. TF, ' 1:100" wire wheels. "s200 tor pqu1ty. Ll ll·i132. 49c:ll t 1:>(l I.I h-11•!1 2010 Mor.l'0\'111, ~!I OLn~~!OBll.E s:&th•n W8R<ln."· \.'u~rn ~11'.•a 4!ltrc Top ~h&pc. Pn\'ate party. Har -------I '&2 )o"ORI • R&nrh \\'a~· n Prr. :\t' :li nl -\\'. :14c~ 48t<'.! 41--A"uto-Sen ·lce --~-~--~~-~~~~~- • 40--Autoe and Trucka ' ' . I n-Wanted_tJ__Ren __ t __ _ Cars 1 RentaJs \\'anted \\e 11o·f'd ept1 a n.t 1'1011~~ 1n 1111 &t'rl1uru1 for Ou ll'I \.\lntrr M l.I h e sells TOVA Y: yrar·s ll'a..r • F'11rn or unrurn U you IUH'e " •·acanC'y, ~ . phone today 40-Auto9 and Trucks The Vogel Co. 13201 W l'~l H\\ \ . ~ewport B• h Phnne Liberty li-a48l SAVE· MONEY WITH 2011 Manne, BalbOa Island f'hont' H arl>Or 4 H :?1!6i E. Cout Hy , C'ornna dl'I \I tr Ph.1111> Hnr~o1 1741 1954 ' ~THESE . MO.VI NG · DAY SPECIALS C.HRYSLER CHRYSLER New York Club Cpe. New Yorker 4 door CHRYSLER Imperial 4 door S~dan NASH Country Clu~ 2 -Tone Brown HUDSON Hornet 4 dr. Dark Green MERCURY Station Wagon STUDEBAKER 4 dr. Sed., Auto. trns. CHRYSLER $2545 1695 1860 945 895 1ocf5 Lido OfCIC'e, 3-IHI \'la Udo I Hutior 49; 1 :121 ll· I ~ \\"A~TF.D -!'mall ap&. In Corrt& I M flll\ l "lo.!11' 1n t>y Jun" I, y1•ail)' Libert y 8 -:1 ~6. 4!1t't•I -18-:-_~l!ts. &_l!C?.~~---- Summer Rentals on LH1o !sit' a nd 1•thtr tine Harbor homta. I p~-;;'l;t:\'Sl'LA l'Ol:"T HOM E I 2 b .. drmis . C'On\'l'rtlblt dt'n. I C-omplt•t.·I)· 1u1 nl~ht>•I S 1,a:..1. tor th" summrr I A -top IO('llllon ~op hem~"· Furn. Apts for summer Fine Lido Lc.l<'atlun Bachelor~ It I bdrm. U OO • S:'IOO month Some nght on the Bayfront . . IR-Apts . .t llou!W"I' ·I~-\1*•· .t RouM'tl --------·--------~~~-~----------------~~~~ . RENTALS \\ l' a 11· ,,1wn111~ :i 1\1 w d<'I'' 111 handlt' n •ntali- lf v 1n1 han • r1'11t.1I prll111·11~ 1111d w 1i-h to ee· . . rur1' n t1•11:1t1I , l'Al.11 .JP.A:'I: ~~tlTH nnd she "'1ll tt1k~ all 111f.11mnt111n. Our C'h:i~r will b<' 111• .-fM Rhl"rt term r<'ntl\ls ur 5', for warJy lel\St'S. . . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor .. Fr<'<' Parkin~ L ot :!60:! l\,•w1 111rt Hh·J ., N1•wport Bt'<H·h Cabanas Marinas HHr. 4718 Lido Peninsula. East 31st St., Npt. Bch. O FFERS Delightful living. A pt.-Cabanas. Utthtil'S p aid . with Yacht slip a ccomodat1ons. Oa1ly , Wt't.'kly. m onthly, yearly. F or appt. or r cs1•r.·at1un. Call Har'. 2992. 34tlc 1953 1953 1952 1951 1951 1951 1951 1950 1950 1949 New Yorker 4 dr. Sedan CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door-Perfect 795 1125 795 LIDO 3400 V1f\ Udo A<'r°""' rrom REALTY Harbor 440 ..SA-Apt". for R .. nt 1 .i8B-Houses for RHt R1charfl'l'I Marki'l ---- FORD Station Wagon HUDSON 4 door LOU REED (As is) 445 395 4lh M r REASON.AHL Y priced, clea.n l A 2 bdrm. furn. &pl8. Utll. p11HI Laundry room. Playi;round fu chtldri:n. Blu<' Top Mpl..~, 403 N.-wporl Blvd., Newport Beao:h Above the Archea. ~49tfc RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Lido Bayfront NEW 3 bd rm::s.. 2 baths. lat ely furn. apt. 'I immacu- I 1 M ~t F.01 ATE oi-t•upanr)· for II 1110 pl'rwil. AJ>r. ·28th tu Ort. :.!!Ith. s 28:.o. OWNERS HOME fur 0 monlha, 'complru·ly turn. Ji!IO rno llllJt a ll .:on\oenlell\'.<'• 111h h as •l<'"P fn•rz1•1, llUl<>., \\ iuller, dryl'r "-""''" to wttll i-1u·p .. t8 li11r. M42, ~\'H HIH. 3~11-J. •Pr~I Call Edna CJ'ats Blanche Gates, Rltr "WE HA VE MOVED" :-<CLliDF:S "nt1re irnmmer l'l'ru>t1n l'\n fWl..-<. :-;., C'hllr!rf'n. Shown by llJ>pomtment only. 1 VEHY nu:" tum. 2 hJrrn. toll11~•'. ~tuJ,.rn, $61'; noo. ur pru •Hl llllll<'r \\kly r11t1·11. 204-:12n1I St . N• "· p•1rl lie111 II LI II· i 903 tl\ • • 4hl'"o\ . llARAOR l!\'1.'ESTM E:'\T CO . -1200 West Coast H~ghway Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Bldg. 311 Marine Ave, ~&lboa lJllUld, Har. 11171 ~t c :"EARLY NEW modem 2 bdrm duplex. untum . w ith garegt Coi>ta MP.,a . \Valer pd. No chi dren, 5117.:10 mo. Call LI 8·H llll . Phone Har. 1600 Cevra Har. 1210) 1 UOllM llOllllt', Or•·an F ront . .l nlv 4 ltfc & August. Jcl,,a..I h .. u..,, lur I'll" • -------------1 mer tun. l'lusl' 111. U.\LB••A HARBOR APTS. UAY 1•1w 11EHTIE!d. 1 ·.u~. \\ • ~t f . b d t l B.<lboa Blvcl Har. :';J'>li. 4lt, .. 1 Modern !-JMUS e a.p s. ------ MAY RAIN ? ? Yes its unusual ! AND SO ARE Johnson & Son'.s Clean "Safe Buy Used Cars" Unusual "They a~e extra clean (we wholesale the others) 1 They are priced under the market (our one location & low overhead makes this possible) • They are sold with satisfaction g uar- anteed (3 day money back guarantee '54 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY . $3199. 11,000 miles, one ovmer , full pow er, · a real May flower. '54 JAGUAR COUPE ... ... . ...... $2499. Locally owned. Shows excellent care. '54 MERC. MONT. CONVER.T. $2499. Radio. heat e r, power brakes, overdrive. 14,000 \m iles. One own er. Bittersweet color . Black top, white w alls, t oo! '53 FORD 2 DOOR ······--···················· $1299. Radio, h ea ter. F ordomatic. New light blue finish. Plastic covers. '50 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ..... $699. R adio, heater & H ydramtic. Drive this car , you will be s urprised & what value y ou will get for this price. It's immac ulate t oo. '51 CHEV. Station Wagon . . .. . $999. A U metal body. A real u tility car. S h ows good care. '49 OLDS Rocket 8, 4 door ........ $599. • 1--Auto Service ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's · Garage AuU1orlud Part.11 A: Servke al110 Oood Tran!!portatlon t:1irs For Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. !'lewport B4>a ch. Har. 472&. IMtc MAY SPECIAL Foreign Car Tune-up $3.95 & up · P lus parts 1C necPssary We pick up & dt'll\'er. BE A \\'ll":"ER WITH - Hausken Motors Inc. 1 1932 Harbor Blvd., O>ata Mesa I..I berty 8·50:11. '7c58h 40.A-Tlres & Pa.rt. Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. " 8 hour aervJce Free Pick up & dfllvery 1- 'l71f c . DftA:"D X EW 2 bdrm. unfurn ,tu plex. garb111;e dl!tpo8al. gar•~ e Si 5. month. 8 CALL DAYS 9 ·30·4:30 LI 8-H,9 or Ll 8-7182 llf\rr :I fl m. & \\k enda phone Har. H 17. 501 ro 2 BDR.\f. HOME turn. or unru1 II Costa Me11a. ALSO small itpt. <.:all LI 8·5i5 after II p.m !\O"!l Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts + oth er choice properties Harbor Islam.I, Bay Shores, Bea con Bay. qualified clients only H a r bor Investment Co. 0 2 . Har bor )600 (Eves. LI 8-!13 II 2;1 r l c . l CORO!';A DEL ;\tAR'S oullltotnJ lnjl' 2 bdnn. apt """"n ~•de H\\) \'1,.w Lo\'"ly 'nrpPtetl ll\ltnJ:" rn Corner fm•plar o· G1trb11f{e tlrs polllll P1ttln & g&rll)!I', SI 10. 111 . ... yearly, unfurn !\!l'RIEL l'l~O\"F.K, Reoltor· Call H11rbor 4610. !'IOc~ ·2 Choice S ummer Renta ls o n Balboa Island & Lulo ·Isle Small & cozy ur large & deluxe 17:1 to· aaoo month VOGEL CO. d 208 Ma.rlna Ave., Balboa ISIM Ph. Hubor 444 or Harbor 21 ~ Re11 H11r. l786·R or Hnr. 311:1!•·1' ti I 64lt c Garden Court day, wee k o r m onth ~DQ ISLE Nt>sr bu.IS. s tores & bay. -R"'8nt11tblt-- rnt•"" ](11 E . Bey Ave:: BAL.HUA :.! YEA rt(,\" HI-~ J',\l.S l:'\~ t t:-: H.ttbtlr ~.:11 4. 17lf&: 1. "l ht!•h rn11u,. :! bulh)f LAHt ;~; furn. 1 bdrm. a pt. J-~1r<'­ ph11.t. l"-'l10, a u tt1. \\it!-ih•'I $7 • 11111 y1 IL l"l1 1 -p<I , 11" • l11ldr • 11. :.!1 3 l'11lt••ll St, \\ ··~l _:..:_.w pnr I Ha r. i :~u l-\\'.. :,n, -~:: ~ " lJ~dl tilllllfi :! h .• t. EARL W. STANLEY. Ho•:tll llr :J11 ': :"•"l'"'I HI\! .:-.;t'\ll"'•I I r 11 11 boor I 11 I 'I • 1001:' l.'~fl.'H~ ~.i r11g~ »11t, l.11ri.;~ I SUMM£~ RENTAL lltlrrn. with 0!'•-,111 \ 1cw 1-1 .. ,·, ,!(; r<"r11, ini l. Si5. 111.,. Hiii' 11 ;: .F:x1·l11~11·., HAyl1o1111 h• 11 0. f t. ;11 •11 g ~\0,.:,2 Hu~'. nv;dltthlt· r"r .t11f\ -~ .;\ti Charming Harbor Haven Apartment• - P atioa NEW 4 ROOM. etreet level .. N1'Ar l!chools. i;hopp1ng Jlstrltt (Ju1l't, pleil1'8rtl. txd u!il\ t'. Ciuba~e 1hs· poeal. laundr~-. 1>twa.,e 11•on .... g.1ragl', I$":: ;:,o up U<"• upu·s <'ll· t ire sll <'• l. C uod s11p~n·uu1111 .!\ts;r , 1:.0 1 ll,t\•n l'lalt! J Blot k South of H1.:h ::;, l1n 11 A 1-SO Fl ·n:q.s u En A·r l ~-. \\ 1:\'TJ-:H RATf~ ~11,,t. H• 11 11111 1111.\' l11rt11•h,.1L t,.11 1 • bage d111pwo• I, clJ1'hWIH!lo•'I. "'' I' free~. 2-car frlU'tllf"· A•tul1.11, "" J'l'Uo. Har. 2~7 1 , ~011rte .. y loo 111:1 nt;o •:11 fr ~'lll: U ·:ASF' 'l'\\O 11~;,\l' I lFI I f't•I t ftt 1• UJillll tl 3 kl •HW~ '/.I •'I.• 't 1:1-I >1!~1 :' . .! ha I ~ ,. II I I 'All 11 11 ho r 177 o.tol 11 11 l•tol I II' E1\HI. \\ ~ l \:'\I.I-I I.• ,tf I Ir\, '" I •'• u • \" :1tf1 . --f IUI I I I ,\t•IJ .• 't• l" I.II I-II \ \ ~ :-1 ... • : ,, I Tlt Ht I\• ful H \)111i .. ,.~ '• \•• 4XB-llou!M's for l~nt I \. j \ ..... II • I I \ \: " I $J uud "'111 , 1 A ~t I \t ------------·-----' t.n:-:1: 11~:A1·11 r·. n 1n t i • ·•1 ~ 1 l Ao\<l\' llt'\\' 2 1.J lJlll I ,'• lo1,l ll I , •• I II , " "" , I : .' 11· 111\ t111 n. \\~ .. h· r 1. •• f , ,,. :! ~l "I~· moo, LI~ ::1·:.J'•" l''I' 1. 1;111: \I f f , ' ~ ·" I •I ' . I .. l,;;\'FI "R."ihnn ;1. :I l)• h II\ 1 ...... r;.1 Hii:;hl11ncbi f:1111rlv ho1111 \\ \\ , 1trpO'ltni: ... 111q1o ~.. '' ·r"· '"' I hrlo k 111,-pl.11 •, 1 . .-J~•"l h":tl ll• h11 C'h pni:l).·l•"I klh h"ll q ,·,.;111 \'tl'W, Ii: ... :· ~·aril S:11\'1'. r f'f 111: 11 t1ltonu1 t11~ w11,,1wr 1111 l11o1 .. .i it dr._11 1•d ~N·~ 11~ •\\' .;u4 :-;, h '' u I 1 l ltn 1ol. r ·n~ .. nll•d• I .\l:.r l'h 11\"R" I -•,t;ffJ .. -; ~.I " \ ,. J ' \\ I J f 1 I ~·•\\ s •I I t ,,H t j I ~ I I I j l 1\ •• 11 1)-. \ 1 I \ fl I• I I " 111 t-'fl H:u 1 .. ''· j.; l ",~ ·.,.1!°'i 11 ... 1 I ,: h1J! ••• , (II ' 1h '1 1 :.1 1. I·,'~\,, p1 t ,, ~· II v j If I /\' ~t I I I•,,, t ,\I ~" '.! 11' 1 .. ,.i, I ,, I ' \ l , I ·'"' ! "I •I I I " •I , (\i. •'l •' \ol Ii I f I I ' ~ ' . " f p t •• ,,, ' I\ ,, Courtney & Lester f'urn1sh(ll •Pta , cnmplcLo kll• h1·1 Sltl'I)-' 41 6 Cir X. Avall11hl~ hy AVAILABLE NOW :!•011< • • • 1 ' l ·~ ' n:-;11 t-:1t & t ·n ,. i day. wee1t or month. I 1•1, .. 1, II " 1•· 11. 59e Newport Blvd .. Costa ~fesa REA.SO:"AHLE RAT!!s . lla1 0 2:1 \'Ell \' ~II'~: 2 1 .. 1r11 1,oft1 I ' - PH0:'\E LlBERTY 8·1198 P&P19'.lj ~.: B&lb<u1 l:ih·ol , U..tlh11a :1!•1"•1 ="•01r LI!" ""'J J•H.~ "1 ~'' I ' )I.I.