HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-16 - Newport Balboa Press... I .. ' f'IAO RAISING -The site of the new factory to be built for the Hehpot Corporation adjacent to the Hoag Ho!!pital overlooking Newport Harbor was officially dedicated yesterday afternoon. Or. 0 . A. Beckman (left) presidPnt of Berkman lnstrur1t Corp., prepares to hoist company banner and js assisted by Oona Id Du11<':~11 f nghll . vice-preRident and general manager of the l;lelipot Corp., a subsidiary of the Beckman enterpri11e11: -Beckner Photo I' HELIPOT FLAG -RAISING· • RITES, BANQUET HELD Firm's Founder Hoists Pennant Over 15-acre Industrial Site - 48th YEAR -NUMBER 22 NEWPORT BEACH,'-CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, MAY 16, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 • P'tVE CENTI OFFICIAL MESA · CENSUS COUNT i XPECTED WITHIN TWO WEEKS Coat.a Mua'11 apecial cPnsu11 ortlce ~"• l'loaed by Super \·111or·E. B, !Awla Friday, but 11 will be app1 oxlmatrly two 11o·eeks before cit y otf1clal.a lnrn utflclal ruull1. Tabul11uons co mpiled hy Lew11 aml 23 enumerator• atarting May 3 hiU bt'rn clu1p.11~·hl!d to the c .. naua Burerru tn Washington, D.C. Then lhr r•porl w ill be »Udlled Reaulta will be rorwa.rded tn City Manager Cei>rge Coffey u aoon u aubl!lanlialed, rt>poru 1how. WIN TWO 'FIRSTS' City-County Meet Harbor Pending News-Press· Women's Pages Mesa ·Couple, 3 R • N .. 1. H · Othen Unhurt Council. Supervisors I~ Try for Closed Session ece1ve at1ona onors in -Plane Crash Ad11ll lon11 I h•'norl\ cam" lCl I hi' :'\C'wp<>rl Uarbor ~"w11·P1r1•s 1h111 ., . .,,.k w1lh 11nn1111111•rm.-111 ~hAt I :O.!r11 \\'1n1rrrd BiubrP. ~o.-11'l\' l'llit· I ••r. w11n twn t1 r~t pta.-P 11w~r'1~ In the 1'Hth n al Fl'1ln11llon or l'r~llll •lll[!l••llii \Vum ... n. Th" A11o"llrd~ w<'rf' J'I P8f'11lr<1 •I th .. ll8LI0111AI """\'<'nl1on '" :\'.°l'W r1r1~en11 at which 11mt> 11 "'1111 1thio :.nnr.unr rt1 Ml1111 ;-.;.-11 \1111 bar1eer or C'<t:<lll. :\Ir...& won (rr~I 11n11 th1rtl ph1r l' aw11ru11. WO~E~'1' 01\'ll'IO~S r 1anr r ruh ~11rnrd11y In Lo• City Council ar;id members of the Orange County Board Angelt>l'I Bii)'. Mrxlf'(1. in whlr h • of Supt'rvisors have a "peact> pipe smo~ing" aeulon in the I Vn~ta Meu cnupl" llnd thr"" nthri offing 1•oncerning <'Ontrol of the Harbor but at noon toda1 'l'"r.«nn11 \\'f're uwoh·t•I "'11"' rPportf'•J a satisfactory meeting dat<.-could not bf-Bt't. I hr rP t1or1ay. This mnve followed disclosure laat Thur.day by the , .f'1lnt nf l ht' J'l><n" WA• l'"'J'l'I t 1'•1 • , l·• b.. Rnb .. r 1 r-; Tn• h"t o f 201 News-Prt'ss of R tiupervisors' resolution informing Newport l'l\nlll bllbf'I A'"· Ht> Wiii' 1tn·nm-H1•Rr h """""II th" ro11nty lnt<'ndtfl JOlnl m~llnl( 1~ lnlf!n•l•d to Iron 111 · !11l<o• ""n , 11n1111I of. :\'.°f'WJ'<>rl 1'UI <11ftlr ulllf'11 whirh ma y ~ .olv-;;~~1;0110::~/11:a~::~~ '~:.':.~~f':~.~'·:,1~· ll,1rhor Ni th1011~h prtva1 .. tal\ca N .. d fof' nnr1 Mi!< n ouald g1,.,.t'niion 11f Th" J<•111I ""1!•1•111 r •mlrinplatf'd thfl 11r1111ll)n app11rtntly s:alnl'd add· fluw ni•y :-;0n,. WA!I lllJlll'• •I. Al" "' .. ulrt h,. t .. r 'UP••''"'''" 1111.t i:uun-.. 11 1mpr t1111 from a r•cent lett•r i·otrtln" in f'arly 1,.ports Thi'y r 1I lllMllb••r• onl,\·J'Cl'i<l'I, 1ttl<•mP)'8 g1\'l'n lh" au~n·1...,r11 hy th• coun• "" r" 11u" b1tt k tn tht Harbor aru r1n I •It ,. 11n•I rnunty ortlrlals not.. ty h11rbnr C'<>mmlulonna bf'1n1t tn\•111'11 CCl'IOtlM!illON LE'M'Ell \111t .\I. PllODl.f':\1!'. :-;,.,.,I f11r a ron11ulta t1o n brtw"" to 1;ty M ore 1hen 110 rmployre11 .11n•1 W1lllam Cagne)' rel.'ently. 111111 \\'ii· sue11111 of H•hpol l'ut p. ~lf'i<t.-rda.v ham Cai:nr y. I a ttemoon 11tt end"tl t111g • ru~111~ . The nrm f'\'Cnlnally will empln)'I llf--~!ti',em<l---\c ~ pldlll'll [li!W !Ole I ~t<HW $fAWl_~_a.ruL bP MJJ•. Rarhr .. ·s national r1111t1on1 wr1" fnr W•'m"n ·a rlr partmrnt In bl·we,,kly and'wom1m '11 departmrnl in Wl'rkly. Sh;o .rom~trd wllh ~n· I rat>& fn1m papt>r11 all ovrr lht' n11· 11on. Thr .ssme t'nln,.11 10(\k fin& pie.rt' 1n tht> rt'r ent C"Rllfom11 A•· ~nc1al1on o< Prl'M Wnm ,,n'a con- le"6 a.ll<I thereby quahflrll tor na· th)n:i rnmprt111on . Mtu Murbaq~,.r. a rorm"r editor of the !"e>A'J)Ort·Balboa Pru~. now known all lhl' :\'.'ewporl Harbor Nrwll-Prr111. won a !ir11l ror a n tntervlrw "J,~1ne Pearl. Proareclor nn .!'ievada's Bl.-ck Rock Dr11trt." publl11hrd 10 Drl'l'rt M11jl'&%ln,. at Palm Desert. Her third place 11ward wu for her publicity, "De11ert Trout Fa.rm" written In the Palm Spring• Villager. She Al:h••ui;:ll 1nfmm11t1•10 of lh" 1111~h.1;1 l:. 111r•in1plf'I". · 11 IS" b<'- h rv• .. t L'w r rllC'kup orc11r,.d whf'n : h · pin 1v wa" r1111J1ht IQ.. a f'! o~" "m•r1ITTrin!: ·' lr11..trni: Bll,.mpl 111 ll " tlrrport Th.-twm .. n)ltnr ph;nr ... n11ont'<f by Dirk :">'PW1Tlll n nr 493 E !!Ith St: C'11st11 M1•1111. 11nd l >l)n- "'d 8111tio of :i:!O SAnlll A n11 A \f' .. Thl'rl' MIP a numb<-1 or p tohl!'m:< t hr Or1tn~e <'nunty 8"ard of l u- whu·h lh1· 111o " bo<11 .... h11\'I' in .·om· l'"r \'I'"''"' anrl th• harbor comml•· 1111111 wha h i.h n111<1 11nll rn\11(1 bf' 111on to at'I up a new policy for thJ<1 u~•·<I 111 111t'n•llY ~t':<!01nn," opt'rlll1011 M the Upp.r Bay ar e& M .1~ u r l lu111 Hill 111u J tM Ay. I 'nlll l and 11. "'""tins: with r·e pre-ta• 11 11 ll111..-rv11•or11 ""'' t'4)Une.I mem-t1vH1 o f th• \'lty 9! l\'"wpcfrt Bead\ b<-1 ~ c-.rn bt> pr""""I 111 tht' 1nrn rm11I to cun~lltrr modification ot the pr.· ic11thl'ri11i; 11 will n"l b" hf'l•I. 1<hP l'Pnl "wu1k1n11 ar;rermeftt" lo con• ~ .. 1o1 r 1 "'"nlly """ ll r1111p cnulol fnrm with probl,.m • a r111nr from ""'"t nn 11 Jll\' the olhf'1 <'Annot. 11nn,.111tt1on nt thla area by th• city. J I • h er" 11dj111·pnt lo H111tg Ho.sp1t11I ovt>rlooktnl{ :\'.'1•wr11rt Blvd. Dr. A. 0 B••rkm An , Lirlo illle, h e11d or B1•1·km11n lni.tr\lmen111 and Hell.Pot . rn1.,..d lhf' firm'• p<·nnRnl With O.m DunNtn. vlt'e·pruidenl Mid grnPrAI mAne~er of Hellpol. A dlampagn .. rtr rpllon followt'd. msst~K n11.scr: Lul night fol111wtng the cere- •onlu the t1rm'1 emplnyres ttnd f\lt'l!ll 111tt•ndetl a d1nnt>r d&nCt' belll m BAiboa Bay Club . .Amung promlnt'nt ~e~t• 111 the dinner weir W iiiiam Perella, of Pereira. a nd l.11('km11n. Archlll'rl11 for t h• new plant which v. 111 n"e un l :'I a r1 t" p11rrhn~d tr.om J a.me" and ho11se<1 In a m1 lhnn 11 .. 1tar·plu11 plant. H elipol pot.-nu nm•·tn s. ulJl'd I by 1iom e 2500 dlffnPnt cu~tnmrr.s. are sold t o Industry a m! tor de·, tens e work. G l 't:STS FROM CITl• The following from H "llpu t. mo11l of whom will he f11tur" H11rhor area workera andt nr rr1111l.,n111, al· t"ndf'd the tirm'1 tlag·talsing and dinner dance: llfe1>8ra 11nd Mmr1. Otto Bixler .• Arcad111 : Ha.rold U rPhe. Temple City: Robert Burnell. Alha.mbra ; Wilham Chambt>1 lln, South Pu•· den a : F rl'deock Conalgllo, Dow~; ney; William Dean, Ar1;ad1 11: W it· (Contlnued ota Pare 8) Hoag Hospital Babies Keep Homecoming Date .at Party FRASK D. MOORE IR. Moore Elected Commander of Legion Post Fr11nl<lt> D Moore J r . yoonr part11 manHKf'f 11t Theo Robins F'ord Ai;:en1;y. w113 elttlt>•I lo alttr :-:ew(l<)rl Ha r bor l'osl 291, Amrrl· CIU\ Lt>J.'1011 lhrou~h lhe coming 1 )'f'&r 111 a r loiirly r on1r11ll'd race 1 h•·l<I a l l ht> rl'JrUh1r ml'ellnl{ a l the Sundll\' Wllll humcromlnjl' 1hw Ill John Ce.tr n nnRhl Har!, RAy [)!kr I Le~lllll H11ll \\'f'rlncMl!IY mi:ht. H11.11( II• s p11.tl tut :!\IV tmti:• • ''h" 1 llo l<·n S !~an.tall, ani! R ob»rt K .. p-~11u1rt' h11• hc1·n 11ri l\·l'lv tll'U50· hA I '"'<''• •h1•1 l1·1 ... 1 l hl'• •' l•ll I ht' l"'ll . llab\ iol.t• r~ WPrl' ':\tmt'!l J ohn 1 la lt>cl "'ith th~ AplenCQn '1..egw11, tlr~t f• \\' r1R) ~ or birth Th• Y r n m• C. Kru~pp. '" · D. Huma.!ltlll, Onug·, hiw1n~ sr1 ,., . ., As 1ul111t ant lo Or· wit h f11thl'I • nnJ 1111llh .. 1>. b1>1 h· l•M 'fell•''-· Jl\OIP!I T . M .. 11~1 "')'· a ni.:•• 1\111nly lntl'r·f'O•l <'uunu l, ~·~ Anti ~1•le1 .... r11r th" llrhl 11·· I l.iiwl'Pnt'I' Sprt1i;ue Jr • 1111.t \\olt.-I 11'••·s,•11tly ll"lllRlhnl 11olj ulant to 213l un1ot11 uf ·)"•11ni.:1·~. lry t 11 bt> lwl.J Th.,mpsnn. .,. • • UL.~llrrt A"m,.rican L1·1:1on, anJ Jllllt a t 111" hn•J'll•tl \. I Hustt':4~ .. ll wno ' !'11'f\'f'd punt'h l'lllllpll'l111j!' .. "''!Ir Ill! R1ljulJlnl lo T IH· J111'1"1 h ,!111•• l'E't'•·1~"' pup· \\'••rt• :\1m • ~ \'11 I1•r T(•rr y, f'h '""' <' :'>J,•w poi l H,11 b(•r 1-'n~l 2lll 1lurang prt' l•lhl Wo I•' tul11•11 1·t111• ur 11,\' Tlll1 1l<, \\'a lto r v ... 1 .. w~ 11 nd 8 1·1·I1>11n Mun ... 1111'11 1'tW1l11ltlllh'rMh1p. a ru t'p• of bahy ~•lli•r.; wlul1' nlctrt tiaril M.1~011. J'.\rl<. I>. H ('111ri.111 I 0 1h1•r 11ff11 ,.r11 d "' 11•<1 111 r!f'l\'t folk went 1111 n 111ur 11f lhP hu11p1111I. wiill ~.,111,1,111 rhllirman a nJ Woll< II<-wtlh Muort' llrl' Halph J.lomll<, who F.srorl con11111tt4'\' 1·un~t!'lt Nf ur • wall runnr r UJ> In th .. , ltist>lv •le-•• ,. t s 1 th (.'hA I' r.~,1-~1:-1,.•1 b\' Mi s. f 1tA.u·tll r. 0 11w:<11n . P•lll"l<, '• • ' 11 1 • n f 1" Y'~1 l .. 7 · I 14J~1I Clllll•'•l !Or Cfllll1llf1ndrr a111I lnr,, 1 ..... n \\'.ir e, Alhf'tl Kylt'll, 111111 Mrll. \\'1tlll'r C e1hn1dl. 11oMi ,.ub~Pflll"ntly t:lo•r lt'rl l o ~rr1, c I or rar~t \'I( ... ·.,nin111.n11 .. r A.s :i.1001 e·!l ru11111ni.; lllllll' Kt>n J uh r •un. 11\.•t )'f'ffl , th 1r.t \'t,••·11t111nu.ntlf'r . \\A.-. U•hfotllfnl 1,n~ ~IHU 1n tn ~,..r\'~ 8#4 °'Ct I UJl.f \I\ t••1 J'Ufllr1-tf1·r tor the •'"1llll ~ ""''' J . 1q· 1:1• ··••·\\Ill fill lhtt•I \I~ ..... •11 U tUt h 11 1 'n(fu:t" ,,,,h A 1 1 ... u1 "'''lt"r ~~fvtnt! tt~ .,..,~ ... ,nt- R' ~I, r '• H1• nil, \\ h•l "a• fl, .• k11 ,,,lf•·IJ.:.•'•f ih h 1\ ! a: •l11nt a ~1 I• n1h1I J h t.11111111.i.; h"I tlut1t>!• ~ , ...... , .,,,. 11 \\ • ... hn u 11n111 1,.- ly r•-,l·•l•1ltt1 Hn11ih•rt 1n. I• .I l'JllH k ll111Hl l'l••111 :II• lfl' RJl· pllu1~,. I i'H~t i "nn.n 1ttt•f .. r ~111h1'fJn ,,~ •nl t • ~,., I' oo:a.:•tlf' • t ! I I,.,. t ,, 11 ro.1r r! t 11n .. ftrt tH '' Pl l ht• ~··l 1 tt•:1 11r th,. r :tn I tn t~·:ld th•· l.t ~J••n " •I 111 •'· du t•••I ,., r··ri ··I\ '4\1•' 1" ... ~lt1l ~·1»11 11111.o I lh1 It f,:111ol.<ll< I' a.1110 scored in the recent Call.for• • nla com~tlUon. ' TO BE FETED The duo will be among ftw Call· tomia f l.rat award ~ to be honored In 19• .A.nselu at t hl' May 28 mHl'1'iig ot tha CAPW at which time a ward.JI wW be prearnt· ed by Ml.all VIV1an WilUta, C APW regional director. who accept~ for lhl'm In Lou111t&na. MU.. Mur'ba rger will not be pre· IM'nt, u 1he leavra today tor two m onth• ln l'\rvad a and Utah whrrt ahe ",II coUecl m attrlal !or fea· turr1 now on order. HARBOR WEATHER Oran.:r County weathH tor~­"""I. Mo~ly clt'&r wt.alher tod11y th rough W .. d n e :1 d a y. Shl!htly w11rmer attrrnoon11. :'\4>wpo1 l·BRI· 11<11.1 \\'eathl'r cl1>ar. 20·mlle YiRI· hlllly. expet'tl'd hl1th 111r temptrO· turr 69. waler ttmpr1t1turr 6 1. Tf'mJ>f'r11fU~ll '"" pad "''ffk ID the llubor •""&..."f'r": IUJh Low T ul'.-dn)'. l'o!Ry 10 .... ~ til \\'P'1nesdriy . .\1.1~· 1 l ... 61 T hu111day. May 12 •••. 61 F rid.iv. :If!\\' l :l 6~ Salu11lay: :>.Illy H _,, tl2 :10 S11ntl1w, ~1~\' I ~. 61 .\1onol .. y. :\13 \' 1.6 !')!• UNLUCKY 13TH ~oods Pussy Evicted, Shot as Odor Risee F l 1.IA\" I hr lhll"lf'<'nlh Wil li f•rr I 1 II• 11 hla1 k II.I\' foor .\Ir. p ,.J, Ht' 11111 .. niy w a. t'\ ;, ll'fl f1 •1111 his 11 .. m1• 111 <·,,run~ Hl)lhl11nd.• hut ht> wr11' k1lleol 1111ln )lht 111 1·011! hl110<1 MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE Taket Two Firata !Trailer Park i Views of City Comm ission Due City Park, Beach and Rec rea- tion Comml111tl()fl member• tomor: row nlrht wlll \"Ole It.a atand con· ceming the leulnJ of t he munlcl· pal trailrr p111 k F'lve romml1· I .ion-and city council mem~r• ruptetl\•tly l1110t TuMday went Into the a11bJer 1. Al Mondity night's c ouncil meet- lnll' a lf':tf'r was real1 from Ult \\'1th '"'"ln•I <•f :-.; .. 11o·por1 Ha.r-11 oulhnrd In a lellrr from th• bllr 11l slltkl' 1t thf' s11ppn·1l!l,r11· rt!· harbor c1Jmml~Alon t o the 11.1per• to-0lut1nn 111 taktn Al fk<'ll v.-luf'. thr (Continued oft ....... I) MRS. WILSON GETS THREATENING .. ~MLS =.~.! M-=s. Albert D, .• a.o Receives New Mystery threats Over Phone Lta~ur or <.'lvlc Asan<·1a11ons. u r«· Th,. sprte•I of thrra lf'nln1t trlr· this!" the vo1r,. rl'phed. "You Ing th" pa1 k hf' dl11con11nue<I u of phon .. 'all11 to c .. •11t Mf'sa res•· hr11rd m " J untl• ntlanl1 your en· S• l'l 311 an•I th" 11r .. a he ''"''"lopr1I •ttllll! w1111 l•'J>"l l~J I•• lhf' F'l:ll and llr• family Ill bf'h1nd lhl• m ove 8 " a p ub Ur park Thi' I ell er """" """IA M•• .. a 111.111 /. F rhl11 ,. mo• ning. hr1 r in to11o-n " The m an who •poke 111 ... 1. :\f r~ R·•l>"I t w11,.,.n ,.f ~99 F lu-1 tn •l,.lab('rlll 1' p rfln11nr1111on, n tua-T h,. prrv1ou• rounc1I, ACCOr1Jlnr: .. ( h If 11o·rr i-1. ('.,~t" M• 11.1 r"tlllld•t .. 1n r•1 In ,.,,.nu \' f'lffi!IO' lo ('11~· Manai:rr J .. hn $A1lur10, di· \\' trt 111 h r~tt»I him lo •n•I n'I lr.1•Pa At the lhf' 1;om1n1: Pl"• 1111n for lh" l'o~ta I Mis 1l1<on a11 •h" lo l " M•'llla 1·n1,.11 S • h""' LH.otn• t 1:iollrl1 \'o•ll" "All I 111<1 Yl'U 10 jlO to the •ra1l"r Jliir1< .. rr;-1·111·.. s .. p1 30. h l n. 11 1 , he l!l~~ •. • tht' rn11n111 '" oll"\to1 m lnr l<'IM t:'f' ~"W'-1'1 .. .-llh" teN l\'f•l1 "' oo •Ar mf'r l "It II!> ve 1111 an11n\'tn1J11~ lt•I• phnn .. i "II Th11r~· 1 •lnnto !nr two Y"• r" .. Thr vol rt r•· whrn lh~ next h111li:rt Ill a•1•1plf'•I olll\" "'·ht pli,..f, "Thill 1~n·1 whlll ....,. h•art1 I( l h" 1 .. n &Ml •hnuh l rnntln11f' · i.: , I \\'t'll, \'1111·11 b;o hf'llrlnr: frnm ua A t '""t T 11P11•111y n1ghl'" Af'1111i1>n Sh~ ~.1!'' th" llPH1" """'' wt: .. h l111n on 1h1.-·• anH hunjl' up ot r•:i, k rommu<alnnPr... Al Alex· 11h,. <l•·~1 1 1l>o"I "·' •nl .. olh. a ·k,.11 1( an dcr 1!';11nrly1 HRm1h11n, " mf'm· llhv w•·r •' : I 1 ~ \\'11«011 wh .. n 1<h" I t:ARl.lt:R TAIWP:T ber. , nlf \hi' rtty hall 111.111l11 ft'•'I 11n~w"1 ~ol th" t••l,.1'h11n<' Wl'•·n ~h" fo'111 lhf'1 anunymo1111 l•lf'phone -11( 111.lfll<' 8"1m 1111ni;: 8 p,.c t> 1,0 thP ,11111 1111 .. "'•I', :i.1 1, \\'oti .. 111 ~s 11i'll1e 1rAll .. tu :\1 1-. Al Df'lphlnn, of 1823 bA \: , nr llt<mlltun 111111nt.t1nf'd m11n 1i1lol h• 1 "I u nol,.r:<tand 1••1\J SF: M1·ll.i ll1 1v" wer,. rf'p•1rtt•1 hy MISS NELL MJJRBARGER Takes First, Third Phyllis Jackson "I( lhf' t rAll"r p11rls I!\ k1llf'd Wf•rl> II 1:1"·" h•·l1• \11 tht' ('.111\ll;Ull-hPr ShP Ill lh .. lllrl('°I of df'itlh 110•1 lhl' $41\ 11110 rt\'l'nue 11nn1111lly • Cllt Jlill t\· rot Olj.;hl ' lhl' 81~ mAl1t' OVl'r lhf' t"leph•mt fJ•llll ~""'" h18I t11 thP ('I_\', \'()11 1111.\1111 'II:f':T I'\'(, 111nr .. 1 .. ~l F1til11y s11 .... 1d ahe h•• 11rf' 1111ly 1nn1•111ln~ th,. bnlh1ng •• • t'lv .. d !It'''""''· t r l.,phon• rall• ('11·1 _ '" b~· l'll1tJ lt·t>I 11ohtrh ui a T h .. 11 • .i11 "'"" • ~1o1 .. atly r• fo't11ni: !rum r "r••1n11 wh•1 hll\'f' hunc up ,.,., · . 11:•11 .-moimt 1tddltinnt1I t o l•l t h" \, .. 111w '·" 1.1i:1t1 m•• .. t1ni: 1mn1Pd111t .. 1v "L"t ~·nu hll \'<' n•m"' 11r lht> '" h 11ol 1111111 ! 11· \\hltlt T • ol n n1• """""'11 •h1• ,._.,J st11rtru lo H.1 111111 .. 11 l'•l•I 11 ... }l\'f<1lr1hl .. ;-.;,.,, 1•111" ·1'''1 .. r .. :\'o·l ~'t n .. A .. , .... 1 llllol l h\'I . li t h"I but whtn 1<w1mn 11ni;: ··l•B<"' lln lhl' ~· l r<•nt S1h11 .. 1 ·,\,.~ ll •t •"h•:•"I h,-lh•'IM1 lJ•ll'l,111 .. '"J>t'"l"dly 1ntr 1- 1nr h:oll''" bo:u ol •111• tu II • "''' i:• .. t loh~1 Ill , 1111 Ii t h• 1 111 11~k hP1 nnmt lhe I 'h1n.1 C"\" 2:10 f Pl't , :\! St 120 1 .. an1n1• • r1n1I • ,r>tnl>Pr~hip in the " •l11Mn '"'''"' '1 t .. ,.1 .. nurv hf'1 ~•If. !.-• t. 9~h ti. 111~ ~L . ~:.u t, .. : tw· .. ., 111"' hip "' 1: • '"' 1""" '11 :O.l•s .\11:-l •• lµ~w.i. 11a1d 11h e h~ns: up vn l•'.e<"ll lloth 11:i1I t!l:l'I St . 1!\n ll'd \\'118• n \\Ii< In "'"n·l.1rt P '1l lh• 'II" \\•1111''" \\'1 .;t :-i .. wr •rt 1 ·h1rnnrl 11110 ''" 1 fllP• llnr "hit h r:i•llll1"'' th" K,.,. :;;h. '""' I hr ""''n M"hA Am,11- 1_,,k .. A,.,. 2;.r1 fPll, 10 •ln ·..i ••n1!• •rt .. d i111dllonun1,h1t ~h·· ''"' n .. • r 1tn l,oJ.I"" hH ll r.,1 .. 1vr '1 lhrf'!I w1''1 ::11 f, .. l .,,., h fpom I Ph t" 'l"'HK _ ·.I• ph""' • ill• T hur.uta v f11o111 '""'' 1:,1:; !'Ill qn I f l E F. 1: H 11nll I \\'ht n Ml~. \\'llM•n '"l'h'"' tn 11'1,. 11 .. n 11nd " "'"'"''" wh•1 1l111in"d S'!! !lf\00 feel on l~rilho1n litl 11111 11m•l•nl1f1e.t "v111t 1', \\ h1t l 0 :01 r•• I (h1"' ""''' 1-""'I lr11•111I~ of lhf' f >,.1· tronl.I'l(P plus 30011 fPt·l 11n Thf' m """ • All J •• Id 11on• ~" a nd Ml ph1110,• hut dlol nut kn11w h<>w to JCt l \.r.1nr1 ('AnAI. I Al II n1c• l lllR l:l>tl nl~hl \\ hfJ Ill lo th .... hf1111" Marab:e Infa nts Hurt in Crasft 1 11,. h k1·d hf,. 11nd hr put 11r a t K T Al-h il••l•'llnl;:t"I. r1i;ht t11 k1'<'1' ll Iii' appa au p aa I \\ IH I Jll•I t. ~ 1n11 111 l'rot .. I hi~ . FIRST T"'l~S -Bf'in1t the fi rst twins of oppns1l<' M'X born in HCla~ Hn@p1 ta l M't'.ms to weij:h heanly on thel't> htt.l<' folks who wt>re b<irn Ju~<' 6. 1?53. Thf'y are C~·nthi11 Lt-fo anJ Bryan L<-w18 E\·ans and tht'1r part>nts llrt' Mr. anJ Mrs W1lhBm F: E'~nio, 101' E at1l 16t h ~I C o!<tl\ , . Meu. --StafC P h1lh> " T" q nf.tn• • ··' t1t 1 t"'d n:1nor 1n· ju11•'' a "' , •. d: • ~ H tr •"'· A• '· d"lll ,, -1 .. 11111\ In 11 .. n1 nr 2 •'.!6 :\'.°f'llo 1 • • l~\'11 1'.,.t11 :11 .... a I' h•" r . p<•I .. .j ,,.., 1 I. l IP 11 Wl'll' \'1r k1 I."" 11n I Er hr 1 1, .. :11 'r 11-'o .!:! 11n•I 1 n1 : I I • t • I '''' II• h fl\•\ 11'· "~t\• t • ' '' nl 1 i bn.1.~" :1 a t hume \\ ll h .. •ll lltl~lnf: I•'" murh or ~ ·1· 1· D .. ~t 1nk llh .. ut ll 101 18 ion ue It \\',I~ a Ill•, hun11• Sll1,11y "'1lh HOM).. II • • " R' 1 1 , ...... '. '' •1 ••• T"• ntHS J atn· ·~ :1111 .. hlt> 2.: .. : :?t .:6 :\""'1'"11 Bh•ol \\A" 1 .. 1 f'lr).. int 1 • ~ •II \'I'· .way \\1:•'1 h1-liU oil I ttllltr "''f'I~ ~l1 11rk t \' hll • '"' 11!1\·"n b\' l-A \\IO l.r•lll• 1:1• rf, ~, t•f 219 =•lth ~· ;-.;, "'f'• It II•"' II H• th \'f'hl• 1 .. ,. "" ... lrB\r h ni: I •·rlh • n '-'•'<pntl flh I Tfl" cnll••1nn knn. kr.1 Miirfthlr'• t':"l•r I·'~" 1~11 1 1n~ thr whf'•I• 11n1I 1nnl>(ll" 1 ... ,, 11n•l •r11ll"tlni! 11 i: •<•I VII'',\ A 1111 he u 11.1lol w \lrh I h" c .. nst rlll'll•Jll It"'"~ on 111 oun<I him. But .. thrr l'""J'lt' th1111i:ht •lat· r"re1.t I\' J Duh11g"r n( 21'~112 ~\\' t'yprei<.!'I ~1. !'IUlta An" HP11:hui, \ltnU!thl p, II' WI\!' lnlt'r ff'I n~ W;lh hlll dll• h t11!t)llnlt p t l)l'('t ~ ,.,.1 Pol~ t r:ed In I A kP nvf'r l t j(lb l\nrl kHp him a l a t1111Lam·e ,_parhnl!'tr Nll"rl t>''hce. Polt met thf'm w ith h1A sam t dl'lerm1r.a11on But wh11t rh11n,.~ 1lor11 a akunk h a\'t' &JrAlnst shat p~hontlng p<'h«t · GETS KNIFE CUTS r~IDA Y. THE 1 lTH ruml\1111> ri nrt • lnth1n~ Rnocl' th• ~ hl1th11o •\'. l'••llrf' 11111.t thl' ~hn1-Fnd•y the thlrtetnt.:l may blf'll~, .... Ill .~ .. 1111t•'· h f\lohJlg lht r or ma y not "-"• bttn tf'lp<>n- c:hU.Jron n lh• Um• aible tor ~alJ:anJ'& &cc.1dent which happened lo Edward L.. Take Out Permit J .. nnlnp 3~. o! Santa Monica H e told polk • he •lid acroee Ea .',n an•t A ·• llitll••n took out lb• front .eat o.f h la ~..,. Into a c ·11~t" ~I·.-. 11 .••. 1111 '"' lol1:i~ h ia own kn•ft whJch. wu l)'\nl f "ll'1 ot Tl, 1• • · s -.~·1•~· Th~\ on th• llt'al.. Jenntnr wae 11 r,. r ·'n•·111 :1r., 1 n 11. h.n .. •h• I' lrMtf'd •t Hoac H.Mptt.aJ for ""I • :• • •I 7' ,\ Iii' .. ~· R~. knlf• cut& 1.1vl.h,u ·• 1. ... ~J,ra.~01. 1--------------- Mt111 J"byllh1 Jack!ion of the . ="•'"' ~-T'1 t'M ~l.<f( Will h1• 111.!,l\l"J tumorrnw nil(hl Into UCL.A Chap· te r nf KllpJ"lt T!lu Alpha. n11ll'1nal Jn11tn11hllm fral,.rnlty. Turzitr Cat- INlge, 4'd1tor or lhP :-Oew. Y9t k T1mu . will be •P"•ker at the din· nPr m,..ttn c. 10 be htld 1n Loa A111eln. Miu J ack.on la 1econd Or&.n«• Countlan to be accorded thi1 hon- M lhl' flrrtl beinjt 8'-n R#ddlck, publtaht r ot lhr N e w 1 • Pre I a. Othera t o bl' 1n1llalt'd ar,. M1q Margt• l'h1lllJ'9. Radio K 8 I G, Warden Willa.rd. mana.g1nf edtlor of the l..o• Ancelea Examiner a.nd ' I-0 . HotchkLU, editor of the Loa An1•lu nm•. Monterey to"-vt Well on Pump Montn•J 00 Oo. •k•·p~aicknt Em i. Pylea today announced h1I · flmi wUI plaN :-;~rt .JVeU No. j ;-untter L1"'1 lam11 IHI by the r1 tv, on th" pump tomnrTOW a.nd mon 9'1\ Ha 4rtWn1 eqwpm•t. FISH FRY TicKn QUEENS BRIEFED Ray Haruler, left. Co~ Mesa f11tettl officer. hu the nwt1tbfe chore-of KtfidinlJ the ti· forta of th.la year'• Fiah Fry ticlCet que<'t1 c:\ndidates. Here he goeA Qv<'r thf' aet·UP with three of •.be four girla collecting donations for the Ntwport Harbor t~on• Club .celebration J'ee 4-5. From left, the girlA are Mary Patterson, l6. 2270 Or&nge Ave., apon80red by the Glrla Club: Vivian Allen, 20, 615 Marigold Ave .. Boots a.nd Sadcill Club: and lbrtlrn Newton, 17, of Santa Ana, f'uchaia Society, The other cudidatt, J1ldy Baab, wu not sn-nt. -Stalt Photo • • • - • ,1 j l , i I ' J ·' I CLIJ B\\'OMA N HONORED·-Mrs. No~an Watson or Newport Beach, new preside nt or Orange County Fcderati~n or Wo men's Clubs. J unior Membership, was honor<'d guest when Mrs. John Lamar :ind ~frs. C. J.l~·Dcakins. Junior ad\•lsors, entertained at brunch in the Lamar home, 324 Buena \'ista. L<'ft to right l seated 1 are Mrs. Lloyd R. Mallory of Fullenton: new co unty prPsident of J uniors: ~1rs. E. E. Patmor of Santa Ami. patit ad\'umr. Southern District : Mrs. Gail Barnett or Buena P ark. vast president of J uniors. Sta ndin~. ~rrs. Deakins, and ~lrs. Vfatson. -Staff Photo JUNIOR ADVISORS FETE EBELL GROUP AT BRUNCH ( . JN GA\'EL EXCHANGE at Pasadl•na l'(lO\·enl il,)11 Mrs~Norm~n Watson tleftl, accepts emblem of her office as prt•s ident of Soul ht:m District Federation of Women's Clubs,.., Junior Members hip, from Mrs. Dan Youn~ of ::-an Bernardino. retiring presillcnt and candidate for s tate firiit vice president . • I Mrs. Norman Watson Hearls ... Southern Dist. Federated Juniors l"lece de resl1tane1> at~he bUHl't •llnntr hoalftl re<'Pnlly by the Tom A llPn• n( 32:1 El Mort1•na AV!', WU th" H p,...,1,.lly rri·r arerl anti di'· Lido Park Club Holds Luncheon ., Revie\v Series Mrs. Horn ~tra.. R<•h<'rt ll••m or t '••n>na ,1,.1 Mar n,lleJ r ...... I h"• \( fl\ I•\\. l'lu • ti.C"n IP' 1ni: a e• ri. ~ rn "',1t ly on J ohn P1tr11k 1 l'11hlt~1 l'riu w lnmn1 play "The Tl'R 11• ll~<' ••r the A111ust Moon". I Latut rtvtew wu for ~I Ehu belh'a Outlc1 or lhe F p1arl'pa l Church or1he Mrutah. Su.nla ,\n11 I Pl'\'v1ou11 on'a \\rre /.1r R11nt " An" Collt&'ll F11r111ly \\'!\'"~ t 'h1b (ur tile c:arl Harvey Sl'li.•t~ !tu ult.), lhl' combined bt.;,1k r~' tt'W anti drr.- ma ,,., l1ona "' A A\\'. Su1t11 Ana brand\, &nd t~r Lhe ShaJ<upu.re C lub of Pomona. Bridge Players at Country Club Santa Ana C..iuntry <'lub womt>n and th,1r !rll'nds "'"r' brll1gt· mlndf'd tut \\"'dnutlay, for whe.n play began. 21 tablrs wu e. f1llt>J. Tablt prtus wrr .. nN~bly Rltnh't· Ive. pur•,·slu ovtrnight CO<!m<'llC t,..,.. .. The t'a table "as done In all plnk, with atoC'ks. c11rnatll•n1: <'&n· dlea a nd aslln ribbona. Mrs. Ray Couch, C'halrman. wu us1.~t<'rt by Mrs. Thomu Pu•ite 11nd Mrs E vu- 'tt Lul1;, hnsttsst'll for the d11y. '' , TllK otHlAS \Cll' ('AS 1•uv AT OS( t:I lb• MOlldrrfUI Qf'W HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN n. \\1lllle ... _ .. , Ola l'ta.Y ll "IUloul t-uul Sow l Ne NNCI .. Take LeMGM Come '" aftd Prove It to Y ounelf \\'e U.0 lntM 1" &e .... la Mid IF'J lhe -H·-· .. 8pla8' Or....-N-A .......... DANZ-SCHMIDT BIO PIANO • oaoAN 8TOU Uead•uaf1e1'9 for AD ....... H Kmmo11d Of(IUUI \La Verne Alum Meet I ~:l\'ln I\ \\'1ls;•n, • h.llrtnun or . Kl 1-M•O 1 1 tht' I.a \'rrn" • · .. 11 .. 1t1• 11l11mnt i;1 nup I In t hl' Ur:tni;t' C (lllnlV ftrt•n. 1111· I 11'!0 So. Maln 1\0\lll<!"l t ul"\' a 11o,•..t1n1; "' llll I l\lllmnl \\II hf• ~Iii\' '..'U 111 ti ·~ I' 111 -- Ill ~-.·an~nn's M111ll ••1 .. v C~f" 111 -\\'Al"T Ads l l'll l'lomea, boata. Si.n:., J\ nn I can. fumlturl', a ppllancaa. et c. The LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP 8.-\ I.BOA THf:A TRI! aLI)(). BALROA Opl'n Tu~y lbru l"aturdaJ Best Bakery ? SAVORY of course 2 Locations LAGUNA BEACH CORONA DEL MAR 12 1 S. Coa.o-t Rh·d. 3329 t:. ('oMt llwr. l'.irl,ln1t In ltl'ar . Pll·PLANNID IY llPllTS ••• PllSONALlllD FOi YOU coratrtl 40 lb. alhaco1 e 1'8Ul!hl by Lido Park Club held It.a tlr"t Mi a All11n. The h<>1lllt' was bPauli-mtl'llng May 10 with new otfl· • fully de<-orl\tl'1l Mr the occ&slon c;eu In charite. AJ1umbllng al T om N ortons An11otince En·gagement of Betty Mr. Rnf'I :\11'8. T om f'nrtnn, 181!'> Cliff Dr"'"· llrt• "nnounrlng the •nj!'ng1tmrnl of th• ir 1ln11ghltr F.11· llO bt"th Ann. l o ThnmAI! Anrlrtw ~an,.pa JI J, ~<·n or :\Ir. An1l ~I r;. Thnm11 ~ <'11n,.pn Jr nt B111<n11f1Pl<I ry Cl\tb i;t \,ong BeaC'h, hostl'l!l! • h11pt• r fnr thl' c·onventl"n • Rak•'f"tlel<I High SI hn11I. 1:1 ma· Jurlng In m athen111llr:1 a 11<1 st 1en< 11 11L C'piu;t Co llC'J!'I', will al~o be graduated tn J une. Ther• w ill al110 be a panl'I w hich will lncludl' a ahort review ot pertinent 1ubjc<'I.~ rovr·1 ed at the St'hool or f'ohllr". hrld rl'r!'ntly In Long lll'adl. S1•1,·1ng on the panel will be Mmn. LA>w111 Carlllntr, Sam lll\rnes &nd Wllfrt'd Berls. ' w1lh a pt orualnn uf 1·os"1 from the the clubhoual' tor a pol lurk lunrh· 1111ruen. con w'ra 26 membeni. ' t'rl'nnt Wl're Me~sn and Mmes. Mn. Ktnnrlh Correll, rl11urman Cl~n Allen. Htll l'ovel't. F'rank for the year. wlll be atdl'f'I by M rs Clf'ndenen. John Donnelly, li:d Harold Cny, Mr• G11orgl' PK k· H um!'I', l' IL 1J e1ry1 J ohMon, hsm, a nd Mr a. R. E. Jnhn,.on ~~ Vacation Tours MUil! :"ort"n WM g1 adUllll'd from :"\P\\ !""rt l lnrh'lr t:n1un li1.,:h S1 hnol. "111 ht' 11 Jun" l>(IB•htutl' f rnm Oran(( I'. ('01111t I 'ollt gc Wh• re llhf' 1,, m .. , .. r1ni: tn ~01.1nl 111 l"nre. 11,.r t111nr , "'"• >:rn l11Al•»I fr11m State Hold Poets Confab :0.lany Orani;t' rnl!Ol\' )'<k'U at· tenoh"I thl' 1U;nu.1l '• :.\'.-U1111n or the l 'Rhturn1.1 Ft• t1•rau11 n of l 'hAJI· 1.rr11 I'•• I• S,1lurol11y 11! lht• Lii· I Heg1alr11t1nn w11s fllllow<'<I by a 1 pottry p11ncl 11nd lunchron. The Afttrn•'l()n ~"~Ion f N1turrll 11pec1al musu·, fe11ture~. ~pukr111 and the r<•&.lln!f or prize WIOnlnl:' prw•mt f m m thl' 1rnnu11I l'Ontt'sl. The f'V~n­ l r•it Bl'Mll1n proir;r11rnmNI n vrrse 1•lay and twc1 11peaktr~. A boat trip a rounJ Loa Ang1 lu harbur fnllow'd by luncht'Oll l\l Knott'• 'aerry Fann wu phuintd for Sund11y. Thf\'e Orang• County poetry J n •ur • wl're rtprt'ecnteol. Jt'< tll l'aul.son \\'olf or LA11una anJ S 11t <"atilu J(lhnson o r l'osll!L ~ll'l'I\ &r!' 11tat e lx>a rd mt'mMrt of Chaparral and bl'IMg; to the LuVall•an Pe>tt· Lt. Henry Nix Honored Here LL I J g I Htnr)' ( H&11l&) Br&nc.h l'Ul wu hl'lnor guut a t a dinner party given by Paul W1Ulam 1.Aw· reM'a Jr .. of \'la l.hll' :-.on!. at , t he Balboa Bay Club T«rntly, LL l"1x Is bliati.! a t lhr AJ~ml'd& , A ir Bui'. h11,·1r$: r~.:rnlly r~t11m•!l _{rQJJl_ Kor rL ~ , H• flt'w .t11w11 fQr al'lm• fl1htnr tui.t l Mk Al<'n'~ ~h" Law~nce h1'U8'!' gue1<I A l'ln hi, ·r11rt nl c' !i!\·fl cn.tlHr Lady Ann. . . l.t. N ix " the aon or l!UJ'f'rtnr r ourt Ju1lf e anJ Mf• Llnyd K !"t't CIC f"r"m rt r tMt, !,,, An· l tka. Fishing Them_e For B. I. Scouts H"ily N11lacn, Blnkr Tr<'lll'Oll. \'em ~ommltte• T• .. Clark• T•d Ru• Mrs. R&lph \"un•ler \·orl 11.nu ' ~. •'• '• • Turnrr. J1>hn \\'tlF••n. llan H;.gcrs A S!'plembPr wedding I~ being plilnned. i<ell, Tl'd Ha uur. Bob Bh1lr. J im anol M is,.rs 1-:.tith l'i.-rt•· fi nd Be\'· M rs. H·t'nry Hodgu gave a book G1l11l rap. Ray Rork, Ca ce Hortman, ea ly srnrroul. · revil'w ot Thl' Man t;111lt il l'et H Bud Chtsll'y ant! JCJhn Kn11pp have 1-------·---------------------been working on the plans for the Troop 81 of Dalbo& bl11nd wlll &fl"to t/t..Jtllreat.nt"li ..A.I. l~ l Sro11l·O·R11ma to bt' hr ld at the Orange l 'nunty F'ntr Gr.1unds SiH· urd11y. ~fay 2L. 2 t J II pm. S~out ~11111 .. r :O.lathew \\'111Je· hrh wnh the ht'lp of the tMnp Tro<•P 81 boolh. The tl'lt'ml' will be nature aludy. a<'out lore a nd th•, lf'~ from -Salbo& bland w111 ~hOWll" own fishing equlpml'nt. T1rket.s are 1t\'a1lable from the tn.op's patrol 1~srtrrs. Howanl Cll· strap, GPnrl(f' H1w~er. Sandy Knapp and :\lar&hKll Wright 1Poht1<11l A•fr, 1lt~rm1>nl1 VOTE FOR OR. ROBERT H. OLANDER MISS BETTY: NORTON L•unclry service clelux1 ..• at bargain prices! WHAT IS IT7 lndlv1dually w u hel'l-wearln1 ap~ral fluff dnl'd by ftllrrrd a ir-flat pl.c:•a, profeulo nally lronl'd Your cloth• and llnr n.e are done · i1p ONE unJt-no mill· upa. no un11r ht1y mark• -r&lnaoft "·ater, JtllUe controlled aoape. WHEN AVAILABLE ••• 8en•lce Within h1'111ra It Urftnt. becauH w• do evu3·Ul1nt r1rht bera. HOW MUCH ~ •.• It is a bargain bundle too WHERE •.• ca a a i Board of Tru.at- Onm99 Cocut Coll999 e A orote11>one1 "'"" oual1fied bv e:1uc.a•1cn &"'d e1c1ti1nce. e l'.d ·• 1n comm•nitv end VOYlh .. o•l on 1he Orono• CoOll Aru . e Fo,r co!leqe deq•••" 1•c'•.d1nq • Mo1ter • Deq•H 1n I~• f e1d ol fd1.1ce• :in. e P oda ed lo ma;n•a n !~t ~ 1h t'a·<lard of Ore•qt c.,.,, Col· I•~•. THIS IS AN IM'O•TANT ELECTION IE SUU TO VOTE ... Mey 20. "" $2.85 pura for 2l lbs. 1 IOO W~t Cout ' llh:hn a,\· "SER\'IC't: "lTHIS HOt "ll" -\\Ill::\" ~EEDl'!O" CO~PLETE LAt'SDERS and CLEA.'""ER8 -, .. • J • BALTZ MORTUAR IES COSTA MESA C HAPEL I 7• 1 ~urcr1<•r J\\'l'nlll' co~a ~i .. an. Calif. f'hone I.Iberty 8·2121 C HAPEL l:IY THE' SEA 3!120 E t.:out 8 1,·rt. Corona d•I Mar, ('Bllf. P honfl H11rbor 42 HURR-Y TV and Home Appliance. \\"htrl' \ "" 1-hnp In CO:\ Flnt.~t r. a nd Rt \0 for l.t.~" SHOPPERS! SAVE!.~ .. We tU'f' loaded with 195.5 floor mocMI ~poHeSsions and oMd ~le''Won M'tl' AU. yy·r.u · (;('ARA'\&t:r:o •19 95 \I I. 'fAkt 'I \S fl :-IZ£.8 · PRl\t:D A'i LO\\ AS • • • . • . . . • . . • DAROAf~"' O \l,ORt:-0. all Home A ppllMNe, Aul~ ma'llr \\ :vohrn arid n rpre. ~rea. Rd'r1rtralt1rw and o .... p t'rf'c U"- :S-o U ntl'TI t>aymf'nt ..• Eaay Ta,,.•. \\ • 811&11 S o\ Bil t Ach:-!'old •... ~11d 1'• A Cu11lomu A.IMI a.ttln A l.teful tjlft. Ol•l'OUftl lft f""n1N! p,.oplt. • orr:s l'lt"SOA\'M ASn r.:rotT ~\-.NrSO t •N'Tll. l :lt RELIANCE It" S . Maht HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. 11,GREYHOUND We "personaliu•" \':!rations to fit )'fWr time, yo ur budge"'°your plea~url'! u ·avr any tim,., v1sil nst'I parks, other \'DCAI ionlanric;. Touni ind11 d<' hotels t ransportation. si~hl """ing. See thr U.S., Can&rl&'. Mexico, worrderful plan's neai;,11nri far. Ask about apecial es_coHrd lnuro; in your own '"private" coach. The escort handl"s all drtails for you. ,.n Vecetlt11 llt1r1ttre Colorful foldNe t11 hrl1• you v11u11l11e r11n a nrl 1 hrdl1 ol 11avcJJ1.d1.1~ tUl P arnund t h" I ' S . In Canula a nd M f'tl<<o. Aeli al Grl'vh c1und de· j>ot or your travel a1enl H. E. SWAFFORD ' nno w COA"T lffftlf\\'A , .. ~t:\\ r'ORT ftr.A r JI f.lt>--rt ." II -~ IOt THlll'S A GllYHOUND AOINT NIAi YOU .. l I f · I . I PRESENTING S250 CHECK to Ro bert E astman, p resident o f O r ange County Shel- tered Work S h op. are Mrs. H a r old Bird, past president .• left and M111s J e an H o w ell, n ew preside nt o f N e w port H arbor Business and Professional Women'• Club. -Staff Photo ''TH E BLACK F LAMINGO" looks a bit pale h e re -but h e isn't f eath e r ed out yet. H e will be in full p lu m age w h en local thespians who have b C'en s een in man y former p lay a present "The Blac k Flamingo" .May 27 and 28 at 9range Coast College. T he presen· t ation is staged by the w ays ·and means c ommittee o f the W o m a n's C ivic League as a. benefit for the Co rona del M a r Youth Center . Seated are IL to RI M m es. J . R. L ongley, Karl AxtAlf'r and J ames Ray, c hairman ; standmg, Mmes. Me lwood Berry , Paul Davis and Jamea Van Dyke. -H a rbor P h oto Lab. 'OLD GANG' TO PRESENT 'THE BLACK FLAMINGO' IL"• thAl "Old Gang of ~line" ca sl lhRt'll nov.· rl'hf'ar11111g for "Th" Bl•• k F h1m ingo' ~l'hP<lulc-•1 for May 27 an'0'28 u a benefit 1rnnlh1>r membl'r nr fhe Pl&)'t r• SJ><'Mortd by the \\"omens Cl\·tc who11e t11lfnl had be<n "hidden bl'· Le>tg11r A !I prO<'l'eds from the hrn!1 a 11e11k" 11nt1I "tlrsccl\'l'rl'<f ' for pla\' 10 bf' gl\·en at Cout Collt~~,., the rolt> of Btlhe Dawn rn Born Allllllorlllfl!