\ 1 1 t::. "1•1· "' 1 1 ' ' t ~ • f I I •. I • ~ ~' I • ... ·' t f .: I 1 If I f I 'W It I .. '. ,I I ' -------------:"'!::\\' VELl::\.F. 2 ll•ll m 1Jupl•1t:, I t.11 11:.lor 11 1.1;.:• \'11\· lo.•·• I ·" '1 I \ 1' 1Z-TraUers e nrurn h1lw.1 Clrii.flro'pl ,)!lllb. Sl•hl 1111 t •• l•>-!•lt.-.1.1. ,....... ,,. ,, 1• I ''.! :13 BO LJ:S E:-:sE:-:ADA 22 fl I '""P~ sun dt C'kll Laun 'ry I0•11l1~ l '.\ Ll ....... ro• I I.I ~-., -.:.'! ; ,, I I I :.:1 I I"•. I lo" •• I 1 • u hou•e trailer Llki! new. Toilet I Garaitea, TV antt nna'I. At1111ts. 1 • :. ' I •'. I ,. I•"" ~I .l. ,.hwr. Sle•·ps j S 11!~;0 Ser Ill no pMa. 7VOA-700B Ac llC'll\, L"•J· ' • ' I '' ,, ~-. \', I . , .•· rnna dt I Mur. Owner i 112 Al n 1111,1 L":"Fl ·1~:-.; • ••ltH..,•, \\ 11 lo '·. I•· ' ! , , \I ;.. .'.l '" par!~ 21112 !;u t,. !'It r·,,111a M1 -a1- HJ FOHn ' .. nv~rubt.•. r• b111ll mtr I Motor Overhaul .... '-R&H S.::111 l'rl\'Alt' i •llrt~· I.I ,...- ll·lii2 ·"·'.·31 NO M ONEY DOWN Has r adio, heater , H ydtamatic, seat co,·ers, g ree n m e tallic finish. Save on lh*"one. '49 PONTIAC 2-dr ............................ $499. 1£191 :"ewporl Ave· 1-:o~t& Mel!ll. (L'.pper a pL) Phone Hl\r. li31l·J. I '" 1 & h,:,111 Fl,,1->•" \\ • 1 ' or C't.11 Harbor 70-H l'\"t~s. '' itf~ I ' a:urc ,, .• a , -.u 11• •• \ t,. · .. , l " • • S MALL utUlty trallPr with h1trh 2-----------n .. ~,. 1 • l. ·" ~· I I.• ' "' .o1u" t!:l--Hoom" Co IC1•11t 1911' f'(lRI'. I 1l11n1, R.t.H. )tl l * "th th"s ad * blR\'.k. \\'S W . no~r.t. '""'kt'ol & WI I lo1w .. 1cd !';ew .11t11\ c:ov"r~. \'f l \' 6 Cyls. . . ." .............. $·18.88 r-le11n. $.'•4:'.> 1>wnP1 271)2 V11 cle Dt'lve. BRy8hnrM, Evrs. l.lb.,rty g Cyls. . ..•................ $58.88 8-:\297. :;o1..:.~2 Inrl11J1's both labor and p11ru. ~~w rin11s. wrist pins, \'&Ive See The All New. it rlnd, rtttmgs oC main and r('ld bearings. E:<.pnt motor tunr up. Hillm~n Husky $1445 110 •• 1,w or .. ()110 mile Jt'llllr&nlee . <:>:o 1o1'0 :-.E1 Dow :-;1. S EE a M f'RIVE a t REBUJLT ENGINES Harvey Mayer Mtrs. -t'P to 1:1 MO:-O'THs TO PAY- 2131 Harbor Blvil . Coat11. ;\It'll& Bull! In our own f11ctory by skilled or <"llll tor demonstrati\in at LI mllchtnfstA. Don't rnntend with 1-22~. :llC'63 'he middle man. Buy d1rrl"t ----------1 REBUlLT and INSTALLED M-Do!9l Caba: Peta !!HURT BLOCK .AMJ:RICA'S ~o. l Dor . REGIS-1 FORD . .. .. ···-······· 11211.50 TER.1:0 AKC Searl• pupp1u. CHEVROLET . --···· ..... 11411 !\() ch&mpkm •tock. a Wffl\J old. Pt.YM It DODGE ..... ··-····· . 118~ llH3 Qf'&llge A\'I .. Coat& Mt'M.. CHRYS .l. DE SOTO ......... U i O 50<·52 STl"PEBAKER . . .........• SliO t1LOS 6 PONTIAC 4 ·······-··· $170 I YEAR 0 1.0 rea-Lltertd black 1 Rt:ICK ........ -.. .. .. .. -·-· u 7!1 male miniature Frt>nch Poodle. I H\.:DSON . -· ........ .. ..... s 17:1 Ha.a had tchQ\)Unr 6: all ahot.a. Loan car • Free Towtnc l.lberty ll·tat2. 60c:l1 :"EW CAR GUARA.1'..-X'EE Block mu1t mttt our atandarda Pomeranian Pups .Plu• ta.xu. p •kell and 011 .AKC; c.hamplon at atud. Ort•n Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. TISO Wratmln•lfor Ave., Weatmln· BELLES ENl""_l~IC at er. Ph. ~·enmlnatu 2·2!136. ~ "'flii • &0c43H REBUILDERS DACHSHUND Pt.-PPIES AKC rec. I Or~n Di lly 8 to 7 State JJonded l red male a.na a black • tan I NEW LOCATION ftm•lr. S35, tach. H2i 1 Came- ron Lant , Santa Ana. Ph KJ 310 East 3rd St. 3-1011. 5~~ iAXTf Al'A '· Radio & h eater. SEE THE.sE AND MORE AT JOHNSO~ &_ SON LINCOLN -MERCUR1' DEALER 900 W. Coa.st Hwy ., Newport Beach . LI 8-554!S Volkswagen Trade·ins 'Ill FORD II Cu1tom club coupe. R • H. F r 1oma t1c. Beaut1r111 bla.ck color , S~:I ':13 PL TMOUTK olub, R la Over- dr1ve S~ll:I. ·:io PONTI.AC I H d&nelle, R It H. Syncl\ro-mH h t.r&narn1 .. 1on S6!l5. 'H DODGE Mdan. Jrood cond111cm Radio $29.i. COTTON GOFF Volkswagen Dealer G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '47 FORD Ly T. Pickup ·49 S1Tu EBAKER '2 T plcku p ·~1 GMC I, T. Pickup ':'>3 DODGE ·~ T. J'1,kup, 1porll man top, look11 li ke new. '4 I White 2-T. C~. 8 (~ Urea, 2 Ape«d &JI.It, '51 FORD 2·T. 12' body, 8.2 ~ tlre.s, 2·11pefl1 axil'. k d n \\'e an lha larireat \'Olume l~a· dulers In Oran~e County an ~a.11 gw e )'uu t tie be11t buy a I U.ffd_lfU.Ckl. Wa c.ury our own contra.ct.a. W.W. WOODS OMC DEA L-ll:R 21111 :-ltwnnrt Bl\'~ ~ wpor' Bch 616-19 I!:. 4th St. S&nta An "' • · • ' Open Sunday a m a Harbor I.. Oli:b3 I ~a.dquan.nr tor Once"• Co RDR!'YfS. untum .. RllrllRt. :-\•)\ ~. I~ ~. ·' II I 11· ~. 'I:! . ;•,• h ,:• . -------- -- ---------t.nd llc<'nP', S7:1. Har. 32i9-J. .''•·i\l''•l t I'•,,, 1,1, ,1 ;\J• I I\ I I I:'. "'" 11·' ""'· retrig \\'ater paid. l l'hilol "k ,, , , 4 111 ~14 i~•3 \\'. 19th st.. Costa M,.,.,, ,\ I '·. i.,· •11 1 I' i 1 h 11.K __________ __._ Ll 8~A971 or 1.1 8-3340 47lfc ;-;1.,\\ :1 lll •l:\I l"Jhtl.,•' •t 'I "'' I• \, •I·· .. i..: I ., BARGA?=" 1954 H -fl. \18f"Otlon $,_;, 1 ,.,,, • l7-.:I•' ~· 1 1 1 1•,,. , .. 11 " 1 1 1,R I• I \I ,, ll.1 1 tr&J ler. almuat new. Birch wood -LlDO IS L E ~1~,n I.I 1--'.ll ~" ~·I • r.·:h ,,1,:•:.! \\ 610 lntedor. P rivate pa.rty. f.:'195. I . , Harbor 3812-\\'. •9c51 lJ:"Fl.."R~lSll l<:D, }~!lily le llSP. :I r-bdm1 .. 2 b11lh, llvm.c room 2ux:111 41--Wanted to Rent List Your Rentals WITH US. We have good l ena.ntll waiting for both penna.nenl and 2 pa tios JI nrner 2 11trat1u : 1~:11) P"r month. Bay & B each R ealty H 50 W, B11l1>oa Blvd . BR lbni< Harbor 1264 aummt>r ientaa. 148A-Apt.. for Rent Rex Rechs. Realtor . 230i w. Balbo.i sh·d .. l"ewport. CJose to Lido. Shops Harbor :'llro6 or Har. 987. 48t!c: :"EWl.Y DF.CORATEIJ. t 'nt111rf 2 --------------: I bdrm. RpL w/R'ar111tf' Li.in:~ It \> \\'' :;TEU TO HE!';T-Onf' bedrn:· rm. &: k lll h<'n, f S', m11 r,.11t1tl a pt ror hl\U8e. June 1 !'l·SPpL Isl. I Ph"n"· H11r :if)!lJ or [,[11':? :ll f':13 Wrllt l 'ndt l"\\'O<XI, 62!'1 ~o. Bert- ie)' nr l'All 11.:111:., Tlll'!ll'lfl, Ar.z Newport Island I 50pj2 Waterfront S ummer R entals \\"A ~TED TO RE:\"T In Newport .• Brach l l hOVI di.trlct 3 or 4 bPtl· RA n_::; b_\· wetk', month or 11r11t11nn. room hi,me. !Vllable family ut r, 3iCl6 ChMnt'I Pl. Har. 1217-J Monthly or lt>ue. Har. Ol!l8-!-.t I · 41tfr j-Oc:l2 """'"' I SMALL Ft;""'. APT. Adult1 pre-___ w ___ t_rf ____ t ___ . ft>rred. No d<>g"11. Qulf'l. f60. mo , • a e rOn yrly. C'nllla Mua. Har. Ol!ll:?·J W A:\I TO RE!\'T 3;4·5 be•Jroom rum home l.Jdo, HarbOr I•· l&nd, Bar lt!la.nd or B&lbo& Pen- lneula. LI 8·4112 or liar. 252.'\. ~Oc:J2 after r.. 6~2 YEAR LY unturn. l bdrm. a pt'. with gara.ge. Balboa Iala.nd. Har. 26:1:1· W or WQtorty t -4438. 3:)tfo Ruull• c11me from. con•tant COSTA MESA, 3 rm. apt ., tum. prarllc•' An •ti rtgularly In thur or untum , includu uuuucia. Ca.11 paps WW produce .-ult.a tor you. 1 HTt.U •~7. dttc APARTMENT C'OURT • 15 L":":ITS -$:?1,500 d11wn. T O P Yl'(lr r o u nd Balb(la 1111 :-it 1'111 tl:!flll N<J. f t. of II\'· 111~ ar,•a. All 111 tin•t C'la!<!"l c11nd1t1•111. ll>C'ome p11t('ntiallty t·Xt't <·th1 .. 11 .000 ~early. TOT.\L l'J~J('f'~ -.~!i.(JOfl. T his IS THE m·r OF' THt:: YEAH! E:'\C"LC :-\ln: WITH - Gre enleaf-Sl'verts Realty 3112 :-\t "'l'"rt HI., :\'irt. B1'h. Ha r. ~;-,5 1 11•,·es. LI 8·31 S 5 Apts. plus 3 Stores Ocean View -Walk to Beach All r entals l11w tr)'s <·cu re t>ennan<'nl lPnant.s -Could be increased by ta.kin~ 1rnmmer n ·ntal11 • l'rtsent 10- <'0ffit! ~30.-m~Ht. A s-king $40,5'.I(). 8 ubmit ~ ton d11w n Jiy rnts. & t e r m.14. J. M .. MILLER CO. 202.'; W. Balboa Bh'd., r\ew port ISN•rh ''BY. the Newport Ptu" , • • ..• Har 4091 Awa ~ ,. • t I. I I 1 ~-R•·!ll F. .. tnf" r.~-Rl'11 l f':.,fat,. -----------.... ----~-· ___ "'"; _____________ _ Exclusive Lido. Isle Bayf ront Bea·utiruJ ~rand New Hawaiian Modern F.n joy th<' e\•c·r-rhnn~ing beauty "of i;ail & power b1)ats 11k1mm1n~ by in tht> clear. cool waters of the South Bay. An uni.urpasscd panoramic ,·it-w , the b<>t-\1 h at your door. While QUlt't and pri\ ary pre- ''ail, LiJ o is f:invd :is th<' idP:il placo: for fam11Jes. r iMrc·n and bo:i t }o\'l•r..; C'l'!,'\IC' hy is r:hv'I.1d11 C!11h- h<>usc whnc> soC'ial 11111.l play JH ti vi ti~ ah(•und. Tl'n11:1. boating. t'l<". for your <'n jo>'Tllr-nt DEl.l'XE l!':TF'.RIOKS ARE \V tn W ,·isrose l1)'lw1 rubbc·r. undcrpadding ca rpeting : floating-staircase·. trop1l'al plR rH ing: ~ hlll:.'l' i;tOl\l' f1rt·plat•es ; dream k1t<:h<'n with M·rving bnr, b1ul t-i n Ttwrmador: rlish- washt•r. Tl111•t· bdrmi;. plus eonv pa.r~ll<.'d dl•ll; 3 bas. Full lge. gla~'I window wall'! with sliding do1•rs n1wning l iJ Upf)<'r anu Jowt'r bUll JPcks. Olht•r fra- t u r!'l'I. Must bt• i;t'en to be a p11·ec1a tPd EXCELLENT \.ALL'F.! Ph(lm• Harbor 5093 for apr»t. C<ourtesy to bru1'ers •1r wr;1ti.> Ownt'r. J ohn LeJ;g-t. :.?O~ Koron, Nl•wport Bf'at h, Caltr 51p53 ------------------------- WHY NOT BE DIFFERENT 7· S OFFICE epacu tor I-AP· I prox. 17 x3~·· ~11rh In Llrlo ~hnr· p1ni: U I'&. ») \'1a Malag-o. Har. J~:?i. 1St1c ;\S-A-Bu.otlnf'8.• R.-otal8 .1 AVAJLABl..E -About 8000 sq ft. light lntlu.try t1ra~e 011 lMt • :?nd. (l"M l:. S H11:hway 101 11nd 13 ') Fr1•nl"f:'· Will lt>ue all • r 811Y J'Ml lltt r,.mnrl"I to J\Ull t• nant. \0"J:"I C-.;, 3 116 Via Lido. Hurl>< r ~!l':'l ~61fc I j a,J-Bu.'41nt>" Op,.P.?.rtuoltiff 1 BI'S l'<1~1l'A~\' with hmg Jt!tm I trunc t11s,• In ra~t ~fllWll\j{ r. •l>lll j I ,\11•,u. l'hrm~ U\\'~F:H Wbo!rlY 8-:W63 l)r !,J ber'°'' 8-11:!:!3 l'IOt f ,. : I , I IJELH'ATF:SSE~· & >:1"t"1ysturt"1 ' f 1111.f i. twu ll1·dr111, h11111 .. l•wn l"d 111·xt 111 , .. ,rn .. r n ( llllll lit l'l.1· • •·n11.., I \1~t.1 lll•'>ll. ~:x .. II• n! ~put !••r l1r1uur "tu1 ~. lio • r ltfhl "int> <:1t)I LI ~-:lti6:! or Llti.•1 t v 8-6:!:.!:I :,11! (1 :~.~~:.~~".!~1_; .. i. Op~~~~-~!~ \\ 1:<11 TO Ul·,: 1111•• .. mull 1>u~111· 'Ii =-•·\\ f.11>1 I U.dbtllj l.RJ;Ulll\ .ii t'll, f'I• '· 1111.1\· n.nnn(• h:ir•l\\Ar.; 1 1 ' 1p1 l .• •s 1or • 1\ ~ w111 k ni; p.111- I .. , GOOD ~ tlVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE . \Ve cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Cor p. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you inspect them, you will note they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LI\'TNG. ALL of the planning and thought that re1u1ted in this rC'markable community will provide GOOD Ln'ING fo r l r\'ine Tl'rrace families for many years. Permanent restrictions guarantee you will always be proud of your home here. To the home bll"S·er who wish<'s to -purchase in the $22.000 to $35.000 l'lass we sincerely recommend th<' l n ·ine Estates o\·erlooking Newport Harbor. In·ine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. 62-Rf'al f:'Otat~ No Fancy Slogans J ust Hone»t Values - Come in & lt't ua pro,·e it! l3ALBO.A ' ISLAND !~COME wh1lf' bulhllni> Ovt'r 700 .sq. rt. or sun ny furn .. pt f'Ll ·g 1;11e~t 1 m an,1 bath. l'l.t.:S dbl•· ~:tr"i;i' •'n r•"ll 1•! l hnilr lo•r' P ln11y rnnm f.ir Zn1I unit. A.ik· I 11t.: S1P7:1n !-1\11(10 .l1J\\O I 1 ~~~~"~1~: ~r~~~:~.~~J 11ul11 or llwy 2 hJnn 1tp!. w 11h I r1r1·pl8l't!. two J lkJrm. 11 p(~. \"JI'\\' 1>! OI • IU\ With ~lln d,. .. k and paltri , F ully tu1n1~ht'd. In· •'\llllt< t..3 rt l•'~ I Dl.PL F:X \\"lT;:. \'I EW tm ly 2 )1-S nlt1 r r1o· ... 1 fur fJllll'k 1811' at SI .oOO p \IR tW l l\"l'ISXJ:s .. ,, 2 full t.11,. ~. het111I,. I "" 1111" S'.!!J'• 11111 I ~ 1111· 1111<·•· 1'.!~ ~i11c•. S'• 11110 1ln ~I urit'I ~I. Prnon·r. RC'11 I tor 2604 Xt>Wf nrt Bh-.1. ~rt Bt,p F:n!<i· Porkini.; H.ir ~610 :;o, ··::! _.,. N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART IV -PAGES THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 . BALBOA VOGEL VALUES ' I l Th is l\ltracti\•e htt le hoile on ~ St rndn walk ls ready to mo\·e into. 2 bdm1 .. <'9!>i firl'placr, nt>w W to W carpeting. g-bss cncllod lnnnl, modl'rn kil~ro 220-\•olt, dbl. garagt\ ~r.&J>&. l lt!H $10,000 Q.Jt '1oan at $79.fl5 pt'r mo. ii*. int. taXC'd & lnl . ' Shown by eppointmt'nt. -OPEN HOUSE SATURDA~ & SUNDAY -1-5 1576 E. OCEAN BLVD. -BA.LBOA 3 bdrms .. 2 bath • Hawaiian Rumpus rm. & Mn A real family kitchen -dishwasher -d1l>p, -2 sun- dN•ks. Beautiful w to \\' carpetinir & urap1'S Incl. Stop & see the many other oulstandlnl! fratllr<'S (If this extra-ordinary h<>me n<'ar Ot•<'nn & Ba~-. S32.000. SSOOO dn., $200 mo. Thii; is t h<' most unusual. tharm111g. mt•<lf'rn hom1· 111 t he-Back Bay Arc-a. Th<' honw is bPaut1fulb· and 1mund.Jy built c1f aJ<>be britk. All 1 lours alt.' t·Xpl'n· s1vt>ly laid in JH•lillht'd mission tile. The larg-e h\·i11J: room looks nut on th<' whole Back Ray thru lots of flonr lo t·1·ilin~ gla~s. Th1!1 unusual bl•a uty w11h rn\·ate patio is s1l11ateJ on approx. '.: acr(' of l':>.- 1 • r s 111111. • • 1 f• r~ "'' l:11x II-~11 I l hl'i Jlo1Jl< ! ~61 "ol --l!t'.Tll:~'l1 h1i.1n• '·'11.1111 l>•" ks EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor For the family IF ITS AN INVESTMENT YOU WANT 111·ns1\·C' Bac·k Bay \·r~w land. \·cry rl·ru:.nn:ibly p1·1cC'<l at S3:!.5no: THE VOGEL CO. LI -3 l~1 IF 3 IS A CROWD-, We have the place for you ! ,\ :: hdr111 h11n'". 1..:1· rn .. ms, h,\·d. flnnr.;, f11rn.1u·• h1·a1. f11, 1 '.1 •. I 'I.I·:-; ·''I'•" alt· hnn~ qu:t rt1·1 s and hH.l h • '' 1 1 dl1I g.11 a:.•. (In a 13-ft. lvl J llM :~ door~ f'T11nr n 1 :n 'Rlnl B 1·«t l111at1on a n1!"a lnn ·ly \'It'\\. l'n • • ~ 1t 1111" m•ist :1tt r:1< t1\(• E.xdlll'l\'t' wuh R. L. STR ICKLER , Realtor I lll 'h lf()f ll;J-;, As:Wt1a l 1> :iG:!:! f·:. t •11;1!-.I I hn-., ('11r 41na ch I Mar liar :!174 Just Enjoy the Income I""~ '""" .. r 1ull l lltw 01•1·ut•ft· t1 •H <"•n tfl\'f"'il ~~lln•' n1u:.,y \\rt .. U « 1<·7'!. 11111.rarwr :-wr:i2 ~~~·~ to l..oa_n~~~~ NO COMMlSSION No Appraisal Fee S,\L.Eli -flF:Fl:'>:ANCF. l"1 t,1'THt:t'T IOX t ·:,II fnr F1 t'e Fast CommitmC'nts r.11 l·{l-, ··• m· .. ~ nnJ l0 nll1 onl" 1Don I. Huddleston 173 F.. 1 it h ~l. ('llST A ;\II'!",\ I.I ,. .••.• 11 Ll il·fl~,1;2 Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto, i;aJary. .. 50. 111 Sl50. vr m11re. On e day service A.ppJJ• Utlt1n nlll\' ht> n1111le 1n p• I· 1wn. l;v 1.t11on•· or Ir) 1111111. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE COHPORATlON J .8118 Hai bQr lll\'d., <"1~1a Mes11 I.I !S-77lt l -O pl.'n F'nd,1ys till ti Cl11.-.J Sn'11r.t11y11 -•lll!c I I m m t h1-< 1•x1·l'll1·11t prnpt•rt.v (tw rc>nl to pavl . l.1w,11o'd 111 d111w1• rl'lllrd d1sl1wt. 100 ft. from ocean. Ttwr•· .. 11 :1 111111s -:1 n• w duplex and a 5-room lt1t11H: 1111 :.! l11l, :.! 111111 s a n · furnisht:d anll rr nted on \• .•rh h.1•, l l\\1111 ~ h•1 m1• an11l.1ble n11w. Three I • _ 1 \\'UUL.D ltko to t>uy lit e.nd ~no Tru.at Deed& CGll Har. 2326. I '8tl C 1.. 11.1• •• ,, • 11 JI, v. l'ro·:-i •H 111t·11m11 1·an l:w substa n- 11.tllv 11;1-rf'asl'cl. ~5000 will handle. _,, FOi! J:-\:-;1•r:C'TI O~ CALL HARBOR 1013 • EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor :;11 :; ~•'\\f 11•1 t Hhd . '.':,.,,·p11r; Rt :wh VOGEL EXCLUSIVE t:•tl:' II ,; ll lllll It " l»<I l:i t1• l •I St'l' till::> dti-.l111rt1vP :I bd1rn I IJ.1th h1 .ill\\ ,,1111.111 d1 II ii l11q·Jy v111·1w r )11t • 11 lr1•:1·1t I 11! 1 .. 111• •.t 1'L11J1::s11la. l '11.-,urpai:-sl•d \ 1cw of I l.1il111r I,., ni I.inn!." H111. S:. .\la,;t. r Rd rm . ~hake 111111 lnt • l'l •·r 11:1111 lll t ~. l.rrt s 11f <·xtra,;. \\'ill please t 1!1· 111•1q d1si~nr11111at 111~ b11y1·r S 1!1.:;no. Terms to qu:1l111 ... J hll), r .. THE VOGEL CO. :l:!ft l \\ l" -.,,.l I l1~hway. X1 wp1•rt lk:11 h LI ~-3 1 '"1 J-.\• .. lla rh.~r .-ii I:! --~----- I.ill-..\. ('umnw r1·1:il. ln1l11 .. t ri111fiO-r\ -('11mr,PN'ial. lndu .. t rlal ---------------___ .. ________ _ LOANS for Homes !>'}'. -20 yr, Loe.na Construction Loans SEE BUB SATTLER 251:> t:AST COAST BLVD. Corona d t>I M&r Harl>Or 3888 ~p. P(.HRJEI< .'IORTGACE CO. Metro LUe In.a. Fun<U KL 3-!>18:> 48t!c LOA:\S TU Ut;JLLJ. L'fl'RO\"E Bt.;Y, MUDER="LZE, OR l REFC'\ANCE W e Uuy Tru"t DcedAI J<.;E\\.'l'UJ:'r UAl.llOA :::;,, n:-.cs f If. LO A."l A~: l•t'IATIO:-.l. 3366 Via Lido. Ph. J la.r. 4.::!00 Lie REAL £~TATB LOA.NS Jnterest Rate 5-5\/2fb Loans qutckJy mndc In thu Bay Ar• n nml Custa :\lcl'n. Sln~le or m11IWplc unit•. l'\rw or olJ, 0 < '' l!IC w1•J 1111,·c by r•·-~manclng y ·•ur pr<''"nl I• 1n. :llrnamum <'X· pl.'nsr. 1'o cli.ugc f r (•rl'llnil· 1 nary npprn1M I. l'h1 nl' HM l3 Ann K.J n1b1 rly J-6\t .• 1 or Writ<' ARTHt:n A. MAY I Morts;at'" Lo M Currr,ponJcnt utr1d~r:l.1l Life lruiur.uiv• Cu. EXCLUSIVE .AGENTS Phone Harbor 4'H8 For Further -i-nformation * For Rf'commendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate' in Irvine Terrace. Open House Sat., Sun., Mon., 10 a. m.· -5 p. m. . 6510 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach ( cor. of Ocean Front and Lugonia) ' / ' Ocean Front Paradise These Features 3 bdrms., plus 2 baths View rumpus room with wet bar & j uke ~x Large living room with fir<'place Exquisite furnishings. including 2 TV's W to W carpC'ting, wash<'r & dryer Classed in patio. BBq with elcc. spit Unsurpassed ocPan view with beach in front yd Large 2-car gnrage -Full P rice -only $32,500 .J. M. ·MILLER CO. 2025 West Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach "By the Newport Pier" Harbor 4091 51c Build a Home on your vacant lot Al'fD DERIVE some income from that investment 12-H sq. ft. home. .. .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . ..$9100 Fully finanrcd. 19 yr, Bldg. & Loan. Forced air heat. Hwd. floors. lndividu.al Cl'l,001 r financing. State \'eleran $8500 3' r -, 49 moQth. MARSHALL HOMES Models opt·n -Newport Blvd. & Mitchell. Tustin l\l i-3~!10 1\1 2-3569 & I Eves. LI 8--1073) 4lc54H -. COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL" This is your opportunity to purchase a nice 3 bdrm . home in good location, East Costa Mesa. Easy·terms. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J:ith & Irvine, Newport Beach Liberty , -2664 (Eves. LT 8-7056) 45c47 1hat """"" 3 l•1J1 m~. h l'rr ·~ lhl' hriUl'I' t•ll 60 It Int Ill Cu,ta M Pllll i:z 000 u1sh t 11 kr~ II. For t he market man loo kl ng fnr a i;nod lor11 lion l n Orsnge County. WI' hrt\·e the market 1n " rapidly row ing • Oreniil' C'o1111ty town. Fitzmorris Realty Co. Rtaltors --Mulllpll' ll1st1ng Bu&int'u Brokrr 31::::1 E. COM~ Hl1jh\\·11y roro11a 111'1 Mar -1!1o tx>r 21:12 LEASEHOLD ESTATE j \'lEW LOT -Chff Haven • O\'F'~KI:>;G F:1111t }l'tt.r l'ntr J tn ~ ''"'J"Ort Harbor ~l\cr1fu r ,,..11.-. SJ.MO LF:h1~h 11·21 11 . , v .. ,. Llbtony 8-66111 :>11(c ~ I LARGE LOT l•n <'liff l lrlvu in c11rr lfaw n. Al~SO Ill fl . .i.t11d to ~tt1 >L l•1t on C1no11, L 11!0 Isl" an•l C·2 Int on :O-:ewpo1 t B lvd. Mr!!. Ahr,.nl<, Har. 0191. 2Jlfc WANT ? men w ith $231) ea to buy '• 1111. in 10 acres abo\'e Uhuk S lar 1..·anyon. Cl~v11ltnd NAt. For- est J\lint>riLI rfght. Yrly. k ey lo forest.. ~rm. we tu. Lt 8-1038. • ·~~1 j_ BY O WNER -3 bclrm., 'IOIM to 11hopp1n·g. ell"., nn (!Ult'\ St. 'kwd. !lni 1 fl'nrt'd 1111, ~ewn11, g11 rb. fllsp .. allry rrar. Rnl)m !Cir In· coml'. Xiw patnL -I' 0 loan Ill S6 l per mu. In• IU•hni.; tnx•·:i & m&u. l'nte $13 25u. :> 9 J'.1rk -4H-tvt'. Co'l.la .Me.sa, 4tJtfc O t I OF TO\\:>; n\1 n• r ~u~ • ·>'<'I \ nf(p1 •• II I' rr .. ·1 1hlJ•I• '( s' t•f H 1way. C>nt• unlurnl~hrd "l"'ll- m,.nt hll'< ~ brcfrnnm11. rm!' (111 - n1•h•· I htll•h11 Bp.11 tnwnt 1:01 .'>:•' All In j!<>oll t'nndlllnn l°lill Ml"'/> -Kohl11ll ut. Har. :t1:.2 r\'e. liar. 0829·R :0.1;, r .. 11-<t Bh.,I, (' f> :\I 111rr Bay Front Jncome 3 t:..'\'ITS -2 & :l lti>rlro<m11t. (11rn- lshi>r! 'J'icr, final 11ntl pr1,·at•• beaeh. 1noo 1-;. l:.!Hlbu11 Hlvd , Halbo11.. C1e~tvl•"' 186411. t '•iur lt'l'Y 1 .. b1 ok1•1 J< l:ilt<' BY OWXER -Clllt>, l b.lc 111. l1<1Ub<' in a lnvl'ly nPl):hborhr111d, nNlr H1i;'h S1h1~ I \\'all t11 \..all \Ul- petini:. i... r on x 1110. n ut:.i•ff- ner•ls a little point. il11\·e b~ 3;!1 La Pl'1 le f'l'4u~ or c:ill 1.1 b· 16;·!• 4 ;, l)flh . on Irvine Ave. Let us i.how you thi~ attractive 10 u111t. nca.rl'.I' new quality buill apartment on 2 Jot~ in Bn.Jboa's choir- est r<'ntal area. Completely & bt!aul1fully furni11hed . ArrangC'd for eaey maintenance. This iti a real vaJur at S6 .000. Full price. Tl'mts. WANT A. THRILL ! If you've looked at \Lil tho ordinary hous<'a in Ra!