~ w1ll go to the bttllc11ng Yl'lllt'rda\'. V1r10:lni11 I Mn. Rolanrt l Monte Vl• sta Tund n! lhl' Yn11th and Comm11n1I\' Well11 ha!! pTO\'l'd her talent fnr C~nln bl'lnK bmlt In Coron11 dt>I 1111p1l0rtlng roles In Ltghl Up the M11r. Sk\'. Counsellor at Law. H11y P-TA Hold ing, l n the cu t ar e: Robert Wentz. 1-"<·"er fl-lld r.o0<1bye ~1" Panry Jrrrnn,. 1 ~f rs \,\'llh11m i E \·ana . S 1 lnral high 1<r hool drama ln!ltrul'tor Rnd her Ron Jrrr ,. hll\'f' bl'en wnh R ummage a e who Wlil be remembere<1 (~r hi~ llhl' Pl1tyf'r11 for II numbr r o! )"f'llrll, . clever charat'lenuilion of G111nd· anfl haw• ~ur-h nut~LBnlilnK hltll t n Fir11t mf'l"llll .. 11n!1 flnll pmJf'l"l r~rC' in Thi' H1tp~y T~me ~n·~•'lll · lhr1r r n11Pr l1t1n All Liiii\' In thP t th• n,.wlv forml'c\ Mard nt "1_, "Yt'~r ag<> Y Ptle · rw~or~ flnrk. C'n11nAl'llnr Ill tAw .Mv o u • ,11rbor -.ommun1I\' avPr~ 1·1t11 1 • · '"t Ante VtSll\ r -TA \\'1411 hPlo\ T\11'11· 'f \\'II ._ T b II I 1 hn••• A nf(rl~. r.IHllA MPnui;-rn r. "" cl 1 ., r!I. 1 r 1a u11 em e 1n1, nni= A I ._. () Ii \I• Rt I hf"' h«l'l1P of I he rrPAI Pnt, ( i lit h 'Ind l.11 ll" r tlltf'~ ! hl'rll Ill l hf' }.~\. Kenn•t h Wolff f'hrnll tor th• a\·nr,tl' of fl.l~I ellC"('llB.lhaJh~ ad fllll· 1 ··11•1 whn hll\'P hlHI r11rt11 1n .lh<! ('lrm:1n"' rll" rtnvf' ~nr1 r11mm11j!'t' !llt11~d lng throDA ikn D \'l ",.. slp:n~ lrn·RI rl11 \'~ Ari' Mu·k ()'Pti\', e .. .. .llu\' n I' ar . ream .,11· All•• • I , • · al'l lP wrr" rnmplf'lf't1. -• · F n u\'1rl (o11tnl, Rn• Jim \\l'hh. !'ew .... ....tn• t-"ay .a.nr1run•1 t;i\l•rtbye Jlly &nc-y. Ill th" 1'1111:" thl!< t1ml' ll rf' f)1t'k T hP drt\ e "('". a "" I \f I B . .. 1.1 .• I \\' ,.. I " 1 M 20 will be l'hm11xel1 . I' erry, en n" Inner on nnrrql. rmE"r ""' ~on 11n • Im ~~l~~u~~P · l'\~~m&·'\,. 11111 .. on S11tur· the 11~11,._e. TI,!11,! _be rrrnl.'rn ber .. •I lor ..Ko••hlct. . d . \I . 21 Th" ,.,d,. .;:.i11 hP hPll1 his leeotinir 1 olt>• in Th" II a rr" ThP ['Ill v 1~ 11n•IN · t11r 1h re• llnn .. - NEWPORT.HARBOR N~WS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE l MONDAY, MAY 16, 1955 . . . ' . COUNTY PHILHARMONIC wo r k e rs plan m embcrshtp at·t 1nt11.•s a l b n •akfast Ill llay Club. Sitting (I t o r ) are Mrs. WalliAm T aylor and M ass Frieda 8 ('1infanlt.>. C(lnducto r. Cor o na del M a r and Mrs. E. H . Kelly. Balbo a . St andmg. ~tmes. Opal ~h('C'han. H unt· ington Beach; Leon Y~e a nd GepTgc MrLau~hlin. 8 C'acon Ba~·; J ack Corn. Balbo a 1)-;· land; Carl B oswell, Bay Shore s ; and K a ren Ma'rgreta Bruning. executi\'C d1rt>clo r. l'1H" ona del Mar. -St a ff Photo 'Friends of Philharmonic' Wakem a n Fihns on St. James Din ner Progr am I Jl:nmun H. \\'11kl'ntRn of John! Mule ( \111('1:" v.111 aho"' nature pie. I 1ur,.,, 111 nilur ,,11 pr<•crani 111 th,. 1 l"l.'lluw :.h111 ctmnt>r IV ~ hl'ld Thu1 ~.i,.r 1•Venmji m ~I. Ja11t.·11 r8r1,.h Hnrn1t>, M11ny nf h1a films hn\'t' hrrn llllt'd in \\'11lt .Du•nry fl.>11 lures. Thi,; ts lhl' l11sl dinner for the \';'o11 111 St Jttnw~ anJ SI ~~117.ll· bl'lh'll t:uild 111 111 chu1 ic•• S1•r\'lr~ 11( the \'al1•r,•1I tt~•Ml ht'..C lllltl olht'r \111111ls will begin Rt c;:30 pm. Mrs . H L. Chit 11ncl..r will 111 kt' resl'n'll· lions or lhrv m11y bl' m11dGt the C'fiul', h ofth !'. Ra lph Jr ~:; ... !'111111· An•t Mathew. Sonia~ An11. 1\l r. Kn.t ~Ir~ Wilha m \\'11111111111 11 nil rh1lllrtn Tod!1 and R1c-11. l'H'n, M r ""ti Mrs. !Aland. W1lh11m~ 11n1I rh1l<!rtn Evil.line and Jun11!· :-.'n1v.alk . 111r. 11nd MrA. K . L Q11a1 r'4. "' nny J on, ChrlJltlne 1tn>I K111hle<'n Anaheim; Mni. H"'"" \\'1l•on Ontario; 11fr. and 111 1~ Allu•n \\'1lha111s 11nil d11ughtl'r 111 .. 11lt'1 . 1\lr """ 1\frs. PPter W1I· J h ll11111 amt l'lulitrrn Rlrphen. 1\hrh· I "\'I an•I ftan.11111. 111r 11nd MrA. lo\t•nnt'th ~ultra~· anti the honor 1p11•111:<, ull of t.'usl11 Melia. D A At the iscuss rea Membership cr"~~~~,~.~:_re' Looking Forward Toward Second Con cert Season I • l -1 ~~' pA n~1n11 1<Jtl1• 1 \\' <' hB ve g;own' ~ "•' "" 1ll111:· 11nd L«llhnl.t, 1,, .. 11 ~:, •• , \ th1ni: llltl~l "111\'t': At l'JOH'I· \ """ J a• k t urn. 1\lll•h ... t A tl~...-·1,•·1 11 .. :otrrw p t1l't'l4 "'" \'P treen ,,f. t: .. mxr 1111 l~111gld1n \\ 1111 .. 111 T"' .. 1 .. 11111: 111..i11 to \'ou, the pubht·. he· l11r, \\a.J.c .\ltlh:r. Alf1e1l ll. l'a\Uc -'"ll! LS111 li<'llutal)'. The ·racke.r H .I HRt•n r;, rt 111ol1• ~ll't 'ull, 1111.t 1:.1111'1 a t 1211 ;\g>1lP Al)e, llh<' 1 • K1111 n 1lll1r1o:re1a Hr11n1ni:. t''•'• 1· t•·• r 1· S I 1 UAlhoa hland., hiil' Organiza tion of are.;i. committees and their procedures ti\·•' •hn .1 .. 1 "'"" 1ni: I'·•'"" a nd tht> own .. rs 11nd li 11111p111.'lori1. Sand\' anJ Ell'anor En- w e re d tscussed by distl'1cl chairmen and co.w o rkers o f _ 111.-1<1 i.r .. '" i..t\\•hu.t up t•) ht>r,. Orange County Philharmonic Society. at a recent brea kfast IF are\\1e ll F et e ;:,;·~1.'e '1:m~"1;!~~:.. ~~ :~~",.h~l~:~~. I session m Balboa Ray Club. !\trs. Edward Mittleman su~-1 •n•I ~t• 1·un•i·r,.1111" are thev "' tn .. gested the name "Friends o f Philharmo nic" for the area for Mesa Tri"o c·ru• k"' Burr• I 1h1tt thrr .. •" a •pe• r,tl l'ht'lf JllSI to 11ccomm0<IR II' group!'. I• rtun 1111'8 G R \\'intl•r. Brt a : 111111.:et .. rm .I i. 111 e• haun~ ll·s lo· n 1 •Lr i cl chairmen reportrng Ops I ~h .. eh11n. lluntininon R!'&C'h A farP\\ ell .r11111, 1 """'" 11 t 111r • "'"" 1111 1 hi' !lo•lr c.;"ml' in. brows!' Wl'rl' ~fr.<. Carl Boswpll Hll\' ann ~lf'lwoo<t RPri y, Cn111a ~,~,. . lh1n111:h l~ \\tll\Ol'r(ul roll .. ctlon or Shore11: )tfr11. John F . Bishop. F'ul· Othl'r" p1 P!<1•n1 anli hl!inlng 11.nrl Mrs ~ rlhur !'• hlldt· 11 11 1 1111" p1111l• ci11"1na1, !<•'P heauurul rarewrll to 1111"" 1-'11l'd11. Behn-I ~lary L \\ tll.t11tll "II' htl•t I<" "Ill · • 1,•11111 (1u1111ng Pu k u11t your art f.intl'. t•nnt!urlur, "ho left Fn.lav I\' Ill lh• hOl "t' of .\Ir -\\ 1lli.111 ~ !11111'1'1\ n•'•"ll! You 11. be plc-a.oer~ Coffee G ue t ( "" •1 J R b · · w1lh 11 nol Bl Thi' Cr11ckrr B11rrel . S S or ,.,uropP, wrrP ,, mPll o f'rl 259 E. 2ttth St. 1 •11~1.1 ·'"'"" Th•• .M111idox. 8111111 Pet er~on, Eliwar·d ~' h:.dt·~ lut, ,, ~11ld 1 h· 11 ho0to ,, 1,0 -Ad\'. SAYE SAFELY At Oran9• County's Leadin9 · Home l endin9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSUR ED UP TO $10,000 . . All Accounts O pened . O n or Before The I Otft of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERA L SAVINGS & LOAN ASS9CIATION '.!'lt 0-Awuu. Phone: H\' •·1 1'n LAGUNA BEACH H Ab t 1 F:rt.'t 1i;th !-it 11nd 1I111 llll • ,t,.1111· r---------------------------ear OU Canta do Co t 1··li \'1.'ltl lo \'t•tlloPlll 11n °i l'oo:tt1J'l\'l· 1 TIDNANS Completety •• , .. n nce r ,·an1;1 1111" "111o ... 11,. , .. 111 m('f1 TYPIWlfTllll Ph ilharmonic Al Lheo clo~ ..,, anotht'r 11eRson la.~l WN'k lo ~·.,,,,, .. frttlll II l\10 ' lite 1'11ntando l 'l11b will pr·e:wnl\"'"e"k!I \'!I'll w1,'1 1,. I' 11111·" c•hll· A duo of Phllha.rmonlc S n<:lety ·ti" conct>rt In the Sanla Ana High d_r1:n an.'I th0·11 I 1 11il1r1< 111 Fallon., rMlef'S wa!'I held recently. one 11l Sr h(l()I 11udltl'.lrium Tue11tl11y. ~ay I .:-.:ev ShP 1 .. 11 •": 11n 1lln111tu,\' fnr lhe home ot Mn. ~rtrude McCall, 117 11t 8: I~> p.m .. under lhe d11· .. ,·. n Ma\' "llh !1" lfllt< nnd n•luli\'l'R 2011 Klnga Road. lhe other at tht tlon of H11l8tud McCormuc w ith I 1n Pt>nnKylv1111l;o, • Outltandlng Valuee $2950 P'ortable • '9w .. • ••• -TYP'IYftf18 UNTAU - , T t r , ~ l r ... ) t 1 reaidence ot · Mrs. Baa.ii Peter80n, :tnn McCormar ""' 11c1"omp1111111l. I Present Al lh" i;11111g away I 215 St. Andrew'• JWali .. Mt111 Fri<'· T k kl'I" may bf obtainf'.d Ill the affair Wl'r<' l\lr 11nol M1 :o Rlllflh -.. .,. -. • ._ d& Behnfante ta.lked to guel!t• a t box offlrP. 111\-rPhn And • h1l•'1• n !ltl1hc·lr, --------------------------....! ellCh gathering, giving h111tory or --------------------------------- the Phllha.rmonlc Orche11tra and various llmUldn&' 1ncldent1 whlt'h have happened at the new v.•ork· llhop for young muelcian1. Gueat• of Mra. McCall were MmeS. Lester Smith. Effie Coulli, Ham80n Dowden, F:slhl'r E!18nn, Oona.111 h ·es, Blak~ f>1L111ll'y &r- bara ~tacNell!edge. Ktnnelb Klll!· tl'r, \\'rUiam ::\fcLllln, JeromP MUI· Jer. Norman Carlson. Roberl OIR !l· lier, Bradley Schwartz. A 11 e n Cntp~. R obert Sl11rkl'y, Ann Frn- Wll'k. Cf'Cf'h8. HGll. Ku,.n' !'>la r- irr .. l.A Brunlnir. 11nd execultve dtr· ector. PrP~enl a l lhe Pl'lPrson hnnil' wrre M mr~ Brun mi:-. Mildred A 1. ley, John :-\Pff, Robert Grlr"~" Jr,, O. \\', HO{lpe. l-'r11nk Aikin· son. s . E J,,ocke. Albert Sp11rk1>11. Donalrl H ud(!lei<l on. F'rPd Hunl'r. Thomu Bl11kely a.nd Dudley Bny<'l'. I wouldn't have dreamed I k these old suits could. e;er oo S, so good again • ~----.-..... ~-:.-~--' Just DRY Cleaned or ganitona CIMnedf "~ ·a~~8~. .' nrl 81,.11 1 nl'XI In th• T1mP, Hl\'lhP S N rt • ! :n<~Hwr 11h· nf Mnr th• Il a 1 ~1 1 ~ JHnlol 1 RRn•1sll a t 1,.,, .•. •t>v.p L' L h I· th 'k • I Co!lllll ''""" 811n1t 1 f l <'ll\ 8 :10 ll l~·1 rllnf \', If! l p I's\', sr1111i: -.ho hAI' •)lrt'l'lf'tl lhr~e loral thl'll· ;:10 .. •1 'ti 8· m AJfllln H Ry F'e,·er. 81111 .IU't Lnok-pl11n11 in m11n\' plA\'11 b, w .. , unl P · b \lmt!Jt lllJ: He al~n d ul n11t,lrlnr\1ng ·p D -I It 1'1'"'' boar~_ m•m ers a.r • . • . 1.'h1Lr8t'l••r r·•1 ls tn Bnrn y,.!ltPr.f8\' art~· ..... nta ems Kt nntth Wc>lff, pro u1enl; F ra.n~ I amt Twn ~lrnd 1\lrce I All Ill lll31 heroes are l's.•enllal J~nJ E. Cnu~t H11., ('urm1a dd M•11 ther~s an Marf't'llui . flrsl \'ll e pr.-io111ent. I men 11ml 1111 men r <>!'Jtbl·• heroes Har bo r !)()"j l Din :ld W tlCOJt. ,.......ml \1<1' prPJOI· l>il\na 11llr11 <"lt~ford I• Gilbert. Ellu1bf'l h Rn:_:r r..:e.:..lt:._::B:.:.ro_:_w.:_n.:_ln::.:.g::.__...!..=====:::-------- dt'nl: Harry H1111~1•n. rel·ordln1t ~ ~crf'ta~. ~0111~8 l~dlln~ ~orrP!I· ~~·-P_o_11_t1_c_"_1 _A_d_,_·p_r1_•_••_1_n_rn_1_'~~~~-·-r_•_•l1~t-~_n_1 _A_d_v_•_r_t1_!_•m~P-nl_1~~~~·-P_n_11~t-1r-_11_1 _A~l•_·_•_t1_~·-m~rn_l_1~~ ponding HUet11r~·. C'ltffnrd Bf'rJCI', trl'!l.urer; Alfred BrtlCJI&. hl.atorian a r d Paul Martin. pllrh1tmt>nt.11 ri11n. Chalrmrn ll rl' Mm"I'· r~tl\'lli MR l• ann. tHl: O. L. Mtn<'r. tlnwt>~: 1 V.'11l1111n F&well. ho.,p1lalily: H. \\', \\'hlltn~. cCH~hllirman: G .. oriz~ 111. JinlJO!A'tn. tt'in11t11Unn 11ncl 111\.f Pty: I \\'. I. Wll.11on .Jr., !118J18tlne: l.A'w111 }(11'\d!'r, muJ01t'. Fr!Ulk ~crngga, publicity: IA• !<1Pl h, 1·n-ch111rm11n: I B ,.n js.mln Smith. rnf'lm mnth!'r: K enneth Lfnl.&. l'N 1Rl, with Rttlph )l11Aon and \\'. H. 11111'11). r o-r h111r· m en; H. R. H»nrlnt>. "~y• nntl ''""nil. L A. B••• k .. r. l'•'-1•h1111m11n p ,.ter J . Tonn<'lllll. hf'11 lth Xf'wport H a rhor l1nlon Hl~h School Trustf'e Vote For Dr. Edward W. Milum · I Believe II) the American -Way of Education, with equal opportunity fo r ALL, regardleu of race, sex, color or creed. In the O ffe ring of this education in fhe bed f acili- t iH obtainable; by Teachers with highest training and receiving compensation in accord with their profession; a-.nd Administration on a sound Eco· nomic basis by People of the hi ghest business acumen. . In the -N~w port Harbor Union High School District with continued equal representation and impartial- lity between t he communities -Costa Mesa and Ne~po Beach. Tha e Trustees of the Newport Harbor Union Hi School District should Live in, Work in, and strive for the development of t he Community. Also, tli'at the Trustees should sincerely desire fo j mve ••d h•ve the time to devote to the Disfri ct. VOTEMay·20 ,, 11n I \t #" ! \I ... ! " .. 1 ,, 'l'' f 't 'r \!1. \*rt.,,., \\''at~''" "' < t .: Al t "'"' .. ·1 \1 . \I ' l"t I 'nr I r r , •• 1lt '\) (.,,.,,. tl1 • \!. I l~l "fl• .. lltllM" I 1:, ,. ': • .. • c:,.. ; ; ••• t r "' For Better Education I•• •<n•I _.\Ir• • • t: ~ut''~ ~ ~Ir l\n I )t!e~ Ru h111<1 l.1l1f'n'hl\I .\1r r..1w,.rd R \l11ll't Jr ,\Ir An I !It,... RI 111 "' ~t11r: '"· ~I r (In 1 \fl• 11,.t! ~n11th \1r ,,~, ~ .,,.,',r ! '1• "n1 ~I r• HA\ :"lf'l~nn Dr. Edwa rd 'A'. MILUM . Solicits your Confidence Mr f'nn I HurMI""'"" ~Ir. an1 ~1·1 .. :-.-111 • F<-"''" I •r 1tnt1 ~Int ll11n 1-;11r1r h ~In. H P11vn,. Tha,,.r 11fr llll•1 ~1 r~ M"lw1"1 R.-rrv \fr 1tntl ~fr' f\l'ln A nt1P1110n Mr 1tnt1 1\lr• HAI Glua • • amazing ... difference! • Revolutionary Sanitone Service • MAKES CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW AGAIN ~ •• Cleaner with original look and texture restored unbelievably M a • .ny a garment has responded, r e· stored by our Sanitone Sen ·ice to like-new appearance and usefulness. It's the extra tho roughness of Sanito ne's exclnsive. d eep-down cleansing that makes Sanitooe definitely so superio r to ordinary dry cleaning. Try us today l!Jd you'll stick tb Sanito oe always. ~LIDO CLEANERS 1782 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Uberty M014 .. I I, v. i) IJ .___!..O THIS SEAL IS YOUR OUARA tqEI ALL DIRT ltEMOVID STUHORN S,OTS GONI NO ODOR 0 ,ER SPIRA noN IA NISH ED . LONGER LASTING ,RE.SS llKE-NlW LOOK RESTORED 'I • I ' .. i .. i f , .. I I I , .. .HOME .:· and· : "MISS HOME WEEK" BEAUTY CONTEST SET FOR HOME SHOW "Ml .. Hom• Week" will bt" 'ho~"" from am('ng • duu n , <>unty bt'aut11•• l'pemni nlahl of thl' flr1t an m1al Orllllft' l"uunty Hurnl' Shvw lo be al.,.tc•d J unt l to :'I 1•n t h• horn• 1TOU11d11 of tht Oranrt County f'a1r near C'o11ta M f'M R•pr .. sentat1on from amt'nc the m a1or l'ommW\ltlt~ in th• l ounty 11 f'XP<'(ttd 111 lh• bu uly t )'f'nt, a wrJ1n1 t o Henry ... ('" • C"11x. d11"1 man 'nt tht •how GARDENER'S CHECK LIST l ... eur. to plrk up aad ..... lN'' .U Of U. old ~I· Ila . no~.,.. ~ llldl ... , ... ..U.n Oii .... JTCIWlcl. Tllla .. "'" ""' ,.,.,-... cau, .. ror __.,. Ua ... _ W&pt lllNeM. t ............. c.a ~ plMt.d .,, .. ~ ... ,...r ..... , GAR .DEN -· SP\ln~ol""d by tht Oranre l'nunty BuLldtrs Ann. tht hom,. •hu" 15 \11 bt h•ld an tht nrwly , ,,mpltlt'd l'Xh1bt11 bu1ld1n1 cw the fair IC rourui&. aa4 ,ia.c • ,_ .. ...,.... ao". la ~ bloom. aad rt HMIUy the iMdH 10'1 WUL IPACIOUSNESS-Designed to make the most Utie of available space. the Ray Dike home has a felling of large areas. Glass wa lls look out onto the colorful bay front. Wrought iron furniture in the dining area is light and a iry. The field stone in the fire· pla.ce is repeated in the column behind the room-dividing planter. -Staff Photo RAY DIKE HOME BLENDS· COLORS, TEXTURE WITH Desi9nin9 in · Limited Gives ·Spaciousness BuildinCJ Areas Contemporary, functional and softly hued to blend wi th the changing shades of the bay outside the li\·ing room b('l';t descnbt-s the Ray Dike home Rt 359 \"ia Lido 8oud. The home is owned by Mrs. S. P . Bartlett of Beverly Hills. Trxt11r1• 11< M important In thr I "nil of the one Jar~t> room It add11 d~l'nr of th• hou~ &JI 1.,>lnr .. It h ff! th•· !1paclo1111nP~s nf lhl' rot1m l'l f'(\ I •"<I b\• ll~t! of glllM 11lon,1t the UllP•l l!fff'Cli\'tly In thfl fltld IO\One b&yfront view. tfr!'JllAC'•'. hlUI' 11l11tt tlCV\r at tht I ·r11 .. <'Ill pl't ls helg<' to blrnrt v.i th l'nt r y rrnrl match.ltlck drapu Prt· nllr11r11I. hghl wondwl•r'k on thl' r••m1n:inl cnlnr la 1ott grey-areen. w31l b"'tween k llrhen a nti ll\'lnl' Tht· planltt built n uah Into th• room A paaa-through har which fl• •·r J:l\'U a fffllng ot dlv111on 1>9· f•«l t.e dosed with 11h111ttra upi'ns l\\ ,., n • h~ ll\0ln1; ffl(lm rind ~lrfn~ tfttn th• com par t k rt<'hrn. , Fibrous Ground Begonias Suita hie . for Coven, Boxes, Borders l-'1•1 11. • ilr• frt•f' ht•tl, a border, u e\'erbloomang fhiw••r 11 nf whltC', i;t round c "''"rll 11r In h11xu try the pink, roae or r~d. l 1l1r1111~ h• 1: •n1t1 11.in~P loc&J nur-Some name \i'lrlt>llt·s ~pn·111· n AdeHne, a dw:uf. \\'l'h l1~hl ~r• t>n PAGE '4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONQA't... MAY 16, 1955 ' DON'T SHORT CIRCUIT SAFETY Thi' 1111111h<'r .,r .lhe.. begon ia I tolla~e &nd brl)(.h pink fin\\ \'fl'; tnn11ly 1s 111>r1111s-r .. .,1, d u com · Chr i11lrlla1 ChPer. mnunil" "' bron1f' 111.ar•I tu lh•· h11lhs uf lht> tuberowa fola11.ge and <l11rk r11mM>n (111wrr!<; 0111•1 t ht" rh1z.,111t''I nf Ill•' rex. An and Snowbank w1lh pu1 e "h1tl' e" .. 11 .. 111 llo'•hlln~ suhJl'tl, the fib· Clowers. rnu~ twgnnu' • Lq ll\'a1lable rnr The begonia fU• h!11n1rl 0 ~ ., •n FRA.\tU)....;_Like a strik ing painting. the f1replac<' is outlined by a wide. white frame set into Lhe colorfu l field stone .. Wallpaper panels on either-side ,repeat the planter , motif at the other su..le of the room .. -.'taff Photo pl11 nt111" 11" hushy pl11nt.s. t.lwarfa, named btcau:<" uf 115 !ilRrl• l flow- "' \llll<'r 1:r .. w111i:-plant1t Thi' bu11h)· l'r!I wh1rh "'scmblc the! furh~111'io ruur b"clloum1< pl!lnt1NI to "'II for 'M.lle f R I I of climber41 ,ln the 11nuthl11nd Thef'f' (llflllt • :111 .. .i ho'g<1n1a l<l'OlJl• rf111n•ns bloOml'I. A taller i.:r .. wing plant bP\\\'l'l'll si:,,ooo llnd $18 OOCl. J..oca-0 oses are some 611 Vl\llPtle" l'llJ>S.li!'rtd gr11w" 111 18 1n1hl.'11 with grren or than the oth(•r \'Rrtt•t1rs the furh· tl•in o! th" s hl1trnn Is II 1t111·a be· Read f Bl ~n the frnrl'. inrl11Ji11g such WPll· re1ll11~h·g1een foliage uncl almOlll 1olcJ1•11 r<'BChl'S 2 t" ~I fc" l Rnd 11~ lw<'en l~•th nn.t '.!•Ith St,., •'l\l<l of y or oom known nllnw~ ru1 HIRh N(.011, ln· Cc1h11ge 1& t111ge1I red. 111•1n,. """ 1·.11111 i. t1.,11 1H p!nnn,.rt dl11n Sumrm•r l.h1nty Re-Ill!, Santa Siri.,. virtually flll f'xh1b11 •r11rt 1@ alrl'•dy r onr " c,,,, "Sid "It 11 upecttd that thta annual C\'tllt will bt 8\t'n a i;1r111rr •un 'f'l\11 than wt h111I anl1t·1palr•l the (1~111 yrar · Plann,.,1 t or ('<\unty vlrwtre I• the lateet and mn•t n\S)dl'm 111 bu1hhng ('Onr,.rta, Cox drclo.lrl'tl On uhiblt "'"Ill be th• ntlA f'&l 1de.u in var1~u11 bulldin1t m att r111l1 hnn" rurn1ahm1t•. apph11n1:f'l1, outdoor ti\•1n1t. l&ndaca ptng. a11 Wl'll ~· m11ny rdul"allon11I exh1bll11 perta1n1ng to the homt11 FOOD FOR HEROES- NoveliSfS Sometimes . Feed Characters Discriminately By (',\~llLLE ('A.\IRO~ I( \'OU Wl're a m1v"ll"l a nJ h"d marwuvrrl'J y•1ur charucli'r.-. 111 th'Y haJ ma nuevered you, into a p<H1tl1on whert ll wu necuoary tor you to fud t ht m, what would you chOOff for their menu! Otten· slvt · coraldf'ratton11 •uC'h as upenff, or fallrut ot prtparaUon do not enter herf' al 1111. , A F rt m•h writer. w ith lhe memory of hla exqu1alt.e IW\ch atlll wa rm w ithin him, la wtlllnf to put quite a lot ot thought &nd tlmo nn h1• potafe. even If It ta to be l!fn•ed only on p&J>4!r. An En&'l1ah· ma.n. with noth1ng much In hi• giuard worth wtlUnr a bout. wnl serve everybody a cup of tea a.II round. and gft on w1lh hi• atory, t>«llevlnr no doubt w1th lh• Ru.· lll&n proverb: "\.\'hat 11 ur. with- out a cup of tt• -and a wit• to aer\'e It! very &nd 1nd1c.te oqme concentrated at- tention and no 1malt a.mount ot lee-box raldlnf. Ht,.. we 11lp up on an author dreamlnr a.nd hopizl&': "Not that l mind cold mutton when It la good. It depend• entJ,.Jy upon what you •rv• wilb lL 1 ahould &'Ive you very amoothly maahed pot aloe•. with a UtUe crt1p fr1fd onion on th• top, hom•mado pick· lea, frea.h rot.la and butter. BotUod ~r too, lNllaad of wine." NOVEL llA.NDWJCH 1. F'or ••flk t'!Olor la SM ...... " p&aat cs-. ......... ,...,. Mtt' I uUIM, .utplda. ,.. tunlM, 1M-1oa1M. I ob• l 1 • •. dwarf dahllu. Mt.N aad NIAp dftC'ODI. '· A t•w &omato pl.Ml .. wW Mlp- pi,. Che wboato family .. , "'" ~pbo,.. tool & .. Doo"C allow your rtlod~n­ drona to wt 8"'4. a-ov• t.11 .. -4 poda .,,""' the n n.-f'r• "llbtr, taktn_s-<'Al'f' aot to In· jUr"f\ Lhfl """' r ro""1 h bndtt or •h0-0t•. * Fully ln•ured Cold Storage * Fl.reproof Vault * Moden&e Prlcee PM<M Borf>cw JO P.._.,. a'!'rl .. .,._ ._ by • ~ ...................... rer Uy planned mul la quite an Rchte\•ement, "° ll la lntereatlng to &l'e what other1 con1lder the Ideal. A whole repul-put.a quite & &train upon an author . When we read In "H igh Wind In Jamal· ca" lh11t It.a <'r•&tor 11&y1 that o the table were tom ato llOup, mountain mullet, crayfl1h, a huge red anapprr. land c rab.11. n ee and fried chicken, a young turkey, a 11mall Joint of goa t-mutton. a wHd durk. ~er 11t"8k. fried pork. a dish or wllc1 p1dgeun1t, IWett pol&loea. \'II('& I?'· \\ "'" Rn•I JIUR\'ill a nc1 ~retun,'' on" <"IU\. only yell "Uncle" a.nc1 think that th1• ft\ one r ullnary effort we would not cu e lr1 111Lmple How a c u c um b or aand"1eh HOt l o. •ca-. lo"'• .olM brlnlJC• back thour hta ot Otcar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But to an author who know11 fooJ. a nd know1 what he ia talking about. w riurg of 11urh lhmg11 ia a Wilde a.nd hla Incomparable "Im· ~ portanct of Stine E&mut." We know a woman who aay1 that her ldta of luxury la a.lwaya to be able to find thH e delectable morMla In her Ice-box, and htt fa.mlly quit. often humor and 11urprtM her b)' putting' them th•re .. One cannot t nd Without mm· tionlng a ftw othera who ·wrll.e ao well ot f ood ~hell& Kaye-Smith: John GalAwof"lhy, who enjoy1 ao much the m uJA he plan• for the F'or11ythP•:. S\•h·ta Thomp11n11: So· phie Kl'rr. We ca.n only thank th!'m tor Including u.a In tMH dt· hghtful aoc1a.J a.tfalrs. pl~asurt wh1< h hi' puses on to hie To prcvrnt child acciden t.a, ch•ck rt1Hl<'r8 Kathenne ~t~flt'h.l. w1lh your nl'll(hborhood lo ... tha t It her nr1111t1c. 1h11clpllned and di•· 111 & aat .. plllr e for your chlldr.n cnmanaUnit m1nct d?"11 ~t~r b.y 110 play. t:n!tnctd aw1mmlnr pool1, U!>, "Lun. h ts n•B<ly .. J5he H Y•· • I h&\'C " hllkt>d ·~g. a pnrot.a and fish pond11. 1rrlgatton dttchu and cru.m , hl'f'l!t' JOI raw11 and bl11ck r a na le are among neighborhood coffre' H<>w •1ellc1ou11 ~ A baby hazsrd11 to youngateu. nw11l '" AnJ. "A l hrt>akflua one, Rerld'J Mixed Concrele ta ~ ot u.. o-eea lhort.arr We A.re~ SYW)' P-.lb.1" Effort to 8&Uol7 SM N .... or Ou ONlwlQ C-aalty. For Voeere .. -Call Va. WELCH'S eat11° lllUe white roll1 with butter, fr•llh plum ;am and crum " How 11611 t h11t cine 1111 sen11t1ve to griotl thlnga l&hould <ill' I!() you_ng. READY MIXED CONCRETE MESA .. lS& Cemmerdal Way UPHOLSTERING COSTA Ml:SA LI 8-Ht! :iA\'Clf<\' Al'THORS opaio11teri111 • Drape,., Qul.Dcy a 8 "' "41 Ubertw M111 HwaU.,...,. Bob. • 1 Chr1~toph«'r ~torley &ntl JC>fttph • ·~ LeL Mlst Htrgt ahcm· tr are tan allzlng wnt. '=!~S6~0=N=wp~t=, =8='='-=d=.,=C=os=ta==lll=-=~~==:=;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:=;::;~ ers, ofttn going "° far u to dr&-1;. cribe a dl..8h quite In det&ll up to the crowning anti important u uct , I of which tht y retain the 11tcret.!I. But lhl'lr tdtai or food are tt0urrd M ,\ TTRt:SSES DRAPl:Rll:S -UPBOL8Tl:R.INO -SLIP oovsaa WA.LL PAPER -CARPETING COMJ'L£TE L'"TERIOR DEOO.RATDIO LAMP LIGHT SHOP .. H4!1 r.. C<l&11t Hwy., Co·rona d•l Mar Harbor Hit One 11f Sn11lh• m r ol1forn1a's A (." Th ... p I IJrouping clusteri1 o( rro!ly·M'lll l•·t fo r ~•I''• 111h•·t 1-11 ,\ 1•r 1;1 l111•n~ nlta. 1111t11111 om1111 a n.. 11u I I .,II b m•l~l un•llUI' ff.mil ch~plByic, "Th11 s I l !lov.·ers th~l fade to whll1· In lihfllll' Ill 1 •, I"'' • ..i11 1n·,.re~l 1• e Cllr' . a rl' bnm on the ta.II eru t r"t.l &\'alluhl•·. ~I· lh•tl 11.1111. :\t il~ or Ro~es" at Ro~•· Hill.11 ;\lt'm· Ad1J1n;: tn thr bPllUt\' nf tht CONCRETE 8oat11 -lJomea -Trallf'ni lrreiUlar 8bapn Llber1y ll·ISOS ROBERT FO.RBES Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAV_E e • • -& -~ """' u• almpUfy ynur l'nnc r•I" work w ll h • lo1ut nf pr'"'°lon-m!•f'd c:-•nient ..• prl'par-•11 t o ~·our (ln!t't; al a 11&\·lnr. Liberty 8-2283 BAY REAnl' MIX ISC'. • • 711 W. 17th St. COSTA MD!IA orn•I Park nNr \\.hrtlrt>r, w ill • . 11tf'm11 of lhe dlgw11ll&na. Thi• till· --"Mall' of R<>~•., arr approx1ma lely I h ., shortly be 1n fu II blunm. rous begnnt& \'8rl('ty rl'O( ,., • First Escrows Told (JI) nu .. ll ru•t'~ l\l th• v&nous ('II-~============~ fel'l. Arcunhng lo 1.ancLscapl! A lt h1-lnl!I• •·• 10 Ro•r Hills. In s ddtllon. - C'Oi-TA MY.AA !'fAITRESS ('0. tUO ~""port 8h·d, 'Bt>Jtid fibrous lK'inm:ta rolturr lnj .. ...,~ ~ ~ -""W" lo~-lcc.L.R ubt;rl :'-'. Rt'rlln, Who h~ll~ll-uwu "'" .. pt.;i.nt.ina--t.i! Call{omra your g11rd•n by obl•umnR the v11r-thrnui.rh th,. nrw :\11\I nrr" H.11 k Rn"' U Iii< l.1n•I« npini: tl· pllrl· l'"l'I' I' .. 1111111 fl't>l lung and 4 fe• t 1n1111 typPS nt pl&nll! fa nm y1111 r I w1•1 r ph< • t>.t hy J u !y 11 unt <'r f• •r n;t·rl, t llr ' ~I ti" n( Ro"I"' · n11w whir ho •rdt>rlni.r 1 hr nl'W garrtrn nursc1ym1m. \\'nter 110 thr p11me lhe J . .\I :\1 111• r ' ' m P& .. \1111•io li'lmu"t 11 "'''" atrul ore· ~ri 11,.., HI• n~ \\ nrkmM Mall Ro11<1. rt'q11t1111 e ur Lhl11 plnnt 1111,1 11t l half, 1111me 71!20 '"''l Hl'rl1n i-a~·il Rr.~t> lllll• 111 I••• Alf'•l Jll!'lt north pl&nUng time t'llfll'h t he 11011wllh 1 F:11w11 rd E . L\'11 An l"lr1t••nwnt the n<\Jrly 800 rhmh1111! '""""· nr tj .. \'l'tl\' Rl\'ol 11lnn~ \\'rorkman peal or ltllf mold 811,1 manure. o1. library head -"R11ok~ nte thP I (llnntc·d a lun~ rh1 fl .. f1, h1i:h "111un :\till r.,111,1. 11 ff·w hlni kl' ""!'' nt \'li1f' th<' ctump11 or fihrous br· fl~M·111t'.l".i .. "°ulio "' Hll I hill n1Pn link r .. n, '"IC "~ th.-pArk, r••prP·: Ro!'o 111,,11,1 Blvd. , ,1t11n1a.• tn sprmic &ntl fa.JI \\'h• r,. hl'ld "'i~r srnl.' one of U\t' lllrJ:P~L ll•~play~ __ ·======~-;-;!;:-;-;=;;=~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ' lhtrt 111 hkl'ly tn bl' fr<>•t at Ill br11t I ---·=---·-·-· I lo 11\kf' In C'Ultang~ m fall fi nd k rt'p r J A M E 5 t hrrn o\'f'f winter In ('nl1Jfrt1mt-.11. I 111tu 1ng lh<'m out 111 l'prrn~ ~f'l thr NOTHING DOWN Gene ral Contrad~r f1brouJ11 hPgom& plant1< rl""' to-l p t o ~G \l1•nth' In 1'11.' l RAY & Builder D . l'tf'lh~r fnr tx-111 t-ffrrla 111 ynur 500 Coai.t t\htl. pla.nt1ni.r arrangrmtnts. RA'-Kt:T\\ t .. \\ t: ~KO:'liA Ut.l. ~AK -J It's --·-·-----··-··--··--·---: --- l'llOSE HARBOR '783 Harbor Highland 1 Home Addition t~tart May 18 Third unit to Harbor H1ghl•n.t.- •• 11chtdull'd to r o Into ron1trnC'· tlnn Wl'dntsday wllh 4P he mrs, \\'11.lter 8. Mtllott. 11ubd1vlr!for an-1 nounce<i tod&y .. South Cool Con· 1trur11on Co. \\i ll do 111• bulltltni: The homu . w ill have thrrt and ' Easy! ChoOMC from our ~Ian~· HeKli.;ntt Brtnic 1 ·11 \'Otlr IA\)'0111 11nd 111*'1\SUrcmrnt!I I\ n d """'' 1n , Crnrn our rorrs • nl l,i•\\' l'rlc "' LAWRENCE LUMBER CO. '!:?flO i-n. Main Kl 3·111114 )'o1U1t& Ana B3iJ:J _ A IGIO ~QAM& GLUED LAM INAT[D , .. (I. ~fl1• -~-It . 911r fl-( I . I. l!l l ' I ,( • I;• • 1' ~\h1 ~ ·~J1~-t ~~ t~t~ !fl'~, 1 '..r.·~···~Wi •-rt .. pqr -~ti I '·' 11-tt. 1.·1~ /1£"1 ~RCOST PACKAGE BUI L DtNGS ME.M&RS, GIVE CLEAR SPAN, A~O.Q 0 \NG Gl2EAT STQEN'GTH AT LOWEQ C05T. COM DLE. TE e,UILDING '"'"'"v OE.LIVERf.D TO Joe SITE H~OM t tl!l ?t.~.50.FT. OR COMPLETELY f.Rf.CT£0, INCLUDING ~L1'~. FQOM $I '!!! PEQ. !>Q. FT. FOR COMMERCIAL, F•QM OQ INOU!>TQIAL. us.£. A NYtlt##« IN .SO. C.ALJ F. \\'F: \\'°ILL. All.Jl'!'iT A:'\() OIL A:'\,. ,\fAl<E ~Jo:\\'J:'\t; :\fACHING 1\:'\\" l'l,AI :~: I:" ORANGE COUNTY FREE Call Kl t-4401 iiiililil~-\'our Oranp Cnunt,· Al"THORf7.f:ll llY..\l.t:R fnr \\ hllf' • t 'rrr-\\'f'•llnrhnuw and \ f(orf'lll )'of'\\ lnr !\f!W'hlnr • ~IO t: .. 1th SL -Sa.nta Ana A R C'H I T E C T S Members of Ameri~n Institute of Architects J. l:fe..rbert Brownell. William Blurock Philrner J. Ellerbroek Raymond. Kent Hervey .Eie.d..-ick Hodgdon 'RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL George Lind Richard Pleger 280 ~h St., St"'J>Ort ~ Barbor %5!3 ..ltdlcler PHO!\"l: HARBOR SUMI the Richard Beeson Company . Landscape Design and Const111etlon CORONA Df:L MAR PHONE RAJl.BO& I 61 REMLEY & DA VIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTJA L -lNDt:STRIAL C'A l'.1. llAIUJOR 075:? t'OR t:~TIMATf;, \\ITHOt;T CHARGE 1111 t: HALBOA 81.\'ll, BALBOA PLANT FOR COLQR 1 0 1.t.t " ~ Rt:uo~ IA1', tor rnlur In thal •hady •pot in ·'"ur ~""'· l'lanl nn" : , COLEUS '.7,l~"!; hrlaht "'''"" r1u•h 15~ BEDDING BEGONIAS .1~ .. ;.:n.~r ""'"'' ... 10( TUBEROUS BEGONIAS ,. ..... 111111(• ~ .. 18( 5 & 10( NURSERY Tl 'ITIS., -ClOIM'd Thurada'11 MAX W.POIE Inc. "\\•· i\tranitr t 'inandnK" .... ,,Ir)" \II llr•111" ( 1111nt1 fU:"411lt:~TIAI. e ( OM\ft.fH IAI. e 407 &19a An. 'uat off ~pt. BIY4.. at UU1 Ut:\ t:l.Ol'~U:~-T s ""port ~acla UMr1y M-U81 I I I I 'I J ' 0 RAINS DELAY FIRE SIGNS Tl.bbetts ·Must NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 I MONDA Y. MAY lb. 1955 IN ORANGE COUNTY FOREST ORAN'GE, ~IAY 16 1uC>;::« \\.,·i.. .. nJ rain .. agcun ha"" Jo>la)eJ s t1 1t·t rnf ·1<• 11.o•nl .,( Ill" '\11 S .11ok111g anJ ":'\o Camp Fire" 111~n• J'flhlt I in 01 .• 1.~ .. ('011n1v fo1 ~1 w11t ;orsht'J anJ ran&I' lamla by llw' 11R'" ''"1~11 n .,r l«ro·•ll) The 1ign1 wert' posteol M1t\' 1 allhuui:h h...,,.y 1aln• &l t hat tune t'llmlnattJ Jry 1114' t •n•hll 1111 amt f, ru•l!•1.r at th · 111\.ill headqua rtt rl r•·purlt'•I th•~ W1•••H n1•t 1••111 11 .. 11v1I" 11111 t.~l\r dow n on 11 rests fur ub1•11l tt W• •·k The r loaure or May 1 w11i. •<'I , 111 II• r 1 N~ ~ 1•1u bi'•'l\U!!!' or t'Xtn•nH! Jru\Ji;hl cond1t11111H in th,. v.1h.lh11i.I "' e11_s o r th .. cU41nly, but 1porad1r rnllu "in1·~ Lhl\I Jlll1• ha\'t ma1h' It un· nect>i<sary to enforrt tht' P"•1111i;:, 11111•s11 ,v t1pnk1 ..int>n Rahl The po11ling f\!fl'cts fir .. z-une unt• 10• lutl1n1< fon•st, water· atied and rangJ1 lamb u st u! !~vine l'l\rk . ~:I Toro a nd S1tn J uan l.'ap111trnno 1n !hi' mu11n111111ou~ portion ,,r lhl' c:uunty Installation BANTA AXA (OC"XSI PIRATES' 9UEEN FOR DAY Petite J anice Albers held away at annual Pirate Day celebration held at Orange Cout College rC'cently. Janice, daughter of Mr. ahd Mni. Francia Albera, waa selected l'or the honor by OCC students. Also shown in Pirate garb are Andy Martin, Laguna Beach; Stevie Belcher, Sunset Beach : John Kennedy, Costa Mesa; Dardie Schaefer, Newport Beach, anrl Donna Schurr, Card.en Grove. mlwh • 1rn11bl• d Horton AlrcrttCl Corport111.-.n 11ppl'11Ied headed rnr • ntw <lltflC'Ulltle• lo<1ay .. the r• • 1 BurCJlar In Posta 11ult of a Sl't011r1l1Ps a.nd Excht1n,11e I Comml11~111n or•ler to Hunllni:L•·n Home Scared Out Bea c'h A 1rrrsfl Bu1lder·Deslgnt>r , I \\'11!1 .. m 1':. Ho rton to a ppear for /'-burgl&r wu acart<S from the hearing In Lo~ Angvle1. home of }f~. Ettie POl!ta at 2321 I A lt<>rn"y J,\mt"ll C'. }fonrn;o. Sf'cond Ave. F'rtday afternoon ' no11 nert by the S E: C. Sa LUrdAy when sh<> !!&Jd she an1vt<S home. 11 h1 snng had hr"n M0hed11lrd 1"r App&rrnl ly not.hlng wu tll.ken l May 2i. 1mmt>dl11lt>ly l11ahPd out 11t from tbr house &llho\il'h clOletA !hi> frdernl org11n1z11ttorr 11nd charg· o..nd dr&wera in the bed1'K>m were Pd pr1•ju'1tri> rs.na1LCked. RI ld~e fr1r l'pf'l•r RHV \• the r rtillllS<' 11( ChArws B<1edwr now The llnrton f11m Mrt the bullt1· Mn. P08t& told police 11he heard 1 .. 111 1111: t111 1o•11'h•1n 1111 11,.,. 11( 1hr l 'r1tt•d Stal<'" and Vlnrida er·<IN!IJ:'OW' nt the r11cllcal Horton ll stra.nge nol.9e In the bedroom n. "' h• 1 ,., ,,I 111"''" pa• 1111 .. ••I h111 lnlrsl offer. It 111 the 4·1111le w 1n)(ll'll• 11lrphrne hi.Ve heen In a whl'n &he returned homl'. She a&ld ~ • .,11,.•rt "'th• I~ 1111lr l'l11 1th of ll\'f'r wal .. r ro11rl\\'11y connl'rllng running bs ltlfl with the S.E.C. the ahe looked into the room In Ume I '" I' t \ Fl I A d ' t Bne~h<'r p~t yi•Rr Tht 8J;.C. hu aought to a•• '" mlU\ ... --•-g ~··l th.e !'I f'r' rr~ 1111 c '"' n ,n11 <'n 11n, JI 11 tt. rrnr 1ng o ~ , , ~., • • u ouuu .. - ( ---•J to p1 ••vent Hori from lsaulng '""'-dow ou•·tde. O!tt~·r1 -·'d ''"e hr •'" n I•'""' n 11 :111 wti .. "'1111'1 htll lnm t h•· bridge or a _.,,... Th .... , ...,, ~ .... u• .i .. " n i'·•, im·i t a!'lol llni:• 11ng m••nthlr-11.i>lailmenl~. H t' ;11111'1 the ).~'.\~61~.,~~ar:~;~·l fol~0,~.:~ :~~: burglar gained entunce by pulling 1 11111,.,. I'< 1•,,, f,.,.1 l11"t111n1I \l•JUl•I JU"' fit betw"n t h<' L'Ml·!l·Wa)'S k ( t~l\on of the ll acreen from en o~n wtnd?w · I ,. ,. Wtt. <' o a prel\t"n " 'fle WU apparently f Olng-Ulrough an•I IJ\ll•" ('.,uH 1'11111111 v f"hth 11rrl)jts Lh e Upper Bay. flrm s prt\llpectull to the S.E .C. a atrong box when1nterrupted, of· -----------tlceni aaid. MACKENZIE, . AV AS FOUND GUil TY ON CONSPIRACY, 8RIBERY COUNTS Moody Bottte Theft Thtft of a liquor bottle valut<S at $8 75 from the home of Mra. M .L. MoodS. 5506 Su.ahore Drive, wu reported to police rrcentJS'. Xo forc td entty -to· lhl' h nme "-'&1 nott>d, but 110me bt'longlcp were d!Mrranged. I ~1 1 b. Jrone~ li>11l1r1N1 11h!' p l<'ked up !'W\'t 1 al l11 1•m•I' p.1ytiffs lot.ailing npprn,1m11l1'IY ,100 000 Rn1I dell\" Verdict Ends Seven-Week Trial; Morriso·n to Sentence June 1 l'r.·J thl"lu to l\tscl,cnzli'. Ona o r S7500 In bribery money from Ken· 1 lw 11. ... " 1 trrl 1 .. ttN•t1111111 WRll An nedy. The Santa Amt bo..c owner a ~i-1100 11111 kai:1: .rrom Gray. I auom ey Samuel H urwlU alllo hu . cf•". 'Ti\ A:-.;, 'A , OC NS )-~e\·C'n ·dramatic w.ecks of trial The c1er~nse c1mte111l••rt 1r Mu. 1 moved tor tu\ arrest of judgl!menL '' .,.~ ' .lor •'8 111.t 11111kr l1u•nse ,.~yment It will be argued junc 1. in ~111 1oi•111r r11u rt hr1 C' W<·re climaxed Thursday night with pH kup~ they wl."re t1nn<' without I Aasl. Ally. Gen. Thnmaa w. a JUI')" findin;.; II. E. ~l~rKt'nZiC' and GC'orge Avas guilty on Mud<cnz1e'11 knowledife. Mutm the man who 11pearhe1Lded · · d" :lhH l<cnzht le~llflt>d he asked [liquor l1cen11e lnveHllgallon1 ln tht' 11 "rand .iur~· lt<iu11r J1v1·1tfa• ron!>piracy in 1ctment. ,.. ~t r~ Jl'nea to 1n1·esug11le llquor southland, a nd D111l. Ally. Robtrt ~I:" I'• 111.1" r.r,. 1<11 ·1'"1"h •1 •l•~l · a nrt third t1• a result of liquor 11· 11,.-1\li,•l'.I and prospect1va llctnse.~.1 Kneeland prosecuted Avu &nd 11•1 111\11<•1 th~! \\II'< ••n\1ll••tl l'n t-•· ' I{ I\\ 1, , .. uut.• , 1 . hrlh• 1 ~ irnd unr C'"n~!' ln\"P•llitatlons in this counl_Y_· __ A_,_·M waa accused of .... m g .-!&c en:tit. , "l•P~ '" • • n~11t,1•) Avu_6ti~ 1 1 \n•• hror "''II' 1 \IA• f..11nt1 I i.;mlty , 11 ,.,,, h111•· 1 ,. •hat i:• 11nt1 I Pl • ~· fl'l'lrHt\" t tp·t :1111• l-\<n7 . \• 11·• 111lt>ol 1i1111"r h· • r1 .. r• II ''n1n).!" i-:11 II HPrnn I t1tno I ·" I It \ I .1,. I ..... ! I"' I "... " ,, ..... hi· 1:. \I l'\I"-P'l I'''""'" A\'141' t'"11'1l I ti:•' t\ P' t'<U111111{ of •7 \~•"ftf!' f Tl " .1 I•., ti1'n1, ,..,.,,. • ha ri: .. '"' 11 111 .. ,,. I Hd11! t rik111i:-nt S~r.~ ff•'l•l t ' '"-l.• \h'41H h·tt 1\\\nr1 .hHl< "• nn•"h ,.,, t c~n••I tr .. m t'•1pt•· 1 1 1~11 .. 11 •. 1rl qwriitnr rt .. ~~ t:rn\· ,... "''&.: fH. r 11 ~ ttn·~R1f' fji?l"ZltrAI h•lll"l h• ••O•t'• I •I 1 h i>l1 plkt c_• \lrll Mu k <'\' .l•1n"• HI "I\.• tn· <11i lr•I \\11h l\l l\1 K <'l171• !IO•I AVllS I 11111 , t.111r•·• Rt.11n•t h••r """" <1111-1 n . ..,.,,,,, '''h"'f1 }'h*' 11u n,•1t ,_tnt''" t\'I ll'lll'f' 11111 h .i.-r.·nrtnnl ~ di'Jll11y,.d 11n "'lt\l'.11•1 • r1llll "' th• 1'Hll'l o•ll'rk lt'll•I 111 •. )'Ir~~ llll•IJI ,.:• 111 ii 2:i 1 pm. 11r111I~· ~· ,·rn hn11 ro 11(1rr .-!•" llhrn1t mn• h<'jtAn I A tlr 1111.1 .111 1 ''I"• 1 rp1t"11ent1111: :<it11rKn 1711'. n11k,.1I f.,r ll pn\hng nf 1hr jury" ht< h "'"" f•'rt 11111nnt d Ii)' U t'Mlf" \\'rthle of F'\tll<'rlnn Thf 1•111ht women llnd rnur mrn "" in· 11l<""rr<1 thr,· h11rt \'nlr1J fnr rnn· vii lion. , vu , hnwr\·l'r. ":u Jlhlll"•I nol l[ll 11Y o< gr11n•1 thrfl 110 t\l1r rn11te , ounl Jacob11 mo\rtl for 11n 11nt1l ••f •udrtmt nt J uJge Krnnrlh F: ·~orriaon 1ald the J11.-nbs' m1•l ton will be lak .. ~ up on I hr pr11rtnunr r- ment of juJ~tml'nl •ll\11' -J une t. The JUdl(f 1 nnlln)1<'d :'>I A• Krnz1f IUld Av1111 In hn1I. l't'n hrit pro- 11011nrrm<>n l of ju;lgmtn! Onlv a hRn.tful ul pu,wu.s. IJl· I ~ 1ut1ln°1t B I' 11 r d nr Supl'r\'Uora I • haJrmnn \\ 1111• \\"11rnl'r "111 In I ht l't\Urt Tl" ·11 II• \i':I' I JI ii I t'•\1 h1 ti ,l, ('l'f.l IUlll"ll MMI M111 kr•nz111 "!\.JI ••'l41•'J In •hi' fr•'nl r,.w ~ht' r• 11·1111wcl clllm. :111,.:-,l\tnt• -'t.• 1111"1:' .t ">·1·nn- • Plra to1 wh1'" •tllr1I \\llh 11tto m l'y 1:• 1.1·1 ''· i.• t" ~ tr\ 11,l\k1111: ar<"r• t 111rr r' '! · S:• t•, '•,1r lh" 1lrr,.n'1 .,,..,. '" ,. r ,. ,,,, h"n1f 1 h• -. .. ll\h ~t1 II'• \\t"ftt t .,~ t-..1\.'UO~t • •1 A Nation's Railroads at His Fingertip's Yesterda~· he mar ha"e sh ipped a carload of strawberries ross the country . T oday he could be helping your family to a safer. more enjoyable vacation oti ooc of the nation's finest strcamlincrs. Nobody in ~our town knows mor~ about the science of transportation than your Santa Fe agent. He knows Amcri~'s railroads w ell and has years of experience in ~ ~ \ Santa Fe ' , •• transporting people and products safely. C, U. Lr.CDSF.V. T. P.A. ~IUll& .... Ot'pot, 1 0~1'.1 r.. 4th jlf , P1wnl'tl Kl S·MM • tu 2 ..... 0, 8AJllTA A>iA. CtLJ.F. ..... .... $4.tl Ml ..... ,. ALARM CLOCKS ·---~ ........... 3"* ,_ ,_1-4 -..... ,_.. Clt•k- U111lte4 Tl-. S.i.t .... 100* s1.11 Lano-Set Hair Spray .......... 1 12 .... A-'· SJ.25 YalHf 6tc~ lfi ,rice Sale! PnROLEUM JELLY c:.t.r*t ..... ·'"''"'-.Wy .... , ..... 29c $1.00 TUSSY DEODORANT ......... _ .... , .,_c....._ soc• I M p 0 R T E D s c I s s 0 R s -'II T~·i- S169 Metal Clothes Hamper $10.00 \'alllf' s59s ~Ill~. AOA ~f o\ \" lil.F.t:SF.R S"r\'ll'NI f"r Mr!! Ada Mnv Eledion LeCJQlity Que1tioned at GG Fleenu . ~. of 22!'1 0 111• l't .. ~I" ~l~sa. whr-. 1!1Nl Th11n1<l11y In hc'r home. We're to b;o ht'lrl t1)('8y Kl 2 30 p m Shi• pa..~&rtl ""-.y of' a ht'llrl lltlllt'k Whtl" l)rt'(lllMng d ln- nn-. Mn. Flf'rntr hf d ~ '" II\ ht111lh r"r l't\'er11l 1111•11lh". A nallve of o ·!'ltlll. Ntb . llHt cam' here f rom Ctdu Rapid• 1n 19•~. She "-"tll " mPmbl'r of thJt Ml'Lhot111t C'hurdt In Jo w11. Tho Rev. (', F\• H11ml wu to orrtclato at t nda y'a rltu. Jnttrment will bft at H&rbor Re11t Mtmona.I Park Cemetery. Survlvo rw Include two •on a, Ralph J. ot Coal.a Men and JILITle.a R. Flte.ntr of Sftnta Ana: har daul(htera, Mrs. Frtl.nk J. J ohnaon, Coata Men: Mric. W ilborn RaM• Ing. Lo. AJllft'lllll; 'II.Ir~ Ge<trge It. C'l&rke , Wut\ln~ton· Mra. Horace St.oil. Bell!Jowtr: -Mrs. Jack A. • Tewa.lt Sr., t..kewood; 111 rrs.nd· chlldren a.nd three rr-•t·rnnd- cluldren. 2108 Ocean Front NEAR NEWPORT PIER Newport leach • Phone Harbor 5 $14." , .... , c.r..et Automatic TOASTER •wwwwl'N4,Vl~.w995 c-4 6 ,. .. .....W. fW. ..... ...,. Bu, 1/ab«4 r ~ PLASJIC. GARDEN HOSE S·Yr. h•,..•hel ...... Ylrtl• Vhlyt Uftotw•le•• •. .., ,. '"'· " ._ ............ wu.dl 3se .. 50 Feet ..... Modor• way fo wator 9ardo•f $1 .89 GREEN PLASTIC SOAKER HOSE Tiny perforetion1 permit proper '"fMl9• to I.WM eMf 1hrub1. W..+flerproof, wiK not cred or rot. 10 ~-98~ I-Pc. Pre1'1°4 ., ... Serva-sii·ack HOSTESS SET 1'' .. , ... ffey ... " ....... ,. ....... up. C... Allde,.i. t. .-rtill ...... 4 _,,.. 4 ••~ S,-lel Owl,_..._, ·WATCH FOR THE Owl Circular in the mail ... ilARGAINS -GALORE! ,,.. .... :·ny1erti" ,.,.....1 PORTA.LE RADIO 1695 ,WiMy't Now S,rln~ JEWELRY e Cll11 lerrl._. .... _.. lrftl._. Celen .. s,,1 .. 1 SUI_ VeLHI IOTH ,01· l ,. .. (}o~ern.men I :J,.Ofn ,, PAGE 6 -PART I STAv IN YO UR OWN LANE! MONDAY, MAY I b, 1956 I ~~~~~----~--~----------------------~----------------------~------------------~·--- NEWif>ORT HARBOR NEWS. PRESS "God grant us the serenity to ec:cept the things we cenno+ change ; the couroqe to chonge the th;ngs we c.on ond the 1 .BRUSH COUNTRY wisdom to kriow the differen ce." IA. Anon.) · EDITORIALS New 'Share the Wealth' Bill • Properly labeled now in the State Legialature at Sacramento are the billil -endeavoring to eeize .t or the State Treasury the wealth realised by any city or county from any grant it might have received from the atate. Particolarly labeled iA the Allen Bill aimed at the City of Long Beach and endeavo rir1g to recapture for the atate tJ;ie man·y million• of dollars which Long Beach , haa ~ived from ita tidelandR. The L9ng Buch tide- land& w ere granted to t~ city many yean ago by the State~ Also recognized is thf bill of Assemblyman Charles R . Wilson, of Los Angeles. who honestly admits that h is is .a "share the wealth measure". Wilson seeks through his legislatu~ to recover for the st Rte of Cali- fornia a 50 per cent interest for the State in all tidelands funds from citie~ and counties holding state granta. At ·Jt>ast the Wilson measure is properly described bv its author and not concealed under any subterfuge. However, we r~I that if 50 per cent of all state tideland grants are to be recovered for the State of California that WilMo. or the Legislature, Rhould go all the way. A measure should be introduced that would recover . to the State of California a t least: 50 per cent of the gross profit of any and all utilities that have gained or expect to garn any profit from any resource or facility of the people of the State of Ca!ifot"nla. For instance. the Pa- cific Electric Railway for years has sponged off the people of the state with special privileges tax wise, administered and supported by the State Public Utilities Commission. Cer tainly the same is true of the Southern California Edison Company. the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. and the Sotithern California Gu Company and all the water companies and.phone• companies. This line of reasoning is just as sound as the pro· posals of the Allen bills. it certainly paralleles the pro- posals of the Wilson Bill whose author himself haa dub- bed it "a share the wealth measure, taking from thoae ••ho have oil rich tidelands for the benefit of those who have not." In reflecting upon the above 1t could be that we have hit upon the source of agitation and finance of the cam- paign o! Assemblyman Allen in hia grab meaeure. The City of Long Beach operates ita own municipal gu de- partment. It reaps large profita from the aale of it.a natural gu t o its reeident.a and indu.nrlal u.en at a price far under that charged by the privately owned utUJtiee. Those private companiee could well -be intereated in having the state seize the tideland' source ot gu ot Long Beach in order to eliminate the competition of the municipal utility. Such things have been done before. Could not the next step be t o. aeiu the great muni- cipal water and power department of the City of Loa Angeles because it ie using waler-a natural reaource.- from inland valleys . And then could follow the seizure ot the Metropolitan Water District of which Newport Beach ie a part. The MWD to<> la in com]><!tition with private t.1tilitiea and uaing natural resources for the benefit ot the "chosen few" who have paid to create lta lines. A• we pointed out before in thi1 newapaper-..-if Auemblyman Allen is succeBSful in hi.a bill which would grab the tidelands of Long Beach t hat Newport Beach would theQ face the losa of its tideland• which have only begun to be produced of their ·oil. • We believe no go,=ernment or agency of government ahould compete with private bWJiness. But we feel that a.II government and all busineAs should regard it.I word and granta aod deeds u sacred-promieu not to be unilaterally rescinded. P .ARK FALLS. WIS .. HERALD: "One of the 1illie1t ideu to be proposed by organized labor in all its history ia being pushed by the automobile workers thi'i year and will probably result in a nation-wide strike in the auto induatry before-the summer ia ou t. We refer to the 'guar. anteed annual wage.' In our free enterprise ayatem of buaineu how in the world can a manufacturer guarantee hia worker• An annual salary? No one guauntees the automobile manufacturer that he will sell hia products and make • profit 10 t hat he ca.n pay a 'guaranteed aa.l&ry.' " lfllWPORT~ HARBOR RE-W~, ~RESS J'e>rmerly the Newport-Balboa N•w•-Ttmee and the NeW))Ort·Balboa Preu l:ntend u hcond-Clu. Matter at the Poet.ottlce ln Newport S.acl\, C&Jltomla unl,1er. th• Act of March a. 1879. QaallllM .. .,..... I..,.a Notklte Md Ad•"rtiaementa-of All klJtde •1DMNeet ... a ... rtor~.t0....,... ('o. lJi AcUoa So. A·ll1" at-w Oa.tU...a. N-""*"'' Publl•Mnt A .. od atloa ,._._ NMI-' Edttortal ANOdattnn ,. ..... ..., of Ora.,. c-ty s .. ww s.on1~ Bl:N' REOQICK. PUBLJtlH.ER WU.LIAM A. M o sp;s, Editor ORMOND IC. ROUNTREE. Adverl11lnf Dlr~t nr CWARLEI .A. ARMSTRONG, Mf'chank aJ 8upertnttndf'nl IH.MCRrPTros IUTI:~: Sf'wpM1 Hattw>r s,. .... r,.... ... hi.,. "-"'Y Special Press Photographer Bill Bord~ on Assinine Now before the Legislature in 8acramento are many bills. Among t hem are vitally important iss ues. Some affe<:t futures of all the population. Some affect taxes. Many ·are .infringements upon the sacred rights of every citizen guaranteed under the Constitution of our United '5tates al)d the State of California. Among all the b ills there are also some humorous. ome assinine. The latter connotation we use to identify Senate Bill 1037, a proposal of Senato r Richard Rich- ards. Los Angeles. The bill provides for "special auto- mobile license plates for press. photogrnµhers. news- paper, syndicate, and television ." Whether this measure is designed for "quicker identification. closer scrutiny, or as a licensing measure we are not sure. It is certain to a id all car clouts who will be able to identify quicker automobiles containing valuable equipment. Whether . it is designed to assist police in either expediting or prohibiting access to scenes of im- portant ha ppenings, or whether it is a rather ethereal. special privilege measure we are not sure. • r The m easure will, however , place the press photo· graphers in a thosen company of "Ham Radio" operators who now have their call letters on license tabs; owners of "horseless c.arriages" and vintage vehicles who have special tabs; or in the exclusive company of •Assembly- men who are identified with red "A" and their district numbers or Senators. who are identified with g-reen i'S" and their district numbers. The measure of Senator Rich - ards will provide, if it passes the A ssembly and gains the Governor's signature, that pres.CJ phot.ogr~ers will be identified with a shield on t heir plates bearing two Ps. Nq Time for Witch Hunting Witch Tlunting ia an old blight on the hiatory an_! development of America. It flourished in the early yeara of our country'• formation when vicious whispering campaigns about usually innocent per90n1 reaulted in the "wit ch" being burned at th.e etake. It1 loathsome kin. book burning, ha.a left its blotch upon world history. Those of ua today who in America are privileged to pick up literature of our own choos- ing and enlighten o urselves on the varied political phil- osophies of the world today and yesterday. can rem.em- ber w ith shoc k the book burning which ranks among the Nazi atrocities of World War TI. Newport H ar bor haa ita would-be book burners too. They are those people who are willing t o tear down with one hand the very freedom of expression they are trying to uphold with the other. They are the people who attack others, who are availing themselves of our freedom of speech and expression by learning from first- aourcea diverse political theor ies and philosophies under which our world is living t oday. · There are the people who are afraid Co have good Amer icana know what It i11 that democracy is fighting against. T o read Lenin, Marx. Stalin. Hilter and Qthers who advocate anti-democratic philosophies, is in the minds or the modern-day book burner. an unconstitutional thing to do. Such people fail to realize they are snipin-g at America 's freedoms -the same freedo ms which fell in 1933 in Germany with r ise of the fanatic Hitler. Such people fail to realize that fear is the nurse maid of ig- norance and to lack understandinl of anything in life la to put one't1 self at a disadvanta-ge to that thing. fhere is a fine line ht-tween an intelligent a pproach to protrcting our country from subtle; vicious infiltra- tion of anti-democratic ways o,f life and hysterical at- tac ks on people who a.re taking the intelligent a pproach by informing themaelvet1 from fif'l!t -hand sourcea of the threat. to our nation today. T o read and understand aomelhing is not neces- 1arily to espouse it u your own creed. Our surest path t o continued freedom t omorrow lie. in sincere, demo- cractic uuge today of the freedoma we ch erish and en- joy. Branches of the Same Tree The Hillaboro. Oregon. Argu11, say!;. "T hn:-;f' wh<1 _ argue for more and more governmC'nt s hould ~ct 11 bettPr look at thoae countriee that alreadv ha\'(' 1t M :i ybe t hP\' would change their tune.'' Big gov~rnment hAs .h1•en t h~ cauee ot wars and revolutions since t 1mC' bt-,1?an. Putlin~ all power in the hands C?f gove,rnment aii<l 11 r11hng poli- tical clu. hu caused opprHBion. !\la\'Pry. a.nd the des- truction ot human righta and human dign1tr. It makes no difference what la bel government weara -faJ1Ci1m, communiam. aociaJiam, welfare state-do~verything g ov- emmenta a.re bruchea of the aame t~. They all wind up· at th~ ume place &Jon~ t he road of h istory. F~dnyn diea. The indh·idual becomt'tl a number -• haplea pawn of t he 1tate. URERAL. f<AS., SOCTHWEST DAILY Tt~IES: 'ANOTHER WEEK' By PAT MICHAELS, <>:CNS Writer JOURNAL ti~· HORAQ~: PARK~R (Ed. Sote -nu. eoluma lty_Hora.ce Pa1'1H "Ill dMl "''* the lltllf'-kMlll D ltl•tnrtc•&I far t• he hH d~fld up I• lab ~ trip• lalo lhe hac-k c-nuntry la ~•• )'Mra.) OW ADOBt~ -· Before rest oration of the old WiliJon Trading Post. the building was "flying under false col- ors .. as it has been erroneously known air the old Warnrr Butterfield S t.age Station for the past 25 rears. -Hor- ace Parker Photo Edmund L. Eberling 111 a quiet. be11peC't&clt d m&11 who look1 llkt lht aver11.re person'• ldra of Mr. M1lquetou t. He atutter1 a llltle when h, talk.11 and blu•htt aomewh11t buhfUlly whrn you !trsl mttt him. History p lays s range tricks even nn thl' cxperte. Hpwevrr, rew P"oplr who see him ru llzf' that this rttlrlng eenllt"!•n Bancroft. one of California's greatest his to rians, has been wu the apa.rk that blaated the lld o!! th .. A. G. Eldred Realty firm fooled on a number of occasions. & !tw montha ago-an explosion the realtor. But the ag<'nta did. and For some months J have been aware that the ao- that evtntualty placed tne m1lhon-they tntu to draw ae plain a pie· called Butterfield Stage Station on the old Warner Ranch dollar-a·yu r Santa Ana rt•altor be-lure ea poe.slble. . hJnd the bara o! ·Chino State Howevn. the obacunly .ul\d«. was being restQrfd. On a visit t o the Serra Museum in Sat1 Prison. It wu la1t year·1 tilggt•l whlC'h Ebet ling and hi• ataf( ac-1 Otego J mt nllonM thla !arl lo EERS. JULY 4. 1930. N' A Tl VE acand&I In Or~nge County and coll'lplfiihed thod.r eoal, completed Bf'n Dixon, •r••h1v1st. for lhe mu-DA UGHTERl:i OP' THE GOLDEN rtaltors heaved a algh o! reli"! thelrihveatigatlon, wu never bet-1 seum and lh,. S.1n Diego H1storu:a1 1 WEST." when It waa over. ler lha.n m the trlal of the ru.1. 1 Sodely. HI! ah10 was aware of lhf' Yor 2~ vearlf thlll phtqu• hu But. apparently. more 11 com1nr . lor. El>f'rhng .al in the court room reatoretlon. When 1uch rf'bUlldlnR bt'f'n miale~•hnit thf' public. ll wu· Mr. Eberling la baC'k In the !leld, almoel iluly But now f'Vf'n I.ht of aome h111lor1ca.l bulldlllg Laku n'l until the cowman·a rtrnark m quietly working. heavy-ef'l Eldred knew It waa tri11 place. thf l1>vt1 • o! Cahfornlll hla·' Sl\nl& Yuhel lhal l hail rn llv El>f'llng'a lnll'rut In real u lale retiring man with lhe buhful look to1 Y clap the1r· hands w1tb gltf' g1v~n ll IUlY thought. 11teii It ht.It tran11acllora la more than academ· a.nd the IJ>f'C'tacles who had C'om-to lh1nk that 111 nother i.ndmark 1.1 mr. 1>f rour11e lhia MUltln'l hf' thf Jc, He 11 the C'hlef Investigator pfled thf' evtden~L that re11ulttd In I being prtl'Prvt(f. j old B11tterlleld Slo\lole SI Allon b'°· for lhf Southf'rn California office a g1.11lty verdict. Bi:n llAHI. "Doc lhere·e a 11l1>ry o·au•e they 11twaya 11topp"I al th• ot the State ReaJ Eatale Commu1· Ebf'rllng and his •laff ha<S donf for you, you M'hould run 1l down ·· 1 \\'1trn<'r Riuirh An<t alore a t·ollple alon. He lead• • rroup of lnvt>lll l· tb,.lr Job 1U1 muC'h of a Job 1111 thf'y /'lf:t;K 00.,0R of mllc11 down tht road. raton who work with the •mooth-could do. They toted lht evtdf'nce · paced precia1on ot the P'IU. And and Ulen pre .. ented It to lhf' Ola-Within • day or two I wu on l'RC:C:ST 1 •. t;TTr:R they work Jual w quietly and un-trtct Attomty'• ottlcr for artlon. lhf' queal of the ma.n who "•.s '\0 • That night I 11tnt o!! a frantic obtrueivf'ly aa the fed eral OPJanl-OnC'f tha t wu done. I t wu out of Ing the wocl<. Bf'n lhou&'ht he llv•d lflt<'r to Bfn Dixon at the 8f'?Ta zatlon. too. Ebf'rltng·1 ha.nda. H111 lntf'rl'lt In In Santa YHbel. llO 1 drovr ttown I l'llattng my rfMon1< for thlnkln~ 1t wu thl• corp• of lnvea\lga.-thf' ca~ was then the n mf' u and atoppt'd 11 thf m.11in llf'rvlr11 th111 ..tt.aA no1 the old 11tat1on Wtt h tora. vnder command o! Eberllng. that o! the other specl11lor1 In atelion in town and inquired. Th"Y h1:1 llllll&I thnro11~hnt-~ I ...:eel\'"'' which 1wooped down on the A. G. the courtroom. How,ver. tht' calm kntw nothinir tJf 11• but "" l "'1111 a lf'llo>r with 111x r111:e11 flt slnRI& Eldred (l(flce11 In S&nta Ana aome ltt,llf lljttnt had known lht evhlance taJklng a typto•aJ brullh <'OllO\I Y ~pAt't.,I nole.11 i1how1nR J h<'hf'I'" lli x month1 ago. whlle the re&ltor for a long time He epf'nl •lmoal cowrnan overhf'Atol u• oho!1nlttly. lhRt bv n•» •tretrh uf Wat bu~1ly lealltylng betont the tour mnnl hlJ comp1llng hla charges "Suri' I .kn~\\ \\ho • .. (IXtni;: up thP lmllgtnatlon rnul<I lhlt bf' " grand jury on liquor licenee mat· Julll what the chltf lnvullj.lator ~h" ,,It! \._ tl!IM) Jllace h" aa id ~111 ttrfltlll St11ge Stal ton. ter1. The agent• conflacat.ed books d th t 'But th11t w:u nl'\"tr lht Butter· ,.. otng tn e C'ounty now. 111 no field Stage Station thry elw11 "• \\'hat we h11v ... rounl1 1'1111 h1 I h111 of the tlrm: their •ccountanta be· known. But ·whl'n the htaJ men ~ q 11 d .ttop~ 111 Warner '"·· 11 < ft obt '" ••'re>to11 the rri11d trurn Ir"" Ole ttdious teak o! a,ccumulat-luvn hlA offic,. in Loa Angelf'll to "Smitty 111 the f,.llow who 18 fix-, a t rlll'ltng Jl'•lll .whirh w1111 ht1tll Ing the evldenct' which had 80 long prowl through Oranre County, you Ing It UJl, t1nd you 11 find htttl •iv• r attn lh,. r-11·11 \\ 111 . HM<I ho ,.,,,,.,. been hidden In the mal:te ot tr&11•· c•n bet 11nmtthlng is about tr> pop 1tt1111pp,.11re1t 8 11 lHlnl>••.11 11 r,. ... ,,rtt •rllona. The mt re public readln"' And. VYU can make book, too. that at Ji.l'n!lhRw, he'3 ~llrl'lBkt>r o! lht' & • I " to do Thlll rt'l'lflrl'oi h\llltltno Wl\11 th t ti ! lh Eld d E""-rllng'a C'orp• of a:.··nt• ar• '"'11 .. e ea mony o t rt case. ""' " ,.. p • \'' h d h pr11b11hly the llw~lllrfg '"1 th• 1r~.t-coulJ lltlle follow the multltude of aomewhere around, workln• .11ll'nl· '' " J11"' c:nmr t rough H"n· 1 " h b h k d S tn lt p'l~t fl thn11Jih In IAl"r y••111 11ly man,uven arcompltthed by ly In th~ backgrountl. 11 aw. Ill k t' we 11>\'t' nutty. 1 "11~ told. r1r,.ulaleit arcwnrl the 11 m1ty hav,. he"n 11,rtl fo1 11 111 .. , Washington Comment By WALTER CHAMBLIN JR. Ht'nllhaw l)am li re.' bll!lf'r thlln 11 A Mr. \\·1111nn r11n thll' tr11•ltn1t Aqutrrel ,1t1rtn,11 11,.ornl' I "'"'" 111· l"'~l !Of\ lll1\'llll'c1 nol to lnt1k f•lr ht m, i'Wn nlll"11 llown I 11" rn11,l 111 a ".IUl!t 11111y In fr1111I of \hr 1<l01'('. Wf'•ttily ohr••f'tlnn Ill lh" 111'1 \\ ~· · 11no1 wll)1111 •n tiour h•"ll rllhl'r n"r attohP w1>11·h 111 1111r1l 11.11" hunk · rlrl\'" hy !>r i;:u 111\n the o ftll'P 1• hmt•f' fnr rnwp11111 h"llo rttlllltl'lt Thf' 111J1•1t ,. 11. 11.• .II'''"' f rir in • 111 llr <tn I h,. VI fl l''"I~ I\ Tl ,. \VASHINGTO:'I.' Con~elNI I• the Big Union Bo1111e8 Oemantt for llbnut An houi hr> ilr111.,. 11 In r.n 111 thf' 11r1"h" that 11h.,ulol•ht 11111 ,k about rt'Ady to put the ll!glll&llve an 1ni-rea11e lo $1 2~. but ll look~ Inf th" Stlll(' Fuoh H·•lrh,.:. l;t1< ktc' ,.,I >1nil r r"!lfrY,.'1 llur nnw ·,.r:"I" muh1ne In high gear Jn the 1m-a.a It thf' crurl•I test will C'Omf' on He had bf't>n h,.I in th"rn 111 1 hu<l••I ,, l"Y" wuh •t i' '"In' t>rtJ1 In m,.rt1ate o!!lng 111 a 1weepln1t anti· ra1:1m11; lhl' A•lmln111lra.t1on·11 90 t f h r It , h r n rout nr l ,. 11p,.n1nr: ,,, 1 ,. lr<tllt ;\;1o«rtnh<'r 1-'"1 th" ln•Jmn• 1111 .,., trust love11t1gallon which will Vlt Cf'nl propoH I lo an evl'n $1 00 ll"A.-"'ln H 11 full n~r-1.1 Gllrni r,.vrilll'•I llnol ,,.1,1,,, ... ,llv 11, l fur hearlhntl! In such 11ubJPC'ts u 8 ' -· ' •· "' 111 81 "n1" I u.stnua .,till 18 contlnutn1t vlg· l'rntlh 8 ni1 h» prouo11v t"ltl '"" fir,. tn lhf' 11rlt:1nAI h111lrlt1111• S1an<1-bv P r\C'P and W•11e Con-o u •t t th T I , ro a oppo11. tfln o ' r,asury ab11111 h11w hi' hnrl i.~ .. n wn1 king I T .; • lrul.11. J:1rrt11l!tnR th11 Minimum rr~·omml'nclal1on for repeal or Str· ( 'TO Al . flf'. Tllf <THI.' \\"j1ge . Techn1C'al Tax Revl11tons. 11on 462 which givu corporllllona l'ltl~tt: MO\'t.R \\'11111 1~ h••lh1·111t£ Mr ·'It)(• n Big Approprratlona lint! A hnst o!lnper&llng on an accn111I ba1111 th~ 011 the <•hi ~IAll"n 1tn1l lfll' l8 V.IUI th•• '•r>i.:111111 \\11m r Olhf'r th1n115 rll(ht to dtduct !nre•"'"llblf' f'1tprn11· ~1 1 l.1n l'Jurz .. 11. "nl!lnP•·r ·man-H11 no h hl•ll·"' ••nl 11 •·h· dl'sl r,,,.,.,,. ASTt-TRrST ..... !Mill ll'll'lr (Urr~nt tAX hlll In-a~ .. r nf lhf' Vt,~\A ·~3lton l11<o~-If~ V.&.'\, ha;. the >UU. btt n 11.IUljl To date attention lnaufftt'Jt-nl to d1111t1 y 111 prts,ing tor a .tdP11 ... 1 • rl• I 1 .. 11 ... 1•rrn1 .. 1ft•111:at•1r in 1 •·.•· ••d • ,\ r;.J 11 lh· 11M ··~1 .. 11n1: M•l••tte Ill! 1mportan<;e haa bf'en j!tVen to payment program Whtrf' 1111 jtP lorlnl( lh<' 1.lol h1111ol1111: A l•tl ur 1' th,. ''' 11:111•11 ll •ll.,illol 1.. l'I thta. Thtre hu been no big build-I p11ym"n1,. •re lnv•ilved and for th•' h1hor, 110l11~ n111l". """'" .-hwk• ~ '"' '"" ""ti f"f1111r,.11 h•" 1111111• 11 1 .. 0 up to what 1s to lllkf' rl~cr but the t>xempucin or C'nmpar11e11 h11v1011 11n1t 11 r ...... l?All••n• of ''lllll'wa•h r1111k• 11. th" l"I' 111 l11•l .. 11«1tl 1nqu1ry hearted by C:halrm11n c.-1. mod Prate payments somet hlng llkt I hal.I put lhl' 111" 11111lrl11 I! 1n p1 ..it v "''"h• ~ tn 1'11111 twrn <"Mllri.rru" ler 10 .. ':'\.Y I Of the HOU/If' Judt· $5000 to $10.000. go•><l ~hB p~. \\'h111 lttlf .. 11\Hfll'\' hA• 111 All\' '""Ill fil••l hlo-.~l! th .. v1,.1 4 u s ry Comm1tte .. will _rival the ltORE OS TAXt:S bf'"n 11p1·n1 h1111 h•Pn "'"'II '1"'1.1 !11 1;;;111 .. ,11 111 .. tn•l, /\11 8U1?.,.ll, ~ropf' or Uu~ Inquiry m11d~ by thf' lndu11ry 11 •teklnl( to rtllf've undtr Ilu1 zdl lo r ,.r,.ful •),. 11n'1 1111il Sn11l l \ '''' l'n 11r1nr.1 drnr1 In oM tempor11ry :\11tll'lnal EC'onomlc manU!llC'l\lrera o! a vul amount I Sm1tty·11 hAt •I "'""' 11 I''"-~· n,. r"r r11•t,.r1t v ""m" of 11,. Commtttre illt. the 1111' thirties-of burd!'ni1omf' snd costly papt1 In frrint <rt !ht• .. 1.1 h111l I nlO? • 11 • xl1 · 1r• I\• 111·1.,rt11.nt hl~l••rtt . .i n .. wey Andt rson who h1>lped Stn· work which would be rl'qulrttl hy pl11q11" pl11rrtl lh• ,,. ,., 1!110 11 t.rnr1n.1trk"' •1n ll1,.1r h"l•ltnR'< nn lh• 11tor o·~f11honey • D -Wy 1 r11n the regulallona whlrh the lntem11l Re-rt">lfl' ·THI!'; Bl ·rrr.1trn:1.1 1 t •111 \\ arr111 rt"'" ho Tlw11 ~ffn1 II l!lJO 1nve~t1g11t1nn. wlll b,. at Mr. venllf' Service Ill propo11ng lo put STACF: STATIO:'\ flF:l•WATt-:1 1 "'' "I'll'""'"'''' 11nrl /ll 'fll11•1•I,.,! h v f"~llvr'11 elhnw to Jt1tlt1 f' lh,. rurrent Into dftrt with rt8pf'cl tn 111rknf'11~1 TO THF: Ml-:MOHY <•F TllF: 11ll '"'"'r" ,..r l"l\llfrirn111 nltt and 1nqu1ry. Th• .. copt w!ll tnC'lutl,. end 11cr1!1rnt p1ymf'nt11 to f'mrloy· STA r:E PRIVF:RR A:-:11 J'l<1;>; """" nl'"l'lt'f'T• M 1111 kl'lrlA .ln<'ludtnR t .. 11. Uurt .. r the new rtgi1lat1on~ th" hllnk.mf'rirrr11. dl'lh•"r"rl pnc"•· fair t mplriyf'rs ,.·ould be requlr•d en r•· lra<S• l11ws •nd th• J)rlC'e 111luatl'ln rnmpUtl' th" 11mo11n1 nf 111x 11, ht 111 ir"n•r•I f'll lf'nll!. lnfludlntt w1thh"1'1 wh"nevf'T· 11lrkn,.1111 nr 11r· Ill ll II r•Rl,.nl .. r .. re11tn ll~lf' poll· ('ttlf'nl pa~•mtnta llr" made Thll • • • m •n•1f11r1111,.111 rl'tllll n11tll'U would r'qulre l'hlll'll(lnjt rnmpany """ 11h .. 1.1 All r~,.. <•f b•1111nu1 T!'Cnrd11 an•I would lnv1>lve murh I 1 "rAl:t•n · book work. I • \\ \•.i:-rn .. 'T u~TROJ,S Thr EC'onnmy Blnc at the C"11pl· j ~:,·~n ''"' 1 h 1•• •~~ wllj:I' 11nd tot 11 ptll11lm1t tlc ov"r •m .. 11 Hn11u , 1 t , . -• 1, I 1 1.1 .. o1 1 .. \\"nrk tn I rl'd\lctlnns In p111111ln~ 6 nf all thr 1 \\ ., 11 \. ~1 •II ••nol 1n th• K,,r,.an 11 m•JC>r 11ppropr11111rin m,.11nur•~ .. nf111 1 · 1 th-, p111fl.n "' m11ny ' tor n,.xt Y"•r Th,. r11t11 amount In ,· h" 1 · .. p1·· I 1: . .: .. 111 n•l·by ituth· i nnly $37 ~ mllllon. far,,. •• th•n f'llt· 11111.r t .. re·1mr11•p lht'm "Ill bf' P"Ct ttl Whlll fru:otrat"S lh,. Econ- ll~k"d by the A'1ml nl11 rflt ton eome· I omy BIO<' •• th•H a lllrto:f ~roup of time In the ""er ruturf' Thia auth-R"runllcan~ ar" !ollowmi lht Pru - nrrty wnu ttl ht a<lt11'tl aa An •ml!nd· ldf'nl " r"rnmm .. nt111llon11 ror In· mf'nt tn the DefenM Production cruef'd tunda for l)roJecl• or11r1n· A.-t. whk h la up for ext,.nl4nn Mr atf'ft by th• Sew De11I. 11\Jth u In· F:leenhnw..r abflll11hltd •Uch C'Ontrol• r rea•u In -artal nrvlce tund8 •hortly 11't"r taklnc oftlcf' but a TA•"l'·HARTL.t:1· numbtr In h" A<'fmlnl1trat1nn now 1 h111k h" !hould h ave •Ut hority to r"·lmpo&I' lhf'm If he fHl• a.n •ml'rl[Pnc-y 11 ltf'vtloplnJ or ~ .. •lrvtln,.....tt "AO'~·ftOf"'R H,.anni:• "" 11pr\n11 th• mint· m1Htl •••gt no"" •r• unt1f'r way. The Atlmtnlstratlon hu NtCOm· ml'ntlf't1 an 1nrr,. .... rrom Tft cent.a tn PO rl'n l• J"'r l'lour rur- r,.nt i)i1nkm11 at th' Capitol la • I• Oru~to C'flU11fl1". M.00 J>f'' ~f'•r: U .00 111h mn•.; t1..\0 Ill~ mM. Out11de of Or11nr,. ""'"''' •~110 '"'' ''""' "Prn'of th11t industry i11 mm1n~ to lt'!!s ropulntl"d rentPr1 for var1ou11 rcu o ns,..Js e''ldrnced pla.inly in the Cl\SE' of tht> chemical indt11tty. Of thi1 induatry·a recent list ·nf 4AO co1111truct ion pr oJttla. only nint. or IN• than 2 per ct>nt. Art' in major mel ropnhtan rentC'r11 The trf'nd n ( in- ~nel expanaion ia away Crom th• lt..rie~ c1l1es:· that ~...,,. Dtalere Wiii pr•N tor Two major t-0urcea of lndualrlaJ dluall•factton with tne ;'oi•llon&.I lAbor Relatlnn• BoArl1'1 ••lmlnl•• tratl<>n nt Tatt-Hartl~y would ~ Pllmlnaltt1 "Y th" ,.nactnunl of nic~nt H~·Oommt89iM ~ menttallon•-111 thlll fht l"LRB it.Hit .,. deprl....S or It. pru,.nt judtcl&I' tuncUon to d•cld41 unfair tabor practtoe ou.. and 121 Ulat NLRB lr1aJ .. amtn•ra !'>-. nplacf''1 With lni1ependent h .. ril'IJ commie· Ilion era. OU ) \\.AR~t:n RA:\( II amt ~•: In tt11~ yimi from 1R30 tn 1R70 funnelle<1 thP m n11t 1mport:1n1 mrn ~nd event.a of t hat cn tical penr'<i in C'ahfr>rn1a·11 h1Rtory truly a hallowed apot . -Horace P•rktr Photo ... HOST ROTARIANS-Newport Balboa Rotary Club officiaa above hosted Di•trlct 162 ueembly held here recently. From .left, Orrin W. Wright Jr., In-coming presi- d~D~; R .. N. Lagerlaf, out-going preaident ; Superior Judge Robert G~rdner &nd Bajley Abbott, host committee chairman. -Gene Ross Photo PLENTY OF CHANGES NEEDED Dick Richard contemplated the wreck of his store Tuesday morning and when asked if he was going to be open fo r business Wednesday squared hi'B shoulders and declared "We've just begun to fight." The L.F.D. on the card stands for "Lost Foods Depart· ment'' and the atore Tuesday morning looked like they were digging a hole In the floor to bury the entire stock. -Staff Photo FROSH-S!NIOlt TIFF REPORTED AS 'CONES FLY A llfht prwumably ~tw~n freahman j.lld 11t nlor boy1 et Newport Ha rbor Union Hl(h k llool Friday.., .. repo.ted 10 police by the mother of on, ot the boya lnvolvf'd. A.ccnnllns to lnformau.