· boa -Let us show you one that will t'rnl y0ur search! Expansive view from both the exquisite li\'- ing rm. & master bdrm. 9t1th fireplace in each. 2 more extra s ize bdrms. & 4 iovely baths. ~<'pnratc dinin~ l"m--lll't0dltt1rlfirtettm'"C-,irooltt'rir:mttm'r!l'l!"'TTITTmr.-----~ Wal!C'd patio, W to W carpe~ & cusl<>m drapcrlt'1 included at $49.500. We can arrange term1 ' for qualified buyer. THE LAST TWO R - 3 LOTS ON MIRAMAR A real good spot for a deluxe 6 unit buildlng or two triplexes. When these are gone there4juat 'ain't' no more. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy.~ Newport Beach i..l a.MSl I Bayfront 156 Feet ;'::~ . Beautiful, Unique l ,J ' Desirable. Bayfront Residerf~ 1 I ,,~ To the ya<'hting family of exaati.ng wte and re- quirements we offer a marine residence or excep- t1ori~I mc·rit on 156 feet of Newport Harbor'a moet dt•sirable leasehold Bay Front. \"igorous contemporary conception. advancc<I tunc- t1ona l design and equipment. 5 bedroomfl, 3 balll1. 24 ft. x 2·1 ft. \'iew li,·ing room. Vi<'w an<i prl\'e('Y from expansive master bedroom. Large dJnin~ ronm, cumpletely equipped luxury view kitchen, nrn rble fireplace. AH on one level l errazo and car1x-tcd. flour. Radiant heat.. Inter-com. system thro11gh11ut. Mo\'i<' projection room. Plann.ed area for swimming pool. Dramatic cntrancf'. Concrete bulkhead, moore your JOO.ft., or 111.rg<'r yacht to sk1llfully engineered. well lighted private pier and float. This bayfront residence shown by appointment only. Call John Macnab, Harbor 1775 or Harbor 5~9. -. $ ATTENTION: ATTENTION: $ 933 S•uth :llrun Santa ~~1 0 S J 5i -R1•n l t: .. t3t<• \\ antf'fl Owner pera tors -lnvestors -pe cu ators "'·'=-;;z;-;fi;,;;-;;-\~~~=;~~~ CORONA DEL MAR Hume· & 111c11 mc. Two rental unit:; and two extra rooms. «n1• with · 1 bath. One unit furn ished. Each t1111l h1.1s llnl· bedroom, kitchen, bath & ll\·in~ room with f1n·1tl:in ·. Owner'i. unit hns dini11g room. Prop- Lrn·.,~,. 3 blfrm , 2 b8Lll hnme Xrw wa,I l» v. nll 1 "I Jlt'!lni; 11n,J 11 ·I· w rsr tlrap .. ri•·• ~I 'K " .. 11 81111 l3nol•rnr••l. $1~1.7:.11. <l\\l •r LI 8·!'>1:17. 11• '•i ll EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~TPI' I.< IOI\ I~(;: :! 1.1 11• \ :11111,.. ~·1•11 , .an·l :if fi•rtl r.1 1111"\' . '---~ . I 11 .)•\1r s.tl.· Ill' It :IN' X lnt Ill\ l':'lnlt'l11 f11r .:'.:?!J,::;oo. J b11rn1 h1' •• 1 tt.n hf'lr Rr• • (~it. J«•'t 'l:!•lt1u (1'•1•\u ~\11 ,.,h. \I I,.,111 IT·l, t: '" 1-7 I, 111~ f •1\\ ... ,,,,r· r. ~ ... , .-:.! 60-lnc·omf' r roperf:\• __________ ... ..,. ____ .,,.._ Income Property 1r n"\SIS rl'\'t; If,,, .: 1. ,J Oll'll rrt~· 1::; 111 A-I <:11nuillon. Xlnl. neighborhood. $:.!I.5UO, ter m!\. RAY REALTY CO. 3·1 H E. C11ast Bh d , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 I I BY OWNER Corona H ighhuifl1 -3 bdrm .. 2 b11t h f11rm hnwH·. FHA t um1111t- ment.' l'h. Hat bor 78-.1. O!IUI' $1000 Down L••l :J t1•d «11 ~la 111 Th111-.0f.1 1·1 -llub 11 f Ha lp 11;i b11om- 1ng bu,;1111•:;,, c•t lit n'. ~I· •di 1 n :!-:st un • bt1!'ln1•,;s-prof1·s- ,;111r1:1 l hi.J g. q11-~-. 1.·11n st r 111 tl11n. C-1 l·w:1t1un . !'ll'l'(·t t11 :lll•·~·. 11111ir••'· :.!tillll ,;q . 11 F1r1 pri11 il , 1·1111i.:.lw·I m· l11r 11!11mb1t1 ~ 01111 \\ inni; (,,,. :i pt s ... ,. 11ffir1·,; abm t'. !'\r xt tn ;i :\:!::!:i.O'ltl 1'111• t ,,,., .. ,. L"V'.'::'11 11·:,~ Tl~r\I >I·: 1'ifll1j11. } l ~.111 ~ .Ill J :: I ,q _l-f\J'• .. ~,. I~·· 101 • t .! • .. I \Ifill... • 1·rni." •,H\ ~' n11 t~.._, ! PJ :,., ! BAl.A ~1·i,; ti~ i'.:Al'Y T~:HM~ --------lm mctJ101e po~t>Mlun T h11·1• p ,\ l . s 0 HA Hi >-TO-FJ:'\l > lndu~tr111l ~l-i'. On 31st :-:1. t.1 11!h y. :-\1•arly llt'\\' prr,;Pnt bid~. on rear-rnr. I.~:! bdrm. :1pts. with dbl. gar. Appnix. 30 x60' m.tu~. ••r t• 1m·1 hid,:. Sill' 1n front. I \11\·11h•s h"mt: nnd busm1<:•s phi:: lilt t1llh ' Ta k,• n1h ·.111t a;.:11 pf t lus C'l1an• l~m-a-hfl'ttm<' opp11rtu111 ty. WON'T LA~T L0~<1 ; nt ~11 ,:'ltlO. GOOD TER~fS. I.I I !\ ~ ""'. • 4''• ·.i I I G•~·~-"!.t;.~'!11~..!:~!~'!!'~· I 80 ACRES with I . .:o· f((ln'111re 01 t: s . llld1- "' UY t•I &• <166. • 11.I<• 1rc.m l<no11 ~ 1..·11 •. ('u .\111.e Gh ": 1 •>\\ n ·I• \t'\I 1 ·1 •'r,,, n '-" r l''\r.,-, ~\ \\ "rlt• rtul iirv~p"t·:~· f •r tu· ire t •1o:;in .... A"MI r.·~' J• r.• ~nl ~UtJ :! .. 1 $18 ,500 -_·corona Hi.ghlands . Partly furn1~h<'d. Large lot. Forced air heat. Oak ftrqilacr, vrcan \"l<'W. Loan commit- nll·nt Sl2.000, 5' r 20 year. Exrlu i-1\t> with G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Coast H1J:ll\\ .1~. Corona del ~l ar Ph. Harbor 5 I l 2 50c52 Phone H:trbor ;';0P3 for :i pp't nr \\"HITE O\YXER J ohn Lcggt\ 2n .A.iron, :"\t•wp1•rt Beach. \'l~t .. n. \\'.ii • "' h111'1,u nr I 11~------- 08urtrE:y tn broke-rs 51p53 comm1•ro tu.l l.. A. l>' l11 ru:ge sun .• •()~ ~ ""' l!l• •n ,. <•( ,,.,If,! Th.IS Is Value- Cc.un·1es.. S~I A LL ~ln~le> rNlm ti r ,,. rk mi; H""' ! t ~t.. 1~ • .... n!J tu 1111rt •9-Rooms fOf' Rf'nt I .;.'hi;;t~rel' ~ Offkett h W A:-.:T f nll ICl~I !.111.,ty 10 r.nt rm (~rFI~~.:::;-:; ~larlntr #' Fis er & Company. ln l.)\'rl\· 11t'I\ h"'"" ~· 1 ... : ;\L.r ~ r'llJ un & h. A pprux. 420 2603 :-: l'Wp<11 l nt ' ::-: ' I\ I" rt l~r;i h neti:·hbltr honJ Rt'frrl'nrt'1. ltl'll· I u._.. 't ••. _. .......... "'fr fi., ....... ,,._._ fl<il-M "'3rt. ,..., '"'r ., -"• ......,,. . ....,... ,Qn1nnerin1t. Pl'lvl'f6 »Ar. 1036n ' Hll ·.1 C11J:11 X.\ t ·n~ ;\!AH L\n l ... r 11( \\',\:"T T(l THAt •F; • ~l···:r.\11.111 -------------t11\\n. !'\,•t1·, },·,. n,f~ .• , .. ':' ~ hnna•. full) ·:p-n . !\ h<lt1 ~ 2 On BAt~BO A l!'LA;:..;n we offer exclusively an unus- u.dly d"':,11'1iblc -t bdrm. r:wlli-bath home. l)c>hghtful lmng ..r1J1,m1 l:lrgl' drn1n g room. Maximum square ™wit-: t.'1otn-t o-b't'!tt bca:ch. em "Ollty be · _,. a1 preuated by inepection. Call Har}>or l 77:> E\'H . Harbor 53.")9 mBn <'onif1•1 t .1hlt• b .. r 11.11 n: I j' ,..,,ltJ ":tl • -c7 ,,, J,r1\' ,. • r _..,.l.~·Z'-'h ~, •\'·1 tl I~· ~ 7 II 1" 4 :: fi\ l ' ti ,,U't"I". UJ)"' I ''I f<j .<I·' J q,ff I bllth~ .fr \\\I h11lf·b11!t«• Sf r · 1111<1~ < o<rt · lkt•r • 1p1 1111·r. .. reoe ~~·:'.'~ ·.,"~1 '~·\'.1111 : \'."',' i--:r; EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor. , .. 'rr.l:l I• Ut ' • \\ •P· •ti , • lh1r .11 ~. '" .1 :.:~ ~anoe A\'e.. Balboa llland ' oltl. 3 hr . d e1H111r1i.: hllw.J r11 ! c•·ra.nllc lll" k 1I & bnth. L.iu i; .. liv. r111 . tJblt'. i.:11.r11~·. ,;,,,rot r .. 11r ; artJ. 2il72 l.'h1 l• ~11'•8 l'I I 1'<1'18 ~tr~A. LI 8 l :ll17 :,11,!)2 -----------~! ' ' Want a home in the Coves 7 1=-F<•RMATl(l=-nnd KE:\'~ 11 1 :'\ II lla lh-,.\ C•n .. 1 ''·'"'f He rl'I• r 2 ~r,-W. 208 Kings Place FOR S \LE OH LEA8 F. 11.1th op- t1<A1 tu buy. Attri1ru ve :J b<lrnt A 'ltn b~am .' "•hni;•. lo rJo:P 'H'w Int. Cliff HI.I''"" t 1wnl'r. l.11rir J:Wach {}()ll.:11 7. :19p!'IZH -- I ESJDlt'STIAL R-4 lot with bnu· I urul trlM!11 ov~rlooklnl? 8a.nlr. I A !\A C"untry Clu b "" )( 1 ·.o. S2!'>110. OwnH LJ • II ~. »6:1 TWO ~IJ•M 1n1 1 .. ta In t .,.,la ~fel'IL f°A• l<!lff' In M'.,~r rt1.1t. F:AI II 1 60 x J i 11 f°Arh Ufl.'\O '-fl>•t fir ltma L1 I· i'J .2 4W61 225 ~farine Ave., Balboa Uiland Exclusive Listing BALBOA ISL~ND Two bedroom house One bedroom apartment '!:wo-car garage Fireplace, each unit ExccC>llenl local"lon Stt'p from Bay All for S23,000. WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associat<'s Park at Marine, Balb<Ja laland -Harbt>r 2462 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE • l'nu ... nriw rc·d4ced below r eplac<'menl ('oHt ... Bc11u- t1ful. almrnit nPw _ twc1-!>lory 3 bdrm .. 3 tmth B1l7 Front homr. Bay \'l<'W from all roums. F111ly car- ftl'\,.cl. b<'11ut1ful dra1ot.'1<, ni,:,w ~Jlt..r It 1d11•. Pnro ln- <'IWll·s 2CT-f1. .:entury t1J)<'edb')at <1nl' yc-nr ,,Id. ArtiJ>tic. landR<-apin~ Ji'+OW., hold your brl'atb ~ AU th1~ f11r S64 .. U50. Bett<'r hurtT)· a.., th1)4 w11n't last EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 4ll3 l"iewpon Blvd., Newport Be&c.h liu'J 1013 , I ·-· ... . • PAGE 6 ·PART IV -NEWPORT. HARBO R NEWS -PRESS 62-Rf.al Estate l ~~a!_E!tt!t~ THURSDAY, MAY. 12, 1955 ._ --------------1 · _n-_e_.., __ .r.._ta_te ______ .62-ltfoal Eetate BILL'S BEST BUYS Feel Romant ic? Why not! Thia UtUe 1 bedroom cuUe was just made tor baking cakes -,and· sewing on buttons. Yes, It'• in Newport Height• on an 80 x 100 ft. lot. Ex· ceUent terrda with payments as low as $40 per 'mo. You'll have to hurry on' this one. Full price $7500. Only One Left - At thia ridiculously low price. This ispacious 2 bdrm. duplex. only one year old. Next to schools, buses ahd slorM. Very neat and well kept. Full price $13.950 -With bnly $2300 down Newport Heights 4 bdnna .. 2 baths. F. A be.rt, fireplace, patio. U3,8~0 -Nearly new. ttouston Values I $2000 down I Harbor Highlands OF.Al..'TIFIJL 3 bdm1., 1 ~ p&lh!J W f \N t'arptt1ng, forrl"d Bir l'lf'!ll l'll't' f··n<'i•tl yl\J'\I, litrg1• gll\lll1 dvort1 from llv111g 1 m Into P"ltu' AU quality wllh H\\' noor~­ Seeirur la behe\•111g on lhJI! um:. SI 7J10() 3 Bd rm. plus 13/4 Ac. J Jl'ST OFF HARBOR BLVD. Ntei• tor Rub-n1vl(llng 11n<1 next to l'·21 z11nlng Full prw'e $24,:lOo <:cl tPrrns end !'>', .-.. 111111ntni: loan lt's a Sleeper l GOOO 3 BDRM. house on b1~ 100-<· :1:10 IOI F'ull prw!' S9 2:'10 With 11nlv S2 :'100 <tov. n. F.Rst111'1t' 1oi·a· lHtn , ' For Evt' tnform11t1e>n on 11liO\'e. Phone P1•t1tl,., LI 1!·54!17 Ins pection lnvited Back Bay.-Unexcelled View :1211 Auso sT. 1 .l hdrin r u lnnial with <11)1,• l?·•I' 3 bdnns.', 2 dens, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths. Picture win-1n ne11 ut1t111 :-irt Ht,. VM'A:-\T dow1. plate glass sliding doors to patio and water· ~nrt RF.flF.t'ORATEfl Oak n1s ' faU. A must see-be1ore b1Iytng 1n~ ...... .---r-_..... .. ...._.....,.111ace. e.tc.. E11sl'.• •e11i1s Oren M I Another modern THE GREAT ORANGE COAST SALE OR LEASE -A-lndustrial bldg. close to city hall. 60 x 93 Suitable for s torage, mJg .. retail or whse bua· iness, offices. lavatories. Driveway thru center to alley. Lots on each side. B-129 x ·474 -Level, clos'.e in M·l z'-ne. Good water pressure. Will consider 10 yr. lease. LOTS G· C-30x104 beach lot. Blk. to ocean. Just .. $ 2.250 70x130 corner. close to Hhopping. A buy $ 2.500 55x234 · Build income...Eas.l S. Bargain $ 3.000 100 ft. front on 19th. Ready for devel. $10.!)