>n' ava1lablt, .. ,·eral frMhmen bo>'• were utlns lund1 when a sroup of aenlora r•portedl¥ blf an calUn1 them namu a.nd ' Olen t um td tom• bfonchu ovl!I'., When 90meont th,..w le• c,..am at the Mnlor9. the tig-ht tollowad. OIL SPOll Bill Proposed to Give Oil ~oney to leach SACRAMENTO, ((>CNS ) -A bill which would •r6t 1 per cent of ,-roaa atate revenu• from tide- land.a oil for lmprovem&11t of oc.an ti.achu In lb• a.rea when ! the reveouM ort,.tnated wu •P· 1 prove<i by the aenatt 1 overnme11- tal etflc1ency committee. Th• bill would limit the 111, .,f w eb ~ta to 176,000 pu mile of M&eh trontaa• per year. I Under provllllont ot the meu · i ure, the oil money could bt uaed oruy for development of .t.l e I buchM tor the benefit of aJI the people of th• •tale. Tbt propoaaJ waa referred tn the 11nat.1 co~lllee on tlnanct . j I Jol\n Maberry Files Divorce Against Wife SANTA ANA. (OCNSJ -MU-' Ilona.ire Ollmu Jol\n Mati.rry, M. I of 20~ OcetU\ Drtve, Corona dd Mu , today flied ault for divorce araln1t hla wife Ill. May MaWrry, 2:1, attractive former model. I The Maberry• were In court here Jut ytar, but worked out their probli!ma a.nd reconciled. Sht filed a divorce and be crol8·filed for an o.nnullmtnt or divorce. Attomeya Jerry Gelaler of Bev- erly HUI.I and l!!amuel Hurw1ts ot Ora.nre lodg-ed Maberry'• com - pla.ln t tor a c11vorce decrN ll'T1da y. Mayben')' cont.end• he came MO NDAY, MAY 161 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 1 --------------------------------------------------1 l'ohu,·111 A•h .. r11•• nlt'nl • I Puh111·111 AJ\'t!fllMment I 1 Political Advtrttaemrnt I 1 l'ollll~•l AdvertlMm&nt I A-tlenlion -411 DO YOU WANT Higher Taxes?- DO YOU WANT City Revenues Cut? DO YOU WANT To Be Saddled With Further City Expenditures for Be~chr Park and Re(reation · for out of town Citizens ? DO YQ_U WANT to Eliminate a $30.000 pe.r year Net Income to the City of Newport _Beach fro Iii the Trailer Park In Elchange for · a SlS0,000 Initial · Expense for a Park·? ~f you want CJOOCI fJOYentment, lconomlcally administered, ~· your wishes known Tuesclay night In City Council Chcnben to the Beach, Park and Recreation Commlulon. Tuesday, May 17, at 8 p.m. NEWPORT IEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION ... * 0 .. Robinson Dope : Hearing Slated " Next May 26 home to find h~ wtte rone. 8o ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ wu H :l,000 worth of hOUMhold tumlahinp, h.• uatrta. -· •. NARCOTICS RAP -Edward Bruce Robinson, 24. of 5211.-1 Marigold Ave .. looks O\·er court 'charges against-. him while being arraigned before J udge Donald J . Do<lge ln Newport J ustice Court. Robinson was ar l'('slrd and booked by Costa Mesa police ~l ay 6 nn a charge of pns- aeasion of narcotics, a felony. The suspect was arrl'Slrd by Newport B<-'ach police last Drcember. Hr was gn·cn a 180-day sentence in county jail with 150 days suspend· ed for three ycan on conJition He nM ui.c narcotics. -Sta!! Photo Mrs. LaShelle Gets Divorce atfl 111, its ~uhmltt e1l hy I .HSh,lle an.1 his \\lft' ~lr11 J..aShelle cla1meJ ~he nerd· ed ~:!:lll1i a month 10 l!llJlporl htr· llf'lf ·11nil th<• c('lllJ lt 11 l't'\'f"n·rrar· 1 old i. •. \', LAShdlt'. \\ "" P('Crn: .. , Cl;r1.st1.1n S Jlul. :J:?~ f: F: f~l'WIHPr Tbe Maberry• wen ~d at lAa Vegu In 19:12. A former juqe bl Oklahoma, Maberry turned to the oil fielda and iuna.ued a fortune, accordln,- to ht. wlft'• complaint lut year. She eaUmated hla oil holdl.nra In the U. S. and Canada at more t hen $2,00Q,000. She aought 1%700 a month wpport. Maberry, accordlnr to Atty. Hurwitz, hu u c:ha lve T1(hta to ul lhe rcque•t of Deputy District develope 011 In Jamacla. A ltorney J. Parley Smith. I Preliminary waiver ltearing t or F:.lw&rd Bruce Robmaon, 24, ot ~•21 1~ M&rtgohl Ave. In Newport Julllce court Frlciay waa conUnu· ,.41 to Thursday, May 26, 1:30 p.m. HobmllOn 11 charged with po55e•· &Ion ot nl\rcotlcs and la held In SchWOf'ef loy '°"' •·tiunty jaJI In heu of $5000 bail I Mr. and Mn. Arlllur Schworer, He II ~Clt'd lo \\ 1uve l'~llm• 431 lrl1 Ave., are pel"tnta' ot a T 111 .. r)'. lb., 8 o:r:. bov, born May I In 8 t. The youth \\'QI •rrcated by Co1ta Jonpl\ hoepital . .M.:sa police May 6 In his i:ar out-------------shle the 'realdence ot llln. Archie Hon •ath ot ~22 Ccnttr Si. The --DIBT--· p.1r WIUI fllllng In his c-11.r. police s3ld. Pt1hc .. 11nld a hyp~derm1c kit 1 COLLECTIONS wa. found 111 Ftobuaon • car. Account• -Note. -Claim• ot Pooley in Crash A minor accident uccurre<1 yea· \o'rday at H1ver1lde Ave. and Coast ll11;hway b!'lWten c-•11• drh ·tn by .. ·11·d!'n ck Arthur Pooley of 6~ ~\ vorado Ave. and flona Id Ra Y· mnnu Thompson of El MontP, ro· Jh·r s&td. Call DAN'S TV 8en1oe • Butala • ~ Llberty-1·2228 \\'.\R R Hl:A Tl:RS IAl H . su v1ci; ••• ll'AIU Jo e .. §~6Jof J 1U"4S 10 'U CENI OOWl\4 '~o•o H.,boo SUO PARKni -RIDLEY MORTUARY F"QtmerJy OftAl't:L <.'HAPf:L 110 Broadway '-C..ia Meea i .1ber11 8-su a Mui s-su• BE-SURE • INSURE "JUJ any kJnd of deb'41-uywbere lo Am•rlca. "So <'0Uectloo1 -So tee." We ad\'IUlce all eo•ta. CREDJT ftVKEA U of WHtenl or&n,. Couot7 fonnt'rly Crf'dU 811ttao of s e,,,an Beaclt, Lapna Bfac.b &lid Ca.ta M.-.. I~ R!v.nlde Av .. , P.O. Bol IM S EWPORT BEACH. CALIF. TRAILERITES for f'OOL J'rfruv C101'e \'our Blind" -oiHon \'our "LAWSON SKYLIGHT" t . .!:t!:' r.:.:. ~l :::;:::::::::.t Cu1tom Madi' for n.. Trailen. ('al»ou or H omtll, Write l . L., P .O. Bo,1 18'. Ba.Ibo• MA URJE 8TA.!\'UY ln111r1U1ce Only r hone Harbor 2-61' SSI~ t:. Cout Hl«hM·a1 Coto-dt'l Mu SA!\"TA A:-.A 10CNS\-Blo"de An•, A".'•rrli •l ~~11tl 1t mon:h wu '------------" Camille L&Shelle Frida~· w a l! em1111:11 fM t he rl11nt1rr. · ' 1- award.a 16-00 a month temporar~· l~11St1Plle ha..~ mo1·ed om ot th!' .-----------.. allmoll)' anJ ~ kttorney fee~ l'(lurl• • hou;.-11t •!'I~ \'111 Uc1o aral!ut Balboa C"&ff'm&.11 Arl IA· S (ll. I. l,.t !<> 1."lf' ""'' Ill h• Ing llt II 8hell• Jand111f court art um on a 1 k n·. al <'• 1h, &•"• ur•llng 11~ • l':tf'l'!"I! ault for dlvorre. f1l1"I "11 h .111.t~t ~lorrf~n:i. I Superior Court J llc1Ct! Ktnnt lh Mi ~ IMShl'llt I~ ~tekmfi: the di· E. M orrteon marle the r uling '"n I W>r• p 11n mental crul'l\y gT•'Un1l1 1 CtOS~-OtJT SALE ON ALL YARNS The Knit Basket ' 8A \"£ ON AUTO 1.""8· s11•0 f~.900--aJIJ .............. k cl•'f 1,.1.,'l a Pr•1t 0•"'•4'• 1 .. ~ ..... !'!-• 4 aot1~tw rRl'.lnaR&D Of8t:l\.l.HCE I.AU l1~) 8H \'ll'torla St., Coeta Meea Phone L~r1y 8-7'!9 .. tiaT .. PkEsciuPnONI PUif4'tl" .... m. ......... When he finishes high school ... • L .. kf•r .......... ~· Lff• this Gas water heatefwill still be going strong! Talk about long life in • "·atn hr a tu! Th,. sutnmatic C119 water huter you gee in~ picture carries the new \cr1fi.-du )Oi; lifr ~c:1l. 11 ·~ ~nur a .. u1an1 e that the w1tcr heater measurrs up to top·qu11l1ty ~tan1la1d~. r or one thing. theH Gas W8 (ff hralen •re madr "' hell\')' J;311p1' •lrl'l l111rd ,, uh glass or 11re mad e of copper. ThM'; yM1r 11"ur1111• e 11f r,1r11 l•ing ltfr So lal..t' this ~u11pr•lion. \\ Ji,.11 \OU bur a nc"'' aut•1mat1c Gaa "•l,.r h,.:i,,.r, 1 .. ,,1., f1.r the \'erilird Long Lire eul. '\ou'l' f,, ~ure of 11 top·qualtty 1ppli&11fr ... nne th111 "'111 give )OU )f'lln and )tara of rart frre hot·wnttr 'en ire. And, remember, 1hi• ,c,,r i• \11 l1r found only CJn 11utomatic Ca.J waler hraten. ~rr ) 1.1111 nr1ghborhl)C1tl )'luml•"r f,.r ilrt~1l• tr you ve aOOM-01 ••• plenntn1 to 1dd-tho\1 wonderful n ew tOn\lt n · utn'"1 t l \H.t'I es •utomat1c <'•.1t"'•• ..,.,,,,,,and C ti"'-• '.,, r~m•""· bi t 1n11 1.111 tt.i1\ of a u•<' h°' *"'''· You II •nae.~ Hem ,.,o•.t 1t /CJUr autr: f"ll hC Git\ ....... , "••''' ,, ,,,. ''"'' .,,. IOI your ~tedS 1 ' IOUTHUtN COUNTltl QAI COMftANY On)I GAS I gives yoq such modern automatic ap pli ances _.___ ----- NOPCJ•-T.,pan-O'KHfe & Merritt-Wed9ewood Ga1Ran9es Jake'·s Appliances -SALES · UHRTY 8-6641-SIRVJCI r 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • ... " PA\;E I -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR )'lEWS.PRESS t.AONDAY.'MAY 16, 1955 • , . • , • ~ _1 • '• ' ' , ' '· .. .,, /: .... -.-- THESE ARE "ISLAND'' OIL WEL'-5· By overwhelmtng ma rglna.. Ole 'AIMmbly of th• CalUomla Slate Lel(t•latlcni h u a pprov•d the hill~ of Joeeph C , Shell, l..01 Angel'"· Of'fl'lln11t th• 1t11.1e-nwnf'<I tldl'llU\d1 lo wildcat oil dMlling. The ft'IP.&aire n!l'W (Of'll 111 \ht !Hatia s~nata ; !f p&Mf!d th<'!re, It wUL then J'O to the govern"r fnr ~l ~a.lure. 'nte area whll'h it la propoMd to •11plor1 from of ( 11hnrP. i~lAn<i~ or ptatfonne extend• from 1hr ll.J'\la Ana RIVP.r to Oc•llno In Slln Lui.I Obl1po County. ll!xc<'!ptrt\, 'llov.'ever. a re 11.!'f'all ""hl'r e l !d .. \lll\d1 have ~ deeded lo thia reapeeUve citi<'!e. f'1 ct ured li~rewtt.h la &n air photo l"IC«ltJ)' mad• rm Padra J~lAnd, oft Ah.ore or COrptll Chrl•U, T•x .... ll'lo~ ol1 rt~; on the beach and In th~ dlatance. off at\ora drilllnr plattorma. ~inglt" photo..a.t.. r qghl 11how1 drlllln&' plattorm.1 wttJ\ r1Jt at •ork In th..i Gulf nf ?ttax.ico.. 80<m 1o:r11phlc U!ut t,..tlon. wtU bl 1.Y&ilabl1 !n CaJ1 rnrn11.na ,.. to whethf t It 11 bottw «t pla.ee rtra off ilhoA • t>• on 11hore. -!tatf PhotC\9 I , ::.:~::.~:,.:~G '~:;:'..;""'-"1 MESA ~D GROUP TO REQUEST .;;~,~:·~·;~:::...~",''.:t.:.~:; .. : I COUNCIL APPROVAL TONIGHT .,.; wh1r h w11 •ppro\•ed by the nar- 1 b'-'r con1111uainn aniJ rlll'd "'ilh t he · • _ :: boerd of IUJM!rviaort In Novem~r. • "~',;, ., ... m•"' ,~ri~•• '°"'-Newport . Pledcies Aid:. Citizens, Ing •hould be done by \hf' h•rllOf Cl b Jo" t D.-L or-1-1on m~"' •• '°'" , ,,,, '"'"' '"' U .S In 0 .--,,,_. _.. d<'!puty .sht'rlr'f.' t ha t boat reic1atr1-'I \Ion &hould bl • joi nt city a nd Af.Peartn&" twofo1·• 'th!' Coiita c.ouhty Qpera tlon •• •hould bt th~~ )>1 sa Cit Council and Clt v 1>\tn· t1auan('1 of moorlnJ: Pf'l'TTlll• •nJ t Y • df'('iaion of m oorlnJ' a.r•aa. agar Gf'O rJ'• Coffl'y tonlrht. rep· S•nlta t1on ha1 two-en undl"r thr rewntatil'I!• or the volunt<'!t'r ('lv1I· count~he1lth olfh:er with rt'port1 i&Jl dt"fen• l(TOIJll ot Collta Meaa, filed with bot h. th11 clly ai:i~ eoun-tt:.ailed by Mr1. G1ry F rtdrlk111n, ., ty, Fire prote-etlon I• • Joint rP-aponalbility, v.·ith, th!' rounty fir• will pre1e11t a concrelf. pllln of ac- boat operat ing under Jlinad\ctlon Hon for t ppro•·1<l. Cotft'y, ... haad of th• harbor m11ter , and he \1 of the local CD pro1;r1.m. h•a on lo optr11e undrr direclton of t h" file 1 ·c:l vll!&n defrnM orlilnlll'lc• city fire chief when thfr1 It an and rfllOIUllona ,\•ltd i9M. vol.Id oviarlap1ng of r.i1pon1lb!llt~ C ITY, COUNTY FE9!1 Pier P.•nnlll, encin~r!ng lll\d petrohn&" a r. a joint operation with f11t1 tor pomi!ll w ithin th• city to. J'O tq the clly tna.ur•r and tha.e on county property lo tbl" county trtu urt-r, All ordlnlll\ce• 1.11d re111latlon1 ve to bt jo;rtntly a~d upon and pN..-.ted to tht City Council of N....port Stach and th1 board of wpetv111an for approYal. 1te111ra - tlon• tor u1 of harbor watti11 .,NI under aupervt1lon of th1 joint «ITT1mltt11t. and paued by the city t'OUncll. Mttlln11;: 11t thia An11ncen Legion Hall \\'..,dnelldey ni,i:hl, a pllLl'I of procedure ,,, ... decld~I upon. c'°""" Jy p•tl<!'rnrd a.rter th1I of Newport 8'11.r h. Jl:d&"&r Hill. 1&11leltnt dlrK - tor a t Newport. hu offerl'd lhe local group co1qpl•l• •aaalatanc• f'rom their explin ence, with k•y min. available cour111 and an •x- ch&nJI of rtpre1111ntat\ve1 a t a ll mu!lnfll. SIGN UP IN NII from Co(fl'f "11 a 1tat1 1urv1y of local ruoutet1 In rrprd to lhl normal day'• aupply of food, cloth· inc and mltdtc lne1, H arvey Pe&M. well1re cha!m 1p,n of CD In Ntw- port. d1acu1Hd dtlaU• of the u.me 1urvry he hu ju1t t'Onducted thefl . Mra. R<lbert KepJ!f'n. Red Croat 1ervlc• chair.man. fln l a id 1111\rut'- tor. ,.·ho h•• lak•n a 1l•!! CD ettu- ('aliol'I CGmmunlcla.lion1 courw , dlaclllllld the 10 1!1p1 lo 1untval in ca .. of attack. 8he 1tated tha t c:lvillian defen11 la c&..llt~ •Urvtval ln•url.J'\C• ln·tht1 arrL lntortnallon and m1ll"r1&I w!U bit siv•ri upon r11"1 1tr•tlon. MESA CD GAOl 'P ,... r•1l1tratlon, ft) worlt eut M ctl 1tep, ata tN ~1 r•. ~'rto.lnkttn. 8he ur1;1'd •ve1·yon1 lo ttgl1t~r al Nt,.•port lmm •dl•tely u "lh•1r n lea ,Ir<'! OPf'll lO U• •nd '"'Ill fl.I tr•n-ftrred her• whtn w1 ••'II· N a\\y." Alh •r• fr•• t o caJI h•r MIWf'f'n l to J p rn , aJltl I to 10 p.m. a~ LI I-•~. •he a1atN. A.11 ITl fOrmetto"' 1\~ru1uni plan1 w\11 bf publlahed 1friht' n•w•pipara ll!'ld all J'TOUp.t or eltl••n1 are ura:ad to foiii thla t'°Oml'l1uniU" 1ffori'"---- LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED. DIRECTORY APPUANCES -Houebold Part• -0ea1# -l1rvl« LIDO cu;cr11.1c Mtt \'ta Udo -Hanot t1t1 AUTOMOBILE DE/l.LEIUI New and ua.ed Ca ... saC~KTZ 8TVDCllAUa 81.J.. !Yrvk"ll! ran. M16 N_,.rt 1Y"'--a.. all ' ' BANKS a-ti of Anterica :0-'T a 8A IW4o \'ta l.Jdo -Hubor 1611 B/l.BBER 8Hj>P8 UDO l!IHA\'INO N VO b llWwell't 8ten for 11 .. IU9 Vta Udo -a.nor nit "ln11atar u the opratlon ot th• Joint co111mlttn II coac1rntd moet ot th• probl.m1 haY• been aolvwd t.o thia 1&tl1fac.tton or both the city ~-~-~--------~-~~~---~--------~-~-~-----~----~-~-~-~------land the county, &nd all of the · ~(l•lnUon will ti. at N•"'JIOrt for th• preaent unUI Ule local Ml· up It ready and .upplle• a Y&ilable. Th• lobby of lft• I~ po.t ortlce haa l>ffn off•red for Co•La M- re(latraUon. Several local (t'OUP9 •I'll already re11•t•rln(, 42 mem· ber1 of th• Girl Bcout council tak· Ing two blank• M<'h al their 'M\ltr .. day luncheon mMUng and the Granr• •irntn1 up &O ·~ thilr TV and radio w!l\ h&"ii only twv t tauona OpC'n tor Conelrad tn1troc- Uon1. A flr1t 1.ld 1n11r1ency 111.- llon l.I bl'lnr tonn<'!-d tor Hoag Ho•- pltal wh..ire trained paraonnel, nUrl.f1 and lab techllltll.J'\1 aJ'll nttdl!d.' A. child cu • 111.Uon I• being pl&nned t or the .children t>f' th-volunteer workera. Accordlnl' to Mn. K1ppen, ,.n type1 or YOlun- tHr worker1 will be riMd•d. She 1poke ai.o of Yar1oua tralnln&" eou ...... betnf tanned ln thta &Ha. A nation-wide &..l•rt Ill acheduled tor ll01Tll Um• durln&" the dayl of J:.ine l~ and 16, 1h1 w1.rn<!'d. 111':/l. UT1' P /I.BLOM LIDO 8Al.OS OF Bl:AUTT ltl6 Npt. lll'f"d. -.ll&r-Plf S6n for Albriglits The Rl'x Albl'111thl• of SUI lllpal Road are parent.a of a new aon born. May 9 at St. Joe1ph Ko1pLtaJ. Th• younplrr welshed 1 !bl., 11 OL . CITY-COUNT·Y meettng1 hav• bern h•rmonlou• and helpttll. not only In .olvtng problern1. but alao In formulatln1 better plan1 for th• malntianance and open.lion of the ha rbor , - , A• thia community grov.•a Ind co11- d!Uon1 change, lhe probl<'!m• be· come ,-realer and at the p riaeent tim• thtre are a number of Item• that lhould r«•IV• attention," tha Co11u.ued fro• Plnt Pap letter •tat11. OOUSClL OllA 'I' A.SUD. A queatLon and 1n-•r perlnd followed I he ta.lk•. A•ldt frnm the meellns Ulat ev"'11111. Tti. Junior 1urvey and re11atrstion plan1, no BOOKS ftOOH CA.!>lr:: , Stlt ·\'la l.ldct -fbrbof tt64 and Senior P'rtday Afternoon Club acUon will bf. 11.ken unUI tha ac· CAMERAS .t Supplle9 membet>• will •Ip up at their ceptance nf th11 group '-' a clv1· \'lNCf:NT t.100 DRUOIJ ln1tallatton meetlns-on May JO llan d,.fenH una by the city coun-I'll \'i-. Lido -Barbor~ &nd 26. ell lndlvidua\ croup meeUnga will ' n. croup'• nr1t ... trnment M planned for voluntMr~ thn:iu&"h CARPEl"S & DRAPERID vl110rt which Wll• ~cenlly reveal· --· -lUO \'ta S.U-llarbof &nl f==;;;;;======:;;=======~:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;==11 DICK MAC.:KER • ed lo the N ......... Preu. n POT RITES Th;• '""' wu do<od Muoh H I CATERINO 22· 19~~. ., p TV AICHAAD'H LIDO JllAlltlU>T--~~4 Growth or the community and Coatbaoed ,,_ nt ~ r' ALE.:S i&SI \'la Ude -Hamor tltl ch•n~lng cond!lion• h•ve prl'.ent· IJ&m Denl1ton, 8outh P&adl'nA; Jlt - I'd nl'W .probll!ma to the Orange Nlcholu DeS&..lvo, Temple Ctly ; CLOTHING -He.i'• Retail County Joint Harbor Comm ltlel" Donald Duncan. Altadl"na ; An1d lllDWl:LL'8 SHOP roa MY.!"! SILVER ANNI\o.ERSARY -Old times were recalled when this group of early-day Newport Harbor Union High School folk chatted at Wednesday night'125th high .i:ic_bool anniversary celebration 11taged for high school board membeni, student body le'i!"e.t:s. [acuity and civic,leilders in Irvine Coaa\ Country Club. From Jett. Superintendent Sid Da\'idson, Theo Robin&, original high achool trustee; Mrs. Albert Sparke8 , '[irst High School P.TA president, 1936, Cliff Haven; Judge Donald J. Df'dge, first school trustee and pre11ident: On ·al Lloyd, Student body president, 1939, ~ta 1>1esa. -Staff Photo Port Theatre to Run • SGlk Vaccine Film v.·hose rl!<'ommend1.tlon1 to the Enck110n, So1.1th P••den•: l'nlnk Mtl Vt& t.w. -Hartoor ..... Nev,.port 8 e11.r h CHy Co uncil and F'ritchll', Monrovl•: Jame• Got· 1upervl$0r1 have l•r,i:~ly dl'clded don, South P....,dena~ • RCA VICTOR DEAl:ER CLOTRJNG-Womm.'• ~tab, how the bay 1<rea 1ilou!d be opre&t· RA.ymond Harley, P....,dena : Ed· • All " k All p & T b lA lllaNE ed ~lnce the committee wu t orm-ward Hawkln.11, South Paa&dena : M& 8S --arft U 91 IOI \'ta M.0..-.a.rtler 6610 ed In 1946. the letll"r etat,..~. KarTy Houdy1hell, Alhambra : Rob-e H I $ • j 'f ' A I • & R • LIOO FAijliJONS ones c1en ' 1c na y111 tp•tr --~ 11,1 H OW MASV Pl.:RMIT!jf1 ert J otmaon, P .... dena; Bruce 1UO Vt& Oporte -~....- Amonit the n<'!w problrm1. the J ohnaon, Weit Covin•: Don1\d • Prompt Service 8KADDOC .. '9 lettecr cites th<'! que•Uon of t111uance Johnaon, South Pua.den•; A l&n M l t \It:& IJ4o -Hartoor H11 ot on ... ot two p11nnlt1 tor iteruc· Joyce. Burbank: Malcolm Lock-• Reesoneble Prices \'AOAllOND HOV81: ture.i within thr corporate Jl mitlr wood. Covtn1.; Cecil Ml.lleU, T<'!m· Imported Spor~•r ot the city, but loc•l....U on coimty pl• City; Jiarvi~ Malh1w1, SWI· TARTER TELEVISION lilt l 'la Ullo -a.nor H04 Udrland1? l&nd; William Mi:Be., Whittler iand &UO 8TOn•• It ian annual rental 11 charged MurT&y Mcivor, Belv1d1r1 G•r· 1Acu4 Beac,b-Col'OllA del 11.u D ......,.. for ~•tructur<'!t locaUd on Ud .. d1m1. ttM r.. C-& """' . l 'l.N'CE.,'T8 UDO D&UOll ' lands, would the city or oount)' M--9. and Mmea-David Mc-BYa.t& f-6111 llarWr .... .....,, Vla Udo -llArMr MN r...celv1 th• rental? NH ly, ~a; a.ore• M-.do••·1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I EIZC1'IUO CX>NU&Cl'ORS Und~r which JurlMllctlon would Whittler; c..tl Nt l-r, Loa An· UDO CLECl'IUO , moon n..:1 be owned and r1nted? &"el••: De1.11 OIMOn, K IJ'hland P-!-tk IU6 V.. U..0-......,. ,,.1 ln connection with unex1.Uon of I.lid Re(lnald P&J'<'!l. Monrovia. • U pp<• Bay, •y <h• C'Uy ot N~· "-"· ""' Mm ... Johft Pun· f IBERG LASS PA NELS FLOWERS port Beach, 11 th11 1taru1 ot tht pertn, T1mpl1 City; G . .A...h1n IUC~D'tl LIDO llA&ltl:T acquired area dlfCtrtnt from that Park In Ion, WhHUer: 'Mloomu CorNJ-T&bl• ArTM«•m•11\1 t !.ln1lnl1ler Ltem1 conc•mtnr wa-San Gabriel. ten of the bay? Menn, and Mm•. Roc:<:l Rou. \\'bHl·bf'MJl:en FOUNTAIN, GBILL ALLRED PLEADS ·GUil TY ·TO OSER JOB: SENTENCE DUE or tht lower bay &rea!'Who will Pemrt, Puadena and John Peny, 4 7 Patlom NP \'ta Ude -ll&rMr 11111 The letter 1tart1 With tha 'nat&-Weal Covina; Howard Roth, SOuth C VINCEST'8 LIDO DRUOfll Rell'•~! by the 1<J'eci1.\ nev.·i di-rnent thllt 1lnc<'! formation of Or· P ... dena: Hatty 8chll'lldt.. ArCa.d· A"'9J.&111 Mil \'la UOo -ltarbor IOOl v!!ion vf K -K-0 . .11. Jocunienta.ry anre County Hirbor Dftr:rlct 1n la ; Stan.l•Y ScHnflder, Loi J.n.1"el11: sq. CV Perb FRAMES .& .&LBUMS Jud9e Denies Probation Request; Sherrick to UnderCJO Psycho Exam • filn1 Jealln;: v.·11h l.l r. S11lk'1 pdllo 1934, Newport Heach City council Y.'oodrow l!ebaUJ'h, Temple ~f~ ft. 1·10-11-rt.. 11u, .u.. -GF.R.HAKOT STtlDIOll v1<cclne v.·i!I .. start sn exclusive and the board of 1upt:rvt.or•hav1 Y.'l\Uam &!mpl•. Ea.ti Steer, Nit \'la Udo_ Harbor 6608 Hflrbor 11rr11 n in •t t h!! r "rl Thea-bt>en at v11.Ti&nce over which hu Puad<'!na: Eugene Surp~nant. OPEN DAILY MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY authority ov1r l1arbpr arl"&I ""lthln 'Wh1tU1r; George T•&"llaptet.ra. Ar-I L m. -I p. a:a. FURNITURE t r•, Corona ael ~l ar, th!• \\'edrie1-... lhe r lly U~tl. Thi• varl•nc•. tha c&dla : D&waon Te&tprd, Sou .. , -s. f. DICK MAt:IU!:R J ay. letter •l•te• r!!IU\tl'd In the form•· Puadena1 Z...""1'<'!nc• U1r1ch, Wl"tt ('>I. /J.. 11 II n 11 Mt•, ..... Udo -Hanor U t:I S A!\"TA A="A IOC:-.S I \\"1l1 1:1m ti 1<v,ler1 rhe~k11, I. $200 WfllCh and According to Johnny 0 1tford. llOn Of tht joint harDor commlllH , CoYlna; , _)c utlz--.H-u·{berl (/..)uild~rj UD'f 'I F. Allred. Ju, or,,,. L'ftn11-<!a Frhluy ... ~ring. Port n111.n111:ei-. thl1 f\lJnl'd 1lu1cu•-con1l1\ln~ of two ctly councilmen Ch&rle1 Veu.ey, An9helm: JO.· ri GlFI: SHOP pleio.: .... 1 1:u1lty tu b11t;:\11.ry. rob-An •~llt'rled accomplice, Lincol n sion v.·ill bti &hown fur ont wel'k &n d two harbor commh1a!oner•. eph Y.'ajdlk, Monrovia; 1Uch1rd M'i\oft~ .. RetaU Bw.Udn• Boni-re lllCHARD'!S LIDO. llARHt:T bc t•y "n<I ""~"11Jt w1 lh 11 deadly A. Shf!rr\ck ,311,&..lllO o r Z... Canada, w hich h ... met one<'! a month, or Wella, Wt •t Covlna : Friank Witte, Phone Liberty 8-78M.. Ull \'ta Udo -Harbor t !l'll "'"apon ch:i ri.:•·• wlltn ht· w11.11 11.r· \11 &lated to appear btfore J udge t long v.·ith • twin !e•ture bill In· oft<'!nor, with th• hubor en(lnetr, Ruada; Mlchaer T ork, South 222 Victoria SL (near Nufport BlvP.') Cotta lie.a llNSUR•~c• AG•~ ra!g-n1'd hl'f,.rc 1111penor court t\he>Jl on Identical charge• thl• cludin11: '"T hrP..i 101· lh<'! !<>lan<.'y" and harbor mai ler, city m an&J'tr &nd Puadena 1.1\d Donald Yowi&", San A.I." .,, .....,,,&~ J "'''' J"I•- 0 1••·• 1 ;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;::~~~~;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;.;;::~~;.;~~::;;~;;;:;:;:;;;~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;._;;m_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 W. o . BV('H, L"(;, w v .. " Frhlny. •·J ump Into HO'll." cit y l'ng\neer to mak1 rtcommne-.Gabri~!. atOO \'._ Lido -Harbor t444 AUr>:"d \\!l.s loro •u;:l1 l !'"fv1'r \hr har O! jUlltl<'e ll!l••1'-hl' l~trul'lZl"d the honit of Lui<.> l"lf .re1Hlenl.I, ~r. l fld ~In. Alfx 011er :>2~ \'h1 Lldo Souo r. April 17 11 nrl ahot Offit'l'I' \\"1ll1111n T11lbtot In Ult h•n(\, J 11llg<'! Shfa 11llov.·rd pit a on a )l\dna pin;: •'j •Unt <!ef~rre<-1 until pronounl·•·mt>nl or J11olg:n1ent tlatr, Ma~· 27. T he >J11•1i;:.-r,rolerro\ 11 lir<'!· ••ntell<"t 1n\·~.•l11;11i1<>t1, but \urnrd dov.·n 11 requr"\ f<Jr • 1•roh11t1on il!arino: A lln••I. Jn cu~toiJ.\', 0:11•·1 h1n1atlf q.p Rrt rr •"1n1n11 ng !h<'! <"hRnntl lktwr<'n L!r'!" l~lr Rn•l !ht Li<1o Prn1n~ulr. T h,. ll<'!i'no!,.nf •• 11rru~ ... t ~·f 1 W<'!1 k1ng lntv !h<' ll~··r ho111r . hold· •g )>ft ""'I)>\,-~ i •,.t r 11.t gunpoint '11<1 ti1k1n;: )t i ~ in r1<~h . $!;\l In Too Late to Be Classlfied ~ ~l!Cf'U_tu\l'~O~u~•---­ llOl" IX l nJlan ~•!h"I n1occu ln1. b<!'!\1. br•i;"•l<'ll and o!her tteni•. Bill J onlan. 3~~ >:11.11 16th Sl., COi!!& ~ll'M . ~2c:l4 FOR a KI\'OCA:OUT DEAL on au automobilE>. call me, Country \\'a11hburne, Chry11-' !er-Plymouth, Lou Reed & Auocia.te., LI 8-3486. ~2cM lnt FORD modt l A pickup. B m otor JM. 811 Kinr• Plal'•. l'f...wport HI.I. U I-MM &AftOAIN 1r.14o t•-tt. neauon tralll.r, alm09l new. Bi~h Wood Jntlr1or. Prtva t1 party. S&ll6. Har. 3112-\\", 62-p • . . • - I WE'VE • MOVED INTO OUR NEW HOME COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE f ACILITIES CHRYSLER • IMPERIAL • PLYMOUTH INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRUCKS ~ •USED CARS• We're at Your Service Now in Our New Home -. ~ * WATCH FOR, OUR GRAND OPENING ANNOU.NCEMINT * ' -• • • ' - .• INTERIOR DECOR/I.TORS 111.A..."'CHE P"UUU:ll80N A..l.D. Ult \'la IJdo -JIMtlor liJM DIGIL llACk£& WO \'la Udo -Karbor ••'ll ~oos c ar::JGHTOS-A. I. D. Ml.lac• lm'P">rM 600 vi.. !lfalaca -Haritor JS'i.':l M/l.JUlEl'S . R.ICHARD'S LIDO MAJUlF.T IUI \"ta Lide -Hwkr tll'll PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS GEllffiauT 8TtJDI08 ltlt \"la Ude -H&nor t40I REAL ESTATE UDO ac.U.Tl' A880CJATE~ Udo Sal...-• Rianta.11 UGO \:ta Udo -KutNlr ~· P. A. f'ALMJ:ll ISC. IQI vla Udo -Urbor 1600 \'OOt:;L OOM.PAN"V Jtlt Via f.Jdo -Harbo' 4.111 JIA.V A."i"D HACH REA.LTV \'ta Udo Brtd&e orn ... 1111 L&P'_,•U. -Hal1Mtr NU SA VIN GS " WAN /l.SSOCl/l.TIONS S"E\\'PORT B..u.llOA. SAVIN Ga , • LOA..~ A.88001ADOlf A savtnc• lnltltuuon Lot.J Term HorM-Loana .... \'ta IJ4o -Harhr &IOI SEl!VICE STJl.i10N& UDO IUCID'ISLD Nll N-..rt ~ ... IT §HOES-II•'• BIDWEU.'8 llTOU roa KP NU Via LJM-....-MU l'JIE/l.TBD UDO TlttATU Con1Ult thl• pa-pet" tor pro(T ... , . ._ U4o at N__.n ..... ......, 1114' TOYS LIDO TOTL.t.HD MU \'la Udo -Ra,.., _. TR/I. VEL ACENCIEll H.A.ABOa TaA VF.L AO&MCT NII ·"t•por\ BIY•-Hu, MM UPHOLllTERING , DICK llACK.J:a ... \'ta Udo -HMttor - WINDOW COVERING 1111: "HA.Dt:; 8HOP Nen• hmt 0 S • * • , DRE'S THE CRAMP8-0n hand to defend lut year's win in the West ern Sprint Champloublp racee ta the United Stitt.ea Naval Academy. Sailo~. from left. are Willis Rich, bow; Denni• Sloan 2, Jerome Watllon 3. Robert Graue 4, Russ<'ll-,.iensley 5, Deo- nard Anton 6, J ohn J'orbrick 7, Maury Browne, stroke. Kneeling is Coxswain Kent Drummond. CLEAR FROM CANADA-The University or British Columbia shell will gi\·e an In- ternational fl avoi: to the Western Sprint Championship Races on North Lido Channel May 28. From left, Bill Hughes. Bob Wilson, Ken Drummonrl. Hermon Zloklikovits, Laurie West, Doug McDonald. Tom Toynbe<-, Mike Harris, Gkn Smit h, Manager Don Laishley. Kneeling is· Coxswain Carl Ogawa. REGATTA COMMITTEE CITES NEW FEATURES PROVIDED FOR MAY 28 r i ·tt TAR . SPIKE ·CREW SET FOR CIF SEMIFINALS Southlancl~s Oldest CIF Record ... lr~•n by .Don Beatty Saturday With Harbor High'' distance twina, To'd White and Don Beatty, leading the way, Newport',a tra.ck and field men placed qua.lifiera in all three divisions for the ClF aemlfina.la at HuntingtQWl Beach tomorrow. White wu tht lone \'&ralty e&n.Pidate of the Tara to qut.Hfy. Top R8rformance o! the day in the ClF qut.?Urfina.la at 811.n Dle•o 8tate Collf'ge Satur-the 't'•r• in<-ludPd a.>orre Hood day wu delivered, by Beatty. Ou.-141th a third jn th• 660 a nd th• plte bluatery breezo. the amooth •tndlnl' Ta.r jW\lor broke a 2l· Harbor Klrh r.lay tn.m wtth a Vf'ar.old ClF rf't'Ord In tht' 8 1320. third In ll9 hut. Don WH clocked In 3:1:1.~. two- tenth• ot a .. cond undPr thf' time of J :U 6 aet back In tll3• by John Schuyler or Qlrpenterla. \ WHITE BETTER Oddly enough. Whitt' hu exceed- ed c>vl'n 8'-alty'a t1mf' In the B 1320 th18 aeuon. RunnlnJ \h• dlll· t&.na In thto Sun11l't lAlllflUl meet, While turned In a 1ansat1onal White turn~ In a l f'l\aatlonal 3 13 7 3:13 7 to bruk the loop mark nf •• 3:115.2 he'd ut In t he prellm•. \ n- Hl'SKIES REALLY ARE-Demonstrating the nickname are these members of the University pf Wuhington 1955 varsity eight, entrant in the Newport Harbor Rowing R<.'gatta May 28. From left, Gene Nommensen. Butch Thomu. Dick C at h ey, Ron Wailes, Dave Purnell, Curt Smith, Bob Thomu, Ned Ingham. KneeUng i• Couwain Mickt>y McKeown. fortunately. the mark did not ata.nd for ClF booking alncf' It wu not tn a chiunplonahtp CIJI' aftlllr By ~ling tt ort In tha. CrP' quartc>rflnaa. however, Be at t y eruu the oldut Southland prep mark, and &ivea Harbor High tr~ckmen <"redtt for running thP three taat,.•t 1320 tlmf'• ot th• lut HARBOR ~o~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, MAY lb, 1955 Lush Country Club Set for Yorba Linda Mnlion Dollar Venture lncludu Exclusive Homes By t:u ~1·u.t:!li1' ital 1n exc:-1!'1111 or a mllllon d0Uar11 r11rtntly in u c-row. will be bu tit oa a lhrf'"·~·1>ar plan y,1th the rountr.v <'lub llnd portions of thr acr!'11g,. t>t-insc rnn11tructed rlrat. T ht re ,,,.,II bl' b•tWef'n 300 and 400 rP11;!entllll plot• 110ld n-r th• rlub evtntually. St ,wllrt a l!IO allnounced at the meeting that member• of the Ana- htlm Gold Aaan. '4111 be lhe organ- 111allon from which 1111 commttlru will b!' formed iit the be~nnlng or the rlub. proV\ded c>nough AGA membfora take mt'mbenhlpa Th,.re 14'111 br 60(1 membershlpa l.MUl'•I. fXl'IUlliVe of .ael•I m•m· buahlp•. StPwart tmphu111ed that r•pllRI tor th., "nllre project la av&llabl• and that none or the rund11 ob· ANAKEJM, 10CNSl-A mllllon- dollar <'Ount ry C'lllb propo8t'd to be one or the rtnul In Cahfomlll 111 lalne1I from mem~rahlp• wm1 bf! Lawn Bowlen Vie in Singles Tw•nty-f1ve member• of the Nl'wport Beach lAwn Bowllnr Club are compeUng for the club rnamplonahlp In the Slnrlu claaa. The winner will rttf'ive a gnld rup u 19~ stnrlea club champion. 21 years. f'~l8MfSO KICK Whlt.e won hi• heat In the var- a1ty mile in •:27.1, unleuhlng • tlni•hlnc luck to ou1t Chula Vl1ta'1 Bob Coon out of Clr1t plact . White'• mark WU the aecond best In CJF quarterttnal mf'fll •bout the Southla.nd. Renf' Roirt-n ot Groaamont won h111"'San Dll'JO milt hea t ea.ally In 4 26.9. OthPr B hPllt wlnner11 for lhP Tar• Nmt In th,. hunllfs. Don Mt'N>dllh srls~orPrl th,. h1gha In II 3. Brut e Knipp niivlr;•l"tl th,. low• tn 14.l. . Fl.F.A Ql'AL&"IP:RS Fonner l'hamp1on Al Oxland la automaucally movt'd to u cond round In the toumament. Twelve g1'.mH Wf'N pla yed lul w~k with lhe roU-1ng tHUlt•: Jamu A .. ptn dPf. Mre. T Carr. 'J'aylor Ca rr rll'f. M ,... H . \Vheeler, Lew PPttlt A whnlt' pMllPI nf S11 llonr qu&h· df'f. Htrbt'rt Whf'elf'r, Uoyd Sll'P\'· flPt! In th,. C rl1vl11inn. nod W1l!Vln Pll dtr. Ed Murut. ~Wtkox dt'f. rtuhett lhf' 180 yllrdt'r t o win h11 W. A. Willard. Joe Sta.mp d,.f heat In H 7. John H,.nrotin 1"'1 Irene Bol!omwort.h, Bill Brim• det. I ahot rut tn11ser11 with a 49 rt. Bruce Huae., C. B. Rudd Clet. Roi-he&Vf'. J ark Newberry quallrlf'd 1n and B111ley. Waltf'r Pearaon dd . the polf' vault. G. N. Pu~P. Mr&. w. Pl'arson dtt Oth .. r nu WPlg'ht qualltler11 for ---- F.XTRA ! "Tamint The Crippler'• .. l~tnr "'IUI Dr. "60&·• Polkl \·.,-"1 .. Don Slyh. Nick Brf'ttner d .. r. Colin Brown, Mrs. W. Brim• Mr. Walter Wood. EVERY80DY'S GOING' TO THE BIG G\unu 11Chedull'd for thl• week &n!: Jamu A•pln va. Ed Wilcox. U oyd Stf'e\'H VII. J oe Slall1p, Al o'Xtand VII. Mra. w .. PHrM>n, c. B. Rud(\ ''"· Taylor Carr, Biii Brim11 n . l.A'w PttlUt. The thrf'fl · byu Wt'r" drawn by Nkk Drl'Uner. Mr9. W. Brim• a nd Waller Prar:wn. sche<tlllt'rt frtr 10;m!'rlu•I,. coml!rtlr· ll!l'>I In ron11lr11r l1<.n Rn•I de\'t' op· tion In Yor t;a l.Jnda, srror<llng t o mt'nl ot tht-J'&Opf'rt)" The! Ct~11 will bf' placed in lhf' h1ond• an anno unrernent mnt1e bv c,,. I ",\ny pt>r son who po11111 mrlll· of a loc·11l t'lfrrow company ~·Ith a ov.'T\Pr· Wllllllm B ~ttowi;rt of 1 lif'noh1p feP11 will be prol,.<'led until 100 pt r Cf'nl gua rantet," Slf'wart Hollywoocl. Ill a mtrltnjt or Anll· 1 the g r11nrt OJ'l'nlng of the rnurM 111111•1 helm Golf AMn. mt'mli"'" May 18 to 22 Santa· Ano lowl l;pnnlWlrl'd hy !ilant& Ana lJnu ('tub KIDS GET IN FREE Stewart. tosc•·t htr with his part- nf'r. Htrbf'rt A H1t<'hin11, r11rrh1111· f'd the 01<1 F E . Camp0..11 prop- erty bl'tWt't'n Yorb·a L1n•la Blvd . itntl Or&ngelhorpe A vl' .. j1u1t north Of An1the1m ror t1ev!'loprnent or bnth the <'01tnl n· rluh 11nd 11n l''t· <1,.,.,.lopm!'nt hort!Pnng thto r1111 r11r The prop<>•t'tl projf'<·t . w1(h cap· You'll Western Sprint Results Given their position• pnor to 10 a. m. and must re1111un on the hne unul EnSiCJft Ball Club 3 p. m . Jt Is requestt'rt tha t 1111 apt'<:tlltor boat• honor the \1s1tlng 1 ··n y·,e for Th·1rd crt'Wll with .. Full Dr!'llS" fo r the ·By KWIZ; Grandstand Improved F or the benefit of those who will be watching the erew racea on May 28th at positions along the North Lido Channel from which they cannot see the finish of the races. the Regatta Committee has vranged to nave results Clf the five final racea in the afternoon broadcast o\·er Radio Station KWIZ. If the spe<:tators in homes, boats and shops along the courtie and in ca.rs on the hills will set their dials at 1480, they will be able to ascertain immediately the positions and t1mea of the various crewa racing and the Win n<'rS of the fina.l•. The broadcast is sponsored by the Newport F urniture Company and should add much to enjoyment of the Regatta. Thia year the g ra ndstand hu the rt'gllllll has h<'cn prn\'1olct! to been pla.ced on the WYt tntl of I enabll' the sp;irt11tor11 t o id~nl lry th• County Dock property. ena bl· lh" ere~·io entl kP<'P thPlr 1n<11,·id· ln( a pectators • rull view down 118 1 rf'Cord !•r the winning 11•11nu1 UI• counie 11ml the finish line An anti t heir tlmr tmproved public nddreea 11,vslt'm The Regatt~ Committee agl\in Will carry a runntng account of 1•alli1 to 11ttent1on uf t he gPner11I each race f rom •tart to flnf11h. A public the flirt :'l;orth Li,lo Chlln· large refreehments booth a m1 r!'sl nel will be dost"d 10 All 0081,. f rom rooma have been provided .. 'I'lcke~ 10 a.. m. 10 3 p. m. ~fay :!Rlh. h~· for Hata In thla mo11t a d\11.nlag.-dtttction of the l". s. C:oaft GuarJ -•pot. wher• the thrilling finish and the :-;ewJ'(lrt H a rbor Patrol. llprtnlll can be attn a.nd enjoyed In dbmtor t, a re now &\'&liable Ill the oft'lc• ot the N ewport Harbor Chamber or Commerce or may bf ~hued a t the g•te on r11ce day for th• nominal 111m or $1.26 In· dudlnr tu. PROGRAM EXC'EU .El\'T All tJlcell•nl program contain· ... eomplete ln!ormatlon about s1~t&tor boa ts will be permit· tell to anchor. tori' 1u111 11ft. on 11 line between t he SPn Seoul Sla· lion bc>ata Ju11t northwest of the· Llrlo Bndge. :"o 11p«:l11tor boats wtll be permltte.I to follow lhf' ri1cta or to gatht>r At Iha f1n111h line. In ordt r to ll1'~Ure no m er· frrence 141th the n\r1h1t Rhrll11. A II apeclator boau m11Rl tllke 11p .. Balboa Fun Zone ; . OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTIR O<'CUl!ln. Ry Rll.I. FLORV PRA<.Tf<"E. ·'"EF.OS On Frida,. prece•llnr the races lhe t re.w11 will be prll<'ttcrng-on the Xor1 h Li4<> Ch1111M'I As 11 eo•trl!'ity 10 th• rrt'\\'I ll I• re-q11l11ted t hat t he hoat opet a tor• slow rtown when pM111ng the •hells In orrt"r tha t the ":like do<>~ nol awarn r the fragile expensive shtlll1. Tiie R t'galla Commillee will gn•111ty a rrrec1ale lhe rea•ly com· pllaJwe amt conpera lion nf all t tm· 1 rrnP<I with lheSf' nf'rr• .. ><r\' r••scu· la.lions lo 11.."11Urc-th" conllnut d 11uc- t'l'i111 «f lht• j:;r•'Rl lllWlnj.!' f \'!'nl whtrh ha~ bro1tjlht aurh oul~l11nd­ lng nat .. ~nnl pr11"e 11ntl hnnor to the \11y of :"twporL Beach. Orson We lln, H111lywood produc- u -"l'd like to do a 111mplt hi~· mlln. 11n•h emat1r film a bout tht tntl of I he world." Mnnc n~: PRtn;S! T.JMI:: \\'t:A. Tllr.:lt : IWU:S! <'OFTI;r;:: Led by Arthur Garcia. La J olkt won II• fourth 11trair;ht bMebaJI A'&me wlth a 2-1 vie· t..ory over H orace Ensign lut Wl'!'k. For the local la.dll. out.stand· Ing player w11s Ron C&rl, w ho w11lked In th~ first frame &nd dnuhled In the thlrt1 stanu. Cul a l110 11roN'd Ne14-port 'a lone tally Jn current 1tandlng1. New- port 1s t11'd for thlrd with a 2-2 muk. r.;,.wport•• next f ray wlll ~ llltJllMt Wutm1n.ter. JOHSS TONE'S Mesa Auto Wreck•n t'M'd Auto Part• Mid A tcaMfrib 2075 flacentia A\·e. U~rt)-f-7011 Coeta MHA The HARBOR gets up early every day, 7 to 10 A.M. with on Radio KWIZ ' 1480 Oft the radio dial "'-- ...,.,r.._...c~•o-w-- • • • AND YOU'LL •QQ• FOR THE PRICE, TOO I . Jiu 1b• rar "' ~011r d,,.,.., •'••r• ~ t-c.t nf rruhf 1l rll, f""P."e foe •CllOo-"Rcdet .. •rtion: f or ii you no fit an y MW cu U.to ,._ futuu. •<>tt r•n uli.r 1111 .. lo• dudift«..., OW.. mobile for '55! Doubtful! Ju•I talr .. • ~ •t - pric• ... anti try eo ,;, 11/U! Tb&. bi1. bHuti/uJ "Roell•l .. r..._1.,. Oldomob1I .. ••"" Uwt &nw. I"'~ linro -m "••1 oul of lin«": Tbet'e wby .. ..,,, don't h•u to "Mt UlM drH• oat"! You e.10 ukr romm•nd of• "fttdl!t 8"' teday! !top i- f ,\) AUf.\D ••• DaIV!. IT TOUHEU'! c-, .. s-........... ......,.. a.. .,_ ..,._c::r..t ~ ~09' ••• $ 246 5°0 ____ ._. __ , __ ....,, ~~ ............ ~ . .-..... ,_,......,..._ _ .. -.i .... -... ..........-.......... -. .......... ,... ...... .... ......... .-.-....... _ .. .._ __ .. _......,_ ...._.-- n 1 •••• •u111r •u•••ttu 11u11 , M-ILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Wftt COCllt .H .. wsy NIWPOIT IEACH PhoM u.....,, 1-2261 eo ., ........... " TO•lllUt , ............. ,, ......... " ... . , I I ,. " .. ' f · r.''=-.. "' "'"T '' -NE\AtPqRT HA~BOR NEWS~RfSS MONDAY. MAY 16, 1955 • • IUC IASHERS GET BOPPED Coach Wendell Pll'kC'na' ro· k~1'9 may t>. Eut.ern Cor.fu· enra C'hampe onr a a.rain, but that dldn t prevent 'n On11ce Cout Culles• alumni nlnt troni Jl()k1n1 IJl•m 1''11.h. deit&J. htUrdl y. The C'UtNlnt Nratu drnwf'd a 7·4 fr ay In the •nnual di•· mond cla-'\ with lha old llmtra. Irvine Fem Golf Go Starts Today 1'n·1ne c,'8.lt <:11un1 ry C"lub'1 wo· m~ f t1lter1 \re ft1r 1 he Club Cha.mrrl'n•h1p th1a .wnk The l& hot, qu11tty1n1t round 1tarted ht· duy et 8 t 8 a m Matt h l'la\' •l&rt1 tomorrow With lll.e fmt lt l l'heduled for r rl• day. Th~ 18 IC>w q11alltltT1 "'Ill pl•Y 1.o tllf' ChamP1on1hrp P'111ht which will b• pla ~tod a t arratrh. Other fll1hl.• will b" played •l 7 .g 'lland.l· ca r . ' Jerry Ric., Wayne C'ourh· trM and Don Ltl_.,h, Plrken1' bll three mound ata!t, look turna on the hill ag-alnet the alumni. Thry gave UJl C>nly fl\'I hlta, but I.he alumni made I.hem a dd up to a \'lctory. The Buca bop~d out IK'Ven blnrlu. The mnnthl~· trophy at Irv1ne Cout C"CIU!llry Club ended 1n a lie with a low nf't C>f 74 •eol'ld• lty Mary K. Rn"''"" and Mra. Bart MrHugh Thoe ladle. ar1'1ted tn 'play 1t otf at the aam• lime lhey quall!ll'd for thP C'lub ChamplOll• •hip today. ONE FIRST 'J'UE GOLOF.~ BEAR--Co m pet ing in the N e wport H a rb or R ow ing Regatta May 28 will be the boys from &rkeley. The varsit:· e ight . frqm left. Marshall Lf'\'e, Jar ques de Lorimier. Di<:k R ahl, R l')n KlingC', N nrm P.lr sons, Bill Walk e r , B o o RhC'm, T o m_ Sa_ilor Soph Flash Grabs Swim Title -LigbL In front is Coxswain Do11n Stc\'cns. HUSKIES LOOM AS THREAT TO M·IDDIES IN HARBOR ROWFEST \\'ashlngto11's Husk1· 11 J<>omt·<1 11~ :>If\, I c ontf'nutt to 0111- 11troln> dPf ••ndtn,ir N,.,.,. fur I he 11!1 It 11111111.1/ Z.,:rwpo1 t Harbnr \\'e:;lt-rn 8pnnl 'hnmpic·n~h1r h•·rP ~la~· :!'I sftl'r """kcnt1 re!'t:lls of rrew compNll 1un At'r<•·'" !ht• no11lnn The i;moolh Husky 1·rtw thumpul ('allfnrn111 I' 1; .. 1.i1 n Bia rs Salu• <111y In win thP 491h ann1111l Pa• lf1<· 1 • ... 1s1 rowing chamr1on .. h1p al l'l'olrl•'. Mr11nt1mf'. N111·y r1111ie In h1st in th" l Olh anrual efl!•l• rn ~;111ni;: l'"''llllC "'l'nl t•ll lhP l'utront:t". rrnn~yh·an1~ l•)o k <Wrr tilt l1llf' from thP s 111• 1:< Aft• r ,,,.. !~Ung Cc.tnl'll by mo1 e than tt lenli:Lh. .. Friday 13th But Gal Golf' Lucky Sc.phomore f111.11h Don Reud1ng · Ion 11<·ored Hai liur ll1gh's lone !ll'!'t In lhf' CIF' sw1mmlni;-<'h11mp· lon~h1r f1nal11 111 1::1 Sri:tun•lo plu111te f.~rldoy night HI' nabbed The g olfing p l• at Jrvme Coast I !he varsity 200 !ret.!!tyl11 !Ille In Country Club hatl their ~gular :? 04 8, lhrce·lt'nlh!I or a second i:>ft Ladl~' Day lul F r11111v and tho his rt<'l'ntly 11t t 2 04.3 school rec· ll was Frtd11.y Ule 13th. 1t pro\'ed ord In lht rvPnl a lucky day for 11 ff'w of 1 hf'm. I However, his try for an ironm•n Pl11.yin~-~11t h11U thrrf'eome 1tunt In th" 11pluhfe11t !11.1led to "1th one pktyer from C'IC'h h9n'11· I pa y nff. \\'Ith Jll11t felt¥ e1·ent11 • ar rlasJt A, B lln<l. C -the eapara11ng lht> 100 tree. RNidm~ton \\ 1nn1>rs of thl' "''tnt with a net I c11me in no better than 111xth, Hi!' 66 were Mr!' Bart MrHu1:h, Mrl!, CIO<'klng of :17 fllt.t wu a fnll 111'1' lfarold Smell 11.nd Mrs l.1nds11.y ond off Don'1 ~6 !la t achoo! recor1I \'oungbloo<t. Jn l!«'tond plare with The Tar mrdlpy rt'l1t.y team of a net 67 14'PN' Mr•. P11.ul Daniell, P1t e S<'hull>Prg, Jerry F11rquh11r :.111.ry K. Browne and Mr11 Roy Ly-and Reddington came ln fifth. It n1an. Six le&ll\4 tltd for third wu annuO<'ed by <.:<>ach Al lrwln Phil Woolptrl, roach. USP' c .... • ch&Jllpa-"lf wlnnlnir; v.-Pni thl' only tlllng. I wouhln't be coachlnc bu- kftball " High style at l1w Clst HILLMAll ••ca11to•nlan" HARDTOP "'°'U .. ._ ............ _ ..... ...,_ ... ..., ....... ..... kl I It"' L ... I• Han·ey Mayer Motors t lST Hamnr tu.._ C'neta Mpea lairuar-T rtumpll OoN"ltl·Hlllmaa ~TRAIG llT SHOUTER -Lt. Col. Leland C. Mc A uJey of 124 Via M e ntone joined m ore than GOO t op Marine shoot ers w est of the M !l::sissippi in the Marine Corps W estern Di- Yision R ifle a nd P istol matches, May 9-14. Ser\'ing on active duty with the M a rine Corps from 1943 t o f'953. Mc A uley has hE-en inlcresle<I in !'<h ooting for 30 yt>ars. He is no w claims o rncer for the Orange County \'elerans Service Center in . Santa Ana. -US~fC Pho to The t;S(; l\hell 1lownrcl l'C.:l.A e>Vf'r the 20-00·mett>r tours!' on Dallona Cr;:ork 11t Pl11y11. dr l fll'y, r uthnic 11way 111 lh•· I 1~t 2:10 mtle1tt, tht! Trojans w(ln by nm• len1:lh in fl O!'I 10 lhe Bruln11' 6.09. B-Oth c:rew1 a re l'ntertd In th" rhamrton~hlp racl'• htre. plai'r. The time wu l 2~ 7. Jerry F11r-.j r.============~ quhar took third In the varally 100 BATTLE FOR THIRD Practice Mine Goes Into Main Beach POTENT PIRATE· POKERS PARADE OFF WITH THIRD STRAIGHT FLAG Slumping ·rar Nine Goes Against Saints T ue~day A b attle for third place fa ced Coach Emil N~me's Part of a rrtagTittlc, non-e'lcplo· >'IVP pr&t'llce mine washed up on Main Beach, police said Friday. An a.mmunllfon1 officer from Seal L• arh Na VI\\ Ammunition Net De· pot l ook the Instrument back to lhP base. He aa1d H wa~: probably dt lach· rd !rom lt1 location by purat!' 11eln- era and floated 'uhort. Eastern Conference Champs Go Against Citrus Nine Tomorrow I land Hill and ~Vttzd...-ounted th.• Newport H arbor prep nine as the Sunset League baseball G d G Los flr:it m11.rker In the third tr1tmt. s~on m oved into Jts final three" ~rays. T omorrow on Lio ns ar en rove es Big lnntng waa th• fourth. Tony Field in Costa Mesa, the Tars tak e on Santa Ana's S aints. GARDEN GROVE COCNSI -Lombardo led ott with a alnr le, Tall 8 . J. Schaffer pitched a two· brl'UUlroke, rn l (17 6 I Ttd \'on Hemert Ued the ?"PW· port Harbor High school reconi ot 1')8.2 1n the B 100 freu~·le. but 11llll ca.me In 1'1fth.• Kt-n ~ft-Oden· hofer nt that mark In l9M. The S&llor four man rel11.y team aet a new school record of 48.6 while romlng tn fourUI. JUSt to emphu lz:e c11.llb<'r of the ClF com· petlt10n. Speeding the dlat&nce !or the Tar waterflr u were Joe Buah. Da ve Brlckn~r. Jerry \Yhl~· akt-r &nd Prytoa ~ed. f<>llowpd by a binfle off the bat ot The Sailor sluggera were dumped Into fourth spo t hitter and Tualln look advant•«e Buddy Pierce. H iii •trolled. Wetz"! Friday afternoon at F ullerton when their erstwhile jinx O\'e r c1t •Ix errora to elOp Ga rden Grove Lonr ~ach Wllaon upaet de· Orange Coast C ollege w as t od ay Eastern Confe rence dto\•e In a pair wtth a bue k n<>ck. th• league lt'ftdtr came to IUl un-, . , High Schoo)'• three-came winning fen<tlng champion \\'hittlu 1n the Wilson Swims to CIF Varsity Win baseball <'hampion fo r the thir d s uccessi\'e season. It was Gt'orge Bl11hop ended tilt-b1t.rniite cerPmonious conclUJ<lon, :1-2 ln the dl&n.1, t"Ver~one in ~he ~ineu: bu~ 11trt>ak here Prid11y. l'IF' awlmmlng ch&mpM>nahip tin· Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL six run• on four htU. Tan1 tw1ce deft'atcrl thf" Indians. • •· ltagus tum will bl 11tlt>Cltc\ to W1IN>n iocored 41 prnnts to Whit·' th1' fourt h flag in se \'en years for Coach Wendell P ickens' \\ llh a triple. Thia totalled up u ti~t two rounds of loop play, the I ~~:/1:.~w~i~~~~ike ~~·hi~;: tsri~~' 11.ls flt El S•·gundu Friday niKht. pukl'rs. Hut _the MeRa collt'j.>:e men had t o make 11. deep bow . . . In the t1tth a c.,ounteu for a pair I I . . • . . . LOT~ OF W ALKS Rl~YO~ ~I.ASTER •it inarkrr:. Larn· Fishd' sin 1, represent the loop 1n CIF ph1yoft1. tier's 38 1n \·arslly compe11llon.1 \ kl 2-7027 m the d1rect1 on of Chaffey s 9-2 upset wm onr chief con. J h 8 h Pi d • But behind Gl'ral<I Runyon'• 1 th h d. ·1 t • Jg 1 CU runt Joi;ue 11tantl1ngs: Fullt>r· I Harbor H11:h w11A llflh w11h J ~. . • n t e flfl.h, c enck, t-rce an . n <' I 1r 1u:ure< "'u more. oe . I ten der R1nrs1dc H 11 -•k d \" lh h b 1 ,, d tour·htt hurling in Tribal !'lamping ... k k 1 1 .• h h h ton, 11·3. Anahr lm. 8·4: Huntln~lon J,on~ Rt11rh J'ulv "'"n the B lllll' · 1 w..., e . , 1 t t' ags oave . 1 I n ew 1r 11 ng .... omt' t e ot er B _ " • . Chaffry pul!NI its urset F riday while the Pirates were I \\'mel 11ngled. \\'aJks to Bi~hop !?":i;1;~~~1~;rtl::~::~:~::~ll~~~ t1<1ty ott cou1Jin J 1111, alsu In I.he A~:.~~-·:': '6ra.'n;:·~~~~: 6·6· Sanra 1 ~~~%r!9 \\~~n~~ ~'.t~~~ndo tt'IOk C 1 r ul\·rrlz1ng Rnn Bcrnn11hnC1 17·2 l'arns J~I nd S C' 1 J me A 11nd £atuda forced Lhe rest in. I practice al the expeMe of the 10., thiru, . , • • ll · • • n 1 · Thia atanza gave the Hue/I lhn~e Runyon faced 25 b11tters. fanntd In a r .. m in1 mic but h ni..th~ ma!!-\larmt' H,,,5,.n· .. tPam will bt1 rn· h cal lambaste~. Huntington Beach . ht d lketl ! J .. .. n k I II k d more ruru on one more 1t. I was 5tappin" Ana.helm out o! & top I e1~ an wu uur. t \\..., .. a '"'rt". 11• fray11 tir" <' 11. 1 •·Rt •1c terecl In the latt .. r, In art lttun to It took rven It'll/I !or the J'lrotes' s t dratllogk Lnd thPmselves mto eighth win of thl' i..t•dsun agamst b<otwe"n thr U111 I' 11n•I T""•'r5 thlll lite n•gular :\J••r1'1" 1 •t I'~ ''111 r1"" 111'\·f'nth frame arorlng lncre&11e. ~rd klce, ll·J. Santa Ana downed two s.etbe_ck3, The 1•1cwry wu the hi\.~ h· "" 111 ""•t··i.-.· ~tr.••' r 1rk1 n:• i::aml'1<. on .. wtll h" )'lnyert f'rulay Five walks meant three runa on b P t 0 8 2 j T11be • I• th of the 11el\80n: They crt"' r•-rr1t 1 •. ,, thl' frnnt runnm,:: ~;,'/~y~ dtcli11\·e doublrheadcr Sal· no hfta. You c11n't better p11.r any u~~n Fu~:i:f0e~ ~h.ead !'>·O Uu htwe 11uffrred only 111x lol'lsU, two Rl\'1'f1J1<le T8(lj)Pfl0 11ml hllnd~d farlh'r thllJl this. .._.lor• "ftlea•hed • )a•L c'itch' r-·· 1 or lhose by I.he Sailors. \\'ayne C"oui:htree got crMll for 'I'h U d .,... ... , ---• .., t h••m their fl111t ll~!t>M ot thl.' l!Nl· the flnfil Ptrnle tnumph. F~iu·ful 41 Cin&I t rio or !Ill ea oc"1rre I ly In the s~~enth. It proved' too TWO T01'0Hl l':S In the ninth on two etrolll< and ltttl too 1 1 s d s k • -avn attPr ntM 11tr111i::ht \ 1rtnnN1, thst a pla)'off J;a.trul might be n~c-elnrln by Leigh, Hill a nd, ot 1 e 8 e. ~con RC' tr ....,e l However. I.ht> Bravea· two toufh- ( l.,;._ • .r.t !"' T<>.~l lll'l'(l\\' eMnry ag11.1nst R\\·ersltli>, r•11•kr 1u \V 1 Th be f Fl11her singled. l 1tcher Jim New· ul Ults remain to be played. To· llH ·"' ·' ' ' 1 1 I 1 k h course. el:r.e · ' num r 0 l kirk doubled 11currying Fisher to r1•p l\l'et t \e an y to:ucrr In t e walks ahow1 why lhe g&me 1l8rt· lh d Fl h , ,, I h di h morroY• they must fact U\e Olien To111o11 111w, l ht occ· c•ha111ps trll· sixth. 11end1ng !Jon Leigh tn the M a t 3 .30 p m FrldAy 11.ncl was Thllr . 8 11 er uenlDl'' t e.,, 8v on In Huntington fl('arh, Frldiw the \el tu 1;1.:1•l11r11 wh••re thry wlll mound. Co11ghtrPe deparll•d with a · · · rd aseman ave 111mur&'11 · l no l 11tlll In pro('resa &t 7:1~. The ll!"· ground out. Newkirk tlllhet1 on a Colvnlst.., In Anahei m. ConlinU1t.· t 7r•p "'rh 1·,1111.•, ~ .. ulh !'rntr·' "" ead And a one-hitter wnrk· I Ju•t "-In" 8lt1bborn ... At 1 M~• • "' • -Pre was 1° "" " d · "", "".••ed b11.ll. And that \\'811 1t. lion o! lhe club In flri<l place dt-· 1 ....... •··· ~ S ... 1 Call 11n1t. LKIJ:h r;an• up two mnr1> hits d b .,-.- . MAKE MARK TWAIN'S -t-........ lU UlAl ........ i .. tn •i llTtd bottrnms, l~y orr,,,..al-ks. "., "0'::1 wo_~r dh&t.hve 0 jecte It h~ '1]--E~M-~t> IU'I'~-1 iieiid• ou. ~tcom~ of lht.!e 11tf!!. -t J · It .. I 81mp1v c ... e e game on ac· t-· -_ -"m111 uniur ~ o <t:l' ull\mnnd 808 BA~H Ho\PP\' counta. For LIU! champlon11h1p-bound In· Following I.he ,4.na.hetm g&me, & pl11.y0fh i:tt unrleru 11.r A b tht> J'an ng the Bue bash powtr waa u me Lim~. Loa Ancelu C"·ty C'o11. Bt•b \\'Etzel. slapping out !u11r inn-FL~A.L STA..,"l>l"SOS Rep.in • Mab&eaaacle • lut.italloa. -WHISK_EY -- l"i:•• ,,f th" \\'1•J1tl'm ~11gur. mtPts gles In 11lx at bau &ml tlrt\'111!! In Me&11tlmt, Cha.tfey'a Vic Lopez l ST AF F 0 RD L S 0 N .£1 1 ·111111n0 <>f the :.rttruflnhllln I f1vt runa. Johnny E.strad11. ,:<>t a wa1 mowtng do~"n R.h·rnrlde on - free ticket tn first wi th the bAga th·e hit.a. Jim Gllbt'rt wu the Th" \\ 11 n<rl! i•! I he <lAllhra \\ill I aJt>il In the fifth to l't'Cetn c reodll TI~er lour. t'•'lllJe nn I\ rrutn1l fiel1I ntxt !or h~ JOlh RBI o! lhe scu on. FmaJ F..ut.m Conference 11..a.nd· I wr tken.t m A h('"t two out 'f th~e Thi• broke &n OCC record. lnra looked like t.ht11: OCC, 10·2;, 110 "NELS and DOC" l:l.£CTBICAL COSTRAC'TOR8 Pbooe Ubuty 8· 1'~9 Blvel'll.lde A•euue ~ewport Bl'.adt :0-111.jor a<:ortnr detail.I went like Rlvennde. 9-3: Chaffey, 11·8. ~It. ~-------~~~=~~=~==~==::-~~==~ this: San Antonio, O· 7. eanta An11.. FU!· Local Marine Comp~tes in Shoot Match C A~lP PENDLETO~ -Lt . Col. Lellt..l\d C. McAuley, 12~ Vt& Men· ton.-, ;'\'.!'wport Beach , wu ont ot the 1-larlne Rl'lltn·lata aelerted to cor~I• In the .Marine Corp• \\'e11ttm Dl\'llllon Rine end PIBl<ll ma tcht•. held here May II to 14. L t. C"ol. A uley. who I• now clalnua o!flctr ·tor lh• OrMge Ccunrr \'eltrana ServlC'e c·entf'r, Sant11. Ana. hu b!'en lntrreated In thoottn~ C.1r 31) ~·!'are H e y,·a.a c11.r· tllln 11 nrt ioh0<,lln~ m•m~r of th• ~la.rlnt1 Rf'tr\'t team 1n t.be W9't· em Dh11!1Cln ma tchM lut Y••r. He 11.lao c11ptaJntd the tPM1 rt>('rt · 1enttni' lhe l' &. Naval Bue. Bremerton. W&lh , In 1948 1He WU prt"lhlenl Of the J>'u&"et Sound Small Bore Le.ague, ButUe, Wuh. ln 1~47. Lt. CCII. J.tcAuley 11ervf'd on ac· lh't duty wtlh UI• Miu1nt ~rpa from 1943 to 1951. Ht rtcet'nd hi• h igh l!C'hool f'du~Uon &t Oalc- land, and 111.ttr rt-ceh·t<"t a M. s. df'gTH In elluc&tlon a t Utt L'nl· verilty ot Southern C&lltom la. Mol"t t1w1 tlOO top M&rlnt •hooter• ftom welt ol UM MJ..ta· 1lpJ'I RJvu 11.nd ~· Padfto &Na competed In I.he G\11'1W\t rttl• and r 11tol mAtrhea. Some ~11.1 ~ 1JC'- leclrd tn rompeu la lhe )fan ne Corpe Jnter-dl\'lalon matchu a t ' Stng lea by ~ltkl' Schenck, Ro-lrrton and San •rn&rdtno, 4·1. LOCKERS . SPECIAL -Lockers Capp. 12~ lb.) f7.7~ ff'· WE Fl:ATt'RE l'll:l.EC'TEO PRL'IE and ('HOH t: Mt;AT!'I U II -llOth St. XF.WPORT BEACH Harbor 1>7111 _...,.. __ DID YOU KNOW ••• The '55 Mercury has so much p_ower it can --- pull a 4 ~on trailer up San Francisco's Nob Hill? SM your MMury D11JfH f:or d•tall&. The Standard Man cut• down time" on my heavy-duty engines Yoa c•n reduce "down time.'• sa"e on O\'erhaul ~ and operating C06l3 by lubrir11tmJ.? your diE'lld Md heavy-duty Rawli~ engillt'S w1lh Rl'M DELO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil. SJ)<'Cially ron:ipoundl"Cl. it rMiatl COTT08ion, prevent.I th<' fonnation of hAnnful depo11itl!, k«ops ronta.min&nta dispened and stops foam- 1.o& Qf oil in the crankcal!e. Enrtne. run amootb, da•elop more power when you U.8e RPM DELO HMvy Duty Lubriraung 011 to k~ engines cl<'an and cut wear. And they 11.A,y on t~ job, need 1-overhaulin1. So order RPM DELO Heavy Duty todly. ' CLAYTON THOMPSON 1802 W. Balboa BIT'd. Harbor 1~ YOUR CHOICE! The greatest name in bourbon-histcric favorite off a mo us men-now in a lighter, milder, lower-priced 86 Proof bottling as a companion to the world-renowned .J 00 Proof Bottled in Bond! 88 .-ROOF ICentuclry !tt•l'1U aowbon Whlalc•1 <:dcbn.ted Ord Crow-lighter, mildu a.nd IOMr·ptictd th&Jt tht too Proof Bocded in Bood •OTTLED IN BOND 100 PROOF ICMthd-, Str.i'11J ao.11oawhl•1 Hay ~ S~tlonaJ Tan m Month. Aek for Old C..Ow at your fa,·orite ta\·em ! • • CROW DllTILLEIY COMPANY. PllANKFORT. IUNTUCIY • THE OLD ' .. • ~ews Blackout on Servicemen Tax Override ·~ .~~~~.?.~~. ~! .. ,~~~~~~!.~ ~.0!~ ...... , .. Mee.ts Set Up Mrv1Cemen Ui Ole P'ormou area r•a.snn !'Ir th" lll11C'k n11t 11hf' Mltl I wu renale<1 today by OCNS for· wtu• i;:h'tn by lhe F&r F.1t1il C'nm-Two p1thlu· mHt1nsi11 t'I f11~ru11, •Im corrupond•nt Waltnn f re-1 ma~. I th,. prnJl"•ert 111x "'"lrl•lt .. 1,..111m ~aaklll. • llln1. T rt1tl.!l.k11 11><1 het hu.~b11n11, .,l11r :-.: .. v. f"•l l 11 .. • 1><•1 1 ·1 inn H ai;h Jn .• d11p,tch.,, from Okln•w11, I llUlll'•r R1dlt rd Trt1:uk1~. h1w,. Si•h<>nl ~·111 'l:' hf'l1I 1 .. 1 1gh1 An•! J.fra. ~itukla, Coat& J\lf't.111 r ... bl>•n 1011ring mllllary ln.aallutona Wtrln,.ediw~ 11 ,..1111 1tnnuunr ... J ,,,. Port..!.<1 thlll F"ar F'AJ!l l't'lmm1tnt1n 111_thf' _F'11r !':Ill!(. Thf'y hllVP rtpnrt· ,111 hv 111 .. u .. i bnr 111 •h Cniuia Centr•I ~''\ark Clark hl\8 11111ue4 ed fr 1m r ormoM. Mat.~11. Quemoy. Y J: order• to M rvk"m"n pr .. venllng the P h1lhptne:<, 11n<l nnw 11r" 111 <'--mm it ll•t' t.ht>lr btlnit ln terV1"Wf'd ljy Journlll· Okina"'·,. 11walt1ng lhtlr rt turn to T11<'1Ay. i JO p 111. In t 'osta ~l··.<a late In the F 11r E111t. Ta 1J'14'I, F-0rmo111. Main Sl'liool. JI ,ltlll\Jf' t'ompll'-('•I nf Mra. T~KHkla Sll ld thf' urv1re· Mr8. J 11,f1! S11thnlttn1I. ~frl Dt>11 y, men wf'r" 'lr<lrrf'd nnt tn talk tn M Ph • H rt reporur11 under Illy rlrc11ml!tanr .. 11, rs. oen1x u Rola nd \\'r11('ht nnd ~frll. RirhArd unleat authorlif'd by F"11r E111t ~lr11. CraJg Phoenix, Newport Lilienthal wrll dlM u .. s t ht' O\"••r· heat1qusrtn11. e~al'h police <lepartm f'nl < 1.,rk, rte!<'. Tht 1u1mt J:rnur will run.I awl T h" fortlgn corre11pnnrlf'nl 11111-11uff P1·ed a 10111.1<ht'll f1ni;t'r "nn h.-r 111<Hl11lur disru-•lon 11n \\'pf!nP:odny, f'd th,. ruling wu nnw in f'ff P<·f ll'fl hMd whPn a drawrr in the of-i :In I'm Nl'wrort R!'11r h c ·11y f<lr all branl'hf'I! of th,. Mrvll'f' fir,. <'IOBl'd on ht"r finger Msv 8 Hsll k 2 Yo .. f ~_.ONO/\ Y, MAY I 6, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART 11 -PAGE ., • a '"COMe ANO GET IT!'' Lined up at the groaning roard and piling up huge plates are lleft to rij?ht l Nat.11m• Hawley. ~ie Merz. Meg Rose and Lois Stirdivant. advance guard of hun~ry p••oplt.' at Rit'hard'a Market picn~c Tuesday afternoon in Costa Mesa Pa rk. -Staff Photo LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICI ' l'tlt~ 't t•t:tonn t'Ol RT Ot'lnt 011trtRf' l'lr w11hln thlrt ~· day1 1f ltt. 'r \Tr: O t' t .\l.lt"OR~IA ~··n· .. r1 .. l:<c-\\'h f'lf', an<1 v .. 11 at ,. notl· I' \'II l '\11( T iit ( o t 'T \. ,,,.,, ll'l\t 11nlf'•J1 ~·"I ,.;, •rJ'f'•r t.n'1 Ill' CllC \,1,t: """""1 .,. a i-.w .. rf'q11lr•t1. th• ''"P'· 4 pl1un11t! '"IJI ta.k• JudpMt l or ~... &In an~· m{'n"" <'r (IAma«n d-•.nd· \1 ll11n t-rnna:hr In thf' ~ll!"rfnr 1'11 In lhl' f'nmplalnt, .. ari•lnr ._1111rt nf thr ('n1m1,· nf Urann. upon l"Ontrar t. M will a pply to tbe '"<I ( (tJJ1f>lttl111 m ... 1 In tll• Off'-Cu.un 1,1r an\' olhu rel.ld' dtmllltd· ,, 1h .. ,t 1 .. , .. of llw >"111 ... t"lnr Court t d Ill tht' ('\lmpl11lnt "' ....ut t ounl~. Gl"tn un,lcr my hanrt and aeal J,\:.U·~:{ )I ~:ti.IS. iinil JA!>IF:~ nt t he R11pf'rtnr ("nurt nt tha Coun• 11· <'f 01u1i;1•, f'tat .. <>t ("alllomla . this-I!\ t1Ay (If April, l9M. P I :LI .I~ 1hltnji! bt1.,1!1E'8" I A t,:j •• I.IS ABAl,(\:"f: C'OMPA;'\'\', f'la1n-ur t. R()Y I-" \\'F:RB &n•l C"H ARl.F:S ER\' 11n1I 111,. \'i'l<l<PI "~l'CKF.YF." 1' .. rt1l1• 11t .. u! A'""'' :\n'. 270127. (l!'f I 11<h"1 I lf Th•• J'<'•1[1'" 11( l hP SI tip <>( C"11h0 fl•I 111" ll••n•I I!' ""t1n1:11 lo• RO\' F \\'1-:nn. l"MARL~-:s EB\'. \'f::;s1-:1~· Bl'l'1'E\'F. \'rrt1flratf' of A\\1trol ;-.; .. 27Lit:?7. n rren.lan111 \'0 11 "1 " 11.r •• 1 ... 1rn111•rw11r 1n an ac·I•• n h1.0111:h1 si:111n-r l'uu bv lht' Ahl•\ I' n .. m ... 1 plH llll 1((.., .tn I h; S11- rP11nr <'••llrl nr lhe l'llll<' o ( ("ah· ft11 lt1H In anti folr I hP l"1111n1 \' vf U111n1o:<', a n,t 10 s111wer I.he ~om. pl111nt thl'l•'ln Within l<'n davs 11ftPr I hf' ~··l\·111.• on 'nu "' 1 hi it .. um- m<>n• 1t _,<1rr\'r'1 ~·11 m I h•· County B. J SMITH. C'1>untv Cl,.rk •nd Cll'rk ot th• Sup,.r;1or Court ot the l!lta l• of ("11 llfnrnls , In a nd fl\r th• e,1untv <'f nranir,. fh· 11 . W AY N°F. A DRAOl:R, Dl'Jllll y °SOTIC"F. A PPEARA ~("}-; "A df'fl'n<1Anl app.an1 in 11n l t'llnn whf'n he a nt · ,;.,.r11. d,.muu , or g1vr1 t he r l111n- 11(f wnll•n nntl!'t <>< hi• app,.ar· anrr. nr wh,.n An al lo.rnf'y irl\·-• n••l1t·• n( "l'l'"lfflln1•e tor bun ' 1!'1'<' l(\H t' t" I' I A n:<\\ rr11 or •ltm u ri rre muat .,,. in wnun11. And fllf'<1 with th• ('l .. rk :\'.n !\It I :\'. •'WIO· l'r"•" !I !l. 16 :.n Jfl 15 "· l~. 10, 2i i 4, l!l:'l!I II\ t:ttTl~f:;\IE~T f'tlk RIO~ ="vllt" l.i hNeby J:ll'f'll Iha! lhl' Rr>1t1rl of 'f1uH""s <>f thfl Or•ni:" Cull •I J unic•r t'<ollf'J!~ fll<t 111 l .._,, 01 otn1:r t "u11nl y, hr1 PlllKftrr rf•f<'tTrrt tu &11 thl' "Own<'r ,' will rt" •:I\'•• up I • h111 n"t 1 .. 1,•r l1111n '1 110 I'M J11n1• 2 H•:'l:'I, s.•p111nt1• "1·111<·11 b1•!.• fo1 111 .. ll\\'H1d 11( c"111~r 1<1't tn 111 r ... 1110,lt'I llh• l "pit• •hl!·I ,\' Hu1lihni; whu h \\'Ill 111rh1,j, . ,, 111nn i; 11lhl'r Wfl l k 1'111,os11n d11tlmi;, """' 11•t,., c1t1 p»ntry. 1111~r·1·ll1tn• '"'~ 11 1 n, dry wa ll co n· lll:\11l110I\ lnlt'll"l, lllld ftn• tf<~1r~ o:.!a l\l11•1\l:lh1 n •lllldltl1• Hn<f tnallll) l'11111n op1·rot,•<I roll In~ d •"><lj" 111 Hui. Barn "hll h "Ill 1n. lu11t., am nnit othPr wu1k, r:11 .. ~·1n il11lhni:. c11ncr..i••. c-Hrr1 nl1r. 1Hld 1111,..·1•il&Af't)l11 lion, 1:11 or" <'n111ll1n11t1un 111.i .. r tlJ 1111•1 .:n 11h111·1• Su•h IH•I• •hall b" l•'•<'I\'"" 111 lh•• 11tf11 <' 1of th" lh\no•• 111 l hf' 'J\rlm1111~l1$l 111n Hulhhnl(, Orange\ "nRst Cnll"R". J!l!l!)I l5<>Ul h Hai bur H1111l!'\•Hn l nrMr l'ol"ll\ Mf'111, 018tl~t' rr•Unty, ( 'Allf11rntn, Rll•l ~h11ll bP OJ'"Jl"tl 1tn1! puhJa, .,. r,..,, aloud rH 1111• lllxl\'P «ltll•·d tun .. rn t h .. li1111nl R•'<•m of 1111> A•l111m11tral1t'n ljmlthn~ f:,., h bi.I mu~t 1·onfornt and hi' re•Jl<•ns1vr t11 th1• 1nv1tall<>n, th• PERA NNUM- CURRENT :-fJlj fl..,_•....-+1P11111 'Al f1U'4AaAL-.,.-----4 ,·ont1111t ,1.,, um1111 .. (.'11p1 .. ~ 11! lhf' l'.,nllHlt p,., 11111f'nl8 '""now on f1l" EARNINGS 11nd nr• II I·• p11hl1t In•("• l l»n Ill th; 1<111•1 ur1w••10 of lht' OW1\1•1, a nd nt l'Ark• 1 7."hnol••r an1I ''l'h<'llll•·~. ~111 .. l111 <1I En.i:1n .. r~. 1"<111,.il Ill 23ill Cl•·noloh 11 .. u,,.\'.11 <l m th<' <'lly <•t 1~,, Ani:"I"'· 1n '""''\·minty 11nrt St&l4! lln•I 11111,. Ii· 111t•n rn1-.1 >tl • 1lh"r plr11 P b" d• I'• •llm1: $2~• 00 1 .. r f'ar h at't Tt.1s •'• 1• ,11 '"IJ lu t• : 11ndl'•I 11 th• •• I or ~·I• "' l '••nt 11.i l Ol1c-11mf'nt11 ALL FUNDS RECE1vrn ON OR BEF ORE THE 10th oi: THE MONTH EARN FROM nu: FmST rl• 111•'1 •'" lilo' 1 .. 111111 ... 1 '" """'! ("n•llll<•n "lthin (1\'e d11y11 .rt .. r the bid 'l'"nlni; \\•11 k 1 .. ·hfe 1 c1n111l .. lt><I b"l""' n JunE' l l lh 11ncl !'t'ph·mbf'r l!:llh, 11>" ,\ "18l••111Pnl "I 1in11nn a l t·undllllln kn<I •l"J>O&ll Cl! Ill'. of lhfl tot11I b1ol h\' 'o 11111 .. 1 • h•'"<. f'•l~h1i>r'1 .-h .. r k , 11r had b<1nct, 11 requlr•d 11111.h ead1 lwl, IH t;ur 1.111d n11• l .. nal• bond and' pl'r!11rm&nt't bond rf'l)UI rrd ot th .. ""11t1 tic l••r ,...,,.\ t•••I ........ TOUGH SHOPPING AS 'MART CLOSED Mr-s. Jack Broering, 338 Evenlft g Canyon Road, soon gave up Tuesday when she tri<'d - to get what she wanted at Richard's Lido Market -closed for day. There was a ditl'h running full length of the store and with t he counters s hoved together 11he had small chance of pushing her cart -baby and all • through t;be debris. -Staff Photo Hit-Run Victim H it and hun damage to hi• car Monday while parkt'<J in 11 u r· 1•1ce atauon lot n~r l ite Arches wq reporttd t" police by Gsylord • Pitta of S11nt a An11- HARBOR HIGH 'POTBOILER' CAST SCORES IN TOURNEY Dennis Hendenon Takes Trophy for Top Ador in County Meet In a cloaely cont11ted play com- J'f'Utlon, Anahrlm l'nlon High UPPEll BAY ROCK BLASTING OKAYED ~:111 h b1rl i.htt11 be m11ile out on a form to be obt.alnl'd a t either of lh1• ,.,,.d 01r1na in w h11·h lhe t..:onlr•<"t Documenta'ar• on flll' . t-:11c h biol lihnll be llCl'umpamed by a cerUfled or ruhler'a chec k pay11hli' to the uwnf'r. or H tlllfactory Bid liond 1n favor of lh• Owntr. o•xrrulrd by the bldo1Pr 111 prlnrtpal and a aaU1tactory aurl'ty comrany """ su1 l'ty, In .&n amount n ot lu• than ten percent or the bid. The check or bid bond •h•ll 1-v &"lven aa a guarantee t.bat the bidder will eucute Lhe Contrsct It It ~ •wa rded to b1m ln conformity with Ole Contract Docum ... nt~ snd w ill provldt the •urety bond or bond• aa apeclfltd thl're- in wtth1n five day• aflt r noUllca Uon of the award of th• eontract to lhe bld<.ln . The OwnPr ru.-rvea lhe pn,.>g• of rtJecllng 'any a.nd all bl!U o r 10 ""''"'f' any 11r,•1:11lanllt11 or 1nform1lluu In any bid or In lh«' btrtdin,t. l'u111u><nt lo thr Labor CC><lt of Ole Statf' ot CaJ1fom 111, the ""'ti An11nJ fl( Tn1·I• rs h•JI 11art'rlalnt"d the gtneral pr,.valhnr ra te of J>('r 1h1'm "'111:1'11 l<•r r111 h n aft or type ot workmen needed lo e xecute th• 1r1nt1ar t11 \O.hhh will ti. awa.r<IPd th• auct ellfuJ blddtr•; and lhue pr1•1•a1hn1: rRI• a art' ronta1ned In a&ld apectflcaUona adopted by th• ~111111. s n<1 an• 111 tollowa: Cl.A~l'lffl(' A TIO~: AJ>l'KE:"TICE S: May b4I l'mployed in oontormlly With &ectlon 1771.& of tht-l'ahform a Labor Code. L"ARPF;:"TF.HS: t ·., 1 p<>ntrr ................. :._ ........... ·-·····-.. ······--··---···-.. •·····•• $2. TTS F l•••rl11vf'r ............................ -.. -...... _ ..... -•• ·----·---·-2 976 ltS His Business. •• I Srhool'a proouct1on of "T hree on a lilf'nl'h" wu dtl'l8rt'd the winnE'r of lht Orange County .Tourna ment •1f Ont'·Arl P l11y11 hell! Al Orang'e t'n11J1l sollrge Frlrtay, :\tny 13. The :"cwport Harbor t"n1on 'H11;h s, hool pro1111ruon of ''The Potboiler," dlrf'cled by Robe1 l S AXTA A :\'.A cOt':\'.Si T h u bln~ting nf 8 hlll;f' ro1 k 1·1rR\· ing an l' pper Hay h1t7.11111 w11" a11th1irlzP1I by th" 0111nl!r ('oun1y HORI u of SllJlt'I \'1~111''4 T11Pllday. T11ble l'nwn S11 w Operator -.. ···---·--···-···--··-1.16& t'E~I E::-;T Fl:"ISHERS: i ·1·nwnt F1n1shrr ............. ·--···--····~ .... _ .......... __ I .TO 1·rtiwnt F in1•hH 1<.:ompo41ltion or )lutlo). _ .. ____ , l.U lit():" WORK1':MS. xcWi4~REss 7!J11 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1616 Yes ••• it's his business to deliver your Newport Harbor News-Press to your door each Monda_y and Thursday. It's his business to do a 9ood iob 100. Your paper must reach you promptly, and in 9ood condition. His iob depends 11pon the service he renders his customers. If you are not a re9ular sub· , s c r i b e r, fill out tft• s u b s c r i p tion below and we will start de· livery at once. r---·--·-·-··--···---·::·-·-·······-·--------··-··: I • I · Circulation Dept. ' . ' I I I : Newport Harbor News • Press ' t211 Balboa A\'f'., ~ewpo'tt Bu<'h .: Attn: i ·11"<'ulation Of-pt. I hereby wish to subscribe to the l';t>w- port Harbor News-Presa. and agree to pay the Carner monthly. !Home dcli\'ered only 50c a month I. Same StN"tt City ···················-·-····· .. ····· .. ··-··-···-·-····· .. ' L--·-··-------···------··-----1 1 Wl'nlt, wall awarded the srconit pl&re l rnp\\'. ('&lit members of this piny were Don Bratty. D'nm~ H<'nd cr11on, J'r tr Hrnrll.'rl'lon. C11rol King, Sh1rlf'y Hourigan. J ohn Er:grrt, Bob Milum ""'' Carol l•!•t\nt'. I -Si'< rounty high •c.hools a.nd mme than JOO thespl11ns partlc1· Tht' Ha rhor c.,·.,1111111.--1••11 a sk•"I lht-1'\lf1~rv1~"l ll. l•r 11p- J'r1>\'1• I hl' I ••tnoval nf l hr ,.,., k Ly u~e 11f .. xpln .. av• • F l"'"I Hrnwn "''Ill b" nnplriyPrl Ill' llit' pov.·d .. r man at a r·•~t n11t tor f'Xr P<!d $200. Woman Gives l<•·111flllf10I( ll'on \\'r>l'ker ... -........ , .. _. __ , .. _··-·-··---.. ·-I.I& :.l••t ai l'an =""llt•r .................. -............ -.. -·-· .. ··-·---·-l .U :'>I• 1.11 l'.111 S~:t<'r Working F oreman -· ·-·····-:i 116 ~1,.t11I l'an S• lt•·r ll<'lr;er ......... .. ....... ·---······-··-··· .. ··-··-I 17 S11u1 t11rnl Ir"'! \\'111 ker .. _ ............... --.. -_ 2 A~ LA l!OlU :Hs. f,,14 b11n 11. Cen~111l or C"nstrncu on ........ -... ··--·-----I OTI 01wrat1>rs and Tenllrrs of Pnr 11mat10 and E lec\rte Toola, \'1hra11n1: Machinu . and S1mll11r m rch•nteal tool., ii"l ~·ramtP'lj f'llff'Nfl"d h"l'eJn ---~ .. .... I "1·111• nl U ump<'r 111n l yd. or lat i:er m1xer1 and handlln1 bulk l'emf'nt I . U N I p&ll'd m the llftnnoon a nd .t\'e· nlng or dramatic prP~t'ntatrons •>f· fered 1n th., nPw nmhtnnum a l OrangP Cua.•l Collei;e Th·· Ana· helm plR ,. "KS ''""I tf'ol by :\I fl! l.nu1~e Booth a nd in<:l11olect \'1lky Schne. Irr, I mn T1)11~.ot·a u. Sh11 IPy Frlln<'e and ~l<>rll' Ml'yl'r In the V f'••n. rf'te Curer -lmp,.rvloUJJ mPmhrane 1.2&~ ers·1on of Ll11ll<·r• IC.:orf', fllrim<lnrt, or Wagon I . ·-· ·~···--1~26 l >11llers I A II Olh• r1oo I . . ............. -.