()() • Harbor Blvd. 60x300. Ne\'er will he less $12.500 HOME S D-Restricted BackCIBay, New 3 bdrm., 2 bath ... home · $24.500 Holmwood Dr. View· home. 2 bdrm. den 2 baths . .... $26.500 OPEN DAILY excert Mon. & Tues. 3 bdrn\.. 2 bath home at 1420 Kings Rd .. Cliff Haven Brand new . · ...... _ $24.500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES r;SURANCE -SA~ES -LOA-NS -BUILDERS --185~wpo~t A.ve..,-Coata-Meaa.. _ · Iberty 8-1632, Llberty 8·1400 Ev~•· QPEN HOUSE Sat . & Sun. A\ay 14th & 15th. 12· 7 µ:n1. 2003 TUSTIN. C'osta Mesa IT'S RED IT'S RANCHY lt'11 In the BACK BAY ar~a: 3 URQ.E B£DRMS .. 2 Cull &ttthe. dining rm., 16ict2' rumpus 1'10m with built-In barb .. <'IJ~. l'h<('l 1 It ap1L. 11nk A bar. w,u to wall ci.rpl't thrnul(hout, upl'n b<ram <'l'lhn1t11 1'h11 horn .. 1'011lc) br ll-'<'d •• tnconi.. propf'rly a~ 11 c11n bf' dl\'ldt<t tnlo one 2·bdrm. homt 11n<1 a 1 bt'dn11. horn ... 1 1·ar jtllT· agto. bt'a ullful landlll'llping with 11 circular driveway. Ovrr 2.200 eq t L In thl~ lovf"ly home 11ltuat· rd on •. of an an r . Plenty of room for units. 11w1mmlng pool and a horse rorral. SUBMIT $5000 down Sea Breeze Realty C'ornu of 19th A Placentlt ' <:011La Ml'M . Llbrrty 8·3&63 or-Llberly 8·6i2'3-. ---. ~(k."11 - BALBOA Back Bay Lots from $4,950. up. ' . We still have a few of _these choice lots to sho~ you. Bay Front Duplex Qt'Al.IT\' llOME "·1th 3 h•tnns. ·'C" THOMAS ''C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS b 'lt·ln OVPn & SttJVl', ~Bl b dl~r Howeyer. they are going fast. We suggest your immediate action. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service'' 393 E. 17lh St., Cost~ Mesa Llberty 8-1139 "" ~:I.MP henotles. Shown by arr·1 Nice 2 B. R. S1'l 'C('() llOM F:, ~;dsl srdo• 1 1.,.,, ln m111 k1>1s. ,, honl~. rt•• Only $l 'il)f1 •In , 01111 $:.11. I'"" nu• F'•11· f;vf' 1nf1·111111nt 11•11 r.n shn\'I f'tH1IH' .l.yll<' I.I s.::M:> BAYSHORES Fuml11hrd and wtlhln walking dis· tance of the-library In Balboa. $34,1500, T.ERMS. , IJr,'s arch1tecturely..designed MODERN home offer· t:-d for firit time. Built on a Jge. cor. lot around a beautiful well-planned patio, walking distance to Duplex . in Balboa Bal~boa Bay Club. This MODERN home hu extra ON EAST BA y A VE., 1 blk. trom lge. liv. rm. -& din. rm., plus breakfast room, nat· bey. Completel.y fumlshed. Ex· CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -·A new. house too! One ot th• tut choice locati<ine Ill Corona Highland•. Fi.her · built. 3 bifnus .. P • bat h1, shak~ root. dbl. gang•. Will constder trade f or lot or 'acrug•. OPEN HOUSE l·~ EVERY DAY 448 RJ\'ERA TERRACE Best in the Back B.,y Greatest value -Loweet price 1. One acre of property 2. Complet~ and separate gum bouw , 111>9. "\ 3. 3 bdrm. houee, 4. Large rumpus room, ~-Doub!~ garage, 6. 50-rt. enclosed filtered awlmmlng pool w1th separate dressing room• a.nd 1hower, 7. Plenty of room for atablea gnd honiee. AU of the above can be purchased for u low u $5000 down. Full price, $27,500. Call for ApRQintment. . -. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow .. Fireplace, dbl. garag .. Only 3 yra. old. Can move in immediately.~ dn. will handle $14.200 full price. TWO LEASEHOLDS IN CLIFF HA VEN Two 60'ie 120 lots Jldjoining -5:5 yr. leue. Zontd R-3. Only $1000 each. GORDON W ALKEI\, ~ealtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard 3034 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Pat Pattison Ha·r. 2443 This. Week 's Bayfront Specials .- ural birch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths; serv. porch. cell,ent rental area. Wa.lkmg dui· BALBOA ISLAND BA.YFRONT tanct' to library, --2 bedroom r-~~~~~~.-.~~~1'~::;i-~-:f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tp,'ft"'-i1~ ..... t-P'.r-+.~4-~~~...:£'~n~tr~·y~h~a~U;;;a~n~d;c;o~m~p~l;et~a;,ly~F;U~R:;;NI~S:H~ED:::::~·~~~-l--ih~o~u~8r~1~u~all~be~dnn~~a£p~t.J$~2~1~:>-00~. ~~m,,...!!drea.i~~.c..~~~~...,,.~~ ...... ..,....,~~--1• . . . I -Relaxing home location - on Balboa Island with fenced yard, shade tree. paved, plus sand area. i-Gay interior • Complete electrically equipped formica bar kitchen, panelled and. wallpaper. Yea'r-round comfort with two bedrooms. bath· tub with shower o.er. Completely furnished for just $17,950. and $8500. Joan at $75 mo. Dandy T w6 Unit 2 BDRM. stucco home with -dbl. gar. and apt. over. both units furn. for only $19.500. Its time to use the Summer Rent Value, to apply, and ease that down payment. Call Powers or La.ke, Harbor 63. J. A. BEEK , Realtor 503 Park A venue Balboa lsland •••• BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING •A Corner Arbo r Dr. & Vista Dr . Hay S hores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home • • 2 bdrm .. raised used bric k fireplace. dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly d('corated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23.500, terms:.. ~ . AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms .. 2 baths. bay \·iew home -All clectrk house. Built-in r.ange & oven. Carpeted and drap· ed. Ideal home fo1: couple with visiting relalinns c:.r friends. Full pme S29.500 -Terms. For preview showing. rail Harbor 1600 - 1 En•s. Liberty .53 61 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Bl\'d. at 30th St .. Newport Beach OPEN HOUSE ~ Sunday 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. 2556 Crestyiew pr., Bay Shores Attractive 3 bdrm .. 2 bath house PLt'S combina- . tion extra large rumpus·b<lrm. with additional baths over garage. L~rge li\'ing rm. with f1replarc. Al~o unit heat. C~mplete built-in k1tr hen includes wash· er. dryer. stove. refrigerat11r. d1shwasht'r. $29,500 . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor 5188 BEFORE YOU BUY - -Se sure o see these NEW HOMES - ------3 bdrm•.. 11 2 bath home. Cloee to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per .month CALL MR. GA.~. w1tb . ,, DIKE & COLEGROVE PbOM ~berty 8· 7976 I GCKm 2 BDRM homt•. JUSl oft Hlll bqr Blvtl. with n1ee :>OX200 r"R-4 1 .. 1 11>IJal "nt. F'11ll price SS ... :lll 11.·1tt1 onlv $2 MO down. '!"H HS t!'I /\ 8kR6 A-I .. 3 -55 Leve l Lots C'LOS E I:\' \\' S1tlr SI pa \'ed. lllll In S:>.6fl0 lake~ 1111 3 Eve 1nr· s .. ymour Hai :;i~18-W Bay Ave. Dup lex EXCELL. BAI.BOA 11•ntal lot. 2 br. up. I ctn A sl "P lri Ch11n· 1 n .. 1. Rart> ban?ain. Sl.!'>00 •l~wn 1 4 Acres M-1 PAt:LARl:'\0 1ll~t1u I '• 1lown · Hur1y "On lh1.• RED HOT ~1-1 Int. 111o·x200· Clo"r 'tn. s~.ooo F . P. E:ve Int. Benner H Hrbor 161 1. Houston Realty and Associates 00(1 l'Mlcr, Cos ta M•""R LI 8·":784. 1,1 8-6[111 OPEN HOUSE 706 Larkspur. Corona del Mu Friday, Saturday and Sunday H ERE 1' a 2 lldrrn with r11 eplaee. hl'81\ll'd C"lhni.:. Nt•ttl & I'll-Rn II,, a pin' Encl<>1"''' y111'1 .• Ju1n rt" '1t>1'(ll'lll,..d, <iwnri· Whlllll 11elton-_ $2,:100 1!nwn OPEN HOUSE 204 Rijby, Balboa Island Frid&v:..$atijrday and Sunday . . .. \, H ERE;':i A REAi~ f:imih· homej lhRl yn11 11111.~l s1•t• Twn bnrrn . '""' nw~ enr-1 p1<ll11, Al!1'8('ll\'C '<lln J>nr<h $:!1 ·,r10. tN ms ... Frank James Linwood Vic k REALTORS C. B Russ. \\'m. c;. St hm11ll. As..~nc 312 Mllrrne ,\\·.-.. B11lboa Island Harbor 21\12 Ba ck Bay '1 A<"IU: ""'"' rnnnhn11st>, :2 b1 & rl1·n hNlllt Ii\ 1•1001. r11t1u stsh1e:1 . sn.r.1.11• I '• At'IU~ :! hr l<l llt'«). nP/q ly 11• w . fn111 Ir•···~. L"11l \',.t lu"n $17 :11111 '• Ann: :i 111 , Biil,,'. fi.;e r .. ;1111y h.1me ! I i.t•tw ! WF.l'T ~!LIE \'rl5Ti\ MESA •. !I bi·. low ,1 .. w11 $~:,uo C.:L'TF: B ,\l,HUA l!'l.A;\'l) h••11rll r otl&!;•'· 11•'•H 111wn ;\'f;\\'J'I 1H I H~:A• ·u. b111l•hni:. Claire Van REAl.'fOR Horn 2731 W_ Cout Hw~·. LI 8·427i INCOME For Sale -By Ownt>r • I Costa Mesa ~ICE 2 BEDRM. HOUSE on ~x· Charming. in-evel')'dl!taii-urthi~. 2-bath1--1--·l.t..O'.. lot. Walkinit dl11t~ •to rea Ir Catholic ~hoot. $13.000. BERMUDA RANCH STYLE HOME home, located on a peawtiful cor. lot. Prize winning EXCELLENT TERMS. .kitch£>n. parkay flooring & W to W carpeting thru· out, secluded lge. patio. Out-of-tcwn owne.r MUST SELL. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE! , Exceptional Value at $19,500 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bdrm, MODERN home plus additional guest room or den off garage. Cheerful kitchen, W to W carpeting, fireplace, built- in planter, attractive fenced patio plus large paved parking area. DON'T MISS TH1S ONE! . ~ . ·"C" TH 0 MAS, Realtor Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 2658, 2597 11.n<l 4600 LOCATE HUNDREDS OF F OLl\:S ue uv· lng time Ir money by lett111g us locatr what t hey wanl- HO\~Al>OUT 'fOU? OUTSTANDING BACK BAY •2 ACRE $J,7:)Q . C·2 COSTA MESA. 60xl:>O. SS.MO. -U 7000 d(lwn. M·l SE\VPORT. 2 11pl11 a nd gar· 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-5527 agP. $14.:iOO. OCEAN VlEW. 1 bJrm .. $11,000 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOM~S "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS · $2.ooo down BALBOA ISLAND Take the Land lord off . your payrolt! Here is. a 2 bdrm. heme for you and a-1 bdrm. home.- for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. Take low down payment & terms. $5000 down moves you in --· to 3 bdrm .. 2 bath completely furn. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal spot for year-round living. $18.500 full,.PIJ.ce. See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm, home, well located on cor- tier lot with ~pace to buikt in fof'ont. Comp. fum.l new stove & rE>frig. Lovely patio. PANORAMIC VIEW. K'lng~ Placi>, large home. $30.0Q(). CHANNEL DUPLEX, l"ter and rto11t, $22.000 BEAUTlFl,;L bay view lot $8.000 MANY, MA NY OTHERS The Locator of Calif. 507 East Balboa Blvd., Balb<11t Harbor 3606 41c43 Terrific Buy ·M-1 HEART OF COSTA MESA Ci-lr- nrr lo t, J.10 teel of frontage Sl!Wera m. Bul buy In town tor only- $10,500 area for additional new home. Thia ia a real bargain! First time offered for aale -$31,500, .ae ·tSl:E-9-AYFRONT 3 bdrm .. 