--.... ··--..... OPERATl:O-:G E:"l;1:-;~:F:RS: Secret Meet ' A •·ramr -Hn(Jln lruC'k ............... --.. ··--·-· tel I R.!L A 1r rl'lmJlrl'~!lf;r "JlPr11 tnr • ... . . ........ . ..... _._ I.IT Wtnnl'r Of thf' th1r<1 plare llWarrl 1 '"nCI ~lf' kt1xrr 0pl'r ator -Moblle muter I .I I w1ui ''l'<ltJr :\IR1!t!Ali·n11. · p101l11rr<l. A ~latemPnl b~ C :". Wt•ll~ thnl Jl"ll\'Y rt11ty rl'pa1rmon _ ............... ·-··· I .Tl II\' Lnguna BNct h Htgh Sc h•>'•I ~rl Mav11r Cl111rP :-.: ... 1 .... ,n anil ('1>11n• 11· II• '"'Y <111ty r"p1<1rm nn -helf1Pr ............... ····---~-I.JI i)lr<'C'Lf'•I h\' .I. C Fike~ Sluol,.nlq , ' • . . •,.. in the rR.-t "' the LRi;;unl\ Brni h man C harl1•11 r. \\ 1nkl" w <' r •· !'kip ln11<frr op,.111tflr -wh,.rl type .............. ·--····-__ -· plA,V Wl't 1' A nll n I"'" 111, L~ nn Ht>y-, among prr~··ns 1u:11 inl'l rP.h111n1: t1f T111<lur c1pr111 t1•r --Rull•lozn. I am per, 1<:ra per ~ drar n1•lll11 And :\ll-lnn1e Ott. ThN1tlore :\'.rff. \\'pdnt•i<dny rau~··rl I ) pr shovel or hoom 11 ttachmenta . .. ................. _ ... I.All Uenn111 Hentl,,,M>n. HHrhnr H igh M1~ M .. l1·(1lm Heid. pr1·•11l1•nt n( TRt't"I\ J)fll\'ERS . ~llhll'nt 11111y1ng lh1• 111le 11( ~tr Rra Sch .. ,,. l"TA. 1., ~l\'P lu•r ,.,.,. f•l lVl'I~ nr <111mp t rurks-lf"R• lhnn' ydli. "'aln lev61 ... -.•. 1.11 !'11J 1n ''Tiit' Pulhu1l~r \\3!1 r ~rnn o r a mrl'lln~ 111 <"•••tu M'"" ll1 1v•·1~, r 1ll1nrp t rucks -4 y·IJ ball IP11, lhR.n I )'<11. l\W&rllt•I lhP troph~· r1e11Pnll'•I to I Fr1.1av f1•1m \\hl• h l h•• I''"'. \\ft• I ""t"r )PH•I ..... ,.,_I" tht 011t~t11nrhng 11r1or 1n 8 lendini; ban .. ;I ~II~ flf'i.J ~I'"'<· ,11111,1: 11,; f11 1\'•·r~ t•f 1l 1111p tr111 ks -8 y1la. but I"'' than ll yda. rnll' Two l ..11~11nA lien• h H1;:h n.t>Jn<lr.arn.ni,• p•thla. 11 ,. 1111..: I l\l wnto r "'""I .............................. -.. -·-.. l .M ,:11di>nl~. Lynn lfr\'nol•I" 8 n<I , n1~hl at Ha rr-r :-;, h '"I "hi• h I•'· rAl:\'.it-:H~: AnltA L<·\\ill, 11"0 for o iHlllaniting s1..ltP•t m •J1~111a~-...1 r :-\••:1 h' 11.. ll•.: .h1r hru~h pi;1n1er ............. ,. ........ -1 70 11<·tre11& a w3r-.ll' And W"r1· flf"~enl· I c .. ,.ta ~1 "~" l 'n• II ~ h· ••I I••.•' I,,: l 1 • n. i:•' •I An•I b1 1d11e •. . ............................. ·---··-J 1>6 !'ti <furl.•"'" lrophir ir Ll(ln Tr'lu!I· br•11.r.J "' lr11•t• r• llla.t r• •11:ns1 n •1>1111 Hn•I SlurlP)' F111nr!', both n! nf Ru~'""'' ~lanai:" 1 I lllTI 111 n H"' f• r .. ··· ·· ....................... ; ..... ····-··-··-··· :i AT AnahP1m, won nutManrllnp; llV.llrrlsl Saob<>rn 1: ·• '•r F ••P·rn.•n . . ................... -···· .. ·····-· 3126 for llC'l\Og In lillJ'p<>fllng' f(lJPll. !-=h<" ( Olf-\itl \\1 I I<• I ... •• a OQ C't'rllfh·11 t!'I n! hnn<lr11 hit' mtn· ~Ir•. ft( 101 111"' 10~· 1 >hf' "'0• ' r <' "OT!-A II • •f I hf' 11n.., ... .-1 11 (\11 'llbJe•-t l'l !rlnjie b•neflta. •:nn "'"'" prl'lll'n1Prl to I.11 H abra ot the 1~1 "' \\}1<1 \'• 'r I r' 1' t .. i· <1\'f:HTDft-: RATES F'QR SIX BASIC TRADF;R lnc1denta.1 to I.he High St hn..t, C11p1111reno 1·111on ing 0~ :-; .. rr 8 1 l~P I ,n· • ., "'· 1,.,. ,,,1 ,1 ,. 1 lf1gh Srht>QI IUl<f IJ1'r•ll'O vrt•\'(' lnl( !'fl' rl n• ; ••. II ••• n~ •I.. ,,,.;!an " ,11111 !);' r·u.J fr,r work pf'rforml'tl tn txrrM or th• re(Ular 1·n1on H1.i;:h S1·hool f11r out11t11nd· ~iud, "'""· .,. t1Pht,.1"1' 1' 1 11 11 '!i'I\ •• , 1 ""'",. ""'k •1r..i 111 th,. r11·,. t•r r.v11111m11 of the er-aft lnvolYtd. I th" p11r• r Th,. ""'" """ i 1 ... 1 " 1ng f)f'rformsm~., f.11 rh f'ArlHI· ::-.; (( I-r p II i•llll• 11 ~ h•r•in ~dnr ... t \1, 11/lllll ~ •l f'"ffi"ti to be !",ew YM r l >1tnl In thr toum amf'nl w ill alMl 811ain•t • ' 1"'' " • • I "1"' ''' I th"'<t> \O. .. lf' nw11.t11r• r,f lh• ••11 .. I r•11 '. J1, •·l lllr n l• .. v ln~1 .. P,.nol"n'" l •ay. Labor l>lly, Arml1 tce Dey. 1 ""'1 "' " <'llallon. 11 "'88 ann<>unc· b(lard 11nt1 l'iry .. 1 1 • '"" • "'" ThRr k ,~ vin,,; f 1,1y, kl 1 f'h11,trn:u Jr any nf the a b<we holldaya fall "' 1 W<lmnn ""'"11 t11..1t111•I t• 1111 a· i: n :-•11 , •· 't" :-1 •• n 1·11 ft,JI •.111 ._ H.11al hp r•rn111t11'1 f'd a lr11tA.l holiday Al a d1nnu for h1°h 1chool llU· •· (' th h h I ti I h • i. I • " ·'' • nu.c ~.,. "' ti;I " • '' '' 1· •I , 1 ''" n.111.•IA'.,1 v ur, .n 1t.,. <«.n1r11rtor l<l whr1m • conl!'kt 111 •l'nl• 11nd their coachr/I, hf'lot in nnt heer1I 0( th• !:tu 111! 1 I •II I'', h II o d c p 1 11"11 I• ,,nt 11; .. n11d•1b<•n·1 1•ti•l,.\lll•l"rh1m.1np11ynotl"u th11n l e CO t ge "l~ ent f'nter. TO I• r 1l'8ln.<t ham l'><'fr,r" .\It 'l'••\\ t ,.I• ilf'nt Rull H . l'tlf'r&On wtlcomed and.,..\lll,l'.t•r :"Pl_..,in ~ .. ,,1 1 h"' "', 1, •·•I I i:• r.• fR I ; 1•'11al1 • c r11tr ~ ltf r" r il1•m w111.P~ t•1 •II wnrkm• .m· the •lUd<'ntll to lhfl r11 mpu.ll and vot1nic lli.tainllt t~nlirl'. nnt Mr µl(') • I tn I lo• , 11"' u11r n rir th" '" I 111d .. "llflrf'1111e<1 a w111h th11t th" toum· =-:.rt · ::., b:•l<l• r rn..y "1t1ir:trnw 111i btcr tnra p"TtOd 1)f 30 d11y1 e.Aer Lht All'lf'nl might ~me •n annua l Aflf'r W~ll•' commf'nt thlil T"· 1111• ~,.t for \hf' '•l't'nir.~ nt h,'1• llffAlr for Orange County high H11i11,j !JI Tn.Ml•t.!, 0111no• C11ut J untCJr V\'inkle, "knnwn 111 Mr 1 ·n~t11 " iot ftoole. WaJtt r P r111. puhllc rela· ('<di• i:e o1,trlrt. Oran11• ("ounty, ttona t•nru1>ntath•e for Soulhr.rn Mu& •• Yotf!d against :o;ttf, &cn un· ,. ldentirif!d woman 1 vo1ct wu h"ard r 1111f11rn1A ~~~~~:~~.;:~th~.":~~ to rtM rrom· the audtenl'<'. S111:n"'l R H . PETERSON, l e<rtt&1'7 Kf'lt. d"m a dlr«'tor a t Ort..1\1'• "I don't car• tll h •v• T•\\'l~klf' Pubh~h· M11v I> 11nr1 115, 111:,~, ' Cout Coll<'~e. wu In charr• of sp!'llk fnr m• • -~,. M l I. •Im a nl"'r J 'Jn• 2 JI>'-~ -2 00 P. M. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11111\.be •''llOL c1lizen or Coal• Mtn, ton " :-;o. ~~ ="•w•·Prt• ·-- t . .. PAGE ~. PAR T 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS '! t-.~rhool"· t n-.t rnf"llnn MONDAY, MAY t6, 1955 --.Chi~ Pai~ting -:- ~9-H.-ln u·antf'd 1 3'!-.. um lt Ul'f' for Sat. I ~I . £:~~r--r;;:-~~~f~~;-~-~,-;~"-.,"-"-0"' ~--~~~h~y--i!!! V •1 Check These Used Cars D•y ano t::vtnins Clu au n1w-n tn Mlmt nt1ghborhUO<.l3 r DELIVERY GUARANTEED Or<l.ra Taktn Now Phone Lltx-ny 8·61118 01ttc &lb<IA, '\\"t I ;lltw(lOrl Halb<l11 lslancl. :-;,.'A port Htlghts anti ('orona dt'I Msr end '(h•U lft>sa. ~'ISHI~' for low J'nCt'I • RF.F.L. 1:-: vn \ht,11c 11A\'1t1is Buy from a local dealer who will be h~re T0~10R~W to b1u·k up what ht' 11<'118 TODAY! GARDENER: Bay Fur~iture NEW. W-Aut.os and Tf"U<•ka -, Delivery ol lbe Newport Ha rbor l'\ew.s-Prrss is guaranteed. Ca.rrier boya will deliver their papers b<-- fo~ 6 p.m. on Monday and Thursday. If your paper 111 nnt rlf'U\'ered.by th,t hour pl~ call Harbor 1616 and your carrier w ill bring your paper. FREE ESTIMATES If you Uf' 12· l~ yrs oltl, haH a bll')'Clf. a pply 10-12 a m. or •·~ pm only •l Cirl'Ulat1on D.-pt S ewporl Herbor !lltws·l'n1~'. !.H l Balboa Bl\'CI , Ntwport 8Pa1 h. H arbor 16111 39tfc All \111,I c·l,.l!n up. Ph;u~.e t811 • e 8 l'C Ll\' ROO!'.t CROL'P B«'J. • 1li\'An. matchln( ('hair. 2 •lep·t'llCI Ir l cofttt t8bl~ 'l labl,. 1111111>11. I 111ic·"''•Y fir IAnlf) SAVE MONEY WITH • , • t>\'1·11rng~ LI 11·1648 Ill' W B0 4iOS. 80--Misci"lJanfflU!l Sl !l!l,~(J \'.,1111:-, 111 B"Y U ·H .W -----:--------------------.......;.--Mpti!I ---------- CALLING ALL 12 '-~ l'C. \\'1<1u~ht u ori hv. rm. group S. Arm coul'h, ~ ':" purt foAm rub· l b~r cu11h1un . r1>ckrr. 2 atep-t>nd ll•>l '1'1-;W(Jl~l\ wa.nt~o ll\' 1111y < '1111 J.I 11·6o6!1, t·1·~~ <1r afl•·•· 110011 ~1p THESE MOVING DAY .SPECIALS Yot: \\'hi) W!!llf f11ll<lt'I 81z:f'S will .. I cofl• ... tablt' IPMlllllC to11l r1n•I sum<' won,Jerful blar" at :.! l11blt' la mrM. l tlwr lamp ,\I \H<;11•; \\'t;sa·s. 1!1r16 .81111111 l S211l Ml v;ilut• al Bay . $1:,9 :.\l CHRYSLER York ~lub Cpe. $2~ ~E \\'PORT HARBOR NE"'S-PR ~S YOl ':'\C ~IA!ll Jll~I "111 111 ~.-1\h l' "1th µ .. 1111nn••llt 1111~1111•11 J11nt• I wunt~ t..111p ~"" k lmll111, ,. tt.,. nu•nth l li1~ t'XI' hRn•llln~ I'""'• 11t 11a11 bv11t~ 1111,\ , 1 .. ,.., A 1 t ... 1r- v .. 11!\t Rl\'d Llll(Ulli\ milt h 8 J'(' REC."TIO:-:At. LR. C ROl'P 'l p1·. i.1•rt111nal tton v1-rta tnlo 8' SA~IPl.f: 111 1•'3~~. 1.1.-r•ml1n1"'1 J b~•ll l'Omtr table. 2 step • enll 1954 1953 1953 1952 1951 1951 CHRYSLER Yorke~ 4 door CHRYSLER Imperial 4 door Sedan NASH Country Club 2 -Tone Brown HUDSON Hornet 4 dr. Dark Green · New New 1695 1860• Evt'ry Monday and Thursday COASTAL SHOPPE R-\\'ednesda)·s 5.~"!1_~'!.._~_a_n ____ !!._~ding St'n ·l<!5 __ ~- Quick Cash Loans ci::~1 ENT & Bt.:ILOJ!':<: r~r·~ Ill""'" llnr. 1117-H , l.ICE~~F:li • x11••11t 111'•••1 e\Uillihl• f'h"fl• 111<1 81t"r R I' 111 Sk1ppc•1 112!'·\\'. :1:.?p .. ,' nun t>.•1 ~. ••'pa1111... 1111.1 tam~ & t ~urtee ta ble, 2 table la!llf.111. p/.u1tx .trMtl\'811.1' r1-1tu; ,,,, 1 $279 !>O v11lut, a t Bay $187 00 8 Pr MAPLE w ood arm gro up Ettrly Amer1.:an atyled aora. club (')11111 platform fl)Ckt'r, 2 elC"Jl· \'1H::-:1: mun :r;, rw .. t "flp,.ar.ng, -· t nd • 1 rott ee tablt',-2 wo..ld t'X·L'.S~ll' p1lt1l. 3 .'f" "Ith ldsl Bl-: SMART . fl't>l S HArw-\\'h.,n 0 a 1 1 ba_,,. maple la m pa 1 rutned • lllf'I"'' r 111,;. 1111 ""•·I 111J.? puhllc )' u s Vt un n<'s r y nt-w appert' shades ' 945 895 A.II K wi.!ll M furmtur<'. auto. ~alnry. FRF.E ESTl~IATE=-' 11 J 1.111111 "'-= 11 ,,.,., I!, J• rc·n• "' fnr womtn &-rhl)dt1 n Only bPt· St99.:io J h S:'119 :.o \«hit' a t Ua~ "111 ... , , 1 t 1 ••Ill' 'I ,11, 1111.-hco· I• r g1 a ~ m~n:-,m1J1s,. l!I ron- " t "' 111 .. t. J .,,.,k 11 Ht 111 ''"•I· I ·•i:n• J >1 t KATF:'\' fl(JA:-:P. Ap· 1110 1-L\"\\'l}OCJ ueJ. twin a1Ze 139"1 111 1 1 .. \'"'k 111 • •11lh 1-. :t•t I 1'"1"1 Shop. 2721 1-: ('co1tsl llwi· I •'1 " pur<' f\•1t ni robbcer mattre~. MERCURY Station W ~gon STUDEBAKER 4 dr. Sed., Auto. trns. • 1095 :\50. t u ~i5<1. or m1>n'. Lfberty S-6109 One day service "'., \\ ''" "' .,.. " 1·. u lfox fl<1111Jt'll 1< P1<t11•• c· I I M llu'< 11pt;4ilg11, plastic headbollrd, 795 \1plaut1•n11111\ hC' me 11' 1111'"1· •••n, lty f1l.•ll1C' ur by 111a1I .:7 1. .. !11111u H• 11 11 ::.u., ... :t I ·.\ 1;1'1-:H A TIU:"'~ luu' \'our ~Ill · 1 111l't.1I fr11n1e. G IC t t llh·n t s vi"'""' ~i'..!dlO S llll!)U \lllU<', H~ Hw y enera on rac or 1·u . ,~1~~l. ,\. 11t•i=->1...,.; Ii> 111.· $69.~0 1951 1951 CHRYSLER New Yor~er 4 dr. Sedan 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door-Perfect 1125 795 445 · 395 l'Al.W. ACCFA")TANCI-~ CORPORATlON I.II 'E:">Rf'll .t,oy Expt'I a.•1111· I H1d1J1111 bland Ni:w Work -Rr mod"ling _ -fll..t1•11 .. J Kt :i-s1•t1R ~op:;:.i J . MILTON ~kl\F:NZI E WIN Anson Jackpot, get your 8 PC. BEDROOM CROUP bookcase hradboard. 40!\ coll in· l'<~•K JJ 11 1l,111 ~lvd, l 'u~ta ~'""'" I.I 8·77."1 1 <II'"" F1 1c111y:. t1ll IS I 'J":.1'11 S.ttUr 111) 11 41 tfr Harbor 31n-R 4 lp57h Roy's Maintenance House cle.anl.l)g-Floor wnxtng \\"11 II wnshtni:-wlndow t'lramng \ 0Mt'U11n bllnda. L"phol.,tery lnsurco. F'ree Estimate• Liberty 6·1332. 1950 FORD Station Wagon (As is) 1949 ' HUDSON 4 door STOP THE Music I 8 dr. phosllc t op dreaatr, mirror, blanks at RAY FIELDS; nenprlng mattr. It bolt apnng.:i. L W h R · 10 yr. guarantte. 2 boudoir ido ate epatr I la.mps. L OA!lls TIJ lH.:ll.lJ. f AO•HOVE B lJY. MUUERNIZE, OR REFl ~ANCE CARPENTRY MINOR REP,J\lR WORK ~O J OB TOU S~l.\LL llfc We IJuy Trust IJt•eda H. O. Ant!erson IE 'd d NEWPUHT UAl.l.IUA S A Vl:-:GS JOH F: Balboa · Bl\'<I B11lboa Xperier?C g"ar _ ener ct WAS ASnllC.:lATIO!'J Harbor :H:>O ij3tCc LAN1'SCA:fSrNG Vincent Drugs, 3461 Via Lido ; $239.:10 value. r.t Bay . . $169.60 42c64H I ORIGINALS 1 AFTER:VOO:O.";", Cocktall. dlnntr I drPsaes It Coordinatu. Custom Dre88making Ph. Harbor 6268·R. 62p64 Bay Furniture 427 E. 17th St., Costa Mu a 1 bttwrtn Tustin It lrvlne I F'rfe Storefront Parking -Tenn• Opl'n E vee. UU 8 p,m. • • • • LOU REED 33611 \'la Lido l'h Har . 4200 --I · !ta p · t . Decorati·ng and CLEAN UPS am mg, Ube s 659 • ~r.,.lUJ!'1l,l.L. rty · l CL"N FOR SALE-Parktr dblt.I barrt'I, 111 ga. 11h0l gun. Excl'I· lent condJllon. Call t \'NI Harbor 205-WK. 47tfc 3-pe. Sectional, $50, Phone Kimberly 5-3614 50c52 ''WE H A V E MOVED" 30ttc 1'o Appraisal F~ ~ALF:S -REFl:-:A:>:t"E 1 '(1:'\STHI "C'TIU:"; n111 for ,..,, " GEO. BURKHARDT l.ICE~SEC• l'O:-:TRAL"TOR 7« \\' 18th St r1,~t11 ;\ll'•ll l.lbtortv f(. 62f( 2~11elp \VanUd C IRl.!'1 I.T'S A -C JRL'S WORLD! ANTIQUES -Old furniture, cul g lus. la.mpa, old picture.a. clocka tic. Barga.lna galore. Big <Its· rount.a to dealers. Charlie Da\•11, 1806 E. Anahtlm St., Long Beach. 650-139. 29tfr TWO MAPLF. LOVE SEATS Rtaaona blt. 2571 C'rtatvle"' Dr . Bay Shoru 52c~t 1200 West Coast Highway Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Bldg. F ast Comm1tm<'nts on Rtsl.ll•ncrs an•l l'mts Qnly Don I. Huddleston ] i3 E. 1 ith St. COSTA MESA t r 8-6~62 Elec . Tool Repair Sk1I S.1w11. D1 111..c. S . .ndc•111 C.,WH':< SER\"ICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. .An•! yuu It •l:T~f' whrtl you hear ot tht> many J11b oppnrlunlllt>A f<Jr qual1fll'<l yqung wom'n Jn 1!'16 :->o. ~ewpC>rt Blvd. :'\pl 1:1 h our b11s1n,.u t oday Lrbeny 8· 383. 1 1lt~!OPEXl :-:Gs :"0\\' FOR For That SPEClAL 'TEL'EPHONi:; OPERATORS PAl:\T · \\'Al.U'.\l'f:n F resh Hearing BATTERIES Al'd I \ve Gi ve Slr:H Grten Stempa MAPLE C APT. ch111r. $:'1, 3 barn· M-,.Mualcal, Radio, & TV boo blind• $1 f'Sch Harbor 4234 !'Jlp53 0 1!\'l:'\G RM. SET. Large 01<1 fllllh· 50 USED Pl A:-:Os wanted tor our rent.al dt'pt. Highest cuh a llow- ance In trade for or1tanR, gTand pianos, and aplntla. DANZ-SCHMIDT. tJW No. Main, Santa Ana. LOANS for Homes 1 1F:ror.ATr:w~ .1rm CALL Wm. Baker J\ pfll)' ~IOl1•18Y th1 Oll~h )o"nd&y "1 11 ': ~ •• ''""" :0:-' !• 1111 , .. "ljfl "'" Gunderson Drug Co. l\li\ln St. nt Balbo& Blvd., Ball)(la lone<! l&hll' with II upholaltred ('h11!rR, b11Hel &-china closet, Hllr. 2094·R U ler 4 .30 p.m . ~PM HarbOr 515. 118l!c !S-Boata, HuppU. GRAND PtA!llOS many like new. Sttinway. Excellent cond!Uon. Beaulltul Behr Bros. Quttn 1tyle. Knabe Orand. O(flc1al Optra. pl1.110, only $1450. LovtlY Coops Grand. Ma.hoira.ny cue. fine tone and a ction. only SU:>. Another Grand only 1436. Many nthtr wonderful buy1 In Cr11.nda. ;)7. -20 yr. Lo&N Construction Loans _,';EE BUB SA Tn.ER :.!~t"> !,;AST COAS'l' BLVD Corona dcl Mar Harbor 3883 Re p. r (JllHER MORTGAGJo; cu MHro Life Ina. F'Unda KJ. 8·518:'1 48ttc Sperfaf ~otlc" Newport Harbor 8. P. 0. E . li6i Mrrta t'\tl \' Thurbdl\y 8 pm \'11t (>I "It 1 • 1 '0•111 I 'I I A \·r :'\'•'\\ f'Cll l Hl'l11 h "'"' 11 II ;\l"lllil"\\', ~:\f111t ... 1 Hulrr 1 '!-Uuilllin~ S.~it'l'M ___ _ PAINTING Paintlllg .& Paper Hanging ''The Hcf't' !\foney Ctt n Buy" Sympson & .Nollar :0.12 :llith ~I , 1'1'WJ!Mt RNIC'h l'H01'1'~ HARROK 2-404 lfc PainlmJ!: & f t1:1perhang1ng \\'c do thl' 'whr'k nurs<'h·es. :ill 1 • nr-< ""'l'"nrrfi I.'• L1r•·n~t>r'I lit tn•nrr•I !'A ti •[Rt .. I• n i:.h11rr1nt•·rrt F.-' 11i.nt• 4 Crf,. l "1111 J "hnnle, LT ~-26"7 & Ll -5:?c:t9 81tfc FOR RENT Skill Sa'A "· t:ll'c. lJnllll, I '"ll!lht'rll, R11 lYJW~ ol ~~n·lc I', \\ hetlbar· n..v. :t, ct, BOYD'S HD\iVE :11;q \\' COA ST H ll.,;tl\\'A\' U bnly 8·:1-&:i:.. :-:cwport Uch 28tlc COMPLETE PAlNTlNG ( · Paper Hanjlmg Scr\'1ce ~;t'<:E:-:E () ~ \l'NDER!'I :111<1 Jlat ~trr .. t. S··~pwl U••ll('h H11rh1 r ~~·ill ur ll.1r. 1 llll, t rr KI 5-3621 2302 f'11 hil8d••11 fl,l , !' ,\ Ht it A:<I< l"~ Af'>l•ut ZOLOTONE lt•l .. 111 211, ~llnlll Anl\ ' P AC'IF1C T ELEPHONE :!2lfC' -----------1.nr· \I. 1•111,11" '" • "dur11t1nmll J.1,.,.n~rl\ In Hoth••r e 1 "" '" •· hn"l wnnt11 'l \\c•mt>n t!I Fl. l"PRIC HT AMA~A frr,z· n . l"'rfel'l 1'ond1t1on ~nson· ll hlr hf'l\llllt11l m11hOlt !Win hl'd!I & m1IW'. 11nl 1q11f' pl•'<'"'· l'hl'llJ' Har. 137 l·M or H11 r \i'48 ri<lpf-1<! House 41lpfl0hl '""' h• r' 1111 r lrntt>nlnr\' i:n1rt1-s 1Hh 4r irh1 S !'-l•ry adequa te. 1000 Pl F'h""" Harbor 31>89. ~!>2 EMBOSSED Bu•lnesa Ca rli• $3.99 ans. IU :,\I.. 1';!'\TAT~:--.111,."wnml'~ 11nd 3 Llnf Rubli"r Sta mr . $1 00 LrBF.:RTY 8-6251 1•1t1I 1111 f' n(f1rr w"rk••i. f'11ul Book MatdT"" lfrrhnl.r. ~'" J1111n \l\fll8trano, LF.OX WHITE. 261~ \\'lllow I.An,., l OUc I· Ir l';Z. •9c:i. <.'nRta .Mtu. 1nft 0 .. 1 Mar A v1'.1 --------Llhfotty 8-~1:10 or Llh->rty 8-4011 14-Pel'l'Onal8 v l \\'.\:'\T 1'\(f'\rll'ftr<I rl'lll l'Sllltl'I !\Otf• ----------·-•"•'lnAll, rN•I "1'1'"11111111)'. In· r ' •1 I • I • •Ill Jr111 "I \\ I •IP i::ETTI :-,·r; for 12 ('flmrttumt y 1'11· CONF IDENTIAL •111.tl r 1111 ·n~ H .,, L.-7~, lh1~ vt'r w.11 1', tn1t1 al 'A'. Siu Iii '" \\ .. pa, .. •r :>tk"r-,:z •1n·~to.~l rnt klAll 11tun dr<•,..s• l't HA\"lnlt r1•11I Nll'll" l1oublr1<~ fl\. ,11.1~ Rr11~>1111hl<',, ,,11 """ll. H1u ~:>.1 ·~ 1..1.E.'\ r • 11p• 1 tu1o1ly !11r 11 "' •ni J·J. ~lpf-12 \ • r'"· clo~l\n M JU~t "t raf'po•!1 f .. 1 Ill""' 1·" r,.,, http!' J 1 an htlp ·y0u. J "h""" nr \\ 1 1\ REX REC HS, Rltr. :!Jtt7 \\". R11lho11. Ill , s .. ..,.,•11 t l·kh llarbrir ()15(1 l!Arbur \1C.7 rllh ~•2 Alcoholics Auonynwus \\'rile P. 0 . B'lll :!8l Newport Buen, C11hf. Phone Harbor 4795 tic • ~uh• ,. tlr-... h,nn Jn A\ t1\f:" nffu, .11 I F: t '1op 'l llh:hw.1). <"• 1 nna d••I ~1111 11.11 :.: II I ltl l'V•· .. Har. ~ 1.:0. \\' :,(lr~2 .... \\ \:'\T r••AI ••lllt<I·• h1nk1•1 or 1011f .. ~· 111111 v.ilh 1 • .,111 ~1qwd1•nre 1111 111 .. l,i•l•• H I 1•l~·· 11fth •• l\,\Y & 1(~:.\t'll HEAl.1i' s, .. Mi 1;1,•1. :t11:1 1.11la)fll" .\I" ,':• 11 f"" l llt•t11 h Hitr. 164:1. r1 lc~i:; CllRISTIA..'li I 11fy tc1 \!1>1.1k •'\'entni; Movie Proiectors FOR RENT S·MM 16-M.M 35·MM HOBBY and MODEL AlRf'L.A~E SUT'PLJ.1!:9 A r.su Oelg"r < '011nterii for ren L MearLCamera Shop 1711:.l Newport BlvJ ., Costa M.-aa Phone Liberty 8-70'42. Pr U I. AHTHl'R L>1!':hrll1·, frnm th1~ 1111-.11 t .. r 11.iult 1,111111,• 111 ,.,,,,la •IH' fnn,·ar•l "111 I ""tr'W'm!i1lol" 1 ir 111,.,,,. & '" 1. 11.,,n; & 1, .. th If\ 30-B-AnnUances f,.r Ill~ oll'h\~. I H•)lnllt' mf'l'fi~ ~ f;..£. l1•·a 1tm11 Ur"· f"r,.11l 111n11., ""'·I tihhl{llllnns l'nter,.•I lnln or un l·hnol \\Ill b• 1••ni11>le1o!cl a Wasning-Machine l>~h111f of AO,\' pers••n othr r l h.1n I tlJ., ( 1•101 ly. llr-6:11 \•\ • nl\'~PI' A l...llSh,.llt' ~1:!• .illC'.t2 18--Rea ,.,. AJd • 'J\1L\~1P. l"nt.: l'~111hh1h .. 1I r.•111 n · ____ u_.J:___! ~ '"'" 111111 I •.,·ti~ qcpcnenrt>il Superfluous Hair . ... ir. ,, II •• n .. \' Pl s k• ,., Ctn· It I• • 1 , d \\ I • Bui. :\Iii•, l hi~ Pcrma.ntntly removt'd from fa('e 1 11•1 l'l• a· .. 11tnle q11nhf11 11- a rma, legs. Eytbrowa &nd ht.Ir , ",, 1 "I n1ll 16t fr Unr sha ped-No mort twe~nr. - EL..l.EN L. BR\'A..'llT R . E. \\ \.'.'\ 1'1-IJ 111 er £'1r1t1•,l11ni v•nn,an l.ldQ's Salon of Bt'auty Har. 2!\i6 t '1 1 • ..;ht huui1ek• 1 J'lllg & c1om· ttol J 11 inn fu r 1'1L• •I n101hr r . Pn,·a•e -------------! r .. •.111 ,,. ll\'lnc fr•c tJ1•'Bt1 !1 nt SERVIC E l -yee.r guarant~'on joba done and on utect waabu•. ~881' (re&r) New·port Bl, Coat.& ~1esa. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. MUc LEWYT \"11.t"llUnl t leani>r', all ~c­ C'f'Pl!Orlt!< Hartlly 11~d. bc"n In .1<l••r&gr. $:15. r h Har. :1977. I ...__ 49c!il TRADE BMlll1tu1 70-Ct. aux. achoon". f'ully found, in anywhere. Wiii l11k1> f'qu11 y 1n property ot 11ma l- ll'r b011L 12:?0 \\'. Balboa Bl\·d .• NewpMt. Ha.r. 3032. , 39tlc M!;RCURY SLOOf'. Trophy win· nf-1, tor 11hapt. 11tt'el traUtr. $9i:S. HYt1ll 4·5087. 60ttc s-rr. 111 :-:c;HY w ith ••II. 1 1 u~. l~·w11tt r11'110, $60. Har. 3279-J . 49c!l4 16·F'T. <:LASSt:o Mlttum, good ll"hlllt: ho11t boat trallt'r. All 'tor $1:>.i t"unirth•·r~. 327 \\'tllt \\'1~nn. Cn11la ~lrM. 50p62 14-1-"T <:LASS bo11t ct. JO hp Mer · nu v "Ill b"11 r•I. F1t l'l clasa condl· l •nn ."1 12·Jkth Rt. l\"eowport Bch. 411.,(c THHF:J-: 6~•-fl ~111111 tor T<'nt, $85 month 111 l.1tlo Wharf Ya cht l ,Rn1hn~. :; I tR Via Oporto. P h. Come! Look ! · OA..'IZ·8CHM1DT Bis P lano Store. Sant& A.n&, 620 No. Main. 100 P tanoa. H ome ot the Ra.mmond Org-an. SPINET SPECIALS! O:'(E ONL y full kt)'bo&rd Leeter Splntt In t int> e<on'dltlon, $46:1 BEAUTlf'l'I, 4 1" Kimbalf Spinet rtann. L1k .. ntw. Savi' S202 1,0\'"ELY K1m b.tllt'lle S1l1nM r 111no only 90 nay' old :-lavl' 1100 Convf'nltnt l!'m111 at. SHAFER'S Mu8lcCn. l~ance.l90il 421-423 N. Sy,.a mor"J.... S1nt11 A riH Phone KJmbt'rly 2·06H PORTABLE phonognph. 3 1pe1•J11, Vllf ch&ngl'r, XJnl <'<llltctton Jau reconb . 1810 We11t 0<'un Front, Nt w part Bch., A Jlt. 4 ~Op~2 1.11i"r1,· 11-:ioon. <t6c6o SPECIAL BUY! CH!iYSl.F:R :'-t1u lne eng'lne, 4 ~ to' ONEl OJl:L \' l,ow..ry 61 i:11no. l..&t<'· 1 rrdurt1on .i:e11r. at model. Sava $100. Convtnjr nt RF:F"RJ('; F.RA TO~. HO volt n ('. term11 at - SEt; .JA CK HARPE R a t L ido SHAF'ER'SMu111c(.;Q. 1S1t1<'t 19071 !'hlp)llr•l, r n.i ot 31sl Slrett. 42 1-423 :". Sycamurt. S1111tll Ans N1·wport Bra<"h. '2tttc Phone Klmberly 2-0lli2 -------------19rt l EVl:-<Rt'OE. 1!> h.p. $270 Xlnt. con1hlllm. Extra prop. and l 'l\'lr, will drmon11trate on our bo11t LI -~216. !llc:-:>3 !!=:.l'~slcal, RadJo~ T V R f::"'T e n ori.;an or I'"'"" \\"'llh r1 nt.11 t o Apply on Cuture pur· f hll~I· Rl S H /I FER s .\IUSI(' Co. 1 l'\1nce 1907) 421·4:.LI :-;A s y .. a morf' ~Rnta Ana Phone l<lmbHly 2·0672 SPL'\ET PIA NOS. AU wondt-rtul buy!!. Slightly uaed many rental r~tllrM. One In be11uutul Ebony Famou1 nam ... Th11 m ake uull by Cuu~n. Only $39:). Lo\'tly Mirror Type Spinet. onl.v Sl9~, &nolher maple finish $397. OnP more, thl' Acrosonlc Spinet only $411!\ ~!any olhtr g tPl\l buy• 100 pt1tno1 from y.·hlch to chooae, new &-11..e1I. I I' II R· 'I 4 ft, Hnlhna l•l.011 I 22-~t and Foon~-:.1 1~:i O'KF.ErE & :>IEflRITI ra.ngt, rrd trtm, i;ooc.I roh'1 tt nd • 8 ru fl USF:T1 HA:\Dto :-:v Sptnet organ Sen·rl ga..~ rl'f1lg . 8i•ll roi.;el ho'r 111 fin,. • nn•hllnn. lilJ,' 111 vang~. DA.:'\Z·SCH~llDT Bir P l&110 • Ori;nn Stmt, 620 No. Main, S11nla Ana. Oprn Fri. Evt . Home of t ht H11mmond Org-an1 Blon•1• s1r1d10 p iano 1&ve $265. LOST 1;11\\' 1 .. ni: h tllt .. I 111811' d ll llOUl<\K~:J..:1•1-;n •111•nblP, t akm~· nrnr l'nui.: H;,111 .. r Trntl"r 1•;11k f111l 1•lrnri;1• 11( lot RI o!f1cf', \\"r ile t.r 11-1711\ :i!trr 1 :111 p 111 i'llJ•."13 q11a llfi. All• nt ~':Xp('rlrnt 1•, 11gc. H 3.60 •1 9 ('onvi>nirnt lr rr .• 1 s t-__ o_r Sl'paratt'. ar. ,, .,. . 4 c:it See Baldw·1n p·, .. no SHA l'"EH ll MU~IC Co (Since l 90il g Qt:Wl\FHl-:Ezr. tre .. 'ur W111 holll 421·42:1 x . sy~11rnnr1>. s nn1e. Ana & Organ D1'splay up to 3:10 lhR. In ,1:1>rnl .rn11nln.: l'hrin(• K lmbt•rly 2·v672 con.t, $.~o. Ll 8·27M . 111cr13 :-:E\\' ACl'U HDIO:" 120 baNJ, 2 WOODWORTH PlANO CO. 111 tav. s ~'\111 r nre $12~. Llbi•rty 1318 Coast Blvd., Corona dl'I Mu LOST-on Mu111l1<y, .\11ti· Hlll. ~•\J•I 1'' In ll•l't 0-77, lh1s pnpi>r A ~PH.ALT TILE b1111 .. lo>l w11 h :i 1111•:11 .. nJR. ••Ill :12i•:I• ,. ' 8-~tlb l. 50c:i2 \Thaden lnlerlor Bldr.I ----------_ Hu. 3382 6e U c W AXT TO Bt:1" -rht'11p ti1blr AC('OR[llO:'\ 120 AR u , 2 1h1Ct1 & T\. rn••· Xlrit. ~, n•l oti~n. Sl2". C"•ll 8Pt:-:Ei' PIANO T he mu~l br•u· mo'1!'1 In gn·~•I l•md1twn ' • " ., ~ Ph Ha rl)<)r OllO-~! after 0 a m LI B~W:.'i itfrer !.. .nc.~• Uful plMo In lhl! wor lJ . Hl1th••1l ~Oc~2 C"radt' All fru1twood 1 a11t. Juat JAX.SE:'\ ORG,\ :">U. The piano and like nrw. A b a o I u l f' I y' Tiii• LINOLEUM. fa.~h!11nl'.I ol1·s1a.:11 J IF:\\"1\HI' \\'J\:-:T Hli;:h !':1 hlll•I hoya 14 . IS f'hone Harb11r ~:11 , ~iii ."11; ln~r:iU the e bo1-.• ch<"aper than \'I• pr11 t ttnw "'Ork 11f:t>r ad1ot1! nl•·•l. Altco sl'll Tile & L1nuleum. 11nil • n l'nrnrd11\'. 1-"ull t ame .tur· :"nn-1m1• 11. :/.'\ y r nra t '<ptrl<'nc.-. 24--Srhools, lnstructi<!!!.._ I 1ni: 1111mm• t A\'<'r&i:o "11rmni:~ ,~,,lllpllre Rnol lt't' -I s ltl . $1i0 r<'r \\ P• h. Conlnrt :.tr Blt..L COKEn LI 8·6204 7tfc CONTRACTORS W.lltm. 1111r M61. :'12<"54 SI-Wanted to B uy PAINTING ALL CLA~SIFICATlO~S ll(ll"!U~KF:Fl't-:R IJI\·• In 2 rhil: olrPn 2 •IA\~ \I ""k orr 1 ·1111 si-.-umtture for Sale IXTEHIOR -F.XTF.R?OR l.lf"E:'\SEO -1:-:st•REfl ll11r 11:Jfj I \\. efp, 111c Ori:11n tn. on" tnstru· chance comf's but onr,. Sa"• nl••nt Sold C11r O\'i.'t S l :'JOO. Our 1325. Glenn Johnston hOI • 3111t :::;; :'\t'"l""rt Bfach H&rl>or 3176 Z2ltc CARPEN TE ~ ' Repair \Vork Doe. Your Home NtrCI RtpUrt111 or Rtmode!Jq f C&ll f't&nk. W~rty 11·80~4 AU Work Guarant~ i 4t1o Mlcrofilming BF: SAf.'E. e1w~ •r•ct The mo1!1-rn "1\1' t,, 'Rfrirul\rd :vour t1-rom~ C1\Ll. l'E\~:·•ne :0.-l~M nr Kl: ~-0 14:. 1 IHA :-;,a: COL"!l.I Y \flt 'l\t WIUll:"'<~ ,<;;Eft\"l\F: 171'.: A nnht m 0111.-Hd An11hl'11n lllc63h STL'lJY in 11p1u ,. 11m11 for l'nnt re.· tor·• rxammall"n 11n '"r u 1ttn· rrsl ron 111rl<11 with 2:'1 ~!'Ar• ..-."l""n"'n' P c "in~ ..... ~ TU~/11-nn1\ ~·11 •\I'll i :10 p 111 A l :c>n I fttllt l t'&01on Crrl' Bt>i; n.en\lllltl' \\'A~T f'lll"'rhnreol red e~l8t•• b1r·kl'r nr <.1f1·•n111n In h\'t • f. l11 t ~ • .,. :'>I I• l'h11Jr\', ~t.,.r In· f rm11 '1 n • : f1.t1•n t1al. BALROA RAY PHOP'TIES Al Tyler School 1-.l1:1 '' 11111hu1 Bl. :--rwt Roach 41 '>', ~ ~ycam'"'t" l'l\n•a Ana I Ha1bnr :i11oi. :2r :>4 Kl :'1·17:1;\ KI ~-346!1 nr l'F:I 8·2''13 C\i)y \\'ITll 1; \Rf ,;;-A-;,; r r,1· :12tr~ •I'll · 1 in ::'\l'\\ 1 • 1 t A1 ('I\. F:>1r t'I· -------------J.•nt prof11 ! Call f·lr "l'I l KI Real Estate School j 3·113111 :12p:.4 in Santa ,.Ana PRECISION MEN .. \VO~tE:>; pr'to11re In •paTt 1 lime tor unhmlte<l'?otirortunlllu ASSEMBLYMAN In Rr11.I F:•t11te. ~1•w 1 la.uu wtekly. Al T)•ltr matrur tlng. At· l l'ntl nr11t everung frre 11n1I J.•n.m about · lbl1 r:nat C.t>ltl. Cnll (Ir wrllit now tnr Ulformallon. Hu•l· 1 naaa ln•ututf'. u :.i., N. l')ca· morl' Kl 3·1 i~3. itt tc: READ RLt;EltRINTS. Stome m a· 1·h1nt 1ho p exptrlt>nrt , auldt n ng. l11 111~ini; dealr11bl1-. Af"PIY Thura., \la)' n• h"r"~··n II .. m At' I'm 1701 Pl11c:enua.. eo.ta Me11A. 62c5" -JHICf' $'-7 Tf'rms Alll-0 ont DA:'\Z-SC"HMIDT Famo\18 Plano S IXGLE bed. eprlt.lt"• &: msttrc11s, bf>1111t1ful Ell'ctrnn1c Organ. Like S tore. Sant& Ana. r,:zo :'\11, l hun. S4:>. Tare rl.'rurJer. Ilk,. new. $h:. flf'W, Hlnnrl ftnlah. Fs.mou11 mak ... 7 ·ft m1><Jem cou< h, S7:1. Al110 Our pm•,. nnlv $68!\. Thtnk or r. Cfe<' &: tnd 11\blt'~ 40 Balboa that' C"O\"C! , 4{1c54 DA:'\Z-SCHMlOT Bjg Plano Co., Santa Ans. ~zo =->•·. Main. DBLE. BF:[l "1' h gnn•l bnx ~prtngl' men re•a -•!rf'OinJ! tBblP l'\114· &hie fnr etuJf'nl 11,.•k 11.n•1 a ~ draw• r lh,.~l "-1Ut marr .. r All Monltr"y st)"lt . ~!eke otft'r. 6(1~ Lark~pur A ve .. ('orona del ~1nr H&r. 3333 nr H11r. 3626-R. l'llc52 BEAl'TlfTf, lllliJ'fl' m1rr"r lyJ>6 UJ1111(hl pt11no In perft rt Condi· . t1 .. n T· r11111 S36 Ji down a nJ Sil 7~ per month al- SHAFER'S l\lu~1c Cu. 1Slnce 19071 421 -42:1 :-:. Ryr amore, Sa nta A na l'hont> Klmberly 2-0672 HAMMOND ORGANS uted. A u rt opportunity On• ramou.- BEALT?FliL Slt'lnwav Mod,I B. 011.atd piano In t>ertl'~l condlUon, s a.,e ovt"r halt ot new rrirt at SHAFER'S MU81c Co. (Since 19f1i ) 421...f23 N. S)'C'amorf'. Sftnt& Ana f'hone Kimberly 2·06 i 2. $~ PER l\10 renta Ji<..od prac-u1 ~ piano. Let lhe k 1do1"• IP&rn. A ll term rent s llowl'll It y •U bu; !Rt,r. G1"1\.I 1>r11,.tlc• pll!.n'l• Sl3:;, $146. 1178, $190. DA.l'Z-SCKJ\IIDT Blit PlaM Slor, 100 planoe. 1120 No. Mein, 1'1tntlt Al"fl. T.,nna. M0 \"1:";0, \\'lLL Sl-:LL so I I •I ,.hrrry headboa rd fo r double bf'•I wrth panelffl t6nTJ'lllttlnt nlll n n. 2 hrBsa hllTIJ'!I 18 . high s I 0 ea.. <'Yi<h r <'••lnrrd drapu c:ut for 32' "indowa t'.llough for :2 to 3 l>ajroom.1 J3Lr, 8 :i. 11 antique Bnkhl\ra rt1r . bt'auU(ul win e color. S21ll\, Japanue 'A a t tr color on 1\lilt U 6. Phone Harbor 39~ Oii~ Chord Organ. puftel condtllon. -------------- Ona Hammond SplMt Ori:-an, 2 k,.ybh11rifi. Don't wall It you •.rlah to m a ke a irood n vtnr on the world"• tin ut organa DA:-:Z-SCH~tl D'T' Hom~ • f the Ha.mmonJ OrJIUI. 020 No. Mal1l. la.II ta AZIL Oood term&. OACH8H~O Pl:PPI.l:S AKC rec. I red m ale tend & bl&ck " t.a.n female. 13!>. U <"h. 14271 Ctcinl'· ron I.An.. aant.a AnL Pb. Kl 1·1011. l lcAI WE . DON'T SELL BALONEV - Just the Best Deal · on Used Cars- '53 FORD 8 4-dr. custom. o'drive,>ft-& H. '53 BUICK Super Riviera. Full equipt. '51 OLDS super 88 4-dr. Fully equ1pt. '51 BUICK 4-dr. Special. R & H, Manual ~hift. '47 PLYMOlITH 4-dr. Hurry, LOW PRICE! See ue for a. real deal on a NEW 'M BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. ~02 1 (A f ew blke Ea.at of Newport City H all I 40-Aa~ for Sale 51 l'HF:\. Mn\' r Gltr!f', R&H Cr,.Pn, rlPl\11 sii; !l 619 P nrr' C"nrnnl\ 11 .. 1 .\l11r, Harhor 2!\4!1.f't llfl•'r :. .w r m • f)J p.\i JP.'!ll CHRYSLER :-.'~w )"nrkf'r. ""' <'f'llPnt cnncl. R•H. Ownrr IP&\' 1nR for H nw111l. Mu11l •Pll Dell· v1•1 y d11 te May 27. $845. H11rbnr 62112-M ~2pM tO-Au~ Utd Trucka Yolkswagen Trade -ins ·~1 F"0 1H i 11 C"111tnr11 • 11111 ',..,,r~ . 11141 f>P: l'OTO ' dr. s•d. Rart10 11nil htatf'r o good lll"f'"· Sif-1 H • H P'o1r-lnm11tlr R• 1111111111 Harhnr 31103-.1. ~I c.'13 b1111k c•11J.1r 1941 FOR.D huAintlll coupe, 6 cyl.. nHho. hr11.t Pr. xlnl merhantcal 1·ont1ll 111n. Call l'lller 6 wtekday,, f1:10 I.I 11·1098. 2010 Monrovia, 1 ''fl&ht Mf'All. Ullc '03 , PLYMOUTH t!luh. R ... drive ...... .. ·~o PONTIAC a H d &nfltte, R & H 411 FOHP ronvtr·ttblf'. rPbuilt mtr Synchro-meah trA111nll~a1on s.;11:,. H&ll S2·16. Prl»&te party. LI 'ti OOOOE ~an. l{0/111 cont1111o1n. 8-1;42. 6tc63 .Radio -12110. lil l!l FORD. 4 Cloor, 'R•H. jet bl•rk. WSW, no•,..d; dt'Cktd A lowtred. °Nf'W •eat covers, very "'"•n. J..,44 Oa 'Rer 2i02 Circ:.la. On\'t', B11yRhorr1, E vn . Ll~rty 8·029T. #' 60c52 HARl.E:\" DA \'lDSON motorcycl,. 1947-74 a h v. Good ahapt $275 943 Everirt'l'n. Coala Mtu. tFTt'tdom Ho"1t~l. 51p:i3 See 1The All New Hillman Husky $1445 SEE end DRJ\'E at H arvey Mayer M trs. :.!137 llorh••r Blvd,, C"lt& Mt llll. 1•r <"1111 tor dcrnonJJtratlt>n at l.I 8·22:">6 ~ 51 c63 lll!H-1'1 TON lnternl\\nlll'I. truck. Strle11 R·llfl, RAH, 0 '1lr. onr· load ~p1111 . trallllr hitch, dblt Eaitl" nylon t1r,.~. mf'lal r raln r11ck & •take r11ck, H.~o - 316 Cll.lla l, Wt~l :-.iewp<Jrt. Har. •0~1. !>Op52 COTTON GOFF Volkswagen Dealer :n16 Nt'wputt Blvd . N ewport Bi h Harbor 8 f>tc:.:i '1-Auto 8en1ce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 -Cylw. . ................... $48.H~ 8 Cyls . . .................. $58.8'8 Jn• l11dl'1 both labor a nrl 111ut• :--.. w r1n1111, wrl•l pln11. v11lv• r:rlnd, fltllnl{a ot m 11ln Anrt rocl bt'a.rlnge. Exptrl motnr tun11 1111 llO-!lay.or 4,0'lO mile J\llnnto (to;() MONEY oow:-•1. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY Built In our ov.-n factory by 1klll,.rl '49 OLDSM<)BILE 'latt<m w1.iron m11chlnl•ll. TJon t c11nltnd 10:11h Tnp 1h1tpl'. Pn:alt p&rty H0ar th• middle m 11n lluy •lln ct 3704-W. 64r!>ll I REBUILT and IN. 'T ALLED 11151 PLYMOt.."TH Sa my station ~HOflT HJ..<>\K wa~on. Exctll•nt c·nn•ltll"n FO Rfi 1120 ·.o own,.r tlrrv .. n JPi~ f'honl' U r Hf:\"HO l.E:T . ~ . l lHI ·,-0 11-27113 evl'nlnjt.~ r>2r 54 I l'LY~1 Ir. l >Ol";F.: . 1 1 ·1~> -------------· f'llHYS & DF: tHrl'O .... S l~O s.>-Dop__ I L o._a.. P~t~ . I STl"IH;llAK~:H $1711 -------~--0 1.ns .. PO:-lTIA(' 6 SVilt AMERICA'll !"o. J Do~. P..l:C?S-H~H'K -· r -1 17'1 TERED AKC &>l\111' 11upp1""· llL"l>SOS I I;-. rh11.1T1p1on t lll<'k. e wet ka old. 1 ?A1111 1 ·11r Fr"!! T ow1n.: 1:143 Orange Ave. Ct)t1l11. ~fu11 ~>J \\' l"i\H f;t'Al~A.:-:TEF; 50<'~2 Bio• k mull mfet 1 1r 1t&11du 1t• Pomerantan Pups AKC. <;ha.mptnn at alud. 713& W"11~mlntltr Ave . Wu~mln· atn. P'h Wutmll'laler 2-2:,35 6<k:113H R.eulta come trom con•t.a.nl pr&CUC9l All ad n(\ll&rly la th.a ,.,,. wW pradllee -a .... ,.... 1')111 t11JCr1, Jolil•ll"U 11nd Oil (1p~n Sunda y Hi & m. tn 2 pm' BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Optn CJa tly 8 to 7 St1.te Bondt;J NEW LOCATION 310 East 3r d S t . ..... ~ ... ' • ti-Auto Se~ ATTENTION Nash • Hudson I 4A-Artt!:_.~-Rou~----~--Ar.u. ~ .. ~ollM't •1 RENTALS· ~ owners Rioh Hahn'& Garage Aulhortaed Puta It Service allo Oood '1'ran1port•~IOA Cara P'or !ale Auto Radio Repair 1 N•.!9 ~ ~~72~t·i~ttc l We..are opening a new dept. to handle rentals. It you h'ay~ renta\ property and wish t o se- cure a ten.ant. CALL JEAN SMlTH and sb~ will take all information. Our charge will be 10"< for shon term rentals or ~"( for y('arly lea~~. MA y SPECIAL D NCA Foreign car Tune-up U N HARDESTY, Realtor P1u~~!:1t~ec~l.ry. I '-2602 Free Parking Lot W .. "-d-'I \ Newport Rlvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 • pie .. up • "" Vl!r. BE A \\'JNNER WlTH - 1 ___ --- Hausken Motor s Inc. C b M · J 1132 Hubor Blvd., COila Mua a an as artnas l.l~rty 8-M>f>l. He~ •2-Trailtn •:i:i BOU:S EN!U::•.:ADA 22 n house tni1ter. Like nt<w. l'ullt'I .. lhWT. Sleep• !). Stllf>O. Su •t 1991 1\ewpo~l Ave .. Coe.iil lft-Jla. ur call H11rbor 70-R cv. ~ 7tfr I SMALL utUtty traUer with hitch a nd llcenee, $•5. Ha.r. 327"-J., •9cM A lRSTRE~'-f-2• f l. cruiser, Xlnt c•1ncl. Tw bed.I .l IJath. 'II-ply tires. Lu~ury fnr t1uv,.l. r ulls "Ully. U !Sf>O. 3!l LlraJie SL Wdo Pk H ar. l237·W :12p~3 47-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We net'd apta ana houaea ln ail itectlona tor bOlh winter and yea.r'• leue. F\lm. or untum. u you hav• a •aca.ncy, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 \V C~t. Hwy .. Nt-wport Bch. Lido Peninsqla, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful li\'ing. Apt.-Cabana11. Ulilltiea paid. with Yacht slip accomotlations. ~ Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. i.~or aplJt. or rcscn·ation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc Choice Summer Rentals on BaJboa lsland & Lido Isle Sm&ll .le cozy ur largo .le deluxe 175 t~ $300 month VOGEL CO. LIDO ISLE 2 YEARLY RE~TALS lD:FUR~. I. 2 be1lroom!. 2 ba ths. 2. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathe. ChoJce JocatJon.s. 208 Manne Ave, B&lboa Laland EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Ph. Harbor •H or Harbor 2151 3113 Ne wport Blvd .. Newport Bch. Ree. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30!)9-M Harll<'r 1013 •OUc 64t!c NEA,RLY ?'E'W modem 2 bdrm. duplex. unrum.. w ith ji:arage. Coat& Mu a. Waler pd. ~o ch1l· dren, S6i.50 mo. Call LI 8·1409. 17tfc SUMMER RENTAL Phllno Liberty 8-3481 208 Marine. Ball>O& lal&11d Phone Harbor 44.C 1667 1-:. ('u11i1t H y .. CCll"(Jnl\ del Mar l'hnrw Hl\rbnr 171! ·Z BDR:\f. HOM£ !urn. or unfurn Coitt& Mesa. Exclulive Bayfront l"lome. &aeon Bay, evltllable for il.uly cl Au· gust , B~aull{ully furnished. Gar- bage disposal. dishwasher. deep t rt-eze, 2-car garage. AduJU, no pets. Har. · 2471, courte1y to agents. · 43ltc ALSO i11nall apt. Call Ll 8·~750 L t.111 flfClr<>, 3 116 \'1a Lido llfter ~. pm 50c52 Hnrl>Or 4lli 1 JZL!c <i8A-Apts. for Rent List Your Rentals I Close to Lido Shops W ITH US We have good tt•n11nt.s NEWLY DECORATED. L'nfurn 2 wll1tm1t C1•r bl• h pemlanenl and bdrm. apt. w/gentge. Large II\'. "11mnwr r otnt.1111. rm . .t: k1tchr n, $6:1. mn. r••ntal. Rex Rechs, Realtor Phone: Har. !)(1{13 or 55!12. 51p53 AVAILABLE NOW VERY NICE 2 bdrm. unfum. hM. !\"ear Lido 11hopplng center. F .A. hrat. (jr,-.place, garbaj!e dlaposll.l, lh•hm11.Sler. garage. Yrly. leue, $100 mo. to reapon.11tble pt'Ople. CALL owner. LI i-2~8 tor •pp'L H p52 2a1r; \\'. Halb<ln Rivet . ~<·wrort. Ni rt I I d LO:-\G BEACH Penln. Ocun Ft. H"rbor :'.>!Sil "I' Ha . !lR7 tfitfc 1 8Wp0 S an J..o\·t-ly new 2 bdrm. home. Brau- \\ A:"llT1-:n TO RF::":T-Ont-bt!drm Waterfront Summer Rentals uruuy turn .. washer. ga.r. Lell8e 11pt. nr h n11.•" J 1111" !~•-!'<'pt. t11t RATES bv week, month or 81'1\snn $18.">. mo .. L.B. 343-195. 49p:l4 Writ,. t "mlrr11.•,.,111. 6 2!\ :"n Bent-310& Channtl Pl. Har. 1217-J. ,,.,. or .-1111 O·.H l~. Tur~nn, Ariz:. 1 • tttc UNF URNISHED 3 bedrm. Corona MpS2 Highland• f amily home. W /W _ SMALL Jl1JRN. APT. Adulla pre· carpeting, drapell. cozy uaed \\' i\ STF.l J TO RF:~T m Nel"'('Ort · ferrfd. No dott•· Quift. 160. mn.. brtck fireplace,. raleed hearth, Hr.11 11 ~• h•.,•I d1•1 r" r :l ur •I 1i .. 11. yrly. Collts Me11a. Har. Ofl!l2·J . birch pantltf1 kitchen. Ocean 1 ""'" un(11rn. homt-. Rf!lll'ble after ri. 60cl'>2 view, fie. yard. Stove, nfrlg .. ,.,,,,,1y Ir'"" ~tnnthly n1 l•·Av: ------------automatic wuher Included lt H11r. Mt8-M 1'>2rM \'EARLY unCurn. 1 bdrm. "pl., lluht'<'l. l>l'e now SO. Seaward Waterfront \\'""' r 'I() H 1-::...--r '.l-1 :i. h•"ll nnm f•11 11 ''"''"' I.I In """"'H' l '" wllh irars1te. BAlboa l!lle.nd. Roa tl, Corona de! Mar. Ph. HYatt Hl\r. 2M!l-W or Llbnty 8-4438. •·5691. 3Tt!c 35lCc ------------COSTA MESA, 3 rm. a pL, furn. nr unfurn .. lnl'ludea utllltiu. C"AU HYett 4-43!17. 28t!c 11 1111< I.I k.111:: nr lh1. 2:1~5 ------------ hind I' I\ l •1 .... "' u .. 11 .. ,,~ P.-.i-l CUFF HAVEl\"-Spactoua 2 bdrm. attractively Cum. Mountain vtew ll'lvt-ly i;rouni.111, privacy 8"\lJ'ef. Sl,000 11ummer & ll,800 yearly lea..'le. Liberty 8-7432. :10c52 !llli-."i2 ~~-:.'~ll~. _&_ ~~~~~ --. -- Summer Rentals • J•:xdust\'C Ha v Fronts 111 h<-r 1·h1111w 1•n•pt•rt1<'s 1-1.11 It • I I 11 ·I ll11v Shure!\, 'Ace- ' •• , Hit \ qu.1hl1e1t , h1·nl11 nnly. llarb11r l1\\"1•slmcnt {';o. I Lido Bayfront NEW 3 bdrms., 2 baths, immacu- lntrly furn. apt. IM.\IF.PIATE o«n1pBnl'y for II mn. prrf11<1. Apr. ;!Rth In Oi-l 28th. $28MJ. l:'\C"LUDES enllr~ 1<umm"r eea.,nn. ="" ~l~ :->n rh1ldr1•n. Shown hy 11ppmntrnr.11t nnlr I HAHROR !;\!VESTMENT CO. 2 BDRM. 4' DEN turn.' hou•e. Frnc,.11 Jn yarl1 with ~ara.ge, ="t>wpt>rt. One hl1wk to oCfan <l 11hopplng. Yearly on leue $80. month. H11r. •286. ~Oc52 F L"R:":lSHED :i bdnn., Ocean vlfw. J yr. lfRSe 100. prr month, Incl. wlltPr & g1trdener. · ALSO. 2 br. lovely home, ntcely f11rnishet1. 'rota.1 for 1ummer 11cuon $80(), BP!lt lc>eatlon. C'lo.e lo beach .\ bay. ExclUsive Lido Isle Bayf ront · Beautiful Brand New Hawaiian Modern Enjoy the ever-changing beauty of Mil A power boat.a skimming by in the clear, cool waters of the South Bay. An unaQrpuaed panoramic view; the beach at your door. Wliile quiet and pryvacy pre- vail. Lido ii famed u the ideal place tor tamiliea, childttn and boat loven. Cloae by ii the Lido Club- house where social and play actMtJea abound. Tenia, boating, etc., for your enjoyment. • DELUXE INTERIORS ARE W to W viacoee nylon rubber underpadding carpeting: floating at&lrcue: tropical pl&ntlng: 2 hure stone fireplacea : dream kitchen with eerving bar, built-in Thennador; diah- waaher. Three bdnru!., i:ilu. conv /panelled den : 3 bas. FulJ lge. glua window wall. with eliding doors opening to upper and lower sun decJcs. Other fea- tures. Mu.st be aeen to be appredated. EXCELLENT VALUE! Phone Harbor 509S for api;,>'t. Courteey to brokers or write Owner, J ohn Legge, 208 Koron, Newport Beach, Calif. ' 51p53 . SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY 1 A 'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and am&ll dining room, oar· · peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfut apace and eervice porch. Ample cupboarda and atorage space. Oversized 2-cu garage. Nice enc109ed patio. Moat convenient corner location. 2 blka. from City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Bl?d., Newport Beach Har. 1013 $18,500 -Corona Highlands Partly furnished. Large lot. Forced air heat. Oak tloon. Lge. f ireplace, ocean view. Loan commit· ment $12,000, 5% 20 ye.ar. ~ Exclusive with G. H. LATHROP. 3635 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor Mil ~2 COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL" g Thia la your opportunity to purchue a nice 3 bdrm. home in good location, Eut Coet& Men. Easy terma. EARL W. STANLEY, Reallor 15th It Irvine, Newport Beach Liberty 8-2664 <Ev•. LI S.70M) '5lc$i 5 Apts. plus 3 Stores Ocean View -Walk to Beach . All rentals low to aecure permanent tenants -Could be increased by talcing 1ummer rentals -Present in- come $530 month. Aaking $49.500. Submit on dowa pymta. & terms. J. M. MILLER CO. • 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach ''By the Newport Pier" Har. 4091 51c!53 H l~~.1 JliOtl 'f:\"I'• 1.l 8·5:1861 27ttc f'hone Har. 1600 (evea Hsr. 12101 4 ltfc FISHER 8t CO. 60-A -Commercl.al, lndQltrial 60-A. -Commercial, lnduatrlaJ 2603 !l:twport Blv1! . Xpt. Och. 1 ·111:1•:'\1\ I •l·:t. :\11\l! S 1111tst11nd· 1111.: 2 h•ln•' nrt "(•an ~••le llwy \"I•\\ Lt""•lv c 1\1 pi-t,.•I llvlng m1. l "11111•·r I 1' • p!ru • C:nrbage \!IS· f"'""' l'.111 .. & j.!a111~1'. $110. mo. HARBOR APTS. Phone Harbor •429. • 50<::,5 Modem furnished ~pts. Y~L~~e~u~~~o~~~.:,O~·~e~~t S ATTENTION: ATTENTION: S day. week or month Brh .-s3:,. & s•:i. LAmbeort '1•11111 u11f 11r11 ~Jl'R Jl-:1, Pl:'l.'UVER, Realtor Nt ar bUJ!. atom & bay. Reasonable r •• 1~13 l\fler 6 p.m. ~·Otf>2 Owner Operators-lnvestor5-Speculator-s ra.tes. 10• E. Bey Ave., BALBOA ~----~-----.----. c· Ill ll 1rhor· '41110. :SOC5% Garden Court H a.i'bol' 53u : l":Uc tJl'>FUJU'-:. l'~ bdrm. house, la.rgel STOP LOOKING! ya.rd. IC.)('.Jl.te<l al 1606 So. MOn· LARCE t urn., 1 bdrm, epl. F'lre-1 rovlL lnquJro at 88:> W. l7th SL. 2 rare valuea you ~·t afford t.o mis.- placr. l"'\ll(I, aulQ. washer. $7f> CoMt.a Mesa.. f>OcS2 < 1) FOR SALE OR LEASE. Xlnt. invest. S.29,500 1"111111,lw•I a pts. "omp!Ptl k ltchl'nl! mo .. nl~·. t.:l!l. P"·: "" ~hlldrro, ~E\\', unru1 n. 3 bdrm. hous&. lge. -.,.r Slf'• P1t 4. 6 ur 8. Av111l11bl• by 213 Colton .st., \\ Newport. )·d. wllh tr"""· neoar !IChoola a.nd ~ated on Main Thorofare -H ub ot Balboa boom- •111~" wf'l'k Qr 111ontl3. H1r. l3<M·\\ · ~Oc52 iransport.allon. sso ll!l'lll on leruie. ing busineaa centre. Modern 2-store buainess·profes- RE,\ SQ:'\",\ Bl.£ HA Tl':~. Har 0823 1 • • • I Avail. l\lay 16 -'8i2 Victoria, · 1 bld Qlt _ _. ti C 1 I t ' t t 11:i:1 1·:. Rlllbna Hlv•l .. lill.lboa. Jllc~2 U:->Ft.~H=". gar~ge srt. Llt1 gt> 1 c, . M F 4_80_6 :.itlfc s1ona g. y. co ..... ~ruc on, • oca ion, s ree Mrm. wHh n<'"Rn v1,,w "tt"'" & "111a l'M. r. ' · to alley, approx. 2600 sq. ft. Fireproof. roughed in 2 fif)R~fS. unfum .. pra~t. •love, retr-1g. ml'!. $71'>. mo. Har. 1177 COSTA ME~A 2 h .. <1rm. cnmpll'le· for nlumbing and wiring for apts. c;r offices above. ~:frig .. W&tf!'r ~Id._ l chtl'! o.k. ~•0«~2 1 ly furn. \\' ,,, V>' •·urpe\. Auto r; ... :i \\' 19th St • Coala .>1('1'8. I WR.~twr :'\lee yar.I \" ('8.IlV 11'11~4.'. Next to a $225.000 enterprise. COI'-ISIDER TRADE 1..1 8·6971 or U 8-3340. 47tfc Charming Harbor Han•n Lllwrty 8·!\7:10 Afl,.r ri j,. m A L S 0 LIDO ISLE Apartments • Palios -t'>2cM l:~Ft.:R..'-:lSHEfl. yea.rly lea.u. S NEW 6 ROO~f. str<'ct ll'vel. !l:car LIDO. Lovely 2 bdrm .. furn18hf''1 bdrm .. 2 bath, llvtni room 20x:IO. 1chool11. Miopplnf{ 1.h11tnct. Quiet. .July . . . ..... -14:>0. 2 patios ,comtr I lltndllll, J2t'>O plea3&llt, exclu11h·'· Gnrbagc dis· A.UJ!Ulll . $5~0. ptr month. poeal, laundry. 1tor11ge rooms. A~k fnr C:ro1 gf' Kiimer Beaob Real !{&rage. 182.50 up. Occupies tn· G1rl'nleaf·~l'Vt1ts Realty Bay-A ty Ure atreet . Oood 111pfrv1.11lon.• Hnr. 25111 :1112 :\'pt. Blvd .. ~pt. HM> W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa ?ngr-., l M l H evPn Place :'i:ZC~ llal'bor ~ l Bloclc Soul.h ol H igh School ).:ENTAL .1, ALSO FURNISHED APTS. H. ,. I WI.l\"TER RA TES SPECIALISTS St!c. OFFICE SPACE ln Mariner'• call ~ crall F'L"RN. 1 bdrm. apt., yeu ll'a~e Mlle, Nf'Wl>Or1. Bch. APQJ'C>ll. 420 Blanche Gates, Rltr.. Si5.-180. or •ummer rale ssoo l<I· tl. Leue all or part. 111 M&rtlse An I for I monU11. l nq 308 Ca mt1· CORON.A D,L MAR -Center or at&lbo& la1aA4. Bar 187i T2tlc lion, Corona del Mar. HAT. 4016 town. Stor., Ille m!•. or ! t . ~~ . fui"'--o-N-A-~-L-Y_pri<*S, ___ cl_eu __ l_lt I l 900 eq. ft. Lt'u. all or part. J bdrm. turn. apt.a. tJut pa.Id. '8~1111M for Rent 700 aq. ft.. Uvini quartel'9 up. Laund'7 ~ P1a~gn>und t<>r et.a.Ir• avt.ilable. clUJdne. Btu. Top Apte . •03 FOR LJtASr Cont.act owner, LI 8-1021. l\Oc62 Newport Blvd .. Ntw-port Beach.1 TWO BliUTlFUL new 1niDe A~ the A.roh-. •9tfc Terrai-e "Un!urn. vltw homM. (2) HARD-TO-FIND ln<tustrial M-1. On :hst St. to alley. Nearly new present bldg. on rear inc. 1 & 2 bdrm. apta. with u bl. gar. Approx. 30 x6(1' indus. or com'l bldg. s}te in front. Provides home nnd business plus income. Take advantage of this - chance-in-&-lifetime opportunity. . WON'T LAST LONG at S 14.500. GOOD TERMS. .. Phone Harbor 5093 for app't or WRITE OWNER John Legge, 208 Koran. Newport Bet.eh. •' Courfesy to brokers 5lp53 -~------~~---~--·"---~----~- PARTNER Active or not-with $5,000 cash. LEASEHOLD ~ATE VIEW LOT -Cliff H&\·en NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS..:.. PART 11 ·PAG!5 MONDAY, MAY 16, 1955 OVERLOOKJNG ltul Jelly fntr. Bi--__ ReaJ __ Ea_ta_tie _______ n-___ ReaJ ___ P.:_:;w_ta_t. _____ _ to Nl'~'Jl011 Harbor. SA'-'l"lllce N.I~. $3,6()() l.Ehl«h 9·2108. fVU Llberty 8-8840. 5ltfl' 1...ARG!: LOT on Cllt't Drive In CUtt Hann, AUO 40 tt. 1tr11et to 1lre.et lot on Oe11011. Udo 1-le a.nd C·t lot on Newport P lvd. Mn. Ahrent, Rar. 01"1. 23tto BY OWNER -S b<lnu., e.loec lo ahopplnf , etc .. ()n quttl St. Hwll. I .tlrl., tanceJ lot, uwera, carb. dlJ!p.. llll'y rear. Room tor ill· come. New J)&lnl. 4%-loan at SH pe• mo., lncludln&' taxu A luu. P~ce 113.2f>Q. 489 Park _ Drtvt. Costa Men. •Otte I Bay Front income J t.JNtTS-2 It 3 be\Jrooma. turn- llht.'ll. Pier, n oat a.nd prlvatf beach. 1000 E . Ba..lboa Bhod .. Balboa. Crf'~tv1tw 186411. Cour- lesy tu broker•. 13tfc: on· Irvine Ave. Lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. New ~·all to wall c.arpelinc &1111 sra· verae Clr;aperlu. Blo<:k wall and lanO.C.ptd. t 15,7f>-O. Owntr. Ll 8-5437. H c57H FORS~BYO~ VIEW LOT Catalina Orin, $4,000 . IM3 Evergreen, Coit.a Mua. (Freedom HomH l. 01~ $1100 DOWN THREE be<lroom home, &&rap, fenced yd., b~aut. la.ndacaped. 110,500. CALL at 188' Ji,ARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MltSA. L1 8·18'1. 62c~ CORONA DEL MAR INCOME Var1oua un.lta It J>rts:e• to meet your want1, 113.000 to H0.000. ALSO 2 bdrm. home complelt-ly turnlah9d, double 1ara1e $1'.500. CALL Mia1 Kobla~l Har. 2162. s1s5 cout Hwy., c.D.M . l!:ve. liar. 0829-R. 38c51 For Sale or Trade- ocEAN VIEW modem 2 bedrm. home Y."ith exua room a.nd % b&tb on double &'*Z'&&e. 2712 Clift Drive (adjacent vacant lot antable) Ph. owner, LI 8·2532 "23tfc BAY FRON'!' new modern home. boat allp ; 15 B&lboe. Covu. Owner Harbor 1100-W. .,.ttc LOCATION OF DISTINCTION Modem 2 bdrm. attractive home. Ftrepla.ce. 1mall y ard. P erfe<:t -' for work.lnr' ot"· ~Ured couple~ Only 19600 wtth .. ~down. REX RECHS, Rltr. 2307 W. Bal.boa Bl., Newpor:t Bch. Harbor 11166-B&Tbor 98T ~2 Want a home in the Coves? lNP'ORMATION and KEYS 11t Nn. 9 Bslboll Cove•. Owner. Harbor 28711-W. ~p63h 208 Kings Place J'OR SALE OR LEASE with op- tion to buy. Attract.Ive 2 bdrm. A den. beam ce!ll.np, lsrge vit-w lot .. Clift Haven. Owner. Lont; ~"rh 900-317. 39p62H ~Bu.lneM 2J>R!>rtmlltfee BUS COMPA:-.;-y with long term frt11chl3e ln tut gniwlnR Costa M<'Sll, Phonl' 0 \-:NER. Llbert.y 8-3663 or Llbt!rty 8-6223. Mtrc DELICATESSEN "' l(TOCery lllO~ a.nd a lwo bcdrm. home loca tt>ll next to com er of 19th A-P ljj· centla Costa Meaa. Excellent .1po~ tor .llquor at.are, be•r &ml WIM C811 LI 8·3683 or Llberty 8·62Z3. \ !')01 re . RETIRED bu11lneMmen aeeka part time or tull tlme occupa- tion. Can Invest aorne m<>nry.1 Write Box K -;a, this paper l\Opfl2 BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here ia a 2 bdrm. home for you and • l bdrm. home Cor re.nt&J. Couip. furn. realty to move ln. $26.~. Take low down payment It t~rm•. . $5000 down moves you in -:_-- to 3 bdrm .. 2 bath completely f~. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal apot for year-rol.lnd Uvtnc. <$18,500 full price.. See this IMMACULATE: 2 bdnn. home. well located on cor- ner lot with apace to build in front. Comp. tum., new atove It: relrig. Lovely patio. Only $17 ,fiOO. S3.'>00 down. We have some real nice bayfront homea available for aummer rent. VOGEL co . 208 Ml\rine Ave., Balboa laland BAY AND . BEACH REAL TY REALTORS Excluaive -Ocean Front Duplex. Luge patio. Full price $16,500, term1. Near Catholic Cbur"CA. * 1: * Pier & Float -$17,750 tull price. Thia ta a Uttte cutie. Newly decorated 1 bdrm. hou.e. Parfect fCYf bachelor, or couple, with boat. * * * BALBOA -BA YFRONT -$4.5,000. Ntoe ~dy beach. Pier and Float. AND LIDO -BA YFRONT -CASH will reduce price. THIS IS A BUY! No telephone infonnatlon wiU be given on the.e two Bayfront Bargain•. ·BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa _ _Jiarbo~ 8EST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced below rep~ment 009t ••• Beau- tiful, &lmoat new two-story 3 bdrm., 8 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from &11 roorna. Fully car· _peted, beautiful drape., new pier It allp. Price in· cludea 20-ft. Century apeedboat on• J-.r old. Artlstic landac&pinJ. NOW, bold your breath! All thla for $&1,950. Better hUJTrY u thi.a won't 1ut. EARL W. · STANLEY, Realtor • 3113 Newport Blvd., N..-port Beach Har. 101' ITS A DILLY -DON'T DALLY ! Call for AppolntmeDt to Bee at 303 Crywtal. ON "LI'ITLE" BALBOA l.8t:A:ND Lovely 3 bdrm .. 1 lh b&th home PLUS charming 1 bdilm. apt. -a atep to the bay -Both with fire- places & both completely furnished in excellent taste. Terrific income pot.entilLl. $31 ,500 witn exceptionalJy ~ term.I. ·. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine, Balboa laland Harbor f781 WHY NOT BE DIFFERENT .7 This is the most unusual, charming, modern home in the Back Bay Ar.ea. The home ia bea.uU!ully IUld soundly built of adobe brick. AU floors are expen- sively laid in polished miallion tile. The large living ro0m looks out. on the whole Bade Ba.y thru. Iota of floor to ceiling gla.88. Thia unusual beauty wit h private patio is situated on approx. ~ z acre ot ex~ pensive Ba.ck Bay VIEW land. V,ery reuonably priced at $32,500. THE VOGEL CO. 1--3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport ~h U 8-3481 BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE ' W Al'>TED FROM OWNER, 2 or 3 bdnn. home, Harbor arell.. Ort. Inca, Sl2.000--Sl9,000. All cull. M. ~na.rd. Box L-74, tht11 new11paper. !\Oc~2 Be sure to see these NEW HOMES- 60-lnt"ome Property $24,750. 3 UNITS -4 YEARS QLD HAS HIOH 1:-ICOME R ECORD. a.nil con111~t11 or One deh1xt-~ • '4 bdnns .. 2 bath homes Close to everything. FHA TERMS CALL MR. GATES, with mom ho\lllf', a nd 2 11peclm111 l DIKE & COLEGROVE bPl.lroom unit~. all brsuurully r11mlaht'd end lmmaculat,.. Cloae Ph Ln.-rty 8·797& 33tfo t<> bay. beac:l'I, 11loru and tranio· 1 one J~ portaUon. Tl'n&.nte now avail· -------------------------G;~;nl;~f :5~~~~;+~8· This Is Value - Realty 3112 NewpM·\ Blvd .. Npt. Buch Har, 2.''>51 ll!Vet. Ll 8·31811 !12clH iRA:'ID NE\V I Wl'T'll. Wlli..irn. d\J· I BDJUSS .. 2 bathe anti ~A-Bualnees fte.ntlali fl:ex. IVbac'e dl8J>OMJ. p.ra~. ~:iE~~· 1~7~a~s.Harbor 4U8. c!~i ~0.;:· t 11<H:ao u .... u. JtARL w. STAX-LEY. Realtor AVAILABLE -About 8000 aq. 1.4 tN~EST in new company doing an acellent 60-A-Commerclal, l.Ddustria.l '' I On BALBOA ISLAND we offer exclusively an unus- ually de11irable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Dttligl)tflll '-living room, large diolng room. Muimum Aquar• foota1e. Close to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. nr tl 8-Tl~ an.r .6 p.m, It wk. 11'V1ne TtrTAte Otnce enaa J>'han• mt~Rl7. !IOtfe Coron& dal ~ Ntk -1'o d d bJ Wied :0-:EW I BDRM .. prbaf'e dlapo-1 r t. ""'" 18 u.r. aee SM. m onth. 117 ·21at It., Coeta It. 41ht lnduatry •Pl'~ on u t A 2nd. floor. \..'. S. HJghwa.y 101 aad Bay Frtl'l~e.. \\'Ill·~ &U or &n)' pan It Nmodel l4 ewl • ttne'IL Vorel Co,. 1411 Via Udo. Harbor •"71, H ue your local dttal<'r "'"ho wlU be hu e 1 Mua.. L1 8·3180. fl Jc03h TOMORROW to back up ""hat ht 55-M0•1 to Loe.a , . ut..."TH LAGUNA-Upper unrum. , -----wll• TODA v C-heck the Uf(•d «rt OC'l'an ,.,,,..._ flrl'place. :'tto<1· WOULD Wte to bUy 1tlt uid Ind i-ar-:n lh• '13l'~lrltd •"t:1on 1,, rrn s7:1, mo f'h·m~ Lonr s.-11rh Trult Offda. Call Bu. U2t day. 1·0082. I Olc:lle I 4.IUO ·- buaineu. Policy diu.&Teernent i.a responsible for D p . Call H~r 1775 Evea. Harbor M."J8 thia once-in-a-life:t.ima opporlwll'"Y· w. abouW ~ I-..JJ_usiness roperty 1100.000 thia year. · TW~~:~~!~ll EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Party eelecled bust have rood character re(erenCff, • ftncad. Nari7 food lmp~Vt· 22& Kariae Ave., Balboa bland mlflt. Ulal mlftlt be adapted to be cooperative and easy to get along with. RepUea va.riou• buatne .. u . cau Wberty held in at.Met confldeace. · ., •-~II 1*wff11 o • T pm. BY OWNER Write 8oK N76 UU. p&pet tor a per90na.l lnt.trview. 61~ II G~H I Corona B tsh.landa -3 bdrm.. I -ltverybody tt&da Clumt'-d Ada. b&lh farmboueit. 1'llA oommll· -l\ PQ9 \0 1-.4 \.be WUl WL meot. ~ Bara. 71-J. te\11 ev OWNER a btfrm. hctwd fin rlrep\ace, jlU'b&«e dl1~, l car car. ~f'wp<Jrl Joielltbt.t •', loan. I Jl,&00. &28 P.edlam la, 1.1 1-4.lAO UC6• ., \ ~{;E'. PART It-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS C-aeal beat. MONDAY, MAY ''· 1955 -a._.,.,..... BALBOA ISLAND A HAPPY COMBINATION of Ellerl>roek and Bal- boa latand -• bdrm., 3 bath. To a quallned fam· Uy who can handle a high monthly payment. we offer about $5000 down. GRAND CANAL - 2 unit.a • a large patio, fenced. ~ttractively fumiah~0,000 ~own. 80 ft. of BAY FRONT -Pier, float. ' bdrnu. Lovely ~rounda. Thia home ia priced low at $78,000. ' BDRMS., 23~ baths. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. All f or $24,950. DELIGHTFUL amall vacation home. Double garage. retching. St~.750. BEACON BAY LOVELY 4 bdrm., 3 bath.home on Yawl Rd. $33,600 8AY SHORES We offer the only ~v&ilable Bay Front home with pier le (\oat. 165 ft, frontage. Moat exceptional. Shown by app't only. · CALL HARBOR 1775 EARL W. STANLEY . -Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa Illand. ~ . LID 0 Pwk your choice.: e unit.a on 80 ft. waterfr-0nt. Good income . $105,000 5 unit.a. Income $600 per month ... .. . .. .. S 59,500 4 bedrooms, 3 bath•. New waterfront ........ $ 75,000 .f·bedroom1 (under const.) waterfront ........ $ 69,500 4 bedroom•, 2 bathe (carpeted) New ........ $ 37,500 2 bedrooma, 2 bath• & den. 50 ft. lot ........ S ~.000 4 bedroollUI, 2 bath•. St. to St. lot ....... ---···· S 3~.500 f 3 bedroo1Jl8 le den. 2 1tory. New ................. $ 33,500 3 bedroom•. 2 batha, St. to SL lot ··-·········-...$ 32,500 4 bed~m•, 2 atory (under conat.) ....... -.. S 3,1,000 3 bedrooms, 2 bath•, carpet le drapea inc ..... $ 29,500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Only $3800 down .... $ 27 ,500 3 bedroom•. 2 batha, furnished .................... $ 2~.500 3 bedroom&, 2 bath• ................................. $ 22,500 2 bedroom.a. Separat ed garage. Furn. -··-~$ 21,600 40 Ct. wateTfront lot. Pier priveleges ........ $ 36,000 ~ ft. waterfront R-3 lot . . ............ .. . ..... $ 36,000 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST -Drive into our free parking lot - 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch. Harbor f'718 LIDO ISLE Truly A Home or Distinction! 3 bdrm. Ii den, 31 2 bath•. forced a ir heat, hardwood floors. large patio with barbeque, sundeck, carpet.a & drapea on a 50-ft. lot. Full price $35.000. SEE TlilS 46 ft. comer lot with bay view, a atones throw from the club house. ONLY 11 :.: yrs. old. 3 bedrooms • 2 baths. Birch kitchen. Nice patio. LOW, low down. SEE US FOR ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bay & Beach Realty -lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643 • 2999 eves. "Just to the Right of Lido Bridge Entrance" BEST RANCJ:1 HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS ,, lt'• a ehake roof typical ranch type 3 bdi;m. home. Hu 1 ~. baths, dining room, breakfast room, large living room wit h ma.aaive fireplace. Thermodor elec- tric range Ii oven, beamed ceiling1, cedar panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. It'a fenced and,landacaped and hu a patio. Space prohibit.. the mentioning of the many other featW"N except to add that lt la aurrounded with quality built ranch bomea. Priced deflnltely below value at $23,750 . EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor OPEN HOUSE 1-5 -Sat. & Sun. 452 Shady Qfive THIS 18 NICE, 80 c)(a.n and com· fort.able. 4 bl1rm1.1 l ~ bath. 11atura1 cablnrt.. 01•po1&I, car- peted. P'lreplac•. Full pr 113.7~0 OPEN HOUSE 12-5 -Sat. & Sun. 1969 Maple St, AR!: YOU TIRED OF BUYI1"0 a home for 80me<>ne elac ! Thtn atop and ... lhla 2 bdrm. homt. J block• from new 1hopplnJ ctn· ler. Jutl 3 mo. old. Thi• 11 prlc"d rlsht. 205 Del Mar 1.r.T US SHOW YO U th11 3 bclrm .. ., bath home. Fdturu Japan· eH uh paneling, ttreplace. t'<'P· per plumblnJ. F .A. h~at, IUl,000 full price. "ART" ADAIR 18&8 Newport Blvd. Colt.a MH.t., C.UI Phone Ubtrty 11·3792 No Fancy Slogans J ust H onest Valuea - Com~ in le let us prove it? BALBOA ISLAND INCOME while building. Over '100 1q. rt. ot aunny rum. apt. PLUS ruut rm. and bath. PLUS dble. garage on rur of choice lot. Plenty room tor 2nd unit. A•k· tnr U9.T~. 18,000 down. 8 0RONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX ocea.n aide of Hwy. 2 bdnn. apt. with fireplace, two J bedrm. apt.a. Vltw or ocean wtth aun deck and patio. Fully ruml1hed. ln· come carrtt'1, DUPLEX WITH VlEW-only 2 yra. old, Prte~ for qUlck aale at Slll.000. PAIR OF DUPLEXES on 2 full Iota. Scheduled Income 129~. mo. Full price 127.~. ~.000 dn Muriel M. Pinover, Realtor 2eo• Newport Blvd .. NpL Bch. Euy Parl<lnr. Har. te10. ooc~2 OPEN HOUSE 706 Lark.spur. Coron~ del Mar Friday, Saturday and S';'DdaY HERE'S a 2 bdrm. with fireplace, beamed eelllnr. Nea t -': clun u a pin! EncloHd yard. Juat re- decorated. Owner wanta action. u.~ down. OPEN HOUSE 20. Ruby, Balboa laland Friday, Saturday and Sunday Hl:Rli'a A R.EAL family home that you muN aee. Two bdrm .. real nice encl. Ratio. Attractive aun porch, S21.~. term• Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS c. B. RUN, Wm. 0 . Schmidt, Auoc 112 Marine Ave., Balboa X.l&J\d Harbor 20U LOCATE HUNDREDS OF FOLKS ara aav· tni Ume 6 money by lettlnr us locate what thl'y want.:. HOW ABOUT YOt; ! OUTSTANDING BACK BAY t, ACRE 13,7W. C-2 COSTA MESA, &Oxl~. 18.MIO 12,000 down M·l Nli:WPORT. 2 apts and r•r· are. $14.~00 OCEAN VIEW, I bdnn .. $11,000 n .ooo down PANORAMIC VIEW, Kinta Place large home. 130,000 CHAN NEL DUPLEX. Pie r and float, 122.000 BEAUTIFUL bay vtew lot 18.ooo. MA NY, MA NY OTHERS The Locator of Calif. ~07 Eut Ba1boa Blvd., &!baa Harbor 3eot 'lc'3 OPEN 11 a .m.-4 p.m. 2 bdrm. houae on roxt72 lot 1.oned f or Buaines. 472 Newport Bl., New't . Bcb. Xlnt. ~UOll •bon lll• A rch .. l\&lt&ble fM d0ctot'• office, beaut7 ! ~RMI r..ta_te ____ ....__U-_~_!°A~----- •1 CORONA DEL MAR · SPECIALS 1. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for anothu unit. Thil ii a G. I. Real.I~. F'ull price ~. $~ down. 2. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnl.ahed -2 bdrm. hou~. plu8' ... .t bdrm. apL FuU price Sl7,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. . 3. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of <><:ean ud jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. 4. View of breakers, ocean & beach Thia 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths. carpeted wall to will. Built on rear o! ocean front !ot. Reduced from.. $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAL-Must See! 5. WILL TAKE TRADE . On thi1 3 bdrm. plus den, 2 batha. 60-ft. lot, Soutb of Hwy. Hwd. floora. forced air heat. fenced yd. Will take small home on vac~nt lot in part pay- ment. Full price $24,500. 6-CHINA COVE - Deluxe ocean view ·quality built 4 bdrm. home. 2 bathe. For you who can afford the fineat thla la it. Priced at $42,500. PRICE . T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office lotated next door to Corona del Mar ~k) LIDO ISLE Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. Ii large den home. Choice location on wide street-to-s treet lot. Spacious dining room, breakfast bar, charming patio. Range, refrig, carpets & drapea included for only $32,500. Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the Ialand), only $13,500 for quick aale. ALL YOU NEED le yol.N' family and personal be-· · longing• to move into this one year old lovely 4 bdrm. one story home. Lar ge living rm. with atone fireplace, separate dining rm., modem kitchen with all conveniences. 3 car garage plus laundry and deep freeze area. St~l girder and sub!loor IN to expand over garage. Carpeted and furnished for $39,500 with exceptional term•. Compare this ! LIDO BAY FRONT Extremely nice 3 bdrm., 3 bath, Completely redeco- -rated le attractively furniahed-Home with pier 1nd large 1llp-Thil one hu a patio alao- Ami a very nice buy for $58,500. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine home. are listed excluaively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE .. 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har .• 4971 or 4972 Cliff Haven LOOK AT THIA 4 bdrn1 .. 2'• bath, lure family honit with overelif'J ltoublf' iaraa•" IM'J)tl· ra1• laundry room. bnullfully landicar«t ab •1 rencl'd yard 111.-ith patio &11d 1ana1 and ll'• unmatrh· I'd for mn.tt wanted loe• lion. S2MOO. Reduced for Quick Sales !\'F.:WPORT HF.:JCHTS ranch lypt 3 bdnn1., 2 bllh home "1th t1re- phr.cf'. wood 1h1ngle rooC-lovtlY patio 2 t>•r garaaf' , . was $13 9~ Now 112,9!\0 for quick .., .. ! WAS SH 1\00, NOW l ll.i50 for l hl1 3 b<lrm. and Mn With harit" ra llO, I '• be the In J"°'1 Eul· 11ldt C'oata Mf'l'a lota\lon ... Ane 12.750 tod,11y: 0 :->E 'ill:AR Ot~D 3 htlrm , 1 'i beth modl'm f111nllv home with flrt'plarf', foN'Pd •ir ·n,.11 1. par- quft noon , gubage rllspo111I. (tnc-f'd pauo . . . rt"dUced lo 111.900. Hurry on this! . '\ . Bay & Beach Realt.y 11106 Newport Blvd. CNla Mtae, C.hf. Llbnty 8·1181. Evu . Ll 8·31511 BALBOA Bay Front Duplex F\.lm lehcd &J\d wi thin walking dla· ta11c• ot the library In &lboa. 134,!>00, TERMS. Duplex in Balboa ON !:AST BAY A VE., 1 blk. from bay. Completely fuml•hed. Ex· ctll~nt rental area. Walklng dla· tance to library. 2 be'1room house plue l bedrm apt. 121,!>00. TERMS. Costa Mesa :'l:ICE 2 BDORM. HOUSE <m bOx· 140' lot, Walking dlatanct to 1lorf'a • Catholic 11rhool. $13,000. EXCELLENT TERMS. Coast Properties 301 !:. Balboa Blvd , Balboa Harbor 2M~. 2~97 and 4600. Terrific Buy M-1 Kli:ART OF COSTA MESA. Cor- ner lot, 140 fttl or frontare St'Wt'rt In. Bt1t buy ln town tor only- $10,500 A-1 Business Bldg. HERJt"S ~ GOOD INVESTMENT 'C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C"' THOMAS BAYSHORES Dr.'• arch1tecturel~· de81gn<'d MODERN home ott~r· f'd for fln!t time, Built on a lge. cor. lot around a beautiful wcll-plannrd patio, walking distance _to Balboa Bav Club. This MODERN home hu extra lfe. iiv. r~. It din. nn .. plus breakfut roo'm, nat- ural birt'h kitchen, 4 bt>drooma, 4 bath., .erv. porch, entry hall and <'Ompletely FURNISHED . Shown by appointment only. BERMUDA RANCH STYLE HOME Charming in every det&iJ is this S bdrm., I bath home, located on a beautiful cor . lot. Prize winninf kitchen, parkaY. flooring & W to W c&rpetlng thru· out, .ecluded lge. patio. Out-of-town owner MUST SELL. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SE.El Exceptional Value at $19,500 CO:MPLETEL Y F URNISHED 2 bdrm. MODEM . home plus additionaJ gueat room or den oU ~ Cheerful kitchen, W t o W carpeting, fireplace, built.- in planter. attractive fenced patio plu. luge pawd parking area. DON'T KISS TIUS ONEI "C" T H 0 M· AS, Realtor 224 w. Coast Higbwa)'. Newport Be&eb Liberty 8-M2T "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'1 THOMAS ''C"" THOM.A.I THE GREAT ORANGE COAST SALE OR LEASE A-lndustrial bldg. close to city hall. 60 x 93 - Suitable for storage. mfg .. retail or whse bus- iness, offices. lavatories. Driveway thru center t o a lley. Lofts on each side. . B-129 x 474 -Level, close in M·l zon~. 'Good water pressure. Will con.sider 10 yr. leue. LOTS C-30xl04 beach lot. Blk. to ocean. Juat .. $ 2.250 70xl30 corner , close to Rbopping. A buy$ 2,500 55x234 · Build income. East S. Bargain $ 3,000 100 ft. front on 19th. Ready for devel. $10,500 Harbor Blvd. 60x300. Never will be lea $12,500 ' HOME S D-Restricted Back Bay. New 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home .. . ... $24.