3 bath, pier and large finger alip. Com· pletely & beautifully furn. Full price $58,500. Write your own term!! -BALBOA BA YFRONT ~ BDRM., pier & slip priv. Full price only S44..500. •$20.000. L. C. Must act fast O!l thia one. . ALSO OCEAN FR.ONT furn~ home comp. On-Jy $13,25<>. $4000 down. bal. $125 mo. 1st come. lat aerved. WATERFRONT, pier & float. Very neat 2 bdrm. home. furn. Large patio. Xlnt. buy at only $21,500. $7500 down. _J ART C. KISTLER CO.· 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. ~226 DEAR PUBLiC : If you want to sell in a hµrry, Without any trou!Jle or worry, Call your 'Realtor,' insistin g On Multiple Listing. Only $17,500. $3500·down. ' VJe have some real nice bayfront homes R\'ailable for summer rent. A-1 Business Bldg. HERE:'S A GOOD INVESTMl!.~T N t with S:>UO. a mnnlh income. F irst ewpor <'l&ssl"' Gnod te"anl~. ,...1 loci<-. Harbor Board of Realtors VOGEL co':' ~08 Marine A\'e., Balboa Island Harbor 444 'COST A MESA The Best Town on· Earth' HERE JS. ONE IN THE CADILLAC cr+ss. A ocautiful home with flcwers. sprinkler system - plus -two of the nirest apartments you ever walk· et.I into: rented for $75 each: both separate: large )'tcture windows: good location and view ; close to the Bini : and a ll this fo r only $25,750, $6250 down. .NICE r QR ELD1'~RLY COL PLE. Right in town- A 2 bdrm. home with hwd. floors, garage. A good buy for the money. $6750~with $'150<> down, $60 mo.· NEWPORT Hl:.:lGHT~ -2 bdrm. & s leeping porch. Dl)uble garage, wonderful neighborhood. $11,500 with $1500 down. C· 1 Bl'SlNESS lot Ill the heart ' of Costa Meaa. 66 x 300, pnce $17.500. !Ion. JO• r ntl tncmoe. No phone lnforma\wp on this ont• 1At'1 talk turkey ... It 'a gfJotl Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18!'>6 Newport Bh·J .. t:oata Men \ Acroi<8 Crum Costa MeM Bank 1 Phone Liberty 8-6761 E V1"8. H!tr. 4366-LI 8·2103 Rentals 4 Ul"lT 11partml'nts, ntxt door t o ocean, gornl 1ncomi> 1111 year, prn·p dra~t 1c11 lly r>'n11rPd t o II i .500. for q111ck 11ale, good fln11nclng. $1500 Down l..OVELY HOME, h1111 harclwood rtoor.9. ru rn11cr. f In•~ l•irs tllm P ricPd l:)eJow replacemc-n t ro11l, only $11,:>{)(). -"'"fuot .. ,Bargain DUPLEX bulld1n1t ~ltt 11n Oranit P G. N. WELLS , Realtor ~tween 1~1 h .. 1111h. only n11M1 Roy R. McCardte N B C Realtv Co 1810 NewtX>rt Bl\'d., Cost4 Mesa. Ll 8-1601 Un~ • • New~rt Al\'d .. ~rt. Brh~ -----------------------1 Harbor l~O~'--__ 410 -'32nd St., Newport Beach 46tfa ~ BAY AND BEACH REAL TY REALTORS Exclusive -Orean F'ront Duplex. Lar~e patio. J."ull price $16.500, terrrn1. N1·ar Catholic Church. Pier & F'loat -$1 i .7:10 full pnce. Thu~ ia a little cut1e. NPwl y d0c11raktl 1 borm. houRe. Pf'rfect for. bachdnr. or c<iuplt', with boat . BAl·,BOA -BAYF'RONT -$45,flOO. Nice sandy b<.'ill h. Piu and F'loa t. AND '· LIDO -BA YF'RONT -CASH w1U redure prire. , THIS TS A BUY ' Nrr telephone in fo rmation will be given. on these twn Bayfront B·a~aina . " BAY & BEACH REAL:TY 14:50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 ITS A DIL LY -DON'T DALLY i 3 HOl"SES 0:\ 4 LOTS ;,l~-7116 lrtt AVf', CO M 11 '1 11~) l'h I SEE....WHAT~W.E EQUND ..... ~ -106ll ......... ~1o-J ~t~tr------ CORO!'\A DEL ~fAR !!'COME \'ariou11 unit.I 6: p11cu t o lljf'P I -yc:iur wan"l11. Tr.1000 nr-19~{t(.lfi ALSO 2 bdrm. home C'vmpl"t"I\' tuml&htd. double g11r11ge $H :,1t(f Open Satur<lay & Sunday, 1 · ~ p.m. a.t. 303 .Crystal. J A HOME lQ llv11 In U(lltl )'tlll hu1ld on fr.•nt M !1-r•"•m kn•lll~ ·p1n1 rfl'1h,,, ..... , ll!.,l "HU!i~ ,_,. t l••uhi• it"r I •i1rkrr••m l1111n.-in IHM .ol••a 1•••111 F::.)· > h11.r l ru1•1 '" p.t10 !'.••\\ Z hli<~ tr .. n; 1..,1" \'l'nlt.'t Sll '-1~1 1.~111.~ .111:'1 ;1~111 t . ~~"I" rt a, " I• )h f n 1 t,llJli·J. . H·p~I i1A Y FHI 1:0-· I' l'l• .,.. n1.,,1r· r h JJT" ho ... t ·' J l ' "" • : ~ (\ ' \, • '-""''·" HL11t.i Ill•,.\\, i.~:~ 1'.:XCEPTION A LL Y ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Pan1•llffi lh·ing room and small dining r oom. car-j~tPd wall to wall, good kitchen._ breaUast apace ;rnrl ~l'r\'1c-e 1\(lrch. Ample cupboard11 and atorage ~11:i1 t' On·rs1zed 2-c:u 1tarage. Nice enclosed patio. .\lvvt , on\'t"ntent cornf'r location. 2 blka, from City Hall, Nl'wport Beach. Only $12,000. .EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Hu. 1013 ~ALL Miu KohlAtt dl liltr 21:11 3\3!1 Cout Hwy .. C D.M. EV'!' Hiu 082P·R 38<:.I For Sale or Trade- ocEA:-> VIEW modtm 2 Mdr m home •1th ext ra room ud '- IMlth ot'l double r a rac•. 1712 Clltr D11•·I' 1ad)'•c .. nl Y"'an1 lot a vail• ble 1 Ph owner. Ll l-2b32 J3Uc ON "LITILE""'BALROA ISLAND Lovely 3 bdrm .. 11 ~ bath home PLCS channing 1 bdrm. apt. -a 11frp to 1 hP bay -Both with f1re- place11 & both compleH·ly furnished in excellent tuti. Terrific income potential. S31 .500 ~~;~~;~·n;~L~m ~~;L TY . 318 MarlDe, Balboa laland Harbor '711 1 t ' ).' I -· l • .. ft:-Beal FAtfie U-Rnl Ettate BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor , MEMBERS OF MULTIPI:.E. LISTINl! 311 Marine 'Ave., Balboa Island · Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 .. BALBOA ISLAND SACRIFICE, d\e to illneu, luHry Ial&nd Income. 2 large bdrm. each. five baths. Average yearly Income -$5278. OPEN HOUSE l -5 P.M. p·. a_ -p ~ Im er i .n corpora .t e d developers of Lido Isle A SPARKLING JEWEL! lido Bayfronf Ellerbrock. AlA, designed. Perfect condition from OPEN HOUSE -OPEN--HOUSE Charming ·Rustic .... • NEWPORT' HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART.IV -PA&E 7 THURSOA Y: MAY 12, 1·955 BALBOA ISLAND A HAPPY COMBINATION of Ellerbroek and Bal· boa lal&nd -( bdrm.., 3 bath, To a qualitied .tam· Uy who can handle a hl1b monthly payment, n otter about "°°° down. 305 RUBY, BALBOA ISLAND , · boat slip to front gate. Luxury smaller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting and drapes. Dish- washer. built-in Therrnador oven and range .• Even disposal in service yard sink, for fish and vegetable cleaning. Terrific Jo closets. cupboards a11d built-in Beautiful one-story ranch 1tyle home in ga.rden 1et- ting, ocean vlew. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Dining room, large lot-le88 than one block to exclusive beach. GRAND CANAL - 2 unite -a 1arie patio, fenced. Attractively turnlahed. $10,000 down. • STONE'S THROW from Bay. Light, cheery 2 bdrm. home. Nicely furnished. Secluded "atio, dbl. garage. Just $17,950. $5000 dowp. WATERFRONT INCOME -Only $29.500. Attrac- tively furnished. 3 bdrm. home and 1 odrm. apt. DREAM HO~fE of the Island on beautifully land- eca~two lots. Fireplaces in 30x20 living room and master bdrm. Terrific value at $35.000. ·LONG FOR A SAiLBOAT? T,wo boats and two hard-to.get moorings art> the bonuR on t his furn- h1hed home nnu i11come.,All for lo'w priC'e of . 22,500 CORONA DEL MAR SPACIOUS, charming 2 bdrrp, and den home with two fireplacN1 on 45' lot, plus 2 bdrm. apt. over dbl. ga rage. Extra par·king space. This is a must to see at S43_.500. _ _ _ LIDO ISLE Lo\'ely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den h ome. Choice location on wide strl'ct-to.slrect lot. Spacious din111g room, breakfast bar. rharming patio. n :inge. rf'frig. carpets & dra~es included for only S32,500. Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa, ~ wid<'st SL on the Island), only .. 13.500 for quick sale. ALL YOU NEED is your family and ersonal be- longings to move into this one year lu ln\'t'ly 4 bdrm. one story home. La rge li\'iog . with stunc fire-ptace, sr arate ·cttnlrig_rm .. motle l'O~ a COn \'enicnt·es. 3 car g~mJgf' plus laundry anu deep freeze area. Steel girder e.ntl subt'loor IN t o cxpnnd ovc"t' Qrage. CnrpetC'u anu furn!shcd fo r S3U.500 with exceptional terms. Compare this~ LIDO BAY FRONT Extremely nice 3 bdrm., 3 bath. Completely redeco- rated & altrart iv<'ly furnished-Home with pier and lflrge slip-This one has a patio nlso- And a very nice bdy for S58,500. AND REMEMBER THiS - many other fine home's are listed exclusively 'It THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3,n G \'ia L ido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M or LI 8·5297 OPEN 'HOUSE DA ILY 1-5 __ ----:;.. -OOWN PAYMENT $4,000. 1574 Ocean Blvd. BALBOA PENINSULA POINT O:-.:LY l..}"EARS OLD. You \.\·ill lo\'e it from pale. :-;a lmnn oitl!ilUl~ walls with wh.tl'.' trun trim to inside with h:irdwood flotll's throughout. J<'ull dining rm. Laq~e h\'ing '"'"Ill. \\'Ith fit:t'plnrC'. 2 bedroom~. Bu th with t ut) lt'nd ·stttll l'lhmver . 2 C':l r !la rage .. F<'nc<'Cl pnl11>. ~to\'c, refngerator:, a!lq dra1•es i~c!UdQd ..a.t only ~ 17,.')00. NEW.PORT HARBOR REALTY • J im & S1-1J ly .r\l'wlin 515 E . B:Jlbna Bh·d .. Balboa Harbor J607 ' BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It 's :'\ i-hakt~ l'OOf typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Has 1 · 1 bath!', J1nm~ room. breakfast ro1•m , large li\'mg room with massh·c fireplace:'VrhcrnwuM <'lcc- t rir range & O\'t'n, bra~cd <'Pilings. cedar pancllctl walls; Furnace. Lnunrlry ronm, \'\'all t tl wali r:trpet and drapes. It's ft"nccd II.nu landscaped :mJ has R patio. ~Plll'e prohibits the mentioning of the many olher fratures excrpt to aud that it is surrounded \vith quality bllilt ranch homes. Priced drfin1tC'ly below nlue at S23. 750 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J:>th & l n ·ine. Newport Beach Phone Llbr rty 8·~66 l tir e\·es. LI ~-6300 NOW IS THE TIME ! ! ! North Bay Front O\'ersiie pier nnd float. The house is s·turdy-but n<'cds an artist's t ouch to fnake a beautlf1-it Bay Front hnme. An im:ome unit may be added with little exi~nse -S.:15.000. .. 3 chmce homes on Lhr Little Island ~2S.500 ....:.. S45.000 D 0 RI S BR A Y , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 · -Day~ & F.n~'nin gs Nona "Hy<'r ' l'h1•t ~altshury ~lo ~bruic AH , 13:t lbua b l:111d features: White shingle tile roof. If you would like a lovely horn <' on the BA YFRONT sE'e this now! S55,000, terms. 