~ H olmwood Dr. View home. 2 bdrm. den 2 baths . -·-···....... .......... . ..... -.... _.$26,500 OPEN DAILY except Mon. & Tues. 3 bdrm. 2 bath home at 1420 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Brand new . . ..... . .. -··-··· .. ·····";"··········-··$24,:SOO ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO !:vu. Evea. Har, 2191-M or Ll 8-5297 with SMO. a nionth Income. Finl ---------------------- Point of clau. Good tenant•. A ·\ loca· lion. 10% net lncmot . No phone Information on lhla one. lAl'• talk turkey ... lt'a f ood. Phil Sullivan & Departure . . . George Everson • l f h 1 ll!M Newport Blvd.. Coat.a Mu• Nl'\UTICALL y -II ef s start roni ere'. (Acroee from Coal& lthaa Bank I Phona Liberty 11~761 1-Relaxing h ome location -on Balboa Ialand with Evu. Har. 4388-Ll 8·2103 fenced yard, ahade tree, paved plus ee.nd area. 2-Gay interior • Complete elec?rically equipped formica bar kitchen, panelled and wallpaper. Year-rouncl comfort with two bedroo~. bath· tub with shower over. Completely furnished for juat $17,950. and $~ . .loan at $7!5 mo. Dandy Two Unit 2 BDRM. 11tucco home with dbl. gc.r. and apt. over. -..._ both unita furn. for ~nly $19.500. $1500 down arad S85 per month Is all that It taku lo buy thl• very nicrly located 2 bedroom home an NeY\1)0 .. Heaghta. Thr full pr1ct 11 only Sll.500, Aak to aee_ this home, combln•1lon of pnct and ttrma are hard to btat. TRADE 4 furn11hed units on twQ lola in Newport. Income 18 $1~0 prr l 1·00 ,, Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 If you can use a 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on Lido, you are making the mist&fe of your life if you buy anything before aeeing 218 VIA PALER MO Large light & airy bedrool'T\B, large living room and massive fireplace. 45-ft. lot , large sunny south patio. All this for only S23,500 and as little u $8500 dwn. This is the very best exclusive listing on Lido. Drop by ot1r ~ffice--a~yt.Une. We have the k~Y tmd the property ia vacant . Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "'>lta t ime to use the Summer Rent Value, to apply, and eaae that down pay~ent. month, prtc~ ta 122.~00. W all 2602 W. Newport. Blvd .. Newport. Beach Har. 4718 Call Powere or L&J<e, Harbor 63. J. A. BEEK, Realtor 503 Park Avenue Balboa leland Live at Your Workshop Enioy Additional Income M-1 zone. 2 story duplex,dble. garage on rear of lot. Room for over 1000 sq. ft. building in front. Excellent location. Bargain at $14,500. Terms. 7 bedroom ocean front home on corner lot. Good location. Must be seen to be appreciated, $17.~ .. 1 3 bedroom home, 21 :! bathi. Well located on Balboa peninsula. N icely fumi1hed in mar1e. Patio, BBQ, aundeck. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIE·S . 1~5 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor ~188 tnade for small bfach l\ome or ------Red•a.nd1 property. PAUL C. JONES, REALTOR 2820 Ntwp<:irl Bl., Newport Bch. • Harbor 2313 Rentals 4 U1"rT apartment•. nut door to oeun. good lnrome all Ye•r. price drastlcally n•duced to $1 7.~0. for quick "'''· rood financing. $1500 Down ' LOV ELY HOME, h11 hardwood fir)()rs. furnace, fine ln<·atlon. Prtl'f d below repla.cemf'nt coet, only I 11.~00. • Lot Bargain DUPt.tX -bulldtnr •lte on Orange betw"n lMh It 18th, only 12850 N. B. ·c. Realtv Co11 32nd It Newport Blvd.I-~PL Bch. CORONA DEL MAR H omi> & income.' Two r ental units and two fXI ra rooms, Cine with : 1 bath. One unit furnished. Each unit has one bedroom, kitchen . b ath & living room with. fireplace. Owner's unit hu dining room. Prop· erty 1s in A · 1 co~ittM. Xlnt, neighborhood. $21.500, terme. RAY .REALTY· CO. 3444 E. Coast "Blvd . Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Build a Home on your vacant lot AND DBRIVE some income from that lnveetment 1244 ~q . ft. home. . . ........................... $9100 Fully financed. 19 }T . Bldg. & Loan. Forced air heal. Hwd. floora. Individual Gl 100'; f inancing . State Veteran $8500 3 ~t. -$49 month. MARSHALL HOMES lStb 6 Irvine, Newpott Beach Phone Ube~ 8-~ or ev-. LI 8-&300 &hop or amall buatnua. ______ __.:.. ______________ _ K&rtlor HO" Model• open -N ewport Blvd. & Mitc hell, Twrtln Kl 7 -3293-KI 2·3569 & (Eve". Ll 8·4073) UcMH - MAGNIFl€1ENT VIE-W Cliff Location -not a leuehold. • $22,750 .lpacloua, J bedroom and convertible paneltwi den, raiMd ttrep~ oak floors. 2 tiled bat.ha. built-in Tbel"lll&dor ran,. and pven, dJ.epoeer, beautiful car- ~ and draperia Thia la a -re&! find and rare bQ7 at oalJ $22,750. Good Terma. Greenleaf-Severts Re&ltv . .a12 Ne"port Bl., Npt. Bch. Har, ~1 (ev~. b 8·3186 UllOO down wtJI handi. Coast Properties Mil I:, 8&1bo9 BITd:;-Balboa Harbor ~: 2r>ll7 ·and 48()(). $1000 Down · BALANCE ON EASY TERMS Immediate pomeealon. 'I'hrH yr old, I br., Jle&.mlng hdwd. fln., Mramle Ule kit. 6 ti.th. l.Aflt II,.. rm~ dble. pra1e. f~cNS rear )'&rd. M72 Club M-Pl . Coit& Mee&. LI 8-13117. !>Oc52 NEW I BDRM. on '9 acre.. I 7 .t~ HJ Avocado, Coet& MeN Ph KJ 2·2822, •i ttc Just Enjoy the Income from thie excellent propei:ty (no renLto pay). Located In choice rental district, 100 tt. from oc.ean. There are 3 unita -a new duplex and & ~-room • house on 2 lots. 2 unit.. are furnished •nd rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. Three garage. on alley. Preaent income cu ~ nbstan· Ually lncreued. ~will b&ndle. FOR INSPECrlON CA.LL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -I' Jl\13 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach H&rbor 1012 .. Look at this i 'bdrm... hwd. n oor1, fireplace, dlllJIOM!. Wlrad for electne llov.. renc~. )ocat~ at "•t Falrway Dr.. Coeta M-. Ul.2~. Ph. Har. 3~1·J. 311lfc our or TOWN oWfter .,. "r•t offar" on con\ar dupla lo. of Hlway. On. unrumlahed apart· muit baa I '*lrooma, oae fur· al.&hed atudlo apvt.ment ~·· AU la fOOd condltlOL C.t.il IU• Kohlat.dt, Har. 11112 '"· Har. Ol1t·k. 1115 eo.. Blvd., C.D.M O tte FlRSI TIME OFFERED 310 Lark11pur, Corona d cl Mar One of the very choice J>ropert.ies -Owner'• home, • PLUS one 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm. and a bac helor apt. All have garb. disp., fa.n1, aix 24-ft. garages plua atoreroom cir laundry mi. f«>xl 18 ft. fenced lat, quiet atreel. 2 blks. from the finest beach in all of California. E Z tenna. Shown by app't. Exdualve with -G. H. LATHROP 36M Ea.at Coast Highway., Corona del Mar Harbor 5'U2-Evee. ~11-J r • BALBOA VOGEL VALUES , . 11111 attractive Uttle home on a Strada walk ii ready to move Into. 2 bdrm., cozy tlreplace, new I W to W ca~ting, glua encloeed lanai, modem kitchen 22().volt;.dbl. garage, $20,000. Ha11 $10,000 1 G.l . lo&n at $79'.95 per mo. inc. lnt. taxes &c i:pe; "-Shown by appointment. .. OPEN HOUSE Call for app't to see .. . 1576 E. OCEAN BLVD.-BALBOA 3 bdrms., 2 bath • Hawaiian Rumpue rm. & den A real family kit chen • dishwasher -disp. • 2 sun- declls. Beautiful W to W carpeting & drapea incl. Stop & aee the rnan y other outstanding featuree of thia extra-ordinary home near Ocean & Bay . $32,000. $8000 dn., $200 mo. I IF. !IS AN INVESTMENT YOU WANT Let ua show you thl.a attractive 10 unJt nearly new quality built apartment on 2 Iota in Balboa'• choic- est rental area. Completely & beautifully furnished. Arranged for eaey mafotenance. Thie Is a real value at $68.<JC:>o. Full price. 'Tenna. WANT A THRILL ! U you've looked at an the ordinary houaea In Bal· boa .-Let ua ab.ow you one that will tnd your eearch ! Expansive view from both the exquisite liv· Ing rm. & master bdrm. with fireplace in each . 2 inore atra size bdrtM. & 4 lovely baths. Separate dining rm -~modern kitchen'":' wood pane Ung lnter.ior. Walled patio, W to W carpE'lA & custom draperies included at S49,500. We can s n-ange terms for qualified buyer . THE LAST TWO R -3 LOTS ON MIRAMA~ A real good spot for a deluxe 6 unit building or two triplexes. When th~ee are gone there just 'ain't ' no more. THE · VOGEL CO. S201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 . . . This Week's Bayfront Specials BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT Futnil'hed 2 bdrm. "dream ~ottage" plua bayfront area for addi tional new home. ThiJI ia a real bargain! First time offered for Hie -$31,500. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT 3 bdrm .. 3 bath. pier and large finger elip. Com- pletely & b<'autifully furn. Full price $58,500. Write your own tennal BALBOA BA YFRONT 5 BDRM .. pier & slip priv. Full price only $44,500. $20.000. L. C. Must act fast on tbi1 one. ALSO OCEAN F'RONT furn. home comp. Only $13.250. $4000 down. bal. $125 mo. 1st come, 1st served. ~a~-~~~~~~~~t~·~~~~·~·~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~~~~~~~~N~~~HAQORNEW~~~S-PAUff .PA&E7 --~-----MONDAY, MA.Y 16, 1955 p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t .e d "-developers of Udo Isle A SPARKLING JEWEL ! Lido Bayf ront OPEN HOtJSE -OPEN HOUSE .Charming Rustic - Ellerbroek, AIA. deaigned. Perfect condition from boJt slip to front gate. Luxury amaller Bome witb every luxury feature. Carpeting and drape9. Diah- 1iaaher, built·in ~rmador oven and range. Even diepoaal ln service ya.rd 1ln.k for f1ah and vegetable cleaning. Terrl!ic closet•. cupboarm and built-in .-Beautiful one-etory ranch ttyle home l.n s~ tet· ting, ocean view. 4 bedrooma, 3 bath•. Dinin1 room, large lot-leas than one block to exclu..I•• btach. Truly a luxury home 1D a top locaUon. A ateaJ at S28,tsoo. features. White shingle tile roof. Open Sunday from l • 5 p .m. 239 Poppy .Avenue, Corona del Mar Drive by or call Dave Otburn. U you would like a lovely home on the BAYFRONT see thia now ! ~,000, t~rma. 10~ San Remo, acroaa from Club and tennla court. There isn't a better crou etrett location. P lease do not diaturb tenants, as we can ahow by appoint· ment only. Thia I.a a lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath nicely furnished home including-wall-to-wall carpeting. The encl09ed patio la'beauti!ul with a compretely flagstoned deek. Abeent owner wanta ACTION, eo A Ringside Seat For all the activi ty in Newp< -t Barbor from every 1Vlndow. See thw gorgeoua Bay Front home. Beau· tlfully turnl.shed (unfUJ1liabed It )'O\l prefer ). • Bre&~taklng view. A.k for Hodcldnaon. bu priced at only $26,900. Bayf ronf Lot We have many well-locat:ed tote and aleo a few good rent.ala by the year or for the 1ummer. Very dMinble waterfront lot. Call me personally, Bill Farn11wortb p. a. palmer incorporat@d ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. ,cout hicbway -liberty 8-5573 Houston Values $2000 down Harbor Highlands BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm., Zil ba tl\9. W /W C¥petlng, forced alr heat. Nice tence4 yard, lacs• l'\aM doora f rom living rm Into patio. AU quality w1th H W noor- Seelnl' la bellevtn1 on t.b1a one, $17,500. 3 Bdrm. plus l l/4 Ac. JUST OFP' HARBOR BLVD. ~let for sub-dlvldlnl and nut to C-2 &<>nlng. Full price $24,llOO. Gd. t•rrn. &nd 15"'o rema.lnlng loan. It's a-Sleeper OOOD 3 BDRM. houae on big 100.· 330 loL Full prlc11 S9,2M with onJ>' $2,000 down. Eut.alde loca· Uon. JJ'or llYL lnfonnaUOll oe .-... Phou PeUtte. LI l-6d1. Inspection Invited &28 ALI80 BT. a bdrm. ColonlAl w\th dble. fir· In beautJtu.I Npt. Rta. VA CANT and R!:DECOR.A TED. Oak nrw. r.al fln plaee. etc. J:uy tema. Open 1-6. Another modem CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A new ho'Wle too! One of the l.ut choice locaUon1 ln Corona Highland•. Fieher built. 3 bdnna., 1 % bath.a, sbalte. roof, dbl. garage. -Will con.aider tr.de !or lot or acreage, OPEN HOUSE 1·5 EVERY DAY 448 RIVERA TERRACE Best in the Back Bay Greate.t value -Lowest price 1. One acre of property 2. Complete and aepa.rate gue9t house, alps. 4 3. 3 bdrm. houae, 4. Large rumpus room, 5. Double garage, 6. 50·ft. encloaed filtered awimm.lng pool with aepa.rate dreuing room• and abower, 7. Plenty ot room for ltable9 and h ones. AU ot the above can be p,urchued for u low u ~ down. 1l'u.ll price, $21,500. Call for Appointment. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. Fireplace, dbl, gara,.. Only a Jl"ll. old. Can move in immediately. $3:)00 d.n. will handle $1-i,200 full pri.ce. TWO LEA'SEHOLDS IN CLIFF HA VEN • Two 80 x 120 lot.a adjoining -M yr. leaae. Zoned R·3. Only $1000 each. GORDON "WALKER, Realtor . W. E. FISHER, Builder P . uf "P . t" en1ns a 01n Home! . P'AMOUS DOCTOR'S H OME. 14 bednlOme, 2 bath. On 2 large com er lot.JI. W to W carpeting. Full Jot ~tlo, badminton court. BeauU!Ully laruS.caped. $.32.1500. Terma. Peninsula Duplex! l!IPAClOUS 3 BEDROOM uPPER and 2 ~droom lowtr -nlcl'ly fu rnl.shed. Dandy for hom, wilt\ tncome or rental purposu. 2- car garage 127.SOO, monthly paymtnt.1 ln~lude Jnte~t. ta..xce and ln1Unu1re. Beach Home! BALBOA LOCATION. Close to NHYC. 3 bedl'OC)ffi3 and 111 balha. A aweU value at $12,1100, 14000 down, Bay Ave. Home! GOOD FOR R~NTALOFBEACH H OME. 3 bedroom&. bf>st Bay Avtnue locaUon. Hu vv t uml- ture ln('luded. SH .500, i:>ooo dn. Balboa Home! JUST A JUMP TO TUE BEST BEST BAY BWIMMINO BCH. ' bedroom1, 2 batiha. Fumiabed u per Inventory. W.U heat. l&undr)', Mrvice percll, t.iiced and Ideal for .wnmer or yeu around lMnr . Jlt,&00, saoo dn. Balboa Duolex! 2 BEDROOMS UP, ON& DOWN. UPPER FURNISHED. Lower . BILL'S BEST BUYS Feel Romantic? Why not T Thia Ut t.le 1 bedroom euU. wu jU8t made tor bU.lns ca.kea -and MWinr Oll buttona. Y-. -it'• In Newport Htlcbu oD an 80 x 100 tt. lot. EK· oellent tenna with paymf:nu u low aa $.0 po.r mo. You'll have to h urry on t.hJa one. Full price 17800. Only · One Lett- At tht. ridlculoualy low price. Tht. apacJoUI 2 bdrm. duplex, only one ytar old. Next·to .choola, bu.tee ud ltora. Very neat and well kept. Full price .$13,960 -With only $2300 down Newport Heights • bdrm•., 2 batha. F . A beat, fireplace, patio. $~3,850 -Nwly new. Back 13Jl.Y --Unexcelled View 3 bdrma., 2 dens, 2 fireplace8, 2 baths. Picture win· dowa. plate glasa eliding doo!'B to p1&tio and water-• ~: ,.._. fall. A must see before buying In t be Back oay ane. Back Bay Lots from $4,950. up. We atill have a few of these choice lots to show you. ilowever , they are going fut. We liugge.tt your imnlediate action. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RE.ALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervlce .. 393 F.. 17th St., Costa Met1a Liberty 8-1139 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroaa from R1chard'a Mar ket Entrance) When You Buy-Sell-Rent-Lease ON LIDO ISLE avail Yourself of Experienced Personnel. W. G. (Bill) Ke mpton-Broker Joseph H. Grohman -Sales Manager Gene M. Vreeland -Sales Virginia Manson -Sales · Thomaa Ca mpbell -SaJes When ita Lido IRiand-Consult with Lido Rl'alty We arrange for ~"(. 20 year loans. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard's Market Entrance) 49cM QUALiri R OM:ll With 3 bdrm1. b'lt'•ln oven 4lr ltove, prb. d,_.,. etc. ~.000 handleL Shown by app't. Nice 2 B. R. Dick Hilliard Pat PattitoD ~ E . Cout Hwy., 'Corona del Mar Har. 2'43 ap&rtme.nt recenuy modem1.ed ------- -cut.t a. can be. Room for one STUCCO HOME, Eut 8lde, cloel to ma.rketa, .chool1, etc. Only Sl.llOO dn , a.nd $50. pn mo. For Eve. Jnformantlon on above P hone LytJ• LT 8·2542. rBdrm. & Extra Lot DEAR PUBtlC : "\ If you want to sell in a hurry, mo" Wllt. A. vary r ood •&Jue. fll,&00, terma. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo.lte Bank of /.Jllertca R.ou Greeley Al Comellua E d ~· J ack Pinkham Jo1tphlne Webb 700 E. Balboa -Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. Bayfront 156 Feet Beautiful, Unique Desirabte Bayf ront Residence WATERFRONT. pier & float. Very neat 2 bdrm. home, furn. Large patio, Xlnt. buy at only $21,:>00. ---..... -.,. ~ $'7t;6(t <toWn. . ., - 0-000 2 BDRM. horn~: Juat oft Harbor Blvd. with nice 60x200 -R.-4-lot.. adj~ent. _Full price SS,250 wilt\ only $2,000 do'Ntt. THlS 19 A BARGAI!ll- With~ut any trouble or worry, ·~ • Gffer Wanted 'on Prime To the yachting family of exacting tas te and re· qulrementa we offer a marine residence of excep· t ional merit on 156 ·feet of Newport Harbor' a moet desirable leasehold Bay Front. · ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5226 3 -55 Level Lots CLOSE: Ii'l W. Side. St. paved. utll. In. S:S.800 take1 all 3. Eva. Int. Seymour Har. !!298·W. .. -.1 . Call your 'Realtor,' insisting • On Multiple L i.sting.' Bay Shore Home NEWPO~ai~~!~~!~·t ~00~~L VALUE ·:~:f J~:~:~:~~· Newport ~wner in E urope and wants Harbor Board of Realtors IMMEDIATE sale! This rs a beautiful (corner) 2 bed· 300 Holmwood Drive M 410 -32nd St., N ewport Beach 4 Acres .. 1 •ettc Ocean View PAULARJ~O dlltr1ct . .,. down.-------------------- r ooma, 2 bath home with extra ut1Uty bdrm. Com- pletely and smartly furnish ed-and very livable-Wall to wall carpeting -expen aiyely landscaped. Has been priced at S32.500. P ermanent &. unobst.ructed \'iew home at ''inside lot" price or only $17,950. 3 bedrooms, lge. living room with flagstone fireplace. tlining room. Ample cloSt't & storage .space. Handv L-shaped kitchen. Hwcl. floors. Priced to Rell quickly! Owner leiwing u ea. Oh. yrs, the FHA ~: 11 loan payment of S83. Includes taxes snd insurance. too. Be sure to see this home! THE VOGEL CO. t 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har, 1741-1477 Hurry on Ul11. ED HOT -M·l lot. 100'x200'. Close In, 15,000 F. P. Eve Inf. Benner Harbor 1&11. Houston Realty and Associates ~09 Cell tu , Coa LA Mu a - Ll I · 778' LI 8·&9l1 . Back Bay ~ ACRI: Ylew tannhoUM, J br. It --------------------den, beaut. l1v. room, patio. NOW 15-THE TIME ! ! ! 1t1ble1 ...... -... -.. ···-······· '22.~. Exclusive List ing BALBOA ISLAND Two bedroom house One bedroom apartment Twe><ar garage Fireplace, each unit Exec;ellent location Step from Bay All for $23,000. WM. W. SAN~ORD, And Auociate. Realtor Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 $27,500 might buy it. This is a real opportunity -,. SEE IT I ·~ Harbor Investment Co., Realtors Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach Phone H~. 1&00 North B ay Front Oversize pier .and float. i, ACRE ::a br. atucco. nearly new. fruit trH•. c.JV•t lo&n $17 500. l) ACRI: I br ., BBQ, lge. f~.,lly --------------------INCOME The houRe is sturdy-but neetls an artist'• touch to make a beautiful Ba\' Front home. An iucome unit may l>e adde<f with little expe~se -S45.000 .. 3 choice h omea OD the Little lsland $28.500 -$46,000 D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor home _ ......... -... -........ $15,9~0 WEST 8IDll COSTA ).{!;SA, 3 br. • low doWl\ ......................... $9,:JOO CUTE BALBOA TSLAND b"ch coti.q.. near town -···-$15,ll~. NEWPORT ~EACH. ~ M·l bulldln•. Claire Van Horn REALTOR tT31 W. C.out Hwy. LI l-C277 Phone Ha rbor 20 :__ Days & Evenings REamENTIAL R-4 1ot wtlb ~- Nona HyE'r Cht't Salisbury I Uf'l.ll tPM1 ovt rtook1n1 aa.nta Ana Counlry Club. ~O 11 150, 216 Marine An'., Balboa leland 12.600, Owner u 8-1681. 60c62 ... IF 3 IS A ·CROWD- W e have tne place for you ! A 2 bdrm. bome, lgt . rooma. hwd. fioora, f urnac. heat, tlreptace, PLUS 1eparatt Uvtn1 quarter. and bath over dbl. garage, On a ~ft. lot just 3 doora from Oce&n Blvd. Beet location and a lovely view. Price A t.erma ma.t attraclJft. m.elutYe with R. L STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Auoclatt 8e22 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar For Sale -By Owner ~ I RO L'S ES O':-f ' LOTS-704· ';'()& Irl1 Ave., C.D M. Sl8,950. -Ph Harbor 10&9 or 2&i9·J. DOUr U MOO BY OWNER, 8 ~ .. din rm., 1tta. c ar. W to W carpet. hwd. flna., thermo heat , p rb dt.p., kltcben fa.n. Incl. nrl1 new auto wa.Mer 4lr dryer-, rdn11. • ,.,. range. 11&00 dn., '7000 0 . L loan. Will conalder 2nd contrut 329 Broadway, Cotta MUL 60Gll2B Vigorous contemporary conception. advanced func- t ional design and equ1pmC'nt. 5 bt>drooms, 3 baths. 24 ft. x 24 ft. \'icw Jiving room. View and privacy from expansive master. bedroom. Large dining room. completely equipped luxu ry ,·icw kitchen, marble fireplace. All on one level terrazo anu carpeted. Oovr. Radiant heat. Inter-com. ayst.em throughout. Movie projection room. Planned area for swimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead, moore )iOUr 100-ft., or larger yacht to skillfully engineered, well .lighted private pier and float. This bayfront residence shown by appointment only. Call John Macnab, Harbor 177r> or Harbor' 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with nev~r ending view- TWO STORY. 2 bdrm. (have plllns fo r 3rd bdrm. to~ lldde>d at small coat), 2' :1 bath•. lge. liv. rm., separate dining room, large knotty pino den with b.ullt·ln bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces. ba~cmrnt with l r>0.000 STU ru rnace. Expensively carp<'ted wall to wall lhru-olh. Garbage disposal and d111hw1tRher. House 6 yrs. old . Large double garage with iaun- dry. radio-controlled garage door. L<Jt M x 112'. Well landacaped. Thi• home must be RCCn t n b<i ap- pr~1ated. Locat~ at 3312 Ocean Blvd .• Coruna del Mar. OWNER Wll..L ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OP"FER Shown by appointment only PbQ.ne Owner, Harbor 343.5 ., •7cM ' -... ~ ... I ~ PAGE 8 • P4RT 11 -NEWPORT JiARIOR.NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, MAY 16: 1955 NEW FACILITIE·s ADDS> AT PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY WI~ up&Mion and remodellftl' clr<:WM\&ACM. Tb• ~ly of Pultea·Rlc1ley lolortU&I')' com· buuut\1.1 1url'Qund1n1•. th~ warm plate, ho Broe.dW.y, Comta M-. frlendlin .... the mellculoua atttn· Paw hrkea, owner, today an· lion to every dftall are all •Tall· DOW\ced th• .. tabllahment now able ln • tt11 H me meuur• lo &II. etf•n more and better ta.clliU.. The chapel otfera aJI tac.UIH .. lo than at ~ tlm1 lll It.a 29-year conduct aervtc.. cotlformlnr lo hlatory ot Hrvlct to t.b• Harbor' th• cua~Cijl)• and bellefa 61 any ..,_, . r~U(10W1 C&lth ... NEWPORT PARKING LOT PLAN DELAYED IY CITY COUNCIL Succeae Of a propoaed 0 oc1\n front parkln( lot la Ne.wport eut or the pier affmtd doubtt'Ul Monday nlpt u City Man· aaer J ohn J. Sallor1 toid city council a nc.nt w&11on bald Willi tho.t aftect tci round thtm in dlMll'ffDldt... CowlcU held acUon over until the nut mMtln(, ln hopee a djttarenl entrance than 20th St. could ~ found for Ule lot. M1~) Doro_thy McKenna told the e<>uncll \here w.1 little enouglfl~aaM lf'ft now Wllhour uphaltln( It addtttonajly. Ralph Holt. ~.,. OC<!l.n front rH1dent. contended the lot wot1ld point 11w1mttler1 to a •pot wh~r•. he claimed, current• are danseroua. Th• 1.ntarior and Uletlor of 8TATE EX.PUT • - P&rku·R.ldlay nu bee• oomplalely Conllnuln1. he •aid, "Amonr FLOOD BOND PROPOSED redMtped and remodeled, he l&ld our ouutandll'\L pendnnt-1, we' are and two new repoelnr room• and tortunat.. to nave' Mr. M. Newton 1ar,.r dlaptay and preparation Howell ueoctated with ua. A L .... f c·t1 A keel f'O()ma have bMn added. Th• new naUve llOn, Howell la • former eague 0 I es s &ddiUona Fvt the tl.m\ 11<>m1 1200 member of the State Board of mor.' llqU&l'I fHt of 1pace. Th• l:mb&lmera, h&viftt' Hrved 1e · lltructure la DOW compi.t1ly air· y1ar1 lh~ludln1 ••riv. -yMra u I for Flood Control Study eoadiUoaed. pruldenl of Ula board." I PRIVATll PAA&INO Park• lnvttld Ha.rborll• to In· 1 .. Our new facUIU.. lncJuda a 1pect th• remocteled nrm'1 racm-,,.. Lars• prlYate park.In&' lot." he aaJd. Un. He atated alllO that ParkM· SA:\'TA ANA (OCNSl-Deta1la gether on thoa• two ventur ... a c· "We beline that we have th• Ridley la able to plan financial of 1. U2.820,000 county nood con-cording to Warner. most beauutUI anl beat equipped arra.nrementa tn the mo1t modem tl"ol prorum were u plaJned to Warnl't aald that w!"l1-Otani" mortbary ln the ar ... 1 The decor method a~tabla In th• atate. th• e1u1cutlve board of the Orance County'• nood control prorram 11114 J>lalmtnl provtde dl.-tul, County League of Ctllu Thur9day taku coruervallon of water lnto ~oua llW'J'Oundlnp. NEW FACILITIES nl(tlt tn Orance. conelderatlon. It prt.marily la da· Tile nrm 11 a member ol lh• Boa.rd ot Supervilon Chalrman •lcnld to prolecUon. He aatd aom• "Spaelo1.11 hallwa)'I, Jars• tam· National Selactad Mortlctana. In Wllll.• Warnl't H id a bond 111ue water would be 1&•ed behl.nd U.. Uy -room and two btauut\1.1 r.poe· addition to aupplyin1 aemcea ln babt wiU be b Ill d l th pronnllld Carbon Canyon Dam. •ft• room.a allow for .._..t..r num-a~-• n...-k a•dl pro Y •u m ' 0 • r - JurJ. Findings Cancel Out . Damage .Suit ... SANTA. ANA. tOCNI) -4 _.1. pt"rlor rourt jury May t founcs In favo_r or U1e 4-f'fendanu ln a $302.• ~ pf'nt0nal Injury cs.mare 9\llt. The e11thl · woman. tour • man pan•I au•• it• vrrdlct to Ddrnd· ant Walla~ L SbUpl', 30. lorint1 • ,. ly of Oran1• but now llvtnt 111 Wu.bln,aton . ovf'r Ula plalnUffa th• Pacific Ttltr hone an1J Ttlt· 1raph Co. and 1. 30-yur f'mployH with that rompany Major P'. LH<'h of Coata Meaa. Thtt jurors a l.a found for <'n>H• defendant. Lut'h ar.d Pacltlt' Tel•· phone and Teltaraph apln•t 8hupt'. Bolll Bhupe· and Leach blamed the other for caualftt' a colll1ton of their trucka at Brl1tol St. and P&Uaadee Rd. IA&ch: a t.elephone repannan, waa aerlou1l1 lnjur~ In tht ~. He atlll I• ln a 1tat1 hoepltal undersoln1 treatment for a i.ratn~ '"Jury. The lelepboM ~p&n1 WU attar tompenaallon paid Leech. Shup. IOUfht mote Ulan ftl,000 dama.s•I. 8ECEPTl~>:N ROOK -Thia apaciowa, modern design facility eervee remodeled Parkee· i Ridley Mortuary, eo.ta Me11a. It la nnt room ireetijl vialtor u he enten completely remodeled bulldtnc. -Statt Photo ~.. •·-any .,.._ cemetery, ..-...... ..., ey electorate late thl1 year calfl nr Woolley and Warner r1tumed ben at~ rn.. toDd ~-· a1llo , qranr-tor out of town for that amount: I t would be the recently from Wuhla(ton, D. C.. ------------ laa here," h• aaJd. rtt9"fo nt a.ny putlcular nMCL Jarreat bond tuue ever tak•n be-where lh~y Wf'l"e uaured ·by Con- • "Park-Rldlay'a creed la one ot "OUr obl1-aUon 11 to aerve you fore local votera. pe11 leaden that J&0.000 would Esther Lawrence H.urt as Five · Persons ~ed~~ ;:;=.: ·~ary~~ ~~~~!r::':t~. w;ever tl~:::-:n ~·~.!~ r~::°:::; •• ~: g: ·y~:;t:~ ':~ ~: ~::: and (Ive •O-year protection. 1t C Pl • D. h Hurt ··n Crash s d 'E . 3 D' T lk would Include 11 drain• ... areu,-Th• 1938 Orup Countt nood . ar unges into 1tc econ. urope IR -a STUDY .UU:D ~= ::m1~:. ·~d .:~ ~~ Jblbtr i.-wr•nce. 3e. 103 l•· -1>ll Hlchn.1 aJ &llou1 eoo lttt _pe~:r~::~u~~:s~ two~:; SeUor QCC.Jltowin• Tomorrow lh:ru:. ~-:~In~·.: t: ·= _::_.~_,;_0_:_!!_~_1:_t_~_:u...u_t_._'_h_••_vt_·_ klJ1 St., Co1ta Mc1111., received 11<>u\.h of .K&talla A.ve., Wedneada7 pllflll> at Ne\\-port Ava. and Pall· • . . • control lludy made by llnstn .. ra ClttlH'1 Arnst hi Lewd Cond11et COllftt William Lee Terry, H , Lof\C lle&ch ....... booked Oii a '-ti eon· duel count 8aturda1 momlns b)' Newport police followtnr a oom• pl&lnt 'hom Pvt. Nonnan C. Kit• che.11, C&mp Pandllt.I JlartM. JniA 1 Wed b t · Harrllon and Woolley and be ready or njurte1 nellday u wu afternoon. Nal10n required no hot· eadu Rd. F riday. The teeond Wuatrated lectW'e lll Mt. Frankfort, and Mains. Feudal to make their recommendaUoiu. 11ot hOlpltallud alter a car In pltal attention, according to the Four of th• Injured were In one the aerl• "Europe tn 3-0'' wt.11 be cuu .. of robber baron.I 11\d ter· Local Mew CoJllcle °" Coast Hlthway Th• p&1r wu plclred up on Mar- laera Mil• where KttCheU 1&14 11• wu maklnt a cUJ._., UTMt ot • TWTY tur mol1.Uns h1a oitl_. whlch &he waa riding plunged Into patrol. Hla vehicle lipped over pruented at Oranr• Cout eou.... raced Rhineland vtneyarda u well The board chairman 1&ld the a ditch on Harbor Blvd. 000 feel after caromlnr ott ~mland'a. A car. They were driver Jamee E. tomorrow at 7:30 p. m., accord.In&' u Arnaterdam, the Harue. Volm-county la anxlOl.ll to l•l the HI •orlll of Bakl't St. car driven by Fttd Walla.cf', 31, Cannon, 18, Deanna Campbell, 18. to Dr. Thomu A.. Blakely, dean ot d4m, BruMela a.nd Wat..rloo will clUH' teellnr on th• .propol&l IO The Injured woma n w .. riding of Lakewood wu Indirectly lnvotv-Kenneth Campbell. 12, and Melvin adult education. be abown ln colorfuJ l ·D. It will haw una.nlmoua bacldnr trtth Richard A. Lawrenc-e. 4~. 23118 ed In. the accident. One of the cu a POiey, 12. all of Santa Ana. The OJ>f'nlnl lecture J&lt week The Jectur• are he.Id ln the Art when submitted to YoterL Newport Blvd . California Hl&h· hart sw~rved to avoid Wallace'• Drlnr Con•tance M. Downer, wu at t.nded by a cape.city aud· Cent.r Gallery at the-.coUec• · Wam.er lndlcatad tf the &onr- way Patrol aald. vehicle. 27. Santa Ana. recelvM1 pou lble lence which wu tbrUJad at U.. aA open to th• public without ranee fiood control proiram baaed Lawre,oce w 111 quoteJ u aaylng m"'Jor . lnjurtu. The oth~rs werf bre&tht&kln( beauty of many of char(t. The 1ertea bu been en-on .a populaUon of 1.000.000 wu tie 1werved hi• car to avoid one H-la-Announce llrth. hur t to a INser degn-e. All wer~ t he ace:nu captund by the photos-dol"Hd by the BuatnM8 and Pro-ca.rrled to Ill compleUon It would which atopped ahead of h im. vtn taken to Hoag Hoepllal. rapher, Dr. Blakely Mid. f-1onal Wpmm'a Club, th• Ebell coet about $200,()()(),000. Dnwr Ear l t . Nel1on. 31. Ga~· Mr. a.nd Mn. Oliver Holt, 408 Cannon"• vehicle 1hu red off a The lecture will be devot.d to Club of Newport Beach, the Fri-la the diet.ant plAnnlnr are den O;rove, .u1ta.lned minor lnjur· powt r pole 1.fter caroming · of f the Rhine.land a.nd Ula Nether· day Afternoon Club, the Harbor three-way project.a for the 8111 a.. tea when hi• ca r coillded wlt11 one Heliotrope Ave •• are parmta of a Down er'• car, Ca lifom1a Highwa y I.an.lb. 8tartln1 at the Rhine Falla Council of P·TA, Harbor Panhe.I· brlel Valley and Coyote Creek. The. drtvt-n by C-1tl J . Rf'rr.land. M. 7 lb., 3 \'II 011:., «lrl, bom May 10 In Pat rol u id. The pole came to ln Swltacrland, th• pb.otoirrapha lenlc, Udo i.le Wome.n'• Club, a.nd ,.S-wmment, Loa Anrelea and 1:180 Fairway Drive, Co1ta Me11a, 8t. J oaeph hoapltal. rf'llt on top of th• Downer auto. wtll 1how .cenea of th• Ba.ck For-Zonta Club of Newport Beach. Oran1e Countlea would. work to- Minor M:cldant occ:W'nd rrtday at 17\.h Ill. and Cout Rlp-y betwMn two ean drlftn by WU· lla.m Lnr11 Roberta, ... at 1204 Man:ua An. a.nd Br.we.r Ely Clarke. 0 , of ~lt U Ul at., po- lice l&ld. Clarke Mid he WM 9lOpped t olnr eut on Cout Hieb_,. wallln( to make a left tun onto 17th l!lt. when hi• car waa atnac:Jt from In the AU by J\obert'1 ev. The latwr 1&td be ...... not ...,.. how Ul1 accident happened. reportAd. Tiny WM releued • 11000 bond and ordered to appear tor arn.lpmmt at t :IO L "'·· May 20 before l'f.wport J\.lltla Court Jude• Doftal4 J . Dodp Radio l•lpment Stolen From OCC 8AMTA. J.JfA (OC'Nll-R.aMo equipment 'f'alued at UO WU at.o. left ThU111da1 ,,_ an •lect."*lc• ,...._, &t oran,.. ODut ODUes• 8Mr1tf'1 depUU• report.ct. Parkes-Ridley The Harbor · Area's ·Finest Mortuary ' BEFORE REMODELING -Fo~rly Grauel Chapel (MlldaMed by J>wk_.RldJey JUDe 16, 1951 TODAY -The modern oompletely remodeled ~llldle7 Hoftur7 ID Co.ta II- _Announcing the · N~wly Remodeled and 110 Broadway Pro ej3ionaf 2826 Newport Blvd. -,._ PLUMllNG: GILLMAN PLUMBING CO 410 31st. Sl, Newport Beach Harbor 2685 "- • PARKES·-R-JDL-E-Y-MORTUARY Liberty 8-3433 Supervi1in9 General Contractor MAIN OFFICE NEWPORT BEACH I -SUB CONTRACTORS~ CONCRm: . LOUIS MARKEL 1806 Newport Blvd.. eo.t.a Keu Liberty 8-4051 ELECWC & MASONRY: , NEWMAN ELECTRICIANS & llUCKMASONS 2121 Harbor Blvd., ea.ta MMa Llberty M731 LOUVU WINDOWS: SEXTON SUPPLY CO. 481 N. Newport m.d., Nft'port a.eh Uberty M712 • l Reconstructed Colta Mesa • Harbor 3975 GARAGE DOOR Ir OPERATOR: • MILLER DOORS, INC. 111 E . 16th St., Co.ta Men Liberty 8-3e12 AIR CONDmONING: SMITH BROS. CO lMO Superior Ave., Coat& Mesa Llberty 8-6531 LUMIER: WARD & HARRING TON LUMBER CO. 3300. W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-3411 ROOFING: VANCE ROOFING CO., INC. 2617 Newport Blvd., Ne'fJp()rt Bea.ch Hart.or 1820 ILICTllC FIXTURES: HARRY M. WHETSEL '77 Nwport Bml., Newport a.eh LllMrtJ M781 7 r