105 San Remo, across from Club and tenni.s court. There isn't a better <:ross street location. Please do not disturb tenants, as we can show by appoint- 111rnt only. This is a J0vely 3 bdrm., 2 bath nicely furnished home including waU·to-wall carpeting. The enclns<'d patio is beautiful with a completely flagstoncd deck. Absent owner wants ACTION, 10 has priced at only' $26.900. We ha\'e many well-located lots and also a few good rentals by the yC'ar or for the sumn.er. _,_ -:-p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 --& Truly a luxury home in a top location. A steal \t $28,:SOO. Open Sunday from 1-5 p.m. 239 Poppy A venue, Corona del Mar Drive by or call Dave 01burn; -A Ringside Seat For all the activitY. in Newport Harbor from every window. See this gorgeous Bay Front home. Beau- tifully furnished (unfurnished if you prefer). Breathtaking view. Ask for Hodgkinaon. Bayfront Lot Very desirable waterfront lot. Call me J)enonally, Bill Farneworth ' p. a. palmer incorporated · -.... ole hailson co., sal~s management 1700 w .. coast highway -libf?rty 8-5573 Peninsula "Point" Home! v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS OPEN HOUSE · 1-~ -Sat. & Sun. 452 Shady Drive FA'.\!Ot'S DOCTOR'S H O'.\fE. 4 1J.,dt1•l'lt1.J', ;l l)ath. On 2 large •"Jtn1·r lo ts. W to \\' ca rpeting. fo'4ll lot p11t1u, t)adm1nto11 court. n.•;11111ful1 <>rms. .. Peninsula Duplex!· S l'AC:IOL'S 3 BEDROOM UPPER 0111! :! bt'drrl\l11l low<'r -nicely !umi.snc1L 1J11nd.y tor home with 1. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Ro~m for another unit. Thia is a G. L Re.eale. Full rice §99p0. $2500 down. 2. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnished - 2 bdrm. house, plus l b<lrm. apt. F ull price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. · 3. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- --ll.iew-.oLocean and -Jett¥-2..bdrm.. plua.a l-bdnn...,;. THIS IS NICE, IO c lean and com· tortable. ' bdrma., 11' ti.Ui. natural cabineUI. Dlspou.t. caT-• pet.td. Fireplace. Full pr. $13,7~0 . eo tt. ot BAY FRONT ....:._ Pier . tloat. t bdnn.s. Lovely iround.e. Thi• h.,me la priced low at $78,000. 4 BDRMS.. 2% bat.ha. New furniture. TV. BBQ.· North Bay moorinr. Good family home. All tor $24,9M. . DELIGHTFUL 1mall vacation home. Double garare. Fetching. $15, 7M .. BEACON BAY LOVELY·• bdrm:, 3 bath home on Yawl Rd. $33~~ B~Y SHORES We otter the only available Bay Front home Yi1a pier It float. lM ft. frontage. Mo1t exception&!. Shown by app't only. CALL HARBOR 177~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~ . . 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. LIDO REALTY AssOCIATES · 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 JJl LUUl.e._.U.C. .J'.l!o.tul iutt~......_..A.;:..j car garui:&. ~27.:'>UO, monthly paym .. 0111 10 .. tut.14! lolerest, taxes auu 1nsur11n~e. A bar~ain at $31.500. 4. View of breakers, ocean & beach This 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths, carpeted wall to wall. OPEN HOUSE 12-5 -Sat. &.. Sun. -.n.69 -Maple st. ARE YOU TIRED OF BUYl?'JG a homt fnr aomeone else? Then atop and aee this 2 bdrm. horn .. 3 blorkll from new ahoppln ctn· tt r. J ust 3 mo. old. Thl• le p td right. "'""'< When You Buy-Sell-Rent-Lease Beach Home! .- sALuoA ' LOCATION. Close lo N ii\'('. 3 b1•dr11oms an«! l l;i hnth~. A :.wl'll value at $12,1500, $I 0<)0 clU\\ll, Bav Ave. Heme! GOOD FOR JtE.'IT AL OF BEACH HOME. 3 bedroomii. bu t Bay .AN!'oue loc11Uoo. Heivy furni- ture Included. $14.600, $~000 dn. Balboa Home! Jl'ST A JUMf' TO THE B EST BEST BAY SWlMMINC BCH. ~ ~drooms. 2 baths. Furnished as per Inventory. Woll heat, laundry, service pcm h, fenced Anq Hleal fnr sun1m1•r nr ye&.r around living. $1 6.:'>00, $600 dn. Balboa Duplex! Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAI--Muat See! 5. WILL TAKE TRADE Oa this 3 bdrm. plu.a den, 2 bat.hi. 60·ft. lot, South -of Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take stnall home on vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $2•,500. 6 . CHINA COVE-• - Deluxe ocean view -quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 ~atha. F or you who can ~ford the fl.nest this is it. Priced at $42,500. .. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 2 BEOROO:'olS t;P, 0!\'"E DOWN. ------------~:--------~~­ l"PPER FlJRNlSHED. Lowe r -lt'PlH'tn)~t-ttCfflHy-modemlwd -cute 11.11 can be. Room tor one l mnre untt, A very good value. $16,:'>00, tem111. Balboa Realty Co. OppOllltP Ban~ or America Hoss Creell'Y A I C'omel.11i1 Ed !Ae J&1 k l'1nkhnm ,TnsPphlne \\'t>bb ;on £. Bulboa lJlvJ, Ualboa ! • l1 hone Harbor J2ii, ~--- 1 · . .: $1500 dow~ , a.ntl ~/jj per monlli J.I all I.hat Lt. ' tako•q tu buy this very llh ••ly 1,,. ated 2 bPdroom homr In :-.:ewpnrt Height.". The full p1 ice • is only $11.500. A~k to !~e this home. rnmblnatlon ot pnce and t•·rme ere hanl lo b'al. TRADE I furnl!<hrd 11n1ts on twn I'll$ In :"e\\ pnrt, 11.rorn,. " S~ll l'"r mon1h, price iii $22.rioo. w1u LIDO ISLE Truly A Home of DIBtinctionl ~ bdrm. le den, 3 Y2 baths, forced air heat, haniwood floora, large patio with barbeque, 1undeck, carpet. le drapea on a 50-!L lot. Full price SM,000. . SEE THIS 46 ft. come~ lot with bay view, a etonea throw from the club houee. A mazing j8ut True! This gracious 2 bedroom home witly'attractive fireplace and draperiea for --only $19,995. SEE US FOR ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS OPPORTt.>1'11TIES ... Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport -Har. 3643 -2999 evea. -"Just to the Right o! Udo Bridge Entrance'' .J tt'R•ll' for "mllll b<>11ch home or -------------------=---- H,.dl11n•I!!, prnf'('rty, PAUL C. JONES, HE:ALTOR 21i:?O Newp1•rt isl, Newport Bch. 1 ~·;;~'~'~ a.m.-4 p.m. 12 bd.rm. house,,on 50x172 lot I Zoned for Busines1 4 72 Nrwrort Bl., 1'\ew't. Bch. , Xlr.t. l(l('Dtlon nbo\'e the Archea ~uHahle !nr r1flr tnr's orrtcP, b.auty .ehor or smllll buslne"8, S2:.llO clown "1U h&ndle Coast Properties 3lll E. Baltll.la Bh·d., Balboa H 8 rt>nr 26:111, 2Mi7 a.nd f1i00. Look at this 3 bdrm... hwd. !lnors. flrephH·e. I rtt~posal. \\"1reJ for C'lcctt'lc .alO\'e. F~.i. located at-~ • r lll!"WAy Dr. l'Mt& ;\fe!lft . I $ 11 :.::.u f'h. Har .. 1~H·J. 39: Cc S 1:; ••Vi) HY OW:'\F.R, 3 t!t!rna .. 1l1n. rm . ~tta. i;;ir. W to \\' carpet., hwd fin . thl'MnO heat. prb, dl~p .. kit< hl'O f.illl Ir.cl. nrly new n•ll·• 'llA..<lht r 6: dryc-r, T"'fl'1g. • g 11.11 r&n~r. $1:11)() dn .. 17000 G. I. l·•11n Will ,. r ~1 f,.r '.lrid cnntracC ,·" ~11 ~~ &Oc~2H Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with n_ever ending view- TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plans for 3rd bdnn. to be added at small co1t), 21h baths, lge. Uv. rm., sepahte dining room, larg'e knotty pine den with buiit-in bar. lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expenislvely carpeted wall to w all thru-out. Garbage disponl and diahw'a.sher. House 6 yrs. old . Large double garage with laun- dry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well landscaped: Thi1 home must be 1een to be ap- pr.eciated. Loca,led at 3312 Ocean Blvd., . , Cor:ona (!el Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only _Phone Owner, HarbOr 3fM . •7cM Are You A Fixer Upper? Do you like to remodel and t:creue the value of property'! Do you have orig?nal l~t.Mt_c&I) put extra money In your ba.nlt account 1 I If the Answer is Yes By all mea.n.1 see OU. I unit lncom. that oan bt . bought for seooo down. Balboa Bay' Properties . 1505 W, Balboa Bl\'d., Newport Beach ~r. 01'8 1 • 205 Del Mar Ll:T us SHOW YOU uu. a bdrm .• 1 ~ bath home. Featllr .. Jap&n• eee uh paneling, fireplace, cop- per plumbing. F .A. heal, Ue.000 full price. "ART" ADAIR 1663 Newpo1·t Blvd. Cotta Mua, C•llf Phone Llberty 8·3792 Cliff Haven LOOK AT T HIS -' bdrm., 2 ~1 b&th, large tamlly home. with overatzed double c a.race. Mpa· me tmndry -room. be1nrtttully 1-.ndscaped and tenctd ya.rd w:tlh patio 11nd lan&I and Jt'• unmatch- ed for moat wa.nted loe&Uon. 12~.000. • • • --.!'Reduced for Quick Sales .... Nl:WPORT HltIGHTS ra.nc.)l type I bdrma., 2 ti.th home wtth fire· plact, wood 1hlngle root-loH ly path>-~ car rar•g• . . . wu 113,915-0. NO"flf 112,9~0 tor quick aaJel . ... '-·· WA8 114.&00. NOW 111.T&O tor this 3 bdrm. and den wtth larce patio, 1 ~ b&th• In &"ood Eut· '1de Coat& Mee& locaUon •• , Save $2,7!!0 toda7! ' . . . ONE YEAR eLD I bdrm., I ~ bath modem family home with fireplace, forced ~r heat . pu- quet floora, prbap dlaponl. fenced paUo • • • reduced to 111,900. Hurry on UU.I • • • Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd. Costa Mua, Calli. Liberty 8·1Hll. Evea. LI 1·31!!8 REAL VALUES 2 SMALL HOUSEi on one lol, neu Newport Blvd. ll!ut Side. Approx. I yn. old. XUIT I~ •. Askins $U~. I BEDROOM HOME 6 2 car sar- a ge. 2 yrs old on quiet alre"t. large ya.rd, completely !tnced Barbecut: patio. SU .MO. There I.I no owner profit In t hi. d..U. Approx .. 13.000 down. · -S. A. Ner~son REALTOR ltU Newport Bl~.. Cotta w .. ON LIDO ISLE avail Yourself of Experienced Personnel! W. G. (Bill) Kempton-Broker • f Joseph lJ. Grohman -Sales Manager Gene M. Vreeland -Sales Virginia Manson -Sales Thomas Campbell -Sales Wbe11. It.I Lido Ialand-Consult with !-fdo Realty We arrang-e !or 6'7o 20 y~ar loan1. LIDO RfALTY· . _ ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• Market Entrance) •9cM ( NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE, Saturday & Sunday, 1 -5 300 Holmwood Drive Ocean View Permanent & unobstructed view home at "ln.aJde lot" price of only $17.950. 3 bedroom•, lge. living room with tlag1tone fireplace, dining room. Ample clo1et Ir atorage apace. Handy ~-ehaped kitchen. Hwd .. floona... P...riced t.o. aell quickly! Ownt'F leavi-ng- area. Oh, yes, the FHA 4 1'2 "1<-loan paym~nt of $83. includM ta.xea and insurance. too. Be sure to eee tbia home! THE VOG.EL GO . 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 170-1477 LID 0 Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 ...., u· you can uae a 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on Lido, you are making the mistake of ynur life I! you buy anything ~!ore eeelng 218 VIA PALERMO. Laree Urht le airy bedrooms. large livi.ng room and massive fireplace. 45-ft. lot, large sunny i;outh patio. All thia for only $23,500 and a.'i Little as $8500 dwn. Thl1 i1 the very best exclusi\'e listing on Lido. Drop by our office anytime. We have the key a.nd the property I• vacant. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 W. Newport Blvd., Newport Reach Har. 4718 Pbone LI 1-1'71 l:Yea. LI l ·MIT ---------'---------:~------ • LOCATION OF ~ISnNCTION Modem 2 bdnn. attnctt•• hocn .. nr.place, 1m&11 yard. Ptrfttt tor worktnc or nur.d ~ Only 1~00 w1Ul ... *down. REX RECHS, Rltr. 1107 W. Bal~ Ill.. Jfeiwport Bch. Bart>or a1-.-Ha.r1M1r m IOc42 NrW I BDRM. on ~· .... •t.tOO. 113 A't'O('ado, 0oMa ,...._ ""· IQ ,.,_, • 61Uc FIRST TIME OFFERED · · 310 Larkspur, Corona del Mar -One ot the Viiy choice propertlee -Owner's home. PLUS ome 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm. and a bachelor apt. All hav, f&l'b. diap.', fan1, •lx 2~tt. garages plua lt.OrerOom 6 l&undey nn: 80xl18 ft, fenced lot,1 qw.t m.t. 2 blU. from the flneat beach ln all ot Callfoml&.. E Z tenna. Shown by app'L Eitcluaive with -G. H. LATHROP 3836 Eut Cout Highway., Corona del Mar HarW ~ 1611-J I f • I • ,., •;. r .. • ' .. PAGE I · PART IV -NE\YPORT HARB~ NEWS-PRESS rHURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955 1 · 1 STRICT ENFORCEMENT TOLD . ST. JAMES CLASS VISITS COLLEGE Members of the Jiftb grade from St. James Epiacopal Day School took a field trip to Santa Ana College recently. Stopp!iig lint at the atudent union, they saw the city· wide school display on teaching of moral and apiritual values. Then they visited the nature room of Orange County4 and heard SAC Instructor Henri Lirette describe na- tural 'life. Shown in the exhiblt.are: front row, from left, Larry Somers, J on Martin, Gary Couch. Jack Mackey, Vincent ·Healey, J ohn Robinson ; students standing. Mark &udder. Charles Bell, Richard Ingold, Manuel Jarrett. James Brown. Marty Lockney: women. Mrs. J ohn Robinson. room mother; Mrs. Fredelle Keeler, teacher ; Mrs. Rob· t rt Ingold and Mrs. Mart.in \Aekney, room mothera. -SAC Photo -- j Brown Clarifies Solon Retirement 8ACRAMEN1'0 tCNSl -State Attorney Gt>neral Edmund O. Brown h&a ru.led that memti.r• of · tilr Cautom1a legislature a re not ellJible j or rellremenl allow• IU\CU tor penorui of aerv1ce In thr anned fore~• after thf'lr tenna of office have exp1re<1. Brown said a legislator Is ab- aent on military aervlct f rom the leg11lature ·•only whl'n except tor IUCh 1t rvlce he would be a mem· her of the ltgt~lature." '\ DEATH NOTICE ~a-CJ\'R'H!R Nlckola.s L. Carter. ~. d1td May '" In Orange County Genf'ral Ho11- pltaJ after a week's lllne111. He rr· aided in Newport Hott l and hu no k nnwn· 1urv1von. He waa a na· live of Ma.'llachuselll and ha d llvtd m Callfom1a for 3:'> yearll. OF LIQUOll LICENSE RULES ' S AC KAME:-<TO I C'~S I t::nl}>lu\"'l'! ol ~llllt• or local governm .. nl enJ:a,ed In tnforC'enll·nl (\f lht> Ak uhullc Bevt'1111te C•'nl rol At t n111y m•t hav., an mh r<'st in an a kl•hVill' bev .. n1i;e hcenlM'. Tht& announ''' menl wa.s ma.lo> tuJ .. ~ liy !luudl S. llunro, darel tOr of lhl' Ot>p1111111ent c•f Altuhnh1· U• '' 111"l! (\mtrul, wbo 4nnOUIK't'J lllrll'l l'l\fvr<' .. f"!\"11( •+( 11 Hll<' rr t'VtuU1>ly llllUJllf'J by Lite 1<tati! boaul or rqua hzauon pl ••lttbllmi:; .. u<'h vwner!!hlp. The n~~Pflrtment nf Alroh .. hc Bever'lli::t' C'unt rol a1lopl· ed lbe old boanl n1le wh\ n It l<rvk owr adm1n1atrat1on tut Jan. I. Included In the b1m arc not only employt•<'a or th<' dt.>ptll'l· ~ menl or al<'ottullc bevt•rai;e cunt1<1I, but 11lav t tnl'l<lY"''" or lilt Bl.Ille deparlnll'lll or JU~tlCI', th Slrlt'l 8lt0rll<'Y'·Or clly )Jl"Oil~CUt• 01 '1 ofrlcu ; llhtriff'a ,,ffl,.,8, pvlh'" li«pr11 tm1•11u. 1<0d forml'r ~ploytta of t nt •late boar.I of .,q1111l121tt1on. IY RE9UEST Metal Course Set1or OCC in September Becinnlnr next ..,September, Or· anre Cout C(lllef• wtll offer a two-year IJ\ltrucllonaJ program tn aheel metal fabrication. The t.'01· lege boa.rd ot trusteea reaC'hed thh declalon alter reviewing the re· quul for IUC'h• tramlng by rrpre· eentatlvu ot sheet metal worker•. employer1 In the 11heet mttal In· du11lry, and the Orange County Joint A pprentlceahlp Commitlet. The facts preaented the board by President Bull H . Pete1eon In· dlcaled there la a 1hortage of sheet metal tralnlug opportunities ln Orange County; the apprentlc&- ahtp council hu a large backlog o! applu-.rntll who <'l nnot entt'r l1 1tn· mg nu\\', tl has bt't'n lltl'l'llSIH)' for JllOSl of thn11r 11tckmg tnuntng to go lo Los Angelu and tht' <ll'man<l ror -trftlnl'J workrn1 1n the flt ld Is m creaslng. ,. WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION MAKES DONATION Boye who enttr the program at Cout College' will con1plete a IO\ln<l program of ln11truct1on.' After two ynrs thty may quality M rs. Harold Bird. !£'ft. junior past president of Newport Harbor BusineRS and Pro- u a •hett metal apptt>nllct am1 fc.ssional Women's Club. prf'Rents a $200 check to Mrs. R. L. Bacon, Hua~ Hospital re<-elve c~lt up to two IKn u a.n app~ntlce administrator. while n<'w prcsidl'nt Mi$~ J ean Howell looks on. Th<' <'heck .. preS<'nt<'d Anthony J. Sully waa a ppointed Friday. will b<-used by Hoag Hospital for purchase of a suet.Jon mat:hine, employed by the collt ge to br thf' ln11tru1·1or in emergency and post operativl' cas<'S. -Staff Photo ln 11hef't metal fabrication. Ht · -------------------------..-------------hu had H y~r• l'Xpt'rtence' aJ! a •heel metal worked'" B11krr8fteld Woman Puh Out dryl'1 Jl11mai.:t to tln·er anti tlllJll· Falls from Bicycl• Sully has rreently bf'<'n atten<ltng • 1•nt \\»II w11.• 1•:1t 1m11tPd et $100, Long Buch Stl\ll' Colege to qual· Fire·, Has Attack ftrt'llll'n f<!\111. llllOHl I l '1•1th f'lllt!, l I. of 2002 lfy tor a teaching cred.enP al. An11h,.1111 St. l 'P:<ll\ M•·•11. I• II ••ff "We ~e very pleased.'' •tatl'd Th .. f'Xt 1temcnt or r11u 1ni:. 11111 Warren Car Hit hi.-. b11 v. I•· 11t z l\O r n1. ~111u1·.t"y Preindrnl Peterson. "to ~ able a ftrf' In htr hnmr l';a111rrltty Ap· \\'h.-n (; .. 11ri:• A. \\'arrl'n of 606 11nd pn,.,.1hl\· 1rn ffrl•"' A h1ok1•11 to meet lhl• ('ommunlty clema.nd parently •·rrnsNI Mr1<. M al\ l >ll\'ll\ \\'. l111 lbt0a Ulvd. h!'ard a c111~h at1>1, llt't't>l •hni.: to Mr:<e pnht'f' 14,. for t raining In lhl• flf'ld. We are of 1~30 'OC'r11n Blvd. to ~11!ft>r ll Y·'~I· 1ll11y out1<1dt> his hunw hi' poi I>•. H.olJ'h 1~11 1.,'1 1,.,.k thr oov fortunate t o have adequatt !aelll· 1 h .. art attal"k JlOIH'•• saul. S lit-"11 ' I lol•kc'd out to ftnd his parkt>•J t'Br 1.1 111111.: H1 .. p11.1i (11r t rr11tm~ni. lie. and equipment lo providr In· l\llt>mll'd by h"r doC'tor • I ""~ "trul'k Th~ un11l~nt 1f1l'd 1ln\,.r 1~11111 t1111n uf tht> yo1in.:11l1•r rrp1irt· 1trucllon .~n thl• Important technl· Fir .. nwn 111\1d lh1• rtr .. \\ltll '.iu~-nt t h•• hit 111111 run r ar fblll'J to1 , .. 11y ,..,1,1 th•· 1.1 .. ,. wnulJ he-t 8 k,.n cal field. ed by an unv .. nt ('d gas 1 lulht-s 8l"I'· ht• tol1I poh<:4!. • 1 tn th .. •""lllll\' hosptl.•I. , In Newport Br&ch fnr ('tJ(ht yP11ra. Funeral 11t>rvt<'e~ will bt' hd •I at • Blower Brrie. Mortuary. Santa Ana. Saturday at 11 a m. w1l h the Rev. Harry Owings otf1cla ltnl(. J nler· mtnl w ill be In P'11lrhavl'n Cf'me· tery. SURF FISHERMAN IN HAUL Frank Hall of 207 20th St. made a rood haul recenUy while 11urr tf•h.lni: off Ntwport ocl'a.n front. He la shown holding M'Vf'n pt>n·h. Hall and his bl('ycle are a familiar sight 'lo local ttaher· men. -St11rr Photo J'fc. HERB FREITAS, Oakland, A-bomb tut voluntfer -"I _. frankly plenty 11c11..rtd, but llfter 1t WU all O\'U I had learned thl11 Worry la worse th•n the real thlng." woo AN MEATS INC. ~turing U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STAU FED STEER IEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" SPECIALS EFFECTIVE THUBS., FRI., SAT. & SUN. FULLY AGED AND TRIMMED T-BONE 55 .STE~-B,. TENDER JUICY Porterhous~ 65c STEA tb. HOUSEWIWS SP!CIAL 5 LBS. CLUB STEAK $ 95' 5 LI. RIB STEAK Tota1 5 LBS. CHUCK ROAST 31 I.bl. 5 LBS. SHORT RIBS ALL 10 I.JS. GROUND BEEF FOR 1 LI. LINK SAUSAGE Thf' bu~· of thP Wffk Yearlln& Genuine Milk Fed Bon•leee LEG,O· Lamb Rib -VEAL LAMB CHOPS CUTLETS ·35c lb. 29~. 69~.· ~esh LIVER SAUSAGE ~": .19•. WHOLESALE ·-········ ... --·-'"' AND · RETAIL ...,a r.,_n )(kt. n. .. IU H'll r Ml• and 1011 lmo•"lr•·• W.CUJ'7. Eadwdn MerC11U71tyllnc la shared by oo other car. The smart Monterey Coupe 1bown above Mi 001ol11 Mercury model9 la I...-. let us show you 5 ways ycxill save a1th I -M~rcuryi Ea91;-0wnershiR plGn Come in tpday. Let us show you how we-and Mercury_ can cut your costs at every stage of. car ownership le You can get more for your present car. Mercury'a record-breaking sales put money in your pocket. Our high volume lets UJ gi \'II a really generoua offer. 2. You save on ftnt cost. Mercury prices start below 13 modela in the low-price field. e 1 We ammpe the easiest of terms. They .are tailored to fit you peraonally. I 4e You save on operating costs. M!'r· eury's traditionally fam ous econr>my an<i low upkeep will &a\'e you money every ~e you drive. 5. You save on future trade-In. ~Jer· cury con...;isti>ntly lf'arl~.i L-._cla..'" for rC'Sale valu'e. You can R<'l a higher allowan t:e at trade.in tim<>. ...., .. _._ •' __,_.....,,· ... ..-.1 .. -~,....,..,.... If PAYS TO OWN A mEecueY _fOR FUTURE STYLING. SUPER POWER .- NO OTHER CAR OFFERS YOU llGGH REASONS FOR BUYING IT .. • bduMve rtyling ~ored by no ·othe r cor • New SU,fl· TOllOUf V · 8 eng ines on e very model (11!8 ond 198 hor'4t· power)-bock~d by Mercury'• rec0<d of producing v. 8 e ngine' o clu11ve/y e .4-borrel vocuum corburetor on e very 0 model ot no e11tro co,1 • Dual e11ha111h ol no u lra c0tl 9"l oll Montd o1rs o~d Monterey• • l oll:joinl front-wheel t1npen1ion e Anti-fouling high·comp ren ion 1po rlr plugt e Contist..,tly highell rnole volue in ih field, occordrng to outhor•tot1ve reportt 1 JOHNSON &. SONi Lincoln· Mercury 900 W. Coast HICJhway NEWPORT IEACH . Uberty 8-5545 • Acrou frOlll lilr Chlb ' • ;